DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL AIRMOBILE OPERATIONS • • HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OCTOBER 1967 TAGO 6582A *FM 57-35 HEADQUARTERS FIELD MANUAL • I • • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 57-35 WASHINGTON, D.C., 30 October 1967 CHAPTER 1. Section I. II. CHAPTER 2. 3. Section I. II. III. IV. v. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X . CHAPTER 4. Section I. II. III. IV. v. CHAPTER 5. Section I. II. III. IV. APPENDIX A. B. c. D. E. F. G. H. GLOSSARY INDEX AIRMOBILE OPERAliONS GENERAL Introduction ---------------~------------------Composition, command, and responsibilities ______ ARMY AVIATION SUPPORT AIRMOBILE OPERATIONS General --------------------------------------Support requirements --------------------------Planning -------------------------------------Reconnaissance, surveillance, intelligence and security --------------------------------Ground tactical plan ---------------------------Landing plan ---------------------------------Air movement plan ----------------------------Loading plan ---------------------------------Staging plan ----------------------------------Typical sequence of events for a large-scale airmobile operation -------------------------- TYPES OF AIRMOBILE OPERATIONS General --------------------------------------Offensive operations --------------------------Defensive and retrograde operations ------------Employment with amphibious operations ________ Special operations ----------------------------- TRAINING Responsibilities --------------------------------Conduct of training ---------------------------Rehearsals -----------------------------------Battle drills and formations -------------------- REFERENCES ------------------------------- Paragraphs Page 1-1--1-4 2 1-5--1-8 4 2-1--2-11 7 15 3-3~3-8 15 3-9--3-15 3-1--3-2 20 25 3-22--3-32 30 3-33--3-34 37 3-35--3-37 40 3-38--3-40 46 3-41--3-45 3-16--3-21 48 3-46--3-51 49 54 4-2--4-4 54 4-5--4-6 56 4-7--4-11 61 4-12--4-19 61 4-1 5-l--5-4 66 5-5--5-10 66 5-11--5-12 68 5-13--5-20 68 -----------89 PATHFINDERS -----------------------------------------91 SELECTION, IMPROVEMENT, AND OPERATION OF LANDING AND DROP ZONES -----------------------------------------99 ASSEMBLY TECHNIQUES -------------------___________ 107 AIRCRAFT LOADING DATA ----------------------------110 SAMPLE OPERATION ORDER --------------------------113 STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES ______ -----------120 AIRMOBILE PLANNING AND OPERATIONS CHECKLISTS ------------------------------___________ 125 134 136 *This manual supersedes FM 57-35, 17 September 1963. TAGO 6582A FM 57-35 1-1. Purpose and Scope a. This manual provides doctrinal guidance for commanders and staffs in planning and executing airmobile operations. The material presented is applicable to nonnuclear warfare, and appropriate modifying guidance for nuclear warfare and employment of, and protection from, chemical, biological, and radiological agents is integrated throughout the manual. The manual is also applicable to stability operations. b. The doctrine in this manual does not change the doctrine, procedures, or command relationships for air movement in the assault and subsequent phases of joint airborne operations, nor does it alter the role of the U.S. Air Force in providing the U.S. Army with air transport as established by current policy and directives. ( 1) When required in furtherance of the combat mission of the Army, the Air Force will sustain an air line of communications (ALOC) to divisions and brigades and will deliver to lower echelons when necessary. (2) Helicopters and follow-on, rotarywing aircraft assigned to Army units for intratheater movement, supply and resupply functions will be utilized to provide airlift support of Army forces in accordance with operational requirements. The tactical airlift capability of Army rotary-wing aircraft and Air Force fixed-wing aircraft will be utilized to take maximum advantage of the inherent capabilities of each type aircraft. Air Force fixedwing aircraft ahd Army helicopters will be employed in a mutually complementary role to accomplish tactical CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Section I. INTRODUCTION • airlift requirements in a theater of operations. (3) Integration of U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force air movements in a theater of operations in support of airmobile operations is contained in FM 100-27/ AFM 2-50. c. This manual deals with the tactical aspects of airmobile operations : the planning and conduct of airmobile operations by combat echelons from small patrols to a battalionsize airmobile task force. The principles and techniques are applicable to the infantry, airborne, and airmobile battalion, the armored cavalry regiment, and elements of armored and mechanized divisions. d. Users of this manual are encouraged to submit recommendations to improve its clarity or accuracy. Comments should be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and line of the text in which the change is recommended. Reasons should be provided for each comment to insure understanding and complete evaluation. Comments should be forwarded direct to Commanding Officer, United States Army Combat Developments Command Infantry Agency, Fort Benning, Georgia 31905. Originators of proposed changes which could constitute a significant modification of approved Army doctrine may send an information copy, through command channels, to the Commanding General, United States Army Combat Developments Command, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060, to facilitate review and followup. 1-2. Characteristics of Airmobile Operations Airmobile operations differ from purely ground combat operations in the following aspects: • AGO 6582A • a. Airmobile operations usually are executed in areas lightly defended by the enemy, with the advantage of initial tactical surprise, or in areas subjected to preassault nuclear or nonnuclear preparation. An airmobile operation is one in which combat forces and their equipment move about the battlefield in air vehicles under the control of a ground force commander to engage in ground combat. It is characterized by surprise, flexibility, maneuver, timing, accuracy, and speed over extended distances and terrain obstacles. b. Airmobile forces can land directly on, or near, their objectives when the objectives are sparsely defended or the enemy is suppressed. An airmobile force is composed of ground combat elements and Army aviation elements combined to conduct airmobile operations. c. Airmobile forces can bypass terrain obstacles, overfly barriers, bypass enemy positions, and strike objectives in otherwise inaccessible areas. d. Airmobile forces are sufficiently flexible to rapidly redeploy to conduct subsequent offensive or defensive operations. e. Adverse or marginal weather often conceals the airmobile force commander's intentions and tends to favor surprise and deception. Conversely, adverse weather may restrict airmobile operations. f. Airmobile forces can attack enemy forces from any direction (thus taking maximum advantage of surprise) and cause an enemy commander to react prematurely and further expose his forces to other attacking forces and/ or fire support elements. g. Resupply and reinforcement airlifts are necessary for airmobile forces to sustain combat when this cannot be accomplished by overland means. h. The types and amounts of heavy equipment that can be airlifted into an objective are limited by the allowable cargo loads (ACL) and the dimensions of the cargo compartment of the available aircraft. i. Airmobile forces have limited ground mobility and firepower (especially antitank wea- AGO 6582A FM 57-35 pons) in an objective area; consequently, they are particularly vulnerable to attack by enemy armor. j. Air superiority over the objective area and suppression of enemy ground fire are desirable for the conduct of airmobile operations. k. Airmobile forces are most vulnerable during landing and assembly, and during takeoff in unsecured areas. l. The speed and flexibility of airmobile operations enhance their employment in psychological and deception operations. m. Forces engaged in airmobile operations present difficult nuclear targets. n. The airmobile capability of a unit provides additional options in the size and commitment of reserves. 1-3. Concept of Employment a. Airmobile forces are employed in the furtherance of a ground combat effort. The fundamental concept of Army airmobility operations provides for use of Army aircraft to increase the ground combat element's capability to perform, and provide better balance among, the five functions of land combat-intelligence, mobility, firepower, command, control, and communications; and combat service support. U.S. forces employ this concept in two ways: first, by allocating aircraft to ground units, thus enhancing their combat capability, and second, by organizing, equipping, and training units to use Army aircraft in accomplishing missions, as is done by the airmobile division. The mobility of ground units is multiplied many times through the largescale use of helicopters in airmobile operations, thus contributing to an increase in combat effectiveness. Their use permits the ground comander to take advantage of the speed and flexibility of Army aircraft in accomplishing a variety of tasks. The capability of conducting airmobile operations enables the comander to (1) Threaten areas in rear of the enemy, thus causing the enemy to divert com FM 57-35 bat elements to protect vital installaply and maintenance elements, and the retions and hold key terrain. finement of the TOE equipment toward air (2) Overcome distances quickly, overfly barriers, and bypass enemy defenses. (3) Extend the area of operations over which he can exert his influence. (4) Deploy his reserve forces more effectively by holding highly mobile reaction forces in dispersed areas. (5) Exploit his combat power with increased tactical mobility. (6) Reduce the vulnerability of his force to nuclear attack without significantly increasing reaction times by holding highly mobile reserves in dispersed areas. b. The capability of ground combat units and Army aviation units to conduct airmobile operations must be highly developed through the conduct of frequent airmobile unit training and the development of pertinent unit standing operating procedures (SOP). Subordinate unit SOP are based on those prepared by the headquarters having control over the combined ground combat and Army aviation units which compose the airmobile force. SOP should include provisions for transportation of assault elements of the infantry and airborne battalions by utility helicopters. c. Combat support and combat service support elements of the brigade/ division planned for direct support to the infantry/ airborne battalions/ brigades should be transportable by medium cargo helicopters in order to provide adequate support. d. Because of the availability of a large number of organic aircraft and organic sup lift requirements, an airmobile division has the capability to conduct airmobile operations over an extended period in comparison with other type divisions which lack such organic support. 1-4. Missions. The missions of airmobile forces may include a. Reconnaissance and security missions designed to block or screen avenues of enemy approach during an operation such as ( 1) Covering force. ( 2) Flank guard. (3) Rear area security. b. Raids. c. Antiairborne, antiairmobile, and counterguerrilla operations. d. Exploitation of the effects of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and conventional bomber strikes. e. Seizure and retention of key terrain. f. Feints and demonstrations. g. Economy-of-force missions. h. Counterattack of enemy penetrations. i. Ship-to-shore operations. j. Amphibious operations. k. Shore-to-shore operations (such as river crossings) . l. Riverine operations. m. Envelopment and over-obstacle assault operations. n. Composition of a highly mobile reserve. o. Long-range patrols. Section II. COMPOSITION, COMMAND, AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1-5. General a. The composition of an airmobile force is dictated by specific mission requirements. The force must contain a ground combat element and an aviation element; it may also contain one or more support elements such as fire support, reconnaissance, engineers, and elements of any of the several combat service support elements. Because of infantry's versatility and air transportability, the main element of an airmobile force is normally infantry. Supporting units may be attached to, in direct support of, or under the operational control of, the supported unit. AGO 6582A • b. Airmobile forces must be versatile. The achievement of versatility requires imagination in organizing a force with the correct balance of elements necessary for various operations. To take full advantage of the capability for rapid movement and the flexibility of an airmobile force, commanders and staff officers of such a force are required to plan and conduct operations rapidly. 1-6. Command Relationships • a. Because of the great demand for airlift throughout the field army, aviation elements normally will be placed in support of a ground unit force for the shortest possible time consistent with the mission of the airmobile force. The lowest echelon capable of controlling and coordinating the entire airmobile operation exercises control of the aircraft in accordance with the overall plan. This includes coordination of artillery, air defense, air support, and the regulation of Army air traffic with other users of the airspace over the area of operations, and coordination of the airmobile force plan of maneuver and plan for combat service support with those of higher, subordinate, and adjacent units. The air defense element (ADE) in the tactical operations center (TOC) has the responsibility for coordinating the use of airspace. During the period of support, the aviation unit supports the ground force in the manner specified by the directing headquarters (which has control over both the ground force and the airlift aviation unit). The airmobile division has a large number of organic aircraft. Through normal training, ground and aviation commanders of this division perfect command procedures and relationships. This type of proficiency is not easily achieved by other divisions. • b. The speed of movement, requirement for precise timing, vulnerability of aircraft to ground fire, and initial lack of supporting weapons with the airmobile forces make airmobile operations unique. Ground and aviation units must be well trained in common SOP (app G) and well coordinated in planning and execution. The directing headquarters must clearly delineate authority and responsibility. AGO 6582A FM 57-35 c. The command relationship established between the ground combat unit and the airlift aviation unit depends primarily on t he capability of the ground unit to plan, coordinate, and control the air movement. Normally, the airlift aviation unit is placed in direct support of the ground combat unit, with control of both units retained by the headquarters that directs and supports the operation. The decision to attach an aviation unit to a ground combat unit must take into consideration (among other factors) whether the ground unit can control the aviation elements and can supply the large amounts of ammunition and fuel normally required by the aviation unit. In keeping with the principle that the lowest echelon capable of controlling and coordinating the airmobile operation exercises control of supporting aircraft, the operational control status places no logistical responsibility for the supporting unit on the supported unit; consequently, operational control is usually the desired relationship. d. The following example illustrates how the foregoing factors influence the command relationship. (1) A corps airlift aviation battalion is placed under the operational control of a division to support a battalionsize airmobile operation. The division commander further places the aviation battalion under operational control of a brigade for the duration of the airlift phase of the operation. If the requirement exists, the division commander may leave one company of utility helicopters under the operational control of the brigade until termination of the operation. (2) In the airmobile division, the formation of an infantry brigade, battalion, or smaller unit task force that will conduct operations over an extended period of time at considerable distance from its base of operations may require that the airlift units be attached. If this degree of control is necessary, but relief of the supported FM 57-35 unit commander in planning and logistical tasks is desired, provisions for necessary logistical assistance can be made in the operations order by mutual agreement between supporting and supported unit commanders with assistance from the parent aviation unit commander. 1-7. Responsibilities a. Units designated to conduct airmobile operations will be formed into an airmobile task force. The ground commander is the force commander. In this instance, the support aviation commander is designated the aviation mission commander. b. The responsibilities of the commanders of the various elements of the airmobile task force with respect to the planning and execution of airmobile operations are discussed in succeeding chapters. Overall responsibility for the operation must be vested in the ground commander of the lowest echelon which has the means of providing the required support from outside the objective area. In some operations, this may be the airmobile task force commander himself; in other cases, especially in those operations involving small units, responsibility will be vested in a higher headquarters. In stability operations, overall responsibility and authority for airmobile operations involving host country forces and U.S. Army aviation units are vested in the senior U.S. advisor present. He must decide whether a • requested airmobile operation is warranted, and, if so, to what extent U.S. Army aviation will support the operation. 1-8. Utilization of Aviation Resources The ground commander must utilize the aviation resources to the maximum possible degree. Aircraft should not be retained under direct control of the ground commander with no aircraft requirements. The aviation mission commander must be given the flexibility of shifting aircraft not in use to missions for other combat units or for required maintenance. Plans for commitment of preplanned reaction forces should include provisions for airlift to be on standby or alert. The decision to release supporting aviation resources is determined by the airmobile task force commander. The aviation mission commander is responsible for insuring that the airmobile task force commander is informed of subsequent or competing missions for his aviation resources. On occasion, the airmobile task force commander may find it necessary to retain the • aviation support beyond the originally planned time. In this instance, he must immediately inform higher headquarters. The aviation mission commander will continue to provide aircraft support until released by the airmobile task force commander. • AGO 6582A • 2-1. Army Aviation Org anization and Employment See FM 1-5, FM 1-15, and FM 55-46 for details of aviation organizations and their employment. The provisions of this chapter apply equally to large-and small-scale airmobile operations. Where the operations require the use of only a few aircraft, the planning and execution will reduce the considerations, but those listed herein are of no less importance regardless of the size of the aviation support element. 2-2. Command Staff Responsibilities When an aviation mission commander is notified that he will support an airmobile operation, the aviation unit commander, the aviation staff officer of the unit to be supported, and an aviation unit liaison officer contact the airmobile task force commander and his staff to advise the commander in all matters pertaining to the aviation unit organization and employment. The aviation mission commander is considered to be a special staff officer of the task force commander with duties and responsibilities as stated in FM 101-5 for the aviation officer. Aggressive, habitual liaison with supported units frequently will enable aviation units to gain early knowledge of pending operations. Even sketchy information, received in time, can be used to begin planning and may allow reconnaissance and coordination earlier in the planning phases. Adequate SOP and "set plays" reduce the time required to react to immediate missions or changing situations. Aviation command and staff responsibilities are to a. Assist the airmobile task force commander and his staff in the planning and coordination of the airmobile operation in the area pertinent to aviation. CHAPTER 2 ARMY AVIATION SUPPORT FM 57-35 b. Determine the aviation resources available to support the operation and inform the supported ground unit commander. c. Plan for employment of organic aerial surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities over the area of operations and request additional surveillance and reconnaissance missions that are beyond the capabilities of his unit. d. Compute maximum allowable cargo load (ACL) for the specific type aircraft on the day and time of the operation. This is especially important in case of helicopters, since their load-carrying capability is influenced by density, altitude, and other factors which may change not only on a given day but also during the operation. e. Establish, coordinate, and operate air movement control facilities. This control may be provided by command and control aircraft, flight leaders, pathfinders, tactical operations center personnel, liaison officer (s), air traffic control units, flight operations center, or any combination of the above. In certain situations, trained personnel from the supported unit may be required to assist in this control function. f. Organize aircraft units so as to support the loading plan and landing plan as approved by the airmobile task force commander, maintaining aviation unit integrity far as possible. Tactical cohesion of aviation and ground units should be maintained to the extent practicable, but not be an overriding consideration to get maximum utilization of available aircraft. g. Conduct a detailed briefing for the participating personnel. This briefing includes the aviation aspects of the operation, as well as the time schedule for the operation, from aircraft station time in the aircraft ready area to the completion of the operation. AGO 6582A FM 57-35 h. Insure provisions are made for refueling, rearming, and aircraft maintenance. Airmobile operations emphasize maximum initial airlift into the objective area, but resupply airlifts are planned. Aircraft maintenance support must be planned to provide on-site maintenance (normally limited) to insure maximum continuous aircraft availability. i. Coordinate timely, secured, and orderly movement of aircraft into loading areas (or pickup zone). Timely departure of aircraft from their ready area(s) must be considered. j. Coordinate division aviation activities and operations with those of the aviation unit in the selection of sites for its support facilities, if sites other than those within the loading area are necessary. k. State the requirement for air column control, naval gunfire, tactical air support, and artillery fire adjustment. This is a normal mission for the division aviation elements in support of airmobile operations. Detailed staff planning and coordination m1mm1zes the chances for any last-minute difficulty. When a nuclear preparation is to be fired in support of the airmobile operation, the division aviation elements should plan for a timely poststrike survey. This relieves the supporting aviation unit to perform its primary mission. l. Plan for continuous aviation support of the airmobile force in the objective area. This normally consists of a limited number of airlift aircraft, armed helicopters, and observation and surveillance aircraft to facilitate command and control of the operation and to increase the capabilities of the reconnaissance and security force. m. Coordinate the employment of the armed helicopters. This is accomplished among the task force commander, the aviation mission commander, and the fire support coordinator (FSCOORD). The armed helicopters are ideally suited for the escort of the airmobile force into the objective area. Once there, the armed helicopters can be used for reconnaissance and assistance in the security of positions. This is especially desirable during the seizure of assigned objectives by other elements of the airmobile task force. • n. Arrange for current aviation weather forecasts. Flight weather information is normally available from the Air Force weather detachment at field army, corps, and division, or from the command S2/ G2 or staff aviation officer. o. Plan for aeromedical evacuation of the airmobile task force casualties. 2-3. Aviation Support Unit Plans a. As soon as possible in the planning sequence, the supporting aviation mission commander prepares and disseminates to members of his command the instructions they need to carry out their support mission. As soon as preliminary alert information is available, or when the implementing directive which specifies the airlift or support requirement is received, the aviation mission commander can analyze the mission to ( 1) Establish appropriate liaison. (2) Determine the special equipment required by his unit. (3) Obtain the weather forecast and determine the navigation aids required. (4) Determine what maintenance support is needed. (5) Inform the airmobile task force commander of the lift capability of the aircraft available and the flight time from the pickup zone (s) to the landing zone (s). ( 6) Determine the responsibilities and requirements of the command relat ionship specified, if not prescribed in SOP. (7) Determine the required number of lifts. b. See paragraphs 3-9 through 3-15 for further planning done by the aviation mission commander after he learns the airmobile task force commander's tentative, tactical plan. SOP checklists may be used in planning. Checklists may provide immediate responses when time is critical. (See app H for sample • AGO 658ZA FM 57-35 •checklists.) Refer to FM 1-15 for aviation support planning. 2-4. Aircraft for Training If practical, aircraft and personnel to be used in the operation should be made available for familiarization training and rehearsals with the airmobile task force. 2-5. Refueling and Rearming a. The aviation mission commander is responsible for planning aircraft refueling and rearming facilities and the location of refueling points in coordination with the airmobile task force commander. b. The refueling and rearming facilities should be prepositioned in the loading area or in a ready area adjacent to the loading area. This permits the aircraft to maintain the highest possible lift capability in subsequent lifts. In some instances, aviation refueling is done in secured and prestocked forward areas. 2-6. Movement to Loading Sites (Pickup Zones) a. The aviation mission commander assists in the selection of loading sites to insure that they meet requirements. When the loading sites have been selected, it is the aviation mission commander's responsibility to insure that all participating personnel of his unit are briefed on the location of, routes to, and arrival time at, the loading sites. b. Factors in the successful movement of aircraft to the loading sites include ( 1) Flight routes that afford maximum security. (2) Supporting fires en route. (3) Secured approaches to the loading site or pickup zone. (Aircraft are especially vulnerable to ground fire during approach.) ( 4) Security in the loading site or pickup zone. A combination of screening smoke and radio confirmation may be used to insure that the area is secure. (Aviation and ground units must disperse as much as is practical to AGO 6582A minimize the effects of enemy attack.) ( 5) Coordination to insure maximum use of available supporting fires to include armed escort helicopters, tactical air support, artillery fires, and other means of protecting the lift aircraft. ( 6) Careful movement planning to insure timely arrival at the loading site or pickup zone. (7) In-flight and landing formations should be selected that minimize the effects of terrain, weather, and hostile fire. Landing formations should be selected which take maximum advantage of the size and shape of the site and which facilitate the rapid loading of troops, supplies, and equipment. (8) Provision of terminal guidance, to include maximum use of pathfinder personnel, to insure the successful and timely arrival of the aviation support. (9) Use of prearranged signals, difficult for the enemy to compromise, to identify pickup zone ( s). Artillery or mortar smoke fired near the pickup zone may also be used as a reference point. (10) Use of other aircraft, to include armed helicopters, the airborne command post helicopter, or other control aircraft, to vector the lift aircraft to the pickup zone. (11) Care must be exercised in the choice of the method of movement into the pickup zone. Large gatherings of troops and aircraft in a loading zone which normally does not have much air activity will usually alert insurgents and constitute a breach of security. It may be more advantageous to infiltrate into the pickup zone in single or small flights. 2-7. Loading a. The aviation mission commander or the aviation unit liaison officer advises and assists FM 57-35 the airmobile task force commander in pre(3) Each load is balanced and manifested paring loading plans based on the lift capability of the aircraft. The liaison officer insures that loads (personnel, equipment, or cargo) do not exceed the capacity of the aircraft. b. Ideal conditions for loading do not always exist. Many situations, such as when time is critical in exploiting a tactical advantage, will require loading without plans and may necessitate the making up of loads on site, based upon the number and type of aircraft that are actually committed to the specific operation. (Sample type loads are shown in app E.) Maximum advantage is taken of space and lift available, with consideration for tactical integrity (fig. 2-1). Available aircraft not designed for troop lift should be utilized to haul additional logistical items during all phases of the operation, and to evacuate patients, prisoners, and administrative returnees. For all situations, the following minimum basic principles apply : (1) Unit commanders strive for tactical loading. All individuals carry their essential combat equipment. Ammunition accompanies each weapon (fig. 2-2). (2) Key personnel and equipment are distributed among several aircraft. by the supported unit, if time permits, and cargo loads are lashed. ( 4) As far as possible, equipment is loaded in the same aircraft with all parts or accessories needed to keep the equipment operational. (5) Crews accompany crew-served weapons. (6) Time available for loading/ unloading. c. Considerations which influence the decision to load supplies and equipment internally or externally include ( 1) Distance of haul. (2) Size of equipment. (3) Equipment not on wheels (containers, etc.). ( 4) Aircraft availability. ( 5) Priorities. (6) Enemy. (7) Terrain. (8) Fragility of items. (9) Protection against adverse weather • conditions. (10) Density altitude. (11) Electrically-actuated ordnance. Figure 2-1. Assault fo rce troops loading into helicopters in pickup zone. AGO '6582A. FM 57-35 Figure 2-2. A i r m obi le ar t i ller y (12) Denial of intelligence to the enemy. (13) Speed en route. (14) Security of the landing zone where ground time for unloading would expose aircraft to hostile fire. ( 15) A vail ability of nets, containers, and slings for carrying equipment externally. (16) Time available for loading or unload ing. (17) When precise placement is desired. 