m C ? j^»ljCT»|^i¥ i WVW^SV*jpVW' V : (Decoratii^ea^rt QoueShoru STtVJANC AND FRAN CINE C1ARJC ART INSTITUTE UBRAKT ^ vi -00OOOOO0 /\Na^AF\m i^o(4 p/vgsfep oVje^ jUtfyCK Of T^EgEJj^pE^Sf /v/jy fabric. ^$^*s^^ ^ NEWYOHK ^^ ^2 W12 05 OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. MYRA'S JOURNAL OP DRESS AND FASHION, Sep. 1st. 1882. I have lately received a copy of Messrs. Briggs & Co.'s new book of " Designs for all Kinds of Embroidery," and especially notice amongst the novelties some capital ecclesiastical designs, which may be used for a good many other purposes besides church embroidery, and form a very welcome change from the natural sprays, groups, and wreaths of flowers, which have been so much worked the last few years. Some of these ecclesiastical designs will serve admirably for valances for mantelpieces, curtain and tablecloth borders, etc., for use in rooms furnished in a rather severe style, and in which the more picturesque designs of flowers would be thoroughly incongruous. There are also a number of separate designs for alms-bags and similar purposes. The book contains also a new collection of Kate Greenaway's Village Scenes for working on chair-backs ; there are demure little maidens walking together with the greatest propriety, and chubby girls and boys engaged in all kinds of pursuits, including mischief. These children are entirely superseding the storks, of which we have had more than enough, and are certainly more amusing than those meaningless birds. ' With the revival of braided dresses and jackets, however, the most interesting series of designs is that for braiding. The braiding patterns are of all widths, and can, with a little care and skill, be arranged to form the separate ornaments now required, as well as borders. I have noticed several in the book of designs that could be easily adapted for the braided costumes which "Myra" is illustrating in the present Number, and the facility of obtaining such good patterns, and so easily transferred to the material, will make this fashion exceedingly popular. As full particulars are given about the width of all borders, and size of all designs, ladies can. very easily make a selection, and order the designs they require by mentioning the number only. SYLVIA'S HOME JOURNAL, September 1882. The new Autumn book of patterns of Briggs' Patent Transferring Papers is now before me, and in it I find many tempting designs that make me regret that I never have any time for fancy-work — though, for that matter, my warmest affections are devoted to plain needlework, in which I delight. The floral designs in this book are so correctly drawn, and so gracefully composed, that the chief difficulty which workers will find will lie in the selection of one. There are pinks and carnations (very fashionable flowers just now), fuchsias, tulips, lilies, and a set of groups illustrating the seasons ; cowslips for spring, poppies and corn for summer, hips and haws for autumn, and holly and Christmas roses for winter — all fascinating enough. The ecclesiastical designs are excellent, the floral patterns being conventionally treated ; and I find at the close of the volume several useful designs in the much-used Russian cross-stitch. SYLVIA'S HOME JOURNAL, December 1882. The Patent Transferring Papers issued by Messrs. Briggs & Co., 3 Marsden Square, Man- chester, and to be obtained at all good fancy shops, are among the most delightful of labour- saving inventions. As braiding is now more fashionable than ever, it is no slight thing to be able to obtain your design and your tracing apparatus in one ; and simply by means of a warm iron passed over the back to be able to transfer