eae Library OF THE ew Work State Veterinary College Cornell University Library QR 46.H67 1914 A text-book of bacteriology; a practical 3 1924 000 241 905 va A TEXT-BOOK OF BACTERIOLOGY A TEXT-BOOK OF BACTERIOLOGY A PRACTICAL TREATISE FOR STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE BY PHILIP HANSON HISS, Jr., M.D. LATE PROFESSOR OF BACTERIOLOGY, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY AND HANS ZINSSER, M.D. PROFESSOR OF BACTERIOLOGY, COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY, FORMERLY PROFESSOR OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNITY, STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA WITH ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT, SOME OF WHICH ARE. sere? SeCOND EDITION NEW YORK AND LONDON D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1915 Be ee CopyrricuT, 1910, and 1914, sy D. APPLETON AND COMPANY OR Ab Hot {AV PRINTED IN New York, U.S. A. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION Tue volume here presented is primarily a treatise on the funda- mental laws and technique of Bacteriology, as illustrated by their application to the study of pathogenic bacteria. So ubiquitous are the bacteria and so manifold their activities that Bacteriology, although one of the youngest of sciences, has already been divided into special fields—Medical, Sanitary, Agricul- tural, and Industrial—having little in common, except problems of general bacterial physiology and certain fundamental technical pro- cedures. From no other point of approach, however, is such a breadth of conception attainable, as through the study of bacteria in their rela- tion to disease processes In man and animals. Through such a study one must become familiar not only with the growth character- istics and products of the bacteria apart from the animal body, thus gaining a knowledge of methods and procedures common to thé study of pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms, but also with those complicated reactions taking place between the bacteria and their products on the one hand and the cells and fluids of the animal body on the other—reactions which often manifest themselves as symptoms and lesions of disease or by visible changes in the test tube. Through a study and comprehension of the processes underlying these reactions, our knowledge of cell physiology has been broadened, and facts of inestimable value have been discovered, which have ~ thrown light upon some of the most obscure problems of infection and immunity and have led to hitherto unsuspected methods of treatment and diagnosis. Thus, through Medical Bacteriology—that highly specialized offshoot of General Biology and Pathology—have been given back to the parent sciences and to Medicine in general methods and knowledge of the widest application. It has been our endeavor, therefore, to present this phase of our subject in as broad and critical a manner as possible in the sections Vv vi PREFACE dealing with infection and immunity and with methods of biological diagnosis and treatment of disease, so that the student and practi- tioner of medicine, by becoming familiar with underlying laws and principles, may not only be in a position to realize the meaning and scope of some of these newer discoveries and methods, but may be in better position to decide for themselves their proper application and limitations. : We have not hesitated, whenever necessary for a proper under- standing of processes of bacterial nutrition or physiology, or for breadth of view in considering problems of the relation of bacteria to our food supply and environment, to make free use of illustrations from the more special fields of agricultural and sanitary bacteriology, and some special methods of the bacteriology of sanitation are given in the last division of the book, dealing with the bacteria in relation to our food and environment. In conclusion it may be said that the scope and arrangement of subjects treated of in this book are the direct outcome of many years of experience in the instruction of students in medical and in advanced university courses in bacteriology, and that it is our hope that this volume may not only meet the needs of such students but may prove of value to the practitioner of medicine for whom it has also been written. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the courtesy of those who furnished us with illustrations for use in the text, and our indebtedness to Dr. Gardner Hopkins and Professor Francis Carter Wood for a number of the photomicrographs taken especially for this work. P. H. H., Jr, H. Z. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Inquiry in the field of bacteriology is so active at the present day that no general text-book can maintain its usefulness long without frequent revision. In preparing the second edition of this book it has been our purpose to correct omissions and to incorporate the more im- portant researches of the last three years, rather than to alter exten- sively the plan of the text. From the wealth of material which these years have brought, we have attempted to glean those facts which have seemed to us most important and most directly bearing upon medical problems, since this book was planned, from the beginning, to meet especially the needs of the student of infectious disease. The most extensive changes and additions have been made in the chapters on streptococci, tuberculosis, plague, leprosy, syphilis, rabies, and poliomyelitis. Short sections on typhus fever, on the plague- like disease of rodents, and on rat leprosy have been added, and we have inserted a tabulation of our knowledge of filtrable virus, adapted largely from the summary recently published by Wolbach. The Ander- son and McClintic method for the standardization of disinfectants, and Churchman’s recent work on anilin dyes and bacterial growth, have been added. Many minor corrections and additions have been made throughout the text. In preparing these changes, valuable as- sistance has been given us by Dr. J. Gardner Hopkins, Associate in Bacteriology at Columbia University, and many helpful suggestions have been made by Drs. Dwyer and Bliss. It has been gratifying to note how much of the work which seemed to us particularly valuable and enlightening has emanated, during these three years, from American laboratories. We have purposely omitted making any extensive changes in the section on immunity. The function of this part of the book is to give the beginner a basis for further reading and introduce him, as simply as possible, to the difficult problems of the field. We have felt that the addition of much more detail and theory would render this section un- suited to the needs of a general text-book. It is a sorrowful necessity that this revision must be put forth with- vil viil PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION out the wise counsel of one of its authors. Since the first edition of this book was published Prof. Philip Hanson Hiss, Jr., has died. By his death we have lost a dear friend and a valued teacher, and American bacteriology has been deprived of a worker who was entering into the most brilliant period of his scientific maturity. H. Z. New York, 1914 CONTENTS SECTION I THE GENERAL BIOLOGY OF BACTERIA AND THE TECHNIQUE OF BACTERIOLOGICAL STUDY CHAPTER I. II Il. IV. CHAPTER XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. PAGE Tur DEVELOPMENT AND Scope oF BacTeRIOLOGY. . . ... 1 GENERAL MorPHOLoGY, REPRODUCTION, AND CHEMICAL AND PuysicAL PROPERTIES OF THE BACTERIA. . . . ... . 9 Tue Rewation or Bacteria TO ENVIRONMENT, AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION 46° '6 Gea? Gk RO es ee ae Se we DS Tut BiotocicaL Activities OF BacTeRIA .... ... . 40 . THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA... . . 6 es wx «4 62 . Metuops UsEp IN THE Microscopic Stupy AND STAINING OF BacTERIA . . Bk) ae wa Gt ee Rl ar ae Se a a 19S . Tae PREPARATION OF CuLTURE MepIA ....... . . 118 . Meruops Usrp IN THE CULTIVATION OF BacTERIA . aoe. og RAL Meruops DETERMINING BroLocicaL ACTIVITIES OF Bacteria . 164 . THe BacTeRIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION OF MATERIAL FROM PATIENTS 035° 5) wer a Gee) Ae SR ae ee se GA WALA SECTION II INFECTION AND IMMUNITY PAGE FUNDAMENTAL Factors oF PATHOGENICITY AND INFECTION. . 181 DeEFENSIVE Factors oF THE ANIMAL ORGANISM. ... . . 189 Toxins AND ANTITOXINS . .... +. ese . . 203 PropucTION AND TESTING OF ANTITOXINS . .. . . 216 Lysins, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, AND OTHER ANTIBODIES , 224 Tur TECHNIQUE oF SERUM REACTIONS . See GEREN TN 249 ix CHAPTER XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. CHAPTER XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. XXVI. XXVII. XX VIII. XXIX. XXXI. XXXII. XXXII. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. CONTENTS PAGE PHAGOCYTOSIS’ wo woe Sw a koe ee ee Ae aoe 2 BPO Orsonins, Leucocyte Exrract, AnD AGGRESSINS . . . . . 281 ANAPHYLAXIS OR HyYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY . . . . . . . « + 295 Facrs anp PropLems oF IMMUNITY IN THEIR BEARING UPON THE TREATMENT oF Inrectious DisEAsES . . . . . - + 305 SECTION III PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS PAGE Tue Srapuyiococcr (Micrococci) . . 2... ee ee es 821 Tue STREPTOCOCC] . . 0. 1 ee ew ee ee ew ee BBS DipLococcus PNEUMONI@ . . . . . . 1. 6... « « « 852 Micrococcus INTRACELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS (Meningococcus) 371 DipLococcus GONORRH@# (Gonococcus), Micrococcus ca- TARRHALIS, AND OTHER GRAM-NEGATIVE Coccl . . . . . 380 BacILLI oF THE CoLON-TyPHOoID-DysENTERY GROoUP—BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS,. . . . . 2. ee ee ee ee ee 888 Bactuut oF THE Coton-TyPHorp-DysenTERY Group (continued) —BacitLus oF TyPpHoIp Fever . . . . ae Gat ig 399 Bacibul oF THE CoLON-TYPHOID-DYSENTERY GROUP (continued) —Baciutit INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN THE TYPHOID AND COLON ORGANISMS: \ se. wards oe gs See I Ree er a ee QB Bactuur oF THE CoLon-TYPHoIp-DYSENTERY GRoUP (continued) —Tne Dysentery Bacthll. . . . . . ee we ee) 485 . BACILLUS MUCOSUS CAPSULATUS . . . . . . . + « « . « 447 BACILLUS TETANI . . 1 6 6 ee ee ew ee ew we 456 Baciutus oF Sympromatic ANTHRAX, BacILLus oF MALIGNANT Epema, BacILLUS Ai*ROGENES CAPSULATUS, BACILLUS BOTU- MINUS ice 2a. ie. Oe, sys Ge Bas ee ie cae Ge MO ABS Tue Tupercte Bacihbus . . ..... se i ee BTD THE Smeema Bacittus AND THE BaciLttus oF Leprosy. . . 503 BacILLUS DIPHTHERI@, Bacittus HoFFMANNI, AND BaciILLus KEROSIS. 4 4 6 4 8 # & 8 woe 2 ew Bs BTS BACILLUS MALLET . . 6 6 ee ee ee 2 » 528 BACILLUS INFLUENZZ AND CLOSELY RELATED BACTERIA . . . 536 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER PAGE XXXVIII. Borpet-Gencou Bacituus, Morax-AxEnretp Bacinuus, Zur Neppew Bacituus, Ducrey Bactntus . . . . . . . - « 548 XXXIX. Toe Bactuut or THE Hemorruacic SEPTICEMIA GROUP AND BACILLUS PESTIS . . 5 5 ss es 8 es @ 8 ee es 551 XL. Bactbuus ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX . . 2. 2 6 2 + + + 563 XLI. Bacthuus pyocyANEUS . . 1. 1. 1. 1 ee ee ee ee BIT XLII. Asiatic CHoLpRA aND THE CHOLERA ORGANISM . . . . . «© 582 XLITI. Diszases Causep By SprrocHmTms . ....... + . 592 XLIV. Tue Hicher BacTeRIA . . «1 we ww ww we ew ee 68 XLY. Tum “YRAsTS 2 6 ee eee a a we SE we we ee 629 XLVI. HypHomyceres . . 1 6 1 ww ew ew ww ew ew ew ws 885 SECTION IV DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY CHAPTER PAGE XLVIL: RABIES ew 8 6% wR ee wee ee OH we 8 O46 XMLVITL: SMAPEPOX. <2 6 < es @ 2 we ow ww ww we ww we 6 G57 XLIX. Acute Anterior PoLIOMYELITIS . . . . «4 6 « « « = « 664 E. ¥ettow FEVER. 2. ok Re me we Oe a ae ewe 668 LI. Measztes, Scarutet Fever, anp Foor-anp-MoutH Dismase . . 675 SECTION V BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK CHAPTER PAGE LII. Bacteria in THE AIR AND Som... a be eh ae GBB LIT. Bacrerta IN WaTER «www ee ee ee ww ee. 689 LIV. Bacrerta IN MitK anp MitK Propucts, Bacreria IN THE InpusTRIES «6 1 we 6 ew ww ww ww wt ww G99 INDEX OF AUTHORS . 2... 1. ee ee eee es 719 INDEX OF SUBJECTS . . 2... 6. 1 0 2 ee ee ZL LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE . Types of bacterial morphology . . ..... . Bacterial capsules ee Arrangement of bacterial flagella . Various positions of spores in bacterial cell . Germination of spores . . Degeneration forms of Bacillus diphihertss - Degeneration forms of Bacillus pestis . Hot-air sterilizer . . Arnold sterilizer . . . Low-temperature sterilizer . Autoclave . ‘i . Lentz formalin apparatus . Breslau formaldehyde generator ay eeation op same . Hanging drop preparation . Florence flask ‘i . Erlenmeyer flask . Petri dish . . Test tubes, showing ihethed of stopnerine . Burette for titrating media 8 . Tubing media . . Media in tubes . Berkefeld filter . Berkefeld filter . Reichel filter . Kitasato filter a . Maassen filter, for small quantities of fluid F . Platinum wires ‘ . Taking plugs from qubes belore Aeolian . Inoculating : . Pouring inoculating piealiurd jibe Petri dish . Streak plate I . Deep stab cultivation of anaérobis bacteria . Deep stab cultivation of anaérobic bacteria . Cultivation of anaérobes in fluid under albolin : . Wright’s method of anaérobic cultivation in fluid media . Novy jar : . Wright’s method ‘of ‘anadrabie edltivation by athe use of yrogallie-cid er fo 8 - 153 . 154 solution . . Jar for anaérobic gultivation xiii . 114 - 114 - 115 - 116 - 117 . 118 - 119 . 120 . 121 . 122 - 123 PAGE 10 12 15 17 17 19 20 69 70 71 72 90 91 94 124 . 142 . 143 . 144 . 145 . 147 . 148 . 149 . 150 . 151 152 xiv LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 39. Apparatus for combining the methods of eens hydrogen replace- ment, and oxygen absorption . . 2 « « « « 155 40. Simple apparatus for plate cultivation of ‘abebrobic bacteria a ee ee ATG: 41. Incubator ~ . 6 4 @ os wow HOA ee cee oh ae we ee BT 42. Thermo-regulator 2. 2. 1. 1 ww ee ee ee ee ee ee 158 43. Thermo-regulator ,. . . se Se ee rat Seth tea! fetal Cote! see OS 44. Moitessier gas-pressure papulston eos : . . . 160 45. Variations in the conformation of the Darian of bacteda! eclpnies - . 161 46. 47. 48, 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55, 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Wolffhiigel counting-plate. 2. 2. 2. 1. 0. 1 1 we ee ee ee 162 Types of fermentation tubes. . . . hn Gen See 42 fb, ye! Sr ued ae OD: Types of gelatin liquefaction by bacteria fees tas fal RE Ter ie ee SOD Intraperitoneal inoculation of rabbit, . . . . 2. 2... . . « « « 170 Intravenous inoculation of rabbit . . . . 2. 2... 2 2 e + « «170 Intraperitoneal inoculation of guinea-pig . . ...... +... .17i Guineaspigicage « . 5 4 © @ 6 Ke we ee we ee Swe Uw IZ Rabbit cage . . . eo @ a we w «172 Blood-culture plate sonst strenhecauaus eolaniee ek SS Gow ae we oe ZO Toxin and body cell . . . . . 1. 1. ww eee ew ee ee 206 Toxin and antitoxin . . wow cw 3 214 Ehrlich’s conception of dellereseptars, aiving rise 16 lytie ta immune bodies 227 Complement, amboceptor or immune body, and antigen or immunizing substance . . . saree Geol hate. no eG er and others have demonstrated granular, deeply staining bodies now spoken of as metachromatic granules, or Babes-Ernst granules, or, because of their frequent position at the ends of bacilli, as polar bodies. These structures are irregular in size and number, and have a strong affinity for dyes. They are stained dis- tinctly dark in contrast to the rest of the bacterial cell with methylene blue, and may be demonstrated by the special methods of Neisser and of Roux. Their interpretation has been a matter of much difficulty and of varied opinion. Those who first observed them held that they were a part of the nuclear material of the cell. Others have regarded them as an early stage in spore formation, or as arthrospores.’ Again, they have been interpreted as structures comparable to the centrosomes of other unicellular forms. As a matter of fact, the true nature of these bodies is by no means certain. They are present most regularly in microorganisms taken from young and vigorous cultures or in those taken directly from the lesions of disease. It is unlikely that they repre- 1 Biitschli, “ Bau der Bakterien,” Leipzig, 1890. 2 Zettnow, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxiv, 1897. 3The method of Nakanishi is carried out as follows: Thoroughly cleansed slides are covered with a saturated aqueous solution of methylene blue. This is spread over the slide in an even film and allowed to dry. After drying, the slide should be of a transparent, sky-blue color. The microorganisms to be examined are then emulsified in warm water, or are taken from the fluid media, and dropped upon a cover slip. This is placed, face downward, upon the blue ground of the slide. In this way, bacteria are stained without fixation. Nakanishi claims that by this method the entoplasm is stained blue, while the nuclear material appears of a reddish or purplish hue. 4 Ernst, Zeit. f. Hyg., iv, 1888. 5 Babes, Zeit. f. Hyg., v, 1889. 6 See section on stains, p. 107. 7 See section on sporulation, p. 16. 12 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE sent structures in any way comparable to spores, since cultures con- taining individuals showing metachromatic granules are not more resistant to deleterious influences than are others. Their abundant presence in young vigorous cultures may indicate a relationship between them and the growth energy of the microorganisms. There is no proof, however, that these bodies affect the virulence of the bacteria. Cell Membrane and Capsule.—Actual proof of the existence of a cell membrane has been brought in the cases of some of the larger forms only,! but the presence of such envelopes may be inferred for most bacteria by their behavior during plasmolysis, where definite retrac- tion of the protoplasm from a well-defined cell outline has been repeatedly observed. The occur- rence, furthermore, of so-called “shadow forms” which appear as empty capsules, and of, occasion- ally, a well-outlined cell body, after the vegetative form has en- tirely degenerated in the course of sporulation, make the assump- tion of the presence of a cell membrane appear extremely well founded. Differing from the cell membranes of plant cells, cellulose has not, except in isolated instances, been demonstrable for bacteria, and the membrane is possibly to be regarded rather as a peripheral protoplasmic zone, which remains unstained by the usual manipula- tions. Zettnow,? who has carefully studied the structure of some of the larger forms, takes the latter view, and regards the “ectoplasmic”’ zone as a part of the cell protoplasm devoid of nuclear material. Zett- now’s opinion is borne out by the greatly increased size of the bacterial cells as seen by means of special stains. Many bacteria have been shown to possess a mucoid or gelatinous envelope or capsule. According to Migula,? such an envelope is present on all bacteria, though it is in only a few species that it is sufficiently well developed and stable to be easily demonstrable and of differential Fie. 2.—Bactertran Capsules. 1 Biitschli, loc. cit. 2 Zettnow, loc. cit. 3 Migula, “Systeme d. Bakterien,” 1, p. 56. MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, ETC. 13 value. When stained, the capsule takes the ordinary anilin dyes less deeply than does the bacterial cell body, and varies greatly in thickness, ranging from a thin, just visible margin to dimensions four or five times exceeding the actual size of the bacterial body itself. This struc- ture is perfectly developed in a limited number of bacteria only in which it then becomes an important aid to identification. Most prominent among such bacteria are Diplococcus pneumoniz, Micrococcus tetra- genus, the bacilli of the Friedlander group, and B. aérogenes capsulatus. The development of the capsule seems to depend intimately upon the environment from which the bacteria are taken. It is most easily de- monstrable in preparations of bacteria taken directly from animal tis- sues and fluids, or from media containing animal serum or milk. If cultivated for a prolonged period upon artificial media, many otherwise capsulated microorganisms no longer show this characteristic structure. Capsules may be demonstrated on bacteria taken from artificial media most successfully when albuminous substances, such as ascitic fluid or blood serum, are present in the culture media, or when the bacteria are smeared upon cover slip or slide in a drop of beef or other serum.! Most observers believe that the capsule represents a swelling of the ectoplasmic zone of bacteria. By others it is regarded as an evidence of the formation of a mucoid intercellular substance, some of which remains adherent to the individual bacteria when removed from cultures. It is noticeable, indeed, that some of the capsulated bacteria, especially Streptococcus mucosus and B. mucosus capsulatus, develop such slimy and gelatinous colonies that, when these are touched with a platinum wire, mucoid threads and strings adhere to the loop. Exactly what the significance of the capsules is cannot yet be decided. There is, however, definite reason to believe that there is a direct relation between virulence and capsulation; capsulated bacteria are less easily taken up by phagocytes than are the non-capsulated mem- bers of the same species. Also, as Porges and others have shown, capsulated organisms are not easily amenable to the agglutinating action of immune sera. Many bacteria (plague, anthrax) which are habitu- ally uncapsulated on artificial media acquire capsules within the in- fected animal body. Also in some species (pneumococci), the loss of capsule formation as cultivated on the simpler media is accompanied by a diminution of virulence. Organs of Locomotion.—When suspended in a drop of fluid many bacteria are seen to be actively motile. It is important, however, in 1 Hiss, Jour. Exp. Med., vi, 1905. 14 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE all cases to distinguish between actual motility and the so-called Brown- ian or molecular movement which takes place whenever small particles are held in suspension in a fluid. Brownian or molecular movement is a phenomenon entirely ex- plained by the physical principles of surface tension, and has absolutely no relation to independent motility. It may be seen when particles of carmine or any other insoluble substance are suspended in water, and consists in a rapid to and fro vacillation during which there is actually no permanent change in position of the moving particle except inas- much as this is influenced by currents in the drop. The true motility of bacteria, on the other hand, is active motion due to impulses originating in the bacteria themselves, where the actual position of the bacterium in the field is permanently changed. The ability to move in this way is, so far as we know, limited almost entirely to the bacilli and spirilla, there being but few instances where members of the coccus group show active motility. In all cases, with the exception of some of the spirochetes, where motility may occasionally be due to an undulating membrane marginally placed along the body, bacterial motility is due to hair-like organs known as flagella. These flagella have rarely been seen during life, and their recognition and study has been made possible only by special staining methods, such as those devised by Loeffler, van Ermengem, Pitt, and others. In such stained preparations, the bacterial cell bodies often appear thicker than when ordinary dyes are used, and the flagella apparently are seen to arise from the thickened ectoplasmic zone. The flagella are long filaments, averaging in thickness from one-tenth to one-thirtieth that of the bacterial body, which often are delicately waved and undulating, and, judging from the positions in which they become fixed in preparations, move by a wavy or screw-like motion. In length they are subject to much variation, but are supposed to be generally longer in old than in young cultures. Very short flagella have been described only on nitrosomonas, one of the nitrifying bacteria discovered by Winogradsky.* As to the finer structures of flagella, little can be made out except that they possess a higher refractive index than the cell body itself, and that they can be stained only with those dyes which bring clearly into view the supposedly true cytoplasm of the cell. Whether they penetrate this cytoplasmic membrane or whether they 1 Winogradsky, Arch. des sci. biologiques, St. Petersburg, 1892, I, 1 and 2. MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, ETC. 15 are a direct continuation of this peripheral zone of the bacterial body, can not be decided. The manner in which bacteria move is naturally subject to some var- iation depending upon the number and position of the flagella possessed by them. Whether bacteria exercise or not the power of motility de- pends to a large extent upon their present or previous environment. They are usually most motile in vigorous young cultures of from twenty- four to forty-eight hours’ growth in favorable media. In old cultures motility may be diminished or even inhibited by acid formation or by other deleterious products of the bacterial metabolism. At the optimum growth-temperature motility is most active, and a diminution or increase of the temperature to any considerable degree diminishes or inhibits it. Thus actively motile organisms, in the fluid drop, may be seen to diminish // distinctly in activity when left for any prolonged time in a cold room, or when py, 3 ApRaNGEMENT OF the preparation is chilled. Any influence, Bucnanran Picard in other words, chemical or physical, which tends to injure or depress physiologically the bacteria in any way, at the same time tends to inhibit their motility. Messea’ has proposed a classification of bacteria which is based upon the arrangement of their organs of motility, as follows: I. Gymnobacteria, possessing no flagella. II. Trichobacteria, with flagella. 1. Monotricha, having a single flagellum at one pole. 2. Lophotricha, having a tuft of flagella at one pole. 3. Amphitricha, with flagella at both poles. 4. Peritricha, with flagella completely surrounding the bac- terial body. Bacterial Spores.—A large number of bacteria possesses the power of developing into a sort of encysted or resting stage by a process commonly spoken of as sporulation or spore formation. The formation of spores by bacteria depends largely upon environmental conditions, and the optimum environment for spore formation differs greatly for various species. It is usually necessary that a temperature of over 20° C. exist in order that spores may be formed. Unfavorable factors, like acid formation, accumulation of bacterial products in old cultures, or 1 Messea, Cent. f. Bakt., I, Ref. ix, 1891, 16 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE lack of nutrition, frequently seem to constitute the stimuli which lead to sporulation. In the case of some species, notably the anthrax bacillus, spores are formed only in the presence of free oxygen and are therefore never formed within the tissues of infected animals. It is claimed that some of the pathogenic anaérobes, like B. tetani and the bacillus of malignant edema, may form spores anaérobically. Nevertheless it has been observed that when an absolute exclusion of oxygen is practiced in the cultivation of these bacteria, vegetative forms only are seen in the cultures.’ The process of sporulation is by no -means to be regarded as a method of multiplication, since it rarely occurs that a single bacil- lus produces more than one spore. In some species of bacteria the formation of several spores in one individual has occasionally been observed, but there can be no question about the fact that such a condition is exceptional. Varieties of spores are often recognized, the so-called arthrospores and the true spores or endospores. It is seriously in doubt whether the structures once spoken of as arthrosyores should be considered as in any way comparable to true spores. They are represented by the granular and globular appearances occasionally observed in old cultures of some bacteria, notably streptococcus, cholera spirillum, diphtheria bacillus, and others. It was believed that they were due to a transformation of certain individuals of the cultures into more resistant forms. It is probable, however, that such structures are merely to be regarded as evidences of involution or degeneration, since it has never been demon- strated that cultures containing them are more resistant either to dis- infectants or to heat, than cultures showing no evidences of such forms. The true spores or endospores are most common among bacilli, and are rarely observed among the spherical bacteria. They arise within the body of the individual bacterium as a small granule which probably represents a concentration of the protoplasmic substance. Nakanishi? claims that there is a definite relation between these sporogenic globules and the nuclear material of the bacterial cell. At the time at which sporulation occurs there is usually a slight and gradual thickening of the bacillary body. After the formation of this thickening, a spore mem- brane appears about the same thickened area. The completed spore is usually round or oval, has an extremely high refractive index, and a 1 Zinsser, Jour. Exp. Med., viii, 1906, p. 542. 2 Nakanishi, Miinch. med. Woch., 1900, p. 680. MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, ETC. 17 membrane which is very resistant. Muhlschlegel' believes that the spore membrane is a double structure, and, as stated before, Nakanishi believes that the spore contains nuclear material. The position of the spore in the mother cell is of some differential importance in that it is usually con- stant for one and the same species. Thus, the spores of the tetanus bacillus are regularly situated at the extreme ends of the bacillary Fig. 4.—Various Postrions oF SPORES bodies, while those of anthrax are in BACTERIAL CELL. situated at or near the middle. Physiologically, sporulation is probably to be regarded as a method of encystment for the purpose of resisting unfavorable environment, A and it is indeed true that species i of bacteria the vegetative forms of f A 3 da HK 4 which are rather easily injured by Oa heat, light, drying, and chemicals have a comparatively enormous re- L ap h sistance to these agents after the formation of spores. Thus, while a 10-per-cent solution of carbolic acid will kill the vegetative forms of anthrax bacilli within twenty min- utes, anthrax spores are able to resist the same disinfectant for a long period in a concentration of over 50 per cent; and while the vegetative forms of the same bacillus show little more resistance against moist heat Fic. 5.—GERMINATION oF Srornzs, ‘han other vegetative forms, the A, Bacillus subtilis, equatorial spore spores will withstand the action of germination; B, Bacillus anthracis, live steam for as long as ten to twelve germination by simple transition; C, minutes and more. Clostrydium butyricum, polar germi- nation. a © abe 000 Whenever the spores of any mi- croorganism are brought into an en- vironment suitable for bacterial growth as to temperature, moisture, and nutrition, the spores develop into vegetative forms. This process differs according to species. In general it consists of an elongation of 1 Muhlschlegel, Cent. f. Bakt., II Abt., vi, 1900, p. 65. 3 18 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE the spore body with a loss of its highly refractile character and resist- ance to staining fluids. The developing vegetative cell may now rupture and slip out of the spore membrane at one of its poles, leav- ing the empty spore capsule still visible and attached to the bacillary body. Again, a similar process may take place equatorially instead of at the pole. In other species again, there may be no rupture of the spore membrane at all, the vegetative form arising by gradual elongation of the spore and an absorption or solution of the mem- brane which is indicated by change in staining reaction. Division by fission in the ordinary way then ensues. REPRODUCTION OF BACTERIA Bacteria multiply by cell division or fission. A young individual increases in size up to the limits of the adult form, when, by simple cleavage, at right angles to the long axis, without any discoverable process of mitosis or nuclear changes, it divides into two individuals. In spite of the claims of various bacteriologists, notably Nakanishi, traceable analogy to the karyokinesis of other cells has not been definitely established. In the case of the spherical bacteria a slight change to the elliptical form takes place just before cleavage and this cleavage may occur in one plane only, in two planes, or in three planes. According to the limitations of cleavage direction, the cocci assume a chained appearance (streptococci), a grape-like appearance (staphylococci), or an arrangement in packets or cubes having three dimensions (sarcine). In the cases of bacilli and spirilla, cleavage takes place in the direction of the short axis. The individuals, after cleavage, may separate from each other, or may remain mutually coherent. The cohesion after cleavage is pronounced in some species of bacteria and slight in others, and, together with the plane of cleavage, determines the morphology of the cell-groups. Thus among the cocci diplo- or double forms, long chains and short chains may arise and fur- nish a characteristic of great aid in differentiation. Similarly among the bacilli there are forms which appear characteristically as single individuals and others which form chains cf varying length. The rate of growth varies to a certain extent with the species, and also with the favorable or unfavorable character of the environment. A generation, that is, the time elapsing in the interval between one 1 Nakanishi, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxx, 1901. MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, ETC. 19 cleavage and the next, has been estimated by A. Fischer’ as being about twenty minutes for the cholera spirillum and 16-20 minutes for bacillus coli communis, under the most favorable conditions. The same author has calculated that under these conditions a single cholera spirillum would yield 1600 trillions in a single day. Such a multiplica- tion rate, however, is probably not usual under natural or even artificial conditions, both on account of lack of nutritive material and because of inhibition of the growth of the bacteria by their own products. VARIATIONS OF BACTERIAL FORMS Variations from the basic forms considered in the preceding sec- tion may occur, but are not common among bacteria under normal conditions. Thus the formation of club shapes by a thickening of the Fic. 6.—DEGENERATION Forms or Bacitius DipoHtHeria. (After Zettnow.) bacillary body at one or both ends has been frequently observed among bacteria of the diphtheria group, and in the glanders bacillus, and an irregular beading is not infrequently observed in tubercle bacilli under normal conditions. Such pictures can not, in these cases, be regarded as degeneration or involution forms, since they are visible in young, actively growing cultures under ordinary conditions. It is a well-known 1A. Fischer, “ Vorlesungen tiber Bakt.,” Jena, 1903. 20 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE fact, furthermore, that the sizes and contours of bacteria may vary to some extent according to the medium on which they are grown. This may, to a degree, be due to osmotic relations. On fluid media, for in- stance, many bacteria may appear larger and of a less dense consistency than do members of the same species cultivated upon solid media. Degeneration Forms.— When bacteria are grown under conditions which are not entirely favorable for their development, or when they are grown for a prolonged period upon artificial culture media without transplantation, there may occur variations which often depart consider- ably from the ground type, known as degeneration or involution forms. Fig. 7—DrceneratTion Forms or Baciiius Prstis. (After Zettnow.) Thus, in the case of the diphtheria bacillus, old cultures may contain long, irregularly beaded forms with broad expansions at the ends. In the case of B. pestis the fact that large numbers of oval, vacuolated bodies in old cultures are formed regularly has become of differential value... These degeneration forms are shown most characteristically when the bacteria are cultivated on agar containing 3 to 5 per cent NaCl. Among the cocci, marked evidences of involution are often seen in cultures of the meningococcus in the form of large, swollen poorly- staining spheres, and in the case of the pneumococcus in the so-called shadow forms which have the appearance of empty capsules. There are 1 Hankin and Leumann, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxii, 1897. MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, ETC. 21 few microorganisms indeed, in which prolonged cultivation on artificial media or other unfavorable influences do not produce variations from the ground type which may often make the cultures morphologically unrecognizable. In the case of many of the spirilla (spirillum Milleri, spirillum Metchnikovi, etc.) the degeneration forms may appear within so short a time as two or three days after transplantation. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE BACTERIAL CELL Chemical Constituents.—The quantitative chemical composition of bacteria is subject to wide variations, dependent upon the nutritive materials furnished them. Approximately 80 to 85 per. cent of the bacterial body is water. The remainder consists chiefly of proteids which constitute roughly from 50 to 80 per cent of the dry substances. Remaining, after extrac- tion of these, are fats, and in some cases true wax (fatty acid combina- tions with higher alcohols), traces of cellulose (in some bacteria only), and the ash which makes up usually about 1 to 2 per cent of the dry substances. The extensive researches of Cramer’ have shown how widely at va- riance quantitative analyses may be when made of cultures of the same species of bacteria grown upon different media. Thus the dry sub- stances of the cholera vibrio were found to be made up of 65 per cent of proteids when the microorganisms were grown upon nutrient broth as against 45 per cent when the same bacteria had been grown upon the proteid-free medium of Uschinsky. Analyses made by Kappes? of B. prodigiosus and by Nencki* and Scheffer of some of the putrefactive bacteria, may serve to illustrate the approximate proportions of the substances making up the bacterial body. B. Putrefactive prodigiosus Bacteria Water ..isci enews sais 85.45 per cent. 83.42 per cent. Proteids ...........-. 10.33 “ * 13.96 “ ms Hats) i tract nasandi cd odean 0.7 1. “f ABD 24 935.22 steeped dus 1.75 * & 0.78 “ < Residue ...........+-- Lele i 0.84 “ os 1 Cramer, Arch. f. Hyg., xii, xiii, xvi, xxii, xxviii. 2 Kappes, ‘‘ Analyse der Massenkulturen,” etc. Diss., Leipzig, 1889. 8 Nencki und Scheffer, Jour. f. prakt. Chemie, new ser. xix, 1880. 22 ‘BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE Analyses of the tubercle bacillus by Ruppel,! Hammerschlag,’ Weyl,’ and others, have yielded the following approximate results (calculated from results of above-mentioned authors). Tubercle bacillus Wiatet «sad caine Seas anaes te 85 to 86 _ per cent. IProteds: cesar mtpidstauel Galen een ean oe 8.5to 9 “ Fat and waxes .................0005 3.5to 4 “ « Ash and carbohydrates ............. 12to La" The proteids which are contained in the bacterial dry substances consist partly of nucleoproteids, globulins, and proteids differing ma- terially from those ordinarily met with. Ruppel, in an analysis of the tubercle bacillus, obtained the following values, for 100 grams of dried tubercle bacilli: Nuelelesacids.. 225 aes athibe bela Ans Fa heal oe 8.5 grams. (Tuberculinic acid) Nucleoprotamin ...........000 00000 ceeueeeee 25.5 ** Niticleoproteids isi: jeg sctace gs pg eae bee 2 ALS coe oR 23 vi AlDUMINO108: sci desc wedins aregiiee ce Gaels cates 8.3 “ (Keratin, etc.) Fat and Waxs...os¢s.3seexo64 Sen geonaga ee surs 26.5 “ ABh: cestancdas as vGuke tale Rewer sea hons Dig “te A true globulin has been isolated from bacteria by Hellmich,’ and true proteids, coagulable by heat, have been demonstrated by Buchner,” in the “ Presssaft” or juice obtained by subjecting bacteria to mechanical pressure. In this connection, too, we should not fail to consider the thermolabile toxic substances contained in many bacteria, the endo- toxins, which though of uncertain chemical nature, are probably pro- teid in composition.* The fats which are demonstrable both by microchemical methods, staining with Sudan III., Scharlach R., Osmic acid, and by alcohol- ether extraction, consist of fatty acids, true fats, and, in the case of the tubercle bacillus at least, of waxy substances.’ 1Ruppel, Zeit. f. physiol. Chemie, xxvi, 1898. 2 Hammerschlag, Zeit. f. klin. Med., 1891. 3 Weyl, Deut. med. Woch., 1891. § Hellmich, Arch. f. exper. Pathol., ete., xxvi. * Buchner, Minch. med. Woch., 1897. ¢ Shattock, Lancet, May, 1898. 1 De Schweimtz and Dorset, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxii, 1897. MORPHOLOGY, REPRODUCTION, ETC. 23 The carbohydrates isolated from various bacteria consist chiefly of small quantities of cellulose and allied bodies, presumably concerned in the formation of the bacterial cell membrane. The demonstration of these substances has been successful only in isolated cases and has not found universal confirmation. Glycogen-like substances have been demonstrated, according to A. Fischer,’ in B. subtilis and B. coli. These bacteria stained a reddish brown color when stained with iodin, and after treatment with weak acids were shown to contain dextrose. The bacterial ash, remaining after removal of other substances, con- sists largely of phosphates and chlorides of potassium, sodium, cal- clum, and magnesium. Osmotic Properties of the Bacterial Cell.—Like all other animal and vegetable cells, the bacterial cell forms in itself a small osmotic unit which reacts delicately to differences of pressure existing between its own protoplasm and the surrounding medium. The perfect and normal morphology of a microorganism, therefore, can exist only when the osmotic pressure within the protoplasm of the cell is isotonic or equal to that of its own environment. The changes produced in the morpho- logical relations of a cell when transferred from one environment into another of varying osmotic pressure, depend intimately upon the “permeability” of the cell membrane for different substances. When such a membrane is permeable for water and not for substances in solu- tion, it is technically spoken of as “semi-permeable.”’ Now, as a matter of fact, the bacterial cell membrane is easily permeable for water, but its permeability differs greatly in various species of bacteria for other substances. Thus, for instance, the cholera vibrio shows great perme- ability for common salt and B. fluorescens liquefaciens shows a lower permeability for potassium nitrate than do many other bacteria.’ When a microorganism is suddenly removed from an environment of low osmotic pressure into one showing a high pressure, say, from a dilute to a concentrated solution of NaCl, an abstraction of water from the cell occurs, with a consequent shrinkage of the protoplasm away from the cell membrane. This process is spoken of as “ plasmolysis.” Cell death does not usually occur with plasmolysis, but by slow diffusion of the salt itself into the protoplasm, the equilibrium may eventually be restored and the normal morphology of the cell resumed. In all cases 1 A, Fischer, “ Vorlesungen iiber die Bakt.,” Jena, 1903. 2 Gottschlich, in Fliigge, “ Mikroorganismen,” i, p. 91. 24 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE the speed and completeness of the return to normal depends upon the permeability of the cell membrane for the dissolved substances. There is no evidence to support the view that the internal pressure of a cell may be in any way increased by an inherent power of the protoplasm independently of the laws of diffusion. As a general rule, old cultures are more susceptible to plasmolysis than are young and vigorous strains. Spores and, according to A. Fischer,’ flagella are much less susceptible to osmotic changes than are the vegetative bodies. When, on the other hand, bacteria are suddenly removed from a medium possessing a high osmotic pressure to one comparatively low, say, from a concentrated salt solution to distilled water, a bursting of the cell may occur, a process spoken of as “plasmoptysis.”’ Plasmoptysis leads to cell death, and is probably the cause of the death of micro- organisms so often observed in distjlled-water emulsions of bacteria. Other Physical Properties of Bacteria.—The refractive index of the vegetative bacterial body is low, in contrast to the highly refractive character of the spores and flagella. According to Fischer, the ectoplasm or cell membrane shows a higher index than does the endoplasm. The specific gravity of various microorganisms has been investi- gated by Bolton, Rubner,? and others. Some of Rubner’s results are the following: Getta Hata hete cy isan one tim bowen seme hess sie Sean Sp. gr. 1.0651 Gas: LOLMETS ssn ieie ne Mind b Mipeee.d sp hanes ae Gugnnsainy Meee «© 1.0465 Cultures from potato 2.0.0... . ce cece eee cence «1.038 M. prodigiosus............+-..005- caaeeraieace ne aes shane ae «1054 1A. Fischer, quoted from Gottschlich in Fligge, ‘‘ Mikroorganismen,” I, p. 91. 2 Bolton, Zeit. f. Hyg., i, 1886. 3 Rubner, Arch. f. Hyg., xi, 1890. CHAPTER III THE RELATION OF BACTERIA fO ENVIRONMENT, AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION NUTRITION OF BACTERIA Lixe all protoplasmic bodies, bacteria consist of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, to which are added inorganic salts and varying quantities of phosphorus and sulphur. In order that bacteria may develop and multiply, therefore, they must be supplied with these sub- stances in proper quantity and in forms suitable for assimilation. To formulate definite laws based on chemical structure as to the compounds suitable, and those unsuitable for use by the bacteria, is obviously im- possible owing to the great metabolic variations existing within the bacterial kingdom, and notable attempts to do so, such as those by Loew,’ have not successfully withstood critical inquiry. Carbon.—The carbon necessary for bacterial nourishment or ana- bolism may be obtained either directly from proteids, carbohydrates, and fats, or from the simpler derivatives of these substances. Thus, the amido-acids, leucin and tyrosin, ketons, and organic acids, like tartaric, citric, and acetic acids, glycerin, and even some of the alcohols, may furnish carbon in a form suitable for bacterial assimilation. A limited number of bacterial species, furthermore, notably the nitrobacteria of Winogradsky, are capable of obtaining their required carbon from atmospheric CO,, and possibly from other simple carbon compounds added to culture media.? Oxygen.—Oxygen is obtained, by the large majority of bacteria, directly from the atmosphere in the form of free O,. For many micro- organisms, moreover, the presence of free oxygen is a necessary condi- tion for growth. These are spoken of as the “obligatory aérobes.”’ Among the pathogenic bacteria proper, many, like the gonococcus, bacillus influenze, and bacillus pestis, show a marked preference for a well-oxygenated environment. Probably there is no pathogenic micro- 1 Loew, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xii, 1892. 2 Muntz, Compt. rend. de l’acad. des sciences, t. iii, 25 26 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE organism which, under certain conditions of nutrition, is entirely unable to exist and multiply in the complete absence of this gas. The conditions existing within the infected animal organism cause it to seem likely that all incitants of infection may, at times, thrive in the complete absence of free oxygen. There is another class of organisms, on the other hand, for whose development the presence of free oxygen is directly injurious. These microorganisms, known as “obligatory anaérobes,”’ obtain their supply of oxygen indirectly, by enzymatic processes of fermentative and pro- teolytic cleavage, from carbohydrates and proteids, or by reduction from reducible bodies. Among the pathogenic microorganisms the class of “obligatory anaérobes” is represented chiefly by Bacillus tetani, the bacillus of malignant edema, the bacillus of symptomatic anthrax, Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus, and Bacillus botulinus. Intermediate between these two classes is a large group of bacteria which thrive well both under aérobie and anaérobic conditions. Some of these, which have a preference for free oxygen but nevertheless possess the power of thriving under anaérobic conditions, are spoken of as “facultative anaérobes.’”” In others the reverse of this is true; these are spoken of as “facultative aérobes.”’ These varieties of bacteria are by far the most numerous and comprise most of our parasitic and saprophytic bacteria. The relation of microorganisms to oxygen is extremely subtle, there- fore, and not to be biologically dismissed by a rigid classification into aérobes, facultative anaérobes, and obligatory anaérobes. Both Engel- mann,’ by a method of observing motile bacteria in the hanging drop as to their behavior in relation to the oxygen given off by a chlorophyll- bearing alga, and Beijerinck,’ by a macroscopic method of observing similar bacteria as to their motion away from or toward an oxygenated area, were able to demonstrate delicately graded variations between species, favoring various degrees of oxygen pressure. The discovery by Pasteur that certain bacteria develop only in the absence of free oxygen, produced a revolution in our conceptions of metabolic processes, since up to that time it was believed that life could be supported only when a free supply of O, was obtainable. Pasteur’s original explanation for this phenomenon was that anaérobic conditions of life were always associated with some form of carbohydrate fermenta- 1 Engelmann, Botanische Zeitung, 1881. 2 Betijerinck, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xiv, 1893. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 27 tion and that oxygen was obtained by these microorganisms by a split- ting of carbohydrates. As a matter of fact, for a large number of micro- organisms, this is actually true, and. the presence of readily fermentable carbohydrates not only increases the growth energy of a large number of anaérobic bacteria, but in many cases permits otherwise purely aérobic bacteria to thrive under anaérobic conditions." On the other hand, the basis of anaérobic growth can not always be found in the fermentation of carbohydrates or in the simple process of reduction. The favorable influence of certain actively reducing bodies, like sodium formate or sodium-indigo-sulphate, upon anaérobic cultivation is probably referable to their ability to remove free oxygen from the media and thus perfect the anaérobiosis.”, A number of strictly anaé- robic bacteria, however, may develop in the entire absence of carbohy- drates or reducing substances, obtaining their oxygen supply from other suitable sources, some of which may be the complex proteids. Thus the tetanus bacillus may *® thrive when the nutritive substances in the media are entirely proteid in nature. (See p. 28.) As Hesse ‘* has shown, the respiratory processes of aérobic bacteria consist in the taking in of oxygen and the excretion of CO,. The CO, excretion has been shown, in these cases, to be markedly less than is represented in the intake of oxygen. Anaérobes, likewise, show an excretion of CO, which must, in these cases, be a result of bacterial katabolism. Certain bacteria, like the red sulphur bacteria, have the power of utilizing atmospheric oxygen in the same way in which this process takes place in the chlorophyll-bearing plants. While a profuse supply of oxygen absolutely inhibits the growth of most anaérobes, a number of these may, nevertheless, develop when only small quantities of oxygen are present. Minute quantities of free oxy- gen in culture media have been shown by Beijerinck® and others not to inhibit the growth of Bacillus tetani and Theobald Smith ° has recently demonstrated that when suitable nutritive material in the form of fresh liver tissue is added to bouillon, a number of anaérobic bacteria may be : Theobald Smith, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xviii, 1895. 2 Kitasato and Weyl, Zeit. f. Hyg., viii, 1890. 3 Chudiakow, Cent. f. Bakt., Ref., IT, iv, 1898. ‘* Hesse, Zeit. f. Hyg., xv, 1897. 5 Betjerinck, Cent. f. Bakt., IT, vi, 1900. 6 Th. Smith, Brown, and Walker, Jour. Med. Res., ix, 1906. 28 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE induced to grow in indifferently anaérobic environment. Ferran,! moreover, succeeded in gradually adapting the tetanus bacillus to an aérobic environment. In this case, however, the virulence of the bacil- lus was lost. Nitrogen.—The nitrogen required by bacteria is taken, in most cases, from proteids. Most important in this respect, of course, are the dif- fusible proteids; but many of the non-diffusible albumins may be rendered assimilable by the proteolyzing enzymes possessed by many microorganisms. Among the pathogenic, more strictly parasitic bac- teria, moreover, a delicate specialization may be observed as to the particular varieties of animal albumin which may be utilized by them. Thus the gonococcus grows more readily only upon uncoagulated human blood serum; the Pfeiffer bacillus requires hemoglobin, and the diph- theria bacillus outgrows other bacteria upon a medium composed for the greater part of coagulated beef serum. For bacteria that do not absolutely require native animal proteid for their development, the most common nitrogenous ingredient of culture media is pepton, added in solutions of varied concentration. A large number of bacteria (pathogenic and saprophytic), on the other hand, may thrive on media containing absolutely no proteid, in which case, of course, a synthetic proteid production by the micro- organisms must be assumed. A medium which has been extensively used to demonstrate this phenomenon is that devised by Uschinski,? containing ammonium lactate, glycerin, asparagin (the amide of amido-. succinic acid), and inorganic salts. Creatin, creatinin, urea and urates, and even ammonia compounds and nitrates, may serve as adequate sources of nitrogen for many of the less parasitic bacteria. A limited number of species, moreover, the bacilli in the root tubercles of the leguminose and the nitrogen-fixing organ- isms of the soil, possess the power of obtaining their supply of nitrogen directly from the free N, of the atmosphere. Although the sources of carbonaceous and of nitrogenous food supply have been separately treated in the preceding paragraphs, it should not be forgotten that, in many instances, both elements are taken up within the same compound, and that separate supplies are a necessity in isolated cases only. Hydrogen.—Hydrogen is obtained by bacteria largely in combina- 1 Ferran, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxiv, 1898. 2 Uschinski, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xiv, 1893. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 29 tion as water and together with the carbon and nitrogen containing substances. Salts.—The phosphatic constituents of the bacterial body are taken in, chiefly, as phosphates of magnesium, calcium, sodium, or potassium. The phosphates seem to be necessary constituents of culture media, while chlorides, on the other hand, according to Proskauer’ and Beck are not absolutely essential. Sodium salts, as a rule, seem to be more advantageous for purposes of bacterial cultivation than potassium salts. The uncombined sulphur, which is a constituent of the bacterial body in many cases, is usually supplied by soluble sulphates. In the case of the thiobacteria of Winogradsky, however, the presence of free H,S is necessary for its formation.” The iron contained in some of the higher bacteria is taken in in the form of ferrous compounds, and is oxidized in the bacterial body into ferric compounds. The relative quantities of the various nutritive substances in culture media are of importance only in so far as too high concentrations may have a distinctly inhibitory influence. In this respect, however, separate species may show widely divergent tastes. The development of bacteria in any given medium, it may be noted, is far oftener arrested by the accumulation of meat products than by an exhaustion of nutrient materials. PARASITISM AND SAPROPHYTISM When we speak of bacteria as parasites or as saprophytes, we classify them, primarily, according to their relationship to the bodies of higher animals. “Parasites” are those bacteria which are capable of living and multiplying within the human or animal body, whereas the term “sapro- phytes” refers to the multitude of microorganisms which are unable to hold their own under the environmental conditions found in the tis- sues of higher animals, but are found, almost ubiquitously, in air, soil, manure, and water. The separation is by no means a sharp one and carries with it other implications, which the use of these terms always conveys. While parasites are usually very fastidious as to nutritional and temperature requirements, most saprophytes are easily cultivated upon the simplest media. Thus certain parasitic bacteria, such as the 1 Proskauer and Beck, Zeit. f. Hyg., xviii, 1895. 2 Voges, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xviii, 1893. 30 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE bacillus of influenza, the gonococcus, and others, are dependent upon specific forms of animal proteids for their food supply, while typical saprophytes, like Bacillus proteus, may thrive and multiply upon even the simplest organic proteid derivatives. Between the strict parasites and the saprophytes, however, there is a large class of bacteria, to which the majority of our pathogenic varieties belong, the members of which are capable of developing luxuriantly under both conditions. These bacteria are often spoken of as facultative parasites. More recently the question of parasitism and saprophytism has become closely interwoven with our conceptions of virulence. Bail (see section on Ageressins) has classified parasites into strict parasites and half parasites. By the first term he designates bacteria like Bacillus anthracis, which actually invade all the tissues of their host, while, by the term “half parasites,” he refers to microorganisms like the spiril- lum of cholera which gain a foothold upon some part of the body of the host, but do not actually penetrate into the general circulation. All pathogenic bacteria, therefore, must be grouped as parasites, strict or facultative, while the saprophytes, as a class, perform the far more thankful task of breaking up organic matter outside of the animal body, by putrefaction and fermentation. Absolute separation between the two classes, however, can not be maintained, since many ordinarily saprophytic bacteria may display parasitic qualities if administered in large numbers to animals or man in whom resistance to bacterial invasion is at a low ebb. ANTAGONISM AND SYMBIOSIS OF BACTERIA The ubiquity of bacteria in nature naturally carries with it the simul- taneous presence of many species in all places where special conditions have provided a favorable environment for growth. Thus bacteriological investigation of water, milk, manure, soil, or organic infusions, always reveals the presence of a large number of different varieties within the same substance. If the food supply in such a natural culture is at all limited in quantity, or the removal of waste products is prohibited, it will usually be found that gradually the numbers of varieties will dimin- ish and a few species, or even only one, will prevail. In the case of milk, for instance, after standing for three or four days at a suitable temper- ature, two or three varieties will be found to have taken the place of the twenty or thirty, which may have been present originally. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 31 This behavior is due to the influences which various microorganisms exert upon each other and is known as antagonism. Such antagonism probably depends upon the fact that the metabolic products of the pre- dominant species (the one or ones for whom the special cultural condi- tions are most favorable) inhibit the growth of the less vigorous varieties. Many examples, experimentally supported, of such antagonism, can be given. Thus, the gonococcus is distinctly inhibited by the soluble pro- ducts of Bacillus pyocyaneus,! while in the presence of pyogenic cocci it develops luxuriantly, and the bacillus of plague is completely inhibited when streptococci are present in the culture.” Mutual inhibition may also be due to the monopolizing of the nutri- tion in the medium by the predominating species or to the change in re- action produced by its growth. This last consideration is probably the secret of the frequently noticed inhibitory effect exerted by acid-pro- ducers upon bacteria of putrefaction, and has received practical thera- peutic application in Metchnikoff’s lactic-acid bacillus therapy, which see. When the simultaneous presence of two bacterial species within the same environment favors the development of both species, the condi- tion is spoken of as symbiosis. Such dependence is not so frequent as antagonism, but it does occur. Examples of such a condition have been observed in cultures containing diphtheria bacilli and streptococci * and have been frequently observed in cultures containing both aérobic and anaérobic bacteria, where the former favor the development of the latter by monopolizing the supply of free oxygen. Symbiosis may also take place in cultures in which complex food products are split up by one species, furnishing substances for ingestion by species with a lesser digestive ability. RELATIONS OF BACTERIA TO PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Relation to Temperature.—Like all other living beings, bacteria develop and multiply by virtue of a series of chemical and physical processes, by means of which growth energy is obtained by destruction or catabolism, and the lost tissues resupplied by absorption of nutritive materials. It is natural, therefore, that the conditions of external 1 Schafer, Fortschr. d: Med., 5, 1896. 2 Bitter, Rep. Egypt Plague Com., Cairo, 1897. 3 Hilbert, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxix, 1895. 32 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE temperature should intimately affect the metabolic processes. The range of temperature at which bacteria may grow is subject to wide variations among different species. Each species, on the other hand, may thrive within a more or less elastic range of temperature, each one having an optimum, a minimum, and a definite maximum tempera- ture. When the optimum temperature is present in the environment, the functions of absorption and excretion keep pace with each other, and the chemical balance is well preserved. When the temperature is lower than the optimum, all metabolic processes take place more slowly, and the bacterium gradually enters into a resting or latent stage, at which ac- tual growth may be exceedingly slow or entirely inhibited. When the temperature is higher than the optimum, the destructive processes are carried on more rapidly than the substitution of waste products by ab- sorption, and a gradual weakening of vital energy, or even a gradual death of the bacterium, may take place. When certain bacteria form spores, they become very much more resistant against both high and low temperatures, probably because a true resting stage has been ‘reached, during which metabolism has been reduced to a minimum, there being practically no nutritive material taken in and corresponding- ly little destruction taking place within the body of the microorganism. The optimum temperature for various bacteria depends upon the habitual environment, in which the particular species is accustomed to exist. Thus, for the large majority of bacteria pathogenic for human beings, the optimum temperature is at or about 37.5° C. There are a large number of bacteria common in water, however, which grow hardly at all at the body temperature, but thrive most luxuriantly at temperatures of about 20° C. F. Forster,’ moreover, described certain phosphorescent bacteria, isolated from sea-water, which grow readily at 0° C., or a little above. On the other hand, Miquel? has described non- motile bacilli, which he isolated from the water of the Seine, which grew rapidly at temperatures ranging about 70° C., and the so-called “muce- dinées thermophiles,”’ described by Tsiklinski,? develop most readily at temperatures very little above this. It is thus plain that the tempera- tures favored by various bacteria depend to a large extent upon an adaptation of these bacteria through many generations to specific en- vironmental conditions. A good illustration of this is furnished by the bacillus of avian tuberculosis, a microorganism differing essentially 1 F, Forster, Cent. f. Bakt., ii, 1887. 2 Miquel, Bull. de la Stat. Munic. de Paris, 1879, 3 Tsiklinski, Ann. Past., 1889. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 33 from the bacillus of human tuberculosis in that its optimum growth temperature lies at 41°-42° C., a temperature which exceeds the op- timum temperature for the human type by as much as the normal tem- perature of birds exceeds that of man. The same principle is illustrated by the facts that the bacteria which have a very low optimum tem- perature are usually those isolated from water, and the so-called ther- mophile or high-temperature bacteria are obtained from hot springs and from the upper layers of the soil, where, according to Globig,' occasion- ally temperatures ranging from about 55° C. occur. As stated before, one and the same species may develop within a wide temperature range, and it may be possible, by persistent cultiva- tion at special temperatures, to adapt certain bacteria to grow luxu- tiantly at temperatures removed by several degrees from their normal optimum. In such cases it may often occur that special characteristics of the given species may be lost. An example of this is the loss of viru- lence and of spore-formation which takes place when anthrax bacilli are cultivated at 42° C., or the loss of the power to produce pigment when bacillus prodigiosus is grown at temperatures above 30° C. The vegetative forms of most of the pathogenic bacteria may grow at temperatures ranging between 20°C. and 40° C. This can, however, by no means be regarded as applicable to all of the pathogenic bacteria, as some of these, like the gonococcus, the pneumococcus, the tubercle bacillus, and others, are delicately susceptible to temperature changes and have the power of growing only within limits varying but a few degrees from their optimum. Others, on the other hand, like bacilli of the colon group, Bacillus anthracis, Spirillum cholere asiatice, etc., may develop at temperatures as low as 10° C. and as high as 40° C., or over. The range of temperature at which saprophytic bacteria may develop is usually a far wider one. When temperatures exceed in any considerable degree the maximum growth temperature, the vegetative forms of bacteria perish. Thus, ten minutes’ exposure to a temperature of between 55° and 60° C. causes death of the vegetative forms of most microorganisms. Death in such cases is due probably to a coagulation of the protoplasm, and since all such processes of coagulation take place best in the presence of water, the thermal death point of most bacteria is lower when heat is applied in the form of boiling water or steam, than when employed as dry heat. (See section on Sterilization.) When spores are present in cultures, the resistance to heat is enor- * Globig, Zeit. f. Hyg., iii. 34 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE mously increased. Exactly what the explanation of this is can not be at present stated. It may be that the high concentration in which the protoplasmic mass is found in the spores renders it less easily coagulable than is the protoplasm of the vegetative body. A more detailed discus- sionof these relations will be found in the section on Heat sterilization. The thermal death points of a large number of bacteria have been very carefully studied by Sternberg,’ by a special technique described elsewhere. The thermal death points ascertained by him in this way, with an exposure of ten minutes in a fluid medium, for some of the more common non-sporogenic bacteria are as follows: Spirillum cholere asiatice............ 06. eee eee 52°C. Diplococcus pneumonia ......... 0... cee eee 52°C. Streptococcus pyogenes ........... 0. cece eee ee tere eens 54°C. Bacillus typhosus 2.06: ccueek ceeds Lakh bia eek sew Rade ow wees 56° C. Bacillus pyocyaneus ....... 0... ccc eee ete ene 56° C. Bacillus mucosus capsulatus ......... 0.0.0 cee eee ee eee ee 56° C. Bacillus prodigiosus........... Fine stapes BAER SINS odes ales ne 58° C. Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus ......... 6. eee cee eee 58°C. GONOCOCCUS 5/055 ase pnd das vase BOA eee SES ade TOLER RAG ees tee 60° C. Staphylococcus pyogenes albus .......... 0.0.0 eee ee eee 62°C. The bacillus tuberculosis, though not a spore bearer, seems to be slightly more resistant to heat than other purely vegetative microorganisms. Thus, according to the researches of Smith * and others, ten and twenty minutes’ exposure to a temperature of 70° C. is necessary to destroy ‘tubercle bacilli in a fluid medium. For the effectual destruction of spores by moist heat, a temperature of 100°C., or boiling point, is usually necessary. Low temperatures are much less destructive than the high ones, and are even in a number of cases useful in keeping bacteria alive for long periods, inasmuch as metabolic processes are inhibited and life is maintained without actual development in a sort of resting state. Actual destruction by low temperatures rarely takes place. The exposure of diphtheria, typhoid, and other bacilli to temperatures as low as 200° C. below zero has been carried out without destruction of the microorganisms, a fact which is of great importance in considering the possibility of infection by the vehicle of ice. Meningococci and gonococci, on the other hand, die out rapidly when exposed to 0° C. 1 Sternberg, “Textbook of Bacteriology,’ New York, 1901. 2 Th. Smith, Jour. of Experimental Med., No. 3, 1899. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 35 Relation to Pressure.—High pressure does not exert any noticeable effects upon bacteria. In the experiments of Certes,! a pressure of two atmospheres seemed to have no influence upon the growth and motility of anthrax bacilli suspended in blood. Relation to Moisture.—For the growth and development of all bac- teria, the presence of water in the culture medium is necessary. It is’ self-evident that nutritive materials can not be absorbed by an osmotic process unless in a state of solution. While complete dryness does not permit growth, its destructive action upon various bacteria is. subject to great differences. The effect of complete drying upon bacteria will be found more fully discussed in the section upon the destruction of bacteria by physical agents. (See page 62.) In the same séction may be found a discussion of the effects of light, electricity, x-ray, and radium rays upon bacteria. THE CLASSIFICATION OF BACTERIA Too simple in structure, too varied in biological properties to be definitely. identified with either the vegetable or animal kingdom, the bacteria are placed at the bottom of the scale of all living beings. Closely linked on the one hand to the plant kingdom by the yeasts and the molds, and on the other to the animal kingdom by the protozoa, they themselves combine, within one and the same division, attributes so widely divergent as to structure, metabolism, and biological activity that their grouping is more a matter of working convenience than of actual scientific classification. Thus, for instance, all stages of metabolic ac- tivity fill in the gap between the synthetizing sulphur and nitrifying bacteria and the purely katabolic activities of some of the aérobic and anaérobic microorganisms which cause putrefaction. Growth takes place within the limits of a wide temperature range, and the specific modes of life and cultural conditions are subject to the widest varia- tions, from those of an indisputably useful saprophytism to those of the most exquisite parasitism. Although, therefore, strictly speaking, the bacteria can be classified as a whole neither in the animal nor in the vegetable realms, being nonchlorophyll-bearing, they are for conve- nience classified with the fungi or colorless plants. The -relationship of the bacteria to other simple plants may be graphically represented by the following scheme: 1 Certes, Compt. rend. de l’acad, d, se., 99, Paris, 1884, 36 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE CRYPTOGAMIA. . THALLOPHYTA, | ALG. LicHENs. Funct. ScuyYzOMYCETES BLASTOMYCETES HyPHoMYCETES (Bacteria). (Yeasts). (Moulds—Oidia). | Coccacea. Chlamydobacteria. Bacteriacex. (Higher bacteria.) Spirillacez. Streptothrix. Cladothrix. Leptothrix. Actinomyces. The special classification of the bacteria has offered still greater difficulties, for the lower we proceed in the phylogenetic scale of living . beings, the less specialized the morphological and biological charac- teristics of any group become, and the more difficult it is to establish a classificaiion which can in any way be regarded as final. It is, there- fore, quite impossible to classify the bacterial varieties or species on any basis which can hope to satisfy all the demands of scientific accuracy and it is necessary to resort to the expedient of utilizmg some one characteristic which remains constant for the individual genus and to base upon this an attempt at grouping. When bacteria were first dis- covered, and for many years following, numerous observers contended that the form of the microorganism observed was not a constant one for each genus, but that cocci could be converted into bacilli or spirilla according to environmental conditions. It was Cohn* who, in 1872, first recognized the constancy of the morphology of bacteria and es- tablished, upon morphological basis, a classification which, with minor changes, has been retained until the present day. Such classifications can not, however, be regarded as anything more than a convenient make-shift pending the day when the finer structure and true biological relations of the various bacteria shall have been more accurately inves: tigated. The scheme most commonly accepted at present is the one given below, proposed by Migula’: * 1 Cohn, “ Beitrage zur Biol. d. Pflanzen,” Heft 1 u. 2, 1872. 4 Migula, ‘System d. Bakt.,”’ Jena, 1897. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 37 Bacteria (Schizomycetes).—Fission fungi (chlorophyll free) with cell division in one, two, or three directions of space. Many varieties possess the power of forming endospores. Whenever motility is present, it is carried on by means of flagella, or, more rarely, by undulating membranes. Famity I. Coccacrm.—Cells in free state perfectly spherical. Division in one, two, or three directions of space, by which each spherical cell divides into two, four, or eight segments, each of which again develops into a perfect sphere. Endospore formation rare. Genus I. Streptococcus.—Cells divide in one direction of space only, for which reason, if they remain connected after fission, bead- like chains may be formed. No organs of locomotion. Genus II. Micrococcus (Staphylococcus).—Cells divide in two directions of space, whereby, if the cells remain connected after fission, tetrad and grape-like clusters may be formed. No organs of locomotion. Genus III. Sarcina.—Cells divide in three directions of space, whereby, if they remain connected after fission, bale-like packets are formed. No organs of locomotion. Genus IV. Planococcus.—Cells divide in two directions of space, as in micrococcus, but possess flagella. Genus V. Planosarcina.—Cells divide in three directions of space as in sarcina, but possess flagella. Famity II. Bacrertacr#.—Cells long or short, cylindrical, straight, never spiral. Division in one direction of space only, after pre- liminary elongation of the, rods. Genus I. Bacterium.—Cells without flagella, often with endospores, Genus II. Bacillus —Cells with peritrichal flagella, often with endospores. Genus III. Pseudomonas.—Cells with polar flagella. Endospores occur in a few species, but are rare. Famity III. Sprrrnuacea#.—Cells spirally curved or representing a part of a spiral curve. Division in one direction of space only, after preceding elongation of cell. Genus I. Spirosoma.—Cells without organs of locomotion. Rigid. Genus II. Microspira.—Cells rigid, with one or, more rarely, two or three polar undulated flagella. 38 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE Genus III. Spirillum.—Cells rigid, with polar tufts of five to twenty flagella usually curved in semicircular or flatly undulating curves. Genus IV. Spirochete.—Cells sinously flexible. Organs of locomo- tion unknown, perhaps a marginal undulating membrane. Famity IV. CHLAMYDOBACTERIACEH.—Forms of very varying stages of evolution, but all distinguished by a rigid sheath (Hiille) or covering, which surrounds the cells. The cells are united in branched or unbranched threads. Genus I. Streptothriz.—Cells united in simple, unbranched threads. Division in one direction of space only. Reproduction by non- motile conidia. Genus II. Cladothrix.—Cells united or pseudodichotomously branch- ing threads. Division in one direction of space only. Vegeta- tive multiplication by separation of entire branches. Repro- duction by swarming forms with polar flagella. Genus III. Crenothriz.—Cells united in unbranched threads, at ‘ first with division in one direction of space only. Later the cells divide in all three directions of space. The daughter cells be- come rounded and develop into reproductive cells. Genus IV. Phragmidiothriz.—Cells at first united in unbranched threads, dividing in three directions of space, thus forming a rope of cells. Later some of the cells may penetrate through the delicate sheath, and thus give rise to branches. Genus V. Thiothrix.—Unbranched, non-motile threads, inclosed in fine sheaths. Division of cells in one direction only. Cells contain sulphur granules. Famity V. Breceratoace®.—Cells united in sheathless threads. Division in one direction of space only. Motility by undulating membrane as in Oscillaria. Genus Beggiatoa.—Cells with sulphur granules. It will be seen in reviewing the classification just given that the sub- divisions are based upon questions of form, motility, and situation of flagella. While these characteristics, so far as we know, are constant, there are, nevertheless, many instances in which types entirely sinner in these respects must be differentiated. This can be done only by care- ful study of staining reactions, finer structure, cultural characteristics, and biological activities. RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT—CLASSIFICATION 39 As a matter of fact, while the botanical classification of the bacteria offers almost insurmountable difficulties, actual identification is not so complicated a task as this would indicate.. Identification, once roughly made on a morphological basis, is further carried on by the aid of cul- tural characteristics, such as the conditions favorable and unfavor- able for growth, appearance of growth on different media, and pigment formation, by biochemical reactions and by pathogenic properties. The bacteria occupy so important a place in agriculture, in medicine, and in hygiene, that it rarely becomes necessary for a worker in any par- icular field to survey the entire group. The habitat of a large number of pecies is so well known that this consideration alone often gives a clew avaluable for actual identification. CHAPTER IV THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA WHILE the bacteria pathogenic to man and animals largely usurp the attention of those interested in disease processes, this group of micro- organisms is after all but a small specialized off-shoot of the realm of bacteria, and, broadly speaking, actually of minor importance. Sur- veying the existing scheme of nature, as a whole, it is not an extrava- gant statement to say that without the bacterial processes which are constantly active in the reduction of complex organic substances to their simple compounds, the chemical interchange between the animal and vegetable kingdoms would fail, and all life on earth would of necessity cease. To understand the full significance of this, it is neces- sary to consider for a moment the method of the interchange of matter between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. All animals require for their sustenance organic compounds. They are unable to build up the complex protoplasmic substances which form their body cells from chemical elements or from the simple inorganic salts. They are dependent for the manufacture of their food-stuffs, therefore, directly or indirectly, upon the synthetic or anabolic activi- ties of the green plants. These plants, by virtue of the chlorophyll contained within the cells of their leaves and stems, and under the influence of sunlight, possess the power of utilizing the carbon of the carbonic acid gas of the atmos- phere, and of combining it with water and the nitrogenous salts ab- sorbed by their roots, building up from these simple radicles the highly complex substances required for animal sustenance. These products of the synthetic activity of the green plants, then, are ingested by members of the animal kingdom, either directly, in the form of vegetable food, or indirectly, as animal matter. They are utilized in the complex laboratory of the animal body and are again broken down into simpler compounds, which leave the body as excreta and secreta. The excreta and secreta of animals, however, are, in a small part only, made up of substances simple enough to be directly utilized by plants. The dead bodies, moreover, of both animals and plants would 40 THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA Al be of little further value as stores of matter unless new factors inter- vened to reduce them to that simple form in which they may again enter into the synthetic laboratory of the green plant. Agents for further cleavage of these compounds are required, and these are supplied by the varied activities of the bacteria. On the other hand, bacteria are also important in the process of synthesis. The main supply of nitrogen available for plant life is found in the elementary state in the atmosphere—a condition in which it can not be utilized as a raw product by the plant. This gap again is bridged by the bacteria found in the root bulbs of the leguminous plants —hbacteria which possess the power of assimilating or aiding in the as- similation of atmospheric nitrogen and its preparation for further use by the plant itself. Another bacterial activity which may be classified as an anabolic process is the oxidation of the ammonia, released by decomposi- tion, into nitrites and nitrates. This is carried on by certain bacteria of the soil. These are to be treated of in greater detail in another section. There is a constant circulation, therefore, of nitrogen and carbon compounds, between the plant and the animal kingdoms, by virtue of an anabolic or constructive process in the one, and a katabolic or destruc- tive process in the other, rendering them mutually interdependent and indispensable. The circuit, however, is not by any means a closed one; there are important gaps, both in the process of cleavage and in that of synthesis, which, if left unbridged by the bacteria, would effectually arrest all life-activity of plants and eventually of animals. Far from being scourges, therefore, these minute microorganisms are paramount factors in the great cycle of living matter, supplying necessary links in the circulation of both nitrogenous and carbon com- pounds. KATABOLIC ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA The katabolic activities of bacteria, then, consist in the fermentation of carbohydrates and in the cleavage of proteids and fats. Fermentation is carried out to a large extent by the yeasts, but also to no inconsiderable degree by bacteria. Proteid decomposition and the cleavage of fats are carried out almost exclusively by bacteria. For our knowledge of the fundamental laws underlying these phe- nomena of fermentation and proteid decomposition, we are indebted to the genius of Pasteur,’ who was the first to prove experimentally the ' Pasteur, “ Ftude sur la bi re,” Paris, 1876. 42 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE exclusive and specific parts played by various microorganisms in these processes. While the observations and deductions made by Pasteur have not been greatly modified, a large store of information has been gained since his time, which has thrown additional light upon the chemical de- tails and the more exact manner of action of the factors involved. The actual work of cleavage in both fermentation and proteid cleav- age is carried out by substances known as enzymes or ferments, the nature of which we must further discuss before their manner of action can be fully comprehended. Bacterial Enzymes or Ferments.—A ferment or enzyme is a substance produced by a living cell, which brings about a chemical reaction with- out entering into the reaction itself. The enzyme itself is not bound to any of the end products and is not appreciably diminished in quantity after the reaction is over, although its activity may be finally inhibited by oneor another of thenew products. The action of bacterial enzymes is thus seen to be closely similar to that of the chemical agents technically spoken of as “katalyzers,” represented chiefly by dilute acids. Thus, if an aqueous solution of saccharose is brought into contact with a dilute solution of sulphuric acid, the disaccharid is hydrolyzed and is decomposed into levulose and dextrose. Thus: C,,H..0,, + H,O = OH,,0, + C,H,, 0% In contact with Dextrose Levulose dilute H,S 0, During this process, which is known as “inversion,” the concentration of the sulphuric acid remains entirely unchanged. While theoretically the changes brought about by enzymes and katalyzers are usually such as would occur spontaneously, the time for the spontaneous oc- currence would be, at ordinary temperatures, infinitely long. The defini- tion for enzymes and katalyzers is given by Ostwald, therefore, as “substances which hasten a chemical reaction without themselves taking partin it.” Exactly the same result which is obtained by the use of dilute sulphuric acid is caused by the ferment “invertase” produced, for instance, by B. megatherium. Were a solution of saccharose sub- jected to heat, without katalyzer or ferment, a similar change would occur, but by the mediation of these substances the inversion is pro- duced without other chemical or physical reinforcement. This analogy between enzymes and katalyzing agents is very striking. Thus, as stated, both katalyzers and enzymes bring about THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 43 changes without themselves being used up in the process, both act without the aid of heat, and the reactions brought about by both have occasionally been shown to be reversible. While this last phe- nomenon has been variously shown for katalyzers, the process of re- versibility has been demonstrated for bacterial enzyme action only in isolated cases. Thus, it has been found that by the action of the yeast enzyme maltase upon concentrated dextrose solutions, a re-formation of maltose may occur. In both cases, moreover, the quantity of enzyme or katalyzer is infinitely small in proportion to the amount of material converted by their action. There is a close similarity, furthermore, between the bacterial en- zymes and the ferments produced by specialized cells of the higher ani- mals and plants. For instance, the action of the ptyalin of the saliva or of the diastase obtained from plants is entirely analogous to the starch- splitting action of the amylase produced by many bacteria. The action of all enzymes depends most intimately upon environ- mental conditions. For all of them the presence of moisture is essential. All of them depend for the development of their activity upon the exist- ence of a specifically suitable reaction. Strong acids or alkalies always inhibit, often destroy them. Temperatures of over 70° C. permanently destroy most enzymes, whereas freezing, while temporarily inhibiting their action, causes no permanent injury, so that upon thawing, their activity may be found almost unimpaired. Direct sunlight may injure, but rarely destroys, ferments. Against the weaker disinfectants in com- mon use, enzymes often show a higher resistance than do the bacteria which give rise to them. The optimum conditions for enzyme action, then, consist in the presence of moisture, the existence of a favorable reaction, weakly acid or alkaline, as the case may be, and a temperature ranging from 35°- 45° C. Proteolytic Enzymes.