SEL us D 5 317/3: 162/200_ BISON I PUB. 162 SAILING DIRECTIONS (ENROUTE) PH I I JIPPINE ISLANDS 2001 FIFTH EDITION 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111 **CD-ROM NSN 7642014014870 ED. NO. 005 Included ** NIMA REF.NO. SDPUB162 aoo 140" 160" 1SOO 120" 100" aoo 60" 40" 20" 00 20" 40" 60" aoo I I I I I I I I I I 183 ARCTIC OCEAN 11801 ARCTIC 181I I I 183 OCEAN aoo 1ie:~ p-;:- I 182 126. ~· ' . I 20"-f I 12s SOUTH PA~IF~C OCEAN I 123 ·-]{~)N 177' I~ I · I ·r.:... ... 127 I ~ 80" 80" 100" 120" 140" 160" 180" 160" 1400 120" 100" 60"80" 40" 20" 00 20" 40" 60" 80" PUB. 162 SAILING DIRECTIONS (ENROUTE) * PHILIPPINE ISLANDS * Prepared and published by the NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY Bethesda, Maryland ©COPYRIGHT 2001 BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT NO COPYRIGHT CLAIMED UNDER TITLE 17 U.S .C. 2001 SCI ENGRLIBR! iRY UNIVERSITY AT BUFF} In ' '--" JAN 11 2002 DOCUMENTS DEPOSITOr: y LIBRARY 0433 ' . FIFTH EDITION For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 How to Keep this Book Corrected As initially published, this book contains material based Between Editions, the Record of Corrections Published inupon information available in the National Imagery and Weekly Notice to Mariners, located below, affords anMapping Agency through the date given in the preface. The alternative system for recording applicable Notice to Mariners publication of New Editions will be announced in Notice to numbers. The Summary of Corrections, Volume 5, contains aMariners. Instructions for ordering the latest Edition will be cumulative list of corrections for Sailing Directions from thefound in CATP2V01U, Ordering Procedures. date of publication. Reference to the Summary of Correctionsshould be made as required.In the interval between Editions, information that may Book owners will be placed on the Notice to Marineramend material in this book is published in the weekly Notice mailing list on request to the DEFENSE LOGISTICSto Mariners. The Notice to Mariners number and year can also AGENCY, DSC-R, ATTN: Product Center 9, 8000 Jefferson be marked on the applicable page of the Sailing Directions. Davis Highway, Richmond VA 23297-5337. Record of Corrections Published in Weekly Notice to Mariners Notice to Mariners Year 20 Year 20 1... ......... . 14........... 27........... 40........... 1............. 14........... 27........... 40.......... . 2 ..... ...... .. 15 ........ .. . 28........... 41 ........... 2............. 15 ........... 28........... 41. .......... 3 ...... ..... .. 16.......... . 29..... ..... . 42........... 3............. 16........... 29.......... . 42........... 4 ............ . 17........... 30...... ..... 43 ........... 4............. 17... ....... . 30........... 43 ........... 5 ............ . 18........... 31........... 44........... 5............. 18........... 31 ........... 44........... 6 ............ . 19.......... . 32.......... . 45 ........... 6............. 19........... 32........... 45........... 7 ............ . 20........... 33... ....... . 46........... 7............ . 20........... 33........... 46... ... .... . 8 ............ . 21. .......... 34........... 47........... 8............. 21. ......... . 34... ... .... . 47........... 9 ............ . 22........... 35 ....... ... . 48........... 9............. 22........... 35 ... ....... . 48........... 10.. ......... 23 ........... 36........... 49........... 10........... 23 ........... 36... .... .. . . 49........... 11 ......... .. 24.... ....... 37........... 50........... 11 ........... 24........... 37..... ...... 50........... 12........... 25 ... ........ 38........... 51 ........... 12........... 25 .......... . 38........... 51. .......... 13 ........... 26........ .. . 39..... ..... . 52........... 13 ........... 26........... 39........... 52........... Year 20 Year 20 1. ............ 14........... 27........... 40........... 1. ............ 14.. ... ..... . 27........... 40........... 2............. 15........... 28........... 41.......... . 2............. 15 ........... 28.... ....... 41... ..... .. . 3............. 16.......... . 29........... 42..... ... .. . 3............. 16........ .. . 29... ....... . 42........... 4............. 17........... 30........... 43 ........ .. . 4............. 17........... 30.......... . 43 ........... 5............. 18..... ...... 31... ........ 44........... 5............. 18........... 31 ........... 44........... 6...... ...... . 19.. ........ . 32........... 45 ...... .... . 6............. 19........... 32........... 45 ..... .... .. 7............. 20........... 33.......... . 46........... 7............. 20........... 33.... ... ... . 46........... 8........ ..... 21 ........... 34........... 47........... 8............. 21 ........... 34........... 47.......... . 9............. 22........... 35 ... ........ 48 .... ....... 9 ............ . 22........... 35 ......... . . 48........... 10........... 23... ....... . 36........... 49........... 10........... 23 .. .... .. .. . 36........... 49........... 11........... 24..... ..... . 37........... 50........... 11 ........... 24.. ......... 37 ........... 50.. ......... 12........... 25 ........... 38.... ...... . 51........... 12........... 25 ...... ... .. 38........... 51. .......... 13 ...... ..... 26........... 39........... 52........... 13 ........... 26........... 39........... 52.......... . n Pub.l62 Preface Pub. 162, Sailing Directions (Enro e) for the Philippine Islands, Fifth Edition, 2001, is issued -r use in conjunction with Pub. 120, Sailing Directions (Planning Guide) Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia. Companion v lumes are Pubs. 161, 163, and 164. This publication has been corrected to 25 September 2001,including Notice to Mari ers No. of 2001. Explanatory Rem rks Sailing Directions are published by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), u r the authority of Department of Defense Directive 5105. J:O, dated 12 December 1988, and pursuant to the authority c011tained in U. S. Code Title 10, Sections 2791 and 2792 and Ti tle 44, Section 1336. Sailing Directions, covering the harbor • coasts, and waters of the world, provide information th cannot be shown graphically on nautical charts and i not readily available elsewhere. New Editions of Sailing D ections are corrected through the date of the publicatio ns shown in the preface. In the period between Editions, important information, which may amend material in the publication, is published in the weekly Notice to Mariners. Sailing Directions (Enroute) includ detailed coastal and port approach information which pplements the latest revised print of the largest scale chart b r sale by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. This pu lication is divided into geographic areas called "Sectors." Sec r limits are shown on a chartlet following the Table of Contents. The standard format of the Sector is described below. Chart Information.-A graphic kt:y to the largest scale charts is included for each Sector. The key has a border scale graduated to help identify by approxim: te coordinates, the be st scale chart for a place. Refer also to e Index-Gazetteer at the back of the book. Coastal Winds, Currents, and lce.-Special graphics that depicted coastal winds, weather, tides. c urrents and ice for the Sectors have been removed. General eather information can now be found within the text Dangers.-As a rule outer dangers :are fully described, but inner dangers which are well-charted are, for the most part, omitted. Numerous offshore danger grouped together, are mentioned only in general terms. Dan_ rs adjacent to a coastal passage or fairway are descri bed . Coastal Features.-It is assumed at the majority of ships have radar. Available coastal descriptians and views, useful for radar and visual piloting are includ e in geographic seq uence in each Sector. Ports.-Directions for entering p s are depicted where appropriate by means of chartlets, ske ches, and photos, which facilitate positive identification of Ian marks and navigational aids. These chartlets and sketches e not always to scale, however, and should be used only as a general informational guide in conjunction with the best s ...ale chart. Specific port facilities are omitted from the standard format. They are tabulated in Pub. 150, World Port In dex. Index-Gazetteer.-aYigational eatures and place-names are listed alphabetically in the b ck of the book. The approximate position, along with tie Sector and paragraph Pub.162 numbers (e.g . 1.1), facilitate location in the text. Refer to the Chart Information graphic for the Sector, where the largest scale chart showing the feature is depicted. Geographic Names are generally those used by the nation having sovereignty. Names in parentheses following another name are alternate names that may appear on some charts. In general, alternate names are quoted only in the principal description of the place. Diacritical marks, such as accents, cedillas, and circumflexes, which are related to specific letters in certain foreign languages, are not used in the interest of typographical simplicity. Geographic names or their spellings do not necessarily reflect recognition of the political status of an area by the United States Government. Soundings are referred to the datum of the charts and are expressed in meters. Heights are referred to the plane of reference used for that purpose on the charts and are expressed in meters. Bearings are true, and are expressed in degrees from 000° (north) to 360°, measured clockwise. General bearings are expressed by initial letters of points of the compass (e.g. N, NNE, NE, etc.). Adjective and adverb endings have been discarded. Wherever precise bearings are intended degrees are used. Courses are true, and are expressed in the same manner as bearings. The directives "steer" and "make good" a course mean, without exception, to proceed from a point of origin along a track having the identical meridiana! angle a the designated course. Vessels following the directives must allow for every influence tending to cause deviation from such track, and navigate so that the designated course is continuously being made good. Distances are expressed in nautical miles of 1 minute of latitude. Distances of Less than 1 mile are expressed in meters, or tenths of miles. Wind Directions are the true directions from which winds blow. Current Directions are the true directions toward which currents set. Light and Fog Signals are not described, and light sectors are not usually defined. The Light Lists should be consulted for complete information. Radio Navigational Aids are not described in detail. Publication No. 117 Radio Navigational Aids should be consulted. Special Warnings.-A Special Warning may be in force for the geographic area covered by this publication. Special Warnings are printed in the weekly Notice to Mariners upon promulgation and are reprinted annually in Notice to Mariners No. 1. A listing of Special Warnings currently in force is printed in each weekly Notice to Mariners, Section ill, Broadcast Warnings, along with the notice number of promulgation. In force Special Warnings are also available on the Maritime Safety Information Center Home Page (http:// under the heading "Broadcast Warning Messages." Corrective Information.-It is requested that the MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION CENTER, ST D 44, NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY, 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD , BETHESDA MD 20816-5003, or any m of its branch offices be advised of any inaccuracy found in this publication or of additional navigational information considered appropriate for insertion. The Sailing Directions Information and Suggestion Sheet on page IX may be used for this purpose. Imagery and Copyright-Most of the photographs in this publication are copyright protected by their rightful owner and may not be reproduced without their permission. The photographs used in this publication are for illustrative purposes only and are not to be used or relied upon for navigational purposes. Reference List The principal sources examined in the preparation of this publication were: British Hydrographic Department Sailing Directions. Various port handbooks. Reports from United States Naval and Merchant vessels and variou shipping companies. Other U.S. Government publications, reports, and documents. Charts, light lists, tide and current tables, and other documents in possession of the Agency. IV Pub.162 Contents How to Keep this Book Corrected ... . . .... ...................................... . .............. ........ ..... II Preface......................... . . ...... . .... .. ............... .. ....... ... ...... .. ....... ... ........... Ill Chartlet-Sector Limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII VIIIConversion Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sailing Directions Information and Sugg:::stion Sheet . .. .................. .. ... ... ...................... ........ IX Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •............ ... ..................................... . ................ XI Sector 1 North and West Coasts of Luzon, inc! ng Luzon Strait . .. ..... ....... .. .. .............. . ....... . . . ....... ..... . Sector 2 South Coast of Luzon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Sector 3 North and East Coasts of Panay, Soutt '::oast of Masbate, and Northwest Coast of Negros ............................. 77 Sector 4 Southwest and East Coasts of Mindor , West Coast of Panay, and South Coast of Negros ..... .... . . ..... . ... ...... ... 101 Sector 5 115 East Coast of Luzon ...... . ..... . Sector 6 West Coast of Samar, North and We :oasts ofLeyte, Northeast Coast of Boho1, and East Coast of Cebu ..... .. ........ 143 Sector 7 Tanon Strait, Boho1 Strait, and SouthC oast of Bohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Sector 8 West and North Coasts of Mindanao . .......... ... ........ . ................. . ... .. ......................... 213 Sector 9 South and East Coasts of Mindanao . . ... .... .. . ... .......... . ............................ ....... .......... 227 Sector 10 The Calarnian Group and Associate Dangers ..... ... . .. ..... . ............................................. . 245 Sector 11 East and West Coasts of Palawan, inx: uding Palawan Passage ......... . .. . .... ... .. ..... .. .................... . . 257 Sector 12 The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipela.go .................. . .................. .. .............................. 291 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Index-Gazetteer ... ... ................................................................................ 321 Pub. 115' CHINA 120" 125' •• n,• (SEE PUB. 158) (SEE PUB. 161 PACIFIC OCEAN 15 SOUTH CHINA SEA (SEE PUB. 126) 5' 100 (SEE PUB. 161) • 1' -,. ··*\·· .. .\ .,---"'-"'~:··· ·.. . . DANGE ROUS t GROUND 10" BORNEO 115' (SEE PUB. 163} 120" 125' " ~0 (I B(SEE PUB. 164) o. 130' 5 ' SECTOR LIMITS-PUB. 162 Pub.162 Conversion Tables Feet to Meters Feet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 0.30 0.61 0.91 1.22 1.52 1.83 2.13 2.44 2.74 10 3.05 3.35 3.66 3.96 4.27 4.57 4.88 5.18 5.49 5.79 20 6.10 6.40 6.71 7.01 7.32 7.62 7.92 8.23 8.53 8.84 30 9.14 9.45 9.75 10.06 10.36 10.67 10.97 11 .28 11.58 11.8940 12.19 12.50 12.80 13 .11 13.41 13.72 14.02 14.33 14.63 14.9350 15.24 15.54 15 .85 16.15 16.46 16.76 17.07 17.37 17.68 17.9860 18.29 18.59 18.90 19.20 19.51 19.81 20.12 20.42 20.73 21.0370 21.34 21.64 21.95 22.25 22.55 22.86 23.16 23 .47 23.77 24.0880 24.38 24 .69 24.99 25.30 25 .60 25.91 26.21 26.52 26.82 27.1390 27.43 27 .74 28.04 28.35 28 .65 28 .96 29.26 29.57 29.87 30.17 Fathoms to Meters Fathoms 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 1.83 3.66 5.49 7.32 9.14 10.97 12.80 14.63 16.4610 18.29 20.12 21.95 23.77 25.60 27.43 29.26 31.09 32.92 34.7520 36.58 38.40 40.23 42.06 43.89 45.72 47.55 49.38 51.21 53.0330 54.86 56.69 58.52 60.35 62.18 64.01 65 .84 67 .67 69.49 71.3240 73.15 74.98 76.81 78.64 80.47 82.30 84.12 85 .95 87 .78 89.6150 91.44 93.27 95.10 96.93 98 .75 100.58 102.41 104.24 106.07 107.9060 109.73 111.56 113.39 115.21 117.04 118.87 120.70 122.53 124.36 126.1970 128.02 129.85 131.67 133.50 135.33 137.16 138.99 140.82 142.65 144.47 80 146.30 148.13 149.96 151.79 153.62 155.45 157.28 159.11 160.93 162.7690 164.59 166.42 168.25 170.08 171.91 173.74 175.56 177.39 179.22 181.05 Meters to Feet Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 3.28 6.56 9.84 13.12 16.40 19.68 22.97 26.25 29.5310 32.8 1 36.09 39.37 42.65 45.93 49.21 52.49 55.77 59.06 62.3420 65.62 68.90 72.18 75.46 78.74 82.02 85.30 88 .58 91.86 95.1430 98.42 101.71 104.99 108.27 111.55 114.83 118.11 121.39 124.67 127.9540 131.23 134.51 137.80 141.08 144.36 147.64 150.92 154.20 157.48 160.7650 164.04 167.32 170.60 173.88 177.16 180.45 183.73 187.01 190.29 193.5760 196.85 200.13 203.41 206.69 209.97 213 .25 216.54 219.82 223.10 226.3870 229.66 232.94 236.22 239.50 242.78 246.06 249.34 252.62 255.90 259.1980 262.47 265 .75 269.03 90 272.31 275 .59 278.87 282.15 285.43 I 288.71 291.99 295 .28 298.56 301.84 305 .12 308.40 311.68 314.96 318.24 321.52 324.80 Meters to Fathoms Meters 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 0.00 0.55 1.09 1.64 2.19 2.73 3.28 3.83 4.37 4.92 10 5.47 6.01 6.56 7.11 7.66 8.20 8.75 9.30 9.84 10.3920 10.94 11.48 12.03 12.58 13 .12 13.67 14.22 14.76 15.31 15.8630 16.40 16.95 17.50 18.04 18.59 19.14 19.68 20.23 20.78 21.3340 21.87 22.42 22.97 23.51 24.06 24.61 25 .15 25.70 26.25 26.7950 27.34 27.89 28.43 28.98 29.53 30.07 30.62 31.17 31.71 32.2660 32.81 33.36 33.90 34.45 35.00 35.54 36.09 36.64 37.18 37.7370 38 .28 38.82 39.37 39.92 40.46 41.01 41.56 42.10 42.65 43 .2080 43.74 44.29 44.84 45 .38 45.93 46.48 47.03 47.57 48.12 48.6790 49.21 49.76 50.31 50.85 51.40 51.95 52.49 53 .04 53.59 54.13 vm Pub.162 SAILING DIRECTIONS I RMATION AND SUGGESTION SHEET The National I agery and Mapping Agency values your input for the next editio c-. Sailing Directions. Any additional information from you is greatly appreciated. For your co perforated p enience mailing is now easier with this self-addressed, which may also be used to fax information directly. Fax: 301-227-3174 INTERNET: SDPUBS@NIMA.MIL Contributor: Vessel: Date: ___________ Address: Pub. number: Please provi details of your observations. Indicate affected ector and c.ragraph, along with the date of observation. Pub.162 -----------FOLD ---------- NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY STD44 4600 SANGAMORE ROAD BETHESDA MD 20816-5003 FOLD Pub.162 Abbreviations The following abbreviations may re used in the text: Units ·c em cu.m. dwt FEU grt kHz Directions N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE Vessel types LASH LNG LPG OBO Time ETA ETD Water level MSL HW LW MHW MLW HWN HWS LWN Communications D/F Rff LF MF Navigation LANBY NAVSAT ODAS SBM Miscellaneous COLREGS IALA IHO IMO loa Pub.162 degree(s) Centigrade centimeter(s) cubic meter(s) deadweight tons forty-foot equivalent units gross registered ten kilohertz north northnortheast northeast eastnortheast east eastsoutheast southeast southsoutheast Lighter Aboard g~ Liquified NaturalG as Liquified Petrole Gas Ore/Bulk/Oil estimated time of arrival estimated time ot departure mean sea level high water low water mean high water mean low water high water neap high water sprint s low water neaps direction finder radiotelephone low frequency medium frequerc y Large Automati Navigation Buoy Navigation Satelite Ocean Data Ac sition System Single Buoy Moori ng Collision Regul ons International A ciation of Lighthouse Authoriti -" International H ographic Office International M.Jritime Organization length overall km m mb MHz mrn nrt TEU s ssw sw WSW w WNW NW NNW ro-ro ULCC VLCC GMT UTC LWS MHWN MHWS MLWN MLWS HAT LAT HF VHF UHF SPM TSS VTC VTS No./Nos. PA PD Pub. St./Ste. kilometer(s) meter(s) millibars megahertz millimeter(s) net registered tons twenty-foot equivalent units south southsouthwest southwest westsouthwest west westnorthwest northwest northnorthwest Roll-on Roll-off Ultra Large Crude Carrier Very Large Crude Carrier Greenwich Mean Time Coordinated Universal Time low water springs mean high water neaps mean high water springs mean low water neaps mean low water springs highest astronomical tide lowest astronomical tide high frequency very high frequency ultra high frequency Single Point Mooring Traffic Separation Scheme Vessel Traffic Center Vessel Traffic Service Number/Numbers Position approximate Position doubtful Publication Saint/Sainte 120" 121 " 123" 21 " 911 70 AREA 30 ·- OCATOR BATAN ·. Q/) ISLANDS LUZON 20" 91140 0 STRAIT " Q .Oc:::> GENERAL CHARTS 910 5 91008,91010 17" 17" 91025 (SEE SECTOR 5) 16 " PHILIPPINE SEA 15" 31240 14" Acfltional chart cove rage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Na utical Charts. SECTOR 1-CHART INFORMATION Pub.162 SECTOR 1 NORTH AND W T COASTS OF LUZON, INCLUDING LUZON STRAIT Plan.-This sector describes the jdands, channels, and dangers of the Luzon Strait lying bet ·cen the S extremity of Taiwan and the N coast of Luzon. This is followed by a description of the N and W coasts I Luzon and off-lying dangers from Escarpada Point to C:tpe Santiago including Lingayen Gulf, Subic Bay, and Mani Bay. The arrangement of the sector is from N to S and E to General Remarks 1.1 The channels leading throup Luzon Strait are wide and deep and may be used by all clas of vessels. The Luzon Strait contains two groups of islands, ~ Batan Islands and the Babuyan Islands. The Batan Islands group is separated from the S extremity of Taiwan by Bas ::::hannel and from the Babuyan Islands by Balintang Ch el. Babuyan Channel separates the Babuyan Islands from the :-.l coast of Luzon . The N coast of Luzon between Es.:;arpada Point and Cape Bojeador, about 96 miles W, is high c::rrl rugged at its NE and NW ends. The Cagayan River flows · o the sea about 37 miles WSW of Escarpada Point. The port o .\parri is located on the E side of the mouth of the Cagayan ·.,er. The coast on either side of the mouth of the river is low anc sandy for distances up to 30 miles. The W coast of Luzon consists of i.J:regular masses of hills and mountains and is prominently ince1ted by Lingayen Gulf, Subic Bay, and Manila Bay. Vclcanoes are the most conspicuous features of the land caJe, but there is little volcanic activity. Winds-Weather.-On the N c from offshore. During the Southwest Monsoon, good sheltered anchorage can be found off the settlement, in qihs of 18 to 22m, sand, with the church bearing 225 ". A Jig (:20"20.5'N., 121 "52.2'E.) is shown from the town. Ibuhos Island (20 "19'N., 121"49'E.) lies about 1.25 miles W of the W side of Sabtang Island. T xsland is small and low, with a hill on its S end. A stranded eck lies on the NW side of the island. The channel between the island and Sabtang Island is about 0.75 mile wide at its narrowest part :.etween the reefs on each side, and has depths of 18 to 40m in e fairway. The flood current sets S through t e channel at a maximum rate of 3 to 4 knots, and the ebb sets at the same rate . Dequey Island (20 "20'N., 121 "47 .) lies 0.5 mile W of the NW extremity of lbuhos Island. The dlannel between the two islands is about 0.25 mile wide. DeJ=b of 20 to 26m are found in the fairway. Strong rips set N alccg the SW side of Dequey Island. 1.6 Balintang Channel (19"5.: , 121 "50'E.), frequently used as a main shipping route, is a V'nie, deep channel between the Batan Islands and the Babuyun cmds, 42 miles S. Unusual sets have been experie erl in the channel in the vicinity of the islands. An isolated •)Ut 1 mile N of the end of a long low sandpit, at the mouth f the river, in a depth of 18m. Vessels should not proceed into esser depths than this, or anchor E of the extremity of the san pt. Tidal currents in the anchorage .a:e strong and the ebb current from the river causes a coafused sea at its mouth; vessels are advised to use an adequate ·cope of chain. Logs are loaded at this anchorage -om March through midJune. Since this is an open roads;ead, weather conditions during the Northeast Monsoon ma.k:e3 this place impracticable during the remainder of the year. The t•)Wn of Pamplona stands on the W bank of the river about 2.5 a'liles from the entrance. Pata Point (18. 38'N. , 121·o9'E.) is a knoll 55m high; it stands about 14 miles NW of them ctb of the Pamplona River. A small river, with a reported depth -1.5m over the bar, enters the sea close E of the point. A wreck · es about 1 mile WNW of the light. 1.19 Claveria Bay (18. 37'N., 12 "04'E.) lies about 4 miles W of Pata Point and is entered between Centinela Point and Lacay-lacay Point, 2.5 miles WSW. Taggat (18. 37'N., 121·o3'E.), on tle W side of the bay, has a pier at the root of which are two lar~e md prominent oil tanks. Anchorage is available about 0.2 n::ir ENE ofTaggat Pier, in a depth of 37m. During the monso , it is advisable to anchor about 0.5 mile from the pierhead in ~nut 65m. Cabicungan River flows into the E part of Claveria Bay. It has a bar which usually breaks . Tid ~sform off its entrance. The town of Claveria (18. 37' . 121·os'E. ) (World Port Index No. 57990) stands on the side of the Cabicungan River and can be identified by the tal roof of the school. There is a privately owned wharf uth a depth alongside of 6.1m and a small pier. Pilotage is compulsory for ves (L over 40 grt. Advance notice of 24 hours is required by th :{arbor Pilots Association, Apparri. Vessels may take anchorage in ClLV:!ria Bay, in depths of 18 to 27m, sand, about 0.4 mile N of Cb•eria. Another anchorage is available about 0.2 mile ENE of T. ggat Pier, in a depth of 37m. A daylight approach is recoJTUL.ended. 1.20 Baket-Baket Point (18. 37""f., 121 ·o2'E.) lies about 1 mile W of Lacay-lacay Point. Th p)int is bold and heavily wooded. It lies at the NE end oc Caraballo Mountains. A pinnacle rock, with a depth of 4.6m ies 0.5 mile N of the point and heavy tide-rips occur in this vicDi:ty. Pasaleng Bay (18.35'N., 120.56'E.) lies about 5 miles SW of Baket-Baket Point. The bay is deep and affords little shelter, except at its head, where the village of Pasaleng stands on the shore of the bay. A ridge of mountains rise steeply from the shore of the bay. Madamba Rock lies about 0.5 mile W of Puac Point, the E entrance point of Pasaleng Bay. The area between the rock and the shore is foul with above and below-rocks. Strong tidal currents have been observed in the vicinity of the rock, sometimes attaining a rate of 2 to 3 knots at springs. Baugan Bay (18. 37'N. , 120. 52'E.) lies close NW of Pasaleng Bay. The bay is small and open to the E. Anchorage is afforded to small vessels, in a depth of 16.5m, protected from SW winds. Dos Herrnanos, two prominent above water rocks, lie 0.75 mile N of Baugan Bay. Strong tide rips occur in the vicinity of these rocks. 1.21 Mayraira Point (18. 39'N., 120. 51'E.), the N extremity of Luzon, is fringed by a reef as far as 0.1 to 0.15 mile offshore. A rocky spit, with a depth of 3m at its outer end, extends 0.75 mile NE from the point. Heavy tide rip occur off the spit which should be given a wide berth. Dialao Point (18. 37'N., 120.47'E.) lies about 4 miles SW of Mayraira Point. The point is low, wooded, and fringed by a narrow coral reef. A light is shown from the point. The point is backed by a prominent reddish-colored ridge, 183m high, running parallel to the coast and almost bare of trees. This is the only reddish-colored ridge in the vicinity. Strong currents, along with eddies and whirlpools, are found 1 to 1.5 miles off the point. Bangui Bay (18 . 33'N., 120.45'E.) lies about 3 miles SSW of Dialao Point, which is the N entrance point of the bay. The village of Bangui, situated at the head of the bay, is hidden by trees but the red roof of the school is visible above them from most directions. The bay affords anchorage sheltered from S winds. A small cove on the N side of the bay offers shelter for small craft in NE weather. A prominent group of white rocks lie close off Blanca Point (18. 22'N., 120. 39'E.). The shore, from 1 mile E and 1.5 mile W of the point, is marked by rapidly eroding cliffs and a few coastal boulders. Negra Point, the W entrance point of Bangui Bay, is a black, rocky point with a shoal extending almost 0.25 mile offshore. A large black rock, 1.5m high, lies about 91m NE of the point. West Coast of Luzon 1.22 Cape Bojeador (18.30'N., 120. 34'E.), the NW extremity of Luzon, lies about 5 miles SW of Negra Point. It is low near the coast and rises gently to broken and bare ridges about 2.5 miles E. The N limit of the cape is marked by overhanging, black, coral cliffs, with a grass-covered top, 15m high. There is a sharp indentation in the reefs S of this point where landings are possible except during NW winds. Between this indentation and the W extremity of the cape, a reef extends about 0.35 mile offshore. Detached coral heads and sunken boulders extend as far as 0.5 mile NW from the Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon Cape Bojeador Light outer edge of this reef. Cape Bojeador should be given a berth of at least 1 mile. A submerged rock, position doubtful, is reported to lie about 0.5 mile W of theW extremity of Cape Bojeador. Cape Bojeador Light (18 . 30'N., 120.34'E.) stands on the summit of a prominent hill located 1 mile E of the N extremity of Cape Bojeador. The lighthouse is a white octagonal, stone tower, rising 20m, with an attached dwelling. The shore of the cape is marked by breakers. A radar conspicuous stranded wreck lies 1.5 miles WSW of the lighthouse. Nagabungan Bay (18.29'N., 120. 34'E.) indents the coast about 0.5 mile S of the W extremity of Cape Bojeador. It is a narrow inlet entered only by small vessels with local knowledge. Drying coral reefs extend about 0.1 mile from the S side of the bay, and about 91m from the N entrance of Nagabungan. The entrance is made further difficult by banks, with depths of less than 6m, extending from either shore, leaving a navigable channel less than 9lm wide. A 7.6m shoal lies 0.3 mile WNW of the S entrance point. 1.23 Dirique Inlet (18. 28'N., 120.35'E.) (World Port Index No. 58530), about 1.75 miles SSE of Nagabungan Bay, affords good anchorage to small craft with local knowledge, in a depth of 18m, during the Northeast Monsoon, sheltered from all winds except those from the SW. Drying coral reefs and a shoal, with depths of less than 9m, extend about 0.25 mile W from the S side of the entrance and about 0.25 mile S from the N entrance point, restricting the entrance channel between the 9m curves to about 0.1 mile. Two conspicuous aluminum domes, marked by white and red lights, stand about 5.7 5 miles SE of Dirique Inlet. Laoag (18. 12'N., 120. 35'E.) (World Port Index No. 58520) is a town of some importance, situated 4.5 miles within the entrance to the Laoag River. A radio tower stands in Laoag. The mouth of the river is blocked by a bar over which small craft can navigate. A landing place is convenient about 0.5 mile within the entrance. Mount Cauit (18. 13'N., 120.32'E.), a grassy sandhill, 92m high, with some trees on its summit, lies near the coast on the N side of the entrance to Laoag River. The summit rises as a nipple, and is a prominent landmark on this otherwise low coast. There is open anchorage SW of the mouth of Laoag River. With local knowledge, a vessel can obtain anchorage, in a depth of 16m, sand, with Mount Cauit bearing 045• and Culili Point bearing 202·. Caution.-The approach to the anchorage can become difficult due to shoaling in the river entrance. A bank, with a depth of 44m, lies about 12 miles WNW of the Laoag River mouth. Culili Point (18.05'N., 120.28'E. ), about 6 miles S of the Laoag River entrance, is prominent from the distance. It is a rocky bluff, bare of trees, 35m high, rising from a series of sand dunes. This part of the coast is fringed by a bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, which extends up to 0.3 mile offshore. Submarine cables lie 2.25 miles S of Culili Point. The chart best depicts where anchoring and fishing is prohibited. Pub.162 ector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon 1.24 Arboledan Point (18 . 01 'N., 120. 29'E.) is 4 to 6m high. It is fringed by a reef, about 0.1 nule wide, partly bare at LW. The point is marked by a light ' tuated on a prominent ridge. The S end of this ridge is covere:l with bushes and a few trees that rise to an elevation of 41 m. Arboledan Point Light, stands 1Om high and consists of a white concrete tower. The mouth of the Currimao River ·es close to Arboledan Point. With the exception of a narrow each at the mouth of this river, the entire shoreline of the p in t is fringed with reefs extending as far as 0.1 mile offshore. The reef dries at LW, but the au ter limits are always submerged and rise sharply from deep" ater. Prominent from the S is a large stone church, converted to a warehouse, which stands about 0.2 nile ENE of Arboledan Point. The church is partly ob -cured b .. coconut trees. North Fort, a white tower, lies bout midway between Arboledan Point and the stone church. South Fort, a dark stone tower, stands on the S side of the entrance to the cove. The town of Currimao lies close E of the stone church and spreads out on both sides of the river ; n1y part of the town can be seen from seaward. Anchorage is available with South Fort bearing 105" and the old church bearing 032·, in a depth cf 20m, soft mud. Small vessels find anchorage NE of this posi:ion, in a depth of 17m. Port Currimao (18.01'N., 120.29'E) (World Port Index No. 58510) is a cove entered between Ar oledan Point and theN entrance point of Gan Bay, about 0.5 o:ile SE. This indentation in the coast provides the nearest anchcrage to Laoag. It affords a restricted shelter to ves 1;; with local knowledge during the Northeast Monsoon (Octcber to March) and also provides a haven when weather does n t permit vessels to lie off the mouth of the Laoag River. Caution.-A coral spit, with dep from 2 to 9m, extends 0.75 miles SW from the S entrance p t to Port Currimao. 1.25 Gao Bay (1 7"59'N., 120. 29'E. ) (World Port Index No. 58500) is entered between the S e trance point of Port Currimao and Gabot Point, about 2.75 miles SSW. From the shoreline, a drying reef =x tends up to 0.35 mile seaward, from a point 0.75 mile NE o Gabot Point. The coast to the NE of this reet rs composed of sandy beaches with rocky ledges between em. Depths of less than 6m extend up to 0.4 mile offshore. Buoys mark a shoal on its N and E sides , with depths from 0.5 to 3.6m, which extends a out 0.7_ mile N from the drying reef. A reef, with a depth of less than ~ , lies 1.25 miles NNE of Gabot Point. Gabot Island (1 7"58'N., 120. 28'E ) is located on a drying reef which extends 0.25 mile NW fr m Gabot Point. A rock, 3m high, lies near the N extremity of this reef. There are numerous boulders scattered over the -eef. A bank, with depths of less than 6IIL extends out 0.25 mile N from the prominent rock. There is good landing on either cr of Gabot Island, but wind direction and tide must be takeninto account. Muglavis village stands on the S iliore of the bay about 1 mile NE of Gabot Point. A concrete pier with a rock cause y, extending about 0.25 mile from shore with 7.3m at its hea , is situated 0.4 mile NE of Muglavis. A prominent red warehouse stands near the root of the pier. Anchorage.-Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage, in 11 to 18m, sand and mud, NE of the shoal on the S side of the entrance to Gan Bay. The channel leading to the anchorage, between the 5.5m curve on either side, is about 0.25 mile wide and has a fairway depth of from 22 to 28m. Small vessels with local knowledge will find anchorage when strong N winds are in evidence, off the mouth of a cove formed in the reef 1.25 miles SSE of Solot Point, in a depth of 20m. 1.26 Solot Point (1 7"55'N., 120.26'E.) rises to 20m and projects out from the coast considerably. It lies about 3.75 miles SW of Gabot Point. Badoc Island (17"55'N., 120.25'E.) lies about 0.75 mile W of Solot Point. The island and the point are separated by a fairway with a depth of 36m. The island is conspicuous on its W side, and covered with grass and a few trees. The N and W sides of Badoc Island are fringed by a below-water reef that extends about 0.25 mile offshore. Two shoals are located 2 miles and 3.75 miles SSW of Badoc Island with depths of 12.8m. There is anchorage between the island and the mainland, in W or moderate N winds, in a depth of 37m. 1.27 Cabugao Bay (17 .50'N., 120.26'E.) is entered between a point 3 miles SSE of Solot Point and a point E of Salomague Island (17"48'N., 120.23'E.). This bay provides some protection from S winds. There are a number of shoals in the bay area and caution is advised. A shoal, with a least depth of 6.4m near its outer end, extends about 1 mile NW from theN entrance of Cabugao Bay. Another shoal, with a least depth of 8.2m, extends about 0.45 mile NNW of Cabugao Point (1 T49'N., 120. 26'E.). Cabugao Shoal (17. 50'N., 120. 25'E.), with a depth of 5.5m, lies approximately 1.25 miles NW of this point. A shoal, with depths of less than 9m, extends about 1 mile NNW of the S entrance point of the bay. Anchorage.-There is anchorage available to vessels with local knowledge in the SW part of the bay, W of Cabugao Point, in depths of 12.8m. Anchorage is also available, in a depth of 10.9 to 12.8m, in a small cove close NE of Cabugao Point, but care must be taken in order to avoid a 2.7m shoal patch lying near the head of the cove. 1.28 Salomague Point (1T47'N., 120. 24'E.) i a bluff tableland 31m high. A drying reef extends 0.3 mile from the point. Salomague Island (17"48'N., 120.23'E.), covered with grass and brushwood, lies in the N approach to the harbor about 0.5 mile offshore and serves as a good landmark from theN or S; it is fringed by a narrow coral reef, the inner part of which dries. The channel between Salomague Island and the mainland is used by small craft with local knowledge. The fairway is 0.5 mile wide and has a least depth of 8.2m. Salomague Harbor (1T47'N., 120. 25'E.), known as the Port of Cabuago, offers protection from all but W and SW winds and is entered between Salomague Point and Darrena Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon Point. The harbor is of increasing commercial importance. During the Southwest Monsoon (May to September), coasting vessels have unloaded here when it is too rough at Pandan or off the Laoag River. The harbor is fringed with reefs along the shore, reaching out as far as 0.15 mile from its N side and 0.1 mile from the S side. Two small coves become evident by the breaks in the reef. There is a beach in each cove. 1.29 Salomague (17"47'N., 120 "25'E.) (World Port Index No. 58490) stands at the bead of the N cove. A concrete pier, with a depth of 4.9m at its head, also lies in the N cove. There is a stranded wreck on the W side of the pier. The ruins of an old stone church lie near the foot of the pier. The approach to the pier is foul and the pier is not fully operational; however, it is used by vessels seeking shelter from typhoons. North Shoal, steep-to, drying 0.6m, and on which the sea generally breaks, lies off the N side of the harbor entrance, about 0.3 mile SSE of Salomague Point. Middle Shoal, with a depth of 0.9m near its center, lies near the middle of the harbor about 0.51 mile NE of Darrena Point. Anchorage-There is good anchorage about 0.52 mile W of the light structure, with the old tower at the village of Salomague bearing 349", in a depth of 14.6m. Small vessels can find improved shelter E of North Shoal, in a depth of 12.8m. Directions.-Vessels approaching Salomague Harbor from N should pass at least 2 miles W of Salomague Island, and when the light structure at Dardarrat bears 090", it should be steered for on that bearing to the anchorage. Vessels approaching from S should keep Pinget Island bearing less than 180" until the light structure bears 090", then the previous directions should be followed. 1.30 Darrena Point (17"46'N., 120"24'E.) is low, covered with brushwood, and fringed with a drying reef which extends as far as 0.3 mile from its S side. A spit, with depths of less than 11m, extends considerably WNW from Darrena Point; a detached 11m patch lies 1.4 miles W of the point. Southwest Shoal (1 7"46'N., 120"22'E.), with a least depth of 3.6m, lies 2 miles W of Darrena Point. A 7 .3m coral patch lies 1.25 miles W of Darrena Point. Masbate Shoal (Masbete Shoal) (17"45'N., 120"23'E.) , with a depth of 7 .6m, lies 1.25 miles WSW of Darrena Point. Lapog Shoal (17 " 45'N., 120"24'E.) lies about 1 mile S of Darrena Point and is located near the center of the entrance of Lapog Bay. A channel about 0.25 mile in width, and with depths of 11 to 18m, separates theN side of this shoal from the coastal reef extending S from Darrena Point. Another channel, about 0.75 mile wide and with depths of from 13 to 18m, separates the S side of this shoal from the reef and shoals fringing Lapog Point. Lapog Bay (17 "44'N., 120"26'E.), entered between Darrena Point and Lapog Point, about 2 miles further SSE, affords a degree of safety to small craft but is not used by larger vessels as Salomague Harbor has better protection and holding ground. The head of the bay consists of a sandy beach through which the Lapog River and some small streams discharge. Pub.162 The S shore of the bay E of Lapog Point is fringed with drying reefs which extend as far as 0.15 mile offshore. To theE of Lapog Point, at a distance of 0.5 mile, a break in the reef leads to a sandy beach near the village of Saoang. This village is the port for the town of San Juan. A detached reef, which dries, lies in the NE comer of the bay in a position about 0.3 mile offshore. Lapog Point (17 "44'N., 120"25'E.), the S entrance point of the bay, is low and has a small inlet close S of it. A pit, with depths of less than 6m, extends 10.6 mile WSW from Lapog Point. A shoal, with a depth of 3.9m, lies 1.5 miles W of Lapog Point. A dangerous wreck lies about 1 mile SW of the shoal. The coast from Lapog Point to Pinget Island, 4 miles SW, is fringed by above and below-water reefs extending 0.5 mile offshore in places. 1.31 Pinget Island (17 "41'N., 120"2l'E.) is about 6m high at its S end and is sandy, and covered with brushwood. A drying reef surrounds the island and is joined to the mainland 0.5 mile E by a low sandy isthmus. Anchorage.-With local knowledge of the island area, vessels can take anchorage either N or S of Pinget Island, taking into account the monsoon. The anchorage on the N side of the isthmu is in 12.8m, about 0.3 mile E of theN end of the island. Small vessels can anchor closer in to the isthmus. The anchorage on the S side of the isthmus is in 10.9m, about 0.5 mile SE of the S extremity of Pinget Island. San lldefonso Harbor (17"39'N., 120"2l'E.) is 2 miles S of Pinget Island. A concrete pier, reported destroyed, extends 0.5 mile NW from the coast. A prominent concrete tank, 3m high , stand close of the pier. A shoal, with a least depth of 1.5m, lies about 0.4 mile NW of the pier head. A partly constructed breakwater, reported destroyed, extends N across the middle of the shoal. Drying reefs extend 91m offshore, almost 1 mile SE of the S extremity of Pinget Island. A reef extends 0.25 mile NW from a point located about 0.5 mile SSW of the base of the pier. Dile Point (1 7"34'N., 120"20'E.), lying 6.25 mile S of Pinget Island, is low and inconspicuous. Discolored water, due to the discharge from the Abra River, is often seen from this point. The lOrn curve fronts the coast at a distance of up to 0.75 mile. Two shoals, each with a depth of 8.2m and lying about 1 mile offshore, are located, respectively, about 2.25 miles and 3 miles SSE of Dile Point. 1.32 Pandan (1 7"32'N., 120 "22'E.) stands on theN side of the delta of the Abra River. It is the landing place for the town of Vigan which stands about 2.5 miles NNE. Close SW of the town, standing on a hill, is a prominent white cylindrical water tank. It makes a good mark as does the white belfry of the church in Caoayan, a village about 1 mile NE of Pandan. There is a light shown from a whi te concrete tower, 8m high, standing on the beach close S of Pandan. The channels leading through the delta of the A bra River are constantly changing in position and depth, especially during the rainy season and during the Southwest Monsoon. Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon A depth of 1.5m can sometimes e:ti3t over the bar at the mouth of the river and local kno edge is necessary for entering. Anchorage.-Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off Pandan, where some shel er is afforded from E and NE winds. During strong :'>~" wind . e ground swell sets in round Dile Point causing a heavy surf. Vessels can anchor, in 10.9m, san , .-,out 0.75 mile SW of the light at Pandan, with the promine•t church at Caoayan bearing 041 ° and Solvec Rock (1 7"::!7' ., 120°26'E.) bearing 140°. 1.33 Solvec Cove (1 T27'N., 120":TE.) is entered between Solvec Point and a point about 1 nu e SE. The cove is only about 0.5 mile in extent, but affords some shelter from N and E winds. A village is located about 0.2 mile inland from the NE comer of the bay. The cove can be identified by Mo • t Narvacan , 259m high, located about 0.5 mile E of the S en t'aoce point. A long range of hills extends 5 miles NNE from S lvec Point to the Tetas de Santa, prominent twin peaks, 650m h;g1. An old tower stands close to the shore almost 0.5 mile E Solvec Point. Solvec Rock (1T27'N., 120°26'E ), 9.1m high and square shaped, lies close offshore SW of ol 1ec Point. A group of above and below-water rocks connect e rock with the point. A rock, awash, lies close W of Sol vee Rock. A drying reef and foul ground exten up to 0.15 mile from the N shore of the cove, as well as a drying reef that extends 0.25 mile NW from the S entrance poir.:t of the cove. A group of rocks, with depths of less than ~a, lie about 0.15 mile WNW of the outer extremity of this reef. A destroyed pier extends about . ~ mile WNW from a position on the E shore of the cove, over 0.25 mile SE of the old tower. Anchorage can be taken about 0.4 rrile SE of Solvec Rock, in depths of 18 to 22m. Vessels shouU anchor when Solvec Rock bears 315 °, and the old tower • theN shore of the cove bears 023 °. Small vessels can anchor within e cove, but the holding ground is not good. Depths over 9m are found in the center of the cove. There is a range of mountains th extends 24 miles NNE from Solvec Point, terminating in Mo rt Nagapu, !,272m high and flat-topped. The highest level of this mountain cannot be seen as it is mostly obscured by a high n dge closer to the coast. Mount Bulagao (1 T39'N., 120°30'E.) is dark colored and prominent because of its compara ·" isolation. As viewed from the N it appears as a rounded swaunit, but from the S two summits are visible, the N of whic attains an elevation of 1,121m. Vigan Gap (1 T33'N., 120 °30'E.), located about 7 miles NNE of Solvec Point, is a prominent :livide in the mountain range; the A bra River flows through e gap. 1.34 Nalvo Bay (1 T22'N., 120 on'E.) is a small cove.The bay gives some shelter during the N~ast Monsoon (October to March), but it is open to the Southwest Monsoon. A reef extends about 0.15 mile WSW from the N entrance point. This reef is fringed by a shoal with a depth at its outer edge of 6.4m, extending about 0.15 mile WSW beyond the edge of the reef. The E shore of the cove has a sandy beach which is backed by a single, pointed hill, 76m high. The S entrance point of the bay is fringed by a narrow drying reef. The 10m curve fronts the beach about 0.5 mile offshore. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken, in depth of 9 to 11m, hard sand. Directions.-Vessels should approach the cove with the pointed hill bearing about 079°. Santa Maria Church, located 1.5 miles ENE of the pointed hill, will be seen in range with the lower part of the N slope of the hill. Anchorage is taken when the point of land N of the N entrance point comes into range, bearing 349°, with Solvec Rock. 1.35 Port San Esteban (1 T20'N., 120°26'E.) (World Port Index No. 58470) is entered between Suso Point (17 °2 l 'N., 120°27'E.) and San Esteban Point, about 1.5 miles SW. It serves as a harbor of refuge for small vessel during the Southwest Monsoon, but it is dangerous under the effect of a Northeast Monsoon because of a very heavy swell. A prominent quarry, located about 0.45 mile SSE of Suso Point, appears as a prominent bare spot on the hillside. A stone tower is clearly visible on the SW side of the entrance, about 0.75 mile ENE of San Esteban Point. The ruins of a hospital, a prominent large concrete building, is situated close to the beach at the head of the port. Suso Shoal, with a least depth of 6.4m, coral, lies on the N side of the approach to Port San Esteban. Two detached 8.5m patches lie close together about 0.5 mile N of the stone tower. Drying reefs extend as far as 0.15 mile offshore from either side of the cove. Through these dangers a narrow channel cuts between the reefs, tapering from 0.4 to 0.1 mile in width, and breaks through to a sandy beach at the head of the cove. Moderate-sized vessels can obtain anchorage, in depths of 15 to 16m, about 0.375 mile N of the stone tower, or about 0.1 mile farther E, with the ruins of the hospital bearing 169°, 0.6 mile. Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor between the reefs near the head of the cove. Vessels should approach the outer anchorage with the quarry bearing 090°. 1.36 Santiago Cove (1 T17'N., 120°26'E.), about 4 miles S of Port San Esteban, provides fair shelter from the Northeast Monsoon (October to March), but is open to the SW. Reefs, which dry in parts and are visible, surround the cove on all sides as far as 0.1 mile offshore. The head of the cove consists of a sandy beach with a small river discharging near its S end. The village of Sabangan stands on a spit between the river and the head of the cove. The town of Santiago is situated 0.5 mile NE of the head of the cove; only the church and a monestary are visible from seaward. There are depths of 11 to 18m in the outer part of the cove. Anchorage is available, in about 12m, sand and mud, with the N entrance point bearing 320°, distant 0.2 mile. Vessels entering Santiago Cove should keep the church at Santiago bearing 06T and anchor as above. Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon Caution.-A bank, with a least depth of 19.2m lying about 14 miles W of San Esteban Point, extends about 10 miles in a N to S direction. 1.37 Tamurung Point (17"15'N., 120. 25'E.), 31m high, lies about 1.75 miles S of Santiago Cove. A range of hills rises to an elevation of 199m, about 0.75 mile E of the point. Candon Point (1 7"13'N., 120.24'E.), with a light tanding about 1 mile SE of the point, is low, heavily wooded, and fringed by a narrow reef. The village of Candon is situated about 20.75 miles SE of the point. Anchorage is available, in depths of not less than 16m, with the extremity of Candon Point bearing ooo·. Smaller vessels find anchorage, in depths of 9 to 11m, WSW of a stone house, located on the beach, about 1 mile SE of the extremity of Candon Point. These anchorages, are partially protected from N and E winds, but, during stro ng N winds, the swell rolls in around the point. Caution.-It was reported that a number of Fish Aggregating Devices were moored about 30 miles offshore N from San Fernando. They normally consist of unlit steel pontoons with fishing topmarks and may constitute a danger to navigation, being difficult to detect by eye and radar. There is no indication that positions off this coast are promulgated, or that the areas used are patrolled . 1.38 Santa Lucia (1 7"07'N., 120. 27'E.), 6.5 miles SSE of Candon Point, is a small town on the coast which will be recognized by a large church with a conspicuous dome. A light is shown from the coast near Dardarat (16 . 57'N., 120. 26'E.). There is a pier extending NW from the coast about 0.5 mile NE of the light. From the pier head two concrete dolphins have been established, and three mooring buoys. There is a yellow water tank that is located near the root of the pier. Anchorage is found, in a depth of 15m, sand and mud , about 0.1 mile NW of the light. Luna (16. 51'N., 120. 22'E.) is a small town on this part of the coast identified by an old tower and a church with three towers. Two towns, Bangar and Tagudin, are 3.5 and 6 mile s, respectively, NE of Luna. Mount Lusong , 271m high and grass-covered, is located 2.5 miles SE of Bangar. 1.39 Darigayos Point (16.50'N., 120. 21'E.), 3.5 miles S of Luna, is low, covered with trees, and fringed by a narrow drying reef. Darigayos Inlet, 1 mile S of the point, is a slight indentation into which the Darigayos River flows . Darigayos Light is shown from the N entrance point of the inlet. The inlet has irregular depths from 3 to 18m. Reefs, parts of which dry, extend about 0.325 mile W from the N entrance point and 0.25 mile WNW from the S entrance point. Pin Rock, 0.6m high, lies near the S edge of the reef. The entrance channel is 0.1 mile wide, with depths of more than 6m. Depths of less than 6m extend 0.2 mile from the head of the inlet. Pub.162 An old fort stands on the S entrance point of the inlet. There is a 26m high bluff 0.2 mile E of the fort. A village stands on the N side of the inlet. A prominent schoolhouse with a metal roof stan ds on the N side of the entrance close ENE of the old fort. It is reported to be a good lan dmark. Anchorage for small craft may be taken, in a depth of 3m, sand, about 0.1 mile from the head of the inlet. The anchorage is open to the W and affords little protection. The Maragaya River (16.46'N., 120 .20'E.) discharges about 3.5 miles S of Darigayos Inlet. The river entrance is restricted by a stranded wreck. A factory, with two conspicuous chimneys, and a large concrete silo, 38m high, stands near to the shore close N of the river entrance. A shoal, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies about 0.2 mile offshore, about 4.5 miles S of Maragaya River. 1.40 San Fernando Harbor (16. 37'N., 120. 18'E.) (World Port Index No. 58460) is entered between San Fernando Point and the mainland, 10.75 miles ENE. It is a port of entry and the terminus of the railroad from Manila. All berthing and shipping facilities are located at Poro (16. 37'N., 120. 18'E.) on the SW side of the harbor. Winds-Weather.-The harbor and piers are protected from both the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon, but during strong winds from the N and NW a heavy swell has a tendency to roll into the harbor. Depths-Limitations.-The harbor is about 1.5 miles in extent, but the entrance between the reefs extending from both sides is les s than 0.5 mile wide. The reef, defined by about the 10m curve, extends about 1 mile NE from the E side of San Fernando Point, but has been reported to be extending further into the entrance channel. Earthquake damage caused changes to berthing. There are five principal piers, all located at Port Poro: 1. Pier No. 1, 150m in length, 21m wide, with depths of 15.3m at its outer end and less than lm at its inner end. 2. Pier No.2, 150m in length, 21m wide, with depths of 14.3m at outer end and less than 1m at inner end. 3. Old Pier (formerly Government Pier), a 200m long concrete structure , 19m wide, with depths ranging from lm at the inner end to 16.5m at the outer end. 4. PNOC Pier, a coal conveyor pier, 140m long, 5.8 wide with depths ranging from 14.9m at its outer end to less than lm at its inner end. 5. Philex Conveyor Pier extends 200m from the shore , 3m wide, with depth s of 9.8m at its outer end and less than lm at its inner end. There are four mooring buoy s to assis t warping while loading ore.. Vessels of 10,000 dwt can be accommodated at the piers, while vessels of 30,000 dwt can use the anchorage. Aspect.-San Fernando Point (16. 37'N., 120. 17'E.) is the NW extremity of a peninsula, 24m high on its W side, where there are some prominent white cliffs. San Fernando Point Light, a round metal tower and dwelling , 8m high, stands 0.6 mile S of San Fernando Point. Two conspicuous radar domes stand 777m N of the light. Numerous radio masts stand on the peninsula, E of the lighthouse. "ector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon San Fernando Pon Light The stranded wreck of a gunboat · " close to San Fernando Point, 366m N of the radar domes. Carlatan (16 "38'N., 120"19'E.), a :;mall village, stands at the entrance to Carlatan Lagoon, 0.5 ~e SE of the E entrance point of the harbor. A light is shown fJom a tower 0.75 mile NE of the village. A fixed light is shown from the to of a conspicuous water tower at Carlaton. Several radio rna~ with fixed obstruction lights stand 0.75 mile SSE of thew r tower. Range lights in line, bearing 144 . .S c, ead into the harbor, but it is reported that upon making the ap mach to the harbor there is considerable difficulty encountererl in locating the harbor range markers at night among the stcre lights, and that by day the structures do not stand o t until e ll inside the harbor due to the early morning mist. A conspicuous radio mast stands clme SE of the front range light. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels are met in position 16"38'N, 120"17'E, by the p ot boat which flies a red flag with the letter "P" in white. If the 'lot cannot board due to bad weather, the vessel should p ceed to the Quarantine Anchorage. Pilots should be ordered Jth an ETA of 24 hours. Messages should be addressed to ort Pilot, San Fernando, La Union. Anchorage.-A charted designated anchorage lies about 1 mile SW of Carlaton water towel, in depths of 22m. The holding ground is good. During the Northeast Monsoon the swell reaches this anchorage and is particularly he ' in the afternoon. A prohibited anchorage area lies in the ~ part of the harbor. When winds are strong out of me N, vessels can take anchorage off Poro and ride easier thn. off San Fernando. The recommended anchorage is located about 0.8 mile N of the Government Pier, in about 22m, mud, good holding ground. There are several mooring buoys off Poro . Directions.-Vessels from N should bring San Fernando Point Light (16"37'N., 120' 17'E.) to bear 180", and steer for it until the San Fernando range lights are in line. This range leads between the buoys marking the reefs at the entrance and into the quarantine anchorage. It is reported that the range lights are difficult to distinguish from the shore lights, and during the day the structure do not stand out until well inside the harbor. In the early morning the range lights are usually obscured by mist. Vessels are cautioned to give the reef on the W side of the entrance channel a wide berth, as the reef is reported to have had a NE growth. The center of the group of tanks about 320m WSW of the root of the Government Pier at Poro, bearing 198"30', leads from the range line to the piers at Poro. 1.41 Fagg Reef (16 "39'N., 120"15'E.), composed of rock and sand, with a least depth of 8.2m, lies in a position about 2 miles NW of San Fernando Point. The sea breaks over this danger in the event of heavy weather. Two rocks, each with a depth of 1.8m, lie about 0.14 mile SE and 0.15 mileS of the S extremity of the peninsula. An obstruction is reported to lie 1 mile S of San Fernando Light. Caution.-There are numerous unmarked dangerous sunken wrecks and obstructions in the harbor. These wrecks, although clear of the channel, may break up in heavy weather and form new obstructions. There is a great deal of flotsam in the harbor, especially during S winds at the height of the tide, which constitutes a serious threat to navigation. Pilings and dolphins around the piers are in poor condition and may in time break up and become navigational hazards. Lingayen Gulf 1.42 Lingayen Gulf (16"15'N., 120"10'E.), entered between San Fernando Point and Santiago Island, about 23 miles SSW, indents the coast in a WSW direction for a distance of 30 miles and is open to the NNW. Winds-Weather.-The prevailing wind in Lingayen Gulf is SE. During the Northeast Monsoon, land and sea breezes become regular and blow freshly, but are interrupted by strong N and NE gales. The atmosphere is clear at this time. A bank of clouds seen in the N, accompanied by a clear sky and a high barometer, is a sign of the commencement of a gale. In June, the wind blows from a SE direction in the morning, with squalls blowing down from Mount Santo Tomas and from Mount San Isidro. Toward the evening, the wind dies down with heavy rain and thunder showers, and towards midnight the weather clears leaving a light S wind which changes to SE at dawn. From July to October, gales from SW to W are prevalent, lasting from 3 to 15 days, and are accompanied by heavy rain. The worst season in Lingayen Gulf is from the middle of September until the end of October, when typhoons are likely to occur. Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon Tides-Currents.-In Lingayen Gulf currents are variable and depend to a great extent on the strength and direction of the wind. During the rainy season, the freshets from the rivers at the head of the gulf cause a N set in the gulf. Directions.-When entering or leaving Lingayen Gulf, do not approach Silagui Island (16 . 27'N., 119. 55'E.) within a distance of 8 miles and care must be taken to avoid the 11.9m patch located 10.5 miles NE of that island. Caution.-It has been reported that due to earthquake activity, the shoreline and depths along the S coast of Lingayen Gulf may differ from what is charted. A shoal bank, with depths of less than 18.3m, extends 8 miles NE from the NE side of Santiago Island. Detached shoals, with depths of 11.6 and 14.6m, respectively, lie about 10.75 miles NE of Silaqui Islet (16 . 27'N., 119. 55'E.) . The shallowest spot, with a least depth of 6.4m, lies 4 miles ENE of Dos Hermanos Rocks (16 . 26'N., 119.56'E.). A clear channel about 13 miles wide lies W of San Fernando Point and there are no known dangers in the central part of Lingayen Gulf; a depth of over 37m is found throughout. Lingayen Gulf-East Side 1.43 The E side of Lingayen Gulf between San Fernando Point and the W entrance of Santo Thomas, 23 miles S, consists of a continuous sandy beach with foothills only a short distance inland. Along this stretch of coast Research Reef (16. 35'N., 120. 17'E.), with a least depth of 4.5m, lies 0.85 mile offshore and about 2.5 miles S of San Fernando Point. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 5m, lies about 3.25 miles S of San Fernando Point. A depth of 11m was reported just inside the 20m curve, about 13.5 miles S of San Fernando Point Light. Santa Rita Light stands 16.25 miles SSE of San Fernando Point Light. Santo Tomas Anchorage (16 . 15'N., 120.22'E.) has little commercial importance and is mainly used by fishing vessels. It lies E of a sand spit, with depths of from 3 to 6m. The entrance to the anchorage is about 2.5 miles and gradually narrows to a width of 1 mile inside. The S and E sides of the spit are steep-to, but the W side shoals gradually. Due to the depths , the spit offers little protection. The head of the anchorage is shallow. Damortis Light (16 . 16'N., 120. 23'E.) stands 1 mile SE of Santo Tomas town. The best anchorage is 1 mile SE of the extremity of the W entrance point, in 13m, mud. San Fabian (16 . 07'N., 120. 24'E.) is located 9.5 miles S of Santo Tomas; the coast between consists mostly of a sandy beach backed by sparsely wooded hills about 90m high, and is fringed by a bank with depths of less than 9m which extends from 0.75 to 1.25 miles offshore. There is anchorage abreast the town, in depths of more than 9m. The coast between San Fabian and the mouth of Dagupan River, 6 miles SW, is quite low and is fronted by a bank, with depths of less than 9m, which extends 1 mile offshore. 1.44 Dagupan City (16 .03'N., 120.20'E.) (World Port Index No. 58440), located 2 miles S of the Dagupan River, is a Pub.162 port of entry. The bar at the mouth of the river shifts frequently, but generally has a least depth of 1.8m. Above the bar there are depths of from 2 to 4m in the fairway of the river. A light marks Guecet Point on the E side of the river mouth. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for all merchant vessels entering the river. This service is obtained through soundings of a whistle or by advance notice. Anchorage.-Vessels will find anchorage off the mouth of the Dagupan River, 1.25 miles NW of the light, in depths of 11m, mud. The S shore of Lingayen Gulf, from the entrance of Dagupan River to the mouth of the Agno River (16 . 03'N., 120.08'E.), 11 miles W, is formed by the delta of the Agno River and other small rivers. The shore is low and sandy. Mount San Isidro, a wooded conical mountain, 800m high , stands about 3.5 miles SSW of the mouth of the Agno River. The Agno River entrance is of good size and drains a con iderable area, but has a shallow and difficult bar, with a least depth of 1.1m. Depths of Jess than 6m extend 1 mile N and 0.75 mile E from the W entrance point of the river. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can reach the town of Labrador (16 . 02'N., 120. 09'E.) located on theW bank of the river, 1.5 miles from its mouth. Lingayan (Lingayen) (16 . 0l'N., 120. 13'E.) is located about 5 miles E of Labrador. The provincial building in the town provides an excellent landmark. Lingayen Gulf-West Side 1.45 Mangas Point (16 . 04'N., 120. 07'E.), about 2.5 miles WNW of the mouth of the Agno River, is 40m high and wooded. It is fringed by a reef extending as far as 320m offshore. A group of above-water rocks lie on the N part of the reef, 274m NE of the point. A white house close SW of Mangas Point and a white stone municipal building are prominent landmarks when approaching from the N. A small stone pier, 274m SW of the point, is partly destroyed . Adela Rock, with a depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.75 mile E of Mangas Point. The sea breaks on this rock in heavy weather. The reef is usually marked by a fish trap. Portuguese Point (16 . 05'N., 120.07'E.), located about 0.75 mile N of Mangas Point, is 73m high and wooded. It can be identified by a small tower which is part of an old fort. From a distance of more than 7 miles the land in the vicinity of the point appears like an island. Port Sual Light is shown from a concrete mast, lOrn hig h, on the SE extremity of Portuguese Point. A reef with a depth of 5.2m over its outer end, on which the sea only breaks in strong onshore winds, extends about 0.25 mile S from Portuguese Point. A shoal, with a depth of 11.6m, lies about 0.5 mile ESE of Portuguese Point. Port Saul (16. 04'N. , 120. 06'E.) is entered between Mangas Point and Portuguese Point. A stone church, partly destroyed, stands 183m NW of the remains of a pier and there is also a metal water tank on a trestle situated 0.15 mile NNW of the pier. ector 1. North and West Coasts of Luzon There is a causeway that extends a t 165m seaward close S of the town. Anchorage.-Good anchorage ca. e taken with the SW extremity of Portuguese Point bearing 046°, and the N extremity of Mangas Point bearing 1' in depths of from 9 to llm, mud. Small vessels may anchor in the N ::rm of the port, 0.4 mile WNW of the old fort, in depths of 9m. Directions.-When approaching ?:lrt Sual from N, pass about 0.25 mile E of Portuguese Poiri..a::ld continue S until the small stone pier at the town bears zso·, when it should be steered for on that bearing. When the Tocks off Mangas Point are abeam, the vessel should be haul ed NW to the anchorage. When approaching from the S or E. the N rock off Mangas Point should be brought to bear less an 270°, so as to clear Adela Rock (16 °04'N., 120°07'E.). 1.46 Cabalitian Island (16°07' 120°07'E.), 3 miles NE of Port Saul, is wooded and about 1 r::Ue in extent. The island is fringed by a reef, wi depths of less than 6m, extending 0.3 mile offshore, on whi there are some islets. A shoal, with depths of less than 9m, mends 0.4 mile NE from the island. Calpay Shoal extends about 0.5 mile S from the S extremity of Cabalitian Island. The shallowest rart of the reef, which is awash, lies about 0.5 mile S of the ::: extremity of Cabalitian Island. The N side of the shoal is -eparated from the reef fringing the S side of Cabalitian Islam by a deep channel about 183m wide. Cabalitian Bay (16°06'N., 120°ClJE.) may be entered by passing either N or S of Cabaliti Island, but vessels are recommended to use the S entrance o annel to the bay, which lies between the steep-to S edge of C:t.l:pay Shoal and the reef fringing the coast, about 0.75 mileS . The W shore of the bay is fringed "JY a reef, with depths of less than 6m, which extends up to I .75 mile offshore. Poro Island and a small islet lie o this s e reef 0.25 mile NNW and 0.8 mile, respectively, NW of th ~ entrance of the bay. Anchorage.-Cabalitian Bay affo good anchorage, in 18 to 24m, with protection from NE w,. ds. The recommended anchorage is 0.25 mile S of the SV.. extremity of Cabalitian Island, in a depth of 24m. Directions.-Vessels entering the ay via the S channel, from a position 1.5 miles SE of the SE extremity of Cabalitian Island, should steer a course of 270 ° til the SW extremity of the same island bears 350°. This cours= leads about 0.25 mileS of the steep-to S edge of Calpay Sho . From the last position a course of 350· leads to the anchorage off the SW extremity of the island, passing 0.25 mile W of deW side of Calpay Shoal. 1.47 Bangayao Point (16. 07'N. 120.06'E.), about 0.75 mile NW of Cabilitian Island, rises : eply to a hill 53m high. The point is fringed by a reef as fli as 0.15 mile offshore. Shoals, with depths of 4.9 and 1 03rn lie, respectively, 0.25 mile and 0.15 mile SSW of the point Pao Bay (16 .09'N., 120°06'E.) is e ered between Bangayao Point and Bangar Point, about 0.6 n:ile SSW. A narrow reef, with depths of less than 4m, exten ~ about 0.25 mile S from Bangar Point. A shoal, with a least cpth of 1.8m, lies in midchannel in a position 0.3 mile WSW Bangar Point. Anchorage.-Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, in depths of 7 to 9m, about 0.4 mile W of Bangar Point. Comas Island (16o09'N., 120o07'E.), small in extent, lies about 0.25 mile offshore in a position about 0.6 mile NE of Bangar Point. A drying reef connects this island to the shore. An above-water rock, lies close SE of the island. 1.48 Hundred Islands (16°13'N., 120°03'E.) are a large group of small wooded islets extending 2.25 miles NNE from a point on the mainland about 2.75 miles SE of Toritori Point (16°13'N., 120°00'E.). The bases of these islands are greatly undermined by the action of the sea, and landing on them is difficult. A shoal, with a depth of 10.1 m, lies about 1 mile ENE of the N islet of the group. Anchorage.-Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage close W of the Hundred Islands, in depth of 11 to 15m. Lucap Bay (16 . ll'N., 120.0l'E.), 2 miles S of Toritori Point, has a pier extending 0.2 mile offshore from the W side of the bay. There are depths of 4m and more in the approach to the pier, but its immediate vicinity has not been examined. A light is shown on the pierhead. Cabarruyan Island (16° 18'N., 119.58'E.), wooded and of moderate elevation, lies close E of Cape Bolinao. Caquiputan Strait, narrow and shoal, separates the W extremity of the island from the E side of Cape Bolinao. The island is fringed by a reef which extend about 2 miles offshore from the N and E sides. Shoals, with depths of less than llm, extend as far as 2.75 miles offshore. Siapar Island and Narra Island, small in extent, lie about 2.5 and 2.25 miles, respectively, W of Carot Point (16 °21'N., 119°59'E.). The waters between Cabarruyan Island and Santiago Island to the N are shoal and mostly foul. Cangaluyan Island (16. 22'N., 119.59'E.), narrow and small in area, lies about 0.25 mile N of Carot Point. Tandoyong Island and Panacalan Island, two small islets, lie on the fringing reef off the E side of the island, 0.25 mile ENE and 2.75 miles S, respectively, of Tondol Point (16 ol9'N., 120°01 'E.). Santiago Island (16o24'N., 119°56'E.), separated from the NE side of Cape Bolinao by Bolinao Harbor, is high and wooded. The N and E sides of the island are fringed by a drying reef extending as far as 1.75 miles offshore. Silaqui Island, 22m high, lies on the fringing reef 1 mile NNW of the 20m bluff at the N extremity of Santiago Island. The island appears wedge-shaped when viewed from W. Vessels entering or leaving the gulf should not approach this small island within a distance of 11 miles. Dos Hermanos Islands are three rocks, the N and the highest is 17m high and lies close W of the 20m bluff. Tagaporo Island, small in extent and wooded, lies on the fringing reef close off the E side of Santiago Island in a position about 1.75 miles N of theSE extremity of the island. 1.49 Bolinao Harbor (16. 24'N., 119°54'E.) is located between Santiago Island and the NE side of Cape Bolinao. Although the port has little commercial importance, it does Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon provide shelter to moderate sized vessels from the effect of all winds. Trinchera Point (16 "24'N., 119"54'E.), located 1 mile E of Balingasay Point, is the W entry point. The coast between these points consists of a drying coastal reef which extends 0.5 mile from the shore. Several shoals, with depths of less than 9m, extend as far as 0.5 mile N from the N edge of the shore reef. The W coast of Santiago Island, between the village of Ducoy which stands on the W side of Santiago Island and Binabalian Point (16 "23'N., 119 "55'E.), located about 1.25 miles S, is fringed by a reef which extends 0.25 mile W from abreast the village to 9lm abreast the point. A drying rock lies on the reef 0.25 mile SW of Ducoy. 1.50 Bolinao (16 "23'N., 119"54'E.) (World Port Index No. 58430), a small and unimportant town, stands close SW of Trinchera Point. Very little of the town is visible from seaward. Bolinao Harbor Light is shown from a concrete column, with a sq uare topmark, 13m high, standing on the S shore of the harbor, 0.4 mile SSE of Binabalian Point. The light was reported unreliable. A disused light was reported standing close SE. Anchorage.-There is anchorage in mid-channel W of Binabalian Point, in depths of 16 to 18m, but it is exposed toN winds. A more protected anchorage is provided in mid-channel E or W of Kiripayen Point, loc ated on the S shore, about 0.5 mile E of Binabilian Point. Numerous wrecks of fishing vessels line both shores of the inner anchorages between Binabalian Point and Tambac Point (16 "23'N., 119"56'E.), and between the light-column and a position 0.5 mile SSE of Kiripayan Point. Directions.-Vessels approaching Bolinao Harbor from the N should keep the extremity of Cape Bolinao bearing les s than 220" until Bolinao Harbor Light bears 153 ", when it should be steered for on that bearing. This range leads in mid-channel between the reefs on either side, in a least depth of 16.5m. A shoal, with a least depth of 9.7m, lies about 9lm NE of this track, in a position about 1.5 miles W of the NW point of Santiago Island . Also, a spot depth of 18.3m lies 183m SW of the track, 0.2 mile SW of the 9.7m patch. When Trinchera Point bears 243 ", a mid-channel course should be steered to the anchorage off Binabalian Point. From seaward, Bolinao Harbor Light is wooded from W by Trinchera Point and from N by Binabalian Point. Vessels proceeding to the anchorages E of Binabalian Point should round that point at a distance of about 0.2 mile in order to avoid the shoal extending S from it. When the point is cleared, vessels should steer a mid-channel course and anchor as convenient. 1.51 Cape Bolinao (16"20'N., 119"50'E .) is theN part of the peninsula which forms theW side of Lingayen Gulf. It is of moderate height, thickly wooded, and slopes gently toward the sea. Piedra Point (16 "19'N., 119 ' 47'E.), the W extremity of Cape Bolinao, is located 9 miles NNE of Rena Point and is rocky and wooded nearly to the beach . It attains a height of 73m , 0.75 mile inland. Pub.162 Cape Bolinao Light Cape Bolinao Light (Piedra Point Light) , a round concrete tower with a lantern , 31m high , stands on Piedra Point. Olanin Bay (16 "15'N. , 119 "47'E.) is located 4.5 miles S of Piedra Point at the mouth of the Olanin River. There is anchorage in the middle of the bay, in a depth of 12.8m, but local knowledge is necessary. The anchorage is open to the W, but affords so me protection from the Northeast Monsoon. A con picuous tree stands 2.25 miles N of Olanin Bay. Agno Bay (1 6"08'N., 119 "47'E.), entered between Rena Point, which is reported to give a good radar return up to a distance of 17 miles , and Saoit Point, 3 miles further S, is an open roadstead located about 6.5 miles S of Olanin Bay. The Balincaguin River discharges into the S part of the bay, about 1 mile NE of Saoit Point. The bar at the mouth of the river has depths of 1.5m. A drying reef extends 0.3 mile offshore about 1 mile NNW of the entrance to Balincaguin River. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends 0.2 mile from the edge of the reef. A reef, with a depth of 4.5m near its outer end, on which the sea breaks , extends about 0.3 mile from Saoit Point. Anchorage.-With knowledge of this particular area, vessels can find anchorage SE of Rena Point or off the mouth of the Balincaguin River. These anchorages afford some protection from the Northeast Monsoon. ctor 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon Tambobo Point (15"58'N., 119°45'E), about 9 miles S of Saoit Point, is a small projection fro tbe coast, and is reported to give a good radar return at distanc _ of up to 12 miles. Caiman Point (15o55'N., 119°46'E ), about 3.25 miles SSE of Tambobo Point, is rocky and has two detatched rocks close SE of it. The outer rock is about "-.Sm high and steep-to. Caiman Point is fringed by a narrow ef. A shoal, with depths of less than 9m, extends 0.6 mile SSE from the edge of the reef. 1.52 Dasol Bay (15"54' ., 119°5J'E .) is entered between Caiman Point and Santa Cruz Point, about 12 miles SSE. The bay is encumbered with islets and shoals. The shores are low and intersected by several small rivers.. There are several small towns and "l" illages standing along the shores of the bay. Culebra Island (15"53'N., 119° 7 3 .), although small in extent, low, and covered with bushes g · es a good radar return up to 15 miles. A sandy beach fron:s the island and foul ground, with depths of less than 9m. extends 1.25 miles SSE, 1.75 miles SSW, and 0.75 mile NW from the island. The channel between Caiman Poi t and Culebra Island is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway, but detached shoals, with depths of less than 9m, are fou nd tD the E. This channel leads to the anchorage in Caiman Cove and in Tambove Roads in the N part of Dasol Bay. Anchorage.-Caiman C ve affo ds good anchorage to vessels with local knowledge, in a th of 29m, during the Northeast Monsoon. Tambove Roads affords good anchor ge to vessels with local knowledge, in depths of from 11 t 24m. The anchorage at Tambove Roads is open to the S , and the entrance is restricted by several dangers. 1.53 Hermana Mayor Island ( . -o48'N., 119°48'E.), the largest island in the approach to Das 1Bay, is partly wooded. The island lies on a bank, with depth of less than 18m, which extends about 5 miles Nand 1.75 mil S from it. The least depth on the S part of this bank is a shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, located about 0.75 nile SSE of the S extremity of the island. A reef, parts of which dry, lies about 1.5 miles N of the island. Several shoals, with depths of1 ss than 6m, lie between the reef and the island. A shoal, with a least depth of .7..'"1 m near its outer end, extends about 0.5 mile E from the NE extremity of the island. A shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, ·e:s about 1 mile N of the island. Hermana Mayor Light, a concrete tnwer and dwelling, 9m high, stands on the summit of the islood. Hermana Menor Island (15°¥ , 119°49'E.) is 16.5m high, has sandy beaches, and is wooded. A shoal, with depths of less than llm, extends about 1 mile from the NE and SE sides of the islood. A rock, awash, lies 0.4 mile off the SE side of the island. A ock, 3m high, lies on the fringing reef on the N side. A shoal, with a depth of 8.2m, lie about 1 mile WSW of the S extremity of the island. Several shoals, with depths of from 7 to 12m, lie between the S end of the i land and Sabalay Reef (15°39'N., 119°51 'E.). An unmarked channel, about 0.5 mile wide with depths of more than 5m, lies between Hermana Menor Island and Santa Cruz Point. The channel should not be used without local knowlege. Infanta (15 °50'N., 119°54'E.) is a small town on the S shore of a cove about 2.5 miles ENE of Raton Island (15 °49'N., 119°52'£.). The cove affords good anchorage to vessels with local knowledge, in a depth of 13m, mud. The entrance channel is deep but narrow, with dangerous reefs on either side. The channel is unmarked, but under favorable conditions the reef on the N side of the channel can be distinguished by its discoloration. 1.54 Santa Cruz Harbor (15°45'N., 119°53'E.) is entered between Santa Cruz Point and a point 2.5 miles NE. The harbor affords shelter to vessels with local knowledge from all except W winds. A shoal, with depths of less than 9m, with several rocks awash on its inner part, extends about 1.5 miles NW from the N side of Santa Cruz Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5m, lies at the outer end of this shoal. The S and E shores of the harbor are fronted by a shoal which extends up to 0.5 mile from shore. Three beacons mark the N edge of the S shoal. Shoals, with depths of 4.1 and 9.lm, lie 0.75 mile and 0.9 mile, respectively, N of Santa Cruz Point. A beacon marks a shoal, with a depth of 4.1m, lying about 1.5 mile NE of Santa Cruz Point. A shoal, with a depth of 3.2m, lies about 0.5 mile W of this beacon. A reef, with a depth of 1.2m, lies 0.25 mile SE of the beacon. The waters N and NW of the beacon generally shoal. Santa Cruz (15"46'N., 119°54'E.) stands on theE shore of the harbor and is of little importance. There is a bell tower that stands in the S part of the town. 1.55 Baluante (Baluarte) (15°46'N., 119°54'£.) (World Port Index No. 58420), 1.25 miles SW of Santa Cruz, has a privately owned T-shaped pier that is reported to be in poor condition. The face of the pier is 52m long, with depths of 10.1 to 10.7m alongside. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for all foreign vessels entering or leaving the harbor or berthing or unberthing at the pier and is arranged through Mansinloc Pilots Association. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in the outer part of the harbor, in depths of more than 18m, but care must be taken to avoid the numerous shoals. The recommended anchorage is located about 0.5 mile NW of the head of the pier at Baluante, in depths of 16.5m, mud. Smaller vessels can anchor 0.75 mile W of the S end of the town of Santa Cruz, in depths of 9 to 11m. During bad weather the anchorage may become untenable in both the Northeast Monsoon and Southwest Monsoon. Directions.-Entrance to Santa Cruz Harbor should be made only during daylight hours and under favorable conditions. Vessels approaching the Santa Cruz Harbor from the or S should leave the coastal track when Hermana Mayor Island light structure bears 025", at a distance of 4.5 miles. From this position the course should be altered to 060°, steering for the Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon highest part of a fiat-topped mountain near the beach N of Santa Cruz, bearing 060". This landmark can be further identified by a mountain behind it showing four distinct knobs. This course leads between the dangers lying between Hermana Mayor Island and Hermana Menor Island, in a least depth of 26m. When the range beacons at Baluante come into line, bearing 123· , steer for them on that bearing. This course leads about 137m SW of the recommended anchorage. Caution.-When approaching from the N, Culebra Island and Hermana Mayor Island should be given a berth of at least 2 miles. When approaching from the S, Hermana Menor Island should be given a berth of 3.25 miles. 1.56 Santa Cruz Point (15 "44'N. , 119"52'E.) is low and covered with mangroves. Naulo Point (15"42'N., 119"54'E. ), lying 3 miles SE of Santa Cruz Point, is 46m high, thickly wooded, and prominent. A disused loran transmitting tower is located about 0.5 mile NW of Naulo Point. Reefs, with depths of less than 6m, extend 0.75 mile offshore between Santa Cruz Point and Naulo Point. Pulipo Island (15 "41 'N. , 119"55'E. ), small in extent, low, and wooded, lies in the center of a shallow bay about 1.5 miles SE of Naulo Point. It is inconspicuous from seaward. Arenas Point (15 "37'N., 119"54'E.) is low, sandy, and surrounded by shoals which extend 0.5 mile W. The town of Candelaria is located about 1.5 miles E of Arenas Point. A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m near its outer end, extends about 0.75 mile W from the mouth of the Laius River (Tambugan River). A detached shoal, with a depth of 4. lm, lies about 1 mile W of the mouth of the river. A shoal, with a depth of less than 1.8m, extends about 0.4 mile NW from Arenas Point. 1.57 Bani Point (15"34'N. , 119"55'E.) has several rounded hills near its S extremity and a 24 m high knoll almost 0.5 mile N . A reef, with a depth of 2.7m near its outer end, extends about 0.75 mile WNW from theN side of Bani Point. Bani Point is fringed by reefs which extend about 0.5 mile W and 1.5 miles SSE. Sabalay Reef (15 "39'N., 119"5l'E.), rather extensive and somewhat irregular, lies off the entrance of the shallow bay NW of Arenas Point. A sand cay stands on its E part in a position about 2.75 miles NW of Arenas Point. Shoals, with depths of less than 9m, extend about 1.5 miles S and 2.5 miles NW from the cay. Several shoals, with depths of 4 to 12m, lie between Sabalay Reef and Naulo Point. Shoals, with depths of 3 to 11m, lie between Sabalay Reef and Santa Cruz Point. These dangers can best be seen on the chart. Tortuga Reef (15"36'N., 119"53'E.) is narrow and extends about 2 miles WSW from a posi rion 1.5 miles SW of Arenas Point. There is a least depth of 5m. The N end of the reef lies about 1 mile S of the S extremity of Sabalay Reef. A detached shoal, with a depth of 6m, lies about 1 mile W of Arenas Point. Caution.-Vessels should not attempt to pass between Sabalay Reef and Tortuga Reef, nor between these reefs and Pub.162 the coast. Dangers exist even under the most favorable conditions when the reefs are plainly visible. The W tangent of Hermana Menor Island, bearing 000", leads W of all the above reefs. 1.58 Salvador Island (15 "31 'N. , 119"55'E.) is thickly wooded and rises to a height of 40m near its NE end. Alupihing Point is a prominent steep head about 30m high and covered with bamboo. The island slopes gradually from the N ridge to the S side. The N side of the island is fringed by a reef which extends about 183m offshore. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends as far as 0.25 mile off the N shore. A shoal, with depths of less than 11m, extends about 0.75 mile N from a position about 0.5 mile NE of Alupihing Point. The N edge of this shoal practically joins the shoal extending S from Bani Point. A detached reef lies near the middle of this shoal in a position about 0.75 mile NNE of Alupihing Point. A group of rocks, some of which are awash, stand on the S edge of this reef. A reef, parts of which dry, extends 0.6 mile NNW from Alupihing Point. A buoy marks the N side of this reef. A detached shoal, with a least depth of lOrn, lies about 1 mile NW of the same point. A shoal, with a depth of 8.5m, lies about 1.75 miles N of Alupihing Point. 1.59 Port Masinloc (15"33'N., 119"56'E.) provides good shelter from all but W winds. The port is entered between Bani Point and Alupihung Point, the NW extremity of Salvador Island, about 2 miles SSW. A beacon, 5m high, stands on the N side of Salvador Island 0.5 mile E of Alupihing Point. Bearing 136" leads through the entrance. Oyon Bay (15"34'N., 119"56'£.) is entered between Bani Point and Oyon Point, about 1 mile SE. The shores of the bay are fringed by reefs which extend as far as 0.4 mile offshore. Oyon Point (15 "33'N., 119"56'E.) is 38m high and prominent. The shore between Oyon Point and Tagapolo Point, about 1.5 miles SSE, is fringed by a reef as far as 0.4 mile offshore. Tagapolo Point (15 "32'N., 119"57'E.), which lies on the S side of the entrance to the Masinloc River, is low and not very prominent. Reefs, parts of which are awash, extend about 0.75 mile W from the point. The shore between Tagapolo Point and theSE arm of the harbor are fringed by reefs as far as 0.75 mile offshore. Masinloc Harbor (15"31'N., 119"58'E.) is small in extent and quite shallow. Depths of 11 to 13m are found in the outer part and in the narrow entrance to the harbor. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends 0.2 mile NW from the S entrance point of the harbor. 1.60 Masinloc (15"33'N. , 119"57'E. ) (World Port Index No. 58410) is a small town located on the S side of the entrance to the Masinloc River. The port is a safe loading port except during the Southwest Monsoon. ~ector 1. North and West Coasts of Luzon Depths-Limitations.-A pro~nt T-headed concrete pier is 0.6 mile NNW of Masinloc. Ti~ face of the pier is 66m long with wood-pile clusters at each e d. The depth alongside is reported to lz 9.4m at LW. There are two mooring buoys for making fas t and hauling off. A red conveyor tower, 9.1 m high, is located the root of the pier. Aspect-Prominent in the approc::h is a church, a large stone building with a corrugated iroa gabled roof that rises to 16.9m, and the long, low white conve t situated close N of the church. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsor} for all foreign vessels entering the port and docking at !.11= pier, or undocking and clearing. It is recommended that a vessel seam offshore rather than anchor if awaiting a pilot. Pilots state that anchors have be fouled and lost in the rugged coral bottom. Pilotage is mnged through Masinloc Pilotage Association. Anchorage.-Vessels with local Jrnowledge can anchor, while awaiting a pilot, in a depth of _ • , soft coral, about 1.25 miles NW of the beacon on theN sho of San Salvador Island. A tree trunk near the beacon has b en painted white to aid identification. Anchorage is also available 0.8 le W of Masinloc, in depths of from 20 to 24m, sand. The be-t anchorage is reported to lie 1.1 miles W of Tangapolo Poirt in a depth of 27m. Directions.-Port Masinloc shou.. only be entered during daylight hours and in good weather. When bound for Port Masinloc. the beacon on Salvador Island, 0.5 mile E of Alupihing Poin· s ould be brought ahead, bearing 136°, before approaching wit:Lin 2 mile of the island. Vessels must follow the course c sely and pass NE of the buoy marking the N end of the shoo that extends about 0.6 mile NNW from Alupihing Poin~ on the W side of the channel. Continue on course 136° ...mtil the NE tangent of Salvador Island bears 102°. Steer that course for about 0.1 mi until the buoy marking the s end of the shoal on the ~ ide f the channel bears 000°. From this point, steer course 07~ and pass about midway between the buoys marking the shciL. Vessels bound for the pier located NW of Masinloc, chan~' course to 050° when the E extremity of Salvador Island bemer of the bay, about 0.25 mile NE of Nabasan Point. Expi ·ves are handled at this wharf. Caution.-At the two explosives arfs, there is a 0.5 to 1.5 knot current that normally sets on tie piers regardless of the tide or wind. It is strongest o the W d of each pier, caused in part by the Triboa River (14°47'N., 120°17'E.) draining into Triboa Bay. 1.72 Pamocan Point (14°47'N., 120 °16'E.) stands on the S side of an area of reclaimed land 0 11 hich stands part of the Naval Air Station. Pamocan Shoal,\\ · depths of less than 6m, extends 0.3 mile NW of theW extrem.ry of the reclaimed land. Sixteen-foot Shoal (14°48'N., 12 5'E.), a detached 4.9m patch, lies 0.3 mile farther NW. A .solated 4.9m patch lies about 0.4 mile further NW fr m the llowest part of Sixteenfoot Shoal. Caution.-The holding ground :n Triboa Bay is poor. Caution should be exercised wher anchored here in bad weather. There are mooring buoys in Trib c. Bay. A submarine cable crosses llanin Bay and Triboa Bay. 1.73 Cubi Point (14°48'N. , 12C" 15'E.), 2.5 miles N of Pamocan Point, is the S entrance po · t to Port Olongapo. It is also the site of the Naval Air Station. Two towers stand near the aviation light. The control tower on this complex.. which is situated about 0.45 mile SSE of the aviation lig r. is visible from a good distance seaward. Cubi Shoal, with depths of less an 6m, extends 0.5 mile NW and 0.75 mile W of Cubi Point It is marked by a buoy on its NW side. Leyte Wharf (Carrier Wharf), 30. long with a depth of 13.7m alongside, is located about 0.2 'le NE of Cubi Point. 1.74 Port Olongapo (14°49'N., 120°16'E.) (World Port Index No. 58400), entered betwee Cubi Point and Kalaklan Point, 1.5 miles N, recedes about 1.5 miles to the E. Port Olongapo consists of an outer and m ner harbor. The N shore of the port, between J:.alaklan Point and Rivera Point, about 1.25 miles ESE, is low sandy with low marshy ground inland. A shoal, with depths of less tha ~m, extends as far as 0.2 mile offshore between these points, ~ept in the vicinity of the main wharves. Caiman Shoal (14°48'N., 120°16':2.), with a least depth of 12.3m, lies 0.6 mile NE of the N e xtremity of Cubi Point. Carrasco Shoal, with a least depth o · 12m, lies 0.25 mileS of Caiman Shoal. The inner harbor is entered b ween Rivera Point and Nagcaban Point (14°48'N., 120° 1~'E.), about 1 mile S of Rivera Point. A bank, with a dept of 4.2m at its outer end, extends 0.15 mile E of Nagcaban P · t. Other shoal areas, with depths of less than 18m and as little as 9m, lie up to 0.6 mile NNW of Nagcaban Point. Depths-Limitations.-Alava Wharf, the main wharf, extends WNW from Rivera Point. This wharf is 700m long, with alongside depths of 7.6 to 15.2m. The wharves at Rivera Point, which are situated on the E side of the point, have a total berthing length of 684m. Depths alongside range from 9.4 to 13.7m. Bravo Wharf, 320m long, is on the W side of Inner Basin and lies 0.15 mile W of Rivera Point, with depths of 7.5 to 9.7m alongside. Delong Pier, 175m in length and 18m wide, is situated 0.25 mile NE of Rivera Point. Osir Basin, N of Inner Basin, is situated 0.3 mile NNE of Rivera Point. There are a number of moorings in Osir Basin. Marine Terminal, 229m long, with a depth of 12.1m alongside either side, extends SW from reclaimed land about 0.5 mile NE of Rivera Point. A fueling pier extends 270m WSW from Maritan P oint (14°49'N., 120°18'E.). There are depths of 11.5m on theN side of the pier and 13.7m on the S side of the pier. Boton Wharf West, with a depth of 5m alongside, and Boton Wharf East, 410m long with a depth alongside of 9.8m, extend NW and NE along the shore, respectively, from a position about 0.45 mile SSE of Nagcaban Point. Aspect.-A prominent radar tower stands near the waterfront, about 0.8 mile SE of Kalaklan Point. The Port Control Office is situated 0.2 mile SE of the radar tower. A tower, from which red and white lights are shown, stands on the W entrance point of the Inner Basin. The buildings of the naval station, which occupy this part of the coast, are prominent. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for merchant vessels entering Subic Bay. There are three pilot stations. Pilots normally board off Grande Island. Pilotage is not compulsory for vessels entering or leaving PHILSECO (Philippine Shi pyard and Engineering Corporation), which is located in the northernmost part of Subic Bay at Cabangan Point. Should these services be required, 48 hours notice should be given to the Chief Pilot, Manila Pilots Association. Anchorage.-The greater part of Subic Bay has been designated anchorage areas for all classes of vessels. Vessels may not shift from the berth allocated to them. Anchorage in the channel is prohibited. Explosives Anchorage Area D is located on the SW side of Subic Bay about I mile NW of Grande Island. Explosives Anchorage Area G is located in Triboa. The confines of these anchorages are depicted on the chart. Directions.-When entering Subic Bay from a position about 3 miles S of Sueste Point, vessels should steer through the entrance on a course of 015° so as to pass midway between Grande Island and Macmany Point, about 1.25 miles W. Vessels proceeding to Port Olongapo should continue on this course until the NW extremity of Grande Island bears about 132°, distant 0.6 mile. The course should then be altered to 051 °, which will place the Port Olongapo Buoy A and Kalaklan Point light structure nearly in range ahead. Pass close S of Port Olongapo Buoy A and then steer 090° for the dock area. Pub. 162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon 1.75 Kalaklan Point (14 . 50'X, 120. 16'E.) is low, but rises steeply to a height of 131m, about 0.45 mile N. TheW mouth of the Kalaklan River enters the bay close E of the point. Kalaklan Point Light is shown from a concrete tower, 1Om high, at the extremity of the point. Mayanga Island (14. 50'N., 120. 14'E.), a small islet 12m high, lies near the middle of Subic Bay in a position about 2 miles WNW of Kalaklan Point. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends 0.35 mile S and 0.5 mile N from the islet. A buoy is moored on the SW side of the shoal that extends S from the islet. A conspicuous white, disused light stands on the islet. Gaviota Rock (14.51'N., 120. 15'E.), 2.4m high, lies near the S end of a shoal with depths of less than 6m. This shoal extends 0.5 mile S from the coast in a position about 1.5 miles NW of Kalaklan Point. A conspicuous house stands on the rock. Pequena Island (14. 51'N., 120. 14'E.), 58m high, lies about 1.25 miles N of Mayanga Island in a position about 0.5 mile offshore. A shoal, with depths of Jess than 6m, extends 0.5 mile S, and 0.25 mile E and W from the island. Foul ground and shoals join the N side of the island to the shore NE. A rock, 1.5m high, and a sm 1 islet, 2.7m high, lie within 0.125 mile of the S extremity of the island. A wreck, with a depth of 9.5m, marked by a buoy, lies about 0.5 mile WSW of the S end of Pequena Island. Cangrejo Rock, 1m high, lies about 0.125 mile NE of theN extremity of Pequena Island. Subic (14. 53'N., 120. 14'E.) is a small town located at the head of Subic Bay. Important here is the huge Subic ship repair yard at Cabangan Point. Facilities include a drydock for vessels up to 300,000 dwt. There are three repair berths of 300m, 255m, and 205m in length. All have an alongside depth of 9m. West Coast of Luzon (continued) 1.76 Port Binanga (14.44'N., 120. 15'E.) lies on theE side of the outer entrance to Subic Bay. It is entered between Binanga Point, the E entrance point of Subic Bay, and Buiong Point, about 1 mile SSE. Requests to enter Port Binanga should be made as for Subic Bay. Port Binanga indents the coast for a distance of about 1.5 miles in an E direction. The N and S shores of the bay are fringed by reefs which extend as far as 0.1 mile offshore. The 10.9m curve fronts the head of the bay as far as 0.75 mile. Two sandy beaches, separated by Dapua Point (14.44'N., 120. 16'E.), stand at the head of the bay. The point is prominent, with vertical cliffs from 18 to 21m high. A shoal, with depths of less than 11m, extends about 0.5 mile WSW from Binanga Point. Detached shoals, with depths of from 11 to 8m, lie 0.6 mile W and 0.45 mile, respectively, WSW of Binanga Point. Detached shoals, with depths of 12.8m, lie on the S side of the approach to the bay in positions about 1 mile and 1.25 miles SSW of Binanga Point. A detached shoal, with a depth of 9.lm, lies about 0.52 mile SW of the same point. Urdanetta Shoal, narrow, with a least depth of 4.5m, extends about 0.25 mile E from a position 0.25 mile S of Binanga Point. Pub.162 Anchorage.-Vessels with prior authorization can take anchorage, in 7 to 11m, mud, in the center of Port Binanga, sheltered from all but W winds. When entering the bay a vessel should keep Dapua Point bearing 090•, which leads clear of the shoals off the entrance. Buiong Point (14.44'N., 120. 15'E.) is the S entrance point of Port Binanga. A detached shoal, with a depth of 11.9m, lies about 0.3 mile offshore in a position about 0.8 mile SW of Buiong Point. Two detached shoals, with depths of 7.3 and 1Om, lie about 1 mile and 1.5 miles SSW, respectively, of Buiong Point. Mayagao Point (14. 42'N. , 120. 15'E.), 2.5 miles S of Buiong Point, is low and marshy. Extensive shoals, with depths of 2.7 to 9.1m, extend 0.5 mile Wand 1 rrule S of Mayagao Point. The coast between Buiong Point and Mayagao Point, about 2.5 miles N, is fronted by a reef which extends 400 to 0.5 mile offshore in places. lllinin Point (14 .44'N., 120. 15'E.) is located 2 miles N of Mayagao Point. A shoal sounding of 15m was reported to lie 7.5 miles SW ofMayagao Point. Morong Shoal (14.40'N., 120. 15'E.), with a least depth of 9.7m, lies 1.25 miles S of Mayagao Point. A channel about 0.5 mile wide lies between this shoal and the coastal shoal NE. Panibatujan Point (14.40'N., 120. 16'E.), lying 1.75 miles SE of Mayagao Point, is fronted by a reef which extends as far as 0.15 mile offshore. A conveyor pier extends 235m SE from the S side of Panibatuhan Point. A mooring buoy lies about 0.3 mile SE of the pierhead. A sandy beach extends 3 miles SE from Panibatuhan Point. A shoal, with depths of less than 9m, extends 0.75 mile SW from the point. A detached shoal, with a depth of 11.6m, lies about 1.1 mile SW of Panibatujan Point. 1.77 Napo Point (14. 38'N., 120. 19'E.) is located 3.75 miles SE of Planibatujan Point. A large cylindrical tank and a building with a prominent dome that is part of a nuclear power station stand on Napo Point. Pandil Islet, 13m high, lies close S of N apo Point. The islet is joined to the point by a reef. Foul ground extends almost 0.5 mile S from the islet. Several buoys are situated in the small bay entered NW of Napo Point. Bagac Bay (14.36'N., 120. 23'E.) is entered between Napo Point and Saysain Point, about 5.5 miles SE. It is a large exposed bay open to the SW. Several streams enter this bay. Mapalan Point, located about 2 miles E of Napo Point, is fringed by foul ground to a distance of 0.5 mile SSW. An islet, 37m high, lies close offshore about 0.5 mile NW of Mapalan Point. Cabayoc Point (14. 37'N., 120. 22'E.), located 1.25 miles E of Mapalan Point, is fringed by foul ground which extends 0.25 mile SW. A light is shown close S of Cabayoc Point. The town of Bagac, which is of little commercial importance, is located 2 miles SSE of Cabayoc Point. Foul ground extends 0.5 mile W from Saysain Point (14. 34'N., 120. 23'E.). A detached shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies about 1.25 miles NNW of Saysain Point. Anchorage.-Anchorage is availa le off the town of Bagac, in depths of 9 to 18m. The anchorage is an open roadstead and is exposed to strong winds that blow down from the Mariveles Mountains and Mount Silanganan. Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon The Northeast Monsoon reaches t e bay through the valley between these mountains. An explosives dumping area lies cea tered about 12 miles W of Caibobo Point (14. 30'N., 120.22'E; . 1.78 Luzon Point (14.28'N., 1::!0. 23'E.), located 6.75 miles to the S of Saysain Point, is h:igh and rocky. There are tide rips W of the point. Dumping grounds for chemicals and explosives lie 22.5 miles W and 13 IIllles WNW; respectively, of Luzon Point. Guay Point (14. 27'N., 120. 24'E.) · I cated about 0.75 mile ESE of Luzon Point. A drying rock about 0.2 mile SW of Guay Point. Guay Bay is entered between Gu . Point and Vigia Point, about 1.5 miles ESE. Anchorage, sheltered from NE winds, may be obtained. Hornos Point (14. 25'N., 120.28'E., , narrow and projecting, extends about 0.5 mile SW from a position 6 miles SE of Luzon Point. Cochinos Point (14.25'N., 120. 30E ), about 1.25 miles E of Homos Point, is the point marking the ~ side of the outer limit of Manila Bay. The SE extremity of this peninsula is 108m high and connected to the mainland N W by a narrow isthmus. Los Cochinos are a group of five rocks, 6 to 19m high, which stand on a shoal extending about 0.4 mile S of Cochinos Point. This shoal, with depths of less than 6m, is connected to the point by a drying reef. Guardia Shoal (14. 24'N., 120. 301::.), small in extent and with a depth of 1.8m, lies 0.5 mile S E f Cochinos Point. The SE side of the shoal was reported no lo ger marked by a buoy. Palomonti Rocks, 5m high, are located 0.4 mile SE of Cochinos Point. A shoal, with a deptlt of 4m, extends about 0.1 mile SW from the rocks, and a · shoat with a depth of 0.9m, extends the same distance N. Manila Bay 1.79 Manila Bay (14. 35'N., 120"-1-S'E.) is entered between Cochinos Point and Limit Point, abrut 12 miles SSE. The bay is about 30 miles long and 22 miles wide. The entrance is divided i to two bannels, North Channel and South Channel, by Corregidor arxi Caballo Islands. These channels are deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. The South Channel has been dredged to 11m In general, the channel providing the shortest route may be used, but the entrance by South Chaanel is not recommended after dark or in poor visibility. The depths in the entrance range from over 55m in the entrance to about 28m in the center of e bay. Manila Harbor is reported to give a good radar return up to 25 miles. Manila Bay is in the middle stage~ of a 15 year major port development project. Winds-Weather.-The Northeast Monsoon blows strongly out of Manila Bay, at times companied by a smoke like cloud which is driven out of th bay southwestward and forms an arch on the SW horizon; th sky is otherwise clear. Occasionally, sea breezes from the SW blow into the bay in the Northeast Monsoon after midday, increasing in strength toward the head of the bay. During the strength of the Northeast Monsoon, although the wind may be fresh in the entrance, it will frequently be moderate within the bay. When the Northeast Monsoon begins to weaken in February, SE and E winds become more frequent in the Manila Bay area. These winds are the prevailing winds in March and April, but they gradually become less frequent in the next four months. In May SW winds increase, and in August about 0.7 percent of all winds blow from between S and W. During the Southwest Monsoon, storms, known locally as Collas, blow from SW to the W and are accompanied by violent squalls and a great deal of rain. Colas occur most frequently in June or July and they often last for several days. When strong N or NW winds are prevalent there are no land winds. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents in South Channel are always semi-diurnal and may attain a rate of one knot at springs. The ebb sets in a 240• direction. The maximum rate occurs two hours after high and LW at Cebu. The current velocities in North Channel are greater than those in South Channel and may attain a rate of 1.5 knots. Tidal currents are negligible in the greater part of Manila Bay, but during the rainy season the Pasig River flows out with great velocity, and somewhat affects the water movement in the bay. 1.80 Mariveles Harbor (14. 26'N., 120. 29'E.), entered between Cochinos Point and Gorda Point, about 1.5 miles NE, provides good anchorage sheltered from all winds except those from SE. The NW portion of the harbor is the best typhoon anchorage in the Manila Bay area, but the anchorage is quite small and will not accommodate more than one or two large vessels. Even with this haven from typhoons, Mariveles Harbor can prove dangerous because of the rotational qualities of the direction of this type of wind blowing into the entrance of the harbor. The harbor is the quarantine station for Manila and a first port of entry. Storm signals are displayed at the quarantine station in Mariveles Harbor. A reef, with a depth of 4m, lies about 0.2 mile ENE of Cochinos Point. A bank, with depths of less than 9m, extends 0.25 mile from the head of the harbor. 1.81 Mariveles (14. 26'N., l20. 29'E.) (World Port Index No. 58390) is a small town located near the NW shore of the bay. Close SW of the town, there are a number of prominent buildings which house the quarantine station for Manila. Vessels can enter the harbor with the T-shaped quarantine pier bearing 3oo·. A light is shown from a concrete tower, lim high, situated 0.1 mile NNE of the Quarantine Pier. In 1994 work was in progress in the harbor 0.7 mile E of the quarantine pier. Depths-Limitations.-Marveles Pier: A concrete finger pier for handling general cargo, 15m long and 7.1m wide, with a depth of 5m and a 98m causeway. Quarantine Pier: Also, a concrete finger pier with a depth of 6m and an 85m causeway. Talaga Wharf: A concrete wharf for handling general cargo, 33m long, 6m deep and a 177m long causeway. Pub. 162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon There are two other concrete piers. One is for general cargo . It is 61m long, 3.6m wide and has a depth of 9m. The second pier accommodates tankers. It is 366m long, 0.9m wide with a depth of 9m. A submarine pipeline 144.5m long extends to mooring buoys in 10.7m, allowing vessels of 70,000 dwt and a 244m loa to berth. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels with a 24 hour advance notice given to the Chief Pilot, Manila Pilots Association. Anchorage.-Vessels may anchor, in an area of good holding ground, in a depth of 25m, with the Quarantine Pier bearing 308·, or vessels may proceed farther into the bay if necessary. Near the harbor there are numerous wrecks, quarantine anchorages, and submarine cables. Sisiman Bay (14.26'N. , 120.31'E.), close E of Mariveles Harbor, is entered between Gorda Point and Aguawan Point, about 0.52 mile E. A number of drying rocks lie close S of Aguawan Point (14.25'N., 120. 32'E.). A shoal, with depths of less than 11m, extends 0.15 mile SSW from the point. On the W side of Sisiman Bay there is a concrete wharf, 69m long, with a depth of 4.5m at the N end of it. Two ruined piers are situated at Sisiman village in the NW comer of the bay. 1.82 Corregidor Island (14.23'N., 120. 35'E.) is situated with Cape Corregidor, its W extremity, about 3 miles SE of Aguawan Point and is marked by a light on its summit. There is a signal station near the light. The W end of the island has three distinct peaks, the southernmost of which is 179m high. The E end of Corregidor is narrow and curves to the SE. The island is reported to give a good radar return up to 24 miles. A reef on which stand some above and below-water rocks, with a depth of 5m over its outer edge, extends about 0.5 mile S from the E extremity of Corregidor Island. A dangerous wreck lies 1.25 miles NNE of Corregidor Island Light. Corregidor Island Light Pub.162 Caution.-Two prominent rocks, about 20 and 30m high, have been reported 0.2 mile W of Cape Corregidor. La Monja Island (14. 23'N. , 120. 31'E.), a rock, 37m high, lies 2.25 miles WSW of Cape Corregidor. A light is shown from a wooden platform on the summit of La Monja Island. An obstruction is charted about 1.25 miles SE of this rock. Caballo Island (14. 22'N., 120. 37'E.) , narrow, rocky, and 116m high, lies about 1 mile S of the E extremity of Corregidor Island. A conspicuous radio tower stands about 0.1 mile E of the W end of the island. The island is fringed with reefs, with depths of less than 6m, that extend about 0.75 mile WSW and 0.3 mile E of the island. A shoal, with a depth of 9.6m, lies 1.25 miles W of Caballo Island . A channel between the reefs extending from the E extremity of Corregidor and Caballo Island is about 0.3 mile wide, with a least depth of 5.6m. The channel is buoyed, but not recommended for navigation. San Jose Bay is located between Corregidor and Caballo Island. A ruined L-shaped pier stands in the NW comer of the bay. Caballo Island is reported to give a good radar return up to 14 miles. Corregidor Island, Caballo Island, and La Monja Island, including their surrounding waters and adjacent detached rocks, have been declared a military zone by the Philippine Government. Vessels should not approach these islands closer than 1 mile, and vessels are not permitted to pass between La Monja Island and Corregidor Island. 1.83 Alasasin Point (14.25'N., 120. 34'E.) is located 2.5 miles E of Gorda Point. The chart depicts two dangerous wrecks, with swept depths of 19.1m, lying about 1.25 miles and 2.75 miles E of Alasasin Point. Lokanin Point (14.29'N., 120"36'E.) is located 4 miles NE of Alasasin Point. The intervening coast is composed of steep, rocky bluffs of moderate elevation, and fringed by a bank, with depths of less than 6m, extending 0.25 mile offshore. The 20m curve lies about 0.5 mile off the point. A pier extends from the coast about 0.5 mile N of Lokanin Point. Two oil tanks are located close inland from the root of the pier. Range lights in line, bearing about 285.25. , are occasionally shown from the top of the oil tanks . The top of the oil tanks, but serve no purpose as the pier was reported (1994) to be in ruins. Lamao Point (14. 31'N. , 120"37'E.), theN entrance point of the Lamao River, lies two miles N of Lokanin Point. A stone causeway, 0.2 mile long, is located close N of Lamao Point. AT-head pier, reported to have a depth of 13.7m at its head, extends about 0.375 mile ENE from a position about 0.6 mile NNW of Lamao Point. A prominent gantry stands at the head of the pier. A lighted mooring buoy, which marks the seaward end of a submarine oil pipeline, lies about 1.25 miles E of the head of the pier. Luzon Point (14. 32'N. , 120. 36'E.) lies about 1.5 miles N of Lamao Point. The Bataan Oil Refinery pier, with depths of 7 to 10.1m, extends about 0.3 mile E from Luzon Point. ector 1. North and West Coasts of Luzon A submarine pipeline extends about ).4 mile from the end of the pier. Tankers with drafts of up to 1: . m can be accepted. Depths-Limitations.-The refi ::ry jetty is of open concrete pile construction extending 156m E from a solid causeway connection to shore . It provrles berths on both sides, \vith a narrow basin dredged to 10.6 . f or tankers up to 30,000 dwt. A small basin, enclosed by breakw:uers, lies on the S side of the root of the causeway. An LPG bellh lying N/S, is situated on the seaward side of the S brea.01ater and has reported depths of 5.5m in the approach and a tne berth. Vessels up to 64m in length and 700 dwt can be accepted. An SBM (flashing light) is moore s a depth of 28.6m, 1.5 miles ESE of the jetty of Bataan Oil ~5nery. A submarine oil pipeline runs W from the buoy to the ore. Vessels up to 300,000 dwt can be a=ommodated. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory the pilot, who comes from Limay, boards from a tug 2 mile~ E of Lokanin Point. Tugs of up to 3,500 horsepower c m e from Manila; small tugs are available locally to assist witt-berthing. The vessel's ETA should be sent Ifillf days in advance and confirmed 24 hours before arrival and should state any requirements. Bunker fuel and fresh ater can be supplied by barge from Manila. A conspicuous flare is occasiona '" visible at the refinery, about 0.4 mile W of the root of the jetty. There are many prominent oil tanks in the area betwee:1 the T-headed jetty N of Lamao Point and the refinery. Anchorage.-Anchorage is prohiba ed in the vicinity of the pipeline and tanker berth, but ships rr_cy anchor anywhere clear of the berth. Eight mooring buoys :ue grouped around the seaward end of the pipeline and fom a mooring berth. Ships berth heading N. 1.84 Quitang Point (14o33'N., l .:Oo36'E.) lies about 0.75 mile NNW of Luzon Point. A pier i ruins lies close N of the point. A number of oil tanks and a prominent industrial building with two tall chimneys are located W of Quitang Point. A concrete pole, 9.7m high, stan on the N side of the entrance of the Limay River in a p s:ition about 1.25 miles NNW of Quitang Point. Pandan Point (14o36'N., 120o35'E ) is located 3.25 miles N of Quitang Point. The coast is rather low and is fringed by a shoal, with depths of less than 6m w hich extends from 0.4 mile offshore at Pandan Point to 1.7: miles offshore near the mouth of the Tiawir River, about 6 · s farther N. Several wrecks lie between 0.75 -nile and 1.75 miles off Pandan Point. Pampanga Bay (1 4°47'N., 120o ~E.), which occupies the NW comer of Manila Bay, has dep of less than 6m. The Orani River and the Pasag River disc.Ca:ge into this bay. The N and NE shores of Manila Ba;· are formed by the delta of the Pampanga River and the deltas.of other large rivers. The shore is low and marshy. A shoal, wi depths of less than 9m, extends 2 to 4 miles offshore. A light is shown on the E side of entrance to the Pugad River (14°45.6'N., 120°44.5'E.), lo ated 6 miles E of the entrance to the Pasag River. A prominent white house stands 2.5 miles W of the light and a prominent white church, surmounted by a white cross, stands 3 miles E of it. Manila Bay-East Side 1.85 Limit Point (14°14'N., 120°35'E.) marks the S side of the outer limit of Manila Bay. The point is rocky, steep-to, and about 67m high. Limbones Island, 98m high, small and rocky, lies close N of Limit Point. Limbones Cove (14°14'N., 120°37'E.) is entered between Limbones Island and Carabao Island. The cove indents the coast as far as 2 miles in a SSE direction. The cove is open to the NW and clear of dangers. Calungpang Point (14°16'N., 120°38'E.), marked by a light, lies 3.5 miles NE of Limit Point. The coast between these points is high and clifty. A 2.4m patch lies 0.25 mile N of the point. Restinga Point (14°17'N., 120°39'E.) is located 2.5 miles ENE of Calungpang point. The coast between is high and clifty. A light is shown from the E entrance point of a bay, 1.5 miles E of Restinga Point. Two mooring buoys are situated 0.4 mile NW of the light. Carabao Island (14°16'N., 120°37'E.), 56m high and rocky, lies 0.4 mile offshore about 1 mile W of Calungpang Point. A dumping ground for metals is situated 4 miles W of Carabao Island. El Fraile Island (14°18'N., 120°38'E.), a rock on which stands a fort and other buildings, lies about 2 miles N of Calungpang Point. A light is shown from the fort. A coral patch, with a depth of 12.8m, lies 0.25 mile E of the rock. El Fraile Island, Carabao Island, and Lirnbones Island, including their surrounding waters and adjacent detached rocks, have been declared a military zone by the Philippine Government. Vessels should not approach these islands closer than 1 mile. 1.86 Maragondon Point (14°19'N., 120°44'E.) is located about 6.5 miles ENE of Calungpang Point. A detached shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies 2 miles N of Maragondon Point. The Maragondon River entrance, about 2 miles S of Maragondon Point, is the E limit of the high land on the S side of Manila Bay. The shore between the river entrance and Sangley Point, about 17 miles NE, is low and marshy. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends up to 1.5 miles offshore along this stretch of coast. San Nicolas Shoals (14°26'N., 120°46'E.) extend 4.5 miles offshore from a position about midway between Marangondon Point and Sangley Point. The outer shoal, with a least depth of 3.1m, lies about 7.5 miles NNE of Maragondon Point. It is steep-to on its W and N sides. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends between the outer shoal and the coast to the SE. San Nicolas Shoals Light (14°26.3'N., 120°45.8'E.) is shown at an elevation of 11m on the NW extremity of the shoals. A number of charted wrecks and obstructions lie within 3.5 miles and 7 miles NE of the light. A dangerous wreck lies 3 miles WNW of the light. Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts of Luzon Rosario (14 °25'N., 120°51'E.) is located about 9 miles NE of Maragondon Point. The Filoil refinery sea berth is located in a position about 2 miles off the shore of Rosario, Province of Cavite. The sea berth tanker mooring is situated in a depth of 13.7m. It is connected with a submarine pipeline to the refinery, and there is communications from the sea berth with the refinery. When mooring at Filoil sea berth, both anchors are required to be ready, but normally only the starboard is used. The vessel approaches the mooring heading due S, and when secured is heading WSW, with the starboard anchor laid out, and the vessel moored to one buoy on the port bow and four or five buoys astern. Mooring is carried out in daylight only, and should begin not later than 1200; but unmooring can take place at anytime. Three tugs are available for mooring; two are available for unmooring. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory and ETA should be sent at least 72 hours in advance. The pilot boards at the Manila Quarantine Anchorage (14°33'N., 120°56'E.). Filoi1 operates a private port radio station. It is imperative that vessels moored at the berth be in good condition to clear the berth immediately in case of an emergency. Vessel's engines and gears must be ready with full power for immediate use. Ships personnel should be at their stations at all times during mooring, unmooring, and cargo unloading operations. 1.87 Cavite (14 °29'N., 120°54'E.) (World Port Index No. 58360) is located on the low N part of the peninsula extending in a NE direction from the S shore of Manila Bay. Sangley Point (14 °30'N., 120°55'E.) is the NE extremity of the peninsula. It is marked by an aeronautical light that is reported to be difficult to distinguish from the background of shore lights. The point, which is reported to be radar prominent, can also be identified by two 35m red and white checked water towers. A conspicuous church with twin white spires stands near the coast 2.5 miles SW of Sangley Point. A red and green checkered metal tower, 21m high, stands on theE part of the peninsula forming the Philippine Naval Base. A conspicuous white monument stands near the root of this peninsula, 1.25 miles SW of Sangley Point. Cavite Harbor is located S of a line extending in a 090 ° direction from a position 0.5 mile N of Sangley Point to the coast close N of Paranaque (14°30'N., 121 OOO'E.). Cavite, a low peninsula located about 0.75 mileS of Sangley Point, extends about 1 mile E from the main peninsula. Canacao Bay lies between the S side of Sangley Point and the N side of Cavite. An area on the N side of Cavite, near the base of the peninsula, is being reclaimed. A shoal, with a depth of 3m, lies close SE of Sangley Point. Another shoal, with a least depth of 4.2m, lies about 1.1 miles NE of Sangley Point. Two piles stand 0.5 mile SE of the point. Several mooring buoys, numerous other buoys, dolphins, obstructions, and wrecks lies off Sangley Point and in Canacao Bay as can best be seen from the area chart. The deepest portion of Canacao Bay is near theN side, just S of Sangley Point, with depths of 5.2 to 7.6m. Bacoor Bay, entered between the E end of Cavite and the mouth of the Irnus River, about 1.25 miles S, is shallow and Pub.162 under reclamation. There is also reclamation extending 0.8 mile out from the coast between Bacoor Bay NE to Pasay City. Numerous fish traps have been reported between Sangley Point and Pasay City. Anchorage.-An unrestricted anchorage area lies from 0.9 mile to 2.8 miles E of Sangley Point. A designated anchorage may be obtai ned within the 5m sounding line with Sangley Point bearing 352°, distant 0.95 mile. Directions.-Ships bound for Cavite Harbor should steer a course of about 141.5" for a distance of about 1 mile, from the position 1.5 miles N of Sangley Point Aeronautical Light, to a position with that structure bearing 222°, distant 0.9 mile. Then a course of 192° for 0.75 mile leads to a position about 0.3 mile E of Sangley Point. Vessels then can proceed on a WSW course to the assigned berths. Caution.-Vessels are not permitted to berth within the limits of Cavite Harbor without prior permission, except through stress of weather or other urgent necessity. In this case, vessels should anchor temporarily in an open berth, but are required to maintain power on the engines and be ready to move until such anchorage is confirmed or the vessel is directed to another berth. Manila (14°35'N., 120°58'E.) World Port Index No. 58370 1.88 Manila Harbor, located at the E end of Manila Bay, consists of North Harbor and South Harbor, both of which are protected by breakwaters. The two harbors are separated by the Pasig River. The city of Manila, located on both sides of the Pasig River, is the principal port of the Philippines and a port of entry. Quezon City, NE of Manila, is the official capital. Winds-Weather From August to December, during the Southwest Monsoon, frequent sudden squalls occur in the afternoon. Tides-Currents Tidal currents in Manila Harbor are negligible. The ebb current from the Pasig River may flow with considerable velocity, especially during freshets. Depths-Limitations A bank, with depths of less than 5m, extends 1.25 miles W of the mouth of the Pasig River. West of this bank the depths increase gradually to about lOrn, about 2 miles offshore. The channel between the quarantine anchorage and the entrance to South Harbor is dredged to 11m. The N and S edges of the channel are defined by the light on the head of the West Breakwater and the light on the N head of the South Breakwater, each in line with the Customs House. The South Harbor is the part of Manila Harbor that has an area of about 145 acres encompassing five finger piers ector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon (numbered 3, 5, 9, 13, and 15 from N). They have a total berthing length of over 433lm, providmg docking. An additional 27 vessels can be accommodated at the anchorage. A barge point, capable of accommodating 30 barges or lighters, is also situated i the area a few meters across from Pier 3. Greater depths alongside the South -Iarbor berths have been reported. Mariners are advised to cor:sult the port authorities for confirmation. Between the entrance to South Hart>< r and the piers, dredged depths of 10.5m have been reported. The obstructions in the approaches to the piers have all been reported to have been cleared. An obstruction, with a swept depth :>f 7.6m, lies close to the N side of Pier 3. Another obstructior:, with a swept depth of 7.9m, lies between Pier 9 and Pier 3, and a further obstruction, with a swept depth of 10.6m, lies close to theN side of Pier 15. The North Harbor is the part of Mamla Harbor that is located N of the entrance to the Pasig River. There are 8 main piers, with a total pier length of 4,000m, used mainly by coastal cargo and passenger vessels. Eight piers, numbered 2 to 16 (eve:~ numbers only) project from the coast in North Harbor. The area around Pier 12, Pier 14, a nd Pier 16 is foul. All eight piers are used for domestic traEic only. The controlling depths at the other 5 piers range from 12 to 6.7m. The International Port Basi facility is situated on theW side of North Harbor and has been des~gned and developed to handle container traffic, breakbulk, and ro/ro vessels. It is protected on its SE side by a l:reakwater extending 0.6 mile WNW from the NW comer of the reclaimed area S of Marginal Wharf, and on its NW side y a detached breakwater 0.5 mile in length. The entrance between the breakwater heads is 0.2 mile wide, and is marked on each side by a lighted beacon. The basin provides four be hs, eact 250m long, at Marginal Wharf for container vessels, with fu ll facilities including three 35-ton container cranes, and depths of 12.5 to 13m alongside. Berth No. 5 has a depth of 14.5 . is 300m long, and is deeper than any of the existing berths. A tanker terminal available at the Port Basin, with only ne berth has a length of 213.4m. Night berthing is possible. Aspect South Harbor is formed by West Breakwater and South Breakwater. West Breakwater extend3 about 1.25 miles SSW from theW side of Engineer Island (14°36'N., 120°58'E.), a small artificial island lying on the S de of the entrance to the Pasig River. South Breakwater lies with its NW extremity about 0.125 mile SE of the S extremity of West B reakwater and extends about 0.5 mile in a S direction. The S entrance to South Harbor is about 1 mile wide between the SE extremity of South Breakwater and the N end of the western breakwater enclosing the Yacht Basin. Numerous obstructions lie betweer the S entrance to South Harbor and the piers. The greater p of the bottom of South Harbor is foul. Pasig River Light Lights are shown from each end of South Breakwater, but are reported difficult to identify against the lights of Manila. It has been reported that both N and S breakwater of South Harbor make good radar targets. The Pasig River (14°36'N., 120°57'E.), which connects Manila with Laguna de Bay, a large fresh water lake lying SE of Manila, is entered N of a breakwater which curves about 1 mile SW from Engineer Island. Marginal Wharf is the N face of a broad strip of reclaimed land extending 1 mile W from theN entrance point of the Pasig River. Numerous wrecks and obstructions lie in the seaward approaches to the Pasig River. Pasig River Light is shown from reclaimed land on the N bank of the river entrance, 0.1 mile NNW of Engineer Island. North Harbor, located N of the entrance to the Pasig River, is protected from the W by North Breakwater. This breakwater, which is submerged at its outer end, extends about 1 mile NNW from the root of Marginal Wharf (14°36'N., 120°57'E.). A buoy is moored 0.35 mile NW of the NW extremity of North Breakwater. A light is shown from the head of North Breakwater. A prominent tower, with a large white clock, stands on the Customs House, located about 1.1 miles NE of the head of West Breakwater. Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon The dome of Manila Cathedral, located about 0.45 mile NE of the Customs House is prominent. A conspicuous tank, 28m high, and two radio towers, are situated 3.5 miles N of the Customs House. Pilotage Pilotage is compulsory for all merchant vessels anchoring or securing to a mooring buoy within the breakwaters, or when proceeding to and from the piers in the harbor or in the Pasig River. All vessels should await the representative of the Immigration Authority in the q arantine anchorage. The pilot boards at the completion of the inspection, if vessels are proceeding to one of the 26 anchorages inside the breakwater or to one of the piers. Agents or owners of vessels calling at the port of Manila shall inform the Pilot of their vessel's arrival. Agents can contact the Pilots Association through VHF channel 16, 24 hours a day, including Sundays and Holidays. Pilots are available day and night. Regulations All merchant vessels entering Manila Bay are required to display their colors and signal their official numbers or letters when within signal distance of Corregidor Island (14°23'N., 120°34'E.). Signals A vessel should display its official number or letters when approaching the quarantine anchorage in daylight. A vessel arriving at night must display her letters at daylight in addition to the Qflag. Ifthe vessel is carrying mail, the Y flag should be displayed until delivery is effected. Anchorage Manila Bay, with an area of 770 square miles, provides sheltered anchorage for an unlimited number of vessels of all classes, in depths of from 15 to 40m, good holding ground. Loading or discharging of cargo in the anchorages outside the breakwater of Manila Harbor is impracticable during strong S winds. Within an area enclosed by the breakwaters, there are numerous anchorage berths (Anchorage A), with depths of from 5 to 11.5m. There are also a number of mooring buoys available. Berths are assigned by the harbormaster and permission must be obtained before anchoring or mooring. A quarantine anchorage, mainly for the use of vessels entering South Harbor, is situated 2 miles SW of South Breakwater. Several obstructions lie close W of the W limit of this anchorage. Pilots will board at this anchorage. A second quarantine anchorage, mainly for the use by vessels entering the International Port Basin, is located N of the explosives anchorage and 2 miles W of the entrance to the International Port Basin. Pub.l62 Naval anchorages (Anchorage B) are located about 1 mile WSW of the S end of South Breakwater. Fuel anchorages (Anchorage C) lie about 0.7 mile WNW of West Breakwater Head. An explosive anchorage, with a radius of 0.5 mile, is situated about 3 miles WNW of West Breakwater head. Anchorage, due to the existence of submarine cables extending WSW from the Manila Yacht Basin South Breakwater, and from the shore about 1.25 miles S, is prohibited. The prohibited area broadens WSW to its W limit, which lies on the meridian of San Nicolas Light. Anchorage is prohibited in an area S and SE of Corregidor and Caballo Islands. Vessels entering or leaving the port of Manila are prohibited from remaining or anchoring at any place between the entrances to Manila Bay and the anchorages in Manila Harbor. Directions Vessels entering Manila Bay from S, upon amvmg off Limbones Island, shall not bring Caballo Island Summit (14°22'N., 120°37'E.) to bear more than 056°, and in passing through South Channel shall keep the bearing of the summit less than 056°. The coast and all islands should not be approached within a distance of 1 mile. The same directions shall be followed by vessels leaving Manila Bay via South Channel. Vessels entering Manila Bay from N via South Channel, upon arrival off Homos Point (14°25'N., 120°28'E.), shall not bring El Fraile Island to bear more than 116°, until Caballo Island summit bears 056°, then the directions for South Channel should be followed. Vessels entering through North Channel shall pass between La Monja Island and Guardia Shoal, and proceed through the middle of the channel between Corregidor Island and the mainland to the N. The same directions shall be followed byvessels leaving ManjJa Bay via this channel. Caution There are a number of sunken wrecks and other obstructions which lie in the immediate approaches to and within the harbor of Manila. It is best that vessels consult local authorities on depths in the harbor. Several vessels have touched the bottom in recent years at the anchorage and in the approaches to the various piers. Luzon-West Coast 1.89 Campanario Island (14°12'N., 120°35'E.), which is about 2 miles SSW of Limit Point, is small, 34m high, and lies close offshore. Another island, Cutad, 29m high, lies about 0.5 mile S of Campanario Island, about 0.2 mile offshore. Hamilo Point (14°10'N. , 120°34'E.), 37m high, lies about 1 mile SSW of Cutad Island. Harnilo Cove is entered between Cutad Island and Hamilo Point. A detached shoal, with a depth of 10.1m, lies about 0.4 mile N of Harnilo Point. A narrow spit, with some prominent pinnacle rocks at its outer end, extends about 0.2 mile N from a .._, ector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon position on the S shore of the cove abo t 0.75 mile ENE of the W extremity of Hamilo Point. A small basin lies about 1 mile E of ttL entrance to the cove. The basin is 0.5 mile wide at the e tnmce and 0.75 mile in extent. The shores of the basin are fri gd with reefs. The head of the basin is shoal and fringed wit rr: angroves. The central portion of the basin is deep and free of dangers. Vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage in the N part of the basin, in depths of 10.9, mw Looc Cove (14°09'N., 120°35'E.) is ~middle of three bays lying between Hamilo Point and Fu~o Point. It indents the coast to a distance of about 1.5 miles in an E direction. It is about 0.75 mile wide. The shores of the cove are fairly steep to, except at its head, where t ere is s3ndy beach backed by trees. Depths of 9 to 16m are found a nt 0.4 to 0.3 mile from its head. Two small islets, each about 27m high. lie off the entrance to Looc Cove, about 1.25 miles S of Ha lo Point. Foul ground lies between these islands and the p · t forming the S side of the entrance to Looc Cove. Fuego Point (14°08'N., 120°34'E.) i high and rocky. Two small islets, the outer of which is 28m high, lie close N of the point. A depth of 5.5m lies aboot 0.1 mile W of this outer islet. Two small islets, covered with gra nd about 10.6m high, lie about 1.25 miles SSE of Fuego Pc:i:Dt. A reef, with a least depth of 0.6m, connects the two islet , and some rocks, awash, lie about 0.25 mile NE of the larger i e t A shoal, with a depth of 8.2m, lies about 0.2 mile S of the slet. Fortune Island (14°04'N., 120°29'E), marked by a light on its summit, is small and narrow, but ri e to 113m. The island is reported to give a good radar return t 19 miles. A small white sandy beach lies on ttL SE side of the island and a stranded wreck lies off this end ( f the island. Simo Banks (14°05'N., 120°21'E.) ~located from 5 miles NW to 12.5 miles W of Fortune Isla TheW bank has a least depth of 11m. A small bank, with a 1 t depth of 12.2m, lies about 8.75 miles WNW of Fortune The two Ebanks, lying 4 miles N\\ md 5.5 miles WNW of Fortune Island, have depths of 22m a 27m. Nasugbu Bay (14°04'N., 120°3 'c .) is entered between Fuego Point and San Diego Point, 6.7 _ miles further SSE. The coast between Fuego Point and Tasugbu Point, which is 3.75 miles S of Fuego Point, is high d wooded. The remaining coast of the bay, bet ·een Nasugbu Point and San Diego Point, is low, sandy, woode.:i. and steep-to. A submarine cable runs W off Nas115bu Point. The Wawa River and the Lian River ach of which has a bar with depths of less than 0.6m, fio'W into the bay close E of Nasugbu Point and 1.75 miles NNE of ~an Diego Point. Twin prominent white chimneys 1:3:nd 2 miles ESE of the entrance to the Lian River. Pillar Rock, 8m high, is a prornine t pinnacle rock, lying about 0.1 mile W of Nasugbu Point. A ncky shoal, with a least depth of 0.5m, coral, and marked by a huoy, lies 0.4 mile SSW of Pillar Rock. A rock, awash, stands about 0.3 mile NNW of Pillar Rock. 1.90 Nasugbu (14°05'N., 120°37E.) (World Port Index No. 58350) is a small town standing about 0.25 mile inland betwee the mouths of the Wawa and Lian rivers. It is important as a sugar loading port. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon, in 11 to 13m, about 0.5 mile offshore and S of the 0.5m shoal lying 0.4 mile SSW of Pillar Rock. Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor between the reef and Nasugbu Point. Vessels calling to load sugar sometimes anchor about 1.5 miles S of Nasugbu Point, in a depth of 9.lm. These anchorages are not considered safe during the Southwest Monso n. Talin Bay (13°59'N., 120°37'E.) is entered between San Diego Point and Talin Point, about 3.25 miles SSW. The bay indents the coast about 1.5 miles in a SE direction. Talin Bay is open to the NW and is for the most part foul. The shores consist of alternate rocky cliffs and sandy beaches. Talin Point (13°59'N., 120°36'E.) is about 61m high, and rocky. The point is the N termination of a small peninsula which extends about 1.25 miles NNW from the coast. Some sparsely wooded pyramidal hills rise to a height of 85m, about 0.75 mile SSE of the point. Talin Point is fringed by a reef about 0.1 mile wide. A narrow shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends about 0.5 mile NNW from the point. Mount San Pedrino (13°55'N., 120°41'E.), 360m high, is located about 5.75 miles SE ofTalin Point. Caution.-It has been reported that from the NW, Talin Point gives the appearance of being an island, both visually and on radar. 1.91 Calatagan Point (13 °49'N., 120°37'E.) is located about 10 miles S of Talin Point. The coast between is fringed by a drying reef, which extends in places as far as 1.5 miles offshore. There are numerous shoals lying up to 2.5 miles offshore along this stretch of coast which is low, sandy, and covered with mangroves. Cape Santiago Light Pub.162 Sector 1. North and West Coasts ofLuzon A beacon stands on the edge of the shore reef about 2.25 miles NNW of Calatagan Point. A strong NE set has been reported about 5.5 miles WNW of Calatagan Point. Calatagan Inlet (13.49'N., 120. 38'E.) is entered close N of Calatagan Point. It is about 0.1 mile wide between the drying reefs extending from the shore. Depths of 7m are found in the entrance and 2m near its head. Cape Santiago(13.46'N., 120. 39'E.), the SW extremity of Luzon, is 3.25 miles SE of Clalatagan Point and is reported to give a good radar return up to 15 miles. A light marks a low rocky promontory about 0.5 mile WNW of the S extremity of the cape. Cape Santiago is 91 to 116m high, wooded, and fringed by a drying reef extending 0.1 mile offshore. There are depths of from 7 to 9m at the edge of the reef, increasing steeply to more than 91m about 0.5 mile offshore. A conspicuous windmill stand s about 0.4 mile ESE of the lighthouse. Caution.-Heavy offshore squalls occur in the channel between the SW coast of Luzon and the Lubang Islands (13.47'N., 120.10'E.), primarily during the night and early morning. Pub.162 GENERAL CHARTS 524, 550 , 91005 30' LUZON SOUTH CHINA 15" SEA PHIUPPINE SEA 91030 30" 14° 30' -13° ~ Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 2-CHART INFORMATION ~ ?" ... (M a"~ (ItN 37 SECTOR2 SOUTH COAST OF LUZON The N part of the Verde Island current, which follows round Plan.-This sector describes the cOLqs, islands , and dangers along the recommended route from e Verde Island Passage Balayan and Batangas Bays, reunites with the main current in through the San Bernardino Strait. the vicinity of Verde Island. This description includes the Lub g Islands, the N and NE It produces violent rips and eddies in that part of the channel coasts of Mindoro, the S co ast of L n, Marinduque, Burias beteen Malabrigo Point and Escarco Point. Strong tidal currents, rips and whirlpools are found in San Island, Ticao Island, NE side of Masbate, and the N coast of Bernardino Strait and in its approaches. The tidal currents Samar. The arrangement is from W E. attain a rate of 4 to 8 knots in the narrow part of the strait between Calintaan Island and Capul Island and cause strong General Remarks eddies and whirlpools. 2.1 Winds-Weather.-The ;imate of Batangas is The tidal currents in the wider part of the strait spread out and lose some of their force. The tidal currents in Biri Channel, subtropical. The directions of the pre<.::ailing winds are NE from October through April, SE in May and W changing to SW Ticlin Strait, and in the passes connecting San Bernardino Strait with Samar to theSE, namely Naranjo Pass and Dalupiri from April through September. The 3. erage wind velocity is Pass, are described with the particular pass. about 3 knots. percent of the typhoons Verde Island Passage (13°35'N., 121 OOO'E.), described Batangas Bay is affected by about passing over the Philippine Islands The typhoon season is beginning in paragraph 2.9 (N side) and paragraph 2.18 (S usually from August to December, al±ough occasional strong side), lies between the SW side of Luzon and the N side of typhoons pass over this area in May and June. Mindoro. The passage connects the South China Sea with the In general, the winds in Ragay Gill follow the monsoons, deep channels off the S side of Luzon. The passage is divided and the monsoons draw strongly u and down the gulf. The by Verde Island. These navigable passages are known as North land breezes are often very squally inRagay Gulf. Pass and South Pass. The wind off Marinduque follow the monsoons generally, The channels between Verde Island Passage and the strait of and the Northeast Monsoons blow s gly down toward the N San Bernardino are for the most part deep and clear of dangers coast of Marinduque. The land breezes are often squally in the in the fairway. The islands in the vicinity are mostly high, vicinity of Marinduque. rugged, and steep-to. The N coast of Samar is exposec to the full force of the There is insufficient information pertaining to the set of the current through Verde Island Passage. The currents are variable Northeast Monsoon which often lows at gale force, accompanied by torrential rain and .;ery heavy swell . and often indefinite and depend to a great extent on the The channel between the Lubang _sJ.ands and the SW coast variation of the wind. of Luzon is the subject at times t heavy offshore squalls The current is generally W from November to May; E from between the hours of 0400 and 100 . July to October. Rough seas are encountered in Calzvite Passage during the A Traffic Separation Scheme, best seen on the chart, has Northeast Monsoon, which, although Ilterrupted to the NE by been established in Verde Island Passage; this TSS is not IMOthe high land of Luzon, strikes the he1ghts of N Mindoro and approved. blows hard through the pass and ff Cape Calvite. Strongthe San Bernardino Strait (12°35'N., 124°12'E.), described winds also draw through Cala e Passage during Southwest Monsoon. beginning in paragraph 2.101 , lies between theSE extremity Fog and rain, although encounterec t all seasons of the year, of Luzon and the NW part of Samar. The strait is wide, deep, are particularly prevalent during Jul August, and September. and free from dangers in the fairway. It connects the Pacific Tides-Currents.-The Verde I lnd tidal current passes S Ocean with the deep channels leading to Manila, via Verde along the W coast of Luzon and defi cts some of its water into Island Passage, and to Cebu. Manila Bay. It continues along the ast as far as Punas Point The usual route taken by vessels bound from Manila or W and then divides into two branches. Luzon ports to San Bernardino Strait is through Verde Island Passage, then S of the Tres Reyes Islands, SW of Marinduque, One branch sets NE around Taya::>as Bay and N and E of Marinduque and through Mompog ass. It then reunites with then between Burias Island to the N and Masbate and Ticao the other branch. Islands to the S. This branch passes SE along the Mindoro coast as far as The route continues round the SE end of Luzon, and between Dumali Point (13 °07'N ., 121 °33'E.: , then continues E and S of it and the NW extremity of Samar. Marinduque as far as the Bondoc P · sula. It then meets the flood current · om the Pacific entering Lubang Islands through San Bernardino Strait. It h een observed that upon arrival off Bondoc Point with a fa:r urrent a reverse current 2.2 These are a group of six islands which lie off the NW has been experienced in pas ing its !IEridian. end ofMindoro and the SW end of Luzon. Pub.162 Sector 2. South CoastofLuzon Cabra Island Light Cabra Island (13"53'N., 120"02'E.) is marked by a light on its W extremity. The light is reported to give a good radar return up to 21 miles. The W island of the Lubang Island group is fiat-topped, wooded, steep-to on the SE side and about 61m high. The N and NE sides are reef fringed, extending out for a distance of 91m. A stranded wreck, conspicuous on radar, lies 1 mile SE of the light. Lubang Island (13"48'N., 120"10'E.) is the largest and most important of the group, attaining an elevation of 600m near the middle, but is low at each extremity. When the island is approached from S, the NW extremity of the high land just mentioned may be mistaken for the end of the island. A vessel has reported that when approaching Lubang Island from the SW, there are a number of bright lights from a small town near the NW end of the high side of the island. Lights were visible at a distance of 45 miles. Lubang Island was reported to give a radar return in excess of 40 miles. The channel between Cabra Isla and Lubang Island is 1.5 miles wide; it is deep and clear of dangers. The flood current sets N and the ebb current S in the channel. Two conspicuous domes are located on a mountain in approximate position 13"47.3'N, 120"08.7'E. The coasts of Lubang Island are fringed by a reef which extends up to 0.5 mile offshore in some places. The SW side of the island is rocky, and indented by Tagbac Cove, Gontin Bay, and Tabafin Bay, serving some protection from the Northeast Monsoon as opposed to the several bays on the NE and E side of Lubang Island which are difficult to enter due to the many reefs and shoals. Lubang (13"52'N., 120"07'E.), the principal town, is situated on the N side of the island. It stands on the edge of a fertile plain. A shoal, with depths less than 6m, extends about 0.5 mile offshore abreast the town. Landing is difficult in front of the town because of the coral reef that fringes the coast. The reef breaks close W of the town, allowing small boats to pass in good weather at certain stages of the tide. Vessels proceeding to Lubang should steer for the town , bearing about 166", until the SW point of Ambil Island is in range with the first point E of Port Tilic, bearing 122·, at which time the vessel should heave-to, about 1.5 miles offshore. 2.3 Afuera Shoal (13"52'N. , 120"11'E.), with depths of from 2.1 to 18.3m, lies in a position about 3.75 miles E of Lubang. A detached coral patch, with a least depth of 6.7m, lies about 2.75 miles ESE ofLubang. Port Tilic (13 "49'N., 120"12'E.) is entered about 5 miles SE of Lubang, sheltered from all winds, and is completely protected from the sea. The holding ground within Port Tilic is good, but the small anchorage area is restricted to small vessels with local knowledge. A light marks the W side of the entrance to the port. The narrow entrance, between the reefs on either side, is open to the NNW and has depths of 18 to 26m. A drying reef divides the head of the port into two small, but good anchorages. The W shore of the port can be approached until the anchorage off the W entrance point is reached, where there are depths of from 6 to 9m, mud and sand. Tilic (13"49'N., 120"12'E.) (World Port Index No. 58340), a small settlement on the W side of the port, is of some Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon importance since most of the trade b _ •een Lubang Island and the mainland passes through the town_ 2.4 Tagbanan Point (13"48'N , 120"15'E.) is located about 3 miles SE of the E entrance pci:Jt to Port Tilic. Balakias Bay (Baliquias Bay) is entered imm diately N of Tagbanan Point. Thmbaga Point (13"44'N., 120"1 E.) lies about 4 miles SSE of Tagbanan Point. A bank, wi jepths of less than 11m, extends 0.8 mile NE from Tumbaga Feint. Another spit, with a depth of 8.2m its outer end, extends 0.3 mile SE from the same point. Looc Bay (13"43'N., 120"16'E is entered between Tumbaga Point and Pauican Point, alnlr 1.5 miles S. The head of the bay is encumbered with reefs d shoals, which prevent direct access to the shores. Looc, a sGiall village, stands on the W shore of the bay. Vessels with local knowledge will ; d anchorage just inside the entrance to the bay, in from 1 to 37m, good holding ground. Small vessels in the inner aochorage, near the head of the bay, are protected from E winds the reefs in the middle of the bay. Shoal banks extend 0.6 mile N and 0.45 mile NE from Pauican Point. Talinas Island (13"42'N., 120"1E 'L.) lies on foul ground which extends 0.35 mile E from the p int. A shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, l s 4 miles E of Pauican Point. Two 12.8m patches lie 2 miles ENE and ESE, respectively, of the same point. 2.5 Manog Point (13"40'N. , 12J 16'E.) is the S extremity of Lubang Island. Tabajin Bay (13"42'N., 120' 14'EJ open to theW and SW, is entered between Yapusan Point (. , "43'N. , 120"13'E.) and a point about 2.5 miles ESE. The latter oint, which is fronted by a reef as far as 0.5 mile W, is locat about 2 miles NNW of Manog Point. There is anchorage for small v~ls, sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon, about 0.25 mil o::Ishore in the N part of Tabajin Bay, in a depth of 18m. Detached shoals, with depths of E.:!m and 12.4m, lie in the NW part of the bay, about 0.5 mile illfshore and about 1 mile SE of Yapusan Point. Landings can be made on a sandy beach at the head of the bay. Gontin Bay (13"44'N., 120"12'E. . an open roadstead, is entered between Yapusan Point and G ontin Point (13"44'N., 120"10'E.), about 2.75 miles NW. Tit ay is open to all but N and E winds and provides only f~ · weather anchorage, in 18.3m or less, about 0.25 mile from e shore. A detached shoal, with a depth of J0.9m , lies 0.75 mile SE of Gontin Point. Nosoque Point (13"45 'N., 120"09'E) is located 1.25 miles WNW of Gontin Point. Pinagdag Point lies 1.75 miles further WNW. Tagbac Cove (13"50'N., 120"0 E.), open to the SW, is located about 1.25 miles SE of Palapag Point (13 "51'N., 120"05 'E.), the W extremity of the · land. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage, shdered from the Northeast Monsoon, on the SW side of the co• in a break in the coastal reef, in a depth of 28m. The land in the vicinity is low and there are no prominent landmarks. The reefs show plainly and no difficulty should be experienced in finding a convenient anchorage. The village of Tagbac is located on the N side of the cove. Sala Point (13"52'N., 120"05'E.) , the N extremity of the island, lies 1.25 miles NE of Palapag Point. 2.6 Ambil Island (13"48'N., 120"18'E.), separated from Tagbanan Point, on the NE side of Lubang Island, by Ambil Pass, about 1 mile wide, is about 755m high and conical in shape. The shores are irregular and several open bays lie between the projecting points. The NE side of the island is high and rocky. An open bay, with depths of from 18 to 22m, shoaling to 9.1 m near the fringing reef, lies on the coast. The W side of the island has a narrow peninsula extending about 1 mile W, with an open bay lying on each side of it. The bay on the N side is fronted by shoals and has irregular depths. The bay on the S side is restricted by reefs which extend about 0.3 mile offshore. A shoal , with a depth of 4.5m, lies in mid-channel between the reefs, thereby limiting the space available for anchorage. The shores of the remainder of the island are steep-to and are generally inaccessible. Anchorage can be taken near the head of the bay on the NE side of the island, about 0.5 mile offshore, in a depth of 14.6m. Ambil Pass (13 "47'N., 120"16'E.), the channel between the E side of Lubang Island and the W side of Ambil Island, is about 1 mile wide. There is a least depth of 7.3m in the fairway. The fringing reefs on either side contract the channel to a width of about 0.65 mile. A shoal , with a least depth of 12.4m, lies in the S entrance of the channel in a position about 1.5 miles WSW of Antucao Point (13"47'N., 120"19'E.). In the passage, the flood current sets S and the ebb N. Antucao Point (13"47'N., 120"19'E.) is the S extremity of Ambil Island. A shoal, with depths of 8.2 to 18.3m, lies from 0.25 to 0.75 mile E of the point. Colasi Point (13 "47'N., 120"20'E.) lies about 1.5 miles ENE of Antucao Point. Detached shoals, coral, with charted depths of 14.6m, are located about 0.75 mile SE of the point. Tambo Point (13"48'N. , 120"20'E.) lies about 1.25 miles N of Colasi Point. Detached shoal s, with depths of from 13 to 18m, lie about 0.75 mile ENE of the point. 2.7 Mandaui Island (13"50'N., 120"20'E.), 84m high, lies about 0.75 mile NNE of Mahaba Point, the NE extremity of Ambil Island. The NE side of the island is steep-to. A reef extends about 183m S from SW side of the island, with depths of less than 6m extending about 0.15 mile farther SW. The channel between Mandaui Island and Ambil Island is about 0.3 mile wide, with a least depth of 9m in the fairway. Malavatuan Island (13"52'N., 120"21'E.), 76m high, covered with brushwood, lies about 1.5 miles NNE of Mandaui Island. The channel between the two islands is about 1.5 miles wide, with depths of from 28 to 42m in the fairway. A shoal, with a depth of 10.9m at its outer end, extends about 0.5 mile NW from the island. A shoal, with a depth of 11.5m, lies about 1 mile NW of Malavatuan Island. Pub.162 40 Sector2. South CoastofLuzon Two shoals, each with a least depth of 12.8m, lie about 1.8 head of the bay, each about 0.1 mile wide, where small vessels miles ENE and 3.75 miles NNE, respectively, of the island. A with local knowledge can obtain sheltered anchorage. shoal, with a depth of 11.5m, lies about 0.25 mile SE of the S Anchorage can be taken by vessels with local knowledge, in extremity of the island. a depth of about 27m, SE of the reef off the mouth of theA shoal, about 4 miles long and with depths of from 8.5 to Santiago River. This anchorage is more or less restricted and14.6m, lies about 2.5 miles NNW to 4.5 miles N of the N becomes rough in NE winds. extremity of Ambil Island. San Pedrino Point (13 "51'N., 120"43'E.), theN extremity of Detached shoals, with depths of 12.8 to 18.3m, extend from Pagapas Bay, is 224m high and is densely wooded. It is fringed1 mile NNE to 2.25 miles ENE of the N extremity of Ambil by a reef which extends 91m from the shore.Island.Ambil Shoal (13 "50'N., 120"15'E.), with a least depth of 2.10 Balayan (13 "56'N., 120"44'E.), a small town at the6.4m, coral, lies 1 miles N of the W extremity of Ambil Island. mouth of a small river, stands on the N shore of Balayan BayDetached shoals, with depths of 6.7m, lie about 0.5 mile about 5 miles N of the E extremity of San Pedrino Point. WNW and N, respectively, of theW extremity of the island. The diurnal range of the tide at Balayan is about 1.2m. An isolated patch, with a depth of 7.3m, lies 0.85 mile A coral reef extends about 0.25 mile offshore in front of the WNW of the W extremity of Ambil Island. town, on the outer edge of which are several shoal spots that Caution.-Vessels drawing more than 5.5m should not bare at low tide.attempt to pass between Ambil Shoal and the NW coast of Carabao Rock, with a depth of 0.6m, and Balaong Rock,Ambil Island. with a depth of 2.7m, lie respectively, 0.7 mile ESE and 0.6mile SE of the prominent yellow church tower in the town. The2.8 Golo Pass (13 "41 'N., 120"18'E.), the channel between 20m curve fronts the town at a distance of about 0.4 mile.the SE extremity of Lubang Island and Salangan Point, the NW A light is shown in a position about 0.6 mile E of the church extremity of Golo Island, is 0.3 mile wide. A reef, with some tower. The light has been reported obscured from seaward by rocks awash, lies in mid-channel and divides the pass into two trees and houses. ' separate channels. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in a These channels are only about 183m wide and their use is position about 0.3 mile offshore, with the light structure not recommended because of the strong currents and tide rips bearing 329" and the dome of the church bearing 295", in in their vicinity. depths offrom 15 to 18m. Golo Island (13 "39'N., 120"23'E.) is 292m high and is Smaller vessels can take anchorage close to the reef in aseparated from the SE extremity of Lubang Island by Golo position with the light structure bearing 329", distant about Pass, described earlier. The N and S sides of the island are 0.35 mile, in a depth of 9 to 13m.fringed by a narrow reef and depths of less than 18m extend as A harbor was under construction about 3 miles E of Balayan.far as 0.5 mile offshore. When completed, this harbor will provide berthing facilitiesThe E end of the island is fronted by reefs and shoals as far for vessels up to 50,000 dwt, supplying fuel to the nearby coalas 0.5 mile. A shoal, with depths of less than 18m, extends 0.75 fired power station.mile S from Tanawan Point, the SE extremity of the island. Lemery (13 "53'N., 120"55'E.) and Taal are towns located onTanawant Point Light, a concrete tower, 11m high, stands on the W and E banks, respectively, of the Pansipit River, which the point. empties on the E shore of Balayan Bay about 10 miles N ofTalaotao village is situated 1 mile N of Tanawan Point. Bagalangit Point. The church at Taal, standing on a hill behindthe town, and the church at Lemery, with twin metal-domed Verde Island Passage-North Side (Luzon) towers, are prominent.A light is shown from the beach at Lemery, in a position 2.9 Balayan Bay (13 "50 N. , 120"48'E.) is entered about 0.2 mile N of theN side of the river mouth.between Cape Santiago and Bagalangit Point, about 13 miles The light is partly obscured by houses and is difficult toESE. The bay indents the SW coast of Luzon about 11 miles in distinguish from seaward.aN direction. Balayan Bay, which is very deep with a mud and There are no dangers outside the 20m curve, which fronts thesand bottom, is clear of dangers. mouth of the river and Lemery at a distance of about 0.3 mile.The shores are so steep-to that a vessel must approach very The Pansipit River has a depth of 2.1m over its bar at HW.close to get within a depth of 22m. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.4 mile W of the light, inThe flood current sets N and the ebb S in Balayan Bay. 18.3 to 29m. Smaller vessels can anchor closer in, according to Caution.-A dangerous wreck was reported (2000) to lie their draft, anywhere off the town of Lemery. 6.6 miles SSW of Cape Santiago Light. Bagalangit Point (13 "43'N., 120"52'E.), theW extremity ofCalumpan Peninsula, is a rocky bluff, 135m high. The point isPagapas Bay (13"50'N., 120"40'E.) is entered between the fringed by a narrow reef, which extends around the SW part ofNE face of Cape Santiago and San Pedrino Point, about 3.5 the peninsula nearly to Cazador Point, the S extremity ofmiles NE. The bay indents the SW side of Balayan Bay to a Calumpan Peninsula.distance of about 3.5 miles in a NW direction. The SantiagoRiver empties into the head of the bay. 2.11 Maricaban Island (13 "39'N., 120"53'E.), lying aboutThe bay is very deep and its shores are fringed by a narrow 1.5 miles S of Cazador Point, is separated from it byreef. There are two small openings in the fringing reef at the Maricaban Strait. Mount Casapao, 447m high and covered Pub.l62 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon with tall grass, stands near the E end the island. A prominent peak, 306m high, stands near the W e d. The coast of Maricaban Island is ordered by rocks, islets, and dangers. Two rocky islets, Caban and Somlxcro, lie off the NW end of the island. Caban Island (13.41'N. , 120· : 'E .) is 87m high and covered with bushes. Layaglayag Slx:al., with a depth of 3.5m, lies about 0.25 mile N of Caban Isla. . Sombrero Islet (13.42'N., 120. 503 ), 43m high, lies about 0.75 mile NW of Caban Island. llis oval shaped island is covered with low bu shes and is very p-ominent. It is surrounded by a reef, on w ch lies some above and below-water rocks. Sepoc Point (13.41'N., 120.50'E.: . e NW extremity of the is land, is a steep, rocky headland, 36:1 high. The point appears as an island from a distance, but it is connected with the main part of the island by a narrow rocky ,. hmus about 1.5m high. A rock, with a least depth of 1.5rn_ lies about 1 mile SW of Sepoc Point. A channel, about 0.75 rile wide and with a depth of 11.9m in the fairway, lies betW;!:!n this shoal and the W extremity of Maricaban Island. 2.12 Port Maricaban (13.4l'N . 120.50'E.) is formed by the narrow strait between Maricabar IsJand and Caban Island. The port can be entered either fro the N or from the E, but the passage from the N is preferable The harbor is about 0.5 mile wide in its N entrance betwe the shoals fronting the shore on either side, but narrows to least width of about 45m in its S part. Great depths are found in its wi~ art, and depths of over 37m are found in the fairway i its narrower part. It is sometimes used as a harbor of refu::--for small vessels which anchor off the small village of M · eaban, and moor to the shore and to each other to prevents.,.. nging. The village stands on Maricaban land in a position about 0. 1 mile W of the S extremity of Ca.tun Island. Maricaban Strait (13.41'N., 120 53'E.) lies between the S side of Calumpan Peninsula and tne N side of Maricaban Island. It is deep in the fairway anj clear of dangers, but the tidal currents set strongly through it Caution.-A reef, with rocky he.a s awash, extends about 0.15 mile N from the middle of the r side of Maricaban Island, about 1.5 miles S of Cazador Point. Culebra Islet (13 . 38'N., 120.57'~) lies about 0.25 mile SE of the SE side of Maricaban Island. The islet is covered with trees, the tops of which are about 29 high. The shore is rocky, with boulders ox! corals, except at the N extremity, which is coral sand. The :::hannel between the islet and Maricaban Island is about 183_ wide and has a depth of 11m in the fairway. Malajibomanoc Islet (13 . 38'N., 20.58'E.), locally known as Pulong Balahibo, lies about 0.7~ -nile E of Culebra Islet. It is low and covered with trees, the tops of which are about 10.6m high. Shoal water extends from the W ide of this islet and from the E side of Culebra Islet, leavinE B clear passage about 0.2 mile wide, with depths of from 20 t J. 35m. The islet is marked by a light which is shown from a concrete tower. A wreck was reported about 1 mile E of the islet. 2.13 Batangas Bay (13. 43'N. , 121·oo'E.) , entered between Cazador Point and Matoco Point, about 9 miles ESE, is deep and clear of dangers. The bay indents the coast up to a distance of 7.5 miles. Some rocks lie close off Cazador Point and a steep-to reef extends about 183m E from its E side. The coast between this point and the entrance to Mainaga Cove, about 6 miles NE, is steep, rocky, and wooded. It can safely be passed at a distance of0.5 mile. Mainaga Cove (l3.46'N., 120. 57'E.) provides anchorage for small craft seeking shelter from strong SW winds, in depths of 18 to 29m, mud. Mainaga Cove Light is shown from a concrete beacon, 3m high, standing near the head of the cove. Four anchor berths, in depths greater than 37m, are reported to have been established in Mainaga Cove. These are situated about 1 mile ENE, 1.25 miles E, 0.75 mile E, and 1 mile SSE of Mainaga Cove Light. A concrete pier, with a depth of 6m at its bead, lies at the head of the cove. A new wharf and fish processing plant are under construction. The Batangas Bay Terminal pier lies 2.5 miles NE of Mainaga Cove. The head consists of three breast dolphins each 80m apart and two mooring dolphins. Vessels up to 213m in length, with a draft of 11.9m, can be accepted. The pier extends 290m from the shore. Pilotage is reported to be compulsory. Pilots board off Batangas. 2.14 Bauan (13 .48'N., 121· oo'E.), a small town at the bead of Batangas Bay, is located about 3.5 miles ENE of Mainaga Cove. A conspicuous white church with a dome stands in the town. The tow n is connected by railroad with Manila. It was reported that a copra loading platform was located off Bauan. Vessels of 12.2m draft and 40,000 dwt could berth at the mooring dolphins in front of the platform. The platform is connected to the shore by a conveyor belt with a loading capacity of 500 tons per hour. Fresh water is available at the berth. Pilots are embarked off Batangas. There is anchorage for small vessels within 0.2 mile of theN shore of Batangas Bay, between Cota village, S of Bauan, and Santa Clara Pier, Batangas. 2.15 Batangas (13.45'N ., 121 ·o3'E.) (World Port Index No. 58320), the principal town in the bay, is located on theW bank of the Calumpan River, about 0.75 mile inland. The port area is known as Santa Clara. The port is the base port of the Port District of Batangas; therefore, pratique and customs clearance may be granted locally. Quarantine officers will normally board with the pilot, or off the oil wharf. Customs Inspectors are provided through the Manila Customs Bureau. There are no dangers in the immediate approach to Batangas or in the vicinity of the anchorages off the pier at Santa Clara. The 20m curve fronts the shore in the vicinity of the port area Pub.162 Sector 2. South CoastofLuzon at a distance of a little over 0.75 mile. The bar of the Columpan River is about 0.15 mile wide and shallow. Winds-Weather.-The climate is marine tropical and is characterized by gentle winds. The prevailing winds are from the Sand SE from June through September. Tides-Currents.-The tidal range varies from 2.7 to 7.5m. The tidal current set parallel to the shore, the flood current setting SE and the ebb current setting NW, but the rate is mostly weak. Depths-Limitations.-The Caltex Cargo Wharf, 2 miles NW of Batangas, is 305m in len0 th, with a T-head 84m long, and a reported depth of 14m alongside. The Caltex Oil Wharf, situated 0.4 mile WNW of the cargo wharf, lies in a 126° to 306° direction. The wharf extends 305m S into the bay and ends in a "T" with its S face 83m long. The Main S berth has 12.1m alongside and a mooring buoy 79m from each end . Night berthing is possible. It is reported that tankers up to 300,000 dwt, 230m in length, can be accommodated. A jetty for coastal vessels lies 0.2 mile SE of the Caltex Cargo Wharf. The jetty extends 130m SSW from the shore. The root of the Santa Clara Pier, a three-fingered pier extending 0.15 mile from the shore, lies about 1.25 miles SW of the coastal vessel jetty. Pier 1 is 127m long and 15m wide, with depths from 5 to 15m. Pier 2 is 105m long and 15m wide, with depths from 5 to 9.5m. Pier 3 is 84m long and 15m wide, with depths ranging from4 to 7m. The piers are protected by timber-pile fendering. Depths shoal rapidly along the sides of the piers. The Shell Refinery Wharf, 2.5 miles SSE of the Santa Clara Pier, consists of 5 jetties for the berthing of large tankers. It extends seaward for a distance of 0.2 mile. The depth alongside No. 1 Jetty is 9.3m and No. 2 Jetty is reported to be14m. Tankers up to 31,000 dwt and 9.3m draft can be accommodated at Jetty No. 1, and vessels of up to 120,000 dwt with a 14m draft are accepted at Jetty No. 2. The LPG Terminal is at No. 2 Jetty. Jetty No. 3 can accommodate vessels with a maximum dwt of 20,000, depth 9.3m and maximum loa 165m. Jetty No. 4 can accommodate vessels with a maximum dwt of 320,000, depth 23m and maximum loa 348m. The Pacific Flour Mill Pier lie close S of Shell Refinery Piers. There are two piers extending about 250m SW from the shore, with a berthing face of 160m at the Spier and of 93m at the N pier. Vessels up to 30,000 dwt, with a maximum beam of 30m and a maximum draft of 10.9m, can be accommodated. Purefoods Flour Milling Corporation has constructed a 40m long pierhead at the seaward end of a causeway, two breasting dolphins, and two mooring dolphins, with an overall length of 120m. Vessels up to 40,000 grt with a maximum draft of 11.5m, can be accommodated. Aspect.-The dome of the Batangas Church is very prominent, as are the Shell Oil and Caltex Oil refineries. A prominent aluminum-painted water tank stands 2.25 miles NNW of Batangas. A radio mast stands 1 mile ESE of Santa Clara Pier. The buildings at Caltex Refinery are prominent and include a chimney 95m high, and a conspicuous flare, 15m high, about 0.45 mile W of the chimney. Pub.162 Pilotage.-Pilots are available at Batangas and pilotage is compulsory for all vessels engaged in foreign trade. Masters should give at least 48 hours advance notice to their local agents to permit the dispatch of a pilot from Manila, if necessary, in time to meet the vessel. Various craft are used to bring the pilot alongside of a position about 1.25 miles WSW of the Shell Oil wharf. The use of a tug for berthing and unberthing is required, although a tug will normally be available at Batangas. Masters should advise their agent of their tug requirements by prior notice, as it may be necessary to dispatch a tug from Manila. Vessels proceeding to the oil wharf at the Caltex Refinery should radio "Caltex Manila" their ETA as early as possible, but not less than 96 hours before arrival. The ETA should be amended subsequently if it varies more than two hours from the original estimate. Anchorage.-Four anchorage area , lettered A through D and best seen on the chart, are located W through SW from the pier. During the height of the Southwest Monsoon, vessels can anchor off the N side of Maricaban Isl and along Maricaban Strait. Small vessels can anchor within 0.2 mile of the shore between Bauan and Batangas, in depths of from 22 to 26m, good holding ground. Directions.-Vessels coming from the W may pass either N or S of Maricaban Island. Vessels, using the latter route, which is recommended, should pass about 2 miles S of that island and round Malajibomanoc Island at a distance of 1 mile. A direct approach can then be made to the pier. Vessels approaching from the E can use either N Pass or South Pass of Verde Island Passage. After having passed Verde Island they should steer in mid-channel between Malajibomanoc Island and Matoc Point and then proceed directly to the pier. Caution.-A restricted area, in which anchoring and fishing are prohibited, lies 0.75 mile off the Shell Refinery Wharves. A prohibited area lies 0.3 mile off the wharves. Vessels must maintain a good lookout for small craft and fish traps when navigating the bay at night. 2.16 Matoco Point (13°38'N., 121°02'E.) is high, wooded, and precipitous. From Naboled Point, 1.75 miles NNE to Matoco Point, the coast is fringed with rocks, and a narrow, steep-to reef. The 9.lm curve lies close seaward of the reef, and there are depths of over 183m less than 0.5 mile off Matoco Point. The point is marked by a light. The coast between Matoco Point and Malabrigo Point, about 13.5 miles E, is, for the greater part, high, rugged, and steep-to. Arenas Point (13°37'N., 121 °05'E.), about 2.5 miles ESE of Matoco Point, consists of sand and stones, by which it may be identified. The point is low and clear of dangers, and is marked by a light. Rosario Point (13 °38'N., 121°12'E.), about 7 miles E of Arenas Point, can be identified by the Rosario River, which flows out close NW of the point. A bar, with a depth of 0.9m, fronts the mouth of the river. The town of Lobo is located about 1 mile NE of Rosario Point. A prominent white warehouse stands about 0.5 mile NNW of the point. There is a stone jetty near the warehouse Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Malabrigo Point Light which had a depth of 1.8m at its h~. It is exposed to SW weather and at such times landing ca:o t be made. Vessels with local kn owledge can~anchorage about 0.15 mile offshore, with Malabrigo Pcbt Light showing over Rosario Point, bearing 118. , and the prominent white warehouse bearing 036· , in a dept!