I lllf i m ■&ifc#I He— {Decorati\/ecArt STEALING AND FRANCINE C1AR1C ART INSTITUTE L1BRAJOT 4t '■' /- £iaT / m/f^ y ijllzy^'6/ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library http://archive.org/details/historyofinkinclOOdavi t 4 K\ THE Mlil^^ OF & INCLUDING ITS ETYMOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. Jntt-farfe ; THjiQCpEUS QfiVIQ?8 % CO. IS 7 William Street. \t liiateg rf Itti zs liistarg., in tire camman acce/rtatian af tire uiard; far, uifzat is generally, denominated kistarg — is ink. diffused an fra/rer in certain definite Lures, QJ-^l ink Iras na lustarg uiritten ar cam- /zased hitherto. Jfn iiiem af t/iis deficiency — ui/zic/r lietrags a singular negligence (an tke /rart af historians and alt literarg men) and a thoughtless ingrat- itude ta t/iis urdisjrensaLle means af accom- plishing and frreseraing^ theu L mark — me frrofrase ta su/r/rlg tire desideratum, tig finishing, an t/iese little frames, ui/rat ls indicated Lg lire aLaae title, in tire fullest sense and uiidest sca/re af tire term, includ- ing its etgmalogg-, its chenristrg, and all l/rat can Le suggested and justified tuf. tire title, a/ L fairly, demanded under it, or cLainred fronr it. THE HISTORY OF IJVK. JDke Qt L ea± canrm.an eH L ci L af general /zzs- ta^lans, ancient and modern, (uilt/z a aety feui ejcce/ztlans airzanc^ t/ze moderns,) has been, that t/ieif. hane q.lnen ta the nioi L ld little else than natations and desc^lfztlons of aia^s and treaties., of q r aLLet L nmental changes, and fzalltical enents, omitting to_ t L ecai L d the often fai L ma/ L e zm/za^tant facts, In t/ze fils±ai L Lf of litei c aiui L e ; science, and tke a/ L ts af utility laf uihlch tke fif-oQ^ess af clulll^atzan and tfie deaela/zment of t/ze Izturzan / L ace in Its hl^hei L capacities hane Leen effected a/ L aided. JDhe ^i L eat u Jfn- staia c ata^ af t/ze Sciences" uias t/ze fli-st ta call attention ta t/zese amissions and deficiencies In all /z/ L ealans histories, and ta Indicate t/ze dutjj. af historians ta anald t/zese eH L ai L s f — setting a g^aad ejaamjzle In that / L es/zect, In t/ze s/zeclmen, a/ L model mark, lil/zIc/z /ze /zt L adiiced as a fzatte/ L n, — kls /zlstoj L Lf- af t/ze reian of Jjf/jemHf- t/ze <~feu_entfz. Sfznce kls time, mantj. s/zecial klstarles of Indentions and af t/ze arts of ntllltjj. /za/ie Leen wrltteiz; and t/ze numer- ous cif-cla/zaedlsts kane larc^elif contributed ta t/zzs object; still, kaaie/ier, leaning ma/zjj. vacancies ta lie filled In t/zls delzartment of Iziuhan knoudedc^e, af ui/zlc/z t/ze one before its can not lie considered t/ze /east moH htj of t/ze /abor /zeedfid far Its Investigation. THE HISTORY OF IJSTK. 7 J3ke uiord INK kas Leen ziartously defined liif lejitcoyra/zkers, cyclo/zaedtsts and ckem- Ists; lint tke follouil/zy terms may lie taken as. fully eji/zresslny tke coirurzan equalities, and essential s/zeclflc characteristics of all suLstances Included under tke name. Ink ls a colored liquid emfzlaiyed In making lines, ckaracters ar figures an sur- faces cafzaLLe of retaining, tke marks so made. JDke Ipncyclo/zaedla J^jrltannlca, (lloL Jill, ft. 3$g, i$5b } ) glues tke folloui- Uzy definition: " ijtk. — JHke term Ink Is usually, restricted to tke fluid em/zloyed m uirltlny uiltk a /zen. (Stker kinds of Ink are Indicated Liy a second uiord, suck as red Ink, Jfndlan Ink, marking Ink, sym- jzatketlc Ink, /zr Inters' Ink, etc. $o_mmojz Ink Is, koLLLeaer, sometimes dlstlnyulsked as uirltlny Ink." ^jfls to OOLOll, — Llack Is and kas alaiays Leen preferred In ordlnarjy uses. 2ftor ornamental /zur/zoses and for occasionally useful distinctions, narlous otker tints kane Leen and are ado/zted — as klue, red, careen, fzurjzle, motet, jyelloui — and so. on, according ta tke fancy of tke maker, o.r fzurckaser, or consumer. JHke suLstance em/zloyed to receive and, /ireserne tke marks tlzus made Is now. THE HISTORY OF IJTK. almost uniuersallif SPafzer. SParckment i& still used In nzanLj. lea^al documents and niritinQS af farm and ceremony. Rattan, linen, and silk, uiken uiaoen inta fabrics for garments and like uses, cute also subjected ta marks af ink far tke jzurjzose af iden- tifying jzrajzertif. <~Pa are uiaaden and leatkern surfaces, in similar conditions. Jl ls also emfzlaijed in uiriting. oji stone, in tke quite modern art of litkog^rajzlzg. SJkaug^k its. g^reat original and con- tinual emfzlaijment is in uiriti/zg, it mast lie renzenzbered tkat it is alsa la.rg.ekj. used in tke delineation af objects bjj artists. Jfnk and jzaint are mutuallij canaertible ta eaclz atlzers uses, latt are /jet sa distinct in ckar- acter and objects, t/zat na ane regards t/ze uiards as stj.naniLfma.us, and no jzrecise defi- nition is needed ta teaclz t/ze distinction betmeen tlzem. ^fl&y far instance, in jzen- and-ink drauiings and sketclzes, tke uik segues tke jzurjzose of jzaint. <~fo Likeuiise in. tke Letters an sig^n- boards, Sic. jzaint mag lie considered as a substitute far uik. JDke artist uiko traces kis name an tke canvas in a earner of kis jzainting, emjilags /zauit in a similar manner. printing-ink is used as black jzaint. Jfn tke best red inks, car- mine (a jzaint in mater- colons) is tke essen- tial ingredient. Jfndian Jfnk is used kere onlij. as jzaint, — in $kina, as ink. THE HISTORY OF IJTK. IfYMittff. a J3F/ze. de^inatian af t/ie $ng.lis/z uia^d ink/' and af its ^efz^esentatiaes in u.at L iaus nzadei L n Lanc^uac^es, has caused muck, jze^- /zLezLLtLf ta fzfziLalacfists, and has. Leen t/ze su.Lj.ect af irzanif. eManeaus canfectu^es. fUfe suffix, t/ze nam.es Lllj. uikicfz It is knauuz in t/zase natians ui/za haae nzast em.fzLaLf.ed it : English, .... Ink. Lovu-(L)utch } JSfeder-(X>uytsch, Hollandisch, . Inkt German or (X)eutsch, . (X>inte and Tinte. Old German, . finker, Tincta, Tinta and (Dinde, (Danish, Norvoe^ian, ) -..-,--.--,— _ . V T 'r, _. s ; > Blaek, {India Ink, Tusch ) Jvorse, Icelandic, ) ' y I^laeck, {India Ink, Tusk J Swedish, French, Old French, Italian, Spanish, (Portuguese, , Ulyrian, (Polish, Lfasque, Latin, JVIediceval Latin Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, firabic, (Persian, Hindustani, and Hindui Sanscrit, Armenian :;} Encre. Enque. Inchiostro. Tinta. Tint a. Ingvas. Incaust. Coransia. Jitr amentum. Encaustum. JVIelan. (p'yo. Jl'kaso. JVikson, finghas. S^y^ah'o. S'yaho, I(osKna, kali, shii^a, mas, murakkat, kalik, midad. ... . Kali, (F)lack,) Syuaghin. 10 THE HISTOIfY OF T]\fK. fWe might amuse ou^selnes hg extend- ing this taliulai L list indefinitelgr ffizough, houieiie/ L f has Leeiz ab L eadg shouin to. illus- trate a feui t L emat L kalile facts, uihich uie uiish ta fu L esent that a/ L e connected uiith the etgnzologg of aiu L subject ; Ltd me jzi L esent a fzage of J£dhogJ L a/zhic illustrations uihich mill enable ang " curious i L eaderi } ta trace the uiord further. J^a dictionary, of the fpnglish language gities usanyhel/z or light about the /natter. fUfebster suggests " inchiostro" (the Jftcdian uiord } ) as. the source of detonation; and all the Jftalian lejiicogra/zhers agree that inchiostro Is from the latet L J£atin enca us tum, uihich Is i/zfact/^reek, Eyxautfrov, (ffizcauston,) " burned-in or corroded. " §ncaustum became corru/zted into " enchausPrurn," from udzich the transit zon ta "inchiostro" Is bg the reg- ular form of derivation from the J£a±in to. the Jftalian, — the J£ before a nouiel gining /zlace to a shot L t J? — as "piano" from, planus. (JSfhe ch, in Jftalian is aLuiags sounded hard, like, the English JfC.) j£eau_ing the French uiord encre, as on the middle ground betuieen different ety- mologies, and affording no. light either wag, — tae find the £fjzanish and ^Portu- gese " tinta" and the /d^ehnan (a Language u/ulelij. demote pt-am. those of the jfberian /zeniusu/a in origin and affinities) "dinte, THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 11 tinte and tincta," faficililg fienzinding us af tke J£atin fzafiticijzle tinctus, tincta, tinc- .tum, ffiam tke nefik tingo, uikick m fiefzfie- sented in fpnglisk lig tinge, and atkefi defiinatines, suck as "tincture" &c. flffe cannat fief use. ta fiecaa^ni^e tke JffaLLand- QXutck "Inkt" as ffiam tke same fiaat ta uikick uie kane tkus tfiaced tke cafifies- fzanding uiafid in a language uikick me mag call its u causin -/^efiman /' and it Is kafid ta exclude tke (Did 2f?fienck "Enque " and nzadefin " Encre " ffiam. tkis cificle af fielatianskifz. JHken, uie afie sameuikat imjzfiessed Lg tke discanefig af tke uiafid Ingvas ui tke JflLgfiian, a language af tke <~ftano„nic (afi mafie jzfiajzefiLg cflauenic) stack, Like tke SPalis/z, — and, Like tkat, enfiicked lig uiafids defiiaed ffiam tke J£atin. JHke SPalisk, kauienefi, /zfiesents as uiitk tke actual z^fiaeca-^Eatin Encaustrum. Sftill mafie fiemate ffiam tke fptzglisk and Jftalian, uie find amang tke (Dfiientals af tke <~fkemitisk fiace, anghas and nikson in Ike ^/Ifia/iic, and n'kasho in tke $kaldee, uiitk a manifest fiesenzLlance in saund, and uiitk an actual fzassessiajz af tke same ele- ments and fiadical lettefis, Jf. Jf£. flfet uie da not think af suggesting tkat tkese uiafids kad a camman afiigin uiitk tke cafi- fiesjzanding anes in ^ufiajzean ^Languages, IS THE HISTORY OF rjTK. th.auQ.h- so nea/ L lif coincident in sound. JDhe case is. SdrnftLf one af accidental resenz- lilance, a i L emai L kaLLe coincidence, — (liecause occuH L inQ, at three different and remote /zaints,) Ltd. jj.et a coincidence not mhalliQ. un/zaralelled. J3fhe /zralialiLLLtQ is. that the