2-8. Capabilities and Limitations of Army Aircraft a. Helicopters. There is a balance between the capabilities and limitations of a helicopter. When one of three variables-fuel, range, or payload-is changed within existing weather conditions, at least one of the other two variables will also change. (1) Capabilities. • (a) Under normal conditions, helicopters can ascend and descend at AGO 6682A li fted ext ernally. relatively steep angles, a capability which enables them to operate from confined and unimproved areas. (b) Troops and their combat equipment can be unloaded from a helicopter hovering a short distance above the ground with trooper ladders and rappelling means. The trooper ladder can also be used to load personnel when the helicopter cannot land. Troops may also jump from low-hovering helicopters. (c) Cargo can be transported as an external load and delivered to areas inaccessible to other types of aircraft or to ground transportation. (d) Normally, helicopters are capable of flight in any direction. (e) Because of a wide speed range and high maneuverability at slow speeds, helicopters can fly safely and efficiently at a low altitude, using terrain and trees for cover and concealment. FM 57-35 (f) Their ability to fly at high or low altitudes and to decelerate rapidly, combined with their capacity for slow forward speed and nearly vertical landing, enables helicopters to operate under marginal weather conditions. (g) Helicopters can land on the objective area in a tactical formation, landing zones permitting. (h) Night landings and takeoffs can be made with a minimum of light. (i) Helicopters flying at low levels are capable of achieving surprise, deceiving the enemy as to landing areas, and employing shock effect through the use of suppressive fires. (j) Engine and rotor noise may deceive the enemy as to the direction of approach and intended flightpath. (2) Limitations. (a) The high fuel consumption rate of helicopters imposes limitations on range and ACL. Helicopters may be partially defueled to permit an increased ACL. However, partial defueling reduces the range, and flexibility factors, which must be considered in planning. (b) Weight and balance affect flight control. Loads must be properly distributed to keep the center of gravity within allowable limits. (c) Hail, sleet, icing, heavy rains, and gusty winds (30 knots or more) will limit or preclude use of helicopters. (d) On occasion, engine and rotor noise may compromise secrecy. (e) Aviator fatigue requires greater consideration in the operation of rotary-wing aircraft than in the operation of fixed-wing aircraft. (f) The load-carrying capability of helicopters decreases with increases of altitude, humidity, and temperature. This limitation may tion of fuel load. (g) Wind velocities above 15 knots for utility and 10 knots for medium and heavy helicopters affect the selection of the direction of landing and takeoff. b. Airplanes. (1) Capabilities. (a) Tactical airplanes can operate from relatively short landing areas if the terrain is fairly smooth and level. (b) Airplanes have a greater range than helicopters and require less maintenance. (c) On some airplanes, cargo can be transported as an external load suspended from bomb shackles on the wings and can be dropped with a high degree of accuracy from low altitudes. (d) Landings and takeoffs at night can be made with a minimum of light. (2) Limitations. (a) Airplanes may require improved landing strips. (b) Hail, sleet, icing, heavy rains, and gusty winds (30 knots or more) will limit or preclude use of airplanes. (c) A wind velocity above 5 knots affects the selection of the direction of landing and takeoff. c. Special Considerations. The capabilities and limitations of helicopters and airplanes mentioned above are variable. Commanders of supporting aviation units provide S:{>ecific data for each type aircraft and operation. For specific capabilities of aircraft used to transport personnel and equipment, see TM 57-210. 2-9. Night and Limited Visibility Operations a. General. The tactical situation may dictate the conduct of airmobile operations during darkness or periods of limited visibility. The commander may further desire to take advantage of these conditions to gain maximum surprise or deception, maintain the momentum be compensated for through reduc • AGO 6582A of daylight operations, reinforce or extract committed units and position maneuver or fire support elements for further operations. Night operations require a higher level of individual and unit training and proficiency than day operations. The use of pathfinders or air traffic control (ATC) units is highly desirable and in the majority of cases necessary for night and limited visibility movement of helicopters and airplanes to help overcome guidance and control problems inherent in these operations. Flares, helicopter-mounted searchlights, and other suitable techniques may be used to illuminate the area of operations. b. Operati ons R equisit es . Normally, aircraft can operate when (1) The ceiling permits safe flying above the highest terrain to be traversed. (2) There is enough visibility for the aviator to see obstacles in time to avoid them when flying at reduced speeds. ( 3) There is enough visibility for the aviator to recognize prominent landmarks. ( 4) Radio control is available. (5) There can be indicated, with electronic and visual navigation aids, the desired direction (s) and route (s) of movement for aircraft and the identity of selected points of the terrain; the identity and location of low-level extraction and airlanded delivery areas; emergency ground-to-air signals; directions and points of landing for helicopters; and the presence of obstacles to aircraft. c. Advantages of Night Operations. (1) Darkness partly conceals the aircraft from enemy visual observation. (2) Maximum surprise and enemy confusion can be achieved. (3) Normally, friendly forces can be rapidly reinforced. ( 4) Continuous pressure can be exerted on the enemy. FM 57-35 (5) Hostile antiaircraft fire is not as effective at night. d. Disadvantages of Night Operations. In night operations, the need for more elaborate control measures than during daylight and the need for caution on the part of the aviators and troops impede operations, and locating landing areas and zones is more difficult. However, with proper equipment, constant training, and thorough indoctrination in techniques of night operations, these disadvantages may be overcome. The following factors must be considered: (1) More time is required to perform tasks at night. (2) Pathfinders support should be made available to provide the required guidance and control necessary for safe and efficient night operaticns. (3) Landing areas used at night should be larger than those used in daylight. ( 4) Navigation is more difficult at night than in daylight. (5) Areas heavy with dust must be avoided in night operations. (6) Artificial illumination facilities should be planned for and immediately responsive to the commander in case their use is necessary for accomplishment of the mission. (7) Illumination may be used (a) For reconnaissance of the approaches to areas occupied by friendly troops. (b) On enemy targets for armed helicopters and friendly support fires. (c) On the landing zone. (d) For deception or diversion. (e) The use of illumination must be coordinated between aviation and ground unit commanders. Unless it is coordinated, it may destroy pilots' night vision or reveal friendly forces to the enemy. ( 8) Formation flight is more difficult, and formations are more dispersed. AGO 6582A FM 57-35 2-10. Aircraft Availability a. Aircraft availability is an overriding con sideration in airmobile operations. It is directly influenced by the adequacy and efficiency of maintenance and supply activities, and aircraft utilization/ scheduling procedures, as well as by the distance of support units from the operating units. Given time and support to prepare for a particular operation, units generally can approach 100-percent availability for short periods. b. Both the support and supported commanders should be aware that everyday use over an extended period of all available aircraft will result in a reduced mission availability rate for future operations. AR 710-12 may be used as a guide to establish goals for aircraft availability rates and permit units to perform scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. During periods of sustained operations, airplanes normally can maintain a greater percentage of aircraft availability for longer periods than helicopters. In the course of sustained operations, aircraft maintenance must be carefully considered and programed so that heavy flying requirements will not cause a continual decrease in aircraft availability. c. Supported unit commanders and logistical planners can conserve the use of available aircraft by ability rates prior to operational commitment. (2) Establishing forward refueling/rearming areas to eliminate flying hours expended for refueling/rearming pur poses. (3) Utilizing surface means of transportation for logistical support whenever possible. ( 4) Timely and coordinated logistical planning to insure full utilization of all aircraft sorties and avoid duplication of effort. 2-11. The Airmobile Division The aircraft organic to the airmobile division provide simultaneous lift for one-third of the division's combat organization. Additionally, airmobile division organic aircraft provide lift for combat and combat support and reserves, and they provide an air line of communication (ALOC) for rapid supply and resupply. In addition, the immediate availability of aircraft and the detailed standardization of airmobile operations techniques permit a more immediate responsiveness to aviation support requirements. (1) Establishing acceptable aircraft a vail • • 14 AGO 6582A • FM 57-35 CHAPTER 3 AIRMOBILE OPERATIONS Section I. GENERAL and detailed plans for the movement of a f orce 3-1. General of company size or smaller . Planning and prepThis chapter contains guidance for planning, aration time is materially reduced by a de quatepreparing, and executing an airmobile operatraining and maintaining forces in a state oftion. operational and logistical readiness, and by the development of SOP (app G). Units sh ould 3-2. Planning rehearse SOP as often as necessary. a. Planning for an airmobile operation is characterized by speed, timing, clarity, and acb. Strict security during planning and racuracy. Plans should be as detailed as time pidity of the initial movement r educes the permits. Time will not be available usually nor vulnerability of airmobile operations and enis it generally necessary to produce elaborate hances the opportunity for surprise. Section II. SUPPORT REQ UIREMENTS stricted or listening silence imposed during 3-3. General early stages of the operation. In addition to aircraft support, fire support, and other tactical considerations, airmobile a. Communication for Control of an Airmooperation planning requires detailed considerabile Task Force. Control of movement is tion of-necessary to provide precise timing and execution of the operation. Separate radio frequen a. Communications. cies, within the air/ ground frequency spectrum,b. Supply procedures. are required for each supporting and supportedc. Evacuation and hospitalization. element of the airmobile task force. Plans are d. Administrative considerations. prepared to insure positive communication be e. Ground transportation. tween command and control personnel and the f. Air crash rescue support. following: ( 1) Loading area. 3-4. Communications (2) Objective area. Communication requirements must be con(3) Army aviation unit. sidered at the beginning of the planning phase. Plans and orders should include a selection of ( 4) Aircraft in flight. communication equipment and personnel to ac( 5) Fire support coordinator and air liai company the assault a n d rear echelons. Parson officer. ticular attention is given to the transportability ( 6) Airborne command post. of equipment and the dispersal of key personnel b. Communication in the Objective Area. when preparing for loading and air movement. To avoid enemy detection or overburdening ( 1) For effective control of ground opera radio nets, communication may have to be re-tions, positive communication must be AGO 6682A 15 FM 57-35 established prior to commencement of (b) With supporting artillery, tactical the airmobile operation and mainair, naval forces, and armed heli • • tained continuously thereafter (fig. 3-1). This is particularly important as the airmobile elements arrive in the combat area. Initially, the airborne command post and the pathfinders can provide an effective means of communication. When a helicopter is not equipped with command and control communications, an aircraft that is equipped to accommodate ground radio equipment should be requested. Enough communication personnel and equipment are moved into the objective area early in the assault to insure timely installation of vital communication for the command post. In case of destruction or malfunction of communication systems, a 1 t e r n ate plans must be implemented. Organic or direct support aircraft may be used to relay messages or as aerial messengers. Early reliable and continuous communication with fire support elements is vital to the success of the operation. (2) In each operation, provision should be made to equip specified direct support aircraft with radio sets for retransmission of both SSB (AM) and FM voice radio messages from the objective area to the airborne command post or loading area. Such radio retransmission may be automatic if appropriate equipment is available, or it may be manual and necessitate retransmission by the radio operator on the aircraft. Designation of specific aircraft for required radio retransmissions will insure a higher degree of positive command and control of the airmobile operation. (3) The following communication is necessary for effective command control: (a) Immediate establishment of lift frequencies, command and fire control nets. copter elements. (c) With Army aviation units concerned with reconnaissance, buildup, air supply, aeromedical evacuation, air crash research support, and aerial fire support. (d) With airfields and bases in friendly territory. (e) With other forces (including linkup forces) with common or coordinated missions. (f) With higher headquarters. (g) With pathfinder or other ground control elements in pickup zones and landing zones. 3-5. Supply Procedures a. The quantity and types of supplies and equipment carried are dictated by (1) The initial combat requirements for prestocked fuel, ammunition, and other items. (2) The availability and capacity of aircraft. (3) The projected time of landing, linkup, or withdrawal, or the time that resupply can be delivered. ( 4) The anticipated weather. (5) Enemy capabilities. ( 6) Distance between pickup zones and landing zones. (7) The type unit and mission. b. Each soldier and each unit of the assault force should carry enough supplies to sustain themselves until the expected time of resupply. Adequate supplies should be maintained in the objective area at all times to replace expended assault supplies needed to sustain the force until it can be resupplied. Aircraft fuel and ammunition should be prestocked in forward secured areas to minimize turnaround time. Consideration should be given to the use of intermediate loading areas to reduce turnaround time. Supplies, fuel, and equipment can 16 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 F igu re 9-1. Airborne command post with a communication and mapboard con sole. • be brought up to an intermediate loading area c. Support aircraft that are downed must be by mediurn helicopters and USAF transport reported promptly to the airmobile task force aircraft to be lifted into the objective area or commander. Considerable reliance is placed on landing zones by troop lift helicopters. an ALOC, and any sudden reduction of supplies AGO 6582A 17 FM 57-35 may have a direct impact on the committed force. d. An airmobile operation affects classes of supply as follows: (1) Class I. Under normal conditions, the assault echelon carries sufficient rations to last until the expected time of resupply. (2) Class II. The assault echelon carries only minimum class II items (clothing, organizational equipment, vehicles). Additional requirements are included in resupply. (3) Class III. Vehicle fuel tanks and additional fuel cans should be no more than three-fourths full. Additional fuel and lubricants are carried in each vehicle. Resupply includes fuel and lubricants. (See TM 38-250 and 57210.) (4) Class IV. Particular attention must be given to class IV supplies used to prepare landing zones and landing strips. (5) Class V. The amounts and types of class V assault supply vary with each operation. An ammunition load is determined by the degree of opposition expected during and after the landing, the number and type of weapons with the assault echelon and requirements for bulk allotment items, the time that resupply can be expected, and experience factors. Resupply includes all types of class V supply in sufficient quantities to allow continuity of combat operations. Changes may be required in the amounts and types of ammunition resupply planned for delivery in the objective area as a result of the tactical situation. Whenever possible, ammunition and rations may be delivered by helicopter direct to company or smaller units (fig. 3-2). (6) Miscellaneous. (a) Water supply points are designated before an airmobile operation. evacuated through normal supply channels after the rear echelon (para 3-10) has arrived in the objective area. (c) Captured enemy materiel is used within the limitations prescribed by unit SOP and policy established by the commander. (d) Whenever possible, supplies and equipment should be delivered by slingload to minimize exposure time of helicopter to ground fire. (e) Support weapons and ammunition should be carried in the same load. {f) Supplies may be free dropped from helicopters into forward areas. (g) Aircraft should be used to evacuate captured enemy equipment, prisoners of war, casualties (both friendly and enemy) , disabled equipment, or any battlefield refuse which could be used by the enemy (e.g., artillery brass). and surplus supplies to avoid empty return flights. (h) Whenever possible a supply base containing all classes of supply should be established within a 40kilometer radius of the farthest combat unit before or just after the operation begins. 3--6. Evacuation and Hospitalization a. Medical elements, with liaison personnel from supporting medical units, are moved into the objective area to establish a system of emergency treatment and evacuation. b. Aeromedical evacuation is begun as early as possible. c. Medical holding facilities may be established at suitable landing sites. d. Organic medical facilities may require augmentation in order to care for nontransportable casualties in large-scale operations. e. Provide air crash rescue support as required. (b) Salvage and excess supplies are • • 18 AGO 6582A • 3-7. Administrative Considerations a. Personnel. • (1) Strength messages. Each unit in the objective area submits a strength message as soon as possible to higher headquarters, noting any personnel losses incurred during the flight from the loading area to the objective area. After this initial strength report, unit SOP are followed in submitting feeder-type morning reports, the personnel daily summary, and daily strength messages. (2) Casualty report. Casualty reports are FM 57-35 prepared as soon as possible and forwarded to the controlling headquarters. b. Prisoners of War and Captu1·ed Mate1·iel. Prisoners of war and captured documents and equipment are evacuated from the objective area as rapidly as possible. Helicopters returning empty from the objective may be diverted to evacuate prisoners and materiel on back haul. If this is not practical, helicopters should be requested specifically for prisoner and materiel evacuation. Medical evacuation helicopters may be used to evacuate wounded prisoners of war. Figur e 3-2. Resupply of forward ground elements by helicopter. AGO 6582A 19 FM 57-35 c. Graves Registration. Graves registration units normally locate at the rear base of the airmobile task force. The casualties are evacuated directly from the forward elements by use of backhaul transportation or by requesting helicopters as needed for evacuation. This avoids hampering the mobility of the forward elements. d. Miscellaneous. Airmobile operations require, in addition to normal detailed logistical planning, consideration of the following special factors : (1) Time between the assault landing and linkup or displacement. (2) Number and type of aircraft available for supply purposes. (3) Construction and demolition tasks to be performed in the objective area. Consideration should be given to including engineer personnel and equipment in the earliest phases of the landing in order to improve the land- Section Ill. 3-9. General a. Commanders must be alert for opportunities that arise or which they may create for the employment of an airmobile force to influence materially the outcome of a ground engagement. Planning includes a constant assessment of the tactical situation by the commander and staff. They determine whether the employment of airmobile forces is within the capability of the unit and whether such forces would materially influence the ground battle. b. In airmobile operations, the planning sequence must be in reverse chronological order. The plan is formulated from mission accomplishment back through organization of the landing zone to operations at the pickup zone (para 3-12.) The following factors are considered in planning: ( 1) Mission. (2) Organization for combat and ground unit formations required to seize the objective. ing zone for subsequent combat support and combat service support mis • sions. ( 4) Tactical loading requirements for personnel and equipment. ( 5) Downed-aircraft recovery procedures and recovery aircraft to be used (fig. 3-3). (6) Timing and arrival on the landing zone of the logistical support aircraft to avoid interference with the combat operation, with the additional consideration of continuous and timely supply and resupply. 3-8. Ground Transportation Surface means of transportation are limited in airmobile operations. Available motor trans port may be pooled along with usable enemy military and civilian motor vehicles found with in the objective area. PLANNING • (3) Current tactical situation. ( 4) Forces and aircraft available. (5) Enemy situation and capabilities. ( 6) Terrain and weather. (7) Combat support available. ( 8) Logistical support required. (9) Reconnaissance and surveillance required. (10) Air defense support available. ( 11) Airborne command post and radio retransmission (relaying) requirements. c. Subordinate commands, down to and in cluding companies, may be directed to conduct all or part of the more detailed planning once the mission, objective, and size of the force have been established. 3-1 0. Echelonment Combat elements of a force which is to participate in an airmobile operation are normally • organized into echelons: • FM 57-35 F i gu r e 3-3. R ecovery of dow n ed aircraft by CH-54A . a. Assault Echelon. This element consists of those forces and their equipment that are airlanded in the objective area to engage in ground combat. It may r equire one or more lifts, depending on its size and the number and type of aircraft available. b. R esupply or Followu p Echelon. This element consists of combat support and combat service support to sustain the assault echelon until extraction, withdrawal, or linkup occurs. c. Rear Echelon. This element consists of the AGO 6682A remainder of the force; that is, forces and equipment not immediately needed in the objective area, such as administrative personnel and equipment and items that cannot be transported in available aircraft. The rear echelon either remains in a rear area until termination of an operation or accompanies the ground linkup force. 3-11. General Considerations Plans for an airmobile operation must be accurate, detailed, and flexible. All command 2 1 FM 57-35 ers and leaders must be prepared to overcome unforeseen difficulties and to exploit opportunities that may arise during the operation. To maintain flexibility, the task force S3 a. Insures that the success of the operation does not depend entirely on the arrival of any one air serial or tactical unit. b. Insures validity of landing and assembly SOP. c. Plans for the required number of lifts. d. Uses landmarks that are easy to identify from the air. e. Insures the selection of suitable landing zones which will allow the ground force to be landed as near as possible to the desired location and in the desired formation. The aviation mission commander and airmobile task force commander mutually select the landing zone locations. f. Plans for the selection of multiple landing release points to provide flexibility during the assault and followup lifts. Normally, these release points are recommended by the aviation liaison officer. g. Insures the selection of multiple flight routes from the loading area or pickup zones to the landing release point. Normally, these routes are selected by the airmobile task force commander based on the recommendations of the aviation mission commander, and the ground tactical plan. h. Plans for the flight time from the pickup zones to the landing zones, and makes allowances for operational delays in takeoffs and landings. i. Maintains tactical integrity of both lifted units and aviation units in loading plans whenever possible. j. Prepares a plan for the disposition of troops and equipment at pickup zones. k. Insures that planning includes an integrated staff that represents the forces and support available. l. Incorporates the capability of change in the event of a shortage of aircraft or sudden insertion of a high-priority unit in the air movement plan. m. Insures that all plans are coordinated with appropriate agencies and units, including air defense, artillery, tactical air, armed helicopter and those units equipped with mortars and Redeye weapons. n. Considers use of chemical agents, to include screening smoke and casualty, incapacitating, and riot-control agents in appropriate situations in support of landing operations. The weather and tactical situation must be favorable for their employment. (See also FM 2140 and TM 3-215.) o. Plans for continuous and complementary fire support by all means available, to include plans for aerial artillery and the positioning of artillery and counterbattery and/ or countermortar radar by helicopter in secured locations suitable to support the mission. Positioning of these radars should consider their use for adjustment of artillery fires and location of friendly units. · p. Plans for supply and resupply in as much detail as is practicable. q. Insures that maximum advantage is taken of all available space in all aircraft. r . Develops positive and alternate communication plans to insure that communication is continuous and well coordinated between all elements of the airmobile force; these plans should specify the selection of communication personnel and equipment to accompany assault and rear echelons. s. Prepares a plan for the withdrawal or extraction (para 4-5d) of forces under fire upon termination of the operation. t. Prepares alternate plans. 3-12. Planning Sequence a. Planning for an airmobile operation is deveioped through the following sequence: (1) Ground tactical plan, to include plans for withdrawal or extraction, reorganization, and redeployment. 22 AGO 6582A • • (2) Landing plan, to include timing and phasing of troops and equipment based on the ground tactical plan and preplanned fire support. (3) Air movement plan, based on the landing plan. (4) Loading plan, based on the air movement plan. (5) Staging plan, based on the loading and air movement plans. b. The plans listed in (1) through (5) above, are normally included as annexes to one operation order. Linkup and extraction plans are also included when applicable. Normally, operations will be conducted by unit SOP. The plans are all closely related and developed concurrently. Combat service support planning is continued throughout the planning sequence. c. Plans should be rehearsed when possible. d. The staging plan and air movement plan discussion is minimized in the planning sequence because details of staging and air movement are contained in unit SOP, thereby making it only necessary to designate departure areas close to the units to be lifted. 3-13. Command and Staff Reconnaissance a. In planning for an airmobile operation, commanders and staffs conduct as much reconnaissance as time permits. Because an airmobile operation relies heavily on intelligence information, the verification of intelligence through aerial reconnaissance is an overriding consideration. Normally, the airmobile task force commander, the aviation mission commander, the fire support coordinator, the air liaison officer, staff planners, and pathfinders (if used), conduct an aerial reconnaissance of the planned flight routes, landing site and zone(s), and objective areas, if the situation permits. The advantages in conducting a combined reconnaissance are twofold-the commander insures that all parties examine the same terrain; and operational traffic is reduced. If time or the situation does not permit thorough reconnaissance, a hasty reconnaissance may be made by this group as it pre- FM 57-35 cedes the initial lift. Directions of landing, obstacle avoidance, enemy fire and fire support neutralization, and changes to alternate routes and landing sites and zones may be directed from the airmobile command post. In some cases, the reconnaissance may be performed by escort or air cavalry aircraft that precede the airmobile force en route. The operation must not be compromised through excessive or careless reconnaissance of the operational area. Pathfinders or long-range patrols may infiltrate by air or on foot to proposed landing zones long before the operation to determine presence of the enemy, landing zone, ambush sites, and the condition of the surface. If contact is made, the patrols may be helpful in directing close air support and armed helicopter attack, as well as direct the landing troop lift helicopters. If contact is not made and the landing zone and the surrounding area are clear of enemy forces, the patrol can advise against preparatory fires which may alert an otherwise unsuspecting enemy. Information obtained during the aerial reconnaissance is similar to that obtained during ground reconnaissance; however, stress is placed on the (1) Suitability of landing zones and drop zones. (2) Control points (easily recognizable terrain features). (3) Location of assembly areas (if required). ( 4) Obstacles in the objective area. ( 5) Flight routes and air corridors for approach and return flights. (6) Enemy forces in proximity to landing zones and objective areas. b. Emphasis is placed on reconnoitering and selecting airmobile force helicopter routes that provide for nap-of-the-earth flight, easily identifiable terrain navigation features, and avoidance of known and suspected enemy dispositions capable of seriously affecting the operation. The selection of start points (SP), air control points (ACP), communications checkpoint (CCP), and release points (RP) may be made during the reconnaissance, if not selected AGO 6S82A 23 FM 57-35 earlier from a map. Approach paths from include the use of pathfinder elements or ATCRP (s) to LZ (s) should be varied to minimize personnel to control and direct aircraft. • canalization of the helicopters to avoid concentrated fires of the opposing force. This may be g. Plans may be made to insure that the airaccomplished by the capability of the helicopter mobile task force commander, accompanied byto land or depart the LZ from many directions. the aviation mission commander, the air liaisonAltitudes for the flight above concentrated officer, the fire support coordinator, and otherbursts of enemy ground fire may be determined key members of ground unit, reconnoiters the during the reconnaissance. These may be varied landing site immediately prior to the actualfrom contour flying to levels that avoid enemy landing and remains on station over the landsmall-arms fire. The approach path(s) to the ing zone(s) to further vector the aircraft aslanding zone (s) may be determined and vis ual well as direct the operation. Normally, this or aerial signals planned. It is advisable to will be accomplished through the use of an airavoid obvious landing zones; these may often borne command post. be protected by helicopter obstacles or enemy h. Plans should be made to strike areasambush forces. Steep defiles or canyons are around landing zones and approaches to landavoided, especially when there is an appreciable ing zones to prevent the enemy from reinamount of surface wind, and when momentary forcing and to harass his withdrawal. loss of aircraft control can occur from down drafts. Heavily forested and swampy areas geni. If reconnaissance should indicate little or erally provide good routes for avoiding ground no enemy activity, plans may be made to con fires, but it is difficult to accurately navigate duct an airmobile operation without prepara over such areas. Use of the airborne command tory fires. In some instances, preparatory fires post or light observation aircraft and pathalert the enemy to an impending operation and finders to vector contour-flying aircraft is recallow him time to react. Plans should be made ommended if such use will not compromise for all support fires to be on call once the initial operational plans, and if the enemy air defense landings have been made. capability permits. 