FG-E-4.1 BISON ~EMOHIAl Ub'itA MERGENCY ROADCAST YSTEM PLAN FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE (OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE ) OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PLANNING Effective January 6, 1964 .. EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM PLAN FG-E-4.1 JANUARY 1964 CONTENTS Parasraph Pase PREFACE ,-------------------------------------------------------PURPOSE_________________________________________________________ 1 2 1 1 .. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS-----------------------------------------· ORGANIZATION___________________________________________________ _ PROGRAMMING----------------------------------------------------J\UTHENTICATION_________________________________________________ TESTS___________________________________________________________ 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 4 5 5 F·CC LIAISON____________________________________________________ 8 5 J\SSIGNMENT OF STATIONS TO THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM_______ 9 5 DATA AND INFORMATION-J\NNEXES-------------------------------- 10 5 J\PPROVAL AND CONCURRENCES---------------~--------------------- 11 5 ANNEXES Number Pqe I. Criteria For Eligibility For National Defense Emergency Authorization_ 1-1 II. Emergency Broadcast System J\ctivation-Termination-Authentication_ 11-1 II. Executive Order 11092 Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions To The Federal Communications Commission_______________________ 111-1 IV. Statement of White House Requirements For Presidential Communications With the General Public During Periods of National Emergency__ IV-1 V. Statement of Requirements By The Department of Defense Office of Civil Defense For Emergency Survivable Communications With The General Public ------------------------------------------------- V-1 VI. Part 73, Subpart G, FCC Rules and Regulations-Emergency Broadcast System ------------------------------------------------------ VI-1 VII. FCC Field Liaison Offices and FCC Field Supervisors ________________ VII-1 VIII. Map-Regional Boundaries and Field Installations Office of Civil Defense -------------------------------------------------------VIII IX. Technical Program Channels_____________________________________ IX-1 X. Emergency Broadcast System Programming and Operating Instructions X-1 XI. Stand-By Script -----------------------------------------------XI-1 XII. Executive Order 11007 Prescribing Regulations For The Formation and Use of J\dvisory Committees _____________________________________ XII-1 XIII. National Industry Advisory Committee Orders ______________________ XIII-1 XIV. Organization, Functions and Responsibilities of the National Industry J\dvisory Committee --------------------------------------------XIV-1 Ill Number Pa1re XV. Organization, Functions and Responsibilities' of Regional Industry Advisory Committee ----------------------------------------------XV-1 XVI. Organization, Functions and Responsibilities of State Industry Advisory Committees ------------------------------------------------XVI-1 XVII. Organization, Functions and Responsibilities of Local Industry Advisory Committees -----------------------------------------------.XVII-1 c IV PLAN FOR THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM to be operated by the industry under appropri 1. PREFACE ate government regulation and in a controlledThis plan for an Emergency Broadcast Sysmanner consistent with national security retem has been prepared pursuant to Executive ·quirements during a national emergency. Order 11092, signed by the President of the United States on February 26, 1963, and is 3. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS based on the requirements of the White House, the Department of Defense (Office of Civil DeA. The listening and viewing habits of the fense), the Office of Emergency Planning, and general public are a national resource, because provisions of the FCC Rules and Regulations. the instinctive reaction of the average person is to turn on his radio or television set in time This plan supersedes the Interim Plan for the of emergency. Accordingly, a minimum ofEmergency Broadcast System approved by the public education is required to establish publicFederal Communications Commission July 3, awareness of these media for receipt of emer1963, and concurred in by the Office of Emergency communications. gency Planning and the Department of Defense B. Under peacetime conditions, Presidential June 26, 1963. broadcasts are handled entirely by existing non The necessary data and instructions for imgovernment radio and television broadcastplementation of the Emergency Broadcast Sysfacilities. Under conditions that would call fortem are contained in annexes which will be furthe activation of the Emergency Broadcastnished to those who require them. System, (EBS), the normal flow of communications would probably be disrupted, destroyed 2. PURPOSE or altered. This Plan provides, insofar as posThe Emergency Broadcast System has been sible, that every available technical facility will devised to provide the President and the Fedbe utilized to provide a continuity of service eral Government, as well as State and local by the broadcast industry and FCC-licensed governments, with a means of communicating facilities of the communications industry of the with the general public through nongovernment nation consistent with the provisions of plans by appropriate authorities, mobilization orders, broadcast stations during the period preced ing, during, and following an enemy attack. and FCC Rules and Regulations. Mass communications from such sources might C. Preceding, during and following an enemy include, but not be limited to, messages from attack, mass communications from the Presithe President or other Federal officials, nadent to the people and the dissemination of tional, regional, State, and local area instrucnews and information are vital to the survival tions, news and information. and recovery of the nation. D. In a post-attack period, communications The Emergency Broadcast System has been designed to provide operational capability for to the surviving population will depend almost entirely upon the use of nongovernment broadlocal, State and. national (including regional) cast facilities and personnel. units of the government to communicate with the general public within their respective jurisE. Sufficient numbers of the nation's nongovdictions. This plan provides for utilizing faciliernment broadcast facilities will remain usable ties and personnel of the entire nongovernment after a major attack to permit communication communications industry on a voluntary basis with a substantial portion of the surviving to provide the nation with a functional system population. 1 F. The White House Communications Agency (WHCA), acting as the Communications Office for the President, provides remote pick-up broadcast and communication facilities when the President is away from the normal seat of Government. The WHCA will deliver Presidential communications to selected control points for the origination of Presidential messages, national programming, and news. G. The program circuits normally employed by the nationwide commercial radio and television broadcast networks may be seriously disrupted by a major attack. Available alternate routes will be used to continue nationwide distribution of Presidential messages, national programming, and news. Technical arrangements will be made to provide continuity of service by means of normal and alternate routes of radio and television network landline facilities, remote pick-up broadcast facilities, studio-transmitter links, television intercity relays (privately owned), industrial microwave systems, and any other adaptable FCC licensed or regulated facilities now in existence or developed in the future. H. The nationwide commercial radio and television networks and related bypass arrangements are reserved exclusively for Presidential messages, national programming, and news. Therefore, facilities such as State defense networks, intercity program relay, and others outlined in sec. 4,C,3 should be developed and used for regional, State, and local programming in emergencies or disasters. Such usage shall be consistent with appropriate FCC rules and regulations and the provisions of this plan. I. A high order of priority for restoration of all interconnecting leased common carrier facilities involved herein will be assigned by the FCC and the common carrier industry. 4. ORGANIZATION The Emergency Broadcast System consists of broadcast stations holding FCC National Defense Emergency Authorizations (NDEA), the facilities and personnel of networks, and other groups engaged in communications, as well as appropriate government agencies. To provide, insofar as possible, that the Emergency Broad cast System is capable of functioning at all operational levels, organizations are required as follows: A. National Industry Advisory Committee The National Industry Advisory Committee (NIAC) is appointed by the FCC to advise and assist the Commission in the execution of its responsibilities pursuant to Executive Order 11092. This order requires the Commission to prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs for the emergency use of the facilities subject to its jurisdiction. A Broadcast Services Subcommittee provides the NIAC with advice and recommendations to insure, insofar as possible, a workable Emergency Broadcast System as outlined herein, subject to concurrence of the FCC and other responsible Federal agencies. Designated members of the Broadcast Services Subcommittee are accredited by appropriate Federal authorities and are responsible for providing advice and assistance in technical programming, guidance, production, and other operations of the facilities provided to the EBS by the networks and other broadcasters. This group is made up of the following, at least one of whom may be made available on a regular basis : (1) Technical Representatives. (2) Programming Representives (News). (3) Others as required from the broadcasting industry.l B. Regional Industry Advisory Committees In each of the OCD/OEP Regions there shall be formed a Regional Industry Advisory Committee (RIAC). These Regional Industry Advisory Committees will consist of representatives of the State Industry Advisory Committees within the respective regions. They shall maintain liaison with the appropriate Federal and national, and State authorities within the respective regions. TheRIAC's shall establish such plans as may be required for coordination of the regional EBS operations with those of the appropriate SIAC's. 1 Personnel from the Presidential News Pool who accompany the Presidential News Secretary will provide news assistance for programming the Emergency Broadcast System as required. c c C. State Industry Advisory Committees It is required that a State Industry Advisory Committee (SIAC) be formed in each state to act as liaison between the State Civil Defense officials and the broadcasters to establish plans for: (1) The formation and operation of a State network capable of delivering state programming to each NDEA station assigned to a designated operational area within the state, including messages by the Governor or other state officials, state programming (news) and information, and national information supplied by regional units of the national government. State programming is to be transmitted intermittently, as available, on a 24-hour-a-day basis until resumption of normal broadcasting. (2) Origination of state programming at or through an appropriate surviving station or other facility capable of ·such origination. (3) Technical interconnecting facilities independent of the facilities of the nationwide commercial radio and television networks to provide each NDEA station serving the State with capability of receiving the state programming. Such facilities may utilize one or more of the following: a. State Defense Networks (FM). b. Intercity Program Relay. c. Remote Pickup Broadcast Intercommunication Networks. d. Studio-Transmitter Links. e. Industrial Radio Microwave (grid networks). f. Other FCC licensed or regulated facilities which may be developed in the future. ( 4) The advice and counsel of State Broadcasting Associations shall be considered in forming the various State Committees. (5) Accreditation and assignment of broadcast stati£ relay stations. (c) "Safety and special radio services" includes those non-broadcast and non-common carrier services which are licensed by the Commission under the generic designation "safety and special radio services" pursuant to the Commission's Rules and Regulations. Section 3~Functions The Commission shall develop plans and procedures, in consonance wjth national telecommunications plans and policies, covering: (a) 0 owrnon carrier service. (1) Extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services,. and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services and per sonnel in an emergency; and control of all rates, charges, practices, classifications, and regulations for service to Government and non-Government users during an emergency, in consonance with national economic stabilization policies. (2) Development and administration of priority systems for public correspondence and for the use and resumption of leased inter-city private line service in an emergency. (3) Use of common carrier facilities and services to overseas points to meet vital needs in an emergency. (b) Broadcasting 8ervice. Construction activation, or deactivation of broadcasting facilities and services, the continuation or suspension of broadcasting services and facilities, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services, and personnel in an emergency. (c) Safety and special radio se'l'Vices. Authorization, operation and use of safety and special radio services, facilities and personnel in the national interest in an emergency. (d) Radio frequency assignment. Assignment of radio frequencies to, and their use by, Commission licensees in an emergency. (e) Resource data. Provision of assistance and data with respect to facilities operated by Commission licensees for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. (f) Electromagnetic radiation, Control of radio stations in emergency, except for those belonging to, or operated by, any department or agency of the United States Government. (g) Investigation and enforcement. Investigation of violations of pertinent hiw and regulations in an emergency and development of procedures designated to initiate, recommend, or otherwise bring about appropriate enforcement actions required in the interest of national security. (h) Financial aid. Provision of financial, credit, or other assistance to common carriers and Commission licensees who might need such assistance in various conditions of mobilization, particularly those resulting from attack. ( i) 0 onse'l'Vation, salvage and rehabilitation. Stimulation of the development, by common carriers and by licensees, of standby plans for the conservation and salvage of supplies and equipment and the rehabilitation, restoration, or replacement of essential communication facilities after an attack. (j) Olaimancy. Preparation to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of the common carriers and Commission licensees from the appropriate resource agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency. Section 4-Cooperation with Department of Defense In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Commission shall : (a) Facilities protection. Provide advice and guidance to achieve such industry protection as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the facilities and services provided by common carriers and radio station licensees, and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and damage control. The guidance developed by the Commission shall include, but not be limited to, organizing and training facility employees, personnel shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, security, emergency repair and recovery of facilities, deconcentration and dispersal of facilities, and mutual aid associations for emergency. (b) Damage asse~>oment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on communication facilities and services subject to Commission regulation which are essential in a national emergency and to provide data to the Department of Defense. Section 5-Research Foster or conduct research in areas directly concerned with the Commission's emergency preparedness responsibilities. Section 6-Functional Guidance The Commission, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following: (a) Interagency cooperation. The Commission shall assume the initiative in developing plans for the performance of the emergency functions outlined above, consulting with other departments and agencies as appropriate. Such plans shall be in consonance with plans for the mobilization of the nation's telecommunications resources developed pursuant to Executive Order No. 10705, Executive Order No. 10995 and Executive Order No. 11051. (b) Presidential coordination. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for the performance of functions under this order and in coordinating the performance of such functions with the total national preparedness program. (c) Ernergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Commission on the basis that it will have theresponsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Commission shall be c prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determinations by the President. Section 7-Emergency Actions Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Section 8-Redelegation The Commission is hereby authorized to reassign, within the Commission and its staff, the functions hereinabove assigned to it. .. Section 9-Prior Actions Nothing in this order shall derogate from the provisions of Executive Order No. 10705, Executive Order No. 10995 or Executive Order No. 11051. Any order with respect to telecommunications, issued pursuant to authority conferred by those orders or orders which they revised or superseded, shall, except as it is inconsistent herewith continue in full force and effect until amended . ' modified, orterminated by appropriate authority. To the extent that there may be any inconsistency between the provisions of any other prior Executive order and the provisions of this order, this order shall control. JOHN F. KENNEDY THE WHITE HousE, February 126, 1963. c c ANNEX IV Presidential Communications with the General Public During Periods of National Emergency Statement of White House Requirements .. ID Basic Assumptions a. During periods of national emergency, Presidential communications with the populace are vital to the survival and recovery of the Nation . b. Emergency communications systems provided for Presidential use must be of the highest order of reliability. c. Emergency communications with the general public must be within the tuning range of receivers possessed by the general public. d. Because of the appreciable cost to the Federal Government in the construction of special radio stations designed for use on nongovernment frequencies, and because of the problems inherent in the operation of such stations and the limited day-to-day application of such facilities, utilization of privately-owned facilities is desirable. e. Existing facilities of the nongovernment communications industry will, if utilized to maximum advantage, prove adequate for Presidential use. Because of the substantial number of facilities involved, bypass and backup arrangements can be provided in such depth as to insure a high probability of survival despite the infliction of severe damage to the system as a whole. f. The nongovernment communications industry will, in view of their expressed (and demonstrated) willingness to assist the Federal Government in the establishment of an Emergency Broadcast System1 , unreservedly make their facilities available for emergency use, and provide personnel to assist in the formulation of emergency communications plans. This industry can also be expected to bear a portion 1 The Emergency Broadcast System is considered to comprise all non-government communications facilities designated and authorized by the FCC to operate during periods of national emergency. of the cost of any special arrangements required, particularly in those instances in which such arrangements may find gainful application in the normal commercial enterprises of the industry. Specific Requirements The President requires a capability to address the Nation on short notice regardless of his whereabouts. To this end, the following specific operational features must be provided: a. Availability-From a "cold" start, automatic or "seize-key" availability is desirable. It is recognized, however, that the technical arrangements inherent in the provision of such a capability are prohibitively expensive. Current commercial radio and television network procedures suggest that an availability within five (5) minutes following notification is a realistic capability. Accordingly, a reaction time of 5 minutes is acceptable for the present, but it is requested that both the FCC and the NIAC be alert to exploit any means to reduce this reaction time. Once constituted, the Emergency Broadcast System must remain instantaneously available as a network until its participating facilities are specifically directed to shift to some other mode of operation. b. Reliability. The Emergency Broadcast System must be so constituted as to be able to provide uninterrupted nationwide service despite heavy damage. (Exact damage criteria will be provided at a later date. In anticipation thereof, emergency communications systems shbuld be designed to be as "hard" as is practicable, with due consideration given to location, protection and related survivability factors of individual facilities.) The Federal Communications Commission is b~st qualified to determine the number of· network origination points needed to insure maximum reliability. However, it is recommended that consideration be given to the establishment of five origination points in each of the fifty states. Five stations in each group would provide for participation in each area by one station from each of the four major networks and one independent station. Effective control of such a system would obviously require that each station within a given group be capable of monitoring the transmission from all other stations in the same group. This, in itself, would consolidate station inter-communications to a certain degree, and would probably adapt readily to use by local, State, regional, Federal and national authorities and organizations. c. Programming. All Presidential broadcasts during periods of National Emergency will be "live". Such prerecordings as may be required to provide continuity of program service for the Emergency Broadcast System will be prepared as directed by the Department of Defense. (Note: Specific programming arrangements, including participation desired on the part of NIAC personnel and the problems involved in emergency transportation, identification and briefing of such personnel, will be the subject of a special staff study). d. Tasks. As stated earlier, the FCC is best qualified to determine the technical arrangements necessary to the establishment of an optimum Emergency Broadcast System andrelated emergency communications systems. Further, all arrangements finalized to date have occurred as the result of FCC/NIAC actions. Accordingly it is requested that· the FCC con tinue to oversee the development of all plans relating to the emergency use of nongovernment communications systems, assisted as required by the NIAC. With specific regard to NIAC participation, it is suggested that the FCC utilize to the maximum the singular "know-how" of the industry in matters relating to the operation of its facilities. It is further requested that the FCC, in its development of such a system, be responsive to the requirements of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Civil Defense). It should be noted that the White House interposes no objection to the planned emergency utilization by other Departments and Agencies of facilities designed for Presidential use during such times as such facilities are not in actual emergency use by the President. In all such instances, however, Presidential priority must be preserved by a "seize-key" control feature. The White House encourages day-to-day use of emergency facilities for such purposes as the FCC may authorize, provided that such use (1) provides realistic training in emergency operating modes, (2) contributes to or enhances the development of the desired optimum emergency system, (3) will not delay the establish- C ment of the Emergency Broadcast System in the event of an actual emergency and ( 4) provides at all times for the exercise of Presidential priority as set forth in the preceeding paragraph. Progress in this area is of interest to the White House. Accordingly, it is requested that the Presidential Press Secretary be kept fully advised of all developments relating to Presidential Emergency Communications. Jan'Uf!,ry 5, 1962 Revalidated April 8, 1963 ANNEX V ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON. D. C. 20301 CIVIL DEFENSE EMERGENCY SURVIVABLE COMMUNICATIONS WITH THE GENERAL PUBLIC to provide the capability for officials at the STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS .. Federal, State, and local levels to disseminateThe Office of Civil Defense primary requireemergency information to the general publicment for an Emergency Broadcast System is in the event of an attack upon the United Statesthe capability to disseminate civil defense inor other disaster.formation to the general public in the event of It is recognized that, in the planning, deve attack. The system must provide the capability lopment, implementation and operation of for dissemination of such information by the emergency communications system on such a OCD on a nationwide or regional basis and, at scale, a great deal of cooperative coordinated the same time, afford flexibility to permit dis effort will be required on the part of the semination of survival information by State Federal Communications Commission, the Of and local governments. fice of Emergency Planning, and the Department of Defense (Office of Civil Defense), the1. National, Regional, State and Local Pro gramming nongovernment communications industry, Civil Defense organizations and other components of Background: In the aftermath of a nuclear State and local governments. It is also recogn exchange, possibly with little or no warning, ized that all technical arrangements proposed it is assumed that nation-wide communications for implementation should take into considera will have been seriously disrupted. Some facili tion the views of the nongovernment communi ties, however, will remain undamaged and cations industry. In this latter regard, the Of proper planning can provide backup facilities fice of Civil Defense encourages maximum and systems to replace those segments which practicable reliance on the industry in the de have been destroyed or damaged beyond im velopment of plans relating to the use of its mediate repair. The integration of these facili personnel and facilities. ties into a nation-wide communications system as requisite to national emergency programIn all of the foregoing, the requirement exists ming and survival programming at Regional, that the system be capable of surviving to the State and local levels is similarly dependent maximum possible extent required to mainupon surviving nongovernment communicatain essential communications under nuclear tions facilities, systems, and personnel. Acattack conditions. This means that single or cordingly, in order to effectively communicate multiple equipment or circuit failures or losses with the largest possible percentage of the will not cause significant stoppage of the syssurviving populace, it is essential that protem's ability to function as a whole or in seggramming of nongovernment communications ments on a local, State or Regional basis. One facilities and system at the State and local level way to provide this reliability is by circuit and facility redundancy. be fundamental to the plan. It is apparent that the Federal Communica Requirement: Develop plans for the utilization of the facilities, systems, and personnel of tions Commission and the nongovernment com the nongovernment communications industry munications industry should plan just how the V-1 . foregoing requirement should be accomplished. From the standpoint of the Office of CivilIn order to further the operational reliability Defense, the ultimate goal is a system of inof emergency communications systems, the Ofterconnection of such depth and reliability as tofice of Civil Defense in consultation with permit its use as a channel for transmissionFederal Communications Commission will bud of emergency information and guidance to theget for such funds in reasonable amounts to general public.provide for: (1) austere radioactive falloutprotection facilities for operating personnel; 3. Systems Time Availability (2) auxiliary electrical power generation equipment ;(3) reliable communications systems and The interruption of normal nation-wide,related programming equipment necessary for commercial, radio and TV network programinterconnecting local components. ming, the combining of the major networks(AM-TV Aural) into one, and the addition of In the course of development of such a sysnon-affiliated stations to the combined networktem, the Federal Communications Commission should be accomplished within the five minute may desire to recommend the utilization of reaction time as stated in the White House re certain government-owned communications quirements. facilities and systems. 4. Special Factors Concerning Alaska, Hawaii,2. Command and Control Circuits Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin IsBackground: The "voice" of emergency com lands, Guam and American Samoamunications facilities and systems-the final Consideration should be given to the ultilizalink to the public-will be the Emergency tion of broadcast stations which will be selectedBroadcast System. Facilities interconnecting the Standard, FM, and TV (aural) broadcast for issuance of National Defense EmergencyAuthorizations so as to achieve a maximum stations which comprise the Emergency Broad cast System are required for the purpose of service to the general public during emergencyperiods consistent with a minimum amount of providing a means for the virtually instantaharmful interference between stations, and at neous transmission of: a minimum cost to the government. Such con a. Emergency Broadcast System instrucsideration should include the use of stationstions from appropriate government offiprogramming in foreign languages. cials. b. Local, State and Regional Cue signals. 5. Civil Defense Operational Areas and Points c. Emergency Action Notifications. of Origination At the present time, such interconnection Specific Civil Defense points of originationcommunications are accomplished through the for programming all States, Commonwealth offacilities of the press wire services, network Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam and Amerifacilities and in some areas through the use of can Samoa will become a part of these require remote pickup facilities. ments as submitted. Requirements: Pursue the development ofsuch interconnection communications systems. 6. Safety and Special Radio ServicesThe Office of Civil Defense encourages the utiliRequirements in the Safety and Specialzation of existing facilities (as was the case Radio Services will become a part of this docuwith the AP/UPI and national network facili ment as they are developed. ties), particularly when such facilities can be used at little or no cost to the government. September 6, 1963. V-2 ANNEX VI FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS-SUBPART G In Part 73,1 FCC Rules and Regulations, SubSUBPART G -EMERGENCY BROADCAST part G reads as follows: SYSTEM Scope and Obiective SUBPART G-EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM Sec. 73.901 Scope of subpart. This subpart applies to all broadcast stations governed byScope and Objective this Part and is for the purpose . of providingSec. .. 73.901 Scope of subpart. for operation of certain stations located within 73.902 Object of subpart. the United States, including Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, during periods of aNaDefinitions tional Emergency.Sec. Sec. 73.902 Object of subpart. The object of 71.911 Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) 73.912 National Defense Emergency Authorization this subpart is to fulfill national security re(NDEA) quirements while at the same time providing 73.913 Emergency Action Notification for transmission of vital information to the 73.914 Emergency Action Termination public. 73.915 Emergency Action Condition 73.916 Emergency Broadcast System Plan Definitions Emergency Actions Sec. 73.911 Emergency Broadcast System Sec. (EBS). The Emergency Broadcast System con 73.921 Emergency Action Notification sists of broadcast stations and inter-connecting 73.922 Reception of an Emergency Action Notification facilities which have been authorized by the 73.923 Operation during an Emergency Action Commission to operate in a controlled manner Condition during a war, threat of war, state of public Emergency Action Condition Termination peril or disaster, or other national emergency. Sec. Sec. 73.912 National Defense Emergency Au 73.931 Notification of termination of Emergency thorization (NDEA). An authorization issued Action Condition 73.932 Termination message by the Commission permitting controlled operation of a station operating in the Radio BroadSystem Operation cast Services during an Emergency Action ConSec. dition. 