u~ 0/0,.,,: 3 0 -(, ;L(, TM 30-626 PERSIAN PHRASE BOOK For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Offic~ Washington, D.C., 20402-Price 60 cents TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EMERGENCY EXPRESSIONS ........... AsKING HELP .............................. WARNINGS CoMMANDS 2. GENERAL EXPRESSIONS GREETINGS GETTING INFORMATIOI\; ... QUESTIONS ABOUT AN INDIVIDUAL RANK ························· ORGANIZATION AND SPECIALTY .. .'1. PERSONAL NEEDS FOOD AND DRINK LODGING ................ MEDICAL AID .. . BUYING AND PERSONAL SERVICES 4. LOCATION AND TERRAIN ... LOCATION DISTANCE NATURE OF TERRAIN ................... 5. ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION ROADS AND BRIDGES . RAILROADS, BUSSES, PLANES . OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION :.. REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES ................,. PAGE 10 10 13 13 15 15 18 21 24 27 32 32 3S 41 46 55 55 58 59 62 62 65 65 67 3 6. COMMUNICATIONS 70 RADIO AND TELEPHONING-NUMBERS .................................... 70 TELEGRAPH .... ........................... 75 \.fAIL ........................................................................................ 76 7. RECONNAISSANCE .................................................. 79 8. LANDING A PLANE ....................................................... 86 9. NUMBERS, SIZE, TIME, LETTERS, ETC. ........................ 89 AMOUNT .................................................................. ~ ORDINAL NUMBERS ······················································ 89 SIZE AND WEIGHT ... . . . . . . .................. ... ... .. ... . . . ....... ... .. . . . . ....... ... . 90 TIME ·························································································· 91 NAMES OF THE LETTERS .......................................................... 95 10. ADDITIONAL TERMS ............................................................. 96 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................ 96 WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION ................................................. . 97 CARS, TANKS, P(-ANES, SHIPS ................................................. . 98 TooLs AND SuPPLIES ........................ .............................. . 102 COMMUNICATIONS ........................................... 103 MISCELLANEOUS ... . 105 MONEY-WEIGHTS AND MEASURES . 106 11. IMPORTANT SIGNS ................................................................ 110 12. INTERNATIONAL ROAD SIGNS ........................................ . 112 13. ALPHABETICAL WORD LIST .............................................. 114 Jl>!E!Jl~[l~~ Jl>OOIJl~~!E ID®®~ PERSIAN is the language of 12 million people living in Iran, or Persia. This Phrase Book contains the Persian words and expressions you are most likely to need. All the words are written in a spelling which you read like English. Each letter or combination of letters is used for the sound it normally' represents in English and it always stands for the same sound. Thus, "oo··· is always to be read as in too, boot, tooth, roost, never as in blood or door. Syllables that are accented -that is, pronounced louder than others-are written in capitals. Special Points E or EH as in let, red, ten. Examples: "GEL" meaning "mud," "SEH" meaning "three." A as in cal. tag. man. Examples: "BAD" meaning "bad," "NA" meaning "no." is the ou·-sound in .rhou·_. throu·..rlou·. Examples: "awbJO~oo" meaning "beer," "MO~ooz" meaning "bananas." with a dm underneath stands for an h-sound that comes at the end of a word or syllable. Examples: "RAWI:f" meaning "road," "moa~-KAM" meaning "strong." ~ with a dot underneath stands for a k-sound pronounced far back in the throat. Examples: "~ay-CHEE" meaning "scissors," "SHA~" meaning "east." KH is like the sound you make when you clear your throat to spit. Examples: "KHOOB" meaning "good," "YAKH" meaning "ice." GH is another sound pronounced far back in the throat, like k and kh. It is something like the sound you make in gargling. Examples: "GHARB" meaning "west," "cheh-RAWGH" meaning "a light." J.. when underlined, stands for the sound we have in usual, dir•ision. occaf/o/1. Examples: '}oo-EN" "June," "~da-raf-KAN" meaning "torpedo boat." measur~. meaning How to Use This Phrase Book The Table of Contents lists the situations covered. Try to become familiar with this so that you will know where to find a given section when you need it. In each section you will find a number of questions, each one so phrased that the Persian speaker will answer Yes or No, point out the direction, give you a number, etc. If you don·c get an answer you can understand, use one of the following expressions: English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Answer Yes or No HAW yaw NA ~~.";-'!.>":"-..· ~~ ja.VAWBbed·eh·heed Show me neh.SHAWN ~~ ~\:..;bed-eh-heed Write it AWN-raw i ..~.::->.r. 1_.; BEN-ev-ee-seed ..~......... Write the number a-DAD-raw . l;.l-1& -.r. BEN-ev-ee-seed The expression for "please.. is "khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam": Please show me khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam, neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed 7 You may find it helpful to point to the question in Persian and ·ask the Persian speaker to point to the answer: Point to the answer ja-VAW-beh ,.:r.. I ..;_y· I_;JI•_,_... ...,_.I~ in this book so-AWL-raw TOO-yeh een ~.~.. .J~ ":"'1.£ keh-TAWB neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed It is a good idea to memorize the words for "Yes" and "No," the numbers (at least up to ten), and other expressions you will constantly need. You will also be able to read Persian numbers if you learn the forms of the numerals up to ten. Although some of the Persian numerals look different from ours, the system of writing numbers in Persian is the same as in English. To write twenty-three, you just put a Persian 2 followed by a Persian 3; to write four hundred sixty-eight, you first put a 4, then a 6, then an 8. If you need a particular word, look in the Alphabetical Word List at the back of the book. The page numbers there tell you where to find expressions containing the word. To help you with the pronunciation of Persian, a set of phonograph records is issued with the Persian Language Guide (l11Jroductory Series), TM 30-326. Fill-in Sentences Many of the expressions are given in the form of fill-in sen'tences, each containing a blank which you fill in with any of the words in the list that follows. For example, if you want to k?ow where the station is, you can look either in the section headed Location or in the one headed Roads and Transportation. You will find an expression for "Where is __?" and, in the list following it, the words for '"the railroad station." You then combine them as follows: Where is __? __ ko-jawsr? ~-=--1~ the railroad eest-GA W-heh v--1 ol; o~l station RAW-heh aw-HAN Where is the eest-GA W-heh v--1 ol; o~l railroad station? RAW-heh aw-HAN ~.:_.....1\.::5 ko-jawst? Sometimes the blank has to be filled in with the name of a city or a person. For example: How far is __? __ az een-JAW )J~)~ ~1)1- CHEH l>adr DOO-rast? ~.:.,....l __ wants to see __ MEE-khawyou had sho-MAWraw BEB-ee-nad * UQ EMERGENCY EXPRESSIONS English Help me I have lost my way Do you understand? Yes No I don't understand Speak slowly Say it again Please Where is the nearest town? ASKING HELP Pronunciation MA-ra" ko-MAK ko-need RAW-ham-raw GOAM kar-deh am MEE-fa-hm<:ed i BA-leb NA NA-mee-fa-hmam ya-VAWSH HARF bez-an-eed doab-aw-REH beg-oo-eed khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam naz-deek-ta-REEN SHAl;IR ko-jawst? Persian Spelling ~d.fl.r ilo~.} fl;~l; ~; ~ ..)::' j .._j_? ..?'J~ English Please show me Draw a map of it I am an American We are American soldiers Are there soldiers near here? Where are they ) Are they our enemies? Where are American soldiers? How can I get there? EMERGENCY EXPnES~IONS Pronunciation Persian Spelling khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam, neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed na~-SHAY -eh AWN-raw bek-ash-eed man em-ree-kaw-EE r-J \£__,.I U-" HAST-am maw sar-BAW-zeh .;~.,.,....\ jl._J"" \... em-ree-kaw-EE HAS T-eem ~ A W -yaw-dar naz. jl._J"" ~-\ ~..:>.}J.:.