----<>------------·-o-----~----......--o---- I I INCOMING 44 KV lllo"XB'·O" __ ~GROUND ROOS I -l \ 13.8 KV I FEEDERS I PRIMARY FUSE1 INCOMING PLAN FIG. 1 TYPICAL 750 KVA .u/13.8 KV CONVENTIONAL SUBSTATION FOR AERIAL SYSTEMS, UTILIZING SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS 12 E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 facilitate maintenance and efficiency of operation. In warm climates engine-generators with air-cooled radiators should be so installed that the heated air will discharge outside ofthe building. 1-22 FOUNDATIONS. Concrete foundations should be provided for each piece of equipment having a weight in excess of the capacity of the floor of the building. The size anddepth of the foundations should be determined from data furnished by the equipmentmanufact~rer. Where manufacturer's data are not available an opening should be leftin the floor until the weight and dimensions can be obtained from the equipment to beinstalled. A %-inch space should be provided between the engine-generator foundationsand the floor of the building in order to reduce the effects of vibration. This space shouldbe filled with vibration insulation material. 1-23. FUEL STORAGE. In addition to the day tank usually furnished with gasolineand diesel engine-driven generators, an underground storage tank should be provided for all plants of these types, with the exception of small portable plants which can convenientlybe furnished with fuel often enough to preclude the necessity for a storage tank. Thestorage tank should be of sufficient capacity to operate the plant for at least 2 weeks duringthe months of largest average demand. This capacity should be increased as requiredwhen deliveries of fuel at 10-day intervals cannot be relied upon. Actual fuel consumptionof the engines and estimated number of hours of operation should be used in determiningthe capacity of storage tank whenever this information is available. When actual fuelconsumption is not available an average of 4 kilowatt-hours per gallon of gasoline and10 kilowatt-hours per gallon of diesel oil will be sufficiently accurate for this purpose. 11 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 APPROXIMATE·HEIGtCT OF FOUR COI..UWI STE&L STRUCTURE KILOVOLTS HEIGHT, FEET GROUP OPEilATED, HORN GAP DISCO...ECTMtG SWITCHESJ4.S .." "" " 23 \\ ELEVATION ----r- 1 I INCOMING ""XI'-0" __~GROUND RODS -lI lJ.I ICV I FEEDERS I I'RD&AIIY FUSES FENCE IHCOiliMG FIG. 1 TYPICAL 7.50 KVA 44113.8 KV CONVENTIONAL SUBSTATION FOR AERIAL SYSTEMS. UTILIZING SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS 12 i \I I E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 GROUP OPERATED. HORN GAP DISCONNECTING SWIT;:::C"="-----;--------------, APPROXIMATE HEIGHT OF SIX COLUMN STEEL STRUCTURE ltiLCI'Y.LLTS HEIGHT FEET 23 " " ]4.5 .." .. " PRIMARY FUSf:S LIGHTNING ARRESTERS ELEVATION I J "-, ' ~ -~ INCOMING ' ",. !';' I " r----' ------l'f___ -~······•" GROUND RODS : ~ 'l r=="t--t ~RD~ /\ /\ / ~~ ~ ~: ...... , I ~ v ~ r--=-j [.e. ,.-~ I ~ I I,-. t--~ ~~ @..:: ~ ~ crt.. I ' I &i L"'-'-'-~'i ~~---,, I I""' ~ " '-== I' ~~ I PRIMARY FUSES TR...M!f"01U4a ~ li P:: '~~ ', : ~ J L:---- ~ 1--Sf \! ~ 13.1 KV FEEDERS ~/'{!~~..£1 sri t\lw ~ H~~~ ~ -t______ -.--c-I ~ .NI. . I Pc II ~ -----------~--~ ~~'WI lr~ ~ t w .,. ~ I La ,..-1!/ I ~ I"' ~ ~ I I@ [o~ ~-1 f: ""' I '-,_ ·'"' I ,... \ '"'l ...__ ........ '------TUIIM'O....I..Il ~ SWITCHGEAR ---~ ~ ~~~/ (~~ ~II~~~·- 11. ~ j, ~ A'! ~L~v ~v--v--'\t::--1 I r I \ lI : I F£MCE~ ~ ./ ~ '"'""'""' .... PLAN FIG. 2 TYPICAL 2,tll0 kVA • -"113.8 KV CC»>VENTlOW.. SUBSTATION FOR AERIAL SYSTEMS. UTILIZING THREE~ TRAHSFORMERS 13 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-Mal_1953 ~...TEHE.,.,-01' TWO <=CIL~ lTEfL STIIlJCTl.u .. I I LI _____ _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I t-------II 1 I r---•w•CMIOUIID.., I I I I ~------,-1-------------------rl---•"•..... --.... I I 14 ""'' 1'"lf'ICAI.. ...KYA-W111 EV !.NT ..TATDt R11: AH1M. IT'I11!IIIC E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May i953 API"ItOXlMATE HEJCHT Of" TWO COLU.. STEEl. STRUCTURES ~--~r-------~~------~---- " " n n IMCOMIMG I .un I I i I I !-.---- 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----1 I I I ( I I I r--- 1 I I IMCOIIIMG I .UICV I j ! ~ f---IU ltV I'EED£11$ 15 ·~:::..-=..=s FIG.. .C TYPICAL .... IVA Wll.IICV l.MT SUBSTATklM FOR lH)ERGROlHJ SY$UIIS E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 SWITCH "A" CAN NOT BE OPENED UNLESS CONNECTION DIAGRAM • "B" IS CLOSED. • "B" CAN NOT BE OPENED UNLESS • "A" IS CLOSED. D VOLTAGESWITCHGEAR REGULATOR 11 1 11 1!..----~--ALTERNATE II ''-~=-==-~::::'/ 1)i UNDERGROUND \\ '-'-::::::::-= =---=--=---=--= =--=---=::../I ELEVATION A-A VOLTAGE CONCRETE BAS: REGULATOR __lr t ~\ ,, '---t--+-+--' \\ FEEDER FEEDER METERING MAIN C/B C/B C/B REGULATOR CUBICLE NO. 1 DISCONNECT CUBICLE PLAN FIG. 5 TYPICAL VOLTAGE REGULATOR INSTALLATION 16 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 SWITCHGEAR FEEDER FEEDER FEEDER FEEDER FEEDER MAIN CB If METERS/' CB ,f CB ,f CB I CB If CB I 3 COLUMN STEEL STRUCTURE 181 HIGH ELEVATION GROUND BUS SWITCHGEAR ~CONCRETE BASE PLAN FENCE--/ FIG. 6 TYPICAL SWITCHING STATION FOR AERIAL SYSTEMS 17 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 r---,---,-'--.-r-r--. -, I I I P>)li I I I /'/ . I AI I I w I I /' ,A. ,A. ~ ~ 1' 1' ~ "" ~ 1' 5-·.·> ' rl, r-, r-; rl, r--r r-; '/ '""' LwJ LTJ Lr.J LIJ LrJ L,--1·' y y 'V 'V v v "i '[ {., f t { r+ r~-_l ' ' TEST FEEDERS METERS INCOMING RACK SUPPLY ELEVATION FENCE SWITCHGEAR (_CONCRETE BASE) PLAN FIG. 7 TYPICAL SWITCHING STATION FOR UNDERGROUND SYSTEMS 18 E•. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 AERIAL ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION AND STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS 1-24 GENERAL. Aerial systems should be employed in all areas except within 300 feet of towers containing high frequency equipment and where safety precautions, such as flight hazard and the use of material handling equipment require the use of underground cable. No exceptions will be made to this requirement without prior approval by the Office of the Chief of Engineers. 1-25 POLE LINES. Pole lines should be installed along streets or roads, wherever practicable, in order to avoid the use of separate poles for street lights. Figure 8 shows a typical layout of pole lines for an aerial electrical distribution and street lighting system. For uniformity, symbols shown on figure 9 should be used to indicate pole line construction on drawings. Poles, cross arms, loading, guying, clearances, spans, sags, and tensions should comply with the requirements of National Bureau of Standards National Electrical Safety Code (Handbook H30 or latest revision thereof) for grade"B" construction. National Bureau of Standards Handbook H43 contains a discussion of part 2 of the National Electrical Safety Code which may be helpful in connection with the design of the aerial electrical distribution and street lighting system. In connection with the selection of pole lengths, allowance should be made for the installation of telephone lines on all distribution poles. These lines are usually installed by the Signal Corps, Air Force or the local telephone company, but the designer of the distribution system is responsible for the additional space and strength requirements. Pole lengths specified should include the section below ground line. Table V indicates the average setting depth of poles in normal firm ground. Class of pole should be selected on the basis of having the minimum breaking strength at the ground line listed in table VI. For grade "B" construction, the poles should have four times the strength required for supporting the actual vertical and transverse loading, except that when the poles are guyed, the guy should support the entire load in the direction in which it acts, the pole simply acting as a strut. Table V. Pole Setting Depth Straight lines Curves, comers and points of extra strain Pole length, over-all, reet Feet Inches Feet Inches 30-------------------"-35_____________________ _ 40_____________________ _ 45_____________________ _ 50_____________________ _ 55_____________________ _ 6Q_____________________ _ 70_____________________ _ 5 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 6 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 6 0 '6 0 6 0 6 6 Table VI. Poles Class or pole Minimum breaking Class or pole Minimum breakingstrength (pounds) strength (pounds) 1-~-----------------. 2__________________ _ 4,500 5------------------1,900 3,700 6_________________ _ 1,5003__________________ _ 3,000 7_________________ _ 1,200 4~------------------2,400 19 E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 1-26 PRIMARY CIRCUITS. The number of primary circuits should be established on the basis that each circuit will carry the kilovolt-ampere load listed in table VII for the distance indicated, without exceeding a 2 percent voltage drop. The kilovolt-ampere load should be determined by adding the kilovolt-ampere rating of all transformers to be connected to the circuit and applying a suitable diversity factor. A diversity factor of 60 percent will be sufficiently accurate for most feeder calculations. This diversity factor should be increased to 100 percent, however, where the circuit will feed a load wherein all of the distribution transformers will be operating at full load at the same time. The use of conductors larger than No. 0-AWG copper or equivalent should be avoided wherever practicable, as the larger conductors are difficult for small maintenance crews to handle. Not more than two primary circuits should be carried on one pole line. Where primary circuits are suitably located, disconnecting switches should be provided to permit the load from one circuit to be transferred to another in case of emergency. A loop circuit or two radial circuits should be provided at all hospital transformer banks, to insure a continuous supply of electricity during inspection and repair operations, unless the cost involved is inconsistent with the cost of the project under design. All primary circuits should be installed on cross arms. F:'igures 10 through 13 show typical arrangements of primary circuits. Table VII. Three-Phase Primary Circuit Loading [Kilowatt capacity of wires and maximum distance in feet to load center for 2 percent voltage drop, aerial systems] Wire size AWGorMCM Copper I Aluminum and ACSR Kilowatts 100 percent pf distance Kilowatts 80 r,rcent pf istance 2,400-volt 8________________ 6________________ 4________________ 2________________ 1________________ 1/0______________ 2j0______________ 3/0______________ 4/0______________ 250______________ 300______________ 350______________ 400______________ 500______________ 6 4 2 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 266.8 336.4 397.5 477 556.5 636 795 295 407 541 733 845 985 1,140 1,320 1,530 1,700 1,910 2,110 2,300 2,610 670 720 860 1,010 1,090 1,195 1,300 1,430 1,540 1,610 1,630 1,760 1,920 2,100 236 326 433 586 676 788 912 1,058 1,224 1,360 1,530 1,690 1,840 2,090 670 720 780 805 805 795 785 770 735 710 670 646 630 550 4,160-volt 8________________ 6________________ 4________________ 2________________ 1________________ 6 4 2 1/0 2/0 511 705 936 1,267 1,460 1,160 1,250 1,480 1,750 1,880 409 564 749 1,011 1,168 1,160 1,250 l,330 1,400 1,400 