SEL US D 103.2:SU 7/29 Northeast Flood Study ~ Susquehanna River Pennsylvania _., Jl JIO .,.~32 1 ge L cJ Buffalo, New York 14226 Review Report-November '70 22 ·. ;.. :. .. I· I • I 1' Cover: Effect of subsidence in Coxton Yards of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and artist's conception of whirlpool caused by Knox mine disaster. NADDE (30 Nov 70) 1st Ind SUBJECT: Review Report on the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania Northeast Flood Study DA, North Atlantic Division, Corps of Engineers, 90 Church Street New York, New York 10007 17 February 1972 TO: HQDA (DAEN-BR/Resident Member) WASHINGTON, D.C. 20314 1. I concur in the recommendation of the District Engineer. 2. It is noted that Section 221 of the Flood Control Act of 1970 requires that, prior to construction of the recommended works, non-Federal interests enter into written agreements concerning their required cooperation, and that such agreements are to be enforcible in the appropriate district court of the United States. ~ Major General, USA Division Engineer 38 REVIEW REPORT ON THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER PENNSYLVANIA NORTHEAST FLOOD STUDY SURVEY REPORT ON FLOOD CONTROL AND MINE SUBSIDENCE IN WYOMING VALLEY, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY BALTIMORE DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS BALTIMORE , MARYLAND NOVEMBER 1970 SUMMARY Restoration of the Wyoming Valley levee system is imperative in view of the loss of freeboard protection resulting from surface subsidence due to coal mining. The present levee system has prevented approximately $78,000,000 in flood damages since its original construction. The District Engineer recommends restoration of about 4-3/4 miles of the Kingston-Edwardsville, Swoyersville-Forty Fort, and Wilkes-Barre and Hanover Township levees at an estimated cost of $1,723,000 to the United States, and $42,900 to local interests. The estimated annual charges for restoration of the protection system are $102,500 of which $99,900 are Federal charges and $2,600 are non-Federal. Annual charges for operation and maintenance cost will be the same for the restored protect ion as for the existing projects. No additional charges have been included in the economic analysis for this purpose. The estimated annual benefits from restoration of the subsided protection are $469,000 with a resulting benefit cost ratio of 4.6. The recommendation is subject to t he condition that local interests provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way necessary for rehabilit ation of the protective system; hold and save the United States free f rom damages due the the construction works; maintain and operate the rehabilitated projects, without cost to the United States, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; make periodic inspections and leveling surveys along the levee embankment and related structures to determine if and where subsidence has occurred and ·the amount thereof; assume maintenance responsibility for restoring the protective works to design conditions including the extension of the protective works to tie to high ground when necessary; make every effort to prevent encroachment and regulate those aspects of mining activities which might interfere with proper functioning of the projects; provide guidance and leadership in preventing unwise future development of the flood plain by use of appropriate flood plain management techniques to reduce flood losses. REVIEW REPORT ON THE THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER PENNSYLVANIA NORTHEAST FLOOD STUDY TABLE OF CONTENTS Heading SUMMARY AUTHORITY Authority 1 Assignment 1 EXTENT OF INVESTIGATION Purpose 2 Scope of Report 2 Consultation With Other Interests 2 PRIOR REPORTS Report Under Review 3 Other Reports 3 DESCRIPTION OF WYOMING VALLEY Location 4 Topograph.y 4 Geology 4 Climate 5 Streams 5 Maps 6 ECONO ,....._, __./ \. ·. .......-\\ , ---------- -------.......~-:- DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY BALTIMORE DISTRICT, CO RPS OF. ENGINEERS BALTIMORE , MARYLAN D SUSQ U EHANNA RIVER fLOOD CO N TROL PROJECT WYOMING VAL LEY LEVEE REPAIRS SCALE OF FEET 2000 0 2000 4000 WYOMING VALLEY !!;;j I I TO ACCOMPAN Y REPOR T I I I I I I DATED NOVEMBER 1970 -· ~--••n .o' CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY i~· I I 1 TOB Y CMPOUNOING REEKBASIN .: \ ~ \ ~ ,....a,o•~ 0~oV'1 _ _ -""~ (.c. ... .'__r;:;;~· -~ - . _..- ~ 3 1 STEEL SHEET PILING . WALL EXTENSIONS ~ ~~- ,· BOROUGH ~'1' '1'-~ ~~ . 0~ ~":J ":J ~ HANOVER TOWNSHIP WILKES-BARRE LEGEND : PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~ SCALE OF FEET 1000 0 1000 2000 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY BALTIMORE DISTRICT, CORPS OF" ENGINEERS IIALTIMO..I:, MA..YLANO SUSQUEHANNA RIVER FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT W YOMING VALLEY LEVEE REPAIRS GENERAL PLAN :~r;~c~:;:;E:E~~~ L-----'T'-::-_L__I;:;;;--_~.---1 PLATE 2 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY 5Tf:fL SH E£ T PILING LEVEE RAISI NG WALL E XTENSIONS 565 STEEL SHEET PILING STEEL SHEET PIL IN G WALL WALL EXTENSIONS 565 t.NO BA NK STABILI ZA TION ~ ~ Top of £ Ais f ing Steel She•t ' ' Pllmg W all (S' £¥ft~t7 SJons w•ltl~d ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~ ~ ~ to pili'lg by loco/ intere .1fs qfter 560 ' ' r-onable .seHie m , nt) ~ 560 TOp of E¥i• lmg L~vee Propo,~d Top of L~VI!I! a 555 =--......----------------- ______ [____ ______ _ -------Clksign Top oF Pro+ecfion '-....... ........___---............__ .....__ Dt!.s19n Top of Prolecfiot'l > fop of L~v~e m 1960 ~ ..a Emergency raising fromSto. -11!~05 to -tzo~so ..0 wo.s pl!rlormed b_y loco/ interests m 1960. ~ -~:8400 -1 30 +00 ' -120+00 -110+00 100•00 -9 0 +00 -80+00 -10+~5 LEVEE RAISI NG ... ~ W,/k~s-!J.;rre 060 ~ Coni'Ht'C f intj R..R. .., 1 f llldlw-A • . ., Cr,sfing LEVEE RAISING H1gh Ground 560 -~ rl~ "' 51'fl " LE VE E RA ISING "'~ . 60 t Citwf:Jt s;~ef !i!l~ A..~Sf•hon ~~~ Prop ou d Top ofl,~ ~ Z >-> ~I ..q, 555 Top or CJ .., Tqo of' £,./:sfll1-·I; 1 o i3~ ---l--------------------------------------~~Sijn Top of Pro;~c;,on r lov~14ndAv~. Pumping sta;ion fIJ. S Nighw• y Hte. No. I/ ? 4Aflanh c Re f1·mn9 Sidm g ~ 1 ~ • IStop L09 Sfrvclur • 1 LEVEE RAISI NG Woodw•rd f>vHpng Sf1fi on ~ Toby Crr•lt Pr .ssuro Culvor l • . IOL. !W.RR:t ~,~,~-~ ' -. . . .--I Mxxf.,rd Sitl!m; -------------c--------~JI_f;-~~rcrr~ist..,loy S,.,dur< 555 ••o 545 Des1917 T<>p ofProledion / ~ F!Ofl ......__ I Em•rr;ency ra1smr; by Govttrnment 1964 I 540 540 10+00 80+00 90+00 100+00 110-tOO 120+00 130 '1'00 140+-00 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LEGEND BALT1MORE DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGIN..... • AI..TIMOitC. MAitYLAND Top of Ex1stm9 Le v•tt of'fttr ttmt~rgency ra131ng SUSQUEHANNA R I VER FLO OD CONTROL PROJECT of sub31ded ort~o3 b_y Gov•rnment ,,., /96-1- WYOMING VALLEY LEVEE REPAIRS Oesign Top of Protecf10f'1 PROFILE low-points of Levee as sur.,yye d m years mdicot•d on profiltt lO ACCOMPANY M~T DATED NOV£101£R 1170 f:,....::::-,-:.-;:-:;:H:;;O;:w:;o-,-:-c::-__ji___-,----....l..--l 55 PLATE 3 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY ,70 560 0>0 ~0~~ > 120 w 560 ,... 550 J 5 4 0 ~ "' : 5>0t 'ZO Exl•llng Noct T~ t f":;jj "' > 510 o 100 : tear 1 ~p 540~ a ...1 _, II z 100 o .. c > 57oy- I u I I ~ RIVER SIDE LAND SI DE 570 560 550 5 40 ~ 530 520 w w o w ~ 60 m STA.-11 2+05 TO STA. -129 + 00 II .., S60 Nt1w Slt1t1/ SIIHI P/11111 Exlt~ll•iolt, Typtl MA · I2, Wild to £xi 61l ng Pillltl. Exl • flng GrDulld on !:1 tltiCI(Itng Mor."of , ~rt...--EKtS!tirg 5 ' Slut ShHI ,.11/ltf .of 550 £ xtu•ions Wt~ldtld /o (),.;giluJ/ P'ili11g by LocollnltlrtJs/s afltlr Stlllltl,.n/. Ongmol S t_,l Sht1t1/ Pili, , r'-~ II Typ• MA -22 , II ' Long. i 5 40 j530 ' 20 12" Mi, . Grt1t1t1l Flll• r 8 /anktll. 51 0 eo so 40 20 o zo •o STA.-91+90 TO STA.-98+50 a STA.-108+00 TO STA.-11 2+05 L.._5'-o_: , !)60 S tu! Sl"'' Pilmg Wall JYp~ OA-27, IS ' long U "),lm.lllprop /ll on 6 "/kddmg Mo fen oll , ~·50 / / / / ./'~ // -I 5W / s-7// ..............-~ ~ ~rVIOUS Fd/ / -1 530 /.........5 lx1.1flf'lg Ground Svrf oce / / 'C'-,.....--Strippm g _.. .....-O.J r t!qwred -l.,o 10 60 40 20 0 20 40 5 10 STA.-80+68 TO STA. -90 +20 , 570 L~ve~ Ro isln!J 8 E v srmg L~11• e ~ 560 550 I j'·"'~ ~·"~" r I 530 ' w I I w ' t 0 t I w , ~ ' 60 t t w 5 2 0 STA. -4 +60 TO STA. 17+00 a STA.-35 +80 TO STA.-49t00 R I VER SID E LAN DSI DE 570 570 560 560 ~I 550 " 550 5 4 0 5 40 530 530 60 40 20 0 20 40 STA. 17+ 00 TO STA.30 + 0 0 57 0 570 f LI VH RDI• ing 56 0 560 12 " Aim l?tp r op 550 on 6 " 8 e ddmg 6/ofl r iO/ 550 54 0 540 530 530 ro 40 20 o 20 • o STA. 30+00 TO STA. 35+ 00 570 570 560 >60 Ext.Jfmg Road 550 550 ---~--~ I ---I · ----~ ~ Ex13tm g L ~ve~ 5 4 0 540 _,....... --!;,r,pptn9 -----~-.--a.J r•qu1r~d 530 5~ 60 40 20 0 20 40 STA.35+00 TO STA. 48+50 560 560 550 550 L ~~~~• Embankmen t 540 53 0 530 520 0 2b &0 40 20 0 20 40 STA. 124 + 00 TO STA. 134+90 OEptARTMENT OF THE ARMY aALnWOftE" DISTRICT. CORPS OF I:NG4NIIIIfta .ALT IMOR: • • MAR:Y LAND SUSQUEHANNA Rl VEft FLOOD CONTROL PftOJECT WYOMING VALLEY LEVEE REPAIRS T YPICAL CROSS SECTION S SWOYERSVILLE , FORTY -FORT, K INGSTON AND EDWARDSVILLE TO ACCOMPANY ftEP'ORT ...TEO NOVEMBER 1870 1----,-,-,--.,----''-----,---....L.-~ Ktou, ,t,S SHOWN PLATE 4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY LEVii~G 560 t Old Rwrr Rood ., !1 £.8 W.V. RR (Laurfll Lmel 60 Market St Pumpmg Sfottonand L. V Rl?. Clo.surtJ Structure LEVEE RAISING Morlret Sf 555 1 1 PCJmpmg Stof1on Pump1ng Statton <> <> RoH St <::> fl/mon Street <::> <> ""''"'" ""'"' ••cc ~ ~ c ':>1 lo;J -l 555 Pumpmg Stof1on ':' ~ Top of Ex1.sfmg S~el Sheet Pilmg Wall IPropo.Jtld (Constructed m repo1r of'pr1or 3eff/ernenf) ~ .:;ti Top of Levee ~ \jj l t ... -,.--·• ... ,.,. . .... .... ...... ......... , • • ..,,_,.,___ . ..,... -· • ' ' "'::# ·· ~·· 550 55H u I ,., ~~Topofl<'um/960 ,., I Emflrgt~ncy raising by 1 .....u ...,., ,,,.,,, "' ' 'vr 1 Govtlrnment '" 196./. ~o 10+00 20+00 30+00 40+00 ~0+00 60+00 70+00 ~•o > W1/kes -Borre Connecfmg RR LEVEE RAISING 1 ~~~ """r------------------------------------- DBH.R/1 Horton St. Pumpmg Stotron Pumpmp Stat10n c 550 • 1 I fD.8HRR ' -1550 ~ ~ _ Top oft• .,.,. ;rsondbog Clo.:Jurfl rPropos~d Top of'Leve• [r------------------;:-r---~I _ "' ---:;---~ \_"' ••• 0 ~.(t ? :;;: fW~st End Rood iOttlon~y St. Stt1 L/5.;{)() Ht~IWW,. Township Lew~ 1 ~ Pumpmg Station ~~ Sro.0•00 /Jrulov 11•.-r•oirlev., • ,_00~ ' ~ t'•"o"'' Av•. ~ ~ z ti 1 550 • -"ur ~ Top of£~1sfing L•v•• ~--------../ Propo5tld Top of L11vee 1 ~ 1 I ---~-~-==-;-'>-==-!-=-=--=-'"'-=:-:::_::-=_-::_:-:_oo_=c[;o~=.=~-=~:-::=,.-.-,-----------=-=-=-=-=-=-=-~-----...__-___..-·~· _1::!-~---_/o~;"';""r-=or=~=~,-=~o":'"'-"'-"'-~-;;=-=:-.:...=-_~::.,.--::., ___=.===-----~--' (Top or Ex;srm~~~:~r-----------~ Oe319n Top of Prot• cfion ... !140 •~o ... ... ~ I IErnergt~ncy ro1smg by Governm•nf I Emerg,ncy ro13m9 by Cov•rnm~nt m / 964 I m 1964 ,, 530 150+00 160+00 170+00 180+00 190+00 200-+-00 210-+-00 z 555 555 t Solomon Cre•k~ Penno RR Pvmpmg S'orion I Stop LogStructur• &50 r 550 Top of Exi~fing L~v•• z 1 I ~ 0 ,., ,~, ------------------------- [0e~,;;To;;;,-P~o~;c~,:;n-------------" > 540 540 ~ ~ ,, 220-+00 230+00 240-+00 250+00 260+00 LEVEE RAISING <> ~ ~ ~ :J $; 5<0 LEGEND ">. l! DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 540 r / .J; I!IALT1MOR£ DISTRICT, CORPS Of" E:NGINEEM ")l t I crropu.;,cn.l t0 540 -' ... > 5>0 ItO flO 60 4 0 c !&0 550 z c "' ::11 540 530 "' > 0 "' .. 110 510 60 40 510 !!60 550 z - 540 530 .. z 0 -.. .. > 520 510 510 00 40 500 540 5)0 520 10 •o fLevee llO!Sing RIVERSIDE 560 12" Mm Rtprop on 6 " Beddmg Morertol EJostmgll1prop 550 540 530 520 20 0 20 STA 37+00 TO STA. 42 +00 4 0 60 80 010 560 To b' removed R!Vers1de OriVe 1 Stu ! Shut Pl/mq Wall Type Z -3" . J /tong [ostmg Ground S ur face 550 5 4 0 530 520 20 0 20 STA.64+50 TO STA. 74+30 4 0 60 80 510 570 560 550 540 530 20 0 20 STA. 75+00 TO STA. 84+00 4 0 6 0 80 520 570 tLevell Ra,smg 10'-0" Note RIVttrsrde ~lope protec f 1on on new l e vee requ/red from Sfo. ~J. + 00 to Sfa. 90 ~ 00 560 550 5 4 0 5 30 20 0 STA. 84+00 TO 20 STA. 115+00 4 0 6 0 520 U.S. ARMY LAND SIDE ~ 560 -,560 550 550 540 54 0 530 530 520 520 40 20 0 20 40 60 STA.115 + 00 TO STA. 131 + 00 560 r tLt!vee Rotsmg 10'-0" 550 r---;-'"1 550 r ll" A.lm /?,prop on 6" s,ddtng AloterJol ....... [mbonkme~-- ~40 l ; ~ -I 540 .................. ...... :;........."_.... _.... --[Str1ppmg 530 [ ~ OS "q"'"<1 ! ~[ 520 40 20 0 20 40 60 STA. I31+00 TO STA.I54+00 8 STA.164+00 TO STA.170+10 560 r tL•vee llo,mg 10·0" 550 ~ 500 r ~ L ~vee ~ ..J Embankment ..................---T ......_________ i 540 } Ex tstmg Le1·ee -...,,,-,1-'1-'"'Y as requ,red :::r r: 40 20 0 20 STA. 170+10 TO STA. 198+50 tLe-ee llo-smg 550 r 8 [xtStmg 8re'51ou Lev6e 540 ~ 540 r 2 ----··"~-/ ~ 530 ~ ('"--_........... -j 530 leve e [mbonlrmenf os req1.Hred :J t 40 20 0 20 40 60 STA.0+46 TO STA. 3+50 8. STA. 23+00 TO STA. 31 +30 OIEPARTMENT OF THE A,_MY aALTIMORE DISTRICT, COR""~ I:~NU,_. aALTIIIIIIOftC.. NA._YLAHD SUSQUEHANN A RIVER FL OOD CONTROL PROJECT fi'.O'. w . -- CHI[f.fLOOD CO IHIIOL SE WYOMING VALLEY LEVEE REPAIRS TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS WILKES-BARRE AND HANOVER TOWNSHIP TO ACCCIMI'ANY RE~T DATEO NOYEMIEft 1•10 Kt.U.!AS SHOWN PLATE 6 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. IIRMY .... ·. -·-.·· ·--. ·rr~-~~{-~.. ._:..~: ·:·::: .. ...... eca l_ ..,,\' .·. . 9-...... : : : -: . :, ~-J:~· .. ·· ~~~ ' ~ r -Swoy•r~vi/J~ -ForfiJ~orf/..<~v,.•·R,gM/Jinl< I "'"b L J . t. I -~fop ofex1,:,fm!J ,_, . / IL~.-ee Right&.Ink~~ 570 L-.:¥·II I ' --y-·-~-~-r-. -:-' .JO '" 9 9 • ~ ..... l ~ I ::: '! 3.. 1 s I w , ~ 110 , 1/.ght Ch•nn•l ..t '!''ond . ~ • ~ ~~ {' ...I ~ ~ t ! '1.1 5CALf Of' F[(T .... ,.-.; ~ t .;1000 o 10 00 1 _ 100 "'> "' lou• .::, .... ~· ~I~.~ ~~ ------r-,---(;Design !":~wline I ·--I Q•232,_oi:>oc:.t:s. , {n ·0.0 s) I + " _I "'j rr r'-Q · .('32,oqpc.r: s. ~ • 20/. ~t, F:s Cornputet w!fh ·n·VCJ!ues ~6' ~f¥cf~d de.termin d rrom Apr: t9~ Ap:,,j /91".. OUF/oodH1gh w~t ,r MarAs -~ n•0-030 ~ 1 "'n... Value~ De ,;;' "'~ ('. • .. ~ ~I Swoster~ville -Fori-Fort Lev,e -Righf ~-nk• \I ~ ~: ~ t I . . I 5'••' Sh..t P,/ '! _.J~ ~ 10 ~j ~G r3.0' (TopofE~' "''Z W•IIE-../ --..::::::..:..~ SIO i • . I ---;----~--------· ---~---·--) · ,••0 1 ,. I 1 ! , +Oes ,9 n Flow Ve/ocdy . -----r-----_ Prol1 l~ Q I2.3~COOc t.5. 1 1 -------~ ' ---t-:: ' -I --------~~ -·-··------ 1 ------r----' -I~ 11 r~-· 1 I(} Q;) .... <:) ~ l -I ' ~ J. Jll ~ ,, ' \l,l -~ " -.;"' ~ I .,...,_ M~1N "< ~ ~ ~ J , 'OJ "0. , .; to K CHA NeL ~;.i VELCC ITIE S IN (,j FT. PER SE C. ~ K ,.-'C) • '<\ ~ u c..j K c_ 5 MO•OO a.O+OO 820• 00 600t00 1eo •OO 760•00 74Ct-OO 120+00 100•00 680+00 660.00 W.O•OO ilO+OO 500+00 5&0•00 560+00 s•o•OO SIO+OO ST ATIO NI NG ALOWG APPR OXIW. ATE t Of CH~NNCL DtE~AIIItTMENT OF THE ARMY aALTI~ o.•nttCT. CO..~ OF ENGINEEIItS LEGEND PROFILE ~ March 193~ H19h wdl:::r M,n t.s SUSQ U[ HANNA RIVER fLOOD CONTltOL PROJECT _. M ci!f/9./fte; Ht5Jh Wofet· M a .....k~ WVOo.jiNG VALLF.Y LEVEE REPAIRS GJ .April/9 60 HiCJh Wt;Jfer MurA$ --&----CGIIIfJtlh::::cl Flow/lin::~ --J.U ' Freebodrd L til(:: ~-.,.,..,...:a._ PLAN PROFILES 5 /-........ -... Top of'£]l(isffn.9 Levt!!e 1- ~ ...... ~ ' ., l lti lct:S \J ~ ~ ~ ...._(() . Ill ..... ' ..... ~ .:5 t To o~ ~ ~ ...... ~ <:~ t .. . ..~ ~'X i•tin -...: ...... ct it CQ ' h • ~· ~ io... ...!! I"Q:: ~~ !! ,., ..... ...... ~ 4l 'I " .!! "'b ~ ~ "' -lie: ll v• • t.:! ~\ );L-:vee R/9ht~.m..-"l~ ~ .-:: il> ~~~~ ~ ; ~ ::;~ ~ ~t"' "', ';:,~ :"'S~ ~ ';; ~~ ::; o;.::~ ~" ~ ~"> ~ ~~~ ._~:; ti ::~ -.. ~ .:; L~v~Rois ing ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ t ti ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~... ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~ ]~ ~~ !)\3~~ ~ ~· r (~Right 8ftnk c..; ._. ·~~ ~ ~· ~'->:::.. ~~ ~t~E: ..,· ~ rt ~v ~ ~~· \,;, ~ -..j ~ ~ ~~:t.-· ... .~ ~~ ~ ~~-L-~ } ~ ~~~ ~ YO tQ -:l' ' .._ ,..-_,-.,, ::;:, ---">...:::: "~ ' <:t:i~~;;:: --\otl ..., , ~;:: ..::: ct "' ---~.... t.:: ~ ' r · ~~----o~~ • t.::. · u._ "' j ,, .l ,_ .-·~ ~''::.ri';;::"" rrol 1'110,I 110 -11 I I I I .. I I I t L 1 1 ;;: ,......___ ../· -----= ---- ; , .. .. .. I · , ·r-"·o· ~ .-.:-I "'"": ...c;, ---:± -•·--_1--'---_::;:><---__, •-r=· - -') .. ___,. I 'F . -t-.----;~---==~~~510 =·.00 . . ----# ___ . • _,t+J_ + '-! + -·--·· ... '-5c~' -+ .. --±.j _ -f--3.0 •. c" '-Q -23200 0 .f.5 . ' -Oe. ~ .~ Compui~d ""': ith •n· v1h.1•, qn F/ow/J I L~ e• l?ot.s lntj -'\ 'lTi.±' ofExi~t'"9 -1.. . s aO jc ! 1 Q • 201,000c~1~. 1 ll,.con5f i fll cl ,.. ' April 19fiO r od "' I , .. -I ... n •0.030 n -o.czs n•0-035 uc ! A 'n" Value~ O~fermin('!d b~ R co=tituf i on o f the Apr./960 H1'f1h WcduPr oliie [ Left Ch• nnel 11 l.s~nd o SIO ;' " ------------~-~. . a 2 I ~ /~ ~...----........ .!----._ EJtiS/Ing Ch~nn.I /Jo/fom ' I ------r----------~----------~~ Cfl6nn.l ef _r J-t..___ ~l.sW>d7 \ ~ ""' / ~. i~. "----./1 ------..__ ""' ___t_J-----~ I I -----· --+--I I -+-•·l>rO ./ 1 0e i9'!nowhr.ev:~cif SUSQU[ HA"4NA NIVER fLOOD CON TAOL P.,_OJECT + MB':f 19 +6 Hfg/1 WWf •rM6rk.s "' A f'r i/ /960 High W•ter M•rl<, WYOM ING VALLEY LEVEE REPAI"S ~Compufecl F/ow !/n•s --.J.C" ' F ree hoard Line Pi... AN. PROFILES S .. .. -.•_. ·---Top of'EJti•t'ng L $vtte R i ght JUnk HYDRAULIC DATA ~-' Topo'f~•l•f'ingLeve~ LeFtbdnJtc r-------1 Prc.po.5ed Hai.sit'9 • :.. :n~"'¥m PLATE APPENDIX A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING APPENDIX A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION A-1 Number A-1 A-2 FIGURES Title Copy of letter from U.S. Bureau of Mines to Baltimore District Copy of Memorandum of Understanding between the Baltimore District, U.S. Bureau of Mines, and U.S. Geological Survey A-i , APPENDIX A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to present the memorandum of understanding agreed to by the Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, and the U.S. Geological Survey in December 1960. The memorandum outlined portions of a subsidence study to be undertaken by each agency for the Susquehanna River flood plain in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. A-1 OFFoCC: OF ,.HE DIRECTO!t UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF MINES WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Decembe:r 8, 1960 Colonel Harren R. Johnson Corps of Enzineers Dist4ict Engineer U. S. Army Engineer District P. 0. Box 1715 Bnltimore 3, Maryland Dear Colonel Johnson: A Memorandum. of Understanding for the cooperative study to be mede by the Bureau of Nines and the Geologic::1l Survc.J for the U. s. Army Engin~er District, Baltimore was transmitted >-lith your letter of November 21, File NABEN-R, for consideration and signr2ture. Innsnuch as the Geological Survey has .made a change in item 3 of the objectives to be attained from the Survey's studies, the entire agree:me;1t has bcen 'retyped. Copies of the revised Hemorandum of Understanding have been ~igned for the Geological Survey and Bureau and are enclosed for yourconsidcn1tion and final signature. If your consideration is favo...- ablc lo;ould you please return tuo completely signed copies of the memorandum for our files. It is understood that the m.emorandum is to serve as a basis for cooperation and thc:t it 'Hill be subject to such modifications as may be mutually desired based upon knmvledge gained or circUI!!st.;,nccs developed during the course of the investig~tio~s. An early start of the project would be desirable, th~refore, any aid your office can give to e:cpedite the transfer of funds will be appreciated. Sincerely yocrs, Enclosures Figure A-1 J MEMORANDUJ.~ OF Uh'"DERSTANDDlG BETWEEN CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY EOOINEER DISTRICT, BALTIMORE U. S. DEPAR'l'l•tENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF MINES GEOLOGICAL &tmWEY This He1norandum of Understanding outlines the investigations to be made by the Bureau of Hines and the Geological Survey of the U. S. Department of the Int~~ior, for the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore. The investigations are to be made in the antl~acite mining region of that p~rt of the SUsquehanna River basin known as the Wyoming basin, a~d also of the Lackawanna basin to the extent that nimila.r flood problems exist, in connection with flood-control s.tudies of the areas affected by the hurricane floods of 1955 in compliru1ce with a resolution of the Senate Public Works Committee, adopted 14 Sep~ember 1955. The Bureau of Mines investigations would cover the following: 1. Stl~ctural conditions ~nd extent of mine workings in the various beds beneath tbe river channel and underlying adJacent surface areas that were a.'ld r.till are susceptible to floods in the frusquehanna River and its major tributaries in the above-described areas will be determined and ev~~uated. To aGsist in this deter-cinaticn and evalUation, mine maps and other records of the coal mining companies will be used, and inspection of the workings will be made wherever they are e.ccessible. 2. The barrier pillars ~d the condition of these pillars in mines that are vulnerable to flooding will be investigated, and their effectiveness for providing support and for preventing flood waters from passing from one area to another will be evaluated. 3. The degree of hazard to mine workings underlying the river and the various areas of adjacent lowlend susceptible to by surface water.:> will be evaluated. The reGults of this phase of the study will be subject to change as current and future mining operations are carried out. 4. The mineable coal reservec will be compiled, and the possible loss of such resen·cs as a resUlt of extensive mine flooding by stt"t'fe.ce waters will be !"V~.luated. The infom.ation in this :part of the report will depend in pc.rt upo::1 the extent that coal IJ.ining companies will ruake su~h data available. Figure A-2 5·. ThE~ adequacy of :;;ubsurface for-mations, as 1nodified by, to suppo:).:t flood-control structures will be determined, e.nd the localities at •:hich additional support may be necessa1J· to prev~ut excecsive subsidence cr differentiD.J. settlen~nt will also be determined. This st\~dy will E.'.pply to present :flood-control structures and, also, to :future structures vhich rJD.y be recOln mendcd for construction as a resul.t of the over-all stuey. 6. The probable economic de.mage to the anthracite indiJstry in the Wyoming VaHey area sho...U.d the I:l.ines be closed by flooding ·uill be inve.~tlgated aud evaluated. 7. The national defeuse aspects of the anthracite industry in the \?yoming Valley will be dizcussed. 8. The areas studied in this report vill be delineated to sho·..r the degree a.'l.d acc'LU'acy of information (including new infomation gathered specifically fo1· this report) which is available for evaluo.tion pU.!"ljOSes. 9. Pe!"tinent maps end other diagrams will be incln6.ed to illustrate existing ccnditio~s and ireportant features of the p:tobJ.em. of the Geological Survey to cover the follo'llir•e: 1. Mapped geologic features will be correlated where possible with surface feattlres and flood problems in the .~Tyoi·Jing Valley. 2. SUrface and subsurface geology and structure of the coal-bearing rocks s.nd sediment zones in the valley fill 'Jill be mapped and evalu~t.ed \There datn pemit. 3· Stratigraphic end structural concepts related to problc~s of floo1 control will be indicated. 4. Wh~re recognized, problems of engineering geoloz.y will be defined, and the general correlation of these problems with pertinent stratigraphic and structural information will be made. 5· Selected m~ps and other geologic diagr~s vill b~ included to illustrate existing conditions and important features of the problem. The data end inforroation developed through the :Snvestige.tions, in whole or in part, may be published jointly or separately by the Bur·ea'l o:f }!J.nes and the Geological Survey after the complete report has been trans!:!itted to :;ongress by the Secretary of the ~S· The cczt of the foregoing studies is presently estimated to be $250,000 by the Buren.u of Mines a.11d $35,0oo by the Geologic~.l Surve~;. The estb?.ted costs a.:re subject to revision based on conditions disclosed during the co·..u:se of the iLvcztigation3. - Figure A-2 Funds for the investigation were made available to the Corps of Engineers in the Fiscal lear 1961 Appropriation Act and will be transferred to the Department of the Interior or its agencies. /f;.;rtVvu~~ Colonel, Corps of Engineers Baltimore Districy1 . Date: ~. .. . l l I · · Date: 0 ..;(.,~,' .. '• 0" J9CQ ~A.. ~ Director u. S. Geoiogical Survey Date: DEC -7 19GO. Figure A-2 APPENDIX B U. S. BUREAU OF MINES REPORT SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS RESULTING FROM MINING UNDER THE FLOOD PLAINS OF THE SUSQUEHANNA AND LACKAWANNA RIVERS, WYOMING BASIN, NORTHERN FIELD, ANTHRACITE REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA PREPARED BY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF MINES FOR U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, BALTIMORE CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1963 ). CONTENTS Page I ntroduction------------------------------------------------------B-1 Scope of report---------------------------------------------------B-3 Topographic and general geologic notations------------------------B-3 Surface and alluvial deposits (buri ed valley)----------------B-3 Anthraci te measures------------------------------------------B-5 Mining methods-----------------------------------------------B-6 First mining----------·---------------------------------B-7 Second mining-------------------------------------------B-7 Critical depth-------------------------------------B-8 Top coal-------------------------------------------B-8 Third mining--------------------------------------------B-9 Safety and reserve pillars------------------------------B-9 Backfilling---------------------------------------------B-9 Barrier pillars----------------------------------------------B-10 Mine-water problem-------------------------------------------B-11 Method of analysis------------------------------------------------B-13 Panel and folio system---------------------------------------B-13 Classification of study area---------------------------------~-15 Surface altitude differentiation-----------------------------B-16 Subsidence potentials---------------------------------------------E-17 General discussion-------------------------------------------~-17 Differentiati on of potenti als--------------------------------~-19 First mining--------------------------------------------B-19 Second mining-------------------------------------------3-19 CONTENTS (Continued) Page Mining below critical depth-------------------------------B-19 Thin rock cover and pothole subsidence---------------B-20 Third mining-----------------------------------------B-20 Faults-----------------------------------------------B-21 Relative severity of subsidence potentials-----------B-21 Effect on levee system------------------------------------B-21 Conclusions and recommendations--------------------------------B-22 Glossary for anthracite----------------------------------------B-24 Panel descriptions---------------------------------------------B-26 Panel 1 -Nanticoke-Hanover Sector------------------------B-1-2 Panel 2 -Plymouth-Hanover Sector-------------------------B-2-2 Panel 3 -Wilkes-Barre-Kingston Sector--------------------B-3-2 Panel 4 -Forty Fort-Plains Sector------------------------B-4-2 Panel 5 -Wyoming-Port Blanchard Sector-------------------B-5-2 Panel 6 -Pittston-Duryea Sector--------------------------B-6-2 TABLES 1 . Correlation of anthracite beds in study area---------------Following B-6 2. Rise in level of typical underground water pools in mines in the Wyoming Basin, June 1959 to June 1964------------Following B-12 3. Altitude assigned by various coal companies to U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey bench mark on Public Square, Wilkes-Barre , Pennsylvania-------------------------------------Following B-16 4. Critical depth---------------------------------------------Following B-20 -. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS RESULTING FROM MINING UNDER THE FLOOD PLAINS OF THE SUSQUEHANNA AND LACKAWANNA RIVERS, WYOMING BASIN, NORr.HERN FIELD, ANTHRACITE REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA INTRODUCTION This report has been compiled at the request of and for the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Baltimore District. The original assignment requested a comprehensive study of the hazards to anthracite mine workings from surface floods in the Wyoming Basin of the Northern anthracite field along the Susquehanna and Lackawanna Rivers in the Wyoming Valley and the lower end of the Lackawanna Valley. Following the Knox mine-flood disaster in 1959 and the resulting inundation of nearly all the mines in the area it was deemed expedient, with the consent of the Corps of Engineers, to change the object of the study to an inquiry into the hazards to the flood-control system constructed .by the Corps from possible subsidence and resultant breakthrough from the river channel into underground workings. Subsequently, the study was fUrther broadened to include evaluation of surface subsidence potentials resulting from past mining operations subjacent to the flood plain of the Susquehanna River and its major tributary, the Lackawanna River, over the Wyoming Basin. A vicinity map showing the location of the report area in the Northern field of the anthracite region of Pennsylvania is a part of this report. The Wyoming Basin occupies the western synclinal fold of the Northern anthracite field and is separated from the eastern synclinal fold, designated as the Lackawanna Basin, by a low, transverse anticline. The central and by far the widest part of the Wyoming Basin underlies the Wyoming Valley, over whose broad floor the Susquehanna River flows in a sinuous course over a straight-line distance of about 16 miles. The river enters and leaves the valley through gaps in the mountain range that skirt the valley to the northwest. The northeastern portion of the Wyoming Basin rises gradually toward the interbasin anticline and is subjacent to the part of the western end of the relatively narrow valley of the Lackawanna River that extends from the confluence of the Lackawanna and Susquehanna Rivers to the vicinity of Moosic Borough. The southwestern extremity of the Wyoming Basin extends beyond the point where the Susquehanna River leaves the Wyoming Valley and narrows to a spoon-end outcrop near the town of Shickshinny. The surface overlying this part of the basin rises well above the altitude of the river plain and, therefore, is not subject to inundation from floodwaters of the Susquehanna. B-1 More than 125 years of mi~ing activity throughout the region, resulting in the removal of about 50 percent of the original anthracite reserves, has caused frequent and serious subsidences that, in many instances, wrought damage to streets, railroads, private property, and to sections of the river-levee flood-prevention system and its related facilities. This subsidence problem of long standing has been fUrther aggravated in recent years by the progressive abandonment of mines coincidental with cessation of pumping and the resulting formation and continuing expansion of vast underground mine-water pools. The gradual but continuous decline of underground mining activity-in the Northern anthracite f ield and subsequent discontinuance of minewater pumping has been the pri~ry cause of extensive inundation of practically all deep mines in the Wyoming Basin to various altitudes. Some of the underground mine-water pools thus forming are still rising, while others have already crested and are known to be overflowing into surface streams or believed to be seeping into the alluvial mantle that covers the bedrock underlying the Wyoming Valley. A few mine-water pools are presently controll ed by pumping, while some of the uncontrolled pools could possibly rise to altitudes at which low-lying or subsided surface areas would be inundated. The data presented in t his report and documented in detail are considered of importance in gaining a comprehensive view of existing subsurface conditions and their causal relationship to surface subsidences that have in the past affect ed and will continue to affect the physical and economic welfare of the highly industrialized and densely populated metropolitan areas of Wyoming Valley. Of equal if not greater importance and of much public concern i:s the possible effect of surface subsidences on the present and future effectiveness of the levee system and related flood-control facilities constructed by the Corps of Engineers in the flood plain of the Susquehanna River at large expenditures of public funds. This report attempts to give qualified answers to these questions by evaluating the conditions resulting from past mining operations, such as adequate strength of remaining coal pillars, thickness of rock cover, and other f.actors that det.ermine the magnitude of subsidence potentials of varying degree s inherent in subsurface mining areas. Evaluations of conditions in individual but stratigraphically related anthracite beds have been consolidated in. zones of subsidence potentials shown on a single map indicating the varying degrees of severity and occurrence probability. B-2 \ I I I I SUSQUEHANNA I WAYNE BRAOFOR.O l.YCOMIHG \ \ \ <.:','> \ 8 0 N \ Jim 1korpe \ 1.\iuclt Otuak) ..) - G H B E. R. 1<. s ANTHRACITE REGION OF PENNSYLVANJA OJ G9 12. 24 ~I App,.ox. ScaleJ MiiC1.5 SCOPE OF REPORI' This report is essentially an evaluation of subsidence potentials in combination with detailed descriptions of subsurface conditions resulting from extractive operations in the various anthracite mines in the Wyoming Basin of the Northern anthracite field. Descriptions and evaluations are restricted to that portion of the area in each bed that is subjacent to the potential flood plain of the Susquehanna River in the Wyoming Valley.P and to that of the Lackawanna River from its confluence with the Susquehanna to the vicinity of the borough of Moosic. The report outlines the extent of nu.n~ng in each bed by stating bed thickness, size and distribution of remaining coal pillars, or absence of pillars, as the case may be. These principal data are further elaborated by giving weight to such factors as depth below surface, placement of backfill, thickness of rock cover over mine chambers.P and presence of major tectoni c fault areas. These data, enumerated separately for each bed and then assembled by folios and panels, provide the basis for the delineation of potential subsidence areas that are differentiated as to severity rating on topographic maps. Also shown on these maps.P one for each panel, are surface features, boundaries of subjacent mines.P shoreline of the assumed maximum flood plain.P and the cropline of the lowest anthracite bed. The system of barrier pillars between mines and their ,relationship to mine-drainage and mine-flood problems is discussed only briefly and with reference to a comprehensive study of the subject matter undertaken by the U. S. ~~eau of Mines in 1954, whose findings were pub lished in detail in Bulletin 538, titled "Barrier Pillars in the Wyoming Basin, Northern Field, Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania." The mine-drainage and mine-flood problems, which have plagued the Northern anthracite field with catastrophic severity for many years and continue to plague it with steadily increasing urgency, are discussed briefly and only to the extent that such discussion contributes to the full comprehension of the problem of surface stability. TOPOGRAPHIC AND GENERAL GEOLOGIC NOTATIONS Surface and Alluvial Deposits (Buried Valley) The Northern anthraci te field is an elongated, canoe-shaped basin that contains along the synclinal axis two major folds that are sep• arated from each other by a t ransversal anticline generally known as the "Moosic Saddle" and so named for its location in the vicinity of Moosic Borough.P about 5 miles southwest of the city of Scranton. The larger and deeper synclinal fold to the west of this anticline is called the Wyoming Basin. The shallower syncline to the east of i t is known as the Lackawanna Basin. B-3 The Wyoming Basin --the locale or study area of this reportis for the most part a broad syncline having a length of about 24miles, measured from the lirr~ting anticline at the eastern end to thespoon outcrop at the western end. The maxinrum width, approximately inthe center of the basin and just east of the city of Wilkes-Barre, is5 miles, measured between the outcrops of the lowest bed on the mountain slopes that skirt the Wyoming Valley on both sides. At the deepest point of the basin, about 5 miles west of the city of Wilkes-Barre, the lowest anthracite bed descends to a depth of 1,530 feet below sea level. Here the coal-bearing formation reaches a thick ness of about 2,100 feet and contains 18 minable anthracite beds with an aggregate thickness of almos.t 100 feet. Towards the eastern and western limits of the basin the floor of the trough rises gradually andthe number of remaining coalbeds decreases. At the Moosic Saddle, whoseaxis is nearly at right angle to that of the basin, all but the fourlowest beds have been eroded. The name, thickness, and configuration of the coalbeds vary from mine to mine. The surface overlying the Wyoming Basin runs concordant with the axis of the synclinal anthracite formation. Topographically, it is known as the Wyoming Valley in which flows the Susquehanna River and the lower reaches of its trr::mtary, the Lackawanna River. The greater part of the surface is a broad, slightly rolling plain that is flanked on both sides by moderate_y steep mountains on the slopes of which are the outcroppings of two or three of the lowest coalbeds. The valley fill, which blankets the bedrock, consists of alternate layers of sand, quicksand, clay, gravel, and boulders in various ordersof stratification and reaches a thickness of over 300 feet at the deepest point about 3 miles west of the city of Wilkes-Barre. Geologists theorize that this great depression in the bedrock is the result oferosion by glaciers during the Ice Age. In the intervening thousandsof years, moraines from the ~etreating ice sheet and the waters of theSusquehanna River, with those of its local tributaries, have filledthis great trough with alluvial deposits to the level of today' s valleyfloor. This geologic phenomenon of nature has been termed the "BuriedValley of the Susquehanna River." The alluvial material of the buried valley is highly permeable,allowing the surface waters f rom rains, flashfloods, and bed seepageof the rivers and tributary creeks to penetrate to bedrock. The basinstructure of the rock strata and the coalbeds further facilitate thisseepage to enter mine workings through natural bedding planes, rockfissures, and fractures in the rock strata caused by mining operations. The structure of the buried valley and the problems attributableto its presence over mining operations in the Wyoming Basin have beenstudied and mapped from hundreds of boreholes that were drilled by thevarious coal companies to ascertain altitudes of bedrock surface.The information so obtained was essential in safely projecting the B-4 limit of mining operations in close proximity to the bedrock surface, or bottom of the buried valley. The results of this study made by the Bureau of Mines between 1946 and 1950 were published in Bulletin 494, titled "Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River, Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania." The alluvial and saturated deposits filling the buried valley also play an important role in the vertical and lateral propagation of subsidence from cavings in the rock strata resulting from mining operations. This is particularly the case where the valley fill contains beds or lenses of quicksand, or where water flowing in troughs in the rock floor can transport fine sand over considerable distances from one location to a point where the rock strata has been fissured by mining operations. In recognition of the relatively flat angle of repose of the materials composing the valley fill, the angle of draw that was applied in projecting the limits of the surface study area to the top of bedrock is 45 degrees. This f igure is generally accepted by Federal and Commonwealth agencies as the proper draw angle for unconsolidated surface material~ Anthracite Measures From the outcrop at the western spoon end of the Wyoming Basin near Shickshinny the lowest bed in the coal-bearing formation drops to a depth of 1,530 feet below sea level at a point about 5 miles west of Wilkes Barre. Here, the basin formation reaches its maximum thickness of almost 21 100 feet in which 18 minable anthracite beds are imbedded at various and varying intervals. These have an aggregate thickness of nearly 100 feet of minable coal. From here, the basin floor rises eastward more gradually, reaching a depth of 700 feet below sea level in the vicinity of Kingston Borough and, finally, altitude 500 feet above sea level on the crest of the Moosic anticline. The gradual rise of the basin floor westward towards the spoon end and eastward toward the Moosic anticline causes a corresponding decrease in the thickness of the coal-bearing formation and, consequently, in the number of anthracite beds that have escaped surface erosion. There, all but the four lowest beds have been eroded. The name, thickness , and configuration of all anthracite beds vary from mine to mine, which renders a correlation and their placement in proper stratigraphic sequence extremely complex, as is shown on the enclosed correlation table covering all mines located fully or partial ly in the study area. The name of the bed appears under the respective mine only if it was mined in the panel•folio area shown on the map of the study area. (See table 1.) Because the mines throughout the anthracite region were opened and developed at different times by different individual operators, or B-5 companies, the naming of the rr.ultiple beds at each mine was more or less at the whim of the owners; consequently, in many instances the same beds are known by different names on opposite sides of barrier pillars between adjacent mines. For the purpose of this report, the names of the beds in the individual mines were correlated stratigraphi cally with a list of bed names more or less common throughout the Wyoming Basin, termed "general names." In the body of the report, where each panel is described separ ately, the names of the coalbeds in each mine are correlated strati graphically with a list of bed names more or less common to the panel area. Mining Methods The workable anthracite beds in the Wyoming Basin have been mined to various degrees of extraction. For the most part, the beds are lyingrelatively flat with the flanks having steeper pitch toward the crop• line. The upper beds outcrop in the rock strata under the alluvial deposits of the buried valley. This crop region is the danger zone where excessive and imprudent mining under insufficient rock cover has caused in the past and may cause in the future cave-ins through which water-saturated material can flow into mine workings. The most recent of such occurrences was the Knox mine-flood disaster of January 22, 19591 when the Susquehanna River broke through thin rock cover into workings of the Knox Coal Company, drowning 12 men whose bodies were never recovered. In recognition of the anger of mining too close to the outcrop of coalbeds under the buried valley, the operating companies have drilled a great number of boreholes in advance of mining to determine the alti· tude of the top of rock at a given point. The information obtained was used to establish a minimum rock-cover limit for mining in the upperbeds. No agreement exists among mining engineers as to what thickness of rock cover represents a ?afe limit. The variance of opinion is due to many factors of the problem, such as depth of alluvium, nature and relative strength of the respective rock cover, width of chambers, and size of coal pillars left for support. If a judgment is to be made in connection with this report, Bureau engineers of the opinion that are a 30-foot rock cover applied by some companies is too close to the safe limit, leaving no room for unknown weakness of rock strata that has to act as a supporting beam. A safer limit is believed to be a rock cover of 50 feet, which figure has been used arbitrarily in this report as the minimum safe rock cover to prevent pothole subsidence. The predominant method of mining practiced in the Northern e.nthracite field is the room-and-pillar system. A gangway, accompanied by an airway, is driven in a coalbed on a gradient as close to horizontal as practical and possible. Chambers are driven off such gangways to the rise at fixed intervals and usually at right angle to the gangway.Chamber lengths generally vary between 200 and 300 feet. B-6 ~ CORRELATION OF ANT~ N A ME 0 F M I N E S 7-~- r- ,._,., q,'>Qf ...~coo GENERAL NAME rl' ~ ~.,.,._o 0~ ~"' .._o~ OF BED ...~ <-'*'<-0~ c,"_,_.._o ~<-"00 ~<. (] ./ " ~0 · '-'~o ,~~ ~\"<. v .,.-<' ~"" e:,'> v o'lf ~0 ...... '?>'>"' ~"" "'" ""' " " ~· _l I I -----------,r N' < 1· ·· rlf 6 N' 3 I. L "' It:4 Nl 4 I I IN• 5 -·--- __L___ __, OVERLAP Nt 5 OVERLAP ~5 ~ --~ ~5-f !F·_6 . ---lN• 6 . l N· TOP SNAKE ISLAND TOP GEORGE ,.-----r-"c" I~ BOT. GEORGg_s;EORGE_ SNAKE ISLAND SNAKE ISLAND __SNAKE I~Af'lj)_ SNAKE ISLAND! I SN AKE ISLAND ~---- ABBOTT ABBOTT ABB OTT ABBOTT _ 2 B.!!Q!.!__ ABBOTT ABBOTT ABBOTT_ ABBOTT -----+O.RCHA~J_ ABBOTT r- BDWKLEY MILL_S___IMILLS __ KIDNEY ----"K'-"ID""NE Y__,_ LA~E IKIDNEY IKIDNEY KIDNEY KIDNEY BOWKLEY BOWKLEY :..--"'lONE_! ---· HILLMANII HILLMAN II HILLMAN I HILLMAN I HILLMAN HILLMAN HILLMAN I HILLMAN HILLMAN I HILLMAN HILLMAN HILLMAN I TOP STANTON I TOP STANTON TOP STANTON BOT FI VE FOOT-II STANTON ILANCE I BALTIMORE ' I COOPER STANTON 1 STANTON ISTANTON BOT STANTO~-STANTON BOT. STANTON FI VE FOOT STANTON ! BOT. STANTON STANTON FIVE FOOT FOUR FOOT ll---.!.DP FIVE FOOT COOPER I FIVE FOOT FORGE BENNETT I FIVE FOOT FIV E FOOT I FIVE FO OT F IVE FOOT ~ANCE ,!IVE FOOT LANCE FIVE FOOT LANCE LANCE LANCE :r TOP BALTIMORE TOP TWIN TOP BALTIMORE I TO fi BALTIMORE ITOP. BALTIMORE ITOP BALTI MOR~ALTIM_Q_fli:"COOPER COOPER _ COOPER BENNETT-BALTIMORE I BOT. TWIN I TWIN I IFORGE ' BALTIMOR_E __,JlOT ~ALTIMORE IBOT BALTIMORE I BOT. BALTIMORE BOT. BALTIMORE , BENNETT . BENNETT I BALTIMORE I pv 1. CALIIMVMt. ! D~LJIMUtft. t:JAL 1\MVN't. 1 Ct.NNt. 1 1 1 C.l4L IIMUnt. ! tn:.NNt. I 1 1 CtNNt. 1 T I PITTSTON CHECKE R TOP ELEVENTOP MARCY 1 SKIDMORE ELEVEN ELEVEN FOOT I ELEVEN FOC'f-MARCY NINE FOOT TOP SPLIT-TOP ROSS TOP ROSS • T OP ROS S TOP ROSS TOP ROSS BOTTOM ROSS BOT. ROSS BOT. ROSS BOT ROSS BOT. ROSS ' ROSS TOP RED ASH CHAUNCEY CHAUNCEY TOP RED ASH TOP RED ASH TOP RED ASH TOP RED ASH TOP RED ASH I TOP RED ASH ROSS ROSS ROSS BABYLON ; MIDDLE RED AS H TOP LEE BOTTO M RED ASH LEE RED ASH RED ASH REO ASH IREO ASH I BOT~ RED ASH RE O ASH BOT RED ASH IBOT. RED ASH BOT. REO ASH l REO ASH ~RED ASH _ IREO ASH IRED ASH I "A" BOT LEE I I r - ... f) -l LBO I I I I l ' r - ~ . - TABLE RACITE BEDS IN STUDY AREA I N S T U D Y A R E A --F~ ~q ~ / 10 0o '-~ "«; .::."' '~'«-,_c, ~ ,'1' " "«-~ BED , ~ v is known as the "Mine Inspector' s Formula for Barrier Pillars , " and is as follows : "Multiply the thickness of the coalbed, in feet, by one percent of the depth below the drainage level, and add to this five times the thickness of the coal bed." If dependable barrier pillars had been maintained at many mines that are now abandoned and allowed to fill with water, such abandoned and inundated mines would not present the menace to adjoining active mines as they actually do. Unfortunately, many barrier pillars were originally of inadequate design, and many of those that were originally adequat ely designed were frequently pierced by openings, reduced in width, or completely removed in later years. The effective altitude of a barrier pillar is normally referred to as the altitude at which the barrier pillar is considered to be effective in withstanding a calculated hydrostatic pressure, or the altitude of the lowest breaching or piercing of the barrier pillars where such is the case. The aforementioned determination of effective altitude has had its most useful application in establishing a danger limit for underground pools in abandoned mines while adjoining mines were kept free of water. Since most of the mines in the Wyoming Basin are now abandoned and contain pools at various levels, the usefulness of previously recorded altitude data is largely obviated. Mine-Water Problem The basin structure of the coal measures underlying the highly permeable and water-saturated alluvial deposits of the buried valley fill facilitates, with relative ease, the entry of immens e volumes of surface runoff water from rains, flashfloods, and bed seepage of rivers and creeks,)> through structural rock fissures , but more freely through the interstices of rock~strata fractures that result from mining operations. Surface r~noff water also enters the mine workings through bed outcrops on the slopes of the mountains, and particularly through open strip pits on these outcrops. The one basic cause of the present day mine~water problem, which is besetting the anthracite industry and has had a particular severe impact on the mines i n the Northern anthracite field, has been the inadequacy of the barrier~pillar system. This inadequacy stems from the fact that the anthracite mining laws of Pennsylvania, which required the establishment of barrier pillars, were passed in 1891 when mines were already in operation for many years, and also from the fact that B-11 the provisions of the law were subsequently only loosely or not obeyed at all in some instances . Furthermore, the barrier-pillar law does not apply to barrier pillars between mines of one owner ship, but only to pillars to be left between mines of different ownership. I nadequacy in the original design or subsequent weakening or piercing of barrier pillars created a serious hazard to active mines because impounded water in adjoining idle or abandoned mines exerts excessive hydrostatic pressure against an inadequate section of the barrier pillar. In some instances, the existing hazard was minimized by controlling the pool in the idle mine by means of boreholes through the barrier pillars, thus placing additional and often excessive pumping costs on the operating mine . As early as 1925 , when the market for anthracite began to shri nk, some high-cost mines were laid idle . As pumping was stopped in these mines, drainage of the accumulating water became a responsibility of the adjoining mine to prevent buildup of a dangerous hydrostatic pressure against the barrier pillar. With the continuing decline of the anthracite industry to the present day, more and more mines were idled and even abandoned. The mine -water problem in the entire anthracite region, especially in the Northern anthracite field, assumed such proportions that gradually one mine after another was laid idle. The climax came in January 1959 when the Susquehanna River, then in 22-foot floodstage, broke into the workings of the Knox Coal Company, Jenkins Townshi p , near Pittston. The Knox mine and several adjoining mines were completely inundated in a very short time and have remained so inundated. Adjoining active mines were closed for reasons of safety or because the mine -water control of neighboring mines became financially too burdensome. Presently, nearly all the mines in the Northern anthracite field are more or less inundated completely. In some of these mines the water is overflowing either to the surface or t h rough a breach in the barrier p i llar to an adjoining mine where a safer pool level is maintained by means of deep-well pumps installed under a joint FederalState Mine Dra inage Program. Where no such overflow is known or reasonably expected to exist it is believed that the mine water is seeping through broken rock strata into the overlying highly permeable fill of the buried valley. Table 2 shows the rise of the level of the water in typical underground pools in mines located at both the eastern and western portions of the Wyoming Basin since 1959. Since most of the mines are presently filled with water, it must be assumed that in some instances mine water is seeping into the alluvial deposits of the permeable valley fill overlying the mines . It is suggest ed that definite information should be obtained by a study of the i nterrelationship of the various mine -water pools and the ground water level in the alluvial fill of the buried valley. B-12 TABLE 2. -Rise in level of typical underground water pocls in mines in the Wyoming Basin, June 1959 to June 1964 Mi ne Malt oy-Nottingham-Westmoreland Buttonwoo~/ Ewen2/ Dorrance Surface altitude, feet 545 .9 1 512 .0 1 555 .1 I 593.0 Date Under rourid pool altitudes, feet June 1964-----524 . 3 513. 0 516 . 3 507.1 January 1964--490 .4 479-5 492.9 473.4 June 1963---~~ 471 . 1 459·9 493.4 45 3. 4 January 1963--435 . 2 242.9 481.0 418 .4 June 1962-----424.2 72. 41/ 423 .0:/ 415.9 January 1962~~ 419 . 3 ------------42 3.9 387.1 June 1961-----422 . 2 ------------428 . 3 298 . 2 180.6 January 1961-~ 415 . 8 ------------423 .1 June 1960-----420 . 2 ------------423 .1 -91. 2 January 1960--402. 0 """-----------394. 2 -292 . 3 June l959-----392.7 ------------223.8 -489.6 1/ Includes Grand Tunnel, Avondale , Gaylord, Lance, Loree, -Kingston, East Boston, Black Diamond, and Harry E-Forty Fort mines .g/ Includes Schooley, Mt. Lookout, No. 14, and No. 6 mines.3/ Stopped pumping December 1962 . ;; Stopped pumping July 16, 1962 . L It appears that the rise in mine -pool levels, if unchecked, may cause the inundation of some low-lying surface areas in the not too distant future. Mine drainage in the anthracite region of Pennsylvania has been discussed in many publications. A report was prepared for submission to the Congress in compliance with provisions under which expenditures of funds requested by the ~~reau of Mines were authorized. The purpose of the report or engi neeri ng survey was to obtain information and provide the engineeri ng background by whi ch the encroachment of mine water might be solved. These previous engineering surveys consisted of studi es on acid mine water, underground water pools, the "buri ed ·valley" of the Susquehanna River, mine-pumping plants, surface -water pools, seepage of surface water into mines, barrier pillars between mines, and geologic· features of the region. A comprehensive study was conducted to determine corrosion and erosion resistance of selected metals and alloys and to ascertain their suitability for components of pumps to be used in handling acid mine water. Different ideas and pla~s to remedy the mine -water problem, including 13 tunnel proposals and schemes for central pumping pl ants, were considered, among which was the Conowingo Tunnel System, which would have drained the anthracite mine water into the Susquehanna River below the Conowingo Dam in Maryland. Because of the rapid deterioration of the anthracite market and subsequent f inancial retrenchment policies of the major coal companies , consideration of a long-r ange plan, such as the t'.l.Ililel scheme, was replaced by a short-range plan such as is embodied in the joint Federal-State Anthracite Mine Drainage Program initiated in 1955, impleme~ting Public Law 162, 84th Congress, 69 Stat. 352, and Act No . 