~i dee-KEE-yeh een-JAW sar~~ BAWZ HASP ko-JAW HAST-and' AW-yaw awn-HA~' doash-ma-N A Wneh maw HASTand) sar-bawz-HAWyeh em-ree-kawEE ko-JAW hast-and' cheh TO~oor mee-tav-aw-nam awn-JAW BEH-ra-sam? 11 Persian Spelling NoTE: For Roads and Transportation, see page 62. Is there a train ? Where is the station? Is there a bus? Where can I find the bus? Take me there I will reward you I want food AW-yaw RAW-heh aw-HAN HAST? eest-GAWl:l ko-jawst? AW-yaw oac-oBOOSS HAST? ko-JAW mee-tavaw-nam oat-oBOOSS payDAW ko-nam? MA-raw awn-JAW beb-a-reed beh sho-MAW an-AWM mee-deh-ham gha-ZAW mee-khaw-ham NoTE: For Food and Drink, see page 32. I want water AWB mee-khawham Where can I find ko-JAW mee-tav food? aw-nam ghaZAWpay-DAW ko-nam? I've been wounded MAN zakh-MEE sho-DEH am NoTB: For Medical Aid, see page 41. ~.:...-V'-"· _,;· I ~I '-'"'-"· .iI !'"" Ir.--~ ~rf 1-~._:->. ~~~":"'1 ~~ ~~ ., -w -· ('"' .)-::" . ~rf English Take me to a doctor Bring a doctor Be careful! Look out! Lie down! Down! Quiet! Come forward! Move back! Turn around ! Go ahead! Follow me! Pronunciation MA-raw cloak-TOR beb-a-reed doak-TOR bee-aw-va-reed WARNINGS de~-J5.:AT ko-need! BEP-aw-eed' deh-RAWZ bek-ash-eed! paw-EEN 1 bee-seh-DAW! COMMANDS jeh-LO._,oo bee-aw-eed! a-~AB beh-ra-veed 1 BEG-ar-deed I BEH-ra-veed I a-KA-beh MAN bee-aw-eed! Persian Spelling ~. .r.'. p:. 1__,... ~.JJ\:-. p:. ~.JJ'. English Follow him! Go slow! Don't shoot! Stop! (ordering a person to stop) Stop ! (ordering a vehicle to stop) Halt! Don't move! Surrender! Throw down your arms! Raise your hands ! Line up here! Don't try any tricks! Obey or I'll fire! Pronundation a-KA-beh 00 beh-ra-veed 1 ya-VAWSH beh-ra-veed! NA-2~-need 1 BEH-eest! neh-GAI:I dawr! EEST! ha-ra-KAT NAK-o-need 1 ta-SLEEM sha-veed! a-sleh-HET-awnraw bee-an-dawzeed! dast-HAW-raw bo-LAND ko-need! een-JAW SAF bek-a-sheed! hee-LEH beh KAWRNA-bareed! GOOSH ko-need va el-law MEE-zan-am! Persian Spelling ~~ ~ ..___ L_;· _.)-" r GENERAL . EXPRESSIONS ~QGENERAL EXPRESSIONS GREETINGS English PronunciaJion Persian Spelling Hello sa-LAWM i)L How do you do? sa-LA WM-moan ~i)L a-LAY-koam How are you? HAW-leh sho ..::.,._.,\)~ w Jl> MAW cheh TO~oo-rasr? Very well, thank resh-ak-KOR .).i-~~ you mee-ko-nam, KHAY-Iee ..::.,._., \':"'_,;. KHOO-basr Thank you resh-ak-KOR ~~ mee-ko-nam I am grateful mam-NOO-nam r.r-- Please khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam ~v-"''r Pardon me BEB-akh-sheed ~ Sir aw-~AW Ut Madam or Miss khaw-NOAM ·\;. (" 15 English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Mr. __ aw-KAW -..slii yeh __ Mrs.--khaw-NO -r"\;.. meh __ My name is __ ESS-meh man ..::.,.....\~ ;_;.. !"'""\ __ ast What is your ESS-meh sho-MA W ~~w!"'""\ name? CHEEST? Glad to meet you az mo-law-}5:AW ~~_,;-w ..:;.,li')L. j\teh sho-MAW khoash-VA}5:-tam Go ahead BEF-ai-maw-eed ..~:!l.~ NoTE: This is a general expression of polite and friendly treatment. It can be used in asking a person to come in, to have a seat, to take a cigarette, to go first, to help himself. Come in BEE-aw-eed TOO y ..l..JL.. Sit down BEN-esh-ee-need .J.....:....!, __ ben-esh-eeneed here een-JAW \....;, \ Sit .J.....:....!,_ there awn-JAW ~..-;; Please make your-khaw-HESH mee-..::-\; ~_;....1_,; self comfort-ko-nam, raw .;..S able HAT ko-need English Would you like a cigarette? Do you have a match? Are you __? hungry thirsty Good-by Good night Good morning I'll see you again I'll see you later I'll see you tomorrow I hope to see you soon Pronunciation see-GAWR mayl DAW-reed? keb-REET DAW-reed? __ hast-eed? go-ro-SNEH tesh-NEH kho-DAW haw-FEZ SHAB beh khayr SOAB-heh shoMAWbeh KHAYR BAWZ sho-MAWraw MEE-bee-nam BAD sho-MA W-raw MEE-bee-nam far-DAW sho-MAW-raw MEE-bee-nam o-meed-VAW-ram beh zoo-DEE sho-MAW-raw BEB-ee-nam Persian Spelling · ... I;W ..w ~.... . r:.-need' NA-mee-fa-hmam ya-VAWSH harf bez-an-eed ¥EE-fa-hmeed' CHEH' rek-RAWR ko-need EEN-raw CHEH mee-goo-eed' Persian Spelling l..w r..? ~~~ ..1...5 ~; Pronunciation Persian Spelling ~ What is this? EEN CHEEST' ~~..:.r..l What is that? AWNCHEEST' ~~.jl Wait a moment J>:AD-ree SABR J.~ ..r.> ..SJJ.' ko-need Come with me bawMAN J.....:l.... . \., ..... ...r . bee-a w-eed __ wants to __ MEE-khaw. J..:......... IJW~I~ see you had sho-MA Wraw BEB-ee-nad I want to ask you MEE-khaw-ham jl Jl<.Y ~~~_,;.~ a few questions chand so-AWL az sho-MAW r f.!'. w BEP-or-sam Answer Yes or No HAWyawNA ~ \.,~ ~.N. ':-'IY." ja-VAWB bed-eh-heed Show me neh-SHAWN ~..\,: .J\.::.; bed-eh-heed Write it AWN-raw -1.::-:r. I.} I BEN -ev-ee-seed Write the number a-DAD-raw -1.::-:r. 1).:.-4 BEN-ev-ee-seed NoTE: For numbers 1-1,000, see page 73. English Point to the answer in this hook Point to the number Draw a picture of it Ten the truth You will not be hurt You will be rewarded Pronunciation ja-VAW-beh so-AWL-raw TOO-yeh een keh-TAWB neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed a-DAD-raw neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed AK-seh AWN-raw BEK-a-sheed RAWST beg-oo-eed az-Y A-tee beh sho-MAW NA-mee-ra-sad beh sho-MAW an-AWM daw-DEH mee-shav-ad QUESTIONS ABOUT AN What is your nationality? mel-lee-YA-teh sho-MAW CHEEST? Persian Spelling .:t..l ...Sj' l;Jl·.)-" '":-'lY:: ...\..ut>..l.> .JL.; '":-'L:) .J..:!}:.., ..:.....I; -V~ \....:;;._, ,_;:.:)1 INDIVIDUAL 21 English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Are yflu __? sho-MAW __ ~..J....:::-Ib-W. hast-eed? Arabian a-RAB '-:'f Armenian ar-ma-NEE ._;.-;1 Assyrian aw-shoo-REE ._s;~1 French fa-rawn-seh-VEE ._s~1.) Indian hen-DEE ..,~ Iranian ee-raw-NEE ._; 1_,._1 Kurdish KORD ::..) ...- Russiar. ROOSS (f.J) Turkish TORK .!ij Are you from this shn-MA W A-hleh 4..->L" ~.IJ--1 W. region~ et·n naw-het: ~~ YEH hast-eed' Where are you A-hleh ko-JAW ~~\.:S J--1 from? hast-eed' I'm from __ A-hleh __ r--J--1 hast-am Where do you live? ko-JAW man-ZEL ~~;1::. J--.r" w• daw-reed > I live in __ Where are you going? I am going to __ Where are your friends? Are they __? near far Show your identification Where is your __? chief father mother Pronundation __ man-ZEL clawram ko-JAW mee-ra veed? __ mee-ra-vam ro-fa-~AW-yeh sho-MAW ko-JAW hast-and? __ hast-and) naz-DEEK DOOR shen-aw-snawMAY-ehKHOdraw nehSHAWN bed-eh-heed __ sho-MAW ko-jawst? ra-EE-seh peh-DA-reh maw-DA-reh Persian Spelling j.J..r.;" ~~ww.;W_; English husband wife Where is your family? What is your rank? Are you a--? private private first class corporal sergeant sergeant major warrant officer Pronunciation sho~oo-HA-reh a-YAW-leh khaw-nev-awDAY-eh shoMAWko-JAW hast-and? RANK da-ra-JAY-eh sho-MAW CHEEST? sho-MAW __ has t-eed? sar-BAWZ sar-BAW-zeh ya-KOAM sar-joo-KHEH go-roo~-BAWN go-roo~-BAWN ya-KOAM o-sto-VAWR Persian Spelling ~y J~ ~~~wd_,;L;.. ..;_Y:.r' 0~J;~-,j~J; English chief warrant officer third lieutenant second lieutenant first lieutenant captain major lieutenant colonel colonel brigadier general major general general seaman seaman, first class petty officer, second class Pronunciation o-sto-VAWR ya-KOAM set-YAWN sev-VOAM set-YAWN doav-VOAM set-YAWN ya-KOAM sar-VAWN sar-GORD sar-HANG doav-VOAM sar-HANG sar-TEEP sar-lash-KAR sep-ah-BOAD naw-VEE sar-naw-VEE mel:t-naw-VEE doav-VOAM Penian Spelling ~;1__,:-..1 i y .:,1_,.:--iJ.l .jl_,.:--o ~ .jl .. -.J-' .:,1_,...!"" .)..J...!"" iJ.l 6-.a_r ~...!"" ";'"'}...!"" ~...!"" ~ .;Jli .;Jli ...!"" iJ.l ..SJ4-a English petty officer, ·first class chief petty officer, junior chief petty officer, senior ensign lieutenant, junior grade lieutenant lieutenant commander commander captain commodore rear admiral, junior grade rear admiral, senior grade Pronunciation mel;t-naw-VEE ya-KOAM naw-vo-stoo VA WR doav-VOAM naw-vo-sw-VAWR ya-KOAM nawv-BAWN sev-VOAM nawv-BAWN doav-VOAM nawv-BAWN ya-KOAM nawv-sar-VA \X'N naw-kho.DA W sev-VOAM naw-kho-DA W doav-VOAM naw-kho-DA W ya-KOAM dar-yaw-DAWR doav-VOAM dar-yaw-DAWR ya-KOAM Persian Spelling ~. ..>J4 tJ;:, ;1.,.:-..1Jli ~.;1_,.::....1JI.i t y .Jli.J\.; tJ;:, .j\.; J\.; ~. .JL.J\.; .J1J..rJ\.; tJ"" 1~\.; (');:, 1~l; ~. 1~\.; tJ;:, ;b~;;:, ~ ;I;:,L_;;:, English Pronunciation vice admiral dar-yaw-BAWN admiral dar-yaw-sawLAWR ORGANIZATION AND SPECIALTY What is your __? azko-DAWM __ hasc-eed? ~~-('\£jl outfit vaw-HED .>... IJ company go-roo-HAWN .j~Jf battery aw-cesh-BAWR ;~·1 troop a-svaw-RAWN .jl;l_,....l flight or group da-STEH ".;;....) battalion gor-DAWN .jb_} regiment HANG ~ brigade TEEP ';":' division Jash-KAR .f-:J English army corps ship What is your branch of service? Army Navy Coast Guard Marines Road Guard Air Forces Armored Command Artillery Cavalry Corps of Engineers Infantry Pronunciation seh-PAWJ:I kash-TEE azko-DAWM ~ess-MAT-eh ar-TESH hast-eed? ar-TESH nee-ROO-yeh dar-yaw-EE pawss-DA W -reh saw-heh-LEE nawv~shoo-RAWN am-nee-YEH nee-ROO-yeh hav-aw-EE nee-ROO-yeh zeh-reh-POOSH roop-khaw-NEH sav-aw-reh-neh-ZAWM daw-yeh-RAY-eh mo-han-deh-SEE pee-aw-deh-neh-ZAWM Persian Sllelling 0~ .rS t...? ;I.:.,........; rl£ jl ~~ !...? ;I J\._;~ ..SJ..r.! .}>-L... ;I.J...,~ .JI;_,:;.J\; ~I Jly ..SJ..r.! J-Y. o;j ..SJ..r.! 4.i\>..~y 1"\.J.;.; o;l_,.... ..,....