LL.5 B\SO _ lbl·tl: . . . ~ 1305-;)be> DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY TECHNICAL MANUAL TM 9-1305-200 ·v~ TO 11 A13-1-1 01 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE TECHNICAL ORDER Ill SMALL, ARMS AMMUNITION DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE JUNE 1961 ' , *TM 9-1305--200/TO 11 A 13-1-101 TECHNICAL MANUAL '} DEPAHTME TTS OF THE ARMY 0. 9-1305-200 \ AND THE AIR FOHCE TECHNICAL ORDER ) WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 14 JUIII' l.'JijJ No. 11Al3-1-101 SMALL-ARMS AMMUNITION Pant)!raph~ P;t)!e CI-IAPTEH L GENERAL Section I. Introduction _ 1' li iH' r"·do ·, T'\11 9· 1990. IS ~qtlo·11dwr 1917. iru·llldi11~ 1: I. 26 \11;!11 >1 l'IS2: a11d 1: 2. (r Fc !.r11ar' 1%6. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL Section I. INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose and Scope a. This manual is intended for instruction and the dissemination of such general and t echnical information concerning small-arms ammunition as may be necessary for proper care, handling, and use. The information contained in this manual is for guidance only and subject to change, ther efore, the latest applicable drawings, specifications, and r eferences take precedence. b. Ammunition used in small-arms weapons is described in this manual. Ammunition for aircraft guns is contained in TM 9-1901-1 / TO llA-1-39. General information of all types of conventional ammunition is contained in TM 9-1900/ TO llA-1-20. General information on care, handling, preservation, and destruction of ammunition is contained in TM 9-1903/ TO llA-1-37. c. The appendix contains .a list of current refe r ences, including supply and technical manuals, forms, and other available publications applicable to this material. d. This manual covers the characteristics specific data, means of identification, precau~ tions in handling and use, general information on packing and shipping, and methods of destruction to prevent enemy use of small-arms ammunition. e. This manual differs from TM 9-1990, 15 September 1947 including, Changes No. 1, 26 August 1952, and Changes No. 2, 6 F ebruary 1956, as follows: (1) Adds information onCARTRIDGE, CALIBER .22: ball, long rifle, Western super match, Mk III. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .22 HORNET : ball, M65. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: match, M72. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 DUMMY: M40. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, armor-piercing, M61. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, ball, M59. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, ball, M80. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, test, high-pressure, M60. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, tracer, M62. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER BLANK: NATO, XM82. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER BLANK: NATO, M63. CARTRIDGE, GRENADE: 7.62 MILLIMETER, NATO, M64. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45, BLANK, LINE-THROWING: M32. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: ball, M33. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER, .50: spotter-tracer M48 and M48Al. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .32: ball , metal-jacket ed, 88-grain bullet. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: ball, M41, 130-grain bullet. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER, .38 SPECIAL: ball, revolver, midrange, 146-148-grain, lead, cleancutting bullet, Western super match. CARTRIDGE, .410-GAGE SHOTGUN: all aluminum, loaded wit h No. 7'2 copper-coated shot. CLIP, CARTRIDGE, 7.62 millimeter, 5-round. LINK, CARTRIDGE: 7.62 millimeter, M13. LINK, CARTRIDGE: Caliber .50, M15. (2) Revises, rearranges, and adds information in text and tables cartridges and components. ( 3) Deletes information on-Field Artillery Trainer Ammunition. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 DUMMY: M2. CARTRIDGE, GRENADE: auxiliary, M7. Caliber .30 Subcaliber Ammunition (Seacoast) . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45: shot, M12 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45: shot, M15. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: armor-piercing-incendiary, T49. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 7'·'2 chilled shot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 8 chilled shot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 9 chilled shot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 0 buckshot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and o. 4 drop shot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTG UN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 5 snot (chilled or drop). CARTIHDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN : pape1·, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 6 chilled shot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGU : paper, loaded with smokeless powde1· and No. 6 drop shot. CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 8 chilled shot and tracer. Machine Gun Trainer, AA, M9 Ammunition. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: 200-grain bullet. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: tracer, 120-grain bullet. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: tracer, 158-grain bullet, steel jacket. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL : blank. 16-GAGE Shotgun Ammunition. 20-GAGE Shotgun Ammunition. CARTRIDGE, .410-GAGE SHOT- GUN : paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 7 '" ch ilied shot, for 2%-inch chamber. CARTRIDGE, .410-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper loaded vvith smokeless powde1· and No. 7'2 chilled shot, for 3-inch chamber. 2 . Forms and Reports a. The forms generally applicable to units operating or maintaining this materiel are listed in the appendix. For a listin g of all forms, refer to DA Pam 310-2. For instructions on the use of these forms, refer to FM 9-5 . b. Any errors or omissions will be forwarded on DA Form 2028 direct to the Commanding Officer, Raritan Arsenal, ATT I : ORDJR-OPRA, Metuchen, . J. Section II . GENERAL DISCUSSION 3 . Definitions cartridge and terminology of its components are shown in fig ure 1. a. Cartridge. A comp lete assembly consistb. Cartridge Case. A container designed to ing of all the components necessary to fire a weapon once; i.e., the cartridge case, primer, holct an ammunition primer and propellant to propellant, and bullet or shot. A small-arms which a bullet may be affixed. Its profi le and (TRACER)---~ I+-----BULLET----~ INCENDIARY CANNELURE COMPOSITION (OR POINT FILLER) T : HEAD NECK OF CARTRIDGE CASE I--------CARTRIDGE CASE---------l ORO 070 Figure 1. Cm·tridge terminology. size conform to that of the chamber of the energy necessary to propel a bullet or missile. weapon in which the cartridge is fired. e. Bullet. A projectile fired, or intended to c. Primer. An assembly which ignites the be fired from a small-arms weapon. propellant. d. Propellant . A low explosive substance of f. Shot. A mass or load of numerous, relafine granulation which, through burning, protively small, lead pellets used in a shotgun duces gases at a controlled rate to provide the cartridge, as birdshot or buckshot. I SPUN PRIMER I--------CENTER FIRE CASES-------1 RIMLESS SEMI RIMMED RIMMED RA PD 1 08603A Figw· e 2. Types of ca1·tridge cases. 4. Classification a. Small-arms cartridges, based upon type of case, are classified as centerfiTe or rimfire. In a centerfire cartridge, the primer is located in a small well or pocket, in the center of the cartridge case head. A rimfire cartridge differs in that its priming mixture is loaded in the flat rim at the base of the cartridge case. This rim also serves to properly locate the cartridge in the chamber and as a means of extracting the cartridge case after firing. The caliber .22 cartridge (other than hornet) is the only current rimfire type used for military purposes. Centerfire cartridges may be classified as rim- INCENDIARY, Ml TRACER, Ml TEST, HIGH-PRESSURE, Ml BALL, M2 DUMMY: M40 BLANK: M1909 ORO 071 Figure 3. Culibe1· .30 wrt?·idges. less, semirimm~dt or ·rimmed. Types of cartridge cases are illustrated in figure 2. b. Depending upon its purpose, small-arms cartridges are classified according to type as a. General. Small-arms ammunition (figs. 3-6) is identified completely, except as to grade, by packing and marking including the ammunition lot number, on original packing containers. Applicable grade of the small-arms ammunition lot is indicated by the Federal stock number. When ammunition is removed from its original packing containers, the full identity of the ammunition, including the lot number, nomenclature, and model designation, should be noted on issue slips, temporary containers, or by means of tags attached to ammunition belts. b. Federal Stock Number and Depa1·tment of Defense Cod es. The Federal stock number (FSN) has replaced the ammunition identification code (AIC) symbol and the Ordnance stock number formerly used. There is a different FSN for each item of supply as packaged. An FSN, once properly assigned and published, will never be changed. The first four digits of an FSN are always the Federal supply classification (FSC) class in which an item belongs. The FSN for an item of supply consists of a 4-digit FSC class code number and a 7-digit Federal item identification number (FIIN). Thus, in the case of an item for which the FSN is 1305-096-3155, "1305" is the FSC class in which the item belongs, and "096-3155" is the FIIN which identifies the item and distinguishes it from every other item of supply. A Department of Defense identification code follows: Combat (service) Noncombat (specia!J Armor-piercing Blank Armor-piercing-incendiary Dummy Armor-piercing-incendiary-tracer Frangible Ball High-pressure test Ball, hornet Line-throwing Grenade cartridges Match Incendiary Practice Shotgun cartridge Shotgun cartridge Spotter-tracer Tracer 5. Identification (DODIC), consisting of a letter and three digits, has been added as a suffix to FSN's in FSC group 13 to indicate interchangeability 1.68 • I CARBINE, CALIBER .30: M 6 RIFLE, CALl BER .30: M3 GRENADE CARTRIDGES ~~ f---1.68 MAX:=! TRACER , M16 BALL, M1 DUMMY: M13 TRACER, M27 TEST, HIGH-PRESSURE, M 18 CALIBE R .30 CARBI N E CA RT RI DGES BALL, M1911 DUMMY: M1921 T RA CER, M26 BLANK, M9 TEST, HIGH-PRESSURE, M 1 CA LIB ER .45 CART RI DGES ORO 072 Fi,qurl' 4 -Grnwde, carbi~t<', r111d colil>er .;,.s rartrid,qe.,_ of ammunition and explosiYe items. The same four character code number is assigned to those items within the class which are interchangeable as to function and use. When the DODIC is attached as a suffix to the FSN, the DODIC is shown in parentheses, e.g., 1305096-3155 (C605). In addition to the preceding, there is a Departm e nt of Defense (DOD) ammunition code defin ed as an 8 character semi-significant number divided in-to 2 parts separated by a dash; the first part consisting of the FSC and the second part consisting of the DODIC, e.g., 1305-C605. The DOD ammunition code is used for requi sitioning purposes. c. Mod el. To id entify a pa1ticular design , a model designation is assigned at the time the model is classified as an adopted type. Th e model designation becomes an essential part of the item name and is included in the marking of the item. Mod el designation consists of th e • letter "M" followed by an Arabic numeral, e.g., "Ml." Modifications are indicated by adding the letter "A" and the appropriate Arabic numeraL Thus "M1A1" indicates the first modification of an item fo1· which the original model designation was "Ml." Whereever the letter "B", followed by an Arabic numeral, appears in a model designation, it indicates an item of altemative (or substitute) design, material, or manufacture. Major modifications of small-arms ammunition are generally assigned a new model designation instead of following this pattern. The suffix "XM" followed by an Arabic numeral is used to identify an item during its development. Upon acceptance as an adopted type, the letter "X" is dropped leaving th e letter "M" followed by the Arabic numeral. The suffix "T" followed by an Arabic numeral was used to id entify dewlopment ty pe items prior to 1958. A design modification which has not been standardized is indicated by the addition of the letter "E" and an Arabic num eral. Some of the older designed cartridge models are designated by the year in which the design was adopted. d. A111munitio11 Lot Numbe!'. When ammunition is manufactured, an ammunition lot number, which becomes an essential part of the marking, is assigned in accordance with pertinent specifications. This lot number is marked on all packing boxes containing cartonpacked cartridges and on the cartons packed therein. It is r eq uired fo1· all pm·poses of record, grading, use, and reports on condition, functioning, and accidents in which the ammunition might be inYolved. To p1·oyide for the most uniform functioning, all of the components in any one lot are manufactured under as nearly identical conditions as practicable. Since it is impracticable to mark the ammunition lot number on each indiYidual cartridge, eYery effort should be made to p1·eserve, by tagging and marking, the ammunition lot number or th e functional lot number of the cartridges once they are remoYed from th eir original pack ing. Cartridges for whi ch the ammunition lot numb<: r has been lost automaticall~-become grade :3. Therefo re, when ca rtridges are remo ,·ed from DUMMY: M2 BLANK, Ml H lGH-PRESSURE TEST, M 1 Fig11 n ' 5. Crtli/Jer their originai packings they should be so marked that the ammunition lot number or the functional lot number may be preserved. e. Functional Lot Numbers. When smallarms ammunition is functionally packed in either metallic link or web belts, the component lot numbers are replaced by a functional lot number. This functional lot number is used solely for identifying the am munition fo1· accounting and storage purposes, and does not reflect the quality of the ammunition. These functional lot numbers contain the interfix "B" or "L" to denote whether the ammunition is packed in web or metallic link belts respectively. f. Small-A1·ms Armnurzitio11 Remm:ed From Funct ional Packs. Whenever small-arm s ammunition is removed from functional packs, the component ammunition lots will reve1't to the original grade classification. TR, Ml7 ORO 073 .5U cartridges. g. Pai11tirzg. Some small-arms ammunition bullet tips are painted in various colors (table I) to provide a ready mea ns of identification. h . Marking. Small-arms ammunition has the manufacturer's initials and year of manufacture stamped in the metal on the head of the cartridge case. The yea r is denoted by two figures except that ammunition manufactured in 1944 is stamped either "44" or "4." Match ammunition has the word "MATCH" stamped alongside the loading date. Subsequent to 15 May 1954, caliber .30 and caliber .50 functional lots will have the component lot in addition to the functional lot number stenciled on the exterior of the hermetically sealed cans or the metal ammunition boxes. 6. Identification in A eri al Ta rget Practice The tips of bullets are coated with litho 7 ' CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: AP, NATO, M61 CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: BALL, NATO, MS9 AND MSO CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: TEST, HIGH PRESSURE, NATO, M60 CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: TRACER, NATO, M62 • 1+----------LS0--------+1•1 CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: DUMMY, NATO, M63 1-+--------------2. 60----------~ CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER BLANK: NATO, XM82 ORD D74-A Fi g11 1·e 6. 7 .62 Millimete1· ca l'l·ridg es . Trrllll' I. Co lor ldell lifi('(/fion of S111all-.-\ 1'1/l s Cnrtridgeg ---------------.--------·----------------------------------------- Type o f C'HI.tl· i rh!e Color o f tip o f bullet Armor-piercing-, cal. .50, 1\12, cal. .:lO, 1\12, and 7.fi2-mm, 1\161. Aluminum co lo r Armor-pierc in g--incendia1·~· . cal. .50, M R and cal. .:lO, 1\114. R e ri with aluminum color annulus lo the rear _ Armo r-pie rcing--ince ndiary-trace r, cal. .50, 1\120. Ball, cal. .iJO, 1\12, and 1\133; cal. .45, M19 11 ; cal. .:!0, 1\12 , Black _---------------- None . ca rbine, Ml; 7.62-mm, 1\1 59 and MHO; cal. .22, l\1(i5; and cal. .38, M-H. None (4 holes in cartridge case) Dummy, cal. .50, 1\12. None (fluted case) ---------------_ Dumm y, cal. .30, 1\1-10 and 7.fi2-mm, 1\163. Gr~en with \\'hit~ annulus to the rear (bullet has mottled appearance) __ FrangibiP, cal. _:lQ, 1\122 . None (tin ned cartridg·e case ) _ H ig·h-pressure test, cal. .50, 1\1 l ; cal. .45, M l; cal. .30 , 1\11; carbine, M1 R and 7.62-mm, 1\160. Li g-ht Blue _ Incend ia r y, cal. .50, 1\11, and cal. .:lO, 1\11. Blue with light blue annulus t o the r~ar __ Incendiary, cal. .i'iO. 1\1 2:~ -Y e ll ow with a red a nnulus to the r e ar _ Spotll'l--tracl' l', cal. .f:iO, l\14 X and l\14 HA1. Tracc 1·, cal. .50, i\11. headlight, i\121, cal. .4G, i\12fi. cal. .:lO, 1\11, and ca rbinf', Ml G. Orang-e _ R ed Tracer, cal. .50, 1\110 , cal. _:!0, 1\125. carbine, 1\127. and 'i .(i2-mm, Mfi2. Brown o r m a 1·oo n _ Trace r . cal. .50. M 17. graphic ink befor e ta1·get practice so that the number of hits on the target can be d etermined whe n more than one machinegun is used for one target. The bullets of the cartridges for each \\·eapon o r group of \\' eapons are coated \\'ith a distincti\'e co lor of ink, \\·hi ch, upon striking the target, lea\'es a smear indicating the sou1·ce of fire. Ca rtridges that ha\'e been so coated must lul\·e the ink r emo\'cd befor e the.\· arc r e turn eel to storage. L ithographic marking ink is a\·ailable in se\' e n co lors: orange, re-d, green, .\·e llow, bro\\·n , black, and blue. 7 . Grades a. Whe n ammunition IS manufactured, each lot is assigned a grade desig nation primarily on the qualities \\'hich make t he lot espec:i all~· s uited for use in a particular c:lass of \\'eapons, and is normally packed for the use intended, in accordance \\·ith pe rtinent s pec ifications. For example, cali ber .:iO ammunition assigned grade R , excepting carbine ammun ition, is us ually packed in 5-m· 8-round clips, de pe ndent upon t he rifle fo1· which intended ; grade MG ammunition normally is packaged in \\·eb or m etallic: link belts and is especially suited for use in ground mathineguns. Current grades of all existing lots of small-arms ammunition are estahli s hed by the Chief of Ordnance and arc published in TD 9-A;\iil\II I. Only those lots of appropriate grade will be fired. Grade :) inclitates unsen ·iceable ammun ition that will not be issued o r fi r ed, o1· cartridges for whi ch the ammunition lot has been los t. Ho\\' e\' er , ammunition p laced in grade 3 beca use of loss of ammun ition lot number, but whi ch ca n be ide ntified as ha\'ing been in seniceable lots issued to a specifi c organization may be r e issued after \'i sual in s pection, but on ly for local training purposes. /J . Prior to 1 July 195~. caliber .30 ammunition lots othe r than those f or cali be1· .:W carbine \\·e r e classi tied a s grade AC, grade A C m· ll, grade R, grade l\IC:, and grade :1. Due to limited aircraft r eq uirem e n ts and to faci litate assignment of FSN's and . t ock issues, caliber .:Hl designations of' grade A C and grade AC or R haY e been distontinued. Sen·iceable calibe r .:30 ammunition othe r than calibe r .30 carbine will , in the future , be designated as grade R o1· g rade i\lC: on]~--As indicated in section 11, TB !)-AMl\I --1, caliber .:30 ammunition lots listed as grade R with a number symbol (#) and footnote indicating suitability also for aircraft use are equivalent to the former grade AC or R. Similarly, lots listed as grade MG with a number symbol ( #) and footnote indicating suitability also for aircraft use are equivalent to the former grade AC. Grades most appropriate for the different requirements for specific types of weapons are assigned in accordance with the following: Ca/ibm· .30 Grade Weapon MG# ............ Aircraft and antiaircraft machineguns. R# ............. . Aircraft and antiaircraft machineguns or rifles. R .................. .. Rifles and carbines. MG .... .... ... ..... Ground machineguns. 3 ......... .... ........ Unserviceable (not to be issued or used). Caliber .45 Grade Weapon 1 ..... .......... ... .. . Pistols and submachineguns. I 3 ..... .. ...... ....... . Unserviceable (not to be issued or used). Calibe1· .50 Grade Weapon AC ............. .... Aircraft and antiaircraft machineguns. MG ... .. .. .. ....... Machineguns. 3 ........... .. ........ Unserviceable (not to be issued or used). 7.62 Millimet e1· NATO Grade Weapon R ........... ......... Rifle. MG................ Machinegun. 3 ........... ... ....... Unserviceable (not to be issued or used). c. The following grades of caliber .30, 7.62 millimeter NATO, caliber .45, and caliber .50 ammunition may be used in the weapons specified below. They are listed in the order of priority of issue and use. 10 Calibe1· .30 (Ex cept Carbine) Grade Weapon R ............. ....... l Antiaircraft machineguns. I R; R# ......... I Rifles, semiautomatic and automatic rifles. MG; MG#; R; R# ... .. Ground machineguns. 3 ··········· ·········· Not to be issued or used. Caliber .30 Ca1·bine Grade Weapon R .... ..... ........... Carbine. 3 ..................... Not to be issued or used. 7.62 Millimeter NATO Grade Weapon R ....... ............. Rifle. MG... .. ........... Machinegun. 3 ....... .............. Not to be issued or used. Calibe1· .45 Grade Weapon 1 .................... . Pistols and submachineguns 3 ..... .... ........ ... . Not to be issued or used. ~- Caliber .50 Grade Weapon AC ....... ......... . Aircraft machineguns. AC; MG ...... . Antiaircraft machineguns. MG; AC ... .... Ground machineguns. 3 ..... .... ........... . Not to be issued or used. d. Grades are not assigned to grenade cartridges, shotgun cartridges, dummy, and high pressure test cartridges. All lots of these types are considered serviceable for issue and use, unless specifically designated grade 3 e. Grades, as listed in SM 9-5-1305 under the appropriate FSN, will be used for lots of recent manufacture not yet published in TB 9-AMM 4, and for lots on development type items which have not been standardized by the Chief of Ordnance. f. The proper grade of any authorized round ...... M21 ORD 075 Figw·e 7. Packing containers small-arms ammunition. of ammunition or authorized substitute will be used at all times. If for any reason the current grade of any lot cannot be determined by referring to TB 9-AMM 4, it may be obtained from the Ordnance Ammunition Command, ATTN: ORDLY-QT, Joliet, Ill. Since each lot of ammunition is graded, it is necessary that all paintings and markings shown on packing containers, be preserved, especially the lot number. Any packing containeYs which are damaged should be repaired and the orig~nal markings restored. 