•'* «-*"■■ Vr I if » (f -' ry ie— JWaryAnn j$ euiedi rDecoratii^cArt STEALING AND FRANC1NE CLA1UC ART INSTITUTE L1BRART pr& h ANEW FAMILY ENCYCLOPEDIA; OR COMPENDIUM OF UNIVERSAL. KNOWLEDGE : COMPREHENDING A PLAIN AND PRACTICAL VIEW OF THOSE SUBJECTS MOST INTERESTING TO PERSONS, IN THE ORDINARY PROFESSIONS OF LIFE. JtllustrateTi to numerous Snsrabutfls. SECOND IMPROVED EDITION. EDITED;^ BY CHARLES A. GOODRICH. PHILADELPHIA 1831. AGS Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1831, by Charles A. Goodrich, in the Clerk's office of the District Court of Connecticut. Part First contains 240 page*. Part Second contain* - 228 page* Whole number of pages, - - - - 468 PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. The First Edition of the following work, having met with a more flattering reception among its Patrons, than the most sanguine hopes of the Editor allowed him to anticipate, he has been encouraged to attempt several improvements in this edition. In making these improvements, the Editor has endeavored to ren- der the plan of the work more simple — has erased such portions as appeared devoid of interest, or utility, and substituted therefor more than sixty pages, original matter, on topics, which, it is believed, will be found important in the view of those for whose benefit the work is designed. It has been the object of the Editor from the first to proceed upon the principle of selection and utility — to embrace so lew subjects, as to enable him to enlarge upon them, according to their relative importance ; arid to treat of them in so 'plain and practical a man- ner, as to render the work intelligible and useful. By this means, he has been enabled, he trusts, in a measure to avoid a serious ob- jection, which has sometimes been made to the portable Encyclope- dias extant, that they embrace so great a variety of articles, as to render them little more than Dictionaries. A ditferent course has been here adopted ; and it gives the Editor pleasure to know that it has the sanction of a large portion of his patrons. To the friends, who have aided him, and lightened his task, he takes occasion to renew the expression of his thanks, especially to the author of the article on Horticulture. In respect to that article, the Editor is requested to say, that it is chiefly an abridgement of Cobbett's excellent system of gardening. And in relation to several other parts of the work, he can claim no other merit, than that of presenting to his readers a condensed and faithful compilation. The nature of the work has precluded him, in many instances, from giving credit to the several authors of whose labors, he has availed himself. It belongs to this place, therefore, to express his obligation to Guy's Pocket Encyclopedia, Edinburgh Encyclopedia, Mitchel's Pocket Encyclopedia, Library of Useful Knowledge, Library of Entertaining Knowledge, Godman's Natural History, Goldsmith's Natural History, Hooper's Medical Dictionary, Family Physician, American Farmer, New England Farmer, Complete Grazier, Loudon's Encyclopedia of Agriculture, Clater's, Hind's and Ma- son's Farming, White on the Diseases of Cattle, Bigelow's Tech- nology, Allen's Mechanics, Tegg's Book of Utility, American Almanac, &c. &c. 1* CONTENTS. PART I. MAN. GENERAL INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Section I. NATURAL HISTORY, STRUCTURE, &C. p. 14 — 29. Varieties of the Human Species — Intellectual capacity — Difference of Form, Stature, and Complexion — Origin of the North American Indians — Human Struc- ture, viz. Bones — Teeth — Muscles — Flesh — Skin — Absorbents — Cartilages — Mem- brane — Gland — The Brain — Cerebrum — Cerebellum — The Spinal Marrow — The Thorax, or Chest — Respiration — The Windpipe — The Lungs — The Heart — An Ar- tery—A Vein— Air— The Blood — Thoracic Duct— The Abdomen— The Liver— The Bile— The Spleen, or Milt— The Stomach— Of Digestion— The Gastric Juice — The Intestines — The Kidneys — The Senses, viz. — The Eye — Feeling — The Nose— The Taste — The Sexes. Section ii. of the mind and its faculties, p. 29 — 35. The Mind— Sensation — Memory — Imagination — Genius — Reason — The Will — Ghost— Knowledge— The Passions. PART II. ALIMENTS. GENERAL VIEW OF THE VARI0C3 ALIMENTARY PROPERTIES OF ANIMAL AND VEGETABLE FOOD ; AND THEIR DIFFERENT EFFECTS UPON THE HUMAN CONSTITUTION, p. 35 — 47. Section I. of artificial aliments, p. 47—53. Bread— Starch— Sugar— Tea— Coffee— Chocolate — Rice— The Yam— The Plan- tain — Bread Fruit, &c. — Cheese, Butter, &c. See Agriculture. Section II. of fruits, p. 53—63. Oranges — The Citron— The Lemon — Olive— The Almond— Tamarinds — Prunes —The Cacao Nut — The Cocoa Nut— The Pomegranate — The Fig— The Banian, or Indian Fig Tree— Raisins — Dates— Pine Apple — Apple — Plum— Peach— Nectarine — Apricot— Cherry — Quince. 8 FAMILY CONTENTS. Section III. OF DRINKS, p. 63—73. Water — Wine — Method of Making and Fining Wine — Currant Wine — Method of making Currant Wine — Cider — Method of making Cider — Vinegar — Method of making Vinegar — Alcohol — Rum — Brandy — Geneva, or Gin — Arrack — Ale — Malt Method of making Malt— Brewing— Hops. Section IV. of condiments, p. 73—81. Ginger— Nutmeg— Clove — Pepper— Cassia— Cinnamon— Salt— Method of ma- king Salt— Mustard— Ketchup. Section V. OF ANIMALS, p. 81 — 111. Domestic Animals, See Agriculture — The Lion — The Tiger — The Puma, or Cou- gar—Domestic Cat— The Dog— The Camel— Llama— The Giraffe — Rein Deer- Moose — American Elk — Elephant — Method of taking the Elephant— Gigantic, Mastodon, or Mammoth — Bear — Seal — Beaver. Section VI. OF FISH. p. 111—117. The Salmon Fishery — Cod Fishery — Herring Fishery — Mackerel Fishery— Shad The Lobster — Oysters— Tortoise— Whale— Method of taking Whales. Section VII. OF FOWL. p. 117—125. The Cock— The Hen— The Turkey- The Guinea Hen— The Goose— Duck- Wild Pigeon— Carrier Pigeon. PART III. PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, &C. Section I. RULES AND HINTS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE, HEALTH, &C. p, 127 — 156. Rules of Sir R. Philios — Of Dr. Boerhaave— Experience of Howard— Hints to Students — Quantity of Food — Abstinence — Exercise — Friction — Air — Sleep — Sleep- ing Apartments— Beds — Cleanliness — Bathing — Contagion — Purifying and Disin- fecting Agents— Tobacco— Dr. Rush's View of the Effects of certain Liquors upon the body and minds of men — Of Opium and Laudanum — Of Wounds cut with sharp Instruments — Of Poisoned Wounds — Mode of Treatment — Strains or Sprains — Treatment of Frozen Limbs — Burns and Scalds— Dress of Children — Diet of Children— Sleep— Exercise— Washing and Bathing of Children— Teething Summer Complaint— Hooping Cough— Croup — Measles. ENCYCLOPEDIA. CONTENTS. Section II. OF POISONS SUSPENDED ANIMATION, p. 156 — 164. Different kinds of Poisons — Symptoms, and Remedies — Stomach Pump— Poison from the fumes of Burning Charcoal, Gas from Wells. Caverns, &c. and the neces- sary Treatment — Drowning — Symptoms of apparent Death by Drowning — Treat- ment — Choking — Treatment — Lightning, and its Remedy. Section III. FAMILY DISPENSATORY, p. 164: — 163. Weights and Measures used by Apothecaries, and the signs by which they are denoted — Recipes for the making of Laxative Pills — Pills of Aloes, and Fetida— Hull's Colic Pills— Purging Pills— Sir H. Halford's Aperient Pills— Strengthening Pills— To Excite Perspiration — Adhesive Plaster— Anodyne Plaster — Strengthening Plaster — Picra — Sweating Powder, or Dover's Powder — Elixir Proprietatus — Tinc- ture of Bark, or Huxham's Tincture — Tincture of Guaiac — Laudanum — Elixir Asthmatic— Linseed Meal Poultice — Bread and Water Poultice—Mustard Poultice — Yeast Poultice— Simple Ointment— Golden Ointment — Sulphur Ointment— Pile Ointment— Basilican Oii.trnent — Simple Sirup — Sirup of Ginger — Sirup of Lemons —volatile Liniment— Liniment of Oil and Lime — Camphorated Oil — Opodeldoc. PART IV. OF MANUFACTURES, AND THE MECHANIC ARTS. p. 168 — 240. Cotton ; Manner of raising Cotton ; Process of Manufacturing Cotton into Cloth Silk Manufacture ; Satin ; Velvet ; Taffety ; Gauze ; Tabby ; Brocade ; Stockings History of Silk ; Mulberry Tree ; Mode of Cultivation ; Eggs of Silk Worms Hatching the Eggs ; Rearing Silk Worms ; Rising of the Silk Worms ; Picking of the Cocoons ; Cocoons kept for Use ; Cocoons intended for Sale ; Manufacture of Linen; Of Cambric; Of Lace ; Culture of Flax; Culture of Hemp;. An of Tanning; Of Curryim ; Mtnufacture of Parchment; Of Morocco ; Of Glue ; Of Hats ; Of Buttons , M?thod of Refining Gold ; Art of Gilding : Of Silvering ; Of Coining; Process of Making Tin and Tin plate ; Solder ; Melting and casting of Metals ; Art of Casting in Sand ; Of casting Statues ; Of Casting Cannon ; Of Casting Bells ; Of Casting Printing Letters ; Printing : History of Printing ; Art of Common, or Letter-press Printing ; of Rolling press Printing ; of Calico Print- ing ; and Stereotype Printing ; Method of "Making Varnish ; Art of Japanning ; Method of making Bricks ; Manufacture of Tiles : Pipes ; Pottery ; Delft-ware ; Of Porcelain, or China ; Of Glass ; Ingredients of Glass ; Method of making Bottles, Phials, Drinking G — 3, Window Glass. Plate Glass, for Looking Glasses, &c. ; Manufacture of Putty ; Pins ; Needles ; Art of Bleaching ; Manufacture of Woollen Cloths; Of Camblet; Of Carpets; Arf of Dyeing ; Materials for Dyeing different Colors : General Rules fjr Dyeinsr all Colors ; Soap ; Candles ; Wax ; Manufacture of Sealing:- Wax ; Of Paper ; Architecture ; General History and De- scription of the different Styles of ancient and modern Architecture, <£e. <£c. &c. 10 FAMILY CONTENTS. PART V. AGRICULTURE. GENERAL INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. Section I. ON NEAT CATTLE, &C. p. 3 — 42. Different Breeds of Neat Cattle in Great Britain and the United States ; Wild Cattle ; Devonshire Breed ; Sussex Breed ; Hereford ; Short Horned Cattle ; Long Horned ; Galloway Breed ; Highland Breed ; Welsh Breed ; Alderney Breed ; Va- rieties in the United States ; Coke Devon Bull Holkam ; Wye Comet ; On buying and stocking a farm with Cattle ; Of the Bull ; Method of managing mischievous Bulls ; Of the Cow ; Description of a Perfect Cow ; On the Treatment and Rear- ing of Calves ; Of Steers and Draught Oxen ; Easy method of accustoming animals to draw ; Mode of yoking in France ; Of Grazing ; Soiling and Stall Feeding Neat Cattle. Section II. on the dairy, &c. p. 42—52. Of Milch Kine, and of the Pasture and other Food best calculated for Cows, as it respects their Milk ; Of the Management of Milk and Cream ; and the Making and Preserving of Butter ; Of the Making and Preserving of Cheese. Section III. ON THE BREEDING, REARING, AND MANAGEMENT OF HORSES, p. 52 — 90. Brief History of the Horse ; Different Breeds of Horses, viz. Barb ; Dongola Horse ; Arabian ; East India Horse ; Chinese ; Persian ; Toorkoman ; Tartar and Kalmuck ; Turkish ; German ; Swedish, Finland and Norwegian ; Iceland ; Flemish and Dutch ; Spanish ; Italian ; English ; Roadster or Hackney ; Farmer's Horse; Coach Horse ; Heavy Draught Horses ; Cleveland Bays; Suffolk Punch ; Clydesdale ; Heavy Black Horses ; Dray ; Cavalry ; Race Horse ; Darley Arabi- an ; Flying Childers ; Eclipse ; Wellesley ; Arabian ; Hunter ; Galloways and Ponies ; Welsh Poney ; Highland Poney ; Shetland Poney ; Irish Horse ; Ameri- can ; Wild Horse; Canadian; Conestoga ; English Horse in the United States; Rules for judging of the Age, Action, Hardihood, and Spirit of Horses ; Nicking ; Pricking; Foxing; Docking; Fattening; Excessive Fatigue; Treatment on a journey ; On the management and Training of Colts ; Castration. Section IV. ON THE BREEDING, REARING AND MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP, p. 90—104. History of the Sheep ; Synopsis of the different Breeds of Sheep in Great Bri- tain ; Heath, Linton Short, or Forest Sheep ; Exmoor and Dartmoor ; Norfolk ; Wiltshire ; Dorset ; Leicester ; Lincolnshire ; Teeswater ; Romney Marsh ; De* vonshire ; South Down ; Cannock ; Ryeland ; Cheviot ; Merino ; Sheep in the United States ; Essential Requisites to a good Ram ; Signs of a Healthy Sheep .; Signs of Age ; Time of purchasing ; Breeding Ewes ; Owning of Lambs ; Wean* ing ; Winter Management ; Quantity of Food ; Manner of Feeding ; Salt ; Fold, ing; Marking. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 11 CONTENTS. Section V. ON THE BREEDING, REARING AND FATTENING OF SWINE, p. 104 — 112. Different Breeds of Swine ; Chinese Breed ; Berkshire ; Essex Half Black ; Sussex ; Dishley ; Woburn ; Hampshire ; Northampton ; Shropshire ; Yorkshire ; Lincolnshire ; Cheshire ; Swine in the United States ; Management of Sows with Pig ; Pigs ; Store Pigs ; Fatting Hogs. Section VI. DISEASES OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP AND SWINE, p. 112—135. 1. Horses. Botts ; Colic ; Inflammation of the Bowels ; Lampas ; Bridle-sores ; Pole evil ; Stranguary or suppression of nine ; Of Mange ; Glanders : Treat- ment ; Of Shoulder Strains ; Treatment ; Of Galls ; Of Wind Galls ; Of Ring Bone; Of Broken Wind; Of Founder ; Symptoms of a Founder ; Remedy. 2. Of Cattle. Of Colic, or Gripes ; Remedy ; Of Jaundice, or Yellows ; Of Foul in the Foot, or Hoof- Ail ; Of Grain Sickness ; Of Warts, or Horny Ex- crescences ; Of Mange ; Of the Horn Distemper ; Its Treatment ; Of Udder ; 111 j Of Sore Teats ; Of Lice. 3. Of Sheep. Of Scab : Its remedy ; Of Staggers, or Dizziness ; Treatment ; Pinning or Scouring ; Of Tick ; Cold and its consequences ; Foot Rot ; Bowel Sickness > Catarrhal Affections ; Of Poisons ; Of Wounds. 4. Of Swine. Measles : Of Mange ; Of Murrain ; Of Diseases of the Lungs : Of Fever, or rising of the Lights ; Of Gargut ; Of Issues. 5. Veterinary Pharmacopeia. PART VI. art of gardening, or horticulture, p. 138 — 1T6. Of the proper Situation of Gardens ; Soil ; Fencing ; Laying out ; Hot beds ; Of making the bed ; Of the management of a hot-bed ; Propagation and Cultiva- tion ; Sort of Seeds : True-Seed ; Soundness of Seed : Saving and Preserving Of Sowing ; Of Transplanting ; Of Cultivation ; Alphabetical List of the several sorts of Plants, and the proper treatment of each. Propagation of Fruits ; By Cuttings ; By Slips ; By Layers ; By Suckers ; Bv Budding ; By Grafting ; Of Storks ; Of Planting ; Of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees ; List of the different kinds of Fruits, and the proper treatment of each : Di- rections for the Culture of Grape Vines. Management of Bees. Bee ; Female or Queen Bee ; Males or Drones ; Working Bees or Neuters; Swarming; Hiving; Wax; Propolis; Building of Cells ; Honey ; Bee Bread ; Hives ; Bee-moth. PART YIL ART3 OF LOCOMOTION, HEATING, VENTILATION, &C. p. 176—201. Motion of Animals; Human Strength; Aids to Locomotion; Wheels: Broad Wheels ; Form of Wheels : Mode of Attaching a Horse ; Rail Roads. Of Steam Engines ; Of Canals ; Canals of Egypt ; China ; Italy ; Russia : Sweden ; Denmark ; Holland ; Germany ; Spain ; France ; Great Britain ; American Canals ; Fuel; Chimneys; Telegraph; Deaf and Dumb Alphabet 12 FAMILY ENCYCLOPEDIA, CONTENTS. _ PART VIII. ON CIVIL POLITY. OP GOVERNMENT, p. 201—217. Origin and History of Government ; Of the different Forms of Government j Synopsis of the Constitution of Maine ; New Hampshire ; Massachusetts ; Ver- mont ; Connecticut ; Rhode Island j New York ; New Jersey ; Pennsylvania ; Delaware ; Maryland ; Virginia ; North Carolina ; South Carolina ; Georgia ; Alabama ; Louisiana ; Mississippi ; Tennessee ; Kentucky ; Ohio ; Illinois ; In- diana ; Missouri ; United States. PART IX. statistics, p. 218—228. Population of the American Colonies in 1701 and 1749 ; Settlements of the'several Colonies ; Expense of the Revolutionary War ; Amount of Continental Money is- sued ; Loans and Grants of Money from France ; Number of Troops employed during the Revolution ; Naval Force of the United States ; Adoption of the Consti- tution by the several States ; Amount of money expended by the United States upon Works of Internal Improvements ; Amount of Public Debt ; Bank of the United States ; Value of Exports and Imports of the United States in 1829 ; Domestic Exports of the United States ; Troops furnished by each State during the Revolution ; Total "Population of the Earth ; Inhabitants of the Earth divided according to their Religious Belief. FAMILY ENCYCLOPEDIA ; OR COMPENDIUM OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE. PART I.-MAN. A knowledge of the various objects of nature and art is doubtless worthy the attainment of every one. An acquaintance with these ob- jects contributes to enlarge the mind — to gratify a rational curiosity — to excite admiring views of the Great Author of all things, and to pre- pare for a wider sphere of usefulness. Yet, it cannot be denied, that a knowledge of oneself is of higher importance still. Without self-know- ledge, man must be ignorant of the true dignity of his nature, and lost to just views of the Divine wisdom and goodness, displayed in his com- position. Man, it has been well observed, is a compound existence, made up of two great parts ; the Body, and the Mind, or Soul. The body was form- ed of the dust ; but it is a frame of a most wonderful nature. The parts of which it is composed — their number — their various uses — de- pendencies and operations, — the arrangement, by which they are formed into a system — the faculties attached to it, of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling — its capacity of pleasure and pain — the warnings which it is fitted to give of approaching or commencing evil — and the power which it so variously possesses of self restoration, are atl wonder- ful, mysterious, and strongly declaratory of the skill, and benevolence of the Creator. But the Mind or Soul is of a still more wonderful nature. It is this, which emphatically gives man his pre-eminence over other beings, by which he is surrounded ; and entitles him to be considered as " the lord of the creation." To the faculties of the body there is a limit ; but to the immortal mind God has never said, " Thus far shalt thou go, but no further." Much as man knows, in any stage of his progress, he may know still more ; and may become still more exalted and lovely. Not confined to the present system, as are other animals, he is destined to an existence, which, in point of duration, will run parallel with that of bis Maker. 2 14 FAMILY NATURAL HISTORY, STRUCTURE. It will, therefore, naturally belong to the first part of our work, to take a view of man, considered as to his animal and intellectual nature. SECTION I. NATURAL HISTORY, STRUCTURE, &C. VARIETIES. — The human family is divided into different nations, which are scattered abroad upon the face of the earth, and exhibit sev- eral varieties of form and color. These divisions are Jice in number : — The European, or while race — the Tartar, or Mongul — the Malay —the African, or Negro race — and the Americ :n, or Copper-colored race. 1st. The European race is distinguished by the elegance of its form, and by a forehead more or less broad and prominent; indicative of a considerable portion of brain, in the front part of the skull ; the skin is, however fairer ; the hair and eyes lighter in color, in the more temper- ate climates, than towards the south. This race includes all the in- habitants of Europe, (except the Laplanders and Finns,) and the descendants of Europeans in America, and other portions of the world. It also embraces the inhabitants of the western temperate parts of Asia, as far as the river Oby, the Caspian Sea, and the Ganges, and those of the northern parts of Africa, viz. the people of Barbary, Egypt, and Abyssinia, and the Moors of Northern Africa. 2d. The Tartar or Mongul race, is characterized by a yellow skin ; straight black hair ; square heads ; large and flat face ; small and flat nose ; round and prominent cheeks ; and pointed chin. This variety includes all the nations in Asia, east of the Oby, Caspian, and Ganges, excepting Malacca. It embraces, also, the tribes which inhabit the frigid zones in both the eastern and western continents, including the Laplanders, Samoiedes, Ostiacs, Tunguses, Yakuts, Tschutskis, and Kamschadales of Siberia, and the Esquimaux and Greenlanders. 3d. The Malay, comprehends the inhabitants of the peninsula of Malacca, Ceylon, the Asiatic Islands, New Zealand, and Polynesia, with the exception of New Holland, New Guinea, New Caledonia, and Van Dieman's land. This variety is characterized by a tawny color ; black curled hair, which is soft, thick, and abundant ; a prominent forehead : thick, wide, and flattened nose ; and moderately projecting upper jaws. 4th. The African or Negro variety, is spread over western and southern Africa. It is found, also, upon the coasts of Madagascar, and occupies New Holland, Van Dieman's Land, New Caledonia, and New Guinea. This variety is characterized by a black color ; black and woolly hair; thick lips ; projecting cheek bones ; large and flat nose; raised chin ; retreating forehead ; and crooked legs. 5th. The American or copper-colored race, includes all the aborigi- nal inhabitants of both the Americas, except the Esquimaux and Greenlanders. This race is of a copper color, resembling that of rusty iron, or cinnamon ; coarse, straight black hair ; high cheek bones ; and ENCYCLOPEDIA. 15 ■ ■ ■ INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY. sunken eyes. The forehead is usually short ; the nose and the whole countenance broad ; the nostrils open ; and the lips thick. The beard is thin and scanty. Of the Indians it has been affirmed, that they are destitute of beards ; but this only occurs, when the beard has been era- dicated, at the expense of much industry and suffering. INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY.— Of all the varieties of mankind, there can be no doubt that the white man exhibits the greatest marks of ingenuity and intelligence ; and of this variety, the most intelligent will be found to be those who reside in temperate climates. Portions of the Mongtil race exhibit also considerable ingenuity, evinced particularly in the Hindoo and the Chinese ; but the range of intellect of this portion of our race is nevertheless comparatively circumscribed. The third, or . x 'alay race, exhibits no small variety of intellectual endowment. While none of the tribes, which belong to this race, equal the Chinese and some others of the Mongul race, few, perhaps are so sunken as some portions of the Negro race. This last race exhibits much animal power, yet it is far beneath the white man in intellectual capacity ; we see the Negro in the Hottentot at its lowest grade. The copper-colored man, we may be certain, is also far beneath the European in his intel- lectual capacity, although he is not deficient in many fine traits of cha- racter. DIFFERENCE OF STATURE, FORM, AND COMPLEXION.— Three causes, a writer remarks, may be regarded as concurring in the production of those varieties which we find attached to the different nations of the globe. First, the influence of the climate ; second, food, which has a dependance on climate ; and third, manners, on which cli- mate has, perhaps, a still greater influence. The heat of the climate is the chief cause of blackness among the human species. When this heat is excessive, as in Guinea, we find the people are perfectly black ; when a little less severe, the blackness is not so deep ; when it becomes nearly temperate, as in Barbary, the Mogul empire, and Arabia, the men are only brown ; and when it is altogether temperate, as in many parts of Europe, Asia, and America, the men are white. Some varieties are, indeed, produced by the mode of living ; all the Tartars, for example, are tawny, while Europeans, who live under the same latitude, are white. This difference may safely be ascribed to the Tartars being always exposed to the open air ; to their having no cities and fixed habitations ; to their sleeping con- stantly on the ground ; and to their rough and savage manner of living. These circumstances, are sufficient, at least, to render the Tartars more swarthy than the Europeans, who want nothing to make life easy and agreeable. — Why are the Chinese fairer than the Tartars, though they resemble them in every feature ? Because they are more polished, live in towns, and practise every art to guard themselves against the injuries of the weather ; while the Tartars are perpetually exposed to the ac- tion of the sun and air. When the cold becomes extreme, it appears to produce effects similar to those of great heat. The Samoiedes, the Laplanders, and the natives of Greenland are tawny. Here the two extremes approach each other ; great heat and great cold produce similar effects on the skin, because each of these causes acts by a quality common to both — the dryness of 16 FAMILY ORIGIN OF NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. the air, perhaps, is equally great in extreme cold, as in extreme heal. Both cold and heat dry the skin, and give it that tawny hue which we find in so many different nations. Cold contracts all the productions of nature ; the Laplanders, accordingly, who are perpetually exposed to the rigors of the frost, are the smallest of the human species. The most temperate climates produce the most handsome people, and from this climate, the ideas of the genuine color of mankind, and of the various degrees of beauty ought to be derived. Although the climate may be regarded as the chief cause of the dif- ferent colors of men, yet food greatly affects the form of our bodies ; that which is unwholesome and ill prepared, makes the human species degenerate. All those people who live miserably, are ugly and ill made. The air and soil have considerable influence upon the figure of men, beasts, and plants. In the same province, the inhabitants of the eleva- ted and hilly parts, are more active, nimble, handsome, and ingenious, than those who live in plains, where the air is thick and less pure. Every circumstance concurs in proving that mankind are not composed of species essentially different from each other; that on the contrary, there was originally but one species ; who, after multiplying and spreading over the whole surface of the earth, have undergone various changes by the influence of climate, food, mode of living, epidemic dis- eases, and the mixture of dissimilar individuals ; that, at first these changes were not so conspicuous, and produced only individual varie- ties, which afterwards became specific, because they were rendered more general, more strongly marked, and more permanent, by the continual action of the same causes ; and that they have been transmit- ted from generation to generation, as deformities or diseases pass from parents to children. ORIGIN OF NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS.-This is a subject which has justly attracted the attention of philosophers, and produced many interesting researches. It would obviously be impossible, within our narrow limits, to give our readers any correct idea of the various theories which have been adopted, to account for the peopling of Ameri- ca by the Indians. The received opinion, we believe, and that which seems to be supported by facts is, that the aborigines of America emi- grated to America from the continent of Asia. The principal objections which have been urged against this doc- trine, so far as we know, are, the two following ; 1st, that many thou- sand years must have elapsed subsequent to the creation, before the population of the old world could have been sufficiently numerous, to extend to its remote borders, and thence attain the American conitnent. Besides, it is thought to reflect upon the wisdom of the Deity, to permit so large a part of the globe to remain during u so long a time" unpeopled. The second objection is drawn from the number of different langua- ges spoken in North and South America, which Mr. Jefferson and others have thought incompatible with the idea of so recent an arrival on this continent, as even three or four thousand years. In respect to the first objection, it were sufficient to reply, that it as- sumes a position which needs itself to be proved, and can therefore nev* ENCYCLOPEDIA. 17 ORIGIN OF NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS. er be the basis of solid argument. On this subject, Dr. Godman, in hU Natural History, observes ; wt There is neither extravagance nor impro- priety in the opinion, that the two continents were originally one, and being continuous, the only difficulty is removed, that could be urged against the approach of population from the extremity of Asia. But in addition to all the reasons that can be urged in support of the doctrine we maintain, it should not be forgotten, that there are strong evidences, derived from astronomical and geological observations, proving the axis and poles of our globe to be not now precisely where they origin- ally stood. It is therefore very unfair to decide against the probability of peopling America from the extremity of Asia, if we reason from the existing climate of the countries adjacent to East Cape, or Cape Prince of Wales, the two nearest points of Asia and America. " The greatest difficulty thrown in the way of this opinion, was thought to be the striking difference between the Esquimaux and the common Indians, seeming to prove that they were derived from differ- ent races or kinds. We are informed in Crantz's History of Green- land, that the Moravian Missionaries, who visited the countries inhabit- ed by the Esquimaux, were much surprised to find that they were in all respects similar to the Greenlanders, and made use of the same lan- guage ; shewing that the Esquimaux had sprung from the same race, and had gradually reached their present residence from the extreme northern parts of Europe. This fact, now rendered undeniable by more recent researches, entirely invalidates the conclusion, that the Es- quimaux were derived from another species. The resemblance exist- ing between these people and the Siberians, Kamtschadales, Tunguse, &c. is manifest ; and notwithstanding they differ in many respects from other inhabitants of the New World, they are undeniably descended from the same parent stock, coming from different parts of the globe. The copper-colored natives of America, who are the most numerous of the aborigines, approach more closety to the Asiatic Tartars in color and stature, and this because they are descendants of that race arriving in America from the extremity of Asia." In respect to the second objection, the same writer observes ; " Grant- ing, as we are perfectly willing to do, the great lapse of time which would be requisite for the production of such radical changes, we do not think the objection derived from the languages more solid than those heretofore mentioned. As far as the researches of philologers have ex- tended, we do not find that there is so much difference in the dialects of our aborigines, as the arguments of these objectors would seem to imply. Throughout a large mass of this native population, a very per- ceptible connexion of language is apparent, and the relation to a parent stock is fairly evident. Even allowing that the amount of difference is as great, as could be desired by our opponents, the comparison of the aboriginal dialects with those of European nations, is by no means a correct mode of deciding the point. If, according to our idea, people reached this country at different times, from the extreme north of Eu- rope, or the northeast of Asia, the immense extent of country they were gradually to fre scattered over, the new objects by which they were sur- rounded, and the new modes of life they assumed, would all conspire to produce a change in their language in a much shorter time than could take place on the old continent, where their wanderings must have been, 2* 18 FAMILY HUMAN .STRUCTURE. BONES. not only comparatively circumscribed, but their modes of living subject to very few variations. " But in the present condition of our knowledge, we have no right to state that the traces of affinity between the American dialects are en- tirely obliterated ; it would be far more correct to say, that we do not possess the means of making the necessary inquiries and decisions; our knowledge of their language is confined to a few meagre vocabularies, frequently derived from persons, whose statements cannot be relied on, however correct their intentions may have been, to say nothing of the almost insuperable difficulty of writing such languages from the hearer's idea of their pronunciation. M But whatever apparent difficulties may be suggested to the Asiatic origin of the aboriginals of America, the circumstance of but one spe- cies of the human race existing throughout the world is sufficient to re- duce us to the necessity of acknowledging that mankind have descend- ed from one parent stock, however their external appearance may have been modified by accident, disease, or situation. We are aware that some persons talk of the possibility of there having been various centres of creation to the human race, as among inferior animals ; but we con- sider it very unphilosophical to suppose the existence of various centres of creation for the same species." To the believer in Divine Revela- tion, this last idea, whatever may bethought of it in a philosophical view, will doubtless appear repugnant to the Scripture account of the origin of the human species, and is therefore to be rejected. HUMAN STRUCTURE.— The animal frame is composed of bones, muscles, brain, nerves, arteries, veins, cartilages, membranes, glands, — also of chyle, blood, milk, &c. BONES are white, hard, brittle, and almost insensible ; they support and form the stature of the body, defend its viscera, and give power to the various muscles. The number of bones in the human body is gen- erally 240 ; but in some individuals, who have two additional bones in each thumb and great ioe,they amount to 248. TEETH, a set of bones, situated in the upper and lower jaws, for the purpose of mastication. In adults, they are 32 in number, or 16 in each jaw-bone, consisting of 4 cutting, 2 canine, and 10 grinders. The teeth are of various sizes, being arranged in the following or- der ; four in front, termed cutting teeth, on each side of which is a sharp pointed canine or eye-tooth ; adjoining to these are Jive grinders on each side, the last of which is denominated the tooth of wisdom, because it seldom appears before the 25th year. The front and eye teeth are fur- nished with only one root each ; the two first grinders with two ; and the hindmost generally with three or four ; which may in most persons be ascertained by the number of small tubercles on the crowns. The tooth is divided into two principal parts ; viz. the crown, which projects above the gums ; and the root, that is enclosed within the sockets. The crown is a hard, fine, glossy white enamel, serving to defend the substance against external injury. The root is open ?.t the bottom, where it is connected with vessels and nerves, by which it receives nourishment, life and sensation. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 19 MUSCLES. FLESH. SKIPS'. — ABSORBENTS. — CARTILAGES. MUSCLES, of which, it is said, there are 446 in the human body, dissectible and describable, are parts of the animal body destined to move some other parts, and hence are termed the organs or instruments of motion. They are composed of flesh and tendinous fibres, and con- tain vessels of all kinds. FLESH is the fibrous or muscular part of the animal body : mus- cular flesh is composed of a great number of fibres or threads ; it is commonly of a reddish or whitish color. The ancients distinguished live different kinds of flesh ; but the moderns admit one only, fleshy and muscular parts being with them the same. SKIN is the general covering of the body. Though apparently a simple membrane, it consists of several parts. The outermost is the scarf-skin : it has no nerves, and is extended over every part of the true skin, except where the nails are ; it is this skin which is raised by the application of a blister ; it is thickest in those parts accustomed to labor or pressure, as the hand and foot. The rete mucosum is a web-like mucous substance lying between the scarf and true skin, which chiefly gives the color to the exterior of the human body. It is black in the negro ; white, brown, or yellowish in the European. The true skin is a very sensible membrane extended over all parts of the body, and has nerves terminating so plentifully on its surface, that the finest needle cannot prick it without touching some of them. ABSORBENTS are a set of small colorless vessels, which pervade the whole surface of the body both externally and internally. Their office is to take up whatever fluids are effused into the different cavities, and to pour out their contents for particular uses. For the purpose of absorption they are highly irritable at their extremities, and are very replete with valves to prevent the escape or return of their contents. Their number, when compared with other vessels, is four times greater ; and they are divided into lymphatics and lacteals, according to their re- spective offices, the former conveying lymph, the latter chyle. CARTILAGES, or gristles, are smooth, solid, flexible, elastic parts, softer than bone, and seem to be of the same nature : some even be- come bones by time ; some again are much softer, and partake of the nature of ligaments. They terminate those bones that form moveable joints, and in some instances serve to connect bones together. In the nose, ears, and eyelids are cartilages. A MEMBR.ANE is a thin, white, flexible, expanded skin, formed of several sorts of fibres interwoven together. The use of membranes is to cover and wrap up the parts of the body ; to strengthen them, and save them from external injuries ; to preserve the natural heat ; to join one part to another ; to sustain small vessels, &c. A GLAND is an organic part of the body, destined for the secretion or alteration of some peculiar fluid, and composed of blood-vessels, nerves, and absorbents. The glands are designated either according to the particular fluids which they contain, as mucous, sebaceous, lym- phatic, salival, and lachrymal glands ; or their structure, as simple, compound, conglobate, and conglomerate glands. The vessels and nerves of glands always come from the neighboring parts, and the ar- 20 FAMILY BRAIN. CEREBRUM. CEREBELLUM. — SPINAL MARROW, teries appear to possess a higher degree of irritability. Glands appear to the eye as whitish membranous masses. The BRAIN consists of the whole of that mass which, with its sur- rounding membranes and vessels, fills the greater part of the skull. It is said to be larger in man, in proportion to the nerves belonging to it, than in any other animal. It consists of the cerebrum, cerebellum, tuber annulare, and medulla oblongata ; the whole weighs usually about forty-eight or fifty ounces ; but its weight varies in different subjects. The CEREBRUM, which is by far the largest portion, is contained in all the J upper part of the skull ; it is divided into a right and left hemisphere by a membrane termed falx. Each hemisphere is also again subdivided into three lobes, the two lying in the front portion of the skull being the largest. It is surrounded with membranes, and ac- companied with blood-vessels. The CEREBELLUM, or little brai?i,ls situated in the back part of the skull beneath the posterior lobes of the cerebrum, from which it is separated by a membrane called the tentorium. It is divided by the falx minor into two hemispheres, which are again subdivided into lo- bules. The Tuber annulare is of a roundieh form, about an inch in length and of the same width. From the tuber annulare arises the medulla oblongata, which forms the beginning of the spinal marrow. From the Brain arise nine pairs of NERVES ; some in solid cords, others in separate threads which afterwards unite into cords. Of these some have their origin in the cerebrum, some in the cerebellum, some in the tuber annulare, and some in the medulla oblongata. From these the nerves supplying the organs of smell, sight 1 taste, hearing, and feel- ing, in part, are derived. The nerves are called pairs, not because they proceed together from the brain and spinal marrow, but because they proceed from the opposite lobes of the brain, or from opposite sides of the spinal marrow, and supply similar parts on each side of the body with nerves. And hence it often happens in paralysis, or pal- sy, that on one side of the body all the nerves perform their office im- perfectly, while on the other side no diminution of nervous energy is evinced. A nerve is a long white medullary cord. The uses of the nerves are to convey impressions to the brain, from all parts of the body, over which they are spread, and to impart motion, by exciting the mus- cles, to the whole system. It is the opinion of some philosophers, that the nerves contain a subtle fluid, by means of which impressions are immediately carried to the brain : this fluid has, however, never been seen : others think that sensation is produced by what has been termed vibration ; but the plain truth is, we are at present ignorant of the means by which sensation and muscular motion are produced, further than that we know both are the effect of the agency of the nerves. The SPINAL MARROW, or medulla spinalis, is a continuation of the medulla oblongata from the head through the centre of the spine, which consists of a series of bones called vertebrce, supporting the body. From the spinal marrow are given out thirty pairs of nerves : these, in conjunction with those arising from the brain, communicate energy and feeling to the whole body ; and also by their extreme sensibility ENCYCLOPEDIA. 21 SPINAL MARROW. convey to the brain, the mind, or soul, the slightest as well as the strongest impressions made upon the different organs ; hence our pleasures and our pains, our hopes, out fears, and our affection. That the Brain, as a whole, is the organ of thought, the seat of the understanding, and the place where the emotions of the mind or soul arise, we cannot doubt ; it is also the centre of sensation and muscular motion, and to which all the nerves of the body appear subservient. But to what other particular uses the different parts of the brain are applied, does not yet appear accurately known. Phrenologists have pretended to throw some light on this curious and interesting subject. We shall confer a favor on our readers, we trust, by making them acquainted with some of the results of their investiga- tion. The founder of the system of phrenology — by which is meant, " the science which treats of the faculties of the human mind, and of the organs by which they manifest themselves," — is Dr. Gall, a physician of Vienna, who, about the year 1796, first began to deliver lectures on the subject. In 1804, Dr. J. G. Spurzheim" became associated with him. Under the auspices, and captivating eloquence of these gentle- men, the system has acquired some credit, in several parts of Europe. For ourselves, we give little credit to it. Its tendency is obviously towards the gloomy and foolish doctrine of materialism. In one re- spect — in regard to the position, and size of the brain— there is truth in phrenology ; but, of the particular mapping of the skull, as adopted by the phrenologists, we think it behooves us, at present, to remain in modest doubt. Still, as a subject of curiosity, it is not without interest. And in or- der that our readers may judge, in respect to themselves, what is the strength of their intellectual powers, or to what propensities they are most inclined, we have engaged our engraver to execute the outlines of a human head, skilfully and scientifically divided up, or mapped out, in the language of the science. The reader will notice that in each division is supposed to lie some faculty, or propensity of the mind. By an inspection of the brain itself, or the living man's head, the phre- nologists affect to determine what faculty or propensity predominates — whether a man is gifted with the love of study, or inclined to idle- ness—whether he is peaceful or quarrelsome — timid or courageous — a wise man, or a foo}. We leave our readers to apply the subjoined rules for themselves. The numbers which follow, refer to the numbers to be found in the maps of the heads below. 1. Here lies the propensity of amativeness or physical love. 2. Here, the propensity of philo progenitiveness, or love of children. 3. Coacern- traveness, or power of close study, (not represented.) 4. Adhesiveness, or disposition to friendship. 5. Combativtness or quarrelsomeness. 6. Destructiveness, or desire to destroy, and murder. 7. Construclneness, or mechanical skill. 8. Acquisitiveness, disposition to avarice, theft, &c. 9. Secret iveness, cunning, deceit. 10. Self-esteem, on the top of the head, (not represented.) 11. Love of approbation, in the same vicinitv. 12. Cautiousness. 13. Benevolence. 14. Fmerat'on. 15. Hope. 16. Ideality, or love of the sublime. Fine arts. 17. Wonder. 18. Const i- 22 FAMILY THORAX. RESPIRATION. e^tiousness. 19. Firmness. 20. Individual'ty,\ove of philosophy, 2 1* Form, or power of imitating. 22. Sise, ability to judge of it. 23* Weight of resistance, power to judge of the momentum of bodies. 24. Coloring, ability to distinguish between nice shades. 25. Locality, de- sire for travelling. 26. Order, desire to see every thing in its place. 27. Time, recollection of dates. 28. Number, the conception ofnum- ber, and its relations. 29. Tune, the perception of melody, (not repre- sented.) 30. Language, faculty of acquiring language easily. 31. Comparison, power of perceiving resemblances. 32. Causality, genius for metaphysics. 33. Wit, disposition to view objects in a ludicrous light. The THORAX or Chest consists of the upper portion of the trunk of the human body ; it is inclosed by the ribs, having the sternum or breast bone in the front, and a portion of the bones of the back behind. It is separated from the liver, stomach, intestines, &c, by the diaphragm, or midriff. The thorax contains the lungs, heart, &c, and numerous biood vessels, nerves, and absorbents. It is also separated, by a mem- brane called mediastinum, into a rignt and left portion. The RESPIRATION is that action of the lungs and diaphragm con- sisting of the processes of inspiration and expiration, by which air is received into, and expelled from the thorax or chest. The quantity of air taken into the lungs at each natural inspiration is supposed to be about 15 or 16 cubic inches; the number of respirations made in a min- ute is about 20. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 23 WINDPIPE. LUNGS. — HEART. The V\ INDPIPE is a cartilaginous and membranous canal, througfi which the air passes into and from the lungs. It is divided by anato- mists into three parts, — the larynx, the trachea, and the bronchia. The larynx is a hollow cartilaginous organ at the top of the trachea. The air which passes through it during respiration produces the voice. The trachea, is that portion of the wind-pipe which extends from the larynx to the bronchia. The bronchia is a term given tc the trachea after it has entered the thorax, or chest ; here it separates into two branches, one of which com- municates with the right and the other with the left lung. The LUNGS are two viscera situated in the thorax, by means of which we breathe. The lung in the right cavity of the chest, is divided into three, that in the left cavity into two lobes. They hang in the chest, attached at their superior part by means of the trachea, and are- separated by a membrane called mediastinum. They are furnished with innumerable cells which are formed by a continuation of the trachea, the bronchial tubes of which communicate with each other ; the whole appears not unlike a honey-comb. The most important use of the lungs is for the process of respiration, by which the circulation of the blood appears to be immediately sup- ported ; and, doubtless, by their alternate inflation and collapsing, they contribute with the diaphragm to promote the various functions of the abdominal viscera, such as digestion, &c. For the change which the blood undergoes in its passage through the lungs, see the following ar- ticles. The HEART is a hollow, strong, muscular viscus, having the shape of a cone or pyramid reversed. Its size varies in different subjects ; it is generally about six inches long, and, at the base, four or five wide. The younger the subject, the larger is the heart, in proportion to the body. It is often smaller in tall and strong men than in others. It is situated on the left side of the thorax, and is surrounded by a membrane called pericardium or heart purse ; it is also imbedded, as it were, in the left lung. Its weight, with the pericardium, is usually from ten. to fifteen ounces. It is the centre of the circulation of the blood : of course from it all the arteries arise, and in it ail the veins terminate. It is divi- ded internally into a right and left ventricle ; these are divided by a fleshy septum. Each ventricle has two orifices; one auricular, through which the blood enters, the other arterious, through which the blood passes out. These four orifices are supplied with valves. There are also two cavities adhering to the base of the heart called auricles. The heart has, in the living subject, an alternate motion consisting of con- traction and dilatation, called systole and diastole, by means of which the blood is circulated throughout the body. The heart is said to con- tract 4000 times in an hour ; hence, as each ventricle contains one ounce of blood, there passes through the heart every hour 4"00 ounces, or 350 pounds of blood. The whole mass of blood is about twenty-ei^ht pounds, so that this quantity of blood passes through the heart thirteen or fourteen times in an hour, or about once in every four or five mini In the whale, ten or twelve galloi.s of blood are thrown out of the heart 24 FAMILY ARTERY. VEIN. AIR. at a stroke, with an immense velocity, through a tube of a foot diame- ter. An ARTERY, or a pulsating blood-vessel, is a cylindrical canal con- veying the blood immediately from the heart to all parts of the body for the purposes of nutrition, preservation of life, generation of heat, and the secretion of different fluids. The motion of the blood in the arte- ries is called the pulse ; it corresponds with that of the heart. The pulse may be felt in various parts of the body, but the most usual place of feeling it is at the wrist. From seventy to eighty pulsations in a min- ute are commonly that number which in the adult subject is considered, as far as the pulse is concerned, to constitute health. In children, how- ever, the pulse is much quicker than this ; and in old persons slower. Wounds in arteries are always dangerous, and very frequently mortal ; hence the wisdom evinced in the structure of man : all the arteries are deeply imbedded in flesh, or other surrounding media, while the veins, a wound in which is comparatively unimportant, are plentifully scat- tered on the surface of the body. The blood in the arteries is of a flo- rid red color. A VEIN is a blood-vessel which returns the blood from the various parts of the body to the heart. The veins do not pulsate; the blood flows through them very slowly, and is conveyed to the heart by the contractility of their coats, the pressure of the blood from the arteries, the action of the muscles, and respiration ; and it is prevented from going 1 backwards in the veins by valves, of which there are a great nunu ber. The blood in the veins is of a much darker red than that in the arteries. Before we treat of the blood itself, it may be useful to know the com- ponent parts of atmospheric air, so essential as it is to the life of all warm blooded animals. AIR was for many ages considered as a simple homogeneous fluid ; and it was not till towards the end of the last century that it was found to be a compound body. Common air is composed chiefly of two gases, of which one, oxygen, forms of it 24 parts by weight, and the other, ni- trogen, forms of it 76 parts ; or about 21 parts of the former, and 79 of the latter by bulk. These proportions are found the same, in whatever part of the* world the experiments are made, or from whatever height in the atmosphere the air is obtained. It ought however to be mention- ed, that besides these ingredients, common air contains a very minute portion of carbonic acid gas, but that portion is in general so small as not indeed to be considered of any moment. Of the two portions of atmospheric air, the oxygen only supports animal life or combustion. Thus, if an animal be inclosed under a bell glass containing atmospher- ical air, it will live in it till all the oxygen is absorbed by its breathing, and then it instantly dies; the same takes place when a lighted candle is inclosed under similar circumstances ; hence the necessity and impor- tance of this fluid to animal existence. But although only about one- fourth of atmospheric air can support life, it yet appears that such a mixture is more advantageous for animal life than oxygen alone ; thus evincing the wisdom of that mixture found every where as atmospher- ic air. In what state of combination the two gases are, which consti- tute common air, is not exactly known ; but we well know that a more ENCYCLOPEDIA. 25 BLOOD. THORACIC DUCT. — ABDOMEN. intimate union of the same materials produces most powerful agents, namely, the nitrous and the nitric acids. The BLOOD is a red fluid of a saltish taste, of a somewhat urinous smell, and glutinous consistence, which circulates in the heart, arteries, and veins, conveying nutrition, heat, and excitement to the whole body. The quantity of blood in the human body is estimated to be about twen- ty-eight pounds in an adult. Of this, four parts are contained in the veins, and a fifth in the arteries. The blood being returned by the veins of a dark red color to the heart, it is sent from that viscus into the lungs, to undergo some material change by coming in contact with atmospher- ic air in the air-cells of the lungs : after which, as has been stated, it is returned to the heart again of a much more florid color, and then im- pelled into the arteries, to be distributed over the body. The heat of the blood is usually about 98 degrees. THORACIC DUCT, an important vessel called the trunk of the ab- sorbents. It is of a serpentine form, and about the diameter of a crow- quill. It is attached to the bones of the back, and extends from the low- er opening of the midriff or diaprahgm (a membrane which separates the heart and lungs from the stomach, bowels, and other abdominal vis- cera,) to the angle formed by the union of the left subclavian and jugu- lar veins, into which it opens and evacuates its contents, there to be mixed with the blood. These contents consist chiefly of chyle, a whi- tish or milky fluid, separated from the food by the process of digestion, and taken up by the absorbents thickly spread over the intestines, and by them conveyed to the thoracic duct. Such are the offices of respiration and the blood. We shall now pro- ceed to consider some of the most important of the abdominal viscera. The ABDOMEN consists of all that portion of the trunk of the hu- man body situated below the thorax. It contains the liver, its gall- bladder, the stomach, the spleen, the pancreas, the intestines, the me- sentery, the kidneys, the urinary bladder, the omentum, &c. It has al- so numerous blood vessels, nerves, and absorbents. The LIVER, which is the largest and most ponderous viscus in the abdomen, it weighing, in adults, about three pounds, is of a deep red color. It consists of a glandulous mass, interspersed with numerous blood-vessels. It is situated under the diaphragm, inclining to the right side of the body, having the stomach beneath it; between which and the liver itself, lies the gall-bladder, with which it is of course intimate- ly connected. It is divided into two principal lobes, the right of which is by far the largest. Its shape approaches that of a circle ; it is attach- ed to the diaphragm by the suspensary and other ligaments. It is lar- ger in young animals than in old ones. The BILE is of a yellow-green color, about the consistence of thin oil ; when much agitated it froths like soap and water. Its smell is somewhat like musk ; its taste is bitter. It is, in fact, a species of soap ; and like other soap, is successfully employed to remore grease from clothes, &c. The gall-bladder in the human body is shaped like a pear, and is generally capable of containing about an ounce. It is firmly con- nected to the liver. In the elephant, stag, all insects and worms, this 3 26 FAMILY SPLEEN. — STOMACH. — DIGESTION. reservoir is wanting, the bile which they secrete, passing at once into the intestinal canal. The real use of the bile does not even now seem to be accurately ascertained. It appears, however, to assist in separa- ting the chyle from the chyme, to excite the intestines to action, and to produce the healthy appearance of the intestine evacuations. The SPLEEN, or Milt, is a spongy viscus of a livid color, in form somewhat resembling a tongue, but its shape, situation and size vary very much. It is, in a healthy subject, always on the left side between the false ribs and the stomach. Its general length is six inches, breadth three, and one thick. It is connected, by the blood vessels, to the sto- mach and the left kidney. It is larger when the stomach is empty, and smaller when compressed or evacuated by a full stomach. The uses of the spleen have, till lately, been considered as unknown ; but by a pa- per of Sir E. Home, in the Philosophical Transactions, it appears pro- bable that this viscus is a reservoir for the superabundant serum, lymph, globules, soluble mucus, and coloring matter carried into the circula- tion immediately after digestion is completed. The STOMACH is a large receptacle, varying in its capacity from about five to eleven pints. It is situated under the left side of the dia- phragm, its left side touching the spleen, and its right covered by the thin edge of the liver ; its figure nearly resembling the pouch of a bag pipe, its left end being most capacious. The upper side is concave, the lower is convex. It has two orifices, both on its upper part ; the left, through which the aliment passes from the mouth through the gullet or (Esophagus to the stomach, is named cardia; the right, through which it is conveyed out of the stomach into the duodenum, is named pylorus, where there is a circular valve which hinders the return of the aliment from the gut, but does not at all times hinder the bile from flowing into the stomach. The stomach, like the intestinal canal, is composed of three coats or membranes. The uses of the stomach are to excite hunger, and, partly, thirst; to receive the food from the oesophagus, and to retain it, till, by the motion of the stomach and the admixture of various fluids, and by many other changes not exactly understood, it is rendered fit to pass the right ori- fice of the stomach, and afford chyle to the intestines for the nutrition of the body ; or, in other words, till the important process Of DIGESTION is completed. The chief agent in this process is? beyond question, the gastric juice ; a fluid that is secreted from certain glands in the stomach, and which possesses great solvent powers in re- gard to numerous animal and vegetable substances. The food being duly masticated, and blended with a considerable portion of saliva, is propel- led into the stomach, where it soon undergoes a remarkable change, be- ing converted into a pulpy mass, termed chyme ; the chyme afterwards passes from the stomach into the small intestines ; here, it is mixed with bile, and separated into two portions, one of which is as white as milk, and called chyle; the other passes on to the larger intestines, and is voided as excrementitious matter. The chyle is absorbed by the lac- teals, which terminate in the trunk or tube called thoracic duct; it is there mixed with variable proportions of lymph, and, lastly, with the* blood, as stated under that article. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 27 G A STRIC JUIC E . PA \ CUE AS. — I N TBBTTNES. — KTD >EYS, The GASTRIC JUICE is said to be of so powerful a nature, that after death the s-omach is occasionally eaten into holes by its action. And it is also said, that if exposed to a proper temperature, it will di- gest food in metal tubes. The PANCREAS, or Sw t eet-bread, is a large gland of the salivary kind, of a long figure, compared to a dog's tongue. It lies across the upper and back part of the abdomen, under the stomach. Its use is to secrete a juice called the pancreatic juice, which appears to be similar in its properties to saliva, and together with the bile helps to complete the digestion of the aliment. It communicates with the duodenum. The INTESTINES consist of that convoluted tube beginning at the right orifice of the stomach called pylorus, and ending with the sphinc- terrecti. The length of this canal is generally six times the length of the whole human subject. It is divided by nature into two parts. The small intestines begin from the stomach, and fill the middle or fore part of the abdomen; the large intestines occupy the sides, and both the up- per and lower parts of the same cavity. The KIDNEYS are shaped like a kidney-bean. They are situated on the lower part of the back, one on each side. They are generally surrounded with more or less fat. The SENSES are those faculties or powers by which external ob- jects are perceived. The sight, touch or feeling, hearing, smell and taste, are called the senses. The organs through which they operate are the following : — The EYE is the organ of seeing. The eye-lids, the eye-lashes, and the eye brows, require no particular description. The eye-ball is of a globular figure; it is composed of various membranes; but those pwts of the eye deserving the most notice, are the iris* the pupil, and the re- tina. The iris is that colored circular ring situated beneath the crys- talline lens, which surrounds the central or dark part called the pupil. It is capable of expanding or contracting, which it constantly does, ac- cording to the quantity of light which is thrown upon the eye. In a very bright light the pupil is reduced by the contraction of the iris to a very narrow hole ; in a'dark place the pupil is so much enlarged, as to render the iris scarcely visible. The pupil is the dark round opening in the middle of the eye, surrounded by the iris, and through which the rays of light pass to the retina, which is the true organ of vision, and is formed by an expansion of the pulp of the optic nerve. Externally the globe of the eye and the transparent cornea are moistened by a fluid called the tears, which are secreted in the lachrymal glands, one of which is situated above each inner corner of the eye. In proportion as the eye is more or less round, is the sight of a person longer or shorter. Persons of short sight are called myopes, of long sight, presbyopes. TOUCH, or Feelivg, resides in every part of the body that is sup- plied with nerves. The sense of touch is most exquisite in the lips, the tops of the fingers, the tongue, and a few other places. The EAR is the organ of hearing. In man it consists of an external ear, or auricula, and an internal bony cavity with numerous circular and winding passages, by which the vibrations of the air are collected 28 FAMILY NOSE. — TASTE. SEXES. and concentrated, and by a peculiar mechanism conveyed to the audi- tory nerves. The ear is supplied with peculiar glands, which secrete an unctuous substance, called the wax of the ear. The external au- ditory passage proceeds in a spiral direction to the tympanum or drum of the ear, which forms a complete partition between this passage and the internal cavities. Beyond the tympanum is a hemispherical cavi- ty which leads to the fauces, or opening at the back of the mouth : this opening is of a trumpet form. The inner cavity, including the wind- ing passage, is aptly called the labyrinth of the ear. The sense of hear- ing is perhaps still more important than that of seeing ; but as we can have no just conception of the real state of social existence without either of these senses, it is idle to speculate on such comparisons. The NOSE is in man, and most of the superior animals, the organ of smelling. The structure of the nose has nothing in it so very pecu- liar that can convey any idea of a mechanical organization to aid the sense of smelling. It is true, the nerves of the nose are considerably expanded over the nostrils, and are defended from external injuries by a peculiar mucus ; but it is very difficult to ascertain what are the es- sential organs of smelling. The nostrils are two passages of the nose which communicate interiorly with the upper part of the mouth. The use of the nostrils is for smelling, respiration, and speech. The nose is an important part of the human countenance ; it is considered in almost all countries as one of the features to which peculiar merit is attached. The TASTE resides chiefly in the tongue, in conjunction with the palate, lips, and other parts of the mouth. The tongue is however des- tined to perform much more varied and important functions than that of conveying to the mind the taste of sapid bodies. It is the tongue, in conjunction with the lips, teeth, palate, and throat, which produces the sounds of language. The tongue is partly muscular, and partly composed of membranes and cellular substance. Its upper side is covered with papilloz, in which the taste more immediately resides. The impression of sapid bodies on the organs of taste is modified by age^ size, habit, and the more or less frequent application of strong stimu- lants. The state of the stomach, as well as general health, is often in- dicated by the state and color of the tongue. In health the tongue is always of a red color; in disease it varies from white to yellow, and sometimes is almost black. In health the tongue is always more or less moist ; in disease frequently parched and dry ; this last condition is, however, produced in health by the mere absence of moisture, evin- ced by the sensation we call thirst. The SEXES differ by obvious indications ; but there are some not so universally recognized, which we may mention. The male is gen- erally of a larger size than the female, and more robust ; the male be- comes frequently bald on the top of the head, the female rarely or nev- er ; the male has always more or less beard, the female rarely any, ex- cept as old age approaches, and then it is chiefly confined to the upper lip. The anatomical differences, besides the obvious ones, are, in the female, a larger pelvis than in the male, more delicate muscles and smaller bones ; and the phrenologists say, that the female skull is more elongated than the male, from the protuberance in the middle of th* ENCYCLOPEDIA. 29 MIND. SENSATION. back part of the skull, (which they denominate philoprngeniiiveness, or love of children,) being more prominent. The mental differences of the two sexes are also important ; women appear to possess more ima- gination and less judgment than men ; these differences are unfortu- nately too often widened by mistakes in the education of the female mind. SECTION IL ON THE MIND AND ITS FACULTIES. The term MIND has been lately applied by philosophers to the intel- lectual portion of man, as being a more correct term than either soul or understanding. It implies that part of our being which is occupied in thought. The seat of the mind is manifestly the brain : but in what part of it, whether the whole, or in the pineal gland, as Des Cartes main- tains, where he says all the nerves terminate ; or whether, as Soemmer- ing states, the fluid contained in the ventricles of the brain be its seat, is unknown : all such opinions being mere conjectures. The mind, or soul, has been usually divided into a certain number of faculties. We shall consider it from its more simple to its more com- plex state. The commonest and simplest impression made upon the mind being conveyed to it by either of the senses, is called SENSATION. Sensation is either pleasurable or painful ; in pro- portion to the degree of pleasure or of pain produced by a sensation, will be the vividness of its apprehension by the mind. An apprehend- ed sensation is termed perception : that is, when the mind itself per- ceives, recognizes the sensation, — when it becomes the subject of thought in the mind, it is then called perception. An idea is a resem- blance or image of any thing, which, though not seen, is conceived, — apprehended by the mind ; — an idea appears to be, therefore, nothing more than a well-defined and apprehended perception. An idea may be simple or complex, true or false. Simple ideas are those which arise in the mind from sensation; as those of color by the eye, of sounds by the ear, heat by the touch, &c. ; some ideas are formed by sensation and reflection jointly, as pleasure, pain, power, existence. Complex ideas are infinite ; some are not supposed to exist by themselves, but are considered as dependencies on, or affections of substantives, as, triangle, gratitude, murder, &c. Combinations of simple ideas are such as, a dozen, a score, beauty, theft, &c. The association of ideas, and consequently of affections, is one of the most important charac- ters of the human mind, and the great source of our happiness or misery. In tracing the process of the human mind in acquiring knowledge, we observe the following curious analogies or gradations ; it commen- ces with a simple idea or thought impressed, which is connected with simple perception. This solicits attention, which, according to its de- grees of importance, disposes to observation, consideration, investiga- 3* 30 FAMILY MEMORY. tion, contemplation, meditation, reflection. These voluntary operations of the mind are necessary to the formation of clear conceptions, right understanding, an enlarged comprehension of some subjects, nice dis- cernment, and accurate discriminations concerning others: these acqui- sitions enable us to abstract essential qualities in our minds from the subjects in which they are seated, to assemble others in new combina- tions, to reason, to draw inferences, and, finally, to judge or decide on their merits or defects. MEMORY is that quality of the mind by which it is enabled to call up, generally at will, and upon suitable occasions, ideas,trains of thought which have been previously impressed upon it. No intellectual pro- cess can be carried on without memory : where the memory is weak, there the intellect will be found weak ; where the memory is good, there, in general, will the intellect be powerful. In nothing, however, do individuals differ more from each other, than in their memories. Some remember one kind of facts and things well, while others remem- ber them very indifferently. This has been attributed by the phrenol- ogists to the activity and size of particular organs in the brain ; and it seems to us probable that there may be some truth in this, — indeed the phrenologists assign to the memory many organs of the brain, such as those of form, size, weight, color, space, order, time, number, tune, lan- guage. But whatever truth there may be in this, we believe that more depends upon the exercise of (he mind in any given course, than on the original conformation ; that, in order to make the memory efficient, it must be often exercised on any given subject ; and that the most im- portant knowledge, if not occasionally revived by repetition, will fre- quently vanish from the mind. The notion of the mind being a store- house, and that ideas once deposited there, will always there remain, is extremely fallacious. It is true they frequently do so, especially those received in youth ; but many of these, without repetition, become in time obliterated. Hence, therefore, the necessity of not only the pro- cesses of education to improve the memory, but of an occasional repe- tition of them, in order that they may be efficient and useful to us lb after life. Recollection is that part of the memory, which consists in calling up in the mind the knowledge, which has been previously impressed upon it. Attention and repetition help much to fix ideas in the memory; the ideas which make the most lasting impressions are those accompanied by pleasure or pain. The powers of memory of some persons for particular subjects are astonishingly great. Seneca says that he was able, by the mere effort of his natural memory, to repeat two thousand words upon once hear- in cr them, each in its order, though theyliad no connexion with each other. He also mentions that Portius Latro reta-ned in his memory all the declamations which he had ever spoken, and never found his mem- ory fail in a single word. Cyneas, ambassador to the Romans from king Pyrrhus, had, in one day, so well learned the names of his specta- tors, that on the next he saluted the whole senate and all the populace assembled, each by his name. Pliny says, Cyrus knew every soldier in his army by name, and L. Scipio all the people of Rome. Carneades. would repeat any volume found in the libraries as readily as if he wert E NCYCLOPEDIA. 31 IMAGINATION. — GENIUS. — REASON. reading". Many modern instances of the great powers of memory might be also adduced, but they do not appear necessary. IMAGINATION is that particular state or disposition of the mind by which it is enabled to form numberless new and extraordinary ideas which are not the immediate result of external impressions or of recol- lection, and hence is obviously distinguished from perception and mem- ory. By the imagination an indtridual creates thoughts entirely his own, and which never might have existed had they not occurred to the individual mind. The exercise of most of the other qualities of the mind requires calmness and composure. The imagination delights in the most heterogeneous and incoherent combinations and most extra- vagant circumstances. The^e visions or phantoms are nevertheless sometimes impressed upon the memory, and during: imperfect or dis- turbed sleep present themselves and produce those absurd combinations which occur in dreaming. Although the flights of imagination are bold, yet they conform in some degree to the impressions which real objects have made upon the sensorhun. And hence all the ideas which it calta up have some relation to prior received facts, and to the knowledge ac- quired by the mind. Fancy, conceits, and phantoms, are merely species of which the imagi- nation is the genus. Poets and pn inters are notoriously the subjects in which a powerful imagination is essential to the effectual developernents of their respective arts. GENIUS is, in numerous instances, allied to the imagination. It consists in that natural talent, disposition, or aptitude, which one man possesses of performing something in preference to another, with pecu- liar facility and excellence. Thus men are said to have a genius for painting, poetry, music, ^cc; meaning, that the powers of their minds enable them to excel in those particular departments. Although, per- haps, minute attention to the genius of each individual is not, in a so- cial and moral view, necessary in the education of youth, we believe, nevertheless, that some attention to this subject is absolutely necessary in order to effectuate the best deveiopement of the character. And while we cannot avoid admiring genius, we ought never to forget that its best exemplification is when combined with moral, useful, and vir- tuous actions: that true genius, real science,and rational religion, ought to be inseparable companions. REASON ; that process of the mind by which different ideas or things are compared, their fitness or unfitness perceived, and conclu- sions drawn from such comparisons and perceptions. Judgment is a similar operation of the mind ; but, as its name imports, it is that act of the mir.d by which it concludes and determines upon certain finai results. Thus we compare the sun and the moon, and finding the sun greater than the moon, we determine or judge accordingly. The WILL is a 00. A considerable quantity of undried grapes are also imported, principally from Portugal, in jars, among saw-dust. The value of those so imported, is about £10,00)'. The currants of commerce, which are so extensiv ly us d in England, and of which about 6000 tons are annually import d into that country* are small dried grapes, principally from the Ionian islands. 58 FAMILY DATES, DATES; the fruit of an oblong shape of seve- ral kinds of palm trees, which are found in the Levant, Arabia, Persia, and Africa, and parts of South America. The tree is said to be beauti- ful, shooting up to the height of fifty or sixty feet, without branch or division. When it at- tains this height, its di- ssr^ ameter is from a foot to ^eighteen inches. The -^main stems of the leaves " are from eight to twelve feet long, firm, shining, and tapering, and each embracing at its inser- tion a considerable part of the trunk. Before the fruit is ripe, it is rath- er rough and astringent ; but, when perfectly matured, is much of the nature of the fig ; has an oblong drupe, or stone, with a deep furrow running longitudinally in the middle of the pulp. Some dates are black, some white, some brown, some again are round, like apples, and very large. They are generally oblong, fleshy, yellow, somewhat lar- ger than the thumb's end, and very agreeable to the taste. Some are no bigger than a pea, and others as big a pomegranate. The medullary part of the date tree has the consistency of sago. But the true sago is obtained from another kind of date tree, which is a native of the East Indies. It is the Sago palm, a single trunk of which in its fifteenth year, sometimes furnishes six hundred pounds of sago. A single acre ofland, it is said, will support 435 sago palms, which will annually produce 120,500 lbs. of sago. There is scarcely any part of the true date tree which is not servicea- ble to man, either as a necessary, or a luxury. When fully ripened, the fruit yields, by strong pressure, a delicious syrup, which serves for pre- serving dates, or other fruits ; or the fruit may be made into jellies and tarts. The stalks of the bunches of dates, hard as they are in their natural state, as well as the kernels, are softened by boiling, and in that condition are used for feeding cattle. By distillation they afford ardent spirit. From the sap, or juice of the tree, is made palm wine. The fibrous parts of the date tree are made into ropes, baskets, mats, and various other articles of domestic use ; and so are the strings or stalk, which bear the dates. The cordage of the ships navigating the Red Sea is almost exclusively of the inner fibrous bark of the date tree. The trunk answers well for posts, railings, and other coarse purposes. Even the leaves of the date palm have their uses. Their great length, and comparatively small breadth, and their toughness, render them very good materials for the construction of coarse ropes, baskets, panniers, mats, fans, hats, Szc. Large quantities of these leaves are annually im. ported into the United States. It is reported, that no less than one million of hats have recently, within a single year, been manufactured in the state of Massachusetts alone. ENCYCLOPEDIA, 59 PINE-APPLE, APPLE. We shall only add, that the date palm is a very slow growing tree. In a soil and climate most congenial to it, old trees do not gain above a foot in height in five years, so that supposing the increase uniform, the age of a tree sixty feet high, cannot be less than 300 years. In some countries in the East, date trees pass from one person to another, in the course of trade and are sold by the single tree ; and the price paid to a girl's father, on marrying her, often consists of date trees. PINE-APPLE. — This fruit is justly esteemed for the richness of its flavor, as it surpasses all the known fruits in the world. — The fruit is sup- posed to have its name, from the cones of the pine tree, which it somewhat re- sembles. There are many spe- cies of pine ap- ples, most of them natives of South America, some of Africa. and one or two of the East In- dies ; but that most known and propagated, is the Brointha a 7L- ancM, a native of America. Pine-apples have been long cultivated, in the hottest islands of the West Indies, where they are plentiful and good. They have, also, been introduced into European gardens, so as to produce fruit. APPLE. The apple is distinguished as the fruit of the colder cli- mates. It is at once the most brisk and refreshing of any of the com- mon hardy orchard fruits. It remains longest in season, is used in the greatest number of ways, and therefore is the most generally cultiva- ted, it is cultivated throughout Europe, as far as the 60° of latitude. It has been observed, by a distinguished traveller, that the commoner fruit trees, such as apples, pears, cherries, and apricots, grow in the open air, wherever oaks thrive. The apple is supposed to be a native of the Fast ; whence it was in- troduced into Europe, and thence into England ; from which country it has been brought to the United States. We have, however, an indif- ferent crab apple, which is indigenous to the country. The alimentary properties of the apple are not great ; but, when ful- 60 FAMILY APPLE. PEAR. ly ripe, they are not unwholesome. In diseases of the breast, says Dr. Willie, such as catarrhs, coughs, consumptions, &c. they are of con- siderable service ; for these beneficial purposes, however, they ought not to be eaten raw, but either roasted, stewed, or boiled. With regard to their sensible properties, apples have been divided into spicy, acidu- lated, and watery. The first contain the least proportion of water, are of a most delicate flavor, and on account of their vinous qualities, are not apt to excite flatulence. Pippins, on the contrary, though affording more nutriment, are more fibrous, and consequently more difficult to digest. These belong to the second class. Lastly, those sweet and tender apples, which are very sweet and palatable, are the least fit to be eaten in a raw state, unless with the addition of bread or biscuit. To preserve apples well is obviously a great desideratum. Fessen- uen, from an English journal, recommends the use of dry pit sand. Glazed earthen jars are to be provided, and the sand to be thoroughly dried. A layer of sand an inch thick is then placed in the bottom of the jar ; above this, a layer of fruit, to be covered with a layer of sand an inch thick, then lay a second stratum of fruit, covering again with an inch of sand. An inch and a half of sand may be placed over the uppermost row of fruit. The jar is now to be closed, and placed in a jdry situation, as cool as possible, but entirely free from frost. On the preservation of apples, the following excellent observations are from the pen of Noah Webster, Esq. " It is the practice of some persons to pick apples in October, and first spread them on the floor of an upper room. This practice is said to render apples more durable, by drying them. But I can affirm this to be a mistake. Apples, after remaining on the trees as long as safety from the frost will admit, should be taken directly from the trees to clo*e casks, and kept dry and cool as possible. If suffered to lie on a floor for weeks, they wither and lose their flavor, without acquiring any additional durability. The best mode of preserving apples for spring use, 1 have found to be, to put them in dry sand, as soon as picked. For this purpose, I dry sand in the heat of summer, and late in October put down the apples in lay- ers, with a covering of sand upon each layer. The singular advanta- ges of this mode of treatment, are, 1st. The sand keeps the apples from the air, which is essential to their preservation, and, 2d. the sand checks the evaporation or perspiration of the apples, thus preserving them in their full flavor ; at the same time, any moisture yielded by the apples (and some there will be) is absorbed by the sand ; so that the apples are kept dry and all mustiness prevented. My pippins, in May and June are as fresh, as when first picked ; even the ends of the stems look as if just separated from the twig." PEAR. The pear tree is found in a wild state in Europe, as far north as lat. 51°. According to the editors of the Library of Enter- taining Knowledge, it is probable that the Romans introduced the cul- tivated pear into England. From the latter country, as well as from France, many fine varieties have been transferred to America. Some sorts are indigenous to the country. In a wild state, the fruit of the pear tree has an austere and unpleas- ant taste ; but, when cultivated, it is highly grateful. The relative salubrity of pears, however, depends much on the state of ripeness or ENCYCLOPEDIA. 61 PLUM. PEACH. immaturity, in which they are used, as well as on their different pro- perties. Unripe pears should not be eaten, and those whicli are hard, astringent, and difficult of digestion should also be rejected. As a gen- eral rule, the more juicy ones are more alimentary, and less objectiona- ble, from the circumstance that they abound more in saccharine mat- ter, which does not so much oppress the stomach. All the varieties, however, are more flatulent than apples, plumbs, or the generality of fruit. When on the eve of decay, they are especially obnoxious, and likely to produce cholera. Winter pears are, in general, unhealthy ; and the more so, as they are commonly eaten at a period of the year, when the stomach requires stimulating, rather than cooling nourish- ment. Pears, when managed in a similar manner with apples for ma- king cider, afford a pleasant liquor known by the name oZyerry. PLUM. The tree which bears this fruit is found growing wild in Great- Britain, and other parts of Europe; but it is supposed to be a native of Asia. It is also indigenous in North America. There are nearly three hundred varieties of plums. The origin of one kind, the Washington, which in richness of flavor, beauty, and oth- er good qualities, is, perhaps, not surpassed by any, is too curious to be omitted. The parent tree was purchased in the market of New- York, some time in the end of the last century. It remained barren several years, till during a violent thunder-storm the whole trunk was struck to the earth and destroyed. The root afterwards threw out a number of vigorous shoots, all of which were allowed to remain, and finally produced fruit. It is therefore to be presumed that the stock of the barren kind is the parent of this. Trees of this kind were sent to several gentlemen in England, a few years ago, by Dr. Hosack, of New York. The fruit appears to be as highly esteemed in England, as in this country. Besides their utility as a culinary fruit, plums possess valuable me- dicinal properties. In a dried state they are called prunes, and are eminently useful in cases of costiveness, accompanied by irritation, that would be aggravated by powerful laxatives ; but they ought not to be eaten after long fasting or for supper, unless mixed with other aliment, as they are apt to produce flatulency. With this exception, they suit almost every constitution, and produce both cooling and aperient ef- fects ; but when prunes do not operate, their power may be increased by combining them with a small portion of rhubarb or cream of tartar. \fplums be eaten in a fresh state, or before they are perfectly ripe, and in immoderate quantities, they induce colics, looseness, and simi- lar affections in the stomach and intestines. The larger kinds, especial- ly, ought to be used seldom, and with great precaution, being more dan- gerous than the smaller plums ; because the former are rarely permit- ted to attain their maturity. PEACH. The peach tree is said to be a native of Persia in Asia, whence it was brought by the Romans into Italy, during the reign of the Emperor Claudius. It was first cultivated in England, about the middle of the sixteenth century. The alimentary properties of the peach are considerable. The bet- ter kinds are not only harmless, but often positively beneficial ; espe- cially in cases of weakness and derangement of the stomach. In dys- 6 62 FAMILY NECTARINE. APRICOT. CHERRY. QUINCE. enteric complaints, ripe peaches are innoxious, and even salutary, They are also useful for children, at the period of teething. Peaches which ripen late have fewer good properties than those which are more early ; and, in general, the free-stone peach is better flavored, than the cling, though to this there are exceptions. Peaches are often dried, in which state they will keep for a long time, and are exceedingly fine when stewed. In this state they are also sometimes used for pies. NECTARINE. This, by some writers, is considered as the same fruit with the peach. It has, however, a smoother skin and firmer pulp. It is when of a good sort, and properly cultivated, thought to be superior to it. Few vegetable productions are more grateful to the palate even of the epicure. APRICOT. The native country of the apricot appears to be Asia, where it is widely diffused. . Some writers, however, think it a native of Africa, whence, they say, it was carried towards the north. The tree was first brought to England in 1524, by Woolf, the gardener to Henry VIII. From the vinous and saccharine nature of this fruit, we may readily conclude that it is possessed of antiseptic, cooling, and nutritive proper- ties ; yet, unless fully ripe, it is apt to ferment and turn acid, in weak stomachs, especially those of persons who are subject to flatulency and eructations : hence apricots ought to be eaten in moderation,* with the addition of a little bread, and rather before than after meals. In short, they are more useful to billious and plethoric, than to phlegmatic and hysterical individuals, or those troubled with hypochondrical com- plaints. CHERRY. The cherry tree is said to have been originally found in Persia, whence it was introduced into Italy, as well as other parts of Europe, and is supposed to have been brought from Flanders into Eng- land, in the reign of Henry VIII. There are several varieties in the United States, which are thought to be natives of the country. The common red cherry, which, until within a few years, was almost the only sort cultivated among us, is quite indifferent ; and, when eaten im- moderately, is apt to produce colic, and other kindred diseases. The better sorts afford a refreshing summer fruit, highly grateful at the des- sert, and excellent for pies, tarts. Szc. A fine wine is made from the juice, and a spirit may be distilled from the fermented pulp. The gum which exudes from the tree, is equal to Gum Arabic ; and Hasselquist relates, that more than two hundred men, during a siege, were kept alive for nearly two months, without any other sustenance than a little of the gum, taken sometimes into the mouth, and suffered gradually to dissolve. QUINCE. The quince was introduced into Europe, according to Pliny, from the island of Crete. From the largeness of this fruit, and its splendid color, it is thought not improbable that it was the same with the apples of the Hesperides. In the south of France, particularly on the borders of the Garonne, the quince is very extensively grown ; and the peasants prepare from it a marmalade, which they call colignoc. The term marmalade is deriv- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 63 DRINKS. WATER. ed from the Portuguese name for the quince, rnarmelo. Gerard says, that in his time, quince trees were planted in the hedges of gardens and vineyards ; and marmalade two centuries ago, seems to have been in general use, principally from a belief that it possesses valuable medici- nal properties. The seeds of the quince are still used in medicine, on account of the great quantity of mucilage, which they yield to boiling ^vater. The fruit is sometimes boiled and eaten with sugar, in which form it may bo usefully employed in cases of dysentery. Five gallons of the juice of quinces, mixed with twenty-five pounds of sugar, and fer- mented, affords a delicious wine. Quinces are excellent in apple pies, in the proportion of one fourth quince to three fourths apple, with some thin slices of candied lemon-peal or citron. SECTION III. DRINKS, Concerning drinks it may be observed, in general, that they are ne- cessary to dilute and to assist the digestion and assimilation of the food, to preserve the fluidity of the chyle and of the blood ; and, on many occasions, directly to replace the large quantity of watery fluid, dissipated by the cutaneous, pulmonary, and urinary secretions. Ac- cordingly, if the stomach be oppressed by the solidity or acrimony of the food ; if the circulating mass require dilution ; or if there have been any extraordinary dissipation of the fluids by the different excreto- ries, we are advertised of the necessity of taking drink by the appetite of thirst, WATER. Water was formerly supposed to be a simple body, and was called one of the elements. But the researches of modern chem- istry have proved beyond a doubt, that it consists of hydrogen and oxy- gen. When two volumes of hydrogen gas are mixed with one volume of oxygen, and the mixture inflamed in a proper apparatus, by the elec- tric spark, the gases totally disappear, and the interior of the vessel is covered with drops of pure water, equal in weight to that of the gases consumed. Pure water is transparent, and without either color, taste, or smell. At the temperature of 40° it is at its greatest density. A cubic foot of water weighs, except a trifling fraction, 1000 ounces ; a cubic inch 252. 953 grains. A pint of pure water, wine measure, weighs, or is assumed to weigh, sixteen ounces avoirdupois. At the temperature of 32° water becomes ice ; the specific gravity of ice is 0,94 ; ice, of course, floats on water. Water exposed to heat in open vessels, boils at 212°. But water boils at different temperatures, depending upon the pressure of the atmosphere. At the top of Mont Blanc it boiled, according to Saussure, at 187°. Water is the natural drink of man ; and, indeed, of all animals. It is, also, the most universally used ; and though others are taken by a 64 FAMILY WATER. WINE. great proportion of mankind, it forms the basis of all of them, consider- ed merely as drinks. It is not only the safest, and best drink, but how- ever it may be disguised, water is perhaps the only fluid, which can an- swer all the purposes for which drink is required. WINE is an agreeable, spirituous, aromatic liquor, prepared by fer- menting the juices of those vegetables, which contain saccharine mat- ter. The kinds of wine are extremely various. The difference which exists between them is not, however, so much owing to a distinction in the species of grapes, as in the quality of fruit, produced by the varie- ties of soil, cultivation, and climate, to which they are subject. This likewise depends, in some instances, on the peculiar mode of fermenta- tion, and the state of the grapes, from which the wine is produced. Of all the kinds of wines that are consumed in England, none, it is said, are so much in request as red port. This has its name from the city of Oporto, in the neighborhood of which, the vines, producing it, are chiefly cultivated. The difference in color betwixt red and white wines, does not so much depend upon the quality of the grapes, as upon the mode in which the wines arc prepared. The juice of red grapes, if carefully pressed, and fermented separately from the skins, forms a white wine. If the skins be pressed so as to discharge the coloring matter, or if they be allowed to remain in the juice, during the fermentation, the wine assumes a red tinge. White port, and Lisbon, are two kinds of white wine, which we re- ceive from Portugal. The latter of which is now chiefly used. French wines. Many excellent wines are produced in France. That which is usually considered the best, is Burgundy, a red wine of very delicate flavor, which derives its name from the province, where it is made. The wines from the neighborhood of Orleans, however, after having been matured by age, are much like Burgundy. Claret is the only French red wine, for which there is any great demand in England. It is thin and highly flavored, and is chiefly supplied from the neigh- borhood of Bordeaux. Some of the red wines of Champaigne are highly prized for their excellence and delicacy, though they occasion- ally, have a pungent and sourish taste. No French white wine has so much celebrity as Champaigne. This is of two kinds : one of which called still, or quiet Champaigne, has gone through the whole process of fermentation ; the other, which has the name of sparkling Champaigne, has been bottled before the fermen- tation was complete ; this consequently works slowly in the bottle, and causes the wine, on the drawing of the cork, to sparkle in the glass. Frontignac and Muscadel, are white" wines, the delicious productions of Languedoc. It would not consist with our limits even to name the varieties of wine, which are produced in France. Almost every province has a wine peculiar to itself. The value of the wine crop is estimated at about thirty millions sterling. The department of the Gironde alone, produces wine to the value of two millions sterling. Spanish loine. In the environs of Xeres, in Spain, is produced the ENCYCLOPEDIA. 65 \VI>-ES. wine called sherries, or sherry, which, when well prepared, is highly es- teemed. The best and richest sort of sherry, is called Pagarette, from the Spanish word Pago, a district, and particularly applied to this vintage. In one aranzado, (an acre of vineyard,) they plant, 1,800 vines at regu- lar distances. It is reckoned a good year if it gives three buts per acre ; middling if two ; and bad, if but one ; some years, however, it yields four or five. The quantity of sherry wine made annually in this place is about 40,000 pipes. Some sweet wines are also produced in th-'s neighborhood, of which, the best known, is a sweet red wine call- ed vino tinto, or Tent wine. Italian wines. Notwithstanding the ancient celebrity of many of the wines of Italy, by far the greater part of what are now manufactur- ed in that country, are thin and bad. Certain vineyards, on Mount Vesuvius, however, still have great celebrity for a luscious red wine called Lachryma Christi. German wines. Germany produces many excellent wines of which lock, Rhenish, and Moselle, are the most celebrated. Tokay has its name from a town in Hungary, in the neighborhood of which it is chiefly made. The quantity of the wine is so small, that even on the spot it is sold at a very high price. Tokay is certainly a fine wine ; it is no way adequate to the price, for which it is sold. Several years ago, it could not be purchased even in Hungary, for much less than half a guinea of English money, per bottle. Of all the German wines, that which is in greatest demand in England is Hock. This has its name from the town of Hockstedt, in Suabia, celebrated for a great battle which was fought in its neighborhood, by the French and the allies in 1704. Rhenish and Moselle, are produced chiefly on the banks of the rivers Rhine and Moselle ; and have a cool sharp taste, and con- siderable strength. Anterior to the late wars in Germany, there were wines in the cellars of many of the noble and wealthy inhabitants of that country, which were more than a hundred years old, and of such body, as to be uninjured even by that great age. Madeira and Teneriffe xcines. To the Madeira and Canary islands we arc indebted for some excellent white wines. Of these, Madeira wine is considered by far the most valuable, particularly after it has been ripened by conveyance into a hot climate. The number of pipes of Madeira annually made in that island is about 30,000. The grapes when gathered, are put into wooden vessels, and the juice is extracted by persons treading upon thern. The Canary islands gave name to a rich white wine, which was for- merly in great esteem under the name of Canary sack, and is now usu- ally called Malmsey Madeira. The genuine malmsey wine, which is of sweet and luscious flavor, and rich golden yellow color, is the produce of Malvesia, one of the Greek islands, and thence had originally its name, the French merchants denominating it Vin de Malvesia : but so little is now made, that few persons can possess it. Teneriffe wine, when two or three years old, has much the flavor of Madeira; but af- ter this age it sometimes becomes so sweet and mellow, as somewhat to resemble Malaga. Cape wines. There are produced at the Cape of Good Hope two 6* 66 FAMIL. WINES. kinds of peculiarly rich, sweet, and delicate wines called red and white Constantina. The farm from which they have their name is situated about eight miles from Cape Town. Constantina is in perfection, when about two years old ; but when kept six or seven years, it sparkles in the glass, somewhat, like wine which has not undergone a perfect fer- mentation. Several attempts have been made in the United States, within a few years, to cultivate the grapes of our own country, as well as those of foreign origin, for the purpose of making wine. Hitherto, the quantity has not been great, nor the quality, with some exceptions, superior. Indeed, it is doubtful, whether the climate will ever admit of the culti- vation of those sorts of grapes, which are essential to wholesome wine. Yet it is well known that a different opinion prevails among some. In respect to New-England, a writer gives it as his opinion, that it can nev- er be the interest of the farmers to raise the \ine for the above purpose. "The great objection to its culture," he observes, "for wine is, the de- ficiency of sugar, or saccharine matter. This defect is so great in our climate that cultivators are obliged to add a large quantity of sugar to the must, or expressed juice, to give it sufficient body. In the Mid- dle and Southern States the successful cultivation of the vine 6eems more probable, and some experiments have even exceeded the expec- tations of the sanguine. Wine pronounced to be of an excellentjjquali- ty by Dr. Mease, has been manufactured by Col. Adlum, near George- town, who in 1826 states, that he realized from two acres and an half, from eleven to twelve hundred dollars, after deducting all expenses. Among the grapes cultivated for this purpose are the Bland and Ca- tawba. In North Carolina, the Scuppernong grape is in high estima- tion ; and from it, wine has been made, pronounced by good judges to equal the best Madeira. A single vine has been known to produce eight barrels of wine. Mr. Prince, near New- York, has produced ex- cellent wine from the Isabella grape, to which he gives the preference. Wine is manufactured also in parts of Ohio, Tennessee, and several other states. Method of making and fining wine — In the southern parts of France, they make red wines by treading the grapes, or squeezing them be- tween the hands ; after the juice and husks have stood a time, they press them ; but for white wine they press the grapes immediately. When pressed, they tun the must, and stop up the vessel, leaving the depth of half a foot or more empty, to give room for it to work. About Paris, and in the northern parts of France, they let the husks and must stand two days and nights for white wine, and at least a week for claret wine, before they tun it. To fine it down, they put shavings of green beech into the vessel. Although the juice of the grape general- ly contains saccharine matter sufficient for fermentation, yet it is usual in some countries to accelerate this process by artificial means, such as heat, &c. If after the first fermentation, certain impurities remain, wine-coopers remove these by means of isinglass, whites of eggs, pow- ders of alabaster, calcined marble, roch-alum, &c. The Grecians pro- mote the fining of their strongest wines by a quantity of sulphur and alum. Some sweeten their wines with raisins of the sun. Currant wine. As this kind of wine is extensively manufactured in ENCYCLOPEDIA. &t WINES. CIDER. the United States, especially in private families, we give the following rule from the Farmer's Guide. To make this wine, gather the cur- rants when fully ripe, let them be picked in fair weather, and with as much expedition as possible ; break them well in a tub or vat, (some have a mill constructed for the purpose, consisting of a hopper, fixed upon two lignum vitae rollers,) press and measure the juice, having first strained it through a woollen cloth ; to every gallon of pure cur- rant juice, add two gallons of cold water, then to every gallon of this mixture, immediately put three pounds of good brovvn sugar, (some think it better with three and one-fourth pounds,) stir it well, till the sugar is quite dissolved, and then fill up the cask. If you can possibly prevent it, let not your juice stand over night, as it should not ferment before mixture. Observe that the casks be sweet and clean, and such as never have had either beer or cider in them, and if new, let them be first well seasoned. The cask must not be so full as to work over. Lay the bung lightly on the hole, to keep out flies, Szc. In three weeks, or a month, the bung hole may be stopped up, leaving only the vent hole open, till it has fully done working; then stop it up tight, and in six months, it will be fit for bottling, or for use. Like other wines, however, it improves much by age. Wine, as well as ardent spirits, it is well known, contains a large quantity of alcohol. The following table exhibits the proportion of this principle in one hundred parts of the following liquors, and which, for convenience, we insert in this place. Rum, 54 Brandy, French . . 53 Gin, 52 Scotch Whiskey, . . 54 Port wine, from . 19 to 26 Madeira, " . . 19 to 24 Currant, ... 21 Sherry, Lisbon, and Malaga, from 18 to 20 Claret, from . * 13 to 17 Tokay, " ... 10 " Nearly all the wines used in this country," observes a writer, ■ con- tain a much larger proportion of alcohol, than the above table indi- cates ; as it is well known to be the practice of many dealers in wine, to add brandy, and other articles, to give them more life and a richer color." Indeed, it is stated by a most respectable medical authority, that, " for every gallon of pure wine which is sold, there is perhaps a pipe, or fifty times the quantity of that which is adulterated, and in various manners sophisticated ; the whole, without exception, the source of a thousand disorders, and in many instances an active poison im- perfectly disguised." CIDER. This is a cooling, pleasant, vinous beverage made by fermenting the juice of apples. The following essay upon the manu- facture of it by Jesse Buel, Esq., we extract from the fifth volume of the New England Farmer, as containing the best view of the subject which we recollect to have seen. The quality of cider depends on several contingencies, among which I will enumerate, 68 FAMILY CIDER. 1. The species of fruit employed ; 2. Soil and aspect of the orchard ; 3. ( ondition of the fruit when ground ; 4. The process of grinding, &c. ; 5. Management of the vinous fermentation ; and 6. The precautions which are taken to prevent the acetous fermenta- tion. I intend to offer remarks upon each of these divisions. And, 1. The Fruit. Apples differ not only in their flavor, color, and time of ripening, but in the proportions of their constituent parts. The most material of these constituent parts are acid, sugar, astringency. vegetable extract and water. The properties of good dessert and cider apples are seldom found united, though they are not incompatible with each other. Table apples are esteemed on account of their bland and aromatic ilavor, crisp and juicy pulp, and for the property of keep- ing long, or ripening late. The characteristics of a good cider apple are, a red skin ; yellow and often tough and fibrous pulp, astringency, dryness, and ripeness at the cider making season. " When the rind and pulp are green, the cider will always be thin, weak and colorless ; and when these are deeply tinged with yellow, it will, however manu- factured, or in whatever soil it may have grown, almost always possess color, with either strength or richness." — {Knight.) The apple, like the grape, must attain a state of perfection, or perfect maturity, before its juices develope all their excellence ; and as many of our best eating apples do not acquire this maturity until winter or spring, this affords a satisfactory reason why winter fruit is seldom or never good cider fruit. In a dry apple, the essential elements of cider are generally more concentrated, or are accompanied with a less proportion of water, than in a juicy one ; of course the liquor of the former, is stronger than that of the latter. Of our best cider apples, ten or twelve bush- els of fruit are' required for a barrel of juice ; while of the ordinary- juicy kinds, eight bushels generally suffice. Very little has been done to acquire a correct knowledge of the re- lative value of our native apples for cider. Coxe has described and figured one hundred varieties of this fruit, of which about thirty are recommended for cider. Of these thirty kinds I selected the following for my nursery, as not only being best for cider, but as generally com- bining the desirable qualities of table fruit also : viz. the Hagloe and Virginia crabs, Harrison, Campfield, Styre, yellow Newton and New- ark pippins, Priestly, Graniwinkle, Winesap, Carthouse and Cooper's russeting. We have undoubtedly, among our indigenous fruit, many kinds of excellent cider apples hitherto unnoticed ; and it is very de- sirable that their properties should be tested, and the result of the in- vestigation made public. In Great Britain more attention has been given to this subject. The specific gravity of the juice of old cider varieties has not only been ascertained by scientific men, and their relative value fixed, but new varieties have been obtained by artificial crossing, surpassing, in rich- ness of juice, any before cultivated. Loudon has given a table of 38 cider apples, in his Encyclopedia of Agriculture. Of these, the fol- lowing are only known to be in our nurseries, viz. ; *Redstreak, Wine, ENCYCLOPEDIA. CIDER. Styre, Hagloe crab, *Maiden's Blush, *Count Pendu, *Downton and Grange pippins, Foxley, Siberian Harvey, yellow Siberian and *Min- shelfs crab. Those with an asterisk are also excellent dessert apples. The seven last named, five of which are new varieties by Knight, I have obtained from Europe, and propagated in nursery. None of the old English cider varieties exceed, in the specific gravity of their juice, 1,079, water being 1,000. Six of Knight's new varieties are over 1,079, and one is 1,091. Knight is of opinion, that with proper varieties of fruit, the defects of almost every soil and aspect might be corrected, and that fine cider might be made in any part of England. In France and Italy, small berried grapes, of a harsh flavor, are preferred for wine-making, (Loudon?) and it will be found that the cider apples re- commended by Loudon and Coxe are under a medium size, and sever- al of them austere and harsh. 