~o...l..b 1"\.k; d.:'. English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Medical Corps be):l-daw-REE-yeh c_?...>I ..s..>I -4>. ar-TESH Military dtj:baw-NEE -~~;.) Police Ordnance ed-aw-RA Y-eh ul....:-L" o.)bl Department tass-lee-HAWT Quartermaster kawr-par-daw. c.?" ..>1 ..s.)b J.. ..) \.( Corps ZEE-eh ar-TESH Signal Corps daw-yeh-RA Y-eh .::...1./.\.;... 0_1.. b mo-khaw-beh-RAWT What is your ta-khass-SO-seh specialty? sho-MAW ~~w~ CHEEST? Are you a __? sho-MAW __ ~.J....::...J>-W hast-eed? bombardier boam-ban-DAWZ .)1-'il~ clerk moan-SHEE ~ cook awsh-PAZ _;,.;.!-I driver sho-FAYR .}~ engineer mo-han-DESS !f..l..:.f..o fireman or aw-tesh-an-DAWZ .)1-'il c_?"l stoker English Pronu11ciation Persian Spelling gunner roop-CHEE ~..f' lineman seem-KESH v-fr--' machine mo-sal-sai-CHEE <.?.J-l-- gunner mechanic mek-aw-NEEK d,·L(. messenger amr-BAR J'. _,..1 observer deed-BAWN .j\.,_ ..~._.} parachutist chatr-BAWZ j\.,_ ..?'; pilot kha-leh-BAWN ..)~ radio operator rawd-yo-CHEE <.?. Y.. .} 1; radio rawd-yo-SAWZ jL. -"-.>1; repairman rifleman waf-ang-DAWR ;1L· scout peesh-aw-HANG bl-·· ~. sniper tee-ran-DAW-zeh _,..,L. j1-li1~· maw-HAYR switchboard tel-ef-oan-CHEE <.?.~ operator tankman tawnk-CHEE ' ~\., English PrommciaJion Persian Spelling How long have you CHAND YA~.:,....-1>-) ;:, .;:,...... k:•.! J~ been in the tast dar khed MAT-eh neh~~iU;.,· service? ZAWM HAST eed) How many __? CHAND- asr? years SAWL JL.. months MAWJ:I NoTE: For numbers, see page 73. How many men ue CHAND naf.ar in your __? dar -sho-MAW HAST' unit vaw-HED-eh company go-roo-HAW-neh regiment HANG-geh * ~QPERSONAL NEEDS FOOD AND DRINK English Pronunciation Persian Spelling I am __ __hast-am hungry go-ro-SNEH thirsty tesh-NEH Where is there AWB ko-JAW ~..:..-~'-:-'1 water? hast? Where is there AW-beh khor-DANdrinking water? ko-JAW hast? ~..:..-~0:..;.f-"'="' Where is a rest-o-RAWNrestaurant? ko-jawst? I want to buy MEE-khaw-hamfood aw-zoo-~EHbekh-ar-am Is this ,good to EEN khor-daeat? or Is this NEEST?good to drink? I want __ __mee-khawham Give me __ __bed-eh-heed 32 English Bring me __ food water beans beef beets bread butter cabbage candy cheese chicken chocolate eggs fish Pronunciation __ bee-aw-vareed gha-ZAW AWB loo-bte-AW GOOSH-u:h GAWV cho-ghoan-DAR NAWN ka-REH k.a-LAM shee-ree-NEE pa-NEER joo-JEH sho-ko-LAWT TOAKH-meh MORGH maw-HE£ PERSONAL NEEDS Persian Spelling ~JJl.>. I~ - .... I L..) J\.1.::..::.~ )~ jl o_} ~ ~..r.~. ~y, ..;;.,~ t.-r~· ~\_. 33 English lamb lentils leuuce meat pork pota!Oes rice uncooked cooked soup European style Persian style thin soup with meal and vegetables Persian style thick soup spinach squash Pronunciation GOOSH-teh bar-REH a-DA~S kaw-HOO GOOSHT GOOSH-teh KHOOG seeb-za-mee-NEE beh-RENJ po-LO~oo SOOP av:b-GOO::HT AWSH ~ss-feh-NAWJ ka-DOO Persian Spelling •J'..:...:;..;: U"~ _,.-If .;:..:;.}' ~_,;-.:...:;.}' ~j~ e'J'. _,1. YY' .;:...';._,t_l ,...W...l "" )£ English tomatoes turnips vegetables apples bananas cherries tart sweet cocoanuts dates grapes lemons tart swed mangoes oranges peaches pears Pronunci.:.r.-- ............. Jy _,JL _,JI (/'.A[ ) J!l. \...' r J}:; I .;j .r-::1 .:r..~.r-::1 '-il JU;· J'. ~ ,J. y.j English pineapples plums strawberries watermelon beer boiled water brandy coffee cream drinking water milk tea wine pepper salt sugar Pronunciation a-na-NAWSS aw-LOO wot-fa-rang-GEE hen-dev-aw-NEH awb-JO~oo AW-beh joo-shee-DEH koan-YAWK ~a-HVEH sar-SHEER AW-beh khor-DAN SHEER chaw-EE sha-RAWB fel-FEL na-MAK sha-KAR Persian Spelling U"l:.;' )i .}.;_,; .::...y ~ IJ-W> r..' o~_y;'-:'1 .!l~ o_,..J ..r.?..r ,j.:.;~ '-:'' ..r.? .;~ '-:''..? JAl,; -.!..l.i fo English Pronunciation Persian Spelling vinegar sayr-KEH -s'.r a cup fen-JAWN .:,~ a fork chang-GAWL J~ a glass gee-LAWSS U" ~ .. a knife KAWRD .);l.l a plate poash-Js:AWB '7'~ a spoon ~aw-SHOAJS: ~u I want it- __ mee-khaw ~~~ ham cooked or poakh-TEH ~ baked raw or na-poakh-TEH ~ uncooked rare NEEM poakh-TEH ~ (":' well done KHOOB poakh-TEH ~ '7'y boiled awb-PAZ .% '7' I broiled bayr-YAWN .:,\.._..)"_ fried sorkh-br-DEH o.) J Cf' roasted beh-resh-TEH ~J'. 37 English Give my horse__ feed water Where is a hotel? I want to spend the night I want __ a bed bedding blankets hot water Pronunciation beh ASB __ b<:d-<:h-he.,d kho-RAWK AWB LODGING meh-hmawn-khawNEH ko-jawst' MEE-khaw-ham SHAB-raw BEM-aw-nam __ mee-khaw. ham TAKH-teh KHAWB // RAKH-teh / KHAWB pa-TOO AW-behGARM Persian Spelling ...... 1 ':-'\Y-..::..;._; r. ~ Pronunciation Persian Spelling insecticide Ja-VAW-yeh ha-sha-reh J-fo~ .;IJ.:> KOASH the key keh-LEED ..wJ a light cheh-RAWGH t_lr. mosquito netting pash-sheh-BAND -I,;,~ a pillow baw-LESH ~L. a room o-TAW~ J\11 soap saw-BOON .j_,_L,.. toilet paper b.w-GHA-zeh ra-haw-RAT .;;.,)~ ~\) a towel ho~oo-LEH ~_,.. Where is the toilet? mo-sta-RAWl;l ko-jawst? ~.;:.....1~ (.1_,::...-. I want __ MEE-khawham __ -· ~.Y--: to sleep BEKH-aw-bam I .(". .Y"'. to was~ my hands and da-sto-ROO besh-oo-ram iJP. .J).J .;:......:. face 39 English PronunciAtion Persian Spelling to bathe sho-sto-SHOO ko-nam rr~ Call me at-o'clock saw-AT-eh __ MA-raw seh ~I..~.,#IJ"-.:.&l... DAWko-need Have you a message for me? ba-RAW-yeh man pay ~ ....._;b IS"~. I/ .;1_,._ GHAW-mee DAW-reed~ Gi.ve this message to- een pay-GHA WMrawbeh __ -~ l;i~ . IIJ. bed-eh-heed ~..... Here's my address EE-nast aw-DRESSehMAN :.,.. \,)"').)1 .:.-.1 · Iv.. Send my mail to this address kaw-ghaz-HAWyeh MA-raw beh EEN av1 .:.r.. L I_,.. ..sV...i&lf ~..A v-').)1 DRESS BEF c:h-rest-eed Send my things ass-BAW-beh MA-raw ~.J.. 1_,.. '":-'~1 BEF-eh-rest-c=c::J I shall return __ __ BARmeegar-dam i.)~J'. tomorrow far-DAW b.) Wednesday ROO-zeh chehhawr-sham-BEH ~)~.)J) NoTE: For other days of the weeh., see page: 92. English Pronunciation Persian Spelling ifave you a __ o-TAW-~eh __ ~~..Jb -J\.11 room? DAW-reed! better bel_l-TA-ree ..S.r+. larger bo-zorg-T A-ree ..s?.))'_ cheaper ar-zawn-TA-ree .;_;;.; lj_; I MEDICAL AID Where is a __? __ko-jawsr? ~..::.....1\.o:S- Call a __ __ seh-DAW .J.-.5 ~~ k?-need doctor cloak-TOR ?:. dentist dan-dawn-SAWZ jL..ji.N:. ambulance oar-o-mo-BEE-leh .;_;I~. J.:.:-e.iI bel_l-daw-REE medical corps kawr-MAN-deh r.r· ;I .;;l.Af>. ..l:..o;Ll man bel_l-daw-REEyeh ar-TESH nurse pa-ra-STAWR ;l...../,. Quick! ZOOD! :>.J) Stop the bleeding jeh-LO~oo-eh .Ju..~. 1;.)_,>-* KHOON-raw beg-ee-reed A tourniquet ! sha-ra-yawn ..\.:.: .J~.? BAND! English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Tie it here een-JAW ..l,..l:..., \.....;, 1 beb-an-deed Above the wound baw-LAW-yeh ZAKHM f-j ..s~l. I am sick MANnaw-KHOASH ~ J-y\; 0- hast-am He is sick OOnaw-KHO .;:.....IJ-y\; _,, shast I am wounded MAN zakh-MEE hast-am ~~j(.r He is wounded 00 zakh-MEEST .;:.....l~j)l __ hurts __ DARD mce-ko-nad ~.:>).:>- My head SA-ram i.J"' My tooth dan-DAW-nam rl...\i,;, My back ka:MA-ram i,.rf My stomach DEL-am ~,;, I am hurt here een-JAWM o:J)_)> "'""""'i~.l sad-MEH khor-DEH I am hurt in the- dar __ sad-MEH khor il o.:>Jy "'""""'-):J DEHam English He is hurt in the __ head face ear eye nose mouth jaw throat neck shoulder arm elbow hand lower back upper back Pronunciatto" dar __ sad-MEH khor-DEH ast SAR soo-RAT GOOSH CHASHM da-MAWGH da-HAN FAK ga-LOO gar-DAN shaw-NEH baw-ZOO aw-RANJ DAST ka-MAR POASHT Persian Spelling ..:;.....\ o::.;.Y-'-~-;::. ..r' ~).J>P ..;-_/' ~ t L.::. ~;:, <.!\; ~ 0::..) ~G JjL_ e'-;1 ·-.:,.......~ .rf ~ E,glisb Pronundation Persian Spelling chest see-NEH <\..;..... stomach sheh-KAM ~ privates o~oo-ra-TAYN v:!"J.Y leg SAW-~eh PAW 1.. 0\... knee zaw-NOO _,;l_j ankle ~oo-ZA-keh PAW ~ .!}_)_, foot PAW 1.. Bring __ __ bee-aw-va ~J-'~. reed a bandage BAN-deh ZAKHM ~_j..w. a blanket pa-TOO r., some blankets CHAND-taw L·..~.:.> r., pa-TOO - boiled water AW-beh 0~.)'>: '-:-'1 joo-shee-DEH cotton pam-BEH ~ a disinfectant Ja-VAW-yt:h ,_j _,A>-..l..i> .;l_,~ ZED-deh (>-foo-NEE drinking water AW-beh khor-DAN .j~;.f-':"'I English Pronutuiation Persian Spelling hot water AW-behGARM r.! ':-'\ ice YAKH e a knife KAWRD .:o;tf a litter TAKH-teh ..:,i_,)~· ra-VAWN a sedative da-VAW-yeh J:-. --sl_pmo-sak-KEN sheets mal-aw-FEH ~)l. something to yek CHEE-zee ~--.5 IJ. -.5 f.:>; ~ tie with ba-RAW-yeh ba-ST AN splints takh-T A Y -eh ..~..:.,_ ..)I_,.,;.:;... I ~ o-sto-khawn-BAND a stimulant da-VAW-yeh t-::+"-.5 I.P mo-hay-YEJ Do not touch __ __ DASTNAZ ..w·· ..;:......;>_ .. _,. an-eed Do not move __ __ ha-ra-KAT -'-"'~ .::S.? NAD-eh-heed Lift __ baw de~-~AT __ .....S-<.:.1_..::-'.:.L. carefully bo-LAND ko-need me MA-raw 1_,.. 45 English Pronunnallon Persian Spelling him 00-raw IJJI them awn-HAW-raw 1_)4; I Be careful del_c-~AT ~._:.j_, ko-need · Do not give him AWN-raw beh 00 ~.,lj J~ I_,; i that NA-deh-heed I have been MANaz __ . il o.J..) i .