-d 22m. Vessels should approach this anchorage cautiously as.ue water shoals rapidly. Vessels with local know ledge can ~e anchorage during N winds anywhere between Matoco Po and Malabrigo Point, about 13.5 miles E. T he shore is steep-to, and at less than 0.2 mile offshore the depths are from 15 r:o 24m, coarse sand and gravel bottom. 2.17 Malabrigo Point (13. 36'N~ l21 . 16'E.), marked by a light, is the SW extremity of the bro " eadland formed by the spurs of Mount Lobo, about 3.5 miks NE. Punas Point is the central point, and Malagundi Po· , the E point of the headland. The coast of the headland is of moclerate height and well wooded. It is rocky between Ytalabrigo Point and Punas Point, and bordered by a sandy beach \Jt rocks from there to Malagundi Point. Locoloco Point (13 . 39'N., 121 .25'£.) is about 6.75 miles NE of Malagundi Point. The coast is b~h and slightly indented in its E part by Sigayan Bay. Vessels with local knowledge car:. t ake anchorage between Malagundi Point and Sigayan Bay, m e offshore, as the coast is very steep-to. The bottom is generally coarse sand and gravel. Sigayan Bay (13 .40'N ., 121 .24'E.) lies close W of Locoloco Point. The NE shore of the bay is fringed by a narrow reef, which is covered at HW. Anchorage can be taken in the W part of the bay, fairly close to the shore. Verde Island Passage-South Side (Mindoro) 2.18 Calavite Passage (13 . 27'N., 120. 24'E.), which separates the NW end of Mindoro from the Lubang Islands, is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. It should be understood that vessels using the passage must give the NW coast of Mindoro a berth of at least 2 miles. The flood current sets NE and the ebb SW through this passage. Cape Calavite (13 . 27'N ., 120. 18'E.), a low headland on the NW extremity of Mindoro Island, is reported to give a good radar return up to 19 miles and is marked by a light. This part of the coast is marked by some offshore rocks. Itbu Point (13 . 29'N., 120. 19'E.), located 2 miles NNE of Cape CaJavite is high, rugged, and steep-to. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon in a small bay S of Itbu Point, in a depth of 10m, sand, about 0.15 mile from the beach at the head of the bay. From the offing, Mount Calavite (13. 29'N., 120. 24'E.), a large promontory occupying the NW extremity of Mindoro, rises to 1,52lm. The summit of the mountain appears dome Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon shaped from the W, but from N or S it appears as a long ridge, fairly level, and highest at its W end . Del Monte Point (13. 32'N., 120. 25'E.) is sandy and steepto. A conspicuous stranded wreck lies close to the shore in a position about 1 mile W of Del Monte Point. Bagalayag Point (13. 31'N., 120 . 34'E.), about 9 miles E of Del Monte Point, is a rocky bluff about 10.6m high. The coast between this point and Bogio Point, about 9.25 miles E, is backed by densely wooded mountains about 610 to 1 ,067m high. The shore between the two points is steep-to, especially between Baeto Point, located 5.5 miles E of Bagalayag Point, and Bogio Point, where it is almost precipitous. 2.19 Bogio Point (13. 29'N., 120. 43'E.) is at the end of the E slope of the 1,017m mountain, located about 2.5 miles SW of the point. The slope drops to a height of about 609m and is covered by a greenish-yellow grass. The coast between Bogio Point and a point about 3.5 miles E is bordered by a wide sandy beach . The Cervantes River and the Matabang River, two small rivers, flow out through this sandy beach. The low land extends a considerable distance inland in the vicinity of these rivers. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m over its outer edge, extends about 0.125 mile N from the mouths of the Cervantes River and the Matabang River. Vessels can take anchorage in a small bight off the mouths of the Cervantes River and the Matabang River, fairly close to the shore. This anchorage is an open roadstead and is known as llog Anchorage. Eastward of the mouths of the two small rivers, as far as the mouth of the Camerong River, about 7.5 miles E of Bogio Point, there are numerous hills, partially wooded, that rise abruptly from the rocky coast to heights of 91 to 122m. Sandy beaches lie between the hills . The coast is bold and almost precipitous between the mouth of the Camerong River and Talipanan Point, about 2.75 miles ENE. Mount Talipanan, located about 0.75 mile SSW of Talipanan Point (13 . 30'N. , 120. 53'E .), is very conspicuous with a sharp , prominent peak. Minolo Point (13 . 31'N., 120.54'E.) , about 1.5 miles ENE of Talipanan Point, is covered with trees and on its E side is a beach . The shore is steep, and depths of 8 to 9m are found about 0.3 mile offshore in the vicinity of Minolo Point. A cove is located about 0.5 mile E of Minolo Point and can be used as an anchorage by small vessels. The reefs fronting the shores of the cove reduce the anchorage area to a diameter of about 0.1 mile. A depth of 10.9m can be carried through the fairway of the entrance channel, and inside there are depth s of from 15 to 22m. 2.20 Balateros Cove (13 . 31 'N., 120.56'E.), located about 1.5 miles E of Minolo Point, is a small bight lying between two coral reefs. It is a haven where small vessels can take anchorage, in 29m, protected from winds of both monsoons. Port Galera (13. 31'N., 120' 57'E.), which is practically landlocked, lies between Medio Island on the N, Paniquian Island on the W, and the W side of the projecting promontory on the S and E. The available space is greatly restricted by the shoals extending from the projecting points along its shore. Pub.162 There are two pass ages into the port, Northwest Channel and North Channel, on the SW and E sides , respectively, of Medio Island. Northwest Channel is the recommended passage into Port Galera. The N entrance is only about 137m wide between the reefs and shoal s on either side, but it widens in side to 0.15 mile. A least depth of 9.6m is found in mid-channel along the entrance range. A rock, 18.9m high, lies on the edge of the reef fringing the SW side of Medio Island, at the outer entrance to the channel. The flood current which enters Northwest Channel flows out through North Channel and then sets E, the reverse taking place with the ebb current. There is a strong race off North Point, theN extremity of Medio Island. Medio Island (13 . 32'N., 120' 57'E.) is 80m high and wooded. The NE side of the island is fringed by a reef which extends about 0.125 mile NE , with the 5.5m curve lying about 9lm farther in the same direction. A shoal, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 183m W of North Point, the bare and rocky N extremity of the island. A shoal, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends as far as 183m from the NW side of the island. 2.21 Paniquian Island (13.31 'N., 120.57'E.) is 61m high and wooded. The NW shore of the island is high and rugged. The S end of the island terminates in a narrow, sandy neck of land which connects the island with theN coast of Mindoro. The island is fringed by a reef, except for a short distance on its N and W sides. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends 137m offshore in places. Two sunken rocks lie near the outer end of a shoal extending about 0.3 mile N from a point located about 0.4 mile S of the W extremity of the island. Telegraph Point, the NW extremity of the promontory extending NE from theN side of Mindoro, can be identified by a prominent white patch having the appearance of a sail on the side of the point. The N side of the promontory between Telegraph Point and Escarceo Point, about 2 miles E, has a uniform appearance and is slightly indented. A shoal , as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends about 0.125 mile N from the N side of the promontory. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.3 mile NNE of Telegraph Point. A light situated on the bluff of the promontory about 0.25 mile SE of the S extremity of Medio Island . A similar but unlighted beacon situated close SE of the light beacon. These beacons in range, bearing 125", lead through Northwest Channel, but caution is necessary as the range is not very sensitive. 2.22 Northwest Channel lies between the E side of Medio Island and the W face of the projecting promontory. The channel is about 137m wide between the 5.5m curve on either side. A least depth of 9.4m lies in the fairway . TheE side of Medio Island is low and bordered by a narrow sand bank. A shoal, with a depth of 1.4m, lie s in the middle of the S entrance to North Channel. The channel on either side of this shoal has a width of about 91m. This channel is not recommended for large vessels. Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Depths-Limitations.-A shoal, v-depths of from 0.3 to 1.2m, extends almost 0.25 mile N frCID a point on the S shore located about 0.3 mile N of Puerto lera Light (13 °30'N., 120°57'E .). Another shoal, with a least depth of .3m near its outer edge, extends about the same distance NW om the above point. A shoal, with a depth of 10m, lies abou )3 mile N of this point. Another shoal, with a least depth of 6. , lies about 0.4 mile N of the same point. A reef extends about 0.15 mile W fr r:1 a position close W of the entrance beacons on the E shore ct'lhe harbor. The 10m curve fronts the remaind~ f the harbor as far as 0.15 mile, and depths of less than 9. are found in the coves to the E of the entrance beacons. Anchorage.-The principal ancho _e lies in the N part of the port, in a position E of Paniquian -land, in depths from 18 to 22m. Exercise caution as the swing g room is considerably reduced by shoals extending from all es. Smaller vessels can take anchorage r a small bight in the S part of the port, in a position N of tie t wn of Puerto Galera (13o30'N., 120o57'E.), in a depth of lJ9m. Small vessels can also anchor in a space about 0.2 mile w ide, in a position E of the S extremity of Paniquian Island, i"l a depth of 16m. There is also anchorage for small "'essels in Little Balateros Cove, situated SW of theW extremi~ :~"" Paniquain Island. The cove is formed between two coral recis and two high wooded points, and is protected from winds o:'D:>th monsoons. Directions.-Vessels entering tle port by Northwest Channel should bring the range bea s to bear 125", until abreast of the NE point of Paniquian, when the course should be gradually altered to the S ·cr the anchorage in the middle of the N part of the harbor. Small vessels with a need to use North Channel should round North Point at a distance of about 0 _ mile and then alter the course to the S and pass in mid-chann ough North Channel. Caution is advised in avoiding the s:1oal in the middle of the S entrance to the channel. 2.23 Escarceo Point (13 °31'!'-. 120°59'E.), the NE extremity of the promontory extendi."J5 NE from the N side of Mindoro, is rocky and covered with t.-es. The tidal currents set strongly off the point and tide rips are found in the vicinity. A light marks the E side of the point. It is shown from a conc rete house, 14m high. Boaya Point (13 o30'N., 120c58'E.: . lying about 2 miles SW of Escarceo Point, is bold on its W si..:e and is clear of dangers, with the 9.lm curve fronting it at abcut 137m. Varadero Bay (13 °29'N ., 120°53E.), entered between Boaya Point and Varadero Point, atcu: 0.5 mile SW, affords sheltered anchorage during both mrns ons, especially during the season of the Southwest :Monsoc when the heavy squalls pass to the N. It is reported to affor etter shelter than Port Galera, especially during bad weather A shoal, with a least depth of 2.7IL xtends about 0.25 mile S from theN shore. Shoals, with dep· s of less than 9m, extend up to 0.2 mile E from the W shore of bay. Varadero Point is fringed by ro·;t:~, some of which dry, extending about 0.125 mile N of tlte point. The 9.lm curve fronts the point as far as 0.15 mile off.;rore. Puerto Galera, a small village with a prominent church, stands on a narrow neck of land separating Port Galera from Varadero Bay. A light is shown from a hill at Puerto Galera. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the bay with Puerto Galera Light bearing 310°, distant 0.4 mile, in a depth of 18.3m. Navigators are cautioned that during fresh NE weather the wind sometimes veers well E, causing a considerable swell at this anchorage. Small vessels can take sheltered anchorage in the bight close W ofBoaya Point, in a position about 183m offshore, in depths of 20m. Care must be taken to avoid the previously mentioned shoal in the N part of the bay. 2.24 Subaang Bay (13°26'N., 121"02'E.) is an open bight on the S side of South Pass. The shore is low and wooded with several small rivers flowing into the bay. A shoal , with a depth of 6.4m over its outer end, extends about 0.25 mile NE, from a position about 4.5 miles SE of Varadero Point. In windy weather, the bay becomes a dark red color due to the stirring up of the silt from the rivers along the coast. A shoal, with a least depth of 3.5m near its outer edge, extends about 0.75 mile NE from the SW shore of the bay. San Teodoro (13°26'N., 121 OOl'E.) is a small town located in Subaang Bay, about 4.5 miles SE of Varadero Point. The town can be identified by San Teodoro Hill, 198m high, close SW of the town and a hill, 286m high, 1.5 miles W of the town. Both hills are prominent. Logs are shipped from this port during good weather, particularly between March to November. Vessels can take anchorage, about 0.5 to 1 mile offshore, midway between the town and the Subaang River, located about 0.75 mile SE of San Teodoro, in depths of 18 to 37m. This anchorage is open and is not safe during the period from November to February, when the Northeast Monsoon is in full force. Balete Point (13 °25'N., 121 olO'E.) is 36m high and well wooded. A shoal of coral and sand, bare at LW, lies with its N edge about 0.5 mile W of Balete Point. Calapan Bay (13 o25'N., 12l oll'E.) is entered between Balete Point and Calapan Point, about 2.5 miles ENE. The 20m curve fronts the shores of the bay at a distance of about 0.75 mile. Within this curve the depths for the most part are shoal and suitable only for small craft. 2.25 Calapan (13°25'N., 121°11 'E.) (World Port Index No. 58540) stands close to the shore at the head of Calapan Bay. A prominent church is located in Calapan. Calapan Bay, which is exposed to all winds from N through W, is not considered a safe port during the Northeast Monsoon. The recommended anchorage is in 13 to 18m, rocky bottom, with the church bearing 17T, and the N extremity of Calapan Point, bearing 063 °. The holding ground is poor. Navigators are cautioned to use extreme care in approaching this anchorage, as the edge of the shore reef is steep-to and the bottom very irregular. Vessels must be prepared to get underway immediately when strong winds from N through W occur, as the anchorage is unsafe at this time. Vessels with local knowledge can anchor close off the W face of Calapan Point during the Northeast Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Monsoon, but the coast is steep-to and great depths are found close offshore. Government Wharf, on the W side of Calapan Point, is T headed and extends about 45m from the shore. The T-head is 33m long, with 3 to 5.5m alongside. TheN end is broadened and provides a berth 30m long with a controlling depth of 3.6m alongside. It is advisable to approach the pier from the N and berth port side-to. Improvements were planned to the port. Tidal currents along the face of the pier run N on the ebb and S on the flood. 2.26 Calapan Point (13 °26' ., 121 °12'E.) is 88m high and wooded. The W and N sides of the point are clear of dangers, but the E side is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef. Some white storage tanks and three wooden piers, one in ruins , stand on the E side of the point. Baco Islands (13 °29'N., 121 olO'E.) are three islands which extend about 2 miles in a NE direction from a position about 2.75 miles N of Balete Point The southwesternrnost and largest island of the group is 90m high; the middle island is 70m high; and Baco Chico Island, the northeasternmost of the group, is 39m high. A shoal, with depths of less than 3m, extends about 0.1 mile NE from the E extremity of the southwestemmost island. A reef, which dries, extends about 0.25 mile E from E side of the middle island. A shoal, as defined by about the 20m curve, extends about 0.3 mile SW from the SW side of Baco Chico Island. The unmarked channels between the islands have sufficient depths in the fairway, but the strong tidal currents that prevail make it dangerous for a vessel to attempt transit. A steep-to 2.4 and a 25m shoal lie 0.8 mile W and 0.65 mile WSW, respectively, of the S extremity of the SW island. Silonay Island (13°27'N., 121 °13'E.), 106m high, narrow and wooded, extends a little over 0.5 mile NNE from a position about 1 mile E of Calapan Point. The NE side of the island is fringed by rocks which extend about 91m SE. A shoal, with depths of less than 6m, extends about 0.125 mile S from the SW end of the island. 2.27 Anaganahao Island (13°26'N., 121 °13'E.), 30m high and wooded, lies about 0.5 mile S of Silonay Island. The island is fringed by rocks which exten 0.15 mile N from its N side, and 0.25 mile SW from its S side. The channel between Anaganahao and Silonay Islands is about 0.25 mile wide between about the 10m curves on either side, and has a least depth of 12.5m in the fairway. The tidal currents set strongly through this channel. The channel between Anaganahao Island and Mindoro is about 0.2 mile wide between about the 10m curves on either side, and has a least depth of 10.3m in the fairway. A depth of 11.6m lies about 0.4 mile SE of the N extremity of Calapan Point. Another patch, swept to a depth of 10.5m, lies 0.4 mile S of Anaganahao Island. Verde Island (13 °33'N., 121 °04'E.), located about 4 miles NE of Escarceo Point, is steep-to and wooded, with a few sandy beaches. There are two prominent peaks on the island. The higher and farthest N has an elevation of 417m. Pub.162 Rocks, which dry, extend about 183m SE from the extremity of the island. Two reefs, with depths of 92m, lie 1 mile and 1.5 miles NW of the NW end of Verde Island. The NE extremity of the island is marked by a light. Vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage during S winds, in a bay on theN side of the island, in depths of 13 to 18m, close offshore. Strong tide rips have been reported on the SE side of the island. The current on the N part of the Verde Island Passage, which flows round Balayan and Batangas Bays, reunites with the principal current near Verde Island. producing violent tide rips and eddies in that part of the channel between Malabrigo Point (13 °36'N., 121 °15'E.) and Escarceo Point. 2.28 North Pass (13 °36'N. , 121 °04'E.) lies between theN side of Verde Island and the S coast of Luzon between Matoco Point and Punus Point, about 15 miles E. North Pass has a least width of 2.75 miles and is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. Vessels bound for S Luzon ports, or for San Bernardino Strait, sometimes use the pass in preference to the recommended South Pass. A traffic separation scheme has been established in Verde Island Passage. A traffic lane for E bound traffic passes S of Verde Island and the lane for W bound traffic passes N of Verde Island. In the vicinity of Verde Island the width of each traffic lane is reduced to about 2 miles. The separation scheme is not IMO-approved. South Pass (13 °30'N., 121 °04'E.) lies between the steep-to S side of Verde Island and the N coast of Mindoro between Escarceo Point and Calapan Point. South Pass has a least width of almost 4 miles and is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. In the E approach of South Pass, the principal dangers are the three small wooded Baco Islands mentioned earlier. Most of the inter-island maritime traffic uses the South Pass in transiting Verde Island Passage. Mindoro-Northeast Coast 2.29 Naujan (13 °19'N., 121 °18'E.), a town located about 9 miles SE of Calapan Point, is on the W bank of the Baluagan River, about 1 mile inland. Only small boats can cross the bar at the river mouth. The village of Estrella, the port for Naujan, is on the beach about 0.5 mile NE of the town. A large warehouse located on the beach is conspicuous from seaward. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage, exposed to NE winds, about 0.5 mile NE of Estrella, in depths of 27m, mud. Between Calapan Point and the mouth of the Lumangbayan River, about 13 miles SE, the coast is low, heavily wooded, intersected by several small streams, and fringed by a gray sandy beach. This sector of the coast is clear of dangers, with the 20m curve lying about 0.75 mile offshore. Anchorage can be taken almost anywhere close off this section of the coast, in depths of 27m, mud. The depths Sector2. South CoastofLuzon 47 The Pola River and the Pula River flow into the head of the decrease gradually toward the shore c cept at the bar, which extends about 0.5 mile off the mou _ of the Kawayan River bay SE of Tuntung Point, and between their mouths is a gray and the Buluagan River, where the cep:h decreases from 18.3 sandy beach. The bar of the Pola River has a least depth of 0.6m, and the bar of the Pula River dries. A valley covered with to 1.8m in a distance of about 91 m. The Lumangbayan River (13 ' 17' _ 121 ' 21 'E.), one of the light timber and mangroves lies between the two rivers and largest rivers inN Mindoro, d:ischarg -.about 4 miles SE of the extends several miles S. Pola, a small village, stands on the W side of the entrance to town of Estrella. It forms the divid e line between the low the Pola River. A large storehouse with a metal roof is land and the mountainous area to ti-e SE. The small town of Lumangbayan is located on the co~ 'I of the mouth of the prominent. Depths of from 37 to 55m are found in the middle part of river. Vessels can take anchorage o the mouth of the Pola Bay. The 20m curve lies close to the shores of the bay, except at its head where it lies close to 0.75 mile offshore in Lumangbayan River, in a depth of 3 7m. The anchorage is marked by a log float with a white flc,g_ places. Mount Naujan (13' 15 'N., 121 '21'~, a prominent peak, is A reef, on which there are several rocks from 0.6 to 0.9m high, and others awash, extends about 137m E from Anahauan 420m high, and densely woo ed. It li ~.about 1.5 miles S of the mouth of the Lumangbayan River, about 1 mile inland. Point and is visible from Nor S. The summit lies at theW extremity d it flat ridge which slopes This reef, which mostly dries, extends about 0.5 mile S from the point, and as far as 0.25 mile offshore. Dayap Point is clear toward theN. of dangers, with the 20m curve lying close offshore. Another prominent peak, Dome 1-L which is shaped like a rounded dome and rising to 257m d densely wooded, is Anchorage.-Large vessels can anchor about 0.5 mile offshore, in 27m, mud, with the storehouse at Pola bearing located about 2 miles NW of Mount ":aljan. Thjud Island (13' 15'N., 121 ' 25'E :, ~Sm high and wooded, 230' , and the prominent 5.5m rock bearing 282' . lies about 0.25 mile offshore and 1 m Je NW of Balingawan Small vessels can anchor closer inshore, in 18.3m, mud, with Point. Its coasts are formed by browr liffs, except on its SW the storehouse bearing 248' , and the prominent 5 .5m rock side. It is bold and steep-to on its seaird side. bearing 302' . These anchorages are open to the E and NE and A drying reef connects the SW sid?O{ the island to the coast are untenable during the Northeast Monsoon (October to of Mindoro. A detached rock, 4.5m gh and surrounded by March). rocks awash, lies about 91m SW of ttl= stand. 2.31 Dumali Point (13' 07'N., 121 ' 33'E.), located about ' 14' , 121 ' 26'E.) offers a 3.25 miles SE of Dayap Point, is bold, steep-to, and 73m high. 2.30 Balingawan Point (13 contrast to the other points in the vic --y, which rise gradually The coast between Dayap Point and Dumali Point is fringed and continuously from the cliffs towOL the interior. This point by a narrow, coral reef which partly dries. This portion of the slopes down, forming a saddle whi ~xtends across in an E coast is steep-to and may be safely approached up to a distance of 0.5 mile. Dumali Point is marked by a light. and W direction at a very slight eleva rn. Mount Dumali, 761m high, and densely wooded to its Anahauan Point (13' 11'N., 121 ' 2TE), densely wooded and bordered by low cliffs and rocks, lies about 2.25 miles S of summit, is prominent. It lies 2.5 miles W of Dumali Point. Balingawan Point. The coast be ~n Tujud Island and Magnetic disturbances are reported to exist offshore between ented. The mountains Dumali and Cala pan Points. Variations of 4' W have been Anahauan Point is very rugged and close to the coast in this vicinity are d e ely wooded and attain observed between Dumali Point and Calapan Point. an elevation of over 425m. Pola Bay (13' lO'N. , 121 ' 28'E.), e ~ed between Anahauan Luzon-Bantigui Point to Bondoc Point Point and Dayup Point, abou 4.25 rLks SE, indents the coast to a distance of about 2.5 miles in a • W direction. The bay is 2.32 Bantigui Point (l3' 41'N., 121 ' 28'E.), a wooded ' ~rs and the shores are headland 108m high, is a prominent landmark when entering reported to be deep and clear of d Tayabas Bay. It is steep-to on its S and E sides, but its N side is generally steep-to. fringed by a coral reef which gradually widens as it approaches Dayap Point ( 13' 09'N., 12 1' 30'E.) "Vhich is formed by the N extremity of a spur, is bordered b} ::iffs and large boulders. Coloconto Bay. 28'E.) is located about 23 The spur extends N from a sharp and ·oded peak, 426m high, Mount Banahao (14' 04'N., 121 ' located about 1.25 miles inland. miles N of Bantigui Point and 12 miles from the head of Tiguihan Cove is located about 2 les SSW of Anahauan Tayabas Bay. It is a prominent landmark, 2 , 177m high, and Point. The shores of the cove are fri~d with reefs, leaving a conspicuous when not obscured by clouds. small area near the entrance where :> mall craft with local Tayabas Bay (13'50'N., 121 '40'E.) is deep and clear of knowledge can take sheltered anchonge. dangers in its middle part and in its approach from the SW. It is generally exposed to S winds and offers no protection during Tuntung Point, the rocky proj ectio• rrning the S side of the cove, is located at the head of the t. in a position about 4 the typhoon season. miles W of Dayap Point. Numerous shoals and dangers front the shores of the bay and A prominent rock, 5.5m high, is C3ted about137m SE of the W face of Bondoc Peninsula. Tuntung Point. About 23m E of the t visible at a distance of 1 mile. Subunguin Point (13 °18'N., 122°3 E.), about 3 miles S of Aurora, is quite prominent and high Mangroves fringe the point and a reef extends out almos t 1 mile N and a short distance W. Almost directly S of Subunguin Pc · t, Aguasa Bay indents the peninsula. The head of the bay is f ·nged by a wide drying reef. A detached reef, with a depth of 2.lm, lies off the entrance of the bay, about 0.9 mile SSW of a steep cliff. This cliff, which is nearly 30m high, stands on the SW side of Subunguin Point. Small vessels can anchor in the mjddle of the bay, in depths of from 5 to 9m. Pinamuntangan Bay (13 °15'N ., 122 °30'E.) lies close N of Pinamuntangan Point, located 3 miles S of Subunguin Point. There are several detached shoals that lie in the N part of the bay about 0 .35 mile offshore. There is a sandy beach at the head of the bay. Pinamuntangan Point (13 °15'N., 122 °30'E.) is densely wooded, fringed with mangroves, and surrounded by a very narrow coral reef. Bondoc Point (13 °10'N., 122°36'E.), the S extremity of Bondoc Peninsula, is a prominent formation of limestone, with a bluff about 15.2m high, rising from a base of old coral; it is surrounded by a narrow reef. The point is very bold , gray in color, and appear as a masonry structure. It is clear of dangers and steep-to. Bondoc Head, about 405m high and prominent, is located about 1.5 miles NNW of the point. Marinduque Island 2.45 Marinduque Island (13 °23'N., 121 °58'E.), which is separated from Bondoc Peninsula by Mompog Pass, lies E of the E entrance to Verde Island Passage. The island is mountainous and well wooded. There are several prominent peaks on the island, but Mount Marlanga, 1,18lm high is the highest; it is located in the S part of Marinduque. There are five towns, all of which are settled, on the island's coast or near the coast and serve as sheltered anchorage according to the season. The three harbors of refuge are Port Balanacan, Santa Cruz, and Masagasi Bay. The coasts of Marinduque, with the exception of the NE, are for the most part steep-to, with the 20m curve lying as far as 1 mile offshore. Mompog Pass ( 13"33'N., 122"12'E.) lies between Thquian Po int and Maniuayan and Mompog Islands. The channel has a least width of 3.5 miles in the fairway between Mompog Island and Puting Buhangin Shoal , mentioned earlier. In Mompog Pass the flood current sets SE and the ebb NW, but caution is advised when navigating in this area because there are strong and irregular currents both in the pass and between it and Bondoc Point. Marinduque Island-North Side 2.46 San Andres Islands (13°34'N., 121 °51'E.) are two small islands , 39m and 41m high, extending about 1 mile W from Silangan Point, the NW extremity of Marinduque Island. There is no channel between the islands, and at very low tides the reef which connects them with the point dries. There are rips immediately to theW of the islands . San Andres Point (13 °34'N., 121 o52'E.), theN extremity of Marinduque Island, is a small steep-to peninsula 270m high . Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon The N coast of Marinduque between San Andres Point and Santa Cruz Point, about 8.5 miles E, is rugged and very irregular. This section of the coast is divided into two bays by Trapichihan Point, located about midway between the two above points. Sayao Bay, the W bay, indents the coast to a distance of about 1.5 miles in a S direction. A narrow reef fringes its shores , but the bay is deep and clear of dangers in its middle part. Calancan Bay, the E bay, i fringed with reefs and is foul inside a line joining Trapichihan Point and Santa Cruz Point. The Banot Islands extend 2 miles E and 1 mile NE from Trapichihan Point. Hakupan Island, which is the outer island of this group , lie about 1 mile NE of Trapichihan Point. It is high and bold but not prominent. A shoal, with a depth of 7 .8m. lies about 0.25 mile NNW of Hakupan Island . Lusok, a small village, stands near the SE comer of Calancan Bay. Santa Cruz Point (13°33'N. , 122 . 00'E.) , the W point of the N entrance to Santa Cruz Harbor, is over 30m high, and prominent. The N side of the point is fringed by a narrow reef. A shoal, with a depth of 4.5m, lies about 0.5 mile NW of the point. Reefs and foul ground , parts of which dry, extend about 3 miles ESE from Santa Cruz Point. The E edge of this foul ground forms the W side of the N channel leading into Santa Cruz Harbor. 2.47 Santa Cruz Harbor (13 . 30'N., 122.04'E.) (World Port Index No. 58315) lie between the NE coast of Marinduque Island and the W and S coasts of Santa Cruz Island (described in paragraph 2.49) . The harbor, which is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway, serves as a port of refuge and a port of call for coastal shipping. Some copra is loaded at the port. Two shallow rivers, the Santa Cruz River and the Tagum River, discharge into the SW part of the harbor. The town of Santa Cruz is located about 0.75 mile SW of the mouth of the Santa Cruz River. Depths-Limitations.-Port Buyabud, which can be identified by its lengthy pier, is located on the S side of the mouth of the Santa Cruz River, in a position about 0.5 mile S of Tabignan Point, the new entrance point of the river. It is the loading place for the village of Santa Cruz. The N entrance channel lies between the E edge of the foul ground and reefs extending 3 miles ESE from Santa Cruz Point, and theW side of the reef extending 0.5 mile N from the NW side of Santa Cruz Island. The channel is about 0.5 mile wide with depths of 24 to 50m in the fairway. Within the entrance the shore reefs are narrow and fairly steep-to on either side of the channel. The E entrance channel lies between the S edge of the reef extending 0.35 mile SE from the SE end of Santa Cruz Island , and theN edge of a detached reef with depths of 4.5 to 5.5m, located about 1.25 miles E of Mango Point. The entrance is about 0.25 mile wide , with a least depth of about 14.6m in the fairway . Within the entrance the shore reefs are narrow and fairly steep-to on either side of the channel. Pub.l62 During the rising tide a weak current sets in through the N channel and out through the E channel. The reverse occurs during the falling tide . A light is located on the fringing reef on the W side of Santa Cruz Harbor, in a position about 4 miles SE of Santa Cruz Point. It has been reported that the light structure may be difficult to distinguish during the day. The N entrance channel is marked by a pair of buoys moored on the edge of the fringing reefs 1.75 miles N of the light. Another buoy is moored 1.25 miles N of the light structure and marks the edge of the reef on the W side of the channel. There is an ore pier at Baloga , about 0.4 mile N of the light structure. The T-shaped pier, 55.8m long, 13.8m wide with a depth alongside of 10.lm, can take vessels with a draft of 9m. The pier lies in a 31T -137" direction at the head of a causeway 387m long, built out from the shore. Pier No. 2 is 39m long and 12.6m wide. Concrete dolphins are provided off each end of the pier to take mooring lines. Pilotage.-Pilotage is not compulsory. A pilot can be obtained from Manila if required . Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage in the S part of the harbor, in a depth of 16.5m, oft mud , with the S extremity of Santa Cruz Island bearing 091 • and the SW extremity of the same island bearing 335". The usual anchorage for small craft desirous of communicating with Santa Cruz is SE of Tabignan Point. Vessels awaiting a berth at the ore pier can anchor in midchannel, abreast the pier, in depths of 27 to 29m , mud. Directions.-Entrance into Santa Cruz Harbor should be attempted only during daytime. Vessels entering via the N channel should not bring Santa Cruz Point to bear more than 270° until the E extemity of that island , bearing 130•, in order to give the foul ground on the W side of the entrance a good berth. When the light on the W side bears 189. steer for that, passing between the buoys marking each side of the reefs at the entrance until well in ide, when a mid-channel course may be kept to the anchorage. Ships bound for the ore pier can steer a course of 180• from a position a little over 2 miles N by W of theN end of Santa Cruz Light bears 186. at this position. Steer 180° for Tabignan Point until abeam or due W of the N end of Santa Cruz Island . Then steer 190• until abreast the 8.2m shoal off the W coast of that island. After that, a course can be shaped for the pier, docking portside to. Vessels entering Santa Cruz Harbor via the E channel should steer for the light on theW side of the harbor bearing 282. until Mango Point on the S side of the channel is abeam. The course should then be altered directly for the recommended anchorage. Caution.-Care must be taken to avoid the detached reef, with depths of 4.5 to 5.5m on the S side of the entrance to the channel. A dangerous sunken wreck has been reported at the E entrance. about 1.8 miles E of Mango Point. 2.48 Tagum Point (13 . 27'N., 122.08'E.), about 3.5 miles SE of Mango Point, is high and rugged. Conspicuous are the Tagum Peak that rise within Tagum Po int in a steep slope . Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon The E and higher peak, located 0.75 mile NNW of Tagum Point, is 178m high, well defined fro e offing and wooded. TheW peak, located about 0.5 mile!" of the E peak, is 162m high, and covered with grass. These reaks appear sharp when viewed from the N. Several shoals, with depths of fro:r 6 to 9m, lie within 0.6 mile E and SE of the point. The 20m about 0.5 mile NE of the NE extremity of the island. The crBDDel between this island and Santa Cruz Island, which was · t discussed, is 0.5 mile wide and has a depth of 12.4m in mid channel. A detached shoal, with a reef that dries on its SE side, lies on the W side of the channel in a posiLc n about 1 mile NNW of theE extremity of Santa Cruz Island Tagum Point, in range with the s.omtit of the easternmost hill on Salomague Island, bearing 1:5 ~}", will carry a vessel through this channel. In following tki.> range S, when the S tangent of Santa Cruz bears 270°, Lhange to 142° so as to provide a wide berth off the sunken reck 0.9 mile SE of the SE point of Santa Cruz Island. Mompog Island (13°31'N., 122°1lc.), the outer danger off the NE coast of Marinduque, lies a· ut 9.5 miles E of Santa Cruz Point, the NE extremity of 1\ ·nduque. The island is 86m high, and is steep-to on its E sire. Mompog is fringed on its N, E, and S sides by narrow, steer-to reefs. On theW side the reef is wider, and in places it .:ontinues to Maniuayan Island, lying about 2 miles W. The channel between Mompog Is lnd and Maniuayan Island is about 1.25 miles wide between the 1Om curves fronting the islands. A least depth of 8.2m is fou 11 the fairway. The bottom is very rocky and irrefUlar. The E extremity of Salomague Island in range, bearing 84 °, with the third knoll on Salomague Point, the E extrerr:i-y of Marinduque, leads through the channel between the twc• lands in a least depth of 11.3m. Vessels are cautioned to keep clostly on this range in order to pass E of the above-mentioned 8.2m patch. Marinduque Island-East Si e 2.50 Salomague Island (13 °25:'l"., 122°08'E.) extends about 2 miles SSE from a position a:nnt 1.5 miles S of Tagum Point. The NW and SE extremities cf the island are low, and fringed by reefs as far as 0.25 mile cfshore. The summit of the island, 73m hig is near the center of the island. On the SE side of the islan is a brown, rocky cliff about 36m high. The NE or seaward side of the island is fringed with reefs which extend about 0.3 mile offshore at the N end, tapering to the rocky cliff mentioned above. Masagasai Bay (13 °25'N., 122 °07'E.), a port of refuge for small vessels, is formed by a large, irregular indentation in the coast of Marinduque, between Tagum Point and Salomague Point, about 5 miles SSE. The bay is almost entirely occupied by Salomague Island. The channel between the island and the coast of Marinduque is narrow and shallow in the middle, W of the center of the island, but expands at either end into irregularly shaped basins of moderate size and depth. Anchorage.-Small vessels can take anchorage in the northern end of the bay, W of the N end of Salomague Island, in depths of 7 to 9m. Directions.-To enter Masagasai Bay a vessel should steer for the conical hill, 98m high, located about 2 miles W of the N extremity of Salomague Island, bearing 260°. When Tagum Point bears 01 7", the course should be altered to 197" with the point directly astern, until the conical hill bears 284°, then a direct course may be steered for the anchorage. Caution.-Entering through the S end is not recommended because of the narrow, intricate channel leading between the reefs. 2.51 Salomague Point (13 °22'N., 122°09'E.), the E extremity of Marinduque, located about 1.5 miles S of the SE extremity of Salomague Island, is formed by low cliffs. The 20m curve fronts the point at a distance of less than 0.25 mile. Torrijos Bay (13°19'N., 122°05'E.), a small bay, is entered about 4.25 miles SW of Salomague Point. It indents the coast to a distance of about 0.2 mile in a NW direction. The bay affords shelter to small vessels, except from S and E winds. Torrijos, a small town, stands on the high ground on the W side of the bay. The school buildings in the town are visible from most directions. The entrance points and the sides of the bay are fringed with coral, narrowing the entrance to a width of 0.15 mile, and contracting the inner part to a width of about 0.125 mile. Small vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, in a depth of 12.8m. Marlanga Bay (13 o16'N., 122°03'E.), an open bight, is entered about 4 miles SSW of Torrijos Bay. It indents the coast to a distance of about 1 mile in a W direction and is entered between Cabuyo Point and Panique Point, about 2 miles SSW. The bay is fully exposed to E winds and for the most part is very deep. Anchorage can be taken, in 22 to 27m, sand, about 0.4 mile from the S shore of the bay. Marlanga Point (13 °13'N., 122 °02'E.), the SE extremity of Marinduque and located about 2.5 miles SSW of Panique Point, is a bold headland rising to a height of 280m about 0.2 mile inland. Marinduque Island-South Side 2.52 Suban Point (13 °12'N., 122°00'E.), the S extremity of Marinduque, is bold and steep-to. The land within the point rises steeply to Mount Marlanga, about 2.5 miles N. Elefante Islet is a small, round, rocky islet located about 0.5 mile SSW of Subin Point. The islet is 117m high, sparsely Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon wooded, and steep-to on all sides. The mariner will find this a very prominent landmark, particularly when viewed from E or W. Tidal currents set strongly through the channel between Elefante Island and the S coast of Marinduque. Anchorage is available on a small helf extending N from the islet, in 24m, sandy bottom, with the E extremity of the island bearing 180°. Tres Reyes Islands (13 °14'N., 121 °50'E.) are a group of three small, densely wooded , urunhabited islands, lying about I.7 5 miles from the SW side of Marinduque. 2.53 Baltasar Island (13 °14'N., 121 °49'E.), the outermost and highest island, is 108m high and lies about 4.5 miles SW of Catala Point. This point is located on the SW side of Marinduque about 10 miles NW of the S end of the island. A light marks Baltasar Island. It is shown from a round metal tower, 19m high, standing on the summit of the island. Melchor, the rrtiddle island, is 76m high , and lies about 3.5 rrtiles SW of the same point. Gaspar, the inner island, is 82m high and lies about 1.75 rrtiles SSW of the above point. The coasts of these islands are bordered by precipitous cliffs greatly underwom by the sea. These cliffs are highest on the SW side of each island , where they reach a height of about 6lm. The two outer islands are steep-to, but a reef and rocks extend about 0.125 mile NE from the NE side of Gaspar Island. The channels between the three islands are deep and clear of dangers. A shoal, with a depth of 8.5m, lies in the channel between Gaspar Island and the SW coast of Marinduque, about 0.75 rrtile S of Catala Point. The channel between this shoal and Gaspar is about 0.8 mile wide and 44m deep in the rrtiddle ; the channel between the shoal and Marinduque is about 0.5 rrtile wide and has a depth of 28m in the rrtiddle. Gasan (13 °20'N., 121 °51'E.) (World Port Index No. 58310) is located on a low bluff, from 6 to 15m high, about 2 miles SE of Obung Point (13 o21'N., 121 o49'E.). The most prorrtinent building in the town is a white warehouse, with an iron roof, standing near the beach in the N part of the town. A hill, with a ruined fort , is located behind the town and is reported to be conspicuous . Gasan Light is shown from a concrete tower, 10m high, in the town. The light is obscured by Tre Reyes Islands. Anchorage.-There is anchorage about 0.5 rrtile W of Gasan, in depths of from 13 to 15m, sand, but it is only protected from the Northeast Monsoon. Smaller vessels may anchor closer in. It is reported that there is better anchorage available, in a depth of 27m, with the conspicuous warehouse bearing 035°, Gasan Light bearing 114 °, and Baltasar Light bearing about 191". These anchorages are untenable during the Southwest Monsoon. 2.54 Boac (13 °27'N., 121 °50'E.), situated about 1.5 miles in from the coast, is the principal town on Marinduque Island, and the capital of the Province. The Boac River divides about 1 rrtile from the sea, the main stream flowing W and reaching the sea just S of Lupac Point (13 °27'N., 121 •49'E.). Pub.162 This point, which is theW extrerrtity of the island, is low, fiat and sandy, and bordered by coconut palms. The Laylay River, the smaller branch, flows SW and reaches the sea at the village of Lay lay about 0.5 rrtile SE of the mouth of the Boac River. The small village of Laylay is the usual landing place for Boac, and copra is loaded at the anchorage off the town. Boac Light is shown from a concrete tower, 7m high, standing on the beach at the mouth of the Lay lay River. Postal, radio , and telegraph services are available at Boac but there are no repair services, stores, dry provisions , water, or fuel oil. Medical facilities are located at the Public Health Center at Boac, but only emergency cases will be treated. The 20m curve fronts the coast at a distance of less than 0.5 rrtile in the vicinity of the mouths of the two rivers , but within this curve the water shoals rapidly. The Boac River is reported to be continually shifting its bed, and to vary greatly in the amount of its discharge. A depth of 22m lies abou t 1.25 rrtiles WSW of the light, close within the 200m curve. The usual anchorage for Boac is from about 0.25 to 0.35 rrtile W of Laylay Light, in depths of 22 to 27m. The anchorage, which is exposed to the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon , must be approached with caution as the water shoals very rapidly. Ulan Point (13 °30'N., 121 ·51 'E.) is located about 3.5 rrtiles NE of Lupac Point. It is fring ed by a coral reef which extends about 0.35 mile offshore. Ulan Bay, encumbered by reefs, is of no value to navigation . A good landmark is a prorrtinent white tank which stands at the head of the bay. Pamuntangan Point (13 °31'N., 121"51'E.), lying about 1 rrtile NNE of Ulan Point, is 97m high 0.25 rrtile within its extrerrtity and is well-wooded. 2.55 Port Balanacan (13 °32'N., 121 °52'E.) (World Port Index No. 58300) is made up of two small but perfectly protected anchorages to accommodate moderate-sized vessels. The harbor is backed by high hill , and except for one reef in the entrance, is free from dangers. Directions.-To enter Port Balanacan an E course should be steered so as to pass about 0.3 rrtile N of Pamuntangan Point. When the light on the E shore bears 060 . , the cour e should be altered to that bearing until the W extrerrtity of Salvaria Islet is in range 019 ° with Pig Point, about 0.25 rrtile NNE. This range leads to the outer anchorage. Vessels proceeding to the inner basin shou ld continue on this range for a short distance and then pass fairly close W of Salvaria Islet and then NE to the recommended anchorage. A narrow reef extends about 0.5 rrtile SSW from a position about 0.25 mile SSW of Tactacan Point. Agpisan and Ataa Islands are found on this reef lying 0.3 rrtile and 0.5 rrtile SSW, respectively, off Tactacan Point. Both islands are dome-shaped , about 15.2m high, and wooded at their sumrrtits. Pinnacle Rock, 2.4m high, lies near the outer edge of the reef about 137m SW of Ataa Island. Magdumug Islet, lying on the outer edge of a reef which extends about 0.2 rrtile S from a position about 0.5 rrtile SSE of Tactacan Point, is 44m high and wooded. Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon A light brown cliff, about 27m high, is located on the W side of the islet. A detached reef, defined by the 5.5 curve, lies from 0.15 to 0.3 mile SW of the W extremity of rAagdumug Islet. A rock, which dries, lies on its E edge. This reef does not show well. The S edge of the reef and the S sid= of the i let form the N side of the channel leading to the outer anchorage. Bacood Bay, which slightly inder the SW shore of the entrance, lies between Pamuntangan Point and Bacood Point, about 0.5 mile ENE. A ruined pier extends NW fro m Bccood Point. A rock, with a depth of 0.9 m, lies about 9lm NW o Bacood Point. A pier extends N from the same po , and several mooring buoys are laid in this area of Port Bala acan. Two dangerous sunken wrecks are ported to lie in this bay in positions about 0.2 mile and 0.3 rru WSW, respectively, of Bacood Point; these positions are alsc· reported doubtful. The E shore of the outer harbor between Bacood Point and Salvaria Point, about 0.75 mile NNE, is indented and fronted by shoals as far as 0.15 mile offshore. The village of Balanacan stands oa the E shore of the port, about 0.6 mile ENE of Bacood Poin A yellow bluff, about 7.6m high, stands about 0.15 mile N o• the vi llage. Port Balanacan Light is shown from a tower, 8m high, standing close N of the prominent ye bluff. 2.56 Salvaria Point (13°32'N., I::!.1c52'E.) is located about 0.375 mile NNW of the village of Balanacan. A pier extends from theW side of Salvaria Point a depth of 3.4m at its head. A stranded wreck lies about l 3m SSW of Salvaria Point. Salvaria Islet, small , rocky, and nearly awash, lies on the E side of the entrance to the inner basin in a position about 9lm NW of Salvaria Point. Shoals and fo ground connect the islet to the shore E and S. The narrow channel connecting the t:ter anchorage with the inner basin is about 54m wide and haE least depth of 11 .5m in the fairway. The inner basi n is contracted to a width of about 183m and a length of 0.3 mile by shoals fronting its shore as far as 0 .3 mile offshore. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage about 0.15 mile E of Magdumug Islet, in depths of 20m m ud. Anchorage can also be taken in the somewhat restricted inner basin in a position about 0.2 mile NE of Salvaria Islet, in depths of about 12.8m, mud. Ragay Gulf 2.57 Ragay Gulf (13 °30'N .. 122°45'E.) indents the coast of Luzon in a NNW direction for about 60 miles and then narrows down to a width of about 6 miles at tl': e navigable portion of its head. Ragay Gulf is generally deep and clear of dangers. The shores are fringed by narrov.. coral reefs interspersed with sand and gravel beaches. The h s rise abruptly from the shore and are generally wooded. At the head of the gulf the land sic pes more gradually from 0.25 to 0.5 mile inland, and then ri:;es steeply in ridges and valleys to the higher hills inland. The gulf, with the Vinas River discharging into its head, nearly separates the SE part of Luzon from the main portion of the island. T he 20m curve, which fronts the head of the gulf as far as 2 miles, lies quite close to the W and E shores of the gulf. The outer coastal dangers, on the W side of the gulf, lie about 3 miles offshore, and those on the E side, about 2.5 miles offshore. Ragay Gulf-West Side 2.58 Pagsanhan Point (13oll'N., 122o38'E.), located about 3 miles NE of Bondoc Point, is low, wooded, and fringed by a narrow reef. Two small detached reefs lie off the point. The outer reef is awash. Close N of the point, the Pagsanhan River discharges, with a depth of 1.2m on its bar. Arena Point (13 °14'N., 122°42'E.) lies 4.25 miles ENE of Pagsanhan Point. Mount San Andres, 402m high, about 6 miles NNW of the point, and another peak about 1.75 miles farther N, are prominent due to their summits being covered with tall grass. The tidal currents are strong off Arena Point. Sombocogon Bay (13 °16'N. , 122°4l'E.), small in extent and mostly foul, slightl y indents the coast about 2.75 miles N of Arena Point. Alibijaban Island (13 °2l'N., 122°43'E.) is a narrow island lying 2 miles off the coast in a position about 6 miles N of Arena Point. The N and S ends of the island are both wooded, and 48m and 19.8m high, respectively. The middle of the island, which is low and bordered with mangroves, causes the island to appear as two islands when viewed from the offing. The E and W sides of the island are fairly steep-to. The island is fringed with a coral reef which extends 0.75 mileS and 0.25 mile N. Several detached shoals, with depths of from 2.3 to 7.3m, lie about 1 mile off the coast in an area 2 miles long and 0.25 mile wide, with the S extremity about 2.75 miles NW of the N extremity of Alibijaban Island. Palad Reef (13°27'N., 122°42'E.) is located 4.75 miles N of Alibigaban Island and extends about 2 miles NNW. A small cay, which dries 1.5m, sta nds near the middle of the reef. The channel between the reef and the coast to the W is about 2 miles wide and there are some shoals, with depths of 10 to 18m. A shoal, with a depth of 11.4m, lies about 2.5 miles NW of the cay. Pusgo Reef (13 °30'N., l22°38'E.), with a lea t depth of 2.7m, lies about 1.25 miles SSE of Pusgo Point, the SE extremity of the peninsula which forms the NE side of Port Pus go. 2.59 Port Pusgo (13 °32'N., 122o36'E.) is entered between the N entrance point of the Bigol River and Pusgo Point, about 2 miles NNE. The narrow inlet extends about 5 miles NW into the E side of Bondoc Peninsula. The W shore of the inlet and part of the E shore is fronted with mangroves. Buhangin, a small village, stands on the NE side of the inner entrance to the port about 1.75 miles NW of Pusgo Point. The town of San Narciso stands at the head of the inlet. Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon The 5.5m curve fronts theW shore of the outer entrance to a distance of about 0.75 mile. The channel between this curve and the reef fringing the S and SW sides of the peninsula forming theE side of the inlet has a least depth of 6.4m. It passes along the SW side of the peninsula, narrowing to a width of about 91m in the vicinity of Buhangin, and continues narrow to a position about 1 mile NW of the town. The inner part of the inlet N and W of this channel is very shoal. Small vessels with local knowledge can take protected anchorage in the inner part of the inlet, about 0.5 mile NW of Buhangin, in depths of 7.3m, mud . 2.60 Gorda Point (13. 32'N., 122. 38'E.), located 1.25 miles NNW of Pus go Point, is high and steep. The reef which fringes Port Pusgo continues around Gorda Point to the NW, extending 91 to 183m from shore. Two detached shoals, with depths of 4.5m and 0.9m lie 4.5 miles and 5 miles, respectively, NW of Gorda Point. Guinhalinan Point (13 .40'N., 122. 30'E.) , about 11 miles NW of Gorda Point, is low and forms the S side of the entrance to the Guinhalinan River. A shoal, with a least depth of l Orn, lies about 5.75 miles E of Guinhalinan Point. Peris Bay (13 . 42'N., 122. 30'E.) is entered between Guinhalinan Point and Lian Point, about 4.5 miles NNE. The bay indents the coast to a distance of about 2 miles in a W direction, and is fully exposed to E winds. Lian Point (13. 44'N., 122. 31'E.) stands out on this part of the coast and rises to a height of 91m less than 0.5 mile from shore. The Peris River is a small stream discharging into the bay at a point 2.5 miles W of Lian Point. A coral reef, which extends about 0.25 mile S from Lian Point, fringes the N side of the bay. The head of the bay is fronted by a mudbank to a distance of about 1 mile which considerably reduces the available space. Vessels , with local knowledge, can take anchorage in the NW part of the bay, in depths of from 7 to 11m, mud . A shoal, with a least depth of 3.6m, lies 2 miles N of Lian Point. Capuluan Point (13 .49'N., 122. 31'E.), located 5 miles N of Lian Point, is low and bordered by mangroves. A prominent rock, which dries except at the highest tide, marks the outer end of a reef which extends 0.2 mile E from the point. A shoal, with a least depth of 0.3m, lies 1 mile E of the point. A shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, lies 0.5 mile E of Capuluan Point. The small coves on either side of the point are shoal and of no importance to navigation. Capuluan Reef (13 .49'N., 122. 34'E.), which dries 1.5m, lies about 2 miles E of Capuluan Point. The channel between the reef and the dangers off the point is 1 mile wide, deep, and clear of dangers in the fairway . 2.61 Guinayangan (13. 54'N., 122. 27'E.), about 6.5 miles NW of Capuluan Point, is the largest town in Rag ay Gulf. Small vessels can obtain anchorage about 1.25 miles ESE of the town, in a depth of of 5.5m, mud . The Vinas River (13. 55'N. , 122.27'E.) is entered between Guinayangan and Sibalun Islet, about 2.5 miles ENE. The river, which has a depth of 2.4m over its outer bar, extends about 4 miles NW to its narrow inner entrance. Pub.162 The channel leading into the river is very narrow and lies between extensive mudbanks which extend from both shores and partially dry. Local knowledge is necessary when entering the river. The 9.1m curve extends across the mouth of the Vinas River, at the head of the gulf, from a position about 3 miles SE of Guinayangan. Within the curve the dep ths decrease gradually and are very shallow in the vicinity of the town. Acha Reef, with a depth of 0.5m, lies about 3.25 miles E of Guinayangan. The reef is steep-to, but a shoal extends over 1 mileS from the shore to theN, with a depth of 0.3m at its outer end. Caution must be exercised when navigating in this vicinity, as the water is often muddy and the shoals cannot be distinguished. 2.62 Sibalun Islet (13. 55'N. , 122. 30'E.) is located about 2.5 miles ENE of Guinayangan. The islet is a coral reef overgrown with trees, some of which are from 12 to 15m high. At high tide, the islet is connected to the shore by a long narrow sand bar. Tagkawayan Bay (13. 56'N., 122. 33'E.) is entered between Awasan Point and Mambulao Point. about 1.5 miles E. The bay indents the NE comer of the gulf about 2.5 miles. The greater part of bay is shoal. Tagkawayan (Tagcawayan), a small lumber port, stands at the head of the bay. It is connected by rail with other Luzon towns. Lumber is rafted out to ships in the anchorage. There is a telegraph tation , and the sawmill maintains direct radio communications with Manila. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage just inside the entrance points, in depths of 9 to 13m, mud. The anchorage is protected from all but SW winds by the surrounding high hills. Ragay Gulf-East Side 2.63 Catabangan Bay (13 . 52'N ., 122. 37'E.) , indenting the coast about 6 miles SE of Tagkawayan Bay, is entered between Kilbay Point and Bagutayoc Point. The shores of the bay are fringed with coral. Between the entrance points of the bay, approximately in the middle, there is a shoal with a depth of 12.4m. Throughout the greater part of Catabangan Bay, there are depths of over 18.3m. Catabangan (13. 53'N., 122. 38'E.) (World Port Index No. 58230) is a small loading port located on the S side of the Catabangan River about 2.5 miles NE of Bagutayoc Point. The port is reported to be the site of a sawmill. The S entrance point of the Catabangan River is marked by a concrete pole, 9.7m high. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off the mouth of the river, in depths of from 11 to 15m. Omon Point (13.48'N., 122.41'E.), SE of Catabangan Bay, is quite high, clear, and steep-to . When entering Ragay Bay from N this point can be safely rounded within 183m. Ragay Bay (13. 48'N., 122. 42'E.) indents the coast about 1.75 miles in a NE and E direction, and is entered between Omon Point and Otoc Point on the Luzon coast. Four small rivers flow out into the bay but are all shallow and nearly closed by sand bars at LW. Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon The town of Ragay, which is c" nnected to the general telegraph system, is located about 2.5 miles inland from the head of the bay. Vessels with local knowledge can .ake anchorage on the E side of the bay, in depths of from 11 t 18m. 2.64 Port Ragay (13 . 5l'N., 12L'39'E.) (World Port Index No. 58220) is situated about 5 mileE -fW of Ragay Bay. It is a small loading port, exporting logs and some copra. Caima Bay (13 . 43'N., 122. 49'E.), •hich is open to the W, indents the coast about 4 miles. T"n= shores of the bay are fringed by coral, and a narrow stri of mangroves extends along the beach. Otoc Point (13 . 47'N., 122. 43'E. l I S the W extremity of Saboon Island, which is separated om the mainland by a narrow channel which dries. Foul ground, with a rock awash near its outer end, extends about 0.75 'leW from the point. Anchorage.-Vessels with Joe knowledge can take anchorage, in depths of 14.5m, NE of Bantuin Point. This anchorage is protected by the point 3Ild by Carabang Island and Galvaney Island during the Sout:: est Monsoon. Anchorage can also be taken SW o-Binahaan village, about 1 mile offshore, in depths of from 9 1c 15m, mud. The village is located about 4.5 mile~ NE of Bantuin Point. Bantuin Point (13.39'N., 122·4~':3.), 164m high, extends about 1.5 miles from the coast. It ha s .... conspicuous sharp peak near its extremity which is steep-tc n its seaward side and looks like an island from a di stance. A prominent 493m peak is locar d about 4 miles SE of Bantuin Point. It is reported that a ....,hite scar on its side is conspicuous, and the peak is visi ble fom nearly all parts of the gulf. Carabang Island, 59m high, lies a narrow reef which extends 1.25 miles NW from BarEu n Point. The island is steep-to on its seaward side. Galvaney Island, 73m high , and a la:'ge rock 12.2m high NW of it, lie on the reef extending from nLUtuin Point. These dangers are steep-to on the p lf side, but there is foul ground between them and the point. Tanuan Point (13 . 3 l'N. , 122. 58'E ). about 13 miles SE of the prominent point of Bantuin Poirt, is the location of the town of Dalopaon. Vessels can take anchorage off D '"paon, but rather close in because of the great depths. 2.65 Pasacao Anchorage (13 . 30 _, 123. 03'E.), a loading area for logs and copra, lies bet-.=en Pasacao Point and Refugio Island. The shore of the cove I S fringed by a reef with sand and mud covering it. Pasacao, a small town, stands or: lhe N side of the bight about 0 .75 mile N of Pasacao Point A 44m pier, with a warehouse, has a dep th of 2.lm amgside. No fresh water, stores, or provisions are obtainable.. A resident government health officer is in attendance. Ther~ I S a telegraph station in the town. Refugio Island, 61m high , i frin!'al by a steep-to reef that extends about 137m S from its S side. The channel between the island and the coast NE of it is deep ud clear of dangers, but is reduced to a width of about 0.2 mile ty a reef extending about 0.25 mile SW from the shore. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in depths of 5 to 9m, mud, but is open to the SW. At times a choppy sea sets in and makes cargo-handling operations extremely difficult. Jamuraon Bay (13 . 26'N., 123. 10'E.) is located about 8.5 miles SE of Refugio Island. This open bight is entered between Sibono Point and Tongon Point The town of Jamuraon stands at the head of the bay. Sibono Point is quite easy to identify as it has two peaks contrasting sharply against the higher ground inland . Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off the small town of Jamuraon, in depths of 5 to 11m, but it should be noted that outside the coastal bank the bottom drops off steeply. Tongon Point (13 . 23'N., 123 . 12'E.) can be identified by the precipitous bluff, about 6lm high, on its S side. The N side of the point is low. Caurusan Point (Kaurusan Point) (13.21'N., 123. 12'E.), about 2.5 miles SSE of Tongon Point, can be identified by its pyramidal shape, the tall grass on the S side of its extremity, and the steep valley S of it. Coguit Point (13 . 18'N., 123. 14'E.), about 3.5 miles SSE of Courusan Point, is low and covered with brushwood. It is bordered by a sandy beach and fringed by a reef extending about 0.25 mile offshore. A conspicuous grass-covered hill lies between the point and the higher ridge inland. Bedal Point (13. 16'N., 123. 16'E.) is fringed by a narrow reef. A detached reef lies awash, about 0.25 mile S of the point. It is located about 2.5 miles SE of Coguit Point. 2.66 Pantao Bay (13.12'N., 123 . 19'E.), small in area and which indents the coast in a SE direction, lies immediately NE of Caunbalan Point. The bay affords good anchorage for small vessels with local knowledge, but is exposed to the NW. A light-colored cliff, 36m high, stands on the top of a grasscovered ridge about 2.5 miles N of Pantao Bay. It is a good landmark. Caunbalan Point (13.11'N., 123 . 18'E.) serves as a good landmark for vessels in this area as it is quite high with a number of large rocks at the foot of the cliffs. The point is fringed by a coral reef. Mount Pantao, 460m high, is located about 3.25 miles ESE of Caunbalan Point and is easily identifiable. Apud Reef (13 .09'N ., 123. 17'E.) stands on a shoal, as defined by the 9 . 1 m curve, which extends about 1.5 miles NW from a position close NW of the point. Apud Reef is an extensive reef that bares over an area about 1 mile long and 0.5 mile wide. A rock lies, awash at LW, about 0.75 mile NW of the main reef. The channel between the reef and the point is about 0.3 mile wide. A shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, lies in mid-channel NW of Apud Point to which it is connected by a ridge covered by somewhat deeper water. The narrow channel lying to the W of the 4.9m shoal has a depth of 14.6m. Vessels with local knowledge can take fairly good protection in Mabato Bay eastward of Apud Reef, but vessels should anchor well toward the point. Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Apud Point (13 °09'N ., 123 °17'E.), located about 2.75 miles SSW of Caunbalan Point, is low, covered with mangroves, brushwood , and scattered coconut palms. 2.67 Macoto Point (13 °09'N. , 123°17'E.) , located about 5.5 miles S of Apud Point, is bold and prominent. Three wooded hills on the point, the highest 73m, and the low land between them, give the point the appearance of an island from NorS. Bagadamolag Islet, very small in extent, lies 0.25 mile SE of the point close off the fringing reef. A shoal, with a depth of 4m, lies nearly 1 mile NW of Macoto Point. Cagmanaba Bay (13 °03'N., 123 °17'E.), a slight indentation in the coast close S of Macoto Point, affords shelter for small vessels , with local knowledge, from all winds except from S. A hill 32m high is close to the shore near the head of the bay, and Mount Caburauan, 473m high, about 2 miles inland, serves as useful marks for vessels in this vicinity. Cabarian Point (13 °01'N., 123 °19'E.), theE entrance point of Ragay Gulf, is low and wooded. It is fringed by a reef about 183m wide. The point may be identified by a 93m high hill located about 0.5 mile N of the point. A shoal, with a least depth of 18.3m, lies 1 mile W of the point. The coast continuing E of Cabarian Point is described beginning in paragraph 2.75 . Burias Island, Burias Pass, and Off-lying Islands 2.68 Burias Island (13 °00 N., 123 o06'E.) lies in the entrance to Ragay Gulf. The island is predominately mountainous, thinly wooded, and has a steep coast. The shores are bordered by coral reefs , and there are a few stretches of sandy beaches . The slope of Mount Enganoso (12 °52'N., 123°14'E.) may be mistaken for the extremity of the island , a misunderstanding which has caused the loss of several vessels. Mount Enganoso is the highest point on Burias Island, 428m high . Burias Pass (13 oOO'N. , 123 °15 'E.), a wide and deep channel, connects Ticao Pass with Ragay Gulf and separates the E side of Burias Island from the S coast of Luzon. The least width in the pass is between Cabarian Point (13 °01 'N. , 123 °19'E.) and Siargao Point, located about 7.5 miles SW. Caution.-Navigators must exercise caution when approaching Burias Island from the W during periods of low visibility, such as often occurs with the Southwest Monsoon , because the SE end of the island may not always be visible. 2.69 Templo Island (13 °09'N. , 122 °52'E.), 74m high , extends about 3 miles NNW from a position 2.5 miles NW of Cueva Point, the NW extremity of Burias Island. There are some detached rocks on the reef which fringes the S shore of the island, and also on the reef which extends 0.5 mile NE from the N end . Sombrero Islets (13 °09'N., 122°50'E.) consist of two small islets lying close together on a narrow reef, which extends 1.75 miles NNW from a position abo t 1.5 miles WSW of the SW extremity of Templo Island. The N and smaller islet is 32m high and the larger islet is low and covered with brushwood. Pub.l62 Arena Islet ( 13o09'N. , 122o48'E .) lies on a circular reef, about 0.5 mile in diameter, in a position about 2.5 miles WNW of Sombrero Islets. A narrow shoal , as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends 0.5 mile NE from the islet. A shoal, with a depth of 14.6m at its outer end, extends 1 mile N from the islet. Inaguaran Shoal (13 ° 11'N., 122 ° 48'E. ) constitutes the northwesternmost danger in thi s area. The shoal is located about 1.75 miles N of Arena Islet and has a least depth of 5.8m. A clear and deep channel , about 0.75 mile wide, lies between this shoal and the N edge of the shoal bank extending N from Arena Islet. Tinalisayan Islets ( 13 °09'N ., 122 °56'E.) , which are low and sandy, lie on a reef located about 2.5 miles N of Cueva Point, the NW extremity of Burias Island . A channel, about 0.5 mile wide, with a least depth of 12.8m in the fairway, lies between Tinalisayan Islets and the W extremity of Busing Island, about 1.25 miles SE. Tanguingui Islet (13 °11'N. , 122 °56'E.), fringed by a reef, is located about 1.25 miles NNE of Tinalisayan Islets . The channel between thi s islet and Tinalisayan Islets has several shoals , the least depth being 4.5m. A steep-to shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lies about 0.75 mile N of Tanguingui Islet, with a deep passage between. A detached shoal , with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 2.25 miles N of Col orad a Point, the N ex tremity of Burias Island . Anima Sola Islet (13o13'N., 123c03'E.) is a small islet 34m high , located about 5 miles NE of Colorada Point. Burias Island-West Side 2.70 Port Busin (Busing) (13 °08'N. , 122 °58'E.), important as being a typhoon anchorage , lies between the NW side of Burias Island and the S side of Busin Island (Busing Island) . Busin Island , 80m high and wooded , is fringed by a reef which dries in places . Shoal water, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends over 0.5 mile W and ~fromtheW side of the island. The coast of Burias Island that forms the S side of the port is indented by several coves . These coves are for the mos t part foul , but deep water lies close off their entrance points. The W entrance to the port, which is narrow and tortuous, lies between partially drying reefs extending from both shores. A least depth of 9.6m is found in the fairway. The recommended N entrance to the port, which is also narrow, lies between the rather steep E side of Busin Island and the coast of Burias Island. Depths of over 18.3m are found in the fairway. This entrance can be identified by Colorada Point, the N cape of Burias Island , which shows yellow patches among the trees that cover it. The massive bluffs near the entrance are also prominent. San Pascual is used by small inter-island vessels. There is a pier close N of the town , 146m in length. There is a depth of 2.4m at its he ad. Anchorage.-Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage NW of the town of San Pascual, in depths of from 13 to 18m, mud . Directions.-Vessels entering Port Busing , via the recommended N channel, should round Colorada Point at a distance of 0.3 mile and keep in mid-channel between Burias Island and Busin Island to the anchorage. Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon Small vessels entering Port Busin \ -the W channel, should bring the conspicuous white cliff on tie Wend of Busin Island to bear 070° and make the approach cr t at bearing. This course leads clear of the reef fringing the N face of Cueva Point. When about 0.5 mile m the cliff, the course should be altered to the SE, and a mi -channel course should be steered up the narrow and crooked :;J.annel to the anchorage. Guinduganan Bay (13 °02'N. , 1::._' 58'E.), a small cove, indents the coast close E of Guind~anan Point. The coast between Cueva Point and Guindugan.D Point is indented in its N part by Alimango Bay, a small cove..A shoal, with a depth of 2.1 m, and a rock awash, lie in the en ce to the bay. A shoal , with a least depth of 4.9m, lies aboLr 0.5 mile SW of Cueva Point. Dog Bay (13 °00'N., 123°04'£.) , a ; mall cove, indents the coast about 1 mile close SE of Mang 'e Point. Malapingan Point (12°51'N ., 123"12'E.) is located 12.5 miles SE of Mangrove Point. Nabasagan Bay (12 °5 1'N., 123°1.?£.), a small cove, lies close E of Malapingan Point. The vii · ge of Nabasagan stands at the head of the bay. A rock awash, with several other > oals, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends about 1.5 miles ~· from the coast from a position about 1.5 miles NW of Mala gan Point. Caution.-Vessels are advised tot .ep well offshore in this vicinity. 2.71 Mount Enganoso (12°52'N., 123°14'£.), is 1.5 miles E of Nabasagan and is the only good c:ndmark on the coast. Gorrion Islet (12 °49'N., 123°16'E located about 3 miles SE of Nagasagan Bay, lies o a co~! reef about 4.75 mile offshore. The coastal reef extends for 4 miles SE of the islet and a bank, with depths of less than 9m , ex t!nds 1 mile offshore. The coast between Malapingan P -t to Aguja Point, with about 14 miles between, is fringed by ecfs, with the exception of the last 5 miles , which is bold and :; ep-to. The 10m curve bes about I mile oEs. ore along this stretch of coast. Aguja Point (12 °42'N. , 123°23'E , the SE extremity of Burias Island , is bold and steep-to. Tl e land within the point gradually slopes down from Mount :..agurum, which has an elevation of 221m. Burias Island-East Side 2.72 The NE extremity of Burias !:.:land , between Colorada Point and the entrance to Port Busainga, about 3.5 miles SE, is indented by Laurente Bay. This bay, ~ ch is open to theN and E, is mostly foul. Shoals extend 0.75 mile offshore e E part of the bay. Several reefs lie awash in this shoal a.e:a. Port Busainga (13 °07'N. , l23 °02'E.} , an excellent typhoon anchorage for small vessels, is enter between Piedras Point, 3.75 miles SE of Colorada Point, arxi Boca Point, 0.15 mile furtherS. The shore on either side of the n w entrance channel is fringed by reefs and indented by seven:.l small coves which dry at LW. The channel leading into the t 1er anchorage is about 91m wide at its narrowest point. A out 1 mile within the entrance points the harbor opens out to a width of over 1 mile, but is very shallow. The diurnal range of the tide is 1.7m. Boca Islets lie on the outer edge of a reef which extends about 0.35 mile E from the coast N of Piedras Point. TheN and larger islet is 17m high and wooded. The smaller one is 13.7m high and covered with tall grass. A reef, which dries, extends nearly 137m N from Medio Point, located on the SE shore of the port, in a position about 0.5 mile SW of Boca Point. Anchorage.-Yessels with local knowledge can take anchorage about midway between Esterio Point, located about 0.35 mile SSW of Boca Point, and a point on the opposite shore about 0.15 mile NNW, in depths of 22m, mud. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can anchor, in 3.6m, in the inner part of the port. Port Busainga is suitable only for small vessels, as the swinging room and turning room is extremely Limited. The channel leading to the inner anchorage is 91m wide at its narrowest part. 2.73 Dampalan Bay (13 °02'N., 123°06'E.), which is encumbered by reefs, is entered immediately W of Casarneyon Point, located about 6.5 miles SE of Port Busainga. The bay can be identified by the junction of the wooded hills N of Bagabarco Point, located about 2 miles NW of Casameyon Point, and the lower grass-covered hills S. Nonoc Bay (12 o56'N., 123 o11'E.), entered between San Pinetan Point and Siargao Point, 5.75 miles further SE, is mostly foul, and is formed by a slight indentation in the coast. A reef, which dries, extends 2 miles NW from Siargao Point, and a reef, parts of which dry, extends 2 miles SE from San Pinetan Point. The entrance between the extremities of these reefs is foul, with detached reefs and shoals, but small vessels with local knowledge can find shelter inshore of these dangers in 24 to 26m, mud. 2.74 Port Boca Engano (12°47'N., 123 °19'£.), a small cove which indents the coast about 1 mile, is entered between Castillo Point, located about 7.75 miles SE of Siargao Point, and Tres Marias Point, about 0.6 mile ESE. There is an extensive shoal, parts of which dry, in the middle of the entrance. The entrance to theE channel is about 91m wide with a least depth of 8.7m. TheW channel is deep and about 137m wide at its entrance, narrowing to a least width of 183m inside. An extensive reef, covered with mud, extends about 0.5 mile NW from the head of the cove. Anchorage.-This port is not recommended as an anchorage. The depths are considerable, the bottom is hard, and there is little swinging room. The land around the inlet is low offering little protection from the wind during the monsoons. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage with the NW tangent of Tres Marias Point, bearing 038 ° distant 0.35 mile, in depths of 29m, hard mud. Vessels should make the approach to the port with the bold bluff of Castillo Point bearing 235°, until the tangent to Tres Marias Point bears 118 °, then steer 156°, taking care to avoid Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon the shoal at the entrance and anchor in the position given above. Luzon-Cabarian Point to Tagiran Point 2.75 Solitario Islet (13 °01'N., 123 °21'E.) is located about 2 miles E of Cabarian Point, previously described in paragraph 2.67, and 0.5 mile offshore. A shallow reef connects the islet with the shore. The 20m curve fronts the shore in the vicinity as far as 1.25 miles offshore. Vessels are advised to stay well S of this 10.3m islet to avoid the shoal water extending off this coast. Panganiran Bay (13 °02'N ., 123°25'E.) is a large bay indenting the coast and open to the S, located 5 miles E of Cabarian Point, Bagalayog Point, located about 4.75 miles ENE of Cabarian Point, is prominent, and affords some protection to a vessel anchoring close E or W of it. Several small villages are scattered along this coast, of which Magradongdong, about 1.5 miles E of Bagalayog Point, is the most important. It is distinguished by a metal roof building. Catundulan Point (12 °56'N., 123 °32'E.), 10 miles SE of Bagalayog Point, consists of right sand cliffs varying in height from 18 to 33m. The point is wooded with the exception of one small patch of tall grass near the cliff on the SW side. Sunken coral heads and a reef , which dries, extend nearly 0.125 mile SW and S from the point. Tinanogan Bay (12 °56'N., 123 °33'E.), which indents the coast to a distance of about 1 mile, is entered between Catundulan Point and Pampang Point, about 2.5 miles ESE. The bay has a flat sandy beach which dries for a distance of about 0.5 mile from its head. There are no dangers in the outer part of the bay, and the 20m curve fronts the shore as far as 0.75 mile. Pampang Point is composed of light-colored cliffs about 12m high, but is not prominent. Donsol (12 °54'N., 123 °35'E.) (World Port Index No. 58210), a small loading port for copra, stands on the E side of the mouth of the Donsol River, about 1.75 miles SE of Pampang Point. The port is an open roadstead, as the river is navigable only by small vessels. Several galvanized iron-roofed buildings identify the town. The mouth of the river is fronted by sand banks and fish traps extending about 0.5 mile offshore. The depth over the bar at the mouth of the river is about 0.6m. Donsol Light is shown from a wooden framework tower, lOrn high, standing on theSE side of the river entrance. A rock awash lies about 0.25 mile SW of Donsol Light. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor about 1 mile SSW of the light, in depths of 35m. The anchorage is exposed to both the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon. 2.76 Dumaquit Point (12 °52'N., 123 °39'E.), located about 4 miles ESE of Donsol, is covered with tall grass and small trees, and shows a level profile almost to the 9m vertical cliffs at its extremity. A shoal, with a depth of 7 .3m, lies about 1 mile SSW of the point. Pub.162 Port Putiao (12o53'N., 123 o40'E.) is entered between Dumaquit Point and Cutcut Point, about 2.5 miles E. The N part of the port is known as Pilar Bay. The Malbug River discharges into the head of the bay. Pilar, located 3.5 miles NNE of Dumaquit Point, is the most important town on the bay. A reef, which dries, extends nearly 0.5 mile SE from Dumaquit Point. The shores of the port are foul and the entire bay is shallow. A narrow unmarked channel, with a least depth of 2.4m, leads to the anchorage off the town of Pilar. A light is shown from the W entrance point. Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage with the church at Pilar bearing 030 ° and Punahuan Island, 0.5 mile S of Pilar, bearing 080 °. 2.77 Port Panlatuan (12 °52'N., 123°42'E.), a shallow bay, is entered between Cutcut Point and Bantigui Point, about 2.75 miles SE. The bay is largely encumbered with shoals and reefs. Mecapiot Bay, the NW arm of the port, is an excellent typhoon anchorage for small vessels drawing less than 3.7m. The N arm of the port is narrow and of little importance. The small town of Panlatuan stands on Panlatuan Point, on the W side of the port, in a position about 1 mile NE of Cutcut Point. A shoal, with two rocks lying awash on its outer end, extends nearly 0.75 mile SSE from Cutcut Point. A reef, which dries, extends 1.25 miles W from the E shore, just inside the outer entrance. Bantigui Point is low, rocky, and wooded. It terminates in clay cliffs and a gravel beach. Bantigui Point is fringed by a reef extending about 0 .2 mileS. Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage, in a depth of 3.6m, mud, about 0.25 mile NW of Panlatuan Point. Sorsogon Bay (12°55'N., 123 °55'E.), the largest and best harbor in S Luzon, is entered between Banktigui Point and Magallanes, a small-port about 5.5 miles ESE. The bay indents the coast as far as 17 miles in an ESE direction. The entrance to the bay is divided into three channels by Malaumauan Island and Bagatao Island. The main channel, which is about 1.25 miles wide, lies between the two islands. Caution.-The channels between these islands and the coast of Luzon are narrow and encumbered with shoals. The navigable channel, which has depths of over 12.8m in the fairway, is reduced to a width of about 0.6 mile between the 9.1m curve on either side. The 9.lm curve fronts the head of the bay as far as 7.5 miles, and the 5.5m curve fronts the head of the bay as far as 3.75 miles. The channel sides of the islets on the N side of the channel within the outer entrance are steep-to, and vessels have only to keep in mid-channel to be clear of all dangers. 2.78 Malaumauan Island (12 °51'N., 123°46'E.) is low, fiat, wooded, fronted by white sandy beaches, and located on -the W side of the entrance to the bay in a position about 1.5 miles E of Bantigui Point. A narrow spit extends about 0.8 mile N from theN extremity of the island, leaving only the very narrow channel between it and the coast to the N. A ledge, which dries in places, extends 1.25 miles SW from the island. A depth of 8m is found on the outer edge of the shoal ground extending 1 mile S from the island. Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Bagatao Island Lght Bagatao Island (12 °50'N ., 123°4&E.1 lies on the E side of the entrance to the bay in a position l4J ut 3.25 miles ESE of Bantigui Point. The island is 126m lugh and wooded. The coasts of the island are clear of danger:, except on the SE side, where it is connected to the coast of ~zon by shoals and foul ground. A shoal, with a depth of S.Sm. es about 0.5 mile SSE of the W extremity of the island . Two lights mark the W extremity o:: -e island . Bagatao Island Light, a round metal tower and dwelling , 9m high, stands on the S point of the W e:xrremity of the island. Sorsogon Bay Light is shown frCII a concrete tower, 7m high, standing on the N point of the W extremity of the island. Tinacos Islet (12 °50'N., 123°50'E.), 12m high , lies 0.25 mile N of the NE extremity of Bagatao lslc.rd. Anchorage.-There is tern orary anchorage over a bank of fine , black sand which extends 3 mi les SW from Bagatao Island, in depths from 18 to 29m. Th e is also good sheltered anchorage N of Bagatao Island , off a all sandy beach close W of Tinacos Island. 2.79 Tomalaytay Islet (12 °52'N., 23°49 'E.) lies about 0.5 mile off theN side of the channelleadmg to Sorsogon Bay and about 2. 7 5 miles ENE of MalaumauanJsland . It is the W islet of a group of small lets and dangers which are separated from the coast of Luzo by a narrow and foul channel. Foul ground connects the isletto the shore N. A shoal, with a depth of 3.5m, lies about 0.6 rrie SW of the islet. Maririg (Maririgi) Islet (12 °52'N. , . 23°50'E.), another islet of the group, is 23m high and lie:: bout 1 mile ENE of Tomalaytay Islet. Lavampa Islet, 35m ·gh, lies about 0.3 mile NE of Maririg Islet, and Matagdac I~ et, 58m high , lies about the same distance N of Lavampa Islet Rocks and dangers lie close off the asts of these islets . A shoal, with a depth of 8.7m, lie about 0.5 mile NE of Matagdac Islet. Dibughan Islet (12 °54'N., 123°51 'E.) lies close off Palinauan Point on the N side of the inner entrance to the wide part of the bay. The point is located about 7.75 miles ENE of Bantigui Point. Magallanes Rock (12 °53'N. , 123°51'E.), the outer danger on this side of the channel , lies awash in a position about 0.15 mile N of Macuhil Point, located on the S side of the channel, about 3.25 miles NE of Magallanes. Sablayan Island (12 °53'N ., 123°53'E.), 130m high and wooded, is located about 1.5 miles E of Macuhil Point. The island is separated from the coast to the SW by a narrow and shoal channel. There are numerous fish traps and stakes in Sorsogon Bay. Castilla (12 °57'N., 123°53'E.) is a small town on a low bluff on the NW shore of Sorsogon Bay, about 10.5 miles NE of Bantigui Point. A light is shown at Castilla on the N entrance of the river from a concrete tower, lOrn high. Sorsogon (12 °58'N. , 124°00'E.) (World Port Index No. 58205), a town of considerable importance, stands on the N shore near the head of the bay in a position about 17.5 miles ENE of Bantigui Point. The church tower in the town is prominent. There are two small piers which dry at LW, and a stone causeway, of considerable length, which has a depth of 1.2m. 2.80 Casiguran (12 °53'N., 124°00'E.) (World Port Index No . 58200) lies on the S shore of the bay near its head, about 16.25 miles E of Bantigui Point. There is a concrete causeway at the waterfront. Vessels anchor a little more than 1 mile NW of the town. Casiguran Light is shown from a concrete tower, 1Om high, standing in the town. Anchorage.-Large vessels can anchor anywhere in Sorsogon Bay, according to their draft, except in the vicinity of the submarine cable. Small vessels can anchor SW of Sablayan, which should be made with Palinauan Point bearing 316 ° astern, and anchorage can be taken anywhere off the W face of the island. This channel carries a depth of about 2.7m. Directions.-Vessels entering Sorsogon Bay should pass about 1 mile E of the buoy moored SW of Malaumauan Island, on a course ofOlT, until Bagatao Island Light bears 112°, then steer 064 o with Macuhil Point ahead. This course is run for a distance of 4 miles until the E tangent of Lavampa Islet bears 338 °, distance 0.5 mile. Then steer 038 ° until Macuhil Point bears about 168°, distant 0.6 mile. From this position a course of 066° leads to the anchorage off Sorsogon. 2.81 Magallanes (12 °50'N., 123°50'E.) (World Port Index No. 58190) lies on the S side of the entrance to Sorsogon Bay. A narrow channel, with a least depth of 10.9m, leads to the port from N, but only 2.4m can be carried at LW across the bar in the S approach. It is a regular port of call for inter-island vessels. Bulan (12 o40'N. , 123o52'E.) (World Port Index No. 58180), the most important town in this vicinity, stands on theN side of the entrance to the Sabang River, close N of Sabang Point. Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon The town can be identified by Verde Hill , 146m high and covered with tall grass, located about 3.5 miles E of Bulan. Bulan Church is not visible from seaward. Bulan Light is shown from a concrete tower, 8m high , standing on the shore near the middle of the town . It has been reported that in daylight the tower was obscured by buildings when approaching from NW. The 20m curve fronts the shore, in the vicinity of the town, as far as 0.75 mile offshore. Storm warning signals are displayed in the town. The anchorage off Bulan is an open roadstead. Vessels can take anchorage with the light tructure, bearing 075", distant about 0.75 mile, in a depth of 18m . The anchorage is safe during normal weather conditions, but currents of up to 3 knots set parallel with the coast in this vicinity. Two small wooden piers, 75m in length, are situated 0 .15 mile Nand S , respectively, of Bulan Light. The principal pier, situated S of the two wooden piers, is a 6lm long pier at the end of a rock causeway, 260m in length, with depths of 3m alongside its head. 2.82 Agnas Point (12 "37'1\., 123"55'E.) lies about 3.25 miles SE of Sabang Point. It is a well defined flat-topped bluff, 36m high, covered with tall grass, and with vertical sides which are nearly bare. Trees exrend to within a short distance of the bluff. Utabe Bay (Otabi Bay) (12"38'N., 123 "54'E.) lies close NW of Agnas Point. The 20m curve fronts the head of the bay at a distance of about 1 mile. The bay is fully exposed to the W, but temporary anchorage can be taken about 0.5 mile from the head of the bay, in depths of over 9m . Butag Bay (12"37'N. , 123 "56'E.), entered E of Agnas Point, is about 0.75 mile wide and indents the coast to about the same distance in a N direction. The shore are wooded, and the head of the bay is shoal. Butag, a small village, stands at the head of the bay on the N side of the Butag River. Vessels can take anchorage in a very limited area in the center of the bay, in depths of 13 to 18m. Tagiran Point (12"33'N., 123"58'E.), lying about 5 miles SE of Agnas Point, is the termination of a flat-topped peninsula about 9.lm high. It is covered with tall grass. This part of Luzon is mountainous and densely wooded. The summits of the main ridge are from about 304 to 500m high. Mount Calomutan, 59lm high, and Mount Sujac, 501m high are located 2 miles NNE and 2.5 miles NE, respectively, of Tagiran Point and are prominent summits. Masbate-Northeast Coast 2.83 Masbate Island (12 "20'N., 123 "30'E.) is mountainous, there being a central chain which follows a semicircular direction and terminates at the SW and SE points of the island. The island is sparsely inhabited. The highest point is located 19 miles SE of Bugui Point where there is an elevation of 696m. The towns are small and of little commercial importance. Bugui Point (12"36'N., 123"14'E.), the N extremity of Masbate Island is moderately high, rugged, and steep-to. The Pub.162 point is marked by a light which is shown from a round masonry tower, 15m high, attached to a dwelling. The NE coast ofMasbate between Bugui Point and Colorada Point, about 9 miles ESE, is rugged and steep-to. The shore reef extends from 91 m to about 0.25 mile offshore. Diablo Islet lies on the coastal reef about 4 miles ESE of Bugui Point. Colorada Point (12 "33'N., 123"23'E.), marked by a light, is the termination of a group of small hills that rise from about 61 to 91m high , ending in a bluff about 15.2m high. The point is fringed by a drying coral reef extending as far as 183m NE. A shoal spot, as defined by the 9.lm curve, extends about 0.5 mile E from the point. 2.84 Port Barrera (12' 31 'N., 123"23'E.) (World Port Index No. 58600) is entered between Colorada Point and Catbatan Point, about 2 miles SE. It is a good harbor of refuge and indents the coast as far as 7 miles in a SSW direction. The surrounding land is mountainous, and of a reddi h color. The shores are fringed with mangroves. The N shore of the outer part is generally steep-to. A narrow shoal spot, with a least depth of 3m at its outer end, extends about 0.25 mile SSE from a position about 1.75 miles W of Colorada Point. The W shore of the outer part of the port between the Mailaba River, located 2.25 miles W of Colorada Point, and Matalan Point about 1.5 miles SSW, is fronted by drying reefs as far as 0.5 mile offshore. Matalan Point is fronted by a drying reef which extends about 0.4 mile NE. The SE shore of the outer part of the port between Catbatan Point and Amoron Point, about 2.25 miles WSW, is fronted by a drying reef. This reef, which is broken only off the town of Aroroy, extends 0.25 mile N from Catbatan Point and 0.4 mile NNE and 0.15 mile W from Amoron Point. A reef, with a lea t depth of 0.9m, lies on the W side of the channel leading to the inner anchorage in a position about 0.65 mile E of Matalan Point. Another reef, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies on the E side of the channel in a position about 0.325 mile W of Amoron Point. Two shoals, with depths of 5.5m, lie on the W side of the fairway in positions about 0.5 mile WSW and 0.65 mile SW of Amoron Point. The channel S of the e shoals is very narrow. The head of the port S and SW of Macatul Point, located 1.25 miles S of Amoron Point, is shallow and encumbered with mud flats. The Lanang River and several smaller rivers flow into the head of the port. These rivers cause a strong N current during the falling tide in the inner anchorage, with practically no current during the rising tide. Mount Canatonatoan, 224m high, and Mount Bagadila, 321m high and marked by a large grassy patch on its W slope, are located about 0.75 mile and 1.75 miles, respectively, S of the town of Aroroy. They are conical in shape in contrast to the irregular-shaped and higher mountains inland, and erve as useful marks when approaching the port. Aroroy (Aroro), a small town, i -located on the E shore of the harbor in a position about 0.75 mile SW of Catbatan Point. There is a small wooden pier extending from the village. The town has a post office and telegraph communication facilities. Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Depths of over 18.3m are found in b e wide outer part of the harbor as far as 1.5 miles within the ea trance points. A narrow channel, with a least depth of 6m, le a ~ S from the wide outer part of the harbor to the inner ancho e, located abo ut 3.25 miles SSW of Colorada Point. The co tinuation of the channel S is extremely narrow and leads to the 3hallow head of the port. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anc rage off the inner side of the sandy beach S of Colorada ?:> nt , in depths of 40m, coarse sand and mud. They can also :::nchor in the entrance to the port with Colorada Point bearing 0' . Small vessels, with local knoV" =dge, can find secure anchorage in the inner part of the polt:. SW of the mouth of the Guinobatan River, or NW of Mag;rsnilan Islet, which lies about 0.15 mile SW of Macatul Point,.i n depths of 8 to 11m. Directions.-Small vessels procee g to the inner part of the port, from a position about 1 e S of Colorada Point, should steer 225 ' for a white s)XJl on Cliff Point, until Magaguilan Island bears 153' , then h for it on this bearing . When the center of Mount Can a to atoan bears 090' , alter course to 176 ' . When Magag ilan Island bears 145 ' , anchor in the specified anchorage. Caution.-The waters of Port era are not buoyed . Vessels are advised not to enter the irn:er harbor. 2.85 Catbatan Point (lr3l'N. 123 ' 24'E.) is hilly and wooded. Catbatan Rock, whi~h is prn:ninent, lies on the outer edge of the coastal reef which exten ~ about 0.75 mile N from the point. Pasil Bay (12' 27'N., 123 ' 32'E.), e tered 9 miles SE of Catbatan Point, is very small and inck:Jts the coast as far as 0.5 mile in a SSW direction. The town :>f Magdalena, in which there is a church, stands on the E side f the bay. Small vessels, with local knowloc,ge, can take anchorage between a prominent sandspit on the W side, and the church in Magdalena, in depths of 13 to 1 ~mud. Good protection may be found nearer the head of the y in depth s of 5.5m. Bagubaut Point (12 ' 28'N., 123 ' 3 3':E.), located close NE of Pasil Bay, is a bold headland and the y prominent feature on this stretch of coast. The coast be r een this point and the entrance to Masbate Harbor is steep-to with no reported offlying dangers. Masbate Harbor (12' 22'N .. 123 '3TE.) is entered between Northwest Point, located about 6 mi SE of Bagubaut Point, and an unnamed point about 0.6 mile -E . The harbor is well protec ted fr:mJ. all winds and has sufficient room for maneuvering. The entrance channel is reduced a width of about 0.15 mile by steep-to reefs extending om both sides of the entrance, and can usually be distingui. d by their light color. Passage should be attempted only mring daylight hours and under favorable conditions. A reef, which partly dries and is ep-to, extends about 0.4 mile SE from a position on the N shc:re about 0.75 mile W of the light on Northwest Point. A narrow spit, as defined by the 5.: curve, extends 0.3 mile E from the extremity of the drying reef. The head of the harbor is shallo~. everal rivers discharge into the harbor through the mangrove 3Wamps which border its shores. Steep-to reefs, extending 0.4: ' le in places, are along the N and W sides of the harbor. Depths of over 37m are found in the middle of the entrance channel, and depths of over 10.9m are found in the middle of the harbor to a distance of about 1 mile within the entrance. A depth of 17m lies about 0.75 mile SW of the light structure on Northwest Point. 2.86 Masbate (12'22'N., 123' 37'E.) (World Port Index No. 58620), the capital of Masbate Province, stands on the E side of the harbor, just within the entrance. The capitol building and the provincial hospital are prominent. The school, which has a metal roof, stands at the E end of the town and is also prominent. Depths-Limitations.-The main pier for ocean vessels is 180m long with an alongside depth of 9.lm and a width of 10m. Present port facilities can only accommodate 1 vessel at a time due to draft limitation and physical length of wharf. The largest vessel that can be accommodated is 300m in length, with a maximum draft of 8.5m. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory and should be requested from the Harbor Pilot Association, Legazpi City, at least 36 hours before arrival. The pilot will board the vessel 1.5 miles NE of the harbor entrance and be aboard a boat displaying a pilot's flag . Signals.-Typhoon signals are shown from the branch office of the Philippine Weather Bureau . Anchorage.-Anchorage is available close NE of the harbor entrance, in 69m, sand, with the light bearing 225 ' , distant 1 mile. Anchorage is also available within the harbor, but this is restricted to emergency or typhoon use. Directions.-When approaching the entrance to Masbate Harbor, steer for the light bearing 226 ' . When 0.5 mile from it, steer for Bagalejo Point (12 ' 22'N., 123' 36'E.), which is prominent and located on the S side of the harbor about 1 mile SSW of the light, bearing 207'. When clear of the entrance, alter course for the pier. When berthing alongside, it is recommended to berth starboard si de-to during the flood current, especially during the Southwest Monsoon (May to September). During the ebb current, vessels should berth port side-to. 2.87 Mobo Bay (12'2l'N., 123' 39'E.) , close SE of Masbate Harbor, is entered between Baybay Point, about 1.75 miles ESE of Northwest Point, and Sagausauan Point, about 2.25 miles SE. It is foul and of little importance to navigation. Baybay Point is fronted by a reef extending as far as 0.25 mile Nand NE. Buntud Reef lies in the middle of the entrance to the bay about 0.75 mile ESE of Baybay Point. Shoal water, extends 0.5 mile NE and E from the E side of Buntud Reef and constitutes a danger to vessels proceeding NW along the coast of Mas bate. Tacu and Mobo Shoals, with depths of 0.9m and 1.4m, lie about 0.35 mile NNW and 0.5 mile W, respectively, of Sagausauan Point. Shoals and dangers front the S and W sides of the bay as far as 0.5 mile offshore. The Mobo River discharges into the SE part of the bay. Mobo, a small town of little importance, stands on the W side of the river at its mouth. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage in the SE part of the bay, between Mobo Shoal and the mouth of the Mobo River. Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Gorda Point (12 °20'N., 123°42'E.), about 2 miles SE of Sagausauan Point, is composed of large boulders from which wooded land rises steeply about 75m to a bench and then another 61m to the top of the hills near the shore. It is prominent from both N and S. 2.88 Uson Bay (12°14'N., 123°47'E.) is entered between Paniqui Point, about 6 miles SSE of Gorda Point, and Tabunan Point, about 2.75 miles E of Paniqui Point. This small inlet, which is fully exposed to the N, is very narrow in its inner part, but offers some protection to small vessels with local knowledge during the Southwest Monsoon. Uson, a small village, stands on the E shore of the bay in a position about 2.25 miles SE of Paniqui Point. No supplies of any kind are obtainable. The shores of the bay are bordered by mangroves. A narrow spit, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends about 0.75 mile W from Tabunan Point. There is a least depth of 3m at its outer end. A shoal, with a least depth of 8.5m, lies about 1 mile W of Tabunan Point. TheW shore of the bay is fairly steep-to, but the 5.5m curve fronts its head to a distance of about 1.5 miles. Naro Bay (12°13'N., 123°51'E.), entered between Tabunan Point and Cadulan Point, about 4.5 miles ESE, is clear of dangers and deep in the middle. The bay affords good protection except from the NW. The town of Dimasalang is on the beach at the head of the bay. No supplies are obtainable. It is connected to the general telegraph system, and there is regular sea communication with other ports. Cudao (Kudao) Islet is a low rock, 20m high, lying on the edge of a shoal which extends 0.75 mile WSW from Cadulan Point. It is steep-to on its W side. Vessels can take anchorage almost anywhere in the bay, depending on the direction of the wind. The E side of the outer part of the bay and the head of the bay is to be preferred as the depths are less steep. 2.89 Cadulan Point (12 °13'N., 123°52'E.) is an eroded bluff, covered with jungle, with a narrow ledge at its base. Magcaragit Island (12°16'N., 123°50'E.), 83m high at its S extremity, lies with its N end about 4 miles NW of Cadulan Point. A shoal , with a depth of 8.5m, was reported to lie about 1 mile N of theN extremity of Magcaragit Island. A shoal, with a depth of 4.5m at its outer end, extends about 0.5 mile E of the E side of the island. Shoals and broken ground extend 1.25 miles NE, E, and 0.5 mile N from the island. A shoal, with a depth of 1 0.5m, lies about 1 mile NNE of the island. Deagan Island (12 °15'N., 123°51'E.), 30m high, lies about 0.75 mile NW of Cadulan Point. The island is fringed by a narrow reef, and a shoal, as defined by the 1Om curve, extends 1.25 miles E from Ponduhan Point, the E extremity of the island. Dakit Islet, 73m high, and Hamoraon Islet, 61m high, lie in mid-channel between Magcaragit Island and Deagan Island. These islands are very small in extent. The passage between Deagan Island and Cadulan Point is about 0.75 mile wide, with a least depth of 14.6m in the fairway, but there are shoals on either side which contract the channel to a width of0.25 mile between the 9.1m line. Pub.162 Directions.-Vessels bou nd E through the above passage should give the S extremity of Deagan Island a berth of about 0.25 mile and then steer a course of 068° for 2 miles. The course should then be set as desired for destination. Vessels bound W through the passage should steer a course of 248 ° in mid-channel, passing about 0.25 mile S of the S extremity of the island. The course should then be altered gradually to the NW, passing in mid-channel between the W sides of the islands that extend about 4 miles NW from Cadulan Point and the coast of Mas bate. 2.90 Port Cataingan (11°57'N., 124°02'E.) is entered between Dumurug Point, about 20 miles SE of Cadulan Point, and Lumbuhan Point, about 1.25 miles SW. Dumurug Point is fringed by a reef which extends about 0.2 mile S, with depths of less than 5.5m. The W side of the entrance is rather steep-to, with the 20m curve lying close offshore. Baslay Islet lies about 0.75 mile SSE of Dumurug Point. A shoal spit extends about 1.25 miles SSE from the islet. The N and E sides of the islet are fronted by shoals as far as 0.15 mile offshore. Baslay Reef, with a least depth of 1.8m, lies on this spit in a position about 0.5 mile S of the islet. Ordonez Bank, with a least depth of 16.5m, lies in the middle of the entrance in a position about 0.8 mile SW of Dumurug Point. There are depths of over 18.3m in the approaches to the port and in its outer part. It is 1.25 miles wide at the entrance, deep and clear of dangers in the middle part, open SE, and has good holding ground. The shores of the port are fringed with reefs and shoals which extend from 0.125 mile to 0.3 mile offshore. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 0.3m, lies on the E side of the fairway about 0.65 mile WNW of Dumurug Point. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 0.3m, and a detached shoal, with a rock awash, lie about 0.25 mile off the E shore about 1.5 miles NW and 2.25 miles NW, respectively, of Dumurug Point. Cataingan, a small town, stands on the W side of the inlet, near its head. The town has a post office and radio communications. The head of the port is fronted by drying mud flats extending about 0.4 mile offshore. The 1Om curve fronts the head of the port at a distance of about 1 mile, and the 20m curve fronts its head at a distance of 2.5 miles. The Tetas de Cataingan, two rounded hills, 280m and 284m high, are the most prominent landmarks for vessels entering the port. They lie close together about 3 miles NW of Cataingan. Anchorage.-Vessels can take protected anchorage near the head of the port about 0.5 mile SE of the town of Cataingan, in depths of from 7 to 9m. Another recommended anchorage is in the bight on the W side of the port, about 0.25 mile NW of Mintac Point, located about 1.75 miles WNW of Dumurug Point. 2.91 Bugtung Island (1 1 °53'N., 124°05'E.), 104m high, lies about 4.5 miles SSE of Dumurug Point. It is fringed by a Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon narrow reef. A prominent hill, lOOrr high , stands at the SE extremity of the island. A small villag~ on the W shore. Shoals extend 0.5 mile N and 1 nile S from the island. A stranded wreck lies off the coast of , sbate, 3.5 miles S of Dumurug Point. Balanguingue Island (11 •50'N. , E "06'E .), 33m high , lies about 7.5 miles SSE of Dumurug Pc:int Shoal water extends about 0.25 mile NW from its N side. The channel between these islands :od Masbate is deep and clear. A shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, 1 s about 1 mile NNW of Balanguingue Island. Caduruan Point (11 •43'N. , 124. 0L'::; ), theSE extremity of Masbate, consists of rocky blu ffs, se1= crated by short stretches of sandy beach. The hills within the cint rise to a height of about 91m and are covered with tre:s and brushwood, with occasional clearings near the coast. S 1 water extends about 0.3 mile S from the point, outside of 711lich it is clear, with a depth of 14.6m close-to . The point is L.1Iked by a light. 2.92 Masbate Pass (12 . 30'N., 1::.!·"35'E.) is very deep in mid-channel and has great depths lyir:~ lose off the projecting points of Masbate and Ticao Island , either side of the pass. The various channels, which connect the S part of Masbate Pass with the SW part of Ticao Pa~~ are for the most part narrow and deep in the fairway , but currents run strongly through them. Of these, Black Rock Pass, with dqihs of over 18.3m in the fairway, is recommended. Vessels should keep in mid-chan~e.. when passing through Masbate Pass. Vessels proceeding ea. bound into Ticao Pass may use either of the chan els of lack Rock Pass or the channel between Deagan Island and C eu lan Point. Ticao Island 2.93 Ticao Island (12 . 30'N., IZ:43'E .), separated from Luzon by Ticao Pass, is mountain 13m . San Miguel Island (12 . 43'N., r:: ' 36'E.), 80m high, lies about 0.25 mile NW of Bagababoy I land. The N part of the island is nearly divided into two pa: by a low sand spit. A small islet, 49m high, lies in mid-chinl:!l between San Miguel Island and Bagababoy Island. A shoal, with a least de pth of 12.8 m, lies about 0.3 mile NW of San Miguel Island. A light marks the NW extremity of ~an Miguel Island. Vessels should give these islands a good berth as the tidal currents are very strong in their vicinity. 2.95 Port San Miguel (12 .40'N. , 123. 35'E.) is entered between Tabu nan Point, located 1.5 miles SW of Nunun Point, and Northwest Point, about 2.25 miles farther SW. Faltaban Island, 66m high , lies about 0.25 mile W of Tabunan Point. The shores of the island are steep-to with a vertical cliff on its NW side. It is separated from the coast of Ticao Island by a deep channel about 0.25 mile wide. Yeso Island, 57m high, lies about 0.5 mile S of Tabunan Point and close off the E shore . It is covered with brush and has very jagged underwom shores. The W side of the island is steep-to. A reef connects theE side to the coast ofTicao Island. Catpatin Island, narrow, densely wooded, and 82m high , lies about 0.15 mile N of Northwest Point. Its channel side is steepto and its W side is fringed by shoals to a distance of about 91m. TheW side has bold, vertical cliffs about 45m high. Mount Pandan, 233m high and oval shaped, is on the peninsula S of Northwest Point and forms an excellent landmark. Foul ground extends about 1 mile N and NE from a position about 1 mile SSE of Northwest Point. The very small Puro Islets , reefs that bare, and sunken rocks, lie on this foul ground. A narrow channel, with a least depth of 9.6m, leads between the SE edge of this foul ground and the reef fringing the NW side of the peninsula extending about 0.75 mile N from the head of the port. Pilar Bay, the SW arm of the port, is entered between the E slope of Mount Pandan and the W side of the peninsula. The shores of the bay are fringed with mangroves. The bay is shoal, with the exception of the above mentioned channel, which leads into its outer part. The SE arm of the port, which lies E of the peninsula, is irregular in shape and narrow. The channel abreast Mapusa Point, the NE extremity of the peninsula, is only about 183m wide between the reef extending 0.15 mile off the point and about 183m off the shore on the E side of the entrance. The channel, with a least depth of 10.5m, is about 91m wide off the village of Pan dan, located about 0.3 mile SE of Mapusa Point. The shores of the port are fringed with reef and shoals . Small vessels with local knowledge can take excellent typhoon anchorage in mid-channel SE of Pandan, in depths of l0.9m, mud. There is very little swinging room, but lines can be made fast ashore on both sides . The reefs in the head of the bay are hard to see on account of muddy water, and vessels should not go S of the recommended anchorage. 2.96 Togoron Bay (12 . 36'N., 123. 36'E.), entered about 3.5 miles SSE of Northwest Point, indents the coast to a distance of about 1 mile in a NE direction . The bay is fringed with shoals and is fully exposed to S or W winds. There is very little swinging room, and the bay is not recommended as an anchorage. A shoal, with a least depth of 8.5m, lies about 0.2 mile S of the W entrance point. Bujo Island, 33m high, lies about 1.25 miles S of the entrance to Togoron Bay. A channel, with a depth of 4.5m, lies between the island and the coast of Ticao. The remainder of the W coast of Ticao Island, between the S entrance point of Togoron Bay and San Rafael Point, about 18 Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon miles SE, is steep and rugged, with the 20m curve lying close offshore. A building, located about 7 miles NW of San Rafael Point, is a conspicuous mark on this shore . Tatus Island, 24m high , lies about 0.5 mile W of San Rafael Point. A channel, with a depth of 20m, lies between the island and the point. Ticao Island-East Coast 2.97 Taclogan Bay (1 2°37'N., 123°43 'E.) is entered between an unnamed point, located about 7 miles SE of Nunun Point, and Tasiran Point, about 0.75 mile ESE . The bay is open to the NE, but the reefs protect it from the sea. A reef, with a least depth of 0.9m, lies in the middle of the entrance to the bay about 0.5 mile NW of Tasiran Point. The entrance channel , which is about 0.125 mile wide , with depths of over 18.3m in the fairway, lies between the SE side of the above reef and the NW side of a shoal , with depths of les s than 5.5m, extending abo t 0.25 mile N from Tasiran Point. There is a secondary channel, about 183m wide with a least depth of 6.7m, lying between the W side of the mid -channel reef and the shoal spit extending 0.2 mile E from the W entrance point. TheW side of the bay is fronted by reefs, which bare at LW, as far as 0.125 mile E. The lOrn curve lie s about 91m E of the outer edge of the reefs. The S shore of the bay is frin ged by reefs as far as 0.15 mile N. A shoal , with a depth of 2.1m at its outer end, extends about 0.25 mile NNW, from a position about 0.5 mile WSW of Tasiran Point. A very narrow channel leads W from the head of the bay into a basin in a shallow lagoon. The lagoon extends about 1 mile S, but there is only a very small area near the entrance which provides secure anchorage for small craft. Rizal (12 °37'N., 123° 43'E.), a small village, stand s on the S shore of the bay in a position about 1 mile WSW of Tasiran Point. Anchorage.-Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the middle of the bay about 0.4 mile N of the village of Rizal , in depths of from 18 to 22m, mud. The holding ground is good, but the swinging room is very limited . The channel leading to the anchorage area is unmarked , and vessels should attempt entry only under favorable conditions. Caution.-A 14m patch lies about 3.25 miles NNE of Tasiran Point. 2.98 Port San Jacinto (12 ,34'N., 123 °44'E.) is entered between San Cosme Point, located about 2.25 miles S of Tasiran Point, and San Jose Point, about 0.5 mile SSE. San Jacinto , located on the S side of the entrance to the bay, is the most important town on the island of Ticao. It may be identified by several prominent, grass covered hills , from 61 to 122m high, located behind the town. The town is connected to the general telegraph system by radio. San Jacinto Light is no longer shown from a concrete tower, 8m high , standing on San Jose Point. Pub.162 There are depth s of over 18.3m in the fairway of the entrance channel, and depths of over 9.1m in the middle of the outer part of the port. Shoal water, as defined by the 9.lm curve , extends 183m S and 0.5 mile E from San Cosme Point, and 0.15 mile Nand 0.35 mile ESE from San Jo se Point. The entrance channel , between the above curves, has a least width of about 0.2 mile. The N shore of the bay W of San Cosme Point, is fronted by shoal water extending as far as 0.25 mile offshore. The S shore of the bay, for about 0.6 mile W of San Jose Point, is fronted by shoal s, as defined by the 9.lm curve, extending as far as 0.15 mile N. The head of the bay is shallow. Drying mud fiats , with reefs at their outer end , front the head of the bay as far as 0.25 mile offs hore. Anchorage.-The port affords secure anchorage, well protected from all but E winds. The holding ground is good and the swinging room is ample for small vessels . Vessels can take anchorage in a position about 0.15 mile NW of San Jose Point, in depth s of from 7 to 18m. Vessels, intending to anchor inside the bay, should enter midway between San Cosme Point and the town on a 262° course , and anchor, in 13 to 18m, with San Cosme Point bearing about 000°. Caution.-A 12.8m patch lies about 0.8 mile SE of San Jacinto Light. 2.99 Ticao Bay (12 °29'N. , 123°46 'E.), a small cove, is entered between Lagan Point, located about 5 miles SSE of San Jose Point, and the N side of a small rounded peninsula about 0.75 mileS. The town of San Fernando stands at the head of the bay in a position about 0.5 mile SW of Lagan Point. The town has a post office and telegraph facilitie s. Vessels should approach the bay with the town bearing 258 ° and anchor, in 11 to 22m, when about 0.5 mile from the bead of the bay. This anchorage is practically an open roadstead, as it is protected only to theW. Batuan Bay ( 12o25'N., 123o47'E .), a narrow cove, is entered between Aricomo Point, about 4 miles S of Ticao Bay, and an unnamed point about 0.5 mile SSE. Batuan , a small town , stands on the N side of the entrance. A reef extends about 0.3 mile E from Aricomo Point. Another reef extends about 0.25 mile NE from the S entrance point of the bay. The edge of this reef is usually marked by stakes. Small vessels with local knowledge can take protected anchorage in Batuan Bay. Vessels should keep from 50 to 9lm N of the stakes , and anchor, in 6 to 7m, mud , S of Batuan. In case the stakes are not in place, vessels should steer 225" for a conical hill on the S shore, and alter course to 270 ° when a depth of 9.1 m is obtained. Biton Bay (12 °23'N. , 123°47'E.) , entered about 1.75 miles S of Batuan Bay, is foul and encumbered with reefs and shoals. A shoal extends over 1 mile E from the coast between Biton Bay and San Rafael Point, the S extremity of Ticao Island. A shoal, with a depth of 4.9m , lies about 1.25 miles NE of San Rafael Point. Ticao Pass (12 °40'N ., 123°45'E .), lying between Ticao Island and the coast of Luzon , is very deep and clear of dangers with the exception of the 14m shoal which lies about 12°40'N, Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon 123°45'E. This shoal lies about 3.25 les NE ofTasiran Point. Strong currents are present in Ticao P..s s. 2.100 Matabao Island (12°19'N , 123 °48'E.), 53m high , extends a little over 1.5 miles SSE : 31 a position about 0.5 mile SSE of San Rafael Point. The S :::00 W sides of the island are steep-to, but a shoal extends abo t 1.5 miles NE from its NE side. Matabao Pass, a narrow channel w m a least depth of 20m in the fairway, lies between the shoals extending E from San Rafael Point and the shoal extending liiE from Matabao Island. The passage is less than 0.25 le wide and is not recommended. A light marks Argos oint, the S extre mity of Matabao Island. Black Rock Pass (12 o18'N., L!J0 49'E.), lying between Matabao Island and Magcaragit lsla:lil , about 2.75 miles SSE, is divided into two channels by BlacJ... iWck and its surrounding shoals. The rock, which dries about I -m, is located about 1.25 miles SSE of Argos Point. A beacon narks Black Rock. It is difficult to identify and appe:lCS as a black log from a short distance off. Both channels are ep. The tidal currents in this pass set E and W reaching about Cross channel currents cause dar approach. The tidal currents are reported to t e somewhat weaker in the channel between Deagan Island and ::::dulan Point. A shoal, with a depth of 7.3m, eJrt of call for coastal shipping, stands on the W shore of b bay. It can be readily identified by the white iron r of of tie ch urch. A short concrete causeway, with a wooden landing plaifvrm at its head, extends ESE from the vicinity of the church. The diurnal range of the tide at tv: c.. og is about 0.8m. The tidal currents in Matnog Bay are we r . Small vessels can take anchorage -Matnog Bay, in depths of 5.5m, about 0.25 mile from the ach. Larger vessels can anchor in the middle of the bay in d s of 14.6m. Vessels wishing to enter Matnog 'Y may bring the sharp conical summit on Tic lin Island ~ em, bearing 090", and anchor according to draft. Balusingan Bay (12"38'N., 124"JS'E.) is entered between Padang Point and Pacahan Point, ut 5 miles NNE. The shore of the bay is fringed by a narrc· reef. The town of Santa Magdalena st d> on the N shore of the bay. Vessels can take anchorage, 3 out 0.5 to 0.75 mile offshore, in depths of 18 to 27m, sa.JlJi This anchorage is fully exposed to the E, but some protectio is afforded from W and SW winds. 2.105 Bulusan (12 "45'N., 124"08'E.), a small town, is located about 5 miles N of Pacal-an Point. There is a telegraphic office in the town. Vessels can take anchorage off b : eak in the coastal reef r abreast of Bulusan, with the church :1t that town bearing 300 " and Tang Point bearing 010", in dep of from 22 to 26m. This anchorage is an open roadstead, filly exposed to the E. The holding ground is not good and fle-e is considerable tidal current in the vicinity. Bulusan Volcano, 1,559m high c active, stands about 5 miles WNW of Bulusan. When no :>bscured by clouds the volcano is visible over 60 miles. S"1arp Peak, located about 1.25 miles NE of the volcano, is ~15m high, but appears sharp on! y from the E. Port Gubat (12 "55'N., 124 "08'E ). entered between Rasa Point, 9 miles N of Bulusan, and Dar:::alan Point, about 2 miles further N, is formed by an opening m the coastal reef about 1 mile wide. This coastal reef extei'X!S about 1 mile from the shore in places. Canauay Reef, which dries, extercs about 0.8 mile SSE and 0.5 mile E from Dancalan Point. The port consists of two bays div: ed by Penuntignan Point, located about 1.75 miles SSW of Da• alan Point. A reef extends abo ut 0.2 mile E from the point. A shoal, with a least depth of 0.3m, extends abo •J.125 mile NE from the NE edge of this reef. The S bay is the larger, but it is com used as it is open to the NE and has poor holding ground TheN bay is sheltered from the sea by reefs, but there is only a small area in its outer entrance with suitable depths. The N part of the bay is very shallow. Shoals, with depths of from 6 to 7m, lie in the entrance to the N bay, about 0.5 mile ENE of Penuntignan Point. A reef, which dries, extends about 0.5 mile N and over 0.5 mile E from Rasa Point. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 8.7m, lies on the S side of the entrance to the port about 1 mile NNE of Rasa Point. The 20m curve lies just within the entrance to the port between the reefs. The 10m curve lies up to 0.75 mile from the head of the N and S bays. Detached shoals, with depths of from 2 to 4m, lie about 0.4 mile E of theW shore of the S bay. The town of Gubat stands on the W shore of the bay about 1.25 miles SW of Dancalan Point. Copra and hemp are exported and loaded from lighters. Cargo operations are low and often delayed for days whenever there is any kind of swell. There are no provisions, water, or repair facilities in the town. There is a post and telegraph office in Gubat. The nearest hospital facilities are at Sorsogon, about 8 miles WNW. A light marks the N part of Gubat. A beacon, situated on the edge of the shore reef on the W side of the N bay, about 0.45 mile NNW of the above point. Small vessels can take anchorage in the N bay with the beacon bearing 298 ", distant 0.3 mile, in depths of from 7 to 9m, mud. This anchorage is protected by reefs, but the swinging room is very limited. Larger vessels generally anchor about 0.5 mile NW of Rasa Point in the S bay, in depths of 13 to 15m. This anchorage is fully exposed to the NE and a heavy swell sometimes rolls in. It should be noted that the holding ground is quite poor and the anchorage is untenable during the Northeast Monsoon. The coast between Dancalan Point and Bingay Point, about 9 miles NNE, is fringed by a drying reef extending from 0.75 mile to 1.75 miles offshore. The coastal reef is steep-to within 0 .25 mile of its outer edge and can generally be identified by the line of heavy breakers. Bingay Point (13 "04'N., 124"11'E.), theN entrance point of the strait, is low, rounding, and wooded. It is fringed by a reef partly bare at LW and about 0.25 mile wide N and about 1.5 miles E. The reefs are well defined and steep-to. Bingay Island is a rock, 4.5m high, lying about 0.4 mile E of Bingay Point. A stranded wreck lies on the edge of the reef, 2 miles ESE of Bingay Point. Samar-North Coast 2.106 Samar (12 "00'N., 125"05'E.) is the third largest of the Philippine Islands. It is about 136 miles long and has a greatest width of 51 miles. The island is moderately high, densely wooded, and well watered. It is sparsely populated, and only a small part is cultivated. The principal exports are hemp and copra. The N coast of Samar, which forms the S side of the E approach to San Bernardino Strait, is fronted by islands and shoals extending as far as 16 miles offshore. This coast is exposed to the full force of the Northeast Monsoon which Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon blows at times with the force of a gale accompanied with much rain and a very heavy sea. During the Northeast Monsoon, which occurs from November to the early part of March, no safe anchorage can be had between Port Palapage (12 "40'N., 125"01'E.) and Biri Channel, about 39 miles W. It is frequently impossible to communicate with the towns of Catarman (12 "30'N., 124"38'E.), and Bobon, about 5 miles WNW. Oacan Point (12"35'N., 125"09'E.), located about 1 mile SE of the NE extremity of Samar, is low and fringed by a coral reef extending about 0.5 mile ENE of the point. The land rises steeply SE to the summit of Cape Espiritu Santo, lying about 2.5 miles SE, and is reported to give a good radar return up to 40 miles. 2.107 Bacan Island (12 "36'N. , 125"09'E.) is connected by a reef to the NE extremity of Samar. The island is generally low and wooded, except near the center, where there is a treecovered hill, 5lm high. The island is fringed by reefs which extend about 0.5 mile offshore. A shoal, with a least depth of 4.lm, lies about 0.75 mile NW of the N end of Bacan Island. Reefs, with depths of 7 .3m and 9.1 m, lie about 2 miles N and 1.25 miles NE, respectively, of the same extremity. The water in this vicinity is very clear and the bottom can frequently be seen in a depth of 18.3m. Palahan Islet (12 "35'N., 125"08'E.) lies 1 mile WSW of the S extremity of Bacan Island. Sunken rocks and foul ground lie between it and the coast of Samar, about 0.5 mile S. Reefs extend about 0.25 mile N from the N side of the islet. A rock, which is bare 0.6m at LW and a shoal, with a depth of 1.8m, are about 0.4 mile N of Palahan Islet, in the middle of the entrance to the small bay between Bacan and Palahan Islands. The coast, between the NE extremity of Samar and an unnamed point about 2.75 miles W, is indented to a distance of about 1 mile, forming a large bay which is fully open to theN. The latter point is reef fringed as far as 0.5 mile Nand NE. 2.108 Port Palapag (12"40'N., 125"0l'E.) is formed by the channel that separates Cahayagan Island and Laoang Island from Batag Island to the E, and by the channel which separates the latter island from the coast of Samar to the S. The port is partly sheltered from all winds and serves as a good harbor of refuge. The N entrance, between Cahayagan Island and Batag Island, is about 0.65 mile wide and has depths of over 18.3m. The E entrance, between Batag Island and Samar, is encumbered with several rocky shoals and should be navigated only by small vessels with local knowledge. The channel between Cahayagan Island and Laoang Island has a least charted depth of 6.8m, but is extremely narrow and the tidal currents set strongly through it. There are numerous shoal patches within both entrances to the port. Cahayagan Island is moderately high and heavily wooded. A narrow reef, on which stand several small islets, extends about I mile NW from the NW end of the island . These islets, known as the Macan Islets, are covered with brushwood. The highest islet has an elevation of 6.4m. Pub.162 A reef, with a charted depth of 3.6m over its outer end, lies parallel with the reef on which the Macan Islets lie, about 0.3 mile SW of its outer end. The remainder of the island is fringed by a narrow reef on its E and S sides and by a reef which extends 0.4 mile N from its N side and 0.25 mile W from its W ide. Laoang Island, 65m high in its S end, is heavily wooded. It is separated from the coast of Samar by the Catubig River and the Laoang Channel. The W side of the island is fringed by a reef extending about 0.4 mile offshore. Shoal water, as defined by the 9.lm curve, extends as far as 0.5 mile E, from the E side of the N part of the island, and as far as 1 mile N, from the N side of the S part of the island. Calapan Islet, small and reef fringed, lies within the above curve in a position about 2 miles SSE of the SE extremity of Cahayagan Island. A light is shown from lpil Point (12 "35'N., 125 "00'E.), on the W side of Laoang Island. Two reefs, with depths of 4.2m and 8.5m lie about 1.1 miles and 1.25 miles, respectively, SE of the SE extremity of Cahayagan Island. Batag Island, the largest and E of the islands forming Port Palapag, is 67m high and heavily wooded. Reefs extend about 0.6 mile W from the NW side of the island and form the E side of the N entrance to the port. The W side of the island between Leung Point and an unnamed point, about 2 miles S, is indented to a distance of about 1.5 miles, but is foul throughout. A light on the summit of Batag Island, 1.75 miles S of Atalaya Point, the N extremity of the island. Dwelling houses stand close S of the tower. Two stranded wrecks lie on the NE coast of Batag Island. Batag Island is reported to give a good radar return up to a distance of 28 miles. Anchorage.-Moderate-sized vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage about 0.25 mile W of the SE extremity of Cahayagan Island, in a depth of 9.1m, mud, or about 0.3 mile SE of Leung Point, in a depth of 1 0.9m. Larger vessels can anchor about 0.5 mile SE of the SE extremity of Cahayagan Island, in a depth of 14.6m, or farther S in mid-channel between the SW extremity of Batag Island and Calapan Island. Vessel using the latter anchorage must exercise caution to avoid the previously-mentioned 4.2m and 8.5m reefs. Vessels entering Port Palapag from N should favor the W side of the channel, as the reefs fringing Cahayagan Island do not ex tend as far out as those fringing the NW side of Batag Island. The SE extremity of Cahayagan Island and Leung Point are steep-to, and may be passed fairly close. 2.109 Laoang Bay (12"35'N., 124' 59'E.) is entered between the N extremity of Laoang I land and Livas Point, about 4 miles SSW. The main branch of the Catubig River discharges into the SE comer of the bay, widening at the mouth and forming Laoang Harbor. The E branch, known as Palapag Channel, leads E into the head of Port Palapag. This passage is used by small craft with local knowledge. The W shore of Laoang Bay is fringed by a reef and foul ground extending about 0.3 mile offshore. Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon A conspicuous house stands in the .. ge of Burabud, at the mouth of the Burabud River, about ~.25 miles SSE of Livas Point. The depths in the bay decrease reg;.darly from 18.3m at the outer entrance to 9.lm about 2 miles fb m the head . Detached shoals, with depths of 3 a..-d 3.9m lie about 0 .5 and 0.8 mile ESE, respectively, of Livas rt. A shoal, with depths of 2.7 to 3.411 Iies about 1 mile NNE of the conspicuous house in Burabud. A rock, with a depth of 0.9m, and ;;hoal , with a depth of 1.8m lie 0.6 mile N and ENE, respec · ely, of the conspicuous hou se . 2.110 Laoang (12 . 34'N., 125"0l'E. :world Port Index No. 58630) , the principal port of N Sam stands on the N side of the mouth of the Catubig River. It is :... : egular port of call for inter-island shipping. Considerable ruantities of hemp and copra are exported. Laoang Harbor is only 137m wide ith depths of over 3.7m. Rocky patches extend 0.6 mile W fr CD Maculmacul Point, the N entrance point of the river, and 1Drrn the N side of the channel into the harbor. A drying reef extends 0.3 mile WNW from the S entrance point. Shoals, with depths of 1.8 and l.m lie about 0.3 mile and 0.6 mile W, respectively, of Maculmoc:.~. Point. On entering the harbor the re are snd bars on the S side of the channel, and on the N side inside :he line of the end of the wharfs are reefs. A subm ari ne cable -osses the Catubig Riv er from Rawi s Point, the S entrance poi of the river, to the town ofLaoang. Daranasan Island, located betw~n Laoang Island and Samar, is low, wooded, and formed t} the delta of the Catubig River. Anchorage.-Vessels can take zoc orage between Livas Point and Laoang Island , in depth :li 9 to 13m, mud. The anchorage is sheltered from all wine};; excep t tho se between N and W. 2.111 Livas Point (12. 35'N., 124' -·;"E.) , theW side of the entrance to Laoang Bay, is low anc ooded. Reefs and foul ground extend about 1 mile W from e W side of Livas Point. An extensive reef, which dries, 1~with its NW extremity about 1.25 miles NW of the point. T-ere are some rocks about 0.6m high on this reef which is cone ct:ed to the point by foul ground. Reefs and foul ground extend.about 0.5 mile N and NE of Livas Point. A shoal, with a depth of 7m, lies nout 0.2 mile ESE of the NE extremity of the reef. Pambuhan (12. 34'N., 124 .56'E.) -. located at the mouth of the Pambuhan River about 2 miles ~W of Livas Point. The church and red-roofed buildings in :he town are prominent. The 9.lm curve fronts the town as fras 0.5 mile offshore. Vessels can take anchorage about I .5 mile N of the church, in depths of 10.9m, sand . To approa.h the anchorage, vessels should steer for the church bearing 131 ·, and when about 3 miles distant, anchor according to clr3:'t Villalobos Reef (12.40'N., 124. 55E.), with a least depth of 7.6m, lies about 6.25 miles N of the church at Pambuhan. It is about 0.5 mile in extent and the sea breaks heavily over it during the Northeast Monsoon. 2.112 Oot Point (12. 35'N., 124.51 'E.), located about 5.75 miles W of Livas Point, is a low, narrow peninsula extending about 2.25 miles NW from the coast. A mangrove swamp lies at the extremity of the peninsula which is bordered by reefs and foul ground extending as far as 0.4 mile offshore. Bantayan Bay (12 . 33'N., 124. 50'E.) , fully exposed to theN, indents the coast to a distance of about 2.25 miles betwen Oot Point and Bugko Point, about 4 miles SW. The latter point is fringed by a drying reef to a distance of about 0.5 mile N. There are no dangers in the bay, and the water shoals gradually to the 1Om curve which lies close offshore. The villages of Laoangan and Bantayan stand on the shores of this bay. Cajoagan Island (12.37'N., 124. 49'E.), small in extent and reef fringed, lies about 3 miles NW of Oot Point. Shoals extend 1 mile NW and 0.5 mile E from the island. Catarman (12. 30'N., 124. 38'E.), a small town and a port of call for coastal shipping, stands on the W bank of the Catarman River about 9.5 miles WSW of Bugko Point. It stands about 0.5 mile inland and is nearly obscured by trees, only the roof tops being visible from seaward. The town has a radiotelegraph office. The village of Cawayan (Cauayan) stands on the E side of the mouth of the above river. Two partly drying reefs extend about 0.3 mile N from Cawayan, forming an inlet where mall boats may land. Maguran Reef, a large coral reef bare at LW, lies just N of this inlet and partially protects it from the sea. TheW side of the mouth of the Catarman River is formed by a long and narrow sandspit, which is reported to shift considerably during the Northeast Monsoon. The channel across the bar is very narrow and has a depth of 2.1 m at LW. A light is situated on the beach at Cawayan on the E side of the entrance to the Catarman River. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile NW of the light at Cawayan, in a depth of about 9.lm, sand. Thi s anchorage is unsafe during the Northeast Monsoon. Hirapsan Island (12 . 32'N., 124. 42'E.), small in extent and about 4m high, is located about 2.75 miles ENE of the light at Cawayan. The trees on the island are tall and den se. Palijon Island, located about 1 mile NW of the above island, is a mangrove swamp, all the land being covered at HW. These two islands stand on the same reef, which is narrow and about 2 miles long in a NW and SE direction. The reef between the islands dries at LW. Fairly good anchorage, protected during the Northeast Monsoon, can be taken by vessels with local knowledge, W of Hirapsan Island. Caution.-Foul ground, consisting of a number of dangerous reefs and shoals , with depths of less than 2 to 6m, lies within an area bounded by Cajoagan Island, Palijon Island, Hirapsan Island, and Bugko Point. Vessels must navigate with caution in thi s area. A shoal, with a least depth of 12.8m, lies about 6.75 miles NE of the light structure at Cawayan. 2.113 Catarman Shoal (12 . 34'N., 124. 38'E.), on which the sea breaks in moderate weather, lies about 3 miles NNW of the above light. The shoal is about 0.75 mile long, with a depth of 1.8m. Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon A reef, with a depth of 7 .3m, lies about 2.75 miles WNW of the light at Cawayan. A shoal, with a depth of 9.6m, lies about 2.5 miles N of the above light. Wright Shoal, about 1 mile in extent and with a least depth of 10.9m, lies 9.5 miles N of the light at Cawayan. A shoal , with a least depth of 9.1m, lies about 7.75 miles N of the above light. The sea breaks heavily over these shoals. Shoals, with depths of 14m and 15m, lie about 13.5 and 16 miles, respectively, N of the light at Cawayan. A detached shoal, with a depth of 18.3m, lies about 14 miles NNW of the light. Fisher Shoal , with a least depth of 9.lm, lies about 7.5 miles NW of the light structure at Cawayan. The sea breaks heavily over it in rough weather. Bohon Point (12 °32'N., 124°34'E.) lies about 5.5 miles W of Cawayan. The town of Bobon stands on the E side of the entrance to the Bobon River, which discharges close W of the point. The roof of the church is prominent from seaward. Reefs extend from both entrance points of the river, leaving a narrow boat channel to the beach in front of the town. Reefs and foul ground extend as far as 1 mile NW from Bobon Point. A rock, 3m high, lies near the middle of a drying reef about 1.5 miles W of Bobon Point and about 0.5 mile offshore. A shoal, with a least depth of 3m, lies about 2 mile W of the point. A drying rock lies about 0.75 mile W of Bobon Point and about 0.35 mile offshore. Vessels can take anchorage, in fair weather, with the church at Bobon bearing 120°, distant 0.75 mile, in depths of 11 to 15m. 2.114 Cabaun Island (12°34'N., 124°30'E.), low and bordered with mangroves, extends about 3.5 miles NW from a position about 2.75 miles WNW of Bobon Point. It is surrounded by a reef which extends about 0.5 mile from the NE side. A shoal, with a least depth of 11.9m, lies about 1.75 miles NNE of theN extremity of Cabaun Island. A shoal, with a least depth of 6.7m, lies about 1 mile ENE of the SE extremity of the island. The S side of the island is fringed by a narrow reef and shoals as far as mileS. Ugamut Island (12 °33'N., 124°29'E.) is small, low, covered with mangroves, and lies parallel to the SW side of Cabaun Island. A very narrow channel, which is foul at its N end, separates the two islands. The channel between is impracticable for navigation. Bat Island (12°32'N., 124°30'E.), small and low, lies about 0.5 mile S of the SW extremity of Cabaun Island. Reefs and foul ground extend nearly 1 mile E and SE from the islet. Foul ground extends 1 mile E and SE from the island. Foot Islet (12°33'N. , 124°29'E.), small and 3m high, lies about 0.5 mile W of the SW end of Ugamut Island. Reefs extend about 0.25 mile NW and SE from the islet. Green Islet (12°33'N., 124o28'E.), small and about 30m high, lies about 1 mile WNW of the NW extremity of Ugamut Island. Reefs and foul ground extend up to 0.35 mile NW and 0.25 mile W from the islet. The waters enclosed by a line j oining the islet with the NW extremity of Cabaun Island and theN side of Ugamut Island, Pub.l62 are for the most part, foul. The waters between Green Islet and Foot Islet are also foul. 2.115 Carangian Channel (12°32'N., 124°30'E.) separates Cabaun Island and Ugamut Island from the coast of Samar. It is narrow and used by coasting vessels which usually pass S of Green and Foot Islands and N of Bat Island. The channel between Bat Islet and Cabaun Island is over 0.3 mile wide and clear of dangers in the fairway. It has a least depth of 12.8m. The part of the channel between Foot Islet and the coast of Samar is very narrow with a least depth of 7.3m in the fairway. All the channels in this vicinity are subject to strong and irregular tidal currents. San Jose (Carangian) (12 °32'N .. 124°29'E.), a loading port for copra, stands on the E side of a small cove about 4.5 miles W of Bobon. The cove is fouled with reefs, but there is a narrow boat channel to the shore. A range of hills approaches the coast close E of the town. There is a private wharf located about 0.4 mile NE of the town, with a depth of 12.8m alongside its berthing face. A light is situated from a concrete tower 0.3 mile WSW of the pier, close N of the town. Improvements to the port are planned. The town has a post and telegraph office but no medical facilities. There are no fresh water or stores available. The approach to San Jose should be made from theE as the channel is wider, deeper, and straighter. The approach from the NW should be made only by small vessels with local knowledge. Carangian Channel should be attempted only during the daytime when the weather and visibility are good. There are no prominent landmarks or aids to navigation to mark the numerous shoals and reefs which are hard to discern. Approaching from N, within 5 miles off Bobon Point, steer 180° for the roof of the church in the town of Bobon until the pier at San Jose comes clear and bears 255". Then steer 248. until the E point of Cabaun Island bears 360°, then change course to 270 ° and come alongside or anchor off the end of the pier in 18 to 20m. Anchorage is also available in mid-channel, N of Bat Island, in depths of 15 to 22m. 2.116 Gilbert Island (12°33'N., 124°26'E.) is well wooded and 69m high at its S end . It is separated from the coast of Samar by a very narrow and winding channel. Small vessels with local knowledge sometimes use this channel, which has a least depth of 6.9m in the fairway. A detached reef lies in the center of the W entrance and a coral head is about 0.3 mile N of thi reef. The E entrance is clear of dangers in the fairway. The Sinamangan River, which discharges into the S side of the channel, is narrow, shoal, and winding. Baird Point, the N extremity of Gilbert Island, is fairly steep-to. The NW and NE sides of the island are fronted by reefs to a distance of about 0.25 mile. Buenavista, on the S shore of Gilbert Island, is a regular port of call for coasting vessels. A small dock is located SW of the town. Balicuatro Islands (12°39'N., 124°24'E.) are a group of seven fairly large islands and numerous islets, reefs, and Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon dangers, lying N of the NW part of S11:1ar. The islands extend from Tinau Island, lying about 2.5 miles NW of Cabaun Island, to theN extremity of Biri Island abo•t 7.5 miles NW. 2.117 Biri Island (12' 40'N., 12 2.3'E. ), the largest and northernmost of the group, is 85 high in the center and heavily wooded. Biri Head, the NW ex entity of the island, is a rocky perpendicular bluff, 6lm hip , and steep-to. It serves as a prominent landmark for >essels approaching San Bernardino Strait from the NE. About 0.3 mile E of the N extre~ f Biri Island a steep-to reef begins, which continues along NE and E sides of the island, and also surrounds all the islar.rl3 lying E and SE of Biri Island. On the outer edge of this reef, whic ares at LW, are a series of islets of limestone formation, fr·::rn 3 to 36m high , all of which are prominent. The s oreline of the island is low and fringed with mangroves except at th • and S ends. The W side of the island consists :>f a low bluff and gravel beach. The majority of the inhabitaiL are on the W side of the island. Shoals, with depths of 15.5 and .5m lie about 1.25 miles NW and 0.6 mile WNW, respective of Biri Head. A rock, 4 .5m high, lies near the S end of a redlocated about 0.75 mile S ofBiri Head. A shoal, with a least epth of 19.5m, lies about 3.5 miles SW of the head . A rock, c.lm high, lies just outside the coastal reef about 0.5 mile ENE ::rl' Biri Head. Fitzgerald Banks are three small als, with depths of 16.5, 11.3, and 11.3m lying about 5, 7 and 10 miles ENE, respectively, of the summit of Biri IE d. These banks, clearly indicated by their color, are of coral formation. A shoal, about 1.5 miles long w~ a least depth of 14.6m, lies about 11 miles ENE of Biri Hen Strong tidal currents and heavy ti:E rips are encountered off Biri Head. Macarite Island and Cagnipa Is d, moderately high and about 1.25 miles long, lie close off -e SW side of Biri Island. The islands are separated from e:re:h other, and from Biri Island, by narrow and deep chanr. ls. The S ends of these islands form the N side of the W entr:mce to Biri Channel. Talisay Island, Magesang Islarrl, Makadlao Island, and Tinau Island and a number of small, unnamed islets and rocks lie E and SE of Biri Island. Thes:;! islands, along with Biri Island, all lie on one large reef, whic "s mostly bare at LW. A light marks the S end of Tirau Island at San Antonio village. Anchorage.-Vessels with loc cl knowledge can take anchorage between the N end of Ca~rupa Island and the E side of Macarite Island, in a depth of TI . This anchorage is not recommended, because the bottoii is rocky and the tidal currents are strong. Biri Anchorage is a small but well-protected anchorage formed by a break in the reef between the S end of Biri Island and the W side of Makadlas Island. Vessels with local knowledge with a need to use this anchorage should make the approa from Biri Channel on aN course so as to pass about 0 .25 mil of a small, bright, sand cay lying about 0.75 mile WSVW of the W extremity of Makadlao Island. A mid-channel course should then be steered between the reefs and anchorage, taken as convenient, in depths of from 27 to 37m. The edges of the reefs marking this anchorage show plainly, are steep-to, and in many places are marked by fish traps. Biri Channel (12' 38'N., 124' 22'E.) lies between the Balicuatro Islands and another group of islands located close off the N coast of Samar. It is generally used by coastwise vessels bound to and from ports on the N and E coasts of Samar. The channel is over 0.5 mile wide, deep, and clear of dangers in the fairway. In Biri Channel, and in the other channels in this vicinity, there are strong tidal currents. The flood flows W and the ebb E, the change of current occurring about 4 hours after HW and LW, respectively. 2.118 San Juan Islands (12' 36'N., 124' 23'E.) lies in a group of five densely wooded islands located on the S side of Biri Channel. They are separated from the coast of Samar and from Gilbert Island by Bani Channel. The islands are closely joined by reefs and appear as one island. San Juan and the islands of Nagnasa, Elonbachid, Maravilla, and Bani lie in a N to S direction. The outer coasts are well defined, usually bold, and fringed by a narrow reef. The inner coasts of the islands are mainly mangrove swamps. Shoals, with depths of 10.4m and 14m, lie about 0.75 mile and 0.5 mile NW and W, respectively, of the S extremity of Maravilla Island. Another shoal, with a depth of 9.5m, lies about 1 mile W of the NW extremity of Bani Island. Three shoals, with depths of 2 to 4m, extend about 1.25 miles NW from a position about 0.3 mile SW of the SW extremity of Bani Island. The shoals lie about 0.25 to 0.6 mile off the W side of Bani Island in the W approach to Bani Channel. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage in the channel between San Juan Island and Bani Island, in a position about 1.5 miles E of the NW extremity of Bani Island. The anchorage has good holding ground of mud and sand, but limited swinging room. Vessels should enter from the W at slack water or with the W tidal current. The tidal currents at the W entrance to the channel are strong, but are weak at the anchorage. The W entrance to the passage has a depth of about 9.1 m and theE entrance about 13.7m. 2.119 Bani Channel (12' 34'N., 124' 23'E.) is a narrow passage separating Bani Island from the coast of Samar. The channel has a least width of about 0.4 mile, but its navigable width is reduced to about 0.15 mile by the group of detached shoals lying just outside the W entrance. The fairway has a least depth of 5.5m. Reefs and dangers extend as far as 0.25 mile SE from San Juan Island and up to 0.15 mileS from Bani Island. The S side of the channel, between Baird Point and Borabaybay Point, about 4.5 miles WSW, is low and mostly mangrove swamp. Cave Point, 58m high, lies about midway between the above points. P u b .162 Sector 2. South Coast ofLuzon Bani Channel is used by co astwise vessels bound to and from ports on the N and E coasts of Samar. Vessels navigating Bani Channel should steer mid-channel courses and pass at least 183m N of the reef off Borabaybay Point. A shoal , with a depth of 5.5m, lies in mid-channel, about 0.3 mile NE of Borabaybay Point. Urdaneta Harbor (12 °33'N., 124 °21'E.) is entered between Borabaybay Point and the E face of a small peninsula , lying about 1 mile SSW. A shoal, with depth s of less than 9.1m, extends about 0.5 mile NW from the E side of the entrance to the harbor. A reef, with a depth of 3m, lies about 0.2 mile from the head of the harbor. A small detached drying reef lies about 0.5 mile NNW of the W entrance point of the harbor. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the middle of the harbor, in a depth of 18m. This anchorage is unsafe during N winds . 2.120 Lavezares Harbor (12 °33'N. , 124°20'E. ), entered about 0.5 mile W of Urdaneta Harbor, is nearly blocked by the fringing reefs which extend from either shore . There is a narrow boat channel between the reefs, which leads to the town of Lavezares at the head of the harbor. Fish traps mark the edges of the fringing reefs during mo st of the year. The metal-roofed municipal building, the largest in town, is prominent. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage , in the entrance to the harbor, with the municipal building bearing 181 ° and the detached reef N of the E entrance point bearing 09 r , in depths of from 18 to 20m. Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the middle of the harbor, nearer its head, with the municipal building bearing 181 o, in depths of 4 to 6m. The swinging room is somewhat limited, but the holdin g ground is good. These anchorages are untenable during N or NE gales, at which time heavy swells set into the harbor. Coconut Island (12 o34'N. , 124o19'E. ), low and covered with coconut trees, lies near the shore in a position about 0.5 mile NNW of the W entrance point of Lavezares Harbor. The narrow passage, between the island and the coast of Samar, is intricate and shoal. A reef extends about 0.5 mile W of the N extremity of Coconut Island. A rock awash lies about 0.3 mile ESE of the S extremity of the island. Balicuatro Point (12 °35'N., 124°17'E.), the NW extremity of Samar, is steep-to and clear of dangers. The land within rises to a hill , 173m high, about 1.25 miles SSE of the point. The reef, which fringe s the point on both sides extends only a short distance offshore . Samar-Northwest Coast 2.121 Lipata Point (12 °32'N. , 124°16'E.) , lying about 3.25 miles S of Balicuatro Point, is quite high, rocky, and bordered by a narrow reef of sand and rock. Vessels will find anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon in the small open bay off Quinaquitman about 1 mile SE of Lipata Point. In the N part of the bay, there are depths of 24 to 49m. Pub.162 Allen (12 °30'N., 124 °17'E.) is a small town , situated closeS of the mouth of the Sabag River. The town is reported to have a post and telegraph office. A light marks a position close N of the entrance to the Sabang River. There is a concrete pier, 125m in length, at the town. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile off the town of Allen, in a depth of 18m, sand and coral. This open roadstead is not a good heavy weather anchorage. Burobodiongan Point (12 °28'N .. 124°17'E.), located about 2 miles S of Allen , is covered with high trees. The tidal currents, which attain a maximum rate of 7.5 knots at springs , cause heavy tide rips off thi s point. The Mauo River (12 °27'N. , 124°18'E.), located about 2 miles SE of Burobodiongan Point, can be entered by small vessels. The entrance to the river is rocky, with the channel lying close to the wooded bluff on the N side. The navigable width of the channel is reduced to about 18m by a reef extending from the S entrance point. There is a least depth of 4 .5m in the fairway of the channel. Inside the entrance a spit, with a least depth of 1.8m, projects out from the village on the N bank of the river. Victoria (Mauo) is a small town on the N shore of the entrance to the Mauo River. There is a small concrete pier with a depth of 2.1 m at its bead . Large vessel s can take anchorage outside the mouth of the river, with the river well open. Depths of less than 37m should be approached carefully. The ground is foul N and S of the mouth of the river. Looc Bay (12°23'N. , 124°20'E.) is entered between Looc Point, located about 4.5 miles SSE of the entrance to the Mauo River, and Canaguayan Islet, about 0.6 mile SSW. Sojoton Point (12 °19'N. , 124°20'E.) , located 3.5 miles S of Looc Point, is high and jagged. Sojoton Islet, 32m high ; lies about 45m NW of the point. There is a small, steep-sided cove ju st N of Sojoton Point. A depth of 7 .3m lies near the mouth of the Palanit River which discharges into the head of the cove. A shoal extends about 0.5 mile W from Looc Point. A shoal, with a depth of 8.2m, lies in the middle of the entrance to the bay. The head of the bay is filled with reefs. A causeway, with two bridges , extends across the bay about 0.5 mile NE of Looc Point. A pier at which small vessels load copra is located in the bay about 0.5 mile NE of Looc Point Canaguayan Islet, 36m high, lies close off the coast of Samar, on the E side of the entrance to Dalupiri Pass. Vessels can take anchorage between Canaguayan Islet and the coast of Samar in sufficient depth s with good holding ground , but the space is limited. 2.122 Dalupiri Island (12 °25'N. , 124 °15'E.), 128m high and partly wooded, extends about 6 miles SSE from its N extremity, which is located about 7.75 miles SSW of Balicuatro Point. It lies parallel to the NW coast of Samar, from which it is separated by the wide and deep Dalupiri Pass. TheE and W sides of the island are clear of dangers and steepto. A shoal, with a least depth of 8.2m near its outer end, extends about 2.25 miles N from lgang Point, the N extremity of the island. Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon Capul Island Light A shoal extends about 2.25 miles S E and 2 miles SE from Minanga Point, the S extremity of the island. At the inner end of this shoal depths of less than 5. 5m extend about 0.6 mile offshore, and depths of less than 9m extend 1.5 miles offshore. Vessels can take anchorage anyv•tere off the coast of Dalupiri Island, but necessarily clO£ in on account of the considerable depths, except on the sh Is extending from theN and S ends of the island. Dalupiri Pass (12"25'N. , 124"1 E.), between Dalupiri Island and the W coast of Samar, 1~ e safest of the three passes connecting San Bernardino S ·r with the Samar Sea to the S. The pass has a least width of :a out 1.75 miles and is deep and clear of dangers in the fairw cy. The strong tidal currents generally et fair with the channel, with a counter current close in hore. Tide rips and whirlpools are experienced about 2 miles N of I~ang Point and 1.5 miles SE of Minanga Point. 2.123 Caput Island (12"26'N., 124"10'E.) stands with its N extremity about 6 miles WNW of the N extremity of Dalupiri Island. It lies parallel to the NW side of Dalupiri Island, from which it is separated by the wide and eep Capul Pass . There are several sharp cone-shaped peaks on the island, but the summit, located near the SE end, is 6m high and flat-topped. The slopes are steep and heavily woodeC, except on the NE side where a valley trends inland, where thee lfe several clearings. Capul, the most important town o the island, is located on the E side about 4.25 miles SSE of i N extremity. A church with a prominent bell tower is conspicu Jus. The fishing village of San Luis stands at the head of San Luis Bay on the NE side of the island. A light marks Totoog Point, theN emity of Capul Island. Vessels can take anchorage, during fair weather, in a position NE of the town of Capul. This area is exposed to the full strength of the tidal currents which set through Capul Pass. Caution.-A dangerous wreck lies 0.2 mile offshore, about 1.25 miles NNW of Capul. Also, a reporting system applies to all vessels, including pleasure craft and seaplanes on the water, transiting the area. Vessels should establish contact on VHF channel 16 with Capul Coast Watch Station, call sign Coast Watch Capul, when entering or departing San Bernadino Strait or passing Capul Island. Vessels should report the following information: 1. Vessel name. 2. Call sign. 3. Course and speed. 4. Port of registry and nationality. 5. Type of vessel. 6. Type of cargo on board. 7. Port of destination and ETA. 8. Last port of call. 9. Number of crew on board. 10. Master's name. 2.124 Capul Pass (12"26'N. , 124"13'E.), between Capul Island and Dalupiri Island, should be avoided as much as possible, and especially by northbound vessels, as there is danger of being set onto Diamante Rock (12"21'N., 124"12'E.). This rock is composed of sharp, black rocks which nearly dry, located about 2.25 miles SSE of Timon Point, the S extremity of Capul Island. Rubi Shoal, which consists of sharp, black rocks, with a least depth of 5.8m, lies about 1.5 miles WNW of Diamante Rock and 1.75 miles S of Timon Point. This danger and Diamante Shoal are steep-to and difficult to distinguish. Strong eddies are encountered between these dangers. Pub.162 Sector 2. South Coast of Luzon While the tidal currents sets S on the W side and in the middle of Capul Pass, there is a N current setting along the W side of Dalupiri Island, causing a long line of rips and eddies with a great deal of foam which gradually works across the pass according to the stage of the tide. The ebb current flows N throughout Capul Pass, coming from the W over Rubi Shoals, while the flood current is still running SE of Diamante Rock. Rips extend over 1 mile N from Totoog Point. During the flood current in San Bernardino Strait, a N tidal current sets along the E side of Totoog Point Tide rips have also been reported almost 2 miles W of Totoog Point. 2.125 Naranjo Islands (12"23'N., 124"02'E.), located W of Capul Island and about 7.5 miles S of the coast of Luzon, consists of the six small islands of San Andres, Rasa, Medio, Darsena, Aguada, and Escarpada. Naranjo Pass, which is wide and deep, separates the group from Capul Island. The islands are mountainous with very abrupt slopes, being steeper near the shores. The islands are almost bare of heavy timber, though practically the whole group is covered with brush and jungle. There are no important towns in the islands. Tadloy Point, on San Andres Island, is the N extremity of the group. Vessels can take anchorage in Sabariog Bay, lying on the N coast of Darsena Island, with protection being afforded by the other islands of the group. During the Northeast Monsoon anchorage can be taken off the SW side of Escarpada Island. Ternate Bay, between Darsena Island and Aguada Island, affords protected anchorage, but is subject to strong currents at times. Access to this anchorage is from the SW. Caution.-Navigators must exercise caution when approaching these anchorages as the channels are narrow and the tidal currents are strong. The flood current in San Bernardino Strait generally sets SW between and around the Naranjo Islands. However, in the channel between Aguada and Escarpada Islands the current sets NW, and between Rasa and San Andres Islands it sets NE, causing heavy rips where it meets the flood current. 2.126 Destacado Island (12"17'N., 124"06'E.), about 201m high, lies about 3.75 miles SE of the Naranjo Islands. The island rises steeply from the sea and its coasts are generally clear of dangers. Lode Bay is formed by an indentation in the W coast of the island. A reef, on which there is a rock 2.7m high, extends about 0.3 mile offshore from the middle ofLode Bay. Vessels can take anchorage in the N part of Lode Bay. This anchorage is untenable during the Southwest Monsoon. Naranjo Pass (12"24'N., 124"07'E.), between the Naranjo Islands and Capul Island, is deep with a least width of 5 miles. Numerous swirls and eddies are formed in theN entrance to Naranjo Pass and in the channel between Capul Island and Luzon. Vessels boundS through Naranjo Pass should pass about 1 mile W of Totoog Point and the same distance E of Destacado Island. Vessels bound W with the current are likely to be carried S toward San Andres Island unless special precautions are taken to avoid it. Caution.-Navigators must exercise caution when navigating Naranjo Pass because of the cross currents. At night or during stormy weather when the visibility is poor, vessels are advised to pass N and W of the Naranjo Islands, keeping fairly close to the Masbate coast in passing to or from the Samar Sea from San Bernardino Strait. Pub.l62 30' 12' 30' PAN 11 ' ;!)c:itional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 3 -CHART INFORMATION Pub.162 SECTOR3 NORTH AND EAST COA OF PANAY, SOUTH COAST OF MASBATE, AND NORTHWEST COAST OF NEGROS Plan.-This sector describes the ea between the NE extremity of Mindoro to the SE e> rnity of Masbate, the Sibuyan Sea and Sibuyan Isla d, the . oast of Panay, and off lying islands and dangers in the abo\e areas. The arrangement is from W to E. Also described in this sector is the E coast of Panay and the W coast of Negros, both from N S, including Guimaras Island, iloilo Strait, and Guimaras St - General Remarks 3.1 Winds-Weather.-The Southwest Monsoon generally begins about the middle or d of April, with winds from the SW and W, which at timeE ow freshly, alternating L irregularly with NE winds. They are li • first in that part of the Sibuyan Sea included between Ver -: sland Passage and the meridian of Marinduque. In this part they blow stronger th :1e variable winds from N to S through E that are experienc tarther E and which are accompanied by thick weather and he ry squalls. In April and May the winds are v -le from N to S through E, with occasional thick weather, ]-y sq ualls , and calms. This weather continues through J until the Southwest Monsoon becomes established in t~ \ icinity of Verde Island Passage. In general, the Southwest Mon becomes established during June and blows from SSW to , reaching at this time as farE as Marinduque. In some years the Southwest Mom: on is limited to a few gales W, alternating with the varia e winds from the E . In other years it attains full force in M3J , and in this case the SW winds are less permanent from Ju to September and are replaced by longer periods of variable breezes . The Northeast Monsoon begins to d the end of September or the beginning of October. During ~ tember the winds blow alternately from NE, SE, or SW, t t with more persistence from the SW. During the interval change there are light winds, calms , and tornadoes. During October, November, and tke arly part of December, the monsoon blows strong from the ~ • and NE, accompanied by thick weather and rains . After the middle of December the es cease and the winds blows strongly from the NE. E, SE, with much thick r weather and rain until the Vernal e · nox, from which time until the monsoon ends the winds vr from N to S through E, sometimes blowing with force, a other times light and variable airs and calms. Typhoons are more prevalent in months from June to November, inclusive, and about 20 percent of all the typhoons occur in September. Tides-Currents.-The flood ctr=nt, is the current which enters the Sulu Sea through Miocao Strait and sets NE through Tablas Island, where the! are joined by the tidal current. The tidal current comes through the passes between Tablas Island and Panay, and sets N through Romblon Pass. Similarly, the ebb current, running SW, divides in the vicinity of Punta Gorda , one current running S on each side of Tablas Island. Vessels corning from the NW along the usual route on the flood current leave the current from Verde Island Passage about midway between Maestre de Campo Island and Simara Island. On nearing the latter island, a tidal current of 0.5 to 0.75 knot is found setting to the NE. Abreast of Guindanauhan Islet the direction of the current changes to ENE, but seldom reaches the strength of 1 knot, since it appears to be very deep and not a surface current. This current causes a slight rip on the banks between 91 to 182m. Close off Punta Gorda is an area with very little current, but E of it the flood current is met setting due N through Romblon Pass. This current enters the passages to Port Romblon from the W, and continues to the NE between Cobrador Island and Romblon Island. The ebb currents are exactly opposite in strength and direction to those of the flood . Tidal currents of up to 1.5 knots are found in the narrow channels in the vicinity of Guindauahan Islet and Origion Rock. Moderate rips are found in this area. The currents on the W coast of Tablas Island are almost wholly tidal and flood N, following the general trend of the coast with a strength of about 0.5 knot. These currents, which run very deep , causes rips at abrupt changes in depth. Strong rips are found off Bagulayac Point. The flood current on the E coast of Tablas Island sets N and ebbs S at an estimated rate of about 0.5 knot. At the same time, the flood current sets SE along the SW side of Sibuyan Island. Observations near Cresta de Gallo Island shown the flood current setting SW. The ebb current moves in a direction opposite to that of the flood in the above localities. The tidal currents between Panay and Tablas Island sometimes attain a rate of 3.5 knots, but elsewhere in the above localities do not exceed 2 knots. The flood current sets E and the ebb sets W. The flood current which sets E along the N coast of Panay and S along the E coast of that island meets the flood current which sets NE through iloilo Strait and Guimaras Strait in the vicinity of Pan de Azucar Island. The ebb current sets in an opposite direction. As a general rule the tidal currents are not strong in this area, but they sometimes attain a rate of 2 knots in the narrow channels and in the approaches to these channels. In the Sibuyan Sea the tidal currents are not strong, except off Arena Point, the SE extremity of Bondoc Peninsula, where they acquire some force from the amount of water that enters and leaves Ragay Gulf. The flood current that enters Mindoro Strait follows the coast of Mindoro, part of it continuing around the S and E coasts of Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros that island and then N of Dumali Point, where it meets the tidal current through Verde Island Passage. The remainder of this tidal current divides at the NW extremity of Panay, one branch flowing along the N coast of Panay past Bulacue Point and the Gigantes Islands to Bulala qui Point theN extremity of Cebu. From there it turns S and meets the tidal current from the Pacific Ocean through Surigao Strait about 6 miles S of the Camotes Islands. It also flows into the Iloilo Strait and into the Tanon Strait where it meets the tidal current which has entered from the S on the parallels of the N end of Negros and of Tajao Point. The ebb currents set exactly opposite in strength and direction. The tidal currents in the Visayan Sea are more or less unpredictable due to the numerous connecting channels leading into it. Swirls and eddies are apt to be found in the vicinities of the numerous shoal patches and in the narrow channels leading between the islands and dangers. The route from Manila to Iloilo, via Verde Island Passage, is the one most commonly used, as it permits deviation to a number of minor ports. It is followed as far as Dumali Point, the NE extremity of Mindoro, where a choice of two routes is offered. The E route is the one most often used by inter-island vessels, particularly during the Southwest Monsoon . The W route is deeper and more easily traversed. The W route is used extensively during the strength of the Northeast Monsoon, when there is a fair wind and sea on the S passage. The W route is recommended for strangers and for vessels of deep draft. The E route leads E of Maestro de Campo Island and then S of Sirnara Island, between it and the N end of Tab las Island. It then leads through Romblon Pass, between Tablas and Romblon Islands, then SW of Jintotolo Island and through Jintotolo Channel. From here proceed through one of the channels NE of Panay, and then between Panay and Negros Islands . Off-lying Islands 3.2 Dumali Point (13 .07'N. , 121 · 33'E.) lies on theN part of the E coast of Mindoro. Maestre De Campo Island (12 .56'N., 121 •43'E.) lies about 13 miles SE of Dumali Point. The summit of the island from E or W appears like a ridge with three distinct hills, the highest near the N part of the island. The coast may be approached safely within 0.25 mile. The island has a number of small bays which afford anchorage and shelter to small craft. Port Concepcion (12 . 55'N., 121 •43'E.) lies on the SE side of Maestre De Campo Island. A beacon, 10m high, is situated on a 32m high hill on the S side of the entrance to the port. Depths of over 16.5m are found in the approach, and in the middle of the S part of the port. The shores are fringed by a reef, except at the head of the N arm, where there is a sandy beach. Several wrecks lie in the N part of the port, N of a line extending W from Batarya Point. This part of the port is Pub.162 extremely narrow and should only be used by small vessels with local knowledge. Concepcion, a small village of little commercial importance, stands on the E shore of the N arm of the port. There is anchorage in the middle of the port, protected from all winds except those between E and SE, in depths of 29 to 37m, rock and sand. Small vessels may anchor farther N off Concepcion village. Heavy squalls are reported to blow down from the hills during the Northeast Monsoon season (October to March). Bidoos Bay (12.55'N., 121 · 44'E.), entered between Batarya Point and San Martin Point, about 0.5 mile ENE, is immediately E of Port Concepcion; they are separated by a narrow tongue of land. Bidoos Bay and Agbatang Bay, on the S side of the island, are the principal breaks in the shoreline outside of Port Concepcion. They are open S, fringed with coral, and suitable for small craft only. The Dos Hermanas Islands (13. 02'N. , 121 · 55'E.) lie about 11 miles NE of Maestre De Campo Island. This group consists of two small islets, Carlota Island and Isabel Island, 59m and 65m high , respectively, lying about 1.5 miles apart. From the offing the two islets appear alike , each with a flat top and sloping to a terrace at each end. The coasts of the islets consist of cliffs, 6 to 24m high, greatly underwom by the sea. A narrow fringe of coral fronts the N side of each islet. To the NE of Carlota there is a narrow coral spit sloping gradually to a depth of 46m, at a distance of 0.5 mile. Both islets are densley wooded and Carlota is inhabited. The tidal current is especially strong in the vicinity of the Dos Hermanas Islands; the flood current sets in an E or ENE direction, and the ebb in a W direction. Added to this current is the effect of the wind currents, setting SW from 0.25 to 0.5 knot during the Northeast Monsoon, and in the opposite direction, and weaker, during the Southwest Monsoon. The best anchorage is on the coral spit on the NE side of Carlota Island. 3.3 Banton Island (12.56'N., 122. 04'E.) lies with its NW extremity about 17.5 miles E of Maestre De Campo Island. The island consists of a central ridge, 615m high at the N end, occupying the larger part of the island. TheW coast is indented by Mainit Bay. This bay, and two small bays on either side, are too deep and exposed to provide anchorage. A narrow steep-to reef fringes the entire island, except at the NE and SW points where the cliffs fall precipitously into great depths. A town, which can be identified by its church, stands on the E side of the island. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off Banton Island, either off the S point of the town or on a coral ridge off the SE extremity of the island, in a depth of 27m, although this has been reported to be a poor anchorage. Bantoncillo Island (12 . 53'N., 122.00'E.), 98m high, and wooded, lies 3.25 miles SW of Banton Island. The island is bordered by coarse beaches and limestone ledges, and is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. A bare pinnacle rock, 26m high, lies close off the SW point of the island. Simara Island (12 .48'N., 122. 03'E.) lies with its NE extremity 4.5 miles S of Banton Island. The coast of the island Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros is bold with no indentations except at SW end, where there is a narrow, reef filled inlet. The rest cf the coast consists of low cliffs and coral beaches. A small town stands near the S extr ·cy of the island. It can be identified by a church and the ruics of a fort on the hill behind the town. A light is shown from a concrete to..-. er, lOrn high, standing on Corcuera Point, the W extremity of e island. The NE stream between Banton Island and Sirnara Island has a rate of between 0.5 to 0.75 knot. Ranger Reef (12°48'N., 122°06'E.l smal l shoal with a least depth of 3.6m, lies about 1.5 mile~ E of theSE part of the Simara Island. It can only occasional~) be discerned by water discoloration. Two 14.6m coral patches lie 2.25 Diles off the E side of Simara Island. A similar patch lies ab t 0.7 mile off the SE part of the island. Vessels, with local knowledge, can anchorage between Ranger Reef and the SE side of Sima:a Island, with Bantayan Hill, the summit of the island, bearin g etween 300° and 315 °, in depths of 20 to 26m. Tablas Island 3.4 Tablas Island (12°25'N., 122"02'E.), about 35 miles long from N to S, is separated fro rm Mindoro to the W by Tablas Strait and from Romblon Isla to the E by Romblon Pass. A heavily wooded central ran:::-of hills traverses the length of the island. There are no · ortant towns on the island. The only protected anchorage is Ledro Point and Apunan Point, the S extremity of Romblon lsi d ; theN bay is foul, but there is a depth of 9m at a distance o t 1 mile offshore in the S bay. Apunan Point (12'29'N., 122' 17'=-). lies about 4 miles SSE of San Pedro Point. A light is sho"~.JJ on the point. Sablayan Point lies 2.75 miles ENE of Apunaa Point. The coast between these two points is steep-to and clear Jf dangers. Calabago Point ( 12' 33'N., 122' . 3.) lies 2.5 miles N of Sablayan Point. A small islet, from hich a reef extends 0.5 mile NNW, lies in a large bight, close N of the point. Detached shoals, with depths of 16.5m, lie ab ut 4.5 miles E and ESE, respectively, of Calabago Point. Tongo Point (12' 38'N., 122' 17'E.) rms theN extremity of Romblon Island. The coast betwe the islet N of Calabago Point and Tongo Point is clear of dangers , and may be approached to within 0.5 mile. A shoal , with a depth of 14.6m, lies close E of the point. Sibuyan Island 3.13 Sibuyan Island (12 ' 25'N., 122' 35'E.) is separated from the E side of Romblon Island by a passage 6.5 miles wide, and which apart from two 16.5m patches, is very deep and clear of dangers. The island is mountainous and has 8 prominent peaks. Mount Guitinguitin, the highest, stands in the middle of the island. There are several small towns standing along the shores of the island, but none are of any commercial importance. The N and NE coasts of the island are fronted by detached shoals and dangers as far as two miles offshore. Cabodiangan Point (12' 27'N., 122' 25'E.), theW extremity of the island, is low and covered with mangroves. Cangouac Point lies about 5.25 miles NE of Cabodiangan Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies about 0.5 mile NE of Cangouac Point. Magdiwang (Magallanes) ( 12' 30'N., 122' 31'E.), a town on the W bank of the Magallanes River, lies about 1.5 miles ESE of Cangouac Point. Madiwang Lighted beacon stands on Cangouac Point. A conspicuous house with a white roof stands on the E side of the river. Shoal water lies from 0.75 mile to 2 miles N of the town , and can best be seen on the area chart. Vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage NW of the entrance to the river, in depths of 11 to 17m, sand. Vessels approaching from the W or N should pass about 2 miles N of Cangouac Point, and then steer 149' for the hou se with a white roof. Vessels approaching from the E should keep from 1.5 to 2 miles offshore until lpil Point, 2 miles WSW of Cangouac Point, bears 245 ' . Ipil Point is only prominent on this bearing . Steer for lpil Point on 245 ' , passing over a 1Om depth located about 1.25 miles N of Consumala Point. When the mouth of the Magallanes River bears 186' , alter course to 197 ' , being careful to avoid the charted dangers, and approach the anchorage NW of the river's mouth. 3.14 Consumala Point (12'30'N., 122'33'E.), the N extremity of Sibuyan Island, lies about 3.25 miles ENE of Cangouac Point. A reef, with a depth of 0.9m, extends 0.5 mile NE from the point. Silom (12' 30'N., 122' 36'E.), a village, stands about 3.25 miles E of Consumala Point. There is a break in the coastal reef off the village which provides anchorage and shelter to small vessels with local knowledge. Canloay Point lies about 2 miles E of Silom. The coast between Canloay Point and Cambulayan Point is fringed with coral and mangroves, but there are a few places where landings can be made. A chain of sand and stone shoals lies from 1 to 1.5 miles off this coast. There is a deep channel between the shoals and the coast which can best be seen on the area chart. Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros Cajidiocan (12 "22'N., 122"41'E.), a small town, is located about 2 miles SSW of Cambulayan Point. A school with a red roof in the town is conspicuous. Cauit Point (12"16'N., 122 "38'E.), the S extremity of Sibuyan Island, is located about 7 miles SSW of Cajidiocan. The point is a low, narrow, flat peninsula of coarse sand and gravel. A concrete tower, 10m high, from which Cavit Point Light is shown, stands on Cavit Point. Heavy tide rips occur off the point at and near spring tides. Azagra town stands about 0.5 mile N of the point. A rock, with a depth of 0.9m, lies about 0.4 mile N of Cauit Point. San Fernando (12 "18'N., 122"36'E.) lies about 1.75 miles NW of Cauit Point. Coral reefs extend as far as 0.25 mile offshore abreast the town . Canti gas Point lies 2 miles WNW of San Fernando. The point is low and hard to identify. Espana (12"23'N., 122"30'E.), a small village, lies 5.75 miles SE of Cabodiangan Point. A river empties into the sea 1 mile SE of the village. Vessels, with local knowledge, can anchor off the mouth of the river. Vessels can also anchor off the village. A shoal , with a depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.75 mile SW of the town. Vessels should use caution in order to avoid the reef and rock, awash, which extend 0.5 mile SE from the S side of the river. 3.15 Prueba Reef (12 "14'N., 122"38'E.), on which there are two heads, which dry, lies about 1.5 miles S of Cauit Point. The channel between Cauit Point and the N edge of Prueba Reef has a least width of about 0.75 mile and is deep and free of dangers in the fairway. The channel between Sibuyan Island and Masbate Island is about 30 miles wide and is encumbered by numerou s shoal s, reefs, and dangers , which are fo r the most part steep-to . This channel may be roughly divided into three passages , of which the W passage is easiest to navigate. This passage lies between Sibuyan Island and Prueba Reef on the NW si de and a line of reefs lying about 6 miles SE of the island. The narrowest part of this passage lies between Prueba Reef and Cresta de Gallo Island and is about 3.5 miles wide, deep, and clear of dangers. The other two passages should not be attempted as they are unmarked and the tidal currents in the area are irregular and unpredictable. There is also the po ssibility of the existance of uncharted dangers. Cresta de Gallo Island (12"12'N., 122 "42'E.) is narrow and surrounded by dangers, and lies about 5.75 miles SE of Cauit Point. The N part of the island consists of a low sandspit, which is almost awash at extreme high tides. The S part of the island can be identified by its two co nspicuous peaks. A concrete tower, 10m high , situated near the S point of the island. A shoal bank, with depths of less than 8.2m and two patches, with least depths of 4.5m, extends about 3 miles SSW of the island. Romero Reef, with a depth of 4.5m, lie s about 2 miles SE of Cresta de Gallo Island . Pub.162 3.16 Aubarede Reef (12"13'K., 122"43'E.), with a least depth of 3m, lies about 1.75 miles NE of the NE extremity of Cresta de Gallo Island. Roda Reef, with a least depth of 3.6m, lies about 2.75 miles NE of Aubarede Reef. Perseus Reef lies about 2 miles NNE of Roda Reef and has a least depth of 0.5m. And a Reef, with a least depth of 2.1m, lies about 6 miles ESE of Roda Reef. An isolated 8.2m depth was reported to lie about 5.5 miles ENE of Aubarede Reef. Another isolated depth of 3.7m, whose position is doubtful , lies about 1.5 miles SSE of the 8.2m depth. Cervera Reef (12"20'N., 122"50'E.), awash near its E end, lies with its W extremity 7 miles ESE of Cambulayan Point. Shoals, with depths of 9 and 15m lie about 7.75 miles and 8.75 miles SE, respectively, of Cambulayan Point. Bennet Reef (12 "24'N., 123"05'E.), on which there is a shifting sand cay, lies 15 miles ENE of Cervera Reef. Montero Shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, lies 7.5 miles SSW of Bennet Reef. Gamma Reef, with a least depth of 5.5m, Ues 3.5 miles SE of Bennet Reef. Thma Reef (12 "15'N., 123"07'E. ), with a depth of 4.9m, lies 5.5 miles ESE of Montero Reef. Pineda Reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 8 miles WSW of Tuma Reef. Arana Reef, with a depth of 0.9m, lies about 2.5 miles SW of Pineda Reef. Reynoso Reef (12"07'N ., 122 "54'E.), with a least depth of 4.9m, lies about 4.5 miles SW of Arana Reef. Carrasco Reef, with a least depth of 4.5m, lies 1.25 miles SE of Anda Reef. Roldan Reef, with a least depth of 0.5m, lies about 2 miles N of Carrasco Reef. Panay-North Coast 3.17 Carabao Island (12"04'N ., 121 "56'E.) lies about 3.5 miles SW of the S extremity of Tab las Island. The shores of the island are mainly steep-to and clear of dangers. Vessels can take anchorage off a sandy beach on the E side of the island, in a depth of 9 . I m. Anchorage can also be taken, in 18.3m, E of the village of Taft , lying 1.5 miles N of theSE extremity of the island . Vessels can also anchor on the SW side of the island, about 2.25 miles WNW of its S extremity, in a depth of 10.9m. Borocay Island (11 "58'N. , 121 "55'E.) lie 2.5 miles S of Carabao Island . The channel between the two islands is deep and free of dangers , but tidal currents are very strong. There is anchorage on the W side of the island, in a depth of 6.7m. The channel between Borocay Island and the N coa t of Panay is about 0.25 mile wide, and clear of dangers in the fairway. There are dangerous rocks on both sides of the fairway and shoal patches in the approaches. The tidal currents et through the channel with great force . Potol Point (11 "56'N., 121 "57'E.) , theN extremity ofPanay, is flat and sandy, with a few trees. A group of rocks and islets lie about 0.5 mile NE of the point. A reef fringes the shore from the point to Saboncogon Point, 3.25 miles SE. A prominent hill stands about 0.25 mile SW of Saboncogon Point. Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros lbajay (11 "50'N., 122"10'E.), a sma own, stands on a point of the same name, and lies about 11.25 miles ESE of Saboncogon Point. The town is obscu d by trees and is not visible from offshore. Vessels with local knowledge can tili anchorage NE of the town. This anchorage provides prote · n from S winds but is not safe during the Southwest Monsoon The wind often shifts suddenly to NW, leaving Pontud Banks to leeward, and a large vesse ould not remain here with safety. Pontud Bank (11 "52'N., 122" 15'E.) consists of a group of shoals with depths of 0.3 to 4.9m, lying from 1.5 to 3.5 miles N of Apga Point (11 "48'N., 122"16'E.). Detached shoals, with depths of 3.6 and 1.8m, lie about 0.5 mile and 5 miles NNW, respectively, d Apga Point. Aldan Point, 7.5 miles ESE of Apg oint, is low and flat. It is formed by the delta of a river whicla flows out at the point. The sea breaks heavily on the bar d ng NE winds. A town tands on theE bank of the river, abo 2 miles from the mouth of the river. 3.18 Port Batao (11 "35'N., 122·: 'E.) is entered between Floripon Point, a densely wooded po.DI. marked situated about 11 miles SE of Aldan Point, and &ran Point, marked by a light, 0.75 mile further SSE. Port Eatan is formed by the mouths of several rivers flowing into e same general area. The port may be identified by oc Hill, a prominent, steep, rocky mount 47m high, situat close to the coast, 2.5 miles SE of Floripon Point. Mounts· ay, 214m high, rises to a sharp peak 2.25 miles S of Ocboc Detached reefs, with depths of7.3m and 9.lm, lie about 5.75 and 5.25 miles NNE, respectively, of . _oripon Point. A shoal, with a depth of 17.7m, Lie about 2.5 miles N of the same point. Shoals, with depths of less than 5._ , extend 1.5 mile and 2 miles N from the W and E sides, re ctively, of the entrance to the port. The entrance channel, lyi g between these shoals, is about 0.25 mile wide. The bar fronting the d:lannel has a least charted depth of 6.4m. The bar and the shoal~ have been known to shift at times. If the channel buoys are out of position, the edges of the banks may sometimes be distingui..Jaed by the color of the water and by tide rips. The tidal cure::nt runs at a considerable rate in this vicinity. The village of Batao, on the E sh of the port, is in ruins, and only a few huts are visible. Washington, a loading port, lies about 5.75 miles NW af Batao, on the New Washington River (Lagatic River), hich could carry a depth of 3m to New Washington. Vessels can take anchorage anyv" ere S of the peninsula which forms theN side of Port Batar:., in depths of 7 to 11m. Anchorage can also be taken during the Southwest Monsoon, outside the peninsula, ab ut 0.75 mile NE of New Washington. Vessels entering Port Batao shoul steer for Floripon Point bearing 195", and then pass in · d-channel between the entrance buoys, allowing for the tida.. tream. Vessels are cautioned against the -ects of the tidal currents in the channel and in the approache Vessels should round the S part of Floripon Point at a distance of 0.15 mile and anchor as convenient. 3.19 Sapian Bay (11 "33'N., 122"36'E.) lies about 5.5 miles ESE of Batao Point. A small town of the same name situated about 3 miles up a river which flows into the SW comer of the bay. The bay is free of dangers, but a bank, with depths of less than 5.5m, extends about 2 miles from the head. Malacha Islet, 15.2m high, lies on the E side of the bay, about 2.25 miles SSW of Nailon Point. Detached reefs, with depths of 1.8m and 9.4m, lie about 2.75 miles N of Baquiao Point, the W entrance point to Saipan Bay. Shoals with depths of 12.9m and 14.7m, lie 5.5 miles NNE and 7.5 miles NE, respectively, of the above point. A reef, with a least depth of 4.5m, lies about 1.25 miles N of Baquiao Point. Foul ground, with depths less than 0.9m, lies between this reef and the point. Rocks, with a depth of 0.9m close E, lie 0.55 mile ESE of Baquiao Point. A shoal, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 1.5 miles NW of the point. Maybay Island, rocky, partially wooded, and 23m high, lies 1.25 miles WNW of Nailon Point. A shoal, with a least depth of 2.1 m, lies about 0.5 mile NW of the islet. Mahabang Islet, 6.lm high, lies 1.25 miles WSW of Nailon Point. A number of small, rocky islets lie 0.35 mile S of the islet. Capiz Bay (I 1 "35'N., 122"42'E.) lies NE of Sapian Bay, and is entered between Nailon Point and Culasi Point, about 4 miles NE. The depths in the bay are mostly shoal, with the 5.5m curve extending, roughly, between the entrance points. The Panay River discharges about 1.5 miles SSE of Culasi Point. Roxas City stands on the N bank of the river, about 3 miles above its mouth. 3.20 Port Capiz (ll "36'N., 122"43'E.) (World Port Index No. 59150) is located on the S side of Culasi Point. The entrance to the port is about 105m wide and lies between the heads of two breakwaters. A depth of 5.5m can be carried through the entrance to the pier at Culasi. A light is shown from the head of each breakwater. A depth of 5.5m was reported in the channel leading to Port Capiz. A concrete pier, with a reported depth of 5m, situated at Culasi. A reef, with a depth of 5.8m, lies about 1.75 miles WNW of Cula i Point light. A rock, with a depth of 0.3m, lies about 0.5 mile N of the above point. Flat Rock, about 0.3m high, and surrounded by rocks, lies about 0.85 mile NNE of Culasi Point. Some rocks, which dry about 1.5m, lie about midway between Flat Rock and the coast. Tuad Islet, 13.4m high, is partly wooded; it lies about 3 miles WSW of Culasi Point and within the 9.1 m curve fronting the bay. The islet lies near the N end of a shoal, of sand and coral head , which extends about 0.5 mileS. A reef, with a depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.75 mile E of the islet. There is a 4.9m shoal 1.5 miles ESE of Tuad Islet. A small pinnacle rock, with a depth of 2.lm, lies about 0.3 mile SW of Culasi Point. Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros Vessels unable to enter Port Capiz because of their draft can take anchorage about 1 mile SW of Culasi Point, in a depth of 6.4m, mud. Smaller vessels can anchor closer to the point. Nipa Point (11 · 37'N., 122.43'E.) lies about 0.5 mile NE of Culasi Point. The point is steep and rocky. A cluster of intake pipes, marked by two buoys and a tower, lies about 0.5 mile NNE of Nipa Point. Mantalinga Islet is small and wooded, and lies 1.5 miles E of Nipa Point. The islet stands on a rocky shelf which is awash. A 5.8m patch lies about 0.6 mile N of the islet. 3.21 Pirara Point (11 "36'N., 122"50'E.), low, sandy, and covered with trees, lies about 7 miles E of Nipa Point. A river, which empties close S of the point, forms a shoal sandbar which extends 0.75 mile seaward. Nagtig Islet, densely covered with brush and trees, lies about 1 mile NW of Pirara Point. Olutaya Island (11 · 38'N., 122. 50'E.), which is sparsely wooded, lies about 1.75 miles N of Pirara Point. A small wooded islet lies about 0.25 mile W of the island, and a similar islet lies close off the N end of the island . A small cove indents the SE side of the island and affords anchorage to small vessels. Eddies and irregular tidal currents are found in the vicinity of Olutaya Island . Rips have been observed just W of the channel between the island and Pirara Point, when the current was running at full strength. Pilar Bay (11 "33'N. , 123"00'E.) is entered between Pirara Point and Bulacaue Point, about 19 miles E. The bay indents the coast for about 7 miles in a S direction. The bay is mostly shoal, contains no sheltered anchorages, and is of little use to shipping. A town of the same name stands at the head of the bay. Zapato Islands (11 "45'N. , 123 "0l'E.) are three small islets lying on a bank, located about 12 miles NW of Bulacaue Point. Zapato Mayor Islet, the NE and largest of the group, is fringed by a reef with shoal water extending about 0.5 mile S and W from the islet. Zapato Menor Islet, located about 3.5 miles SW of Zapato Mayor Islet, is well wooded, steep-to, and clear of dangers. Chinela Islet lies about 1 mile NNE of Zapato Menor Islet. A rocky ledge, which dries, extends about 45m from its hores. Currents and eddies are strong in the vicinity of the Zapato Islands . Elcano Shoal (11 ·51 'N., 122.53'E.), located about 9.5 miles NW of Zapato Mayor Islet, is about 1.25 miles long and 0.5 mile wide with a visible bottom. The shoal has depths of 15 to 18m. Bulacaue Point (11 "36'N., 123 "09'E.), the NE extremity of Panay, is a spur from Mount Agudo and Mount Sibala, situated 15 mile and 12 miles, respectively, SW of the point. The point is low and terminates in a sand spit with drying rocks which extend 0.35 mile offshore. Cucaracha Shoal (11 "41'N., 123 . ll'E.) lies about 4.5 miles NNE of B ulacaue Point. The shoal consists of several detached patches with depths of 2.7 to 8.2m. A number of shoals lie to the E of Cucaracha Shoal and can best be seen on the area chart. Pub.162 Masbate-West Coast 3.22 Bugui Point (12 "36'N., 123 . 14'E.), the NW extremity of Masbate, is moderately high, rugged, steep-to, and marked by a light. Beta Reef, with a depth of 2.7m, lies about 6.5 miles SSW of Bugui Point. Bagupantao Point (12"28'N., 123 . 15'E.) is located about 9 miles S of Bugui Point. Gato Island (12"27'N., 123 "12'E.), 57m high, lies on the outer edge of a bank extending from the W side of Masbate, about 2.75 miles WSW ofBagupantao Point. A 5.5m shoal lies 2.5 miles N of Gato Island. Thmalaytay Point (12"17'N. , 123"14'E.), 65m high , lies about I 0.5 miles S of Bagupantao Point. The coast between these two points is indented by several bays fronted by Majaba Island , Nabugtut Island, and Napayauan Island. The passages between these islands and the coast of Mas bate are encumbered with drying shoals. Thmalaytay Island (12 "17'N. , 123 . 13'E.) lies on the edge of the coastal reef which fringes Tumalaytay Point to a distance of about 1 mile W and NW. The reef is bare at LW. A 7 .6m patch lies 1.25 miles NNW of the island . 3.23 Nin Bay (12"13'N., 123 "15'E.) is entered between Pagbulungan Point, 3.75 miles S of Tumalaytay Point, and Talisay Point 5 miles furtherS. The bay is divided into two parts by Carogo Island and Camasusu Island. The N side of the bay is sheltered, with good holding ground. The S side of the bay have been reported to contain numerous shoals. The dangers in Nin Bay can best be seen on the area chart. Alas Bay is a narrow and shallow cove which extends about 2.5 miles from the head of the bay. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage anywhere in the N part of Nin Bay, according to draft. The holding ground is good, but the anchorage is exposed to N winds. Small craft can anchor just inside the narrow channel connecting the head of Nin Bay with Alas Bay. Vessels can obtain secure anchorage in Looc Bay, about 0.5 mile E of the summit of Camasusu Island, in depths of 9 to 11m. Looc Bay (12 "09'N. , 123 "15'E.), the S part of Nin Bay, lies about 2.5 miles NE of Tali say Point. The bay is shallow in its E part and somewhat restricted throughout. Tandao Rock lies, awash, about 0.75 mile NNW of Talisay Point. The rock is the only known danger in the entrance to Looc Bay. Coral reefs, some of which dry, extend up to 0.6 mile from the S shore of the bay. Talisay Reef (12"07'N. , 123 "12'E.), parts of which dry at LW, lies 1.75 miles SW of Talisay Point and about 1 mile offshore. Pulanduta Point (11 •54'N., 123"10'E.), the SW extremity of Mas bate, is located 14 miles SSW of Talisay Point. The coast between is low, except at Thmatum Point (11 "58'N., 123 "09'E.) , located 4 miles NNE ofPulanduta Point, where hills lie close to the coast and form low rocky bluffs and rise to a 143m high hill. Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros Jintotolo Island Light Coral reefs and sand beaches fri ge the coast. A light is shown from Pulanduta Point. Masbate-South Coast 3.24 Jintotolo Island (I 1"51'N.. 123. 08'E.) lies about 3 miles SSW of Pulanduta Point. The land is 40m high, well wooded and bordered by a sa dy bea:cn. A li ght marks the SW side of the island. The island is surrounded by a reef bch extends about 0.35 mile from the NW side. The channelletween Masbate and the island is clear of dangers in the fairw . Jintotolo Channel (11"48'N., 1:!_,"05'E.) is the passage between Panay and Masbate. The chmnel is divided into three passages by Jintotolo Island and the ~pato Islands. All the pa ssages are deep and cJ ar of dangers in the fairways, but numerous unmarke shoals lie in their approaches and immediate vicinity. L e middle passage is the one most used. Asid Gulf (12.05'N., 123 . 30'E.) lies between Pulanduta Point and Buri Point, 32 miles E. The _g-eater part of the gulf is encumbered with islets, dangers, and 9-loals. There are a few prominent landmarks and navigation aids in the gulf. Only vessels with local knowl=:ibe should attempt to navigate within the gulf, an then ffi extremity of Igbon Island. It is fringed by a narrow steep eef. Baliguian Island (11 ' 12'N .. 123 ' 20 ~) , lying about 9 miles E of lgbon Island, is small, low, a jensely wooded. It is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef. Frc a distance, the tops of the trees look like land. The island is ed by a light situated on its NW end . Two shoals, with depths of 4.6m, e about 4.5 miles NNE and 4 miles NE, respectively, of the and. A shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, was reported to lie ~ een these shoals in a position about 4.25 miles NE of the i d. A shoal, with a depth of 6.7m, li.:s about 3.5 miles E of Baliguian Island. A shoal , with a de JJ of 3.6m, lies about 2 miles S of the island. There are numerous other shoals f r -erNE and E, outside the usual track of vessels proceeding lioilo, the positions of which may best be seen on the chart. Mount Apiton (11 ' 11'N.. 123 ' ( E.) is a bold , round headland at the SE extremity of Pana~. 3.34 Tagubanhan Island (11 'C.._ "1-l" ., 123 ' 07'E.), 299m high, and well wooded, is separated •m the coast of Panay, SE of Mount Apiton by Apiton Pa The pass is 0.75 mile wide and is deep and clear of danger~. except for a 5.5m patch 2 miles E of Mount A piton. Anauayan Island (11 ' 06'N., 12 ( 9'E.), 54m high and steep-to, lies about 2 miles E of the S remity of Tagubanhan Island. Anauayan Channel, which is • p and clear of dangers in the fairway, lies between the two i ds. Thria Rock (11 ' 03'N., 123 "06'E.), th a depth of 0.9m, lies about 3.5 miles SSW of the S end -Tagubanhan Island. A reef, with a depth of 4.3m, lies ab CL't 0.3 mile NE of Turia Rock. Turia Rock cannot be distinguished except when close to it. The sea does not break over it heavier than it does anywhere else in this vicinity. Tire channels leading to Guimaras Strait all pass N of these tV" jangers. Vessels should give this rock a berth 1pproximately 0.5 mile. Calabazas Island (11 ' 05'N., 123"0 1'E.), 59m high and wooded, lies about 5.5 miles WSW .: the SW extremity of Tagubanhan Island. A light marks the ~3 end of the island. Nasidman Island, 42m high and W '!l wooded, lies about 0 .3 mile WSW of Calabazas Island. It i:. fri nged by a reef with a 11.9m channel between it an the Pa ; coast. Pepitas Rocks (11 ' 03'N., 123 ' 00E.), lying about 2 miles SSW of Calabazas Island , are a grou ::>f black rocks covered only at extreme HW. The channels 1'!1ding to Guimaras Strait all pass SE and S of this rock and the and. Directions.-If bound for Iloilo · Jm Jintotolo Channel, from a position 2 miles S of Ji olo Island (11 ' 50'N., 123 ' 07'E.), steer to pass between C.1o:aracha Shoal and the 7 .3m shoal 6 miles ENE of it. When the 291m hill on Sicogon Is aJ:i bears 183 ' and is just open E of the hill on the E side of C ' as Island, steer S on this leading line. This track leads betwen f; albagon Island and the 4.6m shoal W of it. When the N end of Tulunanaun Island bears 273 ', alter course to 158 ' , passing 1.25 miles E of Carmencita Shoal. Continue on this course until Baliguian Island (11 ' 12'N., 123 ' 20'E.) bears 180· . Steer on that bearing until 2 miles N of Baliguian Island, when the vessel's course should be changed to 234 ' , passing N of Anauayan Island and 0.5 mile N of Turia Rock. After passing Turia Rock, steer to pass W of Tomonton Shoal, and then alter course S and keep in the fairway for 16 miles to the pilot station E of Navalas Point. Panay-Southeast Coast 3.35 Binanan Island (11 ' 09'N., 123' 05'E.), 113m high, lies close SW of the SW face of Mount A piton. It is connected to the coast of Panay by extensive mangrove swamps and drying mud fiats. Apiton Cove, on the E side of the island, is very narrow and mostly shoal. The S side of the island is clear and steep-to. Salog Island (11 '09'N., 123 ' 03'E.), 50m high and wooded, lies in the entrance to Ajuy Bay, in a position about 1.5 miles W of Binanan Island. It is surrounded by a drying reef. Buri Island (11 ·os'N., 123' 03'E.), 52m high, lies 0.5 mileS of Salog Island. There are a few inhabitants on both islands. The pearl banks of Ajuy lie off the islands, and pearl diving operations take place in their vicinity. Guinasian Islets (11 ' 06'N., 123' 02'E.), consisting of Nasiducang Islet and Bayang Islet lie about 1.5 and 2.25 miles SSW, respectively, of Buri Island. The islets are surrounded by reefs. Ajuy Bay (11 ' 10'N. , 123 ' 03'E.) lies at the head of a large shoal bay located between Binanan Island and Calabazas Island, about 5 miles SW. Ajuy, a small village, stands on the NW side of the bay in a position about 0.5 mile up the Ajuy River. The coast between Calabazas Island and San Juan Point, about 11.25 miles WSW, is indented by four bays, all of which are shoal and used only by local small craft. These bays are separated by high, prominent headlands, which are clear and steep-to. 3.36 Culasi Bay (11 ' 05'N., 122' 59'E.) is the NE bay, with Culasi village at its head. Pedada Bay (11'04'N. , 122' 58'E.), immediately SW of Culasi Bay, has a depth of 5.5m in its entrance. Mount Bayang (11 ' 03'N., 122' 57'E.), 224m high, is the summit of a peninsula separating Pedada Bay from Cana Bay. Canas Bay (11 ' 03'N., 122' 55'E.) has a depth of 9m in its entrance and shoals gradually towards its head. The villages of San Fernando and Santiago stand on the shores of the bay. Mount San Nicolas (11 · o2'N., 122' 54'E.), 244m high and wooded, is the prominent summit of the headland separating Canas Bay and Barotac Bay. A designated fish trap area lies about 1 mile E of Mount San Nicolas which is best seen on the chart. Barotac Bay (11 ' 01'N., 122' 52'E.) has a depth of 9m in its entrance and shoals gradually towards it head; there are several small villages on its shores. San Juan Point (11 ' 00'N., 122' 51'E.), at the SW entrance point of Barotac Bay, is a prominent headland about 60m high. Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros It is fronted by the 20m curve to a distance of about I mile SE. A rock, 0.6m high, lies on a shoal, with depths of 4.I to 6.4m, in a position about 0.5 mile SW of San Juan Point. A light is shown from the E entrance point of a river, I mile WNW of San Juan Point. Banate Bay (10 °58'N., 122°48'E.) is entered between San Juan Point and the unnamed point about 50.5 miles SW. The bay is shoal, with the 5.5m curve lying up to 2.75 miles from its head. Banate (11 OOO'N., I22°49'E.), a small town, stands on theN shore of the bay. A light is shown from the E entrance point of Imbrandahan River about 0.75 mile E of Banate. The coast between the S entrance point of Banate Bay and Dumangas Point (10°47'N., 122 °44'E.), about 9 miles SSW, is low and fringed with mangroves. Shoal water extends up to 2.75 miles offshore. lloilo Strait and Approaches 3.37 Iloilo Strait, located between theW coast of Guimaras Is land and the SE coast of Panay, may be entered either from the NE or from the SW. The NE entrance, which is used by inter-island vessels and vessels having local knowledge, is divided into two channels by Iguana Bank. The N channel is recommended, but the S channel is sometimes used by vessels coming from the S through Guimaras Strait and by the inter-island ferry plying between Pulupandan, Negros, and Iloilo. The SW entrance is used by deep-draft vessels and vessels approaching the strait from the W and SW. Dumangas Point (10°47'N., I22 °44'E.), low and covered with mangroves, lies on the N shore of the NE entrance to Iloilo Strait. The coast is fringed by a shoal bank, with depths of 0.3 to 0.9m, extending from about 0.5 to 0.75 mile offshore. A rock awash, lies at the outer dge of this bank in a position about 1 mile SSW of Durnangas Point. The NE entrance of Iloilo Strait is entered between Dumangas Point and Navalas Point, the NE extremity of Guirnaras Island, about 4.25 miles S. The S shore of the entrance i bordered by a shoal bank extending from about 0.2 to 0.4 mile offshore. Bantigui Rocks, a group of above-water dangers, lie on the coastal bank in a position about 0.1 mile N of Bantigui Point (10°45'N., 122 °41'E.), which is situated 2.5 miles NW ofNavalas Point. A conspicuous white house stands on Bantigui Point. Shoals, with depths of less than 7.3m, extend about I mile N and 0.75 mile NE from Bantigui Point. T he NE entrance is divided into two channels by Iguana Bank. TheN channel has a least depth of 5.5m in the fairway. A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m, lies about 1.5 miles SE of Dumangas Point. The S channel has two shoals, with depths of 4.5m lying about 0.6 mile NNE and NE, respectively, of Bantigui Point. A shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, lies about 0.75 mile NE of the point. Iguana Bank (10 °45'N., 122°44'E.), an extensive sandy shoal, with a least depth of 1.2m near its center, lies from 1 to 3.5 miles NE of the NE side of Guimaras Island, in the middle Pub. 162 of the NE entrance to the strait. B oys mark the NE edge, NW edge and SW extremity of the bank. A narrow sandy ridge, with a least depth of 5m, extends about I.5 miles SE from a position about 1.25 miles ENE of Bantigui Point. 3.38 Siete Pecad os (10 °46'N ., I22°41'E.), a cluster of small rocky islets covered with trees and bushes, lies in midchannel at the E entrance to Iloilo Strait. A rock, with a depth of 2.1m, lies about .25 mile N of the light on Siete Pecados. Siete Pecados Islet Light, 9m high, stands on the largest islet of the group. Two rocks, with depths of 1.8m and 0.6m, lie about 0.15 mile and 0.3 mile SW, respectively. of the light. The latter rock is marked by a stake. Tid es-C urrents.-The spring tidal currents in Iloilo Strait have a maximum velocity of 3 to 4 knots. The flood sets NE and the ebb SW, following the general trend of the channel. In the NE entrance to the strait, about 1.5 miles S of Dumangas Point, the tidal currents set E on the rising tide and W on the falling tide at an average rate of 1.3 knots. Abreast of Iloilo, eddies are strong and irregular with both the NE and SW currents. Pilotage.-Pilotage through Iloilo Straits to and from the harbor, to the Iloilo Straits Wharf and to the Iloilo River, in and out, is compulsory. Vessels taking a pilot through Iloilo Straits asre exempt from mooring and unmooring pilotage fees, except when the vessel first anchors in the stream longer than I2 hours, in which case they shall pay the docking fees. Pilots will board vessels, in daylight hours only, on radio request, about 2.25 miles E of Navalas Point (10°43'N., 122°43'E.). Di rections.-Vessels should approach North Channel of the NE entrance to Iloilo Strait on a course of about 283 ° from a position about 9.25 miles E of the Siete Pecados light structure. Continue on this course until the Light bears 267 S at a distance of about 7.6 miles. Change course to 266°, continuing on this course until Navalas Point bears 183 °, at a distance of about 3 miles . If passing of Siete Pecados, when Navalas Point bears 183°, a course of 282.5 ° for about 2.4 miles leads to a position about 0.5 mile N of Siete Pecados Light. Jaro Church, which is almost obscured by coconut trees, should then be steered for on a course of 24 7 S . When Bondulan Point and Iloilo Strait Wharf cargo shed are in range bearing 220°, they should be steered for on that bearing and then as necessary for berthing or anchoring at Iloilo. If passing S of Siete Pecados, when Navalas Point bears I83°, the course should be altered to 272° with Siete Pecados light structure slightly on the port bow. When a position about 0.6 mile E of the light structure is reached and when Cabugao Point bears 24 7°, the course should be altered to 24T. oAt this position Bantigui Rocks are in range with a prominent white house located immediately E of Bantigui Point. The course of 247 ° leads about 0.25 mile SE of the light. When the light structure bears 036 °, distant almost 0.5 mile, the course should be altered to 249 °, with the N rock of the Siete Pecados group astern. When the latter point and the Iloilo 5ector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros Strait Wharf cargo shed are in range 22J', the course should be altered to 220°, and then as necessary f1 berthing or anchoring at Iloilo . Vessels continuing through the t should follow the reverse of the directions given for the entrance. Vessels wishing to enter Iloilo Strai. through the channel S of Iguana Bank, approach a posit' with Navalas Point bearing 250° at a distance of 0.7 mile, n a course of 255". From this position steer for the Siete ecados light structure on a cour e of 314°. When 0.5 mile _ of the light, change course to 270°, and continue as descri above. Caution.-Fish traps are located 1 e E of Navalas Point. There is a least depth of 3.6m on this ck. The buoys marking the dangers at th entrances to Iloilo Strait are often out of position or mis · 3.39 Iloilo (10°42'N., 122°35'E.) '"World Port Index No. 59190), a first port of entry and an imJ:ortant shipping place, stands on a low, sandy flat at the mo of the Iloilo River on the W side of iloilo Strait. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents cf 3 knots at strength for both the rising tide and the falling ti :nay be experienced in the Iloilo River. Abreast Iloilo Stra.r W'harf, the eddies are strong and irregular on the rising tide . Depths-Limitations.-Large ve ~ and vessels engaged in foreign trade berth alongside Iloilo ait Wharf, also known as the Marginal Wharf or the Old Fo gn Wharf, on the S side of the Iloilo River entrance. It is 365n in length , with depths of 6 to 9m alongside. A concrete pier, with a controlling d h of 8.8m, extends for about 213m SSW from the SW end f the wharf. A railroad siding runs onto the wharf. The marginal wharf on the N bani~ of the river is used by barges. There is also a passenger terrnnnl. There is a drydock, length 77.7m, dth 18.lm, capable of accommodating vessels of 4,500 dwt Loboc Wharf, located close NE of te entrance to the Iloilo River, is a new port area comprising t a 400m long wharf with ro-ro facilities. It was dredged to 9rr ; however, depths are reported to vary from 7.5m at the S e to 8.6m at theN end. The channel in the iloilo River is c stantly shoaling and is maintained by dredging. Presen ontrolling depth is approximately 4.6m. Naviga le wi ~ in the river are from 183m in the lower reaches to 23m at upper end. A port expansion project, land ~clamation, additional berthing and facilities, are reported to e (1995) in progress. Aspect.-Iloilo Harbor is defined :i~ that portion of Iloilo Strait bounded by an imaginary line ending from theN bank of the Dumangas River (10°48'N., 121 42'E.), across the strait to Navalas Point on the NE coast -Guimaras Island; then along the N and W coasts of that isl d to Lusaran Point; then along an imaginary line extending fr that point to the S bank at the mouth of the Siuaragan Ri~ (10°35'N., 122°07'E.); and then to the bank of the Dumanga ; River. The limits of Iloilo Harbor includ tne lower reaches of the Iloilo River from its mouth to the Farnes Bridge, a distance of about 1.75 miles. On either side of the entrance to theriver, stone jetties extend a short distance into the strait. and tlining walls have been constructed. A light marks the in a end of each jetty. A monument situated on the shore 0.35 mile SW of the mouth of the Iloilo River. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. Pilot services is usually made by a shipping agent at least 24 hours before arrival. Pilots board at Sinapsapan Point (l0o35'N., 122°31'E.) at the S entrance 8 miles from the port, and Nabalas Point at the N entrance 12 mile from port. Regulations.-Vessels under quarantine are boarded off the mouth of the Iloilo River about 0.75 mile E of the N entrance light structure. The boarding hours are between 0600 and 1800. Vessels proceeding to Panay and W Negros ports must call at Iloilo for pratique. The Quarantine Officer will take charge of medical cases on request and will pick up emergency cases from vessels off Panay and Negros if radio request is made to the Bureau of Quarantine, which is located at the customhouse. Signals.-Typhoon signals are displayed from a mast on the customhouse tower. Anchorage.-There are no specified quarantine or customs anchorages. The usual anchorage can be taken with the customhouse tower and the NE entrance light structure in range, and far enough offshore so as not to obstruct the river entrance. There are a few dolphins located about 0.15 mile NE of the N entrance light. An anchorage area lies on the SE side of the strait between Bondulan Point and Dapdap Point. The protected anchorage has depths of 36.5 to 46.3m, with a sandy bottom. Anchorage is also reported to be available between a point 5 miles NE and 1.5 miles SW of the Iloilo River entrance. Directions.-No directions are given for the Iloilo River as the channel is continually shoaling and changing. Local knowledge is required. Vessels docking at the iloilo Strait Wharf on the rising tide will find that the tidal currents, which reach a rate of 3 to 4 knots at strength, will easily lay the ve sel alongside the wharf. An anchor is usually dropped to facilitate leaving the wharf. Occasionally at night there is less water at this wharf when the rising tide is opposed by a strong NE wind. It is advisable to leave the Iloilo Strait Wharf at half-tide on the NE tidal current, which tends to set the vessel off. Slack water is experienced at the time of high and low water. Vessels docking at the Marginal Wharf on the rising tide should let go the port anchor and swing with the current in coming alongside. Pilots will not dock vessels at this wharf after 1830 because of strong currents and inadequate facilities for night conditions. 3.40 Oton Bank (10 °38'N., 122°29'E.), an extensive shoal of soft muddy sand, lies in the middle of the SW entrance to the strait. The shoal, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends about 8 miles SW from a position about 0.5 mile SW of the mouth of the Iloilo River. A least depth of 0.3m is found on the shoal in positions about 1, 1.75 , and 3.5 miles SW of the NE end. Oton Bank is reported to be extending W, and vessels are cautioned against attempting to cross it. It has been reported that a depth of 0.5m lies at the SW extremity of the bank. Less water than charted was reported on the detached part of the bank 1 mile farther SW. There are numerous shoals reported to lie in the immediate vicinity of the shoal bank. Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros There is a narrow channel, with a least depth of 5.8m, lying between the N edge of Oton Bank and the coast of Panay. It is sometimes used by coasting vessels, but the main channel into lloilo is between the bank and Guimaras Island. TheW limit of the 9.lm curve surrounding Oton Bank lies on a line bearing 350° from the light on Lusaran Point (10°29'N., 122°28'E.) and the S limit on a line bearing 260 ° from Muhuy Point (10°36'N., 122°3l'E.). The 9.lm curve which surrounds Oton Bank fronts Cabalic Point (10 °37'N., 122°32'E.) at a distance of about 0.5 mile and continues about 3.25 miles NE to within 0.1 mile of Bondulan Point (10 °40'N., 122°34'E.). A narrow but deep channel lies between the shoal and the coast. A shoal, with a least depth of 5.lm, lies about 1 mile N of Cabalic Point. Caution.-The buoys marking the dangers at both entrances to lloilo Strait are often out of position or missing. Caution must be taken in passing through either entrance because of the strong tidal currents. During the rising tide, which attains a height of 1.5 to 1.8m, and a velocity of 3 knots, sets toward Bondulan Point. Guimaras Island-West Coast 3.41 The W coast of Guimaras Island is described from Cabugao Point, the NW tip of the island, in a SW direction to Lusaran Point, and then in a SSE direction to South Point, the S tip of the island. Cabugao Point (10°45'N. , 122°39'E.) is a rocky bluff. There are no charted dangers lying more than 0.25 mile offshore in this vicinity. Dapdap Point (10 °44'N., 122°37'E.) lies almost 3 miles SW of Cabugao Point. An L-shaped pier, with a controlling depth of 11.3m alongside, lies about 0.75 mile NE of the point. Santo Rosario (10 °41'N., 122. 37'E.) is situated 1.75 miles S of Dapdap Point. A channel leads to Buenavista, a small town 0.5 mile further ESE. The channel, the approaches to which are encumbered by fishing stakes, can be used by vessels with a draft of less than 2.7m. 3.42 Jordan (10°40'N., 122°35'E.) (World Port Index No. 59180), a subsidiary port of lloilo, i located about 2.25 miles WSW of Santo Rosario and about 1.75 miles S of lloilo. Tides-Currents.-The SW tidal current in the fairway in the vicinity of the below-mentioned terminals has a maximum rate of 4 knots. There are tide-rips 0.1 mile SW of the molasses loading pier. Depths-Limitations.-The Molasses Loading Pier can be identified by the three steel tanks and one concrete tank standing on a hill just N of it. The pier is T-shaped with a line of four pile clusters providing a berthing space of 91m with ample mooring facilities. Vessels should berth during the rising tide with the assistance of a pilot. Vessels can unberth at any time. There were depths of 12m at this berth. Tankers of 12,000 dwt have been worked at this facility. The Sugar Terminal Wharf at Jordan is a 183m long dolphin berth fronting a large sugar mill located 0.15 mile S of the Pub.162 molasses pier. The wharf has a mean depth of 12m, but the maximum draft allowed is 10.lm. The maximum ship length that can be accommodated is 193m. Ships can berth only at slack water. A tug assists vessels in corning alongside. There is a public landing, which dries, standing close S of the Molasses Loading Pier. Aspect.-Three metal and one concrete storage tanks are prominent on a hill N of Jordan. Below the storage tanks are terminals to load molasses and sugar at Lusteveco, a suburb of Jordan. Pilotage.-Pilots can be obtained at lloilo where vessels must first call for entry and customs clearance. 3.43 Bondulan Point (10°40'N., 122°34'E.), 136m high, almost vertical and steep-to, is located about 1.5 miles W of Jordan. It is prominent from the SW. A conspicuous cross stands on the N side of the point A shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, extends about 1.5 miles SSW ofBondulan Point. Cabalic Point (10°37'N., 122' 32'E.), 3 miles SSW of Bondulan Point, is 70m high and bold, but is difficult to identify from the W. Muhuy Point (10 °36'N., 122°31 'E.), 73m high, steep-to and prominent, lies about 1 mile further SSW. Sinapsapan Point (10°35'N., 122o3l'E.), where the pilot station is located, lies 0.75 mile SSW of Muhuy Point. A small islet lies close to the point. Balingasag Island, very small in extent, lies close offshore about 0.5 mile SW of Sinapsapan Point. Naburul Island (10°34'N., 122°3l'E.), 46m high, lies close offshore about 1.5 miles S of Sinapsapan Point and is connected to the shore by a reef. It appears as a high, black bluff apparently part of the mainland. 3.44 Santa Ana Bay (10 . 32' ., 122. 3l'E.), very narrow and shoal at its head, is entered between Lawi Point, 2.5 miles SSE of Naburul Island, and Igang Point, about 0.75 mile further SE. The bay indents the coast to a distance of about 1 mile, but is only about 0.2 mile wide between the shoals which extend from either side. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage about 0.2 mile SSE of Lawi Point, in depths of 22 to 26m, or in the middle of the bay in a position about 0.5 mile E of Lawi Point, in a depth of 13.7m. lgang Point (10. 32'N., 122. 30'E.) separates lgang Bay from Santa Ana Bay. lgang Bay, which indents the coast to a distance of about 1 mile, is clear of dangers with depths of 20 to 24m in its middle part. Tiniguiban Islet and Balud Islet, both small in extent, lie on the S side of the bay. Lusaran Point (10. 29'N., 122o28'E .), the W extremity of Guimaras Island, is a bold and prominent point. It is clear and steep-to with the 20m curve lying less than 0.3 mile from the shore. A light marks the point. South Point (10. 24'N., 122. 30'£.), the SW extremity of a small island lying close S of the S extremity of Guimaras Island, is not very prominent. There is anchorage in the bay on the S side of Guimaras Island, 4 miles ENE of South Point. Tandog Island (10.25'N. , 122. 30 'E.), lying close N of South Point, is connected to the shore by foul ground. The seaward Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros Lusaran Point L ht side of the island is fronted by sho· , with least depths of 1.2m, to a distance of about I mileS Iloilo Strait-Southwest Entr nee 3.45 The SW entrance of Iloilo it lies between the W side of Guimaras Island. Juraojurao Island (10 . 25'N., 12 1 58'E.), small, low, and wooded, lies close S of the S point ofPanay. The island is reef fringed and is connected to the coast thward by foul ground. Vessels are cautioned against anchori!g within 2.25 miles W of the island, as the bottom is rocky. The N shore of the W approach tween Juraojurao Island and Talisayan Point, about 15 miles tlE, is high , steep-to, and clear of dangers. A serrated ridge, 2J&m high, about 3.75 miles NE of Juraojurao Island, is a promin t mark. The coast between Talisayan Feint and Miagao Point (10.38'N., 122. 14'E.), about 6.75 rru.les ENE, is low and intersected by numerous small rivers.. Directions.-When approaching Il · o Strait from SW, steer for Bondulan Point bearing 036 . m pass 0.1 mile NW of Cabalic Point and SE of the 4.9m ,hoal lying 1 mile N of Cabalic Point. When the twin spires and white dome of Malo Church, standing 2.25 miles NW of Bondu Point bears 006 . , steer for the church on that bearing. When Iloilo Strait Wharf bears 044·, steer for it on that bearing and pass 0.15 mile NW of .,. dulan Point. Then steer as necessary for the Iloilo Ri ver or tht anchorage. Vessels continuing throu gh the trait should follow the reverse of the directions given for the ~entrance. Negros-North Coast 3.46 Sagay Point (10.56'N., 123 . 30'E.) is low and composed almost entirely of mangro s. There is a small area of firm ground on the E side of the [rint. Carbin Reef (10. 59'N., 123.28'E) lies awash, about 3.25 miles NW of Sagay Point, in the W a[pl'oach to Asuncion Pass. It has shifting sand cays , and lies utside the 20m curve fronting the coast. A lighted buoy, re orted missing, marks the SW side of Carbin Reef. Panal Reef (11 .01 'N., 123. 25'E.) lies awash about 6 miles NW of Sagay Point and within the 20m curve fronting the mouth of the Himugaan River. There is a shifting sand cay lying on the reef, and some detached dangers lie within 0.5 mile E of the E side of the reef. Maca Reef (11 .04'N., 123. 27'E.), which dries, lies about 7.25 miles NNW of Sagay Point. There is a long , narrow, sand cay on the S end of the reef. Maca Shoal , with a least depth of 0.3m, is located about 1 mile NE of the NE extremity of Maca Reef. Shoal water extends up to 1 mile N and W from this shoal. Maca Shoal and the three reefs mentioned above can generally always be identified during daylight hour . There are numerous shoals and dangers lying N of Maca Shoal. The channel between Panal Reef and Maca Reef is about 2 miles wide and has depths of 22m and over in the fairway. Vessels bound to and from Tanon Strait generally use this channel. The Himugaan River (10 . 57'N., 123 . 24'E.), the largest river in the N part of Negros, lies about 6 miles W of Sagay Point. There are numerous drying sandbanks at the river mouth. The Himugaan River discharges on the E side of Himugaan Point (10. 58'N., 123. 24'E.). The bar, which is passable by small vessels up to 3m draft at HW, is liable to change and is entirely unprotected during the Northeast Monsoon. There are no pilots available, and because of the numerous reefs and shoals off the N coast of Negros, vessels are advised to make the approach to the river mouth only during daylight hours and when conditions are favorable. The Himugaan River is navigable for a distance of 7 miles as far as Fabrica, where timber is milled. Vessels can take anchorage outside the bar, in a depth of 14.6m, sand and mud, with the lighted beacon at the entrance to the river, bearing 173•, distance 1.5 miles, and the center of Suyac Island (10. 57'N. , 123. 27'E.) bearing 120· . In fine weather vessels lie outside the bar and load from lighters. Sagay (10.57'N., 123. 25'E.) is a small village standing on the E side of the mouth of the Himugaan River. There are no piers at the village. Lumber and sugar are loaded in lighters at a landing on the river bank, and towed to the anchorage. 3.47 Cadiz (10 . 58'N., 123 . 18'E.), a small town , stands on the W side of the mouth of the Cadiz River, about 5 miles W of Himugaan Point. It is prominent from seaward. The 9.1 m curve fronts the mouth of the river at a distance of about 1.5 miles. The bar of the river nearly dries, but is passable by mall craft at HW. A light mark s the W side of the river mouth , 0.5 mile NE of Cadiz. There is good anchorage off Cadiz, in a depth of 12m, with the mill chimney bearing 234· . Powerful white lights, which may be seen from a distance of 20 miles, are occasionally shown from near the top of the chimney. This is an open roadstead and is untenable during the Northeast Monsoon. Vessels are cautioned that there are numerous fish traps in this vicinity. Sicaba Point (ll"OO'N., 123 . 15'E.), theW entrance point of the Sicaba River, lies about 4.5 miles NW of Cadiz. Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros The Sicaba River, which empties S and E of Sicaba Point, is deep inside, but is of little commercial importance because of the bar and shoals at its mouth. Small craft can cross the bar at HW. Sicaba, a small village, stands on the N side of the entrance to the river. 3.48 Sicaba Reefs (11 .01'1'\., 123. 16'E.) are two large drying reefs, lying about about 2.25 miles ENE of Sicaba Point. A 0.3m shoal lies a little over 0.65 mile NE of the outer Sicaba Reef, and a 2.7m patch lies a little more than 0.33 mile N of the N extremity of the same reef. East Rock (11 . 02'N., 123. 15'E.), with a depth of 0.5m, coral, lies 2.5 miles N of Sicaba Point. A shoal, with a depth 8.2m, lies about 0.75 mile NW of the rock. Daga Reef (10.59'.:-.J. , 123 . 19'E.), which dries, lies 3.75 miles E of Sicaba Point. Carmen Shoals (11.02'N., 123. 20'E.), with depths of from about 1.8 to 4.9m, lie about 6 miles ENE of Sicaba Point. There are large boulders on all of these shoals. The W extremity of Carmen Shaols is marked by a lighted buoy. It was reported that an unlit can buoy had been moored close SW of the N shoal. Sacramento Rock (11 .05'N., 123. 18'E.), consisting of boulders with a depth of 0.9m, lie -in theE approach to Ilacaon Channel in a position about 6.25 miles NNE of Sicaba Point. A depth of 8.2m was reported about 1 mile SSW of the rock. 3.49 llacaon Point (1 1.00'N., 123. 12'E.), theN extremity of Negros, lies a little less than 3.5 miles W of Sicaba Point. Shoal water extends about 1.75 miles N from Ilacaon Point, leaving a narrow boat channel, with a depth of 6.4m in the fairway, between its N edge a d the S edge of the reef surrounding Ilacaon Island. llacaon Island (11 . 03'N., 123' 12'E.), small, low, and 1.8m high, lies about 2.25 miles N of Ilacaon Point. It has some coconut tree and bushes on it, and lies on an extensive drying reef. A rock lies awash about 1 mile SE of the island. Balaulan Reef (11 .01 'N., 123 . 09'E.) , a small rocky patch, with a least depth of 0.3m, lies about 2.25 miles WNW of Ilacaon Point. A shoal, with a depth of 7.8m, lies close NW of the reef, and shoal water lies in between the reef and the coast. Manapla (10 . 58'N., 123.07'E. ), the principal town on this part of the coast, stands on the E side of the entrance to the Manapla River, about 5 miles SW of llacaon Point. The mouth of the Manapla River is fronted by coral reefs, which extend for a considerable distance offshore. Small craft with local knowledge can enter the river at HW, or they can take anchorage about 1.75 miles N of the entrance, in a depth of 5.5m. Shoals, with depths of 7.6m, lie about 3 miles N and W of the mouth, respectively, of the river. Salong Reef (10. 59'N., 123.07'E.) , which dries, lies about 1.5 miles N of the mouth of the Manapla River. A shoal, with a depth of 5.1m, lies about midway between Salong and Balaulan Reefs in a position about 2.5 miles NNE of Manapla. Victorias (10. 54'N., 123 . 04'E.) is a town located just inside the mouth of the Victorias River. Three stacks, painted aluminum with black tops , stand close together and serve as prominent landmarks. They are located about 0.75 mile SSE of the entrance to the river. Pub.162 Victorias Light is shown near the coast 0.75 mile NNE of the river mouth. The Victorias River has a narrow channel with a depth of 0.3m on the bar. Small craft and lighters can enter the river at high tide. Pilotage is not compulsory but is considered advisable when entering for the first time. Pilots for Victorias may be obtained at Iloilo. Vessels can take anchorage about 2 miles NNW of the river mouth, in a depth of 15.2m, mud, with the stacks at the sugar mill bearing 171 •, and the S extremity of Ilacaon Island bearing 057". The anchorage is sheltered from the Southwest Mon oon, but bein g exposed to the Northeast Monsoon, it is rarely used during that season. During severe NE weather vessels calling to load sugar from thi s district usually anchor off Bayang Point, on the Panay coast, about 10 miles NW of Victoria . Several mooring buoys are moored close inshore of the anchorage off Victorias for the use of lighters. 3.50 Tomonton Point (10 . 54'N., 122. 57'E.), the NW extremity of Negros, is low, swampy, and covered with mangroves. Tomonton Shoal, with depths from 1 to 3m, extends 3 miles NW from the point. A lighted buoy marks the NW extremity of the shoal. Cambanog Shoal (10.56'N., 122. 59'E.), which dries, lies about 1.25 miles offshore and 3 miles NE of Tomonton Point. llacaon Channel (11.04'N., 123. 1l'E.), lying between the reefs fringing llacaon Island and Anauayan Island (11 .06'N., l23.09'E.), is about 3.5 miles wide. llacaon Reef (11 .05'N., 123. 11'E.), consisting of coral boulders and sand having a least depth of 3m, lies nearly in mid-channel in a position about 2 miles NNW of Ilacaon Island. Depths of 10m and less extend up to 0.5 mile NE from the reef. Between llacaon Reef and Ilacaon Island there are several shoal s, with depths of from 6 to 8m. Negros-West Coast 3.51 Mambagid (1 0.51 'N., 122. 57'E.), a loading place for sugar, i located at the mouth of the Mambagid River, about 2.25 miles SSW of Tomonton Point. The sugar is loaded into lighters at a landing place and toward to the offshore anchorage. The entrance to the river is shallow and suitable only for lighters and small craft. A concrete wharf, 80m long, with a depth of lm alongside, stands on the S side of the river mouth. The 10m curve fronts the mouth of the river at a distance of about 1.5 miles . The water shoal rapidly within the 10m curve. A shoal, with depths of 7.8m to 8.7m, lies outside the curve in a position about 2 mile W of Calubcub Point (10.50'N., 122 .57'E.). There is anchorage 2 miles offshore SW of Calubcub Point, in a depth of 15.2m. Vessels of lesser draft may anchor 1 mile W of this point, in a depth of 7.3m, but a 5.5m patch lies close SSE of the anchorage. A prominent white chimney stands 3.5 miles E of Calubcub Point. These anchorages are open roadstead s and are fully exposed to the Southwest Monsoon and to winds from N. The approach Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros to the anchorages should be made wili caution as the water shoals rapidly. 3.52 Silay (10.48'N., 122. 58'E.) World Port Index No. 59140), a loading place for sugar, ale ol, and rice, is located about 2.5 mile SSE of Calubcub r.t and about 0.5 mile inland. The town hows up well from seaward. The dome of the church is promine A ruined pier stands in front of the town. There are depths f 3.6m in the channel leading to the pier. Talisay (10.44'N., 122. 58'E.), a too-of some importance, stands on the coast in a position about~ miles S of Silay. Three cltirnneys, close S of the town . are p· ominent. A radio mast stands close N of the chimneys. At Banago, 2.5 miles SSW of Tallsay, there is a long Theaded pier for ferry traffic. There is jepth of 3.3m alongside the head. If berthing, care must be t:..ken to avoid some old piles standing 0.3 mile W of the piedlead. A light is shown fr m the wharf. 3.53 Bacalod (Bacolod) (10.40'N . 122.57'E.) (World Port Index No. 59130), the capital of Occidental Negros Province, is located about 4 miles SSW of th t wn of Talisay. Santo Nino, the loading place for Bacolod, st.:mds 1.25 miles N of the city. Bacolod can be identified by the f alvanized metal roofed church and several large prominent b !dings. The twin towers of the church, the provincial buil · g, and the aluminum painted stack, standing about 1 mile i:lshore behind the town , are prominent landmarks. ugar is loaded into lighters from · :uined pier about 0.45 mile long located nearly 0.5 mile of the mouth of the Mandalagan River. Two fueling berths, connected to th= shore by pipelines, lie between Santo Nino and Bacolod. There is a ruined pier, about 825m long, in Santo Nino. Another pier was reported to be unde .:onstruction in Bacolod. Anchorage in the area E of the fuelin 0 rations is prohibited. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulso pilots board about 3 miles WNW of Bacalod. Anchorage.-Anchorage is availa e in designated areas A and B, 5 miles NW and 5 miles SW. -spectively, from Santo Nino. 3.54 Bago (10. 32'N., 122"50'E.), a river port about 9.5 miles SW of Bacolod, stands on the E side of the Bago River, just inside its mouth. The river, wltich is shallow, discharges about 2.5 miles NE of Pan dan Point. The town can be identified by its lrge buildings with metal roofs which show up well through the opening in the trees at the mouth of the river. There is a shallow sandbar lying 1 the mouth of the river. Small craft with local knowledge can c ss the bar at HW. Pandan Point (10. 3 1'N. , 122. 48'E. theW extremity of this part of the coast of Negros, is low, andy, and covered with coconut trees. It is prominent from N r S. Its W extremity is steep-to, but sho.J water extends N and S from it. The description of the W coast Negros is continued in paragraph 3.60. Guimaras Island-East Coast and Off-lying Islands 3.55 Guimaras Island (10. 35'N., 122. 37'E.), lying a little over 6 miles W of the W extremity of Negros, is large and hilly, especially in theE part, where there are hills 183 to 213m high. The summit, a 263m high hill, is located about 12.25 miles S of its N extremity. Guimaras Strait lies between the E side of the island and the W coast of Negros. The E coast of Guimaras Island between Navalas Point (10.43 'N., 122.43'E.), the NE extremity, and Icauayan Point, 10.75 miles S, is mostly sandy and backed by low hills covered with grass and brushwood. The coast between lcauayan Point and South Point, the S point of the island, is indented by some small reef fringed bights. A bay indents the coast to a distance of about 2 miles between Cabalagnan Point (10. 26'N., 122. 35'E.) and Lugmayan Point, about 2.5 miles WSW. The head of the bay is reef fringed and shoal. Vessels can take anchorage in the outer part of the bay, W of Cabalagnan Point, and about 1 miles N of Panubulon Island (10.25'N., 122. 34'E.), in depths of 9 to 15m. TheE approach to this anchorage has a least depth of 6.4m in the fairway. The W approach to the anchorage is through a very narrow channel lying between the W side of Panubulon Island, and the coast of Guimaras Island to the NW. Panubulon Island and Guiuanon Island (10.24'N., 122.37'E.) are two fiat-topped islands, 15m high, lying off the S coast of Guimaras Island. Panubulon Island is fringed by a reef on which there are several islets, but Guiuanon Island is clear of dangers. Anchorage.-Anchorage may be taken about 0.3 mile off the S coast of the island, in a depth of about 11m. The anchorage is well protected from the Northeast Monsoon, but i open to the Southwest Monsoon. It is used for the loading of sugar from lighters. 3.56 Nadulao Island (10.3l'N., 122.44'E.) , small, narrow, and covered with grass, lies about 2.75 miles SE of lcauayan Point, on the SE side of Guimaras Island. The NW and SE parts of Nadulao Island, 73m and 58m high, respectively. are connected by a narrow isthmus. The E side of the island is indented by a small bay, bare at LW, in which there is a small islet. There is another small islet about 0.3 mile N of Nadulao I land. Shoal spits extend 1.25 miles N from the N side of Nadu1ao Island and 0.75 miles S from the S side. Nalunga Island (10. 30'N. , 122.43'E.), 130m high, lies 0.75 miles SW of Nadulao Island and is covered with grass. The narrow channel between the two islands has a least depth of 12.5m in the fairway. An islet lies about 0.15 mile N of theN side of the island, to which it is connected by a reef. An above-water rock lies 0.15 mile NE of the NE side of the island. A shoal spit, with depths of 0.3 to 0.9m, extends 1.5 miles S from the S side of the island. The channel between theW side of this spit and the NE coast of Inampulugan Island is about 0.25 mile wide. A drying shoal lies in the channel on the E side of the fairway, in a position about 1 mileS of theW extremity of Nalunga Island. Pub.162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros Vessels can take anchorage about 1 mile from the N shore of Nalunga Island , in a depth of 14.6m, mud and good holding ground. This anchorage is used to load molasses during the Southwest Monsoon. Currents run in a SSW to NNE direction at a rate of 2.5 knots during the ebb tide and flood tide. The Hinigaron Anchorage (10"15'N., 122"49'E.) is used during the Northeast Monsoon. Inampulugan Island (10 "28'N., 122"42'E.), 193m high, is the largest and most prominent island in Guimaras Strait. A hill with a rocky bluff is located on the E point of the island. The shores of the island are clear and steep-to, except for its N extremity, where the shore reef extends nearly 0.3 mile N. Narrow shoal spits, as defined by the 9.lm curve, extend 1 mile N and W of the island. A reef, which bares at LW, lies close off the coast of Guimaras Island in a position about 1 mile NW of the NW side of Inampulugan Island. The channel between the reef and the island has several shoal patches lying in it. Rosario Rock (10"26'N. , 122"42'E.), with a depth of 0.9m and steep to, lies about 0.5 mile S of the middle of the S side of lnampulugan Island. A bank, with depths from 4 to 9m, extends 3 miles SW from a position 0.5 mile E of Rosario Rock. 3.57 Nauai Island (10"26'1\., 122"40'E.), 37m high, lies about 1.25 miles SW of the SW extremity of Inampulugan Island. Shoals , with depths of .2m and 8.7m lie about 0.75 mile NE and 0.75 mile SW, respectively, of the extremity of the island. Nagarao Island and Nalibas Island lie between theN end of Nauai Island and Capo Point (10"27'N., 122"38'E.), about 1.5 miles NW. Numerous shoals are reported to lie in the vicinity of these islands. Seraray Island and Pamancolan Island lie within the 5.5m curve fronting the coast of Guimaras Island in positions about 0.5 mile and 1 mile N, respectively, of Nalibas Island . Susan Island lies close off the NW side of Inampulugan Island and about 1.75 miles NNE of Nauai Island. Shoal and foul ground lies between the two islands. Toyo Reef (10 "21'N., 122"34'E.), which dries, lies about 2.5 miles S of Panubulon Island . The depths between are very irregular, varying from 6 to 18m. Unisan Islets (10"20'N., 122"35'E.), consisting of a group of two rocky islands and several above-water rocks , lie about 3.5 miles S of the W end of Guiuanon Is land. Unisan I land, the central and largest island, is 28m high and partly covered with coconut trees. Reefs and above-water rocks extend about 0.75 mile W from the W side of the island. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.5 mile NE of the island . Malingin Island, 32m high, lies about 0.5 mile E of the S end of Unisan Island. The main channel of Guimaras Strait passes S and E of Malingin Island. The channel between Toyo Reef and the N side of Unisan Island is about 1 mile wide and has a least depth of 12.8m in the fairway. Guimaras Strait 3.58 Guimaras Strait (10 "45'N., 122"50'E.), between Guimaras Island and the W coast of Negros , has a least width Pub.162 of about 6 miles, but the navigable channels are narrowed by islets, banks , and dangers. The main channel through the strait has a least depth of 12.8m in the fairway and lies between Iogiog Bank on theE, and Inampulugan, Nalunga, and Nadulao Islands on theW. The East Channel, which has a least depth of 4.5m in its .!\ part, lies between Iogiog Bank and Pandan Point. Shoals, with depths of7.8m and 8.2m lie in the middle of the fairway, about 6.75 miles SE and 6.5 miles SSE, respectively. ofNavalas Point (10"43'N., 122"43'E.). Several shoals, with depths of 6.9 to 9.1m, lie between 2 miles and 4 miles NNW of the mouth of the Bago River (10"33'N., 122"50'E.). A shoal, with a depth of 9.I m, lies about 4 miles NW of Pandan Point (10 "31'N., 122"48'E.). The E side of the navigable channel of Guimaras Strait i formed by Iogiog Bank, and by a shoal which extends about 11 miles SSW from Pandan Point. 3.59 logiog Bank (10"30'N., 122"46'E.), which dries , is a long, narrow shoal formed of hard sand which rises in lumps like submerged sand dunes. The bank extends about 5.5 mile SSW from its N extremity, located about 1.5 miles NNW of Pandan Point. A shoal spit with a least depth of 0.9m, extends 1 mile NW from the SW side of Iogiog Bank . Pontevedra Shoal (10 "22'N., 122 "44'E.), with a least depth of 0.3m, lies at the outer end of thi shoal. A shoal, with a depth of 6m, lies in the middle of the fairway about 2 miles SSE of the E extremity of Inampulugan Island. The flood current sets N and the ebb current sets S through Guirnaras Strait, following the general trend of the channel. The highest observed velocity in the vi inity of Pandan Point was about 2 knots, the ebb and flood apparently being about equal . Slack water occurs approximately at the time of high and low water. During the Southwest Monsoon the flood current sometimes attains a rate of 6 knots. Directions.-When approaching Guimaras Strait from Nor S, bring the E points of Nadulao Island and lnampulugan Island in line bearing 198 " or 018 ", respectively, and steer for them. Both points are steep-to and should be given a berth of 0.25 to 0.5 mile. If northbound, course may be shaped as soon as Nadulao Island is pas sed. If southbound, continue on course with the above points in line until Guiuanon Island bears 270". Then haul W to give Pontevedra Shoal a good berth. Caution.-A shoal, with a depth of 7.8m, lies on this track about 6.75 miles SE of Navalas Point. Negros-West Coast (continued) 3.60 Pulupandan (10"31'N., 122"48'E.) (World Port Index No. 59120), on the S side of Pandan Point, is a regular port of call for inter-island vessels and a loading port for sugar. The town has several large buildings which are visible from S or W. Depths-Lirnitations.-Govemment Pier, the main concrete pier Government Pier at Pulupandan which is available to shipping, is located about 0.2 mile S of Pandan Point. Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros It is 424m long providing 24l ra as berthing space for secondary vessel s, and 183m for pri lllal)' vessels. This pier is connected by railroad to the sugar pi ation . Secondary vessels usuall y handle olasses, sugar, lumber, and fertilizers. Primary vessels handle s much as twenty-five commodities. Government Pier is connected the mai nland by a causeway, 275m long. There are de t s alongside of 5.2m. Ocean vessels may not be accomm dated at the pier. Less water than charted has been reported a: the pier. A concrete pier, with a L-head for ding sugar, is located N of the main pier approximately at th · p of Pandan Point. The face of the pier is about 57m long \ · depths alongside of about 11m; however, silting rr ey reduce this depth considerably near the S end of the be The maximum draft at thi s pier i 6 7m. There are several dolphins N and S of the pierhead to facili tate berthing. It was reported that a tanker berth , 19m long and fitted with fender piles and a mooring dolphin, · been constructed. The maximum permitted draft was reported to be 7.6m . There are strong tidal currents at :he piers with the flood setting Nand the ebbS. The flood c ent sometimes attains a rate of 6 knots during the Southwest onsoon . Vessels are advised to use double ooring lines alongside the piers. During the Southwes t Mon n it is not advisable for vessels to secure alongside the pier, b t to anchor off. Pilotage.-Requests for pilotag , which is compulsory, should be communicated to Pulupand:m Pilots, Pulupandan, Negros Occidental, Philippines. Advance notice of ETA is required 43 and 24 hours prior to arrival, and also any alteration due to elay thereafter should be communicated as required . The pilot boards about 4.5 miles ~of Pandan Point from a wooden boat, painted white wit the name "Pilot No. 3" painted in black. If the vessel cann t r:roceed to the boarding point the pilot will board S of thi s pai:l t Pilotage is also available at the Il Pilot boarding place 1 mile W of Sinapsapsan Point. During e Southwest Monsoon the boarding position is 2 miles of Pandan Point. The maximum vessel length accepted at 1he port is 200m. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be ta.cen , in abo t 10m , about 1 mile SW of Pandan Point. Caution.-Anchorage between the parallels of 10o23'N and 10 °30'N, and the meridians of 12:::'. ' 40'E and 122°50'E , is prohibited because of the presence f controlled-type mines. However, although it is a mined are , it has been declared safe for surface navigation. 3.61 East Channel (10°30'N ., 122°47'E.), a secondary channel of Guimaras Strait, lies bet ~en logiog Bank and the coast of Negros. Vessels may approac:1 Pulupandan from either N or S through this channel. The best approach is from the S, ad only small vessel s with local knowledge should attempt th 11 proach from the N or attempt to tran sit the entire length the channel. There are depths of 4 to 11m in the narrow -.[ entrance channel, and depths of 9 to 17m in the S entrance channel. Shoals, with depths of 4.5m, lie 0 :1 the E side of the N entrance in a position about 1 mile :JI Pan dan Point. The N entrance to East Channel lies between these shoals and the NE side of logiog Bank. The tidal currents set strongly through East Channel, especially in the N entrance. The harbor is exposed to the Southwest Monsoon and to N winds . Vessels using the recommended approach to Pulupandan from the S through East Channel, should steer for the W extremity of Inampulugan Point bearing 001 °. When clear of Pontevedra Shoal, alter course NE, until Pandan Point bears 020°. Caution.-Should be exercised to avoid the hoal, with a depth of 6m, lying about 2 miles SSE of the E extremity of Inarnpulugan Island. A course of 020° should be steered until a position is reached about 1 mile from the point, at which time the vessel's course should be altered to pass about 0.3 mile W of Pandan Point. Then steer 000° and when 1.5 miles N of the point, steer as necessary. If proceeding alongside Pulupandan pier, steer for the pier when it bears 090 °. During the Southwest Monsoon (May to September) it is advisable to anchor, in a depth of 15m, 0.5 mile W of the pier, on the E side of the fairway, with the summit of Nalunga Island bearing 270°. 3.62 Pontevedra (10°22'N., 122°52'E.), a small town on the S side of the mouth of the Marayo River, lies about 10 miles SSE of Pandan Point. It is a sugar-loading port for light draft vessels. A prominent white stone church stands in the town. The 10m curve lies about 9 miles WSW through about 5.5 miles SW of Pontevedra. Lighters can leave the river only at high tide. Vessels can take anchorage about 4 miles WSW or SW of Pontevedra , in depths of 11 to 13m. The anchorage must be approached from SW, passing well S of Pontevedra Shoal. The water shoals rapidly and vessels should not come closer than 4 miles of the shore. The anchorage is an open roadstead and is expo ed to NW winds and the Southwest Monsoon. Deep draft vessels can anchor off Hinigaran. Maquiquiling Point (10°18'N., 122°50'E.), located about 1.5 miles N of the mouth of the Hinigaran River, is reported to be a good radar target. Hinigaran (10°16'N. , 122°51'E.), a sugar-loading port, stand s on the S side of the entrance to the Hinigaran River, about 6 miles S of Ponteverda. It can be identified by a small pier on theN bank of the river. The lights of the town are prominent at night. A group of five tall chimneys are conspicuous about 3.5 miles S of Hinigaran. Sugar and molasses are loaded onto lighters at the pier and towed to the vessels at the anchorage. There is a depth of about 0.8m over the bar at the mouth of the river. Vessels can take anchorage, using the port anchor, about 2 miles SW of the town with the mouth of the river bearing 054° and the five conspicuous chimneys bearing 136°, in a depth of lOrn. The anchorage is unprotected and open to both monsoons. In the above anchorage the effect of the Northeast Monsoon is somewhat diminished, and lighters are reported to lie quietly alongside. In recent years, numerous fishing stakes have encumbered the above anchorage and vessels have had to anchor farther N. Caution must be exercised when approaching the anchorage. Pub. 162 Sector 3. Panay, Masbate, and Negros An alternative anchorage has been used with Maquiquiling Point bearing 040° and the chimneys bearing 136°, in a depth of llm. 3.63 Binalbagan (10°12'N., 122o5l'E.), a small town, is located about 5 miles S of Hinigaran. A group of three tall chimneys in the town makes a prominent landmark. Himamaylan (10°06'N., 122°52'E.) stands at the junction of the Himarnaylan River and the Bingig River, about 6 miles farther S. It can be identified by a light beacon, standing on the coastal bank on the S side of the river entrance. llog (10°02'N., 122°46'E.) stands about 4 miles inside the entrance to the llog River. The towns are connected to the general telegraph system. The Binalbagan River, the Himarnaylan River, and the Ilog River have a depth of about 0.5m over their bars. Vessels can take anchorage anywhere along the coast off these towns, from 1 to 2 miles offshore, in depths of 5.5 to 9.lm, mud. These anchorages are open roadsteads with no protection except from S and E. The coast, moderately steep-to, extends 4 miles SW of the Ilog River mouth, then 13 miles W to Sojoton Point. Sojoton Point W59'N., 122°27'E.), a prominent headland, is fringed by a steep-to reef extending about 0.15 mile offshore. The land rises steeply from the coast to a height of 158m, less than 0.5 mile inland. The point is an excellent landmark when approaching from N or S, appearing as a step from the shore to the higher plateau farther inland. Pub.162 PANAY CJ"C ISLAND~0 CAGAYAN ISLAND ·'·, I (SEE SECTOR 12) <\Dditiooal chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 4-CHART INFORMATION Pub. 162 SECTOR4 SOUTHWEST AND EAST .OASTS OF MINDORO, WEST COAST OF PANAY, AND SOUTH COAST OF NEGROS Plan.-This sector describes the V... d E coast of Mindoro, the W coast of Panay, and the Sw coast of Negros. The sequence of description is basically N to S. General Remarks Winds-Weather.-The wind variable along the mountainous W coasts of Mindoro, _ ay and Negros during the Northeast Monsoon. Land and se iJreezes are fairly well developed along these coast In the regions where the mountai are near the coast the land breeze is sometimes very squally This is especially so in Puluan Bay on theW coast of Mindo-NW winds are prevalent in Mindo trait The SW coast of Negros is fully exposed to the South -Monsoon. Tides-Currents.-The flood cu nt that enters Mindoro Strait follows the coast of 1\llindoJC... part of it continuing around the S and E coasts of that islr d and then N of Dumali Point, where it meets the tidal cu!T"!:It through Verde Island Passage. The rest of this tidal current divide_ :J.t the NW extremity of Panay. One branch flows along the r.. ::: ast of Panay, the other turns SW from the NW extremity of :?uay. It is joined midway by the tidal CUIP-Ilt setting E of the Cuyo Islands or Linapacan Strait and then c• inues around the coast of Panay and Guimaras Island into o Strait, until it meets the previously-mentioned branch. The ebb currents are exactly qposite in strength and direction. The tidal current in Mincer Strait flow SE on the raising tide and NW on the falling tiG The currents are variable and dep to a great extent upon the strength and direction of the wine. The predominant trend of the current in Mindoro Strait appe ed to be W from January to June and E from July to Novembe-. The tidal currents off the SW co ;_,f Negros set S during the rising tide and N on the falling f They are weak for the most part, but off the S end of the is I they are strong and set SE on the flood and NW on the ebb. 4.1 Cape Calavite (13.27'N., l 18'E.), a low headland, forms the NW extremity of Mindoro A light is shown on the cape. Moliit alavite, the summit of which lies 6.5 miles ENE of the Cm the NW should pass 0.75 mile W and S of Manadi Islan . When entering the bay from the W, do not bring the W extrar..ity of Ambulong Island until the N extremity of Ilin Island :)ears 085" or Caminawit Point bears 065" , so as to avoid Sar i e Reef. The vessel can steer for Carnillawit Point on that earing and anchor as appropriate. Vessels arriving from S should ~about 0.5 mile W of Ambulong Island, and steer 000 ° mul Carrunawit Point bears 065 °, and then alter course to tha bearing and anchor as directed above. Vessel s coming from the S throu Vt Ilin Strait should steer for Manadi Islet as soon as it beas 311 ° in order to avoid Liscum Reef. When Carrunawit Po · l bears 030°, the course should be altered to theN, taking car 1o avoid the shoal, with a depth of 9.lm, lying about 0.75 mile of Liscum Reef. When Carrunawit Point bears oro·, the course should be altered to that bearing and anchorage taken as directed. 4.8 Ambulong Island (12 °13'. , 121"01'E.) lies about 0.75 mile off theW coast of IJin Islan:i , and is separated from each other by Ambulong Strait. A sma I village stands on the E side of the island. The coasts of e is land are fringed by narrow coral reefs. A light is shown from the summi:: f a hill, standing at an elevation of 136m on the W side o· the island. The island is reported to give a good radar return c p to 18 miles. Silong Bay (12 ° 11'N. , 121 °04'E.) ies between the E side of Ambulong Island and the SW part ot llin Island. A reef, with a depth of 8.7m, lies in the middle of D S approach to the bay. Baniaga Reef, with depths of 1 to 9m, lies in the SW approach to the bay. A rock Lies on the S edge of this reef. Vessels can take anchorage in the bay, but the ho lding ground is poor. Ambulong Strait, lying between Ilin Island and Ambulong Is land, has depths of 12.8 to 31m, in the fairway. TheN part of the strait is about 0.25 mile wide between dangers. The S part of the strait is about 0.75 mile wide. The flood current sets S and the ebb sets N through the strait. 4.9 Ilin Strait (12 °16'N. , 121 °06'E.) lies between the NE side of Ilin Island and the SW side of Mindoro. The strait bas depths of 16.5m and over in the fairway and is clear of dangers. The W side of Ilin Strait, between Calayuan Point, the NE extremity of Ilin Island, and Mangsoagui Point, about 9 miles SSE, is low, wooded, and backed by densely wooded hills. It is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef. The E side of the strait, between Bancal Point, lying about 1.25 miles ESE of Calayuan Point, and Caguray Point, about 1 mile S is low and covered with mangroves. The Caguray River, which discharges close N of the point, is navigable by small boats to the small village of Caguray, about 1.75 miles from the entrance. Lalawigan Bay, entered between Caguray Point and Lalawigan Point, about 1.25 miles SSE, indents the coast to a distance of about 0.5 mile, and is very shallow. Santa Teresa, a small village, stands on the shore about 0.5 mile SSE of Lalawigan Point. Santa Teresa Hill, 122m high , round-topped and prominent, Lies about 1.25 miles E of the point. Cominauet Point, located about 1.25 miles SE of Lalawigan Point, is a low, rocky bluff, fringed by a bank with depths of less than 6m, extending 0.6 mile offshore. The 20m curve lies less than 0.25 mile W of Bancal Point, 0.2 mile SW of Caguray Point, and 0.4 mile SW of Lalawigan Point. The depths shoal rapidly within this curve. A shoal bank, which bares at low water, extends up to 0.35 mile SW from the coast between Santa Teresa and Cominauet Point. 4.10 Pandarochan Bay ( 12ol2'N., 121 olO'E.) lies in the S approach to Ilin Strait and is entered between Mangsoagui Point and Buruncan Point, about 7 miles ENE. The head of the bay is low and sandy, with mangroves and scrub behind it. Several small rivers flow into the head of the bay. Buruncan Point is reported to give good radar returns up to 18 mile . Alibug Point, located 2 miles NW of Buruncan Point, can be identified by the small village of Alibug standing close E. Buruncan Point (12°12'N., 121 °15'E.), the S extremity of Mindoro, is composed of low, limestone cliffs, greatly worn by the sea. The land N of the point rises steeply, and is 70m high , 0.35 mile from the point. The 20m curve fronts the N shore of the bay at a distance of up to 1.5 miles . The depths shoal gradually within this curve. Garza Island (12°13'N. , 12rl2'E.), a small sand and coral island covered with mangroves and trees, lies about 2.25 miles W of Buruncan Point. The island i fringed by a drying reef. A shoal, with a depth of 1.8m, extends 0.3 mile N from theN side of the islet. Pub.162 Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros A shoal bank, with detached shoals having depths of 5.5 to 16.5m, extends 0.35 mile E and 2 miles S from the reef fringing the islet. The flood current sets SSE through Uin Strait and the ebb sets in an opposite direction, following the general trend of the channel. The flood current sets E along the S coast of llin Island and in the outer part of Pandarochan Bay. The ebb current sets in an opposite direction. Rips are found off the S extremity of the shoal bank extending S from Garza Island. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage almost anywhere in llin Strait, in a depth of 18.3m. A recommended anchorage is located about 0.1 mile offshore on the Mindoro side of the channel in a position about 0.5 mile NNW of the mouth of the Caguray River, in depths of 26 to 29m, mud. Vessels can take anchorage anywhere in Pandarochan Bay according to draft and direction of the wind. The bay is protected from all but S winds. Directions.-Vessels entering Ilin Strait from the N should keep Manadi Islet astern, bearing 311 °, so as to clear Liscum Reef. In passing through the strait, the Ilin Island side should be favored as the water shoals suddenly on the Mindoro side. After having cleared the strait, it should be kept open astern until the S extremity of Garza Island is in range with Buruncan Point bearing about 094°. Then the course should be altered to 125" until Garza Island bears 001 °. This course leads SW of the dangers extending S from Garza Island. Vessels entering the strait from S and E should pass about 3.5 miles S of Garza Island and follow the reverse of the directions given above. Mindoro-East Coast 4.11 Pinamalayan (13 °02'N., 121 °30'E.) (World Port Index No. 58550), a small loading port, lies about 6.5 miles SW of Dumali Point. A light is show n from a white concrete tower, lOrn high, standing on the beach. A vessel can take anchorage with the light bearing 270°, distant about 0.75 mile, in a depth of 37m. Small vessels can anchor clo er inshore, in depths of 7.3 to 18.3m. Quinabigan (Kinabigan) (13 °00'N ., 121 °29'E.) is a small town located about 3 miles S of Pinamalayan. Several warehouses stand near the shore. Cargo operations are carried out at the anchorage. Vessels can take anchorage with the town bearing 235°, distant about 1 mile, in a depth of 55m. Bongabong (12°45'N., 121 °29'E.), a small village, lies 14.5 miles S of Quinabigan. The village stands at the mouth of the Sucol River. Several warehouses stand near the mouth of the river. Vessels load cargo from barges. A light is shown from the village. Vessels can take anc horage with the light bearing 243 °, distant 0.5 mile, in a depth of 22m. 4.12 Quinidiagan Point (Kinidiagan Point) (12°47'N., 121 °33'E.) is a slight projection lying about 4.5 miles SE of Bongabong. Pub.162 Duyagan Point (12°36'N., 121 °33'E.) lies about 5 miles SSE of Quinidiagan Point. The point is low, sandy, and steep-to. At times discolored water from the many small streams in the vicinity of the point extend a considerable distance seaward. Paglasan (Roxas) (12 °35'N., 121 "31 'E.) is located about 2 .5 miles SW of Duyagan Point. There is a conspicuous white bell tower at Wasig, about 2 miles SSW of Paglasan. Bala n ga Point (12"31 'N., 121"28'E.), the first elevation near the coastS of Mount Dumali, is formed by a hill 77m hig h; the seaward cliffs have a reddish appearance. The point lies 3 miles SW of Wasig. Langauin R eef (12 °32'N., 121"31'E.) is an extensive reef, 1.75 miles SSE of Wasig; part of the reef is awash. Shoals, with depths of 4.5 and 6.7m, lie 0.75 mile W and 0.6 mile SSW, respectively, of the reef. Mansalay Bay (Mansalai Bay) (12°30'N., 121 °27'E.) is entered between Palaypay Point, located about 0.5 mile WSW of Balanga Point, and Bugton Point, about 1 mile SW. The bay indents the coast to a distance of about 0.75 mile. Depths of over 11m are found in the middle of the bay. Palaypay Point is surrounded by a reef, near the S extremity of which, about 0.1 mile offshore, is a prominent pinnacle rock about 7.6m high. Foul ground, on which there is a rock awash, extends about 0.5 mile offshore between Balanga Point and Palaypay Point. Bugton Poin t (12°30'N., 121 °27'E.) is steep-to and clear of dangers. It is formed by a round-topped hill, 93m hig h, wooded to the water's edge. A similar hill, 85m high, lies about 0.5 mile S. Mansalay is a small town at the head of the bay. The metalroofed school building in the N part of the town is prominent. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, about 0.4 mile offshore, with the village bearing 316° and the 7.6m pinnacle rock off Palaypay Point bearing 091 · ,in a depth of 12.8m, mud. Smaller vessel can anchor closer in, according to their draft. Vessels approaching the anchorage from N should keep Maestre de Campo Island open E of Duyagan Point until Langauin Reef is passed . When Bugton Point bears 271", steer for it on that bearing, and give it a berth of about 0 .25 mile, then alter course NW and steer for the village. Vessels are cautioned that the N shore of the bay is fringed by a reef and that the bay is fully exposed to SE winds. 4.13 Cogolon g Bay (12"29'N ., 121 °26'E.) lies about 1 mile S of Mansalay Bay. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the outer part of the bay, in depths of 9 to 18m, sand and mud. The anchorage is exposed to E winds. Mansiol Bay (12°28'N ., 121"26'E.) lies 1 mile SSW of Cogolong Bay. The bay indents the coast to a distance of abo ut 0.5 mile. Mansiol Point, the N entrance point to the bay, is bold, rocky, and surmounted by two grassy hills abo ut 107m high. Several rocks, awash, lie up to 0. 1 mile E of the point; the outer rock dries 1.5m. Colasi Point. the S entrance point, is rocky and fringed by a steep-to reef which extends 0.25 mile offshore. Two hills, 37m and 44m high,stand on the point. Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros There are no dangers lying ou side the n:mow reef fringing the shores of the bay. Colasi Bay (12 °27'N., 121 °25'E.) IJ s about 1 mile SSW of Mansiol Bay. A small stream flows i he head of the bay. Small vessels with local knowledge ~an take anchorage in the middle of the outer part of the bay, · depths of 9 to 18m. Pocanil Point (12 °24'N., 121 °25 'R), surmounted by a promi nent hill, 157m high, lies about .5 miles SSE of Colasi Bay. A yellow limestone cliff marks e E and S sides of the hill . An islet, wooded and steep, lie s about 0.2 mile E of the point. A barren pinnacle lie s about 0. -mile E of the islet. Pocanil Bay (12 °24'N., 121 °26'E .s entered close S of Pocanil Point. Vessels can take anch e in the middle of the outer part of the bay, in de pths of 18 ... 2m, soft mud. Buyallao Peninsula (12°22'N., 12 1 °26'E.) lies between Pocanil and Soguicay Bays . The sho es of the peninsula are rocky and steep-to. Mount Namalay-stands in the middle part of the peninsula and is prominent. Buyallao Point, the SE extremit) of Buyallao Peninsu la , slopes down gradually from Mount ' ..malayan and terminates in a low, rocky, steep-to shelf. Buyallao Island (12 °23'N .. 121 °273 ) lie s close off the NE side of Buyallao Penin sula and is -eparated from it by Buyallao Pas s. The island is high and densely wooded. Two rocks lie close off the NE si f: f the island. Buyallao Pass has a least navigable width of 0.13 mile. A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m, lie in the middle of the narrowest part. Anchorage in the pas not recommended. 4.14 Soguicay Bay (12 °22'N., 1:. L~24'E.), which affords the best typhoon anchorage on the E coast of Mindoro, is entered between Buyallao Point an Cabuy Point, about 5 miles SW. The bay indents the coast to a di ce of about 3.5 miles. The shores of the bay, which are ep-to, are fringed by a narrow reef and mud flats. Soguicay Island, narrow and abo L 1 mile long, lies in the middle of the bay, about 0.75 mile o ore. TheN part of the island is covered with mangroves a:1 is fringed by partly drying reefs which extend about 0.:25 mile from its E and S sides. The W side of the island is fairl .>teep-to. Foul ground extends about 0.5 mi .t S from the S extremity of the island . The village of Soguicay stands on W side of the bay in a position about 1.25 miles W of the • extremity of the island . Panangiran Peak, a sharp peak, 721 Ligh, is located about 8 miles WNW of the head of the bay. A reef, which bares, lies close off the middle of the W side of Soguicay Island . A reef, partly awash, lies about 0.3 mile NW of the NW side of the island. It is separatec. om the reef fringing the NW side of the island by a narrow but ~p channel. A reef, which bares, lies about 0._ ' le NNW of theN end of the island . Detached shoals, wi • epths of 2 to 9m, lie between this reef and the sho e of the y to the W and SW. The channel between this reef and e reef lying about 0.3 mile NW of the NW side of the isla s about 0.25 mile wide with depths of over 11m in the fairwa ' · Narrow shoals, with depths of 8 t 15m, extend about 1.5 miles N from a position cl ose N of Jg Point. The least depth is found about 1 mile S of the S extremity of Soguicay Island . A detached shoal, with a depth of 9.1 m, lies about 0.5 mile E of the SE end of the island. Anchorage.-Vessels anchor in a position W or NW of Soguicay Island and clear of the detached reefs, in depths of from 22 to 37m, soft sticky mud. T he recommended anchorage is located about 0.5 mile ESE of the village of Soguicay with the N point of Soguicay Is land in range about 08r with the S tangent of Buyallao Peninsula , in a depth of 26m, mud. Directions.-Vessels approaching the bay from theE or SE should steer 286 ° for Panangiran Peak, which leads in midchannel between the N point of Soguicay Island and the N shore of the bay. When abeam of this point, the course should be altered to 255", heading for a position about 9lm S of the village of Soguicay and passing mid-channel between the N detached reef which dries and the reef awash about mile S of it. This course should be held for about 0.5 mile and then a course of about 226 ° should be steered to the recommended anchorage. Vessels approaching the bay from the SW should steer a co urse of 33r for a little over 2 miles from the position 2 miles SE of Pandan Point to a position about 0.25 mile E of Cabug Point. Then a course of 342° should be steered until the S extremity of Soguicay Island is in range about 068 ° with the S face of Buyallao Point. A course of 348 ° leads to the recommended anchorage. 4.15 Pandan Point ( l2°17'N., 121 °24'E.), theE entrance point of Pandan Bay, is a rocky, precipitous headland covered with grass and about 140m high. Pandan Reef, with a least depth of 2.lm, lies about 0.9 mile SE of Pandan Point. A narrow, deep channel lies between the reef and the point. Pandan Bay (12 °17'N. , 121 °23'E.) lies about 4.5 miles S of Soguicay Bay. The 20m curve fronts the head of the bay to a distance of about 0 .2 mile and the E shore to a distance of about 0.15 mile. The W shore of the bay is steep-to. A shoal , with a depth of 7.3m, lies in the middle of the inner part of the bay, about 0.25 mile S of the head of the bay. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the inner part of the bay, in depths of from 11 to 37m, sand and mud. Vessels should not stand too far N as the head of the bay is foul. Tambaron Island (12 °16'N., 121 °23'E.) lies close S of Pandan Bay. The coasts of the island are steep-to and clear of dangers. Tambaron Pas s, on the N side of the island , is of little use to navigation except for small craft. Masin Island (12° 15'N., 121 °23'E.) lies close SSE of Tambaron Island and is separated from it by Masin Pass. The pass is a narrow channel with a least navigable width of about 109m and a least depth of 10.9m at its NE end. It is of little use to navigation . 4.16 Bulalacao Bay (12. 19'N. , 121"2l'E.), entered between Badian Point and Tambi Point, about 2.5 miles WNW, indents the coast to a distance of 2.25 miles . Pub.162 Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros Badian Point, about 111m high, is the S extremity of a rocky peninsula. Tambi Point, about 15.2m high, is a black and yellow bluff, covered with trees, "teep-to, and clear of dangers. The land rises gradually to a height of 173m about 0.75 mile NW of Tambi Point. Bulalacao, a small town, stands on the NW shore of the bay. The W and E shores of the bay are steep, rocky, and densely wooded. The head of the bay, which has a low sandy shore, is composed of mangrove swamps, intersected by a number of small rivers. Bulalacao Bay has depths of over 18m and is for the most part clear of dangers. The 20m curve fronts the head of the bay to a distance of about 0.5 mile. A shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, extends about 0.35 mile SSW from the NE shore of the bay. Masin Bank, with a least depth of 12.8m, lies about 3 miles SSE of Tambi Point. Bula Shoal, with a depth of 7.3m,lies about 2.75 miles SSW of the above point. Lagara Cove (12 °17'N., 121 ' 22'E.), a small, narrow, and deep inlet, lies about 0.75 mile N of Badian Point. The projecting points of the inlet are high and steep and the inlet is entirely enclosed by hills except for the low neck of land which separates the cove from Pandan Bay. The two arms which form the head of the inlet are both shoal. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can take anchorage near the inner end of Lagara Cove, in a depth of about 22m, mud. The anchorage is well protected and about 0.1 mile wide. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the inner part of Bulalacao Bay, in depths of 9.1 to 37m, mud and sand. Vessels usually anchor SE of the town of Bulalacao according to their draft. The anchorage is protected from all winds except those between SSE and SW. The Southwest Monsoon draws up the bay with great force making anchorage in the bay untenable. 4.17 Alibatan Islet (12°13'N., 121 °17'E.), fringed by a reef, lies about 5 .5 miles SW of Bulalacao Bay. Two summits, formed by sharp, rocky pinnacle , are located at the S end of the islet. The channel between the islet and the coast to the W is deep and clear of dangers. Silat Islet, formed by a reef, lies about 1.75 miles N of Alibatan Islet. A cluster of rocks lie about 0.3 mile NW of the islet. A channel, with a least depth of 7.3m in the fairway, and about 0.1 mile wide, separates these rocks from the islet. The channel between these rocks and the coast to the W is deep and clear of dangers. Aslom Islet (12°16'N., 121 °17'E.), fringed by a reef, lies 1 mile NNW of Silat Islet. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies about 0.15 mile W of the middle of the W side of the islet. Vessels can take anchorage in mid-channel W of the islet, in depths of from 22 to 24m, sand and mud. Buruncan Peninsula (12°13'N. , 121 °14'E.), which terminates in Buruncan Point, lies about 2.5 miles W of Alibatan Islet. The peninsula is formed by several high ridges extending in aN and S direction. The sides of the hills and ridges are mostly covered with forest. The seaward end of the peninsula is a low limestone Pub.162 bluff that is reported free of dangers and can be passed closeto. The Semirara Islands 4.18 The Sernirara Islands (12 °00'N. , 121 °30'E.) are a group of eight islands lying off the S end of Mindoro and extend about 28 miles SE of Buruncan Point. Libagao Island (12 °12'N., 121 o25'E.), the northernmost island of the group, lies about 10.5 miles E of Buruncan Point. The island is high on its E side while the W side is low, flat, and sandy. The island is wooded and fringed by a reef. Nagubat Island (12 °10'N., 121 °24'E.) lies about 3 miles SW of Libagao Island. The island is low, sandy, and wooded. The island is fringed by a reef which extends about 0.4 mile N. A coral reef, with a least depth of 0.3m, lies about 1 mile NE of the island. A deep channel, about 1.25 miles wide, with a depth of 16.4m near the middle, lies between this reef and Libagao Island. Sernirara Island (12 °03'N. , 121 ' 23'E.), the largest island of the group, lies 8 miles SE of Buruncan Point. The island is almost divided into two parts by a mangrove swamp and a low neck of land about 3.5 miles from Thngao Point (12°07'N. , 121 °21'E.). Semirara town is situated on the E side of the island and the villages of Tinabooc and Alegria stand on the SE and SW coasts, respectively. Coal is mined at several locations on the island. Sernirara Anchorage (12°04'N., 121 °21 'E.) , on theW side of Semirara Island, is in a bight 3.5 miles S of Tungao Point. A coral reef, which nearly dries , lies at the head of the bight. The rest of the bight is encumbered with islets, rocks, and shoals. Anchorage.-Anchorage may be obtained, in a depth of 27m, with llogao Point, 3 miles SSE of Tungao Point, high, dark, and well-defined, bearing 060° and the tangent of land N bearing 347°. Small vessels may anchor, in a depth of 22m, with llogao Point bearing 055 °, and Twin Rocks, 2m high and situated 0.6 mile W of llogao Point, bearing 329°. Dapdap Pier extends about 750m W from a position on shore about 0.9 mile S of llogao Point and then NW for 250m. Coal is stockpiled on reclaimed land NE of the extension and ships of 9,500 dwt berth heading NE to SW to load coal against a line of dolphins at the head of the extension. A 600m extension leading W from the base of the NW extension was under construction. When completed, vessels of 20,000 dwt will be able to berth there. Pilots for Dapdap Pier board 0.7 mile W of Twin Rocks. Sibolon Island (12°06'N., 121 °35'E.) lies about 10.5 miles E of the NE side of Semirara Island. The island is low and wooded. A sandy beach fronts the W point and the NW and S sides of the island. A reef extends about 0.25 to 0.35 mile from the sandy beach and is steep-to at its edge. Vessels can take anchorage off the SW side of the island, in depths of 11m, with the W tangent of the island bearing 030° and the S tangent bearing 068 °. Sibaton Island (11 °59'N., 121 °34'E.) lies about 8 miles ESE of the SE side of Semirara Island. The N side of the island Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros consists of low, black limestone cliffs. and the E and W sides consists of sandy beaches. A small \ lage of the same name stands on the S side of the island. Caluya Island (11 . 56'N. , 121 . 34'E-1 lies about 0.75 mile S of Sibaton Island. A dryi ng reef exlends about 0.75 mile N from the NW side of the island. A very narrow and shallow channel lies between the island and the reefs and shoals fronting the S coast of Sibaton Island. A town of the same name stand on th W side of the island. A round hill, 183m high and cover d with bamboo, lies on the S end of the island. From thi s munit the land slopes regularly to the N point. All around the island, the points aF of black limestone and there are sandy beaches in all the bay Vessels with local knowledge can tth(e anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon (October to Marc ) off theW coast of the i land, with the town bearing 091 · , n the tangent of the W side of the island to the S bearing bet en 180. and 182·, open E of the E extremity of Sibay Island · depths of from 9 to 18m. During bad SW weather there is an oorage near the edge of the reef, in a depth of 29m, off the ba ~ar the middle of the E side of Caluya Island. Caution.-A shoal, with a depth o~ 7.3m at its outer edge, extends about 0.5 mile W of the tow n. 4.19 Sibay Island (11 . 51'N., 12!"~8'E.), the S island of the Semirara Islands, is located abo~3 miles SSW of Caluya Island. The island is moderately high ::rullevel. The summit of the island stands near the middle of the N coast. The island is barren except for :some small dark trees at the extremities. There are several sm villages on the island. The island is fringed by a narrow, st ep-to reef. TheN and W sides of the island are steep-to with tl:e lOrn curve lying up to 0.25 mile offshore. Between Bacong Point, the NE ext:"emity of the island, and Tangaion Point, 1.5 miles SSW, th reef extends 0.5 mile offshore, while near the SW end oft e island, it extends 1 mile offshore. There is no anchorage aro und the 1tl and, except on the spits at the SE and NW points, both t which are exposed to monsoons, and are of hard sand and large coral heads . Panagatan Cays (11 .52'~'L, 1211 3'E.) are three small, wooded islands on a reef, which partl · dries. They lie about 5 miles W of Sibay Island. Panagatan Malaqui Island, the large3t of the three, lies on the W extremity of the reef. Bogtong Island and Panagatan Munti Island lie on the NE part of the r eef. There is anchorage off the edge of 1he reef except on theE side, in depths of 18 to 37m. Mindoro Strait 4.20 Mindoro Strait (12.40' _ 120.24'E.), which is divided into two passes by Apo Islam and Apo Reef, is wide and deep. It separates theW coast of Mindoro Island from the islands of the Calamian Group. The · al currents in Mindoro Strait flow SE on the flood and NW o• the ebb. Apo Island (12.40'N., 120. 25'E.) Les about 23 miles WSW of Dongon Point. The island is low m wooded. White sandy beaches border its E and S sides. A fringing reef extends up to 0.5 mile in places. There are no good anchorages off the island. Apo Island is separated from Apo Reef by a deep channel about 1 mile wide. A light is shown on the NE side of the island. A conspicuous wreck lies stranded on the S side of the island. It has been reported the island is a good radar target up to 17 miles. 4.21 Apo West Pass (12. 35'N., 120. 20'E.) is about 20 miles wide and separates the NE islands of Calarnian Group and Apo Island. A local magnetic disturbance has been reported to exist in this pass about 7 miles S of Apo Island. Merope Rock (12.44'N., 120. 15'E.), a ledge with a least depth of 4.3m and on which the sea breaks, lies about 10 miles WNW of Apo Island. A shoal, with depths of less than 11m, extends about 1 mile N from the rock. Hunter Rock (12.40'N., 120. ll'E.), with a depth of2.lm on which the sea breaks, lies 13.5 miles W of Apo Island. It is steep-to, except on its NE side, where a bank, with depths of less than 18m, extends 0.5 mile. An extensive bank, with depths of 20 to 97m, lies with its center 18 miles SSE of Apo Island; the 20m depth is in the S part of the bank. Apo East Pass (12. 35'N., 120. 43'E.) lies between Apo Reef and Mindoro. The pass is about 15 miles wide, and with the exception of Discovery Bank, it is deep and clear of dangers. The pass is used mainly during the Northeast Monsoon season. Discovery Bank, with a least charted depth of 15.9m, lies in the middle of the fairway about 9 miles WSW of Dongon Point. The sea does not break on the bank nor is it marked by any discoloration of the water. Apo Reef (12.40'N., 120. 30'E.) is an extensive danger in which there are two shallow lagoons, separated by a channel, which is entered from theW. The reef extends about 4.75 miles NNE, 6.5 miles E, and 5 miles SE from Menor Islet. The islet is 10.1 m high, wooded, marked with a beacon, and lies about 1.5 miles E of Apo Island. In the N lagoon are the Cayos del Bajo, consisting of two rocks, 2.4 and 6.1m high, respectively, and numerous above and below-water coral heads. The S lagoon, which lies SE of Menor Islet, is also shallow and filled with sunken dangers. The outer edge of Apo Reef is generally steep-to, but there are numerous drying and above-water rocks lying near its N and E sides. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the channel between the two lagoons, about 2 miles E of Menor Islet, in a depth of 28m. The channel, which is deep in its W part and foul in its E part, is entered N of the islet. Mindoro Strait-South Part 4.22 Ambulong Bank (12. 13'N., 120. 54'E.), with a least depth of 5.5m, lies 7 miles W of Ambulong Island light. Sarraceno Bank, with least depths of 4.6m and 5.5m, lies about 4.5 miles SW of Arnbulong Bank. Pub.162 Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros Apo Reef Light Kambal Reef, with a least depth of 10.lm, lie s about 7.5 miles SW of Sarraceno Banlc An isolated patch, with a depth of 5.5m, lies 6 miles SSW of Kambal Reef. Leonidas Bank (12 ' 03'N., 120. 52'E.), with a least depth of 13.4m, lies 5.5 miles E of Kambal Reef. Falmouth Bank, with a least depth of 12.8m, lies about 15 miles S of Leonidas Bank. Coutts Bank, with a least depth of 14.6m, lies about 6 miles NE of Falmouth Bank. Dominga Shoal (12 . 01'N., 12nO'E.), with a least depth of 7 .3m, lies about 8 miles SSE of the S extremity of llin Island. A 16.5m patch is reported to lie 2.25 miles S of Dominga Shoal. Framjee Bank (11 •59'N., 120 ' 32'E.), with a least depth of 4.9m, lies about 15 miles WSW of Kambal Reef. Several banks, with depths of 6 to 18m, lie up to 11 miles ESE of Framjee Bank. Caution.-Banks in the S approach to Mindoro Strait, with depths of less than 15m, are usually marked by discoloration, but banks of less than 18.3m should be avoided, as large coral boulders lie on some of them and the least depth may not have been found during the surveys taken of them. Pub.162 Panay-West Coast 4.23 This part of the sector describes the W coast of Panay from Potol Point, its N extremity, to Caducdula Point, the S extremity of the island, a distance of about 91 miles. The general de scription is from N to S. Panay is the sixth largest of the Philippine Islands. The NW extremity of the island is located 37 miles SE of the SE end of Mindoro. A chain of mountains extends in a curve from the NW to the S promontory. The coastline is steep-to, with some points fronted by coral reefs. Panay is extremely fertile and is irrigated by the mountain streams. It is one of the most densely populated and most extensively cultivated of the Philippine Islands. 4.24 Potol Point (11 · 56'N., 121 · s7'E.), theN extremity of Panay Island, i flat and sandy with a few trees. A group of rocks and islets lie on foul ground extending about 0.6 mile NNE of the point. A reef, reaching a width of 0.2 mile, fringes the shore NE of the point. Borocay Island (11 · 58'N., 121 · s6'E.), 98m high, is separated from Potol Point by a channel 0.4 mile wide. The S end of the island is fairly steep-to, and the W and E coasts are fringed by a reef as far as about 0.75 mile offshore. There are shoals reported to lie about 0.25 mile off theN shore. The channel between Borocay and Panay is clear of dangers in the fairway, but there are dangerous rocks on both sides of the fairway, and there are shoal patches in the approaches. The tidal currents et through the channel with great force. Vessels can take anchorage off the W side of Borocay, in a depth of 6.7m. Nasog Point (lr54'N., 121 · s3'E.) lies 4.5 miles WSW of Potol Point. The point, which is the NW extremity of Panay, is a stee p-to wooded bluff, 52m hig h; it is the extremity of a peninsula. Mount Tinayunga, 915m high, 7.75 miles SE of Nasog Point, is the highest peak on the peninsula. Anchorage for vessels with local knowledge can be obtained close off theN side of Nasog Point. Caution.-A 6.9m shoal lies about 1.25 miles offshore, about midway between Potol Point and Nasog Point. 4.25 Buruanga Point (11 · s2'N ., 121 · s3'E.), located about 2 miles SSW of Nasog Point, is a small peninsula which extends about 0.5 mile SW from the coast. The Buruanga River flows out into a small bight about 1.25 miles SSE of the point. The town of Buruanga stands on both sides of the mouth of the river. A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m, extends 0.25 mile offshore W of the village. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage off a beach near the mouth of the river, in depth " of 6m to 9m. Pucio Point (11 . 46'N., 121 . 50'E.), the SW extremity of the peninsula, lies 5.5 miles SW of the Buruanga River. It rises to a height of 182m and is similar to Nasog Point. A fringing reef extends 9lm W of the point; the 20m curve lies close seaward of this reef. A 4.1 m shoal lies 0.35 mile S of the point. Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros Maniguin Island (11 °36'N., 121 ° 'E.) lies about 13 miles SW of Pucio Point. The island has a arrow ridge across its S end, but the remainder of the island -low and wooded. The island is fringed by a narrow, steep-t eef. It has been reported the island is a g:::>od radar target up to 20 miles. A light is shown from the SE si of the island. Vessels with local knowledge can tate anchorage close to the edge of the fringing reef NE or SV\ f the NW point of the island, according to the monsoon sea ' . The anchorages offer little protection. Caution.-The island should be gt"en a berth of 1 mile on its N, W, and S sides. 4.26 Patriya Point (Patria Point) 11 1° 44'N. , 122°01 'E.) lies 10.25 miles ESE of Pucio Point. The :::oast between the points is bordered with sandy beaches, with be 10m curve lying up to 0.5 mile offshore; there are no chared dangers outside this curve. Two ranges of hills, which have ' • \era! churches on their slopes, parallel the coast. San Roque j tuated on the bank of the San Roque River, is located abw• 1.75 miles WNW of Patriya Point. Patriya, a small town, stands close NE of Patriya Point, on the W shore of a small bight. Dayong, a small town, and Ting· another small town, is located 1.5 and 2.25 miles E, respecL ely, from Patriya. The coastal bank, with a least de]X.b f 3.7m, extends about 0.3 mile offshore from a position close E of Tingib. The Bugan River discharges into t ,.. ~ bight of Pandan Bay, 0.5 mile NE of Tingib. A large net, with steel wires extend:ng 2 miles seaward, was under construction, close SW of tht: ~ntrance to the Bugan River. Pandan (11"43'N., 122°06'E.) rid Port Index No. 59210), a mall town, stands at the ead of Pandan Bay in a position about 2.25 miles SE of t entrance to the Bugan River. Pandan Bay is formed by a l:e d in the coast, has considerable depths, but is fully ex csed to winds from W through S. Vessels with local knowledge can l:ake anchorage about 0.5 mile offshore abreast the town of Pandan, in depths of 13 to 18m. 4.27 Lipata Point (11 o28'N., 12T03'E.), located 15 miles SSW of Pandan, is a low, woored neck of land. The intervening coast is relatively free f dangers, with several small rivers discharging into the sea. Lipata Point is fringed by a stee: Ho reef which extends about 0.3 mile NW from the poiw_ Lipata, a small village, stands on this point. Vessels can take anchorage off the ~side of Lipata Point, in depths of from 10 to 42m. This ar:chorage provides best protection during the Southw Monsoon (May to September). Sebaste Shoal (11 °36'N., 122°0 I 'E), with a charted depth of 7.3m, lies about 4.5 miles offshore 'dway between Patriya Point and Lipata Point. Thi s hoal 1s f1e only charted danger seaward of the I Om curve on this part d the coast. Batbatan Island (11 °29'N., 121"55'E.) lies with its E extremity about 7.25 miles W of Lipata Point. A hill, 168m high and with sides sloping toward the coasts, stands about 1 mile E of the W extremity of the island. The shores abreast this hill consist mostly of cliffs from 6 to 15m high, interspersed with sandy beaches, where landing may be effected in good weather. The usual landing place is a small and shallow cove, protected by a sand spit, which extends about 0.1 mile S from the E extremity of the island. A reef extends about 0.25 mile from the S side of the island. Shoal water extends a short distance from each end of the island and from a position on theN shore near the village of Batbatan about 0.75 mile W of theE extremity of the island. A small islet, 3m high, lies less than 91m S of the SW end of the island. Seco Islet (11 ° 19'N. , 121 °40'E.) , composed of low shifting sandhiUs on a steep-to coral reef, is located about 24.5 miles WSW of Lipata Point. A bank, with a depth of 3.7m, extends about one mile N from the islet. A shoal , with a least depth of 5.8m, lies about 2 miles NE of Seco Islet. Carmen Bank (11 °22'N ., 121 °37'E.), located about 4 .25 miles NW of Seco Islet, is a small sand and coral shoal, with a least reported depth of 4.6m. A shoal , with a depth of 15m, lies about 1.5 miles S of Carmen Bank. Sultan Bank (11 °23'N., 121 °30'E.) consists of two separate shoals, lying about 3.25 miles apart. The outer shoal has a least depth of 12.8m and lies about 13.75 miles WNW of Seco Islet. The E shoal, which has a least depth of 6.7m, lies about 11.75 miles WNW of the same islet. 4.28 From Lipata Point the coast trends S about 16.75 miles. The 10m curve lies up to 0.6 mile offshore in places; the shore bank is steep-to. The Bungol River flows out about 2 miles S of Lipata Point. Culasi, a village, stands on the coast close S of the river. Maralison Island (11 °25'N., 122°01'E.), 69m high in its W part, lies offshore 1.5 miles WSW of Culasi. The island consists mostly of a group of small , bare peaks rising steeply from the shores. The E end of the island is formed by a flat sandy point and landings usually made on the S side of a spit extending E from the point. A small islet, 41 m high, lies on the drying reef which extends about 0.2 mile W from the island. Maralison is surrounded by a reef. A rock, awash, lies in mid-channel between Maralison Island and Culasi and another rock, awash, lies about 1 mile SSE of the island. A shoal, with a least depth of 3.7m, extends about 0.5 mile W from a position about 0.5 mile W of the W side of the island. The narrow channel between the shoal and island has a least depth of 18.3m in the fairway. Tibiao Point (11"18'N., 122°02'E.) lies about 7.5 mile S of Culasi; the coast between is steep and bordered by sand with an occasional narrow coral reef. The Tibiao River flows out through the point ; the town of Tibiao is located closeS of the river's mouth. Pub.162 Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros The Dalanas River flows into the sea about 2.5 mile SSE of Tibiao; its origin is the foothills of the heights NE and E of its mouth. Ontgol Point (11 ' 12'N., 122' 02'E.) lies about 3.75 miles SSW of the mouth of the Dalana River. Barbasa, a small town, is situated close N of the point. A reef, awash, lies in a position about 0.5 mile NW of the town, 0.3 mile offshore. Two shoals, with depths of 1.8m, lie 1.25 miles NNE and 0.25 mile W, respectively, of the Ontgol Point. 4.29 From Ontgol Point, theW coast of Panay trends 10.5 miles S and then 17 miles SSW to Tubigan Point. The coast is steep-to with the 10m curve lying up to 0.5 mile offshore and the lOOm curve from 0.1 mile to 1.5 miles off. Numerous small rivers flow into the sea along this part of the coast. Tolan Point (11 ' 01'N., 122' 02'E.) lies 10.75 miles S of Ontgol Point ; there are no charted dangers seaward of the 4.9m curve, along this part of the river. The Cangaranan River flows into the sea at this point. lpayoc Point (10 ' 56'N., 121 ' 59'E.), a low point, lies 6.25 miles SSW of Tolan Point. The Ipayoc River flows out through the point. Patnongon, a village, stands on the S bank of the Ipayoc River, 1 mile SE of the point. The delta of the Sibalom River, which has a shallow bar, is located 6.5 miles S of Ipayoc Point. The coast between this delta and Dalipe Point, 4 miles SSW, is fronted by a shoal bank, as defined by the 20m curve, extending up to 1 mile offshore. Dalipe Point (10' 46'N., 121'55'E.) is low, wooded, and steep-to; the 20m curve lies about 0.35 mile offshore. Thbigan Point (10 ' 44'N., 121 ' 56'E.), 1.75 miles SSE of Dalipe Point, is low and is fringed by a narrow ledge of rocks. A light is shown from the old fort situated on the point. Sombrero Rocks (10'43'N., 121'34'E.), 21.25 miles WSW of Tubugan Point, show s as two black rocks of about the same elevation. When approaching from N or S, it has been reported that it appears in two parts, of which theW, 6.7m high , is the higher. The rocks are reported to be radar conspicuous at 15 miles. 4.30 From Tubigan Point there is a slight indentation in the coast to a position 14 miles S; from this position the coastline extends in an arc in a SSE direction for 6 miles to Nogas Island. San Jose de Buenavista (10' 44'N., 121 ' 56'E.) (World Port Index No. 59200) stands at the head of a small bay, close E of Tubigan Point; it is almost hidden by some large trees. This small port, which is of little commercial importance, is the capital of Antique Province. Storm signals are displayed in the town. A stone jetty extends 137m SE from Tubigan Point. Its outer end is connected by a 9m wide extension which extends SSE, 0.1 mile E of the light at Tubigan Point. There were depths of 5.2m at the SW end of the extension and 3.7m at the NE end. This berth is recommended for small vessels only, as the turning room is limited. A 3m patch lies 91m SSE of the head of the pier. Heavy seas run into the harbor during SW winds. Pub.162 The 10m curve, which lies about 0.15 mile S of Tubigan Point, fronts the shore eastward to a distance of a little over 0.5 mile. Shoals, with depths of less than 6m, fill the entire cove lying E of Tubigan Point. A detached shoal, with a depth of 3m, lies about 0.15 mile ESE of the old fort on Tubigan Point. A shoal, on which there is a sunken rock and average depths of 2.7m, lie about 0.25 mile SE of Tubigan Point. A reef, with a depth of less than 2m, lies about 0.5 mile S of the head of the wharf. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage, protected from NE winds , with the old fort bearing about 354' , distant about 0.35 mile, in depths of 10.9 to 12.8m, rocky bottom. Vessels are cautioned against approaching too close to the coast because of the numerou s sunken rocks and foul bottom. 4.31 Hamtic (Antique) (10' 42'N., 121 ' 59'E.), a town, stands near the mouth of the Antique River, 3.5 mile SSE of Tubigan Point. The Malandog River, with a depth of 1.8m over the bar, and 5.5m inside, discharges midway between. Jaldan Point (10 ' 30'N., 121 ' 55'E.), a sharp bold, rocky point, 27m high, lies about 14 miles S ofTubigan Point. Several villages and rivers with bars lie between these two points. Dao, a small town located about 2 miles ENE of Jaldan Point, near the mouth of the Dao River, can be identified by a prominent church with a square tower. Bayo Point (10' 27'N., 121 ' 55'E. ), 3.5 miles SSW of Jaldan Point, is the W extremity of Naso Point, a large promontory which forms the SW part of Panay. Anini-y, a town in which there is a large white stone church with a metal roof, is situated 1.25 miles SSE ofBayo Point. Nogas Islet (10' 25'N., 121' 55'E.), about 0.5 mile SSW Anini-y, is small, low, flat, wooded, and fringed by a reef extending up to 0.5 mile offshore. A narrow channel separates the islet from the SW extremity of Panay. A reef, with a depth of 4.5m, lie s in the middle of the W entrance to the channel. A shoal, with a depth of 7.6m , lies in mid-channel between the islet and the coast. Nogas Islet is reported to give a good radar return up to 18 miles and a light is shown near the center of the islet. Caducdula Point (10 ' 25'N., 121 ' 58'E.), the S extremity of Panay, lies 2.5 miles SE of Anini-y. The point is fringed by a reef, and foul ground extends S about 0.2 mile to Juraojurao Islet. Caution.-Anchorage is not recommended between Nogas Island and Juraojurao Island, as the bottom is rocky. Negros-Southwest Coast 4.32 Negros is the fourth largest island of the Philippine Archipelago. It is situated between Panay and Cebu and is divided into two provinces. The coa t is little indented and contains no harbors suitable for large vessels. The rivers are small and can only be used by small craft. Sojoton Point (9 ' 59'N., 122 ' 27'E .) lie s on Negros, about 40 miles SE of Caducdula Point, the S extremity of Panay. Sojoton, a prominent headland, is fringed by a steep-to reef extending about 0.15 mile offshore. ector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros The land rises steeply from the coas: to a height of 158m less than 0.5 mile inland. The point is an e~ llent landmark when approaching from N or S, appearing a; a step from the shore to the higher plateau farther inla d. From Sojoton Point the SW coa ct Negros trends SSE about 70 miles to Siaton Point. The is ::nd is steep-to. Close inland there is a series of per which rise to a height of904m. Maquiliguian Point (9 . 58'N., 122 · 'E. ), located about 1.25 miles SSW of Sojoton Point, extends about 0.5 mile NW from the general trend of the coast. It is over 30m high near its extre ·cy, and is fringed by a drying reef which extends about 0.25 Die N and SW. Linaon, a small town, stands the inshore end of Maquiliguian Point. A precipitous bluff, 62m high, s· m:ds close to the shore about 1.5 miles SSE of the point. A deep valley lies SE of the ville. e of lnayauan, about 2 miles S of the bluff. A reef, with a depth of 0.4m. es 1 mile SSW of Maqui1iguian Point. Shoals, with depths of 6.4m and 8.: lie about 1.25 and 0.75 miles SW, respectively, of the point. <\ reef lies awash about 2.25 miles SSW of the above point. There are several detached reefs, ith depths of 2 to 6m, lying between this reef and the shore. 4.33 Binigsian Point (9. 50'N., l.?_.22'E.), located about 8.25 miles SSW of Maquiliguian Poi , i s fringed by a reef to a distance of 0.25 mile SW. It is an excellent landmark and m.l. be identified by a bare cliff on the 36m hill located on the int. The point extends about 0.5 mile W from the general tre of the coast. Danjugan Island (9 . 52'N., 12~ 23'E.), 77m high and narrow, extends about 1 mile N fro a position about 1.75 miles N of Binigsian Point. It is so-rounded by a reef which bares at low water and is steep-to on all sides. Two small islets or rocks, the outer f which is 8.2m high, lie close NW of the island on the edge aftlte fringing reef. Agutayan Islet (9 . 52'N., 122.22'E ) 96m high and fringed by a wide reef, lies about 0.4 mile SE Gf Danjugan Island. The channel between the islet and the is!.and has a depth of 12.8m and that between Agutayan and the hore reef, 11.9m. These channels are about 0.25 mile wide ami suitable only for small craft. Anajauan Island (9. 50'N., 122· 2· ), 70m high, lies about 0.65 mile SW of Binigsian Point. It · rrounded by a reef that extends about 0.3 mile N. Several is ~ or rocks, the largest of which is 36m high, lies near the N e::ld f the reef. A reef, with a least depth of 2.7m near the outer extends about 0.5 mile S of the island. The channel between the reef fringmg the island and the reef fringing Binigsian Point is very nar v, but deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. Cartagena Bay (9 .49'N., 122•23 ), entered between an unnamed point located abo t 1 mie SSE of Binigsian Point, and Buluguisan Point, about 2 miles , indents the coast to a distance of about 0 .75 mile. The N entrance point and the SE shore of the bay are fringed by reefs to a distance of about 0.25 mile. A reef, with a least depth of 3m, lies in the middle of the bay. Cartagena, a small town fronted by a sandy beach, stand near the head of the bay. Matatindoc Point (9 . 43'N., 122. 23'E.) is located about 7.5 miles S of Binigsian Point. The coast in the vicinity of the point is high and rugged. A large rock, lying on the reef fringing the point, is a prominent landmark. 4.34 The coast from Matatindoc Point trends m a SSE direction for about 15.5 miles to Doog Point. The intervening coast is indented by a number of indentations which form bays of no particular importance. Campomanes Bay (9 .4l'N. , 122.24'E.), the only wellprotected anchorage on this coast, is entered between a point located about 1.5 miles SE of Matatindoc Point and a point about 0 .75 mileS. A reef extends about 0.35 mile NW from the S entrance point. Several rocks, the largest of which is about 27m high and wooded, lie on this reef. There is a sandy beach at the head of the bay, but elsewhere the shores are fringed by a narrow reef. A small river discharges into the head of the bay and the ruins of a small wooden pier exists on the N shore. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.2 mile S of the mouth of the river, in depths of 22 to 27m, mud, or in greater depths in the middle of the bay. Nabulao Bay (9 . 39'N., 122. 26'E.), entered between Obon Point, located about 3.25 miles SSE of Matatindoc Point, and Catmon Point, about 3.25 miles SE, indents the coast about 2 miles. The navigable space in the bay is greatly reduced by numerous reefs and shoals. A broad reef fringes the shore, and a coral ledge, having a width of 0.5 to 0.75 mile, extends 1.5 miles SW from the head of the bay, dividing it into two narrow coves. A narrow islet stands on the SE side of the ledge. A shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, extends about 0.75 mile NW from a position about 1.25 miles NW of Catrnon Point. There are some rocks lying awash on the SE side of the shoal. The NW cove is encumbered with shoals. Anchorage can be taken in theSE cove, in depths of from 16.5 to 26m, mud, 0.5 mile offshore and about 0.15 mile outside the shore reef. Thi anchorage is fully exposed to the Southwest Monsoon. Catmon Bay (9 . 37'N., 122. 26'E.), entered between Catrnon Point and an unnamed point about 1 mile SE, indents the coast about 1 mile. The N shore and the head of the bay are fringed by a wide reef. The bay is exposed to W winds and sea . A reef, with a depth of 6.4m, lies 0.5 mile offshore and about 2.5 miles SSE of Catmon Point. Bolila Point (9. 34'N., 122.29'E.), located about 4 miles SSE of Catrnon Point, is low and rounded. The point is fringed by a reef which extends about 0.25 mile S. Bolila Island lies on the coastal reef in a position about 1 mile SE of the point. Drying reefs extend up to 0.15 mileS and 0.1 mile E from Bolita Island. Shoals extend 0.1 mile S and 0.1 mile E from the above reefs. 4.35 Asia Bay (9 . 33'N., 122. 30'E.), entered between the S end of Bolita Island and an unnamed point about 1.5 miles SE, Pub.162 Sector 4. Mindoro, Panay, and Negros indents the coast about 0.5 mile. The town of Asia stands in the NE comer of the bay. The Asia River empties into the SE part of the bay in a position about 0.75 mile SE of the town. The bay offers protection from all but SW winds. The N shore of the bay is fringed by shoals and reefs to a distance of about 0.15 mile. A shoal, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies midway between Bolila Island and the coast of Negros to the E. Reefs and shoals extend 0.15 mile SW from an unnamed point located about 0.5 mile E of the SE end of Bolila Island. A shoal, with depths of 9 to 17m, extend about 0.2 mile W from the W edge of the above reef. A drying reef, lying in the center of a shoal area about 0.3 mile in extent, is located in the middle of the entrance to the bay in a position about 0.25 mile SE of the SE end of Bolila Island. Vessels can take partially protected anchorage in mid-channel between the reef fringing the S end of Bolila Island and the drying reef lying in the middle of the entrance to the bay. Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor in the NW or NE comer of the bay, being cautious to avoid the 2.7m shoal about 0.15 mile E of theE coast of Bolila Island. 4.36 Doog Point (9"30'N., 122"32'E.), located 5.5 miles SSE of Bolila Point, is prominent; the hills which back it are close to the coast in this vicinity. From Doog Point the coast trends 40 miles SSE to Siaton Point. Tolong Bay is formed in an indentation in the coast about midway between these points. Calipapa (9 "28'N., 122"34'E.) and Basay, another small town, stand on a narrow strip of land, backed by hills, in positions about 2 and 8 miles SE, respectively, of Doog Point. A school building, with a red roof, at Calipapa, serves as a good landmark. Cansilan Point (9"23'N., 122"41 'E.), backed by land rising to a height of 220m, 2 miles E, lies 10.75 miles SSE of Doog Point. The coast is backed by hills with peaks of similar height to the above-described peak. Tolong Bay (9 "20'N. , 122"50'E.) is entered between Cansilan Point and Cauitan Point, 14.5 miles SSE; it is exposed to the SW. The E part of the bay off the mouth of the Tolong River is deep . Tolong (Bayawan) (9 "22'N., 122"48'E.) (World Port Index No. 59110) is located on theE side of the Bayuan River, about 8 miles ESE of Cansilan Point. Vessels can anchor off Tolong, about 0.5 to 1 mile offshore, in depths of 7 to 12.8m, mud. This is fair weather anchorage, and is fully exposed to W and SW winds. Giligaon Point (9"05'N., 122"55'E.) lies 11.5 miles SSE of Cauitan Point. It is steep and the single coconut tree on its summit is a good landmark. Siaton Point (9"02'N., 123"01'E.), the S extremity of Negros, is located 15.5 miles SSE of Cauitan Point; the coast between is steep-to. Siaton is the termination of a long mountain ridge extending NW. Its coast is an abrupt cliff about 18.3m high, extending around the point. Mount Malbug (9"07'N., 122 "59'E.), 840m high, located about 5 miles NNW of Siaton Point, is prominent. Sharp Peak, 858m and Dome Peak, 846m high, are located about 5 miles N of Mount Malbug; they are also prominent landmarks. Caution.-Strong tidal currents setting NW and SE may be expected between Giligaon Point and Siaton Point. Some heavy tide rips have been encountered off this coast. Pub.l62 AREA LOCATOR GENERAL CHART 550 0/NGALAN BAY 120" Ald• itional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 5-CHART INFORMATION Pub. 162 SECTORS EAST COAST OF LUZON Plan.-This sector first describ the coast of Luzon between Escarpada Point to San Migue Bay. The arrangement is from N to S. The sector then continues to descri the SE coast of Luzon between Butauanan Bay and Bin gay ·nt. The arrangement is from W toE and then S. General Remarks 5.1 The E coast of Luzon is lug 'l , rugged, and densely wooded . The coast is indented in t S side. The coast is spar ely inhabited except in the Pal anan River valley, about 85 miles S of Escarpada Point. The rugged coastline is exposed to the full force of the Northeast Monsoon and the seas of :re Pacific Ocean. There are no ports of any size along the c a3t, but there are several mall bays where some shelter is affaroed. Typhoons which lash the coast ca se heavy swells. Vessel s transiting these waters are cautioned pay strict attention to weather conditions and reports. Winds-Weather.-The wet and seasons on theE coast of Luzon are the reverse in period tc those on the W coast of that island. This is due primarily b the exposure to the Northeast Monsoon and to the higb mountains of the Sierra Madre which block the winds. Normeast winds prevail from October to March , the monsoon beg:tnning with the N winds, which are short duration and soon be::o me NE. In January and February the E w:n:ls begin, and terminate the monsoon. The heaviest rains cur from October to January. The winds are variable in March ard April, and sometimes in the early part of May, bringing i e Southwest Monsoon. Apri l and May are the driest months · the dry season , but rain often occurs. Thunderstorms , which occur fro o June to November, are most frequent in August. The sea is generally calm during the Southwest Monsoon, but it is esre ially heavy during the middle period of the Northeast Mon :m . The typhoons which form E or SE f Samar and Leyte and cross the archipelago to the N of Manda are very dangerou s to shipping. The N part of the E coa f Luzon is particularly dangerous during the period of the tiJ>hoons. The typhoons that pass S of M ·la are also dangerous as they bring strong NE to SE winds. typhoons which recurve N and E before re aching e Philii]X ne Islands bring strong winds and rain squalls from the SW. T ese sometimes continue for 5 or 6 days. Typhoons may form at any time o e year, but they become more frequent in July and are most revalent on theE coast of Luzon from September to DecembeL Tides-Currents.-The tidal cw:::-ents are very irregular off the E coast of Luzon, but they gen nlly set parallel with the coast at an estimated maximum rate cJ" about 2 knots . They set N on the rising tide and S on the fal ng tide. A fairly strong current sets parallel with the NE coast of Luzon. This current apparently does not follow the rise and fall of the tides , but is predominantly SW unless a prolong S wind is in evidence, at which time the direction of the current is reversed. The tidal currents are very irregular in Lagonoy Gulf and Albay Gulf and appear to be greatly influenced by the force and direction of the wind . The tidal current attain a rate of 1.5 knots in Rapu Rapu Strait. Escarpada Point to Palanan Point 5.2 The coast between Escarpada Point, the NE extremity of Luzon, and Iligan Point, 14 miles to the SSE, is indented by numerous small coves, suitable only for small craft. The tidal currents in this stretch of coast are irregular, but generally set parallel with the coast at a maximum rate of 2 knots. There are tide-rips in the vicinity of Escarpada Point and Iligan Point. Patunungan Bay (18 . 24'N., 122. 18'E.) lies 9 miles SSE of Escarpada Point, and is formed by a narrow opening in the coastal reef. The entrance, with a least depth of 11m, may be identified by Masak Rock on its NW side and Susak Rock on its SE side. The bay affords good shelter for small vessel s. The anchorage can accommodate one small coastal ves sel. Iligan Point (18. 18'N. , 122. 20'E.) lies about 5.5 miles SSE of Susak Rock. The point, which is 73m high and covered with grass, rises to an elevation of 160m about 0.5 mile inland . Russo Rock, 3m high and prominent, lies close off the point. Mount Tinago , a serrated summit 251m high, stand s close to the coast about 3.25 miles NNW of !ligan Point. Mount Marotong, 366m hig h and densely wooded, stands about 0.5 mile SW of Iligan Point. Mount Marotong appears as a sharp peak with steep slopes from the NE, but from the SE it has a bee-hive shape. It is one of the most prominent peaks nearby. 5.3 The coast between lligan Point and Palanan Point, 71 miles S, consists of a succession of small bays open to the sea, with short stretches of sandy beach backed by steep mountain . Maloncon Island (18. 15'N., 122. 20'E.) lies about 4 miles S of !ligan Point and 0.5 mile offshore. T he island has a sharp summit and is the largest and most prominent island in this section of the coastline. When seen from SW or NE, the island has steep sloping sides. Heavy tide rips are frequently seen in the areas E and N of the island. Landings can be made on a sheltered beach on the W side of the island. Mount Ninamandum, 406m high, lies about 3.75 miles SW of Maloncon Island and about 0.5 mile NW of Nanisetan Point. Mount Canapauan, 615m high, lies about 7 miles WSW of Maloncon Island. It is prominent when viewed from the SE because of its height and its flat appearance. Naglocsaden Point (18 . 10'N., 122. 16'E.) lies about 6 miles SW of Maloncon Island. A shoal, with rocks awash and a depth Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon of 5.8m at its outer end, extends about 0.5 mile S from the point. Tide rips can be found in the area of the shoal. J, B. Miller Bay (18°05'N ., 122°11 'E.) lies about 6 miles SSW of Naglocsaden Point. Bol s Point, the N entrance point of the bay is bold, rocky, and densely wooded. Cabutunan Point, the S entrance point of the bay, lies 3.5 miles S of Bolos Point and is low, covered with grass, and fringed by a coral reef. Good anchorage can be taken almost anywhere in the bay, but it is fully exposed to E winds. Capulutan Point (18°00'N. , 122°11'E.) lies about 5 miles S of J. B. Miller Bay. The point is a bold, rocky headland whose seaward face is vertical and ri ses to a height of about 58m. Mount Capulutan, 328m high, is a double-topped mountain with a small pass between the two highest peaks. It rises about 0.75 mile SW of Capulutan Point. The gray, vertical, rocky bluff on the S side of the mountain is prominent from the S. A deep rocky gorge, which is a good landmark, lies midway between Capulutan Point and Cabutunan Point, 3.5 miles N. Valley Head (lr55'N., 122°11 'E. ) lies about 5 miles S of Capulutan Point and consists of a triple-pointed, rocky headland rising abruptly from the shore. Valley Cove, the N arm of which provides good shelter to small craft, lies 5 miles S of Valley Head. Twin Peaks, high and sharp pointed, stand 3 miles W of Valley Cove. Caution.-Tidal currents between Capulutan Point and Valley Head attain a rate of 2 to 2.5 knots. 5.4 Baguio Point (lr42'N., 122°10'E.), a sharp knoll 50m high, lies 13 miles S of Valley Head. A black detached rock lies close off the point. Flat Peak, with a sheer rocky E face, lies 3.5 miles WNW of Baguio Point. Mount Cetaceo (lr42'N. , 122 °03'E.) lies 6.5 miles W of Baguio Point and consists of a dome-shaped summit which rises to an evaluation of 1,833m. It is the highest peak in the area and is prominent. Divilacan Bay (lr23'N., 122' 19'E.) lies about 20 miles SSE of Baguio Point and indents the coast about 3 miles SW. The bay is open to the N and is encumbered with shoals and reefs. The shores of the bay are low and densely wooded. Several large streams discharge into the bay. Divilacan Peak stands about 10.5 miles SSW of the E entrance point of the bay and is prominent. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the NW bight of Divilacan Bay, in depths of about 9m, hard sand. The reefs at the entrance give some protection from E swell. Vessels can find some protection from E winds by anchoring W of Gay Island (Dipado Island) and N of the reef fringing the S shore of the bay. Protection from SW winds can be obtained in a bight in theSE part of the bay, in depths of 13 to 16m. Port Dimalansan (lr19'N., 122°23'E.), entered between Gay Island and Estagno Island, about 1.5 miles ESE, extends about 3 miles S between low and wooded hills to a rather large shoal basin. The channel has a least width of 137m and a least depth of 3.7m. Heavy tide rips and strong currents are often found at the entrance. Small vessels with local knowledge can find excellent shelter in Port Dimalansan . Port Bicobian (lr15'N., 122°26'E.) lies about 7 miles SSE of Estagno Island. Aubarede Point, the SE entrance point to Pub.162 Port Bicobian, is fringed by drying reefs up to a distance of about 0.1 mile offshore. Shoals extend about the same distance S from the fringing reef. A drying reef extends about 0.4 mile NE from the S entrance point Shoals and foul ground extend about 0.15 mile offshore from the edge of the drying reef. The E side of the inlet is fringed by drying reefs up to about 0.2 mile Drying reefs extend up to 0 .5 mile E from the W side of the inlet. A detached reef, which dries, extends about 0.4 mile N from a position 0.6 mile WSW of Aubarede Point. Shoals extend up to about 0.1 mile E from this reef. A rock , which dries 1.5m, stands on the reef fringing the W shore of the inlet in a position 1 mile WNW of Aubarede Point. Caution.-These reefs are not always marked by discoloration. The unmarked channel to Port Bicobian has a width of about 0.25 mile between the detached reef and the reef fringing the W side of Aubarede Point. The channel gradually narrows to a width of about 9lm near the head of Port Bicobian. There is anchorage, in a depth of 18m, 0 .2 mile from theE shore, 1.5 miles NNW of Aubarede Point. There is also anchorage 0.75 mile from the head of Port Bicobian, in a depth of8m, mud. Ve els approaching this anchorage should favor the E shore as the fringing reef does not extend as far as from the W shore. 5.5 Palanan Bay (lrlO'N., 122°27'E. ) is entered between Aubarede Point and Palanan Point, about 7 miles SSE. The bay indents the coast for about 3.75 miles in a SW direction. A reef extends from Palanan Point, which should not be approached within one mile. A river flows into the S part of the bay. The bay is deep throughout, and with the exception of reefs and shoals which extend about one mile N from the mouth of the river, all dangers lie within 0.5 mile of its shores. Ditolong Peak, wooded and conical, rises to a height of 321m, 2.5 miles SSW of Palanan Point; it helps to identify the point from the offing. Palanan (1 r04'N., 122°25'E.) is the only town on the E coast of Luzon N of Casiguran. It stands on the N bank of the river about 5 miles within the river's mouth; it is small and of little importance. There is a government radio station at Palanan and inter-island vessels make infrequent calls off the mouth of the river to load logs. Strong tidal currents and heavy rips are found off the point. Vessels are advised to give the point a berth of at least 1 mile when entering the bay. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage W of the reef and shoals fronting the mouth of the river, in depths of 13 to 44m. Disumangit Point (17 °03'N., 122°31'E.), a rocky headland, lies about 6 miles S of Palanan Point. Spires Islet, a prominent pinnacle rock, lies close off the point. The Knobs, a conspicuous group of hills covered with trees, lies 1 mile inland, 5.5 miles SSW of Disumangit Point. 5.6 The coast between Palanan Point and Cape San lldefonso, 75 miles SSW, is mostly steep, with wooded hills Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon nsmg sharply from bare hills backe by massive mountain ranges, and is indented by many shalln.v bays. There are numerous coral heads wi ·n about the 20m curve, with little or no indication of their cx:istance, so caution is necessary when approaching this coa~t. A current, setting NNE at a rae of 2 knots, has been observed during the Southwest Monf! rn (May to September) running parallel with the general trend r:I the coast. Digollorin Point (16. 53'N .. 122.2£ =:.) is located 9.5 miles S of Disurnangit Point. It can be identifud by a rock, 22m high, about 9lm off the point. A shoal, \\ · , a depth of 2. lm, lies about 0.75 mile N of Digollorin Point. DigoUorin Bay (16.50'N. , 122. 26':=:.) lies about 3.75 mile SSW of Digollorin Point. A river di3o±arges into the head of the bay. A rock, 3m high, lies 0.75 m i_e E of the N entrance point of the river. Diviuisa Point (16.48'N., 122.26'£ ) lies 5.75 miles SSW of Digollorin Point. A prominent pinn 1.3 rock, 64m high, lies close off the point. Dinatadmo Point (16. 3l'N., 1 22~ 1 7'E. ) lies about 12.5 miles SSW of Digollorin Bay. The p:> nt is low and covered with bushes. Dinapiqui Point (16. 32'N., 122. 1'"' 3 ), located 7 miles SSW of Dinatadrno Point, marks the S lirnt of the hi gh, cliff-faced coastline. The shoreS of the point is w, heavily wooded, and fringed by sandy beaches. A rock, Em high, lies about 0.5 mile S of the point. 5.7 Diapitan Bay (16.26'N., !22' 13'E.) lies about 14 miles SSW of Dinatadmo Point. Tre bay is about 1.75 miles wide at its entrance and indents the .:oast about 3 miles in a SSW direction. Tarigtig Point, the S entrance po rt of the bay, has a bold rocky cliff on its seaward side. A s all bare rocky islet lies close NE of the point. Foul grou extends about 0.3 mile NNE from the point. Foul grou . on which stand two detached rocks awash, extends abcu: 0.5 mile W from a position about 0.9 mile SSW of Tarig:i~ Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5m, lies n the middle of the outer part of the bay about 1 mile W of 1' gtig Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5.7m, lies about 0.6 mile V"'E..W of the point. There is a sandy beach at the read of the bay, which is backed by fiat, wooded ian . A reef which bares at LW and which is connected to the shore by lDJI ground, lies near the SW comer of the bay in a positio .a:>out 1.75 miles SW of Tarigtig Point. Vessels can take anchorage in the 'ddle of the bay about 0.5 mile SW of the 5m shoal , in a repth of 14.6m. Vessels proceeding to thi s anchorage should rass W of the shoal. Protected anchorage can be found i:l the SE part of the bay S of the foul ground on which sta ·wo detached rocks, in depths of 7 to 8m, mud, good holdirf ~round. Vessels entering the bay should pass at least 0.75 mi lz :'f ofTarigtig Point. Casapsapan Bay (16. 19'N., 122CD E.) lies about 6 miles S of Diapitan Bay and is entered N o -:Jijohan Point. The bay indents the coast 3 miles in a SW d.J.cction. The bay is fully exposed to Northeast Monsoons. A Dlall islet lies close NE of Dijohan Point. The shores of CaEqnapan Bay are densely wooded. A shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lies about 1 mile N of Dijohan Point. A narrow shoal, with depths of 6.9 to 8.7m, extends about 1.75 miles SW from a position about 0.75 mile WNW of Dijohan Point. This shoal lies parallel with and about 0.5 mile off the E shore of the bay. Several detached shoals lie within 0.5 mile of the W shore of the bay. 5.8 San lldefonso Peninsula ( 16.07'N., 122. 04'E.), joined to the mainland by a strip of land about 3.5 miles wide, trends about 22.5 miles SW from Dijohan Point to Cape San Ildefonso. Its seaward face is wooded and rugged. Baltimore Peak (16.05'N., 122.02'E.), about 4 miles from the S end of the peninsula, is high and prominent. It appears double-topped from N or S, but from SE it shows as a sharp point. There is a large, triangular, grassy scar on the outer coast in a position about 2 miles NE of Baltimore Peak. This scar is an excellent landmark when approaching from the N or E. A SW current sets along the E side of San Ildefonso Peninsula at a rate of 1 knot, unless there is a strong S wind, when the direction is reversed. Casiguran Sound ( 16. 05'N., 121. 58'E.) is entered W of Cape San Ildefonso. It extends 11 miles NE to the entrance to Casiguran Bay. The sound and the bay are deep and clear of dangers in the fairway and afford excellent shelter for all classes of vessels. The SE shore of the sound is high, rugged, steep-to and clear of dangers, except for a detached shoal, with a least depth of 8.5m, lying about 0.75 mile N of Cape San Ildefonso. A reef, with a depth of 4.5m at its outer end, extends about 0.3 mile NW from a position about 1 mile NNE of the cape. The NW shore of the sound is lower and backed by rolling hills and high mountains. It is fronted by shoal water to a distance of up to 0.6 mile. Vessels navigating the sound or the S part of the bay, should keep in depths of 37m or more, as the depths decrease rapidly near the shore in many places. The only outlying danger in Casiguran Sound is a shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lying about 4 .5 miles WSW of Motiong Point, the W entrance point to Casiguran Bay. Casiguran Bay is entered between Motiong Point, located about 11 miles NNE of Cape San lldefonso, and the shore about 0.5 mile E. A shoal spit, with a depth of 6.7m at its outer end, extends about 0 .1 mile E from Motiong Point. Shoal water extends about the same distance W from the E side of the channel, abreast the point. The head of the bay is low and densely wooded. Dipalali Point, which i located about 1.5 miles NE of Motiong Point, can be identified by an old fort, 3m high. Wheeling Peak, 258m high and prominent, stands on the E side of the entrance to the bay in a position about 0.75 mile SSE of Dipalali Point. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, lies about 1.25 miles SW of Wheeling Peak. Casiguran Bay is deep with a soft clay or mud bottom. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 2.1 m, lies about 0.4 mile off the W shore in a position about 2 miles N of Dipalali Point. The coastal bank, as defined by the 5.5m curve, extends up to 0.2 mile from the E shore, 0.3 mile from the W shore, and 0.6 mile from the head of the bay. The tidal currents are fairly strong along the SE shore of Casiguran Sound. A rate of 1.25 knots has been observed about Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast of Luzon 1 mile N of Cape San Ildefonso. Currents on the NW shore are weak. Surface currents from the rivers are found in Casiguran Bay. Vessels can take anchorage anywhere along the NW shore of Casiguran Sound, in depths of 37m and over. The best anchorage is located in the middle of Casiguran Bay, in depths of 28 to 48m, soft mud or clay. Directions.-Vessels entering the sound should give the SE shore a berth of about 1.5 miles until abreast of Baltimore Peak. Then they should steer for Wheeling Peak on a course of 057" until Motiong Point bear 325°, distant 0.5 mile. Then a mid-channel course should be steered through the narrow channel leading into Casiguran Bay and anchorage taken, as convenient. 5.9 Casiguran (16ol7'N., 122°07'E.), a small town, which is not visible from the bay, situated about 1 miles inland on the E bank of a river which empties into the NE comer of the bay. The river is navigable onl y by small craft. Gumaining (16ol5'N., 122°04'E.) lies at the head of a small cove on theW side of Casiguran Bay. A pier, 155m long, with a reported depth of 5.5m at its head, was reported to be in poor condition. Vessels lie off the end of the pier to discharge oil to a pipeline laid on the pier surface. Several oil tanks stand near the pier at Gumaining. Debutunan Point (16°04'N., 121 °47'E.) lies 12.5 miles W of Cape San Ildefonso. A rock, which dries, lies about 1.25 miles SSW of the point. A shoal, with a depth of 7.8m, lies close N of the rock. Strong tidal current have been observed off the point. Rinabasan Cove (1Y58'N., 121°38'E.) lies about 10 miles SW of Debutunan Point. A detached shoal, with a depth of 8.5m, lies about 1.5 miles offshore, 4.5 miles NE of Delgada Point, the S entrance point of the ove. A rock, 4.9m high, lies about 0.5 mile E of a high knob, which is located 2.25 miles NE of Delgada Point. Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage, in the S part of the cove, in a depth of 12.8m. Baler Bay (15°50'N., 121 °35'E.), entered between Delgada Point, and the NE extremity of Cape Encanto, about 13 miles S, indents the coast up to 5 miles. Los Confites Reef, a group of rocks which break at LW, lies about 1 mile N of the N extremity of Cape Encanto. A shoal, with a depth of 6.7m, extends about 0.5 mile NE from this group of rocks. The bay may be identified by the high land N and S of it, separated by the valley of the Baler River, which discharges into the S end of the bay. Baler (15 °46'N., 121 °34'E.) (World Port Index No. 58020), a small town, stands about 1 mile \V of the mouth of the Baler River and about 0.5 mile inland. The town is not visible from the anchorage. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 9m high, standing 137m from the beach. Port Aurora, a small cove and landing place, lies about 0.5 mile E of the mouth of the river. Baler Point, a small low projection, is located close W of Port Aurora; a reef extends about 0.2 mile N from the point. Shoals extend 0.2 mile N from the mouth of the Baler River. A detached shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, lies about 0.5 mile ENE of Baler Point. The entrance to Port Aurora lies between this shoal and the E side of the reef which fringes Baler Point. Anchorage can be obtained, in depths from 15 to 18m, sand and rock, with the entrance to the Baler River open, bearing 180°. The holding ground is poor. Small vessels may anchor in Port Aurora in depths of 9m. All the anchorages are exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. 5.10 The coast between Cape Encanto and Agria Point, about 25 miles SSW, is rugged and very densely wooded. Numerous islets and large rocks, some up to 30m high, lie close offshore. Dibut Bay (1Y41'N., 12lo37'E.) is entered between Disucsip Point, 1.75 miles S of Cape Encanto, and Salaysay Point, about 3 miles further SSW. The shores of the bay are high, rugged, and steep-to. All dangers in the bay lie within 0.25 mile of the shore. There is anchorage, in depths of 22 to 26m off the W side of the bay. Anchorage can also be taken in the middle of the SW bight, about 0.65 mile from its head, in a depth of 14.6m. The coast between Salaysay Point and Dicapanisan Point, about 8.5 miles SSW is high, rugged, and densely wooded. Dibayabay Bay, a small open bight, is located about 1.25 miles SW of Salaysay Point. Two small islets, about 1.5m high, lie in the E approach to the bay about 0.75 mile offshore. A shoal, with a depth of 10.3m, lies in the SE approach to the bay in a position about 1.75 miles SSW of Salaysay Point. Egg Islets, a group of small islets, the highest of which is 30m high, lie about 0.75 mile offshore in a position about 4.5 mile SW of Salaysay Point. A small islet, 39m high, lies close offshore in a position about 1 mile N of Dicapanisan Point. Dingalan Bay (15°18'N., 121 o25'E.) lies about 18 miles SSW of Dibut Bay, and is entered between Agria Point and Deseada Point. The shores of the bay are high and rugged. A number of rivers empty into the bay. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the N part of the bay, about 1.25 miles WNW of Agria Point, in depths of 5 to 16m. Anchorage can be taken in the S part of the bay, in a position about 0.75 mile NE of the mouth of the Umiray River, in depths of from 11 to 15m. The Polillo Islands and Polillo Strait 5.11 Polillo Strait (14°50'N., 121 °45'E.) lies between theE coast of Luzon and Polillo Island. The strait has a least navigable width of 7.5 .miles and is deep in the fairway. Prueba Rock is a low rock rising from a steep-to coral reef lying 1.5 miles off the coast of Luzon, 15 miles SSE of Deseada Point. The coast of Luzon between Deseada Point and Prueba Point, about 14 miles SSE, is backed by densely wooded ranges of mountains, lying parallel to the coast. Prueba Point is low and hard to identify. Marcelino Point, 7.5 miles SSE of Prueba Point, is high and prominent. From Deseada Point to Dinahican Point, 33 miles SSE, the coast is steep-to. All dangers lie within 0.75 mile of the coast, between these two points, with the exception of Prueba Rock. A bank, with a depth of 48m, lies 4 miles NE of Prueba Rock. Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon The Agos River empties into Pol c Strait about 5.5 miles SSE of Marcelino Point. A co ncrete tower stands about 1.25 miles WNW of the mouth of the Agof ~ver. The town of Infanta stands about ~ miles SSW of the mouth of the above river. Vessels can take anchorage durin~ the Southwest Monsoo n 1.25 miles SE of the mouth of the A5os River, and about 0.5 mile offshore, in depths of 11 to 15r. The anchorage is often obstructed by debris brought down tt river by floods. Dinahican Point (14. 42'1\. , 121 ·.J. '3.), marked by a Light, Lies 6.5 miles SE of the mouth of the gos River. The point is low, densely wooded with trees, 15m high, and steep-to. The coast between the river and the point is sandy. There are tide rips and much discolo:-d water off the point. Polillo Island-West Coast 5.12 Polillo Island (14. 50'N., 121'57'E.), separated from the E coast of Luzon by Polillo S"J'3it, is hilly and heavily wooded. Mount Maiolo, the highest peak of the island is a good landmark and the first thing seen whE pproaching from theE orNE. Panampalan Point (15 .03'N. , 121 , -o'E.), the NW extremity of Polillo Island, is the termination cf a low mangrove area. The point is encumbered with shoal> The coast between this point and Panangatan Point, about 7 ~5 miles SSW, is fringed by reefs and backed by hills. Hook Bay (14.56'N., 121"50'E.: , narrow inlet which affords excellent shelter for small crat'", indents the coast about 1.5 miles in a N direction about 1 mie 5 of Panangatan Point. The inlet is about 0.2 mile wide at tl:e entrance. Depths of 12.8m and over are found in is narro fairway. The shoals and dangers fringing both sides of the enT.Uce narrow the channel to a width of les than 91 m. Inside thE _trance the inlet widens to a greater width of about 0.2 mile. Vessels can take anchorage in the ooddle of the widest part of the inlet, in depths of 18.3m, mud Anchorage can be taken in the small cove W of the W entraoce point to Hook Bay, in depths of 27m, mud. The coast between Hook Bay and Malagas Point, located about 11.5 miles S, is fringed by a aarrow, steep-to reef. A detached reef, with a depth of 1.8m, lies about 0.75 mile SW of Abuigoin Point, located about 2.5 mi es SSE of the E entrance point of Hook Bay. Salipsip Point and Anibong Point, t-n rounded projections, are located about 5.5 miles and 8 ml=~. respectively, SSE of Abuigoin Point. A shoal, with a deptll o:: 2.7m, Lies about 0.35 mile SW of Salipsip Point. A reef, with a rock awash at its ou~~nd, extends about 0 .5 mile SW from Anibong Point. Polillo Point (14.43'N. , 121 .55'E.) tl:e W entrance point of Polillo Harbor, Lies 13 miles SSE of tt entrance to Hook Bay. Yellow Rock, with a depth of 2.1 n, and on which the sea breaks, lies on the NW edge of a bank. hich extends 5.5 miles NW from PoLillo Point. A buoy is mored close S of the rock. Union Reef, with a depth of 2.1m, lie about 1.25 miles S of Yellow Rock. There are a number cf moals between Union Reef and Po Lillo Point. 5.13 Polillo Harbor (14 . 44'N., 121 .56'E.) (World Port Index No. 58040) is formed between theN extremity ofPolillo Reef, a drying reef extending about 2 miles N from Polillo Point and Malagas Point, about 1.5 miles E. Numerous fish traps line the edge of the drying reef. Range lights, in line bearing 145•, stand at the head of the harbor. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.3 mile W of the church at Polillo, in a depth of 16.5m. There is a small pier off the town at the head of the harbor, with a depth of 5m alongside its W face. Directions.-Vessels approaching from the N can make a direct approach through Polillo Strait. Vessels approaching from the S should not bring Panangatan Point to bear W of 00 1· until Mount Maiolo bears 09T, at which time the course should be altered to 09T. When the church tower at Polillo bears 145• and the entrance beacons are in range, the course should be altered to 145·. This course should be held until the W tangent of Polillo Point bears 21 o·, at which time the course should be altered to 152· . This course leads to the recommended anchorage located about 0.3 mile W of the church. Vessels are cautioned to keep a good lookout in order to avoid the detached shoals in the harbor. Agta Point (14. 38'N., 121 .56'E.), the S extremity of Polillo Island, is low and densely wooded. A bank, with a depth of 3.7m, extends 0.5 mile offshore, 1 mile NW of the point. A detached 3m shoal lies off the SW extremity of this bank. An 11.3m patch lies 2.75 miles S of Agta Point. Polillo Island-North and East Coasts 5.14 The N coast of the island is fringed by a wide steep-to reef. There are several breaks in this reef, forming small bays which do not provide anchorage. Several hills stand 3 miles inland. Pinavisagan Bay (15"01'N., 122. 01'E.), entered about 11 miles E of Panarnpalan Point, Lies on the NE part of the coast and provides some protection to vessels with local knowledge from W and S winds. Minayit Point (Minayet Point) (15 .00'N., 122. 03'E.), the NE extremity of the island is a brown, rocky, prominent bluff, bare of trees, and 18m high. The coast between the point and Bania Point, 3 miles S, is fringed by a narrow reef. Anibawan Bay (14. 59'N., 122.01'E.), entered between Bania Point and an unnamed point about 3 miles SW, indents the coast about 3.5 miles. Banla Point may be identified by a 60m hill standing 0.75 mile N. A shoal spit extends about 1 mile SE from Bania Point. Buguitay Islet, 23m high and fringed by a reef, stands on this spit about 0.4 mile SE of the point. A rock, with a depth of 0.9m, Lie about 0.75 mile WSW of Bania Point. A shoal, with a least depth of 4m, Lies about 1 mile NW of the same point. The Anibawan River, which is navigable by small craft, flows into the NW part of the bay. Three small islets and numerous shoals lie in the S entrance of the bay. Anawan Island, 35m high, Lies about 1.25 miles S of Bania Point. Anirong Island, 11.3m high, lies about 0.75 mile SW of Anawan Island. Reefs and foul ground extend about 0.5 mile S, 1 mile E, and 0.75 mile NE from Anirong Island. Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon A deep channel, about 91m wide, lies between Anirong and the S side of Anawan Island. Cabaloa Island, 55m high , lies about 1 mile SW of Anirong Island. Vessels with local knowledge can take protected anchorage in Anibawan Bay, in depths of about 37m. Vessels wishing to anchor off the mouth of the Anibawan River are cautioned that mud flats extend 0.5 mile E from the river mouth. Vessels approaching the anchorage from the N or E should use the narrow channel between Anawan Island and Buguitay Island. Vessels coming from Burdeos Bay should use the channel between Cabaloa Island and Anirong Island. Strong tidal currents with a rate of 2.5 knots are found in the entrance to the bay. The coast between the S entrance point of Anibawan Bay and Tataupin Point, about 12.5 miles S, is very irregular and fringed by a wide reef. The coast is low, backed by high hills, and somewhat indented in its N part. Numerous islands, reefs , and hoals lie are known off the coast. The coast between Tataupin Point and Agta Point, about 8 miles SW, is in general, backed by high hills and is steep-to. A shoal, with a depth of 9.lm, lie about 1 mile offshore in a position about 4 miles ENE of Agta Point. 5.15 Palasan Island (14 . 52'N., 122.02'E.), 67m high , extends about 4.5 mile s ESE from its NW extremity, located about 4.75 miles SSW of Bania Point; it is fringed by a wide reef, except on its W side. Icol Island , narrow and low, extends about 1.25 mile W from its E extremity located about mile W of the NW extremity of Palasan Island. The NE side of Icol Island is fringed by a wide reef. Burdeos Bay (14.48'N. , 122. 05'E.) lies between theE coa st of Polillo Island on the W side, Palasan Island on theN, and Patnanongan Island on the E. The bay offers a large area of anchorage ground well protected from all winds and sea. The Burdeos River flows into the bay in a position about 4.75 miles SSW of the S entrance point of Anibawan Bay. The small town of Burdeos is located on the river about 0.5 mile from its mouth. The channel between Cabaloa Island and leol Island is about 0.25 mile wide between the fringing reefs. A reef, with a depth of 14.6m, lies in the channel about 0.2 mile S of Cabaloa Island. A reef. with a depth of 6.4m, lies in the E approach to this channel about 1 mile SE of the E extremity of Cabaloa Island. Detached shoals, with depths of 6.4m and 2.3m, lie about 0.75 mile N and 0.5 mile W, respective!y, of the W end of leo! Island. The channel leading SSE between leo! Island and the coast of Polillo Island is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. The channel between Cabaloa Island and Polillo is intricate, its width being narrowed to about 0.1 mile by reefs on either side. The narrow channels between lcol Island and Palasan Island and the latter island and Patnanongan Island are deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. These rarely used channels are dangerous because of the very strong currents passing through them . The S approach to Burdeos Bay is encumbered with numerous shoals and reefs . Narrow and tortuous channels lead through these dangers to the anchorage in theN part of the bay. Pub.162 Burdeos Light(14.51.4'N., 121 ·58.6'E.) is reported to be shown from a concrete column, lOrn high, on the SW side of the bay. Minasawa Island , small and about 15.2m high, lies about 1.25 miles off the SW coast of Patnanongan Island. It can readily be identified because of its bright green color. Cataoyan Reef, which dries, lies parallel to and about 1.75 miles E of the SE coast of Polillo Island . Coccoc Rocks, a group of above and below-water dangers, lie close N of Cataoyan Reef. Pacabalo Reef lies in the middle of the bay in a position about 2.5 miles S of the SW extremity of Patnanongan Island. The channel W of Cataoyan Reef is very narrow and should not be attempted. The channel E of Pacabalo Reef is apparently safe, but the channel between Cataoyan Reef and Pacabalo Reef is recommended and generally used. Bini Is land , which is small and low, lies in the middle of the channel between the SW extremity of Palasan Island and the coast of Polillo Island. San Rafael Island lies about 1.25 miles WSW of the SW extremity of Palasan Island. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.75 mile W of theN extremity of San Rafael Island in depths of 14.6m, mud . The tidal currents are strong and unpredictable between the reefs and between the islands. They attain a maximum rate of 4 knots at spring tides in the narrow channel between Palasan Island and Patnanongan Island. Caution.-The channels leading into Burdeos Bay are unmarked and dangerou s due to the strong tidal currents and dangers in their vicinities. Vessel s with local knowledge should use these channels only under the most favorable conditions. The Polillo Islands-Off-lying Islands and Dangers 5.16 Patnanongan Island (14. 48'N. , 122•11 'E .), the largest island of the group, is 85m high and densely wooded. It extends about 12 miles SE from its NW extremity located about 0.5 mile E of the SE extremity of Palasan Island; the shores are fringed by reefs and bordered by mangroves. The Uala Islands (14.55'N., 122. 10'E.) lie on a large reef separated from the N side of Patnanongan Island by a narrow, shallow, and tortuous channel. Kalongkooan Island, 24m high, lies on the N edge of this reef in a position about 5.75 miles :'ffi of the NW extremity of Patnanongan Island. Malaguinoan Island, 45m high, lies on the Wedge of this reef in a position about 3.75 miles NNE of the same extremity. Ticlin Island, 11m high, and a small islet, 24m high, lie about 0.75 mile SW and 1.5 miles W, respectively, of Malaguinoan Island. Shoals, with depths of 7.8 and 2.3m lie about 0.5 mile and 1.25 miles SE, respectively, of the small islet. Caution.-The waters between Palasan Island, Patnanongan Island , and the Uala Islands afford good protection, but the currents are very strong and the area is encumbered with shoals and dangers. Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon Ikikon Island , 28m high , and Min..uJata Island , 6.7m high, stand near the Sedge of a large reef ch extends about 7.75 miles NNW from a position close ' the NE extremity of Patnanongan Island. Katakian Grande Island , 34m high , a::Id Katakian Chica Islet, 29m high, lie on the W sid e of a reef I · .r.g close off the NE end of Patnanongan Island. East Ikikon Island, small and 14.9rn.Jjgh , is located about 3 miles NE of a position close N ct :he NE extremity of Patnanongan Island. The island stanck ear the NW ed ge of a reef which extends 2.5 mil es E and 1.75 miles SSE from it. Several shoals, with a depth of 1 . 9m at the outer end, extend about 20 miles E from the ist.:r d. Two patches, with depths of 1.5 and 4.6m, lie 2.5 and 5.: ·les E of the island . Several shoals, with depths of 7 to I ilil, lie withln 6.5 miles ESE of East Ikikon Island. 5.17 Jomalig Island (14°42'N .. l 22 °23'E.), low and heavily wooded, is separated from the ~5 end of Patnanongan Island by a channel , with a least depth of 9 . 1 m in the fairway, and a navigable width of 2.75 miles. The island is fringed by a drying red which extends about 0.75 mile from its E shore . The _nd of the island is moderately high, the tops of the tree s b6..1g about 30m high. A light marks the NW extremity of Jomalg Is land . Manlanat Islets, a grou p of three · "' ts and a number of rocks, lie on the fringing reef in a pos about 0.5 mile E of the E extremity of Jomalig Island . Tt i:slets are wooded and 10.6, 12.8, and 16.5m high , respective]_ Lantao Rock, 2.4m high and bare, Les on the E edge of a drying reef in a position about 1.5 les ENE of the NE extremity of Jomalig Islan d. Lantao Islets are two small, bare, -ocky islets about 45m high, of a whitish appearance, lying c :;e together about 4.25 miles NE of theE end of Jomalig. Sevet31 rocks awa sh lie up to 3 miles E of Lantao Rock. Dinahican Point to Jesus Point 5.18 Dinahican Point (14°42'N. 121"44'E.) has bee n previous ly described in paragraph 5 . 