—In nature, the decomposition of dead animal and vegetable matter occurs only when the conditions are favorable for bacterial development. Thus, as is well known, freezing, sterilizing by heat, or the addition of disinfectants will prevent the rotting of organic material. In the laboratory, the presence of proteolytic enzymes is determined chiefly by the power of bacteria to liquefy gelatin, fibrin, or coagulated blood serum. These ferments are not always secretions from the bac- 1 Oppenheimer, “ Die Fermente,” etc. Leipzig, 1900. 14 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE terial cell, but in some cases may be closely bound to the cell-body and separable only by extraction after death. In such cases they are spoken of as endoenzymes. Whenever they are true secretory products, however, they can be obtained separate from the microorganisms which form them by filtration through a Berkefeld candle. From such filtrates they may, in some cases, be obtained in the dry state by precipitation with alcohol. When obtained in this way the precipitated enzyme is usually much more thermostable than when in solution, for while soluble enzymes in filtrates are usually destroyed by 70° C., and even less, the dried powder may occasionally withstand 140° C. for as long as ten minutes.’ Apart from the general conditions of temperature and moisture, the development of these enzymes seems to depend directly upon the presence of proteids in the culture media. The number of bacterial species which produce proteciytic enzymes is legion. Among those more com- monly met with are staphylococci, B. subtilis, B. proteus, B. faecalis liquefaciens, Spirillum cholere asiatice, B. anthracis, B. tetani, B. pyo- cyaneus, and a large number of others. The inability of any given micro- organism to liquefy gelatin or fibrin by no means entirely excludes the formation by it of proteolytic enzymes, since these ferments may often be active for one particular class of proteid only. In order to study the qualitative and quantitative powers of any given bacterial proteolyzing enzyme or protease, it is, of course, neces- sary to study these processes in pure culture in the test tube with media of known composition. In the refuse heap, in sewage, or in rotting excreta, the process is an extremely complicated one, for besides the bacteria which attack the proteid molecule itself, there are many other species supplementing these and each other, one species attacking the more or less complex end-products left by the action of the others. Exactly what the chemical reactions are which take place in these cleavages is not entirely clear. It is believed, however, that most of the cleavages are of an hydrolytic nature. In general, the action of the proteid-splitting ferments is comparable to that of the pancreatic ferment trypsin, and they are most often active in an alkaline environment. They differ, among themselves, chiefly in the form of proteid which they are competent to attack, and in the extent to which they are able to reduce it toward its simple radicles. A distinction is occasionally made between the terms putrefaction and decay, the former being used to refer to the decomposition taking 1 Funrmann, “ Die Bakterienzyme,” p. 45, THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 45 place under anaérobic conditions, that is, in the absence of oxygen, a process usually resulting in incomplete cleavage of the proteid medium; the latter being used to signify decompositions under aérobic conditions and leading to a more complete splitting, the end-products often being represented by such simple compounds as carbon dioxide, water, and ammonia. In general, the products of putrefaction are largely repre- sented by the amino-acids, leucin and tyrosin, fatty acids, mercaptan, indol, and skatol. The gases generated in such decomposition are largely made up of CO,, hydrogen, NH, and H,S. The coincident presence, furthermore, of the carbohydrate-splitting bacteria and of denitrifying microorganisms renders the actual process of putrefaction a chaos of many activities in which the end-products and by-products are qualita- tively determinable only with much inexactitude, and which com- pletely defies any attempt at quantitative analysis. Ptomains.—There are certain products, however, resulting from the proteolytic action of bacterial enzymes upon proteids which claim more than a purely chemical interest because of their toxic action upon the animal organism, and their consequent importance as incitants of dis- ease. Pre-eminent among these are the ptomains. The word ptomain (from ztéya, a dead body) is used to designate organic chemical compounds produced by the action of bacteria, which are basic in char- acter; that is, are able to combine with an acid to form a salt. They should be definitely distinguished from the so-called leucomains, a term employed to designate similar substances formed in the course of proteid metabolism within the animal body, and not bacterial in origin. Both in their basic characters and in their nitrogenous constitu- tion, the ptomains resemble the vegetable alkaloids, and for this reason are sometimes spoken of as “animal alkaloids.” The ptomains must be sharply distinguished from the bacterial toxins, which are products of the bacterial growth irrespective of the medium in which they are grown, except in so far as this hinders or abets the development of the microorganisms. Thus, toxins may be developed by diphtheria organisms, for instance, in proteid-free media. As will be seen in a subsequent section, the true toxins are comparable to the enzymes themselves, rather than to their cleavage products, rep- resented in this instance by the ptomains. A great number of ptomains are chernically known. Many of these possess little or no toxicity. Others, however, like putrescin (tetramethylenediamin, C,H,,N,) and cadaverin (C;H,,N,) are very highly poisonous. It is to one or another of these ptomains that most 46 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE eases of so-called meat poisoning (kreatoxismus), cheese poisoning (tyrotoxismus), or vegetable poisoning (sitotoxismus) are due. In each individual case the variety of ptomain resulting from a bac- terial decomposition varies with the individual species of microorganism taking part in the process and with the nature of the proteid upon which its development takes place. In breaking down animal excreta, the task of the bacteria is rather a simpler one than when dealing with the cadavers themselves, for here a part of the cleavage has already been carried out either by the destruc- tive processes accompanying metabolism, or by partial decomposition by bacteria begun within the digestive tract. This material outside of the body is further reduced by bacterial enzymes into still simpler sub- stances, the nitrogen usually being liberated in the form of ammonia. One example of such an ammoniacal fermentation may be found in the case of the urea fermentation by Micrococcus uree, in which the cleavage of the urea takes place by hydrolysis according to the follow- ing formula: (NH,), CO + 2H, O = CO, + 2NH, + H,O Similar ammoniacal fermentations are carried out, though perhaps according to less simple formule, by a large number of microorganisms. Perhaps the most common species which possesses the power is the group represented by B. proteus vulgaris (Hauser). From what has been said it follows naturally that, so far, the decom- position of the proteid molecule from its complex structure to ammonia or simple ammonia compounds is an indispensably important function, not only for agriculture, but for the maintenance of all life processes. It is clear, on the other hand, that a further decomposition of ammonia compounds into forms too simple to be utilized by the green plants would be a decidedly harmful activity. And yet this is brought about by the so-called denitrifying bacteria which will be considered in a subsequent section. Lab Enzymes.—There are a number of ferments produced by bacteria which, although affecting proteids, can not properly be classified with the proteolytic enzymes. These are the so-called coagulases or lab enzymes, which have the power of producing coagulation in liquid pro- teids. Just what the chemical process underlying this coagulation is, is not known. If Hammarsten’s’ conclusions as to the hydrolytic ‘ Hammarsten, ‘Textbook of Physio], Chemistry,” Translation by Mandel. THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 47 nature of the changes produced by them are true, these enzymes are brought into close relationship to the proteolyzers, although a coagula- tion can hardly be regarded as a true katabolic process. In milk where the lab-action becomes evident by precipitation of casein, a strict dif- ferentiation must be made between this coagulation and that brought about by acids or alkalies. In the former case, casein is not only pre- cipitated and converted into paracasein, but is actually changed so that when redissolved it is no longer precipitated by lab.’ Coagulating enzymes for milk proteids, blood, and other proteid solutions are produced by a large variety of bacteria. They have been observed in cultures of the cholera vibrio, B. prodigiosus, B. pyocyaneus, and several others.” The lab enzymes are easily destroyed by temperatures of 70° C. and over, and are very susceptible to excessive acidity or alkalinity. Fat-Splitting Enzymes (Lipase).—The fat-splitting powers of bac- teria have been less studied than some of the other bacterial func- tions and are correspondingly more obscure. It is known, nevertheless, that the process is due to an enzyme and that it is probably hydrolytic in nature. The following formula represents the simplest method in which some of the molds and bacteria produce cleavage of fats into glycerin and fatty acid. C; H; (Cy Hin, O2)s + 3H, O = C,; H, (OH,) + 3C, H., O, Glycerin Fatty acid Some of the bacteria endowed with the power of producing lipase are the spirillum of cholera, B. fluorescens liquefaciens, B. prodigiosus, B. pyocyaneus, Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, and some members of the streptothrix family. The methods of investigating this function of bacteria, originated by Ejkmann,? consists in covering the bottom of a Petri dish with tallow and pouring over this a thin layer of agar. Upon this, the bacteria are planted. Any diffusion of lipase from the bacterial colonies becomes evident by a formation of white, opaque spots in the tallow. Carriére‘ was able to demonstrate a fat-splitting ferment for the tubercle bacillus. Apart from the importance of these enzymes in nature for the destruction of fats, they are industrially important be- 1 Oppenheimer, “ Die Fermente u. ihre Wirkung,” Leipzig, 1903. 2 Torini, Atti dei laborat. d. sanita, Rome, 1890. 3 Ejkmann, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxix, 1901. 4.Carrizre, Comptes rend. de la soc. de biol., 53, 1901. 48 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE cause of their action in rendering butter, milk, tallow, and allied prod- ucts rancid, and are medically of interest for their action upon fats in the intestinal canal. Enzymes of Fermentation (The Cleavage of Carbohydrates by Bacteria). —The power to assimilate carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is possessed only by the green plants and some of the colored alge, and the sulphur or Thiobacteria. All other living beings are thus dependent for their supply of carbon upon the synthetic activities carried on by these plants to the same degree in which they are de- pendent upon similar processes for their nitrogen supply. The return of this carbon to the atmosphere is, of course, brought about to a large ex- tent by the respiratory processes of the higher animals. The carbon, which, together with nitrogen, forms a part of proteid combinations, is freed, as we have seen in a previous section, by the processes of proteid cleavage. That, however, which is inclosed in the carbohydrate mole- cule, is set free by the action of yeasts, molds, or bacteria, by an cnzy- matic process simila- in every respect to that described above for the process of proteid cleavage. FERMENTATION.—The power of carbohydrate cleavage is possessed by a large number of the yeasts and bacteria. The process, as has been indicated, is of great importance in the cycle of carbon compounds for the return of carbon to its simplest forms, and is, furthermore, as will be seen in a tater section, of great utility in the industries. In each case the power to split a particular carbohydrate is a more or less specific characteristic of a given species of microorganism, and for this reason has been extensively used as a method for the biological differen- tiation of bacteria. In the course of much careful work upon this question it has been ascertained that the specific carbohydrate-splitting powers of any given species are constant and unchanged through many generations of artificial cultivation. Thus, differentiation of the Gram-negative bacteria, the members of the pneumococcus-streptococ- cus group, and the diphtheria group, can now largely be made by a study of their sugar fermentations. In most of these cases, as far as we know, the cleavage is produced by a process of hydrolysis. A convenient nomenclature which has been adopted for the designation of these ferments is that which employs the _ name of the converted carbohydrate adding the suffix “ase” to indicate the enzyme. There are thus ferments known as amylase, cellulase, lac- tase, ete. Amylase (Diastase or Amylolytic Ferment).—Amylases or starch- THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 49 splitting enzymes are formed by many plants (malt) and by animal organs (pancreas, saliva, liver). Among microorganisms amylase is produced by many of the streptothrix group, by the spirilla of Asiatic cholera and of Finkler-Prior, by B. anthracis, and many other bacteria. A large number of the bacteria found in the soil, furthermore, have been shown to produce amylases. By cultivating bacteria upon starch- agar plates, amylase can be readily demonstrated by a clearing of the medium immediately surrounding the colonies.! Since, of course, there are several varieties of starches, it follows that the exact chemical action of amylase differs in individual cases. The determination of the structural disintegration of starch by these fer- ments is fraught with much difficulty, owing to the polymeric constitu- tion of the starches. Primarily, however, a cleavage takes place into a disaccharid such as maltose (hexobiose), and the non-reducing sugars and dextrin. Beyond this point, however, the further cleavages are subject to much variation and are not entirely clear. The dextrins upon further reduction yield eventually dextrose. Cellulase.—Cellulose is fermented by a limited number of bacteria, most of them anaérobes. The chemical process by which this takes place is but poorly understood.’ Gelase.—An agar-splitting ferment has been found by Gran.* Invertase.—The enzymes which hydrolytically cause cleavage of saccharose into dextrose and levulose are numerous. The chemical process takes place according to the following formula: C12 Ho. O1. + Hz O=C, Hi, Og + Cy Hi2 Oo Saccharose Dextrose Levulose Invertase is produced by many of the yeasts. It is one of the most common of the enzymes produced by bacteria, and has been found in cultures of B. megatherium, B. subtilis, pneumococcus, some strepto- cocci, B. coli, and many others. Invertase is usually very susceptible to heat, being destroyed by temperatures of 70° C. and over. A slightly acid reaction of media abets the inverting action of these enzymes. Strong acids and alkalies inhibit them. Inverting enzymes may be precipitated out of solution by alcohol. Antiseptics even in weak con- centrations will inhibit their action. 1 Ejkmann, Cent. f. Bakt., xxix, 1901, and xxxv, 1904. 2 Omelianski, Lafar’s ‘‘ Handb. d. techn. Mykologie,” Bd. iii, Chap. 9. 3 Gran, Bergens Museum Aarbog, 1902, Hft. I. 5 50 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE Lactase.—Lactose-splitting ferments are extremely common both among bacteria and among the yeasts. The process is here again a hydrolytic cleavage resulting in the formation of the monosaccharids as dextrose and galactose. Maltase.—A maltose-splitting ferment has also been found in the cultures of many bacteria, leading to the formation of dextrose. Lactic Acid Fermentation.—Lactic acid (oxyproprionic acid, C, H, O,) is one of the most common substances to appear among the prod- ucts of bacterial activity, both in media containing carbohydrates and in those consisting entirely of albuminous substances. In most of these cases, the lactic acid is formed merely as a by-product accom- panying many other more complicated chemical cleavages. In some instances, however, lactic acid is produced from carbohydrates, both disaccharids and monosaccharids, as an almost pure product due to a specific bio-chemical process. The reactions taking place in this phenom- enon may be briefly expressed according to the following formule: C,, H.,O;, + H,O = AC, Hg Os Lactose Lactic acid or C, H,, O, = 2C, H, O, Dextrose Lactic acid In the same way lactic acid may be produced by bacteria from levu- lose. Examples of lactic acid formation are furnished by the streptococcus lacticus, and B. lactis aérogenes. In the case of the former, the fer- mentation may indeed proceed by the simple chemical process indi- cated in the formule, since the action of the bacillus is entirely unac- companied by the evolution of gas. Numerous other bacteria produce large amounts of lactic acid from lactose, possibly by chemical processes less simply formulated. Among these are bacilli of the colon group, B. prodigiosus, B. proteus vulgaris, and many others. Although lactic acid is usually the chief product in the bacterial fermentation of the simpler carbohydrates, acetic, formic, and butyric acids may often be found as by-products in variable amounts.’ Oxydases (Oxydizing Enzymes).—The most common example of oxidation by means of bacterial ferments is the production of acetic acid 1 Buchner und Meisenheimer, Ber. d Deut. chem. Gesellsch., xxxvi, 1903. THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 51 from weak solutions of ethyl alcohol. This process, which is the basis of vinegar production, is universally carried out by bacterial ferments. While possessed to some extent by a considerable number of microorgan- isms, acetic acid formation is a function pre-eminently of the bacterial groups described by Hansen, including “ Bacterium aceti” and “ Bac- terium pasteurianum.” To these two original groups a number of others have since been added. The organisms are short, plump bacilli, with a tendency to chain- formation, and occasionally showing characteristically swollen centers and many irregular involution forms. In the production of vinegar, as generally practiced by the farmer with cider or wine, these bacteria accumulate on the surface of the fluid as a pellicle or scum which is popularly known as the “mother of vinegar.” Destruction of these bacteria by disinfectants or by sterilization with heat promptly arrests the process of vinegar formation. Chemically, the conversion of the alcohol consists in a double oxidation through ethy! aldehyde into acetic acid as shown in the following formule: 1. C,H; (OH) + O = CH; (COH) Alcohol Ethyl aldehyde 2. CH, (COH) + O = CH, (COOH) Acetic acid Alcoholic Fermentation (Zymase).—The formation of alcohol as an end product of fermentation is of great importance in a number of the industries, primarily in the production of wine and beer. While accom- plished by a number of bacteria, this form of fermentation is carried out chiefly by the yeasts. Expressed in formule the simplest varieties of alcoholic fermenta- tion, from mono- and disaccharids, may be represented as follows: C,H,,0, = 2C,H; (OH) + 2C0, Dextrose Ethyl] alcohol or C,.H,.0,, + H,O0 = 40,H;(OH) + 4C0, Saccharose Ethyl] alcohol Tn all cases the process may not be so simple as indicated by the equa- tions, since by-products, such as higher alcohols, glycerin, succinic and acetic acids, may often be found in small traces among the end- products of such fermentations, The conditions which favor alcoholic 52 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE fermentation by the yeasts are extremely important, since, upon obser- servance of these, depends much of the uniformity of result which is so desirable in the industries mentioned above. The optimum concentra- tion of sugar for the production of the highest quantity of alcohol is at or about 25 per cent. The temperature favoring the process ranges about 30° C. Under such conditions fermentation may continue until the alcohol forms almost a 20-per-cent solution. Most of the fermenta- tions important in the wine, beer, and spirit industries, take place under anaérobic conditions, since the carbon dioxide which is formed soon shuts out any excess of air. In the industrial employment of yeasts for fermentative purposes, it is necessary to work with specific strains, and in scientifically conducted vineyards, breweries, and distilleries the study and pure cultivation of the yeasts form no unimportant part of the work. Certain races of yeasts are more uniform in their fermentative powers than others, and the by- products formed by some races differ sufficiently from those of other races to cause material differences in the resulting substances. In the wine industries, the yeasts differ much from one another according to climatic and other environmental conditions. In vineyards, natural inoculation of the grapes occurs by transportation of the yeast from the soil to the surface of the grapes by wasps, bees, or other insects, through whose alimentary canals the microorganisms pass uninjured. In the autumn the yeast is returned to the soil by falling berries and remains alive in the upper layers of the ground throughout the winter months. In actual practice this natural yeast inoculation is not de- pended upon, but pure cultures of artificially cultivated yeasts are employed for inoculation. In some of the wine-growing countries these are supplied by special government experiment stations. Denitrifying Bacteria.—Nitrogen is most readily absorbed by plants in the form of nitrates. These are furnished to the soil chiefly by the proteid decomposition induced by the proteolytic bacterial enzymes. It is self-evident, therefore, that any cleavage which reduces nitrog- enous matter beyond the stage of nitrates, to nitrites and ammonia, detracts from the value of the nitrogen as a food stuff for plants, and the eventual setting free of nitrogen in the elementary state ren- ders it entirely valueless for any but the leguminous plants. Nevertheless, this process of nitrogen waste or denitrification is constantly going on in nature. In the course of ordinary decomposition, there is a constant reduction of nitrogenous matter to nitrites and salts of ammonia, actively taken part in by a host of bacteria, as many as THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 53 85 out of 109 investigated by Maassen ' being found to possess this power. This, however, is not nearly so harmful a source of nitrogen waste as the process technically spoken of as true denitrification, in which nitrates are reduced, through nitric and nitrous oxides, to elementary nitrogen. This phenomenon, more widely spread among bacteria than at first believed, depends essentially upon simple oxygen extraction from the nitrates by the bacteria, and for this reason goes on most actively when the supply of atmospheric oxygen is low. The first bacteria described as possessing this power of denitrification were the so-called B. denitri- ficans I and II, the first an obligatory anaérobe, the other a facultative aérobe. Since then numerous other bacteria, among them B. coli and B. pyocyaneus, have been shown to exhibit similar activities. It is important agriculturally, therefore, to know that many species which are able to utilize atmospheric oxygen when supplied with it, will get their oxygen by the reduction of nitrates and nitrites when free oxygen is withheld. It is thus clear that a loss of nitrogen is much more apt to proceed rapidly in manure heaps which are piled high and poorly aérated. There are other factors, however, in regard to the physi- ology of these microorganisms, which must be considered for practical purposes. In order that these bacteria may develop their denitrifying powers to the best advantage, it is necessary to supply them with some carbon compound which is easily absorbed by them. This, in decomposing material, is furnished by the products of the carbohydrate cleavage going on side by side with the proteolytic processes. It is still more or less an open question whether the facilitation of denitrification brought about in manure heaps by the presence of hay and straw is due to the carbon furnished by these materials, or whether it is due to the fact that bacilli of this group are apt to adhere to the straw which acts in that case as a means of inoculation. The actual danger of nitrogen depletion of the soil by denitrifying processes is probably much less threatening than was formerly supposed; for, in the first place, the conditions for complete denitrification are much more perfect in the experiment than they ever can be in nature, and the nitrifying processes going on side by side with denitrification make up for much of the loss sustained. 1 Maassen, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1, xxviii, 1901. 54 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE ANABOLIC OR SYNTHETIC ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA Nitrogen Fixation by Bacteria.—The constant withdrawal of nitroge- nous substances from the soil by innumerable plants would soon lead to total depletion were it not for certain forces continually at work re- plenishing the supply out of the large store of free nitrogen in the atmos- phere. This important function of returning nitrogen to the soil in suitable form for consumption by the plants is performed largely by bacteria. It is well known that specimens of agricultural soil when allowed to stand for any length of time without further interference will increase. in nitrogenous content, but that similar specimens, if sterilized, will show no such increase.’ The obvious conclusion to be drawn from this phenomenon is that some living factor in the unsterilized soil has aided in increasing the nitrogen supply. Light was thrown upon this problem when Winogradsky,” in 1893, discovered a microorganism in soil which possessed the power of assimilating large quantities of nitrogen from the air. This bacterium, which he named “Clostridium Pasteurianum,”’ is an obligatory anaérobe which in nature always occurs in symbiosis with two other facultatively anaérobic microorganisms. In sym- biosis with these, it can be cultivated under aérobic conditions and thus grows readily in the upper well-aérated layers of the soil. Although, until now, no other bacteria with equally well-developed nitrogen-fixing powers have been discovered, yet it is more than likely that Clostridium Pasteurianum is not the only microorganism endowed with this function. In fact, Penicillium glaucum and Aspergillus niger, two molds, and two other bacteria described by Winogradsky, have been shown to possess this power slightly, but in an incomparably less marked degree than Clostridium Pasteurianum.* According to the calculations of Sachse,* unsterilized soil may, under experimental conditions, gain as much as 25 milligrams of nitrogen in a season, a statement which permits the calculation of a gain of twelve kilograms of nitrogen per acre annually.” It is very unlikely, however, that such gains actually occur in nature, where nitrogen-fixation and nitrogen-loss usually occur side by side. 1 Berthelot, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., exvi, 1893. 2 Winogradsky, Compt. rend. de la soe. de biol., exvi, 1893, ibid., t. exviii, 1894. 3 Tacke, Landwirtsch. Jahresber., xviii, 1889. 4 Sachse, ‘‘ Agr. Chem.,”’ 1883. 5 Pfeffer, Pfliigers Physiologie, p. 395, THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 55 Agriculturally of even greater importance than the free nitrogen- fixing bacteria of the soil are the bacteria found in the root tubercles of a class of plants known as “leguminose.” It has long been known that this class of plants, including clover, peas, beans, vetch, etc., not only does not withdraw nitrogen from the soil, but rather tends to enrich it. Upon this knowledge has depended the well-known method of alternation of crops employed by farmers the world over. The actual reason for the beneficial influence of the leguminose, however, was not known until 1887, when Hellriegel and Wilfarth ' succeeded in demonstrating that the nitrogen-accumulation was directly related to the root tubercles of the plants, and to the bacteria contained within them. These tubercles, which are extremely numerous—as many as a thousand sometimes occurring upon one and the same plant—are formed by the infection of the roots with bacteria which probably enter through the delicate root-hairs. They vary in size, are usually situated near the main root-stem, and, in appearance, are not unlike fungus growths. Their development is in many respects comparable to the develop- ment of inflammatory granulations in animals after infection, inas- much as the formation of the tubercle is largely due to a reactionary hyperplasia of the plant tissues themselves. They appear upon the seedlings within the first few weeks of their growth as small pink nodules, and enlarge rapidly as the plant grows. At the same time, later in the season, when the plants bear fruit, the root tubercles begin to shrink and crack. When the crops are harvested, the tubercles with the root remain, rot in the ground, and re-infect the soil. Histologically the tubercles are seen to consist of large root cells which are densely crowded with microorganisms. The microorganism itself, “Bacillus radicicola,”’ was first observed within the tubercles by Woronin ? in 1866. The bacilli are large, slender, and actively motile during the early development of the tubercles, but in the later stages assume a number of characteristic involution forms, commonly spoken of as “bacteroids.” They become swollen, T and Y shaped, or branching and threadlike. Their isolation from the root tubercles usually presents little difficulty, since.they grow readily upon gelatin and agar under strictly aérobic conditions. On the artificial media the bacillary form is usually well retained, involution forms appearing only upon old cultures. 1 Hellriegel und Wilfarth, Cent. f. Bakt., 1887. 2 Woronin, Bot. Zeit., xxiv, 1866. 56 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE The classical experiments of Hellriegel and Wilfarth conclusively demonstrated the important relation of these tubercle-bacteria to nitro- gen assimilation by the leguminosz. These observers cultivated various members of this group of plants upon nitrogen-free soil—sand—and prevented the formation of root tubercles in some, by sterilization of the sand, while in others they encouraged tubercle formation by inoculation. An example of their results may be given as follows: ! Lupinus luteus was cultivated upon sterilized sand. Some of the pots were inoculated with B. radicicola, others were kept sterile. Com- parative analyses were made of the plants grown in the different pots with the following striking result: Ne ailiod ta eek: Harvested soil, and soil- Gain or dry weight N. present extract loss of N. secant (a) 38.919 .998 022 + .975 RIE REA E SS (b) 33.755 .981 .023 + .958 (c) 0.989 .016 .020 —.004 No root tubercles..... i (d) 0.828 ‘onl “022 009 The great importance of this process in agriculture is demonstrated, furthermore, by a comparison made by the same observers between a legume, the pea, and one of the common nitrogen-consuming crops, oats.” Nitrogen contents Nitrogen contents of seed and soil. of crop. Gain or loss. Oats 0.027 grams 0.007 grams —.020 Peas 0.038 ‘‘ 0.459“ + .421 Exactly what the process is by which the bacteria supply nitrogen to the plant is as yet uncertain. Although the degenerating bacteroids in old nodules are bodily absorbed by the plant, this can not be con- ceived as the only method of supply, since the total nitrogen gain many times exceeds the total weight of bacteria in the nodules. It is probable that the microorganisms during life take up atmospheric nitrogen and secrete a nitrogenous substance which is absorbed by the plant cells. Although formerly the relationship between plant and bacterium was regarded as one of symbiosis and of mutual benefit, the opinions as to this subject show wide divergence. While, according to some authors, the entrance of the bacteria into the plants is regarded as a true in- fection against which the plant offers at first a determined opposition as evidenced by tissue reactions, other observers, notably A. Fischer, regard 1 Pfeffer, “ Planzenphysiologie,” Leipzig, 1897. 2 Hellriegel und Wilfarth, Zeit. d. Ver. f. d. Riibenzucker Industrie, 1888. Quoted from Fischer, “ Vorles. iiber die Bakt.,’”’ Jena, 1903. THE BIQLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 57 the plant as a parasite upon the bacteria, in that it derives the sole benefit from the relationship and eventually bodily consumes its host. Nitrifying Bacteria—A process diametrically opposed in its chem- istry to denitrification and reduction is that which brings about an oxidation of ammonia to nitrites and nitrates. The actual increase of nitrates in soil allowed to stand for any length of time and examined from time to time has been a well-established fact for many years; but it was believed until a comparatively short time ago that this increase was due to a simple chemical oxidation of ammonia by atmospheric oxy- gen. The dependence of nitrification upon the presence of living organ- isms was finally proved by Muntz and Schlossing ? in 1887, who demon- strated that nitrification was abruptly stopped when the soil was sterilized by heat or antiseptics. It remained, however, to isolate and identify the organisms which brought about this ammonia oxidation. This last step in our knowledge of nitrification was taken in 1890, by Winogradsky. Winogradsky? found that the failures experienced by others who had attempted to isolate nitrifying bacteria were due to the fact that they had used the common culture media largely made up of organic substances. By using culture media containing no organic matter Winogradsky succeeded in isolating free from the soil, bacteria which have since that time been confirmed as being the causative factors in nitrification. During his first experiments this author observed that in some of his cultures the oxidation of ammonia went only as far as the stage of nitrite formation, while in others complete oxidation to nitrates took place. Following the clews indicated by this discrepancy, he finally succeeded in demonstrating that nitrification is a double process in which two entirely different varieties of microorganisms take part, the one capable of oxidizing ammonia to nitrites, the other continuing the process and converting the nitrites to nitrates. The nitrite-forming bacteria discovered by Winogradsky, and named Nitromonas or Nitro- somonas, are easily cultivated upon aqueous solutions containing am- monia, potassium sulphate, and magnesium carbonate. According to their discoverer they develop within a week in this medium as a gelat- inous sediment. After further growth this sediment seems to break up and the bacteria appear as oval bodies, which swim actively about and develop flagella at one end. Upon the solid media in ordinary use they can not be cultivated. Special solid media suitable for their cul- 1 Muntz und Schlossing, Compt. rend. de l’acad. des sciences, 1887. 2 Winogradsky, Ann. Past. Inst., iv and v, 1890, 1891. 58 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE tivation and composed of silicic acid and inorganic salts have been described by Winogradsky and by Omeliansky.’ Other nitrite-forming bacteria have since been described by various observers, all of them more or less limited to definite localities. Some of these are similar to nitrosomonas in that they exhibit-the flagellated, actively motile stage. In others this stage is absent. The nitrite-forming bacteria, apart from their great agricultural im- portance, claim our attention because of their unique position in rela- tion to the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Extremely sensitive to the presence of organic compounds, they are able to grow and develop only upon media containing nothing but inorganic material; and this entirely without the aid of any substances comparable to the chlorophyll of the green plants. The source of energy from which this particular class of bacteria derive the power of building up organic compounds from simple substances is to some extent a mystery. The carbon which they unquestionably require for the building up of organic mate- rial may be, as Winogradsky believed, derived to a certain extent from ammonium carbonate. But it is also quite certain that they are capable of utilizing directly atmospheric CO,. In the absence of chlorophyll or of any highly organized chemical compound, it seems likely that the energy necessary for the utilization of the carbon obtained in this simple form is derived from the oxidation of ammonia during the proc- ess of nitrification. The conversion of nitrites into nitrates is carried on by other species of bacteria also discovered by Winogradsky. These bacteria are much more generally distributed than nitrosomonas and probably include a number of varieties. The organism described by Winogradsky is an extremely small bacillus with pointed ends. Capsules have occasionally been made out. It may be cultivated upon aqueous solutions con- taining: Sod: nitrite, 2.4 nee dar cweuile ss amiyaagenes shade sexs ows -1_ per cent. Potass. phosphate...... 0.0.0... e eee eee eee 05 “ “ Magnesium sulph.............. 0000 e cece eee e eee eee 03 “ « Sodium carbonate. ........ 0... cece eee eee eee addy) GED 8 Ferrous:sulphate:, «00043 ioe saetdic dg bea nn ae td aaa s 04 “" The development of the organism is slow and sparse, and is directly inhibited by the presence of organic matter. It is strongly inhibited by the presence of ammonia. The Liberation of Energy by Bacteria.—Like all other living beings, 1 Omeliansky, Cent. f. Bakt., II, 5, 1899. THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 59 bacteria in their metabolic processes liberate energy. It has been shown by several observers that slight quantities of heat are given off from actively growing cultures. The functions, furthermore, of reproduction, motility, and enzyme formation may be looked upon as forms of energy liberation. In addition to this, certain bacteria have been observed which may liberate energy in the form of light. Light Production by Bacteria.—The production of light by bacteria is a power possessed chiefly by certain species inhabiting salt water. Thus, much of the phosphorescence observed at sea, though more fre- quently due to Medusa and other invertebrate animals, is caused by these bacteria. Numerous species which produce this phenomenon have been isolated, too many, and too unimportant, to be individually described. All of them are aérobes and require highly complex food stuffs. They are closely allied to the putrefactive bacteria, and in the sea are usually found upon rotting animal matter.‘ The production of light seems directly dependent upon the free access of oxygen, since no light appears under anaérobic conditions. Their luminous quality, moreover, is not a true phosphorescence, in that it does not depend upon previous illumination and develops as well in cultures kept in the dark as in those which have been exposed to light.? The Formation of Pigment by Bacteria (Chromobacteria).—A large number of bacteria, when cultivated upon suitable media, give rise to characteristic colors which are valuable as marks of differentiation. For each species, the color is usually constant, depending, to a certain extent, upon the conditions of cultivation. In only a few of the pigmented bacteria is the pigment contained within the cell body, and in only one variety, the sulphur bacteria, does the pigment appear to hold any distinct relationship to nutrition. In most cases, the coloring matter is found to be deposited in small intercellular granules or globules. The absence of any relationship of the pigment to sunlight, as is the case with the chlorophyll of the green plants, is indicated by the fact that most of the chromobacteria thrive and produce pigment equally well in the dark as they do in the presence of light. Among the most common of the pigment bacteria met with in bacteriological work are Staphy- lococcus pyogenes aureus, Bacillus pyocyaneus, Bacillus prodigiosus, and some of the green fluorescent bacteria frequently found in feces. The chemical nature of these pigments has been investigated quite thoroughly and it has been shown that they vary in composition. 1 Pfliiger’s Arch. f. Phys., xi, 1875. ? Fischer, Cent. f. Bakt., ili, 1888. 60 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE Some of the pigments, like that of Staphylococcus aureus, are probably non-proteid and of a fatty nature.1_ They are insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, ether, and chloroform. Because of their probable composition, they have been spoken of as “lipochromes.” Other pigments, like the pyocyanin, which lends the green color to cultures of Bacillus pyocyaneus, are water soluble and are probably of proteid composition. Pyocyanin may be crystallized out of aqueous solu- tion in the form of fine needles. The crystals may be redissolved in chloroform. Aqueous solutions retain their color. Solutions in chloro- form, however, are changed gradually to yellow. The power of pigment production of various bacteria depends in each case upon cultural conditions. In most cases, this simply signifies that pigment is produced only when the microorganism, finding the most favorable environmental conditions, is enabled to develop all its func- tions to their fullest extent. Thus, a too high, acidity or alkalinity of the culture medium may inhibit pigment formation. Oxygen is neces- sary for the production of color in some bacteria, since the bacteria them- selves often produce the pigment only as a leuko-body which is then oxydized into the pigment proper. A notable example of this is the pig- ment of B. pyocyaneus. In other cases, temperature plays an impor- tant réle in influencing color production. Thus, Bacillus prodigiosus refuses to produce its pigment when growing in the incubator. By persistent cultivation in an unfavorable environment, colored cultures may lose their power of pigment production. Sulphur Bacteria.—Wherever the decomposition of organic matter gives rise to the formation of H, §, in cess-pools, in ditches, at the bottom of the sea, and in stagnant ponds, there is found a curiously interesting group of microorganisms, the so-called sulphur or thiobacteria. Red, purple, and colorless, these bacteria all possess the power of utilizing sulphuretted hydrogen and by its oxidation into free sulphur obtain the energy necessary for their metabolic processes. The colorless sul- phur bacteria, the Beggiatoa and Thiothrices, usually appear as threads or chains which, in media containing sufficient H,S, are usually well- stccked with minute globules of sulphur. If found upon decomposing ‘organic matter, they often cover this as a grayish mold-like layer. The red sulphur bacteria, of which numerous species have been described by Winogradsky, may appear as actively motile spirilla (Thiospirillum) or as short, thick bacillary forms. 1 Schroeter, Cent. f. Bakt., xviii, 1895. THE BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES OF BACTERIA 61 The physiology of all the sulphur bacteria, and especially of the colored varieties, is of the greatest interest in that these microorganisms are among the few members of the bacterial group which behave meta~- bolically like the green plants. The higher organic substances play lit- tle or no part in the nutrition of these microorganisms. Strictly aérobic, the colorless thiobacteria are independent of sunlight, while the red and purple varieties exhibit their physiological dependence upon light by accumulating under natural conditions in well-lighted spots. Both varieties possess equally the power of oxidizing sulphuretted hydrogen as a source of energy. The sulphur is then stored as elemental sulphur within the bacterial body and when a lack of food stuffs sets in, the store of sulphur can be further oxidized into sulphurous or sulphuric anhydrides. With this sole source of energy, these bacteria are capable of flourishing aérobically, while an absence of H,S, even in the presence of organic food stuffs, leads to a rapid disappearance of their sulphur contents and an inability to develop. In the case of the colored thiobacteria, the red pigment appears to fulfil, to some extent, a function comparable to that of the chlorophyll of the green plants. Engelmann,’ who has studied this pigment spectroscopically, has found that besides absorbing the red spectral rays there is an absorption of rays on the ultra-red end of the spectrum. The absorption of the red rays between the lines B and C of the spectrum, and of violet rays at the line F, is the same as that of the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll, and it is in the zone of ‘these rays that the physiological effects of chlorophyll are most active. In addition to these absorp- tion bands, the bacteriopurpurin of the red sulphur bacteria shows absorption of the invisible ultra red rays of the spectrum. Engelmann, with a microspectroscope, projected a spectrum into a miscroscopic field in which green alge or, in the case under ‘discussion, red sulphur bacteria had been placed. Other sources of light were, of course, excluded. By adding emulsions of strictly aérobic bacteria to such preparations, an accumulation of microorganisms was observed at those points in the spectrum at which most oxygen was liberated. In the case both of chlorophyll and of the red sulphur bacteria such areas of bacterial accumulation (in oxygen liberation) occurred in the zones of the absorption bands mentioned above. 1 Engelmann, Bot. Zeit., 1888, CHAPTER V THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS No branch of bacteriology has been more fruitful in practical appli- cation than that which deals with the factors which bring about the destruction of microorganisms. Upon the study of this branch has depended the growth and the development of modern surgery. ‘The agents which affect bacteria injuriously are many, and are both physical and chemical in nature. When a procedure completely destroys bacterial life it is spoken of as sterilization or disinfection, the term disinfection being employed more especially to designate the use of chemical agents. When the procedure destroys vegetative forms only, leaving the more resistant spores un- injured, it is spoken of as “incomplete sterilization.” When an agent, on the other hand, does not actually kill the microorganisms, but merely inhibits their growth and multiplication, it is spoken of as an antiseptic. The term deodorant is indiscriminately applied to substances which mask or destroy offensive odors, and may or may not possess disinfectant or antiseptic value. Some deodorants act chemically on the noxious gases, destroying them. PHYSICAL AGENTS INJURIOUS TO BACTERIA The principal physical agents which may exert deleterious action upon bacteria are: drying, light, electricity, and heat. Drying.—Complete desiccation eventually destroys most of the path- ogenic bacteria, yet great differences in resistance to this condition are shown by various microorganisms. Ficker,! who has made a systematic study of the influence of complete drying upon bacteria, concludes that the resistance of bacteria to desiccation is influenced by the age of the culture investigated, the rapidity with which the withdrawal of moisture 1 Fucker, Zeit, f, Hyg., xxix, 1896, 62 THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 63 is accomplished, and the temperature at which the process takes place. Microorganisms like the gonococcus and the Pfeiffer bacillus, are destroyed by drying within a few hours. The cholera vibrio dried upon a coverslip was found by Koch * to be killed within four hours; by Burck- holtz,? to survive about twenty-four hours. The spore-forms of bacteria are infinitely more resistant to this influence than are the vegetative forms, though they may be destroyed by rapid and complete drying in a desiccator. It is self-evident that many discrepancies in the experimental results of various authors may depend upon the technique of investiga- tion, since the degree of drying attained depends intimately upon the thickness and consistence of the material investigated, and upon the methods employed for desiccation. Light.—Direct sunlight is a powerful germicide for all bacteria except a limited number of species like the thio- or sulphur bacteria, which utilize sunlight for their metabolic processes as do the green plants. Koch * has shown that exposure to sunlight will destroy the tubercle bacillus within two hours or less, the time depending upon the thick- ness of the exposed layers and the material surrounding the bacilli. Confirmatory researches have been published by Mignesco ‘ and others. The powerful disinfecting influence of sunlight upon bacteria suspended in water has been shown by Buchner.’ Observations in regard to the influence of sunlight upon anthrax spores have been made by Arloing,° and similar observations upon a number of other microorganisms have been carried out by Dieudonné, Janowski, v. Esmarch, and many others. All these observers, while differing somewhat as to the time necessary for bacterial destruction, agree in finding definite and pow- erful bactericidal action of sunlight. Diffuse light, of course, is less active than direct sunlight. According to Buchner, typhoid bacilli are inhibited by direct sunlight in one and one-half hours, by diffuse light in five hours. A remarkable statement is made by Arloing, who claims to have found that anthrax spores are more quickly destroyed by direct sunlight than are the vegetative cells. This fact would call for further confirmation. 1 Koch, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, iii, 1887. 2 Burkholtz, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, v, 1889. 3 Koch, X Internat. Med. Congress, Berlin, 1890. 4 Mignesco, Arch. f. Hyg., xxv, 1896. 5 Buchner, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xi, 1892. 6 Arloing, Compt. rend. de l’acad. d. sci., c, 1885. 64 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE It has been shown by various authors that the influence of sunlight is not to be attributed in any way to temperature, nor always to a direct action of the light upon the bacteria, but depends largely upon photo- chemical changes produced by the light rays in the media. Richardson * and Dieudonné ? conclude that under ordinary aérobic conditions in fluid environment peroxide of hydrogen is formed under the influence of light. Novy and Freer? believe that the bactericidal effects in fluids noticed as a result of exposure to light are too strong to be explained by the formation of small quantities of peroxide of hydrogen, and attribute this action to organic peroxides formed under the described conditions, such as the peroxides of diacetyl, benzoylacetyl, and others. These views are somewhat strengthened by the fact that exclusion of oxygen from media markedly diminishes the bactericidal power of light.1 That the photochemical changes alone, however, do not explain this action follows from the fact that dried bacteria, not surrounded by media, are subject to a similar action.® In analyzing sunlight in regard to its bactericidal power, it has been found by various observers that the most powerful action is exerted by the ultraviolet spectral rays, whereas the yellow, red, and ultra-red rays are practically innocuous.® It is of importance to note that sunlight has been found also to have a strong attenuating influence’? upon some bacterial poisons, as shown by the experiments of Ferri and Celli upon tetanus toxin. Electric light exerts a distinct bactericidal action when applied in strengths of 800 to 900 candle power for seven or eight hours.® Rontgen or x-rays are said by Zeit,® Blaise '° and Sambac, and others to be without appreciable germicidal power. Rieder,’' on the other hand, has reported definite inhibition of bacterial growth after exposures of half an hour to z-rays. 1 Richardson, Jour. Chem. Soc., i, 1893, Ref. Deut. chem. Gesells., xxvi. 2 Dieudonné, loc. cit. 3 Novy and Freer, 3d Ann. Meeting Assn. Amer. Bacteriologists, Chicago, 1901. + Rouz, Ann. Inst. Past., ix, 1887. 5 Dieudonné, loc. cit. 6 Ward, Proc. Royal Soc., 52, 1893. 1 Ferri and Celli, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xii, 1892. 8 Dieudonné, loc. cit. ® Zeit, Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., xxxvii, 1901. 10 Blaise and Sambac, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 1896. u Rieder, Minch. med. Woch., 1898. THE DESTRUCTION: OF BACTERIA 65 Radium rays have a distinct inhibitory and even bactericidal power when applied at distances of a few centimeters for several hours.! Electricity. If we exclude the indirect actions of heat and electro- lysis, it can hardly be said that the direct bactericidal action of electric currents has been satisfactorily demonstrated. Such action, however, has been claimed by d’Arsonville and Charrin,? and by Spilker and Gottstein? Heat.—The most widely applicable and efficient physical agent for sterilization is heat. The dependence of bacteria for growth and vitality upon the main- tenance of a proper temperature in their environment, and the ranges of variation within which bacteria may thrive, have been discussed in a preceding section, in which a table of so-called “thermal death points” has been given. In the method of expressing these values it was seen that two elements entered into the destruction of bacteria by heat, namely, that of the degree of temperature which is applied, and that of the time of application. The prolonged application of moderately high temperatures, in other words, may in certain instances, accomplish the same result as the brief use of extremely high ones. In general, the death of bacteria following prolonged exposure to temperatures but slightly exceeding the optimum is due to the inability of the anabolic processes to keep pace with the accelerated katabolic processes, gradual attenuation resulting in death. At somewhat higher temperatures death results from coagulation of the bacterial protoplasm, and at still higher degrees of heat, applied in the dry form, direct burning of the bacteria may be the cause of their destruction. Heat may be applied in the form of dry heat or as moist heat, these methods being of great practical value, but differently applicable ac- cording to the nature of the materials to be sterilized. The two methods, moreover, show a marked difference in efficiency, temperature for tem- perature. For the recognition of this fact we are largely indebted to the early researches of Koch and Wolffhiigel,t and of Koch, Gaffky, and Loeffler.® 1 Personal observations. 2 D’Arsonville and Charrin, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol. 3 Spilker and Gottstein, Cent. f. Bakt., I, 9, 1891. 4 Koch und Wolffhigel, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1, 1882. 5 Koch, Gaffky and Loeffler, ibid. 6 66 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE These observers were able to show that the spores of anthrax were destroyed by boiling water at 100° C. in from one to twelve minutes, whereas dry hot air was efficient only after three hours’ exposure to 140° C. Extensive confirmation of these differences has been brought by many workers. An explanation of the phenomena observed is probably to be found in the changes in the coagulability of proteids brought about in them by the abstraction of water. Lewith,* working with various proteids, found that these sub- stances are coagulated by heat at lower temperatures when they contain abundant quantities of water, than when water has been abstracted from them. On the basis of actual experiment with egg albumin he obtained the following results,? which illustrate the point in question: Egg albumin in dilute aqueous solution, coagulated at 56° C. ef i with 25 per cent water, a “ 74-80° C. “ce oe ae 18 “ce “ “ce a9 “cr 80-90° Cc. “ce ie ce 6 bc “ce ee a “ce 145° C. Absolutely anhydrous albumin, according to Haas,? may be heated to 170° C. without coagulation. It is thus clear that bacteria exposed to hot air may be considerably dehydrated before the temperature rises sufficiently to cause death by coagulation, complete dehydration neces- sitating their destruction possibly by actual burning. Bacteria exposed to moist air or steam, on the other hand, may ab- sorb water and become proportionately more coagulable. The same principle, as Lewith points out, probably explains the great resistance. to heat observed in the case of the highly concentrated pro- toplasm of spores. Apart from the actually greater efficiency of moist heat when com- pared with dry heat of an equal temperature, an advantage of great practical significance possessed by moist heat lies in its greater powers of penetration. An experiment carried out by Koch and his associates illustrates this point clearly. Small packages of garden soil were sur- rounded by varying thicknesses of linen with thermometers so placed that the temperature under a definite number of layers could be deter- 1 Lewith, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm., xxvi, 1890. 2 Lewith, loc. cit., p. 351. 3 Haas, Prag. med. Woch., 34-36, 1876. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 67 mined. Exposures to hot air and to steam were then made for com- parison, and the results were as tabulated:' TEMPERATURES REACHED WITHIN THICKNESSES OF LINEN. Tempera- Time of tures. Application. Twenty Forty One Hundred Thicknesses. | Thicknesses. | Thicknesses. Hot air... ../130-140°C.) 4 hours. 86° * 72° Below 70° |{ncomplete steriliza- tion. Steam...... 90-105.3°| 3 hours. 101° 101° 101.5° Complete steriliza- tion. This great penetrating power of steam is due presumably to its com- paratively low specific gravity which enables it to displace air from the interior of porous materials, and also to the fact that as the steam comes in contact with the objects to be disinfected a condensation takes place with the consequent liberation of heat. When a vapor passes into the liquid state it gives out a definite amount of heat, which in the case of water vapor, at 100° C., amounts to about 537 calories. This brings about a rapid heating of the object in question. Following this process the further heating takes place by conduction, and it is, of course, well known that steam is a much better heat conductor than air.’ Moist heat may be applied as boiling water, in which, of course, the temperature varies little from 100° C., or as steam. Steam may be used as live, flowing steam, without pressure, the temperature of which is more or less constant at 100° C., or still higher efficiency may be attained by the use of steam under pressure, in which, of course, temperatures far exceeding 100° C. may be produced, according to the amount of pressure which is used. The spores of certain bacteria of the soil which can not be killed in live steam in less than several hours may be destroyed in a few minutes, oreven instantaneously, in compressed steam at temperatures ranging from 120° to 140° C.° In all methods of steam sterilization, it is of great practical impor- 1 Koch, Gaffky und Loeffler, loc. cit., p. 339. 2 Gruber, Cent. f. Bakt., iii, 1888. 3 Christen, Ref. Cent. f. Bakt., V. xiii, 1893, 68 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE tance, as v. Esmarch ' has pointed out, that the steam shall be saturated, that is, shall contain as much vaporized water as its temperature per- mits. Unsaturated, or so-called “super-heated steam” is formed when heat is applied to steam, either by passage through heated piping or over heated metal plates. In such cases the temperature of the steam is raised, but no further water-vapor being supplied, the steam exerts less pressure and contains less water in proportion to its volume than saturated steam of an equal temperature. The super-heated steam, therefore, is heated considerably over its condensation temperature and becomes literally dried. In consequence, its action is more comparable to hot air than to saturated steam, and up to a certain temperature its disinfecting power is actually less than that of live steam at 100° C. v. Esmarch, who has made a thorough study of these conditions, con- cludes that up to 125° C., the efficiency of superheated steam is lower than that of live steam at 100° C. Above this temperature, of course, it is again active as in the case of ordinary dry heat. Practicat Metuops or Hzar Sreriuization.—Burning.—For ob- jects without value, actual burning in a furnace is a certain and easily applicable method of sterilization. Flaming, by passage through a Bunsen or an alcohol flame, is the method in use for the sterilization of platinum needles, coverslips, or other small objects which are used in handling bacteria in the laboratory. Hot air sterilization is carried out in the so-called “hot air chambers,” simple devices of varied construction. The apparatus most commonly used (Fig. 8) consists of a sheet-iron, double-walled chamber, the joints of which, instead of being soldered, are closed by rivets. The inner case of this chamber is entirely closed except for an opening in the top through which a thermometer may be introduced, while the outer has a large opening at the bottom and two smaller ones at the top. A gas- burner is adjusted under this so as to play directly upon the bottom of the inner case. A thermometer is fitted in the top in such a way that it penetrates into the inner chamber. The air in the chamber is heated directly by the flame and by the hot air, which, rising from the flame, courses upward within the jacket between the two cases and escapes at the top. To insure absolute sterilization of objects in such a chamber, the temperature should be kept between 150° and 160° C. for at least an hour. In sterilizing combustible articles in such a chamber, it should be remembered that cotton is browned at a temperature of 200° C. and 1y, Esmarch, Zeit. f. Hyg., iv 1888, THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 69 over. This method is used in laboratories for the sterilization of Petri dishes, flasks, test tubes, and pipettes, and for articles which may be in- jured by moisture. Both heating and subsequent cooling should be done gradually to avoid cracking of the glassware. Moist Heat.—Instruments, syringes, and other suitable objects may be sterilized by boiling in water. Boiling for about five minutes is amply sufficient to destroy the vegetative forms of all bacteria. For the de- struction of spores, boiling for one or two hours is usually sufficient, though the spores of certain saprophytes of the soil have been found @LET OF AiR——> a Fig. 8.—Hor Arr Strrivizer. oceasionally to withstand moist heat at a temperature of 100° C. for as long as sixteen hours.’ The addition of 1 per cent of sodium car- bonate to boiling water hastens the destruction of spores and prevents the rusting of metal objects sterilized in this way. The addition of car- bolic acid to boiling water in from 2 to 5 per cent usually insures the destruction of anthrax spores, at least, within ten to fifteen minutes. Exposure to live steam is probably the most practical of the methods of heat sterilization. It may be carried out by simple makeshifts of the kitchen, such as the use of potato-steamers or of wash-boilers. For 1 Christen, loc. cit. 70 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE laboratory purposes, the original steaming device introduced by Koch has been almost completely displaced by devices constructed on the plan of the so-called “ Arnold” sterilizer (Fig. 9). In such an appara- tus, water is poured into the reservoir A and flows from there into the shallow receptacle B, formed by the double bottom. The flame underneath rapidly vaporizes the thin layer of water contained in B, and the steam rises rapidly, coursing through the main chamber C. Steam which escapes through the joints of the lid of this chamber is condensed under the hood and drops back into the reservoir. Exposure to steam in such an apparatus for fifteen to thirty minutes insures the death of the vegetative forms of bacteria. In the sterilization of media by such a device, the method of fractional sterili- zation at 100° C. isemployed. The prin- STERILIZING CHAMBER ciple of this method depends upon : repeated exposure of the media for fif- teen minutes to one-half hour on three succeeding days. By the first exposure all vegetative forms are destroyed. The media may then be left at room tem- perature, or at incubator temperature (37.5° C.) until the following day, when any spores which may be present will have developed into the vegetative stage. These are then killed by the second ex- posure. A repetition of this procedure on a third day insures sterility. It must Fic. 9.—Arnoxp Sreriizer. always be remembered, however, that this method is applicable only in cases in which the substance to be sterilized is a favorable medium for bacterial growth in which it is likely that spores will develop into vege- tative forms. Exceptionally the method may fail even in favorable media when anaérobic spore-forming bacteria are present. Thus, it has been ob- served that anaérobic spores, failing to develop under the aérobic con- ditions prevailing during the intervals of fractional sterilization, have developed after inoculation of the media with other bacteria, when sym- biosis had made their growth possible. Tetanus bacilli have, in this way, occurred in cultures of diphtheria bacilli employed for toxin production. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 71 In noting the time of an exposure in an Arnold sterilizer, it is important to time the process from the time when the temperature has reached 100° C. and not from the time of lighting the flame. The principle of fractional sterilization at low temperatures is ap- plied also to the sterilization of substances which can not be sub- jected to temperatures as high as 100° C. This is especially the case in the sterilization of media containing albuminous materials, when coagulation is to be avoided, or when both coagulation of the medium and sterilization are desired. In such cases fractional sterilization may be practiced in simply con- structed sterilizers, such as a Koch inspissator or, in the case of fluids, such as blood serum, by immersion in a water-bath at a temperature Fig. 10.—Low TEMPERATURE STERILIZER (INSPISSATOR). varying above 55° C., according to circumstances. Exposures at such low temperatures may be repeated on five or six consecutive days, usu- ally for an hour each day. The use of steam under pressure is the most powerful method of heat- disinfection which we possess. It is applicable to the sterilization of fomites, clothing, or any objects of a size suitable to be contained in the apparatus at hand, and which are not injured by moisture. In labora- tories this method is employed for the sterilization of infected appa- ratus, such as flasks, test tubes, Petri plates, etc., containing cultures. The device most commonly used in laboratories is the so-called auto- clave, of which a variety of models may be obtained, both stationary and portable. The principle governing the construction of all of these 72 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE is the same. The apparatus usually consists of a gun-metal cylinder supplied with a lid, which can be tightly closed by screws or nuts, and supplied with a thermometer, a safety-valve, and a steam pressure gauge. In the simpler autoclaves, water may be directly filled into the lower part of the cylinder, and the objects to be sterilized supported upon a perforated diaphragm. In this case the heat is directly applied by means of a gas flame. In the more elaborate stationary devices, steam may be let in by piping it from the regular supply used for heating purposes. Exposure to steam under fifteen. pounds pressure (fifteen in addition to the usual atmospheric press- ure of fifteen pounds to the square inch) for fifteen to twenty minutes, is sufficient to kill all forms of bacterial life, including spores. In applying autoclave _ sterilization practically, attention must be paid to certain technical details, neglect of which would result in failure of sterilization. It is necessary always to permit all air to escape from the autoclave before closing the vent. If this is not done, a poorly conducting air-jacket may be left about the objects to be sterilized, and these may not be heated to the temperature indicated by the pressure. It is also nec- essary to allow the reduction of pressure, after sterilization, to take place slowly. lic. 11.—Aurocuave. Any sudden relief of pressure, such as would be produced by opening the air- vent while the pressure gauge is still above zero, will usually result in a sudden ebullition of fluid and a removal of stoppers from flasks. The temperature attained by the application of various degrees of pressure is expressed in the following table: ; it i "3 Lbs. Pressure Temperature | Lbs. Pressure Temperature AL iareng) exe haratne cn aie .- 102.3° 5: senses aes eubeas aoe 108.8° De cate ase, ating NUS vos 104.2 GO. aonyacticenn annie s asia 110.3 Boas A eek ode aaa 105.7 Le ieuntsala aa Waimea arentore ai 111.7 er THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 73 Lbs. Pressure Temperature | Lbs. Pressure Temperature 9 i ge vuvneere medEehe 114.3° DE caress isiieess Brisk Puta einer 123.3° LO eeargs eee tyeawe de 115.6 TS) sice epienduinerdocoaeawes. 124.3 TD es eseity aes See cae 116.8 QO) os de angled a neanGinaie 126.2 De ee cerdecttrmataaes caiedieys 118 D2 ab MGA eae we 128.1 DB: ssconcpectan nccntraisgs Sa Qala 119.1 DAN hin. ates dann dec a2 a 129.3 DAs 2g. salen Sea oranhiee ie 8 gees 120.2 OG sd Ho OR HES cuore a 131.5 AD! dros paneer onnan tena 121.3 28) GaGAGe dad Saerienias 133.1 AG. rider toe gaclew aces 122.4 BO) sca Gon aaee ke aah nemeee ee 134.6 CHEMICAL AGENTS INJURIOUS TO BACTERIA Since the time of Koch’s' fundamental researches upon chemical disinfectants, the known number of these substances has been enor- mously increased, and now embraces chemical agents of the most varied constitution. It is thus manifestly impossible to refer the injurious in- fluence which these substances exert upon bacteria to any uniform law of action. The efficiency of a disinfecting agent, furthermore, is not alone dependent upon the nature and concentrations of the substance itself, but depends complexly upon the nature of the solvent in which it is employed, the temperature prevailing during its application, the numbers and bio- logical characteristics of the bacteria in question, and the time of ex- posure. All these factors, therefore, must be considered in testing the efficiency of any given disinfectant. While it is true, furthermore, that all substances which in a given concentration exert bactericidal or disinfecting action upon a microorganism, will in greater dilution act antiseptically or inhibitively, no definite rules of proportion exist be- tween the two values, which in each case must be determined by experi- ment. Disinfectants Used in Solution.—The actual processes which take place in the injury of bacteria by disinfectants are to a large extent unknown. In the case of strong acids, or strongly oxidizing substances, there may be destruction of the bacterial body as a whole by rapid oxidation. Other substances may act by coagulation of the bacterial protoplasm; others again by diffusion through the cell membrane are able to enter into chemical combination with the protoplasm and exert a toxic action. Again, in other cases, a difference in tonicity between cell protoplasm and disinfectant may tend to withdrawal of water from the bacterial cell and consequent injury of the microorganism. Among the inorganic disinfectants the most important are the metallic 1 Koch, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, i, 1881. 74 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE salts, acids, and bases, the halogens and their derivatives, and certain oxidizing agents like peroxide of hydrogen and permanganate of potas- sium. It has been shown by Scheuerlen and Spiro,’ Krénig and Paul,’ and others, that in the case of the salts, acids, and bases, there is a distinct and demonstrable relationship between the disinfecting power of these substances and their dissociation in solution. According to the theory of electrolytic dissociation, when bodies of this class go into solution they are broken up or dissociated into an electro-positive and an electro-negative ion. Thus, metallic salts are broken up into the kation, or positive metal, and into the anion, or negative acid radicle (AgNO, = Ag, + ion and NO,,— ion). In the case of the acids, ionization takes place into the hydrogen ions and the acid radicles, while in the case of the bases the dissociation occurs into the metal, on the one hand, and the OH group on the other. The de- gree of dissociation taking place depends upon the nature of the sub- stance in solution, its concentration, and the nature of the solvent. Thus, in any such solution there appear three substances, the undis- sociated compound as such, its electro-negative ion, and its electro- positive ion, their relative concentrations depending upon an interrela- tionship calculable by definite laws. It goes without saying, therefore, that any chemical or physical reaction, taken part in by such a solution, may be participated in, not only by the dissolved undissociated residue as a whole, but by its separate ions individually as well. In the case of many disinfectants, the writers referred to above have been able to demonstrate a relationship between the degree of dissociation and the bactericidal powers. According to Kronig and Paul, double metallic salts, in which the metal is a constituent of a complex ion and in which the concentration of the dissociated metal-ions is consequently low, have very little disinfecting power. Thus potassium-silver-cyanide, which is a comparatively weak disinfectant, dissociates into the kation IX and the complex anion Ag (GN),, this latter further dissociating to a very slight degree only. The same writers conclude that the bactericidal action of mercuric chloride and of halogen combinations with metals is directly proportionate to the degree of dissociation. This considera- tion, moreover, explains why aqueous solutions of such substances are more active than are solutions in the alcohols or in ether, since it is well 1 Scheuerlen und Spiro, Minch. med. Woch., 44, 1897. 2 Krénig und Paul, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxv, 1897. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 75 known that metallic salts are ionized in these substances to a much slighter degree than they are in water.! , On the other hand, the addition of moderate quantities of ethyl and methyl alcohol or acetones to aqueous solutions of silver nitrate or mercuric chloride, definitely increases the disinfecting action of such solutions. In the case of mercuric chloride, Krénig and Paul obtained the most powerful effects in solutions to which alcohol had been added in a concentration of 25 per cent. For this empirical fact a satisfactory explanation has not yet been found. Krénig and Paul suggest that low percentages of alcohol may facilitate the penetration of the disinfectant through the cell membrane. and thus increase its efficiency, while high percentages of alcohol have the opposite effect, by decreasing the degree of dissociation. In this connection it has been suggested, however, that absolute and strong alcohols possibly act as desiccating agents, thus actually rendering the bacteria dry and less susceptible to dele- terious chemical influences. In the case of acids and bases the same authors have determined that the powers of disinfection of these substances are again directly proportionate to the degree of their dissociation: that is, to the concen- tration of the hydrogen or hydroxyl ions, respectively. The hydrogen ions are more powerfully active than the hydroxyl ions in equal con- centration; acids, therefore, are more efficient disinfectants than bases. A fact which appears to strengthen the opinion as to the relationship between bactericidal powers and dissociation, is that brought forward by Scheuerlen and Spiro, that the addition of NaCl to bichloride of mercury solutions reduces the disinfecting power of such solutions, in- asmuch as it diminishes the concentration of free ions. In practice, however, NaCl or NH,Cl is added to bichloride of mercury solutions, since these substances aid in holding in solution mercury compounds formed in the presence of alkaline albuminous material, blood serum, pus, etc. In regard to the halogens, Krénig and Paul have shown that the germicidal power of this class of elements is inversely proportionate to their atomic weights. Thus, chlorine with the lowest atomic weight is the strongest disinfectant of the group. Next, and almost equal to this, is 1 Water is the strongest dissociant known. Methyl alcohol has about one-half to two-thirds the dissociating power of water (Zelinsky, Zeit. f. physiol. Chemie, xx, 1896). Ethyl alcohol allows dissociation much less than methyl alcohol; ammonia allows dissociation to about one-third to one-fourth the extent of water. See Jones, “Elements of Physical Chemistry,” p. 371. Macmillan, New York, 1902. 76 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE bromin. Iodine with a much heavier atomic weight than either of the former is distinctly less bactericidal. CuLoRIDE oF Limg.—Of the halogen compounds commonly used in practice, the most important is what is popularly known as chloride of lime or bleaching powder. As to the composition of this substance, there is some difference of opinion. It was formerly be- lieved to be a mixture of calcium hypochlorite, Ca(ClO2), and of calcium chloride, CaCl. The fact that the substance is not deliques- cent, however, speaks against the presence of calcium chloride as such, and it is probable that it consists of a single compound with the for- mula CaOCl. The action of acids or even of atmospheric CO, upon this substance results in the liberation of chlorine. For instance, Ca(Cl,O) + 2HCl = CaChk + 2HCIO. 2HCIO + 2HCl = 2H: + 2Chk. Bleaching powder is readily soluble in about twenty parts of water. According to Nissen,! solutions of 2 in 1,000 of this substance, destroy vegetative forms of bacteria in five to ten minutes. TERCHLORIDE OF IODINE (ICl;), another halogen derivative, is an extremely strong disinfectant, being efficient for vegetative forms in solutions of 0.1 per cent in one minute and a 1 per cent solution de- stroying spores within a few minutes.? Surgeons have found that painting with tincture of iodine (10 per cent) is a simple and reliable method of sterilizing the skin. It is now used in many clinics as the sole disinfecting agent in sterilizing the field of operation. The oxidizing agents most commonly employed are peroxide of hy- drogen (H,O2) and permanganate of potassium (KMnQ,). PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN is formed by the action of dilute sulphuric acid upon peroxide of barium. It readily gives up oxygen and acts upon bacteria probably by virtue of the liberation of nascent oxygen. In the presence of organic matter such as blood, pus, etc., associated with bacteria, H2O. is quickly reduced and weakened. It is important that the H,O. come in immediate contact with the bacteria. In prac- tice, therefore, blood and pus should be removed from wounds when applying the HO, or a large excess of H2O.2 should be used. PERMANGANATE OF PorassIuM, acting probably in the same way, is a powerful germicide. It also is readily reduced by many organic sub- stances often associated with bacteria, being rendered weaker thereby. 1 Nissen, Zeit. f£. Hyg., viii, 1890. *v. Behring, Zeit. f. Hyg., ix, 1891. THE -DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 77 Among organic disinfectants those of most practical importance are the alcohols, formaldehydes, iodoform, members of the phenol group and its derivatives, carbolic acid, cresol, lysol, creolin, salicylic acid, cer- tain ethereal oils, and, more recently introduced, organic silver salts such as protargol, argyrol, argonin, and others. THE ALCOHOLS are but indifferent disinfectants. Koch’ in 1881 found that anthrax spores remained alive for as long as four months when immersed in absolute and in 50 per cent ethyl alcohol. On the other hand, while absolute alcohol possesses practically no germicidal powers, possibly because of the formation of a protecting envelope by the coagulation of the bacterial ectoplasm, or, as suggested above, by desiccation due to the abstraction of water, dilute alcohol in a concen- tration of about 50 per cent is distinctly germicidal, destroying the vege- tative forms of bacteria in from ten to fifteen minutes or less.” Attention has already been called to the fact that moderate ad- ditions of alcohol to aqueous solutions of mercuric chloride enhance the germicidal power of this disinfectant. Additions of ethyl and methyl alcohol to carbolic acid or formaldehyde solutions, on the other hand, progressively decrease the bactericidal activities of these substances.’ The value of boiling alcohol for the destruction of spores—especially in the sterilization of catgut—has been investigated by Saul,‘ who found that boiling in absolute ethyl, methyl, or propyl alcohol is prac- tically without effect, while spores are destroyed readily in boiling dilute alcohol, the most effectual being propyl alcohol of a concentra- tion of from 10-40 per cent. Iopororm (CHI,)’ is weakly antiseptic in itself, but when introduced into wounds where active reducing processes are taking place—often as the result of bacterial growth—iodine is liberated from it and active bactericidal action results. CaRBoLic acip (C,H,OH), at room temperature, consists of color- less crystals which become completely liquefied by the addition of 10 per cent of water. In contradistinction to most inorganic disinfectants, the action of carbolic acid and other members of the phenol group is 1 Koch. Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, i, 1881. 2 Epstein, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxiv, 1897. 3 Krémg und Paul, loc. cit. 4 Saul, Archiv f. klin. Chir., 56, 1898. 5». Behring, “ Bekaempfung d. Infektions-Krankh.,” Leipzig, 1894. 78 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE not in any way dependent upon dissociation.! According to Beckmann ? and others, carbolic acid acts as a molecule and not by individual ions. The proof of this is brought out by the fact that the addition of NaCl to carbolic acid solutions, an addition which would tend to decrease the concentration of free ions, markedly increases the bactericidal powers of such solutions. On the other hand, as stated above, addi- tions of alcohol progressively diminish the efficiency of the phenols. Other members of this group of disinfectants are ORTHO-, META-, and PARACRESOL (C,H,CH,OH), isomeric compounds differing only in the position of the OH radicle. Tricresol is a mixture of these three. The cresols are relatively more powerfully germicidal than is carbolic acid, but are less soluble in water. Lysou is a substance obtained by the solution of coal-tar cresol in neutral potassium-soap. Dissolved in water it forms an opalescent easily flowing liquid. According to Gru- ber,’ its germicidal action is slightly greater than that of carbolic acid. CREOLIN, another combination of the cresols with potassic soap, forms with water a turbid emulsion. v. Behring‘ expressed the relative germicidal powers of carbolic acid, cresol, and creolin for vegetative forms by the numbers 1: 4 : 10, in the order named. ForRMALDEHYDE (H-COH), or methyl aldehyde, is a gas which is easily produced by the incomplete combustion of methyl alcohol. The methods of actually generating it for purposes of fumigation will be discussed in a subsequent paragraph. In aqueous solution this substance forms a colorless liquid with a characteristic acrid odor, and in this form is largely used as a preservative for animal tissues and as a germicide. It is marketed as “formalin,” which is an aqueous solution containing from 35 to 40 per cent of the gas and which exerts distinctly bactericidal action on vegetative forms in further dilutions of from 1 to 10 to 1 to 20 (formaldehyde gas 1: 400 to 1: 800). Anthrax spores are killed in 35 per cent formaldehyde in ten to thirty minutes.’ Unlike the phenols, the addition of salt to formaldehyde solutions does not increase its efficiency, but similar to them, additions of ethyl and methyl alcohol markedly reduce its germicidal powers. THE ESSENTIAL OILS which are most commonly used in practice— largely as intestinal antiseptics—are those of cinnamon, thyme, eucalyp- 1 Scheuerlen und Spiro, Miinch. med. Woch., 44, 1897. 2 Beckmann, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xx, 1896. 3 Gruber, Cent. f. Bakt, I., xi, 1892. 4v. Behring, loc. cit., p. 111. 5 Krénig und Paul, loc, cit. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA ~ 79 tus, and peppermint. Omeltschenko * believes that the employment of these oils in emulsions is illogical, inasmuch as their bactericidal powers depend upon their vaporization. He classifies the oils in decreasing order of their efficiency as follows: Oil of cinnamon, prunol, oil of thyme, oil of peppermint, oil of camphor, and eucalyptol. Methods of Testing the Efficiency of Disinfectants.