73.941 Procedure 73.942 Participation Sec. 73.913 Emergency Action Notification. The Emergency Action Notification is the Tests notice to stations in the Radio Broadcast Serv Sec. 73.951 Emergency Action Notification System Tests ices to operate in accordance with the Emergency Broadcast System Plan. Weather Warning Sec. 73.914 Emergency Action Termination. Sec. The Emergency Action Termination is the 73.961 Emergency Weather Warnings notice to stations in the Radio Broadcast ServNetwork Connection ices to discontinue controlled operations imSec. posed by an outstanding Emergency Action 73.971 Participation by telephone companies Notification and return to normally licensed op 1 Part 3 of the FCC Rules has been redesignated as Part 73. erations. Vl-1 Sec. 73.915 Emergency Action Condition. The on the air, broadcasting news and official inforlna· condition which exists after the transmission of tion for areas assigned to them. This station will remain on the air and will serve the_____ an Emergency Action Notification and before -----------area. If you are not the transmission of the Emergency Action located in the area, c Termination. you should now tune your radio to other stations Sec. 73.916 Emergency Broadcast System Plan. until you hear one which is broadcasting news and information for your area. You are listening to the The Emergency Broadcast System Plan is Emergency Broadcast System serving the ___ the document containing the detailed descrip --------area. tion of how stations operating in the Radio Broadcast Services will be notified and operated I repeatin the Emergency Broadcast System. "This station has interrupted its regular program at the request of the United States Government to Emergency Actions participate in the Emergency Broadcast System, serving the area. During this period Sec. 73.921 Emergency Action Notification. many radio stations will remain on the air, broad· (a) All Emergency Action Notifications shall casting new~;• and official information for areas assigned to them. This station will remain on the be issued by an appropriate Federal authority. air and will serve the area. If you are These Emergency Action Notifications will be not located in the area, you should now accomplished in accordance with the Emertune your radio to other stations until you hear one gency Broadcast System Plan. which is broadcasting news and information for your area. You are listening to the Emergency (b) Immediately upon receipt of an Emer Broadcast System serving the area." gency Action Notification, all standard, com NOTE: REPEAT THE ENTIRE MESSAGE mercial FM, and noncommercial educational ABOVE. THEN BROADCAST COMMON LOCAL, FM broadcast stations with a transmitter outSTATE, REGIONAL, OR NATIONAL PROGRAM put of over 10 watts, and television broadcast MING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE EMER stations, including all such stations operating GENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM PLAN. under equipment or program test authority, (ii) For Non-NDEA Standard, FM, and TV will proceed as follows: Stations. (1) Discontinue normal program and make "This station has interrupted its regular program the following announcement: at the request of the United States Government to "We interrupt this program for a nationwide participate in the Emergency Broadcast System. alert." During this period, this station will go off the air, but some radio stations will remain on the air (2) Transmit the Emergency Action Notifibroadcasting news and official information for their cation Attention Signal as follows: areas. You should now tune your radio until you (i) Cut the transmitter carrier for 5 seconds. hear a radio station which is broadcasting news and information for your area. (Sound carrier only for TV stations.) I repeat (ii) Return carrier to the air for 5 seconds. "This station has interrupted its regular program (iii) Cut transmitter carrier for 5 seconds. at the request of the United States Government to (Sound carrier only for TV stations.) participate in the Emergency Broadcast System. (iv) Return carrier to the air. During this period, this station will go off the air, but some· radio stations will remain on the air (v) Broadcast 1000 cycle steady state tone broadcasting news and official information for theirfor 15 seconds. areas. You should now tune your radio until you (3) Broadcast the following Emergency Achear a radio station which is broadcasting newstion Notification Message : and information for your area." NOTE: REPEAT ENTIRE MESSAGE ABOVE (i) For NDEA Stations: AND TURN OFF THE TRANSMITTER. TV "This station has interrupted its regular program STATIONS SHOULD DISPLAY CD EMBLEM at the request of the United States Government to DURING ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT. participate in the Emergency Broadcast System, serving the area. (c) Noncommercial educational FM broad During this period many radio stations will remain cast stations with a transmitter power output Vl-2 of 10 watts or less, upon receipt of an Emer(b) Stations in the International Broadcast gency Action Notification, will interrupt the Service operating under the jurisdiction of the program in progress, and broadcast the EmerFederal Communications Commission will gency Action Notification Message as in under certain conditions be issued an NDEA by the Federal Communications Commission §73.921 (b) (3) (ii). The station ·will then dis continue its carrier and maintain radio silence with concurrence of the Director, Office of in accordance with the Emergency Broadcast Emergency Planning, and will transmit only Federal Government broadcasts or communicaSystem Plan. tions. The stations's carrier must be removed (d) International broadcast stations upon receipt of an Emergency Action Notification from the air during periods of no broadcast or will interrupt the program in progress, may communications transmissions. make a brief sign-off announcement not longer (c) No broadcast of the call letters of the than one minute and, except for those stations station shall be made during an Emergency specifically authorized by the Federal ComAction Condition. Area identification shall be munications Commission to continue transgiven. mitting, will leave the air and maintain radio (d) All stations identified by a particular silence in accordance with the Emergency area will carry the same program. Broadcast System Plan. (e) Prior to commencing routine operation (e) During the experimental period (midor originating any emissions under programnight to 6:00 a.m., local time) many standard test, equipment test, experimental or otherbroadcast stations may be off the air. All broadauthorizations or for any other purpose,cast licensees will be supplied with a list of 24-licensees or permittees shall first ascertainhour broadcast stations at least one of which whether an Emergency Action Condition existsmust be monitored during any period of operaand if so, shall refrain from operation or shalltion when the station regularly monitored is operate in the Emergency Broadcast System,not on the air. whichever is appropriate. Sec. 73.922 Reception of an Emergency Action Emergency Action Condition Termination Notification. All broadcast station licensees must install, unless specifically exempt, the Sec. 73.931 Notification of termination of necessary equipment to receive Emergency AcEmergency Action Condition. The notification tion Notifications or Terminations by means of the termination of an Emergency Action of reception of radio broadcast messages, and Condition will be transmitted through the same must maintain this equipment in a state of channels as the Emergency Action Notifica-:readiness for reception, including arrangetion. Unlimited time stations operating in the ments for human listening watch or automatic Emergency Broadcast System will transmit the alarm devices, or both. Such equipment shall Termination Message twice, and then resume have its termination at the transmitter control normal operation. Daytime Only and Limited point. Time broadcast stations operating in the emergency Broadcast System shall also broadcast Sec. 73.923 Operation during an Emergency the Termination Message twice, then operateAction Condition. in accordance with their regular authoriza(a) Those stations which are authorized to tion. participate in the Emergency Broadcast Sys tem upon receipt of an Emergency Action NotiSec. 73.932 Termination Message. fication will immediately begin operations in "This concludes operations under the Emergency accordance with the terms of their National Broadcast System. All broadcast stations may now Defense Emergency Authorizations and curresume normal broadcast operations." rent operating instructions. Except as provided System Operation in paragraph (b) of this section, all other broadcast stations will observe radio silence Sec. 73.941 Procedure. Each licensee operating in accordance with the Emergency Broadcast in the Radio Broadcast Services permitted to operate during an Emergency Action ConditionSystem Plan. Vl-3 must observe the Emergency Broadcast operat(i) Cut the transmitter carrier for 5 ing procedures. seconds. (Sound carrier only for TV stations.) Sec. 73.942 Participation. (ii) Return carrier to the air for 5 seconds. (a) Any licensee desiring to participate in (iii) Cut transmitter carrier for 5 seconds.the Emergency Broadcast System should ad(Sound carrier only for TV stations.)vise the FCC Field Supervisor in writing of its (iv) Return carrier to the air. willingness to participate and to cooperate in (v) Broadcast 1000 cycle steady state tonemaking such technical modification of the stafor 15 seconds. tion equipment as might be necessary. Basedupon the criteria set forth in the Emergency (3) Broadcast the following test message:Broadcast System Plan, the Commission may "This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcastthen issue a National Defense Emergency AuSystem. If this had been an actual emergency,thorization to the licensee authorizing particinormal broadcasting would have been discontinued and only designated Emergency Broadcast System pation in the Emergency Broadcast System. radio stations would continue in operation. You (b) Any station participating in the Emerwould have been instructed to tune to one of yourgency Broadcast System may withdraw from area stations for official information. This concludes this test of the Emergency Broadcast Sys the system by giving 30 days written notice tem." and by submitting its National Defense Emer gency Authorization to the Commission Weather Warnings through the appropriate FCC Field Supervisorfor cancellation. Sec. 73.961 Emergency Weather Warnings.Upon receipt of notification from the United (c) Broadcast stations are specifically exStates Weather Bureau of an Emergencyempt from complying with §73.57 while operatWeather Warning of a condition of immediateing under their National Defense Emergency danger to life and property, all standard, comAuthorization. mercial FM, and television broadcast stationsTests may, at their option, during authorized hoursof operation only, transmit the Emergency Ac Sec. 73.951 Emergency Action Notification tion Notification Signal, as set forth in §73.921 System Tests. (b) (2), prior to broadcasting the Emergency(a) Tests of the Emergency Action Notifica Weather Warning, as provided in §§73.90,tion System will be made at regular intervals 73.296, and 73.632, respectively. Nothing in and results submitted by the licensee to the this section shall be construed as permittingCommission in accordance with detailed ina standard broadcast station licensed to operatestructions. daytime only or limited time to operate during (b) Tests involving transmission of the unauthorized hours. Emergency Action Notification Attention Sig nal and tests message by standard, FM and Network Connection television broadcast stations, shall be made Sec. 73.971 Participation by Telephone comonce each week on an unscheduled basis be panies. tween the hours of 8 :30 a.m. and local sunset.Results of these tests shall be forwarded to the (a) Telephone companies that have facilities Commission by the licensees concerned, in acavailable in place may, without charge, connect cordance with detailed instructions. an unaffiliated commercial radio broadcast station to commercial radio network operated by The procedure is as follows: ABC, CBS, MBS, NBC, or any other network, (1) Make the following announcement: for the duration of an Emergency Action Con "This is a test. For the next sixty seconds this dition: Provided that: station will conduct a test of the Emergency Broad cast System. This is only a test." (1) The radio station is authorized by the (2) Transmit the Emergency Action NotiCommission to participate in the Emergencyfication Attention Signal as follows: Broadcast System under §73.942; Vl-4 (2) The radio station has in service a local principal central office (toll test) ; and (2) That channel from the radio station studio or radio the National Industry Advisory Committee transmitter to the telephone company principal order covering this service is placed in effect. central office (toll test). (c) Every such carrier rendering any such (b) During an Emergency Action Condition free service shall make and file, in duplicate, or for the purpose of testing the communicawith the Commission, on or before the 31st day tions facilities provided for in National Inof July and on or before the 31st day of Januarydustry Advisory Committee orders, telephone in ·each year, reports covering the periods ofcompanies that have facilities available in place six months ending on the 30th day of June andmay, without charge, connect an originating the 31st day of December, respectively, nextsource designated by a National Industry Adprior to said dates. These reports shall showvisory Committee order to the nearest accessithe call letters and locations of the broadcastble commercial radio network and, at the expirstations to which free service was rendered ation of such condition or test, may disconnect pursuant to this rule and the charges in dollars such authorized originating source: Provided, which would have accrued to the carrier for(1) That the originating point has in service such service rendered if charges therefor had a telephone company local channel from the originating point to the telephone company been collected at the published tariff rates. Vl-5 ANNEX VII Federal Communications Commission Office of Emergency Communications REGIONAL FIELD LIAISON OFFICES Address Region One ZIP Code SCAN Telephone Ar.,.. Code Numb.,. FCC Field Liaison Officer ________-01451____231-3660 ____ 617 GL 6-3231 OCD Region One X 247 Oak Hill Road Harvard, Massachusetts FCC Field Liaison Officer ________ 20832____231-3662____ 301 948-5400 OCD Region-Two X 60 Olney, Maryland FCC Field Liaison Officer ________31792 ____ 431-1495____912 CA 6-1761 OCD Region Three X 275 Thomasville, Georgia FCC Field Liaison Officer ________ 49014____631-1395 ____ 616 968-8142 OCD Region Four X 6266 Federal Center Battle Creek, Michigan FCC Field Liaison Officer ________76202 ____ 631-1445____ 817 387-3567 OCD Region Five X 297 Denton Federal Center Denton, Texas FCC Field Liaison Officer ________8Q225____631-1545 ____ 303 237-8831 OCD Region Six X 8815 Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 50 Denver, Colorado FCC Field Liaison Officer ________95401____831-1570 ____ 707 542-1680 OCD Region Seven X 3435 Naval Aux. Air Station Santa Rosa, California FCC Field Liaison Officer ________ 9820L___831-1435 ____ 206 259-7191 OCD Region Eight X 254 Everett, Washington FCC Field Supervisor, Eastern U.S. (OCD Regions 1, 2, 3, 4) Located at OCD. Region 3, Thomasville, Georgia FCC Field Supervisor, Western U.S. (OCD Regions 5, 6, 7, 8) Located at OCD Region 7, Santa Rosa, California Vll-1 ~ Department of Defense Office of Civil Defense Regional Boundaries and Field Installations -;,~\SHi;t;r~-~~-~ 0 EVERETT 1~/.00NT.;;;,--------------ocn Region 8 ~TACOMA f••\~"· Washington I I :\.,'-.. _ ... ... _ IDAHo~ J ORf'GON I ~ I ~-\ rs·~ P"ORTH.DAKOTA--. i I I jsourHD.~OTA--..- RAFAEL I\\ 7 1 L____ _ \.: ARIZONA --·\ r-'1 ... \,1_; 'I ,/ ~ /y '\l•o\) HAWAII ~ .. -0 i ~KANSAS cml.-. • COLORADO SPRINGS1 i . ~' fo£W.;.;;c;,--·--1o•i:AiiOM'A"OIILAHOMA CITY "1 ___ ,..._ __ I .-----1 @ ~ARKANSAS , I ITEXAS : . \ I QCD Region 5 • J P.O. BoxZ935 . J I University Hill Stahon' 1 j Denton, Texas 1----J I 0 iLOUISIANA L~----J 5 DENTON \ ( ~ T- Other Areas Serviced ~ Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands • Region 1 District of Columbia • • • • • Region Z Canal Zone , •••• , • Region 3 Am.erican Samoa, Guam , , •• Region 7 NOTE: Warning Center Area Boundaries (not shoWn) are not the same as Regional Boundaries. *NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 0 REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS A TRAINING CENTERS 0 WARNING CENTERS July 1963 )> ~ ~ ~ • ANNEX IX TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHANNELS I. Presidential Messages The following channels will be available for Presidential messages : a. From the White House to the major commercial radio and television broadcasting networks: American Broadcasting Company, Columbia Broadcasting System, Mutual Broadcasting System, and the National Broadcasting Company. Normal landline network interconnections are in existence and are maintained in ready condition at all times and are used daily. b. From selected control points to the White House and thence to the networks above. Multiple communication links provided by the Federal Government are installed between selected control points and the White House. c. From selected control points to specified radio stations peripheral to the Washington area that are equipped to relay programs to the network. Wire and radio program and communication circuits connecting the selected control points with these stations are provided by the Federal Government. II. National Programming and News National programming and news will utilize the same channels as I above. These facilities are available for national programming and news when not in use for a Presidential message. Ill. Alternate Channels Alternate circuits for the nationwide commercial radio broadcasting networks will be provided by utilizing one or more of the following means as a backup to normal network landline facilities. a. Interstate (1) Industrial radio microwave (grid networks). (2) Multiplexed FM off-the-air relay. (3) AT&T express routes. ( 4) Regional (State) intercity Remote Pickup Broadcast Intercommunication Networks. ( 5) Other means under development and proof-of-performance test. b. Intrastate ( 1) Remote Pickup Broadcast Intercommunication Networks. (2) Studio-transmitter links. (3) Television (aural) intercity relay (privately owned). ( 4) Industrial radio microwave (grid networks). ( 5) Other means under development and proof-of-performance test. c. Intracity (1) Remote Pickup Broadcast Intercommunication Networks. (2) Normal Program lines between broadcast stations. (3) Studio-transmitter links. ( 4) Facilities of any other FCC-licensed services available that will be operated in accordance with FCC rules and regulations, approved plans, and FCC approved interconnection arrangements. IV. Authentication Authentication procedures for use in origination of Presidential message, National Programming and New via the above channels have been established. Details on the procedure are furnished by the FCC to those concerned. V. NIAC Orders A series of operational orders which can be made effective after the Emergency Broadcast System is activated have been prepared. They provide for alternate origination facilities approved by the FCC with concurrence of the covering Presidential messages and National cognizant government agencies. Additional Programming. NIAC Orders 1-98 have been orders will be issued as required. c c ANNEX X Emergency Broadcast System Programming and Operating Instructions A. Presiential Messages, National Programming and News 1. National Programming and News from appropriate Federal authorities will be transmitted over the EBS intermittently, as available, on a 24-hour-a-day basis until resumption of normal broadcasting. National Programming and News shall consist of pronouncements by Federal Officials, such pronouncements to be made in person ; announcements released officially by the various departments will be read by qualified news correspondents on duty at the originating points. 