SEL US D 5.317/3:155/2001 PUB. 155 SAILING DIRECTIONS (ENROUTE) EAST COAST OF RUSSIA 2001 SEVENTH EDITION 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 **CD-ROM NSN 7642014009028 ED. NO. 007 Included** NIMAREF. NO. SDPUB155 80" 100" 120" 140" 160" 180" 160" 120" 14 0" 100" 80" 60" 40" 20" 0" 20" 40" 60" 80" I I I I I I I I I I 183 ARCTIC OCEAN I 11801 ARCTIC I I 181 OCEAN I 183 80".J . ·a_ r,. -t:.t:~;<-l-80" I • ~"'-:::?" "~ I '~.· · 182 60" 60" 40" i I -_.. ~ v II"+UI 1::11 I r ..... ,..·... ,~l. ~-~Ol 1-40" I <1'\~.%\ NORTH PACIFIC 20" 1120 I . 20" .. 0" 0" -~ 126 l . ' I l/ 20" -l \ 1<' ){ •• l-20" I ·~~··.'. ! 125 123 INDIAN . SOUTH PAC:iFIC OCEAN OCEAN INDIAN OCEAN ~ 40" .J I m -IH:;nl 171 l-40" 127 ..r L I I ¥ • I I csr., 12001 80" 80" -~o~-=- 1 " .... _s --...--.r-....--..,·\.~ Numbers 1n boxes 1200I ANTARCTICA and1cate Planmng Guides SAlLING DIRECTIONS LIMITS 80" 100" 120" 140" 160" 180" 160" 140" 120" 100" 80" 60" 40" 20" 20" 40" 80" 0" 60" PUB. 155 SAILING DIRECTIONS (ENROUTE) * EAST COAST OF RUSSIA * Prepared and published by the NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY Bethesda, Maryland © COPYRIGHT 2001 BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NO COPYRIGHT CLAIMED UNDER TITLE 17 U.S.C. 2001 SCI ENGR LIBRARY UNIVERSITY·AT BUFFALO AUG 2 0 2001 SEVENTH EDITION DOCUMENTS DEPOSITORY LIBRARY 0433 For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 How to Keep this Book Corrected As initially published, this book contains material based Between Editions, the Record of Corrections Publi hed in upon information available in the National Imagery and Weekly Notice to Mariners, located below, affords an Mapping Agency through the date given in the preface. The alternative system for recording applicable Notice to Mariners publication of New Editions will be announced in Notice to numbers. The Summary of Corrections, Volume 5, contains a Mariners. Instructions for ordering the latest Edition will be cumulative list of corrections for Sailing Directions from the found in CATP2V01U, Ordering Procedures. date of publication. Reference to the Summary of Corrections should be made as required. In the interval between Editions, information that may Book owners will be placed on the Notice to Mariners amend material in this book is published in the weekly Notice mailing list on request to the DEFENSE LOGISTICS to Mariners. The Notice to Mariners number and year can also AGENCY, DSC-R, ATTN: Product Center 9, 8000 Jefferson be marked on the applicable page of the Sailing Directions. Davis Highway, Richmond VA 23297-5337. Record of Corrections Published in Weekly Notice to .Mariners Notice to Mariners Year 20 Year 20 1 ............ . 14.......... . 27 .......... . 40........... 1............. 14.......... . 27 .......... . 40........... 2 ............ . 15.... ...... . 28.......... . 41 .......... . 2............. 15........... 28.......... . 41 .......... . 3 ............ . 16.......... . 29 .......... . 42 .......... . 3............. 16.......... . 29........... 42........... 4 ............ . 17.......... . 30 .......... . 43 .......... . 4............. 17.......... . 30 .......... . 43 .......... . 5 ............ . 18........... 31.......... . 44 .......... . 5............. 18........... 31 ........... 44........... 6 ............ . 19.......... . 32 .......... . 45 ..... ..... . 6............. 19.......... . 32 .......... . 45 .......... . 7 ............ . 20...... .... . 33 .......... . 46 .......... . 7............. 20.......... . 33 .......... . 46........... 8 ............ . 21 .......... . 34 .......... . 47........... 8............. 21 .......... . 34.. ........ . 47........... 9 ............ . 22......... . . 35 .......... . 48.. ......... 9............. 22.......... . 35 .......... . 48 .......... . 10 .......... . 23........... 36 .......... . 49 ........ .. . 10........... 23...... .... . 36.......... . 49 .......... . 11 ........... 24.......... . 37 .......... . 50........... 11 ........... 24.......... . 37 .......... . 50 .......... . 12 .......... . 25.......... . 38 .......... . 51 ........... 12........... 25.......... . 38 .......... . 51 .......... . 13........... 26........... 39 .......... . 52........... 13........... 26.... ...... . 39 .......... . 52.......... . Year 20 Year 20 1 ............ . 14.......... . 27 .... ...... . 40........... 1............ . 14.......... . 27 .......... . 40 .......... . 2.. ...... .... . 15........... 28.......... . 41.. ........ . 2.... ...... .. . 15.......... . 28 .......... . 41 .......... . 3 ............ . 16.. ......... 29 .......... . 42 .......... . 3............. 16.......... . 29........... 42........... 4 ............ . 17.......... . 30 .......... . 43 .......... . 4............. 17.......... . 30 .......... . 43 .......... . 5 ............ . 18.......... . 31.... ...... . 44 .......... . 5............. 18.......... . 31 .......... . 44.......... . 6 ............ . 19........... 32........... 45 .......... . 6............. 19.......... . 32........... 45 .......... . 7 ............ . 20.......... . 33 .......... . 46 .......... . 7............. 20.......... . 33 .......... . 46........... 8 ............ . 21 .......... . 34........... 47........... 8............. 21 .......... . 34 .......... . 47........... 9 ............ . 22.......... . 35 .......... . 48 .......... . 9............. 22.......... . 35 .......... . 48 .......... . 10 .......... . 23.......... . 36........... 49 .......... . 10........... 23 .......... . 36 .......... . 49 .......... . 11 ........... 24.......... . 37 .......... . 50........... 11 ........... 24.......... . 37 .......... . 50 .......... . 12 .......... . 25...... .... . 38 .......... . 51 ........... 12........... 25.......... . 38 .......... . 51 ........... 13 .......... . 26.......... . 39........... 52........... 13........... 26.......... . 39 .......... . 52........... n Pub.lSS Preface Pub. 155, Sailing Directions (Enroute) East Coast of Russia, Seventh Edition, 2001 , is issued for use in conjunction with Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. Companion volumes are Pubs . 153, 154, 157, 158, and 159. This publication has been corrected to 26 May 2001 , including Notice to Mariners No. 21 of 2001. Explanatory Remarks Sailing Directions are published by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), under the authority of Department of Defense Directive 5105.40, dated 12 December 1988, and pursuant to the authority contained in U . S. Code Title 10, Sections 2791 and 2792 and Title 44, Section 1336. Sailing Directions, covering the harbors, coasts, and waters of the world, provide information that cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and is not readily available elsewhere. New Editions of Sailing Directions are corrected through the date of the publications shown in the preface. In the period between Editions, important information, which may amend material in the publication, is published in the weekly Notice to Mariners. Sailing Directions (Enroute) include detailed coastal and port approach information which supplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart for sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. This publication is divided into geographic areas called "Sectors." Sector limits are shown on a chartlet following the Table of Contents. The standard format of the Sector is described below. Chart Information.-A graphic key to the largest scale charts is included for each Sector. The key has a border scale graduated to help identify by approximate coordinates, the best scale chart for a place. Refer also to the Index-Gazetteer at the back of the book. Coastal Winds, Currents, and lce.-Special graphics that depicted coastal winds, weather, tides , currents and ice for the Sectors have been removed. General weather information can now be found within the text. Dangers.-As a rule outer dangers are fully described, but inner dangers which are well-charted are, for the most part, omitted. Numerous offshore dangers, grouped together, are mentioned only in general terms. Dangers adjacent to a coastal passage or fairway are described. Coastal Features.-It is assumed that the majority of ships have radar. Available coastal descriptions and views, useful for radar and visual piloting are included in geographic sequence in each Sector. Ports.-Directions for entering ports are depicted where appropriate by means of chartlets, sketches, and photos, which facilitate positive identification of landmarks and navigational aids. These chartlets and sketches are not always to scale, however, and should be used only as a general informational guide in conjunction with the best scale chart. Specific port facilities are omitted from the standard format. They are tabulated in Pub. 150, World Port Index. lndex-Gazetteer.-Navigational features and place-names are listed alphabetically in the back of the book. The approximate position, along with the Sector and paragraph numbers (e.g. 1.1), facilitate location in the text. Refer to the Pub.155 Chart Information graphic for the Sector, where the largest scale chart showing the feature is depicted. Geographic Names are generally those used by the nation having sovereignty. Names in parentheses following another name are alternate names that may appear on some charts. In general, alternate names are quoted only in the principal description of the place. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to specific letters in certain foreign languages, are not used in the interest of typographical simplicity. Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States Government. Soundings are referred to the datum of the charts and are expressed in meters. Heights are referred to the plane of reference used for that purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters. Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees from 000· (north) to 360. , measured clockwise. General bearings are expressed by initial letters of points of the compass (e.g. N, NNE, NE, etc. ). Adjective and adverb endings have been discarded. Wherever precise bearings are intended degrees are used. Courses are true, and are expressed in the same manner as bearings. The directives "steer" and "make good" a course mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of origin along a track having the identical meridiana! angle as the designated course. Vessels following the directives must allow for every influence tending to cause deviation from such track, and navigate so that the designated course is continuously being made good. Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1 minute of latitude. Distances of less than 1 mile are expressed in meter , or tenths of miles. Wind Directions are the true directions from which winds blow. Current Directions are the true directions toward which currents set. Light and Fog Signals are not described, and light sectors are not usually defined. The Light Lists should be consulted for complete information. Radio Navigational Aids are not described in detail. Publication No. 117 Radio Navigational Aids should be consulted. Special Warnings.-A Special Warning may be in force for the geographic area covered by this publication. Special Warnings are printed in the weekly Notice to Mariners upon promulgation and are reprinted annually in Notice to Mariners No. 1. A listing of Special Warnings currently in force is printed in each weekly Notice to Mariners, Section III, Broadcast Warnings, along with the notice number of promulgation. In force Special Warnings are also available on the Maritime Safety Information Center Home Page (http:// under the heading "Broadcast Warning Messages." Corrective Information.-It is requested that the MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION CENTER, ST D 44, NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY, 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD, BETHESDA MD 20816-5003, or any of its branch offices be advised of any inaccuracy found in this m publication or of additional navigational information considered appropriate for insertion. The Sailing Directions Information and Suggestion Sheet on page IX may be used for this purpose. Imagery and Copyright.-Most of the photographs in this publication are copyright protected by their rightful owner and may not be reproduced without their permission. The photographs used in this publication are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be used or relied upon for navigational purposes. Reference List British Hydrographic Department Sailing Directions. Russian Sailing Directions. Various port handbooks. Reports from United States Naval and merchant vessels and various shipping companies. Other U.S . Government publications, reports, and documents. Charts, light lists, tide and current tables, and other documents in possession of the Agency. IV Pub.155 Contents How to Keep this Book Corrected .................................. ... .................. . .. ... .............. II Preface.......... .. ................... . . . .... . ............ . ........ . .... ......... ...... . ............... III Chartlet-Sector Linlits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII Conversion Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VID Sailing Directions Information and Suggestion Sheet .. ...... ... ................. ... ....... .. .... ....... ..... . .. IX Abbreviations ........ . ................................................................................. XI Sector 1 East coast of Russia-Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy ....... . ......... .. .... . . .. ............................ . Sector 2 Olyutorskiy Zaliv and E coast of Kamchatka-Mys 01yutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy ..... . ....... .. ........ . . .. 17 Sector 3 East coast of Kamchatka-Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka ..................... . .................. . .. . ....... 37 Sector 4 Kuril Islands . .... .. ....... .. ......... .. .... . ........ .... .. .. ........... .. ................. . .......... .. 49 Sector 5 West coast of Kamchatka-Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy .... . .................................... . .. . ...... 71 Sector 6 North and NW sides of Sea of Okhotsk-Zaliv Shelikhova to Sakhalinskiy Zaliv ..... .... ................... . ...... . 85 Sector 7 107Sakhalinskiy Zaliv-Mys Aleksandra to Mys Kril'on Sector 8 West coast of Sakhalin and the Tatar Strait ........................................ . ............. . .......... . 123 Sector 9 East coast of Russia-Mys Peschanyy to Korea 145 Glossaries ... . ........... .. ............... . ......... ....... ..... . ...................... . .. ... ......... 169 Index-Gazetteer .......... . ........ .. ... .. .......... ...... .................. .. .. .. .... .. . ...... ....... 173 Pub.lSS ~ ?' .... (IJ (IJ 130 ' 135 ' 140 ' 145 ' 150 ' 155 ' 180 ' 185 ' 170 ' 175 ' 180 ' 170 ' 85 ' 65 ' RUSSIA 0 80 " 80' ' 5~ 50 j ~ SHANTARSKIYE t:J['¥' OSTROVE { \~\0\ ::lt:A I"'C \ l ~ ~ \--·~-~KOMANDORSKIYE n.C!:Totf....JA ~.. '-../ J '!' ' BERING SEA ALEUTIAN ISLANDS j? •0 ,J. .. ••• 0 "1:!~-~0. ..... 'J r5 1.50' 45 ' 45 i ) 158) to• 4 40' I C H .... I I 4 I I I I I I I I I I 130' 135 ' 140' 145 ' 150' 155 ' 180 ' 185 ' 170 ' 175 ' 180 ' 175 ' 170' SECTOR LIMITS-PUB. 155 a Conversion Tables Feet to Meters Feet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.91 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.74 10 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.88 5.18 5.49 5.79 20 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.92 8.23 8.53 8.84 30 9.14 9.45 9.75 10.06 10.36 10.67 10.97 11.28 11.58 11.89 40 12.19 12.50 12.80 13.11 13.41 13.72 14.02 14.33 14.63 14.93 50 15.24 15.54 15.85 16.15 16.46 16.76 17.07 17.37 17.68 17.98 60 18.29 18.59 18.90 19.20 19.51 19.81 20.12 20.42 20.73 21.03 70 21.34 21.64 21.95 22.25 22.55 22.86 23.16 23.47 23.77 24.08 80 24.38 24.69 24.99 25.30 25.60 25.91 26.21 26.52 26.82 27.13 90 27.43 27.74 28.04 28.35 28.65 28.96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.17 Fathoms to Meters Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 1.83 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.14 10.97 12.80 14.63 16.46 10 18.29 20.12 21.95 23.77 25.60 27.43 29.26 31.09 32.92 34.75 20 36.58 38.40 40.23 42.06 43.89 45.72 47.55 49.38 51.21 53.03 30 54.86 56.69 58.52 60.35 62.18 64.01 65.84 67.67 69.49 71.32 40 73.15 74.98 76.81 78.64 80.47 82.30 84.12 85.95 87.78 89.61 50 91.44 93.27 95.10 96.93 98.75 100.58 102.41 104.24 106.07 107.90 60 109.73 111.56 113.39 115.21 117.04 118.87 120.70 122.53 124.36 126.19 70 128.02 129.85 131.67 133.50 135.33 137.16 138.99 140.82 142.65 144.47 80 146.30 148.13 149.96 151.79 153.62 155.45 157.28 159.11 160.93 162.76 90 164.59 166.42 168.25 170.08 171.91 173.74 175.56 177.39 179.22 181.05 Meters to Feet Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29.53 10 32.81 36.09 39.37 42.65 45.93 49.21 52.49 55.77 59.06 62.34 20 65.62 68.90 72.18 75.46 78.74 82.02 85.30 88.58 91.86 95.14 30 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 111.55 114.83 118.11 121.39 124.67 127.95 40 131.23 134.51 137.80 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 157.48 160.76 50 164.04 167.32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.57 60 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213.25 216.54 219.82 223.10 226.38 70 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255.90 259.19 80 262.47 265.75 269.03 272.31 275.59 278.87 282.15 285.43 288.71 291.99 90 295.28 298.56 301.84 305.12 308.40 311.68 314.96 318.24 321.52 324.80 Meters to Fathoms Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 0.55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92 10 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.11 7.66 8.20 8.75 9.30 9.84 10.39 20 10.94 11.48 12.03 12.58 13.12 13.67 14.22 14.76 15.31 15.86 30 16.40 16.95 17.50 18.04 18.59 19.14 19.68 20.23 20.78 21.33 40 21.87 22.42 22.97 23.51 24.06 24.61 25.15 25.70 26.25 26.79 50 27.34 27.89 28.43 28.98 29.53 30.07 30.62 31.17 31.71 32.26 60 32.81 33.36 33.90 34.45 35.00 35.54 36.09 36.64 37.18 37.73 70 38.28 38.82 39.37 39.92 40.46 41.01 41.56 42.10 42.65 43.20 80 43.74 44.29 44.84 45.38 45.93 46.48 47.03 47.57 48.12 48.67 90 49.21 49.76 50.31 50.85 51.40 51.95 52.49 53.04 53.59 54.13 vm Pub.155 SAILING DIRECTIONS INFORMATION AND SUGGESTION SHEET The National Imagery and Mapping Agency values your input for the next edition of Sailing Directions. Any additional information from you is greatly appreciated. For your convenience mailing is now ea ier with this self-addressed, perforated page which may also be used to fax information directly. Fax: 301-227-3174 INTERNET: SDPUBS@NIMA.MIL Date: _______________________ Contributor: Vessel: Address: Pub. number: Please provide details of your observations. Indicate affected ector and paragraph, along with the date of observation. Pub. ISS IX -----------FOLD ---------- NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY STD44 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD BETHESDA MD 20816-5003 FOLD Pub. ISS Abbreviations The following abbreviations may be used in the text: Units ' C degree(s) Centigrade em centimeter(s) cu.m. cubic meter(s) dwt deadweight tons FEU forty-foot equivalent units grt gross registered tons kHz kilohertz Directions N north NNE northnortheast NE northeast ENE eastnortheast E east ESE eastsoutheast SE southeast SSE southsoutheast Vessel types LASH Lighter Aboard Ship LNG Liquified Natural Gas LPG Liquified Petroleum Gas OBO Ore/Bulk/Oil Time ETA estimated time of arrival ETD estimated time of departure Water level MSL mean sea level HW high water LW low water MHW mean high water MLW mean low water HWN high water neaps HWS high water springs LWN low water neaps Communications DIF direction finder RIT radiotelephone LF low frequency MF medium frequency Navigation LANBY Large Automatic Navigation Buoy NAVSAT Navigation Satellite ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition System SBM Single Buoy Mooring MisceUaneous COLREGS Collision Regulations IALA International Association of Lighthouse Authorities IHO International Hydrographic Office IMO International Maritime Organization loa length overaJJ km m mb MHz mm nrt TEU s ssw sw WSW w WNW NW NNW ro-ro ULCC VLCC GMT UTC LWS MHWN MHWS MLWN MLWS HAT LAT HF VHF UHF SPM TSS VTC VTS No./Nos. PA PD Pub. St./Ste. kilometer(s) meter(s) millibars megahertz millimeter(s) net registered tons twenty-foot equivalent units south southsouthwest southwest westsouthwest west westnorthwest northwest northnorthwest Roll-on RoJJ-off Ultra Large Crude Carrier Very Large Crude Carrier Greenwich Mean Time Coordinated Universal Time low water springs mean high water neaps mean high water springs mean low water neaps mean low water springs highest astronomical tide lowest astronomical tide high frequency very high frequency ultra high frequency Single Point Mooring Traffic Separation Scheme Vessel Traffic Center Vessel Traffic Service Number/Numbers Position approximate Position doubtful Publication Saint/Sainte Pub.155 XI 1700 175° 1800 170° ·~~:;:, 96620 ,)(I __ I ,..._ ANADYRSKIY ZALIV 96640 ~LAWRENCEI "-" ~ 16220 63 96036 MYS NAVAAIN •~MATTHEW I 60 [GEN!ofiALCHARts3n 175° 1800 175° 1700 Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 1-CHART INFORMATION ~ ?' .... (IJ (IJ .... SECTOR! EAST COAST OF RUSSIA-MYS DEZHNEVA TO MYS OLYUTORSKIY Plan.-The coast described in this sector comprises the W side of the Bering Strait, Anadyrskiy Zaliv (Gulf of Anadyr), and the N shore of the Bering Sea to Mys Olyutorski (59.55'N., 170. 21 'E.). The arrangement of the sector is from E toW. General Remarks 1.1 Russian regulations for the protection and hunting of marine mammals must be observed by vessels navigating in the waters described by this sector. lce.-Anadyrskiy Zaliv is normally covered by solid ice by the latter half of November and begins to clear in May. This ice is occasionally penetrable by powerful icebreakers. Ice first appears in Anadyrskiy Liman in September or the beginning of October, and the bay is said to be frozen solid later in October. The ice frequently remains until the middle of July. Vessels are said to normally call from July until the middle of October. According to a Russian source, sludge ice appears in Zaliv Kresta at the end of September and the bay is solidly frozen by mid-November. Occasionally, the ice is broken up and carried out of the bay. The period of breakup is generally June, but drifting ice sometimes remains until mid-July. The Bering Strait is generally free of ice by the first week of July, sometimes earlier, and the strait and the area immediately N usually remain free of ice until October. Zaliv Lavrentiya usually begins to freeze over during the first week in October. Toward the middle of the month, by which time N winds generally prevail, the ice is thick along the shores, but does not block the entrance channel. By the end of October, the inlet is usually covered with solid ice . The ice usually begins to break up in June. A vessel intending to stay for a long period in Zaliv Lavrentiya may be held up by drift ice, which sets through the Bering Strait and is driven into the entrance of the inlet where it packs, and may close it for a considerable period. Mys Dezhneva to Zaliv Lavrentiya 1.2 Mys Dezhneva (66. 05'N., 169. 38'W.) is the E extremity of the mountainous peninsula at the NE end of Russia. This peninsula, which appears as an island when seen from the offing, is in general steep-to, with depths of 20m close offshore, but with rocks close to the cliffs. The coasts of the peninsula consist mainly of dark-colored cliffs rising in jagged terraces steeply from the sea. On the W side of the peninsula the mountains slope gently toward the mainland and merge into a low, hummocky, tundra-covered isthmus. The summits of the mountains are generally covered by dense fog and clouds. Mys Uelen (Mys Uellen) is situated about 5 miles NNW of Mys Dezhneva. Some above-water rocks are located near Mys Uelen. A sunken rock is located about 2 miles ESE of the cape. Mys Peek (Mys Peyek), about 5 miles SSW of Mys Dezhneva, is lofty, bold, and rugged. Mys Peek is visible from the S in clear weather at 30 to 35 miles. Pamyatnik Dezhneva Light is shown from a square tower about 0.7 miles N of Mys Peek. A short distance N of Mys Peek is a small stretch of coast where landing is possible, and in this vicinity is the settlement of Naukan, situated at a considerable elevation on a mountain slope. Bering Strait, about 45 miles in width between Mys Dezhneva and Cape Prince of Wales, has general depths of 38 to 55m. In winter, N winds prevail; in summer, S winds prevail, but changes in direction and strength are more frequent. Summer fog is frequent. Unless there is an unusually late spring, the strait is free of ice by July. 1.3 Diomede Islands (65"46'N., 169.00'W.), conststmg of two steep-to islands in the middle of the Bering Strait, rise abruptly from the sea with nearly vertical sides. Their summits appear as broken tableland. Ostrov Ratmanova (Big Diomede Island) (65"48'N., 169 .05'W.), theW and larger of the two, is fringed on its W side by above-water rocks. Little Diomede Island, about 2.5 miles SE of Ostrov Ratmanova, has a sandspit extending from about the middle of the W side of the island, and from the outer end of this spit a reef extends an unknown distance toward the S extremity of Ostrov Ratmanova. The boundary between Russia and the United States passes between the two islands. The passage between the islands, W of the above-mentioned reef, is reported to have a depth of about 35m and to be clear of dangers, but it should not be attempted by a large vessel. At the SW end of Ostrov Ratmanova is the settlement of Nunarbuk, close off which are depths of 20 to 26m, sandy bottom. Farther offshore the bottom is stone, poor holding ground. The settlement of Ignaluk is situated close to the sandspit on the W side of Little Diomede Island. distant 25 miles rock Bering Strait from SSW Pub.155 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy Fairway Rock (65 . 37'N., 168. 45'W.), about 7.5 miles SE of Little Diomede Island, is a high and steep rock with a flat top. It is steep-to and there are no off-lying dangers. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained close S of the sandspit on the W side of Little Diomede Island, but the holding ground is poor, consisting of rocks. A vessel proceeding to this anchorage from the S or E can follow the S and W coasts of the island, keeping in depths greater than 26m until the settlement of Ignaluk is sighted. Anchorage can also be obtained off the N side of Ostrov Ratmanova. 1.4 The coast slopes down from Mys Peek to a low sandy beach near Dezhneva, a deserted trading post about 6 miles WNW. The coast between Mys Peek and Mys Litke, about 22 miles SW, is generally steep-to, with depths of 10m about 1 mile offshore. Mys Litke may be easily identified by a sharppeaked mountain rising above it. Mys Nunyamo (65. 36'N. , 170.40'W .) lies about 13.5 miles SSW of Mys Litke. The coast for about 9 miles S of Mys Litke becomes lower with several bold points. Black cliffs which rise steeply from the sea extend 4 to 5 miles NE of Mys Nunyamo. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken, during N winds, abreast the deserted Dezhneva trading post in 9 to 10m, good holding ground, 1 mile offshore, or in 5m, 0.25 mile offshore. Zaliv Lavrentiya 1.5 Zaliv Lavrentiya (St. Lawrence Bay) is entered between Mys Nunyamo and Mys Kriguygun, 12.5 miles SW. The NE side has the appearance of a desert waste and is similar to the SW side, except that the cliffs are higher and the hills , though not high, are nearer to the shore . The soil is damp and has high concentrations of clay, and in places is covered with moss and grass. Peat is found in the depressions and on the hillsides. The low ground consists of large tracts tundra. High, steep, sharp-peaked mountains, apparently of a range that extends across the Asiatic mainland, approach the head of the bay and extend around the inner part of the bay, but then merge into a series of low rounded hills. Gora Vkhodnaya (Tyrtova) (Tuirtot) (65.42'N ., 171 ·o4'W.), 500m high and the most conspicuous mountain, is located on the NE side, about 10.5 miles NW of Mys Nunyamo. The entrance has depths of 12.8 to 14.6m in the fairway. The bay has general depths of 24 to 62m. The inner one-third should not be used without local knowledge. Mys Nunyamo, the NE entrance point, is easily identified by a conspicuous round-topped mountain, 360m high , near it. A light is shown from the point. The W side of the mountain slopes gradually to a wide ravine, down which flows a very small and very rapid mountain stream. A steep mountain , 430m high , is located near the coast, 2.2 miles NE of the cape. 1.6 Mys Kriguygun (Cape Novosilski) (Cape Krigugon) (65.28'N., 171"02'W.), the SW entrance point, is a lofty and very steep headland formed by a mountain with several remarkable peaks, the highest of which attains an elevation of 443m. A light is shown at the point. Because of its height, the cape appears as an island when seen from the S. Yandagai, a large village, is situated on the cape. Pub.155 From Mys Nunyamo to Mys Pinakul, about 5 miles WNW, the shore is level and consists of low cliffs, inland of which the ground is tundra and gradually rises to low, rounded hills from 0.5 mile to 2 miles inland. Ostrov Litke, with its E extremity about 1 mile W of Mys Pinakul, is a sand and shingle islet about 0.7 mile in length in an E-W direction. The islet is difficult to make out in the offing because it has an almost level surface and is only about 1.8m high. Its highest part is covered with moss and there is a freshwater pond on the islet. A bank, with depths of less than 5m, joins the islet to Mys Pinakul. A reef, with depths of 5.5m, extends W from the W extremity of the islet. The extremity of this reef is steep-to, with a depth of 35m close off it. A light is shown from Ostrov Litke. 1.7 Inner part of Zaliv Lavrentiya.-Mys Pavlova projects from the NE shore about 8.5 miles WNW of Mys Pinakuf, while Mys Inoreniusa projects from the SW shore 2.25 miles WNW of Mys Pavlova. Only vessels with local knowledge should navigate in that part of the inlet above Mys Pavlova and Mys Indreniusa. In the inner part are two islets, Ostrov Benneta and Ostrov Balka. Ostrov Benneta, the S islet, is surrounded by reefs, with depths of less than 7.3m, which extend as far as 0.5 mile from it, and there is reported to be a submerged spit extending S from this islet. A 4.9m shoal is reported to lie about 1.3 miles SE of this islet, and a depth of 9.1m has been obtained close N of this danger. Tides-Currents.-The tidal rise in Zaliv Lavrentiya does not exceed 0.3m, but heavy gales may raise or lower the water level by as much as 1.1 m. The tidal currents are reported to be strong. The Russian vessel Yakut dragged both anchors in Gavan' Litke because of the pressure of ice on her cables during the ebb current. Eddies are formed in Gavan' Litke. Anchorage.-Gavan' Litke, formed by Ostrov Litke and the bight on the N side of Mys Pinakul, affords good anchorage in depths of 20 to 29m, mud. However, this harbor is said to only be safe at the end of August and during the month of September. At other times vessels should keep steam up in readiness to sai l in case masses of drifting ice from the Bering Strait threaten to jam the entrance of Zaliv Lavrentiya. Vessels should avoid anchoring with the W extremity of Ostrov Litke bearing Jess than 180., as the depths there increase rapidly to 50 to 55m. Bukhta Strelok, entered N of Mys Pavlova, affords good anchorage over a bottom of sand, good holding ground. It has depths of 3.7 to 7.3m close to the shore. Good anchorage can be obtained in depths of 22 to 29m in that part of Zaliv Lavrentiya above Mys Pavlova. Directions.-The W extremity of Ostrov Litke, in line bearing 32T with Gora Vkhodnaya, leads into Zaliv Lavrentiya in a least depth of 12.8m, but caution should be exercised as this range line passes close SW of a 7.1m shoal in the middle of the entrance. Zaliv Lavrentiya to Proliv Senyavina 1.8 The coast from Mys Kriguygun to Mys Lyugren (65"30'N., 171 .40'W.), a high steep point 15.5 miles W ofMys Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy Kriguygun, is low and rises gently to flat-topped mountains. This stretch is steep-to and clear of dangers. Mechigmenskiy Guba has an entrance less than 0.2 mile in width between the extremities of two very low spits. The E spit, which is almost awash, extends about 10 miles W from Mys Lyugren . The W spit extends about 5 miles NE from the W shore. The entrance can only be identified when bearing about 340· . On other bearings the entrance can be made out only from aloft in clear weather. The village of Mechigmen, consisting of a few huts and situated on the W spit about 1.5 miles SSW of the entrance, is a convenient mark for identifying the entrance. The village of Raupelyan is situated on the E spit, about 2.5 miles E of the entrance. The least depth in the approach is 5 .8m near theE spit. The entrance has depths of 18.3 to 24m, but inside the depths decrease. Both spits are steep-to. Within the inlet E of Raupelyan, a channel 0.75 mile wide, with a depth of 9.1m, runs in the direction of the E spit. Northward the depths suddenly decrease to 5.5m. Mechigmenskaya Guba, other than a small part inside its entrance, has not been surveyed. Winds-Weather.-Westerly winds accompany dangerous squalls at time s. Tides-Currents.-The outgoing tidal current, which attains a velocity of 4 to 6 knots in the entrance, sets on to the W spit and then follows the coast S for several miles. Vessels should exercise caution in entering . Anchorage.-Good anchorage can be obtained anywhere outside the entrance. Inside the inlet, anchorage can be obtained in 5 to 9m, mud and sand , but the holding ground was reported to be poor and there are many shoal s. Anchorage inside the inlet is only recommended in an emergency, and then only for vessels with a draft of less than 3m . The coast from Mechigmenskaya Guba to Mys Ngeegchan (64.55'N. , 172. 25'W .) is in general low and backed by mountains which approach the coast only at Mys Khalyuskina (65 . 16'N., 172. 11'W .), which rises to a conspicuous round hill. The coast N of Mys Khalyuskina consists of sloping tundra, with cliffs in some places and low ground in others. Mys Nygligan (Mys Nygchigen) (65"04 'N., 172. 06'W .), when seen from about 15 miles Nor NE, appears as an island . It is bluff and rugged. A light is shown on the island . Between Mys Nygligan and Mys Ngeegchan, about 12 miles SW, as well as off these two points, the depths decrease gradually offshore. About 10 miles off Mys Nygligan the depths decrease suddenly to about 9.1. As foul ground may extend off this cape, it should not be approached too closely. The bay between Mys Nygligan and Mys Kriguygum 36 miles NE is known as Mechigmenski Zaliv. Proliv Senyavina and Proliv Chechekuyum 1.9 Between Mys Ngeegchan and Mys Mertensa (64. 32'N., 172.25'W.) , about 23 miles S, the coast recedes to form a bight, a large part of which is occupied by two islands. The passage around Ostrov Arakamchechen, the N and larger island, is known as Proliv Senyavina, while the passage between Ostrov Yttygran, the smaller island and the S shore of the bight is known as Proliv Chechekuyum. Proliv Senyavina is not difficult to navigate because of its great depth and the absence of dangers. The bottom in this passage is mud, while E of the bight it is fine sand . A bottom of rocks and shells distinguishes the shallower depths. Proliv Chechekuyum should not be used without local knowledge. The chart indicates that the fairway is deep. Along the shores of the bight are high granite mountains, which, except for their peaks and steep cliffs, are covered by tundra. The valleys are covered with grass, flowers , and mushrooms. Aspen and birch are found on the shores. Ice.-The final disappearance of ice in Proliv Senyavina and in the sea nearby is prolonged almost until the new ice forms, because of the heavy accumulation of ice during the eight cold months and the prevailing E and SE winds in the summer. 1.10 Northwest side of Proliv Senyavina.-Mys Ngeegchan, the N entrance point of the N entrance to Proliv Senyavina, rises steeply to Gora Chernaya (Black Summit), 283m high. A conspicuous hill is located about 5 miles NW of the cape. From Mys Ngeegchan to about 8 miles SW, the coast consists of low tundra extending from 1 to 2 miles inland. In the vicinity of Ozero Kheyguyn the tundra stretches a considerable distance inland and the mountains become higher as they recede W. Mys Kaskonok, about 10.5 miles SW ofMys Ngeegchan, is the S extremity of a low sandy spit. From about 2 miles NE of Mys Kaskonok to a position close to that cape the coast is cliffy and rises steeply to high mountains, among which is a conspicuous summit about 579m high, about 1.5 miles N of the cape. Another conspicuous peak is located about 6 miles NE of the cape. A river flows into Ozero Kheyguyn, a shallow lake, and then into Proliv Senyavina between two sand spits about 2.5 miles W of Mys Ngeegchan. Yakrakinot, a native village, lies on this spit near the river mouth. The mouth of the river is about 90m wide, has a depth 3.7m, mud bottom, and forms a good harbor for small craft. Anchorage may be taken by small craft close inshore. The current is strong in the river mouth, but is not felt along the coast. TheW spit is separated from the mainland by a narrow, shallow passage. A bay, entered between the SW end of theW spit and the mainland N, offers shelter to small craft in depth s of 3 .7 to 4.6m in the entrance, SW of the spit. Bukhta Penkigney (Bukhta Penkigngen) is entered between Mys Kaskonok and Mys Irankhi, about 3.5 miles S. The fairway to the inner part of the inlet is deep. The main entrance is S of Ostrov Achinkinkan, a low flat islet about 0.5 mile S of Mys Kaskonok. A reef extends 0.2 mile SW from the islet. Ostrov Merokinkan, about 1.2 miles NW of Ostrov Achinkinkan and of similar aspect, is a low, flat, and rocky islet. Bukhta Penkigney is bordered by high mountains, which in most places lie close to the shores. On the SW side inside the entrance the mountains rise precipitously from the sea. One of these has a remarkable red slope. In some places tundra extends a short distance inland. At the head of Bukhta Penkigney the mountains recede inland and a shallow stream flows through extensive wet tundra into the inlet. The shores are for the most part bluff, but several spits extend from them . A high round peninsula, about 6 miles NW of Mys Irankhi , extends N from the S side of the inlet. Bukhta Alera, entered SE of this peninsula, is open to the E. This small inlet has Pub.155 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy depths of 11 to 26m, but the bottom is rocky and the bay is of little importance. On the NW side of Bukhta Penkigney, 7 miles W of Mys Kaskonok, there is a bay entered between a low sandy headland and a steep headland about 2 miles further SSW. A reef, with a depth of 2.7m, extends about 0.6 mile NE from the S entrance point. Tides-Currents.-In Bukhta Alera the spring range is 0.2m and the mean range is 0.2m . Anchorage.-The small bay just mentioned has depths of 12 to 28m, mud, sand, and shells, and affords fairly sheltered anchorage. A vessel has anchored in 28m here. Anchorage with good shelter can be obtained in depths of 11 to 22m, mud , sand, and in places , stones, from 1 to 1.5 miles off the head of Bukhta Penkigney. 1.11 Mys Kygynin (64. 45'N. , 172 .05'W .), theE point of Ostrov Arakamchechen, is a low cape, very similar to My s Nygchigen, about 19 miles N . From a great distance, a small hill in the vicinity of this cape appears as an islet. From a distance of about 14 miles, this hill merges with the mountains and only a continuous line of coast, about 25m, is then seen. Mys Kygynin should be given a wide berth, as the 10m curve lies as far as 1.8 miles off it and the coast on either side. The W two-thirds of Ostrov Arakamchechen consists of mountains with flat summits , the highest of which, Gora Athos, 576m high, is located about 9.5 miles W of Mys Kygynin. These mountains slope down rather steeply on their E sides to the remainder of the island , which consists of smooth tundra and numerous lakes . The coasts of the island are slightly indented in places, the only harbors being Gavan' Glazenapa, at the SW end of the island, and Gavan' Ratmanova, at the N end of the island. 1.12 North and W sides of Ostrov Arakamchechen.The greater part of the N coast of the island is low and sloping, with only two or three cliffs . Mys Kuguvan, theN extremity of the island, lies 9 miles NW of Mys Kygynin and rises perpendicularly to Gora Kruglaya, a conspicuous rounded mountain, 320m high. Kosa Akhmatingu is a spit of land extending about 1 mile WSW from a position on the coast about 1 mile SW of Mys Kuguan. Gavan Ratmanova (64 .49 'N., 172. 28'W.) is entered between the SW extremity of Kosa Akhmatingu and Mys Nayakuk, about 1 mile WSW. A shoal , with a depth of 2.4m, lies 0.3 mile WSW of the SW extremity of Kosa Akhmatingu. Another spit extends from the S side of Gavan Ratmanova, about 0.7 mile SW of the NE entrance point. The coast within the two spits is bordered by a shallow sandbank extending 0.1 to 0.2 mile offshore. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 7 to 11m, close SW of the NE entrance point in an area about 0.2 mile wide. Vessels can enter the harbor by passing about 0.1 mile off the NE entrance point and can secure alongside Kosa Akhmatingu, close off which are depths of 4m, increasing rapidly offshore. From Mys Nayakuk to Mys Taylek, about 8.5 miles SSW, the coast is rocky and rises gently to the mountains in the Pub.155 middle of the island . For the first 3 miles the coast forms a slight indentation, where sheltered anchorage can be obtained in depths of 12.8 to 14.6m, mud and sand, about 0.2 to 0.3 mile offshore. Winds from the SW through W to NW raise a considerable sea here, but the swell is not dangerous. Ostrov Kynkay, about 2 miles WSW of Mys Taylek, is a small, rocky, steep, and almost barren islet, with a fairly flat summit. 1.13 South side of Ostrov Arakamchechen.-Mys Myergyn (64 .4l'N., 172. 36'W.), about 1.5 miles ESE ofMys Taylek, is the SW extremity of a low spit. This spit extends in a SW direction from the low ground on the E side of Gora Menyngay, a conspicuous mountain, 340m high, located about 1.2 miles NNW of the point. Gavan Glazenapa (64.41'N. , 172. 37'W.) is a harbor formed by a bight in the coast between Mys Yarga and Mys Taylek, the SW extremity of a steep-to spit extending about 0.3 mile WSW from the SW side of Ostrov Arakamchechen. A shoal, with a least depth of 11m, is located about 1 mile SSW of this point. At the head of the harbor the land rises steeply to the summit of Gora Menyngay. Westward of this mountain are two 91m hills, which, with the mountain, form excellent landmarks for the harbor. This harbor is protected from the NW through N to NE winds, but considerable swell sets in during winds from other directions. Mys Yarga is so low that it affords little protection from E winds. The harbor, however, affords good shelter from ice and is easy to enter. The shores are steep-to, and the spit on the E side has sufficient depths close off it for vessels to make fast alongside. The best anchorage is reported to be in 33m, blue clay, good holding ground, with Mys Yarga bearing about 170°. Banka Bruks (Brooke Bank) (64 . 37'N. , 171 · 58'W.), an offlying danger on which are several rocks that uncover at LW, extends about 1.5 miles W from a position about 9 miles SSE of Mys Kygynin. Depths of 11m have been obtained about 1.5 miles N and 3 miles S of the E end of this bank. 1.14 Ostrov Nuneangan (64 . 38'N. , 172. 20'W .), about 3 miles E of Ostrov Yttygran, is a good landmark in the S approach to Proliv Senyavina. The islet is small, bluff on all sides, and has a summit covered with verdure. The NE and SW sides of the islet should not be approached, as reefs extend offshore from those sides. A bank, with depths of less than 9.1m, and on which are said to be many reefs, extends from Ostrov Nuneangan to theE side of Ostrov Yttygran. Anchorage near this coast should be avoided when ice is being driven S by the wind as it sets directly onto it. TheE coast of Ostrov Yttygran, from Mys Amago Mel'got (64.36'N., 172. 27'W.) to Mys Novok, 1.5 miles N, and then to Mys Konovak, 2 miles NW, consists of low cliffs rising in places to high bluffs. Two conspicuous hills, about 151m and 230m high, are located about 1 mile and 2 miles W, respectively, of Mys Novok. A conspicuous mountain, 346m high, is located about 1 mile SW of the same cape. Bukhta Stygrak, with its E entrance point about 3 miles W of Mys Konovak, is bordered W by a steep black cliff about 1.5 miles farther WNW. The bight is reported to have depths of 18 to 22m, but it is exposed and the holding ground is poor. Wet Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy tundra extends from the lake at the head to the S side of the island. The coast from the W entrance point of Bukhta Stygrak to Mys Am'yak, 2.5 miles SSW, is steep and high, without bluffs, and rises to a hill composed entirely of gray and white marble. Mys Engelyukak (64"35'N., 172"3l'W.), theSE extremity of Ostrov Yttygran, can be identified by a low hill with a rounded summit. Between the above point and Mys Yuvakhtakhat, about 0.7 mile W, there is reported to be anchorage in the bight in 14.6m, stones over mud. Bukhta Tugak, an open bay immediately W of the bight, has a high hill with a steep slope near its head . Two mountains, one 587m high and the other 529m high, lie near the center of the island, about 2 miles NNW and 2.7 miles NW, respectively, of Mys Yuvakhtakhat. Mys Am'yak, the SW extremity of Ostrov Yttygran, is the termination of a low spit extending about 0.2 mile S. A shallow bank extends a short distance W from the spit. Bukhta Tyvlikak is entered between Mys Am'yak and a point about 1.5 miles SE. 1.15 South side of Proliv Chehekuyum.-Mys Mertensa (64"32'N., 172"25'W.), lying about 4.8 miles SSW of Ostrov Nuneangan, is a high and bluff point rising to a conspicuous mountain with three peaks, about 305m high . The S shore of Proliv Chechekuyum consists of high reddish cliffs for the first 2 miles W of Mys Mertensa, then it slopes evenly to Mys Pivattsigo, the extremity of a spit, about 2.1 m high, extending NE from the coast. A fairly sheltered bay lies on the E side of this spit. The bay has depths of 18.3 to 42m, the bottom being shells and stones over mud. Within Mys Pivattsigo the land rises to a mountain, about 762m high, from which a range extends SE toward Mys Chaplina. 1.16 West side of Proliv Senyavina.-Mys Kuvylokuok (64"39'N., 172"50'W.), lying almost 4 miles NW of Mys Pivattsigo, is a fairly high and bluff point. A reef extends 0.2 mile NE of the point. Bukhta Kalelen is entered between Mys Kuvylokuok and Mys Kunuk, about 2 miles NNW. A fairly high and bluff point similar to Mys Kuvylokuok is located about 2 miles WNW of this point. On the W side of this inner point is a bay, W of which the mountains recede inland and the coast is formed by low tundra. The N shore of the inlet rises to mountains, 397 to 503m high . At the head of the inlet is a lake, fed by numerous mountain streams, and from which a shallow stream flows through a sandy neck of land into the inlet. Anchorage.-Fairly sheltered anchorage can be obtained in the small bight entered W of Mys Kuvylokuok. The depths are considerable close offshore. Anchorage can be obtained anywhere in Bukhta Kalelen within the point located about 2 miles WNW of Mys Kuvylokuok. The bottom is mud throughout. There is also anchorage, excellent shelter, in depths of about 33m, W of the third point on the S side of the inlet. Anchorage can also be obtained in depths of 7 to 9m, near some cliffs on the S side of the head of the inlet. Bukhta Rumilet, a deep inlet, is entered S of Mys Kuvylokuok. The inlet is landlocked by mountains about 610m high, which prevent the sun's rays from entering. Ice usually extends some distance offshore. The coast from Mys Kunuk to Mys Irankhi (64"47'N., 172"45'W.), about 6 miles NNE, is partly steep and partly sloping, but mountainous throughout. Settlements are situated near the streams flowing down the slopes along this coast. Shoal water, with depths of 2.7 to 6.4m, extend as far as 0.7 mile E from the coast in places. Some rocks that uncover at LW are located close offshore about 0.5 mile NE of Mys Kunuk. Proliv Senyavina and Proliv Chechekuyum to Anadyrskiy Zaliv (Gulf of Anadyr) 1.17 Mys Chaplina (64"24'N., 172"14'W.) is the extremity of a low sand and gravel spit extending about 5 miles E from the general line of the coast. On this spit is a freshwater lake, and near its extremity is the village of Oumwaidjik. The mountains along this coast are some distance inland of Mys Chaplina, but approach the coast near Mys Mertensa, about 9 miles NNW. Tides-Currents.-A current setting E at a velocity of 2 knots may be experienced on the S side of the spit. Aspect.-A conspicuous mountain, 415m high, is located about 6 miles WNW ofMys Chaplina. A light is shown on Mys Chaplina. A radiobeacon transmits from the lighthouse. Approaching Mys Chaplina from the SW, the sloping cliff some distance W of the cape is first sighted, then the inshore part of the spit, which is about 9.1 to 12.2m high and slopes down gradually to seaward, and finally the buildings of the village which appear as a fleet of fishing boats until the whole spit is visible. A shoal patch, with a depth of 11m surrounded by depths of 28 to 29m, is located about 8.5 miles SSW of the cape. The depths decrease rapidly from about 28m to depths of 18.3m at a distance of 1.2 miles, and to l6.5m less than 1 mile from the spit. A depth of 14.6m lies about 3.5 miles E of the spit. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in 12 to 18m, hard sand and shells, about 0.5 to 1 mile off the N or S si de of the spit, depending on the wind. Closer to the spit the bottom is fine sand. Anchorage has been obtained in a depth of 14.6m, 0.2 mile offshore. During a swell from any direction the shore is marked by breakers. Bukhta Tkachen (Zaliv Tkachen) is entered between Mys Sivol'kut (Mys Pravyy Vkhodnoi) (64 "22'N., 172 "36'W.) and Mys Ploskiy, about 8 miles SW. The SW side of the inlet rises to sharply-peaked mountains and the shores of the inlet are formed by dark precipitous bare rocks. Numerous settlements are situated around the inlet. Mys Skobeleva, about 4.5 miles WNW of Mys Sivol'kut, rises to a sharp conical peak, Gora Kakitaruk. Mys Cherkasskogo, about 5 miles N of Mys Ploskiy, is low. A bank, with a depth of 5.2m at its outer end, extends 0.8 mile E of Mys Cherkasskogo. A bank, with depths of 6.4 to 7.3m, extends about 1.5 miles W from Mys Skobeleva. A vessel entering the inlet should pass 1.5 miles E of Mys Cherkasskogo, then alter course to pass 0.5 mile off the W side of the inlet abreast Mys Skobeleva. Several spits extend from the shore near the head of the bay alongside which whalers secure. Because of its great depths the inlet is unsuitable as an anchorage. The N half of the inlet is Pub.155 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy sheltered from all winds, and is an excellent refuge. It also has the advantage of easy entrance, and the suitability for vessels to secure close inshore. A 4.lm patch lies about 0.8 mile SE of Mys Vyazemskogo , the SE extremity of a spit extending from the N shore of the inner part of the inlet. Although Bukhta Tkachen is easily accessible, Bukhta Slavyanka is a more convenient harbor, especially during the autumn. Zaliv Kuguan is formed between Mys Ploskiy and Mys Nizmenny, about 3 miles SW. Zaliv Kuguan has not been surveyed. Local reports state that a narrow channel, with depths of about 1.5m at the head of the bay, leads to a broad , deep lagoon, on the shores of which there are many settlements . A light is shown from each of the capes at the entrance to Zaliv Kuguan. Mys Chukotskiy (64. 14'N., 173 .05'W.) , lying 4.5 miles WSW of Mys Nizmenny, is a black cape rising to a pointed ridge. At its extremity is a hill with a rounded summit, on the S end of which are several high pointed rocks . The cape is easily distinguished from the E or W, but from the S it merges with the coast. Several drying rocks lie off the SE side of the cape. Kivak Light is shown on the coast 3.2 miles ENE of Mys Chukotskiy. Anadyrskiy Zaliv (Gulf Of Anadyr) 1.18 Anadyrskiy Zaliv is entered between Mys Chukotskiy and Mys Voyennykh Topografov (Mys Faddeya) (Cape Thaddeus), about 215 miles WSW, and extends as far as 200 miles N. The principal bays in this gulf are Bukhta Provideniya, on the E side close within the entrance, Zaliv Kresta, at the head of the gulf, and Anadyrskiy Liman, at the NW end of the gulf. The shores of the gulf are fairly high, except for most of the W shore below Anadyrskiy Liman. This stretch is free from snow in the summer and is covered with grass and in places with scrub. Many of the hills along the shores of the gulf appear to be formed of coal from a distance, but are composed of dark gray stone. Tenedos Shoal (64 . 16'N. , 178. 00'W.), with a depth of2.4m, the existence of which is doubtful, is charted in the middle of the gulf, about 125 miles W of theE entrance point. Bukhta Provideniya (Providence Bay) 1.19 From Mys Chukotski to Mys Lysaya Golova, about 7 miles WNW, the coast is low. The low land extends inland to Ozero Avan forming a cleft in the mountains which is noticeable from the S. Bukhta Provideniya, entered between Mys Lysaya Golova (64. 17'N., 173. 22'W.) and Mys Lesovskogo, about 5.5 miles WNW, is hemmed in on all sides by rugged mountains over 610m high. The shores of the inlet consist of precipitous cliffs, and are marked by landslides, which usually terminate in spits projecting into the water. Many swift mountain torrents flow into the inlet. The only vegetation is lichen and moss. Bukhta Komsomol'skaya (Bukhta Emma), about midway along the E side of the inlet, is the only important harbor in the inlet. Pub.155 An approach channel (027 .-207") extends up to about 12 miles seaward of the entrance to Bukhta Provideniya and may best be seen on the chart. Vessels should keep outside Russian territorial waters until reaching the channel. Mys Lesovskogo Light, on the W side of the entrance, operates throughout the year, but other lights in the inlet operate only from late July to early December. Ice.-The following are the general conditions at Bukhta Provideniya: the period of ice formation, October and November; formation of solid ice (the type ordinarily unnavigable, but occasionally penetrable by powerful icebreakers), November and December; period of break up , April and May; date of clearing, late June. Caution.-A local magnetic anomaly, believed to be caused by the magnetic character of the mountains, has been reported in the vicinity of Bukhta Provideniya. However, a U.S . government research vessel observed no magnetic anomalies in September, 1987 . Mys Lysaya Golova, the E entrance point of Bukhta Provideniya, is bluff, high, and can be easily identified from its peculiar shape which somewhat resembles a man's head. The E slope of the point is fairly gentle, but the S and W slopes are precipitous. The slopes are covered with reddish-brown tundra, and the cliffs, especially those on the W side, are of a brightyellowish color. Avan', a fairly large settlement, is situated on the E side of Mys Lysaya. Four small buildings stand at this location. The N building has a green roof and the S building is white. This location appears as a coastal station. A light is shown from a framework tower on the E slope of Mys Lysaya Golova. Caution.-Vessels entering Bukhta Provideniya must be careful not to mistake the low land E of Mys Lysaya Golova for the entrance. Mys Lesovskogo (64. 20'N., 173 . 33'W.), the W entrance point of Port Provideniya, appears from seaward as a black detached islet standing out prominently against the distant high land of the coast. Rocks fringe the cape . A detached abovewater rock lies off its S side. Lesovskogo Light is situated 0.8 mile WNW of the S extremity of Mys Lesovskogo. A radiobeacon transmits 135m ESE of the light. Severnyy Light is shown 0.9 mile NE of Mys Lesovskogo. Kamen Severnyy, a rock, lies 0.1 mileS of the light. Zapadnyy Light is shown 4.2 miles NE of Mys Lesovskogo. 1.20 Bukhta Slavyanka (Reyd Plover) (64. 22'N ., 173.21'W.) is a roadstead on theE side ofBukhta Provideniya; it is entered N of Mys Gaydamak, the N extremity of a spit which forms the W and S sides of the roadstead. Several settlements and small lakes are situated on the spit. However, these settlements have been burned or abandoned and only ruins are visible. A light is situated on the spit of Mys Gaydamak. During the summer, large masses of snow remain in the ravines and on the shores. Shoaling extends into Bukhta Provideniya from the N to the W from the spit of Mys Gaydamak. Discolored water has been observed upon departure from the port. The roadstead has general depths of 29 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy to 40m and is protected. The holding ground is a composite of slate, and a vessel may drag anchor during heavy N gales. Mys Gaydamak Light looking E from Bukhta Provideniya Tides-Currents.-The mean tidal range at Bukhta Slavyanka is 0.7m and the spring tidal range is 0.9m. Bukhta Komsomol'skaya (Bukhta Emma), about 4.5 miles NE of Bukhta Slavyanka, is entered between Mys Puzino (64.25'N ., 173. 14'W. ) and Mys Likhacheva, about 0.7 mile N, but the entrance fairway is narrowed to a width of 0.5 mile by the sandbanks extending from both entrance points. Atop Mys Puzino, the S point of the entrance to Bukhta Komsomol'skaya, are two white, one story buildings with a marine radar unit mounted on a cupola on the larger building. The shores of the harbor are low, but lofty mountains extend around Bukhta Komsomol'skaya, except on the S side of the harbor. A small river discharges on the S side of the harbor. The depth in the center of the entrance is 30m and there are depths of 20 to 30m in the fairway up to 1.5 miles within the entrance. The bottom in depths greater than 20m is mud. Urelyk is a village on the S shore of Bukhta Komsomol'skaya. There are several small jetties for the use of local craft. Mys Snaryadnyy protrudes from the SE shore of Bukhta Komsomol'skaya, 2 miles E of Mys Puzino. A rocky bank, with a depth of 5m, lies near the extremity of a rock and shingle shelf extending 0.5 mile N of My s Snaryadnyy, where it is marked by a lighted buoy. 1.21 Provideniya (64 . 23'N., 173. 18'W.) (World Port Index No. 62640), on the NW shore of Bukhta Komsomol'skaya, is a refueling and provisioning port for vessels traveling the Northern Sea Route. It is the only deep water port in the NE part of Siberia. Customs control facilities are available and the port is open to foreign vessels. Ice.-Navigation into Bukhta Komsomol'skaya is normally possible without the assistance of an icebreaker from mid-June to the end of November. In the period up to 20 July and after 20 November, ice information should be obtained from the harbor authorities before proceeding into the bay. Winter navigation is normally possible with the assistance of an icebreaker. Tides-Currents.-The tidal range in the port is 2.5m. Depths-Limitations.-The approach fairway through Bukhta Provideniya to Bukhta Komsomol'skaya is straight and very deep. The limitation on the size of vessels berthed is imposed by the dimensions of the berths rather than by the fairways leading to them . Pier facilities are, as follows: Quay Length Depth Remarks 1 240m lO.Om Coal berth. 2 Being reconstructed. 3 134m 7.5m General cargo. 4 Barges and small craft. 5 207m 7.5m Fuel products. Ballast. Aspect.-Range lights lead through Bukhta Provideniya to the entrance to Bukhta Komsomol'skaya. These lights are situated 230m E of Mys Likhacheva. A second set of range lights is situated on the E shore of Bukhta Komsomol'skaya, 1.75 miles ENE of Mys Likacheva, and lead into the bay. A third set of range lights leads through the N part of the bay. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 500 grt and available 24 hours. The pilot boards 0.8 mile W of Mys Puzino at the junction of the range lines. Request for pilot must be made 4 hours before arrival. Pilotage to some of the piers, including the oil pier, is daylight only, subject to favorable weather conditions. Between November 20 and June 20, vessels proceeding to the port should obtain ice information from the Port Captain. Request for icebreaker assistance should be forwarded to the Port Captain not later than 48 hours in advance. Vessels visiting the port must request, through the port dispatcher, 4 hours in advance, the correct documentation from the border authorities. Requests for a pilot and tug assistance, together with the ETA, must be sent 2 hours in advance on VHF channel 16. All vessel movements within the port are regulated by the Port Captain. Regulations.-An area in which anchoring, fishing, trawling, navigating with a trailing anchor, and underwater operations are prohibited extends across the entrance to Bukhta Komsomal'skaya. Signals.-Storm signals and signals relating to ship movements are shown from a mast at the office of the Port Director near Provideniya Quay and are broadcast on VHF channell6. Anchorage.-Bukhta Komsomol'skaya affords the best shelter in Bukhta Provideniya. On the SE side of the bay, between positions about 0.6 mile SSE and 1.6 miles ENE, respectively, from Mys Likhacheva, there is a line of numbered anchor berths in depths of 12 to 26m, mud. To the NW of these berths, off Provideniya, there is a large turning area. There is anchorage for tankers in the NE part of the bay. Quarantine anchorage and anchorage for loading and discharging dangerous cargo are located in Bukhta Slavyanka. Pub. ISS Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy Range markers, at entrance to Bukhta Komsomol'skaya, looking N The anchorages in Bukhta Komsomol'skaya and Bukhta Slavyanka are not sheltered from the N winds. During strong gales the wind direction changes frequently, causing vessels to yaw and drag anchor. Caution.-There are dangerous wrecks, marked by lighted buoys, close E of the Offshore Wharf, close S of the Petroleum Wharf, and 0.2 mile ENE of the No.5 Pier. The shore between Cape Yakum (64o25'N., 174oOO'W.) and Cape Chukotskij (64o15'N., 173o07'W.) is indented with deep and narrow valleys, curving NNE-SSW parallel with Provideniya Bay, and in poor visibility any of these valleys could be mistaken for the entrance into Provideniya Bay. Bukhta Provideniya to Zaliv Kresta 1.22 Mys Stoletiya (64°19'N., 173°39'W.), 3 miles WSW of Mys Lesovskogo, is blackish, with a crest of pointed rocks, and rises steeply from its base to a flat summit. A detached rock close off the cape appears as an elongated cone when seen from the E or W, but from the S it merges with the land. A beacon consisting of a truncated pyramidal structure is situated on Mys Stoletiya. Mys Yakun, about 11 miles farther NW, is a rugged cape rising to a height of 315m and may be identified by a pyramidal rock on its summit. Mys Zelenyy, about 11.5 miles NW of Mys Yakun, rises almost vertically to a great height and has a very conspicuous red stripe extending from its base to its summit. The coast from Mys Zelenyy to Mys Shpanberga, about 13 miles NW, is rugged in its greater part. Mys Shpanberga is high and appears as a high cliff with a rounded summit when seen from the S, and as a rounded hill with gently sloping sides when seen from the W. Guba Bezymennaya (64°45'N., 174°50'W.) is entered between Mys Shpanberga and Mys Gal'gan, about 11 miles WNW. The latter cape rises precipitously to an elevation of 475m. From the S a sloping headland is seen extending from the E side of the cape, but from the W the cape appears as a sharp jagged ridge. Close off its E side is a detached pillar rock. Mys Achchen (64°46'N., 175°26'W.), about 9 miles W of Mys Gal'gan, is a cliffy cape rising to a flat summit, 220m high. Bukhta (Guba) Preobrazheniya, entered about 2 miles N of Mys Achchen, is bordered by low shores, and has depths of 18.3m, with a bottom of fine sand. From theN entrance point of Bukhta Preobrazheniya to Mys Enmelen, about 11 miles NW, the coast is high, precipitous, and wall-like. Mys Enmelen rises close inland to Gora Enmelen, 670m high. Mys Beringa (65"00'N., 175°54'W.), a rugged cape lying about 4 miles NNW of Mys Enmelen and rising to an elevation of 420m, is conspicuous, as it is the W termination of the coastal cliffs, which are almost continuous from Mys Chukhotskiy. The coast N of Mys Beringa becomes lower. Between Mys Beringa and Mys Chirikova, about 16 miles N, a bay is formed, the S part of which is sometimes known as Whaler Bay. The S part of this coast rises to low hills covered with tundra, and the N part is shelving and consists of low bluffs. Mys Chirikova rises to a sharp conspicuous peak. About 4 miles farther N is a cliffy headland, 145m high. From this headland a narrow spit, on which is a walrus rookery, extends NW forming Bukhta Ruddera. For about 25 miles WNW of Bukhta Ruddera the coast is mountainous, the mountains being higher than those on the NE side of Anadyrskiy Zaliv. Some are pointed, others are flattopped, and all are irregularly scattered. Many brooks and streams flow through the deep ravines. Pub.155 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy 1.23 Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn (Kosa Meechkin) (65"28'N., 178"00'W.) is a narrow sandy spit, extending WSW and W for about 40 miles. The W end extends into the entrance of Zaliv Kresta. The spit is covered with grass only in places where the dwellings exist. The remainder is composed of heaps of stones. The mainland shore N of the spit consists of low, reddish cliffs, N of which barren tundra extends to the foot of the mountains, about 7 to 10 miles inland. A narrow, shallow passage separates the spit from the mainland. The whole of the N side of Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn is convenient for landing, except during winds from the NW to NE. Water has been obtained from the spit. Caution.-Several 8.2 to 8.7m patches are located as far as 12 miles SE of the E end of the spit. Zaliv Kresta 1.24 Zaliv Kresta (Holy Cross Bay) is entered between the W extremity of Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn (65"28'N., 178"00'W.) and a point about 12.5 miles WNW. The cliffs forming the shores of Zaliv Kresta consist of broken rocks. Dry tundra exists at various distances from the shore. Gora Serdtse Kamen (65"37'N., 178" 17'W.), which is locally called Gora Linlingai, lies about 14 miles NE of theW extremity of Kosa Meechkyn and is an offshoot of the range extending NE. Gora Matatchingai, 2,798m high, located near the head of Zaliv Kresta, about 60 miles N of the E entrance point, rises above the surrounding heights, and is conspicuous because of its somber, rugged slopes. It is a good landmark for entering the gulf. lce.-At the end of September, sludge ice appears in Zaliv Kresta and by late November the gulf is frozen solid. Occasionally the ice is broken up and carried out of the gulf. In June, final break-up usually occurs, but drifting ice floes sometimes remain until mid-July. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval at Bukhta Engaugyn is 8 hours 36 minutes. The mean range of the tide is 2m and the spring range is 2.6m. The tidal currents follow the shore of Zaliv Kresta, with the flood current setting Nand the ebb currentS. The latter current is stronger and flows for a longer period than the former. In the middle of the gulf the tidal currents are weak, but in all the narrow channels they are strong. Off the E entrance point the flood current sets NW at a maximum velocity of 1.5 knots. Caution.-A shoal, with a depth of 5.8m, lies about 2.5 miles W of the W extremity of Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn. A shoal has also been reported about 1 mile to 1.5 miles SW of the same point. This shoal is not marked by breakers, but tide rips may be seen. Another shoal, position doubtful, was also reported about 2.5 miles SW of the point. Vessels entering the gulf should avoid the shoals by giving the W end of Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn a berth of at least 4 miles. 1.25 East side of Zaliv Kresta.-The E part of Zaliv Kresta consists of cliffs 4 to 20m high, but in places there are low beaches. There are no high hills near this coast, except Gora Serdtse Kamen, but smooth tundra rises gently in some places to low hills. In many places there are pools and small lakes of rain or snow water. Anchorage.-Kamangaut Anchorage, NE of the W extremity of Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn, offers good anchorage exposed to theN and NW in depths of 9 to 18m, mud. The best berth is in 18m, sand and mud, with the W extremity bearing 236", distant 1 mile. Vessels entering the anchorage should give the W extremity of Ostrov Kosa Meechkyn a berth of at least 4 miles, and not alter course to the anchorage until the W extremity bears more than 135". Mys Kangynin (Mys Konergino) (65 "54'N., 178"53'W.) is the NW extremity of a moderately broad and elevated spit covered with dry tundra. The best anchorage in the bay N of Mys Kangynin is in depths of 9 to 14.6m, mud , 0.3 to 0.5 mile NNE of the point. Bukhta Kangynin (Guba Kangynin) is entered N of Mys Erulya, theN extremity of a low sandy spit, about 8 miles N of Mys Kangynin. TheE shore of the bay is similar to the shoreS, but its W side is mountainous. Because of its shallowness and rocky bottom the bay is not recommended. 1.26 West side of Zaliv Kresta.-The S part of the coast on the W side of Zaliv Kresta to within about 10 miles of Bukhta Engaugyn is similar to the E side, being low for its greater part. Level tundra extends a great di tance W, and low flat-topped hills stand out in 2 or 3 places. In the N part of this coast, the mountains approach fairly close to the shore, forming high cliffs in places. Anchorage.-Good anchorage was reported obtainable close to and N of the W entrance point of Zaliv Kresta, on which is the village of Uel'Kal (Velkal). Bukhta Engaungyn (66"08'N., 179"45'W.), in the NW comer of Zaliv Kresta, is protected S by a spit extending about 2 miles W from a 152m cliff, which rises to a moderately pointed hill on the E side of the bay. A small islet lies about 0.5 mile NW of the W extremity of the pit. The entrance to the bay, in which there is a shoal with a depth of about 0.3m, lies between the spit and the islet. A shoal, with a depth of 1.2m, is located in the middle of the bay, about 1.5 miles NE of the islet. The bay provides an excellent harbor, the only one in Zaliv Kresta. The bottom is mud. Temporary anchorage can be obtained off the entrance of Bukhta Engaungyn, exposed to Sand SE winds in 12.8 to 18m, mud . There is reported to be good anchorage sheltered from all winds in the bay. 1.27 North side of Zaliv Kresta.-The N shore of Zaliv Kresta, with high mountains projecting in three forbidding promontories, contrasts with the E and W shores. A channel is entered between Mys Razdelny (66"10'N., 178"52'W.), the S extremity of the E promontory, and Mys Kamennyy, about 9 miles W, the SE extremity of the W promontory. This channel is then divided into Guba Egvekinot (Guba Egvskinot) and Guba Etel'kuyum by the central promontory which terminates S in a rocky headland. The channel does not provide secure anchorage due to tide-rips, and strong winds cause a considerable sea. Guba Egvekinot, the E of the two bays, has a large depression, covered with tundra at its head . Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 18 to 27m about 0.5 mile off theW shore, Pub.155 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy but strong winds from the N or S raise some sea and swell. Shallow water extends as far as 0.2 mile off the E shore. The bottom is mud, and in places it is shell and rock. Guba Etelkuyum, the W of the two bays, offers anchorage, sheltered from all winds near its head, in depths of about 24m. Bukhta Kruzhenshtem is formed by a spit extending about 0.6 mile WNW from about the middle of the N shore of Guba Etel'kuyum. This small bay affords anchorage in 14.6 to 26m, mud. Vessels can also secure to the N side of the spit, which has considerable depths close inshore. The village of UtvurenVuk is situated on the N side of the bay. Zaliv Kresta to Anadyrskiy Liman 1.28 From the mountains near the head of Zaliv Kresta, three ridges spread out over a broad plain stretching to Reka Anadyr'. These ridges are almost parallel to each other, the first being about 14 miles from the coast and the other two being from 5 to 8 miles farther inland. The land between the first ridge and the coast consists of tundra. The first of these ridges is high in its W part, but becomes lower and changes to a line of low hills near Zaliv Kresta. The other two ridges are low in the W and central parts, but become higher near Zaliv Kresta. Mys Povorotnyy (65°08'N., 179°40'W.) is a dark bluff point. The coast from Mys Povorotnyy to the root of Kosa Russkaya Koshka, about 50 miles SW, has a reddish color, is steep-to, and rises steeply from the sea, but is not marked by any definite landmarks. Many settlements are situated along this stretch. Anadyrskiy Liman (Anadyr Bay) 1.29 Anadyrskiy Liman, the estuary of Reka Anadyr', is entered between the SW extremity of Kosa Russkaya Koshka (64°34'N., 178 °32'E.) and Mys Geka, about 11 miles SW. Kosa Russkaya Koshka, extending about 11 miles SW from the mainland, is a sandy spit about 1.2m high. Mys Geka is the N extremity of a low sandspit, known locally as Strelka Spit. Anadyrskiy Liman is reported to be a summer naval base, and one of the chief stops on the Northern Sea Route. The shores are devoid of trees and contain several villages. The water in the bay and the approach is muddy and only slightly salty. Ice.-Ice first appears in Anadyrskiy Liman in September or at the beginning of October. Later in October the estuary is said to freeze solid. Ice frequently remains until mid-July. The normal navigation season is reported to extend from July to mid-October. Tides-Currents.-The HW interval at the mouth of Reka Anadry' is 10 hours 57 minutes. The spring range is about 1.5m and the neap range is about 1.2m. The directions and velocities of the tidal currents and other currents in Anadyrskiy Liman vary greatly from place to place. In the entrance the flood current sets W and the ebb E. In Bukhta Klinkovstrema the tidal currents attain a velocity of 3.3 knots. In the narrows between Mys Aleksandra and Mys Observatsii the currents attain a velocity of 4.5 knots. The ebb current commences at least 1 hour before HW. The flood current lasts for about 5 hours and the ebb for 7 hours 30 minutes. Close W of Mys Aleksandra the velocity of the ebb Pub.155 current is 4.5 knots, but during strong NW winds the velocity may increase to as much as 6 knots . Eastward of Mys Geka a current sets NNE at times. Depths-Limitations.-A shoal, position doubtful, sometimes marked by breakers, was reported about 14 miles ESE of the NE entrance point of the bay. Sparse soundings seem to indicate that the 1Om curve is about 6.5 miles SE of the SW half of Kosa Russkaya Koshka, and about 6 miles E of Mys Geka. The channel through the bay N of Banka Rayd (Mel Raid) has a least charted depth of 9.6m in the fairway for about 14 miles, then a least charted depth of 5.9m to the mouth of Reka Anadyr'. Aspect.-Gora Sokolova Vtoraya, two mountains 2 miles apart and with rounded summits, lie about 18 miles NE of Mys Vasiliya, the W extremity of Kosa Russkaya Koshka. Being at the E end of the N shore of Anadyrskiy Liman, these mountains form a good landmark to a vessel approaching this bay. Gora Primetnaya, 259m high, about 14 miles NW of Mys Vasiliya, is a conspicuous black conical hill. Gora Ioanna, 966m high, about 4 miles N of Gora Primetnaya, is the highest summit of the mountain range extending W from Gora Sokolova Vtoraya. This range terminates in Gora Marii, 381m high, located close to the shore, about 8 miles WSW of Gora Primetnaya. Gora Dionisiya (64°35'N. , 17T16'E.) and a hill 384m high, close NE, on the W side of the bay, are the only ones of similar elevation in the vicinity. They form an excellent landmark for the inner part of the bay. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot station is situated about 8 miles WNW of the S extremity of Kosa Russkaya Koshka off the W entrance point of Bukhta Klinkovstrema. 1.30 North side of the fairway.-A radiobeacon transmits from the extremity of Kosa Russkaya Koshka. A beacon consisting of a framework pyramid, 12m high, stands on the SE side of Kosa Russkaya Koshka, about 2 miles NE of its extremity. A white beacon, surmounted by two cones, points together, 11m high, stands about 5 miles NW of Mys Vasiliya, at the root of Kosa Nikolaya, a low sandy spit. A lighted buoy is moored about 2.3 miles SW of the W extremity of the sandspit. Kosa Salomatova is located about 5 miles W of Kosa Nikolaya. A light is shown from the extremity of Kosa Salomatova, and a lighted buoy is moored about 2.5 miles SW of the light. Ostrov Alyumka (64°41 'N., 17T37'E.) is a small and low islet, and resembles a sarcophagus. The islet is a good mark for making the entrance to Reka Anadyr'. The water in the river above the islet is fresh. A reef, on which the sea breaks, extends 0.3 mile SSE from the islet. Mys Observatsii, about 5 miles NNW of Ostrov Alyumka, terminates S in a steep, reddish bluff, which is conspicuous from the S. 1.31 South side of the fairway.-Mys Geka (64°26'N., 178 ° 14'E.), locally called Strelka Spit, theSE entrance point of Anadyrskiy Liman, has shoal water extending off it on all Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy sides. The 5m curve lies 0.7 mile N and 1.5 miles E of the point. A village is situated on the point. The S part of Anadyrskiy Liman, between Mys Geka and Mys Dionisiya, about 22 miles NW, is shallow, and local boats cannot approach the shore closer than 0.1 mile. Banka Rayd (Mel Raid), an extension of this shallow area, approaches the N shore of the bay as close as 2 miles. It has depths of less than 5.5m. Kamen' Rayd, a reef with a least depth of 1.2m in theW part of Banka Rayd, is marked by breakers, except at HW. Seams of coal are exposed by the landslides in the vicinity of Mys Dionisiya. Mys Aleksandra (64°44'N., 17T32'E.), the S entrance point of Reka Anadyr', is the N extremity of a spit consisting of alluvial rubble, which lies on the E side of the mouth of Reka Kazachka. A spit that covers at HW extends off Mys Aleksandra, and shoal water with depths of less than 3.7m extends as far as 0.4 mile E from the point. Caution.-Caution should be exercised in navigating the area off Mys Aleksandra, as depths of 1 to 2m less than charted may exist. Due to insufficient information concerning relocation and maintenance, many navigational aids within Anadyrskiy Liman and its approaches are not shown on the chart. Anadyr' (64°44'N ., 17T30'E.) (World Port Index No. 62650), situated in the vicinity of Mys Aleksandra, has no wharves for oceangoing vessels, and cargo is handled at the anchorage by lighters. The towers of a radio station are situated in the town. A pier, 60m long and suitable for fishing boats, was reported in Bukhta Melkaya, a shallow bay entered W of Mys Observatsiy. Banka Alekseeva, a shoal with a least depth of 0.5m, extends 1 to 1.5 miles NW of Mys Observatsiy. Anchorage.-To enter Anadyrskiy Liman , local knowledge is advisable. At Anadyr', the best and most sheltered anchorage in the narrows is midway between Mys Aleksandra and Mys Observatsiy in depths of 11 to 12.8m, thick mud. This anchorage is secure as the ebb tidal current is strong here , the strength of the flood tidal current being close to the N shore. Fresh SE winds may raise a considerable sea, but the holding ground is good. Nearer to Mys Aleksandra the bottom is rocky. At the anchorage of Mys Mikhaila, about 3 miles W of Mys Aleksandra, the bottom consists of fine sand, and the ebb and flood tidal currents are of equal strength. Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 9 to 1Om just inside the entrance to Anadyrskiy Liman, W of Mys Vasiliya, but this anchorage is insecure especially with winds from seaward opposing the ebb current. Communication with the shore is impossible with strong winds . Small craft can find secure anchorage W of Kosa Nikolaya in 3.7 to 4.6m. 1.32 Reka Anadyr' (64 °45'N., 17T32'E.), flowing through Zaliv Onemen (Onemen Bay), the basin W of Anadarskiy Liman, is estimated to be 620 to 740 miles in length, and is the largest river flowing into the Bering Sea on the Russian side. The banks of the river are low, steep , and covered with scrub. On the N side is continuous tundra, and on the S side, a short distance from the river, are low willow and poplar trees. In general , the river is broad, shallow, and fairly sluggish. It overflows its banks in autumn and spring, rising 4.6 to 6. lm above its normal level in spring, completely submerging the buildings at Anadyr'. There are no dangerous rapids in the lower third of the river. During the time the river is free from ice (July-October), river boats drawing up to 1.4m are said to go upriver as far as Markovo, a distance of about 230 miles ; the river is navigable by rafts for about 350 miles farther. The effect of the tide is felt as far as Markovo. Anadyrskiy Liman to Mys Olyutorskiy 1.33 The coast from Anadyrskiy Liman to Mys Gintera (63 °13'N., 179°14'E.), about 78 miles SSE, is low and sandy throughout, the mountains receding inland N of Mys Gintera. In some places the coast rises to a height of about 6.1m, but in others it is only a narrow strip of land separating a lagoon from the sea. There are said to be native settlements every 10 or 15 miles along this stretch, the inhabitants being engaged in fishing and hunting walrus. coast should not be approached in depths of less than 20.1m.Mys Gintera is high, rises abruptly, and is steep-to. The 20m curve lies close offshore. Mys Barykova, about 12 miles SE, is steep-to and rises precipitously to a hill. The coast between the above two points is very hilly. Mys Barykova bearing 209odistant 16 miles Bukhta Ugol'naya is entered between Mys Barykova and Mys Korobitsyna, a precipitous point about 11 miles S. The W shore of this bight consists of a sandy beach except for Mys Leonida, a steep-to projecting point which rises steeply to a coal ridge known as Ugol'ny Kryazh. This ridge extends NW. The mouth of Reka Lakhtina, in the N part of the bight, is narrow and very difficult to recognize from seaward during a heavy surf. 1.34 Port Beringovskiy (63°04'N., l79°22'E.), situated in the NW part of Bukhta Ugol'naya, is a commercial port for the export of coal. Winds-Weather.-Fog is most frequent in the bay from May to August, but occasionally may occur during the winter months. Refraction may occur in the bay throughout the year, distorting the coastline and making it difficult to identify. The prevailing winds are from the NW, except from June to August, when the prevailing winds are from the SE. Ice.-lce appears in the head of the bay at the end of October. lee appears in the bay itself and the approaches to the bay in November and normally clears during June. Tides-Currents.-The maximum tidal range is about 0.7m. Depths-Limitations.-The port consists of an outer roadstead and a basin which contains six quays. The basin has Pub.155 Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy depths of 1.1 to 4.2m. The quays can accommodate vessels with a maximum draft of 2m. Cargo operations are carried out in the roadstead. The bay is open to winds from the NE through E to the S; during these periods, a heavy swell can build in the bay. If the winds are above force 5, it is recommended that vessels leave the roadstead. If the swell is from the SE or S and is greater than 2m, cargo operations will be carried out in a more sheltered area bounded, as follows: a. 62 53.l'NP9 22.5'E. b. 62 53.8'NJ 79 22.2'E. c. 62 54.4'NJ 79 24.0'E. d. 62 54.1 'NJ 79 22.6'E. Aspect.-When approaching the port, Mys Otvesny and Mys Barykova are conspicuous. By day the white buildings of the settlement and the storehouses, painted in blue and white squares, can be seen at a distance of 15 miles. On radar a clear image of the basin can be seen. Range lights are shown at the mouth of Reka Ugol'naya, in the NW part of the bay, and lead into the outer roadstead. Pilotage.-Pilotage is not compulsory. During the navigation season, from May 15 until November 15, a port pilot may carry out pilotage and anchorage duties. The request for a pilot should be made to the port captain 4 hours before arrival. The pilot boards 1.6 miles SE of Mys Barykova. Port Beringovskiy Radio Station, call sign UTST-2 maintains a 24-hour watch on 500kHz, 451.5 kHz, and 2182 MHz, and VHF channels 9 and 16. The 24-hour watch on VHF channels 9 and 16 is kept only during the navigational season of May 15 to November 15. From November 15 to May 15, the station operates from 2300 to 0700 local time, except for rest days and holidays. Vessels anchored in the roadstead are required to maintain a 24-hour watch on VHF channel 9. Anchorage.-The port has 12 anchorage positions, one of which is reserved for vessels carrying oil products or dangerous cargo, centered on 63 02.4'N,179 23.0'E. Anchorage positions are regulated by the port director. Anchorage is available in 1Om, sand, with the mouth of Reka Lakhtina bearing about 225", distant 1.7 miles. Anchorage can also be obtained in depths of 18m in the S part of the bight. Caution.-A wreck, with a depth of 2m, lies 1.4 miles WNW of Mys Barykova. Another wreck, with a depth of 7.5m, lies 1 mile WSW ofMys Barykova. An isolated depth of 2.8m lies 1.8 miles WNW ofMys Barykova. 1.35 The coast from Mys Korobitsyna to Mys Voyennykh Topografov, about 14 miles S, consists of a stretch, 21m high at first, which then becomes high and steep. Mys Voyennykh Topografov (62°38'N., 179°38'E.), the W entrance point of Anadyrskiy Zaliv, is bluff and steep-to, rising to a 660m rounded summit about 1.8 miles inland. On the SE side of the cape is a large cylindrical projection about 579m high. On the cliffs at the cape the strata have a slight inclination toN, while on Mys Kinga, about 13 miles SW, the strata have a slight inclinationS. Bukhta Ushakova, with its N entrance point about 4 miles S of Mys Voyennykh Topografov, appears from the offing to indent the coast much farther than it does, as the bead of the bay is low and a long narrow valley extends inland from it. Pub.155 Mys Sinop, the S entrance point of the bay, is a high, steep bluff. Mys Gangut, about 1 mile SW, is also a high bluff, rising steeply to a height of 370m. About 2 miles offshore in the middle of Bukhta Ushakova are depths of 14.6 to 16.5m, over black sand, flint, and shell. 1.36 Guba Gavriila (Archangel Gabriel Bay) is entered between Mys Basova (Mys Kinga) (62°27'N., 179°22'E.), a steep rocky point fringed by drying rocks, and Mys Bezymyanny, about 7.5 miles SW. A heavy swell rolls into the bay even in calm weather. With a light wind from the E, the swell rapidly increases, causing a heavy surf along the whole shore, making the bay unsafe for small vessels. From seaward, the bay appears to extend farther into the land because of Laguna Orianda, a spacious lagoon separated from the head of the bay by a narrow strip of land. Although the lagoon does not seem to have any direct communication with the bay, it is salty and rises and falls with the tide. The depths in the bay decrease from about 26m in the entrance to depths of 8.7m, fine sand, near the head. Mys Bezymyanny is a steep rocky point rising to a height of 439m. A light, from which a radiobeacon transmits, is situated about 1.2 miles SW of the point. Mys Chesma, about 3.5 miles S, rises to a height of 329m. Close off the latter point are several pillar rocks. Two low, flat rocks and some drying rocks lie 0.5 mile and 0.8 mile E, respectively, of the point. Bukhta Greiga, a bight between the above-mentioned points, is reported to provide anchorage during SW winds in depths of 5.5 to 12.8m, with Mys Chesma bearing 166°, distant 1 mile. The coast from Mys Chesma to Mys Navarin rises steeply to a range of hills, 355 to 430m high. Mys Navarin (62 °15'N., 179°07'E.), the S extremity of a peninsula, is fringed by drying rocks. Two columnar rocks, 42m high, are located close offshore, about 0.3 and 0.6 mile NE, respectively, of the cape. The coast in the vicinity of the cape is high, precipitous, barren, and rocky. It is frequented by large flocks of various species of birds. Gora Geidena, about 11 miles NW of Mys Navarin, is the summit of a range extending from the cape. It is conspicuous because of its conical shape, and becomes covered with snow in September. Caution.-Shoals, positions doubtful, of 11.9m and 17.8m, lie about 47 miles and 60 miles SW, respectively, of Mys Navarin. Due to insufficient information concerning the relocation and maintenance, many navigational aids between Mys Gintera and Mys Navarin are not shown on the chart. 1.37 The coast from Mys Navarin to Mys Nizkig (61 °37'N., 173 °50'E.) for the first 25 miles is high and rises steeply from the sea, and between the mountains are small valleys. The 20m curve is about 1 mile offshore along this stretch. The remainder of this coast is much lower and less steep-to, and about every 10 or 15 miles is a lagoon into which usually flows a stream . At Maina Pylgin, about 60 miles WNW of Mys Navarin, there is reported to be a small gravel beach that contrasts with the usual rocky outcrops that generally mark the Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy a a Mys Navarin to Mys Bezymyannyy-View in two parts coast. A fish cannery is situated about 5 miles W of Maina Pylgin. Caution.-Banks, with depths of 18.3m and 31m, were reported (1951) to lie about 68 miles and 60 miles E, respectively, of Mys Nizki. Bukhta Dezhneva is entered W of Mys Nizki, which is fringed by drying rocks that extend as far as 0.5 mile S of the point. Several rivers flow into the head of the bay and there is reported to be a considerable current off its entrance with partly fresh water on the surface . There are high cliffs near Mys Orangutang, the W entrance point of the bay. 1.38 Bukhta Anastasii (61 · 24'N., 172. 54'E.), entered about 30 miles SW of Mys Nizki, rises steeply to about 610m on its NE and SW sides, but the shore at the head of the bay is low and sandy. Mys Lindgolma, extending SW from the NE side of the bay, has a reef extending 0.5 mile from it, and should be given a wide berth. Some huts are on Mys Lindgolma, and the village of Il'pi is situated about 2 miles NW of the point. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in Bukhta Ressina, a small cove N of Mys Lindgolma, in depths of 7m, fine sand, with Mys Lindgolma bearing 148·, distant 0.8 mile. During strong SE winds, the whole of Bukhta Anastasii is too exposed to SE winds to afford safe anchorage. Northward of Bukhta Anastasii, the summits of the mountains are rounded and their slopes are covered with grass. South of the bay to Mys Olyutorskiy the coast is high, mountainous, and rugged, and the peaks are pointed. Approaching the bay from theE, the different aspects provide a good landmark. Ostrov Vasiliya, a bluff, barren islet in an indentation close SW of Bukhta Anastasii, and Mys Vitgenshteyna, about 32 miles farther SW, are prominent in the S approach to the bay. Bukhta Natalii (Natali Bay) is entered between Mys Vysokiy (61 . 10'N., 172 . 42'E.) and Ostrov Bogoslova, a 424m high islet about 6 miles SW. The shores of the bay rise to irregular mountains, 457 to 610m high, and at its head is a low sandy slope and the entrance to a fairly large river. Bukhta Pavia, an unsurveyed inlet W of Ostrov Bogoslova, has shores which are high and steep-to, and several streams flow into its head. The N entrance point rises to a mountain, 787m high. The depths off the entrance are 26m, increasing to 46m at the entrance, and then decreasing to 33m where the inlet turns NW. The depths then decrease somewhat rapidly toward the head of the inlet. Anchorage.-Local knowledge is essential in anchoring in the inlet, which affords complete protection. There are no known dangers in it. Anchorage can be obtained in a depth of about 26m off the entrance to the inlet, but it is exposed to the frequent and violent SE winds. Bukhta Petra, an unsurveyed inlet SW of Ostrov Bogoslova, has depths of 27m in the entrance, decreasing to depths of 9.1 to 11m in what seems to be a bar in the middle. Farther in the depths increase to 14.6 to 18.3m, but then decrease to 11m near the head, where a shoal extends about 0.1 mile offshore. Bukhta Glubokaya (60. 59'N., 172.15'E.), entered about 11 miles SW of Ostrov Bogoslava, has rugged and precipitous shores, fringed with rocks that dry. The NE entrance point is fringed by sunken rocks and rocks that dry. A black conical rock, 37m high, is located close off the SW entrance point. Ostrova Karnni Chasovyye (Skaly Chasovye), midway across the inlet, consists of two rocks that dry. Bukhta Imatra, indenting the SW shore of Bukhta Glubokaya, has a width of about 0.3 to 0.4 mile. The shores of the inlet are high. The depths decrease from 46m in the entrance of the inlet to 16.5m about 0.4 mile from the head. Excellent and protected anchorage can be obtained in Bukhta lmatra. A shoal extends across the inlet from the N shore, about 0.3 mile from the head of the inlet. Tides-Currents.-At Bukhta Glubokaya the mean diurnal range is 1.3m. 1.39 Mys Vitgenshteyna (60. 51 'N., 172.04'E.) is the S extremity of a promontory which rises close inland to a peak that has the appearance of a pyramid. Two pillar rocks lie close off the E side of the promontory and close to the point. The coast for about 15 miles SW of Mys Vitgenshteyna is mountainous and rises to sharp peaks. For 6 miles farther SW it is low and covered with boulders to abreast Ostrovok Shlyupochnyy. From a point about 2 miles farther S to Mys Nizkiy (60.24'N., 170.45'E.), about 26 miles SW, the coast is high, with bold projecting promontories. Pub.1SS Sector 1. Mys Dezhneva to Mys Olyutorskiy An indentation in the coast S of Mys Nizkiy is divided into two bays by a promontory extending from its head. Bukhta Tyulen 'ye Ozero, the S bay, about 1.2 miles in length and width, has depths of 7.6 to 14.6m to within 0.2 mile of the shore, except for a 4.9m patch about 0.3 mile off the S shore close inside the entrance. Mys Olyutorskiy (59°55'N. , 170°21 'E.) is a cape forming the S extremity of Poluostrov Olyutorskiy. The coasts of Poluostrov Olyutorskiy are wild and forbidding, and on the peninsula are barren mountains of volcanic formation, in places covered with snow. The extremity of the cape consists of dark gray cliffs rising steeply to a peak, 783m high, with jagged crags. On theE face of the cape is a dark-gray landslide, and on the W face are two light-gray landslides. Submerged and drying rocks extend 0.2 mile S from the cape, and a detached group of drying rocks lies about 0.7 to 1.3 miles SE of the cape. A radiobeacon is situated about 7.5 miles NE of Mys Olyutorskiy. Caution.-A detached 16.5m patch, position doubtful, was reported (1943) about 36 miles S of Mys Olyutorskiy. A shoal, the existence of which is doubtful, was reported to lie about 120 miles SE of the cape. Pub.lSS 60' (SEE SECTOR 5) 170 ' 175 ' (SEE SECTOR 1) so' MYS KRASHENINNIKOVA KAMCHATKA 96520 96740 KOMANDORSKIYE OSTROVA 170' Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 2-CHART INFORMATION ~ ?' .... Ul .... Ul -..1 SECTOR2 OLYUTORSKIY ZALIV AND E COAST OF KAMCHATKA-MYS OLYUTORSKIY TO POLUOSTROV KAMCHATSKIY Plan.-The coast described in this sector comprises the W shore of the Bering Sea, Komandorskiye Ostrova, and the E coast of Kamchatka from Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy. The arrangement of the sector is from NE to SW. General Remarks 2.1 Winds-Weather.-In the summer, the predominant winds are from a S direction and in winter, from a N direction. Wind speeds are greatest in winter, when gales are frequent. Fog occurs during the summer and is said to be most frequent in June. The prevailing winds in Komandorskiye Ostrova from May to September are from the SE, S, and SW, and are usually accompanied by fog and rain. During this season, winds from the W through N to NNE bring clear weather, but winds from the NE and E bring cloudy weather and haze. In the remaining months, W and NW winds prevail. Typhoons may be encountered during the fall, as their path crosses these islands. Calms are rare and of short duration, and are most likely to occur in the early summer than in fall when any wind is stronger and of longer duration. The climate of these islands is not severe, the temperature averaging s·c during the summer, and -2 · c during the winter. In the winter, during winds from the NE, heavy snow storms occur frequently. The snow remains on the islands, especially in the narrow mountain clefts, until about the end of July or the beginning of August. The late disappearance of the snow is due to its great mass and to the fogs, which are numerous and thick during the summer. Ice.-No significant amount of ice is formed in Zaliv Ozernoy. Drift ice from the N usually appears in February and March and finally disappears with the effects of offshore winds and the sea. Slush ice appears in Ukinskaya Guba during the latter part of November. During December and January, one solid mass of fast ice extends as far as 20 to 25 miles offshore. The earliest recorded first appearance of ice was November 14, the latest January 8. The earliest final disappearance was March 15, and the latest was June 22 . Slush ice in Proliv Litke ordinarily appears in early November. From December to mid-June the passage is solidly packed with heavy hummocky floating ice. In an extremely severe winter fast ice covers the entire passage through February and March. The passage is clear of ice by early July or sooner. Ice begins to form in Zaliv Korfa in mid-December, but can form as early as late November during severe weather. There is drift ice in the bay until April, though it is sometimes carried out of the bay by the wind. The bay is clear of ice at the beginning of May, but in severe weather the bay may not be clear of ice until early June. The rivers and lagoons of Olyutorskiy Zaliv begin to freeze in the latter half of October. Early in November slush ice appears in the bays and fast ice fringes the shore. Beginning late in December the bay gradually begins to fill with drift ice coming from the N along the W shore of the Bering Sea. The ice first appears as small floes, mainly in theW part of the bay. From March, when N winds are not so strong and often change to S breezes, the ice becomes much more tightly packed, although between Mys Olyutorskiy and Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem it generally leaves a shore lead from 1 to 3 miles in width. Strong S winds will drive the ice onshore, but as soon as these winds cease, the ice again recedes from the shore. In the NW part of the bay, from Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem to Bukhta Yuzhnaya Glubokaya, the ice is much more tightly packed, and onshore winds usually force it into hummocks. The E part of the bay becomes clear of ice much earlier than the W part, where it usually remains until the middle of June. The sea around Komandorskiye Ostrova is free from ice during the entire year, but drift ice is brought to the islands from the E shore of Kamchatka during the prevailing W and NW winds. Tides-Currents.-Between Mys Afrika, Mys Kamchatskiy, and Mys Kronotskiy the flow of the constant Kamchatka current is 40 to 50 miles wide, and in a general SSW direction, with a velocity of 0.6 knot. East of the Kamchatka current, approximately between 56 •N and STN, and E from 165 . E to 169. E, there is a constant current that flows in a general S direction and has a velocity of about 0.4 knot. The currents in the S part of Proliv Litke set WNW and ESE on the flood and ebb tides, respectively, attaining a velocity not exceeding 1.5 knots. They are stronger near Mys Krasheninnikova. In Guba Lozhnykh Vestey, the tidal currents are hardly perceptible, but outside the bay they set N and S, attaining their greatest velocity in the vicinity of Mys Semenova. Off Mys Ploskiy the flood current sets SWat a velocity of 1 to 1.5 knots and the ebb current sets NE at the same velocity. The currents in the vicinity of Komandorskiye Ostrova have not been fully investigated. According to reports, a constant current sets NE between Ostrov Beringa and Ostrov Mednyy. A weak current was observed setting N along the W side of Ostrov Beringa. The tidal currents in the vicinity of Komandorskiye Ostrova are very weak, the flood current setting W and the ebb current setting E. Olyutorskiy Zaliv 2.2 Olyutorskiy Zaliv, entered W of Mys Olyutorskiy (59. 