ffiiQlish uio.rd, Like the (ZDittch, /^ernzan, SF/zanLsh, Sic, caine from, the ^£atin TINCTUM, lint it mciQ lie left "an a/zen question;" far if uie had not these instances ta direct the for/nation of. our o/zuzians, me shojdd haae no. hesitation in acknamledQuiQ the Jftalian Inchiostro as the true etymon; j-iist as, if me had neither af these in niem, uie miQht susfzect the oMqlii of olu l mard ta lie in the (Oriental an g has or nikson. JDhe fpthia/zic kalama at first sIq/zI a/i- jzears ta lie delated ta the Hindustani KALI; lint the Latter is merely, the mard in all the LanQuaQ.es af Hindustan far LLack, — m/zde the farmer is lint a modification of the ^ reek and j£atin calamus, a reed or jzen, — the in- strument (naturally. enauQ/z) qlvuzq its nanze ta the Liquid uihich mas essential to. its use. JDhe mard encaustum connects , in a ueHf. inte/ L estinQ and instHictuie manner, Lath mdlz the history and the chemistry or man- ufacture of our moder/z inks, and is a satis- factory, demon si ration of the utility of such THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 13 etymological researckes as tkose in mkick me kaae keen kere zndulging. jDke one great distinction lietmeen the ancient and tke modern uzks is. tkis : J3fke old inks, mere paints ; tke mriting inks nom in use lig all nations ( ezicefzting tkose of SFoutkeTn ^fisia) at L e dyes. JJkat is tke mkoLe difference. Jft uiauld fie mell to. gine a definition or Limitation of tke mords " ^fLncient" and " jllodern." Jfo ane kas done it kitkerto. fUfe mill not attemjzt to fLX. tke jzoint fzre- ciselg, lint mag reasonalilg sag tkat tke /ze- Mad uzteraening Letuieen SPe/ztemlier, ^fl.di. J±i , (uiken QLome uias taken kg alaric and kis flfisigotks) and (H)ecemlier £5, ^fk. 0). #0 , (mken JfCarltke /^reat, otkermise called /$karlemagne, mas cromned m &Lome lig SPo/ze J!£ea mitk tke title of ^m/zero.r of tke JfEalg 3fLoman fpmfzire) contains tke internal lietmeen antiguitg and modern tiin.es. JDke introduction of SPa/zeras tke common matet-iaL u/zon mkick significant ckaracters mere to lie marked, must kane kad a great agencg in fzro^ducing a ckange uz tke com- position of tke liquid emfzloged in making tke marks. Parchment mas tke sulistance in use, among all tke ^uro/zean natLOJis, as tke sub- stratum of manuscri/zt ; from Ike time mkeiz Ike fpgg/ztian papyrus ment out offaskion. 14 THE HISTORY OF IJTK oik Ike /zat L ckment and the /za/itf^us uie^e ui/ L Ltten u/zan, Llj. S3LcLm.an.Si, greeks and jf&Li L euis, uLLlh. J tens, made af small i L eeds, di/tfted in a fluid ca/n/zased of carbon, (not dissolved, lint) Izeld In a state af sus/zenslojz laf an all a/ L a salutlan af gum. JDIze Letters uiet L e a/ c LglnaLLtf /tainted an t/ie surface of tke fza/zgHts, /za/ L cktrzent, Laat L d, oj l atkei L material s.a em/zLoged — tlze Ink. not lielng unLlLed oj l alisa^lied luj. tlze sulislance an uiklc/z It mas sized, liut Remaining on tlze surface, ca/zaliLe of liel/ig Remaned liif masking, sa L ajzlng, Hilililng, oj l anif sundae /z^acess. JD/ze surface t/zus cleans.ed uias. tfzen In a state to i L ecelae a neui lnscj L l/ztlan ; so t/zat evasions, and InscH/ztlans. mlg/zt lie Indefinitely /-e/zeated u/za/z It, as u/zan a. madeHz s.lgn- liaat L d. Modern Ink, an tke cojztt L a/ L L(., Leaa.es Its. mai L ks. u/zan fza/zet L , /za^clzment, Sic., litf fzen- eti-atlng tke material ta suck a de/zlk t/zat It cannot lie erased ( meckaizLcaLLg) uiitkaut tke i L enzaiLal at L destruction af tke surface Liiklck It kas. tinged. $kenzlcal agencg, as af nai L laus. acids, ckloj L lne and Its. cam/zounds, Is genet-alLg em/ilaged, tket L efai L e, ta dts- cka/ c ge tlze colo/ c p L am. madefrz iu/ c Ltmg-L/zA:- mai-ks, Carbon, In all Its common founts, (c/zat L caal, liltumlnaus coal, antkhacLte, j.et, /il/unliaga, Lignite, luat^LLack., Lam/z-LLack THE HISTORY OF IJfK. 15 and so^ot } ) is m/zalkf. unatte^aLLe in coLo^ luf antf of t/zese ckenzicaL means.. Printing Ink (mkic/z is cam/zased of ca^- Llqjz sus/zendedin a cLpl^ltlq. od) ls, in essentia/ cka/^acte^istics, identical mit/z t/ze m^itiizQ- inks of t/ze ancient £Hamans and /^^eeks. Jft is imfzt L essed u/zon t/ze siufaceaf jzajze^, (t/zat m/zic/z is unsized oj l kiLalaus. Leinc^ commonly fzt L efeH L ed,) and is detained un- clzajzQed laf tfze action of moistuj L e } on ac- count of tfze inso/ulii/itjj^ of t/ze cai L Lan and t/ze ^e/zu/siojz Letmeen oil and matet L . J3ffzese tiiLQ- fohris of ink. a^e tlze^efoi^e t/ze ezcact o/zfzosites of eac/z othet L } in t/ze equalities on mkic/z tkeu L use and Jze/ L manence dejzend. JH/ze mast inzjzo^tant /zeculia^itif. of t/ze nzodeHz uut-itinQ-inJk, as contrasted mit/z t/ze ancient j natu^atti^ suQQested t/ze tma names Lii/zic/z it Loj L e in t/ze SEatin and ^t L eek of t/ze nziddte ac^es, oj c (to s/zeak mai L e definitely t/ze time, af its intiention and fu L st enzjzlaL^- nzent. J?± mas a Tincta, a dye, oj l stain, mkic/z tinged and tinctured t/ie material on mkic/z it mas /zlaced, entering ainonQ its fillies as coloring, fluids da into clot/z in t/ie oj L dinai L Lf. /z^ocesses of manufacture. Jft jzenet^ated t/ze suLstance of tke /za/ze/ c (as caustics oj l jzame^fuL c/ze/rucal sodne/zts and co^osines act on t/ze oj^anicfili^e): it bit in, a^burnedin, — and mas tke/ L efai L e me/L named encauston and Incaustum. 16 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. tmMMiM ox wimmim of mk. fWe. da nat fi/u/ia&e. la fnhzisk ^eci/ie& } ftfiesjcHhtinns., di^eclians at*- instHLctians faj L ike /na//afacliu L e af ikis article. J^a^ nze^e statement in wj&JxLh. can enalile anzf one la cuWuue. al fzet L fectLan, af-ejiLceLLen.ee, oj l jzi L ac- IlcclL success Ln tke /zfadnctLan of ikis a/tirfe, aJ-antf afticLes. nikatsa.e/ie^. ^/L skill andca^e- falness, uikick can lie acc^nifed ankf luf. long and la La^iaas. eJLJzetience, afe indis/zensalile la ike nzana^enzent af Ike na^iaus hJ-a- cess.es.. J3fime is an essential element af success in ikis /zecnliaf cu L l ; and ikal makes alisotatehf Requisite al&a, lata alke^ conditions, — patience and capital. fWe skall tke^efafe lie Lt L Lef an. ikis /zai/zt, — t L efeH L inc^ ikose mka misk fai L muz ate details, la Ike ctfcla/iaedias, dictionaries af Ike arts and sciences, and Ike lat^ef uiat L ks an /z^acti- cal ckemistfif. JDke fallauiinQ uie nentufe la fzfesent as Ike mast caH L ect account af ikis sulifect, defined p L anz Ike latest scien- tific and /zt L actical authorities. JDIzc canz/zasLtLan af ink. ucules according la its cala^s, and tke /zu^/zases la uikick it is. la lie a/z/zlied. Common black writing-ink is tke tannate af l/ze sesquajujcl af u-an muted ullI/z a smaller quantity af tke Qallatc af tke THE HISTORY OF IJSTK. 17 sesqizajcifd af u L an. fllfken zn tke Hcf_Lzicl foj L m> it is Qene^aLlLj. tke tannate and val- late af tke jirotaxiycL ; lint aftei L LeirzQ LanQ kejzt, (af-futt an tke /za/zet L and dt L jj.in<^ tket L e,) it aLsa^Ls moj c e ajiift^en ffairz tke atirzas- /zke^e ; and tkns tke salzne cam/zaa/zds lie- came tke /zet L -tannate and /ze^-Qallate, uikick at c e Llacke^ tkaiz tke tannate and vallate af tke /z^ata^tfd. Jft z& tkns and tkei L efai L e tkat^aad irzadehz ink is knamn laf tlze sinz- jzLe test-qszaLztij. af da/ L keninQ laf. aa^e. @Jn tke atlze^ kand, mken m^itinc^ Lecanzes ifel- lam, /zale oj l indistinct Ljj. aQe, it is p L am tke decai^ aftlze iirzjze^fectlLf. canzLined nec^e- taLle ast^uzQent, — tke mafiks an tke jzajxe^ a^ lzai L ckment Leinciy tken Izttle moj L e than tke stain af tke /ie/ L -ajiLfd (tkat is tke ses- qaaziifd) af u L on. Jff tke m^itten sa/face lie tken ca^efzzlkf. masked a^ even mazstened. uiitk tke Infusion, af nnt-Qalls, it mill lie ^ende^ed Llacke^ and ifliefa^e indistinct mill Leco..me. lea^zLLe. JDkzs mcuf sametzmes Le Letted accatrz/zlisked Ltf fu L st a/z/zkfiizQ. a meak salutian af ajialic acid af L uety. dilate muriatic {kifdt L a.-ckla/ L zc) acid, and tken deli- cately laifinQ an tke infizszan of emails. filfken tke m/ L itinc^ /za/ze/ L kas Leen made af infe^za^ i L ac^s } Lleacked znztk ckloj L i/zc, tke Lest ink asecl ZLJzan it is Iza/ile ta Lecanze discalaf L ed. J\fizt-QaLls oj~ Qxzll-izais {Gallce-tinctoricE) lg THE HISTORY OF IJTK. are excrescences cjrouunc^ u/ion the teanes ortniicjs of oak trees, (es/ieciatijj.the Quercus wfectoria^) caused bif the /uincture of cut in- sect (the Cynics gattce-tinctorice) which, de- posits its. cqqs in the. jierfo rations thus. iua.de. JDhe Quercus mfectoria is most abun- dant iu SPeT&ia, ^/teso/iotamia, <~fjj_ria and ^fisia jitinor, fram uihich coimtries the exalts are brought iu la^q.e quantities, to the man- ufactories of fpufaftje and ^fLmerica. JDhe Lest are catted "Aleppo gaits," from the name of the Syrian citjj. uihich is the chief original market for them. JDhose from <~FmgHia are atso. highly, esteemed. JDheg contain the negetabte astringent jirincijile catted tannin in greater abundance than ang cither knomn substance. j3 his is chemicaltg. resolned into, the acids knouui as the tannic andgaltic. jyi.lt the moods and Larks emjilogecL in the manufacture of Leather bg the tanning of hides contain this astringent matter in aarious decrees. JDhe oak and the hemlock, for instance, are in extensible and fainitiar use for this juu-jiose in the fl tinted States. JDhe blackness of ink, as has been already, indicated, is derided from the combination of these tuio acids uuth ax.Lj.dbj.ed iron in saline com/iounds uihich are insotuLde iu mater, and are there- fore /ireci/iitated