Cornell University Library OF THE Hew Work State College of Agriculture ne ge SF L8 The Feather’s practical iii rl Universi ibrary Ain MN 924 000 028 9 ii 3 Copyright, 1903 by GEO, EF, HOWARD Washington D.C. THE FEATHER’S — PRACTICAL PIGEON Book By J.C. LONG Profusely Illustrated : Published by GEO, E. HOWARD WASHINGTON, D, C, 3 AgG.2%80 Publisher's Note “« Those who are interested in pigeons will appreciate fully this contribution to pigeon literature by the eminent author, J. C. Long, who has for a life-time devoted himself to the study of these dainty and attractive pets. Mr. Long’s experi- ence as a breeder and judge of pigeons admirably fitted him for the task, and the publisher is pleased to recommend this book to everyone who cares for the pleasures of pigeon keep- ing. In this connection he desires to acknowledge the meri- torious work of illustrating by R. Clements. The plates shown in this book are from brush drawings portraying artistic skill and are fine portraitures of the specimens they represent, and can but prove of untold value to every fancier and breeder. The Publisher CONTENTS. Page The Origin of Fancy Pigeons....................0005: 7 Accommodations for Pigeons................e00ece eens 19 Food and Feeding.............0. 0c cece cceec ce caecenees 43 What Varieties to Breed............ 0.0. cece eee ee eee ee 5I Mating for Breeding..............0. ccc cece cece eee eens 63 The Pleasure of Pigeon Keeping....................... 93 Diseases of Pigeons............. ceeds ceuceccevesceecens 11g Diseases of the Head, Brain, and Nervous System....... 120 Apoplexy 120 Werte: a2 vx cwaimustnrerecciediciacde abastuonarenvinn bee ; 122 Paralysis 122 Inflammation of the Eye............. cc ce cee ee ce eeeeee 123 SPOUtS: pe'vaesccwttenuel vie cnealocheme rads ea ee emo 123 Megrims .¢220cvsswa vas creck aeteeees wextee iT etaaeieaies T24, SPMIMMOES 566i Riess aitpeccasveary area terete dar «Gol dyu alee bine ivtancaubnededtcr ls 126 ROUD ucchastevsue Sct cacetueaaetecn tl ua erase ASRS Gar ose a a NomnaseDeee aS 126 Crossed, Billst acs asccuntigenwoutire rsmsedetiay cers aii ee ee ne aaeaS 128 Pipi xe aatstictie sale einen eeace 2 love manasa. oe wen oS 128 Smallpox sss sccewiecsies Gs eae Si, 5 San ce sae SRC 130 Diseases of the Lungs and Throat...............0.00005 130 PANS TTA” coisa dred earpthasrorbiauaiivasase drosapraneomianyn sie a entrraromeneeecaveds 130 Consumption or Going Light...................0.-0000- 131 Canker csc vseen as mogeamas se bases eye Sheds ese nena 132 Inflammation of the Lungs................. 00. ceeeeeee 135 Diseases of the Digestive Organs............... 02-00 ee 135 HoulkCrop: Gaciiinncascan ated praptantamnenneers Seemann 137 Diarrhoea: sues: ve seein ey ny ome ee anaes ee DES 137 Choleta: cccmeceeine sd cee dates Gods se CaaS EAR RES 132 WSO TANASE ce gexsage Ga cea uhegtve tceccneas each wl dash elon cecosninlantncneendes wee. 138 Liver’ (Comiplaitite: