f I BLS, IO Vee Roe Mage PAGS) MRS HNN gag eo Na ornell University Library heck list of British Columbia birds. CHECK LIST OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BIRDS BY JOHN FANNIN, CURATOR PROVINCIAL MUSEUM, VICTORIA, B. C. Associate Member American Ornithologists’ Union. Septemper, 1891. VICTORIA, B. C. : Printed by RicHaRD WoLFEnvEN, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, ‘ PREFACE. —u In presenting this list of British Columbia Birds, I am fully aware of its incompleteness, and regret very much its lack of more definite information respecting certain species. The difficulties in the way of procuring reliable data con- cerning the birds of this Province are very great. British Columbia is a country of “magnificent distances”—a country where the modes of travel are slow and expensive compared with other portions of the Dominion—a country where “distribution” is a problem in itself; so much so, that to obtain specimens of all our birds one must travel the entire length and breadth of the Province. The Cascade Mountains form an absolute barrier to many species, east and west. The Gulf of Georgia shuts off other species from Vancouver Island, the west coast of which is the habitat of others which are strangers to the waters separating the Island from the Mainland; and throughout the Province there occur other lines, purely imaginary, over which certain species never pass. The labour of collecting together the material for this list has, however, been greatly lightened by the co-operation of the following personal friends, who, occupying widely separated portions of the Province, have furnished me with , valuable notes concerning the birds of their respective dis- tricts ; and to these I now offer my sincere thanks for their kind assistance :— To Mr. W. B. Anderson, of Fort Simpson and Comox ; Mr. James Porter, of Dease Lake, Cassiar ; Capt. and Miss Cox, of Cape Beale Light House; Mr. Allen C. Brooks, of Chilliwhack ; Mr. R. V. Griffen, of Similkameen ; the late Mr. Geo. Hyde, of Beaver Pass, Cariboo; and Mr. H. W. Harvey, of Clinton. iv. PREFACE. In the present arrangement the Province is divided into four sections, designated as follows :— Ist. “The Coast,” or “Coast Line of the Province,” re- ferring to species strictly maritime ; 2nd. “West of the Cascades,” meaning al/ the country west of the Cascade Mountains ; 3rd. “East of the Cascades,” meaning the dry, open country immediately east of the Cascade Mountains ; and 4th. “The Rocky Mountain District,” which takes in the wooded country beyond and reaching to the Rocky Mountains. The physical features of these divisions, together with a table showing temperature, precipitation, &c., will be found in the Appendix. However unsatistactory the present list may appear to some, if it serves to awaken an interest in our feathered friends and stimulate further and more careful research as to their distribution, habits, &c., the effort will not be altogether a barren one. JOHN FANNIN, Curator Provincial Museum. Victoria, B. C., September, 1891. Sh. gx U4 Ba Oe hah poss 34 oS 20 327 A cvele pen Cad ata sot INDEX. A. Allen’s Humming-bird ........... 0... 00.00.0000. Alpine Three-toed Woodpecker .................... American Bittern ........... olathe tau Reo beste eeetahe 5 Blache Terie acing ogo Mace Hees See x ww eS COO isiestg daniesen bias os Bed ee oe 3 Crossbill iiss gee cndeaedawa Xi cleweag nik & Bie 0 Dipper: civaiioiev ate g we ee tale eae 53 Eared Grebe... 