2. Presidential Messages and National Programming and News will be preceded by a minimum of two minutes closed circuit, NOT FOR BROADCAST, "talk up" transmitted over the same EBS channels stating: "A PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE WILL BE HEARD IN MINUTES AND ____ SECONDS FROM NOW." OR "A NATIONAL PROGRAM WILL BE HEARD IN ___ MINUTES AND SECONDS FROM NOW." If the length or subject matter can be made known, this information will be included in the "talk-up". The above announcement will be made repeatedly during the two minutes, and the program will start at the announced time. The closing cue on all Presidential Messages or National Programming and News will be: "THIS CONCLUDES THE PRESIDENTIAL MES-SAGE" OR "THIS CONCLUDES THIS PORTION OF THE NATIONAL PROGRAM" At other times, tone (Test) will be transmitted to indicate continuity of the circuits. c • ANNEX XI Stand-By Script for Local Programming in the Emergency Broadcast System Instructions The following program material is for broadcast byNDEA stations only, after the completion of the broadcast of the Emergency Action Notification message as prescribed in the FCC rules, Section 73.921, and in the Emergency Broadcast System Plan. Non-NDEA stations do not use this script, since they leave the air upon completion of the broadcast of the Emergency Action Notification message. This material is available for each NDEA station to use immediately as fill material, and to repeat as fill material until the originating point for the local program becomes operational. Thereafter the NDEA station will broadcast only the common local program in accordance with the plan. (This script may also l:>e used by the originating point for the common local program). All stations having an NDEA are required to keep a copy of this script in a prominent place for quick use in an emergency. Copies should be placed in the Newsroom, Control Room and Transmitter. For additional protection, stations should also put this material on stand-by tape or disk, taking suitable precautions to guard against accidental transmission. The station originating a common local program must monitor the national program source which will carry the first priority Presidential message plus other vital news and information. Announcer We have interrupted our normal program to cooperate in security and civil defense measures as requested by the United States Government. This is the Emergency Broadcast System. Normal broadcasting has been discontinued for an indefinite period. This station will remain on the air to broadcast news, official information and instructions for the area. If you do not live in the area, tune your regular radio to a station broadcasting information for your area. The station can be located easily because repeated announcements will be made identifying the area for which information is being broadcast. To repeat-this station will remain on the air to broadcast news, official information and instructions for the area. If you do not live in the area, tune your radio to a station furnishing information for your locality. AGAIN-We have interrupted our normal program to cooperate in security and civil defense measures as requested by the United States Government. This is the Emergency Broadcast System. Normal broadcasting will now be discontinued for an indefinite period. This station will remain on the air to broadcast news, official information and instructions for the area. If you do not live in the area, tune your radio to a station broadcasting information for your area. The station can be located easily because repeated announcements will be made identifying the area for which information is being broadcast. To repeat-this station will broadcast news, official information and instructions for the area. If you do not live in the area, tune your radio to a station furnishing information for your locality. You are tuned to the Emergency Broadcast System. Only broadcast stations which have been issued a National Defense Emergency Authorization by the Federal Communications Commission are now operating. Keep your radio on and stay tuned for further announcements which will be made over the Emergency Broadcast System. Do not we rour telephone. The Emergency Broadcast System has been activated for your protection. It is important that you listen carefully to announcements on the station broadcasting information for your area. (five-second pause) I repeat. You are tuned to the Emergency Broadcast System for the area. Only broadcast stations which have been issued a National Defense Emergency Authorization by the Federal Communications Commission are now operating. Keep your radio on and stay tuned for further announcements which will be made over this Emer Xl-1 gency Broadcast System. Do not u&e your telephone. The Emergency Broadcast System has been activated for your protection. It is important that you listen carefully to all announcements as they are made. We will bring you all the latest information available from your government. Xl-2 I repeat-we will bring you all the latest information available from your government. -END- ALL STATIONS REPEAT THIS SCRIPT UNTIL NATIONAL OR LOCAL COMMON PROGRAMMING IS AVAILABLE. • ANNEX XII Executive Order 11 007 < Prescribing Regulations for the Formation and Use of Advisory Committees WHEREAS the departments and agencies of the Government frequently make use of advisory committees; and WHEREAS the information, advice and recommendations obtained through advisory committees are beneficial to the operations of the Government; and WHEREAS it is desirable to impose uniform standards for the departments and agencies of the Government to follow in forming and using advisory committees in order that such committees shall function at all times in consonance with the antitrust and conflict of interest laws: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes, and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: SECTION 1. The regulations prescribed in this order for the formation and use of advisory committees shall govern the departments and agencies of the Government to the extent not inconsistent with specific law. SEc. 2. As used herein, (a) The term "advisory committee" means any committee, board, commission, council, conference, panel, task force, or other similar group, or any subcommittee or other subgroup thereof, that is formed by a department or agency of the Government in the interest of obtaining advice or recommendations, or for any other purpose, and that is not composed wholly of officers or employees of the Government. The term also includes any committee, board, commission, council, conference, panel, task force, or other similar group, or any subcommittee or other subgroup thereof, that is not formed by a department or agency, but only during any period when it is being utilized by a department or agency in the same manner as a Government-formed advisory committee. (b) The term "industry advisory committee" means an advisory committee composed predominantly of members or representatives of a single industry or group of related industries, or of any subdivision of a single industry made on a geographic, service or product basis. SEc. 3. No advisory committee shall be formed or utilized by any department or agency unless (a) specifically authorized by law or (b) specifically determined as a matter of formal record by the head of the department or agency to be in the public interest in connection with the preformance of duties imposed on that department or agency by law. SEc. 4. Unless specifically authorized by law to the contrary, no committee shall be utilized for functions not solely advisory, and determinations of action to be taken with respect to matters upon which an advisory committee advises or recommends shall be made solely by officers or employees of the Government. SEC. 5. Each industry committee shall be reasonably representative of the group of industries, the single industry, or the geographical, service, or product seg ment thereof to which it relates, taking into account the size and function of business enterprises in the industry or industries, and their location, affiliation, and competitive status, among other factors. Selection of industry members shall, unless otherwise provided by statute, be limited to individuals actively engaged in operations in the particufar industry, industries, or segments concerned, except where the department or agency head deems such limitations would interfere with effective committee operation. SEc. 6. The meetings of an advisory committee formed or used by a department or agency shall be subject to the following rules: (a) No meeting shall be held except at the call of, or with the advance approval of, a full-time salaried officer or employee of the department or agency, and with an agenda formulated or approved by such officer or employee. (b) All meetings shall be under the chairmanship, or conducted in the presence of, a full-time salaried officer or employee of the Government who shall have the authority and be required to adjourn any meeting whenever he considers adjournment to be in the public interest. (c) For advisory committees other than industry advisory committees, minutes of each meeting shall be kept which shall, as a minimum, contain a record of persons present, a description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the committee. The accuracy of all minutes shall be certified to by a full-time salaried officer or employee of the Government present during the proceedings recorded. Xll-1 (d) A verbatim transcript shall be kept of all proceedings at each meeting of an industry advisory committee, including the names of all persons present, their affiliation, and the capacity in which they attend: Provided, that where the head of a department or agency formally determines that a verbatim transcript would interfere with the proper functioning of such a committee or would be impracticable, and that waiver of the requirement of a verbatim transcript is in the public interest, he may authorize in lieu thereof the keeping of minutes which shall, as a minimum, contain a record of persons present, a description of matters discussed and conclusions reached, and copies of all reports received, issued, or approved by the committee. The accuracy of all minutes shall be certified to by a full-time salaried officer or employee of the Government present during the proceedings recorded. (e) Industry advisory committees shall not be permitted to receive, compile, or discuss data or reports showing the current or projected commercial operations of identified business enterprises. (f) In the case of advisory committees other than industry advisory committees, the department or agency head may waive compliance with any requirement contained in subsection (a), (b) or (c) of this section when he formally determines that compliance therewith would interfere with the proper functioning of such a committee or would be impracticable, that adequate provisions are otherwise made to insure that committee operation is subject to Government control and purpose, and that waiver of the requirement is in the public interest. SEC. 7. The head of each department or agency sponsoring an advisory committee may prescribe additional regulations, consistent with the provisions and purposes of this order, to govern the formation or use of such committees, or the appointment of members thereof. SEC. 8. An advisory committee whose duration is not otherwise fixed by law sh~ll terminate not later than two years from the date of its formation unless the head of the department or agency by which it is utilized determines in writing not more than sixty days prior to the expiration of such two-year period that its continued existence is in the public interest. A like determination by the department or agency head shall be required not more than sixty days prior to the end of each subsequent two-year period to continue the existence of such committee thereafter. For the purpose of this section, the date of formation of an advisory committee in existence on the date of publication of this Xll-2 apply: (a) to any advisory committee for which Congress by statute has specified the purpose, composition and conduct unless and to the extent such statute authorizes the President to prescribe regulations for the formation or use of such committee; (b) to any advisory committee composed wholly of representatives of State or local agencies or charitable, religious, educational, civic, social welfare, or other similar nonprofit organizations; (c) to any local, regional, or national committee whose sole function is the dissemination of information for public agencies, or to any local civic committee whose primary function is that of rendering a public service other than giving advice or making recommendations to the Government. SEC. 10. (a) Each department and agency utilizing advisory committees shall publish in its annual report, or otherwise publish annually, a list of such committees, including the names and affiliations of their members, a description of the function of each committee and a statement of the dates of its meetings: Provided, that the head of the department or agency concerned may waive this requirement where he determines that such annual publication would be unduly costly or impracticable, but shall make such information available, upon request, to the Congress, the President, or the Attorney General. (b) A copy of each such report shall be furnished to the Attorney General, and all records and files of advisory committees, including agenda, transcripts or notes of meetings, studies, analyses, reports or other data compilations or working papers, made available to or prepared by or for any such advisory committee, shall be made available, upon request by the Attorney General, to his duly authorized representatives, subject to such security restrictions as may be properly imposed on the materials involved. SEC. 11. This order supersedes the directive of February 2, 1959, entitled "Standards and Procedures for the Utilization of Public Advisory Committees by Government Departments and Agencies," and all provisions of prior Executive orders to the extent they are inconsistent herewith. JOHN F. KENNEDY THE WHITE HOUSE, February 26, 1962. order shall be deemed to be July 1, 1960, or the actual date of its formation, whichever is later. SEc. 9. The requirements of this order shall not C . c c FG-E-4.1, Change 1 December 15, 1964 ANNEX XIII PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE ORIGINATION POINTS NIAC Orders 1 Through 63 NIAC Order #1 consists of a program feed from the White House Communications Agency (WHCA 1) to the White House WHCA Master Control, thence to Radio Station WTOP, thence to the network control points in Washington, D.C. (ABC, CBS, MBS, NBC) and thence to the four nationwide commercial radio networks. This Order authorizes the AT&T to interconnect the facilities of the Intermountain (IMN) and Yankee (YNI) radio networks. 2 NIAC Order #1 will be in effect when the EMERGENCY ACTION NOTIFICATION has been issued in accordance with approved procedures and in accordance with Section 73.921 of the FCC rules and normal network facilities and network control centers remain intact. (See drawing for NIAC Order #1.) Authentication procedures A3 or A4 shall be utilized. NIAC Order #2 takes effect when normal net work origination facilities in Washington, D.C. are disrupted due to enemy action. This Order authorizes the AT&T to use the facilities of the four nationwide commercial radio networks, namely, ABC, CBS, MBS and NBC, and Inter mountain (IMN) and Yankee (YNI) radio networks and augmented by the audio networks associated with the video networks of ABC, CBS and NBC, to make one composite network.2 The network entry point for this Order shall be a selected AT&T Toll Test Center. Several technical methods of delivery to the selected Toll Test Center have been implemented in cooperation with NIAC. (See drawing for NIAC Order #2.) Authentication procedures A3 or A4 shall be utilized. NIAC Order #3 Through #63. This series of Orders covers a Presidential message from a ' WHOA provides ALL communication facilities for the President. ' Closed circuit test broadcasts of these technical distribution channels are conducterl on the 1st Monday of each month. Due to varying program scheduling of the commercial networks involved, tlte AT&T is not autltorized to make one composite network of these facilities for these tests. The AT&T Is authorized to int~rcotmect the facilities of the Intermountain (IMN) and Yankee (YNI) radio networks for the duration of these closed circuit tests, then remove such interconnections. point designated by WHCA and connected to the AT&T Toll Test Center at points shown in ·the individual NIAC Orders. A. Any of these individual orders shall be made ready when the following conditions have been fulfilled: 1. WHCA has provided broadcast and authentication circuits from the Presidential message point to the designated AT&T Toll Test Center. 2. The Radio Network Control Points in Washington have been advised NIAC Order #__ is being made ready. 3. The Telephone Company at the designated Toll Test Center has made available facilities to connect the circuit of (1) into·· the major radio networks and the audio networks associated with the video networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC, as provided in FCC rules 73.971. B. An order in this series shall become activated when the following conditions have been effected: 1. AN EMERGENCY ACTION NOTIFICATION has been issued. 