2. Soil and aspect. The apple, like the grape, is known to take much of its character from, the soil on which it grows. The best cider orchards in England, are on a stratum of red marie, which stretches across the Island. The soil of Herefordshire, highly reputed for its ciders, is an argillaceous, or clay marie. And Knight says, the strong- est and most highly flavored cider which has been obtained from the apple, was produced from fruit growing on a shallow loam, on lime- stone basis. All the writers upon the subject seem to agree, that cal- careous earth should form a component part of the soil of a cider or- chard. It appears to have the effect of mitigating the harshness of rough and austere fruits, and of neutralizing the juices of those which are too acid. Coxe says, the soil which grows good wheat and clover, is best for a cider orchard. My own observation would induce me also to prefer a dry and somewhat loose soil, in which the roots, destined to furnish food for the tree, and fruit, may penetrate freely, and range ex- tensively, in search of nutriment. The juices of plants and fruits are always more concentrated when growing on a dry than on a wet soil. Mint, or other aromatic herbs, is much stronger in the specific virtues of the plant, when grown on a dry soil, and greater in volume, when grown on a wet one. The maple yields the sweetest sap, though less in quantity, on a dry soil. Apples may grow large on a moist alluvion ; but the fruit will neither be so abundant, nor so rich, as on a dry soil. The thriftiest trees produce the most wood buds ; those less thrifty the most fruit buds. The best aspect for an orchard is one somewhat ele- vated or undulating, protected from prevailing cold winds — and facing the south, south-east or east. 3. Condition of the fruit. Fruit should be used when it has attain- ed its perfect state of maturity, and before it begins to decay, because it then yields the greatest proportion of saccharine matter. The most certain indication of ripeness, says Crocker, is the fragrance of the smell, and the spontaneous dropping from the trees. Each kind of the apple should be manufactured separately, or those kinds only mixed which ripen at one time and which experience shall show, are not pre- judicial to each other. Who would ever think of making a superior wine from an indiscriminate mixture of a dozen kinds of grapes ? And yet we seem to expect good cider from an indiscriminate mixture of a dozen kinds of apples. It may be urged, that the evil is irreme- diable, because our orchards, containing these dozen varieties, have TO FAMILY CIDER. been furnished to our hands ; and that neither the quantity nor quality of any one kind of fruit renders it an object to manufacture it sepa- rately. Is it not time, then, to set about correcting the evil, by select- ing only the best kinds for new plantations. 4. Grinding, Sec. The apples should be reduced, by the mill, as nearly as possible to a uniform mass, in which the rind and seeds are scarcely discoverable ; and the pomace should be exposed to the air from twelve to twenty-four hours, according to the temperature, before it is pressed. The juices of the rind of fruit, as maybe instan- ced in the orange and lemon, are highly concentrated ; and those of the rind of the apple have a material influence, with the aromatic bit- ter of the seeds, upon the flavor and strength of the liquor. 5. Vinous fermentation. This is commonly called working. It commences at the temperature of 59° Fah., and cannot be conducted in safety when the heat is over 75°, for a high temperature induces a too rapid fermentation, by which much of the spirit passes off with the disengaged carbonic acid gas, and the acetous or vinegar fermentation begins at 77°. This will show the importance of conducting the vi- nous fermentation under a proper temperature, which is from 50 to 70° of Fah. To show the chemical effect of the vinous fermentation, it will be proper to repeat that the unfermented juice, or must, of the ap- ple, consists of saccharine matter or sugar, vegetable mucilage or ex- tract ; astringency or tannin ; malic, and a small matter of gallic acid, the principle of flavor, tinging or coloring matter, and water. The sugar becomes the basis, or spirit, of the fermented liquor ; the spirit, after vinous fermentation, and the tannin, or astringent matter, pre- serve it from the acetous fermentation, if the vegetable mucilage, or yeast, is separated when it has performed its office. This vegetable mucilage acts upon the saccharine matter in a manner analogous to yeast upon the wort of the brewer — it causes fermentation, and con- verts sugar into spirits— by its giving off carbonic acid gas, and imbi- bing hydrogen ; the liquor becomes clear, and part of the mucilage rises to the surface with the disengaged air, in the form of froth, and the residue is precipitated, with the heavier impurities, to the bottom, in the form of sediment or lees. This is the critical period. The liquor may now be drawn off clear. If left longer, the feculent matter, or froth, by parting with the gas which renders it buoyant, soon settles and mixes with the liquor, renders it turbid, and as soon as the temper- ature attains a proper height, causes a new fermentation. This will explain the reason why ciders become harsh and sour on the approach of warm weather in the spring. The elementary principles of sugar, ardent spirits and vinegar, it has been ascertained by the experiments of Lavoisier, are the same ; and these substances only differ in the proportion of their component parts, and in the modes of their, chemi- cal union. Sugar consists of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. An in- creased proportion of hydrogen enters into the composition of ardent spirits, and of oxygen into vinegar. The same agent, vegetable mu- cilage, which converts the sugar of the apple into spirits, will convert the spirits into vinegar, under a proper temperature, and aided by the oxygen of the atmosphere. The process of making vinegar is greatly accelerated by exposing cider or wine to the atmosphere, the oxygen of which it imbibes, and which is termed by chemists the great acidify. ENCYCLOPEDIA. Tf CIDER. ing principle. Here again we see the propriety of professional cider manufacturers, who might be provided with cellars where the temper- ature could be regulated, and who would carefully rack off the liquor at the completion of the vinous fermentation. The vinous fermentation commences and terminates at different pe- riods, according to the condition and quality of the fruit, and the state of the weather. The juice of unripe fruit, if the weather be warm, will begin to ferment in a few hours after it passes from the press ; and seidom stops at the vinous stage. The juice of ripe fruit, when the temperature is lower, does not begin to ferment under a week or fort- night, or longer, often continues slowly through the winter, and when made from some of the finer eider apples, is not completed under six or nine months. Indeed, in some cases, the liquor does not become clear under a year, and the sugar is not wholly decomposed under two years ; for the whole of the sugar is seldom decomposed during the first sensible fermentation. Knight considers cider at two years old as in the best state for bottling. For until the sugar is decomposed, fermentation insensibly goes on, and the strength of the liquor increas- es. The like insensible process goes on in wines, and when it is com- pleted, the wines are said to be ripe, and are in their highest state of perfection. (See M'Culloch.) Temperature being the same, I think it may be assumed as a rule, that fermentation will be rapid and short, in an inverse ratio to the proportion which the saccharine matter bears to the mucilage and water ; and that the vinous liquor will be rich, high flavored and durable, in proportion as the sugar and astrinerency pre- ponderate in the must. 6. Precautions to prevent acetous fermentation. These are. suppo- sing the previous contingencies to have been favorable, a careful sepa- ration of the vinous liquor from the froth and lees, — a cool tempera- ture, — racking and fining, and artificial means to destroy the ferment- ing quality of the remaining mucilage. I have already suggested the importance of drawing on the liquor from the scum and sediment — at the termination of the vinous ferment- ation. This period may be known by the cracking of the froth in an open cask, or, if in a close one, by the application of the nose or ear to the bung hole. If the fermentation has not ceased, a hissing will be apparent, and the gas given off will give a pungent sensation to the nose. If the liquor is not sufficiently clear, or indications appear of the acetous fermentation having commenced, the cider should be racked into clean strong casks, and fined with isinglas, eggs, or skimmed milk. This operation may be repeated, if found necessary ; but it should be performed in clear cold weather. After the first racking, the casks should be kept bunged close, and further rackings be avoided, if possi- ble, as every racking reduces its strength, and much of the spirit es- capes with the carbonic acid gas which is evolved in the fermentive process. The oxygen of the atmosphere, besides, increases the vine- gar fermentation. But if these methods fail, resort may be had to the means of impeding the natural operation of the mucilage, or vegetable leaven. This may be done by what is called stumming, that is, burn- ing a rag impregnated with sulphur, in the cask in which the liquor is to be decanted, after it has been partly filled, and rolling it so as to in- corporate the liquid with the gas ; or by putting a drachm or two of 72 FAMILY VINEGAR. — ALCOHOL. RUM, sulphite of potash into each cask, which will precipitate and render in- soluble the remaining leaven. If the fruit is good, and properly ground, and the cider racked from the fermenting casks at a proper time, most or all of the subsequent operations will be superseded. VINEGAR is an agreeable acid liquor, prepared from wine, cider, beer, and other liquors, and it is of considerable use, both as a medicine and a sauce. The word is French, vinaigre; from vin, wine, and aigre, sour. There are four kinds of vinegar known in commerce ; that from wine, from malt, from sugar, and from wood. This last is called the pyrolig- neous acid, and is now prepared in large quantities in London, by distil- ling wood in close vessels. It may be obtained eight times the strength of common vinegar, so that it may be diluted by the purchaser at plea- sure. It is colorless, and by many considered superior to common vin- egar. It is said to be perfectly free from all flavor, save that of the pure acid. The principal requisites to form good vinegar, are, 1. contact with the air ; 2. A temperature not exceeding 77° of Fahrenheit ; 3. The addition of some extraneous vegetable matter, to promote the acetous fermentation ; and, 4. the presence of alcohol. The vinegar used in the United States is chiefly made from cider. It may be prepared thus : to a quarter cask of good cider, add 4 lbs. of white Havanna sugar, and half a pound of argol, or rough tartar, in fine powder ; it will be better for the addition of some lees of wine. Ex- pose it to a heat not less than 75°, nor more than 80°, with the bung out. Twice or thrice a day, draw off a pail full, and after it has stood exposed to the air, a quarter of an hour, return it to the bung-hole by a funnel. Vinegar is sometimes made from whey. The following directions are given by Mr. Genet, of New- York. " After having clarified the whey, it is poured into casks with some aromatic plants, or elder blos- soms, as suits the fancy, and exposed in the open air to the sun, when it soon acquires an uncommon degree of acidity." ALCOHOL. This is said to be an Arabian word, which signifies antimony ; so called from the usage of the Eastern ladies to paint their eyebrows with antimony, reduced to a most subtile powder ; whence, it at last came to signify any thing exalted to its highest perfection. Alcohol is highly rectified spirit of wine, freed from all those watery particles, which are not essential to it. When pure, it consists of hy- drogen, carbon and oxygen. It is quite colorless, and clear ; of a strong and penetrating smell and taste ; capable of being set on fire, without wick, and burning with aflame, without leaving a residue, and without smoke and soot. It is not known to freeze, in any degree of coldness. It is used in those preparations, called elixirs, tinctures, essences, &c. It is a powerful stimulant and antisceptic It is this, which in brandy, rum, wine, &c, exhilarates, and which, at length, destroys the constitu- tion of the drunkard. In England, alcohol is procured by distillation from molasses ; in Scotland and Ireland, from whiskey. In the East ludies, arrack is distilled from rice ; in the West Indies, rum from the sugar cane ; and in France and Spain, brandy, from wine ; in the Uni- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 73 RUM. BRANDY. GIN. — ARRACK. ted States, cider-brandy, from cider. All these afford alcohol by dis- tillation. RUM is a spirit obtained by distillation from the fermented juice of the sugar-cane, or from molasses and other coarse saccharine matter in the W est Indies. Rum contains a considerable portion of alcohol ; but as it contains, in solution, a gross essential oil, which is apt to disagree with some stomachs, it Is not so good, considered medicinally, as brandy. BRANDY is obtained by simple distillation, from real wines, or the fermented juice of grapes. To distil brandy, they fill the still half full of the liquor from which it is to be drawn, and raise it with a little fire, till about one sixth part be distilled, or till they perceive what falls into a receiver is not at all inflammable. Brandy, when first made, is per- fectly colourless ; the colour it has in this country is given to it by burnt sugar. The peculiar taste of brandy is produced by a small por- tion of some essential oil ; whether arising from the wine from which it is distilled, or added afterwards, is not known in this country. On this account, in moderate doses, it is very grateful to the stomach. The greatest part of the brandies in use is prepared in France. Of the French brandies, those of Languedoc and Anjou, whence the well known Cognac brandy, are the most esteemed. Of brandy, either plain or rectified, are prepared various kinds of strong liquors, with the addi- tion of other ingredients, sugars, spices, flowers, fruits, Sec. The strength of brandy may be determined by olive oil or tallow, both of which sink in good brandy. GENEVA or GIN ; the name of a compound water, procured from juniper berries and other ingredients, distilled with malt spirits. The French name of the juniper-berry, is genievre, from which the word is formed. But our common distillers leave out the juniper-berries entirely from the liquor they now make and sell under that name. Our chem- ists have taught them, that the oil of juniper berries and that of turpen- tine are very much alike in flavor, though not in price ; and the com- mon method of making what is called geneva, in London, is with com- mon malt spirit, and a proper quantity of oil of turpentine distilled to- gether, with sometimes angelica root, and other aromatic vegetables. The Dutch, it is said, still continue the original use of juniper berries, and hence the reason why Hollands is by many preferred to English gin. This hot fiery spirit is too much used by the lower classes of peo- ple in its undiluted state as a drain. It is most injurious to their con- stitution and morals. ARRACK ; a spirituous liquor imported from the East Indies ; used by way of dram and in punch. The word arrack, according to Mr. Lockyer, is an Indian name for strong waters of all kinds, for they call our spirits English arrack. But what we understand by the name ar- rack, he alhrms to be no other than a spirit procured by distillation from a vegetable juice called toddy, which flows by incision out of the cocoa-nut tree, like the birch juice procured among us. Others are or* opinion, that the arrack is a vinous spirit obtained by distillation in ths East Indies from rice or sugar fermented with the juice of the cocoa tree. The Goa arrack is said to be made from the toddy ; the Batavia arrack from rice and sugar ; there is likewise a kind of shrub from 74 FAMILY ALE. — MALT. which arrack is made. By fermenting, distilling, and rectifying, the juice of the American maple, which has much the same taste as that of the cocoa tree, arrack has been made not inferior to any that comes from the East Indies. ALE is a popular beverage or drink made from malt. The zythum and curmi, mentioned by Tacitus as the beverage of the ancient Ger- mans, are supposed to correspond with our ale and beer. MALT denotes barley cured, or prepared to fit it for making a pota- ble liquor, under the denomination of beer, ale, &c. The manner of making malt Sir Robert Murray describes as follows : Steep good barley in a stone trough full of water, till the water be of a bright reddish color, but it may be known when it is steeped enough by other marks, as by the excessive swelling of the grain and the degree of softness. It is afterwards taken out, and laid on heaps, to let the water drain from it, then turned and laid in a new heap, where it may lie forty hours, more or less. In about fifteen or sixteen hours the grains put forth roots, which when they have done, the malt must be turned over, otherwise the grains will begin to put forth the blade or spire, w T hich must be prevented. It must now be spread to a depth not exceeding five or six inches, and then turned over and over for the space of forty-eight hours at least. This cools, dries and deadens the grain, when it becomes mellow, melts easily in brewing, and separates easily from the husk. Then throw up the malt into a high heap, and let it grow as hot as your hand can endure it, which it usually does in about thirty hours. This perfects the sweetness and mellowness of the malt. It is now again cooled and turned over, and then laid on a kiln, with hair cloth or wire spread under it, where, after one fire, it must have a se- cond, and perhaps a third, before the malt be thoroughly dried. The time during which the grain continues on the malt floor varies according to circumstances; fourteen days is, however, the general average. Malt drinks are either pale or brown, as the malt is more or less dried on the kiln, that which is the least dried tinging the liquor least in brewing, and therefore called pale; whereas the higher dried, and as it were roasted, makes it of a higher colour. High dried malt yields less liquor or beer than low dried or pale malt does, and hence the por- ter brewers are obliged to use colouring drugs and many pernicious stuffs, as substitutes for malt, which is too dear to afford deep-colored pure malt liquor at the common price of porter. BREWING is the operation of preparing ale or beer from malt. In brewing, a quantity of water, being boiled, is left to cool till it becomes of the temperature of 175° or 180° ; or till the face can be seen pretty distinctly in the w r ater. Mix the malt with the water, stirring it dur- ing the process with the mashing stick. Reserve a few handfuls of the dry malt to strew over the surface after it is mixed, to prevent the es- cape of the heat; the vessel should also be covered besides with cloths, in order to keep the mixture hot; this operation is called mashing. Let the whole stand for three hours, more or less, according to the strength of the wort, which is then to be drawn off into a receiver. The mashing is repeated for the second wort nearly in the same man- ner as for the first. After these worts are run off, a quantity of hops is added, and the liquor is again boiled. The hops are afterwards ENCYCLOPEDIA. 75 BREWING. — HOPS. strained from it, and when it is moderately cool, the barm or yeast is applied. The barm causes the whole to ferment, and when sufficient- ly fermented, it is tunned up in vessels for use. One, two, three, or more months are necessary to pass, be ore it will befit for use. The quantity of malt for making a hogshead, sixty-three gallons, of strong bter^ may be ten bushels ; for good ale five bushels are sufficient. The following account of a London brewing establishment, from the pen of Professor Griscom, will give the reader some idea of the extent to which brewing operations are carried in England. This establish- ment (Barclay's brewery.) covers about eight acres of ground, and man- ufactured last year (1829), 340,000 barrels of 36 gallons each. The building which contains the vats, and the vats themselves, are enor- mous. The largest of the latter contain each 4000 barrels. The aver- age number of vats is nearly one hundred. A steam engine of twenty- two horse power is employed in driving the machinery, and about two hundred men are engaged in the various works of the establishment ; while it is supposed that the number of persons dependent upon it with- out, in the sale and transportation of the beer, is three or four thousand. The three coppers in which the beer is boiled, hold each 150 barrels. Twenty-five gentlemen once dined in one of them ; after which, fifty of the workmen got in and regaled themselves. One hundred and nine- ty pounds of beef-steaks were thus consumed in one day, in this novel dining room. The tuns in which the beer ferments, hold 1400 barrels each. The carbonic acid in one of them stood about three and a half feet above the liquor, and poured over the side in a continued stream. A candle is instantly extinguished on being placed near the outer edge of this receptacle, and on holding one's face over it, a sharp, pungent sensation is felt in the mouth and fauces, not unlike that produced by ardent spirits. An immersion of a few moments would be sufficient to occasion a suspension of voluntary motion. One hundred and sixty horses are kept on the premises, for the pur- pose chiefly of transporting the materials to and from different parts of the city. HOPS, it is said, preserve malt liquors : if hops were not added, that clammy sweetness, which the liquor retains after working, would soon become acid, and render the liquor unfit for use. The whole virtue of the hop resides, it appears, in a fine yellow powder, readily separable from the leaves by mere rubbing, or threshing : this powder is called Lupulln. SECTION IV, CONDIMENTS. GINGER, the common, is a native of the East Indies, but now natu- ralized in the West Indies, whence we are chiefly supplied with it. It is a perennial shrub, which grows about a yard high. Its propagation is effected by parting the roots in the spring, planting them in pots of 76 FAMILY NUTMEG. CLOVE light earth, and placing them in a hot bed of tanner's bark, where they remain. The different kinds of ginger found in the shops appear to be the same root differently dried, or otherwise prepared ; the roots which are white, soft, and woolly, are in general, less pungent than the more solid and compact kinds. Ginger is much employed as a condiment, and as a medicine. It is considered as a useful stimulant in dyspepsy, gout, and other complaints, requiring exciting medicines. Ginger is sometimes brought to this country, preserved in syrup. It is also used as a plaster, wet with French brandy, to be laid upon the stomach, in cases of great pain, or to check excessive vomiting in cholera ; and of- ten subserves an excellent purpose. NUTMEG is the product of a tree, which resembles the cherry tree in growth, and size, and is a native of the Molucca Islands, from which, except Banda, by the policy of the Dutch, it has been nearly extirpa- ted ; Banda, now supplying with mace and nutmegs, the whole of Europe. The flowers, which are inodorous, are present at the same time with the fruit, and male and female are on the same, and on sepa- rate trees. Nutmegs are inclosed in four different covers. The first a thick husk, like that of our walnuts. Under this lies a thin reddish coat, of an agreeable smell, and aromatic taste, called mace. This wraps up the shell, and opens in proportion as the pod grows. The shell, which makes the third cover, is hard, thin, and blackish ; under this is a greenish film of no use ; and in this is found the nutmeg,which is properly the kernel of the fruit. The nutmeg tree yields three crops annually : the first, which is the best, in April ; the second in August, and the third in December. The fruit requires nine months to ripen ; when gathered, the outer covering is first stripped off, and then the mace carefully separated and dried ; the nutmegs in the shell are next exposed to heat, and smoke, for three months, then broken, and the kernels thrown into a strong mixture of lime and water, after which they are cleaned and packed up. This process is said to be necessary for their preservation, and with the same intention, the mace is sprink- led with salt water. The CLOVE is obtained from a tree, somewhat in the form of a nail ; whence the term clove, from the French clove, a nail. The clove tree was anciently very common in the Molucca islands ; at present, cloves are chiefly obtained from Amboyna, the Dutch having from their cupidity, dug up the trees in the other islands. It is now, however, cultivated in the isles of France, at Cayenne, and in the island of Dom- inica, in the West Indies. The tree is very large; its bark resembles that of the olive tree, and its leaves those of ihe laurel, its fruit falling, takes root without any culture, and eight years after bears fruit. The clove is the unexpanded flower. At Amboyna, they are collected from October to December, when they begin to redden. They require to be dried quickly ; on which account, they are first immersed in boiling water, and then exposed to smoke and heat ; the drying is afterwards, finished in the sun. Although the unopened flowers, and even the leaves, are extremely aromatic, the real fruit which is a coriaceous ber- ry, is not so. Clove- are hot, stimulating aromatics, which affect th© breath, eyes, and hea. and are useful in palsies, &c. There is an oil drawn from clo es by distillation ; it is sometimes used as a remedy for ENCYCLOPEDIA. 77 PEPPER. — CASSIA. — CINNAMON. the tooth-ache, but very improperly, since from its pungent quality, it i* apt to corrode the gums and injure the adjacent teeth. When the tooth is carious and will admit of it, a bruised clove is much to be preferred. Much, however, of the oil of cloves, which is sold, is said to be obtain- ed from all-spice. PEPPER, or rather Black Pepper, is well known from its general use. It is the produce of a climbing plant, or vine, growing in several parts of the East Indies, chiefly Java, Sumatra, Malacca, and the coasts of Malabar. It is propagated in bumatra by cuttings, or suckers ; in growing, it is supported by props. The plant is three years old, before it bears fruit; it yields two crops annually, the first in December, the second in July. White pepper is the fruit of the same plant, perfectly ripe, and freed from its outer coat by means of a preparation of lime and mustard- oil applied before it is dried. The Cayenne Pepper, or bird pepper, brought from the West Indies, is very useful as a condiment, particularly with fish ; and latterly it has been introduced into medicine in the shape of a tincture, which is a useful stimulant in dyspepsy, &c. Jamaica Pepper, or pimenta, is the fruit of an ever-green-tree, rising sometimes fifty feet in height. It grows plentifully in Jamaica and other American Islands. It is aromatic, and may supply the place both of cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon, whence it is called by the Eng- lish all-spice. The essential oil of pimenta contains the principal vir- tues of the berry ; it is so much like oil of cloves as to be often mista- ken and sold for it. CASSIA., or Cassia Cinnamon, is the bark of a species of bay-tree, growing in Malabar, Ceylon, Sumatra, and Java. It has many of the habits of the cinnamon tree, and is barked in the same manner. Cas- sia cinnamon is chiefly distinguishable from the true cinnamon, by being of a lighter color than that article ; by being also thicker, by breaking shorter, and by having less bitterness in its taste, as well as very fre- quently when chewed becoming mucilaginous in the mouth ; this last, however, is not an invariable accompaniment. CINNAMON is the bark of a tree growing in abundance in the isl- ands of Ceyion, and also in Malabar, Cochin China, Sumatra and other East India islands. It is also now cultivated in the Pirazils, the Mau- ritius, and Guiana. It seldom rises above thirty feet high. Ten va- rieties of this tree have been enumerated ; of these, that called the sharp sv:ett cinnamon, is said to be the best. It is raised from the seed. The chief part of the cinnamon in this country is brought from Cey- lon. The principal difference between cinnamon and cassia consists in the former being much thinner and in more irregular masses, and also in its having much more astringency, and therefore in substance is preferable to cassia. SALT, COMMON SALT, muriate of soda, or chloride of sodium by the most correct and recent nomenclature, is a saline crystallization used to season and give pungency to various kinds of food ; as well as to preserve it on numerous occasions from putrefaction. Salt is ob- tained from three different sources, namely, the water of the sea, mines, where it exists in a solid form, called rock salt, and from saline springs. 78 FAMILY SALT. Rock salt is found in various places ; at Nantwich in Cheshire, at Cra- cow in Poland, and in Hungary, Catalonia, in Africa, Asia ; and in America, forming hills or very extensive beds above the surface. Rock salt, it is said, was entirely unknown to the ancients. The Po- lish mines near Cracow were discovered in 1251 ; their depth and ca- pacity are surprising. Within them is found a kind of subterraneous republic, which has its polity, laws, families, &c. ; and even public roads, carriages, and horses, for the conveyance of salt to the mouth of the quarry, where it is taken up by engines. These horses when once down never see the light again ; but the men take frequent occa- sions ©f breathing the village air. "When a traveller arrives at the bot- tom of this strange abyss where so many people are interred alive, and where so many are even born, and have never stirred out, he is sur- prised with along series of lofty vaults sustained by huge pilasters cut out with chisels ; and which, being themselves rock salt, appear by the light of flambeaux, which are incessantly burning^as so many crystals or precious stones of various colors, casting a lustre which the eye can scarcely bear. One of the chief wonders of the place is, that through these mountains of salt, and along the middle of the mine, runs a rivu- let o fresh water, sufficient to supply the inhabitants. As soon as the massive pieces are got out of the quarry, they break them into frag- ments fit for the mills, where they are reduced to a coarse powder, to be used as culinary salt. There are four kinds, white, bay, red, and brilliant ; the last is the sal gemma* of the druggists, but not known in this country. All these become white when pulveiized, though they appear of different colors in their natural state. Salt is obtained from sea water by different methods. At Lyming- ton, in Hampshire, England, the sea water is admitted into large reser- voirs, where, being exposed to the air, a part of the water evaporates ; the remaining liquor is then transferred to boilers, where the water is still further evaporated by artificial heat, and then set by to cool and crystallize. The water which remains after the crystallization of the salt is called mother water. It contains, or is said to contain, sulphate of magnesia, or as it is usually called Epsom salt, a well known purga- tive salt ; from this source it is that most, if not- all the Epsom salt found in the shops, is obtained by mere evaporation. From the same salt is also obtained the common magnesia of the shops. This is what is publicly known of the method of obtaining Epsom saHs, but it is believed that the manufacturers keep the real process a secret. Besides the salt obtained from sea water, in various countries, much is obtained from the rock salt produced from mines, and a good deal is also produced from brine springs. In the United States salt is manufactured, but not very extensively, from sea water. Large quantities are made from brine springs. The principal springs are to be found in the State of New York, in the coun- ties of Onondaga, Cayuga, Seneca, Ontario, Niagara, Genesee, Tomp- kins, Wayne, and Oneida. Those of Oneida are the most valuable. In 1823, 606,463 bushels were manufactured in this latter county. In 1800, there were not less than 50,000 bushels manufactured. Forty- five gallons of water make a bushel of salt. At Nantucket, 350 gal- lons of sea water arc required. Tfte following approximated analysis ENCYCLOPEDIA. . 79 SALT. of the water of a spring in New York is given by Dr. Noyes of Ham- ilton College. Forty gallons, or 355lbs. contain 561bs. of saline ex- tract. Pure Muriate of Soda, 5 1 lb. — oz. Carb. Lime, colored by oxide of iron, — 6£ Sulph. of Lime, 2 4 Muriate of Lime, 1 12£ and probably muriate magnesia and sulphate of soda. The village of Salina and other neighboring places, are the chief places where salt is extensively manufactured. The mode of evapo- ration is different at different places — sometimes by boiling, and again by exposure to the atmosphere. "At Salina, the mode adopted," says the Northern Traveller, " is that of boiling ; and a brief description will convey a clear idea of the process. Each building contains six- teen or eighteen large iron kettles, which are placed in two rows, forming what is called u a block." They stand about three feet higher than the floor ; and under them is a large furnace, which is heated with pine wood, and requires constant attention, to keep the water al- ways boiling. The water is drawn from a large reservoir, at one end of the building, after having been allowed to stand awhile, and deposit the impurities it has brought along with it. A hollow log, with a pump at one end, and furnished with openings against the kettles, is the only machine used in filling them. The first deposit made by the water, after the boiling commences, is a compound of several substan- ces, and is thrown away, under the name of w Bittern ;" but the pure white salt, which soon after makes its appearance, is carefully remo- ved, and placed in a store room, just at hand, ready for barrelling and the market. " Each manufactory yields about forty bushels a day, and the differ- ent buildings cost about half a million. " There are two large manufactories here, where salt is made in re- servoirs of an immense size, and evaporated by hot air passing through them in large pipes. The reservoir of the principal one contains no less than 40,000 gallons. The pipe is supplied with heat by a furnace below, and the salt is formed in large loose masses, resembling half thawed ice. The crystallization, also, is different from that produced by the other modes, at least in secondary forms." As a condiment, common salt is of all others the safest, best, and most extensively employed. It is used by all nations ; and, indeed, in some shape, or other, by almost all animals whatever. It seems, in a peculiar manner, designed to assist in the digestion, and assimilation of our food. In the quantity in which it is usually taken, there is no reason to doubt, that many of our aliments become thereby more wholesome and digestible, as well as more agreeable. Like the other condiments, however, in larger quantities it is injurious to the consti- tution. It occasions heat and thirst, and seems rather to impede, than to assist, digestion. Besides the usual culinary preparations, in which salt is advantageously employed, it is used, also, as an antisceptic, to preserve aliments from spontaneous decomposition, and particularly to prevent the putrefaction of animal food. In general, however, the large quantity of salt which is necessarily employed in this way, in- ,80 FAMILY SALT. jures the alimentary properties of the meat ; and the longer it has been preserved, the less wholesome and digestible does it become. It is this kind of food, salted flesh and fish, which so surely occasions the disease called scurvy amongst sailors, and others, who are deprived of fresher and more wholesome aliment. Meat, however, which has not been too long preserved, simply pickled, or corned meat, as it is called, is but little injured or decomposed, is still succulent and tender, easily digested, nourishing, and wholesome enough. Salted and hung meat, and therefore all sorts of hams are more in- digestible, and less nutritive. Sparingly used with other food, they communicate, indeed, to it an agreeable relish, and prove a stimulus to the stomach, but their freer and more frequent use cannot be whole- some. They require, in general, all the powers of the most robust stomachs. It is worthy of remark, in this place, that the fat of animals seems less injured, as an aliment, by salting, than the lean parts. Bacon, there- fore, though long preserved, is still a very nourishing aliment ; though not easily digested. MUSTARD. There are cultivated two species of this plant, the bhck, and the white : both annuals, and both natives of Great Britain. The seed of the white mustard is celebrated for its medicinal vir- tues, being at once a tonic and an aperient ; cleansing the stomach and bowels, and bracing the system at the same time. The following are the directions given by Loudon, for its cultivation. For spring and summer consumption, sow once a w r eek or fortnight, in dry, warm situations, in February and March, (of course later in the United States ;) and afterwards in any other compartment. In summer, sow in shady borders, if it be hot, sunny weather ; or, have the beds sha- ded. Generally, sow in shallow flat drills, from three to six inches apart ; scatter the seeds thick and regular, and cover in thinly with the earth, about a quarter of an inch. Black mustard is a larger plant than the w T hite, with much darker leaves, and their divisions blunter. It is cultivated chiefly in fields for the mill, and for medicinal purposes. It is sometimes, however, sown in gardens, and the tender leaves used as greens, early in the spring. To raise seed for flour of mustard, &c, sow either in March or April, in any open compartment ; or make large sowings in fields, where designed for public supply. Sow moderately thick, either in drills, from six to twelve inches asunder, or. broad-cast and rake, or harrow in the seed. When the plants are two or three inches in the growth, hoe and thin them moderately, where too thick, and clear them from weeds. They Will soon run up in stalks, and in July or August return a crop of seed ripe for gathering. KETCHUP is a sauce, which derives its name, it is said, from a Japanese word kit-jap. It is made, or ought to be made, from the juice of the mushroom. Wild mushrooms, from old pastures, are generally considered as more delicate in flavor, and more lender in flesh, than those raised in artificial beds. ENCYCLOPEDIA. ANIMALS, 81 SECTION V.— ANIMALS. L^iL 82 FAMILY DOMKSTIC ANIMALS. — LION, DOMESTIC ANIMALS. For an account of neat cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, together with the proper mode of rearing and man- aging them, &c, see Part V. Sec. II. Art. Agriculture. In respect to other animals, it will not comport with the design of this work to give a minute and extended account. Yet, as it might otherwise be thought quite incomplete, we shall proceed to notice a few of the most interesting animals found on the globe, without con- fining ourselves exclusively to those which are used as aliments. We begin with the LION. This noble animal is far from being as large in size, as many others. His ordinary height is between three and four feet, and his length six feet. Some are still larger. His head, neck, and shoulders are large ; while his hinder parts are comparatively thin, and small. His strength and courage are such, as to entitle him to the appellation of kt King of Beasts." The only animals whichever, seriously, pre- tend to cope with him, are the elephant, tiger, and rhinoceros. The color of the lion is a reddish yellow ; his mane is somewhat darker, and often approaches to black. He is found in most parts of Africa, and the southern parts of Asia ; but is more common in the former, than in the latter. The lioness is one third smaller than the male ; but in disposition is more ferocious. The lion requires from twelve to twenty pounds of food every day. He lives chiefly upon the flesh of animals ; and, in a wild state, generally takes his prey by night. ?riany interesting anecdotes are related of the lion. The following is an account of an engagement which recently took place between a lion and two tigers in the tower of London : — M Between eleven and twelve o'clock yesterday morning, as the man whose duty it is to clean the wild beasts at the Tower was in the exe- cution of that oflice, he inadvertently raised a door in the upper tier of cells, which separated the den of a huge lion from one in which there were a Bengal royal tiger and tigress. At sight of each other the eyes of the animals sparkled with rage. The lion instantly erected his mane, and, with a tremendous roar, sprang at the tiger. The tiger was equally eager for the combat, and, in a paroxysm of fury, flew at his assailant, whilst the tigress fiercely seconded her mate. The roaring and yelling of the combatants resounded through the yards, and exci- ted in all the various animals the most lively demonstrations of fear or rage. The timid tribes shivered with dread, and ran round their cages shrieking with terror, whilst the other lions and tigers, with the bears, leopards, panthers, wolves, and hyenas, flew round their dens, shaking the bars witii their utmost strength, and uttering the most terrific cries. The lion fought most bravely, but was evidently overmatched, having to contend with two adversaries not more than a year from the woods, whilst he had been upwards of seven years in confinement. Still the battle ragt>d with doubtful success, until the tiger seized the lion by the throat, and flung him on his back, when, after roiling over each other several times, the exasperated tigress pinned her enemy against the ve- randa. In that situation the prostrate lord of the forest still struggled with an indomitable spirit, roaring with agony and rage. By this time, however, some iron rods had been heated, the red-hot ends of which were now applied to the mouths and nostrils of the infuriated tigers, ENCYCLOPEDIA. 83 LION. who were by this means forced to relinquish their grasp ; but no soon- er was the separation effected than the lion and tiger seized in their mouths, the one the upper, and the other the lower jaw of his antago- nist, biting and tugging at each other with deadly fury. So excited was their animosity, that it was with great difficulty, by the insertion into their nostrils of the glowing iron, they could be disengaged, and the lion driven back to his cell, the door of which was instantly closed upon him; The battle lasted full half an hour. The tiger in the last onset lost one of his tusks, but the poor lion was very severely punished. In a work entitled, u Researches in South Africa," published by the Rev. Dr. Philip, is given an account of an adventure with a lion, so curious, that we extract it without abridgement. u Our wasfgons, which were obliged to take a circuitous route, arrived at last, and we pitched our tent a musket shot from the kraal ; and after having arranged every tiling, went to rest, but were soon disturbed ; for about midnight the cattle and horses, which were standing between the wagons, began to start and run, and one of the drivers to shout, on which every one ran out of the tent with his gun. About thirty paces from the tent stood a lion, which, on seeing us, walked very deliberate- ly about thirty paces farther, behind a small thorn-bush, carrying something with him, which I took to be a young ox. We fired more than sixty shots at that bush, and pierced it stoutly, without perceiving any movement. The southeast wind blew strong, the sky was clear, and the moon shone very bright, so that we could perceive every thing at that distance. After the cattle had been quieted again, and I had looked over every thing, I missed the sentry from before the tent, Jan Smit, from Antwerp, belonging to the Groene Kloof. We called as loudly as possible, but in vain, — nobody answered ; from which I con- cluded that the lion had carried him off. Three or four men then ad- vanced very cautiously to the bush, which stood right opposite the dcor of the tent, to see if they could discover any thing of the man, but re- turned helter-skelter, for the lion, who was there still, rose up, and be- gan to roar. They found there the musket of the sentry, which was cocked, and also his cap and shoes. " We fired again about a hundred shots at c 'he bush, (which was sixty paces from the tent and only thirty paces -fr*»:n the wagons, and at which we were able to point as at a target,) without perceiving any thing of the lion, from which we concluded that he was killed or had run away. This induced the marksman, Jan .^tamansz, to go and see if he was there still or not, taking with him a firebrand. But. as soon as he approached the bush the lion roared terr bly and leaped at him ; on which he threw the fire-brand at him, and the other people having fired about ten shots, he retirea directly to his former place behind that bush. " The firebrand which he hnd thrown al the lion had fallen in the midst of the hu?h, and, favored by the strong south-east wind, it began to burn with a great flame, so that we could see very clearly into and through it. We continued our firing into it ; the night passed away, and the day began to break, which animated every one to aim at the lion, because he could not go from thence without exposing himself en- tirely, as the bush stood directly against a steep kloof. Seven men, 84 FAMILY LION. TIGER. posted at the farthest wagons, watched him, to take aim at him if he should come out. " At last, before it became quite light, he walked up the hill with the man in his mouth, when about forty shots were fired at him without hitting him, although some were very near. Every time this happen- ed, he turned round towards the tent, and came roaring towards us ; and I am of opinion, that if he had been hit, he would have rushed on the people and the tent. " When it became broad day-light, we perceived, by the blood. and a piece of the clothes of the man, that the Jion had taken him away and carried him with him. We also found behind the bush, the place where the lion had been keeping the man, and it appeared impossible that no ball should have hit him, as we found in that place several balls beaten flat. We concluded that he was wounded, and not far from this. The people therefore requested permission to go in search of the man's corpse in order to bury it, supposing, that, by our continual fir- ing, the lion would not have had time to devour much of it. I gave permission to some, on condition that they should take a good party of armed Hottentots with them, and made them promise that they would not run into danger, but keep a good look-out, and be circumspect. On this seven of them, assisted by forty-three armed Hottentots, follow- ed the track, and found the lion about half a league farther on, lying behind a little bush. On the shout of the Hottentots, he sprang up and ran away, on which they all pursued him. At last the beast turned round, and rushed, roaring terribly, amongst the crowd. The people, fatigued and out of breath with their running, fired and missed him, on which he made directly towards them. The captain, or chief head of the kraal, here did a brave act, in aid of two of the people whom the lion attacked. The gun of one of them missed fire, and the other mis- sed his aim, on which the captain threw himself between the lion and the people so close, that the lion struck his claws into the caross (man- tle) of the Hottentot. But he was too agile for him, doffed his caross, and stabbed him with an assagai. Instantly the other Hottentots has- tened on, and adorned him with all their assagais, so that he looked like a porcupine. Notwithstanding thishe did notleave off roaring and leap- ing, and bit off some of the assagais, till the marksman, Jan Stamansz fired a ball into his eye, which made him turn over, and he was then shot dead by the other people. He was a tremendously large beast, and had but a short time before carried off a Hottentot from the kraal and devoured him. 1 ' TIGER. The Tiger, commonly called the Royal Tiger, is a native of Bengal, of the kingdoms of Siam and Tonquin, of China, of Suma- tra, and, indeed, of all the countries of Southern Asia, situated beyond the Indus, and extending to the north of China. This species of ani- mal has long abounded in the above countries, while the Asiatic lion, on the contrary, has only been known, within a few years. The aver- age height of the tiger is about three feet, and the length nearly six feet. The species, however, varies considerably in size, and individuals have often been found, much taller and longer than the lion. The peculiar markings of the tiger's skin, are well known. On a ground of yellow, of various shades in different specimens, there is a series of black trans- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 85 PUMA OR COUGAR. DOMESTIC CAT. verse bars, varying in number, from twenty to thirty, and becoming black rings on the tail, the number of which is, almost invariably fif- teen. There are oblique bauds, also, on the legs. The pupils of the eye are circular. The tiger, like the lion, springs upon its prey, from an ambush ; and, in most cases, he is easily terrified by any sudden opposition from hu- man beings. A party in India was once saved from a ciger, by a ladv, who suddenly opened an umbrella, as she saw him about to spring. Our readers" may remember the attack of a tigress upon the horses of the mail, on Salisbury plain, in England, a few years ago. The creature had escaped from a travelling menagerie ; and, not forgetting her natu- ral habits, sprung upon the leaders as they passed her. The guard would have shot her ; but her keepers drove her off, and she escaped to a haystack, under which she crept, and was retaken without difficulty. In narrow passages in Hindoostan, travellers have often been seized by tigers ; or a bullock, or horse has fallen a victim to the ferocity of this prowling beast. Horses have such a dread of the tiger, that they can scarcely ever be brought to face him. Hunting him, therefore, on horseback, is a service of great danger. The elephant, on the contrary, though considerably agitated* will stand more steadily, while his rider anticipates the fatal spring, by a shot which levels the tiger to the earth. One peculiarity of the tiger, is his willingness to take to the water either when pursued, or in search of the prey, which lie espies on the opposite bank of a river. The PUMA or COUGAR is a native of the American continent, and is principally found in Paraguay, Brazil, and Guiana. He is sometimes seen in the United States, where he is called panther or -painter. He resembles the lion, both in color and voice ; but is not as lar^e and has no mane. Capt. Head, in his " Journey across the Pampas, '-relates the following interview between a maD and a puma. "The man was trying to 6hootsome wild ducks ; and, in order to approach them unperceived, he put the corner of his poncho (which is a sort of long, narrow blanket,) over his head, and crawling along the ground upon his hands and knees, the poncho not only covered his body, but trailed along the ground behind him. As he was thus creep- ing by a large bush of reeds, he heard a loud, sudden noise, between a bark and a roar : he felt something heavy strike his leet. and instantly jumping up, he saw, to his astonishment, a large puma, actually stand- ing on his poncho ; and perhaps the animal was equally astonished, to find himself in the immediate presence of so athletic a man. The man told me he was unwilling to fire, as his gun was loaded with very small shot ; and therefore remained motionless, the puma standing on his poncho for many seconds ; at last the creature turned his head, and walking very slowly away about ten yards, he stopped and turned again : the man still maintained his ground, upon which the animal ta- citly acknowledged his supremacy, and walked off." The DOMESTIC CAT is found in almost every country on globe. It is probably a domesticated variety of the wild cat, for v suffered to retire to the woods, it soon becomes wild. A tame cat gen- Slly attains the age of twelve years. The food most agreeable to cats is the flesh of animals, or fish ; they eat vegetable aliment oily 8 86 FAMILY DOMESTIC CAT. DOG, from necessity. There are, however, some plants of which they are very fond ; of this nature is the valerian root, and the herb called nep % or cat-mint. On the other hand, they shun the common rue, as a poi- son, and any substance rubbed with the leaves of this plant, is said to be perfectly secure from their depredations. Cats delight in a warm temperature, and a soft couch ; moisture and filth, as well as water and cold are Equally repugnant to their na- ture ; hence they are continually cleaning themselves with their paws and tongue. Another peculiarity is, the purring of these animals, when they are cajoled or flattered, by passing the hand over their backs : this singular noise is performed by means of two elastic mem- branes in the larynx, or upper part of the wind-pipe. Their hair is so electric, that the expanded skin of a cat makes an excellent cushion for the glass cylinder, or globe, of an electrifying machine. The flesh of cats is eaten by several nations ; but the substance of the brain is said to be poisonous. From the intestines of these animals is manufactured the celebrated Roman chords, for covering the violin. They are manufactured out of the guts of rabbits and sheep also : they are cleaned, soaked in water, stretched bv a machine, and dried. The name of cat-gut comes from the circumstance of cats being used as food in many parts of Italy, and their guts applied to the making of strings. With respect to their peculiarities, we shall remark, that cats pos- sess a very acute sense of both smell and sight. By the structure of their eyes, which sparkle in the dark, they are better enabled to discov- er objects of prey, such as mice and rats, at night, than in the daytime ; hence, they ought not to be luxuriously fed, if kept for the destruction of these vermin. It is, however, to be regretted, that this useful do- mestic creature is one of the most deceitful companions, being constant- ly bent on theft and rapine. Many persons have so invincible an antipathy against these creatures, that they have been known to faint in rooms where cats were concealed, and no arguments were sufficient to efface the impression. DOG. Animals of the dog kind are distinguished by their claws, which have no sheath, like those of the cat kind; but adhere to the point of each toe, without the power of being extended, or drawn back. Their eyes, also, are not formed for seeing clearly in the dark. By comparing the habits and propensities of the two classes, we shall find, that while the savage selfishness of the cat's disposition, prevents it from deriving any pleasure from society, the dog seems to find its grati- fication increased, by associating with the species to which he belongs; and in countries where they are permitted to range with freedom, they are always observed to hunt in packs. The dog is allowed to be the most intelligent of all quadrupeds ; and one that, doubtless, is most deserving of admiration ; for, independent of his beauty, his vivacity and swiftness, he gives the most manifest . proofs of his attachment to mankind. In his savage state, he may have been a formidable enemy ; but to view him at present, he seems only anxious to please ; he willingly crouches before his master, and is reaA dy to lick the dust from his feet; he waits his orders, consults his looks* and is more faithful than half the human race. He is constant ENCYCLOPEDIA. 87 DOGS, in his affections, friendly without interest, and grateful for the slightest favor he can receive; easily forgets both cruelty and oppression ; and disarms resentment by submissively yielding to the will of those, whom he studiously endeavors to serve and please. It is said that there are nearly thirty distinct, and well ascertained varieties of the dog. Of these we can notice but a few. The MASTIFF, the lar- gest of domestic dogs, has a large head, robust body,and lips which hang down on each side of his mouth. This dog was trained, by the ancient Britons, to be of use in war. They are now chiefly used as watch dogs, which duty they dis- charge with great fidelity. The BULL-DOG is smaller than the mastiff, but strongly resembleshim. For courage and ferocity, this dog is exceeded by no animal of its size. His an- tipathy to the bull, from which he derives his name, is remarkable. The BLOOD-HOUND is larger than the common hound, and is generally of a deep tan or reddish color, with a black spot over each eye. They are chiefly used for fox hunting. 88 FAMILY DOGS. The GREY-HOUND is distinguished by his slender and curved body, his narrow muzzle, and his tail being curved up- wards, at the extremity. This kind of doghuats by sight, and not by scent. Such is his fleetness, thai in a hilly and uneven country, there are few horses that can keep pace with him. He is supposed to outlive all others of the deg species. The SHEP- HERD'SDOGis seldom found in the United States; butinvariousparts of Europe, he is = common, espe- cially where sheep ^=§5 are kept in large flocks, and atten- ded by shepherds. The docility and sagacity of the pure breed, indeed, surpass those of every other variety of the canine race ; obedient to the voice, looks, and gestures of his master, he quickly perceives his commands, and in- stantly executes them. A well-trained dog of this kind, is, to a shep- herd, an invariable acquisition. The faithful animal anxiously watches the flock, and keeps them together in the pasture ; from one part of which it conducts them to another ; and, if the sheep are driven to any distance, a well trained dog will infallibly confine them within the road, and, at the same time, prevent any strange sheep from mingling- with them. Should, however, any straggle from the road, he will pur- sue them, and drive them to the flock, without hurting them in the slightest degree. In Prussia the shepherds have a kind of dog, which they are able to teach never to bite a sheep, but they will push them for- ward with their muzzles in the direction in which their masters wish the sheep to go. SPANIEL. Of this dog there are many varieties. They are so call- ed, probably, because they are of Spanish extraction. They have gen- erally pendulous and woolly ears, with long hair on all parts of the bo- dy, but particularly on the breast, beneath the body, and at the back of the legs. In all ages, the spaniel has been noted for fidelity and attach- ment to mankind. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 89 DOGS, WATER SPANIEL This kind is chiefly useful to sportsmen, in the hunt- ing of water-fowl. The POINTER is used by sportsmen for discovering game, which he is taught to do with wonderful steadiness and attention. Aided by the acuteness of their smell, pointers generally approach the spot where the game lies; and at length stop, their eyes being steadily fixed upon it, one foot generally somewhat raised from the ground, and the tail extended in a straight line. If the bird runs, the dog discovers it, and steals cautiously after it, keeping still the same attitude ; and when it stops, he is again steady. The SETTER, is a dog nearly allied to the pointer. His 6cent is more exquisite, and his muscular powers, for his size, nearly unequal- led. The TERRIER, is a small and hardy kind of dog, the name of which is derived from its subterra- neous employments. He is a great enemy to rats, pole- cats, and other species of vermin. The TURNSPIT is a small dog, with short, and generally crooked legs, and the tail curled upward. He is used on the continent of Eu- rope, to turn the spit for roasting meat. The NEWFOUND- LAND DOG is but little smaller than the mastiff. In strength and docility, he exceeds most other kinds of dogs. He is often em- ployed in Newfoundland to draw wood on sledges, from the interior of the country to the sea-coast, and before the introduction of horses into general use 90 FAMILY DOGS. in Canada, most of the land carriage was performed by dogs. The ease with which he swims renders him of great service in cases of dan- ger from the oversetting of boats, and other accidents by water. The SIBERIAN DOG is distinguished by having its ears erect, and the hair of its body and tail very long. He is employed in drawing sledges over the frozen snow, five of them being yoked to each sledge, with the fifth in front as the leader. The fleetness of these dogs is so great, that they have been known to perform a journey of 270 miles in three days and a half; and, with a sledge containing three persons and their baggage, they will travel sixty miles in a day. During the most severe storms, when their master cannot see his path, or even keep his eyes open, they seldom miss their way. And it is said that, in the midst of a long journey, when it is found absolutely impossible to pro- ceed any further, the dogs, lying round their master, will keep him warm, and prevent him from perishing by the cold. Of the numerous anecdotes which we might relate, of the sagacity and fidelity of the dog, we have room for but one, illustrative of the latter characteristic of this sometimes noble animal. " A French merchant, having some money due from a correspondent, set out on horseback to receive it, accompanied by his dog ; and, hav- ing settled the business to his satisfaction, placed it in the bag that con- tained his clothes. Finding himself rather fatigued with his journey T he resolved to repose under a hedge, and, untying the bag from the front of his saddle, placed it carefully under his head. " After having remained sometime in this situation, he found him- self entirely recovered from fatigue; and, wholly absorbed in some pleasing reflections, he remounted without even a thought of the bag. The dog, who had witnessed this mark of inattention, attempted to recall his recollection by barks and screams ; and, finding the bag too heavy for his utmost exertion, ran howling after him, and caught the horse by the heels. Roused by this mark of what he thought sudden madness, he resolved to watch the animal's motions when he approached a stream, and, perceiving he did not attempt to quench his thirst, as usual, was absolutely confirmed in the belief that he was mad. l My poor animal,' said the afflicted merchant, fc and must I, in justice, take away thy life ? alas !' continued he, 'it is an act of necessity, for there is no one to perform the office in my place.' So saying, he drew a pis- tol from his pocket, but from affection to his favorite, averted his head ; the ball, however, performed it* embassy, for the dog was mortally wounded, though not dead. The bleeding animal endeavoured to crawl towards its master, whose feelings revolted at the affecting sight, and spurring on his horse, he pursued his journey, with the image of his expiring favorite strongly impressed upon his mind. l How unfor- tunate I am,' said he, mentally ; c I had rather have lost my money than a dog I so much prized !' — when, stretching out his hand, as if to grasp the treasure, neither bag nor money was to be seen. His eyes were instantly opened to conviction : l And what a wretch I have been !' he suddenly exclaimed : i Poor faithful creature ! how have I rewarded thy fidelity ? Oh, madness of recollection, how severely am I to bA blamed !' " He immediately turned his horse, and set off with the fleetest m*- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 91 DOG. CAMKL. tion, and sdoii came to the spot where the proof of his folly was dis- played ; and every drop of blood that he saw seemed to reproach him with injustice, and every feeling of his hea r t was severely pained. These sanguinary drops proved a sufficient direction for the faithful creature's footsteps to be traced, and he was found stretched beside the treasure he had been so anxious to take care of, and which had been the primary means of depriving him of life. " When the merchant beheld him still guarding his possession, though struggling with death and agonized with pain, his sensations of remorse were very much heightened ; but all hopes of preserving his existence proved vain. The poor animal no sooner perceived his master ap- proaching, than he testified his joy by the wagging of his tail ; and absolutely expired in licking the hand which caressed him, as if in to- ken of forgiveness for having taken away his life." CAMEL. Few animals present more points of interest than the camel. His height is about five and a half feet, and his length about ten. Me has long legs, a short but large body, a long and crooked neck, and a small and exceedingly ill shapen head. There are too species of camel, the Bactrian and Arabian. The former of these has two bunches on the back ; the latter, which is sometimes called the drome- dary, has but one. In general, these two varieties possess the same character and qualities. Their hair is coarse, and usually, their color is alike, brown. Of the two varieties, the Bactrian camel is much more rare. This species is found in Turkistan, which is the ancient Bactria, and in Thibet, as far as the frontiers of China. The ordinary duration of the camel's life, in Arabia, is said to be forty or fifty years. The camel is obviously fitted for the countries in which he is found. He possesses uncommon strength, which enables him to carry heavy burdens, over arid plains, and through tiackless deserts, which would otherwise be impassable to the commodities of the East. And, in ad- dition, he has an extraordinary capacity of enduring privation, being able to sustain a march of several hundred miles, with a scanty supply of food, and without any water. He is provided with a bag, or reservoir, in which he may take an am- ple provision of water to serve him in the time of need, having the power to force the liquid back into his first stomach, and even to his mouth, to allay his thirst, and soften, by rumination, the hard and dry herbs, upon which he feeds : the large hump which he has on his back, is a mass of fat, destined to supply the want of food, by absorption. It is through this peculiar structure that the camel has become the inhab- itant of flat countries — sandy, sterile, and arid. Camels are to be found at San Rossora, in Italy. They are the pro- perty of the government of Tuscany. The time of their introduction into that country is uncertain. These camels walk at the rate of about three miles an hour, and they travel about thirty miles a day. They are so degenerated, that from them, no adequate idea can be formed, of what the Arabians call the "ship of the desert." The ordinary load of a camel is six hundred weight ; but he will car- ^y a thousand. Mr. Buckingham saw camels carrying millstones, to the large towns on the west of the Jordan, each of which was nearly six feet in diameter ; one being, laid flat on the animal's back, in the very 92 FAMILY THB SWIFT DHOMEDARY centre of the hump, and resting on the high part of the saddie, was se- cured by cords passing under his belly. The camel sometimes carries large panniers, or baskets, filled with heavy goods. In these baskets women and children are often carried. THE SWIFT DROMEDARY. Above we present our readers with a view of a swift Dromedary harnessed, and with his rider upon him. The saddle is placed on the withers, and confined by a band under the belly. It is very small, and it is difficult to sit upon it. This is done by balancing with the feet against the neck of the animal, and holding a tight rein to steady the hand. The first experiment which an European makes in bestriding a dro- medary, is generally a service of some little danger, from the peculiari- ty of the animal's movement, in rising. The following account is giv- en us by Capt. Riley, during his captivity among the Arabs. " They placed me on the largest camel I had yet seen, which was nine or ten feet in height. The camels were now all kneeling or lying down, and mine among the rest. I thought I had taken good hold, to steady my- self, while he was rising ; yet his motion was so heavy, and my strength so far exhausted, that I could not possibly hold on, and tumbled off over his tail, turning entirely over. 1 came down upon my feet, which prevented my receiving any material injury, though the shock to my frame was very severe. The owner of the camel helped me up, and asked me whether 1 was injured ; I told him no. * God be praised V said he, « for turning you over ; had you fallen upon your head, these stones must have dashed out your brains. But the camel,' added he, 4 is a sacred animal, and Heaven protects those who ride on him ! Haci*. you fallen from an ass, though he is only two cubits and a rialf high, it would have killed you, for the ass is not so noble a creature as the cam- el or the horse.' I afterwards found this to be the prevailing opinion ENCYCLOPEDIA. 93 CAMEL. among" all classes of the Moors and Arabs. When they put me on again, two of the men steadied me by the legs, until the camel was fair- ly up, and then told me to be careful, and to hold on fast ; they also took great care to assist my companions in the same way." Our readers probably well know, that immense journies are made in the east by means of the camel ; and the produce of one country is con- veyed to another by merchants who go in caravans. These caravans sometimes consist of several thousand camels. Occasionally, they suf- fer great distress for the want of water, and are sometimes overwhelm- ed by the sands of the desert. The following interesting story is rela- ted by Buckhardt, of a small caravan which was passing from Berber to Daraou, across the Nubian desert. " It consisted of five merchants and about thirty slaves, with a proportionate number of camels. Afraid of the robber Naym, who at that time was in the habit of waylaying travellers about the well of Nedjeym, and who had constant intelligence of the departure of every caravan from Berber, they determined to take a more eastern road, by the well Owareyk. They had hired an Ababde guide, who conducted them in safety to that place, but who lost his way from thence northward, the route being very unfrequented. Af- ter five day's march in the mountains their stock of water was exhaust- ed, nor did they know where they were. They resolved, therefore, to direct their course toward the setting sun, hoping thus to reach the Nile. After two days' thirst, fifteen slaves and one of the merchants died ; another of them, an Ababde, who had ten camels with him, thinking that the camels might know better than their masters where water was to be found, desired his comrades to tie him fast upon the saddle of his strongest camel, that he might not fall down from weak- ness; and thus he parted from them, permitting his camels to take their own way, but neither the man nor his camel were ever heard of afterwards. On the eighth day after leaving Owareyk, the survivors came in sight of the mountains of Shigre, which they immediately re- cognized ; but their strength was quite exhausted, and neither men nor beasts were able to move any farther. "Lying down under a rock they sent two of their servants, with the two strongest remaining camels, in search of water. Before these two men could reach the mountain, one of them dropped off his camel deprived of speech, and able only to move his hands to his comrade as a signal that he desired to be left to his fate. The survivor then continued his route; bet such was the ef- fect of thirst upon him that his eyes grew dim, and he lost the road, though he had often travelled over it before, and had been perfectly acquainted with it. Having wandered about for a long time, he alight- e< under the shade of a tree, and tied the camel to one of its branches : the beast, however, smelt the water, (as the Arabs express it,) and, wearied as it was, broke its halter, and set off galloping furiously in the direction of the spring, which, as it afterwards appeared, was at half an hour's distance. The man, well understanding the camel's action, endeavored to follow its footsteps, but could only move a few yards ; he fell exhausted on the ground, and was about to breathe his last, when Providence led tha* waj from a neighboring encampment, a Bisharye Bedouin, who, by tl rowio water upon the-man's face, restored him to his senses. They ,hen wc it hastily together to the water, filled the skins, and returning to the caravaD, had the good fortune to find the 94 FAMILY CAMEL. LLAMA. sufferers still alive. The Bisharye received a slave for his trouble. My informer, a native of Yembo, in Arabia, was the man whose camel discovered the spring ; and he added the remarkable circumstance, that the youngest slaves bore the thirst better than the rest, and that, while the grown up boys all died, the children reached Egypt in safety.*' At particular seasons of the year, camel-fights are common at Smyr- na and Aleppo. They are led out to a large plain, where they are muzzled, to prevent their being seriously injured, for their bite is tre- mendous, and are let loose, a couple at a time. Their mode of combat is curious: they knock their heads together (laterally) twist their long necks, wrestle with their fore legs, and seem chiefly intent in throwing each other down. The following cut will give the reader a pretty just idea of a camel-fight. LLAMA. This animal is a native of South America, particularly of the mountainous district of Chili and Peru, where, it is said, that they abound by thousands, and almost by millions. Their heads are small in proportion to thair bodies ; and are somewhat in shape between the head of a horse and that of a sheep, the upper lip being cleft like that of a hare, through which they can spit to the distance of ten paces : and if the spittle happens to fall on the face of a person, it causes a rsd itchy spot. Their necks are long, and concavely bent downwards, like that of a camel, which animal they greatly resemble, except in having no hump on their backs, and being much smaller. Their ordinary height is from four feet to four and a half, and their ordinary burden does not exceed an hundred weight. They walk, holding up their heads, with wonderful gravity, and at so regular a pace, as no beating can quicken. At night it is impossible to make them move with their loads, for they lie down till these are taken off, and then go to graze. Their ordinary food is a sort of grass called yeho, something lik 3 a small rush, but finer, and has a sharp point, with which all the nounta.ins are covered exclusively. They eat little, and seldom drink, so that they are ENCYCLOPEDIA. 95 LLAMA. GIRAFFE, easily maintained. They have cloven feet, like sheep, and are used at the mines to carry ore to the mills ; and, as soon as loaded, they set or! without any guide, to the place where they are usually unloaded. They have a sort of spur above the foot, which renders them sure- footed among- the rocks, as it serves as a sort of hook to hold by. Their hair, or rather wool, is long, white, gray, and russet, in spots. These animals are of great use and profit to their masters; for their wool is very good and fine, particularly of that species named pacas, which have very long fleeces : — and they are of little expense for nourishment, for a handful of maize suffices them, and they can go a long time with- out water. Their flesh is as good as that of the fat sheep in Castile. There are now public shambles for the sale of their flesh, in all parts of Peru, where the animal is found. THE GIRAFFE, OR CAMELEOPARD. 96 FAMILY GIRAFFE OR CAMELEOPARD. The GIRAFFE, or Cameleopard. There are at present three Gi- raffes in Europe — one in the King's Menagerie, in Windsor Great Park, — one at the Jardine des Plantes, at Paris, — the third at Venice, which arrived late in 1828 : a fourth was sent to Constantinople, but died there. These animals were all presents fom the Pasha of Egypt. Till the year 1827, when a giraffe arrived in England, and another in France, the animal had not been seen in Europe since the end of the fifteenth century, when the Soldan of Egypt sent one to Lorenzo di Medici. The absence of the giraffe from Europe, for three centuries and a half, naturally induced a belief, that the descriptions of this ani- mal were in a great part fabulous — that a creature of such extraordina- ry height and apparent disproportions was not to be found amongst the actual works of nature. This animal is said to be the tallest in the world, the top of its head being about seventeen feet from the ground, and its body about ten. His size is that of the horse ; and, in shape, he resembles the camel. From the manner in which he stands, his fore legs have the appearance of being much longer than his hind legs ; yet this is not so. His mouth is quite small. His hoofs, which are cleft, resemble those of the ox. The motions of the head and neck are extremely graceful and curious, possessing the flexibility and usefulness of the neck of the swan and peacock. Its eye is large, prominent, and exceedingly quick at catch- ing objects at a great distance ; it is well defended by the brow, and it can see without turning the head, behind and below it. The ears are well formed to receive sounds ; and are constantly bent forward. The tongue has very peculiar properties, and can be so tapered as to enter the ring of a very small key. Its taste and smell are very acute and delicate, especialty in regard to the artificial food given it. It can raise the little papillae at pleasure, for the tongue at times is perfectly smooth, and at others exceedingly rough. It is a small feeder, but drinks about eight or ten quarts of milk in the day. The upper lip is longer than the lower one, which assists the tongue in drawing in boughs ; but when grinding its food it is contracted. It has no teeth or nippers in the upper jaw, and the two outside ones are divided to the socket; it lies down when it chews the cud. His defence,, as that of the horse and other hoofed animals, consists in kicks ; and his hinder limbs are so light, and his blows are so rapid? that the eye cannot follow them. They are sufficient for his defence against the lion. He never employs his horns in resisting any attack. The giraffes, male and female, resemble each other in their exterior, in their youth. Their obtuse horns are then terminated by a knot of long hair ; the female preserves this peculiarity for some time, but the male loses it at the age of three years. The hide, which is at first of a light red, becomes of a deeper color as the animal advances in age, and is at length of a yellow brown in the female, and of a brown approaching to black in the male. By this difference of color the male may be distin- guished from the female, at a distance. DEER. Animals of the deer kind, have a head which is elongated, but not very large. The ears are large and pointed, the neck is of mod- erate length, the body plump, and the limbs, slender though strongly knit. The hair is very similar in color throughout the species of this ENCYCLOPEDIA. 97 MOOSE. AMERICAN ELK. KEIN DEER. genus, and is dry and harsh. The young deer or fawns are mostly spot- ted with white, upon a brownish yellow ground. The males of this genus are all provided with horns, which are variously branched. The species which we shall notice are the Moose, American Elk, Rein Deer, and the Virginia or Common Deer. The MOOSE is the largest of the deer kind, and often exceeds the largest horse in size and bulk. In his form, he is not as handsome, nor are his motions as graceful, as those of the other species of deer. His head is large, and his horns, which sometimes exceed fifty pounds in weight, are unwieldy. In the summer, the moose frequents swampy or low grounds, near the margin of lakes and rivers, through which he delights to swim, as it frees him for the time from the annoyance of insects. During the winter, in families of fifteen or twenty, they seek the depths of the forest, for shelter and food. Their flesh, though generally coarser and tougher than other venison, is esteemed excellent food, and the Indians, hunters, and travellers all declare, that they can withstand more fatigue, while fed on tbis meat, than when using any other. The skin of the moose is of great value to the Indians, who use it for tent covers, clothing, &c. This animal inhabits the northern parts of both continents. In Europe it is called the Elk. Its northern range in America is not ascertained. It has been found as far north as the country has been explored. It w r as formerly seen in the New Eng- land States; but is now rare, even as far south as the State of Maine. The AMERICAN ELK. This animal was, for a long time, con- sidered as a mere variety of the moose, if not identically the same ; but more recent investigation has corrected the mistake, and shown, that though inferior in size to the moose, in beauty of form, grace, and agility of movement, and other attributes of its kind,- it is not excelled by any deer of the Old and the New World. The hair of the elk, in autumn, is of a blueish gray color ; during winter it continues of a dark grey, and at the approach of spring it assumes a reddish or bright brown color, which is permanent throughout the summer. Its horns often rise to the height of four and five feet. The elk is shy and re- tiring. When surprised by the hunter, he gazes for a moment intense- ly upon the object of his fear, and then throwing back his lofty horns upon his neck, he flies with the velocity of the race horse. The flesh of the elk is highly esteemed by the Indians and hunters as food ; and the hide is converted to the purpose of dress, &c. The elk is occa- sionally found in the remote and thinly settled parts of Pennsylvania ; but it is only in the western wilds, where exists a luxuriant vegetation, and where the solitude is seldom interrupted, that they are seen in considerable numbers. REIN DEER. The height of this animal is generally about three feet and a half, and his length about five feet and a half. His color is commonly brown, with white under the belly. His horns are long, slender, and branching. This animal is of great value in the northern parts of both conti- nents ; and constitutes a very considerable part of the subsistence of the tribes inhabiting the region it frequents. In the northern parts of Asia, and Europe, the rein-deer has b^en domesticated for a long time ; 9 98 FAMILY REIN-DEER, and with the exception of the dog, is the only beast of draught or burthen possessed by the natives. The North American Indians, how- ever, have never profited by the docility of this animal to aid them in transporting their families or property, though they annually destroy great numbers of them, for the sake of their flesh, hides, horns, &c. To the Laplander, they are of great importance, supplying the place of the horse, cow, sheep, and goat. The milk is used as food, and is often converted into cheese. Of the skins, a warm clothing is made for winter, and when dressed into leather they are converted into stock- ings, and shoes, and light summer clothing. Harnessed to a sledge, a rein-deer will draw about 300 pounds ; but the Laplanders generally limit the burden to 240 pounds. REIN-DEER DRAWING A SLEDGE. The trot of the rein-deer is about ten miles an hour; and his power of endurance is such, that journies of 150 miles in nineteen hours are not uncommon. There is a portrait of a rein-deer in the palace of Drotningholm, (Sweden,) which is represented, upon an occasion of emergency, to have drawn an officer with important despatches, the in- credible distance of eight hundred English miles, in forty-eight hours. This event is stated to have happened in 1699, and the tradition adds, that the deer dropped down lifeless upon his arrival. The number of deer belonging to a herd is from three hundred to five hundred ; with these a Laplander can do well, and live in tolerable comfort. He can make in summer a sufficient quantity of cheese for the year's consumption ; and, during the winter season can afford to kill deer enough to supply him and his family pretty constantly with venison. With two hundred deer, a man, if his family be but small, can manage to get on. If he have but one hundred, his subsistence is very precarious, and he cannot rely entirely upon them for support. Should he have but fifty, he is no longer independent, or able to keep a ENCYCLOPEDIA. 99 DEER. ELEPHANT, separate establishment ; but generally joins his small herd with that of some richer Laplander, being then considered more in the light of a menial, undertaking the laborious office of attending upon and watch- ing the herd, bringing them home to be milked, and other similar offi- ces, in return for the subsistence afforded him. The VIRGINIA, or COMMON DEER. This deer is the smallest American species at present known, and is found in all parts of North America, and in the northern parts of South America. Considerable varieties in size and color, are presented by this species, in the exten- sive range of country in which it is found. The length of the common deer is from five feet to five feet and a half. This animal has always been of great importance to the Indians, scattered over the country, as well as to those, who have settled our western wilds. Immense numbers are still found far to the west, as is evident from the vast numbers of hides and horns which are annually brought into the market. ELEPHANT. " This wonderful quadruped," says Bigland, in his Natural History," is a native of Asia and Africa, but is most numerous in the latter. In the extensive regions which lie between the river Senegal and the Cape of Good Hope, elephants abound more than in any other part of the world, and are also less fearful of man ; for the savage inhabitants of those countries, instead of attempting to subdue this powerful animal, and render him subservient to their necessities, seem only desirous of avoiding his anger. In the countries near the Cape, elephants are seen, in large herds, consisting of many hundred, and in the vast regions of Monomrotana, Monocmerci, and other parts of the interior of Africa, they are probably still more numerous. " At the Cape, the height of the animal is from 12 to 15 feet. His eyes are very small in proportion to his size, but lively, brilliant, and full of expression. His ears are very large, long and pendulous ; but he can raise them with great facility, and make use of them as a fan to cool himself, and drive away the flies or insects. His hearing is re- markably fine : he delights in the sound of musical instruments, to which he is easily brought to move in cadence. His sense of smelling is equally delicate ; for he is highly delighted with the scent of odorif- erous herbs. In each jaw he has four grinders ; one of which, some- times measures nine inches in breadth, and weighs four pounds and a half. 41 The proboscis, or trunk, is a most wonderful instrument. With it, the animal can lift from the ground the smallest piece of money, se- lect herbs and h'owers, untie knots, and grasp any thing so firmly, that no force can tear it from him. " Although the elephant be indisputably the strongest, as well as the largest of all quadrupeds ; yet in its native woods it is neither formida- ble nor ferocious, but mild and peaceable in its disposition, equally fearless and inoffensive ; and when tamed by man, and tutored by his instructions, the noble animal submits to the most painful drudgery, and is so attentive to the commands of his master, that a word or look js sufficient to stimulate him to extraordinary exertion. " Of all the animals that have been subjugated by the human race, 100 FAMILY ELEPHANT. the elephant is universally allowed to be the most tractable and obedi- ent. When treated with kindness, he testifies his gratitude by fulfilling- all the desires of his keeper, caresses him with affectionate fondness, receives his commands with attention, and executes them with punctu- ality and zeal. He bends the knee for the accommodation of those who wis 1 to mount upon his back, suffers himself to be harnessed, and seems to delight in the finery of his trappings. These animals are used in drawing chariots, waggons and various sorts of machines, hav- ing the strength of six horses; and they can travel near a hundred miles a day, and fifty or sixty regularly, without any violent effort. WARREN HASTINGS' ELEPHANT. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 101 ELEPHAM. It sometimes happens, however, that domesticated elephants mi their escape to the wild herd. Warren Hastings, the governor-general of India, possessed an elephant, which had been ten years absent from the rule of man. His keeper being dismissed, he was refractory to all others, who attempted to control him ; and, at length, escaped. After the long interval we have mentioned, his old keeper recognized him, and the elephant instantlysubmitted himself. The preceding is an ex- act portrait of this beautiful animal. The instrument which he carries with his trunk is described as a cow-tail, with a silver handle, which elephants of rank bear for driving off flies. "In taking the elephant, a large piece of ground is marked out, in the midst of some forest, and surrounded with strong palisades, inter- woven with large branches of trees ; one end of this enclosure is nar- row, from which it opens gradually, so as to take in a considerable ex- tent of country. Some thousands of people assemble, kindle large fires, of which the elephants are exceedingly afraid, and by these and the noise of drums, they drive them towards the enclosure. Another large party with the aid of female elephants trained for the purpose, urge the wild ones slowly forward, the whole train closing in after them, shouting and making loud noises, till, by insensible degrees, they are driven into the narrow part, through which there is an opening into a smaller space, strongly fenced in and guarded on all sides. As soon as a wild elephant enters this narrow passage, a strong bar closes it from behind, and he finds himself completely environed. He is then urged forward to the end of the passage, where there is just room enough for him to go through. He is then received into the custody of two tame elephants, which stand one on each side ; and if he be likely to prove refractory, they beat him with their trunks, till he is reduced to obedi*- ence and suffers himself to be led to a tree, where he is bound by the legs with stout thongs of untanned elk-skins. The tame elephants are then led back to the enclosure, and other wild ones are brought to submission in the same manner. Attendants are placed by the side of each elephant that is caught, and in the space of fourteen days, hi3 subjugation is completed." Elephants are sometimes taken, as in the kingdom of Ava, and other places, by means of decoy female elephants. These elephants are so trained as to favor the designs of their drivers. When a male wild ele- phant is discovered alone, the decoy elephants are let loose, upon which they proceed cautiously towards him, grazing along, as if they were^ like him, inhabitants of the wild forest. As they approach him, he generally makes up to them, and abandons himself to their caresses* In the mean time, the hunters cautiously creep under him, and during the intoxication of his pleasure, fasten his fore legs with a strong rope ; after which the hind legs are secured in a similar manner, when the fe- males quit him, he discovers his condition, and endeavors to make his escape. If the ropes are sufficiently strong, he soon becomes exhaust- ed with his own rage. 9* 102 FAMILY ELEPHANT. The following is a representation of the manner of securing a malt elephant as just described. This extraordinary quadruped is thirty years in arriving at its full growth, and lives even in a state of captivity a hundred and twenty years ; in a state of natural freedom, the duration of its life is supposed to be much further extended. " In regard to the Elephant's discernment and sagacity, stories have been related that might seem incredible, and of which some are un- doubtedly fictitious. Of such, however, as are so well authenticated as not to admit of a doubt, we have a sufficient number to shew its su- periority over the rest of the brute creation. Some of the actions of ENCYCLOPEDIA. 103 ELEPHANT. this surprising animal mi^ht, indeed, almost seem to be the effects of a portion of intellect, rather than of mere instinct. " Among the several anecdotes communicated by the Marquis de Montmirail, we find that the cornac or conductor of an elephant, had excited the animal to make an extraordinary effort, by showing him a vessel of arrack, which he pointed out as his reward ; but when he had performed his arduous task, the elephant had the mortification of see- ing himself disappointed of his expected recompense, and impatient of being thus mocked, immediately killed his governor. M The man's wife who was a spectator of this dreadful catastrophe, in a fit of agonizing- grief, took her two Utile infants and thiew them at the feet of the enraged animal, saying, M since you have destroyed my husband, kill me also and my children/' The elephant immediately stopped ; and, as if stung with remorse, took up the eldest boy with his trunk, placed him on his neck, and would never after obey any other governor. It is here to be observed, that the elephant is ex- tremely fond of spirituous liquors, as well as of wine ; and the sight of a vessel filled with these liquors, will induce him to make the most extraordinary exertions, and to perform the most painful tasks ; and to disappoint him is dangerous, and his revenge is almost certain. But if he is vindictive, he is equally grateful, and will suffer no kindness shown him to go unrewarded. 4 - A soldier of Pondicherry, who frequently carried one of these an- imals a certain measure of arrack, being one day a little intoxicated, and seeing himself pursued by the guard, who were about to conduct hjm to prison, took refuge under the eirphant, where he fell sound asleep. The guird attempted in vain to take him from this asylum, the elephant defending him with his trunk. The next day, the soldier becoming sober, was terrified at seeing himself placed under so enor- mous an animal ; but the elephant caressed him with his trunk, to re- move his fears, and made him understand that he might depart in safety. M The elephant is sometimes seized with a sort of phrenzy, which makes him extremely formidable, so that on the first symptoms of mad- ness, he is commonly killed, in order to prevent mischief: yet in these fits he has been frequently known to distinguish his benefactors ; so strongly are gratitude and magnanimity impressed on his nature. u The elephant that was kept in the menagerie, at Versailles, always discerned when any person designed to make a fool of him, and al- ways remembered an affront, which he never failed to revenge at the first opportunity. Having been cheated by a man who feigned to throw something into his mouth, he struck him with his trunk, and broke two of his ribs, and afterwards trampled him under his feet, and broke one of his legs. A Painter being desirous of drawing him in the attitude of having his trunk erect and his mouth open, ordered his ser- vants to make him retain that posture, by constantly throwing him fruit ; the servant however at last deceived him, which so roused his indigna- tion, that perceiving the original cause of the deception to be the paint- er's desire of drawing him, he revenged himself by throwing with his trunk a large quantity of water on the paper, which completely spoiled the design. 104 FAMILY ELEPHANT. *♦ The elephants exhibited in Europe are commonly of a diminutive size, as the coldness of the climate both checks the growth and abridges the life of these animals. That which has just been mentioned, and which was sent by the King of Portugal to Louis 14th A. D. 1668, died in 1(38 i , beiog four years old at his arrival, and being only thirteen years at the menagerie at Versailles. He was six feet and a half high, at four years old, and advanced in growth only one foot, during the thirteen years that he lived in France, although ho was treated with care, and fed with profusion. He had every day four pounds of bread, twelve pints of wine, two buckets of porridge, with four or five pounds of steeped bread, and two buckets of rice boiled in water. " The elephant that died in 1803 at Exeter change, was brought over in the Rose East Indiaman, and purchased by the owner of the mena- gerie for j£l000. He was generally fed with hay and straw, and could also eat with avidity, carrots, cabbages, bread and boiled potatoes. He was so excessively fond of beer, that he has been known to drink upwards of fifty quarts in a day given by his numerous visiters. iJe drank also nine pails of water daily, given at three different times ; but the quantity he ate could not be precisely ascertained, as he frequently scattered great part of the straw which was given him for food, and ate a considerable portion of that which formed his litter. This animal would kneel down, bow to the company, or search the pocket of his keeper at command." The elephant is invariably employed in India, in hunting the tiger. Occasionally the hunter, with his rifle, is mounted on the elephant's back. When a tiger is perceived, he is fired at ; if wounded, he gene- rally bounds towards the elephant, with savage ferocity. In the mean time, the elephant, assisted by the hunters, prepare to keep him at bay ; but if, at any time, the elephant's proboscis be injured, the contest ends from that moment. He seems tc lose his self command, his courage, and even his senses, and sets off at full speed, utterly regardless of his driver, and heedless of the way he takes. The following is a represent- ation of an elephant thus wounded, fleeing from a tiger. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 105 GIGANTIC MASTODOX, OR MAMMOTH. GrGAXTIC MASTODON, or MAM>]OTH. The former of these names is the appropriate appellation, according to Dr. Godman, of a creature of gigantic dimensions, which formerly existed in North Ame- rica. The race itself is now extinct ; but nearly entire skeletons have been found, and from their huge dimensions, it is apparent that they were among the chief of the works of God. To these animals, the 106 FAMILY GIGANTIC MASTODON. BEAR. name mammoth, said to be a corruption of the Hebrew word behemoth, was formerly applied. But the more appropriate name of mastodon, has, at length been given to it by Cuvier. " The emotions experienced," says Dr. Godman, " when, for the first time, we behold the giant relics of this great animal, are those of un- mingled awe. We cannot avoid reflecting on the time, when this huge frame was clothed with its peculiar integuments, and moved by appro- priate muscles; when the mighty heart dashed forth its torrents of blood through vessels of enormous calibre, and the mastodon strode along in supreme dominion over every other tenant of the wilderness. However we examine what is left to us, we cannot help feeling that this animal must have been endowed with a strength exceeding that of other quadrupeds, as much as it exceeded them in size ; and, looking at its ponderous jaws, armed with teeth peculiarly formed for the most effectual crushing of the firmest substances, we are assured that its life could only be supported by the destruction of vast quantities of food. Enormous as were these creatures during life, and endowed with faculties proportioned to the bulk of their frames, the whole race has been extinct for ages. No traditions nor human record of their existence have been saved, and but for the accidental preservation of a comparatively few bones, we should never have dreamed that a crea- ture of such vast size and strength, once existed, — nor could we have believed that such a race had oeen extinguished forever. "£uch, however," continues Dr. Godman, "is the fact — ages after ages have rolled away — empires and nations have arisen, flourished, and sunk into irretrievabe oblivion, while the bones of the mastodon, which perished long before the periods of their origin, have been dis- covered, scarcely changed in color, and exhibiting all the marks of per- fection and durability. That a race of animals so large, and consisting of so many species, should become entirely and universally extinct, is a circumstance of high interest ; for it is not with the mastodon as with the elephant, which still continues to be a living genus, although many of its species have become extinct : — the entire race of the mastodon has been utterly destroyed, leaving nothing but the l mighty wreck' of their skeletons, to testify that they once w T ere among the living occu- pants of this land." The BEAR in general is an animal of great strength and ferocity of disposition, slow in his movements and of sluggish habits. The eyes and ears are small, and the tongue smooth. The body and limbs are large and powerful, and covered with a thick woolly hair. Of this animal there are several species. We shall notice but three ; the black, grisly and polar bear. Black Bear. This bear is found throughout North America, from the shores of the Arctic sea, to its most southern extremity. He is about three feet high, and from four and a half to five feet long. His feet r.re long, and crowned with five claws each. The food of this ani- mal is principally grapes, plums, whortle-berrie's, bramble, and other berries; he is also particularly fond of the acorns of the live oak, on which he grows excessively fat, in Florida, &c. In attempting to pro- cure these acorns, bears subject themselves to great perils, for after climbing theso enormous oak-trees, they push themselves along the ENCYCLOPEDIA. 107 BLACK BEAR. limbs towards the extreme branches, and with their fore-paws bend the twigs within reach, thus exposing themselves to severe, and even fatal accidents, in case of a fall. They are also very fond of the differ- ent kinds of nuts and esculent roots, and often ramble to great distances from their dens, in search of whortle-berries, mulberries, and indeed all sweet flavored and spicy fruits; birds, small quadrupeds, injects, and eggs, are devoured by them, whenever they can be obtained. In the north, the flesh of the black bear is fitted for the table, after the middle of July, when the berries begin to ripen ; though some kinds of berries on which they feed, impart a very disagreeable flavor to their flesh. They remain in good condition until the following January or February ; late in the spring, they are much emaciated, and their flesh is indifferent, in consequence of their long fasting through the season of their torpidity. The black bear, like all the species of this genus, is very tenacious of life, and seldom falls unless shot through the brain or heart. An ex- perienced hunter never advances on a bear that has fallen, without stopping to load his rifle, as the beast frequently recovers to a consider- able degree, and w T ould then be a most dangerous adversary. The skull appears actually to be almost impenetrable, and a rifle ball, fired at the distance of ninety-Bix yards, has been flattened against it, with- out appearing to do any material injury to the bone. The best place to direct blows against the bear is upon his snout ; when struck else- where, his dense woolly coat, thick hide, and robust muscles, render manual violence almost entirely unavailing. When the bear is merely wounded, it is very dangerous to attempt to kill him, with such a weapon as a knife or tomahawk, or indeed any thing which may bring one within his reach. In this way hunters and others have paid very dearly for their rashness, and barely escaped with their lives. The following instance may serve as an example of the danger of such an enterprise. A farmer, by the name of Mayborne, residing in the county of Cayu- ga, state of New York, having discovered the traces of a bear, took a pitchfork and hatchet, and proceeded, in company with his son, a boy 10 or 11 years of age, in quest of him. The bear was at length discov- ered, under a projecting cliff, below which was a deep ravine, at the bottom of which was a sort of basin or pond of water. Mayborne, desiring his boy to remain where he was, took the pitch- fork, and descending to the bottom, determined, from necessity, to at- tack him from below. The bear kept his position, until the man ap- proached within six or seven feet, when on the instant, instead of beino- able to make a stab with the pitchfork, he found himself grappled by the bear, and both together rolled towards the pond, at least twenty, or twenty-five feet, the bear biting his left arm, and hugging him almost to suffocation. By great exertion, the man thrust his right arm partly down his throat, and in that manner endeavored to strangle him, but was once more hurled headlong down through the bushes, a greater distance than before, into the water. Here, finding the bear gaining on him, he made one desperate effort, and drew the animal's head partly under water, and repeating his exertions, at last weakened him so much, that, calling to his boy, vvbo stood on the other side in a state little 108 FAMILY GRISL1' BEAR, short of distraction for the fate of his father, to bring him the hatchet, he sunk the edge of it, by repeated blows, into the brain of the bear. This man, although robust and muscular, was scarcely able to crawl home, where he lay for nearly three weeks, the flesh of his arm being much crushed, and his breast severely mangled. The bear weighed upwards of four hundred pounds. Grisly Bear. This bear is in length about seven feet, and, in height, four and a half. His hair is long and generally almost black. He is unable to climb trees, like other bears, and is more intimidated by the voice, than the aspect of man. His ferocity, under the excitement of hunger, is terrible. His name is dreadful to the Indians, and the killing of one is esteemed equal to a great victory. This bear, at present, inhabits the country adjacent to the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains, where it frequents the plains, or resides in the copses of wood, which skirt along the margin of water courses. The grisly bear is remarkably tenacious of life, and on many occa- sions numerous rifle-balls have been fired into the body of an individu- al, without much apparent injury. Instances are related by the travel- lers, who have explored the countries in the vicinity of the Rocky Mountains, of from ten to fourteen balls having been discharged into the body of one of these bears before it expired. The following statement is from Major Long's Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. * One evening, the men in the hindmost of one of Lewis and Clark's canoes perceived one of these bears, lying in the open ground, about three hundred paces from the river, and six of them, who were all good hunters, went to attack him. Concealing themselves by a small emi- nence, they were able to approach within forty paces unperceived ; four of the hunters now fired, and each lodged a ball in his body, two of which passed directly through his lungs. The bear sprang up, and ran furiously with open mouth upon them ; two of the hunters, who had reserved their fire, gave him two additional wounds, and one breaking his shoulder blade, somewhat retarded his motions. Before they could again load their guns, he came so close to them, that they were obliged to run towards the river, and before they had gained it, the bear had almost overtaken them. Two men jumped into the ca- noe ; the other four separated, and concealing themselves among the willows, fired as fast as they could load their pieces. Several times the bear was struck, but each shot seemed only to increase his fury to- wards the hunters. At last he pursued them so closely, that they threw aside their guns and pouches, and jumped from a perpendicular bank into the river. The bear sprung after them, and was very near the . hindmost man, when one of the hunters on the shore shot him through the head, and finally killed him. When they dragged him on shore, they found that eight balls had passed through his body in different di- rections." Polar Bear. This animal is stated to be generally four or five feet high, from seven to eight feet long, and nearly the same in circumfer- ence. Individuals have frequently been met with of much greater size ; Barentz killed one in Cherie Islajuld, whose skin measured thirteen feet. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 109 SEAL. The weight is generally from six to eight hundred pounds. The hair of the body is long, and of a yellowish white color, and is very shaggy about the inside of the legs. The paws are seven inches or more in breadth, with claws two inches long. A considerable part of the Polar bear's food is supplied by seals, but very probably he suffers long fasts and extreme hunger, owing to the peculiar vigilance of these creatures ; occasionally, he is much reduced by being carried out to sea on a small island of ice, where he may be forced to remain for a week, without an opportunity of procuring food. In this situation, they have been seen on ice-is!ands, two hundred miles distant from land, and sometimes they are drifted to the shores of Ice- land, or Norway, where they are so ravenous as to destroy all the ani- mals they find. SEAL. The seal has a round head, and in the fore part bears con- siderable resemblance to the otter, though the whole aspect is not un- like that of some varieties of the do::, whence the names of sea-dog and sea-wolf have been applied to different species of the seal. The general color of the seal is of a yellowish gray, varied or spotted with, brown or black in different degrees, according to the age of the animal. The common seal frequents the sea coasts, perhaps throughout the world ; but is most numerous in high northern latitudes, and furnishes the inhabitants of those frigid regions with nearly all their necessaries and luxuries. The food of the common seal is fish, crabs, and birds, which last it contrives to secure by rising under them, and seizing their feet before they are aware of its approach. Feeding on much the same food as some whales, the latter are not found where seals are very numerous. In the spring of the year, the seals are fattest, and yield several gallons of blubber ; small ones afford four or five gailona of oil. The best situation for sealing in the Arctic Seas is stated by Scores- by, to be in the vicinity of Jan Main's Island, and the best season, the months of March and April. The number of seals destroyed in a single season by the regular staler:, may well excite surprise ; one ship has been known to obtain a cargo of four or five thousand skins, and upwards of a hundred tons of oil. Whale ships have accidentally fallen in with and secured two or three thousand of these animals, during the month of April. The sealing business is, however, very hazardous, when conducted on the borders of the Spitsbergen ice. .Many ships, with all their crews, are lost by the sudden and tremendous Ftorms occurring in those seas, where the dangers are vastly multiplied by the diivirng of immense bodies of ice. In one storm that occurred in the year 1774. no less than five seal ships were destroyed in a few hours, and six hundred valuable seamen perished. The seal is generally very fat, as his supply of food is abundant, and the amount of blood contained in his body is far/greater than would be inferred from comparing him with other animals. The flesh is of a very dark red color, and rather soft ; that of the young animal is thought to be quite good by Europeans, but the Esquimaux are ex- tremely fond of it at every age, and under all circumstances. 10 110 FAMILY BEAVER. BEAVER. This animal is represented by Dr. Godman as, about two feet in length, having a thick and heavy body, especially at its hinder part. The head is compressed and somewhat arched at the front, the upper part being rather narrow, and the snout, at the extrem- ity, quite so ; the neck is very short and thick. The eyes are situated rather high up on the head, and have rounded pupils ; the ears are short, elliptical, and almost entirely concealed by the fur. The whole skin is covered by two sorts of hair ; one which is long, rather stiff, elastic, and of a grey color for two thirds of its length next tiie base, and terminated by shining, reddish, brown points, giving the general color to the pelage ; the other is short, very fine, thick, tufted and soft, being of different shades of silver gray, or light lead color. On the head and feet, the hair is shorter than elsewhere. The tail, which is ten or eleven inches long, is covered with hair similar to that of the back. The general aspect of the beaver, at first view, would remind one of a very large rat, and seen at a little distance, it might be readily mistaken for the common musk-rat. But the greater size of the beaver, the thickness and breadth of its head, and its horizontally flattened, broad and scaly tail, render it impossible to mistake it for any other creature, when closely examined. Beavers are not particular in the site they select for the establishment of their dwellings ; but if in a lake or pond where a dam is not re- quired, they are careful to build where the water is sufficiently deep. In standing waters, however, they have not the advantage afforded by a current for the transportation of their supplies of wood, which, when they build on a running stream, is always cut higher up than the place of their residence, and floated down. The materials used for the construction of their dams, are the trunks and branches of small birch, mulberry, willow, poplar, &c. They be- gin to cut down their timber for building early in the summer, but their edifices are not commenced until about the middle or latter part of August, and are not completed until the beginning of the cold season. The strength of their teeth, and their perseverance in this work, may be fairly estimated by the size of the trees they cut down. Dr. Best informs us that he has seen a mulberry tree, eight inches in diameter, which had been gnawed down by the beaver. The figure of the dam varies according to circumstances. Should the current be very gentle, the dam is carried nearly straight across ; but when the stream is swiftly flowing, it is uniformly made with a considerable curve, having the convex opposed to the current. The dwellings of the beaver are formed of the same materials as their dams, and are very rude, though strong, and adapted in size to the number of their inhabitants. These are seldom more than four old and six or eight young ones. Double that number have been found occasionally in one of the lodges, though this is by no means common. When building their houses, they place most of their wood cross- wise, and nearly horizontally, observing no other order than that of leaving a cavity in the middle. Branches which project inward are cut off with their teeth and thrown among the rest. The houses are YCL0PED1A. 111 BEAVER. by no Beans built of sticks first and then plastered, but all the mate- als, sticks, mud, and stones, if the latter can be procured, are mixed up together, and this composition is employed from the foundation to the summit. The mud is obtained from the adjacent banks or bottom of the stream or pond, near the door of the hut. Mud and stones the beaver always carries by holding them between his fore paws and throat. Their work is all performed at night, and with much expedition. When straw or grass is mingled with the mud used by them in build- ing, it is an accidental circumstance, owing to the nature of the spot whence the latter is taken. As soon as any part of the materia] is placed where it is intended to remain, they turn around and give it a smart blow with their tail. The same sort of blow is struck by them upon the surface of the water when they are in the act of diving. The outside of the hut is covered or plastered with mud late in the autumn, and after frost 'has begun to appear. By freezing, it soon be- comes almost as hard as stone, effectually excluding their great enemy, the wolverene, during the winter. Their habit of walking over the work frequently during its progress, has led to the absurd idea of their using their tail as a trowel. The beaver feeds principally upon the bark of the aspen, willow, birch, poplar, and occasionally the alder, but it rarely resorts to the pine tribe, unless from severe necessity. They provide a stock of wood from the trees mentioned, during the summer season, and place it in the water opposite the entrance to their houses. The beaver is a cleanly animal, and always leaves the house to at- tend to the calls of nature ; the excrement being light rises to the top of the water, and soon separates and disappears. Thus, however great may be the number of inhabitants occupying the hut, no accumu- lation of filth of this kind occurs. The number of beavers killed in the northern parts of this country is exceedingly great, even at the present time, after the fur trade has been carried on for so many years, and the most indiscriminate warfare waged uninterruptedly against the species. In the year 1820, sixty thousand beaver skins were sold by the Hudson's Bay Company, which we can by no means suppose to be the whole number killed during the preceding season. If to these be added the quantities col- lected by the traders from the Indians of the Missouri country, we may form some idea of the immense number of these animals which exist throughout the vast regions of the north and west. SECTION VI, FISH. It is not our design, nor will it accord with our limits, to enter into the natural history of fish in general ; but rather to notice, in brief terms, a few of the more common sorts ; those which are important ei- 112 FAMILY FISH. ther as aliments, or otherwise contributing to the comfort of man; We begin with the SALMON FISHERY. Salmon are a very general, and favorite ar- ticle of food. When eaten fresh, they are tender, flaky, and nutritive ; but are thought to be difficult of digestion. The flesh of the salmon is of a red color, and the beauty of its appearance is increased, by soak- ing the slices of it in fresh water, before they are cooked. It has two fins on the back, which distinguish it from other fish. It will live both in salt and fresh water, and is often found at the distance of 200 miles up rivers, in the season of spawning ; and will, with this object in view, leap mill-dams and falls many feet high. The modes of curing salmon are various ; but are chiefly by drying, smoking, salting, and pickling. The chief places in Europe where the salmon fishery is carried on, are in England, Scotland, and Ireland, in the rivers, and sea coasts near the rivers 1 mouths. The fishing season usually begins about the first of January, and ends by the last of September. It is commonly performed with nets. Salmon were formerly abundant in the rivers of New Eng- land, especially in the Connecticut river. At the period of their great- est abundance, they were sold for two coppers a-piece. At present, they are taken chiefly in the rivers, and on the coast of Maine. COD FISHERY. The cod is a fish of passage, and is usually from eighteen inches to three or four feet long ; with a large head, and teeth in the bottom of the throat. Its flesh is white, its skin brownish on the back, and covered witii a few transparent scales. It eats excellently when fresh ; and if well prepared and salted will keep a long time. The grand resort, for centuries past, of this fish, has been on the banks of Newfoundland, and near Cape Breton. The vessels used are from a hundred to a hundred and fifty tons burden, and they catch thirty or forty thousand fish a-piece. The most essential article in this fishery is, to have a master who knows how to open the fish, to cut off the heads, and salt them ; upon his ability in this the success of the voyage depends. The commerce in this kind offish is the most secure and ad- vantageous that is known. The best fishing season is from the begin- ning of February to the end of April, at which time the cods, which during the winter had retired to the deepest part of the sea, return to the bank and grow very fat. Those caught from March to June keep well enough ; but those in July, August, and September, soon spoil. The fishing is sometimes done in a month or six weeks ; sometimes it holds six months. Each fisher only takes a cod at a time ; and yet, an experienced man will take three or four hundred in a day. They salt the cod on board. This description respects the gree?i cod fishery. In the fishing of dry cod, vessels of all sizes are employed. As cod is only to be dried in the sun, the European vessels are obliged to put out in March or April, to have the benefit of the summer for drying. The principal fishery for dry cod is along the coasts of Placentia, a sea-port of Newfoundland. The fish intended for this use, though of the same kind as the green cod, are much smaller, and hence fitter to keep. The method of fishing is much the same in both ; only this latter is more expensive, as it takes up more time, and employs more hands ; and yet scarce half the salt is used in this as in the other. When the fish have taken salt, they are laid in ENCYCLOPEDIA. 113 FISH. piles on the galleries of the scaffold ; when drained, they are ranged on hurdles, and frequently turned, to dry the better. There are four kinds of commodities drawn from cod ; viz. the tripes, or sounds, and tongues salted at the same time with the fish ; the roes or eggs, which being salted and barrelled up, serve to cast into the sea to draw fish together ; and lastly the oil, which is used in dressing of leather. HERRING FISHERY. The herring is a small fish, from eight to ten inches in length, which feeds, in countless multitudes, in the inac- cessible seas of the north ; whence they proceed along the coast of Hol- land, reach the Shetland Islands in the month of June, where separa- ting, they surround the British Isles. In September they unito again, at Land's End, whence they proceed to the American shore, and along the coast of Newfoundland, and at length, return to their polar habita- tions. The herring fishery, in different parts of the world, affords occupa- tion and support to a great number of people. In Holland, it has been calculated, that formerly more than 150,000 persons were employed in catching, pickling, drying, and trading, in herrings ; and on the differ- ent coasts of Great Britain, many thousands of families are entirely supported by this fishery. The principal of the British herring fish- eries are off the coasts of Scotland and Norfolk ; and the implements that are used in catching the fish, are nets stretched in the water, one side of which is kept from sinking, by buoys fixed to them at proper distances, and the other hangs down, by the weight of lead which is placed along its bottom. The herrings are caught in the meshes of the nets, as they endeavour to pass through ; and unable to liberate them- selves, they continue there, until the nets are hauled in, and they are taken out. Some of them are pickled, and others dried. In the preparation of the latter, (which have the name of red herrings,) the fish are soaked for twenty-four hours in brine, and then taken out, strung by the hand on little wooden spits, and hung in a chimney formed to receive them. After this, a fire of brush-wood, which yields much smoke, but no flame, is kindled beneath, and they are suffered to remain until they are sufficiently dried, when they are packed in barrels for exportation and sale. MACKEREL FISHERY. The mackerel is a sait water fish, usu- ally from a foot to eighteen inches in length ; its weight seldom ex- ceeds two or three pounds. It is found on the French, English, and American coasts, and also in large shoals in the ocean. They are ex- cellent food when fresh, but much greater quantities are used in a pick- led state. This fishery employs a great number of men, and a large capital both here and in Great Britain. The method of taking the fish is either with a line or net. If with a line, the bait used is a piece of red cloth or the tail of a mackerel. The method of taking the fish with nets is more common, and is usually performed in the night time. The water wherein mackerel have been boiled often yields a light af- ter being stirred a little. SHAD. This important and delicious fish is found, it is believed, in no other country besides America. In many of the rivers of the Uni- ted States, it abounds. During the months of April, May, and a part 10* 114 FAMILY LOBSTER. — OYSTERS. of June, multitudes are caught which are eaten fresh or salted. Those caught in the rivers of New England are the most esteemed. The Con- necticut river shad are justly famous. This fishery employs several thousand men, who pack thousands of barrels, which find their way into every part of the interior. The LOBSTER is found extensively diffused in the various salt wa- ters of the globe. The common method of taking them is in pots, or a kind of trap, - constructed of twigs, baited with garbage, and formed similar to a wire mouse trap, so that the animal after entering it, can- not escape. Such machines are fastened to a cord sunk in the sea, and lace is marked by a buoy. In summer, they are found near the shore, and thence to about six fathoms deep ; but, in winter, they are seldom taken in less than twelve or fifteen fathoms of water. Lobsters continue to grow in size, only while their shells are soft. Those selected for the table ought to be heavy in proportion to their size, and be furnished with a hard crust on their sides, which, when in perfection, will not yield to a moderate pressure. The meat of the lobster is not easy of digestion. Sometimes the immoderate use of lobsters is attended with eruptions of the erysipela- tous kind in the face, or a species of nettle rash over the whole body; either of which, being salutary efforts of nature, to expel noxious mat- ter, are more troublesome than dangerous. OYSTERS. Of this shell fish, it is said, that there are an hundred and fifty species. They are to be found in ail countries on the globe. In the East Indies, they are sometimes two feet in diameter. The oys- ters found on the English coast are said to have a strong copper taste, which they acquire from their growing on the copper banks. This tasie renders them unpleasant at first ; but, at length, it imparts to them a higher relish. During the breeding season, and for some weeks following, oysters are said to be quite unhealthy ; hut in all other seasons of the year, they are esteemed an excellent food, and are eaten both raw, and dressed in various ways; in a fresh state, however, they are doubtless preferable; for, by cooking, they are in a great measure deprived of their nourishing jelly, and of the salt-water which promotes their di- gestion in the stomach. Hence raw oysters, may be used with equal advantage, by the robust, the weak, and the consumptive. Indepen- dently of the nutritive effects peculiar to this shell fish, it generally tends to open the bowels, especially if a certain quantity be swallowed at one meal : hence to persons of a costive habit they afford a dietetic supper. TORTOISE. This amphibious animal is found in the West Indies, and the South Seas. Between thirty and forty different species have been enumerated. Some of the species, such as the common green turtle and the haivksbill turtle, grow to a very large size, and are not unfrequently four, five, or six hundred pounds in weight. Those who take them watch them when they go from their nests on shore, in moon-light nights ; and before they reach the sea, turn them on their backs, and leave them till morning, for they are utterly unable to recov- er their former position ; at other times they hunt them in boats, with ENCYCLOPEDIA. 115 WHALE. a spear, striking them with it through the shell ; and as there is a cord fastened to the spear, they are taken much in the same manner as whales. Tortoises will live after being deprived of the brain, and even of their heads. The flesh of many of the sea-turtles is highly esteemed as food ; that of the hawks-bill, however is indifferent ; this species is noticed, chiefly as producing the tortoise-shell of commerce, so well known and used for various purposes.. WHALE. The whale, of which there are several species, is the largest of all animals ; it is sometimes ninety feet long, and those of the torrid zone are said to be much larger. The head is about one third the length of the whole fish; the under lip is much broader than the upper. The tongue is a spongy, fat substance, sometimes yielding five or six barrels of oil. The gullet or swallow of the whale, in some species, is very small for so large an animal ; it does not exceed four inches in width : but it is proportioned to the food it eats, which is said to be a particular kind of small snail ; or, as some say, it varies its re- past with the medusa, or sea-blubber, an animal which is found in the sea. The whale has two orifices in the middle of the head, through which it spouts water to a great height, and sometimes with a noise tike thunder. Its eves are not larger than those of an ox, and placed at a great distance from each other. Under the skin the whale is covered with fat or blubber, from six to twelve inches thick, which sometimes yields from one to two hundred barrels of oil. The flesh is red and coarse, somewhat like beef. The Greenlanders eat it, and the Iceland- ers soak it in sour whey. Whales, which produce the well known arti- cle of whale bone, are chiefly caught in the North seas ; the largest sort about Greenland or Spitzbergen. At the first discovery of that coun- try, and at the beginning of this fishery, they took nothing but the pure oil and the whalebone, and all the business was executed in the coun- try; by which means a ship eould bring home the product of many more whales thaj^she can at present, as it is now conducted. A whale, extended motionless, at the surfaee of the sea, can sink in the space of five or six seconds, beyond the reach of its human ene- mies. The usual rate at which whales swim, seldom exceeds four miles an hour ; when urged by the sight of an enemy, or alarmed by the stroke of a harpoon, they swim at the rate of eight or nine miles an hour. But this speed never continues longer than for a few min- utes. They commonly remain at the surface, to breathe, two min- utes ; during which time, they blow eight or nine times, and then de- scend for an interval, usually, of five or ten minutes. When struck, their descent extends, sometimes, to the depth of 700 or 800 fathoms. The maternal affection of the whale, is striking and interesting. When her cub is harpooned, she will join it at the surface of the water, and encourage it in its attempt to escape ; and for this purpose, will take it under her fin, and seldom deserts it while life remains. At such times, 6he loses all regard for her own safety, and it is exceedingly dan- gerous to approach her. Every whale ship is furnished with six boats. Those called six oared boats, adapted for carrying seven men, six of whom, including the harpooner, are rowers, are generally from 26 to 28 feet in length, and about five feet nine inches in breadth. Six-men boats, and four-oared boats are proportionably smaller. 116 FAMILY WHALE. The instruments in general use, in the capture of the whale, are the harpoon and lance. The harpoon is an instrument of iron, about three feet in length. It consists of three conjoined parts, called the socket, shank, and mouth ; the latter of which, includes the barbs or withers. The next in importance to the harpoon is the lance. It consists of a hollow socket, six inches long, and swelling from half an inch, the size of the shank, to near two inches in diameter ; into which is fitted, a four feet stock, or handle, of fir; a shank five feet long, and half an inch in diameter; and a mouth of steel, which is made very thin, and exceedingly sharp, seven or eight inches in length, and two and a half inches in breadth. Qn the arrival of a ship, at the fishing station, the master, or officer of the watch, takes his station in the crow's ntst, a place fitted for shel- tering him from the wind, on the main top-mast, or top-gallant-mast head, from which he keeps an anxious watch, for the appearance of a whale. The moment that a fish is seen, he gives notice to the watch upon deck, part of whom leap into a boat, are lowered down, and push off towards the place. On coming near, the harpoon is thrown. The wounded whale, in the surprise and agony of the moment, makes a convulsive effort to escape. Then is trie moment of danger. The boat is subjected to the most violent blows from its head, or its fins ; but particularly from its ponderous tail, which sometimes sweeps the air with such tremendous fury, that both boat and men, are exposed to one common destruction. A signal is now given to the people on board of the vessel, by setting up one of their oars in the middle of the boat. On perceiving this* the men on the waich, alarm all the rest by the cry of fall, fall, and the other boats go* immediately to the assistance of the first. The whale, finding himself wounded, runs off with prodigious violence, sometimes horizontally, at others descending perpendicularly. The rope which is fastened to the harpoon is about two ^undred fathoms long ; but sometimes several ropes are united together. The velocity with which the whale draws it over the sides of the boat is so great, that it is wetted to prevent its taking fire. The fishermen find it ne- cessary to let go the rope for a time, till the whale is spent, otherwise its violence would sink the boat. The whale soon, however, comes up, for it cannot stay long below water, and being now fatigued and wounded, stays above longer than usual. It is now struck again with a harpoon, and again descends, but with less force; when it comes up again, it is generally incapable of descending, but suffers itself to be wounded and killed with long lances, with which the men are provided. It is known to be near death when it spouts up the water deeply tinged with blood. The whale being dispatched, the body floats ; the fins* and tail are now cut off, and it is drawn to the vessel ; the blubber or fat cut off, and the whalebone cut off from the upper jaw ; the fat and the bone being all which is wanted, the remains of the whale are left. When the ship is thus sufficiently laden, it sails homewards, during which voyage the fat is melted down into oil. One of the lar- gest fish will fill more than seventy butts. The produce of a large whale is valued at about a thousand pounds. A considerable whale fishery is also carried on in the South Seas ; ENCYCLOPEDIA. 117 FOWL. COCK. here the object of the fisherman is the spermaceti uhaie, which produ- ces not only a much more valuable oil than the preceding, but also the peculiar substance called spermaceti. SECTION VII. FOWL, No part of nature exhibits a more beautiful variety, than the feather- ed tribe?. Did our limits permit, it would be pleasant to ourselves, and not without interest, we trust, to our readers, to describe, at some length, these tenants of the air; but, as utility rather than amusement is the object of our work, we must content ourselves with noticing chiefly that part of the feathered creation which contributes to the com- fort of man, with a notice of a limited number belonging to other class- es. t Birds of the more useful description are of the poultry kind, in which class are ranked all those which have white flesh, and bodies bulky, when compared with the size of their head and limbs. These are the common cock, the peacock, the turkey, the Guinea hen, the pheasant and the partridge. The COCK is allowed originally to have been a native of Persia, imported into Europe many centuries ago. Few animals of the flying species exhibit so many varieties as the cock ; there being scarcely two birds of this description that resemble each other in plumage and shape. Some species are without the tail, and others destitute of a rump. Instead of feathgrs, which usually belong to this fowl, a species is found in Japan, which is covered with hair. In the island Tinian, and several others in the Indian Ocean, the plumage of the cock is black and yellow, and his comb and wattles are of the latter color and pur- ple combined. No animal in the world has greater courage than the common do- mestic cock, when opposed to one of his own species: and in every part of the world, where refinement and polished manners have not entirely taken place, cock fighting is a principal diversion. In several parts of Europe, this vulgar amusement is still common, and is not un- frequent in some of the southern states of our own country. The fol- lowing story is authentically related of a gentleman, some years since in England, who was passionately fond of this species of gamin?. He possessed a favorite cock, on which he had won many profitable match- es. The last bet he laid on this cock, he lost; which so enraged him, that he had the bird tied to a spit, and roasted alive, before a large fire. The screams of the miserable anima^rere so affecting, that some gen- tlemen, who were present, attemptWto interfere, which so increased the gentleman's anger that he seized a poker, and with the most furious vehemence declared, that he would kill the first man who should inter- pose ; but in the midst of his passionate asseverations, befell down 118 FAMILY HEN. dead upon the spot — a solemn warning to all, who violate the common and obvious principles of humanity. The HEN. If well fed and allowed to roam in a farm-yard, a good hen will deposit, in the course of twelve months above 200 eggs ; but if left entirely to herself, she seldom lays more than fifteen eggs in the same nest without attempting to hatch them ; but, if eggs only be de- sired, they should be removed, one only being left, and she will contin- ue to lay for a long time. When the hen begins to sit, nothing can exceed her perseverence and patience ; she continues for some days immoveable, and when forced away by the importunities of hunger, she quickly returns. While the hen sits, she carefully turns her eggs, till at length, in about three weeks, the young brood begin to give signs of a desire to burst their confinement. When all are produced, she then leads them forth to provide for themselves. Her affection and pride seem then to alter her very nature, and correct her injfcrfections. No longer voracious and cowardly, she abstains from all foWd that her young can swallow, and flies* ^oldly at every creature that she thinks is likely to do them mischief. The proper heat for hatching a hen's egg according to some, is 104 c of Fahrenheit ; according to others 96° ; to which degree the surface of the body of the hen will raise the thermometer, when she sits upon her eggs. In those birds who do not sit constantly, but trust chiefly to the heat of the sun, as the crane, heron, ostrich, &c. &c, the tempera- ture of the eggs is probably below 104 degrees. The full period of the hen in this country, is know r n to be 21 days. In warmer climates, it is said to be a day or two less. The following table was compiled by Count Morozzo, in a litter from him to Lace- pede, to show the periods of incubation, compared with those of the life of certain birds. Name of the Bird. Swan, Parrot, Goose, Eagle, Bustard, Duck, Turkey, - Peacock, Pheasant, - Crow, Nightingale, Hen, Pigeon, Canary, Goldfinch, - Artificial means have been Period of Incuba. Duration of Life ^ 42 days about 200 vears. 40 100 years. 30 80 or more. IU 30 { 30 i not known. 30 J 26 to 27 25 to 28 20 to 25 18 to 20 20 100 or more. 19 to 20 17 to 18 19 to 21 12 to 15 17 to 18 16 to 17 13 to 14 13 to 14 13 to 14 18 to 20 aerated, in different parts of the world, to catch chickens from the eggs, without the assistance of the hen. In Egypt, the method adopted is to place the eggs in stoves, erected for their reception, and to supply them with such a degree of heat, as* is ENCYCLOPEDIA. POULTRY, necessary to call them into life. By this means, it is said tbnt tens of thousands of chickens are annually hatched in the above • Reaumur, the celebrated naturalist, instituted a s [ieri- raents, to reduce the art of hatching chickens, to fixed \>y\ Ac- cording to him, the degree of heat necessary to acco; iect, is 96 of Fahrenheit. He also invented a kind of hollow cover.-, or low boxes, without bottoms, and lined with fur, which he called ' pa- rents. These were designed to shelter the chicken :ied, and to afford them protection similar to that of the wings of '.' Hens which do not. lay in the winter, should have a< :ed lime, pounded bones, oyster shells, or other matter, whi rne, or some of its compounds, because something of the kind is nece rsary to form the shell of their eggs. This is not necessar which are fed on wheat, as that grain contains phospha lime, the substance of which egg-shells are composed. It is o^ftusly an important point to ascertain the most economical method or keeping and fattening poultry. Boiled potato >d for poultry, is both excellent and economical. Some wr m- mend a proportion of beets, ripe and sweet pumpkins, and squashes, to . be mixed with the potatoes; others recommend a small portion of bran, or Indian meal. To fatten chickens expeditiously, the Domestic Encyclopedia recom- mends, to take a quantity of ground rice, and an equal quantity of common flour ; mix sufficient for present use with milk and a little coarse sugar; stir the whole well over the fire, till it makes a thi paste ; and feed the chickens in the day time only, by putting as much of it as they can eat, but no more, into the troughs belonging to the coops. It must be eaten while warm ; and if they have also beer to drink, they will soon grow very fat. A mixture of oat-meal and trea- cle, combined till it crumbles, is said to form a food for chickens, of which they are so fond, and with which they thrive so rapidly, that at the end of two months, they become as large as the generality of full- grown fowls, fed in the common way. But no common fowl is to be compared with a capon thus fed. A writer in the New England Farmer recommends to confine fowls in a large airy enclosure, and feed them on broken Indian corn, Ind meal, or mush with raw potatoes, cut into small pieces, not larg I a filbert ; placing within their reach a quantity of charcoal, broken into small pieces, which he says they will greedily eat, and thereby promote a rapid digestion of their food. By this method, they will fatt one halPthe usual time, and with much less expense. The French, who are great egg eaters, take unusual pains to obtaia fresh laid eggs in winter. For this purpose, they keen their hens in a dry warm place, it being well known that exposure to wet weather, es- pecially cold, wet weather,diminishes their propensity to lay. Stimulating food is given them, such as barley* wheat, boiled, and given warm, and also curds, buckwheat, parsley, and other herbs, chopped fine, cats and wheat, and occasionally hemp-seed, and the seed of nettles. White cabbages, chopped up, ■^excellent in winter for all sorts of poultry. ** • The ailments of fowls are numerous ; but they would seldom be ?rw> if the proper care were taken. If well fed, and kept perfectly clean-- 120 FAMILY POULTRY. fowls will seldom be sick ; and in respect to age, they should never be kept more than two or three years, since beyond this period, they are of little value as layers. With ordinary management, however, fowls will sometimes be trou- bled with diseases, among the most fatal of which is the disorder called gapes; a disease which, in New England, we believe, generally goes by the name of pip. In chickens, the gapes is said to arise from a worm, and some say a collection of worms in the wind-pipe ; according to others, it is a thick viscous matter, which lines the windpipe. Mr. Mowbray informs us, that the pip is a white scale, growing on the tip of the tongue, which must be torn off, and the part rubbed with salt. Whatever be the na- ture of the disease, it usually destroys a large proportion of all the chick- ens that are hatched. Various prescriptions have been suggested, for its cure. Some advise to mix soft soap with meal dough^fcthers, to make a decoction of red pepper, with which to wet up mus^P> be giv- en to the chickens. Others recommend, in respect to full grown fowls, which are afflicted with this disease, to pull the feathers from the tail. The TURKEY, it is thought, belonged originally to North America ; but is now common throughout Europe. It was formerly found wild, in the forests of Canada and the United States ; and flocks are, to this day, occasionally seen. The wild Turkey is generally larger than the domesticated. Young turkies are liable to the pip, which often proves speedily fatal. The remedies suggested in respect to chickens, which have this dis- ease, may, perhaps, be found equally beneficial in respect to turkies. A writer remarks, however, that on inspecting the rump feathers, two or three of their quills will be found to contain blood ; but on drawing them out, the chick soon recovers, and afterwards requires no other care than common poultry. The GUINEA HEN, is a bird well known in England, but is a na- tive of Africa and America. The flesh is thought by many to be deli- cious ; it requires great care in being reared in this climate ; a good common hen will hatch the eggs much better than the Guinea hen her- self, and to common hens in this country should the eggs of the Guinea hen always be entrusted. The Guinea hen does not conform to cli- mate, like many other birds : it lays its eggs on the bare ground, and after the young are hatched, it often neglects them. This bird will lay many eggs ; but they are extremely small for the size of the bird ; much less than a pullet's egg. The GOOSE. This common bird is probably the wild goose do- mesticated. The latter, it is well known, is a bird of passage, and on the approach of spring, large flocks of them are seen wending their way towards the polar "regions. The fortunate sportsman sometimes brings one down from his airy height. If only wounded, he may be tamed, and will readily pair with the common grey goose. The goose is a valuable, but expej^re bird ;— valuable, as it furnish- es feathers for our beds ; and, in thiWiew, may be regarded as necessa^ ry,— expensive, requiring considerable food, during the winter season, but more expensive, from the injury that it occasions to our meadows and pasture lands. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 121 POULTRY. The method of rearing geese is so well known, and so uniform, that it will be unnecessary to describe it. It may be proper, however, to no- tice a recommendation found in Willich's Encyclopedia ; viz. to break the shell near the beak of the young goslin, about the period of its hatching. This we should deem injudicious and unnecessary. Wild geese can have no assistance of this kind, and we conclude that goslins can, generally speaking, make their way into the world, without the proposed manipulation. As geese form a principal delicacy at our tables, the most expeditious mode of fattening them, is an object of some importance. Hence, it has been recommended to keep them cooped up in a dark and narrow place, where they are to be fed with ground malt, mixed with milk, or, if milk be scarce, with barley meal, mashed up with water. Cobbett recommends feeding them with corn, some raw Swedish turnips, car- rots, whita»abbages, or lettuce. The CmKplete Farmer, an English work, says; "if you would fatten geese, you must shut them up when they are about a month old, and they will be fat in about a month more. Be sure to let them have al- ways, in a small rack, some fine hay, which will much hasten their fat- ting. But for fatting older geese, it is commonly done when they are about six months old, or soon after harvest, when they have been in stubble fields, from which food they will grow tolerably fat. But those who are desirous of having them very fat, shut them up for a fortnight or three weeks, and feed them with oats, split peas, barley meal, or ground malt mixed with milk. But the best thing to fatten them with, is malt mixed with beer. You must, however, observe, in fattening all sorts of water-fowl, that they usually sit with their bills upon their rumps, where they suck out the greater part of the moisture and fatness, at a small bunch of feathers, which you will find standing upright on their rumps, and always moist, with which they trim their feathers, which renders them more oily and slippery than the feathers of other fowls, and causes the water to slip orTthem. If, therefore, the upright feathers are cut away close, they will become fat in less time, and witrj less food than otherwise. If you give them rye, before or about mid- summer, it will strengthen them, and keep them in health, that being commonly their sickly time.'' In choosing geese for table, care should be taken that the feet and legs be yellow, which is an indication of the bird being young ; the legs of old geese are red. If recently killed, the legs will be pliable, but if stale, they will generally be found dry and stiff. A new breed of geese, called Bremen geese, has been introduced into the United States, which is said to be decidedly superior to any hereto- fore known in this country. They were first imported, we believe, by Mr. James Sisson, of Warren, (R. I.) who received a premium, in Oc- tober, 1K26, from the Rhode Island Society for the Encouragement of Domestic Industry, for the exhibition of some geese of this breed. They are said to possess the following advantages, over any other ani- mals of their kind : they grow to a greater size, may be raised with more facility, are fattened with less grain, and make more delicious food. DUCK. Of the duck there are many varieties ; but they may be 11 122 FAMILY POULTRY. reduced to two general classes — the wild and the tame. Of the wild duck, the canvass-backed is peculiar to America ; where it is in higher estimation than any other, on account of the exquisite flavor of its flesh. It abounds in the neighborhood of Chesapeake bay ; but is sel- dom seen north of Pennsylvania. The Mallard is the most common of wild ducks, and is the original of our domestic duck. Wild ducks pair in the spring, build their nests among rushes near the water, and lay from ten to sixteen eggs. The female is a very artful bird, and does not always make the nest close to the water, but frequently at a good distance from it ; in which case, •he will carry the young to it in her beak, or between her legs. There are various means used to catch wild ducks and geese, of which one seems worth mentioning. The person washing to take these, wades in- to the water up to the chin, and, having his head covered with a cala- bash, approaches the place where the ducks are: when^^y, not re- garding an object of this sort, suffer the man freely to ml" with the flock ; alter this, he has only to pull them by the legs into the water, one after the other, till he is satisfied ; returning as unsuspected by the remainder, as when he first came among them. This method is fre- quently put in practice on the river Ganges, using the earthen vessels of the Gentoos, instead of the calabashes ; these vessels are what the Gentoos boil their rice in, and after being once used, they consider them defiled, and throw them into the river as useless. The ducks, seeing these vessels float down the stream, look upon them with disre- gard, and the duck-takers find them, on this account, convenient for their purpose. The tame duck is the most easily reared of all our domestic animals ; and in the neighborhood of a sufficiently sluggish and muddy stream will procure their living, and even grow fat without being led. It is better, however, to confide them to the care of a hen, because the duck is a heedless and inattentive mother, and frequently leaves her eggs, until they spoil. After hatching her brood, she forthwith leads them to a pond, shows them the water, and appears to think that she has performed every duty which is required of her. A singular mode of fattening ducks obtains in France. In the au- tumn, when tolerably fat, they are shut up, eight by eight, in a dark place, and crammed with boiled corn. They are sometimes suffocated, but if they are soon bled, they are not the worse for it. They pass fifteen days in a state of oppression and suffocation, which makes their livers grow large. When the tail spreads out like a fan, they are fat enough ; they are then turned out to bathe, after which they are killed. Two days after killing, they are opened below, and their wings and legs taken off, and the flesh covering the rump and stomach. The : whole is put into a salting tub, with the neck and end of the rump, and left covered with salt for fifteen days, after which they are cut into four ! quarters, and put into the pot. They are first seasoned with cloves, and other spices put in them. Some leaves of Spanish laurel, and a little salt-petre having been put in the brine to give the meat a red ' color. WILD PIGEON of America. "The wild pigeon of the United States," says Wilson in his Ornithology, " inhabits a wide and exten- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 123 WILD PIGEON. sive region of North America, on this side of the Great Stony Moun- tains, beyond which, to the westward, I have not heard of one being seen. According to Mr. Hutchins, they abound in the country round Hudson's bav, where they usually remain as late as December, feeding, when the ground is covered with snow, on the buds of juniper. They are spread over the whole of Canada, were seen by Capt. Lewis and his party, near the great falls of the Missouri, upwards of 2500 miles from its mouth, reckoning the meanderings of the river, were also met with in the interior of Louisiana, by Col. Pike, and extend their range as far south as the Gulf of Mexico; occasionally visiting or breeding in almost every quarter of the United States. M But the most remarkable characteristic of these birds is their asso- ciating together, both in their migrations, and also during the period of incubation, in such prodigious numbers as almost to pass belief; a cir- cumstance which has no parallel among any other of the feathered tribes on die face of the earth, with which naturalists are acquainted. " These migrations appear to be undertaken, rather in quest of food than merely to avoid the cold of the climate. Vast multitudes congre- gate in the western forests, particularly in the states of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. These extensive regions abound with the beach nut, which constitutes the chief food of the wild pigeon. During theirstay they fix upon some spot in a forest as their roosting place. These roost- ing places sometimes occupy a large extent. When they have fre- quented one of these places for some time, the appearance it exhibits is surprising. The ground is covered to the depth of several inches with their excrement ; all the tender grass and underwood is destroyed ; the surface strewed with large limbs of trees broken off by the weight of the birds clustering one above another ; and the trees themselves, for thousands of acres, killed as completely as if girdled with an axe. The marks of this desolation remain for many years on the spot; and numerous places could be pointed out, where, for several years after, scarce a single vegetable made its appearance. " When these roosts are first discovered, the inhabitants from con- siderable distances visit them in the night, w T ith guns, clubs, long poles, pots of sulphur, and various other engines of destruction. In a few- hours they fill many sacks and load their horses with them. By the Indians, a pigeon roost, or breeding place is considered an important source of national profit and dependence for that season ; and all their active ingenuity is exercised on the occasion. The breeding place dif- fers from the former in its greater extent. In the western countries above mentioned, these are generally in beech woods, and often extend in nearly a straight line, across the country for a great way. Not far from Shelby ville, in the state of Kentucky, about five years ago, there was one of these breeding places, which stretched through the woods in nearly a north and south direction ; was several miles in breadth, and was said to be upwards of forty miles in extent! In this tract almost every tree was furnished with nests wherever the branches could ac- commodate them. The pigeons made their first appearance there about the tenth of April, and left it altogether, with their young, before the twenty-fifth of May, " To form a rough estimate," continues Mr. Wilson, " of the daily consumption of one of these immense flocks, let us first attempt to cal- 124 FAMILY WILD PIGEON. CARRIER PIGEON. cuiatc the numbers of that above mentioned, as seen in passing between Frankfort and the Indiana territory. If we suppose this column to have been one mile in breadth, — and I believe it to have been much more, and that it moved at the rate of one mile in a minute, four hours* the time it continued passing, would make its whole length two hun- dred and forty miles. Again, supposing that each square yard of this moving body comprehended three pigeons, the square yards in the whole square multiplied by three, would give two thousand two hundred and thirty millions, two hundred and seventy -two thousand pigeons ! an almost inconceivable multitude, and yet probably far below the ac- tual amount. Computing each of these to consume half a pint of mast daily, the whole quantity, at this rate, would equal seventeen millions, four hundred and twenty-four thousand bushels per day. Heaven has wisely and graciously given to these birds rapidity of flight and a dis- position to range over vast uncultivated tracts of the earth; otherwise they must have perished in the district where they resided;*r devoured the whole productions of agriculture, as well as those of the forest. " Happening to go ashore one charming afternoon, to purchase some milk at a house that stood near the river, and while talking with the people within doors, I was suddenly struck with astonishment, by a loud rushing roar, succeeded by instant darkness, which, at the first moment, I took for a tornado, about to overwhelm the house, and every thing around in destruction. The people, observing my surprise, said coolly, 4 it is only the pigeons,' and on running out, I beheld a flock, thirty or forty yards in width, sweeping along, very low, between the house and the mountain, or height that formed the second bank of the river. These continued passing for more than a quarter of an hour t and at length varied their bearing, so as to pass over the mountain, behind which they disappeared before the rear came up." CARRIER PIGEON. This is a name given to a variety of the tame pigeon, or house dove, from being sometimes employed to con- vey letters, or small packets, from one place to another. Mention is made of them by ancient writers. Modern history records several in- teresting accounts of the employment of these aerial messengers. "When the city of Ptolemais, in Syria," says the Percy Anecdotes, " was invested by the French and Venetians, and it was ready to fall into their hands, they observed a pigeon flying over them, and immedi- ately conjectured that it was charged with letters to the garrison. On this, the whole army raising a loud shout, so confounded the poor aeri- al post, that it fell to the ground ; and on being seized, a letter was found under its wings, from the sultan, in which he assured the garri- son that " he would be with them in three days, with an army sufficient to raise the siege." For this letter the besiegers substituted another, to this purpose, " that the garrison must see to their own safety, for the sultan had such other affairs pressing him, that it was impossible for him to come to their succour ;" and with this false intelligence, they let the pigeon pursue his course. The garrison, deprived by this de- cree of all hopes of relief, immediately surrendered. The sultan ap- peared on the third day, as he had promised, with a powerful army, and was not a little mortified to find the city already in the hands of the Christians. " Carrier pigeons were again employed, but with better success, a.1 ENCYCLOPEDIA. 125 CARRIER PIGEON. the siege ofLeyden, in 1675. The garrison were, by means of the in- formation thus conveyed to them, induced to stand out, till the enemy, despairing of reducing the place, withdrew. On the siege being rais- ed, the Prince of Orange ordered that the pigeons, which had rendered such essential service, should be maintained at the public expense, and that at their death they should be embalmed and preserved in the town house, as a perpetual token of gratitude. "In the East, the employment of pigeons for the conveyance of let- ters, is still very common ; particularly in Syria, Arabia, and Egypt. They are also employed in several parts of Europe, but rather for the purposes of amusement, than for objects of great utility. " The diligence and speed, with which these feathered messenger! wing their course, is extraordinary. From the instant of their libera- tion, their flight is directed through the clouds, at an immense height to the place of their destination. They are believed to dart onwards in a straight line, and never to descend, except when at a loss for breath, and then they are to be seen commonly at dawn of day, lying on then- backs on the ground, with their bills open, sucking in with hasty avidi- ty the dew of the morning. Of their speed, the instances related, are almost incredible. " Some years ago, a gentleman sent a carrier pigeon from London, by the stage coach, to his friend in Edmundsbury, together with a note, desiring that the pigeon, two days after the arrival there, might be thrown up, precisely when the town clock struck nine in the morn- ing. This was done accordingly, and the pigeon arrived in London, and flew to the Bull Inn in Bishopgate street, into the loft, and wai there shown at half an hour past eleven o'clock, having flown seventy- two miles in two hours and a half. " It is through the attachment of the animals to the place of their birth, and particularly to the spot where they have brought up their young, that they are thus rendered useful to mankind. " When a young one flies very hard at home, and is come to its full strength, it is carried in a basket, or otherwise, about half a mile from home, and then turned out ; after this it is carried a mile, then two, four, eight, ten, twenty, &c, till at length it will return from the fur- thermost parts of the country." 11* 126 FAMILY PRESERVATION OF HEALTH. PART III. PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, &C. Every one is liable to suffering, either from accident or disease. Yet, it is certain that a large proportion of the accidents which occur, as well as many of the diseases which afflict mankind, are the result of carelessness and neglect. Less haste, or a little more forethought, would often save a bone from being broken ; and a little more atten- tion to diet, air, exercise, cleanliness, moderation in drink, needless ex- posure, &c. &c, would frequently prevent dangerous and protracted illness, and especially those chronic diseases, which, if less immediate- ly dangerous, occasion suffering and distress, perhaps through life. Yet, it is nevertheless true, that accidents and diseases will some- times occur. They will occur suddenly and unexpectedly. A physi- cs -;n may not be within immediate call; and before he can be summon- ed, life may have become extinct, or the foundation laid for months of debility and suffering. Such calamities, it cannot be doubted, might not unfrequently be pre- vented, by a little knowledge of the human frame, and of a few simple medicines, or expedients easily comprehended ; almost always at hand, and which every person of common understanding may administer and apply. Without, therefore, infringing upon the province of the regularlv bred physician, or appearing to advocate empyricism, the editor believes an article devoted to the prevention of diseases and accidents, and the- management of the latter more especially, which shall be divested of the technical language of the profession — may be useful to those fami- lies, for which this work is designed. It is needless to say that a regular treatise on surgery and practice is not here attempted. Such an attempt would justly subject the con- ductor of this work to ridicule ; nor will it fall within the object and scope of this part of the work to sanction "nursery gossip" — nor to countenance and spread abroad the " mendacious reports of nostrum makers and venders." But rather to select such hints on the subject of preserving the health, and to recommend such remedies for certain accidents as have been furnished by enlightened experience, and which are safe and useful in the hands of the professionally unlearned. Hence, it will be obvious, that this article is not designed for the crit- ically learned. Should such an one — to use the language employed in an admirable work of a similar character, and written by a distinguish- ed physician — " cast his eye on these pages, he will here learn, this book was written for the unlearned ; and he will also learn that a hand- kerchief tied loosely round a man's leg above a wounded and bleeding artery, and a stick twisted into it, will as effectually save life as a sur- geon's turniquet — and many other such things. He will therefore please to spare this little ,work, r or the sake of him whose house is far removed from the surgeon, and who has no money to pay the physi- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 127 RULES FOR THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH. SECTION. I. RULES AND HINTS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LIFE AND HEALTH, &C. Rules of Sir R. Philips. — I. Rise early, and never sit up late. 2. Wash the whole body every morning with cold water, by means of a large sponge, and rub it dry with a rough towel, or scrub the whole body for ten or fifteen minutes with flesh brushes. 3. Drink water generally, and avoid excess of spirits, wine, and fer- mented liquors. 4. Keep the body open by the free use of the syringe, and remove su- perior obstructions by aperient pills. 5. Sleep in a room which has free access to the open air. 6. Keep the head cool by washing it when necessary with cold wa- ter, and abate feverish and inflammatory symptoms when they arise, by persevering stillness. 7. Correct symptoms of plethora and indigestion, by eating and drink- ing less, per diem for a few days. 8. Never eat a hearty supper, especially of animal food ; and drink wine, spirits, and beer, if these are necessary, only after dinner. Rules of Dr. Boerhaave. — The following were the simple and un- erring directions of this great man for the preservation of health ; they contained the sum and substance of his vast professional knowledge during a long and useful life : — " Keep the feet warm ; the head cool ; and the body open." If these were generally attended to, the physi- cian's aid would seldom be required. Experience of Howard. — We give the following account of Mr. Howard's experience, which was furnished by him to a friend, as con- taining suggestions of a most important and valuable sort; and which, if adopted by many of the dyspeptics of the day, would go farther to- ward their restoration to a healthful state of body and mind, than the most learned prescriptions of the most celebrated doctors. " A more 'puny whipster' than myself, in the days of my youth, was never suen. I could not walk out in the evening, without being wrap- ped up : I could fiot put on my linen without its being aired : I was, politely speaking, enfeebled enough to have delicate nerves, and was, occasionally troubled with a very genteel hectic. To be serious, I am convinced that whatever enfeebles the body debilitates the mind, and renders both unfit for those exertions, which are of such use to us all as social beings. I therefore entered upon a reform of my constitution, and have succeeded in such a degree, that I have neither had a cough, cold, the vapors, nor any more alarming disorder, since I surmounted the seasoning. Prior to this, I used to be a miserable dependant on wind and weather ; a little too much of the one, or a slight inclemency of the other, would postpone, and frequently prevent, not only my 128 FAMILY DIRRCTIONS FOR THE P»{ KSERVATION OF HKALTH. amusements, but my duties : or, if pressed by my affections, or by the necessity of affairs, I did venture forth in despite of the elements, the consequences were equally absurd and incommodious, not seldom afflic- tive. I muffled up even to my nostrils; a crack in the glass of my chaise was sufficient to distress me ; a sudden slope of the wheels to the right or left, set me a trembling ; a jolt seemed like a dislocation, and the sight of a bank or a precipice, near which my horse or carriage was to pass, would disorder me so much, that I would order the driver to stop, that I might get out and walk by the difficult places. Mulled wines, spirituous cordials, and large fires, were to comfort me, and to keep out the cold, as it is called, at every stage, and if I felt the least damp in my feet, or other parts of my body, dry stockings, linen, &c. were to be instantly put on ; the perils of the day were to be baffled by something taken hot on going to bed ; and before I pursued my jour- ney, the next morning, a dram was to be swallowed, in order to fortify the stomach. In a word, I lived, moved, and had my being so much by rule, that the slightest deviation was a disease. " Every man must, in these cases, be his own physician. He must prescribe for, and practise on, himself. I did this by a very simple, but as you will think, a very severe regimen, namely, by denying myself almost every thing in which I had long indulged. But as it is always harder to get rid of a bad habit, than to contract it, I entered on my reform gradually ; that is to say, I began to diminish my usual indul- gences by degrees. I found that a heavy meal, or a hearty one, as it is termed, and a cheerful glass, that is, one more than does you good, made me incapable, or at least, disinclined to any useful exertions for some time after dinner hours ; and if the dilutive powers of tea assisted the work of a disturbed digestion, so far as to restore my faculties, a luxurious supper came in so close upon it, that I was fit for nothing but dissipation, till I went to a luxurious bed, where I finished the ener- vating practices, by sleeping eight, ten, and sometimes a dozen hours on the stretch. You will not wonder that I rose the next morning with the solids relaxed, the juices thickened, and the constitution weak- ened. " To remedy all this, I ate a little less at every meal, and reduced my drink in proportion. It is really wonderful to consider, how impercep- tibly a single morsel of animal food, and a tea spoonful of liquor de- ducted from the usual quantity daily, will restore the mental functions, without any injury to the corporeal — nay, with increase of vigour to both. I brought myself, in the first instance, from dining on many dishes, to dining on a few, and then to being satisfied with one ; in like manner, instead of drinking a variety of wines, I m#de my election of a single sort, and adhered to it alone. My next business was to eat and drink sparingly of that adopted dish and bottle. My ease, vivacity, health, and spirits augmented. My clothing, &c. underwent a similar reform ; the effect of all which is, and has bfeen for many years, that I am neither affected by seeing my carriage dragged up a mountain, or driven down a valley. If an acci- dent happens, I am prepared for it, I mean so far as respects unneces- sary terrors ; and I am proof against all changes in the atmosphere, wet clothes, damp feet, night air, transitions from heat to cold, and the long train of hypochondria affections." ENCYCLOPEDIA. 129 HINTS TO STUDENTS. Hints to Students. — Students, more than most persons, are apt to bring upon themselves a train of stomachic and nervous affections, in consequence of an intense application of mind, and neglect of appro- priate exercise in the open air. No one, however, can long hope for the enjoyment, either of health or vigor of mind, who is not in the daily- habit of exercise abroad. It is important, also, that his study should be large, perfectly dry, and often well ventilated. Great attention should also be paid to position. Students, whether they stand or sit, and by turns they should do both, should maintain an erect posture. Care should be exercised not to press, for any length of time, against a hard substance. The rocking chai r - with a leaf, or round table, situated in front of them, and which are often found in our colleges, are highly improper. It is also recommended to students, for the purpose of giv- ing exercise and strength to the lungs, frequently to read and speak loud. But some caution will be necessary, lest the exercise be carried too far. Vociferation should never be indulged. A naturally weak voice may be greatly strengthened by exercise ; and even a natural im- pediment removed, by careful and judicious perseverance. The case of Demosthenes illustrates this. His voice was so weak, and indis- tinct, that he could be scarcely heard or understood ; vet he contrived to remedy both defects, by declaiming, while ascending the brow of a hill or walking amid the noise of the waves along the se^. shore. We must also enter our protest against midnight studies. The late President Dwight, whose experience rendered him perfectly compe- tent to impart advice on this subject, gave it as his opinion, that as a general rule, nothing was gained by any student, by application to his books, after ten o'clock at night. The morning is the season most ap- propriate to study. It is also the best season for exercise. But both objects may be accomplished by early rising ; a point of great impor- tance, both in respect to clearness of mind, health of body, and rapid improvement. But in few things, perhaps, do students fail more than in the kinds of exercise adopted. They should not be those kinds, which are of course violent ; nor those which exercise only particular parts of the body. Great fatigue should be avoided. In general, ri- ding on horseback, walking, or working in the garden, are to be prefer- red to most other kinds of exercise. The utility of exercise, however, is often much diminished, by its be- ing taken as exercise. On this point we quote the language of a dis- tinguished writer, as well as student : M A solitary walk, or ride, mere- ly for the sake of exercise, and with no other object to stimulate our progress, as it is of all amusements the dullest, so it is found rather hurtful than advantageous. The mind still meditates in solitude, and the body, at the same time, labours ; so that both are exhausted at once, and the student returns to his closet fatigued, dejected, and disappoint- ed. Some little amusement must therefore be contrived, or some bu- siness engaged in, which may operate as a loadstone, in attracting us, without being sensible of our own efforts, from our libraries, up the mountain, and along the forest, where health, with all her thousand joys, delights to fix her abode." With regard to diet, no good reason exists, why the student should deny himself any plain and wholesome food, provided that he eats not to complete satiety. This should always be avoided, as should supper late in the evening. 130 FAMILY QUANTITY OF FOOD. ABSTINENCE. And in regard to drink, water doubtless should constitute his princi- pal drink. But more than most persons, should the student abstain from the use of spirituous liquors. They are a bane, to which none of the habits of his life present any antidote whatever. The laborer in the field, by his powerful exercise, may perspire away in a measure the effects of stimulating liquors : but the student in his application has no such effort to anticipate. Stimulating liquors, and close study, will soon undermine and destroy the best constitution ever given to man. QUANTITY OF FOOD. In respect to the quantity of food adapt- ed to the preservation of health, perhaps no invariable rule can be given. "As a general rule," observes the authors of the Journal of Health, "it will be found, that those who exercise much in the open air, or follow laborious occupations, will demand a larger amount of food than the indolent, or the sedentary. Young persons, also, com- monly require more than those advanced in years; and the inhabit- ants of cold, more than those of warm climates. We say this is a general rule ; for very many exceptions are to be found, in each of these particulars. Thus, we not unfrequently find, that one individu- al requires more food to support his system than another, of the same frame of body and trade, and who partakes of the same degree of exer- cise. Jn fact, ene person will support his strength, or even become more robust upon the same quantity of food, which will occasion in another, debility and emaciation." In general, persons eat by far too great quantity of food. The digest- ive powers are constantly put upon the stretch, and the ultimate effect is, that they become weakened and incapable of converting into nutri- ment a quantity of food, essential to a vigorous state of the system. It should not be forgotten — an observation we believe of the celebrated Dr. Abernethy — that it is not the quantity of food, which is eaten, but the quantity digested^ which administers to the support of the body. Hence, all that is consumed beyond the point of easy digestion tends to load and clog the machine — to impair the energies — and to render it less fit for future agreeable movements. The exact point when a per- son should lay aside his knife and fork we do not, and cannot perhaps determine ; but each one may judge in general, for himself. But if he experience any sensation of oppression— any "load at the stomach" — he has eaten too much. A single mouthful taken after feeling satis- fied, is injurious; indeed, we should contrive to stop short of that point. . In regard to children, a somewhat different regimen may doubtless with safety be adopted. A judicious writer remarks, " whatever regi- men you prescribe for children, provided you only accustom them to plain and simple food, you may let them eat, run, and play as much as they please, and you may be sure they will never eat too much, or be troubled with indigestion. But if you starve them half the day, and they find means to escape your observation, they will make themselves amends, and eat till they are sick, or even burst." ABSTIN ENCE. Abstinence is the avoiding or refraining from any thing to which there is a natural or habitual propensity. As a reli- gious service it has often been enjoined in various systems of religion ; but in the present article we design to speak of abstinence in relation ENCYCLOPEDIA. 131 AUSTIN RXCE. to its importance to health. As a preventive of disease, too much, perhaps, cannot be said in its favor; while wonderful effects, in the cure of disease, have been ascribed to it. One of these is recorded in the history of Cornaro, a noble Venetian, who, after a life of luxury, was, at the age of forty, attacked by a disease attended with mortal symptoms; yet he not only recovered, but lived nearly one hundred years, from the mere effects of abstemiousness. We are told of several individuals that have reached a century, a century and a half, nay, have even approached to the age of two centuries, supported on an extremely slender diet, which was thought to contribute materially to the preservation of their health. It is related of Howard, the celebra- ted philanthropist, that he used to fast for the purposes of health, one day in ihe week. Franklin for a period did the same. Napoleon, when he felt his system unstrung, suspended his wonted repast and took exercise on horseback. We are not of the opinion, indeed, of a French Physician that it is necessary ahsolutely to fast, in order to at- tain old age ; but occasional fasting powerfully tends to renew the en- ergies of the system, as the stopping of grinding at the mill presents an opportunity for the head waters to increase their power. The above Physician, to convince every one of the truth of his proposition, that fasting is essential, selects one hundred and fifty-two hermits, or bish- ops, who are known to have led a strictly temperate life — frequently fasting, and regularly alternating their studies and religious observ- ances, with bodily labor, or distant journies, for purposes of charity and other duties. These he compares with the same number of acade- micians, one half from the Academy of Sciences, and the other half from that of Belles-lettres. On the one side, their joint lives amount- ed to 11589 years, and on the other only 10511 ; hence he concludes, that even frequent fasting would prolong the lives of men of letters more than seven years. Whatever deductions might be made from the above account, certain it is that a moderate diet, with occasional fasting, is essential to unin- terrupted health and cheerful spirits. It is related of Sir Isaac Newton, that while he was composing his cebbrated treatise on Optics, he con- fined himself entirely to bread, with a little sack and water. Gen. El- liott, the defender of Gibraltar, during eight of the most anxious days of the siege, lived upon four ounces of rice per day. Most of the stand- ard works of English literature were composed by men whose circum- stances compelled them to adopt a spare diet — they fasted often times from necessity, rather than choice ; yet their ideas were doubtless pro- portionately more clear — their conceptions more rapid and bold. Pres- ident Edwards in his diary records it as the result of his experience, that he was more sprightly and healthy, both in body and mind, for the practice of self-denial, in eatingand drinking. - By a sparing diet," says he, "and eating (as much as may be) what is light and easy of digestion, I shall doubtless be able to think clearer and shall gain time, first by lengthening out my life. Secondly, shall needless time for di- gestion after meals. Thirdly, shall be able to study closer without wrong to my health. Fourthly, shall need less time to sleep. Fifthlv, shall seldom be troubled with the head-ache/' It was the reply of Car- dinal de Sallis, arch-bishop of Seville, who died at the advanced age of one hundred and ten years, when asked what rule he had observed 132 FAMILY ABSTINENCE, to preserve his health, " Why," said he, "by being old, when I was young, I find myself young, now when I am old." Shakespeare has well expressed the same idea in one of his plays. " Though I look old, yet I am strong and lusty : For in my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood ; Nor did not, with unbashful forehead woo The means of weakness and debility. Therefore, my age is as a lusty winter — Frosty, but kindly." As You Like it.— Act II. Scene 3. " Most of all the chronical diseases, the infirmities of old age, and the short periods of the lives of Englishmen," said Dr. Cheyne, more than a hundred years ago, u are owing to repletion." " I tell you honesty," says Mr. Abernethy, " what I think is the cause of the complicated maladies of the human race : tt it is their gorman- dizing, and stuffing, and stimulating their digestive organs to an ex- cess, thereby producing nervous disorders and irritation." " It is the opinion of the majority of the most distinguished phy- sicians," says another medical writer, " that intemperance in diet, de- stroys the bulk of mankind ; in other words, that what is eaten and drank, and thus taken into the habit, is the original cause of by far the greatest number of diseases, which afflict the human race." Abstinence, after excessive fatigue, or rather peculiar moderation in respect to eating and drinking, is important for all. This perhaps will not be doubted, in relation to men of sedentary habits. But its import- ance is not much less to farmers, who, after the toils of the day are wont to indulge a heightened appetite to complete satiety. This is wrong. For however they may think that when the machine is exhausted, it requires much refreshment, a slight examination of the effects of reple- tion, will be sufficient to condemn the practice. " For after eating and drinking copiously under such circumstances," remarks Wallace, in his Art of Preventing Diseases, " the system grows dull and heavy, and general lassitude comes on ; the pulse grows quick, the face flushes, a temporary fever ensues ; the skin is dry — the mouth clammy ; thirst attends, and in the place of that recruited strength, alacrity and cheer- fulness, they expected to obtain from their hearty meal and night's re- pose, they arise in the morning, after a few hours of disturbed sleep, weary and depressed with pain, or stiffness in the joints, an aching head, and a stomach loathing its accustomed food. Nor can it be oth- erwise ; for the digestive powers of the stomach, in that state of ex- haustion induced by fatigue, are incapable of performing the task to which they are excited : and the load of food which is taken, in place of recruiting the strength and activity of the system, is a cause of suf- fering and disease, extending from the stomach itself to the residue of the system." EXERCISE. In our hints to students, we have alluded to the im- portant subject of exercise. It deserves, however, a more serious and extended notice. At the present day, exercise, temperance, and pure air, none of which are costly articles, are considered indispensable to ENCYCLOPEDIA. 133 EXERCISE. FRICTION. — AIR. health. u These constitute the arcana of health and longevity ; and it is curious, that man should so often evince a total disregard for those principles on which his existence depends. Exercise of too violent na- ture, and a total want of it, are attended with equal disadvantages. Violent exercise is very injurious to those persons who are unaccustomed to it, particularly where excesses in eating and drinking have been com- mitted. All sudden transitions from a state of rest to violent action are extremely injudicious, particularly in hot weather. Exercise admit*? of being diversified ; viz. walking, running, leaping, swimming, riding, different games, gardening, &c. Passive exercise, which consists of riding in a carriage, sailing, friction, swinging, &c. is better calculated for debilitated constitutions, particularly the asthmatic and consump- tive. At all times, that exercise is to be preferred, which, with a view to brace and strengthen the body, we are most accustomed to ; and it should always be begun and finished gradually. Exercise should never be takeil before a meal, when the body is in a state of perspiration, as digestion might be thereby retarded ; and for the same reason, it is also hurtful if taken immediately after a meal. By walking, the appetite and perspiration are promoted ; the mind is enlivened by the change of scene, the lungs are strengthened, and the contraction of the legs is re- lieved. The inhabitants of large towns require longer walks than those who breathe a pure atmosphere; therefore, those who lead sedentary lives, or are troubled with nervovs affections, should use daily exercise, but it should be that species which is agreeable to the feelings. Exer- cise ought only to be continued till an agreeable perspiration is felt ; if carried further, instead of the body being strengthened, it will be weak- ened. The thirst generally felt after exercise must not be immediately satisfied by cooling drink." FRICTION. One of the most gentle and useful kinds of exercise, is friction of the body, either by the naked hand, a piece of flannel, or, what is still better, a flesh brush. This was in great esteem among the ancients, and is so at present in the East Indies. The whole body may be subjected to this mild operation, but chiefly the belly, the spine, or back-bone, and the arms and legs. But, in rubbing the belly, the opera- tion ought to be performed in a circular direction, as being most favor- able to the course of the intestines, and their natural action. " It should be performed," says Sir A. Cooper, "in the morning, on an empty sto- mach, or rather in bed, before getting up, and continued, at least for some minutes at a time." AIR. The air, or atmosphere, which we breathe, is a compound' consisting of oxygen and nitroj^eii^ in the proportions of 21 or 22 parts of the former to 78 or 79 of the latter. In neither of these elements alone could we live ; by the former, we should be so exhilarated, as quickly to exhaust our vital powers ; in the latter we should die instant- ly. But Providence has so proportioned them, as to render them fitted for respiration, and in that proportion they contribute to health. Whenever the above proportion of oxygen is seriously altered, or its due supply withheld, the lungs must suffer, and with them the heart and circulation also. Various causes may operate to injure the vitality of the air. In a tight room, candles may consume so much of the ox- ygen as to render it less fitted for the purpose of respiration ; or, car- 12 134 FAMILY AIR. SLEEP. bonic acid gas, otherwise called ckoke-damp, may become mingled with it, and render it incapable of sustaining life. This often occurs in wells and caverns; or, it may become vitiated or impure by being re- peatedly breathed, as is sometimes the case, when a large number of persons are crowded together, in a small and confined apartment. In the process of respiration, air undergoes an important change. Nothing is lost, indeed, in respect to weight ; but the oxygen, combining with the carbon found in the blood, forms carbonic acid gas, and in that form, is the air found, as it issues from the air-cells of the lungs. Hence, it soon becomes entirely unfitted for respiration, and incapable of sup- porting either life, or combustion. The memorable history of the Eng- lish prisoners in Calcutta, who were crowded into a room eighteen feet square, parlly under ground, and having only one small opening to the light and air of day, is probably familiar to our readers. Of the whole number, 146, who were confined in that single apartment, only from eight o'clock at night until six tho next' morning, but 23 were living. In this case, the heat which was generated, produced a sudden and high fever, and the carbonic acid given out by the crowd in breathing, pro- duced the awful effects above related. Few persons can estimate the importance of pure air to a healthy state of the system, or to persons who are suffering under disease, especially fevers. Apartments in which the sick are confined, should in general be well ventilated, and this may be easily effected, without exposing the patient to a current of air, which is always to be avoided. SLEEP. If exercise be important and even indispensable to health* as has been remarked in a preceding article, not less so is sleep ; and constituted as we are, it is a wise provision of the Author of Nature, that night comes at proper intervals, when the exhausted energies of the system may be revived by " tired nature's sweet restorer." And here it may be observed, in borrowed language, that " night is evidently the period appropriated by nature for repose, and general experience has proved that it is the only one during which we can, with certainty, ob- tain that sound, sweet, and refreshing slumber, so necessary for the preservation of health. Sleeping during the day is, indeed, on many accounts, a pernicious practice, which should be carefully avoided, ex- cepting under particular circumstances of disease, or when a sufficient amount of repose cannot be obtained at the natural periods. This, however, does not apply to infants. For the first months after birth, a healthy child sleeps full two thirds of its time. This propensity re- quires to be indulged by day as well as by night ; but, with judicious management, it may be brought, in a short time, to require and enjoy repose during the latter period only. Young children, when fatigued by exercise, will also, in general, be found inclined to sleep during the day ; from indulging them in a short repose, under such circumstances, no bad effects can result, provided their clothing be perfectly loose, so that every part of their bodies is freed from bands or ligatures. " The popular maxim, l early to bed and early to rise,' is one which should be rigidly observed by every individual. It has been remarked that, in the natural state, the disposition to sleep usually comes on soon after the commencement of darkness ; and, according to the oldest and most accurate observers, three or four hours' sleep before midnight, is very nearly as refreshing as double that portion in the morning. Per- FA' CYCLOPEDIA. 135 EARLY RISING. SLEEPING APARTMENTS. sons who spend the day in manual labor, or active exercise in the open air, with great difficulty keep awake for a few hours after the night has closed in ; and this disposition to early sleep is, perhaps, one of the strongest indications of perfect health. u Early rising is equally important to the health of the system as early rest. On no account should any one permit himself to again slumber, after the moment of his first awaking in the morning, whether this happen at the early dawn, or before the sun has risen ; even though from accident or unavoidable causes he may not have enjoyed his six or eight hours of repose. It is much better to make up the deficiency, if necessary, at some other time, than to attempt taking another nap. Whoever shall accustom himself thus to rise, will enjoy more undis- turbed sleep during the night, and awake far more refreshed, than those who indolently slumber all the morning. " Even this second nap is, however, by no means so injurious to health, as the practice of continuing in bed of a morning, long after waking ; nothing tends, especially in children, and young persons gen- erally, more effectually to unbrace the solids, exhaust the spirits, and thus to undermine the vigor, activity, and health of the system, than such a practice. " Let any one, who has been accustomed to lie in bed till eight or nine o r clock, rise by live or six, spend an hour or two in walking, riding, or any active diversion in the open air, and he will find his spirits more cheerful and serene throughout the day, his appetite more keen, and his body more active and vigorous. " No one should retire to rest immediately after a full meal, or in an agitated state of mind. Indeed, after a light supper, at least two hours ought to elapse before bed-time ; and as a requisite for sound and invi- gorating repose, it is necessary to banish all anxious, gloomy, or de- pressing ideas and thoughts, and every species of mental exertion. To the same intent, every circumstance calculated to excite the senses should be removed. The pernicious practice, adopted by many, of reading in bed until they fall asleep, is particularly to be avoided. In place of this dangerous expedient to invite sleep, it would be more salu- tary to walk up and down the room for a few minutes, or to partake of any other gentle exercise. Fortunately, however, the individual who lives a life of temperance and virtue, and partakes daily of sufficient active exercise, requires no opiate to lull him to repose : On him the balmy dews Of sleep with double nutriment descend." SLEEPING APARTMENTS. A sleeping apartment is one of the most important rooms in a house ; and cannot well fail to have either a beneficial or injurious influence upon the health, as it is well or ill suited to the purpose to which it is appropriated. " It is all important," observes the Journal of Health, " that the lar- gest and most lofty room, upon the second floor, be appropriated for the sleeping apartment, and that it be freely ventilated, during the day time, at all seasons, when the weather is not rainy, or otherwise very humid. There are few houses, the rooms of which are so situated as to render the latter impracticable ; and the influence of the practice up- 136 FAMILY SLEEPING APARTMENTS. — BEDS. on the health of the inmates is too important to permit its being neg- lected from any slight cause. " A bed-chamber should be divested of all unnecessary furniture, and, unless, of considerable size, should never contain more than one bed. There cannot be a more pernicious custom, than that pursued in many families, of causing the children, more especially, to sleep in small apartments, with two or three beds crowded into the same room- "The practice of sleeping in an apartment which is occupied during the day is extremely improper. Perfect cleanliness and a sufficiently free vcntillation cannot, under such circumstances, be preserved, espe- cially duiing cold weather ; hence, the atmosphere becomes constantly more and more vitiated, and altogether unfitted for respiration. "A person accustomed to undress in a room without fire, and to seek repose in a cold bed, will not experience the least inconvenience, even in the severest weather. The natural heat of his body will very speedily render him even more comfortably wann, than the individual who sleeps in a heated apartment, and in a bed thus artificially warmed, and who will be extremely liable to a sensation of chilliness as soon as the artificial heat is dissipated. But this is not all — the constitution of the former, will be rendered more robust, and far less susceptible to the influence of atmospherical vicissitudes, than that of the latter. " All must be aware, that in the coldest w T eather, a fire in the bed- chamber can only be necessary during the periods occupied in dressing; and undressing. When the individual is in bed, it is not only altoge- ther useless, but to a certain extent injurious. It might be supposed* however, that bad effects would result from rising out of a warm bed, of a morning, in a cold chamber. We are assured, however, that if the business of dressing be performed with rapidity, and brisk exercise be taken, previously to entering a warm apartment, they who would pur- sue this plan would render themselves less dependent for comfort up- on external warmth — a circumstance of very great importance as a means of guarding against colds, coughs, and consumptions. " We would advise those who are so excessively delicate as to be in- capable of passing a few minutes, morning and evening, in a cold room, to seek some more genial climate — to such our winter cannot fail to be a season of constant suffering, if not of actual danger, u A practice equally imprudent with that of occupying a heated bed- chamber during cold weather, is the one very commonly pursued, of attempting to reduce the temperature of this apartment in summer, by leaving the windows open at night. Many persons have experienced serious and irreparable injury to their health, by being in this manner subjected, whilst asleep, to a current of cold air from without. " While a free admission of air is permitted throughout the day, the direct rays of the meridian sun, being, however, at the same time, as much as possible excluded, the windows of the bed chamber should be invariably closed after night." BEDS. Writers on the means of preserving health, have much to* say, and not without reason, upon the subject of beds. Few, perhaps,, are sufficiently aware of the enervating tendency of feather beds, espe- cially for youth ; and even for persons of maturer years, it cannot rea- sonably be doubted, that they greatly impair the strength, especially u* ENCYCLOPEDIA. 137 BF.DS. the warmer season, by increasing the heat to an unnatural degree, and inducing a more profuse perspiration, than is consistent with the con- tinuance of health. The best bed, under almost any circumstances, is a mattrass compos- ed of hair or moss. Cotton, however, will answer well. With a pro- per amount of covering, such a bed will be found sufficiently warm for health and comfort, during even the severest nights of winter. Should it be said that an exception should be made in respect to in- fants, it may be observed that during infancy a greater degree of warmth is at all times demanded than is necessary, or would be proper, in after life ; but, as an infant should never be allowed to sleep alone, it can al- ways be preserved of a sufficient temperature, without having recourse to the doubtful expedient of subjecting it to immersion in a bed of feathers. u Doctor Darwin has advised that young children " should not lie on very hard beds, as it may occasion them to rest on too few parts at a time, which hardens these parts by pressure, and prevents their propor- tionate growth." A bed, such as is here described, would most un- doubtedly be improper at any period of life. There is a very material difference, however, between a soft and elastic mattrass, and a bed so hard as to occasion uneasiness to the parts with which it is in contact. From sleeping on the former, even the most delicate need not be de- terred, by any apprehensions of the injurious consequences to which the doctor alludes. " If ever feather beds be admissible, it is in the case of the aged, who are nearly as susceptible to the influence of cold as infants ; to such, therefore, a warm bed is often a matter of indispensable comfort. " Feather pillows are not less injurious than feather beds* By pre- serving the head of an immoderate warmth, they are apt to induce ca- tarrhs, and, in the young, may become the remote or exciting cause of inflammation in the ear — eruptions — pain of the head, or even more serious diseases. For the same reason, all coverings for the head at night, excepting in the instance of females who are accustomed to wear a cap during the day, are productive of bad effects. Children, there- fore, of both sexes, should be accustomed from an early age to sleep with the head bare — the covering with which nature has, in general, so plentifully supplied this portion of the body, being amply sufficient to protect it from cold. " After what has been said above, upon the injurious tendency of sub- jecting the body to an undue degree of heat, during the period of re- pose, cautions against an excess of bed clothes would appear unnecessa- ry. It is all important that the body be covered with a sufficiency of clothing to preserve it comfortably warm ; and this may be effected during health, and in individuals accustomed to exercise, by fewer blan- kets, coverlets, aud comfortables than many are accustomed to pile upon the bed. " So injurious is an excess of heat, during repose, esteemed by Dr. Beddoes, that he has advised, and with great propriety, that young persons, especially when they present symptoms of languor and debili- ty, or complain of unrefreshing sleep, should be examined when in bed, ■* and if found too warm, awakened without compunction." — The bed 12* 138 FAMILY BEDS. CLI ANLINESS. clothes should then be thrown off, " or if the dry heat of the surface be considerable," he adds, "it will be best to walk up and down the room in a dress so contrived as to guard the extremities from chill, while it permits the residue of the body to be freely ventilated." Cool rooms — mattresses, and light bed clothes, will in all cases prevent the neces- sity of having recourse to the expedient here directed. w A proper night-dress is an object of no little importance. — A loose flannel gown for winter, and one of muslin for summer, will be found the most proper, more especially for children. No part of the clothing worn during the day ought, in fact, to be retained at night. Those, in particular, who are accustomed to wear flannel will find it advantageous to dispense with it whilst in bed — or to exchange it for an under-dress of cotton. Whatever dress is adopted, it should be free from every species of ligature, particularly at those parts which encompass the neck or the extremities. This is an all important caution, from a neg- lect of which serious injury has repeatedly resulted. " Closely shrouding a bed with curtains, is one of those numerous instances in which the requisitions of fashion are found to be opposed to health. By preventing a free circulation of the air, they oblige the individual who reposes within them, to breathe an atmosphere vitiated by repeated respiration. They become likewise receptacles for fine particles of dust, which are liable to be inhaled during sleep, whenever disturbed by the motion of the curtains or of the bedstead : this alone according to Wiliich, is a cause to which many young persons may re- fer the first developement of a consumptive attack. " Equally pernicious is the practice of sleeping with the face envel- oped in the bed-clothes, as well as that most ridiculous custom, so pre- valent in this country, of suspending a curtain over the front of an in- fant's cradle. u Their own feelings might be supposed sufficient to induce all to as- sume in bed that position, in which every portion of the body will be left the freest from constraint ; yet in the case of children, some cau- tions may be necessary, in order to prevent an awkward position from being indulged in, calculated to produce a prejudicial effect upon the symmetrical growth arid perfect developement of the system. Hence it is prudent when young persons lie upon their backs, to reduce the size of the pillows, in order to guard against a contortion of the spine ; while lying on the side requires pillows sufficiently large to fill up the space between the head and point of the shoulder. A constrained po- sition, if it have no other bad effect, is a certain preventive to sound and refreshing sleep. " Beds should never be placed upon the floor, as it is well known that in all apartments occupied by living beings, the inferior portions of the atmosphere are always the most impure. The most wholesome situa- tion for the bed is in the middle of the room, and raised some feet from the floor. From the vitiated state of the atmosphere immediately above the latter, and the great importance of a free ventilaton, the practice of placing the children's bed beneath another bedstead during the day, cannot be too severely reprobated." CLEANLINESS. It would be quite idle to attempt to prove, in a formal manner, the importance of cleanliness to individual comfort and ENCYCLOPEDIA. 139 BATHING. COLD BATHS. health ; because he who should soberly maintain the contrary, would be entitled to no better appellation than that of a fool, or a madman. On viewing the surface of the skin, even with the naked eye, we find it porous; but, by means of a good glass, these pores will be discovered to be very numerous. The object of these pores is to give out perspi- ration, and when abundant, it appears in what is called sweat. Besides this, there is also a discharge of an oily fluid, also carbonic acid gas, and nitrogen or azote. These discharges are all essential to health. Hence, when the pores become closed by the disuse of water, or from any other cause, colds, rheumatisms, eruptions, &c. are the conse- quence, i Shall we wonder, therefore, that medical writers insist so much on the importance of frequent ablutions, and on a change of linen in re- spect to our persons, beds, &c. Hufeland, a distinguished writer, gives us the following rules for preserving cleanliness, and a sound state of the skin, and which, in his opinion, if properly observed, would tend to the prolongation of life. 1. " Remove carefully every thing that the body has secreted, as cor- rupted or prejudicial. This may be done by changing the linen of- ten ; daily, if it be possible, and also the bed clothes, or at least the sheets; by using instead of a feather bed, a mattress, which attracts less dirt; and by continually renewing the air in apartments, and par- ticularly in one's bed-chamber. 2. " Let the whole body be washed daily with cold water, and rub the skin strongly at the same time, by which means it will acquire a great deal of lite and vigor. 3. " One ought to bathe once a week, the whole year through, in te- pid water ; and it will be of considerable service to add to it some soap." BATHP< T G. Bathing is a practice coeval with mankind. The an- cient Greeks, Romans, and Germans, as well as the Persians, Turks, and especially the modern Egyptians, enjoy the comforts and luxuries procured by bathing, in a degree of which we can scarcely form an ad- equate conception. Considered as a species of universal domestic reme- dy, as one which forms the basis of cleanliness, bathing, in its differ- ent forms, may be pronounced one of the most extensive and beneficial restorers of health and vigor. Baths may be considered as cold, cool, warm, and hot. COLD BATHS. Cold baths are those of a temperature varying from the 33d to the 55th degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer. The general properties of the cold bath, consist in its power of contracting the animal fibres, and imparting action and energy to the system. It cannot be resorted to, however, with advantage and safety in certain cases, as — 1. "In a full habit of body, or what is called general pletho- ra, on account of the frequent febrile disposition attending such indi- viduals. 2. In hemorrhages or fluxes of blood, open wounds or ul- cers, and every kind of inflammation, whether external or internal. 3. In obstructions of the intestines, or habitual costiveness. 4. In affec- tions of the breast and lungs, such as difficult respiration, short and dry coughs, &c. 5. When the whole mass of the fluids appears to bevitta- 140 FAMILY COLD BATHS. ted, or tainted with a peculiar acrimony, which cannot be easily defin- ed, but is obvious from a sallow color of the face, slow healing of the flesh when cut or bruised, and from a scorbutic tendency of the whole body. 6. In gouty and rheumatic paroxisms. 7. In cutaneous erup- tions, which tend to promote a critical discharge of humours by the pores. U. During pregnancy. And, 9. In a distorted or deformed state of the body, except in particular cases to be ascertained by profes- sional men." In respect to the cold bath, the following things should be observed. 1. " Itis a vulgar error, that it is safer to enter the water when the bo- dy is coo/, and that persons heated by exercise, and beginning to per- spire, should wait till they are perfectly cooled. Thus, by plunging in- to it, in this state, an alarming and dangerous chillness frequently seizes them, and the injury sustained is generally ascribed to their going into it too warm ; while it doubtless arises from the contrary practice. Dr. J. Currie, of Liverpool, in his valuable " Treatise on the effects of Water in Fevers" says, with equal truth and precision, that " in the earlier stages of exercise, before profuse perspiration has dissipated the heat, and fatigue debilitated the living power, nothing is more safe, according to my experience, than the cold bath. This is so true, that I have, for some years, constantly directed infirm persons to use such a degree of exercise, before immersion, as may produce some increased action of the vascular system, with some increase of heat, and thus se- cure a force of reaction under the shock, which otherwise might not al- ways take place. But, though it be perfectly safe to get into the cold bath in the earlier stages of exercise, nothing is more dangerous than this practice, after exercise has produced profuse perspiration, and ter- minated in languor and fatigue ; because, in such circumstances, the heat is not only sinking rapidly, but the system parts more easily with the portion that remains. 5 ' In short, it is a rule, liable to no exception, that moderate exercise ought always to precede cold bathing, to pro- mote the re-action of all the vessels and muscles, on entering the wa- ter ; for neither previous rest, nor exercise to a violent degree, are pro- per on this occasion. 2. The duration of every cold bathing applied to the whole body ought to be short, and must be determined by the bodily constitution, and the sensations of the individual ; for healthy persons may continue much longer in it than valetudinarians ; and both will be influenced by the temperature of the air, so that in summer they can enjoy it for an hour, when, in spring or autumn, one or two minutes may be sufficient. Under similar circumstances, cold water acts on aged and lean persons with more violence than on the young and corpulent ; hence the former, even in the hottest days of summer, can seldom with safety remain in the bath longer than a quarter of an hour, while the latter are generally able to sustain its impressions for double that time. 3. The head should first come in contact with the water, either by immersion, pouring water upon it, or covering it for a minute with a wet cloth, and then diving head foremost into the water. 4. As the immersion will be less felt when it is effected suddenly ; and as it is of consequence that the first impression should be uniform over the body, we must not enter the bath slowly or timorously, but with a degree of boldness. A contrary method would be dangerous ; ENCYCLOPEDIA. 141 COLD BATHS, as it mi^ht propel the blood from the lower to the upper parts of the body, and thus occasion a fit of apoplexy. For these reasons the show nrbalk'is attended with considerable advantages, because it transmits the water quickly over the whole body ; and, consequently, is more consistent with the rules before mentioned. 5. The morning is the most proper time for using the cold bath, un- less it be in a river : in which case the afternoon, or from one to two hours before sunset, will be more eligible ; as the water has then ac- quired additional warmth from the rays of the sun, and the immersion will not interfere with digestion ; on the whole, one hour after a light breakfast, — or two hours before, or four hours after dinner, are the best periods of the day for this purpose. 6. While the bather is in the water, he should not remain inactive, but apply brisk general friction, and move his arms and legs, to pro- mote the circulation of the fluids from the heart to the extremities. It would, therefore, be extremely imprudent to continue in the water till a second chillness attacks the body ; a circumstance which would not only defeat the whole purpose intended, but might, at the same time, be productive of the most injurious effects. Immediately after the person leaves the bath, it will be necessary for him to wipe and dry his body with a coarse and clean cloth. He should not afterwards sit inactive, or enter a carriage, unless warmly clothed and wearing flannel next the skin ; if season and circumstances permit, it will be more proper, and highly beneficial, to take gentle exercise till the equilibrium of the circulation be restored, and the vessels, a* well as the muscles, have acquired a due degree of re-action. The best place for cold bathing is in the invigorating water of the sea, or a clear river ; and where neither of these can be conveniently resorted to, we recommend the Shower Bath. Its effects are doubtless more powerful than those of the common bath : and though the latter covers the surface of the body more uniformly, yet this circumstance by no means detracts from the excellence of the former : because those intermediate parts, which the water has not touched, receive an elec- tric and sympathetic impression, in a degree similar to those brought into actual contact. As every drop of water from the shower bath op- erates as a partial cold bath, its vivifying shock to robust individuals is more extensive and beneficial than from any other method of bathing. Hence this bath is possessed of the following important advantages ; 1. The sudden contact of the water may be repeated, prolonged, and modified at pleasure. 2. The head and breast are tolerably secure, as it descends towards the lower extremities : thus, the circulation is not impeded, breathing is less affected, and a determination of blood to the head and breast is effectually obviated. 3. As the water descends in single drops, it is more stimulating and pleasant than the usual immer- sion, and can be more readily procured and adapted to circumstances. And, 4. The degree of pressure from the weight of water is here, like- wise, in a great measure prevented ; nor is the circulation of the fluids interrupted so as to render the use of this bath in any degree danger- ous ; — a circumstance of the highest importance, because, by the ordi- nary immersion, persons are often exposed to injuries which they least apprehend. 142 FAMILY COOL BATHS. WARM BATHS HOT BATHS. COOL BATHS may be called those which arc of a temperature be- tween the 56th and 76th degrees of Fahrenheit's scale. They are of great service in all cases where cold bathing has before been recom- mended, and require nearly similar precautions. As their influence, however, on first entering them is less violent, though their subsequent effect may be attended with equal advantages, it follows, that even persons of a more delicate organization may resort to them with great- er safety. With respect to rules for cool bathing, we refer the reader to those stated in the preceding article ; and shall only remark, that notwith- standing its effects are less perceptible while the body continues in the water, it is necessary that the bather, on coming out of it, should be wiped dry with the greatest expedition, to prevent catarrhal affec- tions. WARM BATHS, are such as have the temperature above the 76, and not exceeding the 96 or 98 degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer. " Physicians, as well as patients, have hitherto been too generally ac- customed to consider a warm bath as weakening the body, and useful only for the removal of certain diseases, especially those of the skin. Experience, however, has amply proved, that there can be no safer and more efficacious remedy, in a variety of chronic or inveterate com- plaints, than the warm bath, if properly used, and continued for a sufficient length of time. Instead of heating the human body, as has erroneously been asserted, it has a cooling effect, insomuch as it obvi- ously abates the quickness of the pulse, and reduces the pulsations in a remarkable degree, according to the length of time the patient con- tinues in the water. After the body has been overheated by fatigue from travelling, violent exercise, or from whatever cause, and likewise after great exertion or perturbation of mind, a tepid bath is excellently calculated to invigorate the w T hole system, while it allays those tem- pestuous and irregular motions, which otherwise prey upon, and at length reduce the constitution to a sick-bed. Its softening and assua- sive power greatly tends to promote the growth of the body ; on which . account it is peculiarly adapted to the state of such youth as manifest a premature disposition to arrive at a settled period of growth; and it has uniformly been observed to produce this singular effect in all cli- mates." HOT BATHS are those which have a temperature above 93 or 100 degrees of Fahrenheit, and are occasionally increased to 110 or 120 de- grees, and upwards, according to the particular nature of the case, and the constitution of the patient. There can be no stated rules laid down for its use, as every thing depends upon the particular circum- stances of each patient. No prudent person will, we trust, have re- course to a hot bath without medical advice. CONTAGION, or infection, is the communication of disease from one body to another. Without entering into the disputed points on this subject, it is probable, without debate, that some diseases are con- tagious ; and hence the propriety of certain rules to be observed in the apartments of those who are confined by infectious disease. 1. It is of the utmost importance to the sick, and their attendants, that there be a constant admission of fresh air into the room, and es^ ENCYCLOPEDIA. 