10.02.2000... cee eee eee i Golden-€¥6 sce igeaas ewVersasesaees oues 3 Golden Plover » .o:s45 esa2 sa wedewe as gend os Goldfinch .....0 6.2... cece eee 54 Mae OVW sau0n Galeotti ends ciate eded We hare. 3 Hermng Gull pccccaswanca pons vane eee aes i Long-eared Owl.......... 0.0... 0...00.. 45 Magpie iP piie Sewsig Waianae. ag hanad 3 Mergansér sic. ss istnid cele onde sc ghae neat 35 Osprey i:kiust eeanet agree ctv meee ee kee eo = Pine Grosbeak... ......... 000 eee eee eee is Piplty. jasijacel wuts Ee Ni Naee ath Bohan eee 5 Redstart ...... 0.0... 000000000, Se isa + Rough-legged Hawk.................... ny Scaup. Duck sac 6.06 toes vac et eaieni es fs os ISCOLEL ety eh aenicod) cdhxaraie aura ne aa aera va 3 Sparrow-hawk ................0...0002, ‘5 WiidgeOtiiisu3 cedar eae ei aes ee ekg oes 5 White-fronted Goose..............0..05. i White: Pelican: ..:a.4 e478 aise Go gig c i ce LE bcaele rn cee ete bon reac dep aay ee ad 20 Gullbijus eins gta a dep am eden A Ghee taeded 4 H. Hammond’s Flycatcher ......... 0c cee eee ee eee 31 Harlequin Duck ..... 0 1... cece eee eee 1] Harris’s Woodpecker .......... 0. cee se eee eee eee 27 Heermann’s Gull... .. 0c cc cece tee eee ee 5 Hepburn’s Leucosticte ....... 0... c ee eee eee 35 Hermit Warbler 0c ccc eee eee ee eee eee 4] Holbe@ll’s Grebe. oc o5 ig we ee eee ee ee ee ae 1 Hooded Merganser .......... 0... cee eee cece eee 8 Horned Grebe .........., ie lUese Gre hak ee sanier wwe 1 Hudsonian Curlew ............ 0.0... c ee eee eee 18 Hutchin’s Goose ...... 0... ce eee eee 12 I. Intermediate Sparrow.... 2... 0... cece eee ee eee eee 36 Tvory Gull ax5 3. $05 Siw aeiei ie Bod macaw Mike ea. 4 K. Kennicott’s Screech Owl...... 0.0... ccc ee eee eee 26 Kingbird ......... 0000 creer Maes gonacsickateds ». 8032 Page. Kingbird, Arkansas .... ccc cece cece eaves 30 5 GTA ye Goo Bence tcarm ua an ae hs pen icant lad on ins 30 Halder Plover suguin: aie ares dues eed eek ea eooeeten 18 PRR sani ra ole atom Grate a eaten ence Daten ates 16 L. Dapland ‘Lorpapar vr iee sn 2gcy adhe vowb ei eeva¥ar bias 35 Pagan BUNuiig ) cee pana wn wea wae mole eee Gener 38 decals Booed 2955 Aeon aaa kas eo aca caer ase 7 lopane Retype ci gieisteanienteetadecatasaamnrs 16 Lesser Scaup Duck ......0...0 00.0.0 cece eee eee 10 Lesser Snow Goose ..........000266 cece cece ees 12 Lewis’s Woodpecker .... 0.0... 0.0.00 cece cece eae 29 Lincoln’s Sparrow ........0 0.0. cece cee ees fa Be Little Brown Crane .... 0.0.0... 0000 cece eee 14 Little Flycatcher..... ..... Gidioedbiad a thine wind ies BI Long-billed Curlew .....0....0...0 0000002000 Pore 18 Long-billed Dowitcher ............... voseeeeee. 16 Long-tailed Chickadee... 2.000... .. 0.00 ee cee eee 44 Long-tailed Duck ...... 0.000... 00. eee eee ll Uatine serlue Woks aerasa ea varcardake Mand bare 2 » Black-throated ........00000 00 bc ccc eee eee 2 pppoe BCIIICS Hh a Gadi hun Maral a iad tae een, Guten 2 », Red-throated .....0 0.0... cece ce eee 2 Louisiana Tanager......00 wee ee ee ees 38 Lutescent Warbler... 66.0 1. .e eeeeeeeeee 40 M. Macgillivray’s Warbler............... sine win nage eel Macown’s Longspur ...... 20.0... 000 cee eee eee 35 Mallard: 42.001 outer puseguee en aeay awe Meee ene 8 Marbled Godwit .............0 fice ec eee eens 17 Marbled Murrelet .... 