the whole to the material to be braided or embroidered. I see that Messrs. BRIGGS have now produced a novelty in the shape of initial letters for marking handkerchiefs or table- linen. As with the others, so these can be transferred by means of a warm iron. Any letter can be had, with the exception of Q and X, and each is set in a frame of maidenhair and forget- me-not, graceful in itself, and very easy to work. There are also pretty wreaths for surrounding initials, monogram or name on a handkerchief. YOUNG LADIES' JOURNAL, October 1st, 1882. Briggs' Transferring Papers.— We have just received a book of new designs for autumn and winter work from Messrs. Briggs. The usefulness of these transfers is now very generally rocognized. Among the novelties we note some very pretty floral sprays and corners, and a variety cf designs for ecclesiastical work. The quality of the designs is excellent. The Russian embroidery or cross-stitch designs are also good and useful. LADIES' PICTORIAL, May 6th, 1882. Xovkks of fancy work cannot but — s[j^*£ ^S£».£SJ-K axave been obliged to expend over their designs ,m past days ■ ""J*™ , kl on t0 *» ck llic they either had to tack on strips of tissue , pger^ ^d J*"™^^ malerial t< J a f anC y paper out laboriously wih their fingers o hey « oWy d ° ^ ia e thc attern was shop, where after a considerable lapse of time and ^» «aw« i t „ k on marked out. If they wished to do cross-stitch on .ve ijet o i cloth iney ^ inco & nveniences m especially good for the Russian embroidery now so popular. WELDON'S JOURNAL, June 1st, 1882. Messrs. Briggs & Co. have forwarded samples of their new Russian cross-stitch transfers, suitable for borders, bannerettes, mats, antimacassars, &c, which can be successfully transferred on to any fabric by merely passing a heated iron overthe back of the pattern, and since Russian cross-stitch is becoming so fashionable for ornamental purposes, Messrs. Briggs & Co. s patterns, which may be had of all fancy repositories, must be well appreciated for their accuracy and easy method of transferring to cloth, holland, linen, &c. Two pretty patterns for lawn tennis aprons for crewel embroidery are sent me, No. 707 being Virginia creeper foliage and berries prettily grouped, while No. 708 shows an artistic spray of wild roses, foliage, and maidenhair fern, both of which are well designed, yet patterns that can be quickly worked with good effect. CHRISTIAN GLOBE, August 24th, 1882. "Briggs & Co.'s Patent Transferring Papers. (Sole Inventors and Patentees, Briggs & Co., Manchester.) — One of the most useful and most elegant little books we have seen for a long time is this of Messrs. Briggs & Co., and no mistress of a household but will be charmed with it, although from first to last there is found nothing to read. It consists of 104 pages of designs for every kind of embroidery ; all that it is necessary to do in order to trace the design from the papers on any material being merely to pass a warm iron over the back of it. As given here, these designs equal in beauty and grace anything of the kind ever seen before, and range from simple curves to flowers, fruit, birds, and seme charming village scenes from the facile pencil of Kate Greenaway. Anyone can thus, in a minute or two, trace a chosen group or picture on the fabric selected without the slightest tiouble or delay, and have ample scope for taste in the matter of selection. HOUSEHOLD WORDS, December 9th, 1882. You will find exactly what you want in Briggs & Co.'s "New Pattern Book." There are good patterns in it for ecclesiastical embroidery, as well as for general purposes. INDUSTRY, May 11th, 1882. The book is a positive