55'N., 170. 21 'E.), has not been thoroughly surveyed. The S half of the E side of the bay is high and steep, but the N half is low. The N side of the bay is generally low, except near Mys Pub. ISS Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Krasnyy and Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem, where mountains approach the shore. The W side of the bay is steep and mountainous. 2.3 East and N sides of Olyutorskiy Zaliv.-From Mys Olyutorskiy to a low beach at the mouth of a small stream, about 3 miles NW, the coast consists of gray cliffs gradually decreasing in height. From this stream to the S entrance point of Zaliv Anana, about 3 miles W, the coast consists of yellowish-gray cliffs, increasing in height. A light, from which a radiobeacon transmits, stands 4 miles NW of Mys Olyutorskiy. Zaliv Anana has not been thoroughly surveyed. The SE entrance point slopes gently to the sea, the cliffs being steeper on its N side. The upper part of it is covered with vegetation, and a grayish hill rises on it. Mys Anana, the NW entrance point, is bluff and rises to a mountain, 768m high, with the sheer cliffs up to its summit being dark gray and veined with red, brown, black, and yellow stripes. A drying reef extends 0.3 mile WSW from Mys Anana. About 1 mile N of the S entrance point is a small projection faced by gray-green cliffs, off which is a cluster of drying rocks. Northward of this projection the coast becomes higher, and the slopes of a mountain, 629m high, located about 2 miles NE of this projection, form high dark-gray cliffs. For a distance of about 4 miles ESE from Mys Anana the shore is cliffy, except for a narrow valley located midway along it. From Mys Anana the coast trends 3.5 miles NNW to the mouth of a river, the mountains approaching the coast for the first 2.5 miles. A ledge of rocks, about 1.5 miles NNW of Mys Anana, is marked by breakers. From the mouth of the river to Mys Seryy, about 3.5 miles NNW, the coast consists of gray and yellow cliffs gradually increasing in height, and the mountains gradually approaching the coast. Near the shore is a line of low hills. 2.4 Mys Seryy (60 o09'N., 169o55'E.) rises to a mountain and is a high, bare-topped bluff faced by cliffs that are light gray and have a yellow tinge. A mountain, with gray cliffs and a conical summit, 747m high, is located S of the point and is separated from the point by a deep gorge in which there is a waterfall. Zaliv Lagunnyy, a bight N of Mys Seryy, has not been examined, but depths of 12 to 16m, sand, are reported to be 1 to 2 miles offshore. Local fishermen report that the depth abreast the cannery increase regularly from 8.2m, about 0.2 mile offshore, to lO.lm, about 0.5 mile offshore, and to l4.2m, about 1 mile offshore. From Mys Seryy to the mouth of Reka Kavacha, a river about 3 miles N, the shore is cliffy for the first 1.5 miles, then the hills recede inland and the shore becomes low. Reka Kavacha flows into Zaliv Lagunnyy through a lagoon, which is separated from the bight by the two narrow spits of land parallel to the coast. The tide is prevalent in the lagoon, and the ebb tidal current attains a velocity of 6 to 6.5 knots. Mys Lagunnyy, the NW entrance point of Zaliv Lagunnyy, is a flat-topped rounded cape with steep gray cliffs, 61m high, and is covered with grass and moss. Vessels should give the cape a berth of at least 1 mile. The shore consists of cliffs for a Pub. ISS distance of 1 mile E of the cape, but then the hills recede inland and the shore is rocky. From Mys Lagunnyy to Reka Anichklanvayam, the coast rises in dark cliffs, with lighter patches, from 80 to lOOm high. Close N of this river is a flat-topped bluff point. For about 3 miles N from this point the coast consists of gray cliffs, 20 to 30m high, but then for about 6.5 miles N to the mouth of Reka Apuka, the coast is low and sandy. In this vicinity the mountains are about 4 to 4.5 miles inland, are rounded, and slope gently. 2.5 Reka Apuka (60 °27'N., 169 °35'E.) flows into the sea through a lagoon which is separated from the sea by a sand and shingle spit. The valley through which Reka Apuka flows trends NE and is open, forming a good mark for this locality. Apuka is a village situated on the high ground on theW side of the entrance, and in this vicinity are a radio station, weather station, and an electric power plant. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in depths of 9 to 1Om, sand, from 1 to 1.2 miles off the entrance to Reka Apuka. The holding ground is good. Shoal water extends offshore, and the depths shoal rapidly inside the 1Om curve, between the fishing station and the fish cannery, situated 1.5 and 2.5 miles SE, respectively, of the entrance. Anchorage can be obtained here in depths of 9 to 1Om, sand, from 1.5 to 2 miles offshore. Mys Krasnyy, about 2 miles W of the entrance to Reka Apuka, is a point formed by the slopes of a flat-topped hill. It is faced with low cliffs, those on the S side being yellow and light gray, with some dark patches about 0.1 mile E of the point, and those on the W side being gray with yellow patches, one of which appears a a wide horizontal band. The coast for about 4 miles NW from Mys Krasnyy is cliffy and forms two bights. A valley with a stream is at the head of each bight. The point separating the bights is formed of black cliffs. Reka Pakhacha forms two lagoons connected by a narrow channel and separated from the sea by low sand and shingle spits. The river empties into the sea from the E lagoon. The whole delta is fronted by a bar with a least depth of 2.lm. The village of Pakhacha is situated on the W spit and there are fishing stations on the cay and E pit. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor SW of theW river mouth in depths of lOrn, exercising caution, as the depths shoal very rapidly. Vessels can also anchor in depths of 9.1m, sand, about 0.8 mile offshore abreast the fishing station (60°34'N., 169 °04'E.). The coast, from the mouth of Reka Pakhacha to about 3 miles ENE of Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem, is sandy and steep-to, and has depths of 11m, sand, about 1 mile offshore. The coast to Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem is high, bold, and rises close inland to mountains, the cliffs of which are marked by red, yellow, and dark colored patches. 2.6 Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem (60 °33'N., 168°42'E.) is faced with red cliffs, about 20m high. The S end of the peninsula is high and is marked by irregular red and yellow crags. From the E or W, the peninsula appears as an island, because it is joined to the mainland by low swampy land, on Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy which are some ponds. Reefs marked by breakers during the slightest swell lie close off the point, and a rock was reported in 1933 to lie about 1 mileS of the point. A beacon, 4.9m high, stands on the S cliff of Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem. The coast from Mys Kreshchenyy Ognem to Mys Zheltyy, about 2.5 miles WNW, is high and bold , consisting of black and red cliffs. The steep cliffs on the S side of Mys Zheltyy are a subdued yellow with large red patches. The W side of Mys Zheltyy, as far as its extremity is of a bright yellow color, making the point very conspicuous from the W. A sloping dark green mountain, about 366m high, rises at the head of the bight between Mys Zheltyy and Mys Groznyy, about 2.3 miles NW. On either side of the mountain is a valley with a stream . A fishing station is situated on the low beach near the mouth of the W stream. Off this fishing statio n the depths are irregular, there being depths of 1Om about 1.2 miles offshore, and depths of 11m about 0.4 mile offshore. Mys Groznyy, rising to a mountain 463m high , is a dark rugged cape faced by sheer cliffs, the extremity of the cliff being light gray. A black pyramidal rock, conspicuous from the W or E, lies close to the cape. From the S the cape appears as a steep dark-gray wall, but from the SW the cliffs are black, and the formation of the strata is clearly seen. The coast from close N of Mys Groznyy to about 4 miles W is low. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in a depth of 9.1m, sand, about 1 mile off a fishing station si tuated midway along this coast. From Reka Impuka Yuzhnaya to a fishing station about 9 miles W, the coast consists of low grass-covered terraces with yellow-gray cliffs about 20m high , broken by deep gullies and streams. Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 9m, sand, about 1 mile off this fishing station , which is situated on a low sandy beach extending to the mouth of Reka Yemet. The coast from Reka Yemet to Bukhta Somneniya, about 7 miles SW, is formed by 30 to 40m cliffs rising to some hills covered with grass and bush. About 2.5 miles SW of Reka Yemet is a conspicuous valley, through which runs a stream. The shore is steep in this vicinity and the cliffs are gray with yellow stripes. 2.7 Northwest and W sides of Olyutorskiy Zaliv.-Bukhta Somneniya (60.3 1'N., 167"47'E.), an inlet surrounded by mountain , has high and steep E and W shores, but the head of the inlet is low and sandy. A rocky ledge extends about 0.4 mile E from the SW entrance point, and a patch of drying rocks extends a short distance off the NE entrance point. A detached reef, which partly dries and on which are two above-water rocks , extends about 0.4 mile ENE from a position 1.2 miles E of the SW entrance point. The sea constantly breaks on this danger. The vicinity of this danger and the passage between it and the NE entrance point have not been examined. About 1 mile off the entrance to Bukhta Somneniya are depths of 12.8m, which decrease gradually in the fairway to the head of the inlet. Depth s in the outer portion range from 5.8 to 9.1m. Both shores of the inlet are fringed with rocks, and a 3.3m patch lies about 0.4 mile off the E shore 1.3 miles NNE of the SW entrance point. The bottom of the inlet consists of sand and pebbles. Anchorage.-In summer small vessels can anchor in the inlet sheltered from all but SE winds. The strong N squalls that occur in the autumn render the anchorage difficult. A vessel entering the inlet should steer midway between the SW entrance point and the detached reef in the entrance. The coast between Bukhta Somneniya and Bukhta Lavrova, about 20 miles WSW, is high and steep, and indented in four places. There are depth s of at least 20m about 2 miles off this steep-to coast, the bottom being rock, sand, and shells. The next indentation, about 10 miles WSW of Bukhta Somneniya, has a NE entrance point consisting of a steep cliff with a large waterfall, N of which is a sharp peaked mountain with an yellow-red cliff reaching almost to its summit. Abreast the fishing station there are depths of 11 .9m and 15.9m , about 0.5 and 0.8 mile, respectively, offshore. The third indentation, close WNW of the second, has not been surveyed . The entrance points , as well as the E and W shores, are bold and high. At the head of the bight is a low, sandy spit separating the bight from a lagoon. This lagoon is reported to extend about 7 miles in a NW direction, and to have depths of 2.4 to 3.4m in its entrance, 20.1 to 29m in its middle part, and 5.9 to 8.2m near its shores. 2.8 Bukhta Lavrova (60. 19'N., 167"08'E.) is surrounded by mountains about l,OOOm high, and narrows to about 0.4 mile at its head, where it divides into two arms. Bukhta Vestovaya, the W arm, extends about 1.5 miles W, and Bukhta Ostovaya, the E arm , extends about the same distance E. The SW entrance point is a low sand and shingle point extending SE from a small terrace about 30m high. On this terrace is a white pyramidal slatted beacon, about 4.3m high . A radiobeacon transmits from this entrance point. A dark colored mountain, about 610m high rises near the point. A reef, on which are some rocks above-water, fringes the point and extends as far as 0.2 mile S and SE from it. On the W side of the inlet are three mountain s, separated by narrow valleys through each of which flow s a stream . Except at the mouths of these streams , the shore consists of high cliffs fringed by sunken and drying rocks. View of third bight lying WNW of Bukhta Somneniya Pub.l55 Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy The NE entrance point is formed by the high bluff slope of the mountain forming the SE end of the range running along the E side of the inlet. A rocky shoal, partly above water and marked by breakers, is located about 1.4 miles W of the NE entrance point. Off the shoal are depths of 11 to 15m. The passage between this danger and the point has not been examined. About halfway along the E side of the inlet is a mountain with a conical peak, about 1,006m high. Several waterfalls run over the cliffs on the E side, and it is fringed by sunken and above-water rocks . Between the entrance points of Bukhta Lavrova there are depths of 11.9 to 14.9m, gradually decreasing to depths of 4m on a bar, about 1 mile from the head. The depths increase again N of this bar to as much as 31m in a pool between the spits at its head. The bottom is rock and shingle near the shore and sand toward the middle of the inlet. Bukhta Vestovaya, the W arm, is entered N of a low, sandy spit extending about 0.3 mile in aN direction. The arm is about 0.1 mile wide in the entrance, and widens inside to about 0.2 to 0.3 mile. On each side of this arm are high mountains . Streams and waterfalls flow down the cliff . During the autumn, when strong NW winds occur, strong squalls sometimes come down thi arm. Bukhta Vestovaya is usually free of ice by the end of June. In the middle of the entrance to Bukhta Vestovaya are depths of 12.8m, but near the S entrance point are depths of 8.5m. For about 0.5 mile inside the entrance the depths increase to 16.5 to 20m, and then decrease to 16 to 1Om to a drying shoal extending 0.1 mile from the shore at the head of the arm. The bottom is soft mud. Bukhta Ostovaya, theE arm, is also entered N of a low sand and shingle spit extending about 0.5 mile NW. For the first 0.5 mile this arm is 0.15 mile in width, but then it widens to about 0.3 mile. Both sides of the arm are mountainous. The narrow part of the entrance to the arm has depths of 23m in its W part, gradually decreasing to 10m near theE end of the arm. In the middle of the arm there are depths of 12 to 14m. A drying shoal extends about 90m from both sides of the arm, and 0.15 mile from the head. Tides-Currents.-The tides at Bukhta Lavrova are mixed, principally diurnal. When the moon is near the equator they are semidiurnal, and when the moon is at its greatest declination they are diurnal . The diurnal range is about l.lm. Anchorage.-Good anchorage, sheltered from all winds, can be obtained by small vessels at the head of Bukhta Lavrova. Swells from the S or SE are negligible at the anchorage. Directions.-A vessel entering the inlet should steer for the SW entrance point and pass it at a distance of not less than 0.4 mile. A small cove indents the coast about 4.5 miles SW of Bukhta Lavrova. Reka Nauynem flows into the SW comer of this cove. The buildings of a fishing station near the mouth of the river are visible from a considerable distance. The S entrance point of the river is formed by high cliffs with a small projecting point from which a ledge, on which are sunken and abovewater rocks, extends about 0.4 mile NE. The N entrance point of the river is low and sandy. Vessels with local knowledge can anchor near the coast N of the end of the rocky ledge. 2.9 Bukhta Yuzhnaya Glubokaya (60 "12'N., 166"54'E.), lying about 10 miles SW of the entrance to Bukhta Lavrova, extends about 2.7 miles in a general W direction and is about 0 .5 mile wide in its outer part. About 0.7 mile inside the entrance the inlet is narrowed to about 0.3 mile by a spit extending from either shore. About 0.4 mile W of the S spit is a small promontory, and on the W side of this promontory is a low sand spit. At this promontory is a fishing station with a small wharf reported to have depths of 3.7 to 4.6m alongside. The inlet turns in a WNW direction abreast this promontory and narrows to its head. The mountains surrounding the inlet are steep and terminate at the shore in high cliffs. A few streams empty into the inlet, and at the head a wide valley trends W. Coast in the vicinity of the mouth of Reka Nauynem from NE Coast between Bukhta Lavrova and Bukhta Yuzhnaya Glubokaya Pub.155 Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy There are depths of more than 20.1m about 1.5 miles off the entrance, decreasing to a bar with depths of 7.3 to 1 0.4m at the entrance. A narrow bank, with a depth of 4.6m, extends 0.4 mile SW from the N entrance point, and a wedge-shaped bank, with a least depth of 4.6m, extends 0.4 mile NW from the S entrance point. The depths increase rapidly to 29 to 40m W of the bar, then to 50m between the spits extending from either shore, and then to 66m abreast the fishing station. Beyond the fishing station the depths gradually decrease to 29m about 0.4 mile from the head of the inlet, and then suddenly to 7.6m and less. When entering, it is advisable to keep to the S shore, as some submerged rocks lie about 0.3 mile offshore, about 1 mile inside the entrance. The entrance to the inlet is hard to distinguish. The fishery administration maintains a small white pyramidal beacon on each entrance point, but these are only visible from a short distance. A radiobeacon transmits from the S point. In the vicinity of the inlet the valleys extend down to the shore and the mountains appear as small ranges trending in an E-W direction. This feature serves as a guide to a vessel going to this inlet. Tides-Currents.-The tides are of mixed type, principally diurnal. When the moon is near the equator they are semidiurnal, with a maximum range of 0.6 to 0.9m, and when the moon is at its greatest declination, they are diurnal, with a maximum range of 1.4m. Anchorage.-Bukhta Yuzhnaya Glubokaya affords shelter from all but E winds, which send in a sea even to its head, causing a heavy surf and making it dangerous for a vessel to remain at the wharf. There is reported to be good anchorage at the head of the inlet over a bottom of mud and sand. Due to the deep water elsewhere, several anchors have been lost by vessels attempting to anchor. Small vessels can anchor about 0.1 mile off either shore, E of the two spits located 0.7 mile inside the entrance. The coast from Bukhta Yuzhnaya Glubokaya to the W entrance point of Olyutorskiy Zaliv (59 . 49'N., 166. 15'E.), about 30 miles to the SW, is steep-to, but pillar rocks and drying rocks lie close to the shore. A 1.6m patch, position doubtful, is located 19 miles NE of the W entrance point, about 2.5 miles offshore. The W entrance point of Olyutorskiy Zaliv consists of the projecting cliffs of a hill, 296m high. A natural arch in the vicinity of the point is very conspicuous when seen from the S at a distance of 2 miles. North of the hill a waterfall runs over the cliffs. The coast from theW entrance point to Mys Govena, 6 miles W, consists of a line of detached hills with conical jagged peaks, 275 to 365m high, rising from the coast in dark cliffs showing light gray patches. The slopes and valleys are covered with vegetation. Several detached pillar rocks and reefs lie close offshore, but the coast is steep-to, with depths of 14 to 16m about 1 mile offshore. Zaliv Korfa 2.10 Zaliv Korfa (Korfa Gulf), entered W of Mys Govena, has depths of 79m in the middle of the entrance, decreasing gradually to 29m about 10 miles from the head. A detached 11m patch is located in the middle of the gulf, about 18 miles from its head. At the head of Zaliv Korfa are three harbors formed by spits extending from the mainland. Gavan' Skobeleva, the harbor on the E side of the head, affords shelter to vessels drawing up to 9.1m. 2.11 East side of Zaliv Korfa.-Mys Govena (59.48'N., 166.05'E.), the E entrance point, is a moderately high, steep, gray cliffy headland. A row of pillar rocks lies SW of the cape, the largest and farthest offshore being shaped like a shoe. Gora Yuzhnaya, 402m high, rises close to the cape and on its summit are sharp pointed crags. A light is shown on Mys Govena from a white pyramidal stone tower with black bands. Mys Govena Light From Mys Govena to Mys Primetnyy, about 5 miles N, the cliffs become higher and the coastal mountains gradually approach the coast in easy slopes. Mys Primetnyy is a small rugged headland projecting about 0.5 mile from the general line of the coast, and is formed by a shoulder of Gora Primetnaya. Gora Primetnaya, a conspicuous conical mountain rising about 1 mile NE of Mys Primetnyy, has a pointed summit, 418m high, inclined W. The cliffs on its seaward side are brown, with dark and light gray stripes. When seen from the S or N, the mountains appear black and detached, and when seen from the W, the summit appears rounded and has two hummocks. The cliffs N of Mys Primetnyy decrease in height, and small rounded hills are located close to the coast. 2.12 Mys Peschanyy (60.08'N., 166. 11 'E.), about 16 miles NNE of Mys Primetnyy, is low, sandy, rounded, and steep-to. A small hill, about 2 miles S of Mys Peschanyy, forms a gray bluff about 67m high. South of this hill is the mouth of a small river. A fishery is situated at the mouth of a small stream, about 3 miles NE of Mys Peschanyy. The coast here is low and flat. Anchorage can be obtained in 10m, about 1 mile off the fishery. Two bights indent the coast between 5 and 10 miles N of the above-mentioned fishery. In this vicinity the mountains recede inland, and between them and the coast are tundra and small rounded hills. A fishery is situated at the mouth of Reka Yaon Vayam, at the head of theN bight. A group of dangerous rocks is located 1.5 miles WNW of the river mouth. They are reported to be marked in the summer by privately maintained buoys. Pub.1SS Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Kamni Drakhenfel'sa (60°22'N., 166°12'E.), consisting of two rocks about 6.1 m high and several other drying rocks, are marked by breakers during any swell. Breakers have been seen between Kamni Drakhenfel'sa and the spit to the E. 2.13 Head of Zaliv Korfa.-The head of Zaliv Korfa consists of three harbors, each formed by a spit extending from the shore. From the E to W these harbors are Gavan' Skobeleva, suitable for vessels drawing up to 9.1 m, Gavan' Sibir', suitable for vessels drawing up to 5.5m, and Gavan' Skrytaya, which is shallow. Aspect.-The head of Zaliv Korfa is surrounded by mountains, of which the following are the most prominent. Gora Kekurnaya (60°22'N., 166°42'E.), 1,277m high, dominates the surrounding mountains, and has a black conical summit, from which rises a great finger-shaped crag. Gora Severnaya, 1,242m high, about 5 miles farther N, is pyramidal in shape and has a pointed gray summit. Gora Mnogoglavaya (60 °32'N., 166°18'E.), 603m high, has numerous peaks surrounding a sharp conical peak. Its slopes are covered with scrub, but its summit is bare and light gray. Gora Usechennaya, about 6.5 miles WSW, has three bare summits lying in a NE-SW direction, the highest of which is 516m high. Gora Prodolgovataya, 458m high, about 1.5 miles SW of Gora Usechennaya and from which it is separated by a deep ravine, has a fiat summit sloping gradually from theN to S. It is covered with vegetation, but near its summit are some light gray patches. Gavan' Skobeleva is bordered W by a low sandy spit extending about 2.2 miles N from the mainland. A few huts are situated on the N end of the spit. Olyutorka, a village, lies on the S shore of Gavan Skobeleva, W of the mouth of Reka Alutovayam. Banka Zhukovskogo, a shoal with a least depth of 0 .8 m near its extremity, extends a little over 1 mile NW from the N end of the spit. This shoal is steep-to on its W, N, and E sides, the depths shoaling abruptly from 10m. An area with a least depth of 9m extends about 2.5 miles W, 2 miles N, and 1 mile E from the N end of Banka Zhukovskogo. The depths SE of this area gradually decrease to 5.2m about 0.5 mile offshore. Ice.-The harbor freezes over toward the end of October, and is finally clear by about the middle of June. Because of fresh water coming into Gavan' Skobeleva from Reka Kultushnaya, ice forms earlier in this harbor than in Gavan' Sibir'. The prevailing N winds in autumn tend to pack the ice into the harbor. Anchorage.-Vessels drawing up to 9.lm can find shelter in the harbor, the bottom consisting of mud and sand, good holding ground. No swell enters the harbor, but strong N and NE winds raise a considerable sea. 2.14 Gavan' Sibir' (60°28'N., 166°15'E.) is formed between the mainland and Kosa Konokhval, a grassy spit extending about 2.8 miles ENE from the coast. This spit is narrow except in its middle part, where it widens to about 0.3 mile. The mainland shore of the harbor is steep and Pub.lSS precipitous. A mud bank, about 0.2 mile wide and covered with grass, extends 1.5 miles NE from the middle of the spit and divides the harbor into two parts. The part N of the mud bank is shallow, and the part S of the mud bank is the harbor proper. Southerly winds are felt most in Gavan' Sibir', but these rarely attain any force. The extremity of Kosa Konokhval is steep-to, with depths of 6.4m about 45m off it. An area 0.6 mile long and 0.1 mile wide, with depths of 6.4 to 7m, lies NW of the extremity. Farther W, as far as the first buildings of the fishing station, there are depths of 3 to 4.9m near the spit. A light is shown about 2 miles W of the fishing station. Ice.-The harbor freezes at the end of October and is finally clear of ice by about the middle of June. Tides-Currents.-The tides are principally diurnal, but they are semi-diurnal with the moon near the equator. During the diurnal tides the flood current runs longer than the ebb, and the period of SW is longer at HW than at LW. Anchorage.-Vessels drawing up to 5.5m can anchor in depths of 6.4m, about 0.1 mile N of the extremity of the spit. The bottom is sand and mud, good holding ground. Anchorage can also be obtained about 0.4 mile off the S side of the spit, abreast the fishing station, where there are depths of about 7.3m. Gavan' Skrytaya, on the W side of the head of Zaliv Korfa, is nothing more than a shallow lagoon, separated from the sea by a narrow sand spit covered with grass. A shoal, which uncovers at LW and on which the sea breaks at HW, extends 0.8 mile E from the extremity of the spit. Zeleny Kholm, a conspicuous hill with a rounded summit, 58m high, is located on the mainland, about 0.5 mile ENE of the entrance, and forms a good landmark. In the spring this hill is bright yellow and in the summer it is dark green. From midMay to mid-December, Skrytyy Light is exhibited from a stone tower, painted in black and white bands, situated on the summit of Zeleny Kholm. Skrytyy Light The village of Korf is situated near the root of the sand and shingle spit separating Gavan' Skrytaya from the sea. Portovyy Punkt Korf comprises the waters within a radius of 5 miles of the village. The port is open to foreign vessels. Pilotage.-Pilots are not available. Vessels bound for Korf are required to contact the port before arrival and maintain a 24-hour watch on channel 16 when at anchor. Korf maintains a 24-hour radio watch on 2182kHz, 300 kHz, and VHF channel 16. Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 6m, sand, about 0.5 mile offshore abreast the village, or by deepdraft vessels in the outer roadstead as directed by the port authority. Directions.-To approach Portovyy Punkt Korf steer for a position bearing 110°, distant 12.8 miles from Mys Oria Light, keeping outside Russian territorial waters until reaching this point, then steer 027"45' for 23.5 miles to the outer roadstead. Steer 000° to the anchorage. The width of the channel as far as the outer roadstead is 2 miles. 2.15 West side of Zaliv Korfa.-Ako Anchorage (60°17'N., 16Y52'E.) is situated off Reka Ugol'naya, a river flowing SE through a valley. The buildings of Ako Coal Mine are situated in this valley and stand out against a yellow patch in the background. About 0.8 mile SW of the river is a conspicuous cliff, known as Gora Krasnaya , which is marked by a bright red patch. Thi s cliff is conspicuous from the S. Northward of this red patch is another smaller patch. The coast for a distance of 4 miles NE from the coal mine consists of a low plateau that falls in terraces to the sea and is faced by gray sandy cliffs. The plateau is intersected by gullies, through each of which flows a stream. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 9m, good holding ground, about 2 miles abreast the coal mine. Gora Ugol'naya (60°16'N., 16Y36'E.), an isolated mountain range, is prominent, and from the S appears as a cone. From the E its summit appears to be undulating and slightly lower towards it S end. Its slopes are precipitous. The coast NE of Reka Vyvenka (60°11'N., 16Y29'E.) is high and consists of cliffs and landslides. A large fiat-topped pillar rock , about 61m high, lies close offshore, about 1.5 miles NE of the mouth of the river. About 2.5 miles farther NE, another high pillar rock lies close offshore and appears as a small point. A fishing station is situated behind the latter rock. Winds-Weather.-During N winds that prevail in early spring and late autumn, heavy squalls, lasting about 5 minutes, are frequent. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 11m, sand, with the rock which fronts the fishing station bearing 31 Y. It is not advisable to anchor S of the rock, as local fishermen report a reef extending from it. At thi s anchorage the prevailing N winds in the winter drive the ice away from the shore, leaving an open lane, and at this time there is seldom any surf in this vicinity. The S side of the mouth of Reka Vyvenka is formed by a narrow sand spit extending NE. The N side is formed by a similar spit, which extends from the high barren slopes of Gora Ugol'naya. Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 9 to lOrn, about 1 mile offshore abreast the mouth of the river. The coast from Reka Vyvenka to Mys Priyatel' , about 8 miles SW, consists of cliffs and landslides and is fringed by a sandy beach . Hills covered with grass extend about I 0 miles inland to the mountains. Gora Ploskaya (60 °22'N., 16Y14'E.) is in the form of a truncated cone. Mys Priyatel' is an inconspicuous point formed by a slight bend in the coast, the cliffs at the point being about 20m high. Between Mys Priyatel' and the entrance to Laguna Legunmun, about 3.5 miles SW, the breakers begin at a distance of 1 to 1.5 miles offshore. Laguna Legunmun is a shallow lagoon, the shores of which are mainly low. 2.16 Mys Ara (60°01'N. , 165°12'E.), a narrow bold promontory, about 20m high, is flat-topped and has a very rough surface. Near it is a group of gray hills, on which is dark green vegetation. A pillar rock lies off the promontory and is separated from its extremity by a ravine. Two large abovewater rocks lie near this pillar rock. A reef, steep-to at its seaward end, extends 0.4 mile NE from the point. Bukhta Geka, between Mys Ara and Mys Priyatel', is bordered S by hills close inland sloping down to the cliffy shore. About 1.5 miles W of Mys Ara the coast becomes low and the hills recede inland. For about 4 miles to the entrance to Laguna Legunmun this low coast i covered with grass and the shore consists of a fiat sandy beach. Only the S part of Bukhta Geka has been examined. Between Mys Ara and the end of the cliffs about 1.5 miles W, the bottom is irregular with depths of 10 to 12m about 1 mile offshore, decreasing rapidly inshore. A reef covered with kelp extends as far as 0.3 mile offshore. About 1 mile offshore from the end of the cliffs to the mouth of Laguna Legunmun are depths of 8.2 to lOrn, sand, but a considerable area off this shore dries at LW and at a distance of 0.1 to 0.2 mile offshore are depths of only 0.3m. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained during good weather in depths of 9 to lOrn, with Mys Ara bearing 146°, distant 1.5 miles. Care must be taken to avoid the 0.9m patch about 1.2 miles NNW of Mys Ara. Vessels should not anchor closer to the shore, as the depths decrease very rapidly. During fresh winds or an onshore swell, vessels should anchor farther offshore in greater depths. Bukhta Geka is frozen from November to May. 2.17 Mys Oria (59°59'N., 165°14'E.), lying about 1.2 miles SE of Mys Ara, is bluff and projects in the form of a fiattopped wedge, faced with gray cliffs. At its extremity is a small green hill. Some pillar and sunken rocks lie close offshore in this vicinity. A light is exhibited on My s Oria. Mys Oria Light The coast from Mys Oria to Mys Lozhno-Il'pinskiy is bold, with the mountains approaching the coast sloping to it in sheer, gray cliffs, 40 to 50m high . The mountains are fairly uniform and have peaked summits from about 305 to 503m high. They are covered with vegetation, and when seen from a distance Pub.155 Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy they appear dark with patches of green and gray. Streams flow through the valleys and many end in overfalls over the cliffs. Mys Lozhno-Il'pinskiy, 9 miles SSW of Mys Oria, is a rounded, bold, flat-topped headland merging into the mountains about 0.5 mile inland. Westward of this headland are two large patches with stripes of contrasting color. A reef, which dries and on which the sea breaks heavily, extends 0.5 mile SE from the headland. The coast from just N of Mys Lozhno-ll'pinskiy to Mys ll'pinskiy, about 8 miles further SW, consists of a level plateau extending as far as 2 miles inland and faced by sloping cliffs about 20 to 31m high. Karaginskiy Zaliv 2.18 Karaginskiy Zaliv is the name given to that part of the Bering Sea W of a line joining Mys Govena, the E entrance point of Zaliv Korfa, and Mys Ozernoy, about 155 miles SW. Ostrov Karaginskiy, a large island in the middle of Karaginskiy Zaliv, is separated from the mainland by a passage known as Proliv Litke. Ostrov Karaginskiy 2.19 East and S sides of Ostrov Karaginskiy.-The coast S of Mys Golenishcheva (59 . 14'N., 164. 36'E.) is high and rocky. A fishing station is situated at the mouth of a stream about 3.5 miles S of the cape. The stream enters the sea through a sandy beach. The coast rises from the head of the bight toward Mys Gorbatyy, a point faced with brown cliffs about 152m high and rising to two round-topped mountains, which from S or N have the appearance of two humps of a camel. Steep-to rocky ledges extend 0.8 mile from Mys Gorbatyy. A ledge, consisting of above-water rocks and drying rocks, extends off a point about 1 mile W of Mys Gorbatyy and forms a natural breakwater sheltering the fishing station. About 1 mile from the head of the bight there are depths of 14.6 to 16.5m. Off the head the bottom is sand, changing to rock N and E. The coast in the vicinity of the head is steep-to and should be approached with caution. Temporary anchorage can be obtained near the head of the bight. The best berth is in depths of 18 to 21.9m off of the fishing station, but nearer the W shore, where, there are reported to be no dangers. 2.20 The coast from Mys Gorbatyy to Mys Nizkiy (59.02'N., 164• 44'E.), theE extremity of the island, consists of steep, brown or grayish-brown cliffs, broken here and there by a stream flowing through a narrow valley and having a sandy beach at its mouth. Rocks and reefs lie up to 0.8 mile off the coast. Mys Nizkiy is formed by moderately high gray cliffs, and about 0.8 mile N of it is a similar point. From Mys Nizkiy to Mys Kekurnyy, about 8.5 miles S, mountain spurs, 152 to 213m high and covered with trees , approach the coast and form moderately high grayish-brown cliffs, interspersed in places by small extents of sandstone cliffs. In the vicinity of Mys Kekurnyy these spurs increase in height, attaining an elevation of 506m about 2.5 miles WSW of the cape. Pub.155 Mys Kekurnyy (58. 54'N., 164.42'E.), a brown headland, is conspicuous when seen in profile because of its height and its serrated slope. Several pillar rocks lie offshore in the vicinity of this cape. From Mys Kekumyy to Mys Rovnyy, about 4 miles SW, the coast consists of continuous steep cliffs except for a small sandy cove about 1 mile SW of the former point. Rocks and reefs fringe the coast about 1 mile off of which there are depths of 11 to 14.6m. Mys Rovnyy is formed by a gradual slope edged with low cliffs. A reef that dries at LW extends 0.2 mile S from the point. 2.21 The coast from Mys Rovnyy to Mys Promezhutochnyy (58. 48'N., 164. 11'E.) is formed by small rocky points separated by small sandy coves, into each of which flows a stream. Mountain spurs, 198 to 396m high, reach almost to the coast and form a line of moderately high, crumbling, brown cliffs. Rocks, reefs, and shoals, with depths of 11m or less, lie up to 1.7 miles from this part of the coast. Ostrovok Ptichiy (58.52'N., 164. 30'E.), separated from the coast by a passage about 0.1 mile wide, is flat-topped and covered with grass. A great number of birds nest on the islet. Around the islet are rocks and reefs that fill the passage between it and the coast. The islet is difficult to make out from the offing, as it is about the same height as the cliffs on the neighboring coast. At Mys Yuzhnyy (58. 38'N. , 163. 46'E.) , a prominent mountain rises sheer from the point. This mountain is the S peak of the mountain range which rises from the coast in huge brown or light gray slopes and cliffs to elevations of over 731m. Between Mys Yuzhnyy and the isthmus , about 6 miles SW, the coastal hills do not exceed a height of 244m and the coast consists of low, brown sandstone cliffs. From the isthmus to Mys Krasheninnikova the coast consists of low sandstone cliffs, broken by low rocky points, and has a very uniform appearance. Mys Krasheninnikova (58. 27'N., 163 . 29'E.), the S extremity of Ostrov Karaginskiy, is formed by cliffs, which do not exceed 31m in height, and generally are of rock formation, but with some sandstone. A remarkable pillar rock of the same height as the cliffs is located immediately off the cape. A radiobeacon transmits on the coast, 6 miles N of Mys Krasheninnikova. From the pillar rock off Mys Krasheninnikova a reef extends SSE for about 2.5 miles and is marked by breakers near its extremity. A continuous belt of kelp extends for 4 miles farther SSE and then continues in isolated patches in a S direction for about 6 miles. This vicinity has not been fully examined, but the kelp appears to grow on a sunken rocky ledge about 2 miles wide. A Russian vessel crossed the ledge 1.5 to 2 miles from the cape and found a least depth of 6.4m. The swell does not break on the ledge because of the kelp, and it is probable that many sunken dangers exist on it. It appears that the ledge does not extend beyond the limits of the kelp. An isolated sunken rock, position doubtful, was reported (1913) to lie about 12 miles SE ofMys Krasheninnikova, and a sunken rock, position approximate, on which the sea breaks in any swell, was reported ( 1938) to lie about 19 miles ESE of the cape. Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy 2.22 West and N sides of Ostrov Karaginskiy.-From Mys Golenishcheva to Mys Ploskiy, about 8 miles SW, the coast consists of brownish-yellow cliff up to 61m high. (See Northern Entrance to Proliv Litke). Small streams flow through gullies into the sea. A flat tableland extends from the steep cliffs of Mys Ploskiy to the foothills of the main range. About 3 miles SW of Mys Ploskiy, a small river flows through a wide valley. Close E of the river the coast rises and forms an unbroken wall about 45 to 61m high. The hills close to the coast are about 259m high and are part of the spurs of the main mountain range. From the small river to the base of the sp it forming the N side of Guba Lozhnykh Vestey, the coast consists of sandy cliffs, which are at first high, but gradually become lower, with an occasional cliff projecting seaward. The land inland of this coast rises gently to the main mountain range. The low spit to Mys Semenova (58. 59'N., 163.41'E.) is formed of sand dunes and is overgrown with grass. Mys Semenova and the N side of the spit for 2.5 miles NE are steepto, with depths of 37m close to the shore. Guba Lozhnykh Vestey is entered between Mys Semenova and a blunt point about 6 miles SSE, on which there are so me buildings. Northward of the blunt point the coast rises in low, yellow, sandy cliffs, becoming covered with grass farther N and losing height toward the head of the bay, where there is a low sandy beach. The E half of the spit forming the N side of the bay contains a lagoon , which is connected to the head of the bay by a channel. The lagoon has depths of 3m in its E part, and its shores are flooded to a great extent at HW. Lozhnykh Vestey, a village, is situated close S of the lagoon entrance. No detailed survey of the bay has been made, but it is believed to be clear of dangers. The bay has depths of 9 to 18.3m in its greater part. Toward the E side the depths shoal regularly, and at a distance of 0.8 mile offshore, they are 4.5 to 5.5m. On theN side of the bay the depths are also regular off the inner half of the spit, being 4.5 to 5.5m at a distance of 0.2 mile offshore. Off the outer half of the spit are comparatively greater depths, and the spit becomes more steep-to as the extremity is approached, with depths of 18.3 to 28m off that point. Caution is necessary in approaching the spit in thick weather, as it is steep-to and so undings give no indication of its proximity. Tides-Currents.-At Guba Loznykh Vestey the MHW interval is 7 hours 30 minutes. The spring range is 1.8m, while the neap range is 0.9m. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in Guba Lozhnykh Vestey in convenient depths. The bottom changes from sand to shingle and mud towards the head of the bay. The best berth is in 12.8 to 14.6m, sand and mud, good holding ground, close under the spit, about 2 miles WNW of Mys Semenova. This berth is sheltered from all but S winds, and although S winds may send in a considerable sea, the swell soon subsides as the wind drops. The lagoon at the head of the bay affords good anchorage for small craft with local knowledge. 2.23 The first 6 miles S of the SE entrance point of Guba Lozhnykh Vestey consists of grass-covered cliffs alternating with short stretches of sandy beach. For the next 14 miles SSW the cliffs are continuous and higher, from 45 to 61m high, bright yellow in color and intersected by numerous streams. A mountain, 305m high, conspicuous because of its isolated position and conical shape, is located about 1 mile inland and about 5.5 miles S of the SE entrance point of Guba Lozhnykh Vestey. Inland in this vicinity, clumps of birch alder and juniper cover the W slope of the central mountain range. The whole coast is clear of dangers with depths of 6.4 to 9.1m, sand, 0.5 mile offshore. The NW part of the peninsula, forming the S part of Ostrov Karaginskiy, is low and sandy. Anchorage.-Anchorage, sheltered from S winds, can be obtained in depths of 6 to 11m, sand, about 0.5 mile off theN side of the peninsula. The W coast of the peninsula for the first 3 miles S is low and sandy, but for the remainder it consi ts of gray-brown cliffs of moderate height. A reef, with some above-water rocks, extends about 1 mile WSW of a bluff point, about 3.5 miles NNW of Mys Krasheninnikova. The reef terminates in two pillar rocks. The pillar rocks are conspicuous from Nor S. Two conspicuous hummock hills, about 189m high with jagged summits, are located about 4 miles NNW of Mys Krasheninnikova. These hills slope steeply to the coast, but gently inland. Another hill, about 2.5 miles NNW of the cape, is also a prominent landmark. Proliv Litke 2.24 Proliv Litke is the name that applies to the passage between Ostrov Karaginskiy and the mainland. The passage narrows about midway in to a width of 15 miles and has a least charted depth in the fairway of 31m. Vessels using the N entrance, between Mys ll'pinskiy and the N extremity of Ostrov Karaginskiy, should steer to pass 3 to 5 miles S of Ostrov Verkhoturova, an island about 10 miles S of Mys Il'pinskiy. Vessels using the S entrance, between Mys Krasheninnikova, the S extremity of Ostrov Karaginskiy, and Mys Ozernoy, about 43 miles S, should take all precautions to clear the dangers S and SE of Mys Krasheninnikova, and the dangerous rocky patch off Mys Ozernoy. A course to pass about one-third the width of the entrance from the S side is recommended. 2.25 North entrance to Proliv Litke.-Mys ll'pinskiy (59.47'N., 164.50'E.) is a small elevated plateau faced by steep cliffs. Near the point is Gora ll'pinskaya, having a conspicuous conical peak, 119m high. On the point is a fishing station. A small, low, sand, and shingle spit extends from the SW side of the point, and a reef, on which are some above-water rocks, extends about 0.5 mile S from the point, and then continues S as a submerged ledge. Ostrov Okimkan, about 3 miles SSW of Mys ll'pinskiy, consists of two small gray rocks, 24m high, and a separate group of rocks above water. Kekur Neupokoyeva, consisting of two pillar rocks , one 15m high and the other about half that height, rises from a common base about 0.8 mile SE of Ostrov Okimkan. Dangerous reefs rising from considerable depths surround Ostrov Okimkan and Kekur Neupokoyeva and extend about 0.6 mile SE from the latter. During any swell, these reefs Pub.lSS Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy are marked by heavy breakers. The passage between the rocks and My s ll'pinskiy is encumbered with sunken rocks and kelp. Ostrov Verkhoturova (59 . 37'N., 164. 40'E. ), about 10 miles SSW of My s ll'pinskiy, ha s three separate peaks, the highest being 381m high and covered with grass. Th e shore s of the island are steep and rocky, except for a sand and shingle beach on the N side. The S part of the island is formed by a low plateau, faced by steep cliffs forming two points. Pinnacle rocks lie as far as 0.3 mile off the S point, and three others lie close to the SE point. A light is shown on the N coast of Ostrov Verkhoturova from a pyrimidal stone tower, painted black and white in stri pes . Ostrov Verkhoturova Ostrov Verkhoturova Light Somnitelnaya Banka (59 .22'N., 164.40'E. ), a rocky and dangerous patch lying about 12.5 miles S of Ostrov Verkhoturova, has a least depth of 0.2m, the position of which is doubtful. 2.26 Mys Golenishcheva (59 . 14'N., 164. 36'E.), the N extremity of 0 trov Karaginskiy, is a rugged promontory faced with steep grayish-brown cliffs. The extremity of the cape is wedge-shaped, white in color, and very conspicuous against the brown color of the neighboring cliffs. This cape is remarkable, as no other headland in the N part of the island has this white extremity. The main range of Ostrov Karaginskiy extends in an unbroken mass SW from the cape, the N peak being 0.7 mile from the extremity of the cape. About 2.5 miles SSW of the cape is a conical mountain, 460m high, which is higher than the others in the vicinity and is conspicuous when seen from any direction. Close to Mys Golenishch eva is a pyramid al rock, from which a reef exte nds NE. A shoal , with a depth of 1.6m, lies about 3.5 miles NE of the cape and is reportedly marked by breakers. Recommended channels.-The recommended channel leads between Ostrov Verkhoturova and Somnitelnaya Banka. Pub.155 A vessel proceeding through this channel should steer to pass 3 to 5 miles S of Ostrov Verkhoturova in depths of more than 37m, over a bottom of pebbles and coarse sand. In the channel between Ostrov Verkhoturova and Ostrov Okimkan and Kekur Neupokoyeva to theN, the depths are very irregular over a rocky bottom. In the approach from the E, the depths shoal rapidly. In thi s passage the depths are more than 16.5m. The channel between Ostrov Okimkan and Kekur Neupokoyeva on the S and Mys ll'pinskiy on the N is encumbered with sunken rocks and kelp , through which is a narrow fairway with a least depth of 5.5m. This channel is very dangerous and should not be attempted. The channel between My s Golenishcheva and Sornnitelnaya Banka ha s a depth of 12.2m. A 1.6m patch, marked by breakers, lie s about 3.5 miles NE of Mys Golenishcheva . 2.27 West (mainland) side of Proliv Litke.-Zaliv Anapka is entered between Mys D'pinskiy (59. 47'N. , 164.50'E.) and My s ll'pyr, the SE extremity of Poluostrov Il'pyr, about 19 miles WNW. TheE side of the bay is formed by low cliffs, inland from which the land ri ses to mountains. The S part of Poluostrov Il'pyr is high, its coast consisting of steep cliffs. It is connected to the mainland by a low sand and shingle isthmus. From the offing the peninsula appears as an island. Zaliv Uala is entered between the SW extremity of Poluostrov II'pyr and My s Shilkan (Ostrov Shilka), about 11.5 miles W. Rocky patches, some of which dry, are located as far as 2 miles W of Poluostrov Il'pyr. Ostrov Shilka is a small islet connected at LW to the mainland W by a narrow strip of sand. The shore for about 4.5 miles NNE of Ostrov Shilka is cliffy, but then it slopes down to a low sand and shingle spit separating the shallow lagoon at the head of the bay from the sea. From the entrance to the lagoon , the N shore of the bay rises again and con sis ts of sandy cliffs to Poluostrov ll'pyr. 2.28 Kichiginskiy Zaliv (59. 52'N., 163. 33'E.), entered between My s Shilkan and the mouth of Reka Kichiga, about 9 miles WSW, is a shallow bay. Reka Kichiga extends 0.8 mile N to Reka Belaya, forming a lagoon within the mouth which is separated from the sea by a sandy spit on each side of the entrance. The current flows out of the entrance at a velocity of 5 to 6 knots , being little affected by the flood tidal current. The entrance is very narrow and suitable only for boats with local knowledge. Two prominent mountains, Gora Trekhvershinnaya, with three peaks, and Gora Naklonnaya, with steep sides, are located about 5 and 10 miles W, respectively, of the mouth of Reka Kichiga. The coast for about 4 miles SSW of the mouth of Reka Kichiga is low, and then consists of low, sandy cliffs to Mys Pakklan (59 . 38'N. , 163.25'E.). Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in depths of 10 to 13m, mud and sand, about 1 mile off the low stretch of coast W of the mouth of Reka Kichiga. A vessel proceeding to thi s anchorage should approach it with Gora Trekhvershinnaya bearing 270· . A rocky patch, with a depth of 1.8m, lies about 5 miles E of Mys Pakklan . Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Zaliv Tuumlyat (59°28'N., 163°22'E.) is a bight entered between low and dark Mys Pakklan, and a point about 15 miles S. The shore SW of Mys Pakklan to Laguna Tyrnlat consists of sandy cliffs, then a narrow sand and shingle spit separates the lagoon from the ea. The S shore of the bight is formed by low cliffs. Close to the S shore of the bight are small hills, and farther inland are mountains covered with bushes and trees. Reka Tyrnlat, its entrance in the SW comer of Zaliv Tuurnlyat, should be used only with local knowledge. A very small islet lies close offshore, about 2 miles SE of the mouth of Reka Tyrolat. Laguna Tyrnlat is entered about 1 mile N of the mouth of Reka Tyrnlat. The lagoon entrance is narrow and visible only when close to it. Local fishermen report depths of 1.8 to 2.1m in this channel, and the same or greater depths inside the lagoon. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in 15m, shingle, with the mouth of Reka Tyrnlet bearing 24T, distant 2.3 miles, and 1.2 miles off the spit. The spit is hard to make out at a distance greater than 2 to 2.5 miles, and the mouth of the river is hardly noticeable. The holding ground is poor, and it is not advisable to anchor in shallow depths or closer inshore. Vessels should approach the above anchorage with Gora Dvukhvershinnaya (59°34'N., 162°59'E.), conical-shaped and twin peaked, bearing about 292°. During any swell the whole area off the entrance to both the lagoon and the river is marked by breakers. The fishing stations are reported to be lighted at night. 2.29 Bukhta Ossora is entered between Mys Ossorskaya (59°13'N., 163°16'E.), the extremity of a low, sand and shingle spit, and Mys Lozhno-Kuzmishcheva, about 5 miles S. The bay affords anchorage in depths of 11 to 20m, sand and shingle, sheltered from winds from any direction. The S side of the ba y is steep and fairly low, with some straggling hills and mountains covered with bush and trees inland. Primetnyy Kholm, 436m high and conspicuous, is located about 5 miles WNW of Mys Lozhno-Kuzmishcheva. TheW shore of the bay is fringed by a low, sand, and shingle beach, and the hills recede inland and increase in height. From Reka Ossora to the sand and shingle spit, the shore is low and sandy for the first 0.5 mile, then rises in low cliffs. A fishery, the buildings of which are conspicuous from a distance of about 8 miles, is situated at the head of the bay. A 4m depth lies about 1.5 miles SSE of Mys Ossorskaya. A 4.7m depth lies 1.7 miles ENE of Mys Lozhno-Kuzmishcheva. The inner side of the spit, and the N and S sides of the bay, have depths of lOrn about 0.5 mile offshore. The bottom of the bay consists of coarse sand and shi ngle. A stranded wreck, which is conspicuous throughout Bukhta Ossara, lies on the NW side of the spit, almost 1 mile N of the S extremity. 2.30 Ossora Port (59 °15'N., 163°04'E.) is situated on the W shore of Bukhta Ossora. There are two piers at the settlement. One pier, 20m long and 15m wide, is used for cargo operations; it can only be approached at HW. The second pier, 28m long and 15m wide, has a depth of 1.5m alongside at LW. The pier is used for fish products. Anchorage.-Sheltered anchorage can be obtained in Bukhta Ossora, on the NW si de of Kosa Ossorskaya 0.5 mile offshore, in 12 to 13m. This anchorage is sheltered from theE and SE. Another anchorage berth lying 0.5 mile offshore of the settlement, in depths of 12 to 15m course, sand and shingle bottom, is sheltered from the prevailing autumn NW and NE winds. Bukhta Karaga 2.31 Bukhta Karaga is entered SW of Mys Peschanaya Kosa (59 °02'N., 163°10'E.), the extremity of a low, sand and shingle spit, covered with vegetation, extending SSW and W from Mys Kuzmishcheva. The latter point is the SE extremity of the elevated peninsula separating Bukhta Karaga from Bukhta Ossora. The coast between Mys Kuzmishcheva and Mys LozhnoKuzmishcheva, about 5 miles N, is cliffy. A sand and shingle spit, covered with vegetation, extends NNW from Mys Vkhodnoy, the S entrance point of the bay. The conspicuous hull of a vessel is situated on the N side of the entrance, on the S side of the N entrance spit. The bay is surrounded by hills, with rounded summits, sloping gently to the shore s, which are mostly marshy. Mys Starshiny is the extremity of a low sand and shingle spit, covered with juniper, extending NW and parallel to the NE shore of the bay. A fishing station is situated on this spit. A bank, with depths of less than 5m, extends NNE from Mys Vkhodnoy. A depth of 1.9m lies at the outer end of the above bank, in the middle of the entrance to the bay. A depth of 5m lies about 1 mile SE of the above depth. There are depths of 11 to 12.8m about 0.3 mile off theN side of the extremity of theN spit to abreast its elbow. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval at Bukhta Karaga is 3 hours 49 minutes. Anchorage.-Bukhta Karaga affords completely sheltered anchorage. The best anchorage is in depths 11 to 12.8m, mud, about 0.2 to 0.3 mile off the N side of the N spit. Another berth is in 10m, mud, about 0.5 mile offshore, abreast the fishery on the spit of which Mys Starshiny is the extremity. Directions.-Vessels entering Bukhta Karaga should approach with the SW extremity of the N entrance spit bearing 33T, and steer to pass this point at a distance of 0.2 to 0.3 mile off. There is a least depth of 7.3m on this course. The channel is only 0.15 mile wide at its narrowest point. Bukhta Karaga to Ukinskaya Guba 2.32 The coast for 2.5 miles SW of Mys Vkhodnoy (58 °59'N., 163o04'E.) consists of yellowish-brown sandstone cliffs, about 30 to 46m high, backed by hummocky hills, covered with bush and small trees. For the next 6 mile s SW the coast is low and sandy. Reka Makarova and Reka Kayum have a common entrance between two narrow sandy spits. The outflow of these two rivers causes discoloration for so me distance from the common entrance. A cliffy headland lies about 1.5 miles S of the abovementioned entrance. A sandy bank, with several groups of Pub.155 Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy rocks, some above-water, extends over 0.8 mile E of the headland. The coast for 3 miles SW of the above bank is fringed by short reefs and drying rocks . A vessel, with a draft of 5m, reported touching bottom about 3 miles E of this cliffy headland. The coast from the headland to the mouth of Reka Dranka, about 6.5 miles SW, rises in low brown cliffs and is approached by straggling, hummocky hills. Reka Dranka flows NE and parallel to the coast for its last 7 miles, and is separated from the sea on this reach by a sand and shingle spit. A building, about 7 miles W of the mouth of the river, is conspicuous from the offing. Reka Pankara forms a large lagoon before it flows into the sea between two spits. The entrance (58 "35'N., 162"21 'E.) can be identified by the yellowish-brown cliffs, 30 to 46m high, extending 3 miles N from the entrance. The outgoing current in the entrance and in the channel inside attains a velocity of 3.5 to 4 knots. The best anchorage off Reka Pankara is in a depth of 9m, about 0.6 mile offshore, midway between the entrance and the fishing station about 0.3 mile N. The bottom is shingle, poor holding ground. The spit separating the lagoon of Reka Pankara from the sea is low and sandy. The coast S of thi spit for 6.5 miles consists of light yellow sandy cliffs, 31 to 46m high in the center, and gradually becoming lower toward each end. A narrow sand and shingle spit separating the lagoon of Reka Rusakova from the sea extends from the cliffs to the mouth of Reka Rusakova, about 10.5 miles SSW. The entrance to the river lies between two narrow spits. Sandbanks, marked by breakers , extend seaward from the extremity of each spit. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 9 to lOrn, sand and shingle, about 0.8 mile offshore, abreast the fish cannery about 5 miles N of the mouth of Reka Rusakova. From 0.5 mile S of the entrance to Reka Rusakova, a line of reddish-brown cliffs extends about 9 miles SSW, varying in elevation from 31 to 46m , being low toward either end. The cliffs, in some places, rise sheer from the coast, and in others are fronted by a narrow beach of sand, shingle, and gravel. About 7 miles SSW from the mouth of the river, these cliffs are interrupted by a small lake located close inland and not connected to the sea. The coast is low and sandy from the cliffs to the entrance of Reka Khalyulya, about 6 miles S. Ukinskaya Guba 2.33 Ukinskaya Guba is a bay entered between Reka Khalyulya and Mys Severo-Zapadnyy (57"56'N. , 162"33'E.) . The depths decrease regularly to 6m, 0.5 mile off the W and S shores, except in the vicinity of the mouth of Reka Uka. Two mountains, over l,OOOm high, forming the E spurs of the range trending parallel to the coast some distance inland , are located about 10 miles W of the mouth of Reka Khalyulya. The S mountain has a pointed summit. The N mountain has a somewhat jagged crest extending in a NNE-SSW direction. These two mountains, which are joined by a spur, are conspicuous and are good marks for identifying the mouth of Reka Khalyulya. The coast from Reka Khalyulya to the mouth of Reka Uka (57"50'N., 162"08'E.) is a uniform stretch of sand and shingle Pub. ISS beach backed by very gently rising slopes, which are covered by grass near the coast and by bushes farther inland, and which extend a great distance inland to a mountain ridge. The bottom along this stretch is sandy. Reka Uka can be identified by the sandy cliff beginning about 2 miles E of it. Uka, a village situated on the W bank of Reka Uka nearly abreast the entrance, is one of the largest settlements in this vicinity. The banks along the lower reaches of the river are low, sandy, and marshy. Tides-Currents.-In the mouth of the river the velocity of the tidal currents attain a rate of as much as 4 knots. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in depths of 8 to 9m, about 1 to 1.2 miles off the mouth of Reka Uka. It is not advisable to anchor closer, as depths of 6m extend about 1 mile seaward of the mouth of the river. The coast for 2 miles ESE of Reka Uka is low and sandy, and then for the next 4 miles consists of a sandy cliff, about 46 to 61m high, fringed by a narrow beach of shingle and gravel. The last 5 miles to the mouth of Reka Malan-Vayam is low and sandy. The E shore of Ukinskaya Guba is formed by the W side of Poluostrov Nachikinskiy. In the middle of this peninsula is Gora Nachikinskaya, an extinct volcano, which is easily distinguishable from the surrounding peaks by the dark color of its steep sides and by its jagged summit. This mountain is surrounded by numerous others, almost as high, most of which have pointed summits and inaccessible sides. 2.34 Mys Severo-Zapadnyy (57"56'N., 162"34'E.) is a rounded shingle point, inshore of which is a lagoon. The point is steep-to, with depths of less than 11m extending 1 mile NW. The coast SSW of the point is low and sandy, but small, rounded, rocky points extend offshore in places. Ostrov Mandzhur (57"50'N., 162"27'E.), about 7 miles SSW of Mys Severo-Zapadnyy, is covered with grass and its middle part is covered with trees. On the middle of the islet is a sloping hill, 88m high. The coasts of the islet are almost everywhere bold. A beacon, consisting of a wooden pyramidal structure, about 6m high, its seaward side faced by white slats, stands near the edge of the cliff at the NW extremity of the islet. The beacon is clearly visible from seaward. Anchorage.-The best anchorage off Ostrov Mandzhur is in a depth of 7m, sand and mud, 0.5 mile SW of the spit, located on the N part of the SW side of the island. A vessel should never attempt to anchor farther E as the depths decrease rapidly in that direction. Ukinskaya Guba to Zaliv Ozernoy 2.35 Mys Nachikinskiy (57"57'N., 162"42'E.) is a cape formed by a small plateau descending from the mountains. It is edged with low cliffs, and its N point is small and sharp . A reef extends nearly 0.2 mile off the cape. It is steep-to off its extremity, with depths of 20 to 28m, sand, about 0.5 mile off the cape. Mys Nizkiy (57 "49'N. , 163" 12'E.) , lying 18 miles ESE of Mys Nachikinskiy, is a low rounded point, fringed by a broad sand and shingle beach strewn with large rocks and backed by a moderately low brown cliff. A reef, extending about 2 miles Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy N of the cape, has a group of drying rocks near its extremity, which is steep-to. The cape should be given a berth of at least 3.5 miles. Mys Ozernoy (5T43'N., 163 "19'E.), the S entrance point of the S entrance to Proliv Litke, is a low, narrow point extending E and is distinguished by a small sand hill on its point. Another sand hill, about the same height, is located a little farther inland and is separated from the former sand hill by a gap. A detached range of mountains, with five conspicuous peaks of very peculiar columnar appearance, rises about 5 miles W of Mys Ozernoy and extends NNE toward Mys Nizkiy. A light is shown from Mys Ozernoy and a radiobeacon transmits from the light. Mys Ozernoy should be given a wide berth, as a reef extends 1.5 miles off it. Caution.-A sunken rock, the exact position of which is unknown, lies about 10 miles NE of Mys Ozernoy. When in this vicinity, vessels should proceed with caution. Zaliv Ozernoy 2.36 Zaliv Ozernoy, between Mys Ozernoy and Mys Stolbovoy (56"4l'N., 163"17'E.), 63 miles S, affords no protection from NE winds, but shelter can be obtained in its SW end during winds from between the S and E. Gora Dvoynaya, about 8 miles SSW of Mys Ozernoy, and the mountains in the vicinity of Mys Stolbovoy, form good marks and are visible in clear weather from any part of the bay. Mys Dvoynoy, about 9 miles SSW of Mys Ozernoy, is theE of two small blunt points 1 mile apart. The yellow cliffs approach the cape somewhat closer than the W point. Reefs, extending about 1 mile SE of these points, consist mainly of submerged rocks marked by breakers. Gora Dvoynaya, about 2 miles N of the cape, is higher than the surrounding mountains and is very conspicuous, especially from the S or N, appearing as a twin-peaked mountain with steep, somewhat rounded slopes. Mys Yuzhnyy, about 7 miles farther SSW, is a point formed by brown cliffs of moderate height. Seen in profile it appears as a level, raised plateau, rather low near the extremity of the cape. A large reef, consisting almost entirely of drying rocks, but with some sunken rocks near its extremity, extends 1.3 miles from the cape and the coast for some distance N. 2.37 The entrance to Reka Ozernaya (5T2l'N., 162"47'E.), lying about 13 miles SW ofMys Yuzhnyy, forms a large lagoon enclosed by a low, sand and shingle spit, before flowing into Zaliv Ozernoy. The S and W shores of this lagoon are low and covered with grass and small bushes, but its N shore is formed by a cliff at the foot of some hills rising to a height of 10 I m. The mouth of the river is located between the N end of the spit and this cliff, and can be identified by the fact that the coast consists of light yellow sandy cliffs just N of it, and is low S of it. The mouth of the river is fronted by a bar, which can be distinguished by the sea breaking on it. The current of the river is strong, and at times attains a velocity of 4 knots. The coast for about 5.5 mi les S of Reka Ozernaya is flat and sandy, and then to Mys Thpoy (57 "01'N., 162"51'E.), which consists of cliffs, 46 to 61m high, becoming gradually higher S. An off-lying danger, consisting of a sunken rock , position doubtful, was reported (1921) to be about 8 miles NE of Mys Tupoy. Near Mys Tupoy the cliffs along the coast are reddishbrown, but farther S they are somewhat lower and change to light yellow, sloping, sandy cliffs, about 46 to 61m high, which are very conspicuous from the offing. The SW comer of Zaliv Ozernoy consists of low, sandy beach. 2.38 Reka Stolbovaya (56 "42'N., 162"56'E.) flows SE parallel to the coast, separated from the sea by a narrow spit, before turning NE to its mouth . The current in the river, before it enters the sea, attains a velocity of 6 to 7 knots. Mys Pokatyy (56 "44'N., 163"05'E.), lying about 5.5 miles NE of the mouth of the Reka Stolbovaya, slopes gently seaward, is faced with reddish-brown cliffs, and is covered with grass and bushes. The cape terminates in two small points, from each of which a reef extends about 0.5 mile from the point. The W reef is a drying ledge, and on the middle of the E reef is a small pillar rock. Mys Sivuchiy, about 5 miles farther E, is theN extremity of a rugged peninsula formed by a detached mountain, 399m high , about 2.5 miles SW. The mountain slopes in wide terraces to the cape, which is faced by low cliffs. The cape is steep-to and is clear of dangers , the depths N of the cape being 37m about 0.3 mile off. Large numbers of seals breed on Mys Sivuchiy. Ostrovok Stolbovoy, a basaltic islet about 1 mile SE of Mys Sivuchiy, is separated from the mainland by a narrow passage 0.15 to 0.2 mile in width. The E end of the islet appears as a massive crag about 150m high , and is separated from the rest of the islet by two clefts. Mys Stolbovoy (56 "4l'N., 163 "17'E.), lying about 3.5 miles SSE of Mys Sivuchiy, is a rugged high headland, the coast of which consists of grayish-brown cliffs 180 to 215m high. Mountains, about 455m high, rise from the coast in almost vertical slopes, which are bare except for small patches of scrub. A rock, 31m high, lies close to the cape. The coast in the vicinity of the cape is steep-to, with depths of 28 to 37m about 0.5 mile offshore. A shoal, with a depth of ll.2m, position doubtful, lies about 5 miles SE of Mys Stolbovoy and 3 miles offshore. Kamchatskiy Poluostrov 2.39 Kamchatskiy Poluostrov separates Zaliv Ozernoy from Kamchatskiy Zaliv. The coa ts of the peninsula are high, and are cliffy in the S and NE parts. Ozero Nerpich'ye is a large lake connected to Reka Kamchatka by a narrow lagoon with depths of 3.4 to 5.5m. This lake is joined on its N side by Reka Tochkalnum to Ozero Stolbovoye, which is connected to Zaliv Ozernoy by Reka Stolbovaya. This system of lakes and rivers covers the whole of the isthmus joining the peninsula to the mainland. A wide valley extends across the peninsula and terminates in a bay located about midway along the E coast of the peninsula. It divides the N and S groups of mountains on the peninsula, and is conspicuous from the offing. A high sandstone bluff, showing bands of different colored strata, is located about 7 miles S of Mys Stolbovoy. In this vicinity the mountains, which occupy the NE part of Pub.lSS Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Kamchatskiy Poluostrov, approach the coast rising steeply to elevations of more than 610m. Mys Afrika (56 . 11'N., 163. 22'E.), lying 31 miles S ofMys Stolbovoy, is theE point of Kamchatskiy Poluostrov. The point is formed by a low sandy spit projecting into the sea in a SE direction. The pit has a broad base, but gradually tapers eaward. It is thickly covered with cedar groves. Groups of rocks are visible from a short distance offshore at many places on the spit, especially on its S side. Gora Afrika, rising to an elevation of about 900m, is located 4 miles WNW of the cape. A spur of this mountain parallels the coast about 3 miles inland and appears as a tableland. On the side of the cape this spur slopes steeply toward the base of the spit and terminates in a high precipice of sandstone. A light with a transmitting radiobeacon is exhibited from the cape. Rocky reefs extend for about 0.5 mile offshore on all sides of the cape. A drying rock, marked by breakers, lies 1.8 miles SE of the extremity of the cape. An above-water rock lies about 0.8 mile W of this drying rock. About 1.5 miles E of Mys Afrika the depths range from 22 to 28m, shells and shingle, but N of this area the bottom changes to sand. The coast from Mys Afrika to about 16 miles N is backed by the slopes of mountains extending parallel to the coast. The highest peak, about 6.5 miles NNW of Mys Afrika, is a reddish bare summit. Northward of this peak is a line of conical peaks, covered with bush and gradually becoming lower N. Caution.-Along the section of the coast, between Mys Afrika and Mys Kamchatskiy, the 200m curve lies not farther than 5 miles offshore and the bottom shelves steeply toward the coast. When approaching this coast in thick weather, a vessel should proceed at a reduced speed, taking soundings continuously, and should not navigate in depths of less than 73m. 2.40 Mys Kamchatskiy (56 . 00'N. , 163 . 03'E.) , lying 15 miles SW of Mys Afrika, is the S extremity of Kamchatskiy Poluostrov. The point is formed by a low sand and shingle spit, which has a width of 0.5 mile and extends about 1 mile S from the foot of a mountain that rises to a height of 786m, 2.5 miles NW of the extremity of the cape. The spit is strewn with fragments of rocks. Close to the extremity of the cape there is a remarkable group of rocks, 12.2 to 15.2m high, which, when sighted from a distance, has the appearance of an old fortress. It is known locally as Kamen Gorod, meaning Rock City. The outermost of the dangers fringing the cape is a submerged rock located 2.5 miles SW of the extremity of the cape. This rock is clearly marked by breakers in the usual swell, but has only blind rollers when the swell is slight. An above-water pinnacle rock lies about 2.5 miles W of the extremity of the cape. Within an area extending about 5 miles S from the S coast of Poluostrov Kamchatskiy, the depths are extremely uneven, and there is much kelp, easily identified by its greenish-brown color. A vessel should give this coast a berth of at least 5 miles , keeping in depths of more than 45m. 2.41 Sopka Shivelyuch (56.40'N., 161"30'E.), an extinct volcano, about 70 miles NW of Mys Kamchatskiy, is the highest peak of an isolated mountain group. Due to its great elevation it is visible from all parts of Zaliv Ozernoy, from the Pub.lSS E side of Poluostrov Kamchatskiy, and from the N half of Kamchatskiy Zaliv. From seaward it appears as a small, snowcapped peak. Komandorskiye Ostrova (Komandorski Islands) 2.42 Komandor kiye Ostrova, cons1stmg of Ostrov Beringa (Bering Island) and Ostrov Mednyy (Copper Island), are located about 100 miles ESE of Mys Afrika, and 190 miles from Attu, the nearest of the Aleutian Islands. The islands belong to Russia, the governor normally residing at Nikol'skoye, a settlement on the W side of Ostrov Beringa. The islands are of volcanic origin, consisting of basalt and syenite rocks, and were caused by the same forces that produced the Aleutian chain. There are no active volcanoes on the islands, but the activity of the Aleutian volcanoes are felt on the islands. Komandorskiye Ostrova are very high, being visible in clear weather from 40 to 50 miles. In general, the depths a few miles off the islands are considerable. The islands have long been famous for the fur trade. Seal breeding grounds, which are government game preserves, are situated on both islands. Caution.-The islands are covered in fog for a large part of the navigation season. When anchoring, vessels should take into account the fact that earthquakes, which occur frequently at Komandorskiye Ostrova, are sometimes accompanied by seismic waves. Vessels navigating in the vicinity of Komandorskiye Ostrova should always keep clear of kelp. None of the bays afford completely sheltered anchorage, and frequently the wind shifts suddenly. During torm or fresh winds, vessels at anchor in any of the bays are advised to proceed to sea. In order not to frighten any of the seals on Komandorskiye Ostrova, vessels passing these islands should not navigate too close to the shores, should not shoot any guns when in this vicinjty, and should not shjne their searchlights on the shores . Ostrov Beringa 2.43 Ostrov Beringa (5YOO'N., 166. 15'£.) is mountainous in its central and SE parts . The NW part of the island is of a different character. The hills are flatter and form a series of plateaus sloping down to the coast in terraces. Gora Shtellera (54 . 53'N., 166. 24'£.), the highe t mountain in the island, is located about 15 miles NW of theSE extremity of the island, and has a crater-shaped summit. Northward of this mountain is the conspicuous valley known as Dolina Polovinnaya, which appears to divide the island in two and is especially remarkable from the NE. Stolovye Kholmyy, two very peculiar flat-topped hills, are located about 9 miles E of Mys Severozapadnyy, the NW extremity of the island. TheN hill is 143m high, and the Shill is 137m high. The highest hill in the N part of the island is 188m high, about 2.5 miles E of Stolovye Kholrnyy. The surface of the island, except in its high S part, consists of tundra. In places are large tracts of meadow land covered with coarse grass. Dangerous and unsurveyed reefs with detached rocks fringe the island. Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Coast between Mys Kamchatskiy and Mys Afrika from SSW 2.44 North coast of Ostrov Beringa.-The N coast of Ostrov Beringa is very uniform and moderately high . From the E, the formation of the tableland on the N side of the island gives the appearance of a whole series of fortifications. Reefs, on which are some above-water rocks , extend as far as 2 miles offshore. Mys Severovostochny (55"18'N., 166°17'E.), the NE extremity of the island, is a low, narrow headland. Mys Tonki, a slender point, lies about 2.7 miles NW. The entire shore of Bukhta Sarannaya, the bight between Mys Tonki and Mys Yushina, 11 miles W, is fringed by sunken rocks and should be approached with great caution. Mys Yushina (55 °22'N., 165 °57'E.), theN extremity of the island, is a low point from which a reef is reported to extend 2 miles in aN direction. Sivuchy Kamen' (Ostrov Sivuchiy) (Sea Lion), 3 to 4.6m high, of remarkable shape, lies on this reef, close NNW of the point. This rock is connected to the point by a row of low rocks. At a distance, these rocks are not visible and Sivuchy Kamen' appears detached. A patch of kelp lies 0 .8 mile W of Sivuchy Kamen '. Anchorage.-Anchorage with shelter from S winds can be obtained between Sivuchy Kamen' and a reef marked by kelp 0.5 mile E. The best berths are in a depth of 18m, sand and shells, with Mys Severozapadny bearing 241 °, a prominent red storehouse (the only building of its kind in the vicinity) bearing 192°, and Mys Tonki bearing 104°. Anchorage may also be taken in depths of 14.6 to 16.5m, with Sivuchy Kamen' bearing 250°, and the red storehouse bearing 202 o . Caution.-Vessels are prohibited from passing any closer than 2 miles from Mys Yushina. Mys Severozapadny (55"17'N., 165"44'E.), 8 miles WSW of Mys Yushina, is hilly and is the NW extremity of the island. A white pyramid beacon , 5m high, stands at an elevation of 26m on the point. The point is fringed to a considerable distance by a reef, and some drying rocks, not always marked by breakers , lie off this reef about 1.5 miles W to WSW of the point. A shoal, with a depth of 29m, was reported (1946) to lie about 18 miles NW of Mys Severozapadny. Depths of 29m (position approximate), 12.8m (reported in 1964), and 40m lie 23 miles NW, 30 miles NW, and 11.5 miles SW, respectively, of Mys Severozapadny. 2.45 Southwest coast of Ostrov Beringa.-Mys Zabiyaka (55"15 'N. , 165°53 'E.) is a 55m high headland. It is darker and higher than the coast in the vicinity. It appears as a small island when viewed from the S. A shoal, with a least depth of 2.5m, lies with its N end 1 mile WSW of the point and extends as a narrow ridge 0.8 mile S. There are depths of over 18.3m around it. Kamen Ari , about 4 miles SW of Mys Zabiyaka, consists of two rocks, the N being pointed and about 46m high, and the S being perfectly flat and about 2.1 m high. Ostrov Toporkov, about 5 miles E of Kamen Ari, is a flat islet, difficult to distinguish from seaward as it blends with the higher land of the coast. A drying reef extends as far as 0.1 mile from the islet. The S and SW sides of this reef are steepto. The best landing place is at the N end of the island. Puffins breed on the island in great numbers. Kamen' Polovinchatyy, about 1.5 miles W of the N end of Ostrov Toporkov, is a rock, awash, and marked by breakers in ordinary weather. A 6.4m patch lies about 0.2 mile N of the rock. Mys Vkhodnoi Rif (55"ll 'N., 165 °58'E.) , a peninsula 18m high near its extremity, is fringed with rocks extending 0.3 mile offshore on its W and SW sides. Foul ground extends as far as 0.7 mile W to SW from the peninsula. Banka Yakut, a shoal with a least depth of 5.5m, lies 0.6 mile N of the extremity of the peninsula. In the channel between Mys Vkhodnoi Rif and Ostrov Toporkov the depths are uneven, varying between 12.8 and 29m in the middle of the channel. Nikol'skiy Reyd is entered N of Mys Vkhodnoi Rif. In the approach from the S or SW, the flat-topped Stolovye Kholmyy are conspicuous, and often are visible above the low fog. In case Stolovye Kholmyy cannot be seen in thick weather, it is advisable first to pick up Sivuchy Kamen' and then proceed in. The passage leading N of Sivuchy Kamen' and Ostrov Toporkov is not recommended. Vessels should pass about 0.3 mile S of Ostrov Toporkov, then alter course NE to the anchorage. Ice.-In some years slush and young ice occur from November to February. Occasionally there are large quantities of drift ice from the E coast of Kamchatka after W and NW winds. Tides-Currents.-Tides at Nikol'skiy Reyd are of the mixed type, diurnal tides predominating. The tidal range varies between 0.3 and 1.3m. Anchorage.-A large vessel should anchor in 20.1m, sand, on the line joining the N extremity of Ostrov Toporkov and the radio towers at Nikol'skoye, and with the extremity of Mys Vkhodnoi Rif bearing 145". Winds from the SW through WNW send a heavy swell into the anchorage. There is a ground swell, even in ordinary weather. The anchorage, due to the poor holding ground, is dangerous, especially in autumn, when W winds are more frequent than in summer, and are fresh and prone to producing squalls for long periods. This anchorage is the best in the Pub.lSS Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy island. Vessels should be ready to put to sea on short notice, since, sudden shifts of wind are frequent, especially in autumn. Southeast winds veer to the S and SW, and NE winds back to the N and NW. Several sealing vessels have been driven ashore. 2.46 Nikol'skoye (55"12'N., 165"59'E.) (World Port Index No. 62630), on theSE side of the roadstead, is the residence of the governor of Komandorskiye Ostrova, and the administrative center of the islands. The coast from Nikol'skiy Reyd to the SE extremity of Ostrov Beringa is cliffy and high. It is steep-to except for some reefs extending offshore at Mys Poludennyy, Mys Kazarmennyy, and Mys Shepitanski. Mys Orekhovski (55"03'N., 166"04'E.) appears from theN as a labyrinth of small caves and grottoes. Bukhta Gladovskaya (54"55'N., 166"16'E.), a small bay lying 12.5 miles SSE of Mys Orekhovski , has a depth of 46m, sand and shells . Mys Ostrovnoy, about 6 miles farther SE, from a distance appears as two flat islets which merge into one as the point is approached, and are connected to the coast by a low isthmus. A drying rock lies 1 mile S of the point. Mys Monati (54"42'N., 166"40'E.), theSE extremity of the island, is high and cliffy, but terminates in a gentle slope. In clear weather, the cape may be seen for 30 miles. A prominent rock, shaped like a tower, is located NW of the cape. The cape is fringed by a reef and shoal water extends about 1 mile W and 3 miles SE from it. In good weather, all the rocks on this reef can be seen. It is nearly always marked by breakers. 2.47 Northwest coast of Ostrov Beringa.-An almost continuous reef, extending 0.7 to 2 miles offshore, stretches along this coast. Vessels should keep at least 3 miles off the coast. Mys Nepropusk (54"45'N., 166"42'E.), 3.5 miles N of Mys Monati, is a conspicuous cliff. The coast for about 10 miles N of Mys Monati consists of steep cliffs. Mys Komandor (54"57'N., 166"31'E.), about 12.5 miles N of Mys Nepropusk, is formed by a solitary hill rising straight from the coast. Bukhta Polovina (54"57'N., 166"29'E.), in which there is a shelving beach, is entered W of Mys Komandor. A small stream flows into the head of the bay. Mys Buyan, 10 miles NNW of Bukhta Polovina, is prominent. A 15m shoal, position approximate, lies 19.5 miles E of Mys Buyan. 2.48 Staraya Gavan' (55 "12'N. , 166"14'E.), a break in the coastal reef lying about 10 miles NNW of Mys Buyan, extends W to the shore of a bight and has a width of 0.25 mile. The reef on theN side consists of a mass of rocks, partly submerged and partly above-water and marked by breakers. For a distance exceeding 1 mile N of this harbor, reefs extend from the shore and break up the sea and swell during N winds. Local reports state that even during strong NE winds the force of the sea is spent on the outer rocks, and the water in the channel and harbor is comparatively smooth. The reef on the S side of the harbor is a continuous group of rocks, 0.5 to lm high. Several submerged rocks extend farther E from this reef and are marked by breakers. Pub.155 The depths in the approach to the harbor decrease regularly. At a distance of 3 miles offshore the depths are 46m, shells. The depths in mid-channel decrease from 14.6 to 9.1m, the bottom in the N part being rocky, and in the S part being sandy. The harbor is exposed to all E winds and has not been well surveyed . Anchorage.-Anchorage for large vessels can be taken in 28m, rock and sand, on the line joining the outer breakers on either side. Only small vessels with local knowledge can enter the harbor and obtain anchorage in depths of 3.7 to 9m, sand. Approaching from theN, vessels will notice two gaps in the mountains S ofMys Severovostochnyy. Through the first gap is seen Stolovye Kholmyy. The second gap indicates Staraya Gavan', which should be approached on a W course, continuously sounding. Entering the harbor presents no particular difficulties, the entrance being defined by the breakers on either side. Ostrov Mednyy 2.49 Ostrov Mendyy consists of a narrow mountainous ridge rising steeply from the sea. Short spurs extend from the ridge and terminate in bluff headlands. Gora Gavanskaya (54"49'N., 167"30'E.), on theE side of Gavan Preobrazhenskaya, is a cortical mountain covered with snow throughout the year. It rises to a height of 587m, is the highest point of the island, and forms an excellent landmark. Rocks lie close offshore all around Ostrov Mendyy. There are no good anchorages. In almost all the bays, temporary anchorage can be taken in depths of 46 to 55m. Mys Sulkovskogo (54"52'N., 167"22'E.), the NW extremity of the island, is a rocky point from which a reef extends nearly 3 miles NW. The point should be given a wide berth. On the middle of the reef are Bobrovye Karnni (Sea Otter Rocks) , two large jagged conspicuous rocks, so named because of their shape. Kitolovnaya Banka (54"59'N., 167"07'E.) , with a least depth of 3m, is located 11 miles NW of Mys Sulkovskogo. Some reports state it lies 1 mile NW, and other more recent reports state that it lies 1 mile SW of its charted position. The shoal is marked by breakers during heavy seas or swell. Tide rips have been observed in the passage between the shoal and Ostrov Mendyy. These were more noticeable some distance W of the charted position of the shoal. A depth of 15m lies approximately 10 miles NW of Kitolovnaya Banka. 2.50 Northeast coast of Ostrov Mednyy.-Between Mys Peschanyy (54"50'N., 167 "28'E.), a high conspicuous point about 4 miles SE of Mys Sulkovskogo, and Mys Sivuchiy Kamen, about 3 miles further SE, the coast recedes about 1.5 miles to form a bay. Two detached above-water rocks lie off Mys Peschanyy. Sivuchiy Kamen is two above-water rocks lying off Mys Sivuchiy Kamen. Bukhta Peschanaya, in the NW part of the aforementioned bay, extends 0.8 mile W from its entrance and has a width of about 0.5 mile. The depths decrease gradually from 29m in the entrance to 11m about 0.2 mile from the head , then decrease rapidly. The bottom is sand. Sector 2. Mys Olyutorskiy to Poluostrov Kamchatskiy Anchorage.-Anchorage is recommended for small vessels at the head of Bukhta Peschanaya. Although a continuous swell enters the anchorage even during N winds, from which it is protected by a high hill, this anchorage is preferable to that which lies off Gavan' Preobrazhenskaya. Gavan' Preobrazhenskaya, a small cove, lies W of Gora Gavanskaya. A number of rocks and a pillar rock extend about 0.2 mile NE of the W entrance point, slightly protecting the harbor from N. Preobrazhenskaya, at the head of the harbor, is the only permanent settlement on the island. Anchorage.-Anchorage for small craft is available in 5.5m, abreast Skala, a remarkable above-water rock which lies off the W entrance point. There is no swinging room, and a vessel must moor with hawsers laid out to the shore. During N winds, a good scope of chain is required, as the rocks off the entrance do not completely protect the harbor. Anchorage for large vessels can be obtained in 35m, gray sand, abreast a cleft in a vertical cliff, with Mys Peschanyy bearing 336· , Mys Sivuchiy Kamen bearing 112· , and the detached pillar rock off the entrance to Gavan' Preobrazhenskaya bearing 176. and in line with a church in the village. The holding ground is poor and the anchorage is insecure with N winds. Bukhta Korabelnaya, a bight entered N of Mys Korabelny (54. 42'N., 16T44'E.), affords anchorage during W winds. Mys Korabelny terminates in a nearly vertical cliff, 15 to 24m high, from which a reef extends 0.5 mile NNE. A settlement comprising several huts is situated between sand dunes at the head of the bight. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken, except during onshore winds, in a depth of 22m, coarse sand, with Mys Korabelny bearing 100· , and the middle of the settlement bearing 185·. Landing is very difficult on account of the almost incessant swell and a shoal which extends some distance offshore from the settlement. 2.51 Mys Cherny (Black Point) (54. 41'N., 16T50'E.), the most salient point on the NE side of Ostrov Mendyy, lies about 4.5 miles SE of Mys Korabelny and is composed of darkcolored bluffs and is very high. Bukhta Glinka, 4 miles SSE of Mys Cherny, has a summer settlement situated on the hillside at its head, and a wooden house, painted red, is situated directly below the settlement. Nearly behind the settlement is a large, light-colored watercourse. Reefs extend from both entrance points. In the entrance to Bukhta Glinka are depths of 37 to 55m, shoaling to 22m close inside the entrance. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken at the entrance, with the settlement bearing 230 · , Mys Cherny bearing 327", and Mys Glinka, the S entrance point, in line with Mys Yugovostochny. During W winds, moderate gusts come down the hills, but there is neither sea nor swell at the anchorage. During E winds, anchorage is impossible and landing difficult. The SE end of the island is formed by a large isolated hill with steep cliffs on all sides, joined to the main part of the island by a narrow isthmus. A dangerous reef extends about 3 miles SE from the SE end of the island, between Mys Yugovostochny and Mys Yuzhny, about 2 miles SSW. Several conical detached rocks lie near the coast on this reef. 2.52 Southwest coastof Ostrov Mednyy.-The SW coast of the island is especially steep-to. The NW half of this coast is very steep-to and may be approached closely with safety. The coast is fringed by pillar rocks, some of which are prominent from offshore. Mys Palata (54. 34'N., 16T50'E.), about 152m high, fringed with reefs and rocks, is the mo t prominent headland on this part of the coast, lying 6 miles WNW of Mys Yuzhny. It is perpendicular on its S side and is said to resemble a large house with a steep peaked roof. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in a depth of 22m, rock, about 0.7 mile offshore, off the eal rookeries S of Mys Palata. Mys Vodopadski (54. 39'N., 167. 40'E.) lies 7 miles NW of Mys Palata and derives its name from a waterfall nearby. Korabelnyy Stolb, about 2 miles NW, is a very conspicuous pillar rock, 31m high, joined to the mainland and lying among a group of rocks off a conspicuous bluff headland. Korabelnoye Lezhbishche is a rookery along this stretch of coast, which consists of nearly perpendicular bluffs, between the projections of which are small coves affording shelter to the seals when breeding. Sivuchiy Kamen' (Sea Lion Rock) (54 . 50'N., 16T22'E.), about 15 miles NW of Mys Vodopadski and 1 mileS of Mys Sulkovskogo, the NW extremity of the island, is a very conspicuous pillar rock. Pub.155 KAMCHATKA 96520 AVACHINSKAYA GUBA BUKHTA VILYUCHINSKAYA 96521 (PLAN) BUKHTA AKHOMTEN -++-----+--,96521 (PLAN) PARAMUSHIRU TO 96880 so• ONEKOTAN TO I (KURIL ISLANDS) (SEE SECTOR 4) IGENERAL CHART 96028 1 160° 165° Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 3-CHART INFORMATION Pub.lSS SECTOR3 EAST COAST OF KAMCHATKA-KAMCHATSKIY ZALIV TO MYS LOPATKA Plan.-The coast described in this sector comprises the E coast of Kamchatka from Poluostrov Kamchatskiy to Mys Lopatka, including Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv (Kuri l Strait). The arrangement of the sector is from N to S. General Remarks 3.1 Winds-Weather.-In Kamchatskiy Zaliv winds from the SW quadrant prevail in summer and are accompanied by clear weather. Northeast winds bring foul weather. Gales are most frequent between October and March. In winter the winds are predominantly between the NW and NE, and when from the latter direction are frequently accompanied by blizzards. The presence, during clear weather, of a light misty cloud enveloping the summit of the volcano of Shivelyuch is considered locally as a sign of approaching E, and particularly NE winds. It appears that off the E side of the penin sula the colder, deeper water comes, or is forced , to the surface, a phenomenon ascribed to the effect of tidal currents, causing fog to form quickly over the sea. In calms, or with gentle onshore breezes, a dense protracted fog blankets the coast. lce.-Kamchatskiy Zaliv generally does not freeze completely, however by the end of December or early January, it is more or les s filled with loose floe s. In February the gulf is solidly packed with hummocky ice. During the month of March, the gulf ordinarily is free from ice, but beginning in April and until the middle of May the gulf is packed with heavy masses of hummocky ice carried in from the N part of the Bering Sea. It should be noted that the part of the coast between the Osyp' Lakhtak and Mys Kamchatskiy is often free of ice, while the remaining part of the gulf is solidly packed with ice. The earliest recorded appearance of ice is November 15; the latest is January 16. Drift ice is usually adrift in Kronotskiy Zaliv in the winter. The average number of days with ice is 152. The earliest recorded appearance of ice is December 6, the latest January 5. Drift ice generally moves SW in March in the open sea off Mys Mayachnyy and the sea is free of ice early in April. Navigation may be seriously impeded during winter and spring in the open sea off Mys Mayachnyy, but icebreakers can generally keep a passage open . Tides-Currents.-Between My s Kamchatskiy, Mys Kronotskiy and Mys Shipunskiy the stream of the constant Kamchatka current is 40 to 50 miles wide, and flowing in a general SSW direction, has a velocity of 0.6 knot. Between Mys Shipunskiy, the entrance to the Avachinskaya Guba, and My s Lopatka the main stream of the Kamchatka current flows in a general SSW direction and has a velocity of 0.7 to 0.9 knot. Southward of Mys Shipunskiy, a narrow branch of the main Kamchatka current flows in the direction of Mys Nalycheva, with a velocity of 0.5 knot then flows S, then SW and joins the main stream of the Kamchatka current. Tides in Kamchatskiy Zaliv are of a mixed type, the diurnal type prevailing. When the moon is close to the equator the tides are semidiurnal, and when the moon has its maximum N or S declination the tides are diurnal. Semidiurnal tides have a smaller range and somewhat higher LW. The tidal currents here ordinarily have a velocity of 1 to 2 knots. At the head of the gulf the currents may reach a velocity of 3 to 4 knots, the flood current setting W and the ebb current setting E. Overfalls caused by conflicting currents may be observed inside the gulf. The tidal wave approaches the S coast of Poluostrov Kamchatskiy from the ESE and divides; one branch flows N along the E coast of the peninsula, causing a N flood current, while the other branch flows NW along the SE coast of the peninsula into Kamchatskiy Zaliv, where, upon reaching its N shore, the current changes its direction to the W and flows parallel to the N shore of Kamchatskiy Zaliv. During the ebb , the directions of the tidal currents are reversed. The tidal currents here barely exceed a rate of 1 to 1.5 knots, reaching the higher limit only in the vicinities of capes projecting into the sea. Notwithstanding the relative weakness of these tidal currents, eddies have been observed, especially off Mys Kamchatskiy, and overfalls of conflicting currents, though gradually weakening seaward, extend for a distance of 10 to 15 miles offshore. The tidal currents off the coasts of Poluostrov Kronotskiy attain a rate of 1.5 to 2 knots and cause eddies and overfalls that extend seaward off the headlands for a considerable distance. Tidal currents in the vicinity of Mys Shipunskiy attain a rate of 1.5 to 2 knots at springs and I knot at neaps. The tidal wave advancing from the ocean divides at Mys Shipunskiy; one branch setting N and the other NW along the coast. The two branches of the ebb currents meet about 10 miles SW of Mys Shipunskiy and form eddies and also a very confused short sea when the wind is fresh. The tidal current between Mys Zhupanova and Mys Shipunskiy parallel the coast and attain a rate of 1 to 2 knots. The flood current sets Nand the ebb current sets S. In the open sea the flood current sets NE and the ebb current sets SW. Caution.-Abnormal magnetic variation has been observed between 53 . 35'N and 55 . 10'N. Although the disturbance at Mys Chazhma has been reported to be 9•30'W of the normal variation, it was found negligible at a distance of 3 miles from the coast, and was not perceptible at a distance greater than 10 miles offshore. Near the coasts of Poluostrov Kronotskiy the deflection of the compass needle may reach 15" to 20· at a distance of 1 to 1.5 miles offshore , but is not perceptible at a distance of 5 miles offshore. The area of abnormal variation, which lies in the greater part of Kronotskiy Zaliv, is appreciab le within a distance of 3 miles of the coast, but is not perceptible at a distance greater than 10 miles offshore . Pub.155 Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka An area of magnetic disturbance, in which a variation of 1° less than the normal has been observed, is centered in 55 o30'N, 163°40'E, extending over a radius of about 10 miles. Kamchatskiy Zaliv Kamchatsk:iy Zaliv, entered S of Mys Kamchatskiy (56°00'N., 163°03'E.) and N ofMys Kronotsk:iy, about 80 miles SSW, has generally low shores, and the coastal mountain ranges are at a considerable distance inland. Sopka Klyuchevskaya (56°04'N., 160°38'E.), an active volcano located 93 miles NW of Mys Kamchatsk:iy, is located in the center of a large group of high mountains, and is the highest mountain in Kamchatka. For about 5 miles W of Mys Kamchatsk:iy, mountains with elevations of over 609m are located within 1.5 miles of the coast, and front the sea with steep precipices and bluffs, fringed at their base with a narrow sand and gravel beach that is thickly studded with fragments of rock. Osyp' Lakhtak, about 13 miles NW of Mys Kamchatsk:iy, is a very remarkable scar caused by a landslide. It rises from the sea to the top of the shore cliffs at a slope of 30°, and being yellow in color, stands out very conspicuously against the background of the generally darker color of the coast. From the offing it appears as a large triangular patch with its base resting on the sea. Anchorage.-Anchorage in the bight close N of Osyp' Lakhtak affords some shelter from SE winds to a small vessel anchored close inshore. Caution.-In the vicinity of Osyp' Lakhtak, particularly S of it, the depths are extremely irregular. The bottom has numerous very deep holes and crevices close inshore. An anchor, with a full length of chain, was lost near a position where a depth of 9.1m was obtained by the lead; therefore, when anchoring here, back out the anchor until it takes hold and the necessary scope of chain is out. 3.2 Ust-Kamchatsk (56 o13'N., 162o29'E.) (World Port Index No. 62620) is situated on the right bank of Reka Kamchatka, where it makes a sharp bend before flowing into the sea. The entrance channel to Reka Kamchatka, the largest river in Kamchatka, leads between two broad sandy shoals extending off the extremities of the two spits that form the mouth of the river. Fish canneries on the N shore of Kamchatsk:iy Zaliv have conspicuous chimneys and are brilliantly lighted at night. Cannery No. 1 is situated about 2 miles E of Ust'-Kamchatsk. A white light, clearly visible from the offing, is shown from the lookout tower of this cannery. Cannery No. 2 is situated about 7 miles W of Ust'-Kamchatsk. A radiobeacon transmits from Ust'-Kamchatsk. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval at the mouth of Reka Kamchatka is about 4 hours. The spring rise is 1.8m, while the neap rise is 0.9m. Anchorage.-The whole of the low and sandy coast on either side of the mouth of the Reka Kamchatka is steep-to, and except for the shoals at the mouth of the river, is clear of dangers. Anchorage can be obtained 0.5 to 0.8 mile offshore, either W of the mouth of the river in a depth of 11 to 12.8m, sand, orE Pub. ISS of the mouth of the river in a depth of 14.6 to 20.1m, sand. During calm weather, a long swell often sets in without warning, and soon becomes heavy. The surf is particularly heavy abreast the anchorage, and it is not advisable to anchor closer than 0.5 mile offshore. The tidal currents flow parallel to the coast and have a tendency to keep a ship broadside to the swell. When approaching the anchorage in clear weather, the chimneys of the fish canneries by day and their lights at night are good landmarks. The settlement of Ust'-Kamchatsk and the radio masts ordinarily are visible from about 8 miles. In thick weather a vessel should steer directly for the mouth of Reka Kamchatka, anchor when a depth of 29m is reached, and wait until the vessel's position can be ascertained. Caution.