or de/iosited at the bot- tom of the ftuid, untess held mechanicaLlg. THE HISTOP L Y OF IjYK. 19 sas/zended in. it } kif Qurn., suQa^ a^ sanze sinzila^ suLstance ailziclz chines tke c/uLalitif of ili&ciditif ta its solutions. j^JIze falLouiing mill se^ae as a Qaoxlfa^nz- llLcl fat L nzakzizg canznzan ink, cuzcl mill Le enough, ta gme aiz Idea af tke ai~dinat L if_ a/zd general irzode af. its. cojrzjzasitzan : — " J^fake af ^/He/z/za. emails finelif Lfodsed, six. ounces, — sul/z/zate of i/ L an, faut L amzces, — guirz ^ftt L aliLc, faut L OLuzces, — matet L , six/zints. Jd^xiiL tlze. galls i/z tlze matei L foj L aLaut turn lzaui L s, occasionally, adding matei L ta su/z/zlg tlze lass p L airz en.a/za/ c atian ; tlzen add tlze attzei- uzgt L edzents ; a/zd kee/z tlze mlzaLe foj L turn, nzantlzs i/z a mad-den. a/ L glass ties- set, ui/zic/z is ta Le s/zake/z at internals. JDIze/z strain tlze ink. i/zta glass Lotties, adding a fern d/~oJzs of creosote ta /z/~enent /rzaulduzess. " Resides its /z/ : a./zet~tg af azsciditg, tlze guirz jzassesses tlze jzamet- of /z/ L ene/zting tlze ink p L OMZ Leing taa fluid. : and it atsa se^aes ta ju L otect tlze LLegetaLle nzattei L p-anz decojiz/zasztian. J3ke gj L eat desidei L atunz oj~ t L ecf_uisite is t/zat tlze ink sfzaidd flam uiiiA /zetpect p L eedairz p L am tke jzen, to. alloia i L ajzid milt'uzg, and t/zat it should adlzei L e ta tlze /za/ze/-, oj l (< Lite into it// sa as not ta Le effaceable Lg mas/zing at L s/zo/igzng. SJIze g/ L eat defect ta Le avoided and /u-eneizted is tlze ma/zt of dtu L aLditg. jDIze m/lting, ink THE HISTORY OF IJTK. ( f trie ancients, uffljs. c/zaractef-ijed Li^ q.reat /ze/ c ma/ze/zcjf, Lcdizc^ com/zosed of fi/zeLjj. jzid- LLet L i^.edcat L Loiztrzzjaed uuttz a irzuc'zLac^uzous or czdlzesiae Liquid. India oj~ China Ink is of t/zzscom/zosztzo/z: it zs formed of Lam/ z-liLac/i: audszje o^fuzeaizzmaLQlue, uzitfz tlze uiczdeiz- taLadditioiz of/zeifizmes. Jft is usediu$lz'uza udtlz a LlHzsIz, Lot/zfoj~uu~ztLu£aizd/zauziiu£ on_$lziizese/za/zej L ; audit is em/zLoyeduz otLzer couiztt L zes fat L irzczkuzq^ dj L auiiuQS in LLack. cuzd lu/zite, — the. different de/zt/zs of s/zade Leuz£ /zi L oduced lof llcz^uzc^ i/ze decree of dilzziio/z in LLicztet L . Jfizks. of otket L colors tizcuz LLack uiet-e cuz- cie/ztltf izsed ozzLjj_ foJ L /zur/zoses of ohzamezztaL czrzd decoj L a±ine uiriti/itj. Jfiz Later cuzd/ zres- e/zt times, t L ed cuzd [due iizks Izane Leeiz eai- te/zsiaeltf em/zlojj^ed z/z HzLuzc^ accotuzt- Looks cuzd ot/zet L Jz.cz/ zei L foi L Like uses. J^lue inh> uiitlzi/z teiz a^ma^ei^ears/zast, fzczs keen, udtlz nzcuzLf, a/zj L efeH L edfLuzdfoj L cojmrzorz uu L iti/zc(. J$.Lue LnJt } uiLze/z/z/ c o/zerLifmade f f Louts udtlz Q^eat ease cuzd /^a/ziditif. p L ouz tlze jzeu, di L zes czLmost i/zstcz/ztiif oiz tlze /za/ze/^ cuzd has Leeiz su/z/zosedo^e-n/zectedto. Le quzte diu^aLLe, czizd zuzclzarzc^eaLLe i/z coloi L , iuzde/ L oi L cLzizarjj aicissitudes. J2fet } e;\i/zerieuce fzczs demoiz- sti^ated tlze co/tti L ai L ij, — L/zo-Uq/z zuudous czud uieLL-coizti L i/ied c/zemicaL couzLiizatzoiis Izczae Leeiz attem/zted fo/~ tlze /zuifzose. J^Lue in ks tfzczt chaizge to LLacLii some tzuze after wi-itiuq THE HISZOIiY OF IJTK. 21 at L e ue/Hf /za/zula/ L . C^n meLl-made and fzigk- /zHced/zafze^ and uiitlz gold/zens, suck inks, if /z^e/za^ed iuf good ckemists, mag. ulti- mately fzi c ane u±at L t/zg_ of tke kigk esteenz in mfiLcfz tkeg. cu L ekeLd ; Lut tkeit L absolute and unc/za/zgeable du^akititg is g_et ta lie tested Lif ex/zeHence, Lefai L e t/zeg ccuz be safelg emfzlaged fa/ c uii L itings of ji^eHnanent naLie, and belied a/z foi L use hz making ^eca^ds de- signed fa/ L /z/ L ese/ L natian and i L efet L ence during a Lang. course ofg.eat L s. j3/ze/ c e is a canzjzaund of l±Lclzi L o_nzate of /zatas/z and extract of Laguiaad, uikickfahns a aei L g. c/zeafz and canaenient inciting, fluid. 0)f L . flh L e fzt L anaunces it "a nile dge. )} flf~et it mag. fiane its utilities, in Localities demote ft L am t/ze centres af cinili^atian and canz- mei L ce } — as int/ze neui settlements in Laestehz ^fLmei L ica, in ^fLust^alia, Sic, and fai L t/ L ai±- elet L s in ^fkp L ica, in tfze ^fLi L ctic and at/zet- kaf L Lat L aus at L unin/zaLited Regions. JDIze falLauiing is t/ze Lest fahnula ui/zic/z can lie giaen fat L t/zis canzjzaund ; and uie /zf L esent it an tfze fzigkest clzemical aut/za/ L itg : — " JDake J^ick^amate a f /zatas/z, Y-4 cl%. — fpx±i L act af laguiaad 1 0%.. — failing niatej L , 1 gallon. JWe /zaae taken t/ze trouble ta giae t/iis /z/ c esa L i/ztian at c fof L muLa } Lecause same quacks /ia/ie keen jzeddling it all aLiei L t/ze counti L g, at all sa/ L ts af fzi L ices, nagging (according, ta t/ie a L edulitg. and libe/ L alitg, of /i/// c ckase/ c sj 22 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. front SO cent* la $250. Mc guie it fat j-ust mkat it is utaftk ; and t/iat is. — exact Lg. ui/zat t/zis boa/a casts, tlie. reader. J^ffzc Longest and mast naLuabLe /zassage uilziclz uie find in t/ie uiritings of an if. fpng- Lis/i autlior, ulLlcl Lias aLLttded ta our subject, is tke faLLauiLng, from " The Origin and Progress of Writing, bg. JD/zamas ^/LstLe, j&.M 3\, &.$L'&. Sic, fz/z. goq to gig, gd edition, Randan, i&OS. " Of Inks. J?nk Lzas. not anLg keen use- fuL in aLL ages, Lot stiLL caniuzu.es absaLuteLg. necessarg ta t/ze /z/ L ese/ L uatian and imfzrane- nzent of. eaerg. art and science, a/zd far can- ducting t/ze ardinarg transactions of Life. i( QLadg exjzerience skauis t/zat t/ze nzast common objects. genei L aLLg fzraLLe mast use- fid and beneficiaL ta mankind. J3lze con- stant occasion uie Izaae far Jfnk eiiuzces its canue/uence and utititg.. £$ram the im- jzortant benefits, arising ta s.ocietg from its use, and t/ze injuries LndudduaLs mag. suffer from t/ze frauds, of designing men in the abuse oft/iis necessarg. articte, it is to. be ti'isJzed t/iat t/ze LegisLature uiaulrt fra/ue same regulation ta /zromote its. uu/u L aLi_e- nzent, and /zrenent Lmancty and cuutHce fi-om mailing it instrumental to t/ie accom- ///iskment ofang. base /zur/iose. THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 23 " Simjzle as tlze canzjzasitian af Jfnk may lie thaizyht, and Really is — it Is a fact melL knamn, tfiat me haiie at /z/ L esent none ecf^ual in lieautiy and coloj L ta that used hy the ancients; as mill a/z/zeat c by atz insfzec- tian af many, of tlze manusa L ifzts aliaae equated, especially tkase m^itten in tpncgLand iiz tlze times af t/ze <~Fajians. fllfhat acca- sians sa jy^eat a disfzat L itiy f (SDaes it aHse p L am aut L iyna^ance, a/ c f/ L am au/ L uia/zt af nzateHaLs ? From neither, hut from the negligence of the present race; as ne/ c y. Little attention mould saa/z demanstf c ale t/zal uie mant neither skill izoJ- itzys c edients ta nzake Jfnk as yaad nam as at any fat c me/ c fzet L iad. (< Jft is an abject af tlze utmost tm/zari:- ance t/zat tlze £R.ecat L ds of SPai^liament, t/ze (Hecisians and ^fLdyudicatians a f the Rousts af Jpustice, ^aniieiyancesf^am man ta man, /Hfilts, JfJestuments, and other instruments m/zielz affect /z^a/ze/ty., slzauld lie m^itten uiitfz Jfnk af such duj L al±le quality as may Lest Resist tlze destHLctine jzamet L s af time and tlze elenzents . JDIze necessity, af fzayiny. ztzpt of tjtk. 27 occlu-s Lefai-e. tlze foju- last centiulesv °— " SJPetez L $ani/zcu~ins, 3 h^ofessa/- of JtLecL- icuze at /Venice, uufate a ciulo.as Look can- cehzuiQ. -Ink., uJzzc/z is nam scarce, t/zanq./z tlzei L e is cziz editiojz of it /z/ L uzted i/z J£a/zda/i, ui ibbOy qdLCU~ta. Jllze title is — De Atra- mentis cujuscunque generis opus sane novum. Hactenus a nemine promulgatum. [A work ACTUALLY XEW, COXCERXIXG IXKS OF EVERY KIXD WHATSOEVER— HITHERTO PUBLISHED BY XO OAT.] JDIzis LLLQj-k is. divided into, slu Jiavts. ID lie first treats £.enevallij. of Jnks nzczde p L o.m Pyrites, [sid/z/uu-ets. of iftui and cofzjzei L f\ stojies cuzd metals. JDIze second treats moj-e /zcuticulavlij. o.f -Inks made p-ojiz nzetals a/zd Calxes. \_4flettei~ saij. calces, oj l , ta s/zeak clzemiccilLij., crystallised salts de/irived of t/zeii- (( m.atei L of crij.stallijatiojz/^ o_r ccu-Lloizic acid, Ljj. tlze actio/z af lzeatP[ — JDIze third treats af. Jfnh made fro.m so.ots a/id vitriols. — JDIze fourth treats af tlze different kinds af.Jfnhs. nsed Lij. t/ie librarii or /10.0k:- ivilte/^s, \_/zro.fessio.nal scribes or co./zjj.ists af mann- scrijits Lefoj-e tlze invention, of t/ie art of /P rintuzq^ as /veil as bjj. jirinters. and en- q rave/% and af staining (or /v.ritinq. ufian) marLle, stucco, of- scaqliola, and of ENCAUS- TIC modes of ivj-zlmq ; as also, of liquids far /zainlinq or coloruzq af leat/ier, clot/zs made of Linen or uiaal, and for rcstorinq inks that have hern defaced luf tune, as 28 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. likeiaise trzanij. methods of effacing uiriiing. — restoring decaged hjCLfief* — and af aariaus modes af secret wetting. — J3he fifth fzart treats, of Jfnks fat- uiHting, made in differ- ent cauntrzes, af aarzous materials, and colors, — as. from gzzms, moods, thej.uice af ftlanisi, Sic, and alsa af different kinds, af aarnishes. — J^J/ze sixth jzart treats af tke aarzaus a/zeratzons af e,xtractiaq. aitrial, and of its chemical uses. "J3f/zis mark aliaunds mitlza great uarietg af fzhilasofzhical, chemical and historical knomledge, and mill gme great entertain- ment to. tfzase ui/za uiish far information an t/zis