US D 101 .2:50 4/8 Table of Contents Activity ..................... ............. ............. ................. ...... .. .......... ........ ..... .... 6 Nutrition ....... ........... .. ...... .. ..... .. ........ ..... .. .. ... ..... ... .... ......... .... ................ 20 Sleep .......... ............... .. .. .......... .... ... ... ............................ ... .... .... .... ... .... .42 Technology ................ ....... ..... ... .................................. ...... .......... ... ..... ...50 Planner .... .. .. .. ... .... ... .. .. ................. .... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .... .... ..... .. .. ......... ... ....... 52 Activity: A Guide for Soldiers TRAIN SMART t o avoid injuries! Physical fitness and activity are crucial to ensuring our Soldiers perform as elite athletes. Each year, Soldiers are injured, some fatally, while exercising or participating in sports or other recreational activities. In fact, sports and physical training (PT) are the third leading cause of injury hospitalizations. Fortunately, many of these injuries can be prevented by training smart and following some simple steps: ~ When beginning a new activity, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workout as your fitness level improves . ~ Vary your workouts to include a combination of strength, endurance, and mobility training. ~ Wear a mouthguard for high-risk activities like combatives, football, basketball, boxing, soccer, and extreme sports. ~ Replace lost nutrients within 30-60 minutes of high-intensity activity with some lean protein, quality carbohydrates (like whole grain breads, fruits, and milk), and water. ~ Wear synthetic-blend socks like polyester and acrylic (not cotton) to prevent blisters. Resistance Trai ning ~ Use caution when lifting heavy weight plates to load and unload a barbell. ~ Train with a spotter for high-weight, low-repetition exercises and lowweight, high-repetition exercises. ~ Use good lifting form when executing a lift. Be sure to control the weight when lifting and lowering it. ~ Have a qualified instructor teach you how to perform exercises you are not familiar with . ~ Warm up with repetitions of lighter weights . ~ Don't hold your breath; inhale lowering the weight, exhale pressing it back up (Exhale on Effort). ~ Avoid anabolic steroids-they're illegal and cause adverse health effects. ~ Gradually increase the weight and number of repetitions . ACTIVITY Additional Tips for SMART Training !) Do dynamic warm-ups before exercising and static stretching after exercising. » Dynamic stretching exercises warm up the muscles and body tissues by moving the body through the full available range of motion. • Stretching dynamically before exercise can increase power. Example-The Bend and Reach. » Static stretching involves slow movements that hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds. !) Maintain your fitness while on a deployment or an extended field mission by continuing the level of intensity of your workouts (even if the workouts are shorter). !) Drop the habit . Smoking and tobacco use can increase your injury risk and the time it takes to heal from an injury. ' t~·-~-: ... 1fii'i .~.. .:.."'... ' ' Army Physical Readiness Training Physical Readiness is the ability to meet the physical demands of any com bat or duty position , accomplish the mission, and continue to fight and win. The Army's Physical Readiness Training (PRT) Program creates a daily opportunity to build the valuable Soldiering skills of strength, power, speed, and agility required to help Soldiers meet their mission. PRT is rooted in established principles of exercise science designed to build the Soldier Athlete and includes training activities that directly support war-fighting tasks within the full spectrum of operations . As a result, the program is essential to individual, unit, and force readiness. :> Army PRT is guided by three principles of readiness training: » Precision: ensures all PRT activities are executed using proper technique, in order to reduce injury risk. » Progression: gradually increases the intensity and duration of PRT activities to allow the body to properly adapt to the stresses of training. » Integration: includes a variety of training activities (such as condi tioning, climbing, and movement drills) in the program to achieve a balanced development of strength, endurance, and mobility. :> Quick Facts about PRT! » Designed to minimize injuries commonly sustained in fitness training » Prepares Soldiers for the Army Physical Fitness Test » Training activities will increase skills related to warrior tasks and battle drills (such as jumping, crawling, lifting, and negotiating obstacles) » Uses aerobic (cardio) and anaerobic (lifting & sprinting) exercises to optimize performance » Includes a four-phase training cycle (similar to the ARFORGEN cycle), designed to train Soldiers recovering from deployment (or extended absence from unit PRT) to deployment and/or combat missions » Includes a reconditioning program for Soldiers recovering from injury Check out the Physical Readiness Division 's (PRO) PRT Resources! :> PRD Facebook: https:jjwww.facebook.comjPhysicaiReadinessDivision :> PRD Webpage: :> PRT YouTube: :> Army PRT iPhone App: http:ffwww downloads/ army-prt-iphone-app.shtml :> PRT Training Materials: https:jj atn .army.miljdsp_template.aspx?dpiD=127 Functional Fitness: Be Prepared for Any Task The Army's PT doctrine includes training for functional fitness. Functional fitness training uses drills, exercises, or activities that are specific to movements, skills, and physical demands needed for a given task. For example, performing single leg squats, lunges, crunches, and medicine ball throws requires the physical skills needed to react to man-to-man contact. Functional fitness is composed of strength, endurance, and movement skills (agility, coordination, and balance), which will get you fit for your mission and reduce your risk of injury. Shoot. Move. Communicate. :> Deployed Soldiers have identified that the most important tasks related to physical readiness involve: » acquiring and engaging targets » conducting individual movement techniques in full combat gear » walking long distances under extreme conditions in full combat gear » sending and receiving communications during physical exertion The following exercises demonstrate how training with a functional fitness focus can prepare you for the activities you may perform during deployment. Acquiring and Engaging Targets Half Kneel Curl & Press Conducting Individual Movement Technique Lateral Hops (Single Leg Alternating) Walking Long Distances in Full Combat Gear Medicine Ball Squats Sending and Receiving Communications During Physical Exertions Jogging Extreme Conditioning Programs Extreme Conditioning Programs (ECPs) are workout programs that combine high-intensity exercises with short rest periods between sets. Programs like Cross Fit®, P9QX®, Insanity®, and