—The efficiency of any given disinfectant depends, as we have seen, upon a number of factors, any one of which, if variable, may lead to considerable differences in the end result. Thus, as far as the bacteria themselves are concerned, it is necessary to remember that not only do separate species differ in their resistance to disinfectants, but that different strains within the same species may show such variations as well. This fact largely ac- counts for the widely varying reports made by different investigators as to the resistance of anthrax spores, and depends possibly upon tem- porary or permanent biological differences produced in bacteria by the conditions of their previous environment. The numbers of bacteria exposed to the disinfectant, furthermore, is a factor which should be kept constant in comparative tests. The medium, moreover, in which bacteria are brought into contact with the disinfectant is a matter of great importance, inasmuch as either by entering into chemical combination with the disinfectant it may detract from its concentration or by coagulation it may form a purely mechanical protection for the microorganism. Thus bacteria which may be de- stroyed in distilled water or salt-solution emulsion with comparative ease, May evince an apparently higher resistance if acted upon in the presence of blood serum, mucus, or other albuminous substances. Temperature influences bactericidal processes in that most chemical disinfectants are more actively bactericidal at higher than at lower temperatures, a fact due most likely to the favorable influence of tem- perature upon all chemical reactions.’ As far as merely inhibitory or antiseptic values are concerned, however, the temperature least favor- able for the reaction of the antiseptic is that which represents the opti- mum growth temperature for the microorganism in question and the inhibitory effects of any substance are less marked at this point than at temperatures above or below it. The important influence exerted by the solvent in which the 1 Omeltschenko, Cent. f. Bakt., I, ix, 1891. 24, Behring, “ Bekaempf. der Infektions-Krankh., Infektion u. Desinfection,” Leipzig, 1894. 80 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE disinfectant is employed has already been discussed. For ordinary work it is customary to express absolute and comparative antiseptic and bactericidal values in terms of percentages based upon weight, and this, beyond question, is both simple and practical. For strictly scien- tific comparisons, however, as Kronig and Paul? have pointed out, it is by far more accurate to work with equimolecular solutions. Rideal and Walker ? have devised a method of testing disinfectants, in which an attempt is made to establish a standard for comparisons. They choose, as the standard, carbolic acid, and establish what they call the “carbolic-acid coefficient.’’ This coefficient they obtain in the fol- lowing way: the particular dilution of the disinfectant under investiga- tion which will kill in a given time, is divided by the strength of carbolic acid which, under the same conditions, will kill the same bacteria in the same time. We quote an example of such a test, given by Simpson and Hewlett,’ comparing formalin and carbolic acid. BACILLUS PESTIS. TIME IN MINUTES. Sample, Dilution. 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 Pomnnlaieceaseers lin 40] growth | growth | growth|......|......]... Lan, 100! 6 suc s | wee cae) | ane wes lin 110 | growth | growth} ......[......])......]-..6-- | lin 30| growth|growth|......]......]......] -.-00- Carbolic acid...... | In the above table, formalin 1 in 30 killed in the same time as carbolic acid 1 in 110. Thus the carbolic-acid coefficient of formalin in this test = ae = 27. The Rideal-Walker method has been much used and is recommended by many workers.! The most precise method of standardizing disinfectants is that now in use in the U. 8. Public Health Service. It is a modification of the Rideal-Walker procedure devised by Anderson and McClintic.5 Stock 5 per cent solutions of the disinfectant in question and of the 1 Krénig und Paul, loc. cit 2 Rideal and Walker, Jour. of the Sanitary Ins. London, xxiv. 3 Simpson and Hewlett, Lancet, ii, 1904. 4 Sommerville, Brit. Med. Jour., 1904. 5 Anderson and McClintic, Jour. of Inf. Dis., 1911, viii, 1. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 81 standard (phenol) are first prepared and a series of accurate dilutions made with distilled water using graduated pipettes. (To make 1:70 take 4 ¢.c. of stock and 10 c.c. distilled water; 1:80 = 4 c.c. of stock + 12 c.c. distilled water; 1:90 = 4 c.c. stock + 14 c.c. distilled water; 1:500 = 2.¢.c. of stock + 48 c.c. of distilled water. Complete dilution tables are given in their original article.) The series should include dilutions strong enough to kill B. typhosus in two and a half minutes and weak enough to fail to do so in fifteen minutes. If dilutions greater than 1— 500 are required, a second 1 per cent stock solution is prepared. They adopted the following scale for their tests: Dilutions up to 1:70 should vary from the next in the series by a difference of 5 (t.e.,5 parts of water). From 1:70 to1:160 by a difference of 10 From 1:160 to 1:200 by a difference of 20 From 1:200 to 1:400 by a difference of 25: From 1:400 to 1:900 by a difference of 50 From 1:900 to 1: 1800 by a difference of 100 From 1:1800 to 1:3200 by a difference of 200 and so on if higher dilutions are necessary. Short wide test tubes 1 inch by 3 inches are used in making the test. These are placed in a rack in a water bath at 20°C. Five c.c. of each dilution are measured into a series of these tubes beginning with the strongest specimen and rinsing the pipette once with each dilution before the 5 c.c. are measured out. For inoculation, a 24-hour broth culture of B. typhosus is prepared which has been transferred daily for at least 3 days. Before use it is shaken and filtered through sterile filter paper. The wide test tubes containing diluted disinfectant are inoculated with Yo c.c. of this culture with a graduated pipette. The tip of the pipette is held against the side of the tube to insure accurate measurement and the tube immediately shaken to mix the bacteria thoroughly with the disinfectant. Test inoculations are made from this mixture at proper intervals into tubes containing 10 c.c. of standard extract broth of + 1.5 acidity, using loops 4 mm. in diameter. At least four such loops should be at hand, supported on a rack or wooden block so that a fan-tail Bunsen burner may be placed under each wire in turn. Each one is sterilized after a plant is made and allowed to cool while the other three are being used in order. The test is conducted as follows: A row of ten wide tubes containing dilutions of the antiseptic is placed in the water bath at 20° C. and time allowed for them to reach the temperature of the bath. They are then inoculated in order at intervals of exactly 15 seconds. Fifteen seconds q 82 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE after the last tube has been inoculated a subculture is made from the first tube of the series (7.e., 214 minutes after this first tube was inocu- lated) and from the other tubes in order at 15-second intervals. Fifteen seconds after this first series of subcultures is completed a second series of subeulturesis begun which willgivethe result of a 5-minute exposureto the antiseptic and the subinoculations continued at 15-second intervals until all dilutions have been tested for fifteen minutes. If the strength of the antiseptic is known approximately subcultures of the lower dilu- tions for the longer periods may be omitted. It is convenient to have an assistant at hand to call time and to label the subcultures as soon as made. The tubes may, however, be placed in order in suitable racks DETERMINATION OF THE CARBOLIC-ACID COEFFICIENT OF A DISINFECTANT. (ANDERSON AND McCrintTI1c) INANE 5s Coie te hseetedoss se sessed comrucltine ie G iatlire pis na os aieabiae ee hedenee ome SA? TEMPERATURE OF MEDICATION.... 000 cece eee ee cence cence cence 20° C Cutture Usep B. TypHosus.................4. 24-hr., Extract Broth, Filtered PROPORTION OF CULTURE AND DISINFECTANT...............0. 0.1 ce. + 5 ce. Orcanic Matter, None; Kino, None; Amount, None. SUBCULTURE MEDIA............. cece cece eee e eee eeee Standard Extract Broth IRDA CPION anistacesguesels chan gedit severe aeave omc cesar naire wee Grae Sane aie ce nieueeaan ene +1.5 QUANTITY IN EacH TUBE... 2... 1. ccc ccc ete eet e eect ee eenee 10 c.c Time Culture Exposed to Action of Disinfectant for Minutes Sample. Dilu- Phenol Coefficient. rN 13) 5 | 74% | 10 |12%4]| 15 Phenol........... 1:80 |] —|—|]— 1:90 ae == | ps 80)375 1:100} +) +]/+)—];—]— aaa 4.69 1:110} + | +/+] +! + | — J 110)650 6.91 Disinfectant “A”. .) 1:350 | — | — | — 2)10.60 1:375 | — | — |] — st 1:400/ + | —|—|]— 5.30 = 1:425)} +) + ])]/—}|—)}—|— coefficient 1:450/ +] +}/—];—|—|]— 1:500; +; 4+ )—/—]|—]— 1:550] +/+), + }]—}—|{— 1:600} +/+] +]+])/—]— 1:650; +) +/+ ]+]+])— 1:700; +) +/+ ),+]+)4+ 1:750); +] +)+/)/+)+]+ THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 83 without labelling. The subculture tubes are incubated for 48 hours at 37° C. and those in which growth is observed are recorded positive. To obtain the coefficient the weakest dilution of the unknown antiseptic which kills in 214 minutes is divided by the weakest dilution of phenol which kills in the same time. The same is done for the weak- est strength that kills in 15 minutes and an average is taken. The results of such a test are shown in the table on page 82. As only the 214-minute and 15-minute intervals are used in deter- mining this result it seems unnecessary to make plants at the intervening periods except in special cases where more detailed information is desired. The procedure may be modified by adding some organic substance such as killed bacteria to the diluted antiseptic. For many substances, e.g., bichloride of mercury, the antispetic value in presence of organic matter is much lower than in watery solution. Anderson and McClintic insist that great care in making the dilutions and rigid adherence to a uniform technique are necessary to obtain consistent results in‘such tests. DETERMINATION OF ANTISEPTIC VAaLUES.—The antiseptic or in- hibitive strength of a chemical substance, sometimes spoken of as the “coefficient of inhibition,’ is determined by adding to definite quantities of a given culture medium, graded percent- ages of the chemical substance which is being investigated and plant- ing in these mixtures equal quantities of the bacteria in question. The medium used for the tests may be nutrient broth or melted gelatin or agar. If broth is used, growth is estimated by turbidity of the medium and by morphological examination; if the agar or gelatin is employed, plates may be poured and actual growth observed. Thus, in the case of carbolic acid, a 5 or 10 per cent solution is prepared and added to tubes of the medium, as follows: Tube 1 contains 5% carbolic 2 c.c. + broth 8 cc. 1: 1,000 ecarbolic acid. “cc eS? ie 5 a lec. + broth 9 cc. = 1:200 is “3 “ 5 ss .6 «ec. + broth 9.5 ec. = 1:400 a Bo A s 5 * 7 cc. + broth 9.8 ec. = 1:1,000 “ es “5 a 5 i -l cc. + broth 9.9 ec. = 1:5,000 “ se To each of these tubes a definite quantity of the bacteria is added either by means of a standard loopful of a fresh agar culture, or better by a measured volume of an even emulsion in sterile salt solution. The inoculated tubes are then incubated at a temperature corresponding to the optimum growth temperature for the microorganism in question. The tubes are examined for growth from day to day. From tubes containing higher dilutions, in which no growth is visible, transplants 84 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE INHIBITION STRENGTHS OF VARIOUS ANTISEPTICS. ADAPTED FROM Fiiiace, Leipzic, 1902. Anthrax Bacilli. Other Bacteria. Putrefactive Bac- teria in Bouillon. Acips Sulphuric................ Hydrochloric Sulphurous Arsenous.........000008. Boric ALKALIES Potass. hydrox........... Ammon. hydrox. ........ Calcium hydrox.......... SALTS Copper sulphate Ferric sulphate Mercuric chlorid.......... Silver nitrate Potass. perman. ......... HALOGENS AND CoMPOUNDS Chlorin Bromin Todin Potass. iodid Sodium chlor............. OrGANIC COMPOUNDS Ethyl aleohol............ Acetic and oxalic acids... . Carbolic acid ............ Benzoic acid Salicylic acid Formalin (4% formalde- hyde) Oil mentha pip Oil of terebinth........... Peroxide of hydrogen..... 1: 3,000 1: 3,000 1: 100,000 1: 60,000 1: 1,000 1: 1,500 1: 1,500 1: 5,000 Chol. spir. 1 : 6,000 B. diph. 1 : 3,000 B. mallei 1 : 700 B. typh. 1: 500 Chol. spir. 1 : 1,000 B. diphth. 1 : 600 Chol. spir. 1 : 400 B. typh. 1 : 400 Chol. spir. 1 : 500 B. typh. 1 : 500 Chol. spir. 1 : 1,100 B. typh. 1: 1,100 B. typhosus 1 : 60,000 Chol. spir. B. typhosus 1 : 50,000 B. diph. 1 : 500 B. typh. 1 : 406 Chol. spir. 1 : 600 Chol. spir. 1 : 20,000 Staphylo. 1: 5,000 1: 6,000 1: 200 1: 100 1: 1,000 1: 20,000 1: 500 : 4,000 : 2,000 : 5,000 ae Kee 1: 400 1: 1,000 1: 3,500 1: 2,000 THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 85 BACTERICIDAL STRENGTHS OF COMMON DISINFECTANTS. ADAPTED FROM Fiitacr, Letezia, 1902. “siaphylo™ Avtar Tabane Anthrax Spores. 5 Minutes. 5 Minutes. 2-24 Hours. AcIDS Sulphuric ........... 1:10 1: 100 1: 1,500 1:50 in 10 days Hydrochloric ....... 1:10 1: 100 1: 1,500 1: 50 in 10 days HUPHUPOUs veieia.gaay| aavecose jl gretenasd (Typhoid 1: 700) Sulphurous: waiscawserc) saeccions. | tev isangeage 1:300 (Gas 10 vol. %) Bovitia wig ves eevee! wae vapied | e¥sua ceeds 1:30 Cone. sol. incomplete disinfection ALKALIES Potass. hydrox....... 1:5 1: 300 Ammon. hydrox......} ........ 1: 300 Caleninn sc. sain Gao bull aacnd was 1: 1,000 Sats Coppersulphate 2.0.) accccces | ec saeewccs [evees wes 1 : 20 (5 days) Mercuric chlor. ..... 1: 10,000 toj1 : 2,000 1:10,000 = |1:2,000 (26 hours) 1,000 Silver nitrate ....... TT 000) il eeeces ven 1: 4,000 Potass. permang. ....|1:200 |... eee Pee eee eee 1:20 (1 day) © Calevchlorid.” ...23| 6 sssewes 12500; ste eaelee 1:20 (1 hour) Hatocens anp Com- POUNDS Chlorin............- 1 per cent. |.1 percent. |.......... 2 per cent (in 1 hr.) Trichlorid of iodin.. ./1 : 200 DE DOOO: jac scent siete: 3 1 : 1,000 (in 12 hrs.) OrcGanic COMPOUNDS Ethyl alcohol ....... 70%-15 70%-10 mins|1 : 2-300 Aleol. 50% for 4 Acetic and oxalic acids} minutes months without killing spores, Koch.? Carbolic acid ....... 1:60 Cholera 1:200}1 . 300 1:20 (4-45 days) Typh. 1:50 (at 40° in 3 hrs.) LGYSO] ings sais aceinnin se esas 1: 300 1: 300 CreOlin cicissiecgs ep anes) acentaes 1: 100 1: 3,000 (10% in 5 hrs.) Salicylicacid ....... 1: 1,000 Formalin (40% for- maldehyde) ...... 1:10 1:20 1: 1,000. 1:20 (in 6 hrs.) Peroxide of hydrogen .|Cone. 1: 200 1: 500 1: 100 (in 1 hr.) 3: 100 (in 1 hr.) 1 Koch, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1, 1881. 86 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE are made to determine the presence of living bacteria and to distinguish between inhibition or antisepsis and bacterial death or disinfection. The determination of the bactericidal or disinfectant value of a chemical substance upon spores may be carried out by a variety of methods. Koch,! using anthrax spores as the indicator, dried the spores upon previously sterilized threads of silk. These were exposed to the disinfectant at a definite temperature for varying times, the disinfect- ant was then removed by washing in sterile water, and the threads planted upon gelatin or blood serum media and incubated. A serious objection to this method was pointed out by Geppert,? who maintains that it is impossible by simple washing to remove completely the disin- fectant in which the thread has been soaked. This author suggests that, whenever possible, the disinfectant, at the end of the time of exposure, should be removed by chemical means. In the case of bichloride of mer- cury Geppert exposes emulsions of the bacteria to aqueous solutions of the disinfectant, and at the end of exposure precipitates out the bichlor- ide of mercury with ammonium sulphide. In the case of a large number of disinfectants, however, this is not possible, and, when the thread method is used, removal of the chemical agent by washing must be practised. Complete removal of the disinfectant is especially desirable, since spores previously exposed to these substances are more easily in- hibited by dilute solutions than are normal spores. The spores may be dried upon the end of a glass rod, which, after exposure, is washed in distilled water or salt solution and then immersed in sterile broth.? A simple method is that in which graded percentages of the disin- fectant are added to the menstruum, blood, blood serum, broth, ete., in which the disinfectant is to be tested, and equal quantities of bacteria thoroughly emulsified in water or salt solution are added. Loopfuls of these mixtures are then planted from time to time in agar or gelatin plates upon which colony counts can afterward be made. In all such tests it is important to remember that the presence of organic fluids, blood serum, mucus, etc., considerably alters the efficiency of germicides, and whenever practical deductions are made, experimental imitation of the actual conditions should be attempted. Practical Disinfection.—In practical disinfection with chemical agents, the disinfectant must be chosen to a certain extent in accordance with the material to be disinfected. 1 Koch, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1, 1881. 2 Geppert, Berl. klin. Woch., xxvi, 1889. 3 Hill, Rep. Am. Pub. Health Assn., xxiv, 1898. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 87 Sputum is a substance extremely difficult to disinfect because the bacteria present are surrounded by dense envelopes of mucus, through which disinfectants do not easily diffuse. For sputum disinfection, es- pecially tuberculous sputum, carbolic acid—5 per cent solution—or any of the phenol derivatives in similar concentration, may be used. Bichloride of mercury is of very little use in sputum disinfection be- cause of the dense protective layers of albuminated mercury which form about the microorganisms. Sputum should always be received into cups containing the disinfectant, and contaminated handkerchiefs should be soaked in the solution. Feces from typhoid, dysentery, and cholera patients should be steril- ized by burning, if possible, or by thoroughly mixing with large quan- tities of ‘boiling water; but if chemical disinfectants are to be used, five per cent carbolic acid or dilute formalin are convenient. Milk of lime and chloride of lime are useful, though somewhat inconvenient. Bichlo- ride of mercury is of little value in this case for the same reason that it is valueless in sputum disinfection. In all cases of feces dis- infection it is extremely important that the chemical agent should be added in large quantities and thoroughly mixed with the discharge. Linen, napkins, and other cloth materials which have come into con- tact with patients should be soaked for one or two hours in one per cent formaldehyde, five per cent carbolic acid, or 1: 5,000 or 1 : 10,000 bichloride of mercury. After this, the material may be taken from the sick-room and boiled. It is extremely important that cloth material should never be removed from the sick-room in a dry state. Urine may be easily disinfected by the addition in proper con- centration of any of the disinfectants named above. The methods for sterilization of surgical instruments and the prepara- tion of the skin of the patient for operation are subject to so many local variations that it is hardly within the scopeof atext-book on bacteriology to mention them. Metal instruments are usually sterilized by boiling in soda solution and may be subsequently immersed in five per cent car- bolic acid solution. Catgut may be sterilized by boiling in alcohol or by subjecting it to temperatures of 140° C. and over, for several hours in oils (albolin). The disinfection of the hands is also a matter of much variation. Two methods frequently quoted are those of Welch and of Firbringer. In Welch’s method the hands are brushed with green soap in water as hot as it can be borne for at least five minutes. They are then rinsed and immersed for two minutes in a warm saturated solution of perman- 88 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE ganate of potash in which they are rubbed with a sponge or sterile cotton. They are then transferred to a saturated solution of oxalic acid, until the red color has entirely disappeared. Following this, they are rinsed in sterile water and then immersed in a 1: 500 bichloride of mercury solution for one to two minutes. According to Firbringer’s method, the finger nails are carefully cleaned with an orange-wood stick or nail file; the hands are then thor- oughly brushed with a nail brush in green soap and hot water for five minutes. Following this they are immersed in 60 per cent alcohol for one ininute, then in 3 per cent carbolic acid solution for one minute; after which they are rinsed in sterile water and dried. Rooms, closets, and other closed spaces which are contaminated, must be disinfected largely by gaseous disinfectants. After such disinfection in the case of cellars, privies, and other places where feasible, walls and ceilings should be whitewashed. Gaseous Disinfectants for Purposes of Fumigation.—There are a large number of gaseous agents which are harmful to bacteria. Only a few, however, are of sufficient bactericidal strength to be of practical importance. Oxygen, especially in the nascent state, may exert distinct bacteri- cidal action upon some bacteria. That strictly anaérobic strains are inhibited by its presence has already been mentioned. Ozone was shown by Ransome and Fullerton ! to exert considerable germicidal power when passed through a liquid medium in which bac- teria were suspended, but was absolutely without activity when em- ployed in the dry state. Chlorine because of its powerful germicidal action was once looked upon with favor, but has been found quite inadequate from a practical point of view because of its injurious action upon materials, and its irregularity of action. Chlorine, too, is but weakly efficient unless in the presence of moisture.” Sulphur dioxide or sulphurous anhydrid (SO), which was formerly much used for room disinfection, is no longer regarded as uniformly ef- ficient for general use. The gas is produced by burning ordinary roll sulphur. In order that it shall be at all effective, water should be vaporized at the same time, since the disinfectant action is dependent upon the formation of sulphurous acid. The concentration of the gas should be at least 8 per cent of the volume of air in the room. For this 1 Ransome and Fullerton, Rep. Public Health, July, 1901. 2 Fischer und Proskauer, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, x, 11, 1882. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 89 purpose about three pounds of sulphur should be burned for every thousand cubic feet of space. It should be allowed to act for not less than twenty-four hours. The researches both of Wolffhiigel! and of Koch ? have shown that the gas is not sufficient for the destruction of spores, under the best circumstances, probably because of its lack of pen- etrating power. Park ® believes that sulphur dioxide used in quantities of four pounds of sulphur to 1,000 cubic feet is of practical value for fumigating purposes in cases of diphtheria and the exanthemata. Of all known gaseous disinfectants by far the most reliable is form- aldehyde. There are many methods of generating this gas, and many devices for its practical use have been introduced. In all cases where formaldehyde fumigation is intended, clothing, bed-linen, and fabrics should be spread out, cupboards and drawers freely opened. The cracks of windows and doors should be hermetically sealed with paper strips or by calking with cotton. The generation of gas may be carried out in an apparatus left within the room or it may be generated outside and the gas introduced by a tube passed within the keyhole. In all cases moisture should be provided for, either in the generating appa- ratus or by a separate boiler. The first of the methods of generating formaldehyde for fumigation purposes was that of Trillat,4 who devised a lamp in which formaldehyde was produced by the incomplete combustion of methyl alcohol. This method has proved expensive because of the complete oxidation of a large percentage of the alcohol. Direct evaporation of formaldehyde from formalin solutions has been the principle underlying some other devices. If such evaporation is attempted from an open vessel, however, polymerization of formal- dehyde to the solid trioxymethylene occurs. To prevent this, Trillat > and others have constructed special autoclaves in which 20 per cent of calcium chloride is added to formalin which is then vaporized under pressure. By this means polymerization is practically eliminated. The Trillat autoclave, as well as others constructed on the same principle, consists of a strong copper chamber of a capacity of about a gallon, fitted with a cover which can be tightly screwed into place. The cover is perforated by an outlet vent, a pressure gauge, and a 1 Wolffhiigel, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, i, 1881. 2 Koch, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, i, 1881. 3 Park, “Pathogen. Bact.,” N. Y., 1998. 4 Trillat, Compt. rend. de l’acad. des sc., 1892. 5 Trillat, Compt. rend. de 1’acad. des sc., 1896. 90 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUL thermometer. The whole apparatus is adjusted upon a stand and set over a kerosene lamp. Into the chamber is put about one-half to three- quarters its capacity of 40 per cent formaldehyde (commercial formalin) containing 15-20 per cent calcium chloride. The solution used should be free from methyl alcohol, since this leads to the formation, with formaldehyde, of methylal, which is absolutely without germicidal action. The flame is lighted and the exit tube kept closed until the pressure gauge indicates a pressure of three atmospheres. Then the vapor is allowed to escape through the tube. For a room of about 3,000 cubic feet Trillat advises the continuance of the gas flow for about an hour. The method is not uniformly reliable. A method which has found much favor is that in which glycerin— usually in a concentration of 10 per cent—is added to formalin. Ac- cording to Schlossmann! the presence of L glycerin hinders polymerization. An appa- ratus in which this mixture is conveniently 4) utilized is that of Lentz (see Fig. 12). For- malin with 10 per cent glycerin is placed in the copper tank and heated by a burner. Formaldehyde leaves the nozzle (which can be introduced through the keyhole) mixed in a fine spray with steam. This apparatus has been favorably endorsed by the War De- partment of the United States. i The so-called Breslau method of generat- ing formaldehyde depends upon the evapora- Fic. 12.—Lentz Formarin_ tion of formaldehyde from dilute solutions. v. APPARATUS. Brunn ? claims that where formalin in 30 to 40 per cent strength is evaporated, water vapor is generated more rapidly than formaldehyde is liberated, and a concentration leading to polymerization occurs. If, however, dilu- tion is carried out until the formaldehyde in the solution is not more than 8 per cent, the generation of water vapor and formaldehyde takes place at about equal speed and no concentration occurs. Schloss- mann ! furthermore claims that polymerization in the vaporized formal- dehyde does not occur if sufficient water vapor is present—a principle which may also contribute to the efficiency of the Breslau method. In practice, the apparatus devised by v. Brunn (Fig. 13) consists of a 1 Schlossmann, Minch. med. Woch., 45, 1898. 2v, Brunn, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxx, 1899. THE DESTRUCTION OF BACTERIA 91 strong copper kettle of about 34 cm. diameter by 7.5 cm. height. This is completely closed except for two openings in the slightly domed top, one of which is the exit vent, the other, laterally placed, is for purposes of filling and is closed by a screw stopper. The kettle is set up on a metal stand over an alcohol lamp, so arranged with a double circle of burners that heating may be carried out rapidly. The tank is filled with a solution of formalin of a strength of from 8 to 10 per cent (commercial formalin 1:4). The apparatus permits the evaporation of large quantities of fluid in a short time (3 liters in one hour). When the lamp is left in a closed room care should be taken to fill it with a quantity of alcohol proportionate to the amount of fluid to be evaporated. This, according to v. Brunn, is about one-quarter of the volume of formalin solu- tion used. By using 1.5 liters of 8 per cent formalin for each 1,000 cubic feet of space, this apparatus is said to yield a concentration of formaldehyde of about 25 grams to the cubic meter, a strength sufficient to complete © surface disinfection within seven hours. Fic. 13—Brestau FORMALDEHYDE To do away with the use of Gryerator AnD SECTION oF SAME. liquid formalin solutions, a meth- (After v. Brunn.) a, Inlet; 6, Exit vent. od has been devised which de- pends in principle upon the breaking up by heat of the solid polymer of formaldehyde (trioxymethylene). The apparatus (trade name, “Schering’s Paraform Lamp’’) as described by Aronson ! consists of a cylindrical mantle of sheet-iron placed upon a stand and supplied below with an alcohollamp. Set into the top of the mantle is a small chamber, into which 1 gram tablets of trioxymethylene are placed. The alcohol lamp, so placed that the wicks project but slightly—to avoid overheating—is lighted, and the formalin generated passes out through slits in the upper case, mingling with the water vapor and other gases liberated by the alcohol flame. The more modern devices have water-boiler attachments to insure sufficient moisture. Two tablets are sufficient for the fumigation of about thirty-five cubic feet, and 2 c.c. of alcohol are filled into the lamp for each tablet. One hundred to one hundred and fifty tablets are usually enough for the ordinary 1 Aronson, Zeit. f. Hyg., XXV, 1897. 92 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE room. Modifications of this method are in common use, some well- known firms preparing so-called “paraform candles,” in which para- form, in the powdered state, is volatilized by heat. ; A simple method of generating formaldehyde is that which is known as the “lime method.” In a wide shallow pan 40 per cent formalde- hyde solution (commercial formalin) is poured over quicklime (CaQ). According to Park, the previous addition of concentrated sulphuric acid to the formalin, in proportions of one to ten, increases the speed of formalin liberation, and aids in limiting polymerization. About one and one-half to two pounds (one-half to one kilogram) of quicklime are used for every 500 c.c. of the formalin solution. The heat generated in the slaking of the lime produces volatilization of the formalin. A modification of this method is that of Schering! in which tablets of paraform and unslaked lime are together laid into a pan and warm water is poured over them. A highly efficient method, which has universal approval because of its simplicity, is the potassium permanganate method of Evans and Russell.2 This method depends upon the active reaction occurring when formalin and potassium permanganate are mixed. In practice, about 300 grams of small crystals of potassium permanganate are poured into a half liter of 40 per cent formalin. The mixture results in an active evolution of heat and the evaporation of formalin together with water vapor. Because of the active foaming which takes place, high cylin- drical vessels should be used, about one foot in height, preferably with a. funnel-like flare at the top. The yield of gas by this method is said to be about 80 per cent of the amount present in the solution, and within the first five minutes most of this is liberated. Harrington? states that the equivalent of 110 ¢c.c. for formalin suffices to produce sterility within two and a half hours in a space of one thousand cubic feet. The room in which formaldehyde has been liberated is kept sealed, in the manner already described, for at least twelve hours, after which the windows and doors are opened and thorough airing practised. The odor which remains after formaldehyde fumigation may be removed by sprinkling with ammonia, or by the use of some one or another of the various sorts of apparatus devised for the liberation of ammonia. 1 Schering, Hyg. Rundschau, 1900. 2 Evans and Russell, Rep. State Bd. Health, Maine, 1904. 3 Harrington, “Practical Hygiene,”’ Phila., 1905. CHAPTER VI METHODS USED IN THE MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING OF BACTERIA MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF BACTERIA Bacreria may be studied microscopically, in the living and un- stained state, and, after the application of dyes, in colored preparations. For the manipulation of bacteria for such study, glass slides and cover- slips of various design are used. These must be perfectly clean if the preparations are to be of any value.* The Study of Bacteria in the Living State.—Living bacteria may be studied in what is spoken of as the “hanging-drop” preparation. For this purpose a so-called hollow slide is employed, in the center of which there is a circular concavity about three-quarters of a centimeter to one centimeter in diameter. The preparation is manipulated as follows: If the bacteria are growing in a fluid medium a drop of the culture fluid is transferred to the center of acover-slip. If taken from solid media, an emulsion may be made in broth or in physiological salt solution, and a drop of this transferred to the cover-slip, or the bac- teria may be emulsified in a drop of salt solution, or broth, directly upon the cover-slip. The concavity on the slide, having first been rimmed with vaseline, by means of a small camel’s-hair brush, the cover-slip is inverted over the slide in such a way that the drop hangs freely within the hollow space. The preparation is then ready for examination under the microscope. 1 Although the silicates of which glass is composed are extremely stable, never- theless alkaline silicates which are said to separate out on the surface, together with grease and dirt left upon the glass by handling, during blowing and cutting, neces- sitate cleansing before use. This may be accomplished by a variety of methods. A simple one suitable for general application is as follows: (1) The slides and cover- slips are thrown singly into boiling water and left there for half an hour; (2) wash in twenty-five per cent sulphuric acid; (3) rinse in distilled water; (4) wash in alcohol; (5) wipe with a clean cloth and keep dry under a bell-jar. Another method convenient for routine use is to immerse, after thorough washing in soap-suds and acid, in ninety-five per cent alcohol and to leave in this until the time of use. 93 94 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE Another method, known as the “‘ hanging block method,” devised by Hill, for the study of living bacteria in solid media is carried out as fol- lows: Nutrient agar is poured into a Petri dish and allowed to solidify. Out of this layer a piece about a quarter of an inch square is cut. This is placed on a sterile slide. The upper surface of the agar block is then inoculated with bacteria by surface smearing, and the preparation covered with a sterile dish and allowed to dry for a few minutes in the incubator. A sterile cover-slip is then dropped upon the surface of the Cc ee Fig. 14.—Haneine Drop PREPARATION. block and sealed about the edges with agar. Block and cover-slip are then taken from the slide and fastened over a moist chamber with paraf- fin. The entire preparation can be placed upon the stage of a microsocpe. This method is especially designed for the study of cell-division. Living bacteria may also be studied in stained preparations by the so-called “intravital” method of Nakanishi. Thoroughly cleaned slides are covered with a saturated aqueous solution of methylene-blue. This is spread over the slide in an even film and allowed to dry. After drying the slide should appear of a transparent sky-blue color. The micro- organisms which are to be examined are then emulsified in water, or are taken from a fluid medium and placed upon a cover-slip. This is dropped, face downward, upon the blue groun4 of the slide. In this way bacteria may be stained without being subjected to the often destructive proc- esses of heat or chemical fixation. According to Nakanishi, cytoplasm is stained blue, while nuclear material assumes a reddish or purplish hue. The Study of Bacteria in Fixed Preparations.—Stained preparations of bacteria are best prepared upon cover-slips, the process consisting of the following steps: (1) Spreading on cover-slip; (2) drying in air; (3) fixing; (4) staining; (5) washing in water; (6) blotting; (7) mounting. (1) Smearing.—Bacteria from a fluid medium are transferred in a small drop of the fluid, with a platinum loop, to a cover-slip and care- fully spread over the surface in a thin film. If taken from a solid medium a small drop of sterile water is first placed upon the cover-slip and the bacteria are then in very small quantity carefully emulsified in this drop with the platinum needle or loop and spread in an extremely thin film. 1 Hill, Jour. of Med. Research, vii, 1902. MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 95 (2) The film is allowed to dry. in the air. (3) When thoroughly dried, fixation is carried out by passing the preparation, film side up, three times through a Bunsen flame, at about the rate of a pendulum swing. Fixation by heat in this manner is most convenient for routine work, but is not the most delicate method, in- asmuch as the degree of heat applied can not be accurately controlled. The other methods which may be employed are immersion in methyl alcohol, formalin, saturated aqueous bichloride of mercury, Zenker’s fluid, or acetic acid. If chemical fixatives are used, they must be re- moved by washing in water before the stain is applied. If a prepara- tion is made upon a slide instead of a cover-slip, passage through the flame should be repeated eight or nine times. (4) Staining.—The dyes used for the staining of bacteria are, for the greater part, basic anilin dyes, such as methylene-blue, gentian- violet, and fuchsin. These may be applied for simple staining in 5 per cent aqueous. solutions made up from filtered saturated alcoholic solutions, or directly by weight. They are conveniently kept in the laboratory as saturated alcoholic solutions. The strengths of some saturated solutions are as follows: Saturated Solutions * (Stains Gruebler or Merck). Fuchsin (aqueous), 1.5 per cent. Fuchsin (alcohol 96 per cent), 3 per cent. Gentian-violet (aqueous), 1.5 per cent. Gentian-violet (alcohol 96 per cent), 4.8 per cent. Methylene-blue (aqueous), 6.7 per cent. Methylene-blue (alcohol 96 per cent), 7 per cent. The staining solution, in simple routine staining, is left upon the fixed bacterial film for from one-half to one and one-half minutes according to the efficiency of the stain used. Methylene-blue is the weakest of the -three stains mentioned; gentian-violet the strongest. (5) The excess stain is removed by washing with water. (6) The preparation is thoroughly dried by a blotter or between layers of absorbent paper. (7) A small drop of Canada balsam is placed upon the film side of the dry cover-slip, which is then inverted upon a slide. The prepara- tion is now ready for microscopical examination. + After Wood, ‘“‘ Chemical and Microscopical Diagnosis,” Appendix. N. Y., 1909. 96 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE The chemical principles which underlie the staining process are still ‘more or less in doubt. Suffice it to say here that most of the dyes in common use by bacteriologists and pathologists are coal-tar derivatives belonging to the aromatic series, all of them containing at least one “benzolring” combined with what Michaelis terms a “chromophore group,” chief among which are the nitro-group (NO,), the nitroso-group (NO), and the azo-group (N=N). Just what the actual process of stain- ing consists in, is a question about which various opinions are held, some believing that the phenomenon is purely chemical, in which a salt is formed by the combination of the dye and the protoplasm of the cells, others that there is no such salt formation, and that the process takes place by purely physical means. To support the latter view it is argued that certain substances like cellulose are stainable without possessing the property of salt formation, and that staining may often be accom- plished without there being a chemical disruption of the dye itself. Michaelis sums up his views by stating that probably both processes actually take place. A dye stuff, as a whole, may enter into and be de- posited upon a tissue or cell by a process which he speaks of as “ insorp- tion.” In such a case the coloring matter may be subsequently ex- tracted by any chemically indifferent solvent. On the other hand, a dye after being thus deposited upon or within a cell, may become chemically united to the protoplasm by the formation of a salt, and in such a case the color can be removed only by agents which are capable of decom- posing salts, such as free acids. The staining power of any solution may be intensified either by heating while staining, by prolonging the staining process, or by the addition of alkalies, acids, anilin oil, and other substances which will be mentioned in the detailed descriptions of special staining methods. One of the most common examples of such an intensified stain is the so-called Loeffer’s alkaline methylene-blue. This is made up in the following way: Saturated alcoholic solution of methylene-blue, 30 c.c. 1: 10,009 solution potassium hydrate in water, 100 c.c. Another solution designed with a similar purpose is the Koch-Ehrlich anilin-water solution. Anilin oil, one part, is shaken up with dis- tilled water, nine parts; after thorough shaking, the mixture is filtered 1 For comprehensive reviews of the subject, the reader is referred to dissertations such as those of Mann (“ Physiol. Hist. Methods and Theory,’ Oxford, 1902) and of Michaelis (‘‘ Ein 'ithrung in die Farbstoffchemie,” ete., Berlin, 1902). MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 97 through a moist filter paper until perfectly clear. A saturated alco- holic solution of either fuchsin or gentian-violet is added to this anilin water in proportions of about one to ten or until a slightly iridescent pellicle appears upon the surface of the solution. An extremely useful and very strong staining solution is the Ziehl carbol-juchsin solution, made up as follows: ! BMChsin (ASIC): eigx-d ican eeoetnun- ces gd dew aiued ao Kame Ok 1 gm. Alcohol (absolute) ..........000 0000 ccc eee e eee eens 10 c.e. Five per cent carbolic acid ...........00. 00s cee eee eee 100 c.e. To make up this staining solution, mix 90 c.c. of a five per cent aque- ous solution of carbolic acid with 10 ¢.c. of saturated alcoholic basic fuchsin. It may also be made up as follows: Weigh out Basic fiehsin. i nuccex owl y erase aes wuae ae enews oeaeaes 1 gram Carbolie acid: savant hbase dcs-xaw neice ad ahereg oiguiish ¢ aes 5 grams Dissolve in Distilled Watericcucs dias hades Gu ahaa wacee es anadea mites 100 e.c. Filter and add Absolute alcohol .......0.... 0000000 ccc cece eee eee eee 10 e.e. SPECIAL STAINING METHODS Spore Stains—Assnotr’s Mretuop.?—Cover-slips are smeared and fixed by heat in the usual manner. Cover with Loeffler’s alkaline methylene-blue and heat the stain until it boils, repeat the heating at intervals but do not boil continuously. Keep this up for one minute. Rinse in water. Decolorize with a mixture of alcohol eighty per cent 98 c.c. and nitric acid 2 ¢.c., until all blue has disappeared. Rinse in water. Dip from three to five seconds in saturated alcoholic solution of eosin 10 c.c., and water 90 c.c. Rinse in water, blot, and mount in balsam. By this method the spores are stained blue, the bodies of the bacilli are stained pink. 1 Ziehl, Deut. med. Woch., 1882. 2 Abbott, ‘Prin. of Bact.,” Phila., 1905. 8 98 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE Mog ter’s Merxop.'—Cover-slips are prepared as usual and fixed in the flame. Wash in chloroform for two minutes. Wash in water. Cover with five per cent chromic acid one-half to two minutes. Wash in water. Invert and float cover-slip on carbol-fuchsin solu- tion in a small porcelain dish and heat gently with a flame until it steams; continue this for three to five minutes. (This step can also be done by covering the cover-glass with carbol-fuchsin and holding over flame.) Decolorize with five per cent sulphuric acid five to ten seconds. Wash in water. Stain with aqueous methylene-blue one-half to one minute. By this method spores will be stained red, the body blue. Capsule Stains. —Wetcn’s Muraop. *__Cover-slips are prepared as usual and fixed by heat. Cover with glacial acetic acid for a few seconds. Pour off acetic acid and cover with anilin water gentian-violet, renewing stain repeatedly until all acid is removed. This is done by pouring the stain on and off three or four times and then finally leaving it on for about three minutes. Wash in two per cent salt solution and examine in this solution. Hiss’ Metuops.2—(1) Copper Sulphate Method.—Cover-slip prepara- tions are made by smearing the organisms in a drop of animal serum, preferably beef-blood serum. Dry in air and fix by heat. Stain for a few seconds with— Saturated alcoholic solution of fuchsin or gentian-violet 5 c.c., in distilled water 95 c.c. The cover-slip i is flooded with the dye and the preparation held fora second over a free flame until it steams. Wash off dye with twenty per cent aqueous copper sulphate solution. Blot (do not wash). Dry and mount. By this method permanent preparations are obtained, the capsule appearing as a faint blue halo around a dark purple cell body. (2) Potassium Carbonate Method.—This method consists in using as a dye a half-saturated solution of gentian-violet. Gentian-violet in 1 Moeller, Cent. f. Bakt., I, x, 1891. 2 Weich, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1892. 3 Hiss, Cent. f. Bakt., xxxi, 1902; Jour. Exper. Med., vi, 1905. MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 99 substance is added in excess to distilled water and allowed to dissolve to its full extent. The solution is then filtered and diluted to twice its volume. Cover-glass preparations are made by spreading the bacteria on a oover-slip in a drop of animal serum as in preceding method. They are allowed to dry in the air and fixed by heat as usual. The dye is then poured upon the preparation and allowed to remain for a few seconds. It is then washed off with a twenty-five-hundredth per cent solution of potassium carbonate in water, and studied in this solution. The cover-slip inverted on a slide may be rimmed with vaseline to prevent evaporation. BuerGeEr’s Mretuop.'—Cover-slip preparations are made by smear- ing in serum as in Hiss’ method. As the edges of the smear begin to dry, pour over it Zenker’s fluid (without acetic acid) and warm in flame for three seconds. (Zenker’s fluid is composed of potassium bichromate 2.5 gm., sodium sulphate 1 gm., water 100 c.c., saturated with bichloride of mercury.) Wash in water. Flush with ninety-five per cent alcohol. Cover with tincture of iodin, U. 8. P., one to three minutes. Wash with ninety-five per cent alcohol. Dry in the air. Stain with anilin water gentian-violet two to five seconds. Wash with two per cent salt solution. Mount and examine in salt solution. Wapswortn’s Mrtruop.’—Wadsworth has devised a method of staining capsules which depends upon the fixation of smears with forma- lin. After such fixation capsules may be demonstrated both with simple stains and by Gram’s method. The technique is as follows: Smear preparations, made as usual, are treated as follows: 1. Formalin, 40 per cent, two to five minutes. 2. Wash in water, five seconds. Smvpre Strain. DirrerentiaL Stain (Gram’s Method). . Ten per cent aqueous. gentian-violet. . Wash water, five seconds. . Dry, mount in balsam. 3. Anilin gentian-violet, two minutes. 4. Iodin solution, two minutes. 5. Alcohol, 95 per cent, decolorize. 6. Fuchsin, dilute aqueous solution. 7. 8. om Wash water, two seconds. Dry, mount in balsam. 1 Buerger, Med. News, Dec., 1904 ? Wadsworth, Jour. Inf. Dis., 1906, 100 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE It is important that the formalin be fresh and the exposure to water momentary. When decolorizing in the Gram method, strong alcohol only should be used. Wadsworth also found that encapsulated pneumococci could be demonstrated in celloidin sections of pneumonic lesions hardened in strong formalin. The lungs should be distended with the formalin or the lesions cut in very thin bits, hardened, dehydrated, embedded, and cut in the usual way. The celloidin sections may be fixed on the slides by partially dissolving the celloidin in alcohol and ether and setting the celloidin quickly in water before staining. Failure to obtain pneumococci encapsulated in such sections is usually due to improper or inadequate fixation in the formalin. The differential method employed by Wadsworth for tissue staining is as follows: . Fix in formalin forty per cent, two to five minutes. Wash in water. . Anilin gentian-violet, two minutes. . Iodin solution, two minutes. Alcohol, ninety-five per cent, decolorize. . Eosin alcohol, counterstain. . Clear in oil of origanum. Mount in balsam. DNeBaAkwNye Flagella Stains.—All flagella stains, in order to be successful, neces- sitate particularly clean cover-slip preparations, best made from young agar cultures emulsified in sterile salt solution. Scrupulous care should be exercised in cleaning the glassware used. LorFrLer’s Meruop.'—The preparation is dried in the air and fixed by heat. It is then treated with the following mordant solution: Twenty per cent aqueous tannic acid ................. 10 parts. Ferrous sulphate aq. sol. saturated at room temperature. 5 parts. Saturated alcoholic fuchsin solution.................. 1 part. This solution, which should be freshly filtered before using, is poured over the cover-glass and allowed to remain there for one-half to one minute, during which time it should be gently heated, but not allowed to boil. Wash thoroughly in water. Stain with five per cent anilin water fuchsin or anilin water gen- 1 Loeffler, Cont. f. Bakt., I, vi, 1889. MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 101 tian-violet made slightly alkaline by the addition of one-tenth per cent sodium hydrate. The stain should be filtered directly upon the cover-slip. Warm gently and leave on for one to two minutes. Wash in water. Mount in balsam. Van ERMENGEM’s Metuop.'—This method requires the preparation of three solutions. (1) Twenty per cent tannic acid solution .............. 60 c.c. Two per cent osmic acid solution .................. 30 c.c. Glacial acetic aiid 6... sce oe cate eva caieieiad eames «otis 4-5 drops. The cover-slip carrying the fixed preparation is placed in this solu- tion for one hour at room temperature, or for five minutes at 100° C. (boiling). Wash in water. Wash in absolute alcohol. Immerse the cover-slip for one to three seconds in (2) Silver nitrate, 0.25-0.5 per cent solution. Without washing, transfer to (3) Gallic: 30d sete sia suns lg cy stares eee RO eA OSE Hg 5 gm. Tannic acid.............. SSR Alas Serie maaR nas PAs of Fused potassium acetate ................ 00.0000. 10 “ Distilled. Water 2uscaicrsaamev ier ree dessa sees eres 350 ¢.¢. Immerse in this for a few minutes, moving the cover-slip about. Return to the silver nitrate solution until the preparation turns black. Wash thoroughly in water. Blot and mount. Swiry’s MopiricaTIon or Prrrreyp’s Meruop.’—A saturated solu- tion of bichloride of mercury is boiled and is poured while still hot into a bottle in which crystals of ammonia alum have been placed in quantity more than sufficient to saturate the fluid. The bottle is then shaken and allowed to cool. Ten c.c. of this solution are added to 10 c.c. of freshly prepared ten per cent tannic acid solution. To this add 5 c.c. carbol- fuchsin solution. Mix and filter. To stain, filter the above mordant directly upon the fixed soverlip 1 Van Ermengem, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xv, 1894. 2, Smith, Brit. Med. Jour., I, 1901, p. 205. 102 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE preparation. Heat gently for three minutes, but do not allow to boil. Wash in water and stain with the following solution: Saturated alcoholic solution gentian-violet ...........- lee. Saturated solution ammonia alum .........-..0+++e0+- 10 c.c. Filter the stain directly upon the preparation and heat for three or four minutes. Wash in water, dry, and mount in balsam. Differential Stains. —Gram’s Mersop.'—By this method of staining, which is extremely important in bacterial differentiation, bacteria are divided into those which retain the initial stain and those which are subsequently decolorized and take the counterstain. The former are often spoken of as the Gram-positive, the latter as Gram-negative bacteria. Preparations are made on cover-slips or slides in the usual way. The preparation is then covered with an anilin gentian-violet solu- tion which is best made up freshly before use. The staining fluid is made up, according to Gram’s original direc- tions,” as follows: Five c.c. of anilin oil are shaken up thoroughly with 125 ¢.c. of dis- tilled water. This solution is then filtered through a moist filter paper. To 108 c.c. of this anilin water, add 12 c.c. of a saturated alcoholic solution of gentian-violet. The stain acts best when twelve to twenty- four hours old, but may be used at once. It lasts, if well stoppered, for three to five days. A more convenient and simple method of making up . the stain is as follows: To 10 c.c. of distilled water in a test tube add anilin oil until on shaking the emulsion is opaque; roughly, one to ten. Filter this through a wet paper until the filtrate is clear. To this add saturated alcoholic solution of gentian-violet until the mixture is no longer transparent, and a metallic film on the surface indicates saturation. One part of alcoholic saturated gentian-violet to nine parts of the anilin water will give this result. This mixture may be used immediately and lasts two to five days if kept in a stoppered bottle. Cover the preparation with this; leave on for 5 minutes. Pour off excess stain and cover with Gram’s iodin solution for 2 to 3 minutes. TOAD sec cesieeas wad cea a Raa Petahed See e ean eas 1 gm Potassium iodid.. 2... 0. eee cece eee c eee reer e tees 2 gm Digtilled Water on: accsaiadiellacers: uatsunans: slow eines oe NES 300 c.c 1 Gram, Fortschr. d. Med., ii, 1884. 2 Gram, loc. cit. MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 103 Decolorize with ninety-seven per cent alcohol until no further traces of the stain can be washed out of the preparation. This takes usually thirty seconds to two minutes, according to thinness of prepara- tion. Wash in water. Counterstain with an aqueous contrast stain, preferably Bismarck brown.! Pautaur’s MoprricaTion or Gram’s Srarn.?—The staining fluid as prepared by this modification possesses the advantage of retaining its staining power for a longer period than does the anilin-water-gentian- violet described in the original method. The staining fluid is prepared as follows: 3-5 c.c. anilin oil are added to 90 c.c. distilled water and 7 ¢.c. absolute alcohol. This mixture is thoroughly shaken and filtered through a moist filter paper until clear. Then add: Gruebler’s gentian-violet 2 gm. The fluid should stand twenty-four hours, during which a precipi- tate forms. This is filtered before use. This gentian-violet solution retains its staining power for from four to six weeks. It is good only when a metallic luster develops on the surface. It is used in the following way: Spreads on cover-slips or slides are dried and fixed as usual. Then apply :— Anilin water gentian-violet (as above), three minutes, Gram’s iodin solution, two minutes. Absolute alcohol (with stirring), thirty seconds. Counterstain, without washing in water, in aqueous fuchsin or in weak eorbol-fichain, sai y 1To make up Bismarck brown solution, prepare a saturated aqueous solution of the powdered dye by heating. Allow it to cool, and filter. Dilute one to ten with distilled water. 2 Sharnosky, Proc. N. Y. Pathol. Soc., Oct.; 1909, n. s., ix, 5. 104 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE CLASSIFICATION OF THE Most Important PatHoGENic BACTERIA ACCORDING TO GRAM’s STAIN. Gram-positive. (Retain the Gentian-violet.) Micrococcus pyogenes aureus Micrococcus pyogenes albus Streptococcus pyogenes Micrococcus tetragenus Pneumococcus Bacillus subtilis Bacillus anthracis Bacillus diphtheriz Bacillus tetanus Bacillus tuberculosis and other acid-fast bacilli Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus Bacillus botulinus Gram-negative. (Take Counterstain.) Meningococcus Gonococcus Micrococcus catarrhalis Bacillus coli Bacillus dysenteriz Bacillus typhosus Bacillus paratyphosus Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes Bacillus enteritidis Bacillus proteus (proteus) Bacillus mallei Bacillus pyocyaneus Bacillus influenze Bacillus mucosus capsulatus Bacillus pestis Bacillus maligni cedematis Spirillum cholerze Bacillus Koch-Weeks Bacillus Morax-Axenfeld Stains for Acid-Fast Bacteria.—These methods of staining are chiefly useful in the demonstration of tubercle bacilli. These bacteria because of their waxy cell membranes are not easily stained by any but the most intensified dyes, but when once stained, retain the color in spite of ener- getic decolorization with acid. For this reason they are known as acid- fast bacilli. The first method devised for the staining of tubercle and allied bacilli was that of Ehrlich. Exnruich Meraop.'—This method is now rarely used. Cover-slip preparations are prepared as usual and fixed by heat. Stain with anilin water gentian-violet, hot, three to five minutes, or twenty-four hours at room temperature. 1 Ehrlich, Deut. med. Woch., 1882. MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 105 Decolorize with thirty-three per cent nitric acid one-half to one minute. Treat with sixty per cent alcohol, until no color can be seen to come off. Counterstain with aqueous methylene-blue. Rinse in water, dry, and mount. ZieHL-NEELSON MeEruop.'—Thin smears are made upon cover- slips or slides. Fix by heat. Stain in carbol-fuchsin solution as given on page 97. The slide or cover-slip may be flooded with the stain, and this gently heated with the flame until it steams, or else the cover-slip may be inverted upon the surface of the staining fluid, in a porcelain dish or watch-glass, and this heated until it steams. This is continued for three to five min- utes. Decolorize with either five per cent nitric acid, five per cent sulphuric acid, or one per cent hydrochloric acid for three to five seconds. The treatment with the acid is continued until subsequent washing with water will give only a faint pink color to the preparation. Wash with ninety per cent alcohol until no further color can be re- moved. If, after prolonged washing with alcohol, a red color still re- mains in very thick places upon the smear, while the thin areas appear entirely decolorized, this may be disregarded. Wash in water and counterstain in aqueous methylene-blue for one-half to one minute. Rinse n water, dry, and mount. By this method the tubercle bacilli are colored red, other bacteria and cellular elements which may be present are stained blue. GasBet’s Metuopv.’—Gabbet has devised a rapid method in which the decolorization and counterstaining are accomplished by one solu- tion. The specimen is prepared and stained with carbol-fuchsin as in the preceding method. It is then immersed for one minute directly in the following solution: Methylene-blue.. 0c cece eee cee eee enes 2 gms. Sulphuric acid 25 per cent (sp. gr. 1018).............. 100 c.c. Then rinse in water, dry, and mount. This method, while rapid and very convenient, is not so reliable as the Ziehl-Neelson method. 1 Ziehl, Deut. med. Woch., 1882; Neelson, Deut. med. Woch., 1883. 2 Gabbet, Lancet, 1887. 106 BIOLOGY AND TECHNIQUE PappenHErmm’s Metuop.'—The method of Pappenheim is devised for the purpose of differentiating between the tubercle bacillus and the smegma bacillus. Confusion may occasionally arise between these two microorganisms, especially in the examination of urine where smegma bacilli are derived from the genitals, and less frequently in the examina- tion of sputum where smegma, bacilli may occasionally be mixed with the secretions of the pharynx and throat. Preparations are smeared and fixed by heat in the usual way. Stain with hot carbol-fuchsin solution for two minutes. Pour off dye without washing and cover with the following mixture: Corallin (rosolic acid) ............ 0 cece eee eee eee 1 gm. Absolute alcoholiess 345 weveas ween eee nee weg as aids e538 100 c.c. Methylene-blue added to saturation Add glycerin 2k. ec cce ka and oa eas ek ae oe wee es wees a 20 c.c. This mixture is poured on and drained off slowly, the procedure being repeated four or five times, and finally the preparation is washed in water. The combination of alcohol and rosolic acid decolorizes the smegma bacilli, but leaves the tubercle bacilli stained bright red. Bunce anp TRauTENRoTH Metuop.’—This method is designed to differentiate between the tubercle and smegma bacilli. Smear and fix by heat in the usual way. Wash with absolute alcohol to remove fat. Treat with five per cent chromic acid for fifteen minutes. Wash in several changes of water. Stain with hot carbol-fuchsin for five minutes. Decolorize with sixteen per cent sulphuric acid for three minutes. Counterstain with alcoholic methylene-blue for five minutes. Wash in water, dry, and mount. By this method the tubercle bacillus remains red, the smegma bacil- lus is decolorized. BaumcaRrten’s Meruop.‘—This method is recommended by the author for differentiation between the bacillus of tuberculosis and the bacillus of leprosy and depends upon the fact that the tubercle bacillus is less easily stained than Bacillus lepre. Smears are prepared and fixed by heat in the usual way. 1 Pappenheim, Berl. klin. Woch., 1898. 2 The glycerin is added after the other constituents have been mixed. 3 Bunge und Trautenroth, Fortschr. d. Med., xiv, 1896. 5 Baumgarten, Zeit. f. wissensch. Mikrosk., 1, 1884. MICROSCOPIC STUDY AND STAINING 107 Stain in dilute alcoholic fuchsin for five minutes. Decolorize for twenty seconds in alcohol, ninety-five per cent, ten parts, nitric acid one part. Wash in water. Counterstain in methylene-blue. Wash in water, dry, and mount. The tubercle bacillus should be blue and the bacillus of leprosy red. Special Stains for Polar Bodies.—-These staining methods are designed to bring into view polar bodies as found, for instance, in the bacilli of diphtheria and plague. NEIssER’s MeTHOD.’—Smear and fix in the usual manner. Stain for two to five seconds in the following solution: Methyléné=blucsiicvncora ves taey soe ade een este ows 1 gm. Absolute: ‘alcohol oii Bordet,® and others to take place, though to a lesser extent, in vitro. Bordet, furthermore, observed that 1y, Fodor, Deut. med. Woch., 1886. 2 Nuttall, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1886. 3 Buchner, Cent. f. Bakt., 1889. 1 Pfeiffer und Isaeff, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1894. 5 Metchnikoff, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1895. 6 Bordet, ibid., 1895. 224 LYSINS, .AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 225 the bacteriolytic digestive power of such immune serum, when destroyed by heating, or after being attenuated by time, could be restored by the addition to it of small quantities of normal blood serum. It could, in other words, be ‘‘reactivated” by normal serum. From this obser- vation Bordet drew the conclusion that the bactericidal or bacteriolytic action of the serum depended upon two distinct substances. The one present in normal serum and thermolabile, he conceived to be identical with Buchner’s alexin. The other, more stable, produced or at least increased in the serum by the process of immunization, he called the “sensitizing substance.” This substance, he believed, acting upon the bacterial cells, rendered them vulnerable to the action of the alexin. Without the previous preparatory action of the “sensitizing substance” the alexin was unable to act. Without the co-operation of alexin, the “sensitizing substance ”’ produced no visible effects. Bordet’s interpretation of the phenomenon of lysis differs essentially from that of Ehrlich, in that both active serum components are con- ceived by him, though independent, to act directly upon the bacterial cell. A few years later, Bordet was able to show that exactly analogous conditions governed the phenomenon known as “hemolysis” or dis- integration of red blood cells. It had been known for many years that in the transfusion of -blood. from an animal of one species into an animal of another species, in- jury was done to the red corpuscles which were introduced. Observed in the test tube, the red cells in the heterologous serum were seen to give up their hemoglobin in the fluid, the mixture taking on the red transparency characteristic of what is known as “laked” blood. Buch- ner,’ in his alexin studies, had shown that the blood-cell destroying action of the normal serum was subject to the same laws as the bac- tericidal power of similar serum, in that it was destroyed by heating, and he assumed that both the bacteriolytic and the hemolytic action of normal serum were due to the same “alexin.” Metchnikoff,? more- over, had pointed out the striking analogy between the two phenomena as early as 1889. Bordet* now observed that the blood serum of guinea-pigs previously treated with the defibrinated blood of rabbits developed marked powers of dissolving rabbits’ corpuscles, and that this hemolytic action could 1 Buchner, Arch. f. Hyg., xvii, 1893; Waremberg, Arch, d. méd, exper., 1891, 2 Metchnikoff, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1889. 3 Bordet, Ann. de J’inst, Pasteur, t, xii, 1898, 226 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY be destroyed by heating to 56° C., but “reactivated” by the addition of fresh normal serum. He had thus produced an immune hemolysin, just as Pfeiffer had produced immune bacteriolysin, and had demon- strated the complete parallelism which existed between the two phe- nomena. A practical test-tube method was thus given for the investigation of the lysins, just as a practical test-tube method for antitoxin researches had been developed by Ehrlich in his ricin-antiricin experiments. The path of investigation thus pointed out by Bordet was soon ex- plored in greater detail by Ehrlich and Morgenroth.’ The reasoning which Ehrlich had applied in explaining the production of antitoxins was thought, by these observers, to be equally applicable to the phe- nomena of bacteriolysis and hemolysis. Since the thermolabile substance or alexin, renamed by Thrlich “complement,” was already present in normal serum and had been shown to be little, if at all, increased during the process of immunization, this substance could have but little relation to the changes taking place in the animal body as immunity was acquired. The more stable serum- component, however, the “substance sensibilisatrice” of Bordet, or, as Ehrlich now called it, the ‘immune body,” was the one which seemed specifically called forth by the process of active immunization. Ehrlich argued, therefore, that when bacteria or blood cells were injected into the animal, certain atom-groups or chemical components of the injected substances were united to other atom-groups or “side chains” of the protoplasm of the tissue cells. These “side chains” or receptors, then reproduced in excess and finally thrown free into the circulation, con- stituted the “immune body.” The immune body, therefore, he con- cluded, must possess atom complexes which endow it with specific chemical affinity for the bacteria or red blood cells used in its produc- tion. This contention was supported by Ehrlich and Morgenroth by an ingenious series of experiments. Having in their possession, at that time, the blood serum of a goat immunized against the red blood cells of a sheep, they inactivated it (destroyed the complement or alexin) by heating to 56° C. The serum then contained only the “substance sensibilisatrice” or immune body. To this inactivated serum they added sheep’s red corpuscles, without obtaining hemolysis. Having left the inactive serum and the sheep’s corpuscles in contact with each other for some time, they separated 1 Ehrlich und Morgenroth, Berl. klin. Woch., 1, 1899. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 227 them by centrifugalization. To the supernatant fluid, they now added sheep-blood corpuscles and normal goat serum (complement) and found that no hemolysis took place. The immune body had apparently gone out of the serum. The red cells which had been in contact with the serum and separated by the centrifuge were then washed in salt solution and to them complement was added in the form of fresh normal serum. Immunizing Substance Complement ' b Body Cell v- -- Fic. 57.—Exuruicu’s ConcerTion oF Creti-Receprors, Givine Rise to Lyric Immune Bopies (Haprines oF THE THIRD ORDER). Hemolysis occurred. It was plain, therefore, that the immune body of the inactivated serum had gone out of solution and had become at- tached to the red blood cells, or, as Fhrlich expressed it, the immune body by means of its ““haptophore” atom-group had become united to the corpuscles. In contrast to this, if normal goat serum (containing — ~ Com plement — —-Immune body Cell used for immunizing Fie. 58.—CoMPLEMENT, AMBOCEPTOR oR ImmUNE Bopy, snp ANTIGEN On IMMUNIZING SUBSTANCE. complement only) was added to sheep corpuscles and separated again by centrifugalization, the supernatant fluid was found to be still capable of reactivating inactivated serum (immune body). This he interpreted as proving that the complement was not bound to the corpuscles directly. If the three factors concerned—corpuscles, immune body, and complement—were mixed and the mixture kept at 0° C., no hemolysis 228 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY occurred; yet, centrifugalized at this temperature, immune body was found to have become bound to the corpuscles, the complement re- maining free in the supernatant fluid. If the same mixture, however, was exposed to 37° C., hemolysis promptly occurred. From these facts, Ehrlich concluded that complement did not direct- ly combine with the corpuscles, but did so through the intervention of the immune body. This immune body, he reasoned, possessed two distinct atom-groups or haptophores; one, the cytophile haptophore group, possessing strong chemical affinity for the red blood cell; the other, or complementophile haptophore group, with weaker avidity for the complement. Because of this double combining power, Ehrlich speaks of the immune body as “amboceptor.”’ His views as to the nature and action of immune body and complement are graphically represented in Figs. 57 and 58 (p. 227). From what has been said before, it will be seen that the fundamental difference between the conceptions of the mechanism of the lytic proc- esses as held by Bordet and by Ehrlich lies in the ability of the alexin or complement to act directly upon the antigen, as claimed by Bor- det, or, as Ehrlich holds, only through the intermediation of the im- mune body. Bordet’s views,’ by no means disproved and still held by many bactericlogists, may be summed up in his own words as follows: “Neither immune body nor antigen (bacterium, blood cell, etc.) alone has any manifest affinity for alexin (complement); but, united, they form a complex which can absorb alexin.”” The absorption of comple- ment is thus conceived as a property of the immune body or amboceptor (or, in Bordet’s language, sensitizer) plus its specific antigen—acting as a complex and not through a complementophile group of the immune body. AGGLUTININS Although Metchnikoff ? and Charrin and Roger ® had noticed pecul- iarities in the growth of bacteria when cultivated in immune sera, which were unquestionably due to agglutination, the first recognition of the agglutination reaction as a separate function of immune sera was the achievement of Gruber and Durham. While investigating the Pfeiffer reaction with B. coli and the cholera vibrio, Gruber and Durham * 1 Bordet, A Résumé of Immunity in “ Studies in Immunity.” Transl. by Gay, Wiley & Son, 1909. 2 Metchnikoff, “ Etudes sur ’immunité,” IV Memoir, 1891. 3Charrin et Roger, Compt. rend. de la soe. de biol., 1889. 4Gruber und Durham, Mitnch. med. Woch., 1896. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 229 noticed that if the respective immune sera were added to bouillon cul- tures of these two species, the cultures would lose their turbidity and flake-like clumps would sink to the bottom of the tube, the supernatant fluid becoming clear. Gruber, at the same time, called attention to the fact that immune sera would affect in this way not only the microor- ganism used in their production, but, to ‘a less energetic extent, other closely related bacteria as well. Widal, very soon after Gruber and Durham’s announcement, ap- plied the agglutination reaction to the practical diagnosis of typhoid fever, finding that the serum of patients afflicted with this disease showed agglutinating power over the typhoid bacillus at early stages in the course of the fever. The reaction, thus practically applied to clinical diagnosis, was soon shown to be of great importance in its Fic. 59.—Microscoric AGGLUTINATION REACTION. bearing on bacteriological species differentiation. Since animals im- munized against a definite species of bacteria acquire in their sera specific agglutinating powers for these bacteria and at best only slight agglutinating powers for other species, immune sera can be used ex- tensively in differentiating between bacterial varieties. Agglutination may be observed microscopically or macroscopically. Bacteria brought into contact with agglutinating serum in the hanging drop rapidly lose their motility, if motile, as in the case of typhoid bacilli, and gather together in small clumps or masses. The microscopic picture is striking and easily recognized and the reaction takes place with varying speed and completeness, according to the strength of the agglutinating serum. As the reaction approaches completeness, the clumps grow larger, 230 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY individual microorganisms become more and more scarce, finally leaving the medium between clumps entirely clear. While the clumping of a motile organism suggests that motility has something to do with the coming together in clumps, it nevertheless has no relation whatever to agglutination, motile and non-motile organisms alike being subject to the reaction. Macroscopically observed, in small test tubes or capillary tubes, ag- glutination evidences itself by the formation of flake-like masses which Fie. 60.—Macroscoric AgcLuTINATION. Dilutions from 1 in 10 to 1 in 1,000. The first tube contains a 1:20 control with the bacteria and normal serum. Agglntination complete in the tubes marked 10, 20, 50, 100. settle into irregular heaps at the bottom, leaving the supernatant fluid clear, in distinct contrast to the even flat sediment and the clouded supernatant fluid of the control. Macroscopically, too, agglutination is evidenced when bacteria are grown in broth to which immune serum has been added. Instead of evenly clouding the broth, the micro- organisms develop in clumps or chains. Another phenomenon probably produced by agglutinins is the so- LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 231 called “thread-reaction” of Pfaundler.1. This consists in the forma- tion of long convoluted threads of bacterial growth in the hanging drop of dilute immune serum after twenty-four hours. Very strict speci- ficity is attributed to this reaction by Pfaundler. Agglutinins act upon dead as well as upon living bacteria. For the microscopic tests bacterial emulsions killed by formalin were intro- duced by Neisser. Ficker? has recently succeeded in preparing an emulsion of typhoid bacilli, which is permanent and may be kept indefinitely, and may be employed for macroscopic agglutinations.? Attention has been called by various workers to a source of error in all these methods, known as pseudo-clumping.* The causes for such clumping not due to agglutinins seem to lie in the presence of blood cells in the serum or excessive alkalinity of the culture medium.® While the microscopic methods are more suitable for clinical-diag- nostic purposes, because of the smaller amounts of blood required, the macroscopic tests are far preferable for the purposes of bacterial differen- tiation and research. Greater exactitude of dilution is possible when dealing with larger quantities; microscopic unevenness in the bacterial emulsion does not become a source of error; and positive and negative reactions are more sharply defined. Nature of Agglutinins—Gruber and Durham,‘ the discoversra of ag- glutinins, at first advanced the opinion that the spulubinins were identical with the immune body concerned in the Pfeiffer reaction, which by in- juring the bacteria rendered them susceptible to the alexins. Pfeiffer” and Kolle ® soon showed, however, that by the addition of cholera vibrio to immune serum, the agglutinins could be completely absorbed, or used up, while bacteriolytic substances still remained. The same authors demonstrated that immune serum, preserved for several months, would lose its agglutinins without a corresponding loss of bacteriolytic power. It has been variously shown since then, by these and other authors, that the agglutinins and the bactericidal substances are in no way parallel 1 Pfaundler, Cent. f. Bakt., xxiii, 1898. 2 Ficker, Berl. klin. Woch., 1903. 3 The exact method of production of “Ficker’s Diagnosticum” is a proprietary secret. 4 Savage, Jour. of Path. and Bact., 1901. 5 Biggs and Park, Amer. Jour. of Med. Sci., 1897; Block, Brit. Med. Jour., 1897. 5 Loc. cit. 7 Pfeiffer, Deut. med. Woch., 1896. 8 Pfeiffer und Kolle, Cent. f. Bakt., xx, 1896. 16 232 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY in their development, and that strongly agglutinating sera may be ex- tremely weak in bactericidal substances and vice versa, the relative quan- tity of either of these substances depending to a certain extent upon _ the method of immunization. Whether or not agglutinins possess any direct protective function can not at present be stated with certainty. Metchnikoff * assigns to them a purely secondary réle. As a matter of fact, agglutinated bacteria” are not killed by the act of agglutination and are often as virulent as non-agglutinated cultures. The agglutinins, furthermore, unlike the bactericidal substances in sera, remain active after exposure to temperatures of over 55° C., some of them withstanding even 65° to 70°, and can not be reactivated by the subsequent addition of normal serum. These facts definitely preclude the participation in the reaction of the alexin or complement and have an important bearing upon Ehrlich’s views of their structure * (see page 238). As a result of these and a multitude of other studies, the agglu- tinins have come to be regarded as separate antibodies, closely related to the precipitins. The agglutinins may be chemically precipitated out of serum together with the globulins. They do not dialyze. Bordet * made the observa- tion that agglutinins do not act in the absence of NaCl. Whether the presence of the salt aids the reaction in a chemical or purely physical way, as Bordet supposed, is uncertain. Production of Agglutinins.—Just as normal sera contain small quan- tities of bactericidal substances, so do they contain agglutinins in small amount. In a general way these “normal agglutinins” have the same nature as the immune agglutinins, and it is probable that their presence is traceable to the various microorganisms parasitic upon the human and animal body. As a matter of fact, the blood serum of new-born guinea-pigs hardly ever contains agglutinin for B. coli, while that of adults acts upon these bacilli in dilutions of 1:20.° Similarly, infants show lower normal ag- glutinating values than adults.® 1 Metchnikoff, ‘‘ L’immunité,” ete., 1901, p. 214. 2 Mesnil, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1898. 3 Pane, Cent. f. Bakt., 1897; Trumpp, Arch. f. Hyg., 1898; Férster, Zeit. f. Hyg., Xxiv. 4 Bordet, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1899. 5 Kraus und Léw, Gesell. d. Aerzte, Wien, 1899. 6 Pfaundler, Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., Bd. 50. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 233 Agglutinins may be produced in the sera of animals by the intro- duction of microorganisms subcutaneously, intravenously, or intraperi- toneally. The intravenous method seems to give the most abundant and speedy results.‘ The formation of agglutinins is a reaction to the body- substances of the bacteria themselves, rather than to their toxic prod- ucts. Thus agglutinins are produced in response to the introduction of dead bacteria and soluble extracts of cultures. Pathogenicity ’ does not influence agglutinin formation to any great extent, non-pathogenic as well as pathogenic giving rise to these substances in serum. As a tule, however, agglutinins are more easily produced against avirulent than against fully virulent strains of bacteria of the same species. While agglutinins can be produced with almost all the known bac- teria, there are great differences between various species in the quantity and speed of production, and Nicolle and Thenel? have classified bac- teria in three groups according to their power of stimulating the pro- duction of agglutinins in immunized animals. Asa rule, the agglutinins appear in the blood of animals three to six days after the introduction of bacteria. From the third to the sixth day they rapidly increase to a maximum at the seventh to thirteenth day. They then fall off rapidly until they reach a level at which they remain for a long period without very considerable change. Curves to illustrate these phases have been constructed by Jorgensen and Madsen.‘ The Reaction between Agglutinin and Agglutinin-Stimulating Sub- stances (Agglutinogen).—The fact that agglutinin can be removed from, or absorbed out of, serum by the specific bacilli which have led to its formation indicates that there is in the act of agglutination a com- bination between the agglutinin and the agglutinin-stimulating sub- stance (agglutinogen). It is likely that this combination is of a chemical nature, since, as we have mentioned, agglutinins result from the in- jection of bacterial extracts as well as from the introduction of living bacteria. The probability that the process follows chemical laws of combination is furthermore strengthened by the work of Joos*® and others, who have demonstrated that definite quantitative relations ex- ist between the agglutinin-stimulating substances and the agglutinins. Every agglutination reaction, therefore, will vary in its degree of com- 1 Hoffmann, Hyg. Rundschau, 1903. 2 Nicolle, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1898. 3 Nicolle et Thenel, Ann. de |’inst. Pasteur, 1902. 4 Jorgensen and Madsen, Festschrift, Kopenhagen, 1902. 5 Joos, Zeits. f. Hyg., xxxvi, 1901. 234 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY pleteness with the quantities of agglutinin and agglutinogen, a fact which makes it necessary, especially for clinical tests, to preserve a certain uniformity in the quantity and density of the bacterial culture or emulsion employed. SPeciriciry.—From the very beginning, Gruber and Durham * had claimed specificity for the agglutination reaction, and in this sense it was clinically utilized by Widal for the diagnosis of typhoid fever. It was noticed, however, even by these earliest workers, that the serum of an animal immunized against one microorganism would often agglutinate, to a less potent degree, other closely related species. Thus, the serum of a typhoid-immune animal may agglutinate the typhoid bacillus in dilutions of 1 : 1,000, and the colon bacillus in dilutions as high as 1 : 200; while the agglutinating power of normal serum for the colon bacillus rarely exceeds 1:20. The specificity of the reaction for practical pur- poses, thus, is not destroyed if proper dilution is carried out, the degree of agglutinin formation being always far higher for the specific organism used in immunization than it is for allied organisms. The specific immune-agglutinin in such experiments is spoken of as the chief ag- glutinin (hauptagglutinin), and the agglutinins formed parallel with it, as the partial agglutinin (metagglutinin), terms introduced by Wasser- mann. Hiss has spoken of these as major and minor agglutinins. The relative quantities of the specific chief agglutinin and partial agglutinins present in any immune serum depend upon the individual cultures used for immunization, and the phenomenon is probably dependent upon the fact that certain elements in the complicated bacterial cell-body may be common to several species and find common receptors in the animal body. Whenever an immune serum agglutinates a number of members of the group related to the specific organism used for its produc- tion, the reaction is spoken of “group agglutination.” The partial agglutinins (metagglutinins) have been extensively studied by Castellani” and others, by a method spoken of as the “ab- sorption method.’ This consists in the separate addition of bacterial emulsions (agglutinogens) of the various species concerned in a group , agglutination, to the agglutinating serum. In this way, specific and par- tial agglutinins can be separately removed from the immune serum by absorption—each by its corresponding agglutinogen. In such experi- ments all agglutinins will be removed by the organisms used for im- 1Gruber und Durham, loc. cit. 2 Castellani, Zeits. f. Hyg., xl, 1902. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 235 munization, a partial removal only resulting from the addition of allied strains. This method has thrown much light upon the intimate relations existing between members of various bacterial species, and has been particularly valuable in the study of the typhoid-colon-dysentery group. It is important to mention, however, that “groups” as de- termined by agglutination tests do not always correspond to classi- fications depending upon morphological and cultural characteristics. An interesting phenomenon of great practical importance, which has been noticed by a number of observers, and which may often be encountered in routine agglutination tests, is the frequent failure of a strongly agglutinating serum to produce agglutination if used in concen- tration, while in dilutions it produces a characteristic reaction. This has been explained theoretically by what is known as the “proagglutinoid zone.” It is assumed that agglutinins may deteriorate as do toxins and be converted into substances which are capable of combining with agglu- tinogen without causing agglutination. Such substances, as we will see in discussing Ehrlich’s views on the structure of agglutinins, may have a stronger affinity for agglutinogen than the agglutinins them- selves, and are, therefore, termed “proagglutinoids.” In strongly agglutinating sera these proagglutinoids may be present in considerable quantities and prevent the combination of agglutinin with agglutinogen. In dilution, this proagglutinoid action would naturally become weaker and of no actual significance in obscuring the reaction. . Agglutination, like other immune phenomena, is a manifestation of broad biological laws and not limited to bacteria. Thus, as hemolysins are produced by the injection of red blood cells, so hemagglutinins, or substances which clump together red blood cells, are similarly formed. PRECIPITINS (Coagulins) In the year 1897, R. Kraus,! of Vienna, demonstrated that the sera of animals immunized against B. pestis, B. typhosus, and Vibrio cholere, when mixed with the clear filtrate of bouillon cultures of the respective organisms, gave rise to macroscopically visible precipitates. The precipitates occurred only when filtrate and immune serum were homologous, that is to say, the animal from which the serum was ob- _tained was immunized by the same species of microorganism as that used in the test; and for this reason Kraus spoke of them as “specific 1 Kraus, Wien. klin. Woch., 1897. 