3-14. Crew Fatigue c. Terminal guidance requirements and locations should be considered during the reconFatigue among aircraft crews is a factor naissance, if not selected earlier from a map. which should always be considered by all commanders. Commanders should be aware of t h e d. To deny the enemy knowledge of landing possible consequences of continuous long perizones, the airmobile task force commander ods of flight operations in terms of probablemay plan to prestrike other possible landing aircraft accidents which result in damagedzones, feign landing on one, and then move equipment, personnel injuries, and even deat h. quickly to the primary landing zone. Plansshould also be made to insure that armed heli3-15. Atmospheric Conditionscopters strike tree lines around the landing a. The ground commander should understandzone immediately prior to landing. the effects of atmospheric conditions on his lift e. During the reconnaissance, plans are desupport and, as a consequence, on his airmobile veloped to insure continuous and complemenoperations. Density altitude, the one factor tary fire support for the airmobile task force. which will probably most frequently affect opIn some instances, it may be desirable to plan erations, is a term used to equate a given air overlapping fire support. Warnings of support density to an altitude above sea level on a fires may be broadcast over radio nets to airstandard day (59 ° F. at sea level). It reprecraft. sents the ability of the air, at a particulartime and place, to support the weight of an f. Plans made during the reconnaissance may aircraft with a given amount of available 24 AGO 6682A • FM 57-35 power. Density altitude is a function of teminto the wind when possible. If that is not perature, barometric pressure, humidity, and tactically feasible, then loads should be reduced elevation above sea level. Temperature, and eleaccordingly or larger pickup and landing zones vation have the most effect on density altitude. should be used. Wind will also affect the time An increase in either or both of these factors en route for the aircraft: headwinds will in results in a higher density altitude condition. crease the time, and tailwinds will reduce it. As the density altitude increases, the lifting When timing is critical, adjustments in take capability of the aircraft decreases. What this off time and in specified airspeeds will have to represents, to the commander, is that as tembe made to compensate for wind. perature increases he will either have a lesser lift capability or he will require more aircraft c. Visibility is a factor only when it is very for a given mission. restricted. Helicopters can operate under ad b. Wind frequently will affect airmobile opverse visibility conditions if aviators are well erations. Direction and velocity are wind factrained, and if caution and sound judgment are tors which must be considered. An aircraft used. Reduced visibility makes navigation more taking off or landing into the wind requires difficult, reduces the agility of formations, and less forward motion over the ground than one increases the possibility of mid-air collisions. taking off or landing under no-wind conditions. When visibility decreases below normal safe A headwind, as described, will increase the lift limits, the aviation mission commander will capability of an aircraft to a certain extent advise the airmobile task force commander on which increases with wind velocity. A downwhether or not to cancel airmobile operations. wind condition (taking off or landing with the He will advise the airmobile task force comwind) has exactly the opposite effect of a headmander after considering several factors such wind. Larger areas are required for takeoff and as terrain, density of air traffic in the area, landing, and lift capability is reduced. As state of training of his aviators, and the urwind velocity increases, proportionately larger gency of the mission. The best source of areas are needed for downwind operations, and weather information is a pilot report made by lift decreases. When wi n d is a factor to be a pilot in flight in the area of interest. Weather considered in planning f or an airmobile operareconnaissance flight should be made by the tion, takeoffs and landings should be planned a viation unit if weather is marginal. Section IV. RECONNAISSANCE, SURVEILLANCE, INTELLIGENCE, AND SECURITY 3-16. General vulnerabilities in the general areas under consideration for airmobile ata. Since airmobile operations are conducted tack. Once the objectives have beenin furtherance of the ground effort, the curselected, area surveillance (consistentrent intelligence situation and intelligence estiwith the security plan) must be mainmate relating to the ground effort are essential tained to insure timely detection ofto planning. Certain intelligence requirements any enemy movement or changes must be emphasized-terrain analysis must which could jeopardize success of thecover a large area; weather is of critical immission. portance; and enemy air defense units must be accurately located. Additional considerations (2) As a general rule, responsibility for are-collection and assessment of intelli ( 1) During the pl anning phase, intelligence required for overall planning is gence analysis is primarily concerned retained by commanders at echelons with assessing enemy capabilities and above the assault force. For the de- AGO 6582A 25 FM 57-35 velopment of the ground tactical plan, the assault commanders make their intelligence requirements known to higher headquarters and make maximum use of available intelligence in planning fire support and maneuver within the objective area. b. Counterintelligence measures are essential to successful airmobile operations. This fact should be considered in all phases of planning for an execution of airmobile and/ or airlanded operations. Information on the location, movement, and massing of aircraft, for example, is always of special interest to the enemy. The intelligence officer at each echelon assists in the development of the unit tactical cover-anddeception plan, and insures that unit counterintelligence measures support this plan. c. Aircraft are most vulnerable while on the ground, and detection of loading areas and activities are most likely to compromise the operation. Therefore, aircraft should arrive at the loading area at the last possible moment for the initial lift and remain on the ground the least time commensurate with loading requirements. 3-17. Weather and Terrain a. Weathe1·. Weather minimums must be established early in the planning to prescribe the least acceptable weather in which the commander will permit the operation to be mounted. Weather minimums are established based on the type aircraft employed, navigation aids available, terrain along the flight routes, and the time of the operation. b. Termin. Analysis of the terrain for an airmobile operation must include careful consideration of potential landing zones and assembly areas in the objective area, avenues of approach from landing sites to the objective, choice of landmarks to help define flight routes, and vegetation and landforms to provide concealment during the air movement. Emergency landing sites along the route to the objective must also be considered. Obstacles to airlanding and tactical movement as well as avenues of approach available for enemy reinforce ments or counterattack require special attention in the terrain analysis. Terrain information regarding specific landing zones is required by the aviation mission commander, particularly regarding slope, vegetation, and obstacles. 3-18. Enemy The intelligence requirements with respect to the enemy, in addition to the normal requirements, include a detailed consideration of his air defense installations, tactical air capability, armor capability, airmobility, and armed aircraft and air cavalry capability, and, of primary importance, information pertaining to enemy disposition in and around the landing zone(s). 3-19. Aerial Reconnaissance and Aerial Surveillance a. General. (1) A erial reconnaissance is a mission undertaken to obtain, by visual aerial observation or other airborne detection means, information about the activities and resources of an enemy or potential enemy; or to secure data concerning the meteorological, hydrographic, or geographic characteristics of a particular area. (2) A erial surveillance is a continuous (marginal weather, day and night) systematic watch over the air, surface, and subsurface areas by airborne visual, photographic, electronic, or other sensory means for intelligence purposes. ( 3) Aerial reconnaissance and surveillance units, because of their information collection and target acquisition capabilities, make important contributions to the overall intelligence collection plan a commander must have in order to accomplish his combat mission. They are supplements to, not substitutes for, the normal collection means and agencies available to the ground commander. 26 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 b. Missions and Capabilities. Army aviation units may be assigned missions to provide battlefield reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition. In the performance of these missions, they provide general and direct support to ground units by use of visual, aerial infrared, image intensification, radar, and photographic sensory devices to extend and supplement ground observation in the fulfillment of intelligence requirements. (1) Air cavalry units are generally used to perform reconnaissance and provide security for designated major combat elements, and to engage in combat as economy-of-force units. When employed in a primary role of reconnaissance and security, they collect and report information of intelligence value over wide fronts and to extended depths. This information adds to the security of the front, flanks, and rear of other less mobile maneuver elements of the protected force. (2) In addition to the capabilities provided by organic air cavalry elements supporting the ground commander, there are other specialized aerial surveillance and reconnaissance organizations available to perform information-collecting missions in support of combat operations. These organizations may be either organic army elements under the operational control of the command G2 Air, or other service flying units, principally US Air Force, that provide mission support in response to the needs of the field army and its subordinate commands. These specialized organizations have the capability of performing visual, photographic and electronic sensor missions, such as side-looking air borne radar (SLAR) and infrared (IR), based on the needs of the ground commander. Requests for aerial surveillance and reconnaissance support that are beyond the capabilities of the ground commander's AGO 6582A organic or direct support aviation units to meet, are directed through command channels to the appropriate G2 Air at the level where either an organic army unit can be directed to perform the mission, or other service support can be scheduled to accomplish the requirement. The results of these missions are furnished to the requestor as soon as the mission is completed. For a more detailed discussion of the total aerial surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities available to the ground commander, see FM 30-5, FM 30-20, and FM 30-20-1 (TEST). (3) Airplanes and helicopters have the capability of providing visual reconnaissance of routes, zones, areas, and selected terrain features. They can locate, identify, and confirm targets, and conduct poststrike analysis. In addition, when appropriately equipped, aircraft have the surveillance capability of providing photographic, SLAR, and infrared coverage. (a) An aircraft equipped with SLAR is normally flown on a flightpath parallel to and over friendly lines and can detect moving and stationary targets to either side of the aircraft from 3 to 90 kilometers. SLAR emits radar pulses that bounce off objects and terrain and cause a return signal that is detected by the radar receiver. This signal is converted to a visual presentation and transferred to film which is developed in flight by a high-speed processor. In minutes, the film rolls across a viewer for viewing by the sensor operator who can report target locations by radio to tactical air, artillery, or other fire support elements. SLAR aircraft equipped with a data link transmitter can transmit return signals to a ground receiver station where it is simultaneously recorded on film for FM 57-35 viewing. The film used in both the airborne and ground stations is similar to ordinary camera film negatives. Rivers and villages appear on the film in outline, and vegetation appears as shaded areas. Moving objects appear as black dots. From the size of the dots and other indications, a trained imagery interpreter can estimate the size of vehicles and the general nature of a target. SLAR is a near all-weather system, limited only by the weather limitations of the aircraft. (b) The aerial infared system is employed on day or night missions with tactics and techniques adapted to the type mission being flown. Infrared is particularly effective at night and for surveillance of camouflaged or concealed positions. Infrared is often employed to obtain additional information on activities noted by the visual or SLAR aircraft. Infrared picks up heat waves generated by objects hotter than their surroundings. These emissions are converted into a visual presentation and are printed on a roll of film. Heat-producing sources are shown as points of light. Infrared aircraft have the same capability for on-board display and transmission to ground sensor terminals of the emissions as the SLAR system does. (3) Image-intensification (II) devices employed on air vehicles are particularly effective at night, when sufficient natural or artificial light conditions are present, for surveillance of relatively open terrain. Helicopters temporarily configured with these devices are often employed in conjunction with armed helicopters which engage the targets detected by the II devices. If artificial light sources, such as aircraft flares, are used, they should be offset a sufficient distance from the surveillance helicopters to make it appear as if they are not part of the same operation. c. Limitations. Aerial reconnaissance and surveillance means are restricted by adverse weather, unusually dark nights, and poor visibility. Nights with an overcast sky are particularly hazardous for operation of observation-type helicopters which are not equipped with instrumentation. Without a horizon, orientation is easily lost and vertigo may develop. Large helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft are usually better instrumented to assist the aviator in keeping his orientation, and vertigo is less likely. The SLAR may be employed under conditions of marginal weather and poor visibility, but not under severe weather conditions. The infrared is not an all-weather system, and for satisfactory results with infrared detectors, or cameras, the aircraft must fly below cloud levels in the target area. (1) Visual reconnaissance is limited by the quality and availability of observers, the quality of illumination for night observation, the quality and availability of light-intensification devices, and the quality of visibility due to atmospheric conditions, e.g., haze, ground fog, rain. The aviator and observer are a team. One is of little value without the other. Information collected by this team is directly proportional to the experience of both the aviator and observer. (2) If an intelligence-trained briefing/ debriefing officer is available to formally brief and debrief aviators and observers before and after each flight, the amount of information collected from the flights will be increased significantly. Much of the success of reconnaissance and surveillance efforts depends on the ability of, and the direction given by, this person. d. Employment. The tactical unit integrity of reconnaissance/ surveillance units is normally retained when they are employed. These units are organized to be subdivided into companies/ troops, platoons, and sections. If they are fragmented and employed as individual aircraft, it is much like fragmenting an armor AGO 6582A • or artillery unit to employ single tanks or single pieces of artillery with a consequent reduction in efficiency of unit operations. ( 1) Aerial reconnaissance/ surveillance aircraft organic to other units are employed at the discretion of the parent unit commander. These aircraft may be employed so they can be mutually supporting. (2) Air cavalry units provide reconnaissance and security for designated major combat elements, engage in combat as economy-of-force units, and conduct offensive, defensive, or delaying operations as required. When used in reconnaissance/ security roles, they are normally employed under the control of the air cavalry troop commander who develops an appropriate reconnaissance/ security plan based on the mission he has received from, and as a supplement to, his commander's overall combat reconnaissance/ security requirements that were established by his commander's mission. (3) An airplane with SLAR can penetrate deep into enemy territory. Because the sensor can be employed from high altitudes, the aircraft may be sent into enemy areas for specific missions. Care must be taken to protect it from enemy aircraft and air defense weapons to which it is particularly vulnerable because of its comparatively slow speed. ( 4) An airplane with infrared is particularly effective at night. However, its sensor requires the aircraft to be operated at low altitudes in order to get satisfactory imagery. Infrared is often used to confirm targets that have already been located by visual, SLAR and other means. (5) For ease of reconnaissance, an area is usually divided into easily identifiable geographic areas which can be thoroughly covered in 2 hours of flying. These areas are numbered or AGO 6582A FM 57-35 lettered for identification. The same aviator and observer fly in the same area on a daily basis so that they become familiar with the patterns of life in the area and are able to detect deviations from the normal patterns (FM 30-20). ( 6) The person responsible for briefing and debriefing aviators and observers should maintain a record on all sightings (FM 1-80 and FM 30-20). This should include, but need not be limited to, times and dates of sightings, target description, and required diagrams which should be plotted on a map and/ or necessary overlays. Attempts should be made to reduce sightings to targets, and additional reconnaissance/ surveillance flights should be planned to further develop these targets. (7) Team-flying techniques of reconnaissance are quite important. By reconnoitering with teams of aircraft, it is possible to cover larger areas more quickly and thoroughly. Assigning different types of aircraft the same reconnaissance mission is also effective. For example, an airplane may be teamed with two armed helicopters. The airplane can fly high and give area cover while the armed helicopters perform detailed low-level reconnaissance. If the armed helicopters make an intelligence sighting or flush the enemy, the airplane can keep track of the target while the helicopters are turning for a better look or to engage the target. e. T echniques. Reconnaissance/ surveillance missions should not establish detectable patterns. The time of day and direction of flight should be varied to prevent the enemy from ceasing activity during these times and moving only at times when aircraft are known not to fly over the areas. This is not always possible. For example, some targets (especially those hidden in tree lines) can be seen only when the sun is at a low angle. It is not pos FM 57-35 sible to greatly vary observation times for tion must be passed through both aviation and ground unit channels. The decision on which these targets and areas. A detailed discussion channel to use is made by the unit intelligenceon techniques of visual aerial surveillance and officer. reconnaissance operations is contained in FM 30-20-1 (TEST). d. Aviation unit personnel should be indoctrinated to remain aware that all flights over 3-20. Briefings and Debriefings the area of operations may afford opportunities a. Intelligence briefings should be conducted to produce some piece of information that can in detail and should include all available inbe converted into vital intelligence. A proceformation on weather, terrain, and the enemy. dure that may be used with effective results The intelligence information should be disto produce this information is to establish an essential elements of information (EEl) file in seminated to the lowest level. When feasible, the aviation unit's flight operations. Such akey personnel taking part in the airmobile file may include not only the EEl, but also theoperation should be given an opportunity to frequencies and call signs of the local spot restudy photographs and maps of the objective port intelligence plans. Unit aviators shouldarea and surrounding terrain. Each individual be required to check this file prior to a flight, should thoroughly understand the instructions and briefings and debriefings should be givenpertaining to evasion and escape and the covering these EEl prior to and following themethods of marking pickup sites for evacuat flight. ing personnel from downed aircraft. Security instructions are an important part of these 3-21. Security briefings. Security of airmobile operations plans is of b. Aircraft crews should be familiar with the utmost importance, and necessary security •procedures to enter appropriate radio nets for measures must be enforced to insure that plansmaking spot reports to ground or aviation are not compromised and thereby nullify theunits in whose area they are operating. If reinherent advantages of an airmobile operation. porting channels do not exist, the aviation unit responsible for the area will establish provisa. Communication security must be exercisions for reporting spot intelligence. ed in the planning and buildup phases of an operation to prevent enemy intelligence perc. Some intelligence may be of the type that sonnel from gaining information through trafshould be passed through the aviation unit fic analysis. A buildup in message traffic isintelligence channels. A typical example of a just as revealing as a buildup in aircraftreporting procedure would be to provide intel traffic. ligence information that originates with the aviation crew and is passed to the aviation b. During the operation, with participating detachment or company headquarters, to the units depending almost entirely on radio com aviation battalion S2, to the aviation group S2, munication, care must be taken to avoid transand then to the aviation brigade S2. When apmitting information over the radio which propriate, it should be passed to aviation units could be used by the enemy to materially affect located in the same or adjacent areas or their the operation. Communication security trainsubordinate or higher headquarters. lnforma-ing is a continuing requirement in this regard. Section V. GROUND TACTICAL PLAN 3-22. General ations, and displacement, as appropriate. When practical, assault and defense plans are pre The ground tactical plan includes the assault pared concurrently and include a scheme of plan to seize objectives, and plans for defense, maneuver and fire support plan. Alternate linkup, withdrawal, subsequent offensive oper-plans must also be prepared. AGO 6582A 3-23. Ground Tactical Plan Considerations The ground tactical plan is developed using approved principles of offensive, defensive, and retrograde operations. Because of the nature of an airborne operation, special consideration is given to a. Zones of Actions and Sectors. Zones of action and sectors assigned should include adequate landing zones. Desirably, the boundaries designated should apply to the assault and defense phase of the operation. b. Objectives. Objectives include those areas whose early seizure is required for mission accomplishment. • c. Attack Positions. Attack positions may be selected by the ground force commander whenever the ground unit lands away from its objective and must conduct a conventional assault using an LD and a zone of action or direction of attack to seize its objective. The attack position is the last covered and concealed position short of the LD which is occupied by the ground unit to allow the final coordination and to deploy in the initial attack formation. In airmobile operations it will frequently coin cide with the assembly area. d. Security Forces. Because of the greatly expanded area of responsibility found in a perimeter-type formation of an airmobile operation, it is usually necessary to economize on the use of security forces. A single security echelon forward of the objective area defense line may be all that is practicable. The forces for the security echelon are normally provided by the forward elements. After the objectives are secured, units along the defense line of the objective area may be given responsibility for the security within their sectors. To enhance early security for the airmobile assault, security forces may land directly on their positions. Air cavalry or other armed aircraft, if available, may be employed to extend the range of security operations. • e. The Reserve. The reserve frequently is brought into the objective area in the assault echelon (but not necessarily on the initial lift) when a shuttle movement is required. The re- AGO 6582A FM 57-35 serve can remain in the loading area with its aircraft prepared for movement to any point in the objective area, or it may be airborne on station. The reserve is usually small, primarily because simultaneous seizure of multiple objectives is normally required. Additional reserves may become available from other elements of the airmobile force as initial tasks are accomplished. f. Eagle Flight. One or more eagle flights may be placed on an alert over a predesignated area or on ground alert to support other ground or airmobile operations to develop the situation or be employed as a reserve force. Flights may be employed separately on a daily basis to patrol assigned areas. By using decoy aircraft to draw fire, the flight will develop the situation and, if the enemy or insurgent force is small, the flight may land and defeat or neutralize the force. If the enemy force is strong, the flight may maintain contact and call on a reserve standby force of company or battalion strength to engage the enemy force. (1) The eagle flight normally is composed of handpicked infantry elements ( usually 30 to 40 troops) and accompanying troop lift and armed escort helicopters. Normally, the same infantry and helicopter units train and rehearse together. For operations, flights may be accompanied by an observation aircraft to vector the helicopters, provide radio relay, and act as a decoy. Airborne FAC also should be on call. (2) Eagle flights have application in both nonnuclear and nuclear environments. They are particularly useful in providing the commander with highly mobile and responsive strike forces for operations against guerrilla forces in rear areas or against insurgent forces in an internal defense environment. g. Fire Support. In airmobile operations, elments are expected to seize their initial objectives rapidly by independent action. Centralized control is established as soon as possible. Armed FM 57-35 helicopters will provide aerial escort and discrete, immediately responsive fire support to the air transported force during the loading and air movement. Aerial artillery or armed helicopters used in the aerial artillery direct fire mode, along with other nonorganic fire support (tactical air and/ or naval gunfire) provide fires in the objective area during the landing and withdrawal phases of airmobile operations. For detailed discussion of fire support, see FM 6-20-2 and FM 7-20. (1) Fi1·e S'ttpport coordination line. The fire support coordination line is a line established by the appropriate ground commander to insure coordination of fire not under his control but which may affect current tactical operations. Where possible, the fire support coordination line should follow well defined terrain features. The establishment of the line is normally coordinated with the appropriate tactical air commander and other supporting elements. (2) Nuclear safety measures. Various coordinating and limiting measures may be required for troop safety when nuclear weapons are used in support of ground operations. These measures should be related to well-defined terrain features, based on a careful analysis of the effects of the weapons being used. The FSCOORD is the principal advisor to the commander on the establishment of such measures. The designation and significance of all nuclear safety criteria are explained in appropriately distributed coordinating instructions, e.g., in paragraph 3 of the operation order. Some typical nuclear safety measures are ( a) Lines of departure used to coordinate the exploitation of the effects of planned nuclear fires. (b) Phase lines used to define limits of advance or withdrawal required to avoid unacceptable effects from planned nuclear fires. ( 3) Fi1·e coordination line. The fire coordination line is established to coordinate fires between the airmobile task force and linkup forces, or between two converging forces. It is used to regulate flat-trajectory and high-angle fires as well as airstrikes. Units do not fire beyond this line without coordination with the unit on the other side of the line. The fire coordination line should be easily identifiable on the ground and the area map. (4) No-fire line. The no-fire line is a line short of which no artillery unit may fire without prior clearance from the direct support artillery which established it. The location of the no-fire line is established by the direct support artillery battalion commander in coordination with the supported unit commander. Each artillery echelon is kept informed of the location of, and changes to, the no-fire line. Division artillery consolidates and distributes this information to subordinate units, to artillery reinforcing the division artillery, to adjacent division artilleries, and the corps artillery headquarters. Corps artillery headquarter consolidates the no-fire lines and reports their locations to corps artillery units, to the artillery of the divisions of the corps, and to adjacent corps artilleries. The direct support artillery may fire short of the no-fire line in its own sector. A no-fire line may also be designated by the task force commander for armed helicopters. h. Objective Area. The commander translates his assigned mission into terms of objectives on the ground which must be secured in order to accomplish the mission. The defense line normally circumscribes all the objectives and maneuver space required for their defense. AGO 6682A • • The selection and location of the objective area is influenced by the ( 1) Mission. (2) Enemy situation. ( 3) Terrain. ( 4) Unit capabilities. (5) Landing areas available. (6) Nature of subsequent operation possible. 