2. WHCA at the origination point puts the order into effect using the proper authentication to the AT&T Toll Test Center designated in the individual order_ Authentication procedures A3 or A4 shall be utilized. If the pickup point and the entry point designated by the NIAC Order are not the same, the Telephone Company will provide a circuit from the local Telephone Company office to the designated entry points. For example, for a pickup point in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the NIAC Order would be designated "NIAC Order 47-Scranton". 3. The radio networks are advised by WHCA via established authentication procedures (A3 or A4) set forth in NIAC Orders 1 and 2. C. Any of these orders shall be deactivated when a subsequent NIAC Order is placed in effect. D. The NIAC Orders referred to in A, B, and C above are as follows: Xlll-1 FG-E-4.1, Change 1 December 15, 1964 NIAC State Defense NIAC State Defense Order Network Order Network No. (FM) Station AT&T Toll Test Location No. (FM) Station AT&T Toll Test Location 1 (WTOP, WRC, Washington, D.C. 28 WJDX-FM I Jackson, Mississippi WMAL, 29 KSTL-FM St. Louis, Missouri MBS 30 KCMO-FM I Kansas City, Missouri Studios). 31 KOOK-TV I Billings, Montana 2 WRFL (FM) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 32 KFAB-FM I Omaha, Nebraska WXRA (FM) Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 33 KTOO-FM I Las Vegas, Nevada WTTR-FM Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 34 KNEV-FM I Reno, Nevada WFMD-FM Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 35 WKBR-FM I Manchester, New Hampshire WCUM-FM Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 36 WPRB-FM I Princeton, New Jersey WJEJ-FM Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 37 KHFM-FM I Albuquerque, New Mexico WHYL-FM Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 38 WNBC-FM I New York, New York 3 WAPI-FM I Birmingham, Alabama 39 WROW-FM I Albany, New York 4 KFMM-FM I Tucson, Arizona 40 WBEN-FM I Buffalo, New York 5 KARK-FM I Little Rock, Arkansas 41 WSOC-FM Charlotte, North Carolina 6 KBIQ-FM I Los Angeles, California 42 WDAY-TV I Fargo, North Dakota 7 KFRG-FM I San Francisco, California 43 WERE-FM Cleveland, Ohio 8 KOA-FM I Denver, Colorado 44 WRFD-FM Columbus, Ohio 9 WTIC-FM I Hartford, Connecticut 45 KYFM-FM I Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 10 WGB8--FM I Miami, Florida 46 KOIN-FM Portland, Oregon 11 WJAX-FM I Jacksonville, Florida 47 WFIL-FM I Philadeiphia, Pennsylvania 12 WSB-FM I Atlanta, Georgia 48 KDKA-FM I Pittsburg_h, Pennsylvania 13 KGTV-TV I Pocatello, Idaho 49 WPRO-FM I Providence, Rhode Island 14 WDHF-FM I Chicago, Illinois 50 WNOK-FM I Columbia, South Carolina 15 WTTV-FM Indianapolis, Indiana 51 KELO-TV I Sioux Falls, South Dakota 16 WOG-FM I Davenport, Iowa 52 WMC-FM I Memphis, Tennessee 17 WHO-FM I Des Moines, Iowa 53 WSIX-FM I Nashville, Tennessee 18 KFH-FM I Wichita, Kansas 54 WRR-FM I Dallas, Texas 19 WKLO-FM I Louisville, Kentucky 55 KTSM-FM I El Paso, Texas 20 WDSU-FM I New Orleans, Louisiana 56 KSL-FM I Salt Lake City, Utah 21 KWKH-FM I Shreveport, Louisiana 57 WJOY-FM I Burlington, Vermont 22 WLOB-FM Portland, Maine 58 WWOD-FM I Lynchburg, Virginia 23 WBZ--FM 1 Boston, Massachusetts 59 KZAM-FM I Seattle, Washington 24 WKMI-FM I Kalamazoo, Michigan 60 KZUN-FM I Spokane, Washington 25 WXYZ--FM I Detroit, Michigan 61 WKAZ-FM I Charleston, West Virginia 26 WLOL-FM I Minneapolis, Minnesota 62 WISN-FM I Milwaukee, Wisconsin 27 KUMD-FM I Duluth, Minnesota 63 KVWO-FM I Cheyenne, Wyoming ' For planning purposes only-Additions or deletions may be made to fit operational reqnlrements as they arise. Xrll-2 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1965 0-757-897 u I ''-JJ 1,,__) MBSSTUDIOS WMAL NELP SHERATON PARK WMAL-FM HOTEL WMAL-TV TO MBS NETWORK I I MBS ABC TO ABC NETWORK NETWORK NETWORKORIGINATION PL ORIGINATION (WASHINGTON, D.C.) (WASHINGTON D.C.) SELECTED t I t CONTROL NETWORKPOINT ,_,_-' ROUND ROBIN -',_ -'w ~I z CIRCUITS WHCA MASTER CONTROL WTOPWTOP-FM PL WRC WTOP-TV WRC-FMWRC-TVCBS TO NETWORK NBCCBS NETWORK I ~WORK ORIGINATION NETWORK(WASHINGTON D.C.) NELP ORIGINATION MASTER CONTROL (WASHINGTON D.C.) .. LOCAL & CBS CIRCUITWHITE REGIONAL PGM HOUSE WHCA PRESIDENTIAL MSGS MASTER WHCA CIRCUIT NAT'L PGM-NEWS CONTROL NIAC ORDER NO. 1 EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM NORMAL WASHINGTON D.C. NETWORK ORIGINATION PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGES -NATIONAL PROGRAMMING -NEWS ~ ~ I ~ Q WHYL TO PENNSYLVANIA t!! r ------FM FM DEFENSE NETWORK :;t ~ r-----------T-~1;-----~~--~ z ~ 0 ~ TO ABC RADIO NETWORK TO CBS RADIO NETWORK SELECTED AT&T I I I I WJEJ FM Z g ~ TOMBS RADIO NETWORK TO NBC RADIO NETWORK ~~g CENTER j~l------I I I WCUM J ----- FM ~ ~ MBS STUDIOS WMAL 1--.I I 0 3! ~ w::E z-' ' ~ iz~ w "~ ~ -' ~ .... z o U o6 ~ !II I1 i:...c ~ ----- WFMD FM TO MARYLAND FM DEFENSE NETWORK w ~ < z u I II WTTR WRC t . WTOP t SELECTED CONTROL POINT PRESIDENTIAL MSG'S--NAT'L PGM--NEWS j -1-----j""'I FM L---------.l.--.J.!_M_R£-1.£~ ______F!;:l~l;iO.LE..!I.!::!,IS,_ ______ ..J LINK WHCA CUE & CONTROL I WXRA PRESIDENTIAL MSG'S--NAT'L PGM--NEWS CUE & CONTROL MASTER CONTROL ....., -· .. MICROWAVE .. ~ I 1-----!---,, -IL FM WRFL TO VIRGINIA NOTE: NIAC N] CIRCUITS IF NOT DISRUPTED ARE AVAILABLE ------ FM FM DEFENSE NETWORK FOR LOCAL FEED ONLY. NIAC ORDER NO. 2 EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM FIRST ALTERNATE NETWORK ORIGINATION PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGES -NATIONAL PROGRAMMING -NEWS ~~ n ... n '~ ANNEX XIV ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE NATIONAL INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEE I. Introduction Under normal peacetime conditions, the President of the United States and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations and the general public enjoy the benefits of a vast domestic and international telecommunications complex. This vast complex of wire, cable, and radio communications is readily available in aural, visual, and functional forms to adequately serve all requirements in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The services rendered may be broadly categorized into the common carrier services (wire, cable, radio) ; safety and special radio services (maritime, aviation, public safety, industrial, amateur, transportation, and citizens) ; radio broadcast services (standard, FM, and television). The Nation's broadcast facilities and their functional interconnecting communications facilities provide the President and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations a mass communications media with the general public by both aural and visual means. In addition, these same broadcast facilities are used daily to disseminate local, State, regional, national, and international news and programming in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The Safety and Special Radio Services provide a very broad category of essential communications activities ranging from the safety of life and property (public safety, aviation, and marine) through heavy and light industry • (industrial and land transportation) to the pleasure and general public use of radio (amateur and citizens) . FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20554 The Nation's common carrier wire, cable, and radio services provide an efficient nationwide and worldwide telecommunications complex rendering a very broad base of communications services available for hire. These services include telephone, telegraph, television and a multitude of leased services. Telecommunications in all forms are deeply integrated into all emergency planning in all fields. Under conditions which may prevail if an Emergency Action Notification were issued by appropriate Federal authorities, the normal channels of communication may be altered, temporarily disrupted, or destroyed. Disruption of these communications channels may also be expected as a result of natural disasters. During conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or a national, State, or local emergency, it is essential that the President and/or other appropriate authorities be able to communicate directly with the general public. The dissemination of local, State, regional, and national programming and news is also essential during such periods. Both interstate and intrastate wire and radio facilities are inseparably involved in fulfilling the abovestated emergency mass communications requirements and supporting communications interconnections and pre-planned arrangements for a continuity of service. Other emergency requirements to be fulfilled by the total telecommunications resources available include the supporting communications for resources management and the emergency communications of other local, state, regional, Federal and National authorities and organizations, including the military establishment. XlV-1 11. Scope of Problem A. Adequate emergency preparedness dicates the necessity to develop plans and procedures, in consonance with national telecommunications plans and policies, covering : (a) Common carrier service. (1) Extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services and personnel in an emergency; and control of all rates, charges, practices, classifications, and regulations for service to Government and non-Government users during an emergency, in consonance with national economic stabilization policies. (2) Development and administration of priority systems for public correspondence and for the use and resumption of leased inter-city private line service in an emergency. (3) Use of common carrier facilities and services to overseas points to meet vital needs in an emergency. (b) Broadcasting service. Construction activation, or deactivation of broadcasting facilities and services, the continuation or suspension of broadcasting services and facilities, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services, and personnel in an emergency. (c) Safety and special radio services. Au thorization, operation and use of safety and special radio services, facilities and personnel in the national interest in an emergency. (d) Radio frequency assignment. Assignment of radio frequencies to, and their use by, Commission. licensees in an emergency. (e) Resource data. Provision of assistance and data with· respect to facilitate operated by Commission licensees for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. (f) Electromagnetic radiation. Control of radio stations in emergency, except for those belonging to, or operated by, any department or agency of the United States Government. (g) Investigation and enforcement. Investigation of violations of pertinent law and regu lations in an emergency and development of procedures designated to initiate, recommend, or otherwise bring about appropriate enforcement actions required in the interest of national c security. (h) Financial aid. Provision of financial, credit, or other assistance to common carriers and Commission licensees who might need such assistance in various conditions of mobilization, particularly those resulting from attack. (i) Conservation, salvage and rehabilitation. Stimulation of the development, by common carriers and by licensees, of standby plans for the conservation and salvage of supplies and equipment and the rehabilitation, restoration, or replacement of essential communication facilities after an attack. (j) Claimancy. Preparation to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of the common carriers and Commission licensees from the appropriate resource agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency. B. Cooperation with Department of Defense In consonance with national civil defense c plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, it is necessary to: (a) Faeilities protection. Provide advice and guidance to achieve such industry protection as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the facilities and services provided by common carriers and radio station licensees, and promote a national program to stimulate diasaster preparedness and damage control. The guidance developed shall include, but not be limited to, organizing and training facility employees, personnel shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, security, emergency repair and recovery of facilities, deconcentration and dispersal of facilities, and mutual aid associations for emergency. (b) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on communication facilities and services subject to Commission regulation which are essential in a national emergency and to provide data to the Department of Defense. C. Research Foster or conduct research in areas directly concerned with the Commission's emergency preparedness responsibilities. Ill. National Industry Advisory Committees A National Industry Advisory Committee has been organized for the purpose of advising and assisting the Federal Communications Commission, and other cognizant authorities, by studying and submitting recommendations for emergency communications systems and procedures for planning purposes as provided in Executive Orders 10312, 11007, and 11092. IV. Authority In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007, and by formal action on December 4, 1963, the Commission found the continued existence of the National Industry Advisory Committee to be in the public interest. V. Organization A. The National Industry Advisory Committee is constituted, as follows: A Chairman A Vice Chairman An Executive Committee composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and representatives of Subcommittees Primary Subcommittees: Aeronautical Communications Services Sub committee Amateur Radio Services Subcommittee Braodcast Services Subcommittee Citizens Radio Services Subcommittee Consulting Engineers Subcommitte Domestic Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Electronics Industry Subcommittee Experimental Radio Services Subcommittee Industrial Communications Services Subcom • mittee International Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Land Transportation Communications Services Subcommittee Legal Counsel Subcommittee Maritime Communications Services Subcom mittee Press Wire Services Subcommittee Public Safety Communications Services Sub committee Secondary Subcommittees Regional Industry Advisory Committees State Industry Advisory Committees Local Industry Advisory Committees Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees will be appointed as required. B. Members of the National Industry Advisory Committee will be appointed by the Defense Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, subject to appropriate security clearance. Membership to the National Industry Advisory Committee shall be restricted to officers and employees of nongovernment! FCC licensees (communications industry), subject to formal waiver by the Defense Commissioner, when it is deemed in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. C. Official meetings of the National Industry Advisory Committee will be convened in the Offices of the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D. C. or such other places as deemed necessary in the public interest, convenience, and necessity, at intervals approximating two months. Agreement regarding the date and place of the succeeding meeting shall be established prior to the adjournment of each official meeting. D. The Executive Secretary shall serve as the official correspondent for the NIAC. VI. Functions and Responsibilities The principal Functions and Responsibilities of the NIAC are as follows : A. Studies and submits recommendations to FCC for workable emergency communications systems plans and procedures to fulfill requirements under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or other national, regional, state or local emergency, within the provisions of Executive Orders 10312, 11007, and 11092. 