143 CONTAGION. PURIFYING AND DISINFECTING AGENTS. pecially about the patient's bed. The door, or a window, should there- fore be kepf open both day and night, care being taken to prevent the wind from blowing directly on the patient. 2. An attention to cleanliness is indispensable. The linen of the patient should be often changed ; and the dirty clothes, power in the sys- tem to resist the Cider, extremes of heat Cheerfulness, Friendship, Perry, c5 o and cold, provid- < Good humour, Honour, Wine, 'J . ed they are taken Generosity and "j Public and pri- Porter and in small quanti- Social pleasures. vate confidence- Strong beer, P-t ties, and chiefly with meals. . 'Tremors in the hands, Sickness and puk- Idleness, Peevishness, Quarrelling and ing in the morn- Scolding, Poverty, discov- Punch, ing, Obscene conver- ered in a filthy Toddy, Indigestion, sation, house, and in Grog, Belching, Uncleanliness, ragged cloth- Milk-punch, Hiccup, Black eyes from ing, Slings, Red eyes andnose, fighting, Debt, Flip, Rose-buds over the Broken bones Detestation b}' Egg-nog, whole face, and from falls, family and Liquors, after a while a Adultery, friends, Bitters made with o 3 pallid face, Gaming, Hospital, spirits, -a . o Fetid breath, Lying, Jail, Raw-rum, Hoarseness, Cursing, blasphe- Hard-labour, ' Brandy, A short cough, ming. Chains, Whiskey and Sore and swelled Swearing, A solitary cell. Spirits in the legs, Pilfering, Disgrace, morning, Pains in the limbs, Stealing, Universal con- The same two or Burning in the Perjury, tempt, three times a palms of the Picking pockets, Imprisonment day, hands and soals House breaking, for life, The same every of the feet, Assaults on the The Gallows. hour in the day, Jaundice, highway, and in the Dropsy, Murder. night, Loss of memory and self respect, Palsy, Apoplexy, Madness, Death. L OPIUM AND LAUDANUM. In the hands of the judicious physi- cian, opium is a valuable medicine, and both that and laudanum in certain cases indispensable. But when taken habitually as they fre- quently are to mitigate unpleasant feelings, or remove melancholy, the habit is to be placed along side of the disgusting practice of chewing tobacco, and what is worse, the awful vice of drinking to excess. In ENCYCLOPEDIA. 147 "•• ' f WOUNDS, point of morality it can make little difference whether a person stupi- ries his faculties by the use of brandy or opium ; and among men, the infamy which is now attached to excess in the use of the former, should alike follow excess as to the latter.^ " We have indeed few genuine opium eaters among us," observes the author of M Dyspepsy Forestalled and Resisted" — more we believe, than this author seems to be aware of — "but," continues he " the lau- danum and paregoric phial are considered almost indispensable in eve- ry family. Nor does the mother hesitate night after night, to quell the cries of her infant child, by administering increasing doses of these poisons." Less danger, it is believed, results from this practice, than this author imagines. It is not that children are so often injured : it is older folks. It is " the nervous invalid" and M the delicate votary of fashion." And in respect to their habitual use of opium and lauda- num, no terms of condemnation are too severe. Truly and even elo- quently have the Editors of the Journal of Health expressed their ab- horrence of this practice. " However repugnant to our feelings," say they, u as rational beings, may be the vice of drunkenness, it is not more hurtful in its effects than the practice of taking laudanum." " This is not the language of exaggeration or speculative fear. We speak from a full knowledge of facts. We repeat it— the person who gives into the habit for weeks, (he may not reach to months, or if he pass these, his years will be but few and miserable,) of daily measuring out to himself his drops of laudanum, or his pills of opium, or the de- leterious substance, call it tincture, solution, mixture, potion, what you will, is destroying himself, as surely as if he were swallowing arsenic, or had the pistol applied to his head. The fire of disease may for a while be concealed — he may smile incredulous at our prediction : but the hour of retribution will come, and the consequences will be ter* rible." WOUNDS are recent divisions of the soft parts of the body, occa- sioned by external causes. They are generally divided into five classes, viz. incised, lacerated, contused, punctured, and poisoned wounds. We propose to offer a few remarks upon the first and last kinds of wounds. Incised wounds are those which are cut with a sharp instrument. These wounds generally occur suddenly and accidentally ; and not unfrequently are of so severe a nature, as to demand immediate atten- tion, even before a surgeon can be procured. In such a case, what shall be done ? The first step is to stop the bleeding. If an artery be cut, the blood is of a bright scarlet color, and gushes from the bleeding vessel in a jet, with great force. In this case, the pressure of the thumb, or palm of the hand, must be on the side of the wound, next the heart ; and if this be not sufficient, pass a handkerchief round the limb above the wound, tie its two ends together, and twist it, by means of a cane, or stick, until the blood ceases to flow, so as to endanger the life of the patient. Now send immediately for a surgeon. But, if a surgeon be not to be obtained, and the life of the patient be in danger, any discreet person may wax together three or four threads of a sufficient length, cut the ligature they form, into as many pieces as you think there are vessels to be taken up, each piece being about a foot long. Wash the parts with warm water, and then with a sharp 148 FAMILY WOUNDS. hook, or a slender pair of pincers in your hand, fix your eye steadfast- ly upon the wound, and direct the handkerchief to be relaxed by a turn or two of the stick ; you will now see the mouth of the artery from which the bl6od springs, seize it with }^our hook or pincers, draw it a little out, while some one passes a ligature round it, and ties it up tight, with a double knot. In this way, take up in succession every bleeding vessel you can see, or get hold of. If the wound is too high up a limb to apply the handkerchief, don't lose your presence of mind, the bleeding can still be commanded. If it is the thigh, press firmly in the groin, if in the arm, with the hand end, or ring of a common door-key, make the pressure above the col- lar bone, and about its middle against the first rib, which lies under it. The pressure is to be continued until assistance is procured, and the vessel tied up. If the wound is on the head, press your finger firmly on it, until a compress can be brought, which must be bound firmly over the artery by a bandage. If the wound is in the face, or so situated that pressure cannot be effectually made, or you cannot get hold of the vessel, and the blood flows fast, place a piece of ice directly over the wound, and let it remain there, till the blood coagulates, when it may be removed, and a compress and bandage be applied. But, if a vein only be cut, and this will be known by the running of the blood in an unbroken stream, and of a dark purple, red color* cleanse the wound with a soft sponge, and warm water, dry the skin with a warm soft cloth, bring the parts neatly and closely together,, keeping them in that position by narrow strips of sticking or adhe- sive plaster. The number of straps should be in proportion to the ex- tent of the wound, and at some little distance from one another, to allow the escape of any fluid, which may run from the wound. A soft compress of old linen, or lint may be laid over the wound, thus dres- sed, and the whole bandaged agreeably tight. Under ordinary cir- cumstances, this dressing should not be removed, until the third or fourth day, or longer. If pain or heat ensue, wet the part with spirit and water. A cooling diet and regimen should be observed, and every kind of motion and disturbance of the part avoided. Poisoned wounds. By these are meant wounds occasioned by the bite of the mad dog, rattle-snake, or by the sting of the wasp, hornet, &c. The signs of madness in a dog are as follows. At the commence- ment he becomes sullen — retires from the family, ceases to bark, but growls continually at strangers, and without any apparent cause refu- ses to eat, or drink. His gait is unsteady, nearly resembling that of a man almost asleep. At the end of three or four days, he abandons his dwelling, roving continually in every direction ; he walks or runs* as if tipsy, and frequently falls. His hair is bristled up ; his eyes haggard, fixed, and sparkling ; his head hangs down ; his mouth is open, and full of frothy slaver ; his tongue hangs out, and his tail is between his legs. He has for the most part, but no* always, a horror of water, the sight of which seems generally to redouble his sufferings. He experiences from time- to time transports of fury, and endeavors to bite every object v ENCYCLOPEDIA. 149 WOUNDS. — STRAINS. presents itself, not even excepting his master, whom, indeed, he begins not to recognize. Light and lively colors greatly increase his rage. At the end of thirty or thirty-six hours, he dies in convulsions. The instant a person is bitten by a mad dog, rattle-snake, or any rabid animal, or reptile, he should apply a ligature, by means of the stick, above the wound, as tightly as he can well bear it, and without hesitation, or delay, cut out the parts bitten, taking along with them a portion of the surrounding sound flesh. The wound should then be freely touched with caustic, or have turpentine poured into it. A de- coction of Spanish flies, in turpentine, may also be applied to the skin surrounding the w r ound. By these means inflammation will be exci- ted, and suppuration follow, which may prevent the usual dreadful consequences of such accidents. As soon as the parts are cut out, take off the ligature. Should the patient be too timid to allow the use of the knife, burn the wound very freely with caustic, and place in it a tuft of tow or cotton, well moistened with the above decoction. The discharge of matter that follows should be kept up for some time. The only rea- sonable chance for safety, is found in the above plan. The use of the chlorurets, however, in treating wounds from rabid animals, is now becoming general, in France and Germany, and many satisfactory cases are recorded. M. Schoenberg, a German surgeon, states, that of three persons who w T ere bitten by a dog, two who used the chloruret of lime, recovered from their wounds, whilst the third, who refused to submit to the treatment, died raving mad. This gen- tleman applies to the wounds, twice a day, a piece of lint dipped in a solution of the chloruret, and orders his patients to take three times a day, from two drachms, to one ounce of the chloruret in water. A medicine, highly recommended in hydrophobia, is said to have been lately adopted in France, viz. the injection of warm water into the veins. To make the employment of the remedy safe, and to prevent pressure of the brain, the same quantity of blood should be previously abstracted, as it is intended there should be w r ater injected ; with this precaution, it is believed the remedy is a very proper one. The blood may be set flowing from one vein, while the water is injected at another. For the stings of bees, wasps, and hornets, the part may be plunged into extremely cold water, where it should be held for some time, or which, perhaps is still more effectual, an application may be made of hartshorn, or of laudanum. Musquito bites may be treated in the same manner, or a solution of common salt and water made very strong, will speedily remote the pain. Camphorated spirits, vinegar, &c, may also be used for the same purpose. A solution of Prussian blue in soft water, with which the parts are to be kept constantly moist, is a highly celebrated remedy for the stings of bees, w r asps, &zc. &c. STRAINS or SPRAINS. An experienced physician holds the following language on the subject of strains. " Strains are often attended with w T orse consequences than broken bones. The reason is obvious ; they are generally neglected. When a broken bone is to be healed, the patient is compelled to keep quiet, 13* 150 FAMILY FROZEN LIMBS. BURNS AND SCALDS. because he cannot do otherwise. Bat when only a joint is strained, th-e person finding he can still make a shift to move, is sorry to lose his time, for so trifling an accident. In this way he deceives himself, and converts into an incurable evil, what might have been removed bv keeping the part easy for a few days. Country people generally immerse a strained limb in cold water. This is very proper, provided it be done immediately, and not continu- ed too long ; in which case the parts are relaxed, instead of being- braced. Wrapping a bandage around the strained part is also of use. It helps to restore the proper tone of the vessels, and prevents the action of the pr.rts from increasing the disease. It should not, however, be applied too tight. But what we would recommend above all is ease. It is more to be depended on, than any medicine, and seldom fails to remove the complaint. A great many external applications are recommended for sprains, some of which do good, and others hurt. The following are such as may be used with the greatest safety, viz. camphorated spirit, volatile liniment, common fomentations of bitter herbs, with the addition of spirit or brandy. Previous to other applications, the sprained joint should be immersed- in warm soap suds, and rubbed for an hour lightly with the balls of the- fingers. The evening is the best time for this operation. TREATMENT OF FROZEN LIMBS. To thaw frozen limbs., they should be rubbed in snow or water, with ice in it, until sensibility and motion return. Dae care should be taken not to break slender parts, such as fingers, ears, &c. When feeling and the power of mo- tion are restored, continue the friction with brandy, oil of amber, tinc- ture of myrrh, or camphorated spirit. Put the patient to bed in a room with a fire in it ; give mulled wine ; and in this situation let him re- main until a perspiration appears, and a perfect recover}'' of sensibility takes place. If the whole body be frozen, the above prescription is tc be observed. When signs of life appear, strong volatiles should be applied to the nose ; blow into the lungs. Tobacco injections should never be used, in cases of suspended animation. BURNS and SCALDS. For these, some persons make use of cot- ton bats ; and, if the parts are not blistered, and the injury not very extensive, the remedy is a good one ; yet children will seldom endure the application of cotton wool to any serious burn. It is well to cover the surface of the cotton, which is applied to the burn, with olive oil. Others recommend the constant application of brandy, vinegar, and water mixed together, the bathing to be continued till the pain is gone. The celebrated Mr. Abernethy, however, recommends the use of the oil of turpentine mixed with basilicon ; at the same time, to give the patient some warm wine and a few drops of opium, and afterwards to place him in a warm bed. This stimulating plan of treatment, how- everts not to be continued after the equilibrium of the temperature is- restored. The following application for a burn has been used with great success ; viz. olive oil, three ounces ; lime water, four ounces — the mixture to be applied to the affected part with a feather, or earners- hair pencil. EN( YCLOPEDIA. 151 1)RE?S A>"D DIET OF CHILDREN. Burns produced by gunpowder should have the cause removed by the point of a needle to be followed by an emollient poultice to the part af- fected. In order that the most correct treatment for burns and scalds should be known, Mr. Abernethy lately recommended his pupils to dip two of their fingers in boiling water, and let them be fairly scalded ; and then take them out, and dip one into a basin of cold water, and dress the other with the turpentine and basilicon. M I do not want to try, (remarked Mr. A. ;) I have decided already, and therefore have no occasion to scald my fingers." In addition to the opinion of Mr. Aber- nethy, we beg to subjoin that of Sir A. Cooper. "Lime water and milk have been commonly used ; but oil of turpentine is the best appli- cation. Give opium and wine, as long as the chilly state continues ; but as soon as the heat is developed, and the pulse has recovered its power, do not continue it any longer; other means must then be em- ployed to reduce the inflammation."' DRESS OF CHILDREN. The dress of children should be warm, but so soft and pliable as not to obstruct the easy motion of the joints-. " The absurd custom,'" observes the Book of Health, M of confining the body of the infant by heavy bandages, formerly prevalent, is yielding to the more rational dictates of nature and common sense ; but the ri- diculous length of clothing in the earlier periods of infancy, still keeps its ground, though equally absurd. To the child it is a continual source of considerable uneasiness; obstruction is continually made to the freedom of circulation and breathing; and the more the child en- deavors to relieve itself, the more it wastes its power, and, consequent- ly, interferes with its growth. Be careful, therefore, not to increase the perspiration to an unnecessary degree. A short shift, and a flannel waistcoat tied behind, with a short petticoat sewed to it, and a short gown, rather stouter in winter than in summer, are all the clothes which- a child requires. If the child be weakly, a flannel shirt may be useful ; otherwise, too many clothes will render it tender, and susceptible of the least cold. Stockings are an unnecessary appendage, until the child be seven or eight months old ; for it is beneficial to expose the legs, arms, and breasts of healthy children to the open air : the clothing of infants cannot be made too short." DIET OF CHILDREN. " Remember, (says Mr. Abernethy,) it is not the quantity of food we eat, but the quantity we digest, which af- fords the nourishment to our bodies." Over-feeding, as well as im- properly feeding of children, is highly injudicious ; therefore the strict- est attention ought to be paid to dieting. Fortunate is the child who (during the first four months of its existence) is nourished with no oth- er aliment than the milk of its mother ; but, if the child be weakly, and the mother's milk insufficient, a cup of beef tea, and a crumb of bread may be daily given. At four months old, the child may be fed twice in the day ; once with biscuits or stale bread, boiled in an equal mix- ture of milk and- water, and once with light broth and bread, arrow- root, or rice. After the first six months, weak veal or chicken broth may be given ; and, progressively, with broth, vegetables which are not very flatulent ; viz. carrots, endive, spinage, parsnips, k.c. "When the infant is taken early from the breast, the diet should principally con- sist of cow's milk warmed, and poured on bread, f first soaked in wa- ter,) and of light broth with bread : should the child be purged, the milk 152 FAMILY SLEKP. EXERCISE, must be boiled. When the child is weaned, and has acquired its pro- per teeth, it will be necessary to let it have small portions of meat and vegetables ; also, dishes prepared of flour, as the most simple food is the most nutritive. Pastry, confectionary, heavy or compound dishes, ought to be withheld, particularly from delicate children. Potatoes should be allowed only in moderation, and those not eaten with butter, but mashed up with other vegetables. It is advisable to accustom chil- dren to a certain regularity in their aliment, by giving them their meals at stated periods of the day ; which will render them less subject to de- bility and disease, give the stomach time to recover its tone, and to collect the juices necessary for digestion. To children of four or five years old, animal food may be allowed at dinner; and bread and milk night and morning; due regard being, at all times, paid to the health and habits of the child. SLEEP. "Infants, from the time of their birth, should be encour- aged to sleep in the night in preference to the day ; therefore, mothers and nurses ought to remove every thing which may tend to disturb their rest, and not to attend to every call for taking them up and giving food at improper periods. Infants cannot sleep too long; when they enjoy a calm, long-continued rest, it is a favorable symptom. Until the third year, children generally require a little sleep in the middle of the day ; for, till that age, half their time may safely be allotted to sleep. Every succeeding year, the time ought to be shortened one hour; so that a child seven years old may sleep about ten hours. Children ought to rise at six o'clock in the summer, and at seven in the winter. It is extremely injudicious to awaken children with a noise, or to carry them immediately from a dark room into the glaring light, or against a daz- zling wall : the sudden impression of light may debilitate the organs of vision, and lay the foundation of weak eyes. — Wet clothes or linen should never be allowed to be hung to dry in the bed-room, as an im- pure atmosphere is attended with various and often fatal consequences. " Banish (says Professor Hufeland) feather beds, as they are unnatural and debilitating contrivances." The bedstead should not be placed too low on the floor ; and it is highly improper to suffer children to sleep on a couch which is made without a sufficient elevation from the ground. EXERCISE. "The effort at exercise is both pleasant and service- able to a child ; and as it grows up, it is proper to regularly exercise it. Children who are perfectly healtjiy are in almost uninterrupted mo- tion ; but if exercise, either from its violence or too long duration, ex- ceed the proper limits, it naturally quickens the circulation and respi- ration, which may occasion the rupture of small blood-vessels and in- flammatory diseases. A weakly child ought not to be allowed to stand or walk long together ; but should be alternately carried, drawn in a vehicle, and invited to walk. If a child seek to put its feet on the ground, let it do so ; but do not force it to walk. In the first period of life, the exertion of crying is almost the only exercise of the infant; by which the circulation of the blood, and all the other fluids, are render- ed more uniform ; digestion, nutrition, and the growth of the body, are thereby promoted, and the different secretions of the skin (together with insensible perspiration) are duly performed. The loud complaints of infants deserve attention ; for if their cries be violent and long con- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 153 WASHING AND BATHING. — TEETHING. tinued, and they draw their legs towards the belly, it may safely be concluded, they are troubled with colic pains ; and no time should be lost in yielding relief. To endeavor to prevent an infant from crying on e7ery occasion, is to do it an irreparable injury ; for, by such mis- management, it never acquires a perfectly formed breast, and frequent- ly the foundation is laid in the pectoral vessels for obstructions and other diseases. If children have been properly exposed to the air from infancy, they may, if healthy, be safely exercised in it in all seasons. The sooner infants are taken into the air, they become less subject to cold, convulsions, disordered bowels, and the rickets, — diseases so fre- quent among those who are reared in nurseries." WASHING and BATHING. " The benefit to be derived from the daily practice of washing a child with cold water from head to foot, is almost incredible ; it strengthens the nerves, maintains a sound and healthy state of the pores of the skin, and renders the surface of the body less susceptible of external impressions. In general, a child may be begun to be washed in this manner in the third or fourth week, warm water being used till that period, which must be changed for cooler, until it be gradually reduced to cold. In frosty weather, a lit- tle warm water may be added to the cold. It is highly imprudent to wash children directly after they rise from their bed, as the pores are then open ; but, in about half an hour afterwards, if they be cool, they should be washed quickly. Avoid wetting the skin gradually ; else the skin is not excited by the friction. After washing, rub the body until it be dry and warm. Delicate children should be washed in the eve- ning, and placed in bed immediately afterwards. — In a striking manner does the cold bath preserve and promote the health of children; it re- freshes and invigorates the organs of the skin, and considerably miti- gates the diseases of measles and small-pox. It is proper to begin the practice in warm weather, and to continue it through every season af- terwards. Delicate and weakly children must be bathed in luke-warm water ; but, as they increase in strength, the degree of warmth may be diminished. For the first two or three months, the child should re- main in the bath for a few minutes only at a time ; which as it grows older, may be gradually increased to a quarter of an hour. The body, while in the bath, should be gently rubbed with the hand, or a piece of sponge, and the greatest care taken in rubbing it dry. If the shock of a cold bath appear too powerful for the constitution, bathing in salt and water may be substituted. If a child after bathing should feel dis- posed to sleep, it may be indulged ; and weakly children using the cold bath, may wear a flannel shirt. A child should not be bathed directly after eating ; nor, in cold weather, after coming out of the bath, exposed to the cold air." TEETHING. This is an important and critical period of a child's life, and the danger generally increases in proportion to the delay of a child's getting its teeth. In general, children begin to cut their teeth between the fifth and eighth month. The symptoms attendant upon teething are well known ; but many of the evils may be prevented by a strict attention to the bowels of the patient ; for if the child be of a full habit of body, it is essential to have hem j a lax state. If there be considerable fever, the gums may be scarified, and leeches applied behind the ears ; but blisters have been used instead of leeches, with 154 FAMILY SUMMER COMPLAINT. HOOPING COUGH. considerable effect. With strong healthy children, the process of teeth- ing" passes off without the least difficulty ; but it is generally the con- trary with those who are weak or unhealthy. The practice of giving a child a coral, or other hard substance into its hand, cannot be too se- verely reprobated; a crust of bread, or a piece of wax candle, will be found much better. Opium is sometimes given in order to allay the pain and irritation ; but as it is attended with some danger, it ought to be prohibited from being used in the nursery, and a tea-spoonful of sy- rup of poppies substituted ; and this only in cases of urgency. To ena- ble a child to pass easily through this dangerous period, every thing that has a tendency to promote general health, and prevent fever, should be resorted to ; such as pure air, exercise, nutritious food, &c. SUMMER COMPLAINT. This is a disease which is said to de- stroy nearly one fourth of all the children who die, in the Middle and Southern States. Its chief causes are, doubtless, heated and impure air, and errors in regard to diet. Hence, as might be supposed, the dis- ease is most prevalent in crowded cities, and among the poorer classes, whose children are badly nursed, and especially neglected as to clean- liness of their persons and clothing. One of the most effectual means, therefore, of preserving children from an attack of this complaint, is to seek for them a healthy situa- tion in the country, where they can enjoy the benefit of pure air. This, however, cannot always be effected — still much may be done by pa- rents, who are confined with their families to the city, to prevent this disease. In such cases, the children should occupy, always, the largest and most airy room in the house ; if possible, on the second|iloor. The room should be guarded from exposure to the direct ray- of the sun, while a constant and free ventilation is kept up. The utmost cleanli- ness must also be observed in the room, as well as in the person and clothing of the children. During the summer months, the daily use of the cold or tepid bath, while it ensures the cleanliness of the skin, is a very powerful means of preventing this disease. It should not, therefore, be neglected, pro- vided there is no circumstance connected with the health and constitu- tion of the child to forbid its employment. In clear weather, and in the cool of the day, children should be fre- quently carried abroad, in the most open and Healthy parts of the neigh- borhood ; or, when the parents have it in their power, a considerable benefit will be derived from repeated rides in an open carriage, into the neighboring country. HOOPING COUGH. This is a disease distinguishable from all others by its shrill whoop, and which is terminated by vomiting; and is also indicated by a slight difficulty of breathing, hoarseness, &c. In general, it is sufficient to guard the child from taking cold, and from eating to repletion. If the attack, however, be more than ordina- rily severe, an emetic of ipecacuanha in the morning, and a gentle pur- gative during the day, will prove extremely serviceable. Small doses of elixir paragoric with ipecac orantimonial wine may be occasionally and beneficially administered. It is recommended, also, to give roasted apples, stoned prunes, &c, and frequently to bathe the feet in warm water. The vapor arising from a quantity of hot water, into which a, ENCYCLOPEDIA. 155 CROUP.— ME ASLLs. little vinegar or ether has been put, may be beneficially inhaled. A teaspoonful of equal portions of linseed oil and flour of sulphur is some- times found useful. This quantity may be given to a child under four years of age. Vaccination is now often practised as an effectual reme- dy for the hooping cough. Change of air is at all times important, and if practicable, the sea-coast should be visited in severe cases. Flannel, next the skin is very beneficial; a light diet should be used ; and when the patient is in bed, his head and shoulders must be raised. Parents ought to pay the greatest attention, when the cough comes on, by bend- ing the patient a little forward, which will be of great service, and guard against suffocation. Cold bathing has been attended with the most beneficial results. CROUP. This is a disease generally confined to children, and which comes on, imperceptibly and suddenly. The first indications of it are a hoarse dry cough and wheezing, which is followed by rattling in the throat. No time should be lost in obtaining medical aid ; yet while the physician is coming, something should be attempted. A distinguished physician recommends the giving of emetics of ipecac, and oxymel of squills between ; the former as often as every two hours at least ; warm bath often repeated ; a blister put between the shoulder blades : calomel two grains, doses every two hours. For children above eight years old, the calomel may be increased to six, eight and ten grains, according to the severity of the disease. A strong decoction of seneca (or snaked root, frequently taken into the mouth in small quantities, has been successfully used to promote a separation of the films and co agula that form and adhere to the windpipe and cells of the lungs. The decoction is made by boiling an ounce of seneca root in two pints of water down to a pint, and then straining. In all cases of croup, the child must be kept nearly upright in bed, to guard against suffocation. If the child be threatened with suffocation, sneezing may be excited by introducing strong snuff up trie nostrils by means of a camel-hair pen- cil. MEASLES. This disease is contagious, and spreads widely by its effluvia. It commences, observes Dr. Clutterbuck, with symptoms of sneezing, red and watery eyes, and a short, dry, hoarse cough ; which symptoms continue for some time, after the eruption has disappeared. Frequently the inflammation extends to the substance of the lungs, giv- ing rise to difficulty of breathing, with a pain in the chest, and a founda- tion is often laid for the pulmonary consumption. As the inflammation of the nose, eyes^ and- throat declines with the other symptoms, it is of little consequence ; and unless the habit or mode of treatment be bad, the disease seldom proves fatal. It differs much in different seasons ; and its most frequent consequences are the various forms of scrofula, obstinate sores, and a weak and inflamed state of the eyes : the continu- ance of inflammation in the chest, in a chronic form, is another source of danger, which ought to be carefully guarded against. On the fourth day small red pimples appear, first on the face, spreading over the whole body ; the pimples hardly elevated above the surrounding skin, but by the touch are found to be a little prominent. On the fifth or sixth day, they turn brown, and disappear with the peeling otf of the scarf-skin, ,Mild cases of measles require only careful nursing, and a free expecto* 156 FAMILY POISOxXS. ration, by means of mild purgatives, diluting drinks, and a spare, low diet. Barley water, tamarind tea, and any thing of a simple nature should be taken freely ; but fermented liquors, and every kind of animal food, must be avoided. All the drink should be tepid. When the measles suddenly disappear, every exertion must be made, in order to restore the eruption. The patient must be placed in a warm bath, and warm wine and water, with ten drops of antimonial wine, frequently given. It may, also, be necessary to apply blisters to the inside of the thighs or legs, and to the throat. After the patient has recovered, it will be expedient to give two or three doses of cooling, opening medi- cines, and to cautiously avoid exposure to cold. SECTION II. POISONS. — SUSPENDED ANIMATION, POISONS may be denned substances which prove fatal to the life of animals, whether taken by the mouth, mixed with the blood, or applied to the nerves by friction of the skin, or other means. Most of the sub- stances called poisonous are only so in certain doses ; when given in smaller quantities, they are, many of them, active medicines. Others are fatal in the smallest quantities ; such are those of hydrophobia and the plague. As we cannot treat of poisons at large, we think our object will be best accomplished by the following tabular statements ; the first column containing the names of the poisons ; the second the symptoms, and the last the remedies. But we nevertheless advise, in every case where poisons have been taken, recourse to the best medical assistance at once. Substances. Symptoms. Remedies. CONCENTRA- Burning pain, vomiting ; Calcined magnesia ; one ounce TED ACIDS: , matter thrown up effer- to a pint of warm or cold water. A The vitriolic or sul- vescing with chalk, salt glassful to be taken every two mi- phuric, nitric, muri- of tartar, lime or mag- nutes, so as to excite vomiting. atic, oxalic, &c. nesia. Soap, or chalk and water : muci- laginous drinks afterwards, such as lint-seed tea or gum-arabic and wa- ter. ALKALIES: Nearly the same: the Vinegar or lemon-juice; a spoon- Potash, Soda, am- ejected matter does not ful or two in a glass of water very .monia, lime, &c. effervesce with alkalies, frequently ; simply warm water. ' but acids. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 157 POISONS. Substances. Symptoms. Remedies. MERCURIAL Sense of constriction in White of e°-gs ; twelve or fifteen PREPARA- the throat ; matter vomit- eggs beaten up, and mixed with a TIONS: ed sometimes mixed with quait of cold water. A glassful Corrosive subli- blood. every three minutes ? milk, gum mate,&c. water, lintseed tea. ARSENICAL Extreme irritation, Warm water with sugar, in large PREPARA- pain, sickness, and speedy quantities, to excite vomiting. TIONS : death, if the poison be not Lime-water, soap and water, pearl- White arsenic, &c. soon counteracted. ash and warer.mucilaginous drinks. PREPARA- TIONS of COP- PER: Brass, verdigris, halfpence, &c. Symptoms nearly the same as from mercury. White of eggrs ; mucilaginous drinks. See Mercurial Pre- parations, above. PREPARA- Extreme sickness, with TIONS of ANTI- other symptoms of poison, MONY : as above stated. Emetic tartar, <&c. Warm water or sugar and wa- ter ; afterwards a grain of opium, or fifteen drops of laudanum, every quarter of an hour, for two or three times. NITRE, or SALTPETRE. Obstinate vomiting sometimes of blood, &c. The same as for arsenic, with the exception of lime-water and al- kalies. PHOSPHORUS. Like mineral acids. Like mineral acids. LEAD : Sugar of lead, Gou- lard's extract, &c. Great pain in the sto- Large doses of Glauber's or Ep- mach. with constriction of som salts, in warm water, the throat. <£c. BARYTES: The carbonate, mu- riate, &c. PRUSSIC ACID. SAL AMMO- MAC. Vomiting, convulsions, Half an ounce of Epsom or Glau- palsy, pain in the sto- ber's salts dissolved in a quart of mach, &c. water. Several glasses to be taken. In place of these salts, large draughts of hard well-water. The most virulent poi- Emetics; afterwards oil of tur- son, producing almost in- pentine, ammonia, brandy, with stant death, when applied warmth, friction, and blisters. even in small quantities to the surface of the body. Excessive vomitings, Vomiting to be rendered easy by convulsions, pain in the large draughts of warm sugar and bowels, alteration in the water. If vomiting be notprodu- features: death. ced by the poison, it must be ex- cited by the finger. Afterwards opiates. 14 158 Substances. GLASS, or ENAMEL. FAMILY POISONS. Symptoms. Remedies. If taken in coarse pow- Large quantities of crumb of der, produces irritation bread should be eaten ; afterwards and inflammation of the an emetic of white vitriol, and de- bowels, mulcent drinks. ALCOHOL : Brandy, rum, gin, wine, &c. Intoxication ; when ta- A powerful emetic of white vi- ken in large quantities, in- rriol, or emetic tartar ; vomiting to sensibility, apoplexy, or be encouraged by warm water, and paralysis ; countenance large clysters of salt water ; bleed- swoln, and of a dark red ing ; if the head be very hot, cold colour ; breathing difficult ; wet cloths may be applied ; if the often death. extremities be cold, friction. IRRITATING VEGETABLE POISONS : Monk's hood, mea- dow saffron, ipeca- cuanha, hellebore, bear's foot, savine, &c. Acrid taste; excessive heat ; violent vomiting ; purging ; great pain in the stomach and bowels. Externally applied, many of them produce inflamma- tion, blisters, pustules. If vomiting be produced by the poison, large draughts of warm water, or thin gruel, to render it easier. If insensibility be present white vitriol, or other active eme- tic ; after the operation of which, a brisk purgative ; then a strong infusion of coffee or vinegar dilu- ted with water. Four or five grains of emetic tartar in a glass of water. If this dose does not succeed, four grains of blue vitriol as an emetic. Do not give large quantities of water. After the poison has been ejected,, give vinegar, lemon juice, or cream of tartar and strong coffee. ACRID Nausea; heat; pain in Three grains of emetic tartar in NARCOTICS : the stomach and bowels : a glass of water : in fifteen minuter Mushrooms. vomiting ; purging ; thirst ; the dose to be repeated. After convulsions ; cold sweats ; vomiting, frequent doses of Glau- death. ber's or Epsom salts, and stimula- ting clysters. NARCOTICS : Stupor ; desire to vomit ; Opium, henbane, heaviness in the head ; di- hemlock, night- lated pupil of the eye ; de- shade, &c. -^ lirium ; speedy death. Nux vomica, 'St. None of these inflame Ignatius's bean, the the parts they touch. In- upas, coculus indi- troduced into the stomach, eus, ve-jenny or mule was invented by Samuel Crompton of Bolton. The spindles are mounted on a moveable carriage, which recedes when the threads are stretched, and return when they are to be wound up. By means of this machine the size and twist of the thread become uniform throughout." The following process of a pound of cotton may not be uninteresting to our readers. It appeared originally in the English Monthly Maga- zine. " There was sent to London lately, from Paisley, a small piece of muslin, about one pound weight, the history of which is as follows. The wool came from the East Indies to London ; from London it went to Manchester where it was manufactured into yarn ; from Manches- ter, it was sent to Paisley, where it was woven. It was sent to Ayr- shire next, where it was tamboured ; it was then conveyed to Dunbar- ton, where it was hand-sewed, and again returned to Paislev, whence it 172 FAMILY SILK MANUFACTURE. SATIN. VELVET. GAUZE. was sent to Glasgow and finished, and then sent per coach to London. It took three years to bring this article to market, from the time that it was packed in India till it arrived complete in the merchant's ware- house in London ; whither it must have been conveyed 5,000 miles by sea, and nearly 1000 by land, and contributed to reward the labors of nearly 150 persons, whose services were necessary in the carriage and manufacture of this small quantity of cotton, and by which its value was advanced more than 2000 per cent." SILK MANUFACTURE. Silk is a very soft, fine, bright, delicate thread, the production of an insect or moth, called by the ancients bom' byx ; by the moderns, phalcena mori, or silk worm. Silk is manufactur- ed into a variety of fabrics, of which we shall notice the following : SATIN is a kind of thick silken stuff, very smooth and shining; the warp is very fine and prominent, the woof coarser and hidden under- neath : on which depends its gloss and beauty. Some satins are quite plain, others wrought, some flowered with gold or silk, others striped. The finest satins are those of Florence and Genoa, yet the French will not allow those of Lyons to be at all inferior. Indian satins, or satins of China, are silken stuffs, much like those manufactured in Europe. Of these some are plain, others worked, either with gold or silk, flow- ered, damasked, striped, &c. They are mostly valued because of their bleaching easily, without losing any thing of their lustre. In other re- spects they are inferior to those of Europe. Some very good satins are made in England. VELVET ; a rich kind of thick, shaggy stuff made of silk ; the nap, or velveting, of this stuff is formed of part of the threads of the warp, which the workman puts on a long narrow-channelled ruler, and which he afterwards cuts by drawing a sharp steel tool along the ruler to the end of the warp. The principal and best manufactures of velvet are in England and France ; there are others in Italy, as at Venice, Milan, Florence, Genoa, and Lucca, and in Holland at Haerlem ; those in Chi- na are the worst of all. A good imitation of silk velvet is now to be obtained, made of cotton ; but the dyes are less permanent on cotton than on silk. TAFFETY ; a kind of fine, smooth, silken stuff, having usually a remarkable gloss. There are taffeties of all colors, some plain, others striped with gold, silver, silk, &c. others chequered or flowered. There are three things that contribute to the perfection of taffeties, the silk, the water, and the fire. The silk should not only be of the finest kind, but must be worked a long time aud very much before it is used. The- watering seems only intended to give it that fine lustre, by a peculiar property not found in all waters ; and lastly, the perfection of the stuff depends greatly on a particular application of the fire. GAUZE, a transparent kind of stuff, which is woven sometimes of silk, and at other times only of flax. There are figured gauzes, .some with flowers of gold and silver, on a silk ground ; these last are chiefly brought from China. The gauze loom is much like that of a common weaver's, though it has several appendages peculiar to itself. TABBY: in commerce a kind of coarse taffety, watered. It is ma- nufactured like the common taffety, excepting that it is stronger and ENCYCLOPEDIA. 173 BROCADE. STOCKINGS. HISTORY OF S[LK. thicker both in the woof and warp. The watering is given to it by means of a calender; the rollers are of iron or copper variously engra- ven, which, bearing unequally on the stuff, render the surface thereof unequal, so as to reflect the rays of light differently. It is usual to tabby mohairs, ribbons, Szc. Tabbying is performed without the addition of any water or dye^ and furnishes the modern philosophers with a strong proof, that colors are only appearances. BROCADE, in commerce, a sort of stuff made of cloth, of cr ld, sil- ver, or silk, raised and enriched with flowers, foliage, or other figures, according to tiie fancy of the manufacturer. Formerly the term was applied only to cloths woven either wholly of gold, both woof and warp, or of silver, or both together; but by degrees it came likewise to pass for such as had silk intermixed, to fill up and terminate the flower3 of gold and silver. At present any stuff or silk, satin, or even simple tapestry, when wrought and enriched with raised flowers, &c. obtains the appellation of brocade. STOCKINGS. Anciently the only stockings in use were made of cloth, or milled stuffs sewed together ; but since the invention of knit- ting and weaving stockings of silk, wool, and cotton thread, the use of cloth stockings is laid aside. The modern stockings, whether woven or knit, are a kind of plexus, formed of an .infinite number of little knots, calied stitches, loops, or meshes, intermixed. Knit stockings are wrought with needles made of polished iron, or brass wire, which in- terweave the threads, and form the meshes of which the stocking con- sists. This operation is called knitting, the time of the invention of which it is difficult to fix precisely, though it is commonly attributed to the Scots, because the first works of this kind came from Scotland. Woven stockings are manufactured on a frame or machine made of iron, the structure of which is exceedingly ingenious, yet complex. On this account it is not easily described. HISTORY OF SILK. The silk worm is a native of China. The Seres, who inhabit the northern part of that country, cultivated the precious article. Having been expelled by the Huns, A. D. 93, they settled in Little Bucharia. Silks were first brought from China to Sy- ria and Egypt by traders, who in caravans performed journies of 243 days through the deserts of Asia. The price was far beyond the reach of any but the rich; and for a long time the use of silk among the Romans was confined to women of fortune. The emperor Aurelian refused his queen a garment of silk, by reason of the high price it bore — its weight in crold. In the sixth century, two monks, who had been employed as missionaries in the East, penetrated into the country of the Seres, and observed the labors of the silk worms, and the manner of working their production into elegant fabrics. They imparted the secret to the emperor Justinian, at Constantinople, who 'induced them, < by a great reward, to return and bring away a quantity of the silk worms' eggs. • They put the eggs into the hollow of a cane, and brought them safely to Constantinople, about the year 555. The eggs were hatched, and the worms were fed with mulberry leaves ; and the insects produ- ced from this cane full of eggs were the progenitors of all the silk worms of Europe, and the western parts of Asia. The people of the Morea, 15* 174 FAMILY HISTORY t)F SILK. and of the cities of Athens and Thebes enjoyed the profit of the culture and manufacture of silk upwards of 400 years ; but in 1146, the king of Sicily made war upon Greece, and carried off a great number of silk weavers, who taught the Sicilians to raise silk worms, and weave silk stuffs. The Saracens introduced the silk manufacture into Spain and Portugal ; and subsequently the Italian States, France and England engaged in it. It 'will not consist with our limits to enter minutely into the history of the silk business in foreign countries. Much of the silk used in the manufactures of France is raised at home ; yet it is stated that that country pays nearly twenty millions of dollars annually for raw silk, raised in other countries. The art of reeling silk from the cocoons, so as to convert it into a saleable article, is known only in China, in Bengal, in the Turkish do- minions, in Italy, and in the south of France. It is not known in Great Britain, where the climate is not suited for that culture. Her manu- facturers are obliged to depend upon foreign countries for the raw and thrown or twisted silk, which they use, and of which several millions of pounds are annually imported into that country. The manufacture of this silk into various fabrics, employs a large capital, and many thousands of men and women. " I calculate," said Mr. Wilson, a well informed and extensive silk manufacturer, while under examination before a committee of the House of Lords, M that 40,000 persons are employed in throwing silk for the weaver, whose wages will, I think, amount to £350,000. I estimate that half a mil- lion pounds of soap, and a large proportion of the most costly dye- stuffs are consumed, at a further expense of £300,000 ; and 265,000 more are paid to 16,500 winders to prepare it. The number of looms may be taken at 40,000 ; and including weavers, warpers, mechanics, harness-makers, enterers, twisters, cane-spreaders, quill-winders, and draw boys, at two hands to a loom, will employ 80,000 more persons, and the wages amount to £3,000,000. If we include infants and de- pendents, about 400,000 mouths will be fed by the silk manufacture, the value of which I estimate at ten millions." Mr. Hale, of Spital- fields, estimates the number of persons supported by the silk manufac- ture, at 500,000 ; but Mr. Bell, and some other intelligent gentlemen engaged in the trade, do not carry their estimate so high as Mr. Wil- son ; perhaps his, which is the medium, may be regarded as the most accurate. Since the settlement of the United States by the English, several experiments have been made on the subject of raising silk. The cul- ture of it first commenced in Virginia. As early as 1666, the rearing of silk w T orms was a part of the regular business of many of the far- mers. One man had 70,000 mulberry trees growing in 1664. Georgia sent eight pounds of raw silk to England, in 1735, and 10,000 pounds in 1759. Some attention was paid to the culture of silk in South Car- olina, and in 1755, Mrs. Pinckney raised and spun silk enough for three complete dresses. In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the culture of silk began in 1771, but was suspended by the war of the revolution. Mulberry trees and silk worms were introduced into the town of Mansfield, in the county of Windham, Conn., about the year 1760 ; ENCYCLOPEDIA. 175 STATISTICS OF SILK. MULBERRY TREE. and in 1789, two hundred pounds of raw silk were made in that town. At present, three-fourths of the families in Mansfield are engaged in raising silk, and make annually from live to ten, twenty, and fifty pounds in a family, and one or two have made, each, one hundred pounds in a season. It is believed that there are annually made in that town and the vicinity, from three to four tons of silk. From the experiments which have already been made, ample evi- dence exists that the culture of silk may be profitably pursued in the United States to almost any extent, since the mulberry tree grows indi- genously throughout the country : and it is a fact well ascertained that American silk is decidedly superior to that, of any other country on the globe. In France, twelve pounds of cocoons are required to produce one pound of raw silk, while eight pounds are amply suffi- cient to produce the same quantity in this country. Were the culture of silk only equal to our home consumption, an immediate attention to it would be a saving to the country of not less than ten millions of dollars annually, as may be seen by the fol- lowing Statement of the value of silk goods imported and exported in the years 1821/0 1825 inclusive. Years. Imported. Exported. 1821 $4,486,924 $1,057,233 1822 6,480,928 1.016,262 1823 6,713,771 1,512,449 1824 7,203,344 1,816,325 1825 10,271,527 2,565,742 $35,156,494 $7,968,011 Yet there cannot be a doubt that a quantity may be annually produ- ced, which shall not only meet the home demand ; but, in a few years, leave a surplus for exportation. The most important step to- wards this state of things is the extensive cultivation of the white mulberry tree, the leaves of which form the p-oper aliment of the silk-worm. Mulberry tree. All practical writers agree that the proper soils for the mulberry tree are dry, sandy or stony. Indeed, a soil which is of little value to the farmer, on account of its sterility, will answer well for the mulberry tree. The methods of propagating the tree are .various. A writer in the New England Farmer speaks as follows of four methods. First, From the seed ; 2d from roots ; 3d from layers, and 4th from cuttings. The 1st and 4th can at present be alone generally resorted to in this country. An ounce of good, well cleaned seed, well mana- ged, will probably produce ten or twelve thousand plants. It should be sowed towards the last of April. The ground being properly pre- pared, by previous ploughing, or digging, and manuring, is to be clean- ed, levelled, and divided into beds of four or five feet in width. Drills from six to ten inches asunder, and from one to two inches deep, must then be made by a line. The seed may be sown in these drills dry, or having been steeped two days in water, rub it on pack thread to which 176 FAMILY EGGS OF SILK WORMS. HATCHING THE EGGS. it will adhere, lay the thread in the bottom of the drill and cover it with earth. In two or three weeks, if kept moist, the young plants will appear. Keep the beds clear of weeds. On the approach of winter it may be well to cover them with leaves. H the seedlings grow the first season to the height of one foot or more, take them up in the spring following, cut the top so us to leave about three inches above ground, cut off the lower part of the root, and set them in nur- series in rows, like other fruit trees, where the following spring. they may or may not be grafted, pruned and cultivated, until they become , sufficiently large to set in hedges or planlatv.ns. Cuttings should be taken from perpendicular shoots, and particularly from those which terminate branches: They should be of the last summer's growth, and from 6 to' 15 inches in length. Plant them in shady borders, early in the spring, about tw T o-thirds of their length in the ground ; close the earth well about them, and in dry weather let them be watered. After a year, they may be transplanted in open nursery rows, if well rooted. Another mode of cultivating the mulberry, and one which has been to some extent adopted in New England is to sow the seed broadcast* like turnips in the spring ; and in the following season to cut the plants with a scythe when wanted. The mowing is regularly prosecuted every morning, in the quantities required, and unless the season is one of severe drouth, the field will be cut twice or thrice before the worms begin to wind up. The advantages of this last mode are stated to be 1. The leaves are gathered with less labor and expense, being cut and taken together like hay, or grain. 2. The leaves are larger and more tender, than on the grown tree, and the worms eat with more appetite and produce more silk. 3. The time of gathering the supply is so short, that the leaves are got with the morning dew upon them, which is deemed by practical men an essential advantage. Other writers say that the leaves when given to the worms should be thorougly dry. 4. , More worms can be supported from a given space of ground, and the mulberries are ready after one season, instead of waiting several years for the formation of an orchard. The importance of the culture of silk will be our apology forgiving at some length, directions for the raising of silk worms, for which we are indebted to a valuable work entitled " Essays on American Silk, &c. by John D. Homergue." EGGS OF SILK WORMS. The eggs of silk worms so strongly resemble the seeds of the poppy, that they may easily be taken for them ; and the contrary. In Europe, the latter have sometimes been sold for the former. Pure water, however, is an effectual test ; good eggs sinking to the bottom, while poppy seeds and bad eggs will swim. Eggs, which have been washed, should be dried by exposure to cool and dry air. They should be kept in a cool place until the hatching season. Cold does not injure them provided that they do not freeze. HATCHING THE EGGS. The general rule in Europe is to put the worms to hatch, as soon as the mulberry trees begin to bud. In this country, this happens usually about the 21st of May. Should the ENCYCLOPEDIA. 177 REARING SILK WORMS. — RISING OF THE SILK WORMS. j season of budding, however, be delayed, the hatching should be pro- ' portionally deferred. The manner of putting the eggs to hatch, according to M. D'Ho- i merguc, is as follows : — M They should be put in a pasteboard or wood- I en box, not covered at the top, and the sides not more than half an inch high, so that the worms, when hatched, may easily crawl out, as will be presently mentioned. The size of the box should be suited to the quantity of eggs to be hatched, so that they be not on the top of one another ; but they may touch each other. The box should be covered with paper, perforated with holes of the size of a large pin's head, so that the worms, when hatched, may easily pass through them. They are usually hatched in three days, after being put into the box. When they are near coming out, young mulberry leaves should be put on the top of the box, leaving spaces. The worms as soon as hatched, will smell those leaves, crawl up to them through the holes in the paper cover, and begin feeding. Now remove such leaves as are covered with worms, gently, to the table or hurdle, which has been prepared to receive them. It should be added that a warm place should be pro- vided for the eggs to hatch iu, where the temperature is at least 80 de- grees Fahrenheit. REARING SILK WORMS. The worms, after being hatched as above described, are to be laid on wicker hurdles, which are to be kept quite clean. Pine tables will answer well. During the first day, the room should be kept in the same degree of heat ; but, afterwards, as the strength of the insect increases, a lower temperature is admissible. Dry air from the north and west may be let in ; but all dampness should be carefully excluded. The greatest cleanliness should be maintained. In order to clean a table, place another table close to it, on which lay fresh mulberry leaves. The worms will immediately crawl to them, leaving the first table empty. This shifting of the worms, however, should not take place, until after their first moulting. They generally moult, or shed their skin, four times. During the moulting, which lasts twenty-four hours, they lie torpid, and do not feed. They should then be left quiet. RISING OF THE SILK WORMS. " When the silk worms are ready to make their cocoons, which in this country, generally, is on the 31st day after they have been hatched, a kind of artificial hedge, not above one foot high, must be prepared, by means of some brush- wood without any leaves, which is to be fixed along the wall, behind the table on which the worms are. They crawl of themselves in this hedge, which is called rising, and there make their cocoons. This brushwood must not be fixed straight up along the wall, but should be inclined above and below, m the form of a semicircle towards the table on which it is to rest, because the worms always move in a circular di- rection ; and also in order that, if they should fall, they may not fall upon the table or floor, but on some part of the artificial hedge, whence they may crawl up and carry on their work. It is easy to know when the worms are ready to rise. They crawl on the leaves without eating them ; they rear their heads, as if in search of something to climb on, their rings draw in, the skin of their necks 178 FAMILY COCOONS KEPT FOR USE, becomes wrinkled, and their body becomes like soft dough. Their color also changes to a pale yellow. When these signs appear, the table should be cleaned, and the hedge prepared to receive them. From the moment that the cocoons begin to rise, they cease to eat; they must not be touched, nor their cocoons, until they are picked off, as will be presently mentioned. " PICKING OFF THE COCOONS. « The worms generally form their cocoons in three days after their rising ; but they are not perfect until the sixth day, when they may be picked off from the hedge. In Europe this is not done until the eighth day, nor should it be done sooner in this country, if during the six days there have been violent thunder-storms, by which the labors of the moth are generally inter- rupted. The cocoons must be taken down gently, and great care taken not to press hard on them ; because, if in the least flattened, they fall into the class of imperfect cocoons, and are greatly lessened in value. In picking the cocoons from the hedge, the floss or tow with which they are covered must be delicately taken off, always taking care not to press too hard on the cocoons. After the cocoons are thus taken down, some are preserved for eggs and others kept for sale." COCOONS KEPT FOR USE. "In order that the farmer may judge of the quantity of cocoons that it will be proper or advisable for him to put aside and preserve for eggs, it is right that he should be told that fourteen ounces of cocoons will produce one ounce of eggs, and one ounce of eggs will produce a quintal of cocoons. In selecting the cocoons to be kept for eggs, it is recommended to se- lect the white ones in preference, and keep the colored ones for sale ; attention should be paid to having an equal number of males and fe- males, and they are generally known by the following signs : the male cocoons, that is to say those which contain the male insects, are in gen- eral smaller than the female, they are somewhat depressed in the mid- dle, as it were w T ith a ring ; they are sharp at one end and sometimes at both, and hard at both ends; the female cocoons, on the contrary, are larger than the male, round and full, little or not at all depressed in the middle, and not pointed at either end. They may easily be dis- cerned by a little habit. It is particularly recommended to take off all the floss or tow from these cocoons, so that the moth may find no difficulty in coming out. After the cocoons have been taken down from the hedge, those which are intended for eggs should be laid, but not crowded, on tables, that is to say, the males on one table and the females on another, that they may not copulate too soon, and before they have discharged a viscid humor, of a yellow reddish color, which prevents their fecundity. They discharge this humor in one hour after coming out of the co- coons, which is generally ten days after these have been taken down from the hedge ; but this may be accelerated by heat. At the expiration of one hour after the moths have come out of their cocoons, the males and females may be put together on tables or on tho floor ; the tables or floor ought to be previously covered with linen or ENCYCLOPEDIA. 179 COCOONS INTENDED FOR SALE. cloth, on which, after copulation, the females lay their eggs. One fe-' 1 male moth or butterfly generally lavs 500 eggs ; the male and female ■ remain about six hours together, during which time they copulate ; after which they separate, and the female is 48 or 50 hours laying eggs ; ibut the greatest quantity during the first 40 hours. From the moment the moths have come out of their cocoons until the females have laid all their eggs, the room must be kept entirely dark ; the light debilitates them and makes them produce but few eggs, and the worms that come from them are weak and puny. When the female moths have done laying eggs, all the insects must be taken away, and may be given as food to the fowls. The eggs must remain on the cloth where they have been deposited during fifteen or twenty days, until they shall have become of an ash or slate color, when they are perfectly ripe, and may be considered as good eggs. Then the cloth or linen must be folded, and kept in a cool and dry I place, until it shall be thought proper to take off the eggs, which is done by putting the cloth into pure water, and when thoroughly wet- ted, scraping gently the eggs from the cloth, taking care not to injure them. When thus scraped into the water, all the good eggs will go to the bottom, and the bad, if any, will swim at the top. The eggs being thus washed, must be dried in the open air, and when perfectly dry, the best mode to preserve them is to put them into hollow reeds, or cane's, perfectly dry, and closed at the two extremities with a thin piece of flaxen or cotton linen well fastened. It is also the best means to transport them from one place to another." COCOONS INTENDED FOR SALE. " In order to prevent the cocoons from being perforated by the moths escaping from them, which greatly lessens their value, it is necessary to kill the moths. This is generally done by baking in an oven or by steam, but the best mode, which is peculiarly well adapted to warm climates, is to lay the cocoons on linen or cotton sheets, but not too close, or one upon another, and to expose them thus to the heat of the sun in open air, when it is per- fectly dry, during four days, from 11 A. M. to 4 P. M. taking great care in handling them not to crush or flatten them, which is of the highest importance. In that time there is no doubt that the moths will be killed. The processes of steaming and baking are not always safe, because they may be overdone and the silk greatly injured. Yet if the weath- er should prove obstinately damp or rainy, those processes must be re- curred to, but not in dry sunshiny weather, when they can be avoided. The last thing to be spoken of is the packing of the cocoons to send to market. They must be put in boxes with great care, not pressed too close, lest they should be flattened, and close enough that they should not suffer in like manner by striking hard upon each other in conse- quence of the motion of carriages or stages. The boxes being dry and well conditioned may be transported by steam-boats; if transport- ed by sea, they should not remain longer than fifteen days on salt wa- ter, lest they should become mouldy. On river water, and particular- ly by steam boats, there is not the same danger. The boxes in ev2ry case should be covered with a tarpaulin or good oiled cloth, that they may in no case suffer from dampness or rain. 180 FAMILY LINEN. CAMBRIC. — LACE, The priee of good cocoons in France is from twenty-five to thirty- five cents per pound of sixteen ounces ; I mean of perfect cocoons. Perforated cocoons, from which the moth has escaped, those which are spotted, and the imperfect ones, called chiques, command no price, and are generally given away by the silk culturists. There are but few of them, because those who raise silk worms being: experienced in the bu- siness, produce hardly any but good cocoons. "When these are sold, the bad ones are thrown into the bargain. The price of cocoons in this country cannot yet be settled ; but it will be the interest of the silk culturist to sell them in the beginning as cheap as possible, to encourage the silk manufactures, which alone can procure them regular purchasers, and without which their produce must lie upon their hands." LINEN. Lixien cloth, it is well known, is manufactured from flax, an annual plant, with a slender hollow stem usually about two feet high, the bark of which consists of fibres, which when dressed, are ex- tensively worked into this cloth, and other articles, in various countries of the globe. Linens are manufactured for exportation to the greatest extent, and of the finest quality, in Ireland, Holland, Bohemia, Sile- sia, Moravia, and the Netherlands. The linen manufacture is the sta- ple branch of Irish industry ; and in Bohemia alone, it is said to em- ploy more than three hundred thousand persons. The annual value of it in Silesia is 1,500,000/. sterling ; and there are whole villages and towns occupied by weavers. Russia has three hundred factories of linen ; and this forms the most important manufacture and export of the Hessian States in Germany. In other parts of Europe, and in the United States, it has been carried on to a limited extent, and chiefly for home-consumption. A late writer remarks, that " the length and comparative rigidity of the fibres of flax, present difficulties in the way of spinning it by the machinery which is used for cotton and wool. It cannot be prepared by carding, as these other substances are, and the, rollers are capable of drawing it but very imperfectly. The subject of spinning flax by machinery, has attracted much attention ; and the Emperor Napoleon, at one time, offered a reward of a million of francs to tne inventor of the best machine for this purpose. Various individ- uals, both in this country and in Europe, have succeeded in construct- ing machines which spin coarse threads very well, and with great rapid- ity. But the manufacture of fine threads, such as those used for cam- brics and lace, continues to be performed by hand upon the ancient spinning wheel." CAMBRIC is a species of linen made of flax, very fine and white, the name of which was originally derived from the city of Cambray, where it was first manufactured. It is now made at other places in France, as well as in different parts of England, Scotland, and Ire- land ; but French cambrics are still preferred for their extreme fineness and durability. LACE is a complicated, ornamental fabric, formed of fine threads of linen, cotton, or silk. It consists of a net work of small meshes, the most common form of which is hexagonal. In perfect thread lace, four sides of the hexagon consist of threads which are twisted, while in the remaining two, they are simply crossed. Lace is commonly EN CYCLOPEDIA. 181 CULTURE OF FLAX. made upon a cushion or pillow, by the slow labor of artists. A piece of stiff parchment is stretched upon the cushion, having- holes pricked through it, in which pins are inserted. The threads previously wound upon small bobbins, are woven round the pins and twisted in various ways, by the hands, so as to form the required pattern. The expen- siveness of the different kinds of lace, is proportioned to the tedious- ness of the operation. Some of the more simple fabrics are executed with rapidity, while others in which the sides of the meshes are plait- ed, as in the Brussels lace, and that made at Valenciennes, are difficult, and bear a much higher price. The cheaper kinds of lace, have long been made by machinery. And recently the invention of Mr. Heathcoat's lace machine, has effected the fabrication of the more difficult or twisted lace, with precision and despatch. This machine is exceedingly complicated and ingenious, and is now in operation in this country and in France, as well as in Eng- land. The best white lace has usually been made of flax ; but cotton can now be spun so neatly and finely, that the use of it, even in Lone-lace, has completely, in England, superseded the use of flax ; and indeed woven lace is now got up in that country, so neatly as to have also su- perseded in a great degree, the use of that made by the hand. Gold and silver thread is also wrought into lace. This is a stout fabric, common- ly close, but wrought so as to exhibit some sort of figure. It is made of different widths, but all narrow like ribbon. There is also a worsted lace, of a similar texture, commonly wrought with various patterns in colors. This was formerly much used on liveries, and may still be seen occasionally on the lining of carriages. CULTURE OF FLAX. While the people of the United States were British colonies, the culture of flax was more attended to than since they have become independent. In the year 1770, there were exported in one year upwards of 312,000 bushels of flax seed. For twenty years preceding 1816, the annual export of this article averaged but about 250,000 bushels. The causes of this decrease it is unneces- sary in this place to mention. It cannot be doubted, that the cultiva- tion might be profitable to the people of this country, and that it will be more extensively cultivated in future years, scarcely admits of a ques- tion. Much of the soil is excellently well adapted to the raising of flax. This is true of considerable portions of the state of Maine, of New England, the western parts of the state of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and southward to the cotton latitude. In view of the importance of this subject to our country, we shall give, at some length, directions for the cultivation of flax, for which we are indebted to an able essay from the pen of S. W. Pomeroy, Esq. published in the Mass. Agricultural Repository. £>oil. " The soils which rank first in this country,'' says Mr. Pome- roy, are the flat bottoms, that are covered by the fall and spring floods, which subside early enough in the season to get in a crop ; those river flats on the second banks, that have a depth of strong alluvial soil ; the reclaimed marshes and swamps, with a black, unctuous soil, not too peaty, with as much clay in the composition, as will permit its being rendered soon dry and mellow, and not retain water on or near the sur- 16 182 FAMILY CULTURE OF FLAX. face ; if it stands two feet below, so much the better, but must be well guarded by ditches and dykes against sudden freshets. Such is the soil of the province of Zealand, where more flax is raised, and of a bet- ter quality, than in any other part of Holland. The next in estimation are the strong black loams on clay, or hard pan, that will retain mois- ture. Yellow loams, with a holding sub-soil, may be rendered suitable for flax, by proper cultivation ; and since the discovery, that plaster of Paris is an excellent manure for it, a crop may be obtained with much more certainty on lighter land than formerly. Perhaps the character- istic of best garden mould may be applied to a flax soil, viz. retaining sufficient moisture, and all that falls, without ever being saturated ; but on any soils the surface should be completely pulverized, and never worked when wet. Manures. v " No dung should be applied to the land, when the flax is sown ; but may be put on bountifully with the previous crop. The objection is, that dung forces the growth so rapidly, that the plants draw weak, have a thin harle, and are more liable to lodge. Lime, marie, shells, leached ashes, &c. do not produce such effects. Top dressings, soon after the plants appear, or plaster, ashes, soot, &c. are highly bene- ficial, as they not only encourage the growth, but are a protection against worms, which sometimes attack the young plants, and may be considered the only enemy they have, except weeds. " Salt has been mentioned by the late Dr. Elliott, of Connecticut, as an excellent manure to plough in with the flax, at the rate of five bushels to the acre ; probably more would be better. Plaster is now- much used in Dutchess county, the best cultivated district in New York, as a manure for flax, on which its good effects are as apparent as on corn. Preparation of the land. u It is not unfrequent in Ireland to ob- tain crops of flax from green sward, on which they put lime, shells, limestone, gravel, &c. and break up in the fall, cross ploughing and harrowing fine in the spring ; but it most commonly succeeds a crop of potatoes, which receive the manure. In Flanders, hemp was for- merly more used as a preparation for flax than since the introduction of potatoes. In Italy, it commonly precedes flax, and although the land gets no tillage, as the hemp is well manured it grows strong, and is then a powerful destroyer of weeds. In England, on some of the fen soils of Lincolnshire, the usual course is hemp two or three years in succession, well manured, then flax without manure ; a crop of tur- nips is often taken the same season after the flax, and hemp succeeds again. In Russia, it is said, that extensive crops of flax are drawn from new cleared lands, afterburning them over, and harrowing in the seed with ashes. The best preparatory crops in this country, at pre- sent, appear to be potatoes, corn, and roots ; they will most generally repay the extra manure, and if well managed, check the production of weeds. " The following rotations may serve as an outline, subject to be varied, and hemp or other crop introduced, as circumstances require, viz. — ■ ENCYCLOPEDIA. 183 CULTURE OF FLAX. No. I.-^LOW, COLD, OR RECLAIMED SOILS. 1st year, Potatoes. 2d do. Flax, with seed. 3d do. Herds grass and red top, or tall meadow oat grass, to contin- ue three years or more, and the course repeated. No. II. — Strong uplands. 1st year, Potatoes or corn. 2d do. Cora or roots. 3d do. Flax with seed. 4th do. Clover. 5th do. Orchard grass or Herds grass, to continue three years or more. No. III.— Light Lands. 1st year, Potatoes or corn. 2d do. Corn or roots. 3d do. Flax with seed. 4th do. Clover, to be mown once, the after growth to be turned in, and rye sown, thick on the furrow, which may be soiled or fed in the spring by sheep or milch cows, and plowed in ; for 5th year, Corn. 6th do. Spring wheal, or barley. 7th do. Clover, and the course to be pursued as before, when flax will occupy the land every seventh ye . . In all cases except when hemp is substituted, the tillage crops should receive the dung. " If the land is ploughed into beds, or convex ridges like turnpike roads, about a rod wide, especially if low and level, the crop will be much more secure from injury by heavy rains, and the grass crop will be better if it remains in that form. On any soils, fall ploughing in nar- row ridges will facilitate its early working in the spring, and should not be dispensed with. Choice of seed. — " That of the last year's growth should be obtain- ed, if possible. The usual marks of good seed are, that it be plump, oily, and heavy, of a bright brown color, sinking readily in water, and when thrown into the fire to crackle and blaze quick. A very simple method of trial is to sprinkle it thin > between two pieces of wet paper, which plunge into a hot bod or dung hill, and in less than twenty-four hours, the proportion that will vegetate can be discerned, which should be ascertained, in order to regulate the " Quantity of seed to be sown. On this head no particular direc- tions can be given, as it depends on the various qualities of soil, good- ness of seed, &c. The rule for seeding small grains is reversed ; flax requiring to be sown thickest on a rich soil, as not more than one stalk is wanted for a plant. In England and Scotland never less than two, nor more than three bushels to the acre are sown. Two and u. naif is the most usual portion. In Flanders and Ireland, seldom less than three bushels are sown, except when seed is an object. Thick sowing is to obtain fine flax. In this country, it will be important, at present, to sow at such a rate as will ensure good crops of each ; and experience only can determine the exact pcint. " If sown very thin, too many lateral branches will be thrown out, each producing a boll or pod, affording more seed, but shorter and in- 184 FAMILY CULTURE OF FLAX. ferior flax. If sown too thick, the plants will draw up weak, with a single boll on a plant, and, subject as our climate is to heavy showers and thunder gusts, very liable to lodge — one of the greatest dangers a flax crop has to encounter. The commissioners for promoting flax cul- ture in Scotland, considered it as practicable, and strongly recommended that the system should be so conducted, as to obtain good flax and good seed at the same time. It is so viewed in Ireland ; among the more extensive cultivators, except when wanted for fine linen, cambric, lawn, &c." Dr. Dean, in the l New England Farmer,' a work of great merit, published some thirty years since, when flax culture was more attended to than at present, recommends from six to seven pecks. It is probable that six pecks is the least, and two bushels the extent that should be sown to obtain the most profitable results, till the demand for seed is considerably lessened. Sowing. " The seed should be got in as early as it is possible to prepare the ground. Dr. Deane observes that a slight frost after the plants are up will not injure them. For no crop is it more important that the seed should be equally distributed. Fortunately what has long been a desideratum is now attained. A machine, (Bennet's machine,) for sowing small seeds broad cast, with perfect regularity, great expe- dition, and in any desired quantity, has lately been invented, and per- forms to great satisfaction. Weeding. " Weeding is considered in Europe, and by good hus- bandmen in this country, as necessary to secure a good crop of flax, which is a very tender plant when young, and more easily checked in its progress by weeds than any other. It is not supposed to be injured by the clover and grass sown with it ; on the contrary, the Flemish far- mers think them beneficial, by protecting the tender roots from drouth, and keeping the weeds under. It should be carefully wed when the plants are three or four inches high ; they are not then injured by the laborer going barefooted over them. Pulling. " This should be performed as soon as the leaves begin to fall, and the stalks show a bright yellow color, and when the bolls are turned a little brown. The seed will continue to ripen afterwards. When the flax is lodged, it should be pulled immediately, in any stage of its growth, or it will be entirely lost ; great care is requisite in sorting the different lengths, and keeping them separate till after the flax is hackled, or much waste will ensue in that process. Saving seed. "As soon as the flax is dry enough to put under cover, the bolls should be rippled, as it is termed. A comb resembling the head of a rake, but with teeth longer and nearer together, made of hickory or oak, is fastened upon a block, and the flax taken in parcels no larger than the hands can firmly grrsp, is drawn through, and the bolls rippled oft; attention to sorting at the same time should be con- tinued. The bolls are to be riddled and winnowed immediately ; spread thin on a clean floor, or on sheets, in the sun, and when sufficiently dry, and beginning to open, threshed. By this method, the foul seeds are .completely separated with little trouble, and good clean seed is ready for an early market, often the best, without the use of expensive ma- chinery to make it so. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 185 CULTURE OF FLAX. " The preparation of flax by steeping is very general in the great flax growing countries in Europe, but it is not quite finished in the water. It remains spread some days on the grass, which is necessary to render it soft and give that silvery appearance so desirable. The d ,structive process of dew rotting, is most commonly practised in this countrv, and when water is resorted to, it is at an improper season, and the p ocess imperfect ; which is the cause of its being so harsh and brittle. Per- haps no part of the system requires such an allowance for difference of climate. In the humid atmosphere of Ireland, it is not very material when it is spread ; but in this climate, when exposed to a July or August sun, every drop after a shower, beco.. si a burning-glass, and literally scorches the fibres ; besides, such a highly putrid ferme tion as will then take place in the water, though it separates the hark, more speedily, not only injures it, but communicates a stain that renders the process of bleaching much more tedious and expensive. " The flax should not be put into the water till about the first of Oc- tober, and remain from ten to fourteen days, according to the tempe- rature of the weather, and should be taken out before the fibres will separate freely, spread on the grass, when the frost will very much as- sist the operation, and the flax exhibits a gloss and softness, that it is impossible to give it otherwise. " Clear, soft, stagnant water is preferred in Europe. A canal, forty feet long, six broad, and four deep, is said to be sufficient for the pur- pose of an acre of flax at one time. It should be formed on a clay, or some holding soil, where the water from a spring or brook can be con- ducted in with convenience ; the expense would not be great, and on most farms suitable sites may be had. May not boiling or steaming be found the most advantageous process of preparing flax ? The very su- perior sample of thread exhibited at Brighton, in 1818, for which Mrs. Crowninshield, of Danvers, Mass. received a premium, was spun from flax prepared by boiling 1 It appears by the fc Transactions of the Swe- dish Academy,' that a method v/as practised in S wee on of preparing flax to resemble cotton, by boiling it ten hours in salt water, spreading on the grass, and frequently watering, by which it becomes soft and bleached. Boiling or steaming will not appear very formidable or ex- pensive, when we examine the subject. A box twenty feet long, six feet wide, and four deep, well constructed with stout plank, a boiler, from which a large tube extends into, and communicates with the wa- ter in the box, will boil the produce of a quarter of an acre in a day, that is, if we allow double the room to boil in that is required for steep- ing. A steam pipe, instead of a tube, and having the top of the box well secured, would permit the process of steaming to go on. It is pro- bable that by either method, grassing will be necessary, to obtain soft flax. The yarns of which the sail cloth is made at Patterson, are all steamed. The navy board expressly forbid their being boiled in alka- line lye, as is usual in most manufactures of linen. It is from tins pre- caution that their canvass has the pliable, oily feeling, which so n ch recommends it. It should not be lost sight of, that by boiling or steam- ing, much time and expense will be saved in bleaching. Dressing. " In this process our climate gives us a decided advan- tage over Ireland, Flanders, or the north of Europe, where the flax is dried on hurdles, over a peat fire, in ovens, or in kilns requiring great 16* 186 FAMILY HEMP. care in regulating the heat, so as to prevent injury. All this trouble and hazard is obviated by our dry atmosphere and keen north-west " winds. — Dr. Deane estimated the expense of dressing flax by hand at one-third the product. I believe the present price does not much vary from his estimate. A respectable gentleman from Dutchess county, New York, informed me that mills or machines, impelled by water, have been erected there, that break and completely dress the flax for the toll of one tenth ! It is said that one or more of them are in operation in the western part of Massachusetts. These mills were invented in Scotland, and are now said to be brought to great perfection. They are erected in all directions in the principal flax districts in Ireland, and notwithstanding the low price and limited demand for labor, are resort- ed to by the poorer classes of people, the dressing by hand being mostly abandoned. There are machines in England that dress flax immedi- ately from the field, without any preparation whatever. An account of them may be found in the 5th volume of the Massachusetts Agri- cultural Journal. It appears, by the report of a committee of the House of Commons, that in 1817 they were in successful operation. A man and three children impelled the machines and dressed sixty pounds a day. We have no information of any further improvements. Should they be susceptible of the application of water or steam power, in any degree proportionate, the advantages may be incalculable, but in the present enquiry, we place these machines, however desirable, entirely out of the question. Product. " It is not uncommon in Great Britain and Ireland to ob« tain eight hundred pounds of flax from an acre ! Six hundred pounds: in some distiicts is estimated as an average ; but it should be observed, that little, if any seed is obtained. The average crop in New England, as far as our information extends, cannot be estimated at more than two hundred pounds, or six or eight bushels of seed. (We do not include; the rich bottoms on the Connecticut and some other rivers.) Dr. Deane was of opinion that four hundred pounds might be calculated on, with proper management. wt W^e think that four hundred pounds of good clean flax, and eight or ten bushels of seed may fairly be assumed as a medium crop on fa- vorable soils, where the culture becomes such an object as to make oth- er farming operations subservient to it, and due attention is paid to the change of seed. " Those who grow flax to any extent are of opinion, that the seed, at the price it has been for some years past, pays for all the labor bestowed on the crop to the time the flax is ready to be prepared or rotted.'* HEMP is an annual plant of great use in the arts and manufac- tures, furnishing thread, cloth, and cordage. Hemp bears a near anal- ogy to flax, not only in form but also in culture and use. The bark of the stalk, as in flax, is the chief object for which it is cultivated. Hemp is manufactured into Canvass, Russia Duck, Russia Towelling, Ticks, Dowlass, &c. The process of manufacturing these various articles, we shall not find room to detail. This portion of our work will be mor? usefully occupied by directions as to the best mode of cultivating hemp in the United States. ENC YCLOPEDIA. J87 CULTIVATION OF HEMP. That the cultivation of hemp is important to the farmers of the land can scarcely be questioned. 1 he climate and soil are well adapted to it. The annual import of the article from Prussia does not probably fall short of half a million of dollars. In addition to this, we annually import in Duck, and other manufactures of hemp, exclusive of cord- age, to the amount of more than a million and a half of dollars. This amount of hemp, and even more, might be b/ought to market in a short time, from our own soil, and the manufacture of the various articles now imported might be carried on in our country, as well as those of cotton or woollen goods. American hemp, to say the least, is equal to the best Russia hemp. By an experiment made in 1H24, by direction of the commissioners of the Navy, it would appear that American hemp justly claims the superiority in respect to strength. M Two ropes, each 2% inches, one made of American and the other of Russian hemp, broke the former with 3209 ios. the latter with 31 18 lbs." Cultivation of Hemp. " Hemp, (says a writer in the New Eng- land Farmer,) requires a deep and rich soil. Any attempt to raise it upon a light soil, or upon land worn out and exhausted, until it is re- cruited by manure, and a fertilizing course of husbandry, will result only in disappointment. Nor can it long be continued upon the same piece of ground, without an annual supply of manure. But upon a £ood soil, with an annual sprinkling of manure, at the rate of eight or ten loads to the acre, it may be continued for a succession of years, without any material diminution of the value of the crop. The ground must be prepared for the seed, much in the same man- ner as for flax. It must be ploughed and harrowed sufficiently to break the clods, and to render the soil fine and mellow. As different soils require different degrees of labor to produce this effect, it must be left to the judgment of the cultivator to determine when his ground is in a proper state te receive the seed. I can safely say, that few farmers err, in ploughing and harrowing too much. The time for sowing is about the 10th of May. A few days earlier or later will make no difference. It must not be so early as to expose the tender plant to severe frosts, and if sown late in May, it will pro- duce a light crop — the stalks will have a thin coat. No further attention to the crop is required until the season of pull- ing and cutting. Although the latter mode of gathering is attended with less labor, our farmers almost universally adopt the former as the most profitable. This commences about the iOth of August. The time of pulling is determined by the appearance of the hemp. There are two kinds of hemp in every field, distinguished by the names of the male and the female. The latter produces the seed, the former the isom and the farina. The male hemp has but few and slender branches When this has turned white, or a paJe yellow, has shed its leaves, and the farina has chiefly fallen off, then it is time to pull it. The female hemp has more and stronger branches, and continues fresh and green until the seed is ripe. It is common to leave patches, or narrow strips, where the seed hemp is most abundant, until the seed has ripened, which will be about a month after the time of pulling ; in which case, the economical farmer will pull out the male hemp as far as it is practicable ; for the fibres of the hemp that stands in the field :S8 FAMILY CULTIVATION OF HEMP. until the seed is ripe, are always stiff and harsh, and will bring less in the market than that which has been pulled at the proper season. The pulling is a heavy job. One-fourth of an acre is considered as a day's work, though expert hands will pull a third of an acre. No precaution is necessary except to guard against breaking the stalks. The laborer gathers a few stalks in his hands and pulls them up, and having repeated this three or four times, he strikes the roots once or twice with his foot, in order to kick off the dirt, then holding the whole loose in his hands, lets the roots drop on the ground for the purpose of making that end of his handful even. And in spreading his hemp on the ground, he is careful to lay the butts stiaight and true. This will greatly facilitate the labor of binding. Rain upon the hemp after it is pulled, produces the same effect as upon mown grass. It discolors it and injures its quality. It must therefore be suffered to lie upon the ground no longer than it is neces- sary for its preservation. As soon as it is sufficiently dried, w T hich, in w rm and drying weather, will be after two days sun, it must be bound up in small bundles or sheaves. A little rye straw is the cheapest and best thing for bands. Let the band be put on towards the top of the bundle, and then shoved 'lown to about the middle, otherwise it will be difficult to bind close enough to hold together, through all the sub- sequent handlings. Set up 15 or 20 bundles together, well braced at the roots to admit a free circulation of air, and to prevent it from blow- ing over, and let it lemain in this situation, until it is cured sufficiently to put into a stack or under cover. This may be done, in good weather, after two or three days. In the construction of the stack, great pains must be taken, lest the rain should find a passage into it. It is safest to put it under cover, either under sheds about the barn, or by erecting one for the purpose. It may be asked, why not transport it to the place of rotting and immerse it in the water, immediately after it is pulled, or as soon as it is dry, and save the trouble of securing it from the weather ? I am not prepared to say that this cannot be done with safety, under vigi- lant care and attention. It is believed, however, that it would be ex- posed to greater hazard of loss, than at a later period. At the time of pulling, the weather is hot, and the water warm. Putrefaction proceeds with great rapidity. If the hemp should remain in the wa- ter a little too long, or if, after it is drawn from the water there should be a long rain, or a continuance of damp weather to prevent its dry- ing, it w r ould be rotted too much, and the fibre would be materially injured, if not destroyed. But when the hemp is immersed later in the season, after the weather and water have become cool, there is no risk in suffering it to remain in the water a short time longer than is necessary. It is also supposed that v/hen the hemp is rotted in hot weather, there will be a greater proportion of tow — and after it is drawn from the water, the bands must be opened and the hemp spread, in order that it may dry quickly. It is also a busy season with the farmer, and he can a i I to it at a later period, with less interruption to other branches 01 Husbandry. These are the reasons which have induced our farmers to postpone the rotting till the latter part of Oc- tober. As I have never tried any experiments in reference to this ENCYCLOPEDIA. 189 CULTIVATION OF HEMP. part of the process, and indeed have had but little experience in the culture of hemp on my own farm, I will not give an opinion whether their reasons are well founded or not. I have not undertaken to point out the best n'.etkod. in relation to any part of the process, but only to describe the course pursued in my own neighborhood. It has sometimes been made a question whether running or stagnant water was to be preferred. The latter is more generally used in Eng- land. The former has been universally applied here. A place is se- lected near the margin of some brook or small stream, which will af- ford a basin in which the hemp can be deposited, and where, by erect- ing a dam across the stream, the hemp can be covered with water. In the first place, the dam is built of a sufficient height to secure the requisite supply of water, leaving a gale-way in the natural course of the stream, and the top of the gate a little lower than the height of the dam, to let off the surplus water. After the dam is completed, shut the gate and try the dam, in order to ascertain whether it is water tight, and will stand against the pressure produced by raising the pond. If it proves sufficient, then let off the water and put in the hemp. A space of two or three feet should be left between the hemp and the dam, so that if a leak should be discovered, there may be room to stop it. This precaution may be unnecessary in an old and long tried dam, but should not be omitted in a new one. Put down a layer of hemp, laying" the bundles compactly, then a second course on the first, in a transverse direction, and so on successively, until the whole crop is deposited in the bed, or as much as the basin will receive. Weights, consisting of long and heavy timber, or plank, or slabs with stones upon them, must then be laid across the bed to prevent it from floating. Having de- posited the hemp and secured it from rising, the gate way may be clo- sed, and the water raised upon the hemp. It will be observed that the level of the hemp must be lower than the top of the gate-way, so that the whole body may be immersed in water, and continued so until it is rotted. The length of time necessary to complete the rotting process de- pends much on the weather, and the temperature of water. It may be ascertained whether it has lain in the water long enough, by taking out one of the bundles, drying and braking it. If the seed cracks easily, and the rind, or harl readily separates from the wood, it is sufficiently rotted. 60 also, if while it lies in the water, the roots will twist off easily. Hemp put into the water the last week in October, will gener- ally require about three weeks. When put in later, I have known it lie seven weeks. If put into stagnant water, soon after it is pulled, five or six days is enough. When the hemp is rotted, open the gate-way and drain off the pond. T'.e hemp must then be removed to a piece of grass land — the bundles lu.id upon the ground singly, and, after two or three days, turned over. When partially dried, it is carried and set up, inclining against a fence, where it remains until it is fit for the brake. It may then be carried to the building or shed where it is to be dressed ; or the brake may be carried to the hemp, as is generally the case here, and after it is broken, it is removed to the barn for the finishing process — or if the weather is not too severe, it may be dressed where it is broken. 190 FAMILY TANNING. A cheap vehicle or sled, for the removal of the hemp from the pond, may be made of two pieces of slit work, about nine feet in length, with three cross beams of the same material. The stakes, driven closely through each beam and runner, will serve the double purpose of hold- ing the sled together, and keeping the hemp from falling off. No tongue will be necessary. It may be drawn with chains. If however the grass ground is at any considerable distance from the pond, wheels may be necessary. In dressing, two brakes are used. The first, coarser than a common flax brake, the second, as fine as a flax brake at the head, with one ad- ditional bar in each jaw. If the hemp is well rotted and faithfully broke, but little remains for the swingling board. A man, accustomed to the business, w T ill brake and dress from 50 to 75lbs. a day. The labor required to prepare a crop of hemp for market, is not in- considerable. But it will be observed, that but a small portion of the labor comes at a season when the farmer is most busily occupied in gathering and securing his other crops. The pulling comes on soon after the hay and grain are secured. The rotting does not commence till after Indian harvest, and the winter grain is sown. The dressing is wholly done in cold weather, when the farmer has little occupation be- sides that of taking care of his stock and providing fuel. Every con- siderable farmer who has land suitable for hemp, might raise a few acres, without greatly interfering with his ordinary course of husbandry. The average crop is six or seven hundred pounds to the acre. I have raised nine or ten — but this was an unusual crop. The land w T as strong, and in very fine tilth. The hemp grew to a great height, and wa3 very uniform throughout the piece. The price of hemp in market, has va- ried, of late years, from § 10 to £> 12,50 a hundred. Scarce any crop of field culture can be put upon the land, which will produce so great a result. TANNING is the process of converting the skins of animals into Leather. It is difficult to determine when the art of tanning was first practi- sed ; but that it was known at a very early period, there is little doubt. The real change, however, which skins undergo by being tanned has not been accurately known till of late years. It is now indubitably ascertained that a mixture of gelatin and tannin, of which we shall presently speak, although each is separately soluble in water, becomes insoluble in that fluid, and forms the substance so well known as leath- er : hence, as the chief constituent of all animal skins is gelatin, the ease with which, by immersion in a solution of tannin, they are con- verted into that useful substance. The processes of tanning are nev- ertheless numerous, and somewhat complicated and tedious. The skins are in general, after being freed from their horns, ears and blood, and other impurities, placed in lime-pits for a longer or shorter period, in order to their hair and scarf-skins being more readily removed ; af- ter which they are immersed in a pit containing water and sulphuric acid. This operation is called raising, which disposes the skin more readily to combine with the tannin. It is next placed in the tan-pit, with a layer of oak -bark, ground fine between each skin ; the pit is then filled with tanning ooze prepared from oak-bark and water, ENCYCLOPEDIA. 191 TANNIN. CUKKYING. PAKCHMENT, where the skins remain a month or six weeks, when they are taken out, a fresh quantity of bark and ooze is put in as before, and the process is thus continued till the skins are completely tanned ; and they will be- come so in a shorter or longer time, depending upon the thickness of the skin and the manner in which the application of the tannin has been made. When sufficiently tanned, they are taken out, and after undergoing certain manipulations, are dried and weighed. The time required for the processes of tanning varies exceedingly ; the larger skins require from six to fifteen months to be effectually tanned. The processes are also varied for different skins ; but we cannot detail them. TANNIN, to which we have adverted in the preceding article, exists in large quantity in various vegetable substances : it is found particu- larly in abundance in the bark of oak, Spanish chestnut, willow, elm, ash, &c. In this country, however, leather is tanned chiefly by the use of the bark of the oak, which is ground in a mill by tanners for the purpose. CURRYING is the last process to which tanned skins are subjected; it is applied to those destined for the upper leather, legs of boots, seats of saddles, and such purposes as do not require either great strength or impermeability by water, and never to sole leather. Currying leath- er consists in shaving or scraping the flesh side of the tanned skin with a straight edged two handled knife, against a wooden bench or stock, and thus reducing the tanned skin to a uniform and determined thick- ness, according to the purpose for which it is designed. After being thus shaved (if designed for common shoes and boots,) it is rubbed with train oil and rendered soft and flexible, while the shaved side of the leather has assumed a shining fibrous appearance. In this state the flesh side is waxed or blackened with a mixture of oil and lamp-black. But where the leather is not oiled in dressing, the hair side of the skin, if it be required to be black, after being duly scoured clean with a pumice-stone, is dyed with a solution of sulphate of iron in water, or some other dye. PAPv.CII.MENT is the skins of sheep or goats, prepared after such a manner as to render them proper for writing upon, covering books, ~I.\G. rollers, till it has acquired the proper thickness for the manufacture in- tended. COINING is the art or act of making money. Coining is either performed by the hammer or the mill. The first method is now little used in Europe, although it was the only one known until the year 1553, when a new coining-mill was invented by Anthony Bruchor ; and first tried in the French king's palace at Paris, for coining counters. In either kind of coining, the pieces of metal are stamped, or struck with a kind of moulds or dies, Therein is engraven the device fixed upon. The first operations in cWning are mixing and melting the metal : for there are no species of money coined of pure gold or silver. but always with a certain quantity of alloy of copper, or other metals, mixed with them ; the reasons are partly the necessity of making those metals harder, by some foreign admixture, and partly to defray the expenses of coining. Melting, if the metal be gold, is performed in earthen crucibles ; if silver or copper, in iron ones. When the gold or silver is melted, it is poured into moulds for casting into plates or sheets ; the method of doing this is exactly the same with that used by the founders in sand. Coining by the mill. The plates being taken out of the moulds, scraped and brushed, are passed several times through the mill, to flat- ten them, and brin^ them to the just thickness of the particular species to be coined ; with this difference, however, that the plates of gold are heated again in a furnace, and quenched in water, before they undergo the mill ; which softens, and renders them more ductile : whereas those of silver pass the mill just as they are, without any heating; and when afterward they are heated, they are left to cool of themselves, without water. The plates, whether gold, silver, or copper, thus reduced as nearly as possible to their thickness, are cut into round pieces, nearly the size of the intended species ; these pieces are adjusted, and brought, by filing or rasping, to the weight of the standard, whereby they are to be regulated ; and what remains of the plate between the circles is melted again. The pieces are adjusted in a fine balance ; and those which prove too light are separated from those too heavy ; the first to be melted again, and the second to be filed down : for the mill through which the plates are passed, can never be so just, but there will be some inequality. They are then carried to the blanching or whitening house, i. e. the place where the gold pieces have their color given them, and the silver ones are whitened ; which is done by heating them in the furnace, and afterwards boiling them successively in two copper vessels, with water, common salt, and tartar. After scouring them well with sand, and washing them with common water, they are dried over a wood fire in a copper sieve. They formerly were next marked with an engine on the edges, to prevent the clipping and paring of the species ; but latterly, the edges and faces of the money are struck at once. This marking of the edges is called milling. Some of the larger pieces, as crowns, have legends impressed on the edge. A new method of coining has been introduced by Messrs. Bolton and Watt. which is now the only mode used in England. For this purpose build- ings are erected on Tower Hill. The machinery invented by those able mechanics has been long used in the manufacture of copper money. A steam-engine works the screw presses for cutting out the 200 FAMILY COINING. PLUMBERY. circular pieces of copper, and coins both the edges and faces of the money at the same time, with such superior excellence and cheapness of workmanship, as will prevent clandestine imitation. By this ma- chinery, four boys are capable of striking 30,000, pieces of money in an hour ; and the machine acts at the same time as a register, and keeps an unerring account of the number of pieces struck. These having now all their marks and impressions, both on the edges and fa- ces, become money ; but have not currency till they have been weigh- ed and examined. For t/ie coining of Medals the process is the same, in effect, with that of money ; the principal difference consists in this, that money, having but a small relievo, receives its impression at a single stroke ; whereas for medals, the height of their relievo makes it necessary that the stroke be repeated several times. Medallions, and medals of high relievo, from the difficulty of stamping them in the press, are usually first cast or moulded in sand, like other works of that kind, and are only put into the press to perfect them. PLUMBERY is the art of casting, preparing, and working lead; and using it in building, &c. The lead used in plumbery is furnished from the lead-works in large ingots, or blocks, called pigs of lead, each weighing generally about 100 pounds. Lead melting very easily, is used for figures of any kind, by running it into moulds of brass, clay, plaster, Szc. But the chief articles in plumbery are sheets and pipes of lead. These constitute the basis of the plumber's work in building: the following is the process: — For casting large sheets of lead. The lead is melted in a large caul- dron or furnace ; near the furnace is a table, or mould, whereon the lead is to be cast. Around it runs a frame, consisting of a ledge or border of wood, four or five inches high from the table. The table is covered with fine, moist, smooth sand. At the end of the table nearest to the furnace is adapted a box equal in length to the width of the ta- ble ; at the bottom of the box is a horizontal slit to let out the melted metal ; the box moves upon rollers along the edges of the projecting rim of the table, and is set in motion by ropes and pulleys properly at- tached. The box is made to contain as much lead as will cast the whole sheet at the same time ; and the slit in the bottom is adjusted so as to permit the proper quantity of lead to run out during its progress over the table. The lead is taken out of the cauldron with an iron la- dle. Over the table is a strike or rake of wood, which bears and plays on the edges of the frame ; and so placed, as, that between it and the sand, is a space proportionable to the intended thickness of the sheet. The use of this strike is to drive the matter, while yet liquid, to the extremity of the mould, and give the sheet an equal thickness. The sheets thus cast, there remains nothing but to edge them, in order to render them smooth and straight. This is called cast lead. Milled lead is not made by the plumber, but at the lead works ; in the operation of making it, a roller or flatting- mill is used, whence its name. Milled lead is a slighter article than cast lead. Sheet lead is of different thicknesses, varying in its weight from 5 to 91bs. in each square foot. For casting thin sheets of lead. The table or mould here used is of ENCYCLOPEDIA. 