11. Lamon Bay (14 o25'N ., 122oOO'E ) is entered between Dinahican Point and Jesus Point, abou t 5 miles ESE. The bay is partly protected from the NortheB.: Monsoon by Polillo Island and its off-lying isl ands. The tidc.l currents and the bay currents are mostly weak a nd variable. Port Lampon (14°40'N., 121 °37'E. ) >es in the NW part of Lamon Bay and consists of a small ltered inlet, except during SE and S winds. Depths of 20 t• 24m, found on the E side of the entrance, decreasing sharpl_ to 2.lm about 0.75 mile NNW of Tacligan Point. Ttr Pulo River, which discharges into the head of the inlet, is igable by small craft for a distance of 2.5 miles . Puerto Real (14 °40'N., 121 °37'E.) ' rid Port Index No. 58030) stands on the W side of the llDJ of the Pulo River, about 1 mile NW of Tacligan Point. The port can be identified by a tall, concrete tower and a wareh• e with a galvanized roof. Strong tidal currents, with an e" ated rate of 3 to 4 knots, set S from the river on the falling 1• e . The municipal pier has a berthing face 65m long , with a controlling depth of 6m alongside . Vessels can take anchorage in the entrance to the port about 0.5 mileS of a training wall, with Tacligan Point bearing 100 °, in depths of 9 to 18m. Vessels are cautioned against proceeding N of this anchorage because of the rapidly decreasing depths. The coast S of Port Lampon is bold , densely wooded, and rather steep-to. Magasawang Rock, 12.2m high, lies about 0.25 mile offshore in a position about 13 miles S of Tacligan Point. It is connected to the mainland by a drying reef. A reef extends about 0.1 mile E from the rock. Two prominent waterfalls are located about 3.5 miles S of Magasawang Rock and another 5.5 mile s farther SE. Saley Point, located about 14 miles SE of Magasawang Rock, is high, well-wooded , and rather steep-to. Malazor Point (14 °12'N., 121 °45'E.) lies about 31 miles S of Dinahican Point. The point is low and terminates in a wooded knoll higher than the rest of the point. A reef extends about 91m E and S from the point. A light is shown from the point. 5.19 Mauban (14° 12'N ., 121"44'E.) (World Port Index No. 58050), a loading port for copra, lies about 1.5 mile s SW of Malazor Point. A large church , with a metal roof, stands in the SW part of the port. A monument stands on the top of a hill on the S side of the port. A stone breakwater extends SE from a position close NE of the port. There is a depth of 3m alongside the outer end of the breakwater. Vessels can take anchorage off the port, with the church bearing 288° and Malazor Point bearing 031 °, in depths of7m. The coast between Mauban and Atimonan (14°00'N., 121 °55'E.) (World Port Index No. 58060), 16 miles SE, is steep-to, and mostly bordered by sandy beaches and backed by wooded mountains. It is the principal town in the vicinity and lies on the S bank of the Atimonan River. The church spire, which resembles a lighthouse, can be seen for about 13 miles . A light is shown on the S side of the mouth of the river. A chemical factory stands about 1 mile NW of Atimonan. The storage tanks and buildings at the factory are con spicuous . There is a pier for ocean-going ves sel s at the site, of which berthing takes place about once a month. Cargoes handled are coconut oil and copra. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory; notice must be given 24 and 12 hours prior to arrival. Vessels do not enter the port during hours of darkness. It is not advisable to leave the port after darkness, as some of the piles on the sea bed near the jetty are broken. The pilot boards about 2 miles SW of the port. Vessel s with a maximum length of 198m, a beam of less than 30.4m, and a maximum draft of 13.4m can be accommodated. Vessels can take anchorage off the river mouth , with the church spire bearing 180°, in depths of 18m, mud. Small vessel s can anchor closer in , but should not proceed withln depths of 11m, as depths decrease rapidly, and the holding ground is poor. During the Northeast Monsoon, this anchorage is at times untenable. Vessels should then seek refuge at Port Alabat or Sangirin Bay, on the SW side of Alabat Island . 5.20 Siain (Piaridal) (13°58'N. , 122°01'E.) (World Port Index No. 58065) lies about 6 mile ESE of Atimonan. The Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon port can be identified by a number of buildings, warehouses, and and two prominent piers. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile offshore, in a depth of 38m. During the Northeast Monsoon , the anchorage cannot be considered safe due to the deep water lying so close to the shore. A light is shown from Gamau Point, close SE of Sliain. Gumaca (13°55'N., 122°06'E.), a small town, lies 5.25 miles SE of Siain. Vessels can take anchorage about 1 mile offshore, in a depth of 31m. Till s anchorage is unsafe during the Northeast Monsoon. A drying reef lies about 0.3 mile NNE of Gumaca Church. Lopez Bay ( 13°56'N. , 122 °12'E.) lies about 6 miles E of Gumaca and indents the coast for about 6 miles in a SE direction. A river discharges int the head of the bay. Depths of over 18.3m are found throughout the greater part of the bay. A detached shoal , with a depth of 0.6m, lies about 1 mile SSE of Niogan Islet. A buoy is moored on the N side of the shoal . Vessels can take anchorage in the S part of the bay, about 1.25 miles NW of the mouth of the river, in a depth of 14.6m. 5.21 Hondagua (13 °57'N., 122°14'E.) (World Port Index No . 58070) stands on the NE side of Lopez Bay. The town can be identified by the oil tanks to the S. There is a causeway and pier at the port area. This berth is for grain discharge and for coastal tankers supplying fuel. Arrival and departure from the berth is during daylight only. The pier can accommodate ocean-going vessels with a maximum length of 152m. The berthlng area has a depth of 8.5m at theE dolpilln and 11 .9m at the W dolpilln . Tankers discharge by means of a flexible pipeline off the head of the pier. A light is shown about 0.25 mile ENE of the pier. A beacon stands on a hlll 0.1 mile NE of the pier. Depths of over 18.3m are found in the approach and in the outer part of the harbor. The inner part of the harbor, willch has depths of 9 to 18m, is narrowed to a width of about 0.4 mile by the shore reefs on either side. Pilotage is available with a minimum of 12 hour notice required. Pilots board about 10 miles W of Hondagua on theN coast of the mainland. The pilot boat is a small dug-out canoe fitted with outriggers and an outboard motor, and by day exillbits the pilot flag . Vessels can take anchorage anywhere in the middle of the harbor, in depths of 9 to 18m. Tankers and vessels loading cargo generally anchor 137m off the head of the pier, in a depth of 13m. Roma Point (14 °00'N. , 122°11'E.), marked by a light standing on the outer edge of a reef extending N from the point, lies about 5 miles NW of Hondagua. A reef, with a depth of 0.3m near its outer end, extends about 0.5 mile SW from a point about 0.75 mileS of Roma Point. On the N side of the W approach there is a shoal , which partly dries, lying about 1 mile W of Roma Point and about 0.5 mile from theN shore. A reef, with a depth of 5.5m, lies in the middle of the pas s in a position about 0.1 mile 342° from the light structure on Roma Point. A reef, with a depth of 3.6m, lies on theN side of the pass in a position about 0.25 mile SE of Aguhuc Point, located about 0.5 mile N of Roma Point. Pub.162 5.22 Silangan Pass (14°00'N ., 122°11'E. ) is entered between Roma Point and the SE extremity of Alabat Island . The pass is about 0.5 mile wide, but the navigable channel is reduced to about 0.3 mile between the reefs fringing the shore on either side . The depths in the pass are very irregular. Navigators are cautioned that other isolated dangers may exist in the pass. Only vessels with local knowledge should use the pass , and then only under the most favorable conditions. Quezon, a small town with a church, stands on the W side of the pass. The town is prominent from both entrances to the pass. There is a small stone mole landing for small craft on the SE side of the town . Directions.-A ves sel approacillng Silangan Pass from the W should, when about 2 miles SW of the town of Quezon, steer for the SE tangent of Alabat Island , bearing 046°, until Roma Point light structure bears 088 °, when she should steer 068°; tills course leads close S of the rock , with a depth of 5.5m, lying in the middle of the pass. A vessel approacillng the pass from theE, should steer 248 ° for the middle of the pass until the light structure on Roma Point bears 088 ° and the SE point of Alabat Island bears 046°. Then alter course to 226° for 2 miles, at willch time all dangers will have been passed. 5.23 Alabat Island ( 14°06'N ., 122°03'E.) extends from Silangan Pass 20 miles NW to Sangirin Point, and then 3 miles NNE to Gerardo Point. The island is densely wooded and has a ridge running its entire length. There are five peaks on tills ridge, the highest being Mount Camagong, 421 m illgh . These peaks resemble islands from a distance. The coast between Gerardo Point and Sangirin Point is fringed by a reef from 0.1 to 0.4 mile wide . Till s reef extends about 0.3 mile WSW from Sangirin Point. The coast between Silangan Pass and Port Alabat, about 12 miles WNW, is fairly regular and densely wooded. Reefs and shoals front the coast to a distance of up to 1 mile . Port Alabat (14o06'N., 12 2 oOO'E.) has accommodation for three or four small vessels. The shores of the harbor are low, with an extensive sandy beach. The town of Alabat stands on the E side of the port. It is the center of the copra industry on Alabat Island. There is a post office and radio station in the t wn. A concrete causeway, 445m long, and a wooden pier, 21m long, affords berthlng space for small craft. Foul ground , of rocks and sand , extends about 0.3 mile S from the NW entrance point and about 0.6 mile W from the SE entrance point. The channel between these dangers, leading into the port, is about 0.3 mile wide with depths of 22 to 28m in the fairway. Vessel s can take anchorage with the light structure bearing 060°, distant 0.3 mile, in depths of 13 to 18m. The shoals on either side of the entrance are usually marked by fish traps. The coast between Port Alabat and Sangirin Bay, about 6.75 miles NW, is densely wooded. Shoals extend up to 1 mile offshore. 5.24 Sangirin Bay ( 14°12'N .. 121 °55'E. ), entered between the E face of Sangirin Point and a position about 0.6 mile E , is small and mostly shoal. The land forming the point and that surrounding the bay is low. Reefs and drying shoals extend up Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon to 0.5 mile W from the coast formin~ the E side of the S approach to the bay. A large detached reef, which dries , ends about 0.5 mile S from a position about 0.5 mile SSE -Sangirin Point. These reefs protect the bay from S winds and .'>:!as. The town of Perez is on the E sh re of the bay. There is a post office and a radio station in the to"WV . A light is shown near the beach in 1:b:: .S part of Perez. Vessels can take anchorage in the milile of the bay with the church bearing about 066· , distant abou 0.3 mile , in depths of 13 to 15m. Small vessels with local h.nowledge can anchor about 0.1 mile from the head of the ba_ -n a depth of 10.9m. Vessels approaching from a positio about 1.5 miles W of Sangirin Point should alter course to theSE so as to pass about 1 mile SW of that point. Then a coors~ nf 046· , with the light ahead, leads to the recommended a cmrage. Vessels should favor the SE side of Sangirin Point wh entering the bay. Baliscan Island (14. 15'N., 121"54'E marked by a light, is a small, bare, flat-topped rock, 6m hi that lies about 2 miles Y.lNW of Gerardo Point. A reef, with a epth of 8.2m, extends 0.5 mile from its SW side. 5.25 Cabalete Island (14. 17'N. , .: l"SO'E.) lies about 6 miles WNW of Gerardo Point. The c :-1el between the island and the coast of Luzon is 2.5 miles ~tide. When using this channel, the Luzon side should be fav o-erl. A shoal extends 2.5 miles SE fro m e E side of Cabalete Island. A shoal, with a depth of 10m, · :~ 2.75 miles E of the S extremity of the island. Reefs and sho -fringe the remaining shores of the island to a distance of 1 ~. The NE coast of Alabat Island, bet:we n Gerardo Point and Silangan Point, about 20.5 miles SE, _s steep-to and clear of dangers. Pasig Rock, 35m high , lies cl o· offshore in a position about midway between the above poii'I· . Calauag Bay (14.00'N., 122. 15'E.) -. entered between the SE end of Alabat Island and the coas· )f Luzon. The bay is generally deep and clear of dangers. 'Je head of the bay is encumbered with partly drying mud fi which extend 1 mile offshore. Calauag, a small town, stands at the head of the bay. Calauag has several metal roofed buildings i ·ib le from seaward. A small boat channel leads to the town . Vessels with local knowledge can tili anchorage about 1.5 miles NNW of the church in Calauag , i:J .a depth of 9.1m. This anchorage is sheltered from all but NW inds. Apat Bay (14.0l'N. , 122. 19'E.) lie• 1n the NE comer of Calauag Bay. The entrance is nearly close d by a reef extending from Dayap Point, the N entrance poi nt "' the bay. Vessels with local knowledge can til:e anchorage off the entrance to the bay, in a depth of 7.3m I1Ud. Partly protected anchorage for small craft exists ab elcon on the SE shore of Calambayanga Island bears 248' . Then haul sharply to the E and steer 068' , heading for the pier or anchor as desired. 5.32 Mangrove Point (14' 21'N., 1: 2"41'E.) lies 1.25 miles E of Pinandungan Point. The poi s low, covered with mangroves, and fringed by a reef w ch extends 0.25 miles offshore. Gumaus Bay lies 2.5 miles E of Man:grove Point. The bay is clear of dangers except for a narrow reef which fringes the shore of the bay, and extends about 0.2 'le NW from Gumaus Point. Depths of 9 to 18m are found in e middle of the bay. A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m, lies 0.6 Glile WNW of Gumaus Point. Pulandaga Bay (14' 19'N., 122' 47'E ) lies about 2.5 miles SE of the E entrance point of Gumus Bay. A ruined pier stands in the E part of the bay. Small vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, in a depth of 9m. Pulandaga Bay and Gu 'JS Bay are frequently unusable during the Northeast Monsoor~ The coast between Pulandaga Point am Tanoban Point, 3.5 miles SE, is indented by a bay whici is divided into two smaller bays. The bays are separated by Longos Point, a wooded promontory, 61m high. Paracale Bay (14' 18'N., 122' 48'E.) lies about 1 mile SE of Pulandaga Bay. A river flows into the head of the bay. A town stands on the W side of the mouth of the river. Small vessels can take anchorage in the outer part of the bay, in depths of 7 to 9m. Malaguit Bay (14' 17'N., 122' 49'E.) is mostly shoal and lies close SE of Paracale Bay. A river flows into the SW part of the bay. A town stands on theW bank of the river, near its mouth. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the outer part of the bay, in depths of 6 to 9m. Ore is shipped in barges from the river to the anchorage. Tanoban Point (14' 17'N., 122' 5l'E.), located about 3.75 miles ESE of Pulandaga Point, is rounded, wooded, and about 85m high . A shoal, with a depth of 2.7m at its outer end, extends 0.5 mile E from the drying reef fringing the point. Caution.-Both anchorages at Malaguit Bay are usually unusable during the Northeast Monsoon. Luzon-Off-lying Islands and Dangers 5.33 Maculabo Island (14' 24'N., 122' 49'E.) lies about 7 .5 miles E of Tanao Island and 6.5 miles N of Malaguit Bay. The island is steep-to, except for a narrow, drying reef on its W side. Several shoals, with depths from 7 to 11m, lie between Tanao and Maculabo Island, with deep channels between them. A shoal, with a least depth of 10.9m, lies 2.5 miles NW of Maculabo. A shoal, with a depth of 11 .9m, lies 1.5 miles S of Maculabo, and a shoal patch, with a depth of 9m, lies 1.75 miles SE of the island. Paracale Reef (14' 19'N., 122'49'E.), with a depth of 7.3m, lies about 2 miles ENE of Maculabo Island. A reef, with a depth of 8.2m, lies about 1.5 miles offshore in a position about 3.75 miles E of the same point. Medio Reef (14 ' 22'N., 122' 46'E.), with a least depth of 5.5m, lies about 3 miles WSW of the S extremity of Maculabo Island. A strong SSW set has been reported in the area between Maculabo Island and Medio Reef. Calagua Islands (14' 27'N., 122' 56'E.) are a group of 6 islands and a number of islets, rocks, and dangers lying on the N side of the E approach to Tanao Pass. Most of the islands of the group are bold and rugged. Guintinua Island and Tinaga Island are the largest of the group. They are joined to each other and to the Huag Island by drying reefs. Several smaller islands lie in this area. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage SSW of a village located about 1.5 miles W of the SE extremity of Guintinua Island. Small vessels can anchor closer to shore but must exercise caution as the coastal reef is steep-to. lngalan Island (14' 22'N., 122' 57'E.), the farthest S of the Calagua group, lies 2 miles S of Guintinua Island. The island is small and grass covered. Amalia Islet and Paquita Islet lie about 4.5 miles and 5.25 miles E, respectively, of Ingalan Island. Both islets are steep-to and clear of dangers. Roses Reef, two rocks with depths of 0.3m and 1.2m, lies about 1 mile W of Amalia Islet. Matandumaten Rock, a 44m high bare, perpendicular rock, lies about 5 miles ESE of Paquita Rock. Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon 5.34 Pinacuapan Islands (14. 30'N., 122 . 54'E.), a group of small islands and islets, lie about 2.5 miles N of the W extremity of Tinaga Island. Samur Island, round topped and prominent, lies about 3.5 miles NNE of Maculabo Island. Twin Rocks lie about 1 mile SE of Samur Island. Thurston Rock lies about 4.5 miles NNW of Samur Island. A reef of rocks, some of which are awash, lies within 1.5 miles E of Thurston Rock. Depths are very irregular E of these rocks and N of Samur Island. Lima Rock (14. 36'N., 122. 46'E.), with a depth of 1.2m, lies 4 miles N of Thurston Rock. A 5m shoal is reported to lie 2.5 miles NW of Lima Rock. Bacacay Point to San Miguel Bay 5.35 Bacacay Point (14. 16'N., 122. 52'E.) lies about 3 miles ESE of Malaguit Bay. The point rises to a wooded hill with a prominent bare patch. A 4.6m shoal lies 1 mile E of the point. Indan Point (14. 13'N., 122. 55'E.) lies about 4.75 miles SE of Bacacay Point. A shallow riv r flows out on the W side of the point. lndan Point should be given a wide berth as foul and shoal ground extends about 2 miles NNW from it. Quinamanuca Island (14. 12'X, 122. 57'E.) is located about 1.75 miles SE of Indan Point. The island is densely wooded and shows up well against the low land between the coast and Mount Bacacay, about 5.75 miles W of lndan Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m. lies about 2 miles SSE of the island. Navigators are advised to pass at least 1 mile NE of the island. Mercedes (14.07'N., 123.01'E.) (World Port Index No. 58110) is the port for the town ofDaet, which stands about 3.5 miles to the W. The port lies on the W side of the mouth of the Daet River. The port can be identified by several iron roofed buildings and a church. The harbor is not safe for ve sels drawing over 3.6m, or over 55m in length. Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.75 mile N of Mercedes with Canimo Island Light bearing 082· , in a depth of 14.6m, sand. This anchorage is open to N and E winds. The anchorage should be approached with Cone Mountain, a prominent 421m peak about 8.5 miles S of Daet Point, on a bearing of 2oo· . 5.36 Canimo Island (14. 07'N ., 123. 04'E.) lies about 2.5 miles E of Mercedes. The N and E slopes of the island are grass covered to its summit. The remainder of the island is heavily wooded. A light is shown on the NW extremity of the island. Vessels can take anchorage, protected from all winds except from theN, in a position W of the island. Canton Island (14.05'N. , 123.06'E.) lies 2.5 miles SE of Canimo Island. The island is grassy, but has several scattered trees near its summit. The SE extremity of the island is a well defined, thinly-wooded bluff, which is a good landmark when approaching San Miguel Bay. Apuao Grande Island (14.05'N., 123. 05'E.) and Apuao Island lie between Canirno Island and Canton Island. Canton Pub.162 Island and a number of islets and rocks are connected and surrounded by reefs, partly bare at LW. Quinapagyan Island (14. 04'N., 123.04'E.) lies about 1.5 miles S of Canirno Island. The island is densely wooded. The W extremity of the island is a steep-to, prominent sandy point. Caringo Island (14. 02'N., 123. 06'E.), located 1.75 miles SE of Quinapagyan Island, is low and densely wooded. Drying reefs extend up to 0.75 mile from its NE and E sides. Malasugue Islet, small and low, lie midway between Quinapagyan Island and Caringo Is land. 5.37 Canimo Pass (14. 06'N., 123. 03'E.), the W channel into San Miguel Bay, lies between Luzon on the W and Canimo Island and Quinapagyan Island on the E. It is used mostly by small coastal ves els proceeding between Mercedes and the head of San Miguel Bay. Vessels without local knowledge are advised to take a pilot, who may be obtained at Mercedes or Cabusao. The coast between Daet Point and Pambuan Point, 3.75 miles SSE, is fringed by a wide drying reef extending up to 0.5 mile offshore. Depths of 7 to 15m are found in the fairway of Canimo Pass. The channel is narrow and intricate in the vicinity of Quinapagyan Island because of the reefs extending from the mainland and the reef extending N from the island. A reef, with a depth of 1.8m, lies 0.75 mile N of Sand Point. The greatest danger in the pass is a large, rocky reef, awash at extreme LW, lying in mid-channel about 0.35 mile WNW of Sand Point. Except at LW, there is no indication of its presence. Vessels from N bound through the pass should, from a position 0.6 mile W of Canimo Island light structure, steer for Sand Point, bearing 159•. When about 0.25 mile distant from the point, course should be altered S so as to pass about 0.1 mile W of the point. Culasi Point, bearing about 167" and open W of Sand Point, leads W of 2.3m shoals on the E side of the pass. San Miguel Bay 5.38 San Miguel Bay (13. 50'N., 123. 10'E.), entered between Caringo Island and Siruma Island, indents the coast for about 18 miles. The navigable width of the entrance is about 4 miles between Bicol Rock and the reef extending from the E side of Caringo Island . Depth s of from 11 to 15m will be found in the middle of the bay. The S part of the bay is very shoal. San Miguel Bay-West Side 5.39 Angas (14. 03'N., 123.02'E.), a small port on the NW side of the bay, lies about 2 miles WSW of Quinapagyan Island. The port can be identified by a group of houses with galvanized iron roofs. A pier in ruins lies close S of the port. Vessels can take anchorage about 1.25 miles S of the W end of Caringo Island, in depths of 11 to 13m. Magsatangi Point (13 . 53'N., 123. 06'E.), lies about 11 miles SSE of Angas. Culasi Peak (Colasi Peak), sharp , conical, and 388m high, is located close to the shoreline , about 0.5 mile NW of Magsatangi Point. The peak is conspicuously isolated from the rest of the high land and is identified from all Sector5. East Coast of Luzon directions except SE. A small penin~U.a, nearly 1 mile long, extends SSW from the S side of the p i3t. A small bight that dries at extreme LW indents theW side of this peninsula. Tacubtacuban Hill, round-topped an 103m high, forms the extremity of this peninsula. The isth:ms connecting this hill with the mainland to the N is low an -vered with mangroves. A low hook of land ex tends SW and from the SW slope of the hill, almost enclosing the ' mall bight. Vessels can take anchorage, prot cted from NW winds, about 0.5 mile S of the W extremit_ d the above-mentioned small peninsula, in a depth of 5.5m, m:ul. Large vessels can anchor a · e farther out, with Tacubtacuban Hill in range with C :i Peak, in a depth of 7.3m. The beach along this coast is rrEntly rocky and wooded to the water's edge. 5.40 The Bicol River (13.44'N. , l23. 07'E.) empties into the head of the bay on its W side. Tl.te river is navigable for small craft as far as Naga, about 20 from the mouth. Pilotage is compulsory and pilots are available at Cabusao. A light is shown on the W entrance point the river. The coast between the mouth of th Bicol River and Tanglar Point, 7 miles E, and then to the mo Jf the Caaluhan River, 6 miles farther NE, is low, flat. and m dy. Tanglar Island (13.45'N., 123 . 15'E_), located close N of Tanglar Point, is bold and wooded. Trer are rocks along theN coast of the island. A small round islet lies 0. 15 mile o.-shore, 0.6 mile E of Tanglar Island. Mount Isarog, an extinct volcano, is located 11 miles SE of Tanglar Point; it is prominent and rises : o two peaks, 1,906 and 1,976m high , respectively. San Miguel Bay-East Side 5.41 Cagsao Point (13.46'N., 123 17'E.), about 3.5 miles NE of Tanglar Point, and Bog i Point, 1.5 mile further NE, are the principal breaks in a m ddy or ~andy beach, located midway between Tanglar Point and the :nouth of the Caaluhan River (13. 48'N., 123. 19'E.). Cauit Island (13 .47'N., 123' 16'E.), high, lies about 0.6 mile NW of Cagsao Point. A light-col ed bluff stands on its N side. A shoal , with some rocks awas at HW, lies about 0.4 mile W of Cauit Island. Less than 0.25 :ni le SW of these rocks is a sunken rock, which is covere.rl with seaweed and sometimes bares at LW. Cabgan Island (13 .46'N., 123. 16'E) bout 0.1 mile SW of Cauit Island , is conical in shape and 5 high. There is a small warehouse on the islarul, and a larger one on the mainland opposite. The passage be en Cauit Island and Cagsao Point has a depth of 1.8m and · d ear of dangers. Tinambac (13.49'N., 123 . 19'E.), a o ll village standing 1 mile N of the N entrance point of the Caaluhan River, can be identified by its church with a white cro s Kagliliog Point (13 . 54'N., 123. 17'E.) bout 50 miles NNW ofTinambac, is rocky and has a detach rock lying about 91m W of it; a rocky bottom extends so distance offshore. Vessels should give the point a berth of o least 1.5 miles. Balocbaloc Point (13 . 55 'N., 123 . 17'E.), the S entrance point of the Looc River, lies 0.75 mile N of Kagliliog Point and is low and sandy. The Looc River (13. 55'N., 123. 18'E.), the outlet for a large tidal lagoon, is about 1.5 miles wide at its entrance. The shores of the river and the lagoon are low and fringed by mangroves. The river is shoal with strong tidal currents. Only small vessels with local knowledge, operating under the most favorable weather conditions, should attempt to enter the river. 5.42 San Miguel Island (13. 58'N., 123 . 14'E.), low and wooded, lies about 4.5 miles NW of Balocbaloc Point. Its shores are rocky, and a drying sandbar connects its SE end to the mainland. Detached rocks extend about 0.3 mile off the NW end of the island . Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile SE of the SE end of the island, in a depth of 5.5m, sand. Large vessels can anchor about 0.75 mileS of the same point in a depth of 9.1m, mud. These anchorages are fairly sheltered from winds between NW, through N, to SE. A small anchorage, with a depth of 5.5m, sand, mud, and rock bottom, lies E of the N end of the island, about midway between the point and the shore. This anchorage should be approached with caution as there are drying rocks lying some distance off the mainland. Siruma Bay (14.0l'N., 123. 14'E.), entered between Quelun Point, lying 2 miles N of San Miguel Island, and Siruma Point, about 2 miles further N, is foul and encumbered with dangers . Shoals, with depths of less than 1.8m, extend about 1 mile from the head of the bay. A reef, with a depth of 2.lm, lies in the W approach to the bay in a position about 0.6 mile S of the W extremity of Siruma Island. A rocky islet lies about 0.75 mile W of Quelun Point. Sunken rocks extend about 0.3 mile W from the islet. Siruma, a small town, stands on the S shore of the bay. Siruma Island (14 .02'N ., 123• 13'E.), theE entrance point of San Miguel Bay, is a small, low, wooded island about 15.2m high. The E end of the island is connected by reefs with Siruma Point, a long , narrow point projecting W from the mainland. The is land is fringed by a reef which extends about 0.75 mile W from its W side. A rock, above water, lies on the fringing reef in a position about 0.1 mile N of theN extremity of the island. Two shoals , with depths of 4.5m and 5.5m, lie on theE side, respectively, of the fairway in positions about 1.25 miles NW and 1.75 miles NNW of theW extremity of Siruma Island. A shoal, with a depth of 12.8m, lies about 3.25 miles WSW of Siruma Island. Bicol Rock (14.02'N., 123. 11'E.), which dries 0.6m, lies about 1.25 miles W of Simura Island. 5.43 Sapenitan Bay (14.03'N., 123. 14'E.), entered between Siruma Point and Sapenitan Point, about 3.25 miles NE, indents the coast about 2.25 miles. Sapenitan Point is low and wooded at its extremity, but the land within rises to a height of 107m about 2.25 miles SE. The point is fringed by a drying reef which extends 1 mile NW and N. Depths of 9 to 17m are found in the middle of the bay. Shoals, with depths of 6.7 and 5.5m lie on the S side of the Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon entrance about 1 mile N and 1.25 miles NE; respectively, of Siruma Point. Vessels can take anchorage sheltered from all winds except those from N and NW, about 1 mile offshore, between the mouths of two rivers which empty near the head of the bay, in depths of 7 to 11m, mud. Sapenitan Point to Lamit Bay 5.44 Butauanan Bay (14 °06'N., 123 °17'E.) is entered between Sapenitan Point and Quinabucasan Point, about 5.25 miles ENE. The shores of the W arm of the bay are fringed by reefs. A small area, about 1 mile long and 0.5 mile wide, with depths of 9 to 15m, lies between the reefs. The E arm of the bay is encumbered with reefs, o which there are several small islets. Butauanan Island (14 °07'N ., 123°19'E.) forms the NE side of Butauanan Bay. The island is separated from Quinabucasan Point by a channel with a least width of 0.1 mile and a least depth of 10.9m in the fairway. The W side of the island is fringed by a reef which extends about 0.6 mile W from its S part. A shoal spit, with a rock ly ing awash, extends about the same distance W from the edge of the reef. A shoal spit extends 0.3 mileS from the Sedge of the same reef. The bay may be entered from the NW between Butauanan Island and the peninsula forming Quinabucasan Point. Reefs, which partly dry, and shoals extend up to 1 mile NE from Sapenitan Point. A reef, with a depth of 6.9m, lies at the junction of the two channels, 0.5 mile WNW of the point separating the two arms of the bay. 5.45 Tandoc (14 °04'N., 123 °18'E.) (World Port Index No. 58120) stands near the head of Butauanan Bay, about 2.75 miles SE of Sapenitan Point. There is an L-shaped pier extending 128m NE and then 76m NW, from the hore. The pier is 7.5 m wide. The pier is not recommended for vessels with a draft of more than 6.9m. Vessels docking should do so in calm weather and at slack tide. The flood tidal current flows E and the ebb W. The pier is not safe during the Northeast Monsoon or when there is a heavy swell. Pilotage is not compulsory but is recommended for large vessels. A pilot is available at Mercedes or from Manila . Three to four days ETA is required. Vessels can take anchorage during strong NE winds about 0.5 mile off the W side of Butauanan Island, with the S end of the island bearing 130 ° and the NW extremity of the island bearing 334 °, in a depth of 22m, mud . The approach to the anchorage is not difficult, but vessels are cautioned against approaching too close to the reef extending W from the S side of Butauanan Island. The approach to the inner anchorage from NW lies between the SW side of the shoal spit which extends S from the above reef, and the 6.9m patch 0.5 mileS. The approach to the pier is difficult as the other reefs are unmarked and hard to discern . Entrance should be made during daylight hours under favorable conditions. Pub.l62 5.46 San Vicente Bay (14 °02'N ., 123o22'E.) is entered between Dagdagen Point and a point 0.75 mile to the ESE. The bay is encumbered with reefs , and a rock awash lies about 0.5 mile NE of the E entrance point. Foul ground lies between the rock and the point. Reefs and shoals extend up to 0.75 mile N from Dagdagen Point; a shoal, with a depth of 11.9m, lies 1.25 miles NNE of the point. The only available anchorage is in the entrance, S of the W entrance point, in depths of from 16 to 22m. Port Tambang (13 °58'N., 123°26'E.) lies about 4 miles SE of San Vicente Bay. The bay is encumbered with reefs and shoals. An islet lies close W of the SE entrance point to the bay. The bay is of no use to the navigator. Lamit Bay and Off-lying Islands 5.47 Lamit Bay (13 °56'N., 123o32'E.) lies about 5 miles E of Port Tambang. The bay is considered the best typhoon harbor on the E coast of Luzon. The bay is formed by a group of islands lying off the indented coast. Protected anchorage can be taken among the many small islands in the area. The W entrance to Lamit Bay lies between the S extremity of Pagbocavan Island and a point 0.75 mile SW. The entrance is about 0.5 mile wide between the reefs and shoals extending from both sides. Pagbocavan Island (13 °57'N ., 123°31'E.) lies on theN side of the W entrance to Lamit Bay. The S end of the island terminates in a large brown rock. The island for the most part is wooded. Reefs extend up to 0.25 mile W from the NW side of the island. Cagbinunga Island lies about 0.25 mile NNE of Pagbocavan Island and is connected to it by a reef. Reefs and shoals extend as far as 0.5 mile NE from theN side of the island. Sibauan Island (13 °59'N., 123 °3l'E.) lies about 0.4 mile NW of Cagbinunga Island. The island is wooded and high at its S end. A shoal, with a depth of 1.8m , lies 0.25 mile SSW of the S end of the island. Naglaous Islet lies almost 0.5 mile N of the NE extremity of Sibauan Island . The W side of the island is fringed by reefs which extend 0.1 to 0.4 mile offshore. Sampotan Islet, 9.lm high, lies on this reef about 0.4 mile SW of the N extremity of the island. Several shoals, with depths of 2.7 to 7.3m, front theW side of the island to a distance of 0.7 mile . The N side of the island is fringed by a drying reef extending 0.5 mile NE. Dinug Islet, 30m hig h, lies on the edge of this reef N of the island. Salobot Islet lies about 0.75 mile NE of the NE extremity of Sibauan Island. 5.48 Paniqui Islands (14°00'N., 123 °31'E.) are three small islands lying about 0.75 mile N of Sibauan Island. The largest island is 62m high . These islands can be safely passed at a distance of 0.25 mile. Aguda Rock (14 o02'N ., 123 o31'E.) is a small rocky ledge, with a depth of 3.7m, and lies 1.5 miles N of the Paniqui Islands. It can only be distinguished by the color of the water under the most favorable conditions, and the rock breaks only in heavy weather. Sector 5. East CoastofLuzon Cimarron Islands are a group of :·c islands lying in the N approach to Lamit Bay, 2.75 mi NNW of the Paniqui Islands. The central island, 49m higt, appears conical from E or W, but from N or S it appears as a .r ort ridge. 5.49 The Lamit Islands (13 °5FN., 123°34'E.) are two densely wooded islands, separated y a narrow impassable channel. The S island is separated from ~e mainland by a shallow channel which leads into Quinalasag .. ssage. Pawican Islet lies close NW of the • extremity of N island, and is connected to it by a reef. Bani Islands, two in number and ; parated from each other by a narrow channel, lie off theW cc::sr of the Lamit Islands. Anchor Island (13°58'N., 123°32 . J lies about 1 mile S of the Bani Islands. The island is fringcc by a reef which extends about 0.25 mile N from the NW side :If the island. A rocky islet lies near the N edge of this reef. Shoals, with depths of 3.6 and 1..2Il, lie about 0.25 mile WNW and 0.6 mile W, respective!} cf the SW extremity of Anchor Island. A shoal, with a depll: af 0.9m, lies about 0.5 mile ESE of the NE extremity of the i 1 nd. Vessels can take anchorage anyw~e in the bay in adequate depths. The usual anchorage is in dep of 7.3 to 14.6m, mud, S and SW of Anchor Island. Vessels from E usually e ter the via the N entrance. Pawican Islet and and the NW extreo._ . of the N of the Lamit Islands should be rounded at a dist.Dc.:e of about 0.25 mile. Then a SW course should be steerec to a position about 0.25 mile W of the W extremity of the W o-me Bani Islands. Then vessels should pass about 0.2 N of the small rocky islet located about 0.25 mile ~ of Anchor Island, and then about 0.25 mile E of Anchor Island. 1 en a SW course leads to the recommended anchorage. Vessels with local knowledge may eer a SSW course from the position about 0.25 mile W of the extremity of the W of the Bani Islands to the recomrnendei :mchorage. This course leads between the W side of Anchor L:md and the E sides of Cagbinunga and Pagbocavan Islands. ~l:e shoals in the middle of the N part of the bay are unmarke . r:1aking it advisable for 3 vessels without local knowledge to u e W entrance. Vessels approaching Lamit Bay frc W should steer about 136° for the opening be.tween Pag cavan Island and the mainland. When the S end of Pagbo:::l., Island bears 12Y, the course should be altered a little to ~ E to pass about 0.25 mile S of the island. Then an E cour:; eads to the middle of the bay where anchorage can be takea anywhere S of a line drawn between Pagbocavan Island an Anchor Island. Vessels approaching from the E or : wd wishing to use the W entrance should pass about 0.5 e N of the Paniqui Islands. When the largest of the Cimarr:Ja Islets bears 001 °, the course should be altered to 18r. This course, which leads W of the als off the W side of Sibauan Island, should be held until ae S end of Pagbocavan Island bears 125 °, then the directions · en previously should be followed. Lamit Bay to Cataduanes Island 5.50 Quinalasag Island (13 °56'N ., 123°38'E.), densely wooded, lies with its N extremity about 3.5 miles E of Cugun Point, the NE extremity of the N Lamit Island. Bagacay Island lies about 0.1 mile N of theN extremity of Quinalasag Island, to which it is connected by a reef. The island is a good landmark from E or W, showing as twin peaks of equal height. Hervor Rock, awash, lies 1.75 mile NW of Bagacay Island. A rock, with a depth of 1.8m, was reported to lie 1.5 miles WNW of Hervor Rock; this rock breaks. Badi Islet, 11.9m high, lies 0.25 mile NW of the NW extremity of Quinalasag Island. A shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lies 0.25 mile N of the islet. Malabungut Island (13°56'N., 123°35'E.) lies with its W end about 0.2 mile E of the S extremity of the S Lamit Island. The island forms the head of Binagasbasan Bay. Drying reefs extend up to 0.6 mile N from the N side of the island. Binagasbasan Bay (13°57'N., 123°35'E.) lies between theE side of S Lamit Island and the W side of Quinalasag Island. The bay is encumbered with reefs and shoals and is of no use to shipping. Bacon Islet lies in the middle of the N entrance to the bay. Shoals, with depths of 4.5m, lie 0.6 mile SSW and 0.75 mile SSE, respectively, from the islet. Masamat Bay (13°58'N., 123°38'E.) indents theN coast of Quinalasag Island in a SE direction. Small vessels can obtain good typhoon anchorage in the bay. Depths of 6 to 18m are found in the middle of the bay. Reefs and dangers extend up to 0.4 mile from the projecting points. Crater Bay (13 °58'N., 123°40'E.), entered between the NE extremity of Quinalasag Island and a point about 0.6 mile WNW, indents the NE side of the island about 0.5 mile. Depths of 8 to 18m are found in the middle of the bay. 5.51 Sisiran Bay (13°55'N., 123°41'E.) is entered between the E extremity of Quinalasag Island and Tinajuagan Point, about 1.75 miles E. The W side of the bay is fringed by a narrow reef and its E side is fringed by a wide reef that extends up to 0.5 mile offshore. Vessels can take anchorage off the indented SE coast of Quinalasag Island, in depths of 7 to 9m. Anchorage can also be taken SW of Tinajuagan Point, in a depth of 12.8m. Laja Islet (13o58'N., 123o42'E.) is a dark, bare rock, which lies about 1.5 miles N of Tinajuagan Point. A shoal, with a depth of 7.6m, lies about midway between the islet and the drying reef that extends 0.3 mile N from Tinajuagan Point. The sea breaks heavily over this shoal in rough weather. Breakers have been reported on the shoals SE of Laja Islet. Tagun Bay (13°57'N., 123°46'E.) is entered between Tinajuagan Point and Sugar Loaf Point, the NW extremity of Lahuy Island. Wide coral reefs fringe the W side of the bay and also encumber its head. The E side is less dangerous as the depths are greater. Vessels can take anchorage 2 miles S of Sugar Loaf Point. Also, vessels anchor in 26m, 0.75 mile farther S. Black Islet (14°00'N., 123°47'E.) lies about 2.5 miles NW of Sugar Loaf Point. The islet is 9.1 m high and bare. The channel Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast of Luzon between the islet and Lahuy lslan is deep and free of dangers in the fairway. Masnou Islet lies 1 mile NW of Black Islet and is covered with grass. Molar Rock, about 18.3m in extent, lies about 0.75 mile NNW of Masnou Islet. A sunken rock, which breaks heavily in bad weather, lies about 0.35 mile NNW of Molar Rock. 5.52 Lahuy Island (13 "57'N. , 123"49'E.), narrow and hilly, extends about 5.25 miles in aN to S direction. There are three prominent peaks in the S half of the island. TheW side of the island is very irregular with reefs and shoals extending up to 0.75 mile from the coast. Several small islets and rocks lie close off the NW and N sides of the island. Ocata Island, marked by a light, lies about 0.5 mile NE of Sugar Loaf Point. The E side of Lahuy Island is fringed by a reef extending from 0.25 to 2 miles offshore. Basot Island and Cotivas Island lie on theE side of this reef. A grassy peak, 47m high, lies in theN part of Basot Island, and there is a flat-topped peak, 51m high, in the S part. The coast consists of sandy beaches and rocky cliffs. Basot Island is covered with grass. Cotivas Island, closer SW, is wooded. Pocket Bay, a small cove, lies between the above reef and a reef that extends from the NE ide of Lahuy Island. Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the middle of the cove, in a depth of 14.6m. Lucsuhin Islands (13"52'N. , 123"51'E.) are a group of rocks and islands lying on a partly drying reef, between the S end of Lahuy Island and the mainland. The islands are wooded and appear as one from seaward, but at HW a boat can pas between them. Etinas Island (13"52'N., 123"52'E.), 39m high, is the farthest E of the Lucsuhin Islands. It is located on the edge of the reef 2.5 miles N of Yopoquit Point (13"50'N., 123"52'E.). A shoal spit, with a least depth of 4.1m, extends l mile N of the island ; a shoal , with a depth of 8.7m, lies 0.5 mile NNE of the island. Tirao Islet, 12.2m high , lies on the edge of the reef 0.15 mile S of Etinas Island. Solodon Islet, the farthest SE of the group, is a large barren rock 27m high, with a few bushes on its summit. The islet is located on the N side of the channel leading to Tabgon anchorage, in a position 1.75 miles N of Yopoquit Point. A shoal, with a depth of 10.9m, lies about 1 mile E of Solodon Islet. 5.53 Haponan Island (13 "50'N., 123 "51'E.) lies about 0.75 mileS of the S Lucsuhin Island, and is grass covered. Its coasts consist of sandy beaches and low rocky points. The area between the island and the mainland is foul. Reefs extend 0.5 mile NE from the island and form part of the S side of the channel leading to the anchorage. Puling Island (13 "5l 'N. , 123"50'E.) lies about 0.2 mile N of the NW extremity of Haponan Island. An islet lies close N of the island. An anchorage area lies SW of Puling Island or between the island and Haponan Island. A reef, with a least depth of 1.2m, lies on the W side of the anchorage, about 0.4 mile W of Puling Island. Pub.162 Cocos Island, 38m high and covered with palms, stands on the reef extending from the mainland, 2 miles NW of Puling Island. Tabgon (13 "50'N., 123"49'E.), a small village, lies at the foot of a prominent hill, about 1.75 miles W of the W coast of Haponan Island . A large anchorage lies about 1.5 miles NE of the village. There are depths of 7 to 22m in the anchorage. Depths of 14.6m and over are found in the fairway of theE approach channels to Tabgon anchorage, but these channels are unmarked and only used during fair weather conditions. The channel between Puling Island and Haponan Island is deep, but it is seldom used. South Islet lie about 0.1 mile N of Puling Island; the channel between this islet and North Islet, a 14m high islet lying about 0.3 mile further N, is the preferred channel and has a least width of 0.1 mile between the reefs. Directions.-Vessels from E should steer 267" with the N tangent of Puling Island ahead. When about 0.4 mile SSW of Solodon Islet, the course should be altered to 279.5", with the S side of North Islet in range with the S side of Cocos Island. Maintain this course to a position 0.75 mile E of North Islet, when a mid-channel course between North Islet and South Islet should be steered. When South Islet is abeam the course should gradually be altered to the SW so as to pass midway between the reef covered by 2.7m, about 0.2 mile SW of North Islet, and a reef with rocks, awash, extending 0.1 mile W of South Islet. Then steer S to pas about 0.2 mile W of Puling Island, and anchor, as convenient, off the SW side of the island. 5.54 Yopoquit Point (13 "50'N., 123"52'E.) lies about 1 mile E of the S extremity of Haponan Island. The point is fringed by a reef which extends over 0.5 mile offshore, and gradually narrows toward the coast about 2 miles SE. Depths are reported to be very irregular off this stretch of the coast. During the Northeast Monsoon, the sea occasionally breaks on some of the outer shoal patches. This area should be navigated with caution. Malarad Islets (13 "48'N., 123"54'E.) are a group of rocks and islets lying within 1 mile of the coast and 1.75 miles ESE of Yopoquit Point. Most of them are wooded, with steep rocky sides. Port Caramoan, a bay, lies between Yopoquit Point and Malarad Islets. A small village stands near the head of Port Caramoan. Caramoan Point (13 "48'N., 123"56'E.), the NE extremity of Caramoan Peninsula, is steep-to and lies about 3.5 miles ESE of Port Caramoan. The land within the point rises to numerous densely wooded peaks. The highest of these is a round-topped peak standing about 4 miles W of the point. A small rounded peninsula lies about 0.5 mile SE of the point and is connected to the coast by a narrow neck of land. Pitogo Bay (13"47'N., 123"57'E.), located 1.25 miles S of Caramoan Point, is the only sheltered anchorage on this stretch of coast. The bay is backed by high wooded hills. There are two entrance channels, one on either side of Pi togo Island. The N channel is generally used as the S channel is encumbered with shoals and reefs. Small vessels can take anchorage in mid-channel, W or SW of Pitogo Island. Sector 5. East CoastofLuzon 5.55 Logan Cove (13°45'N., l .,~ 057'E.), located about 1.25 miles SSE of Pitogo Bay, coa ists mostly of reefs and shoals. Batobato Rocks, consisting 1 two rocks, lies about 0.5 mileS of Lugan Islet. Sombrero Isletli::s about 2 miles SSE of Batobato Rocks. The islet serves a good landmark as it is higher than the adjacent coasts. Lluing Bay, close W of Sombrero Islet, is filled with reefs a hoals. Maqueda Channel (13°42'N., 1::!.-0 l'E.) separates Luzon from Catanduanes Island. The chan cl is about 4.5 miles wide between Rungus Point and Sialat P nt, the W extremity of Catanduanes Island. The S end of th island is divided by the Palompon Islands, two in number, lyia g 1.5 miles E of Rungus Point. TheE island is 46m high. In the N part of Maqueda Channe there are a great many dangerous rocks and shoals. Dagat ccks, the farthest W of the e dangers, is separated from Ba ct Island by a deep, clear channel about 6.5 miles wide. Vessels should use caution when roaching the channel from the N as Ocata light is unwatd ej and at times may be extinguished. 5.56 Palumbanes Islands (14 1 N., 124°02'E.) are a group of three islands and several isl " nd rocks, lying from 4 to 7 miles WSW of Balangona Point, the NW point of Catanduanes Island. Calabagio Islam the E island of the group, is wooded. Anchorage can be taken about 0 .25 nule W of the SW side of Calabagio Island, in a depth of 27m. Porongpong Island, the middle and largest of the group, is erect with high trees. There is a village on its E side. The ~island of the group is wooded. A rock awa h lies about 1.75 miles :E of Calabagio Island, near theN end of a shoal area which ~nds 2.5 miles S; there are depths 6 to 18.3m on the shoal. In position about 0.1 mile E of the rock the sea breaks over the t oal in a light swell. There is an isolated 12.8m depth, raJd ay between the shoal and Catanduanes Island. A shoal, with a depth of 12.8 lies 0.75 mile N of Calabagio Island and two shoals, wi depths of 3.6m, lie 1.25 and 1.5 miles NNW of Porongpong Is d. Lane Rocks (14o07'N., 124oOO'E.), eN danger in the area, consists of four or five steep-to rocks .vhich dry 1.5m, and lie about 5 miles NNW of Porongpong I d. The rocks are conspicuous to thee~. A 3.7m shoal lies 0.5 mile N of the rocks with a deep chanrd etween. Sail Rock (13°59'N., 124' 04'E.), 9m high with a few bushes, lies 1.5 miles SSE of Por011gpong Island and is a prominent mark. Several above-water -ocks lie up to 0.1 mile N of Sail Rock and a 3.7m patch li ~ 0.5 mile SSW of Sail Rock. Dagat Rocks (13 °59'N., 123' 59'E.) ..-e a group, 1m high, near the NW end of an extensive coral reef, lying 3 miles SW of theW island of the Palumbanes Isl:..nds. A 7.3m patch lies 0.35 mile NNW of Dagat Rocks. A small patch awash lies about 1.15 miles SSE of Dagat Rocks. In calm weather it cannot be en from any distance. There are depths of 8 to 17m over the r ainder of the reef. Caution.-A rock awash lies 3 rni lfs SSW of Sail Rock. It can be distinguished at all times, but wlen the sea is smooth , it L'not very notioe•ble. Catanduanes Island 5.57 Catanduanes Island (13°45'N., 124°15'E.) is mountainous with rugged coasts. The N and S coasts are indented by a bay. TheW coast is rugged and fairly regular. The E coast is irregular and indented by numerous small coves and bays. The island is reported to give a good radar return up to 18 miles. Yog Point ( 14°06'N., 124°12'E.), the N extremity of Catanduanes Island, is covered with grass and a few shrubs. A rocky islet lies close N of the point. A rock stands on the N side of the islet. The islet may be safely rounded at a distance of 0.25 mile. Pandan Bay (14°04'N., 124olO'E.), entered between Yog Point and Pandan Point, 4.25 miles SW, is fringed by reefs extending up to 0.5 mile from the shores of the bay. A small peninsula divides the head of the bay into two small coves. The NE cove is foul, but there are depth of 9 to 15m between the reefs on either si de of the cove. Two small islets, 18.3 and 15.2m high and covered with coconut trees, are located about 0.6 mile and 1.1 miles ESE, respectively, of the Pandan Point. The Mambang River empties into Pandan Bay through a narrow channel lying between these islets. A shoal, with a depth of 10m, lies about 1 miles NE of Pandan Point. A bank, with a least depth of 12.8m, lies about 1.5 miles NNE of the same point. Pandan Light is shown from a concrete tower, 9m hi gh, standing on the shore in the W part of Pandan Bay. 5.58 Pandan (14°03'N. , 124°10'E.), a small village, stands 0.25 mile inland from the head of the W cove. The village, which contains a church, is nearly hidden by coconut trees. It is a port of call for small craft and launches corning to load copra and hemp. No fresh water, provisions, or stores are obtainable. There are no medical facilities in the town. Postal and telegraph facilities are available. There are no repair facilities. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage with the E islet on the W part of Pandan Bay bearing 205 °, and the N extremity of the small peninsula, bearing 087", in depths of 22 to 24m. Small craft can anchor SSE of this position, in a depth of about 16.5m, between the fringing reefs. These anchorages are open to the N and fully exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. Vessels wishing to communicate with Pandan usually anchor in Cobo Bay. Vessels from the E should make the approach with the E islet, bearing 205". Vessels from the W should make the approach with the N extremity of the small peninsula bearing 102 °. This course should be held until the E islet bears 205", at which time the course should be altered to that bearing and anchorage taken when the same extremity bears 087". Balangona Point (14°04'N., 124°07'E.), 0.75 mile WSW of Pandan Point, is the NW extremity of Cataduanes Island. It is 30m high and covered with grass. The shores of the point are bold and steep-to. The cove close S of the point is shallow at its head and restricted by the fringing reefs. Coho Bay (14°0l'N., 124°08'E.), located 2.5 miles S of Balangona Point, affords protection from the Northeast Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon Monsoon. Toytoy Point, the S entrance point of the bay, is a sharp, prominent, and partly wooded neck of land about 22m high. Its shores are rocky and there is a 15.2m bluff on its W side. A rounded and wooded hill, 86m high, stands near the head of the bay in a position about 1 mile NE of theN extremity of Toytoy Point. Cobo, a small village, is located close S of this hill and partially obscured by trees. Reefs and shoals extend up to 0.25 mile from the S shore and 0.15 mile from theN shore. The head of the bay is shoal. Depths of 9 to 15m are found in the middle of N part of the bay. Two rocks, the highest of which is 5.5m, are located about 0.1 mile SSE of Toytoy Point. Three smaller rocks lie about 0.1 mile E of these rocks. Vessels can take anchorage with the rounded hill, bearing 098·, and Toytoy Point, bearing 206 · , in a depth of 13.7m, sand. A heavy swell is found at this anchorage during periods of strong N winds. Small craft may obtain protection from the swell by anchoring in a break in the fringing reef, in depths of 7 to 9m, sand . 5.59 Port Manamrag (13.44'N., 124. 06'E.) is located about 16 miles S of Toytoy Point: the intervening coast is hilly and densely wooded. The head of the bay is shoal and rocky. Depths of 9 to 15m are found in the outer part of the bay. A shoal, with a depth of 3.6m at its outer end, extends about 137m S from Manarnrag Po int, the N entrance. Manarnrag Point is 30m high and rocky. Vessels can anchor in a position about 0.2 mile S of Manarnrag Point, in a depth of 14 .6m. The coast between Borigay Point, 0.75 miles SSE of Manamrag Point and Sialat Point, 5.75 miles SE, is high , rugged, and mostly steep-to. A shoal, with a depth of 7 .3m, lies 0.35 mile offshore in a position 1.25 miles SW of Borigay Point. Sialat Point (13 .40'N. , 124' 01'E.), the W extremity of Catanduanes Island, is a high , rocky bluff. Several rocks that dry lie about 0.1 mile SW of the point. A rock awash lies about 1.5 miles SSE of the point. A light is shown on the point. Agoho Point (13 . 36'N., 124. 03' E.) is located about 4 miles SSE of Sialat Point; it is a mangrove swamp fringed by a drying reef to a distance of 0.25 mile. A reef-encumbered bight, with numerous rocks and dangers, lies close N of the point. 5.60 Calolbon (13 . 36'N., 124. 06'E.), a small town, is situated about 3 miles E of Agoho Point. The town church and a large water tank are conspicuous from offshore. Vessels can take anchorage off the town , in a depth of 18.3m, 0.75 mile offshore. A light is shown NW of the water tower. The anchorage is usually approached with the light structure ahead bearing 036•. The anchorage is protected from winds from W, through N, to ESE. A depth of 3m is located close WNW of this anchorage. A shoal, with depths of 6 to 18m, extends 1.25 miles SW from a position 1 mile SE of Calolbon. A rock awash lies about 2.25 miles SE of Calolbon Light. Pub.162 Two shoals, with depths of 6 and 7.3m, lie 3.25 and 3.5 miles SE, respectively, of the same light. Taguntun Bank, with a depth of7.8m, lies about 5 miles SSE of Calolbon light. Teresa Bank, with a least depth of 3.1m, lies about 2 miles NNW of Taguntun Bank. Virac Point (13 . 31'N., 124 . 13'E.), the S extremity of Catanduanes Island, is located 8 miles SE of Calolbon. Pechili Reef (13. 30'N., 124. 11 'E.) lies about 2.5 miles SW of Virac Point. The reef has a least depth of 4.5m and breaks in heavy weather. A shoal, with a least depth of 10.9m, lies about 0.5 mile SE of Pechili Reef. Virac Bank, with a least depth of 11m, and on which the sea breaks in heavy weather, lies about 4.5 miles SE of Virac Point. Johns Reef (13 .32'N., 124. 14'E.), with a least depth of 0.9m and on which the sea breaks, lies about 1.25 miles ENE of Virac Point. A rock, with a least depth of 6.7m, lies 1 mile E of the shallowest part of Johns Reef. Cabugao Bay (13 . 34'N., 124. 16'E.) is entered between Virac Point and Nagumbuaya Point, about 7.75 miles ENE. The shore of the bay is mostly sand and is partly fringed with coral reefs. The Pajo River discharges into the W side of the bay and the Bato River discharges into the NE part of the bay. The mouths of both rivers are blocked by reefs and shoals. Winds between E and S cause heavy seas in the bay. A number of rocks and shoals lie in the bay. 5.61 Virac (13.35'N ., 124. 14'E.) (World Port Index No. 58130) stands on theW side of Cabugao Bay. The town is clearly visible from seaward. The white dome of the town church is conspicuous. A light is shown near theE end of the town. A concrete pier, 51 m in length, stands at the end of a rock causeway which projects 117m from the shore. Depths vary from 6.1m at the head, to 1.5m at the inshore end of the pier. The submerged outer end of an L-shaped breakwater, which projects from the shore SW of the pier, lies 109m S of the pierhead and constitutes a danger in the approach to the pier. The E side of the pier should be favored to avoid this danger. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.75 mile SE of the town church with the lighthouse bearing 344·, in depths of 15 to 17m. This anchorage is reported to be uncomfortable during the Northeast Monsoon (October to March). Small vessels can anchor 0.15 mile off the sandy beach at Virac. Directions.-Vessels proceeding to the anchorage off Virac should steer 344· with the light structure ahead. This course leads W of Virac Bank, E of Johns Reef, and W of a charted depth of 8.2m, 0.75 mile ESE of Johns Reef. Catanduanes Island-East Coast 5.62 The coast between Yog Point and Bugao Point, about 7.5 miles SSE, is composed of cliffy projections that are fringed by narrow and steep-to reefs. Horadaba Rocks (14 .07'N ., 124. 17'E.) are three bare rocks lying 4.5 miles E of Yog Point. The rocks lie close together. Matulin Rock lies about 0.6 mile SE of Horadaba Rocks. A number of sunken rocks and rocks awash lie between Matulin Rock and Horadaba Rocks. Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon Tabugoc Cove (14°04'N., 124°14'E and Minaile Cove, both small and encumbered by reefs, lie 3 niles and 4.5 miles SE, respectively, of Yog Point. Tarahid Point (14o02'N., 124°16'E 1 0.5 mile SE of Mnaile Cove, is 15m high and rugged. Purog Bay (14°01'N., 124°16'E.) entered 0.5 mile S of Tarahid Point. The bay is encumberec ....,ith reefs, but there are two narrow boat channels through th leading to the head of the bay. Minigil Islet lies in the mid of the entrance to the bay and is connected with the shore b_ 1 reef awash. Bugao Point, 1.5 miles SSE of ~il Islet, is low, sandy, and covered with bushes and small s. The point is fronted by a reef for a distance of 1 mile; a r -.with a depth of 4.9m at its outer end, extends 0.5 mile SE frCII :he reef. Tahidan Point, 2 miles S of Bugao cint, is reddish in color, has a conical summit covered vrr grass, and is very prominent. A reef awash extends 0.?_ :nile NE from Tahidan Point. Panay Island (13°58'N., 124°20'E) lies 1.75 miles E of Tahidan Point. The island is fringed lJ} coral reefs on all but the SW side. The island is reported to g· =~ good radar return up to 27 miles. A loran tower situated on the NW _l:"emity of the island. Lete Island lies close off theW side =Panay Island. A shoal spit, with a depth of about 0.9m, lies tween Lete Island and the W side of Panay Island. Macarilan Islets lie on the fri nging -ef 1 mile WSW of the N extremity of Panay Island. 5.63 Port Bagamanoc (13°57'N. 124°17'E.) lies between Lete Island and the coast of Catanci...r:aes Island. The bay is open to the N and provides o prote:cti..Jn from the Northeast Monsoon. Bagamanoc, a small town which c011.tins a church, stands at the head of the port in a position abo _.5 miles S of Tahidan Point. The town is partially obscured ~ a low ridge of gravel which is covered with bushes. The : 10res of the port are fringed by reefs extending up o 0.35 e offshore. A reef, with a depth of 1.8m, lies in middle of the port in a position about 0.5 mile ESE of Tahi Point. There are depths of 9 to 18m in the w:er part of the port. Arch Rock, 18.3m high, a promine t reddish-brown, arch shaped rock, lies near the edge of th il.ore reef in a position about 0.75 mile SSE of Tahidan Point Vessels can take anchorage about 0.25 mile E of Arch Rock, in depths of 5.5 to 6.4m, mud. The swinging room in this anchor...~ is restricted by the shoals lying on either side. Directions.-Vessels bound for P _ Bagamanoc should round the Macarilan Islets at a distance ::>f about 0.5 mile and steer for the SW extremity of Lete lsi bearing 181 °. The course should be held until Arc E ock bears 214°, when she should steer for it on this bearing, ~ing midway between the 1.8m reef in the middle of the port c:n::l the reef fringing the W side of Lete Island. Anchorage can then be afforded in the .nner part of the port. 5.64 Babaguan Bay (13 °56'N., 12 : 9'E.) lies between the SW side of Panay Island and the coast =Catanduanes Island. The bay is very shallow, especially in .te S part, where there are extensive drying mudflats. A river, used by boats, flows into the S part of the bay. Port Anajao (13°57'N., 124°2l'E.) lies between the S side of Panay Island and Catanduanes Island. The port is small but a well-sheltered harbor of refuge. The only entrance is from the E. Lolong Point, the SE extremity of Panay Island, is the N entrance point of the harbor. It is 27m high, covered with grass, and terminates in cliffs, 9m high. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 9m high, situated on the point. Anajao Point, the S entrance point of the port, lies about 0.4 mile SSW of Lolong Point. It is covered with grass and is 30m high. The coast between Anajao Point and Viga Point, about 1.25 miles WSW, is slightly indented by two small and shallow coves. The shores of the port are bold and well defined by low rocky cliffs. Densely wooded hills, about 122 to 152m high, stand on each side of the port abreast its narrowest part. Reefs and shoals extend about 0.1 mile E from Lolong Point. Komagat Rock, 5.5m high and surrounded by rocks awash, lies about 91m E of the point. Reefs and shoals extend about 0.25 mile E from Anajao Point. Two islets are about 45m and 137m E of this point. The inner one is a bare rock 8.5m high. The outer islet is 17.7m high and covered with grass, brush, and a few small palms. Manyagui Rock, 4.9m high and dark in color, lies on the S side of the outer entrance to the port in a position about 0.4 mile ENE of Anajao Point. The rock is steep-to on all sides except its SW side, which is fronted by shoals to a distance of 0.1 mile. The rock may be passed on either side, but the recommended channel into the port is N of the rock. This channel is 0.25 mile wide and 28m deep in the middle. Minaaso Islet, 25m high and densely wooded, lies at the head of the port in a position about 0.3 mile S of Omuntol Point. It is bordered by cliffs and fringed by a reef that extends about 0.1 mile NE from it. A rock, 3.6m high, and several rocks, awash, lie on this reef. Several rocks, the outermost of which is awash at LW, extend about 0.1 mile S from the E entrance point of Babaguan Cove. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle part of the port, in depths of 7 to 15m. Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor, in about 6.4m, mud, in a position S of the middle of the entrance to Babaguan Cove. Directions.-A vessel entering Port Anajao should steer for Minaaso Islet bearing 255" and just open of the S shore. This course leads about midway between Manyagui Rock and Komagat Rock. As the narrows are approached, a mid-channel course should be steered and anchorage taken as convenient. Small vessels proceeding to the inner anchorage should continue on a mid-channel course until the village of Babaguan opens, then steer for Omuntol Point, bearing 288 °. Vessels can take anchorage when the stone building in the village bears 001 °. 5.65 Agutayan Island (13 °54'N., 124°24'E.) lies about 3.5 miles SE of Lolong Point. The island is high and covered with grass. Several rocks, some awash, lie off the N extremity of the island. Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon Soboc Bay, a narrow inlet, ties close W of Agutayan Island. A village lies at the head of the bay. Botinagan Bay indents the coast for about 1 mile and lies about 0.5 mile E of Soboc Bay. Linampanan Island (13"53'N., 124"24'E.), a small grass covered island, ties on the E side of the entrance to Botinagan Bay. A number of detached rocks, the highest is 20m high , tie close N and E of the island . Botinagan Bay (13 "53'N., 124"24'E.), entered between theE face of Agutayan Point and Sohoton Point, about 0.5 mile SSE, indents the coast about 1 mile. Bocana Bay, entered between Conloy Point, located 1.25 miles S of Sohoton Point, and Minabat Point, about 0.5 mileS, indents the coast about 0.75 mile. Lictin Point (13 "51 'N., 124"25'E.), located 0.75 mile SE of Minabat Point, is 42m high and rugged. The cliffs are about 23m high, and the slopes leading to the 114m hill , 0.75 mile W of the point, are largely covered with grass and small trees. Sicmil Bay, entered between Lictin Point and Bantayao Point, about 1 mile SW, indents the coast about 1 mile. Bagalayag Point (13"48'N., 124"25'E.), located about 3 miles S of Lictin Point, is formed by rugged cliffs, and is very prominent from N or S. It is densely wooded, except for a small grassy area on its seaward side, and is about 23m high. A group of rocks, from 3 to 12m high, extend about 0.25 mile E from the point. Pondanan Island, located about 0.5 mile N of Bagalayag Point, is 26m high , and is covered with grass. Numerous rocks, varying high from 2 to 6m, lie close SW of the island. The island is connected to the coast to the W by a shoal spit. A shoal, with a depth of 5.1m on its SW end, lies about 0.3 mile N of the island. The outer limit of the 20m curve enclosing this shoal ties about 1 mile NNE of the island and the same distance E of the coast of Catanduanes Island. A reef, with a depth of 1 0.5m, ties about 0.4 mile E of the island. 5.66 Dalaynay Point (13 "47'N., 124"25'E.), located about 0.75 mileS of Bagalayag Point, is 94m high and covered with grass. A densely wooded hill , 131m high, lies about 0.75 mile SW of Bagalayag Point. Dalaynay Islets are two small, grass-covered islets lying close E of Dalaynay Point. TheN and large islet is 47m high with rugged cliffs. The S islet rises to a sharp point, 23m high. A number of bare rocks, varying in height from 3 to 12m, lie near these islets. Poro Island, located about 0.3 mile SE of the Dalaynay Islets, is 57m high and appears as a truncated cone. The E side of the island is steep-to, but reefs fringe its other sides to a distance of 0.1 mile. Gigmoto Bay (13 "47'N., 124"25'E.) ties about 1.25 miles SSW of Bagalayag Point, and is entered between Dalaynay Point and Macalanhag Island . A small village stands near the head of the bay. Coral reefs fringe both sides of the bay and limit the width of the channel to 0.1 mile. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, N of the central part of Macalanhag Island, in a depth of 16m, mud . Small vessels can anchor in the middle of the inner part of the bay. Nagsilag Point (13 "45'N ., 124"24'E.), located about 2 miles SSW of Dalaynay Point, is 42m high, and is covered with Pub.l62 grass. The point is connected to the high land to the W by a neck of land 15.2m high . Two steep-to rocks, 5.8 and 6.7m high , lie 0.7 mile NE and 0.4 mile SE, respectively, of the point. A rocky islet, 24m high and covered with brush, lies 0.1 mile S of the point. Bitaogan Point (13 "44'N., 124"24'E.), located 0.75 mile SW of Nagsilag Point, i the E extremity of a prominent and densely wooded ridge that extends about 3 miles W. The W portion of this ridge rises to two peaks that are 628m and 57 1m high. The valley between the two points is prominent. Balacay Island, a densely wooded islet, rises to a height of 80m near its SW end. The islet is fringed by a drying reef which connects it with Catanduanes Island to the W. 5.67 Agban Bay (13"43'N., 124"23'E.) ties about 4 miles S of Gigmoto Bay and is entered between the S side of Balacay Island and Vinticayan Point, about 0.4 mileS. Small vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, in depths of 7 to 18m. This anchorage is well protected from the Southwest Monsoon and partially from the Northeast Monsoon. Vinticayan Point is composed of high rocky cliffs, with grass on its E extremity. Binorong Point (13 "40'N., 124"25'E.), located about 2.75 miles SSE of Vinticayan Point, is formed by high, darkcolored, rocky cliffs. A wooded peak, 81 m high, stands about 0.1 mile within the point, and is prominent. Zayao Islet, lying in the middle of the approach to Guinsaanan Bay, about 0.5 mile N of Binorong Point, is 24m high and barren. It is connected to the mainland W and NW by a reef that breaks in a moderate sea. A rock, 5.5m high, lie about 0.2 mile SSE of Tominongton Point, located about 1.25 miles SW of Binorong Point. 5.68 Guinsaanan Bay (13 "40'::-.L , 124"25'E.) lies about 3 miles SE of Agban Bay. The bay is encumbered with rocks and reefs. Kalapadan Bay (13 "39'N., 124"22'E.) is entered between Bandayanon Point and Taris Point, 2.25 miles SW. The shores of the bay are fringed by reefs up to 0.5 mile offshore. The town of Baras stands on the NE side of the bay. A white iron roof at theE end of town is prominent. It is visible from the vicinity of Sinalog, 5 miles SSW. Pinohagan Islet, wooded , lies on the edge of the fringing reef close SW of Bandayanon Point. Jumbit Islets, consisting of seven grassy islets, extend about 1 mile S of Bandayanon Point. The larger islets vary in height from 19 to 34m and are covered with grass and bushes . The smaller islets are mere rocks, from 2 to 9m high. The entire group rises from a reef extending 0.25 to 0.5 mile W and 0.25 mile E of the islets. A rock, 0.9m high, lies 91m S of the islet farthest S. The most dangerous part of the reef is at the NW end where depths of as little as 0.3m are found. Detached reefs, with depths of 5.5 to 9.1m, lie 0.75 mile and 1.1 miles WSW, respectively, of Pinohagan Islet. A shoal, with a depth of 8.2m, ties about 0.4 mile NNE of Maguinling Islet. A shoal, with a depth of 4.1m, lies about 0.5 miles SW of Minabalay Islet. Vessels can take anchorage in Kalapadan Bay about 0.4 mile W of Pinohagan Islet, in a depth of 16.5m, sand. Small vessels Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon can anchor about midway between l'-1inabalay Islet and the W face of the peninsula that forms Barna_1 anon Point, in a depth of 7.3m, mud . Baras Light is shown on a pmm 0.5 mile NNW of Bandayanon Point. Cagaray Point (13 °37'N., 124°21':::..) located 0.75 mileS of Taris Point, is a narrow densely w ded neck of land, and faced with rugged cliffs. An islet of tlte arne name lies close N of the point. Sinactan Point, 1.25 mile of Cagaray Point, is a densely wooded point of land . Locot Bay ( 13°34'N., 124 °20'E.) lies about 2.25 miles SSW of Sinactan Point. A coral reef near -e middle of the head of the bay extends almost 0 .75 mile E, dividing the bay into two parts. Locot Islets, two in numbei, lie on theE extremity of this reef. Both islets are rocky and co·;ered with bushes. Nagurnbuaya Point (13 °33' N., 12+ _l'E.) is the S entrance point of Locot Bay. The point is the e:rrnination of a narrow strip of land. It is very rugged, espec ly near the outer end, where the cliffs rise abruptly. Four hit tand near the E end of the point. The land W of these hills is b w and wooded. A rock, 10.6m high , lies close E of the end oft:Je point. Lagonoy Gulf 5.69 Lagonoy Gulf (13 °35'N , 123 °50'E.) , entered between Nagumbuaya Point and Ung :L.' Point, theE extremity of Rapu Rapu Island, is a deep body cf water, about 23 miles wide at the entrance. There are coa iderable depths in the middle of the gulf and there are no r~ed dangers outside a distance of 3 miles from its shores. Palag Bay (13 °44'N. , 123 °56'E.) li ..... about 2 miles NW of Rungus Point. The head of the bay is fr:nged by a steep-to reef. Both entrance points are free of cbd:ed dangers on their seaward side. Rungus Rock, an above-water dange lies 0.2 mile NNW of Rungus Point. A shoal, with a depth f 4.5m, lies 0 .25 mile offshore in a position 0.75 mile NW o:: ~ngus Point. Vessels can take anchorage in the :middle of the bay, in depths of 37 to 55m. The space available is s mall. but w d rotected from all but SE winds . Guijalo Bay (13 o44'N. , 123 o52'E.) L s about 3.5 miles W of Palag Bay. The bay is deep and clear dangers in its middle part. The head of the bay is fri ged by a steep-to reef. Port Minas, a small port, lies in a ocrve on the W side of Guijalo Bay. Anchorage can be taken :J the entrance to the cove. Alto Point (13°43'N., 123 °39'E.), ·bout 18 miles W of Rungus Point, is modera tely high and · p-to. Rosa Islet, low and wooded , lies about 0.75 mile ES:2 of Alto Point. It is fringed by a reef. There is a clear, deet: ::ltannel, 0.5 mile wide between the islet and the N shore of th "' lf. Alto Reef, part of which dries, lie[ 5 mile SW of Alto Point. The channel between the reef a. Rosa Islet is about 1 mile wide and clear of dangers. Directions.-When passing~ of Ro Islet and Alto Reef, keep 0.25 mile from the Luzon shore \\.b h is clear of dangers and steep-to. 5.70 Panagan (13 °44'N., 123°36'E.) (World Port Index No. 58140) lies about 3.5 miles WNW of Alto Point. A wharf extends in a S direction from the port. Sabang, a small town, lies about 1.25 miles WSW of Panagan, and stands on the S side of the entrance to the Lagonoy River. A light is shown from the town. Vessels can take anchorage, in depths of from 18 to 22m, 0.5 mile offshore with Sabang Church bearing between 316° and 001 °. Sagnay Point (13°36'N., 123 °33'E.) lies 7.5 miles SSW of Sabang . A reef, on which there are some above-water rocks, extends about 0.5 mile N from Sagnay Point. A small town stands about 1.5 miles W of the point. The Nato River (13 °36'N., 123 °33'E .) empties into the gulf close N of Sagnay Point. The entrance to the river is blocked by reefs and shoals. Nato, a small town, stands on theN bank about 0.75 mile from the mouth of the river. A small wharf is located N of the town. Vessels can take anchorage with Sagnay Point bearing 171 °, Atulayan Island bearing 148°, and Rosa Islet bearing 054°, in a depth of 26m. A small boat showing a flag meets incoming vessels and leads them to the anchorage. 5.71 Atulayan Bay (13°35'N., 123 °33'E.), extending between Sagnay Point and Gorda Point, indents the coast for about 2 miles. A reef fringes the shores of the bay. Atulayan Island, fringed by a narrow reef, lies in the middle of the entrance to Atulayan Bay. Reefs, with a least depth of 3.6 and 1.8m, lie 0.25 mile SW and 0 .25 mile NW of the island. Vessels can take anchorage with Sagnay Point bearing 012 °, theW extremity of Atulayan Island bearing 040°, and the SE entrance point of the bay bearing 098°, in a depth of 37m, mud. Vessels entering the bay may pass either NW or S of Atulayan Island . When using the NW entrance, vessels should pass fairly close to Sagnay Point in order to avoid the large reef NW of Atulayan Island . 5.72 Tabaco Bay (13°20'N., 123°47'E.), lies SE of Gorda Point and is entered between Tiwi Point and San Miguel Point, about 7 miles SE. The bay extends about 12.5 miles in a SE direction. A 7.3m rocky shoal lies 1 mile NW of San Miguel Point and a 10.4m patch lies about 0.25 mile farther N; this latter patch was found to have extended S. The fairway into Tabaco Bay lies between these shoals. A bank, with depths from 1 to 16m, extends 3.25 miles NW from a position 1.75 miles NW of San Miguel Point, leaving a deep, narrow channel between its NW end and the N coast of Luzon, 2 miles SE of Tiwi Point (13 °29'N ., 123°40'E.) . There is a sand cay near the NW end of the bank. The shores on both sides of the bay are steep-to. The towns of M alinao, Tabaco, and Malilipot, located about 5, 8, and 10.5 miles SSE, respectively, of Tiwi Point. The churches at Tiwi, Malinao, and Tabaco serve as good landmarks for vessels entering Tabaco Bay. There are a number of prominent warehouses and buildings at Tabaco. Malinao leading marks are situated at Malinao (31 °24'N ., 123°42'E.). The front is a white concrete pillar, 7m high, on the beach NE of Malinao. The rear is a wooden, framework tower Pub.162 Sector 5. East Coast ofLuzon 0.65 mile WSW of the front mark. Fixed red lights are shown from these beacons, which in line 239", lead into Tabaco Bay, N of the 7.3m shoal but across the S end of the 10.4m patch mentioned above. Caution is therefore required when making the approach. The leading marks have been reported difficult to see. Bacacay, a small town, is located on the SW shore of the bay in a position about 3.5 miles ESE of Malilipot. A reef extends about 1 mile NE from the W side of the head of Tabaco Bay, about 1 mile E of Bacacay. Buguias Islet, low and fiat , lies on this reef about 0.5 mile within its outer end. There are several islets and shoals lying SE of this reef and near the head of the bay. Pili Bay is a long shallow inlet extending from the SW side of the head of the bay almost to Albay Gulf; its S end is separated from the gulf by a narrow, gravel bank about 1.8m high. Sula Channel , with a least depth of 1.5m, is a narrow and tortuous channel that separates Luzon from Cagraray Island and connects the head of Tabaco Bay with Albay Gulf. 5.73 Tabaco (13"22'N., 123. 44 'E.) (World Port Index No. 58150) is the most important point in Lagonoy Gulf. The town church and several large buildings are prominent. The port is protected by a natural breakwater formed by a sandbar which is partly covered with vegetation and trees. Tides-Currents.-During the Northeast Monsoon (November to early March), berthing at the pier is very difficult. Rain and wind squalls occur quite frequently during the months of December and January. During the typhoon season (June to November), typhoons often cause severe damage in the Tabaco Bay area. The tidal currents are weak and reported variable in Tabaco Bay. It is reported by local pilots that the flood current sets N and the ebb S off the face of the pier at Tabaco. A strong eddy current is reported to exis t in the vicinity of Baculud Point. Depths-Limitations.-There is a concrete wharf about 300m long and 12m wide, with a depth of 9.1m alongside. A dangerous wreck lay at the N end of the wharf. The maximum size of vessel accepted is 300m in length and a draft of 8.5m . Improvements to the port are planned. Pilotage.-Requests for pilotage, which is compulsory, should be communicated to the Harbor Pilot Association , Legazpi City, at least 24 hours before arrival. The pilot boarding area is established 2.25 miles NNE of San Miguel Point. Anchorage.-There are no good anchorages in Tabaco Bay due to the deep water. An anchorage area is established 0.9 mile ESE of the pier, in a depth of about 75m, mud . Directions.-Tabaco Bay should be approached with Malinao Leading Marks in line, which lead s 0.3 mile NW of the 7.3m shoal in the entrance. When Tabaco Church bears 186", steer to pass close E of Baculud Point and then to the anchorage. Caution.-Vessels should not enter Tabaco Bay at night, but may leave after dark. It has been reported (1994) that the range is obscured by trees and is not lit at night. 5.74 San Miguel Island (13"23'N., 123"48'E.) is densely wooded. Drying reefs extend 1 mile off its NE side. Pub.162 A shoal, with a depth of 11m, lies 2 miles N ofBudias Point, the E extremity of the island. The town of San Miguel stands on the S side of San Miguel Island in a position about 2.75 miles SE of San Miguel Point (13"24'N., 123"46'E.), the NW extremity of the island. The offshore end of a small landing at San Miguel is destroyed. Cagraray Island (13"18'N., 123"52'E.), densely wooded and 383m high , is separated from the SE side of San Miguel Island by Casolgan Pass, a narrow strait that nearly dries at LW. There are four small is lets in the pass , the one farthest S being the largest. The deeply indented E side of the island is separated from Batan Island by Cagraray Pass , a narrow strait that is blocked by reefs. Mango Islet, which lies in the middle of the pass, is low and partly covered with coconut trees . The N shore of Cagraray Island is fringed by a reef that extends up to 1 mile offshore. A shoal, with a depth of 11m, lies about 3.25 miles NW of Tumaras Point, the NE extremity of the island. Cagbulauan Island , 76m high, and Guinanayan Island, 56m high , lie in the N end of Cagraray Pass, E of the NE side of Cagraray Island and N of the W part of the N coast of Batan Island. The islands are small, wooded, and surrounded by reefs that extend about 0.5 mile offshore from their N sides . 5.75 Batao Island (13 "15'N., 123"59'E.) extend about 11.25 miles E from Mancao Point, its W extremity, which is located about 2.75 miles SSW of Tumaras Point. Mount Viscaya, 396m high and I cated about 7 miles ESE of Mancao Point, is the summit of the island. The island is heavily wooded and is rich in coal. TheN coast between Mancao Point and Kalanaga Bay, about 7.25 miles E, is fringed by a reef extending about 1 mile offshore in places. Small craft, with local kno'Wledge, can find protected anchorage SE of Guinanayan Island. The approach to this anchorage is narrow and bordered by reefs. Gaba Bay, entered between Labcan Point, located about 4 miles E of Mancao Point, and N ampalay Point, about 1 mile E, indents the coast about 1.75 miles. The entrance is encumbered with shoals and the shores of the bay are fringed with reefs. A very narrow channel, with depths of 7 to 17m, leads between the reefs to the head of the bay. Small craft, with local knowledge, can find protected anchorage in the middle of the bay, in a depth of 16.5m. Cone Island, a small, sharp islet about 6lm high, stands close off Nanlampalay Point. Mount Bilbao, densely wooded and 288m high, is the summit of the peninsula that separates Gaba Bay from Kalanaga Bay. Kalanaga Bay, entered between Sharp Point, located about 1.75 miles ESE of Nanlarnpalay Point, and Kalanaga Point, about 0.5 mile ENE, indents the coast about 1 mile. The shores of the bay are fringed by drying reefs , leaving only a narrow channel and a limited anchorage space. The bay is surrounded by wooded hills. The town of Kalanaga stands on the SE shore of the bay. There are a few huts on the low spit on the E si de of the Sector 5. EastCoastofLuzon entrance. The surf breaks heavily the W side of the entrance. Vessels can take anchorage E of Shq Point, in depths of 16 to 18m. The coast between Kalanag· Point and East Point, about 4 miles ESE, is bold and steep-b . A shoal, with a depth of 8m, lies about 1 mile ENE of East Pomt. Rapu Rapu Island (13 . 13'N., 124"08'E.) lies with its W extremity 1.5 miles SE of the SE exc emity of Batan Island. The island is mountainous and heavily M:>oded. The NE coast is frin ged by a narrow c:oral reef that dries, and detached shoals lie up to 2 miles off tlus coast. Ungay Point, the E extremity of the island, is bold and prominent. A light is shown from a co:x. rete tower, 16m hi gh, situated on the point. 5.76 Rapu Rapu Strait (13. 14'N. , 124. 05'E.) lies between Batan Island and Rapu Rapu Island . 'It strait is 5 miles long and 0.4 mile wide at its narrowest point. The channel is tortuous and is encumbered with reefs, but there is a good channel through it with a least th of 6.4m. It should only be used with local knowledge. Navigational aids mark some of the c.:Itgers in the strait and can best be seen on the area chart. Drying reefs and shoals lie up to 1.5 "les off theE coast of Batan Island. Reefs and shoals extend cmile WNW and 1.75 miles W from Acal Point, located ab ut 4.25 miles ENE of Babayon Point. The remainder of the rw coast of Rapu Rapu Island is fringed by reefs and shoals p to a distance of 0.4 mile. Middle Reef lies on the W side of tiE channel in a position about 1.5 miles SSW of East Point. Tte reef is awash at LW and breaks heavily during the North a:;t Monsoon. Drying reefs and shoals lie between this reef illid the coast of Batan Island to the WNW and W. A shoal, with a least depth of 6.9m, on the E side of the fairway in a position about 1.25 miles S cJ: East Point. The channel between the lOrn curve -arrounding this shoal and the 1Om curve surrounding Middle Reef has a least width of about 0.1 mile. A large drying reef lies about 0.4 mil.:: E of Middle Reef. A shoal spit extends about 0.1 mile SW frcm its SW side. A shoal, with a depth of 6m, lies ab -0.4 mile S of the S end of Middle Reef. Derickson Reef extends about 0.5 n.ile NE from its S extremity, which is located about 1.25 mies ENE of Babayon Point. The reef is partly awash and g rally can be readily identified. The channel passes close SE of the S extremity of this reef. A shoal, with a least depth of 2.3m, lies about 0.2 mile N of the N extremity of Derickson Reef. A shoal, with a depth of 7.8m, lies bout 0.9 mile NE of Babayon Point. Two small shoals, wi depths of 6.9m, lie close together in a position about 0.5 mile of the same point. A shoal, with a least depth of 5.lm, Ies about 0.6 mile NW of Babayon Point. The channel passes w 1 S of these shoals. Columbia Reef, with a least depth of _m, lies about 1 mile W of Babayon Point. Detached shoals, >jth depths of 4 .1 to 14.6m, lie between this shoal and the c :.t of Batan Island to theN. Babayon Reef, which partly dries, lies about 0.4 mile WSW to Babayon Point. The channel between the lOrn curve surrounding this reef and the lOrn curve surrounding Columbia Reef is about 0.3 mile wide. Two range beacons, located about 2.25 miles ENE of Babayon Point, mark the channel E of Middle Reef. These beacons in range 185.5" lead between Middle Reef and the reefs E of it. Ships passing through Rapu Rapu Strait from N should use this range. Tidal currents in Rapu Rapu Strait attain a rate of 1.5 knots. Batan Harbor (13 . 14'N., 124.03'E.) lies on theSE coast of Batan Island. The entrance to the harbor, which is easy of access, lies N of the SW entrance of Rapu Rapu Strait. A wooden wharf extends SE from the shore and was reported to have a depth of 3.7m alongside. The channel leading to the wharf is marked by beacons. Small vessels usually anchor 0.2 mile SE of the wharf, in depths of from 15 to 18m. 5.77 Coal Harbor (13. 15'N., 123.55'E .) (World Port Index No. 58160) is entered between Binalbagan Point, the SW extremity of Batan Island, and Cagraray. The harbor extends about 2 miles NW, beyond which it is blocked by reefs. Numerous shoals and dangers lie in the middle of the harbor, through which there is a deep channel leading from the outer harbor into the inner harbor. Liguan, a small town with an abandoned coal mine, stands near Liguan Point about 2.75 miles NW of Binalbagan Point. Misibis, a small town, stands on the W side of the harbor in a position about 0.5 mile NNW of Cagraray Point. A drying reef extends about 0.3 mile offshore from a position about 0.5 mile NW of Binalbagan Point. Detached shoals, with depths of 0.3 to 6.9m, lie up to 0.5 mile S and 0.3 mile SW of Tinukawan Point, which is located about 2 miles NW of Binalbagan Point. Liguan Point is fringed by a drying reef that extends 0.4 mile Wand 0.5 mileS. A rock, 6.lm high, stands near the middle of this reef. A shoal, with a depth of 4.1 m, lies on theE side of the channel in a position about 10.75 miles WSW of Liguan Point. A lighted buoy marks the NE side of the shoal extending from Cagraray Point. Anchorage.-Vessels can take anchorage in the outer harbor, sheltered from all winds, except from SE, about 0.5 mile N of Cagraray Point, in depths of from 46 to 55m. Small vessels with local knowledge can anchor in a small bight, fringed by coral reefs, about 0.35 mile NW of Liguan Point, in a depth of 33m. 5.78 Cagraray Point (13. 14'N. , 123.55'E.), located on the W side of the entrance to Coal Harbor, is fringed by a reef that extends 0.3 mile offshore. A shoal spit extends 0.25 mile E from the reef; a least depth of 1.2m is found on the spit. A detached reef lies awash about 0.4 mile off hore in a position 0.75 mile SW of Cagraray Point. A shoal, with a depth of 5. l m, lies 0.4 mile SSW of the same point. Port Sula (13. 14'N. , 123.52'E.) lies about 2.75 miles WSW of Coal Harbor, and is entered between Cabadea Point, and a point about 0.3 mile to the NW. The port is about 0.25 mile wide from the entrance to Picadero Point. Pub.162 Sector5. East Coast ofLuzon A light is shown on Cabadea Point. The channel above Picadero Point is narrow, shoal, and unfit for navigation. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the unmarked channel, in depths of from 11 to 18m. L ibog (13 . 14'N., 123.47'E.) i a small town located in the NW comer of Albay Gulf, about 5.5 miles W of Port Sula. The twin spires of the town church is prominent. A drying reef extends up to 0.25 mile offshore abreast of and E of the town. Albay Gulf 5.79 Albay Gulf (13. 10'N., 124.00'E.) is entered between Ungay Point and Bingay Point, 7 miles SSW. The shores of the gulf are mo tly steep-to and the depths are considerable, but there are several dangerous reefs lying up to 3 miles from the head of the gulf. Rapu Rapu (13 . 11'N., 124.08'E.), a small town, is located about 5.5 miles W of Ungay Point. There is a post office and radio station in the town. The S side of Rapu Rapu Island is clear of dangers, except for a large drying reef that extends about 0.75 mile offshore in the vicinity of the town of Rapu Rapu. This reef extends along the coast for about 2.5 miles. On the outer edge of the reef, abreast the W end of the town , are two rocks, about 6.1 m and 9.lm high. Small vessels can take anchorage, protected from SW winds, in a small bay located close E of the E end of the reef. There is a narrow channel entered from W, between the reef and the S side of the island, which leads to within 0.5 mile of the town. Bugton Point (13 . 13'N., 124. 0l'E.), the S extremity of Batan Island and the SW entrance point of Rapu Rapu Strait, is low, rounded, and backed by high hills. A small cove, located about 2.25 miles WNW of Bugton Point, indents the coast to a ·distance of about 0.75 mile. TheE shore and the head of the cove are fringed by reefs. A rock, 7m high, stands on the W edge of the reef that fringes the E shore. A drying reef lies in the SW approach to the cove in a position about 3 miles WNW of Bugton Point and about 0.25 mile offshore. Small vessels can take anchorage off the W side of the cove, in a depth of 5.8m. M a yon Volcano (13. 15'N., 123 . 41'E.), the most prominent landmark in this part of Luzon, is located about 5.5 miles W of Libog. The volcano bas the shape of a perfect cone, and at times emits a considerable amount of vapor. Mount Linguoin, a conical wooded hill, 169m high, exhibiting an obstruction light, is located 5 miles SSW of Libog. 5.80 L ega zpi Port (13 . 09'N., 123.45'E.) (World Port Index No. 58170), the principal seaport on the E coast of Luzon, lies at the head of Albay Gulf. It is the center of the largest hemp-producing area of the Philippines. Winds-Weat her.-From October to May, the prevailing wi nds are from the N and NE. The rest of the year is predominated by SW winds. Depths-Limitations.-Legazpi Port is not considered to be a safe harbor, except under the most favorable weather conditions. Berthing should be attempted only in daylight hours. Pub.162 The harbor consists of a basin formed by two breakwaters. There is a wharf, about 328m long, on the N side. It was reported that the usable length was limited to 69m, with a depth of 4m. It was reported that the maximum size of vessel accepted in Legazpi Port was 120m loa with a 7.6m draft. The maximum size of vessel accepted at Legazpi Oil Company pier is 230m with a draft of lOrn. There are two small piers on the waterfront N of the basin. The piers extend about 45m from the shore. Vessels moor stem-to to these piers. These piers have been reported to be damaged. A conspicuous copra plant made of galvanized metal, and well lighted, stands 2.25 miles N of the entrance to Legazpi Port. There is an L-shaped pier, reported to be in poor condition at the plant, with a berthing head of 14m and a depth of 11.9m alongside. Dolphins are placed to form a 167m long berth. Vessels up to 230m in length and 10.6m in draft can use the berth. It has also been reported that there is usually a heavy swell at the berth , with January being unsafe and July and August being the calmest. All grades of fuel are reported to be available by road tanker. Aspect.-The port is distinguished by the number of houses with metal roofs and the various small piers jutting out from the warehouses on the waterfront. A light, partly obscured by trees when viewed from NE and difficult to distinguish in the early morning light, is shown 0.5 mile N of the port. An obstruction light is shown from the top of a hotel in the port but has been recently reported extinguished. A prominent church stands on a hill, 3 miles W of Capuntucan Point. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. The pilotage district embraces the waters within a radius of 3 miles from the light. The pilot boarding area is about 3.5 miles NNE of Legazapi Light. A 48 hour notice should be given, and the ETA to be confirmed 24 hours before arrival. Anch orage.-An anchorage area is established 10.8 miles E of Legazpi Light, in a depth of about 66m. The holding ground is poor because of the irregular steep bottom. The anchorage is open to the E and exposed to the Northeast Monsoon, which causes a heavy swell. During heavy weather from the E, vessels should seek anchorage in Coal Harbor or in Port Sula. Directions.-Lagazpi Port is usually approached by skirting the N shore of Albay Gulf at a distance of at least 1 mile, until the harbor bears 211 ·, when it should be steered for. The anchorage may be approached directly by steering for the light 0.5 mile N of the port, bearing 255•, which leads midway between Barao Reef and Denson Reef. In daylight, the prominent church at Dara ga (13.09'N., 123.43'E.), bearing 257 • and just open N of the light, is a good leading mark for this channel. 5.81 Catu beg Reef (13 . 11'N. , 123 .48'E.), with a depth of 3m, lies about 3.5 miles NE of Capuntucan Point. Three reefs, one uncharted, with depths of between 13.2 to 21.9m, lie between 1 mile and 1.5 miles W of Catubeg Reef. Barao Reef, Sector 5. East Coast of Luzon with a least depth of 1.2m, lies about ).5 mile SW of Catubeg Reef Denson Reef, with a least depth -1.2m , lies about 1.25 miles S of Barao Reef. Poliqui Reef, with a depth of 5.1m, I es about 1.5 miles SE of Denson Reef. Legazpi Reef, with east depth of 4.6m, lies about 1 mile NNW of Lubas Point. 5.82 Poliqui Bay (13"06'N ., 123"4 ) lies in the SW comer of Albay Gulf and is entered between Lubas Point and Cauit Point, 5 miles E. The bay indents the SW de of the gulf for about 5 miles. There are no ports of any irnpo ce in the bay. Manito Reef (13 "09'N., 123"51'E.) with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 1 mile WNW of Cauit Point. Cauit Reefs, 0.5 mile S of Manito Reef, consists of w reefs separated by a narrow, deep channel. The N reef ha a depth of 0.3m, while the S reef has a depth of 0.9m. The S shore of Albay Gulf, from C uit Point to Bacon, 12 miles SE, is fringed by a narrow reef. Bacon (13 "02'N., 124"02'E.) is a s I town. A prominent hill stands 1 mile W of the t wn. Tile town church and red roofed schoolhouse are conspicuous. >\. dangerous rock lies awash N of the church and 0.2 mile of re . Vessels can take anchorage about 0.75 mile offshore, with the church bearing 181 ·, in depths of 22 to 28m, mud and sand. Small vessels can anchor on the same bearing, 0.25 mile off, in a depth of 9.1 m. These anchorages are open roadsteads and fully exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. The holding ground is poor where small vessels can anchor. Sugot Bay (13 "02'N., 124"05'E.), entered between Papucha Point, 1.5 miles SW of Bacon, and Pagjuriran Point, 3 miles NE, indents the coast for about 2.75 miles in aS direction. A town stands on the NE side of the bay, about 1.25 miles S of Pagjuriran Point. A village stands 1.25 miles S of the town. A mole extends 0.2 mile from the E shore, about 1.25 miles from the head of the bay. Vessels can take anchorage about 1 mile N of the head of the bay, in depths of from 22 to 27m. Bingay Point (13"04'N., 124"11'E.), the S entrance point to Albay Gulf, is low and wooded. It is fringed by a drying reef extending about 0.25 mile N and about 1.5 miles E. The reef is well defined and steep-to. Bingay Island , a rock 4.5m high , is located 0.4 mile E of Bingay Point; the reef extends about 0.1 mile N of theislet. A dangerous wreck lies close E of the edge of the reef 2 miles ESE of Bingay Point. Pub.162 .-----------~~ -~ :10' ~'\ ~ (SEE SECTOR 2) AREA SAMAR 92070 0 () 30' 11 ' 11 ' PHILIPPINE SEA 30' 10' 124' Add. · I chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Ca talog of Na uti ca l Charts. SECTOR 6 -CHART INFORMATIO N Pub.162 SECTOR6 WEST COAST OF SAMAR, ORTH AND WEST COASTS OF LEYTE, NORTHEAST COAST OF BOHOL, AND EAST COAST OF CEBU Plan.-This sector describes the E coast of Samar from Cape Espiritu Santo S, to and inc! · g Leyte Gulf, Surigao Strait, and the NE coast of Minc.anao S to Cauit Point, including adjacent islands. This sector also describes the E S shores of the Samar Sea and the islands in its central part Li e Camotes Sea and the islands therein, the NE coasts of Ce and Bohol, and the W coast of Leyte. General Remarks 6.1 Winds-Weather.-The cl by this sector is typically warm and The two main seasons are the east Monsoon from October to April, and the Southwe ~onsoon from May to September. April and May is the traiE1ion period from winter to summer monsoon. The area N of lO"N experiences ells of settled weather with high temperatures in April under the influence of the SE Trades from the West Pacific. Fog is seldom encountered along coast; also sea fog is rare. High temperatures prevail. Lo land and sea breezes prevent extreme high temperatures at ports. The high temperature often occurs just before the onset of the sea breeze. The low tern erature is reached around dawn. Most places endure high humidity an conditions become very oppressive at times, especially during e evening hours. The predominate winds are of e Northeast Monsoon, which prevail from November to Man:h, and the Southwest Monsoon, which prevail from June to .., ptember. The winds are normally light to moderate, the average velocity being about 6 to 7 knots. Dut o coastal configuration and high mountains, the wind directi on various parts of the coast may not always conform with t.h:= prevailing monsoon. The weather on the E coast of amar is considerable influenced by the large amount of c.:infall, most of which occurs in November to January, uring the Northeast Monsoon. The maximum annual rainfall is at:o ut 3,559mm, of which about 50 percent occurs during the wi r months. There is no dry season. Much of ::Je rain from April to September is with thunderstorms, w ch occur most often in the late afternoon and in the early morning at sea. The annual mean temperature in the • icinity of this coast is about 26"C. The average monthly tE:IIperature ranges from about 25"C in February to about 27"C in August. The relative humidity ranges from about 80 to 88 pea;ent. The cloud amount is greatest on thi ~ oast in December and January and again in July, the latter r bably because of the general cloudiness of the typhoon sea~ . The clearest months are April and May. Visibility may be reduced to less th 0.5 mile during heavy rain, but this is usually only for a ew minutes at a time. Visibility of less than 5 miles occurs about 2 or 3 days a month during the monsoon seasons because of haze or mist. On Cebu, November, December, and January are reported to be the most likely months for the occurrence of typhoons. They seldom, if ever, get so far S during the Southwest Monsoon season. They are least likely to occur in February during the Northeast Monsoon season. Leyte is crossed by the average paths of 25 storms during October, December and May. Between 8"N and 11 "N, typhoons are slightly more frequent than farther S, and about 7 percent of more serious typhoons which affect the archipelago are experienced. From 11"N to 13"30'N, typhoons are frequent and destructive, this area experiences 19 percent of all typhoons. The mean track of typhoons moves progressively N from February until the middle of August and then S again until January resulting in the W moving typhoons of winter and spring. They generally strike the region S of lS"N. From January to March, that part of the area lying N of 11"N is almost, if not completely, immune from typhoons. Typhoons are quite frequent and often destructive on the E coast of Samar. About 20 typhoons occur each year, and an average of about 4 of them are severe. Although they may be encountered any time of year, the typhoons season is from June to November. The maximum typhoon activity occurs in September and early October, and the least activity is in the months of January through April. The typhoons dangerous to the Philippine Islands originate in the vicinity of the Caroline Islands. During January, February, and March about 90 to 95 percent of the typhoons recurve to the NE as they approach the Philippines. In April about 75 percent recurve, and in May about 80 percent recurve. In June and July about 65 percent recurve, and in the months of August through November about 60 percent recurve. In December about 65 percent of the typhoons recurve. The typhoons which do not recurve but continue W across the Philippine Islands do so in the latitude of about lO"N, in December and January. In subsequent months the latitude of their tracks increase until August, when it is unu ual for them to LieS of 18"N. Storm and typhoon warnings are broadcast and signals are displayed at various ports throughout the Philippine Islands. Typhoon harbors of refuge on this coast Helm Harbor and Pambugan Harbor. Tides-Currents.-The North Equatorial Current approaches the Philippines as a broad W flow across the Pacific. This current is at its strongest during the Northeast Monsoon with average velocities of about 1 knot in the latitude of Samar. Towards Samar this current diverges. One branch flows SSW with some of the waters flowing through Surigao Strait into the Bohol Sea. Most of the current passes SE of Mindanao. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu There are two principal flood tidal currents, corning from opposite directions, that are felt in the Camotes Sea and adjacent areas off Cebu, Leyte and Bohol. One branch of the flood current coming from the N through the Samar Sea sets S between Cebu and Leyte into the Camotes Sea. Flood current from Suriga Strait enters the Mindananao Sea and sets W between Panglao Island and Siguijor Island, then branches as it nears the coast of Cebu and Negros. The branch that sets N passes through the channel between Cebu and Bohol, and in a position 5 or 6 miles S of the Camotes Islands it meets the opposite flood current coming from the N. The meeting is reported as hardly noticeable. The ebb current sets in the opposite directions. The flood current from the N sets E in the passage between Ponson Island, of the Camotes Islands group, and Calunangan Point on Leyte, and curves around the island and sets S. Vessels approaching Suriago Strait from the W should keep well over toward Panaon Island to avoid being set toward Camiguin Island. The currents in the Samar Sea are dominated by the tidal currents. The Pacific tide enters the Samar Sea from the N through the San Bernardino Strait and flows in a general S direction into the Visayan Sea. The flood currents sets s, and the ebb is N. In the passes between the islands in the N entrance of the sea, the flood sets SSE and the ebb in the opposite direction at a velocity of about 4 to 8 knots through theE channels. Between the Naranjo Islands and Masbate, the flood current sets SE and the ebb NW at a le ' ser velocity. Close S of the central and E part of theN entrance of the Samar Sea, the flood current sets SSW and the ebb NNE. On the W side of the Samar Sea the tidal currents tend to parallel the Masbate coast, the flood sets SW and S and the ebb is in the opposite direction. The tidal currents on theE side of the sea are presumed to set similarly parallel to the coast of Samar. Between Tagapula Island and Almagro Island, in the central part of the sea, the flood current sets SW and the ebb NE. The tidal currents have considerable velocity in the wide deep channels between the larger islands and the coasts of Samar and Masbate. In the SE part of the Samar Sea and through the SW entrance of the sea, the S setting currents have been reported to have a velocity of less than 0.5 knot and a little over 0.5 knot, respectively. Observations taken midway between Malapascua Island and the N end of Cubu indicate that the flood current sets NW and the ebb SE. In general, the bays and straits of Leyte are free of currents, but any exceptions are described with the related features. Off the N coast of Bohol, strong variable currents occur in the vicinity of Danajon Bank. Off the E coast of Bohol the flood current sets N and the ebb current S through Canigao Channel between Bohol and Leyte. The island of Leyte, between Cebu and Samar, is generally mountainous, but it contains several large and fertile valleys. It is the eighth largest of the Philippine Islands. Several of the mountains are the extinct craters of volcanoes and are covered with forests. The climate is hot and humid, but healthy. Pub.162 Typhoons, although infrequent, do occur and cause great damage. The rivers are small and shallow, and are suitable only for small craft. Samar is moderately high and densely wooded. It is sparsely populated and only a small part is cultivated. The E coast of Samar is irregular and consists mostly of a low shore that is closely backed by hills with mountainous terrain inland. Numerous bays and bights, encumbered with reefs, indent the coast and are separated by r cky points. Leyte Gulf occupies the large indentationS of Samar. It has general depths of more than 37m, but there are a number of shoals and reefs in the W and NW parts. San Juanico Strait, navigable by small vessels, connects Leyte Gulf with Samar Sea. The W coast of Samar is closely backed by hills and mountains, the summits of which attain a height of as much as 707m about 4.5 miles inland, but there are low coastal plains in the vicinity of the mouths of several rivers. The N part of the coast is clear and unbroken, but the central and S parts are fringed with a number of small islands and become increasingly indented by small bays and bights. Several large shoal-water bays indent the S part of the coast. The Libucan Islands and the Canahauan Islands are small groups that lie between about 3.3 and 6.3 miles off the central part of this coast. Daram Island and Buad Island are larger islands fronting the S part of this coast. There are a number of comparatively small detached islands in the central part of the Samar Sea. They are all very mountainous and have summits from about 305 to over 914m high. There are depths of about 91m to more than 183m in theW part of the Samar Sea through which the preferred shipping tracks pass, and of about 37 to 73m in the E part of the sea. The steep-to islands in the central part of the sea have depths of more than 37m less than 0.5 mile offshore, but a few detached pinnacle rocks and shoals lie up to about 1.3 miles offshore. Most of the coastal dangers are contained within the 20m curve, which follows the trend of the W coast of Samar at a distance of about 0.3 mile to 3.3 miles offshore, passes close westward around Buad and Daram Islands, and then follows the coastal trend about 0.3 mile to a little over 1 mile off the N coast of Leyte. A few detached islets and shoal patches lie outside the 20m curve and up to about 0.5 mile off Daram Island and the smaller islands adjacent to it and Buad Island. Several detached islets and rocks lie up to about 1.5 miles of the N part of W side of Biliran Island, and up to about 2.25 miles N of the NW end of that island. The Libucan Islands and the Canahauan Islands are steep-to and have detached dangers up to about 0.8 mile off them, as well as between the two groups. Large vessels frequently pass through the Samar Sea when bound to or from San Bernardino Strait and Cebu, iloilo, or other ports in the S part of the archipelago. Small inter-island vessels use San Juanico Strait, which separates Samar from Leyte, and connects the Samar Sea with Leyte Gulf. Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Vessels proceeding through the ~amar Sea, from San Bernardino Strait to the Visayan or the Camotes Seas, usually enter by Naranjo Pass which lies betw Capul Island and the Naranjo Islands in theN entrance of tl:e sea. The track passes W of Destacado Is .and, the S islands in the N entrance, then trends S between the ~nds in the central part of the sea and the Masbate coast, ad then through the SW entrance. Northbound vessels frequently pas:~ E of Destacado Island. At night or in bad weather, ve sels bmo N are advised to keep close to the Masbate coast and pass around the Naranjo Islands. The track through the Samar Sea f' vessels using Dalupiri Pass, the easternmost and safest pass -the N entrance, trends SSW between Tagapula Island and -\lrnagro Island, in the central part of the sea, and then S into Visayan Sea. Samar-Cape Espiritu Santo to Bunga Point 6.2 Cape Espiritu Santo (12"33 , 125"11'E.) forms no projection from the coast but is con cuous because of its height. The densely wooded mounta:ns in the vicinity rise abruptly from the coast and attain an evation of 451 m less than 0.75 mile inland SW of the cape. About 0.5 mile NW of this latter sllDilit is another summit, 444m high, both being prominent fro ;E. These mountains are visible for a digance of about 40 miles and make good landmarks for appro · ng San Bernardino Strait. The mountains back the coast to a ition SW of Dapdap Bay, and then to Sila Point, the coastJ..L hills are about 91 to 222m high. Palapag Mesa (12"28'N., 125"09'E ' a fiat-topped ridge about 1.5 miles long, lies about 5~ miles SSW of Cape E piritu Santo. This ridge, which attain · height of 375m at its SW end and is 374m high at its N=: end, is conspicuous because of its shape rather than its hei., Although prominent to vessels off N coast of Samar, Palapag Mesa is concealed by higher untains from vessels rounding Bacan Island and proceeding along the coast. It cannot be seen again until a vess s 2 or 3 miles SE of Sila Point. A black conical rock, 46m high conspicuous from seaward, lies on the edge of the coastal reefs about 4.5 miles SE of Cape Espiritu Santo. Manjud Point (12"28'N., 125" 17'E.) formed by a spur that extends NE from the mountains is d. The point rises perpendicularly from the sea to a height af 15.2m and then to a 167m summit less than 1 mile WSW ~orne high rocks lie nearly 0.5 mile offshore about 0.5 mile 'NI of the point. 6.3 Sacamalig Bay (12"27'N., 12 8'E.) is a bight that indents the coast between Manjud Poim nd Sila Point, about 4.5 miles SE. Canmanai Rocks, 6.lm ~ , are two rocks that lie about 0.3 mile off the NW side oft~ ay and about 1 mile SSE of Manjud Point. The SW sha-e is a sandy beach. Anchorage can be taken, in 18m, and, a:>eut mile off the sandy beach. Sila Point (12"24'N., 125"20'E.), 59 high, rises abruptly less than 0.5 mile inland to the 169m mmit of the W and highest of three pyramidal hills; the latter hills are conspicuous from NW and SE. A reef, on which there are numerous rocks, and shoal water fringe the point up to a about 0.3 mile offshore. A high rock and several pinnacle rocks lie on the edge of the reef N of the point. Gamay Bay (12"20'N., 125"20'E.) indents the coast between Sila Point and Hiuinatungan Island, about 8 miles SSE. Although there is deep water, from about 13 to more than 37m close to the reefs fringing the shore, the bay is encumbered with many dangerous detached reefs, with depths of less than 1.8 or 3.7m, and over which the sea does not ordinarily break. The numerous small bays and bights that indent the shore of the bay are separated by reef-fringed points. Although the shores of the bay are low, they are closely backed by hills that attain heights of about 152m about 2 miles inland; these hills are backed by higher mountains farther inland. Higunum Rock (12"24'N., 125"21'E.), a fiat rock 7.9m high, over which the sea breaks in heavy weather, lies in the entrance of Gamay Bay about 1.5 miles SE of Sila Point. Sora Cay, low and sandy, lies in the middle of the entrance of Gamay Bay about 3.5 miles SE of Sila Point. The islet changes shape after every gale and should be given a berth of at least 1 mile when passing E of it. Canabayon Island (12"20'N., 125"20'E.), a low wooded islet with a sandy beach, lies on the W side of Gamay Bay about 4.5 miles S of Sila Point. Gamay (12"23'N., 125"18'E.) is a small village that lies at the mouth ofthe Gamay River, which empties into Gamay Bay. During the Southwest Monsoon, good anchorage can be taken, in 14.6m, mud, with the S entrance point of the river bearing 335", distant nearly 0.75 mile. This anchorage i not safe with a swell from eastward. 6.4 Helm Harbor (12"18'N., 125"2l'E.) indents the SW side of Gamay Bay between Barabod Point, low and covered with mangroves, and a point about 1 mile ESE. Nanuntugan Reef and the shoal patches between it and the entrance points reduce the entrance channel to a width of about 0.3 mile. Although not large, the harbor provides good typhoon anchorage for vessels of moderate size, in 8 to 9m, mud, about 0.5 mile SW of the E entrance point. As there are no navigational aids, strangers should enter the harbor at LW when the reefs are visible or when it is rough enough to cause breakers. San Ramon Bay (12"17'N., 125"23'E.) indents the S side of Gamay Bay between Binarayan Island, about 2 miles ESE of the entrance of Helm Harbor and Hiuinatungan Island, about 0.8 mile farther SE. The island is low and fringed by reefs. The narrow bay has depths of 10.5m to over 18.3m in its central part, but it is a little less than 0.5 mile wide between the steep-to reefs fringing the shore. Although the main entrance is on the W side of Hiuinatungan, vessels can enter through a narrower channel that passes along the E and S sides of that island. A 1.2m patch lies on the S side of this latter channel S of Hiuinatungan Island. The small village of San Ramon is Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu situated at the head of the bay. A rock causeway is located at San Ramon. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor in the S part of San Ramon Bay, in about 9.lm, mud, about 1.3 miles SSW of Hiuinatungan Island. A branch of the bay extends NW from the central part of the bay and affords safe typhoon anchorage for small vessels, in 7 to 8m, mud, about 0.2 mile from the mangroves on the NE shore and 0.3 mile from the bushes on the NW shore. Vessels should moor, u ing about 82.3m of chain, with the starboard anchor N, where the first blow come from, and the port anchor S. Although this latter anchorage is confined, it is considered as good as Helm Harbor and is much easier to access. Between Hiuinatungan Island and Bunga Point, about 9.5 miles SE, the coast consists of a low mangrove shore. A high , level-appearing wooded ridge of hills backs thi part of the coast and attains a height of 154m about 2 miles inland. A drying reef fringes this entire section of coast. The outer edge of the reef breaks continually. Samar-Bunga Point to Anitaguipan Point 6.5 Most of the coast between Bunga Point and Anitaguipan Point is low and wooded. In many places the heavily-wooded coastal hills, about 30 to 122m high and which gradually increase in height southward, lie within 0.5 mile inland. They are backed by mountains that rise to elevations of more than 610m within 10 miles inland. In the vicinity of Port Libas, the mountains approach the coast to about 1.8 miles inland at the head of that bay. The coast is fronted by a drying coral reef which extends 1.5 miles offshore at the NW end and gradually narrows to 0.75 mile at the SE end. Bunga Point (12 . 10'N., 125. 30'E.), a low inconspicuous point bordered with mangroves, rises close NNW to a wooded ridge, 15.2m high. A group of jagged boulders, up to 6.lm high and which are very prominent from NW or SE , lie near the edge of the steepto coastal reef about 1 miles NE of the point. Apiton Island, a wooded islet, lies about 0.5 mile SE of Bunga Point. The islet is fringed by a steep-to reef, on which there are numerous rocks, that extend up to about mile NE and about 0.3 mile SE from it. A rock, 19.2m high, lies on the edge of the fringing reef close off the SE end of the islet. A detached 5.9m depth, over which the sea breaks heavily in bad weather, lies about 1.3 miles SE of Apiton Island. Anchorage.-Anchorage, sheltered from E winds and sea, can be taken, in 18.3m, mud, about 0.3 mile off the steep-to SW side of Apiton Island. 6.6 Thbabao Island (12.07'N. , 125"33'E.) lies in a position about 3 miles SSE of Aption Island. The island has a small village on its SW side. A wooded ridge, 31 to 32m high, extends the length of the island. There is good anchorage off theW side of the island, in depths of 18 to 30m. Other islands, all low and covered with coconut trees or bushes, extendS for 7.75 miles to Fulin Island, the S island of the group. These islets all lie on a reef, which is narrow at its N end and gradually widens until it extends 1 mile E and S of Pub.162 Fulin Island. A light is shown about 0.3 mile NW of the N extremity of Fulin Island. Pasig Island (11 ·s8'N., 125. 32'E.), lying about 3 miles SSW of Fulin Island, is a detached islet located on the W side of a partly drying reef, on which there are a number of above-water rocks. This reef is fringed up to about 0.5 mile by shoal water, beyond which there are depths of more than 18.3m. A prominent wreck lies on the NE edge of the reef. An 11.9m patch lies about 1 mile NE of Pasig Island. Between Bunga Point and Cabra Point, about 6.5 miles S, the coast recedes to form a bight that is much indented by small bays and inlets and at the head of which lies Oras Bay. The shores are mostly low and closely backed by detached hills, up to about 61m high, behind which are the higher coastal hills. There are many detached below-water reefs which extend up to 1 mile offshore. 6.7 San Policarpo Bay (12. 11'N., 125"30'E.), a confined reef-fringed cove with numerous coral heads, lies on the W side of Bunga Point. The best channel into this cove is on the W side of some reefs that lie up to about 0.5 mile SSW of Bunga Point. Anchorage can be obtained in the middle of the bay, in a depth of 9m, with Bunga Point in line with theN extremity of Apiton Island bearing 104· . Several other small bays lie between San Policarpo Bay and Ludo Point, a low point about 2.5 miles SW. Although there is deep water close in to the reef-fringed shore, these latter bays are fronted by a number of shoal patches, with depths of about 0.6 to 4.5m, that lie up to about 1.3 miles off bore. Oras Bay (12.07'N. , 125 . 27'E.) indents the coast between Ludo Point and Bankari Point, about 2 miles S. Both of the entrance points are fringed with reefs that extend up to about 0.8 mile offshore. The mall town of Oras is situated on the N bank of the mouth of the Oras River, which empties into the NW end of Oras Bay. The channel at the river mouth is constantly shifting and suitable only for small craft. There is small pier and a warehouse at the town. 6.8 Between Cabra Point (12. 04'N., 125. 31'E.), prominent and steep-to, and Paninihian Point, about 16 miles SSW, the coast forms a bight that recede about 4 miles W. The Dolores River (12. 02'N., 125"29'E.) empties into the sea about 2.3 miles SW of Cabra Point. A channel over the bar, at the river mouth, has a least depth of about 2.1m at HW. The town of Dolores, from which a moderate amount of lumber is exported, is situated on the N bank just inside the river entrance. Vessels can obtain anchorage :-ffi of the river mouth, in a depth of about 9m, mud and sand. The Ulut River (12. 00'N., 125"27'E.) empties into the sea about 3 miles SW of the Dolores River. Only small boats can cross the shallow bar at the entrance. From a position about 1.5 miles SSW of the Ulut River, the coast trends about 6 miles S to Pindilin Point. The low and mostly wooded coast is backed less than 0.5 mile inland by hills, about 33 to 68m high. Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Taft (11 . 54'N., 125"25'E.) is a sma town situated on the S side of the mouth of the Tubig Riv which empties into the sea about 5.75 miles SSW of the Ulut ver. The bar at the river mouth has a. epth of 1.8m at LW. Tugasan Point is the low N enrrance -t of the river mouth. A reef extends 0.5 mile ESE from the pomt. Anchorage.-The usual anchorag for Taft is nearly 1 mile E ofTugasan Point, in 18.3m, mud,~-the town bearing 270• and Pindilin Point bearing 181 ·. Thi:: a:tchorage is frequently untenable during the Northeast Monsoon. Pindilin Point (11 . 52'N., 125"27'£.) is a low point fringed by a reef that extends about 0.5 rni_ :-ffi. The coast in this vicinity consists mostly of a sandy t a::h backed by coconut trees. Between Pindilin Point and Taig P -t, about 3.3 miles SSE, the coast is fronted by several island> The channels between the islands and also between them the mainland are so encumbered with reefs and shoals tim they are suitable only for boats. Makate I land is a wooded islet t lies about 1.5 miles ENE of Pindilin Point. A dangero~ 5.8m pinnacle, which breaks heavily in bad weather, lies a t 1.3 miles NE of the islet. Catalaban Island, the largest of these islands, lies about 0.8 mile S of Makate Island. The E and ends of the island are about 30m high and are separated by :~._ low isthmus. Macalayo Island, 26m high, and Anajao Island, : and wooded, are two is lets that lie about 0.3 mile and 0.5 'le S, re pectively, of the W end of Catalaban Island. 6.9 Sulat Bay (11 .50'N., 125• -·E.), open to E, lies between Catalaban Island and Taig Poi . 2 miles S. A 0.9m dangerous patch lies about .8 mile SE of Anajao Island, close to the reef off Taig PoinL Taig Point is conspicuous because of a drying reef that extends about 1.3 miles NE. There are f our rocky islets, up to 9.4m high, on this reef. The town of S t, at which there is a post and telegraph office, is situated at the mouth of the Sulat River on the W side of Taig Point. The ruins of a church, within whici ere is a nipa edifice, are conspicuous at the town. Anchorage.-Yessels can anchor ir ~nlat Bay, in 9m, mud, about 0.8 miles N ofTaig Point, with be ruined church at Salat bearing 195·; inside this position dep shoal rather abruptly. When a heavy sea sets in during the r •rtheast Monsoon, this anchorage is untenable and better an Larage can be taken in the N part of the bay. Caution.-Care should be exercise when entering Sulat Bay to avoid the above-described dang=:ous 0.9m patch. 6.10 Paninihian Point (11 . 48'N., 25•28'E.), lying about 1.5 miles SE of Taig Point, is the E uremity of the broad projection of the coast that separate;; Sibut Bay from Port Libas. The reef extending from Taig -=>oint continues S and fringes Paninihian Point and Canno da Point (11 . 46'N., 125. 28'E.), theN entrance point ofPor ~tbas, where it extends 0.3 mile offshore. It has many large bo asoon. Storms during the Southwest Mo oon sometimes pass across the islands and bring considerable rain to these coasts. There is no dry season. Much of be rain from April to September is with thunderstorms, whim occur most often in the afternoon or at night. The maximuo amount of rainfall is about 3,559mm at Surigao, ab ut 2,54-Ilill at Tacloban, and about 3,432mm at Guiuan. More than 50 percent of the annual ramfall occurs during the winter months. At Surigao, about 2, -19mm falls between November and March, but only about 8Cmm between May and September. Fog is rare, but it may sometimes develop on the coast during the latter part of the ni ght when there is little or no wind. Such fog quickly disperses after sunrise. Early morning mist is not uncommon over the land during fine weather. Visibility is generally good. It may be reduced to less than 0.5 mile during heavy rain, but this usually lasts only for a few minutes at a time. Moderate visibility may be experienced because of haze or mist that occurs during the Northeast Monsoon or along coasts exposed to the Southwest Mon oon when the latter prevails. Tides-Currents.-The North Equatorial Current divides E of the Philippine Islands, and the S branch tends to setS across the E entrance of Surigao Strait and along the E side of Mindanao. Because of the seasonal shifting N and S of the North Equatorial Current and the fact that the dividing position lies E of Samar, the currents E of Sungi Point and the E entrance of Surigao Strait may set contrary to the above. Comparatively few observations have been made in this vicinity, but the following may be experienced. During January and February in the above vicinity, the current tends to set SSW at a velocity of about 1 knot, however in January a WNW set of about 1.3 knots has been experienced off the entrance of Surigao Strait. In March, April, and May the current sets SW and SSW at a velocity of less than 0.5 knot to almost 1 knot. From June through August the current sets WSW and SWat a velocity of about 0.5 to 1 knot, but E of Sungi Point a current setting NW at about 1 knot was experienced in July. In September, the current tends to set between SW and SSE at a velocity of less than about 0.5 knot. In October, November, and December the current at the E entrance of Surigao Strait tends to set between WSW and SW at a velocity of about 0.5 knot. In the S part of Leyte Gulf and the central part of Surigao Strait during these latter three months, the current sets SW, SSW, and S, respectively, at a velocity of about 1 knot. The Pacific side enters the Mindanao Sea from E through Surigao Strait. The tidal current sets W into the E entrance of Surigao Strait and Leyte Gulf on the rising tide and E on the falling tide. It attains a velocity of about 6 knots between the N end of Dinagat Island and Homonhon Island. In that part of Surigao Strait that lies between Dinagat Island and Leyte, the flood current sets S, and the ebb sets N. In the S entrance of the strait the flood current sets SSW into the Mindanao Sea, and the ebb sets in the opposite direction. Between Hibuson Island and the N end of Dinagat Island the flood current sets SSW, and the ebb sets NNE. In the W end of Hinatuan Passage between Bilaa Point and the islands at the S end of Dinagat Island, the flood current sets NW into Surigao Strait, and the ebb sets SE. Tidal currents of a local nature are described in the parts of this sector where their related coastal features appear. Caution.-A large area of sand waves exists NE of Desolation Point, extending from the meridian of 12Y45'E to about the 200m curve. Samar-Sungi Point to San Pedro Bay 6.20 Guiuan (11"02'N., 125°43'E.) (World Port Index No. 58655) harbor occupies an area of deep water within the reefs between Manicani Island and the coa t ENE. The town of Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Guiuan is situated on the coast about 4.5 miles ENE of Manicani Island. Depths-Limitations.-The harbor at Guiuan consists of a roadstead that lies within and is somewhat confined by many dangerous steep-to reefs. It is sheltered except that the reefs southward protect it only from the sea and leave it exposed to winds from between SSE through SW. The main entrance channel, about 0.5 mile wide and 11 to 29m deep between the steep-to reefs and shoals on either side, trends about 5.5 miles NE from a position about 1 mile S of Manicani Island to the middle of the harbor anchorage area, about 1.3 miles SW of Guiuan. A beacon is located about 1 mile SE of Inatoulan Island and marks the NW edge of a drying reef. This beacon, in range 048° with the church at Guiuan, leads through the entrance channel to the harbor anchorage. A buoy marks a 7.8m patch that lies on the S side of the entrance of the channel in a position about 1.5 miles SE of the S end of Manicani Island. A reef, marked by pile beacons, lies awash on the S side of the channel about 1 mile SE of the SE extremity of Manicani Island. Most of the other steep-to dangers on each side of the entrance channel are marked by pile beacons, but there are a few 6 to 9m patches close off them. Vessels are advised to adhere to the entrance range, except at a position about 1 mile S of lnatoulan Island, where it leads over a depth of 7.8m. This patch can be avoided by keeping slightly S of the entrance range line in that vicinity. A beacon marks the SE edge of a drying reef. The beacon i located about 2 miles WSW of the head of the pier at Guiuan. A lighted buoy is moored on a 12.8 patch about 0.5 mile S of the beacon. The channel to Buenavista (11 OOO'N., 125°39'E.), located on the N side of Manicani Island, i" entered through the outer part of the entrance channel to Guiuan. From a position about 1.5 miles SE of the NE end of Manicani Island and well clear of a number of detached 4 to 6m patches that lie up to about 0.8 mile E of that island, the channel trends NNE. At a position about 0.8 mile E of the wharf at the NE end of Manicani Island, a channel, with a least charted depth of 10.5m, trends W to the wharf. Several shoal patches and reefs lie close N of the latter channel. A channel, with charted depths of about 8 to 20m, leads about 5.3 miles in an ESE direction from close N of Bar Islet on the S side of the harbor anchorage, to a confined anchorage off the town of Soroc (10°59'N., 12Y48'E.). A beacon is situated on the N side of a detached reef in a position about 2 miles SSW of the head of the pier at Guiuan. A SE entrance channel to Guiuan trends about 8.5 miles NW from a position about 1.5 miles W of Sungi Point to the harbor anchorage off the town. Although it has charted depths of about 6 to 13m between the reefs on either side, this channel is unmarked and requires local knowledge. Aspect.-Manicani Island is a prominent landmark on the N side of the entrance to the channel to Guiuan. Tubabao Island, 30m high and on which there is a conspicuous water tower, lies close offshore NW of Guiuan. lnatoulan Island, a low wooded islet, lies on the N side of the harbor, less than 0.3 mile S of Tubabao Island. Pub.162 A church spire is conspicuous at the town of Guiuan, and the buildings, there and at the other small towns in the vicinity, are easily seen. A light i shown from Guiuan church. A concrete causeway extends SW over the reef fringing the shore in front of Guiuan. Pilotage.-Although pilotage is not compulsory, vessels lacking local knowledge should not attempt to enter without a pilot. Pilots for Guiuan are available at Tacloban. Vessels entering and navigating in the harbor should exercise extreme caution to avoid the numerous unmarked dangers. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in the harbor, in depth of 20.1 m, about 0.8 mile SE of Inatoulan Island with the church at Guiuan bearing 048°, and the SW side of Inatou1an Island bearing 308°. The harbor anchorage area is about 1.3 miles long and about 0.5 mile wide between the partly drying reefs that almost surround it. Except for the following shoal patches and those that lie close off the reefs, there are depths of about 12 to 20m in this harbor area. A detached 7.8m patch, with a 6.4m patch about 0.3 mile NE of it, lies in the central part of thi anchorage in a position SE of the entrance channel range line and about 1 mile SSE of Inatoulan Island. Several channels, for small vessels of limited draft, lead from this anchorage to the causeway at Gui uan and to a pier N of the town. Caution.-In addition to the buoys and beacons described previously, there are a number of buoys marking parts of the above channels. Caution must be exercised as many of the buoys have been reported missing or out of position. Storm warnings are displayed at Guiuan but they are not visible from the harbor. 6.21 Manicani Island (11 OOO'N. , 125°38'E.) is a conspicuous island that lie on the SW edge of the reefs and dangers fronting this sectio n of the coast in a position about 4.3 miles offshore SW of the town of Guiuan. There are several radio towers in the central part of the island, and the town of Buenavista is situated on the NE end. A large wharf at this latter place and the channel to it are described with the approach to Guiuan. A detached 7 .3m patch lies about 1 mile offshore in a position about 1.8 miles W of the S end of Manicani I land. A steep-to, partly drying reef, with numerous above and belowwater coral patches close off it, extends about 5.3 miles NW from Manicani Island. Baul Islet lies on the NW end of this reef. The wreck of a barge, loaded with ammunition, lies sunk in 18.3m in a position about 3 miles ENE of Balinatio Islet (11 °06'N., 12Y35'E.). A deep channel lies between the islets and dangers on the E side of this latter reef and those NE. It is encumbered with many coral heads, some of which are marked by piles. Most of the buoys marking the channel have been reported missing. The S entrance, which is entered from the channel to Guiuan, lies between shoals that fringe theE side of Manicani Island up to about 0.8 mile and a partly drying reef, about 1.8 miles ENE of that island. Except for a 4.6m depth, about 1.3 miles ENE of Manicani Island, the S entrance of the above channel has depths of 13m or more. A drying rock lies about 0.8 mile NNE of the NE extremity of Manicani Island. .Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu The best track through the chan n trends NW and passes NE of the above rock and Camb · ngan Islet (11 "02'N., 125"39'E.) and Cabalarian Islet, whi t lie about 1.5 miles N and 2.75 miles NNW of the NE end a= \tlanicani Island. It passes W of Carunoan Islet, whi lies about 0.8 mile N of Cambasingan Islet. Vessels are advi e not to enter the above channel without local knowledge. A floating dock is situated 2 miles N of Marucani Island, about midway between Cambasingan d Cabalarian Islets. Walker Shoal (11"01 'N., 125"32'E ) with a depth of 0.6m, is a detached steep-to coral depth. It i 1e southwesternmost of the dangers off this part of the coast d can be distinguished by the light-green color of the water O¥cr the shoal. Balinatio Islet (11 "06'N., 125"35'E low and wooded, bes so close S of Cabarasan Point that t: appears as part of the point. 6.22 Quinapundan Bay (11 "07' .., 125"33'E.), which is encumbered with extensive steep-to I'3efs and a number of islets, lies between Cabarasan Point ar_ -Gigoso Point, low and wooded, about 4 miles WSW. Among the numerous islets and ::-eefs, good protected anchorages may be obtained with loca. rnowledge. A channel leads close around Gig Point into a confined area of deep water in the SW part a= the bay. Another deep channel leads along the E shore to a 11 basin at the NE end of the bay. Between Gigoso Point and Capine_ Point, about 16.5 miles W, the coast is indented by a number of unimportant small bays and bights, on the shores of \\.hich there are a few villages. The low coast is closely bac d by hills that attain a height of 305m about 1.5 miles inland ::n several places steepto reefs lie up to as much as 2.3 miles J shore. Cablagna Point (Cablagua Point) -= 1"05'N., 125"24'E.) is low and wooded. A coral reef, nearly a....ash, lies 0.75 mileS of Cablagna Point. A 1.8m shoal lies O.J5 mile W of the same point. Lucson Point (11"06'N., 125 "2:'E.), 122m high and prominent, lies about 2 miles WNW lagna Point. Lauaan Point (11 "07'N., 125 "19' , a low point, lies 3.5 miles further WNW. Lauaan Bay (11 "07'N., 125"17';:: ) indents the coast between Lauaan Point and Capines Fuint, about 5.5 miles WSW. The shore at the NW end of the y is steep-to and there are several beacons in this latter vicini · Capines Point is the S extremity o-3 prominent headland that rises abruptly to a height of 12-o less than 0.25 mile inland and to a sumrrut about 1.8 mile _ . It is steep-to. A detached 9.1 to 11.4m depth lit.S about 0.7 mile E of Capines Point. San Pedro Bay 6.23 San Pedro Bay (ll"lO'N. l25 "05'E.) occupies a bight formed by the N end of the E co :._ of Leyte and the SW end of Samar. The E side of the bay, which is clos:!ly backed by hills and mountains, trends about 12.5 miles from Capines Point and is sparsely populated. The low W side of the bay trends about 10.5 miles S from Cataisan Point (11 "14'N., 125"02'E.), close SE ofTacloban, to Vigia Point. Although a large part of the bay has depths of 9.1 to 33m, much of the N end is shallow. There are a large number of reefs, shoals, and islets throughout the bay. The recommended channel leads safely through these dangers to the entrance of the channel to Tacloban, or to several large clear areas of deep water. A large number of steep-to shoal patches lie across the entrance of San Pedro Bay and its approach. These dangers comprise several groups, between which there are deep clear channels, and vessels should have no difficulty if they adhere to the recommended channel. Caution.-Dynarruting for fish is common in San Pedro Bay, and there may be numerous fishing nets or traps in the N part of the bay. Less water than charted and numerous uncharted obstructions exist in San Pedro Bay. 6.24 Mariquitdaquit Island (11 "05'N., 125"09'E .), marked by a light, lies in the entrance of San Pedro Bay. The islet consists of a flat rock, partly awash, on which there are several rocky lumps, about 5.5m high. Punubulu Islet (11 "13'N., 125"06'E.), low and wooded, lies in the middle of the N part of San Pedro Bay. Dio Islet (11 "13'N., 125"03'E.), low and wooded, lies about 1 mile offshore. A dangerous sunken wreck lies about 0.3 mile W of the islet. A dangerous wreck was reported to lie about 1.3 miles E of Dio Islet. The above-water wreck charted on the NW side of Dio Islet was reported missing. The dredged part of the outer channel, from Dio Islet to Jinamoc Island (11 "16'N., 125"05'E.), is reported to have shoaled to depths of 5.5m, but the projected depth is 7.6m. There are charted depths of 8 to 13m in the inner part of the channel from the latter island to Tacloban. The towns on the low W and N shores of the bay are conspicuous. Some hills and mountains back the low coastal plain on the W shore of the bay about 1 to 2 miles inland between Palo and Tacloban. Mount Guinhandang lies close N of Palo, and Mount Naganaga lies about 2 miles SW of Tacloban and is the highest of these mountains. Mount Danglay is a conspicuous sumrrut that lies at the NW end of the bay about 1 mile N of the entrance point of San Juanico Strait. A number of small rivers, navigable only by small craft, empty into the bay in the vicinity of some of the towns. Tacloban (11·1S'N., 125.00'E.) World Port Index No. 58690 6.25 Tacloban, the chief port of Leyte, lies in the SE entrance of San Juanico Strait at the NW end of San Pedro Bay. It is a first port of entry. Although the harbor area includes all of the entrance of San Juanico Strait, the main part of the harbor occupies a small bight that recedes about 1 mile S between Panirugan Point and Anibong Point, about 1 mile WNW. There is a wooden pier partly in ruins on the E side of Anibong Point. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Winds-Weather.-There is practically no dry season at Tacloban. Rain is frequent, and the maximum rainfall occurs during December, January, and February. During July, August, and September severe typhoons may occur, and the prevailing winds are then reported from the SW. Tides-Currents.-The tides at Tacloban are chiefly diurnal. The mean tidal range is 0.4m and the maximum range is 1.1 m. The mean height of higher HW is about 0.6m, and that of higher LW is about 0.1 m. The tides show their greatest inequality during HW. In the entrance of San Juanico Strait off Tacloban, the flood current sets NW and the ebb SE, and they may attain a maximum velocity of about 3 knots. Depths-Limitations.-The controlling depth for vessels entering the port of Tacloban, by way of San Pedro Bay, is 5.79m, liable to silting. The entire bay is encumbered with islets, reefs, shoals, and fish traps. Use caution in entering and proceeding to the pilot tation. The maximum length of vessel that can be accommodated is 154m, with a maximum draft of 6m. The City Wharf is a concrete structure divided into four sections. TheN end is 114m long, theW end is 411m long, the S end is 102m long, and the fourth section connects to the shore and has lengths of 58m. Depths alongside the pier range from 2 to 9m, but are subject to silting. Expansion and modernization is planned to meet foreign and domestic traffic needs. The project calls for improvement to the existing wharf, construction of new berths and upgrading the entrance channel. There is also a T-shaped pier for smaller vessels E of the main wharf. The T-head is 20m long and about 30m wide. The depth at theN face is 3.4m. It is not safe for large vessels. Anibang Point Pier, 1.25 miles WNW of Panirugan Point, extends 52m from shore. It has a 12m long T-head, with a depth of 7.3m alongside the head. Fuel is discharged onto this pier through pipelines. Aspect.-A white statue, 7m high and standing on the 74m hill behind the town , is prominent. A 61m high radio tower, located 1 mile NW of the city, is also prominent. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 100 grt bound for Tacloban, for passing through San Juanico Strait, for anchoring in the Quarantine area in the harbor stream, and for shifting or changing berths within the harbor. No lookout is kept in the SE approach. Vessels requiring a pilot must make a request to Tacloban Harbor Pilot Association at least 24 hours prior to arrival, indicating the type of pilotage desired. The pilot will board a vessel in the vicinity of Egbert Shoals or, on special request and for an additional fee, off Mariquitdaquit Islet. The pilot station at the NW entrance of San Juanico Strait is located at Canauay Island (lr26'N., 124°51 'E.) and maintains a continuous lookout for vessels requiring a pilot. There is a pilot's office located just off the pier. The Tacloban Pilot boat is a motor launch with the word "Pilot" painted on both sidesand it flies the "H" flag . In case of inclement weather vessels are advised to anchor 3 miles S of Dio Island when waiting for a pilot. Pub.162 Signals.-Storm warnings are shown at Tacloban from an observatory on Panirugan Point. Anchorage.-The quarantine anchorage for the port of Tacloban is about 0.5 mile N of Panirugan Point. All vessels subject to quarantine inspection shall drop anchor within the limits of this anchorage and await quarantine inspection. Any vessel subject to quarantine inspection, anchoring in an area in the Port of Tacloban outside the quarantine anchorage, may not be cleared from quarantine until such vessel proceeds within the limits of the anchorage. A vessel subject to quarantine measures may not be allowed to leave the quarantine anchorage until given free pratique by the quarantine officer. Vessels carrying explosives, inflammable liquids, or other dangerous cargo must obtain special permission from the harbormaster to go alongside the wharf. The bottom at the anchorage is clear sand and a little mud. Anchorage can be taken, in about 7.8m about 0.3 mile Nor NW of Panirugan Point or, in about 4 to 5m, about 0.3 mile NW of the wharf. A mooring buoy is located about 0.5 mile NW of the N end of the wharf. Vessels of too deep a draft to enter the harbor can anchor S of Dio Islet, in 9 to 11m, mud. Vessels awaiting pilots can anchor in the latter anchorage or N of Egbert Shoals in about 13 to 15m, mud. Anchorage can be taken about 1.5 miles N ofMariquitdaquit Light, in a depth of 33m. Directions.-When approaching from S or E , pass 1.25 miles SSW of Capines Point (11 °05'N., 125°14'E.) and foiJow the charted track. When 1 mile E of Dio Islet, bring Basey Church spire to bear 004°, and steer for it on that course. Care should be taken to avoid a charted dangerous wreck and a 4.9m shoal lying 1.25 miles E and NE; respectively, of Dio I land. When 0.25 mile SSE of Buoy No. 1, alter course to 328 ° until 0.25 mile NNW of the same buoy. Then course should be altered to 291 o to pass N of Buoy No. 3, taking care to avoid the 5.5m shoal close NW of the buoy. When about 0.3 mile NW of Buoy No. 3, Janamoc Light should be brought astern, on a bearing 089° and a course 269° steered to pass between Buoy No . 2 and Buoy No. 5. Then proceed as requisite to anchor or berth alongside, taking care to avoid the 2.7m shoal, 0.2 mile N of the wharf. 6.26 Tanauan (11 °07'N ., 125"01'E.) can be identified by its long pier and by the large tank, warehouses, and sheds near its root. The pier, a wooden T-head, extends 332m from the S shore of Tanauan. The T-head, 27m long, is oriented in a 105°-195 ° direction. A line of five dolphins exists along the T-head and off either end of the head. Depths of 8.2 to 9.1 m were found alongside. The pier is unlighted and of wooden construction. There was a strong surge between the ship and the pier. The maximum size of vessel accepted is 305m, with a beam of 27m and a draft of 9.4m. Berthing is in daylight hours only and tugs are not available. Copra meal and copra oil are loaded from the pier, the oil being loaded through an eight inch pipe with a rate of about 150 tons per hour. -..ector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory and a 12 and 24 hour notice is required. Pilot boards 1 milE N of Mariquitadaquit Island. Vessels can enter at any state of tie tide; however, it is recommended to enter or leave durin giliylight hours due to the unsafe conditions at night. Caution.-Numerous fish traps ar k:>cated in the approach to the pier at Tanauan. Leyte-Vigia Point to Taytay Point 6.27 Vigia Point (11 °04'N. , 125 °02 'E.) is backed by Tolosa Mount, a rocky headland that appears 3.:; a pyramid from the S. There is an old fort on the summit of tlc point. The small town of Tolosa lies on the S side of the poi t A light is shown from a concrete tower on the fort . A water tank situated 2.25 miles 7 f Vigia Point. Liberanan Head (11 OOO'K, 125°0-'3 .), a conspicuous hill 122m high lying about 4.5 mile s S of 1.5ia Point, is theSE end of a ridge of hills that attains a height c:>i 427m in Catmon Hill , about 2 miles NW of the head. Altho ~there is no extension seaward of the land in this vicinity, t :L hills rise so abruptly from the flat country southward that tley appear as a headland from the offing. A detached 2.3m depth lies about 0.:-nile offshore about 2.3 miles NNE of Liberanan Head, and s. the farthest W of the dangers in the entrance of San Pedro E~. Dulag (10 °58'N ., 125°02'E.) is a to a situated on the coast, about 2.5 miles S of Liberanan Head . f.. large stone church at the town and a chapel in the cemeten N of the town are the most conspicuous of a number of buLongs with metal roofs. Considerable amounts of hemp and copra are shipped from here. There is a post office at Dulag. Abuyog (10 °45'N. , 125°0l'E.), a to'Wa situated on the coast, is easily identified from seaward . A l~e stone church and a municipal building, both of which tave metal roofs, are conspicuous. A conspicuous water ta s situated in the S part of the town. There is a telegraph rnce, and the town is connected with Tacloban by road. Abuyog Light is shown from a conc~e~e tower, 8m high. 6.28 Tangbo Point (10 °44'N., 12.: 2'E.) is a rocky point that rises abruptly to a 190m summit. Between Tangbo Point and Taytay Point, about 5 miles ESE, the rocky intervening coast rises abruptly to summits of as raLch as 530m high , less than 1.5 miles southward. Taytay Point (10 °42'N. , 125"07'2.) is a sharp rocky headland with a conspicuous hill, 3Ctr: high . The land rises abruptly to heights of more than 305m_a:Jout 1 mile SW of the point. A narrow ledge, about lm high . e:xtends about 0.1 mile ENE from the point, and a rock, 4.5mligh, lies about 91m N of the outer end of this ledge. A dangerous wreck, part of which JI:Jws above water, lies about 1 mile offshore, 8.5 miles NW ot -:::'aytay Point. Homonhon Island (10 °44'N. , 125"42.E.), a heavily wooded and mountainous island, lies on the E 1ice of Leyte Gulf about 10 miles SW of Sungi Point and becau~o f lower land between its extremities, the island appears as two islands from a considerable distanceS. Cagosoan Point (10 °43'N ., 125°49'E.) is theE extremity of the island. A depth of 18.3m is located 6.5 miles S of the S shore of Homonhon Island. A deep channel lies between this shoal depth and Dinagat Island. It has been reported that depths up to 20m Jess than originally charted lie in this deep channel. Depths of 34.7 , 36.6, and 38.4m were reported 10 miles S, 9.5 miles S, and 11 miles SSW, respectively, of Cagosoan Point. The village of Homonhon is situated at the head of Casogoran Bay, which occupies a large bight on the NE side of Homonhon Island. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken during fair weather, in 42m, coral and sand, about 1 mile E of the village and about 0.3 mile offshore; easterly swells roll in heavily, but it is partly protected from SE swells. Landing can be made through breaks in the reef in front of the town and about 1.3 miles NW. In the latter and better opening there is a rock , with a depth of 0.3m and marked by a post, that should be left to N in entering. The best anchorage at Homonhon Island is E of the S end of M ontoconan Islet (10 °47'N., 125"39'E.) , in 11 to 20m , sand , in the middle of a small bight open to the S. It affords shelter from all winds except those from S to SW. The clearest approach to this latter anchorage is found by following the W shore of Homonhon Island at a distance of about 0.3 mile. Several narrow banks, with depths of 12 to 18m, lie parallel to each other about halfway between Homonhon Island and Suluan Island, about 7.75 miles E. When the sun is high and the sea smooth, these banks can be distinguished by the lighter color of the water and by rips that sometimes occur over them. The banks are extending S, and a depth of 22m has been found E of the S limits in a position 4 miles SSW of the S extremity of Suluan Island . Suluan Island (10 °46'N., 125"57'E.) is high and hilly. and a lig ht is shown from an aluminum tower, 16m high, standing on the summit of the island . The village of Gran adas in situated on the SW side of Suluan Island at the head of a small bight between two reefs. Anchorage , sheltered from NW through SE winds , can be taken in this bight, in 11 to 13m, sand, 0.5 mile W ofGranadas. Caution.-Sandwaves are present in an area, est seen on the chart, centered about 17 miles SE of Homonhon Island. Depths are subject to change and may be less than charted. Surigao Strait-West Side 6.29 The W side of Surigao Strait trends SSE from Taytay point to Binit Point and appears high and rugged. This entire steep-to coast is closely backed about 1 to 2 miles inland by a coastal range of mountains, 427 to 945m high . There are a number of high prominent points, but much of the intervening coast particularly in the bights, is low. Tide-Currents.-The currents tend to set parallel to this part of the coast and along the coast adjacent to the S part of Surigao Strait the currents tend to be similar to those in the strait. At the entrance of Panaon Strait the flood sets W and the ebb E, and they attain a velocity of 3 to 4 knots at springs in that Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu strait. Strong eddies and whirlpools occur at the entrance of Panoan Strait. Between Amagusan Point and Pandan Point the flood current sets N and the ebb S, which is contrary to the general set of the currents in Surigao Strait. There are rips off this section of the coast as well as off the Cabugan Islands and some of the more prominent points. There is apparently little or no current in the bays and bights. Between Taytay Point and Hingatungan Point, about 8.5 miles SE, the coast trends quite regularly and is fringed up to about 0.3 mile offshore by reef and shore bank , which are steep-to. A rock islet, 17.3m high , lies on the edge of the shore bank in a position about 0.8 mileS of Taytay Point. Hingatungan Point (10"35'N., 125" 11 'E.) appears as a long, low, and heavily wooded projection when seen from N or S. It is fringed by a narrow reef, and a number of above and belowwater rocks lie up to about 0.1 mile off the S side of the point. These rocks are dark and do not show up well when the sea is smooth. There are tide rips 1 mile ENE of the point. A detached 10.5m depth lies about 0.5 mile SSE of Hingatungan point. Hingatungan is a village situated about 0.5 mile NW of Hingatungan Point at the head of a small break in the coastal reef. Small vessels, up to about 24m long , can anchor here and be sheltered in any weather. Pelada Rock (10 "34'N ., 125"11'E.), 10m high, is a steep-to danger that lies on the edge of the 20m curve about 0.3 mile SE of a point, about 1 mile S of Hingatungan Point. The channel between the rock and the reef fringing the coast is about 0.3 mile wide and requires local knowledge. Foul ground and rocks, which sometimes break, extend about 0.3 mile E from the point off which Pelada Rock lies. 6.30 Lagome (10"33'N., 125"11'E.) (World Port Index No. 58700), the site of a sawmill, lies at the head of a small cove. There is a small wharf with reported depths of 3.3m alongside. A boat from Cebu and Tacloban calls here weekly. The cove provides fair shelter for small craft during heavy NE weather. Small vessels can either go alongside the wharf or take anchorage in the entrance of the cove, in 9.1m, about midway between the reefs fringing the entrance points, with Pelada Rock bearing 080 ". The village of Silago lies about 2.3 miles SW of Pelada Rock. A cluster of black rocks lies just inside the 20m curve abo ut 0.5 mile offshore and about 1 mile NE of Silago. One of these rocks is about 1.8m high , but most of the others are awash. They are surrounded by shoal water, and the channel between them and the shore is shallow and should not be used . Sogod Point (10 "28'N., 125 "ll'E.), low and wooded, lies 3.75 miles SSE of Silago. Saingan Point (10"27'N., 125"11'E.), 2 miles S of Sogod Point, is composed of dark rocks and is low and steep-to. Hinunangan Bay (10"25'N., 125"13'E.) recedes SW between Saingan Point and Pandan Point, about 4 miles further SE. Hinunangan is a small town situated on the SW side of Hinunangan Bay about 2 miles W of Pandan Point. Copra is shipped from here. There is a post and telegraph office at the town. Pub.162 Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken close off the town, in about 13 to 22m, sand, or in lesser depths depending on draft. During the Northeast Monsoon, when it is too rough off the town, anchorage can be taken off the village of Kanipaan, about 1.3 miles NNW of Hinunangan. Coastal vessels usually discharge their cargoes at the latter anchorage when strong NE winds make it impossible to do so at Hinunangan. Sheltered anchorage can also be taken in the lee of the Cabugan Islands , but the depths are greater. Cabugan Islands (10"27'N., 125"14'E.), two small populated islands, lie between about 2 and 5 miles N of Pan dan Point. Cabugan Chico Island is the S and smaller. Cabugan Grande Island lies about 0.8 mile NNE of the S island. Rips occur in the deep narrow channel between the islands. 6.31 Pandan Point (10"24'N., 125 "14'E.), composed of coral rock, 4 to 5m high, rises abruptly to a 244m wooded summit. This very conspicuous point is at the NE end of short ridge of hills that attains a height of 305m about 1 mile SW of the point. Between Pandan Point and Amagusan Point, about 8.5 miles S, the coast is low and wooded, and the mountain range paralleling it lies several miles inland. Several detached hills rise abruptly from the coast in the vicinity of Pandan Point. Bugho Point (10"22'N., 125"15'E.), theN entrance point of Hinundayan Cove, is low and fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. The wooded land rises steeply to a 116m summit about 1 mile WNW. There are tide rips off the point. Hinundayan (10"21 'N., 125"15'E.), a regular port of call for coastal vessels, is a small town situated at the head of Hinundayan Cove. The cove, the only indentation on this sec tion of coast, recedes about 0.5 mile Wand is less than 0.75 mile wide. Except for a small detached reef, with a depth of 6.9m, that lies in its S part between 0.25 and 0.5 mile offshore, the cove is clear of dangers and ha s depths of about 7 to 24m. There is a small pier for boats at the town. Anchorage can be taken about 0.2 mile offshore in the cove, in 12.8m with the extremity of Bugho Point bearing 026" and the church at the town bearing 243 ". Being open to theE, the cove is exposed to the Northeast Monsoon . Amagusan Point (10"16'N., 125"15'E.) , lying about 6.5 miles S of Bugho Point, is the N entrance point of Cabalian Bay. The point is low and covered with mangroves. There are tide rips about 2.5 miles NNE of the point. Mount Cabalian (10"17'N., 125 "13'E.) 945m high and the most conspicuous mountain in the vicinity of Surigao Strait, lies about 2.5 miles NW of Amagusan Point. The mountain is conical, with the upper part broken off, and it has three peaks, the middle one being the highest. Between Amagusan Point and Caligangan Point, about 8 miles SSW, a bight recedes about 6.5 miles WNW. Although the shores of the bight are low in many places, the coastal ranges attain heights of about 335 to 945m about 0.5 mile to 2 miles inland. The low and in the immediate vicinity of Panaon Strait forms a break in these ranges. 6.32 Cabalian Bay (10"15'N., 125 "10'E.), on theN side of which is situated the small port of San Jose, occupies a part of ctor 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu the above-described bight between -\rnagusan Point and Mangayao Point, about 8 miles SW. The N side of Cabalian Bay trends t out 7 miles W from Amagusan Point to the head of the bar and has a steep rocky beach. There are coconut groves and a II.Jmber of villages on thi shore. TheW side of the bay trends very re:; larly about 6.3 miles S from the head of the bay to Mangapo Point and consists of steep rocky bluffs interspersed by smaL · and beaches. Two prominent rocky islets lie on • edge of a reef that closely fringes the shore in front of tte village of Loctob (Molopolo), situated about 0.8 mile N c · angayao Point. Marangay Point, about 1.8 miles N o -.\1angayao Point, is a conspicuous wooded bluff, 6lm high, ,_ descends steeply to the rocks at its foot. A rock, 6.lm hig;L lies on the edge of a narrow shore bank about 1 mile N of N:.::.rangay Point. San Jose (Cabalian) (10.16'N., ~ ~-"lO'E.), the principal town in the vicinity, is situated on the : «ide of Cabalian Bay. A white church, with a yellow-roofed hi ing on one side and a red-roofed building on the other, is c icuous at the town. A concrete tower, 10m high from ·c h it is intended to show a light, stands near the shore. The ore is very steep-to, with depths of 18 to 64m, close off the ~ vn. There is a small stone landing in ruiffi :.w1d not usable. There is a copra warehouse with a cc.. acity of 800 tons , and small quantities of that product and heiiD are shipped. Local labor is available and lighterE ~ n be obtained from Tacloban. Fresh water and stores are nct:..a.wailable. There is a post office and a radio s·· on at San Jose, and telegraphic communication is maintain with Hinuangan and Anahawan. Vessels can anchor in good holdir_f ground just off the landing at San Jose. Although it is \\ protected from the Northeast Monsoon, this anchorage i~ tenable during the Southwest Monsoon. Mangayao Point (10 . 11'N., 125"08 . 1, about 15 .2m high and precipitous, is a small rocky prmn :mtory. A detached, steep-to 6.4m patch lies about 0.5 mile E d the point, and there is deep water between them. Calingangan Point (10.08'N ., 125"1 3 E.), about 5 miles SE of Mangayao Point, rises to an elevaticn of 241m about 0.6 mile further S. Between Caligangan Point and Bo lo Point, about 13 miles SSE, the coast on the NE side of Fallon Island is clear of dangers and very steep-to. A coastal -r:ountain range rises abruptly from the sea to 352 to 87lm sunnits about 1.5 miles inland. Binit Point (9"55'N., 125• 17'E.), the 53 extremity of Panaon Island, rises abruptly to the summit o: Mount Nelangcapan, about 1.5 miles NW. Binit Point, whicf"1 IS very steep-to, has depths of more than 18.3m less than 0.25 r.:li le offshore. Several small villages are situated near the point. Bolobolo Point, which lies on the E extremity of ~ SE end of Panaon Island in a position about 1.3 miles NE cfBenit Point, rises to 256m summit close inland and is similcd · steep-to. Surigao Strait-East Side 6.33 Dinagat Island (10 . 07'N., 125 :: S'E.), including the islands contiguous with its S end, form:; e E side of Surigao Strait and extends about 40 miles N from Rasa Island , about 9 miles ESE of Bilaa Point. A mountain range, about 183 to 457m high , backs the W side of Dinagat Island less than 2 mile inland, and another range, up to about 914m high, closely backs theE side of the island. The W side of Dinagat Island is indented by many bights and bays that are separated by prominent points. Numerous small streams empty into the sea along the coast. Except for small coastal villages, the island is sparsely inhabited. Hemp, copra, and some minerals are exported. The N end of Mindanao, the W side of Dinagat Island, and the islands adjacent thereto are mostly steep-to and have depths of more than 18.3m about 0.8 mile offshore. There are a number of steep-to detached rocks, shoals, and other dangers that lie at some distance offshore. Except as indicated, the dangers on these coasts are so steepto and the deptlls in their vicinity so great and irregular that tile fathom curves are of little help in approaching them. Bilaa Point (9.49'N., 125"26'E.) is the termination of the range of mountains which traverses the E coast of Mindanao. It is composed of dark rock and is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef. Discolored water has been reported to extend 0.5 mile offshore on the NE side of the point. Bilaa Shoal (9"50'N., 125"26'E.), composed of sand and dark coral heads, has a least depth of 3.6m and lies 0.75 mile N of Bilaa Point, from which it is separated by a deep channel about 0.5 mile wide. Vessels using this channel should keep about 0 .3 to 0 .5 mile from the point. The shoal is usually marked by rips. During the Southwest Monsoon, anchorage can be taken on the slope of the shoal out of the strength of the tidal current. Between Bilaa Point and Sugbu Islet, about 13 miles ESE, the coast trends irregularly along the N end of Mindanao and the numerous islets contiguous thereto. Except for Bilaa Point, this coast is low and wooded. Its E half is fronted by numerous low mangrove islands, which lie so close to shore and to each other that they appear to be part of Mindanao. The narrow passage between these islands are navigable only by boats with local knowledge . The hills close to the coast are detached from a coastal mountain range, the summits of which attain heights of between about 305 to 396m less than 2.25 miles inland. Although it is fringed by reefs and shoal water, this coast is fairly steep-to and has depths of more than 18.3m about 0.5 mile offshore. A number of small rivers discharge along this coast. Between Bilaa Point and Surigao, about 4 miles SE, the coast is low and wooded. It is closely backed by mountains that attain a height of more than 366m about 2 miles inland. The first two miles of this coast is stony, with a few sand beaches , and is fringed by jagged coral heads that lie up to about 9lm offshore. Close outside these dangers depths increase abruptly to more than 18.3m. The remainder of this section of coast is a narrow, sandy beach fronted by a shore bank that drops off abruptly to depths of more than 18.3m about 0.3 mile offshore. Several small rivers, navigable only by boats, empty from this coast. Basol Island (9 . 50'N., 125. 29'E.) is an islet that lies about 2 miles offshore, about 2.8 miles ENE of Bilaa Point. It is Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu located in the middle of the W end of Hinatuan Passage and is a prominent mark for vessels entering that passage or bound for Surigao. The E part of the island is covered with coconut trees and has a sandy beach; theW part, which is higher than theE, is woody with a rocky coast. A tower stands at the E end of the islet. The islet is closely fringed by a steep-to reef, and there are depths of more than 18.3m, about 0.3 mile offshore. There are numerous detached patches in the vicinity of the islet. Surigao (9.47'N., 125.30'E.) World Port Index No. 59340 6.34 Surigao, the capital of Surigao Province, stands on low land on the E side of the mouth of the Surigao River in a position about 4 miles SE of Bilaa Point. The town is of considerable importance because most of the trade of eastern Mindanao passes through it. There are extensive mining operations in this area. A limited amount of gold concentrates is shipped. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents off this part of the coast in the W end of Hinatuan Passage set NW on the rising tide and SE on the falling tide. They attain a velocity of 7 knots in the narrow part of the passage. There are strong rips and swirls in the vicinity of Bilaa Shoal and Basol Island as well as in parts of Hinatuan Passage. Depths-Limitations.-The Surigao River, discharging on theW side of Surigao, has a depth of 0.3m over its bar at LW. The mouth of the river is blocked by the ruins of an iron bridge. The E half of Bilanbilan Bay has a number of dangerous steep-to 0.5 to 5m patches that lie between about 1.5 miles and 1 mile E of Bilanbilan Point. A 7 .3m shoal is charted 1.25 miles ENE of the light at Surigao. A dangerous wreck lies about 0.1 mile ENE of the light, and another wreck lies about 0.4 mile SE of the light. A concrete wharf, uitable for inter-island vessels, is situated on the SE side of Bilanbilan Point. The wharf is 168m long, with depths of 5.5 to 9m alongside. An extension, 72m long in a NE direction, has a controlling depth of 4.6m alongside. There is an L-shaped pier, with a berthing face 28m long and a depth of 10m alongside, at which vessels are loaded by conveyor. Cargo operations for large vessels are handled at the anchorage. Loading or discharging is reported to be slow because of the difficulty in operating barges in the exposed anchorage. The maximum permissible size of vessels allowed at baseport is 150m in length, 8m draft at MLLW. Aspect.-The port area does not show up until a position E of the light is reac hed. The numerous large buildings in Surigao are visible from well offshore. The provincial capitol and the red church dome, with its yellow tower, are prominent. Two spires near the beach on the E side of the town are useful landmarks for vessels approaching the wharf. The port of Surigao is located on the W side of Bilanbilan Bay in a position about 0.5 mile SE of the town. Bilanbilan Point, theW entrance of Bilanbilan Bay, lies about 0.5 mile SE of Surigao. Pub.162 The shore bank fringing Bilanbilan Point extends to 0.15 mile E of the point, where a depth of 11.9m has been reported. Port Surigao is a Port of Entry. A small inlet at the W end of the bay recedes about 0.3 mile SW between Bilanbilan Point and a low point about 0.3 mileS. Pilotage.-Pilotage is available, but a 24 hour notice is required. Pilots board 1 mile N of Basol Island by tug which is fitted with VHF. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor, in 26 to 29m, sand, within a circle with a diameter of 0.5 mile located E of the light. This anchorage lies close off the steep-to edge of the shore bank and is exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. Some protection i afforded by the islands to the NE. Ships over 140m in length should not anchor within about the 20m curve fronting the bay. Caution.-Vessels can approach Surigao from the W by passing either side of Basol Island, or from the E through Hinatuan Passage. The shore bank fringing Bilanbilan Point has been reported to have extended farther offshore. Vessels are advised to round the N and E ides of Bilanbilan Point at a distance of not less than about 0.1 mile. 6.35 Kabo Island (9. 47'N., 125. 33'E.) is the northernmost of several low mangrove islands that are practically part of the coast, from which they are separated by very narrow creeks. Kabo Reef, a 3.6m coral head, is a steep-to danger that lies on the S side of Hinatuan Passage about 0.8 mile NNW of the NE extremity of Kabo Island. A 4.9m patch lies 0.4 mile S of Kabo Reef. Between Kabo Island and Bitogan Point, about 5 miles ENE and at the end of Bayagnan Island, the low mangrove coast is fronted by numerous small islands which lie so close to each other and the shore that they appear as part of the mainland. The above islands, mostly low and covered with mangroves, lie up to 1 mile or about 5 miles from the coast of Mindanao. Many of the islands have no hard land, and the tide rises in the mangroves to a depth of about 0.6m. The network of narrow channels and creeks between these islands and the coast are navigable only by small boats with local knowledge. This low shore is backed about 1 to 2 miles inland by a coastal range that rises abruptly to summits of 91 to over 396m. Bayagnan Island (9. 47'N., 125. 39'E.), the largest of the above islands, lies about 4.3 miles E of Kabo Island. Telegraph Mountain, a sharp peak 252m high and covered with tall green trees, is a conspicuous summit near the SE end of the island. The island is well inhabited, and there are numerous houses. The village of San Jose is situated on the SE end of the island. Bitogan Point, the N end of Bayagnan Island, rises to a height of 83m less than 0.5 mileS. Sugbu Islet, 65m high and wooded, lies on the outer part of a reef which extends from the NE side of Bayagnan Island. Sagasae I let, 53m high, lies on the end of a steep-to reef that extends nearly 0.8 mile SE from the SE end of Bayagnan Island . 6.36 Masapelid Passage (9.44'N., 125. 37'E.), the N entrance of which lies on the W side of Bayagnan Island, is narrowed to less than 0.25 mile by dangerous reefs and shoals, Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu and the tidal currents are very strong. The channel is unmarked and requires local knowledge. Hinatuan Island (9.4/'N., 125' 43'E.) is high and conspicuous. From a distance it ap pears as two islands, the large S part being separated from the all N part by a narrow neck about 9.lm high. The S part is 3-I-6m high and has large patches of bright red soil showing tlr o ugh the sparse growth. TheN part presents nearly vertical, ctrrk, stone cliffs and rises to a 185m summit. The island is uninhcbited. Hinatuan Passage-West Par: 6.37 Hinatuan Passage (9. 50'N 125"45'E.), connecting the S end of Surigao Strait with the cific Ocean, is deep and clear of dangers except for Kabo Ef and Hinatuan Rock (9.41'N., 125"46'E.), which lies al t 4.5 miles SSE of Hinatuan Island. The narrowest part -:be passage is about 1.3 miles wide between Rasa Island and r pinig Island, an islet to the S. The tidal currents follow e trend : the passage; however, the flood current sets W from the Paco Ocean toward Surigao Strait and the ebb current in the oppmi tz direction. They attain a velocity of about 7 knots between Kabo Island and Rasa Island. A velocity of 10.5 to 11 knots has bern reported about 1 mile off Rasa Island; however, the velocity v as about 7.5 knots at a distance of about 0.5 mile off that isl:Jil. There are heavy rips and swirls at certain stages from Kabo eef to Hinatuan Island. These are more severe in the narcw part of the channel during the flood current, particularly · the vicinity of Kabo Reef. In the deep, very narrow chann=I on the N side of Rasa Island, the current practically becom a race, and during the ebb current it produces heavy rips an !:Wirls where it joins the current coming more slowing around "' S side of the islet. The time of HW slack abreast Ra Island occurs about 40 minutes before HW at Surigao, \ b le LW slack occurs generally occurs about 50 minutes before LW at Surigao, although occasionally the time of bob high and LW slack will vary from the foregoing by as much a. 0 or 50 minutes. Less current is reported in Banug S ·t than along the longer route around Hinatuan Island. The s cit is deep and clear of dangers. Pilotage.-Pilots for Hinatuan Pas; can be obtained at Surigao, at theW entrance and Cantil at theE entrance. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be talen out of the strength of the tidal currents in Panag Bay, a co ned bight that recedes about 1 mile S from close SE of ?inig Island (9 .46'N., 125"35'E.). The best anchorage is in 111, sand, about 0.8 mile S of Lapinig Island, and nearly 0.5 mJe SW of a conspicuous bare, white sand cay. Anchorage can also be taken in 37 sand, near the middle of Panag Bay. Caution.-Hinatuan Passage is not recommended for large vessels, low powered vessels. and sai...i:Jg vessels unless local knowledge is possessed. Strong curre!IIS, heavy rips, and swirls are found throughout the passage, es{ecially in the vicinity of Rasa Island. In case of necessity, ; essels can anchor off Surigao to wait for slack water. IfBanug Strait is used, caution mus e exercised in order to avoid Hinatuan Rock, which lies on the :rack to it. Dinagat Island-West Sidet 6.38 Between Rasa Island and Kanhatid Point, about 16.5 miles NNW, the coast on the E side of Surigao Strait trends along the W side of Dinagat Island and is indented by numerous bays and bights. Most of the more prominent points are closely fringed by steep-to reefs, with depths of more than 37m about 0.3 mile offshore, but reefs and foul ground lie up to about 0.8 mile offshore in the bays and bights. These dangers are contained within the 37m curve, which gives little warning because of its close proximity to them. Much of this coast is low, but it rises abruptly to a coastal range with summits over 305m high less than 1 mile inland. Numerous detached islands and dangers, with deep water between them, lie up to about 9 miles off this coast and are described below. Rasa Island (9. 48'N., 125. 35'E.), 7.6m high, is the S island contiguous with the S end of Dinagat Island. A light, 3m high, stands on the S edge of Rasa Island, which lies on a partly drying and extensive reef. A 12.8m patch lies 0.4 mile E of the light. The NE side of the islet is steep-to, and there are depths of more than 37m in the narrow unobstructed channel between it and Doot Islet. This channel is not recommended because of the very strong tidal currents. As the current changes from flood to ebb very quickly, there is scarcely any slack water. Between Rasa Island and the S end of Dinagat Island, about 5.5 miles NE , there is a group of islands that lie so close to each other and to Dinagat Island that they appear as part of that island. The passages separating these islands are so narrow that they are navigable only by small craft. 6.39 Doot Islet (9.49'N., 125"36'E.), about 0.3 mile NE of Rasa Island, lies close to the SW end of Nonoc Island, from which it is separated by a very narrow and shallow channel. The S part of the islet is low and covered with mangroves. Three conspicuous hills stand on the N part of the islet. A reef extends more than 0.25 mile W from the islet almost to the village of Nonoc, on the SW end of Nonoc Island, where the reef terminates in several above-water rocks. A 12.2m patch lies 0.6 mile W of the SW extremity of Nonoc Island. Nonoc Island (9.51'N. , 125. 38'E.) is the largest of the islands contiguous with the S end of Dinagat Island. On its W side, this hilly island attains a height of 335m in the summit of Mount Conico. There are several prominent, green grassy hills at the base of the SE slope of Mount Conico. Although the hills at the W and E ends of the island are heavily wooded, the ridges between are nearly bare, with bright red soil showing. Port Nonoc (9. 49'N., 125. 37'E.) is situated 2 miles SSE of Mount Conico. Nickel and cobalt are loaded at a T-shaped wharf, 260m in length. Minerals are loaded by coveyor belt. Ammonia and naphtha are unloaded at a jetty close N of the wharf. Tankers secure to dolphins at the jetty. Depths alongside are unknown. No provisions are available at the port. Pilots and tugs are available from Surigao. Port Gaboc (9 . 52'N. , 125"41'E.), formed between the Send of Dinagat Island and the E end of Nonoc Island, is easily made out from seaward. The shores are bold and fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu The reef projects about 0.3 mil N from the S shore of Port Gaboc, constricting the entrance of Gaboc Channel to about 0.2 mile between about the 10m curves. Gaboc Island, 30m high, is a wooded islet lying on the projecting reef. Small vessels can take sheltered anchorage, in about 27 .4m, close to the N shore of the port. Awasan Island (9°54'N., 125°38'E.) lies at the N end of Nonoc Island, of which it appears to be part, being separated from the latter by a shallow channel less than 0.1 mile wide. This wooded island is fringed with mangroves, except for a sand beach at its NW end. There is a house on this latter end of the island. Hanigad Island (9 °53'N., 125 °35'E.), hilly and wooded, lies about 0.3 mile off the NW sides f Nonoc Island and Awasan Island. The mangrove shores are interrupted by conspicuous sand beaches and coconut groves on the W side of the island and at its S end near the village of Hanigad. Kantiasay Bay, between Hanigad and Nonoc Islands, is blocked at both ends by rocks and shoal water. A small bay that lies between the N part of Hanigad Island and Awasan Island is encumbered with reefs. Dangerous foul ground and depths of less than 1.8m lie up to about 0.8 mile N of the island. Sibale Island W54'N., 125°34'E.), which rises to a sharp summit, lies close W of Hanigad Island, being separated from the latter by a channel less th an 14m wide. The island is cultivated and is noticeably greener than the other islands. There are sandy beaches in the bay. The village of Zaragoza lies on the N end of the island; hemp and copra are shipped from here. A small detached reef, with a least depth of 4.6m, lies about 0.8 mile W of the N end of Sibale Island. A small bank, with a depth of 8.2m, lies 0.25 mile SW of the S extremity of the island. 6.40 Hikdop Island (9 °53'N., 12Y31'E.) is rugged, wooded, and narrow. There are several villages, of which Buenavista on the SW side of the island, is the most important. The channel between Hikdop Island and Sibale Island is about 0.8 mile wide and can be safely navigated by keeping in midchannel. The N part of the island is mostly covered with coconut trees and grass, while the S part is mostly wooded. Onate Rock W52'N., 12Y30'E.) lies about 1 mile SW of the middle of the SW side of Hikdop Island. It is a small coral reef with several black rocks, one of which is awash at HW. Beelzebub Reef, with a least reported depth of 3.3m, is a small reef that lies about 0.5 mile W of Onate Rock; a deep but narrow channel lies between them. Both of these dangers are steep-to and have depths of more than 37m close around them. Danaon Island W56'N., 12Y30'E.) is an islet that lies about 0.8 mile W of the NW end of Hikdop Island. It is low, fiat, sandy, and covered with coconut trees on the E side. The remainder of the island is rocky and wooded. A rock, 1.2m high, lies on a small detached reef about 0.5 mile NE of the island. Danaon, a small village, stands on the E side of the island. The area W of the village is planted in coconut trees. Satan Rock W56'N., 12Y28'E.), a conical black, steep-to above-water rock, lies about 1.5 miles W of Danaon Island. It Pub.162 may be passed fairly close on either side. A detached 14.6m depth lies about 0.5 mile WSW of the rock. Sumilon Island (9°55'N., 125°26'E.) i the westernmost of the islands and dangers off this section of Dinagat Island. A sand spit extends about 0.3 mile SE from the islet. Two conspicuous rocks, one of which is .2m high, lie on the outer end of the spit. A concrete tower, 9.8m high, stands at theSE end of the island. A light is shown from the SW end of the Island. Awasan Bay (9°56'N., 12Y36'E.), entered between Zaragoza Point, the N tip of Sibale Island, and Dinagat Point, lying about 3.5 miles NNE of Zaragoza Point, has depths of more than 27m in its central part, but steep-to reefs and shoal patches, with depths of less than 0.9m, fringe the shores of the bay. Two islets lie at the head of the bay, and the SE one marks the N side of the entrance of Gaboc Channel. The channel leading to this entrance is narrow and tortuous. Gaboc Channel, separating the S end of Dinagat Island from Awasan Island and Nonoc Island, is a deep and narrow channel that is navigable only by small craft with local knowledge. 6.41 Dinagat Point W58'N., 125°35'E.) is a wooded promontory, 48m high, extending from the W coast of Dinagat Island. Dinagat, a small town, stands on theN slope of Dinagat Point. Tagbayakao Islet W59'N., 125°35'E.), a small cone-shaped rock 31m high, lies about 1 mile NNW of Dinagat Point. The islet is connected to the Kanhinaud Point peninsula close N by a partly drying reef. Foul ground extends 0.25 mile S from the islet. There are bushes on the summit of the islet. An irregular bight, most of which is encumbered with reefs and shoals, indents the coast to a distance of about 1.8 miles E between Dinagat Point and Tagbayakao Islet. Dinagat Cove and Masiub Cove lie in the SE and NE ends, respectively, of this bight. Deep channels lead into these coves, but the reefs and dangers fringing their shores limit their use to small vessels. Dinagat W58'N., 12Y35'E.) can be identified by its church and schoolhouse. A small pier E of the town has a depth of 1.5m alongside. Small craft from Surigao often call at Dinagat to load copra. Lighters can be obtained from that port. The town has a post office. Fresh stores in limited quantities can be obtained. Anchorage.-Anchorage for ve sels calling at Dinagat is anywhere off the town, preferably just N, in 18.3 to 37m. This anchorage is fully exposed to the Southwest Monsoon, but offers some protection from the Northeast Monsoon. It is reported that currents in this vicinity are strong at certain times of the year. The approach to the outer anchorage should be made from the S of the Cabilan Islets. Smaller vessels, with local knowledge, can anchor within Dinagat Cove, in depths from 26 to 37m. 6.42 Capaquian Island W59'N., 125°33'E.), lying across the entrance to Masiub Cove and Dinagat Cove, is 79m high and wooded. Black rocky ledges lie on the SW side, while the NE side is bordered by mangroves. Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu A reef, partly awash, lies with its r end 0.7 mile SE of the S extremity of the island. Dakit ock, 1m high, lies 0.4 mile from the W side of Capaquian lsl..OO. Cabilan Islets (9. 57'N., 12Y32'E.) rwo in number, lie on the arne reef, 0.9 mile SSW of Capaq ·an Island. The W islet is 42m high, while the slet is only 26m high. A detached reef, with a depth of 0.3rr:., lies 0.35 mile ESE of theE islet. Unib Island (10.01 'N., 125•31 'E.), L25 miles N of the N extremity of Capaquain Island, is L fuJ. high, rugged, and densely wooded. Sibanac Island is sep..rated from the SW side of Unib Island by a narrow deep channel Baong Rocks (9. 59'N., 125. 29'E.), high, lies 0.3 mile W of the S side of Sibanac Island. Drying ocks and a 0.3m patch lie 137m W and ESE, respectively, o 3aong Rock. With W and SW winds, the sea breaks heavily vzr these rocks. Viray Islet (lO.OO'N., 125"31'E.), _4Jn high and wooded, lies 0.75 mileS ofUnib Island. Partly drying reefs extend 0.4 fro its NE side. A rocky islet, with some coconut trees, Hes ( .5 mile E from the E extremity of Sibanac Island, with a drymg reef lying 137m E of the islet. 6.43 Kinhinaud Point (IO.OO'N. 125"34'E.), the W extremity of a rather prominent penins , lies about 1.3 miles NW of Tagbayakao Islet. A hill, II high, lies near the middle of the peninsula about 1 mile E of the point and is conspicuous from a considerable dista e. The point is bordered with mangrove:; .1nd closely fringed by a steep-to reef that bares at LW. Melgar Bay (10.03'N., 125"32'E.) c·ccupies a bight that indents the coast between Kanhinau Point and Kambagio Point, about 4.5 miles NW. The low Slores of the bay rise abruptly to high hills, which attain a h ~tof more than 305m about 2 miles N of the bead of the bay. A broken series of ridges culminates n the summit of Mount Tristan, which lies on the E side of D nagat Island about 4.8 mile NE of the head of the bay. The SE side of the bay trends abo 3.8 miles NNE from Kanhinaud Point to Mahangin Poi and is indented by numerous small deep coves. The village of Wilson is situated near the head of Kambay Cove, wi:.Jch indents the coast between Kansadok Point (10"02'N., 125"34'E.), about 2.3 miles NNE of Kanhinaud Poi t, and K.mayut Point, about 0.8 mile farther N. The latter point has a cliffy face, a cut 9.1m high, that is conspicuous from many parts of the ha:;. Vessels desiring to call at Wilson can anchor N of the tow m 18 to 37m. Mahangin Point (10. 03'N., 125"35'-.), about 0.8 mile NE of Kanayut Point, has a black rocky each, and is bold and steep-to. The two points are at the end of a prominent, wooded peninsula. A deep narrow channel, about 0.2 · e wide, lies between Mahangin Point and Sibukauan Island close N. It forms the common entrance of several deep cove at the head of Melgar Bay. These coves afford sheltered anchorage for moderate-sized vessels with local knowledge. Sibukauan Island (10. 04'N., 125"35'E.), 30m high and easily identified, is a wooded islet that lies at the head of Melgar Bay. It is closely fringed by a steep-to reef, and a narrow reef, parts of which dry at LW springs, which connects the islet with Bilabid Point, about 0.3 mile N. The N side of Melgar Bay recedes about 1.8 miles N between BiJabid Point and Kambagio Point, about 2.8 miles W. The shore, which is mostly steep-to, is rocky around the points and closely fringed by reefs, which extend up to about 0.5 mile S from a position on the shore about 1.8 miles NE of Kambagio Point. A detached, steep-to coral patch, with a least depth of 1.8m and which usually shows plainly, lies about 0.3 mile SSE of a point about 0.8 mile NE of Kambagio Point. Kambagio Point (10. 04'N., 125. 31'E.) is steep, rocky, and rises abruptly to the 61m summit of a grassy conical hill. It is prominent from the W and SW. A reef, that partly dries at LWS, extends nearly 0.5 mile SE from the E side of the point. The small village of Melgar is situated on the E side of the point. Anchorage, sheltered from SW winds by the above reef, can be taken E of the village in about 35m or more. Kanhatid Point (10.04'N., 125"30'E.), theW entrance point of Babas Cove, rises abruptly to a hill 79m high about 0.5 mile N. An islet, 15.2m high, lies closeS of the point, to which it is practically connected. 6.44 Between Kanhatid Point and Tungo Point, about 4.8 miles NNW, there are a number of islets that lie up to about 1.5 miles offshore about halfway between the two points. These high and mostly steep-to islets have deep channels between them and shelter a number of small inlets that indent the S part of this section of the coast. Kakub Point, which terminates at its S end in a 15.2m hill, lies about 2 miles NNW of Kanhatid Point. A narrow steep-to reef, on which there are a number of small and partly-wooded rocky islets, 6.7 to 33m high, extends about 0.8 mileS from the point. The largest islet is located on the S end of the reef. A deep bay, less than 0.5 mile wide, lies on the E side of Kakub Point and the reef extending S from it. The steep-to shores of this bay are practically a wall of coral from 3 to 9m high. Twin Islets (10.05'N., 125"29'E.), 18.3m high, lie in the S approach to San Roque Channel, about 0.3 mile SW of the S end of the above-described reef. They are located on a steep-to reef that extends about 0.2 mile N from them. Although the islets may be passed at a distance of 0.1 mile on either side when approaching or leaving San Roque Channel, the channel on the E side of the islets is only about 91m wide between the reefs. Hagakhak Island, 43m high, lies about 0.3 mile W of Twin Islets and it is separated from them and from the reef extending S from Kakub Point by a deep channel about 0.1 mile wide. The SE and W sides of the island are closely fringed by steep to reefs, and a steep-to reef, on which there are several islets, extends about 0.3 mile from the NE side and N end. An islet, 21.3m high, lies at the NE end of the reef. Tinao Islet, 10.6m high, lies close off the edge of the island. There are two rocky columns on the W side of Tinao Islet. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu A deep channel, about 0.1 mile wide, separates the reef fringing the NE side of Hagakhak Island from the islets off the S end of Kotk:ot Island. Little Hagakhak Island lies about 0.3 mile SW of Hagakhak Island. The islet is steep and very prominent. It is closely fringed by steep-to reefs, and a rock, 15.8m high, lies at theSE end of the islet. 6.45 Kotkot Island (10 "06':--.J., 125"29'E.) , 52m high and thickly wooded, lies less than 0.5 mile N of Hagakhak Island and is separated from the coast, about 0.1 mile NE, by San Roque Channel. Several islets lie on the edge of the reef fringing the S end of the island. Rabo Rock, 7.6m high , lies on the E edge of a reef that extends about 0.3 mile ESE from the SE end of the island. The deep channel between this latter reef and Kak:ub Point is only about 55m wide. A detached 3.2m patch lies about 0.3 mile N of the NW end of the island. Puerto Princesa (10"06'N. , 125"29'E.) is a small village that lies on the coast about 0.8 mile NW of Kakub Point. A hill , 104m high, lies clo e behind the village and appears as a perfect cone from SE or NW. San Roque Channel, which lies between the coast at Puerto Princesa and Kotk:ot Island, is narrowed to a width of about 91m by the reefs fringing each side. The channel bas a depth of about 9.lm off Puerto Princesa, and depths increase from there toward the S and N entrances . A short distance SE of the village the channel widens into a basin, about 0.3 mile in width and a little more in length. The basin is clear of known dangers except for two reefs that extend about 0.1 mile from the N side. Good anchorage can be taken in the basin , in 40 to 46m. The channel leading S from the basin narrows to a width of about 55m between the reef fringing the E ide of Rabo Rock and that fringing the W side of Kakub Point. Thngo Point (10 "08'N., 12Y29'E.) is a steep-to point that rises to a 93m summit about 0.3 mile southward. 6.46 Between Tungo Point and Pelotes Point, about 4.3 miles NNE, the coast is indented by numerous small bays and bights. A number of steep-to islets and above and below-water rocks lie up to about 2.5 miles offshore. Hills rise abruptly to heights of about 171 to 256m about 0.5 mile inland. Kanhanusa Island (Kanhanus Island) (10"09'N., 125 "29'E.), 99m high , is an islet that lies about 0.5 mile NNE of Tungo Point and has Tamburay Island, a smaller islet, at its S end. Although the passage between them and the coast, about 0.3 mile E, is deep, there are a number of steep-to reefs that render it navigable only by small craft with local knowledge. Kayitan Bay (10 "08'N. , 125"29'E.), which has depths of 20 to 55m, indents the coast on the E side of Tungo Point. It is entered through a deep channel, about 0.3 mile wide, between the latter point and Tamburay Island. A 3m patch lies in the central part of the bay about 0.5 mile SE of Tungo Point, and there is a 0.9m patch near the head of the bay. A narrow drying passage leads into a cove at the S end of the bay. Fairly good anchorage can be taken , in 38m, mud, about 0.2 mile E of the entrance of the bay. Care must be taken to avoid Pub.162 the above dangers and the reefs extending toward Tamburay Island from the N side of the bay. Arellano (10"08'N., 125"30'E.), a small village, is situated on the coast about 0.5 mile E of the NE end of Kanhanusa Island. There is a sandy beach in front of the village. A small steep-to islet, with a reef extending about 0.2 mile S, lies about 0.5 mile NW of the village. 6.47 Kanihaan Island (Nanihaan Island) (lO"lO'N. , 125"28'E.) is the westernmost of the islets in this vicinity. A small detached reef, with a depth of about 0.9m, lies about 0.3 mile W of Kanibaan Island and is steep-to. Heavy rips and overfalls in the vicinity make the reef difficult to see. A 23.5m coral patch is charted about 1.3 miles W of the island. Currents have been experienced setting S off the points of Dinagat Island and around Kanihaan Island. They were very strong in the vicinity of the N end of Kanihaan Island and the reef close W. When the currents set N they were found to have very little strength as a rule. Pelotes Point (10"13'N., 125"30'E.) is the steep, rocky, NW end of the Tabunan Peninsula. This wooded peninsula, 180m high, is connected to the coast about 2 miles SE, by a short narrow isthmus, about 30m high. The village of Tabunan is situated on theW side of the peninsula about 0.8 mile SSE of the point. The Tabunan Islets, 15 to 64m high and rocky, lie up to about 0.5 mile offshore closeS of the point. A rock, 17.7m high and topped with bushes, lies less than 0.25 mile NE of the point. A detached 10.lm patch lies nearly 0.5 mile NNW of the point. Binaliu Rocks (10 "12'N ., 125"29'E.) are two rocks that lie about 1 mile WSW of Pelotes Point. The sea breaks over them in moderately heavy weather. Pelotes Rocks are wooded and lie about 1 mile N of Pelotes Point. They are located close together on a steep-to bank about 0.3 mile long. 6.48 Between Pelotes Point and Esconchada Point, about 7 miles NNE, the coast is indented by several bays, separated by high steep-to points. The coastal ridge of hills rises abruptly to summits more than 335m high about 1 mile inland. Libjo Bay (10"13'N., 125"31'E.) indents the coast between Pelotes Point and Tamoyauas Point, about 2.25 miles NNE. The latter point is high and wooded, with rocky ledges at its foot. The village of Libjo is situated at the head of the bay. Fairly protected anchorage can be taken, in 31m, about 0.3 mile NW of Libjo. Little Layauan Bay lies close S of Layauan Bay from which it is separated by a steep rocky bluff. The greatest depths are on the N side of the bay. Layauan Bay (10"17'N., 125"32'E.) about 2 miles N of Tamoyauas Point, is a small narrow inlet. The entrance is about 0.3 mile wide between two high rocky points. The mangrove covered, rocky shores are fringed with steep-to reefs, 50 to 91m wide. There are depths of more than 26m as far as a position S of a sand spit on theW side of the entrance of theN arm of the bay, but there are reefs and foul ground E of this position. A channel, 137m wide, leads up the middle of the N arm and has depths of about 18.3m for about 0.3 mile. In entering theN arm, the steep-to sand spit mentioned above should be passed ector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu close to in order to avoid the reefs that e tend from the point on theE side. Anchorage, protected from all but winds, can be taken in the middle of the bay, in 29m. Small vessels can enter the N rrm., where there is a landlocked anchorage in a depth of 1 Esconchada Point (10"19'N. , 125 _,1'E.), 76m high, is a broad, partly-wooded bluff headland at lies about 2.25 miles N of Layauan Bay. Part of the bluff ha;; a steep, reddish , rocky face that is prominent. The point is r:.ged by a steep-to rocky beach. There are heavy rips off Esco Lhada Point, particularly during the rising tide. 6.49 Between Esconchada Point and Desolation Point, about 12 miles NE, the steep-to coast indented by two large open bays. The ridge of hills and m;untains closely backing the coast increases in elevation tow the N end of Dinagat Island and attains a height of about 91 about 2 miles inland. Mount Redondo, 934m high, lies o• the E side of Dinagat Island, about 2.8 miles SE of the head f Looc Bay. Berrugosa Point (10"23'N., 125"3'<' .), which lies about 4.5 miles NNE of Esconchada Point and ses abruptly to a 201m summit, is the N end of a hilly pen· ula that extends about 2.25 miles NNW from the coast. Thereis a depth of 3.7m close N of Berrugosa Point. Looc Bay (10"24'N., 125"35 'E.) ir.cents the coast between Berrugosa Point and Babatnon Poi a low wooded point about 3.5 miles ENE. The shores are ::~ged by narrow steep to reefs, with depths of 11 to 18.3m cl off them. Puyo Island lies about 0.5 mile off the E side of the head of the bay. The islet appears steep-to except for ree:G and shoal water that fringe its W and N sides. The villages of Loreto and Santiag are situated at the head of Looc Bay. There is a post office aii1 mdio station at Loreto. Small inter-island vessels call here occa · onally. Anchorage can be taken W of Pu rJ Island and about 0.5 mile N of Loreto, in about 27m. Fair .mchorage can be taken between the SE side of Puyo Island an:i the coast, in about 18 to 22m. Both anchorages are exposed ~ winds. 6.50 Kayasa Islets (10"26' ., 1:!-"34'E.) are two rocky and wooded islets that lie in the approach to Looc Bay about 2.5 miles NNE of Berrugosa Point. They are located about 0.5 mile apar on an 11 to 18m bank, and there are depths of about 6.4m clas= NE of the S islet. A rock lies awash about 0.1 mile of the S islet, and a detached steep-to rocky patch, with a i t'th of 1.8m, lies about 0.3 mile NW of the N islet. Cautio ho uld be exercised to keep well clear of these dangers. The tidal currents attain a velocit) of 5 or 6 knots in the vicinity of the Kayasa Islets and betwe n them and the coast to the E and Hibuson Island to the W. The..t cause rips off some of the points on the coast of Dinagat Islard. There are also tide rips NE and S of e islets. The coast, for a distance of ab ut 3.8 miles SW of Desolation Point, contains several lo\\ -ocky points with small white sand beaches between them. Desolation Point (10 "28'N., 125... _ 'E.) is low and rocky. The land rises abruptly from the point ..rd about 1.5 miles S it attains a height of 438m in the northernmost summit of the coastal ranges. Breakers were reported within 1 mile N of Desolation Point. Hibuson Island (10"27'N., 125.29'E.), 10 miles W of Desolation Point, is 189m high, and wooded. Its coasts are mostly steep-to. There is anchorage off Hibuson village, which stands at the head of Tinaga Cove, on the E side of the island, in a depth of 37m, protected from all except E winds. A bank, with depths from 2 to 4m, extends 0.3 mile from the S side of the cove. Little Hibuson Island, an islet, lies so close to the SW side of Hibuson Island that it appears to be part of the latter and is connected thereto by reefs. Kanhandon Point, the NW extremity of the island, is prominent. The tidal currents are strong in the vicinity of Hibuson Island and cause rips off the points of the island. Caution.-It is advisable to pass NW around Hibuson Island in order to avoid the dangers eastward. Vessels may pass between Hibuson Island and the N end of Dinagat Island, but the currents are very strong and caution must be exerci ed to keep clear of the Kayasa Islets. A branch of the North Equatorial Current flows SW at a velocity of 0.5 to 1 knot at distances greater than 4 miles off the NE coast. Within 1 mile offshore there are eddies, and the direction of the current is influenced by the tides. The flood current sets from the Pacific toward Surigao Strait, the ebb current in the opposite direction. In the narrow channels between the islands the tidal currents are strong and in some places there are tide rips and dangerous whirlpools. At the E entrance of Hinatuan Passage the flood current sets NW and the ebb current sets in the opposite direction. The velocity is reported to reach 2.5 knots at times. Dinagat Island-East Side 6.51 The E ide of Dinagat Island is bold and not heavily wooded. Because of the lack of good harbors, the strong tidal currents, and dangerous ground encumbering the approaches through Dinagat Sound, this side of the island is seldom visited by vessels. The E side of Dinagat Island trends S from Desolation Point, the N extremity of the island, for about 37 miles to Gaboc (9. 52'N., 125.41'E.). A mountainous ridge extends along the coast. The summit of the island is Mount Redondo, about 7 mile S of Desolation Point. The lower slopes and valleys are wooded. Growth on the higher slopes is sparse. Spurs from the mountain terminate at the shore in steep cliffs. The shore is fringed with reefs extending as far as 0.5 mile offshore. There are no towns. The E coast is a lee shore and is exposed to the Pacific. A safe coastal track leads about 1 mile E of the salient points with a least depth of 20m. Between Desolation Point and Kalanugan Point, about 5.25 miles SSE, the coast is bold and steep-to. Ma dang Cove, about 1.8 miles S of Desolation Point, affords shelter for boats. A landing can usually be made in foul weather. Between Kalanugan Point and Malinao Inlet, 8.5 miles SSW, the coast is a continuous mountain ridge rising abruptly from shore. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Mount Redondo, the summit of Dinagat Island, is about 3.5 miles SW of Kalanugan Point. Narrow steep-to reefs fringe the shore. Malinao Inlet (10"15'N., 125, 38'E.) is about 0.5 mile wide at the entrance between heavily wooded mountains rising steeply on either side. Foul ground extends about 0.5 mile E and about 0.8 mile SE from the N entrance point of the inlet and drying reefs fringe both N and S entrance points. Small craft can obtain sheltered anchorage in the inlet and vessels with local knowledge can anchor off the foul ground during the Southwest Monsoon. Approach should be made from SE, passing SW of the foul ground off the N entrance point. Between Malinao Inlet and Gaas Bay, 3.5 miles S, the coast consists of wooded mountains rising steeply from the shore which is fringed by reefs less than 0.25 mile wide. 6.52 Peninsula Point (lO"lO'N., 125"41'E.) is a 161m high densely wooded peninsula that lies about 5 miles SSE of Malinao Inlet. It appears flat on top. Reefs and foul ground fringe the SE and NE sides of the peninsula up to 0.5 mile offshore. Gaas Bay (lO"ll'N., 125"39'E.), on theN side of Peninsu la Point, is about 1.5 miles wide and indents the coast about 1 mile. The shores of the bay are fringed with reefs which are about 0.3 mile wide at the head of the bay. Depths in the bay vary from 51m at the entrance to about 14.6m at the head. A small village is on the S shore of the bay. Vessels can take temporary anchorage about 0.3 mile NE of the village, in 14.6m. Gaas Inlet is a tortuous channel with steep rocky banks leailing from Gaas Bay SW to a small basin about 1.5 miles long. It affords good protection for small vessels with local knowledge. Between Peninsula Point and Penascales Point, 6.5 miles to the SSE, the coast is bold and fringed with reefs extending up to 0.3 mile offshore. Penascales Point (1 0"03'N., 125"42'E.) is fringed by a steepto reef about 0.3 mile wide. A group of large black rocks, 6.7m high, is on the reef and is conspicuous from Nand S. An 11.3m bank is about 0.3 mile E of the point. The W edge of the dangerous ground in Dinagat Sound i about 2.8 miles ESE of Penascales Point. Between Penascales Point and the N entrance point to Lahi Bay, about 6.25 miles SSW, the coast is bold and fringed with reefs and foul ground extending as far as 0.25 mile offshore. There are several small coves along the coast. Lahi Bay (9"57'N., 125"40'E., indents the coast about 1 mile to the W. Reefs and foul ground extend up to 0.5 mile from the head of the bay and its S shore. There are depths of 33 to 44m in the bay. Kagdyanao Bay (9"55'N. , 125"41'E.), about 1 mile wide, lies close S of the Lahi Bay, and is nearly blocked by reefs. Kagdyanao Village is at the head of the bay. There is a recess in the reef where small vessels with local knowledge can anchor off the village, in 22m. Tabuk Island , 45m high, is on the shore reef projecting about 0.8 mile E from the N side of the entrance to Kagdyanao Bay. The island is covered with grass and trees. A 16.4m bank is 1.75 miles ESE of the island. Pub.162 Sayao Island, 37m high, is a sparsely wooded island about 0.5 mile NE of Tabuk Island. The SE end of Sayao Island is steep-to. Reefs extend as far as the island. Dakit Rock, a conspicuous 3.9m rock, marks the NE extremity of the reef. A boat passage, about 0.1 mile wide with depths of 15 to 20m, is between Sayao Island and the reef fringing Tabuk Island. The S end of Dinagat Island consists of a bold promontory fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. Mount Gaboc (9"53'N., 125"4l'E.), on theN side of Port Gaboc, is the highest peak of the promontory. It appears as a flat-topped ridge covered with scrub and it slopes about 3 miles N from the summi t to an isthmus about 1 mile wide and 30m high. Dinagat Sound 6.53 Dinagat Sound (lO"OO'N., 125"50'E.) is N of Hinatuan Passage between the NW side of Siargao Island and the E side of Dinagat I land. It is avoided by shipping because of dangerous ground and unknown dangers. The sound is encumbered with several dangerous reefs. The bottom is very uneven and there are numerous detached banks with depths of less than 18.3m. Little is known about the tidal currents in Dinagat Sound except that they are strong. Halian Island (9"56'N ., 125"48'E.) is a sandy, wooded islet about 24m high. It is on the S end of a reef about 8 miles ENE of Mount Gaboc. Foul ground extends about 0.5 mile N from the reef. The 20m curve is about 0.3 mile off the edge of a reef fringing the E and W side of the island and about 0.5 mile off the SW end of the island. The N end of the reef is marked by breakers. There is a sandy beach at the SW end of the island where boat landings may be made. Depths-Limitations.-A 10.3m shoal is on theN part of a 14.6m bank about 3 miles ESE of Halian Island. A deep channel about 1.5 miles wide is between the above shoal and the reef fringing Kangbango Island (Kagbangio Island). A 9.lm shoal is located about 3.5 miles NE of Halian Island and an obstruction is about 0.3 mile SW of this shoal. The remainder of the known dangers in Dinagat Sound are contained within an area 6 miles square W of 125"50'E and N of IO"N. The W limit of the dangerou ground is about 2.8 miles ESE of Penascales Point. The least charted depth in thi s area, 6.1m, lies about 3.5 miles SE of that point. Mindanao-Northeast Coast 6.54 The NE coast of Mindanao is bold and heavily wooded. Steep cliffs rise from the sea except for coastal lowlands bordering Becebos Bay, Carrascal Bay, and Lanuza Bay. The rivers are short swift mountain streams and fewer in number than most other parts of Mindanao. The Dinuta Range trends parallel to the coast about 10 miles inland and averages about 1,158m elevation. Mount Legaspi, lying in a volcanic region about 8 miles WSW of Tugas Point, is an active crater which erupted many years ago. Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu There are no large ports or tow s along this coast. The principal industry is mining. Placer i e shipping place for the surrounding mining district. The pilot station for theE entrance of Hinatuan Passage is at Cantilan Wlage on the W shore of Lanuza Bay. Typhoon tracks have crossed the N3 coast of Mindanao with greatest frequency during the month fNovember and with the least frequency during February, Marc , and April. Trade winds predominate during M3.rch and April. They may be NE, E, or SE and can seldom l::e distinguished from the Northeast Monsoon. The climatology of this coast is otherwise the same as the Surigao Strait area. On the NE coast, at positions oper: to the Pacific, the effect of the tropic tides is less marked tha:1 in the inland waters of the archipelago and semidiumal tides occur throughout lunation. Magnetic compasses of vessels na.~igating these waters are greatly affected by the large iron deposits in the mountains between Claver Point and Tugas Poin... and on Dinagat Island. The N part of this coast borders capalid Passage and is a large mangrove swamp, interspersed with many tidal streams (esteros) that extend as far as two mies inland and form large islands of mangroves. The hills nearest the coast are ::overed with grass and coconut trees and are detached from the mountains farther inland which are heavily timbered. Cog Point (9. 41'N., 125. 36'E.), w ich forms theW side of the entrance of Canal Bay, is a steep · covered with coconut trees. The W side of the point is low and ::overed with mangroves. The point, which is also known as Cogbabagang Island, is prominent. 6.55 Masapelid Passage (9.43 ., 125"37'E.) is used occasionally by small coastal vessels "Nith local knowledge. Its use by vessels without local knowle ge is not recommended because detailed directions from the i11 tricate channel, which is constricted by dangerous shoals and reefs, are not available. The tidal currents are strong and there are no good landmarks. Bilabid Island (9. 45'N., 125.3s:E) consists mostly of mangroves. The E side of the island s covered with grass and scattered coconut trees. A hill, with a conspicuous clump of trees on its summit, rises in the NE part of the island. Caye Island , about 0.5 mile SE of Bilabid I land , is a smal l island with mangroves on its W side and a sa:nrl beach on its E side. Masapelid Island (9.42'N ., 125"3~E.), mostly fringed by a narrow reef, lies about 0.5 mile S of Dye Island. The W part is wooded and there are many small _peaks. The NE part is covered with grass and scattered trees The S part is a ridge which is heavil y wooded on its W side and has cogon grass on its E side . The summit of the island is about 0.5 mile N of Sampetan Point the S extremity of the island. Lakandula is a village on the ide of the island and is situated about 1 mile NW of Sampet ?oint. Canal Bay (9.4l'N., 125"37'E.), err:ered between Sampetan Point and Cog Point, 1 mile E, is encumbered by several islands and dangers. Strong tide rip occur N of Cog Point (9.41'N., 125. 36'E.). Opong Island lies at the head of Cooal Bay. The island is covered with vegetation and may b easily identified. It is composed of rough, jagged coral, eroded at the waterline and has a mushroom appearance. Dinago Island , lying about 0 .5 mile S of Opong Island, is covered with vegetation and has a similar ap pearance. Close E of Dinago Island there is a small islet with two summits. A rock awash lie s about 0.5 mile E of the islet. A 0.9m patch lies about 0.5 mile NE of the NE end of Dinago Island. Foul ground extends from the N side of Dinago Island and from the S side of Opong Island. The NW side of Canal Bay is foul as far as 0.25 mile offshore and consists of low mangroves bordered shores in the N part. The S part ri es to cogon-covered hills in the vicinity of Cog Point. Placer (9. 40'N., 125 . 35'E.), a small village standing on an unnamed point about 1 mile S of Cog Point, i the shipping place for the surrounding mining district. The harbor is formed by a small bay between Cog Point and a large drying reef which extends about 0.6 mile NE from the town . Bancay Islet is a large rock lying near the middle of the N side of this reef. An 8.2m patch lies in the approach to the harbor about 0.3 mile NE of the NE extremity of the reef. A 0 .9m patch lies near the middle of the harbor about 0.2 mile N of Bancay Islet. Anchorage.-Large vessels can anchor, in 22 to 24m, in the middle of the harbor. There is a rock causeway with a timber landing at Placer with a reported depth of 3.9m at its head. A pier, with a depth of 1.5m alongside, is located in a small cove about 0.5 mile N of Placer. 6.56 Between Cog Point and Claver Point, about 9.5 miles SE, foul ground lies as far as 1.5 miles offshore. The NE coast of Mindanao is bold and heavily wooded as far as the valley of the Bacuag River, about 5 miles W of Claver Point. From the Bacuag River to Claver Point, the coast is low plain traversed by several small rivers and backed by wooded mountains rising about 3 miles inland. The mountains along thi s stretch rise almost directly from the coast and are heavily wooded, except those near Tugas Point which are conspicuously bare of vegetation and bright red in color. Bacuag (9. 37'N., 125.38'E.), a vill age, lies about 3.5 miles SE of Placer on the S side of the mouth of the Ten anan River. A shoal spit, with a depth of 2.7m at its off bore edge, extends about 0.5 mile NE from the mouth of the Tenanan River. Puyo Rock, which is large and conspicuous, lies on the spit. Anchorage can be taken, in 9 to 13m, mud, about 0.3 mile from the beach about 0.5 mile E of Puyo Rock. Byby Island (9. 35'N., 125.42'E.) is low, flat , and consists of mostly mangrove and nipa swamp in the E part. The W part is a long sandpit fronting Gigaquit village. There is a coconut grove on the island. Cabgan Island (9. 36'N., 125"43'E.), a grassy islet, lies about 0.5 mile off Byby Island about 2 miles E of the mouth of the Gigaquit River. A reef, usually marked by breakers, surrounds Cabgan Island . Claver Point (9. 36'N., 125.44'E.) projects about 0.5 mile N from the coast and forms theE side of Becebos Bay. A 5.5m shoal was reported to lie 0.75 mile NNE of Claver Point. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Hinatuan Rock (9 .4l'N., 125. 46'E.), a steep-to reef with a depth of 6.4m, lies in the fairway of Hinatuan Passage, about 6 miles NNE of Claver Point. Nagubat Island (9. 39'N., 125.43'E.) is a small island lying in the middle of a long narrow reef in a position about 4 miles SW of Hinatuan Rock. Dijut Roc is a conspicuous rock with light vegetation on it. The rock lies on the same reef as Nagubat Island about 0.8 mile N of the latter. A 6.4m channel crosses the reef about midway between Nagubat Island and Dijut Rock. Isa Reef (9. 39'N., 125.41 'E.), a dangerous reef with a depth of 2.lm, lies about 1.5 miles W of Nagubat Island. Lapinigan Island (9. 35'N., 125.46'E.), lying about 1.5 mile E of Claver Point, is covered with grass and scattered tree . Good sheltered anchorage can be taken in Candas Bay W and S of Lapinigan Island, in depths from 11 to 18m, mud. A ship drawing 6.2m was reported to have touched bottom about 1.2 miles, bearing 342. 15' from the W summit of Lapinigan Island. 6.57 Pagbuy Rocks (9. 35'N., 125.47'E.) consists of a group of rocks, 5 to lOrn high, lying on a steep-to reef about I mile E of Lapinigan Island. A small drying patch lies about 0.3 mile W of Pagbuy Rocks. Aling Islet (9. 33'N., 125"50'E.) is about 3m high and wooded. It consists of conspicuous, white sand beaches which distinguish it from the other islets in the vicinity which have rocky shores. A drying reef extends 0.6 mile N of the islet. Telegraph Islet (9 . 33'N., 125"51'E.), 67m high, and two other islets, lie on the coastal reef about 0.8 mile SE of Aling Island. Lang Islets (9 . 32'N., 125. 52'E.) are a group of small rocky islets from 0.5 to 1 mile from the coast of Mindanao about 1.3 miles E of Telegraph Island. Amaga Islet (Arnagat Islet) (9. 32'N., 125.54'E.), 51m high to the tops of the tree , is in the middle of Hinatuan Pas age, about 1.8 miles E of Lang Islets. It is steep-to, composed of jagged coral, and can be passed on either side. Hinadkaban Bay (9. 31'N., 125. 54'E.) is entered between an unnamed point and Kaba Point (9. 30'N., 125.54'E.), which lies about 2 miles SE. The bay recedes about 1 mile S. The shores are fringed with coral which extends as far as 0.5 mile offshore at the head of the bay. Kaba Point is bold and rocky. It is fringed by a narrow steep-to coral reef at its extremity. The most conspicuous natural feature is the bright red color of the Red Hills about 1 mile S of the head of Hinadkaban Bay. The Red Hills are nearly bare of vegetation and consists of bright red soil and red rock which is weathering rapidly. The hillsides are eroded, leaving deep gullies where the soil has washed into the sea. Dahikan Bay (9. 29'N., 125"56'E.) is entered between Kaba Point and Tugas Point, 3 miles ESE. It is divided into two arms by Pagtigian Point (9. 28'N., 125. 56'E.), a high, narrow, and rocky point of land 31m extending in aN direction. The main danger in the approach is a 10.5m patch lying in a position about 1.3 miles NW of Tugas Point. The W arm of the bay extends about 2.8 miles S from the entrance, forming a narrow cul-de-sac fringed by reefs. Rock debris from the Red Hills has formed beaches of red soil in the small coves along the shore. Pub.l62 Anchorage.-Anchorage, protected from all directions except from the N, can be found inside the bay in depths ranging from 31 to 46m, mud. Small vessels can also obtain anchorage in the head of the bay E of Pagtigian Point, in a depth of 31m, mud, sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon (October to March). Thgas Point (9 .29'N., 125"57'E.) is the NE extremity of Tugas Peninsula. The extremity of the point consists of a cliff, 24m high, backed by hills. The point is fringed by a steep-to reef about 0.3 mile wide. From Tugas Point to Cauit Point the coast is indented by two large adjacent bays, Carrascal Bay and Lanuza Bay. The coast from the head of Carrascal Bay to the head of Lanuza Bay is a low cultivated plain. Along the SE shore of Lanuza Bay, the mountains rise steeply from the shore and are heavily wooded. Thgas Peninsula (9. 28'N., 125. 57'E.) is a bold, wooded, irregularly-shaped peninsula. It is connected to the NE coast of Mindanao by a low narrow isthmus about 2.5 miles SSW of Tugas Point. The E side of the peninsula consists of rocky bluffs interspersed with sand beaches. A tongue-shaped steep-to reef, which partly dries at LW, extends about 0.5 mile SW from the S end of the Tugas Peninsula and forms a sheltered cove on the N side of Carrascal Bay. The edge of the reef can be easily made out. Small vessels can round it fairly close to, and anchor in the cove NW of the reef, in 18 to 31 rn. 6.58 Carrascal Bay (9.25'N., 125"58'E.) is entered between the SE side of Tugas Peninsula and Capungan Point, about 3 miles SE. Gorda Point, 52m high, lying about 2.8 miles S of the S end of Tugas Peninsula, divides the bay into two parts. The bay is exposed to the Northeast Monsoon, and it is reported that a heavy swell sets into the bay during most of that season. A reef extends 0.25 mile E from the point. The NW arm of the bay is backed by the active volcano of Mount Legaspi which rises about 4 miles W. Intervening hills rise abruptly from a mangrove-bordered shore that is fringed by mud flats about 0.5 mile wide. The SE arm of the bay is backed by a level, cultivated, coastal plain through which the Carrascal River flows. The mouth of the river lies about 0.8 mile W of a low isthmus connecting the mainland with Capungan Peninsula. The peninsula forms the E shore of the SE arm of the bay. Carrascal is a village located on the W bank of the Carrascal River mouth. A church bell tower on the N side of the village and a yellow building on the beach are conspicuous. Anchorage can be taken in a position about 0.8 mile N of the church tower, in 18.3 to 22m. During the Northeast Monsoon, heavy swells are felt at the anchorage. General Island (9.25'N., 126'0l'E.) lies close NE of Capungan Point, the SE entrance point of Carrascal Bay. The NE and NW sides of the island consist of a series of bluffs which are conspicuous from E or W. The S side of the island is indented by two bays separated by a small peninsula. TheE bay is of little value to shipping. General Island Anchorage (9.25'N., 126. 00'E.), theW bay on the S side of General Island, is fringed in places by narrow shore reefs which form a basin about 0.3 mile in diameter. A Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu conspicuous rock on the edge of the ef projecting from the SW end of the island marks the W entrance point of the anchorage. The E entrance point is steep-to and :consists of the S of two spurs protruding W from the penins on the S side of the island. Small vessels can pass midw between the entrance points and obtain sheltered anchorage. 26m, mud, with the N spur bearing 090•. Rarnillete Rock, a 17m high, steep-:md conspicuous rock, lies about 0.4 mile NNW of the SW e ::>f General Island. Auqui Island (Auquit Island) (9. 24--., 126. 03'E.) is 102m high and lies 1.75 miles SE of era! Island. The SW extremity of the island is steep-to. Th ther sides are fringed by reefs which extend 0.5 mile N from it There is foul ground between G ::-al Island and Auqui Island. Triton Rocks lie 1.25 miles NNW -Auqui Island. The N rock is 5m high and marks the N ext:re":lity of the foul ground between General Island and Auqui lsl 6.59 Whale Rock (9 . 29'N., 126.04'E.), a small black rock 4m high, lies on a bank about 4.5 mile NNE of Triton Rocks. Foul ground, over which the sea brew in moderate weather, extends as far as 0.15 mile from Wh Rock. An 8.5m patch lies about 0.4 mile SE of the rock, w:rile a 14.6m patch lies about 0.8 miles NW of the rock. Lanuza Bay (9. 17'N., 126.05'E is entered between Capungan Point and Cauit Point, abo 14.5 miles SE. TheE side of the Capungan Peninsula compri .es the NW shore of the bay. The SW shore of the bay consists of a continuous dark sand beach. A cultivated plain, about 5 mile; wide, backs the SW shore of the bay and is traversed by cveral small rivers. The SE shore of the bay is bold, with black -ucky cliffs. Cantilan (9. 20'N., 125.59'E.) is as all town on theN bank of the Cantilan River about 0.5 mile fro:n its mouth. There are several warehouses and a L 5e stone church in the town. A pilot for Hinatuan Passage is a ·lable at Cantilan. Lanuza (9. 14'N., 126.04'E.) i a vifuge situated at the head of the bay on the E bank of the Lanuz ver mouth. There is a stone church in the viUage. The village ::an also be identified by a hill, 168m high, lying 0.25 mileS o f the village, which is the W hill in this vicinity. Along the SE shore there are bla rocky cliffs and the mountains rise steeply to form a bold heavily-wooded promontory. About 3 miles SW of nit Point the spur of mountains ends in a conspicuous step, ~mhigh. There are short sand beaches about 1 mile SW and 1 mile NE, respectively, of the step. The N ad of the promontory consists of hills terminating in Cauit P II. Unamao Island (9 . 23 'N., 126.00'E.) J es about 0.5 mile E of the SE end of the Capungan Peninsul The island is wooded and has four conspicuous peaks. Cantilan Shoals consists of a number :rf rocky patches, with a least depth of 1.2m, which are gro ed in an area of foul ground that extends about 1.5 miles NE from the E end of the drying reef which fringes the mouth f the Cantilan River. Vessels should not attempt to pass ins e of Cantilan Shoals. Anchorage can be taken, in 12.8m, rn:xi, NNE of Cantilan in a position about 1 mile SW of Unama land. Cauit Point (9. 18'N., 126. 12'E.) is the NE extremity of a wooded promontory formed by a spur of the E mountain chain of Mindanao. The point is marked by a light. There are some rocks, 9.1m high, on the N side of the promontory, lying close offshore, from 0.5 to 1.5 miles W of Cauit Point. The E side of the point is fringed by a reef, which extends 0.6 mile offshore. Cauit Bank (9. 20'N., 126. 16'E.), with a least charted depth of 14.6m, rock, lies from 2.75 to 4 miles NE of Cauit Point. The Bucas Islands 6.60 The Bucas Islands consist of Bucas Grande Island, Middle Bucas Island, and East Bucas Island. Bucas Grande Island, the largest of the group, forms the E entrance of Hinatuan Passage. Middle Bucas Island lies close to the NE side of Bucas Grande Island and is separated from it by Port Batuecas. Mount Sibonga, a conspicuous wooded conical peak in the SE part of the island, is the highest summit of the Bucas Islands group. East Bucas Island lies close E of Middle Bucas Island and is separated from it by a boat passage. Northward and S of Siargao Island, and E of the Bucas Islands, the depths on the coastal shelf are irregular. Bathymetric conditions are likely to be unstable in this vicinity because of frequent and severe earthquakes. Most of the marine epicenters lie in the Philippine Deep. There is a concentration of epicenters recorded about 30 miles E of the Bucas Islands. Banks and isolated soundings that have depths of less than 37m should be regarded with caution. Wherever possible vessels should avoid passing over charted inequalities in soundings. Under no circumstances should vessels navigate in this vicinity in depths less than 18.3m without taking every precaution to avoid po sible dangers. Bucas Grande Island (9.40'N. , 125. 56'E.) is indented by coves and small bays . 6.61 Dahakit Point (Darakit Point) (9.34'N., l25.56'E.), 21.3m high at its extremity, projects about 0.5 mile W from the S end of Bucas Grande Island. A narrow reef fringes its N side. The point is marked by a light. The SW side of Bucas Grande Island, which lies about 4.5 miles off the NE coast of Mindanao and forms the NE side of theE entrance of Hinatuan Passage, is indented by two bays. A number of small, steep, and heavily wooded peaks distinguish this side of the island. Kalunis Point (9 . 35'N., 125 .54'E.), about 1.8 miles NW of Dahakit Point, is 58m high and fringed by a steep-to reef about 0.1 mile wide. An islet, 15.2m high, lies on the edge of the reef. Between Kalunis Point and the SE entrance point of Sohutan Bay, about 1 mile NNW, the shore is fringed by a narrow steepto reef. A small cove lying about 0.3 mile N of Kalunis Point is blocked by reefs on which there are several islets. The largest islet is 49m high. Sohutan Bay (9 . 36'N., 125"54'E.) is about 1.3 miles wide between its SE entrance point, 57m high and Nakiauit Point, about 2.25 miles NW of Kalunis Point. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu The shores of the bay are fringed by steep-to reefs. Two patches, 0.9 and 1.8m, lie about 0.5 mile SSW and ESE, respectively, from Nakiauit Point. A steep-to reef extending about 0.5 mile NNW from the SE entrance point forms a S arm of the bay about 0.5 mile long. Several rocks lie on the reef. The largest rock, 33m high, lies on theN edge of the reef. An island, 57m high, and an islet, 22m high, lie on a steep-to reef close W of the SE entrance point. The reef extends as far as 0.1 mile W from the islands W side. Sohutan Inlet, which extends about 1 mile E from a break in the shore reef in the S arm of Sohutan Bay, is of no navigational importance because its entrance is blocked by a 0.4m shoal. Good sheltered anchorage can be taken in the S arm of Sohutan Bay about 0.3 mile offshore, in 42m. When approaching this anchorage from S, the 33m high rock should not be brought to bear less than 047·, in order to pass outside all dangers off the SE entrance point. Nakiauit Point W37'N., 125. 53'E.), the SW extremity of Bucas Grande Island, is about 6lm high and conspicuous. A 4.6m shoal lies about 0.5 mile W of the point and a 4.6m patch lies about midway between. The shoals cannot be distinguished at any distance. The point should be given a berth of about 1 mile. TheW side of Bucas Grande Island is indented by a number of small bays, mostly too deep to provide anchorage. The coast is fringed by steep-to reefs. 6.62 Kanlanuk Bay W39'N., 12Y55'E.), entered 3 miles NNE of Nakiauit Point, has a reef extending 0.5 mile NW from the S entrance point. There is an horage, in a depth of 44m, 0.4 mile N of Pamosaingan village, located at the head of the bay. Manaol Point (9.43'N., 125.54'E.), 6.5 miles N of Nakiauit Point, is bold and fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. Bucas Point (9 "46'N., 125. 55'E.) , the NW extremity of Bucas Grande Island, lies about 2.5 miles NNE of Manoal Point. The point is bold and is fringed by a steep-to reef about 0.2 mile wide. TheN part of Bucas Grande Island consists of a spar ely-wooded, flat-topped ridge, 271m high at its summit. Dark red bluffs rise abruptly from the hore. Dayanayog Cove (9. 45'N. , 125. 57'E.), Baybagun Cover, and Soung Cove are adjacent coves with a common entrance. The N entrance point of the coves is fringed by a steep-to reef about 0.3 mile wide. A conspicuous rock, 1.2m high, lies on a reef about 0.4 mile N of theN entrance point of the coves. There is a depth of 14.6m between the reef and the shore. Vessels should pass NE of the rock. Port Batuecas (9.43'N., 125. 58'E.) is a narrow inlet separating theW side of Middle Bucas Island from theE side of Bucas Grande Island. The entrance of Port Batuecas is a narrow passage, about 0.8 mile long, which leads S and E to the W side of Port Sibonga. It is constricted by reefs on either side to a navigable channel, about 91m wide, with a controlling depth of 5.8m. The tidal currents in the channel are strong. The S part of Port Batuecas is foul as far as 0.33 mile offshore. Drying reefs fringe most of the remaining shores of the port. At the head of the port, reefs , which dry at 0.3m, Pub.162 connect the NW side of Middle Bucas Island with theE side of Bucas Grande Island. About 0.8 mile NW of the W end of the entrance channel, the reef fringing the E shore of the port projects about 0.5 mile offshore. Sheltered anchorage, in 16m, mud, can be taken about 0.3 mileS of the projecting reef. The N part of Port Batuecas is encumbered by an 8.2m patch lying about 0.3 mile N of the projecting reef. A 1.2m reef lies about 0.2 mile farther N. 6.63 Port Sibonga (9.41'N. , 126. 00'E.) is a small bay entered S of Middle Bucas Island. The navigable width is about 0.5 mile between the 9.1m curves. Banluto Islet, 58m high, rocky and wooded, lies in the middle of the bay. The islet i surrounded by a reef which extends N to Middle Bucas Island, dividing the bay into two separate basins. Anchorage can be taken in the E basin off the town of Consolacion, in 13 to 15m. Vessels over 5.5m draft should not use this anchorage. Vessels having a draft of 4.5 to 5.5m should proceed with utmost caution as the bottom is of coral and is very uneven. It is reported that the best anchorage is located between the E entrance point and Banluto Islet. TheE side of Bucas Grande Islet trends about 7 miles SSW from Port Sibonga to Dahakit Point and consi ts of bold rocky promontories interspersed with sandy beaches. The summit of the island, 282m high , rises about 2.5 miles NE of Dahakit Point. A prominent white scar is located about 1.5 miles ENE of Dahikit Point. This scar was reported to be more prominent than the charted white scar to the NE. Socorro (9. 37'N., 12Y58'E.) is a village located on the S side of the Socorro River mouth in a position about 4 miles NNE of Dahakit Point. A sandy beach, about 2 miles long and fringed by a reef about 0.3 mile wide, fronts the village. Middle Bucas Island (9"43'N., 125. 59'E.) is separated from Bucas Grande Island by Port Batuecos. Mount Sibonga, 291m high, a wooded, conical peak in the SE part of the island , is the highest point of Bucas Island, and is a prominent landmark. 6.64 Bagum Island (9 "44'N., 125 . 59'E.), a conspicuous islet 18.3m high, lies on a reef in a position about 0.1 mile N of theN extremity of Middle Bucas Island. East Bucas Island (9.43'N., 126.02'E.) is separated from the E side of Middle Bucas Island by a narrow, drying boat channel. The island is 183m high and well wooded. Its coasts are fringed by reefs which extend up to 1 mile offshore, on which there are several rocks and islets. San Miguel Point (9.44'N., 126.02'E.), 44m high, is theN extremity of East Bucas Island and the S entrance point of the W entrance of Dapa Channel. Reefs and foul ground extend as far as 0.15 mile N from the point. The village of San Miguel is located on the sandy extremity of the point. It can be identified by the metal roofs of the houses. Casulian Island (9. 42'N. , 126.05'E.), lying 0.75 mile SE of theSE extremity of East Bucas Island, is wooded in theE part, where it is 90m high. The W part is lower and is covered with coconut trees. There is a narrow, deep channel between Carulian Island and East Bucas Island. ector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Lajanosa Island (9 . 38'N., 126 LO'E.), Maroon Island (Manon Island), and Antokon Island (Antokan Island) lie on the same reef, about 6 miles SE of Catot.lian Island. Lajanosa Island, the northernmost stand, has three hills on its W side. Mamon Island, the middleidand, is 82m high. Antokon Island , about 1 mile S of L~anosa Island, has three cones on it. Anajauan Island (Anajawan lsi ) (9 . 37'N., 126.08'E.), lies 1.5 miles W of Maroon Island. It l es on the SW part of a bank, on which there are a number below-water rocks and shoals, with thesouthernmost lying a out 0.6 mile SSE of the SW extremity of the island. A 2.7m patch lies 0.5 mile SE of :he NE extremity of the island , while a 3m patch lies 1.75 mil s NE of the same point. Dapa Channel 6.65 Dapa Channel (9 .46'N., 125 58'E.) separates the N side of East Bucas Island from the ~ .>ide of Siargao Island. The W entrance of the channel lies b een San Miguel Point and Carnbasac Point, about 0.5 mile :"E. Immediately W of the W entrance points, Dapa Channel opens to a width of about 1.5 miles, between the reefs fringing the N shore of East Bucas Island an fle reefs fringing the S shore of Siargao Island. TheE entrance lies between Inayau· Point and the S side of Siargao Island. Inayauan Point is the NE extremity of East Bucas Island . Reefs and foul ground r nge the point as far as 0.5 mile N and about 1 mile E and SE Dapa Channel is encumbered with number of islets and reefs. Three narrow passages lead thr gh the reefs, the edges of which are easily made out in good ght. Dapa Channel can be negotiated by small vessels with sufficient power to overcome the stro ng tidal currents. The controlling depth of Dapa CharD I is 9 .6m. Vessels coming from W usually fa the NE side of Dapa Channel in order to avoid Quico Reef (. ·45'N., 125"59'E.) and Barrabas Reef about 0.8 mile SE. Th ) then enter the middle passage between Abanay Islet and Ba cu yo Islet. The tidal currents run with consid::t:able velocity in Dapa Channel and in the channels lea g to Numancia, Port Batuecas, and San Benito. During both monsoons the wind ::hates about sunset and freshens about sunri se. This area is ' t frequently struck by typhoons during November. 6.66 Bancuyo Islet (9.44'N., 126 03'E.) lies about 1 mile E of San Miguel Point. It is a good rrurk in the approach to Dapa Channel from W. The S passage lies between Bancuyo I let and the reefs and foul ground that.fringe the N side of East Bucas Island. The passage is narrow :a1d intricate and is not recommended. Abanay Islet (9"45'N., 126.02'E.) li 5 with its SW extremity about 0.2 mile E of Cambasac Point. efs fringe the SW and N sides of the island. Dapa Reef exeads about 1.3 miles E from the E side of Abanay Islet. A 7 .3m patch lies about 0.3 mile further E. The middle passage is the recommended channel It leads fairly straight between Abanay Islet and Bancuyo Is and has a least depth of 12.8m. The navigable width is abou _lm. The N passage is used by small inter-island vessels and lighters. It is marked by beacons and leads W and N of Abanay Islet and then N of Dapa Reef. It is a very constricted and intri cate channel, and has depths of 7 to 12m as far as the town ofDapa. In the passage SE of the town the controlling depth is 6.4m. A 2.7m patch, marked by a beacon, lies about 1 mile SE of the town. The channel W of Abanay Islet is not recommended to those who are not familiar with the area due to the narrow passage and the swift current. Dapa (9 .45'N., 126.02'E.) (World Port Index No . 59320) is a small town standing on the N shore of Dapa Channel. There is a stone causeway with a concrete pier extension. The off hore end of the pier had depths of 4.2 to 5 .2m at its S to NW corners and 5.8 to 6.lm about 25 feet off its end. Vessels of more than 240 tons calling at Dapa usually anchor about 1.6 miles ESE of the town, in 14.6m, mud. Siargao Island 6.67 The S si de of Siargao Island trends about 3.5 miles E from the town of Dapa to Dolores Point (9 .45'N., 126.07'E.), which is low and covered with coconut palms. The controlling depth in the fairway of the E approach to Dapa Channel is lOrn. A 6.4m shoal patch is on the E ide of the fairway about 0.8 mile S of Dolores Point. The SE side of Siargao Island between Dolores Point and Tuason Point, about 5 miles to the NE, is a smooth sandy beach with groves of coconut, hemp, and bananas . The village of Union is about 0.5 mile N of Dolores Point at the mouth of the Union River. The village of General Luna is on the shore about 3.25 miles NE of Dolores Point. The SE shore of Siargao Island is fronted by an area of foul ground studded with reefs extending as far as 4 miles offshore. A drying barrier reef, marked by breakers, is on the edge of the foul ground. A dangerous , detached dark coral reef, 6m deep , is about 2.5 miles SSE of Dolores Point. Daco Islet (9"45'N., l26. 10'E.), on theSE end of the barrier reef about 2.5 miles ESE of Dolores Point, is a good landmark. The island is 40m high on its E end, 32m high on its W end, and appears flat on top. The islet is fringed on its SE and SW sides by a reef extending as much as 1 mile offshore. Guyang Islet, small, sandy, and covered with coconut palms , is about 1.3 miles N of the E end of Daco Islet. Seco Reef, a drying reef with a small sand cay at its NW side , is about 1 mile SE of Dolores Point. 6.68 Thason Point (9"49'N., 126. 10'E .), theE extremity of Siargao Island , is a very rocky point 40m high. It has an 18.3m bluff at its face. The point is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. Between Tuason Point and Sharp Point, 2.5 miles to the NW, the shore is fringed by drying reefs extending as far as 1.5 miles offshore. Three large rocks are on the outer edge of the reef; the highest, 15.2m high , is about 1.3 miles N of Tuason Point. About 0 .5 mile NW of thi s rock there is a break in the reef about 0.4 mile wide. This is the entrance to a recess in the reef about 0.8 mile wide with depths of 9 to 26m. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Each side of the entrance is marked by a rock 7.6m high . Sharp Point (9"51'N., 126"08'E.) is low and covered with coconut palms. The fringing reef extends 1 mile E and about 0.3 mile N of the point. A mangrove-covered islet, 3.1 m high , about 0.3 mile NNE of the point. Between Sharp Point and lsda Island, about 1.8 miles to the WNW, a drying reef extends up to 0.5 mile offshore. A recess in the reef, about 0.8 mile wide and with depths of 11 to 27m is formed SE of Isda Island. A drying patch is in the entrance about 0.5 mile ESE of lsda Island . lsda Island, 37m high with everal large rocks adjacent, stands on the edge of the shore reef and marks the S side of the entrance to Port Pilar. Port Pilar (9"52'N., 126"07'E. ) entered between Isda Island and Pilar Point, about 0.66 mile to the N, indents the coast about 1 mile W. The depths vary from 145m in the entrance, to 12.8m near the head of the bay. Although the bay does not afford good shelter and is not recommended, it is the best anchorage on the E side of Siargao Island. Even during the Southwest Monsoon a heavy swell runs in around Pilar Point. The S part of the bay is filled with a drying reef extending as much as 0.25 mile offshore. The N hore of the bay is steep-to. The Pilar River discharges into the head of the bay. Drying reefs extend about 0.2 mile from the head of the bay. An 8.2 and a 9.1m shoal are about 0.3 mile offshore at the head of the bay. Pilar Village is on the NE side of the Pilar River mouth. Anchorage can be taken, in 12.8m or 14.6m, about 0.5 mile ESE of the village. Small vessels with local knowledge can enter the Pilar River NE of a 0.4m shoal encumbering the river mouth and proceed to a sheltered anchorage about 0.1 mile above the village. The controlling depth in the channel is 6.4m. 6.69 Pilar Point (9"52'N., 126"07'E.) is identified by a conspicuous, column-shaped rock about 0.2 mile off the point. Between Pilar Point and Sugbuhan Point, about 12 miles NNW, the coast is bold and has a regular coastline fringed by steep-to reefs from 0.25 to 0.5 mile wide. The edges of the reef are easily identified and are marked by breakers even during the Southwest Monsoon. There are no salient points along this stretch of coast; the most conspicuous landmark is a 183m ridge at Arena Point (9"58'N., 126"06'E.), which is a slight projection of the shore about 6 miles NNW of Pilar Poi t. Sugbuhan Point (10"04' N., 126"04'E.) , the N extremity of Siargao Island, is low and covered with trees and bushes. The point is fringed by a drying reef extending as much as 0.65 mile offshore. Sugbuhan Reef (10 "06'N. , 126"02'E.) is about 2.5 miles NNW of Sugbuhan Point and has a depth of 2.7m. Tide rips occur on the reef and it can be identified with good light. The reef is about 1 mile long and is on a bank about 1.5 miles long, with a depth of 12.8 to 18.3m. A 14.6m bank is about 1.5 miles NNW of Sugbuhan Point. The NW side of Siargao Island trends about 15.5 miles SSW from Sugbuhan Point to Venus Point and is fronted by reefs, islands, and dangers extending as far as 6 miles offshore. Only small vessels with local knowledge should attempt the intricate channels among the reefs. Pub.162 Other islands and dangers which are further offshore are described in paragraph 6.53 under Dinagat Sound. Between Sugbuhan Point and the village of Sapao, about 3 miles SSW, the shore is fringed by drying reefs extending 1.25 miles offshore. The village of Sapao (10"01 'N., 126 "02'E.) is at the head of a mangrove-bordered cove. There is a passage through the reef abreast of the village and small vessels with local knowledge can anchor off the break, in 12.8m, about 1 mile W of the village. A 4.9m patch is about 0.3 mile further W. Between Sapao and the village of San Benito, 4 miles to the SW, detached reefs extend as far as 6 miles offshore. Drying reefs and foul ground extend about 2 miles offshore. Several low islets are on the reefs. Kambiling Islet (Cabiling Islet) (10"01'N., 126"00'E.), about 2 miles W of Sapao, is a small sand cay, awash at HW and fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. A 6.7m shoal patch is about 0.5 mile SW of the islet. Vessels can pass N of the islet in 26m or SW of the islet in 11.9m. Malayo Reef (10"02'N., 125"56'E.), lying about 3.75 miles WNW of Kambiling Islet, has a least charted depth of 2.7m. Three charted reefs, with least charted depths between 3.2 to 5.8m, lie between Karnbiling Islet and Malayo Reef. Pagbasayan Islet (lO"OO'N., 126"01 'E.), a low, sandy islet covered with trees and bushe , is on the S side of a large drying reef and 1.5 miles SSE of Kambiling Islet. 6.70 San Benito (9"57'N., 126"00'E.) is a small village lying about 2 miles S of Pagbasayan Islet. Litalit Island lies 1.25 miles SW of San Benito. Dahican Islet (9"57'N., 125"57'E.) , on an extensive drying reef about 2 miles W of San Benito, is a flat mangrove-covered island with a small wooded area in its middle part. Kangun Islet (9"58'N. , 125"59'E.) is a low sandy islet about 3 miles SSW of Kambiling and close NE of Dahican Islet. A drying reef extends 1 mile NNE of Kangun Islet. Litalit Bay (9"58'N. , 126"00'E.) is formed E of Dahican Islet and Kangun Islet. The bay is encumbered by foul ground. Only small vessels with local knowledge can navigate the constricted channels N and S of Kangun Islet, and they can anchor about 0.8 mile NW of San Benito, in 10.5m, coral. Litalit Island is 1.25 miles SW of San Benito. Sayung Channel, connecting the head of Litalit Bay with Baban Lagoon, is a mangrove-fringed channel navigable only by small craft and leads S to Numancia. San Benito is fronted by a sand beach and is visible from seaward. Between San Benito and Venus Point, about 8 miles SSW, the W part of Siargao Island is a wide mangrove flat, intersected with numerous streams and small-boat channels forming large mangrove-bordered islands fronting the shore. Poneas Island (9"54'N., 125"57'E.), the largest island fronting Siargoa Island, has a summit 200m high, and from eaward appears a numerous peaks separated by deep ravines. The drying reef fringing Dahican Island extends about 2.25 miles SW as far as Megancub Island and fringes the NW side of Poneas Island as far as 1.25 miles offshore. Foul ground is 1 mile farther offshore and nearly fills the area W and NW of Megancub Island, and that is encompassed ector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu between the SW side of Poneas Is d and the E sides of Cowhagan Island and Kangbanyo lsi Laonan Island (9°53'N., 125 °55'E 1 • 138m high, is a small wooded island close to the SW end o neas Island. Kangbanyo Island (Kangban Island) (9°55'N., 125"54'E.), 134m high, is 0.5 mile :NW of the N part of Laonan Island and consists of numer :. wooded peaks. Cowhagan Island, which is low, lie e n a reef extending NW from Kangbanyo Island. A rock, 19 high and wooded, lies clo eN of Cowhagan Island. Tona Island (9°52'N., 125°57'E.), a large mangrove island, is close SE of Poneas I land and i ~eparated from it by a narrow small-boat channel. Narrow b~ channels also separate the NE and SE sides of Tona Island fr;.n the W part of Siargao Island. 6.71 Numancia (9"52'N., 125°5 .) (World Port Index No. 59330) is about 2.5 miles NNE o · nus Point. The only part of the town visib from seaward is the conspicuous church tower. A 183m e pier is at the town. Currents are strong and there are dan~ous whirlpools, but it is reported that small vessels with 2. draft and with local knowledge, can reach the town at HWa.1d anchor off the pier. The SW side of Siargao Island "rom Venus Point to Cambasac Point, about 7.5 miles t he SW, is rocky and bordered with mangroves. A steep-t Jeef less than 0.5 mile wide fringes the shore. Pamay Point (9°50'N., 125°57'E.) ,:: low, mangrove-covered point, is about 0.8 mile SE of Venu Point. A fringing reef extends about 0.4 mile W of the point. Pamay Bay (9°49'N., 125°58'E.), a ess in the coast about 0.8 mile wide, i formed by the S si of Pamay Point. The Lumaton River discharges into the he of the bay. The summit of Siargao Island, 275rr ltigh, rises 3 miles E of the bay. A green hill, visible from sea :rrd, is on the N side of the Lumaton River and marks the erted village of San Fernando. Vessels can anchor in Pamay Bay, 28m, mud, about 0.5 mile S of Pamay Point with the town be<:.ring 060°. Samar-West Coast and Off-1. · g Islands 6.72 Libucan Islands (11 °54'N. , 124°39'E.), a group of three small islands and several islets rocks, lie about 3.25 miles off the coast of Samar. Each of is very steep-to and has depths of more than 18.3m, less th· 0.25 mile off. Good anchorage can be taken, in 22 26m, mud, in a bay on the N side of Libucan Daco Island, th.e largest of the group. Vessels on the coast take shelter here ·ng SW gales. Dapdap Rocks (11 °52'N., 124°4C'E.), a steep-to rocky pinnacle that is partly awash, lies ab in the middle of the deep channel between the Libucan Islands and the Canahauan Islands. Canahauan Islands (11 °49'N., L C.o42'E.), a group of several islands, islets, and rocks, lie ut 3.25 miles off the coast of Samar about 3 to 8 miles SSE Libucan Daco Island. Port Aguirre (11 °49'N., 124°42'E.). c;, sheltered anchorage, occupies a bight formed by the SE s· e of Canahauan Daco Island and the NE side of Timpasan and. It affords good refuge during typhoons, and vessels anchored off Calbayog or Catbalogan frequently take shelter here. Large vessels can anchor, in 27 to 29m, mud, NNW of Batgangon Island. Small vessels can anchor, in 16 to 20m W of the latter island, or in a confined inner basin entered through a narrow channel that passes S and W of two islets at the W end of the port. Vessels can enter the port through the wider passages between the islands and islets to the E and SE. In approaching from N it is advisable to pass E of Canmamot Island to avoid the rocks W of it. The approach from SE is about 0.8 mile wide between Bolo Rock and Boloang Island, but a 7 .6m depth lies almost in midchannel. 6.73 Maglagabon Point (12°18'N. , 124°21'E.), about 30 to 6lm high, is steep-to, clear of dangers, and has depths of 37m less than 0.25 mile offshore. It is closely backed by hills that rise abruptly from the coast so that the point may not be very conspicuous. A village is situated at the head of a small bight on the S side of the point. Between Maglagabon Point and Jibatan Point, about 16 miles SE, the steep-to coast rises abruptly from the sea to hills that attain heights of 122 to 274m about 0.3 mile inland. Mountains, up to 707m high, back the coastal hills. Parts of the coa t are rocky, with cliffs in some places, but there are a few short sandy beaches. Toward the S end of this section of coast, the hills are lower and recede inland in the vicinity of Jibatan Point. Thngoo Point (12 °10'N., 124°25'E.) , a low point that extends about 0.3 mile from the coast, has a hill , 51m high, on its outer end. It is steep-to, but several rocks, close off a short coastal reef, lie about 0.5 mile offshore about 0.5 mile SE of the point. A small village is situated on the coast about 0.5 mile E of the point. From Tungoo Point the coast trends about 7.5 miles SE to Jibatan Point. Although the narrow reefs and shore banks fringing parts of this section of the coast are steep-to, several islets and rocks lie up to about 0.5 mile offshore. Binalio Point (12°08'N., l24°27'E.) , about 30m high, lies about 2.5 miles SE of Tungoo Point. Binalio Islet, 35m high, lies 0.4 mile SW of the point. Damita Rock (12°06'N., 124°28'E.) lies about 0.5 mile offshore about 4 miles SE of Binalio Point. The rock is steep to, but there are depths of less than 6m between it and the coast. Jibatan Point (12 °05'N., 124°31'E.) has a hill81m on it. The coast in this vicinity is low. It is clear of dangers, but a steep-to hore bank extends about 1 mile offshore SW and S of the mouth of the Jibatan River, about 1.5 miles ESE of Jibatan Point. Depths of less than 1.8m lie just inside the 20m curve on the outer edge of this shore bank. The land is low and marshy at the mouth of the river. 6.74 Calbayog (12°04'N. , 124°36'E.), a town, is situated on the E side of the mouth of the Calbayog River. It is one of the principal ports for the export of copra and hemp. The port is an open roadstead, and cargo is lightered to vessels anchored off the town . Small vessels moor alongside Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu the inner end of the E jetty. A bridge crosses the river, some distance from the entrance. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 10m high, at Calbayog. A church in the town has a conspicuous red dome. The mouth of the river is confined by two parallel jetties, less than 9lm apart, that extend about 0.3 mileS from the shore. There is a controlling depth of 1.2m in the entrance channel between the jetties. Boats and lighters navigate this channel to a number of small wharves at the town. Anchorage.-The best anchorage is in 12.8m, about I mile S of the light at the river mouth. Large vessels should not go closer in as the depths are irregular and shoal rapidly in places . This open roadstead is somewhat sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon, but it is open to the Southwest Monsoon. Vessels on this part of the coast can take anchorage, sheltered from S and SW weather, in a bay on the N side of Libucan Daco Island, about 10 miles SSE of Calbayog. Supplie are very limited at Calbayog. A number of small powered lighters are available. There are a few warehouses of Limited capacity. Inter-island vessels call regularly from Manila and Cebu. There is a post and telegraph office, and the town is connected by highway with Catbalogan and the other important towns on Samar. The Calbayog hospital offers limited medical facilities, but has a 50 bed capacity. 6.75 Santa Margarita (12°02'N. , 124°40'E.) is a small town situated on the coast about 4.5 miles ESE of Calbayog. The low intervening coast is fronted by a sandy beach , and is clear of known dangers. The Gandara River (lr58'N., 124°43'E.), the largest and most important river on theW coast of Samar, empties through a delta into the sea abou t 8 miles SE of Calbayog. Small craft, less than 27m long and 1.8m in draft, can navigate the river at HW to the town of Gandara, about 7 miles inland. The currents in the river are usually weak. There is a depth of 3m alongside a landing at Pagsanjan, a village situated about 1.8 miles upstream at the junction of the N and S entrances. The N and deepest entrance of the Gandara River lies about 8 miles SE of Calbayog. It has a least depth of 0.9m at LW, and there are depths of about 3.7 to 9.lm inside the bar. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 9m high, on the N extremity of Caprangasan Island, situated on the S side of the entrance to the Gandara River. Between Tarangnan Point (11 °54'N. , 124°44'E.), a prominent headland, and Madalonot Point, about 14 miles SE, the coast is rugged and hills rise abruptly from the sea to heights of about 91 to 244m. Mountains, over 457m high, back the coastal hills in the vicinity of Catbalogan. Numerous bays and bights, most of which are small and shallow, indent this part of the coast. Although much of thi coast is high and cliffy in places, the heads of the bays and bights are low. Cambatutay Bay (11 °53'N., 124°45'E.), the largest of the above mentioned bays, indents the coast about 3 miles NE between Tarangnan Point and Mangcares Point, a low point about 3 miles SE. Except for a number of rocks and islets, Pub.162 depths in the bay shoal fairly regularly. Several steep-to rocks lie about 0.5 mile W of Mangcares Point. Silanga Bay (11 °49'N. , 124°5l'E.) occupies a bight that recedes about 1.3 miles NNE between the steep-to SE side of Buri Island and Anas Point, about 1.3 miles SE. The bay is clear of dangers. Excellent anchorage, sheltered from all butS winds, can be taken in the bay, in 5 to 9m, mud. Jesus Point (11 °47'N., 124°52'E.), on the N side of Catbalogan Harbor, lies about 1 mile SE of Anas Point at the S end of a rather steep-to headland that rises abruptly from the sea to several hills, 58 to 71m high. A number of islets and reefs lie up to about 1.5 miles offshore in the approaches to Catbalogan between Jesus Point and Cujao Point, about 2 miles SSE. 6.76 Catbalogan (11 °46'N., 124°53'E.) (World Port Index No. 58670), the capital of Samar Province, lies about 0.8 mile SE of Jesus Point at the head of a small bight. The port consists of an open roadstead between the coast and several reefs and islets about 1 mile offshore. Large vessels anchor in the harbor, and their cargo is handled by lighters. Smaller inter-island vessels go alongside a pier at the town. The town of Catbalogan is situated on a very short narrow coastal plain , on low ground that i sometimes partly flooded during heavy rains but which drains off rapidly. It is confined by hills rising abruptly to heights of more than 152m. The Catbalogan River, navigable only by boats, empties into the head of the harbor at the N end of the town. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 7m high, standing on the N side of the entrance to the Catbaloga River, and the buildings at the town are conspicuous from offshore. The light was recently reported extinguished. Depths-Limitations.-Quinutay Reef, a small drying reef, lies at the outer end of a narrow, sandy shore bank that extends about 0.8 mile W from the coast. A buoy is moored off the NW end of Quinutay Reef. Depths in the harbor shoal regularly from about 8 .2m at the entrance to the 5.5m curve, which lies about 0.3 mile offshore. Between Quinutay Reef and Cujao Point (11 o 45'N. , 124o53'E.) several shoal patches, contained just inside the 5.5m curve, lie up to about 0.3 mile offshore. A detached 2.7m patch lies about 0.5 mile offshore about 0.5 mile S of Quinutay Reef. A causeway extends about 260m SW of the town. It terminates in a 140m long concrete pier, with depths of 2.1 to 4.6m alongside its fendered piles. Several inter-island vessels can be accommodated at one time. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor, in 8.2m, mud, about 0.8 mile offshore with the light at the mouth of the Catbalogan River bearing 063 °, or they may anchor anywhere W of the town depending on draft. Sheltered anchorage can be taken in Silanga Bay, about 2 miles r-..-w of Catbalogan, or in Zumarraga Channel, about 7 miles SW of the harbor. Directions.-Either North Channel or South Channel may be used in entering Catbalogan, but the latter is preferred. In approaching South Channel steer to a position about 2.5 miles S of Buri Island, and before the larger of the Cagdullon Islands bears W of 316°, bring the light at Catbalogan to bear 063 o. ector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Steer for the light on the latter course through South Channel into Catbalogan Harbor. The harbor ~an also be entered S through Darajuay Channel, which lie between the Darajuay Islands and the coast. Vessels entering this channel steer t pass about 0.3 mile S and E around the Darajuay Islands, an en steer a course of 322°. When the light at Catbalogan bea:-052°, steer for it into the harbor. Caution.-The remains of a break ater, with a depth of 1.2m, lie 0.1 mile S of the causeway. obstruction, awash at LW, lies 0.15 mile N of the pierhead. 6.77 Madalonot Point (11 °45' •. 124°54'E.) is a promontory that lies about 1.5 miles ESE of Cujao Point. Maqueda Bay and Villareal Bay form m extensive bight that lies between Madalonot Point and G · a tarcan Island, about 7.75 miles S. Maqueda Bay is one of best known fishing grounds in the Philippines. Extensive muddy shore banks, that aly by boats, empties on the S side of a low point that lie about 6 miles SE of Madalonot Point and separates the two ~s. Buad Island (11 °40'N., 124°51 'E.), a out 4.5 miles long and nearly as wide, lies in the approach to 1aqueda and Villareal Bays about 3.75 miles SW of Madalo r Point. The island is mountainous. It is indented by numerou~ small bights and there are many islets close to shore. A 3.7m rocky patch lies about 0.3 N of the NE end of the island. A small, detached drying re -· es about 0.5 mile N of the middle of the N side of Buad Islout 0.3 mile NNE of Sarnputan Point and is located on the S part of the extensive shore bank that extends S from the N side of the channel between Tinigrapo Point and Santa Ri . Small craft use a shallow c anne! of Navahay Island, but the recommended channel lies S of tha:: 1sland. 6.83 Samputan Pass (11 "25'N. , 1:;4"55'E.), through which the fairway of the channel trends, lies etween the SW and S edge of the shore bank on which Navaha Island is located , and the shore bank that fringes the S side of the channel up to about 0.5 mile from the heads of the larger bays in the vicinity of Sarnputan Point. From a position about 0.3 mile NE cf the N end of Caltagan Island, the fairway of the channel 1R ds SSE to Samputan Point and then about 2 miles EI\"E to ukasuang Point. It is narrowed by the shore banks to a width of about 0.1 mile between Caltagan and Navahay Islan and has least swept depths of 5.8m about 0.3 mile E a NW, respectively, of Samputan Point. Patches, with swept depths of 5.5m, j e in the fairway a Little more than 0.5 mile E and about 0.5 mJe NW, respectively, of the above point. A 4.1 m patch Lies near the E entran -e of the pass, on the S side of the fairway, about 1.8 miles E'ffi of Samputan Point. The N part of Samputan Pass is mar d by beacons; one on each side of the entrance of e chanrel NE of the N end of Caltagan Island, and one on theW side -the channel eastward of the S end of that island. The fairway through the E part of Samputan Pass is marked by the below-described beacon on tre E side of a hill on Samputan Point. Ranges for Samputan Pass are formed by three beacons on Samputan Point and indicate the middle of the fairway through the channel. Two beacons, on theN side of the hill closeS of the point, in range bearing 146.5", lead through the NW reach. The rear beacon serves for both reaches. A beacon, on the E side of the hill S of the point, in range bearing 251.25" with the rear beacon, leads through the E reach. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory through San Juanko Strait for vessels of 60 gross tons or over, and smaller vessels without local knowledge are advised to take a pilot. Vessels approaching the strait from NW can obtain a pilot from the pilot station on Canauay Island. A small rowboat with an outboard motor serves as a pilot boat. It flies an "H" flag at the stem pole. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken by large vessels in the W entrance of Janabatas Channel, in about 7 to 9m, mud. Smaller vessels can anchor inside the channel depending on draft. 6.84 San Juanico Strait (11 "20'N., 124"58'E.) trends about 11.5 miles S from the E end of Janabatas Channel to Tacloban Harbor. It has a width of about 0.3 to 0.5 mile, but in many places, shoals, rocks, and islets reduce the navigable width to about 0.1 mile. The shores are low and fringed with mangroves. Santa Rita Island, about 30m high, lies on theN side of theN entrance of San Juanico Strait about 1.3 E of Magkasuang Point. It has a square-topped bushy summit, and an old fort, partly obscured by trees, is situated on the islet. The S end is steep-to, but a narrow reef and shoal water fringe the W side. A light-beacon stands close W of the SW point of Santa Rita Island. The deep fairway of the channel is about 0.3 mile wide between Santa Rita Island and a shore bank, defined by the 5.5m curve, that encumbers a bight SW of the island. A 6.9m patch is located about 0.2 mile NNW of a point on the SW side of the fairway, about 0.35 mile SSW of Santa Rita Island. A buoy is moored about 0.3 mile NNW of the abovedescribed point and marks the S side of the fairway. A 4.lm patch is located about 0.3 mile NW of the same point. There are rips in this vicinity. Anajao Island (11 "26'N., 124"58'E.), 16.4m high, is an islet that Lies on the S side of the fairway. Its NW end should be given a berth of at least 137m. Nababuy Island, 30m high, lies on the S side of the channel close SE of Anajao Island. It is reported (1990) that an overhead power cable crosses San Juanico Strait about 1.5 miles S of Nababuy Island. The cable is supported by pylons (red and white) on either side of the strait, and there is a reported clearance of 17m. A privately maintained lighted beacon stands at the N end of the strait, 0.3 mile E of Nababuy Island. There are a number of lighted buoys, buoys, and beacons as indicated on the chart. The fairway of the preferred channel passes around the N and E sides of Nababuy Island at a distance of about 0.3 mile. Small vessels sometimes use the narrow channel S of Nababuy Island, but caution is necessary to avoid a detached , partly Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu dryin g reef close S of Anajao Island and the reefs fringing the shore on each side. A number of shoal patches, with depth s of 2.7 to 8.2m , lie in this channel and in its N approach . Reefs and shoal patches, on the S and W side of the fairway , lie up to about 0.2 mile N and ENE of the N end of Nababuy Island. A detached 5m patch lies about 0.3 mile NW of Silaga Beacon . A detached 5m depth lies in the fairway of the channel about 0.3 mile ENE of the NE end of that island , and a 3.2m patch lies in the middle of the fairway about 137m farther NE in a position about 0.3 mile NNW of Silaga Beacon. A 7.3m patch is located close NE of the 3.2m patch . A beacon , on the W side of the fairway, is located about 0.1 mile E of Nababuy Island on the S part of a narrow steep-to reef that lie s up to about 0 .1 mile E of the island. Silaga Beacon , a temporary low structure that is barely visible at HW, is located on theE side of the fairway about 0.3 mile E of Nababuy Island . It marks a steep-to rocky patch that dries atLW. A number of shoal patches, with depths of 3.2 to 5.5m lie from 185 to 0.3 mile SE of the beacon . A 0.4m rocky patch lies on the E side of the fairway about 0.3 mile S of Silaga Beacon. It is marked by a beacon. Shoal water lies up to about 137m WNW and 0.1 mileS. A detached 4 . 1m patch lies in mid-channel about 0.1 mile SW of the rocky patch. Several4 .1 to 5.5m patche lie up to about 0.1 mile offshore from theW side of the channel about 0.5 mile and 0.75 mile S of Nababuy Island . 6.85 Torre Island (11 · 24'N .. 124. 59'E. ), about 7.6m high , lies on theE side of the channel about 0 .8 mile SE of Nababuy Island . A 5m patch lies about 0.3 mile W of the S end of Torre Island. The island is steep-to on its W side. Between Torre Island and Bagalibas Island , about 1 mile S on the E side of the channel , the fairway follows mid-channel. The fairway passes E of a 4.6m patch that lies about 0.1 mile ESE of the village of San Vicente, located about 0.5 mile SSW of Torre Island . A 5m patch is located about 0.3 mile SE of the same village. Bagalibas Island and several islets close N are steep-to on their W sides. A 0.9m patch lies about 0.1 mile N of Guintiguian Island, a small islet, 27m high , located about 0.3 mile N of Bagalibas Island . A 6.4m patch lies close off the NW extremity of Guintiguian Island . A 6.4m patch is located about 0.1 mile W of the NW extremity of Bagalibas Island . The fairway lies between a 4.6m patch about 0.1 mile SW of Bagalibas Island and a 4 .6m patch about 0 .2 mile farther W. A drying reef, with a 2.7m patch about 0.1 mile SSW, lies on the W side of the fairway about 0.3 mile off the W shore about halfway between Bagalibas Island and Uban Point. 6.86 Uban Point (11"22'N., 124. 59 'E.) lies on theW side of the strait. A beacon stand s o the W edge of the dangers on theE side of the fairway opposite Uban point. A small steep-to reef lies on the E side of the fairway about 0.3 mile N of the beacon. The o..;hannel is only about 0.1 mile wide between the beacon and a small drying reef W of it. Pub.l62 Between Uban Point and the Bagasumbut Islands, which lie about 1.8 miles S on the W side of the strait, the fairway trends S. It is barely 0.25 mile wide between the shoals and islets on either side. A 3.2m rocky patch lies on the E edge of the fairway about 0 .8 mile S of the beacon opposite Uban Point. Three 4 .1 m patches lie on the W side of the fairway within 0.2 mile NE of the northern Bagasumbut Island, and an islet lies on the E side of the fairway nearly 0.25 mile farther NE. Cauayan Point Beacon is located on a reef that lies about 0.5 mile S of the northern Bagasumbut Island. A 3.2 to 5.5m patch , on theW side of the fairway, lies up to about 0.3 mile SE of the latter isl and and 0.2 mile E of the beacon. In this vicinity the fairway favors the steep-toE side of the strait. 6.87 Cangom Island (11 · 19'N .. 124.58'E. ) lie s close to the E shore of the strait and is steep-to on its W side. A 4.6m patch , on the W ide of the fairway, lies about 0.3 mile SW of Cangom Island. A reef, with a depth of 0.6m , lies on the E edge of the fairway a little less than 0.5 mile S of the island. A buoy is moored in 9.lm on theW edge of the latter reef. A 5m patch lies on the W side of the fairway about 0.2 mile W of the reef. The channel fairway tends SSE and lies close to the steep-to W sides of the Kabalawan Islands , about 0 .8 mile S of Cangom Island , and Tinaogan Point, about 0.8 mile farther SSE. TheW side of this part of the strait is encumbered with steep-to shoals. A bridge crosses the river from the W side of Kabalawan Island in a SW direction and from the N side of that island in a NNE direction to the opposite shore . The bridge has a vertical clearance of 30.7m and a horizontal clearance of 176m. Four lights are shown from the central portion of the bridge. Between Tinaogan Point and Anibong Point about 1.5 miles SSE, the fairway of the channel trends SE to Tacloban Harbor and the S entrance of the strait, Lazareto Island, on the SW side of the fairway, lies about 1 mile SSE of Tinaogan Point and is NE a number of islets and extensive shoals that encumber the W side of this part of the strait. A 4.lm rocky patch lies midchannel about 0.3 mile NNW of Lazareto Island. The fairway of the channel is about 0.2 mile wide between the latter patch and an extensive shoal that lies up to about 0.5 mile off the NE side of the strait between Tinaogan Point and Binatac Point, about 2 miles SE. The light, shown from Tacloban , bearing 139· , is reported to lead through the best water in this part of the channel; however, it appears to be very close to the edge of the shoal on the NE side of the strait. Vessels are advised to use this range with caution. The village of Amandayehan is situated on the NE shore of the strait about 0 .5 mile NW of Binatac Point. It is approached from the SE through a narrow 6 to 9m channel that trends close around the W side of the latter point. A wharf at the village has a berthing length of 30m with depths alongside of about 3 to 4m. A road connects with Basay, and there is regular ferry service to Tacloban. Inter-island vessels call occasionally. Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu Janabatas Channel to Bilira Strait 6.88 Between Baluarte Point a Talairan Point, about 10.5 miles W, the coast receded about 8 miles S to form Carigara Bay. A steep-to shore bank, with depths of less than 1.8m, fringes theSE side and head of the bay within about 0.8 mile offshore. The W side of the ba. :is very steep-to, and the 20m curve lies about 0.3 mile offshor~ From Baluarte Point the coast trend:. about 2 miles SSW and is very high and steep-to. It then beca:nes very low and trends about 11 miles SW to the head of Carigara Bay. There are a number of small towns wxl villages on this latter part of the coast, and numerous ri\ lets, navigable only by boats, empty from it. The small town of Barugo is situat:e:i about 7.5 miles SW of Baluarte Point. There is a post and telegraph office at the town. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be -rJcen, in 14.6m, about 1 mile offshore, with a large white torehouse in the town bearing 170". The edge of the shor bank extends about 0.8 mile offshore in this vicinity. Carigara (11 "18'N., 124"4 1'E.) is the largest of the towns on Carigara Bay. The church and a mo ment on the beach at Carigara are prominent. A light is sh wn from the W side of the mouth of a small river that emptie .. · to the bay at the town. A stone causeway extends N frao the town. Diesel oil, gasoline, and fresh water can be obtai:J.ed. There is a post and telegraph office, and a highway connects Carigara and Barugo with Tacloban. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be tal:en about 0.8 mile N of the town, in about 15m, mud. Both t · anchorage and that off Barugo are sheltered from the S thwest Monsoon and exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. From a position about 5 miles W f Carigara the steep-to SW side of the bay trends about 75 miles NW to Talairan Point. It is backed by a mountain range L'lat rises abruptly from the sea to heights of about 152m too er 305m less than 0.75 mile inland, and to summits of as muct s 716m within 3 miles inland. Talairan Point (11"26'N., 124"32'3.) rises abruptly to a 390m summit about 0.5 mile SW. cdahauan Peak, 636m high , and another peak, 570m high , are conspicuous landmarks that lie about 1.3 miles W and WSW, respectively, of the point. Between Talairan Point and Rabin :loint, about 15.5 miles NW, the coast is fronted by Bilino Island. The passage separating that island from Leyte narrcws from both ends to a width of less than 91m at Biliran Strcit, which is so shallow that only small craft can use it. TheE approach to Biliran Strait recedes about 3.75 miles W between Talairan Point and the S side Biliran Island, about 3 miles N. The coast on the S side of · -s approach is steep-to, with depths of more than 18.3m within .:~bout 0.3 mile offshore, but a steep-to shore bank extends about 0_3 mile offshore about 0.5 mile SE of the narrowest part of the strait. The N side of the E approach to the .trait is fringed by reefs and shoals that lie up to about 0.5 "le off Biliran Island between Magbagun Point, about 3 n:iles NNW of Talairan Point, and Poro Islet. A detached 1.8m patch lies abou t 0.5 mile mile SW of Magbagun Point on the W side of the 'larrow channel leading into Magbagun Cove, a small bay on W side of Magbagun Point. A detached 8.2m patch lies about 0.5 mile mile SW of that point. Biliran Strait 6.89 Biliran Strait (11 "27'N., 124 "29'E.), the narrowest part of the passage separating Biliran Island from Leyte, lies between a point on the Leyte coast about 4 miles WNW of Talairan Point and Poro Islet, about 108m NNE. The latter wooded islet is on the SW edge of a drying reef that extends about 0.5 mile mile S from the S extremity of Biliran Island. The S and SW edge of the above reef and Poro Islet are steep-to . A narrow reef, from which a Light is shown, extends about 41m from the point on the S side of the strait and narrows the channel to a width of about 69m. This part of the strait has a least depth of 4m and the fairway Lies within about 46m of Poro Islet. There is a least depth of about 3m over that part of an extensive shore bank that lies across the W approach to the strait. Tides-Currents.-At times the tidal currents run through the strait with considerable velocity and caution must be exercised. Culajit Islet, rocky and nearly awash at HW, lies on the N side of the W entrance of Biliran Strait, about 0.3 mile W of Poro Islet. 6.90 Biliran (11 "28'N., 124"28'E.) is a small town on theN side of the W entrance of Biliran Strait. A stone causeway extends about 0.3 mile S from the town. There is a telegraph office at the town , and small inter-island vessels call regularly. It is reported that a road bridge has been constructed across Biliran Strait, linking Leyte and Biliran Islands. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken , in about 5 to 6m, mud, about 0.3 mile W of Culajit Islet, but anchorage N of that islet is not recommended as depth decrease abruptly. Biliran Island 6.91 Biliran Island (11"35'N., 124"30'E.) is heavily wooded and very mountainous, attaining a height of 1 ,300 m on the summit of Mount Suiro at its SE end. Mount Naliwatan lies in the N part of the island. It is very prominent, having a summit that appears conical from W. Most of the coast rises abruptly from a low shore to hills and mountains close inland , but there is a low coastal plain on the S and SW sides of the island. Pawikan Point (11 "30'N., 124"36'E.) is theSE extremity of Biliran Island . From Pawikan Point the coast trends about 3 miles NNE to Gamay Point. A conspicuous rock, painted white and visible 3 or 4 miles, lies about 0.3 mile S of the latter point. Caibiran (11 "34'N., 124"35 'E.) is the largest of several villages on the NE side of Biliran Island. There is a post office and radio communication at Caibiran. Small vessels call occasionally. Amambahag Point (11 "41 'N., 124"32'E.), the NE extremity of Biliran Island , lies about 6.7 miles NNW of Caibiran. Buhoc Point (11 "40'N., 124"20'E.), 110m high, is the NW end of Biliran Island. Tincansan Islet Lies about 0.3 mile W of the point and is separated from it by a deep channel. Just W of Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu the village of Telegrafo, on the S side of Buhoc Point, there are some conspicuous reddish-brown cliffs about 61m high . From Buhoc Point the coast of Biliran Island trend s 4 .5 miles SE to Bagombong Point and appears rather high . Rabin Point (11 °34'N. , 124 °19'E.) is the NW extremity of Leyte and S entrance point of the NW approach to Biliran Strait. It is the termination of a high and wooded promontory that rises to a 194m summit about 2 miles SE of the point and to higher peaks farther S. A bank, with a depth of 12.8m at its outer end , extends about 0.8 mile NNW from the point which is otherwi se steep-to and ha s depths of more than 18m about 0.5 mile offshore. Gigantanban Island (11 °33 'N. , 124°15'E. ), 46m high , wooded and marked by a light on its summit, lies 2.25 miles W of Rabin Point. The passage between the island and the coast of Leyte is 1.5 miles wide, deep , and clear of dangers. From Rabin Point, the coast, which is fronted by a low sandy shore , trends about 2 miles SW to Dungun Point. The NW approach to Biliran Strait is entered from W between Bagombong Point and Rabin Point. Both sides of the approach trend quite regularly SE and gradually narrow the pass age to a width of about 2.25 miles, about 2 miles W of Poro Islet. The low NE shore, which consists of shingle beaches interrupted by a few small reef-encumbered bights, is backed by a narrow coastal plain and high mountains inland . The SW shore is also low, but is closely backed by very high hill s. There are a number of villages on both shores. 6.92 Naval (11 °33'N., 124°24'E.) , largest of the small town s on the SW side of Biliran Island, is situated on the NE side of the approach about 3 miles SSE of Bagombong Point. A radio tower, marked by a light, is located at Naval. A causeway, with a depth of 1.8m at its outer end, extends about 122m SW from the town and is suitable only as a landing for small boats . There is a radiotelegraph office at the town , and inter-i sland vessel s call each week from Cebu . Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken close off the edge of the shore bank, in 5.9m, about 0.1 mile off the end of the cau seway. Large vessels can anchor a little farther off, in 18 to 37m, mud. Calubian (11 °27'N ., 124°26'E. ) (World Port Index No. 58840) is a small town on the Leyte coast, W of Biliran Strait. The shore-bank lies within less rhan 0.25 mile offshore in this immediate vicinity, but it ex tends nearly 0.5 mile offshore a little eastward. A cau seway, with a depth of 2.7m at its outer end , extends NE from the town . The ruin s of a wooden pier, bare at LW, lie about 0.2 mile NW of the causeway. There is a post and telegraph office at the town , and interisland vessels call regularly from Cebu. That part of the approach that lies N of Calubian affords moderately sheltered anchorage , in 12 to 22m, mud . An extensive shore bank, with depths of about 3 to 5m, encumbers the entire W entrance of Bi1iran Strait between a position about 0.5 mile E of Calubian and Poro Islet, about 3 miles ENE of the town. The W edge of thi s shoal water trends NNE across the approach . Leyte Bay (11 °25'N., 124°28'E. ), which is very shallow, indents the Leyte coast between Calubian and Manoc Point, Pub.l62 about 2 mile s E, on the S side of the W entrance of Biliran Strait. A narrow channel , with depths of about 2 to 4m, leads between the shore banks to the small town of Leyte (11 °23 'N., 124o30'E.) (World Port Index No. 58680) on theE side of the head of the bay. There is a pier, suitable for small craft at HW, located at the town . Islands in the Samar Sea 6.93 There are five mountainous islands that lie in the central part of the Samar Sea. These islands , together with a number of detached islets and several rocks and shoals adjacent to them, are very steep-to. There are a few small villages on the islands, but otherwise they are sparsely inhabited. The detached islets, some of which are very small, lie up to about 2 miles off the larger islands . Tagapula Island (12 °04'N ., 124' 11'E.) is steep-to and clear of dangers, except for Espana Shoal, a 3.7 to 5.5m area that lies about 0.8 mile E of the NE extremity of the island. Sibugay Island, 130m high , lies 0.75 mile off theN coast of Tagapula Island, with a deep channel between. Almagro Island (11 °55'N., 124°18'E.) , which rises to a flat summit in its S part, lies about 7.5 miles SE of Tagapula Island. The small village of Almagro is situated at the head of a cove indenting the SW end of the island. Santo Nino Island (11 °55'N. , 124°26'E.) is closely fringed by a steep-to rocky ledge. A rock, 3m high , and a rock , 16.1 m high , lie on the edge of the ledge close off the middle of the E side and W extremity of the island. A concrete column , 9.8m high , stand s on an old fort on theN end of Santo ino Island. 6.94 Santo Nino Harbor (11 °56'N ., 124°27'E.) , a small cove at the N end of Santo Nino Island , affords excellent typhoon refuge for small craft up to 46m long and is frequented by coastal vessels. The entrance channel , which has a depth of 3.1m, is only about 18m wide between a partly-drying shingle spit that extends about 37m W from the E entrance point and a rock. The rock , wirh a depth of 0.6m, that lies on the W side of the channel close E of some rocks awash. The channel leads into a circular basin , about 183m in diameter, but most of the rest of the harbor dries at LW. The shingle spit on the E side of the channel is covered at HW, but its edge is visible and should be passed close to on a course of 158° into the basin. Anchorage can be taken in the center of the basin, in about 10.5m, mud . Maripipi Island (11 °48'N. , 124°19'E.) lies about 5 miles S of Almagro Island and about that distance N of the NW end of Biliran Island. It is steep-to and clear of dangers. Maripipi, a town marked by a conspicuous church with a galvanized iron roof, is situated on the SE coast of the island . The seaward end of the pier at the town was reported to be destroyed . Maripipi ha s regular communication with Cebu and Tacloban and is connected with the telegraph system by radio . Sambauan Islets ( 11 ° 46'N. , 124 ° 15'E. ), 18 to 40m high , are four rocky islets that lie close together about 2 miles WSW of Maripipi Island. They are situated on a narrow, steep-to sand Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu shoal. A concrete column, 9.8m gh, stands on the W extremity of the largest islet. Buga Rock, 2.4m high, is a detached danger that lies about 1.3 miles W of Paripipi Island acoint. Himuquitan Islet, the S and largest, is conspicucus. Daquio Islet, the northernmost of the group, is low and sandy and about 12.2m high to the tops of the trees. Hindang (10. 26'N., 124.43'E.) a small town about 3 miles S of Arnogotada Point, offers anchorage, in 13 to 18m about 0.5 mile offshore with the church bearing 141 •. Hindang Light is shown from a fort at Hindang . The small towns of Hilongos, Bato, Matalom, and the village of Cahagnaan are situated on the coast between Hindang and Green Point (10. 09'N., 124.45'E.). There are postal and telegraph facilities at Hilongos, Bato, and Matalom. Canigao Island (10. 15'N., 124.45'E.) is low, flat, and covered with coconut palms. The N, W, and S sides of the island are fringed by reefs extending up to 0.6 mile offshore. The island is marked by a light. 6.119 Canigao Channel (10. 15'N., 124.43'E.), between Danajon Bank and Leyte, is over 6 miles wide, but is divided into several passes by Cain Reef, Adam Reef, Eve Reef, and Canigao Island. The pass between Canigao Island and Leyte is over 0.75 mile wide, has a depth of 18.3m, and is the one generally used. Cain Reef (10. 15'N., 124.43'E.), with a depth of 7 .3m, lies 1.75 miles WNW of Canigao Island. Adam Reef (10 . 15'N., 124.42'E.) , with a depth of 0.3m, lies 2.5 miles W of Canigao Island. An 8.2m patch was reported to lie 1.5 miles WNW of Adam Reef. Eve Reef (10. 14'N., 124.44'E.), with a depth of 5.8m, lies 1.5 miles WSW of Canagao Island. Abel Reef, with a depth of 6.7m, lies 1.75 miles S of Canigao Island. Taguus Point (lO. ll'N., 124.45'E.) lies about 3.5 mileS of Canigao Island. A 2.7m coral patch is reported to lie 0.6 mile W of the point. Green Point (10. 09'N. , 124.45'E.), lying 2 miles S of Taguus Point, is the SW extremity of Leyte and is reported to be clear of dangers. Green Cone, a hill 140m high , located close E of the point, is prominent. Camotes Sea-South Part 6.120 Lapinin Island (10.06'N., 124. 34'E.), lying close off the NE end of Bohol, is generally low, but of rugged appearance. It has a wide rice-cultivated flat broken by low, conspicuous hills covered with grass. A well-defined hill, 129m high, lies close within the Send of the island. Its coasts are indented by several mangrove-fringed bays, except in a few places where there are small stretches of sand beach, and are bordered by reefs. There are no rivers, the openings in the mangrove extending only a short distance inland. Three small islets, Bonoon, Budlaan, and Pamasaun lie on the reef fringing the N side of Lapinin Island. Tinuibo Island, 121m high, lies about 2 miles SE of Tugas Point, the NE extremity of Lapinin Island. A light is shown from the point. Basiao Channel (10.04'N., 124. 32'E.) is about 0.5 mile wide and tortuous. At the NW end of the channel is Lapinin Chico Islet, fringed with mangrove. From the E entrance, a mid-channel course in a depth of 5.5m can be carried to within about 1 mile of the islet. Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu A sandbar, bare at half tide, connects the islet with a sand spit lying about 0.8 mile SE of Lapinin Chico Islet, and then divides the channel into two arms at this position. There is a depth of 4.6m in the NW arm. The other arm, which extends N, has a controlling depth of 2.7m. It is foul and should not be attempted without local knowledge. A rock, which lies awash about 274m S of Lapinin Chico Islet, has a depth of 4.6m close off its S side. On the opposite side of channel, about 0.5 mile S of the rock, a small rock lies in 2.7m at LW. Anchorage.-Excellent, but limited anchorage can be taken in Basiao Channel, in 5 to 9m, sand and rock. A rock causeway and a concrete pier, 142m in length, with a depth of 4.2m at its outer end, stands on the SW shore of Basiao Channel at Tapal (10. 03'N ., 124.31'E.). The latter place serves as the port of the town Ubay, located about 3 miles W of the pier, and is connected to it by a highway. Bohoi-North Coast 6.121 Centinela Point (10. 05 'N., 124. 30'E.), theN coast of the island trends irregularly WNW about 14.5 miles to Tabon Point, the N extremity, then W about 8.5 miles to Corte Point. This shoreline is mostly fringed by mangrove and bordered by a bank that extends a considerable distance offshore in places. Mount Cogtong (9.57'N., 124. 29'E.), in the NE part of Bohol, is a 459m high, prominent, grass-covered, double peak. Westward of the Cogtong Mountains is a large valley extending in a W direction along the coast to the lpil River (10. 07'N. , 124.21'E.) and S between the Cogtong Mountains and Mount Batuanan. The latter mountain is the E termination of the long E-W ridge SW of the Cogtong Mountains. It descends with a cliffiike abruptness to the E and presents an easily distinguished landmark. Westward of the Ipil River, a belt of gentle rolling country extends inland from the coast for 1 to 3 miles , narrowing to the W. Southward of trus belt are rounded hills, 183 to 274m high. Cantamulig Hill (10. 09'N., 124. \5'E.), the most northerly of the hills in trus vicinity, is situated 2.75 miles SW of Tabon Point. It ha a long, sloping shoulder extending NNW from its summit. The hill is conspicuous from E or W. Mount Corte (10. 08'N. , 124.09'E.) is a rounded-top grassy hill. It has a long shoulder extending about 1 mile S and terminating abruptly at the village of Corte. Bohoi-Off-lying Islands 6.122 Danajon Bank (10. 17'N., 124. 30'E.) is an extensive area lying off the N side of Bohol. Its N limit is marked by a chain of steep-to reefs 0.5 to 2 miles wide. The only islets lying on these N reefs, other than Pandanon Islet (lO.ll'N., 124. 05 'E.), are the two Caubyan Islets lying up to about 8 miles N of Corte Point; Danajon Islet, about 6.8 miles N of Tugas Point, the NE extremity of Lapinin Island ; and the three Tood Islets lying about 2.3 miles E of Danajon Islet. Pub.162 The Caubyan Islets are small, low, and partly wooded; Danajon Islet is very small; the Tood Islets are small, sandy, and have some low vegetation on them. There are some trees and houses on Danajon Islet. There are some huts on the southernmost of the Tood Islets. Danajon Bank can be approached from either E or W, or through several breaks in the outer reefs. The greater part of these outer reefs bare at LW; because of the coral sand they are usually easily seen under favorable conditions. On Danajon Bank, witrun these reefs, there are a number of low, wooded islands and islets as well as numerous detached reefs , some of which dry. Between them are many intricate and tortuous channels which should not be attempted without local knowledge. The shoals and reefs on the bank are not indicated by a change in color of the water, and in the most favorable light show as brown patches which can scarcely be distinguished from cloud shadows. This is attributed to the presence of silt in the water and the absence of coral sand. 6.123 Jinutangan Island (10 ' 14'N., 124. 29'E.), Nunu Island, Malingui Island , and Gindacpan Island have coconut groves of various sizes; scattered coconut palms stand on the other islands. Most of the outer i"lands have sandy beaches while those close to Bohol are usually fringed by mangrove. Calituban Reef, with its E extremity located about 1 mile NE of Calituban Island (10. 15'N., 124. 18'E.), extends about 13.5 mile WSW. It is similar to the outer reef on the N side of Danajon Bank and roughly parallel to it. It shows up well because of the coral sand and is steep-to, the 10m curve lying close-off its edges and deepening abruptly beyond it. Between Calituban and Banacon Islands are long sand banks, bare at LW, on which stand many fishing huts on piles. Caution.-The area bounded roughly by Talaban Island, Nunu Island, Maumaun Island, Macaina Island, and the E ends of Jau Island and Saae Island should be considered dangerous and navigable only by small craft using caution. There are depths for fairly large vessels in the narrow channels, but reefs, discolored water, and strong currents render the area unsafe for navigation with exception of the channel W of Malingui Island and Maumann Island S of Sagasay Island. Foul ground, on which lie drying-reef patches, extends about 2 miles SE from Nunu Island. Strong variable currents make the greater part of Danajon Bank unsafe for other than very small vessels. 6.124 Danajon Bank can be approached through Basiao Channel which separates Lapinin Island from Bohol; the channel N of Lapinin Island ; Northeast Pass, a break in the outer reef; Middle Pass, a smaller but similar break in the outer reef; and Northwest Pass (10. 10':-.L, 124. 04'E.), between the reefs fringing Pandanon and Cabulan Islets. A narrow entrance channel, with a depth of 4.6m, is situated about 1.3 miles NW of Northeast Pass. The channel is of little importance and it use is not recommended. Talibon (10.09'N., 124.20'E.), about 12 miles WNW of the W entrance to Basiao Channel, has a stone landing for small boats. The church in the town is large and prominent and the roof of the public market shows well coming from theN. ector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu There is bus connection with other b wns on Bohol. There are postal and telegraph facilities at T bon. A light is shown at Talibon. The harbor at Jetafe (10°09'N., 124°1 'E.) (World Port Index No. 58845) is sheltered and has depth ::>"E 7 to 20m, mud. The stone causeway is T-shaped and abo r 293m long and 9.lm wide. The old landing to the W is in ruiu . Anchorage can be taken, in 20.1 rr , offshore of the stone causeway NE of the town. :Middle Pass (10°18'N., 124°15'E.) is 3. narrow channel about 274m wide with a least reported depth f 5.8m. Unless familiar with the channel, it ould not be attempted when the reefs do not show well. Tke deeper water will be found on the W side of the channe spits extend a short distance from the W reef at the inne£ and outer ends of the pass. Bohol-East Coast 6.125 The E coast of Bohol, betwee Basiao Channel and the village of Cogling, about 3 mile 3, is mostly fringed by mangrove except in the vicinity of the illl.age where it is rocky. There are a number of small patches, 'Vith depths of 3 to 9m, off this section of coast. Kabulao Bay W56'N., 124°33'E.), :ng between Huagdon Point and Kabulao Point, nearly 4 miL...~ , is encumbered with reefs, as are its approaches. Its shores -e fringed by mangrove. Kabulao Point (9°55'N., 124°34'E ), separating Kabulao Bay from Cogtong Bay, is a bold, woored promontory rising to a height of 145m about 0.3 mile inlald. Its seaward side is clear and steep-to, but its N and S si es are fringed with reefs which gradually widen toward the innc ide of the bays. Cogtong Bay WSl'N., 124°32'E.) lying between Kabulao Point and Lamanoc Point, 6.5 miles E, is nearly blocked by Lumislis Islet, Tabangdio Islet, Cal<.-.g aman Islet, and Catiil Islet. These islets are all low, mangro covered, and connected with the shore by reefs which bare at L '1\'. Lamanoc Point W48'N., 124°36'E..) consists of low rocky cliffs and forms a very prominent c.-astal projection. Three rocky islets lie close offshore on the a arrow reef fringing the point. Between Lamanoc Point and Agio oint, about 2.8 miles S, the coast recedes W forming a bight eked by coastal reef on which is a scattered growth of mangro e. Leyte-South Coast 6.126 Off the S end of Limasawa sland, the flood current sets NW and the ebb current sets SE, sometimes attaining great velocity. During the Southwest Mcnsoon, heavy swells are prevalent off the S coast of Leyte. Green Point (10°09'N., 124°45'E. , the SW extremity of Leyte, is made prominent by Green C( oe, 140m high, nearly 1 mile E of it. Between Green Point and the town f Maasin, about 5 miles ESE, is a broad coastal reef extending offshore more than 0.25 mile in places. Behind this reef tke shore is bordered by mangrove. From the town of Looc, 1.5 miles SE of Green Point, to Maasin, the mangrove fringed coast is backed by a narrowing coastal plain which rises into lightly timbered hills. Near Looc, a low rock spur projects into the sea from the face of a steep cliff. About 1 mile farther SE is the mouth of the mangrove-lined Looc River. Maasin (10°08'N., 124°50'E.) (World Port Index No. 58740) is located on a small plain in back of which is a semicircle of hills, the highest being 170m and standing about 1 mile NE of the town. Sharp Peak, 366m high, is prominent in a trio of hills more than 2 miles NNE of Maasin. The town is protected by a seawall from which a wide coral reef extends about 366m S. Eastward of the reef is a wooden pier, with a depth of 5.8m at its outer end and shoaling gradually to 2.lm at the inshore pile clusters. Vessels using the pier should take care to avoid a submerged wreck lying about 15m eastward of the eaward end. The pier is exposed to winds from E to SE and is usable only during the Northeast Monsoon. Steering for the light on a bearing of 328° leads to the pier, or to the anchorage, in 9 to llm, SE of the town. Small craft can anchor closer in, off the NE part of the reef, in 5 to 7m, sticky bottom. The church at Maasin is prominent. Eastward of Maasin the coastal section extends through sparse coconut plantations to San Roque, with hills in the back country. Amparo Point, 4.5 miles SE of Maasin, is covered with coconut trees. Between San Jaoquin, 5.5 miles SE of Maasin, and Macrohon, 1.5 miles farther SE, there is a stretch of fiat sandy beach, about 1.5 miles long, paralleled by a coastal road practically on the beach. There is a narrow cobblestone beach at Macrohon; post office and telegraph facilities are located in the town. Tancaan Point (lOOOO'N., 125°01 'E.), located about 9 miles SE of Amparo Point, is a low rock formation underwom by the sea. It is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef, outside of which the depths increase rapidly, with l8.3m being found within 0.3 mile of the point. Tancaan Point is the S termination of a low, wooded peninsula about 1.5 miles long. The N part of the peninsula consists of mangrove swamp. Limasawa Island W56'N., 12Y04'E.) , 3 miles S ofTancaan Point, from which it i separated by a clear, deep channel, is well-wooded. The island is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef, but depths outside the reef are too great to afford good anchorage for large vessels. The W part of Limasawa Island is well populated and much of the land is planted to hemp and coconut trees. An 8.5m coral reef, lying about 1.3 miles ~of the S extremity of the island, is the only known detached danger. A light marks the N extremity of the island. 6.127 Sogod Bay (10°15'N., 125 °00'E.) is entered between Tancaan Point, Leyte, and llijan Point on Panaon Island. The bay is free of dangers and usually calm, but offers no good anchorages with sufficient swinging room, except for the smallest class of vessels, because of the great depths. Between Tancaan Point and the San Jose River, about 8.5 miles N, the beach is backed by a narrow strip of scattered Pub.162 Sector 6. Samar, Leyte, Bohol, and Cebu palms behind which rise between 274 to 366m at a distance 1 mile inland. Malitbog (lO. lO'N. , 125"00'E.) (World Port Index No. 58730) is a small town on the W shore of Sogod Bay. A privately-owned pontoon pier, with a reported depth of 2.7m, is located at Malitbog. Wrecks are reported to lie along theN side of this pontoon pier. The best anchorage is in 27m, hard sand, just N of this pier. A large white building is prominent from well offshore. There are two additional piers further N of the above pontoon pier. The S pier has a depth of 6.4m at its head, and the N pier a depth of 3.3m at its head. Southwestward and NNW of Malitbog there are large coconut plantations. The coastal plain is up to 0.5 mile wide and 2.5 miles long. The W boundary of the plain is another ridge of mountains. Mount Savejon, 288m high, is located 2 miles WNW of Malitbog. Broken hills behind the coast, 213 to 274m high, extend to the head of Sogod Bay. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken, in 31m, sand and coral, in a bight about 9.5 miles N of Malitbog and close N of the village of Banday. A bight immediately N of the village of Bontoc, nearly 3 miles N of Banday, offers refuge during periods of typhoon weather to coasting vessels. A stone causeway, about 24m long, extends off Bontoc. 6.128 Sogod (10. 23'N., 124. 59'E.) (World Port Index No. 58720), a town at the head of Sogod Bay, is located on a fiat coastal plain about 2 miles in extent. The Pandan River empties through the E part of the area, entering the bay by a delta having five mouths. Rice paddies and coconut plantations occupy the river fiats in this vicinity. The town of Consolacion is situated about 1 mile E of Sogod. Both Sogod and Consolacion have considerable trade and are regular ports of call for coastal vessels. The pier at Sogod has a depth of 4.2m off its seaward end. Anchorage can be taken, in 64m, mud, about 0.3 mile off the end of the pier. The terrain on the E side of Sogod Bay, as far as Panaon Strait, consists of a central mountain range forming the backbone of the peninsula. Mount Bitanhuan, 6 miles ESE of Sogod, and Mount Gascat, 411m high at the S end of the range, are prominent peaks. There are no extensive coastal plains. Libagon (10. 18'N., 125. 03'E.), a town on the E shore of Sogod Bay, about 5.75 miles SSE of Consolacion, is a regular port of call for coasting vessels. 6.129 Panaon Island (10.05'N., 125. 10'E.) is divided throughout its length by a mountainous ridge which rises to Mount Baganting, near the N end of the island, and terminates with Mount Nelangcapan, which forms the S end of the island. TheW coast of the island is open to the Southwest Monsoon. With the exception of Liloan Bay, there are no good anchorages; coasting vessels call off the larger towns. Panaon Strait (10. 10'N., 125. 08'E.) has a width of about 82m in the narrowest part where the depth near the middle is about 11m, but is constricted by a bank extending about 55m from the S shore and having a depth of 5.5m at its outer edge. Tidal currents in the strait run at a rate of 3 to 4 knots at springs. There are strong eddies and whirlpools at either entrance. Caution.-A bridge, with a vertical clearance of 13.7m, crosses the strait. The bridge is prominent from seaward. The E entrance of the strait is somewhat encumbered by shoals, with a least depth of 2.7m at a position about in midchannel, 0.25 mile E of the narrows. Coasting steamers using the strait usually pass S of this 2.7m spot and favor the Panaon Island side to avoid the stronger current and whirlpools on the Leyte side. A sunken wreck, reported to be marked by a small drum, lies in the middle of the E part of the strait about 0.1 mile E of the narrows. A detached rocky patch lies in the W approach to the strait in a position slightly more then 0.3 mile W of the N extremity of Panaon Island. Vessels should pass S of this parch to avoid the foul ground between it and the coast of Leyte. 6.130 Liloan Bay (10. 10'N., 125.07'E.) lies close SW of the W entrance of Panaon Strait. A light is shown from a concrete column on the extremity of the W entrance point of Liloan Bay. A reef extends about 91m Nand NE from theW entrance of the bay, and the head of the bay is fringed by reefs extending more than 137m offshore. Liloan (lO ' lO'N., 125"07'E.) (World Port Index No. 58710), a small town on the SW shore of Liloan Bay, is easy of access. There is a pier with a reported depth of 4.3m off its outer end. Anchorage can be taken by small vessels, in 12.8m, sand and coral, about 0.1 mile NE of the pier. Liloan Point, the W entrance point of the bay, can be rounded at a distance of about 0. 1 mile; then haul S for the anchorage. Pub.162 "'.,.,,""'" G. (SEE SECTOR B) MINDANAO SEA GENERAL CHART 550 MINDANAO 30' 30' Additional chart coverage may be foun d in CATP2, Ca talog of Na utical Charts. SECTOR 7 -CHART INFORMATION Pub.162 SECTOR 7 TANON STRA= BOHOL STRAIT, AND SOUTH COAST OF BOHOL Plan.-This sector includes Tan on Strait, described from N to S, and Bohol Strait, also described N to S. The islands in the N entrance t are also described. The S coast of Bohol is de General Remarks 7.1 Tanon Strait (lO OOO'N., 123"'JO'E.), between Cebu Island and Negros Island, is about 10 niles in length and has a width of about 20 miles at the N eiD:a:lce and 3 miles at the S. It is deep and clear of dangers in t:Je fairway. On the Cebu side there are no off lying dangers e> t Tajao Reef. On the Negros side there are a few detached Il!cfs, none of which lies more than 2 miles offshore. There are o harbors suitable for large vessels on either side of the straL Bohol Strait (10°00'N., 123°45'E. } i_ the passage between the W side of Bohol and the island :i Cebu. It connects the Camotes Sea with the Bohol Sea (MiaJrnao Sea). The strait is wide and deep through its length. The SE coast of Cebu, between Bag;lcay Point (10°23'N., 124°01'E.) and Tanon Point, trends S r about 72 miles. A Cebu coastal plain, which reach c:. maximum width of 4 miles, lies about 5.8 miles SW of Bag~cay Point. It extends as far S as Talisay, 14 miles SW of Bagacay Point. The city of Cebu, which lies on this coastal plain the second largest city in the Philippines. Behind the coastal plain, the land • es rapidly inland for a distance of about 7 miles. Farther S, coastal plain varies in width with mountains rising steeply fn o 1 to 3 miles inland. The W coast of Cebu, being stee;rto, can be approached almost anywhere by large vessels to din 0.5 mile to 1 mile of the coast. Unprotected anchorages, in depths of 92m or less, can be found along this coast at a distance of::oout 0.3 mile from the shore reefs. Bohol, lying SE of Cebu, i mos tly mountainous or hilly throughout. The coastal plain is usua.. narrow, being about 1 mile wide on the W side. On the EN/ coast hills rise rather abruptly from the plain, and a fairly :!:i( ensive lowland area is centered around Tagbilaran, the princ town on the island. The small islands adjoining Bohol :::e low and the majority of them are flat. Panglao Island, clos c:ff the SW coast, is the largest. Siquijor Island, lying about I "" 'les SSW of Panglao Island, is mostly mountainous and hi .::ountry. Negros is the fourth largest i• d of the Philippine Archipelago. It is located W of Ce Island. The coasts of egros are little indented and conta.Ir o harbors suitable for large vessels. The rivers can only be . a:! by small craft. Winds-Weather.-The general ate of the Philippines is, for the most part, governed by thr e main air currents; the Northeast Trade Wind, the Nortle:l._ct Monsoon, and the Southwest Monsoon. Squalls are somewhat prevalent during the Southwest Monsoon, particular~} ear the land. During such squalls the wind gust may reach "'cle force. These squalls are often associated with thunder torms. Strong and squally SW winds called Collas sometimes blow for several days in summer and early autumn. This phenomenom is generally associated with typhoons centered some distance to the N and accompanied by rain. The land and sea breeze effect is well marked in coastal waters, particularly when and where the prevailing monsoon is weak. Topography may modify the prevailing winds. The climate in the area covered by this sector is normally warm and humd. Maximum temperatures occur in April, May, and June with December, January, and February being the months of minimum temperatures. Comparatively high values of relative humidity are observed, with minimum values generally occurring around March and April. In this area the seasonal variation of humidity on the whole follows that of rainfall, highest values occurring from September to January. Eastern Negros has no pronounced maximum rain period, and has a short dry season lasting from 1 to 3 months. Central and S Cebu have practically the same prevailing conditions. During the short dry season, days with rain generally average between 4 to 10 a month, while 15 to 20 a month may be expected during summer and autumn. Northern Cebu has no dry season and no pronounced rain period. In general, the average number of days with rain is not less than 10 in the spring and exceeds 15 from June to December. Torrential rains of short duration occur at times in spring and summer during thunderstorms. From October or November to April, the Northeast Monsoon is usually fresh from N and blows straight down the axis of Tanon Strait. It is seldom troublesome in the strait S of Pasil Point. At the end of May, the winds of the Southwest Monsoon begin to blow. They become established in a month and terminate in October. They bring rain squalls and storm which occur principally in July, August, and September. During July and August, squalls and SW winds of the outer zones of typhoons affect the area. During these months there are frequently periods of clear weather with S and SE breezes. In September and October fine weather prevails. The S end of Tanon Strait is protected from the Southwest Monsoon by mountains, and it is only when the wind is stro ng that it is felt in the strait. It is always stronger at the N end and like the Northeast Monsoon, it blows along the axis of the strait. Usually a quiet sea prevails in the S half of Tanon Strait. The Northeast Trade Wind predominates during March and April, and often during February and May as well. It is of moderate strength and is the driest of all the winds affecting this area. In general, wind velocities are very moderate, reaching 30 knots or more only during thunder squalls, or when associated with tropical storms. Pub.162 Sector 7. Tanon Strait, Bohol Strait, and South Coast ofBohol Typhoons occasionally pass N of Negros and Cebu, moving in a NW direction. These islands are not frequently visited by typhoons, as only about 7 percent of the more serious disturbances of this nature which affect the Archipelago, occur in the zone 8"N to ll"N in which Negros and Cebu are located. In October and November an occasional typhoon will cross the islands in a general W direction , but this may not occur in several years . During the Northeast Monsoon, the sea rises along the N coastline of Negros and surf is found along the beaches of the island from the N half of Tanon Strait to Tomonton Point. Surf is seldom experienced at the S end of the strait, and is generally very light along the coastline on the Cebu side. Tides-Currents.-Currents in the vicinity of Negros and Cebu are largely tidal. In the Samar Sea the flood current generally sets to the SW, among and around the islands, and enters the E part of the Visayan Sea and Tanon Strait. In the Bohol Sea (Mindanao Sea), a branch of the flood tidal current from Surigao Strait strikes the SE coast of Negros off Dumaguete and divides into two arms, one of which enters Tanon Strait with great force. The tidal currents run at a considerable rate through the whole width of the strait, but decrease rapidly in strength as the strait widens . In the S part they attain a rate of 5 or 6 knots, with strong races and eddies. At neaps, the rate is 2 to 3 knots. In the Bohol Sea (Mindanao Sea) the current produced by the tidal wave which enters Surigao Strait divides into two branches after passing between Panglao and Siquijor Islands. One branch flows NE through Bohol Strait, the other flows W striking the SE coast of Negros at Dumaguete and again divides into two branches, one of which turns S between Negros coast and Siquijor Island. Off Bonbonon Point it meets t e flood from around the S end of Negros and both are diverted SE towards Mindanao; the other branch enters Tanon Strait. During the ebb the directions of flow are reversed. Combined with the tidal stream in Bohol Strait, there appears to be a nontidal flow S which continues past the S end of the strait toward the S end of Negros. In the NW part of Bohol Island, the Inabanga River has a large volume of flow and a moderately strong current. There are swift and variable currents in the channel through the reefs that lead to Tubigon. Off the S coast of Bohol, the flood current set W and the ebb E. In addition, there is a nontidal flow with an estimated velocity of 1 to 2 knots. Cervera Shoal is usually marked by tide-rips. Caution.-lt was reported (1994) that unlit fishing vessels up to 20m long, and which were almost invisible on radar, were observed in the S part of Tan on Strait. Tanon Strait-North Approach 7.2 Guintacan Island (11 "20'N. , 123"53'E.) lies about 6.25 miles WNW of Bantigu Point, the NW extremity of Cebu. It is bordered on all sides by rocky cliffs ranging from 30m high at theN end, to 12m at the Send and is steep-to. The top of the island is a level grassy plateau covered with low trees and bushes. Several villages are situated on the island. There is poor anchorage, in a depth of 29m, about 0.4 mile off the Pub.162 villages of Pasil on the SE coast and off Langob on the SW coast. Four buoys lie about 3.5 miles NW of the N extremity of Guintacan Island. Bantayan Island (11 "13'N., 123"44'E.), the largest and northernmost of the island group lying in the N approach to Tanon Strait, is located about 8 miles W of the N part of Cebu. A hill, 90m high, is located on the N end. The remainder of the island is flat with a gradual slope toward the S end. A light is hown on Buntay Point (11 "18'N., 123 "44'E.), the N point of the island. TheE coast of the island, from Buntay Point to Booc Point, is generally low with small bluffs at several places. A concrete column, 9.8m high, stands on Booc Point. The town of Madridejos lies just S of Buntay Point. Santa Fe (11 "09'N., 123"48'E.) (World Port Index No. 59030), a town on the S shore of Booc Point, is the terminus of ferry service to Hagnaya on the i land of Cebu. A concrete pier, with a reported depth of 2.7m along its face, lies about 1 mile N of the town. A stranded wreck lies 0.25 mile NNW of the pier. The villages of San Agustin, Silion, and Ocoy are situated on the E coast. The village of Pook (Maricaban) is situated on the S coast. 7.3 Bantayan (11 "10'N., 123,43'E.), the largest town on the island, is located on the SW coast. It cannot be approached closer than 1 mile and then only by small craft. Prominent objects are the red church with a detached bell tower and white municipal building. There is a radio station at Bantayan. Bantayan light stands about 1 mile N of the town. Perla Reef, which dries, lies 2 miles W of the light. Silion and Jilantangan are small islands lying about 1.5 miles off the E side of Bantayan Island. They are fringed by narrow reefs. There is a deep channel between the two islands and also between them and Bantayan Island. Silion Island, the N and smaller island is 6m high and flat. Jilantangan Island is 43m high at the N end and slopes to the S end where there is a village. There is good anchorage between these islands and Bantayan Island, which affords protection from the Southwest Monsoon. Doha Shoal (11 "15'N., 123"51 'E.), a small coral patch with a depth of 3.7m, lie midway between Jilantangan and Guintacan Island. A reef, with a depth of 3.4m, lies about 5 miles N of Bantayon Island. Tanguingui Island (11 "30'N., 123"43'E.), which shows a light, lies 11 miles N of Buntay Point. 7.4 Don Islands (11"05'N., 123"39'E.), a group of five islands, lie on drying reefs extending about 10 miles SW from the SW extremity of Bantayan Island. These consist of Botiquis Island, Doong Island, Lipayran Island, Mambacayao Island, and Yao Island. Between the Don Islands and Bantayan Island are a number of small islands and islets, the largest of which are Panitugan, Maamboc, Silagon, Sagasa, and Botong. There are no navigable channels between them. Yao Island (11 "02'N., 123"35'E. ), the SW island of the Don Islands, is small and heavily wooded with large trees. It is clear Sector 7. T non Strait, Bohol Strait, and South Coast of Bohol of dangers and can be rounded at a s:ance of 0.25 mile. A 9.1m patch lies 1 mile WSW of the isla!d. The channel between Yao Island a Mambacayao Island is 0.25 mile wide and deep in the middle. A 2.7m coral shoal lies about 3 miles SE of Yao Island. The · and is prominent when passing N of Negros and W of Bantayan Island. The channel between Yao Island d Molocaboc Island, 4 miles SSW, is deep in the fairway. Doong Reef (1 r08'N., 123 °34'E) a sand and coral formation that dries 0.8m, lies 8 miles W of the SW end of Bantayan Island. Lutungan Island, about 4.5 mile WSW of the town of Bantayan, lies on a reef extending from the SW port of Bantayan Island. The channel between Doong Reef the reef extending W from Lutungan Island is about I mile ide with a depth of 18m in the middle. A 5.8m rocky patch lie n the N approach to this channel. Asuncion Pass (10°56'N., 123"'33'E.) lies between Molocaboc Island and Sagay Point, o egros, about 2.8 miles SW. It is deep in the fairway and is 1 "I.e wide between drying reefs on either side. A lighted buoy is moored ab t 0.8 mile WSW of Molocaboc Island. Negros-East Coast-Sagay Point to Refugio Island 7.5 Sagay Point (10°56'N., 1:!3"30'E.) to Vito Point, about 2.5 miles, has an intervening ::oast that is overgrown with mangrove covering the fringing reef for a distance of 0.5 mile mile N and over I mile E. A all village stands on a small area of firm ground on the E sid of the point. Mount Solitario (10 °49'N., 123 °2Z'E.), located 8 miles S of Sagay Point, is a prominent conical-shaped, wooded peak about 341m high. It is easily identi e from the N and E of Negros. Pamaaun Reef (10°55'N., 123°34-'E.), which dries and is about 0.3 mile in length, lies on the SE side of Asuncion Pass about 2.5 miles E of Vito Point. Abo t 0.8 mile SE of Pamaaun Reef is a rocky patch. A 7m channel es to the N of this patch and a 7.4m channel lies S of it. Bagunbanua Island (10o52'N., I2 34'E.), about 3 miles SE of Vito Point, lies on the SW angle l!!lf a large triangular reef which dries. It is small and cover with bushes. The reef extends over 0.75 mile Nand the sam distance E. Between Bagunbanua Island and th coastal reef is a channel with depths of 10m in the fairway. Ro Icy patches, with a depth of 2.7 to 5.5 m, lie close W of the ch101el. A detached drying reef lies 0.5 mile SE of Bagunbanua Island and between them is a narro"' pass with depth of 2.7m. Between the detached reef and Panal iLion Reef, about 0.5 mile SW, is a channel with a depth of 20.1 . Panalsalon Reef (10°51'N., 123°3 '3.) partly dries at LW. Large boulders, awash at HW, lie in the center of the drying area. Between Panalsalon Reef and coastal reef of Negros, there is a channel with a depth 11m. From Vito Point, the coast trends SS: about 4 miles and then ENE about 2 miles to Mocaboc Poi t ;'"orming Escalante Bay. The bay is bordered by wide coral reefs, bare at LW, and faced by Bagunbauna Island and detached reefs. Escalante (10°50'N., 123°33'E.) is a town on the W side of Mocaboc Point. Because of the coastal reef N of the town, vessels seldom anchor in the bay but enter the Danao River S of Mocaboc Point, or anchor outside N of the bar, in 3.6 to 4.5m. Large vessels anchor off the river entrance, in 15m, mud. This latter anchorage is open with no protection from the Northeast Monsoon. 7.6 Mocaboc Point (10 °51'N., 123 °34'E.) is 12m high and formed of yellow clay and rock. It is bordered by a coastal reef extending nearly 0.3 mile N from it. The Danao River (10°49'N., 123 °34'E.), which discharges between Mocaboc Point and Ocre Point, 3 miles S, has a least depth of 3.7m on its bar, deepening within to 18 to 22m. The channel across the bar is narrow and tortuous, and vessels should proceed cautiously. The river is about 0.3 mile wide at its mouth, but soon narrows to 0.1 mile and varies in width from 91 to 137m for a distance of 4 miles; the banks are steepto. On the N bank of the river, about 0.5 mile inside the bar, are two small wharves with a depth of 2.7m alongside. A light is shown from a structure between the wharves. Mount Solitario, about 5 miles W of the wharves, is a useful landmark for making the mouth of the Danao River. There is good protected anchorage for small vessels inside the bar. The anchorage area off the wharves is only about 91m wide and there is considerable difficulty in turning, especially with an ebb current. Vessels loading sugar from the Danao River wharves usually anchor about I.5 miles off the river mouth, in about 15.2m. 7.7 Ocre Point (10 °48'N., 123°34'E.), about 1.3 miles S of the mouth of the Danao River, is about 15.2m high and formed of yellow clay and rock. From Ocre Point to Paulino Point, about 16 miles SSW, the coast is fringed by a narrow, steep-to, coral reef, with no detached dangers lying more than 0 .75 mile offshore. The Salamanca River (10 °45'N., 123°32'E.) discharges about 3 miles SSW of Ocre Point. The village of Salamanca, with a small pier, stands here. Arcolon Point lies about 1.5 miles S of Salamanca, and Lemery Point is 5.5 miles farther S. A vessel approached an anchorage off Salamanca on course 310° and anchored when Ocre Point bare 018 ° and Arcolon Point 225". This anchorage had a depth of 40m. Calatrava (10°36'N., I23 °29'E.), a small town , is situated on the S side of the mouth of the Calatrava River, about 3 miles N of Paulino Point. It can be recognized by a group of white buildings with red roofs standing near the beach. The buildings are visible from seaward. There is anchorage, in 22m off the S side of the point on which the town stands, with the point bearing 013°, distance about 0.4 mile. Between Paulino Point and Pinabuntan Point, about 1.5 miles S, there is a coastal indentation, the head of which is filled by a mangrove swamp which extends up to 0.5 mile inland. Ticlin Island (10°32'N., 123°28'E.), covered with mangroves, and fringed by a drying reef, lies about 0.4 mile S of Paulino Point. Ticlin Reef, which partly dries, lies 0.75 mile Pub.162 Sector 7. Tanon Strait, Bohol Strait, and South Coast ofBohol SSE of Ticlin Island. A shifting sand cay, which dries 0 .9m, lies on the S part of Ticlin Reef. There is anchorage, in 15.2m, for vessels with local knowledge, about 0.3 to 0.4 mile SW of Ticlin Island. A more sheltered anchorage for small vessels in 11m, mud is in a basin about 0.3 mile in extent about 0.15 mile NW of Ticlin Island, with the SW point of the island in range, bearing 155" with the sand cay on Ticlin Reef. Two channels lead to this latter anchorage, the N one being the better. In rounding the N end of the reef bordering Ticlin Island, the depth decreases from 27m outside to 9.lm in the basin just before the anchorage on the aforementioned range. The S passage is narrow and has a depth of 3.7m in midchannel; it should be marked unless the light is favorable. Talabe Point (10"30'N., 123"27'E.), about 1.5 miles SW of Pinabuntan Point, is low, flat, and covered with mangrove and coconut trees. A conspicuous white monument stands about 0.3 mile NNE of the point, while a prominent tank lies 0.75 mile NNE of the point. The coastal reef, part of which bares at LW, extends nearly 0.6 mile E and about 0.3 0.25 mile SE from Talabe Point. The Talabe River discharges close N of the point. A reef, with a depth of 4.3m and steep-to, lies about 0.7 mile SE of Talabe Point; it is the outer danger on the W side of the N approach to Refugio Pass. 7.8 Refugio Island (10"27'N., 123"26'E.) is nearly flat, the highest point of elevation is about 15.2m. It is completely surro unded by a reef that partly dries and extends about 0.5 mile NE and about 1.3 miles SW from it. The reef on the W side is fairly narrow and steep-to and that on theE side extend up to 0.6 mile from the central part of the island. A buoy marks the edge of the reef, 0.5 mile NNE of the island, and a buoy is moored off the reef, 1 mile SW of the island. There are two piers, suitable only for boats, on the NW coast of the island. A light is shown on the NE side of the island. It was reportedly periodically obscured by foliage. Ermita Rock (10"26'N., 123"26'E.), composed of coral heads, with a depth of 2.4m, lies about 1 mile SE of the S extremity of Refugio Island. There is a deep channel between the rock and the reef fringing the island. Refugio Pass (10"28'N. , 123"24'E.) separates Refugio Island from the E coast of Negros, and has a least navigable width of 1 mile abeam San Carlos Point. The W side of the pass is mostly fringed with mangrove and is bordered by a narrow steep-to reef. San Carlos Point (10"29'N., 123"25'E.), a low sandy point about 2 miles SW of Talabe Point. 7.9 San Carlos (10"29'N. , 123"25'E.) (World Port Index No. 59070) is located on the W side of Refugio Pass . The town is nearly obscured by trees and only a few houses are visible. Depths-Limitations.-The port is accessed from the N via Refugio Pass. Vessels may load/discharge alongside or at anchor, via lighters, in depths of up to 18.3m. Cargoes handled include molasses, sugar, and general cargo. A government pier, 46m long and 9.lm wide, is situated at the end of a rock causeway on San Carlos Point. At this pierhead the controlling depth is 7 .5m, but depths decrease rapidly along the sides of the causeway. Pub.162 The ruins of a wooden pier, visible only at LW, lie about 91m W of the government pier. A T-headed pier, owned by the sugar mill with a berthing face 16m in length, projects 0.25 mile SE from the shore, 0.5 mile NE of San Carlos Point. The depth at the head of the pier was reported as 7.9m. Three mooring buoys are laid on each side of the pierhead. The pier is equipped with an automatic conveyor for loading sugar. A launch runs mooring lines. A heavy swell may be experienced alongside these pier during the Northeast Monsoon (October to March). Aspect.-The twin spires of the church and the metal chimney of the sugar mill are prominent. Two water tanks, 24m high, are located 0.75 mile N of San Carlos Point. A radio tower, 49m high, stands 0.5 mile W of the point. Pilotage.-Pilotage is available. A radio is not available. Pilots for San Carlos can be obtained at Dumaguete. Anchorage.-There is anchorage, in 9 to 15m, mud, about 0.2 to 0.3 mile S of San Carlos Point. Large vessels can anchor off the end of the sugar pier, in about 15m. Directions.-When approaching Refugio Pass from N and when about 3 miles NE of Refugio lighthouse, steer for the sugar mill chimney, bearing 265". When about 0.4 mile of the buoy marking the N edge of the N of Refugio Island, alter course for the piers or anchorages. The E side of San Carlos Point should be given a berth of about a 0.5 mile to avoid the flat, with depths of less than 3.7m, which extends 0.25 mile from the point. Negros-East Coast-Refugio Pass to Guihulngan 7.10 The entrance to the Mainit River (10"26'N., 123"22'E.) is located 3.75 miles SW of San Carlos Point. There are no prominent features between this entrance and Guihulngan, 20.5 miles SSW; the hills approach close to the coast. The rivers are small and cannot be navigated. This part of the island Negros is well populated and there are numerous villages scattered along the coast. There is anchorage for vessels with local knowledge off De LaVina Hacienda (10"21'N., 123 "20'E.), about 6 miles SSW of the mouth of the Mainit River. This anchorage is well protected during the Southwest Monsoon (May to September), and also from S and SE winds by a detached coral reef which lies parallel with the coa t and dries in two places. A vessel approaching this anchorage should steer for the prominent iron roofed dwelling on a bearing of 226" and anchor, in a depth of 9m, when the mouth of the small steam on theN side of the hacienda bears 271 ". A small, detached 3.7m patch lies off the N entrance about 0.2 mile offshore, and vessels should pass about 137m SE. Vallehermoso (10"20'N., 123"20'E.), a town about 1.5 miles S of De LaVina Hacienda, has a sand flat , with depths of 5.5m along its outer edge, extending about 0.1 mile from the shore E of the town. Immediately outside this flat the depths increase abruptly to 18m, mud, where anchorage can be taken with the large and prominent convent near the coast bearing 271 •. Vallehermoso is an occasional port of call for coastal vessels. Jilaitan Point (10"15'N., 123"19'E.) is located 5.5 miles S of Vallehermoso. A small reef, with three coral heads, awash, lies Sector 7. T on Strait, Bohol Strait, and South Coast ofBohol 0.6 mile ESE of Jilaitan Point. Bet\' een this reef and the coastal reef is a deep channel about 0. -nile wide. This is the only off-lying danger in the vicinity. Guihulngan (10°07'N., 123 °16'E.) . a small town situated about 7.8 miles SSW of Jilaitan Poi The mouth of a large river located N of the town is closed ~ c... bar. A light is shown from a white concrete beacon, 11m hi~ standing on the beach at Guihulngan. Depths off the town increase grack:a:ly to 7 .4m about 0.4 mile offshore, then deepen abruptly to -2m, and to over 90m at a distance of little more than 0.5 mile. A pier, about 0.8 mile SSW of the to , is reported to have a depth of 1.5m off its seaward end. The-e is anchorage, in 22 to 27m, mud, with Guihulngan Church be:a:ing 290°. Negros-East Coast-Guihul gan to Calongcalong Point 7.11 The La Libertad River 110°02'N., 123 °14'E.) discharges about 6 miles SSW of G · ulngan and although appearing large, is completely bloc -ed by steep-to drying reefs. Small craft enter the river at H\\ Pasil Point (lOOOO'N., 123 °14'E. l i:5 low, flat, and well cultivated. A white beacon situat on Pasil Point. The Magingin River, small and of no na gational value, empties through Pasil Point. Jimalalud (9°59'N., 123°12'E.), ~:mall town about 2.5 miles SSW of Pasil Point, can be i rtified by a red roofed convent. There is anchorage, in 27rw. mud, E of the convent and about 0.1 mile offshore. Tayasan Point (9 °55'N., 123°10'E about 5.8 miles SW of Pasil Point, is steep-to, low, flat, and \ ell-cultivated. The town of Tayasan is located on the S side of ayasan Point. The Tibiauan River empties close 7v of the town. There is anchorage, in 40m, mud, in the elbo · of the coast about 0.8 mile WSW of Tayasan Point. The anc orage is fairly protected during either monsoon. Calagcalag Bay (9°50'N., 123°09'E > about 6 miles SSW of Tayasan Point, is formed by drying r cL. There is good shelter for small vessels with locaJ knowled~during either monsoon. The bay is divided into two sections. The outer part has an anchorage abau! 0.3 mile in width. The inner part is entered between two mangrove covered points and is mostly fringed by drying reefs. well defined channel, about 137m wide at its entrance, lea ID the inner anchorage. This channel is clear of dangers 1111d has a mud bottom, shoaling gradually from 27m at th e1trance, to 5.5m about 9lm from a causeway which cross~ its head. The village of Calagcalag is situated close S of the S entrance point of the bay. There are no navigational aids for in entering Calagcalag Bay. The outer anchorage can be app10 ched on a 270° course, keeping about 0.1 mile S of the reef e used as a rough guide. After crossing the ridge between Mocal:o:; Islet and Bagambanua Islet, proceed SE until Mocaboc Islet bea:s 030° and then change course to 210° and continue until Bag::ntbanua Islet bears 348°, then alter course to 168° bringing Bagam anua Islet astern and the E end of Hayaan Islet directly ahead. When Pangap Islet bears 090°, alter course to 099 ° and steer for the center of Cancostino Islet, pa -g about 0.3 mile S of Pangap Islet. The reef that surrounds Pangap is steep-to and bare at LW. It should be favored to avoid a small 2m patch lying 0.5 mile SW of the W end of Pangap Islet. When abreast of Pangap alter course and steer for the church at Tubigon, bearing 154°. 7.41 Between Tubigon and Calape, a town situated about 6.5 miles SW, the foothills at several loca)jties rise to conspicuous heights. The most prominent are Mount Ilihan, 222m high; Mount Tanauan, 443m high, about 3 miles S of Tubigon; and Mou nt Candungao, 480m high, 3.25 miles SW of Mount Tanauan. Calape Bay (9°54'N., 123°52'E.), 6.5 miles SW ofTubigon, is small and constricted. The bay is inaccessible from the N except by small craft at HW. The S entrance can be used by small boats; the channel is unmarked and should not be attempted without local knowledge. Calape, a small town at the head of the bay, has a prominent church with twin towers. Panganga n Island (9°54'N., 123°49'E.), low and cu ltivated, )jes about 2 miles W of the town of Calape. Magtung Point, on the NW side of the island is clear and steep-to, but the remainder of the island is fringed with reefs which dry on the N side. Sa ndingan Island (9°51'N., 123 °48'E.), lying about 2 miles SW of Pangagan Island and marked by a )jght, 81m high and wooded. It is connected with Bohol by swamps and drying reefs. Cabilao Island (9°53'N., 123°46'E.), 34m high and wooded, is separated from the NW side of Sandingan Island by Sauang Pass, a 0.75 mile wide deep channel. A concrete pole stands near the NE extremity of Cabilao Island. Tidal currents in the vicinity of the island set N and S at a considerable rate. 7.42 Loon (9°48'N., 123°48'E.), 2.5 miles S of Sandingan Island, stands on the NW slope of Mount Canmanoc, 445m high, situated 2 miles SE. A large church and convent stand on a plateau 23m high, reached by a wide flight of steps. A stone mole, used by small boats, extends 0.1 5 mile from shore. There is anchorage for small vessels, in 7 to 14.6m, with the head of the mole bearing 097", 0.25 mile off. Care should be taken when anchoring as there are several large coral heads in this area, with depths of 1.2 to 2.4m. Cruz Point (9°44'N., 123°47'E.), the extremity of the penins ula lying between Loon and Maribojoc, lies about 4 miles S of Loon. The point is 6.1 to 9.1 m high, rocky, and covered with trees. There is a prominent stone watchtower standing near the seaward end of the point. Maribojoc Bay (9°42'N., 123°50'E.), entered between Cruz Point and Cocales Point, 5.25 miles SE, is fringed by a reef which extends 1 mile offshore on the S end. Maribojoc (9°45'N., 123°51'E.) (World Port Index No. 58880), a town on the NE side of the bay, has a large church visible from all parts of the bay. A mole, with a depth of 1.3m off its outer end, extends 0.2 mile SW between the reefs. A light is shown at the head of the mole. There is anchorage, sheltered only from the Northeast Monsoon, in 11 to 18m, mud, with the seaward end of the mole bearing 053 °, distance 0.25 mile. Pub. 162 Sector 7. Tanon Strait, Bohol Strait, and South Coast ofBohol Four concrete beacons mark the edges of the reef leading to the mole; the edges are generally marked by fish traps. Small craft drawing not more than 2.4m can proceed farther in through a short, winding channel to within a short distance of the mole. The Abatan River (9 °43'N., 123°52'E.), 2 miles SE of Maribojoc, has a depth of 1m on the bar at LW, with greater depths inside. It is navigable by small craft to above the town of Cortes, where it is spanned by a steel bridge. Cortes, a small town on a bl uff on theE bank of the Abatan River, lies about 1.8 miles from the entrance of the river. Paminuitan Hill (9°41'N., 123°52'E.), 99m high, conspicuous, round topped, and wooded, stands about 1.5 miles S of the Abatan River and 0.5 mile inland from the coast. There is anchorage providing fair shelter about 0.5 mile offshore, with the low, wooded point which marks the S limit of the flats off the mouth of the Abatan River bearing 100°, Parninuitan Hill bearing 125", and a conspicuous bushy tree on a reef near the entrance of the river bearing 018°. Depths shoal gradually from 27 to 7m, mud. 7.43 Tagbilaran (9°39'N. , 123 °51'E.) (World Port Index No. 58870), the seat of the provincial government of Bohol, is situated 2 miles SSE of Cocales Point. It is a town of growing commercial importance. Depths-Limitations.-The channel was reported to be about 6lm in width, with a controlling depth of 7.8m, although depths of as little as 1.4m have been reported in the channel. Local knowledge is necessary. An L-shaped concrete pier projects 0.25 mile from shore about 0.5 mile NNW of the town. The pier has a berthing face 95m long with a least depth of 6m reported alongside. Improvements to the port faci lities were recently planned. ATheaded stone pier 9m wide, projects 290m from the shore, about 0.2 mile SSE of the L-shaped pier. Aspect.-The standpipe behind the town and the church tower in town are prominent objects in the approach. A cross, whkh is outlined at night by green lights , is situated atop a college near the church. A tower, marked by obstruction lights, stands 0.5 mile NE of the church. The N side of the entrance channel is marked by lighted beacons. Pilotage.-Pilotage is available 24 hours . The pilots board near the beginning of the channel, about 1.3 miles WNW of the head of the L-shaped pier. Regulations.-Cargo vessels must send their ETA 36 hours prior to arrival. Passenger vessels must send their ETA 24 hours prior to arrival. Anchorage.-There is a confined anchorage area, with a depth of 26m, W of the government pier. Anchoring positions are best seen on the chart. The outer anchoring positions are for vessels greater than 3,000 grt. The inner anchoring positions are for vessels of 3,000 grt and under, with a depth of 26m, W of the government pier. Bohol-South Coast-Tagbilaran to Agio Point 7.44 Panglao Island (9°36'N., 123°47'E.), off the SW extremity of Bohol, is almost j oined to it as the harbor of Pub.162 Tagbilaran that separates them is only about 0.3 mile wide at the narrowe t part and nearly dry at LW. A cau eway extends from the town of Dauis, at the NE end of the island, to the Bohol shore. There are gaps in the causeway to allow for the passage of boats. A church spire at Dauis is conspicuous . There are two hills near the NE part of Panglao Island. Mount Biking rises to 197m and is the higher. A third hill rises to 97m on the S side of the island. The rest of the island is fairly level and covered with vegetation. The town of Panglao, open to smal l craft at HW, stands at the head of Panglao Bay. An extensive drying reef extends 3.25 miles SW from the SW end of Panglao Island. Two small wooded islets are located on this reef. Balicasag Island (9°31'N., 123 °41'E.), 4 miles SW of Tahuruc Point, the SW extremity of Panglao Island, is low, flat, and surrounded by a narrow steep-to reef. A few houses and the ruins of an old fort stand on the island. The channel between the island and the reef extending SW from Pangalao Island is 1.75 miles wide and deep. Cervera Shoal (9°30'N., 123 °50'E.), with a depth of 6.4m and steep-to, lies about 9.5 miles E of Balicasag Island. The shoal can usually be distinguished by tide rips and discolored water. Parnilacan Island (9 °30'N., 123°55'E.), 15m high at its W side, lies about 14 miles E of Balicasag Island. The N extremity is clear of dangers and steep-to, but the rest of the coast is fringed by a reef which, in places, extends about 0.2 mile offshore. A small rock, with orne bushes, lies nearly 0.1 mile off the S side. A fort, in ruins, stands on theN point of the island. 7.45 The S coast of Bohol, from Tagbilaran to Agio Point about 46 miles E, is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. There are no off-lying dangers and the S coast of Bohol can be safely navigated at a distance of 0.75 mile. Baclayon (9°37'N., 123o54'E.), a small town about 3.5 miles ESE of Tagbilaran, has a church and other buildings that show well from seaward. There is a small stone landing in front of the town. A light is shown at the outer end of the landing. Anchorage.-Ves els can anchor, in 37m, with the church tower bearing 317 ; Mount Biking, on Pang lao Island, bearing 248 ; and the round-top hill, 145m high, on Bobol bearing 013 . Care should be taken to avoid a 1.8m patch lying on the approach to this anchorage, 2.75 miles SE of Tagbilaran church. Small vessels can find anchorage, in 22m, about 0.3 mile off the shore of Panglao Island, with the church tower at Tagbilaran bearing 321 , the small chapel on Panglao Island bearing 285 , and the round-top hill on Bohol bearing 029 . Outside the reef along the S coast of Bohol the depths increase so abruptly that anchorage is afforded in only a few places. Alburquerque (9°37'N., 123 °57'E.), a small town about 2.5 miles E of Baclayon, has a large prominent stone church. Loay (9°36'N., 124°01'E.), a town about 3.5 mile E of Alburquerque, is situated on low, flat ground on the E side of the mouth of the Loay River. Sector 7. Taoon Strait, Bohol Strait, and South Coast ofBohol A church and convent stand on a srul hill overlooking the town. A light is also shown from the E ank of the river. The small harbor, formed by the ri" . is about 137m wide off the town . It has two rock jetties an marginal wharf. The channel is marked by three beac P-S, two of which mark the outer ends of the jetties. The other beacon stands midway betwfen the E jetty beacon and the marginal wharf, the latter havi _ :depths of 1.5 to 2.4m reported alongside. There is temporal) .nchorage, in 14.7 to 27m ,outside the bar of the river. The Loay River is navigable by sm b::>ats as far as the town of Loboc, about 2.5 miles inland from tne coast. From Loay to Loboc, the river is ~ tortuous and mostly fringed by swamps. It is spanned by · ::>ridge at Loay and a bridge at Loboc. 7.46 Tayong Peak (9 . 38'N., 124" .c.'E.), 506m high and conical, stand prominently in a group d hills 4 miles NE of Loay. Lila (9 "35'N., 124"06'E.), a town "Jt 5 miles E of Loay, has a church with a galvanized roof; th S gable is prominent. Dimiao (9 . 36'N., 124"10'E.), a tow :~~out 4 miles E of Lila, has a church whose peaked roof forms 5ood landmark. There is anchorage for small craft -the bight close W of Dimiao with fair shelter from all wind5 except SW. The town has a small wooden pier. Valencia (9 . 36'N., 124. 12'E.), a small town about 3 miles E of Dimiao, offers anchorage, in 14. ~ to 18.3m, sand, but without shelter. Gorda Point (9 "36'N., 124' 16'E. ) about 3 miles E of Valencia, forms a barely noticeable pfi e:::tion from the general coast line and derives its name from t Ileight and prominence of Mount Gorda. The coast in this vic· r-1is clear and steep-to. Mount Gorda (9 "36'N., 124"16'E.), a narrow steep ridge, is about 1.5 miles long. Its summit, 32 high, i located about 0.5 mile NW of Gorda Point. Its bluff e, tree-covered sides show distinctly against the range fanl:er inland forming an excellent landmark. Garcia Hernandez (9 "37'N., 124"1T E.), a small town about 2.25 miles E of Gorda Point, has mge prominent stone church. There is temporary, unproteced anchorage off the town, in 9 to 27m. About 1 mile ENE of Garcia Hernandez there is a pier. Canopao Point (9 . 38'N., 124.22'E,~o about 4 miles E of Garcia Hernandez and Cantagay Poi . 0.75 mile farther NE, with a small bay between them, are foTied by bluffs 9 to 15m high. Jagna (9"39'N., 124"22'E.) (World 1: Index No. 58850), a small town about 0.5 mile N of Cantaga_ ?oint, stands at the head of Jagna Bay. Its shores are fringed reefs that bare at LW. Government Pier, L-shaped and of co cz; te construction, is 33m long at its face, with depths from 4 to 9 reported alongside. The pier was being extended. A li~ -is shown at the inner end of the pier. Vessels may berth e1 _r side to the pier, but starboard side is recommended during the Southwest Mon oon, using the port anchor. Pilots and tugs are not available and entry into the bay at night is not recommended. The largest vessel to berth here was 141m long. There is an anchorage area 0.25 mile wide N of Cantagay Point, in depths from 26 to 33m, protected from S, through W and N, toNE. In heavy weather from E, the pier and anchorage are untenable. 7.47 Nauco Point (9. 39'N., 124"24'E.), where the coast makes an abrupt change of direction to theN, is located about 2 miles E of Jagna. The point is clear and steep-to, rising almost vertically to a height of 22.8m, then gradually to over 30.5m at a distance of 137m inland. The vertical face of Nauco Point makes a good landmark. Duero (9.42'N., 124"24'E.), a small town about 3.3 miles N of Nauco Point, offers fairly good anchorage, in 27m E of the church and about 0.2 mile offshore. Guindulman Bay (9"45'N., 124"30'E.) (World Port Index No. 58860), between Cabantian Point and Napacao Point, 4 miles E, extends about 3 miles N. It is very deep at the entrance, but shoals rapidly near its head . The only detached danger in the bay is a 0.9m patch in the NE comer about 0.3 mile off the mouth of the Tabahan River (9"46'N., 124. 30'E.). 7.48 Guindulman (9"45'N., 124. 30'E.), the town at the head of the bay, is close W of the river entrance. The town is concealed by trees, and although the tower of the church is visible above them, it is inconspicuous. Vessels can anchor according to draft outside the fish traps lining the shore in front of the town , mud and sand bottom. This anchorage is exposed to the Southwest Monsoon. A T-shaped pier, 204m long , with depths of 5.2 mat the NW end, and 7.9m at the SE end, stands on the E shore of Guindulman Bay, 0.5 mile SE of the town. Two buoys mark the shoal and the edge of the reef NW and S of the pier. There is anchorage, in 14.6m, about 0.1 mile SW of the pier. From Napacao Point, the coast trends E for about 3.5 miles to Quinali Point (9 "44'N., 124"34'E.), then NE for nearly 2 miles to Agio Point. Mount Pugatin (9 "47'N., 124"34'E.), with twin peaks 375m and 390m high and about 0.5 mile apart, lies up to 2.25 miles NNW of Agio Point. Anda (9"45'N., 124"34'E.), a small town lying on a sandy point, the extremity of which is about 1 mile N of Quinalj Point, has a large white conspicuous church. An extensive mangrove swamp lies between Anda and the mainland. There is anchorage for small craft, in 22m, close off the edge of the reef SE of the extremity of the point. Agio Point (9 "46'N., 124"35'E.), theSE extremity of Bohol is low, but rises to a height of 163m less than 0.5 mile inland. The point is fringed by a narrow, steep-to reef with a growth of mangrove. Pub.162 I 30'· I 126" 123" l (SEE SECTOR 6) DlNAGAT~~ ISLAND ~ AREA / , /~ ~~· ••. L. ~ s I ~ ~ MINDANAO SEA -"%. p iL ..~~~ \D s 'C I I< ·----------· !t/1111 [JCA 9" (SEE SECTOR 12) ~---) 30' 192200 ____ '-.. J-~vuv" 3Q'. ,, IJ)' I _...a....:;IIIV92293 o\o. I s• 92290 MINDANAO MORO I GULF (SEESECTOR 9) 7" 123° 30' Additional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. ~ SECTOR 8-CHART INFORMATION ~ N .... .... 0\ ~ N SECTORS WE T AND NORTH COASTS OF MINDANAO Plan.-This sector describes the W and N coasts of Mindanao. The descriptive sequence i ~ from Caldera Point to Sibalic Point (Sibalik Point), then W t E to Madilao Point. General Remarks 8.1 The W coast of Mindanao ooers on the Sulu Sea and consists of the W side of the Zamboanga Peninsula. Heavily forested mountains rise to el ·ations of about 366 to 610m, forming a wide central ridge which is virtually unexplored, and extending the len of the Zamboanga Peninsula. The 20m curve fringes the W coast, varying from 0.2 to 0.5 mile offshore. The 200m curve varies from 0.25 llll e to 5 miles offshore. There are no known dangers seaward the 200m curve. It is a very exposed coast and heavy seas are experienced, especially during the Southwest Monsoon. The t sheltered anchorage on the W coast is Port Santa Maria. T e is no recommended typhoon refuge. The N coast of Mindanao is indem d by four large bays separated by broad peninsula which enninate in bold capes. The largest of these, Iligan Bay, has long SW reach nearly dividing the island in two, with only 75 miles at the narrowest part. The terrain of the coast is rugged :a::~d otherwise similar to the W coast except that the hinter! is much higher. The 200m curve fringing the N coast vari from about 0.3 mile to 4 miles offshore, except for a narrow elf extending about 11 miles NW from the NW extremity of island. Nasipit Harbor and Port Ozarniz are recommended ty oon refuges. Wind-Weather.-The Southwest ::rlonsoon prevails from the end of June until November. It is n t as strong and steady as the Northeast Monsoon. It is accompanied by overcast sky and rain, especially on tl::e W coast of Mindanao. Southwesterly gale , which are accom anied by heavy rains, occur occasionaJiy during the Southw Monsoon. In October, the winds vary from SW to ?\' and are uaJiy accompanied by squalls and thunderstorms. From December until early March, the Northeast Monsoon prevails with some strength on the eoast of Mindanao and occasionally reaches gale force in the ~ en sea. Mindanao is S of the usual ty-_.oon tracks, however, occasionally they pass across the i and from E during the month of December. Tides-Currents.-Off the W c of Mindanao, the W tidal current from Basilan Strait (6. ., 122. 00'E.) flows N, meeting the S tidal current from S ·gao Strait (10 . 28'N., 125. 