BISON U.S. Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program Environmental Impact Statement Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement June 1, 1995 This list shows references cited in the final U.S. Department ofEnergy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). References are listed alphabetically by the senior author's last name. Where no author is identified, the name of the issuing organization or company is used. In the column headed "Status," two designations are used: C The reference is copyrighted. Copyrighted material may not be photocopied, microfilmed, or otherwise reproduced. The index contains information that will aid in obtaining a copy ofthe work, if desired. Consult a librarian for assistance. R The reference is readily available to the public and is therefore not incorporated into the EIS Project's records. Reference materials designated readily available include U.S. Department of Energy orders, materials printed in the Ff ·eral Register, and federal and state laws, including the Code ofFederal Regulations (CFR) and U.S. Code (U. S.C.). Again, consult a librarian for assistance, providing the information given in this reference list. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Abbott, M.L., J.M. Brooks, K.L. Martin, 1990, NPR Environmental Impacts at 125 the INEL: Air Quality, Cooling Tower, and Noise, NPRD-90-059, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. Abrahamson, M. Bender, S. Book, C. Buncher, C. Denniston, E. Gilbert, 486 F. Hahn, V. Hertzbert, H. Maxon, B. Scott, W. Schull, S. Thomas, 1990, "Scientific Basis for Health Effects Models," Part II ofHealth Effects Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis, NUREG/CR-4214, rev. 1, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, December. Ackerman, D.J., 1991, Transmissivity ofthe Snake River Plain Aquifer at the 513 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 91-4058, U.S. Department of Energy, DOE/ID-22097, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Ackerman, D.J., 1992, Transmissivity ofPerched Aquifers at the Idaho National 512 Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 91-4114, U.S. Department ofEnergy, DOE/ID-22099, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Aiken County, 1991, "Functional Performance Standards for Non-Residential 776 Uses," Zoning and Development Standards Ordinance, Chapter VI, Section 604-Noise, Aiken, South Carolina. Algermissen, S.T., D.M. Perdins, P.C. Thenhaus, S.L. Hanson, B.L. Bender, 1151 1982, Probabilistic Estimates ofMaximum Acceleration and Velocity in Rock in the Contiguous United States, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-1033, U.S. Geological Survey Washington, D.C. Algermissen, S.T., D.M. Perdins, P.C. Thenhaus, S.L. Hanson, B.L. Bender, 1152 1990, U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2120, Probabilistic Earthquake Acceleration and Velocity Maps for the United States and Puerto Rico, Sheets 1 and 2, Washington, D.C. *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page2 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* American Cancer Society, Inc., 1993, Cancer Facts and Figures-1993, Atlanta, 392 C Georgia. American Conference ofGovernmental Industrial Hygienists, 1987, Threshold 939 C Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 1987-1988, Cincinnati, Ohio. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1988, Threshold 995 C Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 1989-1990, Cincinnati, Ohio. American Conference ofGovernmental Industrial Hygienists, 1993, Guide to 974 C Occupational Exposure Values-1993, Cincinnati, Ohio. American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 1993, Threshold 271 C Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices for 1993-1994, Cincinnati, Ohio. American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA), 1978, 42 U.S.C. 1996, Public 75 R Law 95-341, August 11. American Nuclear Society, 1988, Research, Training, Test and Production 93 8 C Directory, United States ofAmerica, third edition, Reed Robert Burn (ed. ), La Grange Park, Illinois. Anders, M.H. and N.H. Sleep, 1992, "Magmatism and Extension: Thermal and 237 C Mechanical Effects ofthe Yellowstone Hotspot," Journal ofGeophysical Research, 97, B11, pp. 15379-15393. Anders, M.H., J.W. Geissman, L.A. Piety, J.T. Sullivan, 1989, "Parabolic Distri-234 C bution of Circumeastern Snake River Plain Seismicity and Latest Quaternary Faulting: Migratory Pattern and Association with the Yellowstone Hotspot," Journal ofGeophysical Research, 94, B2, pp. 1589-1621. Anderson, B.D. and L.J. Peterson-Wright, 1993, Drinking Water Program, 1992 967 Annual Report, EGG-2678(92), EG&G Idaho, Inc., August. Anderson County, Tennessee, 1993, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 745 for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1992. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Anderson, I.R. and R.M. Lugar, Sampling and Analysis Plan for the Organic Contamination in the Vadose Zone Operable Unit 7-08, Focused Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, vol. 1, EGG-WM-10175, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Anderson, J.E., 1991, Final Report: Vegetation Studies to Support the NPR EIS, Subcontract No. C34-110421, Task Order No. 72, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Anderson, J.E. and M.L. Shumar, 1989, Guidelinesfor Revegetation ofDisturbed Sites at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/ID-12114, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Anderson, J.E., K. Rupple, J.M. Glennon, K.E. Holte, R.C. Rope, 1995, Vegetation, Flora, and Ethnoecology ofthe Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, in press, ESRF-005, Environmental Science and Research Foundation, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Andrus, C.D., 1994, State ofldaho Review Comments ofU.S. Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental restoration and Waste Management Programs Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Governor's Office, State ofldaho, Boise, Idaho, September. Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), 1979, 16 U.S.C. 470aa-470mm; Public Law 96-95; Public Law 100-555, 100-588, 1988. Argonne National Laboratory-East, 1989, Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1988, Environment and Waste Management Program, Argonne, Illinois, April. Argonne National Laboratory-East, 1990, Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1989, Environment and Waste Management Program, Argonne, Illinois, April. June 1, 1995 Page3 Reference ~o. Status* 322 541 1214 1101 1049 864 R 474 473 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page4 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Argonne National Laboratory-East, 1991, Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1990, Environment and Waste Management Program, Argonne, Illinois, July. Argonne National Laboratory-East, 1992, Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1991, Environment and Waste Management Program, Argonne, Illinois, May. Argonne National Laboratory-East, 1993, Argonne National Laboratory-East Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1992, ANL93/5. Argonne National Laboratory-East, 1993, Laboratory Integrated Facilities Plan (LIFP) FY 1993, JOST-106-G-T004, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, University of Chicago. Argonne National Laboratory-West, 1975, ANL-7959, IMFBR Fuel Handling (UC-79g), Hot Fuel Examination Facility/North Facility Safety Report, Argonne National Laboratory-West, Idaho National Engineering Labora tory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. Argonne National Laboratory-West, 1994, Occurrence Report Number CH-AA-ANLW-ANLW-1994-004, Chlorine Gas Release, Notification Report, Argonne National Laboratory-West, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, April 18. Arnett, M.W., 1993, Savannah River Site Environmental Data for 1992, see Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1992, Savannah River Site Environmental Data for 1992, WSRC-TR-93-077, Aiken, South Carolina. Arnett, M.W., L.K. Karapatakis, A.R. Mamatey, J.L. Todd, 1992, Savannah River Site Environmental Reportfor 1991, WSRC-TR-92-186, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South Carolina. Arnett, M.W., L.K. Karapatakis, A.R. Mamatey, 1993, Savannah River Site Environmental Reportfor 1992, WSRC-TR-93-075, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Environmental Protection Department, Environmental Monitoring Section, Aiken, South Carolina. Reference No. Status* 472 471 470 1088 306 853 779 137 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement PageS Reference Title No. Status* Arnett, R.C., 1994, Calibration ofthe Groundwater Flow Modelfor a Portion 1118 ofthe Snake River Plain Aquifer Beneath the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, ER&WM-EDF-0024-93, rev. 1, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, December 19. Arnett, R.C., 1994, EG&G Idaho, Inc., interoffice memorandum to A.L. Bow-549 man, EG&G Idaho, Inc., regarding "Calculated Contaminant Releases from Spent Nuclear Fuel Wet Transfer and Storage Systems," RCA-05-94, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May 10. Arnett, R.C. and J.M. Brower, 1994, Groundwater Flow Model Datafor Model 1068 Calibration, ER&WM-EDF-0001-93, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, November 14. Arnett, R.C. and M.J. Rohe, 1993, Predicted Consequences on the Snake River 529 Plain Aquifer ofAlternative Actions 1 and 2, ER&WM-EDF-0025-93, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. Arnett, R.C. and M.J. Rohe, 1994, Calibration ofthe Groundwater Transport 1055 Modelfor the Snake River Plain Aquifer Beneath the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Engineering Design File SNF&EIS-0005-94, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, December 22. Arnett, R.C., J.M. McCarthy, G.T. Norell, A.L. Schafer-Perini, T.R. Wood, 1117 1993, Basisfor Initial Code Selection for WAG 10 Groundwater and Containment Transportation Modeling at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-ERD-10532, EG&G Idaho Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. Arthur, W.J., J.W. Connelly, D. Halford, T. Reynolds, 1984, Vertebrates ofthe 539 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/ID-12099, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Arthur, W.J., O.D. Markham, C.R. Groves, B.L. Keller, D.K. Halford, 1986, 267 c "Radiation Dose to Small Mammals Inhabiting a Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal Area," Journal ofAppliedEcology, 23, pp. 13-26. Aviation Week and Space Technology, 1992, March 16. 275 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, _ these documents are included in the microfiche_ In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 6 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Baes, C.F. III, R.D. Sharp, A.L Sjoreen, R.W. Shor, 1984, A Review and Analysis ofParametersfor Assessing Transport ofEnvironmentally Released Radionuclides Through Agriculture, ORNL-5786, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Bailey, R.G., 1994, "Ecoregions ofUnited States, Map Sheet, Scale 1:7,500,000," second edition, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service. Bailey, Z.A. and R.W. Lee, 1991, Hydrogeology and Geochemistry in Bear Creek and Union Valleys, Near Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Water-Resources Investigations Report 90-4008, U.S. Geological Survey, Nashville, Tennessee. Barclay, L.A., 1990, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, letter to R.L. Kroodsma of Oak Ridge Reservation Resources Management Organization, ORNL, regarding "Construction-Related Loss ofFish and Wildlife Habitat on ORNL Lands," June 13. Barclay, L.A., 1992, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, letter to R.L. Kroodsma of Oak Ridge Reservation Resources Management Organization, ORNL, regarding "Updated Threatened and Endangered Species Information for the Oak Ridge Reservation," July 20. Bargelt, R.J., C.A. Dicke, J.M. Hubble, M. Paarmann, D. Ryan, R.W. Smith, T.R. Wood, 1992, Summary ofRWMC Investigations Report, EGG-WM-9708, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Barraclough, J.T., B.D. Lewis, R.G. Jensen, 1981, Hydrologic Conditions at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho-:--Emphasis: 1974-1978, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open File Report 81-526, ID0-22060, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, April. Barraclough, J.T., J.B. Robertson, V.J. Janzer, 1976, Hydrology ofthe Solid Waste Burial Ground as Related to the Potential Migration ofRadionuclides, Idaho National Engineering Laboratoy, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-471, ID0-22056, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. Reference ~o. Status* 487 1245 R 744 743 775 134 142 509 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 7 Reference Title ~o. Status* Bay, R.T., 1991, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, letter to R.L. Kroodsma ofOak 742 Ridge Reservation Resources Management Organization, ORNL, regarding "Updated Threatened and Endangered Species Information for the Oak Ridge Reservation," March 7. Beavers, J.E., W.E. Manrod, W.C. Stoddard, 1982, Recommended Seismic 741 HazardLevelsfor the OakRidge, Tennessee; Paducah, Kentucky; Fernald, Ohio; and Portsmouth, Ohio, Department ofEnergy Reservations, K/BD1025/R1, Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December. Beck, D.M., M.J. Scott, M.D. Davis, S.F. Shindle, B.A. Napier, A.G.Thurman, 346 D.B. Pittenger, N.C. Batishko, 1991, Hanford Area 1990 Population and 50-Year Projections, PNL-7803, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Beck, H.L. and P.W. Krey, 1983, "Radiation Exposures in Utah from Nevada 571 c Nuclear Tests," Science, 220, pp. 18-24. Belanger, R., J. Raudsep, D.A. Ryan, 1995, Assessment ofPrevention ofSignifi-1057 cant Deterioration Increment Consumption by Sources Associated with Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Alternatives at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOEIID-10507, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. Belanger, R., J. Raudsep, D.A. Ryan, 1995, Technical Support Documentfor 1240 Air Resources, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program, DOEIID-10497, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Benedict, G.W., 1993, U.S. Department ofEnergy Field Office, Oak Ridge, 1070 Tennessee, letter to D.D. Cannon, K-25 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, regarding "Implementation ofNew Seismic Hazard Levels for the Oak Ridge Reservation," September 1. Benedict, M., T. Pigford, H.W. Levi, 1981, Nuclear Chemical Engineering, 947 c second edition, New York: McGraw Hill. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 8 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Bennett, C.M., 1990, Streamflow Losses and Ground-Water Level Changes Along the Big Lost River at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 904067, DOE/ID-22091, April. Bennett, C.M., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, personal communication with A.L. Lundahl, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January 28. Bennett, D.H. and R.W. McFarlane, 1983, The Fishes ofthe Savannah River Plant: National Environmental Research Park, SRO-NERP-12, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina. Benson, P.E., 1979, CALINE 3-A Versatile DispersionModelfor Predicting Air Pollutant Levels Near Highways andArterial Streets, FWHA/CA/TL-79/23, NTIS PB80-220 841, Federal Highway Administration, November. Bergsman, K.H., 1994, Hanford Spent Fuel Inventory Baseline, WHC-SD-SNF-TI-001, rev. 0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Bergsman, K.H., 1995, Preliminary Hanford Technical Input for the Department ofEnergy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs Environmental Impact Statement, WHC-EP-0848, rev. 0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Bingham County, 1986, Bingham County Planning Handbook, Bingham County Planning Commission, Blackfoot, Idaho. Bingham County, circa 1992, General Purpose Financial Statements for Bingham County, Idaho, for Year Ended September 30, 1991, Blackfoot, Idaho. Bishop, C.W., 1991, Hydraulic Properties ofVesicular Basalt, master's thesis, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Reference No. Status* 141 319 43 105 1054 1209 173 257 278 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 9 Title Bishop, C.W., 1993, "Water Resources," in J.S. Irving, Environmental Resource Documentfor the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WM0-10279, vol. 1, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Bishop, C.W., A.H. Wylie, J.L. Mattick, 1992, Results ofPerched Water Aquifer Testing at the Test Reactor Area, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, EGG-WM-10014, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, January. Block, M., 1993, Project Engineer, Public Service Company of Colorado, Denver, Colorado, letter to H.K. Pippen, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Spent Fuel Cask Characteristics," January 24. Bobo, R., 1993, A Review ofthe Production, Use, andDisposal ofGroundwater and Generation, Storage, andProcessing ofRadioactive Liquid Waste at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, INEL Oversight Program Technical Report 93-03, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. Bonneville County Planning Commission, 1976, Bonneville County Comprehensive Plan, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. Bonneville County Planning Commission, 1995, Bonneville County Comprehensive Plan, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January. Bowdle, K., 1994, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee, personal communication with K. Landkrohn, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Water Resources Information," May 20. Bowman, A., 1994, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, memorandum to M. Willcox, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Aquifer Consequences Due to ICPP Tank Rupture," ALB-01-94, January 17. Bowman, A.L., 1995, INEL Seismic and Volcanic Hazards Maps, Engineering Design File SNF-EIS-0001-95, rev. 2, Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February 14. Reference No. Status* 132 531 1016 528 891 1164 740 174 1067 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 10 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Boyle, J.W., R. Blumberg, S.J. Cotter, G.S. Hill, C.R. Kerley, R.H. Ketelle, D.W. Lee, R.L. Kroodsma, R.C. Martin, R.D. Roop, D.N. Secora, W.P. Staub, R.E. Thoma, 1982, Environmental Analysis ofthe Operation ofOak Ridge Laboratory (X-10 Site), ORNL-5870, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Bradburn, D., 1994, Martin Marietta Energy System, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee, personal communication with J.R. Schinner, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Forest Management on the Oak Ridge Reservation," May 4. Braun, J., 1993, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, personal communication with M. Fikel, Science Applications International Corporation, Boise, Idaho, September 8. Braun, J.B., S.J. Miller, B.L. Ringe, 1993, Historically Significant Scientific and Technical Facilities at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-CS-10699, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Brenk, H.D., J.E. Fairobent, E.H. Markee Jr., 1983, "Transport ofRadionuclides in the Atmosphere," in J.E. Till and H.R. Meyer (eds.), Radiological Assessment-A Textbook on Environmental Dose Analysis, NUREG/CR-3332, ORNL-5968, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D. C. British Nuclear Fuels, Ltd., 1994, "UK Based Processing as a Spent Fuel Management Option for U.S. DOE," Washington, D.C., May. Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1989, Site Report for Calendar Year 1988, Safety and Environmental Protection Division, Upton, New York, June. Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1990, Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1989, Safety and Environmental Protection Division, Upton, New York, December. Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1992, Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1990, Safety and Environmental Protection Division, Upton, New York, January. Reference ~o. Status* 673 672 266 101 1165 556 25 24 23 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1992, Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1991, Safety and Environmental Protection Division, BNL-52347, DOE-12082(91), prepared for the U.S. Department ofEnergy, Upton, New York, September. Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1993, Brookhaven National Laboratory 1993 Technical Site Information Document, prepared for the U.S. Department of Energy, Upton, New York. Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1993, Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1992, Safety and Environmental Protection Division, Upton, New York, May. Brooks, RD., 1993, Savannah River Archaeology Research Program, South Carolina Institute ofArchaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, personal communication with L.S. Moore, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Aiken, South Carolina, November 15. Brooks, RD., 1994, Savannah River Archaeology Research Program, South Carolina Institute ofArchaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, personal communication with L.S. Moore, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Aiken, South Carolina, January 24. Bross, I.D. and N.S. Bross, 1987, "Do Atomic Veterans Have Excess Cancer? New Results Correcting for the Healthy Soldier Bias," American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 126, no. 6, pp. 1042-1050. Brott, C.A., D.D. Blackwell, J.P. Ziagos, 1981, "Thermal and Tectonic Implications ofthe Heat Flow in the Eastern Snake River Plain," Idaho, Journal of Geophysical Research, 86, pp. 11709-11734. Brown, D., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, memorandum to D. Hoel, Department ofEnergy, Office of Spent Fuel Management, Washington, D.C., regarding "Changes to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Department ofEnergy Spent Nuclear Fuel," December 12. June 1, 1995 Page 11 Reference No. Status* 918 1089 22 72 73 572 c 326 c 1124 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Page 12 Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Reference No. Status* 1014 personal communication with C. Schwartz, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Employment Requirements at ORR," April 7. Brown, D., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, Brown, D., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, 669 personal communication with D. Olson, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Verification of Calendar Year 1992 Y-12 Plant Waste Generation Information," May 24. Buckland, R.J., D.J. Kenoyer, D.H. Preussner, 1993, Idaho National Engineer-842 ing Laboratory D&D Long-Range Plan, EGG-WM-10924, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. Buhlmann, K.A. and J.C. Ludwig, 1992, A Natural Heritage Resources Inven-193 tory and Biological Assessment ofthe Naval Weapons Station, Yorktown, Department ofthe Navy, Yorktown, Virginia, Natural Heritage Technical Report 92-18, Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage, Richmand, Virgina, March 31. Building Seismic Safety Council, 1991, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction 1147 Program (NEHRP) Recommended Provisionsfor the Development ofSeismic Regulations for New Buildings, Part 2: Commentary, Building Seismic Safety Council, Washington, D.C. Bureau ofLand Management, 1984, Medicine Lodge Resource Management 138 Plan Environmental Impact Statement, draft, U.S. Department oflnterior, Idaho Falls District, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Bureau ofLand Management, 1986, Final Environmental Impact Statement 247 Eastern Idaho Wilderness Study, U.S. Department oflnterior, Idaho Falls District, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Butte County, 1976, Butte County, Idaho, County Comprehensive Plan, Butte 161 County Planning Resources Board, Arco, Idaho. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Caldwell, C.G., D.B. Kelley, C.W. Heath Jr., 1980, "Leukemia Among Participants in Military Maneuvers at a Nuclear Bomb Test, A Preliminary Report," Journal ofthe American Medical Association, vol. 244, no. 14, pp. 1575-1578. Callis, R.S., 1987, Radiological Surveys ofthe Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard andEnvirons, EPA 520/5-87-010, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofRadiation Programs, June. Campbell, N.P., 1989, "Structural and Stratigraphic Interpretation ofRocks Under the Yakima Fold Belt, Columbia Basin, Based on Recent Surface Mapping and Well Data," Special Paper 239, Geological Society ofAmerica, Boulder, Colorado. Carelli, J., 1993, "Response to Spent Fuel Questionnaire for INEL EIS-Part I and II," Brookhaven National Laboratories, Upton, New York, November 8. Carter, C., 1994, "A Review ofthe International Applications ofthe Modular Dry Vault Store," Proceedings ofthe INMM (Institute for Nuclear Materials Management) Spent Fuel Management Seminar XI, Washington, D.C., January 26-28. Cartwright, J.V., R.M. Beemiller, RD. Gustely, 1981, "RIMS II, Regional Input-Output Modeling System," machine-readable regionalized inputoutput multipliers for the INEL region ofinfluence, U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau ofEconomic Analysis, Washington, D.C. Casarett, A.P., 1968, Radiation Biology, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Case, J., W. House, P. Austin, 1990, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Groundwater Protection Management Plan, DOEIID-10274, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May. June 1, 1995 Page 13 Reference ~o. Status* 944 c 191 351 c 570 557 912 R 574 535 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 14 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Cashwell, C.E. and J.D. McClure, 1992, "Transportation Accidents/Incidents Involving Radioactive Materials (1971-1991)," presented at PATRAM '92, 1Oth International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials, September 13-18, Yokohama City, Japan. Cashwell, J.W., K.S. Neuhauser, P.C. Reardon G.W. McNair, 1986, Transportation Impacts ofthe Commercial Radioactive Waste Management Program, SAND85-2715, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April. Cecil, L.D., B.R. Orr, T. Norton, S.R. Anderson, 1991, Formation ofPerched Groundwater Zones and Concentrations ofSelected Chemical Constituents in Water, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, 1986-88, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 91-4166, DOE/ID-22100, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. Cecil, L.D., J.R. Pittman, T.M. Beasley, R.L. Michel, P.W. Kubik, P.Sharma, U. Fehn, HE. Gove, 1992, "Water Infiltration Rate in the Unsaturated Zone at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Estimated from Chlorine-36 and Tritium Profiles, and Neutron Logging," in Proceedings ofthe 7th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, Park City, Utah, July 13-18. Center for Business and Economic Research, 1992, Economic and Demographic Projections for Major Water Purveyors in Southern Nevada: 1990-2030, Las Vegas, Nevada, October. Center for Population Research and Census, 1993, Provisional Projections of the Population ofOregon and its Counties 1990-2010, School ofUrban and Public Affairs, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon. Chappell, C.R., 1994, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., letter to D.W. Warembourg, Public Service Company ofColorado, Platteville, Colorado, transmitting "Certificate of Compliance for Radioactive Materials Packages, No. 9253, Rev. No. 0, for the Model No. TN-FSV package," June 15. Reference ~o. Status* 543 109 123 277 575 379 1105 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite ·obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 15 Reference Title No. Status* Chatters, J.C., 1982, "Prehistoric Settlement and Land Use in the Dry Columbia 3 80 Basin," Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 16, pp. 125-147. Chatters, J.C. (ed.), 1989, Hanford Cultural Resources Management Plan, 361 PNL-6942, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Chatters, J.C. and H.A. Gard, 1992, Hanford Cultural Resources Laboratory 401 Annual Reportfor Fiscal Year 1991, PNL-8101, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Chatters, J.C. and N.A. Cadoret, 1990, Archaeological Survey ofthe 200-East 381 and 200-West Areas, Hanford Site, Washington, PNL-7264, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Chatters, J.C., H.A. Gard, M.K. Wright, M.E. Crist, J.G. Longenecker, 370 T.K. O'Neil, M.V. Dawson, 1993, Hanford Cultural Resources Laboratory Annual Reportfor Fiscal Year 1992, PNL-8676, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Chatters, J.C., H.A. Gard, P.E. Minthom, 1991, Hanford Cultural Resources 399 Laboratory Annual Reportfor Fiscal Year 1990, PNL-7853, UC-600, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington, November. Chatters, J.C., H.A. Gard, P.E. Minthorne, 1992, Fiscal Year 1991 Report on 390 Archaeological Surveys ofthe 100 Areas, Hanford Site, Washington, PNL-8143, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Chatters, J.C., N.A. Cadoret, P.E. Minthom, 1990, Hanford Cultural Resources 400 Laboratory Annual Reportfor Fiscal Year 1989, PNL-7362, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Chew, E.W. and R. G. Mitchell, 1988, The Idaho National Engineering Labora-915 tory Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1987, DOE/ID-12082(87), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 16 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Chowlewa, A.F. and D.M. Henderson, 1984, Survey andAssessment ofthe Rare Vascular Plants ofthe Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/ID-12100, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Christian, J. and G.P. Kessinger, 1994, "A Dry Chloride Volatility Concept for Processing Spent Nuclear Fuels," Proceedings ofSpectrum '94: International Nuclear andHazardous Waste Management, Atlanta, Georgia, August 14-18. City ofldaho Falls, 1989, The Zoning Ordinance ofthe City ofldaho Falls, Ordinance No. 1941, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May. City ofldaho Falls, 1992, Comprehensive Planfor the Year 2000, Division of Planning and Building, Idaho Falls, Idaho. City of Oak Ridge, 1989, Comprehensive Plan Including 1988 Update, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, May. Clark County Regional Transportation Commission, 1992, Planning Variables Report: 1992, Clark County, Nevada, adopted December 10. Clark County, 1994, Clark County Planning and Zoning Ordinances and Interim Land Use Plan, Clark County Commission, Dubois, Idaho. Clark, L. Jr., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1981, letter to JR. Miller, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., regarding "SAR Revision No. 21 and License No. R-37 Amendment Request, Docket l." Clark, W.D., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, memorandum to D. Rosine, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, regarding "Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel to the Savannah River Site," received March 24. Clarke, R.K., J.T. Foley, W.F. Hartman, D.W. Larson, 1976, Severities of Transportations Accidents, Volume 1: Summary, SLA-74-001, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Reference No. Status* 540 558 90 167 661 576 1170 74 660 1113 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 17 Reference Title No. Status* Clawson, K.L., G.E. Start, N.R. Ricks, 1989, Climatography ofthe Idaho 323 National Engineering Laboratory, second edition, DOE/ID-12118, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, December. Claytor, R.A., 1992, U.S. Department ofEnergy, memorandum to 1177 H.R. O'Leary, Secretary, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., "Decision on Phaseout of Reprocessing at the Savannah River Site (SRS) and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL)," April28. Clean Air Act (CAA), 1990, 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq., as amended, PL 1001-549, 865 R November 15. Cleaves, J.E., 1991, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge Tennes-658 see, letter toT. Polecastro, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, regarding "Noise Levels at the Oak Ridge K-25 Site," October 14. Coats, D.W. and R. C. Murray, 1984, Natural Phenomena Hazards Modeling 663 Project: Seismic Hazard Models for Department ofEnergy Sites, UCRL-53582, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, November. Coch, N.K., 1971, Geology ofthe Newport News South andBowers Hill Quad-206 rangles, Virginia, Virginia Division ofMineral Resources, Report oflnvestigation 28, Charlottesville, Virginia. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1974, 40 CFR 141, "EPA National Primary Drink971 R ing Water Standards," Office ofFederal Register, Washington, D.C. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1977, 40 CFR 50, "National Primary and Second819 R ary Ambient Air Quality Standards," Office of the Federal Register, Washington, D.C., November. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1979, 10 CFR 1022, "Compliance with Floodplain/ 1204 R Wetlands Environmental Review Requirements," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 18 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Code ofFederal Regulations, 1985,49 CFR 171-175 and 177-178, "Transpor-815 R tation ofHazardous Materials," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., November 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1986, 10 CFR 50, "Appendix !-Numerical Guide 820 R for Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions for Operation to Meet the Criteria 'As Low As Is Reasonably Achievable' for Radioactive Material in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Effluents," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1986, 36 CFR 800, "Protection ofHistoric Prop-875 R erty," Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, September 2. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1986, 40 CFR 1502.22, "Environmental Impact 1203 R Statement, Incomplete or Unavailable Information," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1989, 40 CFR 61, Subpart H, "National Emission 814 R Standard for Emission ofRadionuclides other than Radon from Department ofEnergy Facilities." Code ofFederal Regulations, 1990, 40 CFR 51, "Requirements for Preparation, 880 R Adoption, and Submittal oflmplementation Plans," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., November. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CPR 50, "National Primary and Second-1199 R ary Ambient Air Quality Standards," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CFR 50, "National Ambient Air Quality 1205 R Standards," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CFR 141, "National Primary Drinking 146 R Water Regulations," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CFR 143, EPA "National Secondary 972 R Drinking Water Standards," Office ofFederal Register, Washington, D.C. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 19 Reference Title No. Status* Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CFR 257 and 258, "Solid Waste Disposal 883 R Facility Criteria: Final Report," Office ofFederal Register, Washington, D.C., October. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CFR 261, "Identification and Listing of 490 R Hazardous Waste," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 40 CFR 1500-1508, "Council on Environ-1246 R mental Quality Regulations," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1991, 49 CFR 100-177, "Transportation," Office 813 R ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., December 31. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 29 CFR 1910.95, "Occupational Noise 873 R Exposure," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 40 CFR 61, "National Emission Standards 878 R for Hazardous Air Pollutants," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 40 CFR 61.92, "National Emission Stand-823 R ards for Hazardous Air Pollutants," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992,40 CFR 81.313, "Protection oftheEnviron-877 R ment: Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Purposes-Idaho," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., revised July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 40 CFR 141, "National Primary Drinking 1012 R Water Regulations," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 40 CFR 261.33, Chapter 1, "Identification 817 R and Listing ofHazardous Waste," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 20 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Code ofFederal Regulation~, 1992, 40 CFR 3 02, Chapter 1, "Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notifications," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July II. 816 R I Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 40 CFR 355, Chapter 1, "Emergency Plan'ning and Notification," Office of the Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. 818 R Code ofFederal Regulations, 1992, 40 CFR 372, Chapter 1, "Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Con}munity Right to Know," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. 821 R Code ofFederal Regulations~ 1993, 10 CFR 51-199, "Energy," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washihgton, D.C., January 1. 812 R Code ofFederal Regulationsl1993, 10 CFR 72.214, "List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks," Nuclear Regulatory Commission, April30. I 810 R Code ofFederal Regulationsl1993, 10 CFR 100, "Reactor Site Criteria, Appendix A-Seismic and Ge~logic Setting Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. I 795 R Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 52.21, "Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. 712 R Code ofFederal Regulations; 1993, 40 CFR 81, "Attainment Status Designations, South Carolina," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C. I 781 R Code ofFederal Regulations] 1993, 40 CFR 81.329, "Designation of Areas for Air Quality Planning Pu~poses," Subpart C, Section 107, "Attainment Status Designations, Nevada," Pffice ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. I 800 R Code ofFederal Regulations) 1993, 40 CFR 100-149, "Protection ofthe Environment," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. ! 876 R *Documents marked "C" are cdpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included irl the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 21 Reference Title No. Status* Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 261.33, "Resource Conservation 998 R and Recovery Act (RCRA), Identification and Listing ofHazardous Waste," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 302, Table 302.4, "Comprehensive 497 R Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liablity Act, (CERCLA) Hazardous Substances, List ofHazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 355, Appendices A and B, "SARA 504 R Section 302, Lists ofExtremely Hazardous Substances and Their Threshold Planning Quantities," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993,40 CFR 372, "SARA Section 313 Toxic 492 R Chemicals," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 1508.8, "Effects," Council on Envi-805 R ronmental Quality, Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 1508.8-1508.14, "Council on 797 R Environmental Quality, Regulations on Implementing National Environmental Policy Act Procedures," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 40 CFR 1508.14, "Human Environment," 801 R Council on Environmental Quality, Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., July 1. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, SO CFR 17.11, Fish and Wildlife Service, 802 R "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered and Threatened Wildlife," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., August. Code ofFederal Regulations, 1993, 50 CFR 17.12, Fish and Wildlife Service, 808 R "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, Endangered and Threatened Plants," Office ofFederal Register, Washington, D.C., August. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 22 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Code ofFederal Regulations,! 1994, 40 CFR 61, Subpart H, "National Emission Standards for Emissions bfRadionuclides Other Than Radon from Department ofEnergy Facilities~" Office of the Federal Register, Washington, D.C. 1196 R Code ofFederal Regulations,! 1994, 10 CFR 71, "Packaging and Transportation ofRadioactive Material,'i Office ofthe Federal Register, January. 1206 R Code ofFederal Regulations,]1994, 49 CFR 177, "Carriage by Public Highway," Office ofthe Federal Register, Washington, D.C., October. ! Committee on Interagency R~diation Research and Policy Coordination, 1992, Science Panel Report Nd. 9, Use ofBEIR V and UNSCEAR 1988 in Radiation Risk Assessme~t. Lifetime Total Cancer Mortality Risk Estimates I at Low Doses and Low Dose Rates for Low-LET Radiation, Washington,I D.C., December. 1 1207 103 7 R ' I •Compton, B.B., 1994, Idaho pepartment ofF1sh and Game, Pocatello, Idaho, personal communication with S.B. Enyeart, Science Applications International Corporatio~, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Wildlife/Train Collisions Contained in the Idaho Department ofFish and Game General Files," December 5. I 1163 Connors, B., West Valley Nublear Services Company, personal communication with T. Jentz, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Number ofP~rsonnel Onsite and Personnel Involved with Storage of SNF," Marchi 3. 1197 Conway, J.T., 1994, Chairmah, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, letter to H.R. O'Leary, Secretary; U.S. Department ofEnergy with attachment entitled "Recommendation 94-1 to the Secretary ofEnergy Pursuant to 42 U.S.C2286a(5) Ato~cEnergy Act of 1954 as Amended," May 26. 1217 I Cooney, F.M., D.B. Howe, IJ.J. Voight, 1988, Westinghouse Hanford Company Effluent Releases and Solid Waste Management Report for 1987: 200/600/1100 Areas, WHC-EP-0141, Westinghouse Hanford Company, 389 Richland, Washington. I *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included inlthe microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 23 Reference Title No. Status* Cornelius, K., 1993, Argonne, Illinois, letter and data to J. Medema, U.S. 547 Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Sizing/Emissions for INEL TSD Facilities for LL W," December 7. Craig, T.H., D.K. Halford, O.D. Markham, 1979, "Radionuclide Concentrations 283 in Nestling Raptors Near Nuclear Facilities," Wilson Bulletin, 91, pp. 71-77. Creed, B., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, memo-348 randum to distribution, "Non-Zero Source Term Maxima for Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Wet Transfer and Storage and Criteria Checklist Compliance," OPE-EIS-94.169, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 30. Croff, A.G., 1980, A User'sManualfor the ORIGEN2 Computer Code, A 1168 Revised and Updated Version ofthe Oak Ridge Isotope Generation and Depletion Code, ORNL-5621, ORNL/TM-7175, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July. Croff, A. G., 1980, ORIGEN2-A Revised and Updated Version ofthe Oak 96 Ridge Isotope Generation and Depletion Code, ORNL-5621, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July. Croff, A.G., 1983, "ORIGEN2: A Versatile Computer Code for Calculating the 505 c Nuclide Compositions and Characteristics ofNuclear Materials," Nuclear Technology, 62:335. Crouch, E.A.C. and R. Wilson, 1982, Risk/Benefit Analysis, Ballinger Publishing 946 c Company. Cruz, C., 1995, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Albuquerque Operations Office, 1195 personnal communication with T. Jentz, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Number ofPersonnel Involved with Storage of SNF," March 6. Cummins, C.L., D.K. Martin, J.L. Todd, 1991, Savannah River Site Environ-1051 mental Reportfor 1990, vols. I-11, WSRC-IM-91-28, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South Carolina. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 24 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Cunningham, M. and L. !Pounds, 1991, Resource Management Plan for the Oak Ridge Reservation, I volume 28: Wetlands on the Oak Ridge Reservation, ORNL/NERP-5, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December. I 656 Cunningham, M., L. PoJnds, S. Oberholster, P. Parr, L. Edwards, B. Rosensteel, L. Mann, 19r)3, Resource Management Plan for the Oak Ridge Reservation, Volume 29; Rare Plants on the Oak Ridge Reservation, ORNL/NERP-7, Oak Ri:dge National Laboratoy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 654 August. I I Cushing, C.E. and E.G. )Volf, 1984, "Primary Production in Rattlesnake Springs, a Cold Desert Spring-Stream," Hydrobiologia, 113:229-236. I I Cushing, C.E. (ed.), 1992, Hanford Site National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Characterization, PNL-6415, rev. 6, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. i 388 385 C Dahlberg, M.D. and D.C. Scott, 1971, "The Freshwater Fishes ofGeorgia," Bulletin ofthe Georgia Academy ofScience, 29, 1, pp. 1-64. 31 I Dames & Moore, 1992, Revised Draft Flood Evaluation Study, Radioactive Waste Management Complex, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, prepared for EG&G Idaho, Inc., by Dames & Moore, Denver, Colorado, July. ! 143 Dames & Moore, 1993, Wemedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Report for the Organic Contamination in the Vadose Zone~Operable Unit 7-08, Volume 1: Remedial Investigation, EGG-ER-10684, prepared for EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, ~daho, by Dames & Moore, Denver, Colorado. 1128 Dauble, D.D. and D.G. Watspn, 1990, Spawning and Abundance ofFall Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) in the Hanford Reach ofthe I Columbia River, 1948-1988, PNL-7289, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 367 Richland, Washington. Daugherty, RD., 1952, "Archaeological Investigations of O'Sullivan Reservoir, Grant County, Washington," American Antiquity 17:274-278. 362 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iri the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 25 Reference Title No. Status* Davis, C., 1994, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, personal communication 790 with P.R. Moore, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Aiken, South Carolina, June 1, 1994. Davis, J.D., D.B. Barnett, L.C. Swanson, W.J. McMahon, C.D. Palomares, 347 1993, Site Characterization Report: Results ofDetailedEvaluation ofthe Suitability ofthe Site Proposedfor Disposal of200 Area Treated Effluent, WHC-SD-EN-SE-004, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Den Beste, K. and L. 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Desert Research Institute, 1986, An Overview ofCultural Resources on Pahute 645 and Rainier Mesas on the Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada, Technical Report No. 45, Reno, Nevada. Desert Research Institute, 1986, Integrated Geochemical andHydraulic 646 Analyses ofNevada Test Site Ground Water Systems, Reno, Nevada, May. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 26 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* I Desert Research Institute, 1'])87, Cultural Resources Reconnaissance of 603 Frenchman Flat Radio4ctive Waste Site Expansion, SR111287-1, Reno, Nevada. · Desert Research Institute, 1~89, Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Short 602 I Report ofHazardous Waste Accumulation Facility, SR081889-1, Reno, I Nevada. ] I I Desert Research Institute, 1991, Cultural Resources Reconnaissance Short 601 Report of Three Primary Well Locations, Three Alternate Well Locations, One Trench Location, dnd Access Roads around the Radioactive Waste I Management Site, SR0~2091-1, Reno, Nevada. I Desert Research Institute, 1993, Groundwater Chemistry at the Nevada Test 600 I Site: Data and Preliminary Interpretations, DOE/NV/10845-16, Water Resources Center, Rend, Nevada, March. Diedikier, L.P., B.L. Cum, K. I Rhoads, E.G. Damberg, J.K. Soldat, S.J. Jette, 1234 1994, Radionuclide Air!Emissions Report for the Hanford Site Calendar Year 1993, DOEIRL-941-51, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland I Operations Office, Richland, Washington. I Dirkes, R.L., R.W. Hanf, R.~. Woodruff, R.E. Lundgren (eds.), 1994, Hanford 1053 Site Environmental Repprtfor Calendar Year 1993, PNL-9823, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Doell, R.R. and G.B. Dalrymple, 1973, "Potassium-Argon Ages and 280 Paleomagnetism ofthe Waianae and Koolau Volcanic Series, Oahu, Hawaii," U.S. Geologidtl Survey, Geological Society ofAmerica Bulletin, I '1 vol. 84, pp. 1217-1242,1 Apn. Doherty, D.J., 1979, "Drilling Data from Exploration Well 1, NE 1/4, Sec. 22, 226 T.2N., R.32E., Binghani County, Idaho," U.S. Geological Survey Open-File I Report 79-1225, Idaho falls, Idaho, 1 sheet. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ib the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe documdnt. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 27 Reference Title No. Status* Doherty, D.J., 1979, "Drilling Data from Exploration Well2-2a, NW 1/4, Sec 228 15, T.5N., R.31E., Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Butte County, Idaho," U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-851, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1 sheet. Doherty, D.J., L.A. McBroome, M.A. Kuntz, 1979, "Preliminary Geological 224 Interpretation and Lithologic Log of the Exploratory Geothermal Test Well (INEL-1), Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho," U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 79-1248, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Domenico, P.A. and F.W. Schwartz, 1990, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeol522 c ogy, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Doty, S.R., B.L. Wallace, G.C. Holzworth, 1976, A Climatological Analysis of 293 Pasquill Stability Categories Based on "STAR" Summaries, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Service, National Climatic Center, Asheville, North Carolina, April. Draney, Searle & Associates, 1992, Jefferson County General Purpose Finan-294 cia! Statements and Supplementary Information with Independent Auditors Reportfor Year Ended September 30, 1991, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 8. Drever, J.I., 1988, The Geochemistry ofNatural Water, second edition, Engle523 c wood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Driscoll, F. G., 1986, Groundwater and Wells, second edition, St. Paul, Minne145 c sota: Johnson Filtration Systems, Inc. Drucker, P., 1948, Appraisal ofthe Archeological Resources ofthe McNary 407 Reservoir, Oregon-Washington, report on file, Columbia Basin Project, River Basin Survey, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Dukes, E.K., 1984, The Savannah River Plant Environment, DP-1642, E.I. du 81 Pont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Aiken, South Carolina. Duncan, F., 1990, Rickover and the Nuclear Navy: The Discipline ofTechnol941 c ogy, The United States Naval Institute. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 28 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title I Dunn Geoscience Corporation, 1974, Geology, Structure, and Stratigraphy of Canajoharie Shale and '~Pleistocene Deposits, prepared by Dunn Geoscience Corporation for Ralph M. Parsons Co., ofLos Angeles, California, March 4. Dunn Geoscience Corporatiln, 1975, Detailed Hydrological Survey ofKessel l ring Site, West Milton, New York, April30. I Dunn Geoscience Corporati~m, 1985-1986, Phase 1: Hydrogeologic Investigation ofthe Knolls Atomtc Power Laboratory Kesselring Site, West Milton, I Saratoga County, New York, September 23, 1985; Phase 2: Hydrogeologic Investigation ofthe Shdllow Water Table Aquifer, February 7, 1986; Phase I 3: Investigation ofthe EJeep Production Wells, March 18, 1986. I I Durant, W.S., W.D. GallowAy, P.R. Pritchard, B.M. Legler, 1987, 200-Area Fault Tree Data Bank.~J987Status Report, DPST-88-24S, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina. E. D' Appolonia Consulting ~ngineers, 1974, Fracture Zone Report, prepared for Ralph M. Parsons Co. ofLos Angeles, California, March. E. D'Appolonia Consulting :p:ngineers, 1974, Report Foundation Engineering Investigation, S8G Plant Support Building, Kesselring Site, West Milton, New York, prepared foriRalph M. Parsons, Co., ofLos Angeles, California, November. I E. D' Appolonia Consulting Engineers, 1981, Geotechnical Site Investigation, Kesselring Site, West Milton, New York, E. D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers ofPittsburgh: Pennsylvania, Project #80-13 8, September. E.l. duPont de Nemours & ~ompany, Inc., 1983, Safety Analysis-200-Area, Savannah River Plant, F-Canyon Operations, DPSTSY-200-1F, Savannah River Laboratory, Aikeh, South Carolina. E.I. duPont de Nemours & !company, Inc., 1983, Safety Analysis-200-Area, I Savannah River Plant, I,f-Canyon Operations, DPSTSY-S00-1H, vol. 2, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina. I ! Reference No. Status* 198 209 217 854 296 250 258 850 849 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included fu the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documJ:nt. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement June 1, 1995 Page 29 Title Reference No. Status* E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., 1983, Safety Analysis-200 Area, Savannah River Plant, Separations Area Operations, Receiving Basin for O.ffsite Fuel (Sup. 3), DPSTSA-200-10-3, Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina. 765 E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., 1983, Safety Analysis-200 Area, Savannah River Plant, Receiving Basin for O.ffsite Fuel (RBOF), DPSTSA-200-10-3, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina. 582 E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., 1983, Technical Summary of Groundwater Quality Protection Program at Savannah River Plant, DPST-83-829, vol. 1, E.J. Christensen and D.E. Gordon (eds), Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina. 750 E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., 1989, Safety Analysis-200 Area, Savannah River Site Separations Area Operations, Building 221F, B-Line, Plutonium Storage Facility, DPSTSA-200-10-19, Aiken, South Carolina. 847 East Tennessee Development District, 1993, "Economic Statistics," Knoxville, Tennessee, Summer. 723 Eberhardt, L.E., E.E. Hanson, L.L. Cadwell, 1982, Analysis ofRadionuclide Concentrations andMovement Patterns ofHanford Site Mule Deer, PNL-4420, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 357 Eberhardt, L.E., J.E. Hedlund, W.H. Rickard, 1979, Tagging Studies ofMule Deer Fawns on the Hanford Site, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 340 Eberhardt, L.E., L.L. Caldwell, 1984, "Movement and Activity Patterns ofMule Deer in the Sagebrush-Steppe Region," J. Mammal., 65(3):404-409. 943 c Eckel, E.B. (ed.), 1968, "Nevada Test Site," Memoir 110, The Geologic Society of America, Inc., Boulder, Colorado. 647 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 30 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Ecology & Environment, Ind., 1993, "Air Quality Impact Assessment of Construction and Mobilb Sources at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory," report trarlsmitted to R.W. Russell, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operatiohs Office, December 29. I Ecology & Environment, Ind., 1994, "Baseline Air Toxics Impact Assessment of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory," report transmitted to R.W. Russell, U.S. Depkrtment ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Janu ' ary 29 (with supplemental update on March 16). I Edwards, D.D., R.C. Bartholomay, C.M. Bennett, 1990, Nutrients, Pesticides, I Surfactant and Trace Metals in Groundwater from the Howe andMud Lake Areas Upgradient from ·~the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey,Open-File Report 90-565, DOE/ID-22093, U.S. Department ofEnergy, ldaho Falls, Idaho. I EG&G Energy Measurements, 1991, Pre-Activity Survey Report for Proposed I Wells and Trenches at RWMS, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 30. EG&G Energy Measuremenls, 1993, Pre-Activity Survey Report for GCP Wells ER-5-1, Las Vegas, Ne~ada, November 18. I EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1984, IN,EL Environmental Characterization Report, EGG-NPR-6688, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1993, Generic Reactor Plant Description and Source Terms, Addenda I and II, Adaptionsfor Siting the Heavy-Water Reactor (HWR) and Light-Water Reactor (LWR) at the INEL, EGG-NPR-8522, vol. II, rev. A, Idaho Falls, Idaho, April. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1993, "INEL Composite Statistical Summary, Safety Performance Measurement System," Idaho Falls, Idaho. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1993, "One Line Description ofiNEL Lost Workday Cases 1987 to 1991," data sheet, Safety Performance Measurement System, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Reference ~o. Status* 934 933 166 649 648 841 844 508 507 I *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included u!t the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 31 Reference Title No. Status* EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1993, ProjectediNEL Waste Inventories, 4 ER&WM-EDF-0015-93, rev. 6a, November 24, 1993, Idaho Falls, Idaho. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1993, "Response to Special Request for INEL Illness 521 Descriptions by Contractor 1987 to 1991," data sheet, Safety Performance Measurement System, Idaho Falls, Idaho. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1993, "Response to Special Request for INEL Performance 506 Data and Graphs, Injury, Property, and Vehicle," Safety Performance Measurement System, Idaho Falls, Idaho. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1994, INEL Gravel/Borrow Resource and Compliance 1239 Assessment, EGG-FM-11261, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May 16. EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1994, Safety Analysis Reportfor the Radioactive Waste 1149 Management Complex at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WM-10881, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May. Elder, J.C., J.M. Graf, J.M. Dewart, T.E. Buhl, W.J. Wenzel, L.J. Walker, 102 A.K. Stoker, 1986, A Guide to Radiological Accident Considerations for Siting and Design ofDOE Nonreactor Nuclear Facilities, LA-1 0294-MS, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, January. Elle, D.R., 1992, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, Las 652 Vegas, Nevada, letter to J. Chaconas, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Biological Resources Information for the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Nuclear Weapons Complex Reconfiguration," February 19. Emery, R.M. and M. McShane, 1980, "Nuclear Waste Ponds and Streams on the 356 c Hanford Site: An Ecological Search for Radiation Effects," Health Physics 38:787-809. Emlen, S.T., 1984, "Cooperative Breeding in Birds and Mammals," chapter 12 in 273 c Behavioral Ecology: an Evolutionary Approach, second edition, J.R. Krebs and N.B. Davies (eds.), Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 32 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* 590 Nevada Test Site MercJry, Nevada, Pasadena, California, November 30. Engineering Science, Inc., 1~90, Project Report ofAir Quality Study at the ! Environmental Protection A~ency, 1989, Risk Assessments, Environmental Impact Statement, NESJtAPSfor Radionuclides, Background Information Document, see U.S. Enyironmental Protection Agency, 1989, Risk Assessments, Environmental Impact Statement, NESHAPS for Radionuclides, Background Informatio~ Document. I Enyeart, T., 1994, Maximurh Reasonably Foreseeable Accidentsfor Offsite 1034 I Transportation ofSpent Nuclear Fuel, EIS-TRANS-34, rev. 1, Science Applications Internatiorlal Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. I Enyeart, T., 1994, Maximum Reasonably Foreseeable Accidentfor Onsite 1035 Transportation ofSpent Nuclear Fuel at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EIS-TRANS-35, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Fall~, Idaho, August 24. Ertec Northwest, Inc., 1981; A Cultural Resources Overview and Scenic and 393 Natural Resources Ass~ssmentfor the Skagit-Hanford Nuclear Power Project, Seattle, Washington. Ertec Northwest, Inc., 1982; Cultural Resources Survey andExploratory Exca-395 vationsfor the Skagit-Hanford Nuclear Power Project, Seattle, Washington. Estes, M., A.L. Lundahl, S. Williams, K. Fischer, 1995, Water Resources Sup-936 porting Documentfor the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory ER&WM EIS, EIS-W ATER-0 10 i, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, April 7. Evenson, L.M., 1981, Systemic Effects ofRadiation Exposure on Rodents 304 Inhabiting Liquid and Solid Radioactive Waste Disposal Areas, master's thesis, University oflda~o, Moscow, Idaho, April. I 763 form Crime Reports: C1ime in the United States, August 11. Federal Bureau oflnvestiga~ion, U.S. Department ofJustice, 1991, 1990 Uni *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documJnt. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 33 Title Federal Interagency Committee on Noise, 1992, Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department ofTransportation, Washington, D.C., August. Federal Register, 1986, 51 FR 185, "Guideline for Health Risk ofChemical Mixtures, Environmental Protection," September 24, p. 34014. Federal Register, 1990, 55 FR 35, "Notice to Review, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, Plant Taxa Candidate Review for Listing as Threatened or Endangered," Department oflnterior, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Wednesday February 21, pp. 6184-6229. Federal Register, 1990, 55 FR 204, "Notice oflntent to Prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on the Department OfEnergy's Proposed Integrated Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Program, and to Conduct Public Scoping Meetings," U.S. Department ofEnergy, October 22, pp. 42633-42638. Federal Register, 1991, 56 FR 98, "Preamble to Standards for Protection Against Radiation," U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, p. 23363. Federal Register, 1991, 56 FR 138, "National Primary Drinking Water Regulations; Radionuclides, Notice ofProposed Rulemaking," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., July 18, pp. 33050-33127. Federal Register, 1991, 56 FR 194, "Sole Source Designation ofthe Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer, Southern Idaho: Final Determination," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, October 7, pp. 50634-50638. Federal Register, 1991, 56 FR 225, "Notice ofReview, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, Animal Candidate Review for Listing as Threatened or Endangered," Department oflnterior United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Thursday, November 21, pp. 58804-58836. Federal Register, 1991, 56 FR 9701, "Memorandum ofUnderstanding Between Department ofEnergy and the Department ofHealth and Human Services," March 7. Reference No. Status* 95 867 R 1192 R 796 R 1047 R 146 R 914 R 804 R 1237 R *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 34 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* i Federal Register, 1992, 57 FR 175, "Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges Assodiated with Industrial Activity," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, September 9, pp. 41236-41342. 510 R I Federal Register, 1992, 57 FR 175, "Final NPDES General Permits for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Sites," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, pp. 41176-41233, September 9. 520 R I Federal Register, 1992, 57 FR 193, "Notice oflntent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Activities ~t the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory," U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October 5,pp.45773-45778. 300 R i Federal Register, 1993, 58 FR 11, Table I to Section 68.130, January 19. 822 R I Federal Register, 1993, 58 FR 231, "Office ofEnvironmental Equity Grants Program: Solicitation Nbtice for Fiscal Year 1994, Environmental Justice Grants to Community Groups," U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, December 3, p. 63955. I 1190 R Federal Register, 1994, 59 FR 20, Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 9 and 68, "List ofRegulated Substances and Thresholds for Accidental I Release Prevention and Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accident Release Prevention; Final Rule and Notice," January 31, pp. 4478-4501. 480 R I Federal Register, 1994, 59 FR 32, Executive Order 12898, "Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations," White House Office, February 16, p. 7629. 1216 R I Fidell, S., D. Barber, and T. Schultz, 1989, Updating a Dosage-Effect Relationship for the Prevalence ofAnnoyance Due to General Transportation Noise, HSD-TR-89-009J Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, U.S. Air 63 Force, Noise and Sonic Boom Impact Technology. I Fielder, G., 1975, Cultural Resource Survey ofthe Exxon Nuclear Facility, University ofTennessee,l Knoxville Tennessee, May. 762 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included i~ the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Fiori, M.P., 1995, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, letter to all contractor and subcontractor employees regarding "Employee Meeting on the Savannah River Site, Worker 1995 and Community Transition Plan," February 17. Fischer, L.E., C.K. Chou, M.A. Gerhard, C.Y. Kimura, R.W. Martin, R.W. Mensing, M.E. Mount, M.C. Witte, 1987, Shipping Container Response to Severe Highway and Railway Accident Conditions, NUREG/CR-4829, UCID-2073, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, February. Fitzpatrick, F.C., 1982, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Datafor Safety Analysis Reports, ORNL/ENG/TM-19, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, December. Flanagan, G.F., 1994, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, memorandum to J. Maltese, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Definition ofBeyond-the-Design-Basis Event for the High Flux Isotope Reactor for Use in the Spent Nuclear Fuel Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, No-Action Alternative," May 27. Fort St. Vrain, 1990, ISFSI (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation) Environmental Report, rev. 0, Fort St. Vrain, Denver, Colorado, June 22. Fort St. Vrain, 1990, ISFSI (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation) Safety Analysis Report, rev. 0, Fort St. Vrain, Denver, Colorado, June 22. Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry, 1979, Groundwater, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Freund, G., 1994, High-Level Liquid Waste and Calcine Volume Calculations, EDF-94-HLW-0103, see Freund, G., 1995. Freund, G., 1995, High-Level Liquid Waste and Calcine Volume Calculations, EDF-94-HLW-0103, rev. 1, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February 7. June 1, 1995 Page 35 Reference No. Status* 176 761 1064 30 26 524 c 1095 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 36 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Fritts, S., 1994, Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 760 memorandum to HallibJrton NUS Spent Nuclear Fuels EIS Team regarding I "Requests for Data," March 18. Fritzner, R.E. and R.H. Grat, 1991, "The Status, Distribution, and Ecology of 483 C Wildlife on the U.S. DdE Hanford Site: A Historical Overview ofResearch Activities," Environ. Manit. Assess., 18:173-202. I . Fulton, J.C., 1994, Hanford!Spent Nuclear Fuel ProJect, Recommended Path 1084 I • Forward, WHC-EP-0830, rev. 0, Westmghouse Hanford Company, I Richland, Washington, October, vol. I, Recommended Path Forward: I vol. II, Alternatives anq Path Forward Evaluation. Gaia Northwest, Inc., 1988, 1Drinking Water Consumption andAlternative 310 Sourcesfor the Eastern: snake River Plain, Idaho, Seattle, Washington, November. Gaines, W.E., 1987, Secondary Production ofBenthic Insects in Three Cold 368 Desert Streams, PNL-6286, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Ganti, C.S. and L.M. Krasner, 1984, Navy Fire RiskManagement: A Methodol860 c ogyfor Prioritizing Fire Protection Recommendations, Factory Mutual Research, Norwood, Massachusetts, September. I Gantt, D.A., 1989, Fuel Storage Facility Final Safety Analysis Report, 394 WHC-EP-0132, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. I Garabedian, S.P., 1986, Application ofa Parameter Estimation Technique to 175 Modeling the Regional !Aquifer Underlying the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, U.S. Geological[survey Water Supply Paper 2278, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Garabedian, S.P., 1989, see parabedian, S.P., 1992. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted~ documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docum6nt. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Garabedian, S.P., 1992, Hydrology and Digital Simulation ofthe Regional Aquifer System, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1408-F, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., 1993, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis DOE Hanford Site, Washington, WHC-SD-W236A-TI-002, rev. 0, prepared by Geomatrix Consultants, Inc., for Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Georgia Power Company, 1993, Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release ReportforJuly 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992, Vogtle Electric Generating Plant-Units 1 and 2. Geotrans, 1993, Groundwater Model Calibration and Review ofRemedial Alternatives at the F-and H-Area Seepage Basins, report provided as Appendix 16 in book 7 of7 ofWestinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, 1992 RCRA, Part B Permit Renewal Application, WSRC-IM-91-53, cited as Reference 42. Ghan, L. W., 1992, Bannock County, Idaho Comprehensive Annual Financial Reportfor the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 1991, Pocatello, Idaho, January 15. Gilbert, E.S., E. Omohundro, J.A. Buchananan, N.A. Holter, 1993, "Mortality of Workers at the Hanford Site: 1954-1986," Health Physics 64:577-590. Gilbert, H.K. and B.L. Ringe, 1993 Inventory ofKnown Historical Cultural Resources on the INEL and Preliminary Analysis ofHistoric Sensitivity, EGG-CS-10707, draft, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Glantz, C.S. and M.M. Islam, 1988, Data Collection Component ofthe Hanford Meteorology Monitoring Program, PNL-6684, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. June 1, 1995 Page37 Reference No. Status"' 437 1144 50 289 366 c 110 345 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 38 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title ~o. Status* Glantz, C.S. and P.J. PerraJit, 1991, Climatological Summary ofthe 300 Area 342 I for the 300-FF-1 Operable Unit Remedial Investigation, I WHC-SD-EN-TI-005, restinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. ' Glantz, C.S., M.N. Schwart~, K.W. Burk, R.B. Kasper, M.W. Ligotke, 344 P.J. Perrault, 1990, Climatological Summary of Wind and Temperature Datafor the Hanford Meteorology Monitoring Network, PNL-7471, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, ~chland, Washington. i Golder Associates, 1988, Well Logging and Geohydrologic Testing, Site Char-759 acterization and Grourldwater Flow Computer Model Application, vol. I of VI, 873-3512.26, Gold6r Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, May. I I Golder Associates, Inc., 1994, Assessment ofTrends in Groundwater Quality at 1119 the Idaho National Enli,ineering Laboratory, Report No. 933-1151, Idaho FaUs, Idaho, Septembe~7. Graham, M.J., M.D. Hall, S. Strait, W. Brown, 1981, Hydrology ofthe 445 Separations Area, RHO-ST-42, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. I I I Gray, P.B., R.J. Sterling, J.Ii>. Dalton, E.M. Steverson, 1993, An Applicationfor 1093 a State ofIdaho Permit1 to Construct an Air Pollution Source at the Idaho National Engineering !Jaboratory Power Burst Facility: The Waste Experimental Reduction Facility, EGG-ER&WM-10355, rev. 2, EG&G Idaho, Inc., June. · Gray, R.H. and D.D. Dauble, 1977, "Checklist and Relative Abundance ofFish 343 Species from the Hanford Reach ofthe Columbia River," Northwest Sci. 51:208-215. Greene, G.S., 1975, Prehistbric Utilization ofthe Channeled Scablands ofEast-446 ern Washington, Ph.D. dissertation, Department ofAnthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. I ! *Documents marked "C" are cbpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 39 Reference Title No. Status* Greengo, R.E., 1982, Studies in Prehistory: Priest Rapids and Wanapum Reser-448 voir Areas, Columbia River, Washington Department of Anthropology, University ofWashington, Seattle, Washington. Greger, P.D., 1991, Bird Listfor the Nevada Test Site, Base Environmental 642 Compliance and Monitoring Program, University of California, Los Angeles, Mercury, Nevada, July 18. Greger, P.D. and E. Romney, n.d.a., Wildlife Utilization ofNational Springs 641 andMan-Made Water Sources at the Nevada Test Site-Draft, Base Environmental Compliance and Monitoring Program, University of California, Los Angeles, Mercury, Nevada. Griggs, G.B. and J.A. Gilchrist, 1977, The Earth and Land Use Planning, 758 c Belmont, California: Duxberry Press, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc. Grove Engineering, Inc., 1988, Microshield Version 3 Manual, Rockville, 952 c Maryland, April. Hackett, W.R. and L.A. Morgan, 1988, "Explosive Basalic and Rhyolitic Vol-236 canism ofthe Eastern Snake River Plain," in Guidebook to the Geology of Central and Southern Idaho, P.K. Link and W.R. Hackett. (eds.), Idaho Geological Survey Bulletin, 27, pp. 283-301, Idaho Geological Survey, Moscow, Idaho. Hackett, W.R. and R.P. Smith, 1992, "Quantemary Volcanism, Tectonics, and 225 Sedimentation in the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Area," in J.R. Wilson ( ed. ), Field Guide to Geologic Excursions in Utah and Ac!Jac ent Areas ofNevada, Idaho, and Wyoming, Miscellaneous Publication 92-3, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, Ogden, Utah, pp. 1-18. Hadley, D.L, 1991, Air Quality Impact Analysis in Support ofthe New Produc-433 tion Reactor EIS, PNL-7682, UC-630, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Hajek, B.F., 1966, Soil Survey: Hanford Project in Benton County, Washington, 435 BNWL-243, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 40 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title I Hale, D. and E. Reutzel, 1993, Summary Engineering Description, Dry Storage Facility for Foreign Rekearch Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel, B430-93-076, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. Hale, D., 1994, DescriptionIofa Generic Spent Nuclear Fuel Infrastructure for the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, EGG-WM-11230, I EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 10. Halford, D.K. and O.D. MJkham, 1978, "Radiation Dosimetry of Small Mam 1 mals Inhabiting a Liquid Radioactive Waste Disposal Area," Ecology, 59, pp. 1047-1054. I Halford, D.K. and O.D. Markham, 1984, "Iodine-129 in Waterfowl Muscle from a Radioactive Leaching ]Pond Complex in Southern Idaho," Health Physics, 46, pp. 1259-1263. . Halliburton NUS Corporatidn, 1994, Transportation Radiological AnalysisProgrammatic Spent N~clear Fuel Management Environmental Impact Statement, Aiken, South Carolina. Halliburton NUS Corporatidn, 1995, Accident Analysis ofSpent Nuclear Fuel I Storage at the Oak Ridge Reservation and Nevada Test Site, Gaithersburg, Maryland, March. Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, 1992, Socioeconomic Characteristics ofSelected Counties and Communities Acijacent to Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Caro~ina, July. Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, 1992, Threatened, Endangered, and Candidate Plant and Animal Species ofthe Savannah River Site, Savannah River Center, [Aiken, South Carolina. Halliburton NUS Environmental Corporation, 1993, Computer printouts generated from the RegionaliEconomic Models, Inc. (REMI), Economic and Demographic Forecasting and Simulation Model for the SRS Region of Influence, Savannah Ri"'er Center, Aiken, South Carolina. Reference No. Status* 355 371 985 285 c 928 1137 57 80 1066 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iA the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht. I Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 41 Reference Title No. Status* Halverson, N.V., J.B. Gladden, M.W. Lower, H.E. Mackey, W.L. Specht, 94 E.W. Wilde (eds.), 1987, Comprehensive Cooling Water Study-Final Report, DP-1739, vols. 1-8, Savannah River Laboratory, E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Aiken, South Carolina. Hamby, D.M., 1993, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South 1075 Carolina, interoffice memorandum to C.B. Shedrow, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, regarding "Baseline Source Term for the SNF EIS." Hamby, D.M., 1994, Dose Calculations Supporting the Spent Nuclear Fuel EIS, 62 SRT-ETS-940007, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South Carolina. Hampton, N.L., R.C. Rope, J.M. Glennon, K.S. Moor, 1993, A Preliminary 1030 Survey ofDesignated Wetlands on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-EEL-10629, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Hampton, N.L., R.C. Rope, J.M. Glennon, K.S. Moor, 1995, A Preliminary Sur-1238 vey ofNational Wetlands on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, INEL-95/0101, Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Hardinger, D., 1990, Socioeconomic Database for Southeastern Idaho, 324 EGG-NPR-8759, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, April. Hardy, C.L., 1991, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge National 756 Laboratory, memorandum toR. Kroodsma, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, regarding "Observations ofNesting Black Vultures on the ORR," April 18. Hardy, C., L. Pounds, R. Cook, 1992, Results ofthe Y-12 Area Rare Plant and 757 Wetland Survey, Environmental Sciences Division, National Environmental Research Park, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January. Hargrove, J.T., 1993, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge National 755 Laboratory, memorandum to D.G. Abbott, EG&G Idaho Inc., regarding "Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spent Nuclear Fuel Data for the Department ofEnergy's Background Report and the Integrated Spent Nuclear Fuel Database System," August 11. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides infonnation that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 42 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Harlow, D., 1993, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Reno Field Office, letter to N. Aquilina, U.S. Depahment ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, regarding "Biological Opinion on Nevada Test Site Activities," May 20. Harr, E.C., 1994, Halliburtdn NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, memorandum to V. JoHnson, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Use ofF-Team Final Report Generic Facility Information," March 22. Hashimoto, P.S., 1988, Seikzic Evaluation ofWaste Tank Vaults at the Idaho I Chemical Processing Plant, EQE Engineering, prepared for Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Compan~, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. Hatcher, R.D. Jr., P.J. Lemi~zki, R.B. Dreier, R.H. Ketelle, R.R. Lee, D.A. Lietzke, W.M. MbMaster, J.L. Foreman, S.Y. Lee, 1992, Status Report on the Geology pfthe Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-12074, October. I Heiselmann, H.W., 1995, DOE Complex Wide Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipment Estimatesfor the DOE rprogrammatic SNFManagement EIS, I EIS-TRANS-20, rev. 2i Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Mar~h 3. I I Hem, J.D., 1989, Study and1 Interpretation ofthe Chemical Characteristics of Natura/Water, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2254, third edition, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. ! . Hendrickson, K.D., 1995, Site Services: Electric, Water, Waste Water, Dielsel, I Propane, Fuel Oil, and1Natural Gas, EIS-SERV-001, rev. 1, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January. ' Hendrix, C.E., 1994, Occuphtional Fatality Rates for the State ofIdaho, EDF-94-0CCUP-0110; Science Applications International Corporation, February 25. · Hendrix, C.E., 1994, Occup~tionalFatality Rates for the State ofIdaho, I January 17, see Hendrix, 1994, February 25. Reference No. Status* 643 640 1110 655 1158 79 1094 169 *Documents marked "C" are cppyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ill the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 43 Title Hewlett, R.G. and F. Duncan, 1974, Nuclear Navy, 1946-1962, Chicago: The University ofChicago Press. Hickey, E.E., G.A. Stoetzel, P.C. Olsen, S.A. McGuire, 1991, Air Sampling in the Workplace (draft report), NUREG-1400, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. Hoel, D.F., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Office of Spent Fuel Management, letter to D. Brown, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, regarding "Changes to the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Department ofEnergy's Spent Nuclear Fuel," December 19. Hoff, D.L., R.G. Mitchell, G.C. Bowman, R. Moore, 1990, The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1989, DOEIID-12082(89), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Environmental Sciences Branch, Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Hoff, D.L., R.G. Mitchell, L. Bingham, 1993, The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1992, DOE/ID-12082(92), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Hoff, D.L., R.G. Mitchell, R. Moore, 1989, The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1988, DOE/ID-12082(88), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Hoff, D.L., R.G. Mitchell, R. Moore, L. Bingham, 1992, The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1991, DOEIID-12082(91), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. Hoff, D.L., R.G. Mitchell, R. Moore, R.W. Shaw, 1991, The Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1990, DOE/ID-12082(90), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Reference No. Status* 940 c 434 1125 153 905 916 904 917 *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 44 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* i 785 Hoganson, M.N. and G.M. ,Miles, 1994, "Pollution Prevention at the Savannah River Site," in Proceedings of1994 Federal Environment Restoration III and Waste Minimizati9n II Conference and Exhibition, April 1994, New Orleans. i Hollingshead, D.H., Idaho Department ofWater Resources, Boise, Idaho, 1985, 1145 letter to J.D. Jensen, Big Lost River Irrigation District, Mackay, Idaho, regarding "Mackay Dain," April 20. i Holloman, W.D. and C.M. Motzko, 1992, Westinghouse Hanford Company 432 Performance Indicatofs, December 1991, WHC-SP-0440-39, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Ri9hland, Washington. I 427 Holloman, W.D. and C.M. Motzko, 1993, Westinghouse Hanford Company Performance Indicator~, December 1992, WHC-SP-0440-51, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Ridhland, Washington. I Holmes, M., 1995, Public s!ervice Company ofColorado, personal communica-1194 1 tion with T. Jentz, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, I regarding "Number ofPersonnel Onsite and Personnel Involved with Storage of SNF," March 2. i I I Holt, D.C., 1993, Brown & Root Environmental, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 754 "ORNL Research Readtor Responses to Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposition Questionnaire," November 9. Homann Associates, Inc., 1988, EP!code (Emergency Prediction Information) 19 Manual, Fremont, California. I Hubbell, J.M., 1990, Monitoring and Sampling Perched Ground Water in a 526 Basaltic Terrain, EGG~M-89411, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. I Hunter, R., K. Dyka, T. Webb, P. Hopkin, 1988, Status ofAstragalus Beatleyae 639 Populations on the Nevada Test Site in 1988. I *Documents marked "C" are bapyrighted; documents marked "R" ar,e readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iin the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement June 1, 1995 Page 45 Title Reference No. Status* Hunter, R.B., M.B. Saethre, P.A. Medica, P.D. Gregor, E.M. Romney, 1991, Biological Studies in the Impact Zone ofthe Liquefied Gaseous Fuels Spill Test Facility in Frenchman Flat, Nevada, DOE/NV/10630-15, Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Las Vegas, Nevada, January. 638 Idaho Department ofEducation, 1991, Public andNon-Public School Certified Personnel and Employees in Noncertified Positions 1990-1991, see Idaho Department ofEducation, 1991, Public School Certified Personnel and Employees in Noncertified Positions 1990-1991. Idaho Department ofEducation, 1991, Public School Certified Personnel and Employees in Noncertified Positions 1990-1991, Finance Division, Boise, Idaho, March. 833 Idaho Department ofHealth and Welfare, circa 1990, 1990 Hospital Utilization Report, Office ofHealth Policy and Rescue, Boise, Idaho. 242 Idaho Department ofHealth and Welfare, 1991, 1990 Idaho Air Quality Annual Report, Division ofEnvironmental Quality, Boise, Idaho. 889 Idaho Department ofHealth and Welfare, 1994, The 1994 Idaho Water Quality Status Report, Department ofEnvironmental Quality, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. 1121 Idaho Department ofHealth and Welfare, 1994, Revised Title 1, Chapter 1 Rules for the Control ofAir Pollution in Idaho, Division ofEnvironmental Quality, Boise, Idaho, August 18. 866 Idaho Department ofLaw Enforcement, 1991, Crime in Idaho, Bureau of Criminal Identification, Boise, Idaho. 832 Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, 1993, SARA Title III Report, NRFEM (EC)-186, January 4. 196 Idaho Power Company/U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1986, "Contract for Electric Service Between Idaho Power Company and United States Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office," Contract No. DE-AC07-86ID12588, effective date November 1. 103 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the micmfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 46 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title I Idaho State Department ofEmployment, 1986, Idaho Employment, vol. XXX, no. 4, Bureau ofReseatch and Analysis, Boise, Idaho, February. i Idaho State Department ofEmployment, 1991, Idaho Employment, vol. 3, no. 2, I Bureau ofResearch and Analysis, Boise, Idaho, February. I Idaho State Department ofEmployment, 1992, Idaho Employment, vol. 4, no. 2, I Bureau ofResearch and Analysis, Boise, Idaho, February-March. I Independent Technical Asse~sment Team, 1994, Dry Storage ofNReactor Fuel Independent Technical !Assessment, vols. I and II, MAC Technical Services Company, U.S. Departthent ofEnergy, Richland, Washington, September. I Institute ofTransportation Engineers, 1991, Trip Generation, fifth edition, Washington, D.C. International Atomic Energy Agency, 1988, Survey ofExperience with Dry Storage ofSpent Nuclear Fuel and Update of Wet Storage Experience, Topical Report No. 290, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. · ' I International Atomic Energy Agency, 1992, Effects ofIonizing Radiation on Plants and Animals at Levels Implied by Current Radiation Protection Standards, Technical R~port Series No. 332, Vienna, Austria. International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1974, Reference Man: Anatomical, Physiologital andMetabolic Characteristics, ICRP Publication 23, Oxford,[ England: Pergamon Press. International Commission o? Radiological Protection, 1977, Recommendations ofthe International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 30, Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. I International Commission oA Radiological Protection, 1977, Recommendations ofthe International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 26, vol, 1, no. 3, Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press. I Reference ~o. Status* 1107 1106 903 1043 1063 c 949 c 893 c 1032 c 991 c 784 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite I obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1977, Report ofthe Task Group on Reference Man, ICRP Publication 23, Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1979, Limitsfor Intakes of Radionuclides by Workers, ICRP Publication 30, Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1991, 1990 Recommendations ofthe International Commission ofRadiological Protection, Publication 60, Annals ofthe ICRP, 21, 1-3, Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press. International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1991, 1990 Recommendations ofthe International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 60, Oxford, England, see International Commission on Radiological Protection, 1991, 1990 Recommendations ofthe International Commission ofRadiological Protection, Publication 60, Annals ofthe ICRP, 21, 1-3, Elmsford, New York: Pergamon Press. International Conference ofBuilding Officials, 1991, Uniform Building Code, Whittier, California, May. International Technology Corporation, undated, Environmental Technology Development Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. International Technology Corporation, undated, Geotechnical Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Irving, J.S., 1993, Environmental Resource Document for the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WM0-10279, vol. 1, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Jablon, S., Z. Hrubec, J. Boice Jr., 1991, "Cancer in Populations Living Near Nuclear Facilities," Journal ofthe American Medical Association, vol. 265, no. 11, p. 1403, March 20. June 1, 1995 Page 47 Reference No. Status* 945 C 942 C 113 C 614 c 766 753 132 752 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 48 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Jackson, M.R., P.N. Middle~on, S.C. Minkin, B.L. Ringe, R.C. Rope, 1994, INEL Gravel Borrow Resources and Compliance Assessment (draft), EGG-FM-1126, May. I i Jackson, R.R. and G.L. Hanson, 1978, PWR Core 2 Project Accident Analysis, RHO-CD-296, RockwJH Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. i Jackson, S.M., 1985, "Acceleration Data from the 1983 Borah Peak, Idaho Earthquake Recorded ~t the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory," in Proceedings of WorksNpp XXVIII on the Borah Peak, Idaho, Earthquake, R.S. Stein and R.C. Buckham (eds.), U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 85-290, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, pp. 385-400. I I Jackson, S.M., I.G. Wong, G.S. Carpenter, D.M. Anderson, S.M. Martin, 1993, "Contemporary Seismicity in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, Based on I Microearthquake Monitoring," Bulletin ofthe Seismological Society of I America, 83, 3, pp. 680-695. Jaquis, R. and R. Bryce (edJ.), 1990, Hanford Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1989, PNL-7346,Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. I i Javitz, H.S., T.R. Lyman, C! Maxwell, E.L. Myers, C.R. Thompson, 1985, Transport ofRadioacti~e Material in the United States: Results ofa Survey to Determine the Magnitude and Characteristics ofDomestic, Unclassified Shipments ofRadioactive Materials, SAND84-7174, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April. I Jefferson County Planning Commission, 1988, Jefferson County, Idaho Compre- I hensive Plan, Rigby, Idiiho, May. ! Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District, 1990, District Five-Year Resource Conservation!Plan, 1990-1993, Rigby, Idaho. Jentz, T.L., 1993, Domestic ' Research Reactor Responses to Spent Nuclear Fuel 1 Disposition Questionnaire, 2Y99-SNF-008, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Reference No. Status* 922 430 284 222 c 377 919 89 900 592 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included i~ the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite • • I obtatmng a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Johnejack, K.R., L.G. Dever, L.J. O'Neill, D.O. Blout, M.J. Sully, S.W. Tyler, J. Chapman, D.F. Emer, D.P. Hammermeister, 1994, Significance ofWater Fluxes in a Deep Arid-Region Vadose Zone to Waste Disposal Strategies, Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Co., U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nev ada Operations Office, and Desert Research Institute, Las Vegas, Nevada. Johnson, C., 1994, State ofTennessee, Department ofTransportation, Nashville, Tennessee, letter to S. Varner, Brown & Root Environmental, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Highway Status Reports," April 5. Johnson, I., 1995, Science Applications International Corporation, Boise, Idaho, letter to K. Gunther, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Aiken, South Carolina, regarding "Revised Project Summary Data for SNF & INEL EIS Volume 1, Appendix B," February 23. Johnson, P.E., D.S. Joy, D.B. Clarke, J.M. Jacobi, 1993, HIGHWAY 3.1-An EnhancedHighway Routing Model: Program Description, Methodology, and Revised User's Manual, ORNL/TM-12124, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March. Johnson, P.E., D.S. Joy, D.B. Clarke, J.M. Jacobi, 1993, INTERLINE 5.0-An ExpandedRailroadRoutingModel: Program Description, Methodology, and Revised User's Manual, ORNL/TM-12090, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March. Johnson, V., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office F-Team Leader, memorandum to T. Wichmann, SNF and INEL EIS Project Manager, regarding "F-Team Final Report," Predecisional Draft, March 4. Jones, S., and S.J. Maheras, 1994, Summary ofDoses and Health Effects from Historical 0./fsite Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments to Hanford, EIS-TRANS-28, rev. 0, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 23. Jones, S. and S.J. Maheras, 1994, Summary ofDoses andHealth Effects from Historical 0./fsite Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments to Nevada Test Site, EIS-TRANS-31, rev. 0, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 22. June 1, 1995 Page 49 Reference No. Status* 637 751 1155 128 116 279 1024 1021 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 50 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title ~o. Status* Jones, S. and S.J. Maheras, j1994, Summary ofDoses and Health Effects from 1022 Historical O.ffsite Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments to Oak Ridge, EIS-TRANS-30, rev. o; Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Augl!st 23. I Jones, S. and S.J. Maheras, 1994, Summary ofDoses and Health Effects from 1023 Historical O.ffsite Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments to the Savannah River Site, EIS-TRANS-29, rbv. 0, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho) August 23. Jones, S.P., 1994, Doses anN Health Effects from INEL Onsite Incident-Free 7 I Transportation for Alternatives A, B, C, and D, EIS-TRANS-12, Science Applications Internatiortal Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January 5. I Kaleta, J.S., 1991, ChiefCounsel, Department ofTransportation, Research and 1154 Special Programs Admipistration, Washington, D.C., letter to S.H. Denny, Director, Transportatio~ Management Program, Office ofTechnology Development, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., regarding "Definition of 'public highway' in the context ofthe Hazardous Materials Transportation Act," April 23. Kaminsky, J.F., 1991, In Situ Characterization of Unsaturated Hydraulic Prop260 erties ofSurficial SediJents Adjacent to the Radioactive Waste Manage 1 ment Complex, Idaho N,ational Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, master's thesis, ISU-91-000, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. Kamrin, M.A., 1988, Toxicdlogy-A Primer ofToxicology Principles and Appli179 c cations, Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis Publishers, Inc. Keller, E.A., 1979, EnvironJnental Geology, second edition, Columbus, Ohio: 1087 c Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company. I ' Kennedy, R.P., S.A. Short, i.R. McDonald, M.W. McCann Jr., R.C. Murray, 157 J.R. Hill, 1990, Design bnd Evaluation Guidelines for Department of Energy Facilities Subje~ted to Natural Phenomena Hazards, UCRL-15910, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, June. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 51 Reference Title No. Status* Ketelle, R.H., 1982, Report on Preliminary Site Characterization ofthe West Chestnut Ridge Site, ORNL/NFW-82/21, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 26. Ketelle, R.H. and D.D. Huff, 1984, Site Characterization ofthe West Chestnut 767 Ridge Site, ORNL/TM-9229, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennesse. King, J.J., I. del C. Figueroa, J.M. McCarthy, Y. McClellan, 1992, Pit 9 Resid-1228 ual Risk Assessment, ERP-BWP-69, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 18. King, J.J., T.E. Doyle, S.M. Jackson, 1987, "Seismicity ofthe Eastern Snake 221 River Plain Region, Idaho, Prior to the Borah Peak, Idaho Earthquake: October 1972-0ctober 1983," Bulletin ofthe Seismological Society of America, volume 77, 3, pp. 809-818. Kitchings, K.T. and J.D. Story, 1984, Resource Management Plan for US. 769 Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Reservation, vol. 16, Appendix Q: Wildlife Management, ORNL 6026N16, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Klepper, E.L., L.E. Rogers, J.D. Hedlund, R.G. Schreckhise, 1979, Radioactiv-431 ity Associated with Biota and Soils ofthe 216-A-24 Crib, PNL-1948, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory, 1992, Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory Envi-241 ronmental Monitoring Reportfor Calendar Year 1992, KAPL 4754, Schenectady, New York. Knox, J.N. and R.R. Sharitz, 1990, Endangered, Threatened, and Rare Vascular 85 Flora ofthe Savannah River Site, Savannah River Site National Environmental Research Park, Publication SRO-NERP-20, Aiken, South Carolina. Koslow, K.N., 1984, Hydrological Characterization ofBirch Creek Basin, EGG-PBS-6782, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 52 Final Environmental Impact Statement I Title Koslow, K.N. and D.H. vaJ Haaften, 1986, Flood Routing Analysis for a Fail 1 ure ofMackay Dam, E9G-EP-7184, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. 1 Kouris, C., 1992, Ecology ahd Environment, Idaho Falls, Idaho, records ofpersonal communication ptovided to I. Johnson, Science Applications International Corporation, Portland, Oregon, regarding "Fire Protection Statistics." I Kouris, C., 1992, Ecology and Environment, Idaho Falls, Idaho, records of personal communication provided to I. Johnson, Science Applications International Corporation, Po~land, Oregon, regarding "Municipal Solid Waste Disposal." i Kramber, W.L., R.C. Rope, ]1. Anderson, J. Glennon, A. Morse, 1992, "Producing a Vegetation Map o(the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Using LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Data," in Proceedings ofASPRS 1992 Annual Meeting, Albuq~erque New Mexico, March. Krieger, H.W., 1928, "Prehilstoric Pithouse Village Site at Wahluke, Grant I County, Washington," lroceedings US. National Museum 73:1-29. Kroodsma, R.L., 1987, Resource Management Plan for the Oak Ridge I Reservation, vol. 24, Threatened and Endangered Animal Species, ORNL/ESH-1/V24, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, I January. 