PT Pyramid * are examples of ECPs. ECPs often promise to burn calories, build muscle, shed fat, and get you into peak fitness through intense workouts that could push you beyond what you can physically handle. ECPs are becoming popular forms of exercise; however, you should know what's good and bad about these programs and what you can do to avoid getting injured . The Good :') ECPs may help: » burn calories quickly » build muscle and decrease body fat » increase strength, power, and stamina » improve coordination, agility, and athleticism :') ECPs offer nontraditional exercises during a workout (such as Olympic lifts, martial arts, abj core train ing, and plyometrics). :') ECPs combine cardio and resistance training in one workout. :') Some ECPs require little equipment and can be done almost anywhere. The Bad :') Injuries from any ECP may include: » muscle strains » torn ligaments » stress fract ures » tendonitis » other serious or life threaten ing conditions :') Many ECPs offer little rest or recovery, which can cause early fatigue and increase your risk of injury. You should always work within your FITNESS and SKILL level. How to Avoid Getting Injured Using ECPs :> Talk to a healthcare provider BEFORE you start, especially: » if you have high blood pressure , previous heat injury, or mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI). » if you have an injury that could be affected by ECPs. :> Work with a certified physical fitness tra iner** or physical therapist. :> Don 't do too much too soon! Start slowly, especially if you 're a beginner. :> Stay hydrated and recognize these signs of overexertion: » muscle or joint pain » dizziness » fatigue » chest pain » difficulty breathing :> Use caution if you take supplements and/ or are exercising in extreme temperatures. • Use of trademark names does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army but is intended only to assist in the identification of a specific product. • • Certified from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) or the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Although ECPs claim to get you in the best shape of your life , it's important to remember that these programs try to push you to the extreme , which can lead to injuries. Therefore , you should always work within your fitness and skill level. Also, if you do ECPs in addition to PT, you could be at risk for overtraining, even if you're fit. :> Overtraining can cause fatigue , sickness, a decrease in performance, and injury. :> Avoid training the same muscle groups in consecutive workouts. Give yourself at least 48 hours before retraining that muscle group. :> Consider avoiding back-to-back ECP training days or alternating between high & low intensity training days . ECPs are individual fitness programs and are not designed to prepare you for Army physical readiness . The Army's PRT Program is designed to help you achieve physical fitness and prepare you for the challenges of combat operations. :> For more information on ECPs visit:;. Minimalist Running Shoes Minimalist running shoes (M RS) are lightweight, low to the ground, flexible shoes with very little cushioning and support. Although the Army has no official stance on the use of MRS, many Soldiers use these shoes during training. If you are thinking about trying MRS, there are a few things you should know about running in these shoes. :> MRS may mean you need to change your running form. You should land on the balls of your feet and not your heels when you run in MRS . :> A sudden change in shoes or running style can lead to sore muscles and joints, blisters, and injuries (such as stress fractures). :> Transition slowly and carefully to MRS and follow the steps below. » Prep • Run in MRS before you buy-choose the shoe that feels the best. • Be sure to break your shoes in before wearing them for PT. • Wear synthetic blend socks to avoid blisters. • Do dynamic warm-ups. Begin with 5-10 mintues of slowpaced running and include the following exercises: high knees, sh uffles or cariocas, butt kicks, bounds, and high jumpers. » Run (Transition Program) • Run only 10 percent of your normal distance in MRS for your first 2-3 weeks. For example: If you run 10 miles per week, run on ly 1 mile per week in MRS. • Maintain a relaxed, upright posture. • Take smaller strides with a faster pace. • Land softly on the ball of your foot then let the heel down gently. » Recover • Increase your distance 10 percent or less each week for at least 8 weeks. • It may take up to 6 months to get used to running in MRS. • Stretching will be very important during the first few weeks of the transition program to limit soreness. • Do each stretch three times: calves, feet, and hamstrings. • Hold stretch for 30 seconds and repeat for each leg. • Avoid running 2 days in a row for the first 4 weeks. • Treat blisters with antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage. • If running is painful , stop wearing MRS or consider trying different shoes. :> For more information visit: » Your healthcare provider » A physical therapist » Army Medicine MRS Website at: http:j/ miljmrs/index.cfm Interactive Physical Activity Tools Keep track of your fitness level! Visit http://hprc-online.orgjphysical-fitnessjtools-apps-videosjinteractive-tools to use the available fitness tools. SIT LESS, MOVE MORE! :> Prolonged sitting increases the risk of blood clots, diabetes, heart disease , cancer, and obesity. Moving during the day, in addition to PT and/ or getting the recommended daily activity, is necessary to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and other health conditions . :> Regular movement increases blood flow, brea ks down fat, burns calories, and helps to maintain a healthy weight. :> Get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, but also move at least 10 minutes of every hour. It can be as simple as taking a walk break, standing up to stretch, or taking the long route to the restroom at work . ~ Walk 10,000 steps during your everyday routine. References Army Medicine Minimalist Running Shoes: index .cfm Building the Soldier Athlete (Human Performance Resource Center): http://hprc online.orgj physical-fitness/ training-exercisej service-specificresourcesj army/ building-the-soldier-athlete FM 7-22 Army Physical Readiness Training: http:/ j armypubs.a rmy. m iljdoctri ne/ DR_pubs/ dr _aj pdf/ fm 7 _22.pdf Headquarters, Department of the Army, Prevention and Control of Musculoskeletal Injuries Associated with Physical Training, TB Med-592 (Washington, DC : U.S. Department of the Army, May 2011) Nindl, Bradley Ph.D, Physiological Employment Standards Ill: physiological challenges and consequences encountered during international military deployments. European Journal of Applied Physiology. In press . 