82 of the General Assembly, Commonwealth of Pennsylvani a. METHOD OF ANALYSIS Panel and Folio System The lateral extent of the area, complexity of the coal formation, and diversity of mining practices and coal ownership, the latter complicated by legal and corporate developments over a period of more than 100 years, made it advisable for an orderly dissertation to divide the area that is the object of this study into several panels and each panel i nto several plates to be assembled i n folios. The report covers six of these panels. A surface map of the study area in the Wyoming Basin, scale 1 inch equals 1 mile, shows the Susquehanna River, the lower reaches of the Lackawanna River, and the more important municipalities in the area, with the panel and folio grid superimposed upon it. This map i s included in the report. B-13 Each par.el covers ru1 area 16,800 feet long, as measured along the longitudir-al axis of t he Wyoming Basin; the width of each panel varying with the spr·ead of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest and the further widening of the study area in each bed for the reason of making allowant:e f or t 'ne effect of angles of draw with increasing depth. Each panel i s subdivided into several folios. As a practical folio size a rectangle was chosen, measuring 4,200 feet in length ' along the axis of the basin and 3,000 feet in width, comprising an area of 289 acres . Data collected and evaluated for each folio was obtained from maps of the surface, top of bedrock, and authentic mine maps obtained -from the operating authracite companies. For each folio they were assembled from the uppermost to the lowest, arranged in a precisely centered stratigraphic sequence. The mine maps so a~~uired and assembled were used to obtain the llasic informat.i or: con' . er~:ing ur..derground workings, since inaccessibility of the ur..deTgr.::n _'":d worki :1gs made underground inspections impossible for the following reasom: 1.;.gs of numerou s mines in the study area were already flooded when t he compilat i Jr.. of the basic data was begun and, before completion of the st "J.d:y·, pr a ctically all were flooded completely. 2 . The means of a c:cess t o many of the mines had been eliminated through removal of hoisting machinery and the backfilling or capping of shafts and sl opes, etc., as safety measures . 3· -nderground :!aving indll.Ced by second and/or third mining and nor.anaintenance of t i t o support the roof in inactive or abandoned first-mined areas would r~strict to a large measure passageway even through nonflooded areas . 4. Underg:::·ound ventilation is not generally maintained by companies in old and abandoned workings ; consequently, large•scale inspection of these areas is impossible due to the hazards of explosion and nonrespirable atmosphere. Reestablishing ven~ilation on a scale necessary for underground inspection of the mine workings would be physically and financially almost impossible. 5. The vastness of the underground workings, consisting of as many as 18 beds underlying a surface study area of better than 22 square miles, even if they were accessible, would make the time required for actual physical inspection well beyond the time allotted for such a report. The official mine maps contain the most authentic basic information obtainable concerning underground mine workings, which could not be obtained by a physical inspection. This information includes, besides the general layout, the total extent of the mine and degree B-14 I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I ,, I I // I I {_/ I I ~ I I )> I I z I )> I ' I 1: I I -I I r'l I I I } I I I' 1 I I / / I \ / I I r / I /' I I I 0 I IJI I I / / I / I I I "U I I l> / I , I I z I I I f r / /\ I ( l ·J ,-) /)' l> I I I I, J> "'0 rl "'0 I ;:u ~ 0 1\) ' X I \ I I I I I { I I I I r-1 I -I ~ ~I ' ' 1 ....,, r r ., I I J> I (I) I z I I 0 I I < I ., I I I ;:u -u / I )> I I (I) I z Of -1 0 .,..I I 1 rn I I r ~ z I (I) I ' I I r 1_ I I ~~ \ 0 "'0 \ I r \ I -" ' I ... Ul ~I I Zl I -It I :rl .::u, I I ~I I ~I I -1 \ \ \ ( r \ \ I ) I I I I l I I I I I I 'I CDt \ 11'11 I OJ I ~ I en, I 2 I I (TI / I I I r I \ I I 1 I I ( r"" I I "'" I I ' I, ... , r I ( PANEL 4 PANEL 5 PANEL 6 0) 0 ' ' OF ANTH , ,•• 11 ,/ '-.. .... -..... ---........ ,.----.... f -!ctrr- L~--,_ , ~ .,-..,.-----.... , --_!lg~s______ _ " ------~ ..... II LL AA G I I I r--~----\--" •. '\ ~ ~ 1..,----r/ ___,-5,/~ --- \ AA I EE -F JENKINS TOWNSHIP D I H _, I ' I ' \ ' \ ' I '-.... I ..,.-') I / / I ~ / I r'-" ( ____----/ / .... r- ' ' I , I---' ,_ ' ---- ......... ', --------" ' I ,, ...__) , .... I ~, II I ', \ ...... , _______ _ \ ' / ---'--, I '-,_.., \ ......... \ .... ' ) ' ""'-'----- ) ...... of coal extraction; date of mining; bed altitudes at various points; pitch of the coalbeds; bed thickness; borehole location and data from which the rock interval between the coalbeds may be obtained; and location of faults and folds in the rock strata and coalbeds that greatly influence subsidence potentials. The maps used in making the st udy were the official maps of record of the di fferent coal companies in the area and were made from surveys and other information as prescribed by the laws of the Commonwealth. The engineering personnel who participated in the study of the subsidence potentials are longtime residents of t he area and most are license d professional engineers . They are all former employees of various coal companies operating in the area and thus are initimately familiar with the mines under study and the data available. There i s no question as to the accuracy of the i nformation shown on the maps . There i s no reliable information available that will show the · overall subsidence that has occurred anywhere in the anthracite region. Mining operatior.s in th'=ir ir.fancy were naturally on a small local basis, and original surface altitudes over the entire area were not recorded. The preser.tation of a separate report for each panel, subdivided by foli os, i s believed to facilitate the review of structural details of the area and to focus attention to potentially dangerous conditions within a circumscribed area. This arrangement also assures the future usefulness of the folios in providing the basis for obtaining additional detailed information on specific conditions in any part of a coalbed in relation to subsidence hazards. Detailed data, tab·Qlated on separate sheets f or each individual bed in a folio, are believed to enhance the understanding and evaluation of relative degrees of subsidence hazards that are contingent upon the more or less complete extraction of coal and the surface subsidence potentials created thereby. This i nformation is contained in a separate volume as an appendix related to the respective panel description. The folios of maps are not a part of this report. They were prepared solely for analytic purposes to obtain the pertinent information necessary for the report, but will be kept intact by the Bureau of Mines for future reference . Classification of Study Area The study area of each panel comprises that portion of the surface that may be inundated if the Susquehanna River woul d r each a floodstage that is arbitrarily assumed from 1 to 3 feet higher than the design altitades of the levees in the respective area. The altitude of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest so established is different in each panel concordant with the gradient of the streambed of the river. B-15 For the purpose of this report and to differentiate between surface areas that may be flooded normally and those that would be flooded under extreme and catastrophic conditions, the study area is divided betw·een river-levee area and flood plain. The river-levee area consists of the following categories: (l) where the levees flarlk both sides of the Susquehanna River the area as designated is the one that is lying within the outer toes of the levees, including the riverbed; (2) where there are no levees, the area so designated is the territory lying within the shorelines of the assumed flood crest; and (3) where a levee flanks one side of the river the area so designated i s that lying between the outer toes of the levee on one side of the river and the shoreline of the assumed flood crest on the opposite shore. The designation "flood plain" is ascribed to those areas that lie outside the levee system and would be subject to inundation only if the levee would subside considerably below design level or would be breached or.otherwise impaired by mine subsidences while the river is in floodstage. Flood plains were incl~ded in the study area that is covered by this report, solely for the purpose of extending the evaluation of subsidence potential"' t ·:J the maxinrum area of Wyoming Valley that may be inundated under the most severe conditions imaginable. Surface Al~itude Differentiation All altit' figures appearing in this report, unless otherwise stated.~> are based on an alt it.' of 543.54 feet assigned to the survey monument on Public Square in Wilkes~Barre, Pa. It is to be noted that this figure is 6.67 feet lower than altitude 550.21, assigned by the U. S. Coast & Geodetic S·u.rvey to the same monument, which has been used by the Corps of Engineers in the design of the levee system. In the examination of the mine maps from which the fol ios have been assembled to serve as the basis of this report, consideration had to be given to the fact that the various coal companies based their surveys on different datum figures for the same monument, as shown in table 3. The basic datum for altitudes on the top•of-rock plates in all folios is 543.54 feet, which is the same datum that was used by the Bureau of Mines in published bulletins dealing with mine-water and -subsidence problems in the Wyoming Basin. It is to be noted that this datum figure is the same as that being used by the Hudson Coal Company and the Lehigh &Wilkes-Barre Coal Company, and differs only slightly from those used by the Glen Alden Corporation and Pennsylvania Coal Company. It is further to be noted that altitudes appearing on surface and mine maps of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company B-16 TABLE 3. Co~~any Pennsylvania Coal Co.----------Lehigh Valley Coal Co.----------· Glen Alden Corp.---------------Lehigh &Wilkes-Barre Coal Co.-Delaware & Hudson Coal Co.-----Kingston Coal Co.--------------East Boston Coal Co.---------~-Black Diamond Coal Co.-------·-- Altitude of bench mark, feet 544.25 551.25 545.04 543.54 543.54 558.04 538.95 544.07 have 500, 1,000, or 1,500 feet added to any respective altitude. This was done to prevent altitude figures for points below sea level from having to be shown with a minus sign. SUBSIDENCE POTENTIALS General Discussion Subsidence follows mining in the anthracite region in varying degrees of magnit~de . This is especially true when mining is carried to its ultimate phase as third mining in the room-and-pillar method by which as mu~h of the coalbed is removed as is safely possible. The result of subsi dence due to mining can be seen throughout Wyoming Valley as well as elsewhere in the anthracite region. In numerous in.::ta::1.ces highways throughout the area are visibly twisted and warped in horiz· alinement and have short, sharp changes in grade, whi ch certainly were not present in the original design. Underground service utilities, s-~ch as water, gas, and sewer lines, are broken frequently. Cra cked fouu~dation and exterior walls, especially if of masonry or brick construction, together with cracked plastered i nterior wall s in build.irlgs of public and private ownership, are much in evidence . The horizontal and vertical alinement of railroads, as well as the previously mentioned highways, are occasionally twisted and warped. The railroad tracks must , of necessity, be jacked back to a reasonable semblance of the original line and grade, and bridge abutments and piers shimmed to meet the reestablished grade. This reestablishment of railroad gr a des makes very evident any subsidence in an area traversed by a rai lroad. The short, sharp range by which the streets cross the tracks show vividly the approximate measure of the subsidence that ha s occurred over the years. The entire area of Wyoming Valley along the r:_ght-of-way of the D. L. & W. Railroad from West Nanticoke t o West Pitts-t.on ill.ustrates this condition. It has been necessary for the Corps of Engineers to raise the top of the f lood-control system of levees along the Susquehanna River in certain areas either by additional fill mat erial or concrete or steel sheet-piling walls on top of the l evees to keep the top of the levee system at the design altitude. This subsidence and subsequent repair has occurred at different times and places along the length of the levee system on each side of the river, and m~st be expected to continue in some areas for years to come. Churches, school s , and houses have been damaged badly by pothole subsidence and, in at least one instance, a motor vehicle dropped into a pothole that oc~~rred suddenly in a heavily travelled highway. Factors that determine the amount of subsidence at the surface and the time lag between mining and subsidence are many and varied, and are highly indeterminable. B-17 The degree of extraction naturally has a decisive influence on the magnitude of subsidence in a given area. The number and thickness of the coalbeds and the depth at which these beds lie are also important factors as are the thickness and character of the rock strata between and over the coalbeds. Some of the rocks comprising the anthracite measures in which the coalbeds are located are soft, brittle, and weak, while others are hard and strong. When submerged in water, the soft and brittle rock formations will suffer considerable loss in bearing strength. The depth or thickness of the unconsolidated buried valley fill and its composition and water content determine to a considerable degree the depth and lateral extent of surface subsidence resulting from fracture of the rock overlying the coalbeds. If the material is of a fine, -sandy nature containing a large amount of water, it may flow a considerable distance to a rock fracture and drop into underground workings. Such movement of alluvial material results in a surface subsidence whose lateral and vertical extent may be greatly out of proportion to the size of rock caving over the mine workings. It has been stated previously that most mines in the area under investigation for this report have been abandoned and are filled or are filling with water. In some, the level of the mine-water pool is at a higher altitude than that of the lowest known depression of the buried valley. Consequently, it may be assumed that the water accumulating in these mines is seeping upwards into the valley-fill deposits through natural fissures, cracks, and bedding planes in the rock as well as through fractures caused by mining. It is reasonable to assume that the saturation of the valley-fill material will increase as the mines continue to fill with water and nature strives to reestablish a permanent water table. Progressive saturation of the valley-fill material may induce the flow of the finer sandy particles into cracks and fissures of the rock strata, and certainly into voids created by collapse of the roof over the mine workings. The magnitude of the effect that such redistribution of valleyfill material may have on the surface can only be conjectured. The geology of the area in which mining is done also plays a role in the subsidence potential. The degree of dip of the coalbeds, folds, and faults in the rock and coalbeds are all significant, especially when they become water-lubricated through submergence. All the factors' pertaining to subsidence vary widely and interact in endless combinations that make a determination as to the amount of subsidence at a given location highly problematical, and an estimate as to time of occurrence highly speculative. B-18 Differentiation of Potentials Surface subeidence may result from any of the three general categories of ~-first, second, or third. First Mining Surface subsidence usually does not occur in an area superjacent to first mining for the reason that t he width of the pillars and di s tance center to center of the parallel rows of pillars were designed by company engineers to furnish sufficient strength to support t he surface witho'C.t cru.shing the pillars. Also, the chamber width, whi ch generally does not exceed 24 feet, provides a roof span of sufficient beam strength to prever.t. collapse of the roof between pillars . Second Mining Surface subsidence may be expected in any area that overlies wor kings that were second mined. The very nature of second mining reduces the cross-sectional area of the pil l ars remaining after first mining; consequently~ their ability to resist crushing by the overburden weight is impaired aeverely. Second mining does not always reduce the cross-sectional area of the pillars remaining after first mining to a point where the overburden weight will crash them. HcweverJ> when the pillars are skipped, or splitJ> the widths of the chambers and crosscuts are increased and, although the pillar;;: remaining may be considered suffi ci ently strong to prevent their being crushedJ> excessi vely wide roof areas exposed between the p i llars will have: ins-:lfficient beam strength to prevent collapse and thus induce cavi~gs that may extend to overlying beds and eventually reach the surface. After second mining operations have been ca rried out, generall y more than 60 percent of the original coalbed has been extracted. Whether or not the percentage of the coalbed remaining has reduced pillars to the poi nt that they would be of insufficient strength to carry the superimposed weight and thus be crushed, the dividing line between first and second mining was chosen at the point where more than 60 percent of the original bed was removed. Therefore, in all instances where less than 40 percent of the bed remained in pillars, whether the coal was removed entirely during the f irst-mining phase or in Becond mining, the area was classified as second mining. Mining Below Critical Depth Subsidence may also occur from either f i r st-or second-mined a reas that lie below a depth beneath the surface at which the remaining pillars B-19 are not considered to have sufficient strength to prevent their being ultimately crushed by the weight of.the overburden regardless of their size. This distance below the surface is termed "critical depth" for the purpose of this report and is arrived at by calculation · giving consideration to such factors as pillar area, overburden weight, and the generally accepted squeezing strength of anthracite at 2,000 psi. Critical depth data have been calculated for various conditions and assembled on table 4. Thin Rock Cover and Pothole Subsidence Subsidence may occur over either first-or second-mined areas, regardless of strength of pillars or width of chambers, that are under a rock cover of less than 50 feet. This limit in the thickness of rock cover was chosen arbitrarily but is generally accepted by mining engineers, making allowance for unknown and indeterminable strength of the rock strata. This condition is more prevalent al ong the cropline of the coalbed.. This type of subsidence is termed pothole, cropfall, or cavehole, and results from the failure of thin rock cover over the chambers to act as a beam, causing collapse and allowing the overburden material to rush into the chamber cavities, leaving roughly circular holes or rather pronounced saucer-like depressions at the surface. The presence of water in the alluvium overlying the fractural condition of the chamber roof induced naturally or by mining may increase greatly the amount of material that may enter the mine voids, thus increasing the size of the pothole or depression and subsequent damage to surface facilities and structures. Third Mining Surface subsidence may be expected in any area that overlies workings that were third mined. By definition, third mining consists of complete extraction, or removal as nearly complete as possible, of the pillars remaining after the first-or second-mining phases. When extracting pillars, which is a hazardous operation, it is vitally essential for the safety of the workers that the roof inby the opera tion should come down or cave. If this does not occur naturally, the lower roof is blasted down (dynamited); otherwise, the weight of the overburden may crush the remaining pillars and possibly trap and kill the workers. Consequently, surface subsidence follows naturally in any area that overlies mine workings that were third mined. Caving at the surface may not occur until considerable time has elapsed following the .natural collapse or "shooting down" of the roof in third mining, as the time element in the upward propagation of the settle ment is indeterminable. The deeper the mine workings in which pillars have been removed, the shallower the surface subsidence resulting therefrom. B-20 TABLE 4. -Critical depth -Distance below surface at which overburden weight* may cause crushing of coal pillars at various percentages of coal remaining in pillars Pillar area Critical Pillar area .Critical Pill ar area Critical remaining, depth, remaining, depth, remaining, depth, percent feet percent feet percent feet 25 480 42 8o6 59 1,133 26 499 43 826 60 1,152 27 518 44 845 61 1,171 28 538 45 864 62 1,190 29 557 46 883 63 1,210 30 576 47 902 64 1,229 31 595 48 922 65 1,248 32 614 49 941 66 1,267 33 634 50 960 67 1,286 34 653 51 979 68 l,3o6 35 672 52 998 69 1,325 36 691 53 1,018 70 1,344 37 710 54 1,037 71 1,363 38 730 55 1,056 72 1,382 39 749 56 1,075 73 1,402 40 768 57 1,094 74 1,421 41 787 58 1,114 75 1,440 *Overburden weight = 150 lb./c.f. (estimated). S~ueezing strength anthracite = 2,000 lb./in.2• (First cracks appeared in test cube at Lehigh Uni ,·eh;ity. ) Formula: 150 X Depth (D) = lb./in.2 = 2,000. 144 D = 1,920 ft. with 10~ coal remaining in pillars. 1,920 ft . X percent pillars remaining = Critical depth. Faults Subsidence may occur when mining is done in an area where faults exist even though the remaining coal pillars and chamber roofs have sufficient strength to support the overburden. Mining may disturb the equilibrium of forces in the rock crust of the fault area and trigger further movement along the fault plane, causing either subsidence or upthrust at the surface, regardless of the type of mining done. Relative Severity of Subsidence Potentials The phase of mining that produces the greatest subsidence potential at the surface is third miningj lesser potentials are produced by second and first mining. The maps in the reports for the six separate panels that show the subsidence potentials indicate the most severe potential in any of the beds subjacent to the surface at that point without regard to the stratigraphic position of the area of origin of the potential hazard. For example, if third mining was done in only one of the multiple beds underlying a~y given point, the subsidence potential applicable to the surface would be considered as third mining and shown as such on the maps accompanying each such panel. Second mini~g operations under a rock cover less than 50 feet thick, which normally would be expected to cause pothole subsidence, and second-mining areas below critical depth are not specifically indicated as such on the maps although they are considered as areas of extremely high subsidence potentials. In first mining, pothole subsidence and mining below critical depth are indicated only when mine workings of greater hazard potential (second or third mining) are not subjacent to the area. Effect on Levee System The flood-protection system of levees and its continued efficacy will be influenced greatly by surface subsidence --either by local potholes or by general subsidence over a large area. The pothole type of subsidence is sudden and spectacular and, being newsworthy, is brought immediately to the attention of the public througho~t the area by the news media. This type of subsidence, although occasionally severe, is generally not extensive and is readily corrected by refilling the pothole and repairing the levee with acceptable material. A pothole-type subsidence occurring in the levee system could be catastrophic in effect if it happened when the river was at floodstage. B-21 General subsidence over a large area occurs so gradually over an extended period of time that it may not be readily noticeable as it produces no surface dislocations or damage to structures and facilities sufficient to attract attention. If a levee is located in such an area the top of the levee may have subsided, imperceptible to the naked eye, below the design altitude, allowing the supposedly protected area behind the levee to become vulnerable to flooding . It has been necessary for the Corps of Engineers to raise the grade of the top of the levees in various places to correct the effects of this type of subsidence. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The subsidence potent ials delineated on the maps accompanying each of the six panels of the report provide no guide as to the time when surface subsidences have occurred or will occur in the future. The report has been compiled on the study of mine maps only, without field insp·ection of undergr ound workings or surveys of surface areas. Some subsidence may have occurred prior to the study in areas that are shown on the maps to be subject to high subsidence potentials. The time lapse between conditions created by underground mining and actual subsidence of the surface cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy. Pothole subsidence as a result of thin rock cover over mine chambers may develop shortly after the actual mining was done. Surface subsidence resulting from the collapse of the chamber roofs due to pillar skipping or splitting in second mining or complete extraction of pillars in third mining may occur soon or much later after mining has been completed according to the depths of the workings below the surface and the structural characteristics of the multiple layers in the rock cover over the workings. Subsidence resulting from pillar-crushing due to mining below critical depth in f irst and second mining may be very slow in developing and difficult to discern. Sometimes only slight cracks occur in plastered walls in dwellings and other buildings, and actual leveling surveys are necessary to detect the subsidence. In areas where railroad tracks ·cross the surface lying above mine workings the slow, gradual settling of the surface is indicated by the height of the tracks above the surrounding area. The railroad tracks must, by necessity, be brought back to grade periodically. When mine workings become inundated with water upon cessation of pumping, or otherwise, the water may soften and weaken some types of roof rocks in open chambers . and over coal pillars and thus hasten the collapse that otherwise may not have occurred for the following reasons : 1. A shaley roof rock by its very nature will become plastic to a degree by absorption of water and, consequently, less resistant to loading or pressure. 2. It has been suggested by various authorities after considerable testing ~hat all rocks, especially sandstones and shales, lost compressive strength by absorbing water when submerged f or the relatively short time of 4 days. 3. Water -sat:Irat:ion lubricates the cleavage planes in the rock and the bedding planes in the top and bottom of a coalbed. This could be of significance in fault areas and where coalbeds are on steep pitch. Practically all mines subjacent to the study area of this report are filling with water, and some are inundated completely to the level of natural overflow, or contain mine~water pools that are kept at a certain altitude by deep~well-pumping plants. Some of the overflowing pools are .believed to discharge their water by upward seepage into the alluvial deposits of the buried valley. The progressive saturation of the valley-fill material may induce the flow of the finer sandy particles into cracks and fissures of the rock strata and into voids created by collap3e of t he roof over the mine workings. To maintain the continued efficacy of the flood-control levee system, it is recommended that periodic inspections be continued, either by the Corps of Engineers or the municipalities charged with the maintenance of the facilities . These inspections to be made of tne embankment and related structures, such as flood gates ru1d pumping stations, to determine if visible damage is evident that was caused by subsidence. ~t is further recommended that leveling surveys be made periodically along the top of the levees, especially in areas where supsidence potentials are delineated in the several panels, to ascertai~ if and where subsidence has occurred and the amount thereof , in order that proper and timely corrections may be made. The texts for the subdivisions of the report (panels l to 6) are treated individually and follow in numerical sequence. Appendixes co~taining detailed da~a from which the subsidence potentials stated i n the text f or each panel were evaluated are assembled separately by panels and are bound individually. B-23 GLOSSARY FOR ANTHRACITE AIIMAY -A passageway in a mine parallel to a gang'Way ·o:t -entry; . but usually smaller in cross-sectional area than a gangway. · Its · _, principal fUnction is to provide a return in the ventilatio~ system of the mine to an exhaust fan at the surface. BACKFILLING -In the anthracite region it denotes the filli~g ' of mined6 out voids and generally comprises two types --flushing or silting, and rock-packing. BARRIER PILLARS -A portion of a coalbed that is left unmined along the property line of adjoining mines. Its principal fUnction is to act as a dam to prevent water that has accumulated in a fuirie from suddenly breaki ng into an adjoining mine and causing loss of life, property, or both. CAVE HOLE (POTHOLE, SINK HOLE) -A deep depression at the surface of limited horizo:J.tal dimensions ·caused by a fall of roof over mine · workings. CHAMBER-ROOM-BREAST -An op~ning in the coalbed driven from a gangway or entry f or the extraction-of coal. COLUMNAR -Arrangement of pillars. in different beds in perpendicular alinemer:t. (11 eolumned" is a colloquialism of the imthracite region.) , .. CR!7ICAL DEPTH -In this-report the depth below which the overburden yreight may caus e crushing of the coal pillars, regardless of size. CROPFALL -A cave hole along the outcrop of a coalbed. DIP OR PITCH -The angle at which the coalbed or rock strata is inclined from the horizontal. FACE -In gangways, chambers, et'c., the end at which work was last done or the po:!.nt at which coal is being mined in a chamber. · FAULT -A break in the continuity of a body of rock, attended by a movement on one side or the other of the break so that what were once parts of one continuous rock stratum or vein are now 'separated · or displaced• . In ccialbeds sometimes applied to coal rendered worthless by its condition --crushed, foliated, dirty, etc., although this condition may be the result of folding rather than faulting. A local rather abrupt thinning of the coalbed is sometimes termed "faulting.11 FLUSHING OR SILTING -To fill undergrou~d spaces, as in coal mines, with material carried by water, which, after drainage, forms a compact mass . B-24 J FOLD -Rocks or s trata that have been bent i nto domes and basins.--This structure .is observed mainly in mountainous regions and differs from a f a-.:. l!:. in +:.hat the rock strata i s flexed or bent rat her than b:·oi<.Ar,, sep 3.rated, or displaced. It is strictly a strong flexure of a s+~ r·a+.'J m, w:i. th steeply incl ined s i des ; however , loosely and more commonly :ir.dic:a~es any flexure of a stratum. When the ba sin of a fold is :carr mr 9.nd -:.h e sides rather s t eeply pitched, the process of folding may bave cr:.shed the coal in the basin or flexure area. GANGWAY 0R EI:iJT RY -A mai:-1 road into a coalbed in a mine from which chambers-rooms-breasts are driven. It i s generally the main haulageway i n the area. GOB -:R.efuse or Y3..3~E left in a mine, generally packed or stowed along the rib of a chamber or gangway. INBY -TO'•:"ard. t 'he vorki-.::tg face or interior of the mi ne . Away from the shaf+, or err::.ran:·e. OUrBY -Nearer +,,:: -t~r.e shaft, and hence further from the working f ace. Toward t.:!:le m::ne ent.ra..."lce . The opposite of inby. OUTCROP ( C:R! I J -;.:::'hat part of the stratum that appears at the surface. t may n:"v ~oe vi3i1:.le at ":'.he surfa ce because of the na tural disintegrat:i::>~l of t he coal or rock strata , or where such location i s covered by al~i';.m . PILLAR -A blcck cf coal left between chambers-rooms -b reasts to suppor+. t~e r'): f. F.ESERVE PZILAB -Ext. ra .'Large pillar of coal left at regular intervals i n t!ie work.i':"!g::: .! : ~ts p-J.Y:p:JSe is t o di v i de the mine into sections , or districts, so as to l oc9..lize the effect of any s qu eeze by breaking the roof at the resE:rv"e p::.lla:!:'' and thus prevent further spreading of the squeeze . RIB -The solid coal along the sides of a chamber, gangway, etc. In a rock t~nnel it denotes the sides of t he tunnel, such a s the exposed sides of a pillar. ROCK-PACKI~G -A wall or pillar built manually of gob to help s-u.pport the roof; also, to fill in old mine workings with waste rock or gob either to help support. the roof or to dispose of the material. SAFE:'Y PII.J.,AR -Coal pillar left unmined for the protection of shafts, slopes, plane s , gangways, and other specifically vulnerable areas under groun:i or or. the surface, such as str eambeds where they cr oss a crop area. I t i s known variously as shaft pillar, slop e pillar , or chain or ent.ry pill ar (protecting gangways or entri es ), etc. SQUEEZE -ThE settling, without breaking of the roof , over a considerable area of mine workings, accompani ed by crushing of p i llars. B-25 --------------------------------------------, PANEL DESCRIPTIONS The following pages of the report contain an overall description of each of t.he six panels into which the study area has been divided.'- Presented for each panel are an introduction, a description of its respective surface area, and a generalized analysis of subjacen~ IDln~ng conditions and their causal relationship to subsidence potentials, including a map showing the severity potentials of -f1ubsig.ence in the study area, a correlation of the anthracite beds in·the panel, and a cross section through a folio typical to the panel. Each panel constitutes a unit in which each folio subdivision is treated separately. B-26 PANEL .1 NANTICOKE -HANOVER SECTOR CONTENTS Page Introduction--------------------------------------------·-----B-1-1 Description of panel 1----------------------------------------B-1-2 Description of folios---·--------------------------·----------B-1-~ A-----------------------•--------·-----------------------B-1-3 B--------------------------------------------------------B-1-5 C-----------------·---------------------------·----------B-1-5 D------------------------------·----------------------•--B-1-7 E------------·------~------------------•-----------------B-1-9 TABLES 1. Correlation of beds in panel l----------------------------Fo11owing B-1-2 1. Map of panel 1. 2. Typical cross section in folio C. INTRODUCTION Panel 1 comprises 5 folios and covers the Nanticoke -Hanover s~ctor of the study area. The topography within the confines of the panel is shown on a map, scale 1 inch equals 2,000 feet, upon which the boundaries of the mines are superimposed. The Susquehanna River is shown in blue. The severity potentials of subsidence within the confines of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest, normally identified with the various types of mining including critical depth, are delineated by different patterns of markings and shown in red. A cross section, scale 1 inch equals 100 feet, through the center of folio C is shown as typical of the panel. These maps are i~cluded in this report. ~e altitude of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest for the determination of the surface study area in this panel is 535 feet, which corresponds to altitude 541.67 feet, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey base. Correlation of beds in panel 1 is shown in table 1. B-1-1 DESCRIPTION OF PANEL 1 Panel 1, Nanticoke -Hanover sector, consisting of 5. folios, lies at the extreme western end of the study area in the Wyoming Basin. The Susquehanna River flows through the northern corner of the panel in a westerly direction. U. S . Route 111 with an approach to the Cross Valley bridge, and the D. L. &W. Railroad parallel the northern shore of the river. A Pennsylvania Railroad bridge and a highway bridge leading from U. S. Route ll to Nanticoke, spanning th~ Susquehanna River, appear in the panel. The Pennsylvania Railroad · traverses the central part of the panel in an east-west direction. Main Street, which is t he principal traffic artery between Nanticoke and Wilkes-Barre on the eastern side of the river, with ·· an approach to the Cross Valley bridge spanning the Susquehanna River, lies in the central part of the panel. The area covered by the , folio~ . in this panel comprises the greater part of the built-up area Qf Nanticoke . The remaining area is generally farm or undeveloped wasteland. Political subdivisions in the area are Nanticoke, particularly the major part of the built-up area; Plymouth and Hanover Townships; and a small part of Newport Township. Workings of portions of the No. 7, Avondale-Grand Tunnel, Loomis, and Truesdale mines are subjacent to the panel area covered by the five folios. B-1-2 TABLE l. -Correlation o£ beds in panel l M I N E S General name Avondaleof bed No. 7 Loomis Truesdale Grand Tunnel No. 4--------------------No. 4---------------------------No. 5--------------------No. 5--------------------------- No . 6 No. 6----------------------------------------------- Top George--Top George---------------·--------------------George------Bottom George George-----George---------------Abbott------OrChard------Abbott----- Mills----.-.--. Mills--------:---Mills--------Mills'""--Mills.--------Hi 11 man-----Hi 11 man---..,,, Hillman--.Hi l Jman----Lance-------Lance--------Baltimore-- Cooper------Cooper--------------------------------------- Forge-------Forge--------Forge---------------------------Top Twin----Top Twin-----Bottom Twin-Bottom Twin--Top Split of Top Ross---- Top Ross Top Ross----Middle Ross--Top Ross---Top Ross----Bottom Ross-Bottom Ross--Bottom Ross Bottom Ross-Ghauncey----Ghauncey-------------------------Chauncey---- Top Red Ash_-Top Lee-----------------_____,____ ------------Red Ash-----Lee----------Red Ash----Red Ash-----Bottom Lee--~ottom Lee-- .e DESCRIPTION OF FDLIOS Folio A The area of the surface that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 61 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 228 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. A portion of Nanticoke occupies the entire plate area with the exception of a small part of Newport Township, which barely touches the western corner. The area is mainly undeveloped with the built• up portion, including part of the business district, being located along the eastern side. The Susquehanna River appears in the northern corner of the plate. The Sunbury Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad crosses the plate and includes the southern end of the landspans leading to the bridge across the river. Principal highways are one leading to the Susquehanna River bridge to meet Route ll at West Nanticoke, and another to Glen Lyon. Workings of the No. 7 mine underlie the entire plate area, Nine beds, having a combined thickness of 42 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed in which mining was done, Forge, are at a mininrum depth of 203 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 185 feet. However, workings in the Top and Bottom Twin beds, lying beneath the Forge bed stratigraphically, have been mined to a greater extent and are at mininrum depths of 96 and 80 feet below the surface, under rock covers of 57 and 64 feet, respectively. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Lee, are at a maximum depth of 626 feet below the surface. The Red Ash bed workings, lying stratigraphically above the Bottom Lee, have been mined to a greater extent than the Bottom Lee and are at a maxinrum depth of 681 feet below the surface, which is 173 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first ffilnlng operations varies from regular to slightly irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 22 to 52 feet on 45-to 70-foot centers. No safety pillars are present; however, scattered unmined areas remain in the Top Split of the Top Ross and Red Ash beds. The pillars remaining in all beds after first IDllllng are considered adequate for surface support. No backfill was placed in the voids created by first mining. Second mining was done in the Red Ash and Bottom Lee beds and certain areas in the Top Twin, Top Split of Top Ross, Top Ross, and Top Red Ash beds, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations. In consideration of these conditions the areas have been classified as second mining. :B-1-3 Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, the excessive roof areas ex posed between the pillars will probably induce caving that may reach to the surface. No backfill was placed following second mining oper ations. The subsidence hazard is increased in the Red Ash bed in the northern portion of the study area where mining was done under a rock cover of 19 to 50 feet. Third mining was done in the Top Twin, Top Split of Top Ross, Top Ross, Chauncey, Top Red Ash, Red Ash, and Bottom Lee beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed after third mining. The Susquehanna River flows outside the crop line of the lowest · coalbed in this folio. The mined areas (second and third mining) in the uppermost bed, Top Red Ash, worked subjacent to the landspans of both the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge and the Luzerne County highway bridge are at minimum depths of 148 and 170 feet below the surface, under rock covers of 113 and 125 feet, respectively. The mined areas (second mining) in the Red Ash bed subjacent to the landspans of both the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge and the Luzerne County highway bridge are at minimum depths of 152 and 218 feet below the surface, under rock covers of 95 and 164 feet, respectively. Two serious breakthroughs from the alluvial deposits of the buried valley into the mine workings occurred in this area in the early days of mining; however, .neither were located in the study area. In 1885 a large body of quicksand and water broke into the workings of the Middle Ross bed of the No. 7 mine, Susquehanna Collieries Company, Nanticoke, Pa. The workings were filled with sand and water for a distance of 2,000 feet, killing 26 men. Before the inrush occurred it was thought the cover over the mine workings was 262 feet, of which 200 feet was solid rock. Subsequent drilling revealed the rock cover to be 48 feet, indicating a deep-rock gorge at this point. In 1899 the roof collapsed in an old breast driven 20 years previously in the Hillman bed, No. 7 mine. The cave-in occurred 1,200 feet from the site of the Middle Ross breakthrough. The workings were 127 feet below the surface, and the rock cover was believed to be 50 feet; however, the rock cover was proved later to be only 20 feet. Forge and Newport Creeks flowed into the cave until cut off by dams and fill material placed in the hole. B-1-4 Folio B The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 3 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 286 acres lie above the altitude of the assume d flood crest. The plate area l i es wholly in Nanticoke City and comprises most of the residential and principal business areas of the city. The study area, however, lying in the northern corner of the plate, covers undeveloped wasteland. The Pennsylvania Railroad crosses the northern tip of the plate. Principal traffic arteries are highways to Route 11, via the Susquehanna River bridge; to Glen Lyon; and to the Middle Road between Nanticoke and Wilkes-Barre. Mine workings of portions of the No. 7 and Loomis mines are subjacent to the plate area; however, only the No. 7 workings underlie the study area. Six beds, having a combined thickness of 30.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed in which mining was done , Forge, are at a minimum depth of 171 f eet below the surface, with a rock cove r of 151 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash , are at a maximum depth of 929 feet below the surface, which is 359 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining varies from regular to irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to be d, ranging from 26 to 38 feet on 50-to 58-foot centers. There are no safety pillars present. Pillars remaining in all be ds after first mining except in a portion of the Red Ash bed are considered adequate for surface support. Subsidence, however, may develop from a portion of the Red Ash bed at the northeastern part of the study area, which was mined below a dept h of 864 feet, wher e ove rburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength. No backfill was placed after first mining. Second mining was not done in any bed in this folio. Third mining was done in the Top Twin, Top Ross, and Chauncey beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No backfill was pla.ced in the voids created by third mining. Folio C The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 230 acres, all of which is classified as river-levee area. The remaining 59 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. B-1-5 Nanticoke City and Plymouth Township occupy approximately equal parts of the plate area, lying in the southern and northern parts respectively. Hanover Township occupies a small area at the eastern corner. The major part of t he study area is in Nanticoke. · ' ' The terrain in the plate area is mainly undeveloped except for small residential areas lying along Route 11, which traverses the northern part from east to west and generally marks the division between the study area and the higher ground in Plymouth Township. An approach to the Cross Valley bridge spanning the Susquehanna River is shown branching off from Route ll. The D. L. &W. Railroad closely parallels Route ll across the plate. The Susquehanna River crosses the central plate area from e ast to west; however, in the western part it lies outside the outcrop line of the lowest coalbed. The Pennsyivania Railroad bridge and the Luzerne County highway bridge spanning the river are located in the area outside the coal measures. Workings of parts of t he No. 7 and Avondale•Grand Tunnel mines underlie the study area. Eight beds, having a. ccmbined thickness of 40.5 or 44.5 feet, depending on whether or not"top coal was taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Forge, are . at a minimum depth of 230 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 126 feet. Workings in the next two lower beds stratigraphically, Top and Bottom Twin, however, are mined over a greater area than the Forge bed and are at minimum depths below the surface of 216 and 102 feet, under rock covers of 98 and 65 feet, respectively. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash~ range from a minimum depth below the sur-... face of 18 feet along the outcrop, with a rock cover of ll feet, to a maximum depth b elow the surface of 671 feet, which is 162 feet below' sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mn1ng operations' is irregular in the two top beds and regular in the remainder. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 21 to 44 feet on 43-to 70foot centers. Safety pillars are not generally present; however, there is _one in the Chauncey bed, and s~attered unmined areas appear in the Bottom Twin and Red Ash beds. Pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface. Pothole subsidence may develop from areas in the Red Ash bed where first mining was done under a rock cover that varies from ll to 50 feet in the northern limit of mining. This area is subjacent to the intersection of the north and south lanes o£ U. S. Route ll. No back£ill was placed after first mining. Second mining was done in the Red Ash bed; and certain areas in the Top Ross, cpauncey, Top Red Ash, and Red Ash beds, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining oper~tions, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered t o be sufficiently strong to prevent their B-1-6 being crushed, the excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce caving that may reach to the surface. The subsidence potential in the Red Ash bed is aggravated where mining was done under a rock cover of 21 to 50 feet along the limits of mining in the northwestern portion of the mined area, which approaches within approximately 80 feet of the south bank of the river in the vicinity of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge and the Luzerne County highway bridge. No backfill was placed in the voids created by second mining. Third mining was done in the Top Ross, Chauncey, Top Red Ash, · and Red Ash beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No back fill was placed after third mining. The Red Ash is the only bed in this folio mined subjacent to the Susquehanna River, and the workings are at a minimum depth of 169 feet below the riverbed, under a rock cover of 63 feet. The Pennsylvania Railroad bridge and the Luzerne County highway bridge, both spanning the Susquehanna River, lie outside the crop line of the Red Ash bed. The uppermost bed subjacent to the landspans of the Luzerne County highway bridge, Top Red Ash, is at a minimum depth of 155 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 99 feet. The Top Red Ash bed was not mined subjacent to the landspans of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge. Workings in the Red Ash bed subjacent to the landspans of the Pennsylvania Railroad bridge and the Luzerne County highway bridge are 94 and 93 feet below the surface, under rock covers of 30 and 23 feet, respectively. Folio D The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 182 acres, all of which is river~ levee area. The remaining 107 acres lie above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. Nanticoke City occupies the western portion of the plate area; Hanover Township occupies the eastern portion. A small part of the plate at the northern tip is in Plymouth Township. Approximately half of the plate surface area is either farmland or undeveloped wasteland; most of the study area lies in this portion. Residential areas of Nanticoke are located along Main Street, which is the principal highway to Wilkes-Barre,and along the southwestern border of the plate. The Susquehanna River crosses the northern corner of the plate; the Pennsylvania Railroad crosses the central part from east to west. B-1-7 Principal highways are Main and Kosciuszko Str eets. A part of the intersection of Main Street and the Cross Valley bridge spanning the Susquehanna River appears in the e a stern corner of the plate. Workings of parts of the No. 7, Loomis, and Avondale-Grand Tunnel mines are subjacent to the study area. Ten beds, having a combined thickness of 60. 5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, George , are at a minirrrum de:pth of 79 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 63 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1 , 199 feet below the surface, which is 663 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining est ablished during first mQnlng operations is regular in all beds except the Top and Bottom Twin where it is very irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 61 feet on 40-to SO-foot centers. Safety pillars or unmined areas are present to some degree in all beds except the George, Forge, Bottom Twin, and Bottom Ross, where none exist. Pillars remaining after first mining in all beds except portions of the Bottom Ross and Red Ash are considered adequate to support the surface. Subsidence may be expected from bed areas that were mined beyond depths where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength, namely, in the Bottom Ross bed below 787 feet, and in the Red Ash b ed below 883 feet in the No. 7 mine and 1,171 feet i n the Loomis mine. However, none of these areas are subjacent to the river. Backfill after first mining was placed only in an area of 7 acres in the Red Ash bed that is not subjacent to the Susquehanna River. This backfill will have l ittle effect in minimizing the subsidence potential. Certain areas in the George bed, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining op erations, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered t o be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, the excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce caving that may reach to the surface. No other second mining condition exi sts in this folio. No backfi l l was placed after second mining. Third mining was done in the Top Twin, Top Ross, Chauncey, and Red Ash beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. Workings in the Top Ross bed, the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Susquehanna River, are at a minimum depth of 449 feet below the riverbed, under a rock cover of 331 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Bottom Ross, i s 30 feet. The mined area in the George bed subjacent to the intersection of Main Street and the east ern end of the landspans of the Cross Valley bridge is at a minimum depth of 114 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 87 feet . The rock interval to the next under• lying bed, Mills, is 187 feet . B-1-8 Folio E The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 61 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 228 acres lie above ~he horizon of the assumed flood crest. Nanticoke City occupies the western portion of the plate, and Hanover Township occupies the eastern portion. The area is undevel oped except for a small residential area of Nanticoke bordering on Kosciuszko Street. Main Street, the principal highway between Nanticoke and Wilkes-Barre, including a portion of the approach ramps to the Cross Valley bridge spanning the Susquehanna River, crosses the extreme northern tip of the surface plate. Espy Run and Nanticoke Creek cross the study area, which covers the undeveloped nor thern and central parts of the plate. Although a small area, 4 acres, at the northern corner containing Main Street and the Cross Valley bridge ramps rises slightly above the altitude of the assumed flood crest, it is included in the study area because it is surrounded by it. Workings of parts of the Loomis and Truesdale mines are subjacent to the folio surface area; the study area, however, overlies the Loomis mine. Nine beds, having a combined thickness of 51 or 58 feet, depending on whether or not top coal was taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, George, are at a minimum depth of 145 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 110 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1,422 feet below the surface, whiCh is 888 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first nun~ng operations is regular in all beds. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 72 feet on 50-to 90-foot centers. Safety pillars are present on regular intervals in all beds except the George, where there are three small ones. Pillars remaining after first mining in all beds except in portions of the Top and Bottom Ross and Red Ash are considered adequate to support the surface. Subsidence, however, may be expected from bed areas that were mined below depths where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength, such as in the Top Ross and Red Ash beds below 1,171 feet, and in portions of the Bottom Ross bed below 1,133 feet. This area in the Red Ash bed is subjacent to the approach ramp from Main Street to the Cross Valley bridge. The subsidence potential is increased by thin rock strata of 5 to 37 feet and noncolumnar placement of pillars in the Top and Bottom Ross beds. Neither of these beds were mined subjacent to the Cross Valley bridge. No backfill was placed in the voids created by first mining. No second mining was done in any bed in this folio. B-1-9 Third mining was done only in the George bed, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed after third mining. The uppermost bed, George, first mined subjacent to the intersection of Main Street and the eastern approach to the Cross Valley bridge is at a minimum depth of 145 feet below the surface, with a minimum rock cover of 110 feet. The next underlyi~ bed, Abbott, is not mined subjacent to this point. The rock interval to the next underlying bed mined, Mills, is 189 feet. B-1-10 ~= "... -:::: = .::-~.::::- :: -'" II ·,',., ,, " " " ., " ' \ ~~.~. a LEGEND (JlPPLICABLE TO STUDY AREAl UNMINED AREA FIRST MINING ABOVE CRITICAL DEPTH FIRST MINING BELOW CRITICAL DEPTH SECOND MINING (SKIPPING-SPLITTING PILLARS) ·· THIRD MINING (ROBBING) POT HOLE AREA • Scale t" = 2000' " 1---- 0 l> ~ c ;{ ;{ 0 :! 0 ,., R I8SING U. S RO UTE NO. I! D L •w R R CO. PROP[RTY LINL () ;o 0 If\ ,.. VI J. X 0 0 ll 0 U\ .. < .. fY1 0 ... "" z n ;:t. z Cl -1 ... n "' g c: ;lO ;; '0 0 "' " s "' .... z :t: .., ;II .. I 0 "'~ 0 ""1 I ~ ., CI::O" 0 il: r r)> 0 ~z 0 l l> ... r (') r I 0 -1 I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I &: I I v I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I ~: ~-I I I I I ~~, I I ·~~~ I I I I I I > I ~~~ I I I ~~ < I It;> I I 1 r o I I ,., I I I S. H . N -63 z I Proj. 10' w"st I I I 1~~ r > ~ I I f"J>ol~ t 0 I I 1 ' ' I !"r I I I z I r>'l I I I n I I I I o I I I I ~?:.I I I I (")-I I /oz I I I I I ,.., I I I I I I I I I(') I I I I I I I I}>. I 1 I l:r lbl I I~ '6 I~ 1;1 fb I(]II I I I~ lo l ei I~ I~ I.., /"{ ::I'D I~ 1(/) ~~, ...I 1/; I(Jt ,.... , ~ I~ I I~ I I 1}1 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Match Li ne For Fo llo 1-0-"' PANEL 2 PLYMOUTH -HANOVER SECTOR CONTENTS Page Introduction--------------------------------------------------B-2-1 Description of panel 2----------------------------------------B-2-2 Description of folios-----------------------------------------B-2-3 A--------------------------------------------------------B-2-3 B--------•-----------------------------------------------B-2-4 C--------------------------------------------------------B-2-5 D--------------------------------------------------------B-2-6 E--------------------------------------------------------B-2-7 F--------------------------------------------------------B-2-8 G--------------------------------------------------------B-2-10 H--------------------------------------------------------B-2-11 !-------------------------------·------------------------B-2-12 J--------------------------------------------------------B~1-13 K--------------------------------------------------------B-2-15 L-------------------------------•------------------------B-2-16 M--------------------------------------------------------B-2-18 TABLES 1. Correlation of beds in panel 2----------------------------Fo11owing B-2-2 FIGURES 1. Map of panel 2. 2. Typical cross section in f olio K. INTRODUOI'ION Panel 2 comprises 13 folios and covers the Plymouth -Hanover sector of the study area. The topography within the confines of the panel is shown on a map, scale 1 inch equals 2,000 feet, upon which the boundaries of the mines are superimposed. Pertinent features, such as the Susquehanna River and flood-protection levees, including associated structures, are shown in blue and green, respectively. The green rectangles in the outline of the levees indicate pumping stations. The severity potentials of subsidence within the confines of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest normally identified with the various types of mining, including critical depth, are delineated by different patterns of markings and are shown in red. A cross section, scale 1 inch equals 100 feet, through the center of folio K is shown as typical of the panel. These maps are included in this report. The altitude of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest for the determination of the surface study area in this panel is 540 feet, which corresponds to altitude 546.67 feet, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey base. Correlation of beds in panel 2 is shown in table 1. B-2-1 DESCRIPTION OF PANEL 2 Panel 21 Plymouth -Hanover sector, consisting of 13 folios, lies in the western portion of the area under study in the Wyoming Basin. The Susquehanna River courses t hrough the central part of the panel in a southwesterly direction. U. S. Route ll roughly parallels the shoreline of the assumed flood crest on the northern side of the river. The D. L. &W. and Pennsylvania Railroads traverse the panel on the northern and sout hern sides of the Susquehanna River, respec tively. The Cross Valley and Breslau highway bridges and the D. L. & W. Railroad bridge spanning the Susquehanna River are shown. Appearins in the panel are the Plymouth levee, with Wadham's and Brown's Creeks pumping stations; a portion of the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Township levee, with Solomon's Creek and the Delaney Street pumping stations; the Br eslau levee; and Solomon's Creek impounding basin. Municipalities in -he area of the panel include the major part of Plymouth Borough and portions of Plymouth and Hanover Townships. The principal residential areas are Plymouth Borough, appearing in the northern corner of t he panel, and Lyndwood, Buttonwood, and Han over Green residential areas of Hanover Township, appearing along the eastern part. The terrain in the central part of the panel adjacent to the Susquehanna River is mainly wasteland, or farmland. Workings of portions of the Avondale-Grand Tunnel, Nottingham, Nottingham-Buttonwood, Gaylord, Loomis, Inman, Lance, and South Wilkes-Barre mines are subjacent to the panel. The boundary between the Lance and Nottingham mines is shown out side the confines of this panel; however, because of of fset barrier pillars between these two mines, the upper beds in parts of folios K, L, and M down to and including the Bottom Balt: more were mined from the Lance mine while the beds below the Bottom Baltimore were mined from the Nottingham mine. B-2-2 e e ~1. -CorreJ.ation ar beda 1n panel 2 K I: 11 E s ~neral name Avondale-Nottingham-South of bed. Grand. Tunnel Loomis Inman Nottirutt:.r.gham~ Buttonwood mines are subja,~ent to ::he t;i_;udy a"!:·ea. Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 48 (;r 61 feet, deper.ding on whether or not top coal was t aken dow.!:-.9 :r.avt:o been mi::.ed. to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the \lppermost bed, :t:illman, are at a minimum depth of 201 feet below +.;he surface, under a rock cover of 71 feet. Workings in the bottom ·bed, Eed Ash, are at a max~mum depth of 938 feet below the surface, wh'ich ia 436 fet:-:J 1>t:l:::M sea level. The pattern of :rm.r.~ng established during first mining L regtA.lar in all beds except the Five Foot and Top BaE.imore where i~_ is slightly irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, rar~ging from 24 to 36 feet on 50-to 60~foot centers. There are no saf~ty pillars ~n the two top beds, Hillman and Stanton; however, a total of only 3 a cres were mined in these beds. Safety pillars are present in the r:.v e remaining beds in the folio, gener a lly on irregular intervals . Pillars remaining in all beds after first mi.ning are ~onsidered adequate to support the surface. Backfill was placed in approximately 2 5 percent of the area first mined; it will furnish some additional su~port to the pillars. Certain areas in the Red Ash bed, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are con~ sidered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas exposed between t he pillars w::.ll probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. Second mi::ing wa s not done elsewhere in the folio. Backftll was not placed a f t er sE:cond mining in quantity sufficient to deter or effe~tively minimize su.b~ sidence. B-2-11 Third mining was done in the Bottom Baltimore and Bottom Ross beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. Backfill after third mining was not placed in quantity sufficient to deter or effec tively minimize subsidence . The western end of the Plymouth levee is located over a third mined and partly backf illed area in the Bottom Ross bed that has a moderate subsidence potential. The areas in the Hillman and Five Foot beds subjacent to the Susquehanna River are at depths below the bed of the river of 201 and 208 feet, under minimum rock covers of 71 and 60 feet, respectively. The Stanton bed, lying stratigraphically between the Hillman and Five Foot beds, is mined to very little extent i n this folio (l acre) and the mined area is not subjacent to the river. The rock strata between the Five Foot and the underlying Top Baltimore bed varies from 7 td 15 feet. The area in the uppermost bed, Five Foot, that was mined subjacent to the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Township levee is at a minimum depth of 238 feet below the surface, with a minimum rock cover of 73 feet. The area in the Bottom Ross bed, the uppermost bed t hat was mined sU:b= jacent to the Plymouth levee, is at a minimum depth below the surface of 326 feet, under a minimum rock cover of 196 feet. Workings in the stratigraphically lower beds are at greater depths than those listed above. Folio I The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 97 acres, of which 72 are flood plain and 25 river-levee area. The remaining 192 acres occupy higher ground. The flood plain would be inundated in case of failure in the Hanover Township portion of the flood-protection system of levees . The shore~ line of the assumed flood crest crosses the plate roughly from east to west. The Susquehanna River touches the western portion of the plate, with the western end of the Wilkes-Barre -Henover Township levee, Solomon's Creek pumping station, and a portion of the impound~ ing basin appearing in the west-central and northern part. The entire plate area lies in Hanover Township. With the exception of the Pennsylvania Railroad and a small part of the Wilkes~Barre -Hanover Township levee, the entire study area is undeveloped. Residential areas of Buttonwood, Korn Krest, and Hanover Green +ie in the area above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. Workings of portions of the Nottingham, Nottingham-Buttonwood, and Loomis mines underlie the study area. Ten beds, having a combined thickness of 68 or 84.5 feet, depending on whether or not top coal was taken down, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Abbott, are at a minimum depth of 85 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 46 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1,272 feet below the surface, which is 692 feet below sea level. B-2-12 The pattern of mining established during first mlnlng is regular in all beds except the Top and Bottom Baltimore where it is irregular and in some areas only slightly irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 60 feet on 50-to 80=foot center s. Safety pillars are generally present on regular intervals or provided by unmined areas, except in the Abbott bed where there are none and in the Kidney bed where only a few remain. Pillars remaining in all beds after first ffilnlng, except in the Red Ash, are considered adequate to support the surface. Subsidence in the river-levee area, however, may be expected from an area in the Red Ash bed that was mined below a depth of 998 feet where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength. No backfill was placed in the area mined below the critical depth of 998 feet; that placed elsewhere will give some additional support to the pillars . A subsidence hazard exists from workings in the Abbott bed where mining was done under a thin rock cover of 46 to 50 feet in a small area along the northwestern limit of mining subjacent to the Hanove; s:':lwnship levee. Some pothole subsidence may also occur from a small area along the northwestern limit of mining in the Kidney bed, extending under the end of the Hanover Township levee, where mining was done lL~der a rock cover ranging from 37 to 50 feet . No second mining was done in any bed in this fclio . Third mining was done only in the Kidney bed, and subside~ce may be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. Mined areas subjacent to the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover ':2owr...ship levee in the Abbott and Kidney beds are at miniMwn depths below the surface of 78 and 151 feet, respectively~ each under a minimum rock cover of 46 feet. The rock interval between these beds is 101 feet. The first-mined workings in the Abbott bed subjacent to Solomon's Creek pumping station are at a minimum depth of 85 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 51 feet. Workings in the Hillman bed, the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Susquehanna River, are at a minimum depth of 231 feet below the bed of the river, with a minimum rock cover of 98 feet. Workings in the stratigraphically lower beds are at greater depths than those listed above or are nonexistent. Folio J The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 90 acres, oi' which 88 are flood plain and 2 are river-levee area. The flood plain would be inundated in case of failures in the Plymouth levee. The remaining 199 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest . B-2-13 Plymouth Borough, which is mainly residential with the usual supplement of churches and schools, occupies the major part of the plate and all of the study area. Main Street (Route ll) is the principal traffic artery through Plymouth, along which are located retail stores and other business establishments, and crosses the study area. The D. L. &W. Railroad and a small segment of the Ply mouth levee appear at the southern corner of the study area. The remainder of the plate lies in Plymouth Township and is mainly un developed with some strip-mining operations. Workings of parts of the Nottingham, Nottingham-Buttonwood, and Gaylord mines are subjacent to the study area. Five beds, having a combined thickness of 52 feet, have beenmined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermostbed, Five Foot, are at a minimum depth of 38 feet below the surfaceunder a rock cover of 4 ~eet. Workings in the Bottom Baltimore bed,located stratigraphically under the Five Foot, were extended to a distance of 43 feet below the surface and a rock ~over of only 2 feet.Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 603feet below-the surface, which is 70 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining est ablished during first mining operations was irregular in all beds except the Red Ash, where it was only slightlyirregular. Pillar widths vary from bed t o bed, ranging from 25 to 34feet on 50-to 60-foot centers. There are no safety pillars in theupper beds; however,_ unmined areas and a few safety pillars are presentin the two bottom beds, Bottom Ross and Red Ash. Pillars remaining inthe Bottom Ross and Red Ash beds are considered adequate to supportthe surface. There is no first mining remaining in the three upperbeds. Backfill placed in the Red Ash bed under the flood plain willgive additional support to the pillars; elsewhere, the quantity placedis negligible. Certain areas in al beds, wherein an unusually large percentageof coal was removed in f i rst mining operations, have been classifiedas second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wideroof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavingsthat may reach to the surface. Existing subsidence potentials areaggravated in the Five Foot bed where mining was done under a rockcover of 4 to 10 feet, and 45 to 50 feet in the northern and southernportions, respectively; also, in the Bottom Baltimore bed under theflood plain where mining was done under a rock cover of 2 to 45 feet.Backfill placed in the Bottom Baltimore and Red Ash beds under theflood plain will tend to minimize the subsidence potential in theseareas. Third mining was done only in the Red Ash bed, and subsidencecan be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed in the voidscreated prior to third mining. B-2-14 The area in the uppermost bed, Bottom Ross, that was mined sub• jacent to the Plymouth levee is at a mininrum depth of 366 feet· below the surface, under a minimum rock cover of 255 feet. The rock interval to the underlying Red Ash bed is 143 feet. The area is first mined and contains large safety pillars. Folio K The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 282 acres, of which 134 are flood plain and 148 are river-levee area. The flood plain would be inundated in case of failures in the flood-protection system of levees. The remaining 7 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. A portion of Plymouth Borough lies in the northern corner of the plate, with Hanover Township occupying the remainder. The Susquehanna River crosses· the plate from east t.o west. .9 flanked by ~"!:l. P ?lymc'.lth levee with the Brown's Creek pumping station; the Wilkes~3arreHanover Township levee with the Delaney Street p11IllJ;ling sta4:-ion; and the Breslau levee with a portion of Solomon's Creek impounding basin. Residential areas of Plymouth Borough, traversed by U. S. ::::ighway Route 11, the D. L. &W. Railroad, and the Breslau highway bridge that spans the Susquehanna River are also located in the st~dy area . Workings of parts of the Nottingham, Nottingham-Buttonwood, Lance, and Gaylord mines are subjacent to the study area . Nine beds, having a combined thickness of 65 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Kidney, outcrop to the surface; those in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 910 feet below the surface, whi ch is 388 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first I! operations is regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 37 feet on 50-to 60-foot centers. Large safety pillars are present on regular intervals in the Five Foot, Bottom Baltimore, Bottom Ross, and Red Ash beds; elsewhere, they are scattered and few in number. Pillars remaining after first mining in all nine beds are considered .adequate to support the surface. Backfill was placed in approximately 25 percent of the first-mined area, and is considered to provide considerable lateral support to the pillars. Pothole subsidence may be expected from first-mined areas in the Kidney bed that extend 1~nder a rock cover of 26 to 50 feet along the northwestern limit of mining, including the Hanover Township levee and Susquehanna River, and from areas in the Stanton bed subjacent to the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Township levee, Breslau levee, and Susquehanna River under a rock cover of 39 to 50 feet. Certain areas in all beds, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be B-2-15 sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. Subsidence may also be expected from workings in the Red Ash bed that lie below the critical depth of 691 feet, where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength. Backfill was not placed in quantities sufficient to deter or effectively minimize subsidence. The subsidence potential in second-mined areas is aggravated where mining was done under thin rock cover, such a s less than 50 feet in the Kidney bed, 45 to 50 feet in the Hillman bed, and 41 to 50 feet in the Stanton bed. These thin rock cover areas are all located in the flood plain. Third mining was done only in the Red Ash bed, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. The areas in the Kidney bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River, Breslau bridge, Plymouth levee, and Wilkes-Barre -Hanov~r ~ownship levee are at minimum depths of 114 and 207 feet below the riverbed, 105 and 159 -feet below the surface, under minimum rock covers of 44, 26, 58, and 50 feet, respectively. No mining was done under the Breslau levee in the Kidney bed. The rock interval to the next under lying bed, Hillman, is 70 feet. The Kidney bed workings subjacent to the Delaney Street pumping station in the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Town ship levee are 244 feet below t he surface, under a rock ~over of 177 feet. The uppermost workings mined subjacent to the Brown' s Creek pumping station in the Plymouth levee are in the Five Foot bed and are 241 feet beneath the surface under a rock cover of 132 feet. Workings in the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Breslau levee, Hillman, are at a minimum depth of 158 feet below the surface, under a minimum rock cover of 65 feet; however, the Stanton bed, lying stratigraphically beneath the Hillman bed, has been mined under a rock cover of 50 feet. Workings in the stratigraphically lower beds are at greater depths than those above. Folio L The surface area that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 272 acres, of which 270 are flood plain and 2 are river-levee area. The flood plain would be inundated in case of failures in the flood-protection system of levees. The remaining 17 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest . The entire plate area lies in Hanover Township, with the Lyndwood residential area appearing in the north-central part . The remaining area is undeveloped land. The Susquehanna River, flanked by the WilkesBarre -Hanover Township levee, touches the northern corner of the plate. Portions of the Breslau levee and Solomon ' s Creek impounding basin appear in the western part of the plate. The Pennsylvania Railroad, B-2-16 Wilkes-Barre Connecting Railroad, and Central Railroad of New Jersey merge into the Buttonwood yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad in the south-central part of the plate. Workings of parts of the Nottingham, Nottingham-Buttonwood, and Lance mines are subjacent to the study area. Eleven beds, having a combined thickness of 88 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Abbott, are at a minimum depth of 155 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 36 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1,325 feet below the surface, which is 725 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first ~nlng operations is regular in all beds except in the Bottom Baltimore where it is slightly irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 72 feet on 50~ to 90-foot centers. Safety pillars and unmined areas are present in all beds. The safety pillars are distributed generally on a regular pattern; however, t hose :i.r: the upp e r two beds, Abbott and Kidney, are on irregular intervals. Pillars remaining after first mining in all beds except those that are below depths of 1,075 and 1,190 feet in the Top and Bottom Ross beds, respectively, are considered to be of adequate strength to support the surface. Subsidence may be expected from workings that lie below these critical depths, where overburden weight exceeds the calculated safe pillar strength. The small amount of backfill placed in the Bottom Ross bed will not deter or minimize the subsidence potential. No backfill was placed in the Top Ross bed. Backfill placed elsewhere in the various beds will offer some additional support to the pillars. Some pothole subsidence may occur from workings in the Abbott bed that extend under a rock cover of 36 to 50 feet under the flood plain in the southeastern corner of the plate; also, under the flood plain where workings in the Kidney bed are under a rock cover ranging from 38 to 50 feet. No second or third mining was done in this folio. No mining was done in the uppermost bed, Abbott, subjacent to the Susquehanna River and Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Township and Breslau levees. Workings in the stratigraphically next lower bed, Kidney, subjacent to the Susquehanna River and the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Township and Breslau levees are at minimum depths of 257 feet below the riverbed, 263 and 222 feet below the surface, under rock covers of 159, 142, and 82 feet, respectively. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Hillman, is 79 feet . . Workings in the stratigraphically lower beds are at greater depths than those above or are nonexistent. B-2-17 _j Folio M The surface area that is subject to .inundation from the assumed flood crest, in case of failures in the flood-protection syst em of levees, comprises 51 acres, all of it flood plain. The remaining 238 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest . The entire plate area lies in Hanover Township. Old Ri ver RoadCarey Avenue, which is the main traffic artery between Wilkes-Barre and Nanticoke, adjoining scattered residential areas and industd·al plants; Solomon's Creek; and the New Jersey Central Railroad, are located in the study area. The remainder of the plate is mainly un developed land. Workings of portions of the Inman, Nottingham, NottinghamButtonwood, Lance, and South Wilkes-Barre mines are subjacent to the plate area. Eleven beds, having a combined thickness of 84.5 feet , have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermostbed, Abbott, are at a minimum depth of 143 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 40 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1,515 feet, which is 900 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first nun~ng operations is regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 26 to 70 feet on 50-to 90-foot centers. Safety pillars are generally few in number or are nonexistent, except in the Top and Bottom Ross beds where they are spaced at regular intervals . Pillars remaining after first mining in all beds are considered adequate to support the sur face, except as follows: Below critical depths of 1,094 feet in the Top Ross; below 1,171 feet in the Bottom Ross; below 1,229 feet in the Top Red Ash; and below 1,267 feet in the area where the Top Red Ash and Red Ash beds were mined together. Subsidence may be expected from bed areas that were mined below the critical depths named above where overburden weight exceeds the calculated safe pillar strength. Negligible amounts of backfill were placed after first mining; however, none was placed in the mining areas below critical depths in the Top Ross, Bottom Ross; Top Red Ash, and Red Ash beds. Some pothole subsidence may occur from firstmined workings in the Abbott bed, which were driven under a rock cover of 40 to 50 feet in the northern corner of the plate. Certain areas in the Abbott bed, wherein an unusually large per centage of coal was removed in first mining operations, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are ·considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, the excessively wide roof areas exposed between the pillars will probablyinduce cavings that may reach to the surface. No backfill was placedin this area. B-2-18 Third mining was done in the Abbott and Kidney beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed after third mining. B-2-19 ~\'f' . h "''rJ"J ; ~ ·~,... .._~;f. o .,~ ·' I -' ~//i:::: _.c. . . 1 ..;.:; ~...... --------··" ........ , ..... ,, . .... ..../, '/ ' • • ....._.. ' I ------~~~ 1> -~' o~;.1 • Sea-· ----r::,f";;;f' ~ .,'-------'.-:::::. .... I ~·---,,.~-~ ---21d£[Qe ..;.., PAN El .r. 1, • .1($ ---------,, ---~ . -.... 0 . ~:;r co:9''.., --., \~~ ~~ ,. ~~. ~ -Aof~ .... , '),~ S',{ ... . ,.., !,' ,,. -;'i"'->-' ~!Jol---Ot o/~ • ,. ""' · '\ _f-'="r \' -~--Lo.weU _, ;,.• "''-~ "'o .,..,_ --· ---:-,.:_'_:.. __ .,." ... ---* .... . "er"' .s,. J l)(te!l -"\. ' 10. • (,/ "..o ~ c '\ ~~ \' ' (!, ,..•.._ ~,J_ ' JJ ,, ; .. ' ., ,~ ~,;,_ I :~ . ~ -"""" ~ _(( • " .: a: Aol•n• r-V)l ~ ,... " , I ..') I I I I I I f\_}-~ 1 I I I I I ~J'o I d !~..,.~ -' 'v,_ I .~j ~. r .:-~ ,_,; ~ -«/ · ~ --- A i~ ..... ~--=-::::--..3~ LEGEND 1.. (APPLICABLE TO STUDY AREA) E: I I UNMINED AREA ""-. -:-:-_ ITITI FIRST MINING ABOVE CR !TICAL DEPTH -~ () ·-y ~FIRST MINING BELOW CRITICAL DEPTH ' & ............... ~">., L ~SECOND MINING-(SKIPPING -SPLITTING PILLARS) '-.J .......... ' ..... . .......... ,, ~THIRD MINING (ROBBING) AI ft"o'::o6(3 POT HOLE AREA ... "--ro.g IY Scale o~~~ ., , .. ...:_-~'-. \\' . I ' ·. ">.o :J ' "~'-· ~:.. N J>' W c-=: = ,.... ,Z ' o( 1: a: • ... L. I a: I~ .J · ~ ~ ' l .. ~ i o.J .. "' o.J > , 14 ' ! ; 1 ~ ": ., ·~ ~I +0. .. ~~ "' >_; 1 ' .,.: 'i\' "' ..,_,• .,: ·::. y·;;. ..., •> l.~ ~-e ..J"' l;r ID L .,.. 0 NOTTINGHAM-BUTTONWOOD COLLIERY G J... 6N ALDLN ' !!a •l17 PllfQ(3 SJ..I ~}::_f:fT-'•lot -- --- NOTTINGHAM- BUTTONWOOD COLLIERY ....... ..11 l A N C E -C-0-LLJ t R Y---• GL LN ALDI!.N COAL CO, . ,.. -... .,._.. •> =~~~:-:··:· :::::::~~~;4~c~o~A~L~c~o~. [ii=~==~;m:=JSTANTON •U6 •1 ' 1 14 • lt' 'll4 •Ul • +1, f l,. NOTTINGHAM GLtNALDEN COLLIERY COALCO. -.... ,1. .,. , I -·· I iiZ' - 0 • -· · J:' IV E Fo or -.. 4 .," . . .. t l')l U6l • H~l .... Jl'i1 • 113 '+to +oo~ -r llecl .,. SOT"TOM 8ALTt MORE. "''•t · ..., • • ~s OA T UM c MtO ITIOE. -+-,. .,. ~ur,~ uro .,. · u NOTT INGHAM COLLIERY _,, -· -n G l UJ ALOf.N COAL. CO. ... 6 '" 6co..e kfllt &ct ...... 6 . -·· - to• '-•4i -ui -n.... ........ , .- J J1 -..... Ros s -liS - ..,.,. -171 _,, -...7• -a· I I ... ..... R£0 AS H ;::::-...._I~1 I I ~I ~I 0 ~ L C ROSS S ECTION FOLIO 2.K 1!. L LO OKING UPSTRI:AM ~ .. 0 ~ • ~o 2.00 -~ Ho~J.\!tr~. Soale In fl:d ~ ~ ~ I I L_ ..- ------·---- PANEL 3 WILKES-BARRE -KINGSTON SECTOR CONTENTS Page Introduction------------------------------------------------- B-3-1 Description of panel 3----------------------------------------B-3-2 Description of folios-----------------------------------------B-3-3 A------------------------------------------------------- B-3-3 B--------------------------------------------------------B-3-4 C--------------------------------------------------------B-3-6 D--------------------------------------------------------B-3-7 E--------------------------------------------------------B-3-8 F--------------------------------------------------------B-3-9 G--------------------------------------------------------B-3-11 H--------------------------------------------------------B-3-12 !--------------------------------------------------------B-3-14 J--------------------~---------------------------------- B-3-15 K--------------------------------------------------------B-3-17 1--------------------------------------------------------B-3-lB M--------------------------------------------------------B-3-19 N--------------------------------------------------------B-3-21 0--------------------------------------------------------B-3-22 P--------------------------------------------------------B-3-24 TABLES l. Correlation of beds in pane l 3----------------------------Following B-3-2 FIGURES l. Map of panel 3 . 2. Typical cross s e ction in f olio 0. INTRODUCTION Panel 3 comprises 16 folios and covers the Wilkes-Barre -Kingston sector of the study area. The topography within the confines of the panel is shown on a map, scale l inch equals 2,000 feet, upon which the boundaries of the mines are superimposed. Pertinent feetures, such as the Susquehanna River ~nd flood-protection levees, including associated structures, are shown in blue and green, respectively. The green rectangles in the outline of the levees indicate pumping stations. The severity potentials of subsidence within the confines of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest normally identified with the various t~es of mining, including critical depth, are delineated by different patterns of markings and are shown in red. A cross section, scale l inch equals 100 feet, through the center of folio 0 is shown as typical of the panel. The map and cross section are included in this report. The altitude of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest for the determination of the surface study area in this panel is 545 feet, Whioh corresponds to altitude 551.67 feet, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey base. Correlation of beds in panel 3 is shown in table 1. B-3-1 DESCRIPTION OF PANEL 3 Panel 3 lies approximately in the west-central portion of the study area in the Wyoming Basin of the Northern anthracite field. The panel area straddles the Susquehanna River, which meanders ,from the east to southwest across the panel. Municipalities situated in the panel area are portions of WilkesBarre City; Kingston, Pringle, Edwardsville, Larksville, and Pl~o~th Boroughs; and Hanover Township. The area is densely populated and_ contains residential and principal business centers of both WilkesBarre and Kingston. Kirby Park, truck farms, and undeveloped land are located along .the right bank of the Susquehanna River. Numerous important highways traverse the panel. The D. L. & W.; Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson, Wilkes-Barre Connecting, Pennsylvania, ·_. and New Jersey Centr~l Railroads either partially or, completely cross the area. · '-· The Toby's Creek pressure conduit and pumping station, the major part of the Edwardsville-Kingston· levee, the eastern end of the Plymouth levee, and a large part of the Wilkes-Barre -Hanover Township levee, including pumping stations at Union, Market, and Ross S_ t~eets, Old River Road, Delaware &Hudson Railroad bridge at the Susquehanna River, -and Horton Street, are l ocated in the panel. · · Workings of the Gaylord, .Lance, Loree, Woodward, Kingston, East Boston, Dorrance, Baltimore, Hollenback, Stanton, South Wilkes-Barre, and Nottingham mines are ocated in the panel. B-3-2 e e TAliLE l. -Correlation of beds 1n pane! 3 M I N E S General name of bed Gaylord Nottingham!/¢.1 South Wilkes-Bs.rreY Loree Woodward Stanton Hollenback im:lre I Kinpton Dorrance Eaet Boston Snake Isl and---- Snake I sland--ISnake Island-- Snake Island Abbott----------IAbbott----------1-~----------IAbbott----------IAbbott----------IAbbott--------IAbbott--------IAbbott----------IAbbott--------IAbbott-----1-----------IAbbott----- ;.:idney----------1 Bowkley--------I------------IK1dney--------IKidney---------ILa.nce---------IK1dney--------IK1dney----------IK1dney--------IY..1dney-----l Bowkley--lllovkley---- Hillman---------1Hillman---------1------------ll! Stanton-----1----------------I------------I----------------I---------------I-------------I----------ITop Stanton-----•--------------•-----------•-----------•------------•----------5tanton---------liottom Fi?e Poot ataatoD---------IBottom Stanton--IStanton-------IFive Pbot-----IBottom Stanton--lllottom StantoniStanton----IOrchard----IFive Foot---IFour Foot--Five Foot-------ILa.nce------1----------lnve Foot------IF1ve l"oot-----IFive Foot-----ILa.nce---------IFive Foot------IFive Foot-----1-----------ILa.nce------ILa.nce-------ILence------Top Bs.ltimore--ICooper--------1----------ITop Baltimore--!~ Jaltiaore--ICooper--------ICooper-------I----------------I--------------1-----------ICooper-----ICooper------ICooper----!!ott= Bs.ltiaoreIBennett---------1----------1BottOm Bo.ltimore I :Bottom Bal.timore I:Bennett-------I :Bennett and Bottom Bs.lt1more1Balt1more-----1Balt1more--lllennett----1Bennett and !Bennett--- Baltimore Baltimore Checker-------- Checker----I CheCker----Sk1d1wre--------Eleven FootiSkidmore----IEleven Foot Top Ross--------1--------------ITop Ross----!Top Rosa------ITop Ross------ITop Roes------1--------------ITop Ross--------1--------------ITop Ross---•-----------•------------•-----------Bottom Ross----IBottom Ross----IBottom Ross-IRoaa----------1---------------IBottom Rose-IMonkey--------1----------------IBottom Ross---IRoss------IRoss Split-ITop Ross----•-----------Top Red Ash---1------------ITop Red Ash-ITop Red Ash---ITap Red Ash-----!Top Red Aab---ITop Red Ash-1-------------ITop Red Ash---ITop Red AshiRoss-------I Rcss--------IRoss-------Bottom Red Ash--IRed Ash--------IRed Ash-----IRed Asb---------lllottom Red Aah--IBottom Red Allhlllottom Red Ash Bottom Red AshiRed Ash----IRed Ash----IRed Ash-----IRed Ash--- 1/ In a.ll beds above the Top Ross, workinp of the La.nce and South Will are at a minirrrum depth of 266 feet below the surface, :.tnder a rock r!over of 246 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maxirrrum depth of 1,419 feet below the surface or 841 feet below sea level. The pat terr. of mining established during first m1n1ng operations is slightly irregular ~L the upper beds, but is regular in the lower beds. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 66 feet on 50~ to 90-foot centers. Safety pillars were left in all beds, mainly at regular intervals, except in the Abbott bed where the spa cing is irregular. In the Kidney bed a few of the safety pillars were first mined. 'I'he pillars remaining in the Abbott, Kidney, and Hillman beds are considered adequate to support the surface. I n the Stanton, Five Foot, Bottom Baltimore, and Top Ross beds some pillar failure may occur in areas below depths of 883, 826, 941, and 922 feet j respectively, where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength. However, because of the safety pillars and large unmined areas remaining in these beds, together with backfill in the St anton, Five Foot, and Bottom Baltimore beds, cavings are not li~ly to extend sufficiently upward to bring about surface subsidence. Subsidence, however, may be expected from beds that were mined beyond the limit of calcuiated safe pillar strength.:~ &S follows : Top Red Ash, below 11 018 feet; and Bottom Red Ash, below 1,133 feet, which includes all workings i.n these beds . Backfill was placed in scattered areas in 154 acres, or approximately 24 percent of the total first-mined area. The quantity placed in the Stanton, Five Foot, and Bottom Baltimore beds will aid in stabilizing the pillars in the areas below the calculated safe pillar B-3-11 strength. The backfill placed in the Bottom Red Ash bed will tend to minimize subsidence caused by pillar failure in this bed. Second and third mining operations were not conducted in areas of the beds covered by this folio. Folio H The area of the surface plate that would be inundated from the assumed flood crest comprises 173 acres, of which 68 are river-levee area and 105 are flood plain. The flood plain would be inundated in· case of failures in the flood-protection levees. The remaining 116 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest . 1he surface area lies in Edwardsville, Larksville, and Kingston Boroughs, with the largest part being in Edwardsville. Residential areas of Kingston and Edwardsville lie along the northwestern and northeastern·portions of the plate. A part of Toby's Creek pressure conduit and pumping station; the major part of the Edwardsville levee lying north of ry , S. Route 11, a large oil-storage-tank area; the Woodward breaker and associated buildings of the Woodward mine; and the D. L . & W. Railroad and Toby's Creek are ocated in the plate area. A relatively short length of U. S. Route ll crosses the south-ern corner. Workings of the Woodward mine are subjacent t o the major part of the area. The Loree and Kingston mines underlie smaller parts along the northwestern and northeastern borders of the plate, re spectively. Nine beds, having a thickness of 73.5 feet, have been mined beneath the study areas of this folio. The mined areas in the uppermost bed, Abbott, have a minimum depth of 100 feet below the sur face, under a rock cover of 30 feet. The bottom bed, Red Ash, work ings have a maximum depth below the surface of 1,090 feet, which is 570 feet below sea level. ~e pattern of mining established during first mlnlng operations in the various beds varies from regular in the four uppermost beds, Abqott, Kidney, Hillman, and Stanton, to irregular in the lower beds. Pillar width varies greatly from bed to bed, ranging from a minimum of 20 feet to a maximUm of 50 feet. Safety pillars were left to some extent in all beds but, for the most part, are too few in number · and spaced at irregular intervals. In all beds except the Top Red Ash and Bottom Red Ash, the pillars remaining are adequate to support the overburden. Backfill was placed in scattered areas of all beds except the Abbott. B-3-12 Second mining was conducted in the Hillman, Five Foot, Top Baltimore, and Top Red Ash beds, but only in small area s in the Stanton and Bottom Baltimore beds. Effective backfill was p1aced only in the Top Baltimore bed. Third min~. ng was ~onducted in 18 acres of the Hillman bed and in negligible areas in the Stanton, Five Foot, and Top Baltimore beds . Except in the Stanton bed, these areas were backfilled dur~ng third mining operations . Subsidence is indicated where first mlnlng was conducted below depths where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength, such a s 920 feet in the river-levee area and 960 feet in the flood plain of the Top Red Ash bedj also, below 877 f eet in the river~levee area and 920 feet in the flood plain of the Bottom Red Ash bed. In the uppermost bed, Abbott, the subsidence potential is aggravated where chambers in a limited area of the flood plain were driven under only 30 feet of reck cover. The t h in rock strat a may collapse into the· mine opening, allowing the alluvial material to flow into the caved area. Subsidence is indicated a s a result of second ffilnlng operations in the F'ive Foot, 1Iop Baltimore, and Top Red Ash beds, and as a result of t~1ird mining operations in the Hillman, Stanton, Five Foot, and Top naltimore beds. Subsidence that would occur in the river-levee area during the assumed flood crest would, undoubtedly, cause water to enter the Woodward rnir"e' pro'bably in an excessive volume. If l evee structures would subside or be fractured, floodwaters would enter the flood plain and i:~mndate built=' I ~~ \ ~ .• til' (\ t';. 0 \,o%'0 \ 11 "' 1J \ I I THIRO AVE . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8 H7U5 I \ I SECOND AVf \ • t I a.H SJO!t \ I . .\ ~ I I I I I I I e H 7575 0 ::> 8 H 7!,7-4 ~ iO I ;:o . Cl l> 8. H 7580 a, I I z < . ,.., ~I 0 < n :. 0 1/l )> • I "" f"'1 r JTI I " l. n -i ,.., ..• ::. c.., 0 rJl -< I .., z n I I X "' "' J>o .., n 0 I 0 or I I r-·~ I~ l> \ . 0 r r I I •S42.0•TOP OF LEVEE y I II H 1-43 0 I I r 0 \ .. . -~ I ~. I I .:: ! I I k II I • --, ' ----- I I I I I I I I ... lo /"0 I:l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .,I I I I I ·Iii I I I~ I I I I I I i,., ,'J>. ,;.; I I I I I I ,-----1'-----1-------------------1--------J-------------+--I --,-----+----.,----·· / / ,' ~ /~ ,' ,' I ' I 1 I I I~ I,.._ / / / ~ / E~""~ / / I I I ,' I~ ,' / ,' a/ 1/0 ~ ,' / I 1 I I ,' I /o I I/ ,'/ / /f. ~ ~ / / / / ,' II 1 1 __ ----------__ _ --.l.lWVR.R j___ _;____ ,_ -------+-'__;___~ __ I _L -----J1 ____ ;__ _}___ ___~------ I I It' fkl I 1,' I II 1/ / "' " ~l.VRR. -+-'--.....,--,-<.,-,--...·' ------------_[]___ ;_ l ____.!.__--' }__ _j_ __.J.I__________,....._______ -----------.. nchr~•ho3,. ________________________________________ ~---------~--------------------------------------------------------r PANEL 4 FORTY FORT -PLAINS SECTOR CONTENTS Page Introduction----------------------------------------------------B-4-1 Description of panel 4------------------------------------------B-4-2 Description of folios-------------------------------------------B-4-3 AA---------------------------------------------------------B-4-3 A----------------------------------------------------------B-4-4 B---·------~-----------------------------------------------B-4-6 C-------------------~--------------------------------------B-4-8 D----------------------------------------------------------B-4-10 EE---------------------------------------------------------B-4-11 E----------------------------------------------------------B-4-13 F----------------------------------------------------------B-4-15 G----------------------------------------------------------B-4-17 H----------------------------------------------------------B-4-18 !!---------------------------------------------------------B-4-20 !----------------------------------------------------------B-4-21 J--------------------------------------------------------- B-4-22 K----------------------------------------------------------B-4-24 LL---------------------------------------------------------B-4-25 L----------------------------------------------------------B-4-26 M----------------------------------------------------------B-4-28 N----------------------------------------------------------B-4-30 TABLES 1. Correlation of beds in panel 4------------------------------Following B-4-2 FIGURES 1. Map of panel 4. 2. Typical cross section in folio C. INTRODUCTION Panel 4 comprises 18 folios and covers .the Forty Fort -Plains sector of the study area. The topography within the confines of the panel is shown O!J. a -~p,, scale l inch equals 2,000 feet, upon which the boundaries of, the mir1:es.; are superimposed. Pertinent features, such as the Susquehanna River ;· and .flood-protection levees, including associated structures, are ·. shown in blue and green, respectively. The green rectangles in the outline of the levees indicate pumping stations. The severity paten-.· tials of subsidence within the confines of the shoreline ·of the ... ~ .: assumed flood crest normally identified with the various types of mining, including critical depth, are delineated by different patterns of markings . and are shown in red. A cross section, scale l inch ,equals 100 feet, through th.~ cep.:ter of folio C is shown as typical of :th.e paneL . The map and section are included in this report. . . .'i . ...... ; The altitude of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest for_the., determination of the surface study area in this panel is 550 feet, which corresponds to altitude 556.67 feet, U. S. Coast &Geodetic Survey base. Correlation of beds in panel 4 is shown in table l. .... ._·.. ,. ., B-4-1 DESCRIPTION OF PANEL 4 • Panel 4 lies approximat ely in the east-central portion of the study area in the Wyoming Basin of the Northern anthracite field. Most of the panel area is located on the northern side of the Susquehanna River. The northern boundary roughly parallels Main Street in Swoyersville; the Lehigh Valley Railroad traverses the panel near its southern boundary. Other railroads appearing in the panel are the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western; Wilkes-Barre Connecting; Delaware &Hudson; and Central Railroad of New Jersey. Municipalities in the area covered by the panel are portions of Wilkes-Barre City; Plains Township; Kingston, Pringle, Luzerne, Swoyersville, West Wyoming, and Wyoming Boroughs; and all of Forty Fort Borough. The Wilkes-Barre -Wyoming Valley Airport is located near the eastern border. I t is mostly a densely populated suburban area in the western end of t he panel, with more open co~ntry at the eastern end. The Susquehanna River t raverses generally the south-central part of the panel. The terrain immediately adjacent to the channel of the river is generally farmland; however, considerable strip mining was done along the south bank of the river in Plains Township. Numerous traffic arteries appear in the panel, including U. S. Routes ll and 309. The flood-control system of levees, built by the Army Corps of Engineers, roughly parallels the north bank of the river, except for a stretch of high ground in Forty Fort, and includes the Church Street pumping station in Kingston. The impounding basin of Toby's Creek pressure conduit appears in the western corner of the panel. Workings of the East Boston, Black Diamond, Harry E-Forty Fort, Maltby-Westmoreland, Number 14, Conlon, Henry-Prospect, DelawarePine Ridge, Peach Orchard, Baltimore, Dorrance, and Pettebone mines are subjacent to the surface area. B-4-2 e e TABLE 1. -Correlation ot: beds in panel 4 M I N E S General Il6l'De of bed IEast Boston Black Diamond Dorrance Pettebone Henry-Prospect Baltimore Peach Orchard DelawareConlonl Pine Ridge l!ar:r'yEForty Fort MaltbyWestmoreland Number 14 Tcp Snake I sland•---------- n C"--------- Snake Island---- Snake I sland-----I Snake I sland! Snake Island--- Snake Island Abbott---------- Abbott-----IAbbott----------IAbbott-----------IAbbott------IAbbott--------- Abbott------ Bowkley---------1-----------1---------------1 Bowkley----1Kidney----------IBowkley----------IKidney------IKidney---------1-------lKidney------•------------------•----------------•------------- Hillman---------! Top Five Foot---I-----------1---------------1-----------ITop Five Foot---ITop Five Foot--·-ITop Stanton-IFive Foot------Rock--------ITop Five Foot-----ITop Five Foot---IDiamond------- Bottom Five Foot I Four Foot--I Four Yoot------IFive Foot--I Bottom Five Foot!Bottom Five Foot-! Stanton-----Bottom Five Foot--IBottom Five FootlTop Checker--Lance-----------1Lance------ILance----------ILance------ILance-----------1 Stanton----------•------------•---------------Upper Baltimore-ICooper-----ICooper---------ICooper-----ICooper----------IUpper Baltimore--1------------ICooper---------ICooper-ICooper------IFaur Foot---------!Faur Foot-------I Bottom Checker Lover Baltimore-IBennett-·---IBennett--------I Bennett and,Bennett and Baltimore and IBaltimore---IBennett--------1 Bennett! Bennett-----1 Six Foot----------1 Six Foot--~-----IPittston------ Baltimore Baltimore Lover Baltimore Bottom Pittston-Bottom PittstonChecker--------------------•Top Eleven Foot Checker----------Cbecker-----!Top Eleven Foot---ITop Marcy------Marcy-----------IEleven Foot iEleven Foot----ISkidmore---ISkidmore--------IMarcy------------ISkidmcre----IBottom SkidmoreiMarcy--JRoss--------.JBottom Eleven FootiMarcy-----------IMarcy---------Nine Foot------------------•Bottom Skidmore-Nine Foot---------INine Foot-------Top Ross-------------------•Top Ross-------Ross--------------------•Top Ross----------1Top Ross --------1 Clark--------Ross------------1 Ross-------1 Ross-----------1 Ross-------1 Ross------------1 Ross-------------1 Top Red Ash-! Ross-----------Bottom Ross-------IRoss------------IBottom Clark--Top Red Ash-----•-----------•---------------•-----------•----------------•-----------------•------------•---------------------------•------------------• ----------------'Babylon------- Red Ash---------IRed Ash----IRed Ash--------IRed Ash----IRed Ash---------IRed Ash----------IRed Ash-----IRed Ash--------Red Ash-----IRed Ash-----------lied Ash------ DESCRIPTION OF FOLIOS Folio AA The area of the surface plate that would be subject to inundation from the a ssumed flood crest in case of fa;ilures in the floodprotection system of levees comprises 58 acres, all of which is flood plain. The remaining 231 acres lie abov e the horizon of the assumed flood crest. Portions of Pr;ingle, Luzerne, and Swoyersville Boroughs occupy the surface area. The study area is undeveloped for the most part, except for a small residential area in Luzerne and the Toby's Creek impounding basin in Pringle. A branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad appears along the northeastern boundary of the plate. Union Street, U. S. Route 309, crosses the plate from northwest to southeast. Workings of parts .of the East Boston, Bl ack Diamond, and Harry E-FoFty Fort mines are subjacent to the study area. Nine beds , havi.r.g a combined thickness of 47.5 or 49 .5 feet, de pending on whether or not top coal was taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extractior.. Workings in the uppermost bed, Bottom F:i;ve Foot, are at a mininrum depth of 90 feet below the surface. The rock cover along the fringe of the mined area has a mininrum thickness of 1 foot . Workings ir. the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 717 feet below the surface, or 180 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining establi shed during first mining operations varies from irregular to regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 60 feet on 40-to 80-foot centers. A few safety pillars are present in the Marcy bed. The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surf ace. Backfill was placed in 25 of the 71 acres of first-mined areas, mainly in the Marcy bed, which will give additional suppGrt to the pillars . Second mining was done in the Lance, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, Checker, and Red Ash beds . Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers resulting from pillar-skipping-blocking in second mining will probably cause roof cavings that may extend to the surface. Backfill was not placed in sufficient quantity after second mining to prevent or deter subsidence. Third mining was conducted in all nine coalbeds contained in this folio, namely, Bottom Five Foot, Lance , Upper Baltimore, B-4-3 Lower Baltimore, Checker, Marcy, Top Ross, Ross, and Red Ash, and subsidence may be expected therefrom• . No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. Subsidence potentials in areas of second a.nd third mining are ~ggravated by thin rock cover over portions of tpe mined areas, -such as at the rim of the third-mined area in the Bottom Five Fo.ot bed where rock cover varies from 1 to 50 feet; in the Upper Baltimor e bed where the rock cover varies from 1 to 50 feet in second-ana third-mined areas; and in the Lower BaltimQre bed where the rock cover varies from 15 to 50 feet in second-and third-mined area:s. Subsidence may also occur from, workings in the Lance bed, ·where a few chambers in the northeastern limit of the first-mined area were driven under a rock cover that has an average thickness of only 5' · feet. Workings in the Bottom Five Foot bed subjacent -to Toby i s Cteek· impounding basin a r e at a minimum depth of 149 feet below the streambed, under a rock cover ranging from 1 to 86 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Lance, is 58 feet. The upstream end of the impounding basin extends beyond the assumed flood crest shoreline, and i.s at a minimum depth of 77 f eet below the streambed under' a rock cover of 25 feet . '~. Folio A The tot al area of t he surface pl ate, 289 acres, would be subject to inundation from the a s sumed flood crest in case of failure in the flood-protection system of levees . The entire surface plate lies in the flood plain. A portion of Kingston Borough occupies the great'er part of the surface area. Small portions of Pringle and Luzerne Boroughs appear in the western part, with a portion of Forty Fort Borough in the -' eastern part . The area is predominantl y residential. Numerous retail stores and other business establishments are located along Wyoming Avenue. Nesbitt Memorial Hospital is near the southe·rn corner of the plate, with the Duplan Silk Mill and U. S. Naval ·Reserve Center situated in the north-centr al part . The D·. L. & W. Railroad crosses the plate from west to north, while a spur of the Lehigh Valley Railroad crosses the northeastern part. The Toby'.s Creek impounding basin and a small part of the creek's pressure conduit appear i n the western part of the plate. Wyoming· Avenue (Route il) and Union Street (Route 3~) are the important traffic arteri~s. Workings of parts of the Dorrance, Pettebone, Henry-Prospect, East Boston, Black Diamond, and Harry E-Forty Fort mines are subjacent to the surface area. B-4-4 Eleven beds, having a combined thickness of 69.5 or 81.0 feet, depending on whether or not top coal :was taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Abbott, are at a minimum depth of 116 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 30 feet . Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are a-t a maximum depth of l,OGO feet below the surface, or 464 feet below sea levelA The pattern of m1n1ng established during first m1n1ng operations varies ·from slightly irregular to irregular in all beds except the uppe~ two, Abbott and Bowkley, where it is regular. Pillar widths vary £rom bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 46 feet on 40-to 70-foot centers. · Safety pillars were left to some degree in all beds except the t ·op two, Abbott and Bowkley, where they are nonexistent. There are a few of these at "irregular intervals, which, when viewed in combination with unmined areas and barrier p:i.llars, form an irregular pattern. 'l1he pillars r in all beds after first mining are •:onsidered adequ.a·te for surfa~e support. There are some small first mined areas in the Ross bed that lie beyond a depth of 768 feet where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength; however, these areas are well-·buttressed with unmined areas and barrier pillarz~ ar...d are not cor.sidered to present a subsidence hazard. Backfill was placed in approximately 9 percent of the voids created by fir9t mining. Secor...d mining was conducted ir... the Abbott, Bowkley, Hillman, ·Top Foo-': 7 Bottom Foot, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, and Red Ash beds. Pillars remaining in the Abbott bed after second are c:one::idered adequate for surface support, especially since the small area of o!lly 3 acres in the Dorrance mine was backfilled during or after the mi ning cycle, except for the voids in the northern ex~remity of the ar.ea. While the pillars remaining after second nun1ng in the Bowkley, Hillman, Top Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, -Jpper Balt::.more, and Lower Baltimore beds are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in ·the chambers, resulting from pillar-skipping, will probably cause caving that may extend to the surface. Also, a thin rock interval (3 to 9 feet) between the Top and Bottom Five Foot beds, together with the irregular pattern of mining and its resulting poor columnizatiop of pillars, constitutes another subsidence potential. Backfill was not placed in any second-mined area except in the Abbott bed of the Dorrance mine, which was mentioned previously. Subsidence may also be expected from second-mined workings in the Red Ash bed, all of which lie below a depth of 691 feet, where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength. In addition, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers of the Red Ash bed, resulting from pillar-skipping, will probably cause caving of the roof that may extend to overlylng beds and ultimately to the surface. B-4-5 Subsidence may be expected from bed areas where third ril!inf'ng· ·~ · was done in the Bottom Five Foot, Lance, Upper ·Baltimore, Lower -· Baltimore, Marcy, Ross, and Red Ash beds. Backfill a:rter third'' · ·mining was not placed in quantities sufficient to deter ·or effec . I tively minimize subsidence. Subsidence may also occur where mlnlng was carried on under thin rock cover, as fmllows: In the Abbott bed, where the average rock cover is 30 feet in second-mined areas under K. Dorrance Sfreet and Hedge Place, Kingston, where the voids we·re not ba·ckfilled; and in the Hillman bed, along the northern limit of the first-mined area under sections of Wyoming Avenue and adjacent areas in Kingston and Forty Fort,·.where the rock cover varies from 28 to 50 feet, ·Workings in the Bottom Five Foot bed, which is the uppermost bed mined subjacent to Toby's Creek impounding basin and pressur'e conduit, are at a minimum depth of 210 feet below the streambed,· under a minimum rock cover of 86 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Lance, is 58 feet. Folio B The total area o~ the surface plate, 289 acres, with the ex ception of a small area that rises like a mound in the northeastern part of the plate, would be subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest. The Church Street-Rutter Avenue extension of the 'Kingston levee divides the plate roughly in half on a north-south axis·. The area on the land side of the levee, 202 acres, is flood plain; that on the river side, 87 acres, is river-levee area. The flood ' plain normally protected by levees would be subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest in case of failures in the flood protection levees. A portion of Kingston Borough occupies approximately threequarters of the plate area; a small part of Forty Fort Borough appears in the northeastern corner. The flooa~plain is pred0minantly residential, -except for the undeveloped terrain immediately west of the Church Street levee. A few warehouses are pres€nt in the Forty Fo~ portion of the flood pla:i,.n. Parts of the Dorrance, Pettebone, and Henry-Prospect mines are subjacent to the area. Eleven bedsJ having a combined thickness of 67 or 69 feet; depending on whether or not top coal was taken, have been mined to varying ·degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Abbott, are at a minimum depth of 131 feet below the-surface, with a B-4-6 rock cov~r of 30 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1,190 feet below the surface, or 653 feet below sea level. The pattern of mlnlng established during first mlnlng operationsvaries from slightly irregular to irregular, being irregular for the moQt part. Pi~lar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 50 feet on 40-to 70-foot centers. Safety pillars were left to some degree in all beds except the upper two, Abbott and Bowkley. Except in the Top Five Foot and Bottom Five Foot beds, where they are at regula;r intervals, they are distri'buted at irregular intervals. The pillars remaining a:fte r first mining in the Bowkley, Hillman, TopFive Foot, Bottom Five Foot, Lance, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, and river-levee area of the Red Ash bed are considered adequate for surface support. Subsidence, however, may be expected from bed areas that were mined 'beyond the limit of calculated safe pillar strength, as follows: Marcy bedp below 806 and 845 feet in the flood plain and :river-levee area, respectively; Ross bed, below 826 and 768 feet in the flood plair:. and river-levee area, respectively, which constitute the entire mined area in this bed; and Red Ash bed, below 1,133 feet in the flood plain. Backfill was placed in approximately 6 percent of the voids created. by first mining; however, the quantity placed in the Marcy, Ross, and Red Ash beds is not considered sufficient to deter or minimize subside~ce where indicated. Second mining was conducted in the Abbott, Bowkley, Hillman, Bottom Five Foot, and Upper Baltimore beds. While the-pillars remaining in all beds after second mining are considered adequate in ;:>trength to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from pillar-skipping in second mi ning, will probably cause caving that may extend to the surface. Backfill placed after second mining operations in all but the Abbott bed is not sufficient in quantity to deter or prevent but only to minimize surface subsidence that is caused by the collapse of excessivelywide roof areas, which is the result of this type of mining. In the Abbott bed, where backfill was placed in an area comprising 27 acres under the flood plain, subsidence hazards have been reC!-uced greatly. Subsidence may be expected from bed areas where third mining was done in the Abbott, Bowkley, Hillman, Top Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, Marcy, and Red Ash beds. No bac~ill was plaQed in any bed in areas that were subjected to third mining. The subsidence potential in portions of second-and third-mined areas in the Bowkley bed is aggravated where mining was done under a rock cover thi~kness of only 42 to 50 feet. Subsidence may also occur from the Abbott bed along the northern extremity of the second-mined workings and under parts of B-4-7 Charles, .Lathrop, and Vaughn Streets and Rutter Avenue, whe:re'' cham~· bers were driven under a rock cover that averages 30 feet in thickness and the voids were not backfilled. WorkL~s in the Abbott bed subjacent to the Church StreetRutter Avenue levee are at a minimum depth of 152 feet below the surface, under a minimum rock cover of 63 feet. The minimum 'rock inter'val to the next underlying bed, Bowkley, is 66 fe~t. Workings-' in the Bowkley bed subjacent to the levee are at a minimUm depth ·of -135 ,_ · f"eet below the surface, under a minimum rock cov-er of 49 feet. ·· ·~· •j ., . ·J ' Folio C The area of the surface plate that would be subject· to inunda~ · tion from the assumed flood crest comprises 220 acres~ of whicb -56 are flood plain and 164 are river-levee area. The remaining 69 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The flood plain normally protected by the levee system would be subject to inundation from the assumed f'lood crest in case of failures in. the flood-protection levees. The Susquehanna River crosses the plate from ndrtheas~ to south: west. 'Parts of Kingston and Forty Fort Boroughs are located on the west or right bank, and parts of Wilkes-Barre City and Piains ToWnship lie on the opposite bank. '' · · Portions ~the Dorrance, Pettebone, and Henry-Prospect mines are subjacent to the surface area. . ~' "".~ Eleven beds, having a combined thickness of 75 or 81 feet; ae.:. pending .on whether or not top coal was taken, have been mined to varying degreE;!S of extraction. The Snake Island and Al5bott are _the two uppermost beds in stratigraphic sequence, but are not mined ' to ··~ a great .ext~nt because of close proximity to the su·rfac'e'. ·Workings of these beds within the study area are at a minimum depth of 160 and 140 feet below the surface, respectively. Workings in 'the Bowkley bed, whieh. is the third bed from the top in stratigraphi·c ·· ' sequence, are at a depth of 78 feet below the surface, with · · ~ · a cover of 30 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1,280 feet below the surface, or 697 feet below se~ level~ The pattern of :rrunlng establisl).ed during first :rrunlng operations varies from slightly irregular to irregular. Pillar width varies from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 46 feet on 40-to TO-foot centers. Safety pillars, generally few at irregular intervals, are present in all beds except the Bowkley, where there are none. There is one safety pillar in each Of the Snake Island and Abbott beds. In the Top Five Foot bed, safety pillars are present at regular intervals. The pillars remaining_after first mining are considered. adequate for surface support in all beds except the Ross and Red Ash. Subsidence, however~ may be expected from bed areas that were first mined beyond depths at which overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength, as follows: In the Ross bed, below 883 feet, which comprises the greater part of t he mining area subjacent to the flood platn and all of the r~. ver-lev:ee area; and in the Red Ash bed, below 960 feet in workings subjacent to the entire flood plain and below 883 feet in workings subjacent to the river-levee area, except for 47 acres that were backfilled. Backfill was placed in 125 acres, or in approximately 12 percent of the first-mined area . The quantity of backfill pl~ced in the river-levee area of the Red Ash bed will stabilize the pillars and prevent or minimize the effects of subsidence due to mining below the critical depth in the area that was backfilled. Second mining, consisting of pillar-splitting-sk:ipping, was done in the Abbott, Bowkley, Hillman, and. Lower Baltimore beds. While pillars remaining in the Abbott, Bowkley, and Hillman beds are considered sufficiently strong to prevent their being ·crushed, excessively wide roof areas will probably cause caving that may extend to the surface. Pillars remaining in the Lower Baltimore bed are considered adequate to support the surface, especially since 12 of the 17 acres mined in this bed were bac~illed, thus minimizing the subsidence potential of excessively wide roof areas. No backfill was placed elsewhere after second mining, except in the area of the Abbott bed under the flood plain where the ~uantity placed was not considered sufficient to deter or minimize subsidence significantly. Subsidenc·e may be expected from bed areas where third mining was done in the Abbott, Bowkley, Hillman, Marcy, and Red Ash beds. The subsidence potential in a po·rtion of the third-mined area. of the Bowkley bed is aggravated by mining t~at was done under thin rock cover thickness, ranging from 30 to 50 feet. The extent of backfilling placed during and after third mining is not considered adequate to deter subsidence, Subsidence may also be expected from first-mined workings, as follows: In the Abbott bed, along the extremity of the workings under and adjacent to the Kingston levee where the rock cover B-4-9 J thicknesa varies between 30 and 5® feet; . anQ. in the Hillman.. bed,_.,_~. near the Church Street levee, where an area o_f approx:i.mately. _3 ,,~cz:~f:l: . was mined under a rock cover thickness of 30 to 50 feet •: ·<· . , . Workings at the limit of the Snake Island bed subjacent t9 the confluence of the Susquehanna River and Mill Creek are at a min~ ,1 depth of 176 feet below the creekbed, under a minimum rock cover o;e., 140 feet. The rock interval to the next underly:t~ bed, .f>.bbot:t, . '_is ·' 82 feet4 · · •r --. ! v . --'· Workings in the Abbot't bed, 'Which ,is the uppermost bed mined.-, . : subjacent to the Kingston levee, Church Street pUJ!IPing station; .-~nd -.'. Susquehanna River are at minirirum depths of 147 f~~t pelow the sur.fac~e;c for the levee and pumping station and 168 feet below the riverbed, .. ·.·· under minimum rock covers · of 31 and 57 ·feet, respectively. The rock interval to the next underlying bed is 72 feet. . -.. Workings in the ]owkley bed, which is the upperniost bed m;Lned · . T subjacent to the Church Street levee; . are at a minimum depth. of-130 : . .,: feet below the surface, under a -minimum rock cover ·of 50 feet. The minimum depth below the bed of the Susquehanna River is 78 feet, under a minimum roc~ cover of 53 feet. Folio D The area of the surface plate that woul~ be subje~t to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 41 acres, all ,of which is river-levee area. The remaining 248 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The Dl8jOr portion of the plate area lies. in Wilkes-Barre;·· the remainder is a part ·Of Pla~ns Township, which occupies the no!,"them , .. corner of the plate. Mill Creek courses from northeast to sout~west and marks the boundary line between the two municipalities. The study area comprises 41 acres and consists of a narrow strip of ground( that straddles Mill Creek throughout -its reach -on·-this plate, then-veers south to include a built-up portion of Wilkes-Barre. A bridge carrying the main line tracks of t .he Lehigh Valley Railroad and a smaller bridge supporting Main Street span Mill . Cr~~~ in the study area. · Portions af the Henry-Prospect, :OOrrance, Baltimo-re, _and Peacb Orchard mine workings are subjacent to the area of this plate. Ten 'beds, having a combined ·thiclqless of 78 fee:t, h~ve be~n-,.. mined .to. varying degrees Elf extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Snake Island, are at a minimum depth of ~0 feet below the B-4~10 surface, with a cover of 24 ·feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bed Ash., .are at a maxirrrum depth of 1,344 feet below the surface, or ?.14 .feet below sea level. .The pattern of mining e.stablished during first mining operations varies from irr.egule.r to regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging .from 26 to 58 feet on 45-to 83-foot centers. Safety pillars are ~resent in the Snake Islan~, Top Five FbGt, Marcy, and Red Ash beds, but there are n9ne in the six remaining beds. The pillars remaining after first mining are considered adequate for .support in all beds except in that part of the Red Ash t:ha.t li-es 'below a depth of 998 .feet, at which overburden weight exceeds the calculated safe pillar strength. Backfill was placed in approximately 5 percent of the first-mined area; it will provide little additional supper~ to the pillars. Second ..mining was done in the Snake .Island, .Abbott, Bowkley, and Hillman beds. Although the pillars remaining after second mining in th~se beds are considered adequate to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas tn tlle chambers will probably cause cavings tllat .may extend to the surface. No backfill was p_Iaced in the mine voids after second mining. su·bsidence may be expected from bed areas that were third mined in the Snake Island, Abbott, Bowkley, and Hillman beds. Third mining was do:ne to a very limited extent (less than 1 acre) in the Lower Baltimore bed and backfilled during the .mining operations; consequently, . subsidence from this source is not antici~ated. No backfill was placed in the mine voids after third mining, other than in the Lower Baltimore bed. The subsidence potential in areas of second and third mining is a~gravated by thin rock cover oyer portions of the mined areas, as follows: In the Snake Island bed, where the rock cover varies from 24 to 50 feet in second-and third-mined areas under the southern limit of Street and the cnannel of Laurel Run; and in the Abbott bed, where the rock cover varies from 15 to 50 feet in thirdmined areas under the channel of Laurel Run· Folio EE The total area of the surface ~late_, 289 acres, with the exception of a small prominence of a~proximately 5 acres in the eastcentral portion of the plate, would be subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest in case of failures in the flood-protection levees. The entire surface plate lies in the flood plain. B-4-11 The greater portion of the surface area is situated in Sw9y~r-. sville BGrough; the remainder is in For:t;y Fo_rt, appearing in tlj.e .: eastern part of the plate. The area is predominantly r~sidential, with the uaual complement of churches, schools, public and commercial buildings, except at the western portion where the Harry E__ mine-refuse bank is located. Branche's of the Lehigh Valley _and' D. L. &W. Railroads cross the plate from south to northeast. A portion of the workings of the Harry E-Forty Fort mi:r:te is subjac~nt. to the study area. · 1 • • · -·-• · Nine beds, having a combined thickness of 44.5 or 46.5 feet, depending on whether or not top coal was ta~en:, have _to. v~cying degre~s bf extraction. Workings in the three uppermost beds·, To;p Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, and Upper Baltimore, are at a mipimum depth below the surface of 115, 134;r and 210 feet, respe_ctiv:ely; -.with rock covers of 30, 30, and 20 feet, respectively. Less than 1 acre . was mined in each of the t wo upper beds, and the Upper Baltimore bed was mined to a lesser extent than the underlying beds . Wor~ingg in the Lower Baltimore, the f ourth bed from the top iri ' stratig~apqic 1 sequence, are at a mininrun depth of 134 feet below the surface, with. a minimum rock cover of 1 foot . Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1 33 f eet below the surface, or 189 S~et , below sea level. . . ,_.. The pattern of mining established during first mining :LR irregular in all beds except _n the Red Ash, where it is nea:dy' regqlar. . 1 Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 40~eet on · 40-to 65-foot centers . Safet y pill ars are nonexistent in all 'bedli '' except in the Top Ross and Red Ash, where they are few, and in the . Ross bed, where scattered unmined areas can be considered as an . _ irregular pattern of safe"jy pi llars. Pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface. ': Backfill was placed in app roximately 12 percent of the areas first mined; it will provide some lateral support to the pillars.--. :. ·~ .... ~ Second mining was done in ali beds except in the Top Ross · and Ross. Although the pillar s remaining after second mining in all beds, with the exception of the Red Ash, are considered to be of .. · adequate strenStn to prevent their being crushed, excessively-wide _ roof areas in the chambers , resulting from second mining, aggravated by the noncolumnar position of the pillars in some beds and thin rock interval (5 to 20 feet)"between the Checker and Marcy beds, will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. Subsidence may be eXpected from second-mined workings in the ReA Ash bed, where the exposed roof in excessively Wi~e chambers will . cause cavings that may e:x-tend to the surface, and from workings that lie below a depth of 518 feet, where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar str ength. · No backfill was· placed in the ' voids cr~ated by second mining. •• l. B-4-12 Subsidence may ·be expected from bed areas that we re third-mined in the Upper Baltimore., Lower .Baltimore, Checker, Marcy, Top Ross, Ross~ ana Red Ash beds . No backfill was placed in the workings that were third mined. Although backfill was not placed in the Ross bed after first or third mining operations, some pillar support may be obtained because the high refuse content of the bed indicates an extensive "gabbing" .practice , Gabbing designates the manual placement of excess mine rock and boney coal along the pillar walls of a chamber, which results when mining coalbeds of high refuse content . The placing of gob pr.ovides lateral stability to the pillars, thereby giving additional support to the roof areas. The subsidence pot ent ial in areas of second and third mining is increased by thin rock CJver over workings, such as is the case in the Top and Bottom El ve Foot beds , over second mining, whe r e the rock cover is 30 feetj over many chambers in the Upper Baltimore bed near the western limit of second and third mining areas, where the rock cover var.ies between 20 and 50 feetj and over most of the chambers in the Lower Baltimore bed, along the northwestern limits of second and third mir~ng areas, where the rock cover thicknes s varie s from 1 to 50 feet. Folio E The t otal ar ea of ~he surface plate , 289 acres, woul d be subject to inundati on from ~he assumed flood crest. The r iver-l evee area comp1~ses 68 a cres, and the f l ood plain 221 acres. The flood plain, normally protected by the flood-prevention levPe, would be subJect to inundation from the assumed flood cr est in case of failures in the levee , The greater portion of the sur.f'ace area is located in Forty Fort Boroughj that remaining is in .Plains Township , The area is predominant~y r esidential, including schools, churches, and public buildings, with the ex ception of the area in Plains Township that consists of farmland and some strip pits. Two main traffic arteries, Wyoming Avenue (Route 11) and River Street, Forty Fort, travers.e the plate • . The Susq1,1.ehanna River crosses the area, with the Forty Fort levee flanking the right bank. A primative earth levee, constructed by the Lehigh Valley Coal Company to protect strip mines in the area, flanks the left bank of the river. Portions of the Harry EForty Fort and Henry-Prospect mines are suojacent to the plate area. B-4-13 Ten beds, having a combined thickness of 57.5 or 65.5 f~et, depending on whether or not top coal was· taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. The mined areas in the uppermost bed, Bowkley, are at a minimum depth of 105 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 50 feet . Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 920 feet below the surface, or 382 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining opera-. tions is for the most part slightly irregular. Pillar widths ·varyfrom bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 46 feet on 50~ to 70-foot centers. Safety pillars are present to some degree in all beds, except in the Bowkley, Upper Baltimore, and Checker. They are present at regular intervals in the Top Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, and Marcy beds in the Henry-Prospect mine; however, none are present-in these beds in the Harry E-Forty Fort mine . They are on regular intervals in t~e Hillman and Red Ash beds, and on irregular intervals in the Lower Baltimore and Ross beds in both mines. The pillars remaining after first mining are considered adequate for surface support in all beds. Backfill was placed in 46 acres, or in 4 percent of the total firstmined area, mainly in the upper beds .where it will some lateral support to the pillars. Second mining was conducted in the Bowkley, Hillm~n, Top Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, and Marcybeds. While the pillars remaining in all beds after second mining are consider ed to be of sufficient strength to prevent their beingcrushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from pillar-skipping in second mining, will probably ca~ing tnat cause . may extend to t he surface. The subsidence potential in areas of second mining is aggravated by thin rock cover over portions of the workings in the Hillman and Top Five Foot beds, where a number of -~ chambers along the northern extremity of the mining area were driven under a rock cover thickness that varies from 38 to 50 feet and 34 to 50 feet, respectively. Backfill was not placed in any of the voids created by s econd mining. ' Subsidence may ·be expected from beds where third mining was done in the Bow$1ey, Hi~lman, Top Five Foot, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, Marcy, Ross, and Red Ash beds. Backfill was not pl~cedin any of the voids created by third mining. ~ Workings in the Bowkley bed subjacent to the Susquehanna. River and Forty Fort levee are at a minimum depth of 105 feet below the riverbed, under a rock cover of 60 feet. The rock int-erval to the next underlying bed, Hillman, is 66 feet. B-4-14 Fol:io F' The arP.a of the sTrfa ce :plate tha t >wul,l b r-o;ul:jr·ct to inundat_wr. from the aSS'.imed flood crest comprises 28 1 acresj of which 47 are i n the flood :plai.YJ and 237 in the ri.ver-levee area. The remaini ng 8 acres He ab ove the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The greater :par •. of ~he surface area west of t~e river also lies above the horizon of t-he assumed flood crest and, although it is classed a s flo;:,d :plain from the standpoint of position, it is actually an island in the flood pla:i.n and will be consider ed as flood plain in •his report o The greater port;:;..on of the surface area lS located in Plains I'ownship; that remair;.i ng is i n Forty Fort Borough, and appears in ':;he southwestern :part. of the plate , The Slls .:(Uehau.a R: ver <.: rosses the pla te fr-om the western border i.n_ a so-Jtherly d-:.r-e :•_ ~o~., The area on 1_he wes-s or right bank is pred::nnina Ltly res-::deL+_ial exc:e:p~ fer the American Stores Company warehouse in the wes-:;er..-. p a r+ , The are a on +:he e a st or left bank, known a~ +-he " :2:e~ry Fla: 5_, " 1o: uC!develo:ped a nd contains numerous strip pits, The Leh·!.5h \ all~y 'Railroa d crosses the extreme eastern corner of the plate, A :port::.or. of the of the Henry-Frospect mine are sub j acent -'::.o the pla-':;e a rea , Eight bed5 3 a cJmbined t-hickness of 56.5 or 67 . 5 feet, dependi.r:g o::--. whe-+~her or nc: top coal was t a ken, h ave been mined to v a ryiYJ.g degrees of extract} on, lFne Bowkley, Hillman, and Top Five foot are ·the -':;h y·ee -_;:ppermo~:: beds :.n str-atigraphic seque nce_, tut are mined to a lesser ex-t:er, ~ t har. the ~nderlying beds . In the study area the wcrk'i.:r:g s in these lJpper 'beds a re a t a minimum depth of 95, 91, and 91 feet, respectivelyJ below t"he surface, Workings in the i'cl:.tom Five F'oct bed, which is the f ourth bed from the top in 2 tratigraphic sequence, are a t a mi.r1irm.un depth of 78 feet below the surface, with a rock c:::ver of 21 feet, Workings in the bottom bedJ Red Ash, are at a ma ximum depth of 98 0 feet below the surface, or 442 feet below sea level, The :pattern of mir1:i.n.g established during first m1n1ng operations varies from slightly irregula r to irregula r, being irregular in most beds. Pillar widths vary fr:::Jm bed to bed, ranging from 26 to 50 feet e n 50-to 70-foot centers. Safety pillars are generally few; however3 t hey are present a t irregular intervals in the Bottom Five Foot bed an.d at regular intervals in the Marcy and Red Ash beds, ~e :pillars r emain.i ng af+er first mining in all beds are considered adequate for surface support, Backfill was :placed in l e ss than 3 percent of the voids created by first m1n1ng , While providing lateral stabili1:y to indivi.dual pillars, it will be of little value f:Jr general roof support., B-4-15 Seoond mining we.s done in the ::Bowkley, Hillman, Upper Balti more, .Lower Baltimore, and Marcy beds. In the Hillman bed, pillar splitt1ns occurred in 6 of the 43 acres during the second mining operations and, although the pillars remaining are considered to be of sufficient strength to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from second mining in the 6-acre area, will cause cavings that may extend to the surface. The pillars. in the remaining 37 acres, also classed as second minipg · because of the high percentage of coal removed, are large with res pect to pillar centers (pil lars are 20 feet wide on 35-foot centers);consequently, the relativel y narrow Chambers (15 feet wide) are not expected to be subjected to roof falls of sufficient magnitude to cause subsidence at the surface. While pillars remaining after sec ond mining in the Bowkley, Upper Baltimore, and Lower Baltimore beds are considered to be of sufficient strength to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas i n the chambers, resulting_ from pillarskipping in second mining) will probably cause caving that may extend to the surface, especi ally in the Lower Baltimore bed where the pillar area is composed of many small pillars, locally termed "stumps."Subsidence may also be expect ed from second-mined areas in the Marcy bed that are sit uat ed at depths at which overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pi llar strength, suCh as below 614 feet under the entire flood plain, and below 65 3 feet under the river-levee area. Excessively wide roof areas in the Chambers and crosscuis, resulting from second mining in the Marcy bed, will probably cause caving that may extend to the surface. Backfill was placed in the voids in only one bed, Bottom Five Foot, after second mining in such limited quan tities as to be insufficie t t o deter or minimize subsidence . Subsidence may be expe cted from areas that were third-mined in the Bowkley, Hillman, Top Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, Marcy, and Red Ash beds. Backfill was of such negligible amount after third mining as to be ineffective in deterring or minimizing subsidence. Subsidence may also occur in the Hillman bed, along the nor thern dip of the main anticline, where a number of chambers were driven under a 40-to 50-foot rock cover; in the Top Five Foot bed, along the limit 'Uf first mining ·in the eastern corner of the plate, where chambers were driveri under 22-to 50-foot rock cover; and in the Bottom Five Foot bed, along the limit of first mining near the southeastern corner of the plate, Where chambers were driven under 21-to 50-foot rock cover. Workings in the Bowkley bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River are at a minimum depth of 115 feet below ·the bed of the river, under a rock cover of 50 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Hillman, is 53 feet. B-4-16 Folio G The are a of the 2urfa ce plate that would be subject to inunda t lon from the assumed flocd crest comprises 75 acres, all of which is r i ver-levee area. The remaining 214 acres lie above the horizon of t.he assumed flood e:res t. Most of the area shown on the plate is in Plains Township; a Emall portion of Forty Fort Borough appea rs in the western corner. The Susquehanna River crosses the western corner of the plate. The shoreline of the assumed flood cr est roughly parallels the Lehigh Valley Ra ;ilroa d a cross the wester n par t of the plate and separates the low-lying river-levee area from the higher ground in Plains Township, which ~s mainly residentia l except in the southern part which is undeveloped. Except fer the r a ilroa d, the terrain in the riverlevee a rea is 1.mdeveloped. S-l:;rip pits a re present along the left or easl: bank of tte river ~. :. the area Known locally a s the "Henry Flats." Workings of the ~~enry-Frospect a :re subjacent to the entire plate area. A small part of the Delaware-Pine Ridge mine underlies the eastern cor:r:er i:r: -'::.he lower beds. Ei gh: beds, hav:.rJ.g a combined thi.ckness of 54.5 or 62. 0 feet, depending or; whetl· or ~o·+_ t op coa l wa s t a ken, have been mined to varyi::-;.g degrees of exr;ra;::t-ion. I'he 3owkley bed is uppermost stratigraphicallyj but is not .rrC..ned in the shallowest part of the study area where rock cover was insufficient for underground mining. Worki:,_gs in tbi.s bed are a~ a minimum depth of 116 feet below the surface. We in the -~illmar., wh':>:h i.s +;he seco:::1d bed from the top ::.n !:-rratigraphi.c sequen::e, underlie, approxi.mately 83 percent of the sur-face st.udy area at a mir:.J.mLim depth of 49 feet below the surface and ··.Hlde r a rock cover c:f 10 fee-s. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 89 3 feet below the surfa ce, or 390 feet below sea level. I:he pattern of min~. r..g established durir.g first mlnlng varies from slightly irregular to irregular. Pilla r widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 26 to 46 feet on 50-to 70-foot centers. Safety pillars are present on irregular intervals in the Top Five Foot, Marcy, and Red Ash beds. There a re no s a fety pillars in the Bowkley, :t'!..llman, Bottom Five Foot, Upper Ba ltimore, and Lower Baltimore beds; however, large unmined area s in the Bottom Five Foot bed provide s ::ability i:r; lieu of safety pilla rs. Pilla rs remaining in all beds after firs t mi a re considered adequate for surface support; however, some subsidence may be expected from the Top Five Foot bed where a few chambers were driven under relatively thin rock cover, ranging from 36 to 50 feet in thickness . Backfill was placed in 37 acres, or approx:i.mately 8 percent of the tota l first-mined area. It will provide some lateral support to the pillars. B-4-17 Second mining was done in the Hillman, Upper Baltimore, and Red Ash beds. Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered to be adequate to prevent their being crushed, small pil lars (stumps), a condition that exists especially in the Hillman bed, and accompanying wide roof areas, together with excessively wide roof areas in the other two beds resulting from pillar-skipping iri second mining, will cause cavings that may extend to the surf'ace. The sub sidence potential after second mining in the Hillman bed is aggravated . where a portion of the mined area extends under a thin rock cover, ranging from 10 to 50 feet in thickness . Backfill was not placed in a quantity sufficient to deter or significantly minimize subsidence after second mining, except in the Upper Baltimore bed where 6 or 7 acres of first-mined areas were rock-packed, which will tend to give lateral support to t~e pillars and reduce vertical magnitude of any subsidence. Subsidence may be expected from bed areas where third mi~ing was done in the Hillman and Marcy beds. Although the third-mined area in the Marcy bed. covers only 1 acre, subsidence is anticipated because the workings are part of a much ·larf!er third-mined area lying outside the study area. No backfill was placed in the voids that resulted from third mining . Workings in the Bowkley bed, subjacent to the Susquehanna River, are at a minimum depth of 110 feet below the bed of the river, under a rock cover of 50 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Hillman, is 52 feet. Workings in the Hillman bed, subjacent to the river, are at a minimum depth of 86 feet below the riverbed, under a minimum rock cover of 60 feet. The rock interval to the next under lying bed, Top Five Foot, is 83 feet. In 1892, workings in the Hillman bed in the Henry-Prospect mine broke through the rock cover into the sand of the buried valley. Folio H The area of the surface plate that would be subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 72 acres, all of which is river~levee area. The remaining 217 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The .major portion of the plate area is situated in the eastern part of Wilkes-Barre 'City; the smaller part in Plains Township. Mill Creek meanders through the longitudinal center of the plate. The study area straddles Mill Creek and its tributary, Laurel Run. The study area is sparsely buil tup, containing only a few houses. Workings of portions of the Henry-Prospect, Delaware-Pine Ridge, and Peach Orchard mines are subjacent to the plate area. B-4-18 Elever. beds, a combined thickness of 75,5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction, The Snake Island, AbbottJ and Flowkley are the three uppermost beds in stratigraphic sequence, and the workings are at minimum depths of 19, 32, and 29 feet, respectively, below the surface. Workings of the Hillman bed, however, which is the fourth ·bed from the top stratigraphically, are at a minJ.mum depth of 5 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 1 foot, Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 1.9136 feet below the surface, or 581 feet below sea level. Tne pattern of mini ng established during first mining operations varies mainly from irregular to slightly irregular, being irregular i.n the upper beds and slightly irregular or regular in the lower four beds, Pillar width$ vary from bed to bed, ranging from 24 to 64 f e et on 45-to 90-foot cer"ters, Safety pillars are present in only four beds. They are few in the Top Five Foot, Lower Baltimore, and Marcy beds, and OYl regu.lar i .ntervals in the Red Ash bed, Pillars remaining after first miniEg are .:!ons:i.dered adequa te for surface support in all beds except the Marcy, Subsidence, however, may be expected from workings in the Marcy bed that were first mined below a depth of 845 feet:~ at wh:.e:b overburden weight exceeds ca lculated safe pillar strength, First mi.Y1:ing wa s done in a portion of the Ross bed that lies below !_t.e calculat .ed safe strength of pi.llars; however, the area mi.r.ed is very li.m.ited and amply buttressed by unmined areas. Consequently, subsiden(;e is not anticipated therefrom, Backfill was pla c.ed in very limited quantities i.n the voids after first mining; none was placed b. the area from whi ch subsi.dence may be anticipated . Therefore.? backfill will have no effect on the subsidence potential. Second mining was done in the Snake Island, Abbott, Bowkley, rtillmar1, Top Five I'oot, Upper Baltimore, and Lower Baltimore beds , Although the pillars -remair:ing after secor"d mining in all beds, except :.n a small portion of the Upper Baltimore, are considered to be of suffieient strength to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas resulting from pillar-skipping in second mining will probably cause caving that may extend to the surface. Backfill after second mining was not placed in a quantity sufficient to deter or prevent subsidence, Subsidence may be expected from bed areas where third mining was done in the Snake Island, Abbott, Bowkley, Hillman, Top Five Foot, Upper Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, Marcy, and Red Ash beds. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining, The subsidence potential in certain areas of second and third mining is aggravated by thin rock cover, as follows: In the Snake _sland bed, where the rock cover vari es from 4 to 50 feet, in second mining; in the Abbott bed, where the rock cover varies from 8 to 50 feet; in second and third mining; in the Hillman bed, where the rock cover varies from 1 to 50 feet, in second and third mining; and in B-4-19 the Top Five Foot bed, where the rock cover varies from 1 to 50 feet, in second mining. Subsidence is also indicated along a por tion of the northern limit of the first-mined area in the Bowkley bed, where Chambers were dr i ven under a rock cover that varies in thickness from 7 to 50 feet. Folio IT The area of the surface plate that would be subject to inunda tion from the assumed flood crest in case of failures in the flood protection levees comprises 109 acres, all of which is flood plain. The remaining 180 acres l ie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The greater part of t he plate lies i n the northern portion of Swoyersville Borough; with a small stri p of Kingston Township appearing along the northwestern boundary. The shoreline o:: the assumed, flood crest meanders through the central part of the plate from southwest to northeast. The t errai n in the study area is mainly residential, wit h Temple Israel Cemetery located at the eastern end and the former s i te of the Forty Fort col liery surface plant at the western end. A spur of t he Lehigh Valley Railroad crosses the study area from sout h t o north. Workings of portions of t he Harry E-Forty Fort and MaltbyWestmoreland mines are ~ubjacent to the study area. Six beds, having a combined t hickness of 26 feet, have been mined to varyi ng degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermostbed, Lower Baltimore, are at a minimum depth .of 143 feet below .the surface, with a rock cover of 21 f eet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum dept h of 530 feet below the surface , or 12 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining operationsvaries from irregular to slightly irregular. Pillar·widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 25 to 34 feet on 40-to 60-foot centers. Safety pillars are few in all beds, except in the Lower Baltimore and Marcy, where there are none . The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate for surface support. No backfill was placed in the mine voids after first mining. No second minirig was done in any of the beds in this folio. Third mining was done in all beds in this folio, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential is aggravatedwhere some of the workings in the Lower Baltimore bed extend under a rock cover that in thickness from 21 to 50 feet. No backfill was placed in the mine voi ds created by third mining. B-4-20 In 1882, a rock plane being driven from the Marcy to the Lowe r Baltimore bed in tre Maltby-Westmoreland mine broke into sand and water of the buried valley, which, in a few hours, filled the mine and shaft to within 65 feet of the shaft collar, or to a vertical height of 90 feet in the shaft . It was assumed that the coalbed was eroded at the face of the plane. Folio I The total area of the surface plate, 289 acres, lies in the flood plain and would be subject to ~nundation in case of failure s in the flood-protection levees. Swoyersville and F'orty Fort Boroughs occupy the entire plate area. The D. L . &W. Railroad and Wyoming Avenue (U. S. Route ll) cross the plate from northeast to sout hwest . The area is mainly residential. The W: ~lkes-:Barre Day School fronts Wyoming Avenue in the sout:r1ern portion of the plate; buildings associated with the Sordoni Construction .::ompany are located along Murray Street in the central part. The terrain along the eastern side of Wyoming Avenue is farmland. ' Harry E-F'orty li'ort mine and the Maltby portion of the Maltby-Westmoreland mir1e underlie the major part of the surface area. A small part of the Henry-P rospect mine is subjacent to the southern corner. Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 31.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Upper Baltimore, are at a mi!limum depth of 184 feet below t he surface, wil:;b rock cover of 30 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 736 feet below the surface , or 211 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mlnlng operations varies from irregular in the upper beds to slightly irregular in the lower beds. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 26 to 48 feet on 50~ to 70-foot centers. Safety pillars are present on regular intervals in the Marcy bed; there are a few in the Upper Baltimore, Ross, and Red Ash beds; but there are none in the Lower Baltimore, Checker, and Top Ross beds. The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surf ace. No backfill was placed in the voids created by first mining. Second mining was done in the Upper Baltimore , Lower Baltimore, and Ross beds. Although the pillars remaining in these beds after second mining are considered to be of sufficient strength to prevent crushing, the chamber width was increased to 35 feet on 60-foot centers in the Ross bed, resulting in excessively wide roof areas, which, B-4-21 together with those in the Upper and Lower Baltimore beds, will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. No backfill was placed in the voids after second mining. Third mining was dorie in all the coalbeds i~ this folio, namely, Upper Baltimore, Lower Bal timore, Checker, Marcy, Top Ross, Ross, Red Ash, and subsidence of the surface may be expected therefrom. backfill was placed after third mining operations. and No The subsidence potential is increased in areas of second and third mining where some of the workings along the northwestern limit of mining in the Upper Bal timore bed extend under a rock cover thick ness that va.'ries from 30 to 50 feet. j'". Folio J The total area of the surface plate, 289 acres, wo~ld be subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest . . The flood plain comprises 87 acres, and the river-levee area. 202 acres. The flood plain would be inundated in case of failures in the flood-protection levees .. The Susquehanna River flows from east to west diagonally across the plate. A part of Forty Fort Borough lies on the right or west bank of the river, and a part of Plains Township lies on the east or left bank. The area is undeveloped--that lying along the right or west bank of the river in Forty Fort is farmland, while that on the left or east bank in Plains Township contains strip pits and some farmland. A portion of the Forty Fort flood-p~tection levee flanks the river along the right bank. The Lehigh Valley Coal Company built a primative earth and mine-r efuse dike along the left bank of the river to protect strip pits in t his area. This dike is currently of negative value in case of a maximum flood crest, as its height is less than the altitude of the /(rmy Engineer's structures. Workings kt.the Henry-Prospect, Maltby-Westmoreland, and Number 14 mines are subjacent to the surface area. Eight beds, having a combined .thickness of 53.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. The Bowkley bed is uppermost stratigraphically, but has been mined to a lesser degree than the underlying beds. Workings are at a mdnimum d~pth of 122 feet below the surface, with rock cover of 37 feet. Workings in the Hillman bed, the second bed from t he top in stratigraphic sequence, are at a minimum depth of 116 feet below the surface, with a minimum rock cover of'50 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 895 feet below the surface, or 361 feet below sea level. B-4-22 The pattern of established during first m~n~ng varies from irregular to regular. Pillars vary in width from bed to bed, ranging from 23 to 50 feet on 45-to 80-foot centers, and are considered adequate to support the surface. Safety pillars are either nonexistent or few in the upper beds, but are present on regular intervals in the two lowest beds, Marcy and Red Ash . Backfill was placed in 15 acres, or approximately 1 . 5 percent of the voids cr eated by first mining, which is not o.f sufficient quantity t o seriously affect the subsidence potential. Second mining was conducted in the Bowkley, Hillman, Uppe r Baltimore, and Lower Baltimore beds. Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered to be of adequate strength to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, r esulting from pillar-skipping-blocking in second mining, will probably cause cav:i.ngs that may extend t o the, surface, except in a 6-acre basin area in the Bowkley bed that was backfilled, The subsidence pot ential in the nonbackfilled a r ea of second mining in t he Bowkley bed i s i n creased by !?-thin rock cover that varies from 37 to 50 feet i n thickness. Backfill placed in 13 acres in the Hillman b e d after second ml.ning is no t considered su.ff'icient to prevent or det er subsidence. Subsidence may be ex.Pected from bed areas that wer e third mined in the Bowkley, Hillman, ~rap Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot, Uppe r Baltimore, Lower Baltimore, and-Marcy beds. No backfill was place d in t he voids resulting from third mining. Subsidence may also ·be expected from the fi·rst-mine d area in t he Bottom Five Foot bed, under the flood plain in the we stern portion c f the plate, where the faces of a few chambers extend under a rock cover thickness that varie s from 46 to .50 feet , Workings in the Bowkley bed subjacent to the Su squehanna River are at a minimum depth of 122 feet below the riverbed, under a rock cover of 38 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Hillman, is 90 feet. Workings in the Hillman bed, which is the uppermost bed mine d subjacent to the Forty Fort levee, are at a minimum depth of 177 feet below the surface, under a rock cover of 72 feet. The r o ck interval to the next underlying bed, Top Five Foot, is 52 feet . B-4-23 Folio K The area of the surface plate that would be subject to inunda tion from the assumed flood crest comprises 128 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 161 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. · The e~tire plate area is in Plains Township, with the study . area lying in the western part of the plate. The. study area is undeveloped for the most-part, consisting of strip pits and some farmland. The Lehigh Valley Railroad and a branch of the Central Railroad of New Jersey traverse the study area. The area lying above:·the assumed flood crest is mainly a residential portion of Plains Township. The Henry-Prospect mine is subjacent to almost the entire study area; a small part of the Number 14 mine underlies the north~rn corner. Eight beds, having a combined thickness of 58.0 or 60.5 feet, depending on whether or not top coal was taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. The Bowkley bed is the uppermost bed in stratigraphic sequence, but it was mined to only a very small ex tent in the stu.dy area. Its wo:rkings are at a mininmm depth of 107 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 20 feet. Workings in the Hillman bed, the second from the surface in stratigraphic sequence, are at a minimum depth of 58 feet below the surface,.. with a rock cover of 11 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Red Ash, are at a maxinmm depth below the surface of 849 feet, or 314 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining .1Aaries f'rom slightly irregular to irregular. Pillar widths vary f'rom bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 36 feet on 40-to 60-f'oot centers. Safety pillars are either nonexistent or few in the upper six beds, but are present on regular intervals in the two bottom beds, Marcy and Red Ash. Pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the ·surface. Backfill was placed in less than l percent of the first-mined area. '-- Areas c~assed as second mining are found in the Bowkley, Hillman, Top Five Foot, and Upper Baltimore beds. Skipping apd blocking of pillars, normally considered as second mining operations, were not done in the Bowkley bed; however, the amount of coal removed during first mining operations, leaving wide chambers and crosscuts, places this bed in the second-mining category, and it is considered as such. Although the pillars remaining in the Bowkley and the other beds that were second mined a·re considered sufficiently strong to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas exposed in the chambers will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. Backfill placed in the voids after second mining is not of sufficient quantity to either deter or seriously minimize subsidence. B-4-_24 • S~bsidence may be expected from bed areas t hat were third mined lr. the Bowkley, Hillman, Top Five Foot, and Fpper Balt i more beds. No backfill was placed in the voids or after third mining. T:he subsidence pctential in areas of second and third mining is i.n;;reased ·oy ·thin rock-cover areas in the Bowkley bed, in the entire second-and third-miLed areas where the rock cove r thickness ranges from 20 t o j O feet ; and i n the Hillman bed, in the second-mined area in the southern por+~-i.on of t he Henry-Prospect mine, where the rock cover thickness varies from 11 to 50 feet. Subsidence may also be expected f rom a small area of first-mined workings"in the Top Five Foot bed, where a few chambers were driven under a r o ck cover t hickness varying from 40 to 50 feet under the Lehigh Valley Railroad tra cks in the s outhwestern portion of the mined area. In 1Bcr2, the rock strat a overlying the Hillman bed subjacent to the Sus quehanna River .:anal over -!:.he old Enterprise mine workings, a part of the :Ierrry-Prcspeo::t mine, collapsed. From then to the present, subsequent caves have occurred in t.hi.s area, known locally as the "Henry F'lats_, " generally when the river was in flood and the load of water and overburden were too great to be sustained by the thin rock cover over the ~oalbed, Folio LL Ihe area of t he surfa ce plate that would be subject to inundation from t h e flood crest in case of f ailures in the flood-protection levees comprises 166 acres, all of which is flood plain. The remaining 123 acres lie above t he horizon of the a ssumed flood crest. A porti n of West Wyoming Borough occupies the major part of the plate area; parts of Swoyersville Borough a nd Kingston Township appear along t he southwestern border. The area is sparsely builtup, consi sting mainly of cemeteri es in the southern and central portions. Dennison Street, the main traffic artery in the area, appears in the southern portion of the plate area, and a spur of the Lehigh ValleyRailroad crosses the northern and western parts of the study area. Workings of a portion of the Maltby-Westmoreland mine are subj acent to the entire plate area. Five beds, having a combined thickness of 17.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings i n the uppermost bed, Lower Baltimore, are at a mininmm depth of 78 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 20 feet, Workings in the lowest bed mined, Ross_, are at a maxinmm depth of 412 feet below the surface, or 137 feet above sea level. j B-4-25 The pattern of mining established during first mining operations varies from irregular to slightly irregular in the three upper beds to regular in the two lower beds. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 36 feet on 40-to 60-foot centers. Safety pillars are few in all beds except ·the uppermost, Lower Baltimore, where there are none. Pillars remaining in first-mined areas in all beds are considered adequate to support the surface. No b~ckfill was placed in the mine voids after first mining. . Second mining was done in the Lower Baltimore, Marcy, Top Ross, and Ross beds. Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from second mining, will probably cause cavings that may exte!fd to .the surface. No backfill was placed in the inine voids created by second mining·. Subsidence may be expected from bed areas that were third mined in the Lower Baltimore, Ch~cker, and Marcy 'beds. No backfill was placed in the third-mined area after mining operations-. The subsidence potential in portions of the second-and. thirdmined areas in the Lower Baltimore bed i s increased by thin rock cover, which varies from 20 to 50 feet in thickness. I n 1884 and 1889, when slopes were being driven in the Lower Baltimore bed of the Malt by=Westmoreland mine, the workings broke into the water and wet sand of the buried valley fill. Folio L The area of the surf a ce plate that would be subject to inundation from the a ssumed flood crest in case of failures in the floodprotection levees comprises 277 acr es, all of which l ie in the flood plain. The remaining I2 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. A portion of Wyoming Borough occupies the central and eastern part of the plate, with portions of West Wyoming, Swoyersville, and Forty Fort Boroughs lying in the northern, western, and southern parts, respectively. The-area is spa.rsely builtup, except for the U. S. Air Force and Marine Reserve buildings and a shopping center along Wyoming Avenue (u•. s. Route 11), the main traffic artery in the area. Runways of the Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley Airport -extend into the extreme southern part of the plate. A portion of Abraham1 s Creek levee appears along the northeast boundary of the _plate. The D. L. &w: Railroad crosses the plate from the southwe~t to north. B-4-26 of part.s of the Maltby-Westmoreland mine are subjacent to the plat-.e area. Seven 'beds-" having a cmibined thickness of 27.0 feet, have been mined to varyi~g degrees of extra~ticn. Workings i n the uppermost bed~ 'Cpper 3ali:1IJ10re.? ar-e at a minirrr..:un depth of 124 feet below the surface~ with a rock cover of 40 feet. Workings in the Ross bed, which is t :he l :)west. bed mined stratigraphically~ are at a maximum depth of 385 feet below t he surface~ or 154 feet above sea levelj however~ the bed was only mined over a l illlited area of 8 acres , while the Marcy wc r·king a 1 third ·bed from the bottom stratigraphically, extend over nearly entire plat.e area and are at a maxi mum depth of 441 feet ·below the surfa ce-" or 93 feet above sea l evel. fJ:'he pat.terr:. of mi·~;.i~g established during f irst mining operations varie s from sligh~ly ~. rregular to regt:tlar. Pillar widths vary from bed t0 bed., rangi'!':g :'r:.m 21 t -0 40 fee+ or: 4 S = to 60-foot centers . 3afet.y pillara ar-= r~. :onexis-:. ent in all beds except the Marcy where they are few.? and i n _,~he Top Ross where t hey are on r egular i::;.tervals. Pillars :.-~" all bed.:;; af't,er fi:!:·st mining are considered adeqt<.ate to S'l.ppcr_; t -he ~rt.lrface. i'ne roc:k-strata interval between t he CJhecke r bed a nd the u::J.derlying Marcy bed is only 7 feetj however , the pillars in both beds are generally and~ since the area mir.ed in the overlying ~!r:s :.;ker bed compr~. ses only 4 acres, subsidence i s not anti :;ipated i::-: e·;:."'.;!":er bed from this source. No backf ill was pla~ed in the v::lido: cr "'a•:-ed by first mining. Second was :;::,:.dt:<.cted ir:c the ".Jpper Ba ltimore, Lower Balt :.more., Mar:;y.? Top Ross.? and Ross beds. and olocking o~ pillars., normal ly c::onsJ.d.ere'.i as second mir1ing operat i on, were not done i :n 7-he 'Upper Balt:imore9 Top Ross, and Ross beds j however, the amount of coal removed ~u~ing first mi~ing, l eaving wide chambers and crosscuts9 places these beds in the second-mining category and they are treated as such. Although the p :i.llars r emaining after second mining are considered 7-.J be sufficiently strong to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers will probably cause cavings that may extend t o the su.rface . No backfill was placed in t he voids created by eitner fir st or second mining. Subsidence may be expected f r om bed areas that were third mined in the Upper Balt. imore;~ Lower Baltimore, Che cker, and Marcy beds . No ba~kfill was placed in the third-mined area during or after the mining cycle. Backf':.ll was placed in t he third-mined areas of the Lower Balt imore bed prior to third mining., bt<.t will offer little deterrent t o subsidence. The subsidence pot ential i n areas of second and third mining is increased by thi~ reck ~over over t he mined areas, such as in J B-4-27 the Upper Baltimore bed where the rock cover varies from 40 to 50 feet in the northern extremity of the second-mined area; and in the Lower Baltimore bed where the rock cover varies from 20 to 50 feet in much of the second-and third-mined areas~ Workings in the Lower Baltimore bed, which is the uppermost bed mined subjacent to Abraham's Creek levee, are at a minimum depth of 151 feet below the surface, under a minimum rock cover of 30 feet. At this point no mining was done in the next lower bed, Bottom Pittston; however, the rock interval is approximately 22 feet. Folio M The total area of the sur·face plate, 289 acres, would be subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest. The flood plaincomprises 134 acresp and the river-levee area 155 acres. The flood plain would be inundated from the assumed flood. crest in case of failures in the flood-protection levees. Tr1e Susquehanna River crosses the plate from east to southwest and occupies a large portion of the plate area. The eastern end of the Forty Fort levee flanks the right bar~ of the Susquehanna River, and a small part of Abraham1 s Creek levee appears in the northern ccrner of the plate. Parts of Forty Fort and Wyoming Boroughs lie along the right bank or west side of the river. A part of Plains Township occupies the left bank or east side. Runways of the Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley Airport occupy the greater part of the plate area. A part of the built-up section of Plainsville appears iri the extreme southern portion. Workings of par-ts of the Maltby-Westmoreland and Number 14 mines are subjacent to the surface area. Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 36.5 or 38.5 feet, depending on whether or not top coal was taken, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Hillman, are at a minimum depth of 100 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 35 feet. Workings in the Top Ross, the lowest bed mined, are at a maximum dept h of 431 feet below the surface, or 108 feet above sea level; however, the workings of the Top Ross bed cover only· a limited area of 6 acres. In contrast, the Marcy bed, which is second from the bottom stratigraphically, was mined over nearly the entire plate area and the workings are at a maximum depth of 531 feet below the surface, or 7 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining operations varies from irregular to regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed1 ranging from 18 to 38 feet on 36-to 60-foo~ centers. Safety pillars are nonexistent in the top bed, Hillman; are few B-4-28 i.n the 'Iop Five Foot. ~ Bottom Five Foot, Upper Baltimore, and Lower Baltimore bedsj and are present on regular intervals in the two bcttom beds;~ Mar.:':y and 'rap Foss. Pillars remaining in all beds as a result of fi.rst m:.ning are considered adequate to support the surface. Backfill was placed in approxlmately 19 percent of the firstmined area~ which wi.ll give additional lateral support to the pillars. Second mining was done in the Hillman, Bottom Five Foot, and Upper Baltimore beds. Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered to be of sufficient strength to prevent crushing~ excessively wide r .:;.:;f areas in the chambers, resulting from second. mining, will cause cavings that may extend to the surface. · Backfill was placed after second mining only in the Hillman bed, where 10 of the 1 5 acres were backfilled. Backfill will reduce the vert.i.:;al amplit ude of ar.:.r subsiden~e from workings in this bed. Thin-rock stra->;a .9 rar-..gJng in thickness from 3 to 8 feet and forming the interval 'bet-..reer. ·'-t:e Foot: bed and the underlying Upper Bal":.imore bed i:: the '2 e·:·.onQ.-mined area~ together with the partially noncolU111."1ar pcs :i:t.ior: of ':.he pillars in these beds, may increase the su:bsi.der,ce -potential. :::1~reased subsid·=nce potential also prevails _ver por<. J~.. :::> A .:= c. ::2:r:.d-mi::--.ed areas because of thin rock ·~over~ s~..::r-1 a s i n ·:.::-ie Hir.i..mar" bed;~ where rock cover varies from 35 t ;:; 50 fee '·. 1..:J tht' n•::-~oa .:kfilled area.; and in the Upper Baltimore bed, where ro~k ~;,ver varies from 40 to ) 0 feet along the northern ex~remity o:f· ~he workinge i n -'.:.he Maltby-Westmoreland mine. SU:bside:::.(!e may be expected from bed areas that were third mined ir. ·t-.he --:pper"'~ Lower ::SS.ltimcre,:. a:r.;d Marcy beds. No backfill was placed in the w·::> rkin~s or after third mining _operations. Pothole su·bsidert:;e may develop over first-mined areas of the Top Five Foe+ bed along the-northeae':err, extremity of the workings near the ou.+:::rep.? ·wbere mine chambers were driven under a rock cover t.hat varies from 25 to 50 fee".:; in t hickness . Workings in t he Hillman bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River are at a minimum depth Gf 115 feet below the riverbed, under a minimum rock cover of 44 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed3 Top Five Foot~ is 50 feet . Workings i::-: t he Top Five Foot bed, which is the uppermost bed mined su'bjacen-t. t o the Forty Fort levee, are at a minimum depth of 164 feet below tr.e surface.9 under a minimum rock cover of 78 feet. Workings i n the Lower Baltimore bed3 which is the uppermost bed mined subjacent t.::J the Abraham's Creek levee, are at a minimum depth of 255 feet below th'=: surface, under a minimum rock cover of 120 feet.. B-4-29 Folio N The area of the surface plate that would be subject to inunda tion from the assumed flood crest comprises 82 ,acres, all of which is river-levee area. The r emaining 207 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest . The entire surface area of this plate lies in Plains Township. A portion of the Susquehanna River appears in the northern corner of the plate.· The shoreline of the assumed flood crest crosses the northwestern portion and runs parallel to River Road and the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The study area is undeveloped, except for a small builtup portio'n of Plainsville in the western corner of the plate. The area outside the study area is likewise scantily developed, and cont ains numerous strip pit s. The main arteries of traffic are River Road and Main Street. ·workings of part of the Number 14 mine are subjacent to the greater part of the plat e area; a small portion of the Henry-Prospectmine -~derliesthe remainder . Seven bedsp having a combined thickness of 41.5 ~eet, have been mined to varying degrees of extrac-tion. Workings in the uppermostbed_p Hillman_p are at a minimum depth of 63 feet below the surface, with a minimum rock cover of l foot. Workings in the bottom bed, Ross_p are at a maximum depth of 560 feet below the surface, or 20 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first nun1ng operations varies f'rom irregular to regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed_p ranging :from 16 to 26 feet on 40-to 55-foot centers. Safetypillars are present i n all beds_p mainly in irregular intervals, except in the Top Five Foot and Lower Baltimore beds where there are none. The pillars from f i rst mining are considered adequate to support the surface in all beds. The 38 acres of backfill in the Upper Baltimore bed is expected to prevent collapse of' the work ings that might otherwise result from the improper columnization of pillars and the thin rock strata, ranging in thickness from l to 10 feet_p between the Upper Baltimore bed and the overlying Bottom Five Foot bed. Very lit~le backfill was placed in the mine voids after first mining in the other beds. Second mining was done in the Hillman, Top Five Foot, Bottom Five Foot_p Upper Baltimore, and Lower Baltimore beds. Although the pillars remaining in all beds after second mining are considered to be of sufficient strength to prevent crushing, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from second mining, will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. Backfill after second mining was not placed in quantity sufficient to deter or seriously minimize subsidence. B-4-30 ----------------------------------------------------~--------------------------- Subsidence may be expected from areas that were third mined in the Hillman and Top Five Foot beds. No backfill wa9 placed in the workings before or after third mining operations. The subsidence in areas o;f second and third mining is increased by thin rock cover over nruch of the mined areas, such as in the Hillman bed where the rock cover varies from 1 to 50 feet; and in the Top Five Foot bed where the rock cover varies f'rom 26 to 50 feet in thickness. Workings in the ':!:'op Five Foot bed, wl'lich is the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Susquehanna River, are at a minimum depth of 105 feet below the riverbed, under a rock cover of 47 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Bottom Five Foot, is 120 feet. ' ..... I --~!!~.0_ ~Es~ cO!~ -~,.,~ c.~ , ,.-~ -~:!-..:, --_,_,..._..... . D ~ . · r . -. ...t--------." , -";-rAN EL\ . . .. ....{ /' ·-;~, .,._ 1 .. _ . r. ~ ~.,-r-1 ----~ 7~ I • ';t i I' ., ., _ ,.~ I o ·~ \ \ \ '• ~-~ \ \ .;--. · = --lr -·~, ~:== =o o, ~ ~~,..,_______ LEGEND •• )l (APPLICABLE TO STUDY AREA) -~~ UNMINED AREA \ __./ -· FIRST MINING ABOVE CRITICAL DEPTH \ FIRST MINING BELOW CRITICAL DEPTH \ 1: fi: SECOND MINING (SKIPPING-SPLITTING PILLARS THIRD MINING (ROBBING) -----: POT HOLE AREA ~ 11 LEVEE Scale 1: 2000 I 1 ·....t"---. . '\• t ~ . 1~ t 1r · ., " .. ~ 0 ;:.. .. I I I \ I I I I I I \ I I I I ,~ I ~ ,.. \ z ~ I \~ . I ;ll ~ l"l ' I I ~ .,. I I \.~ . \ ~ ! I ,.. m \;: , J. I ~ "' J: ~ ~c ~ ~ I tn ~ I (X) · ~ "'X < z 0 \ r "' I '"" ,., I ; I ~", I r ('\ II . I 0 1'1 B H. , ... l ~- 0 r ~~! ~J. ~I r r p "' I :'I I ,.., I (\ 0 ..~ i l a I I ;o z i t ICII -< Ililt I ~ Jl ~ ~ -< (/o l ~• \ ' 'l, I lo CJI ~t-o I ~ ~p-l ). 0 ... ~~ g'd ,l !;: .... 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"' I I l l:t I I I 1,., I I I I· ~ I I I I I I . II' I I I I ,.,. ~ ROAD I I 0 I I ...c I I I ~ I 1 I. ~ ' ... ~ANEL 5 WYOMING -PORT BLANCHARD SECTOR . . . 'I • CONTENTS Page Introduction----------------------------------------------------B-5-1 Descri ption of panel 5------------------------------------------B-5-2 Description of f ol i o s -------------------------------------------B-5-3 A----------------------------------------------------------B-5-4 B----------------------------------------------------------B-5-5 C----------------------------------------------------------B-5-7 D----------------------------------------------------------B-5-8 E----------------------------------------------------------B-5-9 F----------------------------------------------------------B-5-11 G----------------------------------------------------------B-5-12 H----------------------------------------------------------B-5-13 1-----------------------------------~----------r----------~ &-5-14 J--------------------------~~------------------------------&-5-16 K------------------------------------------------------~---&-5-17 L -------------------------------------- -----__ -____________ B-5-18 M----------------------------------------------------------B-5-20 N----------------------------------------------------------B-5-21 TABLES l . Correlat i on of be ds in panel 5------------------------------Fol1owing B-5-2 FIGURES l. Map of panel 5. 2 . Typical cr os s section in fo l io N. INTROWariON Panel 5 comprises 15 fo~ios and covers the Wyoming -Port Blanchard sector of the study area. The topography within the confi.nes of the panel is shown on a map, scale 1 inch equals 21 000 feet, upon which the boundaries of the mines are s~perimposed. Pertinent features, such as th~ Susquehanna River and flood-protection levees, are shoWn in blue and green, respectively. The severity potentials of subsidence within the confines of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest normally identified wi~h the various types of mining are delineated by different patterns of markings and are . shown ~n red. A cross section, scale 1 inch equals 100 feet, through the ·center o~ folio N is shown as typical of the panel. The ~p and cross sec~ion are in~lud~d in this report. The altitude of' tpe shoreline of the assumed flood crest for the determination of the surface study area in this panel is 555 feet, which corresponds to altitude 561.67 feet, U. S. Coast & Geodetic Survey base. Correlation of beds in panel 5 is shown iit table 1." B-5-1 DESCRIPTION OF PANEL 5 The greater part of panel 5, Wyoming-Port Blancherd sector, covers an area north of the Susquehanna River. The northern limit roughly parallels Back Road-Slocum Street in West Wyoming and Exeter Boroughs . . The Susquehanna River and Lehigh Valley Railroad cross the panel near its southern boundary. Wyoming Avenue (u,. S. Route ll)roughly traver ses the central part of the panel from ea st to west. Municipalities in the area covered by the panel are portionsof Pittston City; Wyoming, West Wyoming, Exeter, and West Pittston Boroughs ; and Jenkins and Plains Townships. The central and southeastern parts of the panel are mainly residential; the remeinder being generally undeveloped. The terrain immediately adjacent to the northern shore of the Susquehanna River is mostly farmland. The extreme eastern end of the Forty Fort-Swoyersville levee appears in the western end of the panel . Workings of the Maltby-Westmoreland, Mt. Lookout, Schooley,Exeter, Stevens, Clear Spring, No. 9, Ewen, No. 6, and No. 14 mines are subjacent to the surface area. The site of the Knox mine disaster of January 1959, in which the floodwaters of the Sus quehanna River burst into the underground workings of the Ewen mine, is located along the southern shore of the river in folio J. B-5-2 r e ,e TABLE 1. -Correlation of beds in panel 5 Top Checker----1ITop Checker---1 ---------------!Top Checker---!Top Checker-!Top Checker---!Top Checker'--- General name of bed I Na~t~-\·i estmorerena No . 14 Mt . Lookout No . 6 M I N E Schooley S Ewen Exeter Stevens Cleiii-S:Pnng He: 9 Hillman-------- Hillman------- Hillman------- Diamond-------- Diamond------- Diamond------ -~------------- -1 -- Botto::: Checker-Bot tom Checker Bottom CheckeriChecker-----I Bottom CheckeriChecker----IChecker-------I Checker------- ------IPittston------IPittston-------IPittston------IPittston----IPittston------IPi ttston---IPittston------IPi t t ston-------IPittston------Bottom Pi t t ston Pitt ston-------IPittst on----- Bottom PittstoniBottom Pittston----Bottom Pittston Top Marcy------ITop ~arcy----------1--------------ITop Mar cy------I--------------1------------I--------------I-----------I--------------ITop Marcy------ITop Marcy----!~arc:r----------1Marcy--------------!Marcy---------IMarcy----------IMarcy---------!Marcy-------!Mar cy---------1 Marcy------!Marcy---------1Marcy-------·---!Marcy--------- Top Clark------ITop Ross-----------I Clark---------ITop Ross -------!Top Clark-----!Top Clark---!Top Clark-----!Top Clark--I Clark---------ITop Clark------•--------------Bottcm Cl a r k---I Bottom Ross--------I Bottom Clark--I Bott orn Ross----IBottom Clark--I Bottom Clark iBott om Cla rk--IBabyl on----IBabylon-!Bottom Clark---IClark---------Bottom Clark Top Red Ash----I-------------------IBabylon------~I---------------!Babylon-------I------------I--------------1-----------IBabylon-------•---------------•-------------- Fi fth------IFifth---------IMiddle Red Ash-Botto~, Red Ash-Red Ash-------IRed Ash--------IRed Ash-------IRed Ash-----IRed Ash-------IRed Ash---~ISixth---------I Bottom Red Ash-I Bottom Red Ash l~iddle Red Ash- II A'' --------1It A"---------- "P." ----------- DESCRIPTION OF FOLIOS Folio AA The area of the surface plate that i s subj ect to inundation from the assumed flood crest in case of failures in the Susquehanna River flood-protection levees or from water of Abraham' s Creek comprises 72 acres anq constitutes the flood plain. The remaining 217 acres l i e above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The terrain in the study area is mainly undeveloped, except for the presence of a drive-in movie and tracks of the Lehigh Valley Railroad in the southern part. The surface lying above the shoreline of the a ssumed flood crest comprises the greater part of the folio, and consi sts mainly of the builtup portion of West Wyoming Borough and the surface plant of the abandoned Westmoreland section of the Maltby-Westmoreland mine. The workings of part of that mine are sub jacent to the study area . Four beds, having a combined thickness of 16.5 feet, have b een mined t o varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Pittston, are at a minimum depth of 172 feet below the surfa ce , under a minimum rock cover of 79 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Clark, are at a max imum depth of 375 feet below the surfa ce , or 181 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established duri ng f irst mining operations i s regul a r. Pillars are 26 feet wide on 50~foot centers. A few safety pillars are present in the three lowe r beds, but there are none in t he top bed, Pittston. Pill~rs remaining in the Pittston and Marcy Qeds af t er first mining are considered adequate to support the surface . Backfill wa s not placed in quantity sufficient to aid in the support of the surface. Mining in the Top and Bottom Clark beds i s classified a s second mining because of the large amount of coal removed during initial operation rather than through pilla r -skipping or ~splitting. Although the pill ars remaining are considered adequate to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers will probab ly cause cavings that may extend to the surface. No backfill was !Pl a ced in the voids created by this type of mining. Thir d mining, which is the extraction of pillars , was conducted i n the Pittston, Marcy, and Bottom Clark beds, and subsidence ma y be expect ed therefrom. No ba ckfill wes placed in the r esulting voids . B-5-3 Folio A The area of the surface plate' that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest in case of failures in the Susquehanna River flood-p~otection levees or from waters of Abrahan's Creek comprises 212 acres, all of which. is in the flood plain. · The greater part Qf the study area .is l ocated in the Abraham1 s Creek basin, which is separated from the Susquehanna River river-levee area by a prominent ridge of considerable magnitude. Although this ridge area or high ground, comprising 70 acres· in this cfolio, rises above the altitude of the assumed flood crest, it is a.ctually part of an island, or . peak, in the flood plain and the subsidence potential of the subjacent mine .work:ings will al9o be ev-aluated, making the total surface study area 282 acres. The rem&ining 7 acres lie above the horizon of the a ssumed flood crest. Portions of Wyoming and West Wyoming Boroughs encompass the total area of the plate; however, the major part of the area is in Wyoming. The D. L. &W. Railroad is the dividing line between the two boroughs. A portion qf the Swoyersville-Forty Fort flood protection project, Levee Unit ·2, is shown on this folio. The part of the study area that would be inundated by the assumed flood crest is undeveloped for the most part; the part that is situate~ on the ridge area above altitude 555 feet consists of a large residential area of Wyoming. Workings of parts of the Maltby-Westmoreland and Mt. Lookout mines are subjacent to the study area. Six beds, having a combined thickness of 23.5 or 25 .5 feet, depending on Y?:hether or not top coal ..was taken down, }).ave been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Pittst·on, are at a minirrrum depth of 109 feet below the surface, with a minirrrum rock cover of 50 feet, although one chamber extended under a 20-foot rock cover. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maxirrrum depth of 489 feet below the surface, or 77 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mlrnng operations is slightly irregular in all beds except in the Bottom ClaTk where it is regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 25 to 30 feet on 45-to 50-foot ~enters. Safety pillars were. left to some degree in. all .heds, mainly at irregular intervals; however, they are at regular intervals · in the. Bottom Pittston b.e.d. .. Pillars remaining in all beds after first. mining, namely, in the Bottom Pittston, Marcy, and Top Clark, are considered adequate to support the surface. The first-mined area in the Top Clark bed, subjacent to the Swoyersville-Forty Fort flood-protection project, Levee Unit 2, contains safety pillars and unmined areas that will add support to the overlying strata and the beds contained therein. No backfill was placed in the voids created by first mining. Mining in the Pittston, Bottom Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds is classified as second mining because of the large amount of coal B..; 5-4 removed rather than through pillar-skipping or -splitting . Although the p i llars remaining are consi dered to be of sufficient strength to prevent their being crushed, excessively wi de roof a r ea s in the chambers will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface . The area in the Bottom Clark bed, subjacent to the northern end of the Swoyersville-Forty Fort flood-protection project, Levee Unit 2, contains unmined a reas and safety pillars that will t end to minimize the subsidence potential . Backfill was not placed in quantities sufficient to deter or effectively minimize subsidence . Third mining was done in all beds except the Bottom Pittston and Bottom Red Ash, and subsidence can be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed in the voids creai;.ed by third mining. On March 1, 1897, the roof of one chamber in the Pittston bed in the Mt. Lookout mine, while being driven under a rock cover supposedly greatP.r than 50 feet but that was actually 20 feet, collapsed and caused an inrush of sand, gravel, and water that filled a large area of the workings. No men were in the workings when the collapse occurred. The area wa s later sealed-off by construction of eight brick dams. Folio :E The area of the surfa ce plate that is subject to i nundation from the a s sumed flood crest comprises 216 acres, all of which is riverlevee area . A prominent ridge area of considerable magnitude occupies the northern part of the plate. This area comprises 73 acres in the folio and rises above the altitude of the assumed flood crest; it i s actually a pa rt of an island, or peak, in t h e flood plain and, therefore, is subject to the subsidence potential of the subject mine workings. The total surface study area comprise s 289 acres, of which 216 are in the r i ver-levee area and 73 in the flood plain. Wyoming Boroug~ occupies most of the surface pl ate area, with a small part of Jenkins Township appearing along the southern boundary. The Swoyersville-Forty Fort flood-protection project, Levee Unit 2, and Abraham ' s Creek di version channel lie in the southwestern portion of the plate. The western part of the Eight Street bri dge in Wyoming appears i n the eastern corner of the plate. The part of the study area that would be inundated by the a ssumed flood crest consists of undeveloped farmland and the channel of the Susquehanna River. The part that forms the ridge area is part of the i mpr oved residential area of Wyoming. Workings of parts of the Maltby-Westmoreland, Mt. Lookout, Number 14, and Ewen mines are subjacent to the study area . B-5-5 Eight beds, h avi11g a combined thickness of 40.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees _of extraction• .Workings in the uppermost bed, Top -Checker, are at a minirrrum depth of 140 feet below the surface, with a minirrrum rock cover o.f 50 feet. Workings in the lowest bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at ~ maxirrrum depth 9f 507 feet, or 33 feet above sea level. . ' The pattern of minin,g established during fi'rst operations varies from regular to irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 40 feet on 45 -to 60-foot centers . Safety pillars are either nonexistent or few in number in all beds . except the Marcy, where they are on regular intervals. The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining, nam~ly, Top Checker; Bottom Checker, Pittston, and Marcy, are considered a de quate to support the surface . Backfill in conjunction with first mining was pla ced only in the Pittston bed, where it will give some additiona l support to the pillars. Second mining is considered to have been done in all eight beds in this fo~io, and ~s so classi fied in the Bottom Pittston, Top Clark, Bottom Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds because of the large amount of coal removed rather than through pillar-skipping or -splitting. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be su fficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers and crosscuts will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. The subsidence poten~ial· is aggravated by thin rock strata, 4 to 10 feet, and imperfect columnization b etween the Top and Bottom Checker beds and by thin rock strata, approximately 10 feet, between the Top and Bottom Pittston beds . Backfill in second-mined area s was ,not placed in quantities sufficient to deter or effectively minimize subsidence. Third mining was done in the Pittston, Marcy, Top Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds, and subsidence can be expected therefrom. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining . No mining was done subjacent to the Swoyersville-Forty Fort flood-protection proj ect, Levee Unit 2, and Abraham's Creek diversion channel in the Top Checker, Bottom Checker, Bottom Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds . Third mining was done in the Pittston and Marcy beds, except for a small area at the eastern end of the Marcy. Second and third mining was done in a small area at the southwestern end of the Top Clark bed, wher~ large unmined areas will tend to minimize the subsi dence potential. First mining operations onl~ . are subjacent to the Susquehanna River and Mono canock Island in the Top and Bottom Checker, Pittston, and Marcy beds , under a minirrrum rock cover of 50 feet over the uppermost or Top Checker · ~ed. Thirty-two acres were backfilled in the Pittston bed. B-5-6 Folio C The area of the surface p l ate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 110 acres, all of which is riverlevee area. The remaining 179 acres lie above the horizon of the a ssumed flood crest . Jenkins Township occupies the major part o·f the total plate area. Pl ains Township occupies the remainder of the area and is located along the southwestern boundary of the plate. The Susquehanna River crosses the study area from the northern t o the western corner of the plate along the northwestern boundary. The eastern part of the Eighth Street bridge in Wyoming Borough appears in the northern corner of the plate. The built-up portion of Jenkins Township , known as Port Blancha rd, lies in the northern corner of the plate. The site of the dismantled surface installations of the abandoned Number 14 mine of the Pennsylvania Coal Company is located i r. the west-central part. Strip pits and undeveloped areas occupy the rest cf the plate . Workings of the Number 14 mine underlie the study area . Nine beds, having a combined thicknesE of 49 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extractior, . Workings in the uppermost bed, Hillman, are at a minimum depth of 43 feet below the surface, with a minimum rock cover of zero feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 651 feet below the surface, or 101 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining establi shed during first mlnlng operations varies from regular to irreg~lar. Pillar wi dths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 39 feet on 40-to 65-foot centers. Safety pillars are either _nonexistent or few in number in the upper beds, but are on regular intervals in the lower beds . The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface; however, the rock cover over the uppermost bed, Hillman, ranges from 0 to 50 feet but is 20 to 32 feet thick under the bed of the Susquehanna River, creating a definite subsidence potential. Only l acre of backfill material was placed in the voids created by first mining, which will provide little if any l ateral support to the area . Second mining was done in the Diamond, Top Checker, Bottom Checker, Pittston, Marcy, and Bottom Clark beds. Although the pi llars r emaining after second mining are considered t o be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the Chambers, resulting from pillar-skipping-blocking, will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface . Backfill wes not placed in sufficient quantities after second mining to deter or effectively minimize subsidence. Third mlnlng was done in the Hil l man, Diamond, Top Checker, Bottom Checker, and Pittston beds, and subsidence cen be expected therefrom . No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. B-5-7 The subsidence potential in seGQn~ and third mining is intensified by thin rock cover, 7 to 15 feet, and imperfect columnization between the Top and Bottom Checker beds; and by thin rock cover, 0 to 20 feet, in third-mining areas of the Hillman bed. There is no mining subj acent to the Susquehanna River in the uppermost beds, Hillman and Diamond. Second mining operations were conduc t ed under the river in the Top and Bottom Checker and Pittston beds, under minimum rock cover of 60 feet, while first mining only was done in the Marcy and Bottom Clark beds under a minimum rock cover of 300 f eet. No effective backfill was placed in .any of the mining voids. Folio D The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation in ca se of failure s in the Sus quehanna River flood-protect~on levees or f r om waters. of Abraham's and Hick's Creeks comprises 13-acres, all of which is flood plain. The anticline s eparating Abraham's Creek f r om Hick's Cre ek in this f olio does not rise above the altitude of the assumed 'f lood crest. The channels of. both creeks a!'e s eparated f r om the Susquehanna Rive r river-levee area by a ridge of considerable magnitude. Although this r i dge area, comprising 148 acr es in this foli o, r ises above the altit~de o f the assumed flood crest, virtually f orming an island in the flo"od pla'in, it' is subject to -';he subsidence potential of the subjacent mine workings . The total surface study area is 279 acres, all flood pl ain. The remaining 10 acres lie above t he h orizon of the assumed f -lood crest . Portions of W~st Wyoming and Wyoming Boroughs occupy the western and southern parts ·of the pl ate, respectively. A pa rt' of Exeter Borough occupi es the remainder, which is approximately 50 p e rcent. The areas in Wyoming and West Wyoming and in a sw.all part of Exet e r are mainl y residential; the remainder of the plate is undeveloped. The D. L. & W. and Lehigh Valley Ra ilroads cross the center of the plate from southwest to northeast. Wyoming Avenue (U. S. Route ll) crosse s t h e pl ate froin southwest to east. Underground ~,.;orkings of pa rts of the Schooley, Ewen, and Mt . Lookout mine s are subjacent to t he study area. Seven b e ds, having a combined thickness of 33 feet, have been mined t o varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Bottom Checker, . ar.e -at a minimum depth .o.f l40 feet below the su rface, with a minimum rock cover of 13 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 576 feet below t he surface, or 32 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mlnlng operations i s i r r e gular. Pillar widths vary from 26 to 32 feet on 50-foot cent e r s . There are· no safety pillars present. There is no first mining r emaining in any bed except the Bottom Red Ash . The pillars rema ining B-5-8 ...... j in the Bottom Red Ash bed after first ffillllng are considered adequate to support the surface. No backfill wa s placed after first mining . There is no second ffilnlng remalnlng in the uppermost bed, BottomChecker. Second mining was done in all beds except the Bottom Ch ecker. Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered tobe sufficiently strong to p~event their being crushed, excessively wideroof areas in the chambers and crosscuts, resulting from second mining,will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface . Only twoscattered acres of backfill was placed in the voids created by secondmining; it will neither deter nor effectively minimize the effects ofsubsidence. Third mining was done in all beds in the folio except in the Bottom Pittston and Bottom Red Ash, and subsidence can be expected therefrom. Th e subsider.ce potentia l is aggravated by thin rock cover of 13 to 50 feet above the Bottom Checker bed. No backfill was pl acedin the voids created by third mining . The subsidence potential in second and third mining is aggravatedby thin-rock intervals between the Pittston and Bottom Pittston beds,20-foot average, and Top and Bottom Cla rk beds, 12 to 45 Folio E The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 177 acres, all of which is river levee area . A considerable portion of the plate area lies above the altitude of the assumed flood crest; however, this area, comprising 112 acres in this folio , i s part of an island in the flood plain and, consequently, i s included in the evaluation of the subsidence poten tial of the total surface study area, 289 acres, consisting of 177acres of river-levee area and 11 2 acres of flood plain. Wyoming and Exeter Boroughs each occupy approximately half ofthe plate area in the southwestern and northeastern parts, respectively, with a narrow strip of Jenkins Township lying a·long the southeastern border. Wyoming Avenue (U. S. Route 11), a main traffic a r tery, touches the northern corner of the plate; the Susquehanna Riverflows along the southeastern boundary. The part of the study are a that lies above the assumed flood crest and i s considered as floodplain contains residential areas of Wyowing and Exeter, with theusual complement of commercial and public buildings. The remainderof the plate is farmland or the Susquehanna River. Workings of partsof the Mt . Lookout and Ewen mines a re subjacent to the study area. Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 38.5 feet, have beenmined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings i n the uppermostbed, Pittston, a re at a minimum depth of 90 feet below the surface, B-5-9 with a minimum rock cover of 5'3 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 564 feet below the surface, or 9 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established 4uring first mining operations varies from slightly irregular to irregular. P~llar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 20 to 42 feet on 40-to 70-foot centers. Safety pillars are either nonexistent or few in number. Pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface. Backfill was placed in the Bottom Red Ash bed in only two of the 201 acres first mined, which wi l give very little additional ~upport to the ~illars. Second mining was done in all beds. Although the pillars remaining after second mining in all beds, except in t he Bottom Red Ash, subjacent to the flood plain are considered to be of sufficient strength to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from pillar-skipping-splitting, will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. Subsidence may also be expected from second-mined workings in the Bottom Red Ash bed underlying the flood plain. They lie below a depth of 480 feet, where overburden weight exceeds calculated safe pillar strength. The subsidence potential in second-mined areas is increased where a 4-acre tract of the Bottom Pittston bed, 3 feet thick, was. mined as bottom coal of the Pittston bed. Backfill p l aced after second mining in this area is not considered adequate to deter or effectively minimize subsiden~e . Third mining was done in the Pittston, Marcy, Top Clark, Bottom Clark, anO. Bottom Red Ash beds, and subsidence can be expected therefrom. No backfill was pl aced ~n the voids created by third mining. The subsidence potential in second-and third-mined area s is increased by thin rock strata between the Top Marcy and Marcy beds, ranging from 4.5 to 14 feet, and 18 feet between the Top and Bottom Clark beds. Imperfect columnization of pillars is general between the Top and Bot~om Clark beds. In the uppermost bed, Pittston, second mining operations are subjacent to the Susquehanna ,River, under a minimum rock cover of 69 feet. First and se·co:rid mining are subjacent to the river in the Marcy, Top Clark, and .Red Ash beds,.· under a minimum rock cover of 150 feet in the uppermost'·bed of this series, the Marcy. First mining only was conducted under the river in the Bottom Clark bed, under a minimum rock coyer of 260 feet. B-5-10 .. Folio F The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 68 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The entire study area lies in Jenkins Township . The shoreline of the assumed flood crest crosses t he northwestern portion of the plate and is the dividing line between the riverlevee area and the higher ground rising ea stwardly. Main Street (River Road, Pa . Route 5) and the Lehigh Valley a nd Erie Ra ilroads roughly pa r allel the shoreline of the a ssumed flood crest. The Susquehanna River crosses the study area along the northwestern boundary of the plate. A resident:i,a l area of Jenki ns Township and t he Hoyt shaft of Ewen mine, Permsylvani a Coal Company, are s i tuated along River Road. The remainder of surface on the plate i s undeveloped. Workings of parts of the Ewen and No. 14 mines are subj a cent to the study area. Eight beds, having a combined thickness of 44.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. The uppermost bed in stratigraphic sequence, Top Checker, was mined only sparsely in the study area. The workings are at a minimum depth of 128 feet below the surface . Workings i:r: the Bottom Checker bed, the second bed from the top, reach a depth of only 50 feet below the surface, with a .min imum rock cover of 21 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 598 feet below the surface, or 58 feet below sea level. The pattern of mining established duri ng first mining operations varies from regular to irregular, being regula r in the t wo upper beds and irregula r in the lower beds . Pilla r width va ries from bed to bed, ranging from 18 to 52 feet on 40-to 70-foot centers . Safety pillars are present to some extent in all beds except the Top Checker where there are none . They are present on regular intervals in the Bottom Checker and few in the remaining beds . The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface . Backfill was not placed in sufficient quantities after first mining t o give any additional support to the pillars . Second mining was done in all beds in the folio except in the Top Checker. Although the pillars remaining after second mining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas in the chambers, resulting from p i llarskipping-blocking, will probably cause cavings that may extend to the surface. No backfill was placed in the voids created by second IDln~ng. Subsidence potentials. in t he second-mined area s are increased by thin IDCk cover of 21 to 50 feet over some area s of the Bottom Checker bed; by 3 acres in the Top Marcy bed tha t were mined a s top coal of t he Marcy bed; and by thin rock strat a of 23 feet between the Top and Bottom Clark beds and imperfect columnization of pillars in these beds. B-5 -11 Third mining in the Top Checker; Bottom Checker, Pittston, and Marcy beds may cause subsidence inasmuch a·s no backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. First and second mining operations were conducted subjacent to the Susquehanna River in the Pittston, Marcy, Bottom Clark, and Red Ash beds, under a minimum rock cover of 140 feet in the uppermost or Pittston bed. Second mining was conducted under the river in the Top Clark bed, under a minimum rock cover of 270 feet. No efficient backfill was placed in these areas. ·Folio G The area of the surface plate that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest, i n case of failures in the flood-protection system of levees and from waters of Hick's Creek, comprises 44 acres, all of which is flood plain. The remainder of the plate, 245 acres, lies above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. The . entire plate area covers parts of Exeter Borough and the Hick's Creek drainage basin. The latter is separated from the Susquehanna River and riverlevee area by a ridge that rises above the altitude of the assumed flood crest in the form of an island, or peak, in the flood plain . and, therefore, is considered a part of it for the stu •I •• I ' / z I m ....... r -I en ~ c fTI :I: ITI z ::0 < ii 0 en 3: fTI 0 -I 0 z ~ ITI z ITI , 0 3: 0 , 3: z r z 3: ~ • z 0 z ::0 z Q Q fTI z tD ~ Q ~ r tD ITI 0 ::0 ~ 0 en < -I ITI tD 0 tD " =ij =.-::::. , 0 en z ::0 Q z -I =i U> Q c 0 0 0 I 0 I ~ -< en, r (I) I· l>r ::0 I 0 -I ITI ITI , -I ~ -I I z II :I: Q I N 0 , ---r - 0 r 0 r ~ ·I ::0 en ~ I '~ 10 I I I r l -~· ----~ >.;.-' / " / r I ' 2 "' 5 z ~ ~ <( ;r., ::1 ~> "' "~ 01 '· :> 1-----------------__,_ ~----~·-,..-----:::;:::::----..... ..,., -~ -r.. ·~--~---------~ r ' " """ . -·· E XETER COlL I ER Y . c-:1~~ , . ~~ ~---<:: ~=c-- LE H I G J.I V ALLE Y C OA L CO. '"'" ~-~ -r;;~_..L/(.-~ --------------.---- t.. 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OA L C ::> ------- ----- "OPnE.O!~H ___ -- - - - - ---- ~ ------ - - ;.,Q_pj,l _ll_J Q Uii_ _ _ - - - ---- - - . i'... ~on:~~~ ----;-~.. ...j4T ... ,!0~ ------~!.-or- Cq_0SS S EC TI 0 N , FO L I 0 5-N LOOKI NG UPSlREAM 0 !>0 100 200 Hor &. V~rt 5r...ulc. 1n F' fl.c.t: J -·------.1 , PANEL 6 PITTSTON ~ DURYEA SECTOR CONTENTS Page Introduction---------------------------------------------------B-6-1 Description of panel 6-----------------------------------------B-6-2 Description of folios------------------------------------------B-6-3 A---------------------------------------------------------B-6-3 B---------------------------------------------------------B-6-5 C---------------------------------------------------------B-6-6 D---------------------------------------------------------B-6-8 E---------------------------------------------------------B-6-10 F---------------------------------------------------------B-6-11 G---------------------------------------------------------B-6-13 H---------------------------------------------------------B-6-14 1---------------------------------------------------------B-6-15 J---------------------------------------------------------B-6-17 TABLES 1. Co rrelation of bed s in panel 6-----------------------------Following B-6-2 FIGURES 1. Map of panel 6 . 2. Typical cross section in f olio G. INTRODUCTION Panel 6 comprises 10 f olios and covers the Pittston -Duryea sector of the study area. The topography within the confines of the panel is shown on a map,scale l inch equals 2,000 feet, upon which the boundaries of the mines are superimposed. Pertinent features, such e.s the Susquehanna and Lacka wanna Rivers and flood-protection levees, are shown in blue and green,respectively.. The severity potentials of subsidence within the confines of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest normally identified with the various types of mining are delineated by different patterns of markingsand are shown in red. A cross section, scale l inch equals 100 feet,through the center of folio G is shown as typical of the panel. The mapand cross section are included in this report. The altitude of the shoreline of the assumed flood crest for the determination of the surface study area in this panel changes in accor d ance with the steeply rising gradient of the streambed of the Lackawanna River and is as follows: Altitude, feetFolio This report U.S.C.&G.S. base A, B, c 560 566.67 D, E 565 571.67 F, G, H 580 586.67 I, J 600 606.67 Correlation of beds in panel 6 is shown in table l. B-6-1 DESCRIPTION OF PANEL 6 Panel 6, Pittston -Duryea sector, consisting of 10 folios, lies at the extreme eastern end of the study area in the Wyoming Basin. The Susquehanna River flows through the western part of the panel in a southerly direction. The Lackawanna River traverses the central portion of the panel in a westerly direction to its confluence With the Susquehanna River. Principal highway traffic arteries are U. S. Route 11, which crosses the extreme southern corner of the panel; Pennsylvania Route 92 (Sullivan Trail), which crosses the western corner; and Main Street, which parallels the La ckawanna River between Pittston and Duryea . Railroads in the panel are the Lehigh Valley and D. L . & W. The Susquehanna River is crossed by the Fort Jenkins highway bridge, carrying U. S. Route 11, and by two railroad bridges that carry the D. L. &W. and Lehigh Valley Railroads, respectively. The discharge portal of the Pittston water tunnel, which drai ns portions of the workings of the Pennsylvania Coal Company in this area, is located on the east bank of the Susquehanna River, approximately 350 feet upstream from the Fort J enkins bridge. The Lackawanna River is crossed by the Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge and three highway bridges, namely, Pa. Route 35011 leading to Coxton; Stephenson Street bridge; and Connell Street bridge. Political subdivisions in the area are Pittston City ; West PHtston, Exeter, Duryea, Hughestown, and Old Forge Boroughs; and Ransom 'Township . The Luzerne-Lackawanna County line pa sses through the eastern end of the panel area. Principal residential areas are Pittston, West Pittston, ·and Exeter at the southern corner of the panel, and Duryea at the eastern corner; elsewhere, the terrain is generally undeveloped. Workings of portions of the Stevens, Clear Spring, ~umber 9, William "A, " Seneca, Old Forge, Hallstead, and Central mines underlie the panel area covered by the 10 folios. B-6-2 • e • TAllLE 1. -Correlation of beds in panel 6 M I N E S General nameof bed Stevens Clear Spring Seneca No. 9 William "A" Railstead Central Old Forge Checker--------IChecker-----IChecker--------IChecker----IChecker-------Pittston-------IPittston----IPittston-------IPittston---IPittston------Bottom Pittstoni------------IBottom Pittston•-----------·-------------- Top Mar~------ITop Mar~---ITop Mar~------ITop Marcy--JTop Marcy-----·--------------·-------------·----------·-------------Marcy----------IMarcy-------IMarcy----------IMarcy------IMarcy---------IMarcy---------IMarcy--------IMarcy-----1----•-------- Clark----------IClark-------ITop Clark------IClark------IClark---------IClark---------IClark--------IClark-----·--------------Bottom Clark---IBottom ClarkiBottom Clark---Top Red Ash----IBabylon-----1---------------ITop Red Ashi--------------ITop Red Ash---INo. 1 DunmoreiNigger----ITop Red Ash---Middle Red Ash-lFifth-------lMiddle Red Ash-lFifth------IMiddle Red Ash!Middle Red AshiNo. 2 DunmoreiMined 'WithlMiddle Red AshRed Ash Bottom Red Ash-ISixth-------IRed Ash--------ISixth------IRed Ash-------IBottom Red AshiNo. 3 DunmoreiRed Ash---IBottom Red Ash DESCRIPTION OF FOLIOS Folio A The surface area of this folio that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest through failure of the flood-protection levee in th'e western part of the folio and from natural overflow elsewhere comprises 243 acres, of which 64 is flood plain and 179 river-levee area. Eighteen acres of the flood plain are on a ridge rising above the assumed flood crest and are part of a larger area extending from an adjacent panel. This· ridg-e is part of an island, or mound, in the flood plain and will be included in the evaluation of its subsidence potentials. The remaining 46 acres lie above the horizon of the assumed flood crest· and study area. The surface area lies in West Pittston, Exeter, and Duryea Boroughs, with the major portion being in Exeter. The Susquehanna River flows in a southeasterly direction through the folio from the northern corner, and when Scovell Island is included occupies approximately half of the surface area. The area west of the Susquehanna River is mixed residential and commercial, but rather sparsely developed. Hick's Creek, at its confluence with the Susquehanna River and Levee Unit 3 of the flood-protection system, is located near the center of the plate. Scovell Island and the area east of the river are undeveloped. The Exeter and West Pittston Railroad, a private railroad that hauls fuel and supplies to the Pennsylvania Power & Light Company power plant at Harding, parallels the west bank of the river. A spur of the Lehigh Valley Railroad crosses the western part of the· area. The western abutment of the railroad bridge spanning the river and-leading to the Coxton Yards of the Lehigh Valley Railroad just touches the folio area. Pennsylvania Route 92, known as "Sullivan Trail," traverses the western portion of the area. Workings of parts of the Stevens and Seneca mines are subjacent to the area. Nine beds, having a combined thickness of 42 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Checker, are at a minimum depth of 37 feet below the surface, including a rock cover of 8 feet. Workings in the lowest bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 462 feet below the surface, which is 69 feet above sea level. The pattern of mln1ng established during first mln1ng varies from regular to irregular in the upper beds, but is mainly regular in the lower beds. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 21 to 38 feet on 40-to 60-foot centers. Safety pillars or unmined areas are present to some degree in all beds except in the Checker, Pittston, and Top Red Ash. Pillars rema1n1ng in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface. No first-mined area remains in the Checker bed. Pothole subsidence, however, may develop in an area in the Marcy bed subjacent to Scovell Island where mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 38 to 50 feet. Subsidence potentials exist where first mln1ng was done under thin rock cover in the following places: Pittston bed, under 30 to 50 feet B-6-3 of rock, along the northwestern limit of mining in the flood plain, and under 33 to 50 feet of rock in a small area subjacent to the channel of the Susquehanna River west of Scovell Island; and in the Top Marcy bed, under a rock cover of 46 t o 50 feet, at the face of two chambers subjacent to Scovell Island. No backfill was placed after first mining. Certain areas in the Checker, Pittston, Marcy, and Bottom Red Ash beds, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations, have been cl assified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. The subsidence potentials resulting from second mining are in-· creased where mining was done under thin rock cover as follows: Checker bed, under 17 to 28 feet, subjacent to the southern end of the floodprevention levee and less than 50 feet in .several other places under the flood plain; also in the Pittst on bed, under rock cover of 17 to 50 feet, ..: at the limit of mining along t h e southwestern boundary of the plate in the flood plain. No b~ckfill was placed in the voids created by second . mining. .~ Third Illlnlng was done in t he Checker, Pittston, Top :t-1arcy, Marcy, Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential is i _creased where workings in the Checker bed were advanced under a rock cover ranging in thickness from B to 50 feet under the flood plain at the s outhern corner. No backfill was placed subsequent to third mining. The second-mined area in the Checker bed subjacent to the southern end of Levee Unit 3 of the flood-protection system is at a minimum depth of 59 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 17 feet. This bed is not mined subjacent to the Susquehanna River. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Pittston, is 39 feet. The mined area (first mining) in the uppermost bed, Pittston, sub~ jacent to the Susquehanna River is at a minimum depth of 84 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 33 feet. The mined area (first mining) subjacent to the levee is 87 feet below the surface, with ro~k. a cover of 51 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Top Marcy, is 100 feet. The mined area in the Top Marcy bed (first mining) subjacent to the Susquehanna River is at a minimum depth of 144 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 56 feet. The mined area (first mining) subjacent to the levee is at a minimum depth of 201 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 181 feet. The rock interval to the next underlying bed, Marcy, is ll feet. The western end of the Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge, spanning the Susquehanna River at the northern corner of the folio, is outside the cropline of the lowest coalbed. B-6-4 Folio B The surface area in this folio that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 280 acres, of which 64 are flood plain and 216 river-levee area . The remaining 9 acres lie above the altitude of the assumed flood crest at the eastern corner of the folio. The 64 acres allocated to flood plain are on a ridge that is part of a larger area extending from an adjacent panel. This ridge is part of an isl8nd of higher ground within the flood plain and will be included in the analysis of it. A portion of West Pittston Borough, including residential and commer cial areas, occupies the western part of the folio . A part of Pittston, undeveloped except for a small area known locally as "Upper Pittston," occupies most of the remainder. A small undeveloped area of Duryea Borough lies at the northern corner. The Susquehanna River, including the southern tip of Scovell I sland, traverses the surface area from northwest to southeast, with the confluence of the Lackawanna River appearing near the northern corner. The D. L . &W. Railroad, including a bridge across the Susquehanna River, traverses the area from east to west . The principal traffic artery is Exeter Street, which is part of Pa. Route 92. The main line of the Lehigh Valley Rail road crosses the eastern corner of the surface area; the southern terminus of the Exeter-West Pittston Railroad appears in the western portion. Portions of the workings of the Clear Spring, Stevens, and Seneca mines are subjacent to the plate area . Nine beds, having a combined thickness of 49 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Checker, are at a minimum depth of 75 feet below the surface, with a minimum rock cover of l foot at one location. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 477 feet below the surface, which is 85 feet above sea level . The pattern of mining established during first mlnlng operations varies from regular to very irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 21 to 58 feet on 40-to 80-foot centers. Safety pillars or unmined areas are present to some degree in all beds. The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface, however, some subsidence potential is indicated throughout most of the area where mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 6 to 50 feet with some pothole subsidence likely along the southeastern bo~der of the -plate. This area is subjacent to the Susquehanna River, the D. L. &W. Railroad bridge, and the unimproved terrain on the eastern side of the Susquehanna River. No backfill was placed following first mining operations. Except in the Middle Red Ash, certain areas in all beds wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, B-6-5 excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. The subsidence po~ential in the major part of the Checker bed is increased where mining was done under a thin rock cover ranging fron 1 to 50 feet and in the Pi~tston bed sub-' jacent to the western abutment of the D. L . & W. Railroad bridge under a rock cover of 31 to 50 feet . Backfill was not placed in quantity suffi-·•· cient to deter or minimize ex~sting subsidence potentials . Some third mining was done in the Top Marcy (1 acre), Marcy, Clark, and Middle Red Ash beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. A portion of the Pittston bed was strip-mined. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. The mined area in the Checker bed (second mining) subjacent to the Susquehanna River is at a min~um depth of 79 feet below ~he riverbed, with a rock cover of 34 feet. No mining was done in this bed subjacent to the D. L. &W. Railroad br~dge spanning the Susquehanna River or under the Lackawanna River. The mined area in the Pittston bed (first mining) subjacent to the Susquehanna River is at a minimum depth of 74 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 18 feet. The area subjacent to the D. L. &W. Railroad bridge (f~rst mining) is at a minimum depth of 94 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 44 feet. No mining was done in this bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River. No mining was done in the Bottom Pittston bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River, the D. L. &W. Railroad bridge, or the Lackawanna River. Mining in the Top Marcy bed · (first mining) subjacent to the Susquehanna River is at a minimum depth of 163 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 121 feet. No mining was done in this bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River or the D. L . &W. Railroad bridge . The mined a~ea in the Marcy bed, which is the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Lackawanna River (third mining) is at a minimum depth of 188 feet below the r~verbed, with a rock cover of 144 feet . The extent and character of mining subjacent to the Susquehanna River, the D. L. &W. Railroad bridge, or the Lackawanna River varies in beds lower stratigraphically than ~hose listed previously. Folio C The surface area of this folio that is subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest compr~ses 146 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 143 a cres lie above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. Portions of West Pittston Borough and Pittston City occupy practically the entire surface area, with Hughestown Borough touching the eastern corner. The Susquehanna Rive~ crosses the area in a southerly direction in the west-central portion, with the Fort Jenkins bridge (U. S . Route 11) at the southern end. The Lehigh Valley Railroad and N. Main Street, a principal traffic artery, traverse the area from north to south on the east side of the river; · Exete~ Avenue (Pa. Route 92) lies on the western B-6-6 side of the river at the western corner of the area. The area on the west side of the river in West Pittston is residential; that on the east side in Pittston is mixed residential and commercial, with considerable undeveloped terrain along the river and at the eastern corner. Workings of parts of the Clear Spring, No. 9, and Seneca mines are subjacent to the area, with the discharge portal of the Pittston water tunnel of the No. 9 mine located approximately 350 feet upstream from the Fort Jenkins bridge along the east or downstream shore of the river. Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 39 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Checker, are at a minimum depth of 33 feet below the surface under a rock cover of 2 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 481 feet below the surface, which is 119 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining operations varies from irregular to regular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 19 to 30 feet on 35-to 60-foot centers. Safety pillars or unmined areas are present to some degree in all beds except in the Checker and Clark. Pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface; however, pothole subsidence may develop where mining was done in the Pittston bed under rock covers ranging from 28 to 50 feet in three areas adjacent and subjacent to the Susquehanna River. In another area where mining was done subjacent to the riverbed and the Pittston water tunnel, concrete dams were placed in the two gangways connecting this area to the main body of workings. This information, although not indicated on the mine map, was obtained from coal company engineers. Backfill after first mining was not placed in quantity sufficient to deter or effectively minimize subsidence. Except in the Middle Red Ash, certain area s in all beds wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface . The subsidence potential is increased in the Checker bed where mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 2 to 36 feet along the northern limit of mining in the vicinity of the Susquehanna River and N. Main Street in Upper Pittston; however, this area is isolated from other workings by three reinforcedconcrete dams, and under a rock cover of 32 to 50 feet at the western corner of the plate in West Pittston, and in the Pittston bed under a rock cover of 32 to 50 feet at the northern limit of mining between the Susquehanna River and N. Main Street in Upper Pittston . Backfill was placed only in the top two beds, but not in quantity sufficient to deter or minimize subsidence. B-6-7 Third mlnlng was done only in the Checker and Marcy beds, and subsidence can be expected therefrom. The subsidence poter_tial is increased in the Checker bed where_mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 2 to 35 feet at the northern limit of mining between the Susquehanna River and N. Main Street in Upper Pittston. This is adjacent to ~he area mentioned under second mining, which is isolated by three reinforced-concrete dams. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. No mining was done in the Checker bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River or the Fort Jenkins bridge spanning the river except where two wide chambers were driven adjacent to the south bank of the river at a mlnlr:'lm depth of 87 feet below the surface and under a rock cover of 33 feet. Workings in the uppermost bed, Pittston, s'ubjacent to either ~he Susquehanna River or Fort Jenkins bridge, are .first mined and at a minimum depth of 92 feet below the riverbed under a rock cover of 32 feet; no mining was done in this bed subjacent to the Fort Jenkins bridge. No mining was done in the Top Marcy bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River or the Fort Jenkins bridge. The mined areas (first mining) in the Marcy bed subjacent to the Susquehanna River and the Fort Jenkins bridge are at minimum depths of 147 and 165 feet below the riverbed, under rock covers of 65 and 76 fee~, respectively. The stratigraphically lower beds subjacent to the river andthe Fort Jenkins bridge were either not mined or are of depths greater than those cited previously. The mined area (first mining) in the Pittston bed, the uppermost bed mined, subjacent to the Pittston water tunnel is at a minimum depth of _, 96 feet below the surface at the tunnel portal, under a rock cover of 87 feet. In some of the beds lying stratigraphically below the Pittston bed no mining was done in the vicinity of the tunnel portal. Folio D The surface area of this folio subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 168 acres, all of which is river-levee area. _The · remaining 121 acres lie above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. The entire area lies in Duryea Borough, and the terrain is -mainly undeveloped or farmland. The main line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad traverses the area from northwest to southeast. The Susquehanna Riv~r touches the western corner. B-6-8 Workings of portions of the William "A" and Seneca mines are subjacent to the area. Five beds, having a combined thickness of 21 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction . Workings in the uppermost bed, Top Marcy, are at a minimum depth of 213 feet below the surface, however, only 1 acre was mined in this bed. Workings in the next two stratigraphically lower beds, Marcy and Clark, are at minimum depths of 70 and 31 feet below the surface, respectively, with no rock cover in the Marcy bed and mininrum rock covers of 6 and 15 feet in the Clark bed, along the croplines of both beds. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash , are at a maximum depth of 472 feet below the surface, which · i s 71 feet above sea level. The pattern of mQnlng established during first mlnlng is regular except in the Bottom Red Ash bed where it is slightly irregular. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 25 to 36 feet on 50-to 59-foot centers. Safety pillars and unmined areas are present to some degree in all beds . Pillars remalnlng in all beds after first mlnlng are considered a dequate to support the surface; however, subsidence potential exists along the outcrops of the Marcy, Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds whe r e mining was done under rock covers of 0 to 50 feet, 15 to 50 feet, and 1 to 50 feet, respectively. No backfill was placed after first mining. Certain areas in the Marcy, Middle Red Ash , and Bottom Red Ash beds, wherein an unusually l a rge percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessive roof area s exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. The sub sidence potential is increased in areas along the outcrops of the Marey, Clark, and Bottom Red Ash beds that were not strip-mined, but where workings exist under rock covers of 16 to 50 feet, 6 to 50 feet, and 23 to 50 feet, respectively. No backfill was placed after second mining. Third mining was done in the Marcy, Clark, Middle Red Ash, and Bottom Red Ash beds and subsidence may be expected therefrom. No back fill was placed a f ter third mining . No mining was done subjacent to the Susquehanna River in this folio . B-6-9 Folio E • The surface area of this folio subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 165 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 124 acres lie above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. Portions of Pittston City and Duryea Borough occupy the southern and northern parts of the area, respectively. A residential area of Pittston lies at the southern corner; elsewhere, the terrain is undeveloped or far.mland. The Lackawanna River traverses the area from east to west. The main line of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and a branch of the D. L. &W. Railroa d cross the area. Main Street is the principal t raffic arte r y between Pittston and Duryea. A highway bridge leading from Main St . to Coxton and a Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge cross the Lackawanna River . A WPAbuilt levee flanks the right bank of the Lackawanna River in the northeastern portion of the area. 11 A, 11 Workings of portions of the Seneca, William and No. 9 mines are subjacent to the area . Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 34 . 5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction . Workings in the uppermost bed, Checker, are at a mini mum depth of 27 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 2 feet . Workings i n the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash , are at a maximum depth of 468 feet below the surface, which is 74 feet above sea level. The pattern of IDlnlng est ablished during first IDlnlng operations is regular in all beds except the Top Marcy, where it i s irregula r . Pillar widths va ry from bed to bed, r anging from 17 to 39 feet on 35to 62 -foot centers. Safety p~llars and/or unmined areas are present to some degree in all beds . Pil ars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered a de quate to support the surface ; however, workings in the Checker and Pittston beds were extended under rock covers of 2 to 44 feet and 24 to 50 feet, respectively, near the cropline of the northern l imit of mining, which creates definit e subsidence potentials. This area in the Pittston bed is subjacent to the bed of the Lackawanna River. No backfill was placed after :'irst mining. Certain areas in the Checker, Pittston, Marcy, Middle Red Ash, and Bottom Red Ash beds, wherein an unusually l a r ge percentage of coal was removed in first mining operat ions, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may r each to the surface. The subsidence potential is intensified in the ·=:hecker, Pittston, and Marcy beds where mining wa s done under rock covers varying from 2 to 30 feet, 0 to 50 feet, and 10 to 50 feet, respectively, a l ong the outcrops B-6-10 of the beds at the northern limits of mining. The area in the Pittston bed is subjacent to the bed of the Lackawanna River. Backfill after second mining was not placed in quantity suffici ent to deter or minimize subsidence. Third mining was done in the Pittston, Top Marcy, Marcy, and Clark beds, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. There i s no mining in the Checker bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River, WPA levee, Lehigh Valley Railroad bri dge , or highway bridge . In the Pittston bed, which is t he uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Lackawanna River, the mined area (second mining) is at a minimum depth of 75 feet below the riverbed and the highway bridge, with a rock cover of 41 feet under the bridge. I n another area the depth is 79 feet below the riverbed, with no rock cover; however, reinforced-concrete dams were placed in the three chambers at this point . The mined area subjacent to the WPA levee ( second mining) is at a minimum depth of 110 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 27 feet. No mining was done subjacent to the Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge . The mined area (first mining) i n the Top Marcy bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River is at a minimum depth of 174 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 147 feet. There is no mining in this bed subjacent to the WPA levee, Lehigh Valley Railroad bri dge, or highway bridge. The mined area in the Marcy bed (second mining) subjacent to the Lackawanna River is at a minimum depth of 113 feet below the bed of the river, with a rock cover of 64 feet . The .mined area (second mining) subjacent to the WPA levee is at a minimum depth of 110 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 50 feet. The mined area (second mining) subjacent to the highway bridge i s at a minimum depth of 174 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 142 feet . Workings in this bed, which is the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge, are at a minimum depth of 213 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 116 feet. The stratigraphically lower beds have been mined to various degrees of extraction. Folio F The surface area of this folio subject to inundation from the assumed f lood crest comprises 44 acres, all of which i s river-levee area. The remaining 245 acres l i e above the horizon of the assumed flood crest. The entire area lies in Duryea Borough, and the terrain consists of undeveloped land containing numerous mine-refuse banks . A spur of the Lehigh Valley Railroad crosses the southern corner. • Workings of portions of the William "A," Seneca, and Hallstead mi nes underlie the surface area. B-6-11 Five beds, having a cpmbined thickness of 22 feet, have be~n. mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Marcy, are at distances below the surface of 56 to 150 feet, under rock ·covers ranging from 0 to 50 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 268 feet below the surface; however, workings in the Middle Red Ash bed lying stratigraphically above the Bottom .Red Ash have been mined over a larger area and are at a maximum depth of 296 feet below the surface, which is 244 feet above sea level. .- The pattern of mining established during first IDln1ng is regular in all beds except in the Top and Middle Red Ash beds where it is irregular; however, first mining remains only in the Clark and Bottom Red Ash beds. ' Pillar widths are 19 and · 25 feet on 42-and 46-foot centers. ·There a:r.e no safety pillars present. Pillars remaining after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface. No backfill was placed after first mining. Certain areas in the Marcy, Clark, Top Red Ash, and Middle Red Ash beds, wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations, have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to' prevent their being crushed, excessive roof areas exposed between the· pillars -will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. The subsidence potential is intensified in the Marcy bed as the entire area underlies a rock cover ranging from 0 to 50 feet; this area is small and scattered, amounting to ·only l acre. No backfill was placed after second mining. Third mining was done in all beds in this folio, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential is aggravated in the Marcy bed as the entire mined area underlies a rock cover rangingfrom 0 to 50 feet, and in the Clark bed where the workings extend under . a rock cover of 0 to 50 feet al ong the outcrop of the bed. Backfill after third mining was not placed in quantity sufficient to deter or effectively minimize subsidence. In 1936, while the Lackawanna River was at floodstage, pothole sub sidence developed along the out crop of the Marcy bed in the Hallstead mine subjacent to the flooded area, allowing the riverwater to enter the mine. The floodwaters spread t o several adjacent mines and, although no lives were lost, approximately 6,000 workers were made idle for a considerable time and all pumping equipment was lost. B-6-12 • Folio G The surface area of this folio subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 234 acres, all of which i s river-levee area. ·The remaining 55 ·acres liE:; above the altitude of the assumed flood crest. The entire surface area of the folio lies in Duryea Borough and is gener a lly undeveloped terrain except for a residential area at the eastern corner. The Lackawanna River crosses the centre.l part of the area in a westerly direction, flanked along the north or right bank by a WPA levee for most of its length in this folio. The Stephenson Str eet bridge crosses the river near the northeastern border. The Lehigh Valley and D. L. &W. Railroa ds appear in the area. Main Str eet, the principal highway between Pittston.and Duryea, crosses the southern corner. Workings of parts of the WilJ_iam "A," Seneca, Hallstea d, and Number 9 mines are subjacent to the surfac~ area. Seven beds, having a combined thickness of 43 feet, have been mined t o varying degrees of extraction . Workings i n the uppermost bed, Checker, are at a minimum depth of 42 feet below the surface , with a rock cover of 10 feet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 415 feet below the surface, which i s 186 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining varies f r om regular to slightly irregular. Pilla r widths vary from 22 to 32 f eet on 45-to 52-foot centers . There are a few s afety p i llars in the two bottom beds, Middle Red Ash and Bottom Red Ash . In the other beds there are none; however, some unmined area s remain in the Marcy and Clark beds. Pillars remaining after first mining are considered a dequate to support the surface. However, subsi dence may occur from first-mined areas in the Marcy bed where mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 0 to 50 feet. Pothole subsidence may develop in this s ame area where the mining was extended under a rock cover of 30 to 50 feet . Small portions of these areas are subjacent to the south or l eft bank of the Lackawanna River. Backfill was placed in only 1 acre after first mining in the Bottom Red Ash bed. It will offer l ittle if any support t o the pillars. Certain area s in all beds in the folio, wherein an unusually l a rge percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations,have been classified as second mini ng . Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface. On October 12, 1962, subsidence from the Marcy bed occurred beneath a houpe at 115 S. Main St., Duryea, causing considerable damage . The rock cover at this point is approximately 40 feet . The subsidence potential is intensified where mining was done under thin rock cover, a s follows: J B-6-13 Checker bed, 23 to 50 feet; Pittstoi1 bed, 2 to 50 feet; Marcy bed, 25 to 50 feet; and Clark bed, 0 to 50 feet. None of these areas are subjacent to the Lackawanna River except in the Clark bed for a short distance along the south bank of the river near the east ern corner of the plate. Backfill was not placed after second mining in sufficient quantity to deter or effecti vely minimize subsi dence. Third mining .was done i n all beds in this folio, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential is greatest where mining was done under thin rock cover, as follows: Checker bed, 10 to 50 feet; Pittston bed, 2 to 50 feet; Marcy bed, 0 to 50 feet; and Clark bed, o. to 50 feet. None ~f these areas are subjacent to the river. No backfill was placed after third. mining. No mining was done in t he Checker and Pittston beds subjacent to the Lackawanna River, WPA levee along the Lackawanna River, or the · Stephenson Street bridge. Workings in the Marcy bed; the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Lackawanna River and the levee, are at minimum depths of 54 feet below the riverbed and 50 feet bel ow the surrounding surface, under rock covers varying from 17 to 29 feet, over first-and third-mined areas respectively. However, prior to the construction of the levee, the Marcy bed was~ stripmined in _an area approximately 100 feet distant f~om that mentioned previously; consequently] no rock cover exists subjacent to the levee in this area. No mining _was done in :the Marcy bed subjacent to the Stephenson Street bridge·. · · .. Workings in the Clark bed, the uppermost bed mined subjacent to the Stephenson Street bridge, second mining, are at a minimum depth of 97 feet below the riverbed, under a rock cover of 54 feet. Workings in this bed subjacent to.the Lackawanna River and .the levee a,re at· greater depths than those stated for the overlying beds. Workings in the strat~graphically lower ·beds suhjacent to the river, levee, or Stephenson ' Street bridge are either_greater than stated previously or are nonexistent. Folio H The surface area subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 48 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 241 acres lie above the attitude of the assumed flood crest. The entire surface area of the folio l i es in Duryea Borough, and i s mairily residential, with some undeveloped terrain in the sout hern corner·.. The Lehigh Valley, Erie, and D. L. &W. Railroads cross the folio area in an east-west direction. Main Street, t he principal traffic artery between Pittston and Duryea, crosses the _northern corner. Workings of portions of the S~neca, No. 9., Hallstead, and Central mines underlie the surface area of the folio. B-6-14 Six beds, having a combined thickness of 36 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Pittston, are at a minimum depth of 66 feet below the surface, under a rock cover ranging from 2 to 19 feet; however, workings in this bed a r e limited in extent (approximately 1 acre), extending from an adjoining folio. Workings in the stratigraphically lower bed, Marcy, are at minimum depths of 59 and 72 feet below the surface, under rock covers of 22 and 15 feet, respectively. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 365 feet below the surface , which is 248 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining is regular. Pillar widths are 25 feet on 45-foot centers. There are no safety pillars. First mining r emains only in the Top Red Ash bed, and the pillars are considered adequate to support the surface . No backfill was placed after first mining. Except the Pittston and Top Red Ash beds, certain areas in all beds wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations have been classified as second mining. Although the pillars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessive roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface . The subsidence potential is intensified in the Marcy and Clark beds where mining was done under rock covers of 15 to 35 feet and 0 to 35 feet, respectively, along and subjacent to Main Street. Only 1 acre was backfilled after second mining, which is insufficient to deter or effectively minimize the subsidence potential. Third m1n1ng was done in all beds in the folio, and subsidence may be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential is intensified where mining was done in the Pittston, Marcy, and Clark beds under rock covers of 2 to 19 feet, 22 to 50 feet, and 0 to 50 feet, respectively. This area in the Clark bed is subjacent to Main Street. No backfill was placed following third mining . Folio I The area of the surface subject to inundation from the assumed flood crest comprises 166 acres, all of which is river-levee area. The remaining 123 acres lie above the altitude of the a ssumed flood crest. Portions of Duryea and Old. Forge Boroughs and Ransom Township occupy the surface area. The Luzerne-Lackawanna County line passes through the folio in a northwest-southeast direction, with Duryea in Luzerne County and Old Forge and Ransom Township in Lackawanna County. The Lackawanna River traverses the southern corner of the folio. A branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad crosses the area from northeast B-6-15 to southwest. Small residential areas app.ear a.t the southern and eastern corners of the plate; elsewhere, the terrain is undeveloped, containing numerous culm banks. Workings of porti ons of the William "A," Hallst ea ci, and Old Forge mines underlie the area. Five beds, having a combined thickness of 35 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Marcy, are at a minimum depth of 36 feet below the surface, with a rock cover of 22 feet . However, very little mining (2 acres ) was done in the Marcy bed. Workings in the Clark bed, lying beneath the Marcy stratigraphically, are at minimum depths of 6 to 87 feet below the surface, with '· · r ock covers of 0 to 63 f eet. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red-: Ash, are at a maximum depth of 270 feet below the surface, which is 73)1 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining estab ished during first mining operationB varies from regular to irregular. Pillar widths vary from 20 to 34 feet on 42-to 54-foot centers. No safety pillars are present; however, · large unmined ar·eas remain in the Bottom Red Ash bed. The pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate for surface support . However, subsidence may develop a l ong the outcrop of the Clark bed where mini ng was done under rock covers ranging from 0 to 36 feet. No backfill was placed in the voids created by first mining. Except the Marcy, certain areas in all beds wherein an unusually large percentage of coal was removed in first mining operations have been classified a s second mining . Although the pillars remaining are consi dered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessive roof areas exposel between the pillars will.probably induce cavings that may rea ch to the surfa ce. The subsi dence potential is intensified in the Clark bed where mining was done under a rock cover that varies in thickness from 19 to 50 feet along and subjacent to the Lackawanna River. No backfill was placed after second mining. Third mining was done in all beds in the folio, and subsi dence may be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential i s aggravated in the Marcy bed where the entire mined area lies under a rock cover of 22· to 29 feet, and in the Clark bed where pillars were removed over most of the mined area under a rock cover of 0 to 50 f eet . No backfilling ;was done after third mining. No mining was done in the Marcy bed subjacent t o the Lackawanna· River. The mined area (second mining) in the Clark bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River is at a minimum depth of 60 .feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 35 feet . B-6-16 No mining was done in the Top Red Ash bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River. The mined areas(first and second mining) in the Middle Red Ash bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River are at minimum depths of 172 and 193 feet below the riverbed, with rock covers of 125 and 122 feet, respectively. The mined areas in the Bottom Red Ash bed subjacent to the Lackawanna River are at greater depths than those listed previously. Folio J The surface area that is subject to inundation from the asqumed flood crest comprises 79 acres, all of w·hich is river-levee area. The remaining 210 acres lie above the al titude of the assumed flood crest. The Luzerne-Lackawanna County line passes through the folio in a northwest-southeast direction. Duryea Borough in Luzerne County occupies the southern part, and Old Forge Borough in Lackawanna County occupies the northern part. The southern portion of the folio (Duryea) is mainly residential; the northern part (Old Forge) is sparsely builtup. The Lackawanna River traverses the northwestern portion of the ar~a, with the Connell Street bridge appearing in the northern corner. The D. L. &W. Railroad roughly parallels the Lackawanna River. Matn Street is the principal highway in the area. Workings of portions of the Hallstead, William "A," Old Forge, and Central mines underlie the surface area. Four beds, having a combined thickness of 24.5 feet, have been mined to varying degrees of extraction. Workings in the uppermost bed, Clark, are at a minimum depth of 31 feet below the surface, with no rock cover. Workings in the bottom bed, Bottom Red Ash, are at a maximum depth of 250 feet below the surface, which is 391 feet above sea level. The pattern of mining established during first mining operations varies from regular to irregular, being regular in the upper beds and irregular in the lower beds. Pillar widths vary from bed to bed, ranging from 15 to 41 feet on 32-to 60-foot centers. There are no safety pillars present except a few in the Bottom Red Ash bed; however, some scattered unmined areas are present in all beds except the Clark. Pillars remaining in all beds after first mining are considered adequate to support the surface. However, subsidence may occur from two 8reas in the Clark bed where mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 0 to 50 feet at the northwestern limit of mining between Main Street and the Lackawanna River; and in the western portion of the plate, under a rock cover of 0 to 32 feet, subjacent to the D. L. &W. Railroad. No backfill was placed after first mining. B-6-17 Certain areas in the Middle and Bottom Red Ash beds, wherein unusually l arge percentages of coal were removed in first mining operations, have been classified as second mining . Although the pi·llars remaining are considered to be sufficiently strong to prevent their being crushed, excessively wide roof areas exposed between the pillars will probably induce cavings that may reach to the surface . Backfill after second mining was not placed in quantity sufficient to deter or minimize subsidence. Third mining was done i n all beds mined in this folio, and subsi dence can be expected therefrom. The subsidence potential is intensified where mining was done under a rock cover ranging from 0 to 50 feet at the western portion of the plate , part of which is subjacent to the D. L. &W. Railroad. No backfill was placed in the voids created by third mining. No mining wa s done in t he Clark bed, the uppermost bed mined in the study area in this folio, sutjacent to the Lackawanna River or the Connell Street bridge . Workings in the Top Red Ash bed (first mining) subjacent to the Lackawanna River are at a miLimum depth of 117 feet below the bed of the river, with a rock cover of E4 feet. Third mining subjacent to the river is at a minimum depth of 135 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 119 feet. No mining was done in this bed subjacent to the Connell Street bridge. Workings in the Middle Red Ash bed (first mining) subjacent to both the Lackawanna River and the Connell Street bridge are at a minimum depth of 108 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 102 feet. Third mining subjacent to the river is at a minimum depth of 164 feet below the bed of the river, with a rock cover of 142 feet. Workings in the Bottom Red Ash bed (first mining) subjacent to the· Lackawanna River and the Connell Street bridge are both at minimum a depth of 124 feet below the riverbed, with a rock cover of 121 feet. B-6-18 :V'I I / ~...... ..... .-,,' \, ., I .,\ ' ~. ~ ., L .· . ~~ \ 1: • . ~ ' ' .. ~ I -,, \ -. ,,\ -. ::. -,,\,t If'<""<.<_,, ' .',, \ ':, ' \ " ,, •I . " \ " \ " \ " \ " I U I U I \\ ,~ " ----- ....... ---::Jilt".:~, ~ ~ ' ~ I I / ' /' ' ,' /, ,' I ' ' / P~NE I /,,' -,~/ <,"».o '~~ \ _)': ~>.' \l..d,J':- ~ II (APPLICABLE TO STUDY AREA) II I --:1 '~<" UNMINED AREA I II II FIRST MINING ABOVE CRITICAL DEPTH W//1 SECOND MINING (SKIPPING-SPLITTING PILLARS) £888882 THIRD MINING (ROBBING) ~~~ POT HOLE AREA ·' ~ ,,..-:.'\, ..rd..:.,.::~(, ,, ~ -LEVEE'I "\ofi' '\'' Scale I"= }, j).....~~~~dt~..... --".L..//• 8 -J -- .~ --=--' 1-J 3'5.'/J I c-_/ . '"' ~ ' ~ • ,f I J '-, i> ~ I b .J J z z ~ 0 Z(f \J v .J ~ ... .... 4. "1 4w 0 ~ ~ ) {)f:' cY " ~ "' _s 3 > s t-.9 ~~ z ci :r ..9"' >!lo 1, ~1 w )t ~C( Ill -I' ~-9 1-1 3 51 ~ N I '!2 ~ '~ .....: '>..~ i5 j t ~ ,., ~,..,..~ ' ~ • .~., • .-..,.._ 7.LL -~-.:.rz:;•z=rzZZLL~I77:J>= "'""' P"~ P\\ \c:t.r:), 4«r •44"' •A..r•l •4.~-_, •4..5\ •""'"""" I . ~ <; : -'I 1..-=--~ " ...... 0 "@ --~ ~ ~ : <>>~tor., ~~ I .....T7 ·- II) 1 • J ) ~ > 5, 5·1 ~ ll [I g D AT UM = MIO -\,IOE. u. -9 ~ l ~ r:J ~I .. A..A.O ·=•=L=~=~ HALL~'TE.AO MINE Kt HOE. BF R ~ ~ COAL CDM~Y = --------Top ~"tED A."!>H W •.A5L c..l->om'oa:~-I MIQPJ...E R~D AC::>"'i__J= '"'~• ---" 14 <:"' p\.~~ , . ,..,, eorioM RE..O ~"'>H (< '>'>G • '>52 CR05S 5E.CTlOI'J, ~OLIO TREAM I~ lfO 0 50 . 2.00 c ---I _) HQr Q: ""'«.r"l.. -;:,c.Q \q If'\ fctit "1. 5. v ~ "'''<1Y"6 ~~::;/., ~ ~uu"' ~~ // I ~'~ y.J\dCZ. C"'Clffibg,~e;,f-. W\da.~~~arn~-. L .•• ..., .,.....s, ,-0 p ~Q~~H___ ___ _ -------,... MI OOJ..f;_~J;.P ~~""'--= ::::::---::--= ---==::-_:-...=-__::-....,.:----==-=-~-==-=----REDA~H No ci:\~vOTIO<\~ 0<\ mo~ eo-rTON\ I lr 19 0 ·~ It v' "dl :51 l_ APPENDIX C U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY REPORT REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE WYOMING VALLEY, NORTHERN ANTHRACITE FIELD, LUZERNE AND LACKAWANNA COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA PREPARED BY U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DECEMBER 1963 CONTENTS Page Abstract--------------------------------------------1 Introduction----------------------------------------4 Location------------------------------------------4 Purpose and objectives----e·----------------------5 Sources of data and methods of study--------------5 Personnel and acknowledgments---------------------9 Geology---------------------------------------------10 Bedrock stratigraphy------------------------------10 Surficial deposits--------------------------------13 Structure-------------------------------------------15 Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River--------------18 Relation of subsidence to mining and geology--------22 Summary and conclusions-----------------------------30 Recommendation s---------------~ ---------------------32 References cited~-----------------------------------34 L ILLUSTRATIONS Followspage Plate l. Map of Pennsylvania showing location of area of report-----------------------------------------4 Plate 2. Preliminary geologic map of the Kingston and Pittston quadrangles, Luzerne and .I&ckawanna Counties, Pennsylvania----------------------------4 Plate 3. Preliminary geologic map of the Wilkes-BarreWest and Wilkes-Barre East quadrangles, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania------------------------4 Plate 4. Preliminary correlation and nomenclature ofanthracite beds i n coal mines of the WYoming Valley (in 2 sheets)------------------------------8 Plate 5. Preliminary outcrop map of coal beds in the WYoming Valley (in 2 sheets; 5A and 5B)-----------12 Plate 6. Preliminary str-acture contour map of the Red Ash coal bed in the WYoming Valley (in 2 sheets; 6A and 6B)--------------------------------16 Plates 7A-7D. Preliminary maps showing contours on the bedrock surface beneath the glacial fill in the Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania (in 4 sheets ) -----------------~----------20 Plates 8A-8D. Preliminary maps showing thickness of glacial fill in Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania (in 4 sheets)------------------------22 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE WYOMING VALLEY, NORTHERN ANTHRACITE FIELD, LUZERNE AND LACKAWANNA COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA (an administrative report to the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army) by M. J. Bergin and J . F . Robertson, U. S. Geological Survey Washington, D. C. and Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania December -1963 ABSTRACT A geologic study in the Wyoming Valley of the Northern Anthracite field in northeastern Pennsylvania was undertaken by the U. S. Geological Survey at the request of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore, Maryland. The Geology was studied in four 7% minute quadrangles, namely Kingston, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre West , and Wilkes-Barre East, that cover parts of Luzerne and Lackawanna Counties. The investigation was done to provide geologic background to aid in planning construction and maintenance of flood-control inst allations that protect the metropolitan areas and the anthracite mines along the Susquehanna ·River. Data for this report were collected~ 1) by field geologic mapping by personnel of the U. S. Geological Survey, 2) from maps, cross sections, and drill-hole records furnished by coal companies, and 3) from published information and unpublished files of the U. S. Bureau of Mines . The Wyoming Valley occupies the southwestern half of the Northern Anthracite field. The Susquehanna River flows southwestward through the valley. Longitudinal ridges flank the valley on both the northwest and southeast sides . Topographic relief in the mapped area is about 1,575 feet, with altitudes ranging from 510 feet to 2,148 feet above sea level . Bedrock in the area consists of, from oldest to youngest~ the Catskill Formation of Devonian age, the Pocono Formation of Mississippian age, the Mauch Chunk Formation of Mississippian and, in part, possibly of Pennsylvanian ages, the Pottsville Formation of Pennsylvanian age, and the Llewellyn Formation of Pennsylvanian age . The economically important coal beds in the Northern Anthra 1 cite field are contained in the Llewellyn Formation. Unconsolidated surficial deposits of Quaternary age that overlie the bedrock have been mapped as undifferentiated glaciofluvial deposits, older and younger terrace deposits, alluvial fans, alluvium, mine waste, and strip mine waste. The Wyoming Valley lies within a northeast-trending structural downwarp or synclinorium, flanked by large, gentle asym~ metric anti.clines that are flanked in turn by minor undulations in the :surrounding 'Pocono plat eau. The coal-bearing beds of the Llewellyn Formation in the core of the synclinorium are comple~ly folded and fault ed, wi h few subsidiary structures extending into t he older underlying rocks . The multitude of folds are subparallel, disharmonic, h Outcrop line of cos 1 bed at base of Llewellyn For111ation. Dashed where approximately located, dotted where concealed. Hachure shows direction of dip. ~---· D Fault, showing dip Dashed where approximately located, dotted where concealed; U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side. Anticline, showing trace of axial plane and bearing and direction of plunge of axis. Dashed where approximately located, dotted where concealed. Syncline, showing trace of axial plane and bearing and direction of plunge of axis . Dashed where approximately located, dotted where concealed. Plunge of minor anticline _.e" Plunge of minor syncline Strike and dip of beds Horizontal beds Strike of vertical cleavage Portal of mine adit or slope ){ Quarry or gravel pit Mlne waste Includes silt of tailings ponds and settling basins, rock refuse of mine dumps and culm at breaker sites. _,--- ' • ••· ··, SW Strip mine waste Includes strip pits, cast piles and back fi11 Geoloqy mopped in 1961 -19 63. Mop no l ed iTed to r co nform i ty wi th U.S .G S. stondord s. LUZERNE AND LACKAWANNA COUNTIES, PENNSYLVANIA ~ os~ mop by Topogroph i c Oiv i~ioro I. S. G~ol ogicol Surv~y, 1 947~ 1 950 PLATE 3 PRELIMINARY GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE WILKES-BARRE EAST AND WILKES-BARRE WEST Ql By J.F. Robertson and M. J . Bergin CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET DATUM I S MEAN SEA LEVEL EXPLAIIATICII Alluvilml ~ Alluvial. fan -~ Younger Terrace Older terrac e ~ Glaciofl.uvial. deposita undifferentiated Llewe l.lyn Formation ~ G:J J~ GJ ~ Pottsville Formation o. Mauch L:FoLtioJ ~ ~ ~ Pocono Foraation ~ J~ Catskill Fonaation ~ ---···· Contact Das hed where approximately located, dotted where conc•aled Ind•finite or inferred contaca Outcr o'P line of coal bed at ba se of Ll ewellyn Formation. Dashed where approximately located, dotted wh•r• concealed. Hachure ahowa dir•ction o! dip. "+----· Fault, ahowin& dip Dashed where approximately located, dotted where concealed; U, upthrown side; D, downthrown aide. Anticline , showing trace of axial plane and bearing and d:!. rection of plunge of axis. Dashed where approximately located; dotted where concealed . -<-t---- Syncline , showing trace of axial plane and bearing and direction of plunge of axis. Dashed where approximately loca ted, dotted where concealed. Plunge of minor anticline Plunge of minor syncline Strike and dip of beds Horizontal beda Strike of vertical cl•avage / Portal of mine adit or slope ~ Qu.a.rry or aravel pit ..-···· ~, ( mw : ···-.-·· Mlne vute 'lacl..._ allt of Cailta&a poa.da end ..-c:'tl!JI& buina. rock. refuae of aine dualpa and culm at breaker alt... aut, alae weece lac~• atrip pit:a, c-t pll.. -Mck fill Geoloty tno,ped in 1961·1963. Mep not Hitttd for co"forrnity with U.S.G.S. st•"dords. EST QUADRANGLES, LUZERNE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA along the Suaquehanna River. Minin& of anthracite hal been the main indu1try in the valley, but it i1 being gradually aurpaaaed by growing number• of manufacturing. industriea. Purpose and Objectives The study of the geolo&y of the Wyoming Valley of the Northern Anthracite mining re&ion w~s undertaken by the U. S. Geological Survey at the request of the Corp! of En&ineers, U. S. Army En&ineer District, Baltimore, Maryland, in connection with the program of flood cont rol studies in areas affected by hurricane floods of 1955 in compliance with a resolution of the Senate Public Works Committee, adopted September 14, 1955 . This investigation was done t o provide geolo&ic data to aid in planning construction and maint enance of flood control improvements along this part of the Susquehanna River. At t he out set of the investigation the followi ng specific objectives were out lined to be studied if enough pertinent data could be obtained~ 1) map the surface geolo&y of the area, 2) determine the stratigraphic ~equence and charact eristics of bedrock in the area, 3) det ermine t he thicknes~ , di~tribution, and sedimentary zone~ of the glaciofluvi~l deposit! that fill the Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River, 4) de t ermine the configuration of the bedrock ~urface beneath the gla~ cial fill in the Buried Valley 5) locate the outcrop trace of the coal beds on bedrock a t the surface of the &round or at the interface with buried v~lley deposits, 6) det er mine the struct ure of the coal~bearin& rock sequence, and 7) relat e t he ge~lo&ic f~ctors determined in 1 thru 6 (abov~ to the problem of flood control, ~urface subsidence, and engineerin& geology. Source ~ of data and methods of s t udy Data were obtained by field &e~lo,ic mappin& by personnelof the U. S. Geolo&ical Survey; from map~ , eros~ sections, and drill~hole records furnished by coal companies that have oper= ated in the area9 and from published information and unpublished files of the U. S. Bureau of Mines . I t was realized soon after the investigation be&an that a tremendou$ amount of geologic and minin: data had to be collected and proces$ed for the studies . Upon con!iderin: the va$t ~ount of data, the manpower assigned to do the studies, and t he t ime allotted to do the inve~tigation, it was clear that the compilat ion of data would have to be done 5 rapidly and in a general rather than detailed manner. Compilation scales and sizes of illustrations were chosen that would adequately show the geologic data yet facilitate rapid compila tion. A study of t he extent and density of the underground coalmine workings in t he Wyoming Valley, their ability to support overlying loads, and, therefore, their relationship to potential land surface subsidence, which. would affect the flood-control installations and the area subject to floods, has been carried on by the U. S. Bureau of Mines concurrently with this investigation by the U. S. Geological Survey. In order to avoid duplication of investigations by the two agencies, parts of the study that would normally be included in a geologic report such as thiE 9 for example, the detailed cross sections showing stratigraphy and structure of the bedrock and surficial deposits that underlie the Wyoming Valley, have, instead, been included in the U. S. Bureau of Mines st udies and reports . Field mapping consist ed of obt aining att itudes and charact eristics of the rocks a t hundreds of natural outcrops and artificial exposures such as road cuts and strip mines. The field work was done during t he spring and fall months of 1961 and 1962. The field observations were plotted on aerial photographs, the most accommodat ing medium for recording field data in the area, a t a scale of 1 ~ 20~000. The t opographic base maps, which were available at a scale of 1 ~ 24,000 were enlarged t o a scale of 1 ~ 20,000 t o facilitate a di rect t ransfer of geologic field data from t he aerial photographs without scale conversion. The geologic maps then were reduced to a scale of 1 ~ 48,000 (1 inch equals 4,000 feet) for inclusion in this report. Approximat ely 1400 maps a t a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet were obtained f r om the coal c~panies f or use in determining the structure of the coal-bearing rocks and the out crop of coal bede or the tr~ce of the coal bed at the inter face be tween t he buried=valley fill and the bedrock. Both surface maps and mine maps of individual coal beds were in cluded in the m~terial ob ained from the coal companies. The surface maps depicted, in addition to the cul t ure and drain age, the locations of ~trip mined areas~ bore-holes, and company grid lines . Dat a shown on t he mine maps of t he in dividual coal beds included~ 1) location and distribution of undex·ground mine workings, 2) altitude of the bed, 3) direc tion and amount of dip of the bed, 4) thickness of the coal, 6 5) the approximate outcrop of the bed, or the intersection of the bed with the buried-valley fill, 6) areas where the bed is faulted, pinched out, or "rolled," 7) areas of surface stripping along the bed, and 8) coal company grid lines. Illustration of the structural features and the stratigraphic sequence in the coal-bearing rocks was not considered to be adequate at the scale of 1~20,000; a scale of 1 ~ 10,000 was used because it was more adaptable to the compilation of de tailed mine information. AS the mining data were collected, t he individual coal bed maps had to be correlated with those of adjacent mines . During the history of mining in the Northern Anthracite field, the coal beds. have been given various names by the company personnel at the 55 different collieries within t he mapped area;therefore, a particular coal .bed may be known by several dif~ ferent names throughout the coal basin . The coa l bed names as known at each colliery in this area , the suggested correlations of beds from mine to mine, and a recommended standard of nomenclature as is used in this report are shown in plat e 4. The data for plat e 4 were compiled by T. M. Kehn from his interpretation of the information contained in a U. S. Bureau of Mine s report on the barrier pillars of the Wyoming Basin (Ash, 1954) . The lines of outcrop of the coal beds, or their trace at the interface of the buried-valley fill and bedrock (pl . 5), were obtained by~ 1) interpreting and drawing the outcrop or trace of each bed on the individual mine map at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet, 2) t ransferring t he lines from the individual bed maps onto the mine surface map at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet, thus forming a composite map depicting outcrops or traces of all beds underlying a particular surface section, 3) photographically reducing the composite mine surface maps to the compilation scale of 1 ~ 10,000 and 4) tracing the lines of outcrop or trace for each bed from the photographs onto topographic base maps at a scale of 1 ~ 10,000, using any duplicated culture or drainage and the company grid lines for control . aerial photographs were helpful in t racing coal outcrops in are~s not covered adequately by mine company maps . The outcrop map (pl. 5) then was reduced to a scale of 1~24,000 (1 inch equals 2,000 feet) for this report. M..~.JP~~ depicting the structure of the coal..bearing rocks (pl. 6) were compiled by~ 1) drawing lines connecting point s of equal altit ude on the mine map~ of t he lowest coal bed (the Low 7 er Red Ash coal bed) at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet and making appropriate interpretations of fold and fault structures; 2) photographically reducing each of these mine rn~ps to the compilation scale of 1 ~ 10,000; and 3) tracing the structure-contour lines from the photographs onto base maps at a scale of 1~10,000, again using as control, any duplicated culture and drainage along with the company grid lines that had previously been plotted on the base maps. Topography was eliminated from the base maps for the sake of clarityo Inference and extrapolation were necessary to reconstruct some coal~bed s.tructure where underground information was not available. The structure contour map of the Red Ash coal bed (pl.6) then was reduced to a scale of 1 ~ 24,000 (1 inch equals 2,000 feet) for this report. Logs of approximately 12,000 drill holes were obtained from the U. S. Bureau of Mines and the coal companies for use in the study of the buri ed-valley deposits and the t opography of the underlying bedrock. A scal e of 1 ~ 6,000 was picked to adequately compile the mass of drill-hole dat a and t o illustrate the vari able thickness of the vall ey-fill as well as the configuration of the bedrock surface. The locations of the drill holes were shown on the mine surface maps at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet o Tracings were made of these maps and the thickness of the valley-fill and the alt itude -of the t op of the bedrock were plott ed at each hole locati on from the information shown on the logs . The tracings were photographically reduced to the compilation scale of 1 ~ 6,000. Topographic maps on the bedrock surface (pl. 7A-7D) and isopachous maps of the buried-valley fill (pl. 8A-8D) were compiled on mozaics of the photographs at a scale of 1 ~ 6,000 and were transferred to the t opographic base maps usi~g drainage, culture, and coal company grid lines for location and control. These maps of the bedrock surface and buried valley fill (pl. 7A-7D and pl. 8A-8D) were reduced to a scale of 1 ~ 24,000 (1 inch equals 2,000 feet) for t hi s report. Obt aining the coal company mine maps and bore-hole data proved t o be a problem throughout the investigation, not because of any reluctance on the part of the companies t o release the data, but because of the lack of-time, personnel, and facilities on the part of both the U. S. Geological Survey and the coal companies to reproduce the material. Because of the curtailed or suspended operations of most of t he mining companies, the enginee~ing and clerical staffs were not large enough to spare personnel to get the information from the company files or to make reproductions. Naturally, the companies were reluctant to loan file copies because of t he fear of loss or destruction, nor could they allow other than company personnel to search in the PLATE 4 PRELIMINARY CORRELATION AND NOMENCLATURE OF ANTHRACITE BE TM UGGESTED COR RELATION MINE-COMPAN--Y NOMENCLATURE NO NOMENCLATURE NO 7 BLISS LOOMIS AVONDALE GRAND TUNNEL TR UESDALE SUGAR NOTCH HUBER INMAN NOTTINGHAM-BUTTONWOOD BUTTONWOOD LA "' II II II ,,.02 I I IN.!...!.. "' I I INo ~ II I.. ... ..' ... ..' .. ... .,, .. II I•. , II I•. , ..' ..' -l-1 .., INo 2 Snokeltloncl TGeor t Gt or t T Gtor t Gt or9 1 ... G10n1t •• 6 Ceo• 1 ... Gtor t ..' r~ ... 