-Near the canneries, long lines of nets are laid out extending up to 0.5 mile offshore. The outer ends of the nets are marked by small floats. 3.3 Mys Kryugera (56°01'N., 162°05'E.) is the E extremity of a small, rounded, and defined peninsula rising to a twin-peaked, hummocky hill, 128m high. The point consists of continuous, reddish-brown cliffs, about lOOm high. The cape is fringed with reefs, usually marked by breakers, which extend between 1 mile NE and 1.5 miles SE from the cape. Bukhta Kryugera (56°01'N., 162°03'E.) (World Port Index No. 62610) is entered between Mys Kryugera and a small cape marked with a pillar rock close offshore, about 3.5 miles N of Mys Kryugera. The whole shore of this bay is formed by continuous reddish-brown cliffs, 122 to 152m high, sloping down to a narrow sand and shingle beach that skirts the shore of the bay. In the S comer of the bay, close to Mys Kryugera, there is a large canning factory. Only the S half of the bay has been surveyed, and the depths here are irregular. The bottom is mostly rocky, with isolated patches of sand and shingle. An isolated pillar rock lies about 1.2 miles NW of Mys Kryugera and about 0.3 mile offshore. The entire water area for 0.6 mile offshore should be regarded as dangerous due to submerged rocks and shoal patches. Outside this distance the depths increase to 18.3 to 20.1 m about 2 miles offshore. A 4.5m depth and an obstruction lie 2.5 and 3 miles NE, respectively, of Mys Kryugera. Tides-Currents.-The tides here are of a mixed type, with the diurnal prevailing. The MHW interval is 3 hours 20 minutes. The spring rise is 1.3m. Anchorage.-Bukhta Kryugera is sheltered from winds from the S through W to NNE. Furthermore, the reef that extends off Mys Kryugera serves as a breakwater. The anchorage in Bukhta Kryugera, though partly sheltered, is in depths of 13m and is the only sheltered anchorage in Kamchatsk:iy Zaliv. Two beacons, in line bearing 190°, near the canning factory, lead to the anchorage. During the navigation season these aids are marked by small buoys displaying flags. 3.4 Mys Krasnyy (55 °56'N., 162°01'E.), about 6 miles SSW of Mys Kryugera, is the bluff extremity of a small solitary hill located near the coast, and is about 171m high. This cape is not very conspicuous, but can be identified by its red color with white horizontal bands in the upper strata. A small valley, with a sand beach and small stream at its mouth, Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka lies immediately N of the cape. Rocks, marked by breakers, lie up to 0.8 mile from the cape. From the rocks, a shoal, with a depth of 9.6m over its outer end, extends 1.3 miles NE. A detached shoal , with a depth of 2.6m, lies 3.2 miles ENE of the cape. Mys Shuberta, about 14 miles SW of Mys Krasnyy, is a slightly projecting headland consisting of reddish-brown cliffs about 61m high. The low coast S of the cape makes the cape somewhat conspicuous from the offing. A large pyramidal rock lies close off the cape. 3.5 Mys Chazhma (55. 03'N., 161 · s4'E.), lyin g about 40 miles S of Mys Shuberta, is a narrow, bare, sandstone tongue, bordered with cliffs. Above-water and drying rocks extend about 0.2 mile off its Nand S sides. Gora Primetnaya, about 12 miles NW of Mys Chazhma and 3.5 miles inland, is the highest summit of a range of flat-topped mountains. The range extends about 10 miles NNW of Gora Primetnaya and lie 5 miles from the coast. Bukhta Chazhrna, between Mys Chazhma and a low rounded point 3 miles NW, is bordered on its S shore by reddish cliffs fronted by a narrow gravel beach. A low sandy beach, with the shore rising on either side of it , lies at the mouth of Reka Bol'shaya Chazhrna (Reka Chazhrna). Above-water and submerged rocks lie off the mouth of the river, and foul ground extends 0.5 mile offshore. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in 13.7m, fine sand, with the mouth of Reka Bol'shaya Chazhrna bearing 214·, distant 1 mile, Mys Chazhma bearing 114· , distant 2 miles, and Gora Primetnaya bearing 304·. 3.6 The peninsula, about 16 miles SE of Mys Chazhrna, ends in two low, bluff points. The N point is formed by the spur of a hill , 213m high , about 1 mile W of the point. The reefs extending off this point are steep-to, with depths of 37m about 0.5 mile off the reefs. Mys Kamenistyy (54. 50'N., 162. lO'E.), about 1 mile S of the N point, is a small hill, 201m high, with a co ne-shaped summit. Close off thi s point lies a large pillar rock, from which a reef, composed mainly of drying rocks, extends 0.8 mile E and is marked by breakers at its outer end. Bukhta Kamenistaya, entered S of Mys Kamenistyy, has not been examined, although with the exception of three abovewater rocks on its W side close inshore , no dangers have been noted. A line of soundings parallel with the coast 1.5 miles offshore reveals depths gradually decreasing to 22m, sand, abreast the head of the bay. The turbid surface water in this bay, probably due to particles of sand and mud suspended in it, is green in color. Mys Kronotskiy (54.44'N., 162. lO'E.) is theE point of a peninsula which, on all sides, slopes steeply to the coast from the top of a mountain, 340m high, located close within the cape. A vessel reported breakers with white vapor or steam ascending from them, close S of the cape. Mys Kronotskiy is conspicuous in profile because the lower third of its slope is a landslide scar which rises from the extremity of the cape at an angle of about 45". A rocky ledge, the greater part dry at LW, extends 1.3 miles ESE from the cape. A high and slender pillar rock, about halfway along the ledge, is a good landmark. The outer end of the ledge is marked by breakers, but is steep-to, the depths being 35 to 50m about 0.5 mile off it. Masses of kelp surround the cape and extend a short distance beyond the ledge. It appears as brownish-green patches easily discernible on the surface of the sea. A light is shown from Mys Kronotskiy. A radiobeacon transmits 1.2 miles WSW of the light. Poluostrov Kronotskiy 3.7 Poluostrov Kronotskiy, eparating Karnchatskiy Zaliv from Kronotskiy Zaliv, is formed by the E and NE spurs of Sopka Kronotskaya, but its S part is an elevated tableland terminating on its seaward side in sheer cliff. A vessel approaching the coast of the peninsula in thick weather should sound continuously and exercise due caution off Poluostrov Kronotskiy, as there are depth s of 101 to 128m which decrease rapidly. Numerous rocks and reefs exist along the coast of the peninsula, but they do not extend offshore beyond 2 miles. Sopka Kronotskaya, about 56 miles W of Mys Kronotskiy, is an isolated cone-shaped extinct volcano, and erves as a remarkable landmark from considerable distances. It is clearly discernible from the S part of Kamchatskiy Zaliv, from theE of Poluostrov Kronotskiy, and the entire volcano is visible from Kronotskiy Zaliv. The rocky ledge, about 2.5 miles SW of Mys Kronotskiy, is marked by many pillar rocks. Sivuchiy Kamen , meaning Seal Rock, about halfway along the ledge, is conspicuous due to its size. Kamen' Kub , about 14 miles SW of Mys Kronotskiy, is a very conspicuous, solitary, rocky i let rising sheerly from the water. From the offing it appears as a cube with its flat top covered with grass. Its almost vertical sides , covered with birdguano , render it conspicuous from seaward. There are rocks 0.5 mile SSW and l mile ESE of the islet. Mys Kozlova (54. 29'N., 161 · 43'E.) , the SE extremity of Poluostrov Kronotskiy, is 46m high, steep, and sharply defined when sighted from the NE and SW. A reef, which is steep-to and composed of a chain-like formation of rocks and pillar rocks, extends 1 mile S from the cape and terminates in a remarkable pillar rock, inclined seaward, which stands on a high rock base, often almost covered by seals . This 21m pillar rock is known as Kamen' Kozlova. Kronotskiy Zaliv 3.8 Kronotskiy Zaliv is entered between Mys Kozlova (54 .29'N., 161"43'E.) and Mys Shipunskiy, about 112 miles SW. The shore of the gulf is high in its N and S parts, but between these high sections it is either low or formed by comparatively low cliffs. Bukhta Morzhovaya, in the S part of the gulf, is the only bay affording completely sheltered anchorage. Kronotskiy Zaliv has not been adequately surveyed and should be navigated with due caution. Several conspicuous mountains lie comparatively near the coast and form excellent landmarks di scernible on a clear day from considerable distances. Pub.lSS Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka Sopka Kronotskaya from SE distant 50 miles Sopka Karymskaya (Sopka Berezovaya) (54°03'N ., 159°28'E.), an active volcano, has a rounded summit of brownish-gray color, and is easily identified by the smoke rising from it crater. Gora Shirokaya (53°52'N. , 159°33'E.) has a broad slope paralleling the coast. Sopka Zhupanova (53 °35'N., 159°09'E.), an isolated active volcano, is particularly conspicuous from theE and NE. 3.9 The coast from Mys Kozlova to Mys Ol'ga, about 14 miles W, front the sea with a solid wall of uruform brown cliffs, backed by a gently sloping tableland. Two groups of rocks along this coast form good landmarks. Kamen' Morskoy, a conspicuous pillar rock, 37m rugh, with a white top showing up clearly against the background of brown cliffs, is the dominant feature of the group of rocks about 5.5 miles W of Mys Kozlova. The other group, about 4 miles E of Mys Ol'ga, includes a rugh, brown, pillar rock, with a rounded top. Mys Ol'ga, a small peninsula, 46m rugh, can be identified by a conspicuous, sharply-pointed conical rull that rises a short distance N of the cape. There are several large pillar rocks close off the cape. A steep-to reef extends 0.5 mile S from the cape. Mys Ol'ga from W distant 5 miles Bukhta Storozh (54°34'N., 161 olO'E.), located about 7 miles NW of Mys Ol'ga, affords no protection from the SE swell that comes in around the E shore of the bay. TheE side of the bay is fringed by reefs and rocks, paralleling it about 1 mile off, and marked by a continuous line of breakers. Temporary anchorage may be obtained in the comer of Bukhta Storozh in 7.8m, sand, 0.8 rrule from either shore. When approacrung tills anchorage, a vessel should favor the N shore of the bay, wruch is clear of dangers. Care should be taken to avoid a detached 2.6m shoal lying 6.2 miles NW of Mys Ol'ga, about 1.5 miles SSW of the anchorage. Caution.-Reported observations made in Bukhta Storozh indicated the deflection of the compass needle to be about 5". The coast for 7 rrules NE and 16 miles SW of the mouth of the Reka Kronotskaya (54°31'N., 160°45'E.) is low and sandy. The mouth of the river is difficult to distinguish from the offing. An oval-shaped rull, 229m rugh, and a fairly conspicuous rull, 311m rugh, located 7.5 miles and 10.5 miles NNE, respectively, of the mouth of the river, in line bearing 016 °, lead to a position about 1.2 rrules E of the mouth of Reka Kronotskaya. Anchorage.-Anchorage may be obtained in 12.8m, 0.5 rrule offshore, with the peak of Sopka Kronotskaya bearing 338°, and the mouth of Reka Kronotskaya bearing 008°. 3.10 Reka Semlyachik (54°06'N. , 159 °55'E.), entered 36 miles SW of the mouth of Reka Kronotskaya, flows through a wide valley and reaches the coast as a river of considerable size. Before discharging into the sea the river flows S, being separated from the sea by a narrow sand and gravel spit. The mouth of the river i not easily di cerruble from the offing, but it can be identified by a low, sandy coast N of it and coastal cliffs immediately S of it. The village of Krasnyy Partizan lies near the mouth and Barmotina village is situated 3 miles N of it. Mys Zhupanova (53°40'N., 159°55'E.) is the NW extrerruty of a perunsula, the head of wruch is formed by three mils rising from a single mass of high land extending 0.5 mile SE to Mys Yuzhnyy. The peninsula is connected to the mainland by a low sand and graYel isthmus. The central rull is 55m rugh, and Mys Yuzhnyy is lOOm high. From the offing the peninsula appears as a wedge-shaped islet, with its thin edge toward the land. Having a dark color, this wedge is fairly conspicuous against the lighter background. A detached rocky shoal, with a least depth of 2.4m, lies 0.7 mile NNW of Mys Zhupanova. The shoal is steep-to with depths of 11m around it. Anchorage.-Mys Zhupanova Anchorage, the bight W of Mys Zhu panova, has low and sandy shores, covered with pumice in places. Large srups can obtain anchorage in a depth of 10m, mud and sand, with Mys Zhupanova bearing 100°. The berth is sheltered from the SE through SW to NW. Small vessels can anchor closer inshore in depths of 4m with the cape bearing 080°. Stranded wrecks lie about 1.2 miles W and 2.5 miles NW of the cape. The low coast S of Mys Yuzhnyy is fronted off hore by a barrier consisting of detached groups of above-water and submerged rocks extending about 4 miles SSE from Mys Yuzhnyy, and parallel to the coast. The N end of the barrier is an isolated submerged rock about 0.8 rrule E of Mys Yuzhnyy and marked by breakers. About 1 rrule SE of Mys Yuzhnyy is a Pub.155 Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka group of six pillar rocks disposed in two small clusters. The next member of the barrier, about 2.5 miles SSE of Mys Yuzhnyy, consists of Skala Ekspeditsii, a round-topped, grasscovered rock, 93m high. A short reef extends NE, and a submerged rock lies about 0.5 mile SE of Skala Ekspeditsii. A pillar rock, 13m high, lies about 0.5 mile S, and a submerged rock, marked by breakers, lies about 2 miles SSE, respectively, of Skala Ekspeditsii. 3.11 Mys Kron'ye (Mys Krone) (53 °28'N., 159°57'E.) is a rounded rugged headland lying about 12 miles S of Mys Zhupanova. A rocky mountain within its extremity rises to a height of 472m, and sloping steeply, particularly on its SandE sides, fronts the sea with steep, brown cliffs. For 6 miles N of Mys Kron'ye, the mountains rise close to the coast from sheer brown cliffs of moderate height. A reef extends S and SE about 0.6 mile from the headland . The central part of the reef consists of drying rocks, but its outer part is a submerged ledge, which is marked by breakers when the swell is considerable. Its extremity is steep-to. This headland can be identified by a conspicuous pillar rock, 30m high , about 0.1 mile NE of the cape. Bukhta Kalygir, entered S of Mys Kron'ye, has precipitous grayish-brown cliffs of medium height on its W shore , backed by mountains. Northward of the cliffs is the mouth of a broad valley with Ozero Kalygirskoye, a salt water lake , separated from the bay by a narrow, long , and low sandy spit covered with grass and bushes. The entrance to the lake is at the NE end of the spit near which lies the small village of Kalygir. Mys Sredniy (53 °23'N., 159 °56'E.), the S entrance point of Bukhta Kalygir, lies 5.5 miles S of My s Kron'ye and is a high , rugged headland with precipitous gray cliffs . It is fringed with above-water rocks close inshore. An iso lated su bmerged rock, marked by breakers, lies 0.3 mile N of the headland. A conspicuous detached pillar rock lie 0.1 mile N of the rocky point, about 1 mile NW of Mys Sredniy. The NW part of Bukhta Kalygir, where the depths 0.2 mile offshore do not exceed 12.8m, is the most shallow. The depths increaseS and E toward Mys Kron'ye , the bottom being sand. It is reported that there is anchorage in 11.9m, sand and shell , about 0.3 mile off the middle part of the cliffy shore W of My s Kron'ye, and also farther W, 0.3 mile off the cliffs nearest to the low -lying shore in 7m. The anchorage should be approached from the SE with caution, taking soundings continually. Bukhta Bol' shaya Medvezhka is entered between My s Sredniy and My s Argali, 3 mile s further SE. The SW part of its shore is a spit ridged with accumulations of sand and gravel and backed by a lake which lies in a spacious valley. Except for this low section the shore of the bay is hilly and covered with forest. A group of above-water rocks, extending no more than 0.2 mile offshore, is located about 1.5 miles S of Mys Sredniy. The depths in the entrance are 27 to 37m. Anchorage.-Anchorage, sheltered from SE to S through NW winds, can be obtained in depths of about 21m with Mys Argali, the S entrance point, bearing 110°. 3.12 Mys Argall (53°20'N., 159°58'E.) is theN point of a small mountainous peninsula that forms the SE shore of Bukhta Bol'shaya Medvezhka. The coast on the seaward side of the peninsula consists of high , rocky, gray cliffs, rising over 440m. About 1.3 miles SSE of Mys Argali, a rock, 2.4m high, lies 0.2 mile offshore. Bukhta Morzhovaya (53°16'N. , 159 °58'E.) is entered between Mys Argali and Ostrov Morzhovyy, about 4.5 miles SSE. The island rises to a height of 192m and has grayish cliffs, which on its S side are higher and steeper, and which descend to the NE end of the island in a series of gently sloping terraces. On its seaward side the island is steep-to, with depths of 56m about 0.2 mile off thi s side of the island. Ostrov Morzhovyy is separated by a narrow obstructed passage from a point on the mainland which rises to a flat-topped, steep-sided hill , 125m high. Bukhta Morzhovaya is divided into two parts by a rocky headland, nearly 9Im high , about 3.5 miles WSW of Ostrov Morzhovyy. The N part is wide and exposed. The S part, a comparatively long and narrow arm with a sand and shingle beach at its head, is completely sheltered from the winds and sea. The shores of the entire bay are formed by steep slopes of mountains that surround the bay and rise to heights ranging from 457 to over 6I Om. The depths at the entrance to the bay are 55m, sand, decreasing to II m, sand, about 0.6 mile off the head of the N part of the bay. Depths of 27.5 to 29.5m, sticky mud , prevail over the N half of the S arm, decreasing very gradually to 18.3m, about 0.3 mile offshore at its head. Anchorage.-Anchorage, sheltered from winds and sea, is obtained in I8 to 21.9m near the head of the S arm of Bukhta Morzhovaya. Sticky mud provides excellent holding ground. Caution.-During thick or foggy weather, which is very frequent in summer, it is most difficult to make out the entrance to Bukhta Morzhovaya in a calm or with gentle onshore breezes. With moderate SE or NE winds the fog may clear up periodically on the lee side of the land. Therefore, with a SE wind a vessel should steer toward Ostrov Morzhovyy, and with a NE wind, Mys Argali. A mid-channel course in the bay and in the S arm of the bay is recommended. In clear weather, the entrance is easily identified by Ostrov Morzhovyy. Ordinarily a SE wind spreads a fog over the whole N part of the bay, but leaves the S part fairly clear. With NE winds accompanied by rain , fog spreads over the entire bay, the fog being much denser around the mountain tops and considerably thinner closer to the shoreline. 3.13 Mys Shteyna (53 °09'N., 160°04'E.), a high, cliffy point 8 miles S of Ostrov Morzhovyy, is the N limit of an elevated plateau. This plateau , extending about 3 miles S, forms the SE extremity of Poluostrov Shipunskiy. The extremity of the peninsula is 269m high, and flat-topped with high , sheer, brown cliffs. Mys Shipunskiy (53°06'N., I60 °02'E.) is theE of two small projections on the SE extremity of the above-mentioned plateau. A mountain, about 5 miles NW of Mys Shipunskiy, has a sharp, jagged summit rising to a height of 98lm, and makes a conspicuous landmark when sighted from either the E orW. A palisade-like formation of pillar rocks extends 0.8 mile ESE from Mys Shipunskiy and terminates in a large pillar Pub.155 Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka rock, about 13m ltigh, wltich is in line with the rest of the rocks, but is separated by about 90m from the rest of the row. A dangerous line of rocks, both above-water and submerged, extends from theW projection in a SSW direction for about 1.3 miles to a submerged rock marked by breakers. Then it changes its direction and extends ESE for about 0.8 mile, terminating in a rock-islet, 3.7rn ltigh, located about 1.3 miles SSW of Mys Sltipunskiy. This rock-islet is the outermost danger off Mys Sltipunskiy. Both these lines of rocks are visible 10 to 12 miles in clear weather, and form a good landmark. These rocks are practically steep-to, with depths of 50 to 55m less than 0.5 mile S of the outermost rock-islet and depths of 91 m at a distance of 0.8 mile E of the E rock. A light with a transmitting radiobeacon is situated on Mys Sltipunskiy. Caution.-Very dense fogs are prevalent in the vicinity of Mys Sltipunskiy. A vessel approaching Mys Sltipunskiy in truck weather should sound continuously and should navigate in depths of not less than 11Om. With smooth water on an ebb tide the eddies will give a warning of a proximity to the cape. The bottom shelves more steeply off the E side than off the S, and particularly the SW side of the cape. The bottom is mainly sltingle, changing to sand N of the cape, and to rock as the cape is approached. Depths of less than 50m have been reported to lie in an area about 6 miles E of Mys Sltipunskiy. Mys Shipunskiy to Avachinskaya Guba 3.14 Sopka Kozelskaya (53 °13'N., 158°53'E.), an extinct volcano, conical, and sloping gently to the coast is an excellent landmark only 10 miles inland. The wltite stripes of snow on its black slopes can be seen through the haze when the peaks are obscured. Sopka Avachinskaya, an active volcano, lies about 2.5 miles NW and forms one mountainous mass with Sopka Kozelskaya, the valley between being of no great depth. There is never any snow near its summit due to internal heat. Sopka Koryakskaya, an extinct volcano, 6 miles NW of Sopka Avacltinskaya, has a well-shaped conical summit making it a very conspicuous landmark particularly from Avachinskaya Guba. The coast between Mys Shipunskiy and Mys Vkhodnoy, 12 miles SE, is elevated and bluff, and indented in places by small sandy bays between rocky headlands. Bukhta Bechevinskaya (53°13'N., 159°45'E.) is entered between Mys Vkhodnoy and Mys Lovushek, about 1.3 miles farther NW. About 2 miles witltin the entrance of the bay a sltingle spit extends from either side toward its middle, dividing the bay into nearly two equal parts. Depths in the bay decrease from 12m on the N side of the entrance to 2.1 m in the fairway of the channel between the spits, which is less than 90m wide. The depths increase again to over 50m in the inner part of the bay. The S side of Mys Lovushek (53°13'N., 159°43'E.) terminates in two small projections. It is fringed with rocks and reefs extending about 0.3 mileS and SW. Grayish-yellow cliffs immediately NW of Mys Lovushek, changing to brown cliffs farther NW, form an excellent landmark, as there is no other Pub.155 place in the vicinity with similar coloring. The bay should not be approached from the SW. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval in Bukhta Bechevinskaya is 3 hours 6 minutes. Springs rise 1.4m, wltile neaps rise 1.2m. The tidal currents in the bay are almost imperceptible, except in the passage between the spits where, with the spring tides, the currents attain a velocity of 6 to 7 knots. Anchorage.-Anchorage, protected from all directions except SW, can be taken in the SW half of Bukhta Bechevinskaya, with local knowledge, in depths of 5 to 11m, sand. A good position is in 9.6m, sand, with the two projections of Mys Lovushek in line bearing 256°, and theSE entrance point bearing 175". 3.15 Ostrov Krasheninnikova (53 °13'N., 159°33'E.), a precipitous island lying 6 miles W of Mys Lovushek, is fringed by rocks and a detached above-water rock lies 0.5 mile SSW of it. The mout of Reka Vakhil', about 3.5 miles NE of the S end of Ostrov Krasheninnikova, was marked by a fi slting station nearby. A rock, wltich dries and only breaks when there is at least a moderate swell, lies about 1.5 miles SSW of the mouth of Reka Vakhil'. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained by vessels with local knowledge in a depth of 21.9m, fine sand and shells, about 2.7 miles E of the N extremity of Ostrov Krasheninnikova and 0.5 mile E of the previously described drying rock. The anchorage should be approached from the S with a low oval-shaped !till 0.5 mile E of the mouth of Reka Vakhil' bearing 020°, wltich leads to the anchorage. Anchor when the N extremity of Ostrov Krasheninnikova bears 270° or Mys Lovushek bears 098 °. Mys Nalycheva (53 °09'N., 159°24'E.), lying about 7 miles SW of Ostrov Krasheninnikova, is a ltigh and cliffy cape with dark-colored precipices. A mountain with a rounded summit rising to a height of 593m is located close inland, sloping gradually on its N side. Mys Nalycheva, when seen from the SE, is conspicuous against the background of a yellowish low coast. From the SW, because of the lake lying W of it, the cape appears as an island . A rocky reef extends about 0.3 mile S of the cape. 3.16 From Mys Nalycheva to the mouth of Reka Khalaktyrka (Reka Kalakhtyrka) (52°58'N., 158°50'E.) the coast is uniformly low and sandy. It is steep-to and clear of dangers. Reka Polovinnaya enters the sea 8.2 miles NE of Reka Khalaktyrka. Along tltis stretch the muddy water from the mouth of Reka Mutnaya (53°04'N. , 159°00'E.) gives a dull yellow color to the sea for several miles seaward. Abreast the mouth of Reka Khalaktyrka and about 0.8 mile offshore lies a rock-islet, wltich being covered with guano, has a white color. A reef, on wltich the sea breaks and on wltich is an above-water rock, lies between the islet and the coast. The coast between Reka Khalaktyrka and Mys Vertikal'nyy, about 5 miles SW, is high, cliffy, and fronted by foul ground extending about 1 mile offshore. A detached 4.5m patch lies 2 miles ENE of Mys Vertikal'nyy and 1.2 miles offshore. Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka Ostrov Toporkov (52. 55'N., 158 .47'E.), lying 2.2 miles NE of Mys Vertikal'nyy and about 0.3 mile offshore, is 51m high and of dark color. 3.17 Mys Mayachnyy (52. 53'N. , 158. 42'E.), about 1.2 miles SW of Mys Vertikal'nyy, has steep, precipitous sides, about 151m high, and is fringed on its W side by a drying reef. A broad reef extends 1.5 miles ESE from Mys Mayachnyy. The sea breaks on this reef with the slightest swell. Being steep-to, this reef is dangerous in thick weather. A light with a transmitting radiobeacon is exhibited on the point. Karnni Tri Brata (Three Brothers), about 0.8 mile NW of Mys Mayachnyy, is a group of three very conspicuous basaltic pillar rocks on the coastal reef extending about 0.4 mile offshore. Caution.-Several regulated areas, best seen on the chart, lie off the coast between Mys Shipunskiy and Avachinskaya Guba. Avachinskaya Guba (Petropavlovsk) 3.18 Avachinskaya Guba, entered between Mys Mayachnyy and Mys Bezymyannyy, about 3.5 miles SW, is easy to access on a clear day and affords sheltered anchorage for a large number of vessels. The entrance is difficult to distinguish when bearing less than 304·, as the cliffs on both sides have the appearance of a continuous line. The bay also includes Petropavlovskaya Gavan', on theE side of the harbor, Bukhta Rakovaya, S of Petropavlovskaya Gavan', and Bukhta Tar'ya, in the SW part of the bay. Petropavlovsk (53 . 0l'N. , 158. 39'E.) (World Port Index No. 62600) is the principal port of Kamchatka and the site of a naval base. This port is not in use for foreign vessels. Winds-Weather.-From May through August S winds prevail. From September through April NW winds are prevalent and are of a force not less than Beaufort Scale 3. They are steady and produce considerable sea in Avachinskaya Guba. The strongest winds are usually from October to April. There is a certain regularity on clear summer days in the shifting of the wind. Calms, or very gentle land breezes from N to NW, are prevalent in the morning. Between 0900 and 1100 in the morning the wind begins to shift gradually W to S and becomes calm about 1400, but later in the afternoon it is superseded by a light to moderate sea breeze from the SE quadrant. January and February are the coldest months of the year and have an average daily minimum temperature of -12·c. The warmest part of the year is a period of approximately 3 weeks, ending around August 10. The mean daily maximum temperature in August is 1 TC. Fog in Avachinskaya Guba is uncommon. Frequently during the summer the peaks of mountains that surround the bay are enveloped by fog, but Avachinskaya Guba remains clear. With E winds the fog from the sea rolls occasionally into Avachinskaya Guba. With W winds fog may cover the peaks of theW shore of the bay and spreads gradually over the entrance. Fog is observed most frequently from June through August. Ice.-Only in especially severe winters is the whole of Avachinskaya Guba covered with ice. Usually only the small inlets are frozen. Zaliv Izmennyy, in the NE part of the entrance, does not freeze completely, but drift ice enters it. Petropavlovskaya Gavan' is icebound from the end of November or mid-December until the beginning of May. The harbor can easily be kept open, and icebreakers work in the severe months. The earliest recorded first appearance of ice was November 20, the latest was January 7. The earliest final disappearance of ice was March 10, the latest was May 9. The navigation of vessels may be seriously impeded during the winter and spring in the open sea off Mys Mayachnyy, but icebreakers can generally keep a passage open. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents in the entrance to Avachinskaya Guba have a velocity of 1.5 to 2 knots at springs, the flood setting NNW and the ebb setting in the opposite direction, both causing tide rips. The tidal currents in Petropavlovskaya Gavan' are weak, setting N along theE shore of the outer harbor and dying away towards the inner harbor. Depths-Limitations.-A depth of 12m in the entrance to the bay limits the size of vessel that can enter. Depths of 20 to 24m prevail in the central part of Avachinskaya Guba. The shores of the bay, with the exception of the shallow area S of Banka Z and the NW shore of the bay, are fairly steep-to, having depths of 7.3m close in hore. Banka Z, with a least depth of 3.5m, lies about 2 miles NW of Mys Uglovoy and lies on a bank with depths of less than 5.5m extending Wand NW ofMys Uglovoy. The outer harbor of Petropavlovskaya Gavan', E of Poluostrov Signal'nyy, has depths of 9 to 16.5m. The main wharf, on the E side of the outer harbor, has a berthing length of 465m and a depth of 9.1 m alongside. A quay for the use of naval vessels, about 152m long, is situated close S of the main wharf and has a depth of 3.7m alongside. A wharf, constructed on the spit which separates the outer and inner harbors, has a berthing length of 480m, with depths of 4.6 to 9.1 m alongside. Bukhta Rakovaya has general depths of 16.5m. Bukhta Tar'ya has depths of 22m in the entrance, decreasing to 18.3m near its head. Aspect.-Mys Bezymyannyy (52. 51'N., 158. 39'E.) has reddish-brown precipitous sides about 200m high. The headland is identified by a sharp-peaked pillar rock, inclined toward the shore and conspicuous from theN or S. Mys Sredniy, about 1.8 miles farther N, is a precipitous red point terminating in a conspicuous, sharp-pointed pyramid, 129m high. Two conical rocks lie 0.3 mile E of the point. Stanitskogo Mel' (52. 53'N. , 158.39'E.) are two drying rocks marked by breakers at HW, about 0.5 mile S of Mys Stanitskogo. Babushkin Kamen', about 0.4 mile SE of Mys Uglovoy, is a conspicuous rock islet, 63m high, and has the appearance of a tall black cap. Mys Pinnekl'poynt, about 2 miles NNW of Mys Myachnyy, is very conspicuous and can be identified by a high pinnacle rock close off its extremity. Shallow water extends 0.3 mile W from the point. Ostrov Izmennyy, about 1.5 miles farther NNW, is a rocky islet, 9m high, lying on the steep-to S end of a reef. Rakovaya Mel' (52. 58'N. , 158. 38'E.), with a least depth of less than 1.8m and marked by spar buoys, is steep-to on all sides and dangerous in thick weather. Pub.155 Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. Before proceeding through the danger zone in the approach to Avachinskaya Guba, vessels pick up a pilot at Bukhta Akhomten (52. 27'N., 158.3l'E.). Anchorage.-Avachinskaya Guba is sheltered by hills around the bay, and by higher hills and mountains inland. Anchorage is prohibited in an area SW of Poluostrov Izmennyy, extending across the entrance. Bukhta Bezymyannaya, entered N of Mys Bezymyannyy, offers anchorage sheltered from S and SE swell in the SW part of the bay in depths of 11 to 20m. The depths of 18.3m at the entrance gradually decrease to about 9.lm near the middle of the bay. TheW half of the bay has depths of less than 9.lm. In the approach to Petropavlovskaya Gavan', anchorage can be obtained about 0.4 mileS of Mys Signal'nyy in 18 to 20m, mud. Bukhta Rakovaya is sheltered from all winds and affords excellent anchorage in depths of 20m or less. The bottom is mostly mud, but is sand in depths of less than 9.lm. Bukhta Tar'ya, entered between Mys Kazak (52. 58'N., 158. 28'E.) and Mys Artishok, about 2 miles S, offers excellent anchorage sheltered from all winds in depths of 11 to 22m, mostly mud and sand, and except for the spit extending SW of Ostrov Khlebalkin, is clear of dangers. The bay has depths of 22m in the entrance decreasing to 18.3m, mostly mud and sand, near its head. Anchorage is prohibited in the entrance to Bukhta Tar'ya. Caution.-Due to insufficient information concerning the relocation and maintenance, many navigational aids within Avachskaya Guba and the approaches are not shown on the chart. Avachinskaya Guba to Mys Lopatka 3.19 Ostrov Starichkov (52.47'N., 158 . 37'E.), about 4.5 miles SSW of Mys Bezymyannyy, is fringed by above and below-water rocks, and has cliffy shores which rise in its SW part. Kekur Chasovoy, a conspicuous, slender, pillar rock, slightly inclined toward the land, lies less than 0.3 mile NNW of the island. Kekur Karaul'nyy, a high pyramid-shaped pillar rock, also conspicuous, lies close off the N end of the island. A sunken rock is reported to lie 0.5 mile E of the island, while a 2.7m patch lies 1 mile N of the island. Vulcan Vilyuchik (Sopka Vilyuchinskaya) (52.42'N., 158. 17'E.), a conspicuous, conical, extinct volcano is an excellent landmark, distinctly visible on a clear day long before the land comes into sight. Sopka Mutnovskaya (Sopka Povorotnaya), about 15 miles farther S, constantly emits steam and smoke from a crater on it N side, which is not visible from seaward. Mys Opasnyy (52.4l'N., 158. 36'E.), formed by moderately high cliffs, predominantly red, has reefs extending about 0.6 mile seaward from it. Bukhta Sarannaya, entered N of Mys Opasnyy, has high and cliffy N and S shores. The W shore of the bay is a low sandy beach, except for a high bluff near the middle. Depths in the bay decrease from 37m in the entrance to 11m about 0.5 mile from the W shore, which together with the N shore, is fringed by rocks. Pub.155 3.20 Bukhta Zhirovaya is entered S of Mys Otvesnyy (52. 37'N., 158. 33'E.), a promontory formed by high, precipitous gray cliffs. Mys Otvesnyy is steep-to and clear of dangers. Bukhta Zhirovaya is divided into two arms by a slender rocky spit extending from the W side of the bay in an ESE direction and terminating in Mys Razdel'nyy. The NW arm is Bukhta Vilyuchinskaya and the SW arm is Bukhta Zhirovaya. Bukhta Vilyuchinskaya is entered between Mys Razdel'nyy and a small promontory about 1.2 miles ENE, which is identified by a group of four pillar rocks located 0.3 mile S of its extremity. The NE shore of the bay is backed by a continuous mountain range over 610m high. The SW shore of the bay is backed by high land, being about 142m high in the vicinity of Mys Razdel'nyy, and rising to about 758m abreast the head of the bay. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval in Bukhta Vilyuchinskaya is approximately 4 hours. The spring tides are diurnal with a rise of 1.8m. The neap tides are semidiurnal, with a noticeable diurnal inequality and rises from 0.6 to 1.2m. Anchorage.-Bukhta Vilyuchinskaya affords good anchorage to vessels with local knowledge in depths of 7 to 22m. Depths of 22m, sand, just outside the entrance of the bay decrease sharply to 15m, sand, immediately in ide the entrance, then decrease gradually to about 7.3m, sand, near the middle of the bay. Depths increase again to 14.6 to 18m in the inner half of the bay. Bukhta Yuzhnaya Zhirovaya is entered between Mys Razdel'nyy and Mys Krutoy (52. 34'N., 158 . 31'E.), a rounded cape formed by gray cliffs rising sheerly from the sea and backed by coastal elevations of 610m close inland. The cape is steep-to and clear of dangers. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in depths of 14.6 to 16.5m, about 0.8 mile off the low sandy shore at the head of Bukhta Yuzhnaya Zhirovaya, but it is open E. 3.21 Bukhta Akhomten (52.26'N., 158. 30'E.) is protected by mountains over 610m rising close inland on its N and S sides. The shores are steep-to, and with a few exceptions depths of 1Om are found about 0.1 mile offshore. Depths of 22 to 29m, mostly sand, or sand and mud, prevail throughout the greater part ofBukhta Akhomten. The head is marshy and low. Pilotage.-Vessels must pick up a pilot at Bukhta Akhomten before proceeding through the danger area in the approach to Avachinskaya Guba. A small Coast Guard station is at Bukhta Akhomten. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in depths of 16m, sand, good holding ground, about 0.8 mile from the head of Bukhta Akhomten, sheltered from all but E and NW winds, which cause a heavy swell. In the spring, when NE winds prevail, the bay may be obstructed by ice, but is said to be never closed for more than 3 to 5 days at a time. Bukhta Tikhirka, immediately N of Bukhta Akhomten, has cliffy N and S shores. The W shore is low sandy beach backed by low land. There are depths of 18.3 to 22m in the entrance, decreasing uniformly toward the head. The depth is about 11m in the middle part. Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka Winds-Weather.-Frequently in calms, and particularly so with gentle NE winds, Bukhta Tikhirka is filled with a very dense fog. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken by small vessels in 5 to 7m, sand, from 0.1 to 0.15 mile from the head of the bay. The bay is clear of dangers, but exposed to sea and swell. 3.22 Mys Piramidnyy (52 "23'N., 158 "35'E.) is a precipitous cape identified by a conspicuous pyramid-shaped rock lying close to the shore. Close seaward of this rock is a small sharp-pointed rock surrounded by some scattered rocks. Mys Povorotnyy, about 3.5 miles farther S, is prominent from the S, rising to a height of 870m. Mys Polosatyy lies about 4 miles farther SSW and is very high, and composed of brown cliffs marked with white oblique stripes. The E side of the point is steep-to. From Mys Polosatyy to Bukhta Mutnaya, 4.5 miles SW, the color of the bluffs is chiefly gray, with occasional brown and red patches. The shores of Bukhta Berezovaya, which indents this part of the coast, consist of and and gravel. Between Bukhta Mutnaya and Mys Asacha, 4 miles SSW, the coast is rocky and rises to elevations over 600m . Kamen' Sivuchiy (52 "ll'N., 158"26'E.) is a barren, rocky islet, about 24m high , lying close offshore. The S shore of Bukhta Mutnaya is bluff and slopes down to the mouth of Reka Mutnaya, which flows through a broad, low valley into the head of the bay. The coast rises sharply N of the mouth of the river. Mys Asacha (52 "08'N., 158"23'E.) lies 8.5 miles SSW of Mys Polosatyy. Mys Asacha is high and rocky, with reddishbrown cJjffs. A reef extends 0.8 mile SSE from it. Bukhta Asacha is entered between Mys Asacha and Mys Siama (Mys Kruglyy), about 4 miles SSW. Mys Asacha, high, rocky, and composed of reddish-brown cliffs, has a reef extending 0.8 mile SSE from it. Mys Siama is fringed by above and below-water rocks, and a reef extends about 1 mile E of the point. A pillar rock, 14m high, lies on this reef about 0.6 mile offshore. A light is shown and a radiobeacon transmits from Mys Siama. The NE and SW shores of Bukhta Asacha are cliffy, but the NW shore is a sandy beach backed by gentle slopes of hillocks covered with trees and bushes. The depths decrease very gradually toward the head of the bay and are about 14.6m at a distance of I mile off the NW shore of the bay. A detached drying rock , ordinarily marked by breakers, lies about 0.8 mile E of the mouth of Reka Asacha, which discharges into the head of the bay. This bay affords in its N recess some shelter from NE winds. Mys Piratkov (51 "58'N., 158" 17'E.) is a roundish cape formed by precipitous high cliffs with numerous brooks flowing through its steep, narrow fissures. The vertical cliffs are bare, but on those that slope there is a low growth of vegetation. A detached rock, which dries, lies about 0.8 mile NE of the cape. Sopka Khodutka (52"02'N., 157"43'E.), a cone-shaped volcano 23 miles W of Mys Siama, is very conspicuous from seaward. 3.23 Mys Krestovvy (51 "49'N. , 158"06'E.), 12 miles SW of Mys Piratkov, terminates in a sharp hill, which being partly red and partly white, is prominent and a good landmark. Bukhta Khodutka is an open roadstead lying between Mys Krestovvy and Mys Kuzachin, about 6.5 miles SW. The greater part of its shore consists of low, sandy beach. The mouth of Reka Bol'shaya Khodhutka is at the N end of the beach and close N of its mouth are two conspicuous black rocks. An area marked by breakers has been observed about 1.5 miles ESE of the mouth of the river. Mys Kuzachin (51"43'N., 158"00'E.), 7 miles SW of Mys Krestovyy, is 306m high and rises to a tableland. It is marked by a small valley with a sandy beach nearby. About 1.5 miles SSW of the cape and close offshore lies a pinnacle rock, 27m high. Mys Khodzhelayka (51 "38'N., 157"55'E.), 6.5 miles SW of Mys Kuzachin, has a reef extending about 0.8 mileS from it. Mys Zheltyy (51 "33'N., 157"46'E.), located 7 miles SW of Mys Khodzhelayka, is so named because of the yellow color of its bluffs , which rise to a height of 207m. A detached reef, which uncovers 2m, lies about 0.8 mile SSE of the cape. Foul ground and drying rocks extend about 0.6 mile S of the point located I mile WSW of Mys Zheltyy. Ostrov Utashud , about 4 miles SW of Mys Zheltyy, consists of three pointed rocky elevations, the SW elevation being 214m high. The island forms an excellent landmark, the dark color of the rocks and bluffs on its seaward side standing out against the background of the coast. The island has the appearance of three islets from a distance. A submerged reef, identified by thickly growing kelp , extends about 0.5 mile NW from the N extremity of the island. 3.24 Bukhta Vestnik (51"26'N., 157"36'E.) is a wide and exposed roadstead between Mys Zheltyy and Mys Inkanyush , about 16 miles SW. The entire shore of this roadstead, except for a short distance near its S end, is a long continuous sandy beach backed by low land. The shore is clear of dangers and comparatively steep-to. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval in Bukhta Vestnik is 3 hours 19 minutes. The spring rise is about 1.5m and the neap rise is about 1.2m. Aspect.-Sopka Zheltovskaya (51 "34'N. , 157"19'E.) is a very conspicuous volcano in clear weather, and can be identified by its summit consisting of three peaks. It lie about 17 miles W of Mys Zheltyy. Sopka ll'inskaya, a conspicuous volcano about 7 miles SW of Sopka Zheltovskaya, is a well-shaped cone, marked by a broken crater at its summit. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor 0.2 to 0.3 mile off theW shore of Ostrov Utashud in depths of about 13m, with shelter from the SSE through E to NE. The reef extending from the N end of the island renders effective protection from a NE swell. Bukhta Vestnik, in the area NE of Ostrov Utashud, offers no protection from E or S winds and NE winds cause a swell, but with winds from between the N and W it is a quiet anchorage. There are general depths of 13 to 25m in this area, shoaling gradually shoreward . Anchorage can be taken with local knowledge in 14.6m , sand, about 0.7 mile WSW of the point which lies about 1 mile Pub.155 Sector 3. Kamchatskiy Zaliv to Mys Lopatka WSW of Mys Zheltyy. Foul ground extends up to 0.4 mile off the shore NW of the above-mentioned point. A rock, which uncovers, lies about 1 mile W of the point and 0.4 mile offshore. 3.25 Sopka Kambal'naya (51 "18'N., 156"53'E.), the southernmost of the volcanoe of Kamchatka, lies 22 miles WSW of Mys Inkanyush. It has a steep slope near the summit and a gentle slope nearer its foot. On a clear day this volcano makes a good landmark from seaward. Sopka Shirokaya, another volcano, rises about 6 miles WNW of Sopka Kambal'naya. Kamen' Gavryushkin (51"14'N., 157"18'E.), 9.5 miles SW of Mys Inkanyush, is a conspicuous dark rock, 15m high. Its dark color in contrast to the lighter shades of the coast, and a deep fissure in the rock visible from seaward make it an excellent landmark. An above-water rock and several submerged rocks lie midway between Kamen' Gavryushkin and the coast. Mys Trekhpolosnyy, about 3.5 miles SW of Kamen' Gavryushkin, is composed of brown , rocky bluffs marked with three oblique white stripes. A reef, which dries, lies about 2 miles E of Mys Trekhpolosnyy. Mys Tri Sestry (51 "07'N., 157 "03'E.), 8.5 miles SW of Mys Trekhpolosnyy, is the SE extremity of a rather precipitous headland. Kamni Tri Sestry, close off Mys Tri Sestry, consists of a group of three rocks, one of which dries, and over two of which the sea breaks. Bukhta Tri Sestry, a sandy cove entered between two cliffy points immediately W of Kamni Tri Sestry, can be identified by two bare patches in the form of a "W." The coast from Mys Tri Sestry to a small brown rocky islet 7 miles SW consists of yellowish-gray, moderately high cliffs, which alternate in places with short stretches of sandy beaches, where rivulets discharge into the sea . The brown rocky islet stands out again t the grayish-brown color of the coast, and is a goo d landmark when approaching the coast in thick weather, as are two rocky islets about 4.5 miles farther SW. Mys Lopatka (50"52'N., 156"40'E.), the S point of Kamchatka, is the extremity of a tongue of sandhills, 46 to 6lm high, and about 10 miles long. A narrow sand and shingle beach fringes the cape. Reefs, covered with seaweed, extend 0.5 mile S and 1 mile E of the cape. The cape should be passed at least 2 miles S, at which distance a vessel will be clear of the seaweed. A light is shown from the point. Rif Lopatka, with depths of less than 11m and a lea st depth of 1.8m, extends 9 miles NW from a position 1.5 miles W of Mys Lopatka . Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv (Kuril Strait) 3.26 Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv (50 "50'N., 156"35'E.) separates Mys Lopatka, the S extremity of Kamchatka from Ostrov Shumshu, the NE island of the Kuril Islands. The strait, known to the Japanese as Shimushu Kaikyo, has a width in its narrowest part of about 6 miles. The navigable channel, about 3 miles wide between the 10m curves, extends in a NNW-SSE direction between Rif Lopatka and Ostrov Shumshu. Winds-Weather.-The strait is reported to be often partly or completely foggy. Ice.-The strait is open to navigation throughout the year. Drift ice may be encountered from January to May, particularly in March and April. Tides-Currents.-In Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv the flood current sets NNW and the ebb in an opposite direction. A velocity of 4 knots may be experienced at neaps. Tide rips occur all over the strait, particularly off the points and along the reefs, and patches of broken water are frequently caused by the action of winds and currents. Caution.-Navigation of Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv presents no difficulties, day or night, in clear weather. In case of poor visibility, which is frequent, vessels should use caution and sound continuously. Approaching from the E, a slight drift S sho uld be expected. The coast should be approached cautiously until the vessel's position has been determined, then Mys Lopatka should be rounded at a distance of about 2 miles. The fog is usually less dense in the vicinity of the cape. With poor visibility, the brown rocky islet about 12 miles NE of the cape stands out against the grayish-brown color of the coast and is a good landmark, as are the two rocky islets about 4.5 miles SW of the islet. Approaching from the W, in thick weather, a vessel's position should be accurately determined. 1f the land cannot be identified, the NW coast of Ostrov Shumshu should be approached, off which anchorage can be obtained. The recommended course through the strait i NNW at a distance of 3.5 miles off Mys Lopatka. The channel between Rif Lopatka and Mys Lopatka should not be attempted. The recommended route through the Kuril Islands is via Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv (Onekotan Kaikyo) (See Sector 4.). Pub.lSS 148' 152 ' 96480 96024 (SEE SECTOR OSTROV SHIASHKOTAN OSTRCN MATUA '\) OSTRCN RASSHUA K U R I L 0 96820 OSTRCN USHISHIR OSTRCN KEYTO'f OSTROV SIMUS~I~ ~IVtr_ oOSTRCNA~· ' C RNYYE BRArYA 48' 96020 IGENERAL CHART 96000 I 96760 (} 148' 152' Additional cha rt cove r age may be found in CAT P2, Catalog of Na uti ca l Charts. SECTOR 4-CHART INFORMATION Pub.l55 SECTOR4 KURIL ISLANDS Plan.-This sector describes the islands and straits of the Kuril Islands. The arrangement of the sector is from NE to SW. General Remarks 4.1 Winds-Weather.