1/0-------------2/0______________ 3/0______________ 4/0______________ 250______________ 300______________ 350______________ 400______________ 500______________ 3/0 4/0 266.8 336.4 397.5 477 556.5 636 795 1,710 1,970 2,290 2,650 2,950 3,3JO 3,650 4,000 4,520 2,070 2,250 2,480 2,650 2,790 2,830 3,050 3,340 3,650 1,369 1,572 1,830 2,120 2,360 2,640 2,920 3,200 3,610 1,380 1,360 1,330 1,270 1,230 1,160 1,120 1,090 1,040 20 E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 Wire size AWGorMCM I 100 l"'rcent 80 Ji.rcent Kilowatts pf d1stance Kilowatts pf istance Aluminum Copper and ACSR 4,800-volt 8________________ 6 590 1,340 471 1,340 6________________ 4 814 1,440 650 1,440 4________________ 2 1,080 1, 710 864 1,550 2________________ 1/0 1,460 2,030 1,170 1,610 1________________ 2/0 1,690 2,170 1,300 1,610 1/0______________ 3/0 1,970 2,390 1,570 1,590 2/0______________ 4/0 2,280 2,590 1,820 1,570 3/0______________ 266.8 2,640 2,850 2,110 . 1,530 4/0______________ 336.4 3,060 3,080 2,450 1,470 250______________ 397.5 3,400 3,200 2,720 1,420 300______________ 477 3,820 3,260 3,300 1,340 350______________ 556.5 4,220 3,520 3,380 1,290 400______________ 636 4,600 3,840 3,680 1,260 500______________ 795 5,220 4,210 4,180 1,200 7,200-volt 8________________ 6 884 2,000 706 2,000 6________________ 4 1,220 2,160 975 2,160 4________________ 2 1,620 2,570 1,300 2,330 2________________ 1/0 2,190 3,040 1,750 2,410 ! ________________ 2/0 2,530 3,260 2,020 2,410 1/0______________ 3/0 2,950 3,590 2,360 2,390 2/0______________ 4/0 3,410 3,900 2,730 2,360 3f0______________ 266.8 3,960 4,280 3,170 2,300 4/0______________ 336.4 4,580 4,620 3,660 2,200 250______________ 397.5 5,110 4,830 4,100 2,130 300______________ 477 5,730 4,900 4,580 2,000 350______________ 556.5 6,320 5,280 5,050 1,940 400______________ 636 6,900 5,780 5,520 1,890 500______________ 795 7,830 6,320 6,260 1,800 12, 000-volt 6 1,470 3,340 1,175 3,340 8--------------- 6----------------4 2,040 3,600 1,630 3,600 4----------------2 2,700 4,280 2,160 3,900 2----------------1/0 3,650 5,060 2,920 4,020 1----------------2/0 4,220 5,430 3,380 4,020 ;o______________ 1 3/0 4,710 5,980 3,920 3,980 2;o______________ 4/0 5,690 6,500 4,550 3,930 3;o______________ 266.8 6,600 7,150 5,280 3,840 4;o______________ 336.4 7,650 7,690 6,120 3,680 250______________ 397.5 8,510 8,050 6,800 3,550 3oo______________ 477 9,550 8,160 7,640 3,350 50______________ 3 556.5 10,550 8,800 8,440 3,230 400 636 11,500 9,640 9,210 3,150 oo --------------______________ 5 795 13,060 10,500 10,400 2,990 21 E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 Wire sUe AWG orMCM 100/uerceo~ soc~ Kilowa~ta pf it!tance Kilowa~ta pf it!tance I AluminumCopper aod ACSR 13,800-volt 8________________ 6 1,690 3,840 1,350 3,8406________________ 4 2,340 4,130 1,870 4,1304________________ 2 3,100 4,930 2,480 4,4702________________ 1/0 4,200 5,820 3,360 4,6301________________ 2/0 4,850 6,250 3,880 4,630lfO______________ 3/0 5,650 6,880 4,520 4,580 2/0--------------4/0 6,540 7,460 5,220 4,510 3/0______________ 266.8 7,600 8,220 6,080 4,410 4/0______________ 336.4 8,780 8,850 7,020 4,230 250______________ 397.5 9,790 9,260 7,820 4,080 300______________ 477 10,980 9,400 8,780 3,850 .350______ --------556.5 12,100 10,100 9,670 3,720 400______________ 636 13,200 11,100 10,550 3,620 500______________ 795 15,000 12' 100 12,000 3,440 Notes. I. All voltages are line to line. 2. Wire capacities are for bare or weatherproof wires. 3. Wires run overhead with effective spacing of 18 inches. 4. To compute the maximum distance to a load center with 2 percent voltage drop for connected !oads not listed above: &a Select ftt.m the table the desired wire size which will carry the load at the applicable voltage rating. b. Multiply the "kilowatts" given in the table by the "distance" given in the table, for the selected wire size. c. Divide this product by the actllal load in kilowatts. d. If the computed distance is not adequate, select a larger wire size and repeat the calculation. 1-27 SECONDARY CIRCUITS. Secondary circuits should be installed on the poles carrying primary circuits where these poles are suitably located for the purpose. Secondary conductors should be supported below the primary lines on secondary racks, clevises, or wire holders, as applicable. Figures 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 show typical arrangements of secondary circuits. Conductors should be triple-braid, weatherproof-covered. The following maximum wire loading is recommended, based on a 55° C. temperature rise, provided the voltage drop given in paragraph 1-28 is not exceeded. AWG size AmperesCopper Aluminum and ACSR 8 ________________________________ 6 _________________________________ _ 85 6--------------------------------4_________________________________ _ 105 4____ ---------------------------2-------------------C------------- 145 2--------------------------------1/0_______________________________ _ 200 o________________________________ 2f0_______________________________ _ 280 2f0______________________________ 4f0_______________________________ _ 315 4/0_ __ __ __ ____ _____ ___ ____ ___ ____ 336.4 MCM______________________ _ 425 250 MCM________________________ 397.5 MCM_______________________ _ 475 300 MCM________________________ 477 MCM_______________________ _ 525 400 MCM________________________ 636 MCM_______________________ _ 650 500 MCM________________________ 795 MCM_______________________ _ 750 22 EM 1110-.345-181Change 124 Jun 57 1-28 VOLTAGE DROP. Voltage drop should not exceed 2 percent on the primary andsecondary circuits, respectively. 