sulgecl. " jMjang. curiaLLS jzarticidars concerning Jfnkuiill La found in u Weckervs de Secretis." (SPrinted at J^asLe, in ibf'S, octana.) — Jjfhis gentleman alsa gines receijzts for making Jfnks af tke color of /(jald and £PilwEr } coirz/zased as mell uutfi those mate- rials as mithaut them, — also, directions far making a uarietg of Jfnks far secret uirz- ting, and far defacing, af \effaci/zg~] Jfnks. JjJhei L e are mang nzaraelaus particulars in this last mark, mhich mill not easilg gazn credit uiith the pzdiciaus jzart af mankind." JW J e haac chosen to giae jtli L . Jostle's /zarag/ L a/zhs on this subject, entire, " /zure and sim/zLe," (uuifi no corrections or alter- ations, eJLcejzt as to a fern /zartic/zlars in THE HISTORY OF INK. 29 s/zelli/zg., /zu/zctuatiojz, Sic.,) including same unnecessa/Hf foj L nzaL nefiliiage, — instead af emliadjj.inq. fits, facts. and aLsefiaatians in au/ L amn Language /life shall da Lkemise mith athet L authors mhase Looks me use in this moj L k, as the most effectual maij. af frilling, each af them due credit foj L thei^ Senegal discaaefiies and statements, and, at the same tune, securing an/- am.izj.ust claims ta mhat aie herein jzfiesent as af auJr amn discanefiif afi- /z^aductiojz. J^u£ me mill cj'me na credit to_ a mefie cairzjzilefi oj l /zlatgiafiist. jl/Lfi. ^fLstLe uias kee/ze^ of the ancient 3Lecat L ds af the fpizqjls.h /^omefozment in the J^ome^ af ^Eandan, and thus e/zf.aij.ed ejctfia- afidinafijf facilities fat c ascertaining such facts, and making such aLsefiaatzons as he furnishes in his aeiHf useful, uztet L estuiQ, and elec^antlif illustrated Lao^k. ^fLs la. uihat he sags {in his seventh /zafiagfia/zh) aliout the inejz/zediencg of " hazarding. )} anif effort ta, fieaine mfiitinfg udzich has faded oj l Lecame dleigiLle, ffiam feat L af " a susjziciaiz af de- ceit," — the cautia/z must of course lie Limited to. cases mhefie the mafids jz^ajzased ta Le restated ta leigiLilitij. heme i L cfet L ence ta same question of dis/zuted title, oj l other matter in lit ligation or coutfianefisg^ jHi L . ^fkstle mauld not hane hesitated (czng. mafic than ^fkncjela jllaz} ta use auif /zassdle /zfiacess far the restoration of a palimpsest ma/zu- 30 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. sa-i/zt of a lang-Iasi uiof/e. of $Lc.efia a/~ S£LiU£. } oj l af arzif document uwf-th the LclLoj- and the time Requisite to^ teniae the Letters. tead them. jlti L . jlstte's slight lafzse af jzeiz ai~ mind, in stating (eighth fzcLHJ^cUhh.) t/iat "^lue af L jj.ellaui ink uias seldom used e^ce/zt in manuscripts" fetnlnds, us af J^aa/z [UfeLste^ 's Reason, giaeiz i/z the fii-st edition af his cf_LLCZi L ta dicfianaML, fat L tlze use af tlze ui.ai L d u Jftand" instead af u ' Jf stand" Lii^.., that tlze tutted s/zelli/zg uias a found a/zlif in koalas. n ^Pe^lzajzs tlze LLenet L aLte ^/lti L . ^ftstle uiauld have Lee/z as. much, astonished ta leaHz that Ize hzmself Izctd aiuLCUfS. uu-ztteiz manusc/ c i/zt, ailze/zetief L Ize jzut fzeiz ta /za/zet~ } as tlze . Bourgeois Gentilhomme, in jt/Loliei-e' s comedy mas ta leahz t/zat Ize "had keen s/zeakiiiQ jzt L o_se all his life." ^/L cam/za^atuieltf decent author (gia.es tlze fatlo-uii/zg. as tlze sum. and suLstance af Izis knauiledge ojz this division af tlze sulifect of aut L liaa.k. ODa^k-cata^ed Liqjuids utetHe. used ta stain letters /z/ L etdaushj. e/zg^atLed ojz same ha/ c d suLstance, long. Lefa^e theg. utet-e irzade ta fiaLLL in tlze calamus a/- JLen fa/~ fa/fning them on a smooth surface; and tlze Chinese made tlzeu L (( Jfndian Jfuk. " in the same THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 81 manned as /zomi, ii SO ifea/ L s liefo^e tke $kt L istian $/ A a; kilt, onltj. ased it, at tkat time., to Llacken incised cka^acte^sS l] Jfnk aias teamed luf tke ancient ^Eatin aatkoJ-s atramentum scriborium^ a& librarium, ta dis.- tinQuisk it p~onz atramentum sutorium o^ cal- chantum. l}t mas. made, of tke saat of / c esin, or /zaunded cka^coal, and otke^ salt- stances, irzijaed LuLtk Qawz, and not, Like otz^s, af ait^ioL, Qall-nuts, alairz, Sic. JDke easiest /zositine mention of ink is jze^kafzs. tke frassac^e in jfe^emiak, in tke [If nictate, " Ego scribebam in volwnine, atra?nento."^ ^Jf£et L e ate might add, aiitkoat feat L of co/z- h-adictiojz, tkat Ink is still extensiaelif used ta u Llacken ckai L actef l s," uiitkoat ^egaHl ta tke de/ztk of tke incision. [2] j3ke s/zecimen of tke (pnglisk langnage aikick uie q_aate, is not fanltless; and tke Latin is eaieci L alile. JUkei L e is, no sack lllqj l cL as scriborium in any. Langaage, ancient oj l niodehz. jKke ata- mans called la^iti/zg-ink atramentum scripto- rum, [3] This is a aeHj. /zaltty jziece of Jze- dantt L if. /Why. caald not this. autkot L (uzha skoois tkat ke do.es not ande^stand Latin,) giae as the tejit in fpnglisk f J3ke jzassage is in _fei L emiak, c/za/z. xxxvi, ne/-se 18 : (i JP LLa L ote tkem aiitk Ink uz a Lo_ok." JHke onlif otkcj L i L cfei L ences in tke Id^iLle to Ink, at L e tke folio/ aing : 2 ffoj-inikians., Ill, 3 : " iut L itte/z not udtk Ink, Lnt tke sfwHt" 2 32 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 4 jfo/zn, xii: " Jp ULQiilcL uuHte ic'lLIl jzafz.er (lilcL Ink." 3 Jpokn, xiii : " Jp had nia/UL tlziizc^s to uirite, Lot JP ullLL not lulffi Ink. 9 ffyekieL, IX, 2: "with, a niriter's ink-lzorn Ljj. /ils. aide." z^old Liquids, and also sillier, /iLir/i/e, red, careen, arid Line in/us, mere eaentuallif nsed in ma/ZLiscri/zts after t/ze floiu L tlz cen- tiLty., — fed and Qcld liaulnc^ Lee/ z em/doz^ed m/zc/z ear/ier. £Ft. Jf'erojne s/zeaks of ric/z decorations, m/zzc/z nztzst Izaue been executed mit/z colored znks; lint, Lefore Izis time, (fjnid alludes not an/if. to. t/ze /inr/i/e charta, made use of for fuze Loo./ns, m/iic/i mere also, tinned mit/z an oil dramn from cedar- mood, to_ jireserae t/zem, lint, also ta titles mritten in ted ink, ai/zzc/z mere t/ze fh L st kind of ilLnminations. SI lie jzassac^e accuses. bz /lis fu L st elegif, " ^fld iLzliHurz:" '-' Nee te purpureo velent vaccinia succo ; Non est conveniens luctibus We color. Nee titulus minio, nee cedro charta notetur . Candida nee nigra cornua f route geras." JD/ze Last line jiTxudn^, as ^aslejj. aLseriz.es, t/zat (!) aid uu L ote a/zo/i a roll. J3fhis. antlzor, not lianinc^ Lee/z kind enonc^lz to. translate (Duld for ns, me are com/zeLLed to do it for Izun. JDIzzs u Lij. an association of distinguished savans, in tuio. aolum.es, im/zerial octano, IParis, i $53, article, encre. J^ut, of all articles and treatises on t/ze subject, ulIzlc/z uie fzane examined, tfiat in t/ze ffiiglislz SPenng ^i^clo/ media lias t/ze merit of containing, if not t/ze Lest and longest account, a nerif. Qood and satisfac- tory one, — Lecause it expresses all t/ze essential facts in t/ze feuiest and Lest-chosen Lecause jfzerfectljj. intellic^iLle uiords. yfs uie do not attemjit to furnish, a text-Look for ink-manufacturers, uie do. not transcriLe in full, or translate, from t/iese and other uiorks of c^reat nalue on t/iis suLfect. JDhat modern inks do not resist t/ze decom/zosing. and destructine JLOULeT of THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 87 c/zenzlcal accents. (uiketfzei L acids, alkalies, saline Ladles. at c eLeinents,) as uiell as t/ze ancient Inks, is t/ze Result af a necesslttj. ejilstuzQ Liz tlzeb L LLei 1 ^ canz/zasltla/z a/zcl inaentian, aizcL eaen ui t/ze use fp/ uifzLcfz t/zeif uiei L e designed, and ta uiklc/z tlzeij. at L e ajzfzHed. ^/L dye (Like niadehz ink) is t/ze Result af c/zenzlcal actlan, aizd Is tlzei L efai L e su.Lj.ect ta c/zenzlcal t L e-a£eizts; jj_et, uilzen uiell irzade, it is jzi L aaf against nzec/zunlcal actlan, sllcIz as masking, HlLLuzq, and sa L ajzuzo^; izoj l can it Le i L emau.ed ffojiz /za/ze/ L ta uifziclz it is a/z/zlled, niit/zaat destt L aij.iiza y t/iat nzate/ c lal, at L rendering, t/iat jzai L t af it /zf c acticallif useless. ^^t, an. t/ze at/zei L Izand, t/ze ancient Inks, ui/zlc/z Resist all c/zenzlcal /z/ c acesses, can. Le i L enzau.ed Llj. nzec/zanlcal actlan, saclz as Izas Leen nanzed. Jjf a neuL Ink uiei L e cam/zaunded af t/ze tuia, /zassesslnQ t/ze Lest /z^a/ze^tles af eaclz, any uiHtlnq. executed uilt/z It cauld Le effaced Llj. t/zej.alnt oj l successuie actiaa af nzeclia- nlcal and c/zenzlcal a/z/zllcatlans. Jft must Le Lohze In mind t/zat t/ze ancient inks Izad ane use foi L ul/llc/z lai^tinq. Ink Is nam. neu_et c / C equil/ L ed; and lliat utas in nzaklnq. Laaks, a/ c multl/zlrf.LiLQ ca/zies af nzanuscH/zts Indefinitely fa/ L general reading, at L publication. J3f/ze Inaentian and uulaez-sal enz/zlaifnzeizt af t/ze ai L t af /zi L lntlnQ lias uJzaltjj- done auiaij. ud/fi that. 88 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. (Df Indelible Inks, aJ- t/zase used fa^ mw^kinQ. faliHcs af cattail, Linen, Sic, fa/ L t/ze identificatian af auine/ L s/zi/z, it is. not necessai L if ta c^ine an/j. jza/ L ticulcu L desc/ L i/z- tian. jDlze'u L a/ c dina/Hf canz/zasitian is. aeity c^ene/ L alljj. unde^staad ta lie a salutian af nitrate af sitae/-, at L same siirzilai L caustic, a/z/zlied uiitlz a fzen af /z/ c afze/ L irzatet L ial, ta a Jzat L tian af t/ze surface af t/ze cLotlz, uifzic/z Jzas lieen /z/ c euiausljj_ /z/^e/za/^ed liif t/ze all- sa/ L /ztzan af a Qunznzij. ai L nzucilac^inaus fluid d/ L ied u/zaiz it undet L /zt L essiu L e. Sympathetic Inks at c e fluids enzjzlaLj.ed in. calat L uzQ d/ L auii/zQS nzade fat L lzai L Lai c anzusenzeizt, a/ L t/ze dinet L sian