0 0 6... eee ec eee 3 Marsh: Hawk. 32 es cn eakd von bh bake tee eae 22 Mountain Bluebird.......... Tan SoA es 45 ‘3 Ohickadee o.o0.c05 cesee pcieaqawen Paw sa ee 5 44 ” Partridge iid. euws fen eeee aes SeRa oS 19 34 Page. Mourning Dove............ 0062 e er eee teens 22 Myrtle Warbler............ 6000s eee e eee eee 40 N. Nighthawk 2.0... ee ce eee 29 Norther’s Hairy Woodpecker. ..........-.4.---0005 27 is: Phalarope coc csc ce one eeeeeratanesowes 15 55 TEVAVOIL: scervoeam Sav edcciwas deseo oo Mautated ae cdia Ga ap 3-5) PP 32 + Shrike .......... = ceca Rue ahh toes Ga ue esa 39 Northwest: Crow: — acu aye cease ee hoe ogee Be owe + 33 Northwestern Flicker.......... 0... 00: e ee eee eeeee 29 O. Old Squaw sons eens eghtrepevetere wend eae en 11 Olive-sided Flycatcher .... 0... 0... cece eee eee 31 Orange-crowned Warbler .........-.. 002500 e ee ee 40 Oregon Chickadee... 2... 0... eee eee eee eee 44 45 iY tes. saseieid.> Biel sh hie eotee aR eG eio eee hep CONE 32 is DUT CO ah oryn euia-eonga halls a tahoe eee cieien ian eee dh 37 as BRuffed Grouse! «> sxsuasacurwiecdeneaee eds 20 9 TOWDCG: ccieised ener eSsaee AA dae od Regc he NSS RN 38 OWS vocuctade die deaahaoite eee TERR Res Goa Res 25 P. Pacihe: Muli ars. 2.4.35 di oot ge gat ea aaa eee teem a ass 6 Paciiic Moons «+5 ceravasesw ea wglerslew se eas won eee 2 Pallas’s Gullicucs waccae ete eA eee ees Geee Res 4 Pallid Horned Lark ........... si agis needles eauhterGta Zp agsiees 32 Parkman's: WreMin«< 2 acsccneaw anes wae acme jon 43 Passenger JPIg60D cs. cowaraen toes buns Was Saw ens 22 Peale’s Falcon ........ del ledae ei cleo seclina an bg 24 Pectoral Sandpiper ...... 0.00.00... cee eee eee 16 Pied-billed Grebe... 0.2... 0 eee 2 Pigeon Guillemot......... 0... ..60 0000. cee 3 Pigeon Hawks ane ste ownage daw eue aiala ate pen 24 PIS6ONS gee ise ree Guana See eae weet SeESS 21 Pileated Woodpecker ........... 00.0.0 ese c cee eee 28 Pileolated Warbler ............-.cccceeeeeeceeees 42 Pine Siskin InpEx. xi. Page. MUR ie ect pac ing es eine ode G eaurew eee Okc 9 EL aes WSO assoc scene axe: ea waee bus sh emcee 40 HOC AN Gs S das atily cx hee tene macenaue te real ga tela bet etc a 10 Prairie: Paloowt ss oi c:sc:ac sig sd ay bad daw ean eae ee 24 Purple Martin... 2.00.0... ccc cee ene ee 38 Pygmy Nuthatch... 43 Pyguiy Owl 2 oc: ceeiu anne ee hd eae Sea Syke eels 27 R. Red-backed Sandpiper ................. 000 e ee eues 16 Red-breasted Hawk ....... 0... 0c: cece eee 23 7 Merganser isa%: 45s wx caneene eer net ne 8 i INuthateh ) accsietgith- sa cas icc acca 43 7% Sapsucker ci iii have sew dee wles en vine 28 Red-eyed Vireo ........ 20.0 ccs c eee eee eee eens 39 Red-naped Sapsucker ............. 2.00 e cee eeee 28 Hed: PHalaro peices 4.0g sg cw ewe aces ead Pia $iitiatis 15 Redhead sia denss Ga ecnaies ee ee ae ee EGG Be 10 Reed poll ie ij -eewcacceitis wikele ys Bacitned on Cease 35 Red-shafted Flicker..............00 020 e ee enee eee 29 Red-throated Loon .......... 0... 0.0 ce cee 2 Red-winged Blackbird ................ 0002. e eee 33 Richardson’s Grouse ............. 0000 cee eee 20 Richardson’s Merlin ........ 0... 0.0 e ee eee ee eee 25 Ring-billed (Gull. cen. se .eeeeiae sis ten oar iew gies 5 Ring-necked Duck ..........6. cece e cere eens 10 Rock Ptarmigan .......... 0.00 cece eee eee eee ee 2 BROCK: WED isd day Hen i ee nd he we a ee wee 42 Rocky Mountain Junco .......... 