>---'-jl d poisoned by __ ma-SMOOM sho-deh am He has been OOaz __ o.J..) (' .>---' -jl Jl poisoned by __ ma-SMOOM sho-deh ast ..::-..1 - water AWB .... I food gha-ZAW I~ gas GAWZ j\J a snakebite ga-ZESH-eh )l. .;;-MAWR BUYING AND PERSONAL SERVICES Where to Get It Where is a __? --ko-jawsr? ~..:;.....IW_ barber sal-maw-NEE ~w.... English bathhouse drugstore grocery movie restaurant tailor I want to buy __ Where can I find __? I want __ Give me __ tbis that one of these Pronunciation ham-MAWM da-vaw-khaw-NEH see-na-MAW resr-o-RAWN khay-YAWT Things Wanted MEE-khaw-ham __ BEKH. a-ram ko-JAW mee-ravaw-nam __ pay-DAW ko-nam? __ mee-khawham __ bed-eh-heed EEN-raw AWN-raw YEK-ee az een-HAW-raw Persian Spelling i.r. -~1~ 1-~...> "1·· w -("' _r.:A . ~.s I 1_;~1 1_;,ji 1_;~_1 j1 ..;:.._ English ammonia aspirin a bandage batteries a belt a brush for clothes buttons cigarettes cloth a coat a comb cotton a disinfectant envelopes a flashlight Prommciation am-o-nee-AWK :~w-spch-REEN BAN-dt:h ZAKHM baw-TREE ka-mar-BAND n~aw-hoot-pawk- KOAN doag-MEH st:e-GAWR pawr-CHEH KOAT shaw-NEH pam-BEH da-VAW-yeh ZED-deh o-foo-NEE paw-KAT cheh-rawgh-BAR~t·h da-STEE Persiall Spelling .!l\.i _,..I u-:. ..)7" \ -l:.._ r>-j ._s_).L_ -l:.,_,s J.!.I~.::-~L. J';) )~ ~)"'. .:5 "; L:. "-..;, ..j~ ~ ._sl_p J"L ,_;---;) J..r.t'.?. ,.· English foot powdc;r gloves goggles handkerchiefs a hat ink iodine a knife a laxative a light bulb matches a needle an overcoat pants paper ProtlUnciatio1l POO-dreh PAW dast-KESH ay-NA-keh GARD-o-KHAWK Jast-MAWL k<>-LAWl:;l mo-mk-KAB YOAD KAWRD rnoass-HEL LAWM-pt:h chc-h rawgh-l:lAR~ keh-REET soo-ZAN pawl-TO shaJ:VAWR bw-GHAZ Persian Spelling \...).) -"· JS..:;_...) .!l~J.lfl_..!L._...: JL._:_...) o'JJ .5J. ' """ .l)\) ._,4-· ._:; ~·. CI~~ Y'" \' .;:_,.~ ..JJy \\., .r. Jlyb 4\J Englisb a pen a pencil pins quinine a raincoat rubbing alcohol a safety razor safety razor blades a scarf scis~ors shaving cream a shirt shoelaces shoes soap so Pronmuiutiotl ~a-LAM mt:h-DAWD san-JAWK g<.:n-eh-geh-NEH baw-raw-NEE ai-KO-leh maw-LESH khoad-ra-RAWSH TEE-gheh khoad-ra-RAWSH SHAW-leh gar-DAN ~ay-CHEE kha-MEE-reh ret:sh-ra-raw-SHEE pt:e-raw-HAN BAN-deh KArSH KAFSH saw-BOON Persiun Spelling ~ _,, ..... J~ d'S ..J 1.JL u=JL. j(l1 Jlj~_,>Jlj~y (:::' .:_p_j" JL;, ~ .,f-1J~..J ~ ~1...1C7', v£~. ..;£ .:;.J'. \.,.. Engiish socks sunglasses thread a toothbrush toothpaste tooth powder underwear Have you somethinv dse? More I want this - washed pressed cleaned Pronunciation joo-RAWB ay-NA-kt:h Joo-DEE NAKH mess-VAWK kha-MEE-reh Jan-DAWN GAR-dt:h Jan-DAWN zet:r-POOSH CHEE-zt:h Jec-GAR DAW-reeJt beesh-TAR Services Wanted MEE-khaw-ham. EEN __ sha-vad sho-STEH o-TOO ta-MEEZ Persian Spelling ':"'l;y ,.S::JJ.:> ~ e' .!]I_,_. .jl..\,";:, f.:.> .jl..\,";:, ;:,_}' J-Y"JJ ~~_;b ~-;:, ~ ~ ;;:.:.· English repaired Where can I have this __? washed pressed dealied mended I want to hire - want to borrow __ this that want- a guide a porter Pronunciation ta-MEER ko-JAWmee tav-aw-nam EEN-raw BED-eh ham --' BESH-oo-rand o-TOO ko-nand ta-MFEZ ko-nand ta-MEER ko-nanJ MEE-khaw-ham __ keh-rawYEH ko-nam MEE-khaw-ham __ J\ARZ ko-nam EEN-raw AWN-raw __ m<:e-khawham mw-hna-MAW ham-MA,WL Persian Spelling .r.-' '-'.:r..'r--"'~w ~ -!"""'-': ~.fil ~~ ~~ rJ ~.l.f-~"""''~ ~~-' I_,; I ~"""''~ Pronunciation Persian Spelling a taxi tawk-SEE someone to yek na-far help ko-MAK Give me a haircut SA-ram-rawl:lEZ-a-need Give me a shave REE-sham-rawBET-a-raw-sheed Payment NoTE: For money, see page 106; for numbers, pagt: 73. How much? CHAN-dasr' ~..:,..._.l.J.:..>;- How much __CHAN-dast) ~..:,..._.~~-IS-__.~ Don't be afraid; NAT-ar-seed; J_,.L..:::.,_~__,;;.; I will pay you b~h sho-MAW POOL mee-deh-~.J..::.... -.slj 1_,;1 ~ ~~~ ~~ :_,. J~l; 1_,. ~~~ ~.....s 55 'English Can you find us a guide? Where is __? the town the nearest town the railroad station a telephone the U.S. consulate the power plant the police station Is there a __ near here? river well Pronunciation MEE-tav-aw-need yek naf-ar raw-hna-MAW ba-RAW-yeh maw pay-DAW ko-need' __ ko-jawst! SHAl;IR naz-deek-ra-REEN SHAl;IR eesr-GAW -heh RAW-heh aw-HAN tel-eh-FOAN koan-soal-khawNAY-eh em-ree-KAW kawr-khaw-NAYeh cheh-rawgh- BA~ ka-lawn-ta-REE naz-DEE-keh een-JAW __ HAST? rood-khaw-NEH CHAWl;l Persian Spelling l..:.,.,l_;fo. ...wl " " .J-::" ~~~~. \... ._siJ. ~.:....:1\..:S -*' * U!. .;Sv_;:,.:} ~lol; oL_I VU> LC. i ~w_,....s .....r" J..r.t'~ ~L;.._;lf ->r "iS" ~.::..-..Jb-\....;..1..!.1.::.·· . " -_,. ~ L;..;:,_,_; -~ English railroad telephone exchange radio station small town or village town or city What is its name? What others are there? In which direction? Point to it Thank you Show me Which way IS north? This way That way Pronunciation RAW-heh aw-HAN mar-KA-zeh tel-eh-FOAN eest-GAW -heh rawd-YO DEJ:i SHAI:IR ESS-meh awn CHEESP dttc-GAR cheh hast? ko-DAWM taraf-ast? baw ang-GOASHT neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed mam-NOO-nam neh-SHAWN bed-eh-heed sha-MAWL ko-DAWM ta-raf-ast? EEN ta-RAF AWNta-RAF Persian Spelling o\.) w.-1 ~ ..::....A_j_). i 1£ ..w....v ..)L; ..::.d:; I L. ....;_). 0'-' .._;_). ..jl English To the __ left right north northeast east southeast south southwest west northwest Here There How far is __? Pronunciation ta-RA-feh __ CHAP RAWST sha-MAWL sha-MAW -leh SHA~ SHARJ5: jo-NOO-beh SHA~ jo-NOOB jo-NOO-beh GHARB GHARB sha-MAW-Ieh GHARB een-JAW awn-JAW DISTANCE __ az een-JAW CHEH ~adr DOO-rasc' Persian Spelling .._j). ";"'; ..:...-1; Jw J..? Jw J_r. J_r. '-:" >-> '-:">-> ~.r '-:">-> '-:"..f. '-:"..f Jw \.....:,I L...·l )~ ~.l.Jl_ ~.;;.....l;J.> English Pronunciation Pl!rsian Spelling Is it __? __ ast? far DOOR very far khay-lee DOOR near naz-DEEK ..!.l..) .· .. -" One kilometer YEK kee-lo-METR __ kilomett:rs __ kce-lo-METR __ meters __ METR ?- NOTE: For numbers I-1,000, see page 73. One mile YEK MEEL __ miles __ MEEL How many ktloaz een-JAW ~~ljl meters is it from CHAND kee-lohere? MET-rast' ~..;:...,..\_,;:..._,if NoTE: A kilometer is about Ys of a mile. A meter is about 39 inches. NATURE OF TERRAIN Are you familiar baw va-zee-Y A ~~-~~J\., with this teh een mam-lehcountry? KAT awsh-NAW ~.;....;:....... L!.i HAST-eed ~ English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Is the land __? za-MEE-nash __ ast? ~.;:......1-~j rocky or stony sang-LAWKH -~ c flat SAWF ....;\.,.. dry KHOASHK <.!l!.> wet mar-TOOB ...,_,1._,.. muddy gel-aw-LOOD _,_,fi§ passable ~aw-BEL-eh o-BOOR J_r.& J.li Does it have __? __ DAW-rad? ~->;~-> glaciers rood-khaw-NAYehYAKH ~ ... \.>..-lJ) hills tap-PEH 'i jungles or woods jang-GAL JL: lakes dar-yaw-CHEH ~~.J.l mountains KOOI:I ._,) passes gar-da-NEH ~_,..f paths jawd-DEH ._,~ English rivers roads springs wells Is _the ')Vater deep? Are the mountains high? Is the current swift Is there a bridge? PronunciaJion rood-khaw-NEH RAWJ:I chesh-MEH CHAWl:l AWB GO~oo. dast? koo-HAW boLAN-dand? ja-ra-YA W-neh AWB TOANdast? POALHAST? * Persian Spe}ling ~I.>.)J) ol) ~ -~ ~ .;;._, b _;-"':-'\ ~.Ai~ ~~._,) ....,, ~.;;._, 1..~..;; 0~,?. ,~J. ~Q ROADS AND 'IRANSPOR'IA'IION ROADS AND BRIDGES English Pronzln.iation Persian Spelling Where does this road lead? een RAWl;l beh ko-JAW mee ~~Jr.l.:S ~. ol;.:r._ I rav-ad? What town does this road lead to? een RAWI;I beh ko-DAWM _,..;:. 1£ ~i . ol; ~.I shal:lr mee ~~J..r.;' rav-ad? It leads to __ beh __ meerav-ad ~J..r.;'-~. Is the road __? RAWI:I--asr? 1.:,..,-l-ol; Is this bridge __? eenPOAL __ asr? 1.:,..,-I_J• .:r._l good KHOOB '-:'~ bad BAD ~. passable ~aw-BEL-eh o-BOOR J~j~ . English. Is this bridge strong? Can the bridge ~ury this load? Are there __? bridges detours fords guideposts 00 guides mud puddles obstructions narrow stretches potholes or ruts snowdrifts Pronunciation een POAL moal:t-KAM-asr ~ POAL mo-~aw-vaMA-teh een BA\/R-raw DAW-rad' awn-JAW HAST~ POAL RAW-heh far-EE go-zar-GA Wl;l a-law-MA-teh raw-hna-MA W raw-hna-MA W go~oo-dawl HAW-yeh gel-o-AWB ma-vaw-NEH jawd-DAY·eh baw-REEK dass-s•n-DAWZ too-DAY-eh BARF ROADS AND TRANSPORTATION Persian Spelling \JJL. -:r..l ..::...._,\;;.. ....,'-'. ~ ->JI..l ~\) ':-'I_,Jf .,s4JI..l_,f 63 ·PronunciaJion What is the __? __CHEEST? speed limit HAD-deh ak-SArehsor-AT usual speed sor-AT-eh rna. moo-LEE Do you know the RAW-hraw MEEroad? daw-need? Please guide us khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam, MAW-raw raw. hna-maw-EE ko-need We will pay you beh sho-MAW POOL mee-dehheem NoTE: For payment, see page 53. Where can we rood-khaw-NEH cross the river? raw az ko-JAW mee-tav-awneem o-BOOR ko-neem' How deep is the go~oo-DEE-eh river? rood-khaw-NEH CHEEST~ Is there ___ on the TA-hash __ bottom? DAW-rad~ mud GEL Persian Spelli•B fi~ ~J"' ..rJI ,.b.· J.r-~J"' ~..l.:' I~ l.)el; 1.)