2013 Nindl , Bradley Ph .D, Strategies for Enhancing Military Physical Readiness in the 21st Century, (United Army War College, March 2012) Principles of RAW Training (U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence): http:jj www. FunctionaiFitness .htm Questions from the Field (Human Performance Resource Center): http:j/ physical-fitness/ hprc-articles;are-high-intensity-training programs -safe-and-effective-2 What Army Leaders Should Know About Extreme Conditioning Programs: http:j/ Resource Library/ PHN_No_0312-01_Extreme_ Conditioning_Programs _and_the_Army_2012.pdf Reducing sedentary behaviors: Sitting less and moving more (American College of Sports Medicine): http:/j www.acsm.orgj docsj brochuresj reducing sedentarybehaviors-sitting-less-and-moving-more .pdf z 0 Nutrition for Performance Performance is a word you will hear throughout your military career. You are rated on your perform ance in training, on the job, and on regular physical fitness tests. The quality and quantity of food you eat plays a role in your physical, mental and emotional performance in the gym , during the mission , at home, and everywhere in between . The body can be viewed as a machine-the fuel that is put into it determines the performance that comes out. Eating for Performance will: :> Enab le you to train and perform at your top level :> Increase your energy :> Increase your endurance :> Shorten your recovery time between activities :> Increase your focus :> Enable you to stay calm :> Increase your motivation Just as it takes weeks or months to build your strength and endurance, nutritional fitness is the result of long-standing eating habits. An ideal eating plan supports you through daily activities and exercise. An ideal plan will incorporate the correct type and amount of food as well as your personal eating habits (how often , how fast, and how consistently you eat). Having a strategy to eat for performance and health doesn 't mean giving up the foods you like, nor does it mean you have to eat foods you dislike. An eating strategy means: ~ Knowing what foods and eating habits contribute to optimal performance. ~ Evaluating your food choices. ~ Building a performance nutrition plan that fits your schedule , training regimen, food availability, and preferences. ~ Knowing what barriers are preventing you from eating for performance. Performance Nutrition The High Performance Nutrition Target: :> 55-70% Carbohydrate :> 12-15% Protein :> 20-25% Fat :> Balance of other nutrients (vitamins, minerals) :> Water The Strategy: :> Fuel your engine: Eat enough calories to be lean and energetic but not gain undesired body fat. Your body needs enough calories to support its resting metabolic rate (weight X 10 calories per pound) plus daily activities and exercise. :> Eat carbohydrates (especially complex carbohydrates): They are your body's first choice for energy. :> Choose healthy fats in moderation: They are good fo r your heart, your cholesterol and your overall health. Too much fat feeds your fat cells, not your muscles or brain. :> Fine tune protein intake: Enough, but not too much. Protein is required t o support growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissue. :> Stay hydrated: Drink water-at least 8-10 glasses of water a day to maintain body fluid levels. :> Shoot for three meals and two planned snacks a day: Try not to skip meals or let more than 4-5 hours go by without refueling. :> Escape the rut: Eat a variety of foods to get a balance of nutrients. General Tactics: Your target is to eat for performance , whether you are eating in the dining facility, restaurant , snacking in front of the TV, or sitting at the dinner table. Here are some tactics you can use to eat for performance: ~ Choose quality carbohydrates like whole grain breads and cereals , pasta , rice , beans , lentils , fruit , milk , and yogurt. ~ Make half your plate full of fru its and vegetables . ~ Choose lean prote in. ~ Choose low-fat and fat-free dairy products. ~ Eat heart healthy fats like vegetable oil (olive or canol a oil ), nuts , seeds, and avocados. ~ Get vitamins and minerals through food first-don't rely on supplements. ~ Make water your first choice for hydration . Nutrients There are six major classes of nutrients that are essential for our bodiescarbohydrates , proteins , fats , water, vitamins , and minerals. If you eat the right balance of food , you should get enough of all the nutrients you need for performance and health . Nutrients work as a team! They help each other get digested , travel to the right places in your body, produce energy, and repair tissue . Proper nutrition can: ~ Improve cognitive and physical performance ~ Speed recovery ~ Prevent chronic disease ~ Help maintain appropriate weight Carbohydrate: The Energy Nutrient Performance Value: ~ Quick start ~ Endurance ~ Alertness ~ Short bursts of energy ~ Quick recovery ~ Energy that lets you do the work that builds muscle size and strength NUTRITION Carboh ydrate is the ultra-premium energy nutrient and is vital for endurance and strength activities. Foods high in carbohydrates include pasta, bread, vegetables , fruit , and even milk and yogurt. When you digest them, they become blood sugar. Blood sugar is then converted into a substance called glycogen , wh ich is stored in your muscles and liver as your body's premium source of energy. Glycogen is a high performance fuel but it burns quickly-and your body can 't store t hat much of it. After 90 minutes or so of continuous exercise or during a day of intermittent strenuous physical activity, your muscle glycogen tanks get low. High heat and high intensity activity also increase the rate of glycogen depletion. On the other hand , training increases your body 's ability to store glycogen . As you get into better shape, your muscles are able to store more glycogen to keep you going longe r. When you are fit, your muscles are also better at replacing glycogen right after exercise . That 's one reason why, when you are in better shape , you don 't seem as tired as you did when you began training. Get glycogen from compl ex carbohydrate-rich sources. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include grains (rice, barley, whole wheat bread, pasta , cereal }, legumes (beans , peas, lentils), vegetables (spinach , zucchini , broccoli). and certain fru its (blueberries , bananas , and cantaloupe). Results of not eating enough carbohydrates include: :> Lack of endurance: you might fall out before an activity ends :> Harder to recove r: no energy left for later in the day or for the next day :> Slower speed : you have to slow down to make it to the end :> Reduced concentration: your brain gets fuzzy :> Reduced coordination :> Chronic fatigue Protein: For Working Muscles Performa nce Val ue: ~ Builds and repairs muscles and connective tissue ~ Builds red blood cells ~ Builds hormones and enzymes ~ Back-up source of energy Protein is essential for performance . When you are physically active , you work your muscles and connective tissues hard. You need protein to build and repair injuries to those tissues. In addition, when you run out of carbohydrate stores, your body burns protein for energy. Those who are physically active need more protein than those who are more sedentary. Protein is also a backup energy source , but don't rely on protein for energy. When you burn protein it is because you are low on carbohydrates and you are burning valuable lean tissue, which weakens your muscles. HOW MANY GRAMS OF PROTEIN DO YOU NEED? ACTIVITY LEVEL PROTEIN RANGE (gramsj lb) Sedentary adult 0.4 PRT 3-5 x per week 0 .5-0 .7 PRT + strength athlete 0 .7-0.8 PRT + endurance athlete 0.8 You can get all the protein you need from food. Protein is found in foods like beef, pork , poultry, fish, beans (such as pinto or black), dairy products, soy, and nuts/ seeds. You don't need protein supplements to get enough protein for top performance. Too much protein can hurt your training performance . Your daily meals and planned snacks can easily give you the amount of protein you need, even for intense PT. It can dehydrate you, put a strain on your kidneys , and cause a loss of calcium. PORTION SIZE AND GRAMS OF PROTEIN FOR SPECIFIC FOODS FOOD SERVING SIZE PROTEIN (grams) Meat 3 oz cooked (size of 21-25 g (beef, poultry, fish) a deck of cards) Milk or Yogurt 1 cup 8g Soy Milk 1 cup 10 g Cheese 1 oz 7g Egg (white) 1 medium 6g Beans 1 cup cooked 12 g Peanut Butter 2 tablespoons 8g Nuts or Seeds % cup 5g Tofu 3 oz (1/5 block) 10 g Grains (pasta, rice) 1 cup cooked 6g Vegetables 1h cup cooked 2g Your daily meals and planned snack can easily give you the amount of PROTEIN you need, even for intense physical training. How much protein do I need? The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.36 grams per pound body weight. Individuals in intense PT may need 1.5-2 times the RDA to repair tissues and build the muscle strength and size required for top performance. This does not necessarily mean you need to eat twice the amount of protein that you do when you are not in training. Most people eat this amount and more without even trying. '.:.;_ !<:>• ·-~~:: .: . ' " "' Fat Performance Value: :> Energy in endurance activities :> Insulation from cold :> Transports fat-soluble vitamins Some fat is necessary for performance. Fat supplies energy, but it takes a while to kick in. Body fat doesn't burn easily-it needs more oxygen than carbohydrates to be burned for energy, so it is not an ideal fuel for highintensity activity. It also takes time for your body to transport fat from your fat cells to your muscles. This means that fat cannot fuel quick bursts of activity. Fat does, however, provide an important fuel source for prolonged activities. Unlike glycogen, your body can store more fat than you will ever need . The bad news is that too much fat can hurt your performance and health . Fatty foods stay in your stomach longer than carbohydrates . This means that if you eat a high-fat meal before heading out to the obstacle course , the fat will sit heavy in your stomach and make you feel sluggish . A high-fat diet also contributes to obesity. Excess body fat can lower your potential to reach optimum performance and negatively affect your physical appearance. Excessive dietary fat also increases your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and cancer-being physically active (or meeting the Army weight standards) does not make you exempt from these conditions. For top performance, you should limit your fat intake to 20 to 25 percent of your daily calorie intake . This would range from 55 grams a day for a less active female to 110 grams a day for a very active male. J: ~<;;;.~~ft:.,~~..'.;"' '.~·.:.. :.::~~:.v NUTRITION ,, t -~ ~"" ':itiu ---"""-"~._.,,. ~ • • Fuel BEFORE strenuous activities, build up your energy stores. :> Eat a snack or small meal 2-4 hours before strenuous exercise. :> About 2-3 hours prior to strenuous exercise, drink approximately 2-3 cups of water. DURING your workout: :> Drink 1h to 1 cup of water for every 15-20 minutes during your workout (you may need more during warm weather). :> For sessions lasting 60-90 minutes or more: » Starting at the 20-minute mark, consume 10-20 grams of carbohydrate (fruit, sports drink, commercial sports bar or granola bar, gel shot, etc ... ) every 20 minutes. AFTER heavy work or exercise, refuel to replenish your energy. :> Eat some protein and a carbohydrate-rich food within 30-60 minutes after exercise. » Suggested carbohydrate/protein snacks include low-fat chocolate milk, 100% fruit juice (8 oz) and a handful! of nuts, whole-grain bread with peanut butter and banana , low-fat yogurt plus fruit, or a commercial sports bar. :> Rehydrate (See the Water Consumption Table on page 31 for more information) FUEL BEFORE , DURING AND AnER WORKOUTS Plan your meals like your workouts! Strategies for eating and hydrating before, during, and after physical training are essential. Loss of Water =Loss of Performance It doesn't take much water loss for your performance to suffer. With only a 5% body weight loss of water, your speed and concentration are reduced. It doesn't matter how fit you are, what your body composition is, or how old you are, you can easily become dehydrated. It can happen quickly when you are physically active, especially in extreme climates. Weight loss is used to measure water loss. The weight you lose over a period of several hours of physical activity is the body water you have lost in the form of sweat. In a 150-pound person, a 1 .5 pound weight loss would be a loss of 1% of body weight and about 3 cups of sweat . To avoid dehydration that can harm your performance and health, you might have to make yourself drink when you are not thirsty. Follow these steps to prevent dehydration: ~ Make water your first choice of fluids. Cool, plain water is the best performance fluid replacer for any physical activity that lasts less than 90 minutes. Water is always better than soda, energy drinks, coffee, beer or full-strength fruit juice, and equal to sports drinks for replacing the fluid you lose. Cool water is absorbed into your bloodstream quickly and has none of the drawbacks that other fluids can have. Don 't wait until you are thirsty to drink. ~ By the time you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. ~ Drink beyond your feeling of thirst. If you stop drinking when your thirst is satisfied, you have replaced only about two-thirds of the water you have lost. ~ Sip frequently rather than gulp all at once; drinking small amounts of fluids at a time is more effective than large amounts only occasionally. 0 . 