23'E.) about midway up the coas Strong E eddies set toward dera Point (6. 57'N., 121 · 58'E.). A rough sea rises oft this coast during the Southwest Monsoon. In the Bohol Sea (Mindanao Sea) _ ·21'N., 124. 00'E.) there is a W set in both monsoons, varying · strength according to wind and tide. Between the S e of Negros (9.03'N., 123.03'E.) and Tagolo Point (8.44'N. , 123.23'E.), there is a SE set. Vessels approaching Surigao Strait (10.28'N., 125"23'E.) from the W should keep well N of the Camiguin Island (9. 15'N., 124.43'E.) N extremity to offset the SW set. In the S part of Bohol Sea, the currents are weak and follow the direction of the prevailing monsoon. Along the N coast of Mindanao, the currents are influenced by the discharge of the rivers. Mindanao-West Coast 8.2 The coast between Caldera Point (6"57'N., 121 · 58'E.) and Coronado Point, about 62 miles NNE, consists of heavily-wooded mountain slopes which rise steeply from the shore except on the SW coast of the peninsula, which is low and extensively cultivated. A number of exposed bays, which afford temporary anchorage, indent the coast. Caldera Point, a sandy point with a coconut plantation, is located on the SW extremity of Zamboanga Peninsula. San Ramon o·oo'N., 121 .55'E.), 3.75 miles NW of Caldera Point, is the site of a penal colony. The buildings are quite prominent, day or night, as many lights are kept on all night. A monument stands on the coast in the middle of the colony. Batorampon Point (7"07'N., 121 · 54'E.) lies about 7 miles NNW of San Ramon; the coast between is low, covered with trees, and bordered with steep sand beaches. Batorampon Point is backed by a sand hill , 137m high, flat on top , and densely wooded. Vessels approaching from N by night, keep well clear of Alimpaya Point, 2.25 miles N of Batorampon Point, as it is low and flat and does not show up well against the higher pointS. From Alimpaya Point to Pangian Point (7" 17'N., 122·01 'E.), the S entrance point of Sibuco Bay, the coast trends NE about 10.5 miles. The coast is steep-to and free of dangers, except for close offshore rocks lying about 6 miles NE of Alimpaya Point. Sibuco Bay (Sibuko Bay), entered between Pangian Point and Sibuco Point, about 3.3 miles NNE, offers no protection during either monsoon, and a considerable swell sets in. The bay is deep and clear of danger . Vessels calling at Sibuco Bay anchor about 0.2 mile offshore, in a position about 0.5 mile SW of Sibuco town, at the head of the bay. Between Sibuco Point and Cauit Point (7. 32'N., 122. 05'E.), about 12 miles NNE, the coast is high and has several small coves that afford temporary anchorage for coastal vessels. From Cauit Point to Siraguay Point (7"33'N., 122. 07'E.), about 2.5 miles ENE, several small bays indent the coast. Piacan Bay, a small cove located E of the former point, affords protection to small vessels during the Southwest Ylonsoon. Panabutan Bay, entered between Siraguay Point and Balatacan Point, about 2.8 miles N, has a very irregular shore line. A timber mill stands at the head of Panabutan Bay. The N Pub.162 Sector 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao part of the bay is sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon, with a depth of 18m. A good landmark for approaching Panabutan Bay is the 270m hill close E of Balatacan Point. The hill is heavilywooded, except for the lower slope of its S side. Anchorage can be taken E of Panabutan Point (7"35'N., 122"07'E.), in 18m, mud. This anchorage is open toW and SW winds. Caution.-A rock awash, lies 91 m off Balatacan Point. It is difficult to distinguish at HW. Siocon Bay (Siocan Bay) is entered between Balatacan Point (7"36'N., 122"06'E.) and Dulunguin Point, 8.5 miles N. It provides anchorage for small vessels in the N part, sheltered from NE winds, but close in because of the great depths. A 4.9m patch lies 0.75 S of Dulunguin Point, and a group of rocks, 2m high, lies 10.75 mile N of the point. The Siocon River flows into the bay about 3 miles SE of Dulunguin Point (7"44'N., 122"05'E.). A good landmark for the N part of the bay is a hill, 75m high, located on the N bank of the river about 1.3 miles NE of the river mouth. 8.3 Port Santa Maria (Puerto) (7"46'N., 122"07'E.) (World Port Index No. 59600), a timber port, lies in a nearly landlocked bay 2 miles N of Dulunguin Point. The entrance, which is difficult to distinguish from a distance, is 0.2 mile wide between the shoals just inside it and has considerable depths in the fairway. Mount Santa Maria, 197m high, lies about 0.8 mileS of the S entrance point of the harbor and is a good landmark. A privately owned wooden wharf, 67m in length, with a Thead 24m long, is situated on theN ide of theE bay. Depths of 9.1 m were reported alongside. It is reported that fish traps lie on the N and S side of the approach to the wharf, and vessels should pass between them. There is good anchorage in either bay at the head of the harbor, in depths of 22 to 27m. It provides the best sheltered anchorage on the W coast of Mindanao. 8.4 Nunuyan Bay, entered between Sampoak Point (7"47'N., 122"06'E.), 1.5 mile of the entrance to Port Santa Maria, and Nunuyan Point, 1.5 miles NE, provides good anchorage during the Southwest Monsoon (May to September). Several small settlements stand along the shore s of the bay. Baligian Bay, entered N of Nunuyan Point provides good anchorage, in depths from 9 to 27m, protected from the NE. The approach lies S of Candulingan Island (7 "49'N., 122 "07'E.), which lies 0.6 mile W of the N entrance point of the bay, with shoal water between. The island is steep-to, but sho uld be given a berth of 0.25 mile. Coronado Bay is entered between Thmao Point (7"52'N., 122"10'E.), located 3.5 miles NE of Candulingan Island and Coronado Point (7"57'N., 122"13'E.), 5.75 miles farther NE. Anchorage, protected from NE, can be obtained close S of Coronado Point, in 18 to 36m. Coronado Point is reported to be a good radar target at 24 miles. Two shoals, with depths of 3m and 11.3m, lie 2 miles SSW and SW, respectively, of Coronado Point. Two other shoals, Pub.162 with depths of 3.2m and 7.6m, lie 1.25 and 1.75 miles S, respectively, of the same point. Between Coronado Point and Quipit Point (8"04'N., 122 "28'E.), about 16 miles NE, the coast is backed by heavilywooded mountains. The lower slopes and foothills are undulating and have large, coarse, tall grass areas. Sibalic Point (8"03'N., 122"21'E.), 10 miles NE of Coronado Point, is steep-to and bold. Quipit Point, low, flat, and sandy, is located 6.75 miles ENE of Sibalic Point. The 20m curve is charted less than 1 mile offshore, except N of Quipit Point where shoals and banks extend about 3.5 miles offshore. 8.5 Murcielagos Islands (8"07'N. , 122"27'E.) are two island lying on the same reef, 3 miles NNW of Quipit Point. TheE and larger island is 12m high to the top of the trees. The reef is steep-to ; a 3m shoal lies off its E end. There is a deep channel between Murcielagos Islands and the coastal bank off Quipit Point, but there is a 11.9m patch lying 0.75 mile S of the larger island. There are tide-rips E of the channel. Quipit Bay, entered between Quipit Point (8"04'N., 122 "28'E.) and Sawigan Point (8"05'N., 122 "31'E.), low, fiat, and sandy located 3.5 miles E, provides shelter protected from SW. Several hoals, with depths of 2.7 to 8.5m, lie between the entrance points. Anchorage, protected from SW winds and swells, can be taken in 13 to 17m in the middle of the bay. The approach is made from NE, passing about 0.5 mile off Sawigan Point. Sindangan Bay, entered between Sindangan Point (8"10'N., 122"40'E.) and Lanboyan Point, abou t 19 miles NE, is a broad exposed bay with great depths; it is clear of dangers right up to the shore. The 20m curve is found less than 0.5 mile offshore, except off the town of Sindangan, where depths of 7 to 15m are found as far as 1 mile offshore. Anchorage, protected from SE, can be taken in the E part of the bay, WNW of Sindangan, in 7.3 to 14.6m , mud . The anchorage lies about 295" from the town, at a distance of 0.5 to 1 mile from the shore. 8.6 Lanboyan Point (8"18'N., 122"56'E.), the NE entrance point of Sindangan Bay, appears as a yellow slide that rises abruptly from the water's edge to a height of 46m to the tree tops on the point. Strong tide-rips are found NW of the point. Between Lanboyan Point and Blanca Point, about 14.5 miles NNE, sparsely wooded lower slopes extend inland to heavilywooded mountains. The coast is clear seaward of the 20m curve, which is charted less than 0.75 mile offshore. Madalag Point (8"25'N., 122"59'E.), 6.75 miles NNE of Lanboyan Point, is high and steep-to. Dark trees cover the seaward side of the point and show well against the lighter vegetation surrounding it. Diwait Point (8"29'N., 123"02'E.), about 5.3 miles NNE of Madalag Point, is steep-to and fringed by a narrow reef. Lumayag Rock, on the edge of the latter reef, resembles a sail from NE or SW. Mount Disacon (8"29'N., 123"05'E.), 456m high, 3.5 miles E of Diwait Point, is the most prominent landmark in the vicinity. Blanca Point (8"31'N., 123 "03'E.), 2.5 miles NE of Diwait Point, is a vertical cliff of white clay, 15m high , and is formed Sec r 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao by a long horizontal table-land covered th grass, but with no trees. The hinterland in this vicinity is ountainous , and there are many densely wooded small peaks a:xi ridges. Between Blanca Point and Boton Po· t (8"39'N., 123"22'E.), about 20 miles NE, the coast forms c: ::>road unnamed bay, which is deep and free of dangers seavr a::d of the 20m curve; the latter is charted less than 1 mile offshore. The bay is exposed to both monsoons. Port Roxas (8"3l'N., 123"15 E.) is si ated about 12 miles E of Blanca Point, close SE of the mouth ci the Pian River. The area is floodlit at night. Coconut oil a d copra are loaded in bulk from a jetty which projects about m offshore and which is equipped with four concrete mooring olphins, two on each side of the jetty. Vessels berth heading 150". A vessel. with a length of 169m and 31,766 dwt, berthed at the jetty. The pilot boards 0.5 mile from the jetty. There are no tugs. 8.7 Dipolog (8"35'N., 123 "20'E.) World Port Index No. 59610) stands on the S side of the mou of the Dipolog River, about 4 miles SSW of Boton Poin There is anchorage anywhere W of the town according to 1taft; depths of 9m are found 0.4 mile offshore. A concrete cross stands at the sea war end of the main street. During the Southwest Monsoon, when it is too rough to load off Dipolog, coastal vessels call t Pulauan (8"38'N., 123"24'E.), lying about 4 miles NNE. Aligbay Island (8"45 'N., 123 "13'E.). l ing about 10.5 miles NW of Boton Point, is about 30m high IDd wooded. A steep-to coral reef extends 0.25 e from its NW side, and shoal water extends 0.5 mile from i E side. The island is a good radar target up to 22 miles. Challenger Reef, with a least deptr of 6.4m, lies about 2 miles SSE of Aligbay Island. Don Reef (8 "40'N. , 123 "18'E.), with depth of 3.7m, coral and steep-to, lies 4.25 miles of c ton Point. Dapitan Bay (8"40'N., 123 "24'E.), ::ntered between Boton Point and Tagolo Point, 5 miles N, -free of dangers and provides shelter from all except winds. There are numerous fish traps in the bay. Pilots be obtained at Cebu or at Cagayan de Oro. 8.8 Pulauan (8 "38'N., 123"24'E. ) (World Port Index No. 59620), on the SW side of Dapitan Bay is located 0.75 mile SE of Boton Point. The pier at Pulauan is .5 long with a depth of 8.8m at its head. A light is shown om Pulauan. It is the loading port for Dipolog and Dapitan. Dapitan (8"39'N., 123"25'E.) is situa!M at the head of the bay on what is virtually an island formed ' the two mouths of the Dapitan River. With a smooth sea, small craft can cross the bar at HW. Two pyramidal spires of the church at Dapitan are prominent. There is anchorage, from 0.4 to 6 mile offshore, with Dapitan Church bearing 092", in a depth of 6.4m, but anchorage may be obtained in any part af Dapitan Bay. Tagolo Point (8 "44'N., 123"23'E.) 30m high, is located about 5 miles N of Boton Point. A narow steep-to reef fringes the point, with wooded slopes rising iniand. The tidal currents are very strong o fie point, setting either E or W. A light marks Tagolo Point. T al currents set E and W at a considerable rate off Tag olo Point Mindanao-North Coast 8.9 Between Tagolo Point and Sulauan Point, about 66 miles ESE, the coast trends about 23.5 miles ESE and then recedes about 26 miles S to form lligan Bay, the largest bay on the N coast of Mindanao. Panguil Bay is the shoal arm extending about 18 miles SW from the head of Iligan Bay; a number of small bays and coves indent the shores of Iligan Bay. A coastal plain of varying width rises to high, rugged, wooded mountains. Between Sulauan Point and Bagacay Point, about 28 miles NE, the coast is indented about 12 miles SE by Macajalar Bay. Northward of the E shore of the bay heavily-wooded mountains reach an elevation of 914m. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents appear to be very weak along the coast and the currents follow the direction of the wind in both monsoons. The tidal currents set SE from the S end of Negros Island toward Tagolo Point and Sill a Point. Caution.-Seaward of the 200m curve, which follows the general trend of the coast from 0.25 mile to 3 miles offshore, the only dangers are Iligan Reef and Alutaya Reef. Iligan Reef (8"39'N., 123"52'E.), lying about 7.8 miles ENE of Polo Point (8 "36'N., 123"45'E.), is a dangerous reef consisting of coral and white sand; it has a least depth of 2.7m. Silino Island (8 "51'N., 123 "25'E.) is a low, flat, wooded island lying about 8 miles NNE of Tagolo Point. A steep-to reef which is narrow on the E side extends about 0.3 mile from the W side of the island. Depths of less than 183m prevail as far as 2 miles from Silino Island. A depth of 12.8m was reported to lie 1.5 miles NNW of Silino Island. 8.10 Between Tagolo Point and Silla Point (8 "42'N., 123"30'E.), the coast trends ESE for about 6 miles and thence NE for about 2 miles to Silla Point, forrning a reef-fringed bay. The head of the bay W of Silla Point is fringed by a wide coral reef, through which a passage leads to Cavite village on theW shore. Mount Silla, 292m high, is located 0.75 mileS of Silla Point; it is promine nt from E or W. Murcielagos Bay, entered between Silla Point and Bulalo Point (8 "40'N., 123 "35'E.), 5.5 miles ESE, is encumbered by numerous coral reefs and shoal s, through which are several channels where small vessels may obtain sheltered anchorage. With light and smooth sea, the edges of reefs fringing the passage may be seen. The W and S shores are hilly, ri ing gradually to the mountains inland. A channel in the W part of the bay leads to an anchorage near theN end of Sinipay Daco Island, 2 miles S of Silla Point. Directions.-When proceeding to the anchorage off Sinipay Daco Island, steer for Mount Canim (8"39'N., 123"28'E.), 334m high , located 4 miles SSW of Silla Point, bearing 232", until Mount Silla bears 293 ", to clear the bank extending E from Latungon Point, 1 mile SSE of Silla Point. When Talulac Islet, lying 0.25 mile NW of the NW point of Sinipay Daco Island, bears 234", steer for it on that bearing until theW extremity of Sinipay Daco Island bears 207". Then steer 216", which will lead to the anchorage, with theN point of Sinipay Daco Island bearing 090". Pub.162 Sector 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao 8.11 Baliango Bay, with Baliango (8°40'N., 123 °36'E.) (World Port Index No. 59640) sta nding near the NE comer of Murcielagos Bay, is a loading port for copra. Large vessels or vessels without local knowledge should not enter the bay, as aids to navigation are unreliable and the charted coastline is reported to be difficult to recognize. Anchorage.-Vessels usually anchor 0.5 mile NW of the largest of the Cabgan Islands, located on the E side of Murcielagos Bay, in a depth of 35m, rocky bottom. During the Southwest Monsoon, a strong E set may be experienced at this anchorage. Directions.-When approaching the anchorage in Baliango Bay from N or E, steer 182 °. Pass 91m W of a can buoy marking the W edge of a bank, with depths of 0.5 to 10m, extending 0.75 mile W from the largest of the Cabgan Islands. Cabgan Islands are connected with Bulalo Point (8 °40'N., 123°35'E.) by a drying reef. 8.12 From Bulalo Point the coast trends E to Baliango Point (8°40'N., 123 °37'E.), then 4 miles ESE to Usucan Point. Polo Point (8°36'N., 123°45'E.) lies about 4.8 miles SE of Usucan Point. The entire coast from Bulalo Point to Polo Point is backed by a low plain and is fringed in places by a narrow steep-to reef. A light is shown from Polo Point. Usucan Shoal (8°39'N., 123°42'E.), with a least depth of 2.7m, lies outside the 37m curve, 0.6 mile ENE of Usucan Point. Langaran Shoal, with a least depth of 3.7m, lies close offshore outside the 37m line, 1 mile SE of Usucan Shoal. The town of Plaridel is situated about midway between Usucan Point and Polo Point. During the Southwest Monsoon, anchorage can be taken , in 18.3m, with the bell tower in the town bearing 182°, about 0.5 mile distant. The approach to this anchorage is encumbered by the two shoals described above. Inamucan Bay (8 °36'N., 123°43'E.) (World Port Index No. 59650) lies about 1 mile SE of Plaridel and is entered between two points , about 0.1 wide, between the reefs. Plaridel Light is shown from a struc ture standing 0.5 mile W of Baubaon Point. Large vessels usually anchor outside the bay, in about 75m, with the light on Polo Point bearing 129.5" and the pier in the bay bearing 223.5". Digan Bay 8.13 lligan Bay (8°30'N., 124°00'E.) is entered between Polo Point, a low, flat point, and Initao Point, about 33 miles E; the bay extends 25 miles S. The long narrow inlet of Port Ozarniz, including Pan quil Bay extend 22 miles farther SW from the SW part of the bay. The W shore of the bay is low and flat. The foothills begin to rise gradually from 1 to 2 miles inland to a mountain range about 10 miles distant which parallel the coast. The S and E shores of the bay are planted in coconuts. The interland is mostly wooded hill s rising gradually from the S shore to volcanic peaks about 1,219m high, some 13 miles inland. The bay is deep outside the 200m curve, which lies less than 3.5 miles off theW shore and less than 1.25 miles off the S and E shores of the bay. Pub.162 The W side of lligan Bay trends in a SSE direction from Polo Point to Tabu Point, 17.5 miles distant. The hills for a distance from 6 to 10 miles from the coast are cultivated; there are many large trees on the uncleared portion . The mountains are heavily wooded, and the peaks appear to be very steep and the valleys are precipitous. Mount Ampiro (8"26'N. , 123 °38'E.), 77lm high , rises 12.75 miles SW of Polo Point. Caution.-The dangers along this stretch of coast are all contained within the charted 20m curve, with a few exceptions. A dangerous rock is charted about 0.3 mile offshore, 7.25 miles NNW of Tabu Point (8°20'N., 123°52'E.) . A detached reef lies 0.75 mile offshore, 2.25 miles N of Tabu Point. 8.14 Polo Bay, lyin g between Polo Point and Silanga Point (8°33'N., 123 °46'E.), 2.5 miles SSE, is encumbered by reefs. Capayas Islet, covered with bushes about 1.5m high , lies on the coastal reef in the mouth of the bay. Silanga Island, covered with trees 18.3m high , lies on the coastal reef 0.5 mile SE of Silanga Point. Layaban Point (8 °3l'N., 123 °47'E.), located 2.5 miles SSE of Silanga Point, is low, sandy, and bordered with densely growing coconut trees , which give the point appearance of a bluff when viewed from a distance. Papayan Bay is entered between Layaban Point and a point 0.75 mileS. The bay is fringed by a reef, awash, that extends up to 0.4 mile offshore. Loboc Cove, an opening in the coastal reef, is located about 1 mile SSE of Papayan Bay. A shoal, with a depth of 25.6m, lies 2 miles ENE of Loboc Cove. There is a pier at the head of the cove, with a depth of 3.4m on its face and 6.1m on theN. The final approach to the pier is through a narrow break in the reef and is navigable only by very mall vessels. 8.15 Oroquieta (8°29'N., 123"49'E.) (World Port Index No. 59660), the capital of Misamis Occidental Province, one of the larges t towns in !ligan Bay, is situated 0.75 mile SSE of Loboc Cove on theN side of the mouth of the Oroquieta River. The buildings of the town are conspicuous from northward. The churc h standing W of the river's mouth is ornamental, and is easily made out from seaward. Anchorage, sheltered from S and W, but exposed to the Northeast Monsoon, can be taken about 0.3 mile offshore, in 27m, mud, good holding ground, with the church bearing 215". Simio Point (8 °28'N., 123 "49'E.), located 0.75 mile SE of the mouth of the Oroquieta River, is low, sandy, and covered with coconut trees. Anchorage can be taken , in a depth of 7.3m close N of the mouth of the San Vicente River, which discharges 1 mile S of Simio Point. Balaring Point, 3.25 miles SSE of Simio Point, is sandy and bordered by mangroves and nipa palms. The coastal reef for 4 miles S of Balaring Point does not extend more than 0.5 mile offshore. but for the next 2.5 miles it extends up to 1 mile offshore. 8.16 Jimenez (8 °20'N., 123°50'E .) (World Port Index No. 59670) is situated about 1 mile inland, 5.75 miles S ofBalaring Point. It may be identified by a prominent white stone church Sec or 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao with a square tower and dome, visi lz through the trees fronting the town. The Palilan River enters the bay E Df Jimenez; there is a shallow bar fronting the entrance. A ~ck metal warehouse stands 0.25 mile S of the river entrance. and marks the position of a small lighterage pier extending 0 I mile offshore, with a depth of 4.6m at its head. It has been reported that shoaling h...s occurred and that a heavy swell sometimes reaches the piG-during the Northeast Monsoon. Four prominent white tanks ;.tand on the N side of the root of the pier. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulso _ for berthing and unberthing and is reported available j ring daylight hours only. The pilot boards about 10.7 -SE of JOMI pier s oi9.4'N, I23 °51.7'E. The coast in the vicinity of Jimen -is fringed by a bank which extends 0.25 mile offshore. It is nted by Poricos Reef and Madre Reef and other reefs, m y awash, which are usually well defined and easy to distin~ · ~h. These reefs provide a sheltered aru::10rage in front of the town. Directions.-To approach this anchm:age a vessel, from a position with Tabu Point light bearing ~85° , distant 2 miles, steer 270° which leads about 0.2 mile the reef 0.3 mile SE of Tabu Point. When the light bears _ C , alter course N and pass from 91 to 137m E of Tabu Point and then, after rounding the point, steer for the anchorage. 8.17 From Tabu Point (8 °20'N., 123 52'E.) theW coast of Iligan Bay trends 10.5 miles S to Oza:niz. This coast is low, with shores of sand and mangroves; m t of the coast is fringed by coral. There are isolated shoals thatlie between the 20 and 200m curves. A T-headed private pier owned by J I of Jiminez, stands about 0.1 mile SW of Tabu Point. The -r extends about 130m from the shore. In 1990, it was repored that the head of the pier, 40m long and 12m wide, ad a der of 11m alongside its outer face. Two dolphins off each end Jf the T-head provide a mooring length of 200m. A factory and large wareho se stan at the SW side of the root of the pier, with two conspicuo tanks close NE of the pier. Range lights are shown in line, be g 307". The front range is on the SW end of the pierhead and e rear from the top of a water tank. They lead to the pier, clear fall dangers. There is anchorage 0.1 mile SE ofT u Point, in a depth of 22m. The anchorage should be appro d with the SW end of the T-headed pier bearing 307". When abu Point light bears 328°, it should be steered for on that aring, anchoring when the head of the pier, or at night, the 1 nt range light, bears 238°. Tidal currents set N and S in the · pproach to the pier or anchorage, and must be guarded again The maximum size of ve, sel accep~ed is reported to be 25,000 dwt, 180m loa, and a lOrn drllft. Copra expellers and coconut oil are exported. Fresh water is available in limited ::ltities. 8.18 Balicaocao Point (8 °14'N. 123 °52'E.), about 5.5 miles S of Tabu Point, is sandy an d bordered with coconut trees. A chain of reefs, part of them dry, extend from 1 mile S of Tabu Point to within 0.5 mile NE of Balicaocao Point. The outer edge of these reefs, which are steep-to, lie about 1.5 miles offshore. Shoals, with depths of 2.7m and 4m, lie 0.4 mile E and 0.7 mile SE, respectively, of the point. Loculan Point, located about 1.5 miles S of Balicaocao Point, is low and sandy. The village of Clarin (Loculan) lies close W of the point, and the mouth of the Loculan River lies about 0.3 mile N of the point. Anchorage can be taken 0.4 mile E of Loculan Point, in a depth of 11m, sand. Loculan Shoals consists of two groups, lying from 0.5 to 1.75 miles from theW shore, midway between Loculan Point and Opol Point, 2.5 miles S. The W shoal has a dangerous wreck lying close NW of it. The W group consists of sand and rock, parts of which dry; trunks of trees may often be seen on these shoals. The E group, with depths from 0.9 to 2.lm, lie 0.5 mile E of the W group, with a deep channel between. A lighted buoy marks the E side of the shallowest patch of this group. Port Ozamiz (8.08'N., 123.51'E.) World Port Index No. 59680 8.19 Port Ozarniz, also known as Port Misami , lies with its entrance between Loculan Point and Binuni Point, low and wooded, 9 miles E. The shores are low and fringed with mangroves, but N of Ozarniz City, the site of the main piers, on the W shore, there is an extensive sandy beach, and S of the city on the opposite shore, there are high hills. Port Ozarniz is a Port of Entry. Wind-Weather.-The port is sheltered from all directions except NE, but winds rarely exceed force 6. There is some rainfall the year around, but more falls during the Southwest Monsoon. Port Ozarniz is a recommended typhoon refuge. Tides-Currents.-About 1 mile E of Misamis Point the tidal currents set either NE or SW; the maximum rate is reported to be about 4 knots. The ebb current sets E across the head of the pier at Ozarniz City. In the approach to the pier at Migcaniguing Point, on the E side of Port Ozarniz, the tidal current sets SW on the rising tide and NE on the falling tide. In the vicinity of the pier they set more E and W. In the vicinity of the pier the rate is estimated to be about 0.8 knot. Strong currents of 4 to 5 knots were reported in the outer anchorage areas, and the same year about 2 knots was reported in the vicinity of the pier. The mean tidal range is about 0.9m and the diurnal range is about 1.4m. Depths-Limitations.-The main concrete pier at Ozarniz extends 67m SSW from the S side of Misarnis Point; it has an extension 15m in length, and a 30m long arm extends W from the center of the pier. There were depths from 3 to 4.3m alongside the W side of the main pier. There were also depths from 3 to 3.7m alongside the N side of the arm, and from 3.7 to 5.5m alongside the S side, with 7.3m off the head. Inter-island vessels berth on either side of the pier. When approaching alongside, care must be taken to avoid an underwater obstruction, the outer end of which lies 115m E of Pub.162 Sector 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao the pierhead. It extends NNW to the shore and is entirely submerged at HW. The port has 2 reinforced concrete general purpose piers for foreign and domestic dry bulk and general cargoes as well as passengers. Pier No. 1 has a length of 167m, with a depth of 5.2m alongside. Pier No. 2 has a length of 81m , with depth of 5.2m alongside. A stone mole extends 80m SE from the shore, near the old fort at Misarnis Point. A small pier stands between the mole and the main pier. A timber pier, 175m in length, stands close E of Migcaniguing Point. There were depths on the E side from 7 .6m at the head, decreasing to 6.1m, about 255m from the head. On the W side there were depths of 8.2m at the head , decreasing to 7.3m about 128m from the head . The pier must be approached with caution as the submerged remains of an old pier extends about 61m beyong the head. The following improvement is underway: Land reclamation for the development of back-up areas and the construction of a 135m reinforced concrete wharf, rock bulkhead. Aspect.-On the NW side of Ozamiz City, Mount Malindang rises to a height of 2,425m. It is the highest peak of a mountain range, and is situated about 13 miles W of Loculan Point. Ozarniz City is easily distinguished by its numerous buildings. The old fort standing on Misarnis Point 0.5 mile SE of the city is marked by a light; a water tower painted aluminum stands 0.2 mile NW of the light. A large isolated metal-roofed building stands 1 mile NW of the light and Bucagan Hill, 96m high, stands 1.5 miles WSW of the city. Pilotage.-Pilotage is not compulsory, but is recommended because of the dangers in the approach and the strong tidal currents. Pilots may be obtained from Ozamiz City or from Manila or Cebu City. The pilot will embark in the vicinity of No. 2 buoy, which will be lit on advance notice of nighttime arri val . Anchorage.-Deep-draft vessels can anchor, in 18.3m, 0.7 mile ESE of Misarnis Point. Vessels with a lighter draft may anchor 0.3 mile SSW of the point, in a depth of 7 to 9m. There is anchorage, in a depth of 8m, 0.75 mile NNE of Migcaniguing Point. Directions.-Port Ozarniz should be approached with caution and in daylight only. From a position about 6 miles NE of Misarnis Point, steer course 193 ° on the alignment of the light beacons on Migcaniguing Point, pass close E of No. 2 buoy and W of a 4.6m patch, 0.4 mile E. Two prominent oil tanks stand close E of the leading lights. If bound for Ozamiz City, alter course to 226° when Ozarniz Light bears 235 °. If the vessel is proceeding to the anchorage or pier near Migcaniguing Point, hold the 193° course to the pier or anchorage as desired. Caution.-Narvaez Shoal, with a least depth of 0.9m, and Panguilinan Shoals, with a least depth of 2.lm, lie on the E side of the approach to Port Ozamiz, 4 and 2.5 miles NNE, respectively, of Migcaniguing Point. Pasil Shoal , with depths of 0.3 to 5.5m, is an extensive shoal which lies about 1.5 miles NW of Migcaniguing Point. Pub.162 8.20 Panguil Bay (8°01 'N., 123 °44'E.), a continuation of Port Ozarniz, is a shallow bay about 10 miles in length from NE to SW and has a width of about 4 miles. It is bordered by nipa palms backed by mangroves and fish traps are numerous in the bay. Most commerce between the towns scattered along the shores of the bay is conducted by sailboats and small launches. Pasnguil Bay Light is shown closeS of Jandadalao Point. From Binuni Point (8 °12'N., 124°01'E.), theE entrance of Port Ozarniz, the coast trends in an E direction to the Agus River, about 10 miles distant. The coast is backed by heavily wooded hills that rise a short distant inland, and is fringed by a reef which extends as far as 0.5 mile off hore. There are a number of small rivers traversing the narrow coastal plain . The Agus River flows into the SE comer of Iligan Bay. It is an outlet for a mountain lake that lies about 14 miles S. The mouth of the river is fronted by a bar, with a depth of 1.2m at LW. A tank, painted aluminum color and standing 0.75 mileS of the mouth of the Agus River, has been reported to be a good landmark. From the Agus River, the coast trends about 3.3 miles NE to lligan, then N 19.5 miles to Initao Point, theE entrance point to Iligan Bay. 8.21 Camp Overton (8 °12'N., 124°12'E.), an abandoned military post, located about 1 mile NE of the mouth of the Agus River, is now the site of considerable industrial development. Large buildings which are prominent from seaward included the chimneys of a steel mill, a fertilizer factory with a tower, and a tank. There is a pier at Camp Overton of concrete construction with a T-head; depth alongside is 5.5m. A wooden pier stands about 0.8 mile E of the T-head pier, with a depth of 3.7m at its head. An offshore berth capable of taking up to 20,000 grt oil tankers, consists of three mooring buoys. It is situated 0.2 mile NW of the T-head pier and is connected to the shore by a submarine pipeline. The berth is suitable for ships up to 175m long with a draft of 9.75m. Ships secure to one buoy ahead and two astern. The berth is closed from mid-November to mid-February due to adverse weather conditions. Iligan Steel Mill Pier, 230m long, lies about 1.3 miles E of the T-head pier at Camp Overton. The pier is of steel and concrete construction. There are depths of 10m alongside its E side and 6.1m alongside its W side. A 160-ton fixed leg crane is mounted on the offshore end of the pier. The pier can be identified by a steel furnace on the W side and four oil tanks on the E side. It was reported that the pier could accommodate vessels up to 229m in length and a draft of 11m. Digan (8.14'N., 124.14'E.) World Port Index No. 59700 8.22 Iligan, an important port, stands at the mouth of the lligan River. 2 miles NE of Camp Overton. The city's Sec or 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao importance has increased because of th . any power projects in the vicinity. Tides-Currents.-The mean range of tides is about 0.8m and the diurnal range is about l.Sm. TI:e tidal currents on the ebb set N across the piers. They are esp cially strong when the lligan River is in flood. Depths-Limitations.-There are tlree concrete piers. The two S piers , about 91m apart, are each 96m long. The S pier has a controlling depth of 13.1m at its ~ award end and 3.7m midway along its length on ei er side. The middle pier has a controlling depth of 9.lm at its head ru::d 1.8m midway along its length. Vessels over 30m in length md drawing more than 4m forward should not attempt to bertlt on the sides of these two piers. The N pier, standing 0.1 mile NE of lligan City Light, has been reconstructed to form a wharf 2 m in length and 15m wide, with a depth of 7 .6m alongside. It was reported (1993) that v ssels of 23,000 grt with a draft of 10.7m could be accommodated. Fresh water is available at the S and piers. Fuel oil and gas oil are available by road tanker. with pnn:-notice. Aspect.-The cross on the dome of the church is conspicuous. At night the numerous lignts of the electric plant, 3 miles SW of lligan , are prominent a is a building standing on a 45m hill 0.75 mile SE of the ch ch. High Peak, 521m high, rises 2.75 miles SE of the city. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots will meet the vessels 1 mile NW of the piers. Ves Is from foreign ports in tending to dock at private piers must rst anchor. Domestic vessels may berth at any time, day or night, but foreign-going vessels must berth during daylight hours. Anchorage.-Anchorage is not rec:xnmended due to the deep water near the fringing reef. Vessels waiting to berth can obtain temporary anchorage, i 48m, a::>out 500m W of Iligan Light. During the Northea t Mon en, vessels can find sheltered anchorage in Quinalang Cov about 3 miles NNE. 8.23 Quinalang Point (8. 16'N., 1:.4 · 15'E.), 2 miles NNE of lligan is the S entrance point to Quinalang Cove. The Mandulog River flows into the bay clo . of Quinalang Point. The village of Santa Filomena (M dulog) stands on the shore close NE of the river mouth. A pier, 90m in length, is situated near Santa Filomena. Pile clusters and mooring dolphins stand W and E of the head , fo-ming a T-head. Caution must be used as the piles a:-e loose, the pier weak, and the local labor inexperienced in li re handling. The shore of Quinalang Point, for a i tance of 1.25 miles N of the river's mouth, is low and compised of a swamp with dense growth. Three parallel concrete piers exten S from the N end of Quinalang Cove, 1.5 miles NNE of Cuinalang Point. The W pier has a depth of 10.7m at its head . T: e other two piers are Theaded. The W T-head pier has a depth of 4.9m along its seaward face and theE T-head pier has a depth of 7m alongside its seaward face. A wharf, 93m long, .:ies between the W pier and the T-head piers. It has a least dep of 4.6m alongside. These three piers serve the grain silc, the bulk copra loading berth, and the bulk cement loading berth. It is reported that vessels of 183m length can berth at the grain and copra berths, with depth3 of 12.2m and 9.8m alongside. The cement berth is reported capable of accommodating vessels of 25,000 grt. The Coconut Oil Berth was reported to accommodate vessels having a draft of 13.7m. The conspicuous white chimney of a cement factory, where there is a small pier, stands near the coast, 0.3 mile SE of the above concrete piers. It is reported that a berth for loading coconut oil and coconut products, with a depth alongside of about 11m at LW, is situ ated N of Santa Filomena. 8.24 From Quinalang Cove the coast trends in a NNE direction to Manticao Point, about 5.5 miles distant, thence about 5 miles farther NNE to Naawan Head (8.28'N., 124. 17'E.). Naawan Head can be identified by its low cliff face. A narrow steep-to reef extends about 0.3 mile offshore along this coast. The Talabaan River flows into the bay 1.5 miles S of Naawan Head; the village of Naawan lies on the S side of the river. There is anchorage 0.6 mile offshore, SW of the mouth of the river, in a depth of 73m, good holding ground. The anchorage is used at times to load ore. Initao Point (8. 33'N., 124 . 19'E.), theE entrance point of Iligan Bay, is about 5.3 miles NNE of Naawan Head. The intervening hore consists of a series of cliffs, interspersed with short sandy beaches. Initao Point is wooded and undercut by wave action. The coast is fringed by a narrow steep-to reef. The village of Initao sits at the head of Initao Bay, about 2.8 miles SSE of Initao Point. Anchorage for vessels calling at Initao may be taken in the bay W of the city, in a depth of 5.5m. Sulauan Point (8.37'N., 124. 29'E.) is situated 10.5 miles NE of Initao Point. The coast between these two points consi ts of a series of cliffs interspersed with sandy beaches. Sulauan Point is low and wooded. Macajalar Bay 8.25 Macajalar Bay (8. 34'N., 124. 37'E.) is entered between Sulauan Point on theW and Gorda Point, 16.75 miles ENE. The W shore of the bay is low and fringed by steep-to coral reefs. At the head of the bay, grass-covered hills rise about 1 mile inland, to elevations of more than 460m. The E shore is higher and consists of sand beaches separated by low, rocky points. Several rivers, which are navigable by boats, flow into the bay. The 20m curve lies close to the edge of the reef fringing the shores of the bay. The shoal fringing Macabalan Point, near the head of the bay, was reported to have extended at least 91m farther NE than charted. Alutaya Reef (8.41'N., 124.41'E.), lying in the NE part of the bay, consists of a patch of sand and rocks which uncovers. The passage between the reef and shore is about 2.5 miles wide between the 20m curves. 8.26 The SW side of Macajalar Bay extends in a SE direction from Sulauan Point to Cagayan de Oro at the head of the bay. The shore, in general, is backed by grass covered hills. Pub.162 Sector 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao Alubijid Bay (8°36'N. , 124°29'E .), closeS of Sulauan Point, is a loading place for the chromite ore mined in the vicinity. A privately owned pier, with a depth of 4.2m alongside, is located near the head of the bay. A church that is prominent from the offing stands close inland 3.5 miles SE of Alubijid Bay. Molugan Point (Malugan Point) is frin ged by a reef, which partly dries, that extends 0.75 miles offshore. Opol (8°31'N., 124°35'E.), a small town 8 miles SE of Sulauan Point, lies close S of Molugan Point Chrome ore is usually loaded into lighters from a pier which has a depth of 5 .2m alongside. The water off Opol is too deep for vessels to anchor. An anchorage, exposed to the Northeast Monsoon, is available N of Molugan Point, with the church in the village of Molugan (Malugan) bearing 180°, in a depth of 30 to 33m. Cagayan de Oro (8°30'N., 124°39'E.) World Port Index No. 59710 8.27 Cagayan de Oro, situated 2 miles inland on the E bank of the Cagayan River in the SW part of Macajalar Bay, is an important commercial center. It is a Port of Entry. Port Authority is Philippine Ports Authority, Port of Cagayan de Oro Port Manager, Macabalan , Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. Winds-Weather.-During the Southwest Monsoon, the harbor is sheltered from the prevailing winds, but it is exposed during the Northeast Monsoon. The dry season which is short, lasts only 1 to 3 months, usually occurring from February to April. There is no period of a pronounced maximum rainfall reported. Tides-Currents.-The mean tidal range is about 0.8m . The tide becomes diurnal around the time of the moon's maximum N and S declination. The diurnal range is about 1.3m. High and LW occurs 15 minutes earlier than at Cebu . The tidal currents are weak in Macajalar Bay. Depths-Limitations.-The approach to the port is deep and clear of dangers with the exception of Alutaya Reef. Port Cagayan de Ore has been constructed for the import and export of container freight and timber. The port is reported (1996) to have 11 berths, which can handle general cargo, break-bulk, containers, ro-ro, and liquid bulk cargo. Alongside depths vary between 8.5 and 13m. Aspect.-The buildings and wharf at Cagayan de Oro are prominent. Two radio towers stand 0 .5 mile SW of the light on Macabalan Point, and a silo stands 0.5 mile farther SW. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory for foreign vessels anchoring in the stream, docking , or undocking. Pilotage is optional for vessels leaving the anchorage. Pilots will embark 0.75 mile E of Macabalan Point or off the wharf. Anchorage.-The usual anchorage for vessels not proceeding alongside is 0.1 mile SE of the wharf, in depths of 33 to 55m. Directions.-Vessels from NW can pass about 4.5 miles E of Sulauan Point and steer for a position about 1 mile NE of Macabalan Point, then to the anchorage area. Pub.162 Vessel s from N or E, after clearing AJutaya Reef, can steer for a position about 0.2 mile E of Macabalan Point, then anchor, or go alongside the wharf. in daylight only. Caution.-Two below-water wrecks lie together about 60m off the middle of the main wharf. 8.28 A prominent red-roofed house stand on the S shore of the bay, in a position 3.5 miles ESE of Macabalan Point. A conveyor-belt pier was reported to be in operation at Agusan , 4.5 miles ESE of Macabalan Point. The pier appears to be capable of handling large vessels. There is a mill and a cupola standing near the pier. Bugo (8°31 'N. , 124°45 'E. ) (World Port Index No. 59720), the site of a cannery, stands in theSE comer of Macajalar Bay. There are two piers at Bugo, 90m apart, and faced with dolphins, which provide berths for deep-draft vessels. The pier heading is Nand S . The S pier, aT-headed wooden main pier, is 61m long, with a least depth of 10.1 m alongside. Pile clusters at either end of the pier give a total berthing length of 183m. The pier was reported to be 121m long. Vessels usually berth port side to. A wreck, awash, is reported to lie close S of the pier. The N pier, which is L-s haped, has a berthing face 20m long and a controlling depth of 7.9m alongside. It was reported that the berthing face of each pier was to be joined to extend the berthing area . A dangerou s wreck lies 9lm NE of theN end of the pier. An oil installation , consisting of three mooring bollards and a floating pipeline, is situated N of the piers. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory and may be obtained from Cagayan de Oro or by prior arrangement with the cannery company at Bugo. The pilots embark 0.5 mile off the piers, farther out if awaiting a berth . There is anchorage 0.2 mile W of the piers , in depths of 55 to 73m, or 0.5 mile NW of the piers, with a good holding ground, in a depth of 42m. 8.29 Gorda Point (8°42'N., 124o45'E. ), the NE entrance point of Macajalar Bay, is located 12 miles N of Bugo. It is a conspicuous steep-to promontory with wooded slopes and a flat crown. The point can be easily identified from any part of the bay. A pier, 50m long with a depth of 9.lm alongside, is situated 1.5 miles NW of Bugo. The Tagoloan River discharges into the bay about 2.5 miles N of Bugo. The bar at the river mouth is shallow, and outside the depths are too great to provide anchorage. The holding ground is poor. An L-shaped pier, with a depth of 6.lm, is situated at the town of Tagoloan, about 1.3 miles within the mouth of the Tagoloan River. A 3.6m shoal, marked by privately maintained buoys, lies 2 miles NNE of the N entrance point of the Tagoloan River. Villanueva (8°35'N. , 124°46'E.), about 2.5 miles NNE of the N entrance point of the Tagoloan River, has an ore terminal. The terminal consists of a wharf constructed on piles about 400m long in a 050°-230 ° direction. The outer side of the wharf has depths of 23 to 29m and is capable of accommodating 350,000 dwt bulk ore carriers. Se r 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao There is a quay for medium sized vessels close NE of the main berth. Loading of iron ore is by means of a nveyor system; the discharge of iron ore is carried out witll t ile use of two gantry cranes. Reported loading and discharge r:t.tes are 4,500 tons per hour and 25,000 tons per day, respectiv y Tugs and some lighters are available. resh water is reported to be available. Fuel oil and diesel oil can be supplied by road tanker. No repair facilities are available Lighted buoys, privately maintained, k the dangers in the approach to the main berth. Pilotage is compulsory for berthing. . c vements are only by day. Pilots are available at Cagayan de ()ro, and are reported to board about 4 miles N of that port. A oat or tug is used for boarding and the pilot cab be contacted } VHF radio. There is anchorage, in depths of 70 80m, about 2 miles N1\'W of the terminal. Cabulig Bay (8"38'N. , 124"46'E.), · uated 5.5 miles N of the entrance to the Tagoloan River, a:ffurds anchorage close inshore during the Northeast Monsoon. There is a pier, about 94m long, with a depth of 7.6m at i 1ead, situated at the village of Jasaan near the head of the boa). A church, which is conspicuous, stands in the village. Gorda Point lies 4 miles N of Cabulig_E ay. 8.30 Banbayan (8"46'N., 124"46'E ), about 4 miles NNE of Gorda Point, is the N entrance point f Balingasag Bay. The town of Balingasag stands at the hea oi the bay. There is a church in the town, and a monument w ch stands on the beach W of the town that is prominent. There is anchorage, in a depth o• 16m, sand, 0.2 mile offshore in front of Balingasag. illring the Southwest Monsoon, there is better protected anc:ho-age near the head of the bay in a depth of 22m, mud, with e church bearing 005" and theN tangent of Gorda Point bearir:E: 265". Between Banbayan Point and Bagac· y Point, 12.5 miles N, the terrain rises abruptly from a narrow : oastal plain to heavily wooded slopes reaching an elevation 914m about 4 miles inland. The coast is fringed by a steep-to crral reef which dries in places. Constancia Reef, with a depth ::J.Sm, lies outside the 20m curve, 0.75 mile NW of Banbay Point. A reef, with a depth of 4 .6m, lies outside the 20m cu:;:-'""'e., 6 miles NNE off the same point. From Bagacay Point (8"59'N., 124 '"''E.), the coast trends in a general ENE direction abo t 6 mile3 to Sipaca Point. Steep bluffs and cliffs rise abruptly from th siore in the vicinity of Bagacay Point and it is fringe by a se -to drying reef as far as 0.5 mile offshore. Canauayon Islet (9"0l'N., 124"51 E. I, 33m high, lies 4.5 miles NE of Bagacay Point; it is co .:ted to the mainland, 0.25 mile SE, by a reef which nearly cres. Canauayon Anchorage (9"0l'N., 124"5l'E.) is a small protected bay entered 0.15 mile W of De islet through a break in the coastal reef. There is also anc ~ge for small vessels with local knowledge, in depths from 14 to 17m, about 0.15 mile N of a warehouse with a metal ·Jf, standing in the W part of Baligoan village. The village · bcated on shore about 0.4 mile SSE of Canauayon Islet. Camiguin Island 8.31 Camiguin Island (9"10'N., 124"43'E.), a high, steep volcanic island, lies with its S extremity 6 miles N of Bagacay Point. Mount Mambajao, a volcanic peak, rises to a height of 1,713m, near the center of the island. Mount Hibok Hibok, 1,332m high, is an active volcano located 3.5 miles NW of Mount Mambajao. The island is reported to be a good radar target at 18 miles. The entire island, except the upper mountain slopes, is cultivated. Above a height of 460m the mountains are heavily wooded. The channel between Carniguin Island and the coast of Mindanao is clear of dangers. The island is steep-to, with the 20m curve lying less than 0.25 mile offshore. The Sand W sides of the island are clear of off-lying dangers, but there are several reefs and islets lying off the N and E sides. 8.32 Medano Islet (9 "16'N., 124"39'E.) is a sand cay, 2m high, with a few bushes , lying 1 mile NW of Agoho, on the NW side of Camiguin Island. The fringing reef extends 0.5 mile off the entire islet. The channel between the islet and Camiguin Island is deep and clear of dangers, however, tide rips form 0.5 mile NW of the islet. Jigdup Reefs (9"16'N., 124"47'E.), with a depth of 1.2m, lies 4 miles E of the light at Mambajao. Bulias Shoal is a small shoal, with a depth of 7 .6m, located 4.75 miles SSE of Jigdup Reefs. Mantigui Islet is a low, wooded and sandy islet lying 1.5 miles S of Bulias Shoal that is fringed by a reef that extends about 0.5 mile off its N side. Mambajao (9"15'N., 124"43'E.) (World Port Index No. 59740), the principal town of Carniguin Island, stands at theN extremity of the island. The harbor consists of a break in the coastal reef which extends 0.1 mile to seaward on either side. There is a pier which had reported depths on its W side from about 2.1 to 2.4m. The E side of the pier is not usable. There is anchorage off Mambajao, in 33m, sand, with the light bearing 204·, about 0.1 mile distant. A light is shown at Mambajao. Mahinog (9 "09'N., 124"47'E.) is a small town located on the E side of Carniguin Island, 7.5 miles SSE of Mambajao. The white tower of the church can be identified at a distance of 5 miles. There is anchorage off the town, in a depth of 27m, sand. Binoni (9"08'N., 124"48'E.) , standing 1 mileS of Mahinog, is the second busiest port on the island. The L-shaped wharf has a berthing face 38m in length. There were reported depths from about 8.5 to 10.4m along the S side. The N face is foul. A wreck lies about 40m off the end of the pier. A light is shown from a small point between Mahinog and Binoni. Farol Point (9 "05'N., 124"46'E.) is the S extremity of Carniguin Island. The tidal current S of this point is dangerous to small vessels when the current sets against the wind. Sagay is a small town 3 miles NW of Faro! Point. The white church in the town is visible at a distance of 20 miles. Anchorage, sheltered only during the Northeast Monsoon, can Pub.162 Sector 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao be taken in 22m, sand , with the N gable of the church bearing 002°. Catarman, one of the islands principal villages, is located about 3 miles NW of Sagay. A 18m pier, with a depth of 3.7m alongside, is situated at the village. Catarman Point (9°13'N., 124°38'E.), about 6 miles NNW of the village, is one of the few bluff points on the island. Gingoog Bay 8.33 Gingoog Bay (8 °57'N., 125°06'E.) is entered between Sipaca Point and Diuata Point, 20 miles ENE. Densely wooded mountains rise to an elevation of 1,177m, a short di stance inland, between Sipaca Point and Gingoog, 17.5 miles SE. The shores of the bay are fringed with narrow steep-to coral reefs; there are no charted dangers outside a distance of 1 mile offshore. Sipaca Point (9°01'N. , 124°52'E.), located 1.75 miles ENE of Canauayon Islet, is an excellent landmark and consists of a bold conical hill rising from the water's edge to an elevation of 267m, about 0.1 mile inland. It is separated from the mainland by a mangrove swamp and appears as an island when viewed from a di stance. Talisayan (9°00'N. , 124°53'E.), the principal town in Gingoog Bay, stands 1.25 miles SSE of the summit of Sipaca Point. A detached coral shoal, 7 .3m deep, lies 0.1 mile offshore. There is a deep channel between the shoal and the coastal reef fronting the town. A pier, 165m in length, with a depth of 4m alongside its head, is situated in the town. There is anchorage, exposed to NE winds, close to the coastal reef N of Talisayan, in a depth of 37m. Small vessels sometimes anchor on the shoal patch, with Sipaca Point bearing 321 ° and a prominent metal-roofed building near the beach bearing 237". 8.34 Medina (8o55'N., 125o02'E.) is a small harbor, situated on the S side of Medina Point, about 11 miles SE of Sipaca Point. Depths-Limitations.-The N pier, which is government owned, is T-headed with a berthing face of 20m in length . Pile clusters off either end provide a berth 122m in length. A vessel reported depths of 7.3 to 14.6m along the inboard side. A privately owned L-shaped pier is situated about 9lm SE of the government pier. The berth facing is 7m long, but dolphins off the NE corner have increased the berth to take vessels of about 150m in length. Such a vessel, berthing starboard side to, reported depths of 8.2 to 16.5m along the inboard side. A wreck, partly awash, lies on the N side of this pier. Aspect.-The town may be identified by several buildings with metal roofs. A concrete tower lOrn high stands near the town. There are two piers here exposed to the Northeast Monsoon. Pilotage.-Pilotage is advisable for berthing and unberthing, as coral heads encumber the inshore end of the S pier. Pilots can be obtained from Davao. Ve sels should arrive during daylight only and berth starboard side to the head of the pier. Care must be taken to keep the stern clear of the wreck, which is awash. Pub.l62 Anchorage.-Anchorage is not recommended on account of deep water close offshore. 8.35 Minlagas (8°53'N. , 125"03'E.) is located about 2.5 miles SE of Medinas. There is a berth for loading copra pellets and coconut oil. The berth consists of a concrete pierhead 6m in length, standing about 150m offshore. There are breasting and mooring dolphins on each side, providing a total berth length of 150m and a mooring berth of 350m. The pierhead supports a loading gantry and manifold, supplied by a conveyor system and pipeline from the shore in stallation. The depth alongside is reported to be 15m at MLLW. A smaller berth for the discharge of copra is situated about 70m N of the main berth. Pilotage is compulsory and pilots are obtained from Cagayan de Oro, boarding from a canoe about 2 miles from the berth. There are no tug or facilities for provisions, fresh water or fuel. 8.36 Lunao (8°5l'N., 125 °04'E.), a small timber loading town, is situated 5 miles SSE of Medina. The T-headed pier is difficult to identify until well into Gingoog Bay; however, a light is shown from the SE corner of the pier. The pier face is 61 m long, there were depths of 9.1 m at the S end, decrea ing to 5.8m at theN end . There are mooring posts for securing bow and stern lines. The pier can be used by large vessels. It is recommended that vessels berth starboard side-to during the Southwest Monsoon and port side-to during the Northeast Monsoon. The use of an anchor is recommended. A pilot boards just off the pier. A 2.7 m coral shoal!ying 1 mile ESE of the pier is reported to be clear of the approach. There is anchorage 0.2 mile off the pier at Lunao, in depths of30 to 55m. Gingoog (8°50'N. , 125 o06'E.) , a town standing at the head of the bay in a position 2 miles SE of Lunao, is visible from seaward. There is a wooden pier 152m long located at the town. A concrete tower, lOrn high, stands close W of the root of the pier. Pilotage is compulsory. Anchorage can be taken 0.25 mile N of the town, in a depth of 27m. 8.37 Anakan (8°5l'N., 125° 9'E.), the site of a lumber camp, stands in a bight 3 miles ENE of Gingoog. Timber is loaded at the pier or in the anchorage. The privately owned L-shaped pier has a controlling depth of 8.2m, alongside. The berthing space was reported to be 183m long, with a depth of 9.8m alongside. A pair of beacons in range, bearing 132°, are secured to trees on the hillside, but they are difficult to distinguish beyond 1.5 miles distance. The E peak of a low ridge of hills behind the beacons, bearing 132°, serves as a guide from a distance. Pilots are not available, but a representative from the timber mill will board 1.5 miles offshore. There is anchorage NW of the pier, in a depth of 73m, good holding ground with Gingoog bearing 243°. Se or 8. West and North Coasts of Mindanao There are numerous logs adrift in e vicinity of Anakan, some of them large enough to damage a ship's propeller. The approach should be made in daylight. Odiongan (8"5J'N., 125" 10'E.) ( arid Port Index No . 59750), a village at the mouth of t e Odiongan River, is situated on theSE shore of the bay, I m.le E of Anakan. There is anchorage for small vesseL with local knowledge on a ridge of sand and coral, N of the E ide of the entrance to the river. Larger vessels may anchor .2 mile offshore, in a depth of 37m. TheE side of Gingoog Bay, from Od ngan to Linugos, 10.5 miles N, is fringed by a narrow, steep-t . drying reef. 8.38 Linugos (9 "01'N., 125"11'E.) i s a small town which stands on the N side of the mouth of tht L inu gos River. The coastal plain, less than 0.5 mile width , is backed by a ridge which quickly rises to a height ofover 305m. A break in the coastal reef, about 0. 3 mile wide off Linugos, affords good anchorage, shel tered frrnn NE winds , in 13m, sand and mud. Between Linugos and Diuata Point, about 5 miles N, the terrain rises steeply fro the shore, with some cliffs. In this area a narrow, .>teep-to rlrying reef fringes the shore. Diuata Point (9"06'N., 125"13'E. is low and densely wooded; it rises to a height of 355m, 3 miles S. Butuan Bay 8.39 Butuan Bay (9"07'N. , 125"::::-?'E.), entered between Diuata Point and the entrance to the Tubay River, 19 miles ENE, is open and clear of dangers. Vessels can proceed directly from th entrance to any part of the bay. Pilotage is compulsory and at .Yiasao. The ports of Butuan, Masao, Nasipit, and Surigao are administered by the Philippine orts Authority, Port Management Unit, Agusan del Norte. The port limits extend from Diuata P oint to NE of Surigao and include the islands of Siargao and magat. Nasipit Harbor (9"00'N., 125"20' .·1 is located about 10 miles SE of Diuata Point. The harbor ·-formed by an opening between bluff rocky headlands 0.5 mil£ part. Nasipit (8"59'N., 125"20'E.) (Worl d Port Index No. 59345), a timber port of some importance, sta:Dds on the E side of the harbor. Vessels up to 170m I ng and 7.6m draft can be accommodated. The spring tides rise about 1.2m , ami eaps about 0.8m. The LWS tides can fall as much as 0.5m b low chart datum. There is a rather strong tidal current which se.s in a S direction during the rising tide and in a N direction dur "' the falling tide. The reef, on the W side, extends ab ut 700m N from the W entrance point; the reef, which panially dries and shows plainly on a clear day, is mar ed by a buoy on its SE edge. A small restricted area is established out 274m SW of this buoy. The fringing reef on the E si e outside the entrance extends about 183m offshore. A buoy is moored about 183m 1\c of the E entrance point; a beaco stands close W of the same position . A large timber mill stan s on redaimed land on the E entrance point. The cross on the churC'1 in the town, the timber mill's pier, the buildings , and the black chimney of the timber mill are prominent from seaward. A conical kiln 24m high and two black oil tanks stand on the E side of the harbor. The timber mill pier has aT-head 140m long, extending in a NNW direction, with a depth of 13.4m alongside. The pier face is 85m from shore. There are two dolphins off the inner face of the N arm of the T-head. The berth can accommodate vessels 168m in length . Vessel s usually berth starboard side-to. Another pier, for loading copra, extends 183m W from the sho re in the SE part of the harbor. It has a 64m long berthing head, with a depth of 6.4m alongside, although depths of 7 to 7.9m alongside have been reported. A mooring buoy is laid 183m S of the pierhead . Development of an International Port at Nasipit has been undertaken in recent years. It is reported that there is a berth 299m in length , with a depth of 6m alongside, for container, general, and ro/ro traffic. There are also reported to be facilities for handling petroleum products. Pilotage in Nasipit Harbor is compulsory and it is recommended that a pilot be used due to changing harbor conditions and the numerous log rafts within the harbor. Large vessels can take anchorage, in depths of 37 to 46m, san d and mud , about 0.5 mile offshore close E of the harbor entrance. The S shore of Butuan Bay, between Nasi pit and the Agusan River, which discharges into the bay 11 miles E, is low and heavily wooded to the sandy beach . The coastal bank does not extend more than 0.5 mile from the shore. Buenavista (8"59'N., 125"25'E.) is a small town which stands 4.5 miles ESE of Nasi pit. 8.40 Masao (9"00'N., 125"29'E.) is situated 4.75 miles ENE of Buenavista and 1.5 miles WSW of the entrance to the Agusan River. The port of Masao was developed to service a number of operating areas in the locality. Vessels are directed to deepwater anchor berths in open water off the entrance to the Agusan River. Requests for pilotage, which is compulsory, should be communicated to the Port Authority at least 24 hours before arri val. The quarantine and waiting anchorage is 2.5 miles W of Ma ao, in position 9"00.5'N, 125"28.25'E. Ten anchor berth s are located between 1.25 and 2.25 miles W of Agusan River Light, in general depths which vary between 73 and 164m. Masao Pier, a concrete structure, stands on the S side of the entrance to the Agusan River, close ENE of Masao. Recent development is reported to have included land reclamation and extension of the available berth space. 8.41 The Agusan River (9"0l'N., 125"31'E.), which discharges into the SE comer of Butuan Bay, i the second largest river in Mindanao. Pontod Island , a sandy cay, lies off the NE entrance point of the river and divides it into two channels. There is a pilot station and a settlement on the island. It is reported that the entrance to the river can be identified from W by two small groups of hills on the N side of the river mouth. Pub. 162 Sector 8. West and North Coasts ofMindanao A prominent triangular-shaped hill about 180m high, about 2.5 miles NE of Agusan River Lighted Beacon, is reported to be a useful mark and a good radar target. The S entrance channel is 137m wide at its narrowest part, and a depth of 2.7 or 3m can usually be carried over the bar at LW, and from 3.7 to 4.3m at ordinary HW. A hard gravel shoal, with depths of 0.3 to 1.2m extends 0.25 mile S from Pontod Island. Caution.-The entrance channel is constantly changing, and no vessel should attempt to enter without current local knowledge. 8.42 Butuan (8 °57'N., 125°33'E.) (World Port Index No. 59760) stands on the W bank of the Agusan River, 5 miles from the entrance. A depth of 4.6m can be carried from the bar to the town. During the rainy season, which begins in November and lasts four months, the river is high and filled with floating debri , most of which can be avoided by anchoring in the lee of a point. There is a constant current running out of the river all year, and at times it runs at a considerable rate. The river is at its lowest in September and October. The services of river pilots can be arranged. Development of the port has been undertaken in recent years, and it is reported that there is a berth 138m in length with a depth of 5m alongside at MLLW. 8.43 Magallanes (9"0l'N., 125°3l'E.) stands on the W bank of the Baug River, close within the entrance of the Agusan River. The T-head pier of a lumber company extends 0.2 mile from shore in a NW direction, 1 mile N of Magallanes. The pierhead is about 9lm long, with a least depth of 7.3m alongside, and can accommodate a large ves el. It is reported that the best approach to the pier is from the N towards the NE end of the pierhead, berthing port side-to. Cabadbaran (9 °07'N., 125o32'E.), on theE shore of Butuan Bay, stands on the S bank of the Cabadbaran River, 6 miles N of the mouth of the Agusan River. The mountains which back this coast rise to a height of about 1,829m, 12 miles E of the mouth of the Cabadbaran. The shore is low, densely wooded, and fringed by a steep-to ledge as far as 0.75 mile offshore. A light is shown from a round metal tower, 9.1m high, standing on the S side of the river mouth. The bar of the Cabadbaran River dries at LW. A stone pier, 0.5 mile S of the light, provides landi ng for small boats. It is reported that there is anchorage, 0.1 mile offshore, 1 mile N of the Cabadbaran River entrance, in 18.3m. 8.44 Thbay (9°10'N., 125 °31'E.) , a small town, sits on the S bank of the Tubay River, about 3 miles N of Cabadbaran. There is little water reported on the bar that fronts the Tubay River. Anchorage can be taken about 0.4 mile offshore, in 22 to 27m, with the town bearing 167°, dis tant 1 mile. Mount Thbay (9°11 'N., 125"32'E.), 447m high located 1.5 miles NE of Tubay, is prominent. Between the mouth of the Tubay River and Madilao Point, 37 miles NNW, the coast is bold, steep-to, and has no known off-lying dangers. Madilao Point (9°46'N., 125"24'E.) is 82m high, steep-to, and composed of dark rock. Bilaa Point (9 °49'N., 125"26'E.), the N extremity of Mindanao, lies 3.75 miles NE of Madilao Point. It is at theN end of a range of coastal mountains. The coast between these two points recedes and forms a slight bay. The 20m curve lies close to a ledge, less than 0.5 mile wide, which fringes this bay. There is anchorage, close in, which is sheltered from NE, through E to SW winds. Pub.162 127" ~ c? 7Jfo.u•. ~ o~ AREA LOCATOA MINDANAO 8 OLUTANGA I ISLAND MOROI 92200 I GULF "' un•ou I ona..T J ~ 92190 I e COTABATO 30 " CELEBES (SEE PUB. SEA 163) 30 " 30 " 127• 164) ~ c ?' 1-' 0'1 N Additional ch a r t coverage may be found in CATP 2, Catalog of Na utical Ch a r ts. SECTOR 9 -CHART INFORMATION N N -...l SECTOR9 SOOTH AND EAST COASTS OF MINDANAO Plan.-This sector describes th and E coasts of Mindanao, including off-lying island; d dangers. The first part of the sector describes the S coast m Caldera Point, E to Cape San Agustin. This is followed b_ a description of the E coast from S toN, from Cape San Agu. to Cauit Point. General Remarks 9.1 Wind-Weather.-! the vL: rity of Basilan Strait E and NE winds, accompanied by c ar weather, occurs in January. The same conditions prevail February, March, and April, but there are occasiona NW breezes of short duration. In May and June the wind blows fro theSE and is more or less variable. Squalls occur du · ng Jur:e, and towards the end of the month, fresh SW breezes comrne-ce. Winds from the SW of some strength blow during July, AL 'St, and September. These winds are accompanied q much rain and foul weather. Gales occuring at this time 1~ more than 3 or 4 days. orth and NE winds occur during ~cvember and December, and the Northeast Monsoon becomes more or less steady during the latter month. Throughout the year, when the se nal wind is not strong, land and sea breezes are prevalent. About 1 percent of the total numberof typhoons occuring in the Philippines affect the Davao area. yphoons passing to the , between June and October, cause In:: eased seas and swells. The storms develop far enough S so to affect Davao can be expected from November to February .1ey do not form during the normal typhoon season. The visibilty is generally good, al. ugh it is temporarily restricted in heavy rain squalls. The rainfall at Davao averages abo 2,000mrn a year. It is fairly evenly distri buted througho the year. There is no definite dry season. Less rain falls January and February, with averages between 117 to 127mm The wettest months are May and June with about 235mm of::·::i fall. On the S coast of Mindanao, be Northeast Monsoon predominates. Interruptions to the east Monsoon occur more frequently at Davao Gulf than laces farther N. There are no pronounced maximum rain nordry seasons. On the E coast, the Northeast oon does not become established until December, when it ails over the area until March. The Southwest Monsoon, which neither as strong nor steady as the NW, is usually accompa:lied by cloudy and rainy weather. The entire E coast is expo to the full force of the Northeast Monsoon. Typhoons are most frequent from to November and are in most cases severe. The winds usually blow 60 to -miles per hour, but a velocity of 131 knots has been receded. These storms cause heavy swells and high seas. Typhoor &e rarely experienced S of 5°N. Tides-Currents.-Semi-diumal tides predominate on the S and E coast of Mindano. Strong tidal currents are known to exist close off the S and E coast, and their direction, strength and consistency, depend to a great extent upon the prevailing monsoon and on the character of the coastline. The tidal currents in the Mindanao River are strong. It is reported that the ebb current has a rate of 2 knots and the flood current a rate of 0.5 knot. There is a weak N current off the S coast of Mindanao. Close to the coastal reef this current appears to set in an opposite direction. The tidal currents in Basilan Strait follow the direction of the channel, and near the islands and shoals they follow the edges of the reefs . Their general direction, when obstructed, is W during the rising tide and E during the falling tide. The rate is 2 to 3 neaps and from 5 to 6 knots at springs. The tidal currents have been observed as setting in the reverse directions during the months of November and December. They also have been observed as setting in the same direction for 24 hours even though two high and two low tides occured on that day. The direction is generally E. The tum of the currents takes place later in Basilan Strait than at Zamboanga. The change begins first first on the coast of Mindanao, and finally on the coast of Basilan Island. Strong and irregular tidal currents and rips are found in the vicinity of the shoals and banks off the NW side of Basilan Island. Close W of Malamaui Island , the curents set N on the rising tide and S during the falling tide. The rate diminishes as the distance from the island from the island increases. Davao has a semidiumal type of tide. There is some inequality but the principal variations follow the moon's changing phases . The current in Pakiputan Strait has a rate of about 2.5 knots and occasionally sets S both with a rising and falling tide. This usually occurs during strong N winds or after a SW wind during which the water has been backed up into the N end of the gulf. The current off Davao floods Nand ebbs S. It sweeps at right angles with N and S faces of the pier. Between Tapian Point and Linao Point there is a small continuous N current offshore. Along the reef-line a reverse current of 0.5 to 1 knot sets SE with a current in the opposite direction close inshore between Tuna Point and Sarangani Bay. Off Palimban Point, 12.5 miles SE of Tuna Point, a moderate current, sets NW along the shore. Offshore, a strong SE current setting toward Sarangani Strait is encountered. Tidal currents in the vicinity of the Sarangani Islands are strong. Through Sarangani Strait the flood sets W and the ebb E. On theE side of Sarangani Island the flood sets S with a rate of about 3 knots, being deflected by the 37m bank off the SE side of the island. Heavy rips have been observed N and S of Saranangani Island and S and W of Balut Island. Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao Off the E coast of the Philippines the North Equatorial Current divides into two major parts. One part turns N sending branches into the insular waters of the archipelgo and the remainder continues N along the coast of Luzon to become the Kuroshio. The other part turns S along the E coast of Mindanao sending a branch SE into the Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent. Directions.-The S coast of Mindanao may be approached from the E or the S in deep water mostly free of dangers. The W approach through Basilan Strait should be made with caution, using one of the two channels separated by the Santa Cruz Bank. The ocean approaches to the E coast are mostly free of dangers. Most of the dangers are found within a few miles of the E coast except to the NW of Cauit Point, and this part should be approached with caution. Caldera Point to Zamboanga 9.2 Caldera Point (6"57'X , 121· ss'E.) forms the SW extremity of the Zamboanga Peninsula. The point forms the W side of Caldera Bay. A prominent white chimney, 17m high, and a large conveyor, marked by lights, stand on the point. The bay affords anchorage, in depths of 11 to 14.6m, but is open to the SE. Tidal currents set strongly onto Caldera Point. Recodo (6 . 57'N., 121 · s8'E.) (World Port Index No. 59590) lies within Caldera Bay, close E of Caldera Point. The inner part of the port has space for four light draft vessels, with a depth in the channel of 2m. The Timex Wharf, a T-headed concrete wharf, projects 36m E from Caldera Point. The wharf is 96m long and has a reported depth of 11m. Vessels up to 183m can be accommodated, heading N, using both anchors. Pilots are available and board off Zamboanga. Berthing and unberthing is reported to be difficult during the Southwest Monsoon (May to September). Vessels usually berth at the start of the E current. Between Caldera Point and Zamboanga , about 7 miles ESE, the coast is low, steep, and wooded. There are four oil depots at Gavilan Point and Baliwasan , capable of accepting vessels of up to 4,000 grt and a 5.5m draft. Anchorage may be taken off the town of San Mateo, 4 miles ESE of Caldera Point, in depths f 14.6 to 27.4m, sand. Elsewhere along this coast, the bottom is foul and uneven. Prominent white oil tanks stand 1 mile ESE of San Mateo. 9.3 Baliwasan (6. 55'N., 122 . 03'E.) lies about 2 miles ESE of San Mateo. AT-shaped wharf, privately maintained for loading copra pellets and coconut oil, extending 140m from the shore with an 85m long berthing face, and an alongside depth of 12.5m can accommodate vessels up to 152m long, heading ESE using both anchors. Draft on the completion of loading must not exceed 9.75m forward and 10.97m aft. Shoal water exists 0.1 mile ESE of the pier. A pilot is available and will board off Zamboanga. Santa Cruz Bank (6. 53'N ., 122 · 01 'E.) is a coral bank, theN edge of which lies about 1.5 miles from the coast of Mindanao. The islands of Great and Little Santa Cruz lie within the bank. Great Santa Cruz Island (6. 52'N. , 122.04'E.), which is low, flat, and wooded lies on the E part of Santa Cruz Bank. Pub.162 President Shoal lies S and SE of Great Santa Cruz Island and has depths of 4.6 to 8.5m, which may best be seen on the chart. There is a 18.3m patch 2 miles SE of President Shoal. Little Santa Cruz Island (6. 53'N., 122. 02'E.), which lies about 0.8 mile NW of Great Santa Cruz Island, is also low, flat, and wooded. A light is shown on the N side of the island. Recently, this light wa reported extinguished. A drying reef extends 0.5 mile from theE and W extremities of the islands . Zamboanga (6.54'N., 122.04'E.) World Port Index No . 59580 9.4 Zamboanga is the capital of the Province of Zarnboanga and the principal town in Mindanao. It is a first port of entry and a quarantine station. The town is partially obscured by palm trees , but the silver dome of the church and the red roof of the government building are prominent. The current alongside the town pier moves W at 6 knots on the flood and E at 4 knots on the ebb. depending on the range of tide. Wind-Weather.-The harbor area of the town is well protected from the Northeast Monsoon. Southwest gales are sometimes experienced in the port. Their approach can be usually foretold by masses of flying clouds and threatening skies to the NW. The wind usually begins to blow from the NW and then backs to the SW. Tides-Currents.-Strong E and W currents of up to 6 knots have been reported. Depths-Limitations.-The government pier, a T-headed concrete pier, projects 122m SSW from the main quay at Zamboanga. The T-head is about 500m long , with reported depths alongside of 9.1m at the E end, dimi nishing to 6.4m at the W end. It has also been reported that the depths at this pier range from 5.6 to 8.8m. A buoy is moored about 0.1 mile SE of the SE extremity of the pier and marks a shoal with a swept depth of 0.9m. It was reported that a new jetty close NW and a new wharf 800m ESE of the existing Government Pier have been constructed. There is also a 274m long marginal wharf, with depths of 3.7 to 5m alongside . Aspect.-Zamboanga is partially obscured by palm trees, but the silver dome of the church and the red roof of the government building are prominent as is the main wharf and the light on it. A radio tower stands 0.4 mile NE of the light. Two radio towers, showing red obstructions lights, stand about 0.3 mile N and 0.4 mile NE of the light. Another radio mast stands about 0.7 mile NW of the light. Pilotage.-While pilotage is compulsory for vessels berthing alongside, it is optional if anchoring off the main wharf. The pi lot boards off Little Santa Cruz Island for vessels approaching from the W and off the Rio Hondo from the E. The pilot boat is white with the word "Pilot" on the deck house. Pilotage should be requested at least 24 hours in advance. Anchorage.-The anchorage off Zamboanga is not very good due to the steep bank, hard and uneven bottom, and the Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao swell and currents. Anchorage may b~taken 0.25 ntile SSE of theE end of the main wharf, in a deptho-29m. This anchorage is exposed to gales from the W and S _ Storm signals are shown from a m' i n front of the custom house at the inner end of main wharf. Directions.-The approaches to Zan:.boanga are deep and clear. However, vessels going alongsi~ the S face of the main wharf should proceed with caution, especially during the W current. This is due to the existence of a sh area near the W end of the wharf, with depths of 4.9m. Awoaches to the wharf should be made against the current. Departure should be made during slack water. Tictauan Channel and Off-ly" g Islands 9.5 Tictauan Channel (6 . 54'N , 122.09'E.), between Tictauan Island and the S end of Z boanga Peninsula , is about 0.5 mile wide at its narrowest p r.t . There are depths of 18 to 26m in fairway. This channel should not be used for other than temporary anchorage because of strong tidal currents. Tictauan Shoal (6"54'N., 122. 09'£ -l, with a depth of 5.5m, sand and coral, lies in the middle of Ti:1auan Channel, about 2 miles E of Mariqui Point (6. 53'N., :.2·06'E.). It is usually marked by tide rips. Masinloc Anchorage (6. 56'N ., 12_ 11 'E.) is formed by the channel between Sacol Island and the SE side of Zamboanga Peninsula. Vessels may anchor virtually anywhe: e in the anchorage, in depths of from 11 to 22m, sheltere•i from wind and sea. A village stands on the SW side of the ut local knowledge. Balabac Island, a small mangrove isl , lies on the W side of the N entrance of Tic tau an Channel. Malanipa Island (6. 53'N. , 122T' 'E ) lies 6.25 miles E of Tictauan Island. The island is woo d d and has a prominent village on its SW side. A small island lies on a bank extendmg 0.5 mile E from the S extremity of Malanipa Island. Great , nd Bank, made up of coral and sand, extends nearly 5 mil~ W of Malanipa Island. The bank has a least depth of 0.9m. Sinonog Island (6. 58'N. , 122.20'E) lies 2.75 miles SE of the E extremity of Sacol Island. The i Lmd is low except for a cliff on its E side. A sand patch , wi a depth of 8.5m, lies about 1.5 miles ESE of Sinonog Islar:c. Thlnalutan Island (6.59'N., 122. 21E.) lies about 3.75 miles E of the E extremity of Sacol Island. 'Ple island is cone shaped. An islet lies close off the E side of the island . Angosto Shoal is a rocky patch , with a least depth of 2.7m, and lies 3.75 miles ENE of Tulnalutan Island. Roldan Rock, with a depth of 1.2m and steep-to, lies 2.25 miles NNE of Sacol Island. Sibuguey Bay 9.6 Sibuguey Bay (T25'N., 122. 35'E.) lies with its entrance between Panubigan Islands and Lutangan Island, 36.5 miles ENE. A number of small reefs and shoals lie across the entrance to the bay and can best be seen on the chart. Sharp Peak, 753m high, is a prominent peak and stands 34 miles N of the S extremity of the Zamboanga Peninsula. Mount Silingan, on the W side of the head of the bay, is prominent from all parts of the bay. Malasugat Point (T05'N., 122. 14'E.) lies on theSE side of the Zamboanga Peninsula. The point is low, wooded, and fringed by a narrow reef. Two shoal patches, with depths of 1.8 and 6.7m, lie 1.5 miles and 1.25 miles S, respectively, of the point. Panubigan Islands (T09'N., 122. 16'E.) lie up to 2 miles off the coast between Malasugat Point and Lawigan Point. This group of about 20 islets and rocks provides sheltered anchorage for vessels with local knowledge. The seaward sides of these islets are steep-to, but foul ground lies between them and the coast. Taguite Bay (T20'N., 122 . 18'E.) is entered between Taguite Point and Bluff Point. The bay is shallow and indents the coast to a distance of two miles. Taguite Island, a small wooded islet, lies in the middle of the entrance to Taguite Bay. Vitali Island (7.22'N., 122.2l'E.) lies NNE of Taguite Bay. The irregular shaped SW end of Vitali Island forms the NE side of Taguite Bay. Vitali Point forms the NE extremity of the island. The island is densely wooded except for the area near Vitali Point where low hills are grass covered. A steep-to rock, awash, lies about 0.8 mile SSE of Vitali Point. 9.7 The Tigbauan Islands (7. 22'N., 122.25'E.) are a group of five islands and one rock lying E and SE of Vitali Point. Tigburacao Island, 3.75 miles SE of Vitali Point, the southeasternmost of the group, is low, flat, and densely wooded. Two large rocks lie 91 m SE of the island . These rocks are very prominent and when seen from the SW they appear as one. White Rock (T2l'N., 122.25'E.), 0.3m high, lies on a reef 0.75 mile WSW of Tigburacao Island. Gatusan Islands, two wooded islands fringed with rocks, lie 1.75 miles SSE of Vitali Point. Bacungan Island (T23'N., 122. 25'E.) lies 2.75 miles E of Vitali Point. The channel between the island and Vitali Point has a least depth of 5m in the fairway. L apinigan Island (T24'N., 122. 24'E.), 57m high and densely wooded, lies 0.6 mile NE of Vitali Point. The island appears as a cone from SW, with a steep slope on its E side. Thngauan Bay (7. 27'N., 122. 22'E.) is entered between Vitali Point and Linguisan Point, about 7 miles NNE. The bay indents the coast to a distance of about 4 miles. There are Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofl\'lindanao extensive mud flats off the W shore of the bay. Basan Reef, a dangerous detached coral reef, lies on the S side of the bay. Tigbucay Bay, a small cove, lies in the N part of Tungauan Bay. The S part of Tigbucay Bay is deep and clear of dangers, but the N part is shallow. There is anchorage in this bay, in depths of 18m, mud. Port Banga (T3l'N., 122. 26'E.) is entered between Tigbucay Point and Linguisan Point. The entrance is two miles wide between the two points. The port provides good anchorage, protected from all winds, and is navigable for 2 miles from the entrance for large vessels, and nearly to its head for small vessels. 9.8 Linguisan Point (T30'N., 122. 26'E.), low and wooded, is fringed by a reef which extends 0.2 mile offshore. East of the point is a coral shelf which extends 0.3 mile offshore. Above-water rocks lie on the E extremity of this shelf. A dangerous drying detached coral reef lies 1 mile SE of the SE point of the peninsula, of which Linguisan Point is the SW extremity. Bangaan Island (T30'N., 122. 25'E.), which is sparsely wooded, lies in the middle of the channel to Port Banga. The island divides the entrance into two channels. Buildings and a ruined wharf may be seen on the N side of the island. A rocky ledge, covered at HW, extends 0.45 mile from the SW point of the island. Bagolibud Point (T35'N., 122. 30'E.) lies at the NE end of the peninsula which forms the SE side of Port Banga. The E shore of the peninsula is composed of cliffy points with sandy beaches between. The S part of the peninsula is grassy with scattered trees. A small cove lies nearly 1 mile SSW of Bagolibud Point. A small islet, which is connected to the mainland, lies about 3 miles SSW of Bagolibud Point. 9.9 Busan Bay (T36'N., 122. 28'E.) lies about 2.5 miles N of Port Banga, and is entered between Bagolibud Point and Calug Point, 3.5 miles NNW. Tupilac Hill lies 3 miles NNW of Calug Point and is the most prominent landmark in the vicinity of Busan Bay. It is a conical grassy hill, and having a wooded background, can be seen a considerable distance. Good anchorage in Busan Bay exists between Lalim Point, situated 1.75 miles W of Bagolibud Point, and the reefs extending from the SW comer of Busan Bay, in depths of 11 to 13m, mud. The bay is exposed to NE winds. Diligan Island (T35'N., 122.29'E.) lies about 1.3 miles NW of Bagolibud Point. The island is low and densely wooded. The island, fringed by a narrow reef, may be passed at a distance of about 0.5 mile. Laboyoan Point (T42'N., 122. 31'E.) lies about 4 miles NNE of Calug Point. The point is mangrove covered and fringed by a reef. A rock, awash, lies 1 mile SSW of the point. Buluan Island is the largest and most conspicuous island in Sibuguey Bay and lies about 1 mile ESE of Laboyoan Point. There is a channel about 0.3 mile wide between Buluan Island and Laboyoan Point, with depths of 14 to 18m in the fairway. Pub.162 9.10 Madiaop Point (T44'N., 122. 35'E.), lying 4.5 miles NE of Laboyoan Point, is bordered by mangroves and numerous rocks awash. Mount Silingan, 5.5 miles W of Madiaop Point, is conspicuous from all parts of Sibuguey Bay. Bacalan Point (7.46'N., 122. 37'E.), covered with trees, lies 2.5 miles El\TE of Madiaop Point. The point is part of an islet which lies at the mouth of a small river. The islet is connected to the mainland by an extensive mangrove swamp. Taynabo Point (7 .46'N., 122.40'E.) lies about 3.25 miles E of Bacalan Point. The S and E sides of the point are composed of cliffs about 4.6m high. A narrow isthmus of mangrove connects the point with the mainland. The Kabasalan River (Kabsalan River) (T46'N., 122.46'E.) enters the NE comer of Sibuguey Bay from a NW direction and has a common entrance with the Siay River. Kabasalan (Kabsalan), the headquarters of a rubber company, stands on the banks of the river, 3.75 miles above its confluence with the Siay River. There is a wooden wharf at Kabasalan that has a berthing face 32m long, with a depth of 2m alongside. Santa Clara (T4 7'N., 122 • 41 'E.) (World Port Index No. 59575), a lumber loading pier, lies 1.5 miles NE of Taynabo Point. A conspicuous green warehouse, which shows a light, stands near the root of the pier. A least depth of 7m was reported alongside the SW part of the pier. 9.11 Tayoman Point (T41'N., 122.47'E.) is situated on the NE side of Sibuguey Bay, 8.5 miles SE of Taynabo Point. The coast between Tayoman Point and Patan Point, about 5.5 miles S, is intersected by a number of small rivers. Mount Sibuguey stands 1.75 miles ENE of Patan Point. Taba Bay (T34'N., 122.48'E.) is entered between Patan Point and Cabog Point, about 3 miles S. Two small islands lie on a reef about 0.3 mile N of Cabog Point. There is a SW entrance into the bay between Cabog Point and the two small islands. This entrance has a beaconed channel, with a depth of 3.7m, and is used by small vessels with local knowledge. The N channel, about 0.3 mile wide, is entered about 0.3 mile SW of Patan Point and has depths within the entrance of 22 to 29m. Depths decrease gradually to 9m about 1.8 miles within the entrance. The head of the bay is shallow. Taba Bay is considered the best anchorage on the E side of Sibuguey Bay. Vessels anchor according to their draft. The deepest water is found in the middle of the bay. Generally, the anchorages are well protected and the holding ground is good. Locsico Bay (T27'N., 122.47'E.) lies 6.5 miles S of Taba Bay. The shores of the bay are fringed with reefs and lined with mangroves. A reef divides the bay into two arms. The bay is only suitable for small vessels with local knowledge. 9.12 Pandalusan Island (T28'N., 122.41'E.) is wooded and lies about 5.5 miles W of Locsico Bay. A drying reef extends 0.2 mile SW from the island. A reef, nearly awash, extends 0.2 mile E from the island. Northwest Rock is situated about 2.3 miles NW of Pandalusan Island. This rock, which is awash, is hard to identify and should be given a wide berth. West Circe Shoal (T28'N., 122. 38'E.) lies about 11 miles SSW of Northwest Rock. The shoal is steep-to, with a least depth of 5.5m. East Circe Shoal lies 3.5 miles ESE of West S or 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao Circe Shoal. This shoal is steep-to on i side and has a least depth of 4.9m. A number of unnamec ~hoals lie to the S of West Circe Shoal and can best be seen "'r the chart. Olutanga Island (T2l'N., 122. 52'E..J lies close S of the peninsula that fonns theE side of Sibu.o"'lley Bay. The island is large and irregular in shape. The W prt of the N coast of the island is separated from the mainland b-r a narrow and tortuous strait. Seboto Point, the SW extremity af e island, is bordered by a sandy beach. A village stands on the point. Lutangan Island (T17'N., 122. 51 S ) is the SE entrance point of Sibuguey Bay. The island is low and densely wooded. It lies on the SE edge of a partly dryi:lg reef extending 1.25 miles from the S side of Seboto Point. The SE side of the island is bord!X!II by low cliffs and a sandy beach. Sibuguey Bay to Dumanquilas Bay 9.13 Silagui Island (7"17' .. 122• -l'E.) lies on the same reef as Lutangan Island, and close N of t . The island is low and partly wooded. A small rocky islet, c ·ered with bushes, lies 0.25 mile E of Silagui Island. A small coral head, which dries, lies 0.25 mile NE of the islet. Small vessels with local knowledge may take anchorage in a pocket of the reef, 0.75 mile NNW )f Silagui Island, in a depth of 15m. Suba Nipa (T18'N., 122.51'E.) rid Port Index No. 59573), a lumber port, lies 1 mile N of ~i.agui Island. There is a privately owned pier, 670m long and 15m wide, with a depth of 11m alongside. The r can accommodate vessels up to 10,000 grt. Pongca Bay (T2l'N., 122. 57'E.) li about 7 miles NE of Lutangan Island. This bay is encumb:!.ed with dangers and does not offer anchorage. Arayat Shoal (T16'N., 122.58'E.). with a least depth of 4.9m, lies about 6 .5 miles E of Lutanga:1 Island. A buoy marks the SE side of the shoal. There are s ·era! dangerous shoals within the area encompassed by a line clniwn through Lutangan Island, Taguisian Point, and Arayat SliD 1. These dangers can best be seen on the chart. Liscum Bank (Tl5'N., 123.05'E.), ~th a depth of 13.7m, lies 9.5 miles SE of Taguisian Poim:. Breeches Shoal, an extensive rocky shoal with a least dep f 7 .6m, lies about 9.5 miles E of Taguisian Point. Port Sibulan (T29'N., 122"54'E.) G a large irregularly shaped body of water which lies betv::en the NE coast of Olutanga Island and Mindanao. The rt is entered between Taguisian Point and Lapat Poi t. Coayan Bay (T24'N., 122.57'E.) is ·wated on the SW side of Port Sibulan . This bay has not been tl oughly surveyed and its head is shallow. A rock, 5.lm hig:J. lies close off the S entrance to the bay. :\fiddle Reef (T25'N., 122. 59'E.), .a large detached reef, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies in the mi die of the entrance to Port Sibulan. A beacon marks theW. Balangan Bay (T29'N., 122. 58'E.) l ies on the NE side of Port Sibulan. The head of the bay is sh for a distance of 0.75 mile from its head. The bay is approa.;hed between the reefs projecting from Lapat Point and Letay r Island. This channel has a least depth of 18m in the fairway. Anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 15m, about 0.5 mile NE of Letayan Island. 9.14 Sumangul Point (T27'N., 122. 54'E.) forms the N extremity of Olutanga Island. It terminates in a narrow neck of land covered with coconut trees and is separated from the land S of it by a depression, very noticeable from E. The point is easily identified from the entrance to Port Sibulasn. A small settlement stands on the point. Tumalung Bay indents the middle of the N coast of Olutanga Island. Depths in this bay are very irregular, with numerous detached patches of sand and coral in its N part. The S side shoals gradually to within 1 mile of the head, where there are extensive drying mud flats. Ta ntanang Bay (7"31 'N., 122.54'E.) lies at the head of Port Sibulan. The bay has depths of 18.4m in the entrance and shoals gradually towards its head. Sheltered anchorage may be taken in the bay. Alicia (T31'N., 122. 56'E.) (World Port Index No. 59560), a small town and the site of a sawmill, lies on the E side of Tantanang Bay. There is a T-headed wharf, with a berthing space of 43m and an alongside depth of 5.2m. Dumanquilas Bay 9.15 Dumanquilas Bay (T35'N., 123.05'E.) is 11 miles wide at its entrance between Lapat Point and Dumanquilas Point. The bay provides shelter and anchorage, with good holding ground, among the islands and bays within the bay. Tidal currents within the channels entering the bay usually are not greater than 1 knot, but the currents near the shoals in the approaches are stronger. Bacao (T33'N., 123. 01'E.), the site of a lumber mill, lies 6 miles NNE of Lapat Point. The wooden pier at the mill is in ruins. Malangas (T38'N., 123. 02'E.) lies about 4 miles N of · Bacao. There is an L-shaped pier 0.3 mile SE of Malangas, with a berthing face 41 m long and depths of 5.8 to 7m alongside. Depths alongside the inner face range from 4 to Sm. Conspicuous landmarks off Malangas are a schoolhouse with a metal roof, the coal storage bin, and the pier. There is anchorage off Malangas, in depths of 11 to 14m, mud. Nipa Nipa Islands (T37'N., 123.05'E.) are three densely wooded islets that lie in the middle of the entrance of the inner part of Dumanquilas Bay. Pu li Puli Island, small and reef fringed, lies about 0.3 mile NE of I gat Point. Pa mintayan Point (T41'N., 123.05'E.) lies about 3.5 miles NNE of Igat Point. A pier, with a conveyor belt, projects SE from the point. The head of the pier has a reported depth of 11.6m. A small wharf lies close N of the pier and had a reported depth of 5.5m alongside. 9.16 Between Dumanquilas Point and Carabuca Point, about 7 miles NW, the coast is made up of low hills covered with high trees. Tide rips may be seen about 0.5 mile SW of Labucan Point. Triton Island, high and wooded, lies about 2.5 miles NW of Dumanquilas Point. Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts of Mindanao lgat Point (7"36'N., 123. 06'E.), the W extremity of Igat Island, lies 2.75 miles N of Carabuca Point. The entrance to a bay lies between these two points. Igat Island is separated from the mainland by a channel which dries. Igat Bay is a large inlet on the E side of Dumanquilas Bay. Margosatubig (7. 35'N., 123 . 10'E.) (World Port Index No. 59550) lies on the S shore of Igat Bay. The hospital building standing on a hill SW of the town is prominent. The town wharf has a length of about 22m, with a depth of 4.5m alongside. Vessels take anchorage off the town, in depths of from 22 to 26m, 0.5 mile offshore, W of the wharf. 9.17 Maligay Bay (7"30'N., 123. 15'E.) is entered between Dumanquilas Point and a point on the Baganian Peninsula , 6 miles E. The W and N side s of the bay consist of a series of small rocky points and in place some mangroves. The E side is bordered by mangroves and fringed with drying coral which extend up to 1 mile offshore. A series of extensive shoal s extend about 3.5 miles W from theE entrance point of the bay. Anchorage may be taken , in depths of from 9 to 27m, in an area about 0.5 mile wide close N of the westernmost bank in the entrance to the bay. There is also anchorage, in 26 to 29m, about 0.3 mile NE of Maculay Island. Small vessels can anchor in a bight in the NE corner of the bay. Baganian Peninsula (7. 27'N., 123.20'E.) lies between Maligay Bay and lllana Bay. Flecha Point forms the S extremity of the peninsula. A river disc harge s about 1.5 miles NE of the point. There is anchorage on a sandy flat that extends 1 mile off Flecha Point, in depths of 18.3 to 37m. Thi s anchorage is exposed to the Southwest Monsoon. Paniquian Island (7"22'N., 123. 20'E.), which is sandy and wooded, lies about 4.5 miles W of Flecha Point. A drying reef fringes the island and extends up to 0.5 mile to the W and S of it. There is an exposed anchorage over a shoal extending S from the island, in depths of from 9 to 15m. Illana Bay 9.18 Diana Bay (7"35'N., 123.40'E.) is entered between Tambulian Point and Tapian Point, about 39 miles ESE. The bay indents the coast in a N direction. The bay is very deep in its middle part. Tidal currents run at a considerable rate within the bay. Vessels crossing the bay are often set well S. Limbug Cove (7"28'N., 123. 24'E.) lies 6 miles NNW of Tambulian Point. Reefs project from both entrance points narrowing the entrance channel to about 0.1 mile. A bare, white rocky bluff is a good mark for identifying the entrance. Small vessels with local knowledge may take anchorage in the cove, in a depth of 18m. Port Sambulauan (7"33'N. , 123. 21'E.) lies about 6 miles NNW of Limbug Cove. It is a narrow tortuou s break in the coastal reefs and is of little importance. Pub.162 Tidal currents are reported to produce eddies at the entrance. Sambulauan Hill is prominent and stands at the head of Port Sambulauan. Malubug Bay (7"36'N., 123. 25'E.) lies about 3.5 miles NNE of Port Sambulauan. The bay is encumbered by reefs, most of which dry. Narrow and unmarked channels lead between the reefs and dangers. The shores of the bay are bordered by mangroves. Two small settlements stand on the N shore of the bay. Rios Rock (7"31'N., 123. 28'E.), with a least depth of 1.8m, lies about 4 miles NE of the entrance to Limbug Cove. 9.19 Sagayaran Island (7"37'N., 123. 28'E.), high and wooded, lies S of theN entrance of Malubug Bay. The island is fringed by a reef and separated from the mainland by foul grou nd. Anchorage can be taken by small vessels with local knowledge, in a depth of 29m, about 0.3 mile W of the W extremity of Sagayaran Island. Pagadian Bay (7"49'N ., 123. 31'E.) lies about 10 miles N of Sagayaran Island . The land on the W side of the bay rises grad ually towards the mountains inland, while the land on the N side is low and flat. Boca Reefs are a chain of reefs which lie in the entrance to Pagadian Bay. Some of these reefs are always awash. There are several narrow and unmarked channels between these reefs. Pagadian (7"50'N., 123. 26'E.) (World Port Index No. 59530) lies in the NW part of Pagadian Bay. A 139m long pier, with a depths of 6m alongside, is situated here . A light is shown from the pier. A 3m coral patch lies 161m SSW of the pierhead. Vessels can anchor in the middle of Dupulisan Bay, 2.5 mile s S of Pagadian , in a depth of 27.4m, mud. Anchorage can also be taken between Dumagok Islet and Lampaqui Islet, in a depth of 23.8m. Illana Bay-East Side 9.20 Calibon Point (7"50'N., 123. 37'E.), about 9 miles E of Pagadian, is fringed by a narrow, steep-to coral reef. The land N of it rises to an elevation of over 300m, and is covered with tall grass and small tree . This ridge can easily be identified off Tambulian Point by its green appearance. Caromata Bay (7"47'N., 123.42'E.) is 7.25 miles ESE of Calibon Point. A chain of reefs fronts the bay. Narrow channels lead between the reefs into the clear part of the bay. Vessels can take anchorage in the middle of the bay, NE of the chain of reefs , in a depth of 37m, mud. Sigayan Bay (7. 44'N., 123 ' 45'E.) is separated from Caromata Bay on its W side by Semaruga Point, a wellwooded 40m high promontory. The bay is deep and clear of dangers. Vessels can take good anchorage near the head of the bay, in a depth of 37m, sand. The coast between Sigayan Point (8. 43'N ., 123 . 46'E.), theE entrance point to Sigayan Bay, and Lapitan Point, 13 miles ESE, is steep-to and consists of a number of bold points with scattered bay s between them. The land appears mountainous from seaward. Se r 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao Mount Iniaoan (8 °50'N. , 123 . 56'E. ) ,585m high, situated 11 5 miles NE of Sigayan Point, is w ed, conical in shape, and the only prominent peak in this vic -y. Thka Bay (T40'N., 123°58'E.), a srn:;jl cove situated about 1 mile N of Lapitan Point, is only 0.5 miic: n extent. A settlement stands on a bluff by the 3 ide of the bay. Port Baras (T39'N., 124°0 1'E.), a s:nall cove, lies about 2 miles E of Lapitan Point. The W side -e cove is backed by dense wooded hills. The E side is w and covered with coconut trees. A small island lies ab t 0.2 mile S of the E entrance point of Port Baras. Vessels can take anchorage in the mci.jle of the entrance to Port Baras, about 0.3 mile NW of the above small island, in depths of24 to 31m, mud. 9.21 Malabang (7°36'N. , 124°04'E.J (World Port Index No. 59520), a small lumber loading rt, lies 4 miles SE of Port Baras. The port stands 0.75 mile up the M!!J:abang River and two houses, with white roofs, stand on the · ch off the town. Vessels can take anchorage about 0. 3 -0.4 mile S of the two above houses, in depths of 22 to 28m. Vi ssels loading lumber should anchor off the mouth of the riveL Tetian Bay (7°28'N., 124°08'E.) li~ about 9 miles SE of Malabang. The N shore of the bay i 1 w and sandy. The E shore is composed of sandy beaches rocky points. A river flows into the head of the bay. A small lement stands on the E side of the mouth of the river. Vessels can take anchorage in the oi::ldle of the bay, in a depth of 35m. Pinatayan Shoal (T28'N., 124°06' with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 2 miles W of Tetian f . Buford Reef, with a depth of 3.6m, lies about 4 miles NW af Pinatayan Shoal. A reef, with a depth of 5.8m, lies abo 0.3 mile N of Buford Reef. Lalabugan Bay (T25'N., 124°09'E. ies about 3 miles SE of Tetian Bay. Two small coves indent the E and SE shores of the bay, at the head of which are sa:nd5' beaches and a few houses. Depths of over 37m are foun ±roughout the bay, but does not afford good anchorage. 9.22 Polloc Harbor (T23'N., 1241 'E.), entered between Thgapangan Point (T24'N., 124°09'E. • and Marigabato Point, 4.25 miles SE, is an excellent, well-tered harbor, easy to enter, but with considerable depths. I: js protected from W winds by Bongo Island. Polloc Island forms the S side of -e entrance to Polloc Harbor and is separated from the sha:r= b y Sampintan Creek. TheN and E sides of the island are fri~ d with reefs. Parang Anchorage is on the E side f Polloc Harbor, W of Parang. Lalayanga Point is situated on tk N side of Parang Anchorage, 0.75 mile WNW of Paran~ Two shoal patches, with depths of llm and 12.8m, lies 0.2 mileS and 0.15 mile W, respectively, o -alayanga Point. The tidal current in Polloc Harbor se E on the N shore with the flood tide and follows the bend of .he coast S and W. The ebb current sets in the reverse directio Polloc (T21'N., 124°13'E.) (World ort Index No. 59500), stands about 1 miles E of Marigabat ? vint. The main wharf, aligned in a N to S direction, is 400m long with an alongside depth of 10.5m. Two lighterage wharves, each 67m long, are situated at each end of the main wharf. The quarantine anchorage is in the center of Polloc Harbor, 1 mile NE of Port Polloc. Other vessels may anchor S of the quarantine anchor as shown on the chart. Pilotage is compulsory; however, 24 hours notice of ETA is required. 9.23 Parang (T22'N., 124°16'E.) (World Port Index No. 59510), a shipping port, lies 2.5 miles ENE of Polloc. An L-shaped pier extends in a WSW direction from the shore of the port. Depths of 9.7 to 12.2m were found alongside its SW face and depths of 5.2 to 6.lm along the NE face. There is good anchorage for large vessels about 0.3 mile W of the pierhead, in depths of 26 to 28m. Sugut Bay (T24'N., 124°14'E.) is situated 2 miles NW of Parang. Vessels can take anchorage on the E side of Quidamak Bay, W of Sugut Bay, in a depth 15m. Bongo Island (T20'N., 124°02'E.) lies with its NE extremity about 7.75 miles W of Marigabato Point. The island is densely wooded and fringed by a reef. Bongo Shoal, with a depth of 6.4m, lies about 4 miles W of Bongo Island. A reef, with a depth of7.3m, lies about 1 mile W of Bongo Shoal. 9.24 Panalisan Point (7°16'N., 124°12'E.) lies about 5.3 miles S of Marigabato Point. The coast between these two points is low, intersected by several streams, and fringed by a reef extending about 0.8 mile offshore. The Mindanao River (Tl6'N., 124°12'E.), the largest river in Mindanao, flows out close S of Panalisan Point. The river divides into two arms, 21 miles from its mouths . Large floating masses of grass resembling small islets are found offshore of and in the vicinity of the mouth of the river. The entrance bars at the river mouth are subject to change, especially during freshets . The N entrance, situated close S of Panalisan Point, is used by small vessels bound for Cotabato. Vessels drawing about 2.5m can usually cross the bar at HW. The S entrance, used only by local craft, lies close N of Bulusan Point. There is a depth of 0.9m on the bar. The tidal currents in the river are strong. It is reported that the outgoing current has a rate of 2 knots and the incoming current has a rate of 0.5 knot. Vessels can anchor 1 mile NW of Panalisan Point, in depths of 9 to 18m. Depths shoal very suddenly in the anchorage area. This anchorage is not recommended for large vessels nor during Southwest Monsoon (May to September). 9.25 Cotabato (7 °14'N., 124°15'E.) (World Port Index No. 59490), a river port, stands on the S side of the Mindanao River, about 5 miles from its N entrance. Its importance as a port is declining as its trade is taken over by Polloc Harbor. There is a concrete wharf, 268m long on the S bank of the river, in front of the town. A depth of 2m is maintained at the wharf. Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao The coast between Bulusan Point and Tapian Po int, about 6.5 miles WSW, is wooded to a distance of l mile inland. A small village stands about l mileS of Bulusan Point. Mount Cabalata (7"09'N., 124.09'E.), an excellent landmark, stands 3 miles S of Bulusan Point. It is 709m high, shaped like a sugar loaf, and covered with grass. Tapian Point to Davao Gulf 9.26 Tapian Point (7 . 09'N. , 124. 04'E.) , the E entrance point of Illana Bay, is low, sandy, and wooded. It is fringed by a reef about 0.1 mile wide. A reef, with a least depth of 4.6m, lies about 0.8 mile NNW of Tapian Point. Manangula Point (7"06'N. , 124. 02'E.), a low point, lies about 3 miles SSW of Tap ian Point. A river discharges on the S side of the point. Tenotungan Point lies about 4 miles SSW of Manangula Point. A village stands close S of the point. Small vessels can take anchorage between a 5.5m shoal and Tenotungan Point, in depths of 18 to 22m, sand. Logung Point W58'N., 123.58'E.) lies about 5 miles SSW of Tenotungan Point. The point rises to a grassy prominent knoll. Mount Binaca, the highest mountain in the coastal range , lies 3.25 miles ESE of Logung Point. Mount Blik, 15 miles E of Logung Point, is an excellent landmark for approaching the coast. Resa Bay W52'N., 123. 58'E.) is situated about 4.5 miles S of Logung Point. The Lapacan River flows into the SE part of the bay. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.5 mile N of the mouth of the river, in depths of 31 to 42m, sand. The bay is open to the W and is tenable only in fair weather. Quidapil Point W49'N., 123. 57'E.), steep and rocky, lies 2.25 miles S of Rasa Bay, and is prominent from N or S. It appears as an island when first seen from these directions . It is formed by a narrow ridge, 107m high , covered with grass and bushes. Sadam Bay W47'N., 123. 58'E.) lies about 2.5 miles S of Quidapil Point. The bay is a deep cove bordered by mangroves and coral. Huidobro Reef, with a depth of 5.8m, lies about 2 miles SSW of Sadam Bay. The reef is marked by discolored water. 9.27 Linao Bay W46'N., 124. 00'E.) is entered between Linao Point and Kalingmomo Point, about 3.75 miles further SE. The shores of the bay consist of sand and hard mud , lined with bushes and trees along the HW mark. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the N part of the bay, in depths of 13 to 20m. This anchorage is reported to be not tenable with strong SW winds. Lebak Point W33'N., 124.02'E.), which rises to an elevation of 104m close within, is situated 10 miles S of Kalingmomo Point. There are no charted offshore dangers between these points . Port Lebak W33'N., 124. 03'E.) is entered between Lebak Island, 0.25 mile SSW of Lebak Point and Nara Point, 1.5 miles further SW. The port is sheltered and easy to approach. The shoreline is fringed by a reef. Pub.162 A river discharges into the S part of the port about 1.5 miles from the entrance. Thbotubo Island stands on a reef, about 0.3 mile from the S shore. A wooden pier projects about 215m from the shore, about 0.5 mile SE of Thbotubo Island. Alongside depths of 4.6 to 12.8m have been reported. Oil discharge facilities are available at the outer end of the pier. A floating pipeline berth is N of the pier. A town stands on the N side of Port Lebak. A red and white radio tower marks the town. A light is shown from a position 137m SW of the radio tower. Vessels can take anchorage E of Tubotubo Island, in depths of 29 to 33m, mud. Vessels may also anchor NE of Lebak Island, in depths of 26 to 29m. Donauang Shoals W30'N., 124. 00'E.) are a group of shoals lying parallel to the coast S of Nara Point. All the shoals are steep-to and separated from the mainland by a channel about 0.8 mile wide. Basiauang Bay lies 4 miles S of the entrance to Port Lebak. Anchorage in this bay is difficult due to its great depths. Donauang Island lies close W of the S entrance point of Basiauang Bay. The island is a conspicuous landmark. Caution.-Vessels not entering Basiauang Bay or Port Lebak should keep at least 5 miles offshore in order to avoid Donauang Shoals . 9.28 Thna Bay W23'N., 124.04'E.) lies about 4.5 miles SSE of Basiauang Bay. The bay is open to the S, and a heav y swell sets in during the Southwest Monsoon. The W shore of the bay is fringed by a coral reef. Vessels can take anchorage near the head of Thna Bay, in depths of from 33 to 37m, protected from all but S winds. Malatuna Point W19'N., 124. 06'E.) lies about 4.5 miles SE of Thna Bay. The point is easily identified from NW or SE by an islet lying close off it. Taytayan Island, wooded at its summit, lies close offshore, about 2.8 miles SE of Malatuna Point. The channel between the island and the mainland is shallow. Vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the channel between the reefs and the coast, in depths of 28 to 37m. Caution.-A chain of reefs lies from 0.5 mile to 2 miles offshore, between Taytayan Island and Pola Point, about 11 miles to the SW. The channels between the reefs, and between the reefs and the mainland are deep and clear of dangers. Caution should be exercised as the reefs are difficult to distinguish due to the discolored water from the rivers in the vicinity. 9.29 Milbuk W09'N ., 124. 16'E.), a lumber loading port, lies about 1 mile ENE of Pola Point. The approach to the harbor is encumbered by several reefs, some of which dry. Three buoys marking the channel into the anchorage were reported missing. A tidal current, with a rate of 2 to 4 knots, was reported as setting in an E direction across the entrance during the flood tide. A W set, oflesser strength, was reported during the ebb tide. There are no pilots at the port, but a coastal pilot can be obtained at Zamboanga. A launch meets the vessel in the entrance and indicates the anchorage. Se tor 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao Vessels with local knowle ge can tclce anchorage about 137m SSE of the pierhead, in a depth 12.8m. The harbor is small, but offers good shelter from N w s. Maculi Point (6"07'N., 124o20'E.) li _ about 4 miles SE of Milbuk. The point is low, broad , and lU! nded. A small river discharges near the E side of the point. Vessels can take anchorage about : miles E of the river entrance, 0.25 mile offshore, in depths d26 to 37m. Pinol Point (6"06'N., 124°23'E.), wi:h a prominent yellow cliff, lies 3.25 miles SE of Maculi Poin agang Point, a sharp rocky point, lies about 9 miles SE of Pin ::>l Point. Bacud Point is composed of rocky cliffs and lies out 6 miles ESE of Pagang Point. Bacud Reef, with a lel6t depth of 0.9m, lies about 4 miles SE of Bacud Point. 9.30 Kiamba (5"59'N., 124"37'E.), .... mall town , lies about 1 mile E of Bacud Point. A concret pier, with a wooden extension, is situated close E of the to . Coastal vessels use the anchorage S of the town. Kling, a small village, lies 6.5 mile~ 3SE of Bacud Point. Bual Point, low and wooded, lies about miles SE of Kling. A beacon stands on the shore 2 miles E .. E of Bual Point. It is used as a guide when anchoring. Matil Point (5 "52'N. , 124"55'E.), lo\\ End flat, lies about 6.5 miles ESE of Bual Point. The point colEists of coral and sand. Taliak Point, about 6.5 miles E of Mat' Point, is rounded with low hills in the interior. A chain of shod~ lie S of Taliak Point and can best be seen on the chart. A conspicuous cliff, 15m high, is situ ted 2 miles E of Taliak Point. Tampuan Point (5"52'N. , 125 °05'E. ) ~bout 1.8 miles NE of the cliff, is marked by prominent verti::al cliffs that are 11m high. Sarangani Bay 9.31 Sarangani Bay (6 "00'N., 25 " 12'E.) is entered between Tampuan Point and Sumbang Point, about 16 miles ESE. The hills on theE side of the bay :u:e heavily wooded. At the head of the bay the land is fla with high hills and mountains in the distance. Anchorage.-The bay provides p cr anchorage in the various small bays due to the great cepths . The quarantine anchorage and the recommended anch~ ge lie near the head of Sarangani Bay, in positions best seen on chart. Anchorage may also be found off the mouth of th iloway River. These anchorages are located near the edge d the deep water shelf and local area knowledge is recommenGerl for anchoring. The W shore of the bay The W shore of bay trends 14 miles NNE from Tampuan Point to Makar is generally straight and regular. There are numerous fish tra:;:>• moored in the bay. 9.32 Makar (6 "06'N ., 125"09'E.) . a small village, is situated at the NW side of the head o"" the bay. Dole Wharf extends 0.1 mile NE from a position · bout 0.4 mile SSE of Makar. The wharf has a berthing space of I _ m, is between 12 to 18m wide, and has depths of 11.5m alor:._gside. A light is shown from Dole Wharf. \essels berth on the SE side of the wharf. Vessels berth port side-to with a N wind and starboard side-to with a S wind. Vessels may berth day or night. The tidal current can at times run strongly across the end of the wharf. Makar Wharf lies on the NW coast of the cove about 0.5 mile N of Dole Wharf. The wharf which is government owned, provides a berth 56 1m long and 20m wide. There are depths of 8.5 to II m alongside. In 1993, work was in progress off the NE end of the berth. Pilotage is compulsory. The pilot boards 1 mile from Dole Wharf. Vessels should radio ETA to Makar through Manila Coast Radio Station. Anchorage is prohibited in an area about 0.5 mile off Makar. 9.33 General Santos (Buayan City) (Dadiangas) (6 "07'N., 125°11'E.) (World Port Index No. 59485) lies about 1.5 miles NE of Makar. City Hall, two church spires, and a radio tower stand about 1.5 miles NE of the pier in Makar. Three oil tanks stand on the coast about 0.8 mile SE of the City Hall building. Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots board 1 mile from the Dole Wharf in Makar. Vessels should send ETA through Manila Coast Radio. Vessels are berthed night and day. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.3 mile offshore, S of a large green warehouse, in depths of 18 to 37m. The quarantine anchorage is situated about 0.8 mile ESE of this anchorage. The E side of Sarangani Bay is irregular and indented by several coves and bights. Lago Cove (6 "04'N. , 125 °16'E.) lies about 6.5 miles ESE of General Santos. The cove has limited anchorage in a depth of 37m, close inshore. The depth drops sharply from the beach and this restricts the anchorage. Sapu Bay (5"55'N., 125"16'E.) lies about 8.5 miles S of Lago Cove. The bay offers limited anchorage, protected from S and SW winds, in depths of 37 to 48m, off the mouth of the Big Sapu River which discharges into the head of the bay. Canalasan Cove (5"50'N., 125"12'E.), entered between Sumbang Point and Letue Point, about 1.5 miles E, is the best harbor in the area during the Southwest Monsoon. The S and E shores are fringed by a reef and a narrow strip of mangroves. Glan (5°50'N., 125" l2'E.) (World Port Index No . 59480), a small town, is situated at the head of Canalasan Cove. The outer end of a concrete pier is in ruins. Vessels can take anchorage about 0.1 mile NW of the end of the pier, in depths of 16 to 18m, mud . Sumbang Point to the Sarangani Islands 9.34 Lefa Point (5°47'N., 125°1 l'E.) lies about 3.75 miles S of Sumbang Point. The point is steep and rocky. A shoal, with a depth of 8.7m, lies about 1.3 miles SE of the point. Sagby Point, about 4 miles SE of Lefa Point, is high, rocky, and marked by a prominent red cliff. Tinaca Point (5 "33'N., 125 "20'E.) lies about 12 miles SSE of Sagby Point. The point forms the S extremity of Mindanao. The point consists of two headlands connected by a beach and has the appearance of a volcanic crater. A light is shown on the point. Balangonan Cove (5"34'N., 125"2l'E.) lies 2 miles ENE of Tinaca Point and affords poor anchorage. Malavinuan Cove, I Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao rrtile farther E, provides sheltered anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon (October to March), in depths from 22 to 29m. The Sarangani Islands (5' 26'N., 125 ' 27'E.) consists of two large wooded islands, and a small wooded cay, lying 5.5 miles SE ofBukid Point and 9 .75 miles S ofTinaca Point. Sarangani Strait, separating the two islands from Mindanao, is deep and clear of dangers. Tidal current in the strait set WSWandENE. Balut Island (5 ' 25'N., 125 ' 23'E.), the largest of the Sarangani Islands , has a volcano near its center, which at times errtits smoke. The island is fringed by a reef. A small islet lies close off the SW point of the island. There is anchorage for vessels with local knowledge from 0.5 to 1.5 miles S and SE of Lajan Point, the NE point of the island, in depths from 9 to 27m, with good shelter from SW or NE storms, but the anchorage is encumbered with shoals. Sarangani Island (5 ' 27'N., 125 ' 28'E.) lies about 2 rrtiles NE of Balut Island. The island consists of several rolling hills and is fringed by a reef on its NE and SW sides. Port Patuco (5 ' 28'N., 125 ' 28'E.), an inlet which affords good shelter for small craft, lies on the W side of Sarangani Island. The channel into the port is narrow and tortuous. At the head of the port is an anchorage area about 0.1 rrtile wide, with depths of 6 to 9m. Port Tumanao (Y27'N., 125 ' 28'E.), about 1.3 miles S of Port Patuco, is the largest inlet on the W coast of Sarangani Island. The port is deep except near its shores . Vessels anchor in the middle or near the head of the port, in depths of 28 to 51m, mud. 9.35 Olanivan Island (5 ' 3l'N., 125' 29'E.) lies about 1.3 miles N of Sarangani Island. T he island is fringed by a reef. There is a deep channel between the fringing reef of the island and the reef off the NE side of Sarangani Island. The tidal currents are strong in this channel. Bukid Point (5 ' 34'N., 125 ' 25'E.), on the SE coast of Mindanao, lies 5.5 rrtiles NW of Olanivan Island. The point is fringed by a narrow reef. The point may be approached to within 0.5 mile. Butulan Cove (Y38'N., 12Y27'E.), about 0.5 mile wide and 0.25 mile long, lies about 3.75 miles NNE of Bukid Point. The cove is deep but affected by ground swells. Small vessels anchor about 0 .1 mile NE of the mouth of a small stream at the head of the cove. Banos Point (Y55'N., 125 ' 40'E.), steep, high, and lying about 25 rrtiles NE of Bukid Point, is formed by a prominent peaked ridge. There is anchorage, 0.5 mile offshore S of the point and 1 rrtile N of the point, in depths of 37m. There are strong rip tides offshore. Lawayon Point W02'N., 12Y42'E.) is formed by a conical hill and lies about 6. 7 miles NNE of Banos Point. The point is conspicuous and makes a good landmark and the coast N of the point is steep and rocky. Davao Gulf (6°40'N., 125°50'E.) 9.36 Calian Point WOTN., 12Y43'E.), lying 5.5 miles N of Lawayon Point, is the bold and rocky W entrance point of Pub.162 Davao Gulf. The point is a conspicuous landmark and is marked by streaks of bare cliff. It rises to a height of 379m from the narrow valleys on its N and S sides. Lapuan W08'N., 125' 42'E.), a small village with a dock, is situated about 1.8 miles N of Calian Point. The dock is small and in poor condition. Lawa is a small village lying about 3 miles N of Lapuan . There is a basin which is reportedly used by small boats. The lights from the village are conspicuous. Malita W24'N., 125' 37'E.) lies about 13.5 miles NNW of Lawa. A small pier, in ruins, is situated on the point of the same name. Vessels anchor SE of the pier, in 11 to 15m. Lacaron, with a small pier, lies about 3 miles NW of Malita. Tubalan Head W30'N., 12Y35'E.) lies about 3 miles N of Lacaron. The head is a conspicuous landmark. A reef extends 0.2 rrtile NW of theN extrerrtity of the headland. Port Tubalan lies close W of Tubalan Head. There is deep water in the rrtiddle of the port. The best anchorage is on the W side of the port, 0.5 mile offshore, in depths of 37 to 40m, mud. Sigarin Point W32'N., 125 ' 33'E.) lies about 3.25 miles NW of Tubalan Head. The point consi ts of a gentle slope notched by five hills. Foul ground extends about 0.3 mile from the point. The point forms the E entrance point of Basiauan Bay. 9.37 Basiauan Bay W32'N., 125 ' 31'E.) is divided into two coves by a point on the S shore of the bay. The bay is deep and clear of dangers, except for the fringing bore reef, which extends from the SW cove. A small village stands at the head of the SW cove. Vessels anchor NE of the village, in 26 to 29m. This anchorage is sheltered from all but N and NNE winds. Monk.iaua Bay (6' 34'N., 125 ' 30'E.) lies close NW of Basiauan Bay. The bay is deep and clear, but seldom used. Kulungan Bay lies close NW of Monkiaua Bay. There are numerous shoals in the bay, some awash at LW. Colapsin Point (6' 38'N., 125 ' 26'E.) lies about 5 miles NW of Kulungan Bay. The point is the NE extremity of the peninsula that forms the NE shore of Malalag Bay. A light is shown from the point. A 6.4m shoal lies about 0.8 rrtile NNE of the point. Mount Piapi (6 ' 39'N., 125 ' 23'E.), a conspicuous landmark, lies near the beach on the W side of the entrance to Malalag Bay. Piapi Reef, drying to 0.3m at LW, lies about 1 mile offshore, E of Mount Piapi. A lighted buoy marks the reef. Malalag Bay (6' 37'N., 125 ' 24'E.) is entered between Colapsin Point and Pia pi Reef buoy. The N part of the W shore is fringed by mangroves and has shoal water extending from 0.5 to 0.75 mile from the shore. Navigable width of the channel is 1 mile. Bolton Reef, with a depth of lm, divides the entrance into two deep channels. A beacon marks the reef. A small village of the same name stands on the S shore of the bay. A river discharges close W of the village. A concrete pier 30m long, used for loading molasses and handling general cargo, is situated SE of the village. The controlling depth is reported to be 10m. A light is shown on theE side of the bay. Vessels can anchor, in 18.4m, a out 0.3 mile N of the mouth of the river. An anchorage for large vessels is situated NE of Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao the pier, in 29 to 35m, mud. Anchorage :is also available about 1 mile SE of the light. The Padada River (6"42'N., l25. 22'E. 1, navigable by small boats, discharges about 3 miles N of Mrn t Piapi. A small town of the same name stan on the N bank of the river, about 0.5 mile inland. Digos Point (6.45'N., 125.23'E.), lo~. flat, wooded, fringed with mangroves, and fairly prominent fran the N or S Lies about 3.5 miles NNE of the mouth of the Padada River. A reef, which dries at LW, extends about 0.3 mile from the point. A channel separates the fringing shore reef from the ffshore reefs. Digos Reefs (6.45'N., 125. 24'E.) are a group of shoals and detached reefs extending about 1.5 mil , from the shore. Part of the reefs bare at LW. There are severandy beach. Governor Generoso, a town, lies close S of the :::IIiy beach. The town has a number of con picu buildings and a church. Sigaboy Island , with steep cliffs, lies 2 IJ:.iJes S ofBais Point. Borot Cove (6. 36'N., 126.05 'E.) lie bout 2.5 miles SSE of Sigaboy Island . The entrance points t tile cove are steep rocky bluffs. Shoal water extends 0.2 mile from the S entrance point. Anchorage in the cove is restricted. Borot Reef lies about 0.5 mile W of Borot Cove. The reef is partly awash at LW. 9.46 Monserat (6. 36'N., 126 . 05'E.) (World Port Index No. 59410) is the site of an estate and lies at the head of Borot Cove. Several buildings are conspicuous from offshore. A small pier has a reported depth of 5.5m alongside. Vessels can anchor in the entrance to the cove, in a depth of about 49m, good holding ground. Mount Bilbogan (6. 34'N., 126. 06'E.) stands about 2 miles SSE of Monserat. This landmark is very conspicuous when seen from N or S and show s three small peaks . When seen from the W it appears as a sharp peak with a regular outline. Padada Point (6 . 32'N., 126 .05'E.), low, fiat, and rounded, is fairly prominent and lies about 4 miles S of Borot Cove. A small village lies about 1.5 miles SSE of the point. Nangan Bay (6 . 27'N., 126.07'E.) is entered 4 miles SSE of Padada Point. A drying reef extends 0.25 mile W from the N entrance point. With the exception of this reef, the bay is clear and easy to approach. Vessels anchor about 0.1 to 0.2 mile from the E shore of the bay, in 40 to 51m, mud. Abag Bay (6 . 25'N., 126.08'E.) lies about 2.5 mile s SE of Nangan Bay. The bay is mostly deep and free of dangers . A village situated at the head of the bay. A second village lies 1 mile farther S. 9.47 Kaganuhan Point (6 . 23'N., 126. 08'E.) forms the S side of Tagabibi Bay. When seen from the NW, the point has six hills rising to the E. The point is fringed by a reef. Tagbanao Cove, a small bight about 0.5 mile in extent, lies 2 miles SE of Kaganuhan Point. Vessels anchor in the middle of the cove, in 33 to 37m, mud. Lakga Point (6. 22'N. , 126. 10'E.), with several houses visible from seaward, lies about 0 .5 mile S of Tagbanao Cove . A small village lies SE of the point. Vessels anchor SE of the point, about 0.1 mile offshore, in a depth of 37m. Lavigan Anchorage (6. 18'N ., 126. 11 'E.) lie s about 3.5 mi les SSE of Lakga Point. The anchorage is a narrow inlet extending about 0.3 mile in an E direction. The navigable width of the channel is 46m, with a depth of 14.7m. The anc horage is mainly for small boats. Cape San Agustin (6 . 16'N. , 126. 11'E.), theE entrance point of Davao Gulf, is the S extremity of a long peninsula which forms the E side of Da vao Gulf. A light is shown from the cape on a concrete tower, lOrn high . The currents off the cape are stro ng and appear to set in a SW direction. The average rate approaches 2 knots but rates of 3 to 4 knots have been encountered. San Agustin Reef (6. 15'N., 126. 11'E.), with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 0.3 mile S of Cape San Agustin. The reef breaks heavil y at times. There is a channel between the reef and the cape and is used by small craft. Cape San Agustin to Cauit Point 9.48 Luban Island (6"26'N., 126. 13'E.) lies about 10 mi les NNE of Cape San Agustin. Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofl\1indanao The island is connected to the mainland by a drying reef. A large rock lies close off theE side of the island. A small village stands on the mainland W of the island. Between Cape San Agustin and Tumago Point, about 30 miles NW, the coast is high, rugged , and steep. There are no off-lying dangers and deep water lie s close to the coast. There are no good anchorages in this part of the coast. 9.49 Pujada Bay (6 °51'N., 126 °14'E.) is entered between Tumago Point and Lamigan Point, 6.5 miles NE. The Guanguan Peninsula forms the E side of the bay, which is fringed by a narrow reef. The W side of the bay is steep-to and densely wooded. The head of the bay is fringed by reefs and shoals to a distance of 0.5 mile. Pujada Island (6°47'N., 126 °16'E.) lies near the middle of the entrance to the bay. It divides the entrance into two wide and deep channels. The N end of the island i wooded and the S end is covered with bushes and trees . The N and W sides of the island are steep-to. Reefs and shoals extend up to 0.35 mile off its E side. Pujada Island Light is shown from a structure at the SE end of the island. Two sandy islets lie 0.75 mile and 1 mile SE of the island. They are surrounded by drying reefs. A narrow and foul channel separates the two islets. The channel between the N islet and Pujada Island is about 0.3 mile wide, with a least depth of 5.8m in the fairway. Uanivan Island (6"50'N., 126°16'E.), high and wooded, is situated on theE side of Pujada Bay. The island and Guanguan Peninsula are connected by a rocky ledge, with a least depth of 9.2m. A drying reef extends 0.25 mile SE from the island. 9.50 Mati (6 °57'N., 126°13'E.) (World Port Index No . 59400), the most important town in the area, lies at the head of Pujada Bay. Depths-Limitations.-The town has an L-shaped pier, 40m long, with a controlling depth of 6.7m. A light is shown from the pier. Interco Berth, a T-headed pier, used for loading coconut oil , lies 1.75 miles SE of Mati. The berth is approached from the S between two reefs. It consists of two mooring dolphins , in line 095" -275" , alongside an artificial island which is connected to the shore by a causeway. A refining plant, with prominent tanks, is at the root of the causeway. Vessels with drafts up to 14m and about 180m loa can be accepted at this berth. It is reported that loading of expeller pellets is by means of a fixed loading arm and that, when warping the vessel to change holds for loading, attention should be given to the existence of a reef lying W of the berth, and to the shallow water lying E. Pilotage.-The pilot for berthing comes from Davao and adequate notice of ETA is required. The pilot is reported to board about 1.5 miles S of the berth from a mall yellow painted boat. Fuel can be obtained by barge from Davao. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor, in 28 to 33m, about 0.3 mile off the above pier. Small vessels can anchor in Balete Bay, in depths of 30 to 37m, near the entrance, or near the head of Balete Bay, in 14.7m, mud. Pub.162 9.51 Mayo Bay (6"55'N., 126 o22'E.) is entered between Lamigan Point and Tugubun Point, 13 miles NE . The N shore of the bay is high. very rugged, and steep-to. Three small towns lie on the N shore of the bay. Great depths are found throughout Mayo Bay. The tidal currents in the bay are weak, but a constant S current of about 2.3 knots is felt offshore at the entrance points. Mayo Bay is protected from N winds, but is not recommended as an anchorage as very deep water lies close offshore. Fair weather anchorage is sometimes taken off the three towns on the N coast. Casauman Point (T09'N., 126°32'E.) lies about 10 miles NNE of Tugubun Point. There are five bays, all open to the E and S, between these two points. There are frequently heavy tide rips off the point. The Casauman River, on which small boats can enter at HW, lies 1.5 miles NNW of the point. Manay Bay (T12'N., 126°33'E.) is situated about 3 miles NE of Casauman Point. The town of Manay stands at the head of the bay along with the town of Zaragosa. The bay provides protected anchorage from all winds except from Sand E. Caraga Bay (7 °18'N., 126°34'E.) lies about 6.7 miles NNE of Manay Bay. Ali sud Point, the N entrance point, is rocky and steep-to and is formed by low and bare cliffs. Pusan Point, the S entrance point, is low, rocky, and rounded. Heavy rips are found off this point and apparently caused by the constant S current. Caraga (T20'N., 126°34'E.) (World Port Index No. 59390) stands on the cliff bordering Ali sud Point. The town church is con picuous. Vessels can anchor close to the shore S of Caraga. Vessels also anchor off Santiago, in the SW comer of the bay, in E and SW winds. The anchorage at Caraga is used only during fair weather. 9.52 Baculin Bay (7°25'N., 126 °34'E.) lies about 6 miles N of Alisud Point. The N and S shores of the bay are high and rocky while the W shore is reported to be low and sandy. Baculin, a small town, stands on the N shore of the bay. Vessels anchor, in 13 to 18m, about 0.5 mile offshore, 2 miles WSW of Baculin Point. Baganga Bay (T35'N., 126 °34'E.), 8.75 miles N of Baculin Point, is entered between Lakud Point and Lambajon Point (T36'N., 126 , 35'E.), about 2.2 miles NNW. A river flows into the S end of the bay. A town stands on the S bank of the river. Some of the town buildings are visible from seaward. The bay is deep and clear of dangers in its middle part. There is anchorage in the bay, in a depth of 12.9m, about 0.3 mile offshore and 0.5 mile W of Lambajon Point. Vessels also anchor, in 9m, protected from S and SE winds, in the SW part of the bay. San Victor Island (T40'N., 126c34'E.), about 4 miles NNW of Lambajon Point, is a small, low islet with a bushy top and the island is surrounded by foul ground. An extensive area encumbered with shoals lies within 1.25 miles NE, E , and S of the island . The sea breaks heavily at all times on three drying patches in this area. Bangai Point (T44'N., 126°34'E.) lies about 4 miles N of San Victor Island. The point is low and rocky. The coast to the Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao SW of the point is fringed by a reef w ch dries in places . Two prominent islands stand on the reef. 9.53 Cateel Bay (8"50'N., 126"27'3.), entered between Bangai Point and Catarman Point, ab:mt 17 miles NW, is a large open roadstead. The bay is free o-dangers outside of 1.5 miles from shore. The villages of San Roque and Bo ton are situated in the NW part of the bay. Cateel, a town on the S shore of the bay, lies about 7 miles SE of Boston. Severa. buildings and a church can be seen from offshore. Vessels can anchor off the village of Boston, in depths of 9.1 to 12.9m. Vessels calling at Cateel u ually anchor, in 11 to 14 .7m, about 0.5 mile N of the village of Magdalena, which lies about 2 miles NW of Cateel. There is a prominent warehouse in the village. The anchorage at Boston may become untenable during E winds. 9.54 Catarman Anchorage (8"00'1 r.., 126"26'E.) is formed between the reef fringing the N side of Dttarman Point and the coastal reef enclosing the Majangit Islmds to the N. The reef forming theN side dries at LW. The entrance channel is reduced in ~idth to 0.2 mile by a small detached reef lying close off theN side of the entrance. Safe anchorage can be obtained about .5 mile W of the small detached reef. Lingig (8"02'N. , 126"25'E.), lying about 3.25 miles NW of Catarman Point, is a port of call for inter-island vessels . Small vessels with local knowledg can anchor, in 3.7m, sand, about 0.5 mile ESE of Lingig. Tambog Point (8"06'N. , 126"27'E.), .:l.5 miles NE of Lingig, is covered with scattered trees and bus es, and is prominent. It has two prongs, the S being the hi gter of the two with an elevation of 15m. Barcelona (8"10'N., 126"26'E.) lies about 3.7 miles NNW of Tam bog Point. There is a break in the £oastal reef abreast the town, which forms an inlet. Vessels can anchor in the middle of the inlet, in a depth of about 12.9m. Sanco Point (8"15'N., 126"27'E.) 5.5 miles NNE of Barcelona and marked by a light, is low thickly covered with bushes, and has a white, sandy beach oa It. Valencia (8"14'N., 126"27'E.), a small own which is not visible from offshore, stands near the SE extrerruty of Sanco Point. 9.55 Bislig Bay (8"14'N., 126"23'3.) is entered between Sanco Point and Mawes Island, lying about 4 miles to the NW. The NW shore of the bay is low and ordered by mangrove. The head of the bay is low and fronted by mud flats. The SE part of the bay is rocky and rather stet;:~. A town stands in the NW comer of the bay. Mangagoy (8"11 'N., 126"2l'E.), a ber loading port, lies in the SW comer of Bislig Bay. The buildings of the town and two sawmills are prominent. Twin spiEs stand about 0.3 mile SW of the sawmills. A hill, 280m high , lying 2 miles of Mangagoy, is also prominent. Three oil tanks, two painte:l black and one silvergray, stand near the shore close S of the timber pier. A timber loading pier is situated 0.7 mile NE of Mangagoy. The berthing space is 168m long on eiber side, with alongside depths of 6.7 to 8.4m. The pier is exposed to the swell, especially during the height of the Northeast Monsoon (January to March). Vessels must be prepared to leave the berth at short notice. The largest vessel accepted is 152m and 18,000 dwt. Vessels usually berth heading SW but during the Northeast Monsoon should berth heading NE. A breakwater with an L-shaped concrete pierhead stands 0.75 miles ENE of the timber pier. The breakwater projects 790m into the bay and has a head 130m long. The berth for large vessels (operated by the PICOP timber company) with a maximum draft of 9.lm, is on theW side of the pier. A patch, with a depth of 4m, lies off the head of the breakwater. Pilotage is compulsory and must be requested 48 hours in advance. Vessels anchor, in a depth of 12.8m, 0.75 mile N of the head of the L-shaped pier. Vessels also anchor 2 miles E of the mouth of the Bislig River, in a depth of 9.1m. The quarantine anchorage can best be seen on the area chart. 9.56 Hinatuan Bay (8"21'N. , 126"22'E.) is entered N of Bislig Bay. The coastline at the head of the bay is fronted by reefs and shoals to a distance of 2.25 miles. A small stream discharges into this part of the bay. Depths of 6 to 46m are found in the middle of the clear part of the bay. A number of small islands lie in the bay and in its entrance. Hinatuan (8"22'N., 126"20'E.) (World Port Index No. 59380) stands on the N side of Hinatuan Bay. The town is visible from well outside the bay. Within the town, the church is conspicuous. Vessels usually anchor, in 7.4m, mud, about 1.5 miles SE of the mouth of the Hinatuan River. The approach to the anchorage is clear and about 1 mile wide. Lamon Point (8"28'N., 126"24'E.) stands about 7 miles NE of Hinatuan. The point is made up of rocky cliffs. Bagasinan Island lies about 1.3 miles SSW of Lamon Point. The E end of the island is separated from the rest of the island by a narrow and shoal passage. Lamon Anchorage (8 "28'N., 126"23'E.) (World Port Index No. 59370), an inlet nearly 2 miles long and having a navigable width of about 0.2 mile at its narrowest point, lies between the reef N of Bagasinan Island and the reef fringing the coast to the W of Lamon Point. Vessels usually anchor off a ruined pier, which is situated about 1.3 miles W of Lamon Point, in a depth of 12m. Singag Island (8"33'N., 126"23'E.) lies about 1.3 miles E of Bakulin Point. The island is separated from the mainland by a narrow and foul channel, with a depth of 5m in its middle part. 9.57 Lianga Bay (8 "37'N., 126"10'E.) is entered between Bakulin Point and Jobo Point, about 11.5 miles NW. The bay indents the coast for about 13 miles in a W direction. The N shore of the bay is bordered by mangroves and rounded hills. The S shore of the bay is higher and is fringed by a wide reef. The bay is clear of dangers in its middle part. Depths of over 37m are found throughout the greater part of the bay, except for a 15m patch and a 22m patch. Panirongan Island (8"35'N., 126"07'E.) lies at the head of the bay and appears to be part of the mainland. A narrow boat Pub.162 Sector 9. South and East Coasts ofMindanao channel separates the two. A village stands on the SE shore of the island. A small islet lies off the E side of the island. A number of islands and islets lie off the N and S shores of the bay and can best be seen on the chart. Lianga (8 °38'N., 126 °06'E.), a small port, lies at the head of the bay. The town church is prominent from seaward. A concrete tower stands on the reef E of the town. An L-shaped pier stands 1 mile NE of the town. A private pier stands 0.5 mile N of the town and is only used by small boats. Vessels can anchor, in 37m, with the church bearing 289 °. This anchorage is sheltered only during the Southwest Monsoon (May to September). There also is anchorage available, in depths of 20 to 22m, with Malinonok Island (8°39'N., 126°08'E.) bearing 224° at a distance of 0.7 mile. 9.58 Oteiza Bay (8 °44'N., 126°13'E.) is entered between Jobo Point and an unnamed point lying about 5.8 miles to the NE. The N and S shores of the bay are bordered by mangroves and fringed by a drying reef. A river discharges into the N part of the bay. A town stands near the N side of the mouth of the river. A second town stands on the S shore of the bay. Vessels anchor, in 12.8m, SE of theN town. Ayninan Island (Agninan Island) (8°47'N., 126 °18'E.) lies about 1.3 miles ENE of theN entrance point of Oteiza Bay. A deep passage, about 0.1 mile wide, separates the islet from the shore reef of the mainland . There is anchorage, in 29 to 33m, about 0.8 mile NE of the islet. Marihatag (8°48'N., 126 °18'E.), a small village visible from seaward, stands about 1.3 miles NW of Ayninan Island. The town stands on the S side of the mouth of a river of the same name. The river can only be entered by small boats at HW. Santa Cruz Bay (8 °50'N., 126 °20'E.), situated 2.25 miles NE of Marihatag, is about 0.8 mile wide at its entrance and extends about 1 mile W. A small town stands at the head of the bay. The bay is unsuitable for shipping. 9.59 Bitaogan Bay (8°53'N., 126°19'E.), about 1.5 miles wide at its entrance, is very sh allow at its head . A reef, about 0.2 mile wide, fringes the N side of the bay. Aras-Asan (8°53'N., 126°19'E.) (World Port Index No. 59360) stands on the W side of the bay. Vessels call to load lumber. Arangasa Islands (8 °53'N., 126°20'E.), three in number, lie on a reef in the entrance to Bitaogan Bay. Arangasa Island shows a light. The largest island is merely a mangrove patch. The third island, close S of Arangasa Island, is small and covered with brush . Vessels usually anchor, in 22m, in the S part of Bitaogan Bay, with the S extremity of Arangasa Island bearing 096°, in mid-channel, between the reef on which Arangasa Island lies and the SW shore of the bay. Vessels with local knowledge anchor in the N part of the bay, E of Aras-Asan, in a depth of 18m. Caguait Cove (8 °56'N. , 126 °18'E.) , a small cove, lies 3.25 miles NW of Bitaogan Bay. The entrance is about 0.3 mile wide with a depth of 12.8m. A village stands on the S shore of the cove. There is anchorage in the cove for small vessels with local knowledge. Magabao Cove (8 °59'N., 126 °16'E.) is 3.25 miles NW of Caguait Cove. It is 0.5 mile wide at its entrance. A 6.7m patch lies in the middle of the entrance. The Tago River (9"01'N., 126 °14'E.) discharges 3 miles NW of Magabao Cove. A narrow channel, with a depth of 1.9m at LW, leads across the bar. A small town stands on theN bank of the river. 9.60 Tandag (9"05'N., 126°12'E.) (World Port Index No. 59350), a small seaport lying about 5 miles NW of the Tago River, stands on Tandag Point, which is low and flat. The church and a number of buildings in the town are prominent. A stone mole , with 2.1m alongside, stands near the point. Lenungan Island (9 °05'N., 126 °12'E.) is the larger of two steep, high, densely wooded, and rocky islands lying close off the N side of Tandag Point. The smaller of the two is oval in shape. Vessels can obtain anchorage, in depths of 13 to 18m, about 0.3 mile W of the N end of Lenungan Island. Macangani Island (9°07'N ., 126°14'E.), 79m high and covered with small trees and brushwood , lies on the S part of a bank 2.5 miles NNE of Tandag Point. The island is prominent. Two bare rocks lie close off the N end of the island. Panisaan Point (9 °10'N. , 126 °10'E.), lying about 5.5 miles NNW of Tandag Point, rises steeply from the water's edge. There is a dome-shaped mountain W of the point. It is a good landmark, but is frequently obscured in cloudy weather. An 11m patch lies about 1.5 miles SSE of the point. Taganauan Island (9° 14'N. , 126 °12'E.) lies on the coastal reef about 4 miles NNE of Panisaan Point. The island is small and covered with mangroves. Several islets and rocks lie close off theE side of the island. 9.61 Cauit Point (9o18'N., 126 o12'E.), situated about 4.8 miles N of Taganauan Island, is the NE extremity of a rugged and well wooded peninsula. The point is high and rather steepto on its N side. A light is shown on the point. The E and S sides of the point are fringed by a reef that extends up to 0.6 mile offshore. Cauit Bank (9 °20'N., 126 °15'E.) , with depths of 14.7 to 18.4m, lies from 2.75 to 4.25 miles ENE of Cauit Point. A constant S current has been observed on this coast at a distance of over 4 miles from the shore, with a rate of 1 to 2 knots. The tidal currents flow N on the flood tide between the numerous reefs lying in the bays on this coast. Anchorage, in about 22 to 37m, sand, or sand and rock, can be taken anywhere along the coast between Panisaan Point and Cauit Point. Pub.l62 (/ (SEE SECTOR 1) AREA ND LOCATOR oV MINDORO 91320 30 ' 12" 91020 30 ' (SEE SECTOR 11) (SEE SECTOR 12} GENERAL CHART 550 0 1 1" ()() 0 30' 122" 30 ' Allliional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 10 -CHART INFORMATION Pub.162 SECTORlO THECA MIAN GROUP AND ASSOCIATED DANGERS Plan.-This sector describes the is ds and dangers in the area between the NE end of Palawan crn:l Mindoro, and Panay to the E. The sequence of description i romS toN. General Remarks 10.1 The Calarnian Group, Linapa aJ Island, and the Cuyo Islands, together with the numerous · ts and reefs lying off them, lie approximately between itudes 10. 23'N and 12.29'N, and between longitudes 119•: E, and 121 · 15'E. These islands and islets together th Palawan form the major part of Palawan Province; the) are also known as the Palawan Group and as the Palawan ~chipelago. The latter designations are used most often ir: jescribing the winds, weather, and currents in the group as a v hole. The Calarnian Group consists o three relatively large islands; Busuanga Island, Coron Isl cmd, and Culion Island, together with numerous off-lying isleL and reefs. The three large islands lie grouped ::rround a position about midway between the SW coast of Mi ro and the NE end of Palawan. Mindoro Strait separates ndoro and Busuanga Island. Busuanga Island (12 . 10'N., 120.0C'E.) is the largest island of the Calarnian Group. It has a very irle.;?:ular outline, its coasts being indented by an almost continuo succession of bays, in most of which are one or more island islets and rocks. The coasts of the island and these bay s crre nearly everywhere fringed by reef. Busuanga Island is hi the highest mountains are in the SE part of the island. Mount Tundalara is an excellent lan..iilark in that part of the island. Coron is the largest town on Bllsuanga Island . Other ports and anchorages of some mari e importance on the island are Port Caltom and Minuit. Coron Island lies S of the SE end Dt Busuanga Island ; the intervening channel is Coron Passage.. The island is a rather rugged limestone mass that is high , rocky, and precipitous . Coron Island is almost barren and is p ;:tically uninhabited. Culion Island lies close SW of the :::. W side of Busuanga Island, with numerous small islands an d islets lying in the intervening channel. Like the others n the Calarnian Group, the island is hilly and attains its max· m elevation in theSE part. Culion, in addition to being the larg est town on the island, is also the site of a large leper colony. Linapacan Island lies SW of the extremity of Culion I land. The intervening channel is Lin:...pacan Strait. The Cuyo Islands lying SE of BusuUJga and Culion Islands, are a large group of small, scattered i l nds that are generally wooded and hilly. Reefs and shoals border theW sides • Busuanga and Culion Islands as far as 22 miles W. The 2-00m curve is the W boundary of the shoal area, but dep of less than 9.2m are found close within the curve. Vessels thout local knowledge are advised to remain outside the 200 urve . Drilling operations are progressing in 11 · 53'10"N, 119. 21'32"E. A lighted buoy marks the location. Winds-Weather.-In the Palawan Group, the Northeast Monsoon generally sets in during October, but does not become fully established much before the beginning of November. This monsoon, also called the winter monsoon, continues until April. The winds of this monsoon are N and NE, tending to become more easterly toward the close of the season. When at maximum development, which is in January, the Northeast Monsoon blows with remarkable steadiness, averaging 10 to 15 knots over the open sea. Stronger winds are generally associated with rising barometric pressures, but such conditions are of short duration, and become less frequent as the Northeast Monsoon draws to a close. Interruptions to the normal monsoon winds are more frequent in the S part of this area than in the N part; they are associated with typhoons and shallow low pressure systems. T he Southwest Monsoon prevails from June to October; it follows a transition period of variable winds and calms. The winds of this monsoon blow most steadily in July and August, but are not as steady as the winds of the Northeast Monsoon. The winds, when not interrupted by land masses, average 10 to 15 knots at the height of the monsoon. In the S part of the Palawan Group, in the latitude belt s ·oo'N to 9 •30'N, the close of the Southwest Monsoon season invariably brings strong, boisterous winds during the early days of October. A further transition period precedes the onset of the Northeast Monsoon again . Squalls are somewhat prevalent during the Southwest Monsoon, particularly near land, and during such squalls the wind may attain gale strength in gusts. These squalls are often associated with thunderstorms. Squalls and rain lasting for 5 or 10 days occur during the Southwest Monsoon. Fair weather, sometimes lasting at least a month, may be experienced between periods of bad weather. Strong and squally SW or W winds, known locally as Collas, sometimes blow in summer and early autumn for periods as long as 10 days . They are generally observed with typhoons, centered some distance to the N, and at times in the S with shallow depressions. These Collas are generally accompanied by considerable quantities of close driving rain. Land and sea breezes are clearly observable in this area, particularly when the prevailing NE or Southwest Monsoon winds happen to be weak. Along the E and W coasts of the island of Palawan, the winds of both the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon give place at sunset to a land breeze, known locally as the Tugpo . The Tugpo is observable as far as 10 to 15 miles offshore. Typhoons are not very frequent over the greater part of the Palawan Group, although their frequency increases with increasing latitude. Only about 7 percent of the more serious typhoons occur in the latitude belt s · oo'N to 11 · oo'N, but in the Pub.162 Sector 10. The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers belt 11 ·oo'N to 13•30'N, the region in which the Calamian Group is situated, typhoons are quite frequent and are often destructive, about 19 percent of all typhoons being experienced in this belt. In a normal year 13 typhoons are encountered in the area o· oo'N to 20.00'N, and 120.00'E to 130.00'E, but about 50 percent of these begin to recurve to the N and NE before reaching the Philippines. Tides-Currents.-The North Equatorial Current divides E of the Philippines and most of the water is deflected to the N and S. However, some of the water continues W to pass between the various islands. During the Northeast Monsoon, this W drift current continues into the South China Sea, but during the Southwest Monsoon, this water becomes mixed, in the Sulu Sea, with water flowing E from the South China Sea. Most of the resultant mixed water turns S to flow into the Celebes Sea. Near shore and in the passes between the islands the tidal currents are often much stronger than the ocean currents and mask the effect of the latter. Generally speaking, the currents of the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea need not be considered when navigating in close proximity to the Palawan Group . Regarding sea conditions, the area described in this sector experiences medium to low seas and moderate to low swell, from NE, during the period from November to April. The most disturbed sea conditions occur during this period because wind velocities are higher than at any other time of the year. During the period from May to October, sea and swell are predominantly from SW. Waterspouts have been observed in the area between Palawan and the Cuyo Islands , and occasionally occur N of Tarni Point in Ipolotte Bay. Cuyo Islands 10.2 The Cuyo Islands lie between the N part of Palawan Island (11 · 25'N., 119. 30'E.) and Panay Island . They are contained within the parallels of 10.40'N and 11 •30'N, and between the meridians of 120. 40'E and 121 · 15'E. There are about 40 islands in the group, mostly scattered, except for the Quiniluban Islands. Shoals, banks , and reefs are numerous in the vicinity of the Cuyo Islands . However, most of the islands of the group can be approached without difficulty from any direction except the waters between Cuyo Island (10 .50'N. , 121 · o2'E.) and Canipo Island (10. 59'N., 120. 57'E.). These waters are encumbered with numerous shoals known as the Gosong Dangers. The route E of the islands is generally used during the Northeast Monsoon from Basilan Strait to Mindoro Strait thus taking advantage of the N current along the W side of Panay (11 ·oo'N., 122· oo·E.). The channel between the NE coast of Palawan and the Cuyo Islands is named Cuyo West Pass and that between the Cuyo Islands and Panay is Cuyo East Pass. The Cuyo Islands are exposed to both monsoons. The mean annual temperature is about 2s·c. and the entire area is considered excellent for working conditions. Pub.162 Visibility is rarely obscured by fog or mist, but there are periods of haze during the Northeast Monsoon. The Quiniluban Islands are the northernmost of the Cuyo Islands, and lie about 35 miles NNW of Cuyo Island. The group consists of several islands, islets, and rocks lying on a circular reef about 6 miles in diameter. The group is of limestone formation, covered by tall grass. The reefs that encircle the islands are flat and sandy with numerous coral heads which dry at LW. Breakers mark the edges of the reef during the monsoon seasons. Anchorage, partly protected during the Northeast Monsoon (October to March), can be taken close off the SW side of the encircling reef, in depths of 11 to 27m. Quiniluban Island (11 · 26'N., 120. 50'E.), the largest of the group, lies near the NE edge of the reef. The island appears as a sharp cone on a N approach; whereas, from the E the island resembles a ridge with a dome-shaped elevation in the center. The cone and ridge have a reddish brown color and make a prominent landmark. The island is a good radar target for a distance of 24 miles. Quiniluban Island to Cuyo Island 10.3 Halog Islands (11"22'N .. 120. 52'E.) are two small islands rising from a reef about 3 miles SSE of the SE side of Quiniluban Island. The channel between the islands and Quiniluban Island is free of dangers and at least 10.9m deep. A shoal, with a depth of 5.5m, lies 6.5 miles ESE of Halog Island. A steep-to reef, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 5.25 miles SW of the same island. Pamalican Island (11 · 22'N., 120.44'E.) lies about 7 miles SW of Quiniluban Island. The island is covered with bushes and is uninhabited. It is fringed by a drying reef extending 1 mile from its NE side. Manamoc Island (11 · 18'N. , 120.41'E.) lies 2.75 miles SW of Pamalican Island. The island is fringed by a partly drying reef which extends up to 1 mile offshore. A lagoon, about 1m deep at LW, lies within a break in the reef on the SW side of the island. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 12m high, standing on a hill on the W extremity of the island . Lean Island (11 · 13'N., 120•41 'E.) and Imaruan Island lie 4.75 miles S and 5.75 miles SE, respectively, of Manamoc Island. A 3.6m coral patch lies about 5 miles SE of Irnaruan Island. Oco Island (11 ·15'N., 120. 51'E.), with a rock close off its E side, lies 10.5 miles ESE of Manamoc Island. Gosong Rocks, 5m high, lies 3.75 miles SE of Oco Island. Dit Island (11 ·1s'N., 120. 56'E.) lies about 4.3 miles E of Oco Island . The island is wooded and has three mountain peaks in the middle part of the island. Large boulders form the shores but small sandy beaches are found at the S and W ends of the island. Shoal patches lie as far as 1 mile off the SW side of the island. Sector ) The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers 10.4 Maracanao Island (11 •t3'N.., 121"04'E.) is located on a bank, with depth s of less than 18 T he island lie s 7 miles E of Dit Island. Chinaman Shoals are two shoals, ·111 depths of 6 to 7m, lying 3.5 and 6 miles NNE, respective , of Maracanao Island . Luzon Bank, with a least depth of 14-iJm, lies 11 miles E of Maracanao Island. Several smaller ban.;:s, with depths of 13 to 17m, lie between Chinaman Shoals anc Luzon Bank. Agutaya Island (11"09'N., 120.58 E.) lies about 4.5 miles SSE of Dit Island. The island is high d hilly in its NE part with four peaks rising close together xten sive coral reefs, bare at LW, extend as far as 0.4 mile o"f the NW and SE sides of the island . Agutaya Island Light is shown at th W side of the island . A small detached coral reef, with :._ depth of 3.7m, lies 8 miles W of Agutaya Island. Guinlabo Island lies near the E edg e of a shoal , 2.25 mil es S of Agutaya Island. A rock, with a d pth of 1.2m, lies 3.75 miles W of Guinlabo Island. Matarabis Island (1 1 ·o7'N ., 121 • E.) lies on the S side of a bank with depth s of less than 18m, :::> .5 miles E of Agutaya Island . The island is easil y identified by its . eep conical hill, which is the most prominent landmark in the yo Islands. The island is a good radar target up to 27 miles . A shoal, with a depth of 10.4m, lie about 3 miles WNW of Matarabis Island. 10.5 Siparay Island (11 "02'N. , 121 ·o8'E.) lies about 5 miles S of Matarabis Island. Tacbubuc si and lie s about 3 mile s SW of Siparay Island. Both islands lie banks, with depths of less than 18m. Tagauayan Islands (10. 58'N., 121 ::'E.), consisting of two islands, lie about 6.5 miles SE of Sipleep, rocky, and cliffy N end of a peninsula. A rock, 2m high, Les about 1 mile NW of the point. A mountain, rising just within the pOfii, is a prominent coneshaped wooded landmark. Cabilauan Island (12. 10'N., 12C l 'E.) lies in the bay between Coconongon Point and Port Caltom. A number of islands and several below-water reefs e between the SW side of the island and the coast. Good anchorage can be taken off tie ~E end of the island, in depths of 12.8 to 26m, subject to weatJe-and visibility. Several islets and numerous rocks lE: between this island and Busuanga Island. From N to SE -e principal islets are: Dicapadiac Islet, 68m high, Dimal -Islet, 87m high , Lauit Islet, 83m high, and Liatui Islet, 62m gh. 10.15 Nanga Islands (12.20'N., 1 ~( ·16'E.), two in number, lie about 7.5 miles NNE of Coconongnn Point. The islands are hilly and encircled by coral reefs m detached rocks. The channel between the islands is foul, ut can be used by small craft at HW. A rocky islet lies 1 mile NE of the t Nanga Island. Camanga Island (12. 18'N. , 120. 16'E.) lies about 2 miles S of the S Nanga Island. The island is 7K>oded and fringed by coral reefs as far as 0.1 mile offshore...d. old rock lies 0.5 mile off the W side of the island. A steep-to r ck, awash, lies almost 0.5 mile NE of the island. Tara Island (12. 17'N., 120.22'E.) lies about 4.5 miles ESE of the Nanga Islands. The island is made up of light browncolored hills, bare of trees, and appears as a number of islands when seen from the offing. The W shore of the island is a sandy beach, bound by a wide coral reef. TheE shore is rocky with steep bluffs. Anchorage can be taken off a village on the W side of the island, in depths of 18.3 to 3l.lm. Lagat Island (12. 15'N., 120.22'E.) lies about 0.75 mile SW of Tara Island. The island is barren and fringed by a coral reef. The island is also very steep and has nearly bare eroded cliffs, which show red or white through sparse vegetation. The channel between the island and Tara Island is 0.5 mile wide and clear of dangers except for a 2.1m patch off theN end of Lagat Island. Bantac Island (12. 13'N. , 120.23'E.) lies about 2 miles SSE of Tara Island. The island is connected to Calanhayaun Island by a drying coral reef. Both islands are dark-colored except during bright sunlight when they show up as red and yellow. A light is shown from the SW end of the island. Lubutglubut Island (12. 11'N., 120.23'E.) is situated about 1 mile SW of Calanhayaun Island. The island appears domeshaped from the E and is a good landmark. Brown Rocks are dark, bare, and lie about 1.3 miles to the S of Lubutglubut Island. 10.16 Depagal Island (12. 10'N., 120. 15'E.) lies about 4 miles SE of Coconongon Point. The island is connected by a reef to Napuscud Island, closeS of it. There are high peaks in the middle of both islands. Minangas Bay (12.08'N., 120. 15'E.) lies on the NE side of Busuanga Island, close S of Napuscud Island. The entrance to the bay is about 0.5 mile wide and can be identified from a distance by several long reddish-brown scars, where small landslides have occurred, on theE end of Napuscud Island. Shoals of 0.5m and 2.2m, lying S and SE of the S end of Napuscud Island, are in the middle of the bay. Anchorage can be obtained about 0.3 mile NW of the S end of Napuscud Island, in a depth of 22m, mud. Directions.-From a position about 0.3 mile E of the NE point of Napuscud Island, steer a course of 218·, which leads midway between the island and the 2.2m shoal patch. Keep within 0.1 mile of the E side of Napuscud and round the S end of the island and anchor W. The shoal patches are visible or show discolored water. 10.17 The coast between Minangas Bay and Alonon Point, 7 miles SE, consists of high, cliffy points with low, mangrove bights. Mount Minangas (12.05'N., 120. 18'E.) is the highest and northernmost of three peaks close together, which form part of a saw-tooth range extending SE from the bay. Anchorage for small vessels can be taken during the Southwest Monsoon in small bays lying SE of Demelias Island (12.06'N., 120. 18'E.) and NW of Salung Island (12.05'N., 120.20'E.). The first bay has depths of 18 to 53m SE of the island; the second bay has depths of 15 to 24m over a width of 0.25 mile. Alonon Point (12.03'N., 120.20'E.), the E extremity of Busuanga Island, is reef-fringed and backed by hilly terrain. Pub.162 Sector 10. The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers Lungaon, a large fishing village, lies on the N shore of a bay, 1.5 miles N of Alonon Point. Mount 1\mdalara (12 °02'N., 120°15'E.), 464m high , the highest summit on Busuanga, is conspicuous except when obscured by clouds. Port Borac (12°03'N., 120°19'E.), a small inlet, lies about 1.5 miles SW of Alonon Point. The inlet is about 0.3 mile wide at its entrance, with a depth of 24m, decreasing to 6.7m at its narrowest part. The inner basin is filled with mud flats . There are two piers in ruins. Bocao Point (12 °00'N., 120°20'E.), the SE extremity of Busuanga Island, is rocky and encircled with coral reefs for a distance of 0.3 mile. Two rocky islets lie near the outer edge of the reef. Dinaran Island lies about 1.5 miles E of Port Borac. The channel between the island and Busuanga Island is deep except for a 3.2m patch lying 0.5 mile E of Alonon Point. 10.18 Mataya Reef (12 °01'N., 120°22'E.) lies close E and SE of Dinaran Island. The reef consists of coral and sand, and partly dries at LW. A small island lies on the E side of the reef. Vessels should stay at least 2 miles off the island. The narrow channel between Dinaran Island and the reef has a controlling depth of 16.5m, but is not recommended due to shoals near the S end. Dibatuc Island (11 °58'N., 120°19'E.) lies about 1.8 miles SW of Bocao Point. The island is high and rocky on all sides. It has very little vegetation and is uninhabited. The island is a good landmark when entering the E end of Coron Island. Coron Island (11 °55'N., 120°15'E.) lies closeS ofBusuanga Island. The island is high, rocky, and very precipitous. TheE side of the island is indented by several small and unprotected bays, which are used mainly by fishermen . Calis Point, the S extremity of the island is steep-to and formed by a high vertical cliff with an overhanging base caused by erosion. A bay, situated 2.5 miles NNW of the point, is about 0.3 mile in extent with depths of 13 to 24m, but the entrance is constricted and has a depth of 7m. The basin just N of Calis Point is obstructed by a sand bar. A ridge, containing shoals, extends about 6 miles NE from the E coast of Coron Island. 10.19 Balolo Point (11"57'N., 120°11'E.) forms the NW extremity of Coron Island. The point is fringed by reefs and should not be passed less than 0.25 mile off. Between Balolo Point and Limaa Point, the coast is rugged, steep, and mostly indented. There are some sandy beaches where boats can land. Coran Reef (11 °53'N. , 120 °12'E.) lies about 2.5 miles off the SW coast of Coran Island. The reef lies at the N end of an underwater ridge extending SE on which there are several shoals. The reef is awash at LW. Delian Island (11 °50'N., 120°19'E.) lies about 3 miles E of the SE coast of Coron Island. The E side of the island is rocky and indented . An islet lies off the S extremity of the island . The island has been reported to be a good radar target up to 21 miles. A light is shown from SE end of the island. Pub.162 10.20 Alpha Shoal (11 °52'N., 120°23'E.), with a least depth of 5.8m, lies about 4 miles E of Delian Island. Shoal water lies close N and S of Alpha Shoal. Magallanes Bank (11 °51'N., 120°26'E.), with a least depth of 6.7m, lies about 6.5 mile E of Delian Island. Narvaez Bank, about 0.8 mile long and with a least depth of 6.4m, lies about 3 miles S of Magall anes. Aguirre Reef (11 °44'N., 120°34'E.), with a least depth of 5.5m, lies about 9 miles ESE of Narvaez Bank. Beta Shoal, with a least depth of 8.5m, lies about 6.7 miles SSE of Delian Island. Areta Shoals (11 °39'N., 120 °47'E.) consists of a 9.1m patch, lying about 15.5 miles ESE of Aguirre Reef and a 10.3m patch about 3 miles SW of the above patch . Cabulauan Islands (11 °25'N., 120°08'E.) consist of a group of five islands that lie between Salimbubuc Island and Alipio Reef. The group consists of Cabulauan Island, Nanga Island, Nangalao Island, Magranting Island, and Tubug Island. The islands are all high, rocky, sparsely wooded, and rather steep-to. 10.21 Cabulauan Island (11 °23'N., 120°06'E.) has a conspicuous round summit near its E shore. Two rocky islets lie close together about 1.3 miles S of the island. A detached 6.7m shoal lies 2.5 miles SE of the islets and an 8.2m patch lies 3.5 miles NE of the islets. Panay Bank (11 o33'N., 120o20'E.), with a depth of 12.8m, lies about 18 miles ENE of theN extremity of Nangalao Island. Loreto Reef (11 °30'N., 120 °11'E.), with a least depth of 6.4m, lies about 1.8 miles N of theN end of Nangalao Island. Bache Reef, a coral head, lies about 3.3 miles NNE of Loreto Reef, and has a least depth of 4.5m. An 8.5m coral shoal, with a dangerous wreck, lies about 4 miles NE of Bache Reef. 1\ma Reef (11 °36'N., 120°12'E. ), with a least depth of 5.5m, lies about 3 miles N of Bache Reef. Alipio Reef (11 °30'N., 120 °04'E .), with a least depth of 7.6m, lies about 6.75 miles WNW of Nangalao Island. Basco Reef, 1.25 miles NE of Alipio Reef, has a least depth of 7.3m. Sambino Reef, with a depth of 8.5m, lies about 3.75 miles W of Alipio Reef. Salimbubuc Island (11 °18'N., 120°14'E.) lies about 9.5 miles SSE of theE extremity of Nangalao Island. Depths of 11 to 18.3m are found on a bank which extends 1.5 miles N from the island. Solitario Rock (11 °17'N., 120°20'E.), lying about 5.3 miles E of Salimbubuc Island, is steep-to and round-topped. Canaron Island lies about 4 miles SE of Salirnbubuc Island. The island lies on foul ground which extends 0.75 mile N of the island. High rocks rise from the foul ground area and also lie as far as 0.5 mile S and SE of the island . Patterson Reef (1 1"13'N., 120°08'E.) lies about 8.5 miles WSW of Canaron Island. There is a least depth of 2.1m at the reef. The reef is 0.5 to 0.75 mile in extent. Linapacan Strait 10.22 Linapacan Strait (11 °37'N., 119°57'E.) , deep and clear of dangers, lies between the S end of the Calamian Group and the group of islands off the N end of Palawan. Sector 1 . The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers The strait is about 3 miles wide be rween Dicabaito Island and Dicapululan Island. The strait has depths of over 55 m m the fairway. Tidal currents, with a speed of up to three kncts, set ESE on the flood and WNW on the ebb. Tide rips are experienced in the strait. An offshore platform stands in pproximate position 11"59'N, 119 °18'E, 38 miles WNW of t1e strait. Binalabag Island (11 °35'N., 119°56'E.) lies on the S side of Linapacan Strait, about 1.5 mile SE of Dicapululan Island. The island is fairly steep-to on its E ide. Depths of less than 11m extend 0.3 mile from its NE side. There is partially sheltered anchorag for small craft in a bay on the S side of the island. Pangaldauan Island (11 °36'N., 119"52'E.) lies on the S side of the approach to the W entrance ot Linapacan Strait. The is land is rocky and has some prominent cliffs. Boulders lie on a reef which fringes the island. Beacon Rocks, a cluster of steepto rocks, lies about 0.8 mile N of Pang dauan Island. Dimanglet Island (11 °33' ., 119 °4 'E.) lies about 4 miles SW of Pangaldauan Island. The has two peaks, eparated by a low neck. The red clift3 of the W and highest peak are prominent from the W. Inapupan Island (11 °33'N., 119 °5 I E.) lies 1.5 miles E of Dimanglet Island. Bolina Island and ~ anlegad Island lie 0.75 mile NE and E respectively, from Inarupan Island. A number of small islands lie farther E of the abo e islands . Culion Island 10.23 Culion Island (11 °50'N. , 120 °00'E.) , the second largest island of the Calamian Gr p, is separated from Busuanga Island by a navigable strait : to 4 miles wide. Small islands in the strait constrict the ch nel to 0.5 mile at its narrowest part. The N and E sides of the isl and are very irregular, whereas the W side is regular with steep and ocky projecting points. Mount Oltaloro, the highest peak on tie island, stands near the SE end of the island. Culion Reservation, for the segrega of lepers, consists of Culion Island and adjacent smaller islands. It is unlawful for any vessel to visit these islands or to d without permission from the Chief of the Culion Leper Co ny, Bureau of Health. 10.24 Port Culion (11 o53'N., 120° 1 E.) (World Port Index No. 59260) lies on the NE side of Culon Island. The port is a narrow inlet about 0.1 mile wide and C.5 mile long, and opens into Coron Bay. There are depths of 14.6 to 18.3m ir: the middle of the inlet, with depths of 30m or more in the outer harbor and approaches. A drying reef is marked b.v a beacon on each side of the entrance. A light is shown on th::! NW entrance point. A pier is situated near the light. A small wooden pier stands 0.5 mi "" W of the above light. The head of this pier had a eported depth of 9.4 to 10.lm. Three fixed red lights are shown near e root of the pier from 1800 to 2200 hours. Anchorage can be taken, in depths e>f 27 to 33m, about 0.3 mile NE of the above pier. Small v · sel can find anchorage within the inner harbor of Port Culion . Vessels should approach the pier from the NE and maneuver to go alongside port side to. Small vessels, with a maximum draft of 3.1m, can berth alongside the outer face of the pier. Larger vessels should approach the pier with caution and anchor well off its face. West Linapacan Oil Terminal (11 °49'N., 119°07'E.), a floating production and storage tanker, is moored about 45 miles W of Culion Island. Vessels should send their ETA 72, 48, 24, and 4 hours in advance; the ETA should be confirmed 24 and 4 hours in advance, or if the ETA changes by more than 1 hour. The terminal should be called on VHF channel 16 when within 4 hours of arrival. The pilot boards 2 miles W of the terminal. A restricted area, best seen on the chart, surrounds the terminal. 