236 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY precipitates.” It was evident, therefore, that during the process of active immunization with these organisms, a specific antibody had been pro- duced in the serum of the treated animal, which, because of its precipitat- ing quality, was named “‘precipitin.” This peculiar reaction was soon found to hold good, not only for the bacteria used by Kraus, but also for other bacteria, few failing to stimulate the production of specific precipi- tins in the sera of immunized animals. The phenomenon of precipitation, however, is not limited to bacterial immunization, but has been found, like the phenomena of agglutination and lysis, to depend upon biolog- ical laws of broad application. Thus, Bordet! found that the blood serum of rabbits treated with the serum of the chicken gave a specific precipitate when mixed with chicken serum. Tchistovitch 2? demon- strated a similar reaction with the sera of rabbits treated with horse and eel sera. By the injection of milk, Wassermann,? Schiitze,* and others produced an antibody which precipitated the casein of the particular variety of milk employed for immunization. The reaction was thus applicable to many albuminous substances. These substances, because of their precipitin-stimulating quality, are called “ precipitinogens.” Nature of Precipitins —The precipitins, like the agglutinins, may be inactivated by heating to from 60° to 70° C., and can not be reactivated by the addition of normal serum or by any other known method. Such inactivated precipitin, however, while unable to produce precipi- tates, has not lost its power of binding the precipitinogen. This is shown by the fact that the inactivated precipitin, when mixed with pre- cipitinogen, will prevent subsequently added fresh precipitin from caus- ing a reaction. From these facts the conclusion has been drawn that precipitin, like toxin, is built up of two atom groups,® a stable hap- tophore and a labile precipitophore group. By the destruction of the latter, an inactive, yet neutralizing substance is produced which is spoken of as “precipitoid.” The precipitoids, like protoxoids, have a higher affinity for precipitinogen than the unchanged precipitin, and thus are able to prevent the action of these. Our own opinion would rather incline toward regarding the pre- cipitins as identical in structure with sensitizer or amboceptor—being in fact “‘albuminolysins” in the sense of Gengou. This problem is too 1 Bordet, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1899. 2 Tchistovitch, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1899. 3 Wassermann, Deut. med. Woch., 29, 1900. 4 Schiitze, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1901. 5 Kraus und v. Pirquet, Cent. f. Bakt., Orig. Bd. xxxii. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 237 complex to be discussed in detail in a summary of immunity as brief as the one here presented. Specificity — The specificity of precipitins is a question of the greatest importance, since, as we shall see, these bodies have been used extensively for the differentiation of animal proteids. In regard to bacterial precipitins it may be said that, just as in agglutination, there is in precipitation a certain degree of “group reaction.” The pre- cipitin obtained with a colon bacillus, for instance, will cause precipita- tion with culture-filtrates of closely allied organisms, though in a less marked degree. According to Kraus, such confusion may be easily overcome by the proper use of dilution and quantitative adjustment, similar to that used in agglutination tests. Norris! found that the precipitates given by immune sera with the filtrates of the homologous bacteria were invariably heavier than those given with allied strains and that the latter could be eliminated entirely by sufficient dilution. Specificity becomes of still greater importance in the forensic use of the precipitin reaction introduced by Uhlenhuth,? Wassermann and Schiitze,? and Stern. These authors found that the precipitin reaction furnished a means of distinguishing the blood of one species from that of another. Thus, blood spots, dissolved out in normal salt solution, could be recognized by this reaction ‘is originating from man or from an animal, even after months of drying and in dilutions as high as 1: 50,- 000. Since the value of this test depends entirely upon the strict specificity of the reaction, this question has been studied with especial care, notably by Nuttall.6 All who have investigated the subject find the only important source of confusion in the blood of the anthropoid apes. The specificity of the reaction, too, has been found to depend very closely upon the amount of precipitin in the serum employed. If a highly immune serum is insufficiently diluted, the reaction loses much of its specific value. This source of error is easily eliminated in practice by careful control and titration of the sera used for the tests. Unlike agglutinins, precipitins have, so far, not been demonstrated in normal sera.’ 1 Norris, Jour. Inf. Dis., i, 3, 1904. 2 Uhlenhuth, Deut. med. Woch., xlvi, 1900; vi and xvii, 1901. 3 Wassermann und Schiitze, Berl. klin. Woch., vi, 1901. 4 Stern, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. 5 Nuttall, Brit. Med. Jour., i, 1901; ii, 1902. 6 Kister und Wolff, Zeit. f. Medizinal-Beamte, 1902. 7 Kraus, loc. cit., and Norris, loc. cit. 238 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Theoretical Considerations Concerning Agglutinins and Precipitins.— We have seen that Ehrlich evolved his theories of antibody forma- tion from his early views upon the absorption of nutritive substances by the body cells, and we have followed, in more or less detail, the steps of his reasoning as he developed his hypothesis in its application to the antitoxic and the lytic substances. There still remained the agglutinins and precipitins, bodies which because of their individual characteris- tics can be classed neither with the group of antitoxic, nor with that of the lytic substances. These two antibodies, while by no means identical, possess the common characteristics of being more thermostable than the bacteriolytic substances, and of being insusceptible to reactivation by normal serum. It is plain, therefore, that both agglutinating and precipitating reactions take place without the co-operation of comple- ment. The substances which give rise to precipitins and agglutinins, - —Agglutinin Cell used for immunizing Fig. 61.—EuruicH’s CONCEPTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF AGGLUTININS AND PRECIPITINS. moreover, are not of the relatively simple soluble character of the toxins, but are intrinsic portions of complex albuminous molecules, comparable to and often identical with the true nutritive substances. For these reasons Ehrlich believes that the cell-receptors for the various substances which give rise to agglutinins and precipitms are neither of the simple structure of the toxin receptor, nor of the double-haptophore nature of the bacteriolytic receptors, but contain a single haptophore group for the anchorage of the ingested material and at the same time a constantly attached zymophore group or ferment by means of which the an- chored substance is transformed preparatory to its absorption by the cell protoplasm. For the sake of clearness, this form of receptor may be compared to a bacteriolytic or hemolytic amboceptor with a per- manently attached and inseparable complement. Three forms of receptors, then, are proposed by Ehrlich in explana- tion of all known varieties of antibodies. The first, the simplest side CHOWSY UV) ‘NOLLAHONOD S,HOTIUHG, OL DNIGHOOOY ‘SUIGOg BANANA] GNV SuOLddoMYy-TTHD do aunLoauIg AHT—e9 “Oly “Pung Syrarntastaay acy pasn pap t-97 T t { ! ' Apog aunuiuir-yuy- — l I | ! I Apog aunuiuty- 4guoursjduicy— furtiunus acy paen [12 | queuo}dmosyuy- queuajduos - purfrunuiuit a0y pasn jj25 a wyayn bboy unnyny Sby- ssoydoydny” dnoaf eacydoxey~ T v ' t ' f ( | ! | I ! sayo | “uyskoisspnq‘uisdjoursy | | 244 go Apog aun] i] | Surfin soy paen pap | Jayuzuasyduto: | sageks ante 1 | N29 “peg Mp, 1 1 2, Be) “TA | sfentatis | Suytyune -uay Apog eunuruty— I | aAoy Pasn j]2D | | aieeesetaerae | | juauie| des | waar Sh | I HT wUypAbeey 1 laaoydous Apog sarupysqng Guryi2u: usnbvo>, ; ——“- | ¢ HA | eseuderton | ~Qy oS “Uy > Ml | ! I | | | (Mourssjyuy | Maxoy yay I use Apog T aa 7 u = I My MIKOL Fin ! ‘ - Re ee | | l 4 239 240 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY chains of the body cells, he calls “ receptors or haptines of the first order.” These, overproduced and cast off, constitute the antitoxin and antifer- ments. Next “haptines of the second order” are the receptors planned both for the anchorage and further digestion of antigens. These, free in the circulation, are the precipitins and agglutinins. “ Haptines or receptors of the third order” are merely able to anchor a suitable sub- stance, but exert no further action upon it until re-enforced by the com- plement normally present in the serum. These, free in the circulation, with a chemical group having avidity for the antigen, and another complementophile group, are the amboceptors or immune bodies of bacteriolytic, cytolytic, and hemolytic sera. (See Fig. 62.) It is plain that all these receptors while still parts of their respec- tive cells, serve by their chemical affinity to attract and hold the foreign substances injected; freely circulating, on the other hand, they serve in preventing these substances from reaching the cells. As Behring has aptly expressed it, the very elements which situated in the animal cells render the body susceptible to toxic substances serve to protect when circulating freely in the blood. Bordet,’ at present the strongest antagonist of Ehrlich’s point of view, claims that the conception of Ehrlich rests upon the basis of a number of undemonstrated hypotheses. He asserts, and with justice, that it has never been shown beyond question that the antibodies, free in the serum, are identical with the receptors of the body cells upon which the antigen originally acts. In regard to agglutinins, Ehrlich, as we have seen, believes that it is the agglutinin itself which, first uniting with its antigen by its hap- tophore group, then causes clumping by its zymophore group. Now, as a matter of fact, Bordet” has shown that it is not the agglutinin itself which agglutinates, but that agglutinin with its antigen forms a com- plex which is then agglutinable by the salt present in the solution. This conclusion seems borne out by the later work of Gengou,*® Landsteiner and Jagic,* and others, who have shown that bacteria which have ab- sorbed other substances, such as uranium compounds, colloidal silicic acid, etc., are subsequently agglutinable by salts. In consequence, from these and other observations, Bordet concludes that it is neither necessary nor accurate for the explanation of these phenomena, to 1 Bordet, Résumé of Immunity in Bordet’s “ Studies in Immunity,” transl. by Gay, Wiley & Sons, 1909. 2 Bordet, Ann. de J’inst. Pasteur, 1899. 3 Gengou, Annal. Past.. 1904. 4 Landsteiner und Jacic. Wien. klin. Woch., iii, 1904. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 241 assume the conditions conceived by Ehrlich, but that the phenomenon of agglutination consists primarily of the union of the antibody with its antigen in a colloidal solution, and that the actual subsequent agglu- tination is a purely secondary phenomenon which depends possibly upon a change in the physical properties of the emulsion—upon, as he expresses it, its colloidal stability. A similar condition he assumes for precipitins. FURTHER FACTS AND THEORIES CONCERNING ANTIBODIES Multiplicity of Amboceptors.—Fresh normal serum, as Nuttall! was first to show, possesses moderate bactericidal powers which are lost when the serum is subjected to heat. Since such inactivated normal serum can be reactivated by the addition of fresh peritoneal exudates, as the experiments of Moxter” have demonstrated, it is plain that the bactericidal power of normal serum must depend, like that of immune serum, upon amboceptor and complement. But normal serum often exerts lytic powers upon several species of bacteria, or, in the case of hemolytic tests, upon the red blood cells of several species of animals. It is supposed that this multiplicity of action is due to the presence in the normal serum of a variety of different amboceptors or immune bodies. The method for proving this was devised by Ehrlich and Morgenroth.* They worked with normal goat’s serum, which has the power of hemolyzing the red blood cells of guinea-pigs as well as those of rabbits. Goat serum, inactivated by heat, was mixed with rabbits’ corpuscles. After the mixture had been allowed to stand for a short time, the corpuscles were removed by centrifugalization. The serum was then reactivated and found still to possess its hemolytic power for guinea-pigs’ blood, but to have lost this power for rabbits’ blood. By a similar technique, Pfeiffer and Friedberger * were able to demonstrate the multiplicity of bactericidal immune bodies in normal sera. The immunity acquired by an animal as the result of treatment with any of the various antigens is specific. An animal immunized against the cholera vibrio, for instance, possesses marked bactericidal powers for the cholera vibrio only. 1 Nuttall, loc. cit. 2 Mozter, Cent. f. Bakt., xxvi, 1896. 8 Ehrlich und Morgenroth, Berl. klin. Woch., 1901. 4 Pfeiffer und Friedberger, Devt. med. Woch., 1901. 242 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY According to Ehrlich’s views, the amboceptor or immune body alone enters into direct relation with the substance used for immunization, and it would seem natural therefore that the specificity of immune sera depends entirely upon the increase of amboceptor or immune body. Von Dungern,! indeed, was able to show that the specific amboceptor was increased as immunity was acquired, without there being a cor- responding enhancement of the complement. The chief difference be- tween a normal and an immune serum in this respect, therefore, con- sists in an enormous increase, in the latter, of the specific amboceptor. Multiplicity of the Complement.—A number of very complicated ex- periments have been carried out by Ehrlich, Morgenroth,’ Sachs, and others, which seem to show that the same serum may contain a variety of complements. Similar conclusions have been drawn by Wechsberg * and by Wassermann,’ who demonstrated separate complements for bac- tericidal and hemolytic amboceptors in the same serum. Bordet ° and his school, on the other hand, deny the multiplicity of the complement, and, basing their views upon numerous experimental data, contend that any given serum contains but one alexin or complement. Buchner and Gruber share the views of Bordet, and, in the light of recent work, especially with complement fixation (see below), it seems more likely that one and only one alexin exists in any given serum. Anticomplements and Antiamboceptors.—Hemolytic sera, having the power of destroying red blood cells, must necessarily prove in the presence of sufficient complement to be powerful poisons when intro- duced into animals whose corpuscles they are able to injure. By care- ful and gradual dosage with such hemolytic sera, Ehrlich and Morgen- roth,’ as well as Bordet,® have been able to produce immunity against the hemolytic action. Thus antihemolytic sera have been produced, the action of which may depend either upon the presence of anticomple- ment or of antiamboceptor. The presence of anticomplement in such sera, it is believed, has been demonstrated by mixing inactivated hemolytic serum with its respective red blood cells, then adding the 1. Dungern, Minch. med. Woch., xx, 1900. 2 Ehrlich und Morgenroth, Berl. klin. Woch., 1900. 3 Ehrlich und Sachs, Berl. klin. Woch., 1902. 4 Wechsberg, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1902. 5 Wassermann, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1901. 6 Bordet, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1900 and 1901. 1 Ehrlich und Morgenroth, Berl. klin. Woch., xxxi, 1900. 8 Bordet, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur. t. 14, 1900. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 243 antiserum and later complement. After centrifugalization and sepa- ration of the corpuscles, these may be dissolved by the addition of fresh complement. This proves conclusively that there was no obstacle in the original mixture to the absorption of the immune body by the red blood cells, and that the antihemolytic properties of the serum must be attributed to an anticomplement. This was the method of experimentation employed by Ehrlich and Morgenroth.’ Antiambocep- tors have been produced by the same authors as well as by Bordet * and Miiller,? against hemolytic amboceptors. Complementoids.—Ehrlich and Morgenroth and Miiller have suc- ceeded in producing anticomplements by the treatment of animals with normal heated serum. They explain this by assuming that the heating has not entirely destroyed the complement in the normal serum, but that this, analogous to toxin, possesses two groups, a haptophore and a zymo- phore group. Heating destroys the zymophore without affecting the haptophore group. The resulting body, which corresponds to toxoid, they call “complementoid.” Further evidence for the existence of such complementoids has been claimed by Ehrlich and Sachs ‘ in working with dog serum. Unheated dog serum hemolyzes guinea-pig corpuscles. Heated to 52° C. for thirty minutes, however, it no longer hemolyzes these corpuscles ow- ing to complement destruction. Such heated dog serum can be reacti- vated by fresh guinea-pig serum (fresh complement). If, however, the corpuscles are left in contact with the heated dog blood for two hours, reactivation by the guinea-pig serum no longer occurs—that is, the ad- dition of guinea-pig serum no longer causes hemolysis. They conclude from this that the hemolytic amboceptor of the dog serum has been attached by its complementophile group to complementoids produced in the heating—leaving no point of attachment for the complement added later. These experiments have failed of confirmation by Gay *—who with Bordet denies the existence of complementoids. Muir, on the other hand, claims to have demonstrated the existence of complementoids by experiments too complicated to be detailed in this place. ‘The question of complementoids must be left undecided until further work has been done. 1 Ehrlich and Morgenroth, loc. cit. 2 Bordet, loc. cit. 3P. Th. Miiller, Cent. f. Bakt., 1901. 4 Ehrlich and Sachs, ‘‘ Ehrlich Collected Studies on Immunity,” trans. by Boldnau. 5 Gay, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxxix, 1905. 244 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Filtration of Immune Body and Complement.—Muir and Browning have recently shown that, on the filtration of serum, amboceptor or immune body will pass through the filter, whereas alexin or comple- ment is held back. The amboceptor filters equally well, whether or not mixed with the complement. The Fixation of Complement by Precipitates.—It has been found by Gengou ' and confirmed by Gay ” and others, that when the serum of an animal immunized with the serum of another species or with a foreign albumin is mixed with a solution of the substance used in the immu- nization, the precipitate formed will remove complement from the mix- ture. In other words, precipitates formed by the reaction of precipitin with its antigen will fix complement. This phenomenon is of great im- portance in complement-fixation tests such as those of Wassermann or Noguchi (see below); for because of insufficient washing, the blood cells used in producing the hemolytic amboceptor, may, from the presence of serum, give rise to a precipitin as well as a hemolysin. In the test done subsequently, a precipitin reacion may take place and by thus removing complement may give a false result. The ab- sorption of complement by such precipitates takes place when the two reacting factors, the precipitin and its antigen, are in extremely high dilution—in fact, when a visible precipitate can not be observed. Quantitative Relationship Between Amboceptor and Complement.— Morgenroth and Sachs,’ in studying the quantitative relationship ex- isting between hemolytic amboceptor and its complement, have suc- ceeded in showing that within certain limits an inverse relationship exists between these two bodies. If for a given quantity of red blood cells a certain quantity of amboceptor and complement suffices to produce complete hemolysis, reduction of either the complement or the ambo- ceptor necessitates an increase of the other factor. As amboceptor is increased, in other words, complement may be reduced and vice versa. This result is of great importance in arguing against the original con- ception of Ehrlich in supposing these substances to act together mul- tiple for multiple as do compounds in chemical reactions. Deviation of the Complement (Complement-Ablenkung).—It was no- ticed by Neisser and Wechsberg* that in mixing together bacteria, 1Gengou, Ann. Past., 1902. 2 Gay, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxix, 1905. 3 Morgenroth und Sachs, “ Gesammel. Arb. fiir _Immunitatsforschung.” Berlin, Hirschwald, 1904. 4 Newsser und Wechsberg, Miinch. med. Woch., xviii, 1901. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 245 inactivated bactericidal immune serum (immune body), and comple- ment in the test tube, a great excess of immune body hindered rather than helped bactericidal action. As the amount of immune body in the mixture was carried beyond the experimental optimum, bac- tericidal action became less and less pronounced, and was finally completely suspended. They explain this by assuming that free im- mune body, uncombined with complement, has a greater affinity for the ‘bacterial receptor than the immune body combined with complement. The complement is consequently diverted and prevented from activating dhe amboceptor attached to the bacterial cell. Graphically, the con- ditions may be illustrated as follows: Lona T\ 0 4 \ Fic. 63.—NEISSER AND WECHSBERG’S CONCEPTION OF COMPLEMENT DEVIATION. The above theory of Neisser and Wechsberg is here stated simply because of the wide discussion it has aroused. In the light of our present knowledge concerning the relations between antigen, amboceptor, and complement, their conception is obviously erroneous. 246 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Fixation of the Complement.—Bordet and Gengou ! in 1901, devised an ingenious method of experimentation by which even very small quantities of any given immune body (amboceptor) can be demon- strated in serum. The term “ fixation of complement,’ by which their method of investigation is now generally known, explains itself, as the steps of experimentation are followed. They prepared the following mixtures: (a) (b) Bacteriolytic amboceptor Normal serum, heated (Plague immune serum, heated) + =e Plague emulsion Plague emulsion + + Complement Complement (Fresh normal serum) (Fresh normal serum) To both of these after five hours was added Hemolytic amboceptor (Heated hemolytic serum) + Red blood cells Results: (a) showed no hemolysis. (b) showed hemolysis +. The conclusion to be drawn from this was that in (a) the presence of immune body had led to absorption of all the complement. In (b), there being no bacteriolytic immune body to sensitize the bacteria and enable them to absorb complement, the latter substance was left free to activate the subsequently added hemolytic ambocep- tors. The Bordet-Gengou phenomenon has been extensively used by Wassermann and Bruck,’ Neisser and Sachs, and others to demon- strate the presence of immune bodies in various sera. (See p. 262.) It should be noted that this method, if valid, must presuppose the identity of the hemolytic and bactericidal complement in the activating serum. Complement fixation will be more extensively discussed in the section dealing with the Wassermann reaction. 1 Bordet et Gengou, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1901. 1Wassermann und Bruck, Med. Klin., 1905. 2 Neisser und Sachs, Berl. klin. Woch., xliv, 1905, and i, 1906. LYSINS, AGGLUTININS, PRECIPITINS, ETC. 247 The Specificity of Hemolysins.—In the sections preceding we have seen that the blood cells of one animal, injected into an animal of another species, give rise to a hemolytic substance in the blood serum of the second animal, which is strictly specific for the variety of cells injected. Such hemolysins, when produced in one animal 1. ¥ - -Complement Together at Suphilitie present z. _.-immuneor ? or 37.50 ¢. tib anuleny not for one hour 3. Q--Antigen __-Haemolytic +. Amboceptor S. @-- Fea blood cell If (2) present. nohaemolysis. If (2) not present, + haemolysis. Fic. 64.—ScHEMATIC REPRESENTATION OF COMPLEMENT FIXATION IN THE Borpet-GEenGou REACTION. against blood cells of another species, are spoken of as heterolysins. In studying the nature of hemolysis, Ehrlich and Morgenroth*® now discovered that hemolysins could also be produced if an animal was injected with red blood cells of a member of its own species. Such hemolytic substances they called isolysins. In their experiments they injected goats with the washed red blood corpuscles of other goats and found that the serum of the recipient developed the power of 8 Ehrlich und Morgenroth, Berliner klin. Woch., xxi, 1900, 248 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY causing hemolysis of the red blood cells of the particular goat whose blood had been used for injection. It did not, however, possess the power of producing hemolysis in the blood of all goats, nor did it pro- duce hemolysis with the red corpuscles of its own blood. It is thus shown that the specificity of the hemolysins extends even within the limits of species, and is, to a certain extent at least, an individual property. The production of autolysins, that is, of substances in the blood serum which will produce hemolysis of the individual’s own corpuscles, has, so far, been unsuccessful. Ehrlich and Morgenroth, in the course of these experiments, further- more succeeded in showing that the injection of isolysins into animals produced antiisolysins, and that these again were strictly specific. The almost universal failure of autolysin production has found no satisfactory explanation. It is supposed by Ehrlich and Morgenroth that autolysins may be formed, but are probably speedily neutralized by the production of antiautolysins. The clinical significance of the presence of isolysins and possibly of autolysins in human beings, is too evident to require much discussion. A practical and extremely interesting result which these investigations have yielded is that of Donath and Landsteiner,’ who discovered an autolysin in the blood serum of patients suffering from paroxysmal hemoglobinuria. In these cases the sensitizing substance or ambo- ceptor appeared to be absorbed by the red blood cells only at low tem- peratures—probably in the capillaries during exposure to the cold, and hemolysis subsequently resulted in the blood stream by the action of complement. These observations have been confirmed by other writers, but the phenomenon is surely not present in all cases of paroxys- mal hemoglobinuria. The writers have had occasion to examine care- fully several clinically typical cases with negative results. 1 Donath und Landsteiner, Minch. med. Woch., xxxvi, 1904, CHAPTER XVI THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS ‘Obtaining Serum from Animals and Man.—To obtain blood serum from man, the blood may be taken from the finger or the ear, either into a sterile centrifuge tube or into a Wright capsule. (See section on Opsonins, page 284.) When taken into a centrifuge tube, the blood is allowed to clot and the serum separated from the coagulum by a few revolutions of the centrifuge. When larger quantities of blood are desired, it may be taken with a syringe from the median basilic vein and either slanted in sterile test tubes in the ice chest or put into centrifuge tubes and centrifugalized. In bleeding small laboratory animals, a number of methods may be employed, depending upon whether a large or small amount of serum is required. The animals most frequently used for laboratory purposes are rabbits. To obtain small quantities of serum from rabbits, the animals may be bled from the marginal vein of the ear. In doing this, a satis- factory yield of blood may be obtained by following a simple method devised by Wadsworth. The animal is strapped upon a tray and under- neath it is placed a rubber bag filled with warm water. This keeps the body temperature of the rabbit somewhat higher than normal, causes dilatation of the vessels, and thus facilitates the flow of blood. The tray is then placed upon a simply constructed easel so that the animal’s head hangs downward. The skin over the ear vein is shaved and sterilized, and an incision is made into the vein in its long axis with a sharp knife. The blood is caught in test tubes or centrifuge tubes. When larger quantities of blood are desired, the animal is strapped down, anesthetized, and the neck shaved and sterilized. The carotid artery is then isolated by dissection. In rabbits, the carotid artery may be found lying just lateral to the trachea and deeply placed, and must be carefully separated from the pneumogastric nerve by blunt dissection. The distal end of the artery is then tied off and the proximal end tem- porarily closed with a small clamp. (This clamp should be rather weak and not exert sufficient pressure to injury the artery and cause throm- 249 250 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY bosis.) The artery is then raised out of the wound on a knife or forceps handle and, with sharp-pointed scissors, a small incision is made into but not through the vessel. A small glass cannula is now introduced into the proximal end of the artery through the incision and tied into place by a thread. To this cannula a small rubber tube fitted with a pinch- cock should have been attached, the whole being sterilized. The clamp on the artery is then released and the blood allowed to flow into sterile test tubes which are slanted and placed in the cold for separation of the serum. A larger yield of serum will be obtained if, after coagulation, the clot is separated from the glass with a sterile platinum wire. In obtaining blood from larger animals, horses, sheep, etc., a cannula may be introduced into the jugular or internal saphenous veins. The skin is shaved and sterilized and a rubber tourniquet placed about the neck or thigh, as the case may be, in order to cause the vein to stand out. A small incision may be made through the skin over the vein, but is not necessary. A cannula, with rubber tubing attached, is then plunged into the vein and the blood caught in sterile high cylindrical jars, allowed to clot, and placed in the refrigerator. The serum is taken off after twenty-four to forty-eight hours with sterile pipettes. Agglutination Tests.—For the determination of the agglutinating power of serum it is necessary to make suitable dilutions of the serum, and to prepare an even emulsion of the microorganisms to be tested. The test may be made microscopically or macroscopically. The micro- scopic test is the one in general use in the diagnosis of typhoid fever, and is occasionally applied to some other diseases. In its application to typhoid fever it is usually spoken of as the Gruber-Widal reaction. Twelve- to eighteen-hour broth cultures of the typhoid bacillus, grown at incubator temperature, may be used. It is preferable, how- ever, to use an emulsion of a twelve to twenty-four hour old agar culture in physiological salt solution (0.85 per cent). The salt-solution emulsion is made by adding about 10 c.c. of normal salt solution to the fresh agar slant culture, carefully detaching the culture from the surface of the agar with a flexible platinum wire, and pipetting off the emulsion thus made. With some microorganisms it is sufficient simply to allow tne larger clumps to settle and to pipette off the supernatant turbid emulsion. With other microorganisms, the tendency to form clumps makes it necessary to resort to further methods of securing an even distribution of the bacteria. This may be done either by sucking the emulsion in and out through a narrow pipette held perpendicularly against the bottom of a watch glass, as in Wright’s technique for the opsonic test (see section THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 251 on Opsonins, p. 285), or by carefully rubbing the clumps against the watch glass with a stiff platinum wire. In the case of the tubercle ba- cillus not even this suffices, but. it becomes necessary to grind the moist bacillary masses in a mortar before emulsifying. With the tubercle bacil- lus, too, it is preferable to use salt solution at 1.5 per cent concentration. In preparing cultures of streptococcus and pneumococcus for agelutination tests, it has been found convenient by Hiss to grow microorganisms for about four days in flasks of a one per cent glucose, two per cent pepton meat-infusion broth, to which has been added one per cent of calcium carbonate. (See page 126.) The insoluble calcium carbonate sinks to the bottom, but by neutralizing the inhibiting acid formed in the broth by the microorganisms, permits the development of a mass culture. The flasks should be shaken thoroughly at least once a day. The broth may be pipetted off and the clumps may be removed by a few revolutions of a centrifuge. Without this technique it is sometimes difficult to get sufficient growths of these bacteria for any quantity of emulsion unless large surfaces of agar are employed in special receptacles or by making many slant cultures. The serum dilutions are obtained by first making a one to ten dilution of serum with normal salt solution. The serum used for this purpose may be cleared of red blood corpuscles by centrifugalization. From the one to ten dilution any number of higher dilutions may be made, simply by mixing given parts of the one to ten dilution with normal salt solution; thus one part of a one to ten dilution plus an equal quantity of salt solution gives a dilution of one to twenty. One part of one to ten dilution plus two parts of normal salt solution gives one to thirty, and one part of one to twenty dilution plus one part normal salt solution gives one to forty, etc. It must not be forgotten that, when equal parts of the serum and bacillary emulsion have been mixed, each one of these dilutions is doubled. In making the microscopic agglutination test, minute equal quanti- ties of serum dilution and bacterial emulsion are mixed upon the sur- face of a cover-slip. The mixture may be made either by measuring out a drop of each substance with a standard platinum loop, depositing them close together on the cover-slip, and mixing; or, more exactly, equal quan- tities may be sucked up, each to a given mark, in a capillary pipette, mixed by suction in and out, and then deposited upon the cover-slip. The cover-slip is inverted over a hollow glass slide, the rim of which has been greased with vaseline. The drop is then observed, preferably through a (Leitz) No. 7 lens, ocular No. 3. 17 252 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY The macroscopic agglutination test, always preferable for exact laboratory research, is made in narrow test tubes especially designed for the. purpose, measuring about 0.5 cm. in diameter and about 5 cm. in length (Fig. 60, p. 230). In these test tubes equal quantities, usually 1 c.c. each, of serum dilution and emulsion are mixed. A series of tubes is prepared, in each subsequent one of which the dilution is higher. These mixtures may be placed in the incubator for a few hours and then kept at room tem- perature. It has been observed by Hiss that after removal from the in- cubator agglutination is in some instances hastened by transference to the ice chest. When agglutination takes place in these tubes, clumps of bacteria may be seen to form, which settle to the bottom of the tube, very much like snow-flakes. The surface of the sediment is heaped up and irregular. The supernatant fluid becomes entirely clear. When the reaction does not occur the sediment is an even, granular one with a flat surface, and the emulsion remains turbid. Instead of using test tubes as described above, Wright has sug- gested the use of throttle pipettes of comparatively large diameter into each of which at least three or four different dilutions can be sucked with a nipple, a small air bubble being left between the mixtures. By sealing the distal end of these pipettes in a flame the various dilutions are kept at a distance from each other, and the pipettes may be set on end in a tumbler and observed just as are the test tubes (Fig. 68, p. 285). Precipitin Tests.—In an earlier section on precipitins we have seen that precipitates are formed when clear filtrates of bacterial extracts or of broth cultures are mixed with their specific immune sera. Such precipitin reactions are not limited to the realm of bacteria, but have a broad biological significance, in that specific precipitating sera may be produced with proteids of varied source. For actually carrying out a precipitin test, the following reagents are required: 1. A specific precipitating antiserum (antibacterial or antiproteid); 2. A bacterial filtrate or proteid solution. Tue Propuction oF Preciprrarinc ANTISsERA.’—Antibacterial precipitins may be produced in animals by any one of a variety of methods. Animals, preferably rabbits, are injected either with broth cultures or with salt solution emulsions of agar cultures of the bacteria, in gradually increasing quantities. Five or six injections are given in- + R. Kraus, Wien. klin. Woch., 1897; Norris, Jour. Inf. Dis., 1 and 3, 1904. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 253 traperitoneally or intravenously, at intervals of from five to six days, the dosage and mode of administration being adapted in each case to the pathogenic properties of the microorganisms in question. It has been asserted by Myers! that when pepton-broth cultures are used for immunization a specific precipitin for pepton may be formed which by giving a precipitate with a culture filtrate containing pepton may lead to error. This observation could not be confirmed by Norris.” The immunized animals should be bled about seven to twelve days after the last injection of bacteria. Specific precipitating antisera against proteid solutions are prepared by methods analogous to those employed for the production of anti- bacterial sera. A variety of methods have been described. The sera or proteid solutions used should be sterile. This may be accomplished by filtration through small porcelain filters. The injections into animals may be made subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or intravenously. The subcutaneous route has no advantages unless the substances to be used are contaminated. Nuttall advises the use of rabbits. The animals should be weighed from time to time, and if considerable loss of weight ensues during im- munization, the intervals between injections should be increased. Dosage should be carefully graded, beginning, in the case of an animal serum, for instance, with 2 c.c. and increasing gradually through 3, 5, and 8 c.c. to possibly 15 ¢.c. at the last injection. A single injection of a large quantity has occasionally yielded a precipitating serum of con- siderable strength,’ but this method is not usually successful. Injec- tions are made at intervals of from five to seven days. Seven to twelve days after the last injection the animals may be bled, and a preliminary test made to ascertain the precipitating value of the serum. If this is insufficient for the desired purposes, more injections may be made before the animal is finally bled. Bleeding should be done seven to twelve days after the last injection. Such sera may be preserved by sealing in glass bulbs and keeping in the dark and at a low temperature. If a preservative is to be added, Nuttall recommends chloroform, but dis- approves of the phenols, because of occasional turbidity produced by these. The precipitating antisera used for the tests should be absolutely 1 Myers, Lancet, ii, 1900. 2 Norris, loc. cit. 3 Michaelis, Deut. med. Woch., 1902, 254 _ INFECTION AND IMMUNITY clear. If turbidity is present, the sera should be filtered through small Berkefeld or porcelain candles. ' PREPARATION OF BACTERIAL FILTRATES AND PROTEID SOLUTIONS FoR Preciritin Tests.—Bacteria may be grown in broth made of Liebig’s beef extract five-tenths per cent, pepton one per cent, NaCl five- tenths per cent, and having an initial reaction of neutrality or five-tenths per cent acidity to phenolphthalein. The cultures are incubated for times varying from a week to several months, and are then filtered through porcelain or Berkefeld candles until perfectly clear. Bacterial extracts may also be made by emulsifying agar cultures in salt solution, placing at 37.5° C. in the incubator for a week or longer, and filtering. More rapid extraction of bacteria may be accomplished by repeated, rapid freezing and thawing of salt-solution emulsions. This is easily and simply done by placing the test tubes in battery jars filled with brine and cracked ice. Proteid solutions to be tested should be made in salt solution. When dealing with blood stains, as is frequently the case in doing the test for forensic purposes, the-stains should be dissolved out in salt solution, an approximate dilution of one in five hundred being aimed at. This solution if turbid should be filtered through a small porcelain filter. Before use it should be perfectly clear and colorless, should show a faint cloud on boiling with dilute acetic acid, and, according to Miiller, should show distinct frothing when shaken. When the reaction is to be done with the purpose of determining the nature of meat (detection of horse-meat substitution for beef, etc.), about 20 to 40 grams of the suspected meat are macerated by being placed in a flask, and covered with 100 c.c. of physiological salt solution. This mixture is allowed to infuse at room temperature for three to four hours, and is then placed in the refrigerator for twelve hours or more. At the end of this time 2 ¢.c. may be poured into a test tube and shaken. If frothing‘ appears easily and profusely, the extract is ready for use. It is then filtered clear, either through paper, or, if this is unsuccessful, through infusorial earth in a Buchner or Nutsche filter. Berkefeld filters may also be used, but their use is less simple. The clear solution is then further diluted until the addition of concentrated HNO, produces only a slight even turbidity. Before use, furthermore, the reaction of the meat extract should be tested, and if necessary adjusted to neutrality or slight acidity or alkalinity. 1P. Th, Miller, “ Technik d, serodiagnos. Methoden,” THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 259 In the actual test with bacterial filtrate, the procedure is as follows: In a series of narrow test tubes, the following mixtures are made: Tube 1. Antibacterial serum .5 c.c. + bacterial filtrate 1. ¢.c. “2, Normal serum .5¢.¢c. + bacterial filtrate 1. c.e. «3. Antibacterial serum .5 ¢.c. + salt solution 1. c.e. “4, Salt solution .5¢.c. + bacterial filtrate 1. c.e. Place the tubes in the incubator at 37.5° C. In a positive test, tube 1 only should show a haziness which develops into a distinct cloudiness or even a flocculent precipitate within one hour. Tubes 2, 3, and 4 should remain clear. For the testing of an unknown proteid with the serum of an animal immunized with the proteid sought for, the technique of the test is as follows: 1. 0.1 e.c. immune serum + 2 ¢.c. unknown proteid solution. 2. 0.1 ¢.c. immune serum + 2 ¢c.c. known proteid solution of variety suspected (similarly diluted). 3. 0.1 ¢.c. immune serum + 2 ¢.c. proteid solution of different nature (similarly diluted). 4, 0.1 ¢.c. immune serum + 2 ¢.c. salt solution. 5. 2.c.c. unknown proteid solution. The test is positive when a precipitate appears in tube 1 and in tube 2, but not in any of the others. The precipitate should appear definitely within fifteen to twenty minutes. Bactericidal and Bacteriolytic Tests.—The bactericidal and_bac- teriolytic powers of serum may be tested either in the animal body or in the test tube. The most common bacteriolytic test, in vivo, is that which is known as Pfeiffer’s test. This test depends upon the fact considered in a previous section, that bacteria, when injected into the peritoneal cavity of a guinea-pig, together with a homologous immune serum, undergo dissolution. As practiced in bacteriological work, the test finds a double appli- cation. It may be carried out either for the determination of the specific bacteriolytic power of a given serum against a known micro- organism, or for the identification of a particular microorganism by means of its susceptibility to lysis in a known immune serum. 1. Determination of the bacteriolytic power of serum against a known microorganism in vivo :+ 1P. Th. Miiller, “ Technik d. serodiagnos. Methoden,”’ Jena, 1909. 256 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY A number of dilutions of the serum are made with sterile neutral bouillon or salt solution, ranging from 1 in 20 to 1 in 500, or higher. It is convenient to make a first solution of 1 in 20. One c.c. of this mixed with 4¢.c. of broth will give 1in 100. One c.c. of the 1 in 100 dilution with 1 c.c. of broth, 2 c.c. of broth and 4 c.c. of broth will give 1 in 200, 1 in 300, and 1 in 500, respectively. Into one cubic centimeter of each of these dilutions there is placed one platinum loopful of a twenty-four- hour agar culture of the microorganism against which the serum is to be tested. Into another test tube is placed 4 ¢.c. of broth, without serum, and with one loopful of the microorganisms. The mixtures are thoroughly emulsified in each case by rubbing the bacteria against the sides of the tube with the platinum loop. Intraperitoneal injections into guinea-pigs are then made of 1 c.c. of each of the serum-dilution-bacterial-emulsions. A control guinea-pig (better two or three) receives 1c. c. of the broth emulsion—one-fourth as many bacteria, therefore, as the animals receiving the serum dilutions. Before making the injections, areas on the lateral abdominal walls of the guinea-pigs are shaved, and small incisions made through the EEE Fic. 65.—Capinuary Preetre ror Removal oF EXUDATE IN DOING THE PreIrFER TEsT. skin, down to the muscular layers. The needle of the syringe is then introduced perpendicular to the skin until it has penetrated the peri- toneum, and then carefully slanted to avoid puncturing the gut. The animals need not be strapped down during this procedure and after- ward may be allowed to run about. After one-half hour, and again after one hour has elapsed, a drop of peritoneal exudate is removed from each guinea-pig and examined in the hanging drop for granulation and swelling of the bacteria. The method of obtaining the peritoneal exudate is as follows: Small glass tubing is drawn out into capillary pipettes, the ends of the capillaries being again drawn to fine points in a small yellow flame. A number of such pipettes should be prepared before the test is begun. The guinea- pig is then held down upon a table, either by an assistant or by the left hanl of the operator, and the point of the pipette pushed through the cut in the abdominal wall into the peritoneum by a sharp, quick thrust- THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 257 ing motion. A column of peritoneal fluid will run into the glass tubing by capillary attraction; this can then be blown out upon a cover-slip for hanging-drop examination or may be blown upon a slide, smeared, and examined after staining. The reaction is regarded as positive if within thirty minutes to an hour the peritoneal exudates of the animals receiving immune sera contain only swollen or disintegrated microor- ganisms, while in that of the control animals only well-preserved and undegenerated bacteria are found. In dealing with typhoid bacilli and cholera spirilla, in connection with which the test is most often used, active motility in the controls is of much help. Should there be extensive degeneration of the bacteria in the exudate of the control animals the test is of no value. 2. Identification of a microorganism by observing tts a susceptibility to lysis in a known immune serum in vivo: The technique for this test is practically the same as that of the preceding except that in this case we require a potent known immune serum and normal serum for control. It is necessary, furthermore, that by previous tests we should know the degree of dilution in which the immune serum will cause complete bacteriolysis of the microorganism used in its production. Thus, if we are employing a typhoid immune serum and are about to test by this method an unknown Gram-negative bacillus, we must know the titer of the serum for the typhoid bacillus itself. Mixtures are then made of dilutions of this serum and definite quantities of the microorganism to be tested. It is best, always, to employ from ten to one hundred times the amount of immune serum which suffices to produce lysis with its homologous microorganism. Thus, if the serum has been found to be active in dilutions of 1 : 1,000, it is employed in the test in dilutions of 1 : 1,000, 1 :100,and1:10. These dilutions are then injected into guinea-pigs in quantities of 1 c.c. together with the bacteria to be tested, and control guinea-pigs are injected with undiluted normal serum mixed with the bacteria and with salt solution and the bacteria. The exudates are then observed in the same way as in the preceding experiment. Bactericidal Reactions in the Test Tube.—Bactericidal reactions in the test tubes may be made by mixing in small sterile test tubes, definite quantities of the bacteria with inactivated serum and com- plement, the latter in the form of unheated normal serum. The mixtures, diluted with equal volumes of neutral broth or salt solution, are set away for a definite time three to four hours in an incubator at 258 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY 87:5° C., and equal quantities from all the tubes are then inoculated into melted agar at 40°C., and plates are poured. Control plates must be made in each case with mixtures of similar quantities of bacteria in salt solution, and similar quantities of bacteria in normal serum. By colony counting after the plates have developed, it is then possible to estimate the degree of bacterial destruction in any of the given dilutions. In actually carrying out the test, dilutions of the inactivated serum are first made, ranging from 1:10 to 1:1,000 and over. An emulsion of bacteria from a twenty-fcur-hour agar slant is then made in salt solu- tion, or a twenty-four-hour broth culture properly diluted may be used. Complement is obtained by taking fresh normal rabbit serum and dilut- ing it with salt solution 1:10 or 1:15. Into a series of test tubes, then, 1 c.c. of each of the serum dilutions is placed, and to each tube is added 0.5 ¢e.c. of the diluted fresh normal rabbit serum (complement). To these mixtures the bacteria are then added. In adding the bacterial emulsion to these tubes, the writers have found it more accurate to discard the use of the platinum loop and to measure the bacterial emulsion in a marked capillary pipette such as that used in the opsonin test. (See page 285, Fig. 68.) The controls are set up in a similar way, all of them con- taining a similar quantity of bacterial emulsion, one control containing 1.5 c.c. of salt solution, another control containing 1 c.c. of salt solution + 0.5 c.c. of the diluted complement, and the third control containing in- activated normal serum 1 ¢.c.+0.5 c.c. of diluted complement. Defi- nite quantities of these mixtures, taken with a standard loop, or preferably with a capillary pipette, are plated in agar immediately after mixing. BACTERICIDAL TEST IN VITRO (To DETERMINE THE BACTERICIDAL PowrrR or A TypHoIp IMMUNE SERUM AGAINST TyPHOID BACILLI). Plates Poured After 3 ae at 37° 1 c.c. Immune ype. Ser.1:200 +0.5 c.c. Typh. Emulsion +0.5c.c. Rab. Ser. ier : 1 “—1:400 +0.5 O36, 8 Pe BE Se (Winnie: 1 ae “cc ae ae 1: 800 +0.5 ae a ab +0.5 oe “ ae “a * ‘ “a wo “ a oe 100-1,000 r* ee i 1:1600 +0.5 +0.5 re i“ “ “ 1:3200 +0.5 “ “ “ 405% % Hu Colonies 1 “ * 1:6400 +0.5 “Mt “ 40.5 * More than 1 “ “ “ 7:79800+05 “ « “ 405% & Hou 10,000 lp. : us 1:25600+0.5 ‘“ ‘ im +0.5 ‘ . Colonies ConTROLS Ia (1.5 c.c. NaCl+0.5 ae Emulsion Plated inimediately ) More poo 1b “40.5 * aft. er 3 3 hrs. 10,000 TIb({1l. “ “ +0.5 +0.5¢.c. Rab. Ser. 1:18 ‘ Colonies THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 259 After incubation for two or three hours similar quantities are again measured into tubes of melted agar with the capillary pipette. With a little practice, great accuracy in these measurements can be acquired. The inoculated agar tubes are very thoroughly mixed, and plates are poured. At the end of twenty-four hours’ incubation, an enumeration of the colonies in the various plates is made and the results are compared. The in vitro bactericidal tests have been employed, practically, chiefly in the diagnosis of typhoid fever by Stern and Korte.'| While the serum of normal individuals shows practically no bactericidal power for typhoid bacilli, the sera of typhoid patients may be actively bacteri- cidal in dilutions as high as 1 : 50,000. Hemolytic Tests.—Determination of the hemolytic action of blood serum, bacterial filtrates, and of a variety of other substances, such as tissue extracts and animal and plant poisons, is frequently made in bacteriological laboratories. Familiarity with the methods of carrying out such tests is especially essential since hemolytic tests are also em- ployed in determining other serum reactions, such as the “‘complement- fixation tests” discussed in another section. For these tests it is necessary to prepare washed red corpuscles of the species of animal against which the hemolysins are to be tested, and to obtain these, blood may be taken in one of the following ways: A. If small quantities of blood corpuscles are desired, the blood may be received into a sterile test tube into which a copper or other wire bent into a loop at the lower end has been introduced. This is used to prevent clotting and to remove the fibrin. Immediately after receiving the blood into this tube, the wire is twirled between the fingers so that the blood is beaten by the wire as by an egg-beater. At the end of five minutes of continuous agitation, the fibrin adhering in a mass to the wire may be lifted out. The corpuscles are then washed and centrifugalized in several changes of salt solution to remove all traces of serum, and are finally emulsified in salt solution. B. The blood may be taken into a centrifuge tube and immediately centrifugalized before clotting has taken place. The plasma is then poured off and the corpuscles are washed with salt solution, as before, to remove the serum. C. The blood may be taken directly into a solution containing five-tenths per cent sodium chlorid and one per cent sodium citrate. 1 Stern und Korte, Berl. klin. Woch., 1904. 260 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY The corpuscles are concentrated by centrifugalization, the citrate solu- tion is decanted, and corpuscles are washed with salt solution, as before, to remove the serum. D. When large quantities of blood are desired, either from man or from an animal, the blood may be received directly into a flask into which a dozen or more glass beads or short pieces of glass tubing have been placed. The flask is shaken for five or ten minutes, immediately after the blood has been taken and, in this way, defibrination is accom- plished. Since, for comparative tests, it is necessary to establish some stand- ard concentration of red blood cells, it is customary in these tests to employ a five per cent emulsion of corpuscles in salt solution. To obtain this, the thoroughly washed corpuscles from one volume of the original blood are mixed with nineteen parts of 0.85 per cent salt solu- tion. Such an emulsion, if kept sterile and in the refrigerator, will serve for hemolytic tests for from one to three days. An cmulsion should not be used if the supernatant salt solution shows any transpa- rent redness, as this indicates hemolysis. If the substance in which hemolysins are to be determined is serum, this may be used either as such or it may be inactivated by exposure to 56° C. in a water bath, and to each test, complement may be added in the form of fresh guinea-pig or rabbit’s serum. No absolute rule for the quantity of complement to be used in these tests can be given. As a starting-point, however, when 1 c.c. of a 5 per cent emulsion of red corpuscles is used, it is best to use about 0.1 to 0.2 ¢.c. of fresh guinea- pig serum as complement. ‘In the actual test, mixtures are made of the corpuscle emulsion, the inactivated immune serum, and complement in small test tubes and the volumes of the various tubes made equal by the addition of definite quantities of salt solution. The contents of the tubes are thoroughly mixed and the tubes put in the incubator or in a water bath at 37.5° C. If complete hemolysis occurs, the fluid in the tube will as- sume a deep Burgundy red. If no hemolysis occurs, the fluid will remain uncolored and the corpuscles will settle out. Incomplete hemo- lysis will be evidenced by a lighter tinge of red in the tube and by the settling out of a varying quantity of blood corpuscles. 1 The method here given was formerly much employed. It is now the general practice, however, to use one volume of the actual sediment to nineteen volumes of salt solution. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 261 In all hemolytic tests the time element is important. No hemo- lysis should be adjudged as incomplete unless at least one hour has elapsed. It is often necessary to carry out hemolytic tests on the blood corpuscles of one human being with the serum of another in order to determine the advisability of performing transfusion. In this case, the serum of the recipient is mixed with a corpuscle emulsion of the cells of the donor, and vice versa. Since it is often difficult to obtain much blood for these tests, the writers have found it convenient to make the test in throttle pipettes, instead of in test tubes. By this technique, ten or fifteen drops of blood and a very small amount of serum will suffice. It should be stated, however, that whenever sufficient quantities of serum can be obtained 'this technique should not be employed. The Determination of Antibodies in Sera by Complement Fixation.— The principle of complement fixation, discovered by Bordet and Gengou! in 1901, has been utilized both in bacteriological investigations, and in practical diagnosis for the determination in serum of the presence of specific antibodies. Although spoken of in another section of this book, it may be well to review, briefly, the principles of the Bordet-Gengou phenomenon. The reaction depends upon the fact that when an antigen, 1.e., a substance capable of stimulating the formation of antibodies in animals or man, is mixed with its inactivated antiserum, in the presence of complement, the complement is firmly fixed by the combined immune body and antigen in such a way that it can no longer be found free in the mixture. If such a mixture is allowed to stand at a suitable tem- perature for an hour or more, and to it is then added an emulsion of red blood cells together with a suitable quantity of inactivated hemolytic serum, no hemolysis will take place, since there is no free complement available to complete the hemolytic system. If, on the other hand, the original mixture contains no antibody for the antigen used, the comple- ment present is not fixed and is available for the activation of the hemolytic serum later added. The reaction thus depends, in principle, intimately upon the fact that neither antigen ? alone, nor amboceptor (antibody) alone, can fix complement, but that this fixation is carried out only by the combina- tion of antigen plus amboceptor. Any specific amboceptor can be deter- mined by this method, provided the homologous or stimulating antigen 1 Bordet and Gengou, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, xv, 1901. 2 Bordet and Gay, Ann. de |’inst. Pasteur, xx, 1906. 262 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY is used; and vice versu, by the use of a known antibody a suspected antigen may be determined. When testing immune sera for amboceptors given rise to in man or animals by microorganisms which can be cultivated, either the whole bacteria or extracts of the bacteria may be used as an antigen. For the diagnosis of syphilis by this method, inthe so-called ‘ Wasser- mann reaction,” the antigen employed was originally obtained by the extraction of syphilitic organs, in which free syphilitic antigens, 7.e., uncombined products of Spirochete pallida, were assumed to be present. As this reaction has recently become prominent and has proven of no inconsiderable diagnostic value, the technique given below for immune- body determination by complement fixation will be that utilized in the Wassermann test for syphilis. The reader will, however, bear in mind that the test may be applied to other diseases simply by the substitution of the suitable, specific antigen. Thus, when cultivatable bacteria are used as antigens, Bordet and Gengou make use of a thick salt-solution emulsion of a twenty-four-hour agar-slant culture of the microorganisms. In the case of the tubercle bacilli, these authors emulsify 80 milligrams of the bacilli in 1 c.c. of the salt solution. Wassermann and Bruck,! on the other hand, prepare their bacterial antigen in the following way: The growths of about ten agar slant cultures are emulsified in 10 c.c. of sterile, distilled water. This emulsion is shaken for twenty-four hours in a shaking apparatus. At the end of this time 0.5 per cent of carbolic acid is added and the fluid cleared by centrifugalization. These antigens become slightly weaker during the first ten or fourteen days, but after that remain fairly constant. For the determination of tuber- culosis antibody, these authors make use of either old tuberculin or the new tuberculins “TR” or “ Bazillen Emulsion.” The Wassermann Test for the Diagnosis of Syphilis.—The sub- stances for the test are the following: I. The Antigen.—In their original experiments, Wassermann and his collaborators made use of salt-solution extracts of the organs (chiefly of the spleen) of a syphilitic fetus. The tissue substance was cut in- to small pieces and to one part by weight of this substance, four parts of normal salt solution and 0.5 per cent of carbolic acid were added. This 1 Wassermann und Bruck, Med. Klinik, 55, 1905, and Deut. med. Woch., xii, 1906. , 2 Wassermann, Neisser und Bruck, Deut. med. Woch., xix, 1906; Wassermann, Neisser, Bruck und Schucht. Zeit. f. Hyg., lv, 1906. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 263 mixture was shaken in a shaking apparatus for twenty-four hours, and after this the coarser particles were removed by centrifugalization. The reddish supernatant fluid was used as the antigen and could be preserved for a long time in dark bottles in the ice chest. Michaelis * obtained the antigen in the following way: The liver of a syphilitic fetus was preserved in a frozen state and from time to time small quantities of extract were prepared for the purpose of obtaining antigen. This was obtained by thoroughly grinding up a small piece of the liver in a mortar and adding five parts of salt solution and about 0.5 per cent of carbolic acid. This mixture was shaken in a shaking apparatus for several hours and was then allowed to stand at a tem- perature slightly above 0° C. for several days. Finally it was cleared by filtration or centrifugalization. Alcoholic extracts of syphilitic organs have been used by a number of authors. Porges and Meier’ extract the chopped-up syphilitic liver for twenty-four hours with five times the volume of absolute alcohol. This is then filtered through paper and the alcohol evaporated in vacuo at a temperature not above 40° C. The greenish sticky residue should have an alkaline or neutral reaction. About 1 gram of this material is then emulsified in 100 c.c. of salt solution to which 0.5 per cent of earbolic acid has been added. The fine emulsion which results is filtered through thin paper and the filtrate used as the antigen. Porges and Meier, as well as a number of others, have discovered that in actual practice it is not necessary to make use of syphilitic organs in order to obtain an antigen which will combine with syphilitic immune body. This fact, of course, has thrown much suspicion upon the specificity of the phenomenon. In practice, however, it appears as a purely empirical fact that many of the non-specific antigens, neverthe- less, give reasonably reliable results. The authors mentioned above have found that a 1 percent emulsion of commercial lecithin (Kahlbaum) in carbolized salt solution furnishes a suitable antigen. This has not been universally confirmed. The same authors have obtained good results by extracting a normal fetal liver by alcohol in the same way as they extracted the syphilitic organ. Landsteiner, Miller, and Poetzl* have successfully employed an alcoholic extract of the heart substance of a guinea-pig. 1 Michaelis, Berl. klin. Woch., 1907. 2 Porges und Meier, Berl. klin. Woch., xv, 1908. 3 Landsteiner, Miiller und Poetzl, Wien. klin. Woch., 50, 1907. 264 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Similar alcoholic extracts of normal human spleen or of normal rabbit’s liver may be employed. Although often claimed that the anti- gen in such extracts is furnished by the lipoids, as a matter of fact it is at the present day unknown to which ingredient the immune-body binding power is to be attributed. The antigen used in several hundred reactions by the writers with satisfactory result is one prepared according to the method of Noguchi,’ as follows: Fresh normal liver or spleen is covered and thoroughly macerated with five times its volume of absolute alcohol. This is allowed to extract in the incubator for six to eight days, being thoroughly stirred up at least once a day. It is then pressed through cheese-cloth and filtered through paper. This alcoholic extract is evaporated to dryness at room temperature with the aid of a wind fan. The sticky, brownish residue resulting is taken up in a small quantity of ether and the solution poured into four times its volume of C. P. acetone. A heavy flocculent precipitate forms which settles to the bottom as a sticky brown mass. This is retained as antigen and may be preserved under acetone. The acetone-soluble fraction is thrown away. For use, about 0.2 gram of the sticky paste is dissolved in about 5 c.c. of ether and 100 c.c. of salt solution added. This is shaken until the ether has evaporated. The resultant antigen, ready for use, is a slightly opalescent greenish fluid from which nothing settles out on standing. Before an antigen can be used for the actual test, it is necessary to determine the quantity which will furnish a valid result. The substances which are used as antigens often have the power, if used in too large quantity, of themselves binding complement. It is necessary, there- fore, to determine the largest quantity of each given antigen which may be used without exerting an anti-complementary action, t.e., which will not inhibit in the presence of normal serum but which will at the same time inhibit hemolysis when syphilitic serum is used. This is done by mixing graded quantities of the antigen with a constant quantity of complement (0.1 ¢.c. of fresh guinea-pig serum), in duplicate sets, adding to each tube of one set 0.2 ¢.c. of a normalserum, and to the other 0.2 c.c. of a known syphilitic serum. These substances are allowed to remain together for one hour and then red blood corpuscles and inac- tivated hemolytic serum are added. The quantity which has given complete inhibition with the syphilitic serum, but absolutely no inhibi- 1 Noguchi, Personal communication. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 265 tion with normal serum, is the one to be employed in subsequent re- actions. Before actual use, it is convenient to make a dilution of antigen in salt solution in such a way that 1 c.c. shall contain the amount re- quired. Thus if 0.05c.c. is wanted, mix 0.5 ¢.c. with 9.5 c.c. salt solu- tion. Then 1c.c.of this can be added to each tube in the test. II. The Hemolytic Serum.—The hemolytic amboceptor, for the reaction, is obtained by injecting into rabbits the washed red blood corpuscles of a sheep. A 5 per cent emulsion of the corpuscles is made and of this 5 ¢.c., 10 ¢.c., 15 ¢.c., etc., are injected at intervals of five or six days. Three or four graded injections of this kind are usually sufficient to furnish a serum of adequate hemolytic power. The injec- tions may be made intraperitoneally or intravenously. About nine or ten days after the last injection of corpuscles, the rabbit is bled from the carotid artery and the serum obtained by pipetting it from the clot. It is best to have a hemolytic serum of high potency in order that the quantities used for the reaction may be as small as possible. This is desirable because of the fact that the serum may contain small amounts of precipitins for sheep’s serum, due to insufficient washing of the cor- puscles employed in the immunization. If such precipitins should be present in any quantity in the serum used for the reaction, precipitates might be formed, and these, as we know, have a tendency to carry down complement from a mixture. While the quantitative relations of the complement and antigen in the Wassermann reaction are important, they are vastly more so in the case of the hemolytic amboceptor. For the actual reaction most observers make use of two hemolytic units. A hemolytic unit is the quantity of inactivated immune serum which, in the presence of com- plement, suffices to cause complete hemolysis in 1 ¢.c. of a 5 per cent emulsion of washed blood corpuscles. Noguchi+ has pointed out very clearly the dangers of not delicately adjusting the quantity of ambo- ceptor used in the reaction. In a recent communication upon the subject, he has called attention to the experiments of Morgenroth and Sachs” who have shown that the relationship between complement and amboceptor necessary for hemolytic reactions is one of inverse propor- tions. To state it more clearly, in their own words, “in the presence of larger quantities of amboceptor, smaller quantities of complement suf- fice,” and vice versa. Noguchi, in his work, has found that, while, in the 1 Noguchi, Proc. Soc. for Exper. Biol. and Med., VI., 3, 1909. 2 Morgenroth und Sachs, in Ehrlich’s “ Gesammelte Arbeiten,” etc., Berlin, 1904, 266 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY presence of one unit of amboceptor, 0.1 ¢.c. of guinea-pig’s complement is required to produce hemolysis, by using four, eight, and twenty units of amboceptor, complete hemolysis is obtainable with one-third, one- fifth, and one-tenth of the 0.1 c.c. of complement, respectively. For this reason an excess of amboceptor might result in complete hemolysis in a test, if a small fraction of the complement were left unfixed by the syphilitic antibody. Another result of an excess of amboceptor would consist in a partial dissociation of the complement from its com- bination with the antigen-antibody compound. As Noguchi puts it, “a quantity of syphilitic antibody just sufficient to fix 0.1 c.c. of the complement against two units of the amboceptor is no longer efficient in holding back the complement from partial liberation against the influence exerted by more than four units of the amboceptor.”’ From these considerations it follows that the serum from rabbits immunized against sheep corpuscles must, in each case, be titrated in order to determine the hemolytic unit. For this purpose a number of mixtures are made in test tubes, containing each 0.1 c.c. of complement (fresh guinea-pig serum), 1 c.c. of a 5 per cent emulsion of sheep’s cor- puscles, and diminishing quantities of the inactivated hemolytic serum, thus: 1. ce. 01 ec. = complete hemolysis. of 5 per .009 c.c. = complete hemolysis. wane i cent [ 3 d .005 c.c. = complete hemolysis. Pomplenen | emul- 4 .003 ¢.c. = complete hemolysis. fresh b+ : +4 hemo- é en sion lytic .001 cc. = complete hemolysis. ce 8 sheep’s seca | .0009 c.c. = partial hemolysis. ; corpus- “| 0005 c.c. = no hemolysis. cles. | .0003 .c.c. = no hemolysis.’ In the given case, 0.001 c.c. of the serum represents one unit, and 0.002 c.c., two units, is the quantity to be used for each test. III. The Complement.—The complement for the Wassermann re- action is used in the form of fresh guinea-pig serum. This may be obtained in one of the following ways: A guinea-pig may be killed by an inoision in the throat and the blood allowed to flow into a large Petri dish. This is set away in the ice chest until clear beads of serum have formed upon the surface, and these are then carefully removed with a pipette. The writers have found it convenient, however, to anesthetize the guinea-pigs, then, by a longitudinal incision into the 1TIn each tube the volume of the mixture should be made up to 5.c. with 0.85 per cent salt solution. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 267 neck to lay bare the carotid artery and, severing this, to allow the blood to flow into a sterile centrifuge tube. When clotting has occurred, the clot is loosened from the glass with a platinum needle and the serum separated by centrifugalization. Such serum should be used for no longer than three days after being taken and should be kept, except when in actual use, at a low temperature. The complement in guinea-pig serum is sufficiently constant in quantity for practical purposes. IV. The Sheep Corpuscles.—The sheep corpuscles for the actual reaction are obtained by receiving the blood of a sheep in a small flask containing a sterile solution of a 0.5 per cent sodium citrate and 0.85 per cent sodium chloride, or into one containing glass beads or short pieces of glass tubing. In the former case, the citrate solution prevents clotting and the corpuscles may be washed free from the citrate solution and emulsified in salt solution before use in the test. In the latter case, it is necessary to shake the blood in the flask immediately after taking, and to continue the shaking motion for about ten minutes. At the end of this time, the blood will be defibrinated and the corpuscles are washed free from serum by centrifugalization in salt solution. A 5 per cent emulsion of the corpuscles in salt solution is employed for the test, made by measuring the bulk of centrifugalized corpuscles and adding nineteen parts of sterile salt solution. Thorough washing of the cor- puscles is essential both in order to preclude the occurrence of pre- cipitates and to remove any traces of complement present in the serum. V. The Serum to be Tested for Syphilitic Antibody.—The serum of the patient upon whom the test is to be made is best obtained in the same way that blood is obtained for blood cultures. After surgical precautions as to sterilization, a needle is plunged into the median basilic vein and 3 or 4 c.c. of blood are removed. Whenever circum- stances do not permit such procedure, blood may be obtained from the finger or the ear, always in sufficient quantity to furnish at least 1 c.c. of clear serum. Before use for the test, the patient’s serum must be inactivated by heating in a water bath to 56° C. for twenty minutes to half an hour. As, according to some observers, 56° C. destroys the syphilitic antibody in part, Noguchi advises inactivation at 54° C. Tue Trest.—The actual test for antibody in a suspected serum is carried out in the following way: In a test-tube of suitable size, 0.1 c.c. of complement, 0.2 c.c. of the inactivated suspected serum, and the antigen, in quantity determined by titration, are mixed, and the total 18 268 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY volume brought up to 3 c.c. with normal salt solution. This mixture is thoroughly shaken, and placed for one hour in a water bath or in the incubator at 37.5°C. At the end of this time, there is added 1 c.c. of a 5 per cent emulsion of sheep’s corpuscles, and two units of hemolytic amboceptor, determined by a titration of the inactivated hemolytic rabbit serum, as described above. This mixture is again placed at 37.5° C. for one to two hours. If the antibody is present in the suspected serum, no hemolysis takes place. If absent, hemolysis is complete. ' No test is of use unless suitable controls are made. The controls set up should be as follows: Control 1. For each serum tested the mixture described above, omitting antigen. Controls 2 and 8. The mixture made as in the test but with known syphilitic serum (2) with and (3) without antigen. Controls 4 and 5. The mixture made as in the test, but with normal serum (4) with and (5) without antigen. Control 6. Antigen and complement alone, left together for an hour before the addition of blood cells and amboceptor in order to preclude the possibility of the antigen itself fixing complement. When working with a well-controlled antigen this control may be omitted. Controls 7 and 8. The hemolytic system, complement, blood cells and amboceptor, set up in order to show that the system is in working order (7) with and (8) without antigen. It is convenient to set the tubes in two rows in a rack, the front row containing antigen, the back row containing the same mixture without antigen. In a positive test, the test itself, and Control 2, alone, should show inhibited hemolysis. The other tubes should show complete solution of the hemoglobin. (See scheme, p. 259.) Modifications of the Wassermann Test.—Bauer’s Modification. — Bauer! utilizes the fact that normal human serum contains a certain amount of hemolytic amboceptor for sheep’s corpuscles. In consequence he omits in his reaction the use of specifically immunized hemolytic rabbit serum. In carrying out the test he uses but four tubes: 1. Contains 0.1 ¢.c. of complement, the titrated amount of antigen, and 0.2 c.c. of the inactivated serum to be tested. 2. Contains the same mixture without antigen. 3. Is like one, except that normal serum is substituted for that of the patient. 1 Bauer, Deut. med. Woch., xii, 1908, and Berl. klin. Woch., xvii, 1908. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 269 4. Is like three, except that antigen is omitted. If this modification is used at all (and its value is by no means established), a fifth control should be added in which known syphilitic serum is used. These tubes are exposed to 37.5° C. for one hour, at the end of which time 1 c.c. of a 5 per cent emulsion of sheep’s corpuscles are added. If the test is positive, tube one should be without hemolysis, as well as the fifth control with known syphilitic serum. Tubes two, three, SCHEME FOR WASSERMANN TEST. ADAPTED TO ORIGINAL WASSERMANN SYSTEM AFTER SCHEME OF NOGUCHI. . . Test without Serum . Test with Known | Test with Known ° Test with Unknown Positive Syphili Negative N }_ |to Control Efficiency Serum. ot Neranae c ee eect of Bones 3 4 Serum .2 c.c. = Serum .2 c.c. Serum .2 c.c. pe + S + + fg & |Q Complement g O Complement |Q Complement |Q Complement eS -1 cc. 3 1 ce. 1 ce. 1 ce. as + Be + + + E Salt sol. 3. c.c. || Salt sol. 3. cc. | Salt sol. 3. c.c. Salt sol. 3. c.c. 2: | 4, 6. 8. Serum .2 c.c. Serum .2 c.c. Serum .2 c.c. + : + + Eg © Complement *1Q Complement |Q Complement O Compiement a3 -l ce. z lee. lee. lee B3 = e + + + ad Antigen iS : ; “ me (required amount | qj Antigen Antigen Antigen in 1 c.c. salt sol.). s + + i + a Salt sol. 2. c.c. Salt sol. 2. c.c. | Salt sol. 2. ec. Salt. sol, 2. c.c, 1. 3. 5. F 7. O = test tube. ‘ Place in water bath at 40° C. for one hour, then add to all tubes red blood cells and amboceptor. These are previously mixed so that 2 ¢.c. contains the equivalents of 1c.c. of a 5 per cent emulsion of sheep corpuscles and 2 units of amboceptor. Again expose to 40°C. If the serum tested is positive, tubes 1 and 3 should show no hemolysis, all the other tubes showing complete hemolysis in one hour. and four, on the other hand, should show complete hemolysis. This modification of the Wassermann test has not found universal adoption and is little used at present. 270 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Noguchi’s Modification.—Noguchi' has much simplified the test by making use of an anti-human hemolytic amboceptor instead of an anti- sheep amboceptor. In this way, he avoids the necessity of procuring fresh sheep corpuscles for each test by using the corpuscles of the patient himself. He has determined empirically that human serum contains, normally, no amboceptor active against the human red corpuscles. This fact is extremely important and has a decided advantage over the original Wassermann test, in that in any reaction in which sheep corpuscles are used as an indicator with human serum, the actual amount of hemolytic amboceptor used in the test is uncertain. For, as we have mentioned above, human serum, normally, may contain a variable quantity of amboceptor for sheep corpuscles. In Noguchi’s test, there- fore, the actual quantity of amboceptor is exactly known by previous titration. The hemolytic amboceptor for Noguchi’s test is obtained by four or five injections of washed human corpuscles into rabbits. These corpuscles may be obtained from the heart’s blood at autopsies, or better, if possible, from placenta at childbirth. The unit for this amboceptor is obtained by titration as in the case of the sheep-blood amboceptor for the original Wassermann test. In setting up Noguchi’s test, the following substances are used :— (a) Patient’s serum. Obtained in small glass capsule. About 2 c.c. should be taken. (b) Complement. Fresh guinea-pig serum: 0.1 c.c. of a forty per cent, fresh, guinea-pig serum in salt solution is used in the test. Obtain by adding 1 part of guinea-pig serum to one and one-half parts of salt solution. (c) Antigen. Substance prepared as in the Wassermann test by extraction of syphilitic or normal organ. (d) Human corpuscles. Normal corpuscles or those of the patient himself may be employed. If the patient’s red cells are chosen, these should not be used for other tests than that on the patient’s own serum; 1 c.c. of a one per cent emulsion of washed corpuscles is used for the test. (e) Anti-human amboceptor prepared by the injection of washed human corpuscles into rabbits and titrated against human corpuscles. Two units are used in the test. The test itself is set up as follows: 1 Noguchi, Jour, of Exper. Medicine, 1909, THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 271 Tube 1. 1 drop patient’s serum + complement (.1 ¢.c. of 40 per cent guinea- pig serum + antigen. ; Tube 2.. 1 drop patient’s serum + complement (no antigen). Tube 3. 1 drop known syphilitic serum + complement + antigen. Tube 4. 1 drop known syphilitic serum + complement (no antigen). Tube 5. 1 drop known normal serum + complement + antigen. Tube 6. 1 drop known normal serum + complement (no antigen). Tube 7. Complement alone (for hemolytic system control). To each tube then add 1 c.c. of the one per cent emulsion of human corpuscles. Shake mixtures thoroughly and incubate or place in water bath at 38-40° C. for one hour. Then add to each tube two units of amboceptor and replace in water bath for one hour. At the end of this time in a positive test there will be no hemolysis in tubes one and three while all the other tubes will show hemolysis. Noguchi has simplified the technique of complement fixation further by drying measured amounts of antigen and amboceptor upon small squares of blotting paper. These may be dropped into the tubes directly, obviating the necessity of preparing fresh dilutions of the con- centrated substances for each test. The substances in the dried state, moreover, may be preserved for longer periods than when kept in the liquid form. The Determination of Antigen by Complement Fixation.—The prin- ciples underlying the preceding tests for the determination of sus- pected antibodies may be equally applied to the determination of suspected antigen. In the former case it was necessary to bring the serum to be tested into contact with the antigen specific for the suspected antibody, in the presence of complement, and at a suitable tempera- ture. At the end of an hour the mixture was tested for free comple ment by the addition of hemolytic amboceptor and red blood cells. In testing for antigen, the procedure is reversed, in that the serum or other substance (bacterial extract) to be tested is brought into contact with an antibody specific for the antigen, in the presence of complement; and at the end of an hour at suitable temperature, free complement is again determined by hemolytic reaction as before. When dealing with bacterial antigen, it is necessary, therefore, to prepare a highly potent immune serum against the bacteria which contain the specific antigen which is sought. Thus in testing for typhoid-bacillus antigen in the serum of a patient, the substances required are as follows: 1. Complement: obtained from fresh guinea-pig serum. It is best to titrate the complement when possible, using for the test double the 272 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY quantity necessary to produce complete hemolysis of 1 ¢.c. of a five per cent emulsion of blood cells, in the presence of two units of ambo- ceptor. When titration is omitted 0.1 c.c. may be used in routine work, and is sufficiently accurate. 2. Hemolytic amboceptor: rabbit serum hemolytic for sheep corpuscles. Inactivated and titrated as for Wassermann test. Two units are used in the test. 3. A five-per-cent emulsion of sheep corpuscles in salt solution, pre- pared as for Wassermann test. 4. A highly potent typhoid antiserum obtained from an immunized rabbit. In this case the smallest quantity of the immune serum which will cause the fixation of complement inthe presence of an emulsion or ex- tract of typhoid bacilli is determined by experiment. The bacillary emul. sion is prepared by scraping the growth from twenty-four-hour agar slant cultures, drying it, and macerating in a mortar with salt solution until a slightly opalescent emulsion is formed. A series of tubes is prepared into each of which is placed 0.1 ¢.c. of the emulsion of bacteria, 0.1 ¢.c. of fresh guinea-pig serum, as complement, and gradually diminishing quantities of the inactivated specific immune serum, ranging from 0.1c.c. downward. These tubes are left for one hour at 38° to 40°C., and, following this, there are added the required quantities of red blood cells and hemolytic immune serum. The smallest quantity of im- mune serum which has completely inhibited hemolysis is the unit and a quantity slightly greater than this should be used in the actual test. 5. Serum from the patient, inactivated at 56° C. for twenty minutes. In the actual test a series of tubes are prepared each of whizh con- tains: 1. Complement, the determined quantity or 0.1 c.c. 2. Antiserum, the determined quantity. 3. Diminishing quantities of the serum to be tested for antigen be- ginning with 1 c.c. Salt solution is added for dilution to 3 c.c. These substances are left together at 40° C. for one hour and then the required quantities of amboceptor and red cells are added. The reaction is controlled by tubes containing the same ingredients without 1 Miller, “ Technik d. serodiagnos. Methoden,” Jena, 1909; Leidke, “ Zur Kennt- niss d. Komplemente,” Wiirzburg, 1908. THE TECHNIQUE OF SERUM REACTIONS 273 the typhoid antiserum. In a positive test there will be no hemolysis in the tubes containing the patient’s serum. Proteid Differentiation by Complement Fixation.—That the technique of complement fixation was applicable to the determination of specific proteid antigen—such as human or animal blood—was shown by Gen- gou! in 1902. The principles worked out by him have been practically applied by Neisser and Sachs? and others to the forensic differentiation of animal proteids and these tests are said to be more delicate and reliable than precipitation tests made for the same purpose. The substances necessary for the reaction are as follows: 1. Complement, titrated as above. 2. Hemolytic amboceptor as above. 3. A five-per-cent emulsion of sheep corpuscles as above. 4, Specific antiserum. This is obtained from a rabbit immunized with the proteid for which the test is to be made; viz.: human or animal blood serum. This must be titrated. In order to do this, diminishing quantities of the antiserum are mixed in a series of tubes with the determined quantity of comple- ment, and the antigen which is to be tested for, 7.e., the homologous serum with which the antiserum has been produced. Since the test should be sufficiently delicate to determine 0.0001 c.c. of the antigen, this quantity is added to each tube. The actual titration is as follows:? 1. Antiserum, undiluted .1 + homologous serum .0001 + complement. 2. Antiserum diluted by 10 .75 + homologous serum .0001 + complement. 3. Antiserum diluted by 10 .75 + homologous serum .0001 + complement. 4, Antiserum diluted by 10 .3 + homologous serum .0001 + complement. etc., down to wl These tubes are incubated for one hour and hemolytic amboceptor and red blood cells are added. The smallest quantity of antiserum which has completely inhibited hemolysis is the “unit” and one and a half to two times this quantity is used for the test. 5. A solution of the blood spot or other material to be tested pre- pared as for precipitin test. (See page 254.) 1 Gengou, Ann. de |’inst. Pasteur, 1902. 2 Neisser und Sachs, Berl. klin. Woch., 1905 and 1906. See also Citron, in Kraus and Levaditi ‘“‘ Handbuch,” ete. 3 Citron, loc. cit. 274 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY For the actual test the following mixtures are made in a series of tubes, each of which contains: 1. Complement 2. Antiserum 3. Diminishing quantities of the substance in which the antigen is suspected, ranging from 0.1 c.c. downward to 0.0001 c.c. ; quantity determined by titration. Salt solution is added as a diluent up to 3 c.c. and the tubes are placed in the incubator or water-bath at 37.5° to 40°C. At the end of this time red blood cells and amboceptor are added as before. The tubes are controlled by a series containing all the above ingredi- ents except the antiserum. CHAPTER XVII PHAGOCYTOSIS THE studies on immunity which we have outlined in the preceding sections have dealt entirely with the phenomena occurring in the re- action between bacteria or bacterial products and the body fluids. These studies, we have seen, have formed the basis of a theoretical conception of immunity formulated chiefly by the German school of bacteriologists under the leadership of Ehrlich, Pfeiffer, Kruse, and others. Parallel with these developments, however, investigations on immunity have been carried on which have brought to light many important facts con- cerning the participation of the cellular elements of the body in its resistance to infectious germs. The inspiration for this work and the greater part of the theoretical considerations which have been based upon it have emanated from Metchnikoff! and his numerous pupils at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. The phenomenon which these observers have studied in great detail and upon the occurrence of which they have based their conceptions of immunity, is known as phagocytosis. It is well known that among the lowest unicellular animals the nutritive process consists in the ingestion of minute particles of organic matter by the cell. The rhizopods, which may be found and studied in water from stagnant pools or infusions, when observed under the microscope, may be seen to send out short protoplasmic processes, the pseudopodia, by means of which they gradually flow about any foreign particle with which they come in contact. If the ingested particle is of an inorganic nature and indigestible, it will be again extruded after a varying period. If, however, the ingested substance is of a nature which can be utilized in the nutrition of the protozoon, it is rapidly surrounded by a small vacuole within which it is gradually dissolved and becomes a part of the cellular protoplasm. This digestion within the unicellular organism is probably due to a proteolytic enzyme’ which acts in the Metchnikoff, “ L’Immunité dans les maladies infectueuses.”” 3 Mouton, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, xvi, 1902. 275 276 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY presence of a weakly alkaline reaction. This has been shown by the actual extraction, from amebz, of a trypsin-like ferment. As we proceed higher in the scale of the animal kingdom, we find that this power of intracellular digestion, while not uniformly an attribute of all the body cells, is still well developed and a necessary physiological function of certain cells which have retained primitive characters. In animals like the ccelenterata, in which there are two cell layers, an entoderm and an ectoderm, the ectodermal cells have lost the power of intracellular digestion, while the entodermal cells are still able to ingest and digest suitable foreign particles. It is only as we proceed to animals of a much higher organization that the function of cell ingestion of crude food is entirely removed from the process of general nutrition. Never- theless, in these animals also, the actual cell ingestion of foreign particles occurs, but it is now limited entirely to a definite group of cells. In the higher animals and in man, this function of phagocytosis is limited to the white blood cells of the circulation, or leucocytes, to certain large endothelial cells lining the serous cavities and blood-vessels, and to cells of a rather obscure origin which contribute to the formation of giant cells within the tissues. A convenient division of these phagocytic cells is that into “wandering cells” and “fixed cells.” The wandering cells are the polymorphonuclear leucocytes, called ‘“microphages” by Metchnikoff, and certain large mononuclear elements or “ macrophages.” Fixed cells, also called macrophages by Metchnikoff and possessing the power. of ameboid motion, include the cells lining the serous cavities, and the blood and lymph spaces. The small lymphocytes, so far as we know, have no phagocytic functions. In studying the cellular activities which come into play whenever foreign material of any description gains entrance into the animal body, a definite reaction on the part of the phagocytic cells may be observed. When we inject into the peritoneal cavity of a guinea-pig a small quan- tity of nutrient broth, and examine the exudate within the cavity from time to time, we can observe at first a diminution from the normal of the cells present in the peritoneal fluid. This may be due either to an injury of the leucocytes by the injected substance, or to an actual repel- lent influence which the injected foreign material exerts upon the wan- dering cells.1_ Very soon after this, however, the exudate becomes ex- tremely rich in leucocytes, chiefly of the polymorphonuclear variety, the maximum of the reaction being reached about eighteen to twenty-four 1 Pierrallint, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1897. PHAGOCYTOSIS 277 hours after the injection. After this, there is a gradual diminution in the leucocytic elements until the fluid in the peritoneal cavity again reaches its normal condition. It is plain, therefore, that the presence of the foreign material in the peritoneal cavity has, after a primary repellent action upon the phagocytes, attracted them in large numbers to the site of the foreign substance. Such repelling or attracting in- fluences upon the leucocytes are spoken of as negative or positive chemotaxis. The reasons for chemotaxis are not well understood. In the case of bacteria, which chiefly interest us in the present connection, chemotactic attraction or repulsion is intimately dependent upon the nature of the microorganism, and very probably has a definite relation- ship to its virulence. Whether or not the principles of chemotaxis may serve to explain the hypo- and hyper-leucocytoses, observed and diag- nostically utilized in clinical medicine, is by no means positive. It is likely, however, that the two phenomena are closely associated. Leva- diti 1 believed that he obtained some evidence that negative chemotaxis may take place within the blood-vessels when he noticed that the intra- venous injection of cholera spirilla into immunized guinea-pigs resulted in an immediate disappearance of leucocytes from the circulating blood, and their accumulation in the internal organs. On the other hand, this may possibly be more logically explained by a concentration of both bacteria and leucocytes in the capillary system of such an organ as the liver, as it is known that injected bacteria rapidly disappear from the general circulation, but may be demonstrated in the various organs for some time after injection. We have seen, therefore, that the invasion of the animal body by foreign material, living or dead, is followed by a prompt response on the part of the phagocytic cells. In the case of bacteria, when these are deposited in the subcutaneous areolar tissues, the inflammatory reaction which follows brings with it an emigration of microphages (polynuclear leucocytes) from the. blood-vessels—and these are the so-called pus cells. When the injection of bacteria is intraperitoneal, after a primary diminution, there is an increase of leucocytes in the peritoneal cavity which soon results in the formation of a copious turbid exudate. If the pus of an abscess or the exudate from an infected peritoneum is ex- amined microscopically, it will be seen that many of the microphages have taken bacteria into their cytoplasm. That fully virulent living bacteria can be so taken up has been variously proven. The phago- 1 Levaditt, Presse méd., 1900. 278 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY cytosis is, therefore, not simply a removal of the dead bodies of bacteria previously killed by the body-fluids, but represents an actual attack upon living and fully virulent microorganisms. That the ingested bacteria aro often alive after ingestion is proved by the fact that the injection of exu- date containing, so far as can be determined, only intracellular bacteria, has, in several instances, been found to give rise to infection. After the bacteria have remained for some time within the cytoplasm of the leucocyte, vacuoles may be seen to form about them, similar to those mentioned in discussing the digestive processes of amebe. If the preparations are, at this stage or later, stained with a one-per-cent solution of neutral red, it will be found that the bacteria, colorless under normal conditions, will be stained pink, an evidence of their beginning disintegration. Ata later stage in the process of intracellular digestion, the bacteria will lose their form, and appear swollen, granular, and vacuolated, and finally will be no longer distinguishable. If, on the other hand, the ingestion of bacteria brings about the death of a leucocyte, the neutral red will not stain the bacteria, the digestive vacuoles will not form, and the leucocyte itself will disintegrate. It must not be forgotten, however, that not all microorganisms are equally susceptible to phagocytosis. Some may resist ingestion more energetically than others by agencies not fully understood. Others again, like the tubercle bacillus and the anthrax bacillus for instance, may, after ingestion, oppose great difficulties to intracellular digestion. To a certain extent, moreover, the variety of the bacterium deter- mines the variety of phagocyte attracted to the point of invasion. In the cases of most of the bacteria of acute diseases, the microphages or polymorphonuclear leucocytes are the ones upon which the brunt of the battle devolves. Other invaders, like the Bacillus tuberculosis, blastomyces, and others, find themselves opposed chiefly by the macro- phages. Cells of animal origin, such as the dead or injured cells of the animals’ own body or the cells of other animals artificially introduced, are ingested by macrophages. This is true also of many parasites of animal nature. It is clear, thus, that the process of phagocytosis is a universal re- sponse on the part of the body to the invasion of foreign particles of dead material, of alien cells, and of living microorganisms. It remains to be shown upon what basis this process may be regarded as an essential feature in protecting the body against infection. The numerous researches of Metchnikoff have brought out the important fact that phagocytosis is regularly more active in cases in PHAGOCYTOSIS 279 which the infected animal or human being eventually recovers. In animals, furthermore, which show a high natural resistance against any given microorganism, phagocytosis is decidedly more energetic than it is in animals more susceptible to the same incitant. Thus, experiment- ing with anthrax infection in rats, Metchnikoff was able to show that, in these animals, a decidedly more rapid and extensive phagocytosis of anthrax bacilli takes ‘place than in rabbits and guinea-pigs and other animals which are delicately susceptible to this infection. While different interpretations have been attached to this phenomenon, its actual occurrence may be accepted as a proven fact. In his later investigations, furthermore, Metchnikoff was able to show that a direct parallelism existed between the development of immunity in an artificially immunized animal and the phagocytic powers of its white cells. He showed that rabbits artificially immunized to anthrax, responded to anthrax infection by a far more active phagocy- tosis than did normal, fully susceptible animals of the same species. It is quite impossible, in the space allotted, to recount the many similar experiments by which the accuracy of these observations has been confirmed. While few bacteriologists at the present day harbor any doubt as to the truth of these contentions, the fundamental differences between the conclusions drawn from these various phenomena by the school of Metchnikoff and by that of the German workers may be clearly stated as follows: Metchnikoff believes that phagocytosis is the cardinal factor which determines immunity, while Pfeiffer and others maintain that the determining factors upon which recovery or lethal outcome depends, lie in the fluids of the body, the serous exudate and its contents of immune body and complement, while the phagocy- tosis occurring coincidently, is merely a means of removal of the bacteria after the outcome has already been decided. In the further developments of his theory, Metchnikoff has claimed that the immune body and complement—the presence of which in blood serum and exudates he by no means overlooks—are derivatives of the leucocytes. The immune body or “fixator,” as Metchnikoff has named it, has been shown by Wassermann and Takaki! to be most plentiful in the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow of animals—all of them organs in which large collections of leucocytic elements are found. Metchnikoff’s opinions as to the leucocytic origin of the complement, or “cytase,” 1 Wassermann und Takaki, Berl. klin, Woch., 1898. 280 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY have found support in the experiments of Levaditi,! who was able to demonstrate the absence of complement in blood plasma,—.e., where no destruction of leucocytes had taken place—and in those of Cantacuzéne,’ who showed that cholera-immune guinea-pigs would succumb to intra- peritoneal injection of these bacteria when the diapedesis of leucocytes had been prevented by the administration of opium. The chapter of phagocytosis in its relation to bacterial immunity is by no means closed. The problems involved in it are intricate and will require much further study. The subsequent sections upon opsonins, aggressins, and upon leucocyte extract, incorporate the more recent studies which may be said to have followed logically in the footsteps of Metchnikoff’s work. 1 Levaditi, Presse méd., 1900. 2 Cantacuzene, Ann, de V’inst. Pasteur, 1897. CHAPTER XVIII OPSONINS, LEUCOCYTE EXTRACT, AND AGGRESSINS OPSONINS AutHough the theories of immunity are, as we have stated, generally classified as the humoral and the cellular or phagocytic theories, the separation has never, even in the minds of the warmest partisans, been an absolute one. Thus, Buchner and his successors looked for the origin, first, of alexin, then of complement, in the leucocytes, and Metchnikoff attributed to immune serum the quality of stimulating the leucocytes (stimulins) to increased phagocytosis. The serum, accord- ing to Metchnikoff, acted, not directly upon the bacteria, in the nature of bactericidal or lytic substances, but rather upon the leucocytes, pre- paring or arming these for the fray. Denys and Leclef! were the first definitely to oppose this view. These authors, on the basis of ex. periments done upon streptococcus immunity in rabbits, came to the conclusion that the serum aided phagocytosis rather by its action upon the bacteria than by its influence upon the leucocytes. Wright? in 1903 and 1904 undertook a systematic study of the re- lation of the blood serum to phagocytosis, in a series of careful experi- ments. Using his own modifications of the technique of Leishman,’ he first determined the direct dependence of phagocytosis upon some - substance contained in the blood serum. He further proved conclu- sively that this serum component acts upon the bacteria directly and not upon the leucocytes, is bound by the bacteria, and renders them subject to phagocytosis. The presence of these substances in sera, furthermore, which appear entirely free from bactericidal or lytic bodies, and the thermolabile character of the substances (60° for ten or fifteen minutes destroys them) seemed to exclude their identity with the immune bodies of other authors. 1 Denys et Leclef, La cellule, xi, 1895. 2 Wright and Douglas, Proc. Royal Soc. London, lxxii, 1904. 3 Leishman, Brit. Med. Jour., i, 1902. 281 282 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Because of their action in preparing the bacteria for ingestion by the leucocytes, he named these bodies “ opsonins” (¢~wvéw, to prepare food). Neufeld and Rimpau! soon after, and independently of Wright, described similar substances in the blood serum of streptococcus and pheumococcus immune animals, which they called bacteriotropins. Because of their greater thermostability it is not yet possible to identify these bacteriotropins absolutely with the opsonins. The importance of these opsonic substances in immunity was shown by Wright? in a series of experiments in which he determined that in persons ill with staphylococcus or tubercle-bacillus infections, the phago- cytic powers were relatively diminished toward these microorganisms, but could be specifically increased upon active immunization with dead bacteria or bacterial products. The results of Wright have been confirmed and elaborated by nu- merous workers. The diminished power of leucocytes to take up bacteria without the co-operation of serum was demonstrated, after Wright, by Hektoen and Ruediger,? who worked with gradually increasing dilutions of serum. The contention of the Wright school, however, that leucocytes are en- tirely impotent for phagocytosis without the aid of serum, can not be regarded as proven, in face of the work of Léhlein* and others who have observed phagocytosis on the part of washed leucocytes. The specificity of opsonins and their multiplicity in a given serum were shown mainly by the work of Bullock and Atkin,®? Hektoen and Ruediger,® and Bullock and Western.’ These authors showed that the opsonic substances in sera could be absorbed out of the sera, one by one, by treatment with various species of bacteria, a procedure analogous to the method of absorption used in the study of agglutinins. The increase of phagocytic power demonstrated by Wright in immune sera naturally led to the question whether this depended merely upon an increase of the normal opsonins or whether the newly formed immune opsonins were entirely different substances. The greater thermosta- bility of the opsonins in immune sera seemed, at first, to support the 1 Neufeld und Rimpau, Deut. med. Woch., xl, 1904. 2 Wright and Douglas, Proc. Roy. Soc., London, Ixxiv, 1905 3 Hektoen and Ruediger, Jour. Inf. Dis., ii, 1905. 4 Lohlein, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1905 and 1906. 5 Bullock and Atkin, Proc. Roy. Soc., London, Ixxiv, 1905. 6 Hektoen and Ruediger, loc. cit. 1 Bullock and Western. Proc. Roy. Soce., loe. cit. OPSONINS 283 latter view. Dean, however, showed that not all of the normal opsonins are thermolabile and that, by absorption experiments, bacteria treated with normal sera could be prevented from taking up opsonins from immune sera. These facts seem to point strongly toward the identity of normal and immune opsonic substances. Further study of the opsonins has led to numcrous other questions regarding their structure, their relation to other immune bodies, etc., which are largely still in the stage of controversy, and for which the original monographs must be consulted. The controversial questions may be briefly reviewed as follows: As stated above, Wright believed originally that the bodies dis- covered by him in normal sera, the ‘normal opsonins,’’ in other words, were distinct bodies that could not be identified with either the comple- ment or antibodies present in serum. Neufeld and Hiine,? Levaditi and Inmann,? and others, on the other hand, maintain that the opsonic action of normal serum, at least, is intimately related to the complement contents of such serum. They base this contention not only upon the thermolability of normal opsonins, but also upon the fact that opsonin may be removed from normal serum at the same time as complement by the method of com- plement fixation, detailed in another section (see pp. 245 and 261). The contention of Wright that the thermostable opsonic substances of immune serum are distinct bodies, not identical with the ambocep- tors, is supported by the work of Hektoen,> Neufeld and Tépfer,® and others. The problem, however, can by no means be regarded as finally settled, since other workers, notably Levaditi, are inclined to identify the immune opsonins with lytic amboceptors. As to the structure of the opsonic substances, moreover, dif- ferences of opinion still exist. Hektoen and Ruediger’ who have investigated the question attribute to opsonins a complex constitution. They believe them to possess a thermostable haptovhore group and a thermolabile ‘‘opsonophore” group and that heating beyond a definite temperature converts the opsonins into opsonoids by 1 Dean, Proe. Roy. Soc., London, Ixxvi, 1905. 2 Neufeld and Hiine, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, xxv. 3 Levaditt and Inmann, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 62, 1907. 4 Levaditi, Presse médicale, 70, 1907. § Hektoen, Jour. of Inf. Dis., iii, 1906. e Neufeld und Tépfer, Cent. f. Bakt., xxxviii, 1905. § Hektoen and Ruediger, Jour. of Inf. Dis., ii, 1905. 19 284 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY destruction or alteration of the “opsonophore” group. This view is not shared by all workers and has been disputed by Bullock and Atkin.! The Technique of Wright.—The three factors necessary for the per- formance of an opsonic test are (1) the blood serum to be tested; (2) an even emulsion of bacteria, and (3) leucocytes. (1) Blood serum is obtained by bleeding from the finger and receiving the blood into glass capsules (Fig. 66). These are sealed at both ends; the blood is allowed to clot; and the separation of serum is hastened by a few revolutions of a centrifuge. (2) The bacterial emulsion is obtained by rubbing up a few loopfuls of a twenty-four-hour slant agar culture with a little physio- logical salt solution (0.85 per cent) in a watch glass. A very small amount of salt solution is used at first and more is gradually added, drop by drop, as the emulsion becomes more even. The final breaking up of the smaller clumps is best accomplished by cutting off very squarely the end of a capillary pipette, placing it perpen- dicularly against the bottom of the watch glass, and sucking the emulsion in and out through the narrow chink thus formed. (Fig. 67.) Emulsions of tubercle bacilli are more difficult tomake. The bacilli filtered off in the manufacture of old tuberculin are commonly used. These are washed in salt solution on the filter, and are then scraped off and sterilized. They are then, in a moist condition, placed in a mortar and thoroughly ground into a paste. While grinding, salt solution 1.5 cent) is gradually added until a thick emulsion appears. This emulsion may be diluted and larger clumps separated by centri- fugalization. (3) The leucocytes are obtained by bleeding from the ear or finger directly into a solution containing eighty-five hundredths per cent to one per cent of sodium chlorid and five-tenths to one and five-tenths per cent of sodium citrate. Ten or fifteen drops of blood to 5 or 6 c.c. of the solution will furnish sufficient leucocytes for a dozen tests. This mixture is then centrifugalized at moderate speed for five to six minutes. At the end of this time, the corpuscles at the bottom of the tube will be covered by a thin grayish pellicle, the buffy coat, consisting Fig. 66.—WricHT’s CAPSULE FOR CotLEectine Bioop. 1 Bullock and Atkin, Proc. Royal Soc., Ixxiv, 1905. OPSONINS 285 chiefly of leucocytes. These are pipetted off with a capillary pipette (by careful superficial scratching movements over the surface of the buffy coat). There being, of course, no absolute scale for phagocytosis, whenever an opsonin determination is made upon an unknown serum, a parallel control test must be made upon a normal serum. This normal is best obtained by a “pool” or mixture of the sera of five or six supposedly normal individuals. The three ingrediénts—serum, bacterial emulsion, and leucocytes— having thus been prepared, the actual test is carried out as follows: Fig. 67.—PIPETTE FOR Opsonic WoRK. Capillary pipettes of about six or seven inches in length ‘and of nearly even diameter throughout, are made. ‘These are fitted with a nipple and a mark is made upon them with a grease-pencil about 2 to 3 cm. from the end (Fig. 68). Corpuscles, bacteria, and serum are then successively, in the order named, sucked into the pipette up to the mark, being separated from each other by small air-bubbles. Equal quantities of each having thus been secured, they are mixed thoroughly by repeatedly drawing them in and out of the pipette upon a slide. The mixture is then drawn into the pipette; the end is sealed; and incubation at 37.5° is carried on for an arbitrary time, usually fifteen to thirty minutes.! The control with normal serum is treated in exactly Fic. 68.—PIPETTE WITH THREE SUBSTANCES, CORPUSCLES, BACTERIA, AND SERUM, AS FIRST TAKEN UP. the same way. After incubation the end of the pipette is broken off, the contents are again mixed, and smears are made upon glass slides in the ordinary manner of blood smearing. Staining may be done by Wright’s modification of Leishman’s stain, by Jenner’s, or by any other of the usual blood stains. In these smears, then, the number of bacteria contained in each leucocyte is counted. The contents of about eighty ' For the purpose of incubation, specially constructed water baths, marketed under the name of “ opsonizers,’’ may be used, 286 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY to one hundred cells are usually counted and an average is taken. This average number of bacteria in such leucocytes is spoken of as the “phagocytic index.” The phagocytic index of the tested serum, divided by that of the “normal pool” (control) serum, gives the “opsonic index.” Another method of estimating the opsonic content of a given blood serum has been contributed by Simon, Lamar, and Bispham.' These authors employed dilutions both of the patient’s serum and of normal serum ranging from one in ten to one in one hundred. With these dilutions, they carry out opsonic experiments with bacterial emulsions and washed leucocytes in the same way as this is done in the Wright method, except that they recommend the employment of thinner bac-. terial emulsions than are usually employed in the former method. In examining their slides, they do not estimate the number of bacteria found within the leucocytes, but rather the percentage of leucocytes which actually take part in the phagocytic process,’ t.e., which con- tain bacteria. By the same method of dilution, they determine what they have called “the opsonic coefficient of extinction,” a phrase which is used to express the degree of dilution of the serum at which no further phagocy- tosis takes place. They claim for their methods the more delicate de- termination of variations in opsonic power. The method has not been sufficiently used to permit the expression of an opinion as to its value. The Vaccine Therapy of Wright.—In connection with his more theoretical work upon opsonins, Wright has laid much stress upon the value of active immunization in the treatment of infectious diseases. Beginning his work with staphylococcus and tubercle-bacillus infections, he has extended his methods, with the aid of many collaborators, to gonococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, and a number of other bacterial infections. In all these cases, when possible, he uses for therapeutic purposes a so-called ‘autogenous vaccine” which is made with the bacteria isolated from the patient himself. In the case of tubercle-bacillus infections, he uses for treatment the new-tuberculin- bacillary-emulsion of Koch. The production of vaccine is, according to Wright, as follows: Production of Vaccines.—After isolation of the organisms from the patient, cultures are made with a view of obtaining considerable amounts 1 Simon, Lamar, and Bispham, Jour. Exp. Med., viii, 1906. 2 Simon and Lamar, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., xvii, 1906. OPSONINS 287 of bacterial growth. In making vaccines with poorly growing organisms, Jarge surfaces must be inoculated. Organisms are best grown for this purpose upon the surface of agar or glucose agar (the enrichment of the agar with sugar or acetic fluid, etc., depending upon the cultural require- ments of the cerganism in question), in square eight-ounce medicine bottles laid upon their sides. This furnishes a large area for inoculation. After sufficient growth has taken place upon the agar, two or three cubic centimeters of sterile normal salt solution are introduced into the bottles with a sterile pipette. With this the growth is gently washed off the surface of the agar, more salt solution gradually being added as necessary. The emulsification may be facilitated by gently scraping the growth off the medium by means of a flexible platinum loop. This thick bacterial emulsion is then pipetted out of the bottles, during which process an equalization of the emulsion can be attained by repeated sucking in and out with the pipette. The emulsion is then placed in a sterile test tube which may then be drawn out at its open end into a capillary opening. It is a point of practical importance that, in pre- paring such capsules out of a test tube, a few inches of air space should be left above the surface of the emulsion, so that expansion during heating may not blow out the top of the glass tube. A dozen or so of sterile glass beads may be put into these tubes in order to aid in emul- sification. Shaking the beads in such a tube will help in breaking up small clumps of bacteria. The emulsion is then standardized; that is, a numerical estimation of bacteria per cubic centimeter must be made. This standardization is best done before sterilization, because during the latter process a number of bacteria may be broken up, and, while unrecognizable morphologically, are, nevertheless, represented in the emulsion by their products. The standardization may be accomplished by highly diluting a definite volume of the emulsion, planting plates with definite quan- tities of the dilution, and counting colonies. Wright prefers, as more exact, an enumeration of the bacteria against red blood cells. This is done in the following way: A little of the emulsion is placed in a watch glass and from it, with a pipette as used in the estimation of the opsonic index, one volume is taken and is mixed with an equal volume of blood from the finger and two or three volumes of salt solution. The salt solution is added in order to dilute the red cells so that they can be conveniently counted and to prevent clotting. These substances are thoroughly mixed in a pipette and spread upon a slide as in making a blood smear, and as even 288 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY and uniform a smear as possible should be made. They are then stained either by Jenner’s or Wright’s blood stain. The preparations are examined with an oil-immersion lens. In order to limit a definite microscopic field, it is convenient to use an Ehrlich diaphragm, or else, in lieu of this, to mark a circle with a blue pencil upon the lens of the eye-piece. The red blood cells and bacteria, in a number of these fields, are counted and the ratio between them is estimated. Knowing the number of red blood cells to the cubic milli- meter in the particular blood employed, by previous blood count, and knowing that equal volumes of blood and of bacterial emulsion have been used in the mixture, it is easy from this ratio to ascertain the number of bacteria contained in a cubic millimeter of the original emulsion. Thus, for instance, if in an average of twenty fields bacteria are to red blood cells as two is to one, and the blood employed con- tains five million red blood cells to each cubic millimeter, then a cubic millimeter of our emulsion contained ten million bacteria, and a cubic centimeter one thousand times as many. The vaccine, thus produced and standardized, is sterilized by sus- pension in a water bath at 60°C. for one hour on each of five or six consecutive days. Its sterility is then controlled by culture. From this stock emulsion small quantities may be drawn off and diluted for therapeutic use. The initial dose given by Wright in staphylococcus infections, in which the method has been most frequently employed, varies from fifty to one hundred millions of bacteria. In working with the tubercle bacillus, the ordinary tuberculin dosage is adhered to. Wright, in his work, makes use of the opsonic index in order to estimate changes in the resistance of the patient against the given in- fection. In other words, he bases his judgment as to whether the patient is improving or not, upon the opsonic power of the patient’s serum. In following the opsonic index of a patient during systematic treatment with vaccine, Wright has found definite changes upon the basis of which he constructs a curve of opsonic power. Immediately after the injection of vaccine, he finds that there is a brief period during which the opsonic power of the patient is depressed below its original state. This he calls the negative phase. The length of time occupied by this negative phase depends both upon the condition of the patient and upon the size of the dose given. It is usually completed within twenty-four hours. After this, there is a gradual rise in the opsonic power, at first rapid, later more slow, until a maximum is reached after a vary- LEUCOCYTE EXTRACT 289 ing number of days. This period of rise represents the positive phase. The second inoculation with vaccine should, according to Wright, be made when the opsonic nower is again beginning to sink after the highest point of the positive phase. The facts of Wright’s investigations have been given in the preceding pages, purposely without critical considerations. The existence of opsonic or phagocytosis stimulating substances in blood serum may be accepted as fact. It is also of unquestionable value to the science of immunity that renewed vigor has been infused into the investiga- tion of active therapeutic immunization. The far-reaching claims of therapeutic benefit, which have been made by Wright and his school, however, have not yet received sufficient support by clinical observa- tion to be fully accepted, although intelligent application of this treat- ment in suitable cases has undoubtedly proved its therapeutic value. LEUCOCYTE EXTRACT In the foregoing sections upon Phagocytosis and Opsonins, we have discussed the protective action exerted by the living leucocytes against bacterial infection and the relation of these cells to the blood serum. We have seen, furthermore, that, while our knowledge of the blood serum, as developed at present, shows that plagocytes may be aided by this in the ingestion of bacteria, the subsequent digestion of the germs, and possibly the neutralization or destruction of their intracel- lular poisons, is, as far as we know, largely accomplished by the unaided phagocytic cell. It is an obvious thought, therefore, that, in the struggle with bacterial invaders, the leucocytic defenders might be considerably re-enforced if they were furnished, as directly as possible, with a further supply of the very weapons which they were using in the fight with the microorganisms. With this thought as a point of departure, Hiss ! conceived the plan of injecting into infected subjects the substances composing the chief cells or all the cells usually found in exudates, in the most diffusible form and as little changed by manipulation as possi- ble; and he also assumed that extracts would be more efficacious than living leucocytes themselves, since if diffusible they would be distrib- uted impartially to all parts of the body by the circulatory mechan- ism. They would then, as quickly as absorption would permit, relieve the fatigued leucocyte and also protect by any toxin-neutralizing or other power they might possess, the cells of highly specialized functions, 1 Hiss, Jour. Med. Res., N.8., xiv, 3, 1908. 290 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY The method of obtaining these substances as used both in animal experiments and in the treatment of human subjects is at present as follows: Rabbits, preferably of 1,500 grams weight or heavier, reveive intra- pleural injections of aleuronat. This is prepared by making a three per cent solution of starch in meat-extract broth, without heating, and adding to this, after the starch has gone into thorough emulsion, five per cent of powdered aleuronat. This is thoroughly mixed, boiled for five minutes, and filled into sterile potato tubes, 20 c.c. into each tube. Final sterilization is done preferably in an autoclave. The rabbit in- jections are carried out by injecting 10 ¢.c. into each pleural cavity in the intercostal spaces at the level of the end of the sternum, in the anterior axillary line, great care being exerted to avoid puncturing of the lungs. The rabbits are left for twenty-four hours, at the end of which time a copious and very cellular exudate will have accumulated in the pleural cavities. This is removed, after killing the animals with chloroform, by opening the anterior chest wall under rigid precautions of sterility, and pipetting the exudate into sterile centrifuge tubes. Immediate centrifugalization before clotting can take place then per- mits the decanting of the supernatant exudate fluid. To the leuco- cytic sediment is then added about 2 c.c. of sterile distilled water, and the emulsion is thoroughly beaten up with a stiff bent platinum spatula. Smears are now made on slides, stained by Jenner’s blood stain, and ex- amined for possible bacterial contamination. It is well also to take cultures. Sterile distilled water is then added to each tube, about twenty volumes to one volume of sediment, and the tubes are set away in the incubator for eight hours. At the end of this time the sterility is again controlled as above, and further extraction in the refrigerator continued until the extract is used. In experimenting upon animals, Hiss‘ observed that pneumococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, meningococcus, and typhoid, dysentery, and cholera infections in rabbits and guinea-pigs were profoundly modi- fied when injections of leucocyte extracts, prepared as above, were ad- ministered intraperitoneally or subcutaneously during the course of the infection. In many cases animals were saved by these substances from infections which proved rapidly fatal in untreated control animals, even when the protective injections were made as late as twenty-four hours after intravenous infection. 1 Hiss, Jour. Med. Res., N. S., xiv, 3, 1908. AGGRESSINS 291 In applying this method of treatment, by subcutaneous injections, to infections in man, Hiss and Zinsser observed distinctly beneficial results in cases of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, in lobar pneumonia, in staphylococcus infections, and in erysipelas.’ In experimenting with the leucocyte extracts in vitro the same au- thors were able to show that precipitates occurred when clear leucocyte extract and the clear extract of various bacteria were mixed.’ Further experiments, carried out both in animals and in the test tube, showed that while the leucocytic extracts possessed slight bactericidal powers for a variety of microorganisms, these attributes did not seem sufficient to explain the profound, modifying influences exerted upon bacterial infections by these extracts. Experiments have also shown that the leucocyte extracts possess some distinct power of neutralizing or destroying the poisonous products of typhoid and dysentery bacilli. Whether or not the final explanation of the action of these extracts will be found to lie in these endotoxin-neutralizing properties of the leuco- cytic substances, can not as yet be determined, and this problem must be left for further research to decide. That bactericidal substances can be extracted from leucocytes by various methods has been repeatedly shown by Schattenfroh, Petter- son, Korschun, and others.* The researches of Petterson as well as, more recently, the work of Zinsser, have shown that these “endolysins,”’ as Petterson has called them, have a structure quite different from that of the serum bacteriolysins in that they are not rendered inactive by temperatures under 80° C., but, when once destroyed by higher tem- peratures, can not be reactivated either by the addition of fresh serum or of unheated leucocyté extracts. The last-named authors, moreover, have shown that these endocellular bactericidal substances are not increased by immunization, the quantity present in each leucocyte being probably at all times simply sufficient for the digestion of the limited number of bacteria which can be taken up by the individual leucocyte. AGGRESSINS An extremely obscure chapter in our knowledge of the reaction of animals and man against infection is the one dealing with the questions 1 Hiss and Zinsser, Jour. Med. Res., N.S., xiv, 3, 1908; ibid., xv, 3, 1909. ? Hiss and Zinsser, ibid., xiv, 3, 1908. 3 Schattenfroh, Arch. f. Hyg., 1897; Petterson, Cent. f. Bakt.,I, xxxix, 1905, and ibid., xlvi, 1908; Korschun, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, xxii, 1908; Zinsser, Jour. Med. Res., xxii, 3, 1910. 292 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY of varying pathogenicity between different bacterial species and between different races of the same microorganism. We know thai certain bac- teria may be injected into an animal or human being in considerable quantities, without producing anything more than the temporary local disturbance following the subcutaneous administration of any innocuous material. Other bacteria, on the other hand, such as the bacillus of an- thrax or the bacillus of chicken cholera, injected in the most minute dosage, may give rise to a rapidly fatal septicemia. Within the same species, furthermore, fluctuations in virulence may take place which may depend upon a variety of influences which have been discussed in another section and need not be recapitulated. Suffice it to say that variations in the susceptibility of inoculated subjects do not, in any way, furnish a sufficient explanation for these phenomena and we are forced to seek for the key to the problem in the activities of the bacteria themselves. In an effort to cast light upon this subject, Bail, following in the footsteps of his predecessors, Kruse,’ Deutsch and Feistmantel,? has formulated his so-called “aggressin-theory.” In its reasoning, this theory is indirectly an offspring of Metchnikoff’s phagocytic theory and is, in many of its phases, antagonistic to the purely humoral con- ception of immunity. Bail * was first led to the formulation of his theory by extensive re- searches which he had made in conjunction with Petterson * into an- thrax immunity. He had noted, as others before him had, that animals, highly susceptible to anthrax, often possessed marked bactericidal powers against this bacillus. When such animals, whose serum should surely be capable of bringing about the death of, at least, a few hundred anthrax bacilli, were injected with doses far less than this number they nevertheless succumbed rapidly and the bacilli multiplied enormously in their bodies. He argued from this that the injected microorganisms must possess some weapon whereby they were enabled to counteract the protective forces of the animal organism. In an anthrax-immune animal, as a matter of fact, no proliferation of bacteria took place and the injected germs were rapidly disposed of by the protective forces, foremost of which was phagocytosis. 1 Kruse, Ziegler’s Beitrage, xii, 1893. 2 Deutsch und Feistmantel, ‘‘ Die Impfstoffe in Sera,’”’ Leipzig, 1903. 3 Bail, Cent. f. Bakt. I, xxvii, 1900, and xxxiii, 1902. > Bail und Peiterson, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxxiv, 1903; xxxv, 1904; xxxvi, 1904. AGGRESSINS 293 The theory of Bail’ as eventually formulated, after extended in- vestigations which need not be outlined, contains the following basic principles: Pathogenic bacteria differ fundamentally from non-pathogenic bacteria in their power to overcome the protective mechanism of the animal body, and to proliferate within it. They accomplish this by virtue of definite substances given off by them, probably in the nature of a secretion, which acts primarily by protecting them against phagocy- tosis. These substances (referred to by Kruse as “ Lysins”) were named by Bail, “Aggressins.” The production of aggressins by pathogenic germs is probably absent in test-tube cultures, or, at any rate, is greatly depressed under such conditions, but is called forth in the animal body by the onslaught of the germicidal or other influences encountered after inoculation. These aggressins can be found, according to Bail, in the exudates occurring about the site of inoculation in rapidly fatal infections. He obtained them, separate from the bacteria themselves, by the prolonged centrifugation and subsequent decanting of edema fluid, and pleural and peritoneal exudates. Two fundamental experimental observations are brought forward by Bail in support of the truth of his contentions. In the first place, he was able to show that fatal infection could be produced in animals by the injection of sublethal doses of bacteria, when, together with the germs, there was administered a small quantity of “aggressin.” He inferred from this experiment that the injected aggressin had served in paralyzing the onslaught of phagocytic and other protective agencies, and had thus made it possible for the bacteria to gain a foothold and to proliferate. The second experimental support upon which Bail’s theory is founded consists in the successful immunization of animals with ageres- sin. Animals were treated with aggressive exudates, from which all bac- teria had been removed by prolonged centrifugalization and which had been rendered entirely sterile by three hours’ heating to 60° C. and by the addition of five-tenths per cent of phenol. Animals so treated were not only immune themselves, but contained a substance in their serum which permitted the passive immunization of other untreated animals. Bail explained this by assuming the production of antiaggressins in the 1 Bail, Arch. f. Hyg., lii, 1905; liii, 1905; Wien. klin. Woch., xvii, 1905. 2 Bail und Weil, Wien. klin. Woch., ix, 1906; Cent. f. Bakt., I, xl, 1906; xii, 1906. 294 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY treated subjects. His experiments and those of his pupils were con- ducted with a large variety of microorganisms, among which were the typhoid and dysentery bacilli, the bacilli of chicken cholera and of plague, the cholera spirillum, and various micrococci. According to whether a microorganism is capable of producing an aggressin and consequently of invading the animal body, he divides bacteria into “ pure parasites,” “half parasites,” and “saprophytes.” The theory of Bail has been extensively attacked by a number of authors, chief among whom are Wassermann and Citron,’ Wolff,? and Sauerbeck.* The criticism which these investigators make of Bail’s views is based upon laborious experimentation and has succeeded in placing the “aggressin” theory upon a very precarious footing. It is claimed by them, in the first place, that much of the “aggressive” character of Bail’s exudates is due to their containing liberated bacterial poisons (endotoxins). This they have maintained both because the sterile “aggressin” exudates could be shown to possess a considerable degree of independent toxicity and because the aggressive action of such an exudate could be duplicated by aqueous extracts of bacteria. Citron, * furthermore, was able to show, by the Bordet-Gengou method of com- plement fixation, that the exudates of Bail contained considerable quantities of free bacterial receptors, which, in taking up bacteriolytic immune body, would neutralize any lytic power on the part of the in- fected animal. By this antilytic action, he believes, Bail’s first conten- tion, the virulence-enhancing action of the exudates, can be explained. The nature of the immunity produced in animals by Bail’s method of treatment is less easily explained and less exposed to adverse criticism. Bacteriolytic immunity alone probably can not account for the high degree of resistance imparted by a few injections of the aggressins. On the other hand, the establishment of an antiaggressive immunity has not been sufficiently supported to stand as a proven fact. Final judgment must be postponed until further investigation shall have brought a better understanding of the phenomenon. 1 Wassermann and Citron, Deut. med. Woch., xxviii, 1905. 2 Wolff, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxxviii, 1906. 3 Sauerbeck, Zeit. f. Hyg., lvi, 1907. 4 Citron, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xl, 1905; xli, 1906; and Zeit. f. Hyg., lii, 1905. CHAPTER XIX ANAPHYLAXIS OR HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY PHENOMENA OF ANAPHYLAXIS Tur phenomena now grouped together under the heading of anaphy- laxis and hypersusceptibility have but recently become the subject of systematic experimentation. Nevertheless, manifestations now recog- nized as belonging to this category, had not escaped the attention of a number of the earlier workers in immunity. By anaphylaxis is meant the following train of phenomena: When a foreign proteid is introduced by subcutaneous, intraperitoneal, intra- venous, or subdural injection (or in some cases by feeding) into the animal body, after a time there will appear a specific hypersuscepti- bility of the animal for this proteid. After a definite interval, a second injection of the same substance, harmless in itself, will produce violent symptoms of illness and often rapid death in an animal so prepared. The phenomena are not limited to any given class of proteids, but are manifest in the case of animal, vegetable, and bacterial proteids, and within certain limits are specific. As early as 1893, Behring? and his pupils” had noticed that animals, highly immunized against diphtheria toxin, with high antitoxin content of the blood, would occasionally show marked susceptibility to injections of small doses of the toxin. The phenomena observed by them was interpreted as an increased tissue susceptibility to the toxin, and Wassermann, reasoning on the basis of Ehrlich’s side-chain theory, formulated the conception that the increased susceptibility was due to toxin receptors, increased in number by immunization, but not yet separated from the cells that had produced them; the cells thereby becoming more vulnerable to the poison. In the same category belongs the observation of Kretz, who noticed that normal guinea-pigs did not show any reaction after injections of innocuous 1 Behring, Deut. med. Woch., 1893. 2 Knorr, Dissert., Marburg, 1895; Behring und Kitashina, Berl. klin. Woch., 1901. 295 296 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY toxin-antitoxin mixtures, but that marked symptoms of illness often followed such injections when made into immunized guinea-pigs. Other phenomena which are now regarded, a posteriori, as probably depending upon the principles involved in anaphylaxis, are the tuberculin and mallein reactions, fully described in another place, and the adverse effects often following the injections of antitoxins in human beings, conditions spoken of under the heading of ‘serum sickness.” The last- named condition has been made the subject of an exhaustive study by v. Pirquet and Schick. That the injection of diphtheria antitoxin in human beings is often followed, after an incubation time of from three to ten days, by ex- anthematous eruptions, urticaria, swelling of the lymph glands, and often albuminuria and mild pulmonary inflammations, has been noticed by many clinicians, who have made extensive therapeutic use of anti- toxin. It was recognized early that such symptoms were entirely inde- pendent of the antitoxic nature of the serum, but depended upon other constituents or properties peculiar to the antitoxic serum. Moreover, symptoms of this description were by no means regular in patients in- jected for the first time, but seemed to depend upon an individual pre- disposition, or idiosynerasy. v. Pirquet and Schick, however, noticed that in those injected a second time, after intervals of weeks or months, the consequent evil effects were rapid in development, severe, and occurred with greater regularity. Many of the phases of such “serum sickness”’ are still obscure, since experimental conditions can not be controlled, and many modifying factors can not be excluded in observa- tions made upon human beings, and the grouping of the above conditions with the phenomena of anaphylaxis is still tentative. The fundamental observations from which our present knowledge of anaphylaxis takes its origin are those made in 1898 by Hericourt and Richet,’? who observed that repeated injections of eel serum into dogs gave rise to an increased susceptibility toward this substance instead of immunizing the dogs against it. Following up the lines of thought suggested by this phenomenon, Portier and Richet?® later made an in- teresting observation while working with actino-congestin—a toxic substance which they extracted from the tentacles of Actinia. This 1y, Pirquet and Schick, ‘ Die Serum Krankheit,”” monograph, Leipzig and Wien, 1905. 2 Hericourt and Richet, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 53, 1898. 3 Portier and Richet, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 1902; Richet, Ann. de l'inst. Pasteur, 1907 and 1908. ANAPHYLAXIS OR HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY 297 substance in doses of 0.042 grams per kilogram produced vomiting, diarrhea, collapse, and death in dogs. If doses considerably smaller than this were given in quantities sufficient to cause only temporary illness, and several days allowed to elapse, a second injection of a quantity less than one-quarter or one-fifth of the ordinary lethal dose would cause rapid and severe symptoms and often death. Similar observations were made soon after this by Richet with mytilo-conges- tin, a toxic substance isolated from mussels. In these experiments there remained little doubt as to the fact that the first injection had given rise to a well-marked increased susceptibility of the dogs for the poison used. It was Richet who first applied to this phenomenon the term “ ana- phylaxis” (a4 against, guvidés protection), to distinguish it from immunization or prophylaxis. Soon after Richet’s earlier experiments, and simultaneously with his later work, Arthus' made an observation which plainly confirmed Richet’s observations, though in a somewhat different field. The ob- servation of Arthus is universally spoken of as the “phenomenon of Arthus.” He noticed that the injection of rabbits with horse serum (a sub- stance in itself without toxic properties for normal rabbits) rendered the rabbits delicately susceptible to a second injection made after an interval of six or seven days. The second injection—even of small doses —regularly produced severe symptoms and often death in these animals. An observation very similar to that of Arthus was made by Theobald Smith? in 1904. Smith observed that guinea-pigs injected with diph- theria toxin-antitoxin mixtures in the course of antitoxin standardiza- tion, would be killed if after a short interval they were given a subcu- taneous injection of normal horse serum. The fundamental facts of hypersusceptibility had thus been observed, and Otto? working directly upon the basis of Smith’s observation, carried on an elaborate inquiry into the phenomenon. Almost simul- taneously with Otto’s publication there appeared a thorough study of the condition by Rosenau and Anderson.* The researches of Otto, and Rosenau and Anderson, besides con- firming the observations of previous workers, brought out a large number 1 Arthus, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 55, 1903. 2Th. Smith, Jour. Med. Res., 1904. 3 Otto, ‘‘Leuthold Gedenkschrift,”’ 1905. —4 Rosenau and Anderson, Hyg. Lab. U. S. Pub. Health and Marine Hosp. Serv. Bull., 29, 36, 1906, 1907. 298 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY of new facts. They showed conclusively that the action of the horse serum had no relationship to its toxin or to its antitoxin constituents, that the “sensitization” of the guinea-pigs by the first injection became most marked after a definite incubation time of about ten days. Sen- sitization was accomplished by extremely small doses (one one-millionth in one case, usual doses 34, tolc.c.). Rosenau and Anderson, further- more, excluded hemolysin or precipitin action as explanations of the phenomena, and proved that hypersusceptibility was transmissible from mother to offspring, and that it was-specific—animals sensitized with horse serum not being sensitive to subsequent injections of other pro- teids. These authors, Vaughan! and Wheeler, Nicolle,? and others, furthermore, showed that the reaction was by no means limited to animal sera, but was elicited by proteids in general, pepton, egg albumin, milk, the extract of peas, and bacterial extracts. The typical anaphylactic reaction, then, is obtained when animals, preferably guinea-pigs, are injected with a small quantity of a given proteid, and ten or fifteen days subsequently given a second injection of the same substance employed for the first or sensitizing inoculation. The quantity used for the second injection should be considerably larger than that used for sensitization when the injection is made intraperitoneally or subcutaneously. When given intravenously, intra- cranially, or intracardially, amounts as small as 0.25 to 0.008 c.c. may suffice. The time at which a second injection gives rise to the most violent symptoms, moreover, is to a large extent dependent upon the size of the sensitizing dose.* After extremely small initial quantities (0.005-0.002 c¢.c.), the anaphylactic state is usually well developed, ac- cording to Rosenau and Anderson,’ after twelve or fourteen days. After larger doses* the time required for the development of anaphylaxis is usually longer—extending often over weeks, or even months. While the sensitizing or first dose may be given subcutaneously, intravenously, intraperitoneally, or intracardially with equal success, Besredka and Steinhardt maintain that no anaphylaxis results if the first dose is given intracranially. This statement, however, has found contradiction in the work of Rosenau and Anderson. The time required for full sensitization, furthermore, depends, according to the last-named 1 Vaughan, Assn. Am. Phys., May, 1907. 2 Nicolle, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 2, 1903. 3 Besredka, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1907. 4 Rosenau and Anderson, loc. cit. 5 Otto, Miinch. med. Woch.. 1907. ANAPHYLAXIS OR HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY 299 authors, also upon the mode of injection of the first dose; on this point, however, no conclusions are, at present, justified. At reinjection, the symptoms are more prompt in developing and more severe when the injection is made intraperitoneally, intracardially, or intracerebrally than when the subcutaneous route is chosen. The symptoms occurring in sensitized animals after the second or anaphylactic injection are usually well-marked and unmistakable. The animals move about restlessly, breathe rapidly, and may cough. Often they stagger about or fall upon one side, and die frequently in convulsions within a time ranging from five minutes to one hour after the injection. During this time there is a rapid fall of temperature and frequently defecation and urination. Animals that recover from the condition after such symptoms, return to normal within a remarkably short time—twelve to twenty-four hours. Animals dead of anaphylaxis, according to Gay and Southard,! show congestion of the serous membranes of peritoneum, pleura, and pericar- dium, with small hemorrhagic spots on the heart and lungs and the pleura. In some cases there is fatty degeneration in the parenchyma cells of the heart, the muscles, and in the nervous system. Such lesions, however, could not be found by Otto, but were found in some cases by Doerr.’ When sensitized animals recover from the second injections, they are thereafter immune—that is, they do not react to subsequent injections of the same substance. This immunity. or “antianaphylaxis” as Besredka* and Steinhardt have called it, appears immediately after recovery from the second in- jection. Antianaphylaxis may also be produced if animals which have received the first or sensitizing dose are injected with comparatively large quantities of the same substance during the preanaphylactic period —or, as it is sometimes spoken of, during the anaphylactic incubation time. This injection should not be done too soon after the first dose, but rather toward the middle or end of the preanaphylactic period. If given within one or two days after the sensitizing injection, ana- phylaxis will develop, nevertheless. Whether or not the antianaphylactic condition is transitory or permanent is not yet fully shown. Besredka and Steinhardt believe that it lasts a long time, while Otto found guinea- 1Gay and Southard, Jour. Med. Res., May, 1907. 2 Doerr, in Krauss and Levaditi, ‘‘Handbuch,” ete.; 2, Die Antikérper. 3 Besredka and Steinhardt, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1907. 20 300 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY pigs immunized in the above manner to lose their antianaphylaxis within three weeks. An important development of our knowledge of the phenomena of anaphylaxis was achieved when Nicolle, Otto,! Gay and Southard,? and others? succeeded in showing that the hypersusceptible state could be passively transferred to normal animals by injecting them with the serum of anaphylactic animals. In such experiments the serum of the anaphylactic animal is first injected in quantities of 0.5 c.c. or preferably more, and twenty-four hours later an injection of the specific antigen— that is, the proteid used for sensitization—is given. The animals so treated show typical symptoms of hypersusceptibility and often die. _ Simultaneous inoculation of the two substances, either mixed or injected separately, does not, according to Rosenau and Anderson, pro- duce the same effect. On this point, however, there is not complete unanimity, since Weill-Hallé and Lemaire* report aphylactic symp- toms in guinea-pigs injected simultaneously with horse serum, and the serum of guinea-pigs hypersusceptible to horse serum. Reversal of the procedure originally described, however, may be successfully practiced. Thus Pick and Yamanouchi*® have recently succeeded in producing anaphylactic symptoms by injecting rabbits first with beef serum, and some time later with anti-beef serum from rabbits. Their experiments, however, are not entirely analogous to those given above, since the anti- serum used by them for reinjection was actually a precipitating immune serum. A remarkable fact, observed by Otto, is that the serum of guinea-pigs who have been given the sensitizing or first injection will confer passive anaphylaxis on the eighth or tenth day after injection, before the animals themselves show evidences of being actively hyper- sensitized. It is also true that occasionally the serum of antianaphy- lactic animals will possess the power of conferring passive anaphylaxis upon other normal animals. Anaphylaxis may also be passively transmitted by inheritance. Thus, according to Rosenau and Anderson, the young of anaphylactic guinea-pigs show hypersusceptibility, irrespective of whether the mother became hypersusceptible before or after the beginning of pregnancy. 1 Otto, loc. cit. 2 Gay and Southard, loc. cit. 3 Nicolle, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1907, 1908. 4 Weill-Hallé and Lemaire, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 1907. 5 Pick and Yamanouchi, Wien. klin. Woch., xliv, 1908. ANAPHYLAXIS OR HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY 301 Such anaphylaxis has no reference whatever to the condition of the father, and is not transmitted by the milk. THEORIES CONCERNING ANAPHYLAXIS Our present knowledge of anaphylaxis is largely empirical. We are not yet in a position to correlate the many data gained experimentally into a theory which offers anything like a satisfactory explanation for all the phenomena observed. Nevertheless, a number of hypotheses have been advanced which deserve serious consideration, since they are experimentally supported and may serve as points of departure for future research. One of the earliest ideas advanced was based upon the Ehrlich theory of receptor overproduction by tissue cells during immunization. It was suggested that hypersusceptibility might well be due to the stimulation of new specific receptors which as yet remained sessile upon the body cells instead of having been thrown off into the blood stream. As a consequence, the cells, having an affinity for more of the toxic substance of the antigen than they possessed normally, had become more vulnerable. This opinion, however, is hardly tenable, in face of the facts of passive anaphylaxis, in which, we have seen, the hypersusceptibility may be transmitted with the serum of the sensitized individual. v. Pirquet and Schick,’ as well as many other observers, have re- garded the anaphylactic process as analogous to other immune reactions, and believe that an antigen in the serum first injected produces a specific antibody. The reaction between these two substances following the second injection gives rise to the anaphylactic symptoms. The essen- tial feature of this opinion is the assumption that the substance which sensitizes after the first injection is identical with that which exerts the anaphylactic injury after reinjection. Wolff-Eisner” has expressed a belief which has found much experi- mental support in the hands of Vaughan and Wheeler.? Wolff-Eisner holds that all cells and proteids contain a toxic substance which is characterized by its inability to produce a neutralizing antibody when injected into animals. The first injection produces a lysin for the proteid injected, which possesses the power of liberating such poisons from the complex molecule. A second injection is followed, conse- 1y, Pirquet und Schick, loc. cit. 3 Wolff-Eisner, Berl. klin. Woch., 1904, 302 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY quently, by a rapid liberation of the toxic fraction, and injury to the animal results. This view has been expressed in slightly different form by Richet * and has been more clearly formulated and experimentally supported by Vaughan and Wheeler? who were actually able to extract from various proteids toxic substances which gave rise in animals to a symptom complex not unlike that of typical anaphylaxis. (Extrac- tion with alkalinized seventy-per-cent alcohol.) Not entirely unlike these views is the hypothesis advanced by Gay and Southard,? who assumethat a part of the proteid introduced on first injection is assimilated and removed, but that another part, unassimi- lable, remains in the circulation and exerts a constant irritation upon the tissue cells, rendering them abnormally susceptible to reinjections of the same substance. They speak of this toxic or irritating, non- assimilable substance as “anaphylactin,” and believe that in passive sensitization it is the transference of this element which renders the recipient anaphylactic. Opposed to the opinions of most other workers is that expressed by Besredka.* Besredka believes that the substance which produces sensitization 1s not identical with that which gives rise to the symptoms on reinjection. According to his conception of the process, the sensitiz- ing injection contains an active element (called by him “sensibilisino- gen”), which gives rise in the injected animal to a specific antibody (“sensibilisin”). This sensibilisin circulates in the blood and is stored by the cells of the central nervous system. On reinjection of the same proteid, a reaction takes place between the anchored sensibilisin and a third substance, present in the proteid and not identical with sensibili- sinogen, which acts typically upon the nerve cells and gives rise to the symptoms. This third substance he speaks of as “antisensibilisin.” That the process of anaphylaxis takes place probably in the nervous system is rendered plausible by the fact that ether narcosis seems to prevent its occurrence (a fact maintained by Besredka but contradicted by Rosenau and Anderson). Furthermore, direct introduction of the second dose into the brain gives rise to more rapid and violent anaphy- laxis than when any other route is chosen. Besredka calls attention to the fact, furthermore, that no anaphylactic symptoms occur when the serum of a sensitive animal is introduced into another animal simul- 1 Richet, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, xxi, 1907. 2 Vaughan and Wheeler, Jour. Infect. Dis., iv, 1907. 3 Gay and Southard, loc. cit. ‘ Besredka, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1907 and 1908. ANAPHYLAXIS OR HYPERSUSCEPTIBILITY 303 taneously with its specific proteid, but only when the serum of the sensitized animal precedes the injection of its antigen. This, he argues, points to an anchorage of the sensitizing elements to the body cells before an anaphylactic injury can occur. If the two substancse, sensibilisin and antisensibilisin, meet in the blood stream, no harm results, the elements neutralize each other and the animal is anti-ana- phylactic. His contention that there are two separate elements, sensibilisinogen and antisensibilisin, in the original proteid, is based on the fact that sensitization can be accomplished by sera heated to from 100° to 120° C., but that, after sensitization, no anaphylaxis results if the injected serum be exposed previously to temperatures of 100° C., and the reaction is rendered much less violent even by exposure of sera to temperature of 50 to 60° C. Recently an attempt has been made to associate the phenomena of anaphylaxis with the formation of precipitates. Hamburger’ early ex- pressed the opinion that anaphylaxis may be nothing more than the for- mation of emboli by serum precipitates. This view, however, has found few adherents in face of the facts that we have no positive evidence of the actual occurrence of precipitates in the blood streams of living animals, and that it has been shown by Friedemann’ that the precipitates produced in vitro will, when injected intravenously in animals, pass through the capillaries without harmful effects. Doerr and Russ,’ on the other hand, have recently studied carefully the relationship between anaphylaxis and the precipitin reaction and have shown a close parallelism between the two. These observers in- jected rabbits with precipitating antisera and twenty-four hours later treated the same animals with the antigen employed for the production of these precipitating sera. They found that, in such experiments, the regularity of occurrence and degree of anaphylaxis which ensued, were directly proportionate to the precipitating powers of the serum first injected. They claim, from such results, that precipitable antigen and anaphylactic antigen are identical substances. They conceive the phe- nomenon of anaphylaxis as a reaction between precipitins, attached to the tissue cells, and the precipitable antigen. In other words, the anaphylactic shock is looked upon as an intracellular precipitin reaction. Friedberger and Hartoch* have recently called attention to another 1 Hamburger, quoted by U. Friedemann, Zeit. f. Immunitatsforschung, ii, 1909. 2 Friedemann, loc. cit. 3 Doerr and Russ, Zeit. f. Immunitatsforschung, iii, 1909. ‘4 Friedberger und Hartoch, Zeit. f. Immunitatsforschung, iii, 1909. 304 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY factor which may possibly lead to further elucidation of phenomena of hypersusceptibility. They have shown that, in passive anaphylaxis at least, simultaneously with the occurrence of symptoms, there is a marked diminution of complement in the serum of the treated animal. Intra- venous injection of substances which prevent complement absorption in vitro—concentrated salt solution, for instance—prevented anaphylaxis in both actively and passively sensitized animals. They suggest that sudden removal of complement from the circulation has a definite causal relationship to anaphylaxis. Friedberger’s more recent work has shown that the action of com- plement in vitro, both upon bacteria and upon the precipitates formed when a dissolved antigen is mixed with its antiserum, will produce poisons which kill guinea-pigs in typical anaphylactic shock. His results, much confirmed by his own work and that of others, seem to indicate that anaphylactic shock may be due to a poison, “anaphyla- toxin,” which is formed by the proteolytic action of the complement upon the foreign protein which is injected into the animal, and which is sensitized to the action of the complement by the antibody formed in response to the first injection. The toxic effects of Friedberger’s ‘‘anaphylatoxins’ are in many ways similar to those of Vaughan’s toxic-protein-split products, and the subsequent development of his theory of anaphylaxis and infectious disease may be logically regarded as a further elaboration of Vaughan’s views, though approached from a different point of departure. CHAPTER XX FACTS AND PROBLEMS OF IMMUNITY IN THEIR BEARING UPON THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES W3ILE the various facts and theories of immunity and infection have been given in the preceding sections, no systematic attempts have been made to correlate the facts presented, or to determine their bearing on the most vital problem of all—the treatment of infectious diseases. To understand more fully this point of view, it is necessary briefly to recall certain of the facts which are known about the physiology, metabolism, and composition of the bacteria, and of their ability to neutralize directly or to respond adaptively to the agents directed against them by the invaded animal. Some of these facts are so well understood that passing mention here is sufficient: such, for instance, is the fact that certain microorganisms, especially the bacilli of diphtheria and tet- anus, secrete soluble poisons both during artificial cultivation and dur- ing their life in the animal body, which poisons are eminently toxic. These poisons are true secretions and are largely independent of the composition of the surrounding medium so long as this favors the physi- ologic activities and growth of the germs. Such germs, then, once having gained even an insecure foothold in the animal body, by no matter what favoring circumstances, are possessed of a powerful weapon of offense against the sensitive physiologic bases of the host and, possibly, of de- fense against its more immediate and mobile means of combating the germs themselves. In the case, however, of most other pathogenic bacteria, the secretion, at least in artificial media, of such highly soluble and potent poisons has not been demonstrated satisfactorily, although certain investigations point fairly conclusively to the production of some minor bodies which have been shown to act deleteriously on the red blood cells and on the leucocytes—the hemolytic, leucocidic, and leu- colytic substances which are looked on as probably true soluble toxins, like the toxins of diphtheria and tetanus, which give rise in the animal body to the production of true antitoxins: 7.¢., are neutralized by their antisera, unit for unit, according to the law of multiples. 805 306 INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Other minor poisons may in some instances be demonstrated in culture media, and also may possibly be formed in the animal body by the metabolic activities of the germs. These are either simply waste products of metabolism or bodies due to the decomposition of the nutrient media in which the germs are gowing. These bodies are usually referred to as ptomains, and differ entirely from the true secreted toxins, both in their chemical composition and in their physiologic action, re- sembling in both of these the alkaloids. They are not known to give rise to antibodies of any kind in animals. Apart from all the poisons just mentioned; 7.e., the toxins, hemoly- sins, leucocidins, and ptomains, there is supposed to exist a most vit At erdinary room temperature, 18-22° C., the temperature used for gelatin cultivation, growth either does not take place at all or is exceedingly slow and unenergetic. Aérobic and anaérobic conditions are equally favorable for pneumococcus cultivation, there being very little difference in speed or extent of growth along the course of deep stab cultures in favorable media. The most favorable reaction of media for the culti- vation of this microorganism is neutrality or moderate alkalinity (two- tenths to eight-tenths per cent alkalinity to phenolphthalein). Slight acidity, however, if not exceeding eight-tenths per cent, does not materially hamper development. The growth of pneumococci on all media may be considerably enhanced by the addition to these media of animal or human serum or whole blood. Additional substances which, among others, unquestion- ably have a favorable influence upon pneumococcus growth, are glucose, nutrose, and glycerin. The addition of the latter substances to the media, however, probably because of acid formation, hastens the death 1Welch, Johns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., xiii, 1892. ? Hiss, Cent. f. Bakt., xxxi, 1902; Jour. Exp. Med., vi, 1905. 3 Buerger, Medical News, Ixxxviii, 1904. 4 Wadsworth, ‘ Studies by the Pupils of W. T. Sedgwick,” Chicago, 1896. °A, Frankel, Dent. med. Woch., xiii, 1886. 356 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS of pneumococcus cultures. An increase of the amount of pepton used for the preparation of media is desirable for the cultivation of this microorganism; two to four per cent of pepton may be found advantageous. In suitably alkaline, nutrient broth, growth is rapid, and within twenty-four hours leads to slight clouding of the fluid. This clouding, as a rule, eventually disappears as the microorganisms, sinking to the bottom of the tube or disintegrating, leave the fluid more or less clear. In broth, pneumococci have a tendency to form short chains. When glucose has been added to the broth, growth is more rapid and profuse, but considerable acid formation causes the cultures to die out rapidly. It is possible, however, to employ glucose as a growth-enhancing element in broth cultures without interfering with the viability of the cultures by adding small quantities (one per cent) of sterile, powdered calcium carbonate. This method of cultivation in broth is especially adapted to the production of mass cultures for purposes of immunization or agglutination.’ The addition of ascitic fluid or blood serum to broth, in the proportion of one to three, makes an extremely favorable medium in which growth is rapid and profuse. Upon agar plates, pneumococcus growth is not unlike that of strepto- coccus. The colonies are small, round, and slightly more transparent than those of the streptococci. They appear more moist than strepto- coccus colonies and often are more flat. Microscopically examined, the colonies are finely granular, with dark centers and slightly corrugated lighter-colored peripheral areas. Under high magnification no such in- tertwining convolutions can be seen as those noticed under similar magnification in streptococcus cultures. The addition of animal albu- min to agar results in the more rapid development, larger size, and deeper opacity of the colonies. Agar stab cultures show growth within twenty-four to thirty-six hours, which takes place with equal thickness along the entire course of the stab. There is nothing distinctive in these cultures to differentiate them from similar streptococcus cultures. In gelatin plate and stab cultures at 22° C., growth, as a rule, does not take place. This, however, is not true of all races of pneumococci. Occasionally strains are met with which will grow fairly abundantly in gelatin at a temperature of 22°C. When the gelatin is rendered sufh- ciently firm to bear 25° to 26° C. without melting, growth appears 1 Hvss, Jour. Exp. Med., vii, 1905. DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 357 slowly and sparsely as minute, grayish-white, transparent colonies. The gelatin is not liquefied by the organisms. Growth upon milk is rapid and profuse, resulting usually in the production of acid and consequent coagulation of the medium. Ex- ceptionally, races are encountered in which this function is suppressed and coagulation in milk is absent or Jong delayed. Upon potato, a thin, grayish, moist growth occurs, hardly visible to the naked eye, and often indistinguishable from an increased moisture on the surface of the medium. Upon Loeffter’s coagulated blood serum, the pneumococeus develops into moist, watery, discrete colonies which tend to disappear by a drying out of the colonies after some days, differing in this from strep- tococcus colonies, which, though also discrete, are usually more opaque and whiter in appearance than those of the pneumococcus and remain unchanged for a longer time. This medium, as will be seen, is use- ful in differentiating pneumococci from the so-called Streptococcus mucosus. Upon a medium made up of mixtures of whole rabbit’s blood and agar, the pneumococcus grows with considerable luxuriance, and forms, after four or five days or longer, thick black surface colonies, not unlike small sun blisters on red paint. These colonies are easily distinguished from the hemolyzing colonies of most streptococci, and are in this respect of considerable differential value.’ Special media of various descriptions have been devised for pneu- mococcus cultivation. Thus, Guarnieri? has recommended a medium with a pepton-beef-infusion basis rendered semisolid by mixtures of agar and high percentages of gelatin. A modification of this medium has been described by Welch * and has been much employed in work with the pneumococcus. Cultivation within eggs and upon egg media* has been advised and used by various observers. Wadsworth ® has recommended a medium composed of ascitic fluid to which three-tenths per cent agar has been added—sufficient to give a soft jelly-like con- sistency to the medium. He observed prolonged viability and the preservation of the virulence in this medium. For the purpose of differentiating pneumococci from streptococci, 1 Hiss, loc. cit. 2 Guarnieri, Att. dell’ Acad. di Roma, 1883. 3 Welch, Johns Hopk. Hosp. Bull., iii, 1892. 4 Sclavo, Riv. d’Igiene, 1894. 5 Wadsworth, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., 1903. 308 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Hiss‘ devised a medium composed of beef serum one part, and dis- tilled water two parts, to which is added one per cent of inulin (c. p.), and enough litmus to render the medium a clear, transparent blue. By fermentation of the inulin the pneumococcus acidifies this mixture, rendering the litmus red and causing coagulation of the serum. Strep- tococci do not ferment inulin and the medium remains blue and fluid. (For the preparation of special media, see section on Media, p. 132.) For the isolation of pneumococci from mixed cultures or from material containing other species, such as sputum, the most reliable method is to make surface smears of the material containing the bac- teria upon plates of neutral glucose-agar or preferably of glucose-serum- agar. According to the number of bacteria present in the infected ma- terial from which the isolation is to be made, it may be smeared directly upon the plate, or diluted with sterile broth or salt solution before planting. After incubation for twenty-four hours, the pneumo- coccus colonies are easily differentiated from all but those of strepto- coccus. With practice, however, they may be distinguished from these also, by their smoother edges and greater transparency and flat- ness. Pour-plates, prepared in the usual way, can also be made but are less useful since deep colonies of pneumococci show no distinctive. features. Another method for pneumococcus isolation, useful to eliminate other bacteria, is that of animal inoculation. White mice are inoc- ulated with 0.5 to 1 ¢.c. of the infectious material by subcutaneous injection, made most easily at the base of the tail. If virulent pneumo- cocci are present in the inoculated material, death from septicemia usually occurs within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Surface smears should be made on glucose-agar plates with the heart’s blood. By this method pure cultures may usually be obtained directly from the mouse blood. Resistance.—Kept upon artificial media, the viability of the pneu- mococcus is not great. Cultures upon agar or bouillon should, to be kept alive, be transplanted every third or fourth day, if the cultures are kept at incubator temperatures. In all media in which rapid acid formation takes place, such as glucose media, the death of cultures may occur even more rapidly. In media containing albumin and of a proper degree of alkalinity, preservation for one or even two weeks is possible. The longer the particular race has been kept upon artificial media, the Hiss, Jour. Exp. Med., vi, 1905. DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIZ 359 more profuse is its growth, and the greater its viability, both qualities going hand in hand with its diminishing parasitism. The length of life of these bacteria may be much increased by their preservation at a low temperature, in the dark, and by the exclusion of air. By far the best medium for keeping pneumococci alive is the previously mentioned calcium-carbonate-infusion broth. Grown in this medium and kept in the ice-chest, cultures may often remain alive for months. In sputum the viability of pneumococci seems far to exceed that observed upon culture media. The studies of Guarnieri,’ Bordoni- Uffreduzzi,? and others have shown that pneumococci slowly dried in sputum may remain not only alive but virulent, after from one to: four months, when protected from light; and as long as nineteen days when exposed to diffused light at room temperature. Experiments by Ottolenghi*? have, in the main, confirmed these results; the virulence seems, in Ottolenghi’s experiments, to have become considerably attenu- ated before the death of the cocci occurred. More recent studies by Wood,* whose attention was focused chiefly upon pneumococcus viabil- ity in finely divided sputum—in a condition, in other words, in which in- halation transmission would be possible—have shown that pneumococci in finely sprayed sputum survive for only about one and one-half hours, under ordinary conditions of light and temperature. Exposed to strong sunlight pneumococci die off within an hour, often within a few minutes. Low temperatures are well borne by pneumococci, temperatures slightly above zero being even conducive to the prolongation of life and the preservation of virulence. The resistance of the pneumococcus to heat, on the other hand, is low, 52°C. destroying -it within ten minutes To germicidal agents, carbolic acid, bichlorid of mercury, permanganate of potassium, etc., the pneumococcus is extremely sensitive, being destroyed by weak solu- tions after short exposures. The disinfection of sputum, offering considerable difficulties because of the protective coating of the secretions about the bacteria, has been recently made the subject of a spec al study by Wadsworth.