0 • 0 0 _o NUTRITION , WATER NEEDS BASED ON SWEAT LOSS WEIGHT LOST (lbs) FLUID TO BE REPLACED (oz/ cups) 1 16-24 oz (2-3 cups) 2 32-48 oz (4-6 cups) 4 64-96 oz (8-12 cups) 8 124-192 oz (16-24 cups) Monitor fluid loss. :> Monitor urine color-when you are hydrated, urine is clear or pale yellow . It is dark yellow or brown when you are dehydrated . :> Weigh yoursel f before and after activ ity to see how much water you have lost. Dri nk 2-3 cups fo r every pound you lose during physical activity. Drink regularly and frequently. Dri nk at least 8-10 cups of water a day at regular intervals . In ext reme clim ates you will need even more water to preve nt dehydrat ion . Water Consumption Table Easy Work Moderate Work I Hard Work Heat WBGT Index, I Category •F Water Intake Water Intake Water Intake (Quart/Hour) (Quart/Hour) (Quart/Hour) t 88° -ag go :y. :y. 14 ' > go • 1 1 1 5 I I Body Armor • •S• Eny Work-w a lking on a Moderate Work-patrolling Hard Wortt-walk1~ '" the f----...:....------j hard surface at less than 2 walktng 1n the sand at 2 5 mph sand at 2.5 MPH W1th a load MOPP 4 =+10• mph with less th an a 30 pound w1th no toad . callsthemcs field assaults f---::---::---::----Jioad, weapon matn tenence , patrolling 1ndiv1dual movement Rut-1fttlng or standing In marklmanahip training. dntl and techniques (i.e. hlghflow crawl) the ahade 1f pos•ible ceremony The lluld replacement vclumes will sustain performance and hydration fOI" at least 4 HOURS of wo rk in the specified heat categOfy F twd n&eds can v1ry basad on IndiVIdual d1ffarenc..1nd e11posure to full sun or fuH ahade CAUT10N Hourly fluid ntake should not exceed 1 5 quarts. Dally flUid intake 5houtd not exceed 12 quarts 1-100-222-1598 http llphc amedd army mil 0 0 00_ Drink regula rly and frequently. Drink at least 8-10 cups of water a day at regular intervals. In extreme climates you will need even more water to prevent dehydration . Drink before, during, and after activity. Get into the habit of drinking regularly and frequently all day. Use these guidelines: ~ BEFORE: » Drink a minimum 2-3 cups of water approximately 2-3 hours before physical activity. ~ DURING: » Most people don't need anything other than water during exercise lasting less than 1 hour. » For sessions lasting 60-90 minutes or longer, drink 1h to 1 cup of water every 15-20 minutes. » Sports drinks may help you sustain your pace and replace lost glycogen and electrolytes. » If you are sweating profusely, consume fluids at the rate lost (not to exceed 1.5 liters or 11h canteens per hour) or as much as you can tolerate. ~ AFTER: » Drink 2-3 cups of fluid for every pound lost during activity. As indicated above , drinking small amounts of fluid at a time is more effective than large amounts occasionally. » Drink until urine is clear or light yellow. » Avoid alcohol as a fluid replacement. If you do drink beer after activity, drink 1-2 cups of water or diluted juice at the same time to counter the dehydrating effects of alcohol. » Optimize glycogen refueling by consuming 50-100 grams of carbohydrate in your beverage or food within 30 minutes of exercise and every 2-4 hours thereafter. A complete balanced meal within 3-4 hours of activity will replace electrolytes. NUTRITION Sports Drinks During physical activity lasting longer than 60 minutes, water is your best fluid replacement. However, when you are working continuously for longer than 60-90 minutes, especially in the heat, your glycogen levels start to dwindle if you are only drinking water. Sports drinks can have added performance benefits as they provide carbohydrates that help refuel glycogen stores and blood sugar levels . They also contain electrolytes like salt, which help you retain body water. Alternatives to sports drinks: :> Dilute any 100% fruit juice with an equal amount of water. Add 1/ 8 teaspoon salt per quart (four 8-oz cups). This mix closely approximates the carbohydrate , sodium, and potassium of commercially available sport drinks. :> Mix 1/ 3 cup sugar and 1/ 8 teaspoon salt per quart (four 8-oz cups) of water. Flavor with unsweetened beverage base. ENERGY DRINKS Think before you drink-limit consumption of energy drinks! Energy drinks are not the same as sports drinks and should never be used for hydration. These drinks generally contain large quantities of caffeine, and may contain other ingredients , most of which do absolutely nothing to enhance health. :> Too much caffeine can aggravate dehydration and may lead to increased anxiety, upset stomach , shakiness, headaches , and sleep issues . THINK before you DRINK-limit the consumption of energy drinks! Dietary Supplements Dietary supplements are products taken by mouth that contain a "dietary ingredient" such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and herbs or botanicals. They come in many forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, energy bars, and liquids. [Many dietary supplements on the market are tainted and unsafe.] The most commonly tainted dietary supplements are those intended for: :> Bodybuilding :> Weight loss :> Diabetes :> Sexual enhancement Many people think supplements may be superior to natural foods, but in fact, most ingredients in supplements come from such food, whereas others are synthetic. Dietary supplements cannot offset the unfavorable effects of poor food choices. It is ALWAYS better to use food because supplements: :> are not tested or approved by the FDA prior to market. :> are often unnecessary. :> can be dangerous. :> can be expensive. Before you take a supplement, ask yourself: :> What's in it? :> Does it work? :> Is it safe? :> Do I really need it? :> Has it been third-party tested? If you decide to use a supplement , BE SMART: :> Use well-known brands. :> Take no more than the recommended serving size. :> Look for evidence of third-party testing on the label. Third-party testing ensures: :> What's on the label is inside the bottle-and nothing more. :> The quality of manufacturing. For more information visit dietary-supplements . NUTRITION View your mind and body as a WEAPON SYSTEM. To be the most lethal weapon in the arsenal you need to be "Nutritionally Fit." Eating in the Dining Facility (DFAC)--Go for Green® There is a new food identification system that lets you find foods to advance your performance while eating in the DFAC. Look for the green, yellow, and red labels at the DFAC and pick foods identified as green and yellow while limiting those that are red. High Performance Foods ~ Premium fuel for the Soldier Athlete ~ Fresh and flavorful ~ Nutrient dense ~ Go for Green~: Choose frequently llu " ~ Higher in calories ~ Lower in vitamins and minerals ~ Performance-Limiting Foods ~ Highest in calories ~ Lowest in vitamins and minerals ~ Warning: Limit intake Deployments and Field Nutrition Deployments and field operations demand a properly fueled body-this could mean the difference between top performance and mission fa ilure . View your mind and body as a weapon system . To be the most lethal weapon in the arsenal you need to be " Nutritionally Fit." Eat foods that provide top mental and physical performance without compromis ing your long-term health. Poor nutrition in extreme cond itions (hot, cold , high altitude) can lead to fatigue , rapid weight loss , injury, illness , and dehydration . Primary ways to be nutritionally prepared for all missions: :> Ma ximize energy stores! Low energy stores =fatigue! » Eat a high carbohydrate diet. » Avoid skipping meals-refuel