af children andifaut/z. ^fLs, fa/ L instance, a landsca/ze d/ L auin uz a^dinai^ cala/ L s uiitlz a uii/zi/^ as/zect, claudLf at L sanzlu L e skif, snaui aiz t/ze Qfaund, and Leafless t^ees, if ftfahjefJif tauc/zed uiit/z SLf/rz/zat/zetic inks, mill, at any. tiirze, ui/zen lu L auc^/zt neai L a fi^e, ai L at/zeHaise sulifected ta a certain dec^t L ee af uiai L nztlz, clzanQe ta t/ze Izues af siurznzei L , t/ze skjj. liecanziizQ af a clea/ L lilue, t/ze ti L ees in full failure, and t/ze tu/ L f Pick uiitlz inciting, and ju L intuz^ alike, t/ze $lzinese haae Remained stiff salid and immaaaLle at t/ze fu L st stejz, Ltiit/z t/ze characteristic luzc/zan^ealiilitij. af t/ze Lfe/laui t L aces of fpaste&n ^ftsia, sa a/i/ia- site ta t/ze indefinitely. /z/ L ac(J A essiae and self- imfz^aninQ enetyxj. of the nations lakase jz^ac^enita&s jzi^aceedeci taest fi L am the o/ l l- O^inaL source and centre ofl/ie earth's /za/zu- latian. JH/ze same ink seHies the Chinese Lath fa/ c tw L itin£. and /u-mtinQ, as does the same kind af /za/ze/~. ^7/us ink thejj. inaented aliaut the end of the fust centiu L tj. af the $hi L istian ei L a ; hefaH*. /a kick time 4^ THE HISTORY OF IJTK. theif ui^ate an Laa^ds a/ L LamLaas. ^f£anin^ next jz^aceeded ta the use af silken cloth fat L these /ziu c /zases, the /zi L e/zai L atian af jzafzei L p L om that material natiu L allif fol- laiued. j3f/zeit L ink, Leing. caj L Lanaceous and oleaginous, is, of course, {Like t/zat af tlze fpQLf/ztlans and all tlze. athe/ L ancients,) unfading, and unalterable liif chemical agencies, though ca/zaLle af lieinQ. effaced at L obscured Ltf niatejHj. afz/zllcatlans a^ ex/zasiu L e. jis ta theu L claim af hanuzc^ invented tlze ai L t af jz^intinc^, me s/iall Izaae something ta saif hei L eaftet L . jDhe ^/l^tecs (in jtiex.ica, Lefai L e tlze c-Fjzanislz discone/ c if. and conquest,) exten- SLLieljj. em/ilaifed a /zictut L e-uu L itinQ, as a means af ^ecai^dinQ. eaents, du^ina^ a Jzet L iad not exceeding tuia centiu L ies before t/zat ejzaclz. JDhei^ had tlze cu L t af nzaiULfactiu-- inq. materials as a basis af sack ui^itinQ, p c anz tlze Agave ai L ^/lme/ c ica/i cdae, and p L am cotton, in tlze fahrz of a u.ei L ij_ fuze clat/z. JDIzeij^ also used /zf L eJzat L ed skins far the same /zu^/zase, tlze Lest s/zecimens af ulIzlcIz cu L e /v L anounced ta lie ma/ L e beautiful than the finest Liellum. J±Jhe'u L manuscri/zts mef L e sometimes done u/z in rails a/~ scrolls, and frequently, an tablets, in the form of a faldinc^-screen. JDIzeir inks a/z/zear ta hane been colari/uj matters in uiaterjj. solutions. THE HISTORY OF IjYK. 43 JU/ze oldest SPfzae/zicia/z iizk-m/ L itinQ of mfziclz ctfiLf sjzecinze/z has liee/z /zJ-ese^/ied, dates, iza Late/ L tkcuz tfze seca/zd ce/ztuHf. liefa/ L e $/zj c ist, czizd irzaiLf lie irzaclz aide/-. ^fL fac-si/rziLe of a fza/ L tia/z of it mill lie fazuzd curzcuzQ. olz/ l ilLust/^atia/zs, ejz/zlai/zed liLf /rates. / L efeH L i/zc^ ta eac/z laf. Its /ZLz/7ztie/ L . X^/ L eek /rza/zzisc/ L i/zts in. i/zk. (a/z /za/zjjj c as) , of. tfze t/zu~d ce/ztu/^jj. liefoj L e $lz/ L ist, CL/ L e uz ejizs±e/zce. /life c^Liie sjzecinze/zs of tfze old- est h./zaui/Zf — a/ze m/ L utte/z in. ^c^L^jzt, SvO J^. $., lieuzQ a/z a^de^ f/ L o/rz (3)iasca/ L ides f a/z affzcez-oft/ze^aneHzme/zt of SPtalemif SP/zd- adeljzlzLLS, ta cuza±fze/ L izained ($Ja/ L iatz. SJfze t/ L a/zsLatia/z of tfze ma^ds is " (H) iasca/ L ides ta 0)o/ l lo/z, Q/ l eetuzQ. (Dft/ze Lette/ L to. (S)oj l lo/z tfze ca/z/f is sulifai/zed. " * * * fWe. add atfze/*- s^jzecinze/zSy of tfze sanze a/zd Late/ L /ze/ L iads. (Df j£.a±i/z ui/ L iti/zQ aiitfz i/zk t tfze ecu L liest me ca/z fi/zd is tfze /zaliirz/zsest of ^zce/ L a } s Laak, Sic. Jft is a canfb L nzatian of a /zcu'titian of /v L o/ze/ L t^ Letuieen turn. keii L s. jJJIze man- aQi L ammatic autogj-a/zk of tke /^t L eat JfCcuH \, (in. modern times culled ^ka/ L lemagne,) uie ju-esent also as an olifecl of interest, ft.(3). 800. JDke oldest s/zecimen of utriiiriQ. in /^t~eat \/ L itain m/zick kas Leen /z/ L ese/ L LLed ta tke nineteenth cenfuHj., mas a Look Lelzeaed to lie not late^ tkan tke jj_ea/~ bOO of tke $ki L istian ei L a. ftsfle kas jzi L esei L iLed an en- Qj-aited sjzecimen af it; Lut tke jzi L Lceless original kas since Leen dest/~aifed luf fu L e in tke JB^i L itisk jl/Luseum. Jft mas said to, lie a Look of ftuQustin. ft sjzecimen still m existence, dates lietm.ee/ z tke jj.ea/ c s v bJj. and tjO. Jit is a ckcu-te/- of <~fcLLi } JffinQ af tke tfast <~f axons, and is easily. i L ead: — "Jf } <~feLLi, JKiiiQ," Sic. /life subjoin a few. mot L ds fi-om Ike cantmencemient of a cluu-tei L THE HISTORY OF IJTK. Jf.5 afJltfilliam tke ^anq.LLe^a^, uikase ^eic^n com- menced in /p norland, *fk. (3). iObb: — Will: DEI GRA T1A REX, $b& } SdATIS ME CONCESSISSE u fW J illiam, luf tke qHlcc of /^ad, JfCing Sic. : JfCnaui. t^e tkat Jf kane Ranted — n Isaac U Israeli, in Ills. ^LL^iosities af j£i±ef L a±LU% (naL & , /icicle 180, of tke J^as- to.n edition, ) chines a treatise an tke a (Dhq^jz aftke jl/lateL L ials af fffl*HjJju£". J?£e com- mences it mitk tkese L L emat L kaLle Liia^ds: u Jft is clu^lolls ta okse^ne tke nat lolls sllL- stifutes fo^ /za/zet c LefaL L e its discanetHf." JfojUL, af all " ciLt L iasities of litet-atLL^e," tkLS little sentence is, in nzanLf t L es/zects, tke mast cLLt L iaLLS. JI£e talks af SLLLstitLztes fa^ cl tkinOy not in existence, and not eaen a SLLkj_ect af inzaq^uiatiojz, canfectLL^e, aP can- ce/ztia/z. J3ke name af (Ll) } Jfs^aeLi does not uzdicate an Irish oj-lqul, IillI tke^e is a sh L ojza^ affinitif lietmeen tkis and tkase clu l l- asities of literature cammanltf called (i Jffish. LllLIs. )} ^fts far instance, it Reminds, lls af tke cojLJilet cam/zosed liif an Jfi L isk officer af a q.aH L isan in tke £Fcattisk Jf&q-klands, in commemoration af tke u Qaad ma/^ks" af general Jllfade, mko kad caLLsed excellent tnUItcuHf steads, la. lie made tki^aLLC^k same af tke /zreiiiojLsLj. altnast im/zassaLle moj L asses of tkat region. " Had you seen these roads before they were made, You J d have lifted your hands and blessed General Wade." 46 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. J^aoL, luf. uiatf af camment an D Israeli, uie ullLL sajj. t/zat "it is aeHf. cLU L iaus, n and maf L eaLLet L aeHf strange, if not fadiculaus, t/zat ke and Astle, (f^am uikam fie ca/zies uiit/zaut a full and fab L acknauiledc^ment,) ui/zile "dee/zhj. cam/zlaininQ af t/ze infe- i L iat L itLf- af au^ inks, ta t/zase af ajitiquitu./' /zane utterly, failed ta ascertain t/ie cause a^ eaen ta notice t/ze accasian af it. JJ/zeLf, as uiell as attzei L ui^ifet^s an t/ze subject, aLse^ae t/ze excellence af t/ze ink emfzlajj_ecL in irzanusa L ijzts af eat L lze^ ag^es, damn ta t/ze tuielft/z centuty, and t/ze infe^ia^itif af t/ze ink used p L airz t/zat /ret L iad damn ta t/ze clase at 't/ze seaenteent/z centuty, uiit/zaut turning attentian ta t/ze g^eat lzistai L ical fact t/zat t/ze first paper-mill in $u/ c a/ze uias estab- lished in t/zat sairze tivelfth century. ^fk fzeculiat^ cachexy (a aa^ietif af t/ze disease knauin ta /zsc/zLfa-nasalac^ists as t/ze cacoethes scribendi,) seenzs ta Le /ze^editaty in t/ze 0) } JfsJ-aeLL fanzilif. Benjamin U Israeli, (t/ze san af Jfsaac,) late ^ ) /zancellat L af t/ze {pjcclzeq_uei L ) Sic, La/zen Ize t L ase zn /zis jzlace, as t/ze Jffead a^ Ste/z^esentatiae af Jf£et L jt/Laj_estLj! s Qaae^nnzent in t/ze Jffause af ^ainmans, ta fz^anaunce a eulagjj. an t/ze i c ecentlif. deceased QLuke af /llfelli/iQtan, had. t/ze impudence ta ^ejzeat, uia^d fat L uiat L d, a aeiHf Laid translation af t/ze eloge deliu.e/ L ed luf ^Eamattine a feui L^ea^s /zt L eaiaus, an ac- THE HISTORY OF IJfK. 47 casian of tke deat/z af one af tke third-rate nzarskaLs of J^ajzaLeon I. JUke (H)' JPsraeLL fanziLt^ are eaidentLi^ ° same "of tke ckddren af JfsraeL, ui/zo, (as uie are tald aiz o^aad autkarity.,) uiken tkeif Left fpQLffzt borrowed eueriftkin^. tlzet^. caald get, cuzd neaer, so far as tfie record shams, eitker returned t/ze articles sa attained, or nzade /irajzer acknauiLed^/zzents tkerefor. JSfke ffilzuze.se did manufacture fza^zer from t/ze Lark of tke snzaLL Lranclies of a tree af tke muLlierri^. g^enus, (Morus Multi- caulis?) and also from aid rags, sLLk t fiem/z, and cotton, as eartif as t/ze second centuHj. af tke ^kristian era; and it is su/z/zased tkat from, tkenz tke ^fLraLs defined tlzeir knauiLedc^e af /zafzer- making, an art uikick tkeg. introduced into ^ura/ze in tke fohner kalf of tke tuielft/z cen- turg, uiken tke first /za/zer-iniLL mas jzut in a/zet L atiojz in SF/zain, tken under tke jl/Laartsk dominion; and, in H50, tkis cu L ticLe, as manufactured Luf tkenz, kad Lecanze fanzaus tkrauglzaut ^kristendanz. [/life use tke lizards ^ftrali and jl/Laar in- discrtnzinatekf kere. J3fke fohner is tke nanze of tke race; tke Latter is Limited to tkat jzartiojz found in jYortlzern jtfrica. JDIze Jlaar is t/ze ^fkraL af tke West, (j£L jl/LagreL, fpL /(jl/zarL,) intlze ^ftrakic, denomi- nated Mogrebyn, — a uLard uilziclz in Slanzan 4$ THE HISTORY OF IJTK. and fpuro/zean months, has smo.atked and softened itself into, a fcuhrt su^estine of the aftgln. of Maurus and Mauritania.