201 TIX. FOUNDRY. a length and breadth at discretion. Instead of sand, it is covered with a piece Of woollen stuff, nailed down at both ends to keep it tight; and over this is laid a very fine linen cloth. These fine smooth sheets of lead are sometimes used between the joints of large stone9 in great buildings, Szc. TLX. The mineral ore, being taken from the mine, is broken into pieces with large iron mallets ; then brought to a stamping mill, where it is beaten still smaller, and the water, passing through, washes away the earthy parts, leaving the metallic ones behind. It is then dried in a furnace on iron plates, and ground fine, washed and dried again, and in this* state is called black tin. To convert it into white tin, L e. pure tin, they carry it to a furnace, where it is melted, and ultimately cast in- to large oblong square masses, called blocks. Tin plate is iron plated over with tin. FOUNDRY is the art of melting and casting all sorts of metals ; particularly brass, iron, bell-metal, &c. The word is also used for a place or house furnished with furnaces, or forges. Foundry of smull works, or casting in sand. The sand used by the founders, in casting brass, &c, is yellowish, rather soft, and greasy ; but after it has been used becomes quite black, from the charcoal-dust used in the moulds. With this sand a mould is made of dimensions suita- ble for the things to be cast ; wood or metallic patterns are then placed on the mould, and pressed down into the sand, so as to leave their form indented. Along the middle of the mould is laid half a little cylinder of brass, which is to be the chief conduit, funnel, or canal, for running the metal ; being so disposed as to touch the ledge at one side, and only reach the last pattern on the other. From this are placed several smaller conduits or funnels, reaching to each pattern, whereby the metal is conveyed through the whole frame- After the same manner they proceed to work the counter-part, or other half of the mould, with the same patterns, in a* frame exactly like the former ; excepting that it has pins, which, entering holes corresponding thereto in the other, make, when the two are joined together, the two cavities of the pattern fall exactly on each other. When both parts of the mould are sufficiently dried, they are joined together by means of pins ; and to prevent their starting or slipping aside by the force of the metal, which is poured in a melted state, through a hole contrived as the chief con- duit, they are locked in a kind of press. The moulds thus secured in the press are ranged near the furnace, to be in readiness to receive the metal as it comes out of the crucible. While the moulds are prepar- ing, the metal is fused in an earthen crucible, in a furnace adapted to the crucible, so that the fire may completely envelope it. The founder now takes the crucible out of thefire with a pair of iron tongs, and car- ries it to the mould, into which he pours the fluid metal. Thus he goes successively from one to another, till his crucible is empiied. When sufficiently cool, the mould is opened, the cast matter taken out, and the sand and moulds applied again to other castings. In casting statues,Jigures, busts, Sco., there are three thingB chiefly re* quired, viz. the mould, wax, and core. In casting bells, the metal is different ; there being, in bwnze. or the 202 FAMILY FOUNDRY. metal of statues, from nine to twelve parts tin to 100 of copper, where- as bell-metal is generally composed of three parts copper and one tin. The mirrors for telescopes consist chiefly of two parts copper and one tin, with smaller portions of brass, silver, and arsenic. The dimensions of the core and the wax of bells are not left to chance or the caprice of the workman, but must be measured on a kind of scale, which gives the height, aperture, and thickness necessary for the several tones re- quired. It is on the wax also that the several mouldings, and other ornaments and inscriptions to be represented in relievo on the outside of the bell, are formed. The clapper, or tongue, is not properly a part of the bell, but furnished from other hands. In Europe it is usually of iron, and is suspended in the middle of the bell. In China, it is only a huge wooden mallet, struck by force of arm against the bell : whence they can have but little of that consonancy, so much admired in some of our rings of bells. Bells have been cast in China of an enormous weight : some at Pe- kin are said to weigh 120,000 lbs. each ; one at Nankin weighs 50,000 lbs. Few European bells can compete with these. One at Erfurt, in Saxony, weighs 25,400 lbs. ; another at Rouen, in France, weighs 35,000 lbs. ; the bells of England sink into comparative insignificance after those. One at Oxford weighs 17,000 lbs. ; the great bell of St. Paul's, London, weighs only 11,474 lbs. ; and Tom of Lincoln, 10,854 lbs. But, if the testimony of some authors may be relied on, two bells at Moscow far exceed all others in size : one is said to weigh 288,000 lbs. ; and the other, the enormous weight of 432,000 lbs. ; its height is said to be 19 feet, its circumference at the bottom 21 yards, and its greatest thickness 23 inches. The casting of cannons, mortars, and other pieces of artillery, is per- formed like that of statues and bells, as to what regards the mould, furnaces, &c. Cannons are made of a mixture of brass, copper, and tin, or of cast iron, but more commonly with the last. A cannon is al- ways shaped a little conical, being thickest of metal at the breech, where the greatest effort of the gun-powder is made, and diminishing thence to the muzzle ; so that if the mouth be two inches thick of metal,, the breech is six. Its length is measured in calibres, i. e. in di- ameters of the muzzle. Six inches at the muzzle require twenty cali- bres, or ten feet in length ; there is about one-sixth of an inch allowed as play for the ball. The guns are cast without any core, and after- wards bored with a steel trepan," that is worked either by horses, a water-mill, or steam. There is a large iron foundry two miles from Falkirk, in Scotland, called Carron Works, Above 100 acres of land have been converted into reservoirs and pools for water, diverted from the river by magnifi- cent dams built about two miles above the works, wmich, after turning eighteen large wheels, falls into a tide navigation, that conveys their castings to the sea. These works are the greatest of the kind in Eu- rope, and were established in 1760. At present the buildings are of vast extent ; and the machinery is the first in Britain both in elegance and correctness. There are 1600 men employed, who receive weekly 650/. sterling, which has greatly enriched the adjoining country ; 6500 tons of iron are melted annually from the mineral, and cast into can- non, cylinders, &c. In the founding of cannon these works have lately ENCYCLOPEDIA. 203 LETTER FOUNDRY. arrived at such perfection, that they make above 5000 pieces a year ; and their iron guns of the new construction are the lightest and neatest now in use, not excepting brass guns. The words Crucible and Forge having been repeatedly used, it may be proper to describe them. A Crucible is a vessel commonly made of earth, sometimes of iron, plumbago, platina, &c., without any handle; considerably higher than wide ; sometimes triangular, sometimes round at top, which is the widest part, and assuming a circular figure below ; in which chemists, coiners, goldsmiths, and other artificers, melt gold, silver, &c. Earthen crucibles are made of potter's clay, and hold from one ounce to 800 ; the iron ones are larger, some holding 10,000 ounces. Forge signifies a kind of small furnace, wherein smiths and other arti- ficers heat their metals. The word forge is also used for a large fur- nace, wherein iron ore, taken out of the mine, is melted down, though this is not so properly a forge as a furnace. A forge is more properly used for another kind of furnace, wherein pigs of metal are heated, fused, beaten with large hammers, and thus rendered soft, ductile, and fit for use. Of these forges there are two kinds, through which the iron successively passes, before it comes to the smith. Forge-mills are turned by water, which serves to raise and let fall one or more huge hammers, to beat and form the iron into bars, anchors, or other massive works. In LETTER-FOUNDRY, or the casting of printing letters, two things are principally to be regarded — the matter and the matrices. The matter, or type-metal is composed of lead alloyed with a small portion of antimony. Every letter-founder preparing his own metal, the proportions of lead and antimony are as various as the founders differ in skill and experience. The excellence of type-metal consists in hardness, tenacity, and stiffness ; hard, that the face of the type may not be disfigured with a slight blow, that it may endure consider- able wear ; tenacious, that it may not be too easily broken ; and stiff, that the types may not be bent from their rectilinear position. The matrices of the letters are pieces of copper or brass whereon the impression of the intended character has been cut, or struck in a cavity by means of punches. Each letter has its proper matrice ; and there are particular ones for points, figures, rules, head-pieces, and other or- naments of printing : excepting the quadrats, which being only of lead, and not intended to leave any impression, are cast without matrices, and only in moulds. Each matrice has its punch made of steel, or iron well tempered. The matrices being struck, and touched up, or repaired where needful, are put at the end of an iron mould enclosed between two thin pieces of board. Every thing belonging to the mould being disposed, they begin to prepare the matter. The furnace, whereon the basin is placed for the metal to be melted in, is made of the same matter as crucibles. Over the furnace is placed the melting basin, or copper, which is divided into two equal parts by a perpendic- ular partition. This basin contains the melted type-metal. One work- man is employed at each furnace. To run the metal into the mould, the founder holds in his ladle just enough for one letter. Having filled this ladle with liquid metal, he pours it through a jet or funnel into the matrice or character. He then opens the mould, and takps out the character, and without loss of time shuts it again, replaces the matrice, 204 FAMILY ■ ■» _ ■*' ■■■ " ■ ■ — PRINTING. and costs a new letter. It is incredible with what expedition all this is done \ an expert workman being able to cast 3000 letters in a day. The letter being cast, it is examined, to ascertain that it is perfect ; if it be not, it is thrown among the refuse of the fount. When the let- ters ore cast, they remain to be justified, both as to thickness and height. The justification of the height is guided by the m of some body of characters already justified. All that remains is to dress the letters, and make that sort of groove, which every letter has in its bottom, in order that it may stand perpendicular. This is performed by turning a long line of them upside down, between two cheeks of wood, which, pressing tqtj tight, enable the workman to run his plane along the line of letters so inverted, and thus to form the groove. The letters are now fit for the printer's use. The perfection of letters thus cast consists in their being all square and straight on every side, of the same height, evenly lined, well grooved, &c. An inspection of the letters themselves will assist the reader in understanding this descrip- tion, and afford a clearer idea than can be otherwise conceived. FOUNT, or FONT, among printers, is a 6et or quantity of charac- ters, ot letters of each kind, cast by the letter-founder and sorted. We say a founder has cast a fount of pica, of english, pearl, &c, meaning he has cast a set of characters of these kinds. A complete fount includes capitals, small capitals, little letters, called lower-case, double letters, accented letters, figures, points, characters for reference, spaces, and quadrats. The letter founders have a kind of list, by which they reg- ulate their founts. Some letters being much more used than others, it is necessary to have more of them cast, than of those which occur less frequently. Thus the and t, for instance, are always in greater quantity than the k or z. In a fount, or bill, of the size called pica, weighing in all 800 pounds, the number of the letter e is 12,000 ; of/ 9,000 ; of a 8,500 ; of e, w, o, and s, 8000 each ; of c there are 3000 ; of b 1600 ; k 800 ; x 400 ; s 200. This is for the English language. In other languages the comparative frequency must be different. Sizes. Different names are given to the various sizes of types, cf which the following are most employed in common book printing. Pica. — abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&. Small Pica. — abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&. Lotig Primer. — abcdefghijkImnopqr8tuvvvxyz&,. J^ou7^e^w.--abcclefgiiijk]inriopqretuv\vxyz&. Brevier. — abcdefghijklmnopqrBtuvwxyz&. Minion. — abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz&. Jfbnp ami- ab c d e fglri jjtl m wopqrstu vwxy z& . PRINTING is the art of making an impression upon one body by pressing it with another. This art, in some way or other, has been known in all ages. It has been done upon wax, plaster, and iron, by the ancients ; their seals, rings, and money prove it. It has been done with wooden blocks upon cotton and silk by the Indians. Printing therefore in this unlimited sense was common to all nations. This art is now divided into four distinct branches. Common or letter-press printing ; rolling-press printing ; Calico printing ; and Stereotype printing. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 205 INTRODUCTION OF PRINTING INTO BRITAIN. Letter -pr^ss printing is the most useful and curious branch of the art. To this are chiefly owing our deliverance from ignorance and error, the progress of learning, the revival of sciences, many of the modern inventions and discoveries, and numberless improvements in the arts, which, without this noble invention, would have been either lost to mankind, or confined to the knowledge of a few. History of printing. — The honor of having given existence to the present method of printing has been claimed by the cities of Haerlem, Mentz, and Strasburg : and to each of these it may be applied in a qualified sense, as they severally made many improvements upon one another, in the art. But the origin, however, of printing, was at Haer- lem ; the first book was printed in the year 1430; and to Laurence Coster, of that city, is this discovery to be ascribed ; although there is no doubt, that soon after Guttemberg, as well as Fust and Schoeffer, who invented metal types, the first types being of wood, all added ma- terially to the perfection of this important discovery. It is said, indeed, that Gu'temberg invented moveable types, and that he began his experi- ments at Strasburg, and completed them at Mentz ; it is also said that Coster's method was to cut out the letters upon a wooden block ; that he took for apprentice John Fust or Faustus, and bound him to secrecy, but that Fust, notwithstanding his oath, went off, not only with the knowledge of the art, but with the types and all the implements of his master ; first to Amsterdam, thence to Cologne, and afterwards to Mentz. Here, assisted by Schoeffer, they printed a number of Bibles in imitation of manuscript, and Fust carried them to Paris for sale. The Parisians were astonished at their exact similarity, and accused Fust of some diabolical art ; hence the origin of the story of the Devil and Dr. Faustus. Wooden types not being found sufficiently durable, and not answering expectation in other respects, it caused the first in- vention of cut metal types. The honor of completing the dicovery is, therefore, due to Peter Schoeffer, who found out the method of form- ing the characters in a matrice, that the letters might be cast singly, in- stead of being cut. He privately cut matrices for the whole alphabet ; and when he showed his master Fust, who appears to have assisted Guttemberg in his attempts to bring the art to perfection, the letters cast from these matrices, Fust was so pleased with the contrivance, that he promised to Peter his only daughter in marriage ; a promise which he soon after performed. Fust and Schoeffer concealed this new im- provement, by administering an oath of secrecy to all whom they en- trusted, till the year 1462, when, by the dispersion of their servants into different countries at the sacking of Mentz by the Archbishop Adolphus, the invention was publicly divulged. Introduction of printing into Britain. — Printing was practised at Rome in the year 1467, and the year following, it was introduced into England by Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury, who sent W. Turner, Master of the Robes, and W. Caxton, merchant, to the continent to learn the art. While there they met with one Corsellis, an under workman, whom they induced to come to England. This be- ing accomplished, a press was set up at Oxford, and the first book printed in England in 1468, by Corsellis. Oxford was afterwards found inconvenient to be the sole printing place in England, as being too far 18 206 FAMILY PRINTING IN THE UNITED STATES.— PRESS. from London and the sea. The king therefore set up a press at St. Alban's, and another in the city of Westminster, where several books of Divinity and physic were printed. By this means the art grew fa- mous. But although Caxton has been heretofore considered the first printer in England, and it is now clear that that honor must be conce- ded to Corsellis, yet Caxton was the first in England that used fusile types, and consequently the first that brought the art to comparative perfection ; whereas it is said that Corsellis printed with separate cut types in wood, being the only method which he had learned at Haerlem. Caxton's printing-office was in the Abbey of Westminster ; he pursued his business with extraordinary diligence till 1494, in which year he died very old. History of printing in the United States — The first printing in New England, was done in 1639, by one Day — the proprietor of the press was a clergyman, by the name of Glover, who died on his passage to America. The first thing printed was the Freeman's oath, the second an Almanack, and the third an edition of the Psalms. No other print- ing press was established in America, until near the close of the seven- teenth century. John Elliot, the celebrated missionary, having trans- lated the Bible into the Indian language, had it printed at Cambridge, by means of this press, in 1664. The first newspaper in North America, called The Boston Weekly Neus- Letter, was established in 1704. About the middle of the 18th century, ten other printing presses were established — four in New En- gland ; two in New York ; two in Pennsylvania; one in South Caro- lina ; and one in Maryland. The number of books published at this time was also considerable, although they were executed in a coarse style, and were generally books of devotion or for the purposes of edu- cation. As to the method of printing, we shall only observe, that the types, or letters, are distributed each kind by itself, in cases. The composi- tor, placing the copy of the work before him, picks up letter by letter, and arranges them in order to form words and sentences, till he has composed a page, and so on for the whole work ; the degree of expe- dition and despatch, with which this is carried on, is not easily to be conceived. The instrument in which the letters are set is called a composing stick. When full, the compositor empties it on a thin board, called a galley, till he has composed a page. When a certain num- ber of pages are completed, they are firmly placed in due order in a chase, which is a rectangular iron frame. In this condition the work is called a/orm; and the next thing is to work it off at the printing- press. This press is a very complex machine ; its two principal parts are the body of the press, which serves to give the weight or stroke for the impression, and the carriage on which the form is laid. The wonderful power kf the steam-engine has lately been applied to work the printing-press, and two different machines have been invented for the purpose, by means of which three boys can perform in one hour the work that in the usual way would employ two men eight hours. One of the boys lays the paper on the machine, which of itself distri- butes the ink on. the forms, and prints first one side of the sheet and then the other ; the second boy removes the sheets thus printed ; and the ENCYCLOPEDIA. 207 STEREOTYPE PRINTING. — INK. — BOOKS. — ROLLING-PRESS. third boy lays them evenly on the bank. In this way a thousand sheets are printed in an hour. The press is of the rolling kind. Several of the daily newspapers are now printed by steam, as well indeed as many valuable books. Stereotype Printing, although on a principle which was anterior to printing by moveable types, was invented in Scotland by Mr. Ged and Mr. Tiiloch respectively, carried to France, and at a subsequent date was introduced into England. It has arrived at great perfection in the United States, within a few years. The mode of Stereotype Printing is first to set up a page in the com- mon way, with moveable types ; and when correct, a cast of plaster of Paris is taken from it; in this cast the metal for the stereotype is pour- ed ; and so for every page intended to be stereotyped, each pa^e thus forming a single block or plate. When the plates are prepared, they are printed off like other works ; if by a rolling press, the plates are bent to suit the rotundity of the cylinder. But it is only for standard books of very extensive circulation and constant demand, and wherein no material additions, corrections, or alterations, as to plan, or size, are wanted, that the stereotype can be used to advantage. Such works are comparatively very few. It is true, the stereotype plates can be, and occasionally are, altered by punching out words or letters, and inserting others; but the trouble of doing this is great, and, of course, expensive. The Ink used in printing is composed of nut or lintseed oil, boiled and purified ; w T ith this oil are mixed common resin, to give it tenacity, and soap, to destroy the greasiness of the oil, and make the ink easily wash oft: these ingredients varying in proportions according to the experience of the ink-maker, are ground up with a quantity of lamp- black. For red ink, Vermillion is used instead of lamp-black. Books are printed in China from wooden blocks, cut like those used in printing calico, paper, kc. among us. These blocks are made of a smooth, firm wood, and of the size of the leaf required ; upon the face side some able penman draws out the several letters with a kind of pencil ; when finished, the block is cut by the sculptor, with his sharp small instruments, which make all the characters appear in relievo on the wood. Their paper is inferior to ours in color. It is made of the inner bark or rind of a kind of rushes, beaten up with water into a pulp or paste, and formed in moulds much like ours. The advantage of the Chinese printing consists in this, that they are not obliged to take off the whole edition at once, but print their books as they need them. Their blocks are easily retouched and made to serve again, and there needs no corrector of the press. Its disadvantages are, that a large room will scarcely hold all the blocks of a moderate volume ; the color of their ink easily fades ; and their paper is too thin, apt to tear, and subject to worms, whence it is that we see so few ancient books in China. Roll in? -press Printing is employed in taking offprints, or impressions from copper-plates engraven or etched ; an account of which shall appear under the article Engraving. VARNISH is a thick, glossy liquor, used by painters, gilders, and other artificers, to give a gloss and lustre to their works, and also to 208 FAMILY JAPANNING. — BRICKS. defend them from the weather. There are several kinds of varnish, which are divided into two classes, spirit and oil varnishes. The finest of the former class is the copal varnish, made of gum-copal dissolved in spirit of wine, or essentia] oils. Shell lac, and the other gum-resins are next. The white varnish is made of oil of turpentine, fine turpen- tine, and mastic. The transparent varnish, used for window-blinds, is made of mastic dissolved alone, or with the addition of Canada balsam, in oil of turpentine. Drying varnish is made of oil, turpentine, and sandrac, melted together. The common varnish is only yellow or black resin dissolved in oil of turpentine. The word varnish is also used for the* glossy coat wherewith potters' ware, China ware, &c, are covered to give them a lustre ; but the common term, glaze, is more proper, as it is in reality a glass. This will be noticed under Pottery. JAPANNING is the art of varnishing and drawing figures on wood, in the same manner as is done by the natives of Japan. The s lbstan- ces which admit of being japanned are almost every kind that are dry and rigid, or not too flexible or extensible ; as wood, metals leather, and prepared paper. Wood and metals do not require any other prepara- tion, but to have their surface perfectly even and clean : but leather should be securely strained, either on frames or boards, as its bending* or forming folds would otherwise crack and force off the coats of var- nish ; the paper should be treated in the same manner, and have a pre- vious strong coat of size; but it is rarely made the subject of japan- ning, till it is converted into papier mache', that is, reduced to a pulp, mixed with gum and size, and dried to hardness, or wrought by other means into such form, that its original state, particularly with respect to flexibility, is lost. Bricks are formed by means of a wooden mould, dried in the open air, and then baked or burnt, to serve the purposes of building. The first step in the process of brick making is casting the clay. The next step is to tread or temper it. This is commonly done by means of ox- en who are employed to tread it. The goodness of brick depends chief- ly upon this preparation. The clay itself, before it is wrought, is gen- erally brittle, but by working and incorporating it together with water, the whole becomes a homogeneous paste. Bricks are commonly of a red color. Bricks may be made of any clayey earth that is clear of stones, but all will not burn red. The clay ought to be dug before winter, but not made into bricks before spring. Bricks are burnt either in a kiln or clamp. Those in a kiln are burnt either with wood or coal, as may suit the particular convenience of the spot for obtaining most readily one or the other material ; and as the fire can be, in kilns, continued at the pleasure of the superintendant, the bricks can be more equally and uniformly burnt. About London, however, bricks are chiefly burnt in clamps, built of the bricks them- selves, after the manner of arching in kilns, with a vacancy between every two bricks for the fire to play through ; but with this difference, they span it over by making the bricks project one over another on both sides of the place, for the wood and coal to lie in till they meet, and are bounded by the bricks at the top, which close all up. The place for the fuel is carried up straight on both sides, till about three feet high; then they almost fill it with wood, and over that iay a cover- ENCYCLOPEDIA . 209 TILES. PIPES. . - A ino- of coal. They also strew coal over the clamp, upon every row of bricks, which are packed loosely, so that the hre may more readily communicate with each row ; and lastly thev kindle the wood, which gives tire to the coal : when all is consumed, they conclude the bricks ?ire sufficiently burnt. TILE is a sort of thin laminated brick, used for the roofs of houses ; or. more properly, a fat clayey earth, moulded into a certain form, and dried and burnt like bricks. Tiles are made of better clay than bricks. The method of burning is similar to brick, but tiles are always burnt in kilns. There are various kinds of tiles for building ; but hollow and plain tiles are the chief. Dutch tiles, or, as they are sometimes called Flemish tiles, are of two kinds, ancient and modern. The ancient, for chimney foot-pieces; they were painted with ancient figures and mo- resque devices, but came short, both as to the design and coloring, of the modern ones. The more modern Dutch tiles are commonly used plastered up in the jambs of chimneys, and are much better glazed and painted than the former kind. But these seem to be made of the same white clay of which glazed earthenware is made. Both these are now fallen into disuse. The blue slate used to cover houses are sometimes called tiles. A PIPE is a well known machine, used in smokine tobacco, consist- ing of a long slender tube, made of clay. Pipes are of various fashions, as long, short, plain, worked, white, varnished, unvarnished, and of va- rious colors, Szc. The Turks use pipes three or four feet long, made of rushes, or wood bored ; at the end of which they fix a kind of nut of baked earth, which serves as a bowl, and which they take off after smo- king. The clay with which pipes are made is brought to the makers in lumps of six or eight inches square. When used, it is thrown into a large pan, moistened with water, and beaten and moulded till it is soft and mellow, and exceedingly well tempered. Thence it is removed to the rolling board, where the workman readily breaks off an exact quan- tity for a couple of pipes, rolls out both at once, one in each hand, to the proper length and form, leaving a sufficient quantity at one end for the bowl ; then lays them on a board by dozens, where they remain till they have acquired a greater degree of hardness. The tube is then formed by running a wire through the clay. The pipe, before the wire is withdrawn, is closed in a mould of polished iron, and now, by the help of another machine, the bowl instantly receives its form, and the whole pipe is returned in its exact figure. It is now again left to harden yet more, before it undergoes its last smoothing and finish, which is quickly done by a kind of knife, &c. and thence It is taken to the kiln. The Kilns are of various sizes ; some hold twentv ^ross. others eighty, and even a hundred ; but the more usual size contains forty or fifty gross of pipes. Here they are six or eight hours exposed to'a strong clear fire. This brings them to their state of whiteness; and is the last operation. They are then taken and packed up in boxes for sale. POTTERY is the art of making earthen pots or vessels ; or the man- ufacture of earthenware. The clay used for this purpose, cous earth, of ditferent kinds and properties, and may be found in va- 18* 210 FAMILY . POTTERY rious places. The better kinds of English stone ware are composed of pipe clay and pounded flints, in the proportion of four parts of flints to eighteen parts of clay. The yellowish white or queen's ware, so gene- rally in use, is made of the sanfc materials, with larger proportions of clay. The common red earthenware appears to be merely common clay, similar to that with which bricks are made. The first is glased, by throwing 1 sea-salt into the furnace in which it is baked, when the heat is strong : the salt is converted into vapor, and this being applied to the surface of the stone-ware, vitrifies it, and forms an excellent glazing. The queen's ware is glazed by dipping the baked ware into a mixture of the consistence of cream, composed of white lead, ground flint, and ground glass, and submitting the ware afterwards to heat. The com- position is, however, sometimes varied. But the glaze for most of our common earthenware containing so large a portion of lead, such ves-' sels should never be employed for acid liquors of any kind, as the acid will dissolve the lead, and thus render whatever is contained in the ves- sel poisonous. Among the instruments used in pottery, the wheel and lathe are the principal ; the first for large works, the second, for small. The potter's wheel consists principally in its nut, which is its beam or axis, the pivot of which plays perpendicularly ona free-stone sole at the bottom. From the four corners of this beam proceed four iron bars, which, form- ing diagonal lines with the beam, descend and are fastened at bottom to a strong wooden circle. On the top of the nut is laid a piece of the clay to be turned and fashioned. The wheel, thus disposed, is encom- passed on all sides with four different pieces of wood, sustained on a wooden frame. The hind piece, which is that whereon the workman sits, is made a little inclining towards the wheel. On the fore pieces is placed the prepared clay ; by the workman's side is a trough of wa- ter, wherewith, from time to time, he wets his hands, to prevent the clay's sticking to them. The potter having prepared his clay, and laid a piece of it, suitable to the work he intends, on the top of the beam, turns the wheel, till it has got the proper velocity ; forming the cavity of the vessel, and widening it till it has received its intended form. When the vessel is found to be too thick, he pares off what is redun- dant with an instrument. When the vessel is finished, he takes it off the circular head by a wire passed underneath the vessel. The potter's lathe is also a kind of wheel, but simpler and slighter than the former. Its three principal parts are an iron beam or axis, placed perpendicularly ; a small wooden wheel, placed horizontally at the top of the beam, and serving to form the vessel on ; and a thick wooden wheel placed horizontally at the bottom. The potters work with the lathe with the same instruments, and after the same manner, as with the wheel. The lathe and wheel serve only to give the form of the body of the vessel ; the feet, handles, and other occasional orna- ments are made and set by the hand. If there be any sculpture in the work, it is usually done in earthen or wooden moulds, and afterwards stuck on the outside of the vessel. DELFT-WARE is a kind of pottery of baked earth, covered with an enamel, or white glazing, which gives it the appearance of porcelain* It is sometimes ornamented with paintings of figures. &c. The basis ENCYCLOPE DIA. 211 PORCELAIN GLASS — WORKING OR BLOWING MOUND GLASS. of this pottery is clay, which is mixed in such quantity as to produce enough ductility to be worked, moulded, and turned easily, without cracking or shrinking too much in drying or baking. The vessels, be- ing slightly baked, are covered with an enamel or glazing. They are then painted with colors composed of metallic oxides, mixed and ground with fusible glass. When dry, they are again baked, and exposed to a heat capable of fusing the enamel, and completing the baking. — The furnace and colors used for painting this ware are the same as for por- celain. For making these enamel* there are many recipes, but all of them are composed of sand and flints, vitrinable salts, and oxide of lead or tin. The sand must be perfectly vitrified, so as to form a gloss con- siderably fusible. The kinds of clay chiefly used for delft-ware are blue and green : to give it a greater solidity, some red clay is added; which on account of its ferruginous matter, possesses the requisite binding quality. Three parts blue clay, two red, and five marl, form the composition used in several manufactures. PORCELAIN", or CHINA, as it is commonly called, because former- ly brought chiefly from that country, is imported occasionally into Eu- rope from many other places of the east, especially Japan, Siam, Surat, and Persia. But very good porcelain is now made in various parts of England, as well as at Dresden, and in France. The Chinese call this manufacture tse-ki ; the origin of the term por- celain does not appear to be decidedly known : the French call it por- c^laine; the Italians porcellana. Whether porcelain was known to the Romans is uncertain, as the Roman writers give us no decisive infor- mation concerning it. It is not known who was the inventor of this el- egant manufacture ; the Chinese annals are said to be silent about it ; it appears, however, pretty certain, that porcelain must have been known as early as the fifth century. It is said that the porcelain of China is made chiefly, if not entirely, at Kingteching, which has had the honor of supplying the greatest part of the world with this commodity, but England now bids fair to deprive China of much of her trarlic in this elegant production. The most perfect and beautiful porcelains of Japan and China are said to be composed of two distinct earths; a porcelain is produced which scarcely vitrifies at the utmost furnace heat which art can ex- cite. It is also very hard, beautifully semi-transparent, very white when not artificially coloured, tough and cohesive, so that it may be made very thin, and bears sudden heating and cooling without crack- ing. GLASS is a transparent, solid, brittle body, produced by a mixture of earthy or metallic with saline substances melted together by an in- tense heat. There are three principal kinds of glass, distinguished by the form or manner of working them, viz., round glass, as our vessels, phials, drinking glasses. &c. : table or window glass, of which there are divers kinds; and crown-glass and plate-glass, or looking-glass. WORKING OR BLOWING ROUND GLASS. The furnace in which the glass is melted is round, and has several apertures, through one of which the fuel is introduced; the others serve to lade out the melted metal, which is fused in pots made of tobacco-pipe clay, or some 212 FAMILY BOTTLES — PUTTY, other material capable of resisting the heat. When the ingredients are perfectly fused and sufficiently hot, part of the melted matter is ta- ken out at the end of a hollow tube about three feet long-, which is dip- ped into it and turned about till a sufficient quantity is taken up ; the workman then rolls it gently upon a plate of iron or marble, to unite it more intimately ; he then blows through the tube, till the melted mass at the extremity swells into a bubble ; after which, he rolls it again on a smooth surface to polish it, and repeats the blowing till the glass is brought to the size and form necessary for the required vessel ; he shaping it with pincers or scissors, according to circumstances. Crown or Window Gla*s is formed in a similar manner, except that the liquid mass is blown into large globes, and detached from the first iron tube by the assistance of a second person, who fixes his iron tube at the opposite side of the globe ; and the man who originally blew it, then separates his tube from it ; the mouth of the globe is gradually widened till it ultimately becomes, in the hand of the workman a cir- cular planisphere. Plate Glass for Looking Glasses and some superior windows, is made by causing the melted glass to flow upon a table made either of pot- metal or of copper, with iron ledges to confine the melted matter ; and as it cools, a metallic roller is passed over it, to reduce it to an uniform thickness. After being annealed, that is cooled in an oven or furnace very gradually, it is ground and polished thus : — The glass is laid hor- izontally upon a flat stone table made of a very fine grained free-stone ; then taking a smaller piece of rough glass, and fastening it to a heavy wooden plank, the workmen continue to rub one glass backwards and forwards upon another, till they acquire a great degree of smoothness. While they are thus employed, they pour in water and sand, then a finer sort of sand, and lastly powder of smalt. When the grinder has done his part, by bringing the glass to an exact plainness, it is turned over to the polisher, who with the fine powder of Tripoli stone, or em- ery, and a putty formed of lead and tin calcined together, brings it to a perfect evenness and lustre. Glass is colored blue by oxide of cobalt ; red by the oxide of gold ; green by oxides of copper or iron ; yellow by oxides of silver or anti- mony ; and violet by oxide of manganese. BOTTLES. Glass bottles are better for liquors than those of stone. Foul glass bottles are cleaned by rolling sand or small shot in them. But it frequently happens, that some of the shot are left behind ; and when wine or beer is again poured into the bottles, this mineral poison will slowly dissolve, and impregnate those vinous liquors with its dele- terious qualities. The sweetness which is sometimes perceived in red port wine may arise from this cause, when it is neither designed nor suspected. It is much better, therefore, to use nothing but sand, or the dust of coal, and coarse brown paper, which are very effectual for the purpose. PUTTY sometimes denotes powder of calcined tin, which is used in polishing and giving a lustre to works in marble, glass, iron and steel. The putty commonly used by glaziers is composed of lintseed oil and whiting, with or without the addition of white lead. The whiting is first powdered very fine, then oil and white lead (should an}' ENCYCLOPEDIA. 213 PINS. NEEDLES. be deemed necessary for the purpose intended) are well wrought with it, and incorporated together. The mixture is beaten till the whole is • o roughly blended, and becomes a tenacious mass like dough. A PIN is an article well known. It is not easy to trace the invention of this useful implement. It is first noticed in the English statute- book, in the year 1483, prohibiting foreign manufactures. In the reign of Henry VIII. it would seem pins were then considered a new inven- tion, and probably brought from France, where they were esteemed ar- ticles of luxury. Hence arose the term pin-money, an allowance made by the husband to the wife for her own spending. The art, however, of making pins from brass wire, was not known in England before 1543 ; before that period they were either made of bone, ivory, or box. Pins are made in the following manner : — The brass wire, reduced to its proper dimensions by drawing, is straightened, and afterwards cut into lengths of three or four yards, and then into smaller ones, ev- ery length being sufficient for six pins ; each end of these is ground to a point, upon grind-stones by boys, who will point 16x00 pins in an hour. When the wire is thus pointed, a pin is taken off from each end ; and this is repeated, till it is cut into six pieces. The heads are next formed by means of a spinning wheel ; one piece of wire being thus with astonishing rapidity wound round another, and the interior one being drawn out, leaves a hollow tube between the circumvolu- tions ; it is then cut with shears, every two circumvolutions or turns of the w T ire forming one head ; these are softened by placing them in a furnace till red hot. When cold they are distributed to children, w r ho sit with anvils and hammers before them, which they work with their feet by means of a lathe, and taking up one of the lengths, they thrust the blunt end into a quantity of the heads which lie before them, and catching one at the extremity, they apply them immediately between the anvil and the hammer, and by a motion or two of the foot, the pin and the head are fixed together in a very expeditious manner. The pin is now thrown into a copper containing a solution of tin, and the lees of wine. Here it remains for some time, when it assumes a white, though dull appearance ; to give it a polish, it is put into a tub with a quantity of bran, which is set in motion by turning a shaft that runs through its centre, and thus, by means of friction, it becomes entirely bright. The pin being complete, the bran is winnowed from it, leaving the pin fit to be stuck in paper for immediate sale. Pins are distin- guished in commerce by numbers ; the smallest are called minikins ; the next short whites; the next larger ones, No. 3, 3^, 4, 4^, and 5, to the 14th ; whence they go by twos ; viz. 16, 18, and 20, which is the largest size. Pins are sold in papers and packets as thus numbered, and also by the pound weight in assorted sizes. There are also black pins, pins with double heads, Szc. NEEDLES were first made in England by a native of India, in 1545, but the art was lost at his death ; it was however recovered by one Christopher Greening, in 1.560. This familiar little instrument makes a very considerable article of commerce ; and the consumption is almost incredible. The German and Hungarian steel is of most re- pute for needles. The steel being placed in the fire, and afterwards hammered to bring it to a round form, is passed through successive 214 FAMILY BLEACHING. holes of the wire-drawing machine, till it is of the proper size ; it is then cut into suitable lengths ; these pieces are flatted at one end on the anvil, to form the head or eye ; they are then put into the fire to soften them further, thence taken out, and pierced at the extreme of the flat part on the anvil, by a puncheon of well-tempered steel, and laid on a leaden block to bring out, with another puncheon, the small piece of steel remaining in the eye. The corners are then filed ofFthe square of the heads, and a small cavity filed on each side of the flat of the head ; this done, the point is formed with a file, and the whole filed over : they are then made red hot over a charcoal fire, and after- wards thrown into a basin of cold water to harden. When hardened, they are laid in a shovel on a brisk fire, to temper and take off their britileness. They are then straightened one after another with the hammer; the next process is the polishing : 12 or 15,000 needles are ranged in small heaps on a piece of new buckram sprinkled with em- ery dust ; they are afterwards sprinkled with oil of olives ; lastly the whole is.made up into a roll, and laid on a polishing table, and over it a thick plank loaded with stones, which two men work backwards and forwards, till the needles are polished. When taken out, they are washed with hot water and soap, and wiped in bran. The good are now separated from the bad, and the points smoothed on an emery stone. This operation finishes them; and nothing remains but to make them up in packets. Needles are distinguished into common and Whitechapel, this last by having a c marked upon each needle; sharps, bttweens, and blunts; darning needles, double longs, and No. 50, Szc. ; besides which there is the netting needle, the knitting needle, the glover's needle, with a trian- gular point, the tambour needle, surgeon's needles, &c. BLEACHING is the art of whitening linens, stuffs, silk, and many other substances. Although the ancient inhabitants of India, Egypt and Syria, knew in some sort a method of carrying off the coloring matters with which cloth is stained ; and although Fliny mentions that the Gauls were ac- quainted with a lixivium extracted from the ashes of vegetables, and knew how to combine it with oil to form soap, .yet their knowledge of bleaching w T as very imperfect. Even in India, at the present time, it is said that the art of bleaching is no further advanced than it was in the time of Herodotus. Indeed in Europe, till toward the end of the 18th century, the art of bleaching advanced slowly ; but the discovery of oxymuriatic acid, as a material for bleaching, has given an impulse un- known in any other art. Blenching Silk. Raw Silk is put into a thin linen bag, thrown into a vessel of boiling river water in which soap has been dissolved, and then boiled two or three hours, the bag being turned out several times ; taken out, beaten, and washed in cold water, mixed with soap and a little indigo. The indigo water being slightly wrung out, the silk is put into a vessel of cold water ; after taking it out of which, it is wrung, and all the water and soap expressed ; shaken out to untwist and separate the threads ; and hung up in a kind of stove made on purpose, where sulphur is burnt, the vapor from which gives the last degree of whiteness to the silk. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 215 BLEACHING. Bleaching of woollen stuffs. There are three ways of whitening these ; the first, with water and soap; the second with vapor of sul- phur ; the third, with chalk, indigo, and vapor of sulphur. For the first : the stuffs, being taken from the fulling mill, are put into soaped water rather hot, and worked afresh by force of arms over a bench, which finishes the whitening the fulling mill had begun ; and lastly washed out in clear water and dried ; this is called the natural way of bleaching. In the second method they begin by washing the stuff in river water ; it is then laid to dry on poles, and, when half dry, spread out in a kind of stove well closed, wherein is burnt sulphur ; the va- por, diffusing itself, sticks by degrees over all the stuff, and ghes it a line whitening ; this is commonly called bleaching by the flower. In the third method, after the stuffs have been washed, they are thrown into cold water impregnated with chalk and indigo ; after they have been well agitated here, they are washed afresh in clear water, half dried on poles, and spread in a stove to receive the vapor of the sulphur, which finishes the operation. This is not esteemed the best method of bleach- ing, though agreeable enough to the sight. It may be here observed, that when a stuff has once received the steam of sulphur, it will scarce- ly receive any beautiful dye but black or blue, unless well washed in alkaline ley, and rinsed previously to being put into the dye vat. Bleaching of Hollands or fine linens. After taking them from the loom, while yet raw, they are steeped in clean water, rinsed out, and cleared of their filth in a tub filled with a cold lixivium or ley. When taken out of the ley, they are washed in clean water, spread on a mea- dow and watered from time to time. After lying a certain time on the ground, they are boiled in a new ley of potash or barilla, and again washed in clean water, soaped with black soap, passed through rubbing boards, and the soap washed out in clean water ; they are then steeped in sour milk, which finishes their whitening and scouring, gives a soft- ness, and makes them cast a little nap : when taken out of the milk, they are washed in clean water for the last time. After all this pro- cess, they give the linen its first blue, by passing it through water, wherein a little starch and smalt, or powder blue has been steeped. Lastly, the proper stiffness and lustre are given with starch, pale malt, and certain gums, the quantity and quality whereof is adjusted accord- ing to occasion. In fine weather, the whole process of bleaching is completed in a month's time ; in bad* it takes up six weeks or more. Coarse linens are taken from the loom, and laid in wooden frames full of cold water, whereby means of wooden hammers worked by a water-mill, they are beaten so as insensibly to wash and purge them- selves of their filth ; then spread on the ground, where the dew which they receive for a week, takes off more of their impurity ; they are then put into a kind of wooden tubs, or pans, with a hot ley over them, and afterwards boiled with potash, kelp, or barilla. Thus lixivi- ated, they are again purged in the mUl, laid afresh on the ground, and after about a week more passed through a second ley, and all things repeated, till such time as they have acquired their just degree of whiteness. The process of bleaching, not only linens and cottons, but rags for paper, with oxymuriatic acid, or rather with solutions of oxymuriate of pulash, or oxymuriate of lime, has now been generally adopted ; and with 216 FAMILY WOOL. — CLOTH. the use of these, linens can be made as white in six days, as formerly they were in six weeks. WOOL. Woollen cloths are extensively manufactured in England, France, Netherlands, Prussia, and in some other places on the conti- nent of Europe. Those of Silesia, in Prussia, are among the most perfect produced; and they annually amount to more than £50,000 in value. Ihe woollen cloths of France have long been distinguished for fineness and durability. In Spain and most other countries of Eu- rope, this manufactuie is in an imperfect state. Coarse cloths are made in considerable quantities in the northern countries ; but not enough generally for home-consumption. England furnishes the great supply of woollen goods ; a due portion of which, are of superior excellence. The woollen manufacture of that country employs about halfa million of persons, and amounts annually to more than ,£16,000,- 000 sterling. Within a few years great attention has been paid to the growth and manufacture of wool, in various parts of the United States, and parti- cularly in New England, and some of the Middle States. It is doubt- ed, however, whether as much capital is at present invested in estab- lishments of this kind, as a few years ago ; and in consequence of the recent depressed state of the price of wool, there are probably fewer sheep by several millions. In a speech delivered in the House of Rep- resentatives on the 31st of January, 1827, by the Hon. John Davis, of Massachusetts, the amount of w T ool worked up was estimated by that gentleman at 32,000,000 lbs. and that 3,000,000 yards of broad, and 32,000,000 narrow cloths were annually produced, giving employment directly or indirectly to 100,000 persons. It was stated also, that more than one hundred millions capital were vested in the growth and man- ufacture of wool, The number of sheep were put at that time at 15,000,000. CLOTH, in commerce, in its general sense, includes all kinds of clothing woven or manufactured in the loom, except silk ; whether the threads be of wool, cotton, hemp, or flax. Cloth is, however, more peculiarly applied to woollen threads interwoven ; some of which are called the warp, and extend lengthwise, from one end of the piece to the other : the others are called the woof, and disposed across the first, or breadthwise of the piece. Cloths are of various qualities, fine, coarse, strong, &c. ; some are of different colours ; other are wrought white, and afterwards dyed in the piece. Their breadths and lengths are various. The goodness of woollen cloth consists in the wool being fine and well dressed ; in its being spun equally, always observing, how- ever, that the thread of the warp be finer and better twisted than that of the woof; in its being well cleared of the knots and other imperfec- tions, and well cleansed with fullers' earth, and afterwards properly dyed, dressed, and pressed. Cloth is distinguished by being either plain or kersey woven. The first method consists simply in the threads crossing each other at right angles ; in the last they are crossed so as to give an additional strength to the cloth ; hence it appears in diagonal lines or rows running obliquely across the piece ; and, in general, this style of weaving adds thickness as well as strength to the fabric. In the cotton manufacture, cloth so woven is called twilled. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 21' MAKUFACTimiNG OF CLOTHS FOK DYKING. Manufacturing of white cloths for dating. The wool is first scoured in a liquor composed of three parts of water, and one of urine ; it is then drained, washed in running water, and hung out to dry in the shade. When dry, it is beaten with rods on hurdles of wood, or on ropes, to clear out the dust and grosser filth. After beating, it is well picked, to clear the rest of the filth that had escaped the rods. It is now oiled, and carded on large iron cards, placed aslope. The best oil for the purpose is olive oil. The wool is now given out to the spinner3. who first card it on the knee with small fine cards, then spin it by a wheel, observing to make the thread for the warp smaller than that for the woof, and much closer twisted. When warped, it is stiffened with size : that which is made with shreds of parchments is the best. When dry, the weavers mo;:nt it in the loom. Formerly there were two weav- ers to each loom, one on each side, treading at the same time alternate- ly on the same treadle; i. e. now on the right step, and now on the left, which raised and lowered the shreads of the warp equally ; be- tween which they threw, transversely, the shuttle from one to the other. This, however, is now performed by one person, by means of what is called a flying shuttle. Each time that the shuttle is thrown, so that a thread of the woof is inserted within the warp, he strikes it with the frame wherein the comb, or reed, is fastened, between the teeth of which the threads of the warp are passed, repeating the stroke as often as is necessary. The weaver having continued his work, till the whole warp is filled will wool, the cloth is finished. It is then taken off the loom by unrolling it from the beam whereon it had been roiled in proportion as it was woven, and given to be cleared of the knots, ends of thread, .straws, and other filth, which is done with little iron nippers. In this condition it is carried to the fullerj, to be scoured with urine, or fullers' earth well cleaned and steeped in water, put along with the cloth into the trough, wherein it is fulled ; and after undergoing a variety of other manipulations and processes necessary to the perfection of the cloth, and being also dyed of the particular color desired, it is ready for the market. The above is the usual process of weaving woollen cloth in the 81 way, as formerly, as well as now sometimes practised ; but the ingenu- ity of modern times and the steam engine have very materially altered many of the processes above described. The spinning in particular is now, in our large manufactories, no longer performed by the hand and the wheel, but a method is adopted by which one person can direct the spinning of thirty or more threads at once, and this so regularly and expeditiously as to set at nought the former practice. The machinery of such spinning is moved by steam, as indeed is even the carding of the wool, and many other processes not formerly thought capable oi' being brought to machinery subjection. For the manufacture of mixed cloths, or those wherein the wools are first dyed, then mixed, spun, and woven, of the colors intended, the process, except in what relates to the color, is mostly the same with that just spoken of. The method of adjusting the mixture is by first making a felt of the colors of the intended cloth, as a specimen; tho wool of each color is weighed, and when the specimen is to the man- ufacturer's mind, he mixes, for use a quantity in the same proportion . 19 218 FAMILY BAIZE. — BOMBAZET. WORSTED. FLANNEL. TAPESTRY. estimating each grain of the specimen at twenty pounds' weight of the same in the cloth to be made. BAIZE is a kind of coarse, open, woollen stuff, having a long nop; sometimes friezed on one side, and sometimes not, according to the uses for which it is intended ; it is of various colors, white, green, &c. It is without wale, being wrought on a loom with two treadles like flannel. The manufacture of baize is very considerable in England, and in Flanders about Lisle and Tournay, &c. Formerly the French, as well as the Italians, were furnished with baize from England ; but for sometime the French workmen have undertaken to imitate it, and set up manufactures of their own, and with success, especially at Nantes, Montpelier, 3 \J /T VU *■ ENCYCLOPEDIA. 231 ARCHITECTURE. Tuscan Order. Although there are no ancient remains of this or- der, it is generally placed first on account of its plainness. The Tro- jan and Antonine columns at Rome are commonly called Tuscan, though they do not exhibit Tuscan plainness. It is probable the Tus- can is only a simplification of the Doric, of which there are numerous ancient remains ; but to Tuscany it evidently owes its name. Doric Order. The origin of this order is ascribed to Dorus, who built a temple to Juno, in the ancient city of Argos. This order has a masculine grandeur, and a superior air of strength to either of the other Grecian orders, viz. Ionic and Corinthian. It is therefore best adapted to works of great magnitude and of a sublime character. Of this order is the temple of Theseus at Athens, built ten years after the battle of Marathon, and at this day almost entire. lovic Order. The distinguishing characteristics of this order are lightness and elegance. Ft is likewise simple ; for simplicity is an es- sential requisite of true beauty. Of this order were the temple of Apollo at .Miletus, the temple of the Delphic Oracle, and the temple of Diana at Ephesus. Corinthian Order. This is considered the finest of all the orders. It has been styled the " virginal order," from the delicacy, tenderness and beauty of the whole composition. Exceptions however have been taken to it, it being thought to savor too much of pomp and splendor, and to mark an age of luxury and magnificence. Thompson has well characterized the three orders in the following appropriate lines : u First unadorned, " And nobly plain, the manly Doric rose ; " The Ionic then, with decent matron grace, ;t Her airy pillar heav"d ; luxuriant last " The rich Corinthian spread her wanton wreath. " The most correct specimens of this order that remain in existence are to be collected from the Stoa, the arch of Adrian, the monument of Lysicratus at Athens, the Pantheon of Agrippa, and the three columns of the Campo Vaccino at Rome, particularly the last. Composite Order. This order is what its name implies ; it shews that the Greeks had in the three original orders exhausted all the prin- ciples of grandeur and beauty, and that it was not possible to form a fourth, except by combining the former. 232 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE Gothic Architecture. To the above five orders was afterwards added another, called the Gothic or Saracenic, the marks of which are its numerous and prominent buttresses, its lofty spires and pinnacles* its large and ramified windows, its ornamented niches and canopies, the sculptured saints and angels, the delica'e lace-work of its fretted roofs, and an indiscriminate profusion of ornaments. But its most dis- tinguishing characteristics are the small clustered pillars; and pointed arches, formed by the segments of two intersecting circles. Of Gothic Architecture thecontinent furnishes some fine specimens? but the best examples it is said, are to be found in England. In the edifices of that country the whole progress of this style of architecture can be traced. The period from 1272 to 1400 marks the golden age of the Gothic. From the time of Henry VIII. this style began to decline. This was succeeded by a mixture of the Grecian and Gothic. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the chaste architecture of the Greeks and Romans was revived. The first improvements took place in Italy, whence they passed into other parts of Europe, and though the Italians were long accounted the first architects, England produced Inigo Jones and Sir Christopher Wren, who hold the most exalted station. The banqueting-house at Whitehall : queen Katharine's chapel at St. James' : the piazza of Covent Garden, and many other public buildings are monuments of the taste and skill of Inigo Jones. The churches, royal courts, stately halls, magazines, palaces, and public structures designed by Sir Christopher Wren, are proud trophies of British talent. If the whole art of building were lost, it might be again recovered in the Cathedral of St. Paul, and in that grand historical pillar called the Monument. To these we superadd Greenwich, Hospital, Chelsea Hospital, the Theatre at Oxford^ Trinity College Library, and Emanuel College, Cambridge, the cnurches'of St. Sttphen in Walbrook* St. Mary-le-bon, and fifty -two others in London serve to immortalize his memory. While we contemplate these, and n.iny other public edifices erected and repaired under his direction, we are at a less which most to admire — the fertile ingenuity, or the persevering industry of the ar- tist. The English architectural history of the eighteenth century differs from that of the preceding ages in two essential circumstances. 1. The public buildings erected during this period, are, in general, not so grand and massive, as those of some former periods. But while they fall short of splendor and magnificence, they are superior to most ancient structures in simplicity, convenience, neatness, and elegance. 2, Private dwellings have been made more spacious, convenient, and agreeable to a correct taste, than in any preceding period. The liber- al use of glass in modern buildings, contributes greatly to their beauty and comfort, and is a point in which the ancients were totally deficient. In descending to the various minute details of human dwellings, espe- cially those which have reference to elegance and enjoyment, it is ob- vious the artists of the eigl.Leenth century exceed all others. Architecture in the United States. In the United States, we are yet in our infancy, both in respect to elegant and enduring specU ENCYCLOPEDIA. 233 ARCHITECTURE mens of architecture. This might well be imagined, considering the recent settlement of the country, and the creation, by means of industry and toil, of the capital which we possess. Still, architectural skill exists among us, and in respect to some buildings, it has been judiciously ap- plied. We shall give a brief account of a few of the most important public buildings to be found among us. CITY HALL, NEW-YORK. The foundation stone of this noble building, was laid on the 26th Sept. 1803, and was finished in 1812, at an expense, exclusive of the furniture, of half a million of dollars. It is one of the handsomest structures in the United States, and per- haps, of its size, in the world. It is of a square form, two stories in height, besides a basement story. It has a wing at each end, projecting from the front, and in the centre the roof is elevated, to form an attic story. The whole length of the building is 216 feet, breadth 105, height 51. Including the attic story it is 65 feet in height. The front and both ends, above the basement story, are built of native white mar- ble, from Stockbridge, Mass. ; the rest of the building is constructed of brown free stone. The roof is covered with copper. Rising from the middle of the roof is a cupola, on which is placed a colossal figure of justice, holding in her right hand, which rests on her forehead, aba- lance, and in her left, a sword pointing to the ground. The first story, including the portico, is of the Ionic, the second of the Corinthian, the attic of the Fancy, and the cupola of the Composite orders. 20* 234 r x^.ivliu x ARCHITECTURE, CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON. This spacious edifice is finely situated on an eminence, and commands not only a view of the city, but a considerable extent of the adjacent country — the heights of Georgetown. &c, and 1he windings of the Po- tomac, as far as Alexandria. The following are the dimensions of the building : Length of Front, , 352 feet 4 inches. Depth of wings, 121 do. 6 do. East projection and steps, 65 do. West do. do. 83 do. covering i£ acre, & 1820 do. Height of Wings, to top of Balustrade, 70 do. Height to top of Centre dome, 170 do. "It is composed of white freestone, and the entire cost, of it is estima- ted at three millions of dollars. It is surrounded by an elegant iron railing, enclosing twenty acres of ground, planted with various kinds of trees and shrubs. The north wing is occupied by the Senate ; the south by the House of Representatives. There are also rooms for the Supreme Court of the United States, the National Library, and other purposes. The .Senate and Representative halls are both finished in a style of great elegance and splendor. The latter is of semicircular form, sur- rounded by twenty-one massy pillars or columns, and four pilasters of the Potomac marble, which stand upon an e'ievated base of freestone. The capitals of these pillars are formed of Carara marble, and are very beautiful; and there is supported by them a laroe dome, in the centre of which is placed an ornamental cupola, which admits the light into the hall from above. In front of the Speaker's Chair, and over the en- trance into the Chamber, stands an allegorical figure, formed of Italian marble, representing History, in the act of recording the proceedings of the nation. Sbe stands on a winged car. which seems to roll over a sec ion of the terrestrial globe, exhibiting in bass-relief the signs of the Zodiac. The wheel of the car is intended as the face of a clock, which is to be placed behind, and the front contains in bass-relief, a figure of Fame, and a profile bust of Washington. Above the Speaker's Chair JL..N ^ 1 V>JU\Ji"li,iJiA. &£ ARCHITECTURE is a colossal figure of Liberty, in plaster, pointing to the hall below, and supported on the right by an American ea^le, and on the left by the Romanfasctti which are partially enveloped in the folds of a serpent. Immediately under this figure, on the frieze, is carved in high relief, another eagle, in the attitude of flying. This hd 11 has been pronoun- ced by an intelligent English traveller, to be the most beautiful one he ever 3a w." Jt w;is our design, to give descriptions similar to the above, of seve- ral other principal buildings in the United States ; but want of room obliges us to present to our readers views of these buildings, without the contemplated descriptions. PRESIDENT'S HOUSE, WASHINGTON. PENNSYLVANIA CAPITOL. HARRISBURG. 236 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE, BALTIMORE EXCHANGE. AND WASHINGTON MONUMENT. BUNKER HILL MONUMENT. M In respect to Gothic style, observes Professor Silliman, (American Journal of Science and Arts, Vol. xviii. No. 2, p. 224) our country la- bors under many disadvantages. Its expensive character, is in most cases far beyond our means. It flourished in Europe, at a time when the revenues of the church were princely, and no style demands such lar^e pecuniary resources as this. Still enough has already been done among 1 us to shew that it is not an insurmountable obstacle among us." Several fine Gothic structures are to be found in the. United States, a particular description of which our limits entirely forbid. The Gothic arrangement of churches appears not quite compatible with the nature of Protestant worship. " The best form for a Protes- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 237 ARCHITECTURE, tant church, remarks the writer before quoted, is a rectangular paral- lelogram, though I have seen the circle, and other simple forms employ- ed seemingly without any inconvenient results. But any thinn- like a cross, the favorite form of the Gothic, is entirely inadmissible. There is at Washington a church in the form of a Greek cross, in good taste as to its general architecture ; but in consequence of its shape, a part of the congregation cannot see the minister, and the want oFjitness in the in- terior is exceedingly unpleasant. Simplicity in the form of our church- es, seems nearly essential — a quality entirely at variance with this sty'.e, and without something to conceal and draw attention from this plainness, their interior will appear meagre and bare. Galleries assist in doing this, but the edifice should be accommodated to them, and they to it, more than is now usually done. The windows should he so con- structed, that we may feel that the gallery is not concealing their beau- ty from our view; and on the other hand, the gallery should not bo carried in a straight horizontal line from pillar to pillar, in the manner of a Grecian entablature, but should be supported by low arches, of the third order, and should be made to preserve the Gothic character throughout. The great variety of arches and ornaments admitted by the style, will easily allow the architect to do this. " In respect to the management of spires, our taste, it is said, is ex- ceedingly defective. The spire itself is of Gothic origin, and may be considered as belonging to the Gothic style ; with us it is applied to all species of churches. Among the Italians il is unknown, the tower alone being employed. As we go northward from Italy, the spire comes in- to use, and it is often a most striking and beautiful object. That of the cathedral of Vienna, is four hundred and sixty-five feet in height, and ; that of Strasburg- four hundred and fifty-six; the diminution in both these, however, commences at the base, as is frequently the case in that part of the continent, and the effect is less imposing than when the tower and spire are combined. England is remarkable for happy com- binations of the two, though in that nation, the tower without the spire is frequently to be seen. There are few parts of architecture in which our taste is so bad as in this. The steeple is almost uniformly thrust and made the first and main object of our attention, no matter what the cost may be to the body of the edifice. It stands out. either wholly or in part, from the facade or front, which is thus broken up, and is incapable of receiving either majesty or beauty of expression. The facade is, obviously, every thing to the exterior of a buildin r. On it the architect labors most ; to it the^other parts are made to conform, and from it the edifice receives the unity and singleness of character, which constitutes what artists call a whole. The English architects do better. They make the steeple rise from the front of the edifice, but its lower part is not seen ; the facade is left to take its full power ; the church becomes the main subject of our thoughts, and the steeple is felt to be only a necessary appendage ; often it is in good ta ), and adds greatly to the character of the edifice. M As to the shape of the steeple, it is thought that we err in giving too little height, in proportion to the tower. The spire in England, most admired for its proportions, is one hundred and fourteen feet in height, the diameter of its ba-e being nineteen ; the tower on which it rests is seventy-five feet high, and twenty-two feet square. It would 238 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE. be better to banish all fishes, arrows, and every thing of the kind, every- thing resembling a vane, from the top of our spires. They are no or- nament ; what can they mean ? A stranger would think us wonder- fully anxious about the wind : if we must have them let them be put in some other place. "It is seldom that the erection of our public buildings fails to be ac- companied with hurry and parsimony. Our architecture has hitherto exerted itself among frail and perishable materials. The awkward wooden buildings it has erected are fast passing away, and we should be glad that it is so. Eut the case is hereafter going to be a different one. We are beginning to build entirely with bricks and stone, and what is hereafter to be erected, will go down to other ages to tell of our taste, and to exert its influence on theirs. Let us bear constantly fn mind, then, that not one of these edifices is built for ourselves alone ; let us extend our views through other generations, down to the far dis- tant boundaries of time, and as we contemplate our works binding these ages to us, and us to them,fet us indulge the feeling as our characters swell out and form themselves to this long series of years, and to this constantly thickening population. Let us remember, too, that it will be an intelligent and a keen-sighted population. We wish them to re- spect our memory; let us shew that we have respect for them: we wish them to reverence our laws and institutions, for we believe them good ; let the objects we associate strongly with these laws and institu- tions, objects to be seen every day by them, and to influence their opin- ion of us, let these objects be such as to heighten reverence, at least let them be such as not to provoke their ridicule. Domestic architecture. u Dwelling houses are capable of such end- less modifications, and depend so much on circumstances for their character, that it is extremely difficult to reduce them to rule, or, at all events, to bring the subject within moderate bounds in cities, houses must be crowded, and generally of considerable height; in towns they are of less elevation and at greater intervals ; while in the country they take a still different character. We will endeavour, however, to give the subject a brief consideration. The architecture of dwelling houses should be marked by two qualities, first and mainly by conve- nience, and secondly by cheerfulness. The former we must leave to take care of itself. As regards the latter, a choice of one of the three ancient orders will in most cases be necessary, and on this the charac- ter of the edifice will chiefly depend. The Doric, it has already been remarked, is grave and majestic ; the Ionic, cheerful and graceful; — the Corinthian gay. If this is true, the Ionic is the most proper order for a dwelling. If the facade is large and imposing, the Roma?) Doric may some times be used for the sake of variety ; but where the taste is Jeftfree to its exercise we should always prefer the Grecian Ionic. It has a good mixture of simplicity and richness ; it is pure and extreme- ly graceful ; it is, in short, just that to which we would desire all the in- ternal arrangements, and even the manners of a family to correspond. The character of a family will generally be found to have some resem- blance to the house in which they live. The Grecian Ionic does not appear well, however, in small objects; and where the dwelling is bro- ken into a number of diminutive parts, or where none can be large ; the Composite or the Modern Ionic may be more advantageously em- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 239 ARCHITECTUKH. ployed. These are frequently used in small porticoes and the like ; and to them they are very well suited. The Grecian Doric may per- haps be mu.de to appear well in a dwelling house, but the attempt may be considered as hazardous. Its character of bold and manly gran- deur, coupled with simple majesty, is not at all suited to such a build- ing ; the Corinthian errs as greatly on the other side. ** We are fond of variety in cities or towns. In the former it is more difficult than in the latter, but we often make the case even worse than our necessities require. It is so when we erect a large block of build- ings, each one corresponding exactly with the rest. Why is this ? Is there not uniformity enough in the constant recurrence of streets of the same breadth, and perhaps meeting at the same angle, in an unbroken range of houses, each advanced to the same line, and finished with the same proportionate number of windows and doors? But there is an- other consideration. In a block of this kind, the whole mass takes an unity which requires vastness in the other parts to correspond. We look for this, and find, with disappointment, the doors, windows, and porches, the same as those of any other houses; the details become more minute from a comparison with the vastness of the whole, and the discrepancy becomes more strongly forced on us, and more pain- ful. "Smaller cities and towns have a great advantage in the intervals which occur between the houses, and in New-England this advantage is turned to good account. The houses there are frequently built at a distance of twenty or thirty feet from each other, a space of several yards being also left between them and the street. The whole of this is planted with delicate shade trees and shrubs, and as the houses themselves are usually painted white, and have small tasteful porticoes in front, the effect is the most agreeable that can be imagined. Gen- tlemen who have travelled extensively in Europe, frequently inform us that they have never seen any thing that, as a whole, would compare in neatness and real beauty with some of the New-England villages; the houses, though as comfortable and durable as in other places, cost, it is believed, even less than is usual for edifices of their size. — Nearly the whole is effected by the neat little yard, with its verdure in contrast with the pure white of the facade, and the little portico over the door. There is another characteristic in these towns, which it is desirable should become more common in the country, viz. the habit of planting trees along the streets. We should not have all the streets in a town treated in this manner ; those for business should be kept clear, but in all others trees should be planted more or less thickly, as taste or convenience will admit. They give a town the appearance of richness and comfort, which cannot be so cheaply procured in any other manner. The elm is our most graceful shade tree, and will be found most suitable when the streets are wide ; when narrow, the ma- ple is thought to be the best. " As to country houses and their premises, so much depends on the character of the ground, and of all objects, even to a distance of miles, that the subject swells entirely beyond our limits. We must be al- lowed, however, to remonstrate against the warfare which is every where carried on against our noble forest trees j trees which should be 240 FAMILY ARCHITECTURE estimated by us far above all price. The first thing done in the new parts of our country, when a spot is determined on for a house, is to cut down all the trees within many rods of it ; and then, year by year, the work of destruction goes on, as if the very sight of a forest tree were odiuus. The house stands alone in the clearing, its inmates, and particularly the children, roasted and browned under the hot sum- mer's sun; but by and by, the nakedness and dreariness of the situa- tion is felt, and then are planted some Lombardy poplars u all in a row." Now, the trees which we cut down with such an unsparing hand, are the very kind which English gardiners cultivate with the most persevering diligence, and are planted here just as they labor most to plant. And we too shall cultivate them before long, and shall then think, with the most bitter regret, of the sad destruction which we and our ancestors have made. But in vain ; for all the art of man will not be able to restore in any length of time, such glades and thickets, and lawns, as we now possess. When about to build in a new country, we should save, near our house, an acre or two of the forest, and should guard it with the most watchful care. Morning, noon, and evening, it would be an agreeable retreat ; its shade would be refreshing in our scorching heats ; it would connect us in some measure, with ages long since gone, and bring before us the wild, but high-souled Indian, his council, his battle song, the war, the chase, the feast and dance ; its noble and manly form would gratify our taste ; it would raise our thoughts to Him who is " a shadow from the heat, a strength to the needy in his distress." Let us then spare our noble forest trees. Many political considerations might be adduced to shew the imprudence of our rude havoc among them, but for these we havtf not room." I PART V. AGRICULTURE. f Agriculture, considered as a science, explains the means of making the earth produce, in plenty and perfection, those vegetables, which are necessary to the subsistence, or convenience of man, and of the animals reared by him for food, or labor. Considered as an art. every human being has an interest in it. since it is the foundation of all other arts — the basis of civilization and refine- ment — and essential to the existence of some of the nations which inhabit certain portions of our globe. Besides the healthfulness of the pursuit, agriculture u is intimately connected" — to use the language of a distinguished literary journal of our country* — "with our national character, because it powerfully acts upon the morals and constitution of our citizens. Ifitbetrue that the torch of liberty has always burned with a purer and brighter lustre on the mountains than on the plains, it is still more true, that the sentiments of honor and integrity more generally animate the rough, but manly form of the farmer, than the debilitated body of the artisan. There is in that primitive and honorable occupation, the culture of the earth, something which, while it pours into the lap of the State an in- crease beyond every other employment, gives more than the fabled stone, not only a subsistence, but a placid feeling of contentment : not only creates the appetite to enjoy, but guaranties its continuance, by a robust constitution, fortified with the safe-guards of temperance and virtue." To this we may add a remark of Adam Smith, in his Wealth of Na- tions, viz. that " the capital employed in agriculture not only puts in motion a greater quantity of productive labor, than any equal capital employed in manufactures ; but, also in proportion to the productive labor which it employs, it adds a much greater value to the annual pro- duce of the land and labor of the country, while it increases the real wealth and revenue of its inhabitants." Notwithstanding these high testimonials — and a hundred more equally weighty might be adduced — in favor of the profession of agriculture, it has been, until within a few years. " a degraded and unpopular pur- suit among us. : ' In Europe, the fact has been otherwise. In England and on the continent, every state, since the peace of Aix-la-Chapelle, has turned its assiduous attention to this most important department of domestic economy, and ultimately borrowed from it the resources ■ North American Review. 1 FAMILY AGRICULTURE. which have carried them through the prodigious conflicts of the last generation. Several causes have contrihuted to lessen the apparent importance of agricultural skill in the United States. But two only can here be noticed. The first is the peculiar situation of Europe since the peace of '83, which has afforded opportunities for commercial enterprise, too tempt- ing to be resisted. "American merchants received in the lapse of a very few years, the most astonishing accessions of wealth : and for- tunes, ordinarily the fruit of a laborious life, and never the portion of many, were amassed with unparalleled rapidity, and by large numbers. Our domestic prosperity more than equalled the extension of our trade. It was then that the counting-houses of our merchants were filled with youth from the country, who forsook the slower but surer emoluments of agriculture, for the mushroom, but unsubstantial fortunes of com- merce ; nay, who preferred the meanest drudgery behind the counter of a retailer, to the manly and invigorating toil of the cultivator of his paternal acres. Unfortunately this spirit of migration was encouraged by too great a success in trade. Feelings of vulgar pride contracted in town, caused the manual labor of the farmer to be regarded as de- grading. This unworthy sentiment spread its baleful influence ; and when the compting-houses became overstocked, and afforded no longer a resource, it was no uncommon thing to see a young man, with no qualifications, but a little bad Latin, picked up at a miserable village school, forsake a large and comfortable farm, and apprentice himself to a poor country attorney." The second cause of the late depressed state of agriculture in the United States, especially in New-England, has been owing to the con- stant emigration to the West. No sooner had the farmer reduced his land by successive crops, than he removed to a country, which offered him jan untouched surface, needing for some years no aid of composts and manures. But it is occasion of gratitude, that, at length, the importance of a regular and more enlightened and more energetic system of farming is beginning to be felt in our country. Men of talents, wealth, and dis- tinction, no longer think it beneath them to enrol their names on the list of practical farmers. By means of agricultural associations, and liberal- ly patronized, and ably conducted papers, information on the subject, considered both as an art, and a science, is rapidly spreading abroad — a taste for farming is diffusing itself, and ere long, it is believed, that this species of employment will be as much prized and coveted, as once it was considered low and despicable. To aid in advancing the interests of this important branch of national industry will be the object of the pages which we design to appropriate to this subject. ENCYCLOPEDIA NEAT CATTLE. SECTION I. DIFFERENT BREEDS OF NEAT CATTLE IN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES. I. The Wild Cattle — of a bull of which race the above is a por- trait, — were the original stock of the kingdom of Great Britain before enclosures were known. They are said to be still found at Chartlry Park, in Derb) shire, and perhaps, in one or two more ; but it is believed that the only pun- breed is that preserved, in a wild state, L* Chillhigham Castle in Northumberland, the seat of the Earl of Tanker^Llle, whose steward, Mr. Bailey, thus describes them : ''Their color is invariably white ; muzzle lack; the whole of the inside of the ear, and about one-iuLH of the outside, from the tip down- wards, red; horns white win. blac^. tips, very fine and bent upward?. Some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about an inch and a half or two inches long: the weight of the oxen is from thirty -five to forty- five stone, of fourteen pounds; and that of the cows, from twenty -five to thirty-five stone the four quarters. The beef is finely marbled and of excellent flavor. " The mode of killing them was, perhaps, the only modern remains of the grandeur of ancient hunting. On notice being given that a wild bull would be killed upon a certain day, the inhabitants of the neigh- borhood came in great numbers, both horse and foot ; the horsemen rode off the bull from the rest of the herd until he stood at bay, when a marksman dismounted and shot. At some of these huntings, twenty or thirty shots have been fired before he was subdued : on such oca. the bleeding victim grew desperately furious from the smarting of his wounds, and the shouts of savage joy that were echoing on every side. From the number of accidents that happened, this dangerous mode has been seldom practised of late years ; the park-keeper generally shooting them with a rifle gun at one shot. " When the cows calve, they hide their calves for a week or ten days in some sequestered situation and go and suckle them two or three times a day. If any person come near the calves, they clap their heads FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. close to the ground, and lie like a hare in a form, to hide themselves This is a proof of their native wildness, and is corroborated by the fol- lowing circumstance, that happened to the writer of the narrative, who found a hidden calf two days old, very lean and very weak ; on stroking its head, it got up, pawed two or three times, like an old bull, bellowed very loud, retired a few steps, and bolted at his legs with all its force ; it then began to paw again, bellowed, stepped back, and bolted as before ■ but knowing its intention, and stepping aside, it missed him, fell and was so very weak that it could not rise, though it made several efforts; but it had done enough ; the whole herd were alarmed, and coming to its rescue, obliged him to retire ; for the dams will allow no person to touch their calves without attacking them with impetuous ferocity. " When any one happens to be wounded, or grown weak or feeble through age or sickness, the rest of the herd set upon it and gore it to death." b II. The Devonshire Breed, delineated above, is supposed to have descended directly from the wild race. It is found in its purest state in North Devon ; in the agricultural report of which district its peculiar qualities are thus described by the late Mr. Vancouver : — "Its head is small, clean, and free from flesh about the jaws; deer- like light and airy in its countenance ; neck long and thin ; throat free from jowl or dewlap ; nose and round its eyes of a dark orange color; ears thin and pointed, tinged on their inside with the same color that is always found to encircle its eyes ; horns thin, and fine to their roots, of a cream color, tipped with black,* growing with a regular curve up- wards, and rather springing from each other ; light in the withers, rest- ing on a shoulder a little retiring and spreading, and so rounded below as to sink all appearance of its pinion in the body of the animal ; open bosom, with a deep chest, or keel ; small and tapering below the knee, * The late Rev. Arthur Young, formerly Secretary to the Board of Agriculture, describes thorough bred Devons as of a bright red, neck and head small, eye prominent, and round it a ring of bright yellow ; the nose round the nostril having the same color ; the horn clear and transparent, upright, tapering, and gently curved, but not tipped with black. ENCYCLOPEDIA. NEAT CATTLE. fine at and above the joint, and where the arm begins to increase it be- comes suddenly lost in the shoulder ; line of the back straight from the withers to the rump, lying completely on a level with the pin, or huckles, which lie wide and open ; the hind quarters seated high with flesh, leaving a fine hair-ham tapering from the hock to the fetlock : long from rump to huckle, and from the- pinion of the shoulder to the end of the nose ; thin loose skin, covered with hair of a soft and furry nature, inclined to curl whenever the animal is in good condition and in full coat, when it also becomes mottled with darker shades » , its permanent color, which is that of a bright blood red, without white, or other spots, particularly on the male ; a wliite udder is sometimes passed over, but seldom without objection. M This description may be considered as a summary of the perfections M to the exterior appearance of the animal : what, under the same head, may be regarded as defects, appear first in the sudden retiring of the vamp from behind the huckle to a narrow point backwards ; the great space between the huckle and first rib ; the smalhiess of the angle inwards at which the ribs appear to be projected from the spine or back- bone, often giving the appearance of a flat-sided animal, and in its being so much tucked up in the girth as to show an awkward cavity between the keel and naval, the line of which, it is presumed, should always be found to hold a position as nearly as possible parallel with that of the back from the withers to the Kin. The animal is, however, generally well grown, and filled up behind the shoulder^ ill. The Sussex Breed differs but little from the Devonshire ; when pure, the cattle are invariably dark red ; and those which are marked with a mixture of either white or black, although passing under the denomination of Sussex, are always crossed with foreign blood. In other respects they are thus described by an eminent breeder, the accu- racy of whose judgment has been confirmed by many intelligent graziers : 11 A thin head, and a clean jaw ; the horns pointing forward a little, and then turning upward, thin, tapering, and long ; the eye large and full : the throat clean, no dew-lap ; long and thin in the neck ; wide and deep in the shoulders ; no projection in the point of the shoulder, when looked at from behind ; the fore-legs wide ; round and straight in the barrel. and free from a rising back-bone ; no hanging heaviness in the belly ; 1* FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. wide across the loin ; the space between the hip-bone and the first rib very small ; the hip-bone not to rise high, but to be large and wide ; the loin, and space between the hips to be flat and wide, but the fore part of the carcass round ; long and straight in the rump, and wide in the tip ; the tail to lay low, for the flesh to swell above it ; the legs not too long ; neither thick nor thin on the thigh ; the leg thin ; shut well in the twist ; no fulness in the outside of the thigh, but all of it within ; a squareness behind, common in all long-horned beasts, greatly objected to ; the finer and thinner in the tail the better. " Of these points, the Sussex beasts are apt to be more deficient in the shoulder than in any other part. A well made ox stands straight, and nearly perpendicularly, on small clean legs ; a large bony leg is a very bad point, but the legs moving freely, rather under the body than as if attached to the sides; the horns pushing a little forward, spreading mode- rately, and turning up once. The horn of the Devonshire, which very much resembles the Sussex, but smaller and lighter, is longer, and rises generally higher. The straitness of the back line is sometimes broken, in very fine beasts, by a lump between the hips." On a comparison between the Devon and Sussex breeds, the former has been considered by competent judges as thinner, narrower, and sharper than the latter, on the top of the shoulder, or blade bone ; the point of the shoulder generally projects more, and they usually stand narrower in the chest ; their chine is thinner and flatter in the barrel, and they hang more in the flank ; but they are wider in the hips, and cleaner in the neck, head, and horns, and smaller in the bone, than the Sussex ; their hides are thinner and softer, and they handle as mellow. The distinction between them however is not very striking ; they are equally profitable to the grazier, and as working cattle, they both stand unrivalled. IV. The Hereford Breed is a variety of the Devon and Sussex, but is larger and weightier than either; being generally wider and fuller over the shoulders or chine, and the breast, or brisket, as well as in the after part of the rump. The prevailing color a reddish 4>rown, with white faces ; the hair fine and the skin thin. In the true bred Hereford cattle there is no projecting bone in the point of the shoulder, which in some breeds forms almost a shelf, against ENCYCLOPEDIA NEAT CATTLE. which the collar rests ; but on the contrary tapers off: they have a great breadth before, and are equally weighty in their hind quarters : the tail not set on high ; a great distance from the point of the rump to the hip bone ; the twist full, broad, and soft : the thigh of the fore legs to the pasteni joint tapering and full, not thin, but thin below the joint; the horn pushes aside a little, and then turns up thin and tapering ; remarkably well feeling ; mellow on the rump, ribs, and hip bone. The quality of "the meat not hard, but fine as well as fat ; little coarse flesh about them, the offal and bone being small in proportion to their weight ; whilst their disposition to fatten is equal or nearly so, to that of any other breed in the island. They are, however, ill calculated for the dairy ; their constitutional disposition to accumulate flesh being in opposition to the qualities of good milking cows, an observation which will equally apply to every breed, when similarly constituted. A breed of cattle, equally adapted to the shambles, the dairy, and the plough, is indeed not to be met with ; and experience teaches that these properties are inconsistent with each other. The Hereford cattle are by many good judges con- sidered to approach the nearest to that perfect state of any of the large breeds ; they arrive early at maturity, and are fit for labor ; but it is as fatting stock that they excel, and it is a different variety of the same breed that is preferred for the dairy. There is, indeed a more extraordinary disproportion between the weight of Herefordshire cows, and that of the oxen bred from them, than is to be found in any other of the superior breeds; they are comparatively small, extremely "delicate and light flesh- ed, and it is said that they are not unfrequently the mothers of oxen, nearly three times their own weight. On comparison with the Devon and Sussex, the Hereford breed will probably not be found equally active and hardy in the yoke : but it is generally considered to exceed them in the quality of fattening : and when compared with any other breed, it may fairly rank at least among the very best in the country. V. The Short Horxed Cattle, under which denomination are in- discriminately included the Dutch, Holderncss. and Teeswater breeds, are supposed to have acquired the appellation of Dutch, from a cross with some large bulls that were imported, uear a century ago, from Holland into Yorkshire, (Eng.) in the east and north ridings of which county the two latter had been long established. It has, however, been doubted whether any advantage was derived from this intermixture ; for the in- crease thus obtained in size was thought to have been counterbalanced by a more than proportionate increase of offal. But, fortunately, the error was not universal ; for some intelligent breeders aware, even at that day, of the superiority of symmetry to bulk, preserved the breed, of which they were already in possession, in its native purity ; and it is from some of that stock, so maintained, that the present improved short horned cattle, now generally distinguished as the Durham, or Yorkshire breed, are descended. This breed was introduced about forty years ago, by Messieurs Col- ling, of Darlington, and has rapidly risen in the public estimation. The cattle are very large, and are beautifully mottled with red or black upon a white ground ; their backs level ; throat clean ; neck fine ; carcass full and round ; quarters long ; hips and rumps even and wide ; they stand rather high on their legs ; handle very kindly ; are light in their bone, in proportion to their size ; and have a very fine coat, and thin FAMILY NEAT CATTLE, hide. They differ from the other breeds, not only in the shortness of their horns, but as being wider and thicker in their form, and conse- quently feeding to greater weight ; in affording the greatest quantity of tallow when fatted ; and in having very thin hides, with much less hair upon them than any other kind except the Alderneys. They also possess the valuable properties of fattening kindly at an early age, and of yield- ing large quantities of milk ; but the quality of the latter is not so rich as that of some other species. Of this breed, Mr. Charles Colling, of Ketton, sold a bull — Comet — by public auction, in the year 1810, for the extraordinary sum of one thou- sand guineas ; and the history of the celebrated Durham ox, the property of the same gentleman, is too remarkable not to merit attention. He was bred in the year 1796, and at five years old was not only covered thick with fat upon all the principal points, but his whole carcass appeared to be loaded with it, and he was then thought so wonderful an animal, that he was purchased in February, 1801, for £140, to be ex- hibited as a show; his live weight being then 2*26 stone, of 14 pounds. In the following May he was again sold for £250, to Mr. John Day, who, two months afterwards refused for him two thousand guineas ! He was exhibited in the principal parts of the kingdom until April, 1807, when he was killed, in consequence of having accidentally dislocated his hip in the previous February, and although he must have lost considerably in weight during his illness, besides the disadvantages of six years' travelling in a caravan, yet his carcass weighed 187 stone 12 pounds ; and Mr. Day "tated his live weight at ten years old, to have been 270 stone. Uncommon as this animal then was, he has, however, been since ex- ceeded in size by a Yorkshire ox, bred by Mr. Dunhill, of Newton, near Doncaster, the carcass of which weighed, when killed, 264 stone 12 pounds ; and he was supposed to have lost near forty stone while being exhibited in London. Still more recently, another beast of uncommon size, fed by Lord Yarborough, has been exhibited under the title of " the Lincolnshire Ox :" but, though bred in that county, from a favourite cow belonging to Mr. Goulton, he was got by a descendant of Comet, out of Countess, also of the Durham breed. This extraordinary animal measured five feet six inches in height at the shoulders, eleven feet ten inches from the nose to the setting of the tail, eleven feet one inch in girth, and three feet three inches across the hips, shoulders, and middle of the back; the lowest point of his breast was only fourteen inches from the ground, and he stood one foot ten inches between the fore legs ; the girth of the fore leg was nine inches. The variety of this breed known as the Yorkshire Polled Cattle, only differs from those already described, in being without horns ; they are in considerable estimation among the London cow-keepers, as milk- ers, and at the same time maintain their flesh in a state nearly fit for the shambles. It may not be improper in this place to give some account of several remarkable oxen raised in the United States, — the land in which, it is a current opinion on the other side of the water, animals of every descrip- tion are wont to degenerate. The first ox we notice has been exhibiting for several years in different parts of the country. He is called " Mammouth Ox Columbus." He was bred in the town of Greenland, State of New Hampshire. By com- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 9 NEAT CATTLE. petent judges he is supposed to weigh alive nearly 4,000 pounds. His dimensions are as follows : — feet, inches. Length from the nose to the rump, - - 11 00 Height, - - - - 5 Girth around the body. - - - 11 Shoulder to brisket, - ' - - 4 Horns from tip to tip, - - - 3 In the spring of 1819, two oxen of extraordinary weight and dimen- sions, were slaughtered in Baltimore. The one of these was called " Columbus," the other " the Delaware ox." Their weight and dimen- sions, ascertained with great care and exactness, follow : 10 6 6 3 COLUMBUS. DELAWARE OX. Weight. Weight. Alive, - 2962 Alive, - 2688 Head and tongue, 24* Head and tongue, 23 Feet, 26 Feet, 22* Liver, 18 Liver, 20* Heart, 10 Heart, 10* Lights, 16 Lights, 11 Rough tallow, 218 Rough tallow, 2734 Hide, 154* Hide, 101 Blood, 94 Blood, 651 Other offal weight, 222* Other offal weight, 198 783* 731* Neat beef, 2090 Neat beef, 1851 2873* 2582* Loss unaccounted for, 88* Loss unaccounted for, 105* 2962 268* OX COLUMBUS. 10 FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. Hind Quarter. Fore Quarter. 1 Sirloin, 11 Middle Rib ; four Ribs, 2 Ruinp, 12 Chuck; three Ribs, 3 Edge bone, 13 Shoulder, or Leg of Mutton 4 Buttock, piece, 5 Mouse Buttock, 14 Brisket, 6 Veiny Piece, 15 Clod, 7 Thick Flank, 16 Neck, or Sticking piece, 8 Thick Flank, 17 Shin, 9 Leg, 18 Cheek. 10 Fore Rib; five Ribs, The above drawing represents the form and attitude of the ox Co- lumbus. The plain horizontal line, describes his length from the root of the horn to the tip of the rump. The plain perpendicular line, hi9 height on the shoulders. The dotted lines, point out the manner of cutting up beef, as practiced by victuallers ; and the figures, in their centres, refer to the proper technical name of each piece. For this diagram we are indebted to the American Farmer. It is given in this place as a pattern, which may be useful as a guide to housekeepers, in many parts oi our land. VI. The Long Horned Cattle are descended from a breed which had long been established in the Craven district, in Yorkshire, (Eng. ;) some cows of which race, and a Lancashire long horned bull, of the kind delineated above, were brought, early in the last century, by a Mr. Webster, to Canley, in Warwickshire, where they produced a stock that soon became remarkable for its beauty. Of this Canley stock, the late Mr. Robert Bake well, of Dishley, in Leicestershire, procured some cows, which he crossed with a Northum- berland bull, and thus reared that celebrated race now so well known as the Dishley breed. They were long and fine in the horn, had small heads, clean throats, straight broad backs, wide quarters, and were light in their bellies and offal ; and, probably from the effect of domestication and gentle treatment, remarkably -docile ; they grew fat upon a smaller proportion of food than the parent stock ; but gave less milk than some ENCYCLOPEDIA. 11 NEAT CATTLE. other breeds ; and the chief improvements effected seem to have been, in their aptitude to fatten early on the most valuable points, and in the superior quality of the flesh. The modern improvements made in the long horned cattle, since the first attempts of Bakewell, are considered to consist chiefly in the coarser parts having been reduced, and the more valuable enlarged. The present breed is finer boned and finer in the neck, throat, and breast ; the back is straight, wide, and well covered with flesh : the rump is also wide, and particularly fleshy on the points, and about the root of the tail. Even when only in store order, the flank feels thick and fleshy, and in every part the animal handles loose and mellow. These, indeed, were always the distinguishing points of these cattle ; but they were not thought attainable except they were fed on the richest pasture. This, however, has proved to be an error: for not only are they now found on land of no extraordinary quality, but it even appear* to be generally admitted, that well bred cattle will do better on ordinary food than those of an inferior kind: it was indeed asserted by Bakewell, that this breed kept themselves in good condition on less food than any other of equal weight : an opinion that seems to have been fully justified by the large prices that have been repeatedly given for the stock.