3-24. Other Ground Tactical Planning Considerations In developing the ground tactical plan, the following additional factors characteristic of airmobile operations must be considered: a. The necessity for placing concentrated preparatory fires on the periphery of the landing zone(s) immediately prior to the landing of an assault force. b. Possible lack of immediately available artillery support. (Aerial artillery may be available when direct support cannon artillery units are not within range of the objective area.) c. Increased reliance on close air support. d. The possibility of immediate engagement after landing, which would result in control difficulties. e. The possibility of shuttling assault forces to the objective area because of the limited number of available aircraft, or loss of aircraft from unexpected mechanical failure or as a result of enemy action. f. Rapidly changing tactical situation. g. Limited ground mobility and reliance on airmobility to maneuver ground forces within objective area. h. Greater separation of units, resulting in exposed flanks. i. The requirement for expedient deceptive measures and devices designed to mislead the enemy as to strength and dispositions of the airmobile task force. AGO 6582A FM 57-35 3-25. Conduct of the Assault a. The infantry assault phase of an airmobile operation begins with the landing of the lead elements and continues through the seizure of the objective area or the departure of the ground force from the landing area if no objectives are to be seized. b. The fact that an airmobile force usually lands where there are few fixed defenses and few well-organized enemy combat troops facilitates rapid seizure of initial objectives. The enemy is expected to react rapidly. Initial counterattacks are likely to be hasty, uncoordinated thrusts along main avenues of approach with any units available. These attacks increase in strength, mass, and coordinated effort and may possibly include counterattacks by enemy airmobile forces. c. There are two general maneuver plans for airmobile assaults, which differ primarily in the proximity of the landing zones to the initial objectives assigned to a unit. (1) The first type involves the landing of assault units immediately adjacent to initial objectives; it is the type used whenever feasible. Landing zones and landing sites (strips) are selected to capitalize on surprise and the capability of small units to land as a unit on almost any type of terrain. This type of assault has the following advantages: (a) Surprise is exploited by attacking and seizing initial objectives and vital installations before defending forces can react. (b) Assault units avoid the exhaustion resulting from forced marches, carrying heavy combat loads, and manhandling equipment over long distances. (c) Greater initial dispersion makes the force less vulnerable to nuclear weapons. (2) The second type of assault involves landing, assembly, and reorganization, and then an attack to seize initial FM 57-35 objectives. Landing zones and landing sites are selected for their suitability for landing, assembling, and reorganizing larger units without enemy interference. This type of assault is used if the terrain and enemy situation do not permit landing on, or immediately adjacent to, initial objectives. It has these advantages (a) Loading, movement, and landing are simplified by the movement of major units intact to landing zones. (b) Landing in an undefended zone reduces losses of aircraft and personnel in the landing phase. (c) Coordinated action is facilitated by establishing control of small units before engaging the enemy in ground combat. (d) Less time is required to train and rehearse troops for this type of assault since it most nearly resembles conventional ground combat. (e) More protection is provided to supporting weapons, command posts, and logistical installations in the vicinity of the landing zones. (f) Organic fire support from outside the objective area is more easily coordinated with ground maneuver. (3) A variety of factors influence the selection of the type of assault. These include the mission, the state of training of participating units, the terrain, the strength and disposition of enemy forces, and the capability of either side to employ nuclear weapons. d. The mission and requirement for depth of defense may dictate the assignment of wide frontages to combat elements of the force. However, airmobile units lack ground mobility because of the restricted quantities and types of transportation equipment accompanying them in an assault. The lack of tanks and other vehicles increases the difficulty of conducting offensive (or defensive) operations requiring shock effect or good ground mobility. This deficiency in ground mobility is partially balanced by shorter lines of communication within the objective area and by the possible use of Army aircraft to move reserves, supplies, and equip • ment. e. The reduced artillery support for an airmobile operation is partially overcome by greater reliance on the use of long-range artillery, naval gunfire, armed helicopter support, increased close air support, and the displacement of artillery by helicopter to secured firing positions within supporting range of the operation. Further compensation is gained from the difficulty the enemy has in concentrating effective fires on hostile formations suddenly placed in his rear areas. Provided aerial artillery is made available to the assault force during the landing, these aircraft will orbit for on-call fire missions. During the assault, aerial artillery may provide preplanned or oncall fires to support the maneuver force until initial objectives are secured. f. Airmobile forces may have to be extracted under heavy enemy pressure. Fire support plans and movement plans should consider this possibility, and the ground tactical plan should be detailed enough to conduct this complex operation. Fire support plans will be co • ordinated with higher headquarters. 3-26. Seizure of Initial Objectives a. Initial combat after landing requires the coordinated and aggressive action of small units to seize assigned objectives rapidly before the advantage of surprise is lost. All available fire support is considered and used as required. Units assigned reconnaissance and security missions are positioned in the air movement serial to land early and move out rapidly, or to land near the combat outposts (COP) to establish roadblocks, locate enemy forces, disrupt enemy communication facilities, and provide the airmobile task force commander with early warning, security and information. Once a single airlift serial has landed, the remainder of the force must be committed to reinforce and hold the area. Alternate landing zones will not be used until those first-landed forces are strong enough to protect themselves. 34 AGO 6582/. • FM 57-35 period of time, or if an early enemy counterb. Units or personnel landed in areas other attack appears likely, more effort is expendedthan those planned direct their efforts to the general mission and establish contact with in organizing the entire area in depth. As additional units are landed in the objective area, their respective headquarters as soon as pracpositions are reinforced. The forces at the COPticable. are reinforced relatively early in the operation c. When communications and the tactical by maximum use of aircraft. Reconnaissancesituation permit, centralized control is estab forward of the COP is intensified by air andlished. ground means. Artillery and mortars, properly d. The commander places himself where he protected, may be displaced to positions close can personally influence and control the shiftbehind the COP to provide fire support to secuing or allocating of artillery, air, and other rity forces. Roadblocks, minefields, and similar fire support. He also influences the action by artificial obstacles are continuously improvedredisposing forces, modifying the mission, or along all likely avenues of approach.changing objectives and boundaries; and by employing reserves. Normally, the commander 3-28. Conduct of the Defense will be in the airborne command post (coma. Airmobile operations involving the reten mand and control helicopter) . tion of the objective area normally have a de e. After initial objectives have been secured, fensive phase. The period of time involved may subordinate units may seize additional objecvary from a few hours to a few days, dependtives that aid in establishing a coordinated deing on the mission assigned, the size and fense. Defensive positions are organized, comcomposition of the force, the enemy reaction, munications are supplemented, reserves are reand the type of subsequent operation contemconstituted, and other measures are taken plated. which are necessary to prepare the force to b. Defense measures against nuclear, armrepel enemy counterattacks, to minimize the ored, and air attacks, are of particular imeffects of attack by nuclear weapons, or to reportance during and following an airmobilesume the offensive. operation. 3-27. Development of the Objective Area c. The mission and requirement for defense may dictate the assignment of wide frontages a. After initial objectives have been secured, to combat elements of the force. the major consideration is to organize the ob jective area, if the mission calls for the red. Defense of the objective area employing tention of the objective area. This is accomthe perimeter defense is accomplished by or plished initially by seizing key terrain features ganizing and occupying the dominant terrain and/ or the destruction of the enemy forces on along the edge of the objective to cover main the perimeter of the objective. routes of approach into the position; by deny b. The extent to which the objective is ocing the enemy use of terrain between defended cupied and organized for defense is determined localities with visual and electronic observation largely by the mission, enemy capabilities, and ~nd surveillance devices; by use of fire, mines, and other artificial and natural obstacles; by defensive characteristics of the terrain. The commander adjusts the preplanned disposition continuous patrolling; and by withholding a reserve with as much mobility as practicable. of troops and control facilities to fit the terEnemy attacks are countered by shifting units, rain and situation. If the mission calls for an early continuation of the ground offensive bereinforcing threatened areas, employing massed yond the initial limits of the objective, and if fire support, and counterattacking with rethe likelihood of enemy counterattack during serves. The lines of communication in the obthe interim is negligible, the objective is lightly jective area should facilitate shifting troops, massing fires, and committing reserves, includ organized. If the mission calls for defense of the initial objective area for a considerable ing units from portions of the defensive area AGO 6582A 35 FM 57-35 not under attack. Reserves and the helicopter for transportation are held in positions of readiness to counterattack, to occupy defense positions, to reinforce units at the COP, or to execute blocking missions. e. Engineer support is used for obstacle construction, demolition, or special operations required during the conduct of the defense. Effective camouflage, combined with the use of deceptive devices, can be a valuable asset to the defense. 3-29. Defense Against Armor a. Continuing emphasis must be placed on improving and extending antitank defense in the objective area. Organic antitank weapons, artificial obstacles, natural obstacles, tactical air, armed helicopters with mounted antitank weapons, and other available support must be used to maximum advantage. b. Strongpoints along the COP strengthen their defense through use of natural obstacles such as rivers, swamps, woods, built-up area, hills, gullies, ditches, and other terrain features, augmented by minefields, wire entanglements, tank traps, demolitions, and persistenteffect chemical agents. Antitank weapons are located in depth along avenues of approach favorable for armor. 3-30. Defense Against Nuclear Attack a. The airmobile task force seizes objectives of significant tactical importance; therefore, an early counterattack may be expected by enemy forces supported by nuclear as well as nonnuclear weapons. The airmobile task force must have reserves with enough mobility to counter enemy efforts. b. The requirements for dispersion to protect the airmobile task force from destruction by nuclear weapons is in direct conflict with the requirement for an objective area small enough to be defended. It should be remembered, however, that the enemy will be reluctant to employ nuclear weapons within his own lines until the exact target area has been accurately pinpointed by his reconnaissance elements and exploratory, limited-objective attacks. Having decided to employ such weapons, the enemy must first withdraw his own troops to a safe distance. Thus, employment of the bulk of the defensive force in attacks to maintain close contact with the enemy may be more advantageous defensive strategy than an area defense based upon retention of terrain features which may become mere targets for nuclear obliteration. c. The practicality of a successful defense in a dispersed formation can be increased by using nuclear weapons to attack enemy concentrations. d. Active and passive defensive measures are used with emp}J.asis on the importance of movement and keeping the enemy unsure of the exact locations, strength, and intentions of the defending force. An aggressive defense based upon attack, counterattack, and the maintenance of close contact with the enemy, though seemingly more costly initially, may prevent the defenders from being formed into a well-defined nuclear target. e. In addition to meeting conventional requirements for defense, the position must be selected with a view to the influence of the terrain on nuclear bursts. Wooded or built-up areas may become impassable because of secondary fires, blowdown, and debris. Some terrain features provide shields under certain conditions while under other conditions they tend to canalize the effects of a nuclear burst. f. Key command, control, and logistical in stallations are duplicated when possible and are provided as much protection as practicable. g. To achieve further dispersion, the commander may order more of his force to occupy the COP. These COP forces may then be used to reconnoiter in the most likely direction of enemy threats or approaching friendly linkup forces. h. The principles employed in the conduct of a nuclear defense are the same as those for normal ground operations. 3-31. Defense Against Air Attack a. An airmobile force is most vulnerable to AGO 668ZA FM 57-35 • air attack during the defensive phase after for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the initially moving into the objective area. reason, the plan for withdrawal or extraction must be carefully planned and executed. As in b . Active air defense will initially depend other withdrawal operations, the forces become upon Redeye weapons, crew-served automatic vulnerable to enemy attack and all precautions weapons, and individual weapons used in an must be taken to cover the withdrawal with air defense role. planned fire support and adequate infantry c. Passive air defense measures will also forces. Plans should require as large a force as lessen the effects of enemy air attack. Passive possible to remain in defense of the landing measures include cover and concealment, zone and depart in the final lift. Artillery FO camouflage, dispersion, and movement. and F AC should be in the last lift. Piecemeal extraction of odd elements, if necessary, should 3-32. Withdrawal or Extraction Plan be accomplished prior to the .last lift so that Airmobile forces may be withdrawn or extactical integrity of the rear guard can be tracted from landing zones and pickup zones insured. Section VI. LANDING PLAN 3-33. General landing designed to deceive the enemy is highly desirable. Plans should include provia. The landing plan is based on the ground sions for aerial artillery and/ or armed helitactical plan. As a minimum, it includes the copters, immediately prior to a landing, to sequence, time, and place of arrival of troops, strike tree lines or possible areas where the • equipment, and supplies in the objective area. enemy could be concealed. Additional tactical Landing zones are normally selected as close to factors to be considered areobjectives as the terrain and enemy situation permit. Such selection normally will eliminate (1) Cover and concealment nearby. or minimize the requirement for assembly (2) Nearness to dominating terrain. areas. Several units may use the same landing (3) Covered routes of approach to the area when available landing areas are insuffiobjective. cient or inadequate. (4) Availability of good road nets. b. Based on recommendations from the avia(5) Adequacy for defense against armor. tion mission commander, the airmobile task (6) The maximum effective use of all force commander designates the landing zones available fire support in landing zones and sites to be used by each subordinate unit, immediately prior to the assault landand the airmobile task force commander estabing. This includes the use of aerial lishes priorities for their landing. Alternate artillery and weapons mounted on landing zones are designated for use in event helicopters which can provide sup • the desired landing zones are unusable. Conpressive fires during approach to a currently with the development of the scheme landing zone. of maneuver, availability of landing zones and sites is considered. All landing zones are se3-34. Timing and Opet"ation lected to provide the best disposition of units a. The commander will select the time of for seizing objectives. A unit is normally landing when his unit or its elements cunduct landed in its assigned sector. If there are not an independent operation. In selecting the time enough landing zones in the assigned sector, for the landing, he considers the enemy dispoelements of the unit may land in the sector sitions and capabilities, the influence of preassigned another unit. Selection of several dicted weather, availability of fire support, landing zones in an area is mandatory. False and the plan for supporting fires . AGO 6582A FM 57-35 b. Units may land at beginning morning nautical twilight (BMNT) to take advantage of darkness during the air movement and to attack in daylight; or they may land at end evening nautical twilight (EENT) to facilitate delivery and attack during darkness. Airmobile operations conducted during daylight present fewer command and control problems, and they can be more complex in scope as well as better supported by close air. ( 1) BMNT is the start of the period, under ideal conditions (no weather restrictions), when enough light is available to permit close coordination between individuals, to conduct limited operations, and to engage in most types of ground movement without difficulty. The period between BMNT and BMCT (beginning morning civil twilight), known as morning nautical twilight, is when surface visibility gradually increases to about 400 meters. At BMCT, enough light is available to conduct daylight airmobile operations. For air-to-ground visibility purposes, daylight does not exist until BMCT. Any operation with an H-hour prior to BMCT must be planned as a night operation. (2) Following sunset, the reverse occurs in light conditions. Between sunset and EECT (end evening civil twilight), the air-to-ground visibility decreases to the point that any airmobile operation at that time must be planned as a night operation. During evening nautical twilight, visibility and close coordination between individuals is again limited to about 400 meters and air-to-ground observation to 200 meters. (3) To conduct a daylight airmobile operation, the time frame between BMCT and EECT must be used. Any operation earlier than BMCT or later than EECT is a night operation and must be planned as such or the chances of mission success are marginal. c. The airmobile task force may conduct an as an extension of normal daylight operations. Operations under these conditions have the following disadvantages : (1) Tactical air support may be less effective and artillery fire adjustment may be hindered. (2) Accurate delivery of units to their landing zones is more difficult. (3) Reorganization on the ground is more difficult and time-consuming. Note. Proper use of flares and other il luminating devices as well as pathfinders can minimize (1), (2), and (3), above. d. The airmobile operation is timed to permit tactical assessment and exploitation of the effects of nuclear weapons. The most critical period of the operation, as far as vulnerability to enemy action is concerned, is the time between the initial landings and the assault of the objective(s). When assault units land immediately adjacent to their initial objective(s), they may have to delay reorganization until the objective(s) has been seized. However, landing zones should be cleared immediately to permit uninterrupted landing of succeeding lifts. Any reorganization should occur in locations adjacent to the landing zone. The term reorganization as used here pertains more accurately to assembly of personnel and units. Minimum reorganization takes place in an assembly area or en route to the objective area. Aggressive action to seize initial objective areas is of primary importance. After objectives are seized, commanders regain control of their respective elements. e. Landing operations will be accomplished as follows : ( 1) Troops land in assigned landing zones according to their planned tactical employment. (2) The rapidity with which units land varies greatly with the type and quantity of aircraft, capacity of the landing zones, and the turnaround time between pickup and landing zones. When the assault echelon can be transported in one lift, it may land in a few minutes. If the assault eche assault at night or under other conditions of reduced visibility to gain tactical surprise or • • 38 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 Ion has to be shuttled, a longer time is ing weapons land early and as close required; however, as the airmobile as possible to their planned initial task force is more vulnerable at this firing positions. critical time, shuttling of the assault ( 4) All individuals and units land with echelon should be avoided, if possible. essential weapons, equipment, and ( 3) The initial flights lift the assault eleammunition to reduce the time required for assembly. Additional ments necessary to seize and secure the landing zone. Reconnaissance equipment and supplies may be deliv ered later by medium helicopter. Light units land early. If pathfinders are not command-and-reconnaissance vehicles already in the landing site, they and weapons that can be transportedshould land early in the order of the by the aircraft are landed with the assault echelon to establish air traffic control and assist in assembly. Comunits. mand groups land early to establish ( 5) Troops and equipment are unloaded and cleared control promptly and enable comfrom aircraft quickly manders to gain timely information from the landing sites (strips). This on the progress of the ground action. facilitates aircraft traffic flow, reForward observers and air control duces danger of accidents, minimizes teams land early in the order of the casualties from enemy fires and counter attack, and clears the aircraft assault echelon to quickly control sup porting fires from within and from rapidly from the landing zone (fig. without the objective area. Support-3-4.) F igu1'e 3-4. A n assa ult f o?'Ce exiting from helico pters an d movin g to an assembly area. AGO 6;;82 A 39 FM 57-35 (6) During the planning stage, the airmobile task force commander must determine the maximum loss he will accept during the assault landings before changing to an alternate plan. This must be coordinated with the aviation mission commander. Authority for aborting the assault landing or diverting to an alternate landing zone may be delegated to an individual who, by reason of his position in the assault force, is best able to analyze the results of enemy fire. He may be from the aviation unit or from the ground force. When enemy fire interferes with the landing, prompt countermeasures are taken using all available fire support means. It may only be necessary for the airmobile force to orbit while enemy fire is being neutralized. However, if the countermeasures are ineffective a decision must be made to abort or proceed with an alternate plan. It is during this phase that the closest coordination between all units, both ground and aviation, must be effected. f. Reorganization (assembly) upon landing will be governed by the following considerations: (1) When units land adjacent to their initial objectives, then squads, platoons, and special teams proceed to their objectives immediately, with little or no reorganization. In this type of assault, units reorganize concurrently with, or soon after, the seizure of the initial objectives. (2) When assembly areas are required, they are located within or adjacent to landing zones but clear of landing sites (strips). The elements that land first may be charged with the security of the landing zones. Succeeding • elements move directly from the landing sites to the predesignated assembly areas, assisted by unit guides, appropriate assembly aids, or pathfinders. Patrols are sent out immediately from the assembly areas to gain information on enemy activities, to establish outposts, and to gain contact with other units establishing assembly areas around the landing zone. All elements carry the equipment they immediately require for their missions. Upon arrival in assembly areas, unit commanders report the status of their units, receive any new instructions, and continue on their missions. These reports of readiness for action permit higher commanders to make changes in missions that are warranted by circumstances. (3) Troops may be designated to remain on the key terrain in or around the landing zones to defend the area, assemble stragglers, establish prisonerof-war collecting points, care for patients, or handle incoming supplies. ( 4) Reorganization is complete when assault elements of all units are assembled and communication is established. (5) Reorganization and assembly for subsequent airmobile operations may occur after termination of the current operation. g. See appendix C for additional information on the selection, preparation, and operation of drop zones and landing zones. See appendix B for information on pathfinders and unit terminal guidance personnel. Section VII. AIR MOVEMENT PLAN 3-35. General and support of the ground tactical plan and is The air movement plan (annex to the unit prepared by the ground unit commander. Techoperation order) is based on the landing plan nical assistance in preparing the air movement 40 AGO 6582A I FM 57-35 (k) Areas of friendly supporting firesplan is rendered by the aviation mission com mander providing the support aircraft and by and airstrikes to be avoided. the pathfinder unit, if used. (2) The flight routes are defined by air control points which may be estab 3-36. Air Movement Plan lished by use of easily recognizableThe air movement plan includes a flight terrain features or by electronic navi route diagram and an air movement table. In gational facilities. the absence of written orders, such information is covered in oral briefings. c. Control Measures. Control measures used for an air movement include various control a. Time Schedules. Loading, takeoff from the points. pickup zone, and assembly of the helicopter (1) Start point (SP). A point on the formation are accomplished according to a ground over which the airmobile taskmutually planned time schedule that will place force commander flies to initiatethe lead elements of the first lift in the landing timing and to establish flight routezone at H-hour, the time the airmobile task heading and altitude. force commander has designated as touchdown time in the landing zone. (2) Air control point (ACP). A point on the ground along the flight route, b. Flight Routes. easily identified from the air, used as (1) The flight routes to and from the a reference point to monitor the proglanding zone are selected to avoid ress of the airmobile force. ACP mayknown or suspected enemy positions. be assigned code numbers or names.It is desirable that flight routes fol (3) Release point (RP). A readily identi low terrain which facilitates navigafiable point on the ground over whichtion to the landing zones. Alternate individual flight elements are released routes are also planned. A flight route to proceed to their landing zones. is a control measure that permits more precise timing, and insures that (4) Communications check point (CCP). the airmobile task force does not fly A readily identifiable point on the over undesirable areas. Each lift on a ground along the flight route at which multiple-lift assault should use a difflight leaders initiate radio contact ferent flight route. Specific considerwith landing zone control elements. ations in the selection of flight routes The CCP is normally also an ACP. are-d. Flight Corridor. Supporting fires will be ( a) Terrain. coordinated with the movement of the airmo (b) Weather. bile force. Flight corridors (fig. 3-5) which (c) Time of movement. include all flight routes are designated and (d) Enemy detection capability. coordinated with appropriate fire support coordination agencies. All fires within these (e) Enemy forces (to include air decorridors are coordinated or restricted. Ideally,fense weapons). the least possible restrictions are imposed; (f) Friendly supporting weapons capahowever, the width of the corridor will varybility. with each operation and will be determined (g) Distance to the objective area. by (h) Air escort forces. (1) Aircraft formation. (i) Location and number of friendly ( 2) Type of aircraft. air defense units. (3) Terrain. (j) Communication air-to-air, air-to(4) Weather and visibility. ground, and ground-to-ground. (5) Navigational aids. AGO 6582A 41 FM 57-35 ARTILLERY POSITION: ALTITUDE: 2500-3000 feet (IA) WIDTH: 2000 meters NORMAL CORRIDOR DIMENSIONS : ALTITUDE: 0-3000 feet (IA) WIDTH: 4000 meters CORRIDOR INTERSECTION Figure 3-5. Schematic of flight corridor. e. Flight Formation. The flight formation for any given mission is influenced by technical as well as tactical considerations. Technical considerations govern flight restriction. An important consideration in this portion of the air movement plan is that flight serials are arranged within the formation to best support the landing plan and subsequent tactical operations. Escort aircraft will normally accompany the troop lift aircraft to provide fire support. During the landing phase, to minimize ricochet hits from armed helicopters, these aircraft are positioned to the flanks of troop helicopters. Flight formations may be staggered in the direction from which door gunners can fire weapons during approach or takeoff from a landing zone. f. Altitude. Low altitude flights reduce the enemy's capability to detect the air movement or to effectively utilize long-range, large-caliber weapons fire on the aircraft while they are in flight. Contour flying enables aircraft to take maximum advantage of terrain irregularities, thus gaining some protection from small-arms fire, enemy acquisition radar, and ground-toair missiles. However, the primary consideration may be to avoid enemy small-arms fire by flying at a higher altitude. Altitude and flight area control must be planned for aircraft operating in the vicinity of the landing zone. Aircraft not directly involved in landing troops or providing aerial fire support such as command ·post helicopters, airborne F AC, airborne artillery observers, and medical evacuation AGO 6582A • FM 57-35 should remain at altitudes above or away from the flight path of the assault helicopters. Specific altitudes and flight areas may be assigned these supporting aircraft. g. Flight Speed. The prescribed speed to be flown depends on the type of aircraft, the formation, and the use of external sling loads. The aircraft normally fly at the rated cruising speed. When two or more different types of aircraft fly in a single serial, the aircraft fly at the cruising speed of the slowest type. h. Movement Control. Movement control in formation includes the designation and location of the flight control elements, emergency procedures, communications, and navigational data. The airborne command post will be used to control movement. Normally, navigation will be by pilotage. In other instances, manned air control points with electronic navigational facilities and terminal guidance in the objective area may be required. Start points, air control points, communications check points, and release points are designated to assist in control of the air movement. These navigational facilities along the route, as well as control of aircraft in the objective area, may be provided by the unit being airlifted or by pathfinder elements. Pathfinder elements of platoon, detachment, or lesser size are moved to the objective area either in advance when surprise will not be compromised or is not a factor, or with the lead elements for purposes of: (1) Indicating with electronic and other aids the desired direction (s) and route(s) of movement for aircraft and the identity of selected points on the terrain. (2) Furnishing other essential services during the airmobile operations. For details, see appendix B, and FM 57-38. i. Air Traffic Control. An air traffic control unit may be used in staging areas when available, or to relieve pathfinders in landing zones when high-density air traffic or instrument weather is anticipated. AGO 6582A 3-37. Conduct of the Flight and Landing a. General. The airmobile task force commander and aviation mission commander are normally located in the same airborne command post aircraft. However, the aviation mission commander's primary area of interest is the tactical delivery of the troops, and he may desire to supervise a lift having difficulties with natural obstacles; whereas the task force commander may desire to supervise the most critical (less secure) landing zone which may be in a second area. In this case the task force commander's S3 should be in one aircnft with the aviation mission commander, and an aviation liaison officer with the task force commander in a second aircraft. The aviation mission commander controls the airmobile task force en route, as directed by the airmobile task force commander. Organic aircraft are used for route reconnaissance, protection against ground fires, assistance in controlling the flight of the airmobile task force, and landing zone reconnaissance im mediately prior to landings. b. Lift-off. Lift-off may be by individual aircraft or by section, platoon, company, or battalion formation. Under some conditions such as in an extremely dusty pickup zone, a restricted landing zone, or a high density altitude/ no-wind condition, it is advisable to break the formation into small increments for takeoff. Simultaneous lift-off from the pickup zone by all elements is desirable, however, for the following reasons: ( 1) Ease of escort and fire support for more effective cover. (2) Airmobile task force control is more positive when aircraft are concentrated. (3) The airmobile task force presents itself as a target to ground fire from a given point for a shorter period of time. A prolonged takeoff from the pickup zone may permit the enemy to reposition automatic weapons in sufficient time to fire on the remaining aircraft. FM 57-35 c. Join-Up. (1) The flight leader adjusts the speed and rate of climb of his flight to insure that all elements of the flight close the formation at the required altitude. Trail aircraft will report or signal when all aircraft have closed into formation. (2) When a takeoff is made in increments, a forming turn can be made to allow all elements of the flight to assemble in formation. The forming turn is not required during a simultaneous takeoff. ( 3) The flight is closely regulated by varying air speed and making minor deviations so that the airmobile formation passes over the start point at the precise time scheduled. d. Flight Control. (1) ACP define the flight route(s). They may be either visual references or electronic navigational facilities operated by pathfinders in some circumstances. (2) The flight leader reports passing each ACP to the mission commander unless otherwise instructed. (3) The aviation mission commander insures that the FSCOORD and the air liaison officer are always aware of the airmobile task force location. (4) The aviation mission commander changes en route formations as required and implements emergency and crash procedures when necessary. (5) When a significant threat raises along the flight route-such as a heavy concentration of enemy antiaircraft fire -the aviation mission commander will give the order to switch to previously designated alternate flight routes. If the landing zone is to be changed, the airmobile task force commander will make the decision and inform the aviation mission commander. e. Fire Support En Route. (1) Armed helicopters normally provide security for the airmobile formations, security for downed aircraft, route reconnaissance, and other assistance en route as desired by the aviation mission commander (fig. 3-6) . (2) Fighter aircraft may provide security to both flanks, the front, and rea.r of the formation. They will normally be on air alert rather than with the formation. Tactical air support aircraft may provide strikes against known enemy ground positions from which fires could adversely affect the progress of the airmobile task force formation. f. R elease Point. Over the landing zone release point, the airmobile force may be divided into subelements, which proceed to assigned landing zones. The RP is normally 5 to 8 kilometers from the landing zone. This allows the formation time to descend and slow down for landing. The RP is also a reference point used to time the lifting of artillery and tactical airstrikes. Heading from the RP to the landing zone is generally the same as the direction of landing. Multiple zones are designated to allow flexibility in event of wind changes, hostile fire, or a change in the ground tactical situation. g. Landing Zone Preparation. The landing zone may be prepared by either aerial or ground artillery, tactical air, armed helicopters, naval gunfire or any combination of the above. (1) Fire bombs and incendiary bombs are not normally used in the landing zone and its immediate vicinity just prior to landing. They may be used when required against appropriate targets provided the airmobile task force commander has considered the possible undesirable fires and reduced visibility from smoke which may result from their use. AGO 6582A • • • FM 57-35 Figure 3-6. Armed helicopter ji1·ing rockets in su pport of an airmobi le f orce. mask, or to attack lightly defended(2) Armed helicopters usually will reconareas for short duration. noiter the landing zone prior to arrival of the lift element. They sup( 5) Fire support preparations and tactics press and reconnoiter by fire around should be varied frequently. Preparathe zone and recommend final landing tions should be short and intensiveinstructions. (app C). (3) Armed helicopters can provide area (6) A deliberate smoke curtain, if it does coverage or neutralize observed not interfere with operation of air enemy positions. craft, may be dispersed by helicopterborne troop land smoke screen sys (4) For close-in fire support, armed helitem to conceal the arrival of the lift copters fly abreast or slightly ahead of the airmobile task force, delivering element. In addition, if enemy troops are in proximity to the landing zone,suppressive fires to the front and the enemy may be temporarilyflanks. Other armed helicopters folincapacitated during the landing oplowing the formation may protect the eration by employment of CS munirear. After the initial pass, they may tions mixed with the smoke. Crewenter a continuous fire pattern, promembers and assault troops sh ould viding cover to the flanks, front, and wear protective masks when CS is rear of the landing zone. Armed heli copters are capable of delivering a employed . devastating volume of fire from a h. Lan ding. hover, under certain situations. How ever, hovering fire should be used only (1) In developing the landing plan, t he when it is necessary to clear a terrain airmobile task force commander must AGO 6582A 45 FM 57-35 include guidance concerning action to be taken in the event the airmobile task force receives an unacceptable amount of ground fire just prior to landing. (2) Preparations may be shifted rather than lifted as the assault formation approaches the landing zone. An effective method of continuing the fire support during the assault is to shift artillery to one flank, conduct a simultaneous airstrike on the opposite flank, and use the armed helicopters on approach and departure lanes. When using such a plan, assault formation navigation must be precise in order to avoid tactical airflight paths and artillery gun-target lines. Necessary fire control can be accomplished if the FSCOORD or the artillery liaison officer or forward observer, and the air liaison officer or the forward air controller, are in the airborne command post with the airmobile task force commander and each representative maintains positive communication with his own element. (3) A simultaneous landing is desired to place the maximum number of troops on the ground, in a given area, in the shortest possible time. (4) Landing zone size and shape or enemy action may dictate a formation change while on final approach (fig. 3-7). (5) Upon landing, troops disembark immediately, hit the ground, wait for helicopters to depart, and then clear the landing zone, moving into the tactical formation called for by the Section VIII. 3-38. General a. The loading plan is based on the air movement plan. The plan should be as simple as possible. For a small-scale operation, when no accompanying supplies and equipment are lifted, it may be only a matter of announcing and wait for the flight to depart the landing zone. ( 6) If the ground force has patients to evacuate while the buildup is still in progress, they should be moved to a designated patient-collecting point location. This procedure permits uninterrupted continuation of the lift. (7) Off-loading heavy internal loads is time-consuming and slows troop buildup. Such loads should not be programed in the initial lift. (8) Ground commanders must insure that off-loaded personnel and equipment are quickly moved out of the landing zone. This is especially critical in a restricted landing zone. It must be remembered that a landing zone is not a supply base. Base camp supplies, tentage, etc., should be well removed from the landing zone to prevent tent blowdown by low-flying helicopters and to provide an unrestricted landing zone to support the operation (fig. 3-8). (9) Air cavalry and armed helicopters can be used to reconnoiter approach routes to the landing zone, screen and delay enemy movement, and provide limited on-call fire support for the ground force elements. Their activity is limited by the amount of fuel and ammunition they have remaining after escorting the lift. Close coordination by radio is essential for this type of operation. LOADING PLAN where and at what time troops are to load. For a large-scale operation, loading may be complex enough to require written instructions as to the delivery of troops and equipment in the loading area, designation of loading sites, the time and priority of loading, and other details (FM 57-10). commander's plan. At night, it is imperative that troops hit the ground • • 46 AGO 6682A FM 57-35 F igure 3-7. Using a road for a landing site. b. Under nuclear warfare conditions, more sideration is given the mission. Tactical inemphasis is placed on avoiding concentration tegrity is maintained and key personnel are of forces than in nonnuclear warfare. Maximum distributed throughout the aircraft loads. Spare aircraft should be made available if possible. passive measures are taken to protect personnel, Loading plans must be consistent with the equipment, and supplies. Movements are conducted at night or during periods of reduced ground tactical plan and air movement plan on which they are based. visibility if possible. b. The ground commander designates the 3-39. Briefing sequence for movement of personnel, supplies, Time and situation permitting, troops are and equipment to the loading sites. Maximum briefed in detail on the loading plan. security is enforced. 3-40. Loading c. If the pickup zone is secure, troops, supplies, and equipment should arrive in the load a. In preparing loading plans, primary con 47 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 • ing area sufficiently in advance of the arrival of ternal-load helicopters normally are located at AREA (BASE CAMP FOR LIFT AND ESCORT UN ITS) LEGEND : ---+ ,. -. r1 z', ... _... PRIMARY ROUTES TURNAROUND ROUTES TURNAROUND ROUTES FOR ARMED HELICOPTERS PRIMARY LANDINC ZONES ALTERNATE LANDINC ZONES Figure 8-8. Mu ltiply lifts using forwar d r efuelin g and rearming area. aircraft to permit proper organization and breakdown of personnel and loads, and the completion of any required final coordination. This will insure rapid loading, and minimize confusion and ground time for aircraft. Further, timing should include immediate takeoff of aircraft subsequent to the loading of troops and equipment. d. The unit to be lifted provides all essential equipment and personnel for external loading (sling loading), inc! uding hookup teams. Ex- Section IX. 3-41. General In the pickup zone, the ground force and aviation units are integrated into a tactical airmobile force. Last-minute planning adjustments are made, if necessary, by coordination the rear of formations. (In some situations, all helicopters of the formation may pick up sling loads.) If simultaneous arrival of internal-load and external-load helicopters is desired, the external-load helicopters hookup (ideally in a separate part of the loading area) and depart before the faster internal-load helicopters in the formation. e. For further details on loading, see paragraph 2-7. STAGING PLAN between the airmobile task force commander and the aviation mission commander. The airmobile task force commander controls the operation until the last lift has been accomplished and aircraft are released. AGO 6582A •3-42. Refueling and Rearming The aviation mission commander is responsible for coordinating refueling time, place, and facilities with the airmobile task force commander. Refueling is normally not required in the pickup zone; however, there may be occasions when a forward refueling and rearming area must be established at or near the pickup zone. Forward refueling and rearming area security is provided by the supported unit. 3-43. Final Coordination General considerations for coordination are discussed in paragraph 3-11. 3-44. Staging Area Control • Control of movement into the staging area is essential in order to prevent congestion and confusion. The objective of any loading zone control should be to expeditiously load troops, supplies, and equipment. Pathfinder elements can provide air traffic control, and, consistent with unit SOP and requirements, they may assist the lifted unit in loading. For some operations, the staging area may be at a location away from the division airfield. Strict security precautions must be taken to insure the safety of ground convoys of troops and equipment in their movement to the staging I •I FM 57-35 area. Staging area support troops and the assault troops to be lifted out of the staging area may be airlifted to the staging area by helicopters on U.S. Air Force troop transports. Upon reaching the staging area, the various supporting elements (POL specialist, aircraft maintenance, ammunition resupply, armed helicopter ordnance, and medical aid stations) must move to preselected areas and staging area security forces must take up positions. Command of aviation support elements may be vested in the aviation unit executive officer, while command of ground troop support elements may be vested in the ground unit ex ecutive officer. 3-45. Manifest A manifest, or record of the load, in each aircraft should be kept at the loading zone. This record should be simple and capable of quick preparation in order to avoid a large administrative requirement. For example, it could be a sheet from a squad leader's notebook listing the men and equipment loaded into his aircraft and containing tail number or chalk number of the aircraft. All such lists are left with a unit representative in the rear echelon. Manifesting will not be possible when units are extracted under fire or when emergency loading is required. Section X. TYPICAL SEQUENCE OF EVENTS FOR A LARGE-SCALE AIRMOBILE OPERATION 3-46. General The airmobile task force commander and his staff will follow a planned sequence of events to conduct an airmobile operation. The sequence that is provided in this section is typical of how a large-scale airmobile operation can be conducted. Unit SOP and other circumstances may vary the sequence described below. Smaller scale operations may well follow a modified sequence and some of the unrequired support may be eliminated. However, the timing and planning of a small-scale operation assumes no less importance. AGO 6582A 3-47. Actions Prior to the Staging a. General. After receipt of a mission, the aviation element is responsible for establishing liaison with the supported unit. For a companysize or larger lift, initial liaison is normally made by the aviation mission commander and his planning representative (liaison officer). b. Command and Staff Reconnaissance. Normally, the commanders of both the aviation element and the supported unit conduct a flight reconnaissance of the area of operations. See paragraphs 3-13 and 3-16 for more detail. c. Planning. The airmobile task force com FM 57-35 mander receives advice from the aviation mission . commander and approves the concept of the airmobile task force movement. See paragraph 3-9 for more detail. d. Mission Briefing. A detailed briefing that includes intelligence information, the tactical ground plan, and staging plans is given to the ground units of the airmobile force. Essential information about the supporting aviation unit's plans and safety while operating in and around aircraft is included in the ground unit briefing. The members of the supporting aviation unit are briefed on the details of the aviation support and the ground tactical plan. Extensive use is made of checklists (app H) to insure that all unit members have essential information and that it is given in the same sequence to all units briefed. e. Communications Check. Communications are checked prior to the operation by all participating agencies to insure net compatibility and that equipment is functioning. (This check should be conducted in a manner that will avoid compromise of the operation.) f. Lineup of Aircraft. The supporting aviation unit will line up the aircraft both on the ground prior to takeoff and in the air to insure that there is an integration of tactical integrity between the supported and aviation elements as planned. g. Movement to the Staging A1·ea. Movement of the aviation unit to the staging area is accomplished by following flight routes which avoid enemy positions, do not interfere with friendly artillery fire, minimize enemy observation, and allow ease of navigation. 3-48. Staging and Loading a. In areas of operations where there are no clearly defined battle lines, it is often necessary to establish forward logistical bases from which airmobile operations may be sustained. This applies to units operating at distances from a primary base which are beyond the practical turnaround range (or the radius of action) of the supporting aircraft. Small landing strips and highways (or in some cases, cleared open areas which must be prepared immediately prior to the landing of large cargo ~ aircraft) which will support a unit's base may be used for staging areas. All available cargo aircraft are used to provide the quantities of supplies necessary to conduct an airmobile operation. Volume of air traffic will be intense during peak periods in the staging area in preparation for the operation. Pathfinders or other air traffic control personnel will be required to control the landing, parking and takeoff of the aircraft. Stockpiling is normally accomplished only a matter of hours prior to the planned operational time in a secured area to preclude alerting the enemy to an impending large-scale airmobile operation. b. Commanders and staff officers coordinate and finalize plans and last-minute details asso ciated with the ground tactical plan. Confirma tion of the following elements is essential prior to the beginning of the operation: (1) Formations. (2) Altitudes. (3) Routes. ( 4) Corridors. (5) Employment of prestrike suppressive fires. ( 6) Vector control of aircraft. (7) Alternate plans for routes, landing zones, fire support, and extraction. c. Units and equipment to be lifted will be organized and prepared to load, thus expediting the actual pickup operation. Flexibility on the part of all concerned is mandatory. In the event that density altitude prevents the lift of planned loads, units and equipment may have to be phased back at the last moment. However, tactical integrity for both lift and lifted' units remains a prime consideration. Every effort must be made to minimize the aircraft time on ground. Positive control of aircraft and lifted units is an absolute necessity at this crucial time. Pathfinders can provide this necessary control. d. Aircraft must be refueled and armed from prestocked items in accordance with the • 50 AGO 658ZA refueling and rearming plan. Lightweight, portable, rapid refueling systems hauled by medium and heavy helicopters are used whenever available. 3-49. Air Movement Phase a. A few minutes prior to the departure of the main body, the airmobile task force commander dispatches a reconnaissance element-usually an armed helicopter fire teamto reconnoiter the intended flight route for enemy antiaircraft and ground positions. The results of this reconnaissance may be the determining factor for the commander to select an alternate route. b. The lift aircraft, escorted by armed heli copters, depart the stagefield for the pickup zone. c. Preparatory fires are placed on known or suspected positions at the periphery of the intended landing sites. These fires may consist of integrated ground or aerial artillery, naval gunfire, tactical air, and armed helicopters. Preparatory fires precede the landing by airmobile forces by the minimum practical time. Air observation, troop lifts, and airstrikes must be conducted as close to artillery fires as safety permits. Artillery fires may have to engage the enemy in any direction. For this purpose, artillery may be prepositioned by helicopter in forward secured areas. Aerial artillery may be available when direct support cannon artillery units are not within range of the objective area(s). Preparatory fires must be timely, accurate, functional and continuous. Where possible, preparatory fires shift rather than lift. The fire support sequence normally is ( 1) Tactical air. (2) Artillery and/ or naval gunfire. (3) Aerial artillery (airmobile division). ( 4) Armed helicopter. d. The airmobile task force commander and the aviation mission commander, accompanied by the fire support coordinator, air liaison officer, and other key members of the airmobile task force commander's staff, are FM 57-35 normally in position aboard an airborne command post to control the air movement and direct fire support. An alternate command post group and aircraft are on standby to replace the primary command post group to insur e continuous command and control during the critical assault phase. e. Aerial fire support in the form of armed helicopters precede the airmobile task force into landing zones to provide last-minut e suppressive fires. f. The lead reconnaissance element (armed helicopters) immediately follows the aerial fire support elements. These helicopters perform a simultaneous suppressive fire strike and lowlevel reconnaissance seconds ahead of the air mobile task force landing to insure that any enemy forces in the landing area have been neutralized. If enemy fire or forces are located, additional suppressive fires may be brought to bear on enemy positions, or an alternate landing zone may be used. 3-50. Landing Phase a. The lift aircraft modify the flight formation, if necessary, for the landing. The landing zone touchdown area is normally marked by the pathfinder or reconnaissance element to positively identify the zone. b. Troop leaders on board the lift aircraft are given final instructions to include directtion of landing. Troop leaders should be seated to permit observation of the landing zone during the approach so that they are oriented upon landing and can pass instructions to the troops whether to dismount by jumping from a hover or to wait until touchdown. Troops must dismount rapidly to designated assembly areas. Objective areas must be seized aggressively to reduce the vulnerability of the ground force during this critical phase. Designated armed helicopters are on station long enough to escort the helicopters from the zone. Aerial artillery or armed helicopters used in that role remain on station during the entire operation to provide immediately responsive aerial fire support to the ground troops. Aircraft pilots must be responsive to directions from the ground commander or control element when approaching AGO 6682A FM 57-35 and leaving an area to avoid friendly and enemy ground fire. c. Aeromedical evacuation helicopters are introduced as required to rapidly evacuate patients (fig. 3-9). Other utility or transporttype aircraft that have space available can be used to evacuate prisoners of war from the landing zone-as long as proper security pre • cautions are taken aboard the aircraft. Medical evacuation helicopters should be used exclusively to support medical requirements except in extreme emergency. • FiguTe 3-9. Ae1·omedical ev acuation by helicopter under difficult terrain conditions. d. Based on prearranged plans, medium and heavy helicopters evacuate damaged aircraft from the landing zone to prevent further damage and to clear the landing zone for subsequent lifts. e. Supplies to include ammunition, explosive demolitions, pyrotechnic munitions, and water are of critical importance to the airmobile task force. These supplies, particularly ammu nition, are delivered early in the operation. Aircraft control and logistics elements can provide the necessary control, segregation, and distribution of supplies in the landing site. Small sections of bridging may be slingloaded by helicopters into areas where bridging will facilitate ground troop movement over streams and small rivers. f. A reaction force consisting of one or more AGO 6582A •rifie companies mounted in lift helicopters can be held in readiness on station nearby to provide the necessary reserve element. On occasion, elements smaller than company size may constitute a reaction force. This force can rapidly mount a counterattack, reinforce, or perform other on-call missions. g. In airmobile operations involving host country forces and U.S. aviation units, at least two U.S. advisors with appropriate FM radios land with the first serial to insure continuous communication through the advisory net, with the air mission commander, and with fire support elements. FM 57-35 3-51. Subsequent Operations a. After seizing the objective area, an airmobile force may defend, linkup with a surface force, conduct retrograde operations, or conduct further offensive operations. If the subsequent actions involve defense or conduct of further offensive operations, there must be a buildup of troops, supplies, equipment, and facilities essential to accomplishment of the mission. For considerations during withdrawal (extraction) see paragraph 4-5d. b. When enemy contact is light, medium and heavy cargo helicopters can be used effectively to rapidly reinforce, replace, or extract an airmobile force. A..GO 6582A 53 FM 57-35 CHAPTER 4 TYPES OF AIRMOBILE OPERAliONS Section I. 4-1. Introduction a. For airmobile operations to be successful, regardless of the scale on which they are conducted, they must contribute to the success of the larger, overall ground effort of which they are a part. Although the employment of airlifted forces may allow for the rapid seizure of selected objectives, such seizures must contribute to the purpose for which the operation is being conducted. Objectives must be selected which will cause the enemy to react violently, divert strong forces away from another area in which a crucial operation is being conducted, or, in the face of the overall threat, abandon the area to avoid destruction. Airmobile objectives should be located on terrain unsuitable for mechanized operations, thus permitting an airlanded force, light in antitank weapons and with only a limited indirect fire capability, to exert maximum influence upon enemy forces. b. Airmobile forces are employed on deep objectives at increased risk. However, the attack of deep objectives is feasible and may often be highly desirable considering that the airmobile force has a unique extraction capability which was not available in former airborne operations. Greater exposure to enemy GENERAL ground fire, commensurate loss of surprise, possible involvement with deep enemy reserves, and increased vulnerability to enemy counterattack pending linkup with other ground forces are risks which must be expected in such operations. The primary prerequisites to success in such operations are the capability to move forces to an objective area without incurring unacceptable losses and the capability to provide them with required combat and logistical support. c. The substantial mobility differential of an airmobile force over a dismounted ground force enables an airmobile force commander to achieve surprise and deception and to conduct operations to a greater depth within his • area of operations. Airmobile units are particularly suited for use as reaction forces and in search and clear/ destroy operations when information of the enemy location, strength, and disposition is vague. Although airmobile operations are particularly suited to conterguerrilla operations in rear areas and operations against insurgent forces in internal defense environments, they are also suitable for employment against a conventional enemy force in either a nuclear or nonnuclear environment. Section II. OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS 4-2. Movement to Contact a. General. During movement to contact, airmobile forces may be employed with the covering force, between the covering force and advance guard, with the advance guard, and on the flanks of the protected force. An airmobile force is particularly suited for em ployment on the flanks of the protected force. Reconnaissance for suitable landing zones is continuous. Air cavalry units are particularly suited for reconnaissance of selected areas or seizure of key terrian. Airmobile security elements between the advance guard and covering force normally are under control of the main body commander. He controls them by AGO 6582A assigning phase lines, checkpoints, and objectives. b. Meeting Engagement. In a meeting engagement, the force seizing the initiative has the advantage. The airmobile task force commander must have control over the supporting aviation unit in order to use airmobile forces quickly and effectively in a meeting engagement. He can use airmobile security forces to seize key terrain, to rapidly locate the enemy, and to gain knowledge of enemy intentions. The size of these security forces is based on the mission and aircraft and fire support availability. As soon as the commander obtains information on the enemy, selects suitable landing zones and can gain fire superiority, he can launch an airmobile maneuvering force against an enemy. He can do this more promptly if his reserve consists of airmobile forces. The operation should be launched before the enemy can deploy for an attack. Through the use of overt movement to contact and quick reaction forces, which can envelop or infiltrate, he can use airmobile units to force the enemy into early deployment or attack during the meeting engagement. Small units can be moved rapidly to harass, delay, and generally impede the progress of the enemy, ranging over a wide area of operations. The threat offered by an airmobile reserve may force the enemy to react in a manner favorable to the friendly forces. 