0.6.0 cee ee eee 37 BRoss’s Snow Goose.... 2.2... 0.0 eee cee ee cee eens 12 Rough-winged Swallow............ 0: ees eee eee eee 39 Ruby-crowned Kinglet ...... 2.2.00... eee eee eee 44 Ruddy Duck .........0e cece eee e cece eee ee 12 Rufous Humming-bird ........... asked einen alin oes 30 Russet-backed Thrush............ 0.205 see eeeeeee 45 Rusty Song Sparrow......-..-sesese re eeee eee nes 37 xii. INDEX. Page. S. Sage Grouse ois ceadswedetsnde ese ae etter ines 21 Sanderling’ 0 .c.ca° 2aaes. ear aston aed Ee ees 17 Sandhill Crane... ..... 0.06. ce eee sreap eeges UD Sandwich Sparrow. 2.0.0 0.0... cee eee eee ee eee ee 36 Saw-whet Owl ...... Suet auth doae mom muceooeouts 25 Say’s Phebe: .orere vous Ae wre ie ae degen 31 Semipalmated Plover ..... 60... .. cee cee cece eee 19 a Sandpiper: ....00..0vee dria e ewes 17 Sharp-shinned Hawk..... 0 62... eee ee eee eee 22 Short-billéd Gall jo c0s0sciaina pumdaig gees eid aes 5 Short-eared OW] cscas eee nach aoe gare nee Sere eee 25 Short-tailed Albatross.. 0... 0... eee ee eee 6 HG VEO isc seseiacersev'adcave nee ayer sh! ais aisnnapataunby ih ee nadone aavACan 9 Slate-coloured Junco... 0.0... ee ee eee eee 36 Slender-billed Nuthatch .......... ccs eee eee 43 Sie iva: bath ban Deus euneeuacmecametenenen 35 Snowy Heroin oi 0 onion wadins amb ueehes sawn eiea 14 Snowy Owlscssicsse seceenegoeee es eles Banat eo .. 26 “Solitary Sandpiper ........ 0.0... eee eee ee eee 17 SOOty GHOUSE: fier gkiw Khe Genwi aeaeud eabeny 20 Sooty Song Sparrow .... 0... 0. c cece eee eee 37 Spotted Sandpiper ........ 0.0... cece cee eee 18 Spurred Towhee: xsi ieee vino denen seem nen ne wns 37 Streaked Horned Lark ..... 22.0.0... eee ee eee 32 tellers Jay wie eS IO Qasaeses Gatiwidencinn 32 MUTE BPG is cos eid aka) gtalna edna dedi res ahaa eeetaees 19 UCL SCOLSIE or ha eanelira gin MURA Ge Ol als arn RR 12 Swainson’s Hawk... ... 0.0.0... ccc ccc cece ee eee es 23 LE Trail’s Flycatcher ..... 0.0.0... eee ce eee eee 31 Townsend’s Solitaire 0000.0. e ea 44 re DDBETOW des i siirn Sassuads Drains case aceagnauetaes 37 4 Warbler ciicssaic acta anda neers) sauces 4] Trumpeter Swan ............ iSkin ston eleeee a By 13 Tufted Puffin InpDEXx xiii. Page. Dale Wren: 219 save pactarge ie Gad ave now emnemealds 43 Turkey Vulture... ....00......0000 00, ee PUPNISHONE Gp a LAAN ge ei ih co cere thy es ey ee Ay Gis 19 V. Varied! Thitishs, cc... iyak.de.aoagg cet bees deka oie 45 Vauxis Swift ..c 00 cyagauceeeueies guns eewe cess aed 30 Vesper Sparrowaw no+gs esmuiee eee Ses ewes sd 35 Vigor's Wirett.. saute dais akan ts Fre aac! 43 Violet-green Cormorant ...... Gren ao ona: Sioa as 7 Violet-green Swallow .. cece eee ee eee BY VIR6OS: es Vigien nets e en Bawah EN ee BEw. OP Virginia Rail 250.025) oka dental quiet cea wae 15 W. Wandering Tatler ......0 0... cee eee eee . 18 Wearbling Vireo cs.5caep se deny sea deve we apes A 39 Western Bluebird .. 0.0.0... 0.0 cece cee cece eee 45 » Chipping Sparrow ............--0.--0006- 36 » Hlycatchers. 200 sores swe we awe ewe ens 31 » Golden-crowned Kinglet .................. 44 ge) | GOshawk acs ewceesive angie gi b ree oes 23 wg GOD eects 4 Un a REGS ad Hee 1 5 Gill ceeccacworears ca eewe eee wie ieee sys 4 yy. -lorned “Owl see dcsew heat bl ahs eee dee as 26 jp. UMeadow: Lark cece cawese eno laoniad oe mie 33 5 —-Nighthiwh sco cogtawioe saan. suite aes 29 » Red-tailed Hawk ..................005. .» 