* * At a sale of Mr. Fowler's stock (of this breed) at Little Rollright, in Oxfordshire, in 1791, fifteen head of oxen, five bulls and ten cows. were sold for various sums, amounting to £2464, or upon an average, at £163 each. The finest bull, named Sultan, only two years old, pro- duced two hundred and ten guineas; and Washington, another of the same age, was sold for two hundred and five guineas; while Brindled Beauty, a cow, brought the sum of two hundred and sixty guineas ; but at a subse- quent sale of stock belonging to Mr. Paget, in 1793. Shakspeare, a bull bred by Mr. Fowler from a grandson of Mr. Bake well's famous bull, Twopenny, and a cow of the Canley blood, was disposed of for four hundred guineas. At a still later period. Mr. Princep, of Croxhall, in Derbyshire, is said to have refused £2000 for twenty long horned dairy cows, and 1500 guineas for the use of his best bull to thirty cows. Large as these prices were, they have, however, been exceeded by those actually obtained for short horned cattle. At the sale already allu- ded to, of Mr. Charles Colling's stock, at Ketton. in the county of Dur- ham, in 1810, seventeen cows and eleven bulls produced £49i6; being an average of £175 10s. each. Of these, two cows. Countess and Lilly, both got by Comet, were sold, the one for four hundred, and the other for four hundred and ten guineas. Petrarch, a bull, by Favorite, the sire of Comet, brought threchundred aud sixty-five guineas, and Comet himself one thousand. Still more recently, however, in February, 1827, at a great sale of «tock. the property of Mr. Rennie, of Phantassie. in East Lothian, (which amounted to the large sum of £13,582), the highest price ob- tained for a bull of this breed was £115 10s., and for a cow £63; but, as not more than half the stock on the farm was supposed to have been sold, it is probable that some of the best cattle were reserved. Many other instances might however be adduced to prove — not that the rela- tive value of the short-horned cattle has declined — but that extravagant prices are not now so generally given for superior stock as formerly. 12 FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. VII. The Galloway Breed derives its appellation from the county of the same name, where, and also in some parts of the Lowlands of Scotland, these cattle are chiefly reared, and whence vast numbers are annually sent to Norfolk, and other English counties, to be fattened for the markets. In general, they are black, or dark brindled ; are without horns, except occasionally, a small excrescence resembling them, and are rather under the medium size, being smaller than the Devons, though in some other respects resembling them, yet considerably larger than the north, or even the west Highlanders. A true Galloway bullock is straight and broad in the back, and nearly level from the head to the rump ; closely compacted between the shoul- der and ribs, and also betwixt the ribs and the loins ; broad at the loins, but not with hooked or projecting knobs. He is long in the quarters, but not broad in the twist ; deep in the chest, short in the leg, and mode- rately fine in the bone ; clean in the chop, and in the neck. His head is of a moderate size, with large rough ears, and full but not prominent eyes, and he is clothed in a loose and mellow, though rather thick skin, covered with long, soft, and glossy hair. In roundness of barrel, and fulness of ribs, the Galloway cattle may perhaps vie with even the most improved breeds. Their breadth over the hook-bones is not, indeed, to be compared to that of some of either the short or long horned, but their loins bear a greater proportion in width to the hook bones, and they are shorter between the hooks and the ribs, which is in itself a valuable point, when accompanied with length of body. They are, however, rather coarse in the head and neck, and though short in the leg, are generally fine in the bone. Of this breed there is a variety termed Suffolk Duns ; they are also polled, but possess little of the beauty of the original stock, and are chiefly remarkable for the abundance of milk given by the cows. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 13 NEAT CATTLE. VIII. The Highland Breed of Horned Cattle are chiefly reared in the western parts of Scotland. Their horns are usually of a middle size, bending upwards, and their color is generally black, though some- times brindled, or dun. Their hides are thick, and covered with long hair of a close pile, which nature seems to have intended as a protection against the severity of the climate under which they are bred, for they lose much of this distinction when reared in this country. In other re- spects they are not unlike the Galloway breed, many of whose best qual- ities they possess, and more particularly their hardiness of constitution, it being repeatedly proved that they will thrive with such food and treat- ment as no tender cattle could endure ; but, from being mostly bred in more exposed and mountainous situations, they rarely attain equal size. Of this breed there are several distinct varieties, of which the princi- pal are the Kyloes — a short-horned breed, so named from the district of Kyle, in Ayrshire, — which are chiefly esteemed for the superior quality of the milk given by the cow; the Argyllshire, Dunlops, Western Kyloes or Ise of Sky, Norlands, 8?c. IX. The Welsh Breed are chiefly black, slightly marked with white, and have thick horns, of a medium length, curving upwards. They are small, and short in the leg, but well proportioned, and clean, though not small boned, with deep barrelled bodies, and thin, short haired hides. They are very quick feeders, and make excellent beef; and the cows .are generally good milkers. The best kinds of this race of cattle, are principally bred in the counties of Cardigan and Glamorgan, and in the southern and midland English counties, where they are in considerable demand for stocking inferior pastures. There is, however, a larger breed of a brown color intermixed with white, and also having white horns; but they are long in the leg, thin in the thigh, and narrow in the chine. They are neither so compact as the black cattle, nor dp they fatten so kindly, or make such good beef; but, though not in esteem with the grazier, they are active, and well adapted for the yoke. X. The Alderney Breed are so named from the island, on the coast of Normandy, whence they were first imported, although they are also bred in the neighbouring islands of Guernsey and Jersey. They aro small sized ; color light red or dun, mottled with white ; horns short, and 2 14 FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. bone fine. As fatting cattle, they have but few good points; being thin and hollow in the neck, hollow and narrow behind the shoulders, sharp and narrow on the hucks, light in the brisket, and lean on the chine, with short rumps and small thighs ; but their flesh is fine grained, high colored, and of excellent flavor. They are also very large in the belly ; but this, as well as some of the points already mentioned, is rather an advantage to milch cows, to which purpose this stock is usually applied in England ; and their udder is well formed. The Alderney cows are very rich milkers ; and both on that account, and because of a certain neatness in their appearance, notwithstanding the defects in their shape, they command high prices. They are, therefore, mostly in the possession of gentlemen; who, rarely keeping a regular breeding stock, the cows are consequently crossed by any neigh- boring bull, and thus the pure breed is preserved in the hands of but very few persons. Such are the chief breeds of neat cattle in Great Britain; and the de- scription, being taken from the best authorities, may be considered as accurate as possible, in a general view. We shall next proceed to speak of several varieties found in the Uni- ted States. Neat cattle were originally imported by our ancestors from England. They consisted of the Devonshire breed. In this opinion the late Timothy Pickering, of Massachusetts, and John Hare Powell, two gen- tlemen who, within a few years, have written largely, on the best mode of improving our stock, both unite. It was also the remark of the late Mr. Jay, soon after his return from Great Britain, in 1795, that the cattle, which he had generally seen in New England, appeared to be of the Devonshire breed, that he had seen in Great Britain. Towards the conclusion of the last century, several cattle were im- ported, by Charles Vaughan, and a Mr. Stuart; but on the New Eng- land stock at large, it is not probable that any effect was produced, by these importations. Some traces of their progeny, it is thought, might be noticed in the neighbourhood of Boston ; perhaps in Vermont, whith- er some of the above stock were sent, and in Maine, where according to the testimony of Mr. Powell, some of Mr. Vaughan's stock were driven. Although the original breed introduced into this country by our an- cestors was that of the Devon, it is probable that some other breeds were also introduced by them; particularly the Herefordshire breed. On this point, Mr. Pickering observes, " Although I suppose the Devon race of cattle to be predominant in New England, I doubt not that some of other breeds were early introduced by our ancestors ; some Herefords unquestionably, whose descendants are yet distinguished by their white faces.' 7 A white face, or as Mr. Marshall terms it, " a bald face," is es- teemed characteristic of the true Hereford breed. The importation of cattle from England ceased at an early period, after the settlement of the country. The Editors of the Massachusetts Agricultural Journal, assume it as probable that few cattle, if any, were imported after 1650. From that period until towards the close of the last century, few, :fany importations were made, and for the reason, probably, that the ENCYCLOPEDIA. 15 NEAT CATTLE. improvements in the breeds of English cattle, which had, for a half cen- tury been going on in Great Britain, had not attracted the notice of our countrymen, owing chiefly to the depressed state of agriculture among us. Should it be asked, what was the general character of the neat cattle introduced by our ancestors into America, we reply, in the language of the Editors of the Massachusetts Agricultural Journal: " It is well known, that the agriculture of England, was then in a low state, com- pared with its present condition. Successions of crops were nearly un- known ; root crops for winter fodder were, we believe, entirely so. The prices of cattle were small, no great encouragement had been given to improve the breed. It is probable, therefore, that the cattle imported were not of a very improved race." "On the other hand," continues the above Journal, "there can be no doubt, that our climate and pastures are well adapted to the preser- vation of cattle, in as good a state as when imported, and rather to im- prove them. This we infer from the fact, that they are so fine, rather than from any general reasoning derived from our climate and soil ; and still less from our treatment of them. If we regarded those only, we should say, that the he^at of our summers, and the length and severity of our winters, were unfavorable to an animal, impatient of great heat and severe cold, and thriving much better on green succulent food than on dry meadow hay. "It may perhaps, be matter of surprise, that our horned cattle have been preserved as perfect as they are, considering the little attention, which for more than a century, was paid to them. That the cattle of England, at the present time, are far superior to our own, as a body, can scarcely be questioned. Great attention has been paid, in that country, to the improvement of horned cattle; and strange, indeed, would it be, if the efforts of more than half a century had been without effect." Within a few years, an interesting controversy was carried on, be- tween two gentlemen of great distinction, as enlightened and patriotic agriculturalists — Col. Pickering, and Col. Powell, to whom we have already referred. Under a conviction of the superiority of the English breeds of cattle, especially the improved short horns, the latter gentleman had, at much trouble and expense, introduced several of that species into the country. Others, also, with similar views, had taken a similar course ; and seve- ral importations had, from time to time, been made of different foreign breeds, under the impression that our native breeds of cattle might be more speedily raised in their qualities, by crossing with the above, than to select only the best of our native breeds and improve upon them. The views of Col. Pickering were different. In a communication to the Editor of the New England Farmer, on the subject of improving our native breed cattle, Mr. Pickering remarks : " Were but two or three farmers, in every township in the state, to turn a zealous attention to it, the object would in a few years be accomplished — whereas, half a century or more might elapse, before a general improvement, by foreign crosses would be effected. It remains, too, to be ascertained, whether any other breeds really deserve the preference, in New-England, to our 16 FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. native race, improved as it may be, and in so much less time, than will be possible, by means of a small number of imported cattle." The controversy between these two gentlemen, growing out of their difference of opinion, was conducted with great ability, and numerous facts were collected, which had an important relation to the different positions, which the respective gentlemen had taken. It is not the de- sign of the editor of this work to estimate the merits of either view of the subject, with reference to a settlement of the question involved. The reader will find the papers, relating to this controversy, in the third and fourth volumes of the New England Farmer, and an able review of the controversy by the enlightened Editor of that paper, in the latter volume,, uncommonly interesting and instructive. It was our design to introduce to our readers, notices of several of the most celebrated animals, which have been imported into this country, within a few years, with reference to an improvement of our breed of neat cattle. But, not being able to obtain portraits of them, we must content ourselves, in this edition, with a brief notice of only the two following : COKE DEVON BULL, HOLKHAM. This is a correct drawing of the celebrated bull, whose name we have given above. He was purchased in the fall of 1819, by Samuel Hurlbut, & Co. when seven months old, of William Patterson, Esq. of Balti- more. He was sired by Torrence, and out of a cow, both of which were imported by Messrs. Patterson and Caton, in June 1817. They were a present from the celebrated English Agriculturalist, the Hon. Mr. Coke, Meiriber of Parliament, from Norfolk. Much of the fine Devon stock, in this country, has been derived from the above bulk ENCYCLOPEDIA. 17 NEAT CATTLE. WYE COMET. The above is a portrait of the thorough bred Improved Durham short horned bull. Wxje Comet, from an original painting, by Fisher, in the pos- session of Henry Watson, of Windsor. Con., to whom the Editor is indebted for a full pedigree of the animal, but which want of room must exclude. Wye Comet was begotten in England, but was calved in the United States, in November, 16*2*2. His sire was Blaizc. dam, White Rose, by Warrior (bred by Charles Champion Esq.) g-d by Mr. Mason's Charles; gr. g-d. by Prince ; gr. gr. g-d by Nesvriek. White Rose, the dam of Wye Comet, was imported by John S. Skin- ner of Baltimore, in the spring of 1^*2*2, by whom she was sold to the Hon. Edward Lloyd, of Maryland. Wye Comet was sold in 1823, by the latter gentleman, to John Hare Powell, Esq. of Philadelphia ; and in l***2ij. was purchased for the sum of 8500. by Messrs. Ward Woodbridge and Henry Watson. Esqrs. of Connecticut, to whose patriotic exertions. and pecuniary sacrifices, the county of Hartford is indebted for much of its fine stock of various descriptions, for which it is becoming justly celebrated. OS BUYING AND STOCKING A FARM WITH CATTLE. In stocking a farm, the first object should be to consider the amount of stock which the farm will keep, and keep in good condition; as it is not only highly disreputable to a farmer, but injurious to his interests, to keep a stock of meagre, half starved cattle. This point being settled, regard should next be had to the kind of stock which is desirable ; and this will be determined by considering, whether you wish to rear cattle for the fair, or for supplying the market. 2* IS FAMILY NEAT CATTLE. These two particulars being settled, the farmer should consider the following things : — I. Beauty, or symmetry of shape; in which the form is so compact, that every part of the animal bears an exact consistency, while the car- cass should be deep and broad, and the less valuable parts (such as the head, bones, &c.) ought to be as small as possible. The carcass should be large, the bosom broad, and chest deep ; the ribs standing out from the spine, both to give strength of frame and constitution, and likewise to admit of the intestines being lodged within the ribs; but yet not so much as to be what is called high ribbed, as the butchers consider it an indication of deficiency in weight of meat. Further, the shoulders ought not only to be light of bone, and rounded off at the lower point, but also broad, to impart strength, and well covered with flesh. The back also ought to be wide and level throughout; the quarters long, the thighs ta- pering and narrow at the round bone, but well covered with flesh in the twist ; and the flank full and large. The legs ought to be straight below the knee and hock, and of a moderate length ; light boned ; clean from fleshiness, yet having joints and sinews of a moderate size, for the uni- ted purposes of strength and activity. In these points all intelligent breeders concur; but, as beauty of shape too often depends on the ca- price of fashion, it is more requisite to regard, II. Utility of form, or that nice proportion of the parts which has already been noticed. III. The flesh, or texture of the muscular parts; a quality which was formerly noticed only by butchers, but the knowledge of which is justly deemed essential by the enlightened breeders of the present day ; and although this quality necessarily varies according to the age and size of cattle, yet it may be greatly regulated by attention to the food employ- ed for fattening them. As a knowledge of this requisite can only be acquired by practice, it is sufficient to state, that the best sign of good flesh is that of being marbled, or having the fat and lean finely veined, or intermixed, when the animals are killed; and, while alive, by a firm and mellow feel. IV. In rearing live stock of any description, it should be an invariable rule to breed from small-boned, straight-backed, healthy, clean, kindly- skinned,* round-bodied, and barrel-shaped animal*, with clean necks and throats, and little or no dewlap ; carefully rejecting all those which may have heavy legs and roach backs, together with much appearance cf offal. And, as some breeds have a tendency to generate great quantities of fat on certain parts of the body, while in others it is more mixed with the flesh of every part of the animal, this circum- stance will claim the attention of the breeder as he advances in business. V. In the fm chasing of cattle, whether in a lean or fat state, the farmer should on no account buy beasts out of richer or better grounds than those into w r hich he intends to turn them; for, in this case, he must inevitably sustain a very material loss, by the cattle not thriving, particularly if they be old. It will, therefore, be advisable to select them, either from stock * As this w r ord may probably often appear in the course of the subse- quent pages, it may not be altogether irrelevant to state, that it implies a skin which feels mellow, i. e. soft, yet firm to the touch, aud which is equally distant from the hard, dry skin, peculiar to some cattle, as it is from the loose and flabby feel of others. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 19 STOCKING A FARM. feeding in the neighborhood, or from such breeds as are best adapted to the nature and situation of the soil. VI. Docility of disposition, without being deficient in spirit, is of equal moment ; for, independently of the damage committed by cattle of wild tempers on fences, fields, &c, which inconvenience will thus be obvia- ted, it is an indisputable fact, that tame beasts require less food to rear, support, and fatten them ; consequently every attention ought to be paid, early to accustom them to be docile and familiar. VII. Hardiness of constitution, particularly in bleak and exposed dis- tricts, is indeed a most important requisite ; and in every case it is highly essential to a farmers interest to have a breed that is liable neither to disease nor to any hereditary distemper. A dark color, and in cattle which are kept out all the winter a rough and culled pile or coat of hair, are, in the popular estimation, certain indications of hardiness: but it must be obvious to every thinking person, that this quality, though in some respects inherent in particular breeds, depends, in a great measure, upon the method in which cattle are treated. There is, indeed, a rather prevalent opinion, that white is a mark of degeneracy, and that animals of the most vivid hues possess the greatest portion of health and strength; in proof of which it has been instanced that among mankind, a healthy habit is visible in the floridness of the complexion; as sickness is perceptible in the paleness of the looks, and the decripitude of age in the whiteness of the hair. It has also been re- marked that gray horses are commonly of a tender constitution, until crossed with darker breeds ; and that among the feathered tribe, the common poultry, with high colored plumage, are in all respects superior to the white. But it has been justly observed in reply, that the powerful Poler bears, and many of the strongest birds, as the goose and swan, are white : nor will it escape observation, as more immediately touching the present subject, that the wild cattle are invariably of that color ; and that the highest bred Herefords are distinguished by white faces. * VIII. Connected with hardiness of constitution is early maturity, which however, can only be attained by feeding cattle in such a manner as to keep them constantly in a growing state. By an observance of this principle, it has been found that beasts and sheep, thus managed, thrive more in three years, than they usually do in five when they have not suffi- cient food during the winter, by which, in the common mode of rearing, their growth is checked. IX. A kindly disposition to take fat on the most valuable parts of the carcass, at an early age, and with little food, when compared with the quantity and quality consumed by similar animals. On this account * It is stated, in the Agricultural Survey of Leicestershire, England, as the remark Of a scientific observer of the cattle usually bred in that county, "that those of a deep red, dark liver color, or black, with tanned sides, are the hardiest, and have the best constitutions ; will endure the severest weather, perform the most work, live to the greatest age, and fatten on such food as would starve those of weaker colors." But in opposition to this we have, in the Annals of Agriculture, the assurance of Mr. Campbell, a practical and extensive breeder, that, upon repeated comparative trials, " he has had bulls, oxen, and cows, of a white breed, as healthy and hardy as any others." 20 FAMILY STOCKING A FARM. smaller cattle have been recommended as generally having a more natu- ral disposition to fatten, and as requiring, proportionably to the larger animal, less food to make them fat ; consequently, the greater quantity of meat for consumption can be made per acre. u In stall-feeding" — the nature, method, and advantages of which will be stated in a subsequent chapter, — it has been remarked, that, u whatever may be the food, the smaller animal pays most for that food ; in dry lands, the smaller animal is always sufficiently heavy for treading; in wet lands less injurious." But this opinion is combatted by many able judges, who still contend that the largest animals are the most profitable. They doubtless are so on good keep : but the smaller animals will thrive on soils where heavy beasts will decline. X. Working, or an aptitude for labor : a point of infinite importance in a country whose population is so extensive as that of Britain, and where the consumption of grain by horses has so .material an influence on the comforts and existence of the inhabitants. As, however, there is a difference of opinion on this subject, the reader is referred to the chap- ter where the question is fully discussed. But, whether kine be purchas- ed for the plough, or for the purpose of fattening, it will be necessary to see, in addition to the essentials already stated, that they are young, in perfect health, full-mouthed, and not broken either in tail, hair, or pizzle; that the hair stare not. and that they are not hidebound, otherwise they will not feed kindly. The same remark is applicable to cows intended for the pail, the horns of which should be fair and smooth, the forehead broad and smooth, udders white, yet not fleshy, but thin and loose when empty, to hold the greater quantity of milk, but large when full ; provided with large dug-veins to fill it, and with four elastic teats, in order that the milk may be more easily drawn olF. XI. Beside the rules above stated, there are some particulars with regard to the age of neat or black cattle and sheep, which merit the farmer's consideration. " Neat cattle cast no teeth until turned two years old, when they get two new teeth ; at three they get two more ; and in every succeeding year get two, until five years old, when they are called full-mouthed , though they are not properly full-mouthed until six years old, because the two corner teeth, which are last in renewing, are not perfectly up until they are six."* The horns of neat cattle also supply another criterion by which the judgment may be assisted, after the signs afforded by the teeth become uncertain. When three years old, their horns are smooth and hand- some ; after which period there appears a circle, or wrinkle, which is annually increased as long as the horn remains ; so that, acoording to the number of these circles or rings, the age of a beast may be ascertained with tolerable precision, unless such wrinkles are defaced, or artificially removed, by scraping or filing ; a fraudulent practice, which is but too. frequently adopted, in order to deceive the ignorant or inexperienced purchaser with respect to the real age of the animal. There is also a tip at the extremity of the horn, which falls off about the third year. Culley on Live Stock, pp. 203, 209. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 21 OF THE BULL. OF THE BULL. A bull ought to be the most handsome of his kind ; he should be tall and well made ; his head should be rather long, but not coarse, as .fine- ness of head indicates a disposition to fatten ; and as it is designed by nature to be the chief instrument both of offence and of defence, it ought to present every mark of strength ; his horns clean, and bright ; his large black eyes lively and protuberant ; his forehead broad and close set, with short, curled hair ; his ears long and thin, hairy within and without; muzzle fine; nostrils wide and open; neck strong and muscular, not incumbered with a coarse, wreathy skin, but firm, rising with a gentle curve from the shoulders, tapering to the part where it is connected with the head ; dewlap thin, and but little loose skin on any part. Further, his shoulders should be deep, high, and moderately broad at the top ; the bosom open ; breast large and projecting well before his legs ; back straight and broad, even to the setting on of the tail, which should not extend far up the roof, but be strong and deep, with much lank hair on the under part of it ; ribs broad and circular, rising one above another, so that the last rib shall be rather the highest; the fore thighs strong and muscular, tapering gradually to the knees ; the belly deep, straight, and also tapering a little to the hind thighs, which should be large and square ; the roof wide, particularly over the chine and kips, or hooks i the legs straight, short jointed, full of sinews, clean and fine boned ; knees round, big, and straight ; feet distant one from another, not broad, nor turning in, but easily spreading; hoofs long and hollow ; the hide not hard, or stubborn to the touch; the hair uniformly thick, short, curled, and of a soft texture; and the body long, deep, and round, filling well up to the shoulder and into the groin, so as to form what has not improperly been termed a round, or barrel-like carcass. The bull attains the age of puberty generally at the end of from twelve months to two years ; but it has been thought advisable to restrain him from the propagation of his species until he has arrived at his full growth, which is about four years: for, if this animal be suffered to breed earlier than three years, the stock is liable to degenerate. It must, however, be admitted, that a contrary opinion prevails among many eminent breeders; who maintain that the bull is in his full vigor at eighteen months old, at which age his progeny will display the most strength. The bull, as well as the cow and ox, generally lives about fourteen years ; but the progress of decay is usually perceptible after lie has attained the age often years. For the prevention of accidents from mischievous bulls, an ingenious and simple contrivance has been suggested by Henry James Nicholls, Esq. of Woodhall, near Wisbeach, on whom "the Society for the En- couragement of Arts, Agriculture, &c. in 1S15 conferred a premium of ten guineas for his invention. Of its form and application, the following engravings will convey a correct idea. 32 FAMILY OF THE BULL. Fig. 1. Fig. I. Represents a front view of the apparatus, as affixed to the head of the animal. It consists of a straight piece of wood or iron (the latter is the preferable material) stretching from horn to horn, perforated at each end so as to pass over the tips, and fastened on them by the usual metal nuts. On the centre of this is rivetted a curved bar of iron, bending up- wards, which moves easily on the rivet, and has holes at each end con- taining the upper round link of a chain. These chains again unite in a strong iron ring, which opens by a hinge and screw, and passes through^ the bull's nose. The effect of this contrivance is as follows: — any per-' son seeing a vicious animal approach may easily avoid him ; but if the beast should make a push forward, the curved iron bar will prevent any bad consequences ; and if he move in the smallest degree to the right or to tJie left, the bar communicating by the chain with the ring upon his nose, will bring him immediately to check. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 23 OF THE COW. This lateral operation is delineated in Fig. 2. An additional advantage resulting from the use of this invention is, that a beast may, with the smallest power, be led in any direction. COW. A perfect breeding cow ought to have a fine head, with a broad, smooth forehead ; black eyes ; clean horns ; a smooth, elastic skin ; a large deep body ; strong muscular thighs ; a large white udder, with long and tapering teats ; together with every other token requisite in a bull, allow- ing for the difference in sex. Further, such animals ought particularly to be young. Milch kine are not good for breeding after they are twelve years old: indeed, it is said the first calf which a cow brings is the beat for raising. The criteria of a beautif id coic, according to Wilkinson, may be thus expressed : u She's long in her face, she's fine in her horn, She'll quickly get fat, without cake or corn, She's clear in her jaws, and full in her chine, She's heavy in flank, and wide in her loin. " She's broad in her ribs, and long in her rump, A straight and flat back, with never a hump ; She's wide in her hips, and calm in her eves, She's fine in her shoulders, and thin in her thighs — M She's light in ner neck, and small in her tail, She's wide in her breast, and good at the pail ; She's fine in her bone, and silky of skin, She's a Grazier's without, and a Butcher's within." CuUey's marks of a good cow arc these : wide horns a thm head and neck, dewlap large, full breast, broad back, large and deep belly ; the udder capacious, but not too fleshy ; the milky veins prominent, and the bag tending far behind ; teats long and large ; buttocks broad and fleshy ; tail long and pliable ; legs proportionable to the size of the carcass, and the joints shut. To these outward marks may be added a gentle dispo- sition, a temper free from any vicious tricks, and perfectly manageable on every occasion. On the other hand, a cow with a thick head, and a short neck ; prominent back bone, slender cheek, belly tucked up. small udder, or a flehsy bag, short teats, and thin buttocks, is to be avoided as totally unfit for the purposes either for the dairyman, the stickler, or the grazier. Cows are purchased either with a view of being fattened for sale, for breeding, or for the purposes of the dairy. In the first case, attention must be paid to the kindliness of the skin and disposition to fatten. With regard to those which are intended for breeding, care should be taken to select the best of that particular stock intended to be raised; and for the dairy, those which yield the most and the richest milk. The cow is supposed, by some eminent naturalists, to arrive at pu- berty at the end of eighteen months, though instances have occurred where these animals have produced calves before that time. It is, in- deed, said by some breeders, in the northern part of England, that young 24 FAMILY OF THE COW. cows may be sent to the bull as early even as one year old; but there is then much danger in calving ; and although the practice would certainly be an essential improvement, where the dairy constitutes a primary object, provided their growth would not thus become stinted, it is yet generally considered as injurious. It is, therefore, advisable not to permit cows to take the bull earlier than two years, though many breeders defer it an- other year ; and, in conformity to the latter opinion, the late eminent Mr. Bakewell deferred sending his cows to bull till they were three years old ; but they often missed calf, which accident Sir John Sinclair attri- butes to this circumstance : but the most proper period must in some measure depend on the breed, on the time at which the heifer was herself dropped, and on her condition ; as some which have been well kept will be more forward at two, than others, which have been stinted, at three years of age. Incase, however, a cow produces a calf before she enters upon her third year, the animal should be removed from her; and it will be proper to milk her for the three following days, to preserve the udder from becoming sore, but afterwards to forbear milking. The period of time during which cows are allowed to run dry previ- ously to calving, is by no means settled. By some graziers, they are recommended to be laid dry when they are five or six months gone with calf; but repeated and successful experiments prove that six weeks. or two months, are sufficient for this purpose. Indeed, cows kept in good condition, are some times drawn until within a fortnight of calving. Gov. Lincoln, of Massachusetts, says of a heifer of the Denton blood — " a heifer of three years, with her second calf, has not been dry since she dropped her first, having given four quarts on the morning of her second calving." This practice, however, is not to be recommended, for if the cow springs before she is dry, serious injury, it is said, may en- sue. Some cows, it is well known, are in the habit of drying up quite unseasonably. To prevent this, such cows should be milked by a skilful hand expeditiously and entirely clean : and even then it is doubtful whether the evil admits of an entire remedy, if a habit of drying up early have been formed. To prevent the evil in respect to a cow, a wri- ter in the New-England Farmer. (Vol. VII. p. 162.) recommends to begin young. ;; I have found." says he, " that young cows, the first year they give milk, may be made, with careful milking and good keeping, to give milk almost any length of time required, say from the first of May to the first of February following ; and will give milk late always after, with careful milking. But, if they are left to dry up of their milk early in the fall, they will be sure to dry up their milk each succeeding vear, if they have a calf near the same season of the year ; and nothing but extraordinary keeping will prevent it, and that but for a short time. ' No animal on the farmer's premises pays better for good keeping than the cow. They need to be kept in good condition the tchole time, for if they are suffered to become very lean, and that in the winter season, it is impossible that they should be brought'^ afford a large quantity of milk, until they have had the advantage of the following summer. When cows are lean at the period of calving, no management is ever capable of bringing them to afford for that season anything near the proportion of milk they would have done, had they been in proper condition. If in any one point the New England farmers seem to fail more than in another it is in not feeding cows sufficiently early in the fall. They ENCYCLOPEDIA. 25 OF THE COW. are left to pick a scanty and frost-bitten food, on the coming on of the chilly and rainy season ; and it is not uncommon to find cows, which at an early period of the fall were in good condition, poor and ill-condition- ed by the setting in of winter. The solids of the beast are dissipated ; her milk reduced, and her value to the owner greatly diminished. These remarks, it may be observed, will apply with nearly equal truth to the whole stock of many of the farmers in New England. Many excellent heifers for milk are nearly ruined by bad milkers. If they are ticklish, as the farmers express it, they should be treated with great gentleness. If the udder be hard and painful, as it sometimes is, let it be tenderly fomented with lukewarm water, and gently rubbed, in order to bring the creature into good temper. It will, however, sometimes happen, if a cow (especially a young one) is managed with ever so much care, she will kick, and exhibit other svmptoms of a vicious disposition. In such cases, the editor of the New England Farmer recommends the following mode of managing a cow, suggested by one of his correspondents. (See New England Farmer. vol. III. p. 10.) " I have seen," observes the above correspondent, M very promising heifers spoiled, when first beginning to milk them, by banging and hal- looing at them because of their kicking. I have also seen cows give a good mess of milk, and when they had done, kick it over. I can always tell when a heifer is inclined to kick, before her calf is gone. If she is, I take a strong strap, buckle it tight round her hind legs, below the gambril joints, including her tail if it is long enough. This method will cause much uneasiness at first. If the cow falls down, no matter for that., let her he a minute or two. Then unbuckle the strap, let her get up, and then fit it on again. Perhaps she may throw herself down again, but she will be very careful how she throws herself down the third time. After she stands still put the calf to her, and let her stand in this manner till the calf has done sucking. Let this be done a few times, and it will generally break the cow of kicking, also of starting and running when part milked, as some cows will. I put on the strap before the calf is ofone, because if let alone till afterwards, the cow is apt to hold up her milk, when the strap is first put on. If the teats of a cow are sore, they should be washed with sugar of lead and water. The proportion recommended, is two drachms of sugar of lead to a quart of water. If tumours appear, a warm mash of bran, with a little lard is said to be a good application. The following lini- ment is said to be efficacious. Linseed oil, 4i oz., Liquor of Ammonia. *oz." Another method (see New England Farmer, Vol. II. p. 132) is, after tying the cow t in the stanchels, to make one end of a rope fast round her horns, and put the other end over the girt which is about two Feet higher than the top of the stanchels, and about the same distance in front, draw it pretty tight and fasten it to a stud. This so effectually secures her that she may be milked with the most perfect ease and safety ; and after practising this method two or three times, she will give no more trouble. It is said that several trials on different cows have proved this method not only vastly superior to all others, but an effectual remedy ; and it is so easy and simple that a female or boy can secure a cow without any 26 FAMILY REARING OF CALVES. difficulty. Another advantage this method has over any other, is, that by keeping the cow's back hollow, it is believed, she cannot hold up her milk. It is desirable sometimes to dry cows more expeditiously than can be well done in the common way ; especially when they have a plenty of fresh food. The following method is recommended in Monk's Agricul- tural Dictionary. Take an ounce of powdered alum ; boil it in tw6 quarts of milk until it turns to whey : then take a large handful of sage, and boil it in the whey, till you reduce it to one quart ; rub her udder with a little of it, and give her the rest by way of drink ; milk her clean before you give it to her ; and as you see need repeat it. Draw a little milk from her every second or third day, lest her adder be overcharged. The period of gestation, or time during which the cow goes with calf, is various : with a bull calf, she usually goes about forty-one weeks, with a difference of a few days either way; a cow calf comes in less time. Between nine and ten months, therefore, may be assigned for the period of gestation; at the end of which time she produces one calf; though instances sometimes occur when two, or even three, are brought forth. It may not, however, be useless to remark, that some cows are naturally barren, which is said to be the case when a male and female calf are pro- duced at-the same time. The male animal is perfect in all respects ; but the female, which is denominated a free martin, is incapable of propaga- ting her species ; it does not vary very materially in point of form or size from other neat cattle, though its flesh is erroneously supposed to be greatly superior with regard to flavor and fineness of the grain. Some very interesting experiments respecting the periods of gestation in different animals, were made a few years ago, by M. Teissier, of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts at Paris, from which it appears, that out of 575 cows, 21 calved between the 240th and 270th day ; mean term 259£ 544 .... 270th . . 299th .... 282 10 .... 299th . . 321st .... 303 Thus, between the shortest and longest gestation there was a difference of eighty-one days, which is more than one fourth of the mean duration. ON THE TREATMENT AND REARING OF CALVES. The importance of forwarding calves to maturity, with the greatest possible advantage, to the full developement of their natural qualities, has called forth the ingenuity of the most careful observers, and best breeders. The most approved plan, and certainly, the best general plan, is to adhere, as closely as possible, to nature. On the birth of the calf, the cow generally shows an inclination to clean its skin by licking it. To facilitate this object, it is a frequent practice to throw a handful of common salt over the calf, or to rub a little brandy on it. Some practice taking the calf from the dam immediately, and in an hour after birth, to give it a pint of luke-warm gruel, in lieu of the beestings, or first milk of the cow. This practice appears, however, ob- jectionable, since it is obvious, that nature has provided the beestings as the proper aliment of the newly born animal. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 27 REARING OF CALVES. The mode of rearing calves, both in England and the United States, is various. The usual method in Yorkshire, and most parts of Scotland, says Loudon, is tlwt of giving them milk to drink, there being few in- stances where they are allowed to suck. For the first two or three weeks, they mostly get milk warm from the cow ; but for the next two or three weeks, half the new milk is withdrawn, and skimmed milk substituted in its stead ; and at the end of that period, the new milk is wholly with- drawn: they are then fed on skimmed milk alone, or sometimes mixed with water,*till they are able to support themselves by eating grass, or other food of that sort. In Cheshire, the practice is to allow the calves to suck, for the first three weeks. They are then fed on warm new whey, or scalded whey and buttermilk, mixed ; with the green whey, water is frequently mixed, and either oatmeal, or wheat and bean flour added. A quart of meal or flour, is thought sufficient to mix with forty or fifty quarts of liquid. Oat meal gruel, and buttermilk, with an addition of skimmed milk, are also used for the same purpose. Some one of these prepared kinds of food, is given night and morning, for a few weeks after the calves are put on that diet, but afterwards only once a day, till they are three months old or more. The calves in Gloucestershire are not allowed to suck above two or three days ; they are then fed on skimmed milk, which is previously heated over the fire. When they arrive at such an age as to be able to eat a little, they are allowed split beans, or oats ; and cut hay, and water, all mixed with the milk. In Sussex, it is common to allow the calves to suck for ten or twelve weeks, or to wean them at the end of three or four, and give them a liberal allowance of skimmed milk, for six or eight weeks longer. In Middlesex, the methods pursued for rearing calves, are either by giv- ing them a pail-full, containing about a gallon, warm from the teat of tlie cow, morning and evening, for eight or ten weeks, or which is certainly the most agreeable to nature, and therefore to be preferred to any other that can be adopted, to allow the calf to suck its dam, as is sometimes done in the county of Sussex, and generally in Wigtonshire. According to Marshall, the best method is this : The calves suck a week or fortnight, according to their strength, (a good rule ;) new milk in the pail, a few meals; next, new milk and skim milk-mixed, a few meals more ; then, skim-milk alone, or porridge made with milk, water, ground oats, &c. and sometimes oil-cake, until cheese making commences : after which, whey, porridge, or sweet whey, in the field ; being careful to house them in the night, until warm weather be confirmed. This method of suckling is not, however, free from objection ; and in. the ordi- nary practice of rearing calves, it is held to be a preferable plan, to begin at once to learn them to drink from a pail. The calf that is fed from the teat must depend upon the milk of its dam, however scanty or irregular it maybe ; whereas, when fed from a dish, the quantity can be regulated according to its age, and various substitutes may be resorted to, by which a great part of the milk is saved for other purposes, or a greater number of calves reared on the same quantity. Yet it would seem to be a good practice to allow calves to suck for a few days at first, if there was no inconvenience to be apprehended both to themselves and their dams, from their separation afterwards. 28 FAMILY REARING OF CALVES, When fed from the pail, the average allowance to a calf is about two English wine gallons of milk daily for twelve or thirteen weeks ; at first, fresh milk as it is drawn from the cow, and afterwards skim-milk. But after it is three or four weeks old, a great variety of substitutes for milk are used in different places, of which linseed oil-cake, meal, and turnips, are the most common. When calves are reared with skim-milk, it should be boiled, and suf- fered to stand until it cools to the temperature of that first given by the cow, or a trifling degree more warm, and in that state given to the calf. Milk is frequently given to calves warm only ; but that method will not succeed so well as boiling it. If the milk be given over cold, it will cause the calf to skit or purge. When this is the case put two or three spoon- fuls of rennet in the milk, and it will soon stop the looseness. If, on the contrary, the calf is bound, bacon broth is a very good and safe thing to put into the milk. One gallon of milk per day will keep a calf well, till it be thirteen weeks old. A calf may then be supported without milk, by giving it hay and a little wheat bran, once a day, with about a pint of oats. The oats will be found of great service as soon as the calf is capable of eating them. The bran and oats should be given about mid-day ; the- milk in portions, at eight o'clock in the morning, and four in the after- noon. But whatever hours are chosen to set apart for feeding the calf, it is best to adhere to the particular times, as regularity is of more conse- quence than many people think. If the calf goes but an hour or two beyond his usual time of feeding, he will find himself uneasy, and pine for food. It is always to be understood that calves reared in this manner, are to be enticed to eat hay as early as possible ; and the best way of doing this is to give them the sweetest hay that can be got, and but little at a time. Turnips or potatoes, are very good food, as soon as they can eat them, and they are best cut small and mixed with the hay, oats, bran, and such articles. It may be observed, that it is not absolutely neces- sary to give milk to calves after they are one month old ; and to wean them gradually, two quarts of milk, with the addition of linseed boiled in water, to make a gruel, and given together, will answer the purpose, until by diminishing the milk gradually, the calf will soon do entirely without. Hay tea will answer the purpose, with tiie like addition of two quarts of milk ; but is not so nutritious as linseed. It is a good method of making this, to put such a proportion of hay as will be necessary into a tub, then pour on a sufficient quantity of boiling water, covering up the vessel, and letting the water remain long enough to extract the virtues of the hay. When bacon or pork is boiled, it is a good way to preserve the liquoror broth, and mix it with the milk for the calves. Another mode of rearing calves, said to have been suggested by the Duke of Northumberland, is to take one gallon of skim-milk, and to about a pint of it add half an ounce of common treacle, stirring it until it is well mixed, then to take one ounce of linseed oil cake, finely pulverize, and with the hand let it fall gradually, in very small quantities, into the milk, stirring it in the mean time, with a spoon or ladle, .until it be thoroughly incorporated; then let the mixture be put into the other part of the milk, and the whole be made nearly as warm as new milk, when it is first taken from the cow ; and in that state it is fit for use. The quantity of oil-cake powder may from time to time be increased, as occasion may require, and as the calf becomes inured to the flavor of it. Crook's method is to make a jelly of one quart of linseed boiled ENCYCLOPEDIA. 29 REARING OF CALVES. ten minutes, in six quarts of water, which jelly is afterwards mixed with a small quantity of the best hay-tea ; on this he rears many calve* without milk. On this important subject, many individuals of careful observation, and great practical skill, in the United States, have written copiously. Our limits will permit us to notice the methods recommended by only a few. The following is the method of Mr. William Budd, which obtained the gold medal of the Agricultural Society of Massachusetts: " Take the calves, when three days old, from the cows, and put them into a stable by themselves; feed them with gruel, composed of one- third barley, two-thirds oats, ground together very fine, sifting the mix- ture. Each calf is to receive a quart of gruel morning and evening, and to be made in the following manner : to one quart of the flour add twelve of water, boil the mixture half an hour, let it stand until milk-warm. In ten days, tie up a bundle of soft hay in the middle of the stable, which they will eat by degrees. A little of the flour put into a small trough, for them occasionally to lick, is of service. Feed them thus till they are two months old increasing the quantity. Three bushels of the above mixture will raise six calves." Mr. Clift, of the New-York Agricultural Society, takes the calf from the cow at two or three days old ; he then milks the cow, and while the milk is warm, teaches the animal to drink by holding his head down into the pail; if the calf will not drink, he puts his hand into the niilk. and a finger into the mouth, till the beast learns to drink without the finger.* After he has been fed with new milk for a fortnight, the cream is taken off the milk, with which an equal or larger portion of thin flax-seed jelly is mixed, and the whole is given milk-warm. Thus, as the spring is the most favorable season for making butter, he is ena- bled, during the six or seven weeks the animals are kept previously to weaning, to make as much butter as they are worth ; a practice which merits the attention of our farmers, to whom it will afford a very essen- tial saving. The next method which we notice, is that practiced by the religious society denominated Shakers, at Canterbury, N. H., and which appears to be highly judicious. We let calves that come in the fore part of March suck about a week or ten days, then take them from the cow, giving them a moderate allow- ance of new milk to drink, till they have learnt to drink it freely ; then put in some skimmed milk: and we feed them wholly on skimmed milk, taking care to give it at about the temperature of milk directly taken from the cow, by heating a part of it, and mixing it with the rest. Care should be taken not to scald the milk when heated ; also not to give them any sour milk, for this will make them scour. The trough * It is sometimes found difficult to teach a calf to drink or even to suck the milk by means of the fingers. This generally arises from ignorance, as to the proper manner of using the fingers. These— the first and second fingers of the right hand will be sufficient — should be so pressed upon the calf's tongue as to form a curve of the tongue, in which case the calf will invariably draw; at least, the Editor has never experienced any difficulty since he has practiced in the above way. c2 FAMILY REARING OF CALVES. or vessel in which they drink this milk, should be kept clean, and not suffered to get sour. We let the milk stand about twelve hours before it is skimmed ; giving a calf at first about four quarts night and morning ; increasing the mess as need requires, till he is six weeks old, from which time till ten weeks old, he will require perhaps about twelve quarts per day. When about ten weeks old, we begin to diminish the quantity of milk for about the space of two or three weeks, at which time we wean them. During the whole process, from two to fourteen weeks old, calves should be well supplied with good hay, salt, and provender ; such as oats, wheat-bran, and oil-cake ground fine ; they should also be sup- plied with scurf or dirt, (though scurf is the best,) which is a preventive against scouring. The particular advantages to be derived from the above method of treatment are the following : 1. It is much cheaper than to let them suck in the ordinary way; whereas it makes a great saving of cream for butter, and that without injuring the calves, if they are properly attended to. 2. It prevents calves from moaning or pining so much while weaning, as they would otherwise do, when taken from the cows. 3. It not only prevents the cows being injured in consequence of the calves biting the teats ; but also prevents their holding back their milk from the milker, which often serves to diminish the milk afterwards. The only disadvantage to be found in the above method of treatment is that it requires some more labor, to feed them, where they thrive equal- ly well in every respect, as those do which are permitted to suck in the ordinary way." A writer in the American Farmer, Vol. V., page 17*2, observes, that the most proper way of rearing calves is, to wean them at about eight days old, to keep them constantly in the stable, and teach them to drink out of a bucket, which is easily accomplished by putting new milk into a basin and letting them suck your fingers with the hand immersed in the milk, and in a few days withdrawing the fingers gradually from the mouth, afterwards giving as much new milk, as they can drink, for five or six weeks, when they will begin to eat a little grass or clover, which can be pulled and given in small quantities twice a day, and when they eat freely you may mix a little water with the milk ; or at eight or ten weeks old, give sweet skimmed milk, slightly warmed, which soon after dilute with water and add a little meal; should milk be wanted for other purposes give flax-seed tea, which commence by mixing with milk slight- ly warmed ; indeed, by keeping calves constantly in the house, you may induce them to eat almost any kind of nutricious food; they also become perfectly docile, have fine round bodies, with clean smooth hair, and a sprightly look; but if turned out into the field, they are tormented by flies and heat, never in good condition the first year, but remarkable for pot bellies, rough hair, heavy look, and ugly flat sides ; indeed the con- trast in appearance is so great, that I think laziness alone would induce any one to turn their calves into a field the first summer. If change of food produces either costiveness or looseness, give about half a pint of spermaceti oil, to be repeated if found necessary ; it will prove a cure, and can easily be given out of a black bottle ; it is also good for cows, that are drooping or unwell, adding of course to the above quantity. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 31 OF STEERS AND DRAUGHT OXEN. Calves intended for the butcher, the same writer adds, ought always to be tied up in a stable, and if kept in darkness, so much the better, as they will be less disturbed by flies, and will sleep more, than if constant- ly in the light ; the mother ought to be turned in twice or thrice a day, and the calf permitted to suck as much as it wants, never taking any milk from the mother until it is satisfied. If every farmer would thus manage, we should see less poor veal than is now exhibited in our market. In noticing the above methods of treating and managing calves, men- tion has been made of flaxseed jelly, and clover tea. To make the former, 8. W. Pomeroy, of Massachusetts, recommends " to take one part of flax-seed and five or six parts of water; let it soak from 12 to 48 hours according to the temperature of the \s eather ; then boil for a quarter of an hour, stirring it to prevent burning — keep it in a cool place, and not more than will suffice for a week should be made at a time in warm weather. For clover tea, cut the best cured clover hay, about as fine as com- mon straw-chaff, press it into a kettle and fill it up with water— cover and boil half an hour — if soaked six or twelve hours, less boiling will answer- Express as much of the juice as possible and the residuum will be eaten greedily by store swine, if mixed with their swill. Unless the clover was cured with salt (a method I always practice) some should be put into the kettle, which may sometimes require to be filled up with water. In the rearing of calves, much certainly depends on regularity in feeding them. The common practice is, to supply them with food twice in the day, in the morning and at evening, when they generally receive as large a quantity as their craving appetites can take. Hence the di- gestive organs are necessarily impaired, and disease is perhaps engender- ed. These evils may be avoided by feeding thrice in a day, at equi-distant intervals, and allowing sufficient room for exercise, when the calves are not intended to be fattened. OF STEERS AND DRAUGHT OXEN. A good ox for the plough should be neither too fat nor too lean, as in the former case he will be too lazy ; and in the latter he will be too weak and unfit for labor. His body ought to be full, joints short, legs small, eyes full, his coat smooth and fine, (which latter circumstance is a certain indication of good health,) and every part symmetrical or well put together, so that his strength may be easily seen. Those calves which are designed for draught may be easily accustom- ed to the yoke, with proper care. At even an early age, a light yoke may be frequently put upon them ; in which they may be suffered to stand, or wander in the field, for an hour or two each day. But it is doubted whether in any case they should be put to hauling burdens, even the lightest, lest they should be strained. Some of the most docile and u§e- ful oxen we have ever seen, were trained in this way. Calves thus managed, may doubtless be put to labor, at an earlier period than others. Much labor should not be required of steers, until £2 FAMILY OF STEERS AND DRAUGHT OXEN. they are three years of age ; and even at this period, if orer worked they seldom recover from it. Oxen whose work is so proportioned to their strength and keeping, as not to affect their growth, will continue to in- crease in size till about their seventh year. Many oxen, however, cease growing sometime before they have attained to this age ; but it is gene- rally owing to poor keeping and being overworked. It is often objected to oxen, that they are too slow for profit For some kinds of work they doubtless are so. But the slow pace at which oxen move generally is entirely unnecessary. With a proper load, they might doubtless be made to travel with double their usual expedition, and with equal ease to themselves. It is also desirable that oxen should be accustomed to work equally well on either side. To this they may be easily trained, especially when young. The strength of an ox, when properly trained, and managed, is very great ; and he has patience to endure fatigue. The only method by which success can be attained, says The Complete Grazier, is, by patience, mildness, and even by caresses ; for compulsion and ill treatment will irritate and disgust him. Hence, great assistance will be derived from gently stroking the animal along the back, oy patting him, and encourag- ing him with the voice, and occasionally feeding him with such aliments as are most grateful to his palate. It will also be proper to tie his horns frequently, and after a few days to put a yoke upon his neck, when he should be fastened to a plough with a tame old ox, of equal size ; next, the oxen should be employed in some light work, which they may be suffered to perform easily and slowly ; thus they will draw equally, and the young steer will be gradually inured to work. After working in this maimer, he should be yoked with an ox of greater spirit and agility, in order that the steer may learn to quicken his pace ; and, by thus frequent- ly changing his companions, as occasion may allow, he will, in the course of the first month or six weeks of his labor, be capable of drawing with the briskest of the stock. After a steer is thus properly broken, it will be advisable, for the future, to match such as are intended to draw in the same team, or yoke ; attention being paid to their size, strength, and spirit or temper ; other- wise, by being unequally matched, they will not only spoil their work, and be greatly disqualified for draught, but the slower or weaker animal of the two being urged beyond its natural powers, will inevitably receive material injury. Another circumstance of essential importance in breaking-in young os.en is, that when first put to work, whether at the plough or in teams for draught, they be not fatigued, or over-heated. Till they are thoroughly, trained therefore, it will be necessary to employ them in labor only at short intervals ; to indulge them with rest during the noon- day heats of summer, and to feed them with good hay, which, in this case is preferable to grass. In fact while oxen are worked, they must be kept in good condition and spirits, by moderate, but wholesome suste- nance. Further, on their return home from labor, it will greatly con- tribute to preserve their health, if their feet be well washed previously to leading them into their stalls; otherwise diseases might be generated by the filth adhering to them ; while their hoofs becoming soft and tender, would necessarily disable them from working on hard or stony soils. The extremes of heat and cold ought also to be carefully guarded against, ENCYCLOPEDIA, 33 METHOD OF ACCUSTOMING ANIMALS TO DRAW. as disorders not unfrequently arise from excess of either temperature ; and they are peculiarly exposed to fevers and the flux, if chased or hurried) especially in the hot weather. Steers are sometimes refractor)'. In such cases it will be advisable to keep them till they are hungry ; and when they have fasted long enough, they should be made to feed out of the hand. On returning to labor, they should be tied with a rope; and if at any time they become refractory, the gentle measures above described should be adopted, in order to bring them to work readily and quietly. The following easy method, of accustoming animals to draw, is given bv the Editor of the American Farmer from the French. ( See American Farmer, Vol. VII. p. 76.) AN EASY METHOD OF ACCUSTOMING ANIMALS TO DRAW. <; The readiest way to make animals submit to the yoke or harness, is to habituate them gradually to the draft in the very act of satisfying the cravings of hunger. P'or this purpose aitach them to the manger, bv means of a cord which runs through a ring — and at the extremity of which a weight is attached as represented in the above figure, so that the animal may at pleasure approach or recede from the manger. A collar is put on the animal, with two cords fixed to a bar or swingle tree, to which another cord is attached at B, which passes through the pulley at C, and to which is suspended a weight, to be increased at pleasure — things being thus arranged, forage is put in the rack. The animal when pressed by hunger approaches his food ; in doing which he raises the weight, and keeps it suspended as long as he continues to eat — and thus contracts the habit of drawing in a few days. He is free to relax his exertions, for whenever he recedes, the weight reposes on the ground. In working oxen to advantage, much depends on the mode of har- nessing them, and upon what has been termed the principle of draught. This principle depends on the joint power of the necf and base of the horn. In Portugal, these animals are harnessed in the following man- ner : a long leather strap is wrapped round the yoke, whence it passes round the lower part of the horns, and is again fastened to the yoke. 34 FAMILY REPRESENTATION OF YOKING OXEN IN FRANCE. By this contrivance, the heads of the oxen become more steady, while performing their work, and these useful animals are rendered more tractable. In France, and on the Peninsula, oxen are worked by the head, and are yoked in a manner which is better expressed by the aid of figures than by description. REPRESENTATION OF YOKING OXEN IN FRANCE. Figure 1 represents a view of the hinder part of the head and neck of these animals, in the yoke as they appear to a spectator ; and figure 2 ex- hibits a front view of the upper parts of their heads, in order to convey a more accurate idea of the mode in which the French oxen are fastened to the bow. The question, u whether it is most advantageous to yoke oxen by the head or by the collar?'' has occasioned much discussion, and is even yet undetermined. The prejudice throughout Great Britain is, generally speaking, decidedly in favor of the collar ; but throughout Spain and Portugal, where oxen are the only animals employed in agricultural labor, whether of road or field draught, they are invariably yoked by the head. The strength of the animal indeed lies in his neck ; of the power of which the yoke affords him all the advantage ; while the collar de- prives him of it, as he does not draw by the shoulders. The far greater cost and trouble of harness than of yokes and bows, are slso considerations of moment ; and in summer, harness has been found an incumbrance, the ox requiring all the relief and liberty that can be given in hot weather. The advocates for the collar insist upon the advantages of single-ox-carts ; and of ploughing with the team at length, by which, as they walk in the furrow, the land is not so much subject to be poached, as when they are yoked abreast. They affirm also that the pace is quicker in harness ; and that the animal works with greater ease. But their opponents allege, that oxen are more advantageously worked in couples than singly ; inas- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 38 FEEDING CATTLE. much as that, being nearer to the draught, they possess greater power over it than when drawing at length : they consider the additional ex- pense occasioned by a double number of one-ox-carts and drivers, as not counterbalanced by any advantage, even if any were admitted, in their use; and they deny that the animal works either quicker or with greater ease. It would be endless to detail the various comparative trials that have been published on this long contested subject; and it may be deemed sufficient to state the result of two, made some years ago, in Sussex, (Eng.) ; where, from oxen being extensively used, the dispute has excited more than common interest. In order to decide the respective merits of the two methods, it was agreed that an acre of land should be ploughed by two teams, the one of six oxen in double yokes, the other of four oxen in collars ; and then, again, with four oxen in single yokes, against four in collars. In the first trial, the six in yoke beat the four in collar easily ; and in the second, there were only three minutes difference. The work was equally well performed ; but the ploughing must have been very light, as the last match was completed in four hours and ten minutes. So far as this experiment may be considered decisive, it re-established the equality of the teams ; but had it been tried by more severe labor, or on hilly ground, it might have proved different ; and in steep ascents, more particularly, the yoke would probably have been found best adapted to the animal. It is a prevalent idea in England, that oxen are unfit for draught in hilly countries ; but a large portion of the Peninsula is moun- tainous, and they there draw heavy weights in carts of a very rude con- struction. Being worked in yokes they possess the power of preserving the line of draught, by lowering the head according to the inclination of the ground; an advantage which is lost in the application of the collar. ON GRAZING, SOILING AND STALL FEEDING NEAT CATTLE. The feeding and fattening of cattle, whether for labor or for sale, is the most important in the whole economy of the grass farm : hence the farmer should previously consider the nature and fertility of his pastures, and the extent and quality of his other resources ; and, according to these, he ought to regulate his system of grazing, soiling, or stall-feeding; select- ing, in the first instance, those beasts only which evince the most thriving disposition to fatten with the least consumption of food, and depasturing them upon such lands as are best calculated for the respective breeds ; and especially taking care not to bring cattle from rich to inferior soils, but, wherever it is practicable, to choose them from lands of nearly the same quality as those destined for their reception ; besides which pre- cautions, it will be necessary, in all situations which are not provided with wholesome water, to avoid selecting cattle from those districts where that fluid abounds in a state of purity. The introductory view of breeds prefixed to this work, will probably supply some hints for enabling the farmer to decide what sort of stock is calculated for peculiar situations ; in addition to those remarks, we would observe, generally, from the practice of the most eminent graziers, that 36 FAMILY FEEDING CATTLE, the larger beasts are preferable for the more luxuriant pastures ; while, in such as are less rich small stock answer best. Thus, a grazier who has fine and fertile pastures, may select his beasts as large as he can find them ; provided they are of the right sort and shape. But it is requisite that those who are upon indifferent grass take care to proportion the size of their beasts to the goodness of their pastures ; for it is preferable to have cattle rather too small than too large, because there are numerous tracts of ground which will be profitable for grazing such cattle, which are not capable of supporting large breeds. With regard to the species of cattle best calculated for grazing, spayed heifers and oxen are certainly superior to any other stock ; the former, indeed, are of less frequent occurrence, though they fatten with more ex- pedition. Many graziers consider heifers more kindly in their disposi- tion to feed than steers ; particularly when they have already had a calf; and some are of opinion that they are superior to oxen for fatting at any age, and that they will produce a greater weight of beef per acre. In order to graze cattle to advantage, it ought to be a fundamental principle so to stock them that they may feed without restraint : beside which, as often as opportunity or other circumstances will allow, it will be profitable to change them from one pasture to another, beginning with the most inferior grass, and gradually removing them into the best. By this expedient, as cattle delight in variety, they will cull the upper- most or choicest part of the grass, and by filling themselves quickly, as well as by lying down much, they will rapidly advance towards a proper state of fatness ; while the grass which is thus left, may be fed off with laboring cattle, and lastly with sheep. Hence it will be advisable to have several enclosures, well fenced and sheltered, and abundantly supplied with wholesome water. Further; it will be of service to erect rubbing -posts in different parts of the various enclosures, where stock are feeding; as such posts furnish them, no doubt, with an agreeable, and perhaps a salutary amusement, besides that they keep the cattle from the fences. In the grazing of cattle a variety of circumstances will claim the farmer's attention, in order to conduct his business with regularity, or with profit. Hence he ought to take especial care not to turn his stock out into the pastures in the spring, before there is a full bite, or the grass has obtained a sufficient degree of length and maturity; for neat cattle, whose tongues chiefly enable them to collect the food neither can nor will bite near the ground unless they are compelled by extreme hunger, in which case it is obvious they cannot enjoy their feed, and consequently cannot thrive in proportion. Further : where beasts are turned into fields, consisting either of clover entirely, or of a mixture of natural and artificial grasses, great circum- spection is required to see that they do not eat so eagerly, or to such excess, as to become blown or hoven, an affection to which cows are more peculiarly liable than any other neat cattle. That disorder, however, may be prevented, either by feeding the animals so as to gratify the cravings of appetite before they are turned into the pasture, or by con- stantly moving them about the field for a few hours after they have been turned in, that the first ball at least may sink into their maw before the next be deposited. It is also important to remove fattening cattle from time to time into ENCYCLOPEDIA. 37 FEEDING CATTLE. fresh grounds; so that by takitg the uppermost and choicest part of the grass, they may feed both expeditiously and thoroughly. The grass left behind them may be fed off first with laboring cattle, and afterwards with sheep. This last mentioned point cannot be too minutely regard- ed; for, if cattle be in want, they will lose more flesh in one day than they can possibly gain or recover in three. Hence those meadows, or pas- tures, (particularly such as lie in fenny or other situations,) which retain moisture for a long time, ought to be fed off as early as possible, lest sudden or long-continued rains descend, which will not only render the juices of the grass thin and watery, and ultimately putrescent, but which will also materially affect the health and constitution of the animals. To prevent the losses consequent on such accidents, it will therefore be indispensably necessary, daily and attentively to inspect the grazing stock ; and if any beasts appear to be affected by eating wet grass, they should be immediately conducted into dry shelters, and fed with hay or straw : though, if no shelter be conveniently at hand, they must be driven to the driest spot, and there supplied with sweet cut grass, and dry fodder. The hard or light stocking of pasture ground, is a point on which many experienced graziers are by no means agreed. By some it is contended, that pastures ought to be stocked very lightly ; alleging, that although much of the produce is thus allowed to run to seed, which the cattle will not eat, and which is consequently trodden under foot, where it i* rotted by rain, and thus wasted ; yet experience, say the advocates for light stocking, evinces, that a greater profit will, upon the whole, be thence derived than by any other practice, on account of the superior thriving of the animals. By others, on the contrary, it is maintained that the practice of light stocking is highly to be condemned ; because it not only tends gradually to diminish its produce, but also to encourage the growth of coarse and unprofitable grasses, which materially deteriorate the pastures ; and that the hard stocking of grass lands, particularly those of a rich quality, is an indispensable requisite of good management. It is recommended by a third party, (who*e opinion, perhaps, approxi- mates more nearly to the truth,) that mixed stock should be always kept on the same field ; for the foul grass produced by the dung of some animals, will be consumed by others ; and as it is well known that dif- ferent species of cattle prefer different kinds of grass, there is an evident advantage in this practice. In every field, numerous plants spontaneously spring up, some of which are disliked by one class of animals, while they are eaten by others ; and some of which plants, though eaten with avidity at a particulai period of their growth, are entirely rejected by the samebeasts at another period of their age. Hence it becomes necessary, not only to have ;i great variety of cattle in the same pasture, but also a very particular attention is required to augment or diminish the proportions of some of these classes of animals at certain periods of the year ; otherwise some part of the produce will run to waste, unless, indeed, it be hard stocked to such a degree as to retard their thriving. Where, however, a great variety of animals are allowed to go at large in the same pasture, they rarely feed with that tranquility which is neces- sary to ensure thriving. It frequently happens, that one class or sort of 38 # FAMILY FEEDING CATTLE. beasts wishes to feed or to play, while others are inclined to rest ; thus they mutually tease and disturb each other ; and this inconvenience is materially augmented, if any sort of penning, or confinement, be attempt- ed. Hence it is obvious, that the practice of intermixing various kinds of live stock, is productive of evils, which are, in many instances, greater than those resulting from the waste of food intended to be prevented by this practice. There is, indeed, no doubt but that by hard stocking, the grass will be kept short, and will consequently be more palatable in general to the animals that eat it, than if it were allowed to grow to a great length ; and that even unpleasant patches may thus be consumed ; but as animals, which are to be fattened, must not only have sweet food, but also an abundant bite at all times, in order to bring them forward in a kindly manner, it appears scarcely possible to unite both these advantages with an indiscriminate mixture of stock ; it may, therefore, be generally prudent to confine the practice to neat cattle and sheep. Soiling comes next to be considered. By this is meant, the feeding of animals with new mown grass, or grass not dried in racks or otherwise. This method of keeping cattle is probably not generally applicable to the present state of agriculture in our country. It may be of use where fencing stuff is dear — where grass is of great value — where cultivation is carried to great perfection — where population treads close upon the heels of production. But even in the populous parts of New England, it is doubtful whether it can be adopted to advantage, except on lands in the vicinity of great cities, or on farms reduced to a state of great im- provement and high cultivation, or on very small farms. A large pro- portion of the lands of New England, and indeed in other parts of our country, are too rough and rocky to admit of any sort of cultivation, yet they answer well for pasture grounds, and to no other purpose can they be appropriated. Still, it is believed, that, under certain circumstances, soiling may be resorted to with great advantage. Within a few years, an experiment has been made by the Hon. Josiah Quincy, of Massachusetts, of soiling cattle, the result of which was communicated for the Massachusetts Agri- cultural Journal, and is published in vol. VI. Nos. II. and IV. of that work. According to Mr. Quincy, the advantages of soiling consist in, " 1st. the saving of land. 2d. The saving of fencing. 3d. The econo- mising of food. 4th. The better condition and greater comfort of the cat- tle. 5th. The greater product of milk. 6th. The attainment of manure.'' For an illustration of these several particulars, we must refer our readers to the above work. In respect to stall-feeding neat cattle, it maybe observed, that good hay is undoubtedly the best for fattening cattle, when judiciously combined with cabbages, carrots, parsnips, turnips, or similar succulent plants, though hay will rarely be found capable of fattening animals, without the aid of other food when finishing off for the market. In England, great use is made of the cabbage, and which the Editors of the Complete Grazier say, will fatten oxen or bullocks, when com- bined with good hay, in the short space of five months, besides yielding a larger quantity of manure, than almost any other article used for winter feed. Parsnips, also, have been employed to considerable extent in England ENCYCLOPEDIA. 39 FEEDING CATTLE. for fatting oxen, and the benefit thence derived in the estimation tf some graziers is nearly equal to that derived from oil-cake : but they are apt to cloy the appetite, and should therefore be given with other food ; or, if alone, they should net be continued for a long time together. Carrots, also, are an excellent root, not only for fatting cattle, but also for milch cows and even for working horses. The butter made from cows fed on carrots is said to be generally of an excellent quality, and much richer in color. On a good soil, and when well attended, carrot* are often very productive. Turnips, especially when steamed, also supply a nutritive article of winter food; though' from their peculiarly moist nature, they will proba- bly require to be combined with cut hay, to which a little meal may oc- casionally be added. In England, it is well known, turnips are much more abundantly used than in this country. Great numbers of cattle, it is said, are annually fatted for the London market on little other food than turnips. Much has been written on the Mangle wurzel, or root of scarcity, both in this country and in Europe. Some years since the highest expecta- tions were formed in Britain respecting its usefulness, as an article of fodder. Although highly esteemed in that couutry, especially for cows, it is not so much valued, perhaps, as in some parts of the continent, where it is preferred for feeding cattle to every other root. In this country, it i3 now frequently raised and deserves to be cultivated still more than it is. In the opinion of the editors of the Complete Grazier, it does not fat cattle as fast as the potatoe, and some other roots. In this country, potatoes are extensively used for the stall feeding of cattle. They are generally given in a raw state, but would doubtless answer a better purpose if steamed. It is sometimes difficult to give cattle a sufficient quantity, in consequence of their causing them to scour. When this happens, meal or other dry food should be administered, and the quantity of potatoes, for the time, diminished. The editor of this work has known an ox of middle age to be fatted surprisingly quick. on hay of good quality and raw potatoes. No other article of food was given, and during the process of fattening not a gallon of water was given to the animal. Besides the above vegetable productions, others might be mentioned, such as the ruta baga, or Swedish turnip, sugar beet, &c. which are highly valued in many parts of the country. Passing over a more ex- tended notice of these, we proceed to detail a few hints respecting other articles which are or may be likewise employed with advantage. For this purpose linseed oilcake has long been celebrated as eminently use- ful ; it is asserted to have a very extraordinary effect on cows, greatly increasing their milk ; but it is said that linseed jelly is much superior to the cake, and that when mixed with a due proportion of hay or meal affords an excellent composition for stall feeding and fattening. It is pre- pared in the following manner: To seven parts of water let one pare of linseed be put, for forty-eight hours ; then boil it slowly for two hours, gently stirring the whole lest it should burn. Afterwards it ought to be cooled in tubs, and mixed with meal, bran, or cut chaff, in the proportion of one bushel of hay to the jelly produced by one quart of linseed, well mashed together. This quantity given daily, with other food, will for- ward cattle rapidly ; but it must be increased when they are intended to b« completely fattened. 40 FAMILY FEEDING CATTLE. The above jelly is said to be more agreeable to cattle than cake, while it renders them less liable to surfeit in case an extra quantity should be accidentally given, and is less liable to affect the meat with a peculiar taste than either oil or cake, and consequently it merits a trial ; but it will be requisite to change this food about a month before the beast is killed, to prevent, if possible, the flesh from retaining the flavor of the oilcake or jelly. Cattle fed on sour food, prepared by fermenting rye flour and water into a kind of paste, and then diluted with water, and thickened with hay cut small, are also said to fatten quickly. This practice chiefly prevails in France. Concerning the efficacy of acid food in fattening animals, there is much difference of opinion. It is well known that hogs derive more benefit from sour milk and swill than when those articles are in a fresh state ; and it is highly probable, that sour articles may contribute to pro- mote digestion, and by facilitating the consumption of a large quantity of food in a stated period, consequently expedite the fattening of cattle. Brewer's grains are sometimes used in that state ; but distillers grains differ from them in having a proportion of rye frequently mixed with the malt, which renders them more naturally sour. But such acid messes can only, we conceive, be considered as preparatory to the more forcing and essential articles of dry food ; without which, it is scarcely possible that any steer, or bullock can acquire that firmness of muscle and fat which is so deservedly admired, and considered as the criterion of excellence. The wash, or refuse of malt, remaining after distillation, which was formerly applied exclusively to the feeding of swine, has of late years been applied with success to the stall feeding of cattle. It is conveyed from the distillery in large carts, closely covered, and well jointed, in order to prevent leaking. The liquor is then discharged into vats, or other vessels, and when these are about two-thirds filled, a quantity of sweet hay, previously cut small, is immersed for two or three days, that the wash may imbibe the taste or flavor of the hay before it is used. In this'state it is carried to the stalls, and poured into troughs, whence it is generally eagerly eaten by cattle. Sometimes, however, the beasts are at first averse to this mixture, in which case it has been recommended frequently to sprinkle their hay with the wash ; thus, having the smell continually before them, and seeing other animals eating the same compo- sition with avidity, they gradually become accustomed to it, and at length greatly relish it. The cattle fed in this manner, are asserted not only to repay the expense of their keeping by fattening speedily, but also yield a large quantity of valuable manure. With equal success has molasses or treacle been employed ; though the expense incurred by the use of this article will probably prevent its gene- ral adoption in this country. It has been used in the West Indies, in combination with farrinaceous substances, and, when these could not be procured, with cane-tops, oilcake, and other articles of dry food, together with a little hay, or not too green fodder, and has been found greatly to expedite the fattening of cattle in general, and of old and decayed oxen in particular ; in the proportion of half a pint to a pint of molasses, twice in the day, to animals which have been exhausted by continual and severe labor for a long series of years. In the preceding facts and statements we have referred chiefly to the feeding and fattening of middle aged and old cattle; young stock, how- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 41 FEEDING CATTLE. ever, require particular attention, lest their growth be impeded — which no summer food can restore — and therefore should be fed on the best and most nutritive food the farm can supply. Hence, yearlings should be fed during the winter with hay, turnips, carrots, potatoes, or other roots : where hay cannot be obtained, good straw must be substituted, the proportion of roots being increased and given with attention. For steers and heifers two years old, the proper food is hay, if it be cheap, or i -iidytion to love horses, and young coltes and foles to go anion*, cattle ; take heed that thou be not beguiled as I have been an hui tymes and more. And first, thou shalt know that a good horse ha* 54 properties ; viz. 2 of a man, 2 of a badger, 4 of a lion, 9 of r :n ox a hare, 9 of a fox, 9 of an asse, and 10 of a woman." Later writers have pirated from Sir A., but have not improved upon him. The following description of the horse is well known. " A good horse should have three qualities of a woman ; a broad breast, round hips and a Long mane — three of a lion; countenance, courage, and fire — three of a bullock; the eye, the nostril, and joints — three of a sheep : the nose, gentleness, and patience — three of the mule ; strength, constancy, and foot — three of a deer ; head, legs, and short hair — three of a wolf* throat, neck, and (32 FAMILY ENGLISH HORSE. hearing — three of a fox; ear, tail, and trot — three of a serpent; memory, sight, and turning — and three of a hare, or cat; running, walking, and suppleness." The tyrannical edicts of Henry VIII. caused the number of horses to be much diminished, and for a long time little improvement of the breed was made. About the time of Oliver Cromwell, a South-Eastern horse wm brought into England. This beautiful animal was called the White Turk, and his name, and that of his keeper will long be remembered. Shortly afterwards appeared the Helmsley Turk, introduced by Villiers, the first Duke of Buckingham. He was followed by Fairfax's Morocco barb. These horses speedily effected a considerable change in the charac- ter of the English breed, so that Lord Harleigh, one of the old school, complained that the great horse was fast disappearing, and that horsea were now bred light and fine, for the sake of speed only. At the Restoration, a new impulse was given to the cultivation of the horse, by the inclination of the court to patronize gaiety and dissi- pation. The races at Newmarket were restored, and as an additional spur to emulation, royal plates were now given at each of the principal courses. Charles II. sent his master of the horse to the Levant to purchase brood mares and stallions. These were principally Barbs and Turks. Terms commonly made use of to denote the external parts of the Horse, From that period to the middle of the last century, the system of im- provement was zealously pursued ; every variety of Eastern blood wa? occasionally engrafted on the English, and the superiority of the engraft- ed, above the very best of the original stock, began to be evident. Still tome imagined that the speed and stoutness might possibly be increased : and Mr. Darley, in the latter part of the reign of Queen Anne, had re- course to the discarded and despised Arabian. He had much prejudice ENCYCLOPEDIA, 63 DESCRIPTION OF THE HORSE. to contend with, and it was some time before the Darley Arabian attract- ed notice. At length the value of his stock produce began to be recog- nized, and to him the English are greatly indebted for a breed of horses of unequalled beauty, speed and strength. This last improvement now furnishes all that can be desired ; nor is this true of the thorough-bred or turf horse only ; it is, to a very mate- rial degree, the case with every description of horse. By a judicious admixture and proportion of blood, the English have rendered their hunters and hackneys, their coach, nay, even their cart horses, much stronger, more active and more enduring than they were before the in- troduction of the race horse. For a better understanding of our future observations, we give on the previous page an outline of the horse with the terms commonly made lue of to denote his external parts. EXTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE HORSE. 64 FAMILY DESCRIPTION OF THE HORSE. A The Head. /; The posterior maxillary or under jaw. b The superior maxillary or upper jaw. Opposite to the latter is a foramen through which pass the nerves and blood-vessels which chiefly supply the lower part of the face. c The orbit, or cavity containing the eye. d The nasal bones, or bones of the nose. The suture dividing the parietal bones below, from the occipital bones above. / The inferior maxillary bone containing the upper incisor teeth. B The Seven Cervical Vertebrse, or bones of the neck. C The Eighteen Dorsal Vertebras, or bones of the back. D The Six Lumbar Vertebrae, or bones of the loins. E The Five Sacral Vertebras or bones of the haunch. F The Caudal Vertebrae, or bones of the tail, generally about fifteen G The Scapula, or shoulderblade. H The Sternum or fore-part of the chest. I The Costae or ribs, seven or eight articulating with the sternum, and called the true ribs, and ten or eleven united together by cartilage, called the false ribs. J The Humerus, or bone of the arm. K The Radius, or bone of the fore-arm. L The Ulna, or elbow. The point of the elbow is called the Olecranon M The Carpus or knee, consisting of seven bones. N The metacarpal bones. The larger metacarpal or cannon or shank in front, and the smaller metacarpal or splent bone behind. g The fore pastern and foot, consisting of the Os SufTraginis, or the up- per and larger pastern bone, with the sessamoid bones behind arti- culating with the cannon and greater pastern; the Os Coronae, or lesser pastern; the Os Pedis or coffin bone ; and the Os Naviculare. or navicular, or shuttle-bone, not seen, and articulating with the smaller pastern and coffin bones. h The corresponding bones of the hind-feet. O The Haunch, consisting of three portions, the Ilium, the Ischium, and the Pubis. P The Femur or thigh. Q, The stifle joint with the Patalla. R The Tibia, or proper leg bone — behind is a small bone called the fibula. S The Tarsus or hock, composed of six bones. The prominent part is the Os Calcis or point of the hock. T The Metatarsals of the hind leg. English writers describe several varieties of the horse which are found in Great Britain. We shall briefly notice these, and begin with the Roadster or Hackney. This horse is used by the farmer to ride over his grounds, and by the man of business on his journies. The following cut represents the old English hackney or road horse. ENCYCLOPEDIA, 65 THE ROAD HORSE. THE ROAD HORSE. The present road horse is said to be a much superior animal to the portrait here given. In describing a good road horse, the Editors of the Library of Useful Knowledge dwell with much emphasis upon the im- portance of the maimer in which he brings down his feet to the ground. He should not, indeed, carry his legs too high, say they, but the main question is, does he dig his toe into the ground ? if the shoe, after having been on a week or a fortnight, is not unnecessarily worn at the toe, and you feel him put his foot flat on the ground, do not scruple to buy him, nay, esteem him a u choice gifted hackney.'" Every horse, however, is liable to fall, and therefore comes the golden rule of riding, " never trust to your horsed Always feel his mouth lightly. You will thus be able to give the animal assistance immediately, before he is too much off his centre, and when a little check will save him. By this constant gentle feeling, you will likewise induce him to carry his head well, than which few things are more conducive to the beautiful, safe and easy going of a horse. The hackney should be a hunter in miniature, with these exceptions. His height should rarely exceed fifteen hands and an inch. He will be sufficiently strong and more pleasant, for general work, below that stand- ard. He should be of a more compact form than the hunter : more bulk according to his height, for he has not merely to stand an occasional, although severe burst, but a great deal of every -day work. It is of essential consequence that the bones beneath the knee should be deep and flat, and the tendon not tied in. The pastern should be short, and although oblique or slanting, yet far less so than that of the race horse, and considerably less than that of the hunter. There should be obliquity enough to give pleasant action, but not enough to render the horse incapable of the wear and tear of constant. and sometimes hard work. The foot is a matter of the greatest consequence in a hackney. It f2 m FAMILY should be of a size corresponding with the bulk of the animal, neither too hollow, nor too flat ; open at the heels ; and free from corns and thrushes. The fore legs should be perfectly straight. There needs not a mo- ment's consideration to be assured that a horse, with his knees bent, will, from a slight cause, and especially if he be over-weighted, come down. The back should be straight and short ; yet sufficiently long to leave comfortable room for the saddle between the shoulders and the huck with- out pressing on either. Some persons prefer a hollow-backed horse. It is generally an easy one to go. It will canter well with a lady ; but it will not carry a heavy weight, or stand much hard work. The road horse should be high in the forehead, round in the barrel, and deep in the chest ; the saddle will not then press too forward, but the girths will remain, "without crupper, firmly fixed in their proper place. The points of shape essential to be attended to in the choice of a hackney, are — the shoulders, and the fore legs and feet : because a horse whose shoulders are properly formed and placed, is not liable to fall down ; and because his soundness depends chiefly upon his legs and feet. The shoulders should not be too upright, but should slope backwards from the shoulder points to the withers. It is desirable, if the horse is intend- ed to carry a man of much weight, that the shoulders should be rather thick than thin ; 'but it is essential that they should not be too large at the points. A horse whose shoulders are good, stands, when in his natural position, with his fore legs in a line perpendicular to the ground ; it is therefore very desirable that the purchaser should see him in the stable, and before he has been moved ; for he will then find him in his natural position, in which it may be difficult to place him after he has been once disturbed. Another mode of ascertaining whether the shoulders are properly placed is, by allowing the horse to walk past you, and to ob- serve whether he places his fore foot more forward than the shoulder point when he puts it on the ground. A horse whose shoulders are properly formed, will always do so; one whose shoulders are upright, cannot. The fore quarters of a horse intended to be used as a hackney, constitute an essential point ; his carcass should be round, and his ribs deep. A horse's fore leg, of the proper form, should be flat, and as large under the knee as it is just above the fetlock. The pastern should be so joined to the leg at the fetlock, that the horse should neither turn his feet out or in; but it is less objectionable that a horse should turn his feet a little outwards, provided it is not so much as to make him hit his fetlocks, than that he should turn them inwards. The FARMER'S HORSE is an animal of all work; to be ridden occasionally to market or for pleasure, but to be principally employed for draught. He should be higher than the road-horse ; about fifteen hands and two inches may be taken as the best standard. A horse with a shoulder thicker, lower, or less slanting than would be chosen in a hackney, will better suit the collar; and collar-work will be chiefly required of him. A stout compact horse should be selected, yet not a heavy cloddy one. Some blood will be desirable, but the half-bred horse will generally best suit the farmer's purpose. He should have weight enough to throw into the collar, and sufficient activity to get over the ground. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 67 COACH HORSE. DRAUGHT HORSE. The COACH HORSE. This animal has fully shared in the prog re.- 1 of improvement, and is as different from what he was fifty years ago, as is possible to conceive. The clumsy-barrelled, cloddy-shouldered, round- legged, black family horse, neither a coach nor a dray -burse, but some- thing between both, as fat as an ox, and, with all his pride and prancing at first starting, not equal to more than six miles an hour, and knocking up with one hard day's work, is no more seen : and we have, instead of him, an animal as tall, deep-chested, rising in the withers, slanting in the shoulders, fiat in the legs, with even more strength, and with treble the speed. There is a great deal of deception, however, even in the best of these improved coach-horses. They prance it nobly through the streets ; and they have more work in them than the old clumsy sluggish breed ; but they have not the endurance that conld be wished, — and a pair of poor post horses would, at the second day, beat them hollow. The knee-action, and high lifting of the feet in the carriage-horse i> deemed an excellence, because it adds to the grandeur of his appear- ance; but, as has already been stated, it is necessarily accompanied by much wear and tear of the legs and feet, and this is very soon appa- rent. The principal points of the coach-horse are, substance well placed, a deep and well proportioned body, bone under the knee r and sound, open, tough feet. Heavy Draught Horses. The Cleveland horses have been known to carry more than seven hundred pounds, sixty miles in twenty-four hours, and to perform this journey four times in a week ; and mill horses have carried nine hundred and ten pounds two or three miles. Horses for slower draught, and sometimes even for the carriage, are produced from the Suffolk Punch, so called from his round punchv make, and descended from the Norman stallion and the Suffolk cart- mare. The true Suffolk, like the Cleaveland, is now nearly extinct. It stood from fifteen to sixteen hands high, of a sorrel color ; was hirst headed, low shouldered and thick on the top ; deep and round chested ; long backed ; high in the croup ; large and strong in the quarters : full in the flanks ; round in the legs ; and short in the pasterns. It was the very horse to throw his whole weight into the collar, with sufficient activity to do it effectually, and hardihood to stand a long day's work 68 FAMILY HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSE. CLEAVELAND BAYS.-SUFFOLK PUNCH. The present breed possesses many of the peculiarities and good quali- ties of its ancestors. It is more or less inclined to a sorrel color ; it is a taller horse ; higher and finer in the shoulders ; and is a cross with the Yorkshire half or three-fourths bred. The excellence, and a rare one, of the old Suffolk, (the new breed has not quite lost it,) consisted in nimbleness of action, and the honesty and continuance with which he will exert himself at a dead pull. Many a good draught horse knows well what he can effect ; and after he has at- tempted it and failed, no torture of the whip will induce him to strain his powers beyond their natural extent. The Suffolk, however, would tug at a dead pull until he dropped. It was beautiful to see a team of true Suffolks, at a signal from the driver, and without the whip, down on their knees in a moment, and drag every thing before them. Brutal wa- gers were frequently laid as to their power in this respect, and many a good team was injured and ruined. The immense power of the Suffolk is accounted for by the low position of his shoulders, which enables him to throw so much of his weight into the collar. Although the Punch is not what he was, and the Suffolk and Norfolk farmer can no longer boast of ploughing more land in a day than any one else, this is undoubtedly a valuable breed. The Duke of Richmond obtained many excellent carriage horses, with strength, activity, and figure, by crossing the Suffolk with one of his best hunters. The Suffolk breed is in great request in the neighboring coun- ties of Norfolk and Essex. Mr. Wakefield, of Barnham in Essex, had a stallion for which he was offered four hundred guineas. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 69 BLACK HORSE. — DRAY HORSE. CAVALRY HORSE. The Clydesdale is a good kind of draught horse, and particularly for farming business and in a hilly country. It derives its name from the district on the Clyde, in Scotland, where it is principally bred. The Clydesdale horse owes its origin to one of the Dukes of Hamilton, wh< crossed some of the best Lanerk mares with stallions which he had brought over from Flanders. The Clydesdale is larger than the Sul" folk, and has a better head, a longer neck, a lighter carcass, and deeper legs ; strong, hardy, pulling true, and rarely restive. The Heavy black Horse, is the last variety it may be necessary to notice. It is bred chiefly in the midland counties, from Lincolnshire to Staffordshire. Many are bought up by the Surry and Berkshire fann- ers at two years old, — and being worked moderately, until they are four, earning their keep all the while, they are then sent to the London mar- ket, and sold at a profit often or twelve per cent. The Dray Horse should have a broad breast, and thick upright shoulders, (the more upright the collar stands on him the better ;) a low forehead, deep and round barrel ; loins broad and high, ample quarters, thick fore-arms and thighs, short legs, round hoofs, broad at the heels, and soles not too flat. The great fault of the large dray-horse is his slowness. THE DRAY HORSE. The Cavalry Horse. The English cavalry horses were formerly large and heavy ; but a considerable change has taken place in the cha- racter of their war-horses — lightness and activity have succeeded to bulk and strength ; and for skirmishing and sudden attack the change is an improvement. It is particularly found to be so in long and rapid marches, which the lighter troops scarcely regard, while the heavier horses, with their more than comparative additional weight to carry, are knocked up. There was, however, some danger of carrying this too far ; for it was found that in the engagements previous to, and at the battle of Waterloo, the heavy household troops alone were able to repulse the formidable charge of the French guard. 70 FAMILY RACE HORSE. DARLEY ARABIAN. The Race Horse. There is much dispute with regard to the origin of the tliorough bred horse. By some, he is traced through both sire and dam, to Eastern parentage: others believe him to be the native horse, improved and perfected by judicious crossing with the- Barb, the Turk, or the Arabian. RACE HORSE. Whatever may be the truth as to the origin of the race-horse, the strictest attention has for the last fifty years been paid to pedigree. In the descent of almost every modern racer, not the slightest flaw can be discovered. The racer is generally distinguished by his beautiful Arabian head : his fine, and finely-set on neck ; his oblique, lengthened shoulders ; — well bent hinder legs ; his ample, muscular quarters ; his flat legs, rather short from the knee downwards, although not always so deep as they should be : and his long elastic pastern. The racer, however, with the most beautiful form, is occasionally a very sorry animal. There is sometimes a want of energy in an appa- rently faultless shape, for which there is no accounting ; but there are two points among those just enumerated, which will rarely or never de- ceive — a well placed shoulder, and a well-bent hinder leg. The Darley Arabian was the parent of our best racing stock. He was purchased by Mr. Darley's brother, at Aleppo, and was bred in the neighboring desert of Palmyra. The figure here given of him is sup- posed to be an accurate delineation. It contains every point, without much shew, which could be desired in a turf horse* ENCYCLOPEDIA. 