* The con- clusions reached by this writer indicate that pneumococci in exudates 1 Guarnieri, Att. della R. Acad. Med. di Roma, iv, 1888. 2 Bordont-Uffreduzzi, Arch. p. 1. sc. med., xv, 1891. 3 Ottolenghi, Cent. f. Bakt., xxv, 1889. 4 Wood, Jour. Exp. Med., vii, 1905. 5 Sternberg, Cent. f. Bakt., xii, 1891. * Wadsworth, Jour. Inf. Diseases, iii, 1906. 360 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS are most rapidly destroyed by twenty per cent alcohol, other and stronger disinfectants being less efficient, probably because of slighter powers of diffusion. Virulence and Pathogenicity—The virulence of pneumococci is subject to much variation, depending largely upon the length of time during which the microorganism has been cultivated under artificial conditions. It has been mentioned above that under certain conditions —such as those prevailing in dried sputum or blood '—the virulence of pheumococci may be preserved for several weeks. Ordinarily, however, the virulence diminishes gradually as the cocci adapt themselves more saprophytically to life upon artificial media. Upon media containing animal albumin, such as ascitic fluid or blood agar, this attenuation is less rapid than upon the simple meat-infusion preparations. In the blood of rabbits dead of a pneumococcus infection, taken directly into sterilized tubes, sealed and kept in the dark, Foa? has been able to preserve the virulence of pneumococci for as long as forty-five days. Whether or not the virulence of pneumococci is attenuated by sojourn within the human body during disease is a question much dis- cussed but hardly settled. It isa matter of fact, however, that many pneumococci obtained by blood culture from more or less chronic cases of pneumococcus septicemia fail to kill susceptible test animals, even when injected in considerable doses. The attenuation of virulent pneumococci on artificial media may be hastened, according to Frankel,’ by cultivation of the organism at or above a temperature of 41° C. Freshly isolated from the human saliva or pneumonic lesions, the differences in virulence between various strains of pneumococci are not very marked, almost all such strains showing considerable pathogenic powers toward the usual test animals. The virulence of attenuated cultures may be rapidly enhanced by the passage of the organisms through the bodies of susceptible animals. The extreme virulence of some of these pneumococcus strains may be illustrated by citing the experiments of Eyre and Washburn‘ who possessed cultures of which one millionth of a loopful would kill a mouse within four days. Among the domestic animals those most susceptible to pneumococcus infection are white mice and rabbits. Guinea-pigs, dogs, rats, and cats 1 Guarniert, loc. cit. 2 Foa, Zeit. f. Hyg., iv, 1888. 3 Frénkel, Deut. med. Woch., 13, 1886. 4 Eyre and Washburn, Jour, of Path, and Bac., v. DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 361 are more resistant, but still may be infected with large doses. Young animals are usually more susceptible than adults. Birds are practically immune. The results of pneumococcus inoculation into susceptible animals vary according to the size of the dose, the virulence of the introduced bacteria, the mode of administration, and the susceptibility of the subject of the inoculation. Subcutaneous inoculation of virulent pneumococci into mice and rabbits usually results in an edematous, often fibrinous exudation at the point of inoculation, which, in all cases n which the dose given has not been extremely small, leads to septicemia and death within twenty-four to seventy-two or more hours. When the dose has been extremely small or the culture unusually attenuated, a localized abscess may be the only result. Intravenous inoculation is usually more rapidly fatal in these animals than the subcutaneous method. Intraperitoneal inoculation in rabbits results in the formation of a rapidly spreading peritonitis in which the inflammatory exudate in many cases exhibits differences from similar exudates produced by the streptococcus. Pneumococcus exudates are apt to be thicker, to be accompanied by a deposit of fibrin, and to lack the transparent red color so often caused by the hemolyzing streptococci. With very virulent strains, these differences are less marked. In almost all of these infec- tions death is preceded by septicemia and the microorganisms can be recovered from the heart’s blood of the victims. After such infections, the animals exhibit a rise of temperature, at times visible depression, and, rarely, diarrhea. General hyperemia of the organs with secondary effusions in the pleural cavities and often hemorrhages upon the serous surfaces may be found at autopsy. The production in animals of lesions comparable to the lobar pneu- monia of human subjects has been the aim of many investigators. Wadsworth,! recognizing that such lesions probably depended upon the partial immunity which enabled the infected subjects to localize the pneumococcus processes in the lungs after infection by way of the respiratory passages, succeeded in producing typical lobar pneumonia in rabbits by partially immunizing these animals and inoculating them intratracheally with pneumococci of varying virulence. By this method he actually carried out, for the first time, Koch’s postulates in regard to lobar pneumonia. In man, the most frequent lesion produced by the pneumococcus is 1 Wadsworth, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., May, 1904. 362 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS acute lobar pneumonia. About ninety per cent of all cases of this disease are caused by the pneumococcus,’ the remainder being due to streptococci, influenza bacilli, Friedlinder’s bacilli, and exceptionally to other microorganisms. Lobular pneumonia is caused by the pneu- mococcus with almost equal regularity. During the course of these diseases the cocci are found in large numbers within the pulmonary alveoli, and in the capillaries and lymph vessels of the lung. Whether or not the pneumococci enter the blood stream in all these cases is a question not yet definitely settled. Frankel? states it as his belief that in most, if not in all, cases, the diplococci at some time during the disease could be found in the circulating blood. Prochaska in a study of ten unselected cases obtained positive blood cultures in every one of them. A review of the literature upon the question indicates positive blood- culture findings in certainly over twenty-five per cent of the cases. In complications of pneumonia, pneumococci are found usually in the pleura where they may cause a simple dry pleurisy or even empy- ema. Less frequently they may cause pericarditis and endocarditis. Meningitis may be caused by pneumococci, either secondarily to pneu- monia or independently. Such cases are extremely grave, almost invariably ending in death. Other lesions which may be caused by pneumococci, either as post-pneumonic processes or without previous pneumonia, are otitis media, osteomyelitis, and arthritis. Cases of pheumococcus peritonitis occur sometimes secondary to appendicular inflammations, occasionally without traceable portal of entry. Severe catarrhal conjunctivitis may be caused by these diplococci, usually during the course of a pneumonia. Ulcerative endocarditis with pneu- mococcus septicemia, apparently independent of a pulmonary lesion, is not infrequent. Toxic Products of the Pneumococcus.—Our knowledge of pneumococcus poisons is still very imperfect. Attempts to obtain soluble toxins by the filtration of cultures have been practically unsuccessful in the hands of many careful workers. G. and F. Klemperer,® Mennes,* Pane,’ Foa and Carbone,’ and others failed to obtain pneumococcus filtrates of any marked degree of toxicity, though working with highly virulent 1 Netter, Compt. rend. de la soe. de biol., 1890. 2 Frankel, ‘‘v. Leyden Festschr.,’”’ 1902. 3G. and F. Klemperer, Berl. klin. Woch., xxxiv and xxxv, 1891. 4 Mennes, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxv, 1897. 5 Pane, Rif. med., xxi, 1898. 6 Foa und Carbone, Cent. f. Bakt., x, 1899. DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 363 strains. Attempts to demonstrate by the production of antitoxin the specific nature of the feeble poisons obtained have also met with failure. Isaeff,! though confirming the feeble toxicity of fluid cultures, made the interesting observation that a filtrate of the blood of pneuno- coccus-infected rabbits contained a poison often more potent than that obtained in culture filtrates. Carnot and Fournier’ obtained a poison of distinct though feeble potency by dialysis of pneumococcus cultures. The general failure, however, to procure strong soluble poisons from cultures, gives weight to the assumption that the most potent toxic products of pneumococci are in the nature of endotoxins and closely bound to the cell-bodies themselves. This assumption is borne out by the more recent experiments of Macfadyen? This author obtained acutely poisonous substances from pneumococci by trituration of the organisms after freezing, and extracting them with a one 1 : 1,000 caustic potash solution. With the filtrates of these extracts he was able to cause rapid death in rabbits and guinea-pigs by the use of doses not exceeding 0.5 to 1c¢.c. He found, furthermore, a striking parallelism between the degree of toxicity and the virulence of the extracted culture. Immunization. Recovery from a spontaneous pneumococcus in- fection confers immunity for only a short period. Two and three attacks of lobar pneumonia in the same individual are not unusual, and it is uncertain whether even a temporary immunity is acquired in such infections. Active immunization of laboratory animals may be carried out by various methods. The method usually followed is to begin by injecting attenuated * or dead bacteria or bacterial ex- tracts. Subsequent injections are then made with gradually increas- ing doses of living, virulent microorganisms. Great care in increasing the dosage should be exercised since the loss of an animal after two or three weeks’ treatment by a carelessly high dose of pneumococci is not unusual. Wadsworth has recommended the following method for preparing pneumococci for the first injections in immunizing rabbits. Freshly grown pneumococcus cultures are centrifugalized, and the supernatant bouillon is thoroughly decanted. To the pneumococcic sediment a definite quantity of concentrated salt solution is added, and the mixture is allowed to stand over night. At the end of this time, the pneumococci are dead and considerable destruction of the cell-bodies 1Isaeff, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, vii, 1893. 2 Carnot et Fournier, Arch. de méd. expér., 1900. 3 Macfadyen, Brit. Med. Jour., ii, 1906. s Radziewsky, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxvii, 1901; Neufeld, Zeit. f. Hyg., xi, 1902. 24 364 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS has taken place. Dilution with water until the solution equals 0.85 per cent NaCl now prepares the emulsion for inoculation. Whichever of the various methods is adopted, the intervals of injection should not be shorter than a week, preferably ten days. The animals so immunized will at the end of six or more weeks withstand an inoculation with many times the fatal dose of virulent pneumococci. The sera of animals immunized with pneumococci contain active bacteriolytic and bacteri- cidal substances, easily demonstrable in vivo and in vitro. Specific agglutinins in pneumococcusimmune sera were first thoroughly studied by Neufeld ! and since then have been made the subject of ex- tensive studies by Wadsworth,? Hiss,? and many others. In the sera of normal animals and man, pneumococci are rarely agglutinated in dilu- tions higher than one in ten. In the serum of patients suffering from lobar pneumonia, pneumococci agglutinate in dilutions ranging any- where from one in ten to one in fifty. In the sera of immunized rab- bits, readings up to one in 800 are not rare. Such specific agglutinating sera are most reliable in differentiating between pneumococci and closely allied bacteria and in identifying all pneumococci. The table on page 365 illustrates this uniformly high agglutinative power of various pneumococcus-immune sera upon several races of this microorganism, and shows the value of such sera for biological differenti- ation. The table, furthermore, records the peculiar fact that pneu- mococci are agglutinated in high dilution by sera obtained by immu- nization with Streptococcus mucosus, a fact which argues strongly infavor of classifying Streptococcus mucosus more intimately with the pneumococci than with the Streptococci of the pyogenes group. To overcome the difficuities often attending agglutination tests with pneumococci, Wadsworth‘ has proposed centrifugalizing young broth cultures and shaking up the sediment with small quantities of isotonic salt solution. Hiss recommends ® cultivation in glucose- calcium-carbonate broth in small flasks containing 100 to 150 c.c each. After three or four days at 37° C., the growth is usually at its optimum for agglutination work. The flasks should be thoroughly shaken at least once in twenty-four hours. About one hour before use the flasks are again shaken and the calcium carbonate and larger clumps are allowed to settle. 1 Neufeld, loc. cit. 2 Wadsworth, loc. cit. 3 Hiss, Jour. Exp. Med., vii, 1905. 4 Wadsworth, Jour. Med. Res., x, 1905. 5 Hiss, loc. cit. DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 365 Precipitins have been demonstrated in pneumococcus immune sera by Neufeld,! Wadsworth,? and others. Neufeld obtained precipitates with pneumococcus cultures in which lysis had been produced by the addition of bile. He found that normal rabbit’s bile added to pneu- IMMUNE SERA Organism. Strepto- | Strepto- | Strepto- Pneum. Pneum. Pneum. Sega coceus coecus ym | Pagim | Pagum | omtgosis | amuosus | pve: Pneumo. 1....| 400-800 200-800 400-800 | 200-800 400 0-100 Pneumo. 3....]......... 400-800 | .........}......0.. 200-800 0-100 Pneumo. 23... ]......... 100-800 | 200-800 | 100-200 |.........J......... Pneumo. 45... ]......... 400-800 | 600-200 | 200-800 | 100-400 |......... Pneum. El... j......... TOOH800> i ie to. swiss a] pag dake ae 100-200 |......... Pneum. E 32..|......... 200-800 |......... 100-2 |peagsrsanieeceaces Pneum. E 55.. | 100-400 |......... 400-800 | 200-400 |.........[......... Pneum. N 7...} 200-800 |......... 800 200-800 | 200-800 |......... Pneum. N 17. | 200-800 |......... 800 200-800 | 200-800 |......... Streptococcus PYOB! Tews lace gale ZO0=800). sick 's ad dalled carvers ler maunaagts 800-6400 Streptococcus mucos. 7... 0-10 0-10 |......... 10-100 | 10-200 0-50 Streptococcus mucos. 22.. 0-10 O=10° fase ena 10-50 0=50° |eczecs vex ‘ mococcus cultures (one drop to 1 c.c. of culture) caused the cultures to become perfectly clear and transparent, and no longer contain demon- strable pneumococcus cell bodies. The addition of pneumococcus im- mune sera to such cultures produced precipitates. Wadsworth ob- 1 Neufeld, Zeit. f. Hyg., xi, 1902. 2 Wadsworth, loc. cit. 3 Hiss, Jour. Exp. Med., vii, 1905, p. 564. 366 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS ta’ned similar precipitates with pneumococcus cultures treated with concentrated salt solution as described above (see p. 363). Pneumococcus immune sera also contain specific phagocytosis- stimulating substances. The first investigators to describe these sub- stances for pneumococcus sera, Neufeld and Rimpau,! separated them from the opsonins on the basis of their greater thermo-stability and named them bacteriotropins. It is doubtful whether such differentia- tion is tenable. Great importance for pneumococcus immunity is attributed to these bodies by some authors. This question has been studied more recently by Park and Williams,” however, who were un- able to find distinct parallelism between opsonic power and the protec- tive value of a serum. Passive immunization with pneumococcus immune sera has been extensively attempted. Washburn,? Mennes,‘ Pane,’ and many others have succeeded in protecting subsequently infected animals by treatment with such sera. Neufeld and Haendel in Germany, and in this country Cole, have recently used pneumococcus immune sera exten- sively in the treatment of man. The serum, given intravenously, seems to exert a favorable influence, and while unfinished, the work is exceedingly encouraging. Encouraging results were obtained by Hiss in treatment of pneumococcus infection in animals and by Hiss and Zinsser ®° in treatment of pneumonia in man with aqueous leuco- cyte extracts. Experiments both with passive immunization and with agglutina- tion show that all pneumococci do not react alike. Sera which will protect white mice against the homologous strain react similarly to some other strains, but not to all. Neufeld and Haendel’ as a result of protection experiments concluded that the majority of pneumococci belonged to one type, but that a number of other types could be recog- nized. On the basis of agglutination and protection tests Dochez and Gillespie ® describe three distinct races of pneumococci and a fourth group of heterogeneous strains. One of these definite types occurred in nearly half of their sixty-two cases of lobar pneumonia. 1 Neufeld und Rimpau, Deut. med. Woch., 1904. 2 Park and Williams, Jour. Exp. Med., vii, 1905. 3 Washburn, Brit. Med. Jour., 1897. * Mennes, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1897. 5 Pane, Rif. med., 1897. 8 Hiss and Zinsser, Jour. Med. Res., xix, 1908. 7 Neufeld and Haendel, Arb. aus dem Kais. Gesunds., 1910, xxxiv, 293. 8 Dochez and Gillespie, J. A. M. A., 1918, Ixi, 727, DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 367 Differentiation of Pneumococcus from Streptococcus.—Pneumococci and streptococci which do not differ in morphology from their classic types can usually be differentiated from each other and identified by their morphological characters without difficulty; but it is equally true that certain cultures of these organisms, either at the time of their isolation or after cultivation on artificial media, approach the type of the other so closely that it may be impossible to identify them by their mor- phology alone. When such morphological variations occur there are no constant and distinctive cultural or pathogenic characters as yet de- monstrated which can with certainty be depended upon as distinguish- ing marks between these organisms. This lack of distinct cultural differences between pneumococci and streptococci has not infrequently led to confusion, and that uncertainty should exist and mistakes be made in identification is not surprising when one considers the characters usually depended upon to distinguish pneumococci from streptococci. Chief among these, as has just been implied, are the morphological features which are, in the case of pneu- mococci, a slightly lancet or elongated form rather than the more typical coccus form characteristic of the streptococci, and an arrangement of such cocci in pairs rather than in chains; added to these features is the possession of a more or less well-defined capsule. All of these char- acters are subject to variation or may be absent. Compared with the morphological, the cultural characters are of minor importance and are variable. They consist in a more moist and flatter appearance of the pneumococcus colonies on coagulated blood serum and on agar, and in the usual inability of the freshly isolated pneumococcus to develop readily or at all on gelatin at temperatures below 22° C. The distinctness of the capsule of the pneumococcus in the body fluids of man and animals, and at times when this organism is culti- vated artificially on blood serum, milk, or serum agar, has really been depended upon as the chief distinguishing and diagnostic character. Nevertheless, from time to time, instances have been reported of distinct capsule formation by organisms which had either been pre- viously identified as Streptococcus pyogenes, or at the time of their isolation could not be definitely identified by their discoverers as be- longing to either this group or to the pneumococci, but were considered intermediate in their character.' 1 Brief Description of Organisms Reported as Capsulated Streptococci.—Bordet (Bordet, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1897, xi, p. 177), working with an organism previously 368 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS There are occasions, then, both within the animal body and in arti- ficial cultivations, when it is practically impossible to distinguish defi- nitely between some races of pneumococci and races of streptococci. This difficulty is especially heightened when the pneumococcus has become non-virulent, and at the same time no very typical morphology or capsule formation is to be determined and a tendency to chain-forma- tion is marked. Cultures of pneumococci in such condition can not readily be distinguished morphologically from streptococcus cultures. Under these circumstances recourse must be had to a careful bio- logical study of the organism in question. The following are the criteria mainly relied upon at present for the differentiation of these two groups. identified as Streptococcus pyogenes, described such capsule formation occurring in the peritoneal exudate of infected rabbits. Schuetz’ (Schuetz, Cent. f. Bakt., Ref. 1, 1887, p. 393) Diplokokkus der Brustseuche der Pferde, Poels and Nolen’s (Poels und Nolen, Fort. d. Med., iv, 1886, p. 217) streptococcus of contagious pneumonia of cattle, and especially the organism de- scribed by Bonome (Bonome, Ziegler’s Beit., viii, 1890, p. 377) as Streptococcus der meningitis cerebrospinalis epidemica, may all be looked upon as organisms differentiated on insecure grounds from either pneumococcus or streptococcus. The first two of these organisms, however, are said to be decolorized by Gram’s method, and as suggested by Frosch and Kolle (Frosch und Kolle, Fligge’s ‘“ Mikro- organis.,”’ ii, 1896, p. 161), in the case of Schuetz’ organism may belong to a group intermediate between Fraenkel’s diplococcus and the chicken-cholera group. Tavel and Krumbein (Tavel und Krumbein, Cent. f. Bakt., xviii, 1895, p. 547) describe a streptococcus with a capsule, which was isolated from a small abscess on the finger of a child. Capsules were also present in the artificial cultures, and although ordinarily remaining uncolored, could be stained by Loeffler’s flagella stain. This organism was said to be differentiated from Fraenkel’s diplococecus and also in general from streptococcus (pyogenes) by a rapid and rich growth on gelatin, agar, and potato. A pellicle was formed on broth. The organisms forming this pellicle possessed capsules, but those in the deeper portions of the broth generally lacked the capsule. In 1897, Binaghi (Binaghi, Cent. f. Bakt., xxii, 1897, p. 273) described a capsulated streptococcus isolated from a guinea-pig dead of a spontaneous peribron- chitis and multiple pulmonary abscesses. In the pus were found some diplocoeci and short chains (four to six) surrounded by a capsule, which could be made evident by staining with carbol fuchsin. This organism he proposes to call Streptococcus capsulatus. Le Roy des Barres and Weinberg in 1899 (Le Roy des Barres et Weinberg, Arch. d. méd. expér., xi, 1899, p. 399) published an account of a streptococcus with a capsule. This was isolated from «4 man who had apparently been infected from a horse which had died of an acute intestinal disorder. The patient neglected the infection and died. Diplococci and short chains furnished with a capsule were found in the subcutaneous tissue at the area of infection. The blood, liver, and DIPLOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA 369 Pneumococci ferment inulin, if cultivated in inulin-serum-water medium. Acid formation from the inulin results within two days or more in coagulation of the serum and reddening of the litmus. Streptococci because of their inability to attack the inulin leave the medium unchanged.! Cultivated on whole-blood-agar, streptococci usually cause hemo- lysis, pneumococci usually do not.? In contradistinction to Streptococ- cus viridans which does not hemolyze, pneumococci have a tendency on these media to form the black, dry, paint-blister colonies.* Neufeld,? in 1900, noticed that normal rabbits’ bile added in quan- spleen also contained these organisms. The capsule in all the preparations remained uncolored, but the authors say that its existence was not to be doubted. Ascitic broth inoculated from the peritoneal exudate of a rabbit dying from the infection gave streptococci in extremely long chains and surrounded by capsules. These were not so distinct as in the case of the organisms in the original smear preparations. All fluid media (bouillon, milk, and ascitic broth) were said to be strongly acid after twenty-four hours. These authors report that Achard and Marmorek have assured them that they have seen capsulated streptococci, and that Marmorek showed them some preparations in which one of his streptococci presented the same characters as that isolated by them. Although Le Roy des Barres and Weinberg have used the term encapsulated, they believe that it would perhaps be more prudent to call their organism strepto- coque aureole, since they were not able to define this capsule by staining it. Howard and Perkins (Howard and Perkins, Jour. Med. Res., 1901, iv, p. 163) have lately described an organism, probably of the foregoing type, which was present in a tubo-ovarian abscess and in the peritoneal exudate, the blood, and some of the organs of a woman dying in the Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. The organisms were biscuit-shaped cocci in pairs, usually arranged in chains of four, six, eight, or twenty elements, and surrounded by a wide and sharply staining capsule. In the artificial cultures special capsule stains, it was noted, failed to stain any definite area, but numerous. small deeply stained granules were to be seen within the halo, espe- cially near its outer border. Howard and Perkins propose for the group composed of the streptococci of Bonome, Binaghi, and their own organism, the name Strepto- coccus mucosus. Streptococci isolated from cases of epidemic sore-throat have also shown capsules (p. 343). Reference to the original descriptions of these various capsulated streptococci will show that, with the exception of a rather poorly staining capsule, the majority of these organisms are separated from the typical Streptococcus pyogenes or from the pneumococcus by exceedingly slight and unstable morphological and cultural charac- ters. The same is true of the difference observed in their pathogenic action in animals. 1 Hiss, Cent. f. Bakt., xxxi, 1902; Jour. Exp. Med., vi, 1905. 2 Schottmiiller, Miinch. med. Woch. 3 Hiss, Jour. Exp. Med., vii, 1905. 4 Neufeld, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1901. 24 370 PATHOGENI€: MICROORGANISMS tities of 0.1 ¢.c. to each one or two cubic centimeters of a pneumococcus broth culture caused lysis of the bacteria, rendering the culture fluid transparent and clear. This phenomenon does not occur with strep- tococci, and has been used to differentiate the two species. According to the recent studies of Libman and Rosenthal,! great reliance may be placed upon this method. The most convenient reagent for use in the Neufeld bile test is a 10 per cent solution of sodium taurocholate in physiological salt solution. This should be sterilized or kept on ice. One-tenth volume of such a solution produces prompt lysis in a broth culture of pneumococci. Decisive differential importance may be attached to the agglutina- tions of these microorganisms in immune sera (see p. 364). The permanency of the various types in the pneumococcus-strepto- coccus group is still open to question. E.C. Rosenow? has recently re- ported that he has transmuted typical pneumococci into typical hemo- lytic streptococci by methods which he has not as yet fully described, but among which were animal passage, growth in symbiosis with bacillus subtilis, and growth in an atmosphere of oxygen. The pneumococci when first altered took on the characteristics of the streptococcus viridans, later of the so-called streptococcus rheumaticus, and finally of streptococcus hemolyticus. Together with cultural characteristics the pathogenicity of these various strains for rabbits changed. The pneumococcus produced acute sepsis, the streptococcus viridans caused endocarditis, the streptococcus rheumaticus periarticular or serous arthritis, and hemolyticus suppurative arthritis. An intermediate stage was found in which the organisms quite regularly produced myositis. Although he was able to transmute these types one into the other in both directions, Rosenow believes that the cultural characteristics of each type correspond to a fairly definite type of pathogenicity both in animals and man. ‘This work has not as yet appeared in detail and has not been confirmed. 1 Tibman and Rosenthal, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., March, 1908. 2 Rosenow, J. A. M. A., 1913, xi, 2007. CHAPTER XXIV MICROCOCCUS INTRACELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS (MENINGOCOCCUS) INFECTIOUS processes in the meninges may be caused by many dif- ferent microorganisms. Meningitis may be primary or secondary. Secondary meningitis may often occur during the course of pneumonia, when pneumococci, carried to the meninges by the blood stream, give rise to a usually fatal form of the disease. More rarely a similar process may occur as a secondary manifestation of typhoid fever or influenza. Meningitis may also result secondarily by direct extension from suppurative lesions about the skull, such as those occurring in diseases of the middle ear or frontal sinuses or after compound fractures. In such cases the invading or- ganisms are usually staphylococci, streptococci, or pneumococci. Isolated cases of meningeal infection with B. coli, B. paratyphosus, . Bacillus pestis, and Bacillus mallei have been reported. A frequent, more chronic form of the disease is caused by Bacillus tuberculosis. Primary acute meningeal infection, however, is due chiefly to two microorganisms, Micrococcus intracellularis meningitidis, and the pneu- mococcus. A tabulation of the comparative frequency with which the various microorganisms are found in the meninges has been attempted by Marschal.' This author estimates that about 69.2 per cent of all acute cases are due to the meningococcus, 20.8 per cent to Diplococcus pnheumoniz, and the remaining 10 per cent to the other bacteria mentioned. The cases caused by the pneumococcus and the other less frequent incitants usually occur sporadically. When the disease occurs in epi- demic form, it is almost always due to the meningococcus. Diplococcus intracellularis meningitidis was first seen in menin- geal exudates by Marchiafava and Celli? in 1884. These authors not only described accurately the morphological characteristics now recog- 1 Marschal, Diss. Strassburg, 1901, Quoted from Weichselbaum, in Kolle und Wassermann, ‘“‘ Handbuch.”’ 2 Marchiafava and Celli, Gaz. degli ospedali, 8, 1884. 371 372 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS nized, but also called attention to the intracellular position of the micro- organism and to its gonococcus-like appearance. They failed, however, to cultivate it. Observations confirmatory of the Italian authors were, soon after, made by Leichtenstern.' Cultivation and positive identification as a separate species was not accomplished, however, until Weichselbaum,” in 1887, reported his observations upon six cases of epidemic cerebro- ; eo, © %&.e * ‘ & & oa e @ is we 3 ¢ >. ®' e ® oe ie | 2 oe 2 C7 ge ‘yh @ FoF ao Vy w @: ° w 6 ar” Ct > @ ss ® Pe * ns eo” ay & @ e ® : fe e ¢ »° e e°* : ® S a eo oe ° as e a Fic. 77.—Menineococcus, Purr Cuurure. (Very highly magnified.) spinal meningitis in which he not only found the cocci morphologically, but was able to study their biological characteristics in pure culture. The researches of Weichselbaum were soon confirmed and extended by elaborate studies * which left no doubt as to the specific relationship between the microorganism cultivated by him and the clinical condition. 1 Leichtenstern, Deut. med. Woch., 1885. 2 Weichselbaum, Fort. d. Med., 1887. 3 Councilman, Mallory, and Wright, Special Rep. Mass. Board of Health, 1898; Albrecht und Ghon, Wien. klin. Woch., 1901. . .MICROCOCCUS INTRACELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS 373 Morphology and Staining.—Stained in the spinal fluid from an in- fected patient, the meningococcus bears a striking similarity to the gon- ococcus. The microorganisms appear intra- and extracellularly, usually in diplococcus groups, sometimes as tetrads, or even in larger agglomer- ations. The individual diplo-forms are flattened on the sides facing each other, presenting somewhat the biscuit-form of the gonococcus. The variation: in size of the cocci in the same smear is a noticeable feature e : im oe Ps 2 ‘oe 2% ; t { a % a j Wy: Fic. 78.—MeEnincGococcus In Spinau Fuuip. and of some diagnostic importance. This dissimilarity in size is notice- able also in cultures, which, especially when older than twenty-four hours, contain forms double or even triple the size of the average coccus. These may possibly be involution forms. The meningococcus is non-motile and non-spore forming. It stains easily with all the usual aqueous aniin dyes. Its behavior toward Gram’s stain was long a subject of controversy, owing to the error of Jaeger,! who claimed to have found it Gram-positive. There 1 Jaeger, Zeit. f. Hyg., xix, 1895. 374 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS is no question now, however, that the cocci decolorize by Gram’s method when this is carefully carried out. In spinal fluid very beautiful preparations may be obtained by staining in Jenner’s blood stain. Councilman, Mallory, and Wright ‘ were the first to notice that, when stained with Loeffler’s methylene-blue, meningococcus stains irregularly, showing metachro- matic granules in the center of the cell bodies. These granules can be demonstrated more clearly with the Neisser stain employed for similar demonstration in the case of B. diphtheriz (see p. 107) and have some value in differentiating meningococcus from gonococcus. Cultivation.— Micrococcus intracellularis meningitidis grows readily upon all the meat-infusion culture media. It may eyen be culti- vated upon meat-extract media, but growth upon these is not profuse. Upon agar, colonies appear within eighteen to twenty-four hours as grayish, glistening spots with smooth edges and raised granular centeys. These show a tendency to enlargement and eventual confluence. Growth is more luxuriant and rapid upon media to which animal proteid in the form of blood serum or ascitic fluid has been added. Co- agulated serum is not liquefied. For cultivation of the meningococcus directly from the human body it is wise to use the richer serum or blood media, ability to grow easily upon simple agar being occasionally acquired only after previous cultivation upon richer media. Agar to which whole rabbit’s blood has been added forms an excellent medium, both for cul- tivation and for keeping the organism alive. Loeffler’s blood serum is also very favorable. It is advisable, too, when cultivating directly from spinal fluid, to plant rather large quantities (1 to 2 e.c.), since many of the cocci in the exudate will fail to develop colonies, possibly because of their prolonged exposure either to the body fluids or to their own products in a closed space. Upon broth, growth is slow and takes place chiefly upon the surface, the sediment consisting mainly of dead bacteria. Glucose added to agar or to broth renders the medium more favorable for rapid growth, but, owing to acid formation, tends to cause a more rapid death of the culture. In flasks of broth containing glucose one per cent, and CaCO, one per cent, however,- cultures have been kept alive for as long as fourteen months (Hiss). On milk, growth takes place without coagulation of the casein. Potatoes are not a favorable medium, though growth occasionally takes place. 1 Councilman, Mallory, and Wright, Rep. Mass. State Bd. of Health, 1898. MICROCOCCUS INTRACELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS 375 While slight alkalinity or acidity does not inhibit, the most favor- able reaction of media is neutrality. Oxygen is necessary for development. Complete anaérobiosis, while not absolutely inhibitory, is extremely unfavorable, unless proper carbohydrates be present. While growth may take place at temperatures ranging from 25° Fig. 79—Menincococcus Cutrurr. Streak culture from spinal fluid on serum agar-plate. to 42° C., the optimum is 37.5° C. Apart from the remarkable viability displayed upon calcium-carbonate broth, the average length of time during which the meningosoccus will remain alive without transplanta- tion is rather short. Recently isolated cultures grown on agar or serum- agar may die within two or three days. Accustomed to artificial cul- tivation through a number of generations, however, the cultures become 376 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS more hardy and transplantation may safely be delayed for a week or even longer. Albrecht and Ghon? have kept a culture alive on agar for one hundred and eighty-five days. It is a strange fact that after prolonged artificial cultivation some strains of meningococcus may gradually lose their growth energy and finally be lost because of their refusal to develop in fresh transplants. Storage is best carried out at incubator temperatures. At room temperatures or in the ice chest, the diplococcus dies rapidly? Resistance-—The meningococcus is killed by exposure to sunlight or to drying within twenty-four hours.’ It is extremely sensitive to heat and cold and by the common disinfectants is killed in high dilutions and by short exposures. At 0°C. it usually dies within two or three days. Pathogenivity.—As stated above, the form of meningitis caused by the diplococcus of Weichselbaum occurs usually in epidemics, though isolated sporadic cases are seen from time to time in all crowded com- munities. Epidemics have been numerous and widespread, and their records far antedate the discovery of their causative agent. As a rule, these epidemics have occurred during the winter and spring months, and have attacked chiefly that part of the population which is forced by poverty to live in crowded unhygienic surroundings. The manner in which the microorganism enters the human body is still a subject for investigation. Weichselbaum,* Ghon and Pfeiffer,® and, more recently, Goodwin and v. Sholly ° of the New York Department of Health, have succeeded in demonstrating culturally the presence of the meningococ- cus in the nasal cavities, not only of patients suffering from the disease, but occasionally in those of healthy subjects as well. Similar findings have been reported by many others; but in many cases morphological examination only was made, which, owing to the danger of confusion with Micrococcus catarrhalis, a frequent inhabitant of the nose, renders such reports valueless. The careful work of the writers mentioned, how- ever, has given ground for the theory that meningeal infection, which is 1 Albrecht und Ghon, Wien. klin. Woch., 1901. 2A very thorough biological study of meningococcus and related organisms has recently been made by Elser and Huntoon (Jour. Med. Res., N. 8. vol. xv, 1999), which may be consulted for a more detailed description of cultural characteristics. 3 Councilman, Mallory, and Wright, Boston, 1898; Albrecht and Ghon, loc. cit. 4 Weichselbaum, Fort. d. Med., 1887. 5Ghon und Pfeiffer, Zeit. f. klin. Med., xliv, 1901. 6 Goodwin und v. Sholly, Jour. Inf. Dis., Suppl. 2, Feb., 1906. MICROCOCCUS INTRACELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS 377 often preceded by nasal catarrh, may take place along the paths of the lymphatics, passing out of the nose and its accessory cavities toward the base of the skull. These facts, together with the low resistance shown by the meningococcus against drying, and the general failure so far to ‘demonstrate it in air, dust, or fomites, would seem to indicate that trans- mission usually occurs directly from one human being to another. The disease produced in man consists anatomically in a suppurative lesion of the meninges, involving the base and cortex of the brain and the surface of the spinal cord. The nature of the exudate may vary from a slightly turbid serous fluid to that of a thick fibrinous exudate. In chronic cases encephalitis and dilatation of the ventricles may take place. Apart from their presence in the meninges and in the naso- pharynx, meningococci have not been satisfactorily demonstrated in any of the complicating lesions of the disease. Reports of their presence in the conjunctive, in the bronchial secretions from broncho- or lobar pneumonia, and in otitis media, have usually been based upon insuf- ficient bacteriological evidence. The occurrence of this microorganism in the circulating blood of men- ingitis cases has been definitely proved by Elser,! who found it in ten cases. Animals are not very susceptible to infection with Diplococcus meningitidis. Subcutaneous inoculation is rarely followed by more than a local reaction unless large quantities are used. White mice are rather more susceptible than other species. Intraperitoneal and intra- venous inoculation of sufficient quantities usually results in the death of mice, rabbits, guinea-pigs, and dogs. Occasional strains have been found to possess a not inconsiderable degree of toxicity for rabbits, grave symptoms or even death following intravenous injection of but moderate quantities without any traceable development of the micro- organisms in the organs of the animals. Similar observations have been made by Albrecht and Ghon,? who sueceeded in killing white mice with dead cultures. It would seem therefore that the effect of this coccus upon animals depends chiefly upon the poisonous substances contained in the bacterial bodies (endo- toxins). Lepierre* has obtained the meningococcus toxin by alcohol precipitation of broth cultures. Weichselbaum himself succeeded in producing meningeal suppura- 1 Elser, Jour. Med. Res., xiv, 1906. 2 Albrecht und Ghon., loc. cit. 3 Lepierre, Jour. de phys. et de path. gén., v, No. 3. 378 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS tion and, in one case, brain abscess, by subdural inoculation of dogs. Councilman, Mallory, and Wright* produced a disease in many re- spects similar to the human disease by intraspinous inoculation of a goat. Recently, Flexner’ has succeeded in producing in monkeys a condition entirely analogous to that occurring in human beings, Agglutination.—Immunization of animals by repeated inoculations of meningococcus* results in the formation in the blood serum of agglutinins. JXolle and Wassermann* obtained from horses a serum which had an agglutinating value of 1: 3,000 for the homologous strain, and of as much as 1:500 for other true meningococcus strains. Similar experiments by Dunham ° and others have proved the unquestionable value of agglutination for species identification of this group. Great differences may, however, exist between individual races in their agglutinability in the same immune serum. Isutscher has recently called attention to the fact that strains which can not be agglutinated in specific sera at 37° C. will often yield positive results when subjected to 55° C., a fact of some practical im- portance if confirmed. Elser and Huntoon ° have shown that in the serum of infected human subjects agglutination of some strains takes place in dilutions as high as 1 : 400. Serum Therapy of Meningitis—During recent years, many attempts have been made to treat epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis by injec- tions, subcutaneous and intraspinous, of meningococcus-immune serum. Wassermann,’ in 1907, reported the results obtained by such treatment in one hundred and two patients, with a recovery of 32.7 per cent. The serum, as manufactured by Wassermann and his associates, was obtained from horses immunized with pure cultures of meningococcus and with toxic meningococcus extracts. More recently Flexner and Jobling * have used a similar serum in the United States with appa- rently excellent results. The serum, in Flexner’s cases, is injected intraspinously after a quantity of spinal fluid had been withdrawn. The cases treated by Flexner and Jobling’s method have now reached 1Councilman, Mallory, and Wright, loc. cit. 2 Flexner, Jour. Exp. Med., 1906. * Albrecht and Ghon, Wien. klin. Woch., 1901. 4 Kolle und Wassermann, Deut. med. Woch., 15, 1906. 5 Dunham, Jour. Inf. Dis., 11, 1907. 6 Elser and Huntoon, loc. cit. 7 Wassermann, Deut. med. Woch., 39, 1907. 8 Flexner and Jobling, Jour. Exper. Med., x, 1908. MICROCOCCUS INTRACELLULARIS MENINGITIDIS 379 large numbers, both in this and foreign countries and the value of the serum as a therapeutic agent seems firmly established. Hiss and Zinsser * have treated a number of meningitis patients with subcutaneous injections of leucocyte extracts and believe that they have favorably influenced the course of the disease. Pseudomeningococcus.—Elser and Huntoon’ have described a diplo- coccus very similar to the meningococcus which they differentiated from it only by serum reactions. This diplococcus could be identified only by agglutinin absorption tests. They named it pseudomeningo- coccus. 1 Hiss and Zinsser, Jour. Med. Res., Nov., 1908. ? Elser and Huntoon, Jour. Med. Res., xxi, 1909. 25 CHAPTER XXV DIPLOCOCCUS GONORRH@A (GONOCOCCUS), MICROCOCCUS CATARRHALIS, AND OTHER GRAM-NEGATIVE COCCI DIPLOCOCCUS GONORRHG@Z NBEISSER,' in 1879, described diplococci which he had found regularly in the purulent secretions of acute cases of urethritis and vaginitis and in the acute conjunctivitis of the new-born. His researches were purely morphological, as were the numerous confirmatory investigations which rapidly followed his announcement. Cultivation of this diplococcus, now usually spoken of as gonococcus, was not definitely successful until 1885, when Bumm ’ obtained growth upon tubes of coagulated human blood serum. Bumm was not only able to keep the organisms alive by transplantation in pure culture, but produced the disease by inoculation of his cultures upon the healthy urethra. Morphology and Staining.—The gonococcus is usually seen in the diplococcus form, the pairs being characteristically flattened along the surfaces facing each other. This gives the cocci a peculiar coffee-bean or biscuit shape. The size of the diplcforms is about 1.6 micra in the long diameter, about 0.8 micron in width. Stained directly in gonorrheal pus from acute cases, the microorganisms are found both intra- and extracellularly, a large number of them crowded characteristically within the leucocytes. They are never found within the nucleus. The phagocytosis which produces this picture has been shown by Scholtz * and others to take place in the free secretions, not in the depth of the tissues. The intracellular position, which is of considerable diagnostic importance, is lost to a great extent in secretions from chronic cases. Tn smears made from pure cultures the arrangement in groups of two may often be less marked than in pus, clusters of eight or more being common. 1 Netsser, Cent. f. d. med. Wiss., 1879. 2 Bumm, “ Beitr. z. Kenntniss des Gonococcus,’”’ Wiesbaden, 1885. 3 Scholtz, Arch. f. Dermat., 1899. 3380 DIPLOCOCCUS GONORRHG@A 381 The gonococcus is non-motile and does not form spores. It is easily stained with the usual aqueous anilin dyes. Methylene-blue alone, or eosin followed by methylene-blue, or the neutral red stain of Plato," gives good results. Gram’s method of staining, however, is the only one of differential value. With this method the gonococcus is rapidly decolorized and can be counterstained with fuchsin or Bismarck brown. The Gram stain applied to pus from the male urethra, while not absolutely reliable, is, for practical purposes, sufficiently so to make a diagnosis. In exudates from the vagina or from the eye the mor- phological picture is not so reliable, owing to the frequent presence . { ee ¥ om © & AE Z ; nents. Bp es na? Fig. 80.—GonorrHEAL Pus FROM URETHRA, SHOWING THE COCCI WITHIN A Leucocyte. in these regions of other Gram-negative cocci. The great scarcity of gonococci in very chronic discharges necessitates thorough cultural investigation; negative morphological examination in such cases can not be regarded as conclusive.” Cultivation.—The gonococcus is extremely delicate and is difficult to cultivate. After many failures to grow it upon the ordinary media, Bumm®* obtained his first growths upon human blood serum which had been heated to partial coagulation. The medium most commonly used at the present day was introduced 1 Plato, Berl, klin. Woch., 1894. 2 Heiman, Medical Record, 1896. 3 Bumm, Deut. med. Woch., 1885, 382 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS by Wertheim,’ and consists of a mixture of two or three parts of meat infusion-agar with one part of uncoagulated human ascitic fluid, hydrocele fluid, or blood serum. The agar is melted and cooled to 45° before the serum is added. The mixture may then be slanted in the test tube or poured into a Petri plate. This medium may be improved by the addition to the agar of six per cent of glycerin or one per cent of Fig. 81.—Gonococcus. Smear from pure culture. glucose. Cultures in fluid media may be obtained by similar addi- tions of serum to meat-infusion-pepton-broth (pepton, one to two per cent). While human sera may be replaced by animal sera, these in general are not so favorable for growth of the gonococcus. They are useful chiefly in cases where it is difficult to obtain the human serum. Whole . rabbit’s blood added to agar, or the swine- Wertheim, Arch, f. Gynakol., 1892. DIPLOCOCCUS GONORRHG A 383 serum-nutrose medium of Wassermann’ may occasionally be used with success. Plates may also be made by smearing for enrichment a drop of blood from the finger over the surface of agar in the manner of Pfeiffer’s method for influenza-bacillus cultivation. Inoculations from gonorrheal material are best made by surface smearing upon plates, since the gonococcus grows best in the presence of free oxygen. Growth is more easily obtained and becomes more luxuriant after prolonged culti- kiss Fic. 82.—Gonococcus Cotony. Low power of magnification. (After Mallory and Wright.) vation upon artificial media. The most favorable reaction of media is neutrality or slight acidity. Whenever the gonococcus has been successfully cultivated frail pus upon media without serum additions, the success has probably been due to the substances carried over in the pus. The gonococcus will develop a sparse growth under anaérobic con- ditions, but displays a very marked preference for aérobiosis. The op- timum temperature for growth is 37.5°C. Growth ceases above 38.5° and below 30°. ‘Wassermann, Berl. klin. Woch., 1897. (Fifteen ¢.c. swine-serum, 35 c.c. of water, 3 ¢.c. glycerin, with two per cent nutrose. The nutrose is dissolved by boiling and the solution sterilized. This is then added to agar, in equal parts, and used in plates.) 384 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Upon suitable media colonies appear as extremely delicate, grayish, opalescent spots, at the end of twenty to twenty-four hours. The sepa- rate colonies do not tend to confluence and have slightly undulated margins. Touched with a platinum loop their consistency is found to be slimy or. sticky. In fluid media, growth takes place chiefly at the surface and there is no general clouding. Resistance.—Cultures of gonococcus, if not transplanted, usually die out within five or six days at incubator temperature. At room temperature they die more rapidly. In the ice chest they may be kept alive for somewhat longer periods. In this they differ from meningo- cocci, which are always killed by temperatures approximating zero C. In these respects, however, individual strains show much variation, some cultures dying out after but a few hours’ removal from the incubator. The resistance of the gonococcus to light and heat is very slight. A temperature of 41° to 42° kills it after a brief exposure. Complete drying destroys it in a short time, Incompletely dried, however, and protected from light (gonorrheal pus) it may live, on sheets and cloth- ing, for as long as eighteen to twenty-four hours.’ It is easily killed by most disinfectant solutions? even when these are highly diluted and seems to be almost specifically sensitive to the various silver salts, a fact of therapeutic importance. Pathogenicity.—Gonorrheal infection occurs spontaneously only in man. True gonorrheal urethritis has never been experimentally pro- duced in animals. Jn human beings, apart from the common seats of the infection in the male and female genital tracts, and in the conjunc- tive, the gonococcus may produce cystitis, proctitis, and stomatitis. It may enter the general circulation, giving rise to septicemia ® and, secondarily, to endocarditis and arthritis. Isolated cases of gonorrheal periostitis and osteomyelitis have been reported.* The common acute infections of the genito-urinary passages in man are often followed by an indefinitely prolonged chronic infection, which, though quiescent, may for many years be a source of social danger. In children, especially females, the infection is not rare, and may assume epidemic characters, traveling from bed to bed in institu- tions. Such hospital epidemics can be stopped only by the most rigid isolation. It is advisable, in view of this danger, to examine all 1 Heiman, Medical Record, 1896. 2 Schueffer und Steinschneider, Kong. Deut. Dermat. Gesells., Breslau, 1894. 3 Review of cases of Gon. Septicemia, Faure-Beaulieu, Thesis, Paris, 1906. 4 Ullmann, Wien. med. Presse, 1900. MICROCOCCUS CATARRHALIS 385 female children applying for admission to a hospital, by vaginal smear and, if possible, to keep them in a receiving ward for twenty- four hours in order that the examination may be repeated before admission to the general wards. In the best-equipped institutions, furthermore, separate thermometers, bed linen, and diapers are set aside for each child in order to preclude any possibility of accidental transmission from cases which may have escaped detection by smear examination. While inoculation of animals has never resulted in active prolifera- tion of the gonococcus upon the new host, local necrosis, suppuration, and temporary systemic reactions have been produced by subcutaneous and intraperitoneal inoculation. These are probably referable to the endotoxin contained in the bodies of the gonococci. This toxin has been isolated by Nikolaysen? by extraction from the bacterial bodies with distilled water or sodium hydrate solutions. It was found to be resist- ant to a temperature of 120° and to remain potent after complete drying. The same author found that the isolated toxin and dead cultures were fully as toxic for animals as living cultures, 0.01 gram killing a white mouse. Specific injury to the nervous system by injections of gonococcus toxin has been reported by Moltschanoff.” The secretion of a true soluble toxin by the gonococcus, asserted by Christmas,? is denied by Wassermann,’ Nikolaysen,> and others. The two authors last named, furthermore, do not believe that a general immunity is developed in subjects infected with gonococcus. Christ- mas *® on the other hand, and, more recently, Torrey,’ have reported successful active immunization of animals by repeated injections of whole bacteria. ‘Torrey and others apparently have successfully treated human cases by injections of the serum of immunized animals. MICROCOCCUS CATARRHALIS Micrococcus catarrhalis is a diplococcus described first by R. Pfeiffer,* who found it in the sputum of patients suffering from catarrhal in- 1 Nikolaysen, Cent. f. Bakt., 1897. 2 Moltschanoff, Miinch. med. Woch., 1899. 3 Christmas, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1897. 4 Wassermann, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvii, 1897. 5 Nikolaysen, Fort. d. Med., xxi, 1897. 6 Christmas, loc. cit. 1 Torrey, Jour. Amer. Med. Assn., xlvi, 1906. 8 Flugge, ‘‘ Die Mikroorg.,” 3d ed., 1896. 386 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS flammations of the upper respiratory tract. It was subsequently care- fully studied by Ghon and H. Pfeiffer.t According to these authors the pathogenic significance of the micrococcus is slight, though occasion- ally it may be regarded as the causative factor in catarrhal inflammations. Its chief claim to attention, however, lies in its similarity to the meningo- coccus and the gonococcus, from neither of which it can be morphologi- cally distinguished. It is decolorized by Gram’s stain, appears often in the diplococcus form, and has a tendency, in exudates, to be located intracellularly. Not unlike the two microorganisms mentioned, too, it shows but slight pathogenicity for animals. Differentiation from gonococcus is extremely simple in that Micro- coccus catarrhalis grows easily on simple culture media and shows none of the fastidious cultural requirements of the gonococcus. From meningococcus the differentiation is less simple and, because of the presence of both microorganisms in the nose, is of great impor- tance. Distinction between the two is made entirely upon cultural charac- teristics and agglutination reactions. Culturally, Micrococcus catar- rhalis grows more heavily than meningococcus upon the ordinary culture media. The colonies of Micrococcus catarrhalis are coarsely granular and distinctly white in contradistinction to the finely granu- lar, grayish meningococeus colonies.” Micrococcus catarrhalis will develop at temperatures below 20° C., while meningococcus will not grow at temperatures below 25° C.? Dunham,‘ who has recently made a comparative study of meningo- coccus and other Gram-negative diplococci from the nose and throat, states that while some of the supposed Micrococcus catarrhalis cul- tures are easily distinguished from meningococcus simply by the char- acteristics of their growths upon two-per-cent glucose agar, others offer great difficulties to differentiation. He recommends as a differential medium a mixture of sheep serum and bouillon containing one per cent of glucose. Upon this medium all true meningococci produce acid, but no coagulation, with twenty-four hours. Cultures from the nose and throat, however, produce acid and coagulation, or else pro- duce an alkaline reaction. 1Ghon und H. Pfeiffer, Zeit. f. klin. Med., 1902. 2Ghon und Pfeiffer, loc. cit. 3 Weichselbaum, in Kolle und Wassermann, Bd. iii, p. 269. 4 Dunham, Jour. Inf. Dis., 1907. GRAM-NEGATIVE COCCI 387 OTHER GRAM-NEGATIVE COCCI Micrococcus pharyngis siccus.—This organism was first described by von Lingelsheim‘ in 1906. It is described by Elser and Huntoon as readily differentiable from meningococcus and other Gram-negative cocci by the firm adherence and dryness of its colonies. It is similar to Micrococcus catarrhalis from which it may, however, be differentiated by fermentation tests. Diplococcus mucosus.—This organism was also described by von Lingelsheim together with the preceding one. Its colony formation is similar to that of meningococcus, but slightly more sticky and mucoid. Stained by the capsule methods, it is seen to possess a distinct capsule. Chromogenic Gram-negative Coccii—These microorganisms all pro- duce a greenish-yellow pigment on the ordinary culture media. When pigment is absent, as is frequently the case when grown upon sugar-free media, these microorganisms can be distinguished from meningococcus only by sugar fermentation and serum reactions. An exhaustive study of Gram-negative micrococci has recently been made by Elser and Huntoon.? These authors, in studying the differential value of sugar fermentation in the diagnosis of these bacteria, have constructed the following table: o . 3 -|¢ | 8 , | 8 Strains TEsTep. a g 3 é z 8 2 ele ie le le) sila alal/ez/A8/a}4j6 Meningococcus............... 0.00. eeee eens 200; +} +]0/]0]904) 0 Pseudomeningococcus................--2-- 6; +)/+),0;,0],0/ 0 GON COCCUS cai crc cask awake ea sae ae ewes 15; + /0/]0j)0/)]0/1]0 Micrococcus catarrhalis..................... 64; 0) 0/0 ;]0]0)] 0 Micrococcus pharyngis siccus................ 2; +/+ ]+]+]07) 0 Chromogenic groupI...............0.20 00s 23; +]}/+})+]/+]0)0 Chromogenic group II...................0.. 11} +/+]+]0/0/);0 Chromogenic group III...................., 9; +]/+]0;]0/ 07) 0 Jaeger meningococcus, Kral................. Dy eo sR) see Re | ae alos Diplococeus crassus, Kral.............-..... Tjt+] +] ry} t}] tet 1y, Lingelsheim, Klin. Jahrb., 15, 1906. 2 Elser and Huntoon, loc. cit. CHAPTER XXVI BACILLI OF THE COLON-TYPHOID-DYSENTERY GROUP Tue bacilli belonging to this group of microorganisms, while present- ing great differences in their pathogenic characteristics, possess many points of morphological and biological similarity which have made their differentiation extremely difficult. Among pathogenic bacilli, they are probably the ones most commonly encountered and because of the fact that some of them are specifically pathogenic, while others are essen- tially saprophytic and are pathogenic only under exceptional conditions, the necessity of accurate differentiation is a daily occurrence in bacteri- ological laboratories. It has been through the study of this group par- ticularly that many of the modern differential methods of bacteriology -have been developed. The group includes the colon bacillus and its allies, the typhoid bacillus, the paratyphoid organisms, the several varieties of dysentery bacillus and numerous closely related species, and Bacillus fecalis alka- ligenes. Closely related to the group though not properly within it, are Bacillus lactis aérogenes, bacilli of the Friedlander or mucosus capsulatus group, and a number of less important subdivisions of this last group. All bacilli of the group possess morphological characteristics which, although exhibiting slight differences, are insufficient to permit accurate morphological diagnosis. They are none of them spore-bearing. Stained by Gram’s method they are decolorized. Cultivated upon artificial media, they grow readily both at room and at incubator temperatures. None of them liquefies gelatin. Though showing, often, distinct differences in the speed and luxuriance of growth upon ordinary media, these differences are, nevertheless, too slight to become the basis of differentiation. In order to distinguish between the individual members of this group, therefore, we are forced to a careful biological and cultural study. This is carried out: by the observation of the cultural character- istics upon special media and by the study of serum reactions in speci- fic immune sera. Our mainstays in the accurate differentiation of these. 388 BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS 389 bacilli are the observation of their fermentative action upon carbohy- drate media, and their agglutinating reactions in immune sera. These points will be alluded to in the description of the individual microor- ganisms, and will be again summarized in the differential tables given at the end of the chapters dealing with this group. BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS AND MEMBERS OF THE COLON BACILLUS GROUP Under the name of “colon bacilli” are grouped a number of bac- terial varieties differing from one another somewhat in minor character- istics, but corresponding in certain cardinal points which stamp them as close relatives and amply warrant their consideration under one heading. While usually living as harmless parasites upon the animal and human body, and capable of leading a purely saprophytic existence, they may, nevertheless, under certain circumstances become pathogenic and thus, both culturally and in their pathological significance, form a link between pure saprophytes like Bacillus lactis aérogenes, on the one hand, and the more strictly pathogenic Gram-negative bacilli of the paratyphoid, typhoid, and dysentery groups, on the other. As a type of the group we may consider in detail its most prominent and thoroughly studied member, Bacillus coli communis. BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS This microorganism was seen and described by Buchner! in 1885. It was thoroughly studied in the years immediately following, especially by Escherich,? in connection with the intestinal contents of infants. Morphology.—Bacillus coli communis is a short, plump rod about 1-3 micra long, and varying in thickness from one-third to one-fifth of its length. Under varying conditions of cultivation, it may appear to be more slender than this or shorter and even coccoid in form. In stained preparations, it usually appears singly, but occasionally. may be seen in short chains, It stains readily with the usual anilin dyes and decolorizes by Gram’s method. Spores are not formed. It is motile, and flagella staining reveals eight or more flagella peripherally arranged. Its motility is subject to wide variations. Young cultures, in the first gen- 1 Buchner, Arch. f. Hyg., 3, 1885. 2 Escherich, ‘Die Darmbakt. des Sauglings,” Stuttgart, 1884; Cent. f. Bakt., 1, 1887. 390 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS eration, after isolation from the body, may be extremely motile, while old laboratory strains may show almost no motility. Independent of these modifying conditions, however, separate races may show individual characteristics as to motility, varying in range between a motility hardly distinguishable from Brownian movement and one which is so active as to be but little less than that of the typhoid bacillus. Ordi- narily, the colon bacillus possesses a motility intermediate between these two extremes. Cultivation.—The bacillus is an aérobe capable of anaérobic growth under suitable cultural conditions. It grows well on the simplest media WH Vie en Fig. 83.—BacILLUS COLI COMMUNIS. at temperatures ranging from 20° to 40°C., but finds its optimum growth at about 37.5° C. Upon broth it grows rapidly, giving rise to general clouding; later to a pellicle and a light, slightly slimy sediment. Within moderate ranges, it is not delicately susceptible to reaction, growing equally well on media slightly acid and on those of a moderate alkalinity. Upon agar, it forms grayish colonies which become visible within twelve to eighteen hours, gradually becoming more and more opaque as they grow older. The deep colonies are dense, evenly granular, oval, BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS 391 or round. Surface colonies often show a characteristic grape-leaf structure, or may be round and flat, and show a definitely raised, glisten- ing surface. Upon agar slants, growth occurs in a uniform layer. On gelatin the colon bacillus grows rapidly, causing no liquefaction. Surface colonies are apt to show the typical grape-leaf formation. Deep colonies are round, oblong, and glistening. In gelatin stabs growth takes . place along the entire line of inoculation, spreading in a thin layer over the surface of the medium. On potato, growth is abundant and easily visible within eighteen to twenty-four hours, as a grayish-white, glistening layer which later turns to a yellowish-brown, and in old cultures often to a dirty green- ish-brown color. : In pepton solution indol is formed. In milk there is acidity and co- agulation. In lactose-litmus-agar avid is formed, the medium becom- ing red, and gas-bubbles appear along the line of the stab inoculation. In carbohydrate broth, gas is formed in dextrose, lactose, and mannit, but not in saccharose. Levulose, galactose, and maltose are also fer- mented with the formation of acid and gas. Cultures of the colon bacillus are characterized by a peculiar fetid odor which is not unlike that of diluted feces. The acids formed by the colon bacillus from sugars are chiefly lactic, acetic, and formic acids. The gas it produces consists chiefly of CO, and hydrogen. The bacillus grows well on media containing urine and on those containing bile. Upon the latter fact some methods for the isolation of the colon bacillus from water and feces have been based. Isolation of the colon bacillus from mixed cultures is most easily accomplished by plating upon lactose-litmus-agar, the Conradi-Drigal- ski medium, or the Endo medium after preliminary enrichment of the specimen to be tested in bile or malachite-green broth. (In the case of feces such enrichment is superfluous.) Distribution.—The colon bacillus is a constant inhabitant of the intestinal canal of human beings and animals. It is also found occasion- ally in soil, in air, in water, and in milk and is practically ubiquitous in all neighborhoods which are thickly inhabited. When found in nature ‘its presence is generally taken to be an indication of contamination from human or animal sources. Thus, when found in water or milk, much hygienic importance is attached to it. Recently, Papasotiriu' and, independently of him, Prescott,? have reported finding bacilli apparently 1 Papasotiriu, Arch. f. Hyg., xli. 2? Prescott, Cent. f. Bakt., Ref., xxxiii, 1903, ad 392 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS identical with Bacillus coli upon rye, barley, and other grains. They believe, upon the basis of this discovery, that Bacillus coli is widely distributed in nature and that its presence, unless it appears in large numbers, does not necessarily indicate recent fecal contamination. These reports, however, have not found confirmation by the work of others, and can not, therefore, be as yet accepted. In man, Bacillus coli appears in the intestine normally soon after birth, at about the time of taking the first nourishment.’ From this time on, throughout life, the bacillus is a constant intestinal inhabitant ap- parently without dependence upon the diet. Its distribution within the intestine, according to Cushing and Livingood,’ is not uniform, it being found in the greatest numbers at or about the ileocecal valve, diminish- ing from this point upward to the duodenum and downward as far as the rectum. Adami? and others claim that, under normal conditions, the bacillus may invade the portal circulation, possibly by the inter- mediation of leucozytic emigration during digestion. After death, at autopsy, Bacillus coli is often found in the tissues and the blood with- out there being visible lesions of the intestinal mucous membrane.’ It is probable, also, that it may enter and live in the circulation a few hours before death during the agonal stages. Extensive investigations have been carried out to determine wheth- er or not the constant presence of this microorganism in the intestinal tract is an indication of its possessing a definite physiological function of advantage to its host. It has been argued that it may aid in the fermen- tation of carbohydrates. The question has been approached experiment- ally by a number of investigators. Nuttall and Thierfelder * delivered guinea-pigs from the mother by Cesarean section and succeeded in keeping them without infection of the intestinal canal for thirteen days. Although no microorganisms of any kind were found in the feces of these animals, no harm seemed to accrue to them, and some of them even gained in weight. Schottelius,* on the other hand, obtained con- tradictory results when working with chicks. Allowing eggs to hatch in an especially constructed glass compartment, he succeeded in keeping the 1 Schild, Zeit. f. Hyg., xix, 1895; Lembke, Arch. f. Hyg., xxvi, 1896. 2 Cushing and Livingood, ‘‘ Contributions to Med. Sci. by Pupils of Wm. Welch,” Johns Hopk. Press, 1900. 3 Adamz, Jour. of Amer. Med. Assn., Dec., 1899. 4 Birch-Hirschfeld, Ziegler’s Beitr., 24, 1898. 5 Nuttall und Thierfelder, Zeit. f. Physiol. Chemie, xxi and xxii, ® Schottelius, Arch. f. Hyg., xxxiv, 1889, BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS 393 chicks and their entire environment sterile for seventeen days. During this time they lost weight, did not thrive, and some of them were mori- bund at the end of the second week, in marked contrast to the healthy, well-nourished controls, fed in the same way, but under ordinary environmental conditions. Although insufficient work has been done upon this important question, and no definite statement can be made, it is more than likely that the function of the Bacillus coli in the intes- tine is not inconsiderable if only because of its possible antagonism to certain putrefactive bacteria, a fact which has been demonstrated in interesting studies by Bienstock * and others.’ Pathogenicity.—The pathogenicity of the colon bacillus for animals is slight and varies greatly with different strains. Intraperitoneal in- jections of 1 c.c. or more of a broth culture will often cause death in guinea-pigs. Large doses intravenously administered to rabbits may frequently cause a rapid sinking of the temperature and death with symptoms of violent intoxication within twenty-four to forty-eight hours. Subcutancous inoculation of moderate doses usually results in nothing more than a localized abscess from which the animals recover. It is likely that, even in fatal cases, death results chiefly from the action of poisons liberated from the disintegrating bacteria and not from the multipli- cation of the bacilli themselves, for often no living organism can be found unless large doses are given. In man, a large variety of lesions produced by Bacillus coli have been described. It is a surprising fact that disease should be caused at all, in man, by a microorganism which is so constantly present in large numbers in the intestine and against which, therefore, it is to be expected that a certain amount of immunity should he developed. A number of explanations for this state of affairs have been advanced, none of them entirely satisfactory. It is probable that none of the poi- sonous products of the colon bacillus is absorbed unchanged by the healthy unbroken mucosa and that, therefore, the microorganisms are, strictly speaking, at all times, outside of the body proper. Under these circumstances, no process of immunization would be anticipated. It is also possible that, whenever an infection with Bacillus coli does occur, the infecting organism is one which has been recently acquired from another host, having no specific adaptation to the infected body. Viru- lence may possibly be enhanced by inflammatory processes caused by other organisms. Considering the subject from another point of view, 1 Bienstock, Arch. f. Hyg., xxxix, 1901. 2 Tissier and Martelly, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1902. 394 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS colon-bacillus infection may possibly take place simply because of unu- sual temporary reduction of the resistance of the host. Whether or not altered cultural conditions in the intestine may lead to marked enhance- ment in the virulence of the colon bacilli can not at present be decided. The opinion has been frequently advanced, however, without adequate experimental support. Septicemia, due to the colon bacillus, has been described by a large number of observers. It is doubtful, however, whether many of these cases represent an actual primary invasion of the circulation by the bacilli, or whether their entrance was not simply asecondary phenomenon occurring during the agonal stages of another condition. A few unques- tionable cases, however, have been reported, and there can be no doubt about the occurrence of the condition, although it is probably less frequent than formerly supposed. The writers have observed it on two occasions in cases during the lethal stages of severe systemic disease due to other causes. An extremely interesting group of such cases are those occurring in new-born infants, in which generalized colon-bacillus infection may lead to a fatal condition known as Winckel’s disease or hemorrhagic septicemia." Prominent among disease processes attributed to these microorganisms are various diar- rheal conditions, such as cholera nostras and cholera infantum. The relation of these maladies to the colon bacillus has been studied es- pecially by Escherich,” but satisfactory evidence that these bacilli may specifically cause such conditions has not been brought. While it is not unlikely that under conditions of an excessive carbohydrate diet, colon bacilli may aggravate morbid processes by a voluminous formation of gas, they do not, of themselves, take part in actual putrefactive proc- esses. It is likely, therefore, that in most of the intestinal diseases formerly attributed purely to bacilli of the colon group, these micro- organisms actually play but a secondary part. It is equally difficult to decide whether or not these bacilli may be regarded as the primary cause of peritonitis following perforation of the gut. Although regularly found in such conditions, they are hardly ever found in pure culture, being accompanied usually by staphylococci, streptococci, or other microorganisms, whose relationship to disease is far more definitely established. Isolated cases have been reported, however, one of them by Welch, in which Bacillus coli was present in 1 Kamen, Ziegler’s Beitr., 14, 1896. 2 E'scherich, loc. cit. 3 Herter, “‘ Bact. Infec. of Digest. Tract,” N. Y., 1907. BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS 395 the peritoneum in pure culture without there having been any intestinal perforation.’ Granting that the bacillus is able to proliferate within the peritoneum, there is no reason for doubting its ability of giving rise to a mild suppurative process. Inflammatory conditions in the liver and gall-bladder have fre- quently been attributed to the colon bacillus. It has been isolated from liver abscesses, from the bile, and from the center of gall-stones. Welch has reported a case of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis in which the bacillus was isolated from the gall-bladder and from the pancreas. In the bladder, Bacillus coli frequently gives rise to cystitis and oc- casionally to ascending pyonephrosis. No other microorganism, in fact, is found so frequently in the urine as this one. It may be present, often, in individuals in whom all morbid processes are absent. The condition is frequently observed during the convalescence from typhoid fever. It may disappear spontaneously, or cystitis, usually of a mild, chronic variety, may supervene. . Localized suppurations due to this bacillus may take place in all parts of the body. They are most frequently localized about the anus and the genitals. They are usually mild and easily amenable to the simplest surgical treatment. Poisonous Products of the Colon Bacillus.—The colon bacillus belongs essentially to that group of bacteria whose toxic action is supposed to be due to the poisonous substances contained within the bacillary body. Culture filtrates of the colon bacillus show very little toxicity when in- jected into animals; whereas the injection of dead bacilli produces symptoms almost equal in severity to those induced by injection of the live microorganisms. Corroborative of the assumption of this endotoxic nature of the colon-bacillus poison is the fact that, so far, no antitoxic bodies have been demonstrated in serum as resulting from immuniza- tion. Immunization with the Colon Bacillus.—The injection into animals of gradually increasing doses of living or dead colon bacilli gives rise to specific bacteriolytic, agglutinating, and precipitating substances. The bacteriolytic substances may be easily demonstrated by the technique of the Pfeiffer reaction. In vitro bacteriolysis is less marked than in the case of some other microorganisms such as the cholera spiril- lum or the typhoid bacillus. Owing probably to the habitual presence of colon bacilli in the intestinal tracts of animals and man, considerable 26 ! Welch, Med. News, 59, 1891. 396 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS bacteriolysis may occasionally be demonstrated in the serum of normal individuals. Agglutinins for the colon bacillus have often been produced in the sera of immunized animals in concentration sufficient to be active in dilu- tions of 1: 5,000 and over. The agglutinins are produced equally well by the injection of live cultures and of those killed by heat, if the tem- perature used for sterilization does not exceed 100° C. It is! a notice- Fig. 84.—BaciLtus cont communis. Grown in: 1. Dextrose, 2. Lactose, 3. Saccharose broth. The bacillus forms acid and gas from dextrose and lactose, not from saccharose. Note the absence of growth in the closed arm of the sac- charose tube, in which no acid or gas is formed. able fact that the injection of any specific race of colon bacilli produces, in the immunized animal, high agglutination values only for the individual culture used for immunization, while other strains of colon bacilli, although agglutinated by the serum in higher dilution than are paratyphoid or typhoid bacilli, require much higher concen- tration than does the original strain. The subject has been extensively studied by a number of observers and illustrates the extreme individual 1 Wolff, Cent. f. Bakt., xxv, 1899. BACILLUS COLI COMMUNIS 397 specificity of the agglutination reaction. Thus a serum which will agglutinate its homologous strains in dilutions of one 1:1,000 will often fail to agglutinate other races of Bacillus coli in dilutions of 1:500 or 1: 600. The normal serum of adult animals and man will often agglutinate this bacillus in dilutions as high as 1:10 or 1: 20—a phenomenon pos- sibly referable to its habitual presence within the body. Corrobo- rating this assumption is the observation of Kraus and Léw,’ that the serum of new-born animals possesses no such agglutinating powers. The fact that agglutinins for the colon bacillus are increased Fig. 85.—BaciLLus coLt communion. Grown in: 1. Dextrose, 2. Lactose, 3. Saccharose broth. in the serum of patients convalescing from typhoid fever or dysentery is probably to be explained, partly by the increase of the group agglutinins produced by the specific infecting agent, and partly by the invasion of colon bacilli, or the absorption of its products induced by the diseased state of the intestinal mucous membrane. Varieties of the Colon Bacillus—During the earlier days of bacteriolog- ical investigations, a large number of distinct varieties of colon bacilli were described, many of which may now be dismissed as based simply 1 Kraus und Léw, Wien, klin. Woch., 1899, 398 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS upon a temporary depression of one or another cultural characteristic of Bacillus coli communis, while others can be definitely included within other closely related, but distinct groups. That secondary features, such as dimensions, motility, and luxuri- ance of growth upon various media, may be markedly altered by arti- ficial cultivation is a common observation. It has not, however, been satisfactorily shown that cardinal characteristics, such as the forma- tion of indol from pepton, or the power to produce gas from dextrose and lactose, can be permanently suppressed without actual injury or inhibition of the normal vitality of the microorganism. Such alter- ation is, in fact, contrary to experience, which demonstrates that whenever such changes do occur, they are purely temporary and a few generations of cultivation under favorable environmental conditions will regularly restore the organism to its normal activity. 4, Bacillus coli communior.—Distinct and constant varieties of Bacil- lus coli, however, do occur. The most common of these is one which Dunham has named Bacillus coli communior, because of the fact that he believes it to be more abundant in the human and animal intestine than is coli communis itself. This bacillus possesses all the cardinal characteristics of the colon group. It is a Gram-negative bacillus, moderately motile, non-sporulating, and morphologically indistinguish- able from the communis variety. It does not liquefy gelatin, it produces indol from pepton, coagulates and acidifies milk, and grows characteristically upon agar and potato. It differs from Bacillus coli communis in that it produces acid and gas from saccharose as well as from dextrose and lactose, whereas the former does not form acid or gas from saccharose. CHAPTER XXVII BACILLI OF THE COLON-TYPHOID-DYSENTERY GROUP (Continued) THE BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER (Bacillus typhosus, Bacillus typhi abdominalis) TypuHoip fever, because of its wide distribution and almost con- stant presence in most communities, has from the earliest days been the subject of much etiological inquiry. A definite conception as to its infectiousness and transmission from case to case was formed as early as 1856 by Budd.t But it was not until 1880 that Eberth? discovered in the spleen and mesenteric glands of typhoid-fever patients who had come to autopsy, a bacillus which we now know to be the cause of the disease. Final proof of such an etiological connection was then brought by Gaffky,? who not only saw the bacteria referred to by Eberth, but succeeded in obtaining them in pure culture and studying their growth characteristics. Morphology and Staining.—The typhoid bacillusis a short rod from 1-3.5 » in length with a varying width of from .5 to .8 4. In appear- ance it has nothing absolutely distinctive which could serve to differen- tiate it from other bacilli of the typhoid-colon group, except that it has a general tendency to greater slenderness. Its ends are rounded without ever being club-shaped. Contrary to the descriptions of the earliest observers, typhoid bacilli do not form spores. They are actively motile and have twelve or more flagella peripherally arranged. The bacilli stain readily with the usual anilin dyes. Stained by Gram’s method, they are decolorized. Cultivation —Bacillus typhosus is easily cultivated upon the usual laboratory media. It is not delicately susceptible to reaction, but will grow well upon media moderately alkaline or acid. It is an aérobie and facultative anaérobic organism, when the proper nutriment is present. Upon agar plates growth appears within eighteen to twenty-four hours 1 Budd, “ Intestinal Fever,’ Lancet, 1856. 2 Eberth, Virch. Archiv, 81, 1880, and 83, 1881. 3Gaffky, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 2, 1884. 