collection of gems of art ; and in its whole get-up, as well as its contents, reflects the highest credit upon the taste and enterprise of Messrs. Briggs & Co. THE BAPTIST, August 1882. Messrs. Briggs & Co of Manchester, send us a capital book of " Patent Transferring Papers " ■ot a kind that ladies know so well how to use to advantage in beautifying our homes. The volume contains a splend.d variety of really artistic designs, and by passing^ warm iron over them in the usual way, they may readily be transferred to any fabrics. For workin" paSes IS^SS&SS^^*** prove invaluable - The desi ^ s are&s ^ BRIGGS & CO.'S F^TZEISTT ARE now universally known, and the process is acknowledged to be the most perfect, simple, and expeditious manner of Tracing Designs for all kinds of Embroidery. One of the great recommendations of these Transferring Papers is that they enable Ladies to trace upon their own materials ; this being much less expensive than purchasing ready-traced Articles. New Designs are frequently being issued, and can be purchased from all Berlin Wool and Fancy Repositories. Ladies, with a taste for designing, can form beautiful groups by cutting and arranging flowers, &c, from various patterns. To do this most effectively, gum the small pieces (when cut) on to a sheet of paper, arranging them as desired, and, when the group is formed, transfer in the usual manner. In order to bring the large variety of patterns within the dimen- sions of a small book, it has been necessary to reduce most of them in size. This spoils to some extent the general effect of the large designs, such as Antimacassars, Brackets, Cosey Groups, &c, though they be exact copies of the original. NOTICE. The correct proportions of the designs, as they appear in the Transferring Papers, are marked in inches above each design, but those marked with an asterisk (*) are the same in the Transferring Papers as in the Pattern Book. Special attention is directed to the fact that the price of the strips is regulated by the Width of the Paper on which they are Printed, and not by the Width of the Design ; thus : — No. 264, 3 inches wide, is printed on paper 4-in. wide, and is therefore a Four inch strip. All patterns up to 2|-in. wide are Three inch strips; 2f-in. to 3|-in. are Four inch strips ; 4-in. to 5-in. are Six inch strips ; and 5|-in. to 7-in. are Eight inch strips. INDEX. Strips, containing Six yards, 3-in., 4-in., 6-in., and 8-in. wide. PRINTED ON PAPER 3-in. WIDE. No. of Design _ Page Designs with Scollops, suitable \ , for Ladies' Underclothing, ( . Morning Wrappers, and I r> Children's Garments ) 105 Ivy Leaf 8 114 Forget-me-Not — 116 Rosebud and Leaf — 120 Forget-me-Not 9 124 Daisy — 125 Forget-me-Not and Rosebud ... — 129 Wild Rose — 132 Jessamine 10 133 Mountain Ash — 134 Hawthorn Blossom — 135 Rose, Jessamine & Forget-me-not — 136 Virginian Creeper 11 13S Poppv, Wheat and Cornflower.. — 140 Poppy — 141 Cyclamen — 142 Apple Blossom 12 149 Ivy Leaf — 150 Cornflower and Wheat — 154 Laburnum — 155 Verbena 13 156 Ox Eye Daisy — 157 Shamrock ... — 159 Narcissus — 160 Buttercups and Daisies 14 161 Azalea — 162 Forget-me-not — 164 Buttercups — 165 Maidenhair and Rose 15 166 Lily of the Valley — 167 Fie'ld Poppy — 168 Daisy, Maidenhair & Rosebud... — 169 Wild Rose — 170 Rosebuds 16 172 Rosebud and Maidenhair — 173 Garden Rose and Forget-me-not — 174 Jessamine and Forget-me-not... — 175 Common Fern and Maidenhair.. 17 176 Carnations — 177 Hips and Haws — 178 Virginian Creeper — Braiding Designs. ..18 to 21 and 150 PRINTED ON PAPER 4-in. WIDE. 222 Sunflower 22 223 Wild Rose — 224 Anemone and Forget-me-not ... 23 225 Ox-Eye Daisy and Virginian Creeper — 226 Narcissus and Forget-me-not ... — 227 Carnation and Maidenhair 24 228 Convolvulus and Maidenhair ... — 229 Mountain Ash — 230 Renaissance 25 253 Strawberry — 259 Holly, with Berries — 264 Virginian Creeper 26 266 Ro?e, Jessamine & Forget-me-not — 269 Hawthorn Blossom — PRINTED ON PAPER 4-in. WIDE, No of Continued Design Page 279 Holly and Mistletoe 27 281 Jessamine — 283 Poppy, Wheat and Cornflower.. — 286 Poppy 28 287 Cyclamen — 288 Apple Blossom — 291 Wild Rose 29 293 Passion Flower — 296 Cherries — 297 Geranium and Maidenhair 30 298 Peacocks' Feathers — 299 Mixed Ferns — 300 Ox Eye Daisy — Braiding Designs ... 31, 32 and 152 PRINTED ON PAPER 6-in. WIDE. 356 Mountain Ash 33 360 Poppy 34 361 Apple Blossom — 362 Passion Flower 35 3G4 Large Daisy and Ferns — 368 Sunflower 36 371 Virginian Creeper and Jessamine — 372 Ox-Eye Daisy and Carnation ... 37 373 Common Fern and Garden Rose — 374 Renaissance 38 Braiding Designs 39 to 43 PRINTED ON PAPER 8-in. WIDE. 321 Azalea 44 329 Sunflower 45 431 Large Poppy 46 432 Lilium Longiflorum 47 MANTLE BORDERS. 326 Narcissus and Oats Grass 48 327 Geranium and Maidenhair — 328 Water Lilies, Bulrushes and Spiderwort 49 331 Water Lilies and Willow Weed 50 332 Conventional Rose 51 333 „ Marguerite Daisy.. 52 SPRAYS AND GROUPS. 500 Mountain Ash, Apple Blossom... 53 595 Hawthorn Blossom, Fuchsia — 508 Field Daisy, Jonquil 54 — Dog Rose, Forget-me-not 509 Poppy, Jessamine 55 — Narcissus, Maidenhair — 510 Periwinkle, Geranuim 56 — Violet, Ox Eye Daisy — 536 Cornflower 57 537 Jessamine and Forget-me-not ... — 538 Rosebuds 58 539 Virginian Creeper — 540 Maidenhair 59 541 Forget-me-not — 531 Ox-Eye Daisy 60 532 Ferns — 533 Mountain Ash 61 534 Crocus and Snowdrops — SPRAYS AND GROUPS Contd. No. of Design Pa S e 525 Primrose 62 530 Anchor — 585 Poppy, Wheat and Cornflower.. 63 586 Rose, Jessamine & Forget-me-not — 594 Violets 64 597 Cyclamen — 562 Wild Rose, with corner to match 65 567 Daisy and Rosebud „ „ 66 580 Rosebud, Jessamine "1 gr- and Forget-me-not J " " 599 Apple Blossom „ ,, 68 632 Jessamine „ ,, 69 639 Daffodil „ „ 70 641 Carnation „ „ 71 643 Fuchsia „ „ 72 633 Tulip 73 634 Lilium — 635 Cowslip 74 636 Clover and Buttercup — 637 HipsandHaws 75 638 Christmas Rose and Holly — CUSHIONS, FOOTSTOOLS, &c. 961 Wild Rose and Lilies 76 962 Azalea and Maidenhair 77 963 Geranium and Jessamine — 964 Primrose and Ox-Eye Daisy ... 78 965 Narcissus and Carnation — 966 Marguerite Daisy and Virginian Creeper 79 967 Anemone — COSEYS, CHAIR SEATS, &c. 454 Mountain Ash and Birds 80 455 Wild Rose and Ferns 81 459 Pansy and Fancy Grass — 461 Bittern, with Reeds 82 462 Flamingo ,, — 463 Braiding Designs 83 457 Almond Blossom — 465 Convolvulus 84 466 Common Ferns, Forget-me-not and Grass — 467 Poppy and Ox-Eye Daisy 85 468 Virginian Creeper — ANTIMACASSARS, CHAIR SEATS, &c. 753 Apple Blossom 86 755 Cyclamen and Ferns 87 756 Tiger Lily — 757 Stork, with Reeds 88 765 Sunflower — 769 Jessamine and Wild Rose 89 770 Water Lilies & Flowering Rush — 772 Narcissus and Cyclamen 90 773 Water Lilies, Bulrushes, Spider- wort and Bird — 774 Marguerite Daisy 91 775 Sunflower — 780 Pansy, Ox Eye and Rosebud ...92 782 Mountain Ash — 783 Poppy and Ox Eye Daisy 93 784 Owl, &c. (^Esthetic Design) — 785 Renaissance 94 786 Apple Blossom — 787 Primrose and Grass 95 788 Horse Chestnut — 789 Garden Rose, Jessamine and Forget-me-not 96 Village Scenes, by Kate Green- away 98 and 99 TABLE or PIANO CORNERS. No. of Dcsigti P. if 902 Water Lilies and Bulrushes 96 903 Begonia wer...l00 851 Arum Lily, Ferns and Erica ... — 853 Narcissus L0] 855 Virginian Creeper — 856 Pyrus Japonica and Jessamine... 102 857 Sunflower — 858 Narcissus and Geranium 103 859 Wild Rose and Maidenhair — APRONS or PINAFORES. 