^ J\fom, uizlkoul earning to a /zositiise con- cluszon an tkzs su/ij-ect, ate feel autkoi L Zj.ed to. [u L onojuLce ui/iat a/z/zeat L s to lie a reason- able o/iuiLOJi, defined p L om all t/ze facts, m/zzck i fie kane Jii&i jzlaced lie fare tke i L eadej L , — t/iat t/ie uztrocluctiorz of ziiiltuzQ- jzaJLei- amanQ ^u/-o/zea/zs } mas. the occasion and cause of t/ze uuiention and Qenei L al em/zlc ufme/zt of modern iiultinQ-znk tiif tkem. JD/ze fact that tke iiegetalile astringents form a deefz oj l lilnisk lilack coIqj l , uifien comtiined uiith a salt of iron, /tad keen known p L om time immemorial. ^fLmonQ t/ze HdHojnans, tlze atramentum sutorium, — " s/zo_emake/~'s ink/' — uias a/z/zlied to a so- lution of sidjzkate of u L on ernfzloLfed liy tlzem, as it is eaen to. this, day, Ly. uwj L ket L s in leatker, to lilacken tke surface of tkat material. JD/zzs it does Lif uniting, c/zemi- calkj. niitk tlze tannin and gallic acid, L/j. iiikick tlze Izide mas connected into leat/ze/-, uikose lilacketzed /zat L ticles ai L e tkerefoi-e essentially, identical niitk nzodehz ink. SJ/ze " co/z/ze/ c as-uialef L " is to lie found in ene/if skoemake^s skofz, uike^e it is used to color t/ze cut edq.es of tlze keels and tlze /-est of tlze soles. THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 49 ^fls soon as tke difficulty of mHtlncf uiltfz caniienlence and t L ajzldltif. an fzafzet L , mltk tke ancient cat L lianaceous Ink, liecanze manifest, tke ^esoH: ta tke atr amentum suto- rium as a sulistitute fat*- tke atramentum scriptorium, mas a matted af course, and mas Lut a simjzle ada/ztatlan af a familial sub- stance ta a nem fzut L fzase, ^eq.ulHncf. nacft^eat IncfenLutLf., and na Innentlan mkateneH £fta^ a tine, fze^kajzs th.Hm.Qh a fzefaad af Senegal centuries, a mixture af. tke turn hands af Ink mas em.fzlaLf.ed laf. tke ata- mans; and tkls mas undaulitedlif tke Lest cain/zasltlan tkat mas ene^ Inaented fa^ tke fzu^/zase af dellke^ate, careful, elegant mfatlncf, designed and ^eq.ub L ed ta lie fzet c - manent and unckanq.ealiLe undet L constant ex.jzasu^e and kandllncf, — as In tke case af manuscHfzt Looks Lefa^e tke aH: af /zHntlncf. mas known. fpiien as ea^lif. as tke fh L st centuHf af tke $ki L lstlan ei L a, In tke tlnze af SPllntf tke /IfounQe^ and fzi L aLaLLf long Lefa^e tkat, a salutlaiz af sul/z/zate af u L an mas camnzanlif. a& f^ecf.uentLij. added ta tke ca^Lanaceaus and oleaginous rnuitu^e mklck me kaae described as tke original melting- Ink. Jfn skoi L t, tke atramentum sutorium mas added, In moderate cfuantlfij., ta tke atramentum scriptorium, tkus constituting. It a chemical as melL as a mechanical Ink. <~fo, madefrz Ink /naif lie l/n/zi^a/ied m Llack- 50 9THE HISTORY OF 1JTK ness, cLiftriiiLiLif and lieantif, and tendered luzckanQealile in. cala^ tuzde^ tke action af tke cklat L ides } acids. , &.c, liLf tke inteHnijt- tiu L e of a small cfitantitij. af. tke ll&Hj. finest cai L l±an, in tke fahrt af an im/tal/zalile /zaui- de/\ ^-id, tke^eat difficulty, is — tkat tke caption clo^s tke Jzen, and fenders tke ink * taa tkick ta flaia easily., sa tkat it can nenet- lie ased fa^ ^a/zid a^ a^dina/Hf un L itinq r . /life can not yine, in an/- auin uia^ds, a Letted accaant af tkis matted tkan me find in tke language af a uety. Learned autkat L in tke ^dinliu/tyk S3tenieuL, (jialume Jj.8> } @)ec. i$2$). J3fke cuticle ket L e cited is entitled " The Recovery of Lost Writings," and is nominally. a^eaieuL af ^Gah Institutionum Comment arii: [2] Institutes de Gaius, re- cemment decouvertes dans un palimpseste DE LA BlBLIOTHEQUE DE ChAPITRE DE VeRONE. [3] JURISC0NSULTI AnTE-JuSTINIANEI RELIQUIAE ineditae, ex codice rescripto Bibliothecae Vati- canae, car ante Angelo Maw, Bibliothecae ejusdem Praefecti. SJke article Lectins on fiacre SJ^8 y of tkis nalu/ne of tke &_euieui. /life equate f^am jiac^e Sbb ; — u J3ke ink uikick tke ancients c^ene/ c alkf used, mas comjwsed of lanz/z-Llack ini^ied tuitk Qiun, as uie at L e informed liij. (LL Lakcai L ides and atket L s, uika c^iae tke ^eceijit [/~eci/Le?~\ fa/ L making it. Jfnla af tkis kind matf. lie THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 51 called ca^lianic : zt /zassesses tke advantages of extreme lilackness and dui L aliilitij., tke m/^itincf. ^emammQ. p L esk sa long as tke suli- stance an m/zick it ls LaHtte.iL exists ; liut as it daes not si/zk znta tke. ^zafze^, it is Halite ta tke Q^eat uzconaenience af lieing. easilij. and eirtiz-eliij. t-emoLied; fa^, if a met s/zange lie a/r/zlied ta it, tke m^itinc^ maLf lie masked auiaif, and no traces af tke ckaz-acte^s aiilt Remain. J3ke facility aiitk uikick docu- ments irzigkt lie tkus alilite^ated, g^ane occa- sion ta fraud, as an ajHbfuL foJ-c^ey- mas alile ta ^emane suck jzoj^tions af tke a^io^inal ui^itin<£ as ke mic^kt desire ta get Hd af and tkus jz^ofit Ll^ tke alisence af material ma/^ds, at L insert in tke lilanks uikick ke kad made, suck inte^/zalatians as migkt se^ne kis tuHZo jl/Lang common accidents, liif uikick Looks and meltings uiet L e ex/zased ta met, at*- enen ta damjz, me^e also fatal, cj L at Least kzgklij. inj-Uit-iaus, ta camfzasztians cuzd muniments af c^-eaf nalue. flf avians expe- dients met L e tke^efai L e attemjzted ta ^enzedjj. an imfzei L fectian f^am. uikick mantf nzust kane suffered seuePelif. Pliny informs us tkat it mas usual, i/z kis time, ta mix. ui/ze- qu/ 1 - mitk tke ink, ta make it strike into the paper or parchment, and t/zat it, i/z same decree, a/zsmei-ed tlze /zu/ L /zase. Jft s/iauld seem t/zat Liit/ L ialic ink, suck as me use at jz/ L esent, mas also ado/zted soon afte/ L ma/ L ds, THE HISTORY OF IJTK lll/zlc/l /zassesses, in /zet L fectLan, t/ie quality, l/iat mas desired of sinking instantly, into, t/ie fta/iet 6 ', so. as ta make it pu L moi L e diffi- cult to disc/zat L qe it uiitkout destf L oLf.in^. the texture on udziclz it is u±t c itten, and of LeinQ. /zei c fectljj_ secure against aiate/ c } Lif uitiick Jfndian and ot/ze^ caJiwnLc. Jfnks cu L e s sa easily, effaced. It is not, Aauieue/ 1 , equally SECURE AGAINST THE EFFECTS OF TIME; foi L vitriolic ink gradually, fades auiatf, Lecomes jzale^ Liy de£i L ees, tu/^ns Lt L auin and tyelloui, and is scarcely. leyiLle; and sometimes, as tlze /zai L c/zment Q^auisiyelloui and L^ollliz uiit/z aq^e, it disa/z/zea^s altogether, ^fk conz- jzoand kind of ink canze next into use, uilzicli united tfze advantages and avoided t/ie de- fects of tlze tnia sim/zle sorts. <~Puc/z a mixed ink mas generally, used far several centiu L ies; and aiit/z tfzis, the nzanusa L ijzts t/zat are noui most f L eslz and leyiLle a/z/zecu L ta Izane Leen uiritten. Jft is evident t/zat tlze ink lvlLIi Li±/zictz tfze original marks contained in tlze IPatim/zsest nzanuscri/zts t/zat have keen decifzlzered mere uiritten, mas at Least i/i /zat L t vitriolic: for tlze Letters ailiic/z Izad Leen HtLLed out were rendered legible by the application of the infusion of galls JP/z order to remove tlze original uu L itinc$ } tlze /iardi- ments on m/zic/z tlze mixed ink had Leen used mere, jzroLaLly, first masked to take off tlze carLon, and t/zus /tartially to efface THE HISTORY OF IJfK. 53 t/ze c/za^acte^s, and uie^e afte^uia^ds sci L a/zed at*- ^uLLed uiit/z fzumice } a& same at/ze^ suit- able substance, ta camjztete t/ze fz^acess of destruction, bif taking, auiaif. mec/za- nicalljj. t/ze catat L t/zat t/ze niti L iatic fzai L - tia/z af t/ze ink still jz^ese^ned. -ft is liut taa /z^abalite t/zat manLf manusc^i/zts, t/ze ctza^acte^s af uilzic/z uie^e enti^eLf fahrzed af t/ze irza^e ancient carbonic inh y /zaae been eiztu L ehj_ dest/ c atfed, t/ze tetters /zau-UZQ been luas/zed off camfzletettf, and bif t/ze same sim/zte means as t/ze waiting, af a sc/zaal-baif. an a slate; uJzilst t/ze jzai L c/z- ment still Remains Liz au/ L tibi L ai L ies, aizd is. caae^ed uiit/z trza^e irzadehz canz/zasltians ui/zic/z /zaae saci L ilegiauslif and taa success- fully usu^jzed t/ze jzLace af mai L e ancient aizd nza^e aatuabte mattei L . J3lze tirades, af $^11 ah af ^fe^ame, ai L t/ze tauzd^if elo- quence af ^lzi c jj.sastam, ai L e fze^/za/zs fi^mLf establis/zed in. q.uaHie^s from ui/zeizce \?~\ t/ze jl/Latyites of Jf^anze^, a/ c t/ze cairzedies af jKenande^, ui.ei L e miserably, dislodged. " ^fL irzaiZLLSc^ijzt is caL/ed SPatim/zsest, f^airz t/ze aclfectitie iraXifX-^aitfVos ai L iroLki^^rog, signifying tuiice Htbbed; not as t/ze glass- aHf af(S)u/$ange (membrana iterum abrasa — charta deletilis) mould seem ta denote, lie- cause t/ze /zai L c/zment Izad tmice undei^gane abi^asu^e, oj c t/ze uu L iting been tmice ablitei L - atcd, but because it Izad Leen it idee /zi^e/za^ed 54 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. fai L malting, m/zick mas. fz^inci/zallg effected kg. Hikking if mit/z jzunzice, fif L st in the course af manufacture, aftei L t/ie original skin Izad keen. au L ed, and again kg t/ie same /z^acess, after tlze original ui/iting iiad keen, taken amag kg masking, ai~ i/i ang atke/ L manned. jDke strict and jzi L ecise sense af SPalimfzsest is tket L efat L e { tmice /zre/zared fa/ L uu L itingf tfze re/zetition af suck /z/ A e/zaratian keing tlze Jzrenailing idea in tlze etgmalagg, and not erasure, as sanze Izaae eh L aneauslg sufzfzased. Jft is said to. ke easg ta renzaae p L am modern ^zarcknzent, es/zeciallg if mkat is mritten ke af sanze standing, all traces af inciting, kg Htkking zt rn.it k fzumice, at L similar sukstances; and if tlze surface ke aftet L mards jzalisked, na one, kg merely, looking an it, mdl eaer su/z- fzase t/zat it Izad ener keen uuHften. u/zan; kut, if it ke mashed kg an infusion of galls, tlze Letters mill ke sa far restored, Jzarticu- larlg if it ke suffered ta remai/z same time uz tlze light 9 t/zat it may. ke ca/zied kg. a /zatient