1-29 TRANSFORMERS. Transformers should be of the self-cooled type, with ratingselected from table I. Where the required size is not listed in the table, the next larger sizeshould be installed unless the next smaller size will provide at least 90 percent of the requiredrating. Transformers or transformer banks having a capacity in excess of 75 kilovolt amperes should be installed on two-pole platforms or on concrete mats. Smaller transformersshould be pole-mounted. Figures 21, 22, 23, and 24 show typical transformer installations.Wye-wye connected transformers should not be utilized where the primary neutral is notavailable or within 500 feet of radio stations or navigational aid facilities. All transformersinstalled outdoors or in fireproof transformer vaults should be of the oil-insulated, selfcooled type. Transformers installed within buildings in which fireproof vaults have notbeen provided should be of the non-inflammable liquid-or air-cooled type unless theatmosphere in which the transformer is to be installed is moist or dusty. In moist or dustyareas, transformers installed within buildings in which fireproof vaults have not beenprovided should be of the nonflammable-liquid-cooled type. Transformer capacitiesshould be selected so that all transformers will be operating as nearly as practicable to theallowable temperature limits during periods of maximum demand. In general, the capacityof transformers should be equal to approximately 60 percent of the connected load, exclusiveof family quarters. The transformer capacity for each installation, however, will requirespecial study and will vary from a demand factor of 30 percent for large hospital buildingsto a demand factor of 100 percent for isolated power installations. Demand factors forfamily quarters with or without electric ranges and water heaters are approximately asfollows: Number of quarters Demand factor Number of quarters Demand factor Number of quarters Demand factorper cent per cent per cent 19 ______________ _ 37 ______________ _80.0 21________________----------------_ 18.0 13.2 60.0 20 ______________ _ 38 ______________ _ 3 ________________ _ 21 __ , ___________ _ 17.5 13.0 50.0 39 ______________ _ 4 _______________ _ 22______________ _ 17.1 12.8 45.0 16.6 40 ______________ _ 5________________ _ 23 ______________ _ 12.6 40.0 41 ______________ _ 6________________ _ 24 ______________ _ 16.1 12.4 35.0 15.8 42 ______________ _ 12.2 7________________ _ 25 ______________ _ 43 ______________ _ 32.0 15.6 12.0 8________________ _ 26 ______________ _ 29.0 15.4 44 ______________ _ 9________________ _ 11.8 27.0 27 ______________ _ 15.2 45 ______________ _ 10________________ _ 11.6 25.0 28 ______________ _ 46 ______________ _ }} ________________ _ 15.0 11.4 24_0 29 ______________ _ 14_8 47 ______________ _ 11.2 12________________ _ 30______________ _ 23.0 14.6 48 ______________ _ 11.0 13________________ _ 31 ______________ _ 49 ______________ _ 22.0 14 ________________ _ 14.4 10.8 21.0 32______________ _ 50 ______________ _ 15________________ _ 33 ______________ _ 14.2 10.6 20.0 14.0 51 ______________ _ 10.4 19.4 34______________ _ 52 ______________ _ 13.8 10.2 ~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~/ 18.7 35______________ _ 13.6 53 ______________ _ 18________________ _ 18.3 I a6 ______________ _ 13.4 54 and ovcr_ _____ _ 10.1 10.0 I Note. Where electricity is used for Stlace heating the total connected heating-load should he addM to the demands obtained bythe use of this table. 23 E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 1-30 GUYING. Particular care should be taken to insure that all points of strain in the pole lines are adequately guyed. Improperly or inadequately guyed lines will soon begin to sag, creating an unsightly installation and resulting in increased cost of maintenance. Insulators ~hould be so positioned in the guy wire that, in the event the guy wire is broken the uninsulated upper portion of the guy wire cannot swing to any point less than 8 feet above the ground. Figure 20 shows typical methods of guying pole lines. The number and location of all guys should be shown on the construction drawings. 1-31 SERIES STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS. Series systems may be either 6.6 or 20 amperes and should employ complete metallic loops. Series street lighting wires should normally be placed on the outside pins of the cross arms or, when poles are installed for series street lighting purposes only, the wire may be installed on pole-top pin insulators and the cross arms may be omitted. Single circuits should be limited, if possible, to 30 kilowatts or less, using pole-type transformers. Where it is necessary to use constant current transformers larger than 30 kilowatts, they should be of the indoor type and should be installed in suitable fireproof vaults. Table VIII lists the number of group replacement straight series lamps with film cutout which can be connected to each standard size regulator. The capacity of regulator for mixed loads comprising a number of 2,500 lumen lamps and a number of 4,000 lumen lamps may be determined by adding the size of regulators required for the 2,500 and 4,000 lumen lamps, respectively. Street lighting regulators should always be as fully loaded as practicable since the primary power factor drops sharply under light load conditions. Supplementary multiple lights may be used on 6.6 ampere systems, in which case insulating transformers with multiple secondary windings should be employed. Control should be by means of a primary switch operated by a time switch. Figure 25 shows a typical installation of street lighting regulator and control. Table VIII. Street Lighting Transformers Number of straight aeries lamps 6. 6 ampere Transformer ratingKW 2,500 lumen 4,000 lumen 31 22 5------------------------------ 7.5____________________________ _ 47 33 10 ______________________________ _ 62 44 15______________________________ _ 94 66 20______________________________ _ 125 88 25______________________________ _ 156 llO 30 ______________________________ _ 188 132 1-32 MULTIPLE STREET LIGHTING SYSTEMS. Multiple systems utilizing extensions to the primary or secondary electrical distribution systems should be employed where a small number of lamps are to be installed within a reasonably small area. Control should be by means of weatherproof safety switches located approximately 6 feet above the ground on a pole or other convenient place. 1-33 STREET LIGHTING UNITS. Street lighting units should consist of bowl refractor luminaires in administration, recreation and hospital areas and 20-inch radial wave reflectors 24 E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 May 1953 in quarters, barracks, industrial, warehouse, utility and storage areas. Radial wave reflectors should also be installed along roads outside of the building areas when street lighting is considered necessary. Lighting intensities should be based on the installation of 4,000 lumen series lamps or 200-watt multiple lamps spaced 150 to 200 feet apart in administration, recreation and hospital areas, and 2,500-lumen series lamps or 150-watt multiple lamps spaced 150 to 200 feet apart in quarters, barracks, industrial, warehouse, utility and storage areas. These spacings should be measured along the center line of streets designed for two or three lanes of traffic and along each sjde of streets designed for more than three lanes of traffic and along streets having parkways in the center. One street lighting unit should be installed at each intersection designed for two or three lanes of traffic and two street lighting units at each intersection designed for more than three lanes of traffic and streets having parkways along the center. 25 FOR SYMBOL$ -SEE FIG. 9 FIG.& TYPICAL LAYOUT A,U,IAL ELECTRICA\.. D\5TibBUTION. !.Y~Tf."" E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 0 35-5 35-5-6M 0---i 35-5-2500 o-n A 1s 6. 50 ¢15 __r-___ ~ • LA 312 __11_1!..._ ___ 3112 --~*-.1.___ POLE -LENGTH AND CLASS INDICATED. POLE WITH DOWN GUY AND ANCHOR -LENGTH AND CLASS OF POLE AND STRENGTH OF GUY IN POUNDS AS INDICATED. POLE WITH STREET LIGHT -LENGTH AND CLASS OF POLE AND SIZE OF LAMP IN LUMENS OR WATTS AS INDICATED. SINGLE-PHASE TRANSFORMER -RATING IN KVA AS INDICATED. THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER -RATING IN KVA AS INDICATED. STREET LIGHTING REGULATOR -RATING IN KW AS INDICATED. SECTIONALIZING SWITCH MOUNTED ON CROSSARM-NORMALLY OPEN. SECTIONALIZING SWITCH MOUNTED ON CROSSARM-NORMALLY CLOSED. POLE TOP SWITCH. LIGHTNING ARRESTER IN EACH PHASE WIRE . PRIMARY LINE -NUMBER AND SIZE OF WIRES AS INDICATED. SERIES STREET LIGHTING CIRCUIT -SINGLE CONDUCTOR -OF SIZE INDICATED. THREE-PHASE SECONDARY LINE -NUMBER AND SIZE OF WIRES AS INDICATED. SiNCOLf.-PHAJ>E. ~E.CONOA~Y LINE-NU...8E.It AND SiZE. OF WI~ES AS INDICATED. CONOUC:.iOR DEADE.ND, FIG. 9 STANDARD SYMBOLS AERIAL ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION 27 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 CLIMBING SPACE ~ FIG. 10 L -CORNER -(4 WIRE) 28 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 r r -r r r ~ ""'I"" ) 0 I IR F .1 I {C {I 0 ..c.,, . (lp) 0 (! PJ J ~=~ CLIMBING 0 SPACE ) ""' ) r f"' I ) ~ ) I p I '-- FIG. 11 X-CORNER (4 WIRE) 29 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 CLIMBING SPACE DOWN GUY 0 ARM GUY AS REQUIRED l PLAN L---DOWN GUY ELEVATION FIG. 12 TYPICAL "T" CORNER 30 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 GUY ANGLE COND. ANGLE Ic.;i] 6 24-60° 6 1 2 12-60° 2 1/0 s-60° 110 I 410 4-60° .C/0 ' .__________ -_l --_j NOTE: -- FOR :.ONGLES GREATER THAN 60° USE CORNER TYPE CONSTRUCTION. FIG. 13 DOUBLE ARM .31 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 I ~ LINE CONDUCTOR, ON OUTtiDE OF INSULATOR ON STRAIGHT RUNS PLAN LINE CONDUCTOR, ON OUTSIDE OF INSULATOR ON STRAIGHT RUNS ELEVATION FIG. 14 STRAIGHT-LINE INSTALLATION 32 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 THESE TWO ANGLES TO BE EQUAL LINE CONDUCTOR ON INSIDE OF INSULA TOR GUY AS REQUIRED FIG. 15 ANGLE INSTALLATION 33 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 GUY AS REQUIRED / PLAN ELEVATION FIG. 16 CORNER INSTALLATION 34 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-MaJ1951 PLAN ELEVATION FIG. 17 CROSS 35 B. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 GUY AS REQUIRED PLAN FRONT ELEVATION SIDE ELEVATION FIG. 18 TEE TAP 36 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 SECONDARY LINE CONDUCTORS SERVICE DROPS NUMBER AS REQUIRED PLAN FIG. 19 TYPICAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS 37 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-MaJ1953 CURVED WASHER THIMBLEYE BOLT ./"'- STRAIN INSULATOR 61-0"MIN. 8'-0"MIN. LIFT PLATE 2 BASE OR 3 BOLT CLAMP EXPANSION ANCHOR DOWN GUY NOTE: - "A"-STANDARD SIDE GUY. "B" -USE GUY STUB WHERE METHOD "•'" DOES NOT GIVE SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE. FIG. 20 TYPICAL POLE GUYING 38 INSULATOR PLACED IN CENTER OF SPAN NO INSULA TOR I GUY PROTECTOR HEAD GUY STORM GUY E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 ,----STANDARD SIDE GROOVE \ USE ONLY 3d POSITIONS ON FUSE ARM. 18~" WHERE 3cl INSTALL GROUND POSITION IS TO BE MOULDING UNDER USED. 4" OTHERWISE. ARM TOWARD FACE OF ARM. NOTE: TRANS. MAY BE MOUNTED ON CROSSARM IF DESIRED. FINISHED CRADE / POLE/ ~STAPLES TO BE TWO FT. APART COIL TYPE GROUND GROUND LEAD TAP CONNECTOR TAP CONNECTORS IF NECESSARY LOOP GROUND LEAD OUT TO SECONDARY NEUTRALGROUND RODS GROUND CONNECTIONS POLE TY_PICAL CONNECTION FOR TWO GROUND RODS FIG. 21 TYPICAL SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION 39 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 LIGHTNING ARRESTERS GROUND WIRE SOLDERLESS CONNECTORS FIG. 22 GROUND RODS TYPICAL THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION. OPEN DELTA WITH TAP AT MIDPOINT OF ONE TRANSFORMER. 