399 400 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS as small grayish colonies at first transparent, later opaque. Upon agar slants growth takes place in a uniform layer. There is nothing charac- teristic about this growth to aid in differentiation. In broth, the typhoid bacillus grows rapidly, giving rise to an even clouding, rarely to a pellicle. Upon gelatin, the typhoid bacillus grows readily and does not liquefy the medium. In stabs, growth takes place along the entire extent of the stab and over the surface of the gelatin in a thin layer. In gela- tin plates the growth may show some distinction from that of other mem- bers 6f this group, and this medium was formerly much used for isolation 1? Sit Ore eee fet ats ros eg tan > ar > b bi lsh Ve 4 v2 2 ? if Vd (ST f\, 32 sai UFL 3, r . =y bP hey YA © 6S pghiwZes7 VEG? poe Lot 68 (gl Gg Sin aS VA ys omy. fe ss og = , BOL ah Bei iS Ue a Ap ET * et ty 4X Tw Lat Fic. 86—Bacituus rypHosus, from twenty-four-hour culture on agar, of the bacillus from mixed cultures. Growth appears within twenty- four hours as small, transparent, oval, round, or occasionally leaf-shaped colonies which are smaller, more delicate, and more transparent than contemporary colonies*of the colon bacillus. They do not, however, show any reliable differential features from bacilli of the dysentery group. As the colonies grow older they grow heavier, more opaque, and lose much of their early differential value. On potato the growth of typhoid bacilli is distinctive, and this medium was recommended by Gaffky* in his early researches for purposes of t Gaffky, loe. cit. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 401 identification. On it typhoid bacilli, after twenty-four to forty-eight hours, produce a hardly visible growth, evident to the naked eye only by a slight moist glistening, an appearance which is in marked contrast to the grayish-yellow or even brown and abundant growth of the colon bacilli. If the potato medium is rendered neutral or alkaline, this distinction disappears, the typhoid bacillus growing more abundantly. In milk, typhoid bacilli do not produce coagulation. In litmus-milk, during the first twenty-four hours, the color is changed to a reddish or violet tinge by the formation of acid from the small quantities of mono- Fig. 87—Bactuus TypHosus, showing flagella. (After Frankel and Pfeiffer.) saccharid present. Later the color becomes deep blue from the forma- tion of alkali. In Dunham’s pepton solution no indol is produced. According to Peckham, however, continuous cultivation in rich pepton media may lead to eventual indol formation by typhoid bacilli. This fact appears to have no bearing on the value of the indol test, as indol is never formed under the usual cultural conditions. In dextrose, mannite, lactose,and saccharose broth, the typhoid bacil- lus produces no gas. A comparative summary of the action of other bacilli of this group in these sugar media will be given in the final dif- ferential table on page 443. ; 402 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Tested for its power to form acid from sugars commonly used in differential tests, typhoid bacilli give the following reactions: Acid formation Acid formation Dextrose + Maltose + Levulose + Lactose — Galactose + Saccharose — Mannit + Dextrin + In the Hiss tube medium (see section on Media, page 133), the typhoid bacillus within eighteen to twenty-four hours produces an even clouding by virtue of its motility, but does not form gas. In contradis- tinction to this, dysentery bacilli grow only along the line of inocula- Fig. 88.—SurFacE Cotony oF BaciuLus TyPpHosus ON GELATIN. (After Heim.) tion, while bacilli of the colon group move in irregular sky-rocket-like figures away from the stab, at the same time breaking up the medium by the formation of gas-bubbles. Some actively motile colon bacilli cloud the medium, but the ruptures caused by the gas are always evident. The differentiation of the typhoid bacillus in pure culture from similar microorganisms by means of its growth upon media has been the sub- ject of many investigations. It is neither practicable nor desirable to enumerate all the various media which have been devised and reported. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 403 The aim has been chiefly the differentiation of typhoid bacilli from the bacilli of the colon group, and most of the media have been devised with this end in view. (See section on Media.) Rothberger * has devised a mixture of glucose agar to which is added one per cent of a saturated aqueous solution of neutral-red. Shake-cul- tures or stab-cultures are made in tubes of this medium. The typhoid bacillus causes no changes in it, while members of the colon group, by reduction of the neutral-red, decolorize the medium and produce gas by fermentation of the sugar. Utilizing the fact that bile-salts are precipitated in the presence of acids, Macconkey devised a medium composed of sodium glycocholate, pepton, lactose, and agar (the composition of this medium is given on page 138), in which Bacillus typhosus grows without causing much change, but distinct clouding results from the growth of the colon bacillus which, producing acid from the lactose, causes precipitation of the bile- salts. On Wurtz’s lactose-litmus-agar (see page 129) the typhoid bacillus produces no acid, but eventually deepens the purple color to blue; the colon bacillus produces acid and in stab-cultures gas bubbles and the color changes to red. In Barsiekow’s (see page 139) lactose-nutrose-litmus mixture the typhoid bacillus causes no change, while the colon bacillus produces coagulation and an acid reaction. Especially designed for the isolation of typhoid bacilli from the feces, are the media of Drigalski and Conradi, the agar-gelatin media of Hiss, the medium of Hesse, the fuchsin medium of Endo, and the malachite-green media of Loeffler, and others. These media have all been described in detail in the section on the preparation. of media, pages - 133-138. Biological Considerations.—The typhoid bacillus is an aérobic and facultatively anaérobic organism growing well both in the presence and in the absence of oxygen when certain sugars are present, showing a slight preference, however, for well aérated conditions. It grows most luxu- riantly at temperatures about 37.5° C., but continues to grow within a range of temperature lying between 15° and 41° C. Its thermal death point, according to Sternberg, is 56° C. in ten minutes. It remains alive in artificial cultures for several months or even years if moisture is sup- plied. In carefully sealed agar tubes Hiss has found the organisms 1 Rothberger, Cent. f. Bakt., xxiv, 1898. 404 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS ' alive after thirteen years. In natural waters it may remain alive as long as thirty-six days, according to Klein.* In ice, according to Prud- den,’ it may remain alive for three months or over. Against the ordi- nary disinfectants, the typhoid bacillus is comparatively more resistant than some other vegetative forms. It is killed, however, by 1 : 500 bichlorid or five-per-cent carbolic acid within five minutes. Pathogenicity.—In animals, some early investigators to the contrary, typhoidal infection does not occur spontaneously and artificial inocula- tion with the typhoid bacillus does not produce a disease analogous to typhoid fever in the human being. Frankel * was able to produce intes- tinal lesions in guinea-pigs by injection of the bacilli into the duodenum, and recovered the bacteria from the spleens of the animals after death, but the disease produced was in no other respect analogous to typhoid fever in the human being. It is probable that typhoid bacilli injected into animals do not multiply extensively and that most of the symp- toms produced are due to the endotoxins liberated from the dead bac- teria. In corroboration of this view is the observation that inoculation with dead cultures is followed by essentially the same train of symp- toms as inoculation with live cultures.* The injection of large doses into rabbits or guinea-pigs intravenously or intraperitoneally is usually followed by a rapid drop in temperature, often by respiratory em- barrassment and diarrhea. Occasionally blood may be present in the stools. According to the size of the dose or the weight of the ani- mal, death may ensue within a few hours, or, with progressive emacia- tion, after a number of days, or the animal may gradually recover. Welch and Blachstein * have shown that typhoid bacilli injected into the ear vein of a rabbit appear in the bile and may persist in the gall- bladder for weeks. Typhoid bacilli isolated from different sources may show considerable variations in virulence and toxicity. Doerr,’ Koch,’ Morgan,® and more recently Johnston? have all confirmed this, the last named showing that the typhoid bacillus could 1 Klein, Med. Officers’ Report, Local Govern. Bd., London, 1894. 2 Prudden, Med. Rec., 1887. 3 Frankel, Cent. f. klin. Med., 10, 1886. 4 Petruschky, Zeit. f. Hyg., xii, 1892. 5 Welch and Blachstein, Bull. Johns Hop. Hosp., ii, 1891. 6 Doerr, Centralbl. f. Bakt., 1905. ’ Koch, Zeitschr. f. Hyg., 1909. 8 Morgan, Jour. of Hyg., 1911. 9 Johnston, Jour. of Med. Res., xxvii, 1912. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 405 not only remain latent for a long time in the gall-bladder of rabbits, but would appear in the blood stream with considerable regularity after the seventh or ninth day, and persist for as long as 125 days. Gay and Claypole! have been able to produce the carrier state in rabbits with great regularity by growing the typhoid cultures used for inoculation upon agar containing 10 per cent defibrinated rabbit’s blood. Such cultures are not as readily agglutinated by immune serum as are those grown on plain agar, and it may well be that they have acquired a certain degree of resistance to the serum antibodies which renders them more competent to survive in the body of the rabbit. Gay has used rabbits inoculated with such cultures for the determination of the efficacy of his sensitized vaccines. In man the overwhelming majority of typhoid infections take the form of the disease clinically known as typhoid fever. For a descrip- tion of the clinical course and pathological lesions of the disease, the reader is referred to the standard text-books of medicine and pathology. During the course of the disease, and during convalescence, the bacilli may be cultivated from the circulating blood, the rose spots, the feces, the urine, and in exceptional cases from the sputum. At autopsy the bacilli may be obtained from these sources as well as from the lesions in the intestine, the spleen, and often from the liver, kidneys, and from the gall-bladder. Though formerly regarded as primarily an intestinal disease, recent investigations have brought convincing proof that the disease is in its inception actually a bacteriemia. It is not unlikely that the intestinal lesions are largely the result of toxic products which are excreted through the intestinal wall. Typhoid Bacilli in the Blood during the Disease—The investigations of many workers have shown that typhoid bacilli are present in the circulating blood of practically all patients during the early weeks of the disease. Series of cases have been studied by Castellani,? Schottmil- ler? and many others. More recently Coleman and Buxton‘ have reported their researches upon 123 cases, and have at the same time analyzed all cases previously reported. Their analysis of blood cultures taken at different stages in the disease is as follows: 1Gay and Claypole, Arch. of Inf. Med., Dec., 1913. * Castellani, Riforma medica, 1900. 3 Schottmueller, Deut. med. Woch., xxxii, 1900, and Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxvi, 1901. 4 Coleman and Buxton, Am. Jour. of Med. Sci., 133, 1907. 406 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Of 224 cases during first week, 89 per cent were positive. Of 484 cases during second week, 73 per cent were positive. Of 268 cases during third week, 60 per cent were positive. Of 103 cases during fourth week, 38 per cent were positive. Of 58 cases after fourth week, 26 per cent were positive. The technique recommended by Coleman and Buxton for obtaining blood cultures is that recommended by Conradi,! slightly modified. The blood is taken into flasks each containing about 20 c.c. of the following mixture: OxeDiUEs cia ot batge'aa etn eas Gan boc e Sao Tak eee Pane Bares 900 c.c GLY COP 24 ech ee eee Bae as Eee EATS MO 100 c.¢. POPLOD es. hited ais Guard aed Stet aes Wed ae Ria eae Gusta wpe Se aRea 20 grams About 3 c.c. of blood are put into each flask. The ox-bile, besides preventing coagulation, may possibly neutralize the bactericidal sub- stances present in the drawn blood. The flasks are incubated for eigh- teen to twenty-four hours, at the end of which time streaks are made upon plates of lactose-litmus-agar and the organisms identified by agglutination or by cultural tests. European workers have generally preferred to make high dilution of the blood in flasks of bouillon, small quantities of blood, 1 to 2 c.c., being mixed with 100 to 150 c.c. of nutrient broth. Epstein 2 has reported excellent results from mixing the blood in considerable concentration with two-per-cent glucose agar and pouring plates. The writers in hospital work have had equally good results with the bile medium and with broth in flasks, rather less uniform but still satis- factory results with the plating method. In general it may be said that any one of these methods carried out with reasonable accuracy may be satisfactorily employed. Typhoid Bacilli in the Stools—The examination of the stools for typhoid bacillus is performed for diagnostic purposes chiefly in obscure cases. It may, furthermore, furnish information of extreme hygi- enic importance. Thus Drigalski* and Conradi have succeeded in’ isolating typhoid bacilli from the stools 0" ambulant cases so mild that they were not clinically suspected. It 12 poy means of such examina- tions that the so-called typhoid-carriers are detected, cases which, 1 Conradi, Deut. med. Woch., xxxii, 1906. 2 Hpstein, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., N. S., vi, 1906. 3 Drigalski and Conradi, Zeit. {. Hyg., xxxix, 1902. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 407 though perfectly well themselves, may be a means of spreading the disease. Such cases have been known to harbor the bacilli for periods as long as several years. The examination itself is fraught with great difficulties, owing to the preponderating numbers of colon bacilli found in all feces and the difficulty of isolating the typhoid bacilli from such mixtures. Reviewing the data collected by a number of investigators, it seems probable that the bacilli do not appear in the stools, at least in numbers sufficient for recognition, much before the middle of the second week, or, in other words, as pointed out by Hiss, about the time that the intestinal lesions are well ad- vanced and ulceration is occurring. Thus Wiltschour ! could not determine their pres- ence before the tenth day; Redtenbacher,? in reviewing the statistics, states that in a majority of cases the bacilli first appear toward the end of the second week, and Horton-Smith * could not find the bacilli be- fore the eleventh day. Hiss,‘ in an investi- gation of the same subject, obtained the following results: First to tenth day, inclusive, twenty- Fic. 89.—Bactnuus cout. eight cases examined; typhoid bacilliisolated Deep colonies on Hiss plate from three; percentage of positive cases medium. 10.7 per cent. ; Eleventh to twentieth day, inclusive, forty-four cases examined; ty- phoid bacilli from twenty-two; percentage of positive cases 50 per cent. Twenty-first day to convalescence, sixteen cases examined; typhoid bacilli isolated from thirteen; percentage of positive cases 81.2 per cent. The difficulties encountered in such examinations have led to the development of a large number of methods. The first method which yielded successful results was that of Elsner,> who employed a potato- extract gelatin containing one per cent of potassium iodid, a medium which prevented the growth of many intestinal bacteria, allowing only 1 Wiltschour, Cent. f. Bakt., 1890. 2 Redtenbacher, Zeit. f. klin. Med., xix, 1891. 3 Horton-Smith, Lancet, May, 1899. 4 Hiss, Med. News, May, 1901. 5 Hisner, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxi, 1895. 408 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS colon, typhoid, and a few others to develop. This medium is at present rarely used. Hiss ' has employed with success an agar-gelatin mixture containing one per cent of glucose, the preparation of which has been described in detail in the section on media. The actual technique of the test is as follows: One to two loopfuls of feces are transferred to a tube of broth, making the broth fairly cloudy. From this emulsion five or six plates are made by transferring in series one to five loopfuls of the emulsion to tubes containing the melted plate medium, and then pouring the con- tents of these tubes into Petri dishes. These dishes, after the medium Fic. 90.—Bacitius typHosus. Deep colonies in Hiss plate medium. has hardened, are placed in an incubator at 37° C., and allowed to re- main for eighteen to twenty-four hours, when they are ready for examina- tion. If typhoid bacilli are present they will be found as small, usually glistening colonies with a fringe of threads growing out like flagella from their peripheries (see Figs. 90 and 91). These colonies are smaller and quite distinct from those of colon bacilli, which are heavier and darker and do not display the fringing threads. Suspicious colonies may be fished and transferred to the Hiss tube medium (see page 133) or iden- tified by other reliable methods. A method which has been found useful, especially in Europe, is that in which smears of diluted feces are made upon large plates of the Conradi-Drigalski medium. (For preparation see page 135.) The principles underlying the use of this medium are the formation of acid from the lactose by the colon bacilli and the inhibition of cocci and many other bacteria by the crystal-violet. In practice, an emul- 1 Hiss, Jour, of Exp, Med., ii, 1897; Med. News, May, 1901; and Jour. Med. Res., N. S., iii, 1902. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 409 sion is made of a loopful of feces in a tube of broth. Into this is dipped a bent glass smearing rod, the excess of fluid is allowed to drip off, and smears are made upon plates of the medium, several plates being smeared without redipping the rod. Colonies of the colon bacillus on these plates will appear opaque, comparatively large, and will produce an acid reaction with consequent reddening of the ‘medium. Typhoid colonies will be smaller, transparent, and without acid formation. These colonies are fished and the microorganisms may Fig. 91.—Bacinius typHosus. Colony in Hiss plate medium, highly magnified. be identified by agglutination or by stab cultures in the Hiss tube medium. The malachite-green media of Loeffler and others have found less general use than was originally expected, because of the difficulty in obtaining uniform preparations of malachite-green. Peabody and Pratt have applied the principle of colon-bacillus in- hibition by malachite-green, by adding this dye to broth in the manner described in the section on media (page 1387), planting the. feces directly into this broth, and, after incubation for several hours, making smears from these tubes upon plates of the Conradi-Drigalski medium. Marked success has been reported in the isolation of typhoid bacilli 1 Peabody and Pratt, Boston Med. and Surg. Jour., 1908. 410 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS from the feces by the use of the Endo fuchsin-agar. Emulsions of feces are made in tubes of ordinary broth in the manner described in the Con- radi-Drigalski method, and smears of this emulsion are made upon plates of the fuchsin-agar by means of a glass smearing rod. The colonies of Bacillus coli, after eighteen or more hours of incubation, will be found to have brought back a deep red color to the medium, whereas the typhoid colonies are smaller, more transparent, and have left the medium uncolored. In all cases where plates are prepared from broth emulsions of feces, it is desirable to allow the emulsion to stand at incubator temperature for several hours, or, better, to centrifugalize the emulsion and then allow it to stand without agitation. Subsequent removal of fluid from the i A 8 ee Fic. 92.—Coton anp Typsor Cotontes iv Hiss Prats Mzprum. (Planted from stool. Note the small thread-forming typhoid colonies.) upper layers of the medium is likely to bring away a comparatively larger number of the motile organisms. The methods of isolating typhoid bacilli given above do not ex- haust the records of work done upon this problem. Other methods have been devised, but those given are the ones most generally in use. It is not satisfactory to compare any two of these methods as to practical value, since all of them require a considerable amount of working famil- larity with organisms and media. In fact, it may be said that all of the methods given are satisfactory if consistently employed by a worker who has become thoroughly accustomed to the peculiarities and variations of the typhoid colonies upon the medium with which he is working. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 411 Typhoid Bacilli in the Urine.—Careful investigation by a number of workers has revealed typhoid bacilli in the urine in about twenty-five per cent of all patients. Neumann! discovered the bacilli in eleven out of forty-six cases and Karlinski? in twenty-one out of forty-four cases. Investigations by Petruschy,® Richardson,* Horton-Smith,’ Hiss,° and others have confirmed these results. In general the bacilli have not been found before the fifteenth day of the disease, and examination of the urine, therefore, can be of little early diagnostic value. A series of seventy-five cases examined by Hiss before the fourteenth day of the disease did not once reveal typhoid bacilli in the urine. On the other hand, they have been found to be present for weeks, months, and, in isolated cases, for years after convalescence, the examination thus hav- ing much hygienic importance. They are probably present in about twelve per cent of cases during the early days of convalescence. In most of these cases where typhoid bacilli are found, albumin is present in the urine in considerable quantities. The bacilli usually appear and disappear with the albuminuria. It is not infrequent that an obstinate cystitis caused by typhoid ba- cilli may follow in the path of typhoid fever. Such cases have been re- ported by Blumer,” Richardson,* and others. Suppurative processes in the kidneys are less frequent. It is noteworthy, also, that in the course of, and following, typhoid fever there often occurs voiding of Bacillus coli with the urine. This may obstinately persist for considerabe periods after convalescence. The reasons for this are not entirely clear. Typhoid Bacilli in the Gall-Bladder.—Typhoid bacilli have been frequently observed in the gall-bladder at autopsy. They have also been found present in this organ, at operations for cholecystitis, months and years after the occurrence of typhoid fever. Miller ® has reported a case in which typhoid bacilli were present in the gall-bladder seven years after the disease; v. Dungern * has cultivated them from an in- flamed gall-bladder fifteen years after the disease. Zinsser has had 1 Neumann, Berl. klin. Woch., xxvii, 1890. 2 Karlinsky, Prag. med. Woch., xv, 1890. 3 Petruschy, Cent. f. Hyg., xxiii, 1898. 4 Richardson, Jour. Exp. Med., 3, 1898. 5 Horton-Smith, Lancet, May, 1899. 6 Hiss, Med. News, May, 1901. 7 Blumer, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Reports, 5, 1895. 8 Richardson, loc. cit. 9 Miller, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1898. 87 10 y, Dungern, Minch. med. Woch., 1897. 412 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS occasion! to observe a case in which an operation for gall-stone seven- teen years after the occurrence of typhoid fever revealed the pres- ence of the bacilli in the gall-bladder. In such cases typhoid bacilli may be constantly discharged from the intestine with the feces and prove a menace to the health of the community. An extremely interesting example of such a typhoid carrier has been carefully studied and re- ported by Park.’ Typhoid Bacilli in the Rose Spots——A number of observers have succeeded in isolating typhoid bacilli from the rose spots. Neufeld,* who made an extensive investigation of this question, obtained positive results in thirteen out of fourteen cases. According to his researches and those of Frankel,* the bacilli are localized not in the blood, which is taken when the rose spots are incised, but are crowded in large numbers within the lymph spaces. Typhoid Bacilli in the Sputum.—In rare cases typhoid bacilli have been found in the sputum of cases complicated by bronchitis, broncho- pneumonia, and pleurisy. Such cases have been reported by Chantemesse and Widal,’ Frankel,* and a number of others. Empyema, when it occurs in connection with such cases, is usually accompanied by a mixed infection. From a hygienic point of view the spread of typhoid fever by means of the sputum must be considered, but is probably of rare occurrence. Suppurative Lesions Due to Typhoid Bacillus.—In the course of typhoid convalescence or during the latter weeks of the disease, suppurative lesions may occur in various parts of the body. The most frequent locali- zation of these is in the periosteum, éspecially of the long bones, and ir the joints. A large number of such lesions have been described by Welch, Richardson,’ and others. They usually take the form of periosteal ab- scesses, often located upon the tibia, occurring either late in the disease or even months after convalescence, and are characterized by very severe pain. Osteomyelitis may also occur, but is comparatively rare. Subcutaneous abscesses and deep abscesses in the muscles, due to this bacillus, have been described by Pratt.* Synovitis may also occur. 1 Zinsser, Proc. N. Y. Pathol. Soc., 1908. 2 Park, “ Pathogenic Bacteria,” N. Y., 1908. 3 Neufeld, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxx, 1899. 4 Frankel, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxiv, 1900. 5 Chantemesse and Widal, Arch. de physiol. norm. et path., 1887. 6 Frénkel, Deut. med. Woch., xv and xvi, 1899. 1 Richardson, Jour. Boston Soe. Med. Sci., 5, 1900. 8 Pratt, Jour. Boston Soc. Med. Sci., 3, 1899. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 413 Meningitis, due to the typhoid bacillus, occurs not infrequently, usually during convalescence from typhoid fever. A case of primary typhoid meningitis has been reported by Farnet.' Peritoneal abscesses, due to the typhoid bacillus, have been re- ported. Zinsser” has reported a case in which typhoid bacilli were found free in the peritoneal cavity during typhoid fever without per- foration of the gut. Isolated instances of typhoid bacilli in abscesses of the thyroid and parotid glands and in brain abscesses have been observed. Typhoid Fever without Intestinal Lesions——A considerable number of cases have been reported in which typhoid bacilli have been isolated from the organs after death or from the secretions during life of pa- tients in whom the characteristic lesions of typhoid fever have been lack- ing. Most of these cases must be regarded as true typhoid septicemias. In some cases the bacilli were isolated from the spleen, liver, or kidneys; in others, from the urine or the gall-bladder. In a case observed by Zinsser the bacilli were isolated from an infarct of the kidney removed by operation. In this case the clinical course of the disease had pointed only toward the existence of an indefinite fever accompanied by symp- toms referable to the kidneys. The Widal test, however, was positive. An excellent summary of such cases, together with several personally observed, has been given by Flexner.* Hygienic Considerations.—Although typhoid fever is frequently spoken of as an epidemic disease, it is, more truly, endemic in character in almost all parts of the world, but subject to occasional epidemic ex- acerbations. In the larger communities of the temperate zones these epidemic increases take place chiefly in the autumn and, unlike epidemics of diseases such as influenza, are usually distinctly cireumscribed— limited usually by the distribution of a particular water-supply. Since the disease never occurs except by transmission, directly or indirectly, from a previous case, it is amenable more than most other maladies to sanitary regulation, and it may be said without exaggera- tion, in the light of our present knowledge, that any extensive prevalence of typhoid fever in a large community is a direct consequence of some defect in the system of sanitation. The disease is acquired by ingestion of the specific bacteria. Infection by any other channel than that of the alimentary tract has not, so far, been satisfactorily demonstrated. 1 Farnet, Bull. de la soc. méd. des hép. de P., 3, 1891. 2 Zinsser, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., 1907. 3 Flexner, Johns Hopkins, Rep., 5, 1896. 414 i PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Prophylactic measures in typhoid fever, therefore, should begin with the isolation of the patient and the disinfection of excreta, dis- charges, linen, and all utensils which have been in contact with the patient. The bacilli leave the body chiefly in the feces and the urine and the dangers of contamination, by these substances, of all objects in immediate contact with the patient are considerable. Excreta should therefore be either mixed with boiling water or chemically disinfected, preferably by means of thoroughly mixing with carbolic acid,-lysol, or a solution of freshly slaked lime, and, if possible, destroyed by buriung. Linen, tableware, and eating utensils should be soaked in similar solutions and boiled. The observance of such measures, furthermore, should not be discontinued until bacteriological examination has demonstrated the absence of the bacilli from feces and urine. Disre- gard of this last precaution may well be one of the main causes of the endemic persistence of the disease in large cities—especially considered in the light of our recent knowledge of “typhoid carriers” in whom chronic infection of the gall-bladder leads to the discharge of the bacilli in the feces for months and even years after the cessation of symptoms. It can hardly be doubted, at the present day, that typhoid fever, in the large majority of cases, is transmitted by the agency of water. In an analysis of six hundred and fifty typhoid epidemics Schiider ' found four hundred and sixty-two reported, upon reasonable evidence, as orig- inating from water. The technical difficulties attending the isolation of typhoid bacilli from contaminated water have prevented actual bacteriological proof in most epidemics; nevertheless, indirect. evi- dence of pollution of the suspected water-supply, correspondence of the distribution of this supply with that of the disease, and reduction of typhoid morbidity upon the substitution of an uncontaminated supply are sufficiently convincing to remove reasonable doubt. Added to this is our knowledge, from the experiments of Jordan, Russell, and Zeit ? and others, that typhoid bacilli may remain alive in natural waters for as long as five days. That the bacilli may survive freezing for as long as three months has been demonstrated by Prudden, and dangers of in- fection from this source are therefore considerable. Next to water, the most important source of typhoid fever is found in contaminated milk. In the statistical summary by Schiider,® quoted above, one hundred and ten of the four hundred and sixty epidemics 1 Schiider, Zeit. f£. Hyg., xxxviii, 1901. « Jordan, Russell, and Zeit, Jour. of Inf. Dis., 1, 1904. 3 Schiider, loc. cit. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 415 recorded, were attributable to milk. Actual discovery of Bacillus ty- phosus in milk by Vaughan, Conradi, and others has been discussed in another section (see page 685). The fact that this bacillus causes no visible modifications in milk makes this source especially insidious. When contamination of milk has occurred, it has often been traceable to the water used in washing the cans or to attendants employed at the dairies, who had been in contact with typhoid cases, or who are convalescing from, or actually suffering from, the infection them- selves. Excluding water and milk, all remaining causes of typhoid dissemi- nation constitute about twelve per cent and are found chiefly in the use of vegetables contaminated from infected soil, and other food prod- ucts. Recently Conn has called attention to the fact that oysters grown in waters close to sewage discharges may be the means of typhoid transmission. An epidemic occurring at Wesleyan University was at- tributed by him to this cause. Experiments by Foote? have actually demonstrated that typhoid bacilli may be found alive within oysters for three weeks or more after they have disappeared from the sur- rounding water. Indirect contamination of food and water by the intermediation of flies and other insects has been emphasized by Veeder ® as one of the methods of typhoid transmission. This observer called attention to the fact that in camps during the Spanish-American War flies in large numbers traveled to and fro between the sinks and the cook-tents, and it is not unlikely that at least some of the typhoid fever occurring at that time may have been caused in this way. Poisons of the Typhoid Bacillus.—The investigation of the toxic products of the typhoid bacillus has occupied the attention of a large number of workers. The first to do experimental work upon the sub- ject was Brieger * soon after the discovery and cultivation of the micro- organism. That toxic substances can be obtained from typhoid cultures is beyond question. There is, however, a definite difference of opinion as to whether these poisons are so-called endotoxins only, or whether they are in part composed of soluble toxins comparable to those of diphtheria and tetanus, following the injection of which antitoxic sub- stances may be formed. The evidence so far seems to bear out the original contention of 1Conn, Med. Record, Dec., 1894. 2 Foote, Med. News, 1895. 3 Veeder, Med. Record, 45, 1898. 4 Brieger, Deut. med. Woch., xxvii, 1902. 416 PATIIOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Pfeiffer,* who first advanced the opinion that the poisonous substances are products of the bacterial body set free by destruction of the bacteria by the lytic substances of the invaded animal or human being. These poisons, when injected into animals for purposes of immunization, in Pfeiffer’s experiments, did not incite the production of neutralizing or antitoxic bodies, but of bactericidal and lytic substances. That these endotoxins constitute by far the greater part of the toxic products of the typhoid bacillus can be easily demonstrated in the laboratory, by the simple experiment of filtering a young typhoid culture (eight or nine days old) and injecting into separate animals the residue of bacilli and the clear filtrate respectively. In such an experiment there will be little question as to the overwhelmingly greater toxicity of the bacillary bodies as compared with that of the culture filtrate. On the other hand, if such cultures, especially in alkaline media, are allowed to stand for several months and the bacilli thus thoroughly extracted by the broth, the toxicity of the filtrate is found to be greatly increased. Nevertheless, more recent experiments by Besredka,’ Macfadyen,* Kraus and Stenitzer,* and others have tended to show that, together with such endotoxic substances, typhoid bacilli may produce a true toxin which is not only obtainable by proper methods from compara- tively young typhoid cultures, but which fulfils the necessary require- ment of this class of poisons by producing in treated animals a true antitoxic neutralizing body. The typhoid endotoxins may be obtained by a variety of methods. Hahn * has obtained what he calls “typhoplasmin” by subjecting them to a pressure of about four hundred atmospheres in a Buchner press. The cell juices so obtained are cleared by filtration. Macfadyen has obtained typhoid endotoxins by triturating the bacilli after freezing them with liquid air and extracting in 1: 1,000 potassium hydrate. Besredka obtained toxic substances by emulsifying agar cultures of bacilli in salt solution, sterilizing them by heating to 60° C. for about one hour, and drying in vacuo. The dried bacillary mass was then ground in a mortar and washed in sterile salt solution which was again heated to 60° C. for two hours. The remnants of the bacterial 1 Pfeiffer Deut. med.Woch., xlviii, 1894; Pfeiffer und Kolle, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxi, 1896. 2 Besredka, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1895, 1896. 3 Macfadyen and Rowland, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxx, 1901; Macfadyen, Cent. f. Bakt., I, 1906. 4 Kraus und Stenitzer, Quoted from “ Handb.d. Tech.,” ete., 1, Fischer, Jena, 1907. 5 Hahn, Minch. med. Woch., xxiii, 1906. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 417 bodies settle out and the slightly turbid supernatant fluid contains the toxic substances. Vaughan ! has obtained poisons from typhoid bacilli by extracting at 78° C. with a two-per-cent solution of sodium hydrate in absolute alcohol. In this way he claims to separate by hydrolysis a poisonous and a non-poisonous fraction. He claims, moreover, that this poison- ous fraction is similar to the poisons obtained in the same way from Bacillus coli and the tubercle bacillus, and other proteid substances, believing that the specific nature of such proteids depends upon the non-toxic fraction. A simple method of obtaining toxins from typhoid bacilli is carried out by cultivating the microorganisms in meat-infusion broth, rendered alkaline with sodium hydrate to the extent of about one per cent. The cultures are allowed to grow for two or three weeks and then steril- ized by heating to 60° C. for one hour, and allowed to stand for three or four weeks at room temperature. At the end of this time the cul- tures may be filtered through a Berkefeld or Pasteur-Chamberland filter and will be found to contain strong toxic substances. The accounts concerning the thermostability of the various toxins obtained are considerably at variance. In general, corresponding with other endotoxins, observers agree in considering them moderately re- sistant to heat, rarely being destroyed at temperatures below 70° C. Intravenous inoculation of rabbits with typhoid endotoxins, if in sufficient quantity, produces, usually within a few hours, a very marked drop in temperature, diarrhea, respiratory embarrassment, and death. If given in smaller doses or by other methods of inoculation— subcutaneous or intraperitoneal—rabbits are rendered extremely ill, with a primary drop in temperature, but may live for a week or ten days, and die with marked progressive emaciation, or may survive. Guinea- pigs and mice are susceptible to the endotoxins, though somewhat less so than rabbits. Immunity in Typhoid Fever.—As a rule, one attack of typhoid fever protects against subsequent ones. Although exceptions to this rule may occur, they are so rare that the history of a previous attack of this disease practically excludes its consideration in the diagnosis of any obscure condition. Animals may be actively immunized by the injection of typhoid bacilli in gradually increasing doses. In actual practice, this is best 1 Vaughan, Am. Jour. of Med. Sci., 136, No. 3, 1908. 418 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS accomplished by beginning with an injection of about 1 c.c. of broth culture heated for ten minutes at 60° in order to kill the bacilli. After five or six days, a second injection of a larger dose of dead bacilli is administered; at similar intervals, gradually increasing doses of dead bacilli are given and finally considerable quantities of a living and fully virulent culture may be injected without serious consequences to the animal. While this method is convenient and usually successful, it is also possible to obtain satisfactory immunization by beginning with very small doses of living microorganisms, according to the early method of Chantemesse and Widal,' and others. Such active immunization, successfully carried out upon rabbits and guinea-pigs, within a short time after the discovery of the typhoid bacil- lus, was believed to depend upon the development of antitoxic sub- stances in immunized animals. This point of view, however, was not long tenable, and was definitely disproven by the investigations of Pfeif- fer and Kolle ? in 1896. These investigators, as well as a large number of others working subsequently, have shown satisfactorily that there are present in the blood serum of typhoid-immune animals and human beings, bacteriolytic, bactericidal, and agglutinating substances, and to a lesser extent, precipitating and opsonic bodies. Bactericidal and Bacteriolytic Substances.—The bacteriolytic sub- stances in typhoid-immune serum may be demonstrated either by the intraperitoneal technique of Pfeiffer or in vitro. In the former experi- ment a small quantity of a fresh culture of typhoid bacilli is mixed with the diluted immune serum and the emulsion injected into the peritoneal cavity of a guinea-pig. Removal of peritoneal exudate with a capillary pipette and examination in the hanging drop will reveal, within a short time, a swelling and granulation of the bacteria—the so-called Pfeiffer phenomenon. The test in vitro, as recommended by Stern and Korte,* may be carried out by adding definite quantities of a fresh agar culture of typhoid bacilli to progressively increasing dilu- tions of inactivated immune serum together with definite quantities of complement in the form of fresh normal rabbit or guinea-pig serum. At the end of several hours’ incubation at 37.5° C. definite quantities of the fluid from the various tubes are inoculated into melted agar and plates are poured to determine the bactericidal action. Carefu! colony counting in these plates and comparison with proper controls 1 Chantemesse and Widal, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1892. 2 Pfeiffer und Kolle, Zeit. f£. Hyg., xxi, 1896. 3 Stern und Korte, Berl. klin. Woch., x., 1904. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 419 will not only definitely demonstrate the presence of bactericidal sub- stances in the immune serum, but will furnish a reasonably accurate quantitative estimation. (For these tests see p. 255.) Although normal human serum contains in small quantity substances bactericidal to typhoid bacilli, moderate dilution, 1: 10 or 1 : 20, of such serum will usually suffice toeliminate any appreciable bactericidal action. The bactericidal powers of immune serum, on the other hand, are often active, according to Stern and Korte, in dilutions of over 1 : 4,000 and in one case even of 1: 4,000,000. The specificity of such reactions gives them a considerable degree of practical value, both in the biological identification of a suspected typhoid bacillus in known serum and in the diagnosis of typhoid fever in the human patient by the action of the patient’s serum on known typhoid bacilli. In the publication of Stern and Korte, quoted above, it was found that typhoid patients during the second week often possess a bactericidal power exceeding 1 : 1,000, whereas the blood of normal human beings was rarely active in dilu- tions exceeding 1 : 50 or 1:100. While scientifically accurate, the prac- tical application of bactericidal determinations for diagnosis presents considerable technical difficulties, and gives way to the no less accurate method of agglutination. Agglutinins.—Ageglutinins are formed in animals and man inoculated with typhoid bacilli, and in the course of typhoid fever. It was, in fact, while studying the typhoid bacillus that the agglutinins were first dis- covered by Gruber and Durham. In animals, by careful immunization, specific typhoid agglutinins may easily be produced in sufficient quantity to be active in dilution of 1: 10,000, and occasionally even 1 : 50,000 or over. In the blood of typhoid patients, the agglutinins may often be found in dilu- tions of 1:100 and over. It is interesting to note that irrespec- tive of the agglutinin contents of any given serum, there may occasionally be noted differences in the ageglutinability of various typhoid cultures, a point which is practically important in the choice of a typhoid culture for routine diagnosis work. Weeny! has called attention to the fact that bacilli which do not readily agglutinate when directly cultivated from the body, may often be rendered more sensitive to this reaction by several generations of cultivation upon artificial media. Walker has noted ” a loss of agglutinability if the bacilli 1 Weeny, Brit. Med. Jour., 1889. 2 Walker, Jour. of Path. and Bact., 1892; Totsuka, Zeit. f. Hyg., xlv, 1903. 420 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS are cultivated in immune serum. A similar alteration in the agglutin- ability of typhoid bacilli was noted by Eisenberg and Volk * when they subjected the microorganism to moderate heat or to weak acids such as % HCl. The practical application of agglutination to bacteriological work is found, as in the case of the bactericidal substances, in the identification of suspected typhoid bacilli, and in the diagnosis of typhoid fever. When it is desired to determine by means of agglutination whether or not a given bacillus is a typhoid bacillus, mixtures may be made of young broth cultures, or preferably of emulsions of young agar cul- tures in salt solution, with dilutions of immune serum. The tests are made microscopically in the hanging-drop preparation or, preferably, macroscopically in small test tubes. In all cases it is desirable first to determine the agglutinating power of the serum when tested against a known typhoid culture. (For detailed technique, see chapter on Technique of Serum Reactions, p. 250.) In scientific investigations, specific agglutinations in -high dilutions of immune serum constitute very strong proof of the species of the micro- organism and may often furnish much information as to the biological relationships between similar species. It is found in immunizing ani- mals with any given strain of typhoid bacilli, that there are formed the “chief” or “major” agglutinins which are specific and active against the species used in immunization, and the “ group” or ‘ minor” agglutinins, active also against closely related microorganisms. The following extract from a table will serve to illustrate this pot in the case of typhoid and allied bacilli. Highly Immune Typhoid Serum. 1:100 | 1:250 1:500 | 1:1,000] 1:2,500 BcGiyscpcaieeaamenaceaaaiueeks + + + + |. + B. paratyph. (Schottmiiller)........... + + + _ es B. enteritidis.............-...0..000- + - - - i B. coli communis...................05 + ~ _ _ = The sera of most adult normal animals and human beings usually contain a small amount of agglutinin for these bacilli. Immuniza- tion with the typhoid bacillus, while increasing chiefly the agglutinin 1 Eisenberg und Volk, Zeit. f. Hyg., xlv, 1903. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 421 for this bacillus itself, also to a slighter extent increases the group ag- glutinins for other closely allied species. That these group agglutinins are separate substances and not merely a weaker manifestation of the action of the typhoid agglutinin itself upon these other microorganisms, may be demonstrated by the experiments of agglutinin absorption. (See section on Agglutinins, page 234.) Immune serum obtained by immunization with one particular ty- phoid culture usually agelutinates this culture in higher dilutions than it will agglutinate other typhoid strains. This has been noticed in a large number of investigations, but is not always the case. In the clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever, the phenomenon of agglu- tination was first utilized by Widal.t This observer called attention to the fact that during the last part of the first or the earlier days of the second week of typhoid fever, as well as later in the disease and in con- valescence, the blood serum of patients would cause agglutination of typhoid bacilli in dilutions of 1:10, or over, whereas the serum of normal individuals usually exerted no such influence. Upon this basis he recommended, for the diagnosis of the disease, the employment of a microscopic agglutination test carried out by the usual hanging-drop technique. The reaction of Widal is, at present, widely depended upon for diagnostic purposes and although not universally successful, owing to irregularities in agglutinin formation in some patients, and because of differences in agglutinability of the cultures employed, it is nevertheless of much value. The original conclusions as to the dilutions of the serum which must be employed, have, however, necessarily been modi- fied. Owing to the fact that Gruber,’ Stern,? Frankel,‘ and a number of others have found that occasionally normal serum will give rise to ag- glutination of typhoid bacilli in dilutions exceeding 1:10, it has been found necessary, whenever making a diagnostic test, to make several dilutions, the ones most commonly employed being 1 : 20, 1 : 40, 1 : 60, and 1:80. The wide application of the method has given rise to the development of a number of technical procedures, all of them devised with a view toward simplification. In ordinary hospital work, it is most convenient to keep on hand upon slant agar, a stock typhoid culture, the agglutinability of which is well known. From this stock culture, fresh *Widal, Bull. de la soc. méd. des hépit., vi, 1896; Widal et Stcard, Ann. de linst. Pasteur, xi, 1897. 2 Gruber, Verhand. Congr. f. inn. Med., Wiesbaden, 1896. 3 Stern, Cent. f. inn. Med., xlix, 1896. 4 Frénkel, Deut. med. Woch.., ii, 1897. 422 PATHOGENIC MIRCOORGANISMS inoculations upon neutral bouillon should be made each day, so that a young broth culture may always be on hand to furnish actively motile, evenly distributed bacteria. These bouillon cultures may be grown for from six to eight hours at incubator temperature or for from twelve to eighteen hours at room temperature. The temperatures at which the broth cultures are kept must depend, to a certain extent, upon the peculiarities of the typhoid bacillus employed, since some strains are rather more actively motile and furnish a more suitable emulsion if kept at a temperature lower than 37.5° C. A false clumping in the broth cultures due to a too high acidity of the bouillon or a too prolonged incubation, must be carefully guarded against. It is also possible to use for this test an emulsion of typhoid bacilli prepared by rubbing up a small quantity of a young agar culture in salt solution. Uniformity in the preparation of broth cultures or of emulsions should be observed, since the quantitative relationship between typhoid bacilli and agglu- tinins will markedly affect the completeness or incompleteness of the reaction. In high dilutions an excess of typhoid bacilli may bring about complete absorption of all the agglutinins present, without agglutinat- ing all the microorganisms. The blood of the patient to be used for a Widal test may be obtained in a number of ways. The most convenient method is to bleed the pa- tient from the ear or finger into a small glass capsule, in the form of that used in obtaining blood for the opsonin test, or into a small centrifuge tube. About 0.5 to 1 ¢.c. is amply sufficient. These capsules or tubes, after clotting of the blood, may be placed in the centrifuge which in a few revolutions will separate clear serum from clot. The dilutions of the serum are then made. It is best to use sterile physiological salt solu- tion as a diluent, but neutral broth may be used. The dilutions may be made either by means of an ordinary blood-counting pipette or by means of a capillary pipette upon which a mark with a grease pencil, made about an inch from the tip, furnishes a unit of measure, and upon which suction is made by means of a rubber nipple. It is convenient to have at hand a small porcelain palette such as that used by painters, in which the various cup-like impressions may be utilized to contain the various dilutions. Dilutions of the serum are made, ranging from 1 : 10 to 1:50. A drop of each of these dilutions is mixed with a drop of the typhoid culture or emulsion upon the center of a cover-slip and the cover- slip inverted over a hollow slide. A control with normal serum and the same culture should always be made and also one with the culture alone to exclude the possibility of spomtaneous clumping. Mixture BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 423 with the typhoid culture, of course, each time doubles the dilutions so that, for instance, a drop of serum dilution 1:10, plus a drop of the typhoid culture, gives the final dilution of 1:20. The prepara- tions may be examined with a high power dry lens or an oil im- mersion lens. In a positive reaction, the bacilli, which at first swim about actively, singly or in short chains, soon begin to gather in small groups and lose much of their activity. Within one-half to one hour, they will be gathered in dense clumps between which the fluid is clear and free from bacteria, and only upon the edges of the agglutinated masses may slight motility be observed. The degree of dilution and the time of exposure at which such a reaction may be regarded as of specific diagnostic value, have been largely a matter of empirical de- termination. It is generally accepted at present that complete agelu- tination within one hour in dilutions from 1 : 40 to 1 : 60 is definite prcof of the existence of typhoid infection. Exceptions, however, to this rule may occur. Agglutinations of typhoid bacilli in dilutions of 1 : 40, and over, have occasionally been observed in cases of jaundice and of tuberculosis, and these conditions must occasionally be consid- ered, though their importance was formerly exaggerated. The method of making the Widal test from a drop of whole blood, dried upon a slide, is not to be recommended, as accuracy in dilution by this method is practically impossible. As stated above, the agglutinin reaction rarely appears in typhoid fever before the beginning of the second week. It may continue during convalescence for as long as six to eight weeks and occasionally, in cases where there is a chronic infection of the gall-bladder, a Widal reac- tion may be present for years after an attack. For very exact work, even in clinical cases, the microscopic agglu- tination method may be replaced by macroscopic agglutination, ac- cording to the technique described in another section (page 229). In order to avoid both the necessity of keeping alive typhoid cultures for routine agglutination tests and also to preclude the danger of in- fection by the use of living culture, Ficker + has recommended the use of typhoid bacilli killed by formalin. This method has no advan- tages for practical purposes and in scientific bacteriological work it is, of course, not to be considered in comparison with the other exact methods. Precipitins.—The investigations of Kraus? in 1897, by which the 1 Ficker, Berl. klin. Woch., xlviii, 1903. 2 Kraus, Wien. klin. Woch., xxxii, 1897. 424 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS precipitins were discovered, revealed specific precipitating substances, among others, also in typhoid immune sera. Since Kraus’ original in- vestigation, these substances have been studied by Norris * and others.’ Opsonins.—A number of observers have shown that opsonins specific for the typhoid bacillus are formed in animals immunized with these organisms. Opsonins are formed also in patients suffering from typhoid fever, but exact opsonic estimations in all these cases are extremely difficult because of the rapid lysis which these bacteria may undergo both in the serum, and intracellularly after ingestion by the leucocytes. Klein * has attempted in part to overcome this difficulty by working with dilutions of serum and at the same time using comparatively thick bacterial emulsions and exposures to the phagocytic action not exceed- ing ten minutes. Chantemesse * has claimed that the opsonic index of typhoid patients was increased after treatment with a serum obtained by him from immunized horses, and Harrison * has reported similar results in patients treated by a modification of Wright’s method of active immunization. Klein claims to have demonstrated that in typhoid-immune rabbits, after five injections, the opsonic contents of the blood were increased to an equal extent with the bactericidal sub- stances. He concludes from this interesting observation that it may well be that the opsonins are quite as important in typhoid immunity as are the latter substances. For diagnostic purposes in typhoid fever the estimation of the opsonic index, so far, has not been proven to be of great value. Specific Therapy in Typhoid Fever.—The failure to produce a soluble toxin from typhoid cultures has naturally so far precluded the possibility of an antitoxic therapy, such as that which has been successful in diph- theria. In the light of our present knowledge of the poisonous products of the typhoid bacillus it seems but natural that attempts by earlier investigators to apply the principles of Behring’s work to typhoid fever were doomed to fail. Attempts to employ specific bactericidal and hac- teriolytic sera for therapeutic purposes in this disease have also been without favorable result. Active Immunization.—We have seen that work by Pfeiffer and Kolle and subsequently by a large number of others has shown that it is com- 1 Norris, Jour. of Inf. Dis., I, 3, 1904. 2 Barker and Cole, 22d Ann. Session, Assn. of Amer. Phys., Wash., 1897. 3 Klein, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1907. 4 Chantemesse, 14th Internatl. Cong. for Hyg., Berlin, 1907. 6 Harrison, Jour. Royal Army Med. Corps, 8, 1907. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 425 paratively easy to immunize animals actively against typhoid infection by the systematic injection of graded doses, at first of dead bacilli, later of fully virulent live cultures. Attempts to apply these principles pro- phylactically have been made recently on a large scale by Wright and his associates upon English soldiers in South Africa, and by German observers in German East Africa. The first recorded experiment of this sort which was done upon human beings was that of Pfeiffer and Kolle,’ who in 1896 treated two in- dividuals with subcutaneous injections of an agar culture of typhoid bacilli which had been sterilized at 56° C. The first injection was made with two milligrams of this culture. Three or four hours after the in- jection the patient suffered from a chill, his temperature gradually rose to 105° F., and there was great prostration and headache, but within twenty-four hours the temperature had returned to normal. This experiment showed that such injections could be practiced upon human beings without great danger. Simultaneously with the work of Pfeiffer and Kolle, Wright * con- ducted similar experiments on officers and privates in the English army. The actual number of persons treated directly or indirectly under Wright’s * supervision in an investigation covering a period of over four years comprised almost one hundred thousand cases. The methods employed by Wright have been modified several times by him and his collaborators in minor details; the principles, however, have remained consistently the same. In the first experiments Wright employed an agar culture three weeks old, grown at 37° C., then sterilized at a tem- perature below 60° C., and protected from contamination by the ad- dition of five-tenths per cent of carbolic acid. Later, Wright * employed bacilli grown in a neutral one-per-cent pepton bouillon in shallow layers or flasks. Great importance is attached both to the virulence of the ty- phoid strain, which may to a moderate extent be standardized by pas- sage through guinea-pigs, and to care in using low temperatures for final sterilization. The temperature recommended by Harrison,’ working with Wright’s method, is 52° C., after which the cultures are carbolized. For the first dose in a human being, Wright recommends 1 Pfeiffer und Kolle, Deut. med. Woch., xxii, 1896; xxiv, 1898. 2 Wright, Lancet, Sept., 1896. 3 Wright and Semple, Brit. Med. Jour., 1897; Wright and Leishman, Brit. Med. Jour., Jan., 1900. 4 Wright, Brit. Med. Jour., 1901; Lancet, Sept., 1902; Brit. Med. Jour., Oct., 1903. 5 Harrison, Jour. Royal Army Medical Corps, 1907. 426 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS the quantity of bacilli fatal for 100 grams of guinea-pig. The dose may also, according to Wright, be regulated by making numerical counts of the emulsions used, by his usual method of counting against red blood corpuscles, and using for the first injection 750 to 1,000 millions of dead bacteria. The second injection, given after eleven days, should be double this quantity. Usually the first dose is followed by local inflammatory symptoms and the general systemic symptoms of toxemia. These, however, usually disappear after forty-eight hours. Although the observations of Wright are extensive, it is nevertheless extremely difficult to tabulate satisfactory statistics from a mass of experiments which must of necessity be observed by a large number of individuals, in all of whom the personal equation modifies the results of the observations. On the whole, however, it seems fair to state that distinctly advantageous results followed the active immunization prac- ticed by Wright. Wright’s’ own estimation, in a careful attempt to present the subject fairly, gives a reduction of the morbidity from typhoid fever in the British army of fifty per cent, and a reduction of the mortality of those who became infected in spite of inoculations of fifty per cent also. Combining these two results, the actual reduction of the death rate by the method of vaccination would appear to amount to at least seventy-five per cent. The method of Pfeiffer and Kolle, originally used by them in their experiments, has been extensively carried out by German observers upon the army taking part in the late East African campaign. Roughly, the method consists in the injection of salt-solution emul- sions of fresh agar cultures sterilized at 60° C. The results reported from a large material were in general favorable, indicating that the morbidity of all the troops taking part was reduced by the inoculation and that the death rate among the inoculated persons was lower than that among normal individuals. Recent extensive tests in the United States Army, carefully observed by Russell! and others, seem to have removed any doubt which may have existed as to the efficacy of prophylactic typhoid vaccination. How- ever, another point of importance in this connection has recently been raised by Metchnikoff and Besredka?. They vaccinated chimpanzees with typhoid bacilli and found that when emulsions of the clear bac- teria were used, protection was only slight. Better results were ob- 1 Russell, Am. Jour. of Med. Sc., exlvi., 1913. 2 Metchnikoff and Besredka, Am. de I’Inst. Past., 1911. BACILLUS OF TYPHOID FEVER 427 tained—that is, apparently complete protection within 8 to 10 days, when living sensitized bacteria were injected. (Bacteria which had been exposed to the action of inactivated immune serum.) Broughton! has applied this method to human beings. Gay ? has also prepared a sensitized dead typhoid vaccine which he has already used in a consid- erable number of cases. It will take some time, however, before a statistical estimation of the superiority of this method over the older vaccination with dead bacteria will be possible. BACILLUS FECALIS ALKALIGENES In 1896 Petruschky* described a bacillus which is a not infrequent inhabitant of the human intestine, being found chiefly in the lower part of the small intestine and the large intestine. This organism, which he called Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes, is of little pathogenic im- portance, although Neufeld states that he has seen a case of severe gastroenteritis in which the watery defecations contained this bacillus in almost pure culture. As a rule, however, this organism can not be regarded as pathogenic, and is important chiefly because of the ease with which it may be mistaken for Bacillus typhosus. Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes is an actively motile, Gram-negative bacillus, possessing, like the typhoid bacillus, numerous peritrichal fla- gella. On the ordinary culture media it grows like the typhoid bacillus. It does not coagulate milk. It produces no indol, and on sugar media in fermentation tubes produces no acid or gas. On potato, its growth, while somewhat heavier than that of the typhoid bacillus, is not suf- ficiently so to permit easy differentiation. It differs from Bacillus typhosus in that it produces no acid on any of the sugar media, and is therefore easily differentiated by cultivation upon Hiss-serum-water media or on pepton waters containing sugars. On the Hiss semi- solid tube-medium Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes, while clouding the medium throughout, grows most heavily on the surface where, eventu- ally, it forms a pellicle. 1 Broughton, C. R. de )’Acad. des Sc., cliv, 1911. 2 Gay, Arch. of Int. Med., 1914. 3 Petruschky, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xix, 1896. 28 CHAPTER XXVIII BACILLI OF THE COLON-TYPHOID-DYSENTERY GROUP (Continued) BACILLI INTERMEDIATE BETWEEN THE TYPHOID AND COLON ORGANIS MS (Bacilli of Meat Poisoning and Paratyphoid Fever) THERE is an extensive group of Gram-negative bacilli which be- cause of their morphology, cultural behavior, and pathogenic properties, are classified: as intermediate between the colon and the typhoid types. The microorganisms belonging to this group have been described, most of them, within the last fifteen years, but few of them have been fully identified with one another. They have been variously designated as the “hog-cholera group,” “the enteritidis group,” the “paracolon group” or “paratyphoid group,” because of the pathological conditions with which the chief members under investigation have been found associated. Attempts to systematize the group by the comparative study of a large number of its members have been made, notably by Buxton and by Durham,’ and the work of these writers, based on cultural and agelutinative studies, has added materially to our knowledge of these organisms, The microorganisms of this group are morphologically indistinguish- able from the colon and typhoid bacilli. They are Gram-negative and possess flagella. Their motility is variable, but usually approaches that of the typhoid bacilli in activity. They correspond, furthermore, to the two other groups in their cultural characteristics upon broth, agar, and gelatin. On potato, they vary, some of them approaching in deli- cacy the typhoid growth upon this medium, others more closely approximating the heavy brownish growth of B. coli. Indol is rarely formed by them, though this has not been absolutely constant in all descriptions. As a group, they are easily distinguished from Bacillus 1 Buazton, Jour. Med. Res., N.S., iii, 1900. 2 Durham, Jour. Exper. Med., v, 1901. 428 BACILLI BETWEEN TYPHOID AND COLON ORGANISMS 429 typhosus on the one hand, and from Bacillus coli on the other, by the following simple reactions tabulated by Buxton.' B. coli. | Intermediates. | B. typhosus. Coagulation of milk...................... Production of indol............0......0.00. Fermentation of lactose with gas .......... Fermentation of dextrose with gas......... Agglutination in typhoid-immune serum... . b++++ | The characteristics of the three groups as shown by fermentation tests may be tabulated as follows: Gas upon Gas upon Gas upon Dextrose. Lactose. Saccharose. Bi fy Phosus: .jo¢ ccs tca pian tee naw ae = - _ Intermediates ............0..0005- + - _ B. coli communis.................- + + = B. coli communior.................. + + + Pathogenically, the bacilli of this “intermediate group” have attracted attention chiefly in connection with meat poisoning, and with protracted fevers indistinguishable from mild typhoidal infections. In 1888, Gartner? described a bacillus which he isolated from the meat of a cow, the ingestion of which had produced the symptoms of acute gastrointestinal catarrh in fifty-seven people. One of these died of the disease and the bacilli could be demonstrated in the spleen and in the blood of the patient. This bacillus, called Bacillus enteritidis by Gartner, was actively motile, formed no indol, but produced gas in dextrose media. Acute gastrointestinal symptoms could be induced by feeding the organisms to mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits, and sheep, and the bacilli could be re- covered from the infected animals. An interesting observation, which has since become important in characterizing the group of these bacilli concerned in meat poisoning, was the fact that the bacterial bodies themselves were found by Gartner to be extremely toxic, containing a poison which, in contradistinction to the endotoxins of many other microorganisms, was extremely resistant to heat. Sterilized cultures showed the same pathogenic effects as the living bacilli. Epidemics 1 Buxton, loc, cit. 2 Gartner, Corresp. BI. d. Aerzt. Vereins, Turingen, 1888, 430 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS of meat poisoning similar to the one described by Gartner, in which similar bacteria were isolated, were those described by Van Ermengem,' occurring at Morseele in 1891, the one described by Holst,” the Rotter- dam epidemic described by Poels and Dhont,’ the one described by Basenau, and many others. Bacillus Morseele of Van Ermengem, Bacillus bovis morbificans of Basenau,’ and the bacilli isolated in similar epidemics by other ob- servers, are, except for slight differences in minor characteristics, almost identical with Gartner’s microorganism. In 1893, Theobald Smith and Moore,° studying the diseases of swine, noted a great similarity between the so-called hog-cholera bacillus, the bacilli of the Gartner group, and Bacillus typhi murium isolated by Loeffler. These observers first used the term “hog-cholera” group for the organisms under discussion. In 1899 Reed and Carroll * called attention to the fact that Bacillus icteroides, associated by Sanarelli with yellow fever, was culturally closely similar to the bacillus of hog cholera. Meanwhile, other observers had been isolating bacilli, similar to those spoken of above, from cases of protracted fevers in human beings, often closely simulating typhoid infections. The first cases of this kind on record were those of Achard and Bensaude.’ In 1897, Widal and Nobecourt * described a bacillus which they had isolated from an esophageal abscess following typhoid fever, which closely resembled Bacillus psittacosis of Nocard,’® and which, following a nomenclature previously suggested by Gilbert,” they designated the paracolon bacillus. This microorganism, as well as Bacillus psittacosis, isolated from a parrot by Nocard, showed a close resemblance to bacilli of the Gartner group. In 1898, Gwyn" reported a case occurring at the Johns Hopkins 1Van Ermengem, Bull. Acad. d. méd. de Belgique, 1892; ‘‘ Trav. de lab. de Vuniv. de Gand,” 1892. 2 Holst, Ref. Cent. f: Bakt., xvii, 1895. 3 Poels und Dhont, Holland Zeit. f. Tierheilkunde, xxiii, 1894. 4 Basenau, Arch. f. Hyg., xx, 1894. 5 Th. Smith and Moore, U. 8. Bureau of Animal Industry Bull. vi, 1894. 6 Reed and Carroll, Medical News, lxxiv, 1899. 7 Achard and Bensaude, Bull. de la soc. d. hépitaux de Paris, Nov., 1906. 8 Widal et Nobecourt, Semaine méd., Aug., 1897. 9 Nocard, Ref. Baumgarten’s Jahresb., 1896. 10 Gilbert, Semaine méd., 1895. 4 Gwyn, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1898. BACILLI BETWEEN TYPHOID AND COLON ORGANISMS 431 Hospital, which presented all the symptoms of typhoid féver, but lacked serum agglutinating power for Bacillus typhosus. From the blood of the patient, Gwyn isolated an organism, with cultural characteristics similar to those of the Gartner bacillus, which he called-a “ paracolon bacillus.” This bacillus was agglutinated specifically by the serum of the patient. Cushing,’ in 1900, isolated a similar microorganism from a cos- tochondral abscess, appearing during convalescence from typhoid fever. In the same year, Schottmiiller * reported five cases from which bacilli similar to those previously described were isolated. Careful cultural and agglutination studies of the microorganisms obtained from these cases showed that they could be divided into two similar, yet distinctly different types, one of them, the “Miller” organism, approaching closely to the typhoid type, especially in its growth upon potato; the other, the “Seeman” type, corresponding more closely to the Gartner enteritidis bacilli. Similar cases were soon after reported by Kkurth,’ Buxton and Coleman,‘ Libman,° and others. The two types of organisms, paratyphoid A and B, described by Schottmiiller and studied by many other observers, can be culturally differentiated though not without difficulty. Type A is more delicate in its growth on various media than B, growing with almost invisible growth on potato, and differing from typhoid in its gas formation on dextrose broth only. Milk is not co- agulated, but remains turbid, not being finally cleared by solution of the casein as in similar cultures of type B. Lactose whey is acidified and remains acid. This organism is not very important as a causative agent of human disease, and has been isolated from thenormal intestines of animals by Morgan. Kutscher for this reason suggests that essen- tially and except in rare instances this organism is a non-pathogenic saprophyte. Type B grows more heavily on all media than A, especially on potato (though this is not universally reported). Milk is slightly acid- 1 Cushing, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1900. 2 Schottmiller, Deut. med. Woch., 1900; Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvi. 3 Kurth, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. 4 Buxton and Coleman, Proc. N. Y. Pathol. Soc., Feb., 1902. 5 Tnbman, Jour. Med. Res., N. 8., iii, 1902. 6 Morgan, cited from Kutscher, Kolle und Wassermann, Handbiich. Erganzungs, I. 432 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS ified at first, but eventually is rendered strongly alkaline and cleared up, possibly by casein solution. On lactose whey is alkalined and becomes strongly blue. Eventual differentiation in doubtful cases must be made by agglu- tination. Infection with type B is not uncommon and far outstrips that with type A in importance. Clinically, the diseases caused by the bacteria of this class may be divided into two main groups. I. Those which fall into the category of meat poisoning, having a sudden and violent onset of gastroenteric symptoms directly following the ingestion of meat, and characterized by profound toxemia; and II. Those in which the disease simulates a mild form of typhoid fever, differing from this only by the absence of the specific agglutination re- action for typhoid bacilli. The differential diagnosis between the second type of case and true typhoid fever may be extremely difficult. However, careful studies by Lentz? and others have revealed certain differences which though not conclusive are at least of some aid in determining the nature of the disease. In contradistinction to true typhoid the temperature reaction of this case may set in more abruptly and remain more irregular throughout the disease. Gastric symptoms, vomiting, and nausea are often more prominent than in typhoid fever and enlargement of the spleen is less regularly present than in the latter. Owing to the low mortality of paratyphoid fever (in 120 cases observed by Lentz less than 4 per cent, and in many other smaller epidemics no deaths have occurred), we have remained relatively ignorant concerning the pathologic anatomy of the disease. Longcope? observed a case which was fatal after two weeks of illness in which there was no enlargement of Peyer’s patches and no sign of even beginning ulceration. This seems to have been the experience of most other observers who have found less involvement of the lymphatics of the bowel than is found in typhoid fever. During the disease the bacteria can often be cultivated from the blood, and the serum of the patient may agglutinate specifically paratyphoid strains. In this way the diagnosis can often be made. Libmann ? has isolated the organism from the fluid aspirated from the gall bladder in a case operated on for cholecystitis. Most of these microorganisms possess pathogenicity for mice, guinea- 1 Lentz, Klin. Jahrb. xiv, 1914. 2 Longcope, Amer. Jour. of Med. Sciences, exxiv, 1902. 3 Libmann, Jour. of Med. Res., viii, 1902. BACILLI BETWEEN TYPHOID AND COLON ORGANISMS 433 pigs, and rabbits, which exceeds that of the colon or typhoid bacilli. A number of the bacilli of this group, furthermore, especially those most closely similar to the original B. enteritidis of Gartner, contain an endo- toxin which shows a high resistance to heat, which may explain the fact that illness has occasionally followed the ingestion of infected meat even after preparation by cooking. Bacteriological correlation of these bacilli has been attempted, as stated above, by Durham and by Buxton, and more recently by Kutscher and Meinicke.!. The subject is a difficult one and for ultimate clearness will require much further work. Harding and Ostenberg? have examined a series of organisms of the intermediate group on various sugars, and find that by the use of xylose and arabinose three definite groups can be established. I. Those making aldehyd (red) on fuchsin-sulphite agar with both arabinose and xylose—both Schottmiiller types A and B and strains of Bacillus enteritidis. IJ. Red on arabinose and not on xylose—typhi murium, para- typhoid Gwyn, paratyphoid Loomis, and three others. III. Red on xylose and not on arabinose—B. hog cholera. This work was carefully carried out and may possibly point toward an ultimate classification. However, the strains employed were too few to permit definite conclusions at present. Durham,’ on the basis of cultural and agglutinative studies, has formulated a classification of the Gram-negative bacilli of the typhoid- colon and allied groups, which, though hardly final, aids considerably in throwing light upon the interrelationships of the various species. Durham’s divisions are as follows: Division I. Typhoid-like Morphology (motile). A. No sugars fermented. Type B. fecalis alkaligenes. B. Acid in dextrose, but no gas. Type B. typhosus. Agglutination in typhoid serum. C. Acid in dextrose, but gas only when other constituents are favor- able. No acid or gas from lactose or saccharose. No agglutination in typhoid serum. Includes Bacillus “Gwyn” and Bacillus “O” of Cushing. D. Acid and gas from dextrose. No acid or gas from lactose or 1 Kutscher und Meinicke, Zeit. f. Hyg., lii, 1906. 2 Harding and Ostenberg, Jour. of Inf. Dis., ii, 1912. 3 Durham, loc. cit. 434 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS saccharose. Grows more rapidly than typhoid. No agglutination in colon-immune serum. Slight reaction with some typhoid sera. Includes Gartner’s B. enteritidis, B. Morseele, Gunther’s meat-poisoning bacillus, hog cholera bacillus, B. psittacosis, B, morbificans bovis, Durham’s Bacillus A,” B. typhi murium. Drviston II. Colon-like Morphology (motile). E. Acid and gas from dextrose, none from lactose or saccharose. Rate of growth and colony appearance more like colon than typhoid. F. Acid and gas from dextrose, and no gas from lactose. Types isolated by Durham. ’ G. Acid and gas from dextrose; acid, no gas, from lactose. Differ from F in serum reactions. H. B. coli communis. Acid and gas from dextrose and lactose; none from saccharose. I. B. coli communior. Acid and gas from dextrose, lactose, and saccharose. Division III. Non-motile. Polysaccharide splitters (starch). Type B. lactis aérogenes. Includes bacilli of mucosus capsulatus group, and Friedlander’s bacillus. CHAPTER XXIX BACILLI OF THE COLON-TYPHOID-DYSENTERY GROUP (Continued) THE DYSENTERY BACILLI ALTHOUGH acute dysentery has been an extremely prevalent disease, occurring almost annually in epidemic form insome of the Eastern coun- tries and appearing sporadically all over the world, its etiology was obscure until 1898 when Shiga! described a bacillus which he isolated from the stools of patients suffering from this disease in Japan, and es- tablished with scientific accuracy its etiological significance. Since the discovery of Shiga’s bacillus a number of other bacilli have been de- scribed by various workers, all of which, while showing slight biological differences from Shiga’s microorganism, are sufficiently similar to it culturally and pathogenically to warrant their being classified together with it in a definite group under the heading of the “dysentery bacilli.” The manner in which Shiga made his discovery furnishes an in- structive example of the successful application of modern bacteriological methods to etiological investigation. Many workers preceding Shiga had attempted to throw light upon this subject by isolations of bacilli from dysenteric stools, and by extensive animal inoculation. Shiga, following a suggestion made by Kitasato, approached the problem by searching for a microorganism in the stools of dysentery patients which would specifically agglutinate with the serum of these patients. His labors were crowned with success in that he found, in thirty-six cases, one and the same microorganism which showed uniform serum agglu- tinations. Further, he found that this bacillus was not present in the dejections of patients suffering from other diseases nor in those of normal men, and that when tested against the blood serum of such people it was not agglutinated. Morphology.—Shiga’s bacillus is a short rod, rounded at the ends, 1 Shiga, Cent. f. Bakt., xxiii, 1898; ibid., xxiv, 1898; Deut. med. Woch., xliii, xliv, and xlv, 1901. 435 436 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS morphologically very similar to the typhoid bacillus, and, like it, inclined to involution forms. The organism generally occurs singly, more seldom in pairs. It is decolorized by Gram’s method of staining. With the ordinary anilin dyes it stains easily, showing a tendency to stain with slightly greater intensity at the ends. The organism is an aérobe and facultative anaérobe. Although described at first by Shiga as being motile, its motility has not been satisfactorily proven, and most observers agree in denying the presence of flagella and affirming the complete absence of motility. Cultural Characteristics—On agar the colonies are not characteristic, resembling those of the typhoid bacillus. On gelatin, the colonies appear very much like typhoid colonies and the gelatin is not liquefied. On potato, the growth, like that of typhoid, is at first not visible, but after about a week turns reddish brown. In broth, there is clouding, with moderate deposits after some days. No pellicle is formed. Milk is not coagulated. Litmus milk shows a slight primary acidity, later again becoming alkaline and taking on a progressively deeper blue color. Indol is not formed in pepton water by all varieties. No gas is formed in media containing dextrose, lactose, saccharose, or other carbohydrate. While not delicately susceptible to reaction, the bacillus prefers slightly alkaline media. Shiga differentiated his organism from the typhoid bacillus chiefly by supposed differences'in colony characters and by the agglutination reaction. Following the work of Shiga, a large number of investigators turned their attention to the subject of dysentery, with the result that many new forms were discovered and at first a considerable amount of con- fusion prevailed. Flexner’ in 1899 investigated dysentery in the Philippines, and isolated a bacillus which, he considered, corresponded to Shiga’s organism. Strong and Musgrave” in 1900 described a bacillus isolated from 1 Flexner, Phila. Med. Jour., vi, 1900, and Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., xi, 1900. 3 Strong and Musgrave, Report Surg. Gen. of Army, Washington, 1900. THE DYSENTERY BACILLI 437 dysentery cases in the Philippines which was essentially like that of Flexner. Nearly simultaneously with the papers of Flexner and of Strong.and Musgrave, Kruse ! published investigations of an epidemic of dysentery occurring in Germany. His observations were of the greatest importance and largely formed the starting point of the further advances which have been made in the etiology of dysentery. Kruse’s organism was described as forming colonies on gelatin and agar, practically like those of Bacillus typhosus. Like this bacillus, no gas was formed from grape sugar, and the growth in milk and on potato, and even in Piorkowski’s urine gelatin, resembled that of Bacillus typhosus. According to Kruse, this organism was absolutely with- out motility. , In 1901 Kruse” contributed a second paper. In this, besides con- firming his previous observations, he described another class of organ- ism coming from cases which he designated as “pseudo-dysentery of insane asylums.” In the case of one patient, and at two autopsies, he isolated organisms which he could not distinguish morphologically or cul- turally from the true dysentery bacillus, but which showed differences in their serum reaction. By careful study of the behavior of these bacilli in the serum of patients and in immune serum from animals, he not only showed that they were different from his original cultures from cases of epidemic dysentery which, no matter what their source, were found to be alike, but that they showed differences among themselves and apparently fell into two or more varieties. One of these organisms culturally and by its serum reactions showed itself practically identical with one of the cultures he had received from Flexner. Spronck * in 1901 described an organism isolated in Utrecht from dysentery cases, which showed great similarity to the Shiga-Kruse organism; but, when tested in the serum of a horse immunized against true dysentery bacillus, showed practically no agglutination. He placed this organism in the group designated by Kruse as the “ pseudo-dysentery bacilli.” His communication is of importance, since it is the first re- ported instance in which any investigator had recognized and associated the so-called pseudo-dysentery bacilli with dysentery approaching the acute epidemic form in type. Following this work a number of investigators, including Vedder 1 Kruse, Deut. med. Woch., xxvi, 1900. 2 Kruse, Deut. med. Woch., xxvii, 1901. 3 Spronck, Ref. Baumgarten’s Jahresber., 1901. 438 PAFHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS and Duval,' Flexner, and Shiga ? himself, published communications in which they claimed identity for the various forms previously described. In 1902 Park* and Dunham described an organism which they found in a small outbreak of dysentery occurring in Maine. This organism differed from most of those previously described in that it was found to produce indol in pepton solutions. In the same year Martini‘ and Lentz published an article in which they attempted to differentiate various dysentery bacilli by means of agglutination. This research is of importance in that it supported the work of Kruse and of Spronck, indicating a difference between the ag- glutinative character of the Kruse organism and the so-called “ pseudo- dysentery” type, in which Flexner’s organisms were included. It is of further interest, since it indicated a marked difference between Flexner’s Philippine cultures and the Philippine culture of Strong, the Strong organism refusing to agglutinate not only in “Shiga” immune serum, but also in “Flexner” immune serum. Simultaneously with this article Lentz ® published the results of com- parative cultural researches with dysentery and “pseudo-dysentery ” bacilli, in which he made the important observation that the original Shiga-Kruse bacilli did not affect mannit, while the “pseudo-dysentery ” bacilli, including Flexner’s and Strong’s Philippine cultures, fermented mannit, giving rise to a distinct acid reaction in the medium. The Flexner organisms and others of the “pseudo-dysentery” bacilli, how- ever, fermented maltose, while the Shiga-Kruse type, as well as Strong’s bacillus, left it unchanged at the end of forty-eight hours. In January, 1903, Hiss and Russell * described a bacillus (“Y”) from a case of fatal diarrhea in a child, which by ordinary cultural test and absence of motility was found to resemble the Shiga-Kruse and Flexner bacilli. Immediately upon its isolation, it was found, however, to differ from the Kruse culture by its ability to ferment mannit. This observa- tion was made independently of Lentz’s work, which, at that time, had not become known in America. In the comparative study of Hiss and Russell on the fermentative abilities of various dysentery cultures, the serum water media (described on page 132) were used. By the use of 1 Vedder and Duval, Jour. Exp. Med., vi, 1902. 