10.25 Numerous islands lie off the NW, N, NE, and SE coasts of Culion Island. Relative positions, one to each other, are best seen on the chart. Popototan Island (12 °00'N., 119°51'E.) lies off the NW coast of Culion Island. The shores of the island are fringed by coral reefs which bare at LW. Foul ground extends as far as 1.25 miles NE and SW of the island. The channel between Popototan Island and Galoc Island has a navigable width of 0.25 mile and depths of 9.6 to 16.5m. Anchorage for small vessels can be taken anywhere in this channel. Galoc Island (11 °57'N., 119°50'E.) lies with its NW extremity 0.5 mile S of the S side of Popotoan Island. The island is about 5 miles long and is narrow. It is reef fringed, with steep cliffs on several salient points. The constricted channel between the island and Culion Island is foul and is not recommended. Calumbuyan Island (12°0 1'N. , 119 ° 56'E.) lies about 4 miles ENE of the E end of Popototan Island. The island is fairly steep and fringed by a narrow coral reef which can safely be passed about 0.2 mile off. The channel between this island and Lajo Island is deep and free of dangers. It is the preferred channel on a W approach to Coron Bay. A ruined pier lies on the SE side of Calumbuyan Island. Lajo Island (11 o59'N., 119o57'E.) lies about 0.8 mile S of Calumbuyan Island. Lajo Island, Marily Island, and Chindonan Island, all lying S of the main channel, have several sm aller islands adjacent to them. Manglet Island (11 °59'N., 119 °57'E.), lying on the S side of the main channel to Coron Bay, is steep-to on all ides and has several summits. S of the island is the entrance to a large, irregular bay formed by several islands. 10.26 Dunaun Island (11 o52'N., 120 °05'E.) lies close off the E extremity of Culion Island. The two islands are connected by a coral reef. Several detached rocks and coral reefs, above and belowwater, lie SE of Dunaun Island and at theW side of Coron Bay. Tampel Pass (11 °47'N., 120°07'E.) lies between the NW side of Bulalacao Island and theSE side of Malcapuya Island. The passage is deep, free of dangers, and at least 0.75 mile wide. Pub.162 Sector 10. The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers Bayuan Bay (11 °47'N., 120°09'E.), indenting the N side of Bulalacao Island, has shores fringed by reefs and fronted by shoals. The outer part of the bay is deep and clear of dangers. Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 11 to 25m, in theE part of the bay sheltered from the Southwest Monsoon (May to September) and partially sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon. Guintungauan Island (1 1°46'N., 120°13'E.) lies about 1 mile E of the E side of Bulalacao Island. The island is rocky and fringed by a coral reef. Vessels entering Coron Bay should pass at least 1.5 miles off Guintungauan Island. Lapulapu Reef, with a least depth of 2.7m, lies about 7.5 miles S ofBulalacao Island. Tres Reyes are four steep-to rocky islets lying 3.5 miles NW of Lapulapu Reef. Coron Bay (11 °54'N. , 120°07'E.) lies between Culion Island, Busuanga Island, and Coron Island. This wide bay has three main entrances. These channels are the N, W, and S entrance channels. The S entrance channel lies between Calis Point and Guintungauan Island . It is about 3 miles wide, deep, and clear of dangers. Vessels should favor Calis Point, giving it a berth of about 1 mile. The N and W channels are discussed in other places. Coron Light (11 °59'N. , 120° 13'E.) stand on a point of land about 0.8 mile W of East Maquinit Island. Anchorage can be taken throughout the bay, but protected anchorage for smaller vessels may be taken in Port Uson, Dipulao Cove, and Coron Harbor. Culion Island-Southwest Coast 10.27 Dicabaito Island (11 °39'N., 119°58'E.), lying close off the S end of Culion island, is steep, rocky, and irregularly shaped, with high cliffs. The island is a good landmark. Dicabaito Channel lies between the island and Culion Island. The channel has a navigable width of 0.1 mile with a depth of 18.3m in the fairway. Anchorage, in the outer part of a bay indenting the N coast of Dicabaito Island, can be taken in depths of 12.8 to 16.5m, sand. A light is shown from the SSW end of the island. Alava Island (11 °44'N., 119°56'E.) lies about 4 .5 miles NNW of the NW extremity of Dicabaito Island. The island is high, rocky, and steep, tapering to a sharp point at its S end. The island is surrounded by large boulders, with several high islets lying on foul ground which extends S from the island. 10.28 Halsey Harbor (11 °46'N. , 119°58'E.) is an irregularly shaped bay which indents the SW coast of Culion Island for 5 miles in a NE direction. The head of the harbor branches into North Arm and East Arm, with several islands between them. The N and NE parts of North Arm and the whole of East Arm are shallow. South Channel, the S entrance to Halsey Harbor, leads between Alava Island and the main coast. The channel has a navigable width of 91m and a depth of 24m. Research Channel, the entrance channel N of Alave Island, has a navigable width of 0.5 mile with depths of 38 to 48m. Anchorage can be taken,in 27m, in the middle of the S part of the bay, about 0.4 mile SE of the E point of Gage Island. Pub.162 Sheltered anchorage can be taken, in 24m, mud, N of the highest hiU on Gage Island. Halsey Harbor, protected from all winds, is a designated typhoon anchorage. Directions.-From a position 0.4 mile S of the S rock lying on foul ground off the S end of Alava Island, steer 025 °, in mid-channel, for the 156m hill near the N shore of the channel. When the 134m hill on Rhodes Island bears 095°, change course to 065°. When theW tangent of Gage Island bears 000°, change cour e to 030° with the E point of the island ahead. Vessels entering the harbor via Research Channel should clear Saddle Rock by at least 0.5 mile, and bring the 134m hill on Rhodes I land between the two peaks of Mount Maus on a 095" bearing and steer on this bearing. When the 156m hill on theN side of the channel bears 025 °, change course to 065 ° and follow the directions for South Channel. Saddle Rock (11 o46'N. , 119°53 'E.) lies about 2 miles W of the N entrance point of Halsey Harbor. It has the appearance of a saddle when viewed from Nor S. Two rocks, awash, lie on the E side of the bank 0 .5 mile E of Saddle Rock. Busuanga Island-South and West Coasts 10.29 Coron Passage (11"59'N., 120°15'E.) separates theN coast of Coron Island from the SE coast of Busuanga Island. The passage is about 0.5 mile wide at its narrowest point. Depths are variable, with a least depth of 26m in the fairway. Currents, generally weak, set E and W on the flood and ebb. A 3.6m patch lies about 0.8 mile E of Limaa Point. East Maquinit Island (11 °59'N., 120°14'E.) lies in Coron Passage, 0.5 mile SW of Limaa Point. The island divides the passage into two channels, each about 0.5 mile wide. The Maquinit Islands, lying 0.5 mile WNW of East Maquinit Island, consists of several islets in a compact group which are surrounded by a reef with 4.1m depth. These dangers can be avoided by keeping close to East Maquinit Island. A shoal, with a depth of 4 .1m, lying about 0.5 mile SE of Coron Point, consists of live coral and should be avoided. Other unmarked shoals are charted as far as 1.25 miles SW of the point. A finger reef extending off the SE end of Uson Island (11 °59'N. , 120°1 0'E.) is not easily een at HW. Directions.-Foreign vessels calling at Coron or at ports in Palawan and intending to use this passage should obtain the services of a pilot from Manila. When approaching Coron Passage from the E, pass 2.5 miles E and S of Mataya Island (12°01 'N. , 120°23'E.), then pass close N or S of Dibutac Island. Then, while keeping close to the NE side of Coron Island, round Lirnaa Point at a distance of 137m. Then steer to pass the same distance NE of East Maquinit Island. If proceeding through Coron Pa sage, steer to pass 0.1 mile SE of the reef, awash, extending SE from the SE extremity of Uson Island, and then the same distance NW of the reef off Balolo Point (11 °57'N., 120°12'E.). If bound for Coron, after passing East Maquinit Island, and when Coron Point (11 °59'N., 120"13'E.) bears 000°, steer on a course of 314°. This will lead to the outer anchorage. Sector 1 . The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers 10.30 Coron Harbor (12 °00'N., 120°12'E.) (World Port Index No. 59240) is formed between tte S coast of Busuanga Island and the NE coast of Uson .s and. The harbor is approached through a narrow passag marked by beacons, leading through the dangers off theE end of Uson Island. Coron (12 °00'N., 120° 12'E.), th principal town on Busuanga Island, is situated about 1.~ miles NW of Coron Point. Access to the port is through Coo Passage. AT-shaped pier, with a berth 24m in l ength, depths of 3.7 to 4.9m alongside its face, and 4.9 to 8.5rr. about 6m off the face, lies 0.5 mile SE of the town. A reef close SE of the pier head exwends 150m from the shore. A stake usually marks its extr nity. A white church spire is a good landmark in Coron. Pilots may be obtained from Manila. Vessels usually anchor about 0.3 mile S of the pier, in depth~ of 18.3 to 22m, mud. This anchorage is constricted and unte yoy River, the coast leading NNW to Detobet Point (I2"09'N., 119°51'E.) is irregular with few prominent points. merous small islands are scattered from a few meters to 8.5 oiles offshore. Conception (12°03'N. , 119°58'E.) is a small town situated about 2 miles N of the mouth of the Dipuyoy River. The town schoolhou se is conspicuous. Small craft use the town landing atHW. Salvacion (12. 08'N., 119°56'E.), a small town, lies 5.25 miles NNW of Conception. The town has a pier about 47m long where boats may berth alongside at HW. The town schoolhouse is a good landmark. It can be easily identified fromNW. The church steeple is visible from SW over the tops of the trees. 10.32 Gutob Bay (12°10'N., 119°53'E.) is entered between Salvacion Island and Detobet Point. Depths at the entrance are 25.6m. Several above and below-water rocks and shoals lie in the bay. Depths in the bay range from 7.3 to 18.3m. Gutob Anchorage (12°10'N. , 119°52'E.) lies on theW side of Gutob Bay. The S entrance to the anchorage has depths of 29.3m and is marked by buoys. The N entrance to the anchorage is very constricted and has a depth of 9.6m. TheE entrance to the anchorage has a least depth of 11 .4m. Gutob Anchorage, sheltered from all winds, has an area about 0.4 mile wide, and a depth of 16.5m in the middle. Talampulan Island (12°06'N. , 119°51'E.) lies about 1 mile SSW of Detobet Point. The island is encircled by a reef on which there are several rocks. Buoys mark the S and N ends of the reef line E of the island. A lighted radio mast, painted red and white, with several buildings nearby, is conspicuous from offshore. Capare Island (12 °08 'N., 119°52'E.), a large island bordering the W side of Gutob Bay, is formed by a high ridge which is highest at the N end. The island is fringed by a reef and numerous rocks. Two buoys mark the outer edges of the coastal reef, about 0.5 mile E of Detobet Point and 0.4 mile E of the same point. 10.33 Busuanga (12 °09'N ., 119°55'E.) (World Port Index No. 59250) is a small settlement on theE shore of Gutob Bay, just within the entrance to the Busuanga River. Small craft can cross the entrance bar at HW and berth alongside a stone pier. Anchorage can be taken S of the town, in depths of 7.3 to 14.6m, mud. Several detached shoals lie 0.75 to 1.5 miles W of the river mouth . West Nalaut Island (12o03'N., 119o47'E.) lies 6.5 miles SW of Detobet Point. The island is steep, rocky, and cliffy on its W side and is low, wooded, and sandy on its E side. East Nalaut Island lies 2.5 miles ENE of West Nalaut Island. The island is small, rugged, and steep. Pamalican Islands (12.05'N., 119°52'E.) consist of several small islets lying on detached coral reefs. The islets appear as a cluster of trees. Shoals lie as far as 1 mile off the principal islet. Horse Island (12°03'N., 119°54'E.) lies about 2.5 miles SSE of the Pamalican Islands. The island is wooded and fringed by reefs and shoals, which extend at least 1 mile offshore. Maltatayoc Island lies about 0.5 mile W of Horse Island. North Malbinchilao Island (12 °01'N. , 119°53'E.) lies mile S of Horse Island. The island is joined to South Malbinchilao Island by a drying reef. Pub.162 Sector 10. The Calamian Group and Associated Dangers The coasts of the island consist of sandy beaches and rocky point. Rat Island (12 °01'N., 119°54'£ .) is separated from North Malbinchilao Island by a constricted channel with a depth of 7.3m. A coral reef, about 0.4 mile in extent, lies 0.75 mile SE of Rat Island. The reef has several rocks, and a sand bar, awash, on its W and E ends. Directions.-Coron Bay may be approached from NW by three routes, as follows: 1. North of West Nalaut Island.-From a position 0.9 mile NE of West Nalaut Island, steer 118 ° with the summit of North Malbinchilao Island ahead. When the hill on the W end of Maltatayoc Island bears 000°, alter course to 104° until the summit of Pass Island bears 146 °, when it should be steered for, passing between North Malbinchilao Island and Rat Island on the W side and Malcatop Island (12 °02'N., 119°55'£.) on theE side. A good lookout should be kept for reefs on either side of the channel. When 1 mile from Pass Island, alter course to 094° with the 189m high hill on Busuanga Island ahead. When the summit of Darab Island bears 180°, course should be altered to 122°. 2. South of West Nalaut lsland.-From a position 1.75 miles S of West N alaut Isla nd, steer 103o with the summit of Pass Island ahead, passing midway between Popototan Island and Manganguei Island. When the summit of Rat Island bears 000°, alter course to 078° with a 125m high hill on the SW extremity of Bu suanga Island ahead, and kept so until theW extremity of Lajo Island bears 190 °. Then alter course to 094° and proceed as described in 1 above. 3. Between Popototan Island and Galoc Island.-No directions are necessary for the channel between Popototan Islan d and Galoc Island. The channel is only 0.2 mile wide at its narrowest part. 10.34 The W coast of Butuanga, between Detobet Point (12 °09'N. , 119°51'£.) and Macachin Point (12°19'N ., 119°54'£.), is very irregular and is fringed by a reef extending at least 0.5 mile offshore. A small cove, formed by a break in the reef, indents the coast about 5 miles from Detobet Point. Buluang (12 °14'N., 119 °52'£.), a settlement, is located at the head of the cove which is exposed to W winds. Coral reefs restrict the navigable area of the cover to 0.3 mile with clear depths of 11m in the middle. Small vessels use the cove. Dlultuk Bay (12 °16'N., 119 °53'£.) lies about 7.5 miles NNE of Detobet Point. Depths in the bay decrease regularly from 15.5 in the entrance to 5.5m one mile from its head. A small pier, with a depth of 0.6m at its outer end, lies on the N side of the bay near its entrance . There is anchorage for vessels with local knowledge, 1.25 miles within the entrance, in depths of from 11 to 13m, mud. Elinibinid Point (12 °19'N., 119 °52'£.), the NW extremity of Busuanga Island, is low, rocky, and fringed by a coral reef for at least 0.1 mile. Pinnacle Rock lies about 1.3 miles NW of Elinibinid Point. Vessels are cautioned not to pass inshore of Pinnacle Rock. Pub.162 118° 30' 119° 92033 30' 30' 1 0 93046 30' (SEE SECTOR 12) 92033 30' SULUSEA 118° 30' 119° 30' 120" 30' Am!itional chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 11 -CHART INFORMATION Pub.162 SECTORll EAST AND WEST C ASTS OF PALAWAN, INCLUDING PALAWAN PASSAGE Plan.-This sector describes Palaw~Passage, the E and W coasts of Palawan, off-lying islands, , d Balabac Strait. The sequence of description is N to S. General Remarks 11.1 Palawan, the fifth largest i nd of the Philippine Archipelago, separates the Sulu Sea f:-m the China Sea. The island is mountainous and steep wi ti nany peaks attaining heights of over 900m. The moun.. am peaks are good landmarks, but the higher ones are us• By covered by clouds. They are almost always clear for a bief period in the early morning and late evening except in stc:::DJy weather. The island is sparsely inhabited and little is know of the interior. The W coast of Palawan consis-~ mostly of hills and mountain spurs from the high centnl range. These spurs terminate in steep slopes or cliffs. ~te coast is generally irregular, especially in the N part whe.:e there are many small islands and deep bays. There are som ::oastal lowlands which are seldom over 2 or 3 miles wide. ~here are no important ports on the W coast of Palawan. Mal paya Sound, one of the best natural harbors in the Philippine ~lands, indents the NW coast of the island. Within the 200m curve, w ich li~ about 33 miles W of Libro Point and trends SW to a posit n about 23 miles W of Cape BuWuyan, the W coast of awan is fronted by numerous shoals and reefs. Some o the area has not been thoroughly examined and additional rlangers are frequently reported. Vessels are advised to remai1 ootside the 200m curve unless they have local knowledge. Winds-Weather.-The W coast nf Palawan is entirely exposed to the Southwest Monsoon. •t is sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon and from the trade winds by the mountainous terrain. The monsoons or is coast are subject to so much interruption that it is diffic t to state exactly when they begin. The Northeast Monsoon generally prevails from November to April. Moderate NE anc E winds are experienced during this season. In November and cember the weather is variable with the prevailing winds ctKlging at times to SE. In November it is not unusual to experie-ce a SW gale with dark cloudy weather and rain. The transition period occurs during M y and the early part of June. It brings the best weather wit::l land and sea breezes predominating. The land breeze blow; from the Sand SE in the morning and the sea breeze from 1le N and NW in the afternoon. The Southwest Monsoon generar _ prevails from June to October. Toward the end of June ar through July unsettled weather can be expected. A slight f· f the barometer, after fine weather, frequently indicates the pproach of squalls from the WSW. These squalls usually last a wee~ md are followed by a period of fine weather with NW and W winds. In September and October strong WSW winds are experienced with dark cloudy weather. Off the SW coast of Palawan it is not unusual, particularly during squaBs, for the wind to veer to the WNW and NW and to blow violently. Between squalls the wind frequently shifts to the SE. Land and sea breezes are prev alent in coastal waters when the prevailing monsoon is weak. Even when the monsoon season is fully developed the winds give way at sundown to a land breeze. Thunderstorms are frequent near land between May and October. They are accompanied by severe squalls and heavy rain. Typhoons are not frequent off the W coast of Palawan. Only about 7 percent of the more serious typhoons that affect the Philippine Islands are experienced in this area. October and November are the months when typhoons are most likely to be experienced. Palawan is considered to be in the typhoon area from December to June. However, there is little chance of a typhoon passing off this coast, as there are not many typhoons during these months and most of them recurve NE before reaching Palawan. There are two distinct seasons, one dry in the winter and spring, and the other wet occuring in the summer and autumn. During the wet season (July, August, and September) the average monthly rainfall exceeds 500mm. During the dry season (January, February, and March) the average monthly rainfall is less than 38mm. The average annual rainfall on the W coast of Palawan averages about 3,051 mm. The climate is reported to be hot and humid. Visibility is generally good, fog being rare. Temperatures are uniformly high, but they seldom exceed 35•c or fall below Is·c. Maximum temperatures occur in Apri l, May, and June. The coolest months are December, January, and February. Relative humidity is comparatively high . The annual average is not more than 80 percent, with minimum values recorded in April. Tides-Currents.-The tidal currents in the South China Sea set from N to S along the W coast of Palawan and enter the Sulu Sea through Linapacan Strait and Balabac Strait. The force and direction of the prevailing wind are the principal factors influencing the currents off this coast. Off the NW coast of Borneo and in Palawan Passage, between the parallels of 2•N and II ·N, currents may set in any direction throughout the year with rates of up to 1 knot or more. These currents have caused stranding of vessels on either side of the passage. During the Northeast Monsoon, the current is variable and seldom runs strong in any direction unless strengthened by strong winds. At the height of this monsoon, a strong NW and W set occurs in the S part of Palawan Strait because of the strong W currents that set through the straits N and S of Balabac Island. During the Southwest Monsoon, the current sets N and toward the shore. On occasions there is no perceptible current, Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan and near the shore the current is mostly weak. A SW set may occasionally occur in Palawan Passage. Tidal currents of a local nature are described with the local features. Caution.-Parts of the W coast of Palawan and the bank off it have not yet been thoroughly surveyed , and lesser depths may exist on some of the shoals that are charted. Ships are advised to stay seaward of the 200m curve unless proceeding to an anchorage off this coast and having local knowledge. Vessels bound for ports in mainland China should use Palawan Passage in preference to the route on the E side of Palawan. When making Palawan Passage from the SW, during the Northeast Monsoon, a NW set is often experienced resulting in the possible grounding on the various shoals including Royal Captain Shoal (9"01'N., 116.41'E.). Visibility may be reduced by heavy rain squalls. The light driving rain of the "collas" is like a mist and reduces vi ibility. During these squalls, which sometimes last for as much as 10 days off the S coast of Palawan, it is difficult to make the narrowest part of Palawan Passage between Royal Captain Shoal and the shoals to the E because Palawan is usually obscured. At such times it is advisable to pass this shoal during daylight hours. The area bound by the following coordinates is declared off limits to all ships and watercraft: a. 11 . 37'N, 118. 5l'E. b. 11 . 37'N, 119. 10'E. c. 10.46'N, 118.32'E. d. 10. 46'N, 119.04'E. Tankers prior to calling at Matinloc and Nido Marine Terminals offshore Palawan Island, which are situated within the boundaries of the above restricted area, should obtain copies of Port Information and Regulations from: Philippines-Cities Service, Inc. P.O. Box 2283, MCC Makati , Metro Manila 3117 Philippines Entry is restricted throughout the greater arc of a circle, radius 5 miles, centered from position 11 ·49'N, 119"7'E, where a lighted storage tanker vessel is located. Palawan Passage 11.2 Palawan Passage (9. 00'N., 11TOO'E.), the alternate route through the S part of the China Sea, is a deep passage between the 200m curve and wide bank which fronts the W coast of Palawan, and the E side of the "Dangerous Ground" which lies about 30 to 50 miles farther W. This route, indicated on the charts, is recommended for lowpowered vessels during the Northeast Monsoon season (October to March). The passage, about 265 miles long with depths over 183m, is entered W of Libro Point (11 · 25'N., 119.29'E.) or W of Cape Melville (7.48'N., 117.00'E.) if heading N, and is the direct route between Sundra Strait and Manila. The most constricted and dangerous part of Palawan Passage is about 29 miles NNW of Cape Buliluyan (8. 20'N., Pub.162 11T12'E.) and abeam of Royal Captain Shoal where the passage is 29 miles wide between dangers. The NE extremity of the danger area that forms the W side of Palawan Passage lies about 108 miles WSW of Libro Point. From thi s position the E side of the area, which is represented by a dotted line on the charts, trends 40 miles S and then 165 miles SW to a position about 70 miles W of the N extremity of Balabac Island. Vessels should not enter thi s area as it has not been examined and is known to contain numerous dangers. The existence of uncharted patches of coral and shoals is likely; the positions of charted banks and shoal s cannot be relied upon. Seahorse Shoal (1 0. 50'N., 11 T47'E.), theN known danger on the W side of Palawan Passage, is a pear-shaped reef with a least depth of 8.2m at its N end and 11m at its S end. Within the lagoon formed by the curving reef there are depths of 35 to 57m. Sandy Shoal (11 ·o2'N., 11T38'E.) and Fairie Queen (10. 38'N., 117. 38'E.), the positions of which may be doubtful, are charted close within the line shown on the charts designating the large danger area. Carnatic Shoal (10.06'N., 11T21'E.) bas a depth of 6.4m and lie close within the danger area. Its position is doubtful. Bombay Shoal (9. 26'N., 116.55'E.), lying about 58 miles WNW of Hummock Point (9. 16'N., 11T54'E.), consists of a steep-to reef which completely encloses a lagoon. Depths of 29 to 33m, sand bottom, are found in the lagoon. On the reef are several rocks which dry about 0.6m. Madagascar Rock, which dries 0.6m, lies near the NE end of the reef. Two stranded wrecks lie 0.5 mile apart on the NE side of Bombay Shoal. The N wreck has been reported to be breaking up. There is a tidal range of about 1.2m over Bombay Shoal and the tidal current was observed to set NE on a rising tide . 11.3 Royal Captain Shoal (9"01'N., 116.40'E.) lies on the W side of the most constricted part of Palawan Passage. This shoal co nsists of a narrow, unbroken , and steep-to reef which encloses a lagoo n. Numerous coral heads and a few drying rocks are found on the reef. Observation Rock, which dries about 1.2m, lies on the NW corner of the reef. Depths of 27 to 31m sand and coral, are found in the lagoon. Coral heads exist. There is no entrance channel to the lagoon , but boats can cross the reef at HW under favorable weather conditions. A W se t of about 0.75 knot has been experienced around the shoal. Two stranded wrecks lie on the NW and SW sides of Royal Captain Shoal. Investigator Northeast Shoal (9. 10'N., 116. 25'E.), which dries, lies about 17 miles WNW of Royal Captain Shoal. The shoal reef encloses a lagoon which is probably accessible to boats atHW. A rock , whose existence is doubtful, lies 4.5 miles WNW of Investigator ortheast Shoal. Half Moon Shoal (8.52'N., 116<16'E.), lying 63 miles NW of Cape Buliluyan, consists of a belt of coral reef, awash, that forms a lagoon . An inclined rock, lm high, lies on theE side of the shoal. The lagoon affords good shelter to small craft and has an average depth of about 27m, although there are several coral heads with depths of 0.3 to 5.5 m. Se:tor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan The entrance of the lagoon is about .1 mile wide, with a depth of about 12.8m, located on theSE :> ide of the reef about 0.4 mile SW of the inclined rock. Entry during the strength of the Nor: oast Monsoon would probably be impossible. No anchorage is available off the shoal. There is a tidal rise of 1.2m over :lalf Moon Shoal. Directions.-Southbound vessels thm gh Palawan Passage should follow the recommended track line as shown on the charts. This line, which parallels the 2 •m curve fronting the W coast of Palawan, lies from 20 to 7 miles W of that curve. Ve sels obtaining depths of less thar: 183m should head for deeper water immediately. Vessels following the recommended I ack will pass about 25 miles E of Seahorse Shoal, about 21 miles SE of Carnatic Shoal, about 15 miles SE of Bombay S , and about 11 miles SE of Royal Captain Shoal. Vessels approaching Palawan Passag from S, if uncertain of the position, can close Balabac Island (3"00'N., 11 TOO'E.) to 12 miles, during clear weather, in order o obtain a fix. During the thickest weather the land is reported seldom totally obscured and is usually well detred between squalls. The safest part of the 183m bank lie. NW of Balabac Island between 8°05'N and 8°30'N, with Balabac Peak bearing between 120° and 160°. When soundings are obtained on the edge of the bank vessels should haul NW and give the Om curve a berth of 10 miles. Then the reverse of the directions a given in the preceding paragraph should be followed. Caution.-All the dangers on the E ' ide of Palawan Passage are contained within the 200m curve tLat fronts the W coast of Palawan. The curve lies about 31 mil W of Libro Point and trends SW to within 18 miles of the c ::>ast in the vicinity of Mapankal Point (Pampandugang Po· : (8°57'N. , 11T33'E.). From this position it continues S ' and passes about 23 miles W of Cape Buliluyan. Then it tr ds S to a position about 18 miles W of Cape Melville (T48'N. 11 TOO'E.). The 200m curve rises abruptly in llDJlY places and there are several depths of less than 7.3m lying l::Jse within the curve. Shoals and other dangers lying within the curve are described with their related features . Palawan-West Coast 11.4 Libro Point (11 °25'N., 119 °:!1 E.), theN extremity of Palawan, rises to a height of 145m cl e SE. The 18.5m curve lies about 0.1 mile Nand 0.75 mile W the point. A rock, awash, lies 9lm N ofLibro P ::>int. Calitan Island (11 °25'N. , 119°28'E) lies W of the point. A sharp double-edged rock lies on a ree · extending 0.2 mile E of the island. The passage between the land and Libro Point is foul. Cabuli Point and Cabuli Island :rre described with the E coast of Palawan, in paragraph 11. and paragraph 11.41 , respectively. Between Libro Point and P3!llyo Point (11 °2l'N., 119°26'E.), the coast is bold and rocky. with occasional sandy beaches fringed with coral. The 9.lm rve lies about 0.3 mile offshore. Diapila Bay is entered 1 mile SSE of Calitan Island; it is encumbered by shoals and drying ro " A rock, awash, lies about 0.3 mile W of theN entrance point. Diapila Island, 66m high, lies close within the 20m curve, 1 mile SW of the S entrance point of Diapila Bay. Base Bay is entered between Patuyo Point and a point 4 miles NE. A 7.6m patch lies in the bay 3.25 miles NE of Patuyo Point, with a 10.4m patch, 0.5 mile WSW of it. Barotoan Bay (11 °20'N., 119°27'E.) is formed between steep bluffs, with a sandy beach at its head. A rock. 2.4m high, lies off the W entrance point. A grass-covered plain extending several miles SE from the head of the bay is backed by mountain ranges leading N to Libro Point. The plain is bound S and SW by mountain ranges leading from Patuyo Point. Patuyo Point (11 °2l'N., 119°26'E.) is the NW end of a steep headland with cliffy shores, which rises to a height of 159m, 0.75 mileS. Lalutaya Island, 122m high, lies 1.25 miles NW of Patuyo Point. The island is steep-to except on its W side where there is a bay with a depth of 5m, and on the E side where coral reefs extend 0.2 mile offshore. A shoal, with a depth of 0.9m, lies 0.5 mile NW of the NE extremity of the island. Crawford Point (11 · 19'N., 119°25'E.) is a narrow headland, 49m high, located 2.5 miles SSW of Patuyo Point. The intervening coast is a sandy beach backed by heavily wooded hills. The 20m curve lies 0.25 mile off this point. A rocky islet, 34m high, lies 0.3 mile N of the point. Bury Islet, 18.3m high, lies 0.9 mile NNW of Crawford Point; a rock, 21m high, lies close W of the islet. A peak, 366m high, stands 4.75 miles ENE of Crawford Point. From this peak a ridge extends 3.5 miles N to North Hill (11 °24'N., 119 °30'E.) and another hill, 294m high, near the W side of the island. Both hills are conspicuous. Emmit Point (11 °15'N., 119°25'E.) consists of steep bluffs rising abruptly from the shore and backed by wooded hills. A distinctive conical hill rises 1 mile NNE of the point. The central mountain range of Palawan rises to its highest elevation, 658m, about 4 miles E of Emmit Point. The coast between Crawford Point and Emmit Point is steep and rugged, with hills rising abruptly from the shore. Depths of less than 9m are found up to 0.25 mile offshore. 11.5 Ipil Point (ll. ll'N., 119.22'E.) is the sharp SW extremity of a rugged headland rising steeply from shore. Between Emmit Point and Ipil Point, there is a wide, level valley that lies between the range of hjlls extending SE from Emmit Point and the steep, rugged range that extends W from Mount Ynantagung (11 · IO'N., 119. 27'E.) to Mount Bubulugan, located 2 miles E of Ipil Point. The coast between the two points is fringed by a partly drying reef extending 0.25 mile offshore in places. The 10m curve lies up to 0.75 mile offshore, and there are numerous dangers lying within the curve. Also, there are several shoal patches, with depths less than 11m, lying within 1.5 miles of the coast. Bacuit (El Nido) (11 · n·N., 119.23'E.) (World Port Index No. 59310), the most important town on the W coast of Palawan, is situated close E of the peninsula of which Ipil Point is the SW extremity. The town situated at the head of a small bay which is fringed by a drying reef and fronted by foul ground as far as 0.5 mile off its head. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan A stone causeway, its outer end in ruins, is located at the W end of town where a church is a prominent landmark. Anchorage can be taken 1 mile N of town, in depths of 15 to 16.5m, mud, protected from all but N winds. Occasional variable squalls of hurricane force blow through the gaps in the highlands making the anchorage untenable. Vessels approach the anchorage from W via the narrow passage between the headland and Cadlao Island (11 °13'N., 119 °22'E.). From the N, the approach lies E and SE of this island. Off-lying Islands 11.6 Caverna Island (1 n TN., 119 °21 'E.) is the farthest N island of a group of high and rugged islands of limestone formation lying N of Ipil Point. A pinnacle rock, lying close N of the island, is conspicuous from E and W. A reef, awash, extends 0.2 mile S of the island. Cauayan Island (1 r 16'N., 119°21 'E.) has two prominent, high peaks with the terrain between them dropping almost to sea level. High cliffs forming the shoreline are deeply underscored by sea action. The navigable channel between Cauayan and Cadlao Islands is divided into two passages by an islet. The S passage has a least depth of 12.8m. Cadlao Island (11 ° 13'N., 119 °22'E.) has a table-topped summit-which is conspicuous from theW. The Loggerheads , two high peaks rising SE of the summit, drop almost vertically. A spit, with a depth of 4.9m, extends 0.1 mile from the SE end of the island. A deep channel, about 0.3 mile wide, lies between the spit and the headland of lpil Point. The E and W points of the island are reported to be conspicuous. There are sandy beaches at the heads of the bays. Most of Cadlao Island is fringed by coral reef. 11.7 Dilumacad Island (1 1 °12'N., 119°20'E.) has a conspicuous group of needle peaks near its S end. The W coast of the island consists of overhanging cliffs; theE coast is sandy beach fronted by a spit and fringing reefs. The channel between the island and the SW end of Cadlao Island is deep. Anchorage can be taken, sheltered from NE winds, in depths of 29 to 36m, S of Cadlao Island and E of Dilumacad Island. There is good anchorage protected from SW winds, near Mitre Island (11 °14'N., 119 °22'E.), in 31m, mud. Additional anchorage can be taken, in depths of 16 to 22m, close E of Abrupt Point. Tapiutan Island (11 °13'N ., 119 °16'E. ) is the NW island of a group of island s which form the W side of the approach to Bacuit Bay; they extend about 7.75 miles NNW and 7 miles W from a position about 1.5 miles N of Custodio Point. The group is prominent due to their limestone formation and their rugged appearance. The sides of the islands consist of bare, vertical cliffs of various colors. The bases of the cliffs have been eroded by the sea. The summits of the islands consist of small clusters of needle peaks. Matinloc Island (11 °11 'N., 119 ° 17'E.) consists of a narrow ridge of barren Hmestone almost divided into three parts by deep gaps. Mount Hom, prominent near the middle of the island, resembles a hom when see n from N or S. Pub.162 llog Bay, on the E side of the island beneath Mount Hom , affords shelter to smal l vessels having local knowledge during the Southwest Monsoon (May to September). An islet lies near the S side of the bay entrance. Tapiutan Strait (11 °12'N., 119°16'E. ), 0.1 mile wide, with depths of 27 to 38m, separates the islands of Matinloc and Tapiutan. Inambuyod Island (11 °12'N. , 119 °18'E.) is separated from Matinloc by a deep channel. Inambuyod Island, from a distance, appears like a large turtle in the water with its head facing N. Landing can be effected along sandy beaches on the W side of the island. A high rock and an islet lie 0.1 mile N and 1 mile N, respectively, of Inambuyod Island. 11.8 Miniloc Island (11 °09'N., 119°19'E.) is high, with coasts consisting of cliffy heads and steep crags. The S and E sides of Miniloc are indented by several coves. A NE cove is deep , but fronted by a reef. Small , high islets lie off the NW and E sides of the island, and landing can be effected on the S and W sides. There are several small islands lying between Miniloc Island and Custodio Point. These islands consist of Paglugaban (1 r08'N., 119 °19'E.), Entalula, Popolcan, Jip Rocks (lrOTN., 119 °19'E.), Guintungauan (lrOTN., 119°18'E. ), and Pangulasian Island. Guntao Islands (11 °08'N ., 119°15'E.), two in number, have densely wooded top s and bare slopes . The islands are connected by a coral reef, bare at LW. Destacado Rocks (lrOTN., 119 °13'E.) are a group of rocks, awash, lying on a small reef. The rocks have the appearance of two boats. Other reefs lie within 1 mile N and 0.25 mile SW of the rocks. Bacuit Bay (1 rOTN., 119°22'E.) is entered between Ipil Point and Custodio Point (11 °06'N. , 119°19'E. ), and extends about 7.5 miles SSE. The bay is protected W by a high, wooded peninsula terminating at Custodio Point. Rugged , Hmestone i lands front the bay and a mountain range dominates the E shore. Depths of 14.6 to 37m exist throughout the bay, with deeper water off the bay entrance and between the off-lying islands. The hore reef extends as far as 0.25 mile off the W side of the bay and 0.5 mile off the head of the bay. There are many detached reefs and shoals within 0.5 mile of the coast. The many bights indenting the shores of Bacuit Bay are foul and fronted by mangroves. Islands and rocks within the bay are mostly high and sheer. Caution.-Dangers are numerous throughout the bay. Only those in or adjacent to the main channel are described. A 13.1 m patch lies in the middle of the entrance to Bacuit Bay, 1.75 miles SW oflpil Point. A 14.6m coral patch lies about 0.75 mile E of Entalula Island (11 o08'N. , 119 o20'E.). A reef, with a depth of 3.6m, and a shoal , with a depth of 3.5m, lie 1 mile S and SSE, respectively, of Ipil Point. A group of shoal s, with a least depth of 9.1m, lies up to 1 mile NW of lnabuyatan Island (11 °07'N ., 119°23'E.). A dangerous steep-to coral patch (11 °07'N ., 119°22'E.), depth 6.9m, lies 1.25 miles W oflnabuyatan Island . S tor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan 11.9 Lagen Island (11 ' 05'N., 11 _4'E.), the largest and highest island in the bay, has two sll:IIltits with a deep gap between them. The shores are sandy ches alternating with sheer cliffs. Between the island and Malpa o Island (11 ' 06'N ., 119' 24'E.), 0.5 mile NE, is a channel 'I'Vith depths of 14.8 to 22m, clear of dangers. Malpacao Isla:> is a prominent, high limestone formation. It appears from the offing as a double island. Drying reefs lie SE and E of th end of the island. The channel between the island and the po· E is foul. Coast Hill (11 ' 05'N., 119' 20'E.), unt Maateg (11 ' 01'N., 119' 23'E .), Shark Fin Peak (11 ' 04 , 119' 28'E.), and the high peak close NE of Ipil Point are excellent landmarks approaching Bacuit Bay. Sheltered anchorage can be taken , n depths of 11 to 13m, close SE of Malpacao Island, clear of reefs in the vicinity. Small vessels with local kno dge can anchor in Corongcorong Bay, close with lpil int, and communicate with the town of El Nido while being tected from N winds. Additional anchorage can be taken :n the area SE of Pinsail Island (11 ' 05'N., 119' 23'E.) and N. pin Island (11 ' 05'N., 119' 23'E.), and S of Lagen Island, in j _pths of 16.5 to 18.3m, but is subject to sudden wind changes Vessels approaching Bacuit Bay "rom S should use the passage between Paglugaban lslaml (11 ' 08'N. , 119 ' 19'E.) and Entalula Island, 0.6 mile E. From N, the best approach is bet een Inambuyod Island (11 ' 12'N., 119 ' 18'E.) and Dilum d Island (11 ' 12'N., 119' 20'E.). If proceeding to the ancn rage SE of Malpacao Island, avoid the 7m coral patch, 1.2 -miles W of Inabuyatan Island, and pass between Malpacao I ~d and Lagen Island. If proceeding to the anchorage SE of Pinsail Island, pass fairly close to the W side of Lagen Is d and then between the island and Ninepin Island. Between Custodio Point and nal Head (II' 02'N., 119' 19'E.), 4.25 miles S, the coast , bold and rocky with several reddish-colored landslides. The mountain ranges running down to these points are steep and densely wooded. Ragged Island, 18.3m high, lies clo off-shore, 3 miles S of Custodio Point. Difficult Point (11 ' 03'N., 119' 20' 1 lies about 0.6 mile SE of Ragged Island, and Black Rock Faint lies about 0.75 mile SSE of Difficult Point. Together thes points form the entrance to a narrow inlet which recedes about ! mile NE. There are depths from 18.3m in tire entrance of the inlet to 6.7m at its head. A patch, with a d=pth of 0.9m, lies in the middle of the inlet 0.25 mile from its ad. 11.10 Port Cataaba (ll ' Ol 'N., 1 9' 21'E .) is a bay entered between Black Rock Point and Sign Head, 0.5 mile SW. The bay affords good shelter for small ~ssels and is free from dangerous winds blowing off the mo The peninsulas forming the ba_ are high and densely wooded, while the shores are alterna tely rocky points and small coves backed by mangrove sw:::mps. The head of the bay dries. but theE are depths of up to 27m in the outer part. A spit, with an isle n its NE end, lies about 0.5 mile within the W entrance point the bay. Pin Point (ll' Ol'N., 119' 20'E.), .25 miles SSE of Signal Head, is prominent as is Beehive He 0.5 mile S of Pin Point. White Point Island lies on the drying coastal reef close S of Pin Point. Anchorage can be taken E of Pin Point, where there are depths of 9.1 to 12.8m, mud. The anchorage is reported to be free of dangerous winds that funnel through the mountain passes. The entrance to Port Cataaba should be approached either between Tent Island (11 ' 04'N., 119' 18'E.) and Saddle Island, 1.25 miles S or E of both of these islands. A mid-channel course should be steered, avoiding the dangers which extend up to 0.2 mile E of Saddle Island. Dangers exist in the approach to Port Cataaba and Endeavor Strait. Tent Island, steep-sided, lies on a drying reef 2.5 miles SSW of Custodio Point. A below-water reef extend 0.3 mile N of the island; it has several above-water rocks on it. Saddle Island (11 ' 03'N., 119' 18'E.) has two high rounded hills, the one farthest S is prominent. The island is fringed by above-water and below-water reefs. Camago Island lies on the reef 0.25 mile S of Saddle Island; the reef extends about 0.2 mile S of the island. Needle Rocks, lies in the N entrance to Endeavor Strait, about 0.9 mile SW of Signal Head. There are depths of 9 to 13m between Needle Rocks, and a drying rock about 0.3 mile N. Anato Island, 59m high, about 0.1 mile S of Needle Rocks, is separated from the rocks by a passage 7m deep. Thluran Island (10' 59'N., 119' 17'E.), separated from the mainland by Endeavor Strait, is about 4.5 miles long in a N to S direction and i about 2.5 miles wide; it is the largest island fronting theW coast of Pal a wan. Peaked Point (ll ' Ol'N., 119' 16'E.) is the N\V extremity of Tuluran. Peaked Island lies 0.1 mile NW of the point. Rocks, awash, lie 0.1 mile NW of the island. The channel between the island and point is 3.7m deep. North Tuluran Peak and South Tuluran Peak rise conspicuously near the middle of Tuluran. Thumb Peak, with a table-topped summit, rises 0.75 mile NW of Pillar Point (10' 57'N., 119' 18'E.), theSE extremity of the island. 11.11 Between Signal Head and Cape Ross (10 ' 56'N., 119' 13'E.), 8.5 miles SW, the coast is indented by Malampaya Sound, one of the best natural harbors in the Philippine Islands. It extends about 20 miles SE and near its head it is only 2.5 miles from theE coast of Palawan. The sound, which affords safe anchorage for a large number of deep draft vessels, is divided into two parts by the headlands projecting from the shore and by everal islands. The shores of the sound are generally steep and densely wooded, rising abruptly from a beach intersected by many bold headlands, rocky points and small areas of mangrove swamp. Tuluran Island, the largest island fronting the W coast of Palawan, lies in the outer entrance of Malampaya Sound. Worcester Strait, the main channel, leads SW of the island and Endeavor Strait leads E of the island which is rugged and densely wooded. Pyramid Rocks (ll ' Ol'N., 119' 15'E.) lie abo t 1 mile W of Peaked Point, the NW extremity of Tuluran Island. A detached coral rock, with a depth of 1.2m, lies about 0.2 mile NE of the highest rock. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Endeavor Strait (10°59'N., 119 °18'E.) is approached from N between Signal Head and Peaked Point. The strait has a least depth of 8.7m in the fairway, is about 5 miles long, and has a least width of 91m about 1.7 miles SSW of Signal Head. The mangrove lined shores of the strai t are fronted by above and below-water coral reefs for 0.1 mile. The W entrance point of the strait lies 1 mile SE of Conical Head (11 °01 'N., 119°17'E.). A bank extending 2.5 miles N from this point contains Anato Island and Saddle Island. Relinquish Head (11 OOO'N., 119°18'E.) and Exertion Point, about 1.2 miles S of the head , form a bay. A group of drying rocks lies in the middle of the bay entrance. Good anchorage can be taken in the bay, in depths of 18 to 22m, mud. Liminangcong (11 OOO'N., 119 °18'E.), a small town, is situated on the E side of the strait close E of Chase Head, where the strait is most constricted. A spit, with a depth of 5m, extends 0.1 mile NW of Chase Head. The least depth in the strait fairway, lies 0.4 mile S of Chase Head. Good anchorage can be taken, in a depth of 12.8m, about 0.2 mile N of town. Endeavor Point (10°57'N., 119 °19'E.) is the SE entrance point of Endeavor Strait. A 2.3m and 3.2m patch lie 0.2 mile N and 0.5 mile NE of the point. Pirates Hold, a sheltered cove, is entered between Bando Point (10°57'N., 119°19'E.) and Endeavor Point. Vessels proceeding S through the strait should keep in midchannel. Caution should be exercised when rounding Chase Head to avoid being set on the spit by tidal currents which are strong at times. 11.12 Worcester Strait (10°58'N., 119 °15'E.), the main entrance to Malampaya Sound, lies between Tuluran Island and Capoas Peninsula (10°50'N., 119 °17'E.). The strait, nearly 0.75 mile wide, has depths over 37m. Worcester Strait is approached between Diente Point (10 °57'N., 119°13'E.) and Peaked Point. The terrain S of the latter point is bold, precipitous, and features Tuluran Point, and Bold Head (10 °59'N., 119 °16'E.) . White Round Island (10°59' ., 119°15'E.), steep-to, lies 1.25 miles WNW of Bold Head. It is a usefu l landmark when approaching the strait from NW. Diente Shoal (1 0°58'N., 119°13'E.), with a depth of 5m, lies almost 1 mile N of Diente Point. The channel between is deep and clear of dangers. Notch Island (10 °58'N., 119°14'E.), lying on a drying reef 0.6 mile ENE of Diente Point, is conspicuous from offshore. Above-water rocks lie 0.1 mile N of the island. Several dangers lying N and E of Notch Island include Pillar Rock, Entrance Rock , Largon Island, Largon Rock, and Cone Island. These charted dangers lie on several extensive reefs and foul ground on the SW side of the entrance to Worcester Strait. Tidal currents in the strait are stron g. In the sound the tidal range is l.lm. With contrary winds there are heavy tide rips in the strait. Bolalo Bay (10°56'N., 119°15'E.), entered S of Cone Island and W of Parmidiaran Point (10 °57'N., 119°16'E.), is deep Pub.162 and clear of dangers, but in stormy weather is open to wind squalls from the encircling hills. The shores of the bay consist mainly of coral and mangroves. Drying reefs extend 0.5 mile or more off the head of the bay which is separated from Inlulutoc Bay (10o54'N. , 119°14'E.) by a narrow isthmus. Anchorage can be taken, in 29 to 42m, mud, within the entrance of the bay. Vessels approaching Bolalo Bay should pass either E or W of Largon Island and Cone Island; the former should be given a wide berth. Vessels entering Worcester Strait should favor the Tuluran Island side of the channel with the N extremity of Malapina Island (10°56'N., 119 ol9'E. ) bearing 122° leading through the strait, pas si ng NE of Entrance Rock and Largon Rock and SW of the shoal which lies 0.9 mile NE of Largon Island. Malampaya Sound is divided in to Outer and Inner Sounds which are connected by an inner trait. The so und is entered from N via Endeavor and Worcester Straits in the vicinity of Lookout, Pillar, and Endeavor Points. Because of the numerous islets, rocks, and reefs in the strait connecting the two sounds, the navigable passage is reduced to a width of about 0.2 mile. 11.13 The W side of Outer Sound, between Lookout Point and Pugguiauan Point (1 0°53'N., 119 °18'E.), 3.75 miles SSE, is indented by three bays, all of which afford safe anchorages. Pirate Bay (10°56'N., 119°17'E. ), the northernmost bay of the three bays, is entered between Lookout Point and Slip Point, the N extremity of Tenabian Island (10°55'N., 119°17'E.). There are depths over 18.3m in the bay. Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 27m, mud. A constricted passage, with a least depth of 11m, separates Tenabian Island from the mainland. A reef, with a depth of 1.2m, extends 0.2 mile NW of Slip Point. Taitai Bay (10°54'N., 119°17'E.) is entered between Taitai I land and Bullock Head (10 °54'N ., 119 °18'E. ). The head of the bay is divided into two mangrove-fringed coves by Middle Point. Huron Rock (10o54'N., 119 ol8'E.), with a depth of 5m, lies in the approach to Taitai Bay and close W of the fairway to Inner Sound. Anchorage can be taken in Taitai Bay, in depths of 18 to 20m, mud. On entering the bay from N, round Taitai Island within 0.5 mile. From S, round Bullock Head within 0.5 mile to avoid Huron Rock. Thrung Bay (10°53'N., 119°17'E.), with general depth s of9.1 to 18.3m, is entered between Bullock Head and Pugguiauan Point. Turung Island, on the N side of the entrance, is encircled by shoals and has a drying rock lying 91m NW, and a detached 5m shoal lies 0.2 mile NE, respectively, of its N end. A spit, with depths less than 8.5m, extends 0.2 mile NE from Pugguiauan Point. Anchorage can be taken in the middle of Turung Bay, in depths of 11 to 15m, mud. 11.14 The E side of Outer Sound, between Endeavor Point and Calabuctung Point (10°54'N., 119 °20'E.), 3.25 miles SSE, is indented by Northeast Bay (10°56'N., 119 °2l'E.). Se or 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Shoals extend up to 0.5 mile from rbe shores of the bay which are fringed by mangroves. The "JC..Y is encumbered by islands and shoals. Malapina Island lie~ · the entrance of the bay. Two reefs , with a least depth of II 4m, lie between 0.5 mile and 1 mile SE of the island. Boat Rock (10. 55'N., 119°20'E.), W I a depth of 0.3m, lies near the middle of a shoal 1.25 mile E of Malapina Island. Drying rocks lie at the N and S ends of the shoal. Anchorage is not recommended in r rtheast Bay for deepdraft vessels because of the swell w d1 sometimes sets in from Worcester Strait. Small vessels can take sheltered anchorage in the inner part of the bay. 11.15 Binaluan (10 °56'N. , 119°21'E. I (World Port Index No. 59300), a small village with a sa till situated in the SE part of Northeast Bay, is a temporal) base for some of the fishing fleet operating in Malampaya Scund. The inner strait, separating Malarroaya Outer and Inner Sounds, is 2 miles wide between gguiauan Point and Calabuctung Point. The strait is enc bered by shoals and islands, between which there are seve navigable channels. The W side of inner strait, betwee Puggiuauan Point and Alcade Point (10°49'N. , 119 °21 'E.), 4.3 miles SE, is indented by Alligator Bay and Malipu Bay. Mount Capoas (10°48'N., 119 ° 1-'E.) is a dominating feature. Alligator Bay (10 °51'N. , 119°17'£.) is entered between Green Head (10 °52'N., 119°18'E , 0.45 mile SE of Puggiuauan Point, and Balulu Poi (l0°5l 'N. , 119°19'E. ). Palcocotan Island lies about 0.3 mile E of Green Head, and Johnstone Point marks the S extremity of the head. The bay affords excellent shelter f~ssels. Several islands lie just outside the bay entrance and alcng its shores. There are numerous dangers. Yes s should keep at least 0.25 mile off salient points and the sho-es of the bay. A shoal, with a least depth of 4.1 . lies almost 0.25 mile SSE of Johnstone Point. There are del" s of 11 to 16.5m and 11 to 7 .3m in the N and S parts of the [ ay. Alligator Island (10°51'N., 119 °1 =:.),wooded, lies on the S side of the bay. A prominent white -ock lies 137m E of the NE end of the island. Durangan Is! d lies in the navigable channel through the strait leading to er Sound , about 1 mile NE of Alligator Island. Anchorage can be taken in the mirldle of the bay, between Johnstone Point and Alligator Island, in epth of 15 to 16m, mud. 11.16 Malipu Bay (10 °50'N., 119"1U E.) is entered between Balulu Point and Alcade Point. It is parated from Alligator Bay by a narrow ridge of hills. There are depths of 9.1 to 18.3m in the outer part of the bay and -.5 to 8.2m in the E part. Bartoc Island (10 °51'N., 119°20'E-1, 0.75 mile E of Balulu Point, and Malaoton Island, 0.75 mil 3 of Bartoc Island, lie in the approach to the bay. Foul ground circles both islands . Chinicaran Island (10°50'N ., 119"20'E.), the largest in the bay, is separated from the shore by , arrow passage with a least depth of 3.2m. Damao Island (10 °50'N., 119°2 '3.), with Micota Island lying close SE, are separated from a ninsula of the mainland by constricted Damao Channel. The channel, encumbered with rocks and islets, has a depth of 9.lm. Cinaran Bay (10o49'N., 119o20'E.), lying at the head ofMalipu Bay, is fronted by a drying mud flat and depths of 5.5m. Anchorage can be taken in the outer part of Malipu Bay, about midway between Chinicaran Island and Malaoton Island, in depths of 11 to 14.6m , mud. Smaller vessels can find more sheltered anchorage E of Chinicaran in a depth of 7 .3m. The E side of the inner strait between Calabuctung Point and Balauan Point (10°52'N., 119 °22'£.), 3 miles SE, is irregular and fronted by many islands, rocks and shoals. The inner strait channel leads W and SW of the islands. Tacbolo Island (10°53'N., 119° 19'E.), thickly wooded and partly cultivated, lies in the entrance of the strait. Wedge Head is the prominent bluff on the NW extremity of the island. The two small Calabuctung islands lie between Wedge Head and Calabuctung Point. Passage Island (10°52'N. , 119°20'E.) forms the SE side of Tacbolo Passage; Tacbolo Island forms the NW side of the passage. The passage is 137m wide and has a depth of 8.7m. A constricted shoal channel separates the E end of Passage Island from the NW side of the peninsula that forms Passage Point (10°52'N., 119°21 'E.). 11.17 Passage Island Bay (10 °53'N., 119°21'E .) is entered between Wedge Head and the Calabuctung Islands. Depths of 9.1 to 18.3m exist in this sheltered bay. A 6.4m coral patch lies 0.2 mile N of Cliff Point, the NE extremity of Passage Island. Shoals lie NE of this patch. There are everal navigable channels between the shoals and islands that are used with local knowledge. Anchorage, sheltered, can be taken near the middle of Passage Island Bay, in depths of 13 to 18m, mud. Directions.-Vessels approaching Malampaya Inner Sound from N steer a course of 159· for Wedge Head (10 °53'N. , 119°19'£.), until theN extremities of the Calabuctung Islands are aligned 105 °. This alignment leads E of Huron Rock (10°54'N. , 119°18'£.), steep-to with a depth of 4.9m. The course is then shaped to passE or W of Palcocotan Island and Durangan Island. When in transit of the channel E of Palcocotan Island, keep on the W side of the channel between Passage Island and Durangan Island, thus avoiding the dangers SW of Pa sage Island. Durangan Island should be passed at least 0.1 mile distant. Pass between Malaoton and lbelbel. An alternate route can be taken by pas ing W of Palcocotan Island and Durangan Island, in mid-channel between Balulu Point and Calonhogon Island, S of Bartoc Island and Gull Rock, and N of Peaked Island. Caution.-Dangers W and SW of Passage Island are best seen on the chart. These dangers include Flat Rock, (10 °52'N., 119°19'E.), above-water, lying on a spit extending about 0.25 mile W of Passage Island. Eniaran Island lies on the same spit. A 4.6m patch lies in the channel 0.15 mile S of Flat Rock. Cansea Rock, drying, and Balolo Rock , above-water, are to be avoided in transit of the channel. Between Passage Point and Balauan Point there are several off-lying islands fringed by rocky shoals. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts of Palawan 11.18 Malampaya Inner Sound (10 °50'N., 119 °23'E.) is entered between Alcade Point (10 °49'N., 119 °2l'E.) and Balauan Point (10°52'N., 119°22'E.) . The shores of the sound are indented by coves and bights that afford shelter to small craft. Several rivers empty into the various bights causing shallow, muddy depths of less than 5.5m in the sound between Cliff Point (10 °48'N., 119 °21'E.) and Rocket Point (10 °52'N., 119 °23'E.), 4 miles NNE. The outer part of Inner Sound has depths of 9.1 to 16.5m. It is free of dangers except for Coloma Rock (10 °50'N., 119 °24'E.), which lies in the middle of the bay, with a depth of 0.6m. Other inshore dangers may be avoided by keeping at least about 0.25 mile off the islands and points . The 10m curve lies close NE of Alcade Point and the 5.5m curve lies about 0.25 mile NE of Cap Rock (10 °48'N., 119 °23'E.). Anchorage for large vessels can be taken anywhere in the outer part of Inner Sound, taking care to avoid the vicinity of Coloma Rock. Many of the bays and coves afford shelter to small craft. A charted restricted area lies about 10 miles offshore, in the approaches to Malampaya Sou nd, and is bound by lines joining the following positions: 10°46'N, 118 °32'E; 10°46'N, 119°04'E; 11 °37'N, 119 °10'E; and 11 °37'N, 118 °5l'E. South Nido Oilfield, consisting of two production platforms, storage vessel, and submarine pipeline lies within this area and is centered 27.5 miles W of Tuluran Island. A radio beacon transmits from the storage vessel and fog signals are sou nded by the SW platform. Cadlao Oilfield also lies within the prohibited area and is centered 30 miles NW of Tuluran Island . This field consists of three production platforms and an SBM, from which lights are shown, connected by submarine pipelines. A storage tanker is permanently moored to the SBM ; a tug is available to assist with berthing. A second lighted SBM ( 11 °20'N., 118 °59'N.) is moored 7 mile s S of the production platforms. West Linapacan Oil Terminal, consist of a production and storage vessel the FPSO II, moored to an SPM by a stem yoke. Lights are shown from the vessel. There is no desnigated anchorage; waiting vessels should lie off about 5 miles W of the terminal. A lighted storage tanker is located in approximately II o49'N, 1197E. Entry is restricted throughout the greater arc of a circle, radius 5 miles, centered from the tanker's position. West Coast-Cape Ross to Northwest Head 11.19 Cape Ross (10 °57'N., 119 °13'E. ), the NW extremity of Capoas Peninsula, is a prominent, steep-to headland. A narrow coral reef fringes the cape, and the 20m curve lies about 0.1 mile offshore. Between Cape Ro ss and Northwest Head , about 55 miles SSW, the coast is indented by many bays which provide sheltered anchorage from NE winds. The 20m curve lies up to 2.5 miles off this sector of the coast, and the 200m curve lie s up to 35 miles offshore. There are numerous isolated shoal patches, with depth s of 4.8 to 16.4m, charted in this area. Pub.162 Between Cape Ross and Emergency Point (10 °46'N., 119° 16'E.), about 11 miles SSE, the coast is rugged, irregular, and is formed by the W side of Capoas Peninsula. The peninsula is formed by mountain ranges with short spurs extending to the coast forming rocky points. Mount Capoas (10 °48'N., 119 °17'E.), a landmark on the peninsula about 9 miles SSE of Cape Ross, has a high and a low sharp nipple on its W shoulder and a considerable landslide on its W face. When seen from the S it appears to be table-topped with steep sides. There is a conspicuous waterfall on the N side of the mountain. Inlulutoc Bay (10 °54'N., 119 °14'E.) is entered between Wreck Head (10°54'N., 119 °13'E.), a bold , rocky head , and Inlulutoc Head, about 1.8 miles SSE . Entrance to the bay may be identified by Saddle Hill (10 °55'N., 119 °14'E. ), 1.5 miles NE of Wreck Head, and Chinongab Peak, about 2 miles farther NE. Chinongab Peak is made prominent by a sharp ridge. The shores of the bay are reported to be fringed by visible coral reefs. Depths of 18.3m existing as far as 0.5 mile offshore contain many dangers. A 12.8m coral patch lies in the center of the bay. Anchorage, in depths of 27 to 29m, mud, can be taken with offshore winds in the entrance to a cove between Anchorage Islet, on the N si de of the bay, and Teodore Point, about 0.5 mile WNW. The bay affords good shelter during the Northeast Monsoon (October to March). Tanghilahan Bay (10 °52'N., 119 °13'E. ) is entered between Inlulutoc Head and Cape Capoas, a bold projecting headland with two peaks located about 1.5 miles SW. The inner part of the bay is encumbered with reefs and shoals. Above-water rocks lie in the S part of the bay which has depths over 18.3m. Enterprise Point (10 °51'N., 119°13'E.), a steep cliffy headland, is the SW prong of Cape Capoas. Between Enterprise Point and Cotteral Point , 3.75 miles SE, the coast is indented by three small open bay s. The shores of the bays are reef-fringed, and are suitable for small craft only. White Islet, 119m high, steep and conical in shape, lies 1.75 miles SE of Enterprise Point; it is connected to the coast on its E side by a drying reef. An islet and an above-water rock lie about 0.5 mile W of White Islet. 11.20 Menapla Cove (10 °49'N., 119 °16'E.), entered between Grave Point and Cotteral Point, 1.5 miles SSE, affords shelter from NE winds. A reef, awash in places , extends 0.5 mile SW from a cliff at the head of the bay. Anchorage, sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon, can be taken in the outer part of the cove, in depths of 9 to 18.3m. Binga Bay is entered between Emergency Point, 3 miles SSE of Cotteral Point, and Binga Point, 3.25 miles SE. The land rises to a height of 188m close NE of Emergency Point. An island lies on a rocky, drying reef, about 1.25 miles E of Emergency Point. The island lies inside the 20m curve. Anchorage, sheltered from NE winds, can be taken about 2 miles E of Emergency Point, in depths of 13 to 18.3m, mud. S tor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Small vessels anchor, in 7.3m, about 0 .75 mile SE of Binga Point. The village of Tor ties 0.5 mile N f this anchorage. Imuruan Bay (10°40'N. , 119°15'E) is entered between Emergency Point and Pagdanan Point, .25 miles SSW. Amalingat Point ties 16 miles farthe:-SW. The bay is fully exposed to W and NW winds . Binga fuy ties close within the N entrance of this bay. The coast from Emergency Point to 3mga Point is rocky; a sandy beach extends 3 miles farther S. From the S end of the sandy beach, the coast is bold and roc ' from 2.5 miles. The 20m curve lies up to 2 miles off the shl re of Imuruan Bay, but lies as close as 0. 1 mile off Emergenc~ Point and 0.4 mile off Bullock Point. Wedge Island (10°44'N., 119°12'E. 68m high, lies in the entrance to Imuruan Bay, 4.75 miles S -of Emergency Point. A bank, with depths of less than 9m, e~tends 0.1 mile S and E from the island . Bay Islands , comprised of lmuruan I sland , 158m high , and Lampinigan Island, 86m high, are locat(!d 4.25 miles SSE of Emergency Point. A reef extends 0.6 mile E from lmuruan Island, and a channel 0.7 mile wide, wi.h a least depth of 7.3m, lies between this reef and the coastal ref. Coral shoals, with depths of 7.3m an:i 9.1m, lie 0.4 mile SW and 0.4 mile SE, respectively, of Imuruan Island. A narrow channel, with a least dep of 6.7m, separates the two Bay Islands. A point of land, located 4.25 miles f Imuruan Island, rises to a height of 121m about 0.2 mile icl and; a waterfall marks this height. 11.21 Rocky Islet (10°36'N., 119° 9'E.), 15.8m high, lies close off the coast 1 mile SSE of the at ove point. Islet Head is located 1.5 miles SSW :)[ Rocky Islet; it rises to a height of 48m. The coast SSW · Islet Head is heavily wooded. A drying rock lies 0.75 mile SW of kbok Point, about 0.4 mile offshore. Bullock Point (10 °33'N._ 119°1 'E .), a narrow rocky headland, is located 4.75 miles SW of Bokbok Point. A shoal, with a depth of 2.1m, lies about mi~ay between these two points. Below-water rocks lie close oft Bullock Point. Pagdanan Point (10°33'N., 119°1 'E.), 0.75 mile SW of Bullock Point, is the extremity of a r ddish colored peninsula of the mainland, 143m high . An islet 14m high , lies near the outer end of a foul spit which lies 0.4 'le NW from the point. Pagdanan Bay (10°31'N .. 119 °15E.) is entered between Pagdanan Point and Milner Head, the 'ffi extremity of Cacnipa Island; this is a common entrance w· Port Barton. The bay affords shelter from NE winds, but 1th winds from SW to NW, a heavy swell is experienced . The sandy beach lying a the ho d of Pagdanan Bay is fringed by above and below-water refs which extend 1 mile offshore. Double Island, nearly conne::ted to shore at LW, lies near the W end of the reefs . Depths too f at least 18.3m exist in the outer bay. A range of mountains rue to a height of 703m, 4 miles E of the head of the bay. 11.22 Boayan Island (10 °35'N., 1 9°09'E.) is the largest of a group of islands that extend WNW from Pagdanan Point. Boayan is densely wooded and lies in the entrance to Pagdanan Bay, dividing it into two channels. Another group of islands extend NW from Caramatan Point (10 .27'N. , 119 ' ll'E.). Saddle Island, 66m high, lies 0.5 mile SSW of the SW extremity of Boayan Island in the outer entrance to Pagdanan Bay. Royalist Shoal, with a depth of 4.6m, lies 0.8 mile SE of Saddle Island. Isthmus Cone (10 . 31'N., 119°08'E.) , the NW extremity of Albaguen Island, lies on the S side of the outer entrance, 2 miles SSE of Saddle Island. Village Bay (10°34'N., 119.07'E.) indents the W side of Boayan Island. There are depths of 35m in the bay, shoaling to 3.7m near its head. Anchorage, sheltered from N and E winds , can be taken near the middle of the bay in 35m. Anchorage, sheltered from SW winds, may be taken 0.75 mile N of theE extremity of Boayan Island, in a depth of 26m. Niaporay Island (10 . 33'N., 119. 12'E.) lies on foul ground 0.6 mile S of the E extremity of Boayan I land. Niaporay Rock lies 0.6 mile SE of Niaporay Island, and Pagdanan Rock lies about 1 mile ENE of the same island. These rocks have depths of 3.6 and 1.8m. A patch , with a depth of 1.8m, lies 0.5 mile NE of Niaporay Rock. An anchorage, protected from SW winds, may be taken in the outer part of Pagdanan Bay, in depths of 29 to 33m, mud, 1 mile NNW of Caramatan Point. During NE winds, anchorage may be taken about 2.5 miles S of Pagdanan Point, in a depth of 18.3m. Directions.-Vessels approaching either of the above anchorages should keep the S peak of Saddle Island (10.32'N., 119°07'E.) bearing more than 315 ° until the summit of Catalat Island (10°26'N., 119. 01'E.) is seen between Dalaga Point (Baboy Daraga Point) (10°29'N., 119 .05'E.) and the S extremity of Cacnipa Island (10 . 30'N., 119. 04'E.) , bearing 231 • in order to clear Royalist Shoal. Port Barton (10 .28'N. , 119.08'E.) is entered SW of Albaguen Island, which lies between Pagdanan Bay and Port Barton. Albaguen Island, 192m high, has a prominent reddishcolored stripe on its NW side. From this island the NE side of Port Barton is formed by foul ground, which extends 3.5 miles SE to Caramatan Point. Cacnipa Island (10°30'N., 119o04'E.) , bold and steep with a double summit, lies off the NW side of the entrance to Port Barton. The SE end of the island is separated from the NW end of the rocky headland between Port Barton and Mayday Bay by a channel 0 .5 mile wide. Passage Reef, with above-water rocks, lies in the middle of this channel. Anchorage in Queens Bay, Port Barton, protected from the Southwest Monsoon, can be taken 2 miles SSW of Albaguen Island in 37m, stiff mud. Anchorage, sheltered from NE winds, may be taken about 3 miles SSE of the above anchorage, in a depth of 22m, mud. Care must be taken to avoid the reefs at the head of Port Barton. 11.23 Mayday Bay (10. 27'N., 119.03'E.) is entered between the N extremity of Catalat Island and Dalaga Point, 4.75 miles NE. Cacbolo Island, 150m high, lies 0.75 mile NW of Catalat Island, in the entrance to the bay. Cacbolo Island has bold, steep cliffs along its N and W sides. A reef, awash, lies close off the NE end of the island. Catalat Island is connected to the mainland to the S by a narrow, foul ridge. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Two above-water rocks stand on thi s ridge. The E side of Mayday Bay i protected by Dalaga Penin sula , a continuation of Mayday Range. Conical Head, one of several steep and rugged headlands forming the shores of the bay, divides the head of the bay into two small , sandy bays; the SW one is named Santa Cruz Bay. Watering Bay (10"25'N. , 119"02'E.) is located 1.75 miles SW of Conical Head . Anchorage, which is sheltered except during NW winds, can be taken in the S part of Santa Cruz Bay, in depths of 18 to 27m, soft mud. Good anchorage is also available off the entrance to Watering Bay, in a depth of 35m. Crater Shoal (11 "01 'N. , 118"50'E.), with depths from 8.7 to 18.3m, lies with its E extremity about 21 miles WNW of Cape Ros s. Several patches, with depths of 5.8 to 11m, lie within 5 miles E and SE of Crater Shoal. Detached shoals, mostly steep-to and with depths of 8.5 to 18.3m, extend 35 miles NE from the N end of Crater Shoal. The shallowest patch lies 23 miles WNW of Libro Point (11"25'N. , 119"29'E.). The outermost shoals lie within the 200m curve which trends 26 to 30 miles offshore. Capoas Cluster (10 "55'N., 118"53'E.) , a group of coral reefs and shoals, with depths of 6.9 to 16.5m, lies 5 to 19 miles NNE of Crescent Reef. Several shoal , with depths of 5.5 to 11m, lie within 5 miles E of Capoas Clu ster. 11.24 Crescent Reef (10 "40'N., 118"43 'E.) lies about 23 mile s NW of Amalingat Point (10"25'N., 118"59'E.), a bold , steep headland . The reef is a narrow, steep-to strip of coral about 0.75 mile long, with a least depth of 7.3m . Numerous shoals and reefs , with depths of 5 to 11m, lie near the 200m curve as it trends N and S , respectively, of Crater, Capoas and Crescent Shoals. Amalingat Point (10 "25'N. , 118"59 'E.), a steep bold headland 334m high , is located 1.5 miles SW of Catalat Island. A rock lies close off the point and a reef, awash, lies 0.1 mile W of the rock. Peaked Point (10"22'N. , 118"58'E.), located 3 miles SW of Amalingat Point, is cliffy and is formed by a range terminating in a 383m high peak. A detached rock, 31m high , lies close off the point. Jibboom Bay (10"20'N., 118"58'E.) i entered between Peaked Point and Long Point, located 3.75 miles S. Bay Island is the largest and farthest W island of a group of islands that lie in the entrance of the bay. Underwater ledges connect this island with theE island in the group. Foul ground , with above and below-water rocks and reefs , fill the bights on either side of Long Point, and in a heavy swell the sea breaks over an 8.5m patch lying 0.3 mile W of the point. The inner parts of two coves forming the NE part of Jibboom Bay are completely foul. A small sandy bay is formed between Long Point and a point 1.75 miles NE. Vessels occasionally call here to load timber from Caruray, which is situated 1 mile inland. Anchorage, exposed to the Southwest Monsoon , can be taken 2.5 miles ENE of Bay Island , in a depth of 18m, mud . Greater protection may be obtained in the cove close NE. Anchorage can also be taken off Caruray in depths of 7 to 15m, gray sand and mud , in an area about 0.5 mile in extent. Pub.l62 11.25 Cliff Head (10"18'N., 118 "56'E.), a long wooded promontory terminating in a steep cliff, with Panganakan Point located 1 mile SW, separate Jibboom Bay from St. Paul Bay. A small bay, with depths of 7.3 to 10.9m, lies between Panganakan Point and Paodat Point, which is located 1.25 miles S. Stripe Peak (10"12'N. , 119"02'E. ) rises to a height of 1,470m, 7 miles SE of Paodat Point; it has a distinct drop off to N from its summit. Another inland landmark is Mount Saint Paul, which lies 6.25 miles SSW from Paodat Point. St. Paul Bay (10"14'N. , 118"54'E.) is entered between Paodat Point (10"16'N., 118 "56'E.) and Capoas Point, 5 miles SW. The S shore of the bay is bold , but E and N of Capoas Point, the shores are sandy with several low, rocky points. Depths of more than 15m exist in the outer part of St. Paul Bay; within the charted 20m curve , which trends up to 2 miles offshore, there are many rocks , reefs and shoals. St. Paul Rock, off Paodat Point, and a tower-shaped rock, 3 miles S, are prominent. Vessels calling at Sabaog (10"12'N. , 118"54'E.) , in theSE part of St. Paul Bay, can anchor, in depths of 15 to 17m, sand and coral, about 1. 7 5 miles SW of Paodat Point. This anchorage gives protection from the Southwest Monsoon , but there is no protection from NW winds. Piedras Point (10"11'N. , 118 "48'E.) , a bluff, rocky promontory, lies 3.25 miles WSW of Capoas Point; steep ridges extend SSE from the point. 11.26 Ulugan Bay (10"07'N. , 118 "48'E .) is approached between Piedras Point and Northwest Head, 4.25 miles SSW. The coast in the vicinity of Broken Head (10"07'N., 118"49'E.), 4 miles S of Piedras Point, theE entrance point of the bay, is composed of reddish-brown cliffs. Cleopatra Needle (10"07'N ., 119"00'E.), a prominent, sharp peak, is the farthest SE of four conspicuous peaks which form a good landmark. Black Rock i s the outermost and largest of a group of rocks extending 137m offshore, 1.5 miles S of Piedras Point. Watering Bay (10"09'N ., 118"49'E.), a slight indentation in the shoreline, is entered between Black Rock and Bentoan Point, 1 mileS. With offshore winds, temporary anchorage can be taken in the bay, in 11m, 1 mile or more offshore. Camungyan Island (10"09'N. , 118"46'E.) is the largest of two islets, along with an above-water rock, which lie 1.25 miles N of Northwest Head . A ledge, with depths less than 6m, extends from the islets almost to Northwest Head. A light is shown from the Islets. Rita Island, a narrow island steep-to on its E side , lies on the W side of Ulugan Bay, 2 miles SSE of Northwest Head . TheN part of the channel between the island and mainland is foul, the S part has a least depth of 18.3m. The W side of Ulugan Bay is high , broken by three inlets. The horeline is rocky, steep , and cliffy. Several small rivers flow through mangroves and empty into the head of the bay. Channels lead into the rivers, so that small craft with local knowledge at HW, can reach some inland villages. The farthest N inlet of the three inlets has a ch annel 11m deep leading towards its head. TheE side of Ulugan Bay, S of Dalrymple Point (10"07'N. , 118"49'E.) , is low and covered with mangroves. From S :or 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Dalrymple Point S to Good Point, 5 rru::.e; SSW, depths of less than 5.5m exist on the foul rocky gro lying as far as 0.75 mile offshore. 11.27 Oyster Inlet (10 "04'N., 118" -'E.), on the W side of Ulugan Bay, is entered W of the S en Rita Island. Depths decrease from 35m in the entrance to 5m 0.5 mile from its head . Anchorage can be taken 0.25 mile S Rita Island during the Southwest Monsoon, in depths of 37 stiff mud. A better anchorage is available in Oyster Inlet u the N entrance point aligned 071 · with Tidepole Point (10 N., 118"47'E.). Directions.-Vessels approaching gan Bay from the N can identify the entrance by the valle. etween Mount Peel (10.00'N., 118 "43'E.) and the high d SW of Cleopatra Needle. The low land at the head of e bay is invisible until fairly close to Piedras Point. The 11.<:1 patch lying 3.5 miles N of Piedras Point should be avoided. When approaching the bay from the ..., endeavor to be in a position about 35 miles 269" fro Northwest Head at daybreak. From this position, vessels a. identify the entrance of the bay at considerable distance ty Mount St. Paul and Cleopatra Needle on its N side and M t Peel on its S side. Care must be exercised to avoid the lm and 9.lm patches lying about 29 miles W of orthwe;t Head; the reefs and shoals extending 37 miles SW from ~escent Reef; Duhme Shoals (10 "06'N. , 118. 3l'E. ), and Shoal (10"13'N. , 118 . 26'E.). If bound for Ulugan Bay, or for any m rbor N of it on the W side of Palawan, do not approach th r: Jast within a depth of 183m S of the parallel of 10.07'N. When entering Ulugan Bay vessels sh.::mld pass about 1 mile N and E of Camungyan Island and 0..... nile E of Rita Island. 11.28 Northwest Head (10.08'N., I 1 .46'E.) is the end of a bold and precipitous promontory th21 forms the W side of Ulugan Bay. The bead rises about 0.25 mile inlm:.od to Northwest Hill and a high rock stands on the N extremity Ethe head. Prominent landmarks along this 111ft tainous coast include Mount Peel (lO"OO'N., 118"43'E.), a kl and rocky peak with sharp ridges and deep ravines extendin~from its N and W sides. Karsoglan Hill (10. 02'N., 118" E .), near the coast, is angular and connected to Mount Peel a low ridge. MountAiry (9.57'N.,l18"4 1'E.), -twinsumrnits, tands on a low ridge connecting Mount Peel with Mount Herschel (9. 55'N., 118. 38'E.). Mount Beaufort (9.50'N., 118" ~'E.), the northernmost peak of a mountain range extending to tie head of Ulugan Bay, has a depression in its dome-shaped so:nmit. Thumb Peak (9.48'N., 118.36'El. with a dome-shaped summit, is prominent. Mount Stavely (9. 44'N., 118. 33'E .vith a pinnacle summit rising from the center of its table top s the so uthernmost peak of three remarkable peaks. Anepahan Peaks (9. 37'I\., ll8L7E.) are two peaks of equal height with the N peak the sh . er of the two. Several round-topped hills, standing on sl -g terrain between the peaks and Long Point (9. 39'N ., 118 :.. 'E .), are usually visible when mountains and peaks are hidde2:. Ll clouds. A high range of prominent mountains extend from the SW side of Ulugan Bay to a position about 12 miles ENE of Long Point. The rocky coast to Table (Tagpasek) Point is formed of cliffs rising high close inland. Table Point (10. 00'N., 118. 39'E.) is a conical hill with a detached rock lying close off it. There is a conspic ous square patch on a hill side about halfway between Northwest Head and Escabrosa Point (10. 04'N., 118.44'E.). Within the 200m curve which lies about 35 miles W of Northwest Head and about 18 miles NW of Hummock Point, there are numerous coral patches with depths of 0.3 to 18.3m. Many of the detached, isolated shoal patches are subject to changes of position through reported observations and without doubt, uncharted dangers exist in the area. Because of the multiplicity of these dangers, no attempt is made to describe them. Vessels are advised to remain outside the 200m curve unless possessed of local knowledge. 11.29 Hen and Chickens Islands (9"58'N., 118"37'E.), a small group of islets and rocks, lie 1.5 miles W of Sprat Point (9"58'N ., 118. 39'E.). The coast from Table Point forms an open bight ending at Bluff Point (9. 55'N ., 118. 36'E.), a spur of Mount Herschel. The coast between Bluff Point and Long Point (9. 39'N., 118. 20'E.) is rocky and backed by high mountains. Penacosa Point (9"46'N., 118. 31'E.) is the site of a pier about 40m long with a depth of 3.4m alongside its outer end. The settlement of Napsahan (Anepahan) is located about 3 miles SW of the pier and close E of a rocky point. Off wooded and rocky Long Point lie North Rock and South Rock (9.42'N., 118. 23'E.) , the former nearly covers at HW, the latter is high and steep-to. There are detached shoal patches , with a least depth of 3.7m, lying as far as 2 miles offshore in the vicinity of Napsahan . From Long Point the coast trends in a SW direction about 35 miles to Hummock Point. The 20m curve lies about 0.2 mile off Long Point and up to 2.5 miles in other places. Isolated depths less than 18.3m lie 10 to 12 miles offshore; their positions may best be see n on the chart. From the impressive Victoria Peaks (9. 22'N., 118. 20'E.), 1,709m high , a range extends 12 miles NE to high land SE of Long Point. Many minor ranges and spurs, divided by densely wooded ravines and gorges, lead to the coast. End Peak, !,357m high, a conspicuous double-tipped peak, rises 7.5 miles SW of Victoria Peak. Cuckold Hill (9. 29'N., 118. 13'E.) , high and prominent, rises close to the coast 13 miles SW of Long Point. West Coast-Northwest Head to Hummock Point 11.30 Apurauan Point (9. 36'N., 118"20'E.), a low bluff 3 mile S of Long Point, forms one entrance point of a small bay. Close within the point is Apurauari, a village. The coast in the vicinity of the point, and as far as 1 mile offshore. is foul. Hamburger Rock, awash, lies 1 mile offshore, 3.25 mile SW of Apurauan Point. Several other dangers lie between this rock and Apurauan Point. Moorsom Point (9. 33'N., 118" 17'E.), located about 4.75 miles SW of Apurauan Point, is a moderately high and Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan prominent headland. There are above and below-water rocks lying up to 1 mile offshore. Peaked Island (9 . 30'N. , 118 . 12'E.) , 6 miles SW of Moorsom Point, lies on a partly drying reef extending E to the coast; the area around the island is foul. Bluff Point is located 5 miles SW of Moorsom Point, and Steep Point lies 4 miles farther SSW. Bahia Honda is entered between Steep Point and Bahia Honda Point (9 . 24'N., 118 . 07'E.), 4.25 miles SW. The bay has depths of 18.3 to 22m, 0.5 mile off the shores. A shoal, with a depth of 3.7m, was reported to lie approximately 2.75 miles NNW of Bahia Honda Point. An isolated patch, with a depth of 0.6m, is charted midway between Steep Point and Bahia Honda Point; other dangers are charted in the area. Local knowledge is required to enter, however, it is reported that Back Cap (9. 17'N., 118. 05'E.), bearing 196·, open of the low land near Bahia Honda Point, leads W of the dangers between Peaked Island and Bahia Honda Point. From Bahia Honda Point the coast trend SSW 4.5 miles to an unnamed point; Double Island (9. 22'N., 118. 05'E.) lies in the bay formed between these points. Palm Island (9 . 23'N., 118. 03'E.) , 30m high, lies off the entrance to the bay, 4.75 miles WSW of Bahia Honda Point. Patelan Island and Tidepole Island lie 1 mile SE and 1.25 miles SSW, respectively, of Palm Island. There are several shoal patches W and NW of Palm Island. Treacherous Bay, formed between the unnamed point and Durudeen Point (9. 18'N., 118 .02'E.), 4.25 miles SW, is fronted by reefs, and encumbered with shoals; it should be avoided. Devils Cap, a prominent yellow cliff, and Back Cap, back the low, densely wooded coast. Bajallanura Island (9. 18'N., 117.59'E.), which is low and flat, lies 3 miles WSW of Durudeen Point. Reefs, which dry in places, fringe the island and extend 0.25 mile N and NW from it. 11.31 Malanut Bay (9 . 17'N., 118. 00'E .), affording shelter to vessels of moderate draft with local knowledge, is entered between Bajallanura Island and Albion Head, 1 mile SW. Albion Head is a bold, sheer, and thickly wooded headland with several high hills. A reef, with depths of less than 1.8m, lies in mid-channel N of Albion Head , and a patch , with a charted depth of 0.6m, lies 1 mile NE of Bajallanura Island. The channel NE of the reef of Albion Head is 0.15 mile wide, with depths of more than 11m. The best time to enter the bay is at LW, when the reef fringing theW side of Bajallanura Island is dry. The N extremity of Albion Head should be given a wide berth. Quezon (9 . 15'N., 11T59'E.), a town, stands at the head of Malanut Bay near the site of Alfonso Xlll, an old military post. There are settlements nearby. A pier, reported in ruins, its outer end drying at LW, is located at Quezon. A light is shown from the shallows, in 1.5m, 0.4 mile N of the jetty. Triple Cima Island (9. 19'N., 11T56'E.), the outer island in the approach to Malanut and akoda Bays, is located 2.75 miles NW of Albion Head. Pub.162 The island has three peaks which rise to 50m. It is fringed by a reef, and depths of less than 5.5m extend 137m from its SE end; a 5.5m patch lies 0.1 mile SSW of the same extremity. Numerous shoals lie in the vicinity of Triple Cima Island, some of which are reported to be steep-to; their positions may best be seen of the chart. Nakoda Island, Mariquit Island, and Maricaban Island extend S from a position about 1 mile S of Triple Cirna Island; Sirinao Island, 85m high, lies with its NW extremity, 0.6 mile NE of Nakoda Island . Nakoda Bay (9 . 17'N. , 11 T57'E.) is formed by the above islands on theN, NW, W, and SW sides and by the peninsula which extends SW from Albion Head. The bay may be entered between Albion Head and Sirinao Island, about 0.9 mile NW. This passage, about 0.1 mile wi e with a least depth of 7 .3m, passes close S of Sirinao Island. The preferred entrance is between Sirinao Island and Nakoda Island; it is 0.4 mile wide with a depth of 12m. An isolated reef, which uncovers , lies 0.4 mile SSE of the N extremity of Nakoda Island. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can anchor 0.2 mile SW of the S extremity of Sirinao Island , in a depth of 7 .3m; it is protected from the Northeast Monsoon. In the Southwest Monsoon , vessels should anchor SE of Nakoda Island , taking care to avoid the reef to the E. West Coast-Hummock Point to Cape Buliluyan 11.32 From Hummock Point W 16'N., 11T54'E.), the coast trends in a general SW direction about 72 miles to Cape Buliluyan, the S extremity of Palawan. The 20m curve lies up to 4.5 miles off parts of this coast and the 200m curve lies up to 18 miles offshore. There are many isolated shoal patches, with depths of 2.7m and less, between the 20m and 200m curve and breakers everywhere. A wooded mountainous range exists near the center of Palawan, terminating about 27 miles N of Cape Buliluyan. Hummock Point rises close inland to Point Hill; it is the farthest N peak of a low range extending 5 miles in a SW direction, terminating in a hill with three summits. A high wooded mound rises from the plain SW of this range; other hills of nearly the same elevation lie between this range and False Sharp Peak. Marantao Island (9 . 16'N., 11 T52'E.), 75m high, lies near the edge of the coastal reef, 1 mile W of Hummock Point. Malapackun Island, located 1.5 miles SW of Maran tao Island , rises to a height of 104m; the island has a tree covered double summit. Malapackun Island was reported to lie 0.75 mile S of its charted position. Isabel Point (9. 10'N., 117. 47'E.) lies 9.5 miles SW of Hummock Point. The coast between these points is low and indented by bays, and are separated by low abrupt points from which drying reefs extend up to 0.4 mile. These bays are mo tly free of reefs , with depths of 3 .7 to 5.5m close to the shore. Caution.-Within the 200m curve, which lies 18 to 20 miles NW of Hummock Point and Isabel Point, there are numerous coral heads , some breaking, and all dangerous to navigation. Sect r 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Ves"els are advised to remain seawar of the 200m curve without local knowledge. Among the dangers off this s etch of coast are Collingswood Shoal (9. 12'N., 117"32 c.), two coral heads with depths of 2.7m and 3.2m. There -many shoals, best seen on charts of the area, lying withi 10 miles N and S of Collingswood Shoal. Scalesby Castle Shoal (9 .05 K, 117"13'E.), steep-to, has a least depth of 5.5m. A chain of shoals., with depths of 6.9 to 11m, extend 20 miles NE from Scale; ty Castle Shoal and close within the 200m curve. Other off-lying shoals are described with related coastal features. 11.33 Tagbuaya Point (9.08'N., 117 46'E.) lies 2.75 miles SSW oflsabel Point. The point is low an:l wooded with a mall coconut grove near its extremity. A reef xtends 0.25 mile from the point; reefs and shoals, with dep le ss than 5.5m, lie within 1.75 miles WNW and ~of _A 1.8m patch lies l mile SW of the point. Tagbuaya Bay is located close S o. Tagbuaya Point; the shores of the bay are heavily wood . Depths in the bay decrease from 15m at the entrance, to sandy beac h at the head. Small vessels with local knowledge can take anchorage in the bay when winds are from theN. Eran Bay (9.06'N., 117"43'E.) is en tered between Tagbuaya Point and Eran Point, 4.75 miles SW. T bay is open to the N and W and is identified by the wedge-5haped and prominent Mount Eran Quoin, which stan ds 3 es SW of Eran Point. There are depth s of 11 to 16.5m in the c:..y, however, there are detached shoals, visible at LW, with depths less than 5.5m. Within Eran Bay there are several s ler bays. In addition to Tagbuaya Bay, which is the farthest bay, are Bonog Bay, Tagnipa Bay, Banisi Bay and Iraan Bay. These bays are separated by low abrupt po ints. Iraan Bay (9"05'N., 11T42'E.) lies l::erween Eran Point and Banisi Point, a low, wooded point abo ut ~ miles SE. This bay lies in the SW part of En Bay. A drying reef extends 1.25 miles N from Banisi Poi nt ut the bay is open N. It affords good anchorage in S winds . Drying coral reefs lie on both sides :lf the bay which has a sandy beach at its head. Depths in the b ) decrease from 14.6m gradually towards the beach. Eran Point (9. 05'N ., 11 7"4l'E.) is lew, narrow, and densely wooded. A drying reef extends 0.5 e offshore from the point; mangroves cover the inner end o fle reef. Between Eran Point and Mapankal ·nt, 12 miles SW, the coast is low and densely wooded, an d s fronted by numerous dangers which lie up to 18 miles offs h e. Reefs, which dry in places, extend up to 0.75 mile offsh . A number of small bays, entered through breaks in these reefs, indent this coast. 11.34 Mantaya Bay (9.05'N., 11T 'E. ) is entered between Eran Point and Mantaya Point. a low, \~ooded point 1.75 miles SSW. Depths decrease from 9m at th ntrance to the sandy beach at the head. Coral hea s, with epth s of less than 9m, extend 2.75 miles N of Mantaya Point. Punta Baja Harbor (9.03'N., 117• E.) (World Port Index No. 59290) is entered between Baja P • t (9.04'N., 117"39'E.) and Tarumpitao Point, located 1 mile A black can buoy, with radar reflector, marks the 5.5m curve, 1 mile NW of Baja Point. The harbor entrance, 137m wide, has depths of 16.5 to 18.3m while there are depths of 7m in the middle of the harbor. Only one small coastal vessel at a time can be accommodated. Only vessels with local knowledge should attempt entry. Kinalang Bay (9. 02'N., 11 T37'E.) is entered between Tarumpitao Point and a point 1 mile SSW. This very small bay affords shelter from W and NE winds. There are extensive shoals, with a least depth of 4.lm, lying 0.75 mile NW of the entrance. The bay has a depth of 14.6m in the entrance and is deep within where there is a pier, with a depth of 1.8m alongside. Tarumpitao Point (9. 03'N., 117. 38'E.) is the site of a Loran Station which is no longer in operation. The buildings and radio masts, the latter painted in red and white and marked by obstruction lights , stand on the point. The cov entrance adjacent to the point is free of dangers as far as two buoys which mark the passage through the reef. Only small vessels with local knowledge should enter the cove and only then during daylight hours and under the most favorable conditions. Anchorage can be taken , in depths of 9 to 11m, in the middle of the cove. Directions.-The following directions have been submitted by a U.S. Coast Guard vessel traversing the inner route between the Loran Station at Talampulan Island and the Loran Station at Tarumpitao Point. This vessel no longer uses Palawan Passage as it is very difficult to take bearings from a position 20 to 30 miles offshore and approach the coast through the reefs with any degree of safety. This is especially so a the summits of the mountains are usually cloud covered. This vessel consistently uses a passage between the offshore reefs and the shore reefs. This passage has been made at night by radar, but it is desirable to arrive off Table Point (lO . OO'N., 118. 39'E.) in order to arrive at Tarumpitao Point before dark. No attempt should be made to enter the cove at Tarumpitao Point at night. Depths of not less than 29m have been found along the inner passage. Vessels depart Talampulan Island on a S course to position 12.03 .2'N, 119. 50.8'E. Then a course of 217" is "teered to a position 11 . 15.2'N, 119 . 14.l'E. The course is changed to 208·, passing abeam of Tapiutan Island (11 . 13'N., 119 . 16'E.), at a distance of 1.75 miles. The island is prominent and makes an excellent radar target. A long straight run on the last-named course with good radar targets for night navigation is available. Mount Capoas is prominent. All the islands and points make good radar targets at night and visual bearings during the day. Mount Peel is a perfect pyramid shape at a great distance. 11.35 Dry Reef (lO . OO'N. , 118 . 36'E.) should be passed at a distance of 2.75 miles . Bluff Point and Shirt Point (9.51'N., 118.34'E.) afford good radar targets. At position 9. 51.7'N, 118. 29.6'E the course should be altered to 224• passing Long Point at a distance of 1.75 miles. South Rock (9 .42'N., 118. 23'E.) is visible and is a radar target. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan At positiOn 9.34.5'N, 11 8. 13.5'E, the course should be altered to 235· . Peaked Island can be used for ranges and bearings. Cuckold Hill is conspicuous and stands in the center of a valley. Palm Island, three pyrarrtid hills , Marantao Island and Malapackun Island afford good bearings and radar ranges, even the small rock inshore of the latter island is conspicuous. Devils Cap and Back Cap are also prorrtinent. Having arrived 4.5 rrtiles WNW of Hummock Point or at position 9. 19.l'N, 11 T50.8'E, the course should be altered to 226. so as to pass abeam of Isabel Point at a dis tance of 2.75 miles to a position 3.5 rrtiles NNW of Eran Point. Mount Eran Quoin , the site of an old air strip, is prominent and appears to rise straig ht up and sloping back at the far side, appearing as a wedge. Shoal water has been sighted in the vicinity of the 2.7, 6.8, and 5m patches . The inshore area between Malapackun Island and Tarumpitao Point is dangerou s and should not be approached closer than 2 miles. When the center of the Loran Station buildings bears 125 · , course should be altered to 130· . On approaching the shore the two buoys marking both sides of the channel entrance will be sighted. Vessel s should steer in between the two buoys, using great caution to avoid the dangers on either side. Malakibay Bay (8. 58'N., 11 T34'E.) is entered between Campong Olay Point, located 5 rrtiles SSW of Tarumpitao Point, and Mapankal Point, 2.5 rrtiles SW. The bay affords shelter for small vessels from SW winds. There are numerous dangers fronting the bay and adjacent coast that lie as far as 18 miles offshore. Drying reefs lie up to 0.75 rrtile seaward. TheW part of the bay is encumbered with shoals; theE part is clear, with depths of 9m decreasing to the shore which is fringed by a drying reef. Mount Landargun and Mount Gantung (8. 58'N., 11 T49'E.) are the two highest mountains in the central range which extends 20 miles NE from Mount Mantalingajan (8.49'N., 117. 49'E.). False Sharp Peak, which may be rrti staken for Sharp Peak, rises clo e inland of Eran Bay. Mount Calibugon (8. 59'N. , 11 T49'E.) is a table-topped mountain with a sharp nipple on its sumrrtit. Waterfall Peak, a bare, rocky shoulder, from which there is usually a waterfall, is located between Fal se Sharp Peak and Mount Gun tung . 11.36 Pampandugang Point (Mapankal Point) (8. 57'N., 117 . 33'E.) is fronted by shoal water to a distance of 1.25 rrtiles; the 20m curve lies 2 rrtiles offshore. Tatub Point lies about 17 rrtiles SSW of Mapankal Point. From Mapankal Point, the coast trends 5.25 miles SSW to Sicud Point (Jervois Point) , at low sa ndy point. A reef which dries at LW spri ngs , extends 0.4 mile WNW from the point. Culasian Bay (8. 52'N., 11T29'E.) is entered between Sicud Point (8.53'N., 11T29'E.) and Bacao Bacao Point, about 2.5 rrtiles SSW. The bay has a sand y beach backed by a wooded plain. The Culasian River discharge s through the reef close E of Bacao Bacao Point. The Conduaga River enters the bay about 1 rrtile NE of the point. Brechtel Shoal (8. 53'N ., 11 T26'E.), with a least depth of 5.5m, lies in the approach to the bay. Numerous reefs, some Pub.162 partly drying, lie between Brechtel Shoal and the bead of the bay. Three high hills rising within 3.5 rrtiles NE and SW of the bay entrance points , as well as one hill within each entrance point, are good landmarks. Anchorage can be taken , in a depth of 7 .3m, 0.5 mile NNW of the entrance to the Conduaga River. Arapitan Point (8. 48'N. , 117. 26'E.), also known as McLean Point, is located 3.75 miles SSW of Bacao Bacao Point. From Arapitan Point the coast trends 1.75 miles SW to Balintang Point; a reef extends up to 0 .5 rrtile offshore between these points. Marasi Bay (8. 46'N., 11T24'E.), charted as Bulaloc Bay, is entered between Balintang Point and Tatub (Pinos) Point, a bluff head 4 miles SW. Dita Dita Island lies about 1 rrtile W of Balintang Point and is joined to the point by a drying reef. Datag Islet and Bucid Islet are two sandstone islets lying on a drying reef, 1 and 1.5 rrtiles ENE, respectively, of Tatub Point. Reefs that are visible extend E and W from these islets. A constricted winding channel, with a least depth of 3.7m, leads between these reefs and the foul ground S. Numerous dangers, best seen on the chart, lie in the approach to Marasi Bay which is encumbered with shoals. A channel, with a least depth of 18.3m, leads 1.5 rrtiles SW of Dita Dita Island and through an opening 0.1 mile wide, in the reef extending WSW from Balintang Point. This opening leads to an excellent anchorage for small vessels, in a reported depth of about 18.3m, ESE of Bucid Islet. Protection from N is afforded by a reef which has some abovewater rocks on it. Between Mapankal Point (8. 57'N ., 11T33'E.) and Tatub Point include Vanguard Shoal (8. 55'N., 11T16'E.), 17 miles WSW of Mapankal Point; Merlin Shoal Patches, 3 rrtiles SSW of Vanguard Shoal , with depths of 3.2 to 11m; and Paragua Ridge (8.57'N., 11Tl2'E.), 4 miles NW of Vanguard Shoal, a narrow, elongated coral ridge with a least depth of 9.1m. An isolated lO.lm patch lies 1.5 rrtiles SW of this ridge. 11.37 From Tatub Point the coast trends SSW 13 rrtiles to Gandan Point (8.34'N., 11T14'E.), which is the cliffy termination of a wooded promontory. Cliff Point (8. 42'N ., 11 T20'E.), marked with a red cliff, lies 3.5 miles SSW of Tatub Point. A hill rises to a height of 102m, 1.25 miles SE of the point. Tagbita Bay (8.41 'N., 11T20'E.) is entered between Cliff Point and Providencia Point, 3 rrtiles SSW; the coast between these points is fringed with drying coral reefs. The bay is fronted by dangerous reefs. Perigee Shoal, lies 3.25 miles SW of Cliff Point and breaks during strong winds. Coloby Shoal, with a charted depth of 5.5m, lies 3.5 rrtiles NW of Cliff Point. Many shoals, with depths of 1.2 to 9.lm and covered with seaweed, lie in the approach to Tagbita Bay. In the bay there are depths of 13 to 15m . Anchorage, protected from the Northeast Monsoon, can be taken, in a depth of 14.6m, SW of Cliff Point. Latud Point (8. 38'N., 117. 16'E. ) lies 2.25 miles SW of Providencia Point. The coast between these points is fringed by a drying reef which extends up to 0.6 rrtile offshore. Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Simagup Bay, its entrance almos t losed by reefs, lies between Latud Point and Siacle Point, mile SW. Siacle Point may be identified by wooded hills aiXi and by asteep cliff. Above and below-water shoals extend both points. Canipan Bay, fronted by a drying reef and encumbered with shoals, is entered between Siacle Point d Gandan Point, the end of a cliffy promontory. At HW, 1 vessels transit the river emptying into the head of the bay. There are several dangers lying off coast between Tatub Point and Cape Buliluyan; these shoals named from N to S. Northeast Antelope Shoal (8"46'!\.. 117" 14'E.), steep-to, with a least depth of 3m, lies 8 miles V\J'..,-w of Tatub Point. Antelope Shoal, an extensive area of oals and coral heads , with a least depth of 2.7m, is located r: ose SW of Northeast Antelope Shoal. Breaker Reef (8 "41'N., 11T09'E.). with a least charted depth of l.Sm, is about 0.3 mile in aient; it lies 8.5 miles WNW of Providencia Point. North Re ent Shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, lies 5 miles SW of Breaker ef, and Herefordshire Shoal lies 5 miles farther SW. South Regent Shoal (8"32' ., 11T ,_,E.), 9 miles WSW of Gandan Point, has a depth of 2.7m an reaks. Breakers form on a shoal area with a charted depth f 3.7m, 3 miles NE of South Regent Shoal. Kamonga Shoal, with a depth of 3.7 lies 3.5 miles ESE of South Regent Shoal. Shall w Sho a 5.5m patch with possibly less depth, lies 3.5 miles S of outh Regent Shoal. A shoal patch, depth unknown, lies 1 mil ~of Shallow Shoal. 11.38 Neritopsis Reef (8<39'N., r: 5"55'E.), approximate position, lies 23 miles W of Providenc · Point. It has a depth of less than 1.8m. Murex Shoal (8"29'N., 116"56'E. ) -s 19 miles WSW of Gandan Point; this position is doub . So far as is known, Murex Shoal is the farthest S of the uter dangers off the W coast of Palawan. From Gandan Point the coast tre:uis SSW 6.5 miles to Reposo Point (8"28'N ., 117"30'E.). e intervening coast is mostly bordered by mangroves and fringed by a steep-to reef, which dries and extends 0.75 Ie seaward in places. From Reposo Point the coast extend& miles farther SSW to Cape Buliluyan. Mount Wangle (8"27'N., 11 T 14'I: 1 rises to a height of 262m, 1.75 miles SE of Reposo Poi n . It is a prominent peak with a small triple summit. Escarpado Peak, 11 miles NNE oTlJount Wangle, reddish colored with a long smooth summit, i.. e highest peak of the Bulanjao Range. Canipan Hill (8 "36'N., 117"18'E.), steep conical hill with two peaks 295m high, lies near the E ide of Sinagup Bay, 9 miles NNE of Mount Wangle; it 1 the most prominent landmark, with the exception of Bul ao Range, on this part of the coast. Reposo Point, which may be identi-d by a sandy beach, is fronted by a drying reef and has s o.als extending 3 miles seaward. Anchorage can be taken about 0.7 • 'le N of the point, in depths of 7.3 to 9.lm. The anchoracre is sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon and the reefs p ide some shelter from the Southwest Monsoon. Capyas Island (8"26'N., 11 T 11 'E.), 21m high, lies on theE side of a reef, 2 miles SSW of Reposo Point. Foul ground and drying reefs lie between the island and the coast, 1 mile E. Under favorable conditions anchorage can be taken about 0 .75 mile E of the island; the approach is through a tortuous channel, and should only be attempted with local knowledge. Cape Buliluyan (8"20'N., 11 T12'E.), the S extremity of Palawan Island, is a low, shelving point fronted by mangroves. The S and E sides of the cape have depths of more than 7m close to, but the W side is fringed by a drying reef which extends up to 0.5 mile offshore, with depths of 11m, mud, close to the edge. There are several coral patches, with depths of 7.3 to 13.7m, between theW side of Cape BuWuyan and the bank extending N from Canimeran Island (8"19'N., 11 T08'E.). Palawan-East Coast 11.39 The E coast of Palawan is indented by several open bays backed by lowland areas ranging from 1 to 6 miles inland. Many small rivers flow down from steep, mountain ranges inl and to the lowlands. The mouths of these rivers are fronted by continually shifting sand bars. Puerto Princesa (9"44'N., 118"44'E.), the principal port on the E coast, is an excellent natural harbor with fertile terrain surrounding it. The approaches to the E coast of Palawan are difficult due to the numerous small islands, reefs, and shoals which lie as far as 20 miles offshore. The mountain peaks, when visible, and the many coastal islands, afford ready marks for navigating the various channels. Winds-Weather.-The Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon each prevail about 5 months of the year in Palawan and vicinity. Interruptions in the monsoons are more frequent in the S part of the island, and the topography may modify the prevailing wind. Along the E coast of Palawan the Northeast Monsoon and the Southwest Monsoon are replaced at sundown by the land breezes which are felt up to 15 miles offshore. This occurs even when the monsoon season is fully developed. The Northeast Monsoon commences in October and is fully established by the early part of November. It continues until April. The direction of the wind is mainly between N and NE. Towards the end of the season it becomes more easterly. The most steady winds occur during January and attain a velocity of 15 knots. The Southwest Monsoon, following a transition period of variable winds and calms, prevails from June to October. Generally speaking the winds of this monsoon are not as steady as those of the Northeast Monsoon. The most steady winds occur in July and August and attain a velocity of 10 to 15 knots. In S Palawan the close of the season of the Southwest Monsoon invariably brings strong and violent winds during the first days of October. A further transition period precedes the onset of the Northeast Monsoon. Squalls and thunderstorms are prevalent during the Southwest Monsoon particularly near the land. Strong and squally SW or W winds (known locally as collas) sometimes blow for 10 days at a time during summer and early autumn. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan These squalls are accompanied by a fine driving rain which has the density of mist in S Palawan. Waterspouts are found between Palawan and the Cuyo Islands and occur in the coastal area N of Tarni Point. Typhoons move from E to W but are not frequent over the greater part of Palawan . The frequency increases with the latitude. Between the parallels of s· to 11 · N, only about 7 percent of the seriou s typhoons are experienced in the Palawan area. Between the parallels of 11 • to 13•30'N, typhoons are more frequent and often more destructive. About 19 percent of the serious typhoons are experienced in this area which includes the N part of Palawan . The main track of the typhoons moves progressively N from February until the middle part of August and then S again until January. This results in typhoons moving W of winter and spring generally striking the Philippines S of the parallel of 15. N . In the N and S parts of Palawan there are two pronounced seasons , the dry season occurring in winter and spring and the wet season occurring in summer and autumn. In the central part of the E coast of Palawan there is no pronounced rainy season. There is a short dry season that lasts from 1 to 3 months . This season sometimes occurs between January and April. Often there is no rain during February and March . Tides-Currents.-Tides are mainly diurnal, HW and LW occurring once a day. However, on a few days in each month there are two HW's and two LW's. At springs, from June to August, the highest tides are about 1.5m above datum. At these times the lowest water is about 0.2m below datum. Lowest tides occur at springs from December to February when the tide may fall nearly 0.5m below datum. The currents off the E coast of Palawan depend chiefly on the force and direction of the prevailing wind . During the Northeast Monsoon the current sets strongly S between Palawan and the Cuyo Islands , the maximum velocity being about 1.5 knots. Because of this current, vessels bound for ports in China are advised to use Palawan Passage . The flood current sets ESE and the ebb current sets WNW in the channel between Linapacan Island and adjacent islands and theN part of Palawan . The maximum rate is 3 knots. Along theN part of the E coast of Palawan , the flood current sets S and the ebb current sets N. The maximum rate is 1.5 knots. The flood current sets SE along the S part of the E coast ofPalawan. The E current entering through Balabac Strait turns NNE well offshore of theE coast of Palawan and spreads itself like a fan over the Sulu Sea in a NE and E direction. It forms the E current between the Cuyo Islands and Panay. This current is reported to meet the flood current from Surigao Strait approximately on the meridian of the Cagayan Islands. This area generally experiences medium to low seas and moderate to low swells from the NE from November to April. The most disturbed sea conditions occur during thi s period because wind velocities are higher than at any other time of the year. From May to October the sea and swell are predominately from the SW. Caution.-Vessels not wishing to communicate with ports on the E coast of Palawan should give the coast a wide berth. Pub.162 Vessels bound for China should use Palawan Passage in preference to the E coast route. The directions given for approaching and entering the various E coast ports are used by the surveying vessels and have been found safe, but they are not intended in any way to lessen the neces sary precautions which are required by good seamanship in navigating through reef-strewn waters . East Coast-Cabuli Point to Flechas Point 11.40 Cabuli Point (11 ·2s'N., 119. 30'E.), the NE extremity of Palawan , is located 1.75 miles ESE of Libro Point, the N extremity of the island. Cabuli Point is a wooded, high headland with steep cliffy shores . From this point the coast trends in a S direction about 63 miles to Flechas Point. In the intervening coast there are numerous coves and bays, with many off-lying islands and danger . Reefs , which bare at LW, are reported to lie up to 0.75 mile offshore. The 20m curve lies up to 8 miles offshore and encompasses several islands and shoal patches . North Hill (11 · 24'N., 119. 30'E.), with a flat summit, rises to a height of 285m just over 1 mile S of Cabuli Point, and a hill 294m high, 1.25 miles W, are both prominent. To the S of these hills lies a ridge rising to a height of 366m. The coast of the promontory is bold , with only two small stretches of mangroves on the E side, the rest is either rock or steep sandy beaches fringed with coral. 11.41 Cabuli Island (11 ·26'N., 119.30'E.) is separated from Cabuli Point by a narrow channel with a charted depth of 10.4m; a rock, awash , lies in the fairway. The island is 139m high, with a flat summit, and is steep-to on all sides. Brother Islands (11 · 24'N., 119. 31'E.), two islets , lie about 0.5 mile apart, with the N islet 1 mile SE of Cabuli Point. The channel between the two islets has a depth of 22m. Shoals lie off the S part of the S islet. Darocotan Island (11 ·22'N., 119.32'E.), 70m high, lies 1 mile offshore, 1.75 miles SSE of Brother Islands. Darocotan Point, a rocky headland rising to 206m , 0.75 mileS of its N extremity, forms the S entrance point to Darocotan Bay. A shoal spit and detached shoal patches lie between the island and NW toward the mainland. Rocks , awash, lie on a foul area extending 1 mile S from the island . Anchorage can be taken , in depths of 14.6m, mud, in midchannel between the W side of Darocotan Island and the village of Tiniguiban , about 1.25 miles WSW. The approach should be made from the NE by passing about 0.5 mile NW and W of the island. A least depth of 9. lm is found in this approach. Darocotan Bay (11 ·21'N. , 119. 32'E.) is fringed by reefs and fronted by shoals. The S part of the bay is foul. There are two islets close N of Darocotan Point and two rocks lying as far as 2.5 miles SE of the point. A rock, awash, lies 4 miles SSE of the same point. From Darocotan Point (11 .2l'N. , 119. 33'E.) the coast trends 8.5 miles S to Imorigue Bay, which is foul , and lies between the NW side of Batas Island and Pal a wan . From the N entrance to Imorigue Bay the coast trends in a general S direction for a distance of 3 miles to Silanga Point. Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan The coast between these points is · 1ted by many islands and dangers. 11.42 East Peak (11 °18'N., 119°3:'E) rises to a height of 525m, 3 miles SSW of Darocotan Po . It is a cone shaped mountain that is prominent from N c.. • E, but not generally visible from W until a considerable d mce offshore. Silanga Peak, 468m, lies 3 miles NNW of Sil g'l Point and Shark Fin Peak, 554m high, lies 5 miles Y.lNW J-3ilanga Peak. A ridge 3 extends 3.5 miles SSW to a sharp sho r 335m high. The islands and dangers lying w n an imaginary line drawn in an ESE direction from the extremity of Cabuli Island to the E end of Barang an Island (1 1"2l'N., 119°43'E.), then in a SSE direction to the E extremity of Dumaran Island, are described with ted coastal features. Vessels not bound for the various b~-or anchorages on the NE coast of Palawan usually pass sea d of these islands and dangers. Linapacan Island (11 °27'N., 119° E.), 13 miles ENE of Cabuli Point, is the largest of an e~e-~sive group of islets, rocks, islands, and reefs lying be~ a:n the NE coast of Palawan and the S end of Culion Islar: . The island has an extremely irregLlar coast which consists almost entirely of a series of bays se1= crated by high steep and salient points. The head of the various ays have sandy beaches backed by mangroves. The island is fU " ~ed and mountainous. Linapacan Strait and the islands and ngers N of Linapacan Island are described beginning in parc:ff ph 10.22. 11.43 North Bay (11 °29'N., 11 >4. 'E.), entered SW of Bulawan Point (11 °31'N., 1I9°49'E.) rte steep-toN extremity of Linapacan Island, has an entrance d cut 2.5 miles wide. The bay, mostly deep with some 10.1 loC 12.8m patches in the middle, is open to NW winds. The he:l.i of the bay is divided into three small coves by two projectin:g points. Vanguardia Islet (11 °32'N., 119CA4-E.), a small, steep-to islet, lies in the immediate approach North and Northwest Bays. The islet is a good landmark. Alerta Rock (11"31'N., 119°45' , lying about midway between the entrances to North and : rthwest Bay, is a good entrance landmark. Above and below-water rocks lie o a bank which extends S and SE to a point on the coast. Seven.. ther off-lying dangers lie off the NW part of Linapacan Islar.d These dangers can be avoided by giving the coast a berth of c·t Jess than 1 mile. Anchorage can be taken, in depth~ 10m and over, in the middle of North Bay. Small craft ancho· II the outer part of three coves at the head of the bay, in depths c1 U to 12.8m, mud. 11.44 Northwest Bay (11 °29'N., 1 9°45'E.), close W of North Bay, has an entrance about 1 n:.iles wide and general depths of 27 to 42m. A small, low is i lying on the E side of the entrance constricts the entrance c nel to a width of about 1 mile. The bay is open to NW winds Sheltered anchorage can be taken · tle E arm of the bay in an area about 0.4 mile wide, where 1 depths are 33 to 35m, mud. Care must be taken to avoid c: rocky spit extending from shore about 0.5 mile SE of the small, low island in the entrance. The coast between Bulawan Point and the NE extremity of the island consists of a series of reef-filled coves. fronted by the 20m curve which trends about 0.2 mile offshore. The E coast, about 8 miles long, terminates at high, bold Sidsid Point (ll o23'N., 119o50'E.). An above-water rock lies about 2 miles NE of the point, and a cluster of similar rocks lie 0.75 mile SW. Patoyo Island (11 o30'N., 119°53'E.), easily recognized by the twin peaks rising near its N end, is the largest of the three islands lying close off the NE end of Linapacan Island. The island is reef-fringed. Maapdit Island and lie Island (11 °29'N. , 119°52'E.), lying close together SW of Patoyo, form a small bay bound E and W by Patoyo and Linapacan Islands. The channel between Patoyo and Maapdit Island is about 0.3 mile wide with a depth of about 35m in the middle. The small bay has an area of 0.2 mile with depths of 12.8 to 16.5m. Anchorage, protected from SW winds, can be taken, in 24 to 31m, in the bay off the town of San Miguel (11 °30'N., 119°52'E.). Moderate tide rips occur E of De Island. Sabino Reef (11 °30'N., 120°00'E.), Bacang Bank, Hidong Island, and Mayokuk Island are all dangers lying within 6 miles of theE side of Patayo Island. The SW side of Linapacan Island is about 9 miles long between its NW end and Sidsid Point (11 °23'N., 119o50'E.), its SE extremity. 11.45 Colaylayan Bay (11 °27'N., 119°44'E.), entered 2 miles SE of the NW extremity of Linapacan Island, is reduced in size by fringing reefs; it affords good anchorage to small vessels, in a depth of 27m. Cagdanao Island (11 °27'N., 119°43'E.), and an islet 0.75 mile W, lie in the entrance of the bay. A deep, clear channel lie between Linapacan and Cagdanao Islands. Gintu Island (11 °25'N., 119°43'E.) lies 1.5 miles S of Cagdanao Island. Gintu is reef-fringed, with an islet lying 0.75 mi le NNW of its N end. Rocks, reefs, and detached shoal patches, best seen on the chart, lie in the channel between Gintu Island and Calibang Island, lying about 3 miles W. South Bay (11 °24'N., 119°47'E.) is entered about I mile SE of Bubulauan Point (I 1"24'N., 119°46'E.), the W entrance point. Depths of over 18.3m exist in the middle of the bay which consists of two arms. The bay is reef-fringed and fronted by dangers including two islands lying close off the E shore. Foul ground extends almost 1 mile W of the E entrance point; Goson Reef, lying 1.25 miles SW of the same point, is an approach danger. Sheltered anchorage can be taken in the outer part of the NE arm of South Bay, where there are depths of 26 to 33m, mud. Base Rock (11 °33'N., 119°39'E.), with two other abovewater rocks, lie up to 6 miles NW of the NW end of Linapacan Island. Malubutglubut Island (II 0 30'N., 119°4I'E.) is separated from Linapacan Island by a deep channel clear of dangers except for a 16.5m, or less, shoal patch. A strong wind-driven current sets through the channel. Three small islands lie on a reef extending 1.75 miles SW from the S end of Malubutglubut. Islets and a high rock lie close-off the SW island. Calibang Island (11 °25'N., 119°39'E.) is the largest island off the W side of Linapacan Island. Emilia Bay indents the N Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan side of the island. Rocks , above and below-water, lie N and as far as about 1.5 miles SE of Cali bang Island. The channel E of the island is obstructed by detached shoal patches. Barangonan Island (11 . 21'N., 119. 42'E.) has a conspicuous double-peaked, barren hill on its SW side. There are high hills on the E and NW sides of the island. A depth of 11m was reported to exist 0.2 mile SW of the SW end of the island. Dado Rock, with Dado Bank, lie 1.5 and 2.5 miles SE of the island. Primo Reef and Benito Shoal lie 10 and 8.5 miles SE and E, respectively, of Barangonan Island. Ubaldo Reef, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 5.5 miles SE of Bagambangan Island (described in paragraph 11.44) and Bera Bank, over which a depth of 12.8m is charted. Bera Bank lies 2 miles W of Ubaldo Reef. These dangers are all steep-to . Tejada Reef (11 . 08'N. , 119 .52'E.) is a small, steep-to shoal 5.5 miles SE of Ubaldo Reef. Filemon Bank, small and detached, lies 6.5 miles SW f Tejada Reef. All of these island s, rocks and reefs are shown on the chart. 11.46 The Dalanganem Islands (10.40'N., 120. 15'E.) consisting of two islands and five islets , are rugged , rising vertically from the sea. They lie on theW side of Cuyo West Pass about midway between the NE coast of Palawan and the Cuyo Islands. Calandagan Island is the S and largest island of the group. Mount Dalanganem, at the S end of the island, is a triple-peaked ridge rising steeply, with its S and E slopes barren, showing large boulders along the lower slopes. The N slope consists of a series of saw-toothed hills. Tudela, a village, stands on a neck of low land connecting the two parts of the island. Nasolot Island and an islet lie close N of Calandagan and appear as a continuation, although separated by a narrow, shallow channel. Maducang Island , lying about 1 mile NNE of Calandagan Island, is separated by a channel 16.5m deep, which provides anchorage under the lee of either island . Anas Islet, Casirahan Island , Cauayan Island, and Cambari Island (10 . 33'N ., 120 . 05'E.) make up the remainder of the Dalanganem Islands. Cauayan Island, rising in sheer cliffs, lies 2 miles NNW of Casirahan. Anchorage can be taken, in 16.5 to 20.1 m, coral and sand, off the NE side of Calandagan Island. Vessels can also anchor, in 7.4 to 9.1 m, on the shoal spit that extends 0.75 mileS of the SW end of the island. These are ope n roadsteads. The coast between these two points is fronted by many islands and dangers. The 20m curve, lying from 1.25 to 5.5 miles offshore, encloses Batas and Maytiguid Islands. The shores , within the curve, are foul. Doc Island (11 . 18'N., 119. 40'E.), 256m high, lies 6.25 miles ESE of Darocotan Point. The island has two distinct ranges of hills, separated by a valley; it is thickly wooded, but there is some cultivated land on the S side . Reefs fringing the island contain rocks and islets off the N and E coast. Detached shoal patches extend off theN extremity of lloc . Munoz Bay indents the NW side of the island and is backed by a mangrove swamp. A 2.1 m shoal lies in the middle of the bay. 11.47 Bagambangan Island (11 . 15'N., 119 .43'E.), 168m high , lies 1.75 mile s SE of lloc Island ; it is wooded and fringed Pub.162 by a narrow reef. A rock, 23m high, lies close NE of the island and a rock 27m high , lies on the fringing reef on the W ide. Cone Rock (11 . 13'N., 119 .42'E.), reddish in color, lies 0.75 mile off the SE side of the island . Little Maosonon Island (11 . 16'N., 119 . 42'E.), 42m high, lies 0.7 mile NW of Bagambangan Island. Maosonon Island , 94m high , partly cultivated, lie s 1 mile SW. Both islands are fringed by reefs, except on the W side, which is steep-to ; foul ground extends off the S side of each island. Binulbulan Island (11 . 15'N ., 119. 38'E.), 2 miles SE of lloc Island, may be identified by three di tinct peaks which reach a height of 20 1m. Reefs and shoals encircle the island and foul ground extends 1 mile SSE from the island. A rocky islet, 47m high, stands on the S extremity of the foul ground, with a 31m islet 0 .5 mile N of the above islet. Deribongan Island (ll. ll'N., 119. 40'E.), lOOm high , is a small, reef-fringed island situated 3.75 miles SE of Binulbulan Island. An islet, 37m high , surround ed by foul ground, lies 1 mile NNE of Deribongan. Batas Island (ll. lO'N., 119 . 35'E. ), 1 mile off Palawan , has two densely wooded peaks; the W one reaches a height of 444m. The island, fringed by reefs , is encircled by many shoals and above and below water rocks. Imorigue Bay, mostly foul, lie s between the NW side of Batas and Palawan. Malonao Rock (11 . 13'N., 119. 35'E.) lies in the bay entrance. lmorigue Island (11 . 10'N., 119. 33'E.), rising vertically, lies midway between Batas and Palawan . Talaotauan Island (1 1. 10'N., 119 . 32'E.), lying close W of Imorigue Island, is separated from Palawan by a tortuous channel, 0.15 mile wide and 9.1 to 12.8m deep, that connects lmorigue Bay with Shark Fin Bay. The channel between Talaotauan and lmorigue Island is 0.1 mile wide and 3.7m deep. Maytiguid Island (11 . 03'N ., 119. 36'E.), 335m high in its S part, lies 2.5 miles S of Batas Island and is separated from Palawan by Tanguingui Channel, whi ch is foul and ha a least width of about 0.1 mile. The shores are fringed with mangroves, except at the various reefs which extend up to 1.25 miles offshore. 11.48 Shark Fin Bay (11 .07'N., 119. 35'E.) is formed by Batas, Maytiguid, and the adjacent coast of Palawan. The bay, 6.5 mile s long and 2.5 miles wide, has an irregular shoreline mostly fringed by mangroves fronted by coral reefs . There are numerous detached reefs and shoals on the N and S sides of the bay which is entered through channels from N, NE, and S. Depths of 14.6 to 37m exist in clear areas leading to the head of the bay, and at least 13m in the comer anchorage area. Oton (ll. 07'N., 119 . 30'E.), a village, is located on the shore W of the anchorage. In the bay, dangers include a detached reef, with several above and below-water rocks nearby, lying 1 mileS of the SW extremity of Batas Island. Two rocks, awash, lie 1 and 1.5 miles SW of the same point with Macuao Islet (11 . 07'N. , 119 . 32'E.) lying 2 miles SW. S or 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Reefs and foul ground extending N ar:.d NE from the islet constrict the channel reach leading to tl:e anchorage. Foul ground and a rock, awash, lie about 1 mile and 2.5 miles N and NNE of the NE end of Maytiguid Island. The fairway leads between these dangers. Miraya Islet (11 °09'N., 119' 38'E.) with attendant rocks, reefs and shoals, lies close to the clunnel within the NE entrance to the bay. Maalequequen Island (11 olO'N., 1 So 39'E.) lies at the NE entrance and close E of the channeL '::'he area between the island and Cagdanao Island (11 OIO'N. 119°40'E.) is foul. Dinit Island (11 OOl 'N., 119°40'E.) m the S approach to Shark Fin Bay, constricts the channel t a least width of 1 mile. There are numerous islands, roc . shoals, and detached patches, best seen on the chart, ly:ng near the approach channels to Shark Fin Bay. Anchorage can be taken about I mi...e SSW of the S end of Imorigue Island, in depths of 14.6 to 1 .3m, mud, with the SW extremity of Batas Island bearing IO J . Smaller vessels can anchor about 0.7 mile NE f Oton m 7.3m, mud. These anchorages are considered to be the be:.t in this part of Pala wan during the typhoon season. Directions.-Vessels from N sho " pass in mid-channel between Binulbulan Island and Iloc ~s1and and then pass in mid-channel between the 47.3m islet located 1 mile SSE of Binulbulan Island, and the 12.5m parch 1.75 miles E. Then they should pass about 0.7 mile E of ~ E extremity of Batas Island, being careful to avoid the !Orr: patch located 1.7 miles W of Deribongan Island. Miraya Islet, in range 192' with the sharp, double pointed peak showing midway in the mounta:n gap to the S, leads in mid-channel between Batas Island anrl Maalequequen Island. When the N end of the latter islan ears 045", the course should be altered to 225", pa"sing ab t 0.4 mile W of Miraya Islet. When on range, bearing 251 °, be.:ween Miraya Islet and Macuao Island, with the S tangent a:= Batas Island bearing 270°, the course should be altered to a:Dout 248°, keeping theN tangent of Miraya Islet dead astem Vessels are cautioned against getting N of this range because Jf the many dangers on the N side of the bay. When the SW tangent of Imorigu Island bears 340°, steer for it until Malapari (1 1 °09'N., 119 o:B'E.) bears 070°. Then the course should be altered tc 280° for a distance of 0.5 or 0.75 mile to the recommended ar:.chorage. Vessels from S sho uld pass i mid-channel between Dadaliten Island and Binatican lslan . Then they should pass either E or W of the reef that lies 2 Diles SW of Dadaliten Island (11 OOO'N., 119°42'E.). Having cleared this reef, ve se ls s ld alter course so as to pass in mid-channel between Dinit land and the SE end of Maytiguid Island. Then a course of 0 • should be steered until the S tangent of Malotamban Island bears 090°. Then the course should be altered to 315°, ·tn the 444m summit of Batas Island ahead. When Miraya Island bears 045 °, th course should be altered to 260° with Macuao Island ahead. Tlis course should be held until the SW tangent of Imorigue I and bears 340°, then the directions given previously should be : ollowed. 11.49 Taytay Bay (10 °55'N., 119°33'E.) is entered between Negra Point, the S extremity of Maytiguid Island , and Santa Cruz Point (10°49'N., 119°36'E.) 10.5 miles SSW. Nabat Island, 69m high, lies closeS of Negra Point; tide rips form in this area. The bay is cluttered by numerous islands , islets, rocks, and detached shoals. These dangers restrict the navigable channels and are best seen on the chart. Reefs fringe the shore and are fronted by shoals extending up to 2 miles offshore; the shores are mo tly mangrove fringed. A mountain range, with several prominent peaks from 430 to 460m high, extends parallel with the W coast of Taytay Bay, about 2 miles inland. Depths are ample for coastal vessels in the constricted channels leading to anchorages off the local villages, and the town of Taytay (10°50'N., 119°31'E.), which has an old Spanish fort that is prominent, where medical services are available. Silanga Bay (11 °01 'N., 119 °35'E.) is located in theN part of Taytay Bay, and is formed between Maytiguid Island and Silanga Point. The N and E parts of the bay are foul and the W shore is fringed by a drying coral reef. Depths of 22 to 29m exist in the outer part of the bay, clear of a 3.2m shoal patch. Anchorage can be taken in Silanga Bay, about 0.75 mile SE of Silanga, in depths of 18.3 to 22m, mud. Mesecoy Bay, located in the NW ide of Taytay Bay, lies close W of Silanga Point. 11.50 Binatican Island (10 °57'N., 119°43'E.), about 5 miles SE of Negra Point, rises to a height of 174m near its N end, and a height of 101m near its S end. The land between these two heights is low. Apulit Island (10°57'N., 119°37'E.), 5.25 miles W of Binatican Island, is 178m high. Reefs and foul ground extend 0.75 miles W and 1.5 miles E to Royalist Reef, which ha s a least depth of ! .2m. Pabellon Islands, 2.75 miles S of Apulit Island, consists of Elephant Island, 197m high, and Castle Island, 189m high. Dangerous shoals extend 1 mile E from Elephant Island, and dangerous isolated shoals lie 2.5 miles WNW of the same island . One of the dangers in the SE approach to Taytay Bay is Icadambanauan Island (10°49'N., 119°38'E.), about I mile E of Santa Cruz, which has two hills. The hill farthest S rises to a height of 156m. A white rock, 15.2m high, lies 0.25 mile SW of a wooded islet , 91 m high, lying 0.3 mile SE from the island. 11.51 Hart Reef (10 °48'N., 119°52'E.) is a large area of shoal ground extending in a N-S direction with the least depth, a I m patch, lying 13 miles E of the S end of lcadambanauan Island . The approach channel leading to Taytay passes I mile N of the N edge of Hart Reef. There are three detached patches, with a least depth of 4m, lying in the area about 5.5 miles E of the above-named island and SE of the channel. A 3.6m patch lies 2 miles S of the island and 0.5 mile S of the fairway. Directions.-The best channel for entering Taytay Bay leads between Binatican Island and Debangan Island (II 0 01 'N., Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan 119 °44'E.), 3 miles NNE. From a position about 1 mile S of Debangan Island, steer 250° for the S end of Apulit Island. When Nabat Island bears 315 °, change course to 207", with theE tangent of Castle Island (10 °53'N., 119 o37'E.) ahead. When the S tangent of Apulit Island bears 270°, change course to 233 °, passing between Apulit and Elephant Islands, and continue on course to the anchorage about 1.5 miles E of Taytay Head (10°52'N., 119°30'E.). Vessels approaching from Shark Fin Bay, steer 180° from a position 0.5 mile W of Dinit Island. When the S end of Apulit Island bears 270°, change course to 233 ° for the anchorage off Taytay Head. Vessels bound for the anchorage in the N part of Taytay Bay should pass Dirut Island, as above, and when Nabat Island (10 °59'N., 119 °38'E.) bears 300°, steer 266 ° passing 0.5 mileS of that island for a distance of about 4.7 miles. Pass rilldway between a small island on theN and a rock that bares, 1 rillle S. From between these two dangers steer 256° to the anchorage 0.45 mile S of Talacanen Island (10°58'N., 119°32'E.). On a S approach to this anchorage, a vessel should pass 1 rillle S of Apulit Island and steer for the E end of Talacanen Island on course 297". With the E end of Talacanen ahead, about 0.9 mile distant, change course to 270° and proceed to the anchorage. Vessels entering Taytay Bay from S should steer for the summit of Calabadian Island (1 0°52'N. , 119 o38'E.), 0.75 rillle N of Icadambanauan Island, on a course of 270° which leads N of Hart Reef. When Calabucay Island, about 3.5 miles SSE of lcadambanauan Island , bears 225°, the course should be altered to that bearing until the S tangent of lcadambanauan bears 271 °. The course should be altered to 254° and held until the W tangent of lcadambanauan bears 354°, when a course of 345 ° sho uld be steered. When the 335m peak in the S part of Maytiguid Island bears 359°, it should be steered for on that bearing. This course leads midway between the W extrerillty of Icadambanauan Island and an isolated shoal patch, with a depth of 0.3m, 0.7 mile NE of Santa Cruz Point. When theN tangent of lcadambanauan Island bears 091 o, the course should be altered to 315" for about 1.5 rillles and then altered to 275 ° for about 3.5 miles to the anchorage. Caution should be used to keep N of a line joiillng Taytay Head with the S end of Caladian Island in making the irutial approach to the anchorage. Vessels can take anchorage, in depths of 33 to 37m, mud, with Taytay Head (10°52'N., 119°30'E.) bearing 273 °, and the fort at Taytay bearing 211 °. 11.52 From Santa Cruz to Esfuerzo Point (10°31'N., 119°43'E.), about 19 rillles SSE, the general trend of the coast is SSE. The coast is indented by several inlets and bays and is fronted by small islands, detached shoals, and reefs. High, wooded mountains lie close to mangrove lined shores on this coast. The several salient points are rocky. Limbangan Point (1 0 °44'N., 119 °36'E.) lies 5.25 miles S of Santa Cruz Point; there are three shallow coves formed between these points. Foul ground, with depths of 0.3m , lie up to 1 rillle offshore. Pub.162 Calauag Bay (10 °42'N., 119"36'E.) is entered between Limbangan Point and Pangkang Point, 3.25 miles SE . Bay Point (10°40'N., 119 ° 40'E. ), 2.7 5 rillles SE of Pangkang Point, is the E extremity of a rugged peninsula that forms the S side of the bay entrance. Local know ledge is necessary to enter the bay because of the many dangers. Depths of 11 to 29m exi t in the narrow channel leading to the head of the bay. Foul ground extends nearly 1 mile N and 1.25 rillles NE from Pangkang Point, close to the entrance channel. Ibobor Island (10 °43'N., 119°38'E.), rising to a height of 183m, lies on foul ground in the entrance to Calauag Bay, about 1.2 rillles N of Pangkang Point. The entrance channel, S of the island , is about 0.2 rillle between the foul ground. Cagdanao Island lies 0.5 mile N of lbobor ; foul ground lies between these islands . A dangerous coral reef, with a depth of 0.3m, lies 0.5 mile NE of Cagdanao. The channel from Taytay Bay passes between the island and reef and then SE, changing course to a W direction to pass S of lbobor Island to the anchorage in Calauag Bay. Anchorage can be taken in the SW part of Calauag Bay, midway between Tomandang Island and Babarocon Island, in depths of 11 to 12.8m, mud. Local knowledge is required to enter the bay. Paly Island (10°42'N., 119 °42'E.) , 186m high, is located 3 miles ENE of Pangkang Point. The outer slopes of the island are steep-to and sparsely wooded. The coast is rocky, with stretches of sand, shingle or boulders. Shoals lieN, E, and S of the island. TheW side of the island is steep-to except for a 0.9m shoal lying 1.25 miles from theN extrerillty. From Bay Point to Esfuerzo Point (10°31'N., 119 °43'E.), 9 rillles SSE, the coast is indented by numerous coves and is fronted by shoal water. Isolated shoal patches, which may be seen on the chart, lie off thi s coast. 11.53 The coast between Esfuerzo Point and Flechas Point (10"22'N., 119o34'E.), 12.5 rillles SW, is fronted by numerous shoals and reefs which lie up to 8 rillles offshore. Densely wooded mountains, with well defined peaks, lie along the coast in the vicinity of Flechas Point. Drake Peak (10"30'N., 119°37'E.), 384m high, rises 5.75 miles W of Esfuerzo Point. Mount Baring, 626m high, and Mount Ilian, 661m high, lie 2.5 and 3.75 miles NNW, respectively, from Flechas Point. Dumaran Island (10 o30'N., 119o50'E.) is a large irregularly shaped hilly island, 206m high, separated from Esfuerzo Point by Dumaran Channel. The island has no conspicuous features; the hills are mostly 75 to 150m high. The coast is mainly fringed with mangroves, with drying reefs on nearly all sides. Numerous dangers lie between Dumaran Island and the coast of Palawan, with some of the rocks and reefs which bare at LW. A shoal, with a depth of 4.8m, the position of which is doubtful, has been reported 4.5 miles SE of Calasag Point on the S side of the island. 11.54 Pirata Head (10°34'N., 120°00'E.) , theE extremity of Dumaran Island, is 72m high and wooded. A drying reef ctor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan extends 1 mile SSE from the point to Mru-aquit Island, and 11.5 miles WNW to North Point. North Point (10 "39'N., 119"50'E. the N extremity of Dumaran Island, is prominent and teroi!ates in a white cliff. The point is steep-to on its N and \\ 'des and affords good protection in the Northeast :\ionsoc . but shoals and foul ground extend 3.5 miles ENE -om it E face. The NW side of the island from !' n:h Point to Dumaran Point (10"31'N., 119"45'E.), 9.25 rTL ""' s SSW, is fronted by numerous islets, reefs, and rocky shoal The area N and NW of North Pc." , as far as Cacbucao Island, about 2.5 miles N, and Paly :rimd, 8 miles WNW, is also filled with dangerous shoals and reefs, which may best be seen on the chart. Navigable chan 15 lead through these dangers. 11.55 Cotad Island (10"32'N'., 1~ ' 1'E.), 105m high, is separated from Maraquit Island by anne! 0.4 mile wide between the shoals lying off each isla Cambari Island lies 4 miles E::'lffi of otad. Cambari Island is 70m high and has bare overhanging c iif:s on its W side. Langoy Island (10"30'N., 120"00'E ), lOOm high, is marked by a light on its summit. Mantulal: I land is located about midway between Langoy and Cotad ·, a..1.ds. There are two shoal patches betwe n Cotad and Mantulali, with depths of 2.lm and 5.5m. The c nel between Mantulali and Langoy is clear of dangers. Cynthia Bay (10"33'N., 119"59"-.) is entered SW of Maraquit Island. Its shores are fri~ed by mangroves and drying coral shoals extending offshor= Baliog Point (10 "32'N., 119 ' 59'K) the S entrance point. Araceli, a town on Araceli Point, a dispensary with a physician. The town, located 1.25 miles SW of Pirata Head, is nearly obscured by coconut trees. Araceli Point (10"33'N., 119"59'E ) a low bluff, is the E entrance point of Araceli Bay which es NW of town . Araceli Reef, with a depth of 0.5m, lies 0.5 e E of Baliog Point and is marked by a red conical buoy. A drying reef, on which lie large lders and a prominent rock at its S extremity, extends 0.5 n::ile S of town and forms protection to the anchorage. The reruins of a stranded wreck lies 0.25 mile W of the rock. Araceli Bay, NW of to'Wn, is a :r--basin that forms an excellent typhoon anchorage for smal essels, in depths of 3.7 to 5.5m. The channel leading to the Mb sin has a least depth of 3.7m. At Araceli a jetty extends from tlr shore to the edge of the reef. Anchorage can be taken, in depthc 7.3 to 9.lm, mud, in a S basin about 0.5 mile SW of Araceli P:Jint. Vessels are recommended to .mproach the anchorage between Langoy and Mant !ali lsi s and then pass W of Araceli Reef. The conspic ous ro k, S of Araceli Point, aligned with tuft on a hill 3 miles in! , bearing 346", leads W of the reef. 11.56 Bacaran Bay (10"3l'N., "56'E.), Langcan Bay (10"3l'N., 119"55'E.) and Calasag ay (10"28'N., 119"53'E.) are adjoining bays separated by bl u t. wooded promontories. The shores of the bays are generally lined by mangroves and fronted by above and below-water coral reefs. The inner or N part of the bays are foul and filled with mud flats. There are depths of 5.5 to 12.8m in the middle and outer areas of the bays. Several sunken dangers, coral heads, and pinnacle rocks, with depths of 2 to 5.5m, lie up to 3 miles offshore in the approaches. There are several towns, the largest Bohol (10 "29'N., 119"53'E.), located on the various shores of the three bays. Langcan Point (10 "3l'N., 119"55'E.) is a prominent landmark. In Langcan Bay, there is anchorage SW of Dagsauay, a village, in a depth of 5.5m, mud. In Calasag Bay there is anchorage NNE of Calasag Point, in depths of about 7.3 to 9.lm. These anchorages are sheltered from the Northeast Monsoon. From Calasag Point the S coast of Dumaran Island trends WSW about 6 miles to Piyaui Point (10"27'N., 119"46'E.), the SW extremity of the island. Between Calasag Point (10 "28'N., 119"52'E.) and Maranog Point (10"27'N., 119"48'E.) the shore is very densely wooded, high, and fringed with several coral reefs. Dangerous shoals lie up to 1.5 miles offshore. Sharp Hill (10"27'N., 119"50'E.), standing close to shore, is a prominent landmark for vessels approaching from the S. A shoal, with a depth of 4.8m, the position of which is doubtful, has been reported 4.5 miles SE of Calasag Point. From Maranog Point to Pivaui Point, the coast is low, sandy, and reef-fringed. Detached reefs lie up to 2 miles off the latter point. A large shoal area, with a least depth of 3.3m, lies over 3 miles S and SSW of Sharp Hill. Dumaran Point (10"3l'N., 119"45'E.), 4.75 miles NNW of Piyaui Point, is theW extremity of Dumaran Island. The coast to Dumaran (10"32'N., 119"46'E.), a village, is fringed with mangroves fronted by coral reef, bare at LW. A foul , small bay is formed between Dumaran and Dumaran Point. Anchorage, with local knowledge, can be taken in 5.5 to 7.3m, mud, in the bay but the approach is difficult. 11.57 Dumaran Channel (10"30'N., 119 "44'E.), between Dumaran Island and Esfuerzo Point, is much contracted by reefs, rocks, and shoals. Numerous dangers lie in theN and S approaches to the channel and there are several islets and reefs in the N entrance of the channel. There are deep, unmarked channels leading between these dangers. A channel from E, leading to the approach channels to Calauag Bay and Dumaran Channel, passes S of the dangers between Paly Island and North Point. However, there is a detached reef, with a least depth of2.7m, on the S side of the channel about 2.7 miles SE of Paly Island. Another dangerous reef, with a least depth of 0.6m, lies 1.5 miles SE of Bay Point (10"40'N., 119"40'E.). Mayabacan Island, Central Island, Bivouac Island, North Channel Island, South Channel Island, Capsalon Island, Maruyogruyog Island, and South Island all lie in the N entrance of Dumaran Channel . All these islands are encircled by reefs and foul ground which may be navigated with local knowledge. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts of Palawan Capayas (10"28'N., 119 "39'E.), situated on the coast 5 miles SW of Esfuerzo Point, has buildings that are conspicuous from offshore; above and below-water reefs lie over 1 mile off the town. Capayas Reef, a large area that dries, lies 1 to 3 miles ESE of town. Alvina Reef lies 1.25 miles S of Capayas Reef. Anchorage can be taken in mid-channel between Capayas and Capayas Reef, depth of 11 to 12.8m, mud. East Coast-Flechas Point to Maasin Point 11.58 From Flechas Point, theE coast of Palawan trends in a SW direction about 77 miles to Maasin Point. Green Island Bay and Puerto Princesa, the most important port on thi s coast, are situated on this coast. Steep-to shoals lie up to 20 miles offshore. Flechas Point (10.22'N., 119"34'E.), a steep bare point, is the termination of a spur from Mount Baring. From S and SE the point appears to merge into higher mountains inland and is not prominent. The coast W of the point consists of rocky, steep bluffs. Bay Peak (10"23'N., 119"31'E.), 547m high, rises 3.5 miles W of Flechas Point. The coast between Flechas Point and Bold Point (10"02'N., 119"08'E.) is regular, with sandy stretches interspersed by river mouths. There are several villages. A sharp, conical hill located almost 2 miles NW of Rizal (10"14'N., 119"15'E.) is an excellent landmark as is a conical peak, wooded and with a small knob on its W side, rising 10.5 miles W of Bay Peak. Roxas, a town close within Barbacan Point (10"19'N., 119"21'E.), has an airstrip 1.25 miles NNE of the same point. Copra and cattle are exported via inter-island vessels. Caramay (10"1l'N., 119"14'E.) is a port of call for coastal vessels. Dangers fronting the coast between Flechas Point and Bold Point are best seen on the chart. North Verde Island (10"06'N ., 119 "14'E.) and South Verde Island (10"05'N., 119"14'E.), low and flat, are separated from Palawan by the narrow, tortuou s Pascoe Channel (10"07'N., 119"14'E.) . The N end of the channel is fouled by an extensive above and below-water reef which divides the channel into two passages. The W passage is preferred. The S entrance to the channel lies between the N end of South Verde Island and a reef. The unmarked channel and entrance should not be attempted without local knowledge. 11.59 Green Island Bay (lO "lO'N. , 119 "20'E.), a large open bay of varying depths, contains numerous islands, banks, and shoals. High mountains, obscured by clouds except for their peaks, back the bay. Bold Point, about 32 miles from Flechas Point, forms the SW entrance point of the bay. Under favorable conditions the bottom is visible at 14.6m, but depth changes occur with very little warning. There are many shoals lying as far as 14 miles offshore. The intricate, unmarked inner passages leading to anchorages in Green Island and Honda Bays have least depths of 9.1 m, and should only be used when local knowledge is available. A light is shown in position 10"19.l'N, 119"2l.O'E. Pub.l62 Green Island (10"16'N. , 119"30'E.) and Johnson Island (10"15'N., 119"23'E.), two of the many small islands and islets in the bay, are visible from 6 to 8 mile offshore. The other islets and attendant dangers are best seen on the chart. Many of the islets afford good landmarks for vessels in transit of the channels leading to the various anchorages. Anchorages off the shores of Green Island Bay are partially protected from the sea by the reefs and shoals. Vessels bound for Taradungan (10"22'N., 119"32'E.) and Thmarbong (10"23'N., 119"27'E.) anchor 1 to 2 miles off these villages, in depths of 5.5 to 7.3m. There is good anchorage NW of Shell Island (10"18'N., 119"23'E. ), in 5.5 to 9.1 m, mud. Vessels can anchor, in 5.5 to 7.3m, mud and sand, between Stanlake Island (10 "15'N., 119"20'E.) and Malcampo (10"17'N., 119"17'E.). Vessels bound for Rizal (10 "14'N., 119"15'E.) can ancho,r in 5.5 to 9.1m, about I mile SE of town . Vessels can also anchor, in 5.5 to 11m, mud, between Reinard Island (10"09'N., 119"15'E.) and Caramay, or in 20.lm, between the island and Palawan. There is excellent typhoon anchorage, in 11m, in theN part of Pascoe Channel, W of N Verde Island. Off-lying dangers include Charybdis Shoal (10"02'N., 119"32'E.), a small reef with a least depth of 3.4m, which lies about 18.5 miles ESE of South Verde Island. Constancia Shoal, with a least depth of 3m, lying 7.5 miles SW of Charybdis Shoal; Pasig Shoal, with a depth of 1.8m, lying on the same foul ground as Constancia Shoal, and 5.5 miles SE of that shoal. Pasig Shoal is steep-to on its E side. West Pasig Shoal is isolated, with a least depth of 3.7m, located 4 miles WSW of Constancia Shoal. 11.60 Bold Point (10 "02'N., 119"09'E.), 4 miles SW of South Verde Island, may be identified by Sharp Peak and Dome Peak, each about 915m high, standing from 2 to 2.5 miles N. A bold range of hills backs the coast from Bold Point, which is steep and rocky. In places steep cliffs slope down to the beach. There are several rivers and minor points along this coast. Mangrove Point (10"01'N. , 119"04'E.), 4 .5 miles W of Bold Point, has the only prominent clump of mangroves along this part of the coast. Emmit Point, 0.6 mile WSW of Mangrove Point, is higher, but not conspicuous. Coral reefs extend 0.3 mile from both points; a sheltered cove, suitable for small craft, lies between them. Pasco Point (10 "00'N., 119"01'E. ), 2.75 miles WSW of Emmit Point, is low with a few scattered mangroves. A shoal, with a depth of 1.5m, lies midway between Mangrove and Pasco Points. Panglima Reef (9"56'N., 119"04'E.) , with a depth of 5.5m, lies 4.75 miles SE of Pasco Point. An extensive bank, with a least depth of 1.5m, lies 2.5 miles S of Pasco Point. Tanabag, a small village 1.5 miles W of Pasco Point, is not visible from seaward. A reef, awash, lies 0.75 mile SW of the entrance to the river which flows out by the village. Castillo Point (9"59'N., 118"56'E.), 4.75 miles W of Pasco Point, has a rocky protuberance on the brow of the hill backing it. The hill marks the W end of the coastal range. Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Honda Bay (9"50'N., 118"50'E.) is a large bight between Castillo Point and Bancaobancaon Po· t about 19 miles SW. The N shore of the bay is backed b.v high hills as far as Addison Point, about 8.5 miles WSW cf Castillo Point; low hills back the remainder of the bay. There are numerous islands, banks, ~oals and reefs , with navigable channels between them, in the bay and up to 10 miles offshore. The N shore of the b3.o1 consists of sand and coral beaches , while its head and W stures are fringed with mangrove fronted by mud and coral ree-. Tapul Bay (9"56'N., 118"47'E .) .1 d Mangrove Inlet (9"55'N., 118 "45'E.), mostly fo ul, are -anted by numerous dangers. Bush Island lies in the entru ce of Tapul Bay. The entrance channel lies between the is d and a drying reef extending off Addison Point (9' 56'N., 1 18"48'E .). The village of Tapul is located on a river emptying :tto the bay. 11.61 Fondeado Island (9"56'N., 113 55'E.), high and reeffringed, lies at the S end of numerous drying reefs between the island and shore. Detached shoals, best s een on the chart, lie as far as 4 miles E and SE of the island. There are above and below-water reefs off Pasco Point (10"00'N., 119"01'E.), and abo t 4 miles W of Arrecife Island (9"55'N., 118"53'E.), which lies on a dr•I1g reef. Dangerous patches, lying 2.5 and 3 ;rjles SW and S of the island, are close to the approach ~hannels leading to anchorages. The entire area between Atrecife and the shores N, W, and SW is generally foul with several deep channels. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor · 20.lm, mud, with the SE point of Fondeado Island bearing :::!.40" and Pasco Point bearing 012 ". The approach should be ade from the S, with the 936m peak located about 2.5 rnilet of the mouth of the Tinabog River (lO "OO'N., 118"59'E.) ahead on a course of 351 •. When about 2 miles from the · er mouth, the course should be altered to the NNE for the ar::.:~ orage. Vessels with local knowledge can an hor, in 12.8 to 18.3m, S of the entrance of the Tinabog River, 1th the reef awash SW of the entrance bearing 270 ", distant 0.: ;nile. Vessels with local knowledge can c:hor, in 16.5 to 18.3m, sand, in a position about 0.5 mile of the extremity of Fondeado Island, between the island :.nd an extensive drying reef to the NE. Anchorage can also be taken, in about 29m, in a position about 0.5 mile SW of the W e.;:: t:rernity of the island. Vessels with local knowledge can ::oc hor, in 11 to 18.3m, from 1 mile to 1.5 miles S of the mou of the Babuyan River, or they can anchor, in 9.1 or 11m , mud I1 the NE part of Tapul Bay. 11.62 Puerto Princesa (9"44'N., . 18"44'E.) (World Port Index No. 59270), the port city, is situated within the N entrance of the bay on the E side. The bay opens off the S end of Harda Bay and is entered between Bancaobancaon Point and Panagtaran Point, 2 miles S. Puerto Princesa is the capital and .n'liy important port on Palawan Island ; it is a Port f Entry Requests for pilotage, which is compulsory, should be coDI!unicated to the port authority at least 24 hours before arri•a.l . The pilots boarding station is located 0.8 mile SSW of Tid pole Light. The shores of the bay are densely wooded and are backed by a chain of mountains. Several rivers empty into the bay; the lwahig River lies W of Puerto Princesa City. Depths in the approach to Puerto Princesa are charted over 55m, and depths of 20 to 27m are charted off the pierhead at Puerto Princesa City. The entrance to the bay is constricted to 0.8 mile between the reefs on either side. A concrete T-shaped pier extends about 130m NW from the shore close N of Princesa Point; the berthing face i reported to be 192m in length with a depth of 8.2m alongside. Storm signals are shown from a mast at the foot of the pier. Vessels corning alongside this berth should be aware of the two piles located 11Om NE of the pier head . It was reported that two fixed red lights are shown from the top of a water tank standing close NE of the root of the pier. An ore loading installation is located on the N shore, 1.5 miles W of Bancaobancaon Point; it consists of a wooden pier, with a depth of 1.8m alongside its head. 11.63 Gedeon Shoal (9"45'N ., 118"43'E .), with a depth of 0.9m, lies 0.4 mile W of the pier head at Puerto Princesa. A 3.3m shoal lies 0.5 mile WSW of the pier. A 0.9m shoal lies 0.6 mile NW of the pierhead. Foul ground lies NNW of a line passing through this shoal and the entrance to the Iwahig River. A 0.9m shoal reported (1993) 0.6 mile WSW of Tidepole Point. Vinagre Reef, with rocks awash, lies 1.25 miles SSW of Gedeon Shoal. An isolated patch, with a depth of 5.1m, lies outside the 18.3 line 0.5 mile E of the rocks awash. In the approach to Puerto Prince a, Table Head (9"39'N., 118"44'E .), 3 miles SW of Panagtaran Point, is a good coa tal landmark. Mount Beaufort, 11 miles NW of Bancaobancaon Point and Thumb Peak, 2.75 miles SSW of Mount Beaufort, are prominent when not obscured by clouds. Thumb Peak from SE appears as a steep conical mountain with a knob on the summit. The twin spires of the church, 2.5 miles WNW of Bancaobancaon Point, are conspicuous. A light is shown from a concrete tower, 11m high, situated on the point. A wreck lies close SW. The point is fringed with mangroves. These mangroves nearly extend to Tidepole Point, a reddish cliff 6m high , 2 miles WNW. A light is shown on this point from a white, metal framework tower on a white house, 8m high . Vessels can anchor N of the pierhead, in depths from 16 to 18m, mud. It is well protected and is recommended as a good typhoon anchorage. Two anchor berth , A 1 and A2, have been established 0.8 mile Wand 0.75 mile SW ofTidepole Point. Berth A 1 is reported to be for use by vessels of less than 1,000 dwt, in a depth of about 20m, while A2 is for ves els of more than 1,000 dwt , in a depth of about 25m. A quarantine anchorage has been established 1 mile WNW of Tidepole Point. In the approach to Puerto Princesa, vessels should steer to a position about 3 miles SE of the light on Bancaobancaon Point and then steer 304" for the light on Tidepole Point (9"44'N., 118"44'E.). When mid-channel between the entrance points, change course to 290" until the light bears 040 ", when course should be changed to 349 ". When the pier head at Princesa Point bears 079", steer for the inner anchorage as required . Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan It should be noted that in a night approach the lights at Canigaran , 1 mile N of Bancaobancaon Point, are visible long before the lights in Puerto Princesa. From Panagtaran Point (9. 41'N., 118. 46'E.) the coast trends SSW about 3 miles to Table Head, which stands 0.2 mile inland and rises to a height of 167m. Table Head is the termination of a gradually ascending range of hill s extending sw. 11.64 Binunsalian Bay (9. 39'N., 118. 44'E.), entered close N of Table Head , is foul and is exposed to the winds. From the head of the bay, a narrow channel leads to Turtle Bay, which affords excellent Anchorage for small craft with local knowledge, in a depth of 11m. The coast from Table Head to the S is backed by steep ly rising ground as far as Tagbarunis Point (9.34'N., 118. 40'E.), low and covered with mangroves. A conical peak, rising 4.5 miles W of the point, is conspicuous . A widening bank leading S in the vicinity of the point extends 3.5 miles offshore and contains dangerou s shoal patches. Tide rips often mark the edge of the banlc Off Inagauan (9.33'N., 118. 39'E.), a coastal village backed by a plain and fronted by a sandy beach , there is anchorage, in 9.1m, mud . When approaching this anchorage from E, care must be taken to avoid the shoals , with de pths from 5.5 to 9m, which lie on a spit extending 3 miles SSE from the mouth of the Inagawan River. East Coast-Maasin Point to Cape Buliluyan 11.65 The general trend of the coast, from Maasin Point to Cape Buliluyan , is SW. In places the coa t between the points is low and fringed with mangroves. Numerous drying reefs lie within the 20m curve and there are many isolated patches outside the curve with least depths of 0.9m. Inner passages leading to the various anchorages along this coast have depths of over 9.lm, however, local knowledge is required to transit these unmarked , intricate passages. The flood current sets SE along thi s coast. The E current entering through Balabac Strait turns NNE well off this coast and spreads fanlike over the Sulu Sea in a NE and E direction . Maasin Point (9. 30'N., 118. 38'E.) is low and covered with mangroves; a drying reef fringes the point. The coast between the two points is also low and fringed with mangroves. Numerous dry reefs and shoals lie within the 20m curve which lies 1 to 3 miles offshore. A 4.9m patch lies 2.25 miles SE of Maasin Point. Village Bay, entered between Maasin Point and Puntog Islands , 1 mile SSW, is encumbered with coral reefs making it unsafe to enter. Puntog Islands are two small mangrove islands lying close offshore on the coastal bank. A reef, which dries at low water, extends 0.6 mile SSE from the islands. Malanao Island (9.27'N., 118. 37'E.) is a flat island covered with mangroves that are 21m high ; it lies 1 mile S of Puntog Islands. The channel between Malanao and Palawan is foul and intricate; it lies between many drying reefs. The channel Pub.162 should only be attempted by small vessels with local knowledge. Anchorage may be taken off the SW side of Malanao, with Cutter Point (9. 27'N., 118. 35'E.), on Palawan, bearing 270 · , 0.9 mile di stant, in 6.7m, mud . The Aborlan River flows out either side of an island , 1.5 miles SW of Cutter Point. The N mouth is deeper and boats can cross the bar which has a depth of 0.9m at half-tide, and reach the wharf at Aborlan, about 1 mile within the entrance. The usual commercial anchorage is off the mouth of the river, in depths of 7 to 9m, mud and sand. 11.66 Calver Point (9.21 'N., 118. 32'E.), marked by a light, a double pronged promontory, lies 3.75 miles SW of the Aborlan River. Lola Bay lies between the extremities of the promontory; it has a light yellow sandy beach which is a usefu l mark for approaching the anchorage near the point. Sombrero Island (9. 22'N., 118 ' 35'E.), a sa nd cay lying on a reef 2.5 miles E of Calver Point, is 36m high to the top of the trees. Several drying reefs lie W of a line joining the island with Malanao Island, 3.5 miles NNE. Anchorage can be taken, in 9.1 to 14.6m, between Sombrero Island and Calver Point. Small vessels with local knowledge can find protection from the Southwest Monsoon by anchoring, in 7.5m, mud, NNE of the point. Vessels can approach these anchorages by steering 27T with the previously-mentioned light yellow beach In Lola Bay ahead. This course leads S of the reef fringing Sombrero Island, betwee n it and a 0.9m patch located 1 mile SSW of the island . A bank of sand and coral, with a least charted depth of 6.1m, extends 11 miles S from a po sition 3.25 miles E of Malanao Island. A 7.9m patch lies 2 miles S of Sombrero Island and a 10.1m patc h lies 3.5 miles SE of the same island. Apoapuraguan Point (9. 20'N., 118 . 31'E.), located 2 miles SSW of Calver Point, is low, covered with mangroves , and has low coral cliffs on its S si de. The Malasgao River, navigable by boats for 2 miles, di sc harges 1.5 miles SW of the point. Native Point (9 . 17'N., 118 . 29'E.), 1.25 miles SSW of the Malasgao River, is low, heavily wooded, and fringed by a reef. Arena Island, 19.8m high to the top of the trees , lies on theW part of a reef, 2.5 miles SSE of Native Point. Two 9.4m patches lie 4.5 and 6 miles NE, respectively, of Arena Island. From Native Point the coast trends nearly 3 miles SW to Panaca Point and then 2.25 miles farther SSW to Casuarina Point (9. 15'N., 118. 25'E.), which is low and fringed by mangroves. A sand spit extends 0.3 mile E of Casuarina Point, and Rasa Island , mangrove swamps on a coral reef, lies the same distance E of the spit. Rasa Island blends in with the coastline and is difficult to identify from the offing. Between the island and mainland W is Mantaquin Bay, affording anchorage and containing several very small island with adjacent detached coral heads. The 20m curve closely skirts Rasa Island to the E and continues NE to Sombrero Island . There are numerous, dangerou s shoal patches lying in the vicinity of Rasa Island, Arena Island (9. 15'N., 118 . 30'E.), and Se or 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan the 20m curve. These dangers, as we 1 as off-lying shoals, many of them marked by tide rips, are be st seen on the chart. 11.67 Island Bay (9"05'N ., 118°1QIE) indents the coast between Bivouac Point (9" 11 'N., 118 °::1 E.) and Nariz Point (8°53'N., 118 °00'E.). The coast betwe Casuarina Point and Bivouac Point is low and has several sa beaches. Numerous islets, reefs, and dangero shoals lie in the bay and its approach. Mountains back the shores of the t:ay as far as Pescado Point (8°57'N., 118°02'E.), then the co a.. 1plain extends up to 6.5 miles inland. The 20m curve lies 2 miles offshore tween Bivouac Point and Relief Point (9 °10'N., 118. 13'E.) . Separation Point, 4.5 miles WSW of Relief Point, is marked ty an old blockhouse. The coast to lngiaran Point (9"03' , 118°06'E.) is fringed by mangroves and fronted by many isl::OOs, shoals , and reefs. Crawford Cove, with the town of Labo cr :tt its head , is entered between Ingiaran Point and Scott Poi (9"02'N., 118 °05'E.). The coast between Scott Point and jz Point is low and intersected by several small rivers emp ng into coves. Dangers in the form of islets, reefs, a shoals lie as far as 17 miles off the shores of Island Bay. :'here are unmarked, intricate channels leading between these dangers and those inshore. Uncharted dangers may exist, so at even with local knowledge, extreme caution is adv~ d in the bay area. Numerous shoal s, best seen on the ch lie E, S, and SSW of Bivouac Point. Altnacraig Shoal (9"00'N., 118°20'E 1 with a least depth of 0.9m, is marked by tide rips and dis klred water. An 8.2m patch and an 8.8m patch lie 5 miles · and 3.5 miles NW, respectively, of Altnacraig Shoal. A d~erous wreck lies 1.5 miles SW of Altnacraig Shoal. Marabout Shoal (8"57'N., 118°19'E J , lying 3 miles SSW of Altnacraig Shoal, has a least depth of 5.2m. Tagalinog Island (8°53'N., 118 ° 1:'E.), reef-fringed, lies about 5 miles SW of Marabout Shoal. Barracuda Reef (8°54'N., 118°07'E ), with a least depth of 5.5m, and Talakitok Reef (9°00'N., 1 U · 10'E.), with a depth of 4m, are other inshore dangers. A chain af low, flat , reef-bound islets extend SW between Relief Point r d Ingiaran Point. Nariz Point (8"53'N., 118' 00'E.), aw and covered with mangroves, is located 10 miles SSW Jf Scott Point; it has a smal l hill behind it. A small bay, wh 1 offers anchorage to small craft with local knowledge, is erect 1 mile N of the point. The coast SW of Nariz Point is low and heavily wooded. The coast farther SW to Iglesia Poi nt, about.~miles distant, is also low, densely wooded and indented by any open bights. The coast is bordered by a reef, and shoal _xtend nearly 2 miles offshore. 11.68 Filantropia Point (8°51'N., LT56'E.), 5 miles SW of Nariz Point, is fringed by a reef 'ch extends 0.4 mile offshore. Sir John Brooke Point (8°46'N., 1J 7°50'E.), marked by a light shown from a pole on the SE si e of a blockhouse, is a low inconspicuous point loc ated 7 · ~s SW of Filantropia Point. Addison Peak, rises to a height of 1,024m, 5.5 miles WNW of Sir John Brooke Point; it is usually clear of clouds and makes a good landmark on approaching the point and adjacent bay. Brooke's Point, a growing settlement located 0.5 mile NW of Sir John Brooke Point, had a stone pier with a reported depth of 1.2m off its outer end. A concrete pier, close N of the light, dries alongside. A red-roofed warehouse is conspicuous when approaching from S. There is a radio station and coastal vessels call regularly to the point. There are medical services. Anchorage can be taken SW of the town in lpolote Bay (8°46'N., 11T49'E.), where there are depths of 5.5 to 9.lm, mud . The bay affords shelter from N and NE winds. On entering the bay, avoid the coral reef extending about 0.3 mile S and SW of the point. Dougal Point (8 °4l'N., 11T43'E.) i located about 9 miles SW of Sir John Brooke Point. The intervening shore is low and fronted with san d and swamp. Segyam Islands (8°39'N., 11 T38'E.) are two large clumps of mangroves, 0.5 mile apart, lying on the coastal reef. Several rocks, awash, lie 0.5 mile off the islands. The best pas sage along this part of Palawan is close to the coastal reef inside the many shoals lying about 3 miles offs hore, but is only to be used by vessels with local knowledge. San Antonio Bay (8 °38'N., 11 T35'E.) is entered between Segyam Islands and Sarap Point, 8 miles SW. The approach to the bay is encumbered with numerous reefs and shoals , but the inner part, NW of a line from Segyam Islands to the mouth of the lwahig River, is comparatively free from dangers. Discolored water from several rivers which flow into the bay make these dangers difficult to distinguish. Reefs and shoals on the W shore of the bay dry at LW for a distance of 1 mile. Bonobono, on theN shore, is the most important settlement. Dangers fronting San Antonio Bay include Huevo Shoals (8°37'N., 11 T40'E.), with a least charted depth of 1.8m, located 2.25 miles SSE of Segyam Islands; Gull Reef, which dries and is steep-to on its SE side, lies 3.5 miles E of Sarap Point ; Egg Reef, which has a small sand cay on it, lies 1.75 miles NNE of Gull Reef, and Pirate Island (8°33'N., 11 T33'E.) lies 1.5 miles offshore, SE of Sarap Point. There is an anchorage sheltered from SW winds for smal l vessels with local knowledge, N of Pirate Island, in a depth of 27m, mud. Unless bound for San Antonio Bay, do not close this part of the coast nearer than 8 miles , as local knowledge is essential for safe navigation among the numerous coral shoals of this region. Iglesia Point (8°30'N., 11 T29'E.), 5.5 miles SSW of Sarap Point, is low and fiat , consisting primarily of mangrove. A flattopped hill close N of the point is a good landmark in this area. The coast from Sarap Point to Iglesia Point is fronted by a coral reef which dries at LW; the reef extends about 1 mile SE from Iglesia Point. 11.69 The coast between the point and cape is slightly indented and densely fringed by mangroves. A narrow, drying reef fronts the coast which is intersected by many rivers . Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan The 20m curve lies from 0.5 to 2 miles offshore; many banks and detached dangers lie as far as 40 miles offshore. The channel between Palawan and Pandanan, connecting Coral Bay with the South China Sea, has depths over 18.3m, but it is unmarked and difficult to transit. Depth s of 18.3m and more exist in Coral Bay, but the approaches from E and NE are mo tly foul. The flood current sets SW at a velocity up to 2 knots in the channel between Pandanan Island and Palawan. Strong tidal currents and tide rips are found in the various channels leading between the islands off the S end of Palawan. Off-lying dangers include Wakefield Shoal (8. 19'N., 11T52'E.), teep-to on its W side, with a lea st depth of 3.6m; the shoal lies 24.5 miles ESE of Iglesia Point. Wright Shoal, a detached steep-to shoal with a least depth of 1.8m, lies 12 miles W of Wakefield Shoal. Argyll Shoal, 4.25 miles WNW of Wright Shoal, has a least charted depth of 4m. Ursula Island (8. 20'N., 11T31'E.) is low, sandy, and densely covered with vines and trees which reach a height of 30m. A reef extends 0.75 mile NE from the island. Dickens Shoal , 4.5 miles SSW of Ursula Island, consists of two detached reefs lying about 0.75 mile apart. The W reef has a least depth of 4.3m and the E reef has a least depth of 6.7m. A depth of 4m was reported to lie about 13 miles SSW of Wakefield Shoal. Additionally, it was more recently reported to have a depth of 4.5m, the position of which lies approximately 12.5 miles SSW of Wakefield Shoal. 11.70 Coral Bay (8. 25'N., 11 T20'E.) lies between the SE end of Palawan and the N shores of Pandanan and Bug uk Islands. The bay is encumbered with innumerable shoals and reefs, the latter frequently having sand cays near their Wedges. These reefs break the swell corning from the Sulu Sea during the Northeast Monsoon, but leave a choppy sea in the bay. The area between Arrecife Island (8. 26'N., 117"26'E.) and the N end of Bugsuk Island is extremely foul. A clear area in the middle of the bay has depths of 18.3 to 33m. It is reported that vessels load bulk ore (nickel silicate) off the Rio Thba (8. 30'N. , 117.26'E.), 3 miles W of Iglesia Point. Loading is carried out from lighters, u ing ship's gear. The anchorage is reported to be about 1.5 miles N of Arrecife Island, in a depth of about 18m. There are two entrance channel into Coral Bay. Vessels from N enter the bay by passing about 1.5 miles N of Arrecife Island, using the sand cays to fix position while in transit. This channel has a general depth of 3 1m. Vessels from the W or S enter the channel S of Cape Buliluyan and between Pandanan Island and Palawan. The channel has depths of 5 1 to 42m. The current sets SW on the flood, with a velocity of 2 knots in this channel. There is a shoal patch of 3.2m and a reef, awash, in about the middle of the channel and a 4.6m patch in the channel about 3.5 miles N of Bowen Island (8 . 2l'N., 117 . 19'E.). All are shown on the chart. Local knowledge is absolutely necessary in transit of this area. Pilotage is compulsory and the pilot is provided from Puerto Princesa, which is required at least 24 hours notice of ETA. Pub.162 The pilot boards from a canoe, about 5 miles NNE of Ursula Island. Anchorage can be taken in the middle of Coral Bay, in depths over 18.3m, mud. There is a good typhoon anchorage in 12.8m, sticky mud, close W of the largest Cabugan Island (8. 24'N., 11Tl6'E.). 11.71 Cape Buliluyan (8. 20'N., 117. 12'E.), the S extremity of Palawan, has depths of 7.3 to 14.6m off its S side. The W side is reef-fringed and partly drying. Between theE side of the cape and the N end of Pandanan there are depths of 51.2 to 54.9m. Pandanan Island (8. 17'N., 117. 13'E.), separated from the SE end of Palawan by a channel about 1 mile wide, is flat and densely wooded. Its shores consist of both mangroves and rocks. Drying reefs almost completely encircle the island. The drying reef, which fringes the S and SW island, extends up to 2.5 miles offshore. Dalahican Island (8. 18'N., llTll'E.), low and sandy, lies 1 mile off the NW side of Pandanan Island on the SE side of a coral reef. A deep channel, clear of dangers in the fairway, runs between these islands. Canimeran Island lies on the S end of a reef, 2.5 miles W of DaJahican Island. Shoal water, with depths of 5.5 to 7m, extends 2.5 miles N from the island. Patongong Island (8 . 17'N., 11TOTE.), lies on the SE side of a coral reef which dries , 1.25 miles SW of Canimeran Island. There is a channel 0.5 mile wide, clear of dangers in the fairway, between these two islands; this channel appears to be the best approach to the channel leading along the NW side of Pandanan Island. Bugsuk Island (8. 15'N. , llT18'E.) is reef-fringed on its W side where it is separated from Pandanan Island by a channel about 0.2 mile wide. Drying reefs and foul ground extend up to 2 miles from the E and SE sides of this low, flat island. Apo, Byan, and Gabung, small islands, lie on reefs off the SW side ofBugsuk. Bancalan Island (8. 