40 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER l__;Maj 1111 CROSSARMS GROUND WIRE IN WOOD MOULDING I FIG. 23 TYPICAL THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER BANK 3-25 kva OR LESS 41 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 NOTE: INSTALLATION SHOWN IS FOR 3 PHASE POWER BANKS OF 3·37~ KVA TO 3-150 KVA BANKS. FOR BANKS OF LARGER CAPACITY OMIT PLATFORM AND INSTALL TRANSFORMERS ON CONCRETE MAT. INSULATED CLEVIS DEAD ENOS CONNECTIONS TO BE DELTA OR WYE AS REQUIRED. r ".., F ~ !""' ---"' p ~ ~lT p !<-" ~ Ia 1 c t? J...., r.J \I II> 0 =~of-- IJ rr rr ~lc- ~0~ 5;8 " 0. A. SOL T u•-o" APPRox. LIGHTNING ARRESTERS CUTOUT ·-·-GROUND WIRE 2 11 X 6" X 121-6 11 ARM BRACECREO. PINE -4 REQ. TIMBERS 16-CREO. PINE BOARDS 2" X 8 11 X 7'-0" ~CROSSARM BRACE AT ABOUT 10" O.C. HELD WITH A J/1 " X 3 1/2 11 CARRIAGE BOLT IN EACH CHANNEL. FIG. 24 TYPICAL THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMER BANK -3-37}S & LARGER 42 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 OIL SWITCH POLE~ GROUND WIRE -~IN WOOD MOULDING FIG. 25 / r-STRAIN INSULATOR EACH 1 SIDE OF ARMS 1 / STREET LIGHTING WIRE EACH SIDE OF ARMS PROTECTIVE RELAY CONSTANT CURRENT TRANSFORMER CONTROL WIRES IN CONDUIT TO TIME & MANUAL CONTROL SWITCH. NOTE: INSTALL ADDITIONAL LIGHTNING ARRESTER WHEN CONNECTION IS MADE TO TWO PHASE WIRES. TYPICAL STREET LIGHTING REGULATOR INSTALLATION 43 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 _STRAIN INSULATOR SEE DETAIL BELOW ~-OPEN WIRING OPTIONAL I ~-- BWP I I I 2 COND. NO. 1-5 KV-ORNAMENTAL ---• POLE & BRACKET CABLE. I I I STRAIN INSULATOR I TO LAMP TERMINAL DUPLEX POLE OPEN WIRING 1% "PIPE LUMINAIRE OF TYPE SPECIFIED 161 -0" TO GROUND UPSWEEP BRACKET WITHOUT SCROLL OPTIONAL FIG. 26 TYPICAL STREET LIGHTING UNIT 44 El~ lllQ-345-181 Change 2 15 Oct 62 UNDERGROUND ElECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION AND STREET LIGHl'ING SISTE14S 1-34 GENERAL. Underground electrical distribution should be installed in areas where saf'et7 precautions, such as flight hazards and the use or cranetype material handling equipment, require the use or underground cable. Underground construction should also be utilized within 300 feet or tovers containing high frequency-equipment and for all primar7 service connections into buildings. Otherwise underground electrical distribution will be utilized onl7 upon receipt or specific approval from the Office or the Chief of Engineers. 1-35 DUCT LINES. Duct lines should be installed adjacent to streets or roads wherever practicable, in order to avoid interference with future building foundations. Figure Z7 shows a typical la70ut of duct lines tor an underground electrical distrilntion s,-stem. For uniformit7 symbolsshown on figure 28 should be used to indicate underground construction on drawings. Ib order to encourage competitive bidding, the contractor should be given the option or furnishing either cla,-, fiber, asbestos-cement, precast concrete, or soapstone duct, unless local conditions indicate that it would be more advantageous to the Government to specif7 a definite material. Duct lines tor both primar7 and communication cables should be installed. The communication cables vi11 usual17 be installed b7 the Signal Corps, Air Force, or local telephone company, but the designer or the electrical distribution s,-stem is responsible for providing the racewa7s wherever the two s,-stems follow the same route. The two s,-stems should be completel7isolated from each other throughout. Design or the duct s79tem for communi cation cables should be coordinated with the local communication officer. The nominal diameter of ducts for primar7 cables should be not less than 4 inches. The nominal diameter of ducts for communication cables should be not less than 3 inches. l~ltiple duct is suitable for communication cables but should not be used for the primar7 s,-stem. Duct lines for the primar7and communication cables should be encased in concrete, with the exception of multiple duct. A concrete base and cover is sufficient for this type of duct. The concrete should be reinforced under railroad tracks. Figures 29 through 32 show typical cross sections of duct lines. The typical cross sections show the mioimum required concrete encasement. There is no o~ jection to contractors rounding out the encasement to suit trenching con ditiona. ltinimwn coverage should be 18 inches to top of concrete. All duct lines should drain to manhole with an even grade to avoid water pockets.High point may be either at or between .manholes, depending on· the contour of finished grade. A sufficient number or spare ducts should be installed to provide for the future installation of a 25 percent increase in the initial 45 Eng. Man. Part VI, Chap. 1 El.f lllo-345-181 Cb.&Dp 2 , 15 Oct 62 D.Wilber or cables. The DWilber of spare ducts, should be increased as re quired for .tnture service to pl.aDned expai)Sion, provided the planned *expansion is in a reasoaab!7 definite category. For grounded neutral *systems, an insulated neutral cable should be installed in the duct line ·*vith the pover cable or cables and connected to the ground rod in each ~le. The insulation on the neutral cable should be a polyethylene or *polychloroprene type suitable for direct blrial. A careful study should be made of all other underground utilities in order to insure minimum of conflict between electrical, water, sewer', steam and gas systems. 