23 co JRObIN: oucar Head aea ie hee sais 45 5 Sana piper sian cawsds ese con deans doses eae, 17 » Savannah Sparrow. .... 2... eee eee ees 36 ac | SERES: Sparrows ac csecncaetacda Gaineiaaeiie » Wesper Sparrow .... 0... ccc eee eee eee eee 35 ,, Warbling Vireo ........ sepdeg ttyl ee ee Ses) Soe 40 53 Winter Wrett..0.0 04. yes es Wee eee des 43 ap W000. POW6Cs 2. s5.04 chains 2e.eu des « claneeie 31 » Nellow-throat ..........6 seeeeeeee Rhee 42 » Yellow Warbler...... Goudiwetetawee ate ., 40 Xiv. INDEX. : Page. Whistling Swan wis. ci0 sone areas ees ss oie ws 13 White-bellied Swallow ............... ate cewsiiexe¢ 38 White-cheeked Goose ..........00 00.2 e cece eee eee 13 White-crested Cormorant ............ 000 eee eee 7 White-faced Glossy Ibis .............00200005 ee 14 White-headed Woodpecker.............. cee cere ee 28 White-rumped Shrike ............ 0.4... wy pean BD White-winged Crossbill..........0 0.000000 cece eee 34 White-winged Scoter ........ 0.0... 0...00 0000s 11 White-tailed Ptarmigan ............ 0.00.00 eee eee 21 Williamson’s Sapsucker .............- 00.000 eee eee 28 Willow Ptarmigan ...... 0.0... cece eee eee eee 21 Willow Whrrtishy, 0 peace atainwied niiuis ee area adore BUTS 44 Wilson’s: Phalarope: oc ace ceva g ee ae teed ee ee 16 Wilsons Snipe niu laced is eared gy aale waa cme eee oe 16 W000 DiC ys cars wn diartiansin ig aie wy aus Have erence wi eireeg a 10 Wright's Flycatcher’ «in: axcaevese avatars swansea 31 Y. Yellow-headed Blackbird ................0...00.00.. 33 Mellowelegs a a5 avai wn aaron danas Wgaie a Bae Sow BEN 17 Yellow Warblers cs ssdcrescescraeeadeninesed sen 402 ERRatTum. No. 6, page 2, breeds in the interior of Mainland and Island. Fatco RicHARDSONII FALCO GOLUMBARIUS SUCKLEYII CHECK LIST. 0 Order PYGOPODES. Diving Birds. Suborder PODICIPEDES. Grebes. Famity PODICIPID ZA. GREBES. 1. Western Grebe. (Aichmophorus occidentalis.) An abundant resident throughout the Province. Breeds round the lakes of the interior of the Mainland. A winter resident along the Coast, where, in some localities, such as Howe Sound and Burrard Inlet, it appears in great num- bers. 2. Clark’s Grebe. (Aichmophorus clarkii.) Taken at Fort Simpson by W. B. Anderson. Probably rare. 3. Holbcell’s Grebe. “‘Red-necked Grebe.” (Colymbus holbeellii.) The Province at large; resident. I found it breeding on many of the lakes along the Cariboo road, above Clinton. Have taken it on Harrison Lake in July. A winter resi- dent along the Coast. 4. Horned Grebe. (Colymbus auritus.) A winter resident on the Coast. Breeds in the North. I observed it throughout the Summer at Dease Lake. 2 Cueck List oF 5. American Hared Grebe. _ (Colymbus nigricollis californicus.) An abundunt resident. Winters on the Coast. Breeds in the interior. Frequents Victoria harbour during the winter months, "6, Pied-billed Grebe. (Podilymbus podiceps.) A resident, but not nearly so common as the two last species, Breeds in the interior of the Mainland. Suborder CHPPHI. Loons. Famity URINATORIDAS. Loons. 7. Loon. “Great Northern Diver.” (Urinator imber.) The Province at large; an abundant resident. Breeds both on the Island and Mainland; nest on the margin of lakes. 8. Black-throated Loon. (Urinator arcticus.) Taken at Burrard Inlet, and at Dease Lake, Cassiar, by James Porter. Not common. 