702 Rose, Jessamine 8c Forget-mo-notl04 70(1 Marguerite Daisy — 707 Mountain Ash 105 708 Wild Rose and Maidenhair — 709 Forget-me-not ,, ,, ...106 710 Virginian Creeper & Geranium.. — SLIPPERS. 604 Jessamine and Forget-me-not ...107 605 Mountain Ash — 00(3 Wild Rose and Forget-me-not... 108 607 Apple Blossom — 609 & 610 Braiding 100 611 Forget-me-not 110 612 Hunting Design — 613 Kangaroo and Reeds Ill 614 Tobacco Plant, Pipes, &c — TOILET SETS. B6 Mountain Ash 112 D6 Rosebud and Maidenhair — TOILET BAGS. 803 Mountain Ash 113 805 Rosebuds and Maidenhair — BED POCKETS. 821 Rosebuds and Maidenhair 114 822 MountainAsh — Watch Pockets to match 115 HANDKERCHIEF WREATHS. 521 Forget-me-not 116 522 Convolvulus 117 520 Forget-me-not — 523 Wheat — INITIALS 118 D'OYLEYS, &c. Village Scenes, by Kate Greena- way 119 to 124 408 Forget-me-not 125 412 Daisy — 414 Rosebud and Forget-me-not 126 418 Wild Rose — 419 Azalea 127 420 Buttercups — 920 Rosebuds and Forget-me-not ...128 921 Verbena — B2 Mountain Ash 120 B3 „ — 410 Rosebuds and Forget-me-not ... — e^flal WzWii^M -J— ■■ ,r m v A Pin -E(b -Vos — - estgns on pases 1 to 21 are printed J^ en paper tbree tncbes w&e. 1 4 5 * 9 \ 10 $ u o,o A o o,o A o A o K 10 o$o . o^o . <=&o . <=$o , o$o jy o$o , 0P0 i o|jo . o^o a J^-X inches wide. <5>7 2% inches wide. 50 a GO $ tfS $ 6?S ?'0 B 71 2 inches wide. 6 £ 77 ® $ 78 i a 79 8 80 f.-M> $ 81 a 82 88 2% indies wide no 'IS-. - — 120 132 g% inches wide 136 2 inches wide. IBS 2% inches wide 1% inches wide. 155 l'z inches wide. 156 i inches wide 10/ * 159 a wo K 767 $ 2^ a 165 & 166 $ 76"; g 765 $ 76£ '■ j r- )i^ r i^JS. ^ V. .^> Wmm 2 in cli pr wide 1 70 2 inches wide. 17 o & 17.' ■f 16 J inches icicle J in dies icicle. 7 ' v C I/O 176 ! inches i ride. Hi 1 78 JSl, ESIGNS 'RAIDING ft w V \ % ) > J l 2 inches wide l\ inches widt J L / , in ejus wide. J'i inrjiiM wide. 2— "^ X 91 i~. '' ") V SX inches wide J l 2 inches wide. loo 2 l A indies wide. 101 2 l A indie* wide. 1000 < /^V \? ©.vx 5 ', E±=3 : -<«.<*. l'.5i u^ft-A -5 ■■>.>. • A. f • m -k- V t reigns on pases 22 to 32 arc printed [ on paper four inches wifce. 4 Y inch rs wide > > > 3 inches wide. 223 3 incite* wide. 22% \SS .', inches widt 3 inches wide 228 $ inches wide 229 3 inches rvidt 230 .I inches wide. 250 3 inchc* wide .; inche* trifle. > :l incite* trifle °26i) 20 3 inches wide. 279 ■ > inches /rifle. 288 3 inohefi wide ,SS6 3 inches wide 287 inches wide 288 28 o incites wide. 291 3 inches wide. 293 3 inches wide. DESIGNS TO ..©RAIDING. JU inches wide. O > 3 inches wide BOB S inches wide inches vide 208 PACT •4> r (® esuin*? on paoes 33 to 43 arc printed Jp) +s on paper siy inches wibe. « * ■~> iiu'hpa wifJr *:)G 6 33 }A inches wide. 860 ' ' ; inches wide. 801 34 °<62 .' r 'i inches wide. 364 35 5 inches widi 368 M( inches widi >) i 1 tf inches wide O /. J T : '\ incites icirfc. qytyo* 37 RAIDING 4 '? inches wide 40 / inches wide Jj}/z inches wide. in® & inches wide. O OJf ■"> inches wide. 301 41 5 in die* wide. 806 AVz inches wide. ^- : + inches wide. 308 o incites wide 809 SO V () iiirf/cs wide 32() "" />"/"'' s ivrhen "-it/, G ijtchrfi /ride o27 On paper 8 inches wide 4« 5- a. ft =0 So -=: <£> f-s: ^ 00 SO ^> £ 500 £ 595 r^Qz SET Four designs £(Jg on a sheet. 54 SET Four designs 509 01i a sheet. K SET Four designs £20 on a sheet. 