-At Ostrov Onekotan , NW wind s last from September to May or June. In July and August, much lighter SE winds are prevalent, with the probability of fog. The mountains of Ostrov Onekotan act as a barrier, and with SW winds there may be a dense fog along the Pacific coast, while the opposite coast is clear. For similar reasons , vessels usually keep to the NW of the islands when navigating in the vicinity of the NE Kuril Islands in summer. Near Ostrov Shumshu strong NW or SE wind s are frequent in autumn and winter. At Reyd Tyatinskiy, from November to March , the period of NW winds, the weather is mostly part fair. Between March and June the predominant winds are E, and in summer they are SE with frequent haze or fog . The Kuril Islands are subject to the two monsoon seasons . The winter monsoon generally brings NW or W winds, especially predominant from November to February. The summer monsoon produces SE or E winds from June to September. In all seasons , the winds are variable, strong wind s being more frequent in winter than in summer. Navigation in the vicinity of the Kuril Islands is generally made dangerous by prevailing thick weather, principally resulting from fog and snow and by the proximity of ice . Winter gales are also frequent. The fogs , occurring mostly in summer, may be dense and moist, amounting almost to rain , with accompanying cloudy skies , or there may be banks of fog extending to heights less than 24m with a cloudless sky above. The dry fogs usually extend to a considerable height and in calm weather may lift about 24 to 30m above the sea , leaving it perfectly clear below. When the islands are enveloped in fog , the higher summits may often be seen when the lower land is completely obscured . In depths of less than 28m, the presence of thick kelp, which grows in masses throughout the islands , may indicate the presence of land. Within 3 miles to the leeward of the islands, sulphur fumes may be detected. Fog is less frequent on the leeward side of the islands . Warning signals are sometimes made by horn or bell from the shores near the anchorages . The horns have been audible at a distance of about 1.5 miles. Fog is relatively thick and frequent NE of Ostrov Simushir, as compared to the area SW. The thick fog s accompany E winds after the latter part of May, becoming almost continuous during theSE winds of July and August. Their number greatly diminishes with the beginning of NW winds in September. After winds and rain , when the weather is changing, the occurrence of fog frequently decreases for a few days. lce.-Drift ice in the Okhotsk Sea usually approaches the Kuril Islands with winds between the N and W, orNE and NW, and leaves with wind s between the S and SW, or S and SE. Thi s condition is more or less reversed on the Pacific Ocean coasts of the chain, where the drift ice arrives with winds between the E and S and is carried away by those from the NW to SW. It is reported that field ice in the Okhotsk Sea, the E extremity of which has been described as sludge and broken ice, may be encountered approximately 50 to 60 miles W of the Kuril Islands during the months of January, February, March, and April. The drift ice is generally most prevalent on the NW side and in the SW part of the Kuril Islands . There is comparatively little between Ostrov Urup and Kamchatka, in which area Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv and Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv are reported to be free of ice during the entire winter. TheN ocean current of the E Okhotsk Sea, running in a counterclockwise direction along the NW coasts of the islands, may drive ice from this NE region . There is also less fast ice in the NE part of the chain. Some ice is rafted and piled along the W coast of that area, but except for Ostrov Shumshu and Ostrov Paramushir, it is formed principally by small floes scattered in places . At Shibetoro Misaki , on the NW side of Ostrov lturup (Etorofu To) , drift ice may be set onto the coast by winds from between the N and W in late January, gradually forming fast ice which may extend miles offshore. In the vicinity of Shana, on the same coast, with NW or W winds , fast ice forming in mid-January may fill the bays by the end of that month, and floes brought by wind and current from the N and NW parts of the Okhotsk Sea have been reported to arrive after the early part of February. This latter ice , which is cleared off by the middle of May, occasionally may occupy the coasts and straits over a considerable area, including Ostrov Kunashir (Kunashiri Shima), Ostrov lturup (Etorofu To), and Shikotan To. The floes, 4 to 9m thick, with much of their bulk consisting of snow, pass through the various straits and melt in the Pacific Ocean. Drift ice arriving in the Kuril Islands area during April and May appears to be liberated from the fast ice on the E coast of Sakhalin Island N of so·N, thaws by March, and is later carried S by wind and current toward the N coasts of Hokkaido. The floes are then carried NE by the current flowing along the NW side of the Kuril Islands and continue to the coasts of Ostrov Iturup, Ostrov Urup, and Ostrov Simushir. Part of this ice passes through Proliv Yekateriny (Kunashiri Suido), Proliv Friza (Etorofu Kaikyo) , and Proliv Urup , reaching theSE side of the chain , after which it is carried away by the S drift of the Oyashio. It is not encountered after the middle of May. It is reported that generally field ice does not create hazards to navigation in the Kuril Islands , but that during and after January, vessels should exercise caution because of drift ice. In winter, with the exception of certain areas and times, the islands are not considered to be ice-bound for navigational purposes. Ice-free anchorages have been reported throughout Pub.lSS Sector 4. Kuril Islands the chain. Data regarding these and other descriptions of ice in local areas are given in this sector. Tides-Currents.-The Kuril Islands are influenced in summer by an extension of the warm Tsushima Current, a branch of the Kuroshio Current, which flows E through La Perouse Strait. This current, after leaving the strait, continues along the N coast of Hokkaido to Shiretoko Misaki, and then divides into two branches, one setting N into the Sea of Okhotsk, apparently reaching the middle islands of the Kuril Islands, and the other entering Nemuro Strait and Proliv Yekateriny (Kunashiri Suido). In winter, the Tsushima Current is almost obliterated in La Perouse Strait. The cold Oyashio Ocean Current flows S along the SE coast of Kamchatka and the E side of the Kuril Islands. At the middle part of the islands it appears to join a current setting from the Sea of Okhotsk, and continues S to an area off the S coast of Hokkaido. Its general velocity in summer appears to be less than 1 knot. Information regarding the flow of the Oyashio in winter is lacking. Except near spring and autumn syzgies, when the moon is at full or new phase, there is a large diurnal inequality along the coasts of the Kuril Islands, and diurnal tides are frequent. In areas other than the Sea of Okhotsk region S of Ostrov Simushir, the greatest inequality in the time of tide occurs generally at HW, and the greatest difference in height occurs at LW. Near summer and winter syzygies, the difference in height may attain 1.5m in the S part of the islands , and about 1.9m in the N part. During the same period, in the Sea of Okhotsk region S of 0 trov Simushir, it may attain a difference in height of about 1.3m, and there is a marked inequality in the time and height of both HW and LW. In areas other than those around the channels between the islands, the tidal currents in the vicinity of the Kuril Islands are not strong, but in accordance with the tides, there is considerable diurnal inequality. The flow of water is also complicated by the ocean currents which set NE along the NW side of the islands and SW along the SE side. In the narrow channel s the velocity is great. On the SE side of the islands the flood tidal current is SW and the ebb is NE. The flow on the NW side follows the same directions, with some local differences. On both sides, when diurnal inequality is great, the direction may change twice in 24 hours. The Kuril Islands (Kuril'skiye Ostrova), formerly called Chishima Retto, extend about 630 miles in a SW direction between the S extremity of Kamchatka and the E coast of Hokkaido. The larger islands are generally high, steep, and volcanic, with rugged coasts and occasional defined cones. The main islands, named from NE to SW, are Ostrov Paramushir (Paramushiru To), Ostrov Simushir (Shimushiro To), Ostrov Urup (Uru ppu To), Ostrov Iturup (Etorofu To), and Ostrov Kunashir (Kunashiri Shima). Pervyy Kuril'skiy Proliv (Kuri l Strait) is described in Sector 3. Caution.-Ve sels are forbidden from making unnecessary visits to any of the Kuril Islands between Proliv Yekateriny (44. 27'N., 146.45'E.) and Chetvertyy Kuril'skiye Proliv (49. 45'N., 155. 10'E.). This area has been reserved and government fox farms are situated on the islands. Regulations for the Protection and Husbandry of Sea Mammals prohibit the entry of vessels into the waters close to Pub.lSS the coasts described in this sector without the permission of the Fisheries Board, except when in a traffic separation scheme, designated fairway, or recommended route. Vessels transiting the area are not allowed to make sound signals (except as required by COLREGS 1972), fire guns, fly airplanes or helicopters below 4,000m, fish, or collect seaweed and other marine products. Ostrov Shumshu 4.2 Ostrov Shumshu (Shimushu To), the NE and the only low island of the Kuril Islands, consists of plateaus rising in steps, and there are no mountains. Anchorage.-ln summer, when S winds are prevalent, temporary anchorage can be taken anywhere off the NW coast of the island. Caution.-Abnormal magnetic variations have been observed in the vicinity of Ostrov Shumshu. Mys Kurbatova (Kokutan Saki) (50 . 52'N., 156. 29'E.), the NE extremity of Ostrov Shumshu, consists of low sandy hills fringed with rocky ledges. A reef, on which is a rock, 3m high, extends about 0.3 mile E of the cape. A rock, awash, lies 0.3 mile NW of the cape. A light is shown on Mys Kurbatova and a radiobeacon transmits from the light. The E coast of Ostrov Shumshu is a succession of steep cliffs, rocky points, and sandy beaches. Mys Yaugich (50.46'N., 156. 31 'E.), theE point of the island, lying 6.5 miles S of Mys Kurbatova, is a fiat rocky projection bordered about 1 mile ESE by a reef, upon which the sea breaks heavily, and marked by tide rips. Rif Vostochnyy, with a depth of 5.2m and always marked by tide rips, lies about 2.5 miles NE of Mys Yaugich. Bukhta Babushkina, the only bay on the E side of Ostrov Shumshu, lies on theN side ofMys Babushkina. The S half of the bay is full of rocks which extend up to 0.9 mile offshore, but the N half is sandy and has depths in it of 6 to 9m. In s mmer and autumn a heavy seas usually run s into the bay, and it is not a safe anchorage. Mys Babushkina, the SE point of the island, is cliffy and can be easily recognized by the brown color of its S side, and by a black, pointed rock, about 0.2 mile E of its extremity. Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy (Paramushiru Kaikyo) 4.3 Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy leads between Ostrov Shumshu and Ostrov Paramushir (Paramushiru To). The least navigable width is about 0.4 mile, and the strait is seldom used by large vessels due to the eddies caused by the irregularities in the depths. The S part of the fairway passes through a small area with depths of 8.2 to 18.3m, and in places throughout the strait the shore banks with depth s less than 18.3m lie close to mid-channel on either side. Winds-Weather.-Fog occurs from June to September, with the highest frequency during July. The weather is usually quite unfavorable, though changeable. There is scarcely any summer. lce.-Drift ice from the Sea of Okhotsk interferes with navigation during the winter months. This is especially so when the winds are from the W through N to NE. In severe Sector4. Kuril Islands winters, Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy may be completely blocked by ice. The ice begins to arrive during late December in the average year. Ice is not encountered after the middle of May. Tides-Currents.-ln the strait, the flood tidal current is N and the ebb is S. When the diurnal inequality is small, the change occurs about 1 hour 30 minutes after HW or LW at Nakagawa Wan. When the inequality is large there may be a diurnal tide, with the S current flowing from about 7 hours before until about 2 hours after LLW at Nakagawa Wan, theN current flowing during the remaining 15 hours. In the narrows of the strait the velocity may exceed 5 knots, but at neaps in summer, the velocity in this area is only about 3 knots . At springs in summer, the N current may attain a velocity of about 1.5 knots in the S entrance, and about 2.5 knots in the N entrance. Caution.-Magnetic variation has been reported in the vicinity of the strait. Several submarine cables lie in the strait and in the approaches and may best been seen on the chart. 4.4 The S approach to Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy lies between Mys Levashova (Arahata Saki) (50. 30'N., 156. 10'E.) and Mys Babushkina, 12 miles NE. In the approach, two groups of dangers lie S and SE, respectively, of Ostrov Shumshu . Ostrov Bazarnyy (Kotani Shima), 23m high and the largest island in the S group of dangers, lies about 4.5 miles E of Mys Levashova. Togari Shima (Ostrov Bakliny), lying 0.8 mile SW, is 46m high and can be easily distinguished . Banka Kazach'ya (Kiyosue Ne), with a depth of about 1.2m, and sometimes marked by seaweed, lies 1.8 miles S of Togari Shima. An 11m rocky patch lies 2 miles farther SW. Ostrov Baklinin (Chiri Shima), two rocks, lie 0.5 mile ESE of Ostrov Bazarnyy and appear as one islet from a distance. Amatani Ne, a 7.8m shoal marked by breakers, lies about 0.8 mile ENE of 0 trov Baklinin. None of the islets should be approached within 1 mile. The SE group of dangers consists of Skala Vladimira (Shiro lwa), a small rock about 6m high, part of which appears white, but which is not easily identified ; Mel' Koksher (Tanaka Ne) , a steep-to rock, with a depth of 4.1 m, about 1.5 miles NNE of Skala Vladimira; and Rif Nezametnyy, a rock having a depth of 3.6m, lies about 2 miles farther NE. Gora Vysokaya (Mitsuka Yama) (50.4l'N., 156. 17'E.) is the highest hill on Ostrov Shumshu and from a distance resembles a castle. The S shore of Ostrov Shumshu is bold and cliffy, and should not be approached within a distance of 1 mile. Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy The N approach to Proliv Vtoroy Kuril 'skiy has no off-lying dangers. Mys Chibuynyy (lmai Saki) (50.46'N., 156. 12'E.), the E point of the N entrance, is a vertical cliff and shows up well from theN. Hirata Ne, a 5.9m shoal, lies about 1.8 miles NE of Mys Chibuynyy. Gora Ploshchadka (Matsumura Yama), about 0.7 mile SSE of Mys Chibuynyy, is somewhat conspicuous. A light with a transmitting radiobeacon is shown from Mys Chibuynyy. Caution.-Non-Russian vessels are required to approach Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy in designated fairways which may best been seen on the chart. 4.5 East side of Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy.-Mys Derbeshova (Fujita Saki) (50.41'N. , 156. ll'E.) is a dark rocky point. Sotono Se, a 3.7m shoal, lies about 0.8 mile SSW of the point, and Skala D'yak, a prominent rock which dries 2m, lies on the edge of a reef fringing the shore 0.7 mile NW of Mys Derbeshova. Zaliv Kozyrevskogo (Kataoka Wan) (50.43'N., 156. ll'E.), 1.5 miles N of Mys Kozyrevskogo, is a dark rocky point. Sotono Se is a cove with Baykovo (Kataoka), a small naval base and supply port for Ostrov Shumshu, at its head. A mole at Baykova has an alongside depth of 3.6m. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be had about 0.4 mile WSW of Wakabayashi Saki, theN entrance point of the cove, in 11m, sand and shingle, but the tidal currents are rather strong, and usually vessels will not ride head to wind during gales. Holding ground is reported to be poor. 4.6 West side of Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy.-Mys Ozemyy (Miyagawa Saki) (50. 36'N., 156. 10'E.), 6 miles N of Mys Levashova, is low, stony, and backed by low hills covered with scrub. A black cliff, about 1 mile NNW of the point, is conspicuous from the S, even in winter when the land is covered with snow. Zaliv Severo-Kuril'skiy (Kashiwabara Wan) (50.41'N. , 156.08'E.), entered between Mys Opornyy (Ishikawa Saki) and Mys Voranova (Nagare Saki) , 1.5 miles further N , offers anchorage in moderate depths about 0.5 mile offshore, close within the 20m curve. The holding ground of black sand is fairly good. The bight offers some shelter, but when W squalls from the mountains oppose the strength of the tidal current, a vessel may ride uneasily. There is some danger of dragging during strong winds. Mys Voranova is the SE extremity of a prominent tableland. The point is cliffy, but the cliffs are not remarkable. Ostrov Atlasova bearing 265° , distant 24 milesMys Chibuynyy Ostrov Paramushir Proliv Alaid Proliv Vtoroy Kuril'skiy and Proliv Alaid Pub.lSS Sector4. Kuril Islands Zaliv Artyushima (Murakami Wan) (50"44'N., 156"09 'E.) is shallow and the holding ground of sand over rock is not good. Heavy tide rips usually occur over the uneven bottom fronting this bight. Ostrov Atlasova (Araito To) 4.7 Ostrov Atlasova (50 "52'N. , 155"33'E.) is separated from Ostrov Paramushir by Proliv Alaid (Araito Kaikyo) , an unencumbered strait about 12 mile wide at its narrowest part. The N coast of the island is low, with sandy beaches in places, and most of the S coast is cliffy. Gora Alaid (Oyakoba Yama), a very prominent, conical volcano, in the center of the island , has two summits, the NE summit being somewhat smaller than the SW summit. It is always capped with snow. Poluostrov Vladimira (Taketomi Shima) , a small volcanic islet, 133m high , on the E side of the island , is joined to the coast W by a sandy spit. A light is shown from Poluostrov Vladimira. Tides-Currents.-Both flood and tidal currents set round the coast of Ostrov Atlasova in a clockwise direction. Velocities of 0.7 to 1.3 knots have been observed. Caution.-Magnetic variation has been observed in the vicinity of Ostrov Atlasova. Ostrov Paramushir 4.8 Ostrov Paramushir, the largest island in the N part of the Kuril Islands , has a string of mountain ranges surmounted by conspicuous peaks . The coasts of the island are largely cliffy and rock-strewn. Foul bottom extends about 2 miles off the SE side in places. Off the NW side, which is especially bold and rugged, there are no dangers at a distance greater than 1 mile. Winds-Weather.-Ostrov Paramushir has strong W winds from the end of October through April. In July and August , E winds are most prevalent, but in Bukhta Shelikhova, on the NW coast, there is the likelihood of ESE winds between April and July, and of NW winds in August and September. Caution.-In summer, large fishing nets , buoyed and marked, but sometimes unlighted at night, may be encountered extending as far as 4 miles offshore, in the vicinity of Ostrov Paramushir and Ostrov Shumshu . Motor drifters , with nets as much as 3 miles in length, may be encountered farther offshore. Abnormal magnetic variation has been observed in the vicinity of the island. The Russian authorities have stated that navigation is prohibited within the coastal waters along the S and W coasts of Ostrov Paramushir between Mys Ozemyy and Mys Neproydennyy (50 "17'N. , 155"12'E.). 4.9 Southeast side of Ostrov Paramushir.-Mys Rifovyy (Tomari Saki) (50 "29'N. , 156 "08'E.) is a gravelly point lying 2 miles SW of Mys Levashova. Rif Izmony (Tomari Se), a rock with a depth of less than 1.8m , lies about 1 mile SE of the point. Ostrov Chaykina (Kamone Shima), about 1.5 miles SW of Mys Rifovyy, is a group of rocky islets. The NE and Pub.155 highest islet is 15m high . The islets should not be approached too closely as there are sunken rocks in the area. Mys Uglevoy (Mamiya Saki ) (50"24'N. , 156"01'E.), 6.5 miles SW of Mys Rifovyy, is fronted by foul ground extending about 0.5 mile E . Several above-water rocks lie on this foul ground, the E being Skala Opasnaya (Matsutake Iwa) , shaped like a mushroom and conspicuous from the S. Ostrov Chemyy (Hira Iwa), a black rock, lies about 0.6 miles offshore, and 2.2 miles N of Mys Uglevoy. 4.10 Zaliv Puy shariya (Asahi Wan), between My s Rifovyy and My s Uglevoy, affords anchorage with some shelter from SE swells in 18m , about 0.8 mile W of Ostrov Chaykina. The bay is not safe during S or E winds. A rock, formerly Mukai Ne, with a depth of 5.5m, and marked by breakers, lies 1.2 miles offshore, about 1.5 miles SSE of Mys U glevoy. Bukhta Rifovaya, a small bay on theW side ofMys Rifovyy, affords temporary anchorage sheltered from all winds except those from between the S and W, to small vessel s. Local knowledge is required and care is neces sary to avoid a rock, with a depth of 1.8m, lying 0.4 mile offshore, 0.6 mile W of My s Rifovyy. A recommended berth is situated in a depth of 16m, sand, 0.5 mile E of the NE islet of Rif Izmony, having regard to the dangers (Tomari Se) lying 0.4 mile NE of this berth. The berth is not suitable with a wind or swell from the S. Landing is possible only at HW, in Bukhta Rifovaya, which has a beach of shingle fringed with rocks on which the sea breaks. Mys Kokina (Tatsukami Saki ) (50"11'N. , 155"48'E.), about 16 miles SW ofMys Uglevoy, is a narrow prominent tongue of land, 26m high , fringed with a rocky ledge covered with seaweed and marked by breakers. Ostrov Bazamyy, a long, fiat , detached rock, lies about 1.8 miles E of the point. Foul ground extends 1.3 miles off the coast between Mys Kokina and Maru Hana, about 1.7 miles WSW. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents appear to meet in the vicinity of Mys Kokina . The flood tidal current NE of the point sets to the N or E, and the ebb in an opposite direction , the maximum velocity being around 1 knot. The flood tidal current SW of the point sets SW and the ebb NE . 4.11 Bukhta Okeanskaya (Suribachi Wan) (50" 11 'N., 155 "44'E.), a small fishing harbor, has a rocky bottom and its entrance is encumbered by ledges and thick growths of kelp. Some fishing and canning stations, with prominent chimneys and two radio masts, are situated on theE shore of the bay. Yaokuri Saki (50 " 11 'N., 155"39'E.), prominent and cliffy, is backed by a hill with a red summit. A reef, parts of which uncovers and is always marked by breakers, extends about 0.8 mile SSW of the point. Zaliv Tukharka (Otomae Wan) , close W of Yaokuri Saki, affords protection from the SW through N to NE winds. The E part of the bay is somewhat protected by the reef extending SSW from Yaokuri Saki. Parts of thi s reef are above-water and it is alway s marked by breakers. Anchorage.-Anchorage, good holding ground , fine sand, is available between the lOrn and 20m curves . Approach to the anchorage should be made with Otomae Yama, the hill on the Sector4. Kuril Islands E side of the mouth of the river at the head of the bay, bearing ooo·, and then anchoring in depths of 12.8m. Anchorage can also be obtained in about 20m, with the hill backing Yaokuri Saki bearing 030· , distant about 1.5 miles. 4.12 Okino Shima (Ostrov Dym) (50. 09'N., 155"34'E.) is conspicuous. Rocks, sometimes marked by breakers, with depths of Sm or less , lie 0.5 mile SW and 0.3 mile E of the islet. Mys Vasil'yeva (SO.OO'N., 155"23'E.), lying 11 miles SSW of Ostrov Dym, is the S extremity of Ostrov Pararnushir. It lies at the S end of a low, marshy cape, fringed with foul ground. Chidoriga lwa, consisting of three rock heads which dry l.Sm and are marked by breakers , lies about 1.5 miles ESE of Mys Yasil'yeva, and is the outermost danger on this side of the point. Rakko lwa , a rock, lies near the extremity of a rocky reef, covered with seaweed and extending about 0.6 mile SW of Mys Vasil'yeva. A light with a transmitting radiobeacon is shown from My Vasil'yeva. Tides-Currents.-Near Mys Yasil'yeva the flood tidal current is W, with a velocity that may attain more than 3 knots . The ebb tidal current sets E with a velocity of about 1 knot, although the ebb current is usually neutralized by an opposing current, and frequently there is a continuous W current. Anchorage.-Zaliv Vasil'yeva (M usashi Wan), entered W of Mys Yasil'yeva, affords protection from N and E winds. Good anchorage can be taken about 1 mile W of the town of Kharitonovka (Raishi), on the E side of the bay, in depths of 12.8 to 14.6m, fine sand. Farther W, the seaweed becomes too thick to permit anchoring. Mys Kapustnyy (Kapari Saki ), 7 miles WNW of Mys Yasil'yeva, is the SW extremity of Ostrov Paramushir. It is fringed by a drying reef and surrounded by kelp. A light is shown from a red octagonal tower with white bands on the point. A dangerous reef, upon which the sea usu ally breaks , extends about 0.7 mile S from the point. A rock, with a depth of 11m, lies about 1.3 miles S of Mys Kapari. Ose Yarna, a hill with a sharp summit, about 3.5 miles NNE of Mys Kapari , is a good landmark. Tides-Currents.-Near Mys Kapari, both the flood and ebb tidal currents frequently set NW with velocities of 2 to 3 knots. Tide rips are frequent. 4.13 Northwest side of Ostrov Paramushir.-Vulkan Fussa (Shiriyajiri Dake) (50. 16'N., 155 . 15'E.), a 1,772m high prominent extinct volcanic cone, lies about 13 miles N of Mys Kapustnyy. There is a bluff faced with steep cliffs on its NW side. Ostrov Antsiferova (Shirinki To) (50. 12'N., 154.59'E.) has six summits, the highest of which, near its center, is 748m. On its W side, the wall of the crater has collapsed and a gap has been formed. Except near its E point the coasts of the island consist of vertical cliffs. Caution.-A thick growth of seaweed surrounds the island . Proliv Luzhinka (Shirinki Kaikyo) , the deep passage leading between Ostrov Paramushir and Ostrov Antsiferova, is about 8 miles wide in its narrowest part and is free of dangers , but in its vicinity thick fogs are frequent. Tides-Currents.-Caution should be exercised because of the strong N tidal currents in Proliv Luzhinka. Bukhta Krasheninnikova (Kujira Wan) (50. 18'N., 155"21 'E.), close NE of Yulkan Fussa, has very deep water and heavy seas run in during N winds. With S winds, violent squalls may sweep down from the valleys between the steep peaks around the bay. Vulkan Chikuracbki (Chikura Dake) (50 .20'N., 155 .27'E.), on theE side of Bukhta Krasheninnikova, about 9 miles NE of Vulkan Fussa, has traces of a landslip on its W side. Gora Lomonosova (Kammuri Take), about 4.5 miles farther SSW, affords a good mark for the head of the bay. Anchorage.-Temporary anchorage can be obtained in a depth of 24m, about 1.8 miles NE of Kujiraharna, a village near the river mouth on the S side of the bay. 4.14 Mys Shelikhova (Daigo Saki) (50.23'N., 155. 35'E.), about 15 miles NE of Vulkan Fussa, is a somewhat salient point that is fringed by rocks, some above-water, extending 0.3 mile offshore. Bukhta Shelikhova (Kakumabetsu Wan), entered E of Mys Shelikhova, is sheltered from all but N winds, being the best harbor in Ostrov Paramushir. Mito Yama, a conspicuous hill , rises about 1.5 miles S of Mys Shelikhova. From theW the hill appears steep-to, from the NW flat-topped, and from the NE pointed. Daibyobu Dake and Amefuri Dake are two flat-topped and prominent hills located about 2.7 miles ESE and 2.2 miles SE, respectively, of Mito Yarna. Kuro Zaki, a dark, rocky point, about 31m high , lies 2.2 miles ESE of Mys Shelikhova and is reported to be not easily identified. Because of the hills encircling Bukhta Shelikhova, the bay is protected from the thick fogs accompanying prevailing SE winds between April and July. The bay may be relatively free of fogs when they are numerous and thick on the SE side of the island and in Proliv Ytoroy Kuril 'skiy. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in a depth of 20m, sand, good holding ground, with Kuro Saki bearing 100· , distant about 1 mile. Anchorage can also be taken in a depth of 21m, sand, with Kuro Saki bearing 158·, distant 0.6 mile. Mys Medvezhonok (Kamogawa Saki) (50. 26'N., 155"43'E.), about 6 miles ENE of Mys Shelikova, is a prominent reddish point. Tides-Currents.-The flood and ebb tidal currents off the NW coast of Ostrov Paramushir are influenced by a current, the resultant flow almost always setting NE. The velocity of the flow rarely exceeds 1 knot, except in the vicinity of Mys Shelikhova, where it sometimes attains a rate of 2 knot . Gora Fersmana (Arakawa Dake) (50. 31'N., 155"30'E.) is a rocky prominent peak located about 2.7 miles E of Mys Fersm(lna. Gora Antsiferova (Omaru Yarna), 2.2 miles SSW of Gora Fersmana, is a prominent rocky peak frequently obscured by clouds . Mys Kozyrevskogo (Araise Saki) (50. 39'N., 155"5l'E.), 9 miles NNE of Mys Fersmana, is a steep cliff 115m high, and is conspicuous from the NE or SW. Discolored grayish water marks the river mouth about 5 miles NE of Mys Kozyrevskogo. Pub.155 Sector4. Kuril Islands a Mys Kozyrevskogo Gora Fersmana, bearing 084", distant 9.8 miles Omaru Yama a b a b Mito Yama, bearing 178" Vulkan Chikurachki Vulkan Fussa b Bukhta Shelikhova b Northwest coast of Ostrov Paramushir-View in three parts Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv 4.15 Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv, the very deep passage between Ostrov Paramushir and Ostrov Onekotan, about 29 miles SW, is the recommended route for vessels bound between ports on the E coast of Kamchatka and ports in the Sea of Okhotsk. In thick weather the NE side of the strait should be given a wide berth as the rocky S points of Ostrov Paramushir may be obscured when higher land is visible. Traffic Separation Scheme.-An IMO-approved Traffic Separation Scheme lies in the waters of Chetvertyy Kuril'sky Proliv and may best be seen on the appropriate chart. Tides-Currents.-In Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv the flood tidal current sets WNW and the ebb flows in an opposite direction . The velocity of the tidal currents may exceed 2 knots. Ostrov Makanrushi (Makanru To) (49 . 47'N., 154. 26'E.), a volcanic island, lies on the SW side of Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv. The NE and S shores of the island consist of gravel beaches with low hills rising close inland. The other coastal sections of the island consist of high cliffs with a steep and narrow beach at their foot. Tides-Currents.-Off the W and N sides of Ostrov Makanrushi, the flood tidal current flows N and the ebb flows S or E. Off theE side of the island, the flood is S and ebb is N. The velocity seldom exceeds 1 knot. Anchorage.-Anchorage is available off the coves on the SE and W sides of the island in depths of less than 37m, about 0.8 mile offshore. Caution.-Abnormal magnetic variation has been observed in Chetvertyy KuriJ'skiy Proliv and in the vicinity of Ostrov Makanrushi . Skala Avos' (Kamen' Avos) (Hokake Iwa) , about 13 miles WSW of the summit of Ostrov Makanrushi, is a bare, gray, triangular rock, 35m high, resembling a vessel under sail. Four small rocks lie close E and NE of it. A reef, covered with seaweed, extends about 0.5 mile NE of Kamen Avos'. A rock, which dries 0.6m, lies at the end of the reef. Ostrova Atlasova , Vulkan Fussa Ostrov Makanrushi, bearing 073", bearing ooo•, bearing 130", distant 93 miles distant 58 miles distant 76 miles Chetvertyy Kuril'skiy Proliv from W Pub.lSS Sector4. Kuril Islands The group is steep-to and is frequented by birds and sea lions. Islands and Passages between Chetvertyy Kuril' skiy Proliv and Proliv Kruzenshterna 4.16 Ostrov Onekotan (Onnekotan To) (49 "25'N., 154"45'E.) has bold and cliffy coasts. There is a great amount of vegetation, but no tall trees. The lOrn curve lies up to 1.5 miles off the salient points of the island. Gora Krenitsyna (Kuroi shi Yama) (49 "21'N., 154"42'E.), the highest mountain in the S part of the island, is a conspicuous volcanic cone rising from the center of a lake. Vulkan Nemo (Nemo Yama) (49 "34'N., 154 "49'E.), the highest mountain in the N part of the island, is an active volcano, emitting smoke from its SE side. Mys Kimberley (Kirnpei Masili) (49 "38'N., 154"49'E.), the NW point of the island, is fringed with a kelp-covered reef extending about 0.3 mile NW. Mys Ivan-Malyy (Kinto Zili), the NE point of the island, lies 4 miles ESE of Mys Kimberly, and has a conspicuous, detached rock, close E of it. Bukhta Vliliston (Kuroishi Wan), the open roadstead near the middle of the E side of the island, offers anchorage during W winds in depths of 18.3 to 28m, sand bottom. Westerly squalls sometimes descend the valley at the head of the bay and can be avoided by anchoring in the N part of the roadstead. Mys Mussel' is the S entrance point of Bukhta Vliliston. Gora Shestakova (Yencho Zan) (49 "29'N., 154"44'E.), a round-topped mountain, appears sharp from the SW. Anchorage.-Bukhta Nemo (Nemo Wan), on the N end of the W side of Ostrov Onekotan, close S of Mys Kimberley, offers good anchorage, protected from the swell which accompanies theSE wind of summer, in depths of 18.3 to 27m, good holding ground of sand. Good holding ground, can be taken in a depth of 29m, with Vulkan Nemo bearing 167" and Mys Kimberley bearing 038 ". In Bukhta Nemo the tidal current sets SW during the flood tide and NE on the ebb, the maximum velocity being not more than 0.8 knot. These tidal currents are believed to be the countercurrent of those farther out. Proliv Krenitsyna (Harumukotan Kaikyo), the channel between Ostrov Onekotan and Ostrov Kharimkotan (Harumukotan To), has a width of 7.5 miles between the lOrn curves extending from the NE and SW shores. Tides-Currents.-In Proliv Krenitsyna the flood tidal current sets NW and the ebb SE, but they are influenced by ocean currents. The NW current is stronger, especially in summer, and is accompanied by tide rips and eddies. Velocities of 2.5 knots in the middle of the strait, and of 4 knots on its SW side, have been experienced. 4.17 Ostrov Kharimkotan (Harumukotan To) (49 "07'N., 154"31 'E.) has its summit, Vulkan Severgina (Harumukotan Dake), in the form of a double truncated dome which appears bell-shaped from a distance. A hill, 488m high, and a domed-shaped mountain, 713m high, are located 1 mile NNW and 1 mile NNE, respectively, of the volcano. A plateau of deep purple lava is located close to the NE coast in this vicinity. The NW part of the island consists of low sand hills , with several small ponds and a lake. Tides-Currents.-Heavy tide-rips are formed off the S extremity of the island, and a NW current with a rate of 6 knots has been experienced. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in the bight E of the N extremity of the island, sheltered from S winds, by vessels with local knowledge, in poor holding ground . Caution.-The shape and heights of Ostrov Kharimkotan were reported to have changed considerably because of the great volcanic eruption on it. Caution should be used in the vici nity of the island, and when approaching the anchorage, as it is probable that changes have occurred in the surrounding depths. Proliv Severgina, about 16 miles wide at its narrowest part, leads between Ostrov Kharirnkotan and the N sides of Ostrov Shiashkotan (Shasukotan To) and Ostrov Ekarma (Yekaruma To). Tides-Currents.-In Proliv Severgina, the flood tidal current sets WNW and the ebb sets ESE. Observations made in summer indicate that in mid-channel the N current seldom exceeds a velocity of 2 knots, but the strength increases toward the coasts on either side and may attain 5 or 6 knots off Ostrov Kharimkotan and Ostrov Shiashkotan. Tide rips occur near both of these islands. 4.18 Ostrov Shiashkotan (Shasukotan To) (48"51'N., 154 • 1 O'E.) consists of two mountainous parts connected by a narrow isthmus about 90 to 152m high. The island has rugged coasts, fringed with rocky ledges and seaweed in most sections. The summit of the island rises in the NE part. Kuro Dake, about 1 mile N of the summit, is a dark, flat-topped mountain , steep on all sides. Close SW of Kuro Dake, nearly in the middle of the NE part of the island, is a sharp peak, brown in color. The summit of the SW part of the island, about I mile NNE of its S extremity, has on its W side surrounded by masses of sulfur, a former crater from which large quantities of steam are emitted. Higashi Ura is a roadstead on the SE side of the isthmus joining the NE and SW parts of Ostrov Shiashkotan . A reef extends about 0.8 mile offshore from its center. A rock, which dries 0.9m, lies at the outer end of this reef. A rather conspicuous square column of rock, 17m high , lies close off the NE entrance point of the bay. Anchorage.-Good temporary anchorage is available to vessels with local knowledge in a depth of 27m, sand, NE of the reef in the center of the bay, when anchorage on the NW side of the island is untenable. Mys Yuzhanin (Ara Sili), the S extremity of Ostrov Shiaskotan, has high, steep cliffs. In its vicinity, for a distance of 5 miles SW, the NW tidal current is usually strong and tide rips occur. Bukhta Otome (Otome Wan), a roadstead on the NW side of the isthmus, opposite Higashi Ura, lies between Kanega Sili and Hiraiso Zili, about 2.5 miles NE. Kanega Sili is a prominent, black, flat-topped precipice, 29m high. Hirai so Zili is a brown cliff with a flat summit. Pub.155 Sector 4. Kuril Islands Anchorage.-Anchorage, exposed to winds from the N and W, is available in moderate depths over sandy bottom. Fog on the SE side of the island usually travels over the low isthmus, and during E or SE gales there may be violent offshore squalls. A good berth in a depth of 27m, sand, lies with Kanega Saki bearing 242· , distant about 0.6 mile. Amatsu Yama, 515m high, about 1.5 miles SSE of Kanega Saki, serves as a useful mark for the anchorage. Oneta Misaki, the NW point of Ostrov Shiashkotan, is marked by a conspicuous flat-topped rock which lies on a ledge close off the point. Ostrov Ekarma (Yekaruma To) (48 . 57'N., 153. 57'E.) is separated from Ostrov Shiashkotan by Proliv Ekarma (Yekaruma Kaikyo), a strait about 4.5 miles wide and unobstructed. The island is steep-to on all sides. The coasts of the island consist mostly of cliffs, but on its N and E sides are beaches of boulders. Tides-Currents.-In Proliv Ekarma the flood tidal current is NE and the ebb is SW. The flood current begins to run 2 to 3 hours after LLW, but it is influenced by the ocean current. The ebb current may attain a rate of 2.7 knots, while the flood current does not exceed a rate of 2 knots. 4.19 Ostrov Chirinkotan (Chirinkotan To) (48. 59'N., 153.29'E.), about 16 miles W of Ostrov Ekarma, has two conical peaks, of which the higher and sharper is nearer the W side of the island. The coasts are steep, but near the NE extremity of the island is a stony beach, off which lies a rock, 24m high. Ostrova Lovushki (Mushiru Retsugan), forming an arc of a semi-circle, appear to be the remains of theE side of an ancient crater. Naga Iwa (48. 33'N., 153 . 51'E.), near theN end, has two grass-covered summits. Taka Iwa, about 0.5 mile farther SE, is a steep rock with a flat top. Kaihyo lwa (Azarashi lwa) (48. 32'N., 153 . 5l'E.), the S above-water rock of the group , is bordered about 0.5 mile ESE by a 6.4m patch. There are numerous other rocks, some above-water, in Ostrova Lovushki. There is a thick growth of seaweed, sometimes run underwater by the tidal current, in depths of less than 18.3m. Caution.-Two 8.5m patches lie about 6 miles and 6.5 miles E, respectively, E of the S end of Ostrova Lovushki. An 18m patch lies about 6 miles E of the N end of Ostrova Lovushki. Proliv Kruzenshtema 4.20 Proliv Kruzenshtema lies between Ostrov Shiashkotan, previously described, and Ostrov Raikoke, about 38 miles SW. The channel is divided into two passages by Ostrova Lovushki. The passage S of Ostrova Lovushki is very deep and quite safe. The passage N of Ostrova Lovushki is not recommended due to the tide rips extending about 7 miles SW from Ostrov Shiashkotan. Tides-Currents.-A strong NW tidal current flows through the middle of Proliv Kruzenshtema, and also within 5 miles of the SW end of Ostrov Shiashkotan. This tidal current Pub.l55 causes tide rips SW of Ostrova Lovushki and Ostrov Shiashkotan. At times, eddies and whirlpools are formed. Islands and passages between Proliv Kruzenshterna and Proliv BossoI' 4.21 Ostrov Raikoke (Raikoke Jima) (48. 18'N., 153. 15'E.) rises to a summit, 55lm high, which is a large crater. The rim of the crater has crumbled away to a considerable extent. The coasts of the island are steep-to. Proliv Golovnina (Koroni Kaikyo) lies S of Ostrov Raikoke. The tidal currents do not attain any great rate in the strait and it is free of dangers. Ostrov Matua (Matsuwa To) (48 . 05'N., 153. 12'E.) is a conical active volcano, continuously emitting white smoke. The long slope extending SE from the summit terminates in low hills and terraces, S of which is a sandy beach. The SE extremity of the island is fringed by reefs and islets extending about 0.5 mile S. The largest islet is 29m high. From a point 2 miles W of the SE extremity, a reef, awash in places and covered with kelp, extends about 1 mileS. Bukhta Ikeda, a small anchorage, lies between Ostrov Matua and Ostrov Toporkovyy (Iwaki Jima), a small, flat, grassy island, about 0.5 mile E. The anchorage is divided into N and S parts by a kelp-covered reef joining the two islands. A light, from which a radiobeacon transmits, is shown from Ostrov Toporkovyy. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents flow N and S with velocities exceeding 3 knots for a distance of 7 to 8 miles offshore on the E and NE sides of Ostrov Matua. Rates of as much as 5 to 6 knots have been reported. Tidal currents 1 mile S of Ostrov Toporkovyy flow N on the flood tide and S on the ebb tide at a rate of 2 knots. Anchorage.-Ikeda Wan offers some shelter from wind and sea, but there is no protection from the swell. The holding ground is not good. In theN anchorage, the best berth is in a depth of 21m, about 0.3 mile W of the NW extremity of Ostrov Toporkovyy. In the S anchorage, the best berth is in a depth of about 16m, SW of the summit of Ostrov Toporkovyy. Ostrov Rasshua, Ostrov Matua,bearing 294•, bearing 329°,distant 29 miles distant 37 miles Proliv Nadezhoy from SE Proliv Nadezhdy (Rashowa Kaikyo), between Ostrov Matua and Ostrov Rasshua, about 16 miles SSW, is free of dangers except for the reef extending S from Ostrov Matua. A bank,with a depth of 14m over it, lies about 7 miles SSW of Ostrov Matua. Tides-Currents.-Strong currents through the strait make caution necessary when there is poor visibility. In Proliv Nadezhdy the flood tidal current is NW and the ebb is SE. When diurnal inequality is large there may be a single flood and single ebb period in the tidal day. The flood current begins Sector4. Kuril Islands Ostrov Rasshau, Ostrov Gora Vulcan bearing 095°, Ostrova distant 31 miles Ushishir Ketoy Uratman Prevo DianyNadezhdy Rikarda Proliv Nadezhoy to Proliv Diany from NW to run 2 or 3 hours after LLW. According to observations made in summer, the velocities on the N side of the strait do not exceed 2 knots, but on the S side may be greater than 5 knots. Tide rips occur, being greatest on the N side during the flood, and on the S side during the ebb. 4.22 Ostrov Rasshua (Rashowa Jima) (47"46'N., 153.01'E.) is high towards its N and S ends, with a gap between. Its summit, in theN part, has an active volcano on its SE side. The volcano constantly emits sulfur, which gives the ground in the vicinity a yellow color. The E half of the crater has subsided. The coasts of the island mainly consist of high cliffs. At its S extremity there is a narrow stretch of levelland. A detached rock, which dries 0.6m, lies about 0.8 mile SE of the S extremity of the island. Proliv Srednego (Suride Kaikyo), between Ostrov Rasshua and Ostrova Ushishir, about 9 miles SSW, is reported to be the most dangerous passage in the Kuril Islands and should be avoided if possible. The navigable channel is about 4 miles wide between Kamen' Button (Botan lwa) on its NE side, and Kuro Iwa (47"36'N., 152.53'E.), the N rock of Ostrova Srednego, on its SW side. Kamen' Button (Botan Iwa), about 1.5 miles SSW of the S extremity of Ostrov Rasshua, is steep-to and 0.3m high . The tidal currents are so strong in its vicinity that it is nearly always hidden by breakers. Ostrova Srednego is a group of reefs and rocks, some abovewater, with Kuro lwa, a black rock at its N extremity. Ashika Shima, 0.3m high, the SE extremity of the group, lies about 2.3 miles SSE of Kuro lwa. A rock, 0.9m high , lies nearly midway between Kuro lwa and Ostrova Ushishir. The strong tidal currents in Proliv Srednego attain a velocity of 4 knots, and there are heavy tide rips . 4.23 Ostrova Ushishir (Ushishiru Shima) (47"32'N., 152.49'E.) consists of two islands joined by a reef that dries. Ostrov Ryponkicha (Kita Jima), the NE island, reaches its highest elevation, 130m, at Ishi Yama at its SW end. Ostrov Yankicha (Minami Jima), the SW island, rises to a sharp summit on its W side. A large, deep crater, breached by the sea on its S side, occupies the middle part of the island. Tancho lwa, a remarkable columnar rock, lies closeS of theSE point of the island . Tides-Currents.-ln the vicinity of Ostrova Ushishir, the flood tidal current is N, with a velocity of not more than 2 knots, and the ebb tidal current is S, with a velocity of as much as 6 knots. Sometimes the S current may run all day. Anchorage.-Higashi Wan, S of Ostrov Ryponkicha, offers anchorage in depths of 26 to 35m, fine sand, E of the N extremity of Ostrov Yankicha. A good berth lies in a depth of 29m, with lshi Yama bearing 306· , distant about 0.7 mile. The anchorage should be approached with Ishi Yama bearing 306., and anchoring when theE end of the 41m rock SW of Ostrov Ryponkicha bears 028·, and the E extremity of Tancho lwa bears 208· . Nishi Wan offers anchorage in depths of 26 to 35m, W of the SW extremity of Ostrov Ryponkicha. To avoid the bank N of Nishi Wan, the anchorage should be approached with the N extremity of Ostrov Yankicha bearing 106·, and anchoring when the summit of this island bears 201 · . Proliv Rikorda (Ketoi Kaikyo), between Ostrova Ushishir and Ostrov Ketoy (Ketoi Shima), about 14 miles SW, has an extensive bank in its center, which causes whirlpools and eddies. 4.24 Ostrov Ketoy (Ketoi To) (47"20'N., 152. 29'E.) has the steep W slope of the summit, on the W side of the island , conspicuous. White smoke is continuously emitted from the N side of a red peak, about 1.7 miles E of the summit. The W, NW, and NE coasts consist of mostly high cliffs, but on the E and S sides the slope is more gradual and the cliffs are 30 to 60m high. At the foot of the cliffs are beaches of large stones from which reefs extend offshore for a short distance. Pine woods grow on the SE slopes of the island, and there are willows in the valleys and near the edges of the cliffs. Mys Monolitnyy, the SW extremity of Ostrov Ketoy, is a rocky point, close to the S side of which is a remarkable pointed rock, 15m high. Between Mys Monolitnyy and the S extremity of Ostrov Ketoy, 30 miles E, there is a slight indentation in the coast in which there are depths of less than 18m, many rocks, mud, and seaweed. The S extremity of Ostrov Ketoy is a cliffy projection, 38m high, from which a flat rocky ledge extends SE for 0.1 mile. A rock, about 3m high, lies 0. 7 mile offshore, off the SW coast of the island. A waterfall, which is conspicuous from N, is located 0.9 mile E of the N extremity of Ostrov Ketoy. Anchorage.-With N winds, vessels with local knowledge can anchor on the S side of Ostrov Ketoy. A suitable berth lies in 42m, fine sand, with Ashi Zaki bearing 028. , and Mys Monolitnyy (Nakagiri Zaki) bearing about 284·. The tidal currents at the above anchorage are reported to be strong . Pub.lSS Sector4. Kuril Islands Gora Mil'na, bearing 344', Vulkan distant 42 miles Prevo Ostrov Simushir from S On the W and N coasts, anchorage can be obtained by small vessels with winds from the N through E to SE, in a bay entered between Mys Monolitnyy and a point 1.2 miles NNW, close N of which is an islet 31m high. The recommended berth is in a depth of 18m, sand, about 0.3 mile from the shore. Local knowledge is required. Proliv Diany (Shimushiru Kaikyo), a deep strait with no offlying dangers, leads between 0 trov Ketoy and the NE end of Ostrov Shimushir, about 10 mile SW. Tides-Currents.-In Proliv Diany the flood tidal current sets NW, while the ebb current sets SE. When the diurnal inequality is large there may be only one flood and one ebb current during the tidal day. According to observations made in summer, when the current is diurnal, it runs SE for 5 or 6 hour before LLW at Buk:hta Broutona until 3 or 4 hours after that LW; a velocity of 3 knots is attained . During the remaining 15 hours there is a weaker NW set. 4.25 Ostrov Simushir (Shirnu hiru To) consists of a chain of extinct volcanoes with wooded slopes in its central and NE part. The SW part is mountainous with few trees. The SE coast of the island is steep-to. The NW coast is fringed by rocks, close inshore, and bordered by a thick growth of seaweed. Gora Uratman (4T07'N., 152' 15'E.) has steep black slopes and is located on the SE side of Buk:hta Broutona, a flooded crater at the N end of Ostrov Simushir. Vulkan Prevo, about 8 miles SW of Gora Uratman, is conical and very prominent. Gora Mil'na (Vulkan Mil'na) (46' 49'N., 151 ' 47'E.) rises near the S extremity of the island, forming its summit. This section is joined to the rest of the island by a low neck. Mys Rollin, the S extremity of the island, is 136m high and the slopes above are covered with shrubs and herbage. Caution.-Volcanic activity has occurred about 14 miles S of Mys Rollin. Zaliv Mil'na (Shirnushiru Wan) (46 ' 52'N., 151 ' 50'E.) is located on the NW side of the island, about 5.5 miles NNE of Mys Rollin. A light is shown from the S entrance point of the bay. A sandy beach lies at the head of the bay. A prominent rock stands on top of the cliffs, about 0.5 mile W of the S entrance point. Ice.-Drift ice, up to 1.5m in thickness, sometimes obstructs Zaliv Mil'na in the latter part of March or April according to the direction of the wind, but it only remains about 1 day. Tides-Currents.-The weak tidal currents on the SE side of Ostrov Simushir are influenced by the ocean current, the resultant flow being usually SW with a velocity not exceeding 1.5 knots. Off M ys Otvesnyy, the NE extremity of the island, a rate of over 3 knots has been experienced. Off Mys Vasina, 10 miles SW of Mys Otvesnyy, there is a NE set from 2 to 3 hours afterLW. Off Mys Aront, the W extremity of Ostrov Simushir, observations made in summer at springs indicate that the ocean current usually flows NW, its velocity sometimes exceeding 3 knots. In Zaliv Mil'na, both flood and ebb tidal currents frequently set W, with velocities of 0.8 knot to 2.5 knots. A NE set is seldom experienced. The tidal currents flow in a NE-SW direction along the NE part of the NW coast of the island. The SW current begins 2 or 3 hours after LW and its velocity may exceed 1 knot. The NE current does not exceed 0.8 knot. Anchorage.