~~~1_,> ,;,.s .l..:..o 1.) . '-' ~~J.J'. l..::.... English Pronuncialion Persian Spelling rock SANG sand SHEN RAILROADS, BUSSES, PLANES Where's the __? __ ko-jawst? ~.;:......1\.:S air field fo-rood-GAWl;l olr".lJ.} bus station eest-GAW-heh U"Y...i'·~' oat-o-BOOSS railroad eest-GAW-heh ~~ ol; o~l station RAW-hehaw-HAN baggage room am-BAW-reh ":'I..:--I ;\.i I ass-BAWB ticket office bel-eet-for-roo-• . .1...1 SHEE r numbers, see page 73. A ticket to __ YEK beh-_ ~ ..b;;.1 ~ LEETbeh __ What's the fare keh-raw-YEH to__? beh __ CHAN-dasr? NoTE: For money, see page 106. When do we get KAY __ to __? mee-ra-seem? Give me a YEK jad-VA-Ieh timetable o~oo-~WT bed-eh-heed OTHER MEANS OF TRANSPORTATION Where can I ko-JAW mee-ravfind __? aw-nam __ pay-DAWkonam? a bicycle doach-ar-KHEH English Pronunciation Persi.tn Spellm1 a boat ka-ra-JEE ..r:J a camel sho-TOR ? a car oat-o-mo-BEEL ._b--_,;1 a carriage dor-oash-KEH ~.).> a donkey o-LAWGH. t 'il a horse ASB ~I a mule kaw-TAYR )..\I a plane hav-aw-pay-MAW L.:-. ~~ > sleigh dor-oash-KAY-eh .}J. ~).) bar-FEE a wagon gaw-REE ..;;I!' REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES Where can I find __? ko-JAW mee-tavaw-nam __ 1-~..._·I··W..., ("' r.:. pay-DAW ~~ ko-nam? a battery haw-TREE brake fluid ro~oo-GHA-neh tor-MOAZ English a cable chains Diesel oil distilled water an electrician a garage gasoline a gas station grease an inner tube a jack a light bulb a mechanic oil pliers Pronundation SEE-meh ko-LOAIT zan-JEER ro~oo-GHA-neh dee-ZEL AW-beh mo-~at-TAR el-ek-treek-0-IEE gaw-RAWl ben-ZEEN ben-zeen-fo-roo-SHEE geh-REESS law-STEE-keh too-EE JAK LAWM-peh cheh-RAWGH mek-aw-NEEK ro~oo-GHAN am-bor-DAST Persian Spelling .::.ill"~ f.!:" j J./._.) d.JJ J.i.. ":'i ~_r.S:ll jl;\l 0'-~ ~.J.} ~~ U*'-J . !J'.J' ~\' ~ t '~ ";"'\' cl.;\£. d.JJ ..:,......) ,r} I English Pronunciation Persian Spelling a screwdriver aw-chawr-peechgoosh-TEE -·_,) ;l>-l..r' ~• • spark plugs SHAM-eh oat-omo-BEEL ._k..o -I •.J'c.-' a tire law-STEE-keh ROO J;~Y tire patches va-SLAY-eh law-STEEK ~Y~J a tire pump to-Ioam-BEH 4.......).; tire tools ab-ZAW-reh Iaw-STEEK ~Y;I_i.l a wrench aw-chawr-CHARKH t_.::-;~1 * ®Q COMMUNICATIONS RADIO AND TELEPHONING-NUMBERS English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Calling __ haw-LO~oo __ This is __ een-JAW __ ast .:-.1-~-' NoTE: For numbers, see pages 73 and 89; for names of the letters, see page 95. Answer ja-VAWB bed-el:t o-". ":"'lr. Go ahead BEF-ar-maw-eed ~~.......... Wait SABR koan J~ Erase or Cancel baw-TEL koan J Jl..L. Verify and repeat ra-see-deh-GEE ~;I)~:;J J .J...:--;vatek-RAWR ko-need Received ra-SEED .J...:-') Acknowledge ra-SEED goo-eed ~}" .J...:-') COMMUNICATION English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Repeat tek-RA WR ko-need ~;l_}v· Is this correct? EEN do-RO ~..:;.....\..:;......;.:.~I stast? That is correct do-RO-srast ..:;......\..:;......;.:> Can you hear me? MA-raw MEE ~-':_~1__,... sha-na-veed? I can't hear NA-mee-~ha-navam i~ That is all ha-MEEN ;.r.- Urgent fo~oo-REE ...;;_,; Do not answer ja-VAWB law .::.--:· i/''i':-'1~ zemNEEST Hello haw-LO~oo }~ What central are ko-DAWM ~..;:fJ" il£ you? mar-KA-zee? What central do ko-DAWM mar ~~.Y-::--l;.:fJ" it£ you want? KAZ-raw meekhaw-heed? Number please? ko-JAW-raw ~ ~'.Y-::--')l.:S (Where do you mee-khaw-heed? want to call?) what is your noam-RA Y-eh ~-=-:::-w • ..,.; number? sho-maw CHEEST? 71 l!.r~glish Pronunt:illlion Persitm Spelling Hang up your goo-SHEE-raw ~;1~ 1;~.1 receiver beg-o-zaw-reed The line is busy SEEM mash .:....1JY.:.,. ~ GHOO-last Information et-tel-aw-AWT .;:,\,:)1.1..1 Supervisor naw-ZEM-eh ~\,;. .JMi ~\; tel-ef-oankhaw-NEH They do not ja-VAWB NA-mee. .J.a-A::-i ":"1Y." answer deh-hand Here's your party ta-RA-feh sho .:....1~~wJ;.· MAW hawZEH-rast Are you through? ta-MAWM ~~:...f rw kar-deed? I will ring again BAWZ ham ZANG ~:.r.-.5.; j r--j "'· mee-zan-am There is a call PAW-yeh tel-eh 1;~~1.5\:. for you FOAN shoMAW-raw MEE-.J.a1Y-::-khaw-hand I must interrupt- SEEM-raw baw ~~~\.. 1;r-" I have an urgent yad~Tkoc:all from--nam-az ~.S;_Ji ·J. \;...-j1 __ mo-khawbeh-RAY-eh r;b fo,_,oo-REE daw-ram Bt~gli'b Shall I ring again? I will call you back What number do you want? Give me the number of __ What is the charge? Pronut~datiot~ bawzZANG bez-an-am? bawz seh-DAWtawn mee-ko nam CHEH noam-REHee mee-khawheed? noam-RAY-eh --bed-e):t CHEH ~adr BAW-yad dawd NoTE: For money, see page 106. The other party POO-leh tel-ehwill pay the FOAN-raw tacharge RAF mee-dehhad Good-by kho-DAW hawFEZ Numbers NoTE: For "first," "scond," etc., see page 89. Numbers Pronut~C·iation 0 SEFR 1 YEK Persian Stullmg ~r-i ./. J.J j j~ ~~\;I~ j\.. ·~ _...,.. Persian Numerals Numbers Pronunciation 2 DO 3 SEH 4 cheh-HAWR 5 PANJ 6 SHEESH 7 HAFT 8 HASHT 9 NOI;I 10 DAI;I 11 yawz-DAI:I 12 dav-awz-DAI;I 13 seez-DAI;I 14 cheh-hawr-DAI;I 15 poanz-DAI;I 16 shoanz-DAI;I 17 heev-DAI;I 18 heej-DAI;I Persian Numerals 'I' '(" t 0 "\ v A ' '. " "' '"' \t \ 0 \"\ \V \A Numbers Pronundation Persian Numerals 19 nooz-DAI;I ,.. 20 BEEST '. 21 BEEST-oYEK " 22 BEEST-oDO n 30 SEE T'• 40 cheh-HEL t. so pan-JAWI;I 0. 60 SHAST '\• 70 haf-TAWD V• 80 hash-TAWD II• 90 na-VAD \• 100 SAD \ .. 1,000 heh-ZAWR \ ... TELEGRAP~ I want to send MEE-khaw-ham f"..A -~~~ __BEF-ehrest-am a- 75 English telegram or cablegram radiogram Please give me a blank form Can I send a telegram to __? (name of place) How much does it come to? Prommdation tel-eg-RAWF tel-eg-RA W-feh bee-SEEM khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam, yek FOR-mee bed-eh-heed MEE-tav-aw-nam tel-eg-RA W-fee beh __ BEFeh-rest-am? CHANDmeesha-vad? NoTE: For money, see page 106. Send it collect Answer prepaid Where is the post office? Where can I mail this? POO-leh tel-eg-RAWF-raw baw ta-RAF-ast ja-VAWB ~aBOO-last MAIL poast-khaw-NEH ko-jawst? ko-JAWmee-tavaw-nam EENraw beh POAST bed-eh-ham? Persian Spellmg Jlfl ("::"1.1-....:,Ip IS".} l!l:_ ~ ~I_r~""' ~lfl ., -~ j"'.r.:" ~f""'.;.. ~.)~~ L. Jlfl J.,.. ..:;.....IJ). ..:;.....IJ.J:i "="'~ .:;.........• ~ I;.:.,._ I!"'-"~ \..:S ~ ~~ English Pronunciation Persian Spelling How much CHEH ~adr TAMR postage on this? law-ZEM daw-rad? NoTE: For money, see page 106; for numbers see page 73. Registered sef-aw-reh-SHEE ~;\.i.... Registered with return receipt sef-aw-reh-SHEEeh doa~-ab-ZEH ~J.)~;\.i.... Insured bee-MEH sho-DEH 0~~ Value __ ~ee-MAT- -.:-:! Airmail PO.steh hav-aw-EE d'~~ What does this package moah-ta-VEE-eh ee~ bass-TEH ~~~. ~' ..SY... contain? CHEEST? Books keh-TAWB ....,\.::( Candy shee-ree-NEE ,f'...r.? Clothing leh-BAWSS U"~ Food khor-da-NEE t.J .))_,;.. You may open it MEE-tav-aw-need BAWZ ko-need ~..i~ .yl~ Perishable zaw-yeh-sho-da-NEE d~c:-~ Fragile shek-a-sta-NEE ~ English PronunciatJon Persian Spelling Handle with care baw el;t-tee-YAWT ham-lo-NA~L ;:,~ Jii JJ.>..b~l \... shav-ad Give me __ worth of stamps __ TAMR bed-eh-heed -'::~'""'. ..r..i- Mail this for me EEN-raw beh POAST bed-eh 0~ ~ .... l;~l * RECONNAISSANCE !)Q RECONNAISSANCE English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Are there any troops around ar-RAW-feh eenjaw ~o-SHOON .:,_,.:..; ~1 .....;1_).1 here? HASP ~~ Are thev __? __ hast-and? ~~ Ameri.:an em-ree-kaw-EE .;~_,..1 British eng-GLEESS ~1 French fa-rawn-seh-VEE .,s_,...; 1.) German at..1aw-NEE ...I·WI Italian ee-tawl-yaw-EE 'UU...1...I -- Polish la-hest-aw-NEE ..~~ Russian ROOSS ....,.J) infantry pee-aw-deh-neh-ZAWM (" \1.i 0.) l:-. 79 .English PronundaJion Persian Spelling cavalry sav-aw-reh-neh ZAWM NoTE: For other branches of service, see page 28. What color were RANG-geh leh-~.)-"· ~ .:,\.!..... L:J .£..; .) the uniforms? BAW-sesh-awn CHEH bood? 'Were they __? __ bood? ~.).Y. black see-AWI;I 0~ blue aw-BEE tJ'. I brown ~a-hveh-EE slo_,.i gray khaw-kess-ta-REE s.r-Sb. green SABZ .:r.' khaki khaw-kee-RANG .£..; ,;Jb. tan or yellow ZARD .).).) white sa-FEED ...u... How many are CHAND-taw ~~\;...l:> there? hast-and? NoTE: For numbers 1-1,000, see page 73. How many __ CHAND-taw __ do they have? DAW-rand? ~0 English Have you seen any __? cannons heavy guns machine guns planes tanks What colors were in the llag? Did it have __? blue green orange purple red white Pronunc-iation __ DEE-deed? TOOP TOO-peh sang-GEEN TOO-peh mo-sal-SAL hav-aw-pay-MAW TAWNK bay-RA~-esh-awn CHEH rangHAW-ee DAWSHT? RANG-geh __ DAWSHT? aw-BEE SABZ naw-ran-JEE ar-ghav-aw-NEE ~ayr-MEZ sa-FEED Persian Spelling ~"":.~..) 'v'Y ~...y ~'v'Y l..::-:.ly cl'\; ·I_J:.; 4.>-..)L!J ,J ) • ..r.'. ~.;:....!.b ~.;:....!.b-.5..;; ~o~-1 :r.- 0 IJ":")1.; .s"l~;l ~.} ~ 81 E,glish Pronunciation Persian Spelimi yellow ZARD ::>)) What markings CHEH al-aw-mat-~~b ..