and /zracticed /zerso/i, mka is gifted mzt/z gaad eges: — sa deejzlg. Izad tlze iron entered into tlze soul af tlze jzarcktrzent ! Jff tlze erased letters mere mritten in a kald large kand, tlze task af decifzlzerLzg tkenz mill af caurse ke less trauklesonze, and tlze Results mare sure, ^fknd suck are tke clzar- acters of tlze nzoi L e ancient manuscrLJzts ; THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 55 fai L , tlze alde^ t/ze irzannsa L ijzt, tlze Letter cuzd nzai L e Lea^iLiLe is tke uifatiizQ, as a/z- /v c aaclzinQ incuse. /zeai c ltf ta tlze. a^es af ciailitif cuzd i L efineinent. JDIze nzetkad af uu L itiizQ Liz aid tim.es. is alsa faaai L aLLe, it is said, ta tlze i L esta^atian af uia/ L ks a/z/za^- enttij. alitite^ated. JHIze sci L ilie did nat use a flaming, ink, izai L a finely fiainted jzen, as nzadehz m^ite/^s ai L e mant; na^ mas a small q_u_aiztiti£. afi^tied sa ligJztlif aizd s/za^inghf as ta dt L Lf. ahrzast as fast as it taack.es tlze /za/zef L . JDIze ancient ink. mas thick unt/z gain, and mas su/z/zlied ca/ziaasl/j. Lg a jzen mit/z a L^aad jzaint, usually made of a i A eed; a/zd tlze dza^acte^s me^e painted i^atfie^ tkaiz mi L itten, tlze ink ^at/ze^ ^esemLling jzaiizt oj l naHzislz tlzaiz aiu L thin tiq_uai L . jfls t/zeif i L a/ A elif uu L ate in Laaks, it mas nat necessaftf tliat tlze /zage slzaald d/ L Lf s/ieedihf, oj l Le di c ied laf. means af saizd a/zd Llattuza^jzajze^, i/z a^de^ ta ji^eaent tlze Lass af tune, and tliat t/ze fzeninaiz might tahz aire^ tlze leaf immediately. ; tlze laase s/zeets a/ A leaves, an t/ze cant/^aHf, mlzich me^e anlif ta lie liaund lljz mhen tlze nilzaLe mas cam.jzteted, mei^e left ta di L g slauittf, sa tliat tlie jzaaLs af ink mlzich faHned tlze Letters, staad tang, an t/ze surface af t/ie jiai^chment ; and t Izat jzai L t af tlze fluid mlzich u±as af a /ieneti L ating. natui L e mas gi L adiiattg aLsai L Led, and sunk deejzig inta tlze suLstance af tlie skin, sa as 56 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. ta /v L es.ej L LLe ta us — if me lie nat mantinQ ta au/ L selnes in diligence — man/j. fz/~eciaus Re- lics, af ancient La/ L e. JDke i L esta/ L atian af tke aHQuiaL uiHtiriQ. in a /zalim/zsest nzcuui- sc/ L i/zt ulLLL lie Lest ex/zlained luf Pefe^Hag ta ane af tke man/j. kinds af sjj.m/zat/zetic uzk, mkzck is in tiHttlz, making common ink ex post facto, a/ L uniting, t/ze ingredients af mkic/z it is. camjzased, after tke fact af mritzng. Jff me incite mitk mate/ L i/z mkick cafz/ze/^as kas Lee/z dissalaed, tke Letters, uiitl lie bzaisiLle; Lut mken tke /za/zer kas Lee/z masked a/ie/ L mitk an infusian af galls, tkeg. mill afz/zea/ L gradually., a/zd miLL i/z time Lecame tale/ L aLlg LegiLle; tke ink. Leing tkus farmed u/za/z tke fzafzer, altkaugk muck Less fzerfectLg, tka/z i/z tke a/ L dincu L g mace/ L a- tia/z." ^tittle ar natking ca/z lie added ta tke full and elaLa/ L ate kista/ L g af ancient and made/Hz inks uikick is cantained i/z t/zis extract, — sa tlza/ L augk and ca/n/zlete in its analysis af tke suLfect, a/zd sa cleat 1 in its distinct statements af tke Results af in/ies- tigatians in mkick same af tke mast acute minds af tpu/ L a/ze ka/ie lang keen success- fully, emjzlaged, tkat me mill nat linger u/za/z it mitk mere aerLaL criticism. /life ca/z nat /zresent a mare striking zLlustratian af tke ckange in tke cam/zasi- tian af inks aLaut tke time af tke inaentian THE HISTORY OF IjYK. 57 af tke art af /u L uztuiQ, tkaiz is ftuHzisked liif tke aizizex.ed facsimile af a fzac^e in tke Biblia Pauperum, (" J$.iLLe fat L /zaai c folks," ) tke aLclest /z/ c iizted liaak Liz tke iacu L LcL SI Ills ex.tt L aaf L cluzcLt L Lf liaak is af Uncertain date. ( Jfa juHnted liaak kas a date /zz-ia/- ta Y4^7-J J3kei L e a/ L e, as uie LeLiene, aizlif tuia cajzies af it iiz yZirze/'ica, a/ze in tke /zassessia/z af James Lenox, of J s fem-fl£oj L k ) — tke atkei L iiz tke Astor Library. J3ke maket L af t/zis liaak uias tke luzcoiz- sciaas Lzneiztai L af tke a/ L t of /zz-aztuiq. JWaod-etzQi-aiiiizQ mas in use foi~ aq.es liefai L e it accused ta tke mind af nzaiz tkat a Letter irzig^kt lie as easilif /-e/zz-adaced iiz tkat uiatj. as a /zictui L e a/ L ficfjufe. JDa coiz- LLetj. scf L i/ztiu L al kistat L if ta tke irzbzds af tke cairzirzaiz /zea/zle, tke uiaad-eizq.i L anei L s( /ukase a/ L t luas inne/zted ta /rzidti/zkf a/zd ckca/zeiz tke /zj-aductia/z af playing- cards) nzade Izt- tle /zictiu L es ^e/v-eseiztirzc^ sceizes desa~zlied, a/zd eaeizts iiaj L i L ated f iiz tke Jffilde. ^J'oi- tke lietzefit of tke fern uJza could i L ead, it uias custama/u. ta uirite o/z tke ma/gin, o/~ at tke foot, af tke fume ojz itikick tke mood- citt uias fiHnted) a fail ULO/ds, drsa-i/zli/ie of tke salifect oj l akj.act delineated. JDIzls uias aluiaij-S daize uiitk a jzeu, luf a i-rq/dai- sci L iLe } until) a/ze daij, it acau-rea L ta the /uaad-e/iQ/ L atie/ L eirzfi do/jed ojl the Biblia Pau- perum, that these ujuouhLs might Ue as easily. 53 THE HISTORY OF IJTK. engrailed as the figures, to. mhich they. referred, and af mhich thejj. uiefie the ejtjzLa- nation. Jf£e jzut that idea uz /zractice : and in an Instant the suLlinze art of printing mas an " accam/zlished fact." JHIze. adaocates af tlze claims af JfCaster, z^ansefleisch, (oj l /^utenLerQ,) 2f?aust (or 2f?ust,) and ^Fchaeffer, ta t/zis indention, hane masted muck lakor in bringing, forth conflicting testimony about tfzenz. JDIze long-forgotten and nam mlzallg luzk-namn maad-engraiier af the Biblia Pauperum fzad jzreceded them Inf. IzaLf af a generation. Sfuch liaaks mere in existence before ^fL (&). iJj.£0 ; and tlze earliest date m/zic/z tlze Jf&Larlaem ([Dutchmen set u/z far tlze first jzrinting af their fellam-tamnsnzan, J£ezm- rence JfCaster, is i J±£8'. ^fknd his. jzreten- sians are after all nerg dubious. Jfndeed theg hane Leen generallg candenzned as utterlg fabulous bg bibliogra/zhical critics and tgfzagra/zhical historians. /life introduce it here ta sham the color and the (therebg indicated) canz/zasitian of the ink emfzlaged. Jft mas writing-ink. Jft contained siil/zhate of iron (ca/z/zeras), in canzliinatian mit/z vegetable astringent matter, and mith nerg little carbon. JDhe aegetable substance, imjzerfectlg united ta the mineral ingredient, has (in obedience to the Lams af organic matter) Leen decoin- THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 5 jzased arid " r^esalned into, its original ele- ments." Jft kas disa/z/zear^ed ; Lut the iron Remains Lu.it k its Lfellam stain, an imjzeHskaLLe memorial af tkat kumLle, nameless mai L kman, ma^e enduring, tkan tkat mkick tke /zlaintine man af flL%. de- seed; fat*- if tfiase mar^ds liad keen u gr^anen mitk an iron pen and lead in trie r^ack for- ever," tkat antici/zated eternity nziglzt kaae faded af realisation luf tke action af tke i L ain, tke fr^ast, tke dust, and inmuner^aLLe imaginakle atmasjzke^ic nicissztudes, a^, (mkat is lactase, J a tke m^atk af man." — SPame ^amlofses might kane demalisked tke t L ack itself and left no mat L e of tke mscr^i/ztian tkan can nam Le f^ead af tkase once canned an tke cliffs af Ipdam, tke /^ad- cheated malls af SPeti^a in tke nalley af Eh Ghor. JDkis jzaLe ^ustif word-stamping an tke fragile and easily, camliustilile /za/zer^-, Izas aiztlasted tke inscr^i/itians once nisilile in gigantic ckaJ-acter^s an tke faur^ sides af tke jl/temjzkitic /zgmmids; and it is only, an incidental Result of tke intelligence diffused and tke learning fzi L anzated Lllj. tke inaentian tkns liegmz, tkat me can nam t L ead tke lang- IznHed ^ecar^ds af J^inenek, tke ejzitajiks af tke JDkeLaic kings, and tke goatlings an tke /z/ c eci/zitaus fronts af tke maiuztains mkick siu L i u aiind tke i l liuzs af S?e/ L se/zalis. 60 THE HISTORY OF IJTK ^fLLL uirlters u/zan tills. su.Lj.ect kane strangely. oaerlaoked tke fact that tke art of zm/zressuzy or jzrlntlny letters uiltk a metal- lic stamfz or ty/ze an fzarckment, as a sub- stitute far fzen-uiark, Is aliaul a tkausand /years alder t/zan tke jzerlad aLoae s/zeclfled as tke date af tke Inaentlan af tlze modern art af fiAntinQ. JfJke Codex Argenteus, (tke oldest translation, of tke entl/ L e J$_lLle into any fpura/zean language, ) Is a famous Look, In tlze JElLrary af tke fllnlnerslty. af fllfzsala In SPuieden. (JUfe ylne tlze jzartlcuLars af Its klstory. In our ^ftjzjzendlxL.) JHIzls " antique }} Is on /zur/zle vellum, (uiklck Is fzarckment made of calf-skin,) and all tke letters are sil ver, (uikence tke name f^odeja ylryenteus, tke " sllner Loak/ ; j manifestly. Impressed an tlze /zaye Ly a metallic stam/z at*- ty/ze, eack letted evi- dently. Leuzy an a sefzarate stack or kandle, and a/z/zlted Ly. manual jzi L essLU L e. JWe ylne a s/zeclmen af tkls stifle af uLork. Jft may. Le called jzrlntlny, Lut can not Le denominated manuscript, for tkat Is ( liter- ally.) " kand-uirltlny," uiklck tkls certainly Is not. Jfn au^ ^fl/z/zendlx. may. Le found stdl earlier Instances of tkls art as jzractlced Ly tke ancient OSiamans on a small scale, ui signatures, trade- marks, Sic. THE HISTORY OF IJTK. 61 Jlfke ^dlfikuf^k M.enieuL t^efe^s. ta SPlinjj. and 0) iascafades, as fuhziskinq. di^ectians fat*- tke manufacture af ink. SJke fpdin.- Luutyk 3leaieui.e^ saifs ° MzeifiiM," — not f-e.