56 a 586 £ A T 10 inches by 13 ;-; 9 inches by 12 f) inches by 13 ^59 Si inches bt/ 14 9 inches by lj. (M 83 8 inches by 13 J f 65 9 inches by 13 4 LOG 84 9 inches by 13 £67 9 inches by 13 m -t 85 ffe< £9- ' *. . m * ■ -y - .' Groups, Class S, pages 86 to 99, t r Sfrt : >> are about 13 or 14 inches long by 10 inches wide, ^FM yJ and are suitable for Antimacassars, Cushions, I I |s Chair Seats, Chair Backs, Banner Screens, Table *| Cloth Centres and Corners, &c. . ft f i# inches by 12 ^ 86 10 inches by 12 755 10 inches by 12 indies by 12 10 inches by 12 769 10 inches by ljj. 10 inches by 14 10 inches bit 13 10 inches by 13 10 inches by 13 780 ^\fv' mhr r »^%& 10 inches hy 13 ^^ n^ ' 10 inches by 13 10 inches by 13 ^ ^ ?8^ 11 inches by 13 11 inches by 12 "86 10 inches by 13 787 ii inches by ljf. 788 10 inches by 13 789 ^c 16 inches by 10 Table Corner. 16 inches by 16 Table Corner. 90S 16 inches by 16 Table Corner. f> 11 inches by IS / 1 o /^/iy/ty^n^ 10 m dies hi I 11 'wH-ftT DO XDU THINK t" u )M ^^ , DpN ,- KWOW," " DON T TELL ANYBODY I » "OHNCH" ' V OHNOi" 9 s 11 inches by ljf. 778 LcmyAssaJvS- ^ $ ,v m m/y;it S w MAw^ 11 inches by 11 779 ^~^^z 99 8 inches by 17 m*. 850 / 8 inches by 1\ 858 8 inches by 17 856 ^># 7 i ^ r>. 7i h ■ ^ ' 3T>& <^ £ inches by 17 857 8 inches by 17 858 8 inches by 17 859 103 ■JIDGE^; 4 APRONS INAFORES 104 709 io6 TO ?sv t&L GOJf //JOo ""■ ///cO'-, mm rt\ V \ \V0 ^ \ W V / W /(■yy i JirA / 107 GOG eS ^?ry G07 ^^^ ^smr/ 108 609 \/fe\ ^m ' lc£9 ) A ^^ ' ^ \ v \x\< /7 ./ I 4Tl i - ■ I \ J / is / 610 109 611 v\ Dressing Table Sets to match B 6 & D 6 contain 7 DOy leys. -T- ^i e«+o „ » 6D'Oyleys. Washing Table Sets Watch Pockets Bed Pockets Toilet Bags B 6 >! " D ^>, s^g? r^^?. &W % o "3 5Jflfcr-#. : xS>^, 114 822 ^f L IJ 5 ^O'CKETS (.1ST OF INITIALS. 9lrJ. %ryA*yA*y~ I2 3 __ & old CcrA^A'st/r^/- T2 4 inches diameter 5 inches diameter 126 5Yz inches diameter. S'4. inches diameter. mo 5Yx inches diameter. G inches diameter. B 2 JrlO 5 incite* square. B 8 o inches square. W.m v ^! w, fcso ^-JXfflL-^ ?H inches wide. ■.jMMXtS" ^ Pages 130 to 138 On paper ,' t inches wide \^ \ Z 3% inches wide, r)b>) On paper 6 inches wide. 130 4 inches wide. 303 On paper 6 inches wide. £ 4 inches wide. o) ft l-u o / On paper 6 inches wide. ^CL>^ ^- -\, '^ "^ '■* w w w w w \\ \s ^ w w p&£-? r^fcx '^&x7< ,■ ."' /,"■.— -^— -^=^^±r^.a«"^aLLia';i,^" : '3 1 o inches wide 369 n " paper G inches wide,. o°o Vo°o°oS ' noRo° \ o u ^ o o c croo ^o ooo:^ £4 oooE £ > '' ) / \ -v -// V/ 8* ^ l 34 # 52^ x 625 * J ft 527 ft 528 136 >x 529 i J inches by 12 1201 1202 nc/irs by 9 1203 IS, inches by 12 r.^8 *x\ R ussian C ross S titch. *r & I ————— . : . — — — — - J .., m By usin g these papers NO CANVAS is required. Border Designs on Pages 139 to 150 are Printed on Paper 3 inches wide. W % T * 1101 X X XX XXX XXX X x XX XXX XX XX xxx X X XX XXX X X XX xxx X X XX xxx XX XX XX XX xxx xxx X X XX X xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx XXXX XX)CX xxxx XXXX xxxx X X x,x X X X X X xxx xxx xxx xxx XXX XXX XXX X/' XXX xxx XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X X XX, xxx XX 8 110 i ;> X XX cxxx ;xxx X X < xxx xxx xxx xxx xy XXX XXX, xxxx xxxx xxxx xRxx XXXV XXXX xxxx xxxx xxxx 5 x *xxSx ^M ^M x x vxxv X XXXX X XXXX X XXXX v X xxxx X xxx* x x xxxx^x xvxx x x y xxxx xaxx x xxxx xxxx XXXX XXXX XXXX 3 %CJ 0000 XXXX XXXX xxxx xXxx xxxx xxxx x> 0C£* xvxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x> 9xx xxx xxS xxx xxx xxx xxx 5 '39 # 1103 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXK xxxx X X XXXX X X X xxxxxxxxxx X X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXX xxxxxxxx xxxx X X X X XXXX xxxxxxxxxx ( X X ( XX cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8 110 It X X x X X X X x , x xxx x X XX XXX X / *l % XX XX X .x x X X xxx X xxx X X XXXXX X X XXX XXX X X XX XX X X xx xx x v X xxxx X XXXXX X X X XXXX X XXXXXX X xxx < X XX XX XXX X XXXXX X . 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