-Zaliv Mil'na is free from off-lying dangers, but there is often a strong W current and heavy squalls may blow down from the mountains. The recommended anchorages are near the 1Om curve, N of the SW end of the neck or W of the NE end. The anchorage cannot be considered safe. Anchorage can also be obtained in Taki Ura, a slight indentation on the NW side of the island about 5.5 miles WSW of Mys Otve"nyy the NE extremity. The recommended berth is in a depth of 27m, mud, with the waterfall at the head of the Ushaped cove bearing 120', distant about 0.6 mile. A prominent rocky islet lies about 0.15 mile offshore 2 miles NE of the waterfall. Caution.-Because of the low land at its head, Zaliv Mil'na is not protected from the dense fogs which usually accompany E winds. It may be foggy when there is clear weather in the lee of the high hills on either side. Proliv Bussol' and Proliv Urup 4.26 Proliv Bussol' (46' 40'N., 151 ' 51'E.) and Proliv Urup lead between the SW end of Ostrov Sirnushir and the NE end of Ostrov Urup, about 56 miles SW. The straits are separated by three small islands, consisting of Ostrova Chernyye Brat'ya, Ostrov Chirpoy, and Ostrov Broutona. Ostrova Chernyye Brat'ya consists of Ostrov Chirpoy, the NE island, and Ostrov Brat Chirpoyev, the SW island. Traffic Separation Scheme.-An IMO-adopted Traffic Separation Scheme lies in the waters of Proliv Bussol, and may be best seen on the appropriate chart. Tides-Currents.-The flood tidal current between Ostrov Simushir and Ostrov Urup sets N, and the ebb sets S, attaining velocities of up to 3 knots. The tidal currents are influenced by the ocean currents, and the resultant flows are irregular. Pub.155 Sector 4. Kuril Islands In Proliv Snou, between Ostrov Chirpoy and Ostrov Brat Chirpoyev, the flood tidal current sets NW, and the ebb SE, with velocities of up to 3 knots . The flood tidal current begins 2 or 3 hours after LW. Eddies are sometimes formed in the E entrance of the strait. Proliv Bussol', about 36 miles wide, leads between Ostrov Broutona and Ostrov Chirpoy, to the W, and Ostrov Shimushir, to the E. This is the widest channel in the Kuril Islands. The channel is unobstructed, but caution is necessary due to the uncertainty of the tidal currents, especially with E winds, which send in dense fog usually extending across the strait. Ostrova Chernyye Brat'ya (Chirirhoi To) appear from theSE as three cones of different heights. The islands, being small, are subject to fogs. The greatest frequency is between May and July, during SE winds . A considerable amount of driftwood may be found on the coasts of the islands, especially on sandy beaches. 4.27 Ostrov Chirpoy (Kita Jima) (46 . 32'N., 150. 53'E.) is surmounted by three peaks aligned in a N-S direction. The N peak, Vulkan Chernogo (Okuzure Yama), the summit of the island, has perpendicular cliffs caused by landslips on the NW side of its crater. White smoke is continually emitted from the middle peak. The S and lowest peak sometimes emits a few columns of steam. Bukhta Peschanaya is formed on its NE side by a narrow peninsula, 166m high, which is joined to the NE end of Ostrov Chirpoy by a low, sandy isthmus. Heavy squalls sometimes descend from the mountains. In summer, a S swell rolls in and breaks heavily. The S coast of Ostrov Chirpoy, between its W extremity and a point 3.2 miles E, consists of rocks of porous lava and is of a dark brown color. TheSE extremity of the island is cliffy, 31m high, and is a habitat for numerous sea birds whose cries can sometimes be heard for a distance of 0.5 mile. Close S of the point is an islet, 3m high, on which sea lions can usually be seen. A semi-circular cove on the S side of the point has a pebble beach backed by high land . The ruins of a building associated with some disused sulphur mines stand on the shore. Ostrov Brat Chirpoyev (Minami Jima) , separated from Ostrov Chirpoy by Proliv Snou, a deep passage, rises to a conical summit near its W side. Mys Semenova (46. 27'N., 150. 51'E.) is theSE extremity of Ostrov Brat Chirpoyev. The headland is 33m high, and from it the land slopes gently upward. In summer, it is usually enveloped in fog . Rakko Jima, a steep, conical islet, lies close NE of the island. A reef, with some above-water rocks, extends about 0.3 mile E of this islet, and a rock, which dries 0.9m, lies about 0.5 mile SE of the islet. Skala Lev, a rock, lying close inshore, W of the summit of Ostrov Brat Chirpoyev, resembles a lion lying down, near which tide rips and eddies occur. 4.28 Ostrov Broutona (Buroton To) (46 .43'N ., 150.45'E.) , about 11 miles NNW of Ostrov Chirpoy, is a dome-shaped island, fringed with cliffs about 274m high. Its coasts consist of beaches of large stones. A rock, 28m high, the highest of several, some of which are submerged, lies close off the NW coast of Ostrov Broutona and is frequented by large flocks of Summit, bearing 090 •, distant 8 miles Ostrov Broutona from W sea bird. Tidal currents in the vicinity of the island are weak, and the resultant set is mainly NNE with a maximum velocity of around 2 knots. Proliv Urup (Minami Uruppu Suido) , about 15 miles wide, leads between Ostrov Brat Chirpoyev and the NE extremity of Ostrov Urup. The strait is free of dangers, except for the tide rips off Mys Kastrikum. The tidal currents are strong, and in foggy weather the passage should not be attempted unless the vessel's position is certain, as the low NE point of Ostrov Urup and the islets off it, may be obscured while the high land W is visible. Caution.-Volcanic activity has been reported about 55 miles ENE of Mys Kastrikum. Mys Kastrikum. No further information is available. Magnetic disturbance is reported to exist within a radius of 8 miles from Ostrov Broutona. Ostrov Urup 4.29 Ostrov Urup is generally extremely rugged on the NW side of the range of mountains running lengthwise through it. On its SE side, there is a gradual slope to the coast. Peaks over 1,219m high rise in the N, middle, and S parts of the island. The summit of Ostrov Urup, in the S part, has several other peaks of nearly equal elevation around it. The coasts of Ostrov Urup are generally cliffy, with little sandy beach, and level land is found only near its SW extremity. The island is fringed with kelp, especially towards its SW end, where it covers the sea for stretches of 5 or 6 miles, and presents the appearance of reefs. On the NW shore of Ostrov Urup there are no dangers more than 1 mile offshore. There are no safe anchorages and the best temporary ones are situated off the NW side of the island. Winds-Weather.-Ostrov Urup has prevailing S winds from May to July, with frequent calms. By September, W winds predominate, but later in autumn the direction is variable. At Reyd Otkrytyy, on the NW coast, locally strong SE winds occur from May to July. At Zaliv Natalii (Tsurigane Wan), on the same coast, the winds are very strong in summer. Near Ostrov Urup, fogs occur most frequently from May to September, being particularly numerous between June and August. On the SE side of the island, fogs are generally expected with S winds. In June and July, the fogs are relatively low and peaks on the island may appear, but in August and September it may be possible to make out the coast while the upper slopes are enveloped in fog. Pub.155 Sector4. Kuril Islands Tides-Currents.-The tidal current on the SE side of Ostrov Urup is SW on the flood tide and NE on the ebb tide, with velocities of less than 1 knot. The tidal currents on the NW side of the island, with the exceptions of the straits on either end , have a general SW or W flow on the rising tide , and a NE orE flow on the falling tide. A velocity of about 1.5 knots is attained. The tidal currents on either side of the island are greatly affected by the winds and the ocean currents. 4.30 Southeast side of Ostrov Urup.-The SE coast of Ostrov Urup consists almost entirely of high cliffs with a fringe of large boulders and rocky reefs extending 1 mile offshore in places . Caution.-The kelp grows thicker on this side of the island than on the NW side and it is not safe to navigate close inshore. In summer, high seas run all along the coast and there are neither secure anchorages nor safe landing places. Mys Kastrikum (Karasunoo Misaki) (46 °14'N., 150 °35'E.), a cliff about 31m high, is the extremity of a flat tongue of land that forms the NE point of Ostrov Urup. A light and radio beacon are situated on the cape. About 0.5 mile SW of the cape, a conspicuous sandy hillock , 42m high , affords a good mark from seaward. Four islets, joined by reefs and abovewater rocks, extend about l . 7 miles ENE from Mys Kastrikum . A bank, with depths of less than 18m and having tide rips above it, extends about 1.5 miles E and 1.2 miles N of the outer islet. Thick beds of kelp are found in the vicinity of the cape, and the tidal currents are strong. Banka Dvukhmetrovaya (Kombu Se) , a 2.9m patch , marked by a thick growth of kelp, lies about 5 miles SW of Mys Kastrikum, and about 1.5 miles offshore. Kaimen Zan (46 °08'N., 150 °17'E.) has three summits and is conspicuous from SE. 4.31 Mys Khiva (Hiyori Zaki) (46o04'N., 150o19'E.), 15 miles SW of Mys Kastrikum , has cliffs 38m high and is conspicuous from a distance. An islet, 36m high, lies close off its S side. A steep-to patch, with a depth of 4.1m, lies about 1 mile SE of Mys Khiva. Mys Temnyy (Ana Zaki), about 9 miles farther SW, is a salient rocky point, 51m high. A large cave on the S side of its extremity shows up from the SW. Togari lwa, a detached pointed rock, is conspicuous about 1.2 miles S of Mys Temnyy. Mys Razmytyy (Chuo Zaki) (45°50'N., 150°02'E.), 10 miles SW of Mys Ternnyy, has a flat islet, 30m high, close off it. Mys Etolina (Garan Zaki) , about 5 miles farther WSW, is a prominent high point with cliffs formed of columnar rocks . The point is surmounted by two hills, the S of which is 127m high and can be identified when the mountains are obscured by fog, except when it is covered by snow. Anchorage.-In good weather, temporary anchorage can be taken by vessels with local knowledge in the bay NE of Mys Etolina. The best berth is in 22m , sand, good holding ground, with Mys Etolina bearing 237 °, distant about 1.5 miles. Vessels at anchorage here may roll heavily at times. Mys Kuzinoty (Kushino Misaki) (45"34'N., 149 °32'E.) , 21 miles SW of Mys Etolina, is a high point, which appears from Pub. ISS the SW to have a serrated crest. A conspicuous 40m rock lies close off its extremity. 4.32 Northwest side of Ostrov Urup.-Mys Van-derLind (Nobunotsu Misaki) is the cliffy extremity of a plateau , about 10lm high, forming the SW extremity of Ostrov Urup. A bank, with depths of 18.3m and less, over which the strong tidal currents raise dangerous tide rips, extends about 2 miles SW of the cape. Near the middle of this bank, about 0.7 mile offs hore, is a rock on which the sea usually breaks. A light is shown, and a radiobeacon transmits, from a structure on Mys Van-der-Lind. Satano Iwa (Totano Iwa) , a small islet, lies about 1.2 miles N of Mys Van-der-Lind. About 1 mile NE of this islet is Uchino Iwa, consisting of two small rocks. Za liv Shchukina (F utagojirna Hakuchi) (45 °38'N., 149 °27'E.), between Uchino Iwa and Ostrov Krab (Futago Jima), a flat-topped islet about 2.8 miles NNE, offers temporary anchorage for small vessels from all but W winds. A good berth lies in a depth of 18m, good holding ground, about 0.7 mile S of Ostrov Krab. The tidal currents are strong and vessels sometime roll heavily. This anchorage can be considered safe during the summer. Tides-Currents.-The tidal current sets NE in the area 1 to 2 miles SW of Ostrov Krab from 2 to 3 hours after LW until 2 or 3 hours after HW. At other times the current sets S. The maximum velocity is 1 knot. Mys Tetyayeva (Taka Saki), about 1.5 miles NE of Ostrov Krab, is a prominent headland, 156m high, and faced with a conspicuous, brown cliff on its S side. Between Mys Tetyaeva and Mys Sevryuga, another high point 8 miles NE, the coast consists mostly of high cliffs fring ed with boulders. It is backed by hills and in it are the mouths of several streams. The cliffs for 3 miles NE of My s Tetyaeva are light gray and prominent. In the vicinity of Mys Sevryuga the cliffs are red. A remarkable waterfall breaks over cliffs , 285m high, 3.2 miles NE ofMys Sevryuga. 4.33 Reyd Otkrytyy (Reid Otkhpytiy) (45"52'N., 149 o46'E.), fringed with kelp and rocky shoals off beaches of gravel and stone, has depths of 18.3m about 0.7 mile offshore. Tokotan Kawa, a river with a small lake upstream , flows into the roadstead. A conspicuous sandy cliff, about 0.6 mile NE of the river mouth, affords a mark to vessels entering the roadstead. Gora Rudakova (Daiba Yama), with a prominent rocky cliff on its N side, rises about 1 mile NE of the cliff. Tides-Currents.-The flood tidal current sets SW betw een 1 and 3 miles offshore of Reyd Otkrytyy, and the ebb NE. The SW current is of longer duration than the NE current and attains a velocity of 1.5 knots. The NE current runs for 1 hour or so after HW, with a velocity not exceeding 1 knot. Anchorage.-The recommended anchorage is in a depth of 20m , fine sand, with the mouth ofTokotan Kawa bearing 122 °, distant about 0.8 mile. Caution must be exercised as a rocky shelf, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends about 0.4 mile NNW of the mouth of the river. This anchorage is usually safe in summer, but the tidal currents are strong and the bottom slopes steeply. Sector4. Kuril Islands Vulkan Tri Sestry (Iwo Yama) (45 °56'N. , 149°55'E.) has three peaks, the N peak being sharp and conspicuous. Mara Yama, a conical mountain, about 1.5 miles SW, can sometimes be identified when the mountains NE are obscured by fog. 4.34 Gora Kolokol (Uruppo Fuji) (46 °02'N ., 150°04'E.), the highest mountain N of Reyd Otkrytyy, is conical and prominent. Zaliv Natalli (Tsurigane Wan) is entered between Staten Misaki (46°06'N., 150°05'E.) and Mys Yakor' (Nobu Misaki), a steep headland, about 6 miles NE. In general, the bay is exceedingly deep, with mountains rising close to its shores . Aspect.-Gora Nepristupnaya (Gyuto Zan), with a conspicuous rock summit, rises about 1.5 miles SSW of Staten Misaki, and Aka Yama, reddish in color, is conspicuous about 2 miles S of the same headland. Gora Antipina (Tsurigane Yama), with two pointed summits, rises about 2.5 miles E of Mys Yakor', the upper part of its W slope being formed by nearly perpendicular cliffs. Anchorage.-Zaliv Natalli offers good anchorage, except during NW winds, in a depth of about 18m, fine sand, good holding ground, near the head of the bay. At greater distances offshore the depths increase rapidly, and caution must be exercised as the 200m curve lies between 1 and 2 miles off the head of the bay. Bukhta Novokuril'skaya (Mishima Wan) (46°13'N. , 150°20'E.) offers anchorage to small vessels with local knowledge in 21m, sand, with the conspicuou s pointed rock, 20m high, close inshore on the E side of the bay, bearing 105°, distant about 0.5 mile. Kamome Jima, a flat, rocky islet, 5.5m high, lies about 0.5 mile offshore, 3 miles E of the E entrance point of Bukhta Novokuril'skaya. Daisanto Zan (46 oll'N., 150o23'E.) has three summit s in a N-S direction. Proliv Friza (Etorofu Kaikyo) 4.35 Proliv Friza, a deep unobstructed strait, leads between the SW extremity of Ostrov Urup and the NE end of Ostrov Iturup (Etorofu Jima), about 22 miles W. A bank, with depths of 18.3m and less, over which the tidal currents raise dangerous tide rips, extends about 2 miles SW of the SW extremity of Ostrov Urup. Near the middle of this bank is a rock over which the sea usually breaks. There are no dangers on theW side of the strait. Winds-Weather.-The prevailing wind is NW during winter. The mean wind velocity is 13 to 18 knots. Ice.-In Proliv Friza, the drift ice generally appears at the end of February and is not found after the middle of May. Tides-Currents.-Though complete observations are not yet available, it appears that in Proliv Friza the flood tidal current is N and the ebb is S, the change occurring from 1 to 2 hours after HW or LW. However, the set through the strait is extremely irregular, because of the influence of the warm and cold ocean currents which flow near its N and S entrances, respectively. In summer, about 13 miles E of Mys Il'ya Muromets (Rakkibetsu Misaki), the S current exceeds 2 knots in velocity, changing to a N current about 2 hours after LW. About 3 miles off the coast of Ostrov lturup, there appears to be a constant S current, which may attain a velocity of 4.5 knots off Mys Il'ya Muromets. Several miles off Ostrov Urup there appears to be a constant N current, and a velocity of 4 .8 knots has been experienced. Ostrov Iturup (Etorofu To) (Etorofu Jima) 4.36 Ostrov lturup, the largest and most important island of the Kuril Islands, is mountainous and rugged. The coasts of the island are mainly steep-to with no dangers outside of 1 mile offshore. Winds-Weather.-Ostrov Iturup has strong NW winds, accompanied by heavy seas, from late October until the end of April. In summer, SE winds prevail. At Kuril'sk (Shana), on the NW coast, NW to W winds are predominant from November to March. The winds are variable the remainder of the year, with E to SE winds predominating from June to September. The average wind velocity is highest (18 knots) in December, and lowest (8 knots) in July. Extreme velocities of over 70 knots have occurred in the winter months. Kuril'sk has a mean annual temperature of 4.4°C. Extreme maximum readings of 30.6oC have been made in July and August, and readings as low as -24.4oC have occurred in February and March. Subfreezing temperatures have been read in all months except August. At Kuril'sk, snow falls on an average of 144 days . It may be expected daily in December and January, and in both February and March, the average is about 25 days . The falls are light and dry, and the annual precipitation of rain is only 15.5cm. The NW side of Ostrov lturup is the most clear of fog , and at Kuril'sk there is an average of 46 days with fog annually, of which 42 days are from April to August, 12 days being in the month of July. The most frequent fogs are found on the SE coast of the island from June to August, with very few clear days. Ice.-On the NW side of Ostrov Iturup there is drift ice from January on. These floes freeze together and form ice-floes which drift about, influenced by the winds and currents. Floes carried S become stranded on the shores of the bays, and freeze together forming a mass of ice, which by February may extend several miles offshore, with a thickness of about 3m. This ice breaks up in April and finally disappears in May. On the SE side of the island, the bays do not freeze over, and are seldom obstructed by drift ice. Tides-Currents.-A warm ocean current flows NE through the sea of Okhotsk off the NW side of Ostrov Iturup. Off the SE side of the island, a cold current flows mainly SW. The velocities do not exceed 1knot. On the SE side of Ostrov Iturup the flood tidal current has a general SW set. The ebb current is NE, but because of the influence of the SW ocean current the flow in the flood direction is longer in duration and somewhat greater in velocity. Velocities of more than 2 knots may be attained W of Mys Urumpet (Urombetsu Misaki), near the SW end of the island. Velocities E of the same point are less than 1 knot, and the directions are irregular. On the NW side of Ostrov Iturup, SW of Mys Przheval'skogo (Notoro Misaki), the flood tidal current follows Pub. ISS Sector4. Kuril Islands the coastline, flowing SW or into the bays, and the ebb current takes an opposite direction. The velocities seldom exceed 1 knot, except off Mys Bol'shoy Nos (Poronotsu Bana), where they may be greater than 2 knots. In areas other than that near Proliv Yekateriny (Kunashiri Suido) the flow is influenced by the ocean current which sets NE, the velocity in that direction being somewhat greater. Off Mys Przheval'skogo the flood current is NE and the ebb is SW, the change occurring about 1 hour after HW or LW. Maximum velocities of 2 knots during the flood and about 1.5 knots during the ebb are attained. Between Mys Przheval'skogo and Kuril'sby Zaliv (Shana Wan) the flood current sets E or towards the coast, and in the opposite direction during the ebb, the velocities not exceedillg 0.5 knot. Near the N extremity of Poluostrov Chirip (Chirippu Santo) it appears that in summer the resultant current is always W, and during the flood current a velocity of 1.5 knots may be experienced. Between Poluostrov Chirip and Mys Friza (Shibetoro Misab) the flood current is usually SW and the ebb NE, but both are irregular. The velocities seldom exceed 1 knot, except in the vicinity of Mys Friza, where a velocity of 2 knots may be attained. 4.37 Southeast side of Ostrov Iturup.-Mys Il'ya Muromets (Rakbbetsu Misab) (45°30'N., 148 °54'E.), the extremity of Ostrov Iturup, has vertical cliffs in its vicinity. A large conspicuous waterfall at the cape plunges into the sea from a height of 140m. Bukhta Medvezh'ya (Moyoro Wan), close S of Mys Il'ya Muromets, offers shelter from winds between the SSW and NNW. Strong tidal currents and the abruptly shelving bottom of sand make precautions against dragging necessary. Heavy swells are frequently encountered, particularly with E winds. Ice.-lt is reported that tills bay is rarely blocked by drift ice. Tides-Currents.-The flood tide sets NE while the ebb tide sets SE. Either current may attain a velocity of 3 knots. Aspect.-Gora Medvezh'ya (Moyoro Dake) (4Y23'N., 148o51'E.) , with a pointed summit, is one of several peaks S of the bay. Io Dake, the W peak, constantly emits white smoke. The mountains are colored yellow in places by sulphur. The chimneys of the sulphur refinery at Medvezh'e (Moyoro), in the SW part of the bay, are conspicuous. A conspicuous cable railway extends S of the town to a spur of the mountains. Anchorage.-To avoid W squalls from the valley, the recommended anchorage is NE of Medvezh'e in a depth of about 17m, sand, with the pointE of the town bearing 175°, distant about 0.5 mile. Mys Sevorsi (Seoroshi Misab) (4Y19'N., 148°45'E.) is a high, cliffy, steep-to point. A flat-topped hill rises to an elevation of 567m, 1 mile to the NW. Mys Razdel'nyy (Toshiruri Misab) (45°15'N. , 148 °30'E.), a low, flat point lying 12 miles WSW of Mys Sevorsi, has a chain of small rocks extending 0.8 mile S. The rocks show up well from the NE or SW. Gora Golets (Rucharu Yama), a flat, rounded mountain, about 6.5 miles W of the point, is conspicuous from the S. Mys Yevgeniya (Otochishi Misab), a cliffy point, about 11 miles WSW of Mys Razdel'nyy, is 145m high, has no trees, Pub.lSS and appears as an island from a distance. Mys !soya (!soya Misab), about 5 miles farther SW, is surmounted by a conspicuous, rocky hill, 76m high, which appears as a large, solitary building from a distanceS. Vulkan Teben'kova (Odamoe Yama) (4Y02'N., 14T55'E.) is the summit of, and lies at the E end of, a conspicuous mountain range. Tsurarippu Yama, about 2 miles WSW, has a jagged summit, which sometimes emits white smoke, and there are conspicuous red cliffs on its S and E sides. Zaliv Kasatka (Hitokappu Wan) is entered E of Mys Burevestnik (Uembetsu Sab) (44°55'N., 14T40'E.), a point fringed by a rocky shoal, covered with seaweed and extending about 0.4 mile offshore. Mys Burevestnik is backed by a level plateau, about 15m high, extending 7.5 miles SW, and extending to the foothills of Gora Burevestnik, a peak rising about 9 miles WSW of the point. Winds-Weather.-In Zaliv Kasatka, N winds prevail from September to April, and S winds for the remainder of the year. In February and March, occasional SE gales raise heavy seas in the bay. During E and SW winds, the sea may be choppy. Between the middle of December and the middle of March, the snowfall may be as much as 0.9m. April is generally clear, and in May, the rainy month, the precipitation is very light. Fogs are numerous from the latter part of May until the middle of July. Ice.-Zaliv Kasatka is seldom icebound. Drift ice may occasionally enter the bay during April, especially during strong S winds. Aspect.-A light is shown from Mys Burevestnik. A light is shown, also at Toshimoye, in the NE part of the bay. Anchorage.-Adequate shelter can be had, depending on the direction of the wind, off the town of Kasatka (Toshimoye) in the NE part of the bay, in a depth lOrn, sand, about 0.6 mile offshore. Anchorage may also be taken off the town of Burevestnik (Uembetsu), in the SW part of the bay, in a depth of 12m, sand, about 0.3 mile offshore. The holding ground is not good in these anchorages, and there is danger of dragging, especially during strong S winds. The mountains on either side of the bay offer shelter from SW orNE winds. 4.38 Mys Urumpet (Urumombetsu Sab) (44°35'N., 14Tl5'E.), about 26 miles SW of Mys Burevestnik, is a headland formed by cliffs, 196m high, which terminate a mountain ridge. Ostrov Odinoby (Tori Shima), a group of five rocks, the highest of which is 51m, lies about 0.7 mile ENE of the point and is conspicuous from a distance. Mys Burunnyy (Bosso Sab), about 2.5 miles SW of Mys Urumpet, is a treeless point with a rocky islet lying close off it. A waterfall, on a cliff about 1 mile W of the point, is conspicuous. Vulkan Berutarube (Berutarube Yama) (44°28'N., 146o56'E.), on the SW end of Ostrov lturup, is conspicuous from a distance and joined by low land on its NE side to the remainder of the island. Mys Rikorda (Shikaragarishi Sab), a S spur of Vulkan Berutarube, is a high cliff of a faded red color, with a saddle-backed summit. Tides-Currents.-In the vicinity of Mys Rikorda the flood tidal current follows the coast in a SW direction, and the ebb is Sector4. Kuril Islands NE, with velocities exceeding 3 or 4 knots being attained. Tide rips occur when the currents are at strength. 4.39 Northwest side of Ostrov Iturup.-Mys Gnevnyy (Berutarube Saki) (44. 27'N., 146. 52'E.), about 3 miles W of Vulkan Berutarube, is the steep-to W end of Ostrov Iturup. Zaliv Dozornyy (Tannemoe Wan), a bight about 6 miles NE of Mys Gnevnyy, offers anchorage to vessels with local knowledge, but is exposed to considerable swell. Vessels at anchor swing to the strong tidal currents. Winds from the NE through E to SW blow across the low land at the head of the bay from an E direction due to the configuration of the land. A submarine telegraph cable is laid from the head of the bay. Zaliv L'vinaya Past' (Moekeshi Wan) (44. 37'N., 147"00'E.), formed by a crater breached by the sea, should be avoided. During gales from all directions except the N, violent winds sweep down from the hills encircling the inlet. Zaliv Dobroye Nachalo (Naibo Wan) (44. 43'N., 147"08'E.) offers the best anchorage on the NW side of Ostrov Iturup. The bay is entered between Mys Kabara (Kabara Misaki), the E entrance point of Zaliv L'vinaya Past', and a peninsula about 10 miles NW, on which stands Gora Atsonupuri (Atosa Nobori), an isolated volcano. Gora Atsonupuri has a conspicuous gray landslip on its NW slope. The N half of the head of the bay is a sandy beach, through the middle of which flows the river Tikhaya (Onnenaibo Betsu). Heavy fogs frequently enter the bay through the valleys on either side of the range of hills in the S part of the head of the bay. Anchorage.-The recommended anchorage for vessels with local knowledge is in 10 to 20m, fine sand, between 0.4 mile and 1 mile W of the mouth of the Tikhaya. Odesskiy Zaliv (Utasutsu Wan), E of the peninsula of Gora Atsonupuri, is exposed N. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can anchor off the towns at the NE and SW end of the sandy beach at the head of the bay. Caution.-A detached reef, with a least depth of 1 1.4m, lies about 3.5 miles W of the mouth of the Tikhaya. 4.40 Gora Stokap (Hitokappu Yama) (44. 50'N., 147"21 'E.), a volcano with a dome-shaped summit, has a conspicuous landslip on its W side. A mountain range extends about 6 miles ENE from this volcano, then descends abruptly, terminating in low terraces. Bukhta Zolotaya (Furebetsu Byochi), a small cove, is entered between Hatcho Shima (45"04'N., 147"32'E.), a conspicuous black islet, and the S side of two drying rocks, about 240m N. Mys Przheval'skogo (Notoro Misaki) (45"06'N., 147"30'E.), 59m high, is the dark, flat-topped extremity of a peninsula, about 3 miles long. A conspicuous rock lies close off the W end of the point. A drying rocky ledge extends about 0.1 mile NW of the rock. Mys Ksana (Sango Saki), the N extremity of the peninsula, lying 0.6 mile NE of Mys Przheval'skogo, has an above-water rock, 5m high , near the extremity of a reef extending about 0.2 mile N of the point. The rock shows up well from E and W. Tide rips are often formed ENE of Mys Ksana. Anchorage.-Large vessels anchor near the 20m curve, which is about 0.3 mile W and 0.4 mile NW of Hatcho Shima, and about 0.4 mile off the shore SE of Mys Przheval'-skogo. 4.41 Zaliv Kuybyshevskiy (Rubetsu Wan) (45"06'N., 147"40'E.) does not afford safe anchorage. The bay is open to onshore winds and also to the winds that traverse across the island through the valley at its head . The holding ground of fine sand over rock is not good. Winds-Weather.-In Zaliv Kuybyshevskiy, NW winds prevail in winter, and those between E and S predominate in spring and summer. A SE gale in summer is nearly always followed by a NW wind. The worst season of the year is autumn withE gales. Fogs begin to develop in the latter part of March and continue until September, being most numerous in June and July. Ice.-The bay may be obstructed by drift ice, which enters with winds between Wand N, and is driven out by winds from between E and S, between the middle of January and the end of May. The floes are often heavy, and have been observed to pile up to a thickness of about 3m. Aspect.-Gora Pereval'naya (Nobori Yama) (45.09'N., 147.49'E.) has a flat summit, and is the summit of the high land on the E side of the bay. Riuyenshiri, a 59m hill, backs a small point, about 0.5 mile SW of the mouth of the river at Kuybyshevka (Rubetsu) (45"06'N., 147"42'E.). Anchorage.-In good weather, a vessel, with local knowledge, can anchor in 11m off the town of Kuybyshevka, with Riuyenshiri bearing 173•, distant about 0.6 mile. 4.42 Kuril'skiy Zaliv (Shana Wan) (45"14'N., 147"51'E.) lies on the W side of the inner end of Poluostrov Chirip (Chiruppu Hanto) , the large mountainous peninsula projecting N from the middle part of Ostrov Iturup. The peninsula has two summits. Kita Chirippu Zan, the N summit, is somewhat flattopped. Minami Chirippu Zan, the S summit, has a pointed summit. Between these two summits is the crater of a dormant volcano, which has precipitous sides, either dark red or brown, and is conspicuous. Winds-Weather.-See general description of winds, weather, and fog for Ostrov Iturup. Ice.-Aiong the shores of Kuril'skiy Zaliv, thin ice forms usually in the latter part of January. At about the middle of February, drift ice is carried into the bay by W or NW winds and often cements into solid fields. Winds from between the E and S drive the ice out of the bay, and it generally disappears by the latter part of April. Aspect.-A meteorological observatory, at which storm signals are shown, is situated close N of the river mouth at Kuril'sk (Shana). A conspicuous temple is situated on the SW bank of the river, about 0.2 mile SE of the river mouth. A prominent radio mast surmounts a 23m hill, about 0.3 mile E of the temple. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken by vessels with local knowledge in 12.8m, sand, with a prominent mast situated about 0.3 mile NNW of the temple, bearing 075", distant 0.7 mile. With strong winds between the N and W, which raise Pub.155 Sector 4. Kuril Islands heavy seas, there is danger of dragging and vessels should leave the anchorage immediately. Nayoka Wan , entered S of Ikabanotsu Saki (4Y16'N. , 14T52'E.), is not safe with winds from between the SW and NW, as the bottom consists of sand over rock. Ice conditions are similar to those in Kuril'skiy Zaliv. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken by vessels with local knowledge in a depth of 16m, with Ikabanotsu Saki bearing 322. , distant about 0.5 mile. Two rivers enter the sea about 4.5 miles and 6.5 miles N, respectively, of Mys Ikabanotsu. The water in the latter river is muddy and of a bluish-green color, and can be distinguished from the sea water for about 1 mile offshore. Parachirippu Iwa, a conspicuous, square rock, 61m high, lies close inshore, about 1.5 miles NNE of the N river mouth. 4.43 Mys Breskens (0 Misaki) (45 . 26'N. , 147. 56'E.), the N extremity of Poluostrov Chirip, is steep-to and flat-topped. It only shows up from the E or W. A radiobeacon is situated on the cape. Tides-Currents.-About 1.5 miles off the coast between Mys Breskens and Mys Shpora (Onneshireyeto Bana), about 2 miles SE, the current always sets NW, with velocities of 0.5 to 1.5 knots. Bukhta Konservnaya (Shamambe Byochi), entered S of Mys Konservnyy (Kukidono Saki) (4Y20'N., 148 .01'E.), has comparatively steep shores. On its W side are the clifty, densely wooded slopes of Minami Chirippu Zan, by which it is sheltered from NW winds. Pon Nobori, a conspicuous hill, about 2.3 miles S of Mys Konservnyy, is a good landmark. Ice.-ln Bukhta Konservnaya and Reyd Udobnyy (Bettobu Byochi), fast ice may be expected to form in the early part of January, and to remain until the beginning of May. Drift ice may obstruct these anchorages from the middle of February until the latter part of April. Anchorage.-The recommended anchorage is in a depth of about 27m, sand, with Mys Konservnyy bearing 354•, distant a little more than 0.4 mile. 4.44 Reyd Udobnyy (Bettobu Byochi), a roadstead at the S end of theE side of Poluostrov Chirip, lies on the E side of lju Bana (45 . 17'N. , 148 . 02'E.), a small promontory. Foul ground extends about 0.4 mile off the W side of the roadstead. The shore bank on the S side extends about 0.3 mile offshore. Tides-Currents.-In Reyd Udobnyy the currents flow roughly E and W; theE current having its maximum rate from 2 to 3 hours before HW, and the W current from 2 to 3 hours before LW. The E currents following the LLW and the succeeding W currents are the stronger and attain rates of I knot. Aspect.-Parasan Yama, about 6 miles S of lju Bana, is a ridge running E and W, with a large columnar rock on it, conspicuous from a distance. Fuyuni Nobori, a mountain with a flat, thickly wooded summit, rises about 7 miles ESE of Iju Bana. Anchorage.-Reyd Udobnyy has a bottom of sand, good holding ground, and there is little swell. Local vessels usually anchor in a depth of 20m, with the summit of lju Bana bearing 272· , distant about 0.9m. During the fishing season , caution should be exercised because of nets. Puh.155 4.45 Shusu San (4Y13'N., 148 . 15'E.) is a hill rising in the S part of a range of hills traversing Ostrov Iturup in a SSENNW direction. Conspicuous white cliffs, about 91m high, fringe the coast at the N end of these hills. Particularly good shelter is afforded N of the white cliffs. A plain, covered by coarse grass and shrubs, occupies the narrowest part of Ostrov Iturup, E of the above-mentioned range of hills. In summer, during SE winds, thick fog may arrive over this plain from the Pacific Ocean, occasionally covering the sea area in its vicinity. Gora Sibetoro (Shibetoro Dake) (45 . 24'N., 148 . 35'E.) is not discernible because of other mountains in its vicinity. A prominent mountain, with a conspicuous sharp peak, 647m high, rises about 2.5 miles SW of Gora Sibetoro. A peak, surmounted by a triangular, sharp-point rock, prominent from the N, rises about 1 mile N of Gora Sibetoro. About 1 mile farther NW, a mountain with two sharp summits also serves as a good mark. Soi Sho (45 . 28'N., 148. 32'E.), a detached rock with a depth of 2.3m, lies about 0.8 mile offshore. Another rock with the same depth lies about 0.6 mile SW of Soi Sho. 4.46 Bukhta Slavnaya (Shibetoro Byochi) is entered between Ostrov Shlem (Daikoku Shima) (45 . 29'N., 148. 35'E.) and Mys Friza (Shibetori Misaki), about 4 miles NE. Ostrov Shlem lies about 230m offshore. Its N side, whitened by guano, is conspicuous. Mys Friza is a black, rocky cliff, which is conspicuous from the SW or NE. A large pointed rock, 11m high, lies about 0.4 mile NE of the cape. Hatcho lwa, a rock 0.6m high, lies about 0.8 mile ENE of Ostrov Shlem. Benten Shima, a clifty islet, about 1.5 miles ENE of Ostrov Shlem, has a small but conspicuous shrine on its grassy summit. A reef, with a least depth of 0.5m, extends about 0.3 mile NW from the islet. A rocky spit, with several drying rocks near its extremity, extends about 0.5 mile WSW of a point lying 1 mile SW of Mys Friza. Winds-Weather.-Light E winds may be experienced in Bukhta Medvezh'ya, simultaneously with violent offshore squalls being experienced in Bukhta Slavnaya. Tides-Currents.-In the vicinity of Mys Friza the tidal currents are irregular and the bottom is uneven. Anchorage.-The anchorage in the S part of the roadstead is in a depth of about 24m, fine sand, with Hatcho Iwa bearing 197", distant 0.3 mile. Anchorage can also be taken in depths of 12.8 to 20.lm, fine sand, between Benten Shima and the extremity of the rocky spit about 1.2 miles NE. The anchorage is fairly safe during the SE winds of summer, but with N\\' winds vessels should leave the anchorage, or seek shelter in Bukhta Medvezh'ya. The coast from Mys Friza to Mys Koritskiy (Kamoiwakka Misaki), about 4 miles E, is rugged and nearly steep-to with the 20m curve about 0.3 mile offshore. The summit of Gora Kamuy (Kamoi Dake) (4Y31'N., 148. 48'E.) , a large flat-topped mountain, has a range curving NW from it and terminating in cliffs about 3 miles E of Mys Friza. Close S of the above-mentioned cliffs are two prominent, pointed peaks, which are frequently visible when Gora Kamuy is enveloped in cloud or fog. The precipitous coast between Mys Koritskiy and Meekushi Misaki Sector4. Kuril Islands (Miyekushi Bana), about 3.5 miles E, has a conspicuous 76m waterfall near its middle part. Proliv Yekateriny (Kunashiri Suido) 4.47 Proliv Yekateriny, a deep strait, leads between the SE end of Ostrov lturup and Mys Lovtsova (Atoiya Misaki) (44°27'N., 146°35'E.), the NE extremity of Ostrov Kunashir (Kunashiri Shima). The strait is about 12 miles wide in midchannel and clear of dangers with the exception of the foul ground extending NE of Mys Lovtsova. Ice.-The strait is generally clear of drift ice by the end of April, but may become ice-free as early as February. Ice may remain until the early part of May. There is usually less ice on the E side of the strait. Tides-Currents.-In Proliv Yekateriny, the flood tidal current isS and the ebb is N. The change occurs at nearly HW and LW. The tidal currents do not attain any great rate and are somewhat irregular. During the summer, a strong S current in mid-channel opposes the N ebb current, and except near the coast, there is a resultant S set which may attain a velocity of 5 knots. Strong eddies sometimes extend from the side of the strait. Caution.-A Traffic Separation Scheme is located in the strait. Ostrov Kunashir 4.48 Ostrov Kunashir, the SW island of the Kuril Islands, is mountainous. Gora Tyatya (Chacha Dake) (44°21 'N. , 146°15'E.), in the NE part of the island, is the summit of Ostrov Kunashir. Vulkan Mendeleyeva (Shimanobori Yama) (43 o59'N., 145o44'E.), an extinct volcano, is conspicuous in the SW part of the island. The SW half of the island is partly surrounded by the E coast of Hokkaido and the Habomai Islands (Suisho Shoto), for which reason Ostrov Kunashir is sometimes mistaken for part of the Hokkaido mainland when seen from S. Winds-Weather.-On the coasts of Ostrov Kunashir, the strongest winds are from the NW. From early September to the latter part of April, NW winds prevail, and after November they are usually accompained by snow, making the area most dangerous to mariners. Snowfall usually occurs from the early part of November to the middle of May. From January to March, the coasts of Ostrov Kunashir may be icebound, interrupting communication by boat. On all sides of Ostrov Kunashir fog may be experienced, but it occurs with much greater frequency on the SE coast. The season lasts from early May to late August, the heaviest fogs developing during June and July, and the frequency and density depending entirely upon the wind direction. With NW winds, the fogs are dissipated and clear weather results, but S winds cause thick weather. Fogs do not usually occur with W winds, which are rare during summer, and they are somewhat thin during E and N winds. Tides-Currents.-Off the N half of the SE coast of Ostrov Kunashir, about 2 to 3 miles offshore, the flood tidal current is W and the ebb is E, the change occurring at the times of HW and LW. The flood current is influenced by an ocean current which sets in the same direction, thereby flowing somewhat longer and with greater velocity than the ebb. In general, theW current increases its rate with the longitude. Off Mys Yuzhno Kuril'skiy (0 Saki), the maximum velocities of the W and E currents, respectively, are 0.8 knot and less than 0.5 knot. At a distance of 4 to 5 miles off Zaliv Spokoynyy (Shiranuka Wan), the flood current is about 2 knots and the ebb about 1 knot. Along the NW coast of the island, the flood current is SW and the ebb flows NE, but neither current attains any great rate. Because of the influence of a S ocean current, the set in this area is almost always SW, and when the flood current is at strength, the velocity may be as much as 2 knots. Off the N coast of the island, at a distance of about 2 miles , there is almost always an E set, a velocity of 1 knot being attained at flood strength. In the vicinity of Mys Dokuchayeva (Rurui Misaki) an E set of 1.8 knots has been experienced. 4.49 Southeast side of Ostrov Kunashir.-Mys Lovtsova(Atoiya Misaki) (44 °27'N., 146°35'E.), a low tongue of land, is the NE extremity of Ostrov Kunashir. Inari Yama, a prominent, isolated hill , rises to an elevation of 151m, about 1.2 miles SW of the point. A light is shown from Mys Lovtsova and a radiobeacon transmits from this structure. Ostrov Benten (Benten Jima), a steep, rocky islet, with a sharp, grassy summit, 49m high, is conspicuous about 0.2 mile NE of the extremity of Mys Lovtsova. A drying reef extends 0.7 mile NE of Ostrov Benten to Skala Morzhovaya (Tokkari lwa), a double-peaked rock that dries 1.5m. A reef, with a depth of less than 2m, extends about 1 mile NNE of Skala Morzhovaya. A bank, with depths of 14.6 to 18m, extends about 1.3 miles farther N. With a light swell, the bank and reef are marked by breakers. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken on theE side of Mys Lovtsova, about 0.5 mile offshore, in depths of 12.8 to 14.6m, sand, good holding ground, with Inari Yama bearing 340°, distant about 0.9 mile. The section of coast to a distance of 2 miles SSW of Mys Lovtsova consists of low sandy beach. The E coast of the peninsula, to Mys Spokonyy (Akaishi Hana), consists of cliffs and precipitous bluffs gradually increasing in height toward Mys Spokonyy. Jigoku Yama, 253m high, about 1 mile NNE of Mys Spokonyy, is the summit of the peninsula, and is conspicuous from the S. This section is characterized by foul weather and is considered to be the most dangerous area on the SE coast of Ostrov Kunashir. 4.50 Zaliv Spokonyy (Akaishi Hana), entered W of Mys Spokonyy, is sheltered E and W by mountains on either side. A reef, near the middle of the roadstead, dries 1.5m at its W end, and except when the sea is smooth, it is usually marked by breakers. lce.-Drift ice enters Zaliv Spokonyy with winds between SE and S. Winds from the NE or SW drive the ice out of the bay. Anchorage.-During the NW winds of winter, good anchorage is obtainable in a depth of 22m, sand, with Mys Mysovoy (Okappuno Misaki) (44°16'N., 146°18'E.) in line bearing 233 ° with Rausu Dake, a rounded summit about 1 mile S of Vulkan Mendeleyeva (Shimanobori Yama), and with Mys Spokonyy bearing 098 °. Pub.155 Sector4. Kuril Islands ....... lnariYama Ostrov Senten Mys Lovtsova, bearing 316 •, distant 9 miles Northeast end of Ostrov Kunashir from SE Gora Tyatya (Chacha Dake) (44°21'N., 146°15'E.) is conspicuous from all directions with favorable weather conditions, and though usually enveloped in clouds of fog , it is more frequently visible than Gora Rurui, about 8 miles NW. Maru Yama, a solitary peak with a rounded summit rising from the gap between the above-mentioned peaks, is conspicuous from the NE or SW, and often can be made out when the higher peaks are obscured. Reyd Tyatinskiy (Chinomiji Hakuchi) (44°16'N., 146°11'E.), a small roadstead, has a generally rocky bottom and is not recommended in bad weather. In summer, small vessels, with local knowledge, can usually take temporary anchorage. The shore of the bay is of black sand, backed by a narrow strip of grass. Except at the head of the bay, it is fringed with rocks and reefs, some of which dry. A bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends from it for up to 0.4 mile. Ice.-There is fast ice at Reyd Tyatinskiy from January to the latter part of April, and drift ice, accompanying E and N winds, is usually found until the early part of May. Mys Rogacheva (Ruyobetsu Misaki) (44°11'N., 146°03'E.) is a cliffy headland with a rounded summit more than 137m high. Ostrov Rogacheva (Ara Shima), a steep-to grassy islet, 56m high, about 0.3 mile SE of Mys Rogacheva, is the only islet off the SE coast of Ostrov Kunashir. The cape, with its offlying islet, forms one of the most conspicuous landmarks on the SE coast of Ostrov Kunashir. 4.51 Mys Yuzhno-Kuril'skiy (0 Saki) (44°0l'N., 145°53'E.), 12 miles SW of Mys Rogacheva, is a low, treeless point, and the E end of a small peninsula, which appears as an island from a distance. A radiobeacon is situated on the cape. A low, white, sandy beach, extending about 3 miles N of the point, has a conspicuous, columnar rock, 31m high, at its N end. The reefs along this stretch are usually marked by breakers. Bukhta Yuzhno-Kuril'skaya (Furukamappu Wan), entered SW ofMys Yuzhno-Kuril'skiy, has low land extending from its head across Ostrov Kunashir, but hills rise steeply to elevations of about 50m on either side of the bay. A rock, with a depth of 5m and seldom marked by breakers except with a S wind, lies about 1 mile WSW ofMys Yuzhno-Kuril'skiy. Yuzhno-Kuril'skiy (Furukamappu) (44°01'N., 145°51'E.) (World Port Index No. 61080) lies on the NE shore of the bay. At Seseki, about 3 miles SW, two piers about 79m long extend from the shore. An offshore pipeline facility, marked by two buoys, extended about 1.2 miles offshore in the vicinity of Seseki. A remarkable black pointed rock, 5.5m high, lies 0.2 mile off the head of the bay, 2 miles W of Mys Yuzhno-Kuril'skiy. Anchorage.-Bukhta Yuzhno-Kuril'skaya offers comparatively safe anchorage from all winds, except those between the S and SE. With strong NW winds, squalls descend from the mountains. The bay does not freeze over in winter, but drift ice may obstruct it in April and May. There is reported to be good holding ground of sand in depths of about 9m in the middle of the bay. Anchorage may be taken in a depth of 10m, fine sand, with the black pointed rock bearing 346°, distant 0.8 mile, having regard to a detached shoal with a depth of 4.3m lying 0.4 mile SE of the rock. This berth, though safe from winds from the W to NW, was found to be unsuitable with a swell from the SE. 4.52 Vulkan Golovnina (Tomari Yama) (43o50'N. , 145"30'E.), a dormant volcano in the form of an almost perfect cone, can be made out from a distance when the visibility is good. Anchorage.-Temporary anchorage can be taken in 12.8m, sand, with Vulkan Golovnina bearing 264°, and Vulkan Mendeleyeva bearing 023o. Temporary anchorage can also be obtained in 24m, about 1 mile E of Mys Mechnikova (Rausu Zaki), with Vulkan Mendeleyeva bearing 310°, and Mys Yuzhno Kuril'skiy bearing 032°. Mys Veslovskiy (Keramui Saki) (43 °39'N., 145"33'E.) is the extremity of the low sand spit, covered with grass, forming the S end of Ostrov Kunashir. The lighthouse and buildings in the vicinity sometimes resemble a ship from a distance. Rif Burun (Keramoi Sendan), a bank defined by the 10m curve, extends about 12 miles SE of the point. For a distance of about 9 miles offshore the depths on this bank are less than 5.5m in places. There is a least depth on the bank of 4.5m. Heavy seas are sometimes raised on the bank. A bank, with depths of 18m and less, joins the S end of Ostrov Kunashir to the chain of islands lying SE. A 9.lm patch lies about 16 miles ESE of Mys Veslovskiy. Pub.155 Sector4. Kuril Islands Zaliv Izmeny (Tomari Wan), a small bay formed on its E side by the long sandspit terminating in Mys Veslovskiy, offers safe anchorage for vessels of light or moderate draft. lce.-Drift ice may obstruct the anchorage between February and April. It is brought in by SW winds, and driven away by NE winds. It is reported that the floes do not exceed 20m in length, 10m in width, and 0.9m in thickness. Aspect.-Vulkan Golovnina, N of the bay, can be made out in the offing. The red cliffs about 0.8 mile NW of Mys Paltu sov (Notsueto Saki) , the W entrance point of the bay, are very good landmarks and also show up well on radar. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in 6.4m, fine sand, about 3 miles NNW of the light on Mys Veslovskiy. Protection is afforded here from N winds, and S winds do not raise much sea. Caution.-Care must be taken to avoid the shoal water extending about 1 mile W of Mys Veslovskiy, and the shoals extending 6.5 miles S of Mys Paltu sov. Nemuro Strait 4.53 Nemuro Strait (Nemuro Kaikyo) separates Ostrov Kunashir from theE coast of Hokkaido. The N part of the strait is very deep , but the S part is restricted by shoals . Ice.-The only season free from considerations of drift ice in Nemuro Strait is usually from early May until late October. This ice, carried by wind and current, originates on the E coast of Sakhalin. The greater portion found in the strait comes from theN, but other floes of the Sakhalin ice drift SE through the S passages of the Kuril Islands and enter Notsuke Sui do from the E, after combining with ice brought S by the Oyashio Ocean Current. By December, fast ice may extend to a considerable distance offshore in the strait. Notsuke Suido (Proliv Izmeny), a passage about 9 miles wide, leads between the SW end of Ostrov Kunashir and Nokke Sake, on the E coast of Hokkaido. It is the narrowe st part of Nemuro Strait. The passage is restricted by shoals, its navigable width, with depths of 5 to 10m, ranging from 1 to 2 miles. The shoal s are continually shifting, and the irregular depths change frequently. The coasts in the vicinity of the passage are low, with mountains rising at a distance and often obscured by fog, and the fairways are unmarked, causing navigation to be both intricate and dangerous. However, the passage is frequently clear in summer, even when belts of fog extend from the E extremity of Hokkaido to the S end of Ostrov Kunashir. Vessels of less than 500 tons and a draft of less than 4m usually navigate this waterway. Ostrov Kunashir (continued) 4.54 Northwest side of Ostrov Kunashir.