}4::--":As:. ~ did it have? HAW-ee DAWSHT? Draw a sketch AK-seh AWN-raw ~I.Ji ~of it bek-ash-eed Was it like this? MESS-Ieh EEN ~::._,._ .:t-_1 j:...bood? Are there __HAST! ~-=--- any __? air fields fo-rood-GAWl:l .\3""::._,.} bivouacs or-DOO _,::..;1 booby traps naw-ran-JA-keh ;._yu ~.;lighaw-fel-GEER dumps makh-ZA-neh .;:..4~::1-mo-hem-MAWT fortified shal:n-HAW-yeh towns mo-stal;l-KAM ~->~* message mar-KA-zeh ..;;.,\....... \.;... 5 f centers mo-khaw-beh- RAWT mine fields za-meen-HAW -yeh o-0_s;\£(.r. .;l...(.r..)meen-go-zaw-ree-sho-DEH radio stations eest-GAW-heh )'. .:.\; o~\rawd-YO 82 English railheads strong points supply depots telephone centrals tolephone lines trenches Please point Do the troops have __? antitank guns heavy guns horses motorcycles planes Pronuncidtion bawr-boan-GAWl;I no-KAW-teh ~oai)-KAM am-BAW-reh mal-zoo-MAWT mar-KA-zeh rel-eh-FOAN SEE-meh rel-eh- FOAN khan-DA~ khaw-HESH mee-ko-nam, baw DAST neh-SHAWN bed-ehheed ~o-SHOON __ DAW-rand' TOO-peh ZEDdehTAWNK TOO-peh sang-GEEN ASB mo-to-see-KLET hav-aw-pay-M.AW Per.J_) ~~~ bee-aw-yam? Are there any obstructions? heech mav-awNEH-ee HAST' ~..;;...J> ._.rly ~ What altitude do taw CHEH ayr -W' I~d'la;·;i ~1.; they reach? teh-FAW-ee MEE-tav-aw ~.l,;...oJ'. nand BEH ra-sand' What is your __? __ sho-MAW CHEEST? <:~W field elevation ayr-teh-FAW-eh may-DAW-neh .jl~ t.\A; ;I ceiling SA~-feh parVAW-zeh jiJ...r.~ visibility pa-dee-daw-REEeh .,s;l~...\,. 86 English Pronuncialtotl What is the sor-AT-eh BAWD surface wind dar SAT-heh velocity? za-MEEN CHEEST' What is the SAM-teh BAWD surface wind dar SAT-heh direction? za-MEE ko- DAWMtaRAF-ast' __ miles per saw-AT-ee __ hour MEEL NOTE: For numbers, see page 73. How is the surface of the runway? It is __ ~ood bad rough muddy I need __ ammunition SAT-heh forood-GAW}:l cheh TO~oorast? KHOO-bast BAD-ast naw-ham-VAWrast geh-LEEST __law-ZEM daw-ram mo-hem-MAWT LANDING A PLA"!E Pers;an Spelling ,;,.j ~):> :.\... .:;..&.r' ~ ..::.........> ~~) ~):> ~\... .:....... ~.;:....1......;_). rl£ J.:---~\.... .;:..4 English Pronunciation Persian Spelling brake fluid ro~oo-GHA-neh tor-MOAZ /'..J ~J) engine oil ro~oo-GHA-neh maw-SHEEN ~\...~J) gasoline ben-ZEEN 0-.Y... one tire YEK law-STEEK ~'Y cl:. several tires CHAND-taw law-STEEK d:.:....'Y- \;· ..l:.>. It needs repairs ta-MEER law-ZEM daw-rad ..:.;1.:. rj'Y ~ * NUMBERS, SIZE,TIME, UTTERS, ETC. ®Q NUMBERS, SIZE, TIME,LIETTERS, ETC. AMOUNT Et~glish Pronunciation Persian Spelling A few or several CHAND-taw Many zee-AWD Not many NA-zee-awd Very many KHAY-leezee-AWD ORDINAL NUMBERS NoTE: For numbers 1-1,000, see page 73. First ya-KOAM ~ Second doav-VOAM rJ.) Third sev-VOAM r-"" Fourth cheh-haw-ROAM r;~ Fifth pan-JOAM ~ 89 English Pronunciation Sixth shee-SHOAM Seventh haf-TOAM Eighth hash-TOAM Ninth no-HOAM Tenth da-HOAM Eleventh yawz-da-HOAM Twelfth dav-awz-Ja-HOAM SIZE AND WEIGHT Small koo-CHEK Large bo-ZORG Medium mee-aw-NEH Long deh-RAWZ Short or low ;koo-T A Wl:l High bo-LAND Heavy sang-GEEN Light--~ sa-BOAK Persian Spelling rru. ~ ~ ~;, ~;,j~ ~;,j\J;, ~_,) .!l;...t. ~;L.. .)I.;~ _;\if ..l.:.l. ~ I!L.,.. TIME NoTE: For numbers, see page 73. What time is it? It's five o'clock It's ten minutes past five It's half past five Ten minutes to six Today Yesterday Tomorrow In the morning. In the afternoon In the evening saw-AT CHANclast? saw-AT-eh PAN-jast saw-AT-eh PAN-joDAl:f da-~ee-~EH ast saw-AT-eh PANjo NEE-mast saw-AT-eh SHEESH DAl:f da-~ee-~EH KAM em-ROOZ dee-ROOZ far-DAW SOAB BADazZOAl:fR av-VA-Ieh SHAB English At sunrise At dusk At noon At midnight At night Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday January February March April Pronun,illlion to-100-eh awf-TAWB gho-ROOB ZOAI;IR NESS-feh SHAB SHAB yek-sham-BEH doash-am-BEH sesh-am-BEH cheh-hawr-sham- BEH panj-sham-BEH joam-EH sham-BEH iawn-vee-EH fev-ree-EH MAWRSS awv-REEL Pnsitm Spelling ":"lai t._,JJ.. ":"-'.J' .,.lo ~~ ......:. ~ ~,, ~.... ~J~ ~~ ~ ~ ~_,;lj ~J_,i U"JL. ~J.J1 English Pronunciation l\lay -MEI:f June l_oo-EN July .!?o-YEH August OOT September sep-TAWMBR October oak-TOABR November no-VAWMBR December deh-SAWMBR Day ROOZ Week haf-TEH Month MAWI:f One day YEKROOZ Two days DOROOZ One, week YEKhaf-TEH Two weeks DOhaf-TEH One month YEKMAWI:f Two months DOMAWI:f Persian Spelling ~ JJ) ~J; ..::..JI J:-"~ .;:51 ,r.l_,; ,r.\....) JJ.J ~ .l. )JJ 4 jJJ J.l ~cl ~J.) ol. cl .l. J.l Pe;sian Months NoTE: The names of the months given in the preceding section are taken from the European calendar. These names are used by some Persians who live in the large ciries or do business with European firms. But most Persians use their own calendar, which is divided into four seasons of three months each. Their New Year's Day comes on the first day of spring. The names of the Persian months and the approximate corresponding dates in our calendar are given below. March 21-April21 far-var-DEEN ;_;,_ ~JJ..} April21-May22 or-dec-beh-H ESHT ~-~)1 May 22-June 22 khor-DAWD ~~~? June 22-July 23 TEER .r. July 23-August 23 mor-DAWD ~b__,.. Au~ust 23-September 23 sha-hree-VAR )y__.,+:. September 23 MEI:IR __...... October 23 October 23-November 22 aw-BAWN j\.._ j November 22 - aw-ZAR J~l December 22 December 22 'DAY ..s~ January 21 January 21- ba-HMAN .:r-+-. February 20 February 20 - ess-FAND ..\.:.A.... I March 21 NAMES OF THE LETTERS Letter Name as Pronounced Leller Name as Prono~mced "':" ~ ..::.. a-LEF BEH PEH TEH ../ J> .l:. ..!;. SAWD ZAWD TAW ZAW ..:.. SEH t AYN G. t:. JEEM CHEH t ._, GHAYN FEH (. (. .l HEH KHEH DAWL J .!l .5 ~AWF KAWF GAWF ~ ZAWL J LAWM ) ) . J REH ZEH l_EH i .,:, J MEEM NOON VAWV IJ' SEEN 0 HEH J- SHEEN .; YEH U®Q ADDITIONAL TERMS English Belt Blouse Canteen Chevrons Eagle First-aid packet Gas mask Helmet Insignia Stars PERSONAL EQUIPMENT Pronunciati~n ka-mar-BAND bo-LOOZ na-VAWR o-}$:AWB bass-T A Y -eh Jav-aw-zeh. MAW-teh reb BEE MAW-skeh ZED dehGAWZ ko-lawl;t-KHOOD neh-SHAWN ser-aw-REH Persian Spelling ADDITIONAL TERMS WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION Ammunition .no-hem-MAWT ..::.,4 Antitank guns toop-HAW-yeh ..J.; l," ...... ..s~. _,;ZED-deh TAWNK Bayonet sar-nay-ZEH D ~J-::' f Bomb BOAMB ':""'"'. Cannon TOOP yy Carbine ka-raw-bee-NEH ~,I_} Cartridge fa-SHANG ..!b Gas GAWZ jl$'" Grenade flJW-fal\ AK ~)\.; Gun TOOP ...,,. - Fire (stamped Jw-TESH ~I on weapon) Safe (stamped zaw-MEN 0-'l.;, on weapon) Howitzer ~ap-ass·an-DAWZ j\..1.' 1-.r-;:ii Machine gun TOO-peh mo-sal- SAL J--L--y_f' English Pronunciation Mine MEEN Mortar khoam-pa\•\:-reh-an-DAWZ Pistol rap-awn-CHEH Rifle w-FANG Shell go-loo-LEH Submachine gun mo-sai-SA-It:h koo-CHEK CARS, TANKS, PLANES, Accelerator peh-DAW-leh ben-ZEEN Airnaft carrier hav-aw-pay-maw-HAR Airplane hav-aw-pay-MA W Armor lc:h-REl:-1 Armored car oar-o-mo-HEE-leh lt:h-re~-POOSH Auto oar-o-mo-HEEL Battery haw-TREE Battleship nab-ard-NAWV 0 Persia11 SptdJ;,,g :.r. j\....:\o)~ <~.>...."U. ... 6.:..;:,· ..Jyf ~_,) J--l- ) SHIPS .:t..f'. jl.;., • ...r'.~,ly l.-::-.'r o)) J"y_,o)J~j\ ~_,;1 .,s).L -'\; :J _,.; English Pronunciation Persian Spelling Biplane hav-aw-pay-MAW-..Jl.__p ..sl.... l_y> yeh doab-aw-LEH Bomber hav-aw-pay-MAW .JI;L_ ..sl...:-, l_y> yeh boam-baw-RAWN Brakes tor-MOAZ jaj' Bridge ar-SHAY-eh . ?~J ~~ koo-CHEK-eh kash-TEE Carbureter kawr-bo-raw-TOR Jy' l;y_ ;tf Cargo ship kash-TEE-eh ..s;L, ..rS baw-REE Ca!erpillar track zan-JEE-reh {.r. ~) CHARKH Clutch ka-LAWCH ~)\.) Cruiser razm-NAWV _,l. iJJ Deck ar-SHAY-~h ..rS~~ kash-TEE Destroyer nawv-sheh-KAN ~_,l.· Dive bomber sheer-JEI;I ~_r.; Engine mo-TOR Jjiy Engine room mo-ror-khaw-NEH .,;'.>.;y'y English Fighter plane Fire exlinguisher Flagship Fuselage Gas tank Hangar Horn Instruments Light bulb Mine sweeper Monoplane Motor Observation plane Pronunciation hav-aw-pay-MAWyeh shc:k-aw-REE aw-resh-khawmoosh-KOAN kash-TEE-c:h far-mawn-DEHhch NAWV ha-Ja-NAY-eh hav-aw-pay-MAW TAWN-kch bcn-ZEEN awsh-yaw.NEH BOO~ aw-LAWT LAWbf-pc:h d1t·h. RAWGH mccn-jam-KOAN hav-aw-p;ty-MAWych yc:k-baw-LEH mo-TOR hav-aw-pay-MAWyeh JeeJ-baw-NEE Persian Spelling .;.JLG ..sl....:-. lr ·f • t;.. ···\ '-' .,·\..._;_rS ~.-'.r~·.).,. ~·\; ~~.~~. ~wl 0 Y . .::...\'i t_1~.:::-yo~ ·f . '-' ~~ 1_,-.. English Protllm<·iatiotl Persidtl Spellitlg Octane ratin~ Ja-ra-JAY-c:h ..JUI' "':-J~ oak-TAWN Oil viscosity ghd-ZA-1d1 dJJ~ ro~oo-GHAN Pontoons or aw-LA-wh w .;:.Ji Pontons shc:h-NAW (on plam:) Propeller par-REH Scout car oar-o-mo-HEE-?L.. L.... "-"· .,leh pee-shaw-'-'···-"hang-GEE Searchlight noor-af-KAN ~1)_,; Specification noam-RAY-eh number ..;;..~ ..__,...; mo-shakh-kheh-SAWT Spotlight noor-af-KAN ~1)_,; Steering wheel far-MAWN .jl..) Submarine zeer-dar-yaw-EE J ~-);:,J'.) Tail DOAM i;:, Tank ar-aw-BAY-c:h ~~_1;1 jang-GEE Tanker kash-TEE-ehnaf-TEE ._;;.; ~ 101 English Prowmci.Jiion Pnjl Torpedo plane h,l\'·"w-pay-MAWych :i_-J<~-r~f .:.,.(;\).>)\ ..sL.