4-3. Reconnaissance in Force An airmobile force offers a rapid means of development of reconnaissance in force. The commander can attack the enemy on the flanks or when the enemy disposition permits in rear areas. Airmobile forces can discover and test the enemy's dispositions and strengths (or weaknesses) and rapidly develop other intelligence. Air cavalry elements operating separately, in conjunction with, or as part of, the airmobile force can conduct reconnaissance to discover the enemy's disposition and enable an airmobile force to develop the situation. Limited-objective attacks and raids are suitable to airmobile operations. 4-4. Coordinated Attack During offensive operations, after contact AGO 6582A FM 57-35 has been gained with the enemy and the situation has been developed, an airmobile task force may launch coordinated attacks against subsequent objectives. Such attacks may render delaying positions ineffective, exploit, weaknesses in organized positions, block reininforcement or withdrawal, disrupt support operations, and reduce the enemy's defensive capability. These attacks may be independent operations or part of a larger operation. a. Attack Against Delaying Positions. Airmobile reconnaissance and security forces can quickly determine the depth of enemy delaying positions and pinpoint obstacles prepared or improved by the enemy. Through the use of deceptive movement and reconnaissance in force of enemy delaying positions and key installations, they may deceive the enemy and force him to react offensively, or defensively. With their high degree of mobility, airmobile forces can bypass initial delaying positions to strike succeeding ones, rapidly reorganize for attack against other positions, and force or block the enemy withdrawal. Aerial fire support aircraft are particularly suited to reducing or eliminating delaying positions. b. Attack Against Organized Positions. An airmobile force may overcome the defensive strength of an organized position which a ground force might find difficult to penetrate or envelop. Through the use of well-coordinated fire support combined with mobility and timely, accurate intelligence, an airmobile force can attack an organized position from any direction. This capability permits maximum deception and surprise. Troops can be landed in the rear or on the flanks of organized enemy positions or close to the objective area-provided fire support has neutralized enemy automatic and antiaircraft weapons fires. Ideally, airmobile forces used should be large enough to seize assigned objectives without need for subsequent lifts into an objective area. Multiple routes should be used and an altitude should be selected which will reduce exposure to ground fires. Every effort should be made to avoid flying over an organized enemy position. Alternate flight routes, landing zones, and objective areas should be planned for and used as FM 57-35 tives early enough to warn of counter the situation demands. When practical, plans should provide for the use of screening smoke attacking enemy forces and to prevent to cover the activities of an airmobile force. interference with the crossing of Once an objective area has been seized, the friendly forces. The principles that landing zone may be expanded rapidly through are included in paragraph b above a the use of succeeding airlifts. Areas may be apply equally well to an attack of cleared of obstacles to accommodate helicopters riverline. It is to be expected, howand other troop-carrying aircraft. Airmobile ever, that logistical planning will be reserve forces are held in readiness to rapidly of an even larger magnitude in that reinforce or to exploit a penetration, or to the airmobile force may be cut off pursue the enemy force. Once an objective from its logistical base for a longer has been seized and the enemy neutralized period of time. or destroyed, an airmobile force may be with e. Exploitation. An airmobile force is ideallydrawn and used to seize additional objectives. suited to exploitation. The commander can Plans should also provide for extraction of rapidly develop the situation when aggressive an airmobile force, to support the overall can hinder, small-unit action is required and scheme of maneuver. Extraction should not delay, and block a larger enemy force for de be attempted while units are under heavy struction by a force conducting the main enemy fire. attack. The diversity and mobility of an airmobile force enables the commander to rapidly c. Penetration. An airmobile force can assist mass combat power to aggressively exploit thea ground force in achieving penetration (s) situation to maximum advantage. when conditions are favorable by executing airmobile envelopments of defensive positions. f. Pursuit. The commander of a pursuit force can maintain or rapidly regain lost con-• d. Attack of a Riverline. tact with the enemy by using airmobile forces. (1) Airmobile reconnaissance forces are Airmobile forces can conduct multiple attacks used early in the approach to a river to destroy isolated enemy forces and to disrupt to determine enemy strength and dis the withdrawal of enemy units. Attacks made positions and to locate crossing sites. in conjunction with ground forces are coordi- If possible, airmobile forces seize a nated to cut off fleeing enemy forces; thus, bridgehead before the enemy can speed and accuracy of movement and landing position his force and prepare his deare more important than secrecy. The appli fense. Since a river is not an obstacle cation of aerial reconnaissance and surveillance to airmobile forces, the enemy may will provide timely information on the location have to reduce the strength of his of the enemy and contribute to the surprise riverline to protect his rear area. with which such attacks are accomplished. (2) Airmobile forces seize objectives that When operations are conducted over extended dominate the ground forces' crossing distances, communication and logistical supsites. They should be on their objec-port require special consideration. Section Ill. DEFENSIVE AND RETROGRADE OPERATIONS force. This advantage suits the airmobile force 4-5. Forms of Defense to a mobile defense. a. General. The commander of an airmobile b. Defense Against Airborne, Airmobile, force can provide a means of defense in either Guerrilla, and Infiltration Attack. of two forms: area or mobile defense. Frequently, the two forms overlap; however, an airmo( 1) Airmobile forces may be employed bile force can move more rapidly than a ground effectively to counter an enemy air- AGO 6582A • • borne, airmobile, guerrilla, and infiltration attack since airmobile forces possess equal or better mobility than the enemy forces and a greater flexibility in choice of objectives than the enemy airborne force. However, airmobile forces lack armor and are limited in organic heavy fire support. As a minimum, airmobile striking forces and airmobile reserves employed against enemy airborne, airmobile, guerrilla forces, and forces which have tactically infiltrated should be proVided with heavy fire support. Airmobile forces may be employed in all phases of the antiairborne, airmobile, guerrilla, and infiltration defense. Initially, they conduct patrols and establish observation posts to locate the enemy and set up roadblocks to delay his movement. As part of the mobile reserve, they are committed when the enemy main landing or effort is determinal. They may land directly on the enemy to prevent the loss of key terrain. This type of counterattack achieves the most immediate disruption of enemy plans. (2) Armed helicopters employed with airmobile forces are particularly effective against airborne, airmobile, guerrilla, and infiltrator forces. The lack of armor and heavy fire support of these enemy forces can be exploited by the use of armed helicopters against them. Medium and heavy helicopters may be used to position and displace artillery to be used in support of the operation. c. Delaying Action. An airmobile force conducting a delaying action can use terrain and time to maximum advantage and can break contact rapidly. Reconnaissance and surveillance elements provide information on the location of enemy attacking units. Since the withdrawal of airmobile forces does not require use of a road net, the forces can be employed in flanking positions adjacent to the enemy route of advance, forcing the enemy to pause FM 57-35 and deploy before continuing his advance. Such a maneuver may be integrated with an action on a delaying position, astride the enemy route of advance, or with a covering force action between positions. Obstacles may be placed in front of successive delaying positions without interfering with the withdrawal of airmobile forces from delaying positions to the front. Airmobile forces are also effecttive in delaying actions as security elements and mobile reserves. Small airmobile units and armed helicopters are suited for harassing actions between successive positions. d. Withdrawal from Action. (1) A withdrawal may be executed either under heavy enemy pressure or without enemy pressure. During airmobile operations, a withdrawal is termed an extraction. When the terrain is such that the enemy has the capability to resist, an extraction is a complex operation which requires highly coordinated planning. This operation may require the use of high-angle artillery fire on enemy positions to allow armed aircraft and lift aircraft to simultaneously conduct their respective missions while flying under artillery fire. During an extraction, intermediate secured assembly areas may be established. Turnaround time of helicopters is reduced and more troops can be extracted faster. Troops in intermediate assembly areas can be picked up and lifted to base areas at a later time after helicopters have refueled. If the extraction requires shuttling, the maximum number of troops should be left in the landing zone to be extracted on the last turnaround. This will provide the maximum security to the last elements extracted. All elements of the unit which are not part of the security force should be prepared for extraction by tactically assembling in plane loads prior to arrival of aircraft. When only the security force remains on the ground, the last flight should land as close as practicable to the security ele- AGO 6582A FM 57-35 ments to expedite loading and departure. (See fig. 4-1 and 4-2 for type extraction plan.) The composition of this force will be determined by the number of lift aircraft available. This procedure may not be applicable when the enemy force has a nuclear capability. (2) Withdrawals through friendly forces are conducted by overflying the newly established positions. Coordination must be accomplished with the overflown force, and provisions must be made for use of smoke, air-to-ground fires, and deceptive measures. In the daylight withdrawal, aircraft may be used to extract frontline units after they have closed into assigned assembly areas behind the local covering forces. In the night withdrawal when secrecy is required, the use of aircraft may be limited to extracting the detachments left in contact after the main force has successfully broken contact and moved to the rear. Elements of the detachments left in contact that cannot be withdrawn by aircraft are withdrawn simultaneously on the ground. Some fire support elements remain in position long enough to cover the withdrawal unless it can be covered by fire from the next position to the rear. Additional fire support can be gained by the use of armed helicopters. Positive control of aircraft and ground fire support elements is absolutely essential during withdrawal operations. e. Retirement. Airmobile forces are used with a retiring force in a manner similar to that used in a movement to contact (para 4-2). The retiring force moves to the rear in multiple columns; airmobile patrols maintain contact between the columns. Airmobile security forces are used as rear and flank guards. Armed aircraft are employed to harass and delay the enemy within their capabilities. f. Counterattack. An airmobile reserve force gives the commander the capability of rapidly moving forces to block or destroy enemy penetrations. Airmobile reserves may be dispersed in positions farther from the line of contact than reserves that depend on surface transport. Airmobile reserves of adjacent units may be massed to meet a penetration in a particular unit's area before the enemy can exploit a penetration. Coordination is essential with fire support units and other ground and airmobile units participating in a counterattack. Counterattacks should be rehearsed. Flight routes for counterattacking airmobile forces should be selected to avoid enemy detection and to interfere least with friendly supporting fires. g. Relief of Frontline Units. (1) In a relief operation, Army aircraft can transport incoming units to positions and withdraw outgoing units on the return trip. The outgoing units should mark landing sites. When demonstrations and feints are employed to mask a relief, aviation support • priorities should be established for incoming and outgoing units. The gound force headquarters directing the relief should retain control of the aircraft to avoid a change of control between the incoming and outgoing units. (2) In conducting a relief with airmobile forces, coordination and communication must be accomplished with friendly forces. Screening smoke, air-to-ground fire, high-angle artillery fires, and deceptive measures are used to assist in accomplishing the relief. 4--6. Subsequent Operations Following the seizure of an objective area, an airmobile force may defend, link up with a surface force, or conduct retrograde operations. Because an airmobile force can be readily reassembled and reorganized, it can provide the commander with an available reserve force. AGO 6582A ;... C) 0 "' 00 "' >"' lfli~~~~'" \ ~~~~-~~:=~---~- • i:t~§.?~f' -•IIIII 11111 Ill II III II HI II, ' , c· .·r'' DIRECTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~',' OF FLIGHT ~ . ',, ~ ··!: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ',',,, J \---·11111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII I + ~ ~ I \ ~ ' I \ \ \ I \ \ \ J I I \ \ / I \ \ \0 / I \ \ / I \ \ ~/ : \ 'y I I ~ LEGEND : ~ ;fi~-!~~~tb J_ u ~INGLE HELICOPTER 1111' LOADS 1-50 NOTE : 1 . LOADS REQUIRED: 70 LOADS 51-60 2 . FIRST 50 LOADS ARE EXTRACTED IN ORDER, WITH TROOPS ALIG NED ~LOADS 61-70 PRIOR TO ARRIVAL OF HELICOPTER . 3 . LOADS 51 -60 ARE DRAWN TO CENTER OF LZ AND EXTRACTED . i Ul 4 . DETAC HME NTS LE FT IN CO NTACT -SEE FIGURE 4 -2 . (It ~ oo() Figure 4-1. Type extraction plan. VI 0. - c ~:~~~~¥~~~i~~~: ''"'tdi'-'1>~-,, ,," t3''. J.____ - ... ~ t:~V~S'b:~~~~~&'.'{ T" ~ C) --~ i\:~}~c:----'> ' ..DIRECTION OF FLIGHT ·r.::.~·:'·)i''~~f-;,y.,., ~ 0 ~ '·~""" :·.. ;,;:-~:~: . .,~~. ,..,. · "• " ~ ::'-t~ ..... ..,...-:.. . . f, • :;.,..; ,, \ ·-··~····" ....~.(·(.',· ·. ~~.:; .. .,.-,., ..... ~ ' .,;.;r.> ,:"~·~Q,.."'~·· :t~.;.:;.:}:s;":, ..:;,.~_ . \ \ :f.;(~~!~.~~:r-;~;.~i;:!J,~~~· ·0~;,,~:'.~-:./';?, ~~ \ .• J. -~...:::.'·1. '·<: :~; · ....... ·<; · ,~(;·'"" ·-··· ~ ....-...,, · .... ...·f."?. ,. · :,.>;:1,"'··,., ·~.. · J:":j,., ..... r'J,V": :,.<., • .; ·-<~! --• , , ' V"):;.,.-);~-t."·;,.r; -~'j.\¢('{',.,·;-..,~'· ;;· . . ·.~" pf' f':;.r · ··, .., \ ""~•.-!<·"·.>.;. .o··;··.: ~-···~:o.~"-...... : ,.'~ ·.-. ,.; ..,,·'),_.f'· ··~ ...(')r·," \ ...:r.-=r ,..,.. :.·~··' ,., .., ·'·"!\. . ··,i...~.... ;· Q".·..,.., .. ,l!',n •:'·. h.., (.') ~-../"!~ ... . . ' . .......· ''i1J~ft~r~~~:x{~f; NOTE: l. HELICOPTER LANDS NEAR DETACHMENTS LEFT IN CONTACT TO PICK UP LAST TEN LOADS. > Cl 2. IF THE SITUATION PERMITS, LAST TEN LOADS MAY BE DRAWN TO THE 0 CENTER OF THE LZ AND PICKED UP THERE. &l"' Figure 4-2. Type extraction plan (detachments left in contact). !;;:• • ;::_·~-~~·~-{~·:~, c;::~ !:<·~·;,· ·' .. --. '" ·.....",:· r_<;."' (.'(<'\; _. .l: ;. •::--·;' f. •.:(.;•S2 .€"Y ~ (CLASSIFICATION) !: --• FM 57-35 (CLASSIFICATION) TRANSPORTING UNIT TRANSPORTED UNIT SERIAl CHALK NO. LOADING ZONE LOADING TIME TAKEOFF TIME LANDING ZONE LANDING TIME 145th Avn Bn 145th Avn Bn 145th Avn Bn 145th Avn Bn CoB Co A Co C ••• 1 2 3 ~-·· 1-24 ~5-48 ~9-63 APPLE BUBBLES LYNN ••• 0544 0546 0548 ••• 0547 0549 0551 ••• STALWART WARRIOR JAM ••• 0600 0600 0607 •••• (Note: Abbreviated Air Movement Table) ANNEX E, APPENDIX 2 OPORD 2-66 (OPERATION MANGLE) Reference: MAP, VIETNAM 1:50,000 (6244II) GO DAU HA (387252) (CLASSIFICATION) AGO 6582A 119 FM 57-35 • APPENDIX G STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (CLASSIFICATION) Copy No. __________ _______ Bn, ______ _ APO , U.S. ARMY 15 Nov 19___ Annex E (Airmobile Operations) to SOP No. 1 1. PURPOSE This annex prescribes the organization and procedures to be followed in preparing and executing airmobile operations to facilitate planning, coordination and control. Only the procedures peculiar to this type operation are included; otherwise, basic SOP applies. 2. PERSONNEL a. Strengths, Records, and Reports. (1) As soon as practicable after receiving warning order units submit report, by company, of number of men in assault • echelon and in the rear echelon. (2) Strength message submitted as soon as practicable after landing. b. Discipline, Law, and Order. (1) Straggler control responsibility of subordinate units of the assault echelon initially on landing. (2) Personnel landed in other than assigned zones within the objective area join the first friendly unit encountered. Rejoin parent unit when ordered by this headquarters. (3) Stragglers integrated from other units reported as soon as practicable to this headquarters by name and organization. c. PW. PW's evacuated on backhaul with guard direct to brigade. PW collecting point. d. Graves Registration. Deceased personnel evacuated on backhaul to brigade logistical base. 3. INTELLIGENCE a. Weather. (1) Long-period forecast immediately after receipt of mission. (CLASSIFICATION) • 120 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 (CLASSIFICATION) (2) Short-period forecasts up to takeoff time. (3) Weather minimums established by this headquarters. When weather is below established minimums, operations executed only on specific instructions of this headquarters. b. Terrain. ( 1) Maps and airphotos obtained and disseminated to company level in this priority: (a) Large-scale map coverage of objective area. (b) Large-scale, low-oblique airphotos of objective area with emphasis on landing zones and objectives. (c) Appropriate scale map coverage of terrain in flight corridors. (2) Maximum use of terrain models (sandtables) for briefings. c. Counterintelligence. (1) All planning conducted in area with maximum security. (2) No marked maps, photos, sketches, or combat orders carried into objective area with assault echelon. d. Escape and Evasion. Personnel in aircraft forced to land between LZ and objective area will take the following action: (1) If practicable, move overland immediately to join friendly units. (2) If not practicable to move overland to joint friendly units, mark a suitable landing site in the vicinity of downed aircraft for evacuation by aircraft, if the enemy situation and terrain permit. (3) If (1) and (2) above are precluded by pursuing enemy, evade capture and attempt to join friendly units by infiltration. Continuous attempts will be made to locate suitable sites for evacuation by aircraft. 4. OPERATIONS a. Planning. (1) Except when accomplished by higher headquarters, this headquarters will accomplish the following planning for all airmobile operations (subordinate units participate in planning) : (a) Determine the size and composition of the force required to execute the mission. (b) Allocate lift aircraft for the operation and notify subordinate units of allowable cargo load. (c) Approve approach, return, alternate routes, and route corridors. (d) Approve altitudes and formations to be flown. (e) Approve loading areas to be used by participating units. • (2) Lift aviation mission commander will assist airlifted units in planning movement. (CLASSIFICATION) AGO 6582A 121 FM 57-35 (CLASSIFICATION) b. Training and Rehearsals. (1) Prior to executing an airmmobile operation, participating • personnel will receive instruction in the following: (a) Conduct of airmobile operations. (b) Indoctrination in psychological problems inherent in airmobile operations. (c) Familiarization with loading, lashing, and unloading of type aircraft to be employed. (Aircraft requested by this headquarters.) (d) Assembly techniques. (e) Escape and evasion tactics. (2) Situation permitting, rehearsals will be conducted by participating units on terrain similar to proposed objective area. Maximum use will be made of sandtables and terrain models in conjunction with large-scale oblique photos and tnaps of the objective area. (3) Companies maintain personnel trained in the conduct of unit terminal guidance techniques. c. Loading. ( 1) Loading areas designated by this headquarters. (2) Flight serials broken down into flight units as required by the movement, landing, and ground tactical plans. (3) Aircraft arrive at approved loading sites, by fight units, at the latest possible time. Individual aircraft within flight units marked according to air loading tables prior to arrival. Marking is the responsibility of the transport aviation unit. ( 4) Supporting transport aviation units assist in the planning • for the execution of loading by providing technical advice and supervision. (5) Troop commander supervises aircraft landing. Pilot responsible for flight safety. (6) Cargo or equipment to be transported externally secured in cargo nets or slung in pallets for transit by use of the cargo sling on the helicopter, or rigged for attachment to bomb shackles in fixed-wing aircraft. Attachment of these loads to the aircraft accomplished by personnel other than those listed as passengers. (7) When loading personnel or cargo into an aircraft, the troop commander insures that- (a) All of the safety measures prescribed for movement in and about the particular type aircraft are observed. (b) In loading helicopters all radio antennas will be removed or bent in such a manner to preclude contact with rotor blades or cargo compartment. (c) In loading helicopters all personnel approach the helicopters from the direction of the nose unless otherwise directed. (d) In loading fixed-wing aircraft, personnel approach from the rear. (CLASSIFICATION) 122 AGO 6582A (CLASSIFICATION) FM 57-35 • (e) Machine guns or automatic weapons are loaded last. (8) After all equipment and personnel have been loaded, the troop commander determines that (a) The equipment and cargo are in their proper place. (b) The cargo or equipment required to be lashed is properly secured. (c) Each man is seated and has his safetybelt fastened. (d) Cargo compartment door is closed and locked, or safety strap across door is properly fastened, as directed for the operation. (9) Briefing on emergency signals conducted by aviation unit representative prior to loading. (10) When the troop commander has checked to insure that all cargo and personnel are secured, he will notify the crew chief verbally. (11) During flight the pilot commands the aircraft. Troop commander insures that (a) Cargo lashings (if applicable) are checked frequently to determine that cargo is properly secured. (b) Troops keep safetybelts secured and do not smoke unless authorized. (c) Troops stay seated and do not move around in the cargo compartment without proper authorization. d. Air Movement. (1) When available, pathfinder teams may be employed to assist in movement control along flight routes and within landing zones. (2) Air control points (minimum of an SP and RP) designated to assist movement control. {3) Time of takeoff, arrival at air control points, and landing, will be specified in air movement tables, insofar as possible. Inability to comply with specified control times to be reported by flight serial commanders. e. Unloading. (1) The pilot notifies the troop commander when the aircraft is four minutes out from the landing site. The troop commander then alerts members of the unit to be prepared to unload. (2) No movement made in the cargo compartment until clearance has been obtained from the pilot. After the pilot gives the clearance signal, the commander of the troops has them release t heir safetybelts and has the cargo unlashed if applicable. He will then have the cargo door opened and have the troops and equipment unloaded in reverse order from that in which the aircraft was loaded. (3) After all troops and cargo have been unloaded from the aircraft, a man designated by the troop commander will insure the cargo compartment is empty and signal the crew chief. (4) The troop commander insures that members of his unit clear (CLASSIFICATION) AGO 6582A FM 57-35 (CLASSIFICATION) the landing zone in a safe, expeditious manner to preventexposing personnel to unnecessary danger and to preventany delay in other takeoff or landing procedures. • (5) The troop commander will insure that security is placedaround the landing zone until all aircraft are out. (6) Indigenous personnel in objective area utilized upon approval this headquarters only. 5. LOGISTICS a. Supply. (1) Accompanying supplies (all classes) . Prescribed load announced by this headquarters for each operation. Followupand routine supplies planned by this headquarters. (2) Salvage. (a) Expedite recovery of aerial delivery containers, parachutes, cargo nets, and pallets. Commanders insureagainst damage or destruction. (b) Units in objective area established salvage collectingpoints when appropriate and practicable. (c) Salvage reported to this headquarters for dispositioninstructions. (3) Captured materiel. Captured materiel may be used bycapturing units. Captured munitions and fuel may be usedon approval this headquarters. b. Medical Service. (1) Evacuate by air until linkup or extraction. (2) All medical air ambulances carry blankets, litters, and otherappropriate medical equipment. • (3) All air crash rescue aircraft carry appropriate firefighting,rescue, and medical equipment. c. Transportation and Troop Movement. I (1) Motor. (a) Allocation of accompanying organic transport and disposition of APC by this headquarters. (b) Maximum use of captured vehicles to meet motor transportation requirements. (2) Aircraft. Allocation of supporting transport aircraft by thisheadquarters. d. Service. (1) When required, contact teams will be provided participatingunits on request. (2) On linkup, nearest supporting units provide necessaryservice. GILE LTCDistribution: AOFFICIAL: FISK I S3 • (CLASSIFICATION) 124 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 APPENDIX H AIRMOBILE PLANNING AND OPERATIONS CHECKLISTS Sedion I. AIRMOBILE PLANNING AND OPERATIONS CHECKLISTS 1. GROUND TACTICAL PLAN a. Mission ( s). b. Objective(s). c. Alternate objective(s) . d. Distance to objective (s). e. D-day and H-hour. f. Special tasks. g. Means available: (1) Organic troops. (2) Troop lift helicopter. (3) CH-47 support. (4) CV2, C123, C130 support. (5) Air cavalry. (6) Engineer. (7) Signal. (8) Aerial radio relay. (9) Medical. h. Fire support : (1) Tactical air support. (2) Ground artillery. (3) Aerial artillery. ( 4) Armed helicopters. (5) Naval gunfire support. ( 6) Marine air support. (7) Naval air support. i. Boundaries and control measures. j. Assault plan. • k. Subsequent operations. AGO 6582A l. Rehearsals desired. 2. INTELLIGENCE REQUIREMENTS a. Security measures. b. Enemy locations. c. Commanders' reconnaissance of objective area. d. Aerial photos. e. Maps. f. Terrain study. g . Weather forecast. h. Map reference system. i. Latest intelligence summary. j. SOI/SSI. 3. ASSAULT LANDING PLAN a. Landing zones (to include identification procedures) : ( 1) Colored smoke. (2) Panels. (3) Flares. b. Assault landing formation. c. Approach and landing direction. d . Use of armed helicopters. e. Other covering fires. f. Pathfinders required. 4. AIR MOVEMENT PLAN a. Flight routes (primary, alternate, return): (1) Release points-direction and distance to landing zones . FM 57-35 (2) En route fonnation. (3) ACPs-CCPs. (4) Phase lines (if used). (5) Leg distance and times. (6) Estimated time en route. (7) Altitudes. (8) Airspeed. (9) Orbit areas for reaction forces and anned helicopter escort, if applicable. (10) Laager areas, to include mission and security. (11) Orbit areas for eagle flights. b. Air movement table: (1) Unit to be lifted. (2) Number and type lift helicopters. (3) Aviation units. (4) Takeoff times. (5) Routes. (6) Unit landing zones. (7) H-hour (landing time). c. Alternate communications plan: (1) FM. (2) UHF. d. Staging plan: ( 1) Staging airfield. (2) Assembly areas. (3) Unit pickup zones (primary, alternate). ( 4) Pickup zone release point. e. Armed helicopter utilization : (1) En route to pickup zone. (2) Pickup zone. (3) En route to release point. 