US D 1 .2:SY 8/5 • t 1\llVERSITY AT BUH·r· \ lAY 0 4 1995 I ,CUMENTS OEP S\T0.. 'IR!:lA~Y nt1"' ~ In 1971, Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard founded the joint-setvice Defense Systems Management College with the vision it would ··become the Academy of Management for all four Services...where the best of modern management practices are taught. .. to become a center of research for the improvement of management practices." The College is less than 20 miles from the Pentagon, White House, and Capitol Hill. We have the added advantage of close proximity to corporate offices and military bases. This enables us to host some of the best availahle lecturers in defense acquisition. The College specializes in subjects directly related to the way the Deparm1ent of Defense does business. That includes in-depth studies of the policies and procedures that a program manager must follow-special directives and regulations, briefing techniques, scheduling tools and organi?.ational processes. Other academic institutions may teach a general view of business management and engineering, but those particular and peculiar ways of doing business in the government are usually not covered. We are no longer an academic institution solely for DoD employees. The College encourages the attendance, tuition-free, of qualified defense industty staff from the program offices of major corporations. Military officers and go,·ernment executives in program managementrelated fields are also welcome from throughout the Federal government. Foreign nationals may also apply for several international courses. However, some courses manadatory for the acquisition career field may stay filled. The DSMC Catalog lists specific points of contact for course application. You may also call the DSMC Registrar for further information at (703) 80'5-2227 or DSN 655-2227. We are dedicated to continual process improvement, and our goal is customer satisfaction at all levels. To achieve thm goal, we provide feedback sessions and quality surveys to our customers, and we offer training to our staff and faculty in team building exercises, process action teams, focus groups and organizational climate Slllveys. We have adopted the Malcolm Baldtige Award criteria as our chatter and goal. We promote and support the adoption and practice of sound systems management principles by the acquisition '' orkforce through education, research, consulting and information dissemination. We will be the academy of distinction promoting systems management excellence. The Defense Acquisition University coordinates DoD acquisition education and training for the acquisition workforce through DSMC and other DAl1 consortium schools. The Defense Acquisition Workforce Imprm·ement Act (DAWIA) established career development procedures for the DoD Acquisition Corps and provides a plan in DoD ')000.52!1.1 for assignments, experience, education and training at each of three levels in the acquisition career field. As a result, a waiting list exists for many of our courses. The DSMC Catalog contains a complete list of courses and requirements. Besides de,elopment of course curricula. DSl\IC deve ops new management techniques :or program offices and assists in formulating acquisition policy. We also conduct cooperative research with outside professionals and organizations, including Service academies, federally funded research centers and other academic institutions. Our products include reports for DoD executives. information systems and tools for use by the acquisition community, and training classes in research and consulting. We are charter members of the DAU Acquisition Research Coordinating Committee. Government and industry senior executives provide their special expertise to the Commandant. Three Service Ch~,irs, a Defense Logistics Agency Chair, an Industty Chair. and Systems M::>nagement Chair provide advice and counsel, instruct and facilitate, research and consult for the benefit of the College and the acquisition workforce. Sludents are sbuu·n the L'ariety o} indil'idualized instruction packctRes a11d self improl'emellf tapes in the Ji'ort Bell'Oir campus Leantill[i, Nesource Center. ·. '•• .