-: \_,.... KAN Troopship kash-TEE-eh sar-bawz-BAR .J'.)\.._~.... ._;;.:;..) Truck oat-o-mo-BEElch baw-REE ...SJ~. \....... ··i..., ... .)' Warship NAWV _,\.; Wings BAWL J~. TOOLS AN~ SUPPLIES Barbed wire SEE-meh khawr-DAWR )\_,)\;.. r. Canvas br-BAWSS 0 -.;~-~..f. Coal w-ghJwl-SANG ~J~j Firewood hec-ZOAM i~· Gravel sang-gn:e-ZEH o'..1.. )~ Hammer cha-KOASH ·~ u-. Ladder nar-Jeh-BAWN .J~. .).) 102 English Pronutuiation Persian Spt'lling Lumber takh-TEH ~- Mine detedor me:-en-Y A \X1 H \.,·'":"' .. o-SHA-kch hav-aw-EE Jast-GAW -heh et-reh-SAWL Jast-GAW -heh tel-eg-RAWF td-eh-FOAN goo-SHEE P.-rsiun Spelling 0 ./. L;.,. ..;..,\ j_ l;... Jr Jrl ~ l>-.. r.l J'. .Y .>I; ,_C--"-Jjl.,. y_.>l;o~.) Y._.ll) oLI Jy od'-....>-.:... .}I~ ..!L__,. JL.a;-1 o~.) ,__ji}J;· o~.) ~ ..r-J" English Teletypewriter Barrat·ks Bridle Camp or Bivouat· Foxhole Horse Horseshoe Mess or Chow Mess call Patrol Retreat Reveille Saddle prOtliiiiCiJI i Oil rnaw-SHEE-nch Juor-nc:h-V EESS M ISCELLAN EO US >.tr-h.twl·khaw. NEH e~i.SAWR or-doo-GA'J('l:l (haw-LEH ASB NAL gha-ZAW shay-POO-rt:h gha-ZAW gash-TEE shav.m-GAWl:l shay-POO-rch bee-daw-REE ZEEN P.-rsiJn Spellitlg ~' I~ V',.J 105 English Prommciatioti Persian Spelling Stable ta-vce-LEH ~_,1. Taps shay-?00-r<:h KHAWB \ . . ':-'.J>)~ Tent chaw-DOR ).l~ Trench sang-GAR ? MONEY-WEIGHTS AND MEASURES NoTE: For numbers 1-1,000, see page 73. U.S. Equivalent Pronunciation Persian Spelling (Approximate) dee-NAWR l/35 of a cent ree·AWL 3 cents Persian System khar-VAWR 650 pounds J\Jf MA-nch SHAWI:I 13 pounds obV" MAN or MA-m·h 6.5 pounds jf'' 0-- tab-REEZ th.tw-RAK 1.7 pounds ;!})~ 106 Prot11111riation U.S. fqr1i: ,t/m; PaJi..) Jy...) 110 IMPORTANT SIGNS Persian Spelling EXIT CAUTION DANGER STATION TRAFFIC PROHIBITED IN THIS DIRECTION * 111 u~Q INTERNATIONAL ROAD SIGNS 6. ~ v DANGER DANGER MAIN ROAD AHEAD ~ & £ CAUTION SHARP TURN RIGHT CURVE ---· & e & LEFT CURVE TAKE EITHER ROUTE CROSSROAD = ~ . ')>:!. 0 ~ THIS WAY DO NOT ENTER FIRST-AID STATION GUARDED RAIL-UNGUARDED RAIL-NO WAITING ROAD CROSSING ROAD .CROSSING 0 NO PARKING PARKING NO VEHICLES NO MOTOR VEHICLES WEIGHT LIMIT 5'I• TONS NO ANIMALSPEED LIMIT OPEN CULVERT DRAWN TRAFFIC IDIPI u~Q ALPHABDICAL WORD LIST In Persian the form of a word sometimes changes according to the type of sentence in which it is used. For example, the simple form of th~ word for "soldier" is "sar-BAWZ." This form is used in sentences like "I am a soldier" and "Are there soldiers near here?" However, in different kinds of sentences, other forms of the word are used. In the sentence "We are American soldiers" you find the form "sar-BAW-zeh," and in the sentence "Where are American soldiers?" you find the form . "sar-bawz-HAW -yeh." In this list the simple form of the word is given: "soldier" is listed as "sar-BAWZ." The page numbers show you where to find expressions containing the word; the number II after the word "soldier" ·refers to the page where you will find the sentences mntaining the forms mentioned above. A Pronunciation accelerator, 98 peh-DAW-leh ben-ZEEN addr~ss, 40, 54 aw-DRESS 114 English admiral, 27 afternoon, 91 aircraft carrier, 98 air field, 65, 82, 84, 86 Air Forces, 28 airplane, 98 alcohol, rubbing, 50 altitude, 86 ambulance, 41 ammonia, 48 Ammunition, 97-98 ammunition, 87, 97 Amount, 89 ankle, 44 answer, 21, 76 antenna, 103 apples, 35 April, 92 arm, 43 Pronunciation dar-yaw-saw-LAWR BAD az ZOAI:fR hav-aw-pay-maw- BAR fo-rood-GAWf;I nee-ROO-yeh havaw-EE hav-aw-pay-MA W ai-KO-leh mawLESH ayr-teh-FAW oat-o-mo-BEE-leh be~-daw-REE am-o-nee-AWK mo-hem-MAWT ~oo-ZA-keh PAW ja-VAWB awn-TEN SEEB awv-REEL baw-ZOO ALPHABETICAL WORD LIST 115 Pronunciation armor, 98 zeh-REI:I Armored nee-ROO-yeh zeh Command, 28 n:l:l-POOSH arms (weapons), 14 a-sleh-HET Army, 28, 55 ar-TESH or ~o-SHOON Ar~llery, 28 mop-khaw-NEH aspirin, 48 aw-speh-REEN August, 93 OOT Aviation, 86-88, 98-101 B back (of person), ka-MAR 42, 43 bad, 62, 87 BAD baggage room, 65 am-BAW-reh ass-BAWB bananas, 35 MO~ooz bandage,44,48 BAN-deh ZAKHM barber, 46 sal-maw-NEE barracks, 105 sar-bawz-khaw-NEH bathhouse, 47 harn-MAWM battalion, 27 gor-DAWN 116 F.rrglish Pronunciation battery aw-resh-BAWR (artillery), 27 (electric), 48, baw-TREE 67, 98, 103 battleship, 98 nab-ard-NAWV bayonet, 97 sar-nay-ZEH beans. 33 loo-bee-AW bed, 38 TAKH-teh KHAWB bedding, 38 RAKH-teh KHAWB beef, 33 GOOSH-teh GAWV beer, 36 awb-JO~oo beets, 33 cho-ghoan-DAR belt, 48, 96 ka-mar-BAND better, 41 be~-TAR bicycle, 66 doach-ar-KHEH biplane, 99 hav-aw-pay-MAW yeh doab-aw-LEH bivouac, 82, 105 or-DOO fif or-doo-GAWl;l black, 80 see-AWI;l blades, safety TEE-ghth khoad razor, 50 ra-RAWSH 117 English blanket, 38, 44 blouse, 96 blue, 80,81 boat, 67 Boats, see $hips boiled, 37 boiled water, 36, 44 bomb, 97 bombardier, 29 bomber, 99 dive bomber, 99 booby 'trap, 82 book, 21, 77 bottom, 64 brake fluid, 67, 88 brakes, 99 branch of service, 28 £,ronunciation pa-TOO bo-LOOZ aw-BEE ka-ra-JEE awb-PAZ AW-beh joo-shee- DEH BOAMB boam-ban-DAWZ hav-aw-pay-MAW yeh boam-bawRAWN sheer-JEJ:I naw-ran-JA-keh ghaw-fei-GEER keh-TAWB TAH ro~oo-GHA-neh tor-MOAZ tor-MOAZ kess-MAT-eh ar TESH 118 English brandy, 36 bread, 33 bridge, 61, 62, 63 bridge (of ship), 99 Bridges, 62-65 bridle, lOS brigade, r brown, 80 brush (for clothes), 48 bus, 12, 66 Busses, 65-66 bus station, 65 butter, 33 button, 48 bulb, light, 49, 68, 100 or Buying, 46-51 Pronu,lCiation koan-YAWK NAWN POAL ar-SHAY-eh koo- CHEK-eh kash- TEE af-SAWR TEEP ~a-hveh-EE maw-huor-pawk-KOAN O;l[-11-BOOSS eest-GAW-heh oat-o-BOOSS ka-~EH doag-MEH LAWM-peh cheh rawgh-BAR~ LAWM-peh cheh-RAWGH 119 English Pronuntitllion c cabbage, 33 ka-LAM cable, 68 SEE-meh ko-LO.AFf cablegram, 76 tel-eg-RAWF camel, 67 sho-TOR camp, 105 or-doo-GA Wl:l candy, 33, 77 shee-ree-NEE cannon, 81, 97 TOOP canteen, '96 ~oam-~o-MEH canvas, 102 kar-B.AWSS captain ( Anr1y), 25 sar-V.AWN (Navy), 26 naw-kho-D.A W doav.VO.AM car, 67 oat~~-rrio-BEEL armored car, oat-o-mo-BEE-Ieh 98 zeh-reJ:!-POOSH scout car, 101 oat-o-mo-B EE-Ieh pee-shaw-hang· GEE carbine, 97 ~a-raw-bee-NEH carburetor, 99 kawr-bo-raw-TOR 120 English Pronunciatiotl cargo ship, 99 kash-TEE-eh baw. REE carriage, 67 Jor-oash-KEH C.m, 98-102 ca~tridge, 97 fa-SHANG caterpillar track, zan-JEE-reh99 CHARKH Cavalry, 28, 80 sav-aw-n:h-nt-hZAWM ceiling, 86 SA~F certainly, 18 al-bat-TEH chain; 68 zan-JEER cheaper, 41 ar-zawn-TAR cherries, 35 (sweet) gee-LAWSS (tart) aw-loo-haw-100 cheese, 33 pa-NEEk chest, 44 see-NEH chevron, 96 na-VAWR chicken, 33 joo-JEH chief, 23 ra-EESS chocolate, 33 sho-ko-LAWT cigarette, 17, 48 see-GAWR city, 57 SHA}:lR 121 English clerk, 29 cloth, 48 Clothing, 47-51 clothing, 77 clutch, 99 coal, 102 Coast Guard, 28 coat, 48 coconuts, 35 coffee, 36 colonel, 25 color, 80, 81 comb, 48 commander, 26 Commands, 13-14 Pronunciation moan-SHEE pawr-CHEH leh-BAWSS ka-LAWCH zo-ghawl-SANG pawss-DAW-reh saw-heh-LEE KOAT nawr-GEEL ~a-HVEH sar-HANG RANG shaw-NEH naw-kho-DAW sev-VOAM Communicatiom, 70-78, 103-104 company, 27, 31 go-roo-HAWN cook, 29 awsh-PAZ cooked, 37 poakh-TEH corporal, 24 sar-joo-KHEH 122 ·English Prommciation corps, army, 28 st·h-PAWJ:I Corps of daw-yeh-RAY-eh Engineers, mo-han-deh-SEE 28 Medica) Corps, bt·l;l-daw-REE-yeh 29 ar-TESH Quartermaster kawr-par-daw-ZEE-Corps, 29 eh ar-TESH Signal Corps, daw-yeh-RAY~eh 29 mo-khaw-beh- RAWT correct, 71 Jo-ROST cotton, 44, 48 pam-BEH cream, 36 sar-SHEER cruiser, 99 razm-NAWV cup, 37 fen-JAWN current ( rit•er), 61 ja-ra-Y A W -neh AWB D dates, 35 khor-MAW day, 93 ROOZ December, 93 deh-SAWMBR deck, 99 ar-SHAY-eh kash- TEE English deep, 61, 64 dentist, 41 depot, supply, 83 destroyer, 99 detour, 63 Diesel oil, 68 direction, 57, 85, 87 Directions, 57-58 disinfectant, 44, 48 Distanu, 58, 59 distilled water, 68 dive bomber, 99 division; 27 doctor, 13, 41 donkey, 67 doubtless, 18 drinking water, 32, 36, 44 driver, 29 Pronunciation GO~ood dan-dawn-SAWZ aw-BA W-reh mal- zoo-MAWT nawv-sheh-KAN RAW-heh far-EE ro~oo-GHA-neh dee-ZEL ta-RAF da-VA W -yeh ZEDdeh o-foo-NEE AW-beh mo-~at-TAR sheer-JEI:I lash-KAR doak-TOR o-LAWGH bee-SHAK A W-beh khor-DAN sho-FAYR 124 English Drugs, 44-45, 48-51 drugstore, 47 dry, 60 dugout, 85 dump, 82 dusk, 92 ear, 43 east, 58 eggs, 33 elbow, 43 electrician, 68 elevation, field, 86 enemies, 11 engine, 99 engineer, 29 Engineers, Corps of, 28 engine room, 99 envelope, 48 Pronunciation da.