5. SUPPORTING PLANS a. Alternate plans and procedures due to weather. b. Downed aircraft procedures: (1) Crew. (2) Aircraft. c. Rally points. • d. Escape and evasion instructions. e. Eagle flights. f. Laager plans. g. Rules of engagement. k. Deception plans. i. Spare aircraft for maintenance emergencies. j. CBR. k. Reconnaissance (air-ground). l. Straggler control. m. Reporting (en route, liftoff, touchdown, intelligence, and contact). n. Aircraft disposition after assault. o. POW plan. 6. OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS a. Warning orders. b. LNOs (receive and dispatch). c. Attachments and detachments. • d. Briefings (time and place). e. Preparation of OPORD. 7. LOGISTICS REQUIREMENTS a. Class V resupply. b. Feeding plan. c. Water. d. Medical. e. Refueling. f. Air crash rescue. 8. DEBRIEFING a. Lessons learned : (1) Ground units. (2) Aviation units. b. Actions taken for correction. 9. ADVANCE PLANNING FOR SUBSEQUENT OPERATION FM 57-35 Section II. AVIATION MISSION COMMANDER CHECKLIST 10. MISSION 11. ALERT UNIT TO MISSION 12. ESTABLISH LIAISON WITH SUPPORTED UNIT 13. SITUATION a. Enemy. b. Friendly. 14. SUPPORTED UNITS GENERAL CONCEPT OF OPERATION 16. RECONNAISSANCE a. Pickup zones : ( 1) Size, shape, condition. (2) Approach, departure routes. b. Possible flight routes: (1) SPs. (2) ACPs. (3) RPs and CCPs. ( 4) Altitudes. c. Objective area: (1) Selection of landing zones: (a) Size, shape, condition. (b) Approach, departure routes. (c) Likely enemy positions. (2) Armed helicopter orbit areas. 16. MISSION PLANNING a. Airmobile task force commander. b. D-day and H-hour. c. Allowable cargo loads. d. Landing zones : (1) Number of aircraft. (2) Formation. (3) Fire support plan: (a) Naval gunfire. • (b) Air Force. (c) Artillery. AGO 6682A (d) Armed helicopters. e. Flight route : ( 1) RPs and CCPs. (2) ACPs. (3) SPs. (4) Time, distance, and headings. ( 6) Fire support and escort plan. f. Pickup zones: (1) Times. (2) Number of aircraft. (3) Loading. (4) Location and identification of internal and external cargo loads. (5) Troop load organization of supported unit. g. Refueling: ( 1) Location. (2) Security. (3) Time required for complete refueling. h. Troop lift schedule (subsequent lifts). i. Communications : (1) Supported unit frequency and call .sign. (2) Lift frequency and call sign. (3) Armed helicopter frequency and call sign. (4) FSCOORD frequency and call sign. j. Pathfinder support. k. Additional aviation support units (i.e., CH-47, CH-54) : ( 1) Utilization. (2) Integration plan (if required). l. Reaction force requirements : (1) Supported unit. (2) A/C required. ( 3) Laager area. ( 4) Alert status. m. Subsequent armed helicopter requirements: FM 57-35 ( 1) Orbit area or reporting place. o. Aeromedical evacuation and air crash rescue. (2) Supported unit(s). • p. Aircraft maintenance support: (3) Call sign and frequency. (1) Unit. (4) Number of aircraft and relief plan. (2) Recovery plan. n . Additional general support aviation req. Proposed aircraft release times. quirements : 17. AVIATION UNIT BRIEFING ( 1) Logistics. a. Time/ place. (2) Airborne command post. b. Location. (3) Aerial surveillance. c. Units to attend. Section Ill. FRAG ORDER CHECKLIST 18. a. AMTF Missio•.__ ______ ___________________ _ b. Avn Missio•..___________________ _ 19. a. AMTF Comd ----··--------b. Avn Msn Com.....________ ____ 20. a. PZ locatio b. PZ arrival times c. PZ landing azimuth_______ _______________ d. PZ loading instructions.______ ___________________ _ e. PZ control procedures,______ ________________ ___ _ 21. a. SP location & arrival times___ ____________________ b. Alt SP & arrival times._____ _____ _____ _________ _ c. En route formations._____________ ___ _ d. RP location & arrival times____________ ___________ • _ e. Alt RP & arrival times_____ 22. a. LZ location & arrival times.____ ____________ _ b. Alt LZ locatio•..___________ c. LZ landing azimuth_________ d. LZ control procedures __ ·--e. Landing formations_________ . 23. a. Arty fire spt b. Armed helicopter fire spt.________ c. USAF fire spt d. Other_____________ _ 24. a. Refueling instructions_______________ _ b. Ammo resupply instructions___ _____________________ _ 25. a. Essential radio frequencies,_ ___ ______ __________ ___ _ _ b. Pyrotechnic & other color codes'------------------ c. Briefing instructions______ ________________ _ d. Debriefing instructions,_____________________ _ ____ e. TimechecA-------------------~---------- • AGO 6582A FM 57-35 Sedion IV. LIAISON OFFICER CHECKLIST (HELICOPTER) 26. ACTIONS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE TO SUPPORTED UNIT a. Obtain briefing from S3 : (1) Current unit status (mission readiness). (2) Mission requirements (supported unit) . (3) Specific problem areas. ( 4) Communications. b. Check out with CO. c. Obtain necessary equipment: (1) Communications. (2) Maps, overlays, SOl extracts. ( 3) Transportation. (4) Personal gear. 27. ACTIONS AT SUPPORTED UNIT a. Establish communications. b. Contact CO of S3: (1) Enemy situation and trend. (2) Mission. (3) Supported ground units. (4) Other supporting aviation units. ( 5) Pickup zone (time, location, formation, loads, pickup zone release point, size). (6) En route (initial point, air control point (s), formation, communications checkpoint, landing zones, formation). (7) Assault (landing zone release point, landing zones, formation). (8) Alternate flight routes. (9) Escort procedures. (10) Air Force support. ( 11) Return mission and subsequent lifts. (12) Communications. (13) Artillery fires support plan. (14) Refueling. (15) Aircraft maintenance. c. Disseminate necessary information to your unit. d. Maintain close coordination with S3. e. Monitor situation. f. Keep your unit informed. g. Advise on employment of your unit (be aggressive). h. Prior to returning to your unit: ( 1) Obtain copies of current operations orders, plans, overlays, SITREPS. (2) Times and location of pertinent conferences. (3) Current situation. 28. ACTIONS UPON RETURN TO UNIT a. Brief the S3. b. Check in with CO. Section V. 29. SUPPORTED UNIT 30. CONTACT OFFICER a. Location. b. Time to be loaded. 31. TYPE OF MISSION 32. SITUATION a. Enemy. b. Friendly. c. Ground tactical plan of supported units. AGO 658ZA LIAISON OFFICER CHECKLIST (AIRPLANE) 33. PLAN OF EXECUTION a . Time to report. b. Suggested routes. c. Flight altitudes to be flown. d. Departure point, checkpoints, and release points. e. Control of flight. f . Spare aircraft allocated and procedures for employment. 34. LOADING AREA a. Coordinates. FM 57-35 b. Description. c. Marking. d. Ground control frequencies and call signs. e. Officer in charge. f. Loading plan: ( 1) General plan. (2) Priorities. (3) Aircraft chalking or marking procedures. ( 4) Manifesting procedures to be employed and responsibility for preparation. (5) Traffic pattern. 35. LANDING ZONE a. Coordinates. b. Description. c. Marking. d. Ground control frequencies and call signs. e. Landing plan. f. Traffic pattern. 36. REFUELING FACILITIES a. Location. b. Capabilities, requirements, and procedures. 37. AIR SUPPORT 38. ARTILLERY 39. ALTERNATE PLANS a. Weather abort. b. Mechanical abort. c. Loss of communications. d. Enemy actions. 40. WEATHER INFORMATION AND BRIEFING 41. MISSION DEBRIEFING 42. REHEARSALS AND TRAINING PROCEDURES (IF APPLICABLE) 43. REMARKS Section VI. MISSION DEBRIEFING CHECKLIST 44. ESTIMATE OF MISSION RESULTS (DEGREE TO WHICH MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED) 45. ENEMY ACTIVITY ENCOUNTERED OR OBSERVED DURING MISSION. REPORT IN FOLLOWING SEQUENCE: a. Line A: WHO made the sighting or observation (aircraft, mission number and type of mission, if applicable, patrol, higher or adjacent units). b. Line B: WHAT was observed-(enemy, unknown or friendly forces; strength and type of target--tanks, infantry, patrol, bivouac area, include number of items observed; and what they were doing-halted, digging in, movingif moved, include directions of movement). c. Line C: WHERE was the activity sighted (UTM coordinates or cardinal point from geographic location in the clear if the report is of enemy activity). d. Line D: WERE spot (hot) reports made, and if so, to whom (if applicable). e. Line E : Damage reports (if applicable). 46. ESTIMATE OF AVIATION PORTION OF MISSION: a. Conduct of operation in the PZ. As planned? Problems? b. Flight route and checkpoints. Adequate? Easily identified? c. Formation and altitude. Most suitable? d. Activity in the landing zone. As planned? Alternate? e. Communications. Adequate? Excessive? ( 1) Air-air. (2) Air-ground. (3) SOI-SSI. 47. AIRCRAFT AND PERSONNEL DAMAGE a. Personnel (Casualty, combat or noncombat) b. Aircraft. What-When-Where-How. 48. REFUELING AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS 49. LESSONS LEARNED 50. RECOMMENDATIONS 130 AGO 658 2A • FM 57-35 Section VII. FLIGHT SURGEON CHECKLIST • 51. PREPLANNING PHASE a. Evaluate current health status of .Personnel. (1) "Know your people." (2) Review all medical records. ( 3) Review all dental records (identification). b. Apprise commander of health of the command. c. Maintain active preventive support program. ( 1) Medical inspection of environmental conditions. (2) Conduct training for organic personnel. (a) Emergency medical treatment. (b) Patient loading and use of hoist. (c) Aviation safety. (d) Personal protective equipment. • (3) Surveillance of organic medical posture. (a) Personnel. (b) Supplies and equipment. (c) Facilities. (4) Preparation of specific SOPs, policies, and directives. 52. PLANNING PHASE a. Gather all data pertinent to the medical support of the operation. (1) Number of organic aviation personnel utilized. (2) Geographic location of operation. (3) Estimated time of operation and its duration. (4) Estimated security of operation. (5) Perform aerial r econnaissance of operational area. b. Develop a medical plan for use of organic aircraft for aeromedical support. c. Evaluate requirements for medical support at staging area (unit airmobile aid station). • ( 1) Personnel. (a) Flight surgeon. (b) Aidmen. (2) Function. (a) Establish airmobile aid station at staging area. (b) Coordination with battalion surgeon and nonorganic medics for operational contingencies. (c) Provide primary medical care as follows: 1. Maintain respiration and relieve respiratory obstruction. 2. Control hemorrhage and shock. 3. Hydration. 4. Dressing of wound. 5. Splinting of fracture. 6. Control of infection. (d) Treatment limited to lifesaving measures. (3) Equipment (minimum). (a) Kitchen tent with poles and supports . (b) Red Cross ftag. (c) Smoke markers. (d) 2 folding litters with stands. (e) Medical field supply case with supplemental bags for: 1. Assorted battle dressing. 2. Emergency medication. 3. Routine medication. 4. 3 bottles 5% Dextrose. 5. 6 bottles Dextran. 6. 3 bottles 5% dextrose/saline. 7. Tracheotomy set. 8. 3 suture sets. (f) Flight surgeon medical/surgical set. (g) AN/PRC-25 for monitoring aeromedical evacuation frequency. (h) Ambulance resuscitator if available. ( i) Special mission equipment. 1. Coleman lantern. 2. CP tent. 3. Protective masks. 4. Decontamination kit(s). d. Coordination with area hospital and treatment facilities. AGO 6682A 131 FM 57-35 e. Coordination with medical evacuation unit commander. (1) Number of air ambulance and air crash rescue ships (estimated). (2) Type of mission support and distance. (3) Radio frequencies and call signs. (4) Standard landing area markings. (5) Evaluation of evacuation aircraft available from adjacent operations. f. Coordination of overall aeromedical plan with commander and supporting units. g. Report procedures material. (1) FMC DD Form 1380 prepared on all patients. (2) After action report relayed within 24 hours, post operation through command channels. 53. BRIEFING PHASE a. Flight surgeon participates actively in mission briefing. ( 1) Provides commander with current status of health of the command. (2) Provides revised estimates of medical requirements. (3) Accounts for all possible medical contingencies. b. Final coordination of aeromedical evacuation coverage. (1) Establish radio frequencies and call signs. Section VIII. MEDICAL CHECKLIST FOR BAnALION SURGEON This checklist consists of five steps for the battalion surgeon in planning the medical support for an operation. 56. S-SUPPORT OF THE MISSION a. Obtain briefing from battalion S3. b. Estimate casualties. c. Estimate logistical requirements. d. Coordinate medical support-who is evacuated and where. e. Coordinate radio frequencies. 57. T-TREATMENT a. Brief aidman on tactical plan. b. Coordinate location of aid station. ·c. Evaluate special treatment required by weather or terrain. (2) Establish staging area and collecting points. • (3) Review possible requirements for utilization of organic aircraft for evacuation. c. Establish means for moving medical personnel, equipment, and supplies to staging area. d. Final coordination of air crash. 54. EXECUTION PHASE a. Move medical personnel, equipment and supplies to staging area. b. Perform final reconnaissance of tactical area. Return to staging or PZ area as required. c. Provide primary medical care at staging area as required. d. Provide initial and continued direction of organic medical evacuation activities. (1) Patient load. (2) Location of patients. (3) Nature and severity of InJuries. (4) Destination of patients under contingency conditions. 55. POSTOPERATIONAL PHASE • a. Active participation in mission debriefing. b. Review overall medical support of operation. c. Reevaluate health status of organic personnel and advise commander. d. Revise requirement for future operation. e. Develop improved aeromedical plan and continue training programs. • AGO 6582A FM 57-35 d. Estimate special support requirements. 58. E-EVACUATION a. Litterbearers-who, predesignate if possible. b. Evacuation routes--ground and air. c. Ground evacuation-available-limitsterrain-tactical situation. d. Air evacuation-special p r o b l e m s of weather, terrain, tactical situation. 59. P-PREVENTION a. Special training of aidmen and organic troops. b. Special unit or individual preventive or protective measures required. 60. S-SUPPLIES a. First-aid dressings. b. Salt and soda packets. c. Iodine tablets. d. Salt tablets. e. Malaria suppression tablets. (C-P, DDS, etc.) f. Litters. g. Blankets. h. Splints. Section IX. ARMY AIR LIAISON OFFICER CHECKLIST 61. WHAT IS THE GROUND TACTICAL PLAN? (Obtain operation orders with overlays if possible and briefly summarize tht: planned operations.) 62. WHAT IS THE AVIATION MISSION? (Airlanded assault, airlanded resupply, administrative troop lift, etc.) 63. GROUND CONTACTS a. Location and time where air mission commander and ground commander can effect coordination. b. Ground commander's name or call sign. c. Unit designation. 64. HOW DOES THE AVIATION MISSION RELATE TO THE GROUND TACTICAL PLAN? a. Number of troops (cargo) to be lifted? b. How many lifts desired? c. Minimum acceptable number of lifts? d. Number of crew-served weapons and type? e. Location of stage field? f. Location of landing zones and landing zone times? g. Location of artillery? h. Type of close air support requested? i. Suppressive fire restrictions? j. Landing zone preparation times and how? k. Landing zone and stage field security? l. Mission of lift unit after assault to include gun ships and lift ships? m. Refueling facilities? • AGO 6S82A FM 57-35 GLOSSARY Airmobile extraction-The lifting of combat troops by helicopters from terrain in which the enemy has the capability to resist. Resistance can be expected to increase as each lift is made and the friendly force's perimeter becomes smaller. Army aviation element-A liaison element from the support arr.1y aviation element to the supported unit for coordination and planning of aviation operations. This element is normally found at division and higher levels. Company lift-A unit of lift helicopters, capable of lifting the assault elements of a rifle company in one lift. Eagle flight-Reaction force heliborne infantry elements (usually 30 to 40 troops) either on air alert over predesignat~d area or on immediate ground alert to perform immediate search and destroy operations, or otherwise provide the ground commander with a highly mobile and responsive strike force. Forming turn-A turn executed after takeoff to permit aircraft or elements to join in formation or gain separation. Heavy fire team--Three armed helicopters operating as a tactical element. Helicopter drop point-A designated point within a landing zone where helicopters are unable to land because of the terrain, but in which they can discharge cargo or troops while hovering. Intervalometer-An electronic or mechanical device used to trigger aerial cameras, rockets, or other equipment at preset intervals. As an example, intervalometers are used to fire aerial rockets at 100-millisecond intervals. Laager-A perimeter type defense for local security of aircraft on the ground, established by aircraft crews in conjunction with friendly t roops in the area. Armed aircraft are positioned where possible so that weapons systems may be employed in the defense. Landing zone-An area jointly selected and approved by the ground commander and aviation commander where troops will be landed. Lift-One movement of loaded troops by a complete flight from one type of zone to another. Li ft helicopter (Slick)-A helicopter used for the purpose of lifting troops and/ or cargo. Light gun team--Two armed helicopters operating as a tactical element. Lightning bug ship-A helicopter equipped with searchlights to illuminate targets and PZs or LZs. Loading are0r-A general geographical area that encompasses one or more loading zones where supporting aviation is linked up with the supported unit for the purpose of initiating an airmobile operation. The security of the loading area normally is not established by the participating force. Maximum allowable gross weight-The maximum allowed total weight of the aircraft prior to takeoff; the basic weight of the aircraft plus the crew, personnel equipment, special devices, passengers/ cargo, and fuel and oil. This is limited by structure, power available, or landing load. Pickup zone-A geographical area, jointly agreed upon by the ground and aviation commanders, where troops, engaged with the enemy, will be loaded aboard aircraft for an airmobile extraction. Pickup zone-A landing site, jointly agreed upon by t he ground commander and aviation commander, where troops will be loaded 134 AGO 6582A • • aboard aircraft for purpose of entry into an operation or for tactical extraction. Sortie-One sortie is one aircraft making one takeoff and one landing for the purpose of loading/unloading personnel, ordnance, or fuel; however, armed helicopters escorting troop-carrying helicopters will log a sortie in the landing zone on combat assault operations whether or not they actually land. Suppressive fires-Fires placed upon known or suspected locations of enemy troops, weapons, FM 57-35 or likely enemy positions which, because of their proximity to the flightpath, present an immediate or potential threat to Army aircraft movements. Suppressive fires are employed during a helicopter assault of an enemy position in order to greatly reduce effective enemy small arms and automatic weapon fires directed against the assault landings. Fires are provided by armed Army aircraft and troop carriers on their final approach. AGO 65112A FM 57-35 INDEX • Paragraphs Page 40 Aborting ------------------------------------------------------3-34e (6) ACL. (See Allowable cargo load.) Administrative considerations ------------------------------------3-7 Aerial (See also Air): 22, 31 34, 37 Artillery (See also Artillery) --------------------------------3-llo, 3-23g, 3-25e,3-33b Fire support _______________________________________________3-4b(3) 16 27 Infrared system --------------------------------------------3-19b(2) ~essengers ________________________________________________3-4b(1) 15 7, 23, 26 Reconnaissance ---------------------------------------------2-2c, 3-13a, 3-19 7, 26 Surveillance ------------------------------------------------2-2c, 3-19 8, 16, 18, 52 Aeromedical evacuation --·---------------------------------------2-20, 3-4b (3), 3-6b, 3-50c Air (See also Aerial): 31, 46 Cavalry ---------------------------------------------------3-23d, 3-37h(9) Aircraft _______________________________________________3-13a 23 27 lJnits --------------------------------------------------3-19b Column control _____________________________________________2-2k 8 23, 41 Control point ----------------------------------------------3-13b, 3-36c(2) 16 Crash rescue -----------------------------------------------3-4b(3) 5, 22, 36 Defense ---------------------------------------------------1-6a, 3-11r.n, 3-31 24 Density ----------------------------------------------------3-15a Force. (See lJ.S. Air Force.) Liaison officer _________ _____________________________________3-13a 23 • Line of communication ______________________________________ 1-1b (1), 3-4b 2, 15 ~ovement: Command relationships ____________________________ _____1-1b 2 7, 41, 43 Control ------------------------------------------------2-2e, 3-36c,h 2 Integrated ---------------------------------------------1-1b(3) 51 Phase -------------------------------------------------3-49 23, 40 Plan --------------------------------------------------3-12a(3), 3-35--3-37 Plan checklist _____ _________ ____________ ________________App H 125 34 Serial -------------------------------------------------3-26a 41 Table --------------------------------------------------3-36 3 Superiority ------------------------------------------------1-2j Supply (See also Supply) ___________________________________ 3-4b (3) 16 5 Support ---------------------------------------------------1-6a Traffic control ______________________________________________2-2e, 2-9a, 3-36i 7, 12, 43 2 Transport -------------------------------------------------1-1b Airbases -------------------------------------------------------3-4b(3) Airborne (See also Aerial and Air): 42 Artillery observers -----------------------------------------3-36! 2 Battalion --------------------------------------------------1-1c 9,15, 23,24 Command post ---------------------------------------------2-6b(10), 3-4b(1), 3-13b,g 42 Forward air controller --------------------------------------3-36f Operations, joint ___________________________________________1-1b 2 AGO 6582A • FM 57-35 Paragraphs Page Aircraft (See also Airplane and Helicopter) : 31 Arn1ed ----------------------------------------------------3-23d 14, 16Availability ------------------------------------------------2-10, 3-5a (2) Capacity _________________________ __________________________3-5a(2) 16 7 Con1n1and and control --------------------------------------2-2e 17, 20, 30 Dovvned ---------------------------------------------------3-5c, 3-7d(5), 3-20a Fixed-vving. (See Airplane.) 9 For training --------------------------------------------·---2-4 84 Identification -----------------------------------------------5-20 Lift capability ---------------------------------------------2-3a (5) 8 Lineup ----------------------------------------------------3-47! 50 Loading data _______________________________________________App E 110 8 ~aintenance -----------------------------------------------2-2h 7, 8 Ready area ------------------------------------------------2-2g,i Refueling --------------------------------------------------3-48d 50 7 Station tiine -----------------------------------------------2-2g 15 Support ---------------------------------------------------3-3 39 Unloading -------------------------------------------------3-34e(5) Utilization/ scheduling --------------------------------------2-10a 14 9, 26 Vulnerability ----------------------------------------------2-6b ( 3), 3-16c 16 Airfields -------------------------------------------------------3-4b(3) 13 Airlanded delivery -----------------------------------------____2-9b ( 5) • Airlift: 5Aircraft control --------------------------------------------1-6a Capability -------------------------------------------------1-1b (2) 2 5 Den1and ---------------------------------------------------1-6a Heavy equipinent -------------------------------------------1-2h 3 8 Initial -----------------------------------------------------2-2h 3 Reinforceinent ---------------------------------------------1-2g Requireinents ----------------------------------------------1-3d 4 3, 8 Resupply ---------------------------------------------------1-2g, 2-2h Support ---------------------------------------------------1-1b(2) 2 Airinobile : Battalion _______ ---------------------------------__________1-1c 2 3, 4, 5, 14 Division ---------------------------------------------------1-Sa,d, 1-6d, 2-11 Forces: 4 Con1n1and ----------------------------------------------1-5--1-8 Co~nposition --------------------------------------------1-5--1-8 4 Concept of einploYJnent ----------------------------------1-3 3 Flexibility _____________________________________________1-2d 3 4 ~issions -----------------------------------------------1-4 RedeploYJnent __________________________________________1-2d 3 Responsibilities __ ___---------------------------------___1-5--1-8 4 Versatility _____ _____ ____________________________________1-5b 5 Vulnerability __ _______ _____ _____________________________1-2k 3 Operation: Characteristics -----------------------------------------1-2 125Checklist -----------------------------------------------App H Coordination ___________________________________________ 1-6a 5 • 2 AGO 6582A 137 FM 57-35 Paragraphs PageOperation--continued Landing -----------------------------------------------3-25c 83 • Mission planning checklist ------------------------------App H 125Planning ----------------------------------------------3-2a, 3-9--3-15, 3-16a(1) 15, 20, 25Requirements checklist ----------------------------------App H 125Sequence of events -------------------------------------3-46--3-51 49 ISupport requirements -----------------------------------3-3--3-8 15Timing ------------------------------------------------3-34 37Types -------------------------------------------------4-1--4-19 54Task force -------------------------------------------------1-1c, 1-7 2, 6Commander checklist -----------------------------------App H 125 Airmobility ----------------------------------------------------1-3a, 3-24g 3, 33Airplane (See also specific aspect and Aircraft) ____________________ 1-1b (2) 2 Capabilities ------------------------------------------------2-Sb (1) 12Limitations ------------------------------------------------2-8b (2) 12 Airspace -------------------------------------------------------1-6a 5 Allowllble cargo load ----------------------------------------·----1-2h, 2-2d 3, 7ALOC. (See Air line of communication.) Altitude -------------------------------------------------------2-Sa (2), 3-13b, 3-15a, 12, 23, 24, 423-36/ Ambush -------------------------------------------------------3-13b 28Ammunition ---------------------------------------------------1-6c, 2-7b ( 1), 3-5a ( 1), 5, 10, 16, 18,b,d(5),(6), 3-50e 52Amphibious operations ------------------------------------------1-4;, 4-7--4-11 4,6: ~ Antiairborne operations -----------------------------------------1-4c Antiaircraft fires -----------------------------------------------2-9c(5) 13 ~ Antiairmobile operations ----------------------------------------1-4c 4Antitank defense and weapons -----------------------------------3-29 36 Area: Of operations ----------------------------------------------1-3a(3) 4Surveillance ------------------------------------------------3-16a (1) 26 Armor defense -------------------------------------------------3-29 36Armor, enemy --------------------------------------------------1-2i 8Armored cavalry regiment ---------------------------------------1-1c 2 Armored division ----------------------------------------------1-1c 2 Army: Aircraft ---------------------------------------------------2-8 11Air liaison officer checklist ----------------------------------App H 125 Aviation: Support -----------------------------------------------2-1--2-11 7lJnits -------------------------------------------------3-19b 27Artillery (See also Aerial artillery -------------------------------1-6a, 2-2k, 2-6b (9), 6, 8, 9, 16, 22,3-4b (3), 3-llm, 3-25e, 34, 37, 443--32, 3--37g Fires ------------------------------------------------------2-6b(5) 9Preparation ------------------------------------------------App C 99Support ---------------------------------------------------3-24b 83 138 AGO 6582A • Paragraphs Assault (See also Attack) : Conduct ---------------------------------------------------3-25 Echelon ----------------------------------------------------3-4, 3-10a, 3-34e(2) Elements -------------------------------------------------1-Sb Force battle drill ------------------------------------------5-19 Landing --------------------------------------------------3-7d (1) Landing plan checklist -------------------------------------App H Assembly (S ee also Reorganization) : Areas -----------------------------------------------------3-SSa, 3--34/(2) Techniques ------------------------------------------------App D Atmospheric conditions -----------------------------------------3-15 Attack (See also Assault and Offensive operations) : Coordinated ------------------------------------------------4-4 Direction --------------------------------------------------1-2/ Organized positions ----------------------------------------4-4b Position _____________________________----------------------3-23c Aviation : Command/staff responsibilities _____-------------------------2-2 Element ---------------------------------------------------1-5 Mission commander ----------------------------------------1-7 Mission commander checklist ---------------------------------App H Resources --------------------------------------------------1-8, 2-2b Staff officer ------------------------------··-----------------2-2 Support unit plans -----------------------------------------2-3 U nit commander -------------------------------------------2-2 Unit liaison ------------------------------------------------2-2 Aviator --------------------------------------------------------3-15c Barometric pressure --------------------------------------------3-15a Barriers -------------------------------------------------------1-2c, 1-3a( 1) Battle drills ____________________ ---------_______ ---------------5-13-5-20 Beginning morning civil twilight ---------------------------------3-34b(1) Beginning morning nautical twilight -----------------------------3-34b Blocking mission _______________________________________________ 1-4a BMCT. ( S ee Begginning morning civil twilight.) BMNT. (S ee Beginning morning nautical twilight.) Bomber strikes ________________________________________________ 1-4d Boundaries ----------------------------------------------------3-23a Bridging -------------------------------------------------------3-SOe Briefing/ debriefing ---------·------------------------------------3-19c(2), 3-20, 3-39, 3-47d Bypassing ________ ---------------------------------------------1-2c, 1-3a (2) Camouflage (See also Deception) --------------------------------3-28e Captured materiel ----------------------------------------------3-7b Cargo delivery -------------------------------------------------2-8a(1) Cargo loads ----------------------------------------------------2-7b(3) AGO 6582A FM 57-35 Page 33 15, 21, 38 4 82 20 125 37, 40 107 24 55 3 55 31 7 4 6 125 6 7 8 7 7 25 24 8 68 88 38 4 4 81 52 28, 30, 47, 50 3, 4 86 19 11 10 139 FM 57-35 Paragraphs