\'eu• students tour tbe Acker Lihmn•. !'or/ Bell'oir campus, for a demonstration of 01i luu' sen·ices This new DSI\lC facility supports group deliberations and collaborative decision making. As an integral part of those processe.'>. ;\!DC teams use computers linked in a network so that te:.~m members may share information. develop plans, examine alternatives , and address complex problems. Trained facilitators and st ructurecl processes assist senior DoD managers and their teams with group problem-solving and decision-making needs. The DSMC Press publishes the bimontbl) Program JJr111ager magazine, the refereed Acqu isition Review Quarte1·zy journal in conjunction with DAU, and a large number of acquisition-related guidebooks :mel specialty publications available through the GPO Bookstore and DSMC. The David 0. Acker Library offers an extensive collection of acquisition and management-related books, newspapers, journals, microfilm and audiovisual aids, as well as on-line access to other technical information centers. \Ve are assembling a \· archive of material related to the evolution of acquisition. lessons learned, case studies, the programmatic history of defense systems, and the education of the acquisition "'orkforce. These materials will be available on-line to qualified researchers for future generations. Individual. self-paced training packages are available for checkout on many subjects. including software use, leadership and management techniques. personal development, stress management and speed reading. Tutorials on audio and video tapes, and interactive multimedia packages are also available. Students, staff and faculty have the opportunity to learn a wide range of soft\vare applicable to their jobs . This classroom offers computer courses in standard office packages, including word processing, electronic mail, program manager tools, presentation graphics and spreadsheets. Tbe neu·ly installed .tl1110IIIated Clossroo m j ilr computer !raining elf !be Fort Belvo ir campus. The College is dedicated to the concept that a healthy body is as important as a healthy mind . An aerobics area and weight room, including treadmills and bicycles, are available for use . Blood tests for high cholesterol and other hlooddetectable problems are offered to those who wish to monitor their health. Two large auditoriums and a social center are available on the main campus to qualified outside users. In 1971, DSMC was located in one building. Today it includes 10 buildings at Fort Belvoir, VA; and regional centers in Los Angeles, CA; St. Louis, MO; Boston. MA; and Huntsville, AL. Married; 50 years old for civilians. 44 for military Degree: masters or doctorate Average grade: 05 1GS-14 Faculty time: LJ.3 years civilians; 3.2 years military Systems acc.uisilion experience: 12.7 years Major academic areas: engineering and business management Married; 41 years old Degree: ma~ters Average grade: 05/GS-14 Source: 52% military, 45% government civilian, 3% defense industiy Systems acquisition experience: 10 years (range 0-3:1 years) Typical assignment: program office DS.lfC Comnwndant. Bng Gen. Glaude .\1 Bolton. Jr.. l ·\.IF and .lfrs Colleen Presto11. Deputy Cnder Secretarr of Defense ( Acq•tisllion Rl!form J durin[< !be jirst DS.\fC DAl ' 1•ideo telo!C•lliference .from tbe l'entagon to the DS.IIC campuses. Sco/1 1/a/1, DS.l/C's main campus. bouses one of fll'O large auditoriums j(Jr meeting:) and symposia The F'r'95 calendar year holds many surprises for our customers. We gained. lost. renamed and restructured more courses than ever before. Our course numbers now correlate to courses of'fered by the DAU consortium. The College replaced the Program l\Ianagement Course with the ne,vly designed l+week Advanced Program .\rlanagement Course (APl\IC) (P.