-vaw-khaw-NEH KHOASHK pa-nawi:J-GAWl:f makh-ZA-neh mo- hem-MAWT gho-ROOB E GOOSH SHAR~ TOAKH-meh MORGH aw-RANJ el-ek-rreek-CHEE ayr-teh-FAW-eh may-DAWN doash-ma-NAWN mo-TOR mo-han-DESS daw-yeh-RAY-eh mo-han-deh-SEE mo-tor-khaw-NEH paw-KAT 125 English Pronundation equipment, 84 saw-zo-BARG Equipment (personal), 96 evening, 91 av-VA-leh SHAB extinguisher, aw-tesh-khaw. fire, 100 moosh-KOAN eye, 43 CHASHM F face, 43 soo-RAT family, 24 khaw-nev-aw-DEH far, 23, 59 DOOR father, 23 peh-DAR February, 92 fev-ree-EH few, 89 .CHAND-taw field elevation, 86 ayr-teh-FAW-eh may-DAWN fighter plane, 100 hav-aw-pay-MAWyeh shek-aw-REE fireman or stoker, aw-tesh an-DAWZ 29 firewood, 102 hee-ZOAM first-aid-packet, 96 bass-TAY-eh lav- aw-zeh-MAWteh teb-BEE fish, 33 maw-HEE 126 English Pronunciation flag,81 bay-RAJ:C flagship, 100 kash-TEE-eh farmawh-DEH-heh NAWV flashlight, 48 cheh-rawgh-BAR ~eh da-STEE flat, 60 SAWF flight (unit), 27 da-STEH food, 12, 33, 46 gh,a-ZA W Food and Drink, 32-38 foot, 44 PAW foot powder, 49 POO-dreh PAW ford, 63 go-zar-GAWJ:l fork, 37. chang-GAWL form, blank (for FORM te!egram), 76 fortified towns, 82 sha~r-HAW-yeh mo-stah:KAM foxhole, 105 chaw-LEH fragile, 77 shek-a-sta-NEE Friday, 92 joam-EH fried, 37 sorkh-kar-DEH friends, 23 ro-fa-J:CAW fuselage, 100 ba-da-NAY-eh hav" aw-pay-MAW 127 English Pronunciation G garage, 68 gaw-RAWJ gas, 46, 97 GAWZ gas mask, 96 MAW-skeh ZEDdeh GAWZ gasoline, 68, 88 ben-ZEEN gas station, 68 ben-zeen-fo-roo-SHEE general (army sep-a~-BOAD rank), 25 glacier, 60 rood-khaw-NAYeh YAKH glass, 37 gee-LAWSS gloves, 49 dast-KESH goggles, 49 ay-NA-keh GARD-o-KHAWK good, 62, 87 KHOOB Good-by, 17, 73 kho-DAW haw-FEZ grapes, 35 ang-GOOR gravel, 102 sang-gree-ZEH gray, 80 khaw-kess-tah-REE grease, 68 geh-REESS green, SO, 81 SABZ Greetings, 15-18 128 English grenade, 97 grocery, 47 group (aviation), 27 guide, 52, 56, 63 guidepost, 63 gun, 83, 97 antitank gun, 83, 97 machine gun, 81, 97 submachine gun,98 gunner, 30 machine gunner, 30 Guns, 97-98 hammer, 102 hand, 14, 43 handkerchief, 49 hangar, 100 hat, 49 Pronunciation naw-ran-JAK ba~-~aw-LEE da-STEH raw'hna-MAW a-law-MA-teh raw-hna-MAW TOOP TOO-peh ZED-deh TAWNK TOO-peh mo-salSAL mo-sal-SA-leh koo CHEK toop-CHEE mo-sal-sal-CHEE H cha-KOASH DAST dast-MAWI, awsh-yaw-NEH ko-LAWJ:I 129 English head, 42, 43 heavy, 90 Hi!llo (greeting), 15 (telephone), 71 helmet, 96 Help, Asking, 10-13 here, 14, 16, 42, 56, 58, 59 high, 61, 90 hill, 60 horn, 100 horse, 38, 67, 83, 105 horseshoe, 105 hotel, 38 hot water, 38, 45 hour, 87 how, 11, 87 howitzer, 97 Pronundation SAR sang-GEEN sa-LAWM haw-LO~oo ko-lawl:t-KHOOD een-JAW bo-LAND tap-PEH BOO~ ASB NAL meh-hmawa-khaw- NEH AW-behGARM saw-AT cheh TO~oor ~ap-ass-an-DAWZ 130 English Pronunciation hungry, 17, 32 go-ro-SNEH hurt, 21, 42, 43 az-YAT or sad-MEH husband, 24 sho~oo-HAR ice, 45 YAKH Infantry, 28, 79 pee-aw-deh-neh ZAWM Information, 18-21 information et-tel-aw-AWT (telephone), 72 ink, 49 mo-rak-KAB insecticide, 39 da-VAW-yeh ha-sha-reh-KOASH Insignia, 96 insignia, 96 neh-SHAWN instruments, 100 aw-LAWT interpreter, 19 mo-tar-JEM iodine, 49 YOAD iron sheet iron, 103 aw-HA-neh va-RAJ$: English Pronunciation J jack, 68 JAK January, 92 E-wn-vee-EH jaw, 43 FAK July, 93 l_oo-YEH June, 93 ~o-EN jungle, 60 jang-GAL K key, 39 keh-LEED khaki, 80 khaw-kee-RANG kilometer, 59, 107, kee-lo-METR 109 knee, 44 zaw-NOO knife, 37, 45, 49 KAWRD L ladder, 102 nar-deh-BAWN lake, 60 dar-yaw-CHEH lamb, 34 GOOSH-teh bar- REH language, 18 za-BAWN 132 English Languages, 18-19 large, 90 larger, 41 laxative, 49 left, 58 leg, 44 lemons, 35 (sweet) (tart) lentils, 34 lettuce, 34 lieutenant (Army), 25 (Navy), 26 light, 39 light (weight), 90 light bulb, 49, 68, 100 or lineman, 30 litter, 45 load, 63 Pronunciation bo-ZORG bo-zorg-TAR moass-HEL CHAP SAW-~eh PAW lee-moo-shee-REEN lee-moo-TORSH a-DASS kaw-HOO set-YAWN nawv-BAWN cheh-RAWGH sa-BOAK LAWM-peh cheh. rawgh-BARI): LA WM-peh chehRAWGH seem-KESH T AKH-teh raVAWN BAWR Loc.lliou, 5). '511 l.. od.~iug. lH-./ 1 lnng. 1)0 low,<)() lumher. 10.~ M mathine gun, !ll, <)7 mal·hine ~unner, .~0 Madam, Is Mt1il, 76-7H major, 2S mangoes, 35 many, 89 map, II, 5S March, 92 Marines, 28 mask, gas, ·96 match, 17, 49 May, 93 maybe, 18 dch.i\A\'~VZ k<><>·TA 'X1 H ukh-TEH TOO-peh mo-sal. SAL mu-sal-sai-CHEE khaw-NOAM sar-GORD am-BEH Zt:<:-A\XfD na~-SHEH MAWRSS nawv-shoo-RAWN MAW-skeh ZED deb GAWZ keb-REET MEJ:l SHAW-yad 134 Englisb Pro11u11ciati01t Measures, JO(,.J()'J meat, -~4 (jQOSHT mechanic, :\0, 68 rnek-aw NEEK Medical Aid, 41-46 Medical Corps, 2'> hel;l-Jaw-REE-yeh u-TESH medium, 90 mee-aw-l' noam-REH flgure. 20. 21 a-DAD Numbers, 73-75, 89-90 nurse, 41 pa-ra-ST A WR 0 observation plane, hav-aw-pay-MAW100 yeh deed-baw-NEE observer, 30 deed-BAWN obstructions, 63, 86 mav-aw-NEH octane rating, I01 cla-ra-JAY-eh oak-TAWN October, 93 oak-TOABR officer petty officer, 2 5 me~-naw-VEE warrant officer, o-sto-VAWR 24 oil, 68 ro..__..oo-GHAN 138 Englisb Pro1JUtJciatio11 Diesel oil, 68 ro oo-GHA-nch det"-ZEL en-gine oiL 88 ro oo-CHA-n.-h maw-SHEEN oil viscosity, JOI t;hei-ZA-reh ro_uu-(;HAN operator, radio operator. rawd-yo-CHEE 30 switchboard rt:l-ef-oan-CHEE operator, 30 orange (color), 81 naw-ran-JEE oranges, 35 por-reh-~AWL Ordnance ed-aw-RAY-eh Department, 29 tass-lee-HAWT Organization and Specialty, 27-31 outfit, 27 vaw-HED overcoat, 49 pawl-TO p package, 77 bass-TEH pants, 49 shai-VAWR paper, 49 kaw-GHAZ parachutist, 30 chatrcBAWZ pass, 60 gar-da-NEH 139 English passable, 60, 62 patb. 60 patrol, 105 Payment, 53-54 peaches, 35 pears, 35 pen, 50 pencil, 50 pepper, 36 perishable, 77 Personal Needs, 32-54 Personal Servius, 51 petty officer, 25 pick, 103 pigeon, 104 pigeon loft, 104 pillow, 39 pilot, 30 pin, 50 pineapples, 36 pistol, 9~ Prorzunciation ~aw-BEL-eh o-BOOR jawd-DEH gash-TEE ho-LOO go-law-BEE ~a-LAM meh-DAWD fei-FEL zaw-yeh-sho-da- NEE mel:t-naw-VEE ko-LANG kab-oo-TAR kab-oo-tar-khaw- NEH baw-LESH \ kha-leh-BAWN san-JAW~ a-na-NAWSS tap-awn-CHEH English plane, 66,67,81,83 fighter plane, 100 observation plane, 100 torpedo plane, 102 Planes, 86-88, 98-102 plate, 37 please, 10, 11, 15, 16, 64, 83 pliers, 68 plums, 36 police Military Police, 29 police station, 56 ponton or pontoon (bridge), 103 (plane), 101 pork, 34 Pronunciation hav-aw-pay-MAW hav-aw-pay-MAWyeh shek-aw-REE hav-aw-pay-MAWyeh deed-hawNEE hav-aw-pay-MAWyeh ~-da-rafKAN poash-~AWB khaw-HESH meeko-nam am-bor-DAST aw-LOO dej-baw-NEE ka-lawn-ta-REE PO-Ieh ~aw-yeh ~EE aw-LA-teh shehNAW GOOSH-teh KHOOG porter, 52 post office, 76 potatoes, 34 pothole, 63 powder, foot, 49 power plant, 56 private, 24 propeller, 101 purple, 81 Quartermaster Corps, 29 question, 20 quick, 41 quinine, 50 radio equipment, 104 radiogram, 76 Pronunciation ham-MAWL poast-khaw-NEH seeb-za-mee-NEE dass-san-DAWZ POO-dreh PAW kawr-khaw-NAY eh cheh-rawgh BA~ sar-BAWZ par-REH ar-ghav-aw-NEE Q ·kawr-par-dawZEE-eh ar-TESH so-AWL ZOOD gen-eh-geh-NEH R saw-zo-BAR-geh rawd-YO tel-eg-RA W-feh bee-SEEM 142 Engiish radio operator, 30 Radio Phrases, 70-71 radio repairman, 30 radio set, 104 radio station, 57, 82, 104 railhead, 83 railroad. 57 Railroads, 65-66 railroad station, 56, 65 raincoat, 50 Rank, 24-27 rank, 24 raw, 37 razor, safety, 50 razor blades, 50 receipt, 54, 77 or receiver (telephone), 72, 104 Pronunciation rawd-yo-CHEE rawd-yo-SAWZ dast-GAW-heh rawd-YO eest-GAW -heh rawd-YO bawr-boan-GAWl;i RAW-heh aw-HAN eest-GAW-heh RAW-heh awHAN baw-raw-NEE da-ra-JEH na-poakh-TEH khoad-ta-RAWSH TEE-gheh )ffioad-ta-RAWSH ra-SEED }5.:ABZ goo-SHEE W3 English Pronun~ialion Re~onnaissan~e, 79-85 red, 81 reflector, 104 regiment, 27, 31 region, 22 Repairs, 67-69, repairs, 88 restaurant, 32, 47 retreat (evening ~all), 105 reveille, 105 rice, 34 (~ooked) (un~ooked) rifle, 98 rifleman, 30 right, 58 river, 56, 51, 64 road, 61, 62, 64 Roads, 62-65 Road Signs, 110-113 ~ayr-MEZ mo-na-KESS konan-DAY-eh NOOR HANG naw-hee-YEH 102-103 ta-MEER rest-o-RAWN shawm-GAWH shay-POO-reh bee-daw-REE po-10'--'oo beh-RENJ to-FANG toaf-ang-DAWR RAWST rood-khaw-NEH RAWI:l 144 Englis'· roasted, 37 rock, 65 rocket, 104 rocky, 60 room, 39,41 Rooms, 38-41 rope, 103 rough, 87 runway, 87 rut, 63 saddle, 105 salt, 36 sand, 65, 103 Saturday, 92 scarf, 50 scissors, 50 scout, 30 scout car, 101 Pronundation beh-resh-TEH SANG mJfTFE tawnk-CHEE chaw-LAY-eh TAWNK shay-POO-rt:h KHAWB rawk-SEE chaw-EE tel-eg-RAWF dast-GAW -heh tel-eg-RAWF tel-eh-FOAN mar-KA-zeh teleh-FOAN mar-KA-zeh teleh-FOAN SEE-meh tel-ehFOAN goo-SHhh maw-SHEE-neh door-neh-VEESS 150 EngliJb tent, L06 Terr<~in, S').{,j Thank you, 15. 57 '" there, 11, 12, 16, 58 thirsty, 17, 32 thread, 51 throat, 43 Thursday, 92 ticket, 65, 66 Time, 91-94 timetable, 66 tire, 69, 88 or tire patch, 69 tire pump, 69 tire tools, 69 today, 91 toilet, 39 toilet paper, 39 PronunciA\X'L wire, 103 ~TEM barbed wire, SEE-meh kluwr102 DAWR electric wire, SEE-meh d-ek103 TREEK wire cutters, 103 se~m-BOR wood, 60 jang-GAL wound, 42 ZAKHM wounded, 12, 42 zakh-MEE wrench, 69 aw-chawrCHARKH y year, 31 SAWL yellow, 80, 82 ZARD yes, 10, 18 BA-Jeh yesterday, 91 dee-ROOZ * 155 NOTES