8. Packing and Marking a. The containers and methods for packing small-arms ammunition are given in drawings, specifications, and appropriate supply manuals. Containers presently being manufactured have been reduced to a few standard types designed to withstand all conditions commonly encountered in handling, storing, and transportation of ammunition (figs. 7-11). A listing of standard boxes and containers and their contents, dimensions, cubic displacement, and weights are contained in SM 9-5-1305. b. In general, small-arms ammunition is packed in either watertight metal liners, plain or wax sealed cartons, metal-foil envelopes, hermetically sealed cans, or in metal boxes having hinged covers sealed by means of a rubber gasket. These containers are overpacked in cleated wooden boxes or wire-bound wooden boxes. Dependent upon the intended use, the ammunition within the immediate container may either be bulk packed in cartons or functionally packed in clips in bandoleers or in link or web belts. c. Packing containers for small-arms ammunition are listed in supply manuals covering FSC group 81. Box components which are classed as hardware, such as wingnuts and screwhooks, are listed in supply manuals cover LO\ LC\2031 ORD D76 Figm·e 8. Wirebound boa· with 7.62-mm ammunition in metal containers M19A1. ing FSC group 53. Cartridge clips, cartridge links, and bandoleers, used for functional packs, are listed in SM 9-5-1305. d. Each outer shipping container and all inner containers down to the smallest unit container are fully marked to identify the ammunition contained therein. These markings include the Federal stock number, descriptive nomenclature of the ammunition included, ammunition lot number, and the number of rounds. In addition to the above, the outer shipping container also is marked with the Federal stock number, Department of Defense identification code, Interstate Commerce Commission shipping name, weight, cube, and Ordnance insignia. e. Metal boxes and cans are painted olive drab and marked in yellow. Some outer containers are stained light brown and marked in yellow. Those of current manufacture are unstained and marked in black. Specific lots when selected for rifle or pistol match requirements will be marked "MATCH" on the nomenclature side and top of outer shipping containers. Boxes containing functionally packed ammunition (ammunition packed in rifle clips, web belts, or link belts) have figure symbols stenciled on the container for quick identification of the type of inner pack. 9 . Care , Handling , and Preservation a. Small-arms ammunition is not dangerous to handle. This ammunition is packed to withstand conditions ordinarily encountered in the field; moisture-resistant containers and suitable packing boxes are used to provide protection for shipment and storage. Care must be taken to prevent these packings from becoming broken or damaged. All broken packings must be repaired immediately with careful attention given to the transfer of all markings to the new parts. Metal liners and metal cans should be sealed and air-tested if equipment for this work is available. b. Boxes should be opened carefully as they are to be used as long as they are serviceable. c. Ammunition boxes should not be opened until the ammunition is r equired for use. Ammunition removed from airtight containers, particularly in damp climates, is apt to corrode, thereby rendering the ammunition unservice able. d. Cartridges should be protected from high temperatures and the direct rays of the sun for any considerable length of time. Such exposure is likely to affect the firing qualities of the cartridges. The combination of high temperatures and a humid atmosphere is particularly detrimental to the stability of the M12 ORD 077 Figm·e 9. Packing-boxes srnall-anns arnrnun'ition. propellant powder and to tracer mixture in tracer ammunition. e. Cartridges should be protected from sand, mud, moisture, frost, snow, ice, oil, grease, or other foreign matter. If cartridges get wet or dirty, they should be wiped off at once. If verdigris or light corrosion forms on cartridges, it should be wiped off with a clean dry cloth. Cartridges should not be polished to make them look better or brighter. f. The use of oil or grease on small-arms cartridges is prohibited. Oil or grease might cause injurious abrasives to collect in automatic weapons and produce excessive and hazardous chamber pressures when fired. g. Whenever practicable, small-arms ammunition should be stored under cover. This applies particularly to tracer and shotgun ammunition. Tracer ammunition is subject to rapid deterioration if it becomes damp. When it is necessary to store this ammunition in open storage, raise it on dunnage at least 6 inches from the ground and cover it with a double thickness of paulin, leaving enough space for the circulation of air. Where practicable, dunnage strips should be placed under each layer of ammunition boxes to prevent mildew and rot. Suitable trenches should be dug to prevent water from running under the pile. h. Ammunition when stored, should be segregated by caliber, type, and ammunition lot. i. When only a part of a box of ammunition is issued or used, the ammunition remaining in the box should be protected by firmly fastening the cover. j. Ammunition removed from the original packing should be tagged or marked so as to preserve the ammunition lot number. Such identification is necessary to prevent otherwise serviceable ammunition from falling into grade 3 through loss of identity (ammunition lot number). k. Complete information pertaining to care, handling, and preservation of ammunition is contained in TM 9-1903/ TO llA-1-37. 10. Precautions in Firing Combat (Service) Ammunition a. The general precautions concerning the firing and handling of ammunition in the field as prescribed in AR 385-63 and TM 9-1900/ TO llA-1-20 will be observed. The precautions given in the following subparagraphs should be closely observed in order to prevent injury to personnel or damage to materiel. b. Small-arms ammunition, other than caliber .22 cartridges, shotgun cartridges, and blank ammunition (except as noted in par. llc) will not be fired until it has been identified by ammunition lot number and grade as published in the latest revision or change to TB 9-AMM 4/ TO 11A13-1-3. The grade of lots of recent manufacture not yet published in the above technical bulletin will be as indicated by the FSN or other notation on the box and shown in SM 9-5-1305. Grade 3 ammunition will be fired only under special instructions published in the above technical bulletin. • M20 ORO 078 Fig11re 10. Packing contaiue1·s .~lllall-niiiiS allllllllllition. c. Ammunition which is se1·iously conoded should not be fired. d. B1·ass cartridge cases are easi ly dented and should be protected from hard knocks and blows. Dented cartridge cases may cause incomplete obturation, jamming in the chamber, and difficulty in extraction. e. Cartridges which have been seriously damaged, or those having loose bullets, should not be used. f. The cartridges should be free of sand, mud, moisture, frost, snow, ice, oil, grease, or other foreign matter before loading into the magazine of the weapon. g. The use of armor-piercing ammunition is prohibited in demonstration in which tanks are used. h. In using armor-piercing ammunition, it is well to remember that the core of a bullet that fails to penetrate the target may rebound . The radius of rebound for armor-piercing ammunition depends on several factors but may safely be taken at a maximum of 100 yards for ca liber .30 and 7.62 millimeter cartridges and 200 yards for caliber .50 cartridges. i. Small-arms ammunition graded and marked "FOR TRAI I G USE 0 TLY," will not be fired over the heads of troops under any circumstances. .i. Do not fire ca1tridges which have become overheated du e to exposure to the direct rays of the sun or other sources of high temperature. Such cartridges, if fired, may develop hazardous chamber pressures. k . If, at any time firing is intenupted, a ca1tridge is in the chamber of a very hot weapon, the cartridge s h o u I d be removed promptly to prevent the possibility of a cookoff. 1. Misfires, hangfires, and cookoffs will be handled as indicated in AR 385-63. 11 . Precautions in Firing Blank Ammunition a. It is dangerous to fi1·e blank ca1tridges at pe1·sonnel at distances less than 20 yards as BOX, WIREBOUND MlAl METAL CONTAINER ORD D79 Figu1·e 11. Wi1 ·e boun d box show ing rnetal container M2A1. the wad or paper cup may fail to break up and the propellant may not be completely consumed. b. No blank cartridges, other than those authorized in SM 9-5-1305 and SM 9-5-1330 will be used for blank firing. Precautions prescribed in the following subparagraphs will be observed carefully. (1) All packing containers are plainly marked and markings should be carefully checked before the ammunition is issued. The M1909 blank cartridge is similar in appearance to some of the caliber .30 grenade cartridges which are used for propelling rifle grenades. The markings on the containers, however, show the difference. (2) Bore obstructions may cause the blank cartridge to develop excessive pressures which may result in injury to personnel and/or damage to the weapon. To a void such possibilities, all weapons should be thoroughly examined to ascertain the absence of any obstructions within the bore of the barrel. (3) Lots of CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30, BLANK: .M1909 (formerly known as CARTRIDGE, blank, cal. .30, M1909) manufactured subsequent to January 1925 and 7.62. millimeter blank cartridges contain thin paper cups or paper disks, whereas lots manufactured prior to that date were assembled with felt or thick paper wads. For a comparison of closing wads, cups, and disks, see figure 27. (4) Only ammunition containing the paper cup will be used in automatic weapons. c. Malfunctions in which the primer explodes but fails to ignite the propellant are dangerous when blank ammunition is fired in automatic arms. In such malfunctions, some of the propellant is blown into the bore of the weapon. A series of such rounds will result in an accumulation of powder sufficient to cause serious damage when ignited by the firing of a normal cartridge. When malfunctions are encountered in blank ammunition in excess of 5 percent, the lot is withdrawn and reported to the Ordnance officer. d. When firing CARTRIDGE, grenade, carbine, caliber .30, M6, which is authorized for issue and use in CARBINE, caliber .30, M1, M1A1, M2, and M3 as a blank round, the following will be observed: ( 1) Personnel or materiel must not be within a radius of 10 yards forward of the muzzle of the carbine. (2) Adequate safety precautions must be taken to guard against possible injury or damage from ignition of any accumulation of unburned powder grains deposited in front of carbines firing numerous rounds of this cartridge. 12. Misfire, Hangfire, and Cookoff a. Misfire. A misfire is a complete failure to fire. A misfire in itself is not dangerous but since it cannot be immediately distinguished from a delay in the functioning of the firing mechanism or from a hangfire (b below) , it should be considered as a possible delay in firing until such possibility has been eliminated. Such delay in the functio~ing of the firing mechanism, could result from the presence of foreign matter such as sand, grit, frost, ice, or improper or excessive oil or grease. These might create a partial mechanical restraint which, after some delay, is overcome as a result of the continued force applied by the spring, and the firing pin then driven into the primer in the normal manner. In this connection, no round should be left in a hot weapon any longer than the circumstances require because of the possibility of a cookoff (c below). b. Hang/ire. A hangfire is a delay in the functioning of a propelling charge at the time of firing. The amount of delay is unpredictable but, in most cases, will fall within the range of a split second to several minutes. Thus, a hangfire cannot be distinguished immediately from a misfire and therein lies the principal danger of assuming that a failure of the weapon to fire immediately upon actuation of the fir·ing mechanism is a misfire whereas, in fact, it may prove to be a hangfire. It is for this reason that the time intervals prescribed in the manuals of operation of specific weapons should be observed before opening the bolt after a failure to fire. These time intervals, based on experience and consideration of safety, have been established to minimize the danger associated with a hangfire and to prevent the occurrence of a cookoff. Warn ing : During the prescribe d time inter vals, the weapon will be ke pt trained on the target and all personnel will stand clear of the mu zzle . c. Cookojf. A cookoff is a functioning of any or all of the components of a round chambered in a very hot weapon due to the heat from the weapon. If the cartridge propellant should cookoff, the projectile will be propelled from the weapon with normal velocity even though no attempt was made to fire the primer by actuating the firing mechanism. In such a case, there may be uncertainty as to whether or when the round will fire, and precautions should be observed the same as those prescribed for a hangfire. To prevent a cookoff, a round of ammunition which has been loaded into a very hot weapon should be fired immediately, or removed after a lapse of 5 seconds and within 10 seconds. d. Precautions in handling ammunition, including procedures to be followed in case of misfires, hangfires, and cookoffs are found in AR 385-63, TM 9-1900/ TO llA-1-20, TM 91903/ TO llA-1-37, and in the various technical manuals and field manuals pertaining to par· ticular weapons. 13. Priority of Issue a. Subject to special instructions from the Chief of Ordnance, limited standard ammunition of 2ppropriate type and model will be issued prior to standard ammunition. Following this rul~, ammunition which has the longest or least favorable storage will be issued first whenever practicable; this procedure includes lots of ammunition marked "Repacked, liners not sealed." b. Priority of issue for lots of small-arms ammunition is established by the Chief of Ordnance and published in TB 9-AMM 4, or in special instructions. Within any one grade, priority of issue and use will be given to lots indicated in TB 9-AMM 4, and to lots containing less than 20,000 rounds. 14. Cartridges with Deteriorated Tracer Elements Armor-piercing-incendiary-tracer and tracer types of cartridges with deteriorated tracer elements, as listed in SM 9-5-1305, may be substituted for ball ammunition for training requirements within the continental United States. 15. Field Report of Accidents If an accident or malfunction involving the use of ammunition occurs during training or combat, the range officer for a unit in training or the officer or noncommissioned officer in charge of the fi1·ing unit in combat will immediately discontinue !iring ammunition of the lot which malfunctions. The officer will then report the occurrence and all pertinent facts of the accident or malfunction to the technical Section Ill. 16. General Surveillance includes in part, the observation, inspection, test, study, and classification of ammunition, ammunition components, and explosives in movement, storage, and use. All acceptance test firing of small-arms ammunition is done using specified weapons and methods in accordance with applicable procedures. The Chief of Ordnance exercises general supenision over the surveillance of all ammunition; prescribes the technical methods for inspections, investigations, and tests; maintains records of the condition and serviceability of all lots in storage and use; and prescribes requirements for repair or disposition of un serviceable items. 17. Small-Arms Ammunition Tests a. Geneml. Tests to which smail-arms ammunition is subjected for acceptance and subsequently, for surveillance and grading include visual examinations, velocity test, waterproof test, pressure test, functioning and casualty tests in specified weapons; hangfire test, action time test, accuracy test, trace function test, incendiary function test, stripping test, penetration test, caliber .38 fit test, screen perforation test for blank ammunition; pattern test for shotgun cartridges; bullet pull test and mecurous.Lnitrate and salt spray test. Some of these tests are described below. b. Visual Inspection. Examination of samples for season cracks, corrosion, or other visual defects is described in paragraph 18. c. Velocity T est. Standard methods are used for conducting velocity tests. Screens are placed a definite distance apart and the velocity of the bullet is calculated and recorded electronically service officer under whose superviSIOn the ammunition for the unit involved is maintained or issued, in order that action prescribed in AR 700-1300-8 and AR 385-63 can be taken. It is particularly helpful if the evidence of a malfunctioning cartridge or cartridges can be preserved for sturly by des ignated Ordnance surveillance personnel. If conditions of combat preclude immediate compliance, the action prescribed aboYe will be taken as soon as practicable. SURVEILLANCE at the time of flight in traveling from the first screen to the second. d. Watenn·oof T est. Cartridges are immersed in water for 24 hours and fired in the appropriate velocity weapon, and the difference between the wet and the dry velocity is noted. e. P1·essure T est. This test is conducted in a pressure bane!. The barrel chamber is drilled with a small hole into which is inserted a metal piston. On firing the cartridge, the pressure of the gases forces the piston against a copper cylinder and compresses it. The amount of compression of the cylinder is an index of the pressure developed. When firing for pressure, velocities are usually taken at the same time for a check. f. Machine Gun Functioning T est. A quantity of cartridges are fired from a machinegun to determine the number of cartridge defects or gun malfunctions. g. Rifle Functioning T est . A number of rounds are fired in a rifle whose headspace is specified and observed for defects. h. Trace Functio11 T est. Tracer ammunition is fired single shot from a weapon and each shot is observed for its behavior as far as trace is concerned. Each shot is observed for blind or dim trace and length of trace. i. Accuracy Test. A number of targets, usually 10 shots for each, are fired at a given range from an accuracy weapon mounted in a fixed rest. The mean radii are determined for the shots in each target and an average of all targets is obtained. This value is a measure of the dispersion o1· accuracy of firing of a lot of ammunition. J. Stripping T es t. I n t h is test it is deterdepending on the size of the lot, will be inmined whether the jackets of bullets strip from spected for physical defects. Lots having morethe core or slug during flight. This test is only than 5 percent defective cartridges will bemade if stripping occurs in the general firing subjected to 100 percent inspection if authorizedof the accuracy, velocity, or pressure test. by higher authority, and visually defective k. P enetration (lm1Jact) T es t. This test is rounds will be culled out. A complete reportconducted to determine the ability of bullets of such findings will be made through commandfired at armor plate to penetrate or perforate channels to Chief of Ordnance. Ammunition(as required in specifications). This is usually having less than 5 percent visually defectivedone against an armor plate properly mounted rounds may be issued without further inspecand supported. The angle of impact should be tion. The defects in table II may be found 11185° to 90° between the longitudinal axis of the cartridges during inspection.bullet and the p late. b. The following defects may be found in l. Cali be1· .38 Bullet Fit. This test is used belted ammunition for use in machineguns:to determine whether the bullet in the cartridge ( 1) The cartridges are not properly a li ned case is so held as to prevent its forward motion in the belts.in the cylinder of a revolver while the other ( 2) There is an improper proportion orcartridges in the cylinder are being fired . spacing of incendiary and/ or tracer m. Sc1·een Pe1 fo1·at'ion, Blank Ammunition. ammunition with ball ammunition.This test is used to determine whether the (3) Web belts may be soiled, wet, orshellacked cup or wad of blank cartridges or damaged. unburned propellant grains will penetrate a ( 4) Cartridge links in link belts may havepaper screen placed 15 feet in front of the broken, cracked, or stretched loops. muzzle of a caliber .30 and 20 feet in front ofa 7.62 millimeter weapon. (5) Link belts not packed with double loop on top. When loading belts into n. Pc~ttem T est for Shotgun Cartt·idges. The machineguns, the end of the belt withnumber of pellets fall ing within a circle of 30double link must be inserted firstinch diameter is counted and its percentage of (points of the bullets are toward the the total number of pellets in the ammunition front and the dou ble loop of each linkis determined. For shotgun cartridges, the is to the right) . distance of the target from the muzzle is 40 (6) A stiff or improperly sewed web belt,yards. or improper packing, may cause dentso. Bullet Pull. This test is made in a mechanin the cartridges in the folds of theical device which registers the force required to packed belt, severe enough to interferepu ll the bull et from the cartridge case. The with chambering. following are the required bullet pulls for thedifferent calibers of ammunition: 19. Defects Found Du ring and After Firing (1) Caliber .22 long rifle-not less than a. Cartridge Case Defects. Splits and r u p 28 pounds. tures may be found in the neck, shoulder, body (2) Caliber .30 and caliber .30 carbinesection, head, or extractor groove of t he car not less than 45 pounds. tridge case. (3) Caliber .45-not less than 40 pounds. b. Misji1·e. Misfired cartridges shoul d be ( 4) Caliber .50-not less than 200 pounds. handled with care as subsequent rough handling (5) 7.62 mill imeter NATO-not less than may cause the cartridge to explode. Misfires60 pounds. fall into the following categories: (1) The primer shows a normal impression 18. Defects Found on Visual Inspection of the firing pin indicating that a blow a.. Small-arms cartridges are given a persufficiently hard to ignite a primer incentage inspection prior to issue. The cartridges perfect condition has been delivered.in a minimum of three boxes from each lot, Such a misfire indicates that the 18 primer is defective. This defect may (b) Thick primer pellet which cushions be caused by the blow. (a) Thick metal in the base of the (c) o primer mixture or insufficient pnmer cup. primer mixture. Table fl. Def ects Found on lfigualluspeclion Before Fi1·ing N ame of de fec t How to recognize Ca uses-effects-pt·ecaulions Cartridge Bullet seated too dee p------------------Not serious unless it is so deep a s to Short Rounds . affect de ns ity of charge and chamber pressure . May not function machineg un unless short r o u n d device is present. Cartridge Case Co loring of ca ses, (green, blue, yellow, Metal eaten into and weakened will Corros ion. or white colors ). Also a ppearance of cause rupture when cartridge is fired. che mi cal deposit. Not to be confused Deposit interferes with chambering. with normal discoloration or blackenCartridges showing advanced corrosion ing of ca se du e to annealing. should not be fir ed. Season Crack Split in neck of case. Defi nite long iDu e to di stortion of the normal crystaltudinal cracking when ex posed to lin e structure of the metal as a result severe weathering conditions or certain of drawing o1· tapering operations (not reagents. Check by pressing diagonally to be confused with split necks occur down on the bullet end. ring after firing). Dent and Bur Inden tions a nd burring----------------Rough handling. Dangerous pressure on ly if dent is large. Cartridges may fail to chamber. Bullet Bullet is loose in case. A defect if bullet May cause short round stoppage or bullet Loose Bullet. can be moved by twisting, pushing, or may r emain in bore if cartridge is pulling while cartridge is he ld in hand remov e d from gun without firing. (exception-caliber .22 long rifle). Should not be fired. Split Bullets Longitudina l cracks in the bullet-------Do not use for overhead fi re , i.e., infiltra tion courses, etc. (tracer). (d) No anvil. (e ) No vent. (f) Excess moistur (g) Various combinations of these defects. (2) Primer shows light impression of firing pin indicating that the force of the blow struck was not sufficient to ignite the primer. This may be caused by (a) A mechanical defect in thefweapon. (b) A short or broken firing pin. (c) A weak firing-pin spring. (d) The bolt of the weapon is not being completely locked. (e) Grease in the firing pin hol e which cushions the blow of firing pin. (f) A very short primer cup insertect in a ver y deep primer pocket, in which case the primer t r avels deeper into the pocket with the motion of the firing pin. (g) Primer seated too deep in the primer pocket. (h) Improper angle of the shoulder of the cartridge case allowing the cartridge case to go forward. (i) A defective primer as in ( 1) above. (3) Primer shows normal impressio n of firing pin, but off center. This is caused by a ctefect in the weapon. c. Primer Sho1cs H ea11y Impression of Firing Pin. This defect may be due to (1) Primer too high in primer pocket. (2) A long firing pin. (3) Excessively high chamber pressure. d. Pnrtial Ignition of P1·ope/lant. The propellant fails to ignite p1·operly and pressure is developed sufficient on ly to dri\"e th e bullet from the ca rtrictge case but not entirely through the gun barrel. The excessive pressure developed by the following round due to the obstruction in the bore of the gun may cause the barrel to burst or bulge at the point where the first bullet is lodged. This defect may be caused by (1) Insufficient primer mixture in the primer. (2) Excessive moisture in the primer or propellant. (3) Excessive coating of propellant grains or other retarding cause in the propellant. ( 4) Light blow of firing pin. e. Hangfire. Delayed ignition of the propellant in the cartridge may be caused by a small or decomposed primer pellet, damp propellant, or a light blow of the firing pin caused by dirt or a defect in the weapon. A hangfire is a serious defect if the delay is long enough to permit the bolt to be opened before the propellant bums completely. Such delay is rarely found in practice. Should a hangfire of several seconds occur, and the bolt be opened before the propellant ignites, injury to the firer or damage to the weapon, or both, may result. For precautions to be observed in case of hangfire, see paragraph 12b. f. Piel'ced Pri·rner (Perforation of the Pri111e1· Cup by the Firi11g Pin) . This may be caused by an imperfect pin or very thin, hard, or defective metal in the base of the primer cup. There are various degrees of this perforation. A very small perforation will show, by means of a discoloration around the indent made by the firing pin. Hot gases escaping through such perforated primers will cause erosion and roughening of the firing pin and thereby resu lt in subsequent perforations of subsequent primers. g. Printer Leak. Gas generated by the explosion of the propellant escapes between the walls of the primer cup and the primer pocket, causing discoloration around the primer and the head of the cartridge case. The discoloration may be slight, indicating a small primer leak, or heavy, indicating a large primer leak. The primer leak may be the result of the primer . being too small, the primer hole being too large, defective or hard metal, or excessive pressure generated by the propellant. h. Loo::;e Primer. There are various degrees of this defect, the most serious being the falling out of the primer when the bolt is retracted after firing. In addition, there may be the failure of the primer cup to obturate gases from the explosion of the cartridge. This may be caused by a primer of too small a diameter, too large a primer pocket, or metal of the primer cup being too hard. This defect should not be confused with a "blown primer." This d e f e c t is normally prevented by crimping primers into their primer seats at time of manufacture. i. Blown P1·imer. On firing the cartridge, the primer is blown completely from the pocket of the cartridge case and both the cartridge case head and primer pocket are enlarged and distorted. This is a serious defect, seldom encountered. It is caused by excessive pressure, too quick buming of the propellant, or a case with a soft head. j. P1·ime1· Setback. Pressure developed by the explosion of the propellant forces the primer back against the face of the bolt. On examination it will be seen that the primer protrudes above the head of the cartridge case. The setback of the primer may be slight or heavy and is due to a defective cartridge, excessive pressure, or improper headspace. k. Leak i11 Back of Case. The gas escapes into the action of the weapon. The discoloration due to this escape is along the body of the cartridge case. It is caused by draw scratch, season crack, scale, conosion, soft or otherwise defective metal. I. Faiht1·e of Case to E xtmct. This may be due to a defective extractor, a defective cartridge, or dust in the chamber. m. !Jlowback . An escape of gas under pressure to the rear is commonly referred to as blowback. Pierced primer, primer leak, blown primer, and ruptured or split cartridge cases may result in blowback. n. Split Neck. The neck of the cartridge case splits in firing and is accompanied by an escape of gas. This should not be confused with a split neck due to a season cracking which can be observed before firing. o. Split Body. A more or less regular longitudinal split in the body of the case allows gas to escape, thereby reducing the velocity of the bullet. This defect is generally found in cartridge cases which have a deep draw scratch or in those which are made from defective brass or steel. p. St?