1-36 MANHOLES. l~les should be of applicable type shown on figures 34 to 39 inclusive and should be located to provide maximum flexibility for future expansion of the system. In some cases separate manholes are required b,y the Army Signal Officer for communication cables. In these cases the telephone manholes should be constructed in accordance with the applicable details shown on Signal Corps Drawings Nos. FS-D-32722 or ES-D-32759. ·These drawings are available only through the local Signal Corps representative. Stubs for tuture extensions should be provided whenever future extensions are considered probable. l.fanhole hardwares should be similar to that shown on figure 33. Sufficient cable racks should be installed to support properly all cables on both sides of the cable splices. Pulling irons should be installed opposite each duct entrance. Distance between manholes on straight runs should not exceed 600 feet and should not be less than 400 feet except as required for connections and corners and to avoid conflict with streets or other utilities. Distance between manholes on curved sections of duct lines should not exceed 300 teet. A copper or copper-clad steel ground rod *should be installed near one corner in each manhole except that where *lead-sheathed cables are installed, zinc-coated-steel ground rods will *be used in lieu of copper-clad rods for grounding purposes. No electrical equipment should be installed in m&nholes unless required b,y airfield clearance criteria and unless extension of cables to nearest transformer vault for sectionalizing or tapping is impracticable. l.fetal ladders in manholes will not be required. 1-37 PRDaR! CIRCUITS. The number of primary circuits should be established on the basis that each circuit will carry the kilovolt-ampere load listed in table IX for the distance indicated, without exceeding a 2 percent voltage drop. The kilovolt-ampere load should be determined b,y adding the kilovolt-ampere rating of all transformers to be connected to the circuit and applying a suitable diversity factor. A diversity factor of 60 percent will be sufficiently accurate for most feeder calculations. This diversity factor should be increased to 100 percent, however, where the circuit will feed a load wherein all of the distribution transformers will be operating at full load at the same time. Where b.rl.lding layout is suitable, primary circuits should be installed in loops with sectionallzing switches at convenient points to insure the supply of electric service to all transformers Eng. Man. 46 Part VI, Chap. 1 El.f 111~345-181 Change 2 15'0ct 62 with any one section of the loop cable cut out. Feeder calculations for loop circuits should be based on the voltage drop to the center of the load on the loop and the loop should be normally open at this point. The abnormal voltage drop which will occur when the load is shifted due to cable failure can be tolerated until the damaged cable is repaired or replaced. Where building layout is not suitable for loop circuits, radial circuits should be installed. Figures 40 and 41 show typical diagrams of loop and radial primary systems, Table IX. Three-Phase Primary Circuit Loading. LKilowatt capacity of wires and maximum distance in feet to load center for 2 percent voltage drop, underground systems) Wire.U. Kilowal& IOOI'"f"'D& KiJowt'& 80-o\ pfd pf dioloDc: ,) .. -.· . ·" 6" I A. c •!'J " (} p 0-:.0d 0 ' c ~ .. . L\ 3" ~ r---' . . . h . .f:, 3" .~ NO. 8 WIRE .o·o .B .fj 4 • ,, HOOPS APPROX. ·~0 0 . /, .. . ~ 8" o.c. T ,._ ~ .i 6" 6" ··-. • . ~ . • A ~ :_, . 'D .. ~ ' __L TYPICAL SECTIONS OF REINFORCED DUCT LINE INCASEMENT. USE UNDER ALL RAILROAD TRACKS AND AS OTHERWISE NOTED ON DRAWINGS. REINFORCED INCASEMENT TO EXTEND AT LEAST 15 FT. ON EACH SIDE OF 4_ OF RAILROAD TRACKS. 3" A 3" ho~o· 2WAY 3WAY .------t-=----;: ¢ b 0 ". INSTALL EDGEWISE BETWEEN MANHOLE) . ~ .. 0. Jl' 3" ( AND SPLAY OF JOINT-USE DUCT LINE 4 WAY 6 WAY 9 WAY SINGLE DUCTS FOR ELECTRIC OR TELEPHONE CABLES. FOR JOINT CONSTRUCTION SEE DETAILS APPLICABLE TO DESIRED COMBINATION (FIGS. 30, 31, & 32). NOTES-DIMENSION A= 1Y, "FOR CLAY OR SOAPSTONE DUCT AND 2" FOR FIBRE OR ASBESTOS CEMENT DUCT. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM FROM OUTSIDE SURFACE OF DUCT. CONCRETE NOT REQUIRED BETWEEN HORIZONTAL FACES OF CLAY DUCT. FIG. 29 TYPICAL SECTIONS OF DUCT LINES 54 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 ... ~ . "..) ..0 DO " DO DO 2 WAY ~ .· ~· .. ,, <'> 3 WAY 6 WAY EDGEWISE CONSTRUCTION (FOR USE ONLY BETWEEN MANHOLE AND SPLA'; OF JOINT-USE DUCT LINE.) ·[ ',4' ·~.· ·? 3 d .. fJ" .· 311~~;,-·,o:j_ .. _·o, ·.···(1 .. 00 DO 3';r ...·. .u·... ·tf . ·. a . . .;:f. _L ·.·.·.· .. '.6: ·D DO 2 WAY 3 WAY 4 WAY t·.··. 0 •' ·<> -4 ·o ' ., r ./· ·' [\·· .< ,.,· DOD [JOO ODD OCJO I, ' .1· ·. "·· -~·· • ."1~ DOD 6 WAY . -~\ ~ ... e . . . '·1 9 WAY MULTIPLE DUCTS FOR TELEPHONE CABLE NOTE: ALL DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM FROM OUTSIDE SUflFACE OF DUCT. FIG. 30 TYPICAL SECTIONS OF DUCT LINES 55 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 I H ... 4 11 i3 11 . I ... 4" 311' ~-j__L.__:__:____:__J SINGLE DUCT MULTIPLE DUCT 2 WAY ELECTRIC -2 WAY TELEPHONE ' ! I .... I 1 Jll : 4" .._ r--- ) I . '. ' i -. ~:n·.b -~:o·.,.ob, ~--,----o·• l---" 3" I ' ! • . ! . ··L ., . ~ SINGLE DUCT MULTIPLE DUCT 3 WAY ELECTRIC -2 WAY TELEPHONE II 311' I SINGLE DUCT MULTIPLE DUCT 3 WAY ELECTRIC -3 WAY TELEPHONE NOTES: DIMENSION "A" =-1 y,u FOR CLAY OR SOAPSTONE DUCT AND 2" FOR FIBRE OR ASBESTOS CEMENT. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM FROM OUTSIDE SURFACE OF DUCT. CONCRETE NOT REQUIRED BETWEEN HORIZONTAL FACES OF CLAY DUCT. FIG. 31 TYPICAL SECTIONS OF DUCT LINES 56 E. M. PART Vl-CHAPTER-1--May 1953 3"' z... L. ~-L-~~-----~--------~~~~ SINGLE DUCT MULTIPLE DUCT 4 WAY ELECTRIC -2 WAY TELEPHONE _ _L_A ~wb~----------~ 3;;r '---1!----~-------' __.___ SINGLE DUCT MULTIPLE DUCT 4 WAY ELECTRIC -3 WAY TELEPHONE 3" -~A~ 4".• ----.. Jll ~ ~-... -~ • A . -~ qlb, A DO A J5 -A t 0·0 ADD ~ ~ A .6--/).-t, -~ A SINGLE DUCT MULTIPLE DUCT 4 WAY ELECTRIC -4 W.AY TELEPHONE NOTES: A=l~" FOR CLAY AND SOAPSTONE DUCT AND 2" FOR FIBRE OR ASBESTOS CEMENT. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE MINIMUM FROM OUTSIDE SURFACE OF DUCTS. CONCRETE NOT REQUIRED BETWEEN HORIZONTAL FACES OF CLAY DUCT. FIG. 32 TYPICAL SECTIONS OF DUCT LINES 57 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 SEE NOTE "B" lli" TO~" LETTER BLOCKS 1\4" WIDE 6 RIBS TAPER 211 HIGH LETTERS lit" WIDE COVER %" TO ~" FRAME U.S. STANDARD HEX. NUT ANO COTTER ,. I COVER HMCOLES 2 REQUHtED lr "" ·i •·-1 f;w 000000 Tl PaltCELAIN INSULATORS DDDDDD ~,~! ... 000000 ~ <11.<0- SUMP FRAME AND COVER CABLE RACK FASTEN BY MEANS OF2~" X ~" BOLTS AND EXPANSION SHIELDS. NOTE "A" FOR PAVED AR£A'5 SUR'JECT -H-7/1" I TO TRAFFIC THESE DIM£1NSIOM5 TO BE 2" IN LIEU OF I 3/1", I ~MANHOLE WALL NOTE "B" USE THE WORD SIGNAL FOR TELEPHONE MANHOLES. I FIG. 33 MANHOLE HARDWARE 58 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 FINISHED GRADE b :.A. J ~~ 1 ". CABLE RACKS ~ l I Il· . ·, GROUND ROD .. ! . 3" SECTION A-A TYP!t:AL REINFORC911Et4T OF MIP 11-611 41-011 GROUND THICKNESS OF CONCRETE: ROD MANHOLE WALLS, TOP AND BOTTOM .........................&'! 11-6" 1'·6" SUMP WALLS AND BOTTOM ...6 1! REINFORCING BARS:~ u ROUND, I PLAN DEFORMED. WALLS & BOTTOM APPROX. · 12 11 C. TO C BOTH •a.YS. TOP AS SHOWN. FIG. 34 TYPE "A" MANHOLE 59 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 SECTION A-A TOP 6'-Qll 0 51 0 11 THICKNESS OF CONCRETE: • MANHOLE WALLS, TOP AND BOTTOM....8'! SUMP WALLS AND BOTTOM......•.....••...•.611• PLAN REINFORCING BARS: l'.! 11 ROUND, DEFORMED. WALLS & BOTTOM APPRox: 12" C. TO C. BOTH WAYS. TOP AS SHOWN. . FIG. 35 TYPE "B" MANHOLE 60 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 SECTION A-A THICKNESS OF CONCRETE: MANHOLE WALLS, TOP AND BOTTOt.\.............8". SUMP WALLS AND BOTTOt.\.........•...........6 11• E. M. PART VI CHAPTER 1 SEPT. 1952 TELE HONE EB z i 3" REINFORCING BARS: ~" ROUND, DEFORMED. WALLS & BOTTOM APPROX. C. TO C. 1211 BOTH WAYS. TOP AS SHOWN. ELECTRIC FIG. 36 TYPE "C" MANHOLE 61 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 FINISHED GRADE ll l ... r 3" SECTION A-A TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT OF TOP GROUND ROD '4~==~---------------------+J, ; ~~~~~--------~6~·-~0~"------------+:·~ PLAN REINFORCING BAR: ~" ROUND, DEFORMED. THICKNESS OF CONCRETE:WALLS & BOTTOM APPROX. 12" C. TO. C. MANHOLE WALLS, TOP AND BOTTOM..........811• BOTH WAY. TOP AS SHOWN. SUMP WALLS AND BOTTOM......................•..6". FIG. 37 TYPE "E" MANHOLE 62 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 TOP SECTION A-A ~---_!'.·~----~ I A GROUND ROD---+--~ THICKNESS OF CONCRETE: REINFORCING BARS: ~" ROUND, MANHOLE WALLS, TOP AND BOTT0\1...8". DEFORMED. WALi..S & BOT> OM SUMP WALLS AND BOTTOM..................6". APPROX. 12" C. TO C. BOTH WAYS. TOP AS SHOWN. PLAN FIG. 38 TYPE "F'' MANHOLE 63 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 195S THICKNESS OF CONCRETE: MANHOLE WALLS, TOP AND BOTTOM.....•......•.....................&". SUMP WALLS AND BOTTOM....•..6". REINFORCING BARS: ¥.!" ROUND, DEFORMED. WALLS & BOTTOM APPROX. 12 11 C. TO. C. BOTH WAYS. TOP AS SHOWN. PULLING IRONS A t PLAN TYPICAL REINFORCEMENT OF TOP FIG. 39 TYPE "G" MANHOLE E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 TAP TO STREET LIGHTING REGULATOR OR AERIAL CIRCUIT SECTIONALIZING SWITCH PRIMARY LOOP CABLE INCOMING SERVICE ~ FEEDER C/8( = FIG. 40 TYPICAL UNDERGROUND LOOP SYSTEM 65 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 r1l I~ I IT, LlJ ---, ~--1t-j --:-1 ~~I L_ __ _j TRANSFORMER UNIT PRIMARY FEEDER #l --~ '4tJ r L_ __ PRIMARy FEEDER #2 INCO... "·"HG SERVICE FE_E_D~ER~CJa7 l_______ __ FIG.41 M TYPICAL UNDERGROUND RADIAL SYSTE 66 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-Mav 1963 APPROX. 1'-0" -CAST IRON JUNCTION BOX CONDUIT FITTING CONDUIT ELLS SECTION BUILDING WALL BUILDING WALL ELEVATION NOTE: JUNCTION BOX SHOULD BE SURFACE-MOUNTED ON EXISTING BUILDINGS. FIG. 42 TYPICAL SECONDARY JUNCTION BOX 67 B. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 I I _l PLAN SECTION A-A FIG. 43 TYPE "D" MANHOLE FOR LOW VOLTAGE CABLE ONLY 68 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 VENT PRIMARY BUS BUS SUPPORT t?ttt1 Et VENT SINGLE PHASE TRANS 3 PHASE,/ 4 WIRE SECONDARY BUS S-IN-~:.-A-SE--- TRANSFORMER I I I ELEVATION ''"~ ,~,,- TRANSFORMER VENTS IN WALL OR WINDOW ~-~ SONG~ ,.." -l....-+--~'I BUSTRANSFORMER LOW VOLTAGE DISTRIBUTION CENTER TYPICAL INDOOR CONVENTIONAL TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION FOR 3 PHASE, 4 WIRE SECONDARY 69 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 BUS SUPPORT CONCRETE ~/f I FINISHED GRADE r-'-'---------i ~· . ·'' ,t .. ~\ 'c-..· ELEVATION A-A CHAIN LINK FENCE SINGLE PHASE TRANSFORMER A SECONDARY SWITCH OR PANEL ------------->1((----- FIG. .CS TYPICAL SINGLE PHASE OUTDOOR CONVENTIONAL TRANSFORMER INSTALLATION 70 E. M. PART VI-CHAPTER 1-May 1953 . _....,_ ----------·------------· _,_. -----'1(---- ..__,.._ - ... --7 -· '"':::' ~4>~ ~OTHEAD "' ~ w Dhe. ¢~ ~ :/ ~PRIMARY r1, r.... r-1 FUSE V BUS ~SUPPORT iluv ~ \~~ ........ = ~~ I@ ~~ PIPE f Cf J SUPPORT /J/ jj II 't-~ i II i' I II ACRErr IL--1 ___L L 4 il Ji ~~ ....6. o .. t::.. il . ·.