every 4-5 hours at a minimum. :> Be well hydrated . :> Minimize fat intake . During missions: ~ Make time to fuel. Energy stores run down after several hours and need to be restored with food regularly. Refuel often-avoid going more than 4-5 waking hours without eating. ~ If you don't have a lot of time to eat or won't get a break for a while , make it a point to eat a small amount when you have the chance . ~ Snack when you can-include carbohydrate and energy-rich choices such as dried fruits, nuts, and trail mixes when choosing pogey bait or save unopened snack items from rations to eat on the run . ~ Eating calorie-dense and nutrient-rich foods is even more critical when you 're exposed to cold and high altitudes. Your energy needs will be higher and your appetite may decrease . ~ Drink fluids frequently, even when you are not thirsty. Monitor the color of your urine and watch for signs of dehydration. In extreme environments such as hot, cold, and high altitudes , increase your fluid inta ke. Operational Rations such as Meals Ready to Eat™ (MREs) give you the most nutrition in the smallest package . They are made with real food. Some parts of your MRE may have extra nutrients. In order to get a well-balanced diet, eat at least a part of all the components of your MRE. A Word on Alcohol Alcohol (beer, wine , or spirits) is not a performance enhancing beverage. Alcoholic beverages add empty calories that may contribute to weight gain and some nutrient deficiencies. Moderate alcohol intake is associated with increased risk of breast cancer, violence, drowning, and injuries from falls and motor vehicle crashes. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that if you choose to drink alcoholic beverages, do not exceed one drink per day for women or two drinks per day for men. A standard drink is equal to 12 ounces of beer, 8 ounces of malt liquor, 5 ounces of wine , and 1.5 ounces or a "shot " of 80-proof distilled spirits or liquor (e.g., gin , rum, vodka, or whiskey). Inte ract ive Nutrition Tools The Human Performance Resource Center hosts a number of interactive tools to help you calculate your body's nutritional needs. Please visit http:j/; nutrition/ interactive-tools-1 for more information. References: Briefing. Master Fitness Trainer Course, Session 1 : Nutrition Basics, V: 120712. Briefing. Master Fitness Trainer Course , Session 2: Performance Nutrition and Recovery, V: 120712. Dietary Guidelines fo r Americans , 2010 ( Eberle S. (2000) . Endurance Sports Nutrition . Human Performance Resource Center Dietary Supplements Information: http:j/ hprc-online .org/dietary-supplements Human Performance Resource Center Nutrition Questions from the Field: http :j/; nutrition/ hprc-articles Human Performance Resource Center Wafighter Nutrition Guide: http://hprc; nutrition; nutrition-resources Performance Power . .. The Nutrition Connection. 1994. USU Consortium for Health and Military Performance Mission Nutrition for Combat Effectiveness: http :j/ files/ mission -nutrition -ppt;at_download/ file Sleep: A Guide for Soldiers Loss of Sleep = Loss of Performance Sleep is critical for sustaining the mental abilities you need for success in training and on the battlefield. Even simple tasks such as communicating, driving, or plotting grid coordinates can be impaired by inadequate sleep (anything less than 7-8 hours every 24 hours). Soldiers can correctly site a target-but they might select the wrong target. Combat operations can create situations where inadequate sleep becomes the norm. Soldiers who do not get enough sleep accumulate a sleep debt that must be paid off by getting the needed sleep. It's mission-critical to make sleep a top priority. Inadequate sleep impairs these (and other) abilities: ~ Detecting and appropriately determining threat leve l ~ Requesting indirect fire ~ Coordinating squad tactics ~ Integrating range cards SLEEP Best Sleep Habits: :> Sleep 7-8 hours every 24 hours :> Go caffeine free 6 hours of lights out :> Finish PT 3 hours before lights out :> Establis h a wind-down routine starting 30-60 minutes before lights out. Stop using electronics. Read or listen to relaxing music instead. :> Empty your bladder j ust before lights out so the need to urinate won't interrupt your sleep :> Sleep in a safe, quiet place: if tactically permitted, use soft foam earplugs or a fan to block sounds; use a sleep mask to block light :> Wake up at the same time every day of the week :> If you still have sleep problems 2 weeks after correcting your sleep habits , talk to your healthcare provider Signs of Insufficient Sleep: :> Struggling to stay awake during mission breaks, guard duty, or driving :> Difficulty understanding or tracking information :> Attention lapses :> Irritability, decreased initiative/ motivation Overcoming Sleep Distractors: :> Nap as much as possible to get 7-8 hours of sleep every 24 hours :> If tactica lly permitted , use soft foam earplugs and a sleep mask or room fan to block noise/ light :> Do not use any drugs (prescription or over-the-counter) to help you sleep unless you are taking them under the guidance of your healthcare provider Sleep Tactics for Sustained Operations Before ~ Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every 24 hours the week before the operation so that you start the mission with a full sleep bank. During ~ If possible, get 7-8 hours of sleep every 24 hours. ~ If 7-8 hours is not possible , take naps when mission permits to minimize your sleep debt. ~ Use caffeine to temporarily sustain mental performance until you can obtain sleep. After ~ Get extra sleep each day to pay off your sleep debt and resupply your sleep bank. SLEEP Using Caffeine Sustained :> 200 milligrams (mg) at about midnight Operations (no sleep) :> Take 200 mg again at 0400 and 0800 hours, if needed :> Use during daytime (1200, 1600 hours) only if needed Night :> 200 mg at the start of night shift Ops with Daytime Sleep: :> :> 200 mg again 4 hours later Last dose: at least 6 hours before sleep period Restricted :> Take 200 mg upon awakening Sleep (< 6 hrs) :> :> Take 200 mg again 4 hours later No caffeine within 6 hours of lights out 50 mg " 116-oz. bottle of Coke• 100 mg = 1 piece of Stay Alert" chewing gum 60 mg m 1 squirt (1/2 tsp) MiO" Energy Water Enhancer 160 mg = Monster" Energy Drink 60 mg = 116-oz. bottle of Diet Coke" 200 mg = 1 tablet of NoDoz" 80 mg • 1 8 .3-oz. can of Red Bull" 330 mg = 116-oz. Starbucks PikePiace" Roast coffee • Use of trademark names does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Army and is intended only to assist in the identification of a specific product. 