1 uNon...government," as used herein, excludes Federal Government but includes state and local government FCC licensees. Federal Government is not licensed by FCC. B. Provides technical advice and recomthe Defense Commissioner or Alternate Defense mendations through FCC to appropriate Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations with regard to emergency communications systems plans and procedures for emergency planning purposes. C. Maintains liaison with the entire nongovernment communications and electronics industry, in order tq assist in planning for operations under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster, or other national, State, or local emergency. D. Maintains liaison with all Subcommittees, Special NIAC working groups, and ad hoc committees to coordinate and assist in the planning for the utilization of non-government facilities, under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril, or disaster, or other national, State, or local emergency. E. Advises the FCC concerning industry opinion relative to any proposed tests and exercises of emergency communications systems plans and procedures and assists the FCC in carrying out such activities, and assists in observing and evaluating the effectiveness of such activities. F. Coordinates with the FCC in the establishment of acceptable authentication procedures for use in emergency communications systems and plans. G. Continually evaluates proposals for the technical development of emergency communications systems, plans, and procedures as provided under Executive Orders 10312 and 11092. H. Encourages continuing studies and research directed toward the improvement of existing emergency communications systems, plans, and procedures and the development of new systems of emergency backup communications facilities, plans, and procedures, for use during conditions of war, or a threat of war or a state of public peril or disaster, or other national, State, or local emergency. VII. Procedures A. Items to be considered by the NIAC at its regular meetings may be submitted by the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the NIAC, or by Commissioner of the FCC. Proposed items originating at the Subcommittee or special working group level shall be forwarded to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the NIAC. Proposed items originating within the nongovernment communications industry or from Federal, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations shall be forwarded to the Defense Commissioner or Alternate Defense Commissioner. The final composition of the NIAC Agenda shall be the responsibility of the Executive Secretary, in cooperation with the Executive Committee of the NIAC and the Defense Commissioner, FCC. B. The Executive Secretary shall distribute copies of the NIAC agenda, together with the date, time and place of the meeting to all members and to Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of all subcommittees. A copy will also be forwarded to cognizant Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations for information purposes and possible participation at their discretion. C. At the discretion of the Chairman, NIAC, and the Defense Commissioner, FCC, items for future discussion, or for consideration at future meetings, may be tentatively accepted during the period of a meeting. • D. Subcommittees or special working groups may be formed, at the request of the Defense Commissioner and/or Alternate Defense Commissioner, FCC, for the purpose of studying and formulating recommendations on special problems or requirements. E. All official correspondence will be directed to the Chairman, NIAC, with copies to the Vice Chairman, Executive Secretary and Defense Commissioner, FCC. F. A verbatim transcript of all NIAC meetings shall be made and made available in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007. G. Deliberations in all meetings of the NIAC, or subcommittees thereof, will follow the procedures set forth in Roberts Rules of Order. A majority vote on any controversial issue, by officially designated members present at a meeting, will be considered a disposition of the ( matter. The record will show the number of votes for and/or against a specific recommendation. H. Formal recommendations shall be transmitted to the Defense Commissioner, FCC, with copies to the Alternate Defense Commissioner, FCC, and to the Executive Secretary, NIAC, for consideration, concurrence and/or approval by the members of the Federal Communications Commission and other cognizant Federal Government agencies. Normally, all formal recom ,--/ mendations will be forwarded to the Director, Office of Emergency Planning and to the Secretary of Defense for comment and/or concurrence prior to formal Commission consideration. I. All proposals by subcommittees and special working groups of a technical and policy nature, will be forwarded to the NIAC for study and recommendation, thence to the Commission members for concurrence and/or approval prior to implementation. c ... ANNEX XV ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF REGIONAL INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEES I. Introduction Under normal peacetime conditions, the President of the United States and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations and the general public enjoy the benefits of a vast domestic and international telecommunications complex. This vast complex of wire, cable, and radio communications is readily available in aural, visual, and functional forms to adequately serve all re quirements in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The services rendered may be broadly categorized into the common carrier services (wire, cable, radio) ; safety and special radio services (maritime, aviation, public safety, industrial, amateur, transportation, and citizens); radio broadcast services (standard, FM, and television). The Nation's broadcast facilities and their functional interconnecting communications facilities provide the President and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations a mass communciations media with the general public by both aural and visual means. In addition, these same broadcast facilities are used daily to disseminate local, State, regional, national and international news and programming in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The safety and special radio services provide a very broad category of essential communications activities ranging from the safety of life and property (public safety, aviation, and marine) through heavy and light industry (industrial and land transportation) to the pleasure and general public use of radio (amateur and citizens). FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20554 The Nation's common carrier wire, cable, and radio services provide an efficient nationwide and worldwide telecommunications complex rendering a very broad base of communications services available for hire. These services include telephone, telegraph, television, and a multitude of leased services. Telecommunications in all forms are deeply integrated into all emergency planning in all fields. Under conditions which may prevail if an EmeTgency Action Notification were issued by appropriate Federal authorities, the normal channels of communications may be altered, temporarily disrupted, or destroyed. Disruption of these communications channels may also be expected as a result of natural disasters. During conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or a national, State, or local emergency, it is essential that the President and/or other appropriate authorities be able to communicate directly with the general public. The dissemination of local, State, regional and national programming and news is also essential during such periods. Both interstate and intrastate wire and radio facilities are inseparably involved in fulfilling the above-stated emergency mass communications requirements and supporting communications interconnections and pre-planned arrangements for a continuity of service. Other emergency requirements to be fulfilled by the total telecommunications resources available include the supporting communications for resources management and the emergency communications requirements of other local, state, regional, Federal and national authorities and organizations, including the military establishbelonging to, or operated by, any department ment. or agency of the United States Government. (g) Investigation and enforcement.-Inves II. Scope of Problem tigation of violations of pertinent law and regu A. Adequate emergency preparedness ditates the necessity to develop plans and procedures, in consonance with actional telecommunications plans and policies, covering: (a) Common carrier service. (1) Extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services and personnel in an emergency; and control of all rates, charges, practices, classifications, and regulations for service to Government and non-government users during an emergency, in consonance with national economic stabilization policies. (2) Development and administration of priority systems for public correspondence and for the use and resumption of leased intercity private line service in an emergency. (3) Use of common carrier facilities and services to overseas points to meet vital needs in an emergency. (b) Broadcasting service.-Construction activation, or deactivation of broadcasting facilities and services, the continuation or suspension of broadcasting services and facilities, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services, and personnel in an emergency. (c) Safety and special radio services.-Au thorization, operation and use of safety and special radio services, facilities and personnel in the national interest in an emergency. (d) Radio frequency assignment.-Assignment of radio frequencies to, and their use by, Commission licensees in an emergency. (e) Resou1·ce data.-Provision of assistance and data with respect to facilities operated by Commission licensees for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. (f) Electromagnetic radiation.-Control of radio stations in emergency, except for those lations in an emergency and development of procedures designated to initiate, recommend, or otherwise bring about appropriate enforcement actions required in the interest of national security. (h) Financial aid.-Provision of financial, credit, or other assistance to common carriers and Commission licensees who might need such assistance in various conditions of mobilization, particularly those resulting from attack. (i) Conse1·vation, salvage and reluLbilitation. -Stimulation of the development, by common carriers and by licensees, of standby plans for the conservation and salvage of supplies and equipment and the rehabilitation, restoration, or replacement of essential communication facilities after an attack. (j) Claimancy.-Preparation to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of the common carriers and Commission licensees from the appropriate resource agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency. B. Cooperation with Department of Defense In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, it is necessary to: (a) Facilities protection. Provide advice and guidance to achieve such industry protection as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the facilities and services provided by common carriers and radio station licensees, and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and damage control. The guidance developed shall include but not be limited to, organizing and training facility employees, personnel shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, security, emergency repair and recovery of facilities, deconcentration and dispersal of facilities, and mutual aid associations for emergency. (b) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on communi cation facilities and services subject to Commission regulation which are essential in a national emergency and to provide data to the Department of Defense. C. Research Foster or conduct research in areas directly concerned with the Commission's emergency preparedness responsibilities. Ill. Regional Industry Advisory Committees Eight Regional Industry Advisory Committees have been organized for the purpose of advising and assisting the Federal Communications Commission, and other cognizant authorities, by coordinating, studying, and submitting recommendations to the National Industry Advisory Committee with regard to Regional, State, and Local emergency communications systems and procedures for planning purposes as provided in Executive Orders 10312, 11007, and 11092. The eight Regional Industry Advisory Committees shall encompass the following geographical areas: Region States REGION ONE: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Vermont, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Virgin Islands REGION TWO: District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia REGION THREE: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolinia, South Carolina, Tennessee REGION FOUR: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin REGION FIVE: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas REGION SIX: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming REGION SEVEN: American Samoa, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah REGION EIGHT: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Washington IV. Authority In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007, and by formal action on December 4, 1963 the Commission found the continued existence of the Regional Industry Advisory Committees to be in the public interest. V. Organization A. The Regional Industry Advisory Committees are Sub-Committees of the National Industry Advisory Committee, and are constituted as follows: A Chairman A Vice Chairman An Executive Committee composed of the Chair men and Vice-Chairman if the State Industry Advisory Committees within their respective regions. Subcommittees: Aeronautical Communications Services Sub committee Amateur Radio Services Subcommittee Broadcast Services Subcommittee Citizens Radio Services Subcommittee Consulting Engineers Subcommittee Domestic Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Electronics Industry Subcommittee Experimental Radio Services Subcommittee Industrial Communications Services Subcom mittee International Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Land Transportation Communications Services Subcommittee Legal Counsel Subcommittee Maritime Communications Services Subcom mittee Press Wire Services Subcommittee Public Safety Communications Services Sub committee Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees: Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees will be appointed as required. B. Members of the Regional Industry Advisory Committees will be appointed by the Defense Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, subject to appropriate security clearance. Membership to the Regional Industry Advisory Committees shall be restricted to members of State Industry Advisory Committees within the respective regions, and officers and employees of non-government 1 FCC licensees (communications industry), subject to formal waiver by the Defense Commissioner, when it is deemed in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. C. Official meetings of the Regional Industry Advisory Committees will be convened at such places as deemed necessary in the public inter 1 "Non...government," as used herein, excludes Federal Government but includes state and local government FCC licensees. Fedral Government is not licensed by FCC. est, convenience, and necessity. The date and ercises of emergency communications systemsplace of the meetings shall be established in plans and procedures within their respectiveaccordance with detailed procedures issued by regions and assists the FCC in carrying outthe Chairman, National Industry Advisory such activities, and assists in observing and Committees. evaluating the effectiveness of such activities. D. The Executive Secretary, NIAC shall F. Coordinates with the FCC in the estabserve as the official correspondent for the Relishment of acceptable authentication procegional Industry Advisory Committees. dures for use in emergency communicationssystems and plans within their respective VI. Functions and Responsibilities regions. The principal Functions and Responsibilities G. Continually evaluates proposals for theof the Regional Industry Advisory Committees technical development of emergency communiare as follows : cations systems, plans, and procedures withintheir respective regions, as provided under Exe A. Studies and submits recommendations to cutive Orders 10312, and 11092. FCC for workable emergency communicationssystems plans and procedures to fulfill requireH. Encourages continuing studies and rements under conditions of war, or a threat of search directed toward the improvement ofwar, or a state of public peril or disaster or existing emergency communications systems, other national, regional, state or local emerplans, and procedures and the development ofgency, within the provisions of Executive Or new systems of emergency backup communica ders 10312, 11007, and 11092. tions facilities, plans, and procedures within their respective regions, for use during condi B. Provides technical advice and recommentions of war, or a threat of war or a state ofdations consistent with FCC policies to appropublic peril or disaster, or other national, statepriate Federal, National, Regional, State and or local emergency. Local authorities and organizations within their respective regions with regard to emergency communications systems plans and procedures VII. Procedures for emergency planning purposes. A. Items to be considered by Regional Industry Advisory Committees may be submitted by C. Maintains liaison with the entire nonthe members of the Regional Industry Advisory government communications and electronics inCommittees, the Chairman or Vice Chairmandustry within their respective regions, in order of the NIAC, or by the Defense Commissionerto assist in planning for operations under condior Alternate Defense Commissioner of thetions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of FCC. Proposed items originating at the Subpublic peril or disaster, or other national, state Committee or Special Working Group levelor local emergency. shall be forwarded to the Chairman and Vice D. Maintains liaison with all NIAC SubChairman of the RIAC. Proposed items origiCommittees, Special NIAC Working Groups and nating within the non-goverment communicaNIAC Ad Hoc Committees to coordinate and tions industry or from Federal, Regional, Stateassist in the planing for the utilization of nonand Local authorities and organizations withingovernment facilities, under conditions of war, their respective regions shall be forwarded toor a threat of war, or a state of public peril, or the Defense Commissioner or Alternate Dedisaster, or other national, state or local emerfense Commissioner. The final composition ofgency. the RIAC Agenda shall be the responsibility ofthe Executive Secretary, in cooperation with E. Advises the 'FCC concerning industry the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the NIACopinion relative to any proposed Tests and Ex-and the Defense Commissioner, FCC. XV-4 c < c ' B. The Executive Secretary, NIAC, shall disG. Deliberations in all meetings of Regional Industry Advisory Committee, or Sub-Commit tribute copies of the Regional Industry Adtees thereof, will follow the procedures set forthvisory Committee Agenda, together with the in Roberts Rules of Order. A majority vote on date, time and place of the meeting to all members and to Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of all any controversial issue, by officially designated members present at a meeting, will be consid Sub-Committees. A copy will also be forwarded to cognizant Federal, National, Regional, State ered a disposition of the matter. The record will show the number of votes for and/or and Local authorities and organizations for in formation purposes and possible participation against a specific recommendation. at their discretion. H. Formal