14'N., 117"06'E.), a low, wooded island, lies on the N side of North Balabac Strait, 3.5 miles SW of Pandanan Island. A drying reef extends about 1.25 miles W and NW from the W side of the island. Numerous, dangerous shoal patches, shown on the chart, lie between the island, Pandanan Island, and Patongong Island . Patawan Islet, reef-fringed, lies 1.25 miles E of Bancalan. An ll.9m channel leads E of Patawan and then to Patongong Island. Mantangule Island (8. lO'N., 11TlO'E.) is densely wooded and fringed by drying reefs for 1.25 miles off its Sand W sides. Foul ground lies in the vicinity of the island, extending to Byan Island, 0.75 mile E, and to Bancalan Island, 2.25 miles NNW. Malinsono Island is low and densely wooded, and is connected to Mantangule, 1 mile to the S, by a drying reef. 11.72 Canabungan Island (8.07'N., 11 T08'E.) lies 1.5 miles S of Mantangule Island. It is low and wooded, and lies on a drying reef extending NW and SE. Detached shoal patches , lying off the S and SW sides of the reef, are contained within the 40m curve which closely parallels the island . Se jor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan The channel between Pandanan l slanc and Dalahican Island and the Palawan coast is frequented by coasting vessels. It is deep and about 0.7 mile wide. Southeast of Canimeran Isl and it bnaches into two deep channels which permit passage to the S th China Sea. The N channel, with depths of 31m .1nd over, is about 0.2 mile wide between the reefs that fringe animeran Island and Patongong Island. This channel follow s closely along e edge of the reef surrounding the latter island and ap.:>ears to be the best approach to the channel that leads akrlg the NW side of Pandanan Island. The channel S of Patongong Island m ers from the W and follows closely along the edge of the teef that fringes that island and then passes about 0.5 mile E Jf that island. The channel is about 0.3 mile wi d etween the dangers lying off the N coast of Ban alan Isllod and the reef that fringes Patongong Island. It is very dee;> in the fairway, but should be attempted only when the reeL are plainly visible. Vessels with local knowledge can anchor, in 12.8 to 27m, mud and sand, anywhere within the a:-ea between Pandanan Island, Bancalan Island, and Mantangu Island. The channels leading to the anchorages are intricate, with strong tidal currents and rips in them. During rough weather, ves els witt: ocal knowledge can anchor in the S entrance of the channel , -in the channel itself, which leads between Bugsuk and Pandarun Islands. Inter-island vessels, calling at Bugsu to load copra, anchor about 1.7 miles S of the Send of Bugs Island. During the Northeast Monsoon , the best anchorage is SE of Patawan Island, in 16.5 to 24m, taking c e to avoid the shoals E of Bancalan and Patawan Islands. During the Southwest Monsoon, ves scan anchor, in 16.5 to 27m, mud and sand, in a position wth the SE extremity of Patongong Island bearing 000°. distant .75 to 2.5 miles. Directions.-Vessels comi g from e South China Sea should pass well N of the reefs and sh al s that extend 2 miles NW from the NW extremity of Bancal.a..'l Island. A course of 103 °, with the S extremity of Pandamm Island ahead , leads through the entrance channel. When Canimeran Island opens E o Patongong Island the course should be altered to 090° aJd held until the SE extremity of Patongong Island bears l00 °. Then, the course should be altered to 03T, passing out 0.5 mile E of Patongong Island. This course leads into the main channel NW of Pandanan Island. Southbound vessels for the anchor <= s in the vicinity of Patawan Island should alter course to / • when the E tangent of Patongong Island bears 000". This course leads between a 0 .3m reef, located 1 mile S of theSE extremity of Paton gong Island , an j a 8.6m shoal located 0.75 mile SSE of the same extremity. In order to clear these dangers, ve Is should keep the E extremity of Bancalan Islands always of S. Having cleared these dangers, vessels can pass fairly cl ~e W and S of Patawan Island and anchor as convenient. North Balabac Strait-Balabac Island 11.73 North Balabac Strait (8 oll'N., 117o04'E.) is bounded on the NE by Bancalan Island , Matangule Island , and Canabungan Island. Secam Island, Ramos Island, and Candaraman Island form the SW side of the strait. North Balabac Strait has a least navigable width of 1.75 miles, a length of 11 miles , and is clear of dangers in the fairway. The strait has depths of 35 to 110m in the channel and connects South China Sea with the Sulu Sea. Bate Channel, deep and about 1.7 miles wide, connects North Balabac Strait with the waters to the W. The strait is used by inter-island vessels bound for harbors on both coasts of Palawan and by vessels navigating between Palawan Passage and the Sulu Sea. Strong currents exist in the constricted part of North Balabac Strait. Velocity and direction depend to a great extent on the force and direction of the monsoon. The maximum velocity is 2.5 knots. The flood current sets SE through the strait; the ebb, NW. In Bate Channel , the flood and ebb currents set E and W, respectively, with a maximum velocity of 2.5 knots . Strong rips and eddies occur in the strait and channel, especially in the vicinity of Encampment Point (8. 07'N. , 117. 03'E.). Secam Island (8 °10'N., llTOl'E.), on theW side of theN approach to the strait, is low, narrow, and wooded . A drying coral reef fringes the island, and shoal ground, with a least depth of7.3m, extends 2 miles NW. Anchorage, partially sheltered from SW sea and swell, can be taken , in depths of 35 to 37m, sand and coral, about 1 mile N of the island , with the E extremity bearing 180 •. Ramos Island (8 °06'N., llTOl'E.), mostly low with high hill s in the interior, is separated from Secam Island by Bate Channel (8 °09'N., 11TOl'E.), almost 2 miles wide with depths of 46 to 9lm. The NW and SW sides of the island are reeffringed; mangroves fringe the other sides. A 9.lm patch lies 1.25 miles NNW of Encampment Point. Northwest Shoals (8°06'N., 116°56'E.) is an extensive shoal, with depths of 3.7 to 9.1m, lying W of Ramos Island and separated from it by a deep water channel. 11.74 Candaraman Inlet (8 °05'N ., 117°03'E.), tortuous and with a least width of 0.1 mile, separates Ramos and Balabac Islands. Albay Islet, foul ground, and detached shoals lie in the inlet and its entrances which can be used by vessels of 9m draft with local knowledge. Strong tidal currents set E during the flood and W during the ebb. Heavy tide rips and eddies form during spring tides . The dangers within the inlet are visible on a rising tide. Candaraman Island (8 °05'N., 11 T06'E.), low and flat , lies on a steep-to reef at the most constricted part of North Balabac Strait. Caxisigan Island (8 . 05'N., 11 T04'E.), lying between Candaraman and the SE end of Ramos Island, is encircled by shoals, but deep , constricted channels lie between Caxisigan and the islands of Ramos and Candaraman. Anchorage.-Anchorage can be taken in sheltered Candaraman Inlet, E or W of Albay Islet (8 °05'N. , 11 T02'E.), where the depths are 7.3 to 12.8m, mud. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Ramos Anchorage, an inlet formed by a break in the reef on the NW side of the island, has an entrance channel at least 91 m wide at its head, with depths of 11 to 21.9m. Small vessels anchor about 0.5 mile offshore in 7.3 to 11m, sand. Larger vessels can anchor, in 12.8m, about 0.75 mile from shore and in mid-channel. This anchorage is used by vessels loading lumber. Directions.-From a position about 8 miles NNW of Secam Island steer a course of 142° which leads mid-channel between Secarn Island, Bancalan Island, Canabungan Island, and Candararnan Island. 11.75 Balabac Island (T57'N., 117 °01'E.), lying 17 miles SSW of Cape Buliluyan, is thickly wooded. High hills stand in the N part of the island and there are several ranges of hills in the S part. Steepfall Range has several high table-topped hills with steep sides, rising to a height of 294m. Balabac Peak, charted as 408m but reported to be 569m, lies 8.75 miles S of theN extremity of the island. It was reported to be a good radar target at 36 miles. The island was reported to give good radar returns at 21 miles distant. A weak current flows S and close inshore along the E coast of Balabac. The tidal currents off the W and SW sides of the island follow the general trend of the reef edges at a rate of 1 to 1.5 knots. The ebb setting SW and W off Cape Melville and NW and N along the edges of the reefs creates tide rips and confused seas when opposing a N breeze. TheN coast of Balabac lies between Padre Point (8°04'N., 11TOO'E.) and Andreyro Point, 4 miles ENE; the coast is lined by mangroves. Sanz Island (8°04'N., llTOl'E.) lies in theW entrance to Candaraman Inlet, close N of Padre Point. Albay Islet lies in the same inlet about 1.7 miles ENE of Sanz Island. 11.76 Andreyro Point (8 °05'N., 117o04'E.) is the NE extremity of Balabac Island. From this point of the island the coast trends 10.5 miles SSE, then about 7 miles SSW to Cape Melville, the S extremity of the island. There are few indentations along this coast, which is fairly steep-to. Andreyro Point and the E extremity of the island are fringed by reefs. A small bay i formed about 3.75 miles S of Andreyro Point; it is about 0.3 mile wide in the entrance, but the channel is reduced to about 137m by drying reefs which extend from both entrance points. The shores are bordered with mangroves and backed by wooded hills. Small vessels may anchor in the NW corner of the bay, in a depth of 16m, mud. Calandorang Bay (8°00'N., 117 . 04'E.) is entered between Sarmiento Point and Espina Point, about 1 mile farther S. This bay is separated from the small bay described above by a peninsula formed by high hills. A light is shown on Espina Point and a conspicuous white fuel tank stands 0.2 mile S of the light. Reefs extend 0.1 mile off the S shore of the bay and off Espina Point. A mooring buoy is laid about 0.2 mile W of the lighthouse. There is a depth of at least 5.5m in the bay, with an entrance 0.4 mile wide and 37m deep. 11.77 Balabac (T59'N., 11T04'E.) (World Port Index No. 59280), Balabac is a small town located on the S shore of Pub.l62 Calandorang Bay. There is a stone pier in ruins, but there is a loading T-head conveyor pier for the export of copper ore. Pilings, set out as an extension of the pierhead, allow for 122m of berthage. Mooring buoys beyond the lines of pilings are used to secure the vessel. The depth alongside the T-head and pilings is 7.6 to 9.1m at MLW. A maximum draft of 7.6m is allowed. Vessels must first proceed to Batangas for Customs clearance and the embarking of a coastal pilot. It is a port of call for inter-island trade. The dal range is about 1.3m. A 150m long rock causeway extending N from shore has a stair landing and depths of about 3m alongside. There is a radio station in town. Anchorage.-Vessels can anchor, in 14.6m, mud, with Espina Point bearing 109 °, distant about 0.25 mile, sheltered from the Southwest Monsoon. During the Northeast Monsoon, better protection is afforded in the N part of the bay. Vessels can also anchor NE of the pier, in 7.3 to 14.6m, mud. Directions.-Balabac Harbor is an easy access. Vessels should come to a position with the light structure bearing 240· , distant 0.4 mile, and steer a mid-channel course of 270 ° through the entrance. When the light structure bears 159 °, the course should be altered to 233 ° heading for the bluff W of the town. Vessels are cautioned to proceed slowly as the depths decrease sharply when within the 20m curve. When the light structure bears 109°, vessels can anchor, in 14.6m, mud. Smaller vessels can come closer in and anchor according to draft. 11.78 Espina Point (T59'N., 117°04'E.), marked by a light, is dominated by a hill 32m high. From this point the coast trends SSE 5.5 miles to the N entrance point to Dalawan Bay. Dalawan Bay is entered between Minigas Point (T54'N., 11 TOS'E.) and Timbangan Point, 1 mile SSW. The entrance points are fringed with mangroves and the shores are densely wooded. The bay may be identified by the low land extending WNW, separating the high land in the vicinity of Balabac Peak from Transept Hill, a conspicuous hill 2.25 miles W of Timbangan Point. Depths of 33m in the entrance shoal gradually to the head of the bay. Reefs, partly drying, extend 0.25 mile from the entrance points. A rock, bare at LW, marks the S edge of the reef off theN entrance point. A least depth of 0.9m exist on the reef extending from the S point. Anchorage can be taken in the middle of the bay, 0.5 mile from its head, in a depth of 16.5m, mud. Clarendon Bay (T49'N., 11T01'E.), 5.25 miles SSW of Timbangan Point, is entered between Inanacule Point, the N entrance point, and Barong Barong Point, about 0.3 mile S. There are depths of 7.3 to 11m, mud, in the bay. The entrance channel is about 45m wide between the reefs on either side. A T-shaped stone jetty at the NW corner of the bay is used for landing supplies for Cape Melville Light. Anchorage by small vessels can be taken, in 8.2 to 9.lm, mud, about 0.5 mile NNW of Barong Barong Point. Cape Melville (7.48'N., 11TOO'E.), the S extremity of Balabac Island, is fringed by a drying reef that extends 0.5 mile Se tor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Cape Meliviile Ligllt offshore. Numerous detached shoal pat::hes of less than 6.4m are enclosed by the 9.lm curve trending about 1 mile offshore. Tide rips are prevalent seaward. A light rands 1.5 miles NW of the cape extremity. Cape Melville is a ~ood radar target from 17 miles distant. From Cape Melville, the W coast of B:alabac trends 9.5 miles NNW to Ligas Point (T56'N.. 116.56'£.), then 7 miles NNE to Martinez Point, the NW extremity of e island. The W coast is low and mostly f-l nged with mangrove swamps. It is fronted by many detacherl dangers which lie at least 8 miles offshore. Vessels should eep outside the 91 m curve when navigating off this coast. Southwestern Bank, with a least coarted depth of 4.9m, located 4.5 miles WSW of the light on :=ape Melville, extends in a ESE to WNW direction for a distance of 8 miles. Tide rips may be seen on thi s bank. 11.79 GnatReef(T51'N., 116. 58'E alargeareaofdrying reef with a sand cay in its center, lies .....75 miles NW of Cape Melville Light. Balabac Great Reefs, which dry, lie ith their S extremity 5 miles WNW of Cape Melville Light. T · s reef extends 8 miles Nand lies 1.25 miles W of Ligas Point -ear its center. Western Shoals (T58'N., 116.50'E ), with a least charted depth of 4.9m, sand and coral, lie with .e least depth 5.5 miles WNW of Ligas Point. These shoal s : arallel Balabac Great Reefs at a distance of 3.5 miles. A deep passage lies between Weste:n Shoals and Balabac Great Reefs, but there are several shoa_ with depths of 4.9 to 9.4m in it. This passage should not be erupted without local knowledge. A detached bank, with a depth of 12.8m, lies 9 miles WSW of Ligas Point. A similar bank, with a depth of 14.6m, lies 9.25 miles WNW of the same point. Ada Reef (8 .02'N., 116. 55'E.), which dries, lies 3 miles WSW of Martinez Point. Foul ground, with below-water rocks and drying rocks, lies between the reef and point. Pasig Bay (T51'N., llTOO'E.), a small shallow bay partly filled with mud flats, lies 1.75 miles NNW of Cape Melville light. The bay can be entered by small craft with local knowledge. Ligas Point, the prominent W extremity of Balabac, lies 6.75 miles NNW of Pasig Bay. There is a channel between Gnat Reef and Balabac Reefs which leads to an anchorage 1.75 miles SSW of Liga Point. A channel also lies between Ligas Point and Balabac Great Reefs. No vessel without local knowledge should use these channels. After heavy rains the reefs are hard to see because of water discoloration. Catagupan Bay (T58'N., 116. 57'E.) indents the coast between Ligas Point and Sigumay Point, 3.75 miles NNE. The bay, fouled by detached reefs and shoals, can be entered by channels from W and S, but local knowledge is es entia!. TheW approach leads 0.75 mileS of Ada Reef, through a break in the reef 1.25 miles W of Sigumay Point. Sharp Peak (T54'N., 116. 59'E.) is a good landmark. The tidal currents are fairly strong throughout the entire coastal reef area. Caution is essential, especially after rainfall, when reef visibility is poor. 11.80 Martinez Point (8.03'N., 116. 58'E.), 3.5 miles NNE of Sigumay Point, was reported to be a good radar target at 35 miles distant. A spit, which has many rocks awash and belowwater, extends 2.25 miles N from the point, and a rock 9.1m high, lies 0.2 mile N from the point. Port Ciego is entered between Martinez Point and Paz Island (8.05'N., 116. 59'E.), 2 miles NNE. The passage into Port Ciego is deep but is constricted by rocks and reefs and is only suitable for small vessels with local knowledge. Padre Point, the W extremity of the N coast, lies 2 miles ENE of Martinez Point. The shores of the bay between these points are fringed with mangroves, and drying reefs extend up to 1.25 miles offshore. Anchorage can be taken about 1 mile S of Sigumay Point (8.00'N., 116.57'E.), in a depth of 14.6m. Vessels may also anchor 2 miles W of the point, in 26m, mud, taking care to avoid the 4.9m patch W of the anchorage. Anchorage can be taken in the entrance of Pasig Bay, protected by Gnat Reef, but open SW, in a depth of 11 to 14.6m. Balabac Strait 11.81 Balabac Strait (T40'N., 11TOO'E.) connects the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea. It is deep and clear of dangers in its W part, but its E part is encumbered with numerous islets, reefs, and dangers. Several navigable channels lead through these dangers; from N to S they are North Channel, Nasubata Channel, Comiran Channel, Lumbucan Channel, Simanahan Channel, Middle Channel, Mangsee Channel, and Main Channel. Pub.162 Sector 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan Winds-Weather.-Between Palawan and Borneo, the Northeast Monsoon prevails from November to March and has the strongest and most consistent wind . Strong winds and heavy rains occur during November and December. The Southwest Monsoon prevails from May to October and is characterized by periodic winds and much rain. Variable winds are experienced during April. The Balabac Strait area is outside the regular typhoon belt; however, in 1932, a severe typhoon caused extensive damage. Tides-Currents.-From December to March, the currents produced by the Northeast Monsoon are constant and set W through Balabac Strait and E from September to November. The currents are variable and often indefinite and depend to a great extent on the wind blowing at the time. During the months of October and November, after a period of W winds, the current was observed to be setting constantly E, slackening only during the period of the W tidal current. During the month of July, after a period of light E and SE winds, the current was observed to be setting W with a mean velocity of 1.75 knots. In North Channel and Na ubata Channel, the currents are strong. This is especially true during the strength of the monsoon when the current and tidal current are combined and sweep through the channels in the general direction of North Balabac Strait. Caution.-Numerous logs, driftwood, roots of palm trees, etc., dangerous to shipping, are found in Balabac Strait and approaches. A depth of 24m was reported to lie in the W approach to Balabac Strait in position (approximate) 7"32. 5'N, 116. 32'E. A reporting sys tem applies to all vessels, including pleasure craft and seaplanes on the water, transiting the area. Vessels should establish contact on VHF channel 16 with Balabac Coast Watch Station, call sign Coast Watch Balabac, when entering or departing Balabac Strait or passing Balabac Island. Vessels should report the following information: 1. Vessel name. 2. Call sign. 3. Course and speed. 4 . Port of registry and nationality. 5. Type of vessel. 6. Type of cargo on board . 7. Port of destination and ETA. 8. Last port of call. 9. Number of crew on board. 10. Master's name. North Channel (8 . 04'N., 117. 14'E.), lying SE of the North Balabac Strait, has a least width of about 4.2 miles between Nasubata Reef and the shoals and reefs extending SE from Canabungan Island. Depths in the channel exceed 46m, however a 9.1m depth, whose position is doubtful, lies 3.5 miles N of Nasubata Islands. During the height of the monsoon season the currents attain a considerable velocity. Nasubata Islands (8 . 01 'N., 11 7" 1O'E.), the farthest N and highest is a cleft rock of sandstone formation 27m high to the top of the trees, lie 5.25 miles E of Sarmiento Point. The islands are located at theN end of Nasubata Reef. Roughton Island lies about 2.75 miles E ofNasubata Islands. The island lies in the NW part of Roughton Reef, which is Pub.162 partly awash at LW. The NE side of the reef is fronted by a bank which extends about 0.6 mile offshore, all other areas are steep-to. The channel between Nasubata and Roughton Reef is deep and clear of charted dangers. Nasubata Channel (7"57'N., 117. 14'E.) is formed between Nasubata Reef and Roughton Reef on theN side, and Comiran Island and associated dangers on the S. This channel, which has depths over 48m, is the recommended channel for vessels in tran sit between the South China and Sulu Seas. Nasubata Channel is 4.5 miles wide between Rou ghton Reef and Comiran Island. Caution must be exercised because at times the tidal stream, when combined with the current, sweeps through the channel in the direction of North Balabac Strait at a considerable rate. Comiran Island (Comiaran Island) (7"55'N., 117"13'E.), marked by a light, lies on the NW side of Corniran Danger Bank, 6.25 mile SSE of Roughton Island. This low, flat island is encircled by coral reef which bares at LW. A shoal, with a depth of 2.4m, lies on Corniran Danger Bank, 0 .8 mile SSW of Corniran Island. A shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 1 mile E of the island. In 1990, it was reported that a least depth of 85m was recorded in a position 2.8 miles N of Comiran Island. 11.82 Comiran Channel (Corniaran Channel) (7"53'N., 117"14'E.) is about 3 miles wide between Corniran Danger Bank and the N edge of Lumbucan Danger Bank. The channel contains numerous scattered shoals of 7.3 to 12.8m. This passage is navigable, but it is not recommended a there are better channels in the vicinity. Lumbucan Island (7"40'N., 117"13'E.) is triangular shaped and is about 30m high; it lies 5 miles S of Corniran Island. The island has been reported to be a good radar target at 15 miles . The island is encircled by reefs and shoal water, with depths of less than 1.8m, that extend about 1.5 miles WSW and N of the island. Several parts of the reef are bare at low water. The dangers in the vicinity of the island are called Lumbucan Danger Bank. These dangers include Northeast Shoal, with a depth of 2.7m, lying 2.5 miles NE of the E extremity of Lumbucan Island ; East Shoal and South Shoal, with depths of 4.6m and 2.3m, lie E and S, respectively, of the island. Lumbucan Channel (7"47'N., 117"15'E.), between Lumbucan Danger Bank on theN, Ellis Shoal and Simanahan Reef on the S, is about 4 miles wide with depths of 11 to 55m. Detached patche of 12.3 to I6.5m lie in mid-channel between Ellis Shoal and Lumbucan Island. Doorly Patches (7 .48'N. , 117 .21'E.), with depths of 11 to 18.3m, are steep-to and lie in the middle of theE entrance to the channel. Ellis Shoal (7"44'N., 117"10'E.) consists of a number of coral heads, with a least depth of 3.2m, lying at the S side of the W entrance to the channel. Simanahan Reef (7"45'N., 117"19'E.), about 5 miles long, lies within the 20m curve. The center of the reef dries at LW over a length of 1.5 miles . At HW, discolored water marks the drying area. Outside this area, depths of less than 5.5m exist on the reef. Simanahan Channel (7"43'N., 117" 19'E.), 8 miles SE of Lumbucan Island, lies between Simanahan Reef and theN part Sedor 11. East and West Coasts ofPalawan of Great Danger Bank; it is 1.5 miles wide and deep in the fairway. To avoid Ellis Shoal , a course o -090°-270° should be steered through this channel. The chance· is seldom used. Great Danger Bank (T37'N., 117~:J'E.) is composed of numerous reefs and shoals; many of = reefs dry. No vessel should approach it closely. 11.83 North Patches (T42'N., 1 G 19'E.), with a least charted depth of 6.4m, lie near the =nd of Great Danger Bank, 9 miles SSE of Lumbucan Island Northwest Shoals, with depths from ;..7 to 5.5m, lie at the NW end of the bank, 2.5 miles SW of T-rth Patches. Middle Shoals lie 4.25 miles S ; North Patches, and Southeast Shoals (T35'N., 11 T25'E.), 6.5 miles SE of Middle Shoals, comprise several coral patches with depths of 3 to 8.2m. A shoal, with a depth of 20.1 m, .re position of which is approximate, Jjes 5 miles NE of South ~t Shoals. A sand cay, the only part of Great D 5er Bank above water, lies close W of Southeast Shoals. Middle Channel (T34'N ., 11T 18'E) separates the Sedge of Great Danger Bank from Mangsee Canger Bank. The channel is about 1 mile wide wi jepths of 29 to 62m in the middle. Ray Bank (T40'N., 11T09'E.), in be NW approach to the channel, has a lea t depth of 5.5m. Mangsee Danger Bank (T33'N., l7°17'E.) lies between Great Danger Bank and Mangsi Gr Reef, about 7 miles SSW. The bank is comprised of Mar.~see Islands, Loxdale Shoal, Jessie Shoal, and Salingsingan :Gand. Loxdale Shoal (T34'N., 1l7°13'E. the farthest W of the dangers located on Mangsee Danger, has a least charted depth of 4m. Salingsingan Island, about 2.25 mile:; E of Loxdale Shoal, is low, flat and wooded. Shoal s and ~ ground encircle the island and a bank, nearly awash in plac3s, extends 1.25 miles W from the island . In 1991 , a shoal (position approxlinat:E) was reported to exist about 2 miles N of the E end of SalingEi ngan Island , lying on theN side of the fairway. Jessie Shoal (T32'N., 11T21'E.), o :he E side of the bank, 3 miles ESE of Salingsingan I land , ha:; a depth of 1.8m. North Mangsee Island (T3 l'N. , r l8'E.), 2 miles S of Salingsingan Island, is 40m high; it · wooded. Reefs and shoal s extend 2.25 miles ESE and 3.2: rrules WNW from the island. South Mangsee Island (T30'N., 11 T18'E.) is low, flat and wooded; it is fringed by a reef. The island lies in the SE part of the bank; it was reported to be a good radar target at 17 miles distant. 11.84 Mangsee Channel (T30'N., 11T 17'E.), separating Mangsi Great Reef and Mangsee Danger Bank, is about 1 mile wide at its narrowest part. The depths in the channel fairway are at least 18.5m. Steep-to reefs Jje on both sides of the channel whlch is considered secondary; it is rarely used by ships. A danger area encompasses Mangsee Channel and Mangsee Islands. The area has not been thoroughly swept clear of mines. Directions.-Nasubata Channel is the recommended route for vessels passing through Balabac Strait enroute to the Sulu Sea and Philippine Is land ports. From a position with Balabac Peak bearing 061 °, distant 25 miles, a course of 090 ° for about 21 rrules leads to a position with Cape Melville light bearing 344°, di tant 6 miles. Then a course of035° for about 15.5 miles leads to a position with Espina Point Light, bearing 300 °, distant about 7 miles. From this position a course of 074° will lead through the fairway of Nasubata Channel and into the Sulu Sea. There are many affirmed and doubtful depths in the area E of Balabac Strait. In fact, the area W of the strait has not been closely examined, so that there could be uncharted dangers existing both E and W of the strait. No attempt will be made to list all the reported positions of doubtful depths as they are all shown on the chart. Borneo Bank (T40'N., 11 T 37'E.) is a patch of discolored water with the bottom visible and with a depth of 12.8m or less. Three shoals, with depths of 18.3, 12.8, and 18.3m, were reported to lie 24, 25, and 26 rrules SE, respectively, of Borneo Bank. Kestrel Rock (T28'N., 11T23'E.) is a rocky shoal with a depth of 6.4m. An 8.2m patch lies 0.75 mile SSE. Borneo Shoal (T22'N., 11T32'E.), with a depth of 3.7m, lies about 16 miles, bearing 123° from South Mangsee Island. A 5.9m patch and a 7.3m shoal lie 4.5 and 3.25 miles SE and S, respectively, of Borneo Shoal. Fearless Shoal (T23'N. , IIT37'E.), with a depth of 7.3m, Jjes about 20.5 miles, bearing 112 ° from South Mangsee Island. A 4.6m shoal was reported to exist about 9 miles SE of Fearle s Shoal . Pub.162 CUYO 92476 CAGA'f1.N ISLAt~ps p•• 3G (SEE SECTOR 4) .4y ~~ .q,'lt! 30' -:::.JESSIE BEAZLEY REEFS I /) TUBBATAHA REEFS.. ... 92033 SULU SEA 4J~CAGAY SULU ISLAND JOLO 30' 30' s• 92010 CELEBES SEA s• 30' 30' 1t9. 30' 30' 121° 3G GENERAL CHART 92005 122" 30' 4° 123° Adciwnal chart coverage may be found in CATP2, Catalog of Nautical Charts. SECTOR 12-CHART INFORMATION Pub.162 SECTOR12 THE SULU SEA AND THE SULU ARCHIPELAGO Plan.-This sector describes the islar:ds and dangers in the Sulu Sea with the descriptive sequence from W toE, and then contunues with a description of the islnc groups, dangers, and passages of the Sulu Archipelago. The sequence of description is from to S. General Remarks 12.1 Winds-Weather.-In the ~u Sea, E winds and fine weather prevail in October, and th ~~ortheast Monsoon is not established before November. -:be latter gradually increases in strength and lasts until abo:rt the end of April. In January and February, the Nortf.Least Monsoon is fully developed, but does not have the for.x of the winds in the South China Sea. Its force normally dl!teS not exceed that of a fresh breeze and is strongest in the are W of Panay Gulf and the Mindanao Sea. During the period of the Northeast !-bnsoon, the winds are not steady and are often variable. Near: lindanao, the N winds never become fresh, and light varnble winds frequently displace them for several days. This o en occurs near the end of January. May is the month of transition and :Uring its later part the Southwest Monsoon commences. It is fu lly established by the end of June and lasts until October. 'ariable winds prevail during May and June and are accom~ied by fine and clear weather. In July and August the Southwest ansoon is accompanied by heavy rain squalls and stormy weatler. In September, heavy mists are fuund off the coast of Mindanao. Considerable rain falls in re vicinity of Palawan, the Calamain Group, and Panay rlllring the Southwest Monsoon. Typhoons pass occasionally over the part of the Sulu Sea, but they usually cover only a small uea. During July and August squalls and SW wi ds of ~ outer zones of the typhoons affect this area. Periods of ne and clear weather occur frequently. After such periods, the winds sometmes shift to N and NW, accompanied by a gradual drop of the barometer and followed by squally and stormy weather. It s ld be noted that NW winds are frequent in Mindoro Stra.C: and that they are not usually followed by periods of squally-vo'eather. Tides-Currents.-Little is know• of the currents in the Sulu Sea because of the small number~= observations. The currents are reported to depen lD a great extent on the strength and force of the wind an d e variable, especially during the Southwest Monsoon. The rate seldom exceeds 1 knot. During the months of December t February, SW currents, produced by the Northeast Monsoon, ::;re rather constant. At this time water flows directly from the North Equatorial Current into the Sulu Sea, through S:...n Bernardino Strait and Surigao Strait, and from the ulu Sea in to the Celebes Sea. It also passes from the Sulu Sea to the South China Sea via Balabac Strait. Two tidal currents enter the Sulu Sea and passages between the Philippine Islands from opposite directions, one from the South China Sea through the W openings, and the other from the Pacific through the E openings. These tidal currents meet in the many channels between the S islands. The tidal current from the South China Sea passes from N to S along the W coast of Luzon and Palawan and through Verde Island Passage, Mindoro Strait, Linipican Strait, and Balabac Strait. Between the Calarnian Group and the N end of Palawan, the tidal currents set in a SE and opposite direction. The E tidal current from the South China Sea SE passes through Balabac Strait and turns NNE well off the E coast of Palawan and spreads itself like a fan over the Sulu Sea in a NE and E direction. It forms the E current between Cuyo Islands and Panay, and also that which sets S of the Cagayan Islands, where it is reported to meet the tidal current from Surigao Strait approximately on the meridian of Cagayan I land. The Sulu Sea (9 ' 00'N ., 120' 00'E.) lies between Palawan on the NW; Mindoro, Panay, and Negros on the NE; Borneo on the SW; and the Sulu Archipelago and Mindanao on theSE. The Sulu Sea is deep throughout, especially its E part. The three groups of islands in the sea include the Cuyo Islands; the Cagayan Islands, lying in the central part of the sea; and the Cagayan Sulu Islands, lying in the SW part. Navigable straits and passages connect the Sulu Sea with the the South China Sea, the Celebes Sea, and the Pacific Ocean. The Sulu Sea-Southwest Part 12.2 Bancoran Island (7 ' 58'N., 118 ' 40'E.), lying about 96 miles E of Balabac Peak, is a densely wooded islet, 30m high to the tops of the trees. Reefs extend from theE and W sides of the island. A shoal, with a depth of 12.8m, lies 1.5 miles NNW of the island. The reef between the island and this shoal was recently reported to extend farther N. The island was reported to give a good radar return at 17 miles distant. San Miguel Islands (7'45'N., 118 ' 30'E.), consisting of four islets and several off-lying dangers, lie 16.5 miles SW of Bancoran Island. There is no safe anchorage around these islands. Bancauan Islet (7'46'N., 117'32'E.), the largest of the San Miguel Group, is 24m high. It is eroded and nearly divided by the sea about 0.2 mile from its NE point. A small coral islet lying 0 .75 mile N is connected to the island by a reef with sand cays and large boulders. Manuc Manucan Islet, 0.9m high, is reported as barren and covered with white sand; it lies 5.25 miles WSW of Bancauan Islet. Manuc Manucan is connected by a reef to a small islet lying 0.5 mile S. Pub.162 Sector 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago A reef, above and below-water, extends 1.5 miles NNW from the small islet. Shoal ground connects Manuc Manucan Islet with a 4m coral patch 2.25 miles NW. A 4 .3m patch lies 1.5 miles NNE of the islet. Moyune Shoal (8 °03'N. , 118°07'E.) , 29.5 miles NW of Bancauan Islet, has a least charted depth of 5.8m. Shoals, position approximate and doubtful , lie 5 miles SW; 10 miles N; 1 mile NNE; 8 miles E , and 6.5 miles E of Moyune Shoal. Whirlpools form in an area 10 miles SE of the shoal. Maeander Reef (8°06'N ., 119°18'E. ), lying 60 miles E of Moyune Shoal, is a sand cay about 2.4m high, encircled by a steep-to reef. A radar con spicuous wreck ha s been reported on the NW side of the reef. Valparaiso Shoal (T5l'N., 118°27'E.) is located 7 .5 miles NW of Bancauan Islet; it is reported to be 2 miles in extent, with a charted depth of 5.5m. The coral bottom near the shoal is clearly vi ible at a depth of 11m. A coral reef extending approximately 4 miles E toW wa reported to lie 2 miles S of Valparaiso Shoal. 12.3 Java Reef (7°50'N., 118 °34'E.), 7 miles ESE of Valparaiso Shoal, is a small dangerous reef with a depth of 4.5m . Discolored water and tide rip s mark the extent of the reef and shoal ground. It is reported to dry. West Bank (T43'N. , 118 °23'E. ), with least depth of 10.9m near its center, lies 4 .5 miles W of Manuc Manucan Islet. The bank extends 3 mile s NNW and the same distance SSE from the 10.9m depth . Southwest Bank (T40'N., 118°20'E.) , lying about 6 miles SW of Manuc Manucan, extends ESE to WNW for about 8 miles. A least depth of 16.5m exi sts at theSE end of the bank. The coral and sand bottom of the bank is visible at depth s of 24 to 31m. Anchorage, good holding ground, can be taken on the bank. A shoal with a charted depth of7.3m reported (2000) 2 mile s S of Southwest Bank. Don Juan de Austria Shoals (T38 'N., 118°11 'E.), with a charted depth of 3.7m , were reported to lie from 16 to 21 mile s WSW ofManuc Manucan Island. A 12.8m patch lies about 18 miles SW of the same island. A shoal covered with large boulders, some of which were nearly awash, was reported to lie about 11.5 miles SSW of Manuc Manucan Island. A sounding of 7.3m was obtained on thi s shoal , and a sounding of 12.8m was found near its edge which appeared to be steep-to. A vessel reported (1996) grounded on a soft coral reef, in vicinity of (T40.6'N ., 118°11.6'E.). Vessels are adviseed to give Don Juan de Austria Shoal a wide berth. 12.4 Memnon Shoal (T27'N. , 118°25 'E.) , lying about 16.5 miles S of Manuc Manucan Island, has a reported depth of 10.9m coral and sand , but could be shallower. Tides-Currents.-Currents over Memnon Shoal have been reported to set SSW and NNW at a maximum rate of 1.25 knots. Heavy tide rips are reported to mark the NE edge of the shoal. Breaking tide rips, extending 7 miles NE to SW, were encountered about 25 miles SSE of Manuc Manucan Islet. No bottom was found at a depth of 183m at the Send of the rip. Pub.162 Small banks of 18.3 and 20.1 m were reported to lie 22 and 20 miles SSW and S, respectively, of Manuc anucan Islet. From Memnon Shoal to Cagayan Sulu Island, a line of reported shoals exi sts, best seen on the chart. Cagayan Sulu Islands, a group of islands, islets, reefs , and shoal s lie in the SW part of the Sulu Sea, between 32 and 51 miles S of Manuc Manucan Island . The islands are inhabited except for Bintut, Mandah, and the smaller islets. Tidal currents are negligible. Cagayan Sulu Island (TOO'N., 118°29'E.) , the largest island of the group, is mountainous and lies with its NW extremity, Tavotavo Point (T01'N., 118o24'E.), 26 miles S of Memnon Shoal; Banga Point (T03'N., 11 °31 'E.) is the NE extremity. Mount Ledan, the summit of the island , standing in the NE part, slopes gradually to the sea. The mountain is reported to be a good radar target at 26 miles distant. The S coast of the island contains fresh water crater lakes. A prominent hill rises 1 mile S of Mount Ledan. There is a radio station and airstrip on the island. 12.5 Except for its NW and SE extremities, Cagayan Sulu Island is fringed by a partly drying coral reef extending 0.75 mile offshore in places. Tandotao Point (6"58'N. , 118 °32'E.), the SE extremity of the island, is a fin ger-like extension of the coast which has a lOOm high hill near its extremity. A white concrete tower, from which a light is shown, stands on high ground close W of the point. Gunboat Harbor, 1.5 mile s W of Point Tandotao, i small and shallow. Cagayan de Sulu , located on theN side of Gunboat Harbor, is a sub-port of entry administered by the Bureau of Customs for enforcing custom s law s. The port facility consists of a rock causeway about 238m in length, with a steel pile wharf, 30m in length at its seaward end . There were reported depths of 3.7m at its head, and lesser depths on both sides. A radio tower stands about 0.5 mile NW of the wharf. Anchorage can be taken , sheltered during the Northeast Monsoon , in a depth of 18.5m, about 0.5 mile offshore of Lake Singuan, the farthest W lake of the fresh water crater lakes along the S shore. The best anchorage during the Northeast Monsoon is at Southwest Anchorage, off theW side of the island , in depths of 16 to 20m, with Tavotavo Point bearing 350°, distant 1.25 miles. During the monsoon, a heavy swell sets around the point and the sea breaks along the reef. 12.6 Jurata Bay (6 °59'N., 118°28 'E.) , its entrance nearly blocked by a reef, lies 3.5 miles W of Tandotao Point. A rock, below water, lies 1 mile SW of the entrance to the bay. Jurata village is located on the E side of the bay. Lapunlapun Island, an islet, lies on the N edge of a detached reef, about 3.25 miles ENE ofTavotavo Point. Silimusian Island , a smaller islet, lies 0.3 mile NW of Lapunlapun. Anchorage can be taken, in depths of 33m, with Lapunlapun Island bearing 058 ° and Kamutyajan Point, located 0.75 mile SW of the island , bearing 193°. Sec r 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago Bulingis Point, located 0.6 mile S d Lapunlapun Island, aligned with a prominent hill 244m h..h which stands 1 mile SE of Mount Ledan, leads to the ancho ;age. Keenapusan Island (Tll'N.. 118"25E.), the farthest N of the Cagayan Sulu Islands, Lie ' 8.25 n:::iles NNW of Cagayan Sulu; it is fringed by a reef which e:: 7l.ds 0.3 mile off its S side. The 40m curve lies 0.5 mile off N and E sides, but up to 2 miles off the other sides of the isl Anchorage can be taken off the SW of the island with its summit bearing 041 ° and the surnrart of Pamelikan Island bearing 153°, in a depth of 12.8 to 18.3 sand and coral. There are a number of islands ly" z: on a line SSE from Keenapusan Island to Cagayan Sulu om N to S they are Pamelikan Island, Bintut Island, Bolt Island, and Mandah Island. Mandah is reported to be the · ghest of these islands. The position of the islands may best l:e seen on the chart. Northwest Bank (T13'N., 118°22' =.. with a least depth of 7.3m, lies with its SE extremity 3.25 · ~s NW of Keenapusan Island. The bank is steep-to and vess_ should not anchor on it. A small unexamined bank, with depth of 25m, was reported 7 miles N of Keenapusan lsi' . A depth of 5.8m was reported 3.5 miles farther NW. Northeast Bank (T12'N., 118°28'E ) . with a depth of 7.3m, lies 3 miles NE of Keenapusan Islani Fair anchorage can be taken on the E or SW sides of the ball: An area reported to contain man~ 5hoals is charted S of Northeast Bank. Many shoals exist of the islands N of Cagayan Sulu Island, and may best be en on the chart. Willcox Bank (6°55'N., 118°28'E. l " steep-to with a least depth of 4.8m; it Lies about 5 miles S of Tandotao Point. The bottom over the bank is clearly visible 12.7 Muligi Islands (6"53'N., liE _4'E.) are two islands, the largest rising to a height of 120m. cated 7 miles SSW of Cagayan Sulu Island. The channel be een the two islands is clear, but transit should not be attem A 14.6m patch was reported to lie ~ .5 miles NW of Muligi Islands, and a 14.9m patch was repcre:d to lie 2.5 miles S of the 14.6m patch. Both islands are inhabited and ha> oconut plantations on them. Muligi Patches (6o55'N., 117°58'£ with a depth of 9.lm, are located 24.5 miles W of Muligi I ds. Included in these dangers are two all detached reefs, with depths of 8.5m and 7.6m, lying abo t 5 miles WSW and 18 miles W, respectively, of Muligi Islaii!. Monmouth Shoals (6 °43'N .. 118 E.), located 7 miles S of the 8.5m depth above, ~onsistE a group of several detached shoals with depths of 3.9 to 6m. Depths of 22m and 18.3m. were rted to lie 4.25 miles and 11 miles E, respectively, of MolliJDuth Shoals. Schuck Reef W49'N., 11 T52'E.), ...-h a depth of 6.4m, lies in an uncharted area 15.5 miles NW o Wanderer Shoal. Mambahenauhan Islet (6"32'N., 0 3l'E.), a brown rock with trees on its summit, rises to a ght of 44m; it lies 21 miles SSE ofMuligi Islands. Caution.-Many dangers are chared on, and SW of a line connecting Manmouth Shoal and Sh -Reef. Less water than charted may exist over these dangers The Sulu Sea-Central Part 12.8 There are three main groups of islands and dangers lying in the central part of the Sulu Sea. The Cagayan Islands, theN group, Lie on the S part of an extensive, steep-to, group of reefs that extend about 30 miles SSW from a position in lOOOO'N, 121 °24'E. The Cagayan Islands are wooded and partly cultivated. The islands are reported to consist of smooth, level-topped hills. Depths about 183m from the edge of the reefs are over 183m. Tidal currents are weak around the island. The reefs extending N from the islands dry at LW, as may best be seen on the chart. Cavili Island and Arena Island, lying 27 to 35 miles SW of Cagayan Island, and Tubbataha Reefs, lying 47 to 64 miles SW of Arena Island, form the remaining groups. Cagayan Island (9 °36'N., 121"14'E.), the largest of the group, lies about 60 miles W of Negros Island. Cagayan is about 5.5 miles long, and has a smooth ridge, with a maximum height of 62m, extending nearly its entire length. A reef, which dries at LW, extends 0.9 mile SSW from the S extremity of the island. A reef which dries, Lies about 1.25 miles ESE from the S extremity of Cagayan. An extensive foul ground which may be seen on the chart lies between the island and the reef. Cagayancillo (9 °35'N., 121"13'E.) stands on theSE side of Cagayan Island, near its S extremity. The ruins of a fort stand on a bluff on theE side of town; there is a school and church nearby. A pier, suitable for boats at HW, extends into a cove on the NE side of the town. Calusa Island (9 °37'N., 12l"Ol'E.), fiat, sandy, and covered with coconut trees, lies 10 miles WNW of the S extremity of Cagayan Island. The island is reef-fringed for about 0.2 mile. Several nipa houses stand on the S side of the island, but Calusa is not permanently inhabited. The island was reported visible at 15 miles and reported to be a good radar target at 26 miles distant. The channel between Calusa Island and Cagayan Island is wide, deep, and clear of dangers. 12.9 Calalong Island (9 °35'N., 121 °14'E.) consists of a group of low hills with a steep rocky bluff on the S side, separated from the SE side of Cagayan Island by a narrow drying channel. Anchorage can be taken by small vessels. with local knowledge, about 0.1 mile S of Calalong Island, in a depth of 9.1 m. The anchorage is approached from the E through a constricted, unmarked channel. Dondonay Island (9 °36'N., 121 °15'E.), about 3 miles long and narrow, lies with its SW end 0.5 mile E of theE extremity of Ca1along Island. A foul channel separates the two islands. Dondonay has a bluff and rocky coast fringed on the SE by reefs. Volata Island (9 °39'N., 121 ° 15'E.) and Tanusa Island are separated from the N end of Cagayan Island, and from each other, by constricted, foul channels, impassable even by small boats. Volata is low and fiat; Tanusa is similar to Cagayan in appearance. A steep-to reef extends 0.25 mile off the W side of Tan usa. Pub.162 Sector 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago Dauisan Reef extends 8.25 miles N from Tanusa Island. Some above-water rocks on its N and W sides mark the outer edge of the reef by day. A stranded wreck lies on Dauisan Reef, 7.5 miles N of Tanusa Island. Boombong Island (9. 45'N., 121 ·20'E.), the farthest NE of the Cagayan Islands, lies 7 miles NE of Tanusa Island. The island, which is about 152m high to the top of the trees , is surrounded by a coral reef which extends 0.4 mile NE and 0.2 mile SE. Manucan Island (9. 39'N., 121"21 'E.), small and reeffringed, lies on a detached coral reef about 3.5 miles ENE of Dondonay Island. The island is fiat and sandy, and is marked by a light. Shoal water extends 0.75 mile E of the reef. Langisan Island is a bare rock lying on a drying reef, 2 miles W of Manucan Island. Anuling Island, similar to Langisan, is located on the same drying reef, 0.9 mile SSW of that island. lgcauayan Reef, partly drying, is about 6 miles long; its S end lies about 0.6 mile NNW of Langisan Island. The area between lgcauayan Reef and Dauisan Reef is foul. Cabantayan Reef, which dries, extends 1.75 miles NW from a position 2.5 miles WNW of Boombong Island. Foul ground extends NW from this reef to the NE extremity of Dauisan Reef, about 1.5 miles distant. Tide rips occur in the bight formed between Igcauayan Reef on the S and Cabantayan Reef on theN. 12.10 Catimogan Shoals (9 . 48'N., 121 · 20'E.), consisting of several patches with depths of 4 to 14.6m, lie with theirS end 2.75 miles NE of Boombong Island and extend 7 miles N. There are considerable depths between the patches. A small reef, with a depth of 10.1m, lies about 9 miles NNE of Boombong I land. There is also an isolated reef, with a depth of 12.8m, located about 4.5 miles farther NNE. Sultana Shoals (9 . 57'N., 121 · 23'E.) consist of a number of reefs and shoals, with depths of 1.5 to 18.3m, extending 5.6 miles N from a position about 10 miles N of Boombong Island. Several 2.7m patches exist near theN end of the shoals. There is deep water between the various Sultana Shoals. Both Catimogan and Sultana Shoals are steep-to on their W sides, with depths of 183m within 0.5 mile. Queen of the Sea Bank (10.24'N., 120. 29'E.), lying 63 miles NW of Cagayan Islands, has a charted depth of 6.4m. The S and W sides of the shoal are steep-to, but on the N and E sides the bottom lopes gradually so that soundings give ample warning of an approach to the bank. The bank seldom breaks in heavy weather. Breakers were reported about 2.5 miles W of the bank. Piedra Blanca (10. 26'N., 121 ·o1 'E.), a small, prominent white rock, 3m high, lies about 30 miles E of Queen of the Sea Bank. The rock lies on the Sedge of a shoal, with depths of 7.3 to 14.6m, which extends 0.5 mile E and 1.25 miles NW from the rock. The shoal is steep-to with depths over 91 m existing a short distance from the edge of the shoal. Sombrero Rocks (10. 43'N., 121 •33'E.), lying about 36 miles ENE of Piedra Blanca, appear as two black rocks of about the same height. When approaching from the N or S, the rocks appear to be in two parts, of which the W, 6.7m, is the higher. Pub.162 The rocks are reported to be radar conspicuous at a range of 15 miles. 12.11 Cavill Island (9. 17'N., 120. 50'E.) and Arena Island are two coral islets lying on fringing reef 28 and 32 miles, respectively, from Cagayan Islands. Cavili is 30m to the top of the trees and Arena Island is about 18m to the top of the trees. It was reported that a prominent white tower was situated on Arena Island. Several detached sand cays lie on the reef S and W of Arena Island. A deep channel lies between the islets, but the reefs are steep-to and vessels should navigate with caution in their vicinity. Cavili Island is reported to be a good radar target at 15 miles distant. Thbbataha Reef (8. 50'N., 119. 53'E.) are two extensive and dangerous reefs separated by a channel 4 miles wide, lying about 48 miles SW of Arena Island. North Islet (8. 56'N., 120.02'E.), a rock 1.2m high, covered with grass and guano, lies near the N end of the NE reef. This reef, which is steep-to, encloses a lagoon in which there are depths of 5.5 to 33m; there is no entrance to the lagoon. A stranded wreck lies on the E side of the reef, 2 miles SSW of North Islet. Central Islet, North Islet, and several small black rocks are the only objects on the NE reef that are above HW. At LW there are numerous sand cays or ridges, each about 91m long, visible along the entire length of the reef. South Islet (8. 44'N., 119. 49'E.), about 1.6m high, lies at the S end of the SW reef. Black Rock, and several other black rocks and sand keys, all above-water, lie at the N end of this reef. The islet is marked by a light. A stranded wreck lies on the NW extremity of the reef. Another stranded wreck is reported to lie 0.5 mile NE of the light. A depth of 262m was reported 13 miles SW of South Islet. It has been reported that the reefs appeared to have extended and increased in height. Extensive white co lored patches of sand and coral, together with numerous palm trees, were sighted on the N and NE extremities of the NE reef, and three stranded wrecks were sighted on the W side. The lighthouse was difficult to identify by daylight. Jessie Beazley Reef (9.02'N., 119. 48'E.), a reef of broken coral about 1.8m high, encircled by a white sand cay near the middle, lies 14 mile NW of North Islet. The reef dries over a considerable distance. The Sulu Archipelago 12.12 The Sulu Archipelago consists of a chain of islands and dangers that extend about 220 miles SW from Basilan Strait to Alice Channel off the NE coast of Borneo. There are reported to be more than 300 islands comprising the archipelago. Numerous passages between the islands connect the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea. The Sulu Archipelago is divided into principal groups, and several smaller allied groups, for descriptive purposes. At the NE end of the island chain lie the Basilan Group, Jolon Group, and the Tapul Group in the center, and theTawitawi Group and the Sibutu Group at the SW end. Sect 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago The most important ports are Isabell· nd Port Holland, on Basilan Island; Siasi, on Siasi Island; J o and Parang, on Jolo Island; and Port Bongas, on Tawitawi I aod. Winds-Weather.-The Northeast onsoon prevails from November to April. Its direction is mair::J :• between N and NE, tending more E during the close of e season. When fully established the Northeas t Monsoon is very steady, but it is not as strong as the winds found farther N. Freshening winds are generally of :.horter duration and become less frequent as the Northeas1 \1onsoon draws to a close. Interruptions to the monsoon are JlOre common in the vicinity of the Sulu Archipelago ao elsewhere in the Philippine Islands. These interruptions cre generally associated with shallow low pressure systems or t) oons. The Southwest Monsoon is establish by June, following a transition period of variable winds (mai y between NE and S), and continues until October. The win s are steadiest in July and August. They do not blow as stea:ly as the winds of the Northea t Monsoon. The transition period before the CI13et of the Northeast Monsoon is more gradual than that -ore the onset of the Southwest Monsoon. Squalls are somewhat prevalent -.ring the Southwest Monsoon, especially near the land. D:rring these squalls the wind is gusty and sometimes reaches force. These squalls are often associated with thunderstorm~ Occasionally strong and squally S Jr W winds blow for several days in a row in summer and earl! autumn, and at times even later in the year. These winds, kno:;.vn locally as callas, are generally associated with typhoons centered farther N. They are usually accompanied by rain. During this period, shallow spheric depressions sometimes give rise to squally W wines Land and sea breezes are prevalent, especially when the prev · g monsoon is weak. Typhoons form at times, especiall in autumn and early winter, and bring rain. Their occurrrnce is rare as only 1 percent of all typhoons occurS of the pa:-allel of s · oo'N. There are no pronounced wet and r seasons in the Sulu Archipelago, the rainfall being fairly ev:1ly distributed over the year. Normally the average number of ·s: with rain per month is not less than 10 in spring and exceeds 15 from June to December. Some rain always falls in each mon from July to October, and February and April are known have been rainless months. Torrential rains of short dura e n sometimes occur in spring and summer during thu dersto Cloudiness is high in all months, b:.J it appears to be at a minimum in April. The amount of c ouds tends to increase with the warm and moist S winds. Overcast skies, with low bases poor visibility, occur when SW winds blow uninterruptedly -several days. Visibility is generally good, exc during heavy rain squalls. The occurrence of fog is rare. ontinuous rain and low clouds may be responsible for only ma:ierate visibility. Temperatures are reported to be mo erately high throughout the year. The difference in the mean t mperature during the summer and winter does not exceed 1T'C. The yearly average temperature is 26 ·c and the average !IaX.imum temperature is 3o·c. The temperature seldo excee -35· c and seldom falls below 1s· c. Tides-Currents.-The tides are chiefly diurnal in the Sulu Archipelago. The diurnal range varies from 0.6 to 1.8m and the mean range varies from 0.6 to 1.7m. The direction and velocities of the tidal currents in the various channels and passages are described with the particular area. In general, strong tidal currents are experienced in the Sulu Archipelago because of the movement of the water over the shelf between the Sulu Sea and the Celebes Sea. The currents in the Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea are not reckoned with in navigating in the close proximity of the Sulu Archipelago. The Sulu Archipelago-North Part 12.13 The islands, reefs, and dangers which form the N part of the Sulu Archipelago may be roughly divided into two groups, namely the Pilas Group and the Pangutaran Group. They extend about 143 miles WSW from a position about 5 miles ENE of Teinga Island. A deep channel, about 15.5 miles wide, separates the NE end of the Pi las Group from the SW end of Mindanao. Pearl Bank, at the SW end of the Pangutaran Group, is separated from Talantam Shoal to the SW, by a deep channel which has a least width of 9 miles. The Pitas Group, which lie W and NW of Basilan Island, extend 30 miles S and 26.5 miles WSW from Teinga Island (6"54'N., 121 . 35'E.). The Pangutaran Group, and adjacent banks and shoals, extend 111 miles WSW from a position about 29 miles WSW of Teinga Island. Extensive banks, as defined by the 20m curve, extend from and are found in the vicinity of the Pilas and Pangutaran Groups. Numerous reefs, shoals, and dangers exist on these banks. Tides-Currents.-Between Teinge Island and Basilan Strait, the flood current sets NW and the ebb SE. In the channels between Pilas Island and Basilan Island the tidal currents are strong and attain a rate of 6 knots at springs. The flood current sets Nand the ebbS. Amongst the islands and bank of the Pitas Group, the tidal currents flow in various directions. Their general direction, when unobstructed, is NW during the rising tide and SE during the falling tide. The tidal currents set in various directions near the islands and shoals of the Pangutaran Group. In the unobstructed areas the currents set NNW during the rising tide and SSE during the falling tide. The rate seldom exceeds 2 knots. Slack water generally occurs about 1 hour after HW and LW. On the extensive bank which lies NE of Pangutaran Island the tidal currents are strong and irregular. They set NW during the rising tide and SE during the falling tide, except where interrupted. The flood current sets WNW and the ebb current sets ESE through the fairway of Pangutaran Passage. The maximum rate is 4 knots. In the W and E approaches to the channel the flood current sets W and the ebb E at about the same rate. In the channel E of Pangutaran Island the flood currents sets N and the ebbS. Pub.162 Sector 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago In the channels between the islands E of Pangutaran Island the flood current sets NW and the ebb current sets SE; the rate is from 2 to 3 knots. Among the islands and banks between Pangutaran Passage and Pearl Bank, the tidal currents take various directions. Their direction, when unobstructed, is NNW during the rising tide and SSE during the falling tide. The tidal currents over the extensive bank lying between Pangutaran Passage and Cap Island are reported to be strong. They set NW during the rising tide and SE during the falling tide, except when modified by the numerous reefs and shoals in the area. In the vicinity of Sail Rock (5"57'N., 120 ' 13'E.), the flood current sets N and the ebb current S at a rate of 3 to 4 knots and are generally semidiumal in character. The tidal currents are strong between Cap Island and Laparan Island (5 ' 54'N., 120' 00'E.). The flood current sets N and the ebbS. In the channel between Doc Can Island (5 ' 53'N., 119' 58'E.) and Pearl Bank, the flood current sets NNW and the ebb SSE at a rate of about 3 knots. Strong rips and swirls are found in the channel. North of Pearl Bank the tidal current sometimes attains a rate of 6 knots. Off the W side of Doc Can Island the tidal currents follow the general direction of the 40m curve. During the flood current a NW set was observed at a position about 4 miles SW of the island, a N set was observed W of the island, and a NE set was observed N of the island. The ebb current follows the reverse of the above directions. S of Doc Can Island and inside the 200m curve the ebb current was observed as setting ESE. Slack water usually occurs in the above channel from 1 hour before to 1 hour after local HW or LW, but the time interval varies occasionally from 2 to 3 hours either way. In the channel between Pearl Bank and Talantam Shoal the flood current sets NW and the ebb SE at a rate of about 1.75 knots. The Pilas Group 12.14 The Pilas Islands are a group of islands lying W and NW of Basilan Island. Pilas Channel, between Pilas Island and Mataja and Balukbaluk Islands on theE, is 3.5 miles wide, deep and clear of dangers. The tidal current at springs sets N and S at a reported velocity of 6 knots. Pilas Island (6'38'N., 121 '36'E.) , the largest island of the Pilas Group, is densely wooded. Two high hills lie near the N end of the island, but S of the hills the land is flat and almost submerges at HW. Tamila Rock, 1.2m high, lies about 0.5 mile NW of the island. Several dangers lie off the N and NE sides. Detached patches, with depths 3.7 to 4m, lie 3.25 miles and 5 miles SW and WSW of the S extremity of Pilas. A narrow bank of shoals extends 10 miles SSE ofPanducan Point, the S extremity of the island. Tagutu Island (6'39'N., 121 '38'E.) lies about 0.5 mile E of Pilas Island; they are separated by a channel that is deep and free of charted dangers. Pub.162 Mataja Island (6'34'N., 121 ' 41 'E.) , a heavily-wooded island, lies 4.25 miles ENE of Panducan Point. A spit, with a depth of 2.7m at its outer end, extends 0.6 mile N of the island. A light is shown on theSE side of Mataja Island. A shoal, with a charted depth of 7 .3m, lies 2.5 miles SSW of the light. Balukbaluk Island (6 ' 40'N., 121 ' 42'E.), 3.5 miles NNE of Mataja Island, rises to a height of 160m in its N extremity; its S end is low. Tide rips form off the N end, and SE side of the island. 12.15 Manangal Island (6'38' ., 121 ' 35'E.) lies within the 20m curve, 0.5 mile W of Pilas Island; it rises to a height of 115m in its SW part. Two shoal patches, as may best be seen on the chart. lie in the S part of the channel between Pilas and Manangal Islands. Anchorage, protected from wind and sea, except for a narrow sector from due S, may be taken in the channel between Pilas and Manangal Islands , in depths of 9 to 11m, sand and coral. Anchorage may also be taken 0.5 mile N of Manangal, in a depth of 20m. Tidal currents are weak at the anchorages. Minis Island (6' 37'N., 121 ' 31'E.), 3.25 miles WSW of Manangal Island, is the farthest W of several small islands lying W of Pilas Island; their positions may best be seen on the chart. Puju Reef (6' 40'N., 121 ' 34'E.), a small drying reef, lies 3.25 miles W of the W extremity of Pilas Island; foul ground extends about 1 mile N from the reef. Bantolinos Islets lie 2.5 miles W of Puju Reef. Mindoro Shoal (6 ' 35'N., 121 ' 27'E.), with a least charted depth of 5.5m, lies 4.25 miles SW of Minis Island. There are detached shoal patches charted NE, W, and SW of Mindoro Shoal. The Sangboy Islands (6'50'N., 121 ' 33'E.) are two small islands separated by a deep, constricted channel, located 8.25 miles NNW of Pilas Island. Each island is low in its S part but theW island rises to a height of 245m and theE island rises to a height of 168m. The shores are sandy except in their N parts which are rocky; the islands give a good radar return at 22 miles distant. Swirl Reef, 0.5 mile W of the W island, has a charted depth of 4m. Tide rips form off the N sides of the islands. 12.16 Teinga Island (6' 54'N., 121 ' 35'E.), a low, densely wooded island, lies 3 miles NNE of Sangboy Islands. A 10.4m patch lies 2.5 miles NE of Teinga Island. Dassalan Island (6 ' 45'N., 121 ' 28'E.), 5.75 miles SW of Sangboy Islands, has several sandy beaches. There is a lagoon on the W side which small boats may enter at HW. Kaludlud Island, 1 mile WNW of Dassalan Island, is low, flat, and densely wooded. A bank, with depths less than 5.5m, extends 2.75 miles W from Kaludlud Island. Griffin Rocks, with a depth of 3m, lie near the outer end of the bank. Brutus Reef (6' 45'N., 121' 20'E.), with a least charted depth of2.1m, lies 3.75 miles WSW of Griffin Rocks. Salkulakit Island (6' 41'N., 121'23'E.), 18m high, lies 5.5 miles SW of Dassalan Island. Lakit Islets comprises three small rocky islets which lie 1 mile NW of Salkulakit Island. Secto 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago There are several isolated shoal pate !t!S, with depths of 4.9 to 8.5m, lying between the above islan and Griffin Rocks, 5 miles N; these shoal areas may best be en on the chart. Halcon Rock (6 ' 25'N., 121 ' 23'E.), w ':.:h dries 1.5m, lies 17 miles SW of Pilas Island; the rock is ste r:-to. Tide rips form in the vicinity of Halcon Rock. Pabunuan Shoal, with a least charte depth of 3.7m, lies 5 miles SW of Halcon Rock. The water in the vicinity of the shoal is clear and the bottom can usuan., be seen up to l8.3m. Tide rips and strong and irregular curren:s are found in the area of the shoal. The Pangutaran Group 12.17 The many islands of the Pargutaran Group, reefs, rocks, and shoals, extend WSW for a distance of about 100 miles, from a position about 35 miles Vv of Pilas Island. The islands of this group are low, 2 t1 6m high, and densely wooded with mangroves and other tr es . The characteristic clumps of trees on these islands form e ellent landmarks. Between the islands of the Pangutar Group generally set in a NNW and SSE directions following tire various channels. There are no typhoon anchorages er the various banks adjacent to the group, but anchorage~ . dependent on the direction of the wind and sea, are given . Caution is advised as tide rips, and stto g tidal currents exist throughout this area, as may best be see::~ on the chart. Pangutaran Island (6' 19'N., 120' 3: 'E.), the largest of the group, is 6m high, and densely wooded. TheN and E sides of the island are fringed by coral, with s y beaches backed by low coral cliffs; there is a long tretch of mangrove on the E side. Panducan Island (6' 17'N., 120' 3_ 'E.), 2.5 miles E of Pangutaran Island, is low and densely ooded. The island lies on the W edge of a bank that extends Jt 43 miles NE. Kulassein Island (6' 25'N., 120. 42E), 5 miles NNE of Panducan Island, consists of a mangro e swamp with a small area of densely wooded solid Land on e N and W sides. The island is fringed with coral and is steep-to on the N side. A shoal, with a least depth of 6.4-n, lies about midway between Panducan and Kulassein Islanc!S Tide rips occur in the area W of KuLr less steady during the latter month. Throughout the year, when the seas::IUl wind is not strong, land and sea breezes are preval nt. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents i :Basi lan Strait follow the direction of the channel, and nea: ue islands and shoals they follow the edges of the reefs . ~ir general direction, when unobstructed, is W during the ri -§ tide and E during the falling tide. The rate is 2 to 3 knots at eaps from 5 to 6 knots at springs. The flood strength occurs "Jt 3 hours after LW at Cebu, and the ebb strength occurs ab ::ut 3 hours after HW at the same port. The tidal currents have been obsenei setting in the reverse directions during the months of Noveo:>er and December. They have also been observed •~ etting in the same direction for 24 hours even though tw ::> ngh and two low tides occurred on that day. The tum of the currents takes place ater in Basilan Strait than at Zamboanga. The change begia~ first on the coast of Mindanao, then in Basilan S ait, and f:nally on the coast of Basilan Islands. Strong and irregular tidal currents c rips are found in the vicinity of the shoal s and banks off NW side of Basilan Island. Close W of Malamaui Island · currents set N on the rising tide and S during the falling tide be rate diminishing as the distance from the island increases. Strong and irregular tidal currents ~found off the W coast of Basilan Island. These currents, V' · h attain a rate of 3 knots, set N during the rising tide and 3uring the falling tide. Swirls and rips mark the shoals and tie p-ojecting points of the various islands. Between Mataja Islarl and Sicagot Island slack water occurs at about the time o::' '1:.,gh and LW at Cebu. The strength of flood occurs about J h:mrs after LW at Cebu and the strength at ebb occur about 2 t-ours after HW at that port. Between Basilan Island and Tf Canas Island. Tamuk Island (6. 28'N., 121 · 49'E.) , 15m to the top of the trees, lies 1.25 miles W of Cancuman I d. 12.27 Port Holland (6.33'N., 121 ·s_ E.) (World Port Index No. 59780), a lumber export harbor, is ated at theSE end of Maluso Bay. The harbor is small and osed to winds from the Sand W. Tides-Currents.-Tidal currents, th a velocity of 2 to 3 knots, change from a NE set on the fl Cld to a SW set on the ebb tide. The change occurs 0.5 hour after ·gh and LW, with the stronger SW current setting across the face of the principal wharf. Depths-Limitations.-Depths of <; l m and more exist in the entrance channels to the port. Great Gounan Island (6 . 33'N., 12 ' 52'E.), lying 0.1 mile NW of the main wharf, is a wooded but :11ltivated small island. There is a depth of 11.9m in the ch run el from the island to the main wharf. Little Gounan Island, lying 0.25 mi l NW of Great Gounan, is partly cleared. A reef, with a depth o · l'l .5m, lies 0.35 mile N of Little Gounan Island and a wreck, ith mast showing, lies 1.25 miles NNW of the island. Port Holland Wharf is 61 m long. A T-head pier, 18m long , is located 30m W of the wharf. A row of dolphins extends from the wharf to the pier and 27m beyond it, giving a total berthing face of 137m. There were reported depths of 9.1 m at the W end of the berths and 7 .3m at the E end. Mooring lines are run to pile clusters E of the wharf and to a small boat landing 6lm W of the pier. Pilotage.-Pilotage is optional , but is recommended for vessels not having local knowledge. The pilot from Isabela will board inbound vessels off Little Gounan Island if advance notice is given. Anchorage.-The recommended anchorage lies in midchannel N of the wharf, in depths of 11 to 22m, but the swinging room is limited. Vessels can also anchor in the outer part of Maluso Bay, in depths of 9.1 m and over. Directions.-Port Holland Wharf can be approached N or S of Great Gounan Island. Several numbered oil drums buoy the sides of both channels. However, the drums are often missing from their stations. The N approach channel should be used during the period of rising tide, the S channel during the falling tide. Local knowledge is neces sary in the N channel due to hoals lying adjacent. Vessels in transit of the N approach, pass 0.5 mile N of Little Gounan Island, avoiding the 8.5m patch, and follow the buoyed channel (black buoys to port). In the S approach, pass in mid-channel between Great Gounan Island and the small peninsula forming Port Holland. No. 1 buoy is moored close S of the island and No's 2 and 4 buoys mark the channel. 12.28 From Port Holland the coast of Basilan trends NNW for a distance of 6 miles then continues NNE for a distance of 5 miles to Basilan Point. Maluso Bay (6. 34'N., 121"51'E.) is formed between a point close S of Great Gounan Island, and a point about 3 miles NNW. The shores of Maluso Bay consist of mangrove swamps which several small rivers empty into. Within the 20m curve there are several dangerous rocks and shoals. There are coral heads , awash, at the head of the bay. A bank, with depths of 8.5 to 11m, fronts the middle part of the bay, about 1 mile offshore. Anchorage can be taken in the bay. Numerous small, low islands with adjacent shoals lie in the approaches to Maluso Bay. Taketa Island (6.32'N., 121 . 50'E.) and Goreno Island lie 1.75 miles offshore, Langas Island (6. 32'N., 121"46'E.), 6.5 miles offshore. Several islands lying between the inner and outer islands have navigable channels between them. A bank, with depths of 4 to 8.2m, extends 1 mile SE from Kaluitan Island (6 . 36'N., 121.47'E.). A shoal, with a depth of 7.3m or less, lies 2.25 miles W of Langas Island. The shoals are generally marked by swirls and tide rips. Landugan (6 . 35'N., 121 ·49'E.) is situated close N of Maluso Bay. The logging camp has a T-head pier with a face about 15m long and depths of 4 to 5m alongside. Logs are shipped by barge to Samboanga. Pangasahan Island (6 . 37'N., 121 · 48'E.), about 1 mile in length, is located in a bight 1.75 miles NW of Landugan. It is Pub.162 Sector 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago separated from Basilan by a narrow channel with a least depth of 7.6m at theN end. A 5.5m patch lies 1 mile NNW of the island. A wooden pier, located close W of the mouth of the Pangasahan River, has a berthing face about 29m long with depths of 3.7 to 5.5m alongside. Sibakel Island W37'N., 121 °45'E.) , a small island 37m high, lies 2 miles W of Pangasahan; it i heavily wooded. The coast of Basilan from Pangasahan Island NNE to Basilan Point, 4 miles distant, is heavily wooded. 12.29 Basilan Point (6 °41'N., 121 °51'E.) is low and covered by woodland; it is fronted by coral reefs. From Basilan Point to Batupare Point, about 14 miles ENE, the low coast is intersected by small rivers emptying into the sea through shores lined by mangroves. Lampinigan Island (6 °41'N., 121 °53'E.), 57m high, lies 1.75 miles ENE of Basilan Point. There is landing, with a depth of 2.7m, at Lampinigan village, on the S side of the island. Pamelukan Bank (6 °43'N., 121 °54'E .), with a depth of 1.2m, lies in the W approach to Malamaui Road, 2 miles NE of Lampinigan Island. The bank is worked by tide rips. Isolated banks, with depths of 6.7m, lie 1.75 miles NW and NNW of Lampinigan Island. Balatanai Island lies 0.1 mile offshore, 2 miles ESE of Lampinigan Island. San Rafael Bay, with shoal water throughout, lies close ESE of Balatanai Island. Malamaui Road (6° 42'N., 121 °56'E.), SW of Malamaui Island and 6 miles ENE of Basilan Point, provides safe anchorage with good holding ground, protected from strong winds. The shores of Malamaui Road are low and bordered by coral reefs. Abreast the currents there is usually sufficient depth over the reef at HW for boats to enter. The best anchorage is off San Rafael Bay, E of Balatanai Island. Small craft may anchor close inshore E of the island. There is also good anchorage S of Lampinigan Island. Caution.-When poor visibility exists on entering Malamaui Road from N, it is advisable to pass about 1 mile W of Pamelukan Bank and steer for Lampinigan Island, before anchoring in the roads. 12.30 Malamaui Island (6°44'N., 121 °58'E.) rises to a height of 113m near its center. Panigayan is a settlement located near the SW end of this densely wooded island. Moro Islet lies 0.2 mile off the S end of Malamaui. A drying reef, marked by tide rips, driftwood, and three pile beacons, lies close SE of Moro Islet; a 3m shoal lies 1.25 miles SW of the islet; and an 0.9m shoal lies 0.2 mile ESE of the drying reef. There are several beacons on the SW side of Malamaui and two range beacons stand on the S side of the island. Many of these beacons have been reported missing. A lighted concrete tower marks the E extremity of Malamaui Island. lsabela Channel (6°44'N., 121 °59'E.), separating Malamaui Island from the NW side of Basilan Island, has a least width and depth in the fairway, ofO.l mile and 9.lm. The sides of the channel consi t of coral rising vertically and topped by mangroves, so that vessels can approach within a boat's length. Pub.162 The NE entrance is unmarked, fringed by dangers, and used by vessels with local knowledge during the hours of daylight. The NE current in Isabela Channel has a velocity of 4 to 5 knots and runs much longer than the SW current and has a greater velocity. Strong tide rips are encountered at channel entrances with wind and current in opposition. Tidal currents set across the channel S of Moro Islet and vessels must exercise caution not to be set onto the drying reef SE of the islet. Pilotage is optional, but recommended for vessels not having local knowledge. A pilot from Isabela boards the vessel, by previous arrangement, about 1 mile W of Moro Islet. Kalut Island (6°44'N., 121°59'E .) lies in a bight on the E side of Malamaui, just within the NE entrance. The SW entrance to the channel is marked by Moro Islet and the drying reef SE, which divide the channel into two parts N and S of these dangers. Transit is recommended only during daylight hours with local knowledge. The channels and adjacent dangers are marked by beacons and buoys, but they are often missing. 12.31 lsabela (6 °42'N., 121 °58'E.) (World Port Index No. 59770), situated on the NW coast of Basilan, is the most important port on the island. There are numerou rubber and coconut plantations nearby, and lumber is shipped from the port. There are berths in Isabela up to 106m in length with depths alongside of 8 to 9m. The maximum length that is permitted alongside is 99m with a draft of 6m. The concrete wharf is being extended and reclamation work is in progress. An ore transit shed is being constructed. The stack of a lumber sawmill is prominent. There is anchorage, for vessels with local knowledge, in the channel N of Kalut Island, in a depth of 13.7m mud, but the swinging room is limited and larger vessels sec ure their hawsers to the mangroves. A preferred anchorage is W of the stack, in depths of 11 to 14.6m, sand and coral. A regular launch service between Zamboanga City and Basilan is maintained. Isabela can be approached from the NE or W. Because of strong tidal currents and the constricted channel, the NE entrance is used only by coastal vessels with local knowledge. It is recommended that vessels entering should stem the tide and proceed only during daylight hours. Approaching Isabela from the W, if passing N of Moro Islet, keep well clear of the NE point of the islet as the current sets onto the reef which extends off the point. A pair of white, triangular beacons, in range 067" , lead through the channel N of the islet. In transit of the channel leading between Basilan and the drying reef SE of Moro Islet, a course of 081 ° leads in mid-channel to the piers. The tidal current sets onto the drying reef which is marked by three beacons near its E end. Buoys, often missing, mark the sides of the N and S channels. The W entrance is generally used by ocean vessels calling at Isabela. Becau e of the geographical situation and natural hazards, night entry is reported to be not recommended. Pilotage is available. The pilot station is in Isabela. Sect r 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago 12.32 The Tapiantana Group W2 N., 122°00'E.) consists of several inhabited small islands and r efs lying off the W part of the S coast of Basilan Island. Tapiantana Channel (6°22'N., 122° 'E.), which has a least depth of 11.9m, separates the group f m Basilan Island. The principal island of the group are B Jlan Island, Saluping Island, Linawan Island, and Tapiantma Island. Depths of 183m, and over, exist close off the S si es of the group. Depths W of the group are irregular, but no d gers have been found. In the channels between the islands ci :he group are irregular in direction. In Tapiantana Channel th currents are stro ng and set E and W. At times, there are eddies inshore and tide rips on the banks. Heavy rips, which often resenble breakers, occur in the S entrances of the channels betwee the various islands and in those channels leading to anchorages. In the open water to the W of the island group, the tidal cu ents set in a NW to SE direction. Bubuan Island (6 °21'N., 121 °58'E .. 2.5 miles S of theW part of Basilan Island, is the farthe. N of the Tapiantana Group. Mount Bulutbulibato, rises to height of 224m in the NW part of the island. Bubuan , fringed by coral, is densely wooded on it W side and the E and W sides consist of mangrove swamps. Anchorage can be taken off the SE extremity of Babuan Island, in a depth of 12.2 to 14.6m, sand and coral. Saluping Island, which is low and fl at, lies 2 miles ESE of Buban Island. It lies on an extensive oral reef, that bares, on the NE and S sides. A chain of disco:mected islets lie on the outer edge of the reef, and Timbunean, about 1.5 miles in length, is the largest of these islets; it es on the SE side of the reef. 12.33 Tapiantana Island (6 °18'N., 21 °59'E.) is located on the S side of the group, 2.25 miles ~w of Saluping Island. Mount Bancaobancao, which is woo ed, rises to a height of 249m. TheE part of the island is a maagrove swamp; however, a coral reef, which dries, extends 1.5 rn.Les E. Tolonpisa Island, is a narro\Y sand :md coral spit extending along the S side of the coral reef, and nearly joins the S extremity of Tapiantana Island. Halt.:luko Island, a small mangrove islet, lie s on a drying -eef 0.25 mile NE of Tapiantana. Linawan Island (6 °19'N., 121 °55'E ) lies 1.5 miles WNW of Tapiantana Island. The island has a peak 249m high, in its W part; it is fringed by sandy eaches z xcept on the NW side where rocky ledges extend offshore. !J.e E and S parts of the island are cultivated. A bank with pths of 4.6 to 13.7m extends 1.25 miles SSE from the island; tide rips form over the S part of this bank. Pababat Shoal (6°18'N., 121 °52'3 ), 3 miles WSW of Linawan Island, is a bank of white 2oral sand, with a least charted depth of 14.6m. The Samales Group of islands lie en a bank which extends 25 miles SW from a position 6.25 miles SW of Lina wan Island. Fishermen are the primary inhabitant f these parsely settled islands. Currents in the channels between the islands are strong, with a velocity of 3 knots observed be:::ween the NW end of Tongquil and Mamad Islands. Overf:ills and rips occur near shoals and where there are radical dep:h changes. Tatalan Island (6°13'N., 121°50'E.), the NE island of the Samales Group, is densely wooded and has a prominent summit near its N part; the S part is low and a light is shown from its S extremity. A spit, with a depth of 8.7m, extends 2 mile SE of the island. Mandi Rock, 1m high and steep-to, lies 2 miles W of the NW side of Tatalan Island. The channel between the rock and the island has depths of 8.7 to 14.5m. 12.34 The Bolod Islands (6°16'N., 121 °36'E.), the farthest NW islands of the Samales Group, lie 13 miles WNW of Tatalan Island; the group consist of two small, densely wooded islands. East Bolod Island (6 °16'N., 121 °37'E.) has a dome shaped summit which rises to a height of 161m. A spit, with a depth of 4m, extends 0.3 mile N of the island and Tirana Rock, above-water, lies 0.2 mile farther N. A shoal, with a least depth of 5.5m, extends 1.5 miles SSE of East Bolod Island. West Bolod Island (6°15'N., 121 °35'E.), 152m high, lies 1.25 miles SW of East Bolod I land. This island is steep-to except on its S side. The channel between the two islands is deep and clear of dangers. Sungu Shoal (6°13'N., 121 °4l'E.) has a least depth of 1.8m and is located 4.25 miles SE of Ea t Bolod Island. Depths of 8.5m and 8.2m lie on the bank 0.5 mile E and 0.75 mile ENE, respectively, from Sungu Shoal. Sibarut Bank (6 ° 12'N., 121 °31 'E.), with a depth of 12.3m, sand and rock, lies 5 miles SW of West Bolod Island. Bucutua Island (6°09'N., 121 °49'E.) is low and rises to a height of 89m on its SE side. TheE coast of the island is sandy and clear of dangers, except for a shoal, with a depth of 5.8m, lyi ng 1 mile offshore. Butakalut Shoal, with a depth of 4.9m, lies 0.5 mile W of Bucutua. The channel between Bucutua and Tatalan Island, 2.75 miles NNE, is deep and clear of dangers in the fairway. It is used by vessels in transit between Iolo and SE Mindanao ports. Ton Sandungun Channel, narrow and with a lea t depth of 0.9m at its SW end, separates Bucutua and Bulan Islands. The channel affords shelter for small craft, especially within the NE entrance where anchorage can be taken. Anchorage can be taken off the NE entrance, in depths of 14 to 18m, loose coral and sand. This anchorage is clear of strong tidal currents and affords fair protection. 12.35 Bulan Island W08'N., 121 °50'E.) i denselywooded, low, and has a conspicuous peak at its center. A black rock stands at the NE end of the island. The two small Dipolod Islands lie 1.25 miles off the NE side of Bulan Island. The narrow channel between the i lands has a depth of 5.5m. Mamad Island W08'N., 121 °46'E.) lies 1.5 miles W of the SW part of Bucutua Island; it is wooded, with a height of 39m. There is less than 9.lm all around the island. Tongquil Island (6°03'N., 121 °51 'E.) is low, flat and densely wooded. Sagui Point, the NW extremity of the Uand, lies 3.5 miles SW of Bulan Island. The NW extremitv is low and fringed by a coral reef. The SW side is fronted by a barrier reef with several narrow entrances leading to a shallow lagoon. Pub.162 Sector 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago The S and SE coasts to Eguet Point W03'N., 121 .57'E. ) are steep-to. The N side of the island is fringed by a partly drying coral reef and fronted by shoals with depths less than 5.5m. Gumila Reef, which dries, lies 4.75 miles W of Eguet Point. Vessels with local knowledge can anchor Nand E of Gumila Reef, good holding ground, in depths of 11 to 16.5m, sand and coral. Caution.-Caution is advised as the S and SE side of this island are steep-to. A vessel has been reported to have run aground about 0.75 mile E of the island's S extremity. The vessel was reported to have a draft of 7.3m. 12.36 Parol Island W04'N., 141 .43'E.), 2.25 miles W of theW extremity of Tongquil, is low and fringed by coral reefs. Foul ground extends 0.5 mile SE, and 0.6 mile N from the island; an isolated 4.9m patch lies 0.2 mile off its SW side. Mananoc Island, which is also low and fringed by coral reefs, lies 2 mile WNW of Parol Island. Balanguingui Island, low, uninhabited, and reef-fringed, lies 1.25 miles SW of Parol Island. A low unnamed island, separated by drying reefs, lies NW of Balanguingui. Bunotpasil Island lies close W of the unnamed island and Dawildawil Island lies 0.5 mileS of Bunotpasil. Sipac Island , attached to Balanguingui Island by a reef, and Simisa Island, 4 miles SW of Sipac, are low, uninhabited, and reef-fringed and lie on shoals. Suligan Shoal WOO'N., 121 . 38'E.), with a least depth of 5.8m, lies in the channel between Sipac and Sarnisa Islands. Bangalao Island W01'N., 121 . 32'E.), lying at theW end of the Samales Group, 2.75 miles NW of Simisa Island, along with Manungut Island, 1 mile farther NW, are both reeffringed. Both islands are fronted by shoals enclosed by the lOrn curve. Manungut Island rises to a height of 80m. The Jolo Group and the Tapul Group 12.37 The Jolo Group and the Tapul Group lie between the Samales Group and the Tawitawi Group. The Jolo Group consists of the large, important Jolo Island and the smaller adjacent islands. The Tapul Group consists of four rather large islands and numerous smaller islands lying between Jolo Island and Tapaan Passage, about 30 miles SSW. The islands are rugged and well cultivated . Tapaan Passage separates the Tapul Group from the Tawitawi Group . There are several good anchorages on Jolo Island. Winds-Weather.-The islands of the Jolo Group and the Tapul Group are seldom, if ever, visited by gales, although strong winds and heavy rains are not uncommon. The percentages of calms are higher than anywhere else in the Sulu Archipelago. At Jolo, NW winds are more frequent than E winds . Thirty consecutive rainless days have been experienced at Jolo during January and February. Monthly rainfall amounts in excess of 444mm have been reported at Jolo in January, February, June, and November. At Jolo nearly 263mm of rain has fallen during a 24 hour period in June. Tides-Currents.-The tides on the N coast of Jolo Island are chiefly diurnal, whereas on the S coast they are semidiumal. The tidal range is from 0.6 to 1.5m. Pub.162 Strong tidal currents are found in the various channels leading between the islands of the Jolo Group and the Tapul Group. They set in a general W and NW direction on the rising tide and in opposite directions on the falling tide. Off theN coast of Jolo Island the tidal currents set Won the ri ing tide and E on the falling tide, at a rate of about 2 knots. In the vicinity of Jolo the direction is somewhat modified by the contour of the land, the current setting SW and NE. Strong tidal currents are found in the channels between the islands lying off the NE and NW coasts of Jolo Island. Strong rips are found in this area. The edge of the bank on which the Su lu Archipelago lies comes close to the SE sides of the Jolo Group and the Tapul Group. Strong rips are usually found in areas where there are abrupt changes in depths . The tidal currents follow the coasts of the various islands and are strong, up to 6 knots being experienced in the narrower channels. The currents set in a general W and NW direction on the rising tide and in an opposite direction on the falling tide. The tidal currents attain a rate of 2.5 knots between Pafa Island and Taluc Island, setting NW on the rising tide and SE on the falling tide. Between the former island and Dongdong Island the currents set in similar directions and attain a rate of 3 knots. Tidal currents are strong and irregular off Maimbung Bay. They set W on the rising tide and E on the falling tide, the change occurring from 30 minutes to 2 hours after time of HW and LW. The tidal currents are strong in the channel between the SW coast of Jolo Island and Sulade I land, a maximum rate of 5 knots being experienced. The strength at flood occurs about 2 hours 30 minutes after LW at Cebu, and the strength at ebb occurs about 1 hours 30 minutes after HW at that port. Slack water precedes the times of H and LW at Cebu by about 45 minutes. The currents set NW on the rising tide and SE on the falling tide. The tidal currents are very strong in the narrow channels separating the various islands of the Tapul Group and strong rips are found in their vicinity. 12.38 Bitinan Island W04'N., 121 . 27'E.) rises to a height of 215m in its S part. Bitinan Island is the farthe t NE of the Jolo Group, and is located 3.25 miles WNW of Manungut Island of the Samales Group. Capual Island W02'N., 121 .24'E.), about 1 mile SW of Bitinan Island, 297m high at the SE extremity, is eparated from theN side of Jolo Island by Capual Channel. TheN and W parts of the island are low and wooded; the coast is mostly fringed by a sandy beach interspersed with coral ledges. A ledge, with a depth of 3m at its outer end, extends 0.4 mile N from the NW point of the island. A reef extends about 0.2 mile W from the W extremity of Capual Island. Goitya Shoal W03'N., 121 .22'E.), with a least charted depth of2.7m, lies about 1 mile offshore, N of theW extremity ofCapual. Capual Channel WOl'N., 121 .24'E.), with a least width of 0.25 mile, is deep at the E end, but in the narrow part there are depths of 2.1 m. Isolated depths of 1.2m lie 0.15 mile and 0.5 Sect 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago mile NE of the E extremity of Bulicu · Island. Tidal currents are strong. Anchorage can be taken anywhere m the channel, but the preferred anchorage is N of the village Liangliang, in a depth of 14.6m, sand. Jolo Island , the largest of the Jolo G·cup, is composed of a series of hills and valleys. The highest peak is Mount atangas (6"00'N., 120o58'E.) , 812m high , located 6 miles :"E of the W extremity of the island. The coasts are mostly ooded, and clear of dangers. The SE coast is especially steep-t ith the 200m curve within 0.3 mile in places; the o--lying · 1.3nds are also steep-to. Tide rips are usually found in the v : nity of abrupt depth changes. Anchorage can be taken in several ys that are along the coast. 12.39 Tandu Peak (5"58'N., 121 °24 E), a grassy hill 400m high, is located about 1.25 miles inland fiom theE extremity of the island. Tandu Panuan, a village, stands on the coast 1.75 miles S of Tandu Peak. A bay, which recedes abo t I mile, is formed between a point close E of Tandu Panuan and Th. dican Point, 3 miles SSW. The entire bay dries, and to a distance of 1.5 miles offshore. Tandican Point (5°54'N., 121 °23'E.) the SE extremity of Jolo Island, is low, fringed with m~oves, and backed by high hills. The coast SW of the point as far as Karangdato Point (5 °52'N. , 121 °17'E.), is indented ; Pitogo Bay (5"54'N., 121°20'E.), deep and open to the S. There is a landing in a break in the fringing reef 2.5 miles NE of Karangdato Point. Thtu Bay (5°55'N., 121 °12'E.), entered between Karangdato Point and Putic Point, 13 miles W, is arated from a bay on theN side of Jolo Island by a low isthnru.>, 2.5 miles wide. Tutu Point is located 4.5 miles NW of Karar:.~ato Point. The head of the bay is encumbere with shoals, and reefs which dry, from Tutu Poin to M ibajoc Point (5"55'N., 121 °08'E.), 5.5 miles w. Several settlements and villages are ated on the shores of Tutu Bay, which is protected by Pata I and. Serantes Shoal (5 °54'N., 121 °07'E ..J , with a least depth of 2.7m, lies 0.5 mile offshore. 3 mil ENE of Putic Point. Anchorage can be taken in the outer prt of Tutu Bay, in depths of 18.3m, sand and coral. 12.40 Pata Island (5 °49'N ., 121 °1 E.), fronting Tutu Bay, is 422m high . The coasts are fringed ty a coral reef which on the E side extends about 2 mil s and e circles Kamawi Island. Dongdong Island lies on a bank .25 miles NE of Pata Island, and Tambulian Island lies on tn same bank 0.75 mile NW of Dongdong Island. These islands are fringed by part!~ drying reefs, and are separated from each other and Pata Island by navigable channels. The navigable channel between Tambulian Island and Dongdong Island is 0.3 mile wice. with a least depth of 5.9m. Damocan Island (5°51'N., 121°08'£., 41m high, lies about 0.5 mile W of theN part of Pata I lan d:; they are separated by a deep channel. Lumbian Island lies 1.25 miles W of Damocan Island. Garcia Shoal (5 °50'N., 121 °06'E .), with a depth of 6.4m, lies 0.25 mile SW of Lumbian Island. Patian Island (5 °51'N. , 121 °05'E.) , 154m high , lies 0.5 mile NW of Lumbian Island. Teombal Island (5 °50'N. , 121 °02'E.), 2.75 miles W of Patian Island, low and fringed by a coral reef, is the farthest W of these offshore islands. A bank, with depths of 7 to 9m, extends 2.25 miles SE from the island. Villamil Rock (5"52'N., 121 °04'E.), steep-to with a depth of 0.9m, lies in mid-channel 0.75 mile NNW of Patian I land. Maimbung Bay, entered between Putic Point (5°53'N., 121"05'E.) and Cabalian Point, 8 miles W, affords good shelter during the Northeast Monsoon, but is exposed to heavy squalls and swells during the Southwest Monsoon. The E side of the bay is covered by mangroves, and the W side is wooded with cleared spaces. Mount Matatal (5 °57'N., 121 °01 'E.), 140m high, is located about 1.5 miles N of the head of the bay. 12.41 Maimbung (5 °56'N ., 121 °02'E.), a town, stands on piles at the head of the bay, on the outer edge of the bar at the mouth of the Maim bung River. The bar has a depth of 0.3m. A building with a dome stands on the point S of Maimbung town. Dry Bank (5"55'N., 121"01'E.), which dries, ·es about 1 mile S of Maimbung; a smaller reef which dries, lies 0.3 mile NNE of Dry Bank. Marban Bank, with a least charted depth of 0.9m, lies 0.5 mile SE of Dry Bank. Other shoal depths in this area may be seen on the chart. Batolaqui Bank (5 °53'N., 120°57'£.) is composed of many shoal patches lying 1.25 miles E and SE of Cabalain Point. There are depths of 3.4 to 9.1m on the bank, with a drying rock on the W edge. A narrow channel, with a depth of 11m in the fairway, leads between the bank and Cabalain Point. Bunga Point bearing 309°, open SW of Tubingantan Point, leads SW of Batolaqui Bank. Tidal currents withjn the bay are weak, but off the entrance they are strong, irregular, and set E to W. Anchorage can be taken anywhere in the bay. The usual anchorage is 0.5 mile S of the town, in depths of 15 to 17m, coral sand, with the middle of Dry Bank bearing 232 °. Smaller vessels can anchor close inshore, directly off the mouth of the river, in a depth of 13m, mud and sand. Directions.-Two channels lead to the anchorages. The E and best channel leads between Marban Bank and the E shore of the bay, in a least depth of 9m. When approaching from SE, after passing Patian Island, steer for Mount Matatal (1.5 miles NNW of town) , bearing 340°, which will lead to the anchorage. The W channel between Marban and Dry Banks should only be used with local knowledge. 12.42 Cabalian Point (5 °53'N., 120°56'E.) is low, but the terrain rises quickly to Mount Tukay, 620m high, 2.75 miles NNE. The coast between Cabalian Point and Bunga Point, 4 miles NW, is low. Pub.162 Sector 12. The Solo Sea and the Solo Archipelago Parang (5. 55'N., 120. 54'E.), 2.5 miles NW of Cabalian Point, is the commercial center for the entire area. The town is built on piles over the water. There is an L-shaped concrete pier which extend 38m WSW and then 75m NW. A rock causeway leads to the pier. Pile clusters stand at intervals along the inner leg and about 0.3 of the way to the pierhead. There were reported depths of 9.8 to 11.3m on the S side of the outer leg, and 4.3 to 5.8m on theN side. There were reported depths of 6.1 to 9.6m about 6m off the pilings on the S side of the inner leg; 1.2 to 3m about 7 .9m off the N side pilings. Anchorage can be taken about 0.3 mile off Parang , with the galvanized iron roof of a store in town bearing ow·, and Thbingantan Point (5. 54'N., 120 . 55'E.) bearing 130·, in a depth of 16m, sand and coral. This anchorage is exposed to the Southwest Monsoon. Parang Island lies on a bank, close offshore, about 1 mile NW of Parang. 12.43 Sulade Island (5"50'N., 120. 47'E.) , 7 miles SW of Bunga Point, consists of coral and sand, surrounding a shallow lagoon; boats can pass the entrance on the S side at HW. The island is swampy and 12.2m high to the tops of the trees . Tidal currents between Sulade Island and Jolo Island set NW and SE, and attain a rate of 5 knots. There is anchorage over the bank extending from the W side of the island, in depths from 11 to 16.5m, coral and sand. There is some protection from the Northeast Monsoon but it is exposed to the Southwest Monsoon. Bunga Point (5"55'N., 120. 53'E.), the SW extremity of Jolo Island, is fringed by a coral reef. An isolated 5.5m patch lies 0.5 mile W of the point; the 20m curve lies about 0.5 mile farther W. The coast between Bunga Point and Silangon Point, 2 miles NNW, is low, fringed by a coral reef and backed by coconut trees. From Silangon Point (5. 57'N., 120. 52'E.) , the W end of Jolo Island, the coast trends about 3.5 miles NNE to Pulaluaac Point, then 3 miles NE to Candea Point. This part of the coast is backed by the slopes of Mount Thmatangas (6.00'N ., 120.58'E.) which rises to a height of 812m. The coast between Candea Point and Daingapac Point, 5.25 miles NE, is steep-to, fringed with coral and backed by mountains in the interior. Matos Shoal (5"59'N., 120. 53'E.), with a depth of7.3m, lies 1.5 miles N of Silangon Point. Thlian Island (6"01'N., 120. 53'E.), 35m high, lies 1.25 miles offshore NW of Pulaluaac Point. Busson Rock, awash, lies 0.25 mile NW of Tulian Island, about 0.1 mile inside the 200m curve. Numerous i lands and shoals lie in the NW approach to Jolo. Minis Island (6"12'N., 121 ·o3'E.) is the farthest NE; it is mall, wooded, and steep-to. Pantocunan Island, small, wooded, and reef-fringed, lies 10.5 miles W of Minis Island; it is the farthest NW of these islands. Heavy tide rips exist near Pantocunan as the outer reef edge is steep-to. 12.44 Bubuan Island (6" 11 'N., 120 . 58'E.), 3 miles WSW of Minis Island, is low, but a peak in its N extremity rises to a height of 89m. A bank, with a depth of 8.2m, extends about 1 Pub.162 mile NW from the island. Cabucan Island, the largest in the group, lies 1.5 miles SW of Bubu an Island . This island is reported to be low, swampy, and uninhabited. A small wooded island lies on a reef, close off the NE side of Cabucan. The channel between the island is fouled by a reef with a least depth of 3.7m. Hegad Island lies in this group, 0.75 mile SE of Bubuan, and Tauitaui Island, quite small, lies close W of Hegad. Aguirre Bank (6. 07'N., 120. 51'E.) , with a depth of 7.6m, is steep-to; it lies 2.25 miles WSW of Cabucan Island. Pangasinan Island (6"08'N., 120. 59'E. ), with a hill 123m high in the S part, has steep-to sides with S and W coasts fringed with sand. A 6.4m shoal lies 0.75 mile NE of the island. Marungas Island, 0.4 mile SW of Pangasinan Island, is low but has a hill 64m high in its W extremity. Strong, irregular currents flow through the channel between this island and Pangasinan. Anchorage can be taken in this channel about 0.1 mile off either coast, in depths of 11 to 22m, but the tidal currents are strong. Jolo (6°03'N., 121OOO'E.) World Port Index No. 59800 12.45 Jolo is the capital of Sulu Province, which comprises the whole of the Sulu Archipelago. The town, a walled city, is partially buil t on a long pier situated W of the town. The port is administered by the Philippine Ports Authority, Jolo, Sulu, Philippines. Winds-Weather.-Local weather conditions are generally good, with the incidence of typhoons very infrequent. The strongest winds occur in October and early November during the Southwest Monsoon. These winds last for 2 or 3 days and cause a heavy beam swell at the pier. Storm warning signals are displayed at the weather station. Tides-Currents.-The tides are chiefly diurnal, range about 0.8m. Tidal currents off the town set NE and SW. The strength of the current sets W and E about 2 hours after LW and 2 hours after HW at Cebu . Slack water occurs about 1 hour before HW and LW at Cebu. Currents in the harbor area and off the pier have a velocity of 1 to 2 knots and at times run counter to the normal offshore currents. Depths-Limitations.-The approach to the anchorage and pier is clear and free from hazard, except the shoal at the NE end of the pier. The Government U-shaped pier is about 88m long at the face, with controlling depths of 7.6 at the NE end, 7 .9m at the middle, and 9.1 m at the SE end. Berthing space at the main wharf is reserved for large foreign vessels and domestic ves els. Maximum permissible draft at MLLW is 4m with a loa of 60m. At Caltex , Mobil and Petron Oil Depot, there is no limit on loa , draft 6m. It was reported that a vessel with a draft of 4m and a length of 60m could be accepted at the main wharf. The basin , enclosed by the three arms of the U-pier, has landings on the NE and NW sides. There is a depth of 2m in Sect 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago the entrance. A private jetty has been nstructed close NE of the main wharf and is able to accept ves els with a maximum draft of 6m. There is an associated oil depot close NE of the town. Aspect.-Mount Tumatangas, 4 niles SW of town, is prominent. A dome standing 0.1 mile SE of Jolo Light, and another dome of a concrete mosque "Nbich stands 0.3 mile SSW of the mole are both conspicuous There is a high, white . cross 0.2 mile ENE of the mosque dome A water tower and a radio mast, both showing lights, stan 0.2 mile ESE of the lighthouse and 0.75 mileS of the mole. Pilotage.-Pilotage is compulsory. ~ ots request a 3 day advance notice of ETA and board ve:;sels at the quarantine anchorage. A customs launch assists in docking and provided sufficient notice is given. TO\ age is available. Pilots are stationed at nearby Zamboanga Cit_ Anchorage.-The anchorage lying 'ffi of Belan Point and NW of the pier is open to the N and W, and as the coastal bank is steep and tidal currents are strong, it 1 not considered a safe anchorage. During the Northeast nsoon, it may be necessary to take shelter under the lee of Marungas Island. Depths of 22 to 26m are found in the c:horage area. Merchant and naval vessels must anchor W and E of a line drawn in a 351 • direction from Jolo Lig t. All foreign vessels entering port should anchor 4 miles of the pier and await the boarding officials. Entry is perrni tt d only between sunrise and sunset. Quarantine inspection is us:~ally held alongside the pier. Anchorage is available W of the Cale:o: Depot. Large vessels can obtain anchorage in approximate position 6•04.8'N, 121 .00.4'E, located close SW of Daing;3.pic Point. Directions.-When about 0.5 mile om Jolo Light, change course to the SW for the anchorage or .or the approach to Jolo Pier. The approach channel to the pier is about 0 .2 mile wide between the shoals on either side. The pier should be approached from theW, as there is shoo water off its NE end. 12.46 Daingapic Point (6'05'N., 2 1.01'E.) lies 2 miles NNE of Jolo. Pandanan Point is l cated 6.5 miles E of Daingapic Point; from this point the ccast trends 2 miles SE to Igasan Point. This entire coastal area · fringed with coral and is steep-to. There are several mountair: peaks rising to heights of 789m within 3 miles of the coast. From Igasan Point to Baverstock P n t (6.0l'N., 121. 18'E.), the coast is indented by an open b ·, with sand and coral beaches backed by high hills. Caduay , a village, is located at the head of the bay. The 40m line lies 2.25 miles N of wduayan, but is 0.5 mile offshore close E. Eseo Bank, with a least charted depth of 4.6m, lies 1.25 miles N of the village. Bancungan Island (6. 05' ., 121"OO'E.), 0.5 mile E of lgasan Point, is partly wooded; it rises o a height of 155m. The channel between the island and Jolo I and has depths of 29 to 33m. The island is steep-to except off Its NW ide where an above-water rock lies at the outer e-1d of a spit. Panganaa Island, steep and rocky, lies 1 mile ESE f Bancungan Island. Gujangan Island (6.05'N., 121"16'E.), 5 miles E of Bancungan Island, has two wooded, 122m and 81m high, with a narrow strip of low land between them. The island is steep-to, except on its E side where an extensive drying reef fronts a lagoon. 12.47 Dalrymple Harbor (6.00'N., 121" 19'E.), indenting the N coast of Jolo Island, close W of Haverstock Point, is closely fronted by Tulayan Island. Tulayan has a cone-shaped peak 160m high, which is a good landmark from the N and E. Several shoals lying between Tulayan Island and the S shore have depths of 3.4 to 5.5m. White Passage, the W entrance to Dalrymple Harbor, is formed between Haverstock Point and Tulayan Island. It is contracted by a bank extending N from the point and other shoal patches. Tandu Bato (6"00'N., 121"18'E.), a village 0.3 mile SSE of Haverstock Point, is connected with Jolo by a good road. There is a stone mole off the village, but the ruins of a pier obstruct the use of the mole. Anchorage can be taken SE of Tulayan Island, in depth of 14.6 to 16.5m, sand, but it is exposed to the NE. During strong NE winds, better protection is afforded under the lee of the island. To approach the anchorage, pass about 0.5 mile E of Tulayan, avoiding the 5.5m patch lying SE of Martin Bluff (6.02'N., 121 .20'E.) and the 4.6m patch lying 0.75 mile farther E. When the S extremity of the island bears 270•, steer for it on that bearing and anchor when Martin Bluff bears between ooo· and 030•. Ifentering from the W by White Passage, keep 0.25 mile off the W and S sides of Tulayan Island, then steer for anchorage a above. Petley Point (6"01'N., 121 .21'E.), about 2 miles E of Haverstock Point, is fronted by a drying reef. Patotol Bay is entered about 1.25 ESE of Petley Point. Patotol Bay (6.00'N., 121 .22'E.) has a narrow tortuous entrance between reefs on either side. Anchorage, in depths of 9.1 to 11m can be taken within the bay entrance. There are depths 5.5m about 0.4 mile within the entrance. Bulicutin Island (6"01'N., 121.22'E.), low and swampy, fronts the entrance to Patotol Bay. A draft of 3.7m can be carried through the channel W of Bulicutin. The E channel is deeper but is encumbered with rocks and shoals. Tidal currents average about 2.5 knots in the channels. Liangliand (6.01 'N., 121. 23'E.) is located on Jolo, 0.6 mile E of theE extremity of Bulicutin Island. The shore from theE entrance of Patotol Bay to the village of Liangliang is fronted by reefs; the reef close W of the village dry at LW. Liangliang lies at the W end of Capual Channel. 12.48 The Tapul Islands are a group of four large islands and several smaller islands, lying to the SSW of Jolo Island are rugged, fertile, and well cultivated. Taluc Island (5 .44'N., 12l . OO'E.) and Cabingaan Island, the farthest NE of the islands lying on the same drying reef, lie 9.5 miles SSW of Jolo Island. Cabingaan is covered mangroves. Sibabag, a Moro settlement built on piles, lies midway between the two islands. A boat passage leads to Sibabag from the E side of the reef. Paquia Island, fringed by a reef, is separated from the W side of Cabingaan by a deep passage 0.25 mile wide. A spit, with a Pub.162 Sector 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago depth of 3m at its outer end, extends 1.25 miles SSE from Paquia Island. Tapul Island (5 .44'N., 120. 54'E.), about 3.5 miles W of Taluc Island, is circular in shape and presents a rugged appearance. It rises to Mount Dakut (5.44'N. , 120. 54'E.), a grassy summit 483m high near the center. Coral reefs fringe the S end of Tapul, and there are numerous coastal settlements on the island. 12.49 Lugus Island (5.41'N., 121 . 51'E.), SW of Tapul Island, is rugged, mountainous, and wooded. Mount Biubugnan rises to a height of 294m at theW side of the island. An extensive drying reef extends 1.75 miles E of theE end of the island. Strong tidal currents set through the narrow channel between Lugus and Tapul Islands; there is a least depth of 5.8m in the fairway. Lugus Shoal (5. 38'N. , 120. 46'E.), with a charted depth of 4m, lies about 2 miles SW of Lugus Island. Siasi Island (5"32'N., 120. 52'E.) lies 4.25 miles S of Lugus Island. Gorro of Siasi, 495m high near the center, is the highest point on the island. It has a prominent clump of dark trees on its summit. There are several fishing villages within the reefs that fringe theE and SW coasts of the island. A village situated at theW end of the island has a pier, with an along side depth of 6.4m. Tara Island (5"36'N., 120. 52'E.), 34m at its E end, is separated from the N side of Siasi Island by a channel 0.25 mile wide, with a least depth of 14.6m in the fairway, but there is a depth of 7 .3m in the E approach. A lagoon lies on theN side of the island, with depths of from 16m to 31m; the lagoon is protected from the N by foul ground. Tincalan Island, 1m high, lies on the foul ground; when seen from a distance it resembles a canoe under sail. Taratara Island, 38m high, lies close off the NE side of Tara Island. A depth of 5.5m can be carried into the lagoon on either side of Taratara, but the channels are narrow and tortuous, and only suitable for launches. Laminusa Island (5 . 33'N., 120.55'E.), lying off theE point of Siasi Island, is low and has a village at its NW point. North Gusun Reef, partly drying, and Gusun Reef, drying, lie off the N and SW sides of Laminusa Island, respectively. Other dangerous reefs lie close N and 2 miles NW of North Gusun Reef. Anchorage between Larninusa Island and the reefs extending off the E end of Siasi Island has depths of 11 to 16m, sand, sheltered with good holding ground. The reef on the SW side of the anchorage partly dries and is steep-to, but is not easily distinguished. Tidal currents at springs are strong and set W and then N along the coast of Siasi. Sumbasumba Island (5 . 30'N., 120. 58'E.), 3.25 miles SSE of Larninusa Island, is the farthest SE of a group of low, thickly wooded islands which extends 4 miles SE from theE extremity of Siasi Island. A dangerous steep-to reef extends E from Basbas Point, the S extremity of Siasi , to Sumbasumba and then 2.5 miles N. In places the 200m curve lies about 0.1 mile off the dangerous reef. A reef which dries 0.3 to 0.6m, extends 3.25 miles SW from Basbas Point. Pub.162 Manubul Island (5"28'N., 120. 48'E.) is located on a reef formed of grass, sand and coral, 3.5 miles WSW of Basbas Point. A channel, with a depth of 9m, lead between Manubul and the reef extending SW from Ba ba Point. Small vessels, with local knowledge, can transit this channel which is about 0.1 mile wide. The tidal currents set through the channel at a maximum velocity of 5 knots. 12.50 Siasi (5"33'N., 120. 49'E.) (World Port Index No. 59820) is situated on the W extremity of Siasi Island; it is approached from the N and S through a narrow channel. A concrete pier exists here, with a depth of 6.4m alongside. A light is shown from the root of the pier. Sungu Shoal (5. 37'N., 120. 49'E.), with a depth of 5m, and Langon Shoal, with a least depth of 11m, lie in the N approach to Siasi in positions 2 miles NW and 3.75 miles WNW; respectively, from Siasi Island. The N approach to Siasi is formed between Siasi Island and Lapac Island. A mid-channel course is recommended to the anchorage, which is in mid-channel SW of Siasi Pier, in depths of 11 to 15m. There is a maximum current through the channel of 5 knots. Lapac Island (5.32'N., 120.47'E.), separated from Siasi Island by a channel about 0.3 mile wide, has two prominent peaks, with a deep, cultivated valley between them, so that from NW it appears as two islands. Several villages are located on theW coast of the island. Luagat Point (5 . 34'N., 120.48'E.), theN extremity, is rocky and steep-to; Busluc Point, 0.5 mile W of Luagat Point, is formed of large conspicuous rocks. Sirun Island (5. 35'N., 120.44'E.), a small island 30m high, lies 4 mile WNW of Luagat Point. The island is fringed by a reef which extends 0.2 mile from its W ide. Pandami Island (5"33'N., 120.45'E.), low, sandy, and covered with coconut trees, lies close off the NW side of Lapac Island; the channel between the islands is foul at its N end. Anchorage for vessels with local knowledge can be taken SW of the island, in depths of 13 to 22m, sand and coral. Tapaan Island (5. 28'N., 120.44'E.), the farthest SW of the Tapul Group, is separated from Lapac Island by a deep channel about 2 mile wide. The channel is free of dangers except for a rocky patch with a depth of about 8.8m reported to be 1 mile NNE of Tapaan Island. Tapaan is a low island, with a shallow lagoon on the W side, protected by a barrier reef. Banks extend from theN, E, and S sides of the island. 12.51 The Tawitawi Group of islands extends from Bubuan and Maniacolat Islands, SW for 58 miles to Bongao Island (5. 01'N., 119. 45'E.). The group consists of more than 30 islands, as well as numerous small islets, boulders, and rock and reef formations above and below-water. Most of the islands are densely wooded and mountainous; some islands consist mainly of mangrove swamps. Tapaan Passage (5. 30'N., 120. 40'E.), which separates the Tapul Group from the Tawitawi Group, is 7.5 miles wide between Bubuan Island on theW and Tapaan Island on theE, with depths over 18.3m in the fairway. There are two shoals of Sect r 12. The Sulu Sea and the Sulu Archipelago 7.5 to 9.1m in the fairway, but there are:;c,ear passages on either side of them. Tapaan Shoal (5°26'N., 120°40'E.) with a least depth of 8.5m, and Crest of Wave Shoal, with a epth of 7.3m, are two dangers lying in Tapaan Passage. Discolored water and tide rips are :"efOrted to usually mark Crest of Wave Shoal (5°33'N., 120°37E). Tides-Currents.-Currents set ' on the rising tide and SE on the falling tide with velocities t : to 7 knots . Heavy tide rips occur at the chann 1 entrances during rough weather. Tapaan Passage is convenie t for sailing vessels, and in light winds anchorage can be taken while awaiting the change of tide. 12.52 Parangan Islands (5 °30'N., 120°34'E.), 10.5 miles W of Lapac Island, are the farthest NE Jf the Tawitawi Group. They consist of two islets;the eastelllDU),>t is 27m high, conical in shape, and covered with grass. T W islet is flat; a reef extends E, leaving a narrow passage betlveen the islets. Maniacolat Island (5°27'N. , 120c::SE.), densely wooded, has a prominent peak, 227m high, at N end which appears conical except when seen from the E W. A village stands on the E shore, wte e a prominent spire is located. The shores, except for the S, steep-to. Maglumba Islet, lO.lm high, lies 1 25 miles E of the N extremity of Maniacolat Island; foul ground extends 0.2 mile S from the islet. Bubuan Island (5 °25'N., 120 °35'E) 137m high on its W side, is separated from Maniacolat Isla:!d by a channel 0.5 mile wide, with a depth of 6.4m in the fai '.ly. A steep, rocky cliff stands at the E point of the island. A s allow lagoon fills the center of the island, and is entered N -e hill on the W side. Sugbai Passage (5°25'N., 120° J 'E. ), formed between Bubuan Island and Sugbai, has a ro :), steep-to 10.4m patch lying midway between the two islan ~. Two extensive shoals, with depths of 10.9 to 16.5m, lie in ti-N part of the passage. Cacatan Island (5 °30'N., 120°27'E . , 23m high, lies 7 miles NW of Maniacolat Island. Shoal gro d, with a least depth of 8.5m, extends 2.5 mile SSE from the i;bnd. Mid-channel Bank (5°27'N., 120°,:'E.), with least depths of 1.8 to 6.7m, sand and coral, is · extensive bank lying between Maniacolat and Cacatan Isla:!ds. A rock, awash, lies on the bank about 2.5 miles SW of the Paragan Islands. The shallowest parts of the bank are 6fficult to distinguish. Sugbai Island (5 ' 24'N., 120°23 E.), 235m high, has a summit consisting of twin peaks that ppear as one when seen from E or W. There are rocky cliffs oo tne N side and E end . A lagoon, with no entrance, is located e S side of the island. A shoal patch, with a depth of 4.6m, · about 1 mile SE of the W extremity of the island. Anchorage, with local knowledge can be taken NE of the shoal patch, in a depth of 13.1 m, sanc.i.sition Sec . Para Position Sec. Para LAONAN ISLAND LAPAC ISLAND LAPARAN ISLAND 9 5 5 53 32 1'" 54 I25 120 120 55 E 47 E OOE 6.70 I2.50 12.13, 12.20 LIPATA POINT LISCUM BANK LISCUM REEF LITALIT BAY 13 7 12 9 29N I5N 19N 58N 122 I23 121 126 25 E 05E 05E OOE 2.43 9.13 4.6 6.70 LAPINIG ISLAND LAPINIGAN ISLAND LAPINIGAN ISLAND LAPININ ISLAND LAPOG BAY LAPOGPOINT LAPOGSHOAL LAPUAN LAPU-LAPU LARAPBAY LARENA LATUAN ISLAND LATUDPOINT LAUAANBAY LAUAAN POINT LAVIS LEDGE LAVIS POINT LAVEZARES HARBOR LAVIGAN ANCHORAGE LAWA YON POINT LAYABAN POINT LAYAUANBAY LAZI LAZI BAY LEANJSLAND LEBAKPOINT LEFA POINT LEGAZPI PORT LELEBOONISLAND LEMERY LENUNGAN ISLAND LEONIDAS BANK LEYTE LEYTEBAY LIANPOINT LIANG LIANGA LIANGABAY LIANGLIAND LIBAGAO ISLAND LIBAGON LIBAOHILL LIBERANAN HEAD LIBJOBAY LIBOG LIBRO POINT 9 7 9 10 17 17 17 6 10 14 9 5 8 11 ll 10 10 12 6 6 8 10 9 9 11 6 5 13 10 13 9 12 ll 11 13 7 8 8 6 12 10 10 II 10 13 11 46r 24 ~ 35 06 44 44 l'" 45 08~ 19 19 15 04 38r. 07 on 14 10 33 18 02 31 17 08" 06 13" 33 47 09 56 53 05 03 23 25 44 11 38"' 37 01 12l'o 18]'. oor-. ()()]'. 131'14" 251' 125 122 125 124 120 120 120 125 122 122 123 120 117 125 125 123 123 124 126 125 123 125 123 123 120 124 125 123 125 120 126 120 124 124 122 125 126 126 121 121 125 123 125 125 123 119 35E 24E 46E 34E 26E 25 E 24E 42E 57 E 39E 36E I6E 16E 17E 19E 54E 43 E 20E liE 42E 47E 32E 38 E 39E 4IE 02E liE 45E 50E 55 E 12E 52 E JOE 28E 31 E 39E 06E IOE 23E 25 E 03 E 24E 02E 31E 47E 29E 6.37 9.7 6.56 6.120 1.30 1.30 1.30 9.36 7.34 5.30 7.30 12.67 11.37 6.22 6.22 7.32 7.35 2.120 9.47 9.35 8.14 6.48 7.31 7.30 10.3 9.27 9.34 5.80 6.18 2. 10 9.60 4.22 6.92 6.92 2.60 9.43 9.57 9.57 12.47 4.18 6.128 7.23 6 .27 6.48 5.78 11.2, LITTLE MAOSONON ISLAND LITTLE SANTA CRUZ ISLAND LIVAS POINT LLORENTE LOAY LOCOLOCO POINT LOCOTBAY LOCSICOBAY LOGUINGUT ISLAND LOGUNG POINT LOKANIN POINT LONG POINT LOOCBAY LOOCBAY LOOCBAY LOOCBAY LOOCBAY LOOCCOYE LOOCRIVER LOON LOPEZ BAY LORAN ISLAND LORETO REEF LOS FRAILES LOSAPON RIVER LOXDALE SHOAL LOYA RIVER LUAGAT POINT LUANISLAND LUBAN ISLAND LUBANG LUBANG ISLAND LUBANG ISLANDS LUBICAN ISLAND LUBUTGLUBUT ISLAND LUCAPBAY LUCENA LUCSON POINT LUCSutUNISLANDS LUGANCOYE LUGBUNG ISLAND LUGUS ISLAND LUGUSSHOAL LUMANGBAY AN RIVER LUMBUCAN CHANNEL 11 6 12 ll 9 13 13 7 11 6 14 9 10 12 12 12 13 14 13 9 13 5 11 14 9 7 11 5 15 6 13 13 13 5 12 16 13 11 13 13 12 5 5 13 7 16N 53N 35N 25N 36N 39 N 34N 27N 28N 58N 29N 39N 24N 09N 14N 23N 43N 09N 55N 48N 56N 12N 30N 45N 37 N 34N 07N 34N 30N 26N 52N 48N 47N 04N liN liN 56N 06N 52N 45N 36N 41 N 38N 17N 47N 119 122 124 125 124 121 124 122 123 123 120 118 125 123 121 124 120 120 123 123 122 120 120 120 123 117 123 120 119 126 120 J20 120 119 J20 120 121 125 123 123 122 121 I20 121 117 42 E 02E 57 E 33 E OlE 25 E 20E 47E JOE 58 E 36 E 20E 35 E 15E 59 E 20E 16E 35 E 18 E 48 E 12E 3IE liE 05E 29E 13E 58E 48 E 54 E I 3 E 07 E JOE JOE 55 E 23 E OlE 37 E 22 E 51 E 57 E J5E 51 E <16E 21E 15 E 11.47 9.3 2.111 6.14 7.45 2.17 5.68 9 .11 3.30 9.26 1.83 11.28, 11.29 6.49 3.23 3.6 2. 121 2.4 1.89 5.41 7.42 5.20 12.53 10.21 1.67 7 .36 11.83 7.17 12.50 1.61 9.48 2.2 2.2 1.91 12.62 10.15 1.48 2.34 6.22 5.52 5.55 3.10 12.49 12.49 2.29 11.82 11.4, LUMBUCAN ISLAND 7 40N 117 13 E 11.82 11.23 LUMINTAO RIVER 12 32N 120 55 E 4.4 LIBUCAN ISLANDS 11 541' 124 39E 6.72 LUNA 16 51 N 120 22E 1.38 LICTIN POINT 13 51 N 124 25 E 5.65 LUNAO 8 51 N 125 04E 8.36 LIGAS POINT LILA LILOAN 7 9 10 56N 35N ION 116 124 125 56E 06E 07E 11.78 7.46 6.130 LUPAC POINT LUSARAN POINT 13 10 27N 29N 121 J22 49E :<.8E 2.54 3.40, 3.44 LILOAN LILOAN BAY 10 10 24N ION 124 125 OOE 07E 6.111 6.130 LUSONG ISLAND LUT ANGAN ISLAND 11 7 59N 17N 120 122 OlE Sl E 10.31 9.12 LILOAN POINT 9 25 123 18E 7 .25 LUUK SULA BAY 5 03N 119 52E 12.62 LIMA ROCK 14 36N 122 46E 5.34 LUYANG 10 36N J24 IE 6.109 LIMASAW A ISLAND 9 56 125 04E 6.126 LUZON POINT 14 28N J20 23 E 1.78 LIMBANGAN POINT 10 44 119 36E 11 .52 LUZON POINT 14 32N 120 36E 1.83 LIMBONES COVE 1<1 14N 120 37 E 1.85 LUZON REEF 6 47N 122 04E 12.23 LIMBUGCOVE 7 28N 123 24E 9 . 18 LIMINANGCONG II OON 119 18E 11.11 LIMIT POINT 14 14N 120 35 E 1.85 M LINAMPANAN ISLAND 13 53N 124 24E 5.65 LINAOBAY 6 46N 124 OOE 9.27 MAALEQUEQUENISLAND 11 ION JI9 39E 11.48 LINAPACAN ISLAND 11 27N 119 49E 11.42 MAASIN 10 08N J24 50E 6.126 LINAPACAN STRAIT 11 37N 119 57 E 10.22 MAASIN POINT 9 30N IJ8 38 E 11.65 LINA WAN ISLAND 6 19N 121 55 E 12.33 MABAAG ISLAND 18 53N 121 15E 1.11 LINGAYAN 16 OIN 120 13 E 1.44 MABAJOC POINT 5 55N 121 08E 12.39 LINGAYEN 16 OIN 120 13E 1.44 MABINI POINT 10 17N 124 04E 7.33 LINGAYEN GULF 16 15N 120 IOE 1.42 MABIOPOINT 13 47N 122 03 E 2.38 LINGIG 8 02N 126 25E 9.54 MABUDIS ISLAND 20 56N J21 55 E 1.4 LINGUISAN POINT 7 30N 122 26E 9.8 MACA 7 22N J25 51E 9.43 LINUGOS 9 OIN 125 liE 8.38 MACA REEF II 04N 123 27 E 3.46 LIPATABANK 10 15N 123 52E 7.34 MACACHIN POINT 12 19N 119 54 E 10.34 LIPATA POINT 10 15N 123 52E 7.35 MACACHIN POINT 12 20N 119 54 E 10.11 LIPATA POINT 11 28N 122 03E 4.27 MACAJALAR BAY 8 34N 24 37 E 8.25 LIPATA POINT 12 32N 124 I6E 2.121 MACALELON 13 45N 122 03E 2.40 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer Position Sec. Para Position Sec. Para MACANGANliSLAND MACMANY POINT MACO MACOTO POINT MACTAN ISLAND MACUAO ISLET MACULABO ISLAND MACULI POINT MADALAG POINT MADALONOT POINT MADAUM RIVER MADIAOP POINT MADILAO POINT MAEANDER REEF MAESTRE DE CAMPO ISLAND MAGABAO COVE MAGALA W A ISLAND MAGALLANES MAGALLANES MAGALLANES MAGALLANES BANK MAGALLANES ROCK MAGALUMBIISLET MAGCARAGIT ISLAND MAGD!WANG MAGELLAN BAY MAGLAGABON POINT MAGNAGABAY MAGNANA POINT MAGOSIPAL ISLET MAGPEOS ISLAND MAGSATANGI POINT MAHANGIN POINT MAHINOG MAIDUUN ISLANDS MAIMBUNG MAINAGA COVE MAINIT RIVER 9 14 7 13 10 II 14 6 8 II 7 7 9 8 12 8 15 12 12 9 II 12 II 12 12 10 12 7 II II 5 13 10 9 II 5 13 10 07N 47N 22N 09N IBN 07N 24N 07N 25N 45N 22N 44N 46N 06N 56N 59N 30N 30N SON OIN 51 N 53N 23N l6N 30N 20N IBN ION 46N 26N 20N 53N 03N 09N 30N 56N 46N 26N 126 120 125 123 123 119 122 124 122 124 125 122 125 119 121 126 119 122 123 125 120 123 123 123 122 124 124 125 125 123 120 123 125 124 125 121 120 123 14E 12E SIE 17E 58 E 32E 49E 20E 59E 54E 49E 35 E 24E IBE 43E 16E 53 E 3!E SOE 31 E 26E 51 E JOE 50E 3!E OlE 21E 53 E 26E IOE 35 E 06E 35 E 47 E 31 E 02E 57 E 22E 9.60 1.70 9.43 2.67 7.32 11.48 5.33 9.29 8.6 6.77 9.43 9.10 8.44 12.2 3.2 9.59 1.61 3. 13 2.81 8.43 10.20 2.79 3.31 2.89 3.13 7.32 6.73 9.44 6.10 3.30 12.53 5.39 6.43 8.32 6. 14 12.41 2.13 7. 10 MALPAL POINT MALUBUG BAY MALUBUTGLUBUT~LAND MALUS! POINT MALUSOBAY MAMAD ISLAND MAMANUC ISLAND MAMBAGI REEF MAMBAG!D MAMBAHENA~ISLET MAMBAJAO MAMBURAO BAY MAMBURAO REEF MANAD! ISLET MANAGAO POINT MANALlK CHAN)IEL MANAMOC ISLA...'ill MANANGAL ISLAND MANANGULA POINT MANAOL POINT MANAPLA MANAYBAY MANDAUE MANDAUIISLAND MANDOLAN ISLAND MANGAGOY MANGAL POINT MANGAL RIVER MANGARAN BAY MANGAS POINT MANGAYAO POINT MANGCAOPOINT MANGLET ISLAND MANGROVE INLET MANGROVE PO!Yf MANGROVE POr-IT MANGSEE CHANNEL MANGSEE DANGER BANK II 7 II 6 6 6 5 9 10 6 9 13 13 12 10 5 II 6 7 9 10 7 10 13 5 8 6 6 12 16 10 II II 9 10 14 7 7 21 N 36N 30N 52N 34N 08N 40N 41 N 51 N 32N ISN 12N ION 20N 53N SN IBN 38N 06N 43N 58N 12N 20N SON 07N liN 24N 25N l9N 04N liN 02 59N 55N OIN 21 N 30N 33N 123 123 119 125 121 121 120 123 122 118 124 120 120 121 124 119 120 121 124 125 123 126 123 120 119 126 121 121 121 120 125 123 119 118 119 122 117 117 08E 25 E 41E 27E 51 E 46E 21 E 30E 57E 31 E 43E 34E 36E 03 E 03E 49E 41E 35 E 02E 54E 07 E 33E 56 E 20E 48E 21E 57 E 58E 03E 07E 08E 54E 57 E 45E 04E 41E 17 E 17 E 3.31 9.18 11.45 9.38 12.28 12.35 12.21 7.36 3.51 12.7 8.32 4.2 4.2 4.7 6.107 12.63 10.3 12.15 9.26 6.62 3.49 9.51 7.33 2.7 12.65 9.55 12.25 12.25 4.5 1.45 6.32 7.18 10.25 11.60 11.60 5.32 11.84 11.83 MAKAR MAKOLBO POINT MALABANG 6 13 7 06N liN 36N 125 120 124 09E 39 E 04E 9.32 4.2 9.21 MANIACOLAT ISLAND MANlCANliSLAND MANIGONIGO ISLET 5 II II 27N 00 36N 120 125 123 35 E 38 E II E 12.52 6.21 3.27 MALABRIGO POINT MALABRIGO POINT MALABUNGUT ISLAND MALABUYOC POINT 13 13 13 9 36N 36N 56N 39N 12 1 121 123 123 15E 16E 35 E 19E 2.27 2.17 5.50 7.25 MANIGUIN ISLAND II MANILA 14 MANILA BAY 14 MANILA QUARANTINE ANCHORAGE 14 36N 35N 35N 33N 121 120 120 120 41E 58 E 45 E 56E 4.25 1.88 1.79 1.86 MALAGUIT BAY MALAJIBOMANOC ISLET MALAKIBAY BAY 14 13 8 17N 38N 58N 122 120 I 17 49E 58 E 34E 5.32 2. 12 11.35 MANlSBASO POINT MANITO REEF MANIUAYAN ISLAND 14 13 13 SIN 09N 32N 120 123 122 13E SIE 07E 1.70 5.82 2.49 MALALAGBAY MALAMAU!ISLAND MALAMAUI ROAD MALAMPAY A INNER SOUND 6 6 6 10 37 N 44N 42N SON 125 121 121 119 24E SSE 56E 23 E 9.37 12.30 12.29 11.1 8 MANJUD POINT MANJUYOD POINT MANOC ISLAND MANOCMANOC ISLETS 12 9 12 II 28N 42N OON 35N 125 123 123 124 17E JOE 34E 03E 6.2 7.12 3.26 6.96 MALANAO ISLAND MALANGABAN ISLAND 9 II 27N !SN 118 123 37 E 13E 11.65 3.32 MANOGPOINT MANSALAJ BAY 13 12 40N 30N 120 121 l6E 27E 2.5 4.12 MALANGAS 7 38N 123 02E 9. 15 MANSALA Y BAY 12 30N 121 27E 4. 12 MALANIPA ISLAND 6 53N 122 17E 9.5 MANSIOLBAY 12 28N 121 26E 4.13 MALANUTBAY 9 17N 118 OOE 11.31 MANTANGULE ISLAND 8 ION 117 JOE 11.71 MALAPARI II 09N 119 33 E 11.48 MANTATAO ISLET 9 57N 123 51 E 7.38 MALAPASCUAISLAND II 20N 124 07 E 6.97 MANTAYABAY 9 05N 117 4IE 11.34 MALAPINA ISLAND 10 56N 119 19E 11.12 MANUBUL ISLAND 5 28N 120 48E 12.49 MALAPINGAN POINT 12 51 N 123 12E 2.70 MANUCAN ISLAND 9 39N 121 21E 12.9 MALAQUJNG ILOG RIVER 13 49N 121 27 E 2.32 MANUK MANKA ISLAND 4 48N 119 SOE 12.66 MALARADISLETS 13 48N 123 54E 5.54 MAPANGABAY 7 OlN 125 59E 9.44 MALASUGAT POINT MALATANDAN POINT 7 13 05N 51 N 122 121 l4E 58 E 9.6 2.37 MAPANKAL POINT 8 57N 117 33 E 11 .3, 11.36 MALATUNA POINT 6 l9N 124 06E 9.28 MAPUTI CREEK 7 01 N 125 59E 9.44 MALAUMAUAN ISLAND 12 51 N 123 46E 2.78 MAQUEDA CHANNEL 13 42N 124 OlE 5.55 MALAVATUAN ISLAND 13 52N 120 21 E 2.7 MAQUILJGUIAN POINT 9 58N 122 26E 4.32 MALAYO REEF 10 02N 125 56E 6.69 MAQUJQUJLING POINT 10 IBN 122 50E 3.62 MALAZOR POINT 14 12N 121 45E 5. 18 MARABOUT SHOAL 8 57N 118 19E 11 .67 MALCAMPO 10 17N 119 17E 11.59 MARACANAO ISLAND II 13N 121 04E 10.4 MALIGAYBAY 7 30N 123 ISE 9.17 MARAGAY A RIVER 16 46N 120 20E 1.39 MALINAO 31 24N 123 42E 5.72 MARAGONDON POINT 14 l9N 120 44E 1.86 MALINAO INLET 10 ISN 125 38 E 6.51 MARALISON ISLAND II 25N 122 OlE 4.28 MALINONOK ISLAND 8 39N 126 08E 9.57 MARANAS ISLAND 4 44N 119 l4E 12.70 MALIPANO ANCHORAGE 7 OON 125 43 E 9.41 MARANOG POINT 10 27N 119 48E 11.56 MALIPUBAY 10 SON 119 20E 11 .16 MARANTAO ISLAND 9 16N 117 52E 11.32 MALITA 6 24N 125 37 E 9.36 MARASIBAY 8 46N 117 24E 11.36 MALITBOG 10 ION 125 OOE 6. 127 MARGINAL WHARF 14 36 N 120 57 E 1.88 MALONAO ROCK II l3N 119 35 E 11.47 MARGOSATUBIG 7 35N 123 IOE 9.16 MALONCON ISLAND 18 lSN 122 20E 5.3 MARIA BAY 9 liN 123 42E 7.31 MALPACAO ISLAND II 06N 119 24E 11.9 MARIA ISLET II 29 N 124 07 E 6.96 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer Sec. Position Sec. Para Position Para MARIBOJOC MARIBOJOC BAY MARICABAN ISLAND MAR!CABAN STRAJT MARillATAG NUUUNDUQUEISLAND MARIPIPIISLAND MARJQUlPOINT MARIQUlTDAQUIT ISLAND MARJRJGISLET MARIRIGI ISLET MARITAN POINT MARIVELES MARJVELES HARBOR MARLANGABAY MARLANGA POINT MARTIN BLUFF MARTINEZ POINT MARUKAL POINT MASAGASAJ BAY MASAMATBAY MASAO MASAPELIDISLAND MASAPELID PASSAGE MASAPELID PASSAGE MASBATE MASBATE HARBOR MASBATE ISLAND MASBATE PASS MASBATE SHOAL MASBETE SHOAL MASIN ISLAND MASINLOC MASINLOCANCHORAGE MASINLOC HARBOR MATABAO ISLAND MATAJA ISLAND MATALVI ISLAND MATALVI POINT MATANAL POINT MATARA POINT MATARABIS ISLAND MATARJNAOBAY MATARINAO POINT MATA TlNDOC POINT MATAYA ISLAND MATAYA REEF MAT! MATILPOINT MATlNLOC ISLAND MATLANGBAY MATNOG MATNOGBAY MATOCO POINT MATOS SHOAL MAUBAN MAUORIVER MAYAGAO POINT MAYANGA ISLAND MAYDAY BAY MAYDOLONG ISLANDS MAYO BAY MAYON VOLCANO MAYRAIRA POINT MAYTIGUID ISLAND MEDANO ISLET MEDELLIN MEDINA MEDIO ISLAND 9 9 13 13 8 13 II 6 II 12 I2 I4 14 14 I3 I3 6 8 5 I3 I3 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 17 17 12 15 6 15 12 6 15 15 6 18 II II II 9 12 12 6 5 II II 12 12 l3 5 14 12 14 14 10 II 6 13 18 II 9 II 8 13 45 ~ 42 39 4I 48 23 48 53 05 52 52 49 26 26 16 13 02 03 04 25 58~ 00 42 43 44~ 22 22 20 30 4H 45 15 1' 331' 56 31 19 34 29 29 38 23 07 14" 14 43 01 01 57 52 II 531\ 35 35 38 59 12 27 42 50 27 30 55 15 39 . 03 16:-08"' 55 . 32:- 123 123 120 120 126 121 124 122 125 123 123 120 120 120 122 122 121 116 119 122 123 125 125 125 125 123 123 123 123 120 120 121 119 122 119 123 121 119 119 122 122 121 125 125 122 120 120 126 124 119 124 124 124 12 1 120 121 124 120 120 119 125 126 123 120 11 9 124 123 125 120 51 E 50E 53 E 53E 18E 58 E 19E 06E 09E 50E 50E 18E 29E 29E 03 E 02E 20E 58E 53 E 07 E 38 E 29E 39 E 37 E 37 E 37 E 37 E 30E 35 E 23 E 23E 23 E 57 E liE 58E 48E 41E 55 E 54E 20E 06E 09E 34E 35 E 23E 23E 22E 13E 55 E 17E 27 E 05E 06E 02E 53 E 44E 18E 15E 14E 03E 31 E 22E 41E 51E 36E 39 E 59 E 02E 57E 7.42 7.42 2.11 2.I2 9.58 2.45 6.94 9.5 6.24 2.79 2.79 1.74 1.81 1.80 2.51 2.51 12.47 11.80 12.62 2.50 5.50 8.40 6.55 6.55 6.36 2.86 2.85 2.83 2.92 1.30 1.30 4.15 1.60 9.5 1.59 2. 100 12.14 1.62 1.61 12.24 1.16 10.4 6.16 6.16 4.33 10.29 10.18 9.50 9.30 I 1.7 6.114 2.104 2.104 2.16 12.43 5 . 19 2. 121 1.76 1.75 11.23 6. 14 9.51 5.79 1.21 11.47 8.32 7.17 8.34 2.20 MIDDLE CHANNEL MIDDLE PASS MIDDLE REEF MIDDLE REEF MILAGROS MILBUK MINALULAN POINT MINANG POINT MINANGASBAY MINANUT ANCHORAGE MINANUT ISLAND MINASANGAN ISLAND MINAYET POINT MINA YIT POINT MINDANAO RIVER MINDANAO SEA MINDORO SHOAL MINDORO STRAJT MINIGAS POINT MlNlLOC ISLAND MINIS ISLAND MINIS ISLAND MlNLAGAS MINOLO POINT MlNUlT MIRA Y A ISLET MITRE ISLAND MOALBOAL MOBOBAY MOCABOC POINT MOMPOG ISLAND MOMPOG PASS MONAD SHOAL MONKIAUA BAY MONMOUTH SHOALS MONSERAT MONTOCONAN ISLET MOORSOM POINT MORONG SHOAL MOUNT AIRY MOUNT AMPIRO MOUNT APITON MOUNT BALUK SAMPAN MOUNT BANAHAO MOUNT BAYANG MOUNT BEAUFORT MOUNT BILBOGAN MOUNT BOTOLAN MOUNT BULAGAO MOUNT CABALATA MOUNT CABALIAN MOUNT CALAVITE MOUNT CALIBUGON MOUNTCANIM MOUNT CAPOAS MOUNTCAUlT MOUNT CETACEO MOUNT COGTONG MOUNT CORTE MOUNTDAKUT MO UNT DISACON MOUNT ENGANOSO MOUNT GABOC MOUNT GANTUNG MO UNT GORDA MOUNT HERSCHEL 7 10 4 7 12 6 9 14 12 II II II 15 15 7 9 6 12 7 II 6 6 8 13 12 II II 9 12 10 13 13 II 6 6 6 10 9 14 9 8 II 5 14 II 9 6 15 17 7 10 13 8 8 10 I 8 17 9 10 5 8 12 9 8 9 9 34N 18N 30N 25N 13N 09N 09N 45N 08N 26N 26N 29N OON OON 16N 2I N 35N 40N 54N 09N I2N 37N 53N 31 N I5N 09N 14N 56N 21 N 51 N 3IN 33 N 17N 34N 43N 36N 47 N 33 N 40N 57N 26N liN 13N 04N 03N 50N 34N 14N 39N 09N 17N 29N 59N 39N 48N 13N 42N 57N 08N 44N 29N 52 53N 58N 36N 55N 117 124 119 122 123 124 123 120 120 125 125 125 122 122 I24 I24 12I 120 117 119 121 I21 125 120 120 119 II9 123 123 I23 122 122 124 I25 118 I26 125 118 120 118 123 123 120 121 122 118 126 120 120 124 125 120 117 123 119 120 122 124 124 120 123 123 125 117 124 118 18E 15E 16E 59E 30E 16E 42E 15E 15E 33 E 33 E 31 E 03E 03 E 12E OOE 27 E 24E 05 E I9E 03E 31 E 03E 54E OlE 38E 22E 24E 39E 34E liE 12E 12E 30E 09E 05 E 39E 17E 15E 41E 38E 06E 04E 28 E 57 E 37 E 06E 02E 30E 09E I 3 E 24E 49E 28E 17 E 32 E 03E 29E 09E 54E 05 E 14E 4 1E 49E 16E 38E 11.83 6.124 12.70 9.13 3.25 9.29 7.31 1.68 10.16 6. 14 6.14 6. 14 5. 14 5. 14 9.24 8.1 12. 15 4.20 11.78 11 .8 12.43 12.15 8.35 2.19 10. 12 11.48 11.7 7 .24 2.87 7.6 2.49 2.45 6.97 9.37 12.7 9.46 6.28 11.30 1.76 11.28 8.I3 3.33 12.57 2.32 3.36 11.28 9.46 1.64, 1.65 1.33 9.25 6.31 2.18 11.35 8.10 11.15, 11.19 1.23 5.4 6.121 6.I21 12.48 8.6 2.68, 2.71 6.52 11.35 7.46 11.28 MEDIOREEF 14 22:- 122 46E 5.33 MOUNT lNIAOAN 8 50N 123 56E 9.20 MELGAR BAY 10 03 ['.. 125 32E 6.43 MOUNT MAANGA 10 57N 124 30E 6.114 MEMNON SHOAL 7 27 • 11 8 25 E 12.3 , MOUNT MAATEG II OJ N 119 :<.3E 11.9 12.4 MOUNT MALABAHOC 9 !IN 123 35 E 7.30 MENAPLA COVE 10 49" 119 16E 11 .20 MOUNT MALBUG 9 07N 122 59E 4.36 MERCEDES 14 07 • 123 OlE 5.35 MOUNT MANTALINGAJAN 8 49N 117 49E I 1.35 MERIDA 10 55 . 124 32E 6.115 MOUNT MATANAL 6 37N 122 18E 12.23 MERIDIAN CHANNEL 4 40 , ' 119 17E 12.70 MOUNT MATATAL 5 57N 121 OlE 12.40 MERIDIAN REEF 4 38 11 9 16E 12.70 MOUNT MINANGAS 12 05N 120 18E 10.17 MEROPEROCK MIAGAO POINT 12 10 44 38 ' • 120 122 15E 14E 4.21 3.45 MOUNT NATANGDOL MOUNT NAUJAN 12 13 12N 15N 121 12 1 05E :<. 1E 4.6 2.29 MID-CHANNEL BANK 5 27 • 120 32E 12.52 MOUNT PEEL 10 OON 118 43 E 11 .27, MIDDLE BUCAS ISLAND 9 43 • • 125 59E 6.63 I 1.28 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer Position Sec. Para Position Sec. Para MOUNTPIAPI MOUNT PUGATIN MOUNT SAN NICOLAS MOUNT SAN PEDRINO MOUNT SffiANKAT MOUNT SOLITARIO MOUNT STAVELY MOUNTTUBAY MOUNTTUMATANGAS 6 9 II 13 5 10 9 9 6 39N 47N 02N 55N ION 49N 44N liN OON 125 23 E 124 34E 122 54E 120 41E 119 58E 123 28E 118 33 E 125 32E 120 58 E 9.37 7.48 3.36 1.90 12.57 7.5 11.28 8.44 12.38, NIPA NIPA ISLANTIS NIPA POINT NOGAS ISLET NONOCBAY NONOC ISLAND NORTH BAIS BAY NORTHBALABACSTRAIT NORTH BAY NORTH CHANNEL 7 II 10 12 9 9 8 II 8 37N 37N 25N 56N 5IN 38N liN 29N 04N 123 122 121 123 125 123 117 119 117 05E 43 E 55 E liE 38 E 08E 04E 48E 14E 9.15 3.20 4.31 2.73 6.39 7. 12 11.73 11.43 11.81 MOUNT TUNDALARA MOUNT WANGLE MOUNT YNANTAGUNG MOYUNE SHOAL MUHUYPOINT 12 8 II 8 10 02N 27N ION 03N 36N 120 117 119 118 122 l5E l4E 27E 07E 31E 12.43 10.17 11.38 11.5 12.2 3.40, NORTH GIGANTE ISLAND NORTH HILL NORTH ISLAND NORTH ISLET NORTH LAGOON 11 II 21 8 4 38 N 24N 04N 56N 48N 123 119 121 120 119 21E 30E 56E 02E 21 E 3.28 11.4, 11.40 1.3 12.11 12.69 MULANAY MULIG1 ISLANDS MULIGI PATCHES MURCIELAGOS ISLANDS MUREXSHOAL MUSA BAY 13 6 6 8 8 18 31 N 53N 55N 07N 29N 53N 122 118 117 122 116 121 24E 24E 58E 27 E 56E 16E 3.43 2.43 12.7 12.7 8.5 I 1.38 1.11 NORTH MALBINCHILAO ISLAND NORTH MANGSEE ISLAND NORTH PASS NORTH PATCHES NORTH POINT NORTH UBIAN ISLAND NORTH VERDE ISLAND 12 7 13 7 lO 6 10 OIN 31 N 36N 42N 39N 09N N 119 117 121 117 119 120 119 53 E l8E 04E l9E 50E 26E 14E 10.33 11.83 2.28 11.83 11.54 12.18 11.58 NORTHEAST ANTELOPE SHOAL 8 46N 117 l4E 11.37 N NORTHEAST BANK NORTHEAST BAY 7 10 12N 56N 118 119 28E 21 E 12.6 11 . 14 NAAWANHEAD NABASAGAN BAY NABAT ISLAND NABUGTU ISLAND NABULAOBAY NABUNUT ISLAND NABURUL ISLAND NADULAO ISLAND NAGA NAGABUNGAN BAY 8 12 10 II 9 11 10 10 10 18 28N SIN 59N SIN 39N 35N 34N 31 N l3N 29N 124 123 119 123 122 123 122 122 123 120 17E 13E 38 E 46E 26E 13 E 31E 44E 45E 34E 8.24 2.70 11.51 3.26 4.34 3.27 3.43 3.56 7.35 1.22 NORTHWEST BA..'I/K NORTHWEST BAY NORTHWEST HEAD NORTHWEST PASS NORTHWEST SHOALS NOSOQUE POINT NOTCH ISLAND NUMANCIA NUNEZ SHOAL 7 II 10 lO 8 13 10 9 II 13N 29N 8N ION 06N 45N 58N 52N 06N 118 119 118 124 116 120 119 125 124 22E 45E 46E 04E 56E 09E l4E 58E l3E 7.38, 12.6 11.44 11.28 6 . 124 11.73 2.5 11.12 6.71 6.97 NAGAHABAY II 20N 125 38 E 6.1 5 NAGCABAN POINT NAGLOCSADEN POINT 14 IS 48N ION 120 122 17 E 16E 1.74 5 .3 0 NAGSILAG POINT NAGUBAT ISLAND NAGUBAT ISLAND NAGUMBUAYAPOINT NAILON POINT NAKIAUIT POINT NAKODABAY NALUNGA ISLAND NALVOBAY NANGA ISLANDS NANGANBAY NANIHAAN ISLAND NAPLA BAY NAPOPOINT NARANJO ISLANDS NARANJO PASS NARIZPOINT NAROBAY NASIPIT NASIPIT HARBOR NASOG POINT NASUBATA CHANNEL NASUBATA ISLANDS NASUGBU NASUGBUBAY NATAOPOINT NATIVE POINT NATO RIVER NAUAI ISLAND NAUCOPOINT NAUJAN NAULOPOINT NAVAL NA V ALAS POINT 13 12 9 13 II 9 9 10 17 12 6 10 II 14 12 12 8 12 8 9 II 7 8 14 14 20 9 13 10 9 13 15 II 10 45N ION 39N 33N 03N 37 N 17N 30N 22N 20N 27N ION 39N 38N 23N 24N 53N 13N 59N OON 54N 57N OIN 05N 04N 21N 17N 36N 26N 39N l9N 42N 33N 43N 124 24E 121 24E 125 43E 124 21E 124 02E 125 53 E 117 57 E 122 43E 120 27 E 120 16E 126 07E 125 28 E 125 28 E 120 19E 124 02E 124 07E 118 OOE 123 51 E 125 20E 125 20E 121 53 E 117 14E 117 IOE 120 37E 120 36E 121 5IE 118 29 E 123 33 E 122 40E 124 24E 12 1 18E 119 54E 124 24E 122 43E 5.66 4.18 6 .56 5 .68 6.102 6 .61 11.31 3 .56 1.34 10.15 9.46 6.47 6. 1 I 1.77 2.1 25 2.126 11.67 2.88 8.39 8.39 4.24 11.81 11.81 1.90 1.89 1.5 11.66 5.70 3.57 7.47 2.29 1.56 6.92 3.38, OACANPOINT OBUNGPOINT OCO ISLAND OCREPOINT ODIONGAN ODIONGAN OLANGO ISLAND OLANIN BAY OLANIVAN ISLAND 0-LUANPI OLUTANGA ISLAND OLUTAY A ISLAND OMAPOY ISLAND OMONPOINT ONATE ROCK ONTGOL POINT OOTPOINT OPOL OPON ORAS BAY ORMOC ORMOCBAY ORMOCSHOAL OROQUIETA OSLOB POINT OTABIBAY OTEIZABAY OTOCPOINT OTON OTONBANK OYONBAY OYONPOINT OYSTER INLET 12 13 II lO 12 8 10 16 5 21 7 II 4 13 9 I I 12 8 10 12 II 10 II 8 9 12 8 13 II lO 15 15 10 35N 21N 15N 48N 24N SIN 16N 15N 31N 54N 21N 38N 54N 48N 52N 12N 35N 31 N 19N 07N OON 57N 02N 29N 3IN 38N 44N 47N 07N 38N 34N 33N 04N 125 121 120 123 121 125 124 119 125 120 122 122 119 122 125 122 124 124 122 125 124 124 124 123 123 123 126 122 119 122 119 11 9 118 09E 49E 51E 34E 59E JOE 03E 47E 29E 51E 52E 50E 24E 4IE 30E 02E 51 E 35 E 57E 27 E 36E 35 E 09E 49E 26E 54E 13E 43E 30E 29E 56 E 56 E 46E 2.106 2.53 10.3 7.7 3.5 8.37 7.33 1.51 9.35 1.2 9. 12 3.21 12.69 2.63 6.40 4.28 2.112 8.26 7.34 6.7 6.116 6.115 6.98 8.15 7.37 2.82 9.58 2.64 11.48 3.40 1.59 1.59 11.27 3.55, NAYONRIVER 13 49N 121 27 E 3.58 2.32 p NEGROS 9 03N 123 03 E 8. 1 PABABATSHOAL 6 18N 121 52E 12.33 NERITOPSIS REEF 8 39N 116 55 E 11.38 PACHECO SHOAL 10 40N 120 52E 10.8 NEW BATU BATU 5 04N 119 53 E 12.62 PACUAN ISLAND 10 40N 124 20E 6. 112 NIAPORAY ISLAND NINBAY 10 12 33N 13N 119 12 3 12E 15E 11.22 3 .23 PADADA POINT PADADA RIVER 6 6 32N 42N 126 125 05 E 22E 9.46 9.37 NINEPIN ISLAND II 05N 119 23 E 11.9 PADANG POINT 12 36N 124 06E 2. 103 Pub.l62 Index-Gazetteer P e sition Sec. Para Position Sec. Para PADRE POINT PAGAD!AN PAGAD!AN BAY PAGAPASBAY PAGBASAYAN ISLET PAGBILAO BAY PAGBOCAYANISLAND PAGBUY ROCKS PAGDANAN BAY PAGDANAN POINT PAGLASAN PAGLUGABAN PAGLUGABANISLAND PAGSANHAN POINT PAGTIG!AN POINT PAKIPUTAN STRAIT PALADREEF PALAGBAY PALAHAN ISLET PALANAN PALANANBAY PALAPAG MESA PALAPAG POINT PALASAN ISLAND PALAUI ISLAND PALAUIGBAY PALAUIG POINT PALAUIG REEF PALAWANISLAND PALAWAN PASSAGE PALITA ISLAND PALM ISLAND PALUANBAY PALUMBANES ISLANDS PALY ISLAND PAMAAUN REEF PAMALICAN ISLAND PAMALICAN ISLANDS PAMAY BAY PAMAYPOINT PAMBUHAN PAMBUHAN HARBOR PAMBUHAN SUR PAMELUKAN BANK PAMILACAN ISLAND PAMINTAY AN POINT PAMINUITAN HILL PAMITINAN ISLAND PAMOCAN POINT PAMPANDUGANG POINT 8 7 7 13 10 13 13 9 10 10 12 II II 13 9 7 13 13 12 17 17 12 13 14 18 15 15 15 II 9 14 9 13 14 10 10 II 12 9 9 12 II II 6 9 7 9 11 14 8 04 50 49 50 ()() 56 57 35 31 33 35 08 08 II 28 07 27 44 35 04t10 28 51 52 33 27 r. 26 26 25 [1. ()() 20[1. 23 24 01 42 -55 22N 05 49 -50 -34 -14N 15N 43 30N 41N 41 OON 47 57 117 123 123 120 126 121 123 125 119 119 121 119 119 122 125 125 122 123 125 122 122 125 120 122 122 119 119 119 119 117 122 118 120 124 119 123 120 119 125 125 124 125 125 121 123 123 123 120 120 117 OOE 26E 31E 40E OlE 43E 31E 47E 15E 14E 31 E 19E 19E 38E 56E 40E 42E 56E 08 E 25E 27E 09E 05 E 02E 08 E 54E 53 E 52E 30E OOE 38 E 03E 26E 02E 42E 34E 44E 52E 58E 57E 56E 32E 32 E 54E 55 E 05 E 52E 46E 16E 33 E 11.75 9 . 19 9.19 2.9 6.69 2.35 5.47 6.57 11.21 11 .21 4.12 11.8 11.9 2.58 6.57 9.42 2.58 5.69 2.107 5.5 5.5 6.2 2.5 5.15 1.14 1.63 1.63 1.63 10.2 11.2 5.29 I 1.30 4.1 5.56 11.52 7.5 10.3 10.33 6.71 6 .71 2.111 6.17 6.18 12.29 7.44 9. 15 7.42 10.9 1.72 11.3 , 11.36 PANDAN POINT PANDANAN ISLAND PANDANAN ISLAND PANDANON ISLET PANDANON ISLET PANDAROCHAN BAY PANDASAN ISLAND PANDUCAN ISLAND PANGALDAUANISLAND PANGANGAN ISLAND PANGANIRAN BAY PANGAO POINT PANGASAHAN ISLAND PANGASINAN ISLAND PANGAUARAN RIVER PANG!AN POINT PANGLAO ISLAND PANGLIMA REEF PANGUAN ISLAND PANGUIAN POINT PANGUILBAY PANGUTARANISLAND PANGUTARAN PASSAGE PANGUTARAN REEF PANIBATUJAN POINT P ANINIHIAN POINT PANIQUI ISLANDS PANIQUIAN ISLAND PANIQUIANISLAND PANIRONGAN ISLAND PANISAAN POINT PANTAOBAY PANUBIGAN ISLANDS PANUBULON ISLAND PANUITAN ISLAND PAOBAY PAODAT POINT PAPAHAG ISLAND PARACALE BAY PARACALE REEF PARAGUA RIDGE PARANAQUE PARANG PARANG PARANGAN BAY PARANGAN ISLAND PARANGAN ISLANDS PARASAN ISLAND P ARMIDIARAN POINT PAROL ISLAND PASACAO ANCHORAGE 14 5 8 10 10 12 7 6 II 9 13 14 6 6 12 7 9 9 4 10 8 6 6 6 14 II 14 13 7 8 9 13 7 10 19 16 10 5 14 14 8 14 5 7 5 5 5 11 10 6 13 36N 19N 17N liN liN 12N 17N 17N 36N 54 02N ION 37N 08N liN 17N 36N 56N 43N 20N 01 N 19N 12N 33 40N 48N OON 31 N 22N 35N ION 12N 09N 25N 26N 09N 16N 02N 18N 19N 57N 30N 55N 22N 05N 05N 30N 43N 57N 04N 30N 120 120 117 124 124 121 125 120 119 123 123 122 121 120 120 122 123 119 119 124 123 120 120 120 120 125 123 120 123 126 126 123 122 122 121 120 11 8 119 122 122 117 121 120 124 119 119 120 124 119 141 123 35 E 25 E 13 E 05 E 05 E IOE 50E 39E 52E 49E 25E JOE 48E 59 E 06E OlE 47 E 04E 02E 03 E l..IE 32E 30E 58E 16E 28 E 31E 57E 20E 07 E IOE 19E 16E ~4E 30E 06E 56E 47 E 48 E 49E 12E OOE 54E 16E 57E 56E 34E 46E 16E 43E 03E 1.84 12.54 11.71 7.38 6. 122 4. 10 9 .44 12.17 10.22 7.41 2.75 5.25 12.28 12.44 10.13 8.2 7.44 11 .60 12.71 7.32 8.20 12.17 12. 18 12.17 1.76 6.10 5.48 2.21 9. 17 9 .57 9.60 2.66 9.6 3.55 1.8 1.47 11.25 12.63 5.32 5.33 11.36 1.87 12.42 9.23 12.61 12.61 12.52 6.79 11.12 12.36 2.65 PAMPANGA BAY PAMPLONA RIVER PAMUNTANGAN POINT PAN DE AZUCAR ISLAND PANABO PANABUTAN POINT PANAGAN PANAGATAN CAYS PANAGTARAN POINT PANALREEF PANAL!AN POINT PANALISAN POINT 14 18 13 11 7 7 13 II 9 11 10 7 47N 29N 31 N 17N 18N 35 N" 44N" 52 N" 41 N" 01 N 59N 16N 120 121 121 123 125 122 123 121 118 123 124 124 35 E 22E 51E IOE 42E 07E 36E 18E 46E 25 E 38E 12E 1.84 l.l8 2.54 3.32 9.43 8.2 5.70 4 .19 11.63 3.46 6.117 9 .24 PASALENG BAY PASCO POINT PASCOE CHANNEL PASIGBAY PASIG ISLAND PAS !G RIVER PASILBAY PASILPOINT PASSAGE ISLAND PASSAGE ISLAND BAY PASSAGE POINT 18 10 10 7 I I 14 12 10 10 10 10 35N OON 07N 51 N 58 N 36N 27N OON 52N 53N 52N 120 119 119 I 17 125 120 123 123 119 119 119 56E OlE 14E OOE 32E 57 E 32E 14E 20 E 2 1 E 21 E 1.20 11.60, I 1.6 1 11.58 I 1.79 6.6 1.88 2.85 7.11 11 16 11.17 11 .16 PANALSALON REEF PANAMPALAN POINT 10 15 51 N 03 N 123 121 34E 50E 7.5 5. 12 PATAISLAND PATA POINT 5 18 49N 38N 121 121 JOE 09E 12.40 l.l8 PANAON ISLAND PANAON STRAIT 10 10 05 N ION 125 125 IOE 08 E 6. 129 6. 129 PATlAN ISLAND PATNANONGAN ISLAND 5 14 51N 48N 121 122 05E liE 12.40 5. 16 PANAY II OON 122 OOE 10.2 PATONGONG ISLAND 8 17N 117 07E 11.7 1 PANAY BANK II 33 N 120 20E 10.21 PATOTOLBAY 6 OON 121 22E 12.47 PANAY ISLAND 13 58N 124 20E 5.62 PATOYO ISLAND II 30N 119 53 E 11.44 PANDALUSANISLAND 7 28N 122 41E 9.12 PATRIA POINT II 44N 122 OlE 4.26 PANDAMI ISLAND 5 33N 120 45E 12.50 PATRIYA POINT II 44N 122 OlE 4.26 PANDAN 11 43N 122 06E 4.26 PATTERSON REEF II 13N 120 08 E 10.21 PANDAN 14 03N 124 IOE 5.58 PATUNUNGAN BAY 18 24N 122 18 E 5.2 PANDAN 17 32N 120 22E 1.32 PATUYO POINT II 21N 119 26 E 11.4 PANDAN BAY 12 17N 121 23 E 4.15 PAWIKAN POINT II 30N 124 36 E 6 .91 PANDAN BAY 14 04N 124 IOE 5.57 PAZ ISLAND 8 05N 116 59E 11.80 PANDAN ISLANDS 12 51 N 120 45 E 4.4 PEAKED ISLAND 9 30N 118 12 E 11.30 PANDAN POINT lO 24N 125 14E 6.31 PEAKED POINT 10 22N 118 58 E 11.24 PANDAN POINT 10 31 N 122 48E 3.54, PEAKED POINT II OIN 119 16E 11.10 3.58 PEARL BANK 5 SON 119 42E 12 .20 PANDAN POINT 12 17N 121 24E 4. 15 PECHILIREEF 13 30N 124 liE 5.60 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer Position Sec. Para Position Sec. Para PEDADABAY PELADAROCK PELOTES PO!NT PENACOSA PO !NT PENASCALES PO!NT PEN!NSULA PO!NT PEPITAS ROCKS PEQUENA ISLAND PERIS BAY PESCADO PO!NT PESCADOR ISLAND PESCADOR ISLET PETLEY PO!NT PIEDRA BLANCA PIEDRA PO!NT PIEDRAS PO!NT PILAR PILAR BAY PILARPO!NT PILAS ISLAND PILLAR PO !NT PIN PO!NT P!NACUAPAN ISLANDS P!NAMALAYAN P!NAMUNGAJAN P!NAMUNT ANGAN BAY PINAMUNT ANGAN PO!NT P!NATAYAN SHOAL P!NA VISAGAN BAY PINDIL!N PO!NT P!NEDA POINT P!NGET ISLAND P!NOLPOINT P!NSAILISLAND PIRARA PO!NT PIRATAHEAD PIRATE BAY PIRATE ISLAND PISO PO !NT PITOGO PITOGOBAY PITOGOBAY PlY AU! PO !NT PLACER PLACER PLARIDAL II 10 10 9 10 10 II 14 13 8 9 9 6 10 16 10 10 II 9 6 10 II 14 13 10 13 13 7 15 II 12 17 6 II II 10 10 8 7 13 13 5 10 II 9 13 04N 34N 13N 46N 03N ION 03N SIN 42N 57N 55N 55N OIN 26N 19N liN 48N 33N 52N 38N 57N 01 N 30N 02N 16N l5N 15N 28N OIN 52N 32N 41N 06N 05N 36N 34N 56N 33N 03N 47N 47N 54N 27N 52N 40N 58N 122 125 125 118 125 125 123 120 122 118 123 123 121 121 119 118 124 123 126 121 119 119 122 121 123 122 122 124 122 125 122 120 124 119 122 120 119 117 125 122 123 121 119 123 125 122 58E liE 30E 31E 42E 41E OOE 14E 30E 02E 21E 21E 21E OlE 47E 48E 34E OOE 07E 36E l8E 20E 54E 30E 35E 30E 30E 06E OlE 27E OSE 21E 23E 23 E 50E OOE l7E 33 E 57E 05E 57E 20E 46E 55 E 35 E 01 E 3.36 6.29 6.47 11.29 6.52 6.52 3.34 1.75 2.60 11.67 7.25 7.23 12.47 12.10 1.51 11.25 6.113 3.21 6.69 12.14 11.10 11.10 5.34 4.11 7.21 2.44 2.44 9.21 5.14 6.8 3.9 1.31 9.29 11.9 3.21 11.54 11.13 11.68 9.44 2.39 5.54 12.39 11.56 3.26 6.55 5.20 PORT BICOBIAN PORT B!NANGA PORT BOCA ENGANO PORT BONBON0?-1 PORTBONGAO PORTBORAC PORT BORONGAN PORT BUSA!NGA PORT BUS!N PORTCALTOM PORTCANOAN PORTCAPIZ PORT CARMEN PORTCATAABA PORT CATAINGAN PORT CONCEPCION PORTCULION PORT CURRIMAO PORT DIMALANSAN PORTGABOC PORTGALERA PORTGUBAT PORT HOLLAND PORTJOSEPANGAN[BAN PORT LAGUIMANOC PORTLAMPON PORTLEBAK PORTLffiAS PORT LUYUCAN PORT MAMBULAO PORT MANAMRAG PORT MARICABAN PORT MASINLOC PORT MATALVI PORTNONOC PORT OLONGAPO PORTOZAMIZ PORTPALAPAG PORTPALAPAGE PORTPALOMPON PORTPANLATUAN PORTPATUCO PORT PILAR PORTPUSGO PORTPUTIAO PORTRAGAY 17 14 12 9 5 12 II 13 13 12 9 II 10 II II 12 II 18 17 9 13 12 6 14 13 14 6 II II 14 13 13 15 15 9 14 8 12 12 II 12 5 9 13 12 13 15N 44N 47N 03N 02N 03N 36N 07N OSN liN l5N 36N 35N OIN 57N 55N 53N OIN 19N 52N 31N 55N 33N ISN 53N 40N 33N 46N 59N l8N 44N 41N 33N 29N 49N 49N OSN 40N 40N 03N 52N 28N 52N 32N 53N 51 N 122 120 123 123 119 120 125 123 122 120 123 122 124 119 124 121 120 120 122 125 120 124 121 122 121 121 124 125 120 122 124 120 119 119 125 120 123 125 125 124 123 125 126 122 123 122 26E 15E 19E 07E 46E 19E 26E 02E 58 E 06E 35 E 43E OlE 21E 02E 43E OlE 29E 23 E 41E 57 E 08 E 52E 41E 49E 37 E 03E 26E 07E 41E 06E 50E 56E 55E 37 E l6E 51E OlE OlE 23E 42E 28E 07 E 36E 40E 39E 5.4 1.76 2.74 7.29 12.64 10.17 6.12 2.72 2.70 10.13 7.30 3.20 6.110 11.10 2.90 3.2 10.24 1.24 5.4 6.39 2.20 2. 105 12.27 5.31 2.36 5.18 9.27 6.10 10.31 5.31 5.59 2.12 1.59 1.61 6.39 1.74 8.19 2. 108 2. 106 6.106 2.77 9.34 6.68 2.59 2.76 2.64 POCANILBAY 12 24N 121 26E 4.13 PORT ROMBLON 12 35N 122 16E 3. 11 POCANIL PO !NT 12 24N 121 25E 4.13 PORTROXAS 8 31 N 123 15 E 8.6 POHULPO!NT 7 04N 125 41 E 9.41 PORT SAMBULAUAN 7 33N 123 21 E 9. 18 POLABAY POLAMBATO 13 II ION 04N 121 124 28E OOE 2.30 6.101 PORT SAN ESTEBAN PORT SAN JAC!NTO 17 12 20N 34N 120 123 26E 44E 1.35 2.98 POLILLO HARBOR 14 44N 121 56E 5.13 PORT SAN MJGCEL 12 40N 123 35 E 2.95 POLILLO ISLAND POLILLO POINT 14 14 SON 43N 121 121 57 E 55 E 5.12 5.12 PORT SAN PIO QUINTO PORT SAN VICENTE 18 18 54N 31N 121 122 52E OSE 1.9 l.l5 POLILLO STRAIT POL!QUI BAY 14 13 SON 06N 121 123 45E 48E 5.11 5.82 PORT SANTA MARIA PORT SAUL 7 16 46N 04N 122 120 07 E 06E 8.3 1.45 POLLOC 7 21N 124 13E 9.22 PORTSffiONGA 9 41N 126 OOE 6.63 POLLOC HARBOR 7 23N 124 liE 9.22 PORTSffiULAN 7 29N 122 54E 9.13 POLO PO !NT 8 36N 123 45E 8.9 , PORT SILANGUIN 14 46N 120 07E 1.66 8.12 PORTSIYT 9 05N 123 09E 7.29 PONEAS ISLAND 9 54N 125 57E 6.70 PORTSULA 13 14N 123 52E 5.78 PONGCA BAY 7 21 N 122 57 E 9.13 PORTTAMBANG 13 58N 123 26E 5.46 PONSON ISLAND 10 47N 124 33 E 6.113 PORTTILIC 13 49N 120 12E 2.3 PONTE VEDRA 10 22N 122 52E 3.62 PORT TUMANAO 5 27N 125 28 E 9.34 PONTEVEDRA SHOAL 10 22N 122 44E 3.59 PORTUGUESE PO!NT 16 05N 120 07 E 1.45 PONTUDBANK II 52N 122 15E 3.17 POTOLPO!NT II 56N 121 57E 3.17, POO PO !NT 10 35N 124 02E 6.110 4.24 POPOTOTAN ISLAND 12 OON 119 51E 10.25 PRUEBA REEF 12 14N 122 38 E 3.15 PORO 10 38N 124 24E 6.113 PUCIO PO !NT II 46N 121 50E 4.25 PORO 16 37 N 120 ISE 1.40 PUERTO 7 46N 122 07E 8.3 PORT AGUIRRE II 49N 124 42E 6.72 PUERTO GALERA 13 30N 120 57 E 2.22 PORT ALABAT 14 06N 122 OOE 5.23 PUERTO GALERA LIGHT 13 30N 120 57 E 2.22 PORT ANAJAO 13 57N 124 21E 5.64 PUERTO PR!NCESA 10 06N 125 29E 6.45 PORT BAGAMANOC PORT BALANACAN 13 13 57N 32N 124 121 17E 52E 5.63 2.55 PUERTO PR!NCESA 9 44N 118 44E 11.39, 11.62 PORTBANGA 7 31 N 122 26E 9.7 PUERTO REAL 14 40N 121 37 E 5.18 PORTBARAS 7 39N 124 OlE 9.20 PUGGUIAUAN PO!NT 10 53N 119 ISE ll.l3 PORT BARRERA 12 31 N 123 23 E 2.84 PUGOMORO 18 31 N 122 OSE 1.15 PORT BARTON 10 28N 119 OSE 11.22 PUJADABAY 6 51 N 126 14E 9.49 PORTBATAN II 35N 122 29E 3.18 PUJADA ISLAND 6 47N 126 16E 9.49 PORT BATUECAS 9 43N 125 58E 6.62 PUJU REEF 6 40N 121 34E 12.15 PORT BELLO 10 59N 124 32E 6.115 PULANDAGA BAY 14 19N 122 47E 5.32 Pub.l62 Index-Gazetteer "osition Sec . Position Sec . Para Para PULANDUTA POINT II 541'; 123 IOE 3.23 s PULAUAN 8 38 I'< 123 24E 8.7 , 8.8 PULING ISLAND 13 511'< 123 50E 5.53 SAACPOINT II OON 124 03 E 6.102 PULIPO ISLAND 15 411'< 119 55 E 1.56 SABALAY REEF 15 39N 119 51E 1.53 , PULUPANDAN 10 311'< 122 48E 3.60 1.57 PUNTA BAJA HARBOR 9 03N 117 38 E 11.34 SABANG 10 12N 118 54E 11.25 PUNUBULU ISLET II 13 I'< 125 06E 6.24 SABANG POINT 12 36N 122 I6E 3.11 PURDIE PATCHES 4 51 I'< 119 15E 12.70 SAB!LPOINT II 06N 123 56E 7.17 PUROGBAY 14 01 124 16E 5.62 SABINO REEF II 30N 120 OOE 11.44 PUSGOREEF 13 30 122 38 E 2.58 SABLAY AN ISLAND 12 53N 123 53 E 2.79 PUT!CPOINT 5 53 t' 121 05E 12.40 SABLAY AN POINT 12 SON 120 46E 4 .3 PYRAMID ROCKS II 01 t' 119 15E ll.ll SABTANG ISLAND 20 IBN 121 52E 1.5 SACAMALIG BAY I2 27N 125 I8E 6.3 SACOL ISLAND 6 58N I22 14E 9.5 Q SACRAMENTO ROCK SADAMBAY II 6 05N 47N 123 123 18E 58 E 3.48 9.26 QUEEN OF THE SEA BANK QUEZON QUICOREEF QUIDAP!L POINT QUIMINATIN CHICO ISLANDS QUIMINATIN ISLAND QUINABIGAN QUINALANG POINT QUINALASAG ISLAND 10 9 9 6 10 10 13 8 13 241\ 15 ' 45N 49N 43 43N OON 16 56 120 117 125 123 120 120 121 124 123 29E 59E 59E 57 E 46E 47E 29E 15E 38 E 12.10 11.31 6.65 9.26 10.9 10.9 4.11 8.23 5.50 SADDLE HILL SADDLE ISLAND SADDLE ISLAND SADDLE ROCK SAGAY SAGAY POINT SAGAY ARAN ISLAND SAGNAY POINT 10 10 II II 10 10 7 13 55N 32N 03N 46N 57N 56N 37N 36N 119 119 119 119 123 123 123 123 14E 07E 18E 53E 25E 30E 28E 33 E 11.19 11.22 11.10 10.28 3.46 3.46, 7.5 9.19 5.70 QUINALI POINT QUINAMANUCA ISLAND QUINAPAGYAN ISLAND QUINAPUNDAN BAY QUINIDIAGAN POINT QUIN!LUBAN ISLAND QUIPIT POINT QUITANG POINT 9 Jd 14 II 12 II 14 44 I2N 04N 07N 47N 26N 04N 33N 124 122 123 125 121 120 122 120 34E 57 E 04E 33 E 33 E 50E 28E 36E 7.48 5.35 5.36 6.22 4.12 10.2 8.4, 8.5 1.84 SAHAPPOINT SAIL ROCK SAIL ROCK SAINGAN POINT SALA POINT SALAMANCA RIVER SALAND CHANNEL SALIMBUBUC ISLAND 6 13 5 10 13 10 5 II 30N 59N 57N 27N 52N 45N 03N IBN 121 124 120 125 120 123 120 120 52E 04E 13E II E 05 E 32 E 14E 14E 12.26 5.56 12.13, 12. 19 6.30 2.5 7 .7 12.67 10.21 SALKULAKIT ISLAND 6 41N 121 23 E 12.16 R SALOG ISLAND SALOMAGUE II 17 09N 47N 123 120 03E 25 E 3.35 1.29 RABIN POINT II 34N 124 19E 6.91 SALOMAGUE HARBOR 17 47N 120 25 E 1.28 RAGAYBAY 13 48N 122 42E 2.63 SALOMAGUE ISLAND l3 25N 122 08 E 2.50 RAGAYGULF 13 30N 122 45E 2.57 SALOMAGUE ISLAND 17 48N 120 23 E 1.27, RAMOS ISLAND 8 06 117 OlE 11.73 1.28 RANGER REEF 12 48N 122 06E 3.3 SALOMAGUE POINT 13 22N 122 09E 2.51 RAPURAPU 13 liN 124 08E 5.79 SALOMAGUE POINT 17 47N 120 24E 1.28 RAPU RAPU ISLAND 13 l3N 124 08E 5.75 SALONGREEF 10 59N 123 07 E 3.49 RAPU RAPU STRAIT 13 14N 124 05E 5.76 SALUAG ISLAND 4 35N 119 29E 12.69 RASA ISLAND 9 48N 125 35 E 6.38 SALUNG ISLAND 12 05N 120 20E 10.17 RAT ISLAND 12 OIN 119 54E 10.33 SALVACION 12 08N 119 56E 10.31 RATON ISLAND 15 49N 119 52E 1.53 SALVADOR ISLAND 15 31 N 119 55 E 1.58 RAY BANK 7 40N 117 09E 11.83 SALVARIA POINT 13 32N 121 52E 2.56 RECODO 6 57N 121 58E 9.2 SAMAL ISLAND 7 02N 125 45E 9.41 REFUGIO ISLAND 10 27N 123 26E 7.8 SAMAR 12 OON 125 05 E 2.106 REFUGIO PASS 10 28N 123 24E 7.8 SAMBAUAN ISLETS II 46N 124 15 E 6.94 REINARD ISLAND 10 09N 119 15E 11.59 SAMPALOC POINT 14 44N 120 IO E 1.67 RELIEF POINT 9 ION 118 13 E 11.67 SAMPOAK POINT 7 47N 122 06E 8.4 RELINQUISH HEAD REPOSO POINT II 8 OON 28N 119 117 18E 30E 11.11 11.38 SAMPUTAN PASS SAN AGUSTIN II 12 25N 25N 124 120 55 E 59E 6.83 4.4 RESABAY 6 52N 123 58E 9.26 SAN AGUSTIN 12 34N 122 08 E 3.8 RESEARCH REEF 16 35N 120 17E 1.43 SAN AGUSTIN REEF 6 15N 126 l i E 9.47 RESTINGA POINT 14 17N 120 39 E 1.85 SAN ANDRES ISLANDS 13 34N 121 51E 2.46 REYNOSO REEF 12 07N 122 54E 3.16 SAN ANDRES POINT 13 34N 121 52E 2.46 RINABASAN COVE 15 58N 121 38 E 5.9 SAN ANTONIO BAY 8 38N 117 35 E 11.68 RIOS ROCK 7 31 N 123 28E 9.18 SAN BENITO 9 57N 126 OOE 6.70 RIZAL 10 14N 119 15 E 11.58, SAN BERNARDINO ISLANDS 12 45N 124 1/E 2. 101 11.59 SAN BERNARDINO STRAIT 12 35N 124 12E 2. 1, RIZAL 12 37N 123 43E 2.97 2.101 ROCKET POINT 10 52N 119 23 E 11.18 SAN CARLOS 10 29N 123 25 E 7.9 ROCKY ISLET 10 36N 119 19E 11.21 SAN CARLOS POINT 10 29N 123 25 E 7.8 ROMAPOINT 14 OON 122 liE 5.21 SAN DIONISIO II IBN 123 05 E 3.31 ROMBLON ISLAND 12 33N 122 17E 3.11 SAN FABIAN 16 07N 120 24 E 1.43 ROMBLON PASS 12 35N 122 12E 3.10 SAN FELIPE 15 04N 120 04E 1.65 RONA ISLET 18 32N 122 09E 1.16 SAN FERNANDO 10 ION 123 42 E 7.35 RONDA 10 OON 123 26E 7.23 SAN FERNANDO 12 18N 122 36E 3. 14 ROSARIO 14 25N 120 5IE 1.86 SAN FERNANDO HARBOR 16 37N 120 18 E 1.40 ROSARIO POINT 13 38N 121 12E 2.16 SAN FERNANDO POINT 16 37N 120 17 E 1.40 ROSARIO ROCK 10 26N 122 42E 3.56 SAN FERNANDO POINT LIGHT 16 37N 120 17E 1.40 ROUND ISLAND 10 48N 120 36E 10.9 SAN !LDEFONSO HARBOR 17 39N 120 21E 1.3 1 ROXAS 12 35N 121 3IE 4.12 SAN !LDEFONSO PENINSULA 16 07N 122 04E 5.8 ROYAL CAPT AlN SHOAL 9 OIN 116 40E 11 .3 SAN ISIDRO 11 25N 124 20E 6.104 ROYAL CAPTAIN SHOAL 9 01N 116 41E II. I SAN ISIDRO BAY II 24N 124 20E 6.104 SAN JOSE 10 16N 125 IOE 6.32 SAN J OSE 12 21 N 121 04E 4.4 SAN JOSE 12 32N 124 29E 2.115 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer Position Sec. Position Sec. Para Para SAN JOSE DE BUENA VISTA 10 44N 121 56E 4.30 SEGY AM ISLANDS 8 39N 117 38 E 11.68 SANJUAN 9 09N 123 30E 7.30 SEMIRARA ANCHORAGE 12 04N 121 21 E 4.18 SAN JUAN ISLANDS 12 36N 124 23 E 2.118 SEMIRARA ISLA.'ill 12 03N 121 23 E 4.18 SAN JUAN POINT ll OON 122 51E 3.36 SEMIRARAISLAu'IDS 12 OON 121 30E 4.18 SAN JUAN! CO STRAIT ll 20N 124 58 E 6.84 SEPOC POINT 13 41N 120 50E 2.11 SAN MlGUEL ll 30N 119 52 E 11.44 SERANTES SHOAL 5 54N 121 07E 12.39 SAN MlGUEL BAY 13 SON 123 lOE 5.38 SHARK FIN BAY ll 07N 119 35E 11.48 SAN MlGUEL ISLAND 12 43N 123 36E 2.94 SHARK FIN PEAK II 04N 119 28E 11.9 SAN MlGUEL ISLAND 13 23N 123 48E 5.74 SHARK POINT 14 46N 120 ll E 1.67 SAN MIGUEL ISLAND 13 58N 123 l4E 5.42 SHARP HILL 10 27N Il9 50E 11.56 SAN MlGUEL ISLANDS 7 45N 118 30E 12.2 SHARP PEAK 7 54N 116 59E 11.79 SAN MlGUEL POINT 13 24N 123 46E 5.74 SHARP POINT 9 51N 126 08E 6.68 SAN MlGUEL POINT 9 44N 126 02E 6.64 SHELL ISLAND 10 l8N 119 23E 11.59 SAN NARCISO 15 OJ N 120 05E 1.65 SHELL TANK FARM 10 17N 123 54E 7.34 SAN NICOLAS SHOALS 14 26N 120 46E 1.86 SHIRT POINT 9 51 N 118 34E 11.35 SAN NICOLAS SHOALS LIGHT 14 26N 120 46E 1.86 SlAIN 13 58N I22 OlE 5.20 SAN PEDRINO POINT 13 51 N 120 43 E 2.9 SIALA T POINT 13 40N 124 OlE 5.59 SAN PEDRO BAY ll ION 125 05E 6.23 SIASI 5 33N 120 49E 12.50 SAN PEDRO POINT 12 32N 122 l5E 3.12 SIASIISLAND 5 32N 120 52E 12.49 SAN POLICARPO BAY 12 liN 125 30E 6.7 SlATON POINT 9 02N 123 OlE 4.36, SANRAMON 7 OON 121 55E 8.2 7.29 SAN RAMON BAY 12 l7N 125 23E 6.4 SIA Y AN ISLAND 20 54N 121 54E 1.4 SANREMlGIO 11 05N 123 56E 7.17 SffiAGO ISLAND 6 45N 122 24E 12.24 SAN SEBASTIAN 9 28N 123 l8E 7.25 SffiAKEL ISLAND 6 37N 121 45E 12.28 SANTEODORO 13 26N 121 OlE 2.24 SffiALE ISLAND 9 54N 125 34E 6.39 SAN VICENTE BAY 14 02N 123 22E 5.46 SffiALIC POINT 8 03N 122 21 E 8.4 SAN VICfOR ISLAND 7 40N 126 34E 9.52 SffiALUN ISLET 13 55N 122 30E 2.62 SANCOPOINT 8 l5N 126 27E 9.54 SffiARUTBANK 6 l2N 121 31E 12.34 SANDAKAN 5 SON 118 07E 12.18 SffiATON ISLAND ll 59N 121 34E 4. 18 SANDINGAN ISLAND 9 51 N 123 48E 7.41 SffiAUAN ISLMTI 13 59N 123 31 E 5.47 SANDOVAL POINT l3 35 N 122 16E 2.43 SffiAYISLAND 11 51 N 121 28 E 4.19 SANDUGAN POINT 9 IBN 123 36E 7.30 SffiOLON ISLAND 12 06N 121 35 E 4. 18 SANDY SHOAL ll 02N 117 38E 11.2 SffiONGA 10 OJN 123 37 E 7.36 SANGA SANGA ISLAND 5 05N 119 47E 12.65 SffiUGUEYBAY 7 25N 122 35 E 9.6 SANGASIAPU ISLAND 4 58 N 119 50E 12.65 SffiUKAUAN ISLAND 10 04N 125 35 E 6.43 SANGBOY ISLANDS 6 SON 121 33E 12.15 SffiUTU ISLAND 4 47N 119 29E 12.67 SANG! 10 24N 123 38E 7.20 SffiUTU PASSAGE 4 40N 119 40E 12.68 SANGIRIN BAY 14 12N 121 55 E 5.24 SffiUY AN ISLAND 12 25N 122 35 E 3. 13 SANGLEY POINT 14 30N 120 55E 1.87 SICABA POINT ll OON 123 15E 3.47 SANTA ANA BAY 10 32N 122 31 E 3.44 SICABA REEFS ll OlN 123 16E 3.48 SANTA CLARA 7 47N 122 41 E 9.10 SICOGON ISLAND II 27N 123 15 E 3.30 SANTA CRUZ 15 46N 119 54E 1.54 SICUD POINT 8 53N 117 29E 11.36 SANTA CRUZ BANK 6 53N 122 OlE 9.3 SIDSID POINT ll 23N 119 50E 11.44 SANTA CRUZ BAY 8 SON 126 20E 9.58 SlETE PECADOS 10 46N 122 41E 3.38 SANTA CRUZ HARBOR 13 30N 122 04E 2.47 SIGARIN POINT 6 32N 125 33 E 9.36 SANTA CRUZ HARBOR 15 45N 119 53 E 1.54 SIGAYAN BAY 13 40N 121 24E 2.17 SANTA CRUZ ISLAND I3 31 N 122 05E 2.49 SIGAYAN BAY 7 44N 123 45E 9.20 SANTA CRUZ POINT 10 49N 119 36E 11.49 SIGA Y AN POINT 8 43N 123 46E 9.20 SANTA CRUZ POINT 13 33N 122 OOE 2.46 SIGNAL HEAD ll 02N 119 l9E 11.9 SANTA CRUZ POINT 15 44N 119 52E 1.56 SIGUMAY POINT 8 OON 116 57E 11.80 SANTA CRUZ POINT 6 SON 125 25E 9.38 SLLA POINT 12 24N 125 20E 6.3 SANTA FE II 09N 123 48E 7.2 SlLAD BAY II 14N 124 23E 6.105 SANTA FlLOMENA SHOALS 10 39N 120 44E 10.8 SlLAGUI ISLAND 16 27N 119 55 E 1.42 SANTA LUCIA 17 07N 120 27 E 1.38 SlLAGUllSLAND 7 17N 122 51E 9.13 SANTA MARGARITA 12 02N 124 40E 6.75 SlLANCAPO POINT 13 48N 121 59E 2 .38 SANTA MONlCA POINT 9 33N 123 27E 7.37 SlLANGABAY II 01 N 119 35 E 11.49 SANTA RITA II 27N 124 56E 6.82 SlLANGABAY II 49N 124 51E 6.75 SANTIAGO COVE 17 l7N 120 26E 1.36 SlLANGA POINT 8 33N 123 46E 8.14 SANTIAGO ISLAND 16 24N 119 56E 1.48 SlLANGAN PASS 14 OON 122 II E 5.22 SANTO NINO HARBOR II 56N 124 27E 6.94 SlLANGON POINT 5 57N 120 52E 12.43 SANTO NINO ISLAND II 55N 124 26E 6.93 SlLANGUIN ISLAND 14 46N 120 06E 1.67 SANTO ROSARIO 10 41N 122 37E 3.41 SlLAQUI ISLET 16 27N 119 55 E 1.42 SANTO TOMAS ANCHORAGE 16 15N 120 22E 1.43 SlLAY 10 48N 122 58E 3.52 SANZISLAND 8 04N 117 OlE 11.75 SlLINO ISLAND 8 5 1 N 123 25 E 8.9 SAPAO 10 OJ N 126 02E 6.69 SlLLA POINT 8 42N 123 30E 8.10 SAPENITAN BAY 14 03N 123 14E 5.43 SlLOM 12 30N 122 36E 3.14 SAPIAN BAY II 33N 122 36E 3.I9 SlLONAY ISLAND 13 27N 121 l3E 2.26 SAPUBAY 5 55N 125 I6E 9.33 SlLONG BAY 12 l i N 121 04E 4.8 SARANGANI BAY 6 OON 125 l2E 9.31 SlLUAG ISLAND 4 43N 119 09E I2.7l SARANGANIISLAND 5 27N 125 28E 9.34 SIMANAHAN CHANNEL 7 43N 117 l9E 11.82 SARANGANI ISLANDS 5 26N I25 27E 9.34 SIMANAHAN REEF 7 45N 117 l9E 11.82 SARDINE REEF 12 l7N 121 OOE 4.6 SIMARA ISLAND 12 48N 122 03E 3.3 SATAN ROCK 9 56N 125 28E 6.40 SIMIO POINT 8 28N 123 49E 8.15 SA WIGAN POINT 8 05N 122 31 E 8.5 SIMOBANKS 14 05N 120 21E 1.89 SA YSAlN POINT 14 34N I20 23 E 1.77 SIMUNUL ISLAND 4 53N 119 49E 12.66 SCALESBY CASTLE SHOAL 9 05N 117 18E 11.32 SINAPSAPAN POINT 10 35N 122 31E 3.39, SCHUCK REEF 6 49N 117 52E 12.7 3.43 SCOTT POINT 9 02N 118 05E 11.67 S!NDANGAN POINT 8 ION 122 40E 8.5 SEAHORSE SHOAL 10 SON 117 47E 11.2 SINGAG ISLAND 8 33N 126 23E 9.56 SEBASTE SHOAL 11 36N 122 OlE 4.27 SINIGUIAN POINT 18 31 N 122 14E 1.14 SECAM ISLAND 8 ION 117 OlE 11.73 SINONOG ISLAND 6 58N 122 20E 9.5 SECO ISLET II l9N I21 40E 4.27 S!PACA POINT 9 01 N 124 52E 8.33 Pub.l62 Index-Gazetteer io9lion Sec. Para Position Sec. Para S!PARAY ISLAND II 02N 121 08E 10.5 SUMBASUMBA ISLAND 5 30N 120 58 E 12.49 SIPAYU ISLAND 5 ION 119 51 E 12.58 SUMILON 9 26N I23 23 E 7.37 SIQUUOR SIQUUOR ISLAND SffiJOHNBROOKEPO~T 9 9 8 13N ION 46N 123 123 117 31 E 35 E 50E 7.30 7.30 11.68 SUMILON ISLAND SUMLUGPOINT SUNG! POINT 9 6 10 55N 52N 55N 125 126 125 26E OlE 50E 6.40 9.45 6.18 SIRAGUAY POINT SIRUMABAY 7 14 33N Ol N 122 123 07E 14E 8.2 5.42 SUNGUSHOAL SUNGUSHOAL 5 6 37N 13N 120 121 49E 4 I E 12.50 12.34 SIRUMA ISLAND SffiUN ISLAND 14 5 02N 35N 123 120 l3E 44E 5.42 I2.50 SURIGAO SUR!GAO STRAIT 9 10 47N 28N I25 125 30E 23 E 6.34 8. 1 SISIMANBAY 14 26N 120 31E 1.81 SUSO POINT 17 21 N 120 27E 1.35 SISIRANBAY 13 55N 123 41 E 5.51 SUYAC ISLAND 10 57N 123 27E 3.46 SITANKAI ISLAND 4 40N 119 24E 12.69 SIUARAGAN RIVER 10 35N 122 07 E 3.39 SIXTEEN-FOOT SHOAL 14 48N 120 15 E 1.72 T SOCORRO 9 37 N 125 58E 6.63 SOGOD SOGODBAY 10 10 23N 15 124 125 59E OOE 6.128 6.127 TAATA ISLANDS TABABAY 5 7 09N 34N 120 122 09E 4E E 12.60 9. 11 SOGODBAY SOGODPOINT SOGUICAY BAY 10 10 12 45N 28N 22N 124 125 121 OOE II E 24E 6.109 6.30 4.14 TABACO TABACOBAY TABAHAN RIVER 13 13 9 22N 20N 46N 123 123 124 44E 47E 30E 5.73 5.72 7.47 SOHUTANBAY 9 36N 125 54E 6.61 TABAJINBAY 13 42N 120 14 E 2.5 SOJOTON PO~T 12 19N 124 20E 2.121 TABANGOBAY II 17N 124 23E 6.104 SOJOTON POINT 9 59N 122 27E 3.63, T ABA WAN ISLAND 5 13N 120 35E 12.53 4.32 TABGON 13 SON 123 49E 5.53 SOLIT ARlO ISLET . 3 01 N 123 21E 2.75 T ABLAS ISLAND I2 25N 122 02E 3.4 SOLIT ARlO ROCK . I 17N 120 20E 10.21 TABLASSHOAL 5 55N 120 21E 12.19 SOLOTPOINT SOLVECCOVE . 7 [7 55N 27N 120 120 26 E 27E 1.26 1.33 TABLE HEAD TABLEPO~T 9 10 39N OON 118 118 44E 39E 11.63 11.28, SOLVECROCK 17 27N 120 26E 1.32, 11.34 1.33 T ABONES ISLETS 14 49N 120 04E 1.66 SOMBOCOGON BAY 13 l6N 122 41 E 2.58 TABUPO~T 8 20N 123 52E 8.13, SOMBRERO ISLAND SOMBRERO ISLET 9 13 22N 42N 118 120 35 E 50E 11.66 2.11 TABUAN ISLAND 5 09N 120 27E 8.17 12.53 SOMBRERO ISLETS 13 09N 122 50E 2.69 TABUGOC COVE 14 04N 124 l4E 5.62 SOMBRERO ROCKS 10 43N 121 33 E 12.10 TABUSAO ISLAND 14 21 N 122 38E 5.29 SOMBRERO ROCKS 10 43N 121 34E 4.29 TACBOLO ISLAND 10 53 N 119 19E ll.l6 SOROC 10 59N 125 48 E 6.20 TACLOBAN II l5N 25 OOE 6.25 SORSOGON 12 58N 124 OOE 2.79 TACLOGAN BAY 12 37N 123 43 E 2.97 SORSOGON BAY 12 55N 123 55 E 2.77 TACUTBOATA REEF 5 09N 120 24E 12.53 SOUTH BAIS BAY 9 34N 123 08E 7.14 TAFT II 54N 125 25 E 6.8 SOUTH BAY II 24N 119 47 E 11.45 TAGABASBAY 13 36N 122 16E 2.42 SOUTH GIGANTE ISLAND II 35N 123 20E 3.28 TAGABULI BAY 6 48N 125 23E 9.38 SOUTH ISLET 8 44N 119 49E 12.11 TAGAL~OG ISLAND 8 53 N 118 15 E 11.67 SOUTH LAGOON 4 31 N ll9 21 E 12.69 TAGANAUAN ISLAND 9 14N 126 12E 9.60 SOUTH MANGSEE ISLAND 7 30N 117 18E 11.83 TAGAO ISLAND 5 18N I20 34E 12.53 SOUTH PASS 13 30N 121 04E 2.28 TAGAPOLO POINT 15 32N 119 57E 1.59 SOUTH POINT 10 24N 122 30E 3.44 TAGAPULA ISLAND 12 04N 124 liE 6.93 SOUTH REGENT SHOAL 8 32N 117 05E 11.37 TAGAUAYAN BAY 10 58N 121 14E 10.5 SOUTH ROCK 9 42N 118 23 E 11.29, TAGAUAYAN ISLANDS 10 58N 121 13E 10.5 11.35 TAGBACCOVE 13 SON 120 05E 2.5 SOUTH UBIAN ISLAND 5 liN 120 30E 12.53 TAGBANAN POINT 13 48N 120 15E 2.4 SOUTH VERDE ISLAND 10 05N 119 14E 11.58 TAGBARUNIS POINT 9 34N 118 40E 11.64 SOUTHEAST SHOALS 7 35N 117 25 E 11.83 TAGBAY AKAO ISLET 9 59N 125 35 E 6.41 SOUTHWEST BANK 7 40N 118 20E 12.3 TAGBILARAN 9 39N 123 51E 7.43 SOUTHWEST SHOAL SPRAT POINT 17 9 46N 58N 120 118 22E 39E 1.30 11.29 TAGBITABAY TAGBUAYA POINT 8 9 41N 08N 117 117 20E 46E 11.37 11.33 ST. PAUL BAY 10 14N 118 54E 11.25 TAGGAT 18 37N 121 03 E 1.19 STANLAKE ISLAND lO l5N 119 20E 11.59 TAGIRAN POINT 12 33 N 123 58E 2.82 STRIP E PEAK 10 12N 119 02E 11.25 TAGKAWAYAN BAY 13 56N 122 33 E 2.62 SUBANIPA 7 18N 122 51E 9.13 TAGO ISLAND ll 15N 123 08E 3.32 SUBAANGBAY 13 26N 121 02E 2.24 TAGORIVER 9 OIN 126 14E 9.59 SUBANPOINT 13 l2N 122 OOE 2.52 TAGOLO POINT 8 44N 123 23 E 8. 1, 8.8 SUBIC 14 53N 120 14E 1.75 TAGUBANHAN ISLAND II 08N 123 07E 3.34 SUBICBAY 14 SON 20 l4E 1.68 TAGUITEBAY 7 20N 122 18E 9.6 SUBUNG~POINT 13 18N 122 30E 2.44 TAGULAYAPOINT 6 55N 125 29E 9.38 SUBUNG~REEF 13 20N 122 28 E 2.44 TAGUMPOINT 13 27 N 122 08 E 2.48 SUESTE POINT 14 45N 120 liE 1.67 TAGUN BAY 13 57N 123 46E 5.5 1 SUGBAI ISLAND 5 24N 120 23 E 12.52 TAGUTU ISLAND 6 39N 121 38E 12.14 SUGBAI PASSAGE 5 25N 120 30E 12.52 TAGUUS POINT 10 liN 124 45 E 6.119 SUGBUHAN POINT 10 04N 126 04E 6.69 TAISAN 12 06N 123 21E 3.24 SUGBUHAN REEF 10 06N 126 02E 6.69 TAlTAl BAY 10 54N 119 l7E 11.13 SUGOTBAY 13 02N 124 05E 5.82 TAJAO POINT 10 l9N 123 35 E 7.20 SUGUTBAY 7 24N 124 14E 9.23 TAJAO REEF 10 18N 123 34E 7.21 SULADE ISLAND 5 SON 120 47 E 12.43 TAKELA ISLAND 6 32N 121 50E 12.28 SULATBAY II SON 125 28 E 6.9 TAKUTTANGUG BAY 6 32N 122 l4E 12.24 SULAUAN POINT s 37N 124 29E 8.24 TALABASI POINT 13 04N 120 43 E 4.2 SULIGAN SHOAL 6 OON 121 38E 12.36 TALABE POINT 10 30N 123 27E 7.7 SULTAN BANK II 23N 121 30E 4.27 TALACANEN ISLAND 10 58N 119 32E 11.51 SULTANA SHOALS 9 57N 12 1 23E 12.10 TALAIRAN POINT II 26N 124 32E 6.88 SULU SEA 9 OON 120 OOE 12.1 TALAKITOK REEF 9 OON 118 IOE 11.67 SULUAN ISLAND 10 46N 125 57 E 6.28 TALALORA II 32N 124 50E 6.80 SUMANGUL POINT i 27N 122 54E 9. 14 TALAMPULAN ISLAND 12 06N 119 51E 10.32 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer Position Sec. Para Position Sec. Para TALAOTAUANISLAND II ION 119 32E 11.47 T A Y ABAS POINT 13 54N 121 37 E 2.34 TALffiON 10 09N 124 20E 6.124 TAYABAS RIVER ENTRANCE LIGHT 13 54N 121 36E 2.34 TALIKUD ISLAND 6 56N 125 42E 9.41 T A Y ASAN POINT 9 55N 123 JOE 7.11 TALINBAY 13 59N 120 37E 1.90 TAYNABOPOINT 7 46N 122 40E 9.10 TALIN POINT 13 59N 120 36E 1.90 TAYOMAN POINT 7 41N 122 47E 9.ll TALINAS ISLAND 13 42N 120 18E 2.4 TAYONGPEAK 9 38N 124 04E 7.46 TALIPANAN POINT 13 30N 120 53 E 2.19 TAYONG POINT 10 07N 123 29E 7.22 TALISAY 10 44N 122 58 E 3.52 TAYTAY 10 SON 119 3IE 11.49 T ALJSA Y REEF 12 07N 123 12E 3.23 TAYTAYBAY 10 55N 119 33 E 11.49 TALJSAYAN 9 OON 124 53 E 8.33 TAYTAY HEAD 10 52N 119 30E 11.51 TALOMO 7 03N 125 33 E 9.39 TAYTAYPOINT 10 42N 125 07E 6.28 TALOMOBAY TALONG ISLAND 7 10 03N 44N 125 124 33 E 19E 9.39 6.112 TEINGA ISLAND 6 54N 121 35 E 12.13, 12.16 TALUC ISLAND 5 44N 121 OOE 12.48 TEJADA REEF II 08N ll9 52E 11.45 TAMBAC POINT 16 23N 119 56 E 1.50 TELEGRAPH ISLET 9 33N 125 51E 6.57 TAMBARON ISLAND 12 16N 121 23E 4.15 TEMPLO ISLAND 13 09N 122 52E 2.69 TAMBOPOINT 13 48N 120 20E 2.6 TENABIAN ISLAND 10 55N 119 17E 11.13 TAMBOBOPOINT 15 58N 119 45E 1.51 TENT ISLAND II 04N 119 18E 11.10 T AMBOG POINT 8 06N 126 27 E 9.54 TEOMABAL ISLAND 6 20N 120 51 E 12.17 TAMBUNGON 7 15N 125 40E 9.43 TEOMBAL ISLAND 5 SON 121 02E 12.40 TAMPELPASS II 47N 120 07 E 10.26 TETIANBAY 7 28N 124 08E 9.21 TAMP! 9 26N 123 14E 7.15 THUMB PEAK 9 48N 118 36 E 11.28 TAMPUAN POINT 5 52N 125 05E 9.30 Tffi!AOPOINT 11 18N 122 02E 4.28 TAMUK ISLAND 6 28N 121 49E 12.26 TffiUNGKO 7 12N 125 39 E 9.43 TAMURUNG POINT 17 15N 120 25E 1.37 TICAOBAY 12 29N 123 46E 2.99 T ANAO ISLANDS 14 25N 122 40E 5.27 TICAO ISLAND 12 30N 123 43E 2.93 TANAOPASS 14 22N 122 40E 5.27 TICAOPASS 12 40N 123 45E 2.99 TANAUAN II 07 125 OlE 6.26 TICLIN ISLAND 10 32N 123 28E 7.7 TANCAAN POINT 10 OON 125 01 E 6. 126 TICLIN ISLAND 12 35N 124 08E 2.103 TANDAG 9 05N 126 12E 9.60 TICLIN STRAIT 12 33N 124 06E 2.103 TANDICAN POINT 5 54N 121 23E 12.39 TICTAUAN CHANNEL 6 54N 122 09E 9.5 TANDOC 14 04N 123 18E 5.45 TICTAUAN SHOAL 6 54N 122 09E 9.5 TANDOG ISLAND 10 25N 122 30E 3.44 TIDEPOLE POINT 10 04N 118 47E 11.27 TANDOTAO POINT 6 58N 118 32E 12.5 TIDEPOLE POINT 9 44N 118 44E 11.63 TANDU BATO 6 OON 121 18E 12.47 TIGBAUAN ISLANDS 7 22N 122 25 E 9.7 TANDU PEAK 5 58N 12 1 24E 12.39 TIJ1TIJ1 REEF 4 53N ll9 53 E 12.66 TANDUBAS ISLAND 5 08N 120 20E 12.55 TILIC 13 49N 120 12E 2.3 TANDUBATO ISLAND 5 13N 120 17E 12.56 TINAAN ANCHORAGE 10 12N 123 45E 7.35 TANDUNGAN CHANNEL 5 14N 120 20E 12.55 TINABOG RIVER 10 OON 118 59E 11.61 TANDUNGAN ISLAND 5 15N 120 21 E 12.55 TINACA POINT 5 33N 125 20E 9.34 TAN GAT ISLAND II 59N 120 04E 10.31 TINACOS ISLET 12 SON 123 50E 2.78 TANGBO POINT 10 44N 125 02E 6.28 TINAGTA ISLAND 5 12N 119 53 E 12.57 TANGHILAHAN BAY 10 52N 119 13 E 11.19 TINALISAY AN ISLETS 13 09N 122 56E 2.69 TAN GIL POINT 10 05N 123 37 E 7.23 TINAMBAC 13 49N 123 19E 5.41 T ANGLAR ISLAND 13 45N 123 15E 5.40 TINANOGAN BAY 12 56N 123 33E 2.75 TANGU ISLAND 5 02N 119 50E 12.63 TINAOGAN 9 47N 123 09E 7.11 TANGUINGUI ISLAND II 30N 123 43E 7.3 TINAOGAN REEF 9 48N 123 09E 7.11 TANGUINGUI ISLET II 29N 123 43 E 3.28 TIWI POINT 13 29N 123 40E 5.72 TANGUINGUI ISLET 13 liN 122 56E 2.69 TOGORON BAY 12 36N 123 36E 2.96 TANOBAN POINT 14 17N 122 51E 5.32 TOLAN POINT II OIN 122 02E 4 .29 TANOBON ISLAND 12 21 N 119 57 E 10.12 TOLEDO 10 23N 123 38 E 7.21 TANON POINT 9 25N 123 20E 7.37 TOLONO 9 22N 122 48 E 4.36 TANON STRAIT 10 OON 123 30E 7.1 TOLONO BAY 9 20N 122 50E 4.36 TANTANANG BAY 7 31 N 122 54E 9.14 TOMALAYTAYISLET 12 52N 123 49E 2.79 T ANUAN POINT 13 31 N 122 58E 2.64 TOMONTON POINT 10 54N 122 57 E 3.50 TAPAAN ISLAND 5 28N 120 44E 12.50 TONAISLAND 9 52N 125 57 E 6.70 TAPAAN PASSAGE 5 30N 120 40E 12.51 TONDOL POINT 16 19N 120 OlE 1.48 TAPAAN SHOAL 5 26N 120 40E 12.51 TONGA POINT 9 13N 123 28 E 7.30 TAPAL 10 03N 124 31 E 6.120 TONGOPOINT 12 38N 122 17 E 3. 12 T APIAN POINT 7 09N 124 04E 9.26 TONGON POINT 13 23N 123 12E 2.65 TAPIANTANA CHANNEL 6 22N 122 OOE 12.32 TONGQUIL ISLAND 6 03N 121 5IE 12.35 TAPIANTANA GROUP 6 20N 122 OOE 12.32 TORITORI POINT 16 13N 120 OOE 1.48 TAPIANTANA ISLAND 6 18N 121 59E 12.33 TORRE ISLAND II 24N 124 59E 6.85 TAPILON POINT II 17N 124 OlE 7.16 TORRUOSBAY 13 19N 122 05 E 2.5 1 TAPfUTAN ISLAND II 13N 119 16E 11.7 , TORTUGA REEF 15 36N 119 53E 1.57 11.34 TOYOREEF 10 21 N 122 34E 3.57 TAPruTAN STRAIT II 12N 119 16E 11.7 TRES REYES ISLANDS 13 14N 121 50E 2.52 TAPULBAY 9 56N 11 8 47E 11.60 TRffiOA BAY 14 47N 120 16E 1.71 T APUL ISLAND 5 44N 120 54E 12.48 TRffiOA RIVER 14 47N 120 17E 1.71 TARA ISLAND 12 17N 120 22E 10.15 TRINCHERA POINT 16 24N 119 54E 1.49 TARA ISLAND 5 36N 120 52E 12.49 TRIPLE CIMA ISLAND 9 19N 117 56E 11.31 TARADUNGAN 10 22N 119 32 E 11.59 TUASO POINT 9 49N 126 JOE 6.68 T ARAHID POINT 14 02N 124 16E 5.62 TUBABAO ISLAND 12 07N 125 33 E 6.6 TARANGNAN POINT II 54N 124 44E 6.75 TUBALAN HEAD 6 30N 125 35 E 9.36 TARINEN POINT 5 21 N 120 13E 12.57 TUBALUBAC ISLAND 5 59N 120 24E 12.18 TARUMPITAO POINT 9 03N 117 38 E 11.34 TUBAY 9 ION 125 31E 8.44 TATAANPASS 5 12N 119 54E 12.59 TUBBATAHA REEF 8 SON 119 53E 12.11 TAT ALAN ISLAND 6 13N 121 50E 12.33 TUB1GAN 9 57N 123 58 E 7.40 TAVOTAVO POINT 7 OIN 118 24E 12.4 TUBIGAN ISLAND 6 26N 120 47E 12.17 TAWITAWI BAY 5 05N 120 07E 12.60 TUBIGAN POINT 10 44N 121 56 E 4.29 TA WITA WI ISLAND 5 ION 120 OOE 12.57 TUBILE POINT 13 14N 120 31E 4.1 TAYABASBAY 13 SON 12 1 40E 2.32 TUBILI POINT 13 14N 120 31E 4.1 Pub.162 Index-Gazetteer P:J tion Sec. Para Position Sec. Para TUBINGANTAN POINT 5 54N 120 55 E 12.42 VALENCIA 9 36N 124 12 E 7.46 TUBURAN 10 44N 123 49E 7.18 V ALLEHERMOSO 10 20N 123 20E 7.10 TUBURANBAY 10 44N 123 49E 7.18 VALLEY HEAD 17 55N 122 liE 5.3 TUCTUC POINT . 2 liN 12 1 57 E 3.7 VALPARAISO SHOAL 7 51 N 118 27 E 12.2 TUDELA 10 38N 124 28 E 6.112 VANGUARD SHOAL 8 55 N 117 16E 11.36 TUGAPANGAN POINT 7 24N 124 09E 9.22 V ANGUARDIA ISLET II 32N 119 44E 11.43 TUGAS PENINSULA 9 28 N 125 57 E 6.57 V ARADERO BAY 13 29N 120 58 E 2.23 TUGAS POINT 9 29N 125 57 E 6.57 VERDE ISLAND 13 33N 121 04E 2.27 TUGDAN POINT : 2 19N 122 05 E 3.9 VERDE ISLAND PASSAGE 13 35N 121 OOE 2.1 TUGNUG POINT : t 21 N 125 38 E 6.15 VICTORIA PEAKS 9 22N 118 20E 11.29 TUJUD ISLAND : 3 15N 121 25 E 2.29 VICTORIAS 10 54N 123 04E 3.49 TUKABAY 7 40N 123 58E 9.20 VlGANGAP 17 33N 120 30E 1.33 TULIAN ISLAND 6 OI N 120 53 E 12.43 VlGIA POINT II 04N 125 02E 6.27 TULNALUTAN ISLAND 6 59N 122 21 E 9.5 VILLABA II 13N 124 24E 6.105 TULUNANAUN ISLAND ll 33N 123 14E 3.27 VILLAGE BAY 10 34N 119 07E 11.22 TULURAN ISLAND 10 59N 119 17E 11 .10 VILLALOBOS REEF 12 40N 124 55 E 2.111 TUMAREEF 12 15N 123 07E 3.16 VILLAMIL ROCK 5 52N 121 04E 12.40 TUMALAYTA Y ISLAND 12 17N 123 13E 3.22 VILLANUEVA 8 35N 124 46E 8.29 TUMALAYTA Y POINT 12 17N 123 14E 3.22 VINAS RIVER 13 55 N 122 27E 2.61 TUMAOPOINT 7 52N 122 JOE 8.4 VlRAC 13 35N 124 14E 5.61 TUMARBONG 10 23N 119 27 E 11.59 VlRAC POINT 13 31 N 124 13E 5.60 TUMATUM POINT II 58N 123 09E 3.23 VIRAY ISLET 10 OON 125 31E 6.42 TUMBAGAPOINT TUMBAGAAN ISLAND 13 5 44N 23N 120 120 17E 19E 2.4 12.54 VITALI ISLAND VOLAT A ISLAND 7 9 22N 39 N 122 121 21E 15E 9.6 12.9 TUMINDAO ISLAND 4 44N 119 24E 12.69 TUNA BAY 6 23N 124 04E 9.28 TUNA REEF II 36N 120 12E 10.21 w TUNGANAY RIVER 7 19N 125 44E 9.43 TUNGAO POINT TUNGAUAN BAY 12 7 07N 27N 121 122 21E 22E 4.18 9.7 WAKEHELD SHOAL WALKER SHOAL 8 ll 19N 01 N 117 125 52 E 32 E 11.69 6.21 TUNGOPOINT 10 08N 125 29E 6.45 WATERING BAY 10 09N 118 49E 11.26 TUNGOO POINT 12 ION 124 25 E 6.73 WATERING BAY 10 25N 119 02E 11 .23 TUQU!AN POINT TUR!A ROCK 13 II 36N 03N 122 123 12E 06E 2.42 3.34 WEDGE HEAD WEDGE ISLAND 10 10 53N 44N 119 119 19 E 12E 11.17 11.20 TURUNGBAY 10 53N 119 17E 11.13 WEST BANK 7 43N 118 23 E 12.3 TUTU BAY 5 55N 121 12E 12.39 WEST BOLOD ISLAND 6 15N 121 35 E 12.34 TWENTY FOUR-FOOT SHOAL 14 45N 120 13 E 1.69 WEST CIRCE SHOAL 7 28N 122 38 E 9.12 TWIN ISLETS 10 05N 125 29E 6.44 WEST NALAUT ISLAND 12 03 119 47E 10.33 WESTERN SHOALS 7 58 N 116 50E 11 .79 WHALE ROCK 9 29N 126 04E 6.59 u WHITE ROCK WHITE ROUND ISLAND 7 10 21 N 59N 122 119 25 E 15E 9.7 ll.l2 UALA ISLANDS 14 55N 122 JOE 5.16 WILLCOX BANK 6 55N 118 28E 12.6 UANIVAN ISLAND 6 50N 126 16E 9.49 WORCESTER STRAIT 10 58N 119 15E 11.12 UAYDAJON ISLAND II 38N 123 22E 3.28 WRECK HEAD 10 54N 119 13 E 11. 19 UBANPOINT II 22N 124 59E 6.86 WYLLIE ROCKS 19 30N 121 31E 1.8 UGAMUT ISLAND 12 33N 124 29 E 2.114 ULAN POINT 13 30N 121 51E 2.54 ULUGANBAY 10 07N 118 48E 11.26 y ULUTRIVER 12 OON 125 27E 6.8 UNAMAO ISLAND 9 23N 126 OOE 6.59 YAO ISLAND II 02N 123 35 E 7.4 UNIB!SLAND 10 01 N 125 31E 6.42 Y APUSAN POINT 13 43N 120 13 E 2.5 UNISAN 13 50N 121 58 E 2.38 YOG POINT 14 06N 124 12E 5.57 UNISAN ISLETS 10 20N 122 35 E 3.57 YOPOQUIT POINT 13 50N 123 52 E 5.52, URDANETA HARBOR 12 33N 124 21E 2.119 5.54 URSULA ISLAND 8 20N 117 31E 11.69 USONBAY 12 14N 123 47 E 2.88 USON ISLAND 11 59N 120 JOE 10.29, z 10.30 USUCAN SHOAL 39N 123 42E 8.12 ZAMBOANGA 6 54N 122 04 E 9.4 UTABEBAY 12 38N 123 54E 2.82 ZAMBOANGUITA POINT 9 06N 123 12 E 7.26, 7.28 ZAPATO ISLANDS 11 45N 123 Ol E 3.21 v ZUMARRAGA CHANNEL II 38N 124 50E 6.78 VALENCIA 8 14N 126 27 E 9.54 Pub. 162