1 Kuntz, M.A., B. Skipp, M.A. Lanphere, W.E. Scott, K.L. Pierce, G. Dalrymple, L.A. Morgan, D.E. Champion, G.R. Embree, R.P. Smith, W.R. Hackett, D.W. Rodgers, 1990, Revised Geologic Map ofthe INEL andAdjoining Areas, Eastern Idaho, dompiled by W.R. Page, U.S. Geological Survey I Open-File Report 990-333, Idaho Falls, Idaho, scale 1:100,000. Kuntz, M.A., H.R. Covingtdn, L.J. Schorr, 1992, "An Overview ofBasaltic Volcanism ofEastern Snake River Plain, Idaho," in Regional Geology ofEastern Idaho and Western !Wyoming, P.K. Link, M.A. Kuntz, L.B. Platt (eds.), Memoir 179, Geologidl Society of America, pp. 227-267. I Reference No. Status* 219 838 839 910 376 770 229 246 c *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docum~nt. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title LaGrone, J., 1994, Manager, U.S. Department ofEnergy Oak Ridge Operations Office, memorandum to J. Wilcynski, Acting Manager, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office, regarding "Request for Support in Preparing the Spent Nuclear Fuel and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Enviornmental Impact Statement" (OPE.EIS 94.111), March 31. Landeen, D.S., A.R. Johnson, R.M. Mitchell, 1992, Status ofBirds at the Hanford Site in Southeastern Washington, WHC-EP-0402, rev. 1, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Lansing, K.A., T.L. Aldridge, D.S. Cunningham, D.A. Hammond, 1992, Westinghouse Hanford Company Health and Safety Report, 1991, WHC-SP-0564-24, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Las Vegas Review Journal, Nevada Development Authority, and First Interstate Bank ofNevada, 1993, Las Vegas Perspective, Nevada Development Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas Valley Water District, 1994, "Water Resources," Las Vegas, Nevada. Lee, R.R. and R.H. Ketelle, 1987, Stratigraphic Influence on Deep Groundwater Flow in the Knox Group Copper Ridge Dolomite on the West Chestnut Ridge Site, ORNL/TM-10479, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October. Lee, S.Y., D.A. Lietzke, R.H. Ketelle, J.T. Thomas, 1988, Soil and Surficial Geology Guidebook to the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, ORNL/TM-10803, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Leedom, S., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, Nevada, personnal communication with Mike Septoff, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Comments on Draft SNF EIS," May 25. June 1, 1995 Page 53 Reference No. Status* 374 375 636 c 1130 659 772 635 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expediteobtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 54 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Leenheer, J.A. and J.C. Bagby, 1982, Organic Solutes in Groundwater at the Idaho National Engine~ring Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File I Report 82-15, ID0-22f61, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. , Lehto, W.K., 1993, Idaho kational Engineering Laboratory Traffic and Transportation, ER&WM-EDF-0020-93, rev. 1, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, December 22. [ I Lehto, W.K., 1993, INEL Groundwater Source Term, ER&WM-EDF-0018-93, I EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 10. Lehto, W.K., 1994, Waste dndMaterials Transportation for Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Environmental Impact Statement Alternatives A-D, EIS-TRANS-27, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 22. I Leigh, 1., 1992, International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Fact Book, PNL-3594, rev. 12, Pacific Northw~st Laboratory, Richland, Washington, May. ! Leonard, P.R., 1993, "Air Resources," in Irving, J.S., 1993, Environmental Resource Document Jot the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, I EGG-WM0-10279, vol. 1, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Leonard, P.R., 1993, Estim~tedRadiological Doses Resulting from Airborne Radionuclide Release~by Facilities at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WTID-10676, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. 1 I I Leonard, P.R., 1992, Formal Documentation of1987-1991 INEL Wind Files Used in GENII, SEM-CX21-91-001, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, January 29. ! Leonard, P.R., 1994, Maximum Individual, Collocated Worker, and Population Doses from INEL Proposed Actions and No Action Sources, SNF&EIS-0003-94, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, February 2. I I Reference No. Status* 150 104 171 1027 906 132 100 1004 5 *Documents marked "C" are cbpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe docum6nt. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Leonhardy, F. and D. Rice, 1970, "A Proposed Culture Typology for the Lower Snake River Region, Southeastern Washington," Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, 4:1-29. Leppert, J., 1993, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, Nevada, communication to Julie Schilling, Halliburton NUS, Gaithersburg, Maryland regarding "Power and Water Data," December 10. Leppert, J., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, Las Vegas, Nevada, personal communication with K. Folk, Halliburton NUS, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Water Use," April 1. Liszewski, M.J. and L.J. Mann, 1992, Purgeable Organic Compounds in Groundwater at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho--1990 and 1991, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-174, DOE/ID-22104, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Litteer, D.L., V.C. Randall, A.M. Sims, K.A. Taylor, 1993, Radioactive Waste Management Information for 1992 and Record to Date, DOE/ID-10054(92), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Lloyd, V.D. and R.L. Blanchard, 1989, Radiological Surveys ofNaval Facilities on Puget Sound, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofRadiation Programs, EPA 520/5-88-016, Montgomery, Alabama, June. Lloyd, W.G., 1195, U.S. Department ofEnergy Idaho Operations Office, Idaho, memorandum to John E. Medema, U.S. Department ofEnergy Idaho Operations Office, Idaho, regarding "Idaho Funding Charts" (CFO-BSD-WGL-95-02), February 7. Lear, J.M. ( ed.), 1992, First Annual Report on the Biological Monitoring and Abatement Program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-1 03 99, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. June 1, 1995 Page 55 Reference No. Status* 373 C 633 634 149 1172 201 1244 664 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 56 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* I Loar, J.M., J.A. Solomon, G.F. Cada, 1981, Technical Background Information 662 for the ORNL Environ~entaland Safety Report, Volume 2: A Description ofthe Aquatic Ecolo~ ofWhite Oak Creek Watershed and the Clinch River Below Melton Hill DaJn, ORNL/TM-7509N2, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn~ssee, October. ! Lobdell, C., 1992, U.S. Debartment oflnterior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise 1009 Field Office, Boise Idaho, letter toR. Rothman, U.S. Department Energy, Idaho Operations Offide, Idaho Falls, Idaho, providing a "List ofEndangered, Threatened, Prdposed, and Candidate Species That May Be Present Within the Area ofthe Proposed Action Sent in Response to Notice of I Intent," FWS-1-4-93-SP-84, December 15. I I Lobdell, C., 1995, U.S. Department oflnterior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise 1201 Field Office, Boise Idaho, letter to T. Reynolds, Environmental Science I Research Foundation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, providing an "Updated List of Endangered, Proposed, and Candidate Species at the Idaho National Engi neering Laboratory," rS-1-4-95, January 24. Loehr, C.A., B.H. Becker, D.E. Bums, R.M. Huntley, S.M. Rood, P. Sinton, 984 T.H. Smith, 1994, Preliminary Scoping Risk Assessmentfor Waste Pits, Trenches, and Soil Vaults at the Subsurface Disposal Area, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WM-11181, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, May. Long, J., 1978, Engineeringfor Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing, second edition, 950 LaGrange Park, Illinoi~, American Nuclear Society. I Lopez, J., 1994, Comparison ofDry and Wet Methods to Store Spent Nuclear 569 Fuel, WINC0-1199, Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company Inc., April. Lorenz, R.A., J.L. Collins, IA.P. Malinauskas, O.L. Kirkland, R.L. Towns, 1980, 120 Fission Product Relea1e from Highly Irradiated LWR Fuel, I NUREG/CR-0722, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C., February. *Documents marked "C" are ;copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are includedIin the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docun\ent. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 57 Reference Title No. Status* Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988, Environmental Surveillance at Los Alamos During 1987, Environmental Protection Group, Los Alamos, New Mexico, April. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1989, Environmental Surveillance at Los 61 Alamos During 1988, Environmental Protection Group, Los Alamos, New Mexico, June. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1990, Environmental Surveillance at Los 64 Alamos During 1989, Environmental Protection Group, Los Alamos, New Mexico, December. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1992, Environmental Surveillance at Los 65 Alamos During 1990, Environmental Protection Group, Los Alamos, New Mexico, March. Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1993, Environmental Surveillance at Los 312 Alamos During 1991, Environmental Protection Group, Los Alamos, New Mexico, August. Lyon, J.L., M.R. Klauber, J.W. Gardner, K.S. Udall, 1979, "Childhood Leukem632 c ias Associated With Fallout From Nuclear Testing," The New England Journal ofMedicine, vol. 300, no. 8, pp. 397-402. Madsen, M.M., E.L. Wilmot, J.M. Taylor, 1983, RADTRANII User Guide, 1112 SAND82-2681, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Madsen, M.M., J.M. Taylor, R.M. Ostmeyer, P.C. Reardon, 1986, RADTRAN 119 IlL SAND84-0036, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February. Maheras, S.J., 1992, 1990 and 1991 NESHAPS Annual Report CAP-88 Dose 982 Assessment and Verification and Validation Reportfor Diffuse Emissions, EDF NESHAP-91-DIFFUSE, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 3. *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 58 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Maheras, S.J., 1993, Health 'Effects from Onsite INEL Baseline Incident-Free Transportation, EIS-T~S-07, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Fall~, Idaho, December 29. Maheras, S.J., 1994, Doses Jnd Health Effects from Offsite Incident-Free Transportation ofWastJfor Alternatives A-D, EIS-TRANS-17, rev. 1, Science Applications Iniernational Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February 7. I I Maheras, S.J., 1994, Summary ofDoses andHealth Effects from Historical Offsite Spent Nuclear Fuel 'pnd Waste Shipments to the INEL, EIS-TRANS-26, Science Applications Int'~rnational Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May 26. Maheras, S.J., 1995, Doses and Health Effects from Incident-Free INEL Onsite Non-Naval Spent Nucleltr Fuel Transportation for Alternatives 1 through 5, EIS-TRANS-13, rev. 2, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. i Maheras, S.J., 1995, Doses dnd Health Effects from Incident-Free Transportation ofForeign Researc~ Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel from Ports to INEL, Savannah River, and Hanfordfor Alternatives 1-5, EIS-TRANS-15, rev. 2, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. I Maheras, S.J., 1995, Doses and Health Effects from Incident-Free Transportation ofUniversity Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel for Alternatives 1-5, EIS-TRANS-14, rev. 2, Science Applications International Corpora • I tton, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Maheras, S.J., 1995, Doses and Health Effects from Offsite Incident-Free Transportation ofNon-Naval Spent Nuclear Fuel for Alternatives 1-5, EIS-TRANS-18, rev. 2, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. I Maheras, S.J. and D.J. Thorrie, 1993, New Production Reactor Exposure Pathways at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-NPR-8957, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idahb Falls, Idaho, January. Reference ~o. Status* 6 10 840 1161 1157 1159 1160 163 *Documents marked "C" are cdpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ~the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Maheras, S.J., AS. Rood, S.W. Magnuson, M.E. Sussman, R.N. Bhatt, 1994, Radioactive Waste Management Complex Low-Level Waste Radiological Performance Assessment, EGG-WM-8773, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, April. Maheras, S.J., P.D. Ritter, P.R. Leonard, R. Moore, 1994, "Benchmarking ofthe CAP-88 and GENII Computer Codes Using 1990 and 1991 Monitored Atmospheric Releases from the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory," Health Physics 67, pp. 509-517. Mann, L.J., 1990, Purgeable Organic Compounds in Groundwater at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho-1988 and 1989, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-367, DOEIID-22089, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Mann, L.J., 1994, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Field Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, personal communication with A.L. Lundahl, Science Applications International Corporation, February 3. Mann, L.J., 1994, U.S. Geological Survey, INEL Field Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, personal communication with A.L. Lundahl, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Iodine-129 Sampling Results," January 17. Mann, L.J. and L.D. Cecil, 1990, Tritium in Groundwater at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resource Investigation Report 90-4090, DOEIID-22090, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Mann, L.J. and L.L. Knobel, 1987, Purgeable Organic Compounds in Groundwater at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 87-766, DOEIID-22074, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, December. Mann, L.J., E.W. Chew, J.S. Morton, R.B. Randolph, 1988, Iodine-129 in the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-4165, DOEIID-22076, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. June 1, 1995 Page 59 Reference No. Status* 988 1033 156 305 303 140 172 139 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted~ documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 60 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* I Mann, L.K., T.S. Patrick, HlR. DeSelm, 1985, "A Checklist ofthe Vascular Plants on the Departmeht ofEnergy Oak Ridge Reservation," Journal ofthe I Tennessee Academy ofScience, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 8-13, January. I 666 c Mapes, D.R., 1979, "Soil sJrvey ofDuPage and Part of Cook Counties, Illinois," U.S. DepartmJnt of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, May. i Markee, E.H. Jr., 1967, "A Parametric Study ofGaseous Plume Depletion by Ground Surface Adsorp,tion," in Proceedings ofUS. Atomic Energy Commission Meteorologica1 Information Meeting, C.A. Mawson, ed., AECL-2787, pp. 602-6 1 13. ! Markham, O.D., 1974, "En~ironmental and Radiological Monitoring at the National Reactor Testing Station During FY-1973 (July 1972-June 1973)," Radiation Data Report,l15, pp. 227-246, May. I 1086 501 290 Markham, O.D., D.K. Halfotd, R.E. Autenrieth, R.L. Dickson, 1982, "Radionuclides in Pronghorn Reshlting from Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing and Worldwide Fallout," Journal ~/Wildlife Management, 46, 1, pp. 30-42. 301 c Marter, W.L., 1986, RadiolJgical Effects ofSRP Operations-1985, DPST-86-555, E.I. du Eont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Aiken, South Carolina. I 59 Marter, W.L., 1987, Radiolo,gical Effects ofSRP Operations-1986, DPST-87-518, E.I. du ~ont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Aiken, South Carolina. 52 Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1989, Oak Ridge Reservation Site Development and Facilities Utilization Plan, DOE/OR-885, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge Res~rvation, Tennessee, June. I I Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1990, Oak Ridge Reservation Site Evaluation Report for the Adfanced Neutron Source, ORNL/TM-11419, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I 719 713 I *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included ~the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe docwneht. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 61 Reference Title No. Status* Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1991, Oak Ridge Reservation Environ 773 mental Reportfor 1990, ES/ESH-18N1, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1991, Oak Ridge Reservation Site Devel-715 opment and Facilities Utilization Plan, 1990 Update, DOE/OR-885/R1, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee, June. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1992, Oak Ridge Reservation Environ-716 mental Reportfor 1991, ES/ESH-22M, prepared by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., for the U.S. Department ofEnergy, October. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1992, 1992 Oak Ridge Wildlife Manage-698 ment Area Hunting Map, DOE/TWRA Wildlife Management Area. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1992, Phase I Environmental Reportfor 717 the Advanced Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-12069, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, February. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1993, Oak Ridge Reservation Environ-774 mental Reportfor 1992, vols. 1 and 2, ES/ESH-31, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1993, Tornado Special Study Report, 733 ES/ESH-35, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June 14. Martin Marietta Ene~gy Systems, Inc., 1994, Oak Ridge Reservation Technica_l 1143 Site Information, ESIENISFP-23, Site and Facilities Planning Department, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, August. Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., 1994, Spent Nuclear Fuels Management 670 Complex Siting Study, White Paper Summary Report, rev. 1, Site Facilities and Planning, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 28. *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 62 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Martineau, R.C., D.H. Hog~an, K.N. Keck, T.R. \Vood, 1990, Hydrologic Modeling Study ofPotehtial Flooding at the Subsurface Disposal Area for a Hypothetical Breach JfDike 2 at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WM-9502, IEG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, December. I Marts, K. and W. Barrash, 1991, Duplicate Sampling ofPerched Groundwater Beneath the Percolatiorl Ponds at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Enginee~ing Laboratory, State ofldaho, INEL Oversight Program, Technical Repfrt 91-03, Idaho Falls, Idaho, December. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1970, Safety Analysis Report for the MIT Research Reactor (MITR-Il), MITNE-115, Department ofNuclear Engineering, Cambridge; Massachusetts, October. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1988, MIT Research Reactor Annual Report to US. Nuclear ~egulatory Commissionfor the Period July 1, 1987-June 30, 1988, Reactor Staff, August. I Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1989, MIT Research Reactor Annual Report to US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Period July 1, 1988-June 30, 1989, Reactor Staff, August. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1990, MIT Research Reactor Annual Report to US. Nuclear Regulatory Commissionfor the Period July 1, 1989-June 30, 1990, Reactor Staff, August. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1991, MIT Research Reactor Annual Report to US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Period July 1, 1990-June 30, 1991, Reactor Staff, August. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1992, MIT Research Reactor Annual I Report to US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for the Period July 1, 1991-June 30, 1992, Reactor Staff, August. I Matanoski, G.M., 1991, Health Effects ofLow-Level Radiation in Shipyard Workers, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, June. Reference No. Status* 997 518 16 58 60 55 56 66 218 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included id the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documebt. I Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 63 Reference Title No. Status* Matheny, M.D., 1994, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South Carolina, revised interoffice memorandum to C.B. Shedrow, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, regarding "Spent Fuel Handling EIS SupportSupplemental Worker Exposure Estimates," January 27. Matheny, M.D., 1994, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South 53 Carolina, revised interoffice memorandum to C.B. Shedrow, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, regarding "Spent Fuel Handling EIS Support- Worker Exposure Estimates," January 21. McCiuggage, W.C., 1971, "AEC Accident Record and Recent Changes in AEC 553 R Manual Chapter 0529," International Journal ofRadiation Engineering, 1, 4, 387-398, October. McCorquodale, S.M., L.E. Ederhardt, G.A. Sargeant, 1989, "Antler Characteri447 zation in a Colonizing Elk Population," Journal ofWildlife Management, 53(3): 618-621. McCurry, M., M. Estes, J. Fromm, J. Welhan, W. Barrash, 1994, "Three-516 Dimensional Chemical Structure ofthe INEL Aquifer System Near Idaho Chemical Processing Plant," in Hydrology, Waste Disposal, Science and Politics, Proceedings of30th Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, P.K. Link (ed.), College ofEngineering, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho, pp. 207-219. McFadden, J., circa 1992, 1991 Annual Financial Report ofBonneville County 243 at the Close ofBusiness September 30, 1991, Idaho Falls, Idaho. McGuire, R.K., G.F. Toro, R.J. Hunt, 1992, Seismic Hazard Evaluation for 1073 Department ofEnergy Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Y/EN-4683, Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September 30. McKinney, J.D., 1985, Big Lost River 1983-1984 Flood Threat, PPD-FPB-002, 519 EG&G Idaho, Inc, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. McMaster, W.M., 1988, Geologic Map ofthe Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee, ORNL-TM-713-15, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, November. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Page 64 Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Reference No. Status* Medica, P.A., 1990, "Reptil~ List for the Nevada Test Site," Base Environmental 631 Compliance and Monitoring Program, University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles, Mercury, Nevada, April12S. Medica, P.A. and M.B. Saethre, 1990, "Mammal List for the Nevada Test Site," 630 Base Environmental Cofnpliance and Monitoring Program, University of California, Los Angeles) Mercury, Nevada, April25. I Meehan, K.M., 1994, Brown and Root Environmental, interoffice memorandum 1129 to D.T. Huls, Halliburtdn NUS Corporation, regarding "Accident Analysis Results for Design-Basi~ Seismic Event at the K-, L-, or P-Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel Disassemb~y Basins," NMSD-MEEHAN-SNFEIS-0002, October 20. ! i Meehan, K.M., 1995, Browd and Root Environmental, interoffice memorandum 1140 to P.R. Moore, Halliburton NUS Corporation, regarding "Accident Analysis Data Regarding Accident Scenario A2, Material Release (Processing)," NMSD-MEEHAN-SNFEIS-0004, March 20. I Midwestern Office ofthe Cduncil of State Governments, 1993, Report on 287 Interim Storage ofSpent Nuclear Fuel, DOE/CH/1 0402-22, April. I Millard, J.B., F.W. Whicker,iO.D. Markham, 1990, "Radionuclide Uptake and 291 Growth of Barn Swallows Nesting by Radioactive Leaching Ponds," Health I Physics 58, 4, pp. 429-439. I Miller, S.J., 1992, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Management Plan 537 for Cultural Resources (draft), DOE/ID-10361, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Millett, W.H., 1993, EG&G [daho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, letter to C. Hend-162 ricks, Science Applicatidns International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Response to aRequest for INEL Fatality Statistics," WHM-25-93, Decembet 21. *Documents marked "C" are cJpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included irl the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documebt. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Mitchell, J.C., L.L. Johnson, J.E. Anderson, 1980, Geothermal Investigations in Idaho, Part 9, Potentialfor Direct Heat Application ofGeothermal Resources, Water Information Bulletin No. 30, Plate 1, Idaho Department of Water Resources, Boise, Idaho. Mitchell, V.E., W.B. Strowd, G.S. Hustedde, E.H. Bennett, 1981, "Mines and Prospects of the Dubois Quadrangle, Idaho," Mines and ProspectsMap Series, Idaho Bureau ofMines and Geology, Moscow, Idaho, December. Monthey, M.J., 1993, Engineering Study ofthe Transfer ofIrradiated Fuels on the Hanford Site, WHC-SD-TP-ES-001, rev. 0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Monthey, M.J. and K.H. Bergsman, 1994, Commercially Available Dry Storage Systemsfor Storage ofIrradiated Fuel on the Hanford Site, WHC-SD-CP-ES-155, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington, March. Moody and Associates, 1975, Hydrology Summary Report, Meadville, Pennsylvania, January. Moore, R.E., C.F. Baes Ill, L.M. McDowell-Beyer, A.P. Watson, F.O. Hoffman, J.C. Pleasant, C.W. Miller, 1979, AIRDOS-EPA: A Computerized Methodologyfor Estimating Environmental Concentrations andDose to Man from Airborne Releases ofRadionuclides, ORNL-5532, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June. Morgan, V., 1981, Archaeological Reconnaissance ofthe North Richland Toll Bridge andAssociatedAccess Roads, L6909, Archaeological and Historical Services, Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington. Morris, R.C., 1993, Radioecology ofthe Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (draft), U.S. Department ofEnergy File Report, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 16. June 1, 1995 Page 65 Reference No. Status* 482 909 439 559 282 502 411 248 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 66 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Morris, R.C., 1993, "The Implications ofLined Radioactive Waste Ponds for Waterfowl Contaminatidn," in Environmental Health Physics, Proceedings ofthe Twenty-Sixth Midyear Topical Meeting ofthe Health Physics Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, January 24-28, 1993, R.L. Kathren, D.H. Denham, K. Salmon (eds.), Richldnd, Washington, Columbia Chapter, Health Physics Society, pp. 147-155. ; Morris, R.C., 1993, U.S. De~artment ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, I personal communication' with T. Doer, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho FallJ, Idaho, August 16. Morton, D. and K. Hendrick~on, 1995, January 17, see Morton, D. and K Hendrickson, 1995, March 22. I Morton, D. and K. Hendrickson, 1995, TRU, LLW, MLLW, GTCC, HazW, & IndWGenerations, Storbge, & Treatment Volumes, EDF-94-WASTE-0104, rev. 1, Science Applicadons International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 22. I i Murdock, S.H. and F.L. LeiJtritz, 1979, Energy Development in the Western United States: Impact on Rural Areas, New York: Praeger Publishers. Myers, C.W., S.M. Price, J.A. Caggiano, M.P. Cochran, W.J. Czimer, N.J. Davidson, R.C. Edwards, K.R. Fecht, G.E. Holmes, M.G. Jones, J.R. Kunk, R.D. Landon~ R.K. Ledgerwood, J.T. Lillie, P.E. Long, T.H. Mitchell, E.H. Price, S.P. Reidel, M. Tallman, 1979, Geological Studies ofthe Columbia Plateau Status Report, RHO-BWI-ST-4, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Ridhland, Washington. I Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), 1990, 25 U.S.C. 3001, Public J!._aw 101-601. I Napier, B.A., 1982, A Methodfor Determining "Allowable Residual Contamination Levels" ofRadionuclide Mixtures in Soil, PNL-3852, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richlahd, Washington. Reference No. Status* 298 829 1173 629 c 412 872 R 409 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included irl the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite I obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 67 Reference Title ~o. Status* Napier, B.A., R.A. Peloquin, D.L. Strenge, J.V. Ramsdell. 1988, GENII-The 18 Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System, PNL-6584, vol. 1, Conceptual Representation, vol. 2, User's Manual, vol. 3, Code Maintenance Manual, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. National Academy of Sciences, 1972, The Effects on Populations ofExposure to 628 Low Levels ofIonizing Radiation, Washington, D.C., November. National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council, 1990, Committee on 951 c the Biological Effects oflonizing Radiations, Health Effects ofExposure to Low Levels ofIonizing Radiation, BEIR V, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. National Climatic Data Center, 1991, Local Climatological Data Annual Sum-725 mariesfor 1990, Part !!-Southern Region, U.S. Department ofCommerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville, North Carolina, March. National Climatic Data Center, 1991, Local Climatological Data Annual Sum-626 mariesfor 1990, Part IV-Western Region, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Asheville, North Carolina. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1985, Induction of 999 c Thyroid Cancer by Ionizing Radiation, NCRP Report No. 80, Bethesda, Maryland, March. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1986, Screening 948 c Techniques for Determining Compliance with Environmental Standards, Commentary No. 3, Bethesda, Maryland. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1987, Ionizing 625 c Radiation Exposure ofthe Population ofthe United States, Report No. 93, Bethesda, Maryland, December. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1987, Radiation 1231 c Exposure ofthe U.S. Population from Consumer Products andMiscellaneous Sources, Report No. 95, Bethesda, Maryland, December. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 68 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* National Council on Radiatidn Protection and Measurements, 1987, Recommen-855 C dations on Limits for Eiposure to Ionizing Radiation, NCRP Report No. 91, Bethesda, Maryland. ! National Earthquake Hazar'as Reduction Program (NEHRP) Recommended I Provisionsfor the Development ofSeismic Regulationsfor New Buildings, 1991, see Building Seismic Safety Council, 1991. I National Environmental Poliby Act (NEPA), 1969, 42 U.S.C. 4321-4361, Public 870 R Law 91-190, 1976; 40 dFR 1500-1508; 10 CFR 1021; EO 11514, 11991. I National Geographic Society, 1987, Field Guide to the Birds ofNorth America, 851 C second edition, Washin~on, D.C. National Historic Preservatidn Act (NHPA), 1966, 16 U.S.C.470; Public Law 871 R 89-665, 36 CFR 60-68.SOO; Public Law 102-575. i National Institute for Occupitional Safety and Health, 1990, Pocket Guide to 272 Chemical Hazards, Publication No. 90-117, Washington, D.C., June. I National Institute of Standar~s and Technology, 1989, National Institute of 47 Standards and Technology (NBSR) Operations Report #4I for January 1, I I988-December 31, 1988, Reactor Radiation Division, April. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1990, National Institute of 48 Standards and Technology (NBSR) Operations Report #42 for January 1, I 1989-December 31, 1989, Reactor Radiation Division, March. I National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1991, National Institute of 51 Standards and Technoldgy (NBSR) Operations Report #43 for January 1, 1990-December 31, 1990, Reactor Radiation Division, March. I National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1992, National Institute of 78 I Standards and Technology (NBSR) Operations Report #44 for January 1, I 1991-December 31, 19~1, Reactor Radiation Division, March. National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1993, National Institute of 77 Standards and Technoldgy (NBSR) Operations Report #45 for January 1, 1992-December 31, 19fJ2, Reactor Radiation Division, March. I *Documents marked "C" are cJpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iri the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 69 Title National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, Atlanta Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 51st edition, September. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, Charlotte Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 54th edition, August. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, Las Vegas Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 45th edition, September. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, New York Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 47th edition, May. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, Salt Lake City Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 50th edition, November. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, Seattle Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 45th edition, June. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1993, Washington Sectional Aeronautical Chart, 54th edition, August. National Safety Council, 1993, Accident Facts, 1993 edition, Itasca, Illinois. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1991, LandManagement Plan for Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia 1991-1996, Atlantic Division, Norfolk, Virginia, May. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, 1993, Occupational Radiation Exposure from US. Naval Nuclear Plants and Their Support Facilities, Report NT-93-2, Washington D.C., February. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, 1994, EnvironmentalMonitoring and Disposal ofRadioactive Wastes from US. Naval Nuclear Powered Ships and Their Support Facilities, NT-94-1, Washington, D.C., March. Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, 1994, Occupational Radiation Exposure from Naval Reactors Department ofEnergy Facilities, NT-94-3, Washington, D. C., March. Reference No. Status* 252 255 251 269 253 254 270 165 c 187 213 1036 1142 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 70 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title : Naval Nuclear Propulsion Piogram, 1994, Occupational Radiation Exposure from US. Naval Nucledr Plants and Their Support Facilities, NT-94-2, U.S. Department ofthe Navy, Washington, D.C., March. I Naval Reactors Facility, 1993, Finalization ofNRFEmissionsfor 1991, INEL Air Emissions Inventor}, NRFEM(EC)-388, September 1. ! Neimark, L., 1995, Argonne1National Laboratory, personal communication with 1 T. Jentz, Halliburton NUJS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Number ofPersonnel Ihvolved with SNF," March 3. I Neuhauser, K.S. and F.L. K~nipe, 1992, RADTRAN 4: Volume 3, User's Guide, SAND89-2370, TTC-0943, UC-722, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. ! Neuhauser, K.S. and F.L. Kanipe, 1993, RADTRAN 4: Volume 2, Technical Manual, SAND89-2370, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1992, Protection andPropagation ofSelected Species ofFlora, Critically Endangered Species List, Nevada Divisioh ofForestry, Carson City, Nevada, December 18. I Nevada Department ofTran~portation, 1992, State ofNevada, Program/Project Management Division, "PSMS Work Program Schedule," Carson City, Nevada, January 17. New York Code ofRules ano Regulations, 1987, Title 6, Part 664, Freshwater Wetlands Mapping and Classification Regulations, May 6. I New York State Departmen~ ofEnvironmental Conservation, 1993, New York State Air Quality Report, Ambient Air Monitoring System, DAR-94-1, Division ofAir Resources, New York, New York. I New York State Energy Res~arch and Development Authority and U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1986, "kl\.greement on U.S. Department ofEnergy Spent Nuclear Fuel Located at] the Western New York Nuclear Services Center," West Valley, New York; July. Reference ~o. Status* 1150 899 1193 129 609 622 624 811 R 1184 1202 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iri the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 71 Reference Title No. Status* Newcomb, R.C., J.R. Strand, F.J. Frank, 1972, Geology and Ground Water Characteristics ofThe Hanford Reservation ofthe US. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, Professional Paper 717, U.S. Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. Northwest Power Planning Council, 1986, Northwest Energy News, April/May, 327 vol. 5, no. 3, Portland, Oregon. Notar, J., 1993, Air Quality Specialist, National Park Service, Denver Regional 1025 Office, FAX transmittal to D.A. Ryan, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding, "Summary Seasonal and Annual Results ofthe Craters ofthe Moon National Monument Visual Range from 'IMPROVE' Fine Particle Sampler, 1992-1993," December 12. Notar, J., 1993, Air Quality Specialist, U.S. National Park Service, Denver 177 Regional Office, personal communication with D.A. Ryan, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November 22. Nuclear Energy Agency, 1993, The Safety ofthe Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Paris, 268 France: Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development. NUS Corporation, 1990, Sound-Level Characterization ofthe Savannah River 67 Site, NUS-5251, Aiken, South Carolina. NUS Corporation, 1991, Air Quality, Cooling Tower, andNoise Impact Analy-316 sis in Support ofthe New Production Reactor Environmental Impact Statement, Aiken, South Carolina. NUS Corporation, 1991, American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) 862 Compliance at the Savannah River Site, Aiken, South Carolina. Nye County Board ofCommissioners, 1992, A Socioeconomic Assessment ofthe 620 Proposed Caliente Rail Spur-Draft, Planning Information Corporation, Denver, Colorado, December 15. Nye County Board ofCommissioners, 1993, Baseline Economic and Demographic Projections: 1990-2010, Nye County and Nye County Communities, Planning Information Corporation, Denver, Colorado, May 25. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 72 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Nye/Esmeralda Economic D:evelopment Authority, 1993, Nye County Overall Economic Development Plan, Nye County, Nevada, July 23. I i Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1981, Environmental and Safety Report for Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL-SUB-41B-38403C, Oak Ridge, I Tennessee, September ~0. I Oak Ridge National Laborat6ry, 1988, Data Package for the Low-Level Waste Disposal Development hnd Demonstration Program, Environmental Impact I • Statement, ORNL/TM-10939N1, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September. Oak Ridge National Laboratbry, 1992, HFIR Spent Fuel Management Alterna' lives, ORNL/M-2377, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October. I Oak Ridge National Laboratpry, 1992, Oak Ridge Research Reactor Shutdown Report, ORNL/M-2255; Oak Ridge, Tennessee, September 30. I Oak Ridge National Laboratpry, 1994, Tower Shielding Facility Shutdown Report, ORNLIRRDfiNT -98/RI, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, January. I Oakes, T.W., C.W. Kimbrough, P.M. Pritz, S.T. Goodpasture, S.F. Haung, C.S. Gist, C.W. Weber, IE.D. Aebisher, F.M. O'Hara, 1987, Environmental Surveillance ofthe U S.l Department ofEnergy Oak Ridge Reservation and Surrounding Environs puring 1986: Volume 1, Summary and Conclusion, ES/ESH-1N1, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennes see, April. Oakes, T.W., J.T. Kitchings, H.M. Braunstein, W.W. Chance, D.B. Slaughter, M. Sanders, 1984, Resource Management Plan for the DOE OakRidge Reservation, Volume 3, 'Appendix B: Archeological Considerations, I ORNL/6026/V3, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, July. Oakes, T.W., J.T. Kitchings,IH.M. Braunstein, W.W. Chance, D.B. Slaughter, T.R. Butz, 1984, Resou~ce Management Plan for the DOE Oak Ridge Reservation, Volume 8, !Appendix H: Geology, ORNL/6026/V8, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, oJk Ridge, Tennessee, July. Reference No. Status* 623 679 678 686 677 676 724 722 992 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iJ the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title O'Farrell, T.P., 1989, EG&G Energy Measurements, Las Vegas, Nevada, memorandum to B. Bivona, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Las Vegas Operations Office, regarding "Pre-Activity Survey report for the Hazardous Waste Accumulation Facility," LV89-475, August 24. O'Farrell, T.P., 1990, EG&G Energy Measurements, Las Vegas, Nevada, memorandum to L. Monroe, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Las Vegas Operations Office, regarding "Desert Tortoise Survey at the Radioactive Waste Management Site," LV90-848, April 6. Office ofthe Press Secretary, 1993, Fact Sheet, Nonproliferation and Export Control Policy, The White House, Washington, D.C., September 27. Office of the Secretary of State, 1991, 1991-92 Oregon Blue Book, Office of the Secretary of State, State of Oregon, Salem, Oregon. Office ofthe Secretary of State, 1993, 1993 Washington State Yearbook: A Guide to Government in the Evergreen State, Richard and Charity Yates ( eds. ), Office of the Governor and Office of the Secretary of State, State of Washington, Olympia, Washington. Orr, B.R. and L.D. Cecil, 1991, Hydrologic Conditions and Distribution of Selected Chemical Constituents in Water, Snake River Plain Aquifer, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, 1986-1988, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-4047, DOE/ID-22096, U.S. Department of Energy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. Orr, B.R., L.D. Cecil, L.L. 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June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 74 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title I Ottoboni, M.A., 1991, The Dose Makes the Poison: A Plain Language Guide to I Toxicology, second edition, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Pacific Northwest Laboratotly, 1988, GENII-The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Softwa~e System, see Napier, B.A., R.A. Peloquin, I D.L. Strenge, J.V. Ramsdell. 1988, GENII-The Hanford Environmental Radiation Dosimetry Software System, PNL-6584. I Pacific Northwest Laborato&, 1991, Air Pathway Report, PNL-7412, rev. 1, Richland, Washington. 1 ! Pacific Northwest Laboratoii)', 1992, Safety Analysis Report for 324 Building, Waste Technology, Engineering Laboratory, PNL-7989, Richland, Washington. 1 Pacific Northwest Laboratoii)', 1992, Safety Analysis Report for 325 Building, PNL-7748, Richland, \\jashington. I P AI Corporation, 1993, Description ofthe Oak Ridge National Laboratory Waste Management System, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. I PAl Corporation, 1993, Description ofthe Y-12 Plant Waste Management System, Oak Ridge, Te~essee. PAl Corporation, 1994, Desbription ofthe K-25 Site Waste Management System, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Palmer, W.B., M.J. Beer, M~ Cukurs, J.P. Law, C.B. Millet, J.A. Murphy, J.A. Nenni, C.V. Park, J.I. Pruitt, E.C. Thiel, F.S. Ward, J. Woodard, 1994, ICPP Tank Farm Syste~s Analysis, WINC0-1192, Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January. Parr, P.D. and J.W. Evans, 1992, Draft Resource Management Plan for the Oak Ridge Reservation, WilaJife Management Plan, ORNL/NERP-6, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Parr, P.D. and L.R. Pounds, 11987, Resource Management Planfor the Oak Ridge Reservation, ORNLIESH-l/V23, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Reference No. Status* 180 332 331 330 681 685 707 566 703 680 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included iJ the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the documeht. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 75 Title Parsons, T. and G.A. Thompson, 1991, "The Role ofMagma Overpressure in Surpressing Earthquakes and Topography: Worldwide Examples," Science, 253, pp. 1399-1402, September 20. Patrick, R., J. Cairns Jr., S.S. Roback, 1967, "An Ecosystematic Study ofthe Fauna and Flora ofthe Savannah River Plant," in Proceedings ofthe Academy ofNatural Sciences ofPhiladelphia, 118, 5, pp. 109-407. Patterson, D.E. and A.A. Mehn, 1963, Summary ofIncidents Involving USAEC Shipments ofRadioactive Material, 1962, TID-16764, (Supplement 1), U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. Patterson, D.E. and V.P. DeFatta, 1962, A Summary ofIncidents Involving USAEC Shipments ofRadioactive Material, 1957-1961, TID-16764, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. Patterson, D.E., 1968, "The Accident Experience ofthe USAEC in the Shipment ofRadioactive Material," in Proceedings ofthe Second International Symposium on Packaging and Transportation ofRadioactive Materials, CONF-681001, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 14-18, pp. 199-209. Pearman, B., 1994, Barge, Waggoner, Summer and Cannon, memorandum to S. Varner, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Rail Service to the Oak Ridge Reservation," April 5. Pelton, J.R., R.J. Vincent, N.J. Anderson, 1990, "Microearthquakes in the Middle Butte/East Butte Area, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho," Bulletin of the Seismological Society ofAmerica, 80, no. 1, pp. 209-212. Pierce, K.L. and L.A. Morgan, 1992, "The Track of the Yellowstone Hotspot: Volcanism, Faulting, and Uplift," in Regional Geology ofEastern Idaho and Western Wyoming, P.K. Link, M.A. Kuntz, L.B. Platt (eds.), Memoir 179, Geological Society of America, pp. 1-53. Paul C. Rizzo Associates, 1994, Natural Phenomena Hazards, Expended Core Facility, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Monroeville, Pennsylvania, June. Reference ~o. Status* 227 311 555 554 544 861 684 231 223 c *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwnent. June 1, 1995 Page 76 Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Reference No. Status* Pippen, H.K., T.W. Wierman, M.A. Hall, 1995, Scoping Evaluation for the 1232 Option ofTransportingiSpent Nuclear Fuel By Barge, EIS-TRANS-39, rev. 0, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, April. ! Pitrolo, A.A., 1992, U.S. D~partment ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, letter 1227 to Cecil Andurs, Gover~or, Boise, Idaho; Charles Polityka, Department of the Interior, Portland, Oregon; and Kesley Edmo, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Fort Hall, Idaho[ regarding "Natural Resources Trustee Notification," July 7. Pittman, J.R., P.G. Jensen, ~.R. Fischer, 1988, Hydrologic Conditions at the 111 Idaho National EngineJring Laboratory, 1982 to 1985, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resourcds Investigation Report 89-4008, DOEIID-22078, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, December. Pole, S., T.A. Benzen, K.J. Izbicki, J. Banger, K.D. Bulmahn, K.S. Moor, 1993, 843 Historical and Current Status ofINEL Waste Streams, ER&WM-EDF-0014-93, rev. 2, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 23. Poole, L.D., 1992, Reprodu~tive Success and Nesting Habitat ofLoggerhead 532 Shrikes in Shrub-Steppe Communities, M.S. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Pounds, L.R., P.D. Parr, M.p. Ryon, 1993, Resource Management Plan for the 702 Oak Ridge Reservation,! vol. 30: Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park Natural ~reas and Reference Areas-Oak Ridge Reservation Environmentally Sensitive Sites Containing Special Plants, Animals and Communities, ORNLINERP-*, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, AugJst. Priestly, T.B., 1992, "dBASE File-Chemical Inventory Used for Preparation of 276 SARA 312 Report for Idaho National Engineering Laboratory," EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls,] Idaho, January. I ! *Documents marked "C" are c1pyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 77 Reference Title No. Status"' PTI Environmental Services, 1990, Sinclair and Dyes Inlets Urban Bay Action 184 Program: 1990 Action Plan, EPA 910/9-90-013, Bellevue, Washington, July. Public Service Company ofColorado, 1993, v. Cecil D. Andrus, Governor ofthe 313 State ofldaho, No. 91-0035-S-HLR, 91-0054-S-HLR, "Order Granting Motion for Summary Judgment, Injunction and Administratively Terminating Action," U.S. District Court, D. Idaho, 825 Federal Supplement, p. 1483, June 28. Public Service Company ofColorado, 1994, "Comments on the DOE's Draft 1098 EIS on SNF Management and INEL Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Programs," P-94085, Public Service Company ofColorado, Platteville, Colorado, September. Public Service Company ofColorado, no date, Ft. St. Vrain Nuclear Generating 136 Station Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, rev. 8, Public Service Company of Colorado, Denver, Colorado. Radiation Shielding Information Center, 1991, ORIGEN2.1, Isotope Generation 491 and Depletion Code Matrix Exponential Method, CCC-371, RSIC Computer Code Collection, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Rajendran, C.P. and P. Talwani, 1993, "Paleoseismic indicators Near Bluffion, 710 c South Carolina: an Appraisal oftheir Tectonic Implications," Geology 2, pp. 987-990. Rallison, M.L., T.M. Lotz, M. Bishop, W. Divine, K. Haywood, J.L. Lyon, 619 c W. Stevens, 1990, "Cohort Study ofThyroid Disease Near the Nevada Test Site: A Preliminary Report," Health Physics, 59, 5, pp. 739-746. Ralls, K., P.H. Harvey, A.M. Lyles, 1986, "Inbreeding in Natural Populations of 550 c Birds and Mammals," Chapter 3 in Conservation Biology, The Science of Scarcity andDiversity, M.E. Soule, ed., Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 78 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Rand McNally, 1992, 1992 Cfommercial Atlas andMarketing Guide, 123rd I edition, Chicago. I 937 c Rand McNally, 1993, Road1t1as, Chicago. ! 1126 c ! Rao, R.K., E.L. Wilmont, R.!E. Luna, 1982, Non-Radiological Impacts of Transporting Radioactive Material, SAND81-1703, Sandia National Laboratory, I Albuquerque, New Mexico, February. 97 Raudsep, J.A., 1995, SciencJ Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, letter to S.i. Connor, Halliburton NUS Corporation, regarding "Toxic Pollutant Conceritrations at Ambient Locations on the Idaho National Engineering L~boratory," EIS-95-JAR-0022, February 22. 1156 I Raudsep, J.A., R. Belanger, D.A. Ryan, 1995, Assessment ofPrevention ofSig1 nificant Deterioration I~crement Consumption for Existing Sources of Emissions at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/ID-1 0508, Science Applications In~emational Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1058 February. [ • IRaytheon Servtces Nevada, 1993, Summary ofNatural Resources That Patentially Influence Human Intrusion at the Area 5 Radioactive Waste Management Site DOE/Nevada rrest Site, Nye County, Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada, IAugust. 1 I Rechard, R.P. (ed.), 1993, bhtial Performance Assessment/or the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel andHigh-Level Wastes Stored at INEL, vols. I and II, SAND93-2330/1/2, San~ia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New 618 565 Mexico, December. Rector, D., 1994, Tennessee: Environmental and Conservation Department, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Personal Communication with J. Schinner, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Commercial and Sport Fishing in the Vicinity ofthe Oak Ridge Reservation," May 5. 682 *Documents marked "C" are cbpyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included nit the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe documeht. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 79 Reference Title No. Status* Reed, W.G., J.W. Ross, B.L. Ringe, R.N. Hoomer, 1986, Archaeological Invest-956 igations on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory 1984-1985, revised edition, Swanson/ Crabtree Anthropological Research Laboratory Reports oflnvestigations: No. 86-4, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho. Reis, V.H. and T.P. Grumbly, 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Memorandum 1176 for the Secretary to H.R. O'Leary, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., "Commitment to Prohibit the Use ofPlutonium-239 and Highly Enriched Uranium Separated and/or Stabilized During Facility Phaseout, Shutdown, and Cleanout Activities for Nuclear Explosive Purposes," December 20. Relander, C., 1956, Drummers and Dreamers, Caxton Printers, Caldwell, Idaho. 408 c Reynolds, T.D., 1993, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 830 Idaho Falls, Idaho, personal communication with T. Doer, Science Applications International Corporation, October 17. Reynolds, T.D., 1993, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 831 Idaho Falls, Idaho, personal communication with T. Doer, Science Applications International Corporation, September 8. Reynolds, T.D., J.W. Connelly, D.K. Halford, W.J. Arthur, 1986, "Vertebrate 299 c Fauna ofthe Idaho National Environmental Research Park," in Great Basin Naturalist, vol. 46, 3, pp. 513-527. Rice, D. G., 1968, Archaeological Reconnaissance: Ben Franklin Reservoir 410 Area, 1968, Washington State University, Laboratory ofAnthropology, Pullman, Washington. Rice, D. G., 1968, Archaeological Reconnaissance: Hanford Atomic Works, US. 443 Atomic Energy Commission, National Park Service and Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Rice, D.G., 1980, Overview ofCultural Resources on the Hanford Reservation 328 in South Central Washington State, report submitted to the Department of Energy, Richland Operations Office, Richland, Washington. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 80 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Rice, D. G., 1981, Archaeological Transects Through Interior Dunes on the 339 Hanford Reservation, Jtashington, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland, Washington. 1 Rice, D.G., 1984, ArchaeolJgical Inventory ofthe Basalt Waste Isolation 372 Project, Hanford ReseY:Yation, Washington, SD-BWI-TA-006, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Ri~hland, Washington. Rice, D.G., 1987, ArchaeolJgical Reconnaissance ofGable Butte and Gable I Mountain on the Hanfo'rd Site, Washington, Westinghouse Hanford Com 444 pany, Richland, Washington. i Rickard, W.H. and D. G. Watson, 1985, "Four Decades ofEnvironmental 336 c Change and Their InfluJnces Upon Native Wildlife and Fish on the Mid Columbia River, Washi6gton, USA," Environmental Conservation 12:241-238. . Rickard, W.H. and L.E. RoJers, 1983, "Industrial Land Use and the Conserva 484 c tion ofNative Biota in the Shrub-Steppe Region ofWestem North Amer ica," Environmental Cdnservation, 10:205-211. I Ringe, B.L., 1993, Location'al Analysis and Preliminary Predictive Model for 108 Prehistoric Cultural Re~ources on the INEL (draft), EGG-CS-10706, I EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. l Ritter, P.D., 1992, 1991 NE~HAPSAnnual Report CAP-88 Dose Assessment, 983 Verification and Validation Reportfor Unmonitored Emissions, NESHAP-91-UNMON( EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 24. ! Roane County Regional Planning Commission, 1992, Population and Economy 701 Report Land Use Plan, Roane County, Tennessee, Department ofEconomic and Community Development, March. I I Robertson, J.B., 1974, Digital Modeling ofRadioactive and Chemical Waste 99 Transport in the Snake River Plain Aquifer at the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation, ID0-22054, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Robertson, J.B., 1977, Numerical Modeling ofSubsurface Radioactive Solute Transport from Waste-Seepage Ponds at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-717, ID0-22057, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January. Robertson, J.B., R. Schoen, J.T. Barraclough, 1974, The Influence ofLiquid Waste Disposal on the Geochemistry ofWater at the National Reactor Testing Station, Idaho: 1952-1970, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, ID0-22053, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. Rodgers, D.W., W.R. Hackett, H.T. Orr, 1990, "Extension ofthe Yellowstone Plateau, Eastern Snake River Plain, and Owyhee Plateau," Geology, 18, pp. 113 8-1142. Rogers, J.H., K.L. Daniels, S.T. Goodpasture, C.W. Kimbrough, E.W. Whitfield, 1988, Environmental Surveillance ofthe U.S. Department ofEnergy Oak Ridge Reservation and Surrounding Environs During 1987, vol. 1, Narrative, Summary, and Conclusions, ES/ESH-4N1, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee, April. Rogers, L.E. and W.H. Rickard, 1977, Ecology ofthe 200 Area Plateau Waste Management Environs: A Status Report, PNL-2253, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Rohay, A. C., 1987, Earthquake Focal Mechanisms, Recurrence Rates and Deformation in the Columbia River Basalts, RHO-BW-SA-666 P, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. Rohay, A.C., 1989, Earthquake Recurrence Rate Estimatesfor Eastern Washington and the Hanford Site, PNL-6956, Richland, Washington. Rope, R.C., N.L. Hampton, K.A. Finley, 1993, "Ecological Resources," in J.S. Irving, Environmental Resource Document for the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-WMD-10279, vol. 1, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. June 1, 1995 Page 81 Reference No. Status* 118 121 230 c 687 337 338 1031 132 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 82 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* i Rosensteel, B., 1994, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennes-683 see, memorandum to R.i Mason, "Wetlands and Rare Plant Information, West Bear Creek Road ISite," Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 21. . Rupp, E.M., 1980, "Age Dependent Values ofDietary Intake for Assessing 496 c Human Exposures to Environmental Pollutants," Health Physics, pp. 151-163, August. I I i Rusch, G.M., 1993, "The History and Development ofEmergency Response 494 c Planning Guidelines," Journal ofHazardous Materials, vol. 33, Amsterdam: Elsevier Publishers, pp.l193-202. Rush, F.E., 1970, Regional Groundwater Systems in the Nevada Test Site Area, 1127 I Nye, Lincoln, and Clark Counties, Nevada, Water Resources Reconnaissance Series Report 54, IState ofNevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Division ofWater Resources, Carson City, Nevada. Sackschewsky, M.R., D.S. Jandeen, G.I. Baird, W.H. Rickard, J.L. Downs, 406 I 1992, Vascular Plants ofthe Hanford Site, WHC-EP-0554, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington. Safe Water Drinking Act, 1J74, 42 U.S. C. 300h-6, Sole Source Aquifer 994 R Demonstration Prograrri. Sagendorf, J., 1991, Meteorhlogicallnformationfor RWMC Flood Potential 525 Studies, National Oceadic and Atmospheric Administration, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. I I Sagendorf, J., 1991, Natiomil Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Idaho 1222 Falls, Idaho, memorandum toM. Abbott, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, I Idaho, regarding "Averaging INEL Mixing Depths," February. I Saito, G.H., 1992, Retrievable Storage ofIrradiated Fuels in the Solid Waste 405 Burial Grounds, WHC-'SD-WM-SAR-047, rev. 0, Westinghouse Hanford Company, Richland, Washington, June. I I I I *Documents marked "C" are cbpyrighted~ documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included ih the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe docum~nt. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 83 Title Sanderson, R.E., 1994, Director, Office ofFederal Activities, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., letter to T.L. Wichmann, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Rating ofAlternatives," October 4. Sandia National Laboratories, 1982, Geology ofthe Nevada Test Site and Nearby Areas, Southern Nevada, Sandia Report SAND82-2207, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October. Sandia National Laboratories, 1989, 1988 Environmental Monitoring Report, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May. Sandia National Laboratories, 1990, 1989 Environmental Monitoring Report, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May. Sandia National Laboratories, 1991, 1990 Environmental Monitoring Report, Albuquerque, New Mexico, May. Sandia National Laboratories, 1992, 1991 Environmental Monitoring Report, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November. Sandia National Laboratories, 1993, A Methodology for Calculation ofthe Probability ofCrash ofan Aircraft into Structures in Weapon Storage Areas, SAND82-2409, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February. Sandia National Laboratories, 1993, 1992 Environmental Monitoring Report, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September. Sandia National Laboratory, 1994, Medical Isotope Production Program, SNA-94-047, November 4. Saricks, C. and T. Kvitek, 1991, Trends in State-Level Accident Rates: An Enhancement ofRisk Factor Development for RADTRAN, unpublished report submitted to Reactor Technology and Transportation Division, U.S. Department Energy, Chicago Operations Office, Argonne, Illinois. Reference No. Status* 1178 617 463 464 465 466 321 467 1062 365 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 84 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Saricks, C. and T. Kvitek, 1994, Longitudinal Review ofState-Level Accident Statisticsfor Carriers ofInterstate Freight, ANL/ESD/TM-68, Argonne National Laboratory, Center for Transportation Research, Energy Systems Division, Argonne, Illinois, March. Sassman, K.E., 1994, Savannah River Archaeological Research Program, South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, personal communication with L.S. Moore, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Aiken, South Carolina, January 25. Savannah River Archaeological Research Program, 1989, Archaeological Resource Management Plan ofthe Savannah River Archaeological Research Program, South Carolina Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina, Aiken, South Carolina, December. Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, 1980, A Biological Inventory ofthe Proposed Site ofthe Defense Waste Processing Facility on the Savannah River Plant in Aiken, South Carolina, Annual Report, October 1, 1980, SREL-7, UC-66e, University of Georgia, Aiken, South Carolina. Schafer-Perini, A.L., 1993, TAN Groundwater RIIFS Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling Results, EDF ER-WAG 1-21, rev. 0, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, May 10. Schalles, J.F., R.R. Sharitz, J.W. Gibbons, G.J. Leversee, J.N. Knox, 1989, Carolina Bays ofthe Savannah River Plant, National Environmental Research Park Publication, Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, SRO-NERP-18, Aiken, South Carolina. Schneider, K.J., S.J. Michell, A.B. 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Holdren, 1994, Hanford Site Environmental Setting Data Developed for the Unit Risk Factor Methodology in Support ofthe Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, PNL-9801, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 1211 Schreckhise, R., G.K. Rhoads, J.S. Davis, B.A. Napier, J.V. Ramsdell, 1993, Recommended Environmental Dose Calculation Methods andHanford-Specific Parameters, PNL-3777, rev. 2, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 364 Schreiber, D.L., 1986, Probable Maximum Flood on the Big Lost River at Mackay Dam, Idaho, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho. 1252 Schultz, T.J., 1978, "Synthesis of Social Surveys on Noise Annoyance," Journal ofAcoustical Society ofAmerica, 64, 2, pp. 377-405. 320 Schwendiman & Sutton, 1992, Madison County Idaho Financial Statements, Supplemental Data and Independent Auditor's Reports for Year Ended September 30, 1991, Rexburg, Idaho, January 28. 295 Science Applications International Corporation, 1991, Historical Overview of Domestic Spent Fuel Shipments-Update, DE91 016051, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Tennessee, July. 542 Science Applications International Corporation, 1992, Brookhaven National Laboratory Site Baseline Report, January. 1221 Science Applications International Corporation, 1994, "Forecast ofLabor Force, Employment, and Population Based on Historical Data from the Idaho State Department ofEmployment," data sheet, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. 935 Scientific Ecology Group, Inc., undated, Incineration, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, received May 1994. 