- ca^ni^ing^ tke Lu L aad distinctian Letmeen a receipt and a recipe. JHke fa^me^ af tkese tuia ulqjh£&. mas a^iginalltj. Intended ta can- neiftfie idea tkat tke fre^&an uika signs, tke fza/zet L has. got so_metking : tke Lotted matd, at*- Its. ^e/z^esentatine initial (3) ineans. si/ioscoridis Jlnazarbei (X)e JVLateria JVLedica. [TRANSLATION.] \^£Jlze\ "Ink mitk m/ziclz me incite, is camfzased af tlze soot af ta^ckes, collected. " J3a eac/z ounce af qlwz, add tki L ee af saot. " Jft is al&a mcude af t/ze soot af t L esin and af t/iat lately, called i jzauztefis! lilack/ (Df this, soot, homeae^, — take ane mina, — of qiliiz, half a jzaiind, — af ax.-a r lue a/zd af ca/z/ze^as, eac/z, half cuz aunce. "Jft is cz c^aad a/z/zlicatia/z i/z cases af QaizQ^etze, and is useful i/z scalds, if a little thickened arid ein/zloifed as a saline, and jze^nzitted la i L enzain until a nem cuticle is farmed, mlzeiz it mill s/zantaneauskf fall off p-anz tlze /zeaLed sat L e. " ^fknd nam, mif ne/Hj. deat L yli-eus, in due /zfafzartian to t/ze mat L k mlziclz nie liad un- dertaken, and tlze cfuanlity. af tlze materials and cantrtLutians mkick me could a kick ta ane manst^aus alisu^ditg mkick kas /z^enailed amang. tke learned, (< falselg sa-called/ ; — f^am tke tune mken tke Je- suits ^etuhied p L am $kina mit/z tkei^ 44 ed.ifij.ing. and cuficuuB." tales, aliaut tke Izuge anticfuitg. af all tke arts and same af tke sciences af. ciiiili^afian amang. tke jzea- jzle af. mkat tkeg called tke " $elestiaL fpmjzu L e" — a tei L m mkallg anknamn ta tke $kinese, in ang fahiz at L aaHatian af ejz- /zi L essian. JDke simfzle facts at L e tkat — tke $lzinese defined tkei^ knamledge af Ink (af matting uiitk a caloj L ed liquid) f^atn ^uJ-afze. <~Pa did tkeg alitain tkei^ knamledge af tke art af fz^inting, caJ-rted ta tkenz Lig Afenetian tt L a- nele^Sj " anertand" j^ast at tke mament Lefa^e tke cLumsg. en^aaed maad-Llacks me^e snjze^seded lig tke nzaaeaLle tg/zes af z^ansefleisck at*- /^.utenLe^g. <~Pa mas it uiitk tke jl/LaHne^s ^amfzass, tke manu- facture af g-nn/zauider, and all tkeit L liaasted " inue/ztians" — amang mkick mag lie in- cluded tkeu L calculatian af ecli/zses liack- mat L d tk^augk faLulaus cgcles af centuries, and tke moj L als of $anfucias ai L JfCang-faa- 72 THE HISTORY OF IJTK tsee, a tni^tLhLcaL jLe^sana^e unmentioned in the /u&faAy. af $hi/ia until the contents of the Jfeuu. Testament Liad Leen made kiLauuL tlzei L e, — and that — many, ac^es aftei L the date of /lis. su/z/zased Life and death.. J^Lit fa/ c thei/- de^iaatian ajul a/z/z/ L a/z^i- atian at*- theft of the Qfeat cu L ts p^om the fUfest, the $lzinese and alt (!) Cental nations., fhonz the fpujzh^ates to the ^Pacific, incLud- uiq the _fa/zanese, mould haae Remained to this daif in the condition in m/zich the jl/LeDdLcans and SPe^imians uiei-e found Llj. the <~P/zanish and JftaLLan i-ahhe^s mho fi^st ejz/zLat L ed the /Western Jf^emis/zhe^e, and nztu L de^ed its inhabitants fo^ theij- Land, and the fruits and the QaLd and sLLne^ of that Land. fWhateLLeJ- arts the Chinese at*- Jfajzcuzese ai L _fesuits maj£ hane inaentedo^ fif-ese^LLeci, the aH: af telling the truth is evidently. , to all af them, one af "the lost arts/ 9 — Lost i^etHeiLaLLi^ and fo^ene^/ ^^•^L, <** *f ^A^^^S) y*Z^4>^y> e^/i^^^^' J Snyder, B/acXd Scum, S2 mm a n Sc. DESCRIPTION OE THE PLATES. JVo. l.—fi fac simile of the oldest Hieratic, -writing extant — about the 15th century ij. G. (The haivh (the emblem of (Divinity) and the man stand on something that u teters" — the circle between them (a serpent biting its own tail) is the ancient symbol of eternity. Dhe (Deity overbalances the man. Jho. J2 — From a Greek JVbB. buried at Fberculaneum in the year 29 g.G. Jho. 3. — Written on papyrus in Egypt ; in the 3d century Fj. G. J\fo. Jf.— Written on papyrus 260 years Fj. G. Jho. 5. — Specimen of a (Palimpsest copy of Cicero's u I^epublio" in the Vatican Library. Jpo. 6. — (Phoenician writing on papyrus. JTo. 7 . — From a (Pentateuch in the F>ib e - JSFat e - (Paris , fi. (D. 450. Jho. 8 : . — From a Qreelc Copy of the Ijcok of Genesis, written in gold on purple vellum } fi. (D. J/.0 . Jho. 9. — From a JVLS. on papyrus written in Egypt 3d century Ij.C. Jpo. 10. — From a Charter of Childebert III. fi. (D. 703. flo. 11. — From a Charter of Charlemagne ; about fi. (D. 785. JVo- 1£2. — From a Charter of the Emperor Conrad I. fi. (D. 988. (T> (DESCIil'JPTIOJl OF <±HE (PLjlTES. JTo. 18. — Specimen of " F(_oman Saxon/ 7 fi. (D. 600. JTo. 1J/-. — From a Charter of (Dagobert I. about fx Q. 620. JTo. 15. — From an early Gaelic J\I8. JTo. 16. — From a (Deed of William the Conqueror. JTo 17 . — (The monogram signature to a Charter of Charlemagne, about fi.(D. 785. JTo. l£f. — From a Charter of the reign of Hugh Capet , fi. (I). 9$g. JTo. 19, — From a (peed of Henry I. JTo. 20. — From a (Deed of Stephen, dated fi. (D. 1139 JTo. 21. — From a (Deed of the reign of Richard I. JTo. 22. — From a JUS. of Wycklijfe's translation of the Fjible. Jpo. 28.— c - Set Saxon," jl. (p. $50. " Qui sub Pontio Pilato crucifixus est, et sepultas, tertia die resurrexit." JTo. 2Jf. — From a Charter of Sebbi, King of the East Saxons, fi. (p. 6 6 4, " Ego Sebbi Rex East Sax (onum) pro — confirmations Subscripsi." JPo 25. — (Part of a Charter of ji.fr ed the Great, fi. (D. 800. JTo. 26 — From a Charter of Edward the Confessor, jfl. (i> 104S. JTo. 27. — From a ((Deed of the reign of Edward I. JTo. 28 . — From a (Deed of William the Conqueror. JTo. 29. — From a (Deed of the reign of Edward III. Edwardus Dei gratia Rex Anglias Dominus Hibernice, Dux Aquitanice, fyc. Jp , 3 0.— From the Will of William Jdibelfeld, JTov. 7, 1489. JTo. 81. — From a (Deed of the reign of Eolward IV. JTo. 82. — From a Grant by William Wallace. JTo 83. — From a QJeed of IJJchard III. QESCLiLFTIOJI OF THE (PLJ1TES. 3 JIo. 3 It-. — From a (Deed of the reign of John. JIo. 85. — -f^utograph of Lord JUacaidey. _yy . 36. — From a ((Deed of Henry VII. JIo. 87. — From an English translation of the works of Chauliac, fi. 0. 140 0. JJo gg m — From a (Deed of Henry VIII JIo. 89. — From a JVLS. in the rounded hand of Italy, 15th century. JIo. Jf.0 . — Letter from Columbus to the Viceroy of Castile, 15th Century. JIo. J/-1- — Letter of Jinn e of IJrittany, 1514- JIo. 4-Q. — Signature of u IJayard," the Chevalier. JIo. Ij-3. — Letter from Charles V. to Francis I. JIo. 4-4- — Letter from Calvin, 1559. JIo. 4-5. — Letter of the Earl of Essex, 1567 . JIo. 4&- — Letter of Copernicus, 1473. JJo. 47. — William H. (Prescott. JIo. 4^ ■ — Letter of Charles the XII of Sweden. Jfo. 49. — Rosseazb, 1757. Jfo. 50. — Letter of Erasmus, 1476. JIo. 51. — Letter of Queen Elizabeth to Henry IV of France. JIo. 52.— Christina of Sweden, 1626. JIo. 58. — Charles I. to his sister. JIo. 54-— Oliver Cromwell, 1643. JIo. 55. — (Dulce of JVIarlhorough, Jzcne, 170 6. JIo. 56. — Fhe Empress Catherine II. of Russia, July, 1773. JSTo. 57. — Washington, 6th Sept. 17 '& 'g. Jfo. 5$.— Louis XVI, June 8 0, 1773. JIo. 59. — Robespierre. JIo. 60. — -Jlopoleon to Soult. 4 QESCIilTTIOJT OF THE ~ES. JTo. 61. — Wellington, June 19, 18 '15. Jfo. 62. — Lord gyron } JTov. 4, 1&21. JTo. 63. — Voltaire, July 29 , 1707. JTo, 64. — Edmund J^urlze. JTo t 65. — William (Pitt, JVLarch 27, 1808. JTo. 66. — Wellington, fijpril 21, 1&84- The colored engraving is an illustration of the picture writing of the JVLexicans, from Lord; Kings- borough's great work. The blue border represents a series of years, distinguished by the dots. The com- partment with five dots representing the fifth year of the reign, that with ten the tenth, and, so on. The pictures of the acts of the Prince being con- nected with each special year by means of a connect- ing line. The additional symbols have different significations — that of the flower signifying a cal- amitous year, Cfc. In this plate King fleam apich is represented^ in the first and sixth year of his reign; at the top of the page are warlike instruments , sig- nifying his preparation for war ; the figures below, on the right, are the four cities — Quahnahuac, JVLezquic, Guitlhuac and Xochimilco — represented; by descriptive symbols. The four heads on the left are those of the respective kings or chiefs of these cities, beheaded by ficamapich, each distinguished by the icons graphic symbol by which his name was expressed in this system of writing. * These picture records, which would have illustrated the unknown history of this continent, were destroyed in " mountain heaps'' by the first Spanish arch- bishop of Mexico — an act of fanatical vandalism equalled only by the burning of the Alexandrian Library, and the vast hoard of Moorish literature at Granada by Ximenes. PI. 1 mm*' /r \ r f <: : m X PW* Ci (km t t £ />o qpffggpr /ixm| too v*, * 3 1 SnyderJilack &J5tum 32WUZiOP?SL PI. 3. 1-jWMKT *^' 'SnyderBIack &Savn S2 K- eUiam ST P1.4 17 r K Ct*fll©e r^ntfoof i\m 3S KityGtfffauS $« $£* S^ j^ty*"*)^ .». fecun4uatcm woclo celvpermultra u r i )Mv**f*Cw- \aa*tM IVI I H (Ghimstlnk/ Qutfondzaleet :_MAK SHUT Hi/tdostoJi :^J ° KALI ^^^Z:_^|^ KALI Shit^/alese :_ej § Burmese/ \Jf^> MaZ/iyhim :_aca>1 Maratha :_5TI^ Persia\-^\^ SI YAH I Stnic .'-"agr Thrkey^j* murekkeb Jrmenia : _V ^ •« '* SnyderBU !cT5tw~r ~ ".< _-.-->0 ¥ iff ©f the WOTB HHl IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES Nllfc VIET Thibet \J^\& Anamitic Malays* DAWAT Japan\-K "I «y&m:_MANULYSAN Egyptian :_ X^Rott Coptic :_ X4>HO«I»T AmJwric :_ «fcMP» Algerian- J£» SIMEKH Jeihiopic :Jt\<* >i t Arabic -J*^* HBR,HIBR,HIBAR, German,:-. %*^* (7^^/WSSSrj lHK Spanish :__TINTA Portugese :__ Tl NTA Italian— INCHIOSTRO Piedmontese, :_ INCIOSTR- p . O [Lettish- BLAKKA flZlSSl/Ut :_ J iicpHM^ia j^,^^ Tl NTA /*?&>/? :_INKAUST fmm