0f(l'l014 AbOOII A bOO!! Abb OI! A bUll AbDou I I I AbD on tt-r"~" 1(,,.. . , I I ....... II [ Wrlh II j MIIh II j lol rlll II II j lol Ill~ II j l( rciiiiJ II J l(rOne, I~~···· -++-I=-~, ... TSTSu..ron -r--- ~ · :.~:.. -f+-+·o.-j ~ i""'" Vooer Stonto" - 1 StiCIMOII T Slf~nton F -I I II llo•tt Sronron I LOII(f Bo l!rmor t Bo llr more Stonron Bo tt""llft BStolllo" 8 $101110 11 e sre~n ron jj !''~"" J j 1~~ UPou lance Cooo t r t..,. TF"orqt Forqt T~'"o•o• Fort F"or t For 1 r,., Foot F rvt Foor Lr,., --Foo• r,... , Foot r,... ,Foor Uppu P.ruro" I j T h"n TT . rn Coooer Cooper 'r.,,. TBaii•"'O" TBalloma•• ~..!....!!!''"'~ T Ball•mo•• TEiaHomO•t +-t- UPPif S~' ""'O< t Btnne l! - Ben ne II ._. 8 , . ... BBalu,.,c~t t 8 8alto,.,o•• !'''""""' -~'" "'011 I- -- ~a•• - II "''""' ' s~'""'o•• lo•u S~od"'Ofl Fo•9• ---~ I 1-~(·· · r • •no• 1 uoott ~on T ~on 1 ~on T Rou 1Rou T Rou l Ron TRon T Rou Ron II t.l oCidll Ron \Lo••• Ron uootr Reo''" M ~on BRou Cnount•y Rou TRtaAsn M Ron BRou TRtd Ash M Ron 8 R011 1 Rtd Asn B ~on Cnounc eyor 1 Rtd Ash B Rou 1 RIO Ash B Rou TAedA1n Bol1om Sglol T Ron 8 Ron 1 Red A111 8 ltou TAtOAIII II 1··.. TR t ciAin II 1..... +t1 Red A1h .,.,.,., ,, lho ''" lLu "'AtdAsh .,.· Red Auo M Atd Alfl "'Au''" lo• t• ~•d Asn ln "''" ''" Aid A1n AtdAIII 8 Red A1n 8AtGAin 8 Aiel A,n 8 Rtcl Asn 8AtCIAsn II 8 Atcl A1h II B.Rta ''"' Cool Bed A Cool8td A OS IN COAL MINES OF THE WYOMING VALLEY, NORTHERN ANTHRACITE Fl ELD, PENNSYLVANIA By . Kehn and J.F Robertson DODSON SOUTH STANTON HARRY " E'' ~cE GAYLORD LOREE WOODWARD WILKt:.~ BARRE EMPIRE FRANKLIN REO ASH HOLLENBACK BALTIMORE DORRANCE PETTEBONE KINGSTON EAST BOSTON BLACK DIAMOND FORTY FORT I .,.. ..' TSno-t l t l on(l Nolo• Sn o-t lt lond Sno t tiiiOI\cl Snoh hiOIIol Sno~t lalonG Sno kt lt lond ADD Oil Sow lo ltr 1( 0(1nty Bo• klty Bow klt J ~ II I'''"" II I''"" II I'''"'' I I I'''"" II I'''"" II I••·"" II I II I'''"" II I'''"" II I"'""'" I I I"'""'" I I 1"·"-·" I I I"'""'" II I"'""'" I I I"'""'" I I I II I"'""'" ----++--t"·"= ('"··~ .I TS!Gnlon f-.--ilSH:~nr 0,. ----PF'o~oor _ ~l--l f Sl_!n_!_on T l'owtFQOI l O•c~o•cl TF•vt Fool TFowtFool f---++-I STanton_ 1 t-f!!-onton__ $1Qfi!QII r,.., root ~ _IBSICIIIIOI\ .!..1!_!1'!_1011 "••• ~'oo1 F'ou rFool Fou• Foot 8 r, .., F'oot -·~· II I'"""" II I''" '.!!'_ .1 I ,. FoweF'ool I Fnt Foot "••tFoot Lonc t Fov tFoot r,..,Foot ~· -"~ "·•" T 8o l t omo•t p.-ao~ T Bolromort Coopu T Bolllmort -I II I.......... 1'·0 0 "-1-l--l'""" I l I''"" l l I''"" II I'""' II 1·~· ''" I Coo per ~ol!omo~ Bolhmo•t 8 Boot·mort 8 B Bolio mort e...,.,,, Bo1tomo•t 8oltomort _ Btnn~ll a.~~•" s. ~ f"oot BBolt•more a. ~~ • " ~ -1-!-•''""' - T Eltwt ~ root TEi tunFoot 1----1-----1,,.... I I I'""" -1 ~""'" II I'""'" - 1----it-II 8 C ~tcktt ~··~"'0''"-' -r-----~---rr-r---+r-+---rr-+--~ Twon ( lt wt ,.root ---J_j-..J----+1-~Sk•c!"'on !--1~:::;::. l ~· Gmo•t '"'"-'jl ''"''"\" I'"""''" I I I'""'"''" I I I"'"'""" I I 1· "'"'""" I ttl T Ron TRon ..... l J..... l ll -k..... II I.. ,., ,II I'"" II I""" II I'"'" II 1----II 1••··•··" II I II I II I'"'" II I'""' l Bouom Soh! 8otlomSplo1 T Ron TRon 8 S••dmor t 8 Ro n TRon Ron RouSplol lou 8 . Aou Rou 8 Ron 1..... II lT Rtd Ash TRt dAJh TRt OAih TRIO AI, TRtO AI, TRtdAih TA t !I As, T. Rt d A111 ITAt dA ih Ron ll II II I -++--+----+--!-1---1 1-- Au.,, 8 Atd hh 8At11AI, 8Rt11A sh 8 Atd Atll 8 Atd Atll 18 Rea . ,,. 8 Atll Ath Atd -'111 Atll-'1" AtiiAth Au"'" 8 Atll '"" II Chert prtpored on 1961 63 fr om do t o '" Ash, 5 H , Borner pdlors 1n WyomtnQ Boson , Northern field U 5 Bureau at M1nes Bull 538, on(l os modil1ed by m1ne comoony mops and sect1ons PL ATE 4 PRELIMINARY CORRELATION AND NOMENCLATURE OF ANTHRACITE BEDS IN COAL Ml (continua t ion) T MINE COMPA NY NOMENCLATURE ~UGGESTED CORRE LATION _PEACH DELAWARE ND NOMENCLATURE HE:-:- PROSPECT MINE R S MILLS ORCHARD PINE RIDGE "'' "'' I "' "' 2 S nokt llloncl Sno lo.t ltlono Snoktltlono:l Abbott Abbot I ICoGnty l(oQney Bow k l ty Bo w-lty Bo•O.tty ltot:lnty I("'"'' Roco. o• lu oolf Stanton TF•vtFoot TFovtFoot TFov t Foot T.FovtFoot Roco. O•o,.,ono 8 l'o H Foot 8 rovt Fool eF..ttFoot Fovtl'oot TFoveFool leo... '"""" II I UOo., Lontt Slonton FovtFoot Upper P,1!i1on U Boll•more uBolttmor• uBoltlmo•e Coop" Coo p., LBol11rnOtc l>tt TCr.tcktt TCI'>tCkU TCI> Lonc t r,.,Foot TCht Lanc e ''"'''"" '"""'' II Cll enu I '"'' ~" I CIIIC~er BCII101r l'"ou a very light:=gray to alm st white appearance. It is probably the Gri swold Gap Conglomerate of the Pocono Formation des cribed by (1881~ p . 57). Mauch Chunk Form z:::O o-< :::00 ---iC I---i fTlO :::0:::0 zo l>-o z~ ---il> I-o :::oo ~, -o ---io fTll> ,, - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II /J II" II " II II II " /J ,,II ,, ,, " " " " ,,II" II ,,II II "1/ 7 ~~ r-•"'r-~g r-g~g r~ ~1"1:1\Q ~~ i'~ ~ ,: ' \~"' ~~ ~ ~~ :::;~ l> ~-~ ~~ ~ ~l"b ::J ~~ ~-~~~ ' " ",. , i! ..... 5:t ~0 0 c::t ~ .(0 ~ ~(0 lll' j ~ "} ~ ~ s: ~.., fT1 ~ ~ ~g ' . ~ ~ ~ 5 -§:§ S ~~:a e. J "0 ::;: '5 ~-r -~ ~ " ' .5 ~ ~ ?~:l ~ X ;;;a~ J> ' -g~ ~~ i l d. Q ~ ._ I ~-~ ~ §-~-I ~ ~ I "'~ , ~t ~-~ 1 ! ~ s. ·. \:. 9:~.0 ti ~~ g-§ ·:. "' <>-0 0 I S:>II) ~ "' l ~~ ~ "' " \ ' 'I II ~ ~ I I I I II \\ 1\ J/ I I ll ~ \ . u I ~ II I 1 II \ \ \~\ \ •, ",\ \\ ~~~= • I I • I I I I I ' i I I I .I I I \ \ I I I I I I J I '' / I r(- __ ..-----.... r-----/' II I II I l~=~' t ,[ \ II I I i I I I i I I I i I (f) 0 w co _J <( 0 () LL ,....... <( z ~ > (f) z z w Q_ p _J w LL w ~ () <( ,_ o x \ ,__ , -~_,, L_ N ......._,.... ~o~--!!.fo_ ~s..!:!--.---.--.~~~-.---.,. R£D D. \ _..,.....~....-----..... __s1:!,..... , . Base mop by Topographic Divi sion U. S. Geolog ica l Sur vey , 1947-1949 .I By M.J.Bergin and J.F Robertson SCALE I, 24,000 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 FEET CONTOUR INTERVAL IS 20 FEET DATUM IS MEAN SEA LE VEL " " \1 " II " "II \ .·\.-~ -:. \ r ---/ - --J EXPLANATIONr .,.o...-Prtt.sra, '? ~~................... . Tr.fJce of coo l bed on bedrock surface • Long dashed where approximately located, short dashed I ~~;;;,;:~':~~ :'x~~~~;~~ ~~O.:o~1E~~~; ::C~'fto~ -.....!:!.... ___ _ -..;-. Fault, showing dip Long dashed where approximcJiely locoted,shorldashed where inferred; U, uplhrown s1de;0,downlhrown S1de - ~--~ . ~~ ...... Anricll ne, show ing trace ofo~tr ?l plane. LO:fe:ea~~~:r;:;re approximately locOted, shortdashed t--- Sy nc ll ne,showmg t race of Oll rOI plane Long dashed wl'!ere approximately located, shor t dashed where 1'nferred .l..-..-·-·-. -------· -·-- Cool bed oulcrops prepa red in 19 6 2-19 6 3 f rom mops suppl1e d oy Glen Al de n Corporahon, Leh,gh Valley Coo l Co, Sul livan Tro d Cool Co Pennsylvon10 Cool Co. ,o:~ o othe r s , sup~l emenl etl by ' •cld mopp1nq and modif,cottons by !he oulhors. Mop net ed1ted for con formity w1th t.:. SG S standards Base map by lopogrophic Division U.S. Geological Survey, 19 47-1949 PLATE 58 PRELIMINARY OUTCROP MAP OF COAL BEDS IN THE WYO~J11NG VALLEY, NORTHERN ANTHRACITE FIELD, PENNSYLVANIA • cut-andfill structures, and channel outlines are common in most of the strata. The coal beds are the most persistent units; strata between the coal beds are typified by extreme lateral changes in thickness and lithology. At least 26 coal beds are represented in the Llewellyn Formation in the mapped area (pl. 4) . Thickness of the coal beds range from 0 to 27 feet. Surficial depo~its The relatively unconsolidat ed surficial deposits of Quaternary age that overlie the bedrock in the Wyoming Valleyconsist of the rock debris that fills the buried valley, the t errace deposits, the stream alluvium, and mi ne waste . On the basis of their location ~nd gurface expression the de~ posits have been mapped geologi cally (pl . 2 and 3) . as ~ un~ differentiated glaciofluvial deposits, older terrace depos its, younger terrace deposit ~, alluvial f ans, alluvium, and mine waste or s t rip mine waste. The undifferentiated glociofluvia.l deposit s i nclude those areas of ground moraine and glacial drift that have not been relat ed to specific terrace levels or t o other physiographic features t ypical of glaciated areas . The deposits consist of mixt ures ©f clay, silt , sand, gravel, cobble , and boulders and may be stratified or unst r a tified. Such deposits are lo~ cat ed both in the valley and on the mountain~ and may underlie large areas or be f ound a s i sol ated remnants in local areas. Remnants of the older terr~ce deposits occur bet ween altitudes 600 and 800 feet above s e 81 level along t he northwestern side of the Wyoming Valley bet ween Duryea and Plymouth. The t errace deposit s c.ontain clay~ silt, quartz sand, gravel,and cobbles. The gravel and cobble~ are well rounded and are composed predominantly of locally derived sedimentary rocks such as red and gr.tty siltstone ~ oa.nd~tone , and conglomerate . Less than t en percent of t he gravel is made up of crystalline and metamorphic rocks such as pink, gray, and green granite and gneiss and whit e, gray, and pink quartzit e that according to Peltier (1949) probably were derived from the Mohawk Valley and Adirondack Mountains of New York. At most localities the terrace deposits are st ratified ; much of t he material is crossbedded, wit h t he dip of the beds being in various directions . As proposed by Itter (1938} t he older t errace de 1;3 posits are thought to have been formed by stream deposition be:-·'"' • tween the ice and the valley walls during the waning stages of .· glaciation when the glacier was melting in the valley. The older terrace deposits are well exposed in the strip mines and in the sand and gravel pits along the road that is located at the edge of the valley and extends from West Pittston to Plymouth through the communities of Happy Valley, West Wyoming, Swoyersville, Edwardsville, and Larksville. Strip mining for coal, quarrying for sand and gravel, construction, and erosion have destroyed most of the original surface and incised the face of the terrace at many places . The younger terrace deposits occur between altitudes 540 and 600 feet above sea level in the Wyoming Valley. Remnants of the younger terrace deposits are .preserved along the Lackawanna River, along the northwest bank of the Susquehanna River in the vicinities of West Pittston, Exeter, Sw-9yersville, Forty Fort, and Kingston, and on the southeast side of the Susquehanna River at Wilkes-Barre and Lynnwood. Where the younger terrace deposits are ·exposed, they consist of stratified and unstratified deposits of silt, sand, gravel, and cobbles that are similar to the rock debris in the older terrace deposits . In addition they contain beds and lenses of clay, such as are exposed in the floor of the gravel pits near Kingston. Alluvial fans have formed where the larger tributary streams issue from the ridges and enter the Wyoming Valley. The principal ones are on Toby Creek at Luzerne, near the mouths of Wadham and Brown Creeks in the vicinity of Plymouthand Larksville, on Abrahams Creek at West Wyoming, and on Hicks Creek northwest of Exeter. The fans are composed of a -mixture of clay, silt, sand, and gravel derived from reworking of the glacial deposits and from erosion of bedrock in the area. Stream alluvium covers the flood plain of the Susquehanna River. Like the alluvial f ans, the alluvium is composed of mixtures of clay, silt, sand, and gravel derived from reworking of the glacial deposits, from reworking of mine waste, and from erosion of bedrock. On the geologic maps, the mine waste has been subdivided into strip mine waste and mine waste. Strip mine wast e includes both the dump piles and the pits in those areas where coal has been mined by open-pit surface excavations. Many of ltf. the larger areas shown as strip mine waste are in reality many closely spaced strip pits and dump piles that could not be shown individually at the map scale. Backfilled strip mines have also been included where they could be distinguished during the mapping. Mine waste includes the rock refuse piles at portals to underground workings, the dumps of rock, culm, and cinders at coal cleaning and preparation plants , and the clay, silt, and sand in settling basins. STRUCTURE The Wyoming-Lackawanna Valley of the Northern Anthracit e field is not only a large physiographic feature, it is also a great structural trough or synclinorium, here called the Wyoming synclinorium. This structural depressi on trends generally N. 50° E. and diagonally bisects the four quadrangles mapped for this report. The portion of the Wyoming synclinorium underlain by rocks of Pennsylvanian age is 56 miles long ; the synclinorium is nearly 8 miles wide at its widest, in the vicinity of Wilkes-Barre and Kings t on . The synclinorium tapers t o a point at each end and is crescent-shaped in plan, bei ng concave on t he northwest side. The midpoint of the crescent is near the nort he as t corner of the Pittston quadrangle where the Lackawanna River meets t he Susquehanna River. I s southwest end is at Shickshinny, 9 miles sout hwes t of the town of Nanticoke at the wes t edge of t he Wilkes-Barre We~t quadr~ngle. The core of the synclinorium i s occupied by the Llewellyn Formation of Pennsylvani an age, which i s l argely covered by unconsolidated deposit of Quaternary age. The Po tsville Formation underlies the sides of the valley and the surrounding ridges. The successively older Mauch Chunk, Pocono, and Cat~ skill ·Formations flank the Llewellyn and Pot t sville Formations, with beds t hat dip modera t ely t eeply toward t he central axis of t he valley. Dips become ·eeper on he outheast s i de of the synclinori um oward ~he tapering west end, ranging from about:. 20° NW. near Llewellyn Corners to soo ~ 60° NW. near the wes t edge of the Wilkes-Barre West quadrangle (pl . 3) . The Wyoming synclinorium is bordered on the nort hwes t by t he Milt on anticline, a large but gen l e , northeast trending, asymmetric fold in t he Cat skill Forrna l'.::i on (pl 2). The north 0 • wes t limb of the Milton anticline dips from 2° t o 7° NW. ; the anticline becomes more gentle towards the northeast along the strike of its axis . Sout heas t of t he Wyoming synclinorium sev 15 eral subsidiary folds are present in the Pocono and Catskill Formations. The larger folds, which measure several miles ~ in length, include the Bald Mountain syncline, 'the Oliver Mills anticline, and the Pine Creek syncline (pl. 3) . Their axes strike N. 70° E. , a divergence of about 20° from the trend of the Wyoming synclinorium. Farther to the southeast in the vi cinity of Glen Summit and Crystal Lake the crest of the Berwick anticline trends about N. 60° E. through the Catskill Formation (pl. 3). The Berwick anticline is a major structural feature to the southwest, but in the mapped area it appears to become indistinct toward the northeast in the direction of plunge. Beds dip generally S0 to 1S0 SE . on the southeast flank of -the Berwick anticline; several smaller folds lie to the north of the anticline. The Wyoming synclinorium would appear, from casual inspec tion, to be struct urally simple in gross aspect. The rocks that rim the valley and underlie the high ridges have a fairly regular strike and their beds dip almost homoclinally toward the central axis of the valley, suggesting a simple sort of trough. On close inspection, however, the coal-bearing Llewellyn Formation within the valley is found to be complexly folded and faulted, and the synclinorium is distinguished by unusual structural features . For instance, the synclinorium is not defined by a single synclinal axis, but con ains a multitude of subpar allel synclines, anticlines, and related faults . These structures are not continuous t hroughout t he length of the synclinorium, but are developed for a few miles, then die out as other folds and faults come in o exist ence and take their place. The structure of the Wyoming synclinorium is displayed in detail on the outcrop map of t he coal beds (pl. S) , and by the structure contour map of the Lower Red Ash coal bed (pl . 6) . The Lower Red A~h coal bed, which defines the base of the Llewellyn Format ion, plunges t o a depth of more than lSOO feet below sea level in t he A kam syncline 1 mile east of Nanticoke,. and lies at 1200 feet below sea level in the neighboring Gas Works syncline (pl . 6). Thes e alti udes are 2,000 to 2,200 feet below the surface of the ground. This deepest part of the syn clinorium is termed a 11 S ruct ural depression" . The trough of the synclinorium becomes ~h8llower both t o the northeast and the southwest of the depression. To t he northeast the Lower Red Ash coal bed is SO feet above sea level near Pittston and 4SO feet above sea level at Avoca. The t rough reaches a high point,termed a "structural culmination", inmediately to the east of the mapped area at Moosic and Old Forge. This culmination, • 16 ~f ~g ~~ ~-~ n-< it ¥-;;· "'o .1> -..~:: . '• u; ,;· .l>y "' 00 ,o -;Z ccJ S:c u;:o s:z m -; l>m Z;o UJj§i ~r r ,o <, , , r~ 0 0 0 (f) 0 l> 8 rn "' .. [\) _.., NO 8 o o o ~ 0 g ~ m -< I I I / I / I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I 1/ II" I I II " " II II " /f ,,II -;? -o -o ,," ::::0 r " " II ---1 rr1 )> II " /' If I r II rr1 II ---1 II II ~ Ill II II " ~ z (j) ? -< )> )> 0 ::::0 ~ -< z (f) GJ ---1 ::::0 c ~ 0 r ---1 r c rr1 ::::0 :< rr1 0 z 0 0 z ::::0 ---1 %': ---1 !=-0 (lJ I c CD rr1 .0 ::::0 s ::::0 a ::J (lJ z s: 0.'< !=-)> )> :Tl -o AI z 0 0 CD CY ---1 ::::l. 11 (J) ::J 0 I ::::0 ---1 )> I 0 rr1 - -I I rr1 .,., 0:r: rr1 - rr1 ::::0 I -n G) ::u l> . Z 0 --j c z z fTl I "Tl (J) 0 rn ::0 rn rn "U X r · ···~,.~ l> ,...) l> rn z l> en -t - CD 0 z z o x ~ Iii 0 <( ~~~~~ Eu o >t; w z (() g~~~(/j<( ~~ ~.g~ l"')...cU,E::) __j <( __j 0 > (f) u > ltif! z I ~~4]~ Vl4 0 ~4> (f) z ~~~·2'g <( w s~~~i 0 Q_ Ht!i (/)=========o'==================i' MIL< PLATE 7A-PRELIMINARY MAP SHOWING CONTOURS ON THE BEDROCK SURFACE BENEATH THE GLACIAL FILL IN THE BURIED VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PENNSYLVANIA ., M. J . BerQin , J . F. Robertson, and L . M. MCNay 1963 '==============~=============! Mil.[ PLATE 7B-PRELIMINARY MAP SHOWING CONTOURS ON THE BEDROCK SURFACE BENEATH THE GLACIAL FILL IN THE BURIED VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PENNSYLVANIA ., M. J . Bergin, J . F. Robertson, and L. M. MCNay 11163 I PLATE 7C-PREL.NINARY MAP SHOWNG CONTOURS ON THE BEDROCK SURFACE BENEATH THE GLACIAL FLL N THE BlJ£0 VALLEY OF Tt£ SUSQl£H~ RIVER. PEtft>YLVANIA M. J. Bergin, J. f. Robertson, -L M. MCNoy 1963 --·LIKII,_., 1'\.UIIU.-ro '==========================~========================~IM~l O PLATE 70-PRELIMINARY MAP SHOWNG CONTOURS ON THE BEDROCK SURFACE BENEATH THE GLACIAL FILL IN THE BURIED VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PENNSYLVANIA M. J.Bar;ln, J.F. Roberta on, oiMI L. M. MCNay IUS At the deepest eroded site along the trend of the ancient valley, just south of Plymouth, the surface of the bedrock is ac an altitude of 201 feet above sea level. Depressions have been eroded into the bedrock surface at numerous other localities along the trend of the ancient channel. Tributary channels in the vicinity of West Wyoming and Happy Valley may represent ancient courses of Abrahams Creek and Hicks Creek. Other tributary channels are developed· on Mill Creek, on Warrior Creek, on Nanticoke Creek, and on two streams in the vicinityof Pittstono Itter (1938, p o 23) has described potholes near Archbald, Pennsylvaniao The term pothole is generally restricted to t hose holes that are cylindrical in shape, have a depth equal co or greater than their width, and have been formed by the erosive force of sand, gravel, and stones s pun around by strong wacer currents (American Geological Institute, 1960)o Potholes, by this definition, do not appear to be major erosional features on the bedrock surface of the ancient valley in the 41area of this report o Numerous circular and ellipt ical depressions much shal lower than wide are present on t he bedrock floor of the buried valley both in the main channel and in i$olat ed areas outside che main channel o Such depres ions probably formed by the gouging and plucking action of glacial ice and by abrasion of debrisloaded screams flowing beneat h the ice; some may have formed byenlargement of plunge pools or basins at the foot of water falls where streams dropped off the ice o AS is shown on the thickne~s maps (pl o 8A~ 8D) the valleyf~ll deposits are thickest i n ~he m~in channel of the buried valley. The fill has a maximum thl ckness of 319 feet under the flood plain of the Susquehamna River in the bedrock depressions sout:h of Plymoutho The valley~ fill i.s more than 200 feet thick in other depressions along t he main chcatnnel of the buried valley1n the vicinities of Lynnwood, Ki ngs on, and Forty Fort o In t he v1cinity of Duryea, fill 100 to 120 ie~t ~hick is present in two depressions who e floors are at al itude~ of 527 and 551 feet a.bove sea level o The 120 f eet of fill shown in a circular area at Upper Pittston i~ actually a hill of glacial mat erial whose summit is 680 feet above sea level ~ the underlying bedrock is at an altitude of 560 feet above sea level, which is above the level of the present river. Similarly~ t he two areas of thick fill (120 and 140 feet thick) in the vicinit y of Pittston are hills of glacial mat erial o Valley~fill deposits as much as 120 feet thick are preserved in sever~l small depressions in the 21 vicinity of West Pittston and Exeter. AS much as 120 feet of fill is present in the elongated depression near Plainsville. Numerous ·small depressions occur in the southeastern part of Kingston; over 100 feet ·of fill is present in many of them. The small areas of thick fill in the vicinity of Wilkes-Barre represent hills of glacial deposits. The area of thick fill north of Plymouth Junction is a mine dump. AS much as 120 feet of fill is present in a depression north of Sugar Notch. The glacial and fluvial deposits that fill the Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River are composed of clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobbles, and boulders. The composition of the valleyfill deposits could be obtained only from descriptions of test holes drilled by the mining companies and from short stratigr-aphic sections in a few strip mine pits. Many of the mine shafts penetrated the valley-fill deposits, but these were cribbed to keep the unconsolidated material from caving. During the early stages of the investigation for this report, an attempt was made to correlate sediment zones in the valley-fill deposits by using the log descriptions. It was found that in local areas some zones could be traced from hole to hole with 'a £air degree of certainty when the holes had apparently been drilled by the same company and logged by the same person. The :sediment zones could not be correlated readily over large areas however, because the material recorded on many logs is gener alized into thick units of mixed sediment, and in many other cases the records show only a thickness, but no descriptions, for the valley~fill deposits. The study of the composition of the -valley-fill deposits was abandoned for this report when it became apparent that bet er data would be necessary, and that much more time and manpower than were allotted would be re· quired for this investigation. RELATION OF SUBSIDENCE TO MINING AND GEOLOGY Subsidence of the land surface has occurred at many places in the Wyoming Valley. Evidence of the sinking is apparent in the many cracked and crooked walls and foundations of buildings, the broken piers and abutments of bridges, the uneven highways, the crooked and undulatory railroad beds, and the short, steep grades of streets at railroad crossings. Work crews frequently have to raise and realign railroad tracks to maintain the grades and have to shim between the foundations and spans on railroad and highway bridges. Many ruptures in buried utility lines have 22 '============== ==='============ ======:;;' MIL[ PLATE SA-PREUMINARY MAP SHOWING THCKNESS OF GLACIAL FILL IN THE BURIED VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER. PENNSYLVANIA ., M. J. BtrQ in, J. F. Robertson , ond L. M. M'Nay IIU COMTCMMI IM TUI\I A L an 'l(f Oo\TUIII tt•UM IU L.IYit.. -... l O( A1-Wn • • n u-to ~======~======~================'! Mllf: PLATE 88 -PREUMINARY MAP SHOWING THCKNESS OF GLACIAL FILL IN THE BURIED VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER, PENNSYLVANIA ., M J Ber9 in, J F Robertson, ond L . M. M'Nay PLATE 8C -PRB..MNARY MAP SHOWWG THCKNESS OF GLACIAL FILL IN THE atRED VALLEY OF THE SUSQU~ RIVER, PE~SYLVANA ., M. J . Ber9in, J . F. Robertson, ~..L M. M.GNay IS63 CO NT OUI'I I NTUI Vil l tO r[[l DATUIII IS M(AN S U L [\' ( :_ =================''===================='' MILE PLATE 80-PREUMINARY MAP SHOWING THCKNESS OF GLACIAL FILL IN THE BURIED VALLEY OF THE SUSQUEHANNA RIVER. PENNSYLVANIA ., M. J . BtrQin , J . F Robertson, and L. M. M'Nay • been caused by subsidence. Several instances have been reported in which motor vehicles have sunk into cavities that opened up below streets, roads, and highways; houses and other buildings have collapsed or have been tilted by caving under their found ations, and gaping holes have appeared overnight in the surface of the ground. nsh (1950) describes depressions on the land surface as much as 200 feet long, 175 feet wide, and 90 feet deep that formed when the Jalley-fill deposits caved into underground mine workings that were driven to the interface between che bedrock surface and the valley-fill deposits . The flood control levees along t he Sus quehanna River have subsided differentially since their construction by the U. S. army Corps of Engineers in the early 1940s, as can be seen by the uneven t ops of the levees. Interlocking sheets of steel have been driven inco the tops of t he levees to counter their general subsidence below safe levels " Surface subsidence in the Wyoming Valley is caused basica.lly by underground mining of anthracite beds . The strata overlying underground mine workings have a t endency to cave, and in mosr cases will cave eventually to fill the void, unless the ~orkings have been b~ck-filled with tamped materials. If caving occurs underground, subsidence may occur ultimately at the scrface of the groun4 . ~alyses suggest many interrelated factors that have a bearing on the amount of surface subsidence and the rate at which ~ubsidence occurs in a particular locality. These factors derive from mining pract i ces, strength of rock macerials, and the geology of the area and include the i n t ensity ~nd depth of mining, the type and amount of roof support pr ovLded in the underground workings ~ the thickness and number of coal beds mined, the composition, thickness , and consolidation of che ~trata overlying the mined coal beds , the water con t ent of the overlying strata and i t s accessibility to the mine workings, and struct ural feat ures such as t he steepness of dip of : Ge coal bed~ and the presence of surfaces of weakneS$ (i. e . , 1nclined bedding planea , joint s, fract~res, and faults) . Each lns cance of subs i dence i s almos t unique because the factors enumE:rat:ed above are: not only individua lly variable, but may be c-:.m"Dined in a variety of ways . Possibly some theoretical lim~ l LS of subsidence f or surface areas in the Wyoming Valley may be determined from the detailed underground data compiled by the Bureau of Mines i n which the dept h of mining and the volume and span of empty s pace left by mined out coal are equated to the empirically derived strength and geometry of supporting co~umns of coal and rock. Some empiric formulas and simple mechanics may be appli ed with significance to determine the ap 23 prqximgte amounts of stress and potential subsidence within a given block of ground providing that roek conditions are uni--~ form, the eoal beds are relatively flat, mining has been fair-~ ly regular, and the forces involved are related to simple gravity loading. ·Conditions more commonly depart from the simple case, however, with variations from place to place in thickness of coal, in ratio of pillars to void spaces, and in the characteristics of superposed rock (including the height and weight of the rock column) that vastly complicate the problems of subsidence. Furthermore, most blocks of ground in the Northern Anthracite field include inclined beds, simple and complex folds, fault planes, and such things as mine water pools and barrier pillars that, combined with the above elements, multiply the number of factors to be considered and make the problem exceedingly difficult to evaluate or predict. As difficult as it is to calculate the quantitative and spatial aspects of subsidence, it is practically impossible to establish rate of subsidence, that is, to determine how subsidence will behave with time. It is apparent that each locality, with its individual set of conditions, has to be studied separately and carefully in detail in order to predict whether subsidence will take place and, if so, how much. Such studies are beyond the scope of the present investigation; a few generalities concerning the mechanics of subsidence, the type of mining, and the geologic relationships, however, can be mentioned to aid in dealing with the problem of subsidence. According to S. A. Tyler (in McKinstry, 1948, p. 525), the mode of failure of mine workings varies with depth. Failures at depths less than 3000 feet generally take place along surfaces of weakness and occur as collapse of the overlying and adjacent material under its own weight. Failures at depths greater than 3000 feet generally are of a crushing nature from pressures exerted from all directions ~ thus the failure may occur from t he sides and floor as well as from the roof of the workings o Since mi.ning in the Northern Anthracite field is limited to depths less than 2500 feet, failure of the workings will normally occur as collapse of t he overlying materials. Subsidence at the surface may reflec more or less directly the amoun of collapse of the workings if they are relatively close to the surface. At great er depth, the caving of roof rock into the mine openings may, in the manner of stoping, develop an arch that gradually migrates upward toward the surface. If the volume of mine workings is small, the increase in volume of broken rock (assuming that rock when broken takes up more volume, at roughly a 3 ~ 2 ratio) may be sufficient to fill the developing arch before it reaches the surface, and thus prevent subsidence 24 altogecher or cause only minor settlements. If the mine workings are extensive, the caving will eventually migrate all the way to the surface and result in general surface subsidence. dnother possibility is that instead of caving, the roof block may break down as a unit and cause subsidence directly. Studies have shown (McKinstry, 1948, p. 527; Lewis, 1941, p. 67) that the area affected by subsidence over underground mine workings increases upward so that the area of subsidence at the ground surface is larger than the area of the mine workings. In the simplest case where the rock is fairly homogeneous and free of planes of weakness, the bounding cracks caused by subsidence at the surface are commonly vertical to one-half the depLh to the caved workings, then curve inward to the bottom edge of the ~1orkings. The dip of a straight line between the edge o l the workings and the bounding cracks at the surface ranges mainly from 65 to 75 degrees. In the Northern field, however, which · is laced with inclined planes of weakness such as bedding planes, joints, and faults, the pattern is altered considerably. Planes of weakness generally tend to enlarge the area of subsidence, but locally their dist~ibution might serve to limit the zone of subsidence. In the Northern Anthracite field as much coal is extracted as is safely permissible for mining operations. The coal is mined underground by room and pillar methods in three stages, popularly referred to as first, second, and third degree mining. ln the first stage intersecting tunnels, usually arranged in a grid pattern, are driven along the coal bed; rectangular pillars of coal as wide or wider t han the tunnels are left intact. During the second stage many of the coal pillars are tunneled through and additional coal is taken from their sides. In the third stage, also popularly referred t o as "robbing'', the coal remaining in the pillars is complet:ely extracted and the overlying strata is left to cave. Pillars of coal ranging in width from 30 to 230 feet are left as barri ers between adjacent mines . In many cases these barrier pillars are also removed during nrobbing". During the course of mining t he overlying s t rata is supported by pi llars of coal, by wooden post s placed as props in the tunnels , and by roof bolts. small amount of backfilling has been done locally. fi Fa1lure of t:he mine workings and the result ing subsidence of t he land surface is liable to happen soonest and most completely in those areas where the coal has been wholly extracted, as in third degree mining. Similary, i n those areas where mining has not progressed to t he third degree, subsidence will be faster and grea er 25 where relatively smaller or widely spaced pillars of coal, rather than larger and closely spaced ones, are left to support the over-.~ lying strata. ...., From one to as many as 21 coal beds may underlie a particular surface locality in the Wyoming Valley. The coal beds range from zero to 27 feet in thickness. Overburden on the coal beds ranges from zero feet at the outcrop of the bed to as much as 2200 feet on the lowest coal bed in che deepest part of the basin. The various rocks that comprise the overburden, any one of which ·may directly overlie a mined coal bed , include shale, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, and t he unconsolidated clay, sand, gravel, and boulders of the valley-fill deposits . In general, potential surface subsidence should be greatest over areas where the thickest coal beds have been mined; similarly, potential surface sub-· sidence should be greater over areas where a number of coal beds, rather than one, have been mined. Soft strata, such as shales, tend o cave within a short time after being undermined and tend to crumble to fine mat erial that comple ely fills the void spaees; hard strata, such as well-cemented sandst ones or conglomerates, tend to bridge the void space for long periods of time, and when caved, may form blocky rubble that contains void spaces . Consequently, surface subsi dence sh ·uld be more rapid and greater over mine workings where the roof rock is thick shale. The problem of predicting surface areas in the Wyoming Valley that are likely to subside and the magnitude of such subsidence will be complica ed by the presence of the unconsolidated valley-fill deposit s. Good mining practice requires that a bedrock cover of 30 to 80 feet be maintained between the underground mine workings and the overlying valley-fill deposits (Roos, 1945). In general, surface subsidence at localities underlain by valleyfill deposits tends to be distributed over a larger area than would be affected if underlain only by bedrock. ash (1950) cites an instance in which a large, heavy, masonry building, resting on 200 feet of valley-fill was damaged by subsidence when no mining had been done directly under it, but when pillars were being •;robbed" in coal beds 600 t o 800 feet below the surface at dis= tances of 500 feet to the north and 300 feet to the west. Several case~ have been cited by ash (1950) where subsidence of the surface resulted when the valley=fill deposits broke into underground mine workings eit her because he workings intersected the int erface between the bedrock and the valley-fill or because of the failure of t he rock cover be tween the workings and the valley fill deposits. Under such condit ion a funneling action may be establi8hed in t he unconsolidated sediments with the diamet er of • 26 ~he area affected increasing upward. Subsidence will continue until the underground mine workings are filled or until equi librium is established by which the material funneling into the workings can support the overlying load. Subsidence may be re newed if this bQ;lance is disturbed5 for example, by the addition of w&t er. The water cont ent of t he overburden, especially of the valleyflll deposits, influences the conditions of subsidence. Water in Lhe anthracite mines of t he Northern Field has always been a problem, and has been one of t he main factors in curtailing or abandcnlng underground mi ning operation~ . Many of the mines are now practi cally filled wit h wat er. St rat a below the level of the Sus-· queh~nna Ri ver are probably water saturated. Perched water tables, however, might:: be present over impervious shale beds in the Llewellyn Formations a~ well a~ ~ver clay beds in t he valley~fill deposits. If tf.e imperv1ous l a yers are brt~ken by frac( induced by subSldence, t:he perched wa ter table wi ll be t:apped and the water will descend r:o l ower levels . Wat er nat:urally f l ows toward surface de::pressi ons over subsiding are~s " The added weight of water and its lubricating effect on the strata may induce additional subsidence. Oversaturation of t he unconsolidat ed valley-fi ll deposits, such dS m1g~t: be brough r a bouL ~y flooding or prol onged periods of prec1p1r:ation, could i nduce r api d movement of r:he unconsolidated mat~rial through t he breached strat~ and inLo the underground mine workLngs whi ch would r esult in pronounced r Api d subsidence at the ground surface . Coal beds in t:he wyoming Valley have been s t rongly folded and f aulted (pl ., 6) . Surface ~ubsidence is infl uenced by structural f ea!"ur es t ha t c.:>nt:rol t:o a great ext ent , the mining in t he an t hr a. -· ci t e beds o l n general, r:he coa l is not mined i n t he vicinit y of major f ault s or tight. folds, not ~nly because it is re~ognized as an un:saf e pract i ce, bu t al fo' o becaus e the coal is commonly badlysheared and , at l eas t. in t:he past , hitis had 1i ttle economic value. In most: case~ t he areas, t r .':i.versed by fault s have betn left as sup~ por~ing pi llar £ i n t he mine~ ~ i n ~orne case~ the m~in barri er pil lars: left: bet~.weren mines c.on train l arge f aults 0 The f ault ed areas are re~ognized a::; po1nts .:>f pot en::ial weakne.:t:::: 9 the rock.. and coal 1n r-he f aul ed zo• ne~ may crumble r~pidl y urider rhe increased pres~ 5ure-caus ed b y mi n1ng on e~ther or buLh ~ 1d~~·, The area under= lain ~y a fault should be considered a an area of potent ial sur= f ace s:uosidence o Folds v~stly complicate t he problem of predicting subsidence. Mi ning of cval beds along bot h t he flanks and t he core or apex of 27 folds produces different s t resses on the supporting columns of coal and rock than occur on essentially flat beds. The weight of overlying rock on the pi llars along the flank may be partly resolved into a tangenti al force par allel to the bedding. This tangential component is a shearing stress that increases with the sine of the inclinati on of t he beddi ng. Moderately to steeply inclined workings may collapse more readily under shearing stresses than horizontal workings would under corresponding amounts of load. When coll apse takes place in inclined workings at one point, the sheari ng stress is t ransmitted up and down the dip, which tends t o precipitate further collapse, and collapse of workings a t t he core or apex of t he f old i s great ly enhanced as a result. Fol ds also gr eatly increase t he pot ent ial collapse of workings by increasing t he number and direction of planes of weakness, not only by presen ting beddi ng planes and weak shaley beds at varying dips but by producing t ensi on fractures and joints along their axes . Other minor s t ructural f eat ures such as fissures, fractures, and joint systems in t he s t r ata serve as planes of weakness along which subsidence may t ake place. They may also provide channelways for wat er t o gai n access to t he mi ne workings . An ant hracite bed a t the int erface be t ween bedrock and valley-fill deposit s is normally inclined a t an angle to the horizont al. Mining of t he coal bed up to i t s i n t ersect ion with valley-fill establishes favorable condition s for surface subsi dence t o occur. <hough subsi denc e of the l and surf ace has occurred a t many sites throughout t he Wyomi ng Va lley, the t wo large areas where localit ies of subsi dence have been mos t pronounced and have caused the most concern are~ 1) i n Ki ngston and Fort y Fort bet ween t he Susquehanna River on t he sou t h and t he Delaware, Lackaw~nna and Western railroad t racks on t he nort h, and 2) i n the nort hwes t ern part of Wilkes-Barre bet ween t he Susquehanna r iver and South Main Street , from Division St reet on t he wes t t o Sou t h Street on the east. I n the first area evi dence of t he subsidence can be seen at many point s along Wyomi ng avenue where t he road has sett led to various levels. Local depressi ons coveri ng an area of several lots can be seen along t he city blocks. Many f rame houses are t~isted and tilt ed out of shape ; cracks i n foundat ions and in walls of masonry buildings is common; a parochial school is reported to have tilt ed several degrees soon after construction. Similarly, in the second area s t reets have settled to various levels, foundations and walls of buildings are cracked, and frame houses are twist ed. The tops of t he levees along the south bank of the Susquehanna River have had t o be raised t o their original 28 e grade by the addition of sheets of steel. Intensive underground mining has been carried on in the anthracite beds that underlie both areas . The subsidence is undoubtedly directly related to the caving of strata into the workings of the underground mine. This relationship can be seen along Wyoming Avenue which is underlain in part by the barrier pillars between the Dorrance mine and the Kingston and East Boston mines and bectYeen the Henry mine and avenue the Harry E~Forty Fort mine. ·At many places along the onehalf of the road has subsided, but the other half, which is under-· lain by the barrier pillar has not subsided, Buried-valley deposi t s overlie the bedrock in both the subsiding areas; the deposits range from 40 to 200 feet in thickness in the two areas and are over 100 feet thick under at least 50 percent of each area (pl. 8B-8C) . Coal beds that intersect the buried-valley deposits in the area of subsidence in the Kingston and Forty Fort vicinities include the Hillman, Kidney, Abbott, and Snake Island (pl. 5)-. The beds have been folded into a series of east-and northeast-trending synclines and anticlines, some of which are named the Mill Creek syncline, the Henry syncline, and the Henry anticline (pl. 5). I11 addition to the subsidence that will eventually take place upon failure of any mine workings under the area, conditions are present by which rapid subsidence will occur if the buried-valley deposits gain access to the mine workings t hrough failures in the buffer zone of bedrock near the intersection of the valley-fill deposits and the coal bed. Several generally east-trending faults cut he bedrock below the valley-fill deposits in the subsided areas of Kingston and Forty Fort (pl. 5). The faults constitute planes of weakness and they should be considered as important fac tors in potential subsidence . Mining data could not be obtained for the complete area of subsidence in the northwestern part of Wilkes-Barre. The Abbott, Snake I sland, No. 3, and probably some sLratigraphically higher coal beds intersect the valley-fill deposits in that area. The beds are folded into synclines and ant:iclines, and faults tran-· sect the area; therefore, favorable conditions for subsidence, similar to those in Kingston-Forty Fort area, are pr~sent here (pl. 5), 29 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The essential contribution of this report and its maps and illustrations to the -flood ·control study in the Northern Anthracite ·field is the geologic framework it provides ·of the Wyoming Valley. It 'includes~ (a) maps at a scale of 1 ~ 48,000 that show the areal distribution of rock formations and of surficial deposits in the Kingston and Pittston -7\' quadrangles (pl. 2) and in the Wilkes-Barre West and Wilkes-Barre East 7~' quadrangles (pl. 3); maps on a scale of 1~ 24,000 -that· show (b) the trace of outcrop and the structural configuration of the coal beds ·on ·the bedrock surface (pl. 5) and (c) structural configuration of the Lower Red ASh coal bed (pl . 6); which defines the stratigraphic base of the coal fields; ( d) contour maps at a scale of 1 ~ 24,000 . on· the bedrock surface beneath the valley fill in the Buried Valley of the Susquehanna River (pl. 7A-D) ; (e) isopachous maps ·at a scale of 1 ~ 24,000 that outline the thickness of the unconsolidated valley fill (pl. BA-D); (f) a cor~elation chart for the 26 anthracite beds in the 55 anthracit e mines in the Wyoming Valley (pl. 4). Planned objectives that had t o be abandoned for lack of time included~ (g) structure contour maps for two other coal beds of intermediate stratigraphic positions that together with (b) and (c) above would have provided a complete three dimensional model of· the structural features in the Wyoming Valley; (h) a number of cross sections that would have depicted the structural features in the vertical plane at pertinent intervals along the valley, but the -construction of which depended upon the completion of (g);· cross sections of the coal-bearing strata are included as a part of the U. S. Bureau of Mines report prepared concurrently with this study. (i) a definitive stratigraphic study of the unconsolidated valley fill sediments. The deferred parts of the study would have given considerably more geologic substance to the report and a greater underst anding of the structural complexities in -the Wyoming Valley. Alt hough no appraisal was made of the relationship between particular geologic components evolved in this study and the problem of. subsidence in specific .areas, some criteria concerning the study of subsidence were examined. The findings are briefly summarized below~ 1. It is exceedi ngly difficult to evaluate or predict the quantitative and spatial aspects of subsidence,and practically impossible, with present means, to determine how subsidence will behave with time. Each i nst ance of subsidence i s almost unique 30 because of the great number of factors that musr be considered, each of which is individually variable and may be related to the others in a variety of ways. The factors include~ a . intensity and depth of mining, b . the t ype and amount. of roof support provided in the underground workings . Man~made supports may be discounted, except as a t emporary influence, c ~ the thickness and number of coal beds mined, d . the composit.i on, thickness, and consolidation of the strata and of the valley-fill deposits overlying the -mine workings, and t he stres~ characteristics of the rock, e. structural features such .as dip of coal beds and other strata, simple and complex folds, faults, fractures , and Joints, f . the character of the groundwat er in the overlying rocks and its acce aibility to the mi ne workings, g . mine wat er pools, barrier pillar s, and t he movement of mine water drainage . 2. Surface subsidence i n the Wyoming Valley is caused basically by underground mining of anthracite beds . Collapse of mine workings and consequent subsidence of t he land surface is likely to happen soonesr and t o a greater degree where the ratio of coal mined t o coal remaining (or void space to coal pillars) is greatest. ·subsidence is prac t ically cert ain where the coal has been wholly extract ed under a given area . The chances of subsidence increase with the increase in number of coal beds mined below a given area. 3. The area affected by subsidence over underground mine workings increases upward so that the area of subsidence at the ground surface is larger ~han t he area of the collapsed mine workings , The angle of draw, that is t he angle made between a vertical line and a st raight: line from t he margin of t he workings to the edge of the area of subsidence, has been found to range 'generally from 15° t o 25° in simple cases . Inclined planes of weakness , such as bedding planes, faul~s , frac ures, and joints, t end to enlarge t his angle ~nd cons equent ly the area of surface subsidence. Loca lly, a faul t , bedding plane, or a barrier pillar might ·serve ro limit r:he angl e · f draw. 4o Modera t ely t o s~eeply inclined working& may collapse more readily under she~ring t res s es than horizont a l workings would under corresponding amounL£ of 1 ado When collap~ e takes place in inclined workings at one poin , : he shearing sr.ress is transmitted up and down the dip, which tends to precipitate further collapse, and coll apse of workings a t t he core or apex of t he fold is thereby incre~sed, 5. Surface subsidence, in areas underlain by more than a superficial amount of valley-fill deposits, tends to cover a larger area than would be affected if underlain only by bed-~ rock. Subsidence may be intensified if the interface between valley fill and bedrock is breached so that unconsolidated ma~ terial funnels into underground workings . Groundwater might contribute substantially to this action. 6 . It is apparent that each locality, with its individual set of conditions, has to be studied separately and minutely in order to predict whether or not subsidence will take place and, if so, how much. The maps accompanying this report will provide some of the geologic framework for such detailed analyses. RECOMMENDATIONS This report provides a generalized geologic framework of the Wyoming Valley .that is intended to assist in the more detailed studies of subsidence and foundation problem~ that arise in spe~ cific areas. All phases of geology should continue t o be studied to f i ll in the frameworkp emphasis should be plac~t~n'detailed investigations at specific localities in order to--learn more about the relation or reaction of geologic conditions to collapse of mine workings and t heir effect on surface subsidence. In order to adequately predict pot entially subsiding areas, the extent and amount of subsidence, and, therefore, the effects of such subsidence on the flood control levees and other related installations, a program of detailed investigations in known subsiding areas should be initiatedo Only ~y relating t he known subsidence to the mi ning conditions and to the stratigraphic, structural , and other geologic factors involved, and then, in turn, applying these relationships to other localities, can the answers to t he questions of where, when, and how much subsidence might be expect ed. Phases of the investigations that are critical in det ermining pot en ial subsidence and phases in which additional study i required include~ 1) a s t udy of the extent and conditions of t he underground coal mine workings , 2) a detailed study of the unconsolidat ed valley-fill sediments, 3) a study of both regional and local geologic structure, and 4) a detailed study of the bedrock strat igraphy in the coal-bearing str~ta. The extent and conditions of the underground mine workings and their relat ion to potential sub~idence have been studied and repor ed by the U. S. Bureau of Mines concurrently wit h this geologic study. By coordinating their findings with the geologic factors described in this report, a more complete picture of t he relationships at subsiding areas and po ential subsiding areas will be obtained. 32 The unconsolidated valley-fill sediments should be stud ied to define and correlate sedimentary layers in the deposits . This may be accomplished by systematic detailed plotting of t he stratigraphic data from the existing drill hole records, but probably would have t:o be supplemented by drilling additional holes at select ed localities . Effort::s should be made to estab lish relationships of ~urface subsidence t o individual types of sedimentary layers, for example, clay beds or sand beds. Stud ies need t.o be made on the strength of materials in the uncon solidated sediments and t·heir reactions t o s t resses induced by collapsing underground mine workings . Ground water studies in these unconsolidated valley~fill sediments may define addition al relationships in subsiding areas , and would be useful in un derst anding problems of flooding in the Wyoming Valley, Additional study is required to obtain a more precis e t hree dimensi onal picture of ·he geologic structure in t he coal~~earingrocks t hat underlie the Wyoming Valley. The s t ructure at the base of t he Llewellyn Formation is depicted by the st:ructure contour map on t he Red ASh coal bed. St ructure cont our map should be compiled for two more beds wit hin the formation, such as the Pit s t on coal bed in t he lower one-t hird of the stra ·igraphic se quence and the Hillman coal bed in t he upper one-third. Cross sections should be compiled t o show~ 1) the positions of the coal beds and their relationshi ps one t o another, 2) the variations in character and thickness of rock strata between coal beds, and 3) the position, nature, and extent of folds and faults . Detailed s t udies in the vicinity of the flood control levees and associated inst allations should seek co establish the relationships between subsidence or pot ential subsidence and the degreeof inclinat ion of the underlying strata and the fractures and faults tha · transect chem. Stratigraphic studie s of the coal-bearing bedrock should include detailed descrip ions and thickness measurements of rock types in t he Llewellyn Formation. A s t udy of the lithologic charact er and its variations in t he formation should include the construction of columnar seccions from a number of localities in the coal field that would indicate beds or a series of beds, of actual or pot ential weakness, as well as develop data on the var iabilit y in thickness of the coal beds and of the interveningbeds of various rock t ypes . In subsiding a~eas an attempt should be made t o det ermine the structural charact eristics of particular rock t ypes, such as shale, sandst one, or conglomerate, and of various strata, such as coal beds or series of coal beds, thick beds of shale, or thick sequences of thi nly i nt erbedded coal, 33 shale, and sandstone. Special attention should be given to the characteristics of rock t hat form the roof in the mine workings . Test s shoul d be conduct ed to determine the strength ~ of various rock t ypes, their reactions to loads related to depth of burial, and their react:ions to stresses induced bycaving of mine workings . Alt hough t hey would cont r ibut e only a small part to flood control and surface subsidence studies, similar stratigraphic studies in t he older underlying geologic formations would solve several correlat ion prob lems . Facies changes that occur within t he Mauch Chunk Formation as it thi.ns progressively from south west to northeast need t o be more clearly defined. More work is needed t o determine i f t he Mauch Chunk Format ion actually in tertongues wit h t he Pocono Formation. The Gri swold Gap Con glomerat e of t he Poc ono Formation should be t r a ced t o more clear ly define i t s charact er and distr ibution i n t he deposit ional sequence. An unconformity descr i bed a t t he base of t he Pocono Formation in che Western Mlddl e and t he Sout hern Ant hracite fields (Trexler and ot hers , 1961) ha s no yet been recognized in t he Nort hern field, bu t addit ional de ai led geologic mapping may uncover i t . The Nort hern Anthr a cite field present s an opportunity for a long range study of the geology and coal resources of an en tire coal basi n. Ampl e dat a f or such a s t udy can be obtained from coal company records and by geologic mapping. The objec t ives of such a s t udy woul d be o 1) de t a i led geol ogic coverage of the coal field and a dj acent areas , 2) det ailed s t rat igraph ic and s rue ural st udi es of Lhe coal-bear i ng rocks, 3 ) a phys iographic study of bot:h t:he Wyomi ng and the Lackawanna Valleys, and 4) de t ermi na t ion of coal reserve i n the Nort hern Ant hra cite field. REFERENCES CI TED American Geological I n s t itute , 1960, Glossary of geology and relat ed sciences~ Washi ng t on , D. C., Kaufmann, 72 p . -Ash, S. H. , 1950, Buried val"ey of the Susquehanna Ri ver, ant hraci e regi on of Pennsyl van i a g U. S. Bur. Mines Bull 494, 27 p. , 1954, Barrier pi llars i n Wyoming basin, northern --~~~ field, an hra c ite regi on of Pennsylvania~ U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 538, 251 p . 