9. Pacific Loon. (Urinator pacificus.) “Pacific Coast of North America, from Alaska to Lower California.”—Ridgway’s Manual North American Birds. 10. Red-throated Loon. (Urinator lumme.) Two specimens taken off the mouth of Esquimalt har- bour, January and March, 1891. In my experience rare. British Corumsia Birps. 3 Famity ALCIDA. Auvuxs, Murres, anp Purrins. 11. Tufted Puffin. (Lunda, cirrhata.) Tolerably common along the coasts of the Island and Mainland. Breeds on the islands of the Gulf. Supramity PHALERINA. Avxuiets, MuRRELETS, AND QUILLEMOTS. 12. Cassin’s Auklet. (Ptychoramphus aleuticus.) Pacific Coast of North America, from Aleutian Islands to Lower California.” —Ridgway’s Manual of North Amer- ican Birds. 13. Ancient Murrelet. (Synthliboramphus antiquus.) One specimen taken at Cape Beale, November, 1888, by Capt..Cox, and presented to the Museum. Probably only passing on its migrations along the West Coast of Van- couver Island. 14. Marbled Murrelet. (Brachyramphus marmoratus.) An abundant resident along the Coast. Breeds on Van- couver Island, on some of the smaller islands of the Gulf, and on the inlets of the Mainland. Frequents Victoria harbour during the winter months, where it is sometimes called the “ Little Auk.” 15. Pigeon Guillemot. (Cepphus columba.) An abundant resident, from Race Rocks to Alaska. Breeds throughout its range ; eggs concealed in the crevices of rocks or beneath overhanging rocks, indifferently close to or far above the water, 4 Cueckx List oF Susramity ALCIN A. 16. California Murre. (Uria troile californica.) The same distribution as last species, but not near so abundant. Appears to be more common during the winter months in the neighbourhood of Vancouver Island. Order LONGIPENNES. Long-winged Swimmers. Famiry LARIDA. Gutis anp TERNS. 17. Ivory Gull. (Gavia alba.) One specitnen taken at Dease Lake, Cassiar, by James Porter, Esq., Sept., 1889. Presented to the Museum. 18. Glacous-winged Gull. (Larus glaucescens.) An abundant resident. Breeds on some of the islands of the Gulf; frequents our harbours during the winter months ; one of our largest gulls. 19. Western Gull. (Larus occidentalis. ) A resident; very abundant on the Coast during the winter months. I found it breeding in the Similkameen Valley, but it probably also breeds on the Coast. 20. Pallas’s Gull. (Larus cachinnans.) A winter resident along the Coast. 21. American Herring Gull. (Larus argentatus smithsonianus.) An abundant resident. Breeds on the Coast and inte- rior of the Mainland. Frequents our harbours during the winter months, A large, fine-looking gull. British Cotumsia Biris. 5 22. California Gull. (Larus californicus.) An abundant resident. Breeds in the interior. A win- ter resident along the Coast, during which time it appéars in great numbers in our harbours. Much smaller than the last species. 23, Ring-billed Gull. (Larus delawarensis. ) A winter resident on the Coast. Breeds in the interior, especially to the northward. I found it on Dease Lake during the summer. 24. Short-billed Gull. “ Mew gull.”—(Larus brachyrhynchus.) A winter resident on the Coast. During the fore part of May of this year (1891) I saw quite a number on the lakes in the Cariboo District, where it probably breeds, though they may have been on their journey farther north. 