\!T .302). Prerequisites are the Fundamentals of Systems Management Course CFSAM) (ACQ 101) and the Introduction to Systems Acquisition Course (ISAC) CACQ 201), formerly the Acquisition Basics Course. lt Ge11. larry Ski11hie. IS~ I f Rl'lI pr/mir campus. The College is posttloning itself to serve more customers in the future in more ways. A recent example is a specially tailored course for the Federal Aviation Administration, a non-DoD client. Major Companies and Corporations Advanced Technology J\1merials Aerojet-General Corporation Allied Signal Aerospace Company ARI"JC Research Corporation AT&T Technologies The Boeing Company Computer Sciences Corporation Cuhic Corporation Eaton Corporation E-Systems, Tncorporated FMC Corporation Ford Aerospace GTE Government Systems Corporation General Dynamics Corporation General Electric Company Goodyear Aerospace Corporation Grumman Aerospace Corporation I larris Corporation Hercules Incorporated Honeywell, Incorporated Hughes Aircraft Company IBJ\1 Corporation ITT Corporation Loral Corporation LTV Corporation Lockheed Corporation Ma rtin Marktta Corporation McDonnell Douglas Corporation The Mitre Corporation Newport News Shipbuilding Northrop Corporation Olin Corporation Pratt & \X'hitney Division Raytheon Company RCA Corporation Rock\\·ell International Corporation Science Applications International Corporation Sikorsky Aircraft Division Teledyne lndustries, Incorporated Texas Instruments. Incorporated UNISYS Corporation United Techno logies Corporation Vought Corporation Westinghouse Electric Corporation \'tudeltfs L'isil Capitol Ifill for on Ot'erl'ieu• cif tbe Congressional relatiollshifi to tbe defense acquisition process. Indus!I)' stude11t Hell!l<'ll Croszcel/ from Pmll (. \l"hi117ey IJ.Cfs a small arms lesson frorn a RoCJsezre/t Roads 1\"at·ol SWiin11 Marine, d11ri11g " student field trip. Govermnent Agencies Central Intelligence Agency Defense Evaluation Support Acti\ ity Defense Communications Agency Defense Information Systems Agency Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Logistics Agency Defense Mapping Agency Defense Nuclear Agency DoD Inspector General Department of Commerce Department of Energy Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Genera l Accounting Office Goddard Space Flight Center Los Alamos '\lational Laboratory '\Jational Aeronautics and Space Administration National Security Agency Office of the Secreta1y of Defense Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology On-Site Inspection Agency Sandia Nat ional Laboratory CS. Special Operations Command the lnterogcnty .·t~~reemenl with H1)rc>.'Willfllil'es frorn tbe J~>deml Auiatioll Administration -DS.11C'' first customer outside DoD jbr customiz!!d courses. Department Of Defense -Military and Civilian Army, Marine Corps, Na,y, Air Force, and Coast Guard Students from Other Nations Australia, Belgium, Canada, Egypt, Turkey, France, Germany, Japan, Republic of South Korea, The Netherlands, 1om ay, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. i11sight during a ·G'rand Slam" group exercise /kif!.. Gen. Friedrich J.iih!Je rtefti. memher of tbe Germw1 J.ufilm.f(e. confers u•itb Dr. Bn/J Burnes. nne of DSHC's short course directors, cmd another mililfll)' student Fort Belvoir Campus Administration & Personnel 703-805-3363 Commandant 703-805-3360 command ant@clsmc.clsm .mil DSMC Press 703-805-2892 Executive Inst itute 703-805-3054 Dea n of Faculty 703-805-2764 Fax 703-805-3857 General Info rm a ti o n 1-800-845-7606 Academic Programs 703-805-2902 Administration & Serv ices 703-805-2140 School of Program Management 703-805-5173 Registrar 703-805-2227 registra r@dsmc.dsm. mil Resea rch, Consultin g & Info rmation 703-805-2289 ote: DS prefix for a ll numbers above is 655. Eastern Region 617-377-3593 DSN 478-3593 FAJ< 617-377-7090 Southern Region 205-876-2753 OS 746-2753 FAJ< 205-876-7268 Central Region 314-263-1142 DS 693-1142 FAJ< 314-263-1719 Western Region 3 10-363-1159 DSN 833-1159 FAJ< 310-363-5992 DSMC OFFICIAL MAILING ADDRESS (exact format required) DEFENSE SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT COLLEGE 9820 BELVOIR ROAD FT BELVOIR VA 22060-5565 IU! UI Huntsvtlfe, AL, home to the D.SMC's Sou/bern R<'1!,ion . Course at /lan..,,·,, m Af1l. MA. site c>J' our Eastern Region . SUNY / BUFFALO UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES \l\\l\\\l\\\\\\ l\\l\\\\l\\\ l\\\l\\l\\\l\\ l\\\ l\\\\\l\l\\l\\\\\\l 3 9072 02178824 9