10 Effective Sleep Habits for Adults Sleep is vital for health , performance, and well-being-and the better the sleep, the greater its benefits. That is why proper sleep hygiene practices (habits that promote optimal sleep duration and quality) are important for all adults. ~ 1. Create a quiet, dark, comfortable sleeping environment. Cover windows with darkening drapes or shades (dark trash bags work too) or wear a sleep mask to block light. Minimize disturbance from environmental noises with foam earplugs or use a room fan to muffle noise. If you can, adjust the room temperature to suit you. If you can't, use extra blankets to stay warm. Use the room fan to muffle noise AND keep you cool. ~ 2. Use the bedroom only for sleep and sex. Remove the TV, computer, laptop, etc. from your bedroom. Don't eat or drink in bed. Keep discussions/arguments out of the bedroom. ~ 3. Stop caffeine at least 6 hours before bedtime. Caffeine promotes wakefulness and disrupts sleep. ~ 4. Don't drink alcohol before bed. Alcohol initially makes you feel sleepy, but it disrupts and lightens your sleep several hours later. In short, alcohol reduces the recuperative value of sleep. Nicotine -and withdrawal from nicotine in the middle of the night-also disrupts sleep . If you need help to stop drinking or using nicotine products, see your healthcare provider for options. < .,:;;?,t-.. ~ _. -· SLEEP ~~w-~"'"'-l' ..,.._, "" * • :> 5. Get your exercise in by early evening. Exercising is greatjust be sure to finish at least 3 hours before bedtime so you have plenty of time to wind down. :> 6. Don't go to bed hungry. A light bedtime snack (e.g., milk and crackers) can be helpful , but do not eat a large meal close to bedtime . And empty your bladder just before you go to bed so that the urge to urinate doesn 't disrupt your sleep. The following sleep hygiene habits are especially critical for those experiencing sleep problems: :> 7. Maintain a consistent , regular routine that starts with a fixed wake-up time . Start by setting a fixed time to wake up, get out of bed , and get exposure to light each day. Pick a time that you can maintain during the week AND on weekends. Then adjust your bedtime so that you target 7-8 hours of sleep. :> 8. Get out of bed if you can 't sleep. Only go to bed (and stay in bed) when you feel sleepy. Do not try to force yourself to fall asleep-it will tend to make you more awake, making the problem worse . If you wake up in the middle of the night, give yourself about 20 minutes to return to sleep. If you do not return to sleep with in 20 minutes , get out of bed and do something relaxing. Do not return to bed until you feel sleepy. :> 9. Nap wisely. Napping can be a good way to make up for poor/ reduced nighttime sleep, but naps can cause problems falling asleep or staying asleep at night-especially if those naps are longer than 1 hour andj or if they are taken late in the day (after 1500 hours). If you need to nap for safety reasons (for example, to drive), try to take a short (30-60 minute) nap in the late morning or early afternoon (right after lunch), just enough to take the edge off your sleepiness. :> 10. Move the bedroom clock to where you cannot see it. If you tend t o check the cloc k two or more times during the night, and if you worry that you are not getting enough sleep , cover the clock face or turn it around so that you can 't see it (or remove the clock from the bedroom entirely). Technology Have you thought about how technology can help you reach your fitness and health goals? :> Your Smartphone is a powerful partner in enhancing your performance and personal readiness. Over 50% of Smartphone users search for health information on their phones and one out of five has at least one health app on their phone . Most individuals surveyed on this topic like apps that focus on exercise , nutrition , and weight loss. :> Trying to reach your health goals can be challenging. Believe it or not, social media can be very helpful in reaching your goals! Researchers found that people who use onl ine podcasts, read daily health-related tweets, and post dai ly updates on their weight loss goals lost more weight than people who do not. Actually, on average the participants lost 0.5% body weight for every 10 daily tweets they posted about their nutrition plan and weight loss. Social support through social media seems to help! :> One of the goals of the Performance Triad is to show you how technology can help you meet your performance and healthrelated goals. » ARMYFIT: ArmyFit is a new interactive social media resource to help you and your family reach your health and wellness goals. It was developed by Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2) and is free for you and your family. Once you finish taking your annual Global Assessment Tool (GAT) you can enroll in ArmyFit. It works a lot like Facebook-but it is focused on enhancing your performance and health! Decide what topics and who you would like to follow. When new information is posted , it will be sent to you! » H.E.A.L.T.H.: H.E.A .L.T.H. is a web and Smartphone app that helps promote performance nutrition and exercise. It was developed using AR 600-9 and APFT standards , and the expertise from nutrition, fitness , and behavior experts . H.E.A.L.T.H. is designed to help you maintain or lose weight and to improve your fitness by providing personalized nutrition and fitness plans . The programs will be updated as you meet your goals. Your family can use it too. H.E.A.L.T.H. has been successfully used by over 8 ,000 Sold iers. The secret to your success is to use it frequently! Research has shown that the more you use it the more likely you are to meet your performance and weight loss goals. » PERSONAL READINESS DEVICES: Devices that track your activity, nutrition , and sleep can help you meet your health and performance goals . These devices combine biosensors, web or smartphone applications, and online communities so you can track your personal progress, create online competition between friends , and use the data to help motivate change . PLANNER o o e HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ~~~s.+8-f+ Performance Goals <1o +o ~cu-..1~ +o"i~k+ +o fl'~ +o ~M-qj~k+ ....._..,.. ko~t's. of s.lUf. R.~is.-h.t' o"h"~fot' U"i+'s. ~~ot'MIA"~ 1>tAs.kbotAt'J.. () Eat For Performance Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: 8 is great! On most days, ~eat 8 servings of fruits and vegetables. Isession I 1 Eat for performance notes and reminders II 55 0 Sit Less, Move More! Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: 1.50 minutes of exercise; ~week; 1.0,000 steps/ day session 2 Sit less, move more! notes and reminders • • 7-8 Makes a Good Soldier Great Performance Goals @) TARGET for the WEEK: Get 8 hours of sleep. session 3 7-8 Makes a good Soldier great notes and reminders Goal Setting Performance Goals session • 4 Be SMART about setting Goals notes and reminders ' Performance Triad and the Army Family Perfo rm ance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Encourage your family '&J or fr iends to sign up for a group challenge related to activity, nutrition or sleep . session Performance Triad 5 and the Army Family notes and reminders 0 Prevent Injuries Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Complete your injury risk '&J reduction exercises at least 5 days this week . session 6 Prevent injuries notes and reminders II 65 A Nutrient Timing forU Performance Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Refuel 30-60 minutes ~after strenuous exercise every day this week. session 7 Nutrient timing for performance notes and reminders • Improve Sleep Quality Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Set a consistent bedtime ~and wake-up time. session 8 Improve sleep quality notes and reminders II 69 Goal Check-In Performance Goals session 9 7 steps to reach your goal notes and reminders II 71 A My Daily Nutrition V Performance Plan Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Track what you eat and ~drink for one week. session II 10 My daily nutrition performance plan notes and reminders 73 $ Safe Running Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Cross train ... run about ~30 minutes, 3 days per week. SeSSIOn I . I 11 Safe running notes and reminders Mid-Point Performance Check-In Performance Goals session Three months, three key12 performance areas ' notes and reminders • • Sleep and Sustained Operations Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Go caffeine-free 6 hours ~before bedtime to reset sleep. session 13 Sleep and sustained operations notes and reminders A Be Smart About DietaryU Supplements Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Choose food to meet your ~performance needs; if you decide to use dietary supplements, be smart! session 14 Be smart about dietary supplements ' notes and reminders 0 Prepare to Perform Pe1jormance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Do a dynamic warm-up for ~5-10 minutes before exercise. 15 session Prepare to perform: optimize performance with dynamic warm-up notes and reminders • Goal Check-In Performance Goals session 16 Sticking with the plan notes and reminders II 85 • Sleep is Critical Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Get 7-8 hours of sleep ~every 24 hours. session 17 Sleep is critical notes and reminders A Be Smart About Energy DrinksV and Products Performance Goals TARGET for the WEEK: If you decide to use Energy Products, be smart! Know your product and limit caffeine intake to no more than 100-200 mg every two hours , for up to 8 hours straight to hel p with alertness during operations. Consult the Sleep Section of the Soldiers Guide for more guidance on how to use caffeine to enhance alertness during sustained operations or night ops. I . sess10n Do energy drinks help or18 hurt performance? notes and reminders 0 Resistance Training Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Perform a balanced ~resistance training program 2-3 days per week . session Enhance performance with19 resistance training notes and reminders • Make Sleep a Top Priority Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Recommit yourself to a '&bedtime routine. session 20 Make sleep a top priority notes and reminders A Mission-specific NutritionU Guidelines Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Match your fuel with your ~mission. Start strong, stay strong, and finish strong -Be Army Strong! . I SeSSIOn 21 Mission-specific nutrition guidelines notes and reminders Q Extreme ConditioningPrograms Performance Goals ~TARGET for the WEEK: Be able to recognize signs ~of overexertion. session Smart Training + Extreme Conditioning = Improved22 Performance notes and reminders Final Check-In Stay In The Game Performance Goals SeSSIOn I 23. IHow did you do? notes and reminders OPORD For Your Life Stay the Course! Performance Goals @)TARGET for the WEEK: Get 8 hours of sleep. Ise~ion I 2 4 Stay the course! notes and reminders • 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders l> 1 2 3 c: G) 8 9 10 c: tA ......_ 15 16 17 N 22 23 24 = ~ w * 29 30 31 • Fed eral Hol idays only notes &reminders 10 3 1 2 3 4 8 Labor Day 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders ~ 5 6 r· ~ 12 13 14 rn s 19 20 21 • =I 26 27 28 .... N Q ~ w • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 Columbus Day 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 31 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 0 n -1 0 m m :::a N 0 ~ w 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 Veterans Day 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders :z 1 2 c < 7 8 9 m s 14 15 16 = m ::c 21 22 23 N Q 28 29 30 ~ w Thanksgiving Day * Federal Holidays only notes & reminders 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Christmas Day • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders c 5 6 7 r, n 12 13 14 rTI 3: 19 20 21 a:l rr .... 26 27 28 N Q 1-la w * Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 5 6 7 New Year's Day 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. 27 28 29 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders ' 2 3 4 l> :z c:: 9 10 11 l> 16 17 18 ~ N 23 24 25 = l-it. ~ 30 31 • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 23 Pres idents' Day 24 25 26 * Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 1 rn m ::a 6 7 8 c: )> 13 14 15 .... < 20 21 22 N 0 ~ 27 28 ~ • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 25 26 * Federal Holidays only notes &reminders I s 1 l> ::a 6 7 8 n :c 13 14 15 N = 20 21 22 ~ ~ 27 28 29 * Federal Holidays only notes & reminders 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 * Federal Holidays only notes &reminders l> 3 4 5 -a ::a 10 11 12 r- N 17 18 19 = ~ ~ 24 25 26 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Memorial Day • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders s 1 2 3 ~ 8 9 10 N = 15 16 17 ~ ~ 22 23 24 29 30 31 * Federal Holidays only notes & reminders 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders ' 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders c: :z rn N = - ~ 1 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 * Federal Holidays only notes & reminders ' 3 10 17 24 31 • Federa l Holidays onl y 4 Independence Day 11 18 25 notes &reminders 5 c: !:( 12 N = 19 ~ ~ 26 125 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders l> 1 2 c: G) 7 8 9 c: en ......_ 14 15 16 N 21 22 23 = ~ ~ 28 29 30 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 1 2 3 7 Labor Day 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 • Federal Holidays only notes &reminders 4 5 6 r· ~ ~ 11 12 13 m s 18 19 20 m 25 26 27 .... N _.... = ~ • Federal Holidays only notes & reminders L---------------------------~1'29 notes 130 notes I 131 notes 132 notes 133 2013 · 1~111~1 :.~o· 15 "" ,.. .lW ,., lT :1:r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 2014 :H[t:il!-;, J-"1=1:.lli=1 1'J : 1::1" I~ ~ '0' WJ '0' Ill l:t ll:t ~ 'If .M 'It 11 11,.'1 I~ 1M . tt fliJ 'II 11 l:t. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 1\Il l~~~~~~~~~~~~~11~\~~~~~~lll~~~~~~~lll1\ 3 9072 03557616 8 LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PERFORMANCE TRIAD: ACTIVITY, NUTRITION, AND SLEEP AT HTIP:// ARMYMEDICINE.Mil ·· Approved for~rdcur. dblribution willnuted, !