71 DARLEY ARABIAN. FLYING CHILDERS. THE DARLEY ARABIAN. The immediate descendants of this invaluable horse, were the Devon- shire or Flying Childers; the Bleeding or Bartlett's Childers, who was never trained ; Almanzor and others. The two Childers were the means through which the blood and fame of their sire were widely circulated, and from them descended another Childers, Snap, Sampson, Eclipse, and a host of excellent horses. The Devonshire, or Flying Childers, so called from the name of his breeder, Mr Childers of Carr-House, and the sale of him to the Duke of Devonshire, was the fleetest horse of his day. The following is said to present a true portrait of him. I I HNG CHILI ! 72 FAMILY ECLIPSE. He was at first trained as a hunter, but the superior speed and cour- age which he discovered, caused him to be soon transferred to the turf. Common report affirms that he could run a mile in a minute, but there is no authentic record of this. Childers ran over the round course at Newmarket (three miles, six furlongs and ninety-three yards,) in six minutes and forty seconds; and the Bacon course, (four miles, one fur- long and one hundred and thirty-eight yards,) in seven minutes and thirty seconds. Eclipse was got by Mask, a grandson of Bartlett's Childers. Of the beauty, yet peculiarity of his form, much has been said. The very great size, obliquity, and lowness of his shoulders were the objects of general remark — with the shortness of his fore-quarter* ; his ample and finelj proportioned quarters, and the swelling muscles of his fore arm and thigh. Ofhis speed no correct estimate can be formed, for he never met with an opponent sufficiently fleet to put it to the test. ECLIPSE. He was bred by the Duke of Cumberland, and sold at his death to Mr. Wildman, a sheep salesman, for-seventy five guineas. Col. O'Kel- iy purchased a share of him from Wildman. In the spring of the fol- lowing year, when the reputation of this wonderful animal was at its height, O'Kelly wished to become the sole owner of him, and bought the remaining share for one thousand pounds. Eclipse was what is termed a thick winded horse, and puffed and roared so, as to be heard at a considerable distance. For this or home other cause he was not brought on the turf, until he was five years old. O'Kelly aware ofhis horse's powers, had backed him freely on his first race, in May 1769. This excited curiosity, or perhaps, roused suspi- cion, and some persons attempted to watch one of his trials. Mr. John Lawrence says that " they were a little too late," but they found an old woman who gave them all the information they wanted. On enquiring, whether she had seen a race, she replied "that she could not tell wheth- er it was a race or not ; but that she had just seen a horse with white legs running away at a monstrous rate, and another horse a great way ENCYCLOPEDIA. 73 WELLESLEY ARABIAN. behind him, trying to run after him ; but she was sure he would never catch the white legged horse, if he ran to the world's end." The first heat was easily won, when O'Kelly observing that the rider had been pulling at Eclipse during the whole race, offered a wager that he would distance the horses in the next heat. This seemed a thing so highly improbable, that he immediately had bets to a large amount. Being called on to declare, he replied " Eclipse first, and the rest no where!" The event justified his prediction: all the others were dis- tanced by Eclipse with the greatest ease, or, in the language of the turf, they had no place. In the spring of the following year, he beat Mr. Wentworth's Buce- phalus, who had never before been conquered. Two days afterward-, he distanced Mr. Strode's Pensioner, a very good horse : and in August of the same year he won the greatest subscription at York. No horse daring to enter against him, he closed his short career of seventeen months, by walking over the Newmarket course for the king's plate, on October the 18th, 1770. He was never beaten, nor ever paid forfeit; and won for his owner more than twenty-five thousand pounds. THE WELLESLEY ARABIAN. Wellesley Arabian. This is the very picture of a beautiful wild horse of the desert, his precise country was never determined, although it is known that he was a horse of foreign extraction. He is evidently neither a perfect Barb, nor a perfect Arabian, but from a neighbouring province, where both the Barb and Arabian would expand to a mor« perfect fullness of form. This horse has been erroneously selected as the pattern of a superior Arabian, and therefore we have introduced him ; few, however, of his produce were trained who can add much to his reputation. It has been imagined that the breed of racing horses has lately very considerably degenerated. This is not the case. Thorough-bred horses were formerly fewer in number and their performances created greater G 74 FAMILY HUNTER. GALLOWAYS AND PONIES. wbnder. The breed has now increased twenty fold, and superiority is not so easily obtained among so many competitors. If one circumstance could more than any other, produce this degeneracy, it would be the absurd and cruel habit of bringing out horses too soon, and the frequent failure of their legs before they have come to their full power. Child- ers and Eclipse did not appear until they were five years old ; but ma- ny of our best horses and those, perhaps, who would have shown equal excellence with the most celebrated racers, are foundered and destroyed before that period. THE HUNTER. The Hunter, is derived from horses of entire blood, or such as arc but little removed from it, uniting with mares of substance, correct form, and good action. In some instances hunters are derived from large mares of the pure breed propagating with powerful stallions of the old English road horse. This favorite and valuable breed is a happy combination of the speed of the Arabian, with the durability of the na- tive horse. More extended in form, but framed on the same principles, he is able to carry a considerable weight through heavy grounds with a swiftness equalled only by the animal he pursues, and with a persever- ance astonishing to the natives of every other country. Hence the ex- treme demand for this breed of horses in every European country, the English racing stallions being now sent to propagate in the eastern climes, from whence some of them were originally brought. Galloways and Ponies. A horse between thirteen and fourteen hands in height is called a Galloway, from a beautiful breed of little horses once found in the south of Scotland, on the shore of the Solway Frith, but now sadly degenerated, and almost lost, from the attempts of the farmers to obtain a larger kind, and better adapted to the purpose of agriculture. ENCYCLOPEDIA. GALLOWAYS AND PONIES, 75 GALLOWAYS AND PONIES. Dr. Anderson thus describes the Galloway : There was once a breed of small elegant horses in Scotland, similar to those of Iceland and Swe- den, and which were known by the name of Galloways ; the best of which sometimes reached the height of fourteen hands and a half. One of this description I possessed, it having been bought for my use when a boy. In point of elegance of shape it was a perfect picture; and in dis- position was gentle and compliant. It moved almost with a wish, and never tired. I rode this little creature for twenty-five years, and, twice in that time I rode an hundred and fifty miles at. a stretch, without stop- ping except to bait, and that for not above an hour at a time. It came in at the last stage with as much ease and alacrity as it travelled the first. I could have undertaken to have performed on this beast, when it was in its prime, sixty miles a day for a twelve month running, without any extraordinary exertions. The Welsh Posey is one of the most beautiful little animals that can be imagined. He has a small head, high- withers, deep yet round barrel, short joints, flat legs, and good round feet. He will live on any fare, and can never be tired out. The Highland Poney is far inferior to the Galloway. The head is large, he is low before, long in the back, short in the legs, upright in the pasterns, rather slow in his paces, and not pleasant to ride, except in the canter. His habits make him hardy, for he is rarely housed in the sum- mer or the winter. The Rev. Mr. Hall, in his Travels in Scotland, says, " that when these animals come to any boggy piece of ground, they first put their nose to it, and then pat on it in a peculiar way with one of their fore feet, and from the sound and feel of the ground, they know whether it will bear them. They do the same with ice, and determine in a minute whether they will proceed." 76 FAMILY SHETLAND PONEY SHETLAND PONEY. The Shetland Poxey, called in Scotland Sheltie, an inhabitant of the extreme northern Scottish isles, is a very diminutive animal, sometimes not seven hands and a half in height, and rarely exceeding nine and a half. He is often exceedingly beautiful, with a small head, good temper- ed countenance, a short neck, fine towards the throttle, shoulders low and thick, (in so little a creature far from being a blemish,) back short, quarters expanded and powerful, legs flat and fine, and pretty round feet. They possess immense strength for their size, will fatten on any thing, and are perfectly docile. One of them nine hands, or three feet in height, carried a man of twelve stone, forty miles in one day. The Irish Horse is generally smaller than the English. He is stinted in his growth, for the poverty and custom of the country have imposed upon him much hard work, at a time when he is unfit for labor of any kind. For this reason, too, the Irish horse is deficient in speed. There is, however, another explanation of this. The Irish thorough-bred horse is not equal to the English. He is comparatively a weedy, leggy, worth- less animal, and very little of him enters into the composition of the hunter or the hackney. For leaping, the Irish horse is unrivalled. Jt is not, however, the leap- ing of the English horse, striding, as it were, over a low fence, and stretch- ed at his full length over a higher one ; it is the proper jump of the deer, beautiful to look at,difficult to sit, and both in height and extent unequalled by the English horse. There are very few horses in the agricultural districts of Ireland exclu- sively devoted to draught. The minute division of the farm renders it impossible for them to be kept. The occupier even of a tolerable sized Irish farm, wants a horse that shall carry him to market, and draw his small car, and perform every kind of drudgery — a horse of all work ; therefore the thorough draft horse, whether Leicestershire or Suffolk, is rarely found. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 77 AMERICAN HORSE. The American Horse. In the extensive territory and varied climate of the Western Continent, several breeds of horses are found. Our limits will permit us to notice briefly, only the following. Wild Horse. Troops of wild horses which are of Spanish descent, are found in several parts of South America. Some of these troops are supposed to contain several thousands. They appear to be under the command of a leader, the strongest and boldest of the herd, and whom they implicitly obey. In the thinly inhabited parts of South America, it is dangerous to fall in with any of their troops. The manner in which these horses are taken, is interesting and curi- ous. This is generally accomplished by the Guacho, or native inhabitant of the plains, who uses for this purpose the lasso, a strong plaited thong, of equal thickness, half an inch in diameter, and forty feet long; made of many stripes of green hide, plaited like a whip-thong, and rendered supple by grease. It has at one end an iron ring, above an inch and a half in diameter, through which the thong is passed, and this forms a running noose. When the Guacho wishes to take a wild horse, he mounts one that has been used to the sport and gallops over the plain. One end of his lasso is affixed to his saddle-girth ; the remainder, he coils carefully in his left hand, leaving about 12 feet belonging to the noose end in a coil, and a half of which he holds in his right hand. He then swings this long noose horizontally around his head, the weight of the iron ring at the end of the noose assisting in giving it by a continued circular motion, a sufficient force to project it the whole length of the line. Thus equipped, the Guacho, as we have remarked, gallops over the plain. As soon as he comes sufficiently near his prey, the lasso is thrown round the two hind legs, and as the Guacho rides a little on one side, the jerk pulls the entangled horse's feet laterally so as to throw him on his side, without endangering his knees, or his face. Before the horse can recover the shock, the rider dismounts, and snatching his poncho, or cloak, from his shoulders, wraps it round the prostrate ani- mal's head. He then forces into his mouth one of the powerful bridles of the country, straps a saddle on his back, and bestriding him, removes the poncho ; upon which the astonished horse springs on his legs, and endeavors by a thousand vain efforts, to disencumber himself of his new master, who sits quite composedly on his back, and by a discipline which never fails, reduces the horse to such complete obedience, that he is soon trained to lend his whole speed and strength to the capture of his companions. Canadian Horse. This horse is found principally in Canada and the northern states. He is supposed to be of French descent, and many of the celebrated American trotters are of this breed. This species of horse is generally small, but remarkably compact. He will keep in good condition, and even grow fat on indifferent fare. Conestoga Horse. This horse is found in Pennsylvania and the mid- dle States. He is generally long in the leg, and light in the carcass, — sometimes rising seventeen hands, used principally for the carriage ; but when not too high, and with sufficient substance, useful for hunting and the saddle. English Horse in the United States. The horses generally found in the United States, are the descendants of English importation. Until g2 78 FAMILY AMERICAN ECLIPSE, within a few years little attention has been paid to the raising of first rate horses. This is particularly true of New England. A deeper in- terest, however, is beginning to be felt on this important subject, and many valuable horses are to be found in all parts of the country. More attention has for years been paid to the rearing of good horses in Vir- ginia, Kentucky, and other southern states. Importations of the best English blood have at different times been made which has been diligent- ly and purely preserved. Our limits forbid even the mention of the names of distinguished horses, which from time to time have been imported into the country, and to which we are indebted for the finest horses of the present day. Nor shall we attempt an enumeration of the valuable horses which have been bred in our own country ; but content ourselves with present- ing to our readers the following portrait of the celebrated American Eclipse, named after his English ancestor Eclipse, when only five months old, from the promise which he then gave of peculiar strength and speed. AMERICAN ECLIPSE. This was a sorrel horse, with a star, and the near hind foot white, fif- teen hands three inches high, possessing a large share of bone and muscle, and excelling all horses of his day in the three great essentials of speed, stoutuess, and ability to carry weight. He was foaled in the year 181 4. His pedigree is traced through the celebrated English horse, Messenger, Eclipse; up to the distinguished Godolphin Arabian, of which we have given a particular account, in a previous page. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 79 BEELFOUNDER. 5^ ^|P*> BELLFOUNDER. This celebrated horse is a bright bay, with black legs, standing 15 hands high ; his superior blood, symmetry and action excel those of every other trotting stallion. He is allowed by the best judges in Norfolk [Eng.] to be the fastest and best bred horse ever sent out of that country. CRITERIA, AGE, &C OF HORSES. The general criteria of the qualities of the horse, observes Loudon, art- derived from inspection and trial. His outward appearance aaumg judges affords a pretty just criterion of his powers, and a moderate trial usually enables the same judgment to decide on the disposition to exercise such powers. Color as a criterion of mental and personal qualities, is laid much stress on by many persons : and notwithstanding the adage, that " a good horse cannot be of a bad color;" long experience has shown that, in general cases, certain tints are usually accompanied by certain qualities of person or disposition. As a general rule, dark colored horses are certainly the best; but black, as the darkest of all, seems to form an ex- ception to this rule. Light shades appear unfavorable to strength and durability ; they are also accompanied frequently with iritability, and perverseness of temper. Something like a general law in the animal economy seems to prevail to make white a distinctive mark of weakness. Age, which is the parent of weakness, brings with it white hairs> both in man and in horses, and most other quadrupeds. The hair formed, after a wound has robbed a part of its original covering, is often white, be- * Bellfounder now stands on Long Island. 80 FAMILY CRITERIA, AGE, &C. OF HORSES. cause the new formed surface is yet in a state of debility. It is likewise a fact, well known among the observant, that the legs and feet when white, are more obnoxious to disease, than those of a darker tone. The Arabs remark that light chesnut horses, have soft tender feet. It is the observance of these peculiarities, that has, at length, guided our taste and formed our judgment of beauty. With the English, much white on the legs is considered as a deformity, and is expressively called, foul marked ; whereas pied markings in other parts are reckoned beautiful. In Africa, however, Capt. Lyon iuforms us, a superstitious dependence is placed on horses with legs and feet stockined with white. It does not appear that climate has the same influence on the color of horses, as on other domesticated animals. In all latitudes, in which the horse can live, he is black or white, indiscriminately ; but as he cannot endure ex- treme rigour, it is not necessary he should vary. The criteria of action. are derived from a due consideration of the form generally, and of the limbs particularly ; as well as from seeing the horse perform his paces in hand. The criteria of hardihood are derived from the form of the carcass, which should be circular or barrelled ; by which, food is retained, and strength gained, to perform what is required. Such horses are also generally good feeders. The criteria of spirit, vigor, or mettle, as it is termed, are best deriv- ed from trial. It should always be kept in mind, that a hot fiery horse is as objectionable as a horse of good courage is desirable. Hot horses may be known by their disinclination to stand still ; by their mettle being raised by the slightest exercise, especially when in company. Such horses seldom last long, and under accident are impetuous and frighten- ed in the extreme. A good couraged horse, on the contrary, moves with readiness as well alone as in company : he carries one ear forward and one backward ; is attentive and cheerful; loves to be talked to, and caressed, even while on his journey ; and if in double harness, will play with his mate. Good couraged horses are always the best tempered, and, under difficulties, are by far the most quiet, and least disposed to do mischief. The criteria of a horse peculiarly adapted to the labors of agriculture, are thus given by Culley. His head should be as small as the proportion of the animal will admit ; his nostrils expanded, and muzzle fine; his eyes cheerful and prominent ; his ears small, upright, and placed near together ; his neck, rising out from between his shoulders with an easy tapering curve, must join gracefully to the head; his shoulders, being well thrown back, must also go into his neck (at what is called the points) unperceived, which perhaps facilitates the going much more than the narrow shoulder ; the arm, or fore thigh should be muscular, and taper- ing from the shoulder, to meet a fine, strait, sinewy, and bony leg ; the hoof circular, and wide at the heel; his chest deep, and full at the girth ; his loins or fillets broad and straight, and body round ; his hips or hooks by no means wide, but quarters long, and the tail set on so as to be near- ly in the same right line as his back ; his thighs strong and muscular ; his legs clean and fine boned ; the leg-bones not round, but what is called lathy or fiat." The criteria, relative to the age and the essential characteristics of a good horse, may not improperly form a part of the present outline. In ENCYCLOPEDIA. 81 CRITERIA, AGE, &C. OF HORSES. old horses, the eye-pits are generally deep ; though this mark is very uncertain, as it also occurs in young horses that are descended from aged stallions. But the most certain criterion is that derived from the teeth, the number of which amounts to forty ; namely, twenty-four grinders or double teeth, (which in fact afford no certain guide,) and sixteen others, viz. four tushes or tusks, and twelve fore-teeth : these last are the surest guides for discovering the age of a horse. As mares usually have no tusks, their teeth are only thirty-six. A colt is foaled without teeth ; in a few days he puts out four, which are called pincers, or nippers ; soon after appear the four separaters, next to the pincers ; it is sometimes three or four months before the next, called corner teeth, push forth. These twelve colt's teeth, in the front of the mouth, con- tinue, without alteration, till the colt is two years or two years and a half old. which makes it difficult, without great care, to avoid being imposed on during that interval, if the seller find it his interest to make the colt pass for either younger or older than he really is : the only rule you have then to judge by is his coat, and the hairs of his mane and tail. A colt of one year has a supple, rough coat, resembling that of a water- spaniel, and the hair of his mane and tail feels like flax, and hangs like a rope untwisted : whereas a colt of two years has a flat coat, and straight pars like a grown horse. At about two years and a half old, sometimes sooner, sometimes later, according as he has been fed, a horse begins to change his teeth. The pincers which come the first, are also the first that fall ; so that at three years he has four horse's and eight colt's teeth, which are easily known apart, the former being larger, flatter, and yellower, than the other, and streaked from the end quite into the gums. These four horse pincers have in the middle of their extremities, a black hole, very deep ; whereas those of the colt are round and white. When the horse is coming four years old, he loses his four separaters, or middle teeth, and puts forth four others, which follow the same rule as the pincers. He has now eight horse's teeth and four colt's. At five years old he sheds the four corner, which are his last colt's teeth, and is "called a horse. During this year, also, his four tusks (which are chiefly peculiar to horses) come behind the others ; the lower ones often four months be- fore the upper; but whatever may be the common opinion, a horse that has the two lower tusks, if he has not the upper, may be judged to be under five years old, unless the other teeth show the contrary ; for some horses that live to be very old never have any tusks at all. The two lower tusks are one of the most certain rules that a horse is coming five years old, notwithstanding his colt's teeth may not be all gone. It is not an unfrequent practice of jockies aud breeders, in order to make their colts seem five years old, when they are but four, to pull out their last colt's teeth ; but if all the colts teeth be gone, and no tusks ap- pear, the purchaser may be certain this trick has been played : another artifice they use is to beat the bars every day with a wooden mallet, in the place where the tusks are to appear, in order to make them seein hard, as if the tusks were just ready to cut. 82 FAMILY CRITERIA, AGE, &C. OF HORSES. Figure 1 of the annexed engravings of the horse's teeth, represents them at 2 years and and a half old ; fig. 2, at 3 years old ; fig. 3, at 4 years ; fig. 4, at 5 years ; and fig. 5, at 6 years. No.l. No. 2. No. 3. JVb.4. JVb.5. When a horse is coming six years old, the two lower pincers fill up, and instead of the holes above mentioned, show only a black spot. Betwixt six and seven the two middle teeth fill up in the same manner ; and be- tween seven and eight the corner teeth do the like ; after which it is said to be impossible to know certainly the age of a horse, he having no longer any mark in the mouth. In this case recourse can only be had to the tusks, and the situation of the teeth. With respect to the tusks, the purchaser must with his finger feel the inside of them from the point quite to the gum. If the tusk be pointed rlat, and have two little channels within side, he may be certain the horse is not old and at the utmost only coming ten. Between eleven and twelve the two channels are reduced to one, which after twelve entirely disappears, and the tusks are as round within as they are without; he has no guide then but the situation of the teeth. The longest teeth are not always a sign of the greatest age, but their hanging over and pushing forward, as also their meeting perpendicularly, is a certain token of youth. Many persons, whilst they see certain little holes in the middle of the teeth, imagine that such horses are but in their seventh year, without regard to the situation the teeth take as they grow old. When horses are young, their teeth meet perpendicularly, but grow longer and push forward with age ; besides, the mouth of a young horse is very fleshy within, in the palate, and his lips are firm and hard : on the contrary, the inside of an old horse's mouth is lean both above and ENCYCLOPEDIA. 83 CRITERIA, AGE, &C. OF HORSES. below, and seems to have only the skin upon the bones. The lips are soft and easy to turn up with the hand. All horses are marked in the same manner, but some naturally and others artificially. The natural mark is called begue ; and some "igno- rant persons imagine such horses are marked all their lives ; because for mauy years they find a little hole, or a kind of* void in the middle of the separaters and corner teeth : but when the tusks are grown round, as weli within as without, and the teeth point forward, there is room to conjecture, in proportion as they advance from year to year, what the horse's age may be, without regarding the cavity above mentioned. This artificial manner is made use of by dealers and jockies. who mark their horses after the age of being known, to make them appear only six or seven years old. They do it in this manner : they throw down the horse to have him more at command, and, with a steel graver, like what is used for ivory, hollow the middle teeth a little, and the cor- ner ones somewhat more : then fill the holes with a little rosin, pitch, sulphur, or some grains of wheat, which they burn in with a bit of hot wire, made in proportion to the hole. This operation they repeat from time to time, till they give the hole a lasting black, in imitation of nature ; but notwithstanding this fraudulent attempt, the hot iron makes a little yellowish circle round the holes like that which it would leave upon ivory ; they have therefore another trick to prevent detection, which is to make the horse foam from time to time, after having nibbed his mouth, lips, and gums with salt, and crumbs of bread dried and pow- dered with salt. This foam hides the circle made by the iron. Another thing which they cannot accomplish, is to counterfeit young tusks, it being out of their power to make those two crannies above men- tioned, which are given by nature ; with files they make them shorter or flatter, but then they take away the shining natural enamel, so that one may always know, by these tusks, horses that are past seven, till they come to twelve or thirteen. The figures prefixed to these remarks on horse's teeth, will illustrate the preceding hints : being drawn from the teeth themselves, at the various ages therein specified. With regard to the circumstances indicating a sound horse, it may be observed, that where a horse is free from blemish, the legs and thighs are well shaped ; the knees straight ; the skin and shanks thin : the back sinews strong and firm. The pastern joints should be small and taper. and the hock lean, dry, and not puffed up with wind. With respect to the hoof itself, the coronet ought to be thick, without any tumour or swelling ; the horn bright, and of a grayish color. The fibres of a strong foot appear very distinctly, running in a direct line from the coronet to the toe, like the grain of wood. Such a foot, however, ought to be kept moist and pliable, as it is subject to fissures and cracks, by which the hoof is sometimes cleft through the whole length of the cor- onet. A narrow heel is likewise a great defect ; and, if it do not exceed two fingers in breadth, it forms an imperfect foot. A high heel often causes a horse to trip or stumble: while a low one with long yielding pasterns, is apt to be worn away on a long journey. On the other hand, afoot disproportionately large, renders the animal weak and clumsy in its gait. The head of a horse ought to be small, and rather lean than fleshy : his ears should be erect, thin, sprightly, and pointed ; the neck arched 84 FAMILY NICKING HORSES, towards the middle, tapering gradually towards the head ; the shoulders I rather long ; the withers thin, and enlarged by degrees as they extend downwards, yet so as to render his breast neither too gross nor too nar- row. Such are the principal marks by which the best form and propor- tion of that useful animal may be determined, without reference to the deviations from those general rules which characterize the cart-horse, and which have been already noticed. Nicking is an operation performed for the purpose of making a horse carry an elegant artificial tail. To such an operation some farmers have a strong objection, on account of the suffering it causes, to the animal, and a belief of its injurious effects, especially in relaxing the muscles about the hinderparts. The former objection has more weight than the latter; since those tendons, muscles, nerves, arteries &c. which are sepa- rated in nicking, are always cut in docking, an operation often made, and never to the permanent injury, or weakening of the horse. Several methods for nicking horses have been adopted by different persons. The following, however, it is believed has the sanction of the most experienced.* Having provided a convenient stall, pulleys, halter and manger, you may proceed to secure the horse, by putting a twitch on his upper lip, but not so high, as to prevent his breathing ; next make a cord fast to the fet-lock of one of his hind legs, and carry it thence, and fasten it to the fore leg, above the knee. Thus confined, the horse can do no injury to the operator, and his attendants. The tail of the horse is now to be closely and neatly platted from the root to the end, at whicfcfpoint it should be dubbed or turned over a small stick, and securely tied with a waxed string. Being now provided with a sharp knife, and a crooked iron, or buck's horn, turn the tail up in a direct line with the back bone, and make a transverse incision, immediately across the tail, one and a half inches from the root, and deep enough to separate the tendons on each side of the under part of the tail, which will be found about a quarter of an inch from the, hair on the outer edge ; the incision in the middle may be shal- low. Should the horse bleed beyond two gallons, the flow of blood may be checked by putting him in the pulleys, or by wrapping the tail up moderately tight with a linen rag from the root to the end. Next, at the distance of two or two and a half inches from the transverse incision make two longitudinally, about three inches in length, which will expose the large tendons on each side. Make two other incisions of the same kind, commencing about one inch from the second, and in length running within about two inches of the end of the tail. Make a transverse incis- ion within half an inch of the termination of the longitudinal incisions, pretty deep. With the buck's horn, or crooked iron take up the large tendons in the second incision, and draw the ends out of the first; take up those in the third, and draw the ends out of the second ; and at the upper part of the wound cut off the tendons even and smooth. Now strain up the tail opposite the second incisions, until the bone slips or breaks ; serve the tail opposite the third incisions in the same manner ; also the fourth and last, which should be made across. The operation being thus performed, the tail of the horse should be washed in strong salt and water, after which he may be put in a stall, or turned to pasture for two or three days. * Mason's Farmer Improved. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 85 FATTENING HORSES. At the end of this time, wash the wound and tail with strong soap suds, and place the horse in the pulleys, where he should remain about three weeks, or until his wounds have healed. Abstract half a gallon of blood each week ; and double that quantity should the tail be much in- flamed. Keep the parts clean, by frequently washing with soap suds. Twice a week take the tail from the pulleys, and let it remain down du- ring the night. Before putting it up again, the horse may be rode a few hundred yards. Great pains should be taken to have the weights equal, in order to pre- vent the tail from permanently twisting, as this would ruin the animal in appearauce. During the continuance of the horse in the pulleys, his diet should be light, and if practicable consist of green food. His legs should be frequently washed or bathed with pot-liquor, in which bacon has been boiled. Vinegar, sweet oil, or lard and spirits may be substi- tuted. Occasionally the wounds may be washed in copperas water, which will accelerate the process of healing. Pricking. This operation, which consists in simply dividing the great tendons of the tail, is now generally abandoned, having seldom been found to accomplish the desired effect. Foxing. This consists in depriving a horse of a portion of his ears, for the purpose of improving his looks. An easy mode of performing the operation is to take a small paint brush, and with paint in contrast to the color of the horse, mark the ears of the length and shape desired; then place a switch on the horse's nose, at the same time holding up a fore foot; with a sharp knife cut the ears in the line made by the paint. Wash the wound with salt and water, once a day for a week, after which apply sweet oil until healed. Those horses only, which have small, thin, delicate heads, are improved by foxing. Docking. To perform this operation safely, put a switch on the upper lip of the horse, and hold one of his fore legs up well nigh his body. Tie a waxed string tight round the tail above where it is to be cut off. Lay the tail on a smooth block of wood, and with a sharp knife, and mallet, you may easily sever it at a single blow. When this has been effected, place a little rosin on the wound, and sear it moderately with a hot iron. In a few days remove the waxed string, and to the wound apply occasionally a little fresh butter or sweet oil. Fattening. To fatten a horse in a short space of time, is justly con- sidered a desirable art. Should the animal which you wish to fatten be quite poor, commence by subtracting one quart of blood — to be repeat- ed once in eight or ten days. If he be in tolerable condition, the bleed- ings may consist of two quarts at a time. Commence also giving at the same time, the following mash, to be repeated every eight days : flax seed, one pint, boiled to a strong tea of one quart; powdered brimstone, one table spoonfull ; saltpetre, one tea spoonfull ; bran, one and a half gallons, scalding the bran with the tea. After the mash, the horse should not drink cold water for eight or ten hours. It is important also to take of assafoetida half an ounce, which being wrapped in a clean rag is to be nailed to the bottom of the manger, where the animal is fed, and of which in a few days he will become remarkably fond. Caution is to be exercised in feeding an extremely poor horse, lest you produce a foun- der or some other injury ; but at the expiration of three or four days the danger will be passed, and the horse may be full fed. It will be well to H 86 FAMILY EXCESSIVE FATIGUE. moisten his food occasionally with strong sassafras tea, which tends to enrich the blood, and open the bowels. A handfull of salt two or three times a week thrown into his water w T ill prove grateful, and serve to increase his appetite. Should the object be to fatten a horse in the shortest possible space, he should not be rode, nor even led out of the stable : but if solidity of flesh be desired, moderate exercise once in three days will be of service. Great care should be taken to have his hoofs cleaned every morning and evening, and stuffed with clay and salt, or fresh cow manure, to keep the feet cool, and prevent the swelling of the legs. It is indispensible that the curry-comb and brush should be used upon him every day, until he be quite clean. A blanket, as a covering, will add to his comfort, and assist in improving his appearance and condition. Excessive Fatigue. It is sometimes necessary to require a horse to undergo great fatigue. To accomplish this, without injury, requires some preparation. Previous to entering him on his journey, a writer* remarks, he should be fed plentifully on solid old food, such as corn, fodder, hay, or oats, and exercised from five to ten miles a day. He should be well rubbed two or three times every twenty -four hours, which will have the effect of making his flesh not only firm, but hard. Experience has proved, that rainy or drisly weather, is more favorable to the performance of an excessive hard ride, than a day that is fair or sultry with sunshine ; rain having the effect of keeping a horse cool, ren- dering his limbs supple, of moistening and refreshing him. On the night previous to his engaging in this laborious undertaking, the same writer recommends to feed the horse six quarts of oats or four of corn, with as much good hay as he can eat ; in the morning to feed one quart of oats or corn only, and offer some salt and water, of which a horse is apt to drink but little. At a distance of fifteen or eighteen miles give him a bucket of salt and water, with two handfuls of corn meal thrown therein, and one quart of oats or corn; at twelve o'clock, and at dinner time feed and water him in the same manner. Your horse will require nothing more till night. The day's ride being performed, turn him into a lot to cool and wal- low; after which let him be placed in a stall on a good bed of straw. 1st. Offer him a bucket of water. 2nd. Remove all dirt and dust from his legs and ancles with soap and warm water. 3d. Bathe him from his belly to his hoofs with equal parts of vinegar and spirits, to which add a little sweet oil, fresh butter, or hog's lard, stewing them all together, and make use of the mixture as warm as the hand can bear it. 4th. He must be well curried, brushed, and finally polished with a sheep skin or woolen cloth. 5th. His feet should be nicely cleaned out and stuffed with clay and salt, or fresh cow manure. 6th. He should be fed with one gallon of old corn, or one and a half gallons of oats, and six bundles of old fodder. Your horse being now in possession of every attention and comfort you could offer him, will soon be refreshed, forget his hard service, and be again prepared, by the next morning, to obey you, whither you may direct his footsteps. If you have more than one day's journey to perform with great rapidity, observe the same rules of feeding, watering and attention, as directed for the first day, except th*feeding at twelve o'clock, which quantity must be doubled. Many elegant and •"Mason. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 87 TREATMENT OX A JOURNEY. high spirited horses have been ruined and rendered useless, by persons wanting experience on the above subject, who were disposed to treat those faithful animals with every kindness in their power ; yet, being under the necessity of performing a long journey in a limited time, and not knowing that the will of a heated and fatigued horse should be con- trolled, they have permitted him to eat as much as he pleased, or when heated to drink as much cold pond or branch water, as his great thirst would induce him, which have often been the means of producing cholic. founder and other diseases, that too frequently prove fatal in the hands of a common farrier, to which title every ostler blacksmith, and every blockhead of a servant, who does not even understand the currying of a horse, have pretensions. The loss of two or three quarts of blood to a horse that has undergone excessive fatigue, will remove the soreness and stiffness of his limbs, the natural consequence of violent exertion. Treatment on a journey. To perform a long journey with comfort and ease to a horse, requires, as in the case of excessive fatigue, several -. ^.-S o oti .5 .■« .S -ts .ts .ts S 2r &,£-£ a -T "3 -a T3 T3 "B fcXJ bC > - — > " »*a£»oS£.S'0 c is o c3 2 "rt — 5 o o o I SS[ i 3 ! a" , P o e .5 .ti .3 "o 3 -2 .8 .8 o > j- — — t3 a? eel — es * s Eh as J3 2 • • • en ' .*-> oc -. w 55 co +-> C^.S O % £ 03 . JZ 5 £*S * * * " m 92 FAMILY LINTON, SHORT, OR FOREST SHEEP. LINTON, SHORT, OR FOREST SHEEP. I. The Heath, Linton, Short, or Forest Sheep depicted above, are names indiscriminately given to the several varieties of the same breed, which is found in the north-western counties of England, and thence forward to the western highlands of Scotland. The specific characters of this race are, large spiral horns; faces black or mottled, and legs black; eyes wild and fierce ; carcass short and firm ; wool long, open, coarse and shaggy ; fleece averaging about three pounds and a half at four years and a half. They are of a hardy constitution, admirably calculated for elevated, heathy, and exposed districts: and, judging from this aptitude to support the hardships of constant exposure in a wild pasturage country, as well as from the form of the horns, which is characteristic of the animal in its unimproved state, it may be not im- probably inferred, that they are directly descended from the parent stock of the kingdom. The true black-faoed breed is said to be distin- guished by a lock of white wool on the forehead, termed the snow-lock. The other horned breeds of English sheep are IL The Exmoor and the Dartmoor, which derive their names from the districts in the northern and western parts of Devonshire, where they are chiefly found. They are long-woolled, with white legs and faces, and are delicately formed about the head and neck ; they make very finely flavoured mutton ; and arrive when fatted, at two and a half to three years old, to fourteen and sixteen pounds weight per quarter. III. The Norfolk Breed is indigenous in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. The horns are large and spiral ; bodies long ; loins narrow, with a high back and thin chine ; the legs long, black, or gray ; of a roving, wild disposition, and not easily confined within any but strong inclosures. The wool is short, weighing about two pounds per fleece, and the flesh is well flavored, and of a fine grain, but only fit for consumption in cold weather. IV. The Wiltshire Breed are distinguished by large spiral horns bending downwards, close to the head ; they are perfectly white in their faces and legs ; have long Roman noses, with large open nostrils ; are wide and heavy in their hind quarters, and light in the fore quarter and offal, but with little or no wool on their bellies. The quality of the fleece is that of clothing wool of moderate fineness, averaging about two ENCYCLOPEDIA. 93 LEICESTER SHEEP. pounds and a half in weight; and the carcasses of the wethers when fat. usually weigh from 651hs. to lOOlbs. : the mutton good : they sometimes, however, reach much higher and maybe considered as our largest breed of fine woolled sheep. V. The Dorset Breed have small horns with white faces and lea their wool is of an intermediate kind, between long and short, and of middling fineness, weighing from three and a half to five pounds per fleece: and the carcass averaging eighteen pounds per quarter, of excel- lent mutton. They are a hardy race, being chiefly bred on open downs, and inured to the fold; but their principal value consist- in ihe peculiar for- wardness of the ewes, which take the ram at a much earlier period than any other species, and are therefore much sought for, and command high prices for the purpose of producing house-lamb for winter consumption. The polled sheep may be divided into two classes — the long, and the short woolled — the peculiar merits of which have for many years formed a subject of discussion among agriculturalists. Each has valuable pro- perties, and efforts have been made to blend them by crosses, but with- out complete success : nature seems to have intended them for different soils, and the short woolled breeds, which thrive upon the bleakest hill*. degenerate when removed into rich pastures, which are alone capable of maintaining the long woolled species. THE LEICESTER SHEEP. VI. The Leicester sheep take the lead among the long-woolledhind: and of these there are three nearly distinct species : — 1. The Forest sheep: 2. The Old Leicester; 3. The New Leicester or Dishleij Breed — portrayed above — which are an improved kind of the latter species. Their forms are handsome ; color white. Their heads are clean and small, their necks short, and their breasts full ; their bodies are round, with broad, straight backs, but the bellies rather light, or tucked up : their legs and the whole bone are fine and particularly small in propor- tion to their size ; their pelts thin, and the wool long and fine of it- kind, generally averaging seven pounds to the fleece. They are of a quiet .disposition, fatten early and kindly, and are capable of being brought to a great weight, on a smaller proportion of food than other breeds of the same size, the fat wethers generally weighing (when shear- 94 FAMILY ROMNEY MARSH SHEEP. hogs) twenty-five pounds per quarter, and the ewes twenty-two pounds : the flesh is fine grained and well flavored, but too fat to please most palates. VII. The Lincolnshire Breed so nearly resemble the old Leicester, ■ that they require little further description. They have white faces and legs, the bones large, and the carcass coarse ; the back long and hollow, with flat ribs, but good loins, and a deep belly ; forward loose shoulders, a heavy head, with a large neck, and sinking dewlap ; the hind quarter broad, the legs standing wide apart, and a large dock. The pelt is par- ticularly thick, and the fleece consists of very long combing wool, of a rather coarse quality, but weighing generally from twelve to fourteen pounds on the wethers, and from eight to ten pounds on the ewes. VIII. The Teeswater Breed, differ from the Lincolnshire in their wool not being so long and heavy ; in standing upon higher, though finer boned legs, supporting a thicker, firmer, heavier carcass, much wider upon their backs and sides ; and in affording a fatter and finer-grained carcass of mutton : the two year old wethers weighing from 25 to 35 lbs. per quarter. Some particular ones at four years old have been fed to 55 lbs. and upwards. There is little doubt that the Teeswater sheep were originally bred from the same stock as the Lincolnshire ; but by attending to size rather than wool, and constantly pursuing that object, they have become a different variety of the same original breed. The present fashionable breed is considerably smaller than the original spe- cies ; but they are still considerably larger and fuller of bone than the midland breed. They bear an analogy to the short-horned breed of cat- tle, as those of the midland counties do to the long-horned. They are not so compact, nor so complete in their form, as the Leicestershire sheep ; nevertheless, the excellence of their flesh and fatting quality is not doubted, and their wool still remains of a superior staple. For any rich, fat land, they are singularly excellent. IX. The Romney Marsh Sheep have existed immemorially on that rich tract of grazing land, on the southern coast of the counties of Kent and Sussex, from which they take their name. In their pure state, they are distinguished by white faces, a considerable thickness and length of head, and a broad forehead, with a tuft of wool upon it ; a long and thin neck, and flat-sided carcass. They are wide on the loin, but have a sharp chine, and the breast is narrow, and not deep ; the belly large ; a good cleft ; the thigh full and broad, carrying the chief weight in the hind quarter ; the tail thick, long, and coarse ; the legs thick, with large feet, the muscle coarse, and the bone large. The wool is a good combing quality ; the fleece of fattening wethers weighing from eight to nine pounds ; the mutton is equal to that of any of the large polled breeds, and their proof being good, they are favorites with the butchers. When fat, the wethers usually average from ten to twelve stone each, and the ewes from nine to eleven. They are very hardy ; are bred with little care, on wet and exposed land, requiring, after the first year, when they are win- tered on the uplands, no other food in the severest situation, than occa- sionally a little hay, in addition to their pasture ; and are fattened entirely on grass. X. The Devonshire polled sheep form two distinct varieties of the same breed: — 1. The South Devon or Dim-faced Nott, with brown face and legs; a crooked-backed, flat-sided, coarsely-boned and woolled animal, carrying a ENCYCLOPEDIA 95 THE SOUTH-DOWN SHEEP, fleece of 10 lbs. average weight, and averaging 22 lbs. per quarter of good mutton, at thirty months old. 2. The Bampton Nott, with white face and legs, though in other re- spects nearly resembling the former in appearance ; but the wethers will, at twenty months old, average as much weight of carcass as the others at thirty ; and if kept on for another year, will reach, when fat, as much as 28 lbs. per quarter : they are not, however, equally productive of wool ; for at the first period they only yield about 6* lbs., and at the latter 9 lbs. Another variety of long-woolled sheep is found on the Cotswold Hills to which most of the remarks already made on the Devon breeds will equally apply. The chief of the short-woolled polled breeds, are — THE SOUTH-DOWN SHEEP. XL The South-down, of which the specific characters are, — Faces and legs gray ; bones fine ; head clean ; neck long and small ; low before ; shoulder wide ; light in the fore quarter ; sides and chest deep ; loin broad ; back bone rather too high ; thigh full, and twist good ; wool very- fine and short, (the staple being from two to three inches in length.) weighing an average of two pounds and a half per fleece, when killed at two years old. Flesh fine grained, and of excellent flavor ; quick feed- ers ; constitution hardy and vigorous. They are round in the general appearance of the barrel ; and, from standing wide on their hind legs, and being shut well in the twist, the leg of down mutton is remarkably round and short, not only cutting handsomely for the table, but weigh- ing heavier than common in proportion to the fore quarter : which are material advantages to the butcher, as they command a ready sale, at an advance of a penny per pound over the other joints. Fat wethers usual- ly average about eighteen pounds per quarter. These sheep have been bred for ages past on the chalky soils of the South Downs, in Sussex ; and on such short pasture, and in such expos- ed situations, they are perhaps the most valuable breed in the kingdom : but they are spreading fast, not only into similar districts, but into coun- ties better calculated for long woolled and larger sheep. The figure above delineated, is from a South-down ewe bred by Mr. Ellman, of Glynd^. XII. The Can.vock Heath sheep are bred upon an extensive waste. 96 FAMILY SOUTH-DOWN SHEEP. .so named, in Staffordshire ; they are very generally grey faced ; without horns ; bear fine wool ; and from many points of similitude between them and the South-down breed, it has been thought that they were originally derived from the same stock. The bone, however, is coarser ; nor do they possess the same beauty and compactness as the downs ; but these defects probably arise from inattention on the part of the former breed- ers, which the present flock-masters are making efforts to rectify ; and to counterbalance them, the carcass is heavier, and the mutton equally good. XIII. The Ryeland Breed, is so called from a district in the neigh- borhood of Ross, in Herefordshire. They are small, white faced, and hornless ; the wool growing close to their eyes ; are light in the bone ; have small, clean legs; and, when proper attention has been paid to the breeding stock, possess great compactness and symmetry. The ewes weigh from nine to twelve and fourteen pounds, and the wethers from twelve to sixteen pounds per quarter, when fatted, at three to four years old, and their flesh is equal to any mutton in the kingdom. The fleece does not average more than two pounds ; but the quality of the wool is unrivalled by that of any of our native stock. A cross has been made between this breed and the Spanish sheep, the produce of which are termed Merino Ryelands, and the wool Anglo merino. In some of the neighboring counties to Herefordshire, both in Eng- land and Wales, there is a breed of sheep very much resembling the Ryelands, known as the Shropshire morf. They bear wool of a fine quality : generally have white faces and legs, though sometimes a little freckled ; are tight in the bone, and have small clean limbs. There are two species, which, from inattention to the breeds, are often blended. The one polled, the other having small, light, crooked horns, — a still smaller variety, bred on the mountains, and in high estimation for the table, but which is generally known under the common denomination of Welsh. XIV. The Cheviot Sheep were originally bred upon the hilly dis- tricts in the north-west part of Northumberland, but have since spread over many of the mountainous tracts in the neighboring counties, and have even nearly superseded the horned breed of black-faced sheep in some parts of the Highlands of Scotland. They are hornless, and their faces and legs are in general white, though formerly the prevailing color was black. The best breeds have an open countenance, with lively prominent eyes ; long bodies, but wanting depth in the breast, and on the chine; and fine, clean, small-boned limbs. They are seldom slaughtered until they have attained the age of four to four and a half years, when the fat wethers will average from 12 lbs. to 18 lbs. per quarter, fattening kindly, and producing mutton of excellent quality. The wool is inferior to that of most other of the short-woolled polled breeds, and appears to have been injured by some late attempts to improve the carcass. The Sheep known as the Herdwick breed, though smaller than the Cheviot, and only found in one rocky and mountainous district at the head of the Duddon and Esk rivers, in Cumberland, (Eng.) appear to be only a variety of the same race. Another variety, termed the Dun-faced breed, is found in the exposed northern districts of England. The faces of the sheep are of a dun, or tawny color ; the animals are smaller in size ; have short tails ; and are not so hardy as the preceding sort. The wool is variously streaked with ENCYCLOPEDIA. 97 MERINO, OR SPANISH SHEEP. black, red, brown or dun, and partly of a fine texture, weighing about a pound and a half per fleece, when killed at four years and a half. Flesh finely grained, and of excellent flavor. The Shetland breed, a nearly similar race, derives its name from the islands on the north coast of Scotland, where these sheep are reared. The wool is very fine and soft, fit for the finest manufactures ; the fleece weighs upon an average from one to three pounds. The Shetland sheep are very hardy, but too wild to be confined. MERINO, OR SPANISH SHEEP. XV. The Merino, or Spanish sheep, a wether of which breed is hero delineated — have horns of a middle size, of which the ewes are some- times destitute; faces white ; legs of the same hue and rather long ; shape not very perfect, having a piece of loose skin depending from the neck ; bone fine ; pelt fine and clear. The wool of the Merino sheep is uncommonly fine, and weighs, upon an average, about three pounds and a halfper fleece. The best Merino fleeces have a dark brown tinge on their surface, almost amounting to black, which is formed by dust adhering to the greasy, yolky properties of its pile ; and there is a surprising contrast between it and the rich white color within, as well as the rosy hue of the skin, which peculiarly denotes high proof. The Merinos are natives of the northern provinces of Spain, and were first introduced into Great Britain in the year 17*7 ; but it was not until 1792 that any effectual measures were adopted to- wards improving the English breeds by a Spanish cross. In the last- mentioned year the late king of England received several rams of the Negretti breed ; but so great was the force of prejudice, that notwith- standing the manufacturers confessed the wool of the Anglo Spanish cross to be of prime quality, yet not one individual bid for it a price at all equal to what they paid for good Spanish wool. From these sheep im- ported by the king, and from the great exertions of the late Lord Somer- ville, (who at an immense expense imported a flock of choice Merinos,) great benefit has been derived to the wool, by crossing this sort with the 98 FAMILY MERINO, OR SPANISH SHEEP, best British breeds : although the produce of the cross has not been im- proved in shape. The most successful cross has been with the Hereford- shire, the fleece of which is heavier, in proportion to the carcass, than that of any other known breed in Europe ; the average weight of the fleeces of two shear-ewes being estimated at four pounds and a half avoirdupois, in an unwashed state ; and the fleece of a fat wether of the same age will be from five to seven pounds. In Spain, the sheep from which these flocks have been obtained, are bred in the northern provinces of the kingdom of Leon, and of Segovia and Soria, in Old Castile, and the district of Buitrago, in New Castile ; from whence after being shorn they are driven southward at the approach of winter, and dispersed over the plains of Estremadura, La Manchaand Andalusia, until the return of summer, when they travel back to their na- tive pastures ; and whether from instinct or habit, they are said to display symptoms of restlessness as the time approaches for their change of pas- ture. They are in consequence termed Trashumante flocks ; and there is a code of regulations, sanctioned by the authority of law, for the govern- ment of the shepherds during these periodical migrations. The ancient pasturages in the south are secured to them at a fixed rate. A strip of land, of considerable width, is left in pasture at each side of the road for their accommodation, without which they could not travel with conven- ience ; and the greatest attention is paid to secure these privileges. By thus removing them at the different seasons from north to south, and backagain, they are kept in a nearly equal temperature, and it probably is to that ad- vantage that the superiority of the wool of the Trashumante flocks is to be attributed ; that from those which remain stationary, being far inferior ; as a proof of which the Caceres, or Estremaduran wool, grown in one of the central provinces, commands little more than half the price of the Leonesa. It must, however, be admitted, that, in Spain, it is a disputed point whether the travelling flocks are really benefited by the equality of climate thus obtained ; some stationary flocks in the province of Segovia being said to produce as fine wool as any of the Trashumante. If the supposition that the change of pasture be correct, it must follow that these sheep, when exposed to the variable climate of this country, will necessarily change the quality of their fleece; upon which climate is known to have the greatest influence. It may, indeed, be said, that the change might even then be advantageous ; for a certain degree of cold is rather favorable than otherwise to the growth of fine wool ; and its im- provement in Saxony, into which country the Spanish breeds were intro- duced about half a century ago, might be adduced as an instance in point. But in Germany, these sheep are regularly housed during the winter ; they are also kept, during that season, on dry fodder, w r hich may be sup- posed to have a material effect on the fleece, for the Spanish sheep are kept on bare, and generally burnt-up pasture, without even tasting arti- ficial food ; and our ow T n finest w T oolled flocks are maintained on the scan- ty herbage of the downs. In France, — where the royal flock of Rambouillet, picked from the best in Spain, was introduced in 1785, — the sheep suffered greatly by the cold until housed ; and although the Merino breed has been since na- turalized in that country,* and still retains the fineness of the texture of the wool, yet it loses in softness iind in strength of staple. * By a treaty made between France and Spain, during the French Revolution, 5000 ewes and 500 rams, of the best Spanish breeds, were placed at the disposal of the French Government. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 99 MERINO, OR SPANISH SHEEP. The Trafltramante flocks have existed from a very early period in Spain. There is an ancient tradition that the original stock was obtained from this country; but it has not been traced to any authentic source. In the six- tenth century, they were calculated at seven millions; but their numbers have since much diminished, and they are now supposed not to exceed five. The chief flocks are those oFPaular. which belong to a richly endowed monastery of that name in Segovia — of Negrctti, the property of the Mar- quess of Campo d'Alauge — of the Escurial, formerly belonging to the crown; and those owned by the Duke de 1' Infantado, the Marquess d' Iranda, and Perales, and Count San Rafael ; each of which consists of from 40,000 to 60,000, and the average weight of the fleece is estimated at 5 lbs. In respect to the sheep at the present day, found in the United States, it cannot be necessary to enlarge, since few probably are unacquainted with the breeds of their native country. It may be proper to observe, however, that before the introduction of the merino breed, there were, besides the common and coarse woolled sheep of the country, three kinds of sheep, which, for a time, attracted some attention, viz. the Otter, the Arlington, and the Smith's island sheep. The Otter sheep, it is said, were first discovered on some island on our eastern coast. This sheep is distinguished for the extreme shortness of its legs, which are also turned out. in such a manner as to render them ricketty. They appear, observes a writer, as if their legs had been bro- ken, and set by an awkward surgeon. They have not been extensively propagated among us. The Arlington long-wootled sheep were derived from the stock kept by Washington at Mount Vernon- They appear to have been derived from a Persian rain, intermixed with the Bake well or New Leicestershire breed. The origin of the Smith's island sheep (an island which lies in the Atlantic ocean, immediately at the eastern cape of Virginia) cannot be precisely ascertained ; but they are supposed to be the indiginal race of the country, discovered somewhat less than half a century since, and improved by the hand of nature. The wool of this sheep is said to be soft, white, and silky ; but not so fine as the merino wool. The introduction of the merino sheep forms an era in the history of agriculture, and we may add of manufactures in our country. The first merino sheep, ever imported into the United States, were two pairs sent into the country in the spring of 1802, from France, by Robert R. Livingston. Shortly after, a much greater number were introduced by the late Col. Humphreys, directly from Spain. Since that period, importations of Merinos, Saxony, South Down, &c. &c. have been frequent. It cannot be doubted from the experiments alreadv made that the United States of America, particularly the country which lies north of the Chesapeake, is well adapted to the breeding of sheep, not only from the fine herbage which every where crowns our hills, and furnishes that sort of pasture, which is especially adapted to sheep; but also from the singular exemption of our sheep from most of the diseases, which so frequently diminish the flocks of Europe. So much has been written on the subject of the breeding, rearing and 100 FAMILY REARING SHEEP. management of sheep, to which probably most of our readers have access, that we deem it unnecessary to notice this subject otherwise than to se- lect from the best writers the results of their experience touching a few of the most important items, which will naturally claim the attention of the wool grower. Essential requisites to a good ram. " His head should be fine and small ; his nostrils wide and expanded ; his eyes prominent, and rather bold aud daring; ears thin; his collar full from his breast and shoulders, but tapering gradually all the way to where the neck and head join, which should be very fine and graceful, being perfectly free from any coarse leather hanging down ; the shoulders broad aud full, which must at the same time join so easy to the collar forward, and chine backward, as to leave not the least hollow in either place : the mutton upon his arm, or fore-thigh, must come quite to the knee ; his legs upright, with a clean, fine bone, being equally clear from superflu- ous skin, and coarse hairy wool from the knee and hough downwards ; the breast broad and well forward, which will keep his fore legs at a pro- per wideness; his girth, or chest, full and deep, and, instead of a hollow behind the shoulders, that part, by some called the fore-flank, should be quite full ; the back and loins broad, flat, and straight, from which the ribs must rise with a fine circular arch ; his belly straight ; the quarters long and full, with the mutton quite down to the hough, which should nei- ther stand in nor out ; his twist (i. e. the junction of the inside of the thighs) deep, wide, and full, which with the broad breast, will keep his fore-legs open and upright ; the whole body covered with a thin pelt ; and that with fine, bright, soft wool. Signs of a healthy sheep. These are a rather wild or lively briskness ; a brilliant clearness in the eye ; a florid ruddy color on the inside of the eyelids, and what are termed the eyestrings as well as in the gums ; a fastness in the teeth ; a sweet fragrance in the breath ; a dryness of the nose and eyes ; breathing easy aud regular ; a coolness in the feet : dung properly formed; coat or fleece firmly attached to the skin, and unbroken; the skin exhibiting a florid red appearance, especially upon the brisket. Where there are discharges from the nose and eyes, it indicates their having taken cold and should be attended to by putting them in dry shel- tered situations. Signs of the age of sheep. The age of sheep is determined by the state of their teeth. In their second year they have two broad teeth ; in their third year, four broad teeth ; in their fourth year, six broad teeth ; and in their fifth year, eight broad teeth before. After which none can tell how old a sheep is while their teeth remain, except by their being worn down. About the end of one year, rams, wethers, and all young sheep, lose two fore-teeth of the lower jaw ; and they are known to want the incisive teeth in the upper jaw. At eighteen months, the two teeth joining to the former, also fall out ; and at three years, being ali unplaced, they are even and pretty white. But as these animals advance in age, the teeth become loose, blunt, and afterwards black. The age of the ram, and all horned sheep, may also be known by their horns, which show themselves in their very first year, and often at the birth, and continue to grow a ring annually to the last period of their lives. Time of purchasing sheep. With respect to the time, or proper age for purchasing sheep intended for breeding, there is a difference of opinion : put the most experienced breeders recommend them to be procured a ENCYCLOPEDIA. 101 MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP. short time previously to shearing, from the farmer, grazier, or owner's house ; because they will then be seen in their natural state, and the real depth of the staple may also be easily ascertained without the possibility of any fraud or imposition being practised on the buyer by the vender. Breeding of Ewes. Ewes generally breed at the age of fifteen or eight- een months, though many experienced breeders never admit the ram till they are two years old. Much, however, depends, in this respect on the goodness of the food, as well as on the forward or backward state of the breed. The choice of ewes, therefore, ought to be made with care and discrimination, not only as to the characteristic marks, which ought to be the same as those of the ram, but also with regard to the breed; for, with sheep, as with other cattle stock, no certain degree of excellence can be attained, unless the female possesses an equal degree of blood with the male. In particular, a purchaser should see that the animals be sound ; and, in order to ascertain this point, it will be advisable to examine whether the teeth are white, the gums red, the breath not fetid, the eyes lively, the wool firm, and the feet cool; qualities these which afford a certain criterion of health or disease. During the period of gestation, ewes require great attention, lest any accident should occasion them to slip their lambs ; and, if that should take place, it will be proper to separate them instantly from the rest of the flock. It will, therefore, be necessary to keep them in the same manner as cows, while going with calf, namely, upon a moderate or tolerably good shel- tered pasture, where no object can disturb them : though, if this should fail, it will be advisable to give them turnips, or similar green food, under the like precautions, till within the last two or three w r eeks before their yeaning. In the breeding of cattle, indeed, it is a maxim which ought to be steadily kept in mind, that nothing can be more prejudicial to the females than to fatten them during gestation ; and with respect to ewes in particular, this rule should be more carefully observed than with re- gard to any other animal ; for if they be fed too high while they are going with lamb, they will undergo great difficulty and pain in yeaning ; where- as, unless they are put into a little heart before that period arrives, they will not only be deficient in strength at the critical moment, but also be destitute of a sufficient supply of milk for the support of the lamb, and consequently both the dam and her progeny must be greatly weakened, if they do not actually perish from such mismimagement. Owning of Lambs. It often happens, says Mr. Grove, that ewes will not own their lambs, particularly the first "they bear ; and in this case I would advise to the sprinkling a little salt on the lamb ; which induces the ewe to lick it after which she will generally allow it to suck. If not, the ewe with her lamb should be placed in a separate enclosure (of which several should be previously prepared) and fed with the most nutritious fodder, particularly with nourishing liquids, that the udder may be un- comfortably distended ; and if this be not sufficient she must be tied by the legs, till the lamb has been once suckled ; after which there will be no farther difficulty. Weaning Lambs. This depends upon various circumstances. If the parent ewe is broken mouthed, or so faulty in wool, or in shape, as to render it desirable to get rid of her, the lamb must be weaned early, so as to admit of her being fattened in season ; if she is admitted to the ram as soon as she is disposed to take him, the earlier she will fat. If the ob- ject is to render the lambs as large as possible, and they are of such a T ° 1 <* 102 FAMILY MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP. stock, as to make the ewes of comparatively less value, it will be best to let the lambs run with them, till they wean themselves % because they un- doubtedly grow the more rapidly for it. This mode, therefore, I would recommend, when a merino flock is to be engrafted upon a common one, But if the ewes are valuable, it certainly will be best to wean the lambs so early, as to give the ewes some respite, before they take the ram again ; and indeed, if early lambs are preferred, early weaning is absolutely ne- cessary, as the ewe will seldom take the ram when exhausted by nursing. In Spain, they leave the lambs with the ewe till they wean themselves In France, and generally in England, they are weaned at three and four months old. In order to prevent the lambs from falling off, when they are weaned, they should be put into a piece of young tender grass, with an old quiet ewe or wether to direct their movements; they should also be out of sight and hearing of their mothers, that they may the sooner for- get each other. If the keeping them apart be inconvenient, they may be brought together at the end of a fortnight, Some attention should be paid to the ewes for the first week, in order to prevent their suffering by a too great flow of milk, which should be taken from them every day or two ; and perhaps it would be best, till their milk is dried up, to keep them in scanty pastures. Winter management. It is recommended to give ewes with lamb, a somewhat more than ordinary quantity of food, for a month or six weeks before they are expected to yean. Not enough, however to make them fat, as dangerous consequences might attend their being in very high condition at that period. Turnips are said to be injurious to ewes with, lamb, but may be well given them after they have yeaned. If your sheep, whether store sheep or ewes with lamb, have good hay, about a quart of potatoes a day to each will, it is said, be very beneficial, and aii ample allowance. Potatoes, besides their use as food for sheep, are said to be very serviceable as an article of diet, which usually supersedes the necessity of medicine. They have, when given raw, an opening or purga- tive quality, which is thought to be of use, and answer a similar purpose with sheep, which is effected with swine by brimstone and antimony. Potatoes, baked, steamed or boiled, will furnish more nutriment than those which are raw. Care should be taken to place in the stable small tubs or troughs of water for the sheep to drink in. They will do very well in the summer without water, as they feed when the dew is on; but they need water in winter, es- pecially if fed mostly on dry food. When sheep have colds, and discharge mucus from the nose, good feeding, together with pine boughs, given oc- casionally, will cure them; or tar, spread over a board, over which a little tine salt is strewed, will induce sheep to lick up the tar, and this will cure a cold. Half a gill of Indian corn a day, given to each sheep during winter, is recommended as keeping them in good heart, preventing the wool from falling off, and enabling the ewes to rear their young better, than they would if fed altogether on food of a less substantial.nature. Quantity of food. Writers do not agree on the quantity of food, which a given number of sheep will consume to advantage in a given time. Ac- cording to Mr. Lawrence, a sheep will eat twenty pounds of turnips in twenty four hours; but that one gallon of potatoes will generally suffice. The size of the sheep he does not give. The same writer also states that the quantity of food required by a sheep, compared with an ox, is as one to eight or nine. Daubenton, a celebrated French agriculturalist, gives the ENCYCLOPEDIA. 103 MANAGEMENT OF SHEEP. following as the result of an experiment which he made on this subject. u I confined," says he u in a small space, two sheep, about twenty inches high, (the height of most wooiled animals in France . ) By way of experi- ment, I caused the sheep to be fed during eight days, solely on grass new- ly cut, and weighed before placed in their rack. Care was taken to pick up, and place back again, all that the sheep let fall, and to weigh that which they would not eat, in consequence of its being too tough, or because it possessed some bad quality. From this trial, frequently repeated, it ap- peared that a sheep of the middle stature eats about eight pounds of grass in a day. The same experiments, conducted with the same preciseness. in regard to the fodders of hay or straw, have proved that a sheep of middling height likewise eats daily two pounds of hay, or two pounds and a half of straw. In order to ascertain how many pounds of grass go to one pound of hay, I caused the grass to be weighed as soon as cut ; it was then spread on cloths exposed to the sun, so that none might be lost, though at the same time well dried. Being thus converted into hay, I found its weight reduced to one fourth ; eight pounds of grass had given only two pounds of hay. Manner of feeding. u One thing, (says Mr. Tessier) cannot be too much recommended, which is to place the hay in the racks while the sheep are out of the house ; by this precaution the dust will not fall upon the flee- ces.'' Dr. Draw observes that the rack in which the hay is put should be upright, so that in feeding, the seeds, chaff, &c. should not fall into the wool, about their necks. Under the racks should be a trough for catching the seeds of the hay, and feeding the sheep. Salt. With regard to giving salt to sheep writers have disagreed. It is believed to be better not to give them any, than to allow them too great a quantity. M. Tessier says, " sheep have been known to be attended with long and troublesome looseness in consequence of having taken too much salt ; which has induced the belief that sea-water is poisonous to them ; and that his sheep had always been healthy though he had never given them any salt. But he states that it may be indispensably necessa- ry in wet countries." And Dr. Cooper, editor of the last edition of the Domestic Encyclopedia, recommends one fourth of an ounce a day. as a proper quantity for sheep. Mr. Grove likewise says, " salt is required by sheep, at intervals, during the whole year : but it is often given in too great quantities, and almost forced upon the sheep ; which is often injurious, and often injures the digestion, so that the best grain will pass through them unaltered. The best mode, where rock salt is to be had. is to attach pieces here and there in the stable or pasture, and let them lick it as they wish. The usual calculation is from one to two pounds yearly, per head : but I have usually found that something less than one pound was quite sufficient, and more thau this is not given in Saxony to the best managed flocks." Folding. Cotting or folding of sheep, is a practice more or less exten- sively followed with particular breeds, and in particular districts : but now generally on the decline. It was formerly thought to be indispen- sably necessary to the success of the farmer in different districts : but of late a different opinion has prevailed, except in particular cases, and it is considered as merely enriching one field at the expense of another. The object is to enrich the arable land ; but as this is done at the expense of the pasture, it is truly as Bakewell expresses it, "robbing Peter to pay Paul." 104 FAMILY DIFFERENT BREEDS OF SWINE. Marking. An English writer gives the following : — Mark on either side ofthewoseof the sheep, the initials of the owner's name, and on the opposite side any number by which he may choose to designate the par- ticular sheep, by means of a small iron letter or figure about an inch long; which being dipped in common oil colors, mixed with turpentine to dry them more readily, is placed on the part described, and will continue until the next shearing season. The process is easy, and will give the animal no pain ; the marks cannot be readily obliterated, which is not the case with tattooing or cauterizing. SECTION V. ON THE BREEDING, REARING, AND FATTENING OF SWINE. It is the remark of a writer, that those animals which are mOst essen- tial to the comfort of man, have been most widely diffused, by a kind providence. Among these animals we must certainly rank swine. They are to be found in all latitudes, between the frozen regions, on the north and south. Of domestic stock, few varieties are more profitable to the breeder, than swine. While the number kept on a farm is proportioned to the quantity of offal on the premises, especially as the attendance they require, is, when compared with that of others, very trifling, and the benefit arising from their manure more than counterbalances the expense of such attendance. The characteristic marks of a good hog are, a moderate length, as to the carcass in general ; the head and cheek being plump and full; and the neck thick and short; bone fine; quarters full ; the carcass thick and full ; his bristly hide fine and thin; the symmetry or proportion of the whole well adapted to the respective breeds or varieties ; and above all, a kindly disposition to fatten early. DIFFERENT BREEDS OF SWINE. Swine differ greatly in different countries, in respect to size, color, &c. &c. In Piedmont they are universally black, and this color obtains so generally throughout Italy, that swine's flesh is often called, in the language of that country, new, or black. In Normandy their color is white, but in the neighboring country of Bavaria, it is reddish brown. In Hungary and Sweden swine are often found with solid hoofs, although in other countries they are universally cloven footed. The parent stock of the domestic swine of Europe, is doubtless, the wild boar, which is still found in some of the forests of France, Germany, and other parts of Europe, as well as those of Persian India. Wild boars usually live in families and are hunted as an amusement in all parts of the world, in which they are found. The flesh of the wild animals, if they are not old, is said to be much superior to that of our domestic swine. That of the young ones is peculiarly delicate. Of an old wild boar the head only is at all eatable. Considerable attention has been paid to swine in England, where al- ENCYCLOPEDIA. 105 CHINESE BREED. most every county has its peculiar breed. These varieties are in part, it is said, the effects of crossing the European variety with the Chinese, some account of which we shall here give. CHINESE BREED. I. The Chinese Breed, of the general appearance of which the above is a tolerably correct delineation, when fat, were originally obtained, as their name imports, from China. Of these there are two nearly distinct kinds : the white, and the black ; both are small ; and, although of an; extraordinary disposition to fatten, will seldom arrive to a greater weight than sixteen or eighteen stone of fourteen pounds at two years of age. The former are better shaped than the latter ; but they are less hardy, and less prolific. They are both very small limbed; round in the car- cass ; thin skinned, and fine bristled ; and have the head so bedded in the neck, that when quite fat, the end only of the snout is perceptible. They are tender aud difficult to rear, and the sows are bad nurses; yet, from their early aptitude to fatten they are in great esteem with those who only rear young porkers. Their flesh is rather too delicate for bacon ; it is also defioient in lean; and their hind quarters being small, in propor- tion to the body, they cut up to disadvantage : they,however, possess the valuable properties of being very thrifty, and of fattening on a compara- tively small quantity of food. There is also amixed breed of this kind, being white variously patched with black; some of which have prick ears, like the true breed, which they otherwise resemble in form, and others have the ears round at the ends, and hanging downwards, 106 FAMILY BERKSHIRE DREED, BERKSHIRE BREED. II. Berkshire Breed, is distinguished by being in general of a tawny, white, or relish color ; spotted with black; large ears, hanging over the eyes ; thick/close, and well made in the body; legs short; small in the bone ; having a disposition to fatten quickly ; and when well fed the flesh is fine. " Berkshire has been long famous for its breed of swine, which, as it now stands, is, in the third class, in point of size, excellent in all respects, but particularly as a cross for heavy, slow feeding sorts. It lias extended itself from the district from which it takes its name, over most parts of England ; it is the sort mostly fatted at the distilleries ; feeds to a great weight ; is good for either pork or bacon ; and is suppo- sed by many to be the most hardy, both in respect to its nature and the food on which it will thrive. III. The Essex Half Black pigs, are apparently descended from the Berkshire stock, and may be reckoned among the finest breeds in Eng- land. They are black and white, short haired, fine skinned, smaller heads and ears than the Berkshire ; but the latter are feathered with in- side hair, which is a distinctive mark of both ; short, snubby noses, very fine bone, broad and deep in the belly, full in the hind quarters, but light in the bone and offal ; the sows are good breeders, and bring litters from eight to twelve ; but they also have the character of being bad nurses. Mr. Western describes them, as feeding remarkably quick, growing fast, and being of an excellent quality of meat; and he considers them at least equal, upon a fair comparison of age, food and weight, to any other sort whatever. The Sussex Breed, is either a variety of the Essex, just described, or, as some assert, the original stock. It is smaller than the Berkshire, and of a very handsome form, the general size, when full grown, seldom ex- ceeding eighteen or twenty stone of fourteen pounds. The bone is not particularly small, but it is clean ; the animal is of a kindly disposition to fatten, and arrives at maturity sooner thau any other kind. The Dishley Breed, which were at one time as celebrated as all the other kinds of Mr. Bake well's stock, are remarkably fine boned, and delicate, and are supposed to be partly descended from crosses of the Berkshire and Chinese. They are certainly carried to great perfection, and have reached to considerable weight, in a very small compass, being, when ENCYCLOPEDIA. 10 WOBURN Oil IIEDFORD BREED. fat, nearly equal in height, length, and thickness, their bellies nearly touching the ground, and their eyes scarcely to be >een for fat: whole carcass appearing a solid mass of flesh. The form of these pigs possesses considerable beantv. and is well cal- culated to lay on a large quantity of meat compared with their bone and offal. They also keep themselves in good conditio;:. rate quantity of ifood, and are easily fattened.^ WOBURN, OR BEDFORD BREED. IV. The Woburn Breed, of which the animal portrayed above exhibited at Lord Somerville's Cattle Show, in 1806, is a new variety in- troduced by the Duke of Bedford. They are of various color?, well formed, hardy, very prolific, kindly disposed to fatten, and have attained to nearly twice the weight of some other hogs within the same given period of time. Besides these, there are : — The Hampshire, the specific characters of which are — color chiefly white : neck and carcass long, and the body not so well formed as the Berkshire pigs ; but they fatten kindly to a very great size and weight. and make excellent bacon. The Northampton, which are also white, with very short legs, ear? enormously large, often sweeping the ground ; size large, with coarse bone and hair, and many bristles. They fatten to a great size, but not very kindly, and are reared chiefly in the county of Northampton. The Shropshire, which appear to be a variety of the Northampton race, to whose characteristics they bear a great resemblance : fattening to a large size, but not so kindly disposed as the Berkshire ; yet they are both favorites with the distillers, who seem to require a coarse, heavy pig to consume their wash and grains with advantage. The Yorkshire, which are similar in color to the Berkshire, but with longer ears, and coarser hair. They have long legs, flat sides, and are coarse in the bone : they are also slow feeders ; but for the reasons al- ready assigned they, as well as the Northampton and Shropshire, are in esteem with the distillers. The Lincolnshire, w r ith well formed heads and ears of a medium size pointing forward, and curled at the tips ; they are long and straight from 108 FAMILY CHESHIRE BREED. the head to the tail, and of sufficient breadth ; round in the carcass and deep in the sides ; the skin and hair thin. The true bred pigs of this race are white, and rather tender; but they reach to thirty stone of four* teen pounds, and in point of profit may be ranked next to the Berkshire. This breed is also known (with some occasional variation) as the Norfolk and Suffolk. The Cheshire, of various colors, but chiefly marked with broad patches of black, or blue, and white, have lage heads, with long pendant ears ; are of a great length, but proportionably narrow ; curved in the back, and flat sided ; large boned, and long legged, with much loose skin, and are altogether ill-formed ; but they grow to an extraordinary weight, and are the largest kind of pigs in the kingdom, except the Rudgtcick breed, which take their name from a village on the borders of Surry and Sus- sex, and are remarkable for the enormous size to which they reach. Each of these breeds has its several advocates ; but as their respective value does not, as in other species of stock, depend on soil and situation, these differences of opinion can only be ascribed to the want of sufficient comparative experiments or to prejudice. A very competent and appa- rently a very candid judge of the merits of the principal kinds, gives it as his decided opinion, that the Berkshire rough-haired, feather-eared, curled pigs, are superior in form and flesh to all others ; even to the best Chinese. To the foregoing might be added many other varieties and sub-varie- ties in England ; but it is deemed unnecessary to be more minute. The hog is not a native of America, but was brought hither by Euro- peans. Until within a few years, the principal breed of hogs to be found in the United States strongly resembled the old Irish breed — a long- legged, thin-sided, lank, haggard race, which scarcely attain to their full size, short of two or three years, and two or three of which require all the corn commonly raised on a good sized farm, to get into a decent con- dition for the barrel. Within a few years, however, more attention has been paid to this important subject; more valuable breeds have been introduced, which have been crossed to advantage in the country. We have crosses from the Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, and English breeds. Of the latter, we have the Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Suffolk, Sussex, Lincolnshire, Hampshire, tmd other families. In general, however, there is room for extensive improvement, in respect to our swine. Among the breeds deservedly in high repute in New-England, at the present time, is the Bed- ford or Woburn breed. The history of its introduction is both curious and interesting, and for it we are indebted to the Hon. Oliver Fiske, of Wor- cester Mass., as we are to his zeal for its extensive dissemination, in various parts of New-England, and other sections of the United States. According to this gentleman, the breed — a boar and a sow — were sent by the Duke of Bedford — after whom they are in this country called — but in England are better known, it is believed, by the name of the M Wobarn breed," as a present to Gen. Washington. They were committed to the care of an English farmer by the name of Parkinson. This man took a farm in the neighborhood of Baltimore; but, instead of sending the swine to Gen. Washington, he sold them. Being highly esteemed by Gen. Ridgely, of Maryland, who became acquainted with their excellence, he sent a pair of them to Col. Pickering, of Massachusetts, in a vessel bound ENCYCLOPEDIA. 109 MANAGEMENT OF HOGS." to Salem. From Col. P.'s stock. Mr. John Reed of Roxbury, obtained the breed, and of the latter Dr. Fiske obtained parts of several litter-, which he transferred to Worcester. The pure breed is, perhaps, nearly the perfection of the race — judiciously crossed with our native breed, greatly improves the latter. To the excellence of the above breed Gov. Lincoln and several other gentlemen have borne the most ample testi- mony. See New-England^Farmer, Vol. III. p. 2*22. The importance of a general introduction of such a breed of swine aa the foregoing, to the farming interest of the land, can scarcely be estima- ted. Although the keeping of a moderate number of even the old breeds, was advantageous to the fanner, and almost essential, inasmuch 'as they would feed upon things, which would otherwise be of no considerable service to him ; yet the fattening of such swine usually proves a serious tax upon the granary, and often before the farmer's pork was in the bar- rel, his stock of corn was exhausted. Too much apathy in respect to the improvement of this part of the farmer's stock, it is believed, still gene- rally prevails. Next to the importance of a good breed, is the proper management of them. That management will vary according to their age and other circumstances. The suggestions which we design to make will respect these animals distinguished into the following classes : 1. Sows with Pig; 2. Pigs; 3. Store Pigs; and, 4. Fatting Hogs. I. With regard to soics in pig. it is obvious that they should be better fed than either of the two following classes, in order "that they may be enabled to supply their young litter with the necessary supply of milk ; but while care is thus taken to keep them in good condition, equal cau- tion is necessary that they be not too fat. Thus, for such a litter in the spring, tares and cabbages, combined with the waste milk and wash of the house and dairy, may he emploved with advantage : or, if the sup- ply from the dairy be not adequate to the demand, a wash may be pre- pared with oat, barley, or other meal. For those which litter in autumn, lettuces have been found very wholesome and nutritive, in addition to the wash ; and in the winter season, potatoes, Swedish turnips, and oth^r roots, previously prepared by boiling, should be added. II. With regard to young pigs, they may be fed, after being weaned, in the same manner as sows ; but it is eminently important that their food should be so nutritious as that they should be continually in a grow- ing state. No food is better for them, it is well known, than milk: and nothing scarcely promotes their growth more rapidly than corn soaked in milk, or milk thickened with corn and oat meal combined. It may be remarked, also, that young pigs seldom do well, when constantly con- fined in the pen. More than at any other period do they need to range abroad. They require also a warm and dry shelter, especially in the lat- ter part of autumn, and during the season of winter. From inattention to these points, the growth of pigs is scarcely a moity of what it would otherwise be, besides, that they require a much greater amount of food. III. Store pigs are those which have attained nearly half their growth, and for these, every farmer, who has it in his power, should have a good enclosed pasture, it having been found by experiment, that in a pasture of moderate dimensions and properly managed, the same number of hogs may be kept in better condition, and probably at only a quarter of the ex- pense, than if they were kept in the pen, upon Indian, or even upon roots The hog pasture, observes Mr. Dean, in his New England Farmer, K. 110 FAMILY MANAGEMENT OF HOGS. should be so near to the dwelling house that it may not be troublesome to carry the wash to the swine, and yet so far off that the people in the house may not be stunned with their noise. A warm cot must be made m some convenient part of their pasture, for them to lodge in. To prepare a pasture for them, let the ground be broken up, tilled and manured, and then laid down with clover. For swine are more fond of this grass than of any other, which our country produces. Let the quan- tity of land be so proportioned to the number of swine that they may keep the grass from running up to seed. For this will prevent waste : and the shorter the grass is, the sweeter it will be, and the more tender and agreeable to their palates. I suppose that one acre of rich land in clover, will support twenty or more swine, large and small together, through the summer ; and bring them well forward in their growth ; but they should have rings in their noses, to prevent their rooting out the clover. It has been proved, by many trials, that hogs in such a pasture, may be kept in good plight, without any other food. Some say they may be half fattened. Arthur Young, Esq. of Great Britain, in the summer of the year 1766. pastured sixty -four swine of various sizes, on two acres of clover ground. And allowing two pence half-penny per week, one with another, their feedings amounted to seventeen pounds, sixteen shillings sterling. Their keeping was set at a low rate, six months feeding for one swine being 5s bd. and the profit of the clover put to this use is astonishing. He as- sures the public that all these swine grew very fast. And in his opinion, this use of clover is greatly preferable to making it into hay. I think thi> is not to be doubted, though the crop of hay were supposed to be the greatest that is ever obtained. It should be remembered, that the pasturing with swine will enrich the land more than pasturing with other beasts, and hereby the profit of the farmer will be increased. And if a common clover lay will produce a good crop of wheat, much more may be expected of the same kind of ground, after pasturing swine upon it ; as their dung adds much to the fertility of the soil. Hogs may be turned into their pasture about the first of May, and kept in it till the last of October. And if in May and October the grass should not be quite sufficient for their support, some potatoes or other roots may be thrown to them. The fence about the pasture should be so tight and strong that the swine will not need to be yoked ; because yokes do much towards pre- venting their growth, as I have found by letting yoked and unyoked ones of the same litter run together in a pasture. It will be of great advan- tage to a hog pasture to have plenty of water in it through the summer. Running water is best, as it will afford them the most wholesome drinks and at the same time serve as well as any other for them to wallow in : and it will keep them clean, which is no small advantage. The best way of managing swine, is to keep them always in middling plight. Not too fat lest their health should be in danger, especially when the weather is hot; not too lean, lest this should give them a ravenous appetite, and tempt them to eat things that are not wholesome for them. Those that have been long starved, cannot be made fat without great expense — sometimes more than they will repay with their flesh. ENCYCLOPEDIA. Ill MANAGEMENT OF HOGS. When it can with convenience be so ordered, it is an excellent piece of husbandry to make a hog pasture of an orchard. Their dung is al- lowed to be the very best manure for the trees. They will keep the ground light and loose, destroy insects that infest the trees, and feed heartily upon the premature apples, which the farmer is too often tempt- ed to grind up for cider. And the shadow of the trees will be very grate- ful and comfortable to them in summer. An orchard may be prepared with clover as well as any other piece of ground. But it should be re- membered that, when the trees in an orchard are young and small, swine should not be permitted to go among them ; for there will be danger of their wounding them, and stripping off some of the bark. Afl a substitute for the usual mode of ringing hogs, Mr. Tubb. an English breeder of stock, recommends to shave off with a razor, or sharp knife, the gristle on the tops of the noses of young pigs. The place soon heals over, aud the pigs are thus rendered incapable of rooting. Loudon recommends to cut the two tendons of their snouts with a sharp knife, about an inch and a half from the nose. This may be done with pain and no prejudice to the animal, when about two or three months old. IV. The business of fattening hogs is generally performed from the commencement of October. Some farmers, and those who understand their true interests, commence somewhat earlier. According to the opinion of Rev. Mr. Elliot, the best time in the year to shut up hogs to fatten them, is the month of August. The beginning of September, however, is sufficiently early to make them fat. provided they be of a proper breed, before the weather comes to be extremely cold. Certain it is, that he that attempts to fatten his hogs in winter will be a loser, for it has been found by long experience, that they do not gain in their flesh near so fast in a frosty, as in a temperate season. Whatever system of fattening swine may be adopted, it is of essential consequence that they be kept warm and clean, especially in cold and damp weather, during the period of fattening : and that they also be sup- plied with abundance of litter, the cost of which will be amply repaid by the increased proportion of excellent dung thereby obtained. It has, indeed been frequently asserted, that swine thrive better while fattening. if they be allowed to wallow, at home, in their own tilth, and abroad in mud and wet, because they delight in it ; and thence it is assumed as cer- tain, that it tends to their advantage. Such an assertion, however, is rather the offspring of prejudice, than the result of real experience : we know that animals, when oppressed with heat, will plunge into water in order to cool themselves ; but it cannot be inferred from this circum- stauce. that it will be necessarily beneficial to them, especially when fattening. Besides, as there is an analogy between the disorders of this part of the brute creation, and those of the human race, as well as in the causes whence they originate, we shall here only remark, that swine are liable to be affected by drinking too much cold water, or wallowing in miry or humid places when overheated. Not only, however, should these animals be kept warm and dry while fattening, but they should also be confined, if possible, by themselves ; or. at all events, there should be as small a number in the same stye, and as much out of the hearing of the cry or grunt of other hogs as possible ; otherwise upon their first confinement, they will pine and decrease in flesh, notwithstanding they have abundance of food given them. By this means they will be enabled to take more frequent and uninterrupted re- 112 FAMILY DISEASES OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, AND SWINE. pose, which greatly contributes to promote their fattening; besides which, • all those inconveniences will be effectually obviated, which often occur from hogs worrying each other, and from the weaker being deprived by the stronger of their fair proportion of food. Regularity of feeding should likewise be especially regarded, as it has great influence in facilitating or retarding the fattening of swine ; hence it will be proper to give them a full allowance of food three or four times, or at certain other stated intervals in the day, as convenience or other circumstances will allow. And if any animal should have surfeited itself, (which is no unusual occurrence, where due regard is not bestowed on the point last stated,) by eating too large a proportion of food, it will be advisable to give about half an ounce of flour of sulphur in some wash, once or twice in the day, for two or three successive days. By this sim- ple remedy their palled appetite will be restored more effectually than by administering antimony, or any other drug that has been recommended to use in fattening swine ; for, however such articles may possibly have succeeded in nfew instances, it is obvious that they cannot be generally employed with advantage, and may not unfrequently be productive of hurtful effects. It is recommended by various writers to give to fatting hogs dry rot- ten wood, or the ashes or cinders of the blacksmith's shop ; others re- commend charcoal. Nature, it is thought, points out these, as preventives for several diseases.' to which fatting swine are liable. The precise effect of these articles, it is, perhaps, difficult to ascertain. The rotten wood may act as an absorbent, and the cinders and charcoal serve to correct the superabundant acid in the stomach. Certain it is, that fatting swine will devour these substances with avidity, whenever they require them. I have not lost a fatting hog, says Judge Peters, for more than thirty years, when I used it, (rotten wood) but have suffered by neglecting it. Some of my neighbors met with frequent losses of fatting hogs, till I informed them of my practice ; of which I was told by a woman from East Jersey, before our revolutionary war. She said it was then known and practiced there. To the good effects of charcoal, the Editor can bear his own testimony, having made use of this, for his own fatting hogs for several years. He has found similar good effects to result from the use of pounded oyster- shells. When sufficiently softened by exposure to the air, fatting swine will be found to eat them with avidity. SECTION VI DISEASES OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, AND SWINE. 1. HORSES. The brute creation are, in general, liable to fewer maladies, or com- plaints than mankind ; and as their diseases are, with some exceptions, less complicated, they are of course more easily relieved. Many of the diseases which afflict brute animals, might be prevented by more care, it being certain that these are often the result of the negligence or erro- neous treatment of their owners. " They are either exposed too much u? the rigor and changes of the weather/' observes Mr. Lawrence, " or ENCYCLOPEDIA 113 DISEASES OF HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, AND SWINE. they are gorged with food, or denied a sufficient quantity, or supplied with such as is unwholesome. Hence we learn the chief causes of their maladies. Learn to prevent them, instead of undertaking the tedious, unsuitable, and often hopeless task of learning to cure them." Although many diseases incident to our domestic animals might, as the above writer suggests, be prevented by care and vigilance, yet they will some- times get sick, under the most favorable circumstances, and for some of their maladies, no certain cures have as yet been discovered. It would greatly swell the limits of this work, were we to enumerate all the mala- dies incident to the animals which stand at the head of this article. We must therefore confine our attention to a few of those which are of most common occurrence. Botts. There are tw T o varieties of the insects which produce the botts, one larger than the other. The larger kind are covered with down of a brownish color, with darker shades. The female deposits her eggs, generally, on those parts of the horse, where he can bite himself, espe- cially on the anterior of the legs ; but never under his throat. When she approaches the horse, she supports her body nearly upright in the air. and with one of her feet bends out a hair, on which she deposits an egg. and thus she continues to do for a short time, and then retires, probably to rest herself, when she returns to her charge. The smaller kind are covered w T ith a darker and thicker down. Wings transparent, and with- out any shades. The female deposits her eggs under the throat, and no where else. As she approaches the horse, she instantly darts up under his throat, and deposits an egg with incredible expedition, and then goes off, but soon returns again and again, to the great disquiet and trouble of the horse, causing him to throw up his head with violence. Each kind varies in size ; but in general, they are about three fourths of an inch in length. The larvae produced by the eggs of the above insects, penetrate through the villous, into the muscular coat of the stomach, forming small cavities in the same, and then hang by their hooks, irritating and wounding the animal. If at any time they lose their hold, they immediately catch again. Not any part of the stomach is exempted from them ; but they are most numerous near the passages into and out of the stomach. They are of all insects the most tenacious of life, at this period; and at this time of their existence it is, that they prove so destructive to horses. The following experiments were made at different times, and on tha larva* three fourths grown or more. Rum Decoction of tobacco Strong elixir vitriol Essential oil of mint Volatile spirit Spirits of turpentine Decoction pink root Fish oil Linseed oil Tincture of aloes Brine Solution of indigo L Elixir camphor lived h. 25 11 2 2 10 49 10 10 10 10 10 minutes. 