25. Heermann’s Gull. (Larus heermanni.) Not common, though they appear to remain here during the summer. Four specimens (young of the year) were taken the latter part of July, off the mouth of Esquimalt harbour, by Dr. Hazell of this City. 26. Franklin’s Gull. (Larus franklinii.) This gull may be found in the interior of the Mainland. 27. Bonaparte’s Gull. (Larus philadelphia.) Distributed throughout the length and breadth of the Province. An abundant resident, appearing in great num- bers on the rivers of the Mainland during the olachan season (March and April). Summers in the interior, & Cueecx List oF Supramity STERNIN A. 28. Arctic Tern. (Sterna paradisza.) Only recorded from Dease Lake, Cassiar, where one specimen was taken by Mr. James Porter and presented to the Museum. It must, however, occur on the Coast, as it reaches as far south as California. 29. American Black Tern. (Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis.) Observed at Burrard Inlet, January, 1882. J. F. Order TUBINARES. Tube-nosed Swimmers. Famity DIOMEDEIDA. ALBaTRosses. 30. Black-footed Albatross. (Diomedea nigripes.) “From coast of California to Alaska.”—Ridgway’s Man- wal North American Birds. I have no record of this bird, and conclude that it passes along the west coast of Vancouver Island. 31. Short-tailed Albatross. (Diomedea albatrus. ) Tolerably common both coasts of Vancouver Island. A few have been taken in the Straits and off the mouth of Victoria harbour. Famity PROCELLARIIDA. Tue Perrets. 32. Pacific Fulmar. (Fulmarus glacialis glupischa.) “North Pacific, south along American Coast to Western Mexico.” —Ridgway’s Manual of North American Birds, 324 Slender-billed Shearwater. (Puffinus tenuirostris.) One specimen taken off Albert Head, 24th October, 1891. The first, to my knowledge, taken in the Province. Barris Cotumsra Birps. 7 83. Forked-tailed Petrel. (Oceanodroma furcata.) A winter resident along both coasts of Vancouver Is- land, but more abundant on the west coast. Have been taken in Victoria Harbour. 34. Leach’s Petrel. (Oceanodroma leucorhoa.) Confined to the west coast of Vancouver Island. Order STEGANOPODES. Totipal- mate Swimmers. Famity PHALACROCORACID.A. Cormorants. 35. White-crested Cormorant. (Phalacrocorax dilophus cincinatus.) From Race Rocks to Alaska, including both coasts of Vancouver Island, Howe Sound, Burrard Inlet. Occasion- ally enters-Fraser River. Tolerably common. 36. Violet-green Cormorant. (Phalacrocorax pelagicus robustus.) An abundant resident. Taken as far north as Fort Simpson (W. B. Anderson.) Breeds on the islands close to Sidney Island. (Both these species are known here as Shags.) Famity PELECANIDA, PE icans. 37. American White Pelican. (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos.) Not common. Said to breed in the Chilcotin country. One specimen taken on Shuswap Lake, October, 1890, and presented to the Museum by Col. Foster. 38. California Brown Pelican. (Pelecanus californicus.) Not common. One specimen taken at the mouth of Fraser River (J. C. Hughes, Nov., 1880), and in September 8 Cueck List or of the following year I shot at and wounded one on the flats above Seymour Creek, Burrard Inlet, but failed to secure it. Iam inclined to think that Burrard Inlet is’ the northern limit of this bird’s range. Order ANSERES. Lamellirostral Swimmers. FamiIty ANATIDA. Ducks, GEESE, AND Swans. 39. American Merganser. (Merganser americanus.) Found in most parts of the Province, though nowhere common.