-A volcano, formerly known as Iwaoi Yama (43 . 54'N., 145"30'E.), lies about 4 miles N of Vulkan Golovnina. It is 342m high with continuous white smoke being emitted from the mountain and from blow-holes on the nearby shore. A yellowish-gray cliff is on the NE side. Mys Alkhina (Uenshiri Zaki), about 3 miles farther NE, is faced with dark cliffs and rises to a dome-shaped hill, surmounted by trees. Two sharp rocks, about 14m high, close offshore, about 1.5 miles NE of the point, are somewhat conspicuous from theN. Between Mys Alkhina and Mys Stolbgatyy, 8 miles NE, the coast consists of sandy beaches fringed with rocky shoals. Mys Stolbgatyy (44 .02'N. , 145"40'E.) is 26m high, faced with black rocks , and covered with scrub. Bukhta Pervukhina is entered between Mys Stolbgatyy and Mys Spiridonova, 5.5 miles NE. The bay is exposed to N, E, and W winds, and the depths in it are shoal. The head of the bay is low, fringed with reefs, and backed by a lagoon. This low land extends across Ostrov Kunashir, but has on it three hills between 46m and 76m high, by which the bay may be identified. Mys Spiridonova (44. 06'N ., l45 . 45'E.) is fringed with boulders and rises to a wooded mountain, 441m high. Mys Krasiyiotes (Aka Zaki) (44 .09'N., 145 . 47'E.), about 3.5 miles NE of Mys Spiridonova (Ikabanotsu Zaki), is fronted by conspicuous red cliffs, 183m high, and is a good mark. About midway between the two points is a rather conspicuous, high , black cliff. Mys Prasolova (Chashikotsu Zaki) (44. 23'N., 146.01'E.), at the N end of some very conspicuou red cliffs, has a high, pointed rock, conspicuous from the SW or NE, close off it. Mys Belyy Utes (Nokkappu Misaki), about 6 miles farther NE, has a white cliff, somewhat conspicuous from the SW, on its S side. Mys Dokuchayeva (Rurui Misaki) (44. 3l'N., 146. ll 'E.) , the N extremity of Ostrov Kunashir, a clifty grass-covered headland, has a rocky shoal, always marked by breakers, extending about 0.2 mile N. Gora Rurui, which rises about 4 miles SSW of Mys Dokuchayeva, has a pointed summit and is very conspicuous, especially from November to June, when it is usually snow-capped. Skala Shpil' , a black, pointed rock, 62m high , about I mile SE of the cape, lies close off a white cliff and is prominent. Anchorage.-Vessels with local knowledge can take open anchorage, with offshore winds, in suitable depths almost anywhere off the N coast of Ostrov Kunashir. Note.-Suisho Shoto (Malaya Kuril'skaya Gryada) (43"26'N ., 145"55'E.) and Shikotan Jima (Ostrov/ Shpanberga) are described in Pub. 158, Sailing Direction (Enroute) Japan, Volume 1. Pub.l55 150' 155' 96440 ZALIV SHELIKHOVA 96028 KAMCHATKA 55'55' ·Cll \:;, .--------+---+--i( ,;~· ..___...,,___o RECHKA K/KHCHIK I MYS LEVASHEVA ····-· Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 5-CHART INFORMATION Pub.155 SECTORS WEST COAST OF KAMCHATKA-MYS LOPATKA TO MYS UTKOLOKSKIY Plan.-The coasts described in this sector comprise the E side of the Sea of Okhotsk, which consists of the W coast of Kamchatka, and Zaliv Shelikhova, including Penzhinskaya Guba and Gizhiginskaya Guba. The arrangement of the sector is from S toN. General Remarks 5.1 Winds-Weather.-The climate of Zaliv Shelikhova is severe. The warmest month of the year is August, with a mean monthly temperature of 11 · c . Frost begins to occur early in September and rivers are frozen from the middle of October to the end of May. January and February, with a mean monthly temperature of -24·c , are the coldest months. Fog occurs in all seasons of the year, but mainly in spring and summer. It is infrequent in the autumn and rare in the winter. It is mainly associated with winds from between the SE and SW. Strong NE winds prevail in winter from October to the end of April. During the winter, winds backing to the W are accompanied by clear, cold days, but those winds from between the NE and NNE are accompanied by blizzards. In May, the wind drops and alternates with calm days. In summer, the prevailing winds are SW in the S part of the gulf and S in the N part of the gulf. The strongest winds occur towards the end of September and in October and November. In winter, the winds are mainly offshore, and in summer mainly onshore, on the W coast of Kamchatka. The winter monsoon is only defined from December to March, when the winds are predominantly E or NE. The winds of the summer monsoon, W to SW, are most predominant in June and July. Between May and the first part of August, heavy fog along the coast from Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy is frequent, though it rarely occurs after the end of August. Easterly winds often clear the coast from fog, which may still persist at sea. Ice.-The central part of Zaliv Shelikhova does not freeze. Fast ice begins to form along the shores in November and, increasing its width steadily, merges into ice fields, with a maximum thickness of 1.5m, extending 25 to 35 miles seaward by the middle of April. In average years, drift ice appears in December and all ice clears in early July. Strong NE winds during the spring and summer can help to clear the bay. In the open sea off Rechka Kikchik, fast ice and drift ice usually appear in December and clear in April. At Mys Khayryuzova fast ice begins to form in most years in November, some years not forming at all. Drift ice appears in November and the sea is covered with ice up to 0.6m thick in December. The ice begins to break up in April and finally clears in May. On the W coast of Kamchatka, ice begins to form by the middle or end of November, and eventually attains a thickness of 0.9 to 1.2m, fringing the coast to a distance of 20 to 30 miles offshore in the N part. The ice begins to break up around the end of April, and is carried away by the S current toward the Kuril Islands, in the vicinity of which this ice, already broken, remains through May and part of June, but is seldom present after the end of June. Tides-Currents.-In Zaliv Shelikova the tides are diurnal at springs, but otherwise are semidiurnal and irregular. The tidal range is 7 .9m at the entrance and increases gradually to about 11.3m at the head of the gulf. The current sets NE and divides at Mys Taygonos, with the W branch flowing counterclockwise along the shores of Gizhiginskaya Guba. The rate is not more than 0.2 to 0.5 knot. Tidal currents generally set parallel to the shores and there is hardly any lateral drift, but the currents are strong and form eddies and countercurrents. In the S part of the gulf, the rate is 2.7 to 3 knots, and less on the E shore. In The Gorlo, tidal currents attain a rate of 4.7 to 5 knots, less on theE side, and 6 to 7 knots in the vicinity of the islands near The Gorlo. In theN part of the gulf, velocities may reach 3 to 3.5 knots. There is practically no period of SW at the turn of the currents. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy 5.2 Mys Lopatka (50. 52'N. , 156.40'E.), the S point of Kamchatka, is described in Sector 3. The coast from Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy, about 425 miles N, is backed by a broad belt of tundra extending to the W slope of Sredinnyy Khrebet, the central mountain range that trends more or less parallel to the coast from 60 to 70 miles inland. Since the coast in those regions where the coast is low lacks distinctive features , a number of beacons surmounted by various topmarks have been erected to facilitate navigation. These beacons are not maintained and some of them may be partly or totally destroyed. The best time of the year for navigation in these waters is the month of April and the first half of May. Navigation in clear weather presents no difficulties. The peaks of mountains, which are discernible from considerable distances, form good landmarks and the distance offshore may be checked by soundings. In fog , vessels approaching the low section of coast between Reka Ozernaya (51"30'N., 156. 30'E.) and Mys Khayryuzova (5T05'N., 156. 32'E.) should anchor in depths of 12.8 to 14.6m and wait for the fog to clear. Due to the irregularity of the bottom off the coast between Mys Lopatka and Reka Ozernaya, especially in the S part, vessels should not approach this coast unless they are certain of their positions. Anchorage.-This coast affords no sheltered anchorages for vessels other than small craft with local knowledge, which can find protection in the mouths of the rivers. Caution.-Vessels should exercise great care in approaching this coast during the fishing season, which lasts from May to August or September, a period through which a considerable number of fishing vessels remain anchored along this coast in depths of 11 to 14.6m, at a distance of 1 to 1.5 Pub.155 Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy miles offshore. These vessels neither carry anchor lights nor sound fog signals. Fishing nets, the outer ends of which are usually marked by small buoys or floats displaying small red flags, extend up to 3 miles offshore abreast fisheries, which are numerous along this coast. It is inadvisable to approach this coast after dark or in fog. Rivers and rivulets, which are numerous along this coast, rarely flow directly into the sea, being obstructed by the strip of gravel thrown up by the heavy surf. They flow inside this gravel strip, sometimes for several miles, until they find an outlet to the sea. The entrances into the rivers are usually fronted by sand bars, often nearly dry. The entrances and the bars are subject to frequent shifts. 5.3 The coast between Mys Lopatka and Mys Kambal'nyy, about 14 miles N, is low and sandy. A ledge, covered with kelp, about 5 miles NNE of Mys Lopatka, extends 1 mile offshore. Mys Kambal'nyy (51 °06'N., 156°42'E.) is the SW extremity of a peninsular projection, backed by the slope of Gora Moshkovskaya, 503m high. Two detached hills are located N and S of Gora Moshkovskaya. The S hill rises to a height of 174m near the extremity of the cape. All three elevations are cone-shaped and conspicuous from the W. Ostrov Kambal'nyy, a barren islet, 37m high, lies about 0.3 mile SW of Mys Kambal'nyy. Reefs, marked by kelp, extend about 0.5 mile NW and SE of the islet. The SW side is reported to be steep-to. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents in the vicinity of Mys Kambal'nyy attain a velocity of 2 to 2.5 knots at springs and 1 to 1.5 knots at neaps. The flood current sets N and NNE and the ebb sets S and SSW. Zaliv Kambal'nyy is entered between Mys Kambal'nyy and Mys Sivuchiy, about 13 miles NNW. The latter point is a blunt, mountainous cape, rising steeply from the sea. Two pillar rocks, the seaward one the larger but the lower of the two, lie a short distance off the extremity of the cape. Reka Kambal'naya discharges between two gravel spits about 4 miles N of Mys Kambal'nyy. The buildings of a fishery stand on the beach about 0.8 mile S of the river mouth. The approximate HW interval at Zaliv Kambal'nyy is about 6 hours. The spring rise is about 2.1m, while the neap rise is 0.9 to 1.5m. Caution.-A 9m patch lies about 6.5 miles NW of Mys Sivuchiy. Sopka Kambal'naya (Gora Kambal'naya) (51 °18'N., 156°53'E.) the southernmost of the volcanoes of Kamchatka, is conspicuous on all bearings and appears cone-shaped from the S. Sopka Shirokaya is located about 6 miles WNW of Sopka Kambal'naya. Reka Ozernaya (51 °30'N., 156°30'E.) flows through a narrow valley and discharges into the sea through a basin included between two curved spits. An obelisk and a part of a mast, marking the graves of the crew of the wrecked Japanese cruiser Niitaka, are situated on a hill, 37m high, a short distance N of the mouth of the river, and form a good landmark. A light with a radiobeacon is shown at the mouth of Reka Ozemaya. Pub.155 Reka Yavina, nearly 10 miles farther N, may be identified by two posts situated close S of the river mouth, which is fronted by a shallow bar. 5.4 Reka Golygina (51 °55'N., 156°29'E.) enters the sea after turning N within a narrow strip of land ending in a flat. Reka Opala enters the sea about 3 miles N, but for about the last 10 miles flows S and is separated from the sea by a fairly wide sand and gravel spit, from the extremity of which a flat extends S. The settlement of Opala is situated on the spit about 2 miles N of the mouth of Reka Opala. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval in the vicinity of Reka Opala and Reka Golygina is 6 hours 50 minutes. The spring rise is about 1.8m, while the neap rise is about 0.9m. Reka Bol'shaya, the largest river on the W side of Kamchatka, approaches the coast in a general SW direction, then flows SSE for about 10 miles, separated from the sea by a narrow spit of sand and gravel. A drying flat lies at the extremity of the spit. The entrance (52°33'N., 156°18'E.) of Reka Bol'shaya is marked by two range beacons on the mainland abreast the entrance. The entrance can also be identified by a steep sand hillock, with three summits, located near the shoreline immediately N of the entrance. This hillock is fairly conspicuous against the background of clouds or mist that occasionally obscure the inland elevations. A light with a radiobeacon is shownshown close N of the entrance. Small vessels up to 500 grt with a draft of not more than 3.5m can enter, but local knowledge is necessary. There is a quay suitable for berthing at Portovyy Punkt Oktyabr'skiy, about 8 miles N of the river entrance. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval at the mouth of Reka Bol'shaya is 7 hours 50 minutes. The spring rise, which is diurnal, is 3m, and the neap rise, which is semidiumal, is 0.9 to 1.2m. The flood current in the entrance attains a velocity of 3 to 3.5 knots; the ebb current, a velocity of 4 to 5 knots. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for vessels entering the river with a draft of over 2m. Request for pilots should be made to the port authority. Vessels approaching the port should maintain a continuous listening watch on an agreed frequency. To assist vessels, the port radio station will transmit on request, RDF bearings on 418kHz. In conditions of reduced visibility the coast radar station on request, will provide radar pilotage. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in a depth of 9m, fine sand, good holding ground, about 1.2 miles offshore abreast the river entrance. Mys Levashova (52°48'N., 156°10'E.) is marked by a fairly conspicuous angular bluff. The W side of this bluff faces the sea, and the S side recedes inland almost at right angles to the coast. Mys Levashova forms no projection, but is called a point because the angular bluff has the appearance of a headland from seaward. A sandy beach, about 1 mile in length, extends SSE from Mys Levashova to the low spit extending to the mouth of Reka Bol'shaya. Rechka Ut a (Utra), about 22 miles N of Mys Levashova, has flat coasts in its vicinity, and there is a heavy surf even in calm weather. Rechka Kikhchik (53 °28'N., 156°0l'E.) enters the sea after flowing N for about 2 miles, separated from the sea by a Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy narrow strip of land on which there is a fishery. A light is shown from a structure close S of the entrance. Anchorage.-Anchorage may be obtained by vessels with local knowledge about 0.5 mile offshore in a depth of 8m. From the anchorage a mountain, with a saddle-shaped summit, 18 miles inland, bears 090°. Reka Vorovskaya (Reka Bol'shaya Vorovskaya) (54°13'N., 155"50'E.) forms near its mouth a shallow lagoon about 0.4 mile wide and about 20 miles long . It is separated from the sea by a narrow and and gravel spit on which there is a continuous chain of fisheries and storehouses. The entrance to the lagoon is narrow and the bar is subject to change. Small local craft can enter at HW. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in 11 to 16m, about I mile offshore, in the entrance of the lagoon. 5.5 Reka Kolpakova (Kompakova) (54 °40'N., 155"40'E.) changes its course to a N direction near the coastline, and forms a lagoon 8 miles long , se parated from the sea by a spit of sand and gravel. A canning factory, No. 42, on the spit, is fairly conspicuous about 6 miles S of the entrance. Detached lim patches lie 11 and 15 miles NW of the entrance. Reka Krutogorovaya (55"02'N., 155°36'E.) flows for the last 3.5 miles in aN direction, being separated from the sea by a spit of sand and gravel. A cannery marks the bend of the stream, and the buildings of factory No. 16 are situated about 2 miles farther S. A light and a radiobeacon are situated in the vicinity of the mouth of Reka Krutogorovaya. A precipitous san d cliff, on the coast about 1.5 miles N of the mouth of Reka Krutogorovaya, recedes inland at nearly right angles, and is fairly conspicuous from seaward . Several houses are situated in a slight depression of this cliff. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in a depth of IOm, about 1.5 miles offshore, with the chimney of factory No. 16 bearing 089 °. The coast between the mouth of Reka Krutogorovaya and that of Reka Oblukovina, about 13 miles N, is fronted with a low slender islet of sand and gravel, separated from the coast by a rather narrow channel. The entrances at the N and S ends of the islet are incon sp icuous. Reka leba (55"42'N., 155°39'E.) enters the sea after flowing 6 miles N inside a 22 mile long narrow strip of sand and gravel. A fishery of considerable size, about 2.5 miles S of the N end of a lagoon, is situated in the vicinity of a coastal sandy precipice that recedes sharply inland. Gora Sopochnaya (56°02'N., 156 °0l'E.), a detached coneshaped mountain, is a conspicuous landmark about 12 miles ESE of the mouth of Reka Sopochnaya. Beacons have been established near a fish cannery, about 2 miles S of the mouth of Reka Sopochnaya. The coast from Reka Sopochnaya to Reka Moroshechnaya, about 45 miles NNE, is low and backed by a chain of mountains parallel to the coast and about 7 miles inland. Gora Moroshechnaya (56°48'N., 156ol8'E.), the highest of the above-mentioned chain, has a conical peak and is a good landmark. It is 442m high and lies 5 miles E of the mouth of the Reka Moroshechnaya. A bank extends from the mouth of Reka Moroshechnaya, the depths 2 miles offshore being only 5.9 to 6.4m. 5.6 Mys Khayryuzova (Mys Khariuzov) (5T05'N., 156°32'E.), the cliffy extremity of a peninsula, has a reef, dry in parts, extending about 1 mile NNE of it. Gora Konus, a conspicuous cone-shaped mountain, rises about 16 miles E of the cape. Ostrovok Ptichiy, an islet about 4 .5 miles NNE of Mys Khayryuzova, rises to a height of 104m near its central part. A radiobeacon is situated on the islet. Above and below-water rocks extend 0.5 mile N and I mile S of the islet. The channel between the islet and the cape has not been surveyed and unknown dangers are likely to exist in it. A detached rock lies about 5 miles NW of Ostrovok Ptichiy. The area E of Mys Khayryuzova and Ostrovok Ptichiy is shoal, and vessels should not proceed S of the parallel of the N end of Ostrovok Ptichiy. Anchorage.-Anchorage may be obtained 1.5 miles NNW of Mys Khayryuzova in a depth of lim. A submarine cable lands 8 miles ENE of Mys Khayryuzova. Caution.-A 3m patch, position approximate, was reported (1956) to lie about 26 miles W of Mys Khayryuzova . A 7.3m patch, existence doubtful, lies about 24 miles W of the same cape. A depth of 9.lm was reported (1963) to lie 56°57'N ; 154o32'E; an approximate position 66 miles WSW of Mys Khayryuzova. 5.7 Poluostrov Utkolokskiy, a mountainous promontory, rises from the low land at its inner end to elevations of over 518m at its seaward end. Mys Yuzhnyy (5T44'N., 156°47'E .) and Mys Utkolokskiy, respectively, are its SW and NE extremities. Mys Yuzhnyy is steep and rocky, decreasing in height towards its extremity. A reef, which dries at LW, extends about 2 miles S of the cape. A chain of rocks , above and below-water, extends about 1.7 miles S of the cape. Anchorage.-The bight SE of Mys Yuzhnyy is the only anchorage on the W coast of Kamchatka offering protection from the W winds and the heavy swell. The anchorage is protected by the cape and the chain of rocks extending S from it. Anchorage can be taken, with local knowledge, in lOrn, about 2 miles E of the extremity of the reef. Mys Zubchatyy, about 6 miles NE of Mys Yuzhnyy, is a steep-to peninsular projection, and rises sheerly from the sea to a 384m high jagged summit. Mys Utkolokskiy (5T54'N., 15T04'E.), conspicuous and easily identified, rises vertically to a sugar-loaf elevation, 381m high, backed by another similar type elevation, 438m high, close SW. A drying reef extends about 0 .5 mile NE of the cape . A pillar rock, in the middle of the reef, is conspicuous. Tides-Currents.-The flood currents, flowing into Zaliv Shelikhova from the Sea of Okhotsk, attain a velocity of 3 to 3.5 knots at springs off Poluostrov Utkolokskiy, causing tide rips and eddies, particularly off the projecting capes. The tidal currents force the cold water at the bottom to rise to the surface. This cold water may reduce the surface temperature to as much as 8°C below the normal air temperature in the vicinity, causing the fog prevailing through P u b.155 Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy May, June, and July. Fog is rare beginning in the first half of August, and with strong W or SW winds, fog does not occur here. Zaliv Shelikhova (Penzhinskiy Zaliv) 5.8 Zaliv Shelikhova, forming the NE end of the Sea of Okhotsk, is entered between Mys Utkolokskiy and Mys Tolstoy, about 96 miles NW. Penzhinskaya Guba and Gizhiginskaya Guba occupy the NE and N parts, respectively, of Zaliv Shelikhova. Navigation in the spacious Zaliv Shelikhova presents no difficulties on a clear day and the shores of the gulf afford numerous landmarks. In foggy weather, which prevails here during the spring and summer, vessels approaching the shore should be guided by continual soundings. Vessels favoring the W side of the entrance should navigate in depths of not less than lOOm, which are 3 to 4 miles E of Ostrova Yamskiye. It has been observed that when dense fog envelops Ostrova Yamskiye, the fog is lighter N of this group of islands. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents, which attain at Ostrova Yamskiye a velocity of up to 5 knots, should be taken into account. The phase of the tide and the direction of the current should be determined on the basis of the HW interval at Zaliv Udacha, the bight close N of Mys Tolstoy. Vessels favoring the E side of the entrance should navigate in depths not less than 55m. The tidal currents here flow along the coast. 5.9 East side of Zaliv Shelikhova.-Bukhta Kavacha lies between Mys Utkolokskiy and Mys Omgon (58. 01'N. , 15T4l'E.). An above-water rock, position doubtful, lies about 8 miles E of Mys Utkolokskiy. A drying ledge, in the S part of the bay, extends in an ENE direction for over 2.2 miles , and about 0.7 mile offshore. Foul ground extends about 1 mile W of Mys Promezhutochnyy, on the E side of the bay. Mys Omgon, the NW extremity of a rocky peninsula, has two similar mountains near its extremity. The seaward and higher of the two mountains rises to a height of 354m. On the seaward side of this mountain is a pointed, 122m high hill, with a pillar rock under its foot. From a distance, Mys Omgon has the appearance of an islet with two peaks. Foul ground extends about 0.3 mile N and W of Mys Omgon. A cliffy islet, about 4 miles SSW of Mys Omgon, lies about 0.8 mile offshore, connected with the coast by a drying reef and surrounded by scattered rocks. Mys Babushkina, about 2 miles E of Mys Omgon, is formed by a huge pointed cliff, which is steep on all sides. From a distance the cape is conspicuous on E and W bearings, and has the appearance of a detached pointed rock lying a short distance offshore. From the N it is inconspicuous. Tides-Currents.-The flood current flows in a NE and ENE direction, and the ebb in a reverse direction, in the vicinity of Mys Omgon, attaining a velocity of 2 to 2.5 knots. Fogs, due to colder water corning to the surface, are frequent off Mys Omgon, especially in May, June, and July. Caution.-Banka Mineola, with a least depth of 5.5m, is charted about 6.5 miles NE of Mys Babushkina. The position is approximate. Pub.155 A detached patch, with a least depth of 2.6m, lies about 10 miles NE of Mys Babushkina. Reka Tigil' (58 .02'N., 158 . 13'E.), which is over 260 miles long, enters the sea 14 miles E of Mys Babushkina. Drying shoals extend 1 mile from both sides of the entrance. Vessels wishing to enter must obtain a pilot. Mys Kamyatyan (Mys Karnatan) (58. 18'N., 158 .44'E.), 34 miles NE of Mys Babushkina, is a slight projection formed by two hills, the SW hill about 259m high, and the NE hill about 207m high. The cape is rendered somewhat conspicuous by the light color of its precipices facing the sea. Reka Voyampolka (Vayam-Palka) (58 . 31'N., 159. 10'E.) enters the sea 19 miles NE of Mys Kamyatyan and is rendered conspicuous by the elevated N bank, which terminates in a high cape marked by landslides, and contrasts sharply with the S bank of the river. A small settlement is situated on the S bank, near the mouth of the river. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken, with local knowledge, in a depth of 9m, about 2.5 miles W of the mouth of Reka Voyampolka. Care should be taken to avoid the 3.7m shoal, about 1.5 miles NW of the river entrance. 5.10 Gora Urginskaya (58.44'N., 159. 36'E.), a fiat-topped mountain, 223m high , lying 18 miles NE of Reka Voyarnpolka, dominates other elevations in the vicinity, and, having the appearance of a trapezoid from seaward, forms an excellent landmark from the offing. Mys Kakhtaninskiy (Kokhtaninskiy), about 7.5 miles farther N, rises to a height of 225m close inland. Ostrovok Chayachiy, a white islet, covered with guano, lies about 0.8 mile W of the headland. A drying reef extends from the islet to the headland , and a drying reef fringes the W side of the islet. Mys Pyatibratskiy, about 10 miles farther NNE, rises steeply to Gora Pyatibratskaya, 482m high. Reka Palana, about 6 miles NNE of the cape, can be recognized by the buildings of a fish cannery, conspicuous from seaward, near the river mouth. Mys Kinkil'skiy (Kinkil'skoy) (59.20'N., 160. 12'E.), 16 miles NE of Reka Palana, is slanted on its seaward side and its fiat top is backed by a plateau receding inland. A short drying reef extends NW from the cape, and a similar reef extends a short distance offshore for about 1 mile E of the cape. Mys Pensepel, a low blunt cape, about 18 miles NE of Mys Kinkil'skiy, is the seaward termination of the valley through which Reka Lesnaya (Lesnoye) flows. Reka Lesnaya forms near the coastline a marshy delta, covered with small shrub and scrub trees. The river enters the sea about 9.5 miles SSW of Mys Pensepel', flowing SSW for the last 6 miles, separated from the sea by a narrow strip of sand and shingle. Mys Ostrovnoy (59.43'N., 161· o2'E.) is a steep, rounded cape, formed by the seaward termination of a coastal elevation, 308m high. TheW slope of this elevation projects slightly from the coast. A drying rock lies about 5 miles SW of the point, and about 1.3 miles offshore. A chain of mountains, extending 43 miles NE of Mys Ostrovnoy, has no conspicuous summits except a cone-shaped peak, 564m high, near the N end of the chain. A precipitous rectangular cape, about 24 miles NE of Mys Ostrovnoy, forms the only fairly conspicuous projection along this coast. A Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy ledge, which dries, extends about 1.8 miles N from the NE end of the cape. 5.11 Mys Bozhedomova (60°18'N., 161"53'E.), 44 miles NE of Mys Ostrovnoy, is a cliffy brown cape, conspicuously marked by numerous white patches. A finger-like pillar rock lies near the extremity of the cape. Rocks, which dry, extend about 1 mile SSW of the pillar rock. Ostrovok Yengalycheva, a barren islet, about 1.7 miles SW of Mys Bozhedomova, is steep on all sides, rising sheerly from the sea at HW, but at LW a foreshore of sand and shingle fringes it on all sides. Above and below-water rocks extend about 0.5 mile SSW of the islet, and a drying reef extends about 0.3 mile NNE. Navigation between Mys Bozhedomova and the islet is not recommended unless the extremities of both reefs are clearly visible. Bukhta Podkagernaya, a very shallow bight E of Mys Bozhedomova, dries at LWS. Tides-Currents.-The MHW interval at Bukhta Podkagernaya is about 3 hours 15 minutes. The spring tide is diurnal and the spring tidal range is up to 6.7m. The neap tide is semidiumal and has a range of about 3.3m. Generally, the tides here are irregular. Anchorage.-Anchorage, with local knowledge, can be taken in the roadstead S of Bukhta Podkagemaya in 6.5m, fairly good holding ground of sand and shingle, S of the parallel of Ostrovok Yengalycheva, and with Mys Bozhedomova bearing N. Penzhinskaya Guba 5.12 Penzhinskaya Guba, entered between Mys Bozhedomova and Mys Taygonos, about 54 miles WNW, has no sheltered anchorages, despite its considerable size and appreciably indented shores. The shores of the gulf are generally high and bluff. The Gorlo, the narrowest part, separates the gulf into two parts. Caution.-Despite swift currents, Penzhinskaya Guba presents no difficulties on a clear day, since throughout the greater part of the bay both shores are visible and afford a sufficient number of landmarks. In fog, vessels should keep on the NW side of the S half of the gulf and at a safe distance offshore. A sudden decrease in depth from 30 to 35m to lOrn is a sign of danger and indicates that the vessel has been set E. In the N part of the gulf, vessels proceeding toward the head of the gulf should use the passage between Mys Valizhgen and the E end of the shallow area that extends toward this cape from Ostrov Dobrzhanskogo. 5.13 East side of Penzhinskaya Guba.-Between Mys Bozhedomova and Mys Dal'niy (60 °26'N., 161 °54'E.), 8 miles N, the coast is high and cliffy, backed by mountains, 450 to 550m high, from 1.5 to 2 miles inland. Rocks, which dry, extend about 0.5 mile NW of Mys Dal'niy. Ostrov Konus (60°34'N., 162"08'E.), conical in shape, is bordered about 0.5 mile W by a group of above and belowwater rocks. A similar group lies about 1.5 miles N of the island. Gora Bol'shaya (60°31'N., 162°23'E.) rises about 1.5 miles inland and is conspicuous. From the W, the mountain appears as a detached ridge paralleling the coast and marked by three summits. Ostrov Zubchatyy (60° 48'N. , 162° 45'E.) has a serrated summit. Drying rocks extend about 0 .7 mile N, and about 0.3 mile S from the island. Two detached rocks, nearly awash at LW, lie about 4.8 miles Wand SSW, respectively, of the S end of the island. The area between these rocks and the island is dangerous to navigation. Ostrov Rovnyy lies about 16 miles ENE of Ostrov Zubchatyy and is steep-sided. Submerged rocks lie about 1 mile SSW and 0.8 mile WNW, respectively, of the S end of the island. Rekinninskaya Guba (Rekinskaya Guba), a shallow bay, lies S of Mys Ugol'nyy (61 OOO'N., 163 °30'E.). A dangerous ledge, which occasionally dries in places and is otherwise indiscernible, projects nearly 1.8 miles SSW from the extremity of an inconspicuous cape located 1.5 miles SE of Mys Ugol'nyy. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents attain a velocity of 2.5 to 3 knots in the vicinity of Mys Ugol'nyy. 5.14 Mys Nottatey (61 °07'N., 163°37'E.), 8 miles NNE of Mys Ugol'nyy, is surrounded on all sides by pillar rocks, some of which are of unusual shape. Drying rocks extend about 0.5 mile SW and W of the cape. Gora Stolovaya, a table-top mountain, about 1.5 miles inland of Mys Nottatey, rises to a height of about 579m and, exceeding other elevations in the vicinity, is conspicuous. Gora Golova, a detached rounded coastal mountain, about 1 mile SW of Gora Stolovaya, rises to a height of about 396m and is identified by a knoll-shaped summit, the S side of which is a sheer precipice.Ostrovok Skala, about 7.5 miles NNW of Mys Nottatey, is a very conspicuous barren islet with a pointed summit. Gora Golova from ESE, distant 2 miles The cliffs bordering Zaliv Mamechinskiy, from about 4 miles NE of Mys Nottatey to Poluostrov Marnechinskiy, are conspicuous for their varied colors, white, yellow, and gray, alternating with black, brown, and red. Mys Vodopadnyy (61 °25'N., 163°46'E.), the S extremity of Poluostrov Mamechinskiy, is marked by numerous waterfalls. A rocky spit extends about I mile SW from the W side of the cape. The entire W side of Poluostrov Mamechinskiy, on the E side of The Gorlo, faces the sea with a wall-like formation of forbidding cliffs of great heights, occasionally cut through by gulleys of swift mountain streams. Gora Marnet Bol'shoy, its Pub.155 Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy highest point, ri ses about 6 miles NE of Mys Vodopadnyy. The pointed summit of thi s cone-shaped mountain is very conspicuous from the offing on a clear day. The coast from Mys Mamet, the NNE extremity of Poluostrov Mamechinskiy to Mys Valizhgen, about 27 miles N, face s the sea with a row of bluffs 91 to 122m high. 5.15 West side of Penzhinskaya Guba.-Mys Taygonos (60 . 34'N. , 160. 1l'E.) is the S extremity of Poluostrov Taygonos, the S part of which is a fairly even plateau facing the sea with sheer cliffs 76 to 9lm high. Rocks , which dry, extend a short di stance off the cape. The cape is inconspicuous from the S, as it merges with the coastal elevations in the background, but it may be identified by a whitish patch on its cliffs near its extremity. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents attain a velocity of 3 knots in the vicinity of Mys Taygonos , forcing cold water to the surface, and causing the fogs which are frequent in the vicinity of the cape. Bukhta Taygonos, about 10 miles NE of Mys Taygonos, has depths of 13m, shingle and mud , in the entrance, shoaling to 5.5m about 0.5 mile within the entrance. TheN half of the inlet dries. Caution.-Caution is necess ary approaching the cape in fog, as there are depths of 70m less than 1 mile from it. 5.16 Mys Povorotnyy (60.43'N. , 160.46'E.) , 20 miles ENE of Mys Taygonos, is conspicuous due to its reddish cliffs, backed by mountain peaks, about 762m high. Two large pillar rocks are located on a detached drying reef, which lies about 3 miles SE of the cape. It is not advisable to use the channel between the reef and Mys Povorotnyy, as it has not been thoroughly examined. Considerable tide rips and eddies, formed by the strong tidal currents, are observed E of the cape and the reef during the flood , and W of them during the ebb. Between Mys Nablyudeniy, a hard to identify point lying 20 miles NE of Mys Povorotnyy, and My s Naklonnyy, about 36 miles further NE, the coastal elevations, which rise to about 610m at the Send of the coast, decrease in height to not more than 122 to 183m near Mys Naklonnyy. The latter point can be identified by its slanting seaward face. The small bays along this coast are silted. Ostrov Tretiy (61"35'N., 162. 34'E.) rises to a height of 546m in the W part of the island. The N side of the island is joined to the coast by a drying flat. A reef, resembling a picket fence when dry, extends across this flat. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken S of Ostrov Tretiy, but vessels should not anchor within 1.5 miles of the island as the bottom is rocky. Farther out, the bottom is sand and gravel. Vessels with a draft not exceeding 5.5m can anchor about 1 mile NE of the E extremity of the island, with good holding ground, and out of the influence of the tidal currents. Local knowledge is necessary for both anchorages. 5.17 Mys Yelistratova (61"3l'N., 163. 02'E.) , the S extremity of Poluostrov Yelistratova, is formed by the seaward termination of a spur of a mountain, 253m high, located about 1.2 miles NE of the extremity of the cape . The W side of the cape is cliffy, but its E side faces the narrows with a grayish Pub.155 brown bluff. A saddle-shaped twin summit pillar rock lies close within the S extremity of a drying reef projecting S from Mys Yelistratova. Ostrov Vtoroy and Ostrov Krayniy, about 1.5 and 2.5 miles S, respectively, of Mys Yelistratova, are foul on all sides. Ostrov Krayniy has precipitous shores, and a drying ledge extends 0.5 mile WSW from its SW end. Fairly even depths of 30 to 35m, rock, are at a distance of 2 to 2.5 miles off the islets. Anchorage.-Anchorage in the vicinity of the islets is untenable due to the swift tidal currents and poor holding ground of rock. Poluostrov Yelistratova forms the W side of The Gorlo, or narrows, of Penzhinskaya Guba, and is connected to the mainland by a low isthmus. A mountain range, with general elevations of 250 to 450m, trends along the entire seaward side of the peninsula, but attains an elevation of 609m in its S part. Mys Sredniy (61 ·36'N., 163. 15'E.) is the extremity of a small cliffy peninsular projection, 168m high, extending from theE side of Poluostrov Yelistratova. Mys Opasnyy, about 7 miles NE of Mys Sredniy, is theN of two headlands 2.5 miles apart forming the NE extremity of Poluostrov Yelistratova. The S headland is formed by sheer cliffs of great height. Mys Opasnyy faces the sea with 180 to 215m high precipices rising within to a hill about 300m high. The cape is very prominent. Rocks, which dry, extend about 1 mile ENE of Mys Opasnyy. A detached group of rocks, drying at half tide, lies about 1.2 miles NNE of the same headland. A patch , with a depth of 1.2m, lies about 3 miles NNE of Mys Opasnyy. Caution.-Tidal currents, attaining a velocity of 5 knots along the NE side of Poluostrov Yelistratova, cause eddies and cross currents in the vicinity of the above-mentioned rocks, and may be a source of great danger. Mys Opasnyy should not be approached within 2 miles . 5.18 Mys Pupyr' (62.03'N., 163. 12'E.), 22 miles NNW of Mys Opasnyy, is a high, sharp rock, connected to a bluff headland, 234m high, and formed by a spur of a coastal mountain rising about 6 miles SW of the extremity of the peninsula. The point is fringed by rocks and shallow water extends 1 mile offshore. Mys Obryvistyy (62. 19'N., 163.21 'E.), 16 miles NNE of Mys Pupyr', is formed by the seaward face of a sloping hill rising to a height of 152m about 2 miles inland. Ostrov Dobrzhanskogo, about 4 miles ENE of Mys Obryvistyy, rises to a height of 271m on the E side of the island. The island, because of its relatively great height, is conspicuous and having the appearance of a hillock when seen from the N entrance of the narrows, forms a useful landmark for vessels navigating in theN part of Penzhinskaya Guba. Ostrov Dobrzhanskogo Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy An oval-shaped islet, about 46m high, lies 0.7 mile NNE of Ostrov Dobrzhanskogo, and two small fiat-topped islets lie off the W end of the island. 5.19 Head of Penzhinskaya Guba.-The head of Penzhlnskaya Guba, lying N of a line extending between Mys Obryvistyy and Mys Valizhgen, is generally shoal. A shallow area, whlch is only partly surveyed, occupies the middle part of the gulf between Mys Valizhgen and Ostrov Dobrzhanskogo, and has depths of 1.2 to 2.6m with drying flats in places. Between the E end of tills shallow area and Mys Valizhgen, a channel with depths of 8.2 to 13m extends in a general NE-SW direction, widening Nand S of Mys Valizhgen. Mys Krayniy (62 . 26'N., 164. 33'E.), about 14 miles NE of Mys Valizhgen, is the S entrance point of the common estuary of Reka Penzhlna and Reka Talovka. The coastal cliffs in the vicinity of the cape are about 37 to 46m hlgh. The settlement of Omochek is situated on the N entrance point of the estuary, about 10 miles NE of Mys Krayniy. Anchorage.-Vessels, with local knowledge, bound for Omochek and with a draft of up to 5.5m, should, after passing about 2 miles W of Mys Valizhgen, steer a NNE course until Omochek bears about 067", then steer for it on tills bearing and anchor not more than 1.5 miles SSE of Omochek, so as to give sufficient berth to a 3.4m shoal about 2.5 miles SSW of the settlement. Zaliv Shelik.hova (continued) 5.20 West side of Zaliv Shelikhova.-Mys Tolstoy (59. 10'N., 155"12'E.), the W entrance point of Zaliv Shelikhova, rises to a height of 232m and is dominated by Gora P'yagina, about 8 miles NW, whlch is a good landmark. Four rocks lie close off the cape, whlch is steep-to and clear of dangers. Ostrova Yamskiye, a group of five rocky islands , lies between 2 and 11 miles E of Poluostrov P'yagina. Ostrov Atykan, the SE inland of the group, is steep-to and lies about 9 miles ENE of Mys Tolstoy. Ostrov Atykan has the aspect of a huge cliff rising sheerly from the sea to a height of 332m near its SW end. The island appears conical on all bearings except those approximately NW and SE. Ostrovok Baran, about 5 miles W of Ostrov Atykan, rises to a pointed summit, 155m hlgh, and slopes steeply on all sides. The shores of the islet are steep-to, and there are no dangers seaward of the rocks lying close off the NW and SE extremities of the islet. Ostrovok Khatemal'yu, lying between Ostrovok Baran and the peninsula, is composed of forbidding cliffs rising to a height of 225m, and has the aspect of four pillar rocks close together, disposed in an E-W direction. Ostrov Matykil', about 5 miles N of Ostrov Atykan , rises to a height of 707m near the middle of the island. Two pillar rocks lie close off the NW end of the island. The shores of Ostrov Matykil' are steep-to and clear of dangers. Ostrovok Kokontse, about 1 mile WSW of Ostrov Matykil', rises to a height of 91m and has the aspect of an unbroken row of basalt pillar rocks, whlch are deeply serrated and descend to the sea in terraces. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents in the area of Ostrova Yamskiye attain at springs a velocity of 4 to 4.5 knots near the coast, about 4 knots in the middle part of the group, and 3 to 3.5 knots along the E side of the group. At neaps , these currents attain respective velocities equal to about 50 percent of those at springs. The period of SW is brief and the change of currents occurs rather abruptly. The flood sets N, the ebbS. The tidal currents cause the colder bottom water to rise, making the surface temperature in places around the islands up to 11·c less than the average air temperature in the vicinity. The islands are seldom free of fog , particularly with onshore winds. Offshore winds clear the group to some extent. Refraction, particularly strong near the time of sunset, occurs in the area of the islands. Abnormal magnetic variation exists in the area of Ostrova Yamskiye. 5.21 Mys Yapon (59. 29'N., 154. 56'E.), a steep, fairly conspicuous cape, is bordered 1.7 miles SSE by a mountain 704m hlgh, and 1 mile SSW by a mountain 469m hlgh. Mys Keytevan (59 . 32'N., 154. 36'E.), 10 miles WNW of Mys Yapon, is steep-to and clear of dangers. It is rendered conspicuous by Gora Konus, a conspicuous cone-shaped mountain rising about 1 mile S of the extremity of the cape. Yamskaya Guba is entered between Mys Keytevan and Mys lretskiy, about 21 miles NNW. TheN and S shores of the bay are hlgh at the entrance, but decreasing in height W. They merge into a low shore, whlch is backed by plains of tundra. Mys lretskiy , steep-to and clear of dangers, is formed by the steep cliffy slope of a twin-peaked hill rising to a height of 195m at the elbow of an L-shaped peninsula. From a distance the twin-peaked hlll has the appearance of a dark spot on a lighter background of the coast. Winds-Weather.-Winds in Yamskaya Guba ordinarily do not exceed a force of 4 or 5, but occasionally attain a force of 6 or 7. These winds prevail throughout June, July, and the first half of August. Calms prevail throughout the latter half of August and the first half of September. The autumnal NE winds begin in the second part of September, often attaining a force of 11. The NE winds, as a rule, are accompanied by misty weather and precipitation. It has been observed that a mist enveloping Gora Verkhniy Tolstoy and Gora Nizhniy Tolstoy indicates the approach of NE winds of great force. Fog in Yamskaya Guba is comparatively rare, but during calms it penetrates into the bay from the area of Ostrova Yamskiye. Ice.-lee usually appears in Yamskaya Guba in October, and the bay is frozen late in December or early January, and may be up to lm truck . During exceptionally mild winters, complete freezing does not take place until February. The ice breaks early in June, and the bay is clear of ice by the end of June or the first part of July. Tides-Currents.-The tides, whlch generally are irregular in Yamskaya Guba, are diurnal at springs, but are sernidiumal at neaps. The maximum tidal range occurs in July, late in November, and early in March, being about 6.4m at springs and about 2.1m at neaps. The tidal range was observed to be about 5.4m in August and 4.5 to 4.8m in the middle of September. Pub.155 Sector 5. Mys Lopatka to Mys Utkolokskiy The tidal currents are particularly pronounced in the S part of Yarnskaya Guba and in the entrance of Zaliv Perevolochnyy, attaining velocities of 8 to 8.5 knots at springs in July, from 5.5 to 6 knots in August, and 4 to 4.5 knots in September. These currents do not exceed, on the average, 3.5 knots at neaps, and are imperceptible at the anchorage abreast the settlement of Brokhovo, situated about 5 miles NNW of the extremity of Kosa Yamskaya. Aspect.-Gora Sedlo, about 9 miles WSW of Mys Keytevan, is conspicuous, consisting of two peaks separated by a saddle. Ostrov Buyan, 32m high, about 13 miles WNW of Mys Keytevan, is visible from seaward over Kosa Yarnskaya. Gora Svetlyy Konus, a conspicuous cone-shaped mountain of light color, rises about 18 miles W of Mys Iretskiy and forms the SW end of a detached angular mountain range. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor in convenient depths of 11 to 31m, but the greater part of the bay has a rocky bottom, poor holding ground. Anchorage in Yamskaya Guba is untenable with NE and SE winds. When these winds begin to blow, vessels should put to sea. 5.22 Reka Iret' (59 . 55'N., 154. 29'E.), entering the sea about 2 miles N of Mys Iretskiy, flows S for the last 3.5 miles, separated from the sea by Iretskaya Kosa, a sand and shingle spit. Depths of 10.8m lie 0.2 to 0.3 mile off the S part of Iretskaya Kosa, and there are depths of 2.lm in the entrance. Tides-Currents.-The HW interval at the mouth of Reka Iret' is 4 hours 30 minutes at springs, but otherwise is irregular. The tidal range is 4.5 to 6.4m at springs and 1.5 to 2.lm at neaps. The tidal currents attain a velocity of 5 to 6 knots. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be obtained in convenient depths off the seaward side of Iretskaya Kosa, 0.5 mile N of the extremity of the spit, where the tidal currents are not pronounced. Mys Aregichinskiy (60. 30'N., 155. 27'E .) lies 47 miles NE of Mys Iretskiy. It is the S end of a rocky headland, terminating in a small tableland, conspicuous from the E, and marked by a cluster of pointed rocks at its extremity. A partly drying reef extends 0.5 mile S of the extremity of the cape, and is marked by two small pillar rocks rising from its middle part and by two conspicuous pillar rocks on a common base near the extremity of the reef. Mys Aregichiniskiy Mys Seryy, 1.5 miles NE of Mys Aregichinskiy, has gray cliffs contrasting sharply with the prevailing brown color of this coast, and gives to Mys Seryy the appearance of a conspicuous light-colored patch discernible from the offing. Bukhta Yemlinskaya, the bight W of Mys Aregichinskiy, has high and precipitous shores, and depths of 12.8 to 22m. Pub.155 Anchorage.-Anchorage, sheltered from NE winds, can be obtained in a position a short distance off the N shore of the bight. Vessels approaching this anchorage should proceed with due precautions and should sound continually. Gizhiginskaya Guba 5.23 Gizhiginskaya Guba, entered between Mys Aregichinskiy and Mys Taygonos, about 140 miles E, has elevated and rocky shores, with few off-lying dangers. The bay has no completely protected anchorages. Winds-Weather.-During the summer, S winds prevail. Northerly winds are frequent and attain their maximum force during the autumn and the first part of the winter. Storms are common during the second half of September, October, and November. Fresh NW winds, interrupted by NE blizzards, prevail from December until the end of March. The season of gentle winds and calms lasts from the middle of April to the end of May. The mean annual temperature in this vicinity varies between -T and -YC. Only five months of the year have a mean temperature above the freezing point. Frost begins to occur by the middle of September, and the month of October has a mean monthly temperature below freezing. During the navigational season, dense fog occurs frequently in the SE part of the bay. The foggiest months are May and June. During July, the fog often envelops only the elevated parts of the coast, leaving the coastline clear. During August fog is rare, being rather an exception in the N and W parts of the bay. During fog in the N part of the bay, vessels should make landfall W of Mys Varkhalamskiy (61 ·39'N., 159. 34'E.), and then wait off this point until the weather clears. Tides-Currents.-Generally the tides in Gizhiginskaya Guba are irregular. At springs, the tidal range, which is 6.7m at the entrance into the bay, increases to 7.9m at the head of the bay. At neaps, the tidal ranges are marked by inequities of up to 1.5m, the greater range being 2.7 to 3.3m. The flood current sets N along the shores of the gulf and the ebb current sets S. At springs, the tidal current in the vicinity of Mys Taygonos attain a velocity of 2 to 2.5 knots, and moderate to 1.5 knots or less along the W shore of the bay. At the head of the bay the tidal currents are weak and irregular. The constant current that sets along the Sea of Okhotsk in a counterclockwise direction flows in Gizhiginskaya Guba accelerating or retarding the tidal currents. 5.24 West and N sides of Gizhiginskaya Guba.-Mys Ostrovnoy (6