18 5 56 45 e 5 2 o o 5 5 <■*■ 2 = — k2 114 FAMILY DISEASES OF HORSES, Mercury is not so effectual in destroying the insects as is generally be- lieved. September 16, 1806, immersed a number of small botts, with one which was full grown, in a strong solution of corrosive sublimate ; the small botts died in sixty minutes ; but a full grown one was taken out of the solution, six hours after its immersion, apparently unhurt. From the preceding experiments, for which we are indebted to an able Essay on the Natural history of the Bott-Fly by Dr. Adams, published by the Medical and Agricultural Register, it is apparent that it must be ex- tremely difficult to destroy the larvas in the stomach of a horse, under any circumstances, by the use of any remedy, which would not be worse than the disease. Various applications have indeed been proposed, such as rum, aloes, jalep, brine, linseed oil, pepper, tincture of tobacco, tincture of pink root; but none of them have proved effectual. But, while we are not able to suggest a specific for this most terrible of all evils, which afflict the horse, two points deserve attention — the one by way of preventing the exist- ence of botts in the stomach of the horse, the other by way of palliating the sufferings of the animal, when they do actually exist. The best method of preventing the bott is perhaps once in ten or fifteen days to scrape off the eggs deposited by the insect. This should be done through the season of their appearance, July, August, and September. A sharp knife may be used, taking care not to scrape the eggs where the horse will be likely to eat them while he is feeding. When botts are found to exist in a horse, the chief object should be to remove irritation and inflammation. This should be done by blood-letting and the free use of mild oils. Blood-letting has a tendency to remove the inflammatory disposition, and should be theirs* resort, and should be frequently repeated ; at the same time that mild oils are administered. Drenches may be used, but the chief dependence should be had upon allaying the irritation and inflammation by the means suggested. "Worms. Besides botts, horses are sometimes troubled with other kinds of worms, such as teres taenia and ascarls. The teres or large round worm, says Loudon, sometimes occasions mischief, when it exists in great numbers, such as a staring coat, binding of the hide, irregular appetite, and clammy mouth. The best remedy is the spigelia marylandica or Indian pink, in daily doses of half an ounce. Tcenia are not common in the horse, now and then they exist, and are best combated by weekly doses of oil of turpentine, three ounces at a time, mixed by means of the yolk of an egg with half a pint of ale. The ascaris or thread worms, are best removed by mercurial purgatives. The existence of worms may be known by the appearance of a yellow matter under the tail, and by the disposition the horse has to rub his fundament. Blaine recommends the following vermifuge ; powdered arsenic, eight grains; pewter or tin finely scraped; Venice turpentine, half an ounce, make into a ball and give every morning. He also recommends salt to be giv- en daily with the food, which agrees with our own experience as one of the best vermifuges known, it is a fact acknowledged by the residents along the sea-coast, that horses troubled with worms will often volun- tarily drink largely of sea water, and thus cure themselves. Colic, flatulent, or spasmodic, called also gripes, fret, or gullion, is an important, because a frequent, disease, and because it frequently de- stroys either quickly by its irritation, or by its degenerating into the red ENCYCLOPEDIA. 115 DISEASES OF HORSES. or inflammatory colic, when improperly treated or long continued. It is usually very sudden in its attack. The causes of colic are not always apparent. It is sometimes occasioned by intestinal stones, which accumulate to a great size, remaining for years in the cells of the colon, until some accidental displacement occa- sions an interruption to the peristaltic motion. Cold in various forms is a parent of colic ; but under the form of cold water given when a horse is hot, it is most common. In some horses it is so frequent as to become a constitutional appendage. The distinguishing marks between colic and inflammation of the bowels are gained, occording to Blaine, by attending to the following circumstances. In gripes the horse has violent fits of pain but they remit, and he has in- tervals of ease. The pain in red colic is more uniform and less violent. In gripes, the pulse is, in general, natural ; in red colic it is quicker than natural, and commonly small. The extremities are not usually cold in gripes ; in red colic they usually are. In gripes, the horse attempts to roll on his back, which in red colic he seldom does. There are no marks of fever with gripes, as red eyelids, inflamed nostrils, &c. but in red colic they are always present. When the complaint has continued some hours it is always proper to bleed to prevent its ending in inflammation : bleed- ing in the mouth is quite useless. Back-rake, and throw up clysters of warm water, one after another as fast as possible, which often overcomes the irritation. La Fosse recommends a curious remedy, but as it can always be obtained, and has the sanction of long experience, it may be tried. An onion is pounded and mixed up with some powdered savin ; in default of which, use powdered ginger. This is to be introduced up the rectum as high as possible, and the horse is to be then moved briskly about. An onion put up the fundament whole has long been a domestic remedy. The following is recommended by Blaine : spirit of vitriolic eether, an ounce ; powdered opium, one drachm ; oil of turpentine, three ounces ; warm ale, a pint. He also recommends the following more simple reme- dy as always at hand : the expressed juice of two or three large onions; com- mon gin, common oil, of each half a pint; mix and give. White recom- mends a pint of brandy, or of gin, with water, as an excellent carmina- tive. Clark, who has expressly written on gripes, extols the virtues of a mixture thus made ; which, if it have the qualities he attributes to it, and which there is no reason to doubt, no agriculturalist, coach, or post master should be without it : pimento berry, called also allspice, ground fine, lialfapound; spirits of wine, and of water, of each a pint and a half; infuse these together, and keep it for use. Give a quarter of a pint every hour until full relief is obtained ; hand-rubbing, wisping, or fomenting the bowels with hot water at the time. Inflammation of the bowels or red colic, is a very distinct disease from the gripes, gullion, or fret, with which it is, however, very apt to be confounded to the destruction of many horses. The peritoneal in- flammation of the bowels, the one here treated on, is an affection of their outer covering. The causes are various. It is not unfrequently brought on by a sudden translation of cold after great heats, as swimming during hunting, or from the removal of a horse from grass at once into heated stables, cloth- ing and hard food ; neglected gripes, or long continued costiveness, ex- cessive riding, and the immediate drinking of cold water, have brought it on. It begins by restlessness, loss of appetite, some uneasiness ; the 116 FAMILY DISEASES OF HORSES. mouth is hot and dry, the inner membranes of the mouth, nose and eye- lids are often redder than natural. As the disease advances, the pain, before not violent, now increases, so as to force the horse to lie down and rise again frequently ; and when very violent, he kicks at his belly, or looks round at his sides, pawing his litter very frequently. The pulse is usually small, quick, or hard ; sometimes it is more full and small, but always hard. Breathing is quickened, the extremities are alternately hot and cold, but continue longer cold than hot ; and the animal is cos- tive : sometimes pain may force away a few hardened balls of faeces, but the principal contents are retained. Blaine has given the distinguishing features between this disease and colic, under which head we have stated them. The treatment must be active and immediate, or a fatal termination may be expected. Begin by abstracting a considerable quantity of blood ; from a large horse to the amount of seven or eight quarts ; proceed to back-rake, throw up a large clyster of warm gruel. Give by the mouth, a pint of castor oil, mixed by the means of the yolk of two eggs, with half a pint of broth or gruel. Or, give olive oil instead, following it up in half an hour by a gruel drench in which six ounces of Epsom salts have been dissolved. A sheep skin, immediately as it is removed from the sheep, may be applied to the belly, which should first be well rubbed with the strong liquid blister. (Vet. Pha. 13. ) In four hours repeat the bleeding, if considerable improvement have not taken place, and if the bowels be not unloaded, give more oil, and clyster frequently, having first back-raked. Avoid exercise ; first hand-rub, and afterwards wrap up the extremities to the knees. As a clear passage for the dung is found, the symptoms mitigate, and the animal slowly recovers ; but he must be fed at first very sparingly. Lampas. All horses, but particularly very young ones, are liable to enlargement of the ruga? or ridges of the palate, dependent not on any local disease confined to the part itself, but occasionally by an affection of the whole passage of the mouth, throat, and stomach. It is usual to attend to the part only, which is scarified or burnt to little purpose, when a mild dose of physic, or gentle alteratives, would prove more certain expedients ; to which may be added rubbing the part with bay salt, or with vinegar. Bridle sores. When the bit in colt breaking, or in hard pulling horses, has hurt the bars, care is requisite to prevent the bone becoming carious. Touch daily with segyptiacum, and cover the bit with leather, unless total rest can be allowed. Pole evil. This complaint commonly requires the attendance of an experienced practitioner — but the prevention is often in the power of owners and others about horses, and to this point we shall particularly direct their attention. Pole evil is commonly the effect of accident. Re- peated small blows of the manger, or continued pressure from hanging back on the haltre, &c. will, if not remedied, produce swelling at the nape of the neck, with some tenderness. In this early state, if the collar be removed and the part be kept continually wet with vinegar and water, the swelling will often disperse — but if, in spite of this, it proceeds to suppuration, let a vent be made for the matter by a seton [116] so that it may readily flow out. Introduce nothing healing,, but encourage a free discharge, and it may heal at once. When such is not the issue, the disease attacks the ligaments ; sinuses form, and the matter burrows ENCYCLOPEDIA. 117 DISEASES OF HORSES. under the skin and muscles, when a seton must be introduced from the opening above and should be brought out at the bottom ; the seton should be then daily wetted with the liquid blister. (Vet. Pfta. 13.) Should this plan fail, escharotics will be required in the form of scalding mix- ture. (Vet. Pha. 37.) Straxguary or suj/prcssion of urine; incontinence of urine ; bloody urine. Stranguary may arise from an injury done to the kidneys, or to the blad- der, by strains, or by the absorption of irritating matters. In these cases, bleed if there be fever, and if not merely give the horse absolute rest : mash him, give gruel, and warm his water for drink. Bloody urine should be treated in the same way ; some horses have such a natural or acquired weakness of the kidneys, as to stale blood with their urine on every occasion of over exertion : the means frequently used for relief, are such as aggravate the complaint, and indeed are often the occasion of it, which are diuretics. Strong diuretics injure horses more than strong physic, and benefit them less than any other of the popular means made use'of. In retention of urine, but particularly in cases of bloody urine, they are absolutely improper. Mange. This is a contagious disease, not uncommon among low bred and badly kept horses, but which is seldom generated in those properly managed. ' When it is the effect of impoverished blood, a different course of feeding must be substituded, not heating, but cooling though gene- rous : as carrots, speared oats, malt mashes, stable soiling, &,c. When it arises in full fed horses, bleed twice, lower the feeding, substituting for corn, soiling, carrots, or bran mashes. Give a nightly alterative (Vet. Pha. No. 1 or 2) and dress with either of the mange dressings. (Vet. Pha. 43.') After a cure has been effected, carefully clean all the apartments with soap and water. Glanders. This is a disease which is highly infectious, but which according to Loudon is extremely difficult if not impossible to cure. The marks of glanders are a discharge of purulent matter from ulcers situated in one or both nostrils, more often from the left than the right. This discharge soon becomes glairy, thick, and white-of-egg-like : it after- wards shows bloody streaks, and is foetid. The glands of the jaw of the affected side, called the kernels, swell from an absorption of the virus or poison. and as they exist or do not exist, or as they adhere to the bone or are detached from it, so some prognosis is vainly attempted by farriers, with regard to the disease ; for in some few cases these glands are not at all arfected, and in a great many they are not bound down by the affec- tion of the jaw. As there are many diseases which excite a secretion of matter from the nose, and which is kept up a considerable time : so it is not always easy to detect glanders in its early stages. Strangles and violent colds, keep up a discharge from the nostrils for weeks sometimes. In such cases a criterion may be drawn from the existence of ulceration within the nose, whenever "the disease has become confirmed. These glanderous chancres are to be seen on opening the nostril a little way up the cavity, sometimes immediately opposed to the opening of the nostril: but a solitary chancre should not determine the judgment. The health often continues good and sometimes the condition also, until hectic takes place from absorption, and the lungs participate, when death soon closes the scene. The treatment of glanders, it has been already stated, is so uncertain that it is hardly worth the attempt ; however, when the extreme value of IIS FAMILY DISEASES OF HORSES. the horse or the love of experiment leads to it, it may be regarded as fix- ed by experience, that nothing but a long course of internal remedies, drawn from the mineral acids, can effect it. These have been tried in their endless variety: White recommends the mildest preparations of mercury, as cethiops mineral ; under the conviction that the more acrid preparations disturb the powers of the constitution so much, as to destroy as effectually as the disease. At the veterinary college the sulphate of cop- per (blue vitriol) has been long in use. Others have used the sulphates of iron and zinc. Clark recommends the daily administration of a drink or ball, composed of the following ingredients : sulphate of zinc, 15 grains ; powdered cantharides, 7 grains ; powdered allspice, 15 grains ; of which he gives one or two extraordinary proofs of utility. Shoulder Strains. These are very rare, most of the lameness at- tributed to the shoulder belonging to the other parts, and particularly to the feet. Out of one hundred and twenty cases of lameness before, Blaine found that three only arose from ligamentary or muscular exten- sion of the shoulder, or rather of the adductor and sustaining muscles: when shoulder strain does happen, it is commonly the consequence of some slip, by which the arm is forced violently forwards. It is less to be wondered at than at first seems probable, that farriers mistake foot lame- ness for shoulder strains, when we reflect that a contracted foot occasions inaction, and favoring of the limb ; which thus wastes the muscles of the shoulder. Seeing that one shoulder is smaller than the other, the evil is attributed to that, and it is pegged, blistered, swam, and fired, to the tor- ture of the animal and the increase of the foot's contraction by the con- finement. In real shoulder strains, the toe is dragged along the ground while in motion; at rest it is planted forward, but resting on the point of the toe. When the lameness is in the foot, the horse points his foot for- ward also, but he does so with the whole limb unbent, and the foot flat. These differences are highly necessary to be attended to, as well as the peculiar difficulty there is in moving down hill, which he does with reluc- tance, and by swinging his leg round to avoid flexing it. This lameness may be further brought to the test by lifting up the foreleg considerbly, which if the evil be in the shoulder, will give evident pain. The muscles between the fore legs are likewise tumified and tender in these cases. The treatment consists, when it is recent, in bleeding in the plate vein, rowelling in the chest, and fomenting with hot water two or three times a day. When the heat and tenderness have subsided, first bathe daily with the astringent wash for strains (Vet. Pha. No. 6,) for a week; and afterwards, if necessary, proceed to blister in the usual manner. Galls. When a horse is galled by the saddle or harness, or when he is chafed between the arm and chest, an accident, which frequently hap- pens in travelling through muddy roads, the following lotion will be found servicable : — Sulphate of zinc, one ounce ; superacetate of lead, one ounce; water, one quart. ' Wind galls. When wind galls make their first appearance, they are easily cured by a bath and bandage. Boil red oak bark to a strong de- coction, add some sharp vinegar and a little allum, let the parts be fo- mented twice a day, warm as the hand can be held in it ; then take a woollen cloth, dip it in the bath, and bind the ancle up, tight as possible, without giving pain to the horse. Should this method not succeed, after a thorough trial, the swelled or ENCYCLOPEDI A. 1 19 DISEASES OF HORSES. puffed parts may be opened with a sharp knife, but blistering with flies is less dangerous, and generally attended with equal success. Ring bone. This is a hard and bony substance which generally reach- es halfway round the ancle, and causes a horse to go stiff and lame. When it first makes its appearance an application of corrosive sublimate added to Spanish flies and Venice turpentine mixed with hog's lard may be useful. But, when a ring bone has attained to its full size, we know of no remedy. i Broken wind. This when once fastened upon a horse, admits not probably of a perfect cure, but may be relieved in a measure, by a care- ful attention to diet. The food should be compact and nutritious. Corn is better than oats, and old hay, which has been well kept, better than new. During the grass season, the disease often almost disappears, but recurs in the winter, during which, potatoes may be given to advan- tage ; also carrots, parsnips, and beet roots. Molasses in small quantities has been recommended, also tar water ; but more dependence probably. may be placed on lime water. Incase the symptomatic cough be troub- lesome, bleeding will be found highly advantageous. Founder. " A horse may be foundered," says Mason, in his excellent work entitled, "Gentlemen's New Pocket Farrier," and which we take the liberty to recommend to our readers, " by excessive hard rides, per- mitting him to plunge deep into cold water, while hot and sweating, and drinking his fill of cold pond water, eating large quantities of new corn and fodder, and then briskly exercised ; over-feeding with bran alone whilst performing hard labor, drinking plentifully at every branch in travelling, feeding with more than a horse can eat after being half starved, violent exercise on a full belly, or not permitting a horse who has travel- led in a hot sun all day, to cool thoroughly before he is given as much as he can eat, driuk, &c. Symptoms of a Founder. — The symptoms that indicate an approaching founder, are so few and so common, that the most ignorant persons will rarely be mistaken. Great heat about the legs, pasterns and ears, a sore- ness in the feet, together with a stiffness so great in all his limbs, that the animal frequently refuses to move, unless force is used — his flanks and lower part of his belly draws up, his hide becomes bound or tight, his legs thrown a little more forward than in his usual or natural position; a con- stant thirst, and very often a considerable swelling of the ancles, &c. :>: 29.31 12 50 198 Composition of two") • parts Lehigh Coal, ! ■ 13 30 one Charcoal, and f one Clay, by weigrht, J | ,1 192 FAMILY HEATING AND VENTILATION. In the preceding table the weight of the mineral coal is given in its dry state. In ordinary calculations the weight of coals is estimated in the damp state, as commonly used from the mines. The anthracite from its peculiarly close glassy texture, imbibes but little moisture. The weight of a bushel of bituminous coals will generally average nearly one-seventh more when damp than when dry, as stated in Mr. Bull's table. A bushel of Richmond coal under ordinary circumstances is suppo- sed to weigh ... 76 lbs. Do. New-Castle Coal, . . about 80 do. Do. Anthracite Coal, ... 81 do. Mr. Bull also extended his inquiries into the comparative advantages of close stoves and open fire places for heating the air of his little chamber. He considered that when the same stove and pipe was used, as in his preceding experiments, that the whole heat given out by the burning fuel was imparted to the air of the room, and that there was consequently no loss of heat by the flue or otherwise. Assuming then this stove and long funnel as the standard, he has given the following results : Each apparatus required, to maintain the room at the tame temperature, and for the same time. Sheet Iron Cylinder Stove, as before described, with 42 ™p& h } feet of 2 inch pipe as used in the course of experiments ° ]b ^ e ' on fuel. . . . . . . j # * No. 1. Open Chimney Fire Place, of ordinary construction for burning wood. . . . 10. 2. Open Parlor Grate, of ordinary construction, for burning Anthracite coal, . . . 5.55 3. Open Franklin Stove, with one elbow joint, and 5 feet of pipe, diameter 6 inches. . . 2.70 4. Cast Iron Ten Plate Stove, with one elbow joint and 5 feet of pipe. .... 2.22 5. Sheet Iron Cylinder Sto*e, inside coated with clay with one elbow joint, and five feet of pipe, diam- eter 2 inches. . . . . .1.49 6. Sheet Iron Cylinder Stove, with 3 elbows and 13J feet of pipe, diameter 2 inches. . . 1.28 7. Sheet Iron Cylinder Stove, with 3 elbows and 13£ feet of pipe, all horizontal. . . 1.22 8. Sheet Iron Cylinder Stove, with 9 elbows and 13^ feet of pipe. . . . . 1.05 The preceding table shows that it costs ten times as much to heat rooms by means of ordinary open fire places, as by close stoves with long pipes or funnels ; and that an open parlor grate comparatively re- quires five times the expense for fuel, and an open Franklin stove near- ly three times the expense, to impart an equal degree of heat to the air of an apartment. Some sorts of green wood were found by Mr. Bull to contain 42 per cent, of moisture. In burning 100 lbs. of green wood it is therefore necessary to convert into steam 42 lbs. of water, which must absorb a very considerable proportion of all the heat produced. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 193 HEATING AND VENTILATION But few persons are aware of the great loss attending the use of green wood, for fuel ; — otherwise more attention would certainly be bestowed in procuring perfectly seasoned wood, not only for boilers and furnaces, but also for purposes of domestic economy. Taking Mr. Bull's statement of the quantity of water contained in green wood at 42 per cent, the following calculations will demonstrate how little heat will be actually given out during combustion. It has been before sta- ted that one pound of New -Castle coal is required to convert 6 lbs. of water into steam, and that 2\ lbs. of wood will impart as much heat as one pound of coais. To convert 42 pounds of water into steam will therefore require all the heat produced by the combustion of 17J pounds of wood. Deducting 42 pounds of water from the gross weight of 100 lbs. of green wood leaves but 58 lbs. of dry wood. 1 1± lbs. of do. required to evaporate 42 lbs. of water. 4Q£ lbs. of wood only remains from which heat is obtainable. Sixty per cent, of the weight of green wood is therefore entirely lost, and it is accordingly found, that unless such wood be kept con- stantly piled upon the hearth, there will not be sufficient heat produ- ced to maintain combustion, and the fire will expire among the black- ened brands. The principal objection urged against the use of close stoves is the confined dry air produced by them. It is well known that air, which passes over iron or bricks heated red hot, acquires a disagreeable odor, and produces a harsh sensation upon the lungs, accompanied by a ten- dency to cough. The clay or fire bricks, with which anthracite coal *toves are lined, being slow conductors of heat, are peculiarly well adapted for keeping the external parts of the stove at a temperature which will not have the disagreeable effect upon the air above men- tioned. Whenever the heat of a stove does not exceed 300°, the air is not rendered unpleasant for respiration. On this account steam pipes produce a temperature at once mild and agreeable. The objection to the confined and unpleasant air, usually proceeding from close stoves in small apartments, may be in a great measure obvi- ated by introducing the hot air from a stove or furnace placed in the basement of the building. The stove in this case is inclosed by brick- work with an interstice around it for the free circulation of the air, which is admitted to come in contact with the heated sides of it. Af- ter becoming heated the air ascends, and is conveyed by means of flues or pipes to the several apartments, into which it is commonly dischar- ged through an aperture in the wall near the floor. A shutter of soap atone, sliding in a groove, serves to exclude the hot air when not re- quired. Much incovenience and danger sometimes attend the attempts to adapt this apparatus to warming houses not originally calculated for it. The same object may be more economically attained by pla- cing the stove in the principal entry or hall of a dwelling-house. The warm air will diffuse itself through every apartment, which communi- cates with the hall or entry, with surprising regularity. The circula- tion of the currents of warm air into each room may be shown by holding the blaze of a candle near the top of the doorway, and placing another directly under it upon the floor. The uppermost flame will R 194 FAMILY HEATING AND VENTILATING be drawn into the apartment by the current of warm air entering, while the cold air rushing out will cause the flame of the lower candle to in- cline in an opposite direction. Several rooms and chambers may thus be rendered comfortably warm by one tire. The stove pipe may be safely conducted through the floors or partitions to the nearest chim- ney, by inserting in them blocks of free stone with circular apertures adapted to the size of the pipe. Should the plan of the dwelling house admit of placing the stove in the basement or cellar immediately be- low the entry, the inconveniences arising from the light dust and ashes, usually attendant upon the burning of anthracite coal, may be also avoided. The stove in this case is inclosed in a sort of brick closet, as before described, with proper apertures for the admission of the cold air, and for supplying the necessary fuel. The aperture in the free stone, let into the floor, must be made not only sufficiently large to admit the pipe, but also to allow about two inches space around it, for the ascent of the warm air. Chimnies. A common opinion concerning the ascent of smoke is, that it is drawn up ; but the trulh is, the smoke is pressed up by the cold air, which is coming to tb^ fire place from the room. The warm air rises upon the principle of specific gravity, and carries the smoke with it, although at certain times the smoke may be heaviei than the air itself. The great art then in making a chimney carry smoke well, is to produce this current of air in sufficient force to take off* the smoke. To effect this it is obvious that the funnel should be made as smooth as possible, and should be plastered, and kept free from soot. Various causes have been assigned by Dr. Franklin, Count Rumford and others, which prevent chimnies from conducting smoke well, and the remedies have been pointed out by the same gentlemen. We shall avail our- selves of their suggestions in the following article, as collected and abridged by the Editor of the New England Farmer.* Chimneys in new buildings frequently smoke for want of air to sup- ply the current, which should constantly ascend the flue. This is the case when the room is tight, and no passage is left open for the air to enter, except the key-hole, and even that, perhaps, closed by a little dropping shutter. No air can then be had to supply what is called the draught of the chimney. The fire will burn but dimly, and the smoke will be diffused through the apartment. Those, therefore, who stop every crevice in a room to prevent the admission of fresh air, and yet would have their chimney carry smoke, require inconsistencies and ex- pect impossibilities. The remedy, in this case, is to admit more air, with as little inconvenience as possible. Another cause why chimneys smoke is the improper dimensions of the throat, or the space immediately over the fire. This space should be so contracted, that the whole current of air may be well heated ; in which case the smoke can hardly fail to ascend. But in order to effect this, it may sometimes be necessary to lower the mantel, so that the opening in the chimney may be brought nearer the fire. A piece of sheet iron or tin, fastened on, and extending somewhat lower than the mantel, will commonly answer this purpose. By lowering the mantel, however, we lose the heat in proportion to the increase of the * New England Farmer, Vol. iv. No. 17. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 195 HEATING AND VENTILATION. draught ; and it is an expedient which should not he adopted, if any other remedy can be conveniently applied. Chimneys often smoke in consequence of the shortness of their funnels. The difference of the weight of the heated air within, and the cooler air without the funnel, is the cause of the ascent of smoke, If the funnel be short, the difference will be small, and the draught will of course be slight. " This defect is often found in low buildings, or the upper story of high ones, and is not easily avoided ; for if the flue be raised high above the roof to strengthen its draught, it is in danger of being blown down, and crushing the roof beneath it. The remedy in this case is to con- tract the opening of the chimney, (which may be done by lowering the mantel) so as to oblige the entering air to pass through or very near the fire, by which means it will be considerably heated, and by its great rarefaction cause a powerful draught, and compensate for the shortness of its column. The case of too short a funnel is more general than would be imagined, and often found where one would not expect it; for it is not uncommon in ill contrived buildings, instead of having a separate funnel for each fire place, to bend and turn the funnel of an upper room so as to make it enter the side of another flue that comes from below. By this means the funnel of the upper room is made short of course, since its length can only be reckoned from the place where it enters the lower funnel, and that flue is also shortened by all the distance between the entrance of the second funnel and the top of the stack ; for all that part being readily supplied with air through the second flue, adds no strength to the draught, especially as that air is cold when there is no fire in the second chimney. The only easy rem- edy here, is to keep the opening shut of that flue in which there is no fire. Another very common cause of the smoking of chimneys is, their overpowering one another. For instance, if there be two chimneys in one large room, and you make fires in both of them you will find that the greater and stronger fire will overpower the weaker, and draw air down its funnel to supply its own demand, which air descending in the weaker funnel will drive down its smoke, and force it into the room. If, instead of being in one room, the two chimneys are in two different rooms communicating by a door, the case is the same whenever the door is open. The remedy is, to take care that every room have the means of supplying itself from without, with the air its chimney may require, so that no one of them may be obliged to borrow from anoth- er, nor under the necessity of lending. Another cause of smoking is, when the tops of chimneys are com- manded by higher buildings or by a hill, so that the wind blowing over such eminences falls like water over a dam, sometimes almost perpen- dicularly on the tops of chimneys that lie in its way and beats down the smoke contained in them. The remedy commonly applied in this case is, a turn-cap made of tin or plate -iron, covering the chimney above and on three sides, open on one side, turning on a spindle, and which being guided or governed by a vane, always presents its back to the wind. This method will generally be found effectual, but if not, raising the flues where practicable, so as their tops may be on a level 196 FAMILY HEATING AND VENTILATION, with or higher than the commanding eminence, is more to be depended on. There is another case, in which the eminence is to the leeward of the chimney. Suppose the chimney to be so situated that its top is below the lovel of the ridge of the roof, which, when the wind blows against it, forms a kind of dam against its progress. In this case the wind being obstructed by this dam, will like water, press and search for pas- sages through it, and finding the top of the chimney below the top of the dam or ridge, it will force itself down that funnel and if there be a fire in such chimney its smoke is of course beat down and fills the room. The only remedy for this inconvenience is to raise the funnel higher than the roof, supporting it, if necessary, by iron bars ; for a turn- cap in this, case has no effect, the impeded air passing down through it in whatever position the wind may have placed its opening. Chimneys otherwise drawing well sometimes smoke in consequence of the improper situation of a door. When the door and chimney are placed on the same side of a room, if the door is made to open from the chimney, and only partly opened, a current of air is admitted and directed across the opening of the chimney, which is apt to draw out some of the smoke. Chimneys, which generally draw well, do nevertheless sometimes give smoke into the room, it being driven down by strong wind pas- sing over the tops of their flues, though not descending from any com- manding eminence. To understand this, it may be considered that the rising light air, to obtain a free issue from the funnel, must push out of its way, or oblige the air that is over it to rise. In a time of calm, or of little wind, this is done visibly ; for we see the smoke that is brought up by that air rise in a column above the chimney. But when a vio- lent current of wind passes over the top of a chimney, its particles have received so much force, which keeps them in a horizontal direc- tion, and follow each other so rapidly, that the rising light air has not strength sufficient to oblige them to quit that direction, and move up- wards to permit its issue. Add to this, that some of the air may im- pinge on that part of the inside of the funnel which is opposed to its progress, and be thence reflected downwards from side to side, driving the smoke before it into the room. The simplest and best remedy in this case is the application of a chimney-pot which is a hollow trunca- ted cone of earthen ware placed upon the top of the flue. The inten- tion of this contrivance is, that the wind and eddies which strike against the oblique surface of these covers may be reflected upwards instead of blowing down the chimney. The remarkable chimneys observed at Venice, in which the top of the flue is larged and rounded in the shape of a funnel, seem also intended as a remedy to this incon- venience, that the wind blowing over one of the edges into the funnel may be slanted out again on the other side by its form." Other causes which occasion chimneys to smoke might be added ; but for an account of these we would refer our readers to Rees' Cyclo- pedia, article " Chimney" and also to the philosophical papers of Dr» Franklin and Count Rumford. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 197 TELEGRAPH. COiMxMUNICATION. Telegraph, literally means that which writes, or is used for wri- ting, at a distance ; and is the term applied to an apparatus used, for some time past, by several European governments to convey informa- tion to distant places almost instantaneously. Although this invention was only brought into use during the late French Revolution, some sort of telegraphic intelligence was, it is said, known to the Greeks. The Marquis of Worcester, in 1663, mentions a kind of telegraph^in his " Century of Inventions," but it was reserved for our own times to ren- der such a mode of communication at once speedy and correct. The modern telegraph, first used by the French in 1794, by M. Chappe, was thus exercised ; at the first station, which was on the roof of the Louvre, he received in writing, from the committee of public safety, the words to be sent to Lisle, near which the French army at that time was. An upright post was erected at the Louvre ; at the top of this were two transverse arms moveable in all directions with much ra- pidity. The different positions of these arms* stood as signs for tha letters of the alphabet. Having received the sentence to be conveyed, he gave a signal to the second station to prepare. At each station was a watch tower on which telescopes were fixed, and the person on the watch gave the signal of preparation which he had received, which was communicated successively through all the line. The person at the second station then received letter by letter the sentence from the Louvre, which he repeated by his own machine, and thus throughout the whole line of stations it was repeated with almost inconceivable rapidity to the final station at Lisle. The most common telegraph in England was, till lately, composed of six moveable boards about three feet square each, turned by means of ropes, so as to exhibit twenty-four different characters, and nine figures; such a telegraph was for many years at the Admiralty, at Whitehall ; but for some time past another telegraphic method has been adopted there ; it consists of a tall pole, or hollow cylinder with projecting arms that can be moved and withdrawn at pleasure. The principal line of telegraphs in the United States, it is believed, is in the city of New York, from the Exchange, in Wall street to Sandy-hook. " It consists of a pole," says the author of the picture of New York, " rising from the cupola, with two arms, with which 12 different positions can be assumed, the first ten to represent the nine digits and the cypher, the eleventh as a separater of words and senten- ces, and the twelfth to excite attention. The marine or ship signals are thirteen in number, the first also standing for the digits and cypher, and the other three denominated first, second, and third repeaters. The object of the repeaters is to obviate the necessity of duplicates and triplicates of the same signal. A dictionary of the signals is printed. It is divided into five parte, the first embracing all the questions and replies requisite between ves- sels and telegraphic stations, together with the alphabet and points of the compass, and occupying the numbers from 1 to 1000 ; the second part containing sea phrases ; the third part consists of a vocabulary of all the words in the language essential to be used. The fourth is a list 198 FAMILY DEAF AND DUMB ALPHABET. of vessel's names ; and the fifth a list of countries, ports, cities, and harbors. Much utility has been already derived from the marine signals, by enabling ships to communicate with each other at sea; and on ap- proaching the shore, with the land telegraphs." Deaf and Dumb Alphabet. The present is emphatically denom- inated the age of benevolence and improvement ; and perhaps in noth- ing are these features more strikingly manifested, than in the institu- tions which are founding in the various civilized and enlightened coun- tries of the globe, and which are designed to contribute to the welfare, and exalt the condition of mankind — especially the unfortunate portion of it. To this class certainly belong the dumb and deaf, and a more numerous class they are, than perhaps any of our readers are aware, who may not have turned their attention to the subject. In some of the countries of Europe, it is estimated that there is one deaf mute to 1500 or 1700 inhabitants. In the United States, the proportion is thought to be one to every 2000 ; or 1000 for every 2,000,000 inhabit- ants. To pour light into these darkened minds — to form them for useful- ness in society — and especially to guide them in the way of " life eter- nal," must be worthy of the philanthropist and the Christian. This attempt has been made, and with great success. There are not less than 8 1 establishments for deaf mutes in Europe — 62 of which have been established within the last 30 years. Most of these are conduct- ed according to the system of De 1'Epe'e and Sicard, who may be con- sidered as the founders of the modern art. Within a few years, the system of these men has been introduced into the United States, by the Rev. Thomas H. Gallaudet, aided by Mr. Laurent Clerc, a distinguished pupil of Sicard. Important im- provements, it is understood, have been made by Mr. Gallaudet, and such results produced as " have excited surprise in Europe, and have even been declared to be utterly improbable from their superiority to those usually produced." Several institutions growing out of that originally established under the auspices of Mr. Gallaudet and others at Hartford, have been projected, and are now in operation in other parts of the United States — all of which have adopted the system of the parent institution. The mode of spelling words is by means of the hand and figures, according to the cuts subjoined : ENCYCLOPEDIA, 199 DEAF AND DUMB ALPHABET. m 200 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY. k ENCYCLOPEDIA. 201 CIVIL POLITY. PART VIII. CIVIL POLITY. SECTION I. Of GOVERNMENT. Society. Men either tacitly, or by consent, have, in all ages, asso- ciated together for their pleasure, or their convenience ; hence it has been laconically but aptly stated, that the origin of society is our wants. Whether in the earlier ages of the world formal contracts were entered into in regard to mutual association, cannot now be known ; but there can be no doubt that a conviction of the weakness of individual effort to promote human happiness first led to the union of the efforts of numbers, for its more complete accomplishment The first and most probable association was that of persons of the same family ; as fami- lies multiplied, their relationship of consanguinity decreased in inten- sity, and social relations, independently of blood, necessarily and naturally grew up. This appears to be in perfect accordance with the revealed accounts of the primitive origin of mankind, where single families formed the first society among themselves, which every day extended its limits ; and when it grew too large to subsist w T ith con- venience in that pastoral state, in which the patriarchs appear to have lived, it necessarily subdivided itself by various migrations. After- wards, as agriculture increased, migrations became less frequent ; and various tribes, which had formerly separated, re-united ; sometimes by compulsion and conquest, sometimes by accident, and sometimes perhaps by compact. But though society had not its formal beginning from any convention of individuals actuated by their wants, yet it is a sense o£ their weakness and imperfection that keeps mankind togeth- er ; that demonstrates the necessity of this union ; and that, therefore, is the solid and natural foundation, as well as the cement of society. This is what is meant by the original contract of society ; which, though perhaps in no instance ever formally expressed at the first in- stitution of a state, yet in nature and reason it must always be under- stood and implied in the very act of associating together, that the whole should protect all its parts, and that every part should pay obedienct to the will of the whole; or, in other words, that the community should guard the rights of each individual member, and that in return for this protection, each individual should submit to the laws of the commu- nity. Government. As society arises from our wants, so arises govern- ment from our errors, vices, and crimes. Were man a perfect being he would not need government. Individual security and happiness being the true end and design of government, whatever form insures it with the least expense, consistent also with the general security and happi- ness, is to be preferred. Government being therefore necessary for the preservation of social order, it is obvious that the exercise of it 202 FAMILY CIVIL POLICY, should be committed to persons in whom those qualities are most likely to be found, the perfection of which is among the attributes of him, who is emphatically styled the Supreme Being ; namely, wisdom, goodness, and power : wisdom, to discern the real interest of the com- munity ; goodness, to endeavor always to pursue that real interest ; and strength, or power, to carry this knowledge and intention into ac- tion. These are the natural foundations of sovereignty ; and these are the requisites that ought to be found in every well-constituted government. Different Forms of Government. The political writers of an- tiquity will not allow above three regular forms of government ; the first, where the sovereign power is lodged in an aggregate assembly consisting of all the members of a community, is called democracy ; the second, where it is lodged in a council composed of select members, when it is styled aristocracy ; the last, where it is intrusted to the hands of a single person, and then it takes the name of monarchy. All oth- er species of government, they say, are either corruptions of, or reduci- ble to these three. By sovereign power is meant that which makes and executes, or directs the execution of the laws. Wherever this power resides, all others must conform to, and be directed by it. For it is always at the option of such power to alter the form and administra- tion by new laws, and to put the execution of the laws generally into whatever hands it pleases ; and all the other powers of the state must, of course, obey it in the execution of their several functions, or else the constitution is at an end. In a Democracy, where the right of making laws resides in the peo- ple at large, public virtue, or goodness of intention, is more likely to be found than in either of the other forms of government. Popular as- semblies are, however, frequently weak in their plans, and slow in their execution ; though they generally mean to do the thing that is right and just, and have always a certain degree of patriotism or public spirit. In Aristocracies there is more coolness and deliberation than in, per- haps, any other form of government ; and from their being composed usually of the richest members of the state, they have opportunities for the acquisition of knowledge, which are denied to the ordinary citizen ; yet, from the absence of motive to excite their intellects, it does not ordinarily follow that the aristocracy constitutes the wisest portion of a state ; the persons composing the aristocracy are, besides generally removed by their situation, from that sympathy necessary to enable them to consult, without prejudice, the interests of the main body of the people ; and hence of all forms of government, aristocra- cy appears to be the worst. An absolute monarchy is the most powerful of any ; and, provided it were possible to have a perfect man as a monarch, we could not hes- itate as to the choice between these three kinds of government. As, however, an absolute monarch is very likely to employ his power to the great injury of a state, such a government cannot be approved. State Governments. The several state governments included within the United States are representative republics, inasmuch as the people are governed by those whom they choose to represent them. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 2M CIVIL POLICY. And all these governments have written constitutions, excepting the state of Rhode Island, where the government is still administered according to the provisions of its ancient colonial charter. It is pro- posed to exhibit the prominent features of the respective constitutions of the States, with the more obvious peculiarities of each. Maixe. The constitution of this State was formed in 1819; but did not go into operation, until 1820. Legislature. This consists of a Senate and House of Representa- tives, the members of which are chosen annually, on the second Mon- day in September. Meeting at Portland, on the first Wednesday in January. The number of Senators cannot be less than twenty, nor more than thirty-one. Number of Representatives, not less than one hundred, nor more than two hundred. The qualifications for repre- sentatives are, citizenship for five years, and residence in the State one year. Senators must possess like qualifications, and be twenty-five years of age. Executive. The executive power is vested in a governor, chosen annually by the people, on the second Monday in September. He must have the same qualifications as Senators, and be thirty years of age. A council of seven, chosen annually by joint ballot of the Senate and Representatives. The Executive has the power of appointment and pardon, and a qualified negative on acts of the Legislature, as in Massachusetts. Judiciary. The judicial power resides in a Supreme Judicial Court, and county Courts. Judges appointed by the governor and council — hold their office during good behavior; but are disqualified at the age of seventy. Rizht of suffrage. The right of suffrage is nearly universal ; being granted to all male citizens of twenty one years of age and upwards, who have resided in the State for three. months next preceding the election. Paupers, persons under guardianship, and Indians not taxed, are excepted. New Hampshire. Constitution established in 1784; altered and amended in 1792. Legislature. Consists of two branches — House of Representatives and Senate, styled the General Court of New Hampshire. Representa- tives are chosen by towns, at the rate of one representative to one hundred and fifty polls; three hundred additional polls entitle to an- other representative. Representatives must have been inhabitants two vears ; have an estate of one hundred pounds, half of which must be freehold. The Senate consists of twelve. Persons to be eligible to the Senate must have a freehold of two hundred pounds; be thirty years of age, and have resided in the State seven years. They are chosen by districts. Executive. The executive consists of a Governor, who must have resided in the State seven years, and have an estate of five hundred pounds, one half freehold, and a council of five, elected by the people. Powers and duties as in Maine. Annual election, at which the Gover- nor, Council, Senators, and Representatives are chosen, second Tues- 204 FAMILY CIVIL POLICY. day in March. Meetings of the General Court at Concord first Wednesday in June. Judiciary. As in Maine. Right of Suffrage. Granted to all males of twenty one years of age and upwards, excepting paupers, and persons excused from paying taxes at their special request. Vermont. The first constitution of Vermont was framed in 1777 ; the present constitution was adopted in 1793. Legislature. The legislative power is vested in a House of Repre- sentative, styled the General Assembly of Vermont. Each town send)* one Representative. Election annual, on the first Tuesday in Sep- tember. Seat of government at Montptlier. Meeting second Tuesday of October. The qualifications of Representatives are two years resi- dence in the State. Executive. Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and a Council of twelve persons, all chosen annually by the people. The Executive commission all officers, try impeachments, revise and propose amend- ments to the laws, and can suspend a proposed law until the next General Assembly. Judiciary. A Supreme Court, consisting of three Judges, and a county Court of three Judges for each county. Judges, sheriffs, and justices of the peace, may be elected annually by the General Assembly. Council of Censors. Once in seven years a Council of Censors is chosen, consisting of thirteen persons, whose duty it is to examine'the various departments of the government, and to inquire whether they have faithfully discharged their duty, according to the constitution, &c. Right of suffrage. This extends to all males of twenty-one years of age and upwards, who have resided one year in the State next preced- ng the election, and are of a " quiet and peaceable behavior." Massachusetts. The constitution of this State was formed in 1780, and altered and amended in 182L Legislature. This consists of a Senate and House of Representa- tives, styled the General Court of Massachusetts* Qualifications of Re- presentatives, residence one year in the town, in which they are chosen, and a freehold of one hundred pounds, or a taxable estate of two hun- dred pounds. Senators must have resided five years in the district in which they are chosen — have a freehold of three hundred pounds, or a taxable estate of six hundred pounds. The Senate consists of forty members, chosen annually. One hundred and fifty ratable polls enti- tles a town to one Representative, and two hundred and twenty-five additional ratable polls to another. Executive. A Governor, elected annually by the people, on the first Monday of April, and a Council of nine members, chosen from the Senators, by the joint ballot of the General Court. If any, or all the Council, thus chosen, decline the appointment, the deficiency is sup- plied from the people at large. A Lieutenant Governor is elected at the same time with Governor. Both these must have been seven years resident in the State and have a freehold of one thousand pounds. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 205 CIVIL POLITY. Judiciary. A Supreme Court, Court of Common Pleas, &c. The Judges are appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of his council. They hold their offices during good behavior. Right of suffrage. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age and upwards, paupers and persons under guardianship excepted, has the right of suffrage, provided he has resided within the Commonwealth one year, and within the town or district in which he may claim a right to vote, six calendar months, next preceding any election, and who has paid a State or county tax assessed upon him within two years, next preceding such election, and also every citizen, who may be by law exempted from taxation, and who may be, in all other respects qualified as above mentioned. Connecticut. The colonial charter granted by Charles II. in 1662 was the basis of the government till the year 1818, when the present constitution was adopted. Legislature. This consists of a Senate and House of Representa- tives,"styled the General Assembly of Connecticut. The Senate must consist of not less than eighteen, nor more than twenty-four members, chosen by districts. Members of the House of Representatives are chosen by towns; old towns elect two ; newly incorporated towns but one. Annual election first Monday in April. Stated annual sef of the General Assembly first Wednesday in May, alternately at Hart- ford and at New Haven. Executive. A Governor chosen annually by the people, on the first Monday in April. He must be an elector, and have arrived at the age of thirty years. All commissions issued in the name and by the au- thority of the State, receive his signature. He has a qualified nega- tive upon the acts of the General Assembly. He has power to grant reprieves, but cannot pardon, that power residing in the General As- sembly. The Lieutenant Governor is President of the Senate. Judiciary. A Supreme Court of Errors, a Superior Court, and other Courts as the General Assembly may establish. AH Judges are appointed by the General Assembly. Those of the Supreme and Su- perior Courts hold their offices during good behavior, but are disquali- fied at the age of seventy. Right of suffrage. This extends to all white males of twenty- one years of age and upwards, who are resident citizens for six months, and have a freehold of seven dollars yearly value, or who shall have perfomed military duty for one year, or paid a tax, provided they sus- tain a gfood moral character. Rhode Island. This state is without a written constitution ; and in this respect forms an exception to the other States of the Union. The government of this State is administered according to the charier granted to the colony by Charles II. in 1663. Legislature. A General Assembly composed of a Senate and House ofRepresentatives. The latter consists of seventy-two members, six from Newport, four from each of the towns of Providence, Portsmouth, and Warwick, and two from each of the other towns in the State. Election semi-annual, in April and August. The Senate consists of ten members. Election annual in April. S 206 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY. Executive. A Governor elected annually in April. Powers very limited. In case of his disability, the executive duties devolve on a Lieutenant Governor. Judiciary. A Supreme Court and Courts of Common Pleas ; the latter established in the several counties. Judges appointed annually by the General Assembly, which meets four times a year ; first at Newport, in May, and at the same place in June. In October alter- nately at Providence and South Kingston ; and by adjournment in January at East Greenwich, Bristol, or Providence. New York. This State adopted a constitution in 1777, which was amended in 1801. A new constitution was framed in 1821. Legislature. The legislative rtower is vested in a House of Repre- sentatives and a Senate, the members of the former of which must be citizens resident for a certain time, and cannot exceed one hundred and twenty-eight in number. The members of the Assembly are chosen by the counties, and are apportioned according to the population. The Senate consists of thirty-two members, who are chosen in eight dis- tricts ; one is elected in each district every year. The annual election is held sometime in the month of October or November. Meeting of the Legislature first Tuesday in January, at Albany. Executive. The executive power is vested in a Governor, who is chosen every two years. Pie must be a native citizen — a freeholder and resident in the State five years, and must have attained to the age of thirty years. He has the right of nominating judicial and executive officers to the Senate — has a qualified negative upon the acts of the Legislature, and the power of pardoning, except in cases of treason. A Lieutenant Governor is elected at the same time with the Governor, and in case of the impeachment, resignation, death, or absence of the latter, assumes the government. He is President of the Senate. Judiciary, This branch of the government comprises too many tribunals to admit of a particular notice of each. The Chancellor and all the Judges of the State receive their appointment from the Gover- nor, with the consent of the Senate. The Chancellor and Justices of the Supreme and Circuit Courts retain their offices during good beha- vior, but are disqualified at sixty years of age. Judges of the county Courts or Courts of Common Plea^, are appointed for five years. Justices of the Peace are chosen by the people in their respective towns, once in four years, but if a Justice becomes an inn-holder, he is thereby disqualified. Right of suffrage. In the constitution adopted by this State in 1821, the right of suffrage, in the election of public officers, was granted to every white male citizen of the age of twenty- one years, who should be an inhabitant of the State one year preceding any election, and for the preceding six months a resident in the county, where he should offer his vote ; but in November, 1826, this rule was set aside, and the principle of universal suffrage adopted. Free colored people only must be freeholders to be electors. New" Jersey. The constitution of New Jersey was formed in the year 1776, since which it has continued without alteration to the pre- sent time, except that the word Colony has been changed to State ; but ENCYCLOPEDIA. 207 CIVIL POLITY. the legislature has at various times explained its provisions in relation to particular parts. Legislature. This body in New Jersey comprises the Governor, Legislative Council, and General Assembly. The General Assembly consisted, until 1829, of forty-three members, but in that year seven members were added. All the members of the General Assembly, as well as the members of the Legislative Council, are elected annually, on the second Tuesday of October. The number of this latter body is fourteen, one from each county. These must be worth at least one thousand pounds each. Members of the Assembly must be worth five hundred pounds. Meeting of the Legislature annually, on the fourth Tuesday in October, at Trenton. Executive. A Governor is chosen by the Council and Assembly, annually, in joint ballot. The Governor presides in the Council; but a Vice President is chosen from the Council, who presides in the Go- vernor's absence. The Governor exercises the office of Chancellor, of Military Chief, &c. With the Council, he forms a court of appeals, and in them the power of pardoning criminals after condemnation is vested. Judiciary. A Supreme Court and the usual Inferior Courts. Judges receive their appointment from the Legislature, those of the supreme court for seven years ; those of the lower courts for five years. Right of suffrage. The language of the constitution on this point is " That all persons of full age shall have a right to vote, who are worth fifty pounds proclamation money, clear estate in the same, and have resided in the county in which they claim to vote for twelve months immediately preceding the election." By a special act of the Legisla- ture every white male inhabitant, of lawful age, and who had paid a tax, is considered worth fifty pounds, and therefore entitled to vote. Pennsylvania. The first constitution of Pennsylvania was adopted in 1776 : the present in 1790, and has not since been altered. Legislature. Senate and House of Representatives compose the General Assembly, in which the legislative power resides. The an- nual election of representatives is on the second Tuesday in October. Number of Representatives not less than sixty nor more than one hundred, chosen by districts. The qualifications which are necessary to a seat are, twenty-five years of age, citizenship and residence. The number of Senators shall never be less than one quarter, nor greater than one third, the number of Representatives. They are chosen for four years, one quarter being elected annually. Senators must be twenty-five years of age, and have been citizens and inhabitants four years, before they are elected, and the last year inhabitants of the dis- trict in which they are elected. Annual meeting of the General As- sembly, first Tuesday in December. Executive. A Governor elected by the people, on the second Tues- day in October ; holds his office three years, and can be chosen only thrice in twelve years. Nearly all officers are appointed_,by him. There is no Lieutenant Governor ; but the President of the Senate succeeds in case a vacancy occurs in the office of Governor. The Governor must be thirty years of age, and have been a citizen and resident of the State seven years next before his election. He may grant reprieves and pardons, except in cases of impeachment. 208 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY Judiciary. The judicial power is vested in a Supreme Court, in Courts of Oyer and Terminer^ and general Gaol delivery ; in a Court of Common Pleas, Orphan's Court, Register's Court, and a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and in such other courts as the Legis- lature may from time to time establish. Judges receive their appoint- ment from the Governor, and hold their office during good behavior. They may, however, be removed on impeachment, or on address to the Governor by two thirds of the legislature. Right of suffrage. This pertains to citizens of the age of twenty-one years, who have resided in the State two years next before the election, and within that time paid a State or county tax assessed at least six months before the election. Delaware. The constitution of this State was adopted in 1792, since which time it has not been materially altered. Legislature. The legislative power is vested in a General Assembly, consisting of a Seriate and House of Representatives. The Represen- tatives are chosen annually, and consist of seven from each county, or twenty-one in the whole. Senators are chosen for three years ; three from each county, or nine in the whole. One from each county is chosen annually. Representatives must be twenty-four years of age, have a freehold in the county, and have been citizens and inhabitants of the State for three years next preceding the election. Senators must be of the age of twenty-seven years, with a freehold of two hundred acres of land, or personal property to the amount of one thousand pounds. Annual meeting of the General Assembly, on the first Tuesday in January, at Dover. Executive. Governor elected by the people for three years ; but cannot hold the office more than three years in six. He must be at least thirty-six years of age, have been a citizen and inhabitant of the United States twelve years, and the last six an inhabitant of that State. He has the power of appointing all officers, and the power of pardoning, except in impeachments. Judiciary. The same as in Pennsylvania, with the addition of a Court of Chancery. The Chancellor and Judges of the Supreme Court and Court of Common Pleas, hold their office during good be- havior, but may be removed, as in Pennsylvania. Right of suffrage. The same as in Pennsylvania. Maryland. The constitution of this state was adopted in 1776. It has undergone various amendments. It grants the singular power of amending the constitution to the Legislature, independently of the express vote of the people. Legislature. This consists of two distinct branches, a Senate of fifteen members, and a house of Delegates of eighty members, which united, are styled the General Assembly of Maryland. Senators are chosen every fifth year by Electors, who are chosen by the people a year before hand. Senators must be twenty-five years of age, and have resided three years next preceding the election in the State. De- legates must be citizens, and have resided in the State one year next preceding the election. The latter are chosen annually by the people. Meeting on the last Monday of December. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 209 CIVIL POLITY. Executive. Governor elected annually on the first Monday of Jan- uary, by a joint ballot of both houses of the General Assembly. He may be chosen successively for three years, and is then ineligible for four years. He must be of the age of twenty-five years, and have been a resident citizen for five years. He is assisted by a Council of five members, chosen annually by joint ballot of the Senate and House of Delegates. The Governor nominates to office, and the Council appoints. Judiciary. The Chancellor and Judges are appointed by the Go- vernor and Council, and may be removed by address of two thirds of the Legislature, and by conviction on an indictment in a court of justice. Right of suffrage. This pertains to every free white male citizen of the State above twenty-one years of age, who has resided twelve months in the State, and six months in the county, or in the city of Baltimore or Annapolis, next preceding the election at which he offers to vote. Virginia. The first constitution of this State was formed in 1776. An amended constitution was adopted by a Convention on the four- teenth of January, 1B30, and has gone into operation the present year, 1831. Legislature. The legislative power is vested in a General Assembly, composed of a Senate and House of Delegates. The number of the former is thirty-two, chosen from two districts, into which the State is divided. They are elected for four years. One fourth are annually renewed by popular election. The House of Delegates consists of one hundred and thirty-four members, apportioned in four districts — chosen annually by the people. Members of both Houses must be freeholders. Their meeting is annual, but the time is to be fixed by the General Assembly. After the year 1841, the number of Delegates may be one hundred and fifty and the Senators thirty- six. Executive. A Governor, elected by a joint vote of the two Houses of the General Assembly — holds his office for three years, can be elected but once in six years, must be of the age of thirty, &c. He is assisted by a Council of three, chosen as the Governor is, the senior of whom is Lieutenant Governor. Judiciary. The Judges of the Supreme Court of Appeals, and of the Superior Courts are elected as is the Governor — hold their offices dur- ing good behavior, but may be removed on address, or impeachment. Right of suffrage. The law on this subject is so constructed as to make this right nearly universal. " Every white male citizen of the Commonwealth, of the age of twenty-one, resident therein, has the right, who is qualified according to the former constitution and laws ; or who owns a freehold of the value of tw T enty-five dollars ; or who has a joint interest to the amount of twenty- five dollars in a freehold ; or who has a life estate in, or a reversionary title to, land of the value of fifty dollars, having been so possessed for six months ; or who shall own and be in actual occupation of a lease-hold estate, having the title recorded two months before he shall offer to vote — of a term originally not less than five years, and of the annual value or rent of two hundred dollars, or who for twelve months before offering to vote, s* 210 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY. has been a house-keeper and head of a family, and shall have been assessed with a part of the revenue of the Commonwealth, within the preceding year, and actually paid the same." North Carolina. The constitution of North Carolina was framed in 1776, and has never been amended, and is silent as to any provi- sions for amendment. Legislature. A General Assembly composed of a Senate and House of Commons, both elected annually by the people. Each of the sixty- two counties in the State sends one Senator, and two Delegates, and the towns of Edenton, Newbern, Wilmington, Salisbury, Hillsbo- rough, and Halifax, send one. Senators and Representatives must be freeholders, and been residents one year. Executive. Governor chosen annually by a joint vote of the two Houses — is eligible for three years only in six — must be a freeholder, thirty years of age, and a resident five years. He is assisted by a Council of seven, chosen annually by the General Assembly. The executive have the power of pardon. They may be removed by im- peachment, and what may be considered singular, by presentment of a grand jury. Judiciary. The Judges of the higher Courts are appointed by the General Assembly, and hold their office during good behavior. They may be removed on impeachment, or indictment. Right of suffrage. To vote for a member of the House of Commons, a freeman must be of the age of twenty-one years, and have resided in the State twelve months immediately preceding the election. To vote for Senator, he must in addition, possess a freehold of 50 acres of land. South Carolina. A constitution was adopted by this state in 1775 ; the present constitution was adopted in 1790. This latter has been twice amended, first in 1808, and again in 1816. Legislature. A general assembly consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives. The former consists of 45 members, chosen in election districts for four years, one half renewed biennially. The lat- ter consists of 124 members, elected for two years, and are chosen by districts. Senators must be resident citizens for five years, 30 years of age and freeholders ; Representatives must be resident citizens for three years. Meeting of the general assembly annually at Columbia, fourth Monday in November. Executive. Governor, elected by the general assembly for two years — re eligible after four years — must be a freeholder — a citizen resident for ten years — 30 years of age. He has the power of pardoning. A Lieutenant Governor of like qualifications is chosen in the same man- ner, and for the same period ; but has no power, or duty, unless a va- cancy happens in the office of Governor. Judiciary. The Judicial power is vested in superior and inferior courts of law and equity. The Chancellor and Judges are chosen by the general assembly in joint ballot, and hold their office during good behavior. Right of Suffrage. This is granted to every free, white male citi- zen, of the age of 21 years, resident two years, a freeholder of fifty ENCYCLOPEDIA. 211 CIVIL POLITY. acres of land, or has paid a tax the preceding year of thrae shillings sterling towards the support of government. Georgia. Georgia first formed a constitution in 1777 ; a second in 1735 ; and a third, which is now in operation, in 1793. This last has been amended in respect to one judicial provision. Legislature. A General Assembly, consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives. The annual election is on the first Monday in Oct. Each county elects one senator. The representatives are in proportion to population, adding three to three-fifths of the colored po- pulation. Each county has, however, the privilege of sending one, and no county more than four. The meeting of the general assembly takes place on the first Monday of November. Executive. The executive power is vested in a Governor, elected by the people on the first Monday in Oct. — holds his office for two years. He must have been a citizen of the United States twelve years — inha- bitant six years — 30 years of age — a freeholder of 500 acres of land or other property to the amount of £4,000. He has the power of granting reprieves for offences against the state, except in cases of impeachment, and to respite execution for treason or murder, till the next general as- sembly. Judiciary. Superior court, and in inferior jurisdictions. Judges of the superior court appointed by the General Assembly for three years — removable by address and impeachment. Rigid of Suffrage. The right of suffrage extends to all citizens and inhabitants, who have attained the age of 21 years, and have paid all the taxes which may have been required of them, and which they may have had opportunity of paying, agreeably to law. for the year prece- ding the election, and shall have resided six months within the county. Kentucky. The constitution of Kentucky was first formed in 1790; a new one was framed in 1799. Legislature. A Senate and House of Representatives, styled The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The senators are 38 in number— cannot fall short of 24 — must be resident citizens six years, and 35 years of age — are chosen for four years — one quarter renewed annually. The number of representatives is 100 — cannot be lower than 58 — must be resident citizens two years — 24 years of age — are elected annually by the people, by districts. Meeting of the general assembly annually at Frankfort, on the first Monday of Nov. Executive. Governor, elected by the people for four years, then in- eligible for seven. His qualifications are citizensip — residence six years — age 35 years. He has the power of nominating to the Senate all judicial, and other important officers ; also, the power of pardoning, except in cas.es of impeachment, and of reprieving in treason, until the next meeting of the General Assembly. A lieutenant Governor is al- so chosen, who is president of the Senate, and who acts as Governor, in case of a vacancy in that office. Judiciary. The fudges hold their office, and may be removed as in Massachusetts. 212 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY Right of suffrage. This extends to every free, male, white citizen of the age of 21 years, who has resided in the state two years, or in the county where he votes one year next preceding. Tennessee. The constitution of Tennessee was adopted in 1796, since which time it has not been amended. Legislature. A General Assembly, consisting of a Senate and House of Representatives, both elected biennially, on the first Thursday and Friday in August. Number of representatives never to exceed 40, apportioned among the different counties, according to the taxable inhabitants. The number of senators, who are similarly apportioned, can never be more than half, nor less than one third, of the House. The meeting of the General Assembly is biennial, on the third Monday in September, at Nashville. Executive. A Governor, elected by the people, at the same time with the senators and representatives, by a plurality of votes — holds his office for two years — may be elected only three times in eight years — must be a freeholder — a resident citizen for four years, and 35 years of age. He has the power of pardoning, except in impeachment. A lieu- tenant Governor, with the same qualifications, is chosen at the same time. The executive has the power of appointing to office only in ca- ses of vacancy. Judiciary. The Judges of the several courts of law and equity, are appointed by joint ballot of both houses of the Assembly. They hold their office during good behavior. Right of suffrage. This right belongs to every freeman of the age of 21 years, and upwards, possessing a freehold in the county, wherein he may vote, and being an inhabitant of the state, and to every freeman being an inhabitant of the county in which he shall vote, six months immediately preceding the day of election. Ohio. The constitution of this state was adopted in 1802. It may be amended by a convention, but, as yet, has experienced no change. Legislature. A Senate and House of Representatives, styled, the General Assembly of Ohio. The Senators cannot be less than one third, nor more than one half, the number of Representatives. They are chosen for two years ; one half being renewed annually. Qualifi- cations the same as for representatives, viz. residence one year — age 25 years, and payment of taxes. The number of representatives can nev- er be less than 36, nor more than 72. They are elected annually, on the second Tuesday in October, by counties, according to the number of white male inhabitants, of 21 years of age. Meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly annually at Columbus, on the first Monday in Decem- ber. Executive. A Governor, who is elected by the people for two years eligible six years in eight — must be 30 years of age, and be a resident citizen four years. He has the power of pardoning, except in im- peachments. The president of the Senate is his successor, in case of his disability. Judiciary. A superior court, courts of common pieas for each coun- ty, &c. Judges are chosen by the General Assembly, in joint ballot, for seven years, — may be removed by impeachment. ENCYCLOPEDIA. 213 CIVIL POLITY. Right of suffrage. This privilege extends to white male inhabitants, above 21, who have resided in the state one year immediately prece- ding the election, and who have paid a state or county tax. Indiana. The constitution of Indiana was adopted in 1816 — may be amended by convention ; but has not yet been altered. Legislature. A General Assembly, consisting of a Senate elected for three years — one third renewable annually ; and a House of Rep- resentatives, elected annually. Qualifications of senators and dele- gates, viz. residence, and payment of taxes ; they are chosen in coun- ties and districts, and apportioned to the numbers of white male in- habitants, above 21. Delegates can never be less than 36, nor more than 100 — Senators not less than one third, nor more than one half the number of Representatives. Annual general election, first Monday in August. Annual meeting of the General Assembly, at Indianapolis, first Monday in December. Executive. Governor, elected by the people, for three years — eligi- ble six years in nine — must be 30 years of age, and have been a resident citizen five years. He nas the power of pardon as in Ohio,and a quali- fied negative on the acts of the assembly, as in Massachusetts. It be- longs to him to nominate most of the officers of the state to the Sen- ate. A lieutenant Governor is chosen by the people, who presides in the senate, and succeeds to the powers and duties of governor, in case of the disability of the latter. Judiciary. A supreme court, circuit courts, Sec. The supreme court has three judges ; and each of the circuit courts a president, and two associate judges. The judges hold their offices for seven years — those of the supreme court are appointed by the Governor and Senate ; the presidents of the circuit courts by the assembly in joint ballot ; and the associate judges are chosen by the people. Right of suffrage. This is granted to all male citizens, of the age of 21, and upwards, who have resided in the state a year, immediately preceding an election. Louisiana. The constitution of this state was formed in 1812 ; pro- vision is made for its amendment by a convention, chosen by the peo- ple. Legislature. House and Senate, styled General Assembly. Repre- sentatives are elected for two years — cannot be less than 25, nor more than 50, and are chosen on the basis of the qualified electors, as ascer- tained by enumeration every four years. They must be citizens, and residents two years, and freeholders. The Senators are 16 in num- ber, chosen by districts, for four years — half to be renewed every two years. They must have been resident citizens four years — 27 years of age, and possess a freehold worth $1000. Annual meeting of the As- sembly, first Monday in January. Executive. A Governor, who is elected for four years, and is ineli- gible the next four years. He is chosen by the General Assembly in joint ballot, who elect one of the two candidates, who have had the greatest number of votes from the qualified electors. Qualifications — residence six years — 30 years of age — and a freehold of >5000 val- ue. With the assent of the Senate, he has the power ef pardoning ; 214 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY. but not in cases of impeachment. The president of the senate is his successor, in case of vacancy. Judiciary, Supreme court, and such inferior courts as the Legis- lature may establish. The judges are appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the senate — they hold their offices during good behavior. Right of suffrage. This is practically universal. Mississippi. Constitution adopted 1817, with provisions for its be- ing amended by convention. Legislature. House of Representatives and Senate, styled General Assembly. The number of Representatives can never be less than 36, nor more than 100. They must be resident citizens two years — 22 years of age, and possess a freehold to the value of $500. Senators are elected for three years — one third renewable annually — are chosen in districts, being apportioned on the taxable inhabitants — can never be more than one third, nor less than one fourth, of the delegates — must be resident citizens four years — 26 years of age — freehold or other estate of 1000 dollars. Annual session, first Monday in Novem- ber. Executive. A Governor, elected by the people, for two years — must be 30 years of age — a citizen 20 years — a resident five years — and have a freehold of the value of $2000. He has no power of appoint- ment, but can pardon, except in cases of treason, or impeachment. A lieutenant Governor is appointed, who acts in case of the death, resig- nation, or absence of the Governor. He is president of the Sen- ate. Judiciary. One supreme court, and such superior and inferior courts of law and equity, as the Legislature may from time to time es- tablish. Number of the supreme and superior courts not less than four, nor more than eight. All judges are appointed by the General Assembly — hold their office during good behavior — are disqualified at the age of 65. Right of suffrage. This extends to every free white male person, 21 years of age, or upwards — who is a citizen of the United States, and shall have resided in this state one year next preceding the election — and the last six months within the county, city, or town, in which he offers to vote, and shall be enrolled in the militia thereof, unless ex- empted by law from military service ; or having the aforesaid qualifi- cations of citizenship, and residence, shall have paid a state or county tax. Illinois. Alabama. Missouri. The constitutions of these states were established in the years 1818, 1819, and 1820. Their provisions are, in general, so strikingly similar to those of the constitution of Mis- sissippi, that it is deemed unnecessary to enter into particulars. In Il- linois, the number of representatives cannot be less than 27, nor more than 36, until the number of inhabitants within the state shall amount to 100,000 ; and the number of senators shall never be less than one third, nor more than one half the number of representatrves. In this state, also, the Governor, with the judges of the supreme court, con- stitute a council to revise all legislative acts ; upon which they have a ENCYCLOPEDIA. 215 CIVIL POLITY. qualified negative. Session of the Assembly, first Monday of Decem- ber, every second year. In Alabama, annual session, fourth Monday of October. In Missouri, meeting of the Assembly,first Monday in No- vember, every second year. Constitution of the United States. The United States were originally colonies of Great Britain. At several different times, a un- ion between these colonies was contemplated, and attempted. In the year 1643, a union was formed between the New-England colonies, for certain purposes. In 1754, a more general union was attempted, ac- cording to a plan, which, in several of its features, resembled the pres- ent constitution of the United States ; and, although adopted by a convention of delegates for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, with the lieutenant gov- ernor and council of New York, it failed, receiving the approbation of neither of the provincial assemblies, nor of the King's Council. In the summer of 1775, after the troubles with the mother country had commenced, Dr. Franklin submitted to Congress articles of con- federation, and perpetual union between the colonies, but which were not then acted upon. In June 1776, Congress being about to declare America independent, the subject of a compact was again brought for- ward. A committee was appointed to prepare, and digest the form of a confederation. This committee, on the 12th of July following, re- ported a plan, consisting of twenty articles. The gloomy aspect of American affairs at that period, however, prevented Congress from re- suming the subject, until April, 1777 ; nor was it finally aodpted, until the 15th of November, the same year. The outlines of the system were, that the thirteen states formed a confederacy, under the style and name of " The United States of America;" by which they entered "into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their defence, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other against all force offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, boy- reignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever." This plan of union, after much difficulty and delay, was adopted by the then thirteen colonies ; and, although defective in many respects, the American people were held together, by means of it, through their long struggle for peace and independence. At length, it was obvious, that a more effective plan of union must be adopted, or the glorious objects of the Revolutionary struggle would be entirely lost. To trace the progress of measures, which led to the adoption of the Federal Constitution, would greatly exceed our limits. It is sufficient for our purpose to say, that in the year 1737, a convention of delegates from all the states, except Rhode Island, met in the city of Philadelphia, and on the 17th of September, the present federal constitution was presented to congress, which body shortly af- ter sent it to the several states, by which it was, at different periods, adopted, and with some subsequent amendments, has formed the ba- sis of our government until the present time. Legislative Power. The legislative power is vested by the constitu- tion in a Congress, which consists of a House of Representatives, and a Senate, the concurrence of both of which is necessary to the making of 216 FAMILY CIVIL POLITY. a law. A bill which has passed both branches, must be signed by the presiding officers, which being done, it is sent to the President for his signature. If he signs it, it is established as law — should he refuse, he returns it with objections. Should two thirds of both branches concur, it becomes a law notwithstanding the want of the President's signature. The House of Representatives is composed of members from the several states, chosen by the people, for the term of two years, in such manner as each state, by law, determines. They are apportioned among the different states, according to the population — each state, at the present time, according to an act of Congress, of the 3d of March, 1823, sending one representative for every 40,000 persons computed according to the constitution. No person can be a representative who is not 25 years old, and who has not been a citizen seven years, and who does not reside in the state in which he is elected. The present number of representatives is 216, including three delegates. The Senate is composed of two members from each State. The present number is forty-eight. They are chosen by the State Legisla- tures for six years, one third being elected biennially. To be eligible to a scat in the Senate, a person must be thirty years of age, a resident citizen nine years, an inhabitant of the State in which he is chosen. The House of Representatives has a presiding officer called a Speaker, who is elected from their own body. The President of the Senate is the Vice President of the United States. Besides the legislative power, which the Senate has in common with the House of Representatives, it belongs to that body to approve or disapprove of appointments made by the President. Treaties, also, with foreign powers, are submitted to them by the President ; two thirds are essential to the ratification of a treaty. The Senate also acts as a judicial court for the trial of impeachments, the House of Represen- tatives being the prosecutor. It belongs to Congress to make such laws, compatible with the con- stitution, as in their opinion will advance the general welfare of the country. " They are to lay and collect taxes, imposts and excises ; bor- row money, regulate commerce, establish uniform rules of naturaliza- tion, coin money, establish post roads and post offices, promote the arts and sciences, institute tribunals inferior to the supreme court, define and punish piracy, declare war, and make reprisals, raise and support armies, provide a navy, regulate the militia, and make all laws necessary to carry these powers into effect." Executive power. The executive power of the United States is vested in a President, who holds his office for four years. He is chosen by electors, who are themselves chosen in each State, in such manner as the legislature may direct, and are in number equal to the number of Senators and Representatives in each State. The importance of the mode in which the election of President is made, induces us to insert the provisions of the constitution, on this subject as amended: "The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. They shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice President : ENCYCLOPEDIA. 217 EXECUTIVE POWER. and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as president, and of all persons voted for as vice president, and of the number of votes for each ; which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of government of the United States, directed to the president of the Senate. The president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all certificates, and the votes Delaware J Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia . SOULS. 30,000 . 15,000 20,000 . 25,000 40,000 . 5,000 7,000 New England . . 120,000 Middle and So. Colonies 142,000 Total 262,000 POPULATION OP THI New Hampshire , . 30,000 Massachusetts . . 220,000 Rhode Island . . 35,000 Connecticut . . . 100,000 New York . . 100,000 East and West Jersey . 60,000 142,000 250,000 . 85,000 85,000 . 45,000 30,000 . 6,000 ENCYCLOPEDIA. 219 STATISTICS. DATES OF THE FIRST SETTLEMENT OF THE SEVERAL COLONIES. Virginia . 1607 Maryland 1633 New York . . 1614 Connecticut 1635 Massachusetts . 1620 Rhode Island . 1636 New Hampshire . . 1623 North Carolina . 1650 New Jersey 1624 South Carolina 1670 Delaware . 162? Pennsylvania 1682 Maine 1630 Georgia .... 1733 EXPENSE OF THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. During the war of the revolution, commerce being interrupted, no revenue was raised from this branch of industry, nor had the Continental Congress the power to lay a general tax on commerce, this being the exclusive pre- rogative of the several States. Resort was therefore necessarily had to loans and paper money. Owing to various causes the precise amount of expenditures for the war cannot be ascertained. The following estimate is supposed to approximate to the expense incurred. Estimated expenditures Doll's. 90ths. of 1775 and 1776, in specie, . . . 20,064,666 66 1777 24,986,646 85 1778 24,289,438 26 1779 10,794,620 65 1780 3,000,000 00 1781 1,942,465 30 1782 3,632,745 85 1783 . - . . . . 3,226,583 45 To Nov. 1st, 1784 548,525 63 Forming an amount total of To which should be added — Army debt upon Commissioners certificates, Supplies furnished by citizens of the several States, Supplies furnished from the quarter-master's depart- ment, commissary, &c Other supplies, certificates for which were issued by Register, The foreign expenditures, civil, military, &c. ' . Estimated expenditures of the several States, . Estimated expense of the war in Specie, $92,485,693 15 Doll's. 90ths. 11,080,576 1 3,723,625 21 . 1,159,170 5 744,638 49 5,000,000 00 . 21,000,000 00 $135,193,703 00 EMISSIONS OF CONTINENTAL MONEY. Old Emission. Doll's. 90ths. In 1776 20,064,666 66 1777 26,426,333 1 1778 66,965,269 34 1779 149,703,856 77 1780 82,908,320 47 1781 11,408,095 00 $357,476,541 45 New Emission. Doll's. 90ths, 891,236 80 1,179,249 00 $2,070,485 80 220 FAMILY STATISTICS. LOANS AND GRANTS OF MONEY FROM FRANCE. Livres. Dollars. 1778. February 6 — Cash received from sundry indi- viduals up to this day, including a loan from the Farmers General, . . . 3,000,000 555,555 Loan by the Court of France for this year, 3,000,000 555,555 1779.— Loan for this year, 1,000,000 185,185 1780.— Loan, 4,000,000 740,740 1781.— Loan, . . . . . . . 4,000,000 740,740 . " Subsidy from the Court of France . 6,000,000 1,111,111 Loan granted by the Court in Holland 10,000,000 1,851,851 1782.— Loan, 6,000,000 1,111,111 1783— Loan, 6,000,000 1,111,111 43,000,000 7,962,959 TROOPS EMPLOYED DURING THE REVOLUTION. [From Dr. Holmes's Annals.] Land Forces employed by Great Britain in America, 1774-1780. 1774 6,884 1775 11,319 1776 45,865 1777 48,616 Died and deserted 19,381 Prisoners . 5,336 24,7L Lost of the army 24,717 Lost of the navy 4,314 29,031 Naval Force for the above Four Years. Men of war and armed vessels, 83 Complement of men, 22,337 Of which were lost by death, 4,314 Men and Marines employed by Great Britain during the American War. Raised for his Majesty's navy, marines included, from September 29 1774> to September 29, 1780. 175,990 Of whom in 5 years, beginning with 1776 and ending with 1780, w Gd ,-n a ' ' ^Hl\ 1W88 total. Were killed . . 1,243 $ Deserted . . 42,069 Troops raised in Great Britain and Ireland for his Majesty's Land Service (Militia and Fencible Men m North Britain not included) from Septem- ber 29, 1774, to September 29, 1780. .... 76,885 Of which died in North America and the West Indies 10,012 Taken prisoners, including those under the Convention of Saratoga 8,629 Deserted 3,801 Discharged the service ...... 3,885 26,32? ENCYCLOPEDIA 221 STATISTICS. BHtisk Corps and Recruits sent from Great Britain or Ireland to North America or the West Indies. 1778 1779 1780 3774 6871 10,237 Total 20,882. Account of the Ships of the Line and Frigates, taken or destroyed during the War of the Revolution. French ships of the line taken by the British . 13 Do. lost .... 13 Spanish ships of the line taken by do. . . 7 Do. lost .... 5 Dutch ships of the line taken by do. . .3 Do. lost .... 4 American ship of the line taken by do. . 26 12 7 1 Taken 23, lost 23. Total 46 French frigates taken 27, American 12, Spanish 11, and Dutch 2 ; — beside which, 5 Spanish and 4 American frigates were lost. Total 61. British, one 64 and two fifties taken by the French . . 3 > -, Do. ships of the line lost 15 J British frigates taken by the French 6, by the Americans 1, and 17 lost. Total 24. NAVAL FORCE OF THE UNITED STATES. Names and Rate. When built. Names and Rate. When built Ships of the Line. Guns, Sloops of War. Guns. Independence 74 1814 Erie 18 1813 Franklin 74 1815 Ontario 18 1813 Washington 74 1816 Peacock 18 1813 Columbus 74 1819 Boston 18 1825 Ohio . 74 1820 Lexington 18 1825 North Carolina 74 1820 Vincennes 18 1826 Delaware 74 1820 Warren 18 1826 Frigates of 1st class. Natches 18 1827 United States . 44 1797 Falmouth 18 1827 Constitution 44 1797 Fairfield 18 1828 Guerrier 44 1814 Vandalia 18 1828 Java 44 1814 St. Louis , 18 1828 Potomac 44 1821 Concord 18 1828 Brandywine 44 1825 Schooners, 8?c. Hudson 44 1826 Dolphin 12 1821 Frigates of 2d class. Grampus 12 1821 Congress 36 1799 Porpoise 12 1820 Constellation 36 1797 Shark . 12 1821 Macedonian 36 1812t Fox 3 1823* Sloops of War. Alert (store shij S) 1812 1 John Adams 24 1799 Sea Gull (gaUiot .) 1823* Cyane 24 1815 t | I * Purchased in. t Captured. t2 222 FAMILY STATISTICS. ADOPTION OF TIIE FIRST STATE CONSTITUTIONS. 1776 1776 1776 1776 1776 1776 1776 1776 1777 1780 1786 1789 2. Amount of Money expended in each State and Territory, by the United States, upon Works of Internal Improvement, from the Adoption of the Federal Constitution to the 1st day of October, 1828. New Hampshire, South Carolina, January 5, March 24, Virginia, June 29, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, July 2, August 14, September, September. North Carolina, December, New York, April, Massachusetts, March, Vermont, July 4, Georgia, May, Maine Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island New York Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina Kentucky $11,724 104,042 2,069 . 195 68,138 39,728 307,104 10,000 150,000 . 1,000 90,000 22 46 97 19 45 32 01 00 00 00 00 Tennessee Ohio Indiana Mississippi Illinois Alabama Missouri Arkansas Michigan Florida . Total Road from Cumberland to the Ohio . . . 1,662,246 75 Continuation of the Cumberland Road . . . 453,547 86 Repairs of the Cumberland Road . . . 55,501 00 Road from Nashville to Natchez .... 8,000 00 Road from Wheeling to the Mississippi river . . 10,000 00 Road from Missouri to New Mexico . . . 30,000 00 Road from Mississippi to the State of Ohio . . . 5,539 35 Road from Georgia to New Orleans . . . 5,500 00 Roads in Tennessee, Louisiana, and Georgia . . 15,000 00 Road from Nashville to New Orleans . . ; 7,920 00 Surveys of Roads and Canals .... 166,68149 Surveys of Maps and C harts of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers 4, 185 24 Improving the Navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers 103,409 72 Military Roads 10,218 43 Surveys of the water courses of the Mississippi river . 11,122 04 Road through the Creek Nation . . . 3,621 01 Opening the old Natchez road .... 5,000 00 Breakwater at the mouth of Delaware Bay . . . 5,000 00 . 4,200 00 . 390,159 03 108,623 88 . 49,385 52 . 8,000 00 . 81,762 78 22,702 24 44,690 00 . 48,607 95 799,002 01 $2,341,136 03 Grand Total $4,903,637 92 ENCYCLOPEDIA. •223 STATISTICS. rUBLIC DEBT. Amount of the Pullic Debt of (lie United States, at several periods, from 1791 to 1830, reckoned on the first of January of the different years. Debt increased during these six years ex- cept 1794, when it was reduced. Debt increased by reason of military pre- parations against France, previous to the year 1801. Debt increased by the purchase of Louisi- ana in 1803. In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In 1791 1796 1799 1801 1803 1804 1809 1810 1812 1813 1816 1817 1820 1821 1822 18-23 1824 1825 1826 1827 18-28 18-29 1831 $75,169,974 81,642,272 85,353,643 56,73-2,379 53,156,53-2 45,035,133 55,907,452 123,016,375 115,807,805 91,015,566 i 89,987,427^ 93,546,676 90,375,877 } 90,269,777 83,788,432 J 81,054,059^| 73,987,357 I 67,475,622 58,362,135 48.595.405 | Jackson's adm'n. Debt at its minimum in 1812. Debt increased by the war, — maximum, 1816. Debt much reduced since 1816. Debt increased by the purchase of Florid?, and a diminution of the ordinary reve- nue. Adams' administration from 1825 to 1829. began March 4th 1829. BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. The charter of the Bank of the United States was granted 10th of April 1816 for 20 years. Original capital $35,000,000. Stock belong- ing to the United States government $7,000,000. Parent Bank at Phil- adelphia. Offices of discount are established at the following places viz. Portland, Portsmouth, Boston, Providence, Hartford, Burlington. New York, Utica, Buffalo, Baltimore, Washington, Richmond, Norfolk. Fay- etteville, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, Natchez, New Orleans, St. Louis, Nashville, Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, Pittsburg] State of the Bank Investments. Capital paid in $35,000,000 00 Circulation . 22,399,447 52 Public Deposits 7,252,249 42 Private Deposits 9,115,836,47 Due to individuals in Europe . 168,372,72 Unclaimed dividends 251,766 3 Contingent Fund 5,613,173,15 Discount, Exchange and Interest . 614,685 7 Profit and Loss 1,750,048 51 $82,165,578 89 September I, 1831. Distribution. Funded debt $3,517 381 6 Loans . . 56,895,451 9 Mortgages . . 140,956 63 Chargeable to Contin- gent Fund . 3,452.976 10 Real Estate . 2,491,892 99 Due from Offices and Banks . . 621.523 8 Expences &c. . 259,383 50 Banking Houses 1,160.455 54 Notes of State Banks 2,080,442 33 Specie . . 11,545,116 51 $82,165,578 89 224 FAMILY STATISTICS. Value of Imports and Exports of the United States, during the year ending September 30, 1829 /rom and to each Foreign Country. COUNTRIES. Russia Prussia ..... Sweden and Norway Swedish West Indies Denmark .... Danish West Indies Netherlands . . . Dutch East Indies . . Dutch West Indies . England Scotland .... Ireland Gibraltar .... British East Indies British West Indies . British Amer. Colonies Hanse Towns, &c. . France French West Indies Bourbon Hayti Spain TenerifTe &other Can's Manilla& Philippine Is Cuba Other Spanish W. Ind's Portugal .... Madeira .... Italy and Malta . Trieste & other Ad'c p'ts Turkey, Levant, Egypt Mexico Central Rep. of Amer Honduras, Campeachy Colombia .... Brazil Argentine Republic . Chili Peru China Other Countries . . Total Value of Imports. $2,218,995 22,935 1.020,910 283,049 32,911 2,053,266 1,057,854 121,348 438,132 23,892,763 1,024,215 362.511 247,471 1,229,569 240,224 577,542 2,274.375 8,838,978 777,992 1,799,809 803,529 25,283 209,206 4,866,524 898,832 ' 237.351 403,056 1,409,588 191,896 293,237 5,026,761 311,931 64,847 1,255,310 2,534,467 912,114 416,118 1,004,458 4,680,847 433,623 Value of Exports. 74,492,527 Domestic Produce. $51,684 14,411 122,663 684,523 73,597 1,942,010 3,095,857 62,074 379,874 21,281,334 895,315 327.728 301,132 69,070 1,463 2,724,104 1,99-J76 8,895,045 1,056,639 10,502 814,987 731,605 42,839 10,802 3,719.263 209,780 42,088 175,074 289,755 409,288 27,600 495,626 123,631 12,693 525,783 1,510,260 444,716 890.356 91,542 260,759 884,445 Foreign Produce. $334,542 126,971 23,791 13,166 282,401 889,330 176,318 18,667 1,767,457 19.493 366 160,130 477.629 5,058 40,805 1,278,984 2,854,350 15,768 160,171 185,432 22,317 66,430 1,859,626 38,900 628 15.089 611.257 2-0,200 47.384 1,835,525 116,223 8,229 241,565 419,767 181,336 530,778 119,615 1,(94,103 337,777 Total 55,700,193116,658,478 72,358,671 $386,226 14,411 249,634 708,314 86,763 2,224,411 3,985,187 238,392 398,541 23,048,791 914,808 328,094 461,262 546,699 6,521 2,764,909 3,277,160 11,749,395 1,072,40/ 10,502 975,158 917,137 66,156 77,232 5,578,889 248,680 42,716 190,163 901,012 689,488 74,984 2,331,151 239,854 20,922 767,348 1,929,927 626,052 1,421,134 211,157 1,354,862 1,222,222 ENCYCLOPEDIA. 225 STATISTICS. ~f c X 2 «5 9 ^ Q a 5 a Q co p o* o o> lO GC I Q — 35 K £. Lt rz t» t- — :o ^ r; co i^ ?> ~. SO -r i^ to cc <> — -^ m 7t cfc ec to — HH — fc r - r: - :' t. c i: r c t l-: - — ?> x ro r. -^ co co X - 3 = t- t^ — -^ ?) — CN S I — rX ^ ^-"— '— — — ?' - •- ~ K to (N tN -m — x j^ - t+ 1* <*P ^ i> 00 00 l^ EN IC C 50 «H H — — le) CD ~ ~ ' S ' s con io -^ i 2 1 b» 3< B to — ** J =' 1 1^ CO *& H ~ £ ** i9 £ *° f §]iH^COQti-4GOO*G4 -r> -■ ?> — -^ •- ?* ifi ifl IT ! ?* TP i> s - - n n - vc to 'C t>. cr. CO t oj i> r x c - i.t In i 1 -x £ cn ut Lt eg 22 ^ w X- & 22 r - 7) ?> — N i> | p COOOOtCD^C35NtDNqrt 9 •h / - x — co — 35 x X — c: cc x £ t^ y - f a-lo) o Q 7) t^ ifl OC -^ i~ 7) ^r — ifl — iT. *r ?i 7' ^ \ = la :)icr.^r.r.c — -r oj — . i — f .5 S w l " ii M w IS w ^ - 5i ^ S x w 8 t-i 1^ -r rr W <>► i_t 3 x -r — lt c; «d" 04 CO — ^r 7i B 5-S.I-2 8 g ••o S3 « ews - -=-= y 3 Z S aj y z 2 a, Q g > z 02 V 5 • c i es < •226 FAMILY STATISTICS, Statement of the Value of Domestic Exports of the United States in the year ending September 30f/i, 1829. The Sea. Fisheries. — Dried fish, or cod fisheries $747,541 Pickled fish, or river fisheries, her- ring, shad, salmon, mackerel 220,527 Whale, (common) oil, whalebone 495J63 Spermaceti oil and candles 353,869 The Forest. Skins and furs Ginseng Product of Wood. — Staves, shingles, boards . $1,680,403 Oak bark, and other dye . 165,406 Naval stores, tar, pitch, rosin and turpentine . . . 377,613 Ashes, pot and pearl . . 817,434 Agriculture. Product of Animals. — Beef, tallow, hides, and h'd. cattle Butter and cheese Pork (pkPd.) bacon, lard, live hogs Horses and mules Sheep Vegetable food. — Wheat, flour, and biscuit Indian corn and meal . Rye meal Rye, oats, and other small grain and pulse Potatoes Apples Rice .... Tobacco .... Cotton . . . . All other agricultural products. — Flaxseed .... Hops .... Brown sugar Manufactures. Soap and tallow candles Leather, boots and shoes Saddlery Hats .... Wax .... Sp'ts. from grain, beer, ale, & porter Wood (including coaches and other 674,955 176,205 1,493,629 207,858 10,644 5,972,920 974,535 127,004 74,896 30,079 15,958 2,514,370 526,507 114,396 0,430,856 $1,817,100 carriages) 2,563,291 3,681,759 9,709,762 113,040 6,917 3,289 12,273,053 4,982,974 26,575,311 123,246 692,691 356,658 35,765! 270,780 132,939 215,494 501,946 ENCYCLOPEDIA 227 STATISTICS. Snuff and tobacco Lead Linseed oil and spirits of turpentine Cordage .... Iron Spirits from molasses Sugar refined .... Chocolate .... Gunpowder .... Copper and brass Medicinal drugs Cotton and piece goods.— Printed and colored White Nankeens Twist, yarn, and thread All other manufactures of Flax and hemp. — Cloth and thread . Bags, and all manufactures of Wearing apparel Combs, and buttons Brushes .... Billiard tables and apparatus Umbrellas and parasols Leather and morocco skins, not sold, per pound Fire engines and apparatus Printing presses and types Musical instruments Books and maps Paper, and other stationary Paints and varnish . Vinegar .... Earthen and stone ware Manufactures of glass Do. tin . Do. pewter and lead Do. marble and stone Do. gold and silver and gold leaf Hold and silver coin Artificial flowers and jewelry Molasses .... Trunks Brick and lime Salt . . Articles not distinguished in returns.— Manufactured Raw produce 145,0-24 981,370 1,878 3,849 127,336 $202,396 8,417 30,442 7,984 223,705 166,740 50,739 1,759 171,924 129,647 101,524 $3,301,550 1,259,457 2,166 14,954 91,108 76,250 3,150 3,443 22,067 80,173 2,832 12,908 8,868 29,010 25,629 21,133 5,953 5,592 49,900 1,757 5.185 2,647 11,250 612,886 21,627 1,992 11,248 3,717 26,648 309,100 221,544 Total 2,414,550 530,650 55,700,193 228 FAMILY STATISTICS. TOTAL POPULATION OF THE EARTH. The Population of the Earth, together with the geographical square miles, by the most recent and respectable authorities is as follows : Surface. Inhabitants. Europe . 2,793,000 227,700,000 \sia 12,118,000 390,000,000 Africa .... 8,516,000 60,000,000 \merica .... 11,046,000 39,000,000 \ustralasia . . . 3,100,000 20,300,000 Total 27,573,000 737,000,000 INHABITANTS OF THE EARTH DIVIDED ACCORDING TO THEIR RELIGIOUS BELIEF. The two following estimates are according to the geographers Make- B run, and Hassel. Malte-Brun. Hassel. Catholics .... J 16,000,000 134,000,000 Greek Church . . . 70,000,000 62,000,000 Prostestants . . . 42.000,000 55,000,000 Total of Christians 228,000,000 251,000,000 Jews 4,000,000 3,000,000 Mahometans . . . 100,000,000 120,000,000 Pagans . 310,000,000 550,000,000 Total of inhabitants of the Globe 642,000,000 924,000,000 First part contains - 240 Page-, Second part " 228 do. Whole number 468 do. \ i -*, f k rim*. wf'i £Mb s V . ■ /' Sflr jpPF •r €»■■ V