recommendations of Regional Industry Advisory Committees shall be trans C. At the discretion of the Chairmen of the ', Regional Industry Advisory Committees, and mitted to the Chairman of the National Industry Advisory Committee with copies to the the FCC representative present at the meetings, items for future discussion, or for consideration Vice-Chairman, NIAC, Defense Commissioner, at future meetings, may be tentatively accepted FCC, and to the Executive Secretary, NIAC, for during the period of a meeting. consideration, concurrence and/or approval by the Members of the National Industry Advisory D. Sub-Committees or Special Working Committee. Normally, all formal recommendaGroups may be formed, at the request of the tions will be placed on the agenda for te next Defense Commissioner and/or Alternate Deregular National Industry Advisory Committee fense Commissioner, FCC, for the purpose of meeting. Following favorable consideration bystudying and formulating recommendations on the NIAC, the recommendations will be for special problems or requirements to be fulfilled warded to the Director, Office of Emergencywithin their respective regions. Planning and to the Secretary of Defense for E. All official correspondence will be directed comment and/or concurrence prior to formal to the Chairman, NIAC, with copies to the Vice consideration by the Members of the Federal Chairman, Executive Secretary and Defense Communications Commission. Commissioner, FCC. I. All proposals by Sub-Committees and Spe F. Minutes of all Regional Industry Advicial Working Groups of a technical and policy sory Committee meetings shall be made availnature, will be forwarded to the RIAC for study able in accordance with the provisions of Exeand recommendation, thence to the NIAC, cutive Order 11007 and detailed instructions thence to the Commission and other cognizant issued by the Chairman, National Industry AdGovernment authorities for concurrence and/ visory Committee. or approval prior to implementation. -\ ·" XV-5 c c \ ANNEX XVI ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STATE INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEES I. Introduction Under normal peacetime conditions, the President of the United States and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations and the general public enjoy the benefits of a vast domestic and international telecommunications complex. This vast complex of wire, cable, and radio communications is readily available in aural, visual, and functional forms to adequately serve all requirements in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The services rendered may be broadly categorized into the Common Carrier Services (wire, cable, radio) ; Safety and Special Radio Services (Maritime, Aviation, Public Safety, Industrial, Amateur, Transportation, and Citizens) ; Radio Broadcast Services (Standard, FM, and Television) . The Nation's broadcast facilities and their functional interconnecting communications facilities provide the President and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations a mass communications media with the general public by both aural and visual means. In addition, these same broadcast facilities are used daily to disseminate local, State, regional, national, and international news and programming in the public interest, convenience and necessity. • The Safety and Special Radio Services provide a very broad category of essential communications activities ranging from the safety of life and property (Public Safety, Aviation, and Marine) through heavy and light industry (Industrial and Land Transportation) to the pleasure and general public use of radio (Amateur and Citizens). FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20554 The Nation's Common Carrier wire, cable, and radio services provide an efficient nationwide and worldwide telecommunications complex rendering a very broad base of communications services available for hire. These services include telephone, telegraph, television, and a multitude of leased services. Telecommunications in all forms are deeply integrated into all emergency planning in all fields. Under conditions which may prevail if an Emergency Action Notification were issued by appropriate Federal authorities, the normal channels of communications may be altered, temporarily disrupted, or destroyed. Disruption of these communications channels may also be expected as a result of natural disasters. During conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or a national, State, or local emergency, it is essential that the President and/or other appropriate authorities be able to communicate directly with the general public. The dissemination of local, State, regional and national Programming and News is also essential during such periods. Both interstate and intrastate wire and radio facilities are inseparably involved in fulfilling the abovestated emergency mass communications requirements and supporting communications interconnections and pre-planned arrangements for a continuity of service. Other emergency requirements to be fulfilled by the total telecommunications resources available include the supporting communications for resources management and the emergency communications of other local, State, regional, Federal and national authorities and organizations, including the military establishment. 11. Scope of Problem A. Adequate emergency preparedness dictates the necessity to develop plans and procedures, in consonance with national telecommunications plans and policies, covering: (a) Common carrier service. (1) Extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services and personnel in an emergency ; and control of all rates, charges, practices, classifications, and regulations for service to Government and non-Government users during an emergency, in consonance with national economic stabilization policies. (2) Development and administration of priority systems for public correspondence and for the use and resumption of leased inter-city private line service in an emergency. (3) Use of common carrier facilities and services to overseas points to meet vital needs in an emergency. (b) Broadcasting service.-Construction activation, or deactivation of broadcasting facilities and services, the continuation or suspension of broadcasting services and facilities, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services, and personnel in an emergency. (c) Safety and special radio services.-Authorization, operation and use of safety and special radio services, facilities and personnel in the national interest in an emergency. (d) Radio frequency assignment.-Assignment of radio frequencies to, and their use by, Commission licensees in an emergency. (e) Resource data.-Provision of assistance and data with respect to facilities operated by Commission licensees for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. (f) Electromagnetic radiation.-Control of radio stations in emergency, except for those belonging to, or operated by, any department or agency of the United States Government. (g) Investigation and enforcement.-Investigation of violations of pertinent law and regu lations in an emergency and development of procedures designated to initiate, recommend, or otherwise bring about appropriate enforcement actions required in the interest of national security. (h) Financial aid.-Provision of financial, credit, or other assistance to common carriers and Commission licensees who might need such assistance in various conditions of mobilization, particularly those resulting from attack. (i) Conservation, salvage and rehabilitation. -Stimulation of the development, by common carriers and by licensees, of standby plans for the conservation and salvage of supplies and equipment and the rehabilitation, restoration, or replacement of essential communication facilities after an attack. (j) Claimancy.-Preparation to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of the common carriers and Commission licensees from the appropriate resource agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency. B. Cooperation with Department of Defense In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, it is necessary to: • (a) Facilities protection.-Provide advice and guidance to achieve such industry protection as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the facilities and services provided by common carriers and radio station licensees, and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and damage control. The guidance developed shall include, but not be limited to, organizing and training facility employees, personnel shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, security, emergency repair and recovery of facilities, deconcentration and dispersal of facilities, and mutual aid associations for emergency. (b) Damage assessment.-Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on communication facilities and services subject to Commission regulation which are essential in a national emergency and to provide data to the Department of Defense. t• \. C. Research Foster or conduct research in areas directly concerned with the Commission's emergency preparedness responsibilities. Ill. State Industry Advisory CommiHees A State Industry Advisory Committee has been organized in each of the 50 United States, protectorates and possessions for the purpose of advising and assisting the Federal Communications Commission, and other cognizant authorities, by coordinating, studying, and submitting recommendations to their respective Regional Industry Advisory Committees and the National Industry Advisory Committee with regard to State and Local emergency communications systems and procedures for planning purposes as provided in Executive Orders 10312, 11007, and 11092. IV. Authority In accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007, and by formal action on December 4, 1963, the Commission found the continued existence of the State Industry Advisory Committees to be in the public interest. V. Organization A. The State Industry Advisory Committees are primary Sub-Committees of their respective Regional Industry Advisory Committees and secondary Sub-Committees of the National Industry Advisory Committee, and are constituted as follows: A Chairman A Vice Chairman An Executive Committee composed of the Chair men and Vice Chairmen of the Subcommittees. Subcommittees: Aeronautical Communications Services Sub committee Amateur Radio Services Subcommittee Broadcast Services Subcommittee Citizens Radio Services Subcommittee Consulting Engineers Subcommittee Domestic Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Electronics Industry Subcommittee Experimental Radio Services Subcommittee Industrial Communications Services Subcom mittee International Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Land Transportation Communications Services Subcommittee Legal Counsel Subcommittee Maritime Communications Services Subcom mittee Press Wire Services Subcommittee Public Safety Communications Services Sub committee Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees: Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees will be appointed as required. B. Members of the State Industry Advisory Committees will be appointed by the Defense Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, subject to appropriate security clearance. Membership to the State Industry Advisory Committees shall be restricted to officers and employees of non-governmentt FCC licensees (communications industry), subject to formal waiver by the Defense Commissioner, when it is deemed in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. C. Official meetings of the State Industry Advisory Committees will be convened at such places as deemed necessary in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The date and place of the meetings shall be established in accordance with detailed procedures issued by the Chairman, National Industry Advisory Committee. D. The Executive Secretary, NIAC shall serve as the official correspondent for the State Industry Advisory Committees. VI. Functions and Responsibilities The principal Functions and Responsibilities of the State Industry Advisory Committees are as follows: A. Studies and submits recommendations to FCG for workable emergency communications systems plans and procedures to fulfill requirements under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or other national, regional, state or local emergency, within the provisions of Executive Orders 10312, 11007, and 11092. 1 "Non-government." as used herein, excludes Federal Govern ment but includes state and local ~~rovernment FCC licensees. Fed· raJ Government is not licensed by FCC. B. Provides technical advice and recommendations consistent with FCC policies to appropriate Federal, National, Regional, State and Local authorities and organizations within their respective states with regard to emergency communications systems plans and procedures for emergency planning purposes. C. Maintains liaison with the entire nongovernment communications and electronics industry within their respective states, in order to assist in planning for operations under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster, or other national, regional, state or local emergency. D. Maintains liaison with the National Industry Advisory Committee and all State Industry Advisory Committees within their respective states in order to coordinate and assist in the planning for the utilization of non-government facilities, under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril, or disaster, or other national, state or local emergency. E. Advises the FCC concerning industry opinion relative to any proposed Tests and Exercises of emergency communications systems plans and procedures within their respective states and assists the FCC in carrying out such activities, an assist in observing and evaluating the effectiveness of such activities. F. Coordinates with the National and Regional Industry Advisory Committees and the FCC in the establishment of acceptable authentication procedures for use in emergency communications systems and plans within their respective states. G. Continually evaluates proposals for the technical development of emergency communications systems, plans, and procedures within their respective states, as provided under Executive Orders 10312 and 11092. H. Encourages continuing studies and research directed toward the improvement of existing emergency communications systems, plans, and procedures and the development of new systems of emergency backup communications facilities, plans, and procedures within their respective states, for use during conditions of war, or a threat of war or a state of XV1-4 public peril or disaster, or other national, state, or local emergency. VII. Procedures • A. Items to be considered by State Industry Advisory Committees may be submitted by the members of the State Industry Advisory Committees, the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the NIAC and RIAC, or by the Defense Commissioner or Alternate Defense Commissioner of the FCC. Proposed items originating at the Sub-Committee or Special Working Group level shall be forwarded to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the SIAC. Proposed items originating within the non-government communications industry or from Federal, Regional, State and Local authorities and organizations within their respective states shall be forwarded to the Defense Commissioner or Alternate Defense Commissioner. The final composition of the SIAC Agenda shall be the responsibility of the Executive Secretary, NIAC, in cooperation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the NIAC and the Defense Commissioner, FCC. B. The Executive Secretary, NIAC, shall distribute copies of the State Industry Advisory Committee Agenda, together with the date, time and place of the meeting to all members and to Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of all SubCommittees. A copy will also be forwarded to cognizant Federal, National, Regional, State and Local authorities and organizations for information purposes and possible participation at their discretion. C. At the discretion of the Chairmen of the State Industry Advisory Committees, and the FCC representative present at the meetings, items for future discussion, or for consideration at future meetings, may be tentatively accepted during the period of a meeting. D. Sub-Committees or Special Working Groups may be formed, at the request of the Defense Commissioner and/or Alternate Defense Commissioner, FCC, for the purpose of studying and formulating recommendations on special problems or requirements to be fulfilled within their respective states. E. All official correspondence will be directed to the Chairman, NIAC, with copies to the Vice Chairman, NIAC, Chairman and Vice Chairman, RIAC, Executive Secretary, NIAC, and the Defense Commissioner, FCC. F. Minutes of all State liuiustry Advisory Committee meetings shall be made available in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007 and detailed instructions issued by the Chairman, National Industry Advisory Committee. G. Deliberations in all meetings of State Industry Advisory Committees or Sub-Committees thereof, will follow the procedures set forth in Roberts Rules of Order. A majority vote on any controversial issue, by officially designated members present at a meeting, will be considered a disposition of the matter. The record will shown the number of votes for and/or against a specific recommendation. H. Formal recommenations of State Industry Advisory Committees shall be transmitted to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Regional Industry Advisory Committee for com ment and/or concurrence with copies to the Chairman and Vice Chairman, NIAC, Defense Commissioner, FCC, and to the Executive Secretary, NIAC for consideration, concurrence and/or approval by the Members of the National Industry Advisory Committee. Normally, all formal recommendations will be