Page Casualties (See also Patients) ----------------------------------2-2o, 2-7b 8, 10 • Evacuation ------------------------------------------------3-5d(6) 18 ~ontransportable -------------------------------------------3-6d 18Report -----------------------------------------------------3-7a(2) 19Ceiling --------------------------------------------------------2-9b (1) 13 Center of gravity -----------------------------------------------2-8a(2) 12Checklists -----------------------------------------------------2-3b, app H 8, 125Chemical agents -----------------------------------------------3-lln, 3-29b 22, 36Chemical, biological, and radiological agents ----------------------1-1a, 1-4d 2, 4 Civil affairs operations -----------------------------------------4-15c 63 Classes of supply. (See Supply, Classes.) Close air support -----------------------------------------------3-13a, 3-24c, 3-25e 23, 33, 34 Clothing -------------------------------------------------------3-5d(2) 18 Combat: Outpost ----------------------------------------------------3-26a 34Service support -----------------------------------------___ 1-3a,c, 1-5a, 3-12b 3, 4, 23Support _________________ __ ________ _____ ____________________ 1-3c 4 Combined training ---------------------------------------------5-9 68 Command: And control -----------------------------------------------1-3a 3And reconnaissance vehicles -----------------------------·---3-34e ( 4) 39Control nets ------------------------------------------------3-4b(3) 16Relationships ----------------------------------------------1-1b, 1-6, 2-3a ( 6) 2, 5, 8 Staff reconnaissance ________________ _____________________ ___ 3-47b 49 • Communication ------------------------------------------------3-3a, 3-4 15 Check _________________ __ __ ____________ __ __ ________________ 3-47e 50Checkpoint ------------------------------------------------3-13b, 3-36c(4) 23, 41Plans -----------------------------------------------------3-11r 22Security ---------------------------------------------------3-21a 30 Concealment ---------------------------------------------------3-17b 26 Construction tasks ---------------------------------------------3-7d (3) 20 Contour flying -------------------------------------------------3-13b, 3-36/ 23, 42 Control aircraft ------------------------------------------------2-6b(l0) 9 Control elements, ground ----------------------------------------3-4b ( 3) 16Counterairborne ________________________________________________ 4-5b, 4-19 56, 65Counterairmobile ____________________________ _------------------4-5b, 4-19 56, 65 Counterattack --------------------------------------------------1-4h, 3-25b, 4-5/ 4, 33, 58 Counterbattery radar -------------------------------------------3-110 22Counterguerrilla ___________ ____________________________________1-4c, 4-5b , 4-19 4, 56, 65 Counterintelligence measures ------------------------------------3-16b 26 Countermortar radar -------------------------------------------3-110 22 Cover-and-deception plan -------------------------------------·---3-16b 26Covering force _____________________________ ______ ______________ 1-4a(l) 4 Crew fatigue (See also Fatigue) --------------------------------3-14 24 140 AGO 8682A • CS munitions -------------------------------------------------- Daily strength messages -----------------------------------------Debriefing checklist --------------------------------------------Deception ----------------------------------------------------- Defense: Area ______________________________________________________ Conduct --------------------------------------------------- Forms ----------------------------------------------------- Mobile ----------------------------------------------------Defensive operations (See also specific aspects) ------------------- Definitions. (S~e Glossary.) Defueling ------------------------------------------------------Delaying-action ------------------------------------------------Delaying positions ----------------------------------------------Demolitions ----------------------------------------------------Demonstrations ------------------------------------------------ Density altitude ------------------------------------------------Dispersion -----------------------------------------------------Displacement --------------------------------------------------Distances ------------------------------------------------------ Downed aircraft. (See Aircraft, downed.) Downwind ----------------------------------------------------- Drop zones -----------------------------------------------_____ Dust ---------------------------------------------------------- Eagle flight ---------------------------------------------------- Echelonment --------------------------------------------------Economy-of-force missions --------------------------------------Economy-of-force units ----------------------------------------- EECT. (See End evening civil twilight.) EEI. (See Essential elements of information.) EENT. (See End evening nautical twilight.)· Elevation ------------------------------------------------------Embarkation planning ------------------------------------------End evening civil twilight --------------------------------------End evening nautical twilight ----------------------------------- Paragraphs 3-37g ( 6) 3-7a(1) App H 1-2e,l, 2-8a(1), 2-9a 4-5a 3-28 4-5 4-5a 4-5 2-Ba( 2) 4-5c 4-4a 3-7d (3), 3-50e 1-4/ 2-2d, 3-15a, app C 3-25c( 1), 3-30b 3-7d(1) 1-3a(1), 3-5a(6) 3-15b App C 2-9d(5) 3-23/ 3-10 1-40 3-19b(1) 3-15a 4-9d 3-34b (2) 3-34b Enemy ---------------------------------------------------------3-18 Air defense ------------------------------------------------ Attack _____________________________________________________ Capabilities ------------------------------------------------Counterattack ----------------------------------------------Dispositions _______________---------------------------______ Infiltration ------------------------------------------------Materiel ____ ___________ ------------------------------------- 3-16a 2-6b(4), 3-28d 3-5a ( 5) 3-17b 3-13b 4-5b 3-5d(6) FM 57-35 Page 45 19 125 3, 11, 12 56 35 56 56 56 12 57 55 20, 52 4 7, 24, 99 33, 36 20 3, 16 26 99 13 31 20 4 27 24 61 38 38 26 25 9, 35 16 26 23 56 18 AGO 6582A 141 FM 57-35 Paragrapba Page ~ Enemy-continued Penetrations -----------------------------------------------l-4k 4Reaction ---------------------------------------------------1-2/, 1-3a(1) 3Engineers -----------------------------------------------------1-5a, 3-7d(3), 3-28e 4, 20, 36 Envelopment ---------------------------------------------------1-4~ 4Escape and evasion ----------------------------------------------3-20a 30Escort aircraft ------------------------------------------------3-13a 23Escort battle drills ----------------------------------------------5-17 74Essential elements of information --------------------------------3-20d 30Evacuation ----------------------------------------------------3-3c, 3-6, 3-20a 15, 18, 30Casualties (See al&o Casualties) -----------------------------3-5d(6) 18Enemy equipment ------------------------------------------3-5d(6) 18Medical. (S•e Medical evacuation.) Prisoners of war -------------------------------------------3-5d(6) 18 Evasion and escape --------------------------------------------3-20a 30Exploitation ---------------------------------------------------4-4e 56~uclear e«ects ---------------------------------------------3-34d, 4-17b 38, 64External loads -------------------------------------------------3-36g 43Extraction -----------------------------------------------------2-9a,b(5), 3-lls, 3-12b, 12, 13, 22, 23,3-25/, 3-32, 4-5d(l) 34, 37, 57 Fatigue --------------------------------------------------------2-8a(2), 3-14, 3-25c(l) 12, 24, 33 Feints ---------------------------------------------------------l-4/, 3-13d 4, 24 Final coordination ----------------------------------------------3-43 49 Fire: • Bombs. (S~e Incendiary.) Coordination line -------------------------------------------3-23g 31Support (See aZ.o specific tJipe) ------------------------------l-5a, 3-3, 3-llo, 3-13e, 4, 15, 22. 24,3-16a(2)' 3-23g, 3-26a, 25, 31, 34, 463-37k(2) Coordinator --------------------------------------------2-2~, 3-13a 8, 23En route ----------------------------------------------3-37e 44Plans -------------------------------------------------3-25/ 34Preplanned --------------------------------------------3-12a(2) 23Firepower (S•e al&o specific tflpe) --------------------------------1-aa 3 Fixed-wing. (See Airplane.) Flank guard ---------------------------------------------------1-4a(2) 4 Flares (See al&o Illumination) ----------------------------------2-9a 12 Flight: Conduct ---------------------------------------------------3-37 43 Control ----------------------------------------------------3-37d 44 Formation --------------------------------------------------2-9d(8), 3-37h.(4) 13, 46 Leader ----------------------------------------------------2-2• 7 Operations center ------------------------------------------2-28 7 Route -----------------------------------------------------2-6b(l), 3-36b 9, 41Route reconnail8ance ---------------------------------------3-49a 51Speed -------------------------------------------------· ----3-36g 43 142 AGO t682A • Paragraphs Flight-continued Surgeon checklist -------------------------------------------App H Weather information ---------------------------------------2-2n Followup echelon -----------------------------------------------3-10b Formations ----------------------------------------------------2-6b (7), 6-13-5-20 Fragmentary order checklist ------------------------------------App H F rontages -----------------------------------------------------3-28c FSCOORD. (See Fire support coordinator.) Fuel -----------------------------------------------------------1-6c, 3-5 Graves registration ---------------------------------------------3-7c Ground : Combat element --------------------------------------------1-6 Force commander -------------------------------------------1-7 Force training ---------------------------------------------6-6 Linkup force -----------------------------------------------3-10c Slopes _____________________________________________________ App C Tactical plan -----------------------------------------------3-12a(1), 3-16a(2),3-22--3-32, app H Guerrilla forces ------------------------------------------------3-23/ (2), 4-14c Guerrilla warfare ----------------------------------------------4-16 Gunship. (See Helicopter, armed.) Headwind -----------------------------------------------------3-16b Helicopter (See also Aircraft) _________________________________ 1-1b (2), 1-3a, 2-Sa,c Armed -----------------------------------------------------2-2l,m, 2-6b (10), 3-4b(3), 3-llm, 3-13a,d, 3-23g, 3-26e, 3-33b, 3-37, app C Armed escort ----------------------------------------------2-6b (6) Capabilities ------------------------------------------_____ 2-8a(1) Command post -----------------------------------------··---3-36/ Fuel consumption -------------------------------------------2-Sa(2) Limitations ------___------_________ ___---------------------2-8a (2) Load-carrying capabilities -----------------------------------2-8a (2) Medical evacuation ------------------------------------_____ 3-36/ Medium cargo ---------------------------------------------1-ac Seating ----------------------------------------------------6-18 Shock effect _______________________________________________2-8a(1) Utility ----------------------------------------------------1-ab, 1-6d(1) Hospitalization -------------------------------------------------S-3c, 3-6 Host country forces ---------------------------------------------1-7b, 3-60g Hostile fire (See also Enemy) ------------------------------------2-6b(7) Hovering ______________________________________________________ 2-8a(1) Humidity -------··---------____________---------·--------________ 2-8a (2), 3-15a Illumination -----------------------------------------_____-----2-9d, 3-34c Image intensification __ ____ -------------------------------------3-19b Imagery interpreter --------------------------------------------3-19b(2) Inaccessible areas ----------------------------------------------1-2c AGO 4S82A fM 57-35 Page 125 8 21 9, 68 126 35 5, 16 20 4 6 67 21 99 22, 25, 30, 125 31, 63 68 25 2, 3, 11, 12 8, 9, 16, 22, 23, 31, 34, 37, 44, 99 9 11 42 12 12 12 42 4 81 11 4, 5 15, 18 6, 53 9 11 12, 24 13, 38 27 27 s 143 FM 57-35 Paragraphs Incendiary bombs -----------------------------------------------3-37g(1) Individual training ---------------------------------------------6-7 Infantry battalion ----------------------------------------------1-lc Infiltration ----------------------------------------------------2-6b(11), 4-5b, 4-13, 4-15 Infrared -------------------------------------------------------3-19b,d(4) Initial objective, landing ----------------------------------------3-34d Insurgents -----------------------------------------------------2-6b(11), 3-23/, 4-15 Intelligence ----------------------------------------------------1-3a, 3-20 Analysis ___________________________________________________3-16a(1) Assessment ------------------------------------------------3-16a(2) Collection --------------------------------------------------3-16a ( 2) Estimate --------------------------------------------------3-16a Information ------------------------------------------------3-13a Officer -----------------------------------------------------3-16b Requirements ----------------------------------------------3-16a, 3-18, app H Situation --------------------------------------------------3-16a Internal defense ________________________________________________ 4-15c Internal defense environment ------------------------------------3-23/(2) Internal development ___________________________________________ 4-15c Joint airborne operations. (See Airborne operations, Joint.) Join-up --------------------------------------------------------3-37c ]{ey terrain ----------------------------------------------------1-4e Land combat, functions -----------------------------------------1-3a Landing: Conduct ---------------------------------------------------3-37 Formations __------------------------------------------____ 2-6b (7) Night -----------------------------------------------------2-8a(1) Operations _______________--··_____________-----------------3-34e Phase ------------------------------------------------· ----3-50 Plan ------------------------------------------------------2-2/, 3-12a(2), 3-33, 3-34 Point ------------------------------------------------------App C Preparation ---------------------··--------------------------3-37g, app C Sites, emergency -------------------------------------------3-17b Time ------------------------------------------------------3-5a(3) Zone ------------------------------------------------------2-3a ( 5), 3-4b ( 3), 3-26a, 3-33, app C Landmarks ----------------------------------------------------2-9b(3), 3-17b Liaison --------------------------------------------------------2-2, 2-3a(1) Amphibious operation ---------------------------------------4-10 Checklists -------------------------------------------------App H Officer -----------------------------------------------------2-2e Lift : Frequencies ------------------------------------------------3-4b(3) Formations _______--------____-----------------------------5-15 Liftoff ---------------------------------------------------------3-37b Page 44 67 • 2 9, 56, 62, 63 27, 29 38 9, 31, 63 3, 30 25 25 25 25 23 26 25, 26, 125 25 63 31 63 44 4 3 • 43 9 11 38 51 7, 23, 37 99 44, 99 26 16 8, 16, 34, 37, 99 13, 26 7, 8 61 125 7 16 69 • 43 AGO 6582A • FM 57-35 Paragraphs Page I Light data -----------------------------------------------------3-34 37 12 Limited visibility ___--------------------------------------------2-9 Linkup --------------------------------------------------------3-4b(3) , 3-5a(3), 16, 20, 23, 63 3-7d(1)' 3-12b, 4-14 Listening silence ------------------------------------------------3-4 15 Loading -------------------------------------------------------2-7, 3-40, 3-48 9, 47, 50 8 Area ------------------------------------------------------2-2i External and internal -----------------------------------____ 2-7c 10 Plan ------------------------------------------------------2-2/, 3-12a(4), 3-38--7, 23, 46 3-40 Site --------------------------------------------------·-____ 2-6 9 Tactical ---------------------------------------------------2-7b(1) 10 Logistical assistance --------------------------------------------1-6d(2) 5 Logistical responsibility _________________________________________ 1-6c 6 Logistics planning and support ----------------------------------2-10c(3) ( 4) 14 Long-range patrols ---------------------------------------------1-40, 3-13a, 4-12c( 15) 4, 23, 62 Low-level extraction --------------------------------------------2-9b (5) 13 Lubricants -----------------------------------------------------3-5d(3) 18 14 Support ---------------------------------------------------2-3a(4) 8 ~aintenance ---------------------------------------------------2-10a,b • 33~aneuver plans ------------------------------------------------3-25c ~anifest ------------------------------------------------------2-7b(3) , 3-45 10, 49 ~echanized division ____________________________________________ 1-1c 2 ~edical: Checklists --------------------------------------------------App H 125 Elements and facilities --------------------------------------3-6 18 ~eeting engagement ____________________________________________ 4-2b 55 30 ~essage traflic -------------------------------------------------3-21a ~ilitary civic action --------------------------------------------4-15c 63 ~obility ________________________ _______________________________ 1-3a, 3-24g 3, 33 Ground ____________________________________________________ 1-2i, 3-25d 3, 34 Tactical _--------------------------------------------------1-3a ( 5) 4 ~orning reports ________________________________________________ 3-7a(1) 19 22 ~ortars -------------------------------------------------------3-11nt ~ovement (See also specific t y pe): Intratheater -----------------------------------------------1-1b(2) 2 Planning --------------------------------------------------2-6b (6), 3-25/ 9, 34 54 To contact -------------------------------------------------4-2 Nap-of-the-earth flight (See also Contour flying) ------------------3-13b 23 Naval forces ___________________________________________________ 3-4b(3) 16 Naval gunfire __________________________________________________ 2-2k, 3-25e, 3-37g, app C 8, 34, 44, 99 Navigation ----------------------------------------------------2-9d(4), 3-15c 13, 25 2-3a(3), 2-9b(5) 8, 13 Night operations -----------------------------------------------2-9, 3-34c, 3-37h(5) , app C 12, 38, 46, 99 No-fire line ----------------------------------------------------3-23g ( 4) 32 AGO 6582A FM 57-35 Para.rrap ha Noise, engine and rotor -----------------------------------------2-Ba Nonnuclear 1Varfare --------------------------------------------1-la No-wind condition ----------------------------------------------3-15b Nuclear: Attack ----------------------------------------------------l -3a(6) Defense ---------------------------------------------------3-30 Preparation ------------------------------------------------2-2k Safety measures --------------------------------------------3-23g(2) Strikes, exploitation ----------------------------------------l-4d Targets ---------------------------------------------------l-21n VVarfare ---------------------------------------------------1-la, 3-38b, 4-17 Objectives -----------------------------------------------------l -2b, 3-23h, 3-26, 3-27 Observation aircraft --------------------------------------------2-2l Obstacles ------------------------------------------------------l -2c, 2-9b (2) , 3-17b, 3-29a Offensive operations --------------------------------------------4-2--4-4 Operation order ------------------------------------------------App F Organizational equipment _____________ --------------------------3-5d(2) Orientation ----------------------------------------------------3-19c Over-obstacle assault ___________________________________________ l-41n Pathfinders ----------------------------------------------------2-2e, 2-6b (8), 2-9, 3-4b(l), (3), 3-13a,b,f, 3-34e(3), 3-36h, app B Patients (See also Casualties) -----------------------------------2-7b, 3-37h (6) Patrols --------------------------------------------------------3-34/(2) Rehearsals -----------------------------------------------------4-4c Perimeter defense ----------------------------------------------3-28d Personnel daily summary ----------------------------------------3-7a (1) Photographic sensory devices ------------------------------------3-19b Pickup zone ----------------------------------------------------2-2i, 2-3a(5), 2-6, 3-4b (3) Planning phase ------------------------------------------------3-4 Planning sequence ----------------------------------------------3-9b, 3-12 Plan of maneuver ----------------------------------------------l-6a Plans. (See specific type.) Poststrike survey -----------------------------------------------2-2k, 3-19b Preparatory fires ------------------------------------------·-----3-13i, 3-24a, 3-49c Prisoners of war -----------------------------------------------3-5d(6), 3-7b Psychological operations ----------------------------------------l-2l, 4-16 Pursuit --------------------------------------------------------4-4/ Pyrotechnics ---------------------------------------------------3-506 Radar ---------------------------------------------------------3-llo Radio __________________ _______________________________________2-6b(4) , 3-2lb Control ----------------------------------------------------2-9b(4) Equipment, ground -----------------------------------------S-4b ( 1) Frequencies ------------------------------------------------3-4a 146 L Page 11 2 • 26 4 36 8 32 4 3 2, 47, 64 3, 32, 34, 35 8 3, 13, 16, 36 54 113 18 28 4 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24, 38, 43, 91 10, 46 40 • 56 35 19 27 8, 9, 16 15 20, 22 5 8, 27 24, 33, 51 18, 19 3, 63 56 52 22 9, 30 13 15 • 16 AGO 6682A Paragrapbe Nets ------------------------------------------------------3-4, 3-13e, 3-20b Retransmission ---------------------------------------------3-4b(2) Sets -------------------------------------------------------3-4b(2) Raids ---------------------------------------------------------1-4b, 4-12 Rappelling _____------------------------------------------------2-8a (1) Rations --------------------------------------------------------3-5d(1) Reaction forces ------------------------------------------------ 1-8a(4) , 1-8, 3-50/ Reaction times -------------------------------------------------1-8a( 6) Rear: Area operations --------------------------------------------4-19 Area securit.y ----------------------------------------------1-4a(3) Echelon ---------------------------------------------------3-4, 3-10c Rearming ------------------------------------------------------2-2h, 2-5, 3-42 Reconnaissance -------------------------------------------------1-5a, 3-4b(3) And security missions _______________________________________ 1-4a And surveillance units --------------------------------------Checklist --------------------------------------------------Command and staff -----------------------------------------In force ---------------------------------------------------Recovery aircraft -----------------------------------------------Redeye weapons (See also Air defense ) ---------------------------Refueling ------------------------------------------------------Refueling/ rearming areas --------------------------------------- Rehearsals ----------------------------------------------------- Reinforcement ______________________ --------____---------------Release point ---------------------------------------------------Relief of frontline units -----------------------------------------Reorganization -------------------------------------------------Reserves ------------------------------------------------------ Resupply (See also Supply) -------------------------------------Resupply echelon -----------------------------------------------Retirement ---------------------------------------------------- 3-19d App H 3-13 4-3 3-7d(5) 3-llm, 3-31b 2-2h, 2-5, 3-42 2-10c(2) 2-4, 3-12c, 5-11, 5-12 2-9a 3-13b, 3-86c(3), 3-87/ 4-5g 3-34d,/ 1-2n, 1-8a(4), (6), 1-4n, 3-23e, 3-28d 3-5a(3) 3-10b 4-5e Retrograde operation -------------------------------------------4-5 River crossing ______________________________________ ____________ 1-4k Riverline operation ---------------------------------------------1-4l Riverline __________________________ ----------------------------4-4d Roadblock ----------------------------------------------------- 3-26a S3 ------------------------------------------------------------Salvage evacuation ---------------------------------------------Screening mission ----------------______________________________ Searchlights, helicopter-mounted ---------------------------------Sectors ------------------------------------------------------- 3-11 3-5d(6) 1-4a 2-9a 3-23a FM 57-35 Page 15, 24, 30 16 16 4, 61 11 18 4, 6, 52 4 65 4 15, 21 8, 9, 49 4, 16 4 28 125 23 55 20 22, 37 8, 9, 49 14 9, 23, 68 12 23, 41, 44 58 38, 40 3, 4, 31, 35 16 21 58 56 4 4 56 34 21 18 4 12 31 AGO 6582A 147 FM 57-35 Paragraphs Page. Security -------------------------------------------------------2-6b (1), ( 4), (11), 3-2b, 9, 15, 27, 30, 34 3-19b(1), 3-21, 3-26a • Echelon ---------------------------------------------------3-23d 31 Forces ----------------------------------------------------3-23d 31 Ship-to-shore operation -----------------------------------------1-4i 4 Ship-to-shore operation _________________________________________1-4k 4 Shuttling ------------------------------------------------------3-24e 33 Side-looking airborne radar -------------------------------------3-19b (2) ,d (3) 26, 29 Signals --------------------------------------------------------2-6b(9), 2-9b(5) 9, 13 SLAR. (See Side-looking airborne radar.) Slingload (See also Loading, External) ---------------------------3-5d (6) 18 Smoke ---------------------------------------------------------2-6b ( 4), (9) , 3-lln, 9, 22, 45, 99 3-37g(6), app C SOP. (See Standing operating procedures.) Special operations (See also speci fic type) ------------------------4-12-4-19 61 Stability operations ---------------------------------------------1-1a, 1-7b 2, 6 Staff training --------------------------------------------------5-8 67 Staging: Areas of operation ----------------------------------------------3-48 50 Area control ---------------------------------------------------3-44 49 General -------------------------------------------------------3-47 49 Plan ----------------------------------------------------------3-12a(5), 3-41--3-45 23, 48 Standing operating procedures ___________________________________ 1-3b, 1-6b, 2-2, 3-2a, app G 4, 5, 7, 15, 120 Start points ----------------------------------------------------3-13b, 3-36c(1) 23, 41 • Strength messages ---------------------------------------------3-7a(1) 19 Strike operations -----------------------------------------------4-15a 63 Strongpoints ---------------------------------------------------3-29b 36 Subsequent operations --------------------------------------·----3-51, 4-6 53, 58 Supply (See also Resupply) -------------------------------------2-lOa, 3-5b 14, 16 Base ------------------------------------------------------3-5d(6) 18 Classes ----------------------------------------------------3-5d 18 Free drop --------------------------------------------------3-5d(6) 18 Intratheater -----------------------------------------------1-1b(2) 2 Procedures -------------------------------------------------3-3b, 3-5 15, 16 Supporting fires, en route ____ -----------------------------------2-6b (2) 9 Support weapons -----------------------------------------------3-5d(6) 18 Suppressive fires -----------------------------------------------1-21, 2-8a(1), 3-33b(6), 3, 11, 37, 45 3-37g(4) Surprise ---------------------------------------------------·----1-2a,e, 2-8a(1), 2-9a, c(2), 3, 11, 12, 13, 3-2b, 3-25c(1), 3-26a 15, 33, 34 Surveillance aircraft -------------------------------------------2-2l 8 Tactical : Air ______ --------------------------------------------------3-4b (3), 3-llm, 3-37g 16, 22, 44 Air support _______ ---------------------·-------------------2-2k, 2-6b (5), 3-34c(1), app C 8, 9, 38, 99 Integrity --------------------------------------------------2-7b 10 • 148 AGO 6682A FM 57-35 Paragraphs Page Operations center ---------------------------------------___ 1-6a, 2-2e 5, 7 Tailwind ------------------------------------------------------3-15b 25Takeoffs, night ___________________________________ _______ ______ _ 2-8a(1) 11 Team-flying techniques -----------------------------------------3-19d (7) 29 Temperature ---------------------------------------------------2-8a(2), 3-15a __ 12, 24 Terminal guidance (See also Pathfinders) ------------------------2-6b (8), 3-13c, app B 9, 24, 91 Terrain -------------------------------------------------------2-6b(7), 2-9b(1), 3-17 9, 13, 26Analysis -----------------------------------------------___ _3-16a, 3-17b 25, 26 ~avigation _____________________________________ ___________ 3-13b 23 Time schedule --------------------------------------------------3-36a 41TOC. (See Tactical operations center.) Toxic environment ---------------------------------------------4-18 64 Training ------------------------------------------------------1-3a,b, 2-4, 2-9a,d, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 61, 664-11, 5-1-5-20 Transport aircraft characteristics --------------------------------app E 110 Transportation, ground -----------------------------------------2-10c (3), 3-3e, 3-8 14, 15, 20 Trooper ladders ------------------------------------------------2-8a(1) 11 Turnaround time -----------------------------------------------3-5b 16 Unconventional warfare -----------------------------------------4-14c 63 Unit training ---------------------------------------------··----5-7 67 U.S. advisor _____________________________________ ______________1-7b 6 U.S. Air Force -------------------------------------------------1-1b 2 Support ---------------------------------------------------1-1b(1) 2Transport aircraft ___________________ __ ____________________ 3-5b 16VVeather detachment ----------------------------------------2-2n 8 Vectoring ------------------------------------------------------2-6b (10), 3-13g 9, 24 Vehicles -------------------------------------------------------3-5d(2) 18 Vertigo --------------------------------------------------------3-19c 28 Visibility -------··--------_____ ---------------------------------3-15c 25VVater supply ____________________________________ ______________ 3-5d(6), 3-50e 18, 52 VV eapons, crew-served -------------------------------------------2-7b (5) 10 VVeather -------------------------------------------------------1-2e, 2-6b (7), 2-8a, 3-5a(4), 3, 9, 11, 16,3-11n, 3-16a, 3-17 22, 25, 26Forecasts --------------------------------------------------2-2n, 2-3a ( 3) 8Information _______________________________________________ 3-15c 25 VVind ----------------------------------------------------------2-8a, 3-13b, 3-15b, app C 11, 23, 25, 99 VVithdrawal ----------------------------------------------------3-5a ( 3), 3-11s, 3-32, 4-5d 16, 22, 37, 57 Zones of action -------------------------------------------------3-23a 31 AGO 6582A 149 FM 57-35 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: HAROLD K. JOHNSON, General, United States Army, Official: Chief of Staff. KENNETH G. WICKHAM, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution : To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-9 requirements for Airmobile Operations. 'tr U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1967-305-504/ 6582A •