689 Scott, M.J., D.B. Belzer, R.J. Nesse, R.W. Schultz, P.A. Stokowski, D.C. Clark, 1987, Economic and Community Impacts ofClosing Hanford's N Reactor andNuclear Materials Production Facilities, PNL-6295, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 403 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily ?vailable to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 86 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Scott, M.J., D.B. Belzer, S.J. Marsh, D.M. Beck, R.W. Schultz, S.A. Harkreader, 1989, Hanford and the Tri-Cities Economy: Review and Outlook, PNL-6813, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington, March. Sehlke, G. and F.E. Bickford, 1993, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Groundwater Monitoring Plan, vol. 1, DOE/ID-10441, U.S Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Seinfeld, J.H., 1986, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ofAir Pollution, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Semler, M. 0., 1991, Radiological Survey ofPortsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine and Environs, September 1989, EPA 520/5-91-003, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofRadiation Programs, Washington, D.C., October. Sensintaffar, E.L. and R.L. Blanchard, 1988, Radiological Surveys ofthe Norfolk Naval Station, the Norfolk Naval Shipyard, and Newport News Shipbuilding, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofRadiation Programs, EPA 520/5-88-017, Montgomery, Alabama, October. Serne, R.J. and M.I. Wood, 1990, Hanford Waste-Form Release and Sediment Interaction: A Status Report with Rationale and Recommendationsfor Additional Studies, PNL-7297, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Shaffer, J.F., 1993, Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho, letter to A.R. Eberle, regarding "Deletion of Appendix A from the HLWTFR Environmental Assessment (EA)," JFS-01-93, January 15. Sharp, R., 1994, Meteorological Engineer, Oak Ridge Operations, personal communication with M. Septoff, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "General Wind Regimes for the Proposed Location of the SNF Facility at Oak Ridge," May 4. Sharpe, M., various dates, Tennessee Medical Management, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee, letters toM. Whisnant, Hospital Administrator, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, regarding "Incidence Rates ofNew Cancer Cases." Reference No. Status* 442 977 404 c 203 190 402 1109 688 1026 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Shedrow, B., 1994, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, memorandum to K. Waltzer, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, June 2. Shibata, T., T. Tarnai, M. Hayashi, 1984, "Release ofFission Products from Irradiated Aluminide Fuel at High Temperatures," Nuclear Science and Engineering, 87, pp. 405-417. Shields, J.D., N.D. Woody, AS. Dicks, G.L. Hollod, J. Schalles, G.J. Leversee, 1982, Locations andAreas ofPonds and Carolina Bays at the Savannah River Plant, DP-1525, rev. 1, E.I. duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken South Carolina. Silberhorn, G.M. and S. Dewing, 1989, Tidal Marsh Inventory, City ofPortsmouth, Special Report No. 299, in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Institute ofMarine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia, July. Silberhorn, G.M. and S. Dewing, 1991, Tidal Marsh Inventory, City ofChesapeake, Special Report No. 312, in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering, Virginia Institute ofMarine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia, July. Sisson, J.B. and G. C. Ellis, 1990, Summary Report ofResults ofthe Vapor Vacuum Extraction Test at the RWMC, EGG-WM-9301, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. Siudyla, E.A., A.E. May, D.W. Hawthorne, 1981, Ground Water Resources of the Four Cities Area, Virginia, Planning Bulletin 331, State Water Control Board, Bureau ofWater Control Management, Richmond, Virginia, November. Skaggs, R.L. and W.H. Walters, 1981, Flood Risk Analysis ofCold Creek Near the Hanford Site, RHO-BWI-C-120/PNL-4219, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. June 1, 1995 Page 87 Reference No. Status* 158 c 317 200 195 170 194 440 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 88 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Slaughterbeck, D., 1993, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho 1225 Falls, Idaho, letter toR. Rothman, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Regarding "Transmittal of Text on Chemical Inventories," June 11. Slaughterbeck, D.C., W.E. House, G.A. Freund, T.D. Enyeart, E.C. Benson Jr., 1120 K.D. Bulmahn, 1995, Accident Assessmentsfor Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Facilities, DOE/ID-10471, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Smith, C.S., EG&G Idaho, Inc., 1994, memorandum to R.C. Arnett, EG&G 1011 Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, "Vadose Zone Transport Results for Accident Scenario," January 10. Smith, L.D., C.L. Jacobson, J.R. Cunningham, 1993, Idaho National Engineer-126 ing Laboratory Technical Site Information Report, DOE/ID-10401, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Smith, M.H., P.A. Eschbach, R. Harty, W.H. Millet, V.A. Scholes, 1992, 369 Twenty-Second Annual Report, Radiation Exposures for DOE and DOE Contractor Employees-1989, DOE/EH-0286P, Richland, Washington. Smith, R.B. and M.L. Sbar, 1974, "Contemporary Tectonics and Seismicity of 233 c the Western United States with Emphasis on the Intermountain Seismic Belt," Geological Society ofAmerica Bulletin, 85, pp. 1205-1218, August. Smith, R.B. and W.J. Arabasz, 1991, "Seismicity ofthe Intermountain Seismic 238 c Belt in Neotectonics ofNorth America," Decade Map Volume I, D.B. Slemmons, E.R. Engdahl, M.D. Zoback, D.D. Blackwell (eds.), Geological Society of America, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 185-221. Smith, R.M., 1980, Reverse Well Characterization Study 216-B-5, RHO-ST-37, 453 Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 89 Reference Title No. Status* Smith, W.C., M.L. Uebelacker, T.E. Eckert, L.J. Nickel, 1977, An Archaeologi-391 cal Historical Survey ofthe Proposed Transmission Power Line Corridor from Ashe Substation, Washington to Pebble Springs Substation, Oregon, Washington Archaeological Research Center Project Report 42, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. Snider, J.D., 1993, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennes-690 see, letter to Mr. Salhanek of Tetra Tech, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia, regarding "Updated Waste Generation Data for the Oak Ridge Reservation," August 10. Snipes, D.S., W.C. Fallaw, V. Price Jr., R.J. Cumbest, 1993, "The Pen Branch 749 c Fault: Documentation ofLate Cretaceous-Tertiary Faulting in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina," Southeastern Geology, 33, 4, pp. 195-218. Soldat, J.K., K.L. Swinth, H.J. Pettengill, 1994, Historical Development of 1210 Radiation Dose Calculationsfor the Public in the Vicinity ofNuclear Sites in the United States, PNL-SA-24517, Pacific Northwesr Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Solomon, D.K., G.K. Moore, L.E. Toran, R.B. Drier, W.M. McMaster, 1992, 693 Status Report: A Hydrologic Frameworkfor the Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL/TM-12026, May. South Carolina, 1976, Code ofLaws of South Carolina, Regulations 61-68, 777 R Water Classification Standards, Columbia, South Carolina. South Carolina Department ofHealth and Environmental Control, 1976, Air Pol1078 R lution Control Regulations and Standards, Regulation 61-62.5, pursuant to Section 48-1-30 through 48-1-60 of the 1976 South Carolina Code ofLaws, as amended, Columbia, South Carolina. Spier, L., 1936, Tribal Distribution in Washington, General Series in Anthro426 c pology No.3, George Banta Publishing Co., Menash, Wisconsin. Sprunt, A. and E.B. Chamberlin, 1970, South Carolina BirdLife, revised edi789 c tion, University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 90 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Staley, C.S., 1993, Air Emission Source Terms for No Action Projects, 1001 ER&WM-EDF-0013-93 (draft), EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. Staley, C.S., 1993, Air Emission Source Terms for Proposed Action Projects, 925 ER&WM-EDF-0012-93 (draft), EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. State ofldaho Code, 1975, Local Planning Act of 1975 (I.C. #67-6501 et seq.), 869 R Boise. State ofidaho, Department ofWater Resources, 1978, Phase 1 Inspection 1148 Report, National Dam Safety Program, Mackay Dam, Custer County, Idaho, Federal No. ID 181, State No. D34-2225, prepared for U.S. Army Engineer District, Walla Walla, Corps ofEngineers, September. State ofillinois Rules and Regulations, 1992, Title 35: Environmental Protec1182 R tion; Subtitle B: Air Pollution; Chapter 1: Pollution Control Board; Subchapter 1: Air Quality Standards; Subpart B; Standards and Measurements, July. Stephenson, D.E., 1988, Savannah River Plant Earthquake, DPST-88-841, E.I. 49 duPont de Nemours & Company, Inc., Savannah River Laboratory, Aiken, South Carolina, August. Stickney, M.C. and M.J. Bartholomew, 1987, "Seismicity and Late Quatermary 954 Faulting ofthe Northern Basin and Range Province, Montana and Idaho," Bulletin ofSeismological Society ofAmerica, vol. 77, 5, pp. 1602-1625, October. Stone, W.A., J.M. Thorp, O.P. Gifford, D.J. Hoitink, 1983, Climatological Sum-383 maryfor the Hanford Area, PNL-4622, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Strowd, W.B., V.E. Mitchell, G.S. Hustedde, E.H. Bennett, 1981, "Mines and 240 Prospects ofthe Idaho Falls Quadrangle, Idaho," Mines and Prospects Map Series, Idaho Bureau ofMines and Geology, Boise, Idaho. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Summary ofDoses and Health Effects from Historical Offsite SNF Shipments to Savannah River, 1994, see Jones, S. and S.J. Maheras, 1994, Summary of Doses andHealth Effects From Historical Offsite Spent Nuclear Fuel Shipments to the Savannah River Site, EIS-TRANS-29, Rev. 0, Science Applications International Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August 23. Swager & Swager, 1991, Clark County, Idaho General Purpose Financial Statements and Supplementary Information with Report ofCertified Public Accountantfor Year Ended September 30, 1991, Rigby, Idaho, December 27. Swager & Swager, 1992, Butte County, Idaho Audited General Purpose Financia/ Statements with Report ofCertified Public Accountantfor Year Ended September 30, 1991, Rigby, Idaho, December 27. Swain, AD. and HE. Guttman, 1983, Handbook ofHuman Reliability Analysis with Emphasis on Nuclear Power Plant Applications, NUREG/CR-1278, August. Swygert, R.W., 1993, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Central Services Works Engineering, interoffice memorandum to S.J. Connor, Halliburton NUS Corporation, regarding "Site Traffic Counts," SSD-CWE-935235, October 28. Takats, F., 1994, "International Status and Trends for Spent Fuel Management," Proceedings ofthe INA1M Spent Fuel Management Seminar XI, Washington, D.C., January 26-28. Tallman, A.M., K.R. Fecht, M.C. Marratt, G.V. Last, 1979, Geology ofthe Separation Areas Hanford Site, South-Central Washington, RHO-ST-23, Rockwell Hanford Operations, Richland, Washington. Taylor, J.M. and S.L. Daniel, 1982, RADTRANII: A Revised Computer Code to Analyze Transportation ofRadioactive Material, SAND80-1943, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico. June 1, 1995 Page 91 Reference No. Status* 245 244 216 706 561 384 1111 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 92 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Taylor, K.A., 1994, Radioactive Waste Management Information for 1992 and Record to Date, DOE/ID-10054(93), U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. Taylor, L.L. and Shikasio, R., 1993, Preliminary Waste Acceptance Criteria for Idaho Chemical Processing Plan Spent Fuel and Waste Management Technology Development Program, WINC0-1157, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. Technical Steering Panel ofthe Hanford Environmental Dose Reconstruction Project, 1994, Summary: Radiation Dose Estimates from Hanford Radioactive Material Releases to the Air and to the Columbia River, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Teel, D.M., 1993, Utilities and Energy, ER&WM-EDF-0019-93, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 17. Teifke, R.H. and E. Onuschak Jr., 1973, "Geologic Studies, Coastal Plain of Virginia," Bulletin 83 (parts 1, 2, and 3), Virginia Division ofMineral Resources, Charlottesville, Virginia .. Tellez, C.L., 1995, Lockheed Idaho Technologies Company, letter to T.L. Wichmann, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, "Projected LITCO Employment Numbers for 1995 to 2004," Idaho Falls, Idaho, CLT-4-95, January 9. Tennessee Department ofEducation, 1992, Annual Statistical Report ofthe DepartmentojEducationjor the Scholastic Year Ending June 30, 1992, ED 1274, Nashville, Tennessee, February. Tennessee Department ofEnvironment and Conservation, 1992, Federal and State Ranks, Tennessee Rare Invertebrates, Division ofEcological Services, Nashville, Tennessee, March 6. Tennessee Department ofEnvironment and Conservation, 1992, Federal and State Ranks, Tennessee Rare Vertebrates, Division ofEcological Services, Nashville, Tennessee, March 6. Reference No. Status* 1171 563 1212 852 188 1040 694 692 691 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 93 Reference Title No. Status* Tennessee Department ofEnvironment and Conservation, 1992, Rare Plant List 990 of Tennessee, Division ofEcological Services, Nashville, Tennessee, February 28. Tennessee Department ofEnvironment and Conservation, 1992, Tennessee 695 County Distribution Recordsfor Endangered, Threatened, and Status Review Species, Nashville, Tennesse, July 20. Tennessee Department ofHealth and the Oak Ridge HealthAgreement Steering 700 Panel, 1993, OakRidge Health Studies, Phase 1 Report, vol. 1, Nashville, Tennessee, September. Tennessee Department ofTransportation, 1993, Tennessee City and County 924 Maps Showing 1992 Average Daily Traffic, Bureau ofPlanning and Development, March 25. Tennessee Valley Authority, 1987, Map ofOak Ridge Area, Section S-16A, Oak 699 Ridge, Tennessee. Tennessee Valley Authority, 1991, Flood Analyses for Department ofEnergy 696 Y-12, ORNL, and K-25 Plants, Flood Protection Section, Water Resources Operations Department, Water Resources Division, Knoxville, Tennessee, December. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission, 1991, "Proclamation-Endangered 697 or Threatened Species, Amended by Proclamation 91-5," March 2. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission, 1991, "Proclamation-Wildlife in 799 Need ofManagement, amended by Proclamation 91-4," March 2. Thornton, K., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, Las 615 Vegas Nevada, personal communication with M. Jacaruso, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Utility Data for the NTS," April 7. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 94 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title ~o. Status* Tinno, K., 1994, Acting Chairman, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, letter to 1180 T.L. Wichmann, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Comments on the Department ofEnergy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Environmental Impact Statement," September 29. Toxicology Data Network (TOXnet), 1993, National Library ofMedicine, U.S. 288 Department ofHealth and Human Services, Bethesda, Maryland. Trafzer, C.E. and R.D. Scheuerman, 1986, Renegade Tribe: The Palouse 455 c Indians and the Invasion ofthe Inland Pacific Northwest, Washington State University Press, Pullman, Washington. Transportation Research Board, 1985, Highway Capacity Manual, Special 747 c Report 209, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. Transportation Research Board, 1994, Highway Capacity Manual, Special 1046 c Report 209, third edition, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., October. Truex, W.A., 1991, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, 704 letter to C.K. Williams, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., regarding "Data for Nuclear Weapons Complex Reconfiguration," November 13. Truex, W.A., 1995, U. S. Department ofEnergy, Oak Ridge Operations Office, 1132 memorandum toR. Stump, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, regarding "Oak Ridge Operations Office Contractor Employment," March 22. Turner, D., 1994, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 671 personal communication with D. Olson, Halliburton NUS Corporation, Gaithersburg, Maryland, regarding "Verification of SNF EIS Comments," May 18. Turner, K., 1994, Westinghouse Savannah River Company, Aiken, South Caro-1079 lina, interoffice memorandum to E.M. Rollins, Halliburton NUS Corporation, regarding "SRS Headcount," March 31. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 95 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Air Force, 1993, Environmental Assessmentfor Southern Nevada Relay 612 Node, Site No. RN8W9 1 8NV, Air Force Material Command Electronics System Center, Hanscomb Air Force Base, Massachusetts, March 5. U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Department oflnterior, 1991, Special 611 Nevada Report, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, September. U.S. Army, Corps ofEngineers, 1987, Wetland Delineation Manual, Technical 297 Report 4-87-1, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi, January. U.S. Army, Corps ofEngineers, 1989, Water Control Manual for McNary Lock 329 and Dam, Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, Walla Walla District, Walla Walla, Washington. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1957, A Summary ofTransportation Incidents 551 in Atomic Energy Activities, 1949-1956, AECU-3613, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C., December. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1966, A Summary ofIncidents Involving 552 USAEC Shipments ofRadioactive Material, 1963-1964, TID-16764 (Supplement 2), U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1972, S8G Prototype Environmental State-263 ment, WASH-1525, West Milton, New York, December. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 1974, Technical Basisfor Interim Regional 963 Tornado Criteria, WASH 1300, Office ofRegulation, May. U.S. Bureau ofEconomic Analysis, 1993, Regional Input-Output Modeling Sys911 R tem (RIMS II), machine-readable regionalized input-output multipliers for the INEL region ofinfluence, U.S. Department ofCommerce, Washington, D.C. U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1982, 1980 Census ofPopulation and Housing, 886 R Washington, D.C. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 96 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1982, General Housing Characteristics, Tennessee, 665 R HC80-1-A44, 1980 Census ofHousing, U.S. Department ofCommerce, Economic and Statistics Administration. U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1990, 1987 Census ofGovernments, vol. 4, Govern-416 R ment Finances, no. 3, "Finances of County Governments," GC87(4)-3, U.S. Department ofCommerce, Washington, D.C. U.S. BureauoftheCensus, 1991, 1990CensusofPopulationandHousing, 1247 R Summary File 1A, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1991, 1990 Census ofPopulation andHousing, 1248 R Summary Tape File 3A, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., September. U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1991, General Housing Characteristics, Tennessee, 667 R CH-1-44, 1990 Census ofHousing, U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic and Statistics Administration. U.S. Bureau of the Census, 1991, Region and County Projections, U.S. Depart-1091 R ment ofCommerce, Washington, D.C., November. U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1991, 1990 Tennessee Housing Units, Households 675 R and Population Per Household by County, City and Census Designated Places, March 18, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. U.S. Bureau ofthe Census, 1992, 1990 Census ofPopulation andHousing, 888 R Summary Tape File 3 on CD-ROM, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Corps ofEngineers, 1987, WetlandDelineationManual, see U.S. Army, Corps ofEngineers, 1987, WetlandDelineationManual. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1991, "Red-Cockaded Wood-791 peeker Management Standards and Guidelines," Savannah River Site, Savannah River Forest Station, New Ellenton, South Carolina. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 97 Reference Title ~o. Status* U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1991, Savannah River Site 739 Wildlife, Fisheries, and Botany Operation Plan, Savannah River Forest Station, New Ellenton, South Carolina. U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992, Regional Economic Analysis 1992, 1249 R Bureau ofEconomic Analysis, Regional Economic Information System, May. U.S. Department of Commerce, 1992, Bureau ofEconomic Analysis, Regional 415 Economic Information System, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department of Commerce, 1993, County Government Finances: 414 1990-1991, GF/91-8, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofCommerce, 1993, Tennessee County Projections to 2040, 674 Economic and Statistics Administration, Bureau ofEconomic Analysis, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy and U.S. Department ofDefense, 1994, The United 1141 States Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, Department of Energy and Department ofDefense, Washington, D.C., June. U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 738 1993, Nuclear Reactors Built, Being Built, or Planned: 1992, DOE/OSTI-8200-R56 (DE93015065), Office ofNuclear Energy, Washington D.C., August. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1982, Operation ofPUREXand Uranium Oxide 378 Plant Facilities, Washington, DOE/EIS-0089D, Richland, Washington. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1983, Operation ofPUREXand Uranium Oxide 1208 Plant Facilities, Washington, DOE/EIS-0089, Richland, Washington. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1985, Order 5480.3, "Safety Requirements for 1020 R Packaging and Transportation ofHazardous Materials, Hazardous Sub stances, and Hazardous Wastes," Washington, D.C., July 9. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 98 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* 382 U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1986, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Process Facility Modifications Project, Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, DOE/EIS-0115D, April 1986, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1986, Environmental Assessment, Reference Repos-359 itory Location, Hanford Site, Washington, DOE/RW-0070, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Office ofCivilian Radioactive Waste Management, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1986, Environmental Assessment, Yucca Mountain 564 Site, Nevada Research and Development Area, Nevada, DOE/RW-0073, Office ofCivilian Radioactive Waste Management, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1986, Order 5480.1B, "Environmental, Safety, and 824 R Health Program for Department ofEnergy Operations," Washington, D.C., September 23. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1987, Environmental Survey, Preliminary Report, 727 Y-12 Plant, OakRidge, Tennessee, DOE/EH/OVE-07-P, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1987, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Dis-423 posal ofHanford Defense High-Level and Transuranic and Tank Wastes, Hanford Site, DOE/EIS-'-0113, vols. 1-3, Richland, Washington. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1987, Order 5481.1B, "Safety Analysis and Review 885 R System," Washington, D.C., May 19. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Consultation Draft: Site Characterization 353 Plan, Reference Repository Location, Hanford Site, Washington, vol. 1 of 9, DOE/RW-0164, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Environmental Survey, Preliminary Report, 728 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (X-1 0), Oak Ridge, Tennessee, DOE/EH/OEV-31-P, Washington, D.C., July. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Internal Dose Conversion Factors for Calcu-493 lation ofDose to the Public, DOE/EH-0071, Washington, D.C., July. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 99 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Order 5820.2A, "Radioactive Waste Manage-879 R ment," Chapter V, Washington, D.C., September 26. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Section 175 Report: Secretary ofEnergy's 581 Report to the Congress Pursuant to Section 175 ofthe Nuclear Waste Policy Act, as Amended, Office ofCivilian Radioactive Waste Management, Washington, D.C., December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Site Characterization Plan, Yucca Mountain 604 Site, Nevada Research and Development Area, Nevada, DOE/RW-0199, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Washington, D.C., December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1988, Special Isotope Separation Project, Final 214 Environmental Impact Statement, DOE/EIS-0116, vol. 1, November. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1989, Commercial Greater-Than-Class-C Low-892 Level Radioactive Waste Long-Range Planning Document, DOE/LLW-77T, rev. 0, National Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Program, Washington, D.C., February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1989, Decommissioning ofEight Surplus 360 Production Reactors at the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, DOE/EIS-0119D, PNL-6756, March, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1989, Order 6430.1A, "Radioactive Waste Manage1187 R ment," Washington, D.C., April6. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, Compliance Assessment ofthe Nevada Test 580 Site, DOE/EH-0015, Office ofEnvironment, Safety, and Health, Washington, D.C., January. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, EH-231 memorandum to distribution, "Man-1010 agement ofCultural Resources at Department ofEnergy Facilities," Washington, D.C., February 23. *Docmnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docmnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docmnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe docmnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 100 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, Environmental Assessment, Hot Fuel Exami1167 nation Facility/South, DOE/EA-0377, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, Finding ofNo Significant Impact for Hot 1166 Fuel Examination Facility/South, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, Order 5400.1, Change 1, "General Environ1250 R mental Protection Program," Washington, D.C., June 29. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, Order 5400.5, "Radiation Protection ofthe 1251 R Public and the Environment," Washington, D.C., June 5. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1990, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Final Supple921 ment, Environmental Impact Statement, DOE/EIS-0026-FS, Office ofEnvironmental Restoration and Waste Management, Washington, D.C., January. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1991, Draft Environmental Impact Statement for 966 the Siting, Construction, and Operation ofNew Production Reactor Capacity, vol. 4, DOE/EIS-0144D, Office ofNew Production Reactors, Washington, D.C., April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1991, Draft Environmental Impact Statementfor 71 the Siting, Construction, and Operation ofNew Production Reactor Capacity, vol. 2, DOE/EIS-0144D, Office ofNew Production Reactors, Washington, D.C., April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1991, Environmental Assessment, Transportation, 1131 Receipt, and Storage ofFort St. Vrain Spent Fuel at the Irradiated Fuel Storage Facility at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/EA-0441, Office ofNuclear Energy, Washington, D.C., February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1991, Environmental Regulatory Guide for 897 Radiological Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance, DOE/EH-0173T, Washington, D.C., January. 708 Recon.figuration Site, Savannah River Field Office, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1991, Proposalfor the Nuclear Weapons Complex *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 101 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1991, Secretary ofEnergy Notice, "Nuclear Safety 1 R Policy," SEN-35-91, Washington, D.C., September 9. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Order 1230.2, "American Indian Tribal Gov- 863 R ernment Policy," Washington, D.C., April 8. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Characteristics ofPotential Repository 350 Wastes, DOE/RS-0184-R1, vol. 2, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Distribution ofAnnual Whole-Body Radia-731 tion Doses by Facility Type, OakRidge Operations-1991, October. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Environmental Assessment for the Shipment 1096 ofLow Enriched Uranium Billets to the United Kingdom from the Hanford Site, Richland, Washington, DOE/EA-0787, Washington, D.C., August. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Environmental Assessment: Retrieval and 837 Restorage ofTransuranic Storage Area Waste, at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/EA-0692, Office ofEnvironmental Restoration and Waste Management Complex, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Guidelinesfor Use ofProbabilistic Seismic 1076 R Hazard Curves at Department ofEnergy Sites, DOE-STD-1 024-92, U.S. Department ofEnergy Seismic Working Group, December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Hazard Categorization andAccident 495 R Analysis Techniques for Compliance with DOE 5480.23, Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports, DOE-STD-1027-92, Washington, D.C., December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Integrated Data Base for 1992: US. Spent 182 Fuel and Radioactive Waste Inventories, Projections, and Characteristics, DOE/RW-0006, rev. 8, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1992, Order 5480.23, "Nuclear Safety Analysis 783 R Reports," Washington, D.C., April30. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 102 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* i 729 Plan for the Environme~talRestoration Program, DOE/OR-1001/R2, Environmental Restoratibn Division, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, [992, Oak Ridge Reservation Site Management US. Department ofEnergy, ~ 992, Order 5480. 11, Change 3, "Radiation Protec499 R tion for Occupational Workers," Washington, D.C., June 17. U.S. Department ofEnergy, ~992, Revised Environmental Assessment, Trans352 portation, Receipt, and Storage ofFort St. Vrain Spent Fuel at the Irrad 1 iated Fuel Storage Facility at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Lbboratory, DOE/EA-0742 (Table 5-4), Office of Nuclear Energy, Washin~on, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, !1992, Safety Performance Measurement System825 R Annual Radiation Database 1989-1991, U.S. Department ofEnergy, I Office ofEnvironment, Safety, and Health, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 11993, Agreement Between DOE and State ofldaho, 923 August 9, 1993, as Integrated into Order by U.S. District Court for District ofldaho on September 21. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 11993, Definitions and Criteria for Accident Analy127 sis, DOE Standard DOE-DP-STD-3005-93 (proposed), Washington, D.C. 'I U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, DOE Handbook: Recommended Values and 498 Technical Basesfor Airborne Release Fractions, Airborne Release Rates, I and Respirable Fractiof!s at DOE Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities, DOE-STD-0013-93, Washington, D.C., July. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Environmental Assessmentfor Decontamina-895 tion and Selective Demolition ofAuxiliary Reactor Areas II and III, DOE/EA-0858, Washington, D.C., September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Environmental Assessment: High Level 567 Waste Tank Farm Repl~cement Projectfor Idaho Chemical Processing Plant at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/EA-0831, June. I *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, I these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 103 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Environmental Assessment ofthe Interim 896 Actionfor Cleanup ofPit 9 at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex, DOE/EA-0854, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Environmental Assessment: Test Area North 181 Pool Stabilization Project, Idaho Falls Field Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Interim Mixed Waste Inventory Report: 349 Waste Streams, Treatment Capacities, and Technologies, DOE/NBM-1100, vol. 3, April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Installation Summaries, vol. 2 ofEnviron-1092 mental Restoration and Waste Management Five-Year Plan, Fiscal Years 1994-1998, DOE/S-0097P, January. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, "Memorandum ofAgreement Among the 907 U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office; the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office; and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation" (for Auxiliary Reactor Areas I, II, and III), Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 15. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, "Memorandum ofAgreement among the U.S. 908 Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office; the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office; and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation" (for Test Area North 629 Hangar), Idaho Falls, Idaho, November 18. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Nonnuclear Consolidation Environmental 734 Assessment, Volume I, Nuclear Weapons Complex Recon.figuration Program, DOE/EA-0792, Office ofDefense Programs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Weapons Complex Reconfiguration, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Occupational Injury andProperty Damage 793 Summary, January-June 1993, DOE/EH/01570-H3, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Occupational Injury andProperty Damage 3 Summary, January-March, DOE/EH/01570-H2, Washington, D.C., March. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Order 5400.5, Change 2, "Radiation Protec 792 R tion ofthe Public and the Environment," Washington, D.C., January 7. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 104 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Recommendationsfor the Preparation of Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements, Office ofNEPA Oversight, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Safety ofShipments ofPlutonium by Sea, DOE/EM-0103, Assistant Secretary for Environment Restoration and Waste Management, Washington, D.C., September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Waste Acceptance Production Specifications for Vitrified High-Level Waste Forms, EM-WAPS, Office ofEnvironmental Restoration and Waste Management, Germantown, Maryland, February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1993, Spent Fuel Working Group Report on Inventory and Storage ofthe Department's Spent Nuclear Fuel and Other Reactor Irradiated Nuclear Materials and Their Environmental, Safety and Health Vulnerabilities, vols. 1, 2, and 3, Washington, D.C., November. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Annual Report on Waste Generation and Waste Minimization Progress 1991-1992, DOE/S-0105, Office ofthe Secretary, Washington, D.C., February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, DOE-Owned Spent Nuclear Fuel Strategic Plan, Revision, Washington, D.C., December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Environmental Assessmentfor Hazardous Materials Testing at the Liquified Gaseous Fuels Spill Test Facility, Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, DOE-EA-0864, Office ofFossil Energy, Washington, D.C., March. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Environmental Assessmentfor Return of Isotope Capsules to the Waste Encapsulation and Storage Facility, DOE/EA-0942, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Environmental Assessment, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Low-Level andMixed Waste Processing, DOE/EA-0843, Office ofEnvironmental Restoration and Waste Management, Washington, D.C. June. Reference No. Status* 530 1083 1104 159 1189 1218 599 1097 834 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 105 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Environmental Assessment ofUrgent-Relief 548 Acceptance ofForeign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel, DOE/EA-0912, Washington, D.C., April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Environmental Regulatory Update Table, 788 ORNL/M-3271, January/February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Evaluation Guidelines for Accident Analysis 859 and Safety Structures, Systems, and Components, Proposed Standard DOE-DP-STD-3005-YR (draft), Washington, D.C., February 25. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Final Supplemental Environmental Impact 1050 Statement-Defense Waste Processing Facility, DOE/EIS-0082-S, Savannah River Operations Office, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), 857 andAvailability ofChemical Risk Assessment Guidance, Table 1, "IRIS Chemicals with Reference Doses and Carcinogen Assessments," June, as presented in Environmental Regulatory Update Table, ORNL/M-3271/R1, March/ April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Natural Phenomena Hazards Design and 1060 R Evaluation Criteria for Department ofEnergy Facilities, DOE-STD-1020, Washington, D. C., April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Order 5480.23, Change 1, "Nuclear Safety 1257 R Analysis Reports," Washington, D.C., March 10. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Plan ofAction to Resolve Spent Nuclear Fuel 1045 Vulnerabilities, Phase III, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., October. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Plan ofAction to Resolve Spent Nuclear Fuel 1041 Vulnerabilities, Phase I, vols. I and II, Washington, D.C., February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Plan ofAction to Resolve Spent Nuclear Fuel 591 Vulnerabilities, Phase II, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., April. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 106 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Radiological Control Manual, DOE/EH-0256T, rev. 1, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1994, Secretarial Policy on the National Environmental Policy Act, Washington, D.C., June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1995, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Recommendation 94-1 Implementation Plan, Washington, D.C., February 28. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1995, Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Interim Management ofNuclear Materials, DOE/EIS-0220D, Savannah River Operations Office, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1995, Draft Environment Impact Statement on a Proposed Policy for the Acceptance ofForeign Research Reactor Spent Nuclear Fuel, DOE/EIS-0218-D, Washington, D.C. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1995, Environmental Assessment Test Area North Pool Stabilization Project, DOE/EA-1050, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1995, Environmental Assessment: Waste Characterization Facility at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, DOE/EA-0906, Washington, D.C., February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Falls Field Office Service Center, 1994, Electronic Message, "Alert at INEL," discussing Aprill5, 1994 accidental chlorine release, 2:05 p.m. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1991, Air Permitting Handbook, DOE/ID-10324, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1991, Order 5480.3, "Hazardous Materials Packaging and Transportation Safety Requirements," Washington, D.C., March 14. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1991, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Historical Dose Evaluation, DOE/ID-12119, vol. 1, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. Reference No. Status* 1074 1065 1169 1138 1243 1056 1174 856 964 281 2 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 107 Title U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1991, Personnel Survey Results, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, July. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, Air Emission Inventoryfor the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, 1990 and 1991 Emissions Report, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, Draft Toxic Pollutant Emission Inventory ofthe Idaho National Engineering Laboratoryfor Calendar Year 1989, rev. 0, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Monitoring Plan: Baseline Document, DOEIID-10395(92), Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, RCRA Part B Permit Applicationfor the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Volume 9, Waste Experimental Reduction Facility, Book 1, Appendix C, DOE/ID-10131, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, Record ofDecision, Test Reactor Area Perched Water System, Operable Unit 2-12, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, Supplement to 1991 INEL National Emission Standardfor Hazardous Air Pollutants, Annual Report, Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, "Working Agreement Between the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation and the Idaho Field Office ofthe United States Department ofEnergy Concerning Environment, Safety, Health, Cultural Resources, and Economic Self-Sufficiency," Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 29. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1992, 1991 INEL National Emission Standardfor Hazardous Air Pollutants, Annual Report, DOE/ID-10342(91), Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Reference No. Status* 1017 91 932 124 1108 1229 1122 929 84 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 108 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, DOE-ID Architectural Engineering Standards, rev. 14, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Implementation Plan for the Department ofEnergy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Environmental and Waste Management Programs Environmental Impact Statement, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October 29. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, "Memorandum of Agreement among the U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office; the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office; and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation," (for Auxiliary Reactor Areas I, II, and III), Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 15. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, "Memorandum of Agreement ..."(for Auxiliary Reactor Areas I, II, and III), Washington, D.C., see U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, "Memorandum of Agreement among the U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office; the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office; and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation," (for Test Area North 629 Hangar), Idaho Falls, Idaho. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, "Memorandum of Agreement among the U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office; the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office; and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation," (for Test Area North 629 Hangar), Idaho Falls, Idaho, November 18. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, "Memorandum of Agreement ..." (for Test Area North 629 Hangar), Washington, D.C., see U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, "Memorandum of Agreement among the U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office; the Idaho State Historic Preservation Office; and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation," (for Test Area North 629 Hangar), Idaho Falls, Idaho. Reference ~o. Status* 479 20 907 908 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 109 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, 1992 INEL National 978 Emission Standardfor Hazardous Air Pollutants, Annual Report, DOE/ID-1 0342(92), Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Idaho National 562 Engineering Laboratory Conceptual Site Treatment Plan, DOE/ID-10453, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Idaho National 1000 Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Site-Specific Plan for Fiscal Year 1993, DOE/ID-10253 (FY93), Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Idaho National 168 Engineering Laboratory Long-Term Land Use Future Scenarios, DOE/ID-10440, rev. 1, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Idaho National 979 Engineering Laboratory Storm Water Pollution Prevention Planfor Construction Activities-Generic Plan, DOE/ID-10425, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Idaho National 514 Engineering Laboratory Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan for Industrial Activities, DOE-ID-10431, rev. 1, Idaho Falls, Idaho, September 15. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Idaho National 259 Engineering Laboratory/West Valley Demonstration Project Emergency Plan, vol. 1, Operational Emergency Plan, rev. 1, Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, INEL 1116 Nonradiological Waste Management Information System for 1991 and Record to Date (NWIMS), DOE/ID-10057(1991), Idaho Falls, Idaho, April. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, INEL Nonradio 1006 logical Waste Management Information System for 1992 andRecord to Date (NWIMS), DOE/ID-10057(1992), Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 110 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, INEL Technical Site Information Report, DOE/ID-10401, see Smith, L.D., C.L. Jacobson, J.R. Cunningham, 1993. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Institutional Plan for Fiscal Years 1994-1999 (draft), Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1993, Record ofDecision, Declarationfor Pit 9 at the Radioactive Waste Management Complex Subsurface Disposal Area, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1994, Alternative Site Selection Decision Process Report, final draft, Idaho Falls, Idaho, May 20. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1994, INEL Reusable Property, Recyclable Materials, and Waste: Acceptance Criteria, DOE/ID-10381, rev. 1, Idaho Falls, Idaho, February. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1994, "INEL Historical Headcount and INEL Projected Headcount," Idaho Falls, Idaho, March 1. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1995, Draft Environmental Assessment, Replacement ofthe Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Health Physics Instrumentation Laboratory, DOE/EA-1034, Idaho Falls, Idaho, January. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, 1995, Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Cost Evaluation Report, SNF-REP-PS-001, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Washington, D.C., March. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1983, "DOE NEWS Press Release," NV-83-39, Las Vegas, Nevada, April28. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1986, "DOE NEWS Press Release," NV-86-28, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 13. Reference No. Status* 148 1226 794 980 1241 1162 1153 598 1003 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 111 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1986, Environmental 597 Assessmentfor the LGF Spill Test Facility at Frenchman Flat, Nevada Test Site, DOEIEA-3009, Las Vegas, Nevada. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1988, Status ofthe 596 Flora and Fauna on the Nevada Test Site-1988, DOE/NV/10630-29, Las Vegas, Nevada. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1991, Annual Site 594 Environmental Report-1990, DOE/NV/10630-20, Las Vegas, Nevada, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1991, Biological Assess-595 ment ofthe Effects ofActivities ofthe US. Department ofEnergy Field Office, Nevada and the Threatened Desert Tortoise, Las Vegas, Nevada, July. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1991, Environmental 579 Restoration and Waste Management Plan, Fiscal Years 1993-1997, DOE/NV-336, Las Vegas, Nevada, August. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1992, Annual Site 607 Environmental Report, 1991, DOE/NV/10630-33, Las Vegas, Nevada, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1992 RCRA Part B 606 Permit Applicationfor Waste Management Activities at the Nevada Test Site, Volumes I thru IV, Las Vegas, Nevada, July. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1992, "DOE NEWS 589 Press Release," NV-92-42, Las Vegas, Nevada, April14. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1992, Eighth Quarterly 593 Compliance Action Reportfor the Period ofJuly ]-September 30, 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 112 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1993, Annual Site Envi-262 ronmental Report-1992, I vol. I, DOE/NV/10630-66, Las Vegas, Nevada, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1993, Flood Assessment 587 at the Area 5 Radioactiye Waste Management Site and the Proposed Hazardous Waste Storage lJnit, DOE/Nevada Test Site, Las Vegas, Nevada, January. I I 1 U.S. Department ofEnergy, !Nevada Operations Office, 1993, FY 1993 NTS 605 Technical Site Information Package, vols. 1 and 2, Las Vegas, Nevada, September. 1 U.S. Department ofEnergy, 1 Nevada Operations Office, 1993, Groundwater Pro-588 tection Management Program Plan for the DOE Nevada Field Office, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 19. I U.S. Department ofEnergy,!Nevada Operations Office, 1993, Technical Infor-577 mation Package Proposal for Reconfiguration ofNuclear Weapons Complex at the Nevada Test 1 Site, vols. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, Las Vegas, Nevada, September. i U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1993, 1992 Annual 578 Report on Waste Generation and Waste Minimization Progress as Required by SEN-37-92 and DOE Order 5400.1, Nevada Test Site, (draft), Las Vegas, Nevada, January 19. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1994, communication to 584 K. Whitaker, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, regarding "Geology Section of Appendix F, Part Two of preliminary draft, US. I Department ofEnergy Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Idaho I National Engineering Laboratory Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Enviromnental Impact Statement," Las Vegas, Nevada, January 28. U.S. Department ofEnergy,i Nevada Operations Office, 1994, memorandum 586 from C.A. Shelton toW. Russell, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, regarding ~'Waste Management," March 18. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 113 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1994, Report Nevada 583 Test Site Related and Other Nevada Related Employment, Las Vegas, Nevada, January. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Nevada Operations Office, 1994, "Water Usage 585 Data for 1993," Las Vegas, Nevada. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland Field Office, 1992, Emergency Response 894 Plan for U.S. Department ofEnergy Richland Field Office, prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland Operations Office, 1991, Environmental 970 Restoration and Waste Management Site-Specific Plan for the Richland Operations Office, Hanford Site Five Year Plan Fiscal Years 1993-1997, DOE/RL-91-25, Richland, Washington, September. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland Operations Office, 1992, Environmental 1081 Assessment of1 05-KE and 1 05-KW Basins Fuel Encapsulation and Repackaging, 100 K-Area, Hanford Site, Richland Washington, DOEIEA-0535, Richland, Washington. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland Operations Office, 1993, Radionuclide Air 989 Emissions Reportfor the Hanford Site Calendar Year 1992, DOE/RL-93-36, Richland, Washington. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Richland Operations Office, 1994, BaldEagle Site 1080 Management Plan for the Hanford Site, South-Central Washington, DOE/RL-94-150, rev. 0, Richland, Washington, December. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Field Office, 1992, "Information for 746 Mitigation ofWetlands Impacts at the Savannah River Site," Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, 1984, Final 92 Environmental Impact Statement, L-Reactor Operation, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina, DOEIEIS-0108, Aiken, South Carolina. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 114 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* 93 U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, 1987, Final Environmental Impact Statement, Alternate Cooling Water Systems, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina, DOEIEIS-0121, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, 1987, Final 39 Environmental Impact Statement, Waste Management Activitiesfor Groundwater Protection, Savannah River Plant, Aiken, South Carolina, DOEIEIS-0120, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, 1990, Final 44 Environmental Impact Statement, Continued Operation ofK-, L-, and P-Reactors, Savannah River Site, DOE/EIS-0147, vol. I, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofEnergy, Savannah River Operations Office, 1995, Savannah 1071 River Site Waste Management Draft Environmental Impact Statement, DOEIEIS-0217D, Aiken, South Carolina. U.S. Department ofinterior, 1990, "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and 969 R Plants; Review ofPlant Taxa for Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species; Notice ofReview," Federal Register, Volume 55, No. 35, Part IV, 50 CFR 17, February 21. U.S. Department ofinterior, 1991, "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and 804 R Plants, Animal Candidate Review for Listing as Endangered or Threatened Species, Proposed Rule," Federal Register, Volume 56, No. 225, Part VIII. 50 CFR 17, November 21. U.S. Department oflnterior, 1992, "Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and 803 R Plants," 50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12, August 29. U.S. Department ofthe Army, Corps ofEngineers, 1987, Wetlands Delineation 610 Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1, Washington, D.C., January. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 115 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Department ofthe Army, Corps ofEngineers, 1991, Waterborne Com657 merce ofthe United States Calendar Year 1986, Part 2: Waterways and Harbors GulfCoast, Mississippi River System and Antilles, Fort Belvoir, Virginia, June 28. U.S. Department ofthe Interior, Bureau ofLand Management, 1990, Map ofthe 573 State ofNevada. U.S. Department ofthe Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 1986, Coastal Plain 186 Virginia-Western Shore, Atlas ofNational Wetlands Inventory Maps, Chesapeake Bay, vol. I ofiV, 1986. U.S. Department ofthe Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 1990, County Occur-192 rences ofEndangered and Threatened Species in Virginia, September. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1978, Seismic Design Study-Water Pit Facility, 249 Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington, Shannon and Wilson, Inc., W-3449-06, December. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1984, Final Environmental Impact Statement on 827 the Disposal ofDecommissioned, Defueled Naval Submarine Reactor Plants, PB90-193855, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1984, Master Plan, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, 202 Northern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, New Hampshire. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1986, Natural Resources Management Plan for 265 Bremerton Naval Complex, Bremerton, Washington, Western Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, San Bruno, California. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1989, memorandum from Bruce D. Eilerts, Natu-185 ral Resources Management Specialist, Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, regarding "Protected Wildlife Naval Shipyard Pearl Harbor," August. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1990, Environmental Assessmentfor the Puget 199 Sound Naval Shipyard Commissary Store, Western Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, San Bruno, California. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 116 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1990, Final Environmental Impact Statementfor Proposed Developments at Naval Base Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, Belt Collins and Associates f6r Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pearl Harbo~, Hawaii, August. I U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1991, Environmental Assessmentfor Dockside Chlorination Units, Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, Oahu, Hawaii, Engi 1 neering Concepts, Inc., Sea Engineering, Inc., and, OCEES, Inc., October. I U.S. Department ofthe Nav}r, 1991, Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Fast Combat Support Ship (AOE-6 Class), U.S. West Coast I Homeporting Program, jChesapeake Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Washington ID. C. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1991, Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT) Analysisfor Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Northern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Cpmmand, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S. Department ofthe Navy, 1993, Environmental Assessmentfor the Portsmouth Naval ShipyardMCON Project P-250, Solid and Hazardous Waste I Storage Facility, Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine. U.S. Department ofthe Na'jY, 1993, Natural Resources Management Planfor Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Kittery, Maine, Northern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Cornrrtand, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. U.S. Department ofTransplrtation, 1991, Airport Activity Statistics ofCertified Route Air Carriers, 12 Months Ending December 31, 1990, Federal Aviation Administration, Research and Special Programs Administration, U.S. Government Printing qffice Document No. 1991 526-060/40772, Washington, D.C. I U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1975, Final Environmental Statement ofWaste Management Operations, Hanford Reservation, Richland, Washington, 2 vols., ERDA-1538, Washington, D.C. Reference No. Status* 232 189 220 208 204 212 726 397 *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted~ docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included lin the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite I obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 117 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1976, Ecology ofthe 608 Nevada Test Site: A Narrative Summary and Annotated Bibliography, Las Vegas, Nevada, May. U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1976, Evaluation of 396 Impact ofPotential Flooding Criteria on the Hanford Project, RL0-76-4, Richland, Washington. U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977, Final Environ-12 mental Impact Statement, Waste Management Operations, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, ERDA-1536, Washington, D.C., September. U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977, Final Environ-644 mental Impact Statement, Nevada Test Site, Nye County, Nevada, ERDA-1551, Washington, D.C., September. U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, 1977, Final Impact 456 Statement, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Environment and Safety Division, July. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1974, Information on_ Levels ofEnvi-14 ronmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and Welfare with an Adequate Margin ofSafety, EPA-550/9-74-004 (PB-239429), Washington, D.C., March. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1977, Compilation ofAir Pollutant 358 Emission Factors, Office of Air and Waste Management, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1980, Effects ofNoise on Wildlife and 653 Other Animals-Review ofResearch Since since 1971, EPA 550/9-80-100, Office ofNoise Abatement and Control, Washington, D.C., July. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1981, Population Exposure to External 764 Natural Radiation Background in the United States, ORP/SEPD-80-12, PB81-233082, U.S. Department ofEnergy. Office ofRadiation Programs, Washington, D.C., April. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 118 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1982, Guidelinesfor Noise Impact 13 Analysis, EPA-550/9-82-105 (PB82-219205), Washington, D.C., April. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1985, Compilation ofAir Pollutant 315 Emission Factors, VolJme 1: Stationary Point and Area Sources, AP-42, fourth edition, September 1985. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1988, Gap Filling PM10 Emission 901 Factors for Selected Open Area Dust Sources, EPA-450/4-88-003, Research Triangle Park~ North Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1988, Limiting Values ofRadionuclide 534 I I I I Intake and Air Concen(ration and Dose Conversion Factors for Inhalation, Submersion, and Ingesfion, Federal Guidance Report No. 11, Washington, D.C. ; I U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 198 9, Risk Assessment Guidance for 511 I Superfund, Volume 1, !Iuman Health Evaluation Manual (Part A), Interim Final, EPA/540/1-89/002, Washington, D.C., December. I U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1989, Risk Assessments, Environmental 913 I Impact Statement, NESf!APS for Radionuclides, Background Information Document, vol. 2, EPM520/1-89-006-1, Office ofRadiation Programs, Washington, D.C., Sep~ember. I U.S. Environmental Protect~on Agency, 1991, Manual ofProtective Action 481 Guides and Protective Wctions for Nuclear Incidents, 400-R-92-001, Washington, D.C. Oct~ber. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992, EPA Title III List ofLists, Con-848 I solidated List ofChemicals Subject to Reporting Under the Emergency Planning and Commurlity Right-to-Know Act, EPA 560/4-92-011, Office of I Toxic Substances and 0ffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, I Washington, D.C., January. I U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992, SCREEN2 Model User's Guide, 164 EP A-450/4-92-006, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, September. *Documents marked "C" are bopyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included .in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docun\.ent. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992, User's Guide for the Fugitive Dust Model (FDM), see Winges, K., 1992. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992, User's Guide for the Industrial Source Complex (JSC2) Dispersion Models, EPA-450/4-92-00Sa,b,c, vols. I, II, and III, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Technical Support Division, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, March. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1992, Workbookfor Plume Visual Impact Screening and Analysis (revised), EPA-454/R-92-023, Office ofAir Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, October. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Compilation ofAir Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume 1: Stationary Point andArea Sources, AP-42 (1985 with supplements through October 1993), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, September. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Drinking Water Regulations and Health Advisories, Washington, D.C., December. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Guideline on Air Quality Models (revised), EPA-450/2-78-027R, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Guideline in Air Quality Models (revised), EPA-450/2-78-027R, see U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Guideline on Air Quality Models. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Guidelines ofAir Quality Models (revised), EPA-450/2-78-027R, see U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Guideline on Air Quality Models. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables, FY-1993, Supplement No. 1, EPA 540-R-93-058A, Washington, D.C., July. June 1, 1995 Page 119 Reference No. Status* 15 307 1242 151 R 976 515 *Docwnents marked "C" are copyrighted; docwnents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docwnents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe docwnent. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 120 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993, Motor Vehicle-Related Taxies 1103 Study, EPA 420-R-93-005, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April. I U.S. Environmental Protecdon Agency, 1993, "Office ofEnvironmental Equity Grants Program, Solicit1ation Notice for Fiscal Year 1994, Environmental Justice Grants to Comrriunity Groups," see Federal Register, 1993, 58 FR 231, "Office ofEnvironhtental Equity Grants Program: Solicitation Notice for Fiscal Year 1994, Ehvironmental Justice Grants to Community Groups." U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994, Designated Sole Source Aquifers 1100 Nationally, Fact Sheet i-vith Designated Aquifers and Pending Petitions Listed, Office ofGrountlwater Protection, Washington, D.C., January. I ! I U.S. Environmental Protectlon Agency, 1994, Environmental Justice Initiatives, 1236 1993, EPA-200-R-93-101, Washington, D.C., February. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1994, "Integrated Risk Information 533 System (IRIS)-Select~d Chemicals," database, Washington, D.C. I U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Departm~nt ofTransportation, 1987, Emergency Planning for I Extremely Hazardous Substances, Technical Guidance for Hazard Analysis, see U.S. Envi~onmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management Agency, W.S. Department ofTransportation, 1987, Technical Guidance for Hazards Mnalysis: Emergency Planning for Extremely Hazardous Substances.~ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Emergency Management 308 Agency, U.S. Department ofTransportation, 1987, Technical Guidance for Hazards Analysis: Emergency Planning for Extremely Hazardous Substances, PB93-206910, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, I Washington, D.C., De~ember. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nevada State Office, 1993, Candidate Species of 627 Nevada, updated December 1. I U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Reno Field Office, Reno, Nevada, D. Harlow, letter toN. Aquilina, see Harlow, D., 1993. *Docmnents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these docmnents are included ,in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 121 Title U.S. Geological Survey, 1963-1983, Water Data Storage Retrieval System (WASTORE), see U.S. Geological Survey, 1982-1993, Water Data Storage Retrieval System (WASTORE). U.S. Geological Survey; 1982-1993, Water Data Storage Retrieval System (WASTORE), Water Quality File, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Project Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho. U.S. Geological Survey, 1983, Ewa, Hawaii, N2115-W15801.5/7.5. U.S. Geological Survey, 1983, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, N2115-W15754/7/5. U.S. Geological Survey, 1985, digital line graph data, 1 :2 million, Earth Science Information Center, Reston, Virginia. U.S. Geological Survey, 1990, "Conceptualization and Analysis of Ground-Water Flow System in the Coastal Plain ofVirginia and Adjacent Parts of Maryland and North Carolina," Professional Paper 1404-F. U.S. Geological Survey, 1992, National Wild and Scenic River System, scale map, 1:5000,000, 38077-BQ-NA-05M-OO, produced in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; and Department of Interior, Bureau ofLand Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Park Service, Reston, Virginia, December. U.S. National Park Service, 1991, National Register ofHistoric Places 19661991 Cumulative List through June 30, 1991, National Park Service, American Association for State and Local History. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1975, Spent Fuel Storage Facility Design Basis, Regulatory Guide 1.13, Office of Standards Development, Washington, D.C. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1977, Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences ofAccidental Nuclear Criticality in a Fuel Reprocessing Plant, Regulatory Guide 3.33, Washington, D.C., April. Reference No. Status* 1028 568 286 1002 R 197 1198 809 780 503 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 122 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cqmmission, 1977, Calculation ofAnnual Doses to Man from Radiation R~leases ofReactor Effluents for the Purpose ofEvaluating Compliance with 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Regulatory Guide 1.109, rev. 1, Office of Standards Development, Washington, D.C., October. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cdmmission, 1977, Final Environmental Statement of the Transportation ofRadioactive Material by Air and Other Modes, I • NUREG-0170,0ffice of Standards Development, Washington, D.C., December. I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979, Assumptions Usedfor Evaluating I the Potential Radiologipal Consequences ofAccidental Nuclear Criticality in a Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plant, Regulatory Guide 3.35, rev. 1, Washingtok D.C., July. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory cJmmission, 1979, Assumptions Usedfor Evaluating I the Potential Radiological Consequences ofAccidental Criticality in a I Uranium Fuel Fabricafion Plant, Regulatory Guide 3.34, rev. 1, Washington, D.C., July. : I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1979, Environmental Standard Review Plansfor the Environmental Review ofConstruction Permit Applications for Nuclear Power Plahts, NUREG-0555, Office ofNuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, D.C., May. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C~mmission, 1979, Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement on Handling and Storage ofSpent Light Water Reactor Power Reactor Fuel, NUREG-0575, Washington, D.C., August. i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cbmmission, 1980, Dry Storage ofSpent Nuclear Fuel, NUREG/CR-1223, Washington, D.C., April. I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1980, Proposed Revision 1 to Regulatory Guide 1.23, Meteorological Programs in Support ofNuclear Power Plants, Washington, D.C. Reference No. Status* 274 130 488 489 721 264 211 398 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included! in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docunient. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 123 Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1982, Draft Environmental Statement 335 Related to the Construction ofSkagit/Hanford Nuclear Project, Units 1 and 2, prepared by Puget Sound Power & Light Co., Pacific Power & Light Co., The Washington Water Power Co., Portland General Electric Co., NUREG-0894, Washington, D.C. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1983, Atmospheric Dispersion Models 748 for Potential Accident Consequences Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants, Regulatory Guide 1.145, rev. 1, Washington, D.C. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1983, Safety Evaluation Report Related 32 to the License Renewal and Power Increase for the National Bureau of Standards Reactor, NUREG-1007, Office ofNuclear Reactor Regulations, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., September. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1984, Environmental Impact, University 468 of Texas, TRIGA Mark II, July. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1984, Waste Confidence Decision, 920 R 49 FR 171, August 31. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1985, Environmental Assessment for the 4 77 Training and Research Reactor ofthe University ofLowell, License No. R-125, Docket No. 50-223, October 4. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1985, Safety Evaluation Report Related 40 to the Construction Permit and Operating License for the Research Reactor at the University of Texas, NUREG-113 5, Office ofNuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, D.C. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1985, Safety Evaluation Report Related 469 to the Renewal ofthe Operating License for the Training and Research Reactor at the University ofMichigan, Docket No. 50-2, NUREG-1138, July. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1985, University ofMichigan Renewal of 478 Facility Operating License, Docket No. 50-2, July 29. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 124 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Co~mission, 1987, Safety Evaluation Report Related 38 to the Materials Licensk Renewal for the Babcock & Wilcox Company Naval Nuclear Fuel DiJision (NNFD) Research Laboratory Lynchburg, Virginia, Docket No. 70-824, Washington, D.C. ! U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Cdmmission, 1986, Second Proposed Revision 1 to 798 I Regulatory Guide 1.23,j'Meteorological Measurement Program for Nuclear Power Plants, April. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory cdmmission, 1986, University ofMichigan, Docket 476 No. 50-2, Renewal offacility Operating License, NUREG-1227, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, December. I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1987, Shipping Container Response to Severe Highway and Rbilway Accident Conditions, see Fischer, L.E., C.K. Chou, M.A. Gerhard, C.Y. Kimura, R.W. Martin, R.W. Mensing, M.E. Mount, M.C. Witte, 1987. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1991, Environmental Assessment Related 45 to the Construction ana Operation ofthe Fort St. Vrain Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installatibn, Docket No. 72-9 (50-267), Washington, D.C., February. i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory clmmission, 1991, Safety Evaluation by the Office of 807 Nuclear Reactor Regulation Related to Amendment 21 to Facility License No. R-103, University bjMissouri-Columbia, Docket No. 50-186, Washington, D.C., May 8. I ! U.S. Nuclear Regulatory C<;>mmission, 1991, Safety Evaluation by the Office of 806 Nuclear Reactor Regulation Supporting Amendment No. 26 to Facility I Operating License No. R-3 7, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 1 Docket No. 50-20, December 9. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory cbmmission, 1991, Safety Evaluation Report for 37 Public Service Company ofColorado's Safety Analysis Report for Fort St. Vrain Independent Spdnt Fuel Storage Installation, Docket 72-9, Washington, D.C., October. I ! *Documents marked "C" are popyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included' in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docuclent. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 125 Reference Title ~o. Status* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1992, Safety Evaluation Report Related to the Construction Permit and Operating License for the Research Reactor atthe University of Texas, NUREG-1135, Supplement No. 1, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, January. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1993, Non-Power Reactors and Decom-457 missioning Project Directorate, Office ofNuclear Reactor Regulation, Washington, D.C., October. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1993, Safety Evaluation by the Office of 475 Nuclear Reactor Regulation Supporting Amendment No. 24 to Facility License No. R-I03, Docket No. 50-I86, The University ofMissouri at Columbia, July 21. U.S. West Direct, 1992, 1992/1993 Easy Reference Guide, Salt Lake City, Utah, 953 U.S. West Direct, Aurora, Colorado. United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., 1973, Site Geology Evaluation 261 Report-S8Gfor Kesselring Site, United Engineers and Constructors, Inc., ofBoston, Massachusetts and E. D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, #72-626, December. United Way ofBenton and Franklin Counties, 1992, I992 Annual Report, 413 Kennewick, Washington. University ofMichigan, 1990, Report ofReactor Operations, January I, I989 to 458 December 3I, I989, Ford Nuclear Reactor, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March. University ofMichigan, 1991, Report ofReactor Operations, January I, I990 to 459 December 3I, I990, Ford Nuclear Reactor, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March. University ofMichigan, 1992, Report ofReactor Operations, January I, I99I to 460 December 3I, I99I, Ford Nuclear Reactor, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 126 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title University ofMichigan, 199$, Report ofReactor Operations, January 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992, Fo~dNuclear Reactor, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March. ! University ofMichigan, 1994, Report ofReactor Operations, January 1, 1993 to December 31, 1993, Fo'rd Nuclear Reactor, Michigan Memorial-Phoenix Project, University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March. I University ofMissouri/Columbia, 1961, Preliminary Hazards Report, University I ofMissouri Research Reactor, Columbia, Missouri, March. I University ofMissouri/Colu~bia, 1965, University ofMissouri Research Reactor Facility Hazards Summary Report, University ofMissouri, Columbia, Missouri, July. I University ofMissouri/Columbia, 1988, University ofMissouri Research Reac 1 tor Operations Annual Report, Reactor Staff, Columbia, Missouri, August. University ofMissouri/Colubbia, 1989, University ofMissouri Research Reactor Operations Annual Report, Reactor Staff, Columbia, Missouri, August. I University ofMissouri/Colutnbia, 1990, University ofMissouri Research Reactor Operations Annual Report, Reactor Staff, Columbia, Missouri, August. I University ofMissouri/Colu~bia, 1991, University ofMissouri Research Reactor Operations Annual iReport, Reactor Staff, Columbia, Missouri, August. I University ofMissouri/Columbia, 1992, University ofMissouri Research Reactor Operations Annual :Report, Reactor Staff, Columbia, Missouri, August. University ofTennessee, 19~3, Population Projections for the State of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee. i Urban Land Institute, 1992,1 ULI Market Profiles: 1992, Washington, D.C. i URS Consultants, Inc., 1992, Site Inspection Study, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, CT0-0017, Seattte, Washington, May 15. I I Reference No. Status* 461 462 27 41 28 36 35 34 33 718 613 c 183 *Documents marked "C" are popyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included:in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy ofthe document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 127 Reference Title No. Status* Virginia Department of Air Pollution Control, 1993, Regulations for the Control 826 R and Abatement of Air Pollution, State Air Pollution Control Board, rev. 2, January. Virginia Water Control Board, 1992, Virginia Water Quality Assessment for 205 1992, 305(b) Report to EPA and Congress, vols. 1 and 2 of3, Information Bulletin #588, April. Volcanism Working Group, 1990, Assessment ofPotential Volcanic Hazards for 239 the New Production Reactor Site at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-NPR-10624, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. Wallace, O.J., 1972, SPAN-4 A Point Kernel Computer Program for Shielding, 210 WAPD-TM-809(L), vols. I and II, October. Wark, K. and C.F. Warner, 1981, Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control, second 429 edition, New York: Harper & Row. Washington Administrative Code, 1990, WAC 173-470-030, "Air Quality Stand1256 R ards," State ofWashington, Olympia, Washington. Washington Administrative Code, 1990, WAC 173-470-100, "Ambient Air 1185 R Quality Standards for Particulate Matter," State ofWashington, Olympia, Washington. Washington Natural Heritage Program, 1994, Endangered, Threatened, and 419 Sensitive Vascular Plants ofWashington, Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, Washington. Washington Public Power System, 1981, Final Safety Analysis Report, Wash-386 ington Nuclear Power Plant No.2, Amendment 18, Richland, Washington. Washington State Department ofEcology, 1991, Washington State Air Quality 425 Report: 1989-1990, Olympia, Washington. Washington State Employment Security Department, 1990, Kitsap County Profile, Olympia, Washington. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 128 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Washington State Employm~nt Security Department, 1992, Employment and 420 Payrolls in Washington :state by County and Industry: 1990 Annual Averages, No. 182, WaJhington State Employment Security Labor Market and Economic Analysis Branch, Olympia, Washington. i Washington State Office ofFinancial Management, 1992, 1992 Population 421 Trends for Washington State, Office ofFinancial Management, Forecasting Division, Olympia, Wasiungton. I Washington State Office ofFinancial Management, 1992, Washington State 418 I County Population Projections 1990-2010, 2012, Forecasting Division, I Olympia, Washington. ; ' Watson, D. G, 1970, Fall Cfiinook Salmon Spawning in the Columbia River 417 Near Hanford 1947-1969, BNWL-1515, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. i I Watson, D.G., 1973, "Fall Ghinook Salmon Population Census," Pacific North-424 west Laboratory Annual Reportfor 1972 to the USAEC Division ofBiomedical and Environmental Research, Volume 1: Life Sciences, Part 2: I Ecological Sciences, B~-1750, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. , I Watson, E. C., C.D. Becker,I R.E. Fitzner, K.A. Gano, K.L. Imhoff, 422 R.F. McCallum, D.A. Myers, T.L. Page, K.R. Price, J.V. Ramsdell, D.G. Rice, D.L. Schrei~er, L.A. Skumatz, D.J. Sommer, J.J. Tawil, R.W. Wallace, D.G. Watson, 1984, Environmental Characterization of Two Potential Locations at Hanfordfor a New Production Reactor, PNL-5275, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. I Weaver, C.S., A.M. Pitt, D!P. Hill, 1979, "Crustal Spreading Direction ofthe 235 c Snake River Plain-Yellowstone System," EOS, 60, p. 946. Weiner, R.F., P.A. LaPlantJ, J.P. Hagman, 1991, "An Approach to Assessing the 546 c Impacts oflncident-Fr~e Transportation ofRadioactive Materials: I. Air Transportation," Risk Analysis 11, 4, pp. 655-660. I *Documents marked "C" are 1copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included; in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 129 Reference Title No. Status* Weiner, R.F., P.A. LaPlante, J.P. Hagman, 1991, "An Approach to Assessing the 545 Impacts oflncident-Free Transportation ofRadioactive Materials: II. Highway Transportation," Risk Analysis, Vol.11, No.4, pp. 661-666. Weitzman, D.J., 1992, U.S. Department ofEnergy, memorandum to J.E. Fairo-485 bent, regarding "Status ofEmergency Response Planning Guides (ERPGs)," September 23. Wenzel, D.R., 1993, The Radiological Safety Analysis Computer Program 21 (RSAC-5), WINC0-1123, Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. Wenzel, D .R., 1993, The Radiological Safety Analysis Computer Program 1213 (RSAC-5), WINC0-1123, Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. West, T.S., Tetratech, San Bernardino, California, 1993, memorandum to 616 T. Dabak, Tetratech, regarding "NTS Trip Report," August 26. West Valley Nuclear Services Company, 1992, Ecological Resources ofthe 1200 Western New York Nuclear Services Center, vol. XI, WVPD-EIS-0010, West Valley, New York, December. West Valley Nuclear Services Company, 1992, West Valley Demonstration 1191 Project: Site Environmental Report for Calendar Year 1991, prepared for U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Field Office, West Valley, New York, May. West Valley Nuclear Services Company, 1993, Project Overview and General 1183 Information, vol. 1 of West Valley Demonstration Project Safety Analysis Report, WVNS-SAR-001, rev. 1, prepared for U.S. Department ofEnergy, West Valley, New York, August. West Valley Nuclear Services Company, 1994, West Valley Demonstration 1069 Project: Site Environmental Report Calendar Year 1993, DEAC07-81NE44139, May. *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 130 Final Environmental Impact Statement Reference Title No. Status* Westinghouse Electric Corpbration Naval Reactors Facility, 1993, Bettis-Idaho 1992 Environmental M~nitoringReport, NRFEM(EC)-230, prepared for the U.S. Department of~nergy, March. I I Westinghouse Hanford Company, 1987, Postirradiation Testing Laboratory (327 Building) Safety Analysis Report, HEDL-TC-1009, Richland, Washington. 890 428 Westinghouse Hanford Colllpany, 1990, Interim Safety Basis for the 308 Building, rev. B (draft), WH~-SD-FL-ISB-001, Richland, Washington. 341 I Westinghouse Hanford Co~pany, 1993, Environmental Releases for Calendar Year 1992, WHC-EP-0~27-2, Richland, Washington. I ' 438 Westinghouse Hanford Cortipany, 1993, "Letter Report: Annual Report for Solid Waste Landfill O~erations," 8701982B R6, Richland, Washington, January 14. I 454 Westinghouse Hanford Company, 1995, Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Technical Baseline Document Fistal Year 1995, WHC-SD-SNF-SD-003, rev. 0, Richland, Washington. 1 ' I Westinghouse Idaho Nucle'l:r Company, 1988, Introduction to Radiological Safety: Study Guide, rer-2, Idaho Falls, Idaho, March. 1233 98 Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, 1992, Development and Engineering Plan for Graphite Spe~t Fuels Conditioning Program, WIN-346, September. ' 828 Westinghouse Idaho Nucldr Company, 1994, ICPP Radioactive Liquid and Calcine Waste Technologies Evaluation Interim Report, WINC0-1216, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. 930 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1989, Reactor Operation Environmental Information Dobument, vol. 1, Geology, Seismology, and Sub1 surface Hydrology, WSRC-RP-89-815, Aiken, South Carolina, December. ! 215 Westinghouse Savannah Ri~er Company, 1990, Reactor Operation Safety Information Document (U), IWSRC-RP-89-820, Aiken, South Carolina. 133 *Documents marked "C" are ~opyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included lin the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement June 1, 1995 Page 131 Title Reference No. Status* Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1991, Support Facilities Descriptions for the New Production Reactor at Savannah River, vol. 1, Heavy Water Reactor (U), WSRC-RP-89-263, Aiken, South Carolina, April. 147 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1992, Safety Analysis-200-S Area: Savannah River Site Defense Waste Processing Facility Operations, DPSTSA-200-1 0, sup. 20, rev. 8, Aiken, South Carolina. 1175 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1992, Savannah River Site Deer Hunts, 1991, WSRC-IM-90-51, Aiken, South Carolina. 83 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1992, Savannah River Site Environmental Datafor 1992, WSRC-TR-93-077, M.W. Arnett (ed.), Aiken, South Carolina. 160 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, FE-Line Basis for Interim Operation, WSRC-RP-93-1102, rev. 0, November. 1123 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Nuclear Weapons Complex Reconjiguration PElS Data Report for the Savannah River Site, No-Action Alternative, ESH-NEP-93-0188, Aiken, South Carolina. 54 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Safety Analysis Report-200 Area, Savannah River Site Separations Area Operations, Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel (RBOF), DPSTSA-200-10-3, addendum 1, Aiken, South Carolina. 86 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Savannah River Site Conceptual Site Treatment Plan, ESH-FSS-93-0744, Aiken, South Carolina. 70 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Savannah River Site Development Plan, WSRC-RP-93-477, rev. 1, Aiken, South Carolina. 778 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Savannah River Site Emergency Plan (U), WSRC-6Q, vol. 1, Aiken, South Carolina. 845 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Savannah River Site Standard 8 Modeling Report, ESH-ESS-93-0305, Aiken, South Carolina. 737 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 132 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1993, Storage Risk ofO.ffsite Research Reactor Spent Fuel in the Receiving Basin for Offsite Fuel (U), WSRC-TR-93-402, Sa~annah River Technology Center, Aiken, South Carolina. i i Westinghouse Savannah Ri~er Company, 1993, 1992 RCRA, Part B Permit Renewal Application, Savannah River Site, vol. IV, book 1 of?, F-Area Hazardous Waste ManAgement Facility (HWMF) Postclosure, I WSRC-IM-91-53, Aikep, South, Carolina, October. I Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1994, Air DispersionModelingfor the Spent Nuclear Fuel Enyironmental Impact Statement-Nonradiological Emissions (U), WSRC-RP-94-147 (draft), C. Hunter and J. Stewart, Aiken, South Carolina. ' Westinghouse Savannah Ri~er Company, 1994, Emissions Data, see Westinghouse Savannah River ~ompany, 1994, Air Dispersion Modeling for the Spent Nuclear Fuel EnPironmental Impact Statement-Nonradiological I Emissions (U). j Westinghouse Savannah Ri~er Company, 1994, High Level Waste Systems Plan (U), January 1994j, rev. 2, Aiken, South Carolina. Westinghouse Savannah RiJer Company, 1994, "Monthly Radioactive Releases Report," December 19~3, WSRC-ESH-EMS-93-0128. I Westinghouse Savannah Ri~er Company, 1994, Savannah River Site FY 1994 Solid Waste ManagemJnt Plan, WSRC-RP-93-1448, rev. 2, Aiken, South Carolina. I Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1994, Savannah River Site Integrated Nuclear Materials MaAagement and Disposition Plan, Volume II, Integrated Nuclear Materials Disposition Plan, predecisional draft, WSRC-RP-94-110, Ai~en, South Carolina, February 3. Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1994, Savannah River Site Solid Waste Forecast-FY94, Aike~, South Carolina. Reference No. Status* 846 42 730 732 981 787 1072 87 ' *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included [in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docurrlent. I Reference List for the Final Environmental Impact Statement June 1, 1995 Page 133 Title Reference No. Status* Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1994, Savannah River Site Tier Two (U) Emergency and Hazardous Chemical Inventory Report, Aiken, South Carolina. 786 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1994, SRS Affected Environment, ESH-NEP-94-0046, Aiken, South Carolina, December. 1139 Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1994, Technical Data Summary Supporting the Spent Nuclear Fuel Environmental Impact Statement, NMP-PLS-930182, rev. 2, Nuclear Materials Processing Division, Aiken, South Carolina, March. 714 Whelan, G., D.W. Damschen, RD. Brockhaus, 1987, Columbia River Statistical Update Model-Version 4.0 (COLSTAT4): Background Documentation and User's Guide, PNL-6041, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 452 Whelan, G., J.P. McDonald, C. Sato, 1994, Environmental Consequences to Water Resources from Alternatives ofManaging Spent Nuclear Fuel at Hanford, PNL-10053, UC-602 603 610 630, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington, November. 1082 White House 1993, Office ofthe Press Secretary, Fact Sheet regarding "Nonproliferation and Export Control Policy," Washington, D.C., September 27. 1181 Whitehead, R.L., 1987, "Geohydrologic Framework ofthe Snake River Plain Regional Aquifer System, Idaho and Eastern Oregon," U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1408-B, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 1223 Whitehead, R.L., 1992, "Geohydrologic Framework of the Snake River Plain Regional Aquifer System, Idaho and Eastern Oregon," U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1408-B, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 517 Wichmann, T.L., 1994, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, memorandum to distribution, regarding "Methodology for Adjusting SNF Facility Accident Probabilities and Consequences for Different EIS Alternatives," OPE-EIS-94.171, March 28. 858 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 134 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title I Wichmann, T., 1995, U.S. D~partment ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho, letter to distribution, regarding "Spent Nuclear Fuel Inventory for I Data," OPE-EIS-95.028, February 1. Wichmann, T.L., 1995, U.S.IDepartment ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, I letter to distribution regarding "Transmittal of SNF and INEL EIS Project Independent Verification of Spent Nuclear Fuel Inventory Data," OPE-EIS95.102, March 6. , 1 I Wierman, T.E., 1994, On an'd Off-INEL Hazardous Material Transportation Accident Analysis, EIS-TRANS-11, rev. 0, Science Applications Inter 1 national Corporation, Idaho Falls, Idaho, June 30. I Wilhelmsen, R.N. and K.C. Wright, 1992, Annual Report-1991, Environmental Surveillance for EG&didaho Waste Management Facilities at the Idaho ~~~~n;~l~~~:~~i'!~!~ratory, EGG-2679(91), EG&G Idaho, Inc., I Wilhelmson, R.N., K.C. Wright, D.W. McBright, 1993, Annual Report-1992 Environmental Surveillbnce for EG&G Idaho Waste Management Facilities I at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, EGG-2679(92), EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls,l Idaho, August. Wilmot, E.L., 1981, Transpbrtation Accident Scenarios for Commercial Spent I Fuel, SAND80-2124, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February. I Wilson, R., 1993, Regional Meteorologist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Den.ver, Colorado, personal communication with D. Ryan, Science Applications International Corporation, San Diego, I California, November 1j5. I Winberg, M.R. and W.E. Allred, 1994, DOE Special Case Waste and Potential Commercial DOE-Held Greater-Than-Class-C Low-Level Radioactive Waste at the INEL, Volume 1: Inventory and Characterics, INEL-94/00065, Lockheed Idaho Technblogies Company, Idaho Falls, Idaho, October. Reference No. Status* 1059 1061 1224 325 154 107 178 1215 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included lin the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the docwrlent. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 135 Title Winberg, M.R. and W.E. Allred, 1994, DOE Special Case Waste and Potential Greater-Than-Class-C Low-Level Radioactive Waste at the INEL, see Winberg, M.R. and W.E. Allred, 1994, DOE Special Case Waste and Potential Commercial DOE-Held Greater-Than-Class-C Low-Level Radioactive Waste at the INEL. Wing, S., C.M. Shy, J. Wood, S. Wolf, D. Cragle, E.L. Frome, 1991, "Mortality Among Workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory," Journal ofthe American Medical Association, vol. 265, no. 11, pp. 1397-1401. Wing, S., C.M. Shy, J. Wood, S. Wolf, D. Cragle, W. Tankersly, E.L. Frome, 1993, "Job Factors, Radiation and Cancer Mortality at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Follow-Up Through 1984," American Journal ofIndustrial Medicine, vol. 23, pp. 265-279. Winges, K., 1992, User's Guide for the Fugitive Dust Model (FDM) (revised)User's Instructions, Volume 1, EPA-910/9-88-202R, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10, Seattle, Washington, January. Winograd, I.J., 1970, "Noninstrumental Factors Affecting Measurement of Static Water Levels in Deeply Buried Aquifers and Aquitards, Nevada Test Site," Ground Water, 8, 2. pp. 19-28. Wolfley, J., 1994, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, Letter to T.L. Wichmann, U.S. Department ofEnergy, Idaho Operations Office, Idaho Falls, Idaho, regarding "Attachments A-E to Shoshone-Bannock Tribes Comments," October 3. Wood, T.R., G.T. Norrell, A.W. Wylie, K.J. Dooley, G.S. Johnson, E.R. Neher, 1994, "Design ofthe Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Integrated Field Scale Pumping and Infiltration Test," in Hydrology, Waste Disposal, Science and Politics, Proceedings ofthe 30th Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 152-164. Winges K. and D. Kirk, 1992, User's Guide for the Fugitive Dust Model (FDM), see Winges, K., 1992. Reference No. Status* 711 c 709 c 106 1235 c 1179 527 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. June 1, 1995 Reference List for the Page 136 Final Environmental Impact Statement Title Wood, W.W. and W.H. Low, 1986, "Aqueous Geochemistry and Digenesis in the Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer System, Idaho," Geologic Society of America Bulletin, 97, 12, pp. 1456-1466, December. Wood, W.W. and W.H. Low, 1988, "Solute Geochemistry ofthe Snake River Plain Regional Aquifer System, Idaho and Eastern Oregon," U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 1408-D, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Wooden, D.G., 1986, Railroad Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel, SAND86-7083, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March. Woodruff, R.K. and R.W. Hanf(eds.), 1991, Hanford Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1990, PNL-7930, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Woodruff, R.K. and R.W. Hanf(eds.), 1992, Hanford Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1991, PNL-8148, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. Woodruff, R.K. and R.W. Hanf(eds.), 1993, Hanford Site Environmental Reportfor Calendar Year 1992, PNL-8682, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. · Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1990, Earthquake Strong Ground Motion Estimatesfor the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: Final Report, vol. I, Summary; vol. II, Methodology and Analyses; vol. Ill, Appendices, EGG-BG-9350, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, November. Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1992, Earthquake Strong Ground Motion Evaluationsfor the Proposed New Production Reactor at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory: Final Report; vol. I, Deterministic Evaluation; vol. II, Probabilistic Evaluation, EGG-GE0-10304, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Woodward-Clyde Federal Services, 1993, Site-Specific Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analyses for the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (draft), prepared for EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, June. Reference No. Status* 302 C 117 835 449 451 450 112 114 927 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document. Reference List for the June 1, 1995 Final Environmental Impact Statement Page 137 Title Reference No. Status* Workman, S.W. and K.W. McLeod, 1990, Vegetation ofthe Savannah River Site: Major Community Types, Savannah River Site National Environmental Research Park Publication, SRO-NERP-19, Aiken, South Carolina. 1219 Wright, M.K., 1993, Fiscal Year 1992 Report on Archaeological Surveys ofthe 100 Areas, Hanford Site, Washington, PNL-8819, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland, Washington. 387 Wright, R., 1993, Babcock & Wilcox, memorandum to A. Jenson, Babcock & Wilcox, regarding "DOE Fuel at Babcock & Wilcox's Lynchburg Technology Center," September. 29 Yohe, R., 1993, State Archaeologist and Deputy State Historical Preservation Officer, Idaho State Historical Preservation Office, Boise, Idaho, personal communication with T. Rudolph, Science Applications International Corporation, Boise, Idaho September 10. 292 Yuan, Y.C. S.Y. Chen, D.J. LePoire, R. Rothman, 1993, RISKIND-A Computer Program for Calculating Radiological Consequences and Health Risks from Transportation ofSpent Nuclear Fuel, ANL/EAIS-6, rev. 0, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois. 1052 Zoback, M.L. and M.D. Zoback, 1989, "Tectonic Stress Field ofthe Continental United States," in Geophysical Framework ofthe Continental United States, L.C. Pakiser and W.D. Mooney, eds., Geological Society of America, Memoir 172, pp. 23-539, Menlo Park, California. 538 c Zoback, M.L. and M.D. Zoback, 1989, "Tectonic Stress Field ofthe Continental United States," in Geophysical Framework ofthe Continental United States, Geological Society of America, Memoir 179, see Zoback, M.L. and M.D. Zoback, 1989, "Tectonic Stress Field ofthe Continental United States," in Geophysical Framework ofthe Continental United States, Geological Society of America, Memoir 172. Zukauskas, J.F., D.H. Hoggan, R.M. Neupauer, J.F. Sagendorf, 1992, Conceptual Designfor Surface Water Drainage Control Upgrades for the RWMC Watershed and the Transuranic Storage Area, EGG-ESQ-9994, EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August. 536 *Documents marked "C" are copyrighted; documents marked "R" are readily available to the public. In some cases, these documents are included in the microfiche. In other cases, the microfiche provides information that will expedite obtaining a copy of the document.