34 Darton, N. H., 1940, Some structural features of the northern anthracite coal basin, Pennsylvania~ U. S. Geol. SurveyProf. Paper 193-D, 81 p. Fenneman, N. M. , 1946, Physical divisions of the United States: U. S. Geol . Survey Mi sc . Map . Itter, H. A., 1938, The geomorphology of the Wyoming-Lackawanna region~ Pa. Geol . Survey 4th ser. , Bull. G9, 82 p. Lewis, R. S. , 1941, Element s of Mining~ New York, John Wiley & Sons, 579 p . Lobeck, A. K. , 1939, Gemorphology~ New York, McGraw-Hill, 731 p. McKinst ry, H. E. , 1948, Mining Geology~ Prentice-Hall, Inc . ,New York, p . 523-541 Peltier, L. C. , 1949, Pleistocene terraces of the SusquehannaRiver, Pennsylvania~ Pa. Geol. Survey 4th ser. , Bull . G23, 158 p. Roos, G. A., 1945, Mi ne drainage in the anthracite region~ Min. Cong. Jour. , vol. 31, no . 6. Trexler, J . P. , Wood, G. H. , Jr. , and Arndt, H. H. , 1961, Angular unconformity separates Catskill and Pocono Format ions in western par t of Anthracite region, Pennsylvani a, U. S. Geol . Survey Prof. Paper 424-B, Art . 38, p . B84-B88 . White, I . C. , 1881, The geology of Susquehanna County and Wayne County~ Pa . Geol . Survey 2d, Rept. G5, 243 p . ----~--~' 1883, The geology of the Susquehanna River regionin the six countie~ of Wyoming, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Columbia, Mont our, and Northumberland~ Pa. Geol. Survey 2d,Rept . G7, 464 p . Wood, G. H. , Jr. , and ot hers, 1956, Subdivision of the Pottsville Formation in the Sout hern Ant hracite field, Pennsylvania~ Amer. Assoc . of Pet roleum Geol . ~ v . 40, no. 11, p. 26692688 . Wood, G. H. , Jr., Trexl er, J . P. , and Arndt , H. H., 1962, Penn sylvanian rocks of t he sout hern part of the anthracit e region of ea s t ern Pennsylvania in Geological Survey Research, 1962~ U. S. Geol . Survey Prof . Paper 450-C, p. C39-C42 . 35 APPENDIX D DETAILED COST ESTIMATES FOR LEVEE RESTORATION, ANNUAL BENEFIT COMPUTATIONS AND PROJECT FORMULATION APPENDIX D DETAILED COST ESTIMATES FOR LEVEE RESTORATION, ANNUAL BENEFIT COMPUTATIONS AND PROJECT FORMULATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE BASIS FOR ESTIMATES DESIGN DETAILS DETAILED COST ESTIMATES FORTY FORT BOROUGH KINGSTON BOROUGH EDWARDSVILLE BOROUGH WILKES-BARRE HANOVER TOWNSHIP ENGINEERING AND DESIGN SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION ANNUAL BENEFIT COMPUTATIONS PROJECT FORMULATION TABLES Ntunber D-1 STAGE DAMAGE RELATIONS D-2 AVERAGE ANNUAL DAMAGE COMPUTATIONS D-3 PROJECT FORMULATION DATA Page D-1 D-1 D-1 D-3 D-4 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-6 D-6 D-10 Page D-8 D-9 D-11 D-i APPENDIX D DETAILED COST ESTIMATES FOR LEVEE RESTORATION ANNUAL BENEFIT COMPUTATIONS, AND PROJECT FORMULATION · PURPOSE The purpose of this appendix is to present all pertinent data concerning the proposed improvement, its costs, annual charges, and benefits which are not considered necessary for inclusion in the main report. The cost estimates and average annual benefits computations included in this appendix are at June 1970 price levels (Engineering News Record Construction Index = 1368.66 and ENR Building Index= 830.14, respectively). The figures given in the main report have been adjusted to reflect July 1971 pr~ce levels and conditions (ENR Construction Index= 1587.88 and ENR Building Index= 950.08). Project formulation is also presented in this appendix. BASIS FOR ESTIMATES Average unit prices for items of construction during June 1970 form the basis for estimating costs of the plan of improvement. Unit prices were obtained by a study of bids made by contractors for similar types of work and from cost figures for work performed for, or supervised by, the Corps of Engineers. Prevailing wage schedules, current prices quoted for materials, and local rates for rental of equipment were also utilized to make 'cost estimates. Quanities of materials needed and volumes of excavation and earthwork were computed in accordance with the design requirements. The cost estimates are believed to be reasonably accurate and realistic. DESIGN DETAILS Subsidence throughout the Wyoming Valley area, as a result of anthracite mining, has made necessary the raising and reconstruction of approximately 4-3/4 miles of levee and flood wall to meet Corps of Engineers standards for protection from a design flow of 232,000 cubic feet per second. The design protection equals the greatest flood of record, that of March 1936, with 3 feet of freeboard. The loss of protection from that provided by the original construction was determined to be approximately 1-1/2 feet in each of the areas protected. Areas which are more than 6 inches below design grade would be restored with an additional 2 feet above design, as would the areas repaired as emergency measures, to compensate for future settlement. The total freeboard in the reconstructed areas will be 5 feet to compensate for potential subsidence. In those areas now having a minimum of 2-1/2 feet of freeboard, no remedial action is proposed at this time. Such small amountsof settlement may be due, in part, to normal consolidation of the embankment, and are not indicative of significant mine subsidence in these areas. a ~-2 D-1 10-71 Levees requiring repair will be stripped of sod, riprap, and any objectionable material. A levee slope of 1-vertical on 2-1/2-horizontal on the riverside and 1-vertical on 2-horizontal on the landside have been adopted to keep additional land acquisition to a minimum. A top width of 10 feet is proposed for all levees. Where the existing concrete wall in Wilkes-Barre is below grade, protection would be restored by driving steel sheet piling on the riverside of the existing wall and placing compacted fill between the two walls. Where the existing steel sheet piling wall in Forty-Fort is below grade, protection would be restored by welding the specified extensions on the existing wall and driving the modified wall to design grade. Closure at street crossings, such as Market and Pierce Streets, will be made with sandbags when necessary. Street elevations at these crossings are close to the design flow lines, and closure would be needed only during a major flood. D-2 APPENDIX D DETAILED COST ESTIMATES FOR LEVEE RESTORATION FORTY FORTY BOROUGH The detailed estimate of cost for restoration of the levee system in Forty Fort Borough is as Item Care and diversion of water Stripping Excavation-common Excavation-borrow (a) Pervious (b) Impervious Embankment (a) Pervious (b) Impervious Seeding Slope protection Riprap toe Steel sheet piling Drainage structure follows: Unit Quantity ls job cy 4,650 cy 3,700 cy 24,840 cy 13,685 cy 21,600 cy 11'900 acre 1.5 sy 7,940 cy 2,120 ton 326 ls job Contingencies Real estate and right-of-way costs Item Unit Quantity Estimated land and/or improvements Mapping & surveying ls tracts job 17 Appraisals tracts 17 Title evidence tracts 17 Negotiating & closure tracts 17 Condemnations (avg. 3 or 18%) Contingencies Unit Price Total Cost 1.45 1.40 4,500 6, 740 5,180 1.45 1. 50 36,020 20,530 1.10 1. 25 800.00 10.00 5.75 260.00 23,760 14,880 1,200 79,400 12,190 84,760 11 1 000 $ 300,160 591 840 $ 360,000 Unit Price $ Total Cost $ 225.00 225.00 112.00 225.00 12,400 3,830 3,830 1,900 3,830 560.00 1 1 680 $ 27,470 61 130 $ 33,600 a R-2 D-3 lU-71 KINGSTON BOROUGH The de tailed estimate of cost for restoration of the levee system in Kingston Borough is as follows: Unit Item Unit Quantity Price Total Cost $ $ Stripping Excavation, Excavation, Excavation, common existing riprap borrow cy cy cy 18,705 11,500 695 1.45 1.40 2.25 27,120 16,100 1,560 (a) Impervious Embankment, impervious Seeding Slope protection Riprap toe cy cy acre sy cy 64,610 56,180 11.5 1,835 360 1. 50 1. 25 800.00 10.00 5.75 96,920 70,230 9,200 18,350 20 2 700 $ 260,180 Contingencies 51 2 820 $ 312,000 Real estate and right-of-way costs None EDWARDSVILLE BOROUGH The detailed estimate of cost for restoration of the levee systemin Edwardsville Borough is as follows: Unit Item Unit Quanti!Y Price Total Cost $ $ Stripping cy 1,375 1.45 1,990 Excavation, common cy 900 1.40 1,260 Excavation, borrow (a) Impervious cy 6,300 1. 50 9,450 Embankment cy 5,480 1. 25 6,850 Seeding acre .9 800.00 720 $ 20,270 Contingencies 31 730 $ 24,000 Real estate and right-of-way costs None D-4 R-2 10-71 WILKES-BARRE The detailed estimate of cost for restoration of the levee system in Wilkes-Barre is as follows: Unit Item Unit guantit~ Price Total Cost $ $ Stripping cy 9,320 1.45 13,510 Excavation, common cy 4,200 1.40 5,880 Excavation, borrow (a) Impervious cy 30,860 1.50 46,290 Embankment, impervious cy 26,840 1.25 33,550 Seeding acre 6.1 800.00 4,880 Slope protection sy 7,030 10.00 70,300 Steel sheet piling ton 578 260.00 150,280 Concrete Wall lf 900 80.00 72,000 Removal of existing handrailing lf 980 .60 590 $ 397,280 Contingencies 79z720 $ 477,000 Real estate and right-of-way costs Unit Item Unit Quantity Price Total Cost $ $ Annual estimated rental value (one year) ls job 900 Restoration of land ls job 1,125 Appraisals tracts 1 225.00 225 Negotiating & closing tracts 1 225.00 225 Condemnation tracts 1 560.00 560 $ 3,035 Contingencies 365 $ 3,400 R-2 D-5 HANOVER TOWNSHIP The detailed estimate of cost for restoration of the levee system in Hanover Township is as follows: Unit Item Unit Quantity Price Total Cost $ $ Stripping cy 9,605 1.45 13,930 Excavation, common cy 4,400 1.40 6,160 Excavation, borrow (a) Impervious cy 36,850 1.50 55,280 Embankment, impervious cy 32,030 1. 25 40,040 Seeding acre 5.5 800.00 4,400 Slope protection sy 1,250 10.00 12~500 $ 132,310 Contingencies 26 2 690 $ 159,000 Real estate and right-of-way costs This area of land will be furnished at no cost to the government. ENGINEERING AND DESIGN -SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION The engineering, design, supervision, and administration costs for all of the above improvements are: Engineering and design $ 73,200 Supervision and administration 79,800 Total $153,000 ANNUAL BENEFITS COMPUTATIONS The degree of protection lost from subsidence is estimated to be 1-1/2 feet at each of the communities affected. While the loss in most instances is in the freeboard zone, the average annual benefits justifying the project were taken only to the flow line of 232,000 cfs, the 1936 flood flow. Since 3 feet of freeboard is required to assure protection from the desi gn flow, any loss of freeboard reflects a comparable loss of protection below the stage of the 1936 flood flow. The average annual bene: its from restoring the subsided freeboard would be the elimination of t he average annual damages occurring from flows in the range of 1936 flood to 1-1/2 feet below this flow. The average annual damages prevented i n this range were computed using the existing R-2 D-6 and modified damage-frequency curves derived from the stage damage relations shown in Table D-1 and discharge-frequency and stage-dischargerelations shown in Table D-2. The discharge-frequency relations incorporate the effect of five existing upstream flood control reservoirs (Almond, Arkport, Easy Sidney, Stillwater, and Whitney Point) and thetwo that are in the preconstruction planning stage (Cowanesque andTioga-Hammond). Average annual damages for existing conditions arerepresented by the area under the existing damage-frequency curve.Similarly, the area under the modified damage-frequency curve representsthe average annual damages that can be expected after the proposed improvement. The area between the existing and modified damage-frequency curvesin the range of the 1936 flood stage to 1-1/2 feet below this stagerepresents the average annual damages that would be prevented by restoringthe subsided freeboard. The average annual benefits are $26,500 atSwoyersville-Forty Fort, $150,000 at Kingston-Edwardsville, and $233,500at Wilkes-Barre and Hanover Township. The average annual damage computations are shown in Table D-2. D-7 j Table D-1 STAGE DAMAGE RELATIONS WITHIN PROTECTED AREAS WITH PROTECTION REMOVED JUNE 1970 CONDITIONS Referenced Swoyersville-Kingston1936 Flood Wilkes-Barre Forty Fort Edwardsville Gage* X $1,000 X $1,000 -5 28.07 $ 600 $ 8, 300 -4 29.07 944 11,180 -3 30.07 1,808 15,160 -2 31.07 2,690 19,640 -1 32.07 4,120 23,230 1936 33.07 5,090 27,130 +1 34.07 6,360 32,6 70 * Zero Datum 512.07 1 msl Wilkes-Barre- Hanover Twp • X $1,000 $ 14,990 19,100 23,980 29 ,590 35 '9 70 43,080 50,580 D-8 • TABLE D-2 AVERAGE ANNUAL DAMAGES WITHIN PROTECTED AREAS WITH PROTECTION REMOVED JUNE 1970 CONDITIONS Swoyersville-Forty Fort Kingston-Edwardsville Wilkes-Barre-Hanover Twp.Frequency Damage Incremental Damage Damage Incremental Damage Damage Incremental DamageStage Flow (cfs) Percent Increment X $1,000 X $l,b00 Avg Annual t:j X $1,000 X $1,000 Avg Annual X $1,000 X $1,000 Avg Annual I \.0 1936 Wilkes-Flood BarreGa ge* -2 31.07 214,000 1. 70 $2,690 $19,640 $29,590 0 . 20 $3,050 $ 6 I 100 $20,530 $41,060 $31,180 $62 , 3 70 -1~ 31.5 7 219,000 1. so 3,400 21,430 32 , 780 0 . 30 3, 770 11,310 22,330 66,980 34,370 103,120 -1 32 . 07 224,000 1. 20 4,120 23,230 35,970 0.33 4,610 15 > 210 25 > 180 83,090 39,520 130,430 1936 33 . 07 232,000 0.87 5,090 2 7> 130 43,080 0.43 6,000 25,800 28,705 123,430 "47,090 202 , 49 0 +2 35 . 07 256,QOO 0.44 ---------_Z,l_1() 32,4_30 54,510 * Ze ro Da tum 51 2 . 07' ms1 PROJECT FORMULATION Several degrees of flood protection in Wyoming Valley were considered in the project formulation phase of this study. Pertinent data for each level of protection are given in Table D-3. The effect of existing and anticipated future upstream flood control structures is reflected in the table. The proposed plan of improvement will provide protection from the 115-year flood on the Susquehanna River under existing conditions and from correspondingly less frequentfloods as upstream control increases. If the flood protection systemfailed during a recurrence of the 1936 flood of record, the resultingflood waters would cause approximately $80,000,000 in damage in the highly developed areas of the Wyoming Valley. Failure of the protection system was assumed to occur when the design discharge of 232,000 cfs was exceeded although, in fact, the freeboard would provide a somewhat higher degree of protection. An evaluation of higher levels of protection show that while it is economically feasible to provide a greaterlevel of protection, local costs would be of such a magnitude as to preclude local interests from fulfilling the requirements of local cooperation. Bridge and utility alterations and the additional land required for increasing the design protection two feet, all of which are local cost, would exceed the total cost of the recommended levee restoration improvements. It would not be prudent to assume that local interests could satisfy the requirements of a more costly alternative. D-10 R-3 3-72 TABLE D-2 AVERAGE ANNUAL DAMAGES WITHIN PROTECTED AREAS WITH PROTECTION REMOVED JUNE 1970 CONDITIONS Swoyersville-Forty Fort Kingston-Edwardsville Wilkes-Barre-Hanover Twp .Frequency Damage Incremental Damage Damage Incrementa 1 Damage Damage Incremental Damage t:1 Stage Flow (cfs) Percent Increment X $1,000 X $1,000 Avg Annual X $1,000 X $1,000 Avg Annual X $1, 000 X $1, 000 Avg AnnUB 1 I \.0 1936 Wilkes-Flood Barre Gage* -2 31.07 214,000 l. 70 $2,690 $19,640 $29,590 0 . 20 $3,050 $ 6' 100 $20,530 $41,060 $31,180 $62,370 -1\ 31.5 7 219,000 l.50 3 , 400 21,430 32,780 0 . 30 3' 770 11,310 22,330 66,980 34,370 103,120 -1 32 . 07 224,000 l.20 4,120 23,230 35,970 0.33 4,610 15,210 25' 180 83,090 39,520 130,430 1936 33 . 07 232,000 0 . 87 5,090 27' 130 43,080 0.43 6,000 25,800 28,705 123,430 47 '090 202,490 +2 35.07 256,000 0.44 7,310 32,430 54,510 *Zero Datum 512 .07' ms1 L PROJECT FORMULATION Several degrees of flood protection in Wyoming Valley were considered in the project formulation phase of this study. Pertinent data for each ~evel of protection are given in Table D-3. The effect of existing and and anticipated future upstream flood control structures is reflected in the table. The proposed plan of improvement will provide protection from the 115-year flood on the Susquehanna River under existing conditioqs and from correspondingly less frequent floods as upstream control increases. If the flood protection system failed during a recurrence of the 1936 flood of record, the resulting flood waters would cause approximately $80,000,000 in damage in the highly developed areas of the Wyoming Val~ey. Failure of the protection system was assumed to occur when the design discharge of 232,000 cfs was exceeded although, in fact, the freeboard would provide a somewhat higher degree of protection. An evaluation of higher levels of protection show that while it is economically feasible to provide a greater level of protection, l ocal costs would be of such a magnitude as to preclude local interests from fulfilling the requirements of local cooperation. Bridge and utili ty alterations and the additional land required for increasing the design protection two feet, all of which are local cost, would exceed the total cost of the recommended levee restoration improvements. The District Engineer's recommendation that restoration of the subsided protection be accomplished at Federal expense is based on the premise that local interests are unable to meet these costs. It would not be prudent to assume that local interests could satisfy the requirements of a more costly alternative. D-10 Table D-3 PROJECT FORMULATION DATA Occurrence Stage Upstream Flow Interval 1936 Wilkes-Barre Flood Control Percent of Modified in Flood Gage* Development cfs Standard Project Flood** Years -1-1/2 31.57 Existing Conditions l/ 219,000 50.4 67 1980 Plan 2/ 219,000 54.5 95 2000 Plan ]/ 219,000 57.6 124 1936 33.07 Existing Conditions l/ 232,000 53.3 115 1980 Plan 2/ 232,000 57.5 140 2000 Plan ll 232,000 60.7 190 t::l t-' I +2 35.07 Existing Conditions ll 256,000 58.8 228 t-' 1980 Plan 2/ 256,000 63.5 300 2000 Plan ll 256,000 67.0 400 * Zero Datum 512.07' msl ** Modified due to upstream reservoirs ll Includes Almond, Arkport, East Sidney, Stillwater, Whitney Poit, Aylesworth Cowanesque and TiogaHammond Reservoirs. 11 Includes existing plus Davenport Center, Fabius, South Plymouth, Five Mile Creek and Mud Creek Reservoirs. ]/ Includes 1 and 2 plus East Guilford Reservoir. APPENDIX E ADDITIONAL PROTECTION CONSIDERED APPENDIX E ADDITIONAL PROTECTION CONSIDERED LOCATION EXTENT AND CHARACTER OF FLOOD DAMAGES SOLUTION CONSIDERED ANNUAL CHARGES ANNUAL BENEFITS PLAINS TOWNSHIP TABLE OF CONTENTS E-1 FLOODED AREA E-1 E-1 E-2 E-2 E-2 E-i APPENDIX E ADDITIONAL PROTECTION CONSIDERED PLAINS TOWNSHIP LOCATION At a public hearing held by the District Engineer in June 1946, and at subsequent meetings, the Board of Commissioners of Plains Township indicated a desire for flood protection for Plains Township in Luzerne County. The Township, with a population of approximately 11,400, borders the left or east bank of the Susquehanna River immediately upstream from Wilkes-Barre for a distance of about 3-1/2 miles, and extends an average of about 5 miles landward from the river. The easterly two-thirds of the Township is a sparsely populated, mountainous area largely owned or leased by coal-mining companies. The westerly strip of the township, a roughly triangular area about 2 miles long and approximately 1/2 mile broad at its widest part, lies within a bend in the river, and, except for a knoll at the upstream end, is subject to inundation by flood waters. EXTENT AND CHARACTER OF FLOODED AREA. The area flooded, with the exception of a portion of Plainsville, is almost entirely agricultural and contains about two percent of the population of the Township. The river overflows low-lying portions of its banks in the area almost yearly at a stage of approximately 18 feet on the Wilkes-Barre gage. The farm area is completely inundated on the average of about once in 10 years; however, more than 90 percent of the high flows occur during the period November through April and cause little farm damage. The ground surface at the edge of the flood plain rises rapidly, and very little additional area is inundated by higher, less frequent floods. FLOOD DAMAGES The flood of record occurred in March 1936, reaching an elevation of approximately 551 feet above mean sea level at Plainsville and producing a gage reading of 33.1 feet at Wilkes-Barre. Other severe floods, in order of magnitude, were May 1946 (32.0 feet), March 1964 (30.2 feet), and April 1960 (29.6 feet). At the June 1946 public hearing the Board of Commissioners of Plains Township submitted a report on damages incurred during the floods of March 1936 and May 1946. The report states, " ... in 1936 the amount in dollars of flood damages to rural and farm properties was in the neighborhood of $40,000. The E-l amount in dollars of flood damages to urban and private properties was in the neighborhood of $15,000. In 1946, the amount in dollars of flood damages to rural and farm properties was in the neighborhood of $85,000 and the amount in dollars of flood damages to urban and private properties was in the neighborhood of $15,000." A report on the flood damage to railroad property and operations, submitted at the same time, indicated damages in the area of $17,000 in 1936 and $15,000 in 1946. The estimated total damage from the 1946 flood is $115,000, the majority of which was agricultural. The damages caused by the 1946 flood were exceptionally large by comparison. The flood came at the end of May and is the only large flood of record occurring so late in the growing season as to cause extensive damage to crops. Damages decrease sharply for flood crests ranging to 4 feet below the 1936 flood level or 29.1 feet on the Wilkes-Barre gage. Only seven floods have crested at or above this level since the period of continuous record began in 1891. Below a stage of 29 feet, damages decrease gradually for flood crests ranging to a stage of 24 feet, at which point damages are negligible. Average annual flood damages for this area, based on June 1970 prices, are $14,200. SOLUTION CONSIDERED To protect the Plainsville area from discharges equal to the flood of record, a levee 6,420 feet long with an average height of 18 feet would be required. Three major closure structures and one pumping station would also be required as part of the plan. Based on the history of subsidence in the area and the report by the U.S. Bureau of Mines included in Appendix B, two feet of "subsidence" freeboard in addition to the normal three feet of freeboard has been included in establishing the top of protection. Based on preliminary estimates, the current first cost of such a project at June 1970 prices, would be $2,052,000, of which $2,027,000 would be Federal costs and $25,000 would be non-Federal costs. ANNUAL CHARGES The estimated annual charges, based on a project first cost of $2,052,000 and amortized over a project life of 100 years at 5-1/8 percent interest, is $109,900, of which $104,600 would be Fede ral costs and $5,300 non-Federal costs. The non-Federal costs include $4,000 annual maintenance and operation charges. ANNUAL BENEFITS The average annual flood control benefits accruing to the plan of improvement, based on June 1970 prices, are $4,900. Despite recent industrial construction adjacent to Plainsville, the . inclusion of enhancement benefits from flood protection does not appear to be appreciable because of the threat of subsidence in the area and the availability of suitable areas for development on adjacent high land. The benefit-cost ratio for the considered plan of improvement is less than 0.1 to 1.0. E-2 APPENDIX F LOCAL COOPERATION ,.........-------------- INI'RODUCTION Number F-1 F-2 F-3 F-4 F-5 F-6 F-7 F-8 APPENDIX F LOCAL COOPERATION TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURES Title Copy of letter from Balttmore District to local agencies Resolution of assurance from City of WilkesBarre, Pennsylvania Copy of letter from Baltimore District to City of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Resolution of assurance from Borough of Kingston, Pennsylvania Copy of letter from Baltimore District to Borough of Kingston, Pennsylvania Resolution of assurance from Borough of Edwardsville, Pennsylvania Resolution of assurance from Hanover Township, Pennsylvania Resolution of assurance from Luzerne County, Pennsylvania F-i APPENDIX F LOCAL COOPERATION INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to present data showing that the agencies which will represent local interests in fulfilling the terms of local cooperation have indicated a willingness to participate in the restoration of the levee system along the Susquehanna River in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. These same agencies, the City of WilkesBarre, the Boroughs of Kingston and Edwardsville, Hanover Township, and Luzerne County, supplied acceptable assurances of local cooperation for the original flood control improvements in the Wyoming Valley. F-1 . .. .. 8 October 1970 !!..lyC:l" ~nd Couucil of City of ';{illws-Brts on tl;·.:l !>usque::l~.:!r.nn I'.lver to .:tt.:tcrmin~.:~ t !1c need for tnodifying t i;c report rccornncnclat:ions pcrtRining to c1.:c:as uff~ctcd hy the hm·ri cauc flood of f:.u<::n:; t. 1955. 'iii'.~ ·!'ublic Work~; :'..pproprintion !.ct for i.~i~c.:1l y , -:-:.r 1961 c.uthc!::i.::cd t he J..::..lti~orc lHr.:t;:ic t to c:·=~' ; : r. d the atudy to inclu~:c ~.;ubni.dr.uc(~ probl~t ~s r~:;uJ.tiug £x-OtJ. J t:m::;lion of t i1e Gu0~:tdPc)::i.r) tic.n ef our pro1) 0~:i -:•d il.~~rov.:·:;<'2 nt:l, to~·~tiH.:.l" ,,·it;l iiVC! ;;l.:1tcs sll0·.-.-lu~ t :l'.! loc-'ltion and l'lnns for tl .:-:co~':"l lir;hin,-; t:llc con~; i_c :(!'J:"£:d rc~toration. The c.j)I,QO, rc[•P'~cth•cly. To pc.n:dt t il0 ::.>is t-::1 ct: Er.gir;.'-'•: r to r:~cc::·..-.wrd c -:n :::-, i::n.:.,-: ti0n o.[ t; ; :(:S~ ir~pt·o\~:' ·~:'~:! f· .. .-. t:h·:--! Cou~rc~ ..:.: , i t i~ l:.cce3Brtry •:h:~t I ~n i1 ·.:.J ic.~t:ton fr;·u > ·:-· .:;pr~ .. · -.i..L1lc.: l0c.:~l uu\:1 -. c·..::!. tics t i1::.:: tncy ~ri'• l"O'-' · "! t !1c pro~: r.-· .__.,J pl:m &.:.nd t:l · . 1. the:/ \J.i.ll f tilflll tL~ t::cr:.::; ui: local ~'-l::) ;)i_~ i:J. tion, slt.->lld tk.! i•:Cr.,_;..-•.:t b~! ;;ut: :l~ i: l:'..;:d Ly t l:c I_C•ll!-;rC:i~ . r [J ;'Q i~-~cJ_:)_; i:.~~ l C•:'lc ~-L~ r.-c.U.on. A sh.ilur rerwb Lion by tit::: City Coc.ncil \,'ill L::: ::.:ttisf.:.c l.:o::·y. Figure F-1 l~A~Pi-B ~ October l'J70 llayor and Council of City of \-lilkes-Bane T::c:J·~ con~d.•_i.;.: r.ed Jt1prove:.,1cnts are prcli:.dnary until tl1ey have bc~n :lp~: r~;v~d !.:y :;i;--, authority ~o:ithin the Corps of ! : ~ginecrs, at \lhic.h tJ;;,c t h e iJJ.-. blon Et:g:ln ~cr in :.;cw York, }!.ajor General Cltarlf::g ;-t . :Uuk~, ·.:ill. 1.--..f c. n ; you of th0 r .:: cowncnd(!d pl.:m. '..i.'l.c inforr.litoulci you 11r:vc any questions concerning these propo:;cd improve!· ·~Hl::;, ple.:1s c call ' l thcr !~r. ;;,avid Lacici or i·ir. '.Lhowas \-[nclley of thiu office, nrca code 3Cl-9GZ-2652. ~iucerely yours, ~ Inc.losurvu G. H. ~Ul.LLR 1. )j,·:;crip t.i.0 :l C!liP.f, l:;ngineerin~ Division 2. Plates (.J) 3. Sanple >;solution Same letter sent same day to: Board of Commissioners of Hanover Townsh i p Municipal Building, 104 Lee Park Avenue Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18702 County Commissioners of Luzerne County County Courthouse Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18702 Mayor and Council of Borough of Kingston P.O. Box 1229 Kingston, Pennsylvania 18704 Mayor and Council of Borough of Edwardsville Borough Hall Edwardsville, Pennsylvania 18704 Figure F-1 IS 'lO CERTIFY That the followi ng reeolution was adopted by t~<=,'lrv THIS the City Council of' the Ci t y of Wilkes-Barre Wilkes-Barre, Pa..........~~9..Y.~Y.~t>.~.r....!:h....J:.9..ZQ___ · ~ ·: c r--( \ ~ ~c;;· . N 0 .... ... ..... ...................:...... : ......... . Resolutwn BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wilkes-Barre: THAT City Council hGs reviewed the proposed plan of improvement for the Susquehanna ~-(i ver in ~lyo·;;r '/alley, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, shown on drav1in;::;s of the uepart:·aen:.. of the Army, plates 2 throue:h 6 dated ~ovember, 1970, and consider the plan generally acceptable, and that if a Federal pro ject for i n: provemcnt of this waterway is author tf;e ~ .a:,~ur ar:d Coun cil of the City of Hilkes-Barre,ized by Cor1. ·:o:· n~s , the required Pennsyl','.:lfJ in , v;i ~ ~-D.~' 3U.!. ia r,: ~' ~~", l L~> i·uili GY for furni sl1inr:: i teffiS Of :l_ o C.'J ~-!;(>:_; 0'~ 1'<1 v iL•l ; a~: :._~uJ.lvWS : .ct . F' i·o.,.I ici · ~ , ~/~r.i. : ~( i t,: cc:.:~L. to tl19 United States , all lands, ; _: :E.t r :L ._·) ,:, s -ui'-Hay ne cess ary for reha~ilitation ': [.<'' ·. :. ::i: ~ s l u J. u . i:clcl ;uJ. s~ve ·~ he Ur _;_ ted St.:,ales free fro1.1 clama~:~ es due to L:I"; cclsL:cuc:. ion worl(s; c . ;_.::tin ,ai n and operate the rehabilit~ted projects, without cusL ~o ~h~ United States, in accordance with reg ulations pr·2~criLed by tl-1e Se cretary of the A1 ·n.y; d. J.ake periodic i~spections and leveling surveys alonG eubankmont and :celat ed structures to determine if and wher e subsidence has occurred a nd the a r:1ount thereof; e . Assune Jnaintl:?nan ce responsibility for restorint; the prot(·: ct iv t' Horks to desi.~n conditions , including the c~xtconslon of t he pro tective works to tie to hi .=; h :?' r ound \ ·1h2n necessary; f . :.:akc (;\'t? ry effort to pre vent encroachr:1 ent and rez. ulnte thus e aspec"vs of mining activities vThich mi1.)1t interf.3re v:i t h pr oper' funcl:.ioning of the projects; .c_· . Provide:' p; uidance and leadership in preventinc; unwise future develop&~nt of the flood plain by use of appropriatt.:; flood plain manag ement techr,iques to r e duce f.Loocl losses . n . The financial responsibility of the City of Hilkes-Sarre for the above described Project shall not exceed 83 ,400 .00. Figure F-2 L . -·-------.._ .. ~·-- ----· NABPL·P lS JDnuary 1971 : Hr. Robert S. Foote City Clerk City of Wilkes-Barre City Hall Will~f.l-Barre, Pcnasylvania 18701 Den r Ur. Foote 2 • We h:::va received a copy of the City Council Resolutiot\ No. 31657, adopted 4 Nover:tbcr 1970, \lhich st{]tes that the City Council of the City of HilkesJ.Wrrc finds our plnn £or restoring the subsided areas of the Uyor:1ing VDlley local flood protection projects generally acceptable, ond uill assume responsibility for furnishing the re.quired items of local coopTilkco-Barre to any financial oblll;Lition at this time." ·He woul.d t!ppred.nte receiving within the next rnonth a neu resolution "1ith item "h'' changed ns indicated or o;:1itted completely. Sincerely yours, l1ILLVJ·1 E. TrtiE~: Cmlf.N• Jr. Cld.c.: f ,, Divir::io~ rc: Planning Division Figure F-3 MEMOCRS OF COUNCIL CHARLES A. BANKES BOROUGH OF KINGSTON RALPH ~-BROWN MayorPresident WM. J . FAHEY Ht:NRY T. BILLMAN LuZERNE CoUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 18704 SolicitorVice-President WILLLU!: R. .JA~IES FRANK J. O'CoNNELL. JR. 500 WYOMING AVE. -P. 0. Box 1229 Treasurer HENRY AVERY W. J. PETTEBONE PHoNE 288-4576 AREA ConE 717 SPUUGEON HANDLEY Secutary RonE:R':'SLAFF JOHN BURKE ANDREW MARKo EngineerNovember 12, 1970 PAUL B. SACHS Aut. Eng. L s.SPAULDING . Elec. Eng. G. M. Miller1 Chief Eng i neering Division Department or the Army Baltimore District, Corps. of Engineers P. 0. Box 1715 Baltimore, 1-!aryland 21203 Dear Mr. Miller: Pursuant to your letter of October 8, 1970, weare enclosing herewith copy of Resolution which was adoptedby the Town Council of the Borough of Kingston at an adjourned regular meeting held on November 6, 1970. Very truly yours, ~~TON W. J. PETTEBONESecretary WJP:cu Enc. CC: Department of Water & PO\-Ier Resources Board Figure F-4 Council !t1ccts First Monday of Each Month at 7:30 !O.. P~.!t~f.:..- -------------- R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, a Resolution duly adopted by the Mayor and Council or the Borough of Kingston on November 6, 1970 that they have reviewed the proposed plan or improvement for the Susquehanna River in Wyoming Valley, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, shown on your ~rawings, plates 2 through 6 date'1 November 1970, and consider the plan generally acceptable, and That if a-Federal project for improvement of this waterway is authorized by Congress, the Mayor anrf Council of the Borough of Kihgston, Pennsylvania, will assume responsibility for furnishing the required items of local cooperation ~hich we understand to be as follows: (a) Provide 2 without cost to the United States,all l~ncts, easements1 and rights-of-~ayneces~ary for rehabilitation of theprotective system; subject to participation ana share of the costs by the Water and PowerResources Board of the Jepartment of Forests &Waters of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; (b) Hold and save the United 3tates free fromdamages due to the construction works; (c) l4aintain and operate the rehabilitated projects,withou: cost to the United States, in accor dance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; (d) Make periodic inspections and leveling surveysalong embankment and related structures todetermine if and where subsidence has occurred and the amount thereof; (e) Assume maintenance responsibility for restoringthe protective works to design conditions,including the extension of the protective worksto tie to high ground when necessary; (f) Make every effort to prevent encroachment andregulate those aspects of mining activitieswhich might interfere with proper functioning of the projects; Figure F-4 · ADOPTED as a Resolution of the Town Council of the Borough or Kingston, Pennsylvania this 6th day or November, 1970. ATT~ST: APPROVED this 6th day of November, Mayor 1970. I i r ,t t I. ' Figure F-4 -----. ·--... -.~'----- NABEN·B 19 November 1970 } I Hr. t~. J. Pett~bone Secretary. Borou~b Council 500 t:yocting /~venuw P.O. Box. 1229 Kingston, PennY-ylvania 18704 • Dc!ar 1-lr. Pettebone& Reference 1s mnde to your letter of 12 November 1970 forwarding ~ copy of tha reoolution adopted 6 November 1970 by the Hayor end Council of the Bo1-ou~h of l~:i.ngston .npproving the pro!'olled plan of ittprovcmcnt for the Su:H1uehannn River in t,yoming Valley, Luzerne County, Pcnnoylvania, t:mu giving at:.&un mcee of local cooperDtion in th~ construction, main• tennnce, end op~ration of the improvement. It is noted tlwt the required aaeumnce to "Provide guidance and leadcr shil> in prev~ntin,~ unwise future devalotxncnt of the flood plain by use of ~ppropri&te: Hood plll in management techniques to reduce flood loscea" wac omitted from the .nrwurllnceo epprovcd by the action of tl!e l!nyor end Dorou~jil Council. I·inilo it ia not tlllnd~tory that cu affirmative resolution covet·ing this item be furnished at t h in time, it is 1mportcnt that the Hayor and Borour,;h CoWlcil uaderfJtsnd t h$t this £;nsurance will be requiredprior to initilltioo of construction plmming for tha project. Thic item of 4\osurance i s hrou~ht to th~ nttcmt:i<_•n of t he Hnyor end Dot\')ugh Council t:lt this time so that t hoy will i ully Wtuerctaud their responsibility for all itL~5 of local cooperstion. Sincerely you:rs, j c. u. Cltf.c f. Ensinet!ring Division Figure F-5 EDWARDSVIllE BOROUGH COUNCIL O FFICE OF SECRETARY BOROUGH BUILDING • MAIN STREET EDWARDSVILLE, PA. 18704 RESOLUTION WHEREAS a resolution dul y adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Edwardsville on -y-11-7/ , that they have reviewed the proposed plan of improvement for the Susquehanna River in Wyoming Valley, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania , shown on your drawings, plates 2 through 6 dated November 1970, and consider the plan generally acceptable, and That if a Federal project for improvement of this waterway is authorized by Congress, the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Edwardsville, Pennsylvania, indicate their willingness to fulfill the required items of local cooperation which we understand to be as follows: a. Provide, without cost to the United States, all lands, easements, and rights-of-way necessary for rehabilitation of the protective system; b. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction work; c. Maintain and operate the rehabilitated projects, without cost to the United States, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; d. Make periodic inspections and leveling surveys along embankment and related structures to determine if and where subsidence has occurred and the amount thereof; e. Assume maintenance responsibility for restoring the protective works to design conditions, i ncluding the extension of the protective works to tie to high ground when necessary; f. Make every effort to prevent encroachment and regulate those aspects of mining activities which might interfere with proper functioning of the projects; g. Provide guidance and leadership in preventing unwise future development of the flood plai n by use of appropriate flood plain management techniques to reduce flood losses. We understand that by passing this Resolution we do not commit the Mayor and Borough Council of Edwardsville to any financial obligation at this time. Figure F-6 Com missioners J C~FPH HA . E~FY JOH N J KUC HARSKI JAI'ES F YOURRFN JAMES CU SIC K THOMAS PHI LLIPS V'JSEP H MERA WAL fER DUGAN EMilY M[!rAL~ S e rrrl o ry 'i t.MUEL A SORRER Tr• o ~ u ' (· r J• , HN I McDONALD IJHN X ! CALLAHAN t1 TLj Rf J IlPPI Arrhifcct · · ~ E R ~· ~~0 104 Lee Park. Ave .. Wilkes· Barre. Pa. 18702 Phone: 82211 58 November 2, 1970 Mr. G. M. Miller, Chief, Enginee ringDivis ion Department of the Army Baltimore District, Corps of Engineers p. 0. BOX 1 71 5 Baltimore, Maryland Dear Mr. Miller: Attached find certified copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Hanover at their meeting held October 12, 1970 indicating their cooperation in the restoration of the subsided areas of the Wyoming Valley local flood protection projects by the Federal authorities. Kindly inform us when the cons ide red improvements have been approved by the Corps of Engineers. Very truly yours, , ~. ( ) -----,, b I l { i; I/li Ld'.fc{j EMI Lft METCALF ~ Township Secretary EM:e _j Figure F-7 WHEREAS, a re1olutloD duly adopted b' the Beard of Commi11io~aer1 of Hanover Town1hip on October lZ, 1970 that tbey have reviewed the propo1ed plan of improvement for the Su1queba~au River lD WyomlDI Valley; Luzerne County, Penn1ylvanla, 1hown on your drawlna•• plate• 2·throuah 6, dated November 1970 and con1ider the plaD pDerally acceptable, aad That lf a Federal project for improvement of thl1 waterway i1 authorized by Congrea1, the Board of Commi11looer1 of Hanover Town1hip Pennaylvania, will asaume re1ponelbllity for fur~ai1hing the required ltem1 of local cooperation which we under1talld to be &I follow•: a. Provide without colt to the United St:ate1, all landa, ea1ement1 and rights-of-way nece11ary for rehablllt:atlon of the protective ayetem; b. q()ld and 1ave the United State1 free from damage• due to the conatruction work1; c. Maintain and operate the rebabllltated project•, without coat to the United State1, in accordance with re1ulatlone pre1cribed by the Secretary of the .Army; d. Make periodic inspection• and levellna Iurvey• along embankment and related structures to determine if and where 1ub1idence ha1 occured and the amount thereof; e. A11ume maintenance re1ponsibility for restoring the protective wot>kl to design condition•, including the extenaion of the protective work• to tie ·to high ground when neceaaary; £. Make every effort to prewent encroachment and regulate those aapects of mining activitie1 which might interfere with proper functioning of the projects; g. Provide guidance and leaderahip in preventing unwile future development of the flood plain by u1e of appropriate flood plain management technique• to reduce flood lo11ea. CERTIFICATION 1 hereby certify that the foregoing re1olution waa duly adopted by the Board of Commiaaionera of the Townahip of Hanover ~ 1-{~ (_~~ /;1/i{):-;~_/ at their regular meeting held October lZ, 1970. ·-----::::, 7 ,1 ~· .&,-·. . Y } i Townahip stlcretary / Figure F-7 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RALPH ]. JOHNSTON Solicitor FRANK P. CROSSIN, Chairman P. ]. CLARKE EDMUND C. WIDEMAN, JR. Chief Clerk ETHEL A. PRICE DOROTHY P. DRUGAN Deputy Chief Clerk WILKES -BARRE , PENNSYLVANIA February 8, 1971 1 EXCERPT FROM CO}~ISSIONERS MEETING HELD FEBRUARY J, 1971 A regular meetin~ of the Board of Commissioners of Luzerne County was held on the above date w·i th the following present: Frank P. Crossin, Chairman, E. C. Wideman, Jr., and Ethel A. Price, Commissioners; P. J. Clarke, Chief Clerk; \villiam Curwood, Treasurer; Steve Yanoshak, Controller; B. J. Gallagher, County Engineer; Ralph Johnston, Solicitor; Robert Edgerton, Purchasing Agent. 1-ir. Crossin, Chairman, called the meeting to order. ROAD & BRIDGE-B. J. Gallagher Communication from B. J. Gallagher, P.E., County Engineer, stating that on January 19th a letter was sent to the Forty Fort Borough Council regarding the proposed plan of rehabilitation of the Flood Control System in Swoyersville and Forty Fort. Hr. G. 1-1. Hiller, Chief Engineering Division, Department of the Army, Baltimore District Corps of Engineers, in a letter to the Luzerne County Commissioners explained in detail the proposed restoration o~ the present Flood Control System in Swoyersville, Forty Fort, Kingston, Edwardsville, Wilkes-Barre, and Hanover Township. The estimated cost of the improvement is $1,58),000, of which $1,546,000 is Federal cost, and $)7,000 is non-Federal cost. The non-Federal cost is for the additional land required to raise the protection in Forty Fort Borough and in the city of Wilkes-Barre; and is in the amount of $)),600 and $),~00 respectively. Before this proposal can be presented to the Congress for the required appropriation, it is necessary that each municipality involved, be made aware of this proposed resolution, and that each governing group, by resolution approve this proposal. At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Forty Fort Borough Council on r' ebruary 1, 1971, the Board approved the restoration of the Flood Figure F-8 EXCERPT FROM COMMISSIONERS' MEETING HELD FEBRUARY ), 1971 Page 2 Control System within the Forty Fort Borough area, and also agreed to provide the necessary land for this project. It remains now for the Luzerne County Commissioners to approve the rehabilitation of the Flood Control System which is presently maintained by the County. Attached hereto is a copy of a proposed resolution whereby the County Commissioners will agree to maintain the rehabilitated Flood Control Project in conjunction with the present maintenance agreement. Motion made by Mr. Wideman, seconded by Mrs. Price to adopt the Resolution pending the approval by the County Solicitor, Mr. Ralph Johnston, that the clause to hold and save the U.S. free from damages due to the construction works be ammended with the added phrase with the understanding that the contractor will hold and save Luzerne County free from damages due to the construction work. "Ayes" Crossin, Wideman, Price RESOLUTION IS AS FOLLOWS: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N w~EREAS a resolution duly adopted by the County Commissioners of Luzerne County on February ), 1971, that they have reviewed the proposed plan of improvement for the Susquehanna 'River in Wyoming Valley, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, shown on your drawings, plates 2 through 6, dated November 1970, and consider the plan generally acceptable, and That i f a Federal project for improvement of this waterway is authorized by Congress, the County Commissioners of Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, indicate their willingness to fulfill the required items of local cooperation which we understand to be as follows: a. Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works; with the understanding that the Construction Contractor will hold and save Luzerne County free from damages due to the construction works; b. Maintain and operate the rehabilitated projects, without cost to the United States, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army; c. Make periodic inspections and leveling surveys along embankment and r elated structures to determine if and where subsidence has occurred and the amount thereof; Figure F-8 EXCERPT FROM CO~liSSIONERS' MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 3, 1971 Page 3 d. Assume maintenance responsibility for restoring the protective works to design conditions, including the extension of the protective works to tie to high ground when necessary; e. Make every effort to prevent encroachment and regulate those aspects of mining activities which might interfere with proper functioning of the projects; f. Provide guidance and leadership in preventing unwise future development of the flood plain by use of appropriate flood plain management techniques to reduce flood losses. g. We understand that by passing this resolution, we commit the County Commissioners of Luzerne County financial obligation at this time. do to not any LUZERNE COUNTY C01'>11v1ISSIONERS /s/ Frank P. Crossin /s/ E. C. Wideman, Jr. ATTEST: /s/ P. J. Clarke /s/ Ethel A. Price CHIEF CLERK Adopted: February 3, 1971 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of an excerpt from the Commissioners' minutes of February 3, 1971. CL&fii Figure F-8 DATED: FEBRUARY 8, 1971 J APPENDIX G ; COMMENTS BY OTHER AGENCIES INTRODUCTION Number G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 APPENDIX G C<11MENTS BY OTHER AGENCIES TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURES Title Copy of letter from Baltimore District to U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Bureau of Mines Correspondence from U.S. Bureau of Mines Correspondence from U.S. Geological Survey Copy of letter from Baltimore District to · Soil Conservation Service and u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service Correspondence from Pennsylvania Department of Forests and Waters G-i APPENDIX G COMMENTS BY OTHER AGENCIES INTRODUCTION The purpose of this appendix is to present the correspondence between the Corps of Engineers and other agencies having an interest in water resources related projects. Copies of pertinent correspondence are included in this appendix as Figures G-1 through G-5. G-1 -:---..._ --.,· 25 Septftlb« 1970 Xr. i:lc:.har4l P. Shel~m\ I A!t"i.·'tnnt Chief ~ologut U.:;. C:·olog1c~l ~rv~ D.oot!l t ! ~3U G.~.A. nuHdt.q W~f.bington, D.C. Z~241 tncloc~d ts ~ de~criptlaa of our proposed ieprov~t for tlood c.ostrol • on the .:/u $qUdl.ttWl=t K!v~r its V}"'eio3 Vdl.~y, Pamtrylv.~ni-3. tonce.b~tr 11ith five p t.' l!litaiWiry pl£'. tQ~ t:tbOI!.rin~ ella generJll1 pl41l, profile, &IN typi·cal section of tba propo~Q~ project. I ~oalJ :~pr~ei~te ~ec~ivf.n3 ~ltbia tbG aext aon~ any c~t~ yau ~J Clllrc t.o A\k.e 01l tb.'! prupo~ed improv~ta. Tb.a rll'~ort oa the gc~_;lt)zy of tb.a ~tog Vdloy North~ra .A.D.-tbrad.t<~ fiel.J, Lu~cme sn-:.1 L!lck~umlrul Countie!J, P'cnn·· ylvanta. prepared by the u.s. c~oloi:ic:al Surv~y for th1!< off1ee. \.•ill be tAc.lua~ as •a app~ndix to our r~nt roeOtiCteJlt1J" o! En~to~~rs tc?ut y b!r trtct Lr0in~ar C!'~Y fu<:-nt dl~u v.i:.::h i.nclo~ures: Mr. H. J. ~~..-;-~ 1.\'l U.S. Cr:olf; :.;"VeJ Buil.:l.!n:: l".l Same letter sent same date to:Mr. J.A. CorganChief, Division of Environment U.S. Bureau of MinesInterior Building18th and E Streets Washington, D. C. 20240 Figure G-1 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF MINES WASHINGTON . D.C. 20240 October 20, 1970 Lt. Colonel Gerald M. Boyd Deputy District Engineer Baltimore District, Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1715 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Dear Colonel Boyd: This is in response to your letter of September 25, 1970, requesting Bureau of Mines comments on the proposed improvements to the Susquehanna River flood control system in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. Bureau engineers have reviewed the subsurface conditions underlying the locations of the proposed levee improvements, and determined that the degree of support and the subsidence potential outlined in the Bureau of Mines 1963 report to your office has not materially changed. No mining has occurred under the proposed repair areas since 1963. All of the abandoned mines underlying the area have become inundated to an elevation approximating that of the river, which might cause some underground water flow through cracks and fractures in the rock overlying the beds into the fill of the Buried Valley. While the pools have reached a stable elevation, with some variation due to rainfall, this change of condition may have contributed to some levee subsidence, and may be a factor contributing to subsidence in the future. Sincerely yours, C!77r~:~(/ T. P. Flynn, ~~~ng Chief Division of Environment Figure G-2 United States Department of the Interior GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20242 October 20, 197r Gerald M. Boyd LTC, Corps of Engineers Deputy District Engineer Baltimore District P .0. Box 1715 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Dear Colonel Boyd: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed program for improvement of the flood-control installations on the Susquehanna River in the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania. The engineering aspects of the proposed reconstruction appear to be well planned. Our review of your proposal has been an attempt to relate subsidence of the reconstruction areas to geologic features and mine voids. We note that several conditions that influence subsidence are present in each of the reconstruction areas. Such conditions are: 1) thick, relatively unconsolidated valley-fill deposits, 2) one or more contacts between mined coal beds and the overlying valley-fill deposits, 3) extensive mine voids in several underlying coal beds, L.) faults, dipping strata, and rock tunnels that constitute zones of weakness, and 5) relatively low topography that facilitates seepage of surface water into underlying strata. The above observations emphasize your conclusion that the areas of reconstruction are susceptible to further subsidence. We agree with your recommendation that periodic surveys of the entire levee system should continue to be made after reconstruction because the amount and time of subsidence cannot be predicted. Please contact us if we may be of further assistance. Sincerely yours, ~j?~ Richard P. Sheldon Assistant Chief Geologist Office of Mineral Resources Figure G-3 , 15 ~epteaber 1970 I· lfr. 1\.. H. Davi~ s~~to c~~crv~tiouer.t Sci.l Con!'!ervat1011 Service U. :~ . Ve>j)~l't!':!C t~': etf ·"~riculture Fcdc.·o:•l ilutlJ tn:; end O.S. C«.n.•tbowte »ex ~t5, Foda~~l S~uare Station H.!n:isburg, Penn~;ylvaul.a 17108 Dear Ur. DaviR: Incloz~d 1s a u~scd.ption of our propo9~ ~ro\•cment for flClod control ctn t~~~ S'.J.!.':~j t\ ::h ~nna ~!vor in ' !yoming Vd l"Y• Fcnn~· ylvnn1.1, tt•::ctl1er with fiv· .! prcUmin...l ;,')" pl.ute:1 sh•Nin0 the C~r•l pl:m, pt-Qfile• .!SoU typical 8ection of the propoBed project. I vould ~ppreciate receiving within tbe next month your con~tn on the r; oU con.~erv4t:ion aspect" of the prCIJ)o~r&d i."!i> rovi.~nt:!t. Should you hrv·~ nny <:; tl3r. tion.~ concerning thea project, pl~MC c;:ll ltt. ThOfQu ~fu~tley or Mr. David Ladd of this office, area coJo 301•Y62-Z650. S!ncerel~ youra, 6 Iocl GmVtJ) H. !OYn AI etated L't'C, Corps of ~ntinacrfl Deputy Dirtr!.ct E:a.:;inaer Same letter sent same date to : Regional Director Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife U.S. Fish and Wildlif e Servi ce U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Boston, Massachuse t ts 02109 L Figure G-4 COMMONWEALTH Of" PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT Of" F"ORESTB AND WATERS In reply refer to HAAPII8.UPIG WCE 17120 THE SECRETARY F 40:1 F 40:2 P. 0. Box 1467 F 40:3 F 40:4 July 28, 1970 Col. William J. Love District Engineer U. S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 1715 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Dea~ Colonel Love: This is in regard to the Corps of Engineers tentative plan for restoration of the Wyoming Valley levee system along the Susquehanna River, as discussed by Messrs. Thomas P. Wheeley, Jr. and David Ladd, of your office, with C. H. McConnell, Chief Engineer, of the Department of Forests and Waters, on June 11, 1970. We have reviewed this project and we are in favor of the basic plan to raise all sections of the levee which have subsided more than six (6) inches to design elevation, then add two (2) feet to the design elevation. The plans to raise the entire levee system by two (2) feet or five (5) feet, which would involve the replacement or modification of several highway and railroad bridges, appear to be too costly. The present design elevation in the WilkesBarre area is the discharge for the 1936 flood with three (3) feet o£ £reeboard. Taking int o consideration the dams that presently exist upstream of the wat ershed plus Cowanesque and Tioga-Hammond Reservoirs, the 1936 flood would be decreased by 2.8 feet. This means that with these dams in place the tentative project with subsidence areas only raised would provide protection against repetition of the 1936 flood plus 5.8 feet of freeboard. If the plans for this project are approved, we will be pleased to assist the Corps to present the project to the local people for their consideration. Figure G-5