placed on the agenda for the next regular National Industry Advisory Committee meeting. Following favorable consideration by the NIAC, the recommendations will be forwarded to the Director, Office of Emergency Planning and to the Secretary of Defense for comment and/or concurrence prior to formal consideration by the Members of the Federal Communications Commission. I. All proposals by Sub-Committees and Special Working Groups of a technical and policy nature, will be forwarded to the SIAC for study and recommendation, thence to the RIAC, thence to the NIAC, thence to the Commission and other cognizant Government authorities for concurrence and/or approval prior to im plementation. ANNEX XVII ORGANIZATION, FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF LOCAL INDUSTRY ADVISORY COMMITTEES "' I. Introduction Under normal peacetime conditions, the President of the United States and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations and the general public enjoy the benefits of a vast domestic and international telecommunications complex. This vast complex of wire, cable, and radio communications is readily available in aural, visual, and functional forms to adequately serve all requirements in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The services rendered may be broadly categorized into the Common Carrier Services (wire, cable, radio); Safety and Special Radio Services (Maritime, A viation, Public Safety, Industrial, Amateur, Transportation, and Citizens) ; Radio Broadcast Services (Standard, FM, and Television). The Nation's broadcast facilities and their functional interconnecting communications facilities provide the President and other Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations a mass communications media with the general public by both aural and visual means. In addition, these same broadcast facilities are used daily to disseminate local, State, regional, national, and international news and programming in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The Safety and Special Radio Services provide a very broad category of essential communications activities ranging from the safety of life and property (Public Safety, Aviation, and Marine) through heavy and light industry (Industrial and Land Transportation) to the pleasure and general public use of radio (Amateur and Citizens). FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D. C. 20554 The Nation's Common Carrier wire, cable, and radio services provide an efficient nationwide and world-wide telecommunications complex rendering a very broad base of communications services available for hire. These services include telephone, telegraph, television and a multitude of leased services. Telecommunications in all forms are deeply integrated into all emergency planning in all fields. Under conditions which may prevail if an Emergency Action Notification were issued by appropriate Federal authorities, the normal channels of communications may be altered, temporarily disrupted, or destroyed. Disruption of these communications channels may also be expected as a result of natural disasters. During conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or a national, state or local emergency, it is essential that the President and/or other appropriate authorities be able to communicate directly with the general public. The dissemination of local, State, regional, and national Programming and News is also essential during such periods. Both interstate and intrastate wire and radio facilities are inseparably involved in fulfilling the above-stated emergency mass communications requirements and supporting communications interconnections and pre-planned arrangements for a continuity of service. Other emergency requirements to be fulfilled by the total telecommunications resources available include the supporting communications for resources management and the emergency communications of other local, State, regional, Federal, and national authorities and organizations, including the military establishment. XV'II-1 II. Scope of Problem A. Adequate emergency preparedness dictates the necessity to develop plans and procedures, in consonance with national telecommunications plans and policies, covering: (a) Common carrier services. (1) Extension, discontinuance, or reduction of common carrier facilities or services, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services and personnel in an emergency; and control of all rates, charges, practices, classifications, and regulations for service to Government and non-Government users during an emergency, in consonance with national economic stabilization policies. (2) Development and administration of priority systems for public correspondence and for the use and resumption of leased intercity private line service in an emergency. (3) Use of common carrier facilities and services to overseas points to meet vital needs in an emergency. (b) Broadcasting service.-Construction activation, or deactivation of broadcasting facilities and services, the continuation or suspension of broadcasting services and facilities, and issuance of appropriate authorizations for such facilities, services, and personnel in an emergency. (c) Safety and special radio services.-Authorization, operation and use of safety and special radio services, facilities and personnel in the national interest in an emergency. (d) Radio frequency assignment. Assignment of radio frequencies to, and their use by, Commission licensees in an emergency. (e) Resource data.-Provision of assistance and data with respect to facilities operated by Commission licensees for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. (f) Electromagnetic radiation. Control of radio stations in emergency, except for those belonging to, or operated by, and department or agency of the United States Government. (g) Investigation and enforcement. Investigation of violations of pertinent law and regu lations in an emergency and development of procedures designated to initiate, recommend, or otherwise bring about appropriate enforcement actions required in the interest of national security. (h) Financial aid. Provision of financial, credit, or other assistance to common carriers and Commission licensees who might need such assistance in various conditions of mobilization, particularly those resulting from attack. (i) Conservation, salvage and rehabilitation. Stimulation of the development, by common carriers and by licensees, of standby plans for the conservation and salvage of supplies and equipment and the rehabilitation, restoration, or replacement of essential communication facilities after an attack. (j) Claimancy. Preparation to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of the common carriers and Commission licensees from the appropriate resource agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency. B. Cooperation with Department of Defense In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, it is necessary to: (a) Facilities protection.-Provide advice and guidance to achieve such industry protection as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the facilities and services provided by common carriers and radio station licensees, and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and damage control. The guidance developed shall include, but not be limited to, organizing and training facility employees, personnel shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, security, emergency repair and recovery of facilities, deconcentration and dispersal of facilities, and mutual aid associations for emergency. (b) Damage assessment.-Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on communication facilities and services subject to Commission regulation which are essential in a c • national emergency and to provide data to the Department of Defense. C. Research Foster or conduct research in areas directly concerned with the Commission's emergency preparedness responsibilities. Ill. Local Industry Advisory Committees A Local Industry Advisory Committee shall be organized in each of the "operational areas" set forth in the DOD(OCD) statement of requirements dated September 6, 1963, for the pur:t.~se of advising and assisting the Federal Communications Commission, and other cognizant authorities, by coordinating, studying, and submitting recommendations to their respective State Industry Advisory Committees, Regional Industry Advisory Committees, and the National Industry Advisory Committee with regard to local emergency communications systems and procedures for planning purposes as provided in Executive Order~ 10312, 11007, and 11092. IV. Authority In accoddance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007, and by formal action on December 4, 1963, the Commission found the continued existence of the State Industry Advisory Committees to be in the public interest. Local Industry Advisory Committees will function as subcommittees of the State Industry Advisory Committees. V. Organization A. The Local Industry Advisory Committees are primary Sub-Committees of their respective State Industry Advisory Committees and secondary Subcommittees of the National Industry Advisory Committee, and are constituted as follows: A Chairman A Vice Chariman An Executive Committee composed of the Chair men and Vice Chairmen of the Subcommittees. Subcommittees: Aeronautical Communications Services Subcommittee Amateur Radio Services Subcommittee Broadcast Services Subcommittee Citizens Radio Services Subcommittee Consulting Engineers Subcommittee Domestic Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Electronics Industry Subcommittee Experimental Radio Services Subcommittee Industrial Communications Services Subcom mittee International Common Carrier Communications Services Subcommittee Land Transportation Communications Services Subcommittee Legal Counsel Subcommittee Maritime Communications Services Subcom mittee Press Wire Services Subcommittee Public Safety Communications Services Sub committee Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees: Special Working Groups and Ad Hoc Committees will be appointed as required. B. Members of the Local Industry Advisory Committees will be appointed by the Defense Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission, subject to appropriate security clearance. Membership to the Local Industry Advisory Committees shall be restricted to officers and employees of non-government 1 FCC licensees within their respective "operational areas" (communications industry), subject to formal waiver by the Defense Commissioner, when it is deemed in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. C. Official meetings of the Local Industry Advisory Committees will be convened at such places as deemed necessary in the public interest, convenience, and necessity. The date and place of the meetings shall be established by the Chairman and Vice Chairman. D. The Chairman or duly appointed Secretary shall serve as the official correspondent for the Local Industry Advisory Committees. VI. Functions and Responsibilities The principal Functions and Responsibilities of the Local Industry Advisory Committees are as follows: A. Studies and submits recommendations to FCC for workable emergency communications 1 "Nongovernment," as used herein, excludes Federal Government but inclules State and local government FCC licensees. Federal Government is not licensed by FCC. XVII-3 systems plans and procedures to fulfill requirements within their respective "operational areas" under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster or other national, regional, state or local emergency, within the provisions of Executive Orders 10312, 11007, and 11092. B. Provides technical advice and recommendations consistent with FCC policies to appropriate Federal, national, regional, State, and Local authorities and organizations within their respective "operational areas" with regard to emergency communications systems plans and procedures for emergency planning purposes. C. Maintains liaison with the entire nongovernment communications and electronics industry within their respective "operational areas", in order to assist in planning for operations under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril or disaster, or other national, regional, state or local emergency. D. Maintains liaison with their respective State Industry Advisory Committees in order to coordinate and assist in the planning for the utilization of non-government facilities, under conditions of war, or a threat of war, or a state of public peril, or disaster, or other national, state or local emergency. E. Advises the FCC concerning industry opinion relative to any proposed Tests and Exercises of Emergency communications systems plans and procedures within their respective "operational areas" and assists the FCC in carrying out such activities, and assists in observing and evaluating the effectiveness of such activities. F. Coordinates with their respective State Industry Advisory Committees and the FCC in the establishment of acceptable authentication procedures for use in emergency communications systems and plans within their respective states. G. Continually evaluates proposals for the technical development of emergency communications systems, plans, and procedures to fulfill stated requirements within their respective "operational areas", as provided under Executive Orders 10312 and 11092. H. Encourages continuing studies and research directed toward the improvement of existing emergency communications systems, plans, and procedures and the development of new systems of emergency backup communications facilities, plans, and procedures within their respective "operational areas", for use during conditions of war, or a threat of war or a state of public peril or disaster, or other national, state, or local emergency. VII. Procedures A. Items to be considered by Local Industry Advisory Committees may be submitted by the members of the Local Industry Advisory Committees, the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the NIAC, RIAC, and SIAC or by the Defense Commissioner or Alternate Defense Commissioner of the FCC. Proposed items originating at the Subcommittee or Special Working Group level shall be forwarded to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the LIAC. Proposed items originating within the non-government commu c nications industry or from Federal, Regional, State and Local authorities and organizations within their respective "operational areas" shall be forwarded to the Defense Commissioner or Alternate Defense Commissioner. The final composition of the LIAC Agenda shall be the responsibility of the Chairman or Vice Chairman, in cooperation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the SIAC and the Defense Commissioner, FCC. B. The chairman or duly appointed secretary shall distribute copies of the Local Industry Committee Agenda, together with the date, time and place of the meeting to all members and to chairmen and vice chairmen of all sub-committees. A copy will also be forwarded to cognizant Federal, national, regional, State, and local authorities and organizations for information purposes and possible participation at their discretion. C. At the discretion of the chairmen of the Local Industry Advisory Committees, items for future discussion, or for consideration at future c meetings, may be tentatively accepted during the period of a meeting. D. Subcommittees or special working groups may be formed, at the request of the chairman or the Defense Commissioner and/or Alternate Defense Commissioner, FCC, for the purpose of studying and formulating recommendations on special problems or requirements to be fulfilled within their respective "operational areas". E. All official correspondence will be directed • to the Chairman, LIAC, with copies to the Vice Chairman, LIAC, Chairman and Vice Chair. man, SIAC, Executive Secretary, NIAC, and the Defense Commissioner, FCC. F. Brief Minutes of all Local Industry Advisory Committee meetings shall be kept and made available in accordance with the provisions of Executive Order 11007 and detailed instructions issued by the Chairman, National Industry Advisory Committee. G. Deliberations in all meetings of Local Industry Advisory Committee or Subcommittees thereof, will follow the procedures set forth in Roberts Rules of Order. A majority vote on any controversial issue, by officially designated members present at a meeting, will be considered a disposition of the matter. The Minutes will show the number of votes for and/or against a specific recommendation. H. Formal recommendations of Local Industry Advisory Committees shall be transmitted to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the State Industry Advisory Committee, thence to the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Regional Industry Advisory Committee for comment and/or concurrence with copies to the Chairman and Vice Chairman, NIAC, Defense Commissioner, FCC, and to the Executive Secretary NIAC for consideration, concurrence and/or approval by the Members of the National Industry Advisory Committee. Normally, all formal recommendations will be placed on the agenda for the next regular National Industry Advisory Committing meeting. Following favorable consideration by the NIAC, the recommendations will be forwarded to the Director, Office of Emergency Planning and to th'e Secretary of Defense for comment and/o:r; concurrence prior to formal consideration by the Members of the Federal Communications Commission. I. All proposals by subcommittees and special working groups of a technical and policy nature, will be forwarded to the LIAC, thence to the SIAC for study and recommendation, thence to the RIAC, thence to the NIAC, thence to the Commission and other cognizant Government authorities for concurrence and/or approval prior to implementation. i::f U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1964-720872 DIST.: OCD Regions, State and local CD directors, and 2C, 2D (2 ea), 4A, 6C, and 7D. XVII-5 c •