·etch. A continuous ring around the body of a fired cartridge case shows that the metal was stretched to such an extent when the cartridge was fired that slightly more stretching would probably result in a partial or complete rupture. This is generally due to improper timing, failure of bolt to lock, or improper headspace. q. Complete Rupture. This is circumferential separation of the metal completely around the body of the fired cartridge case causing it to separate into two parts. If such a rupture occurs, upon extraction, the forward portion of the fired cartridge case remains in the chamber of the weapon. This is a serious defect, and will cause the next round of ammunition to jam. It is usually due to bad bolt locking, improper timing, excessive headspace, a defective cartridge case, or a combination of these. T. Pa1·tia.l Ruptu·re. This is a partial circumferential separation around the body of the fired cartridge case. Like a complete rupture this is a serious defect. This defect is also usually due to improper timing, bad bolt locking, excessive headspace, or a defective cartridge case. s. St1·ipped Jacket. The jacket of the bullet separates from the slug or core of the bullet on leaving the muzzle. This is caused by the gas, under high pressure, entering between the jacket and core due to some inherent defect in the jacket. t. Fluting N ea·r Shoulder. A characteristic fluting may be found near the shoulder indicating excessive pressure resulting from grease or oil in the chamber or on the case. u. Dejo1·med Ca1·tridge Case. This may take the form of stretching of the body, shortening of the neck, or an annular bulge toward the base of the cartridge case. This is generally due to excessive headspace, defective chamber, or improper timing. An annular bulge il""'.mediately forward from the thick head section may be due to excessive pressure and is generally accompanied by flattening of the primer cup. CHAPTER 2 CARTRIDGE COMPONENTS AND ACCESSORIES Section I. COMPONENTS CALIBER .22: BALL, LONG RIFLE CALl BER .45: BALL, Ml9ll CALIBER .30 CARBINE: BALL, Ml 12-GAGE SHOTGUN CALl BER .30 : BALL, M2 CALIBER .50: BALL, M2 ORD D80 Figure 1:!. Types of cnrfridges-s('c/ioned. 20. General a. In most types of small-arms ammunition, a cartridge consists of a cartridge case, primer, propellant, and bullet. A shotgun cartridge differs in that it contains shot, pellets, or a single s lug. Construction of a typical cartridge and its components is illustrated in figure 1. Types of cartridges are shown externally in figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 and sectioned in figure 12. b. Cartridge components are described in this section. Details of construction and assembly for specific cartridges are described and illustrated in chapters 3 and 4. 21 . Cartridge Case a. Classification. Small-arms cartridge cases are either of the centerfire or rimfire type (fig. 2). Centerfire cases are rimmed, semirimmed, or rimless (fig. 2) and have either solid. or folded heads (fig. 13). Semirimmed and rimless cases always have solid heads, whereas rimmed cases used for low pressure loading may have either solid or folded heads. SOLID HEAD FOLDED HEAD RA PD 108622 Figw·e 13. Types of ca1·tridge case heads . From the standpoint of shape, cases are known as straight, straight taper, or bottleneck. b. Funct1'ons. The cartridge case has three functions. It is the means whereby the other components; primer, propellant, and bullet are assembled into a unit. It provides' a waterproof container for the propellant and primer. Another of its functions is to expand and seal the chamber against the escape of gases to the rear when the cartridge is fired. This process of sealing by expansion is termed obturation. An extractor groove or rim, turned in the head of the cartridge case, provides a means of removing the case from the chamber of the weapon. Shotgun cartridges a nd other cartr idges are manufactured with a rim at the cartr idge case head to faci litate extraction of the fire d case from the weapon. c. Assembly. T he primer is pressed into the primer pocket of t he cartridge case a nd staked or crimped, and the joint is sealed by a thin film of lacq uer or varnish. The cartrid ge case is then loaded with a charge of propellant powder and the inside of the neck coat ed with lacquer or other water proofing compo und. The bullet is then inserted, and the mouth of t he case crimped into the cannelure of t he bullet. For caliber .30 carbine and caliber .45 cartridges, the mouth of the case is not crimped to the bullet but is held in place by its tight fit in the case. In some revolver cartridges a cannelure in the case prevents the bullet from being seated too deeply. d . Pro1Jellant Space. Propellant space is the total inside volume of the case with the bullet seated. Propellant space is important in the design of the cartridge because it determines the maximum quantity of propellant that may be used. The pressure of the expanding gases resulting from the burning of the propellant is dependent upon this volume. The manner in which the propellant burns is influenced by any empty space left in the case after the charge is loaded. Shotgun cartridges differ as to propellant space, depending upon specific kind Ol) formula of propellants used . The wad and construction of the base of these cartridges are regulated in manufacture so that there may be space left in the case. e. H eadspace. (1) The term "headspace" is defined as the linear distance from the face of the fully closed bolt of a weapon to one of several different reference points, depending upon the gun chamber design. (2) For rimless, bottleneck cartridges, such as caliber .30, caliber .50, and 7.62 millimeter, headspace is the distance from the shou lder of the chamber against which the shoulder of the cartridge case rests to the face of the closed bolt. ( 3) For other rimless cartridges, such as caliber .30 carbine and caliber .45, headspace is the distance from the shoulder of the chamber against which the neck of the case rests to the face of the closed bolt. It is thus very nearly equal to the length of the cartridge case. (4) For rimfire, rimmed, and semirimmed centerfire cartridges, such as caliber .22, caliber .38, and shotgun cartridges, the extractor rim of the case stops the forward motion of the cartridge. Therefore, headspace is equal to the distance from the rear face of the chamber to the face of the closed bolt. This is very nearly equal to the thickness of the extractor rim. f. Shotgun Cartridge Cases. The shotgun cartridge case consists of a brass or steel head and a paper case or shell body, or the case may be made entirely of brass or aluminum. The head is reinforced by a base of compressed paper in which the primer pocket is formed (fig. 12). Some paper body cartridges have a steel reinforcement called the lining, under the metal head. The paper body cartridge is waterproofed. The head is attached to the cartridge body by crimping. 22 . Primer The primer assembly of centerfire cartridges consists of a brass or gilding-metal cup that contains a primer composition pellet of sensitive explosive, a paper disk (foil), and a brass anvil. A blow from the firing pin of a smallarms weapon on the center of the primer cup compresses the primer composition violently between the cup and the anvil, thus causing the composition to explode. The holes or vents in the anvil allow the flame to pass through the primer vent in the cartridge case, thereby igniting the pr opellant. The primer composition in the cup is held in place and protected from moisture and electrolytic action by a paper disk. The brass anvil is inserted last. Primers of the noncorrosive type are now being used in the manufacture of small-arms ammunition. Table III lists initial lots of small-arms ammunition assembled with noncorrosive (lead styphnate type) primers. In order that primers may function properly, they must be free from such surface defects as folds, wrinkles, scratches, scales, or dents. Other primer defects in cartridges are cocked, broken, or inverted anvils; scratched, torn, or dirty cups; and missing anvils, disks, or pellets. Rimfire ammunition, such as the caliber .22 cartridge, does not contain a primer assembly; the primer composition is spun into the rim of the cartridge case and the propellant is in intimate contact with the composition. In firing, the firing pin strikes the rim of the case and thus compresses the primer composition and initiates its explosion. Figure 14 shows primer components separated and figure 15 shows details of several primers. PRIMER MIXTURE PAPER DISK ANVIL (FO IL) CUP RA PD 97673A • F-i_qure 14. Components of pri m ers-sepa1·ated. E D A E D A ( \-o.l•n.-- CALIBER .30 AMMUNITION CALIBER .30 CARBINE 7.62-MILLIMETER AMMUNITION AMMUNITION 1. o.228--~ CALIBER .45 AMMUNITION CALIBER .50 AMMUNITION SHOT 12-GAGE GUN AMMUNITION A-BRASS CUP C-BRASS ANVIL B-GILDING-METAL OR BRASS CUP D-PAPER DISK (FOIL) E-PRIMER COMPOSITION PELLET ORO 081 Fignre 15. PrimeTs-sectioned. 23. Propellant pressure within t he limits prescribed for the weapon in which it is fired. This charge is a. Geneml. There are two types of smallassemb led loosely in the cartridge <.:ase. Small arms propellants (table IV) generally used, the arms propellants are manufactured in the form single-base (nitrocellulose) type and the doubleof small flak es, pellets, sheets, spherical (ball) base (nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin) type. The weight of the propellant charge and granugrains, or perforated tubular grains. Acceptlation of the propellant of a pa r t icu lar composiance requirements for small-arms propellants tion are in a c co r d a n c e with specification are outlined in Military Specifications MIL-Prequirements. The weight of the propellant 3984. Since the propellant grains of these charge is not constant : this weight is adjusted charges are small, they are s ubj ect to more for each propellant lot to give the required rapid deterioration than larger grains under muzzle velocity with the associated chamber abnormal temperature conditions. Small-arms propellants is not as sensitive to friction as is removed by heating, the propellant solidifies black powder, but precautions used in handling in the form of spherical pellets or balls. These black powder should be observed for this proballs of propellant are coated with dinitrotopellant. Juene, centralite, or diphenylphthalate to slow b. Single-Base PT01Jellant. Single-base propellant is composed mainly of nitrocelluloseI· with a small quantity of tin and/or potassium sulfate added to act as an antiflashing agent. This composition is coated with di.nitrotoluene which acts as a moisture-proofing agent, causes the first phase of the burning process to take place at a relatively slower rate, and has some antiftashing action. The coated propellant is glazed with graphite to facilitate the uniform action of automatic loading machines and to avoid the development of large static charges in blending and·loadi-ng;. •Single-base propellant · is of a high order of extreme temperature stability and is particularly resistant to the effects of atmospheric moisture. This propellant is granulated as single perforated grains. c. Double-Base P1·opellant. Double-base propellant has two major ingredients, nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin. These basic ingredients are usually coated with dinitrotoluene, dibutylphthalte, or centralite and glazed with graphite in the same manner and for the same purposes as in single-base propellant. This propellant is granulated as either spherical or single perforated grains. Double-base propellants of early manufacture have approximately 40 percent nitroglycerin content. This nitroglycerin content has been reduced to 10 to 20 percent to make the propellant more stable, cause less erosion of rifle barrels, and have Jess tendency to flash. d. Ball-Gmin PTopellant. Double-base propellants are manufactured in the form of spherical pellets or balls approximately 0.02 or 0.03 inch in diameter. These ball-grains are rapidly replacing other forms of grains in loading smallarms ammunition because of the rapidity and economy of manufacture and the flexibility of the process. Ball-grains are produced by dissolving wet nitrocellulose in a solvent, such as ethyl acetate, and adding diphenylamine and chalk. For double-base propellants, nitroglycerin would be added to the above composition. By adding a protective ..x>lloid and agitating the' composition, the solubon is dispersed in ihe form of small globules.. When the solvent the initial phase of the burning process and to act as a moisture proofing agent. The propellant is then dried and coated with a glaze of graphite. e. Black Powde1·. Black powder is not used as a basic charge for small-arms ammunition. Its only use in small-arms ammunition at the present time is as an ingredient in manufacturing Lesmok powder for use as a propellant in caliber .22 cartridges, blank cartridges, and to facilitate ignition in grenade cartridges. f. Character-istics. Smokeless powder for smaJl-arms. arpmunit.ion is usally glazed with· graphite to facilitate machine loading, and thus presents a black polished appearance. Singleperforated grains are usually used as military small-arms propellants. For caliber .30 rifle ammunition, the diameter is approximately 0.032 inch. Since the propellant grains are small, they ignite more rapidly and burn more quickly than cannon propellant. When moisture is present or abnormal temperatures prevail, small-arms propellants are subject to more rapid deterioration than larger grains. SmokeJess powder is not as sensitive to friction as black powder, but all precautions used in • handling black powder should be observed for small grain propellants. A more complete description of smokeless powders in general will be found in TM 9-1900/TO llA-1-20, Ammunition General and TM 9-1910/TO llA-1-34, Military Explosives. 24. Bullet a. Geneml. Two types of bullets are described in this manual, the lead bullet and the metal jacketed bullet. Lead bullets were originally manufactured in the shape of a ball, but with the advent of rifting in weapons, this ball was replaced by a cylindrically shaped lead bullet which would engage the rifting. Lead balls or shot are still used in shotgun cartridges. Lead cylindrical bullets of modern design are used in caliber .22 ammunition and in many revolver cartridges. Modern military cartridges and pistol cartridges have bullets which consist of metal jackets surrounding the lead alloy or steel core. 26 Table III. Styphnate Primed Small-Arms Ammunition Initial Production Lot.~ FA RA wee SL LC TW WRA vc DAQ FCC ...., "' · .30 caliber .46 caliber .50 caliber Ma nufacturer symbol and Ball AP API Tracer 131ank Ball Tracer Ball I Ball API APIT INC AP Tracer l lllnnklot data M2 M2 Ml4AI M2 5 M!909 Ml 9ll M26 M2 M:J3 MS M20 M2:J M2 Ml7 Lot number 41491 887 62 44 985 1542 41 S-2 117 112 11 Acceptance date 10-51 10-51 11-53 10-51 7-54 7-54 I 3-53 I 12-51 7-55 7-51 I 4-51 Lot number 33853 I 5000 1 5544 5962 50002 .:: I I 5000 Acceptance elate 11-51 i 4-51 1 9-52 i 10-49 ' 6-51 3-52 Lot number 6428 6000 I ' 6375 1 I ' I I : Acceptance date 6-51 I 2-51 1 : 11-52 i I I Lot number 9420 9467 7025 7000 8070 1o15 I 7000 I I Acceptance date 5-52 7-52 9-52 1 I 9-52 4-53 I 5-53 I 1-53 Lot number 13700 13158 12{)00 12004 1 12000 12000 12683 ' 12090 I 1 121o3 Acceptance date 4-52 5-526-51 ' 5-52 4-52 5-51 2-52 12-52 10-51 ' Lot number 19362 19776 18000 18013 18712 , 18000 18000 18000 19391 18088 18070 18040 I 18o11 Acce ptance date 12-50 2-52 12-52 12-51 i 9-51 8-53 10-53 10-51 10-51 1-52 I 9-54 9-51 4-53 Lot number 23201 22007 22000 i 22ooo 22198'1 22000 ! 22409 1 I I Acceptance date 8-5 1 6-54 2-53 9-53 11-51 11-51 I ' 11-50 I ' Lot number 42000 I I Acceptance date 4-45 I I Lot number 44000 ' ! Acceptance date 8-45 I ' I I Lot number 18o1 I I j I 1 Acceptance date 11-53 I _L__ I I 1 Odd lots assembled with P-4 o r styphnate primers s ince 1947. 2 Lots 5967-5999 starting in 7-50 contain styphnate. " Steel cased lots S-22000-22007 also w/styphnate. Note. AU caliber .30 carbine lots contain azide or styphnate primers. Note. All 7.62 millimeters and caliber .50 spotter-tracer cartridges contain styphnate or noncorrosive primers. Table IV. Small-Arms P1·ope/lant8 Caliber and type Caliber .22 long rifle, M24 Hornet, M65 short (high-velocity). Cal. .30 ball AP tracer. Cal. .30 ctg, frangible M22(T44). Cal. .30 ball AP tracer incendiary. Cal. .30 AP, M2. Cal. .30 ball AP tracer incendiary. Cal. .30 ball ........................... Cal. .30 tracer AP. Cal. .30 ball tracer. Cal. .30 ball tracei· AP. Cal. .30 blank M1909. Cal. .30 carbine ball tracer. Cal. .30 carbine grenade ctg, m6. Cal. .30 carbine ball. 7.62-mm, NATO .................... 7 .62-mm, NATO ................... 7.62-mm, NATO ................... Cal. .32 S&W .................... .. Cal. .32 Colt auto ...... ......... . 9-mm (parabellum) .... Cal. .38 auto. (9-mm short). 28 Propellants Lesmok A ... ... ..... .... .. . (Western) ball .................... . I.M.R. 4676 ......... . (Western) ball .... .............. .. S.R. 47 59 I.M.R. 4395 .. (Western) ball . I.M.R. 5065 .............. ....... ... .. (Western) ball .................. . . I.M.R. 6971 ......................... .. (Western) ball ..................... WC 852 ....... ...... .......... .......... . WC 850 ......... we 855 .......................... . we 852 ......... . .......... ...... ... .. WC blank type II ...... ........ . Here. 3950 SB type I ........ I.M.R. 4809 .......... ................. WC 820 type II ................... SR 4759 .................. .......... .... . we 846 ........ ...... .......... ......... we 848 . Bullseye ........... . .................. Bullseye ........ ........ ... ............ .. Pi, to! No. 5 ......................... . Pistol No. 6 .... . SR 4898 ....... . Bullseye ................................ . Type Single-base ............................... Double-base ....... ..................... . Single-base .. ........ .................. .. Single-base ................... ......... .. Double-base ........................... .. . Single-base Single-base ................... ........... . Double-base ........ .................. .. .. Single-base ....... .... ................. .. Double-base ........ ................... .. Single-base ....... ...... ... ....... ....... . Double-base ..... ......... ............... . Double-base, ball. Double-base, ball. Double-base, ball. Double-base, ball. Double-base, ball. Double-base, flake. Single-base ............................. . Double-base, ball. Single-base ........ ......... .... ......... . Double-base, ball. Double-base, ball. Double-base ................ ... ......... .. Double-base ..................... ........ . Single-base .......................... ... . . Single-base ............................. . Single-base Double-base ................. .... ........ . Average chan:~·e (grains) 1.7 12.6 1.5 53.0 11.3 50.2 52.0 52.5 51.0 53.0 52.0 52.0 • 12.0 13.0 20.0 14 .0 18.5 49.0 49.0 1.4 2.3 2.6 2.2 2.5 Table IV. Small-A nns PrOJJellants-Contimw d Caliber and type Cal. .38 super auto. Colt. Cal. .38 short Colt ............... Cal. .38 S & W ................ .... Cal. .38 special .................... . Cal. .45 ball, tracer. Cal. .45 ball, tracer. Cal. .50, ball, AP .. .............. Cal. .50 incendiary, tracer. Cal. .50 ball, M2 AP, M2 API, M8 tracer, MlO incendiary M23. Cal. .50 incendiary M23. Cal. .50 tracer, M48. Cal. .50 blank . Cal. .50 ball, M2 AP, M2 tracer, MlO . Cal. .50 spottertracer, M48Al. Propellants Bullseye ................... ..... ........ . Pistol No. 5 .............. .......... . Bullseye .. ......... ............ ... ....... . Pistol No. 5 ............... ......... . Pistol No. 5 ....... ........ .......... . Bullseye ........ .. .......... ......... .... . Pistol No. 5 .......................... Pistol No. 6 ......................... . P4768 .................................... . we 460 ........ ... . I.M.R . 4814 .... ................... . I.M.R. 4903 .............. ..... ...... . . I.M.R. 5010 ....................... . . I.M.R. 6231 .......................... . I.M.R. 5010 .................. ...... . I.M .R. 62 31 .................. ... ... . I.M.R . 4831 ... ....... ..... ........ . I.M .R. 483 1 ............... ....... . . w e 150 ..... .......................... . WC 860 .................. ... ............ . EX-7383 I.M.R. 4831. Type Double-base ...... ..... ....... ... ... .... . . Single-base ......... ................ ...... Doubl e-base ....... ................. ..... . Single-base ............................. . Single-base .... ... ..... .... ....... .. ..... . Double-base ....... .... ... ............... . Sing le-base ......... ..... ..... ........... . Single-base ..... . Sing le-base ..... . Double-base .... Sing le-base ........ . ................ .... . Single-base ...... ................ ....... Sing le-base .... ....... ............. ..... . Single-base ............................... Single-base ................. ...... ........ Double-base ........ .... ....... .. ...... .. . Single-base .............................. . Single-base ... ........... .......... ...... . Double-base, ball. Double-base, ball. Single-base ........ ..... ...... ...... ..... . Average charge (grains) 4.0 5.0 2.5 3.5 3.8 3.6 5.0 4.0 6.0 5.0 235.0 230 .0 236.0 240.0 236.0 235 .0 237.0 237.0 4.6 242 114 Note. Several propellants may have been used in the manufacture of the~e rounds, however, the ones listed above are representative of the types used. b. Lead Alloy Bullets. The lead used in this type bullet is combined with tin, antimony, or both, for hardness. This alloying reduces "leading" of the barrel of the weapon, that is, the tendency of the lead to adhere to the barrel in patches. It also helps to prevent the bullet f1·om "stripping," that is, jumping the rifting of the weapon . Lead bullets are generally lubricated with a grease or lubricating compound which further prevents leading of the barrel. Two or more cannelures, or grooves, around the bullet contain the lubricant. Outside lubricated bullets, like the caliber .22 and caliber .38 short Colt, have cannelures and lubricant on the outside when the bullet is assembled in its cartridge case. The cannelures and lubricant of inside lubricated bullets are beneath the neck of the cartridge case and, hence, are not visible in the assembled cartridge. c. Jacketed Bullets. Jacketed bullets have a lead or steel core covered by an outside jacket of gilding metal or gilding-metal-clad steel and are used to obtain high velocities since lead bullets are not suited for this purpose. Metal jacketed bullets are used in automatic pistols since lead bullets may be damaged by the loading mechanism . A cannelure may be cut or rolled in the jacket to provide a recess into which the mouth of the case may be crimped at assembly. The cannelure also serves to hold the jacket and core together more firmly. An extra cannelure may be added to id entify the bullets prior to assembly. d. Caliber. The caliber of a weapon is the diameter of the bore of the weapon measured from the surface of one land to the surface of the land directly opposite. Caliber is usually expressed in inches or in millimeters. When expressed as a decimal without an indication of the unit, the unit inches is understood. For example, a caliber .30 cartridge has a bullet which is about 0.3085 inch in diameter. The lands of the rifling of a weapon are the raised spiral portions of the rifting formed by cutting spiral grooves, generally 0.003 or 0.004 inch deep, into the surface of the bore. The diameter of a lead alloy bullet is generally 0.003 inch greater than the bore diameter between grooves. The diameter of a jacketed bullet generafly should not be more than 0.001 inch greater than the diameter between grooves. Bullet diameters for cartridges described in this manual are listed in table V. Table V. Bullet Diameters N o minal diameter Caliber and type (in inches) Cal. .22 ········------------·----------·------------------- 0.225 Cal. .30 carbine -------------·--·------·------------· .3075 Cal. .30 ----------------------------------------·-···-· .3085 Cal. .32 auto. Colt (7.65-mm) ----·---·· .314 Cal. .32 S & W -----------------------------·------- .314 9-mm (Parabellum) -----------·---------·---- .3555 Cal. .380 auto. (9-mm short) ----------- .356 Cal. .38 auto. Colt --------------------------·---- .359 Cal. .38 short Colt --------·----------·-··-------- .375 Cal. .38 S & W ----·--------------------·-··----·--·- . 359 Cal. .38 special ---------------------·---·---------- .359 Cal. .45 -------------------------···------------------- .4505 Cal. .50 -------------·---------------------·-------·-·· .5110 7.62-mm ·----·--·---------·---------------···-·-···-·· .3085 e. Shap e. The body of the bullet is cylindrical. The nose may be round, as in the carbine, pistol, and revolver bullets, or ogival (curved taper) as in service rifle and machinegun bullets. The length of ogive or taper for caliber .30 and caliber .50 bullets is approximately 2lh times the bullet diameter. The base may be square (cylindrical) or boattailed (having a conical taper) . A special type of bullet is the wad cutter, or·mid-range, which has a cylindrical body and a square nose with a sharp edge in order that it may cut the target cleanly. f. Types. ( 1) Ball. Ball bullets are of the lead alloy or the metal-jacketed type described in b and c above respectively. The metal-jacketed ball bullets have cores or slugs of various compositions, depending on the intended use. Most metal-jacketed ball bullets have a leadantimony slug. The caliber .50 ball bullet is a metal-jacketed bullet containing a soft steel core with a leadantimony point filler to assure similar ballistic properties for ball and armorpi ercing cartridges when used in functional packs. The 7.62 millimeter ball bullet of the cartridge, M59, is a gilding-metal jacketed bullet containing a core of plain carbon steel with a lead-antimony point and base filler . (2) Armor-piercing. Armor-piercing bullets are jacketed and have a core of hardened steel which may be made of tungsten-chromium or manganesemolybdenum steel. The 7.62-mm AP bullet has both a point and base filler of lead-antimony. The caliber .30 armor-piercing bullet has a point filler of lead and a gilding-metal base filler between the core and the jacket, whereas the caliber .50 armor-piercing bullet has only a lead-antimony point filler. These bullets have smooth cannelures cut into the jacket for crimping of the cartridge case . ( 3) A rmor-piercing-incendia1·y. These bullets have a hardened steel core and a point filler of incendiary mixture instead of lead. ( 4) Armor-piercing-incendiary-tracer. These bullets are similar to the armorpiercing-incendiary bullets but in addition, have a tracer composition in the base end. • ~ (5) Incendiawy. These bullets contain a core of incendiary mixture with a lead-antimony slug at the base end. A hollow steel cy lindrical body or a clad steel container may be inserted within the jacket and iB front of the base sl ug. The p r e s e n c e of two knur led cannelures is a characteristic of caliber .50 incendiary bullets. ( 6) T1·acer. These bullets contain a leadantimony slug in t he forward position and a tracer composition in the rear. They have either square or boattailed bases. The bullet jackets are made of gilding-metal or gilding-metal-clad steel. An igniter composition is also present, wh ich is ignit ed by the burning propellant gases which, in turn, ignites the tracer composition. Some tracer bullets are visible the instant of firing while others have a dim trace for a short distance from the muzzle of t he gun and then a bright trace thereafter. Spotter-tracer bullets contain a tracer element, and an incen- CHILLED AND DROP SHOT ACTUAL SIZE SIZE NO.* e 7-1/2 6 - *DISREGARDING DECIMAL THUS, FOR NO. 6 SHOT, diary charge which give off a puff of smoke and a flash on impact with the target. 25. Shot a. G'eneml. Shotgun cartridges contain a charge of small pellets or shot instead of a single bull et wit h t he exception of the 10-gage blank cartridge. b. Gage. Shotgun cartridges are identified as to size by gage. The gage of a shotgun refers to the number of lead balls or shot of t he diameter of the bore required to weigh 1 pound. The .410-gage shotgun is an exception in that the diameter of the bore is 0.410 inch. The bore of a 12-gage shotgun measures 0.729 inch in diameter, thus 12 balls or pellets of 0.729 inch would weigh one pound. See table VI for gage used in Table VI. Gage 10 12 .410 CHILLED SHOT DROP SHOT DIAMETER NO./OZ. NO./OZ. (IN .)* 345 338 .09-1/2 223 218 .II POIN TS, SIZE NO. PLUS DIAMETER IN 6+11 =17. BUCK SHOT ACTUAL EASTERN SIZE SIZE NO. • 00 Figure 16. APPROX NO./LB 122 Compnrison of shot. shotgun cartridges. Shotgun Gnge~> Diameter of bore (in.) 0.775 .729 .410 INCHES EQUALS 17. DIAMETER (IN.) .34 ORO D82 c. Types of Shot. Shot is classed as soft or drop shot if it is made of lead and as chilled shot if it is made of the harder lead-antimony alloy. Section II. 26. Penetration Data Penetration of light armor depends upon the hardness of the bullet material or slug and core, the shape of the bullet, the ballistic stability of the bullet, the striking energy, the type of armor plate, and the angle of impact. Penetration is adversely affected by yaw or wobble in flight. Greatest penetration occurs at normal, that is, head-on impact. Up to angles of 20 ° from normal, the degree of penetration is affected very little; over 45° from normal, Section Ill. 28. General Accessories used with small-arms ammunition such as clips and metallic belt links are descril;>ed below. These items are listed and packed as indicated in SM 9-5-1305. 29. Clip s a. Geneml. Caliber .30 cartridges for use in the service r ifle M1903 are assembled in 5-round clips; those for the rifle M1 are assembled in 8-round clips. Ammunition for 7.62-mm lightweight rifle, M14, is assembled in 5-round clips. b. Clip, Cct'rtTidge, Caliber-.30, 5-Round. The 5-round clip (fig. 17) consists of a body and a spring. Stop lugs on the exterior side of the body seat the clip in its slots in the receiver of the rifle. The top edges of the sides are folded inward, forming flanges which fit into the grooves in the cartridge case heads, thereby holding the cartridge in place. The spring is provided with narrow tongues which, when the clip is filled, are pressed into the grooves of the end cartridges_. holding them securely in the clip. This clip is 2.37 inches long and 0.63 inch wide. c. Cli ps for· Dummy Ca1·tr-idges . Caliber .30 dummy cartridges were formerly assembled in a special 5-round clip. Present practice is to d. Sizes of Shot. The sizes and weights of various chilled, drop, and buck shot are given in figure 16 together with illustrations of the actual size of the shot. PENETRATION ricochets and slight penetration may be expected. For armor-penetration data, see chapter 3 of this manual and TM 9-1907. 27. Danger Zones and Protection of Personnel AR 385-63 prescribes the regulations for firing ammunition in time of peace. It specifies the minimum thickness of various kinds of cover required for positive (maximum) protection against bullets fired from small-arms weapons (table VII). ACCESSORIES use the standard 5-round clip without tongues, marked for use with dummy cartridges. Table VII. Minimum Cover Thickness for Positive P?"otection · Nature of cover Thickness (in.) Caliber .30 Caliber .50 Concrete ( 5,000 psi) ............. .. . 7 12 Broken stone ........ ... ............ ...... . 20 30 Dry sand ....... ......... ......... ......... . . 24 32 Wet sand .......... ........................... . 36 48 Logs wired together (oak) ..... . 40 60 Earth, packed or tamped ....... . 48 60 Undisturbed compact ea rth ..... . 52 66 Earth, freshly turned ............. . 56 72 Plastic clay ......... .............. .......... . 65 100 d. Clip, Ca1·tTidge, Caliber-.JO, 8-Round jo1· U.S. R i fle , Calibe1· .30, MI. This clip (fig. 17) consists only of a case made of steel. It is indented near the base along the sides to form an inner rib which engages the extractor groove in the cartridges. The sides are inclined sufficiently to clamp the cartridges firmly in place. The cartridges are held in two staggered rows. Experience has proven that it is preferable to have the uppermost cartridge in the right side of the clip although the follower slide of the gun 7.62-MM 7 62-MM (5 RD) CLI P ; :- /l t ~ r /1 /\ r 7 62-MI LLIMETER (5 RD) CARTRIDGE CLIP WITH FILLER AND MAGAZINE ASSEMBLY !! -=> I = - - 1==2.37 IN=t CALIBER 30 (8 RD) CARTRIDGE CLIP BANDOLEER, M l (FOR 5-AND 8-RD CARTRIDGE CLIPS) CALl BER 30 (5 RD) CARTRIDGE CLIP ORD D83 Figure 17. Bolldolec?·, lila,qa::illr-', filler, rmd clips. adjusts itself for loading on either left or right side. The sides are curved at the ends to hold the cartridges securely in the clip. The 8-round clip is 2.12 inches long and 1.06 inches wide. e. Clip, Cet1·tridge, 7.62-Millimete?·, .5-Round. This clip (fig. 17) consists of a channel shaped body containing a spring, and holds five cartridges. The purpose of this clip is to facilitate the loading of magazines (fig. 17) for the 7.62millimeter rifle, M14. Loaded clips are fitted into the top of the rifle receiver and the cartridges are pressed by thumb pressure into the magazine assembly. Separate magazines may also be loaded with clipped ammunition by means of a magazine filler (fig. 17) which merely adapts the clip to the magazine. This clip is 2.36 inches long. 30. Cartridge Belts a. M etallic LiJik Belt. Ammunition for use in machineguns is issued in metallic link or web belts (b below). The link belts are made up of unit cartridge links (figs. 18 and 19) and cartridges, one link for each cartridge. Each link has 2 loops fitting about 1 cartridge and a third loop fitting around 1 adjacent cartridge. Thus, each cartridge in a metalic link belt excepting the end cartridges, has two links attached to it (fig. 20) . Cartridge links are made of steel which has been processed to prevent rusting. They are manufactured and tested to assure satisfactory ammunition feed and functioning under all service conditions. (1) Closed loop liJiks. Caliber .30, M1 and caliber .50, M2 and M9 cartridge links are manufactured with closed loops (fig. 18). When assembled with the cartridges in belts, these links seat on the shoulder of the cartridge (fig. 20) to hold them in proper alinement for feeding into the weapon. This design requires the cartridge to be extracted from the rear and dropped into position for moving into the chamber for CALIBER .30, M l (CLOSED LOOP) CALIBER .50, M15 (OPEN LOOP) CALIBER .50, M2 (CLOSED LOOP) ORD D84 F igu1·e 18. Cartridge links and metallic belt end. firing. Weapons designed for this type link require additional space in the rear of the receiver for retraction. (2) Open loop links. The 7.62-millimeter, M13 (fig. 19) and the caliber .50, M15 (fig. 18) links are manufactured with partially open loops and have a posi tioning finger on one side which snaps into the extractor groove of the car tridge. This design permits the bolt of the weapon to push the cartridge forward and out of the link into the chamber for firing. Weapons using this type link are manufactured with a shorter receiver. (3) Metallic belt ends. A metallic belt end, caliber .30, M1 (fig. 18) is attached to metallic link belts of c~liber .30 cartridges packed in metal boxes for ground machinegun use. The belt end facilitates starting the b~lt of cartri<.iges through the gun, as well as aiding in locating the end of the belt in the box. ORD DSS b. Web ammunition belts. Web ammunition F igm·e 19. Link ca1·tridges, M13, with belts of cotton fabric are used in ca1iber .30 7.62 millimeter ammunition. M1 LINK M2 LINK_ ORO 086 Figure 20. Link ca1·tridges with caliber .80 and caliber .50 ammunition. machineguns. These belts are made of two strips of cotton stitched together so as to form pockets for individual cartridges. The empty belts weighs 0.4 pound and its length is l51h feet. The belt must present an extraction pull of 3 to 11 pounds. This type belt is no longer used for packing new ammunition. Ammunition packed in web belts is restricted to issue and use within the continental United States for training purposes only. CHAPTER 3 AMMUNITION FOR MILITARY WEAPONS Secti on I. CA LIBER .22 AMMUN ITION 3 1. G ene ra l a. Ammunition for caliber .22 weapons is shown in figure 21. Caliber .22 bullets are shown in figure 22. Table VIII lists the component parts of these cartridges and table IX lists the weight of cartridges and components. b. Caliber .22 cartridges, except hornet, are the only rimfire type used for military purposes. 3 2. CARTRIDG E, CALI BER .22: Ball, Long Rifle (Lead Bullet) a. Car·bidge. This cartridge (fig. 21) is an item of issue for use in caliber .22 rifles; Remington Models 52, 53, and 513T, Stevens Model 416-2 and Winchester Model 75; in machinefun trainers M3 and M4; in pistols for gallery practice and training purposes, and in caliber .22 subcaliber rifles. This cartridge has no model designation as it is of commercial design and is procured from several commercial manufacturers. The cartridges are all of the same general appearance, but differ slightly in the shape of the bullet, primer composition and propellant used, and ballistic qualities. This ammunition contains noncorrosive, nonmercuric, primer composition. Containers of this ammunition are marked by the manufacturer with the caliber, type of ammunition, type of propellant, and the applicable trade name, together with the manufacturer's lot number. The cartridge is 0.984 inch long. b. CaTtr·idge Case. The cartridge case is made of brass, copper, or gilding-metal and is of the rimfire type. Cartridges of recent manufacture may have zinc-plated or phosphatized and oiled cartridge cases. These cases are 0.613 inch long. 36 ~-----1.72'-----~ 1--ol HORNET: BALL (FULL JACKETED BULLET), M65 BALL, SHORT (HIGH VELOCITY) BALL, LONG RIFLE BALL, LONG RIFLE, M24 ORO 087 Fig11re 21. Calibe r .!:L aowwnitiun. c. Bullet. The bullet is made of lead or lead alloy and contains grease or wax in its cannelures for lubrication purposes in the bore • of the weapon. The bullet is 0..!60 inch long. d. Accumcy. The extreme spread of all targets at time of acceptance is not g1·eater than 2.2 inches at 100 yards range. Tnble VIII. Co mponent Parts of CaliheT .2::: A11111111nition Bullet Cartridge Cartridge Propellantcase Jacket Slug- Long rifle Brass" . Smokeless Lead or ··--······· ·· (lead or lead bullet) . 1 Les mok alloy. A. Long rifle, Brass2 •..•..• Smokeless pilding-Lead-M24.' or metal. antimony Western Ball Long rifle Brass ·····-Smokeless pi!ding Lead or (com-metal or lead mercia!) .' lead. alloy. Short Brass, Smokeless ·--·-----Lead -· ···· (high-copper, antimony velocity) . ' or gilding metal. Hornet, Brass ···· ···· Western Gilding-Leadball, M65." Ball metal. antimony l Rimfire type primer. 2 Cartridges may have steel cases. a Commercial centerfire primer. Tnble IX. Weights of Caliber .22 Amm11nition (in Grains; lVIaximmn P ennitted in Mmwfacture) Complete Propel-Bullet Cartridge cartridge Cartridge !ant (approx) case (approx) Co mplete Jacket Slug- Long 52.0' 10.0 1.7' 40.0 .... .... rifle 53.52 3.02 (lead bullet). Long 53.0 10.0 2.5 40.5 6.5 34.0 rifle, M24. Long 51.9 9.8 2.1 40.0 ·····-·-· ·· ···-·· rifle (commercia!). Short 36.6 6.1 1.5 29.0 ..... .. ---·· (high velocity). Hornet, 103.0 53.0 12.6 35.0 12.5 22.5 ball, M65." 1 For !)mokeless powder load. 2 For Lesm ok A load. :1 Weight o f commercial primer 3.5 grnins (approx). e. Penetration. When fired into l-inch pine boards, spaced 1 inch apart at a range of 15 feet, the bullet will penetrate the first 5 boards and 'h inch into the sixth board. 33. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .22: Ball, Long Rifle, M24 ct. Cartridge. This cartridge is intended for use in caliber .22 long rifle sun·i\'al weapons and is provided in Air Force survi\'al kits. Its primary purpose is for hunting small game. The components are the same as those described in paragraph 32, except for the bullet, ~---------0. 511-------~ HORNET: BALL, M65 BALL, LON G RIFLE ~-----0.475------ BALL, LONG RIFLE, M24 ORD 088 Figure 22. Calibc•· .:22 bullels-.~ectioned. 37 which is jacketed. The cartridge is 0.995 inch long. b. Ca1·tridge Case. This cartridge case is made of brass, is the rimfire type, and is 0.613 inch long. c. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal jacket with a lead-antimony slug and is 0.475 inch long. d. Accuracy. At time of acceptance, the extreme spread of all targets at 100 yards is not greater than 1.25 inches. 34. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .22: Ball, Short, (H igh Velocity} a. CaTt?idge. This cartridge is primarily intended for use in those weapons chambered for its use, although it can also. be fired in weapons chambered for the caliber .22 long rifle cartridge. This cartridge is 0.69 inch long. b . Cart1·idge Case. This cartridge case is the same as the long rifle cartridge except for its length, which is 0.42 inch long. c. Bullet. The bullet is of lead-antimony alloy and is shorter and lighter than the caliber .22 long rifl e bullet. The caliber .22 short bullet is 0.36 inch long. d. Accumcy. At time of acceptance, the average of the extreme spread of all targets at 100 yards is not greater than 2.5 inches . 3 5. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .22: Ball , Long Rifle , Western Super Match, M K Ill or Equal (Commercial> a. Ca1·tridge. This cartridge is procured from various manufacturers for use in caliber . 22 rifles, Winchester rifles Models 52, 75; Remington models, M40X, 513T; automatic Colt, Caliber .22; Woodsmen, automatic pistol ; Hi-Standard, Caliber .22; H-D, revo lver, Colt, Section II. CALIBER .30 37. General a. Ammunition for caliber .30 carbines is shown in figure 23. Caliber .30 carbine bullets are shown in figure 24. Table X gives the component parts of these cartridges and table XI gives the weights of the cartrirlges and components. b. The cartridge case for carbine cartridges has a slight taper from the head to a short Caliber .22; Officers, Model Target; revolver, Harrington & Richardson, Caliber .22 Sportsman Model, o. 999; and machinegun trainer, Caliber .22, M3 or M4. The complete cartridge is nearly l-inch long. b. Cm·tridge Case. The cartridge case is made of brass and is .613 inch in length. c. Bullet . The bullet is made of lead or lead alloy and is approximately 0.46 inch long. The bullet weighs nearly 40 grains. d. Accuracy. At time of acceptance, the average of the extreme spread of all targets at 100 yards is not greater than 2.5 inches. 36. CARTRIDG E, CALIBER .22 HORNET: Ball, M65 a. Ca?'tridge. This cartridge is for use in the M4 and M6 survival weapons. It was procured to replace Cartridge, Caliber .22 Hornet: ball, soft point, M39. The ball cartridge M39 may be issued and used until present stocks are dep leted. The ball eartridge M65 has improved wounding power compared with that of the ball cartridge M39, and thus will be more effective against small game for which it is basically designed. The cartridge is 1. 723 inches long. b. Cart1·idge Case . The cartridge case is made of brass and is 1.403 inches long. This cartridge case is assembled with a commercial primer. c. Bullet. The bullet has a gi lding-metal jacket over a lead-antimony slug. The bullet has a 6 caliber ogive and weighs nearly 35 grains. d. Accumcy. At time of acceptance, the average of the extreme spread of all targets at 100 yards is not greater than 2.5 inches. CARBINE AMMUNITION distance from the mouth and is cylindrical for the remaining portion of its length. Present cases have a taper of 0.027-inch inclination to the cylindrical portion which extends 0.32 inch at the mouth end of the case. Cases manufactured prior to 11 June 1943 had a taper of 0.031-inch which extended 0.39-inch at the mouth end of the case. The case is not crimped to the bull et. Steel cartridge cases a1·e restricted Table X. Component Pctrts of Ca li be r .30 Carbine A mnwnition (Cent er.fi1·e Primeu; are 11sed in all Cart1·idges Listed B elow ) Bullet Cartridge Cartridge Propellant case Jacket (Slul<) Base filler Ball, Brass Ball or Gilding-Lead- Ml or Hercules metal or anti steel. Flake. Gilding-mony. metalclad steel. Dummy, Brass ·-·--·········--Gilding-Lead M13. or metal or antisteel. Gilding-mony. metalclad steel. High-Brass Ball or Gilding-Leadpres-Hercules metal-antisure Flake. clad mony. test, steel. M18. Tracer, Brass Ball or Gilding-Lead-Tracer Ml6. Hercules metal-anti-and Flake. clad mony. igniter steel. composition. Tracer, Brass Ball or Gilding-Lead-Tracer M27. Hercules metal-anti-and Flake. clad mony. ignite r steel. composition. for use within the continental United States. The brass cartridge case may be used without this restriction. 38. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 , CARBI NE: Ball, Ml a. Cart1·idge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .30 carbines. The cartridge is intended for use against personnel and unarmored targets for ranges up to 300 yards. The completed cartridge is 1.68 inches long. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal or gilding-metal-clad steel jacket with a lead-antimony slug. The bullet is 0.690 inch in length and has a similar profile to the caliber .45 ball bullet M1911. Bullets manufactured prior to 14 February 1942 had a hollow cup formation in the base of the core. Those of present manufacture haYe a solid flat base core. Table XI. W eights of Calibe r .30 Ca1·hine Amnwnition ( I n Grains; Ma .ri11111111 P ermitted in Mrmll/aclllre) -------,----T---,---,-------------------- llullet --~- ------·-.----.." E 0.. Ball, 193 71' 13 3 111 28 83 M1 ....... or or 108. 25 . Dummy, 177 66 111 28 83 M13 .... or or 108. 25. 118 High 234 71 14 3 152 34 or pressun or 102.5. test, 49.5. M18 ..... Tracer, 187 71 13 3 107 40.5 55 11.5 M16 ..... Tracer, 183 71 13 3 101 40.5 55 7 M27 ..... 1 Steel cartnrlge cases we1gh 57 grams. c. Accuracy. At the time of acceptance, the average of the mean radii of all targets at 100 yards is not greater than 1.5 inches. d. Penetration. The bullet will penetrate 12 pine boards '%-inch thick at 100 yards, 8 boards at 200 yards, and 7 boards at 300 yards. 39. Ca rt ridge , Blank No blank cartridges, as such, have been developed for carbines. However, CARTRIDGE, Grenade, caliber .30, M6, is authorized for issue and use for blank firing purposes in the carbines. 40. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 CARBINE: Trace r, Ml6 a. Cal'f1·idge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .30 carbine. The tracer cartridge M16 is intended for use against personnel and unarmored targets and has an incendiary effect as well as illuminating the path of trajectory. The length of the cartridge is 1.68 inches. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal-clad steel jacket, a lead-antimony s lug, and a tracer and igniter composition. The overall length of this bullet is 0.88 inch and the point is painted r ed for a distance of approximately 'h inch. - BALL, Ml DUMMY: M13 TEST, H IGH-PRESSURE, M18 RED TRACER, M16 TR ACER, M 27 ORD D89 FiguTe 23. Caliber .30 caTbine ammunition. c. Accu1·acy. The average of the m ean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 100 yards is not greater than 3.67 inches. d. Penetration. The bullet will penetrate 11 pine boards % inch thick at 100 yards, 8 boards at 200 yards, and 7 boards at 300 yards. 41 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 CARBINE: Tracer, M27 a. Cartridge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .30 carbines. The tracer cartridge M27 is intended for use against personnel and unarmored targets and has a tracer composition to illuminate the path of trajectory. The cartridge has a dim tracer for a short distance of flight from the muzzle to conceal the gun location and is followed by a bright trace. The length of the cartridge is 1.68 inches. GILDING-METAL JACKET 1 ~0690~ BALL, Ml TRACER, M16 GILDING-METAL-CLAD STEEL JACKET TRACER, M27 ORD D90 Figm·e 24 . Caliber .80 carbine bullets-sectioned. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal-clad steel jacket, a lead-antimony slug> and a tracer and igniter composition. The overall length of this bullet is 0.880 inch and the point is painted orange for a distance of approximately 'h inch. c. Accur aC1J . The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 100 yards is not greater than 3.5 inches. 42 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 CARBINE: Dummy, M13 a. CaTt?·idge. This cartridge is used for training personnel in the operation of loading and unloading carbines and simulating carbine fire. The cartridge is 1.68 inches long. The item can be identified by two holes drilled in the cartridge and an empty primer pocket. This cartridge was previously known as CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30, DUMMY: Ml and was used only in the inspection of weapons. The dummy cartridge is completely inert. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal or gilding-metal-clad steel jacket with a lead-antimony slug. It is 0.69 inch in length. 43. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 CARBINE: Test, High Pressure, M 18 a. Ca1·tridge. This cartridge is used for proof firing of carbines. The HPT cartridge M18, is loaded with a quantity of propellant sufficient to produce a chamber pressure from 45,000 to 50,000 psi. Due to this excessive pressure and the consequent danger involved in firing, the guns under test are fired from a fixed rest un der a hood by means of a mechanica l device. This cartridge will be fired only by authorized personnel. The length of the cartridge is 2.0 inches and can be identified by the tinned case. b. Bullet. The bullet has a sq uare base and consists of a gilding-metal jacket with a leadantimony slug. This bullet differs in appearance from the ball bullet in that it has a pointed nose. The bullet is 1.114 inches long. Section Ill . CALIBER .30 RIFLE AND MACHINEGUN AMMUNITION 44. General Ammunition for c a I i b e r .30 rifles and machineguns is shown in figures 25 and 27. Caliber .30 bullets are shown in figure 26. Table XII lists the component parts of these cartridges and table XIII lists the weights of cartridges and components. 45. Ballistics All caliber .30 service types of ammunition match their balliatics at 600 yards. The time of flight to this distance does not differ by more than 0.1 second under specified conditions. 46. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER 30: Armor-Piercing, M2 a. Ca1·t1idge. This cartridge is for use in machineguns and rifles. The AP cartridge M2 is intended for use against personnel and light armored and unarmored targets. The length of the complete round is 3.34 inches. The cartridge can be identified by its black bullet tip. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal jacket, a hard steel core, a lead T-shot point filler and a gi lding-metal base filler. The bullet is 1.39 inches long. c. Accur-acy . The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 10 inches. d. Penetration. See table XIV. · II ARMOR-PIERCING, M2 ARMOR-PIERCING-INCENDIARY, M14 BALL, M2 INCENDIARY, Ml RED TRACER, Ml TRACER, M25 ORD D91 Figu-re 25. CnlibeT .SO cartridges. BLACK HARDENED ALLOY STEEL COR GILDING-METAL JACKET....._.........._,_ GILDING-METAL.: E FILLER ARMOR-PIERCING, M2 LEAD-ANTIMONY SLUG]:! 1.123 It:=:;=:_~=~ GILDING-METAL JACKET BALL, M2 Gl LDI NG-MET ALa-----o~:::.~ BASE FILLER ~~~~~~~~ GILDING-METAL JACKET INCENDIARY COMPOSITION INCENDIARY, Ml TRACER COMPOSITION IGNITER COMPOSITION GILDING-METAL JACKET TRACER, Ml TRACER COMPOSITION IGNITER COMPOSITION -....,.~\==-rn~-====-~- GILDING-METAL CLAD STEEL JACKET LEAD-ANTIMONY SLUG TRACER, M2S ORD 092-A Fig1we 26. Calibe1· .30 bullets-sectioned. 47. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: identified by the aluminum colored bullet tip. Armor-Piercing-Incendiary, M 14 b. Bullet. The bullet contains the same core the armor-piercing bullet, caliber .30, M2, a. Cartridge. This cartridge is for use in as machineguns in lieu of using both armor-piercexcepting the lead point filler is replaced by an ing and incendiary cartridges. The cartridge incendiary composition. This bullet is 1.44 is 3.34 inches in length. This cartridge can be inches in length. Table XII. Component Pa1·ts of Calibe?" .30 Ammunition (Co1·rosive and Nonco?"rosive Primer s Have Been Used in all Cm·tridges Listed Below) Bullet Cartridge Cartridge case Propellant Core or Jacket slug Point filler Base filler AP, M2 ......... .... .. Brass ...... .... Smokeless ...... Gilding-metal ..... Steel .......... ..... Lead T-shot ...... Gilding-metaL API, M14 ............ Brass ........... Smokeless ...... Gilding-metal ..... Steel ............... Incendiary Lead-antimony. composition. Ball, M2 .............. Brass or Smokeless ...... Gilding-metal or Lead steeL gilding-metal antimony. clad steeL Match, M72 ........ Brass ........... Smokeless ...... Gilding-metal .... Lead antimony. Blank M1909 ...... Brass or EC blank. steeL Dummy, M40 ...... Brass or None .............. Gilding-metal steeL clad-steel. HPT, Ml ............. Brass ..... --··· Smokeless .. .. .. Gilding-metal Lead or steeL antimony. Incendiary, Brass ........... Smokeless ...... Gilding-metal .... Lead-shot No.4 Incendiary Gilding-metaL Ml. body filler. composition. Tracer, Ml ......... Brass ........... Smokeless ...... Gilding-metal Lead------··· ·················· Tracer and or steeL antimony. igniter-comp. Tracer, M25 ...... . Brass ........... Smokeless ..... Gilding-metal- Lead········--················ · Tracer and clad steeL antimony. igniter-comp. Frangible, M22 ... Brass ...... ..... SR 4759 Bakelite-EM ················· ········ ··-·····-·················· Tracer and single base. 17078 NaturaL igniter-comp. d. Penetration. At normal impact at 100 FELT WAD yards against %-inch homogeneous armor plate, penetration is 0.35 inch. At 30° angle of impact at 100 yards against %-inch face-hardened plate, penetration is 0.094-inch. PAPER CUP 48. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: Ball, M2 a. Cartridge. This cartridge is for use in machineguns and rifles against personnel and unarmored targets. The item is also authorized for guard purposes. The length of the ball cartridge M2 is 3.34 inches. The bullet tip of PAPER DISK this cartridge is unpainted and can be identified by the natural jacket finish. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gi ldingmetal or a gilding-metal-clad steel jacket and a lead-antimony slug. T he bullet has a square ORD D93 base and is 1.123 inches long. Figm·e 27. Cm·t?·idge, calib er-.30 blank: M./90[1 . c. Accuracy. The average of t he mean radii of all targets at t ime of acceptance at 600 yards c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii is not greater than 7.5 inches. of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards d. Penetration . Penetration data are shown is not greater than 15 inches. in table XV. Table XIII. Weights of Caliber .30 Ammunition (in Gmins; Ma,;imurn P eTmitted in Manufacture) Bullet Cartridge Complete Cartridge Propellant Primer Core(approx) case (approx ) Complete Jacket or Point Base AP, M2 ... ........ ... ................... 412 200 API, M1 4 or 404 200 M14Al. Ball, M2 ........ ··············-···-···· 396 200 Match, M72 .... ................. ..... 425 200 Blank, M1909 207 or 200 or or a lt. 187. 180. Dummy, M40 ...................... .. 268 200 HPT, M1 .............................. 420 200 Incendiary, M1 .................... 388 200 Tracer, M1 ........................... 396 200 Tracer, M25 ......................... 390 200 Frang ible, M22 ............ ... ... .. 314 200 Ta ble XIV. Penet1oation in Inches for Cart1·idge, A1'77to1·-Pim·cing Cali be·r .30, M2 (MV 2,765 Feet P er Second) At 200 yards A l 600 yards lA t 1 ,500 yards Materia l Avg, Max. Avg, Ma x. Avg. Max. Armor plate ····--0.5 .. .... 0.3 I ...... 0.1 (homogeneous). Armor plate 0.3 ... .... 0.2 ...... 0.1 (face hardened). Sand ( 100 lb. dry 7 8 9 11 7 9 weight/ cu ft). Clay ( 100 lb. dry 16 18 13 15 9 10 weight/ cu ft) . ····· 49. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: Incendiary, M 1 a. Car·tridg e. This cartridge is for use in caliber .30 machineguns. It is 3.35 inches long and may be identified by the blue bullet tip. b. Bullet. The bullet is similar in size and shape to the caliber .30 armor-piercing bullet. It contains a lead shot No. 4 or lead-antimony body plug and a tubular steel body. The core an d point of the bullet contain an incendiary composition. c. Accu-racy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at t ime of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 15 inches. 50. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER. 30: Match, M72 a. Ca,rt?idge. This cartridge is for use in rifles chambered for the M1 or M2 caliber .30 s lug filler 1 filler 53 5.594 165.7 65 81 12 I 7.7 50 5.594 150 63 82 ---- I 4 50 5.594 152 59 99 50 5.594 175.5 60 115.5 13 5.594 (wad, 0.25). .... ....... . 68 68 52 5.594 174.5 59 115.5 54 5.594 140 50 5.594 152 83 52.5 50 5.594 146.5 74 52.5 16 11 .3 5.594 108.5 ---- 17 ( .30-06) cartridges. The length of the complete round is 3.34 inches. Externally, this cartridge can be identifi ed by the followi~g characteristics: ( 1) the cartridge head-stamp bears the word "MATCH"; (2) the noncorrosive primer is uncrimped; (3 ) the bullet has no crimping cannelure; ( 4) the case is not crimped to the bullet. The bullet is inserted into the case by the application of pressure on its point. This cartridge is not authorized for use in automatic weapons. Table XV. Pene tration in I nc hes for Cartridge, B all, Calibe1· .30, Mt (MV 2,800 F eet P er Second) At 200 yards At 600 yards A t 1,5 00 yards Material Over Max. Over M ax . Over Max. Armor Plate 0.3 ...... ·-----····--······ ----- (homogeneous) . Sand ( 100-lb. dry 6 7 8 10 6 7 weight/ cu ft). Clay (100-lb. dry 14 16 12 14 7 9 weight/ cu ft). Concrete (1 :2 1/z :5, ...... 1 ...... 1 1 ··-··· cement: sand: crushed stone). Oak (2)~ in. by 12 in. 13 18 11 15 10 11 joists to give thickness of 24 in .) b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal jacket and a lead-antimoriy slug. The bullet has a boattailed base and is 1.312 inches long, and has no cannelure. c. Accw·acy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 3.5 inches. 51. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: Tracer, M 1 a. Cart?·idge. This cartridge is for use with other ammunition to show the gunner, by its trace, the path of the bullets. While tracer cartridges were primarily intended for machinegun use, there are cases wherein they can be advantageously used in rifles, such as for signaling and incendiary purposes, target designation, range estimation, and target practice. The cartridge is 3.34 inches long and can be identified by its red bullet tip, red indicating the color of the trace. b. Bullet. This bullet consists of a gildingmetal or gilding-r.1etal-clad steel jacket, a leadantimony slug, a closure cup, and a tracer and igniter composition. The length of the bullet is 1.45 inches. The bullet has a square base and contains a flamable substance which is ignited by the propelling charge when the cartridge is fired. The tracer composition burns with a bright red flame which enables the gunner to observe the path of the trajectory. The bullet will trace continuously from a point not more than 125 yards from the muzzle of the weapon to a point not less than 900 yards. c. Accumcy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 15 inches. 52. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: Tracer, M25 a. Cart1·idg e. This cartridge is designed for use in ground machineguns. It differs from the tracer cartridge, Ml (par. 51) in having a dim trace, for a short distance of flight from the muzzle, which is followed by a bright trace. The length of this cartridge is 3.34 inches. The cartridge can be identified by its characteristic orange bullet tip indicating the dim trace type of tracer bullet. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal-clad steel jacket, a lead-antimony point filler, a closure cup, and a tracer and igniter composition. The tracer bullet M25 is very nearly the same in weight and components as the tracer bullet Ml with a gilding-metal-clad steel jacket. The bullet is 1.35 inches long. The tracer bullet M25 differs principally from the tracer bullet Ml in containing a dim trace as well as a standard tracer composition. Dim trace begins at 35 to 50 yards from the muzzle an d continues to 150 ± 75 yards where the bright trace begins and continues to approximately 1,000 yards. The minimum acceptable distance for range of trace is 900 yards. c. Accw·acy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 18 inches. 53. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 BLANK: M1909 a. Carh·idge. This cartridge is for use in rifles for simulated fire during maneuvers, for signaling purposes, and for firing salutes. The blank cartridge M1909 is also used in machineguns and automatic rifles equipped with blank firing attachments, in order to operate these weapons for instructional purposes. The cartridge is 2.494 inches in length, and can be identified by having no bullet, and by having a cannelure in the neck of the case. See paragraph 11 for precautions in firing blank ammunition. b. Components. In manufacture, a paper cup or wad of thin paper is inserted in the neck of the case against the cannelure and sealed in place with lacquer (fig. 27). The mouth of the case is then crimped to keep the cup or wad in place. Cartridge cases having minor imperfections, or reused cartridge cases can be used in the assembly of this type of ammunition. Steel cases are approved as a substitute when the supply of brass is critical. 54. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 DUMMY: M40 a. Ca1·tridge. This cartridge (fig. 3) was designed to replace the CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30 DUMMY : M2. The dummy cartridge M40 is used for the training of personnel in the operation of loading or unloading rifles, simulating rifle fire, and in the inspection of weapons. The cartridge is 3.34 inches long. This cartridge differs from the dummy cartridge M2 in that it has 6 longitudinal corrugations 0.05 inch deep and 1 inch long located o/s inch from the cartridge case head, whereas the dummy M2 had :3 holes drill ed in its cartl·iclge case sidewall and a hol e in the primer pocket. The dummy ca rtridge M40 has a doub le cannelure on the bullet to improYe resistance to deb ull eting and has no flash hole in the primer pocket. b. Components. The dummy cartridge, M40 consists only of a cartridge case and bullet. The bullet consists of a gilding-metal-clad steel jacket. Cartridge cases containing imperfections may be used in the assembly of this ca1·t1·idge. 55 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: Test, High-Pressure, M 1 a. Cm·tridge. T hi s ca rtridge is used for proof firing of rifles, automatic rifl es, machineguns, and banels. The HPT cartridge Ml is load ed with propellant sufficient to give a chamber pressure of 65,000 to 70,000 psi. Due to this excessive pressure and the conseq uent danger involved in firing, the gun under test is fired Section IV . CALIBER .30 56. General Frangible ammunition will not be used for training purposes on indoor firing ranges in view of the toxic hazard that may be involved. The bullet of this ammunition disintegrates on contact with the target without injuring personnel. It is used by Army Field Forces, ational Guard organizations, and Reserve Corps for tank training. The weapon in which this ammunition is fired is an antiaircraft machinegun modified by the addition of a short round device and a muzzle booster to operate at velociti es lower than service ammunition velocities. The o'nly cartridge for use in this J weapon is shown in figure 28. Component parts and weights are list ed in table XVI. WHITE.,.--r-1 -:::::r ORD 094 Fig11r e .!8. C111'1ridgr•. ,., /i!J e?' ../11: hHll , fnmgihl e, M.!.! . 46 from a fixed r est under a hood by means of a mechanical firing device. This cartridge will be fired only by autho1·izecl personnel. The cartridge is 3.34 inches long and can be distinguished from other caliber .30 cartridges by its tinned cartridge case. b. Ca rtridgr Cas e. The cartridge case is similar to those used in service cartridges. An alternative cartridge case which is lighter (200 grains total weight) than the standard highpressure test case (21 3 grains total weight) may also be used, s in ce it has thicker metal at the head but thinner metal for the rest of the case. Some mod el cartridge cases have the words "TEST" or " H. P. Test" while others have the yea r of manufacture stamped on the head. c. B u llet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal or gilding-metal-clad st eel jacket encasing a lead-antimon y slug, and has a cylindrical base. The overall length of the bullet is 1.23 inches. FRANGIBLE AMMUNITION Table XVI. Co mponent Paris and Weights of Ccu·tridge, Ball, Fmng ihle, Co liher .. 10 (IVeights in Gmin.,; Ma~·im mn P el'lllifted in !Vla nnfncfllr e) Clear Co mponent parts Complete cartridg·e 314 Cartridg-e case _______ _ Brass ................ 200 Pt·o pe llant .. SR 4759 ------------ 11.3 Primer ........ Primer, No. 26 ·--· 5.594 Bullet .......... 5or;, Bakelite: 108.5 5or;,-BM 17073. 57. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .30: Ball, Frang ible , M22 a. CartridgP. This cartridge is fo1· use in machinegun trainers, caliber .30, T9 and T9E3, and is also used in caliber .30 tank machineguns, flring single shot, fo1· training in tank gunner y. It is identified by the bullet tip which is painted green with a white annulus to the rear. This bull et has a slightly mottled appeat·ance. The cartridge is 3.29 ii1ches long. The cartridge case and primer are identical to .., those used with other calibe r .:~o rifl e and machinegun ammunition. Safety r egulations for firing this cartridge at fixed terrestrial targets prescribe a minimum radius of sector of 2,100 yards. Approximate maximum range is 1,900 yards and muzzle Yelocity is 1,360 fps. b. Bullet . The bullet is composed of 50 percent powdered lead bonded with 50 percent bakelite, and has approximately the same pro file as the ball bullet, caliber .:W, M2. The fnmgible ball bullet is 1.185-inches long. The bullet will break up complet ely on normal contact with 3116-inch high strength aluminum alloy sheet at 100 ya1·ds normal impact. c. A ccura cu. The aYerage of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 100 yards is not greater than 2 inches. Section V . 7 .62 MILLIMETER !NATO! AMMUNITION 58. General Ammunition for 7.62-millimetel· weapons was developed ·with the intend ed purpose of replacing the caliber .30 carbine, and caliber .30 rifle ammunition in order to standa1·dize their use with all North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries and to facilitate supply and interchangeability. Figme 29 illustrates 7.62millim eter cartridges, table XVII lists components of these cartridges, and table XVIII lists weights of the cartridges. 59. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, Armor-Piercing, M61 a. Ca1·tridge. This cartridge is for use in the 7.62-mm rifles and machineguns. It is int ended for use against light armored targets. The length of the cartridge is 2.80 inches. The cartridge case is made of annealed brass. This cartridge can be identified by the black bullet tip. b. Bullet. The bullet is boattailed and consists of a gilding-metal-clad jacket, a steel core, and a lead-antimony base and point fi llel'. The overall length of this bullet is 1.28 inches. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 7.5 inches. d. Pen etl'ation. The average depth of penetration of cores fired at a range of 100 yards will not be less than 0.38 inch in homogeneo us 'Ys -inch thick armored steel plate. Trrhl e XVII . C'om]Jnn ent Parts of 7.62 Millime te r Ammunition (Pr·imer N o. J6 or Equivalent Used in Cartridges Lis ted B elow ) 13ullet Cnr t. rirlg-e Cartri(hte Propellant case Jacket Co re o r s lug Point filler Hase filler Ball, M59 . Brass ..... Doubl e-base, Gilding-metal . Steel ... ... Lead-antimony . Lead-antimony Western ball. Ball, M80 Brass . Double-base, Gilding-metal Lead .. ... ··· ··· ···········--·-. .. .. . . . -· ·· ··· Western ball. or gildingmetal-clad steel. HPT, M60 ....... .. Brass ... .. Double-base, Gilding-metal .. . Lead-antimony ·----··· · · · · ·--·--······· ·-·· ······-Western ball. AP, M61 ...... Brass ... Doubl e-base, Gilding-metal ... Steel Lead-antimony . Lead-antimony Western ball. Trace r, M62 ...... Brass . Double-base, Gilding-metal-Lead-antimon y --·-··· ·· ·--········· Trace r, sub-Weste rn ball. clad steel. igniter and igniter comp 8 Blank, XM82 Brass . SR 4759 ··· ······ ····· ····· Dummy, M63 . Brass . None ..... Gilding-metalclad steel. Grenade, M64 ... Brass ..... Doubl e-base, ------·· ·········· · ... .. ·--.. -·--· -West ern ball. f BLACK - -~~,---_,... ~ -~ . " '""~ ~ ~ ~ . . - CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: AP, NATO, M61 CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: BALL, NATO, M59 AND MSO CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: TEST, HIGH PRESSURE, NATO, M60 CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: TRACER, NATO, M62 ~-----------------------------2. 80 --------------------------~ CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER DUMMY: NATO, M63 •. ~----------------------------2. 60 --------------------~ CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER BLANK: NATO, XM82 ORD D95 Figure 2.9. Cw·tridges for 7.62-MM wea7Jons. Tah/e Xl'/11. l!'Pighls of 7JU-illilli111eler (NATO)A llilllltllilio11 ( In Graius: Jl/u.ri111a Per111illed i11 Mcuwfacilll'e) Complete Car·tridg-e ca::;e Pr·opellant.Cartridg-e (approx ) (approx) (approx) Ball, M59 388 185 47 Ball, M80 388 190 47 HPT, MGO 40:l 185 MIL-P-3984 AP, M61 .. 388 185 47 Tracer, MG2 388 185 47 Blank, Xl\182 .. 805 201 19 Dummy, l\16:~ ..... 25:3 185 Grenad•, l\164 .... 231 185 41 *Sni\'HJ!ed or r·eclaimed bullets meeting-the requirements uf c!J·awinl-! e. Ve/ocitu. The bas ic ve locity vvill be 2,750 ± 30 fps at 78 feet from gun muzzle. 60. CARTRIDGE, 7 .62 MILLIMETER: NATO, Ball, M59 a. Ca1't1·idge. This cartridge is for use in 7.62-mm rifles and machineguns. It is intended for use against personnel and unam1ored targets. The length of this cartridge is 2.80 inches and the bullet is un painted. h. Bllllet. The bullet is boattailed and consists of a gi ld ing-metal jacket, a steel core, and a lead-antimony point and base fi ller. The overall length of this bullet is 1.28 inches. c. AccuratJJ. The average of the mean radii of a ll targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards i not g1·eater than 7.5 in ches. d. Pressure. The ave1·age pressure will not exceed 50,000 psi. e. 11elocitu. The basic Yelocity will be 2,750 fps at 78 feet from gun muzzl e. 61. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, Ball, MBO a. Cm·t ridge. This cartridge is fo1· use in 7.62-mm rifles and machineguns. The cartridge case is made of brass and the bullet is unpainted. It is intended for use against personnel and una~·mored targets. The cartridge is 2.80 inches long. This cartl·idge is restricted for use in the temperate zon e only at the present time. b. En/let. The bullet consists of a gilding:metal or gi lding-metal-clad steel jacket with a lead-antimony slug. The bullet is 1.140 in ches long. Bullet Primer· Cm·e or Point Ba~e Complete Jacket slug filler fille•· Noncorrosive .. 150.5 57 55 24 14.5 Noncorrosive ... 149 38 111 Noncorrosive ... 174.5 59 115.5 Noncorrosive .... Nonconosive .. .. I I 150.5 141 57 GO 55 72 24 14.5 Noncorrosive .... I --·-· ···· ·· ······-·--····· ('' ) 68 Nonconosive .... number 755706, may also be used. c. Accuracy. The average of th e mean r ad ii of a ll targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 7.5 in ches. d. P ressure. The a \·erage chamber pr essure may vary f r om 45,000 psi to 65,000 psi, dependin g on the temperature. 62. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, Test, High-Pressure, M60 a. Ccu·tridge. This cartridge is used for proof-fi1·ing of 1·ifles, machin eg un s, and barrels. It is loaded with a propellant char ge sufficient to give higher chamber pressure than other 7.62-millimeter cartridges. Due to t his excess ive pressure, and the con eq uent danger involved in firing, the guns under test are fired from a fixed rest under a hood by means of a mechanical firing device. The cartrid ge will be fired on ly by a uthorized personnel. The tinned carh·iclge case is made of bra s and the bullet is unpainted. The complete car tridge case is :2.80 in ches long. b. Bullet. The bull et consists of a g ildin gmetal jacket and a lead-antimony sl ug. r· . Pressure . The average chamber pressure will not be less than 65,000 psi nor exceed 70,000 psi . 63. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER: NATO, Tracer, M62 a. Cart ridg e. This cartridge is fo1· use in 7.62-mm rifl es and machineguns, and is 2.80 inches in length. The cartrid ge case is made of brass and the bu llet tip is painted orange for a distance of 5/ 16 inch. b. Bullet. The bullet is boattailed and consists of a gilding-metal-clad steel jacket, a leadantimony point, a tracer, a subigniter and igniter composition, and a closure cup. The overall length of this bullet is 1.35 inches. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 12 inches. d. P1·essur-e. The average pressure will not exceed 50,000 psi. e. Velocity. The basic velocity will be 2,750 + 30 fps at 78 feet from the muzzle. 64. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER BLANK: NATO, XM82 This cartridge is used in rifles and machineguns for Army training programs for 7.62-mm weapons. This cartridge consists of a primer and propellant contained in a brass cartridge case which is shaped to conform approximately to the configuration of a bulleted combat cartridge. The propellant is held in the cartridge by a wad. The mouth of the cartridge is sealed with a drop of red lacquer and then crimped to protect against air and moisture. The overall length of the cartridge is 2.61 inches. 65. CARTRIDGE, 7.62 MILLIMETER DUMMY: NATO, M63 This type of cartridge which is completely inert, is used to train personnel in the handling and loading of 7.62-mm rifles and machineguns. The cartridge case is made of brass and has six longitudinal corrugations approximately one-third the length of the case. This cartridge simulates service ammunition in sufficient detail to meet drill requirements. The length of the cartridge is 2.80 inches. The bullet is 1.35 inches in length. Section VI. GRENADE CARTRIDGES 66. General By use of special blank cartridges (fig. 30), rifles assembled with launchers are used to project antitank, high explosive, fragmentation, illuminating, smoke, and chemical grenades; and ground signals. Thus, the range between that which can be reached by throwing a grenade and the minimum range for light CARBINE, CALIBER .30 : M6 1------2.0 -------' RIFLE, NATO, 7.62 MILLIMETER: M64 1-------2.49•--------l RIFLE, CALIBER .30, M3 ORD D96 F igU?·e 30 . Cali ber .30 and 7 .62 -mm grenade cart1·idg es . mortar fire is covered. The grenade cartridges can be identified by the characteristic five petal rose crimp of the mouth of the case and the absence of a bullet. Additional technical data on grenade cartridges can be found in FM 23-30, TM 9-1900/ TO llA-1-20, and SM 9-51330. 67. CARTRIDGE, GRENADE: Carbine, Caliber .30, M6 This grenade cartridge is loaded with approximately 20 grains of propellant. It is authorized for blank fire for training purposes. The brass cartridge case is 1.29 inches long and is loaded with approximately 21 grains of I.M.R. 4809 propellant and black powder. The complete cartridge weighs 103 grains and is 1.68 inches long. The case itself weighs 77 grains. 68. CARTRIDGE, GRENADE: Rifle, Caliber .30, M3 This cartridge is loaded with 51 grains of I.M.R. 4895 propellant. The complete cartridge weighs approximately 246 grains and is 2.49 inches long. The case weighs 200 grains. so 69. CARTRIDGE, GRENADE: Rifle, 7 .62-propellant, I.M.R. 4895. The case weighs ap Millimeter; NATO, M64 proximately 185 grains and the propellant nearly 41 grains. The cartridge was designed The grenade cartridge, M64 is 2.0 inches for use in 7.62-mm rifle M14 for projectinglong. It is loaded with #A4 black powder and grenades. Section VII. CALIBER .45 AMMUNITION 70. General a. Ammunition for caliber .45 weapons is shown in figure 31. Caliber .45 bullets are shown in figure 32. Table XIX lists the com- BALL, M 1911 · DUMMY: M 1921 TRACER, ponent parts of these cartridges and table XX lists the weights of cartridges and components. b. A caliber .45 blank line-throwing cartridge, which is different from the caliber .45 pistol cartridge, is also described in this section . BLANK, M9 TEST, HIGH -PRESSURE, Ml RED M26 ORD 097-A F·igu1·e 31. Calibe1· .1,5 r:m·t1·idges. 71. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45: Ball, M 1911 a. Ca1·tridge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .45 automatic pistols and submachineguns. This cartridge is also authorized for guard purposes. The cartridge is 1.275 inches long. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal-clad steel, or copper-plated steel jacket, and a slug of lead-antimony. The length of the bullet is 0.68 inch. c. Accuracy with Muzzle Rest. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 50 yards is not greater than 2 inches. d. P enetrat·ion. Penetration, using the automatic pistol M1911 and M1911Al, in wh ite pine is given in table XXI. Table XIX. Cl)'l'nponent Pa1·ts of Caliber . .1;5 Ammunition (Con·osive and Nonco1~·osive Primers are Used in Cm·tridges Listed B elow) Bullet Cartridge Cartridge case Propellant Jacket Slug Tracer Ball, M1911 ... .. Brass or steel ... Single-base ... .... Gilding-metal or Lead-antimony ... gilding-metalclad steel.' Blank, M9 ...... ......... Brass or steel .. W. C. blank or ball. Dummy, M1921 ...... Brass or steel ... Gilding-metal or Lead-antimony ... gilding-metalclad steel.1 HPT, M1 ... ..... ... ...... Brass or steel ... Single-base ....... Copper-plated steel Lead-antimony ... Tracer, M26 ............ Steel .................. Si ngle-base Steel. 1 .••••.••••.••.•.•••••• • Lead-antimony ... Tracer and igniter composition . 1 Cop per-plated steel or gilding-metal-clad steel. Table XX. W eights of Calibe1· ..1;5 Ammunition (in Grains; Approx) Bulle Complete Cartridge Cartridge Propellant Primer (approx) case Complete Jacket Slug Tracer Ball, M1911 ...... 319 I 87 5 4.5 234 37 197 ...... -·······-··· · or or or or 310.2 78. 231. 34. Blank, M9 ..... ........ ... ....... 91 87 7 4.5 (0.6) 3 .... ···--...... Dummy, M192 1 .... .... ...... 313 I 87 .... ...... 234 37 197 . ..... or or or or 301.2 78. 231. 34. HPT, M1 ........... ....... ....... 324 I 87 7 4.5 234 37 197 ...... or or or or 312." 78. 231. 34. Tracer, M26 .............. ...... 291 78 6 4.5 208 34 171 5 I Brass case and gilding-metal-jacketed bullet. 2 Steel case and g ilding-metal-clad steel-jacketed bullet. a Weigh t of c losing wad. Table XXI . P eu etmtion in Whi te P·ine j"o1· e. Special, Reduced Load. This cartridge, Ca.rtridge, Caliber ..1;5, M1.911, Fi1·ed from Pis tol with a reduced charge of propellant, is used in the inspection and testing of weapons. Range Depth Yards Inches 72. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45 : Tracer, M26 25 6.0 a. Ca'f'tridge. This cartridge is for use in 50 5.8 all caliber .45 weapons for observation of fire, 5.6 75 incendiary, and signal purposes. It is essen100 5.5 tially the ball bullet M1911 with a tracer-filled 150 5.2 cavity in the base. Early manufacture of this 200 4.6 tracer cartridge was similar to that of car 250 4.0 tridge, caliber .45: tracer Ml, except for a steel cartridge case and a different type of propellant. The cartridge is 1.275 inches long and the tip The penetration in moist loam at 25 yards is about 10 inches and in dry sand at 25 yards, of the bullet is painted red for identification it is about 8 inches. purposes. 52 A oR 8 c.--;.;. BALL, Ml9ll TRACER, M26 A-GILDING-METAL JACKET B-COPPER-PLATED STEEL JACKET C-LEAD-ANTIMONY SLUG D-IGNITER COMPOSITION E-TRACER COMPOSITION ORD 098 Figure 32. Caliber .45 bulle ts-sectioned. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a copperplated steel, or gilding-metal-clad steel jacket, a slug of lead-antimony in the forward portion of the jacket, a tracer and igniter mixture in the rear portion, and a base closure seal which is made of gilding-metal. The bullet is 0.680inch long. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 50 yards is not greater than 5 inches. 73. CARTRIDGE , CALIBER .45 BLANK: M9 This cartridge is for use in caliber .45 automatic pistols. It is used in military animal training program where simulated fire is desired. The blank cartridge can be fired in the automatic pistol only by manual operation of the slide. The cartridge is 1.108-inches long and can be identified by the absence of a bullet and the tapered mouth of the case. 74 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45 DUMMY: M1921 a. Cartt'idge. This cartridge is used to train personnel in the operation of loading and unloading caliber .45 weapons and to simulate firing. It is also used as a range dummy cartridge in the automatic pistol. In this latter use, the dummy cartridge M1921 is mixed wit h live ammunition in pistol magazines, the purpose being to detect and correct flinching and faulty trigger squeeze. The cartridge is 1.275inches long. The cartridge case may be made of brass or steel. The brass case can be identified by the empty primer pocket and two holes drilled in the side of the case. The steel case has no holes drilled in the side of the case and is zinc-plated and chromate treated. b. Bullet. The bullet is the same as t hat used for the ball cartridge, M19 11. 7 5 . CARTRIDGE , CALIBER .45: Test, High-Pressure, M 1 This cartridge is used for the proof fir ing of caliber .45 weapons and barrels at t he place of manufacture. It contains a propellant which will develop a chamber pressure of 22,000 ± 1,000 psi. This pressure is approximately 4,000 pounds in excess of that required in caliber .45 service ammunition. Due to the danger involved in firing, this cartridge should be fired on ly from fixed rest under a hood by means of a mechanical firing device, and only by authorized personnel. The cart r idge is 1.275-inches long. This cartridge case may be made of brass or steel. The brass case is stannic stained. The steel case is zinc-plated for identification purposes and to serve as a protective coating. The bullet is identical to the one used for t he ball cartridge M1911. 76. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .45, LINETHROWING: Blank, M32 The cartridge (fig. 33) consists of a standard commercial cartridge case, 45-70 Governm ent, fitted with a noncorrosive primer and a propellant. The propellant is covered with one or more felt wads. A waterproof compound, a pplied to the outermost wad, secures it in place and seals the cartridge against t he entrance of moisture. The cartridge will fire a 256-gram (approx. The mouth of the cartridge case has a slight 1 2 lb.) projectile attached to a standard Navy roll crimp to prevent the end of the line-carryline fo r a minimum of 75 yards at 30° elevation. ing proj ectile from entering the case. NAME OR INITIALS OF MANUFACTURER AND YEAR r------------- 2.0 MAX -----------+1•1 -----.--1 0 0.375 MAX WATERPROOF ING RA PD 167586A F igur e 33 . Cart?·idg e, calib er .45, line-throwing: blank, M32. Section VIII. CALIBER .50 AMMUNITION 77. General Caliber .50 bullets are shown in figures 39 and Ammunition for caliber .50 machineguns is 40. Table XXII lists component parts of these shown in figures 34 through 37. Ammunition cartridges and table XXIII lists the weights of for the caliber .50 spotting rifle, M8, which is cartridges and components. Additional informa used as a special purpose spotting rifle for 106-tion relative to caliber .50 aircraft ammunition millimeter recoilless rifle, is shown in figure 38. can be found in TM 9-1900 and TM 9-1901-1. Table XXII. Component Prar-ts of Cali ber .50 Ammuniti on (Corrosiv e and Noncorrosive Type P1·imers Used in all Cartridg es Listed Below ) Bullet Cartridge Cartridge Propellant case Jacket Core o r slug Point filler Base filler AP,M2 Brass ...... Single-base or Gilding-metal ..... Manganese-Lead-antimony double-base ball. molybdenum 1 steel. API, M8 ...... .. Brass ...... Single-base ............ Gilding-metal ..... Tungsten-Incendiary Lead-antimony. chrome steel.1 comp. API-T, M20 .. Brass ...... Single-base ..... . Gilding-metal ..... Tungsten-Incendiary Tracer and chrome steel. 1 comp. igniter comp. Ball, M2 ....... . Brass .... .. Single-base or Gilding-metal ..... Steel ... ............... Lead-antimony double-base ball. Ball, M33 ..... . Brass ...... Single-base or Gilding-metal ...... Steel ... ...... ..... .... Sodium carbon-· Lead-antimony. double-base ball. ate monohydrate. Blank, Ml ..... Brass ..... . Double-base ball ... . Dummy, M2 . Brass 2 .... None ..... ....... ..... ..... . Gilding-metal(' ) (" ) clad steel or gilding metal. See footnotes at end of table. Ta.ble XXII. Component Pm·ts of Calibe1· .50 Ammunition-Continued (Conosive and NoncO?To.~ive Type P1·i1ne1·s Used in all Cartridges Listed Below) Bullet Ca rtridge Cartridge Propellant case Jacket Core or slug Point filler Base filler HPT, M1 . .... Brass ...... Single-base ............ Gilding-metal . ... . Front and ----------·· ··· ····· ..... . j ............... ...... ..... rear lead- I antimony. Incendiary, Brass ----·· Single-base ............ Gilding-metal ··-·· Steel body w/ Incendiary ILead-antimony. Ml. lead-anti-comp. I mony slug. I I Incendiary, Brass ... Single-base or Gilding-metal ..... Gilding-metal-Incendiary ............... ....... .. .... M23. doubl e-base ball. clad steel comp. I container I w / lead-antimony slug. Tracer, M1 ... Brass ...... Single-base or Gilding-metal-Lead-antimony ... ........... .. .......... .. Tracer and double-base ball. clad steel or igniter comp. gilding-metal. I Tracer and double-base ball. clad steel. igniter cornp. Tracer, M10 . Brass. Single-base or Gilding-metal-Lead-antimony I················-·····--·-·· Tracer, M17 . Brass ...... Single-base .... ..... .. Gilding-metal-Lead-antimony ..................... ..... Tracer and 1 clad steel. igniter comp. Tracer, Brass ...... Single-base ... Gilding-metal Lead-antimony ...... ....... ........... ... Tracer and --······ headlight, or gilding-igniter comp. M21. metal-clad steel. Spotter, Brass ...... Single-base ............ Gilding-metal .... . Lead-antimony Aluminum-Tracer and Tracer, alloy-con-igniter comp. M48,M48A. tainer and incendiary comp. I 1 Alternative material is manganese-molybdenum steel. 2 May also be manufactured with steel cartridge case. 3 After 1 January 1943 . no core, s lu g-, o r filler was used in manufacture o! dummy bullets, M2. Table XX!ll. W eights of Calib e1' .50 Ammnnition (In G1·ains; Ma x imum Pe1·mitted in Mamtfacture) I Bullet Complete Cartridge Propellant I Cartridge (approx) case (approx) I Primer Core or Point Base Complete Jacket slug filler filler I AP, M2 ......................... . I 1,822 or : 850 I 235 19.06 '178 or 253 1410 or 56.5 ...... I 1,812. I 708. 400. API, M8 .................. ........ 11,739 or 850 I 233 I 19.06 I I 1622 Ol' 235 375 15 11.5 1,726. I I 649. API-T, M20. .... .. ............. 11,698 or 850 230 19.06 ' 1624 or 235 355 14 14 1,636. I 612. I Ball, M2 .. ....... ....... .......... 1,813 850 235 19.06 709.5 253 400 56.5 ------ I Ball, M33 .... --------· ......... 1,768 850 237 19 661.5 235 400 15 11.5 I Blank, M1 .............. --------891 850 46 19.06 ........ ...... ...... (wad, 1.5) ...... Dummy, M2 w / clad steel bullet ..... 1,214 2 850 ...... ...... .. 364 364 (") (3) ...... w/gilding-metal 1,248 1 850 -----· ........ 404 40 4 (") (') ...... bullet. See footnotes at end of table. 55 . ~ Trtble XXIII. IVe.1ghts of Cali ber .50 Ammunition-Continued (In G1·ain H; Ma.rimum P ermitted in Manufacture) CartridJ.? e ·· ······· ··· Incendiary, M1 ____ __ ········ Incendiary, M23 ___ --··· ·· ·· Spotter-tracer, M48Al. Tracer, M1 w_/gilding-metal jacket. \\'/ clad steel jacket. Tracer, M10 ______.,___ ____ .. ___ Tracer, M17 ----· -·-·· ····· ··· ·· Tracer, headlight, M21 w / gilding-metal jacket. w/ clad steel jacket. HPT, M1 ........ ... Complete Cartridge Propellant Primer Bullet (approx) case (approx) Core or Point Base Complete Jacket slug filler filler 2,108 850 240 19.06 999 263 Front-325 ...... . .... . Reat·-411 1,703 850 240 19.06 633 235 137 34 ...... 1,581 850 237 19.06 512 235 Container 90 102 85. 1,651 890 112 19 823 284 3214 .. ... . ..... . 1,785 850 240 19.06 681 398 207 ·· ··-· 70 1,750 850 240 19.06 641 365 207 ··-· ·· ..... . 1,752 850 240 19.06 643 365 207 ····· · 70 1,742 850 225 19.06 643 365 207 .... .. 70 1,808 850 240 19.06 699 398 207 · · - 93 1,775 850 240 19.06 666 365 207 ····- .... .. W eight with a lte rnate mang-anese-molybdenum st eel core . :.! Steel ca1·tridge case which may be used weighs 750 grains. :t After 1 January 194!l. no bullet core. s lug , o r fill e r was used in manufacture o f dummy cartridg-es , M2 . 78. Ballistics The trajectories of caliber .50 service types of ammunition, except the incendiary M23 for aircraft use, match at 600 yards. The time of flight does not differ by more than 0.1 second under specified conditions. The incendiary M23 bullet weighs nearly 500 grains and has a muzzle velocity of 3,450 fps. Ballistic data are given in Firing Tables 0.50-H-1 a nd 0.50AAT-1. Additional information is contained in the paragraph on each cartridge. 79. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Armor-Piercing, M2 a. Cart1'1'dge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .50 machineguns. The AP lVI2 cartridge is designed for use against armored aircraft, armored vehicles, concrete shelters, and similar bullet-resisting targets. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by its black bullet tip. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal jacket, a hardened core of manganesemolybdenum steel, and a point filler of lead antimony. The overall length of the bullet is 2.31 inches. The bullet has a boattailed base. c. Accumcy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 10 inches. d. P en etmtion. Penetration data are given in tables XXIV and XXV. 80. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Armor-Piercing-Incendiary, M8 a. Ca1·tridge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .50 machineguns. The API M8 cartridge was designed to replace the incendiary cartridge M1 and armor-piercing cartridge M2. This cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by its aluminum color bullet tip. b. Bullet . The bullet contains the same core as the armor-piercing bullet, caliber .50 : M2, but the point fi ller is replaced by an incendiary composition and the bullet also contains a leadantimony base fi ller seal. The length of the bullet is 2.31 inches. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 12 inches. • ARMOR· ARMOR-PIERCING' ARMOR-PIERCIN G PIERCING, M2 INCENDIARY, MS INCENDIARY TRACER, M20 ORO 099 Figu·re 31,. Caliber .50 cm·t1·iclges. d. Penetration. Penetration ability is almost equal to that of the armor-piercing bullet, caliber .50, M2. The bullet will perforate 'Vs -inch thick homogeneous armor plate at normal impact at 100 yards, and %-inch face hardened plate at 30° impact at 100 yards. The ballistic limit at normal impact against %-inch facehardened plate is 2,467 fps, the ballistic limit at 30 degrees from normal is 2,264 fps. 81. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Armor-Piercing-Incendiary-Tracer, M20 a. Cartridge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .50 machineguns. The API-T, cartridge M20 is similar to the armor-piercing-incendiary caliber .50, M8 cartridge with the addition of a tracer element. The use of this cartridge makes tracer ammunition unnecessary in machinegun belts. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by the tip of its bullet BALL, M2 INCENDIARY, Ml INCENDIARY, M23 ORO 0100 Figure 35. Calibe1· .50 cm·t1·iclg es. which is painted red with an aluminum annulus to the rear. b. Bullet. The bullet is similar to the armorpiercing-incendiary bullet, caliber .50, M8 but it differs in having a tracer. Visible trace begins at approximately 100 yards from the muzzle to approximately 250 yards, where it changes to a bright trace which continues to approximately 1,750 yards, but not less than 1,600 yards. c. Accu1·acy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 12 inches. d. Penetration. Complete penetration of 'Vs-inch thick homogeneous armor plate, normal angle of incidence, is obtained at 100 yards. 82. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Ball, M2 a. Car tridge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .50 machineguns. It is 5.45 inches long. ~ . ._ ~ ::E ., ... vi TRACER, M17 TRACER, Ml AND CARTRIDGE, TRACER, MIO TRACER, HEADLIGHT, M21 ORO 0101 Fignn 3 3 6. C(tliu e?' .50 cartridges. The tip of the bullet is unpainted. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal jacket, a soft steel core, and a point filler of lead-antimony alloy. The bullet is boattailed and is 2.31 inches long. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 9 inches. d. Penetrat-ion. Penetration data are given in table XXVI. 83 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Ball, M33 a. CaTtridg e. This cartridge was designed to replace the ball caliber .50 cartridge M2 and to duplicate ballistics of an inert API caliber .50 cartridge M8. The ball cartridge M33 is designed for general use where tracer, incendiary, or armor penetration characteristics are not important considerations. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long. The external appearance of this cartridge is the same as the ball cartridge M2. The ball cartridge M33 can be identified by markings stenciled on the packing containers. · ~ ::E "'... 0 vi w f<0 X <::E u z t= "' ..; @ s s ~ 00 TEST: HIGH-PRESSURE, BLANK, Ml DUMMY: M2 Ml ORO 0103-A F i gure 37. Caliu e?· .50 cartri dg es. b. B u llet. The bullet consists of a jacket of gilding-metal or gilding-metal-clad steel, a soft steel core, and a loose or pelletized sodium carbonate monohydrate point filler. The bullet is 2.31 inches long and has a boattailed base. c. Accu1·acy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 12 inches. 84. CA RTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Incendiary, M 1 a. Cart1 i dge . ·· This cartridge is for use in caliber .50 machineguns. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long. It can be identified by the bullet tip, which is painted light blue, and by a second knurled cannelure rolled into the bullet jacket. b. Bullet . The bullet is similar in size and shape to the armor-piercing bullet, caliber .50, M2. The incendiary bullet, caliber .50, M1 consists of a gilding-metal jacket, a hollow cylindrical steel body, a lead-antimony base slug, and a point filler of incendiary composition. ~-----=-------------4.53 Figure 38. Calibe1· .50 cartridges. BU LL ET, CALIB ER .SO: TR ACER, MlO BULL ET, CAL I BER .SO: TRAC ER, M1 7 BU LLET , CALIBER .SO: TRAC ER, HEADLIGHT, M21 INCENDIARY, M23 A-IGNITER COMPOSITION 8-SUB-IGNITER COMPOSITIONA--(;ILDING-METAL JACKET G--IGNITER COMPOSITION C-TRACER COMPOSITIONI -STEEL CORE H-TRACER D-LEAD-ANTIMON Y SLUGC-LEAD-ANTIMONY POINT FILLER J-LEAD-ANTIMONY SLUG E-GI LDING-METAL JACKET D-HARDENED ALLOY STEEL CORE K-STEEL BODY £-LEAD-ANTIMONY BASE FILLER L--(;ILDING-METAL-CLAD F-GILDI G-METAL-CLAD STEEL JACKET F-INCENDIARY MIXTURE STEEL CONTAINER ~GILDING-METAL CLOSURE ORD DI04 ORD 0105 F igw·e 39. Calibe1· .50 bullets-sectioned. FigU?·e 40. Caliber .50 bu llets-sectioned. The bul let has a boattailed base and is 2.09 inches long. c. Accnracu. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 12 inches. 85 . CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Incendiary, M23 a. Cartridge. This cartridge is for use only in caliber .50 aircraft machineguns. The ince ndiary cartridge, M23 has a higher ve locity than the incendia1·y cartridge M1 and is more effective as an incendiary against aviation kerosene. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by the bullet tip, which is painted medium blue with a light blue annulus to the rear. Trti!IC' XXIV. Pe11 e ll'lllion in fnche8 for CalibC'r .. 50 A nnor-Piercing Cnrt ridge, M2, in 1,5-1 neil Barrel (MV 293 5 fps) Inches at: Material -- 200 yards oOO ya rds 1,500 ya nls Armor plate 1.0 0.7 0.3 (homogeneous) Armor plate 0.9 0.5 0.2 (face-hardened) Sand (100 lb dry wt/ cu ft) 14 12 16 Clay (100 lb dry wt/ cu ft) 28 27 21 Table XXl'. N 11mbeT of Arllto1·-Pierci11g Car-t?·idges , Cnliber .50, .lit R e. Bullet. The bullet has a gi lding-metal jacket containing an incendiary charge in an aluminum alloy container and a tracer and igniter composition in a steel container. Upon contact with a target, the bul let wi ll produce a flash and a light pufl:' of smoke. The trace begins at a distance not greater than 100 yards from the muzzle and continues to a distance of approximately 1,500 yards. The bullet is 2.70 inches long. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at the time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 5 inches. 88. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Tracer, M 1 a. CaTtridg e. This cartridge is used for observation of fir e in caliber .50 ground machineguns. It is limited to use in the continental United States for training purposes only. It is replaced in combat use by the CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50 : tracer, M17. Care must be exercised when using this cartridge to prevent it from igniting dry vegetation on the range. This cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by the tip of its bullet which is painted red. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal or a gilding-metal-clad steel jacket, a lead-antimony slug which fills the forwm·d end of the jacket, and the tracer and igniter compositions which fill the balance. Unlike the bullets for armor-piercing and ball cartridges, this bullet is cylindrical to the base which is open to permit the propelling charge to ignite the tracer composition. The overall length of the bullet is 2.40 inches. The trace begins at a distance not greater than 250 feet from the weapon and the range of trace is 1,600 to 1,800 yards. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 20 inches. 89. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Tracer, M 10 a. Cn1·tridge. This cartridge is for observation of fire in all caliber .50 aircraft machineguns. The tracer cartridge M10 serves the same purposes as the tracer cartridge, M1 (par. 88). The cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by the bullet tip, which is painted orange. b. Bullet. The description and exterior ballistics for t he tracer bullet M1 with gildingmetal-clad steel jacket are applicable to the tracer bullet M10, except that the M10 has a dim or invisible trace for the first 225 yards of flight followed ~Y a bright trace to a distance of not less than 1,600 yards from the gun. c. Accuracy. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 20 inches. 90. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Tracer, M 17 a. Cw·t?·idg e. This cartridge can be used as a substitute for cartridge, caliber .50: API-T, M20, except that penetration is not so gr eat. This type ammunition was designed to replace the tracer cartridge, M1, fo1· use in caliber .50 ground and airc1·aft machineguns. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long and can be id entified by the bullet tip, which is painted brown. The tips of the bullets manufactured prior to 1952 were painted maroon. b. Bullet. The desc ription and exterio1· ballistics for the tracer bullet M1 with gildingmetal-clad steel jacket are applicable to the tracer bullet, M17, except that the M17 bright traces to approximately 2,450 yards of flight. Trace begins at a point not greater than 250 yards from the weapon. Tracer cartridges M17 manufactured since 1950 contain a gildingmetal cup or a vinylite disk, designated as a bullet base closure seal, in the base of the bullet. This seal is intended to prevent chemica l action between the bullet tracer composition and the residual moistme in the propellant and, accordingly, to prolong the shelf life of this cartridge. c. Accm·acu. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 ya rds is not greater than 20 inches. 91. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Tracer, Headlight, M21 a. Cn1·t·ridge. This cartridge is for caliber .50 aircraft machineguns for use in combat against other aircraft. When viewed from the front, its trace du e to the use of certain igniter composition instead of tracer composition such as is used in trace1· bullet Ml, is th1·ee times as brilliant as the light of the tracer bullet Ml. The tracer M21 has some incendiary effect at 150 to 350 ya rds, but is negligible at 600 yards. The carhidge is 5.45 inches long and can be identified by the bullet tip, which is painted red. b. Bullet. The description and exterior ballistics of the tracer bullet M1 are applicable to the b·acer bullet M21, except that the M21 has a very bright trace to a pproximately 550 yards. c. Accuracv. The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 600 yards is not greater than 20 inches. 92. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50: Test, High-Pressure, M 1 a. Cartridue. This cartridge is an item of iss ue and is used f or proof firing of caliber .50 machineguns a t th e place of manufacture or rebui ld. The cartridge is loaded with a prope llant charge sufficient to develop a cha mber press ure from 60,000 to 65,000 ps i. Due to thi s excessive pressure and the da nger inYolved in firing, the guns unde1· t est are fired from a fixed rest under a hood by means of a mechanical firing device. Thi s carh·idge shou ld be fir ed only by authorized per onnel. The ca rtridge is 5.45 in ch es long. The HPT, M1 ca r tridge differ s from other caliber .50 cartridges in that it has a tinned cartridge case. b. E~tllet. The bullet cons ists of a gild ingmetal jacket and a cor e made up of t wo leadantimony alloy s lu g , a front slug a nd a r em· slu g . The len gth of t he bullet is 2.42 in ches. The bull et has a square base. 93. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50 BLANK: M 1 This bla nk cartridge is fo r use in caliber .50 aircraft machin eguns when these weapons are fitted with blank firing attachme nts fo r b·aining operations. Th e cartridge is 3.910 in ches long a nd can be ide ntifi ed by the a b ence of t he bullet. The cartridge ca se has a s light annular gt·ooYe about '4 inch from th e mouth. This gr oove serves as the seat for the wad. The wad is a disk punched out of a kntftboard or strawboard sheet 1/ 16 inch thick and it is lacqu er ed on both s ides befor e inse1tion into the mout h of the ca se. After loading, a heavy coat of vermill ion lacqu er is a ppl ied to the wad and the mouth is crimped. 94. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .50 DUMMY: M2 a. Ca rt ridye. This ca1t rid ge fo r use in all cali ber .50 mac hin eguns fo r training purposes. The dummy ca r t ridge M2 may al so be used fo1· testing t he mecha nism of wea pons. The cartridge is 5.45 inches long. The caltridge case may be made of steel or b1·ass. This ca r tridge can be id entifi ed by three hol es dri lled in the s ide of the case and a n empty prime1· pocket . b. B ullet. The bu llet has a gi lding-metal or gi ldin g-met a l-clad steel j acket making it lighter tha n older t ypes whi ch had a st eel cor e and lead point fi ller. The bull et is 2.40 in ches long and has a squ a re base. 95. Cartridges with Deteriorated Tracer Elements Armor-pi et·cing-ince ndi ar y-trace r and trace rtypes of ca li ber .50 ca rtridges with deter iorated tracer elements, as listed in S M 9-5-1305 ma y be substituted f or ball ammunition for b·ain ing r eq uirements wi t hin t he continental United States. Section IX. SHOTGUN AMMUNITION 96. General Sh otgun cartridges are procured commet·cially by the 01·dnance Corps for use in shotguns of various gages. These cartridges are used for combat , g ua rd, and survival purpose . All shotgun ca1t1·id ges have the same general appearance a nd may be id ent ified by the st a mping on th e hea d, body, and clos ing wad. Shotgun cartridges are furt her id entifi ed by th e ma rkings on the packing container s and boxes. Th weights of Ya r ious shotgun cartridges a nd their components are listed in table XXVII, a nd the intend ed uses of differ ent load ings are g ive n in table XXVIII. St a ndan lized shot gu n ca r t ridges at·e s hown in figures 41 through 44 . To/de X Xl' /1 . W eigh t s of S h of_g 1111 A 1111111111 itioll ' .V o/1("()/"?'0Sivc M e tal Pri111e r s ewe /l .~erl i11 all C a r tridges ) Co m p lete P t·opel la n t Crtt·tri tlge npprox c h an.re Sh ot Nu m ber o f (J!Ta i n) (gra in ) (on ) :5 hut o. 00 buckshot, all 930 '26 1 % 9 brass, M1 9, 12-g-ag·e. No. 00 bucks hot , pape r 800 '26 1 ';!; !) 12-g-age. No. 6 fo r 3-inch 43 0 -7 % 170 chambe r , .41 0-gag·e. No. 7 12 fo r ~-inch 430 - 7 3 ' .. 260 cha mbe r. 1 We1ght 1n gTatns of rien:-;e smokeless propellant of which :1 2fi:.!Tain l'harg-e is a :FV1-(In tm eflld\'::tlent o f bu lk p t·opell a n t. :! Pro:.rre~si\'e burning-commer·cial smokeless po\wler. Table XXVIII. Intended Use of Different Shotgun Ca1·tridges Use Shotgun cartridges loaded with Combat (Service) and training Hunting No. 00 buckshot, brass Combat and case, 12-gage. guard. No. 00 buckshot, paper Combat and case, 12-gage. guard. No. 6 copper-coated sho , ......... .......... .... Small game for aluminurncase, survival .410-gage. purposes. No. 6 chilled shot, Small game for paper case. survival .410-gage. purposes. No. 7 Vz chilled s:-.ot, Small game for paper case, survival .410-gage. purposes. ALL BRASS, '1" 00 BUCKSHOT, Ml9 PAPER , LOADED WITH SMOKELESS POWDER AND •00 BUCKSHOT OR O 0106 Figure 41. 12-Gage shotgu n cart1·idg es . LUBR ICATED WADS ORO 0 107 Figure 42. 12-Gage s hotgun cart1·i dg es-sectioned. 97. 12-Gage Shotgun Ammunition a. General. Some 12-gage shotguns of earlier manufacture have 2o/s -inch chambers. Shotgun cartridges made to be fired in these 2o/s-inch chamber shotguns may be fired in the standard 2*-inch chamber shotguns. Shotgun cartridges must not be fired in the shotguns having a chamber length less than those for which designed and those marked on packing cartons and boxes, because dangerously high chamber pressures may develop. Shotgun cartridges should be fired only in authorized issue shotguns. Upon proper authorization the cartridges may be fired in shotguns chambered for the particular cartridges described, having fluid steel barrels, and having actions in good condition. Under no circumstances should these shotgun cartridges be fired in shotguns having Damascus or other twist steel barrels. ALUMINUM LOADED WITH SMOKELESS POWDER AND #7-1 / 2 COPPER-COATED SHOT PAPER, MARKED ON REVERSE SIDE: " FOR 3 INCH CHAMBER ONLY" ORO 0108 Figw·e 43. .1,10-Gage shotgun cart1·idges. b. Description. Shotgun cartridges consist of a brass or steel head, a primer, a paper or metal body, a propelling charge, cardboard or felt wads, a load of lead shot, and a closing wad. The paper cases or bodies are waterproofed. The cartridge, 12-gage shotgun, M19, which is made of all brass, is used for guard and combat purposes only. Standardized 12-gage shotgun cartridges are (1) CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: all brass, No. 00 buckshot, M19. (2) CARTRIDGE, 12-GAGE SHOTGUN: paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 00 buckshot. c. Identification. (1) Case. These cartridges may have waterproofed paper cases and metal heads or may be all brass. Most cartridges for guard and combat use have f.+..-------2.85 APPROX-------+1 Fig 111 ·e 1,4 . 10-GIIg e lila11k s lwlg1111 cartridge. RA PD 23082A metal hea ds 0.80-inch o1· m01·e in length; however, some have low metal heads of 0.35-inch length. Dimens ion s fo1· the 12-gage case are 0.797 in ch in diamet e1· at the mouth and 0.880 inch in diameter at the rim. (2) Marki11g on to?J wad. Numerals and letters marked on top wads indicate the quantity of propellant and the weight and size of shot load; e.g., "3-11/ 8-6C" indicates 3 drams eq uivalent of bulk propellant and 1 'A< oun ces of # 6 chi lled shot. In addition, the name or sy mbol of the manufacture of the ca1tridge and of the propellant may be stamped on the top wad. (3) Mar ki11g 011 metal h ea d cwd case . The stamping on the metal head of the cartridge case generally consists of initials or symbols of the manufacturer, gage size of the cartridge, and trade name for the particular type of shotgun cartridge. The trade name and type of load is sometimes stamped on the case. (4 ) Packing containe·rs . Cases and cartons of this ammunition bear the commercial markings of the manufacturer and a lso the lot number, type of load, and the phrase "U.S. PROPERTY." These markings gen erally include manufacturer's name and address, quantity, gage size, gun chamber length, type of ammunition, type of propellant, and trade names . d. Ea.lfistic Data . (1) Patterns. Shotguns and shotgun cartridges are so designed or chosen as to p1·oduce the desired patt em of pellets at the desired distance. Pattem s are generally expressed as the percentage of total shot falling within a 30-inch ci1·cle at a di stance of 40 yards fl'om the muzzle. The type of ba n e! boring of the weapon is classified to patterns as given in table XXIX. To abo ut 20 feet, there is little diffe1·ence in patterns for any type of bane! borin g or degree of choke. After the shot has traveled fl'om 10 t o 15 yards, the pattern begins to spread rapidly and to show the effect of type of banel bori ng. (2) Tc~ble of fire . Table XXX indicates the pattern or dispersion as a percentage of the tota l number of shot falling within a circle of a 30-inch diameter at t he range indi cated. The approximate pattern spread is also indicated. These values a1·e on ly approximate since there is considerable variation in shotgun ballistics. This variation may be du e not only to a particular loading but also to atmospheric conditions. Table XXIX. T1n Je of Barrel Boring Used in S lwt,qltnS Pattern pe-rcentage in :{0-in ch Darrel boring circle at 40 ya rds Full choke ...... .............. 70'1r Mod ified choke ...................... . 60'1r Improved cylinder .............. .. 50'1r Cylinder ......... ......... .......... .. 40'/c - Table XXX. Perceutage of Shot in U-Gage Sholgtnl Cnrtridge Falling within a .10-inch Diamete1· Circl<' Range in yards 5 10 15 20 25 30 I Guard o r combat loadl Guard or combat-~------! Range F ired in 30-i nch Fired in 26 -inch full choke barrel cylinder b ore barrel 1007< 1OO o/r 100 % 100o/r 100'7r 100 % 100 '7r 100 % 100 % 1 00 '/r 100 % 100 % Maximum effective 60-70 yds 60 -75 yds range. Pattern spread per yard * inch . 1 inch 1 Contains 9 ( Jl,j, oz.) N o. 00 buckshot. 98. .41 0-Gage Shotgun Ammunition Shotgun cartridges of .410-gage (fig. 43) are for use in the rifle/ shotgun, survival, caliber .22/ .410-gage, M6 with 3-inch chamber. The description, use, identification, patterns, and ranges are similar to those for 12-gage shotgun cartridges. The diameter of the .410-gage cartridge case at the head is 0.53 inch and at the mouth is 0.448 inch. Standardized .410-gage shotgun cartridges are a. CARTRIDGE, .410-GAGE SHOTGUN: all aluminum, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 6 copper-coat ed shot, M35 (T135). b. CARTRIDGE, .410-GAGE SHOTGUN : paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 6 ~hilled shot. c. CARTRIDGE, .410-GAGE SHOTGUN: in Fired in 30 -inch F ired in 26-in chyards I full ch oke barrel cy linder bore barrel 35 90 o/r 70'7< I 40 75 % 60% 45 ...... .. 50 50 '7r 38'/r 55 ·---·-· ... ..... 60 35 % 25 o/r I I Maximum 60-70 yds 60-75 yds effective range. Pattern * inch 1 in ch spread per yard. I paper, loaded with smokeless powder and No. 7 ' '2 chilled shot. 99. CARTRIDGE, 1 0-GAGE, BLANK This blank cartridge (fig. 44) is authoi-ized for optional use for reveille and retreat salutes in 3-inch gun, 75-mm gun, 75-mm howitzer, or the 105-mm howitzer. This cartridge is similar to the shotgun cartridges described in the preceding paragraphs. It has a propelling charge of approximately eight grains of black powder which is kept in place by mea ns of dry felt pads. A chipboard closing cup or palmetto pulp plug is inserted in the mouth of the cartridge case and sealed to hold the propelling charge in place. This cartridge is 2.85 inches long and weighs approximately 290 grains. CHAPTER 4 MISCELLANEOUS SMALL-ARMS AMMUNITION Section I. CALIBER 100. General Caliber .32 cartridges may be fired from both pistols and revolv ers. A typical cartridge of this type is shown in fig ure 45. Ballistic data for these cartridges are given in table XXXI. ~ ~0.46 ~---· 0.984 ----~ RA PD l 08644A Figure 45. Cn rtridge, cnlibe1· .32: beLli, co lt automatic pistol, 71-or 74-g?·ain bullet. 101. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .32: Ball, Colt Automatic Pistol, 71-or 74-Grain Bullet a. Cm·t1·idge. This cartridge is for use in caliber .32 automatic pistols and is a lso known as the 7.65-mm automatic pistol cartridge. This cartridge is 0.984 inch long and the case is 0.680 inch long. The diameter of the case at the head is 0.354 inch and at the mouth 0.331 inch. The complete cartridge weighs nearly 115 grains. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gilding .32 AMMUNITION metal jacket and a lead-alloy slug. The jacket is cannelured at the point where the case is crimped to the bullet. The bullet is 0.46 inch long. It will penetrate five % inch thick pine boards. 102. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .32: Ball for Revolver S. & W ., 88-Grain a. Ca1·t?·idg e. This cartridge is for use in r evolve rs chambered for the caliber .32 S. & W. cartridge, such as the caliber .32 S. & W. revol ver, but may also be used in weapons chambered for the caliber .32 S. & W. long cartridge. This cartridge is not adapted to revolvers chambered for .32 short Colt. The cartridge is 0.92 inch long and the case is 0.60 inch long. Diameter of the case at the head is 0.374 inch and at the mouth, 0.336 inch. b. Bullet. The bullet is made of lead-antimony and is inside lubricated, i.e., the bullet cannelure containing the lubricating compound is hidd en by the neck of the case in the assembled cartridge. The bullet is 0.54 inch long. It will penetrate 3 % pine boards, each % inch thick. 103. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .32: Ball, Metal Jacketed for Revolver S. & W ., 88-Grain This cartridge is essentially the same as the cartridge described in paragraph 102 with the exception of the bullet which consists of a metal jacket and a lead-antimony slug. Section II. 9 MILLIMETER AMMUNITION 104. General operation by changing bolt and barrel ; in The 9-millimeter cartridge may be fired in Soumi submachineguns; in British 9-m m Sten the s ubmachin egun M3 converted to 9-mm and Lancaster machine carbines; in German 9-mm Pistole 08 (Luger), Pistole 38 (Walther), Machine Pistole 38 and 40, and Bergman and Solathurn machine carbines; and in Italian 9-mm (parabellum) Pistola 08 and Berretta machine carbine Mod 38. 105. CARTRIDGE, 9 MILLIMETER: Ball, M 1, 116-Grain Bullet (Parabelluml a. Cart1idge. This cartridge is 1.155 inches long and the case is 0.754 inch long. Diameter Section Ill. CALIBER 106. General Ammunition, cartridges, and bullets, for caliber .38 weapons are shown in figure 46 and for caliber .38 special revolvers in figure 47. Table XXXIV lists the weights of cartridges and components. 107. Ballistic Data Ballistic data for caliber .38 ammunition are given in table XXXV and in FM 23-35. 108. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .380: Ball, Automatic Pistol, 95-Grain Bullet, (9-mm Short) a. Cartridge. This cartridge may be fired from caliber .380 automatic pistols, such as Colt, Remington, Webley, Savage, Browning, Bayard, Italian 9-mm (Short) Berretta Pistola, Mod. 34, and others. This cartridge cannot be tired from Colt caliber .38 automatic pistols. Table XXXI. Ballistic Data jo1· Calibe1· .92 Ammunition Average velocities Average maximum (fps ) Cartridge chamber pressure (psi) Muzzle At 25 feet Cal. .32 14,000 980 950 A.C.P. Cal. .32 8,000 720 700 S&W. Table XXXII. W eights of Cartridge, 9 Millimete1·, Ball, M1 (In grains : maxima 1 ennitted in manufactm·e) Complete cartridge, approx __ ________ ..________ __ ______ .._ 182 Cartridge case -----------------------------·-·------·----------------57 Propellant, approx ................. .. ............................ 6 Primer, approx ........ ........................ .................... 3.00 Bullet ....................................................................... 116 Jacket ... ........ ........................................................... 24.5 Slug .......................................................................... 91.5 of the case at the head is 0.394 inch and at the neck, 0.377 inch. Table XXXII lists the weights of cartridges and components. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a gildingmetal jacket and lead-antimony slug, and is 0.60 inch long. c. Ballistic Data. Ballistic data for this cartridge are given in table XXXIII. d. Penetmtion. The bullet will penetrate ten % inch pine boards. .38 AMMUNITION CALIBER .380, BALL, AUTOMATIC PISTOL, 95-GRAIN BULLET (9-MM SHORT) BALL. SUPER AUTOMATIC COLT, 130-GRAIN BULLET, METAL JACKET BALL, SHORT COLT, 125-OR 130-GRAIN BULLET BALL, S&W, 146-GRAIN BULLET BLANK, REVOLVER, S&W ORO 0109-A Figm·e -HJ. Caliber .98 ca1·t1·idges. BALL, LEAD BULLET, 158-GRAIN BULLET @ BALL, 158-GRAIN BULLET, STEEL JACKET (COPPER PLATED) ~"----1.16--~ BALL, MID-RANGE, 146-GRAIN BULLET (WAD-CUTTER) .~~~~9 158-GRAIN BULLET, STEEL JACKET 1----1.531-----l TEST, HIGH-PRESSURE, 158-GRAIN BULLET ORD 0110 Figure 1,7. Calibe.,. .38 special cartridges. Table XXXIII. Ballistic Data for Cartridge, .9 Millimete1·, Ball, Ml Average maximum chamber pressure (psi) . 40,000 Average velocities (fps) : At muzzle ....... .............................................. . 1,400 At 25 feet ............................. ................. ....... . 1,390 ± 25 The cartridge is 0.93-inch long and the rimless cylindrical case is 0.68 inch long. The diameter of the case head and body is 0.372 inch. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a metal jacket and lead-alloy slug. This bullet has no cannelure, is 0.46 inch long, and will penetrate 51h pine boards, each 'Ys inch thick. 109. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38: Ball, Super Automatic Colt, 130-Grain Bullet, Metal Jacket a. Cartridge. This cartridge is a high velocity, semirimmed type, resembling the 9-mm Parabellum cartridge in size and appearance. It may be fired from Colt caliber .38 super automatic pistols. The cartridge is 1.27 inches long and its case is 0.90 inch long. Diameter Table XXXIV. W eights of Caliber .38 Ammunition (In Gmins) (A Snwll Pistol P1·im er, 0.175 Inch Diamete1·, 3 .0 65 Grain W eight is Used in These Cm·t1·idg es) [c o mplete Complete Cartridge cartridge Cart ridge Propellant bullet ' (approx) cas e (approx) (approx) Cal. .380, auto. 146 48 12.5 95 ! pistol, ball , (9-mm short). I ' Cal. .38 revolver, 168 37 12.5 125 or short Colt, ball. 2 3.5 I 130. Cal. .38 S. & W., 218 .... 12.3 146 revolver, ball. 2 3.8 Cal. .38 special, revolver: I Ball ...... ............ .. 231 70 (3) ! 158 Ball, M41 .......... 203 63.5 i 132 Ball, (jacketed) 231 70 (3) I 158 Ball (wad cutter) .......... 218 70 ..... ... I 146 Tracer ............... 231 70 ·· ····· -I 158 Blank ................. 75 70 ........ (wad) High-pressure t est ................ . 232 70 .... .... 158 ··-···-· I ' Bullseye . 2 Pist ol powder No. 5. " Weights and types of propellant may be any of the following: a. 3.6 Bullseye. b. 5.0 Pistol powder No. 5. c . 4.0 Pistol powder No. 6 . d . 7.0 Du Pont No. 80. of the case head is 0.403 inch and the case body is 0.382 inch. b. Bullet. The bullet consists of a metal jacket and a lead-alloy slug. It has a knurled cannelure into which the neck of the case is crimped. The bullet is 0.58 inch long and will penetrate 10 pine boards, each 'Ys inch thick. 110. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38: Ball, Revolver S. & W., 145-or 146-Grain Bullet a. Cartridge. This cartridge may be fired from weapons chambered for the caliber .38 S. & W. regular, for example: Colt Police Positive and Banker's Special, and S. & W. Regulation Police and Terrier models. The cartridge known as the caliber .38 Colt New Police is the same as the S. & W. cartridge, except that the bullet used is flat-pointed. The S. & W. cartridge is 1.20 inches long and the case is 0.76 inch long. Diameter of the case head is 0.433 inch and of the case body is 0.383 inch. Table XXXV. Ballistic Datn for Caliber .38 Ammunition A verage Average R a nge maximum velocities o f Cartridge chamber (fps) trace press ure (yd) (psi) Muzzle At 25 feet Cal. .380 auto. ..... . 970 940 pistol, ball I (9-mm short). Cal. .38, super 28,000 1,300 1,250 auto. Colt, ball. Cal. .38, S. & W . 15,000 745 725 r evolver, ball. Cal. .38, revolver, 770 750 ····· short, Colt, ball. Cal. .38, special 16,000 950 923 revolver: 130-grain ball 158-grain ball 18,000 870 850 jacket ed. 146-grain ball 14,000 770 750 (wad-cutter). 158-grain 18,000 870 850 353 tracer. 158-grain ball 18,000 870 750 b. Bullet . The bullet is of lead alloy and is inside-lubricated. One knurled cannelure is located below the point of crimping in the assembled cartridge. The bullet is 0.67 inch long. It will penetrate 5 pine boards, each % inch thick. 111 . CARTRIDG E, CALIBER .38: Ball, Revolver, Sho rt Colt, 12 5 -o r 130-Gra in Bullet a. Cartridge. This cartridge may be fired from the Colt Double Action Revolver. The cartridge will also fire from the Colt caliber .38 revolvers chambered for the caliber .38 long Colt cartridge, and from all revolvers chambered for the caliber .38 special cartridge. The rimmed cartridge is 1.10 inches long and the case is 0.69 inch long. The di ameter of the case head is 0.433 inch and the 'case body is 0.383 inch. b. Bullet . The bullet is of lead alloy a nd is outside-lubricated. One knurled cannelure is located above the crimp of the case to the bullet. The bullet is 0.56 inch long. c. P enetration. The bullet will penetrate four pine boards, each % inch thick. 1 12 . CA RTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 BLANK: Revolver, S. & W . This cartridge is used for simulated fire and signaling in weapons chambered for the caliber .38 S. & W. r egular, for example : Colt Police Positive and Banker's Special, S. & W. Regu lation Police and Terrier models. This cartridge uses the same case and primer as the service cartridge but has no bullet. The mouth is closed by a wad and crimped. This blank cartridge is 0.76 inch long. 113. CARTRIDGES FOR CALIBER .38 SPECIAL REVOLVERS These cartridges (fig. 47) may be fired from the following Colt and S. & W. caliber .38 special revolvers : Colt Official Police, New Police, Officer's Mod el Target, New S e rvice , Shooting Master, Po 1i c e Positive Special, Detective Special, Single Action Army S. & W. Military and Police, 38-44, Outdoorman, and Magnum. These cartridges may a lso be fired in revolver, lightweight, caliber .38 special, M12 (aircrewman's). 114. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: Ball, M41, 130-Grain Bullet a. Ca·rt?-idg e. This cartridge is an item of issue for use in caliber .38 lightweight revolver M13. The cartridge is 1.550 inches long. Diameter of the case head is 0.433 and at the mo uth is .379 inch. The total weight of the cartridge is approximately 203 grains. b . Bullet. The bullet coi1sists of a gil dingmetal jacket and a lead-antimony slug. The bullet weighs 132 grains. The cartridge case is crimped into a groove in the bullet. The length of the bullet is .593 inch. c. V elocity. The basic velocity will not be less than 950 fps at 15 feet. The average velocity will not vary from the basic velocity by more than 25 fps. d. Pressur·e. The average pressure will not exceed 16,000 psi . e. Accuracy . The average of the mean radii of all targets at time of acceptance at 50 yards is not greater than 2 inches. 115. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: Ball, Lead Bullet, 158-Grain Bullet a. Car·tridge. This cartridge is authorized for issu e to the Counter Intelligence Corps and Military Police only. It is for zone of interior training use. This cartridge is 1.53 inches long. b. Bullet. This S. & W. special 158-grain bullet has a round tip, whereas the Colt special 158-grain bullet has a flattened tip. The bullet is made of lead and its base en d is cupped. The bullet is inside-lubricat ed, having one cannelure containing a lubricant which lies below the neck of the case in the assembled carh·idge . The cartridge case is crimped into a groove in the bullet. c. P enetration . The bullet will penetrate 7 pine boards, each 'Vs inch thick. The bullet is 0.74 inch long. 116. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: Ball, 158-Grain Bullet, Steel Jacket (Copper-Plated) a. Cart?·idge. This cartridge is similar to that described in paragraph 115 above except for the bullet which has a coppe1·-plated steel jacket. Thi s cartridge is for operational use by the Counter Intelligence Corps an d Milita1·y Police. b. Penetmtion . The bullet will penetrate 71h pine boards, each 'Vs inch thick. 117. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: Boll , Revolver, Midrange, 146-or 148-Grain, lead Clean-Cutting Bullet, Western Super Match or Equal a. Ca1't1'1'dge. This cartridge is used fo1· target practice and contains a reduced charge of propellant for midranges. b. Bullet. The bull et is entirely inclosed in the cartridge case and it has three cannelures, a deep cup formation in the base of the b ull et, and a flat hont. The bullet weighs 146-to 148-grains and is of lead a lloy. Blunt, but with a sharp shoulder o1· corner, the bullet will cut a clean hole through target paper, thus making a hit easier to spot and score. It is sometimes called a wad cutter or clean-cutting bullet, and is in side-lu bricated. 118. CARTRIDGE, CALIBER .38 SPECIAL: Test, High-Pressure, 158-Grain Bullet This cartridge is for use only in inspection of weapons. Except for the increased propelling charge, the same components as those in the 158-grain lead bull et, caliber .38 special cartridge are used. Since this ammunition develops dangerou sly high chamber pressures, 21,60 to 24,000 psi, the HPT cartridge will not be used for any other purpose. Because of the danger involved in firing this cartridge, it should be fired only f r om a fixed rest under a hood by means of a mechanical dev ice, and only by authorized personnel. This cal'tridge is 1. 53 inches long and can be identified by its case whi ch has a mottled brownish-black coating. CHAPTER 5 DESTRUCTION OF AMMUNITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE 119. General a. Destruction of ammunition described herein, when subject to capture or abandonment in the combat zon e, will be undertaken . ,by t he using arm on ly when, in the judgment of the unit commander concerned, such action is necessary in accordance with order s of, or policy established by, the Army commander. b . Th e information which follows is for g uidance only. T he conditions under which dest ruction will be effected are command decisions and may vary in each case, dependent upon a number of factors, such a s the t actical situation, security classification of the ammun ition (AR 380-5), quantity and location of t he ammunition, facilities for accomplishing destruction, and time. In general, destruction of ammunition can be accomplished most effectively by burning or detonation, or a combination of these. Selection of the particular method of destruction requires imagination and resourcefulness in utilization of the facilities at hand under the existing circ umstances . Time is usua lly critical. c. If destruction to prevent enemy use is resorted to, ammunition and it s components must be damaged so badly that they cannot be restored to a usable condition in the com bat zone. Equally important , the sam e essential com ponents of all ammunition must be destroyed so that the enem y cannot assemble complete rounds from undamaged c~mponents. d . If destruction of ammunition is directed, due consideration shou ld be given to (1) Accomplishment of the destruction in such a manne1· as to cau se the greatest obstruction to enemy movement a nd also prevent hazard to friendly troops from fl-agments. (2) Observance of appropriate safety precautions. 120. Method Ammunition ca n be destroyed most q uick ly by buming or detonation. The burning method is considered the most satisfactory for destl~uction of small-arms ammunit ion to prevent enemy use. Remove from packing conta,iners and st ack the ammunit ion in a pi le. Stack or pi le wood or gasoline and oi l in cans and drums around the ammunition. T hrow onto t he pile all available flammable material such as brush, rags, and wood . Gasoline or oil should be po u r e d over the pile. S ufficient fla m mable mater ia l m ust be used to insure a ver y hot fire. Ignite by means of an incendiary grenade fired from a safe distance, a combustible train of a suitable len gth, or other appropriate means. Take cover immediately. Warning: Wh en igniting gasoline, due consideration should be give n to the highly flammable nature of gasoline and its vapor. Carelessness in its use may result in painful burns. Fires should be sufficiently intense to r ender ammunition in metal containers unserviceable. Rounds that are not completely destroyed by fire will be classified as duds, i.e., in a dangerous condition. APPENDIX REFERENCES 1. Publication Indexes The following indexes should be consulted frequently for latest changes or r evisions of references given in this appendix and for new publications relating to material covered in this manual. Index of Army Motion Pictures, Film Strips, Slides, and Phono-Recordings. Military Publications : Index of Administrative DA DA PAM 108-1 PAM 310-1 Publications. Index of Blank F o rms .. . .... DA PAM 310-2 Index of Graphic Training: DA PAM 310-5 Aids and Devices. Index of Supply Manuals -DA PAM 310-29 Ordnance Corps. Index of Tables of Org-aniza-DA PAM 310-7 tion and Equipment, Type Tables of Distt·ibution and Tables of Allowances. Index of Technical Manuals, DA PAM 310-4 T echnical Bulletin s, Supply Bulletins, Lubrication Orders, and Modification Work Orders. Index of Training Publications .... DA PAM 310-3 2. Supply Manuals The following supply manuals of the Department of the Army pertain to this material: a. Ammunition. Ammunition and Explosives Am-SM 9-5-1305 munition Through 30 Millimeter. Grenades, Hand and Rifle, and SM 9-5-1330 Related Components. Stock List of All Item , Price List SM 9-2-1300 (Type 2) : Ammunition and Explosives. b. Destruction to Preve11t Enemu Use. Ammunition: Explo ives, Bulk SM 9-5-1375 Propellants, and Explos ive Devices. c. Gene1·al. Introduction .................. ....................... SM ORD 1 d. Mainte11ance and R epai1·. Containers, Packag-ing, and Pack-SM 9-1-8100-series ing-Supplies . Hardware and Abras ives ..... .. . .SM 9-1-5300-series Tool Kit: E xplos ive Disposal SM 9-4-5180-A15 Field Maintenance ( 5180-754-0644). Tool Set, Ammunition Re novation SM 9-4-3470-A02 Platoon Field Maintenance ( 34 70-754-0710). 3. Forms The following forms pertain to this material: DA Form 468, Unsatisfactory Equipment Report. DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Department of the Army Technical Manual Parts Lists or Supply Manual 7, 8, 9 (cut s heet) . DD Form 6, Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment. DD F orm 517, Ammunition Condition Report. 4. Other Publications The following explanatory publications contain information pertinent to this ammunition and associated equipment: a. Ammunition. Ammunition for Aircraft Guns ....... ....TM 9-1901-1/ TO llA-1-39 Ammunition for Reco illess Rifles ..TM 9-1300-204 Ammunition for Training ......... . T A 23-100 Ammunition, General ... ........... .......... ... TM 9-1900/ TO llA-1-20 Ammunition Renovation ...... ....... .. . .TM 9-1905 Ammunition; Restricted or TB 9-AMM-2 Suspended. Care, Handling, Preservation, and TM 9-1903/ Destruction of Ammunition. TO llA-1-37 Demolition Materials ...... ......... ..... .... .. ... TM 9-1946 Disposal of Supplies and Equip-SR 755-140-1 ment: Ammunition. Explosives and Demolitions . FM 5-25 Explosives : Di sposal by Dumping SR 75-70-10 at Sea. Issues of Suppl y and Equipment: Preparation, Pt·ocessing·, and AR 725-5 Doc umentation for Requ isitioning, Shipping·, and Receiving. Operation and Org·anizational Maintenance: Caliber .50 S potting-Rifle MHC; TM 9-1000-205-12 I OG-mm Rifles M40A 1 and M40A1 C; 106-mm Rifl e Mounts T17:3 and M79; and Tripod T26. 7.62-mm Machineg-un, M60 and TM !l-1005-224-12 Machineg·un Tripod Moun t Ml22. 7.62-mm Rifle, M14 . ... TM !J-1005-223-12 Military Explosives .................. .. .. TM 9-1910/ TO llA-1-:34 Qualification in Arms: Qua liti cation AR :l70-5 and Familiarization. Safety: Coo rdination with Armed SR 385-15-1 / Services Explosive Safety AFR 14-1 2 Board. Identiticati on of I nert AmmuAR :385-65 nition and Ammunition Compon e nts. Regulations for Firing AmmuAR aH5-6:l / nition for Training, Targ-et AFR 50-Ul Practice, and Combat. Small-Arms Accidents, MalfuncTM 9-2210 tions, and their causes. Small-Arms Ammunition, L ots TB 9-AM M-4 and Grades. Small-Arms Mate riel and AssoTM 9-2200 ciated Equipment. Supply Control: Distribution of AR 710-1300-1 Ammunition for Training . Transportation and Travel : Military Traffic Management AR 55-:!55 Regulation. Transportat ion by Water of AR 55-228 E xplos ives and Hazardous Cargo. 1>. Canwu.flage. Camouflag·e, Basic Principles and FM 5-20 Field Camouflage. r. Derontcuninatio11 . Decontamination . ..........TM :l-220 Small Unit Procedures in Atomic FM 21-40 Biolog·ica l, and Chemi cal Warfa re. d. Destn1ction to PrrreJit Enem 11 [ se. Explosives and Demol itions... .. .. FM 5-25 r . General. Ammuni t ion: Supply Within the SB 9-AMM-6 Continental Un it ed States. InspPdion of Ordnance Materiel TM U-1100 in Hands of Troops . Installations: Administration ................. . ..... AR 210-10 Report of Loss, Theft, and AR 210-84 Recove ry of Government Prope rty in the Continental United States. Malfunction s Involving-Ammu-AR 700-1 300-8 nition and Explosives. Unsatisfactory Equipment AR 700-:38 Report. Milita ry Security: Safeguarding AR 380-5 Defense Information. Military Symbols ................ .. ............. FM 21-30/ AFM 55-3 Military Term , Abbreviations, and Symbols: Authorized Abbreviations AR 320-50 and Brev ity Codes. Dictionary of United States AR 320-5 Army Te rms. Military Training . .. .. FM 21-5 Ordnance Ammunition Se rvice ........... FM 9-5 Ordnance Major Items and Majo r SB 9-1 Combinations and P ertinent Publica t ions. Ordnance Service in the Field .... ...... FM 9-1 Safety: Accident Repo rting· and AR 385-40 Reco rds. Supply and Service Installations AR 780-10 and Activities : Organization and Command Relationship. Targ·ets, Targ-et Material, and TM U-855 Training Cou rse Lay-Outs. Techniques of Military Instruction .. .. FM 21-6 f . Maint enance and Hepair. Maintenance of Supplies and AR 750-925 Equipment: Spot Check Ins pection and Repo rts; Ordnance Corps Materiel. Ordnance Maintenance: Materials TM 9-247 Used for Cleaning, P t·ese r ving·, Abrading, and Cementing· Ordnancp Material, and Related Mat('t·ial s in clud ing Chemical s. g. Slli}ml eld anrl Limitl!rl Stol'((y e. General Packag-ing for Ordnance TM 9-200 General Supplies. Logistics (General): Report of AR 700-58 Damagpd ot· Improper Shipment. Marking and Packing· of Supplies AR 746-80 and Equipment: Marking of Supplies for Shipment. Protection of Ordnance General TB ORD-879 Supplies in Open Storage. Accessories ..... ............... ...................... Accidents, field report ............ ...... ... . Aerial target practice ... ........... ....... . Ammunition. (See under specific cartridge.) Ammunition, blank. (See Cartridge, blank.) Ammunition, shotgun. (See Shotgun ammunition.) Ammunition grades. (See Grades of ammunition. ) Be lts, cartridge: Defects in belted ammunition . Metallic link ............................ .. .. Web .................. ....... ............ .... .... . Black powder. (See Propellant powders.) Bullets: Caliber ................... .... ........ ...... .. . Jacketed ............ ........................ .. Lead-alloy (antimony) .... ..... . Shape .......................... ... .... ..... ..... . Types ............................. .............. . Care, handling, and preservation of ammunition ... ........ ... ..................... . Cartridges: Cartridge, armor-piercing: Cal. .30, M2 ........................ Cal. .50 , M2 .......... ...... .... ... . 7.62-mm, M61 .................. ... . Cartridge, armor-piercing incendiary: Cal. .30 , M14 .................. .. .. Cal. .50, MS .................. .. .. .. Cartridge, armor-piercingincendiary-tracer, cal. .50 M20 ... ... .......................... ..... . Cartridge, ball: Cal. .22, hornet, M65 ........ Cal. .22, long rifle (lead bullet) ............................. . Cal. .22, long rifle, M24 ... . Cal. .22 , lo ng rifle, western super match, Mklll or equal .............................. . Cal. .22, short (high velocity) .......................... INDEX Paragraph 28 15 6 18b 30a 30b 24d 24c 24b 24e 24/ 9 46 79 59 47 80 81 36 32 33 35 34 Page 32 17 7 18 33 34 30 29 29 30 30 12 41 56 27 42 56 57 38 36 37 38 38 Cartridges-Continued Cartridge, ball-Continued Cal. .30, carbine, M1 ....... . Cal. .30, frangible, M22 .. .. Cal. .30, M2 ........ ........... .... . Cal. .32, Colt automatic pistol ................................ Cal. .32, S & W revolver .. Cal. .32, metal-jacketed, S & W revolver .............. Cal. .38, S. & W. revolver.. Cal. .38, short Colt .. .... .. ... . Cal. .38, special revolver, M41 .................................. Cal. .38, special, revolver (wad cutter) .... .. ........ .. .. Cal. .38, special, revolver, steel jacket ............... ...... . Cal. .38, special lead bullet Cal. .38, super automatic Colt pistol ............... ........ . Cal. .380, automatic pistol Cal. .45, M1911 .................. Cal. .50, M2 ......... ........ ...... . Cal. .50, M33 ... .... ............... 7.62-mm, M59 ................... . 7.62-mm, MSO ...... ........... .... . 9-mm, M1 (parabellum) .. Cartridge, blank: Cal. .30, carbine ...... ........ .. Cal. .30, M1909 .......... ....... . Cal. .38, S. & W . ... .. ........... Cal. .45, M32, line throwing .................... .... .. Cal. .45, M9 .... .................... Cal. .50, M1 ....................... . 7.62-mm, XM82 .. .. .............. 10-gage for guns M1916, M3, and M6 .................... Cartridge, dummy: Cal. .30, carbine, M13 .... .. Cal. .30, M40 ...................... Cal. .45, M1921 ...... .......... . . Cal. .50, M2 ....................... . 7.62-mm, M63 .................. .. Cartridge, grenade: Cal. .30, carbine, M6 ....... . Cal. .30, rifle, M3 ............. . 7.62-mm, M64 .................. . . Paragraph 38 57 48 101 102 103 110 111 114 117 116 115 109 108 71 82 83 60 61 105 39 53 112 76 73 93 64 99 42 54 74 94 65 67 68 69 Page 39 46 43 66 66 66 68 69 69 70 70 69 68 67 51 57 58 49 49 67 39 45 69 53 53 62 50 65 40 45 53 62 50 50 50 51 Cartridges-Continued Cartridge, ince ndiaryContinued Cartridge, incendiary: Cal. .30, Ml .................. Cal. .50, M1 ........................ Cal. .50, M23 ...................... Cartridge, match: Cal. .30, M72 .... .. .......... ...... Cartridge, shotgun: 12-gage, brass No. 00 buckshot, M19 .. ............ . 12-gage, paper loaded, No. 00 buckshot .............. .410-gage, aluminum, No. 6 copper-coated, M35 .... .410-gage, paper loaded No. 6 chilled shot ...... .... .410-ga;re, paper loaded and No. 7 % chilled shot Cartridge, test, high-pressure: Cal. .30, Ml ........................ Cal. .30, M18, carbine ...... Cal. .38, special, revolver.. Cal. .45, Ml ........................ Cal. .50, Ml ........................ 7.62-mm, M60 .................... Cartridge, tracer: Cal. .30, carbin e, Ml6 ........ Cal. .30 , carbine, M27 ........ Cal. .30, Ml ........................ Cal. .30, M25 .................... .. Cal. .38, special, revolver: 130-grain bullet .......... 158-grain bullet .......... Cal. .45, M26 .... .... ....... .... . .. Cal. .50, Ml ........................ Cal. .50, MlO ...................... Cal. .50, M17 ...................... Cal. .50 , M21 (headlight) .................... 7.62-mm, M62 .... ................ Cartridge cases: Assembly .......................... .. Classification ...................... Functions ..................... ..... .. Headspace .......................... Propellant space ................ Shotgun ............................. Cartridges: Components ........................ Defective cartridge pro cedure .............................. Defects and malfunctions Handling ............................ Identification of types .... Tracer elements defective Classification of ammunition .......... Clips for ammunition ...................... Cook off .............................................. Pa ragraph 49 84 85 50 97b(1) 97b(2) 98a 98b 98c 55 43 118 75 92 62 40 41 51 52 114 115 72 82 89 90 91 63 21c 21 a 21b 21e 21d 21{ 20 18 18, 19 9 5 14 4 29 12c Page 44 58 60 44 63 63 65 65 65 46 41 70 53 62 49 39 40 45 45 69 69 52 61 61 61 61 49 23 23 23 23 23 24 23 18 18 12 5 16 5 32 16 P aragraph Danger zon es ...................................... 27 Definitions .......................................... 3 Department of Defense Ammuni tion Code .... .......................... 5b Destruction to prevent enemy use .. 119, 120 Federal stock number ...................... Fie ld report of accidents ............... . Forms and r eports ............................ Gage (shotgun.) (See under Shot.) Grades of ammunition ...................... Grenade cartridges. (See under Cartrid ge, grenade.) Handling of ammunition. (See tmde1· Care, handling, and preservation.) Hangfire .............................. ....... .. .... .. . H ead space ................. ...................... .. Identification: ................... ................. Link, cartridge: Closed loop ................................ Ends, metallic belt .................... Open loop ................................... Line-throwing ammunition. (See under Cartridge, blank.) Lot number ................... ..................... Marking: Ammunition Containers ......................... ....... . . 12-gage ammunition .................. Misfire ........................................ ......... . Model designation .......... ..... .. ............. Packing and marking ........................ Penetration: Data ......................... ....... ..... ........ . Test (inspect) ........ ... .... ........... Precautions in firing: Blank ammunition .................... Combat (service) ammunition Preservation of ammunition. (See Care, handling, and preservation. ) Primer data and description .......... Priority of issue ......................... ....... Propellant: Ball-grain .. .. ............................... . Black powder .............................. Characteristics and data ........ Description .... ....... .. ... ........ ...... ... . Double-base ............................... . Partial ignition .......................... Single-base ................... ............... Shot: Gage .... .............. ........... .. ........ ..... Size: 12-Gage ................................ .410-Gage .......................... .. 10-Gage, blank .... ............ .. .. 5b 15 2 7 12b, 19 e 2le 5 30a(l ) 30a(3) 30a(2 ) 5d 5h 8 97c(3) 12a 5c 8 26 17k 11 10 22 13 23d 23e 23{ 23a 23c 19d 23b 25 25,97 25,98 25,99 Page 32 3 5 71 5 17 3 9 16,20 26 5 6 7 11 64 16 6 11 32 18 14 13 24 16 26 26 26 25 26 19 26 31 31,63 31,65 31,65 75 Smokeless Powder. (See Propellant.) Surveillance .. .. ................. .... .............. . Target practice, identification in aerial ............ ...................... .............. Tests, small-arms ammunition ..... . Velocity test ...... ...................... .. ......... . Visual inspection: Before firing ...... ....................... . During and after firing ......... . Tables: Ballistic data for caliber .32 ammunition (XXXI) .......... . . Ballistic data for caliber .38 ammunition (XXXV) ......... . Ballistic data for cartridge, 9 millimeter, ball, M1 (XXXIII) ...... ... ... .......... ....... . Bullet diameters (V) ............. . Color identificat ion of small arms cartridges (I) ... ....... . . Component parts and weights of cartridge, ball, frangible, caliber .30 (XVI) ................. . Component parts of caliber .22 ammunition (VIII) ........... .. . Component parts of caliber .30 ammunition (XII) ............. .. . Component parts of caliber .30 carbine ammunition (X) .... Component parts of caliber .45 ammunition (XIX) ............. . Component parts of caliber .50 ammunition (XXII) ........... . Component parts of 7.62-millimeter ammunition (XVII) .. Defects found on visual examination before firing (II) .... Intended use of different shotgun cartridges (XXVIII) .. Minimum cover thickness for positive protection (VII) .... Number of armor-piercing cartridges, caliber .50, M2, required to defeat reinforced concrete at 25 ° obliquity (XXV) ...... ............................. . Paragraph 16 6 17 17c 18 19 100 107 105c 24d 5g 56 31a 44 37a 70a 77 58 18a 96 27 79d Page 17 7 17 17 18 18 66 67 67 30 7 46 36 41 38 51 54 47 18 62 32 56 Tables-Continued Penetration in inches for ball cartridge, caliber .50, M2 in 45-inch barrel (XXVI) ....... . Penetration in inches for cartridge, armor-piercing, caliber .30, M2 (XIV) ............... . Penetration in inches for cartridge, armor-piercing, caliber .50, M2, in 45-inch barrel (XXIV) .. ................. ............ .. . Penetration in inches for cartridge, ball, caliber .30, M2 (XV) .. ............................... ...... . Penetration in white pine for cartridge, caliber .45, M1911, fired from pistol (XXI) ...... Percentage of shot in 12-gage shotgun cartridge falling within a 30-inch diameter circle (XXX) ....................... . Shotgun gages (VI) ............... . Small-arms propellants (IV) .. Styphnate primed small-arms ammunition initial production lots (III) ................... .... . Type of barrel boring used in shotguns (XXIX) ............... . Weights of caliber .22 ammunition (IX) .............. .......... ... . Weights of caliber .30 ammunition (XIII) ........................ Weights of caliber .38 ammunition (XXXIV) ................. . Weights of caliber .45 ammunition (XX) ......... ..... ........... . Weights of caliber .50 ammunition (XXIII) ..................... . Weights of caliber .30 carbine ammunition (XI) .................. Weights of cartridge, 7.62-mil limeter (NATO) ammunition (XVIII) ................................. . Weights of cartridge, 9-millimeter, ball M1 (XXXII) .... Weights of shotgun ammunition (XXVII) ....................... . Paragraph 82d 46d 79d 48d 71d 97d(2) 25b 23a 22 97d(1) 31a 44 106 70a 77 37a 58 105a 96 Page 58 41 56 43 51 64 31 25 24 64 ::!6 41 67 51 54 38 47 67 62 BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARIES OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE: G. H . DECKER, Geneml, United States Anny, Official: Chief of Staff. R. V. LEE, Majo1· GeneTal, United States A1·my, The Adjutant Geneml. THOMAS D. WHITE, Official: Chief of Sta.fi, United States Ai1· FoTce. R. J. PUGH, Colonel, United States Ai1· FoTce, Di1·ectoT of Administmtive Se1·vices. Distribution: Active Anny: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-7 requirements for TM 9-series (unclas) plus the following formula: DCSLOG (1) Units org under fol TOE: Tech Stf, DA (1) except 9-12 (2) CofOrd (9) 9-17 (2) 9-22 (2) US ARADCOM (2) 9-26 (2) US ARADCOM Rgn (2) 9-76 (2)Seventh USA (3) 9-86 (2) EUSA (3) 9-367 (2) Corps (2) 9-500 (AA,BC,BD,DC) (2) Raritan Arsenal (28) 9-510 (AA,AB,BA,BB,DA,EB) (2) NG: State AG (3); units-same as Active Army except allowance is one copy to each unit. USAR: None. For explanation of abbreviations used see AR 320-50. " U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975 0-576-483