2 Shiga, Zeit. f. Hyg., 41, 1902. 3 Park and Dunham, N. Y. Univ. Bull. of Med. Sci., 1902. 4 Martini und Lentz, Zeit. f. Hyg., xli, 1902. 5 Lentz, Zeit. f. Hyg., xli, 1902. ° Hiss and Russell, Med. News, Feb., 1903. THE DYSENTERY BACILLI 439 these media, it was found that the Kruse culture, a culture of Flexner’s bacillus from the Philippines, and Duval’s “New Haven” culture fer- mented dextrose with the production of a solid acid coagulum, but did not affect mannit, maltose, saccharose, or dextrin. The culture of Hiss and Russell, on the other hand, fermented not only dextrose but also mannit with the production of acid and coagulation of the medium. Maltose, saccharose, and dextrin were not fermented. The “Y” bacillus, furthermore, was shown to differ entirely from the cultures of Shiga, Kruse, and ‘‘New Haven” in the serum of immunized animals. This serum had for bacillus “Y” a titer of 1 : 500 while the three other above- named organisms did not agglutinate in it at any dilution. In normal beef serum, the Hiss-Russell organism was found to agglutinate as highly at 1 : 320, while the other three cultures gave no reaction in dilutions of over 1 : 10 or 20. Park and Carey,! in March, 1903, described an epidemic of dysen- tery occurring in the town of Tuckahoe, near New York City, and isolated an organism which resembled the Shiga-Kruse bacilli in not fermenting mannit, but produced indol in pepton solution after five days. It corresponded in agglutination with the cultures “ New Haven” and “Shiga” when tested in the serum of a goat immunized against the mannit-fermenting culture “Baltimore,” 7.e., did not react at 1:50, whereas Flexner’s “ Manila” and “Baltimore” cultures, Park and Dun- ham’s “Seal Harbor” culture, and some New York cultures, all fer- menting mannit, agglutinated up to two thousand dilution in the “ Bal- timore” serum. The preceding review of a part of the literature, by which our knowl- edge of the dysentery bacilli was developed, demonstrates sufficiently that we have to deal in this group with a number of different micro- organisms. This, as we have seen, was a fact first recognized by Kruse when he spoke of his true dysentery and his pseudo-dysentery strains. In spite of much confusion at first, the careful study of fermentation phenomena, of specific agglutinations, and, more recently, by Ohno’ and others, of the bacteriolytic phenomena in immune sera, has made it possible to distinguish sharply between a number of groups. Basing the grouping of these microorganisms upon a careful study of fermentations, Hiss * has divided them as follows: 1 Park and Carey, Jour. Med. Res., ix, 1903. 2 Ohno, Philippine Jour. of Sci., 1, ix., 1906. 3 Hiss, Jour. Med. Res., N. 8., viii, 1904. 440 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS “ Shiga ” “Kruse,” Ferment dextrose. Group I. “New Haven” “Y” (Hiss and Russell type) “ Seal Harbor” “Diamond” Ferment dextrose and mannit. Group II. “Ferra” wi 55 \ Ferments dextrose, mannit, saccharose mispng™: (ype) 3 § Group IIL. “Harris” (type) “Gray” Ferment dextrose, mannit, maltose, saccha- “Baltimore” rose, dextrin. Group IV. “Wollstein” It was noticed, it should be mentioned, however, that in the case of the “Y,” “Diamond,” and “ Ferra” there was usually delayed acid fermen- tation of maltose, never any of dextrin. In studying the agglutinative characters of these groups, furthermore, it was found that fermentation tests and agglutinations went hand in hand. The following table will illustrate this point:! SeruM oF RaBBIT IMMUNIZED AGAINST Group I. (Shiga’s culture). Bacilli of Group I.: “Shiga” (homologous).............00 0000 c cece cece eens 20,000 SUISTUSE!? -cuys acanind Oke Hts RE RR ERE eased ope ee ear 20,000 New Haven?’ 14 auacadiotnncing aac creat aacemasuean ae ete nen 20,000 Bacilli of Group IL.: ENON Sele alee gid stan paalaudig-aine Baw cee TIGA ee ees) RN etciene eee eae ea as 200 OMerrar’ giac ves sae ea Mo ey Ms Ca ee Wins ee eda eens Ghee gues 200 “Seal Harbor? 2s v2 sate? $e4ak 6 dice ucvanta aueivad duke ne Mane & 200 Bacilli of Group IV.: BAUM OLE!” see 2220. 2g nae W ae Shenin coe an ee eine Metaaes vole aa 800 POET STEDIS Hef a theo hose nce At nies, Sao are marae wae Gtk OA ON 800 EGTA 5 a8 artnet tease ance Sana Sooo Gh a eae eS os Wee TUE SAREE Saleen 800 OWollsteim:? :asz.23a0%s karcie ysiAlniemiretar gCu wien ek Wee ou «Maron hase 800 Serum oF RaBBIT IMMUNIZED AGAINST Group II. (“Y” culture, Hiss and Russell). Bacilli of Group I.: “GRIGG ec tones names eee eee awe os eae eel less than 100 SOIRT USE ehh cath Seam ane =e hereon Saree ks Ma ac cle tia oe te 100 SONG Laven 2 ache tncdkindle nen Gry df ecnceh digk Weide o aiand duis madaneee ee 100 1 Hiss, Jour. of Med. Research, 13, N.8., viii, 1904. THE DYSENTERY BACILLI 441 Bacilli of Group IL.: “Y” (homologous) ......... 0. cece eect eee eeaee 6,400 MME GELAN = sass acics acters leas Saeed apte Ad Ned OAae pea ACA OEE 6,400 Seal AP DOP: vic. z-seia Poca wes AKAD DAH Ween valedeae «wen ae 6,400 Bacilli of Group IV.: *BaltinOre” sesame chan come yee damian MEG Se ed Meee 1,600 MERAY 5 2 sates i aps spec ete ied cece gees ios act a NEE eS 1,600 ORT ARTIS! 2 2 sent av pikate me i aiid and aescrend pagralane ad saie tuaeta an ere See 1,600 “Wollsteins?’ 4 sis nanededa’s ce dats aka oer ute eey Meee ye 1,600 Serum oF RABBIT IMMUNIZED AGAINST GRouP IV. (“Baltimore” culture). Bacilli of Group I.: ROOMBA Sx ace ase aeualel HER SU amet Ge BAS less than 100 SUK TUBE suas S tists 4 abies, tscascin aad pl Gnd Recin MONE aurea SUNS ed 100 MING yw Haven (acetal acta heanin ye ate codaant-s mum d Reareuarhonnek & ANAS 100 Bacilli of Group IL.: RONG lia ah lls bak 3 ie toh os chattel Ge deeticlatls ash oane GR Re eS eS 400 SHEA acces na Green tedden eka eeaR edo Lee ee ent 400 “SOA Harr? a cicacren aay aon vinta Gaskd bak Canes Sate aed 4 aa Owe 400 Bacilli of Group IV.: “Baltimore” (homologous)............. 000 cee cee eens 3,200 ROTA AS! cece See crs esti 2h qui geeav tg: otto sx regres diene cera en ay eae ete 3,200 "AGAVE. ines. kockine Panis s ealcihaaa Ope eben clay eee s SaPnete aay 3,200 “Weollstein’” 17. secitinan easy van Bee eas wd scare heme vas 3,200 In common, all these groups possess an identical morphology, the Gram-negative staining characteristics, the lack of motility with close adherence to the line of inoculation in the Hiss tube medium, the in- ability to liquefy gelatin, the inability to form acid from lactose, and the inability to produce gas from any carbohydrate media. Biological Considerations.—The dysentery bacilli in neutral broth or upon agar slants may remain alive without transplantation for periods of several months. They are aérobes and facultative anaérobes when proper sugars are present, preferring, however, the aérobic environ- ment. They are easily destroyed by heat, an exposure to 60° C. killing them usually in a short time (ten minutes). Against cold they show considerable resistance, surviving freezing for a period of several weeks. They show little resistance to the usual strengths of the common chem- ical disinfectants. Pathogenicity.—There is practically no doubt at the present time as to the etiological connection between the bacilli of this group and the dis- eases clinically classified as acute dysentery. A more chronic form of 442 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS dysentery due to a protozoan, the Ameeba coli, though presenting much clinical resemblance to the bacillary dysenteries is, neverthcless, an entirely distinct disease. Infection takes place, probably, entirely by ingestion of the bacteria with infected water or food contaminated from the feces of dysentery patients. A small epidemic occurring in a hospital in New York City and caused by the bacillus “Y” of Hiss.and Russell was indirectly traced to milk by Zinsser.’ Endemic in a large part of the world, especially in the warmer climates, the disease most frequently occurs in epidemics of more or less definite localization, usually under conditions which accompany the massing of a large number of human beings in one place, such as those which occur in the crowded quarters of unsanitary towns, in insti- tutions such as insane asylums, or in military camps. The mortality of such epidemics may be very large. According to Shiga,” the disease in Japan frequently shows a mortality of over twenty per cent. The disease in human beings usually begins as an acute gastro- enteritis which is accompanied by abdominal pain and diarrhea. As it becomes more severe, the colicky pains and diarrhea increase, the stools lose their fecal character, becoming small in quantity and filled with mucus and flakes of blood. There is often severe tenesmus at this stage, and the bacilli are present in large numbers in the dejecta. Owing to the absorption of toxic products, symptoms referable to the nervous system, such as muscular twitching, may supervene, and if the disease is at all prolonged, there are marked inanition and prostration. At autopsy in early stages there may be found only a severe catar- rhal inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. In the later stages there are extensive ulcerations, and the bacteria are histologically found lodged within the depths of the mucosa and sub- mucosa. Occasionally they may penetrate to the mesenteric glands, but as far as we know there is no penetration into the general circulation. Poisonous Products of the Dysentery Bacillii—The separate types of .. dysentery bacilli vary exceedingly in their powers to pro luce toxic substances. Of all the various types which have been described, the strongest poisons have been produced with bacilli of the Shiga-Kruse variety, less regularly active ones with bacilli of the Flexner and of the “Y” type. In fact, investigations carried out with the Shiga bacillus have tended to show that the disease itself is probably a true toxemia, 4 Zinsser, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., 1907. 2? Shiga, Cent. f. Bakt., xxiii, 1898. THE DYSENTERY BACILLI 443 its symptoms being referable almost entirely to the absorption of the poisonous products of the bacillus from the intestine. The earliest investigations, carried on chiefly upon rabbits, which are more susceptible to this poison than any other animals, showed that even small doses of cultures of this bacillus administered intravenously or subcutaneously would produce death within a very short time. Conradi,' Vaillard’ and Dopter, and others, finding that toxic symptoms were almost as pronounced when dead cultures were given as when the living bacilli were administered, came to the conclusion that the poisons of this bacillus were chiefly of the endotoxin type. More recently Todd,’ Kxraus,‘ and Rosenthal> have claimed independently that they were able to demonstrate strong soluble toxins, similar in every way to diph- theria toxin. Kraus and Doerr,’ moreover, claim to have further cor- roborated this by producing specific antitoxins with these substances. It is easy to obtain poisonous substances from dysentery cultures in considerable strength, both by extracting the bacilli themselves and by filtration of properly prepared cultures. It is therefore not unlikely that both types of poison are produced by the bacilli. Neisser and Shiga’ obtained toxins by emulsifying agar cultures in sterile salt solution, killing the bacilli at 60° C., and allowing them to extract at 37.5° C. for three days or more. The filtrates from such emul- sions were extremely toxic. The simplest method of obtaining poisons from these bacilli is to cultivate them for a week or longer upon moder- ately alkaline meat-infusion broth. At the end of this time, the micro- organisms themselves may be killed by heating to 60° and the cultures filtered. According to Doerr,® the toxins may be obtained in the dry state by precipitation with ammonium sulphate and re-solution of the precipitate in water. The action of the dysentery toxin upon animals is extremely characteristic and throws much light upon the disease in man. The injection of a large dose intravenously into rabbits causes a rapid fall in temperature, marked respiratory embarrassment, and a violent 1Conradi, Deut. med. Woch., 1903. 2 Vaillard et Dopter, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1903. 3 Todd, Brit. Med. Jour., Dec., 1903, and Jour. of Hyg., 4, 1904. 4 Kraus, Monatschr. f. Gesundheit, Suppl. 11, 1904. 5 Rosenthal, Deut. med. Woch., 1904. 6 Kraus und Doerr, Wien. klin. Woch., xlii, 1905. 7 Neisser and Shiga, Deut. med. Woch., 1903. 8 Doerr, ‘“ Das Dysenterietoxin,” Jena, 1907. 29 444 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS diarrhea. This is at first watery, later contains large amounts of blood. If the animals live a sufficient length of time, paralysis may occur, the animal may fall to one side or may drag its posterior extremities. It is a remarkable fact that intravenous inoculation gives rise to intestinal inflammation of a severe nature, unquestionably due to the excretion of the poison by the intestinal mucosa and limited, usually, to the ce- cum and colon, rarely attacking the small intestine. Flexner,’ who has experimented extensively upon this question, believes it probable that most of the pathological lesions occurring in the intestinal canal of dysen- tery patients are referable to this excretion of dysentery toxin, rather than to the direct local action of the bacilli. Toxins from the Shiga-Kruse type are the most potent and those which cause paralysis. Immunization with Dysentery Bacilli—The immunization of small animals, such as rabbits and guinea-pigs, against dysentery bacilli, especially those of the Shiga type, is attended with much difficulty, owing to the great toxicity of the cultures. Nevertheless, successful results may be accomplished by the administration of extremely small doses of living or dead bacilli, increased very gradually and at sufficient intervals. Horses may be more easily immunized. The serum of such actively immunized animals contains agglutinins in considerable con- centration and of a specificity sufficiently illustrated in the preceding section dealing with the identification of the various species. For diagnostic purposes in human beings, the agglutination reaction, accord- ing to the technique of the Widal reaction for typhoid fever, has been utilized by Kruse’? and others. According to most observers, normal human serum never agglutinates dysentery bacilli in dilutions greater than one in twenty, while the serum of dysentery patients will often be active in dilutions as high as one in fifty. Bactericidal substances have been demonstrated in the serum of im- munized animals as well as in the serum of diseased human beings. These have been determined, in vitro, by Shiga,* and by the intraperito- neal technique of Pfeiffer by Kruse.‘ Bacteriolysis may take place in high dilutions of the serum, and has recently been used for the differen- tiation of the types of the dysentery bacilli by Ohno.® True antitoxins in immune sera have been recently described by Kraus and Doerr.® 1 Flexner, Jour. Exp. Med., 8, 1906. 2 Kruse, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. 3 Shiga, Zeit. f. Hyg., xli. 4 Kruse, Deut. med. Woch., 1903. 5 Ohno, Philippine Jour. of Sci., vol. i, 1906. ® Kraws und Doerr, loc. cit. 445 THE DYSENTERY BACILLI “MUW ULUuoOLDOULICy YDYHIC fq pamojjoy hyrpis0 hao - UO01JOULAOJ SDH puD plory: GB * saypinbovoo wNnaas ay1 PUD Pet suan aniq survurss snuqyty aya tuoypuiioy proy: SNUL}L] IYF SUOIPPPUIAULAIy ON = ’ ow Ayybys (Aaojuashp wou), uasoy, snyprovg apyoul-u08N (adhy aauxsayy) oDIaajuashp +g sup ~<| 5] o[o/o/o|5/5/5 venues svO eNoW Ss SNADA SluNUtWOD 1];09 *q sv9 apyow 4] snsouydhjpvavnd +g eTIen ee snsoudhy -g sAkvp awos 13440 Ppaywausay 250) )0W ayyour-uoy (edhy yWessny-ss}py) eoitoyuashp «gq dyow-uoN (adhy asnay-v$1yg) avisajyuashp “gq ‘VIdG UALVM-NOAMAG ALVUCAHOPUVY a1HeW Sauc$ijoy]D sypoosy “gq syapmay umpeW ATW [4 peg 45) 4201] SHOW [EU 2 naa] Josoayxog PHos-11ag |sNuzt Ty} NI ITMOVG JO dNOUY) NOTOD-dIOHdAT-AUBLNASS(] AHL AO SNOILVININUGY GHL dO ANAHOG—'E6G ‘OLT 446 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Passive immunization of animals and human beings with the serum of highly immunized horses has been variously attempted by Shiga,’ Kraus,’ Gay,® and others. All these observers have reported distinct benefit to the patients and a reduction of the mortality by the use of such sera. Striking and rapid reductions of temperature and rapid con- valescence, after a single injection, have occasionally been observed. The earlier workers were inclined to attribute the beneficial results of these sera entirely to their bactericidal value. Todd has recently demonstrated that the mixture of such an immune serum with solutions of toxin and exposure of the mixture at 37.5° C. for a half hour would produce almost complete neutralization of the. poison, thus demonstrating that at least a large part of the beneficial action of the immune sera was due to a true antitoxic process. Be- cause of the different varieties of dysentery bacilli, polyvalent serum has been recommended. Prophylactic vaccination of human begins with dead dysentery cultures has, so far, led to no practical result. — Shiga, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. 2 Kraus, loc. cit. 3 Gay, Penn. Med. Bull., 1902. CHAPTER XXX BACILLUS MUCOSUS CAPSULATUS, BACILLUS LACTIS AEROGENES, BACILLUS PROTEUS BACILLUS MUCOSUS CAPSULATUS (Bacterium pneumonia, Friedldnder’s bacillus, Pneuwmobacillus) In 1882, Friedlinder * announced the discovery of a microorganism which he believed to be the incitant of lobar pneumonia and which, in his original communications, he described as a “ micrococcus.” A superficial morphological resemblance between Friedlander’s microorganism and Diplococcus lanceolatus, now recognized as the most frequent cause of lobar pneumonia, led, at first, to much confusion, and it was not until several years later, owing to the careful researches of Frankel ? and of Weichselbaum ,? that the “ micrococcus” of Friedlander was recognized as a short, encapsulated bacillus which occurred in lobar pneumonia exceptionally only. Similar bacilli were subsequently found by other observers, bacilli which, mainly upon morphological grounds, are classified together as the “Friedlander group,” or the “oroup of Bacillus mucosus capsulatus.” Morphology and Staining.—The Friedlander bacillus is a short, plump bacillus with rounded ends, subject to great individual variations as to size. Its average measurements are from 0.5 to 1.5 micra in width and 0.6 to 5 micra in length. Forms approaching both extremes may be met with in one and the same culture. The short, thick forms, frequently found in animal and human lesions, are almost coccoid and account for Friedlander’s error in first describing the bacillus as a micrococcus. The bacilli may be single, in diplo-form, or in short chains. They are non-motile and possess no flagella. Spores are not formed. The bacillus is characteristically surrounded by a well-developed capsule which is most perfectly demonstrated in preparations taken directly from some animal fluid, such as the secretion or exudate from infected areas. It is also seen, however, in smears made from agar ! Friedlinder, Virchow’s Arch., lxxxvii, 1882; Fort. d. Med., i, 1883; ibid., ii, 1884, 2 Frénkel, Zeit. f. klin. Med., x, 1886. * Weichselbaum, Med. Jahrb., Wien, 1886. 447 448 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS or gelatin cultures. The capsule is usually large, twice or three times the size of the bacillus itself. When seen in chains or in groups, several bacilli may appear to be inclosed in one capsule. Prolonged cultivation on agar or gelatin may result in disappearance of the capsule. The bacil- lus is easily stained with the ordinary dyes, but is decolorized when stained by the Gram-method. Capsules may often be seen when the more intense anilin dyes are employed. They are brought out with much regularity by any of the usual capsule stains. Cultivation —B. mucosus capsulatus is easily cultivated. It grows A ee ~ Z e a fe s + , * e se - & * oe . . e e se Ses coy ‘wis » 2 rd & ies VE « : Ce . e@ i 2 e Cod ae Ae ¥ ~* -a e , . ‘- e .* > = e ae © ~ “ e . ee ~ - * a! - . e- 4 * e > g 8 oe * e gg 4 zs . ji oo “| ‘“ e wa ‘+ @ j ~ ry * _ * a * eo @ e® Pig . @ * we % e @ a -» ¥ *» a e 4 me ve 4 = % « * ” \ 4 a * Fic. 94.—BaciLLus MUCOSUS CAPSULATUS, readily on all the usual culture media, both on those having a meat- infusion basis and on those made with meat extract. Growth takes place at room temperature (18° to 20°) and more rapidly at 37.5° C. A temperature of 60° C. and over kills the bacilli in a short time. The ther- mal death-point according to Sternberg is 56° C. Growth ceases below 10° to 12°C. Kept at room temperature and protected from drying, the bacillus may remain alive, in cultures, for several months. The bacillus is not very fastidious as to reaction of media, growing BACILLUS MUCOSUS CAPSULATUS 449 equally well on moderately alkaline or acid media. It is aérobic and facultatively anaérobic; growth under anaérobic conditions, however, is not luxuriant. On agar, growth appears in the form of grayish-white mucus-like colonies, having a characteristically slimy and semi-fluid appearance. Colonies have a tendency to confluence, so that on plates, after three or four days, a large part of the surface appears as if covered with a film of glistening, sticky exudate, which, if fished, comes off in a tenacious, stringy manner. It is often possible to make a tentative diagnosis of the bacillus from the appearance of this growth. In broth, there is rapid and abundant growth, with the formation of a pellicle, general clouding, and later the development of a profuse, stringy sediment. Stab cultures in gelatin show, at first, a white, thin line of growth along the course of the puncture. Soon, however, rapid growth at the top results in the formation of a grayish mucoid droplet on the surface, which, enlarging, gives the growth a nail-like appearance. This nail-shape was originally described by Friedlander and regarded as diag- nostic for the bacillus. The gelatin is not fluidified. As the culture grows older the entire surface of the gelatin tube may be covered with growth, flowing out from the edges of the nail-head. The gelatin acquires a darker color and there may be a few gas bubbles below the surface. Micro- scopically, colonies on gelatin plates have a smooth outline and a finely granular or even homogeneous consistency. On blood serum, a confluent mucus-like growth appears. On potato, abundant growth appears, slightly more brownish in color than that on other media. In pepton solutions, there is no indol formation. In milk, there is abundant growth and marked capsule develop- ment. Coagulation occurs irregularly. In considering the general cultural characteristics of the Fried- lander bacillus, it must not be forgotten that we are dealing with a rather heterogeneous group, the individuals of which are subject to many minor variations. Capsule development, lack of motility, in- ability to fluidify gelatin, failure to form indol, and absence of spores, are characteristics common to all. In size, general appearance, gas forma- tion, and pathogenicity, individual strains may vary much, one from the other. Strong' has studied various races as to gas formation and 1 Strong, Cent. f. Bakt., xxv, 1899. 450 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS concludes that most strains form gas from dextrose and levulose, but that lactose is fermented by some only. About two-thirds of the gas formed is hydrogen, the rest CO2. Acid formation, according to Strong, is also subject to much variation among different-races. Similar studies by Perkins! show that most of the ordinary cultural characteristics of bacilli of this group are extremely variable and can not serve as a basis for differentiation. Reactions on sugars, however, are more constant. Perkins suggests the following tentative division classes on this basis: J. All carbohydrates fermented with the formation of gas. II. All carbohydrates, except lactose, fermented with the formation of gas. III. All carbohydrates, except saccharose, fermented with the formation of gas. Type I. corresponds to B. aérogenes (Migula), Type II. to B. Friedlander or Bacterium pneumonie (Migula), and Type III. to Bacillus lactis aérogenes. Differentiation by means of serum reactions has not proved satis- factory.? Pathogenicity When Friedlander first described this microorganism, he assumed it to be the incitant of lobar pneumonia. Subsequent re- searches by Weichselbaum * and others have shown it to be etiologically associated with pneumonia in about seven or eight per cent of all cases. The percentage in this country is probably lower. Such cases can often be diagnosed by the presence of the bacilli in the sputum, which is pecul- iarly sticky and stringy. Cases of Friedlander pneumonia are extremely severe and usually fatal. The bacillus has been found in cases of ulcer- ative stomatitis and nasal catarrh; in two cases of severe tonsillitis in children (Zinsser); in the pus from suppurations in the antrum of High- more and the nasal sinuses (Frinkel and others), and in cases of fetid coryza (ozena), of which disease it is supposed by Abel + and others to be the specific cause. Whether the ozena bacillus represents a separate 1 Perkins, Jour. of Infect. Dis., I, No. 2, 1904. 2 J. G. Fitzgerald, who has recently made a careful study of the mucosus cap- sulatus group has concluded that present methods do not permit a subdivision of these organisms into separate species. He offers the following ‘‘tentative suggestion”: It is conceivable that mutations based on the necessity of maintaining a parasitic existence have caused Gram-negative bacilli found normally in the body elsewhere than in the intestinal tract to develop capsules for protection and a new group has arisen which we designate B. mucosus capsulatus; and the varieties B. aérogenes and B. acidi lactici connect the group with the non-encapsulated colon group.” 3 Weichselbaum, loc. cit. 4 Abel, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxi. BACILLUS OF RHINOSCLEROMA 451 species or not, can not at present be decided. The bacillus of Fried- lander has been found in empyema fluid, in pericardial exudate (after pneumonia), and in spinal fluid.!' Isolated cases of Friedlander bacillus septicemia have been described.? Being occasionally a saprophytic inhabitant of the normal intestine, it has been believed to be etiologic- ally associated with some forms of diarrheal enteritis. B. mucosus capsulatus is pathogenic for mice and guinea-pigs, less so for rabbits. Inoculation of susceptible animals is followed by local in- flammation and death by septicemia. If inoculation is intraperitoneal, there is formed a characteristically mucoid, stringy exudate. The question of immunization against bacilli of the Friedlander group is still in the stage of experimentation. Immunization with care- fully graded doses of dead bacilli has been successful in isolated cases. Specific agglutinins in immune serum have been found by Clairmont,’ but irregularly and potent only against the particular strain used for the immunization. OTHER BACILLI OF THE FRIEDLANDER GROUP Bacillus of Rhinoscleroma.—This bacillus, discovered by v. Frisch 4 in 1882, is a plump, short rod, with rounded ends, morphologically almost identical with Friedlander’s bacillus; it is non-motile and pos- sesses a distinct capsule. Although at first described as Gram-positive, it has been shown to be decolorized with this method of staining. Cul- turally it is almost identical with B. mucosus capsulatus. It forms slimy colonies, has a nail-like appearance in gelatin stab cultures, and in pepton solutions produces no indol. It differs from B. mucosus cap- sulatus (Wilde *) in forming no gas in dextrose bouillon, in producing no acid in lactose bouillon, and in never coagulating milk. Pathogenicity—The bacillus of rhinoscleroma is but moderately pathogenic for animals delicately susceptible to the bacillus of Fried- lander. Rhinoscleroma, the disease produced by this bacillus in man, consists of a slowly growing granulomatous inflammation, located usu- ally at the external nares or upon the mucosa of the nose, mouth, pharynx, or larynx. It is composed of a number of chronic, hard, nodular swellings, which, on histological examination, show granulation tissue and productive inflammation. In the meshes of the abundant 1 Jager, Zeit. f. Hyg., xix. 2 Howard, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., 1899. 3 Clairmont, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxix. 4, Frisch, Wien. med. Woch., 1882. 5 Wilde, Cent. f. Bakt., xx, 1896. 452 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS connective tissue lie many large swollen cells, the so-called ‘ Mikulicz cells.” ! The rhinoscleroma bacilli lie within these cells and in the intercellular spaces. They can be demonstrated in histological sections and can be cultivated from the lesions, usually in pure culture. Rhino- scleroma is rare in America. It is most prevalent in Southeastern Europe. The disease is slowly progressive and comparatively intract- able to surgical treatment, but hardly ever affects the general health unless by mechanical obstruction of the air passages. B. Ozene.—The work of Abel” and others has shown that ozena, or Fic. 95.—BacitLus or RuinoscueroMa. Section of tissue showing the micro- organisms within Mikulicz cells. (After Frankel and Pfeiffer.) fetid nasal catarrh, is almost always associated with a bacillus morpho- logically and culturally almost identical with B. mucosus capsulatus. The bacillus can not be definitely separated from the latter. According to Wilde*® it forms no gas in dextrose bouillon and is less pathogenic for mice than B. Friedlinder. Whether it is a separate species, or merely an atypical form changed by environment, can not be stated at present. 1 Mikulicz, Arch. f. Chir., xx, 1876. 2 Abel, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxi _ 3 Wilde, loc. cit. BACILLUS LACTIS AEROGENES 453 BACILLUS LACTIS AEROGENES Bacillus lactis aérogenes is the type of a group which is closely similar to the colon group and often distinguished from it with difficulty. It was first described by Escherich ! in 1885 who isolated it from the feces of infants. Since then it has been learned that this bacillus is almost constantly present in milk, and, together with one or two other micro- organisms, is the chief cause of the ordinary souring of milk. Apart from its occurrence in milk, moreover, the bacillus is widely distributed in nature, being found in feces, in water, and in sewage. It is distinguish- able from the colon bacillus chiefly by the fact that it is non-motile, possesses no flagella, hardly ever forms chains, and, when cultivated upon suitable media, especially milk, it possesses a distinct capsule. It differs from the colon bacillus, furthermore, in that it is capable of fermenting polysaccharids, such as starch, and does not form. indol upon pep- ton media. It is distinguishable from the bacillus of Friedlander (B. mucosus capsulatus), according to Wilde,’ by its more energetic gas formation in dextrose broth, its ability to produce acid on lactose media, and its invariable coagulation of milk. The bacillus is about 0.5 to 1 micron in width and 2 to 4 micra in length. It grows easily upon the simplest media, is a facultative anaé- robe, and grows most abundantly at a temperature between 25° and 30°C. Upon agar and gelatin it grows readily with a heavy white growth, the colonies of which have a tendency to confluence and are distinctly more mucoid in appearance than are those of Bacillus coli. In broth, it causes a general clouding and a pellicle. The cultures have a slightly sour or cheesy odor. On potato, the growth is heavy and gas is formed. On milk, there is rapid coagulation and acid formation. It is charac- teristic of this bacillus that it is capable of producing a large amount of acid, chiefly lactic, and of being able to withstand these large amounts of acid without being injured by them. The pathogenicity of Bacillus lactis aérogenes for man is slight. Its chief claims to importance lie in its milk-coagulating properties and its almost constant presence in the human intestine. In infants, it may give rise to flatulence and it has been occasionally observed as the 1 Escherich, Fort. d. Med., 16,17, 1885. 2 Wilde, Cent. f. Bakt., xx, 1896. 454 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS sole incitant of cystitis. Among such cases rare instances have been observed in which it has formed gas in the bladder (pneumaturia). When this occurs the urine is not ammoniacal but remains acid. Different strains of this bacillus vary much in their pathogenicity for animals. Wilde claims that it is more pathogenic for white mice and guinea-pigs than is the bacillus of Friedlander. He speaks of it as the most virulent member of this group. Kraus, writing in Fluegge’s “Mikroorganismen,” rates its pathogenicity less high. Closely related to this bacillus, as well as to those of the Friedlander group, is an encapsulated bacillus isolated from a case of broncho- pneumonia by Mallory: and Wright,’ which is strongly pathogenic fo1 mice, guinea-pigs, and rabbits. BACILLI OF THE PROTEUS GROUP The bacilli of this group have little pathological interest, but are im- portant because of the frequency with which they are encountered in routine bacteriological work. They may confuse the inexperienced because of a superficial similarity to bacilli of the colon-typhoid group. In form they may be short and plump or long and slender, staining easily with anilin dyes and decolorizing with Gram’s method. They are actively motile and possess many flagella. The individuals stain irreg- ularly, often showing unstained areas near the center. The type of the group is found in the so-called Bacillus proteus vulgaris described by Hauser ? in 1885. Bacilli of this group are widely distributed, being found in water, soil, air, and wherever putrefaction takes place. In fact, proteus is one of the true putrefactive bacteria possessing the power to cause the cleav- age of proteids into their simplest radicles. Bacillus proteus vulgaris grows best at temperatures at or about 25° C. and develops upon the simplest media. It is a facultative anaé- robe and forms no spores. In broth, it produces rapid clouding with a pellicle and the forma- tion cf a mucoid sediment. In gelatin, the colonies are characteristically irregular, giving the name to this group. Gelatin is rapidly liquefied. Liquefaction, however, is diminished or even inhibited under anaérobic conditions. : Mallory and Wright, Zeit. f. Hyg., xx, 1895. 2 Hauser, ‘Ueber Faulniss-Bakt.,’”’ Leipzig, 1885. BACILLUS PROTEUS 455 On agar and other solid media, as well as upon gelatin before lique- faction has taken place, characteristic colonies are produced. From the central flat, grayish-white colony nucleus, numerous irregular streamers grow out over the surrounding media, giving the colony a stellate appearance. On potato, it forms a dirty, yellowish growth. In milk, there is coagulation and an acid reaction at first; 1ater the casein is redissolved by proteolysis. Blood serum is often liquefied, but not by all races. The pathogenic powers of proteus bacilli are usually slight. Large doses injected into animals may give rise to localized abscesses. In man proteus infections have been described as occurring in the bladder; in most cases, however, in combination with some other microorganism. The so-called Urobacillus liquefaciens septicus described by Krogius was probably a variety of this group. Epidemics ' of meat poisoning have been attributed to members of the proteus family by some ob- servers. Thus Wesenberg” was able to cultivate a proteus bacillus from putrid meat which had caused acute gastroenteritis in sixty-three individuals. Similar epidemics have been reported by Silberschmidt,’ Pfuhl,* and others. In some of these the bacilli proved to be unusually toxic when injected into animals, but could not be recovered from the organs after death. 1 Schnitaler, Cent. f. Bakt., viii, 1890. 2 Wesenberg, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxviii, 1898. 3 Silberschmidt, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxx, 1899. + Pfuhl, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxv, 1900. CHAPTER XXXT BACILLUS TETANI Locksaw or tetanus, though a comparatively infrequent disease, has been recognized as a distinct clinical entity for many centuries. The infectious nature of the disease, however, was not demonstrated until 1884, when Carlo ' and Rattone succeeded in producing tetanus in rabbits by the inoculation of pus from the cutaneous lesion of a human case. Nicolaier,? not long after, succeeded in producing tetanic symp- toms in mice and rabbits by inoculating them with soil. In connec- tion with the lesions produced at the point of inoculation, Nicolaier described a bacillus which may have been Bacillus tetani, but which he was unable to cultivate in pure culture. Kitasato,? in 1889, definitely solved the etiological problem by obtaining from cases of tetanus pure cultures of bacilli with which he was able again to produce the disease in animals. Kitasato succeeded where others had failed because of his use of anaérobic methods and his elimination of non-spore-bearing con- taminating organisms by means of heat. His method of isolation was as follows: The material containing tetanus bacilli was smeared upon the surface of agar slants. These were permitted to develop at incubator temperature for twenty-four to forty-eight hours. At the end of this time the cultures were subjected to a temperature of 80° C. for one hour. The purpose of this was to destroy all non-sporulating bacteria, as well as aérobic spore-bearers which had developed into the vegetative form. Agar plates were then inoculated from the slants and exposed to an atmosphere from which oxygen had been com- pletely eliminated and hydrogen substituted. On these plates colonies of tetanus bacilli developed. Morphology and Staining.—The bacillus of tetanus is a slender bacil- lus, 2 to 5 micra in length, and 0.3 to 0.8 in breadth. The vegetative forms which occur chiefly in young cultures are slightly motile and are 1 Carlo e Rattone, Giornale d. R. Acad. d. Torino, 1884. 2 Nicolaier, Inaug. Diss., Gottingen, 1885. 3 Kitasato, Deut. med. Woch., No. xxxi, 1889. 456 BACILLUS TETANI 457 seen to possess ! numerous peritrichal flagella, when stained by special methods. After twenty-four to forty-eight hours of incubation, the length of time depending somewhat on the nature of the medium and the degree of anaérobiosis, the bacilli develop spores which are char- acteristically located at one end, giving the bacterium the diagnostic drumstick appearance. : As the cultures grow older the spore-bearing forms completely super- Fic. 96.—Bacinuus TeTant. Spore stain. sede the vegetative ones. Very old cultures contain spore-bearing bacilli and spores only. The tetanus bacillus is easily stained by the usual anilin dyes, and reacts positively to Gram’s stain. Flagella staining is successful only when very young cultures are employed. Distribution.—In nature, the tetanus bacillus has been found by Nicolaier and others to occur in the superficial layers of the soil. The 1 Vottaler, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvii. 458 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS earth of cultivated and manured fields seems to harbor this organism with especial frequency, probably because vf its presence in the dejecta of some of the domestic animals. Biological Characteristics—The bacillus of tetanus is generally de- scribed as an obligatory anaérobe. While it is unquestionably true that growth is ordinarily obtained only in the complete absence of oxygen, various observers, notably Ferran’ and | Zz | Belfanti,? have successfully habituated the bacillus a to aérobic conditions by the gradual increase of oxygen in cultures. Habituation to aérobic condi- tions has usually been accompanied by diminution or loss of pathogenicity and toxin-formation. Anaérobie conditions may likewise be dispensed with if tetanus’bacilli be grown in symbiosis with some of the aérobic bacteria. The addition to culture media of suitable carbohydrates, and of fresh sterile liver tissue, has also been found to render it less exacting as to absolute anaérobiosis.* Anaérobically cultivated, Bacillus tetani grows readily upon meat-infusion broth, which it clouds within twenty-four to thirty-six hours. Anaérobic broth cultures may be simply made by covering the surface of the.medium with a layer of albolin or any other oil, and removing the air by boiling. Upon meat-infusion gelatin at 20° to 22° C. the tetanus bacillus grows readily, growth becoming visible during the second or third day. There is slow fluidification of the gelatin. “Pig, BR Veena On agar, at 37.5° C., growth appears within forty- Tpranus Cunrurn eight hours. Colonies on agar plates present a rather in Guucosr Acar, characteristic appearance, consisting of a compact center surrounded by a loose meshwork of fine fila- ments, not unlike the medusa-head appearance of subtilis colonies. In agar stabs, fine radiating processes growing out in all directions from the central stab tend to give the culture the appearance of a fluff of cotton. Milk is a favorable culture medium and is not coagulated. On potato, growth i is delicate and hardly visible. 1 Paves, Cent. f. Baki, xxiv, No. 1. » Belfanti, Arch. per le sci. med., xvi. 3 Th. Smith, Brown, and Walker, Jour. Med. Res., N.8., ix, 1906. BACILLUS TETANI 459 The most favorable temperature for the growth of this bacillus is 37.5° C. Slight alkalinity or neutrality of the culture media is most ad- vantageous, though moderate acidity does not altogether inhibit growth. All the media named may be rendered more favorable still by the ad- dition of one or two per cent of glucose, maltose, or sodium formate.? In media containing certain carbohydrates, tetanus bacilli produce acid. In gelatin and agar, moderate amounts of gas are produced, consisting chiefly of CO,, but with the admixtures of other volatile substances which give rise to a characteristically unpleasant odor, not unlike that of putrefying organic matter. This odor is due largely to H, S and methylmercaptan. The vegetative forms of the tetanus bacillus are not more resistant against heat or chemical agents than the vegetative forms of other microorganisms. Tetanus spores, however, will resist dry heat at 80°C. for about one hour, live steam for about five minutes; five per cent carbolic acid kills them in twelve to fifteen hours; one per cent of bichlo- rid of mereury in two or three hours. Direct sunlight diminishes their virulence and eventually destroys them.” Protected from sunlight and other deleterious influences, tetanus spores may remain viable and virulent for many years. Henrijean ® has reported her success in producing tetanus with bacilli from a splinter of wood infected eleven years before. Pathogenicity.—The comparative infrequency of tetanus infection is in marked contrast to the wide distribution of the bacilli in nature. Introduced into the animal body as spores, and free from toxin, they may often fail to incite disease, easily falling prey to Fig. 98.—OLpER TreTaNus CULTURE in GLUCOSE AGAR. phagocytosis and other protective agencies before the vegetative forms develop and toxin is formed. The protective importance of phagocyto- sis was demonstrated by Vaillard and Rouget,‘ who introduced tetanus spores inclosed in paper sacs into the animal body. By the paper cap- 1 Kitasato, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1891. 2y, Eisler und Pribram, in Levaditi, “‘Handbuch,” etc., Sa ena, 1907. 3 Henrijean, Ann. de la soc. méd. chir. de Liége, 1891. 4 Vaillard et Rouget, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1892. 460 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS sules the spores were protected from the leucocytes, not from the body fluids. Nevertheless, tetanus developed in the animals. The nature of the wound and the simultaneous presence of other microorganisms seem to be important factors in determining whether or not the tetanus bacilli shall be enabled to proliferate. Deep, lacerated wounds, in which there has been considerable tissue destruction, and in which chips of glass, wood splinters, or grains of dirt have become embedded, are particularly favorable for the development of these germs. The injuries of compound fractures and of gunshot wounds are especially liable to supply these conditions, and the presence in such wounds of the common pus cocci, or of other more harmless parasites, may aid materially in furnishing an environment suitable for the growth of the tetanus bacilli. Apart from its occurrence following trauma, tetanus has been not infrequently ob- served after childbirth,’ and isolated cases have been reported in which it has followed diphtheria and ulcerative lesions of the throat.” A definite period of incubation elapses between the time of infection with tetanus bacilli and the development of the first symptoms. In man this may last from five to seven days in acute cases, to from four to five weeks in the more chronic ones. Experimental inoculation of guinea-pigs is followed usually in from one to three days by rigidity of the muscles nearest the point of infection. This spastic condition rapidly extends to other parts and finally leads to death, which occurs within four or five days after infection. Autopsies upon human beings or animals dead of tetanus reveal few and insignificant lesions. The initial point of infection, if at all evident, is apt to be small and innocent in appearance. Further than a general and moderate congestion, the organs show no pathological changes. Bacilli are found sparsely even at the point of infection, and have been but rarely demonstrated in the blood or viscera. Nicolaier succeeded in producing tetanus with the organs of infected animals in but eleven out of fifty-two cases. More recently, Tizzoni* and Creite * have suc- ceeded in cultivating tetanus bacilli out of the spleen and heart’s blood of infected human beings. The researches of Tarozzi*® and of Canfora ® have shown also that spores may be transported from the site of inoculation to the liver, spleen, and other organs, and there lie dormant for as long as fifty-one days. If injury of the organ is experimentally practised and dead tissue 1 Baginsky, Deut. med. Woch., 1893. 4 Creite, Cent. f. Bakt., xxxvii. 2 Foges, Wien. med. Woch., 1895. 5 Tarozzi, Cent. f. Bakt. Orig. xxxviii. 3 Tizzoni, Ziegler’s Beit., vii. 8 Canfora, Cent. f. Bakt. Orig. xlv. BACILLUS TETANI 461 or blood clot produced, the spores may develop and tetanus ensue. These experiments may explain cases of so-called cryptogenic tetanus. Tetanus Toxin.—The pathogenicity of the tetanus bacillus depends entirely upon the soluble toxin which it produces. This toxin is produced in suitable media by all strains of virulent tetanus bacilli, individual strains showing less variation in this respect than do the separate strains of diphtheria bacilli. While partial aérobiosis does not completely elimi- nate toxin formation, anaérobic conditions are by far more favorable for its development. The medium most frequently employed for the production of tetanus toxin is neutral or slightly alkaline beef-infusion bouillon containing five- tenths per cent NaCl and one per cent pepton. Glucose, sodium formate, or tincture of litmus may be added, but while these substances increase the speed of growth of the bacilli they do not seem to enhance the de- gree of toxicity of the cultures. Glucose is said even to be unfavorable for strong toxin development. It is important, too, that the bouillon shall be freshly prepared.1 There does not seem to be any direct relationship between the amount of growth and the degree of toxicity of the cultures. Under anaérobic conditions in suitable bouillon and grown at 37.5° C., the maximum toxin content of the cultures is reached in from ten days to two weeks. After this time the toxin deteriorates rapidly. Tetanus toxin has been produced without resort to anaérobic methods by several observers, notably by Debrand,? by cultivating the bacilli in bouillon in symbiosis with Bacillus subtilis. By this method, Debrand claims to have produced toxin which was fully as potent as that produced by anaérobic cultivation. The tetanus toxin, in solution in the bouillon cultures, may be sepa- rated from the bacteria by filtration through Berkefeld or Chamberland filters. Since the poison in such filtrates deteriorates very rapidly, much more rapidly even than diphtheria toxin, various methods have been devised to obtain the toxin in the solid state. The most useful of these is precipitation of the poison out of solution by oversaturation with ammonium sulphate.? Very little of the toxin is lost by this method and, thoroughly dried and stocked in vacuum tubes, together with an- hydrous phosphoric acid, it may be preserved indefinitely without dete- rioration. The precipitate thus formed is easily soluble in water or 1 Vaillard et Vincent, Ann. de l'inst. Pasteur, 1891. 2 Debrand, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1890, 1902. 3 Brieger und Cohn, Zeit. f. Hyg., xv. 30 462 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS salt solution, and: therefore permits of the preparation of uniform solu- tions for purposes of standardization. Brieger and Boer! have also succeeded in precipitating the toxin out of broth solution with zine chloride. Vaillard and Vincent ? have procured it in the dry state by evaporation in vacuo. Brieger and Cohn,* Brieger and Boer,* and others have attempted to isolate tetanus poison, removing the proteids from the ammonium sul- phate precipitate by various chemical methods. The purest preparations obtained have been in the form of fine yellowish flakes, soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol and ether. Solutions of this substance have failed to give the usual proteid reactions. “The toxin when in solution is extremely sensitive to heat. Kita- sato ® states that exposure to 68° C. for five minutes destroys it com- pletely. Dry toxin is more resistant,® often withstanding temperatures of 120° C. for more than fifteen minutes. Exposure to direct sunlight destroys the poison in fifteen to eighteen hours.’ Interesting experiments as to the action of eosin upon tetanus toxin have-been carried out by various observers. Flexner and Noguchi ® found that five per cent eosin added to the toxin would destroy it within one hour. This action is ascribed to the photodynamic power of the eosin. The toxin exerts an extremely low osmotic pressure and is easily destroyed by electric currents. Tetanus toxin is one of the most powerful poisons known to us. Filtrates of broth cultures, in quantities of 0.000,005 c.c., will often prove fatal to mice of ten grams weight. Dry toxin obtained by ammo- nium sulphate precipitation ° is quantitatively even stronger, values of 0.000,001 grams as a lethal dose for a mouse of the given weight not being uncommon. Brieger and Cohn” succeeded in producing a dry toxin capable of killmg mice in doses of 0.000,000,05 gram. Different species of animals show great variation in their suscepti- 1 Brieger und Boer, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxi. 2 Vaillard et Vincent, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1891. 3 Brieger und Cohn, loc. cit. 4 Brieger und Boer, Zeit. f£. Hyg., xxi. 5 Kitasato, Zeit. f. Hyg., x. 8 Moraz et Marie, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1902. 7 Fermi und Pernossi, Cent. f. Bakt., xv. 8 Flexner and Noguchi, “Studies from Rockefeller Inst.,” v., 1905. 9 Brieger und Cohn.., loc. cit. 10 Brieger und Cohn., Zeit. f. Hyg., xv. BACILLUS TETANI 463 bility to tetanus toxin. Human beings and horses are probably the most susceptible species in proportion to their body weight. The common domestic fowls are extremely resistant. Calculated for grams of body weight, the horse is twelve times as susceptible as the mouse, the guinea- pig six times as susceptible as the mouse. The hen, on the other hand, is 200,000 times more resistant than the mouse. After the inoculation of an animal with tetanus toxin there is always a definite period of incubation before the toxic spasms set in. This per’ 9d may be shortened by increase of the dose, but never entirely eliminated.1_ When the toxin is injected subcutaneously, spasms begin first in the muscles nearest the point of inoculation. Intravenous inoculation,? on the other hand, usually results in general tetanus of all the muscles. The feeding of toxin does not produce disease, the poison being passed through the bowel unaltered. The harmful action of tetanus toxin is generally attributed to its affinity for the central nervous system. Wassermann and Takaki? show that tetanus toxin was fully neutralized when mixed with brain substance. Other organs—liver and spleen, for instance—showed no such neutralizing power. The central origin of the tetanic contractions was made very evident by the work of Gumprecht,* who succeeded in stop- ping the spasms in a given region by division of the supplying motor nerves. The manner in which the toxin reaches the central nervous system has been extensively investigated, chiefly by Meyer and Ransom, and Marie and Morax. Meyer and Ransom $ from a series of careful experi- ments reached the conclusion that the toxin is conducted to the nerve centers along the paths of the motor nerves. Injected into the circu- lation,® the toxin reaches simultaneously all the motor nerve endings, producing general tetanus. In this case too, therefore, the poison from the blood can not pass directly into the central nervous system, but must follow the route of nerve tracts. These observations have been of great practical value in that they pointed to the desirability of the injection of tetanus antitoxin directly into the nerves and the central nervous system in active cases. 1 Courmont et Doyen, Arch. de phys., 1893. 2 Ransom, Deut. med. Woch., 1893. 3 Wassermann und Takaki, Berl. klin. Woch., 1898. 4 Gumprecht, Pfliiger’s Arch., 1895. 5 Meyer und Ransom, Arch. f. exp. Pharm. u. Path., xlix. 8 Marie et Moraz, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1902. 464 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Tetanolysin.—Tetanus bouillon contains, besides the ‘‘tetano- spasmin”’ described above which produces the familiar symptoms of the disease, another substance discovered by Ehrlich! and named by him “tetanolysin.”” Tetanolysin has the power of causing hemolysis of the red blood corpuscles of various animals, and is an entirely separate substance from tetanospasmin. It may be removed from toxic broth by admixture of red blood cells, is more thermolabile than the tetano- spasmin, and gives rise to an antihemolysin when injected into animals. For the production, standardization, and use of tetanus antitoxin, see p- 220 et seq. 1 Ehrlich, Berl. klin. Woch., 1898. CHAPTER XXXII BACILLUS OF SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX, BACILLUS OF MALIGNANT EDEMA, BACILLUS AEROGENES CAPSULATUS, BACILLUS BOTULINUS BACILLUS OF SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX (Bacillus anthracis symptomatict, Rauschbrand, Charbon symptomatique, Sarcophysematos bovis) Sympromatic anthrax is an infectious disease occurring chiefly among sheep, cattle, and goats. It is colloquially spoken of as “ quarter- evil” or “blackleg.” The disease has never been observed in man. It was formerly, and is often to-day, confused with true anthrax, largely because of a superficial similarity between the clinical symptoms of the two maladies. Bacteriologically, the two microorganisms are in entirely different classes. Geographically, symptomatic anthrax is of wide distribution and infection is usually through the agency of the soil in which the bacillus is present, probably in the form of spores which may retain viability and pathogenicity for several years. Morphology and Staining.—The bacillus of symptomatic anthrax is a bacillus with rounded ends, somewhat shorter and relatively thicker than the bacillus of malignant edema, being about four to six micra long, and five-tenths to six-tenths micra wide. It is usually seen singly and never forms long chains. The bacillus in its vegetative form is actively motile and possesses numerous flagella placed about its periphery. In artificial media it forms spores which are oval, broader than the rod itself, and placed near, though never actually at, the end of the bacillary body. This gives the bacillus a racket-shaped appearance. It is readily stained with the usual anilin dyes, but is decolorized by Gram’s method of staining. Cultivation.—The bacillus is a strict anaérobe. It was obtained in pure culture first by Kitasato.! Under anaérobic conditions it is easily 1 Kitasato, Woch. f. Hyg., 1889. 465 466 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS cultivated upon the usual laboratory media, all of which are more favorable after the addition of glucose, glycerin, or nutrose. In all media there is active gas formation, which, owing to an admixture of butyric acid, is of a foul, sour odor. The bacillus is not very delicate in its requirements of a special reaction of media, growing equally well on those slightly acid or slightly alkaline. On gelatin plates, at 20° C., colonies appear in about twenty-four hours, usually round or oval, with a compact center about which fine radiating filaments form an opaque halo. The gelatin is fluidified. —_ — Sa Pema a? ~~") = << re ees een i ~ ‘Pe, ~~ ™S ~ Wiser - ~=> te a> ~ * > —-— - NS ~~ — \ ~ : en how -” ~~ me * —_ Fie, 99.—Bacitius or Sympromatic ANTHRAX, (After Zettnow.) Surface colonies upon agar plates are circular and made up of a slightly granular compact center, from which a thinner peripheral zone . emanates, containing microscopically a tangle of fine threads. In agar stabs, at 37.5°C., growth appears within eighteen hours, rapidly spreading from the line of stab as a diffuse, fine cloud. Gas formation, especially near the bottom of the tube, rapidly leads to the formation of bubbles and later to extensive splitting of the medium. In gelatin stab cultures growth is similar to that in agar stabs, though less rapid. Pathogenicity.—_Symptomatic anthrax bacilli are pathogenic for cattle, sheep, and goats. By far the largest number of cases, possibly the only spontaneous ones, appear among cattle. Guinea-pigs are very susceptible to experimental inoculation. Horses are very little suscep- BACILLUS OF SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX 467 tible. Dogs, cats, rabbits, and birds are immune. Man also appears to be absolutely immune. Spontaneous infection occurs by the en- trance of infected soil into abrasions or wounds, usually of the lower extremities. Infection depends to some extent upon the relative de- gree of virulence of the bacillus—a variable factor in this species. Twelve to twenty-four hours after inoculation there appears at the point of entrance a soft, puffy swelling, which on palpation is found to emit an emphysematous crack- ling. The emphysema spreads rapidly, often reaching the abdomen and chest within a day. The course of the disease is extremely acute, the fever high, the general prostration extreme. Death may result within three or four days after inoculation. At autopsy the swollen area is found to be infiltrated with a thick exudate, blood-tinged and foamy. Subcutaneous tissue and muscles are edematous and crackle with gas. The internal organs show parenchymatous degeneration and hemorrhagic areas. The bacilli, immediately after death, are found but sparsely distributed in the blood and internal organs, but are demonstrable in enormous numbers in the edema surrounding the central focus. If carcasses are allowed to lie unburied for some time, the bacilli will attain a general distribution, and the entire body will be found bloated with gas, the organs filled with bubbles. Practically identical conditions are found after experimental inocula- tion. ; Fic. 100.—Ba- Toxins.—According to the investigations of Le- ciLLus or Symp- clainche and Vallée,’ the bacillus of symptomatic T7OMATIC ANEIRAg: anthrax produces a soluble toxin. It is not formed ili ee eiiedes to any extent’ in ordinary broth, but is formed in aie considerable quantities in broth containing blood or albuminous ani- mal fluids. The best medium for obtaining toxin, according to the same authors, is the bouillon of Martin,’ made up of equal parts of veal infusion and a 1 Leclainche et Vallée, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1900. 2 Martin, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1898. 468 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS pepton solution obtained from the macerated tissues of the stomachs of pigs. The toxin contained in filtrates of such cultures is quite resistant to heat, but rapidly deteriorates if free access of air is allowed. Immunity.—Active immunization against the bacillus of symptom- atic anthrax was first accomplished by Arloing * and his collaborators by the subcutaneous inoculation of cattle with tissue-extracts of in- fected animals. The work of these authors resulted in a: practical method of immunization which is carried out as follows: Two vaccines are prepared. Vaccine I consists of the juice of in- fected meat, dried and heated to 100° C. for six hours. Vaccine II is a similar meat-juice heated to 90° C., for the same length of time. By the heating, the spores contained in the vaccines are attenuated to relatively different degrees. Vaccine I in quantities of 0.01 to 0.02 c.c. is emulsified in sterile salt solutions and injected near the end of the tail of the animal to be protected. A similar quantity of Vaccine II is injected in the same way fourteen days later. This method has been retained in principle, but largely modified in detail by various workers. Kitt” introduced the use of the dried and powdered whole meat instead of the meat juice, and made only one vaccine, heated to 94° C., for six hours. This method has been largely used in this country.? Passive immunization with the serum‘ of actively immunized sheep and goats has been used in combination with the methods of active immunization. BACILLUS OF MALIGNANT EDEMA (Bacillus edematis maligni, Vibrion septique) In 1877, Pasteur ° described a bacillus which he had found in guinea- pigs and rabbits experimentally inoculated with putrefying animal tissues. This bacillus, which he named “Vibrion septique,” he suc- ceeded in cultivating only under anaérobic conditions and in an impure state, and described as its pathognomonic characteristics the formation of an extensive edema in and about the point of inoculation. 1 Arloing, Cornevin, et Thomas, ‘‘ Le Charbon Sympt.,” ete., Paris, 1887. Ref. from Grassberger und Schattenfroh, Kraus und Levaditi, ‘‘ Handbuch,” etc., vol. i, pt. 2. 2 Kitt, Ref. from Grassberger und Schattenfroh, loc. cit. 3 Report of Bureau of Animal Ind., Wash., 1902. 4 Arloing, Leclainche, et Vallée, loc. cit. 5 Pasteur, Bull. de l’acad. de méd., 1877, p. 793. BACILLUS OF MALIGNANT EDEMA 469 Koch,' who studied this infection in connection with his work upon anthrax in 1881, called attention to the fact that the bacillus described by Pasteur did not produce a true septicemia, and suggested the term “Bacillus of malignant edema,” which is now in general use. Gaffky ? found that, apart from its presence in putrid material, the bacillus occurred in the upper layers of garden soil and in dust. It has since’ been found to be widely distributed in nature and in the intestines of animals and of man. Its wide distribution is unques- tionably due to the great resistance of its spores. Morphology and Staining.—The bacillus of malignant edema is a Fig. 101.—Bacittus or Mauignant Epema. (After Frankel and Pfeiffer.) long slender rod, not unlike the anthrax bacillus, but decidedly more slender. Its average measurements are 1 micron in thickness and 3 to 8 micra in length. It usually occurs as single rods, but frequently appears in long threads showing irregular subdivisions. Often no sub- divisions can be seen and the threads appear as long, homogeneous filaments. These threads are less frequently seen in preparations from solid media than in those from bouillon or edema fluid. The bacilli are motile and possess numerous laterally placed flagella. Their motil- ity is never very marked and is often entirely absent. The bacillus 1 Koch, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, i, 1881, p. 52 et seq. 2 Gaffky, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1881. 470 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS produces spores at temperatures above 20° C., which are oval, irregularly placed either in the center or slightly nearer one or the other end, and cause a bulging of the bacillary body. It is readily stained by any of the usual anilin dyes. Stained by Gram’s method it is decolorized. Cultivation.—Bacillus cedematis maligni is strictly anaérobic. Under anaérobic conditions it develops readily upon . any of the usual artificial media. The bacillus is not very sensitive to the reaction of media and grows more luxuriantly in all media to which glucose. has been added. In all media it forms, by the cleavage of proteids, putridly offensive gases. In gelatin at room temperature, colonies develop in about three days as small grayish spherical growths, which microscopically show an arrangement in radial filaments. The gelatin is fluidified. In gelatin stab cultures growth begins as a white column extending to within a centimeter of the top of the medium. Soon irregularly radiating processes develop laterally and gas bubbles appear, breaking up the medium. Stab cultures in agar show growth within twenty- four to thirty-six hours at 37.5° C., appearing at. first as a white line, but soon showing a cloud-like lateral extension along the entire line of the stab. If sugar is present bubbles appear throughout the medium. In broth there is general clouding and a granular sediment; no pellicle is formed. Milk is slowly coag- ulated. On blood serum growth is very luxuriant. canta, go Mas On potato, a medium used in the earliest studies of uicnant Epema, the bacillus by Gaffky, the bacillus grows readily. Culture in glu- Isolation may be accomplished by any of the cose agar. ordinary anaérobic plating methods. The bacillus can usually be obtained for subsequent isolation by injection of a susceptible animal with soil, especially that of gardens or manured fields. Pathogenicity.—The bacillus is pathogenic for mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits, horses, dogs, sheep, pigs, some birds, and man. Cattle were formerly regarded as immune, an opinion which has since been found to be erroneous. Fig. 102.—Ba- BACILLUS AEROGENES CAPSULATUS 471 Subcutaneous inoculation of pure culture into a susceptible subject produces, within twenty-four to thirty-six hours, an acute edematous inflammation about the point of inoculation. The edema extends throughout the subcuticular and deeper layers, and consists of thin, slightly bloody fluid. Neighboring lymph nodes become swollen and hemorrhagic. In the mixed infections of accidental inoculation, but more rapidly in experimental inoculations with pure cultures, gas is formed and consequent subcutaneous emphysema. Together with this there are symptoms of general toxemia. In the smaller test animals this disease is usually fatal. At autopsy the bacilli are found in the edema fluid about the local lesion. At autopsies done soon after death, the organisms are not found in the blood or internal organs. Later they may be generally distributed throughout the body. In mice only may the bacilli enter the blood stream before death. The internal organs of animals dead of this infection usually show parenchymatous degen- eration and occasionally hemorrhages. Malignant edema is not a frequent disease. It has been occasionally observed in horses, in cattle, and in sheep. In man the infection usually appears after traumatism or secondarily after compound fractures or upon the site of suppurating wounds. Isolated cases have been de- scribed as arising after hypodermic injections. One case has been reported as arising in the uterus after instrumental abortion. Immunity.—Recovery from an infection with the bacillus of malig- nant edema produces immunity against subsequent infections.!. The bacillus in fluid media produces small amounts of a soluble toxin which in bacteria-free filtrates is capable of killing guinea-pigs. Relatively large quantities of filtrate must be employed. Roux and Chamberland,’ the first to work upon these toxins, were able, by means of them, to immunize guinea-pigs. Similar immunity could be produced by treat- ment with the toxic, filtered sera of animals dead of the disease.* BACILLUS AEROGENES CAPSULATUS Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus was first observed by Welch and fully described by Welch and Nuttall ‘in 1892. It is identical with a bacillus 1 Arloing et Chauveau, Ann. de méd. vét., 1884. 2 Roux et Chamberland, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1887. 3 Sanfelice, Zeit. f. Hyg., xiv. 4 Welch and Nuttall, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., iii, 1892, p. 81. 472 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS later described by Frankel,! and named by him Bacillus phlegmonis emphysematose. Similar, probably identical, bacilli have been found and reported sub- sequently by other observers, ignorant of the work of Welch and Nuttall. Such are the B. perfringens (Veillon and Zuber), and B. emphysematis vagine (Lindenthal, Wien. klin. Woch., 1897), and others. Welch? first obtained the bacillus from the intravascular blood of a case of ruptured aortic aneurysm, autopsied six hours after death, his attention being called to the blood particularly by the existence of air bubbles throughout the vessels. Apart from its occurrence in infected subjects, the bacillus finds wide distribution in nature, being found in soil, dust, and brackish water, and in the normal intestinal tracts of human beings and mammals.* Morphology and Staining.—Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus appears usually as a straight rod, not unlike the anthrax bacillus, but more variable in length and somewhat thicker in proportion than the latter. Occasionally bacilli are seen which are slightly curved, but these are rare. The bacillus averages 3 to 6 micra in length, but may be three or four times longer than this. More rarely the bacillus may appear so short as to be almost coccoid. In artificial cultures it is usually thicker and shorter than it is in animal tissues. The bacilli are generally single, but are often seen in short chains. Their ends are usually slightly rounded but, especially when in chains, may be almost square. Chain- formation seems to occur chiefly in the blood, long chains never occurring in artificial media. This characteristic is regarded by Welch as a dis- tinguishing feature in differentiating this bacillus morphologically from anthrax. In their first publication, Welch and Nuttall did not describe spores as appearing in these bacilli. Dunham,‘ however, in 1895, found spores in cultures grown upon blood serum. The spores seem to be formed only upon special media, rarely upon plain agar, never in the animal body. The spores are oval, and may be placed centrally or toward one end, one in each bacillus. The bacillus is non-motile, and doesnot possess flagella. It pos- 1 Frankel, Cent. f. Bakt., xiii, 1893, p. 13. 2 Welch, Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., xi, 1900, p. 185. + Although B. aérogenes capsulatus and B. phlegmonis emphysematose are separately described in many books, notably Migula’s ‘System d. Bakteriologie,” the microorganisms have been shown beyond question to be identical and are acknowledged to be so by Frankel himself. 4 Dunham, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., viii, 1897, p. 68. BACILLUS AEROGENES CAPSULATUS 473 sesses a capsule which, however, can not be constantly demonstrated. The capsules are best seen when preparations are made from animal fluids, but can often be demonstrated in those stained from artificial cultures. They are demonstrated best by one or the other of the ordinary capsule stains. The bacillus is stained easily by the usual anilin dyes. In tissue preparations, the bacilli regularly retain the gentian-violet when stained by Gram’s method. In smears from artificial culture media, while most of the bacilli stain by Gram, many will be seen wholly or partially decolorized, owing probably to the rapid production of involution forms. Cultivation.— Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus is an obligatory anaérobe. The first cultivations by Welch and Nuttall were made in deep agar stabs. It grows well upon all the usual media, preferring a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. All media are improved for the cultivation of this bacillus by the addition of glucose, lactose, or some other easily fermented carbohydrate. Upon agar or gelatin plates, growth appears at 37.5°C. within twenty-four hours, as a flat, grayish translucent round disk. The margins of colonies are slightly irregular and fringed. Gelatin is slowly liquefied by the large majority of cultures, but Welch states that occa- sionally liquefaction does not occur. In deep agar stabs or in agar slant cultures, especially in those con- taining a carbohydrate, there is a rapid formation of gas bubbles, a characteristic which is especially well developed and lends the cultures of this bacillus their chief diagnostic feature. In broth, growth is heavy and abundant. At first there is general clouding. Within forty-eight hours, however, a heavy, white, flocculent sediment is formed. Owing to the formation of gas, broth tubes if undisturbed usually show a light froth of bubbles on the surface. On potato, growth is scanty and the medium possesses no advantages either for cultivation or diagnosis. On coagulated blood serum, growth is heavy and rapid and this medium is especially adapted for spore formation. There is slight peptonization of the blood serum. In milk, there is rapid coagulation, rapid acidification, and gas formation. The carbohydrates, glucose, lactose, and saccharose, are fermented by this bacillus. Mannit is apparently not fermented. Welch and Nuttall state that the bacillus is capable of producing gas from proteid matter. The gas formed, according to Dunham,! consists of 1 Dunham, loc. cit. 474 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS 64 per cent of hydrogen, 28 per cent of CO,, and 8 per cent of a mix- ture of gases, chiefly nitrogen. The gas from the infected animal body is ignitable and burns with a bluish hydrogen flame. Biological Considerations.—The bacillus, as stated, is anaérobic. Its anaérobic requirements, however, are less exacting than those of some other anaérobes, and in stab cultures it will often grow up to the surface of the stab. It grows best at 37.5°C., but will also develop at room temperature (20° to 22°C.). Isolation.—The bacillus may, of course, be isolated by anaérobic plating methods. It is best isolated, however, from mixed cultures by animal inoculation. If, for instance, it is desired to obtain it from a mixed culture or from feces, a suspension of about 1 c.c. of the suspected material is made in 5 c.c. of sterile salt solution. This is thoroughly emulsified and filtered through a sterile paper. One to two c.c. of this suspension is then injected into the ear vein of a rabbit. After four or five minutes the rabbit is killed. It is then placed in the incubator for five to eight hours. At the end of this time, the animal is usually found tensely distended with gas. At autopsy, gas bubbles will be found distributed through- out the organs, most characteristically in the liver, where isolated bubbles are found covering the surface. From these bubbles cul- tures or smears may be taken for identification. Identification is easily made from its morphology, its capsule, lack of motility, and gas formation. Pathogenicity.— Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus is highly pathogenic for guinea-pigs, but very slightly for rabbits. Its virulence is subject to great variations, however, some strains showing little if any pathogen- icity even for guinea-pigs. In general, its pathogenicity for the ordi- nary laboratory animals may be regarded as slight. In man,’ the bacillus has been isolated from numerous cases of so-called ‘‘ emphyse- matous gangrene’”’? (gangréne foudroyant). The infection usually occurs upon the extremities and is characterized by a rapidly necro- tizing inflammation, with which there occurs extensive subcutaneous emphysema. The infection usually follows traumatism,’ especially compound fractures, and is extremely grave. The bacillus has also been found in the uterus in puerperal infection,‘ and in the fetus "Welch and Flexner, Jour. Exp. Med., 1, 1896. 2 Mann, Ann. of Surgery, xix, 1894. 3 Bloodgood, Progressive Med., 1899. s Dobbin, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., viii, 1897. BACILLUS BOTULINUS 475 dead in utero. It has been found in the blood before death, by Gwyn,’ in a case of chorea. The bacillus has also been found in infectious processes of various other parts of the body, such as the gastrointes- tinal and biliary tracts, the lungs, the pleura, and the meninges. As stated above, this bacillus is frequently present in the normal intestinal contents. Its presence in abnormally high proportions, as indicated by a Gram stain of a smear of the feces, has been associated by a number of observers with various pathological conditions. Herter? has recently studied this subject and believes that the abnormal prolif- eration of the bacillus in the gastrointestinal tract has in some way (probably by toxin absorption) an etiological relationship to pernicious anemia. This assertion, however, can in no way be regarded as conclusively proven. BACILLUS BOTULINUS Meat poisoning was formerly regarded as universally dependent upon putrefactive changes taking place in infected meat, resulting in the production of ptomains or other harmful products of bacterial putre- faction. It was not until 1888 that certain of these cases were definitely recognized as true bacterial infections, in which the preformed poison probably aided only in establishing the infection. Gartner, in that year, discovered the Bacillus enteritidis, a microorganism belonging to the group of the paracolon bacilli, and demonstrated its presence both in the infecting meat and in the intestinal tracts of patients. The char- acteristics of this type of meat poisoning have been discussed more particularly in the section describing the bacillus of Gartner and its allied forms. There is another type of meat poisoning, however, which is not only much more severe (ending fatally in almost 25 per cent of the cases), but is characterized by a clinical picture more significant of a profound systemic toxemia than of a mere gastroenteric irritation. The etio- logical factor underlying this type of infection was first demonstrated by van Ermengem,’? in 1896, and named Bacillus botulinus. van Ermengem isolated the bacillus from a ham, the ingestion of which had caused disease in a large number of persons. Of the thirty-four individuals who had eaten of it, all were attacked, about ten of them 1 Gwyn, Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., x, 1899. 2 Herter, ‘‘ Bacterial Infection of the Intestinal Tract,” New York, Macmillan, 1907. s van Ermengem, Cent. f. Bakt., xix, 1896; Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvi, 1897. 476 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS very severely. van Ermengem found the bacilli in large numbers lying between the muscle fibers in the ham, and was able to cultivate the same microorganism from the stomach and spleen of one of those who died of the infection. The results of van Ermengem have been confirmed by Rémer,' and others. 5 Morphology and Staining.—Bacillus botulinus is a large, straight rod with rounded ends, 4 to 6 micra in length by 0.9 to 1.2 micra in thickness. The bacilli are either single or grouped in very short chains. Involu- tion forms are numerous on artificial media. The bacillus is slightly motile and possesses from four to eight undulated flagella, peripherally arranged. Spores are formed in suitable media, most regularly in glucose-gelatin of a distinctly alkaline titer. The spores are oval and usually situated near the end of the bacillus, rarely in its center. Spores are formed most abundantly when cultivation is carried out at 20° to 25° C., and are usually absent when higher temperatures are em- ployed. The bacillus is easily stained by the usual aqueous anilin dyes, and retains the anilin-gentian-violet when stained by Gram. It is necessary, however, in carrying out Gram’s stain to decolorize carefully with alco- hol since overdecolorization is easily accomplished, leaving the result doubtful. Cultivation.—The bacillus is a strict anaérobe. In anaérobic en- vironment it is easily cultivated on the usual meat-infusion media. It grows most readily at temperatures about 25°C., less luxuriantly at temperatures of 35° C. and over. The bacillus is delicately susceptible to the reaction of media, growing only in those which are neutral or moderately alkaline. In deep stab cultures in one per cent glucose agar, growth is at first noticed as a thin, white column, not reaching to the surface of the medium. Soon the medium is cracked and split by the abundant formation of gas. On agar plates, the colonies are yellowish, opalescent, and round, and show a finely fringed periphery. ~ On gelatin, at 20° to 25°C., growth is rapid and abundant, and differs little from that on agar, except that, besides the formation of gas, there is energetic fluidification of the medium. On glucose-gelatin plates, van Ermengem describes the colonies as round, yellowish, transparent, and composed of coarse granules which, along the periphery 1 Romer, Cent. f. Bakt., xxvii, 1900. BACILLUS BOTULINUS 477 in the zone of fluidification, show constant motion. The appearance of the surface colonies on glucose-gelatin plates is regarded by the discov- erer as diagnostically characteristic. In glucose broth there is general clouding and large quantities of gas are formed. At 35° C. and over, the gas formation ceases after four or five days, the broth becoming clear with a yellowish-white flocculent sediment. At lower temperatures this does not occur. Milk is not coagulated and disaccharids and polysaccharids are not fermented. The gas formed in cultures consists chiefly of hydrogen and methane. All cultures have a sour odor, like butyric acid, but this is not so offensive as that of some of the other anaérobic organisms. The bacillus lives longest in gelatin cultures, but even upon these, transplantations should be done every four to six weeks, since the spores of this bacillus show less viability and resistance than do those of most spore-formers. Pathogenicity.— Botulism or allantiasis, as noticed in human beings, is, as far as we know, always due to ingestion of infected meat, usually of ham, canned meats, or sausages (botulus = sausage). Symptoms appear only after a definite period of incubation which varies from twenty-four to forty-eight hours. The first definite symptoms are chilliness, trembling, and giddiness. These manifestations are soon followed by headache, occasionally by vomiting. In contradistinction to the meat poisonings caused by other microorganisms, those due to Bacillus botulinus may show few or no symptoms directly referable to the intestinal tract. The chief diagnostic characteristics of the disease are a group of symptoms referable to toxic interference with the cranial nerves. Loss of accommodation, dilated pupils, ptosis, aphonia, and dysphagia may occur. Fever is usually absent. Consciousness is rarely lost. The characteristic symptoms may be produced in various animals by injection of living cultures or culture filtrates, i.e., toxins. The most susceptible animals are guinea-pigs. These may be killed by the injec- tion of minute quantities of bouillon cultures or of toxin. Preceding death, which occurs within twenty-four to thirty-six hours, there may be general motor paralysis, dyspnea, and hypersecretion of mucus from nose and mouth. Guinea-pigs may be infected per os as well as by hypodermic injections. Cats, mice, and monkeys are highly susceptible; rabbits are less so, but still favorable subjects for experimental studies. Birds, especially pigeons, are highly resistant, but react typically to large doses. Autopsies upon man or animals dead of botulism show 31 478 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS goneral hyperemia of the organs with much parenchymatous degenera- tion and many minute hemorrhages. The bacilli have been found in the spleen after death,! but van Ermengem does not believe that they are generally distributed during the course of the disease. It is believed by most of those who have studied this disease that poisoning in the human subject is due to the toxins preformed in the infected meat by this bacillus. Experiments have shown that little or no poison is produced by the bacilli after gain- ing entrance to the human or animal body. The Toxin of B. botulinus.—Bacillus botulinus produces disease chiefly by means of a strong soluble toxin secreted by it, and absorbed by the infected subject. This toxin is active in animals and presumably in man, not only when injected subcutaneously, but also when intro- duced through the gastrointestinal canal. The poison has been par- ticularly studied by Brieger and his collaborators. It is obtained in filtrates of alkaline bouillon cultures. It has been precipitated out of the filtrate by Brieger and Kempner? by means of a three per cent zinc chlorid solution (2 volumes of 3 per cent ZnCl,). The toxin thus obtained was sufficiently powerful to kill a 250-gram guinea-pig in fifty hours. Specific action of.the toxin for the nerve-cells of the spinal ganglia has been shown by Marinesco.* A specific antitoxin has been produced by Kempner and Pollack.‘ 1 Stricht, Quoted from van Ermengem, in Kolle und Wassermann. 2 Brieger und Kempner, Deut. med. Woch., xxxiii, 1897. 3 Marinesco, Compt. rend. de l’acad. des sei., Nov., 1896. 4 Kempner und Pollack, Deut. med. Woch., xxxii, 1897. CHAPTER XXXIII THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS In view of the clinical manifestations of tuberculosis, it is not sur- prising that the infectious nature of the disease has been suspected for many centuries. Transmission by means of tuberculous material was first successfully accomplished by Klencke, in 1843, and, more elabo- rately, by Villemin,' in 1865. It was not until 1882, however, that Koch? succeeded in isolating and cultivating the tubercle bacillus. Baumgarten ? had previously seen the bacillus in tissue sections, but his researches were limited to purely morphological observations. Koch, in addition to demonstrating the bacillus in tuberculous tissues from various sources, produced characteristic lesions in guinea-pigs and other animals by infecting them with pure cultures, and established beyond doubt the etiological relationship of the bacillus to the disease. Morphology.—Tubercle bacilli appear as slender rods, 2 to 4 micra in length, 0.2 to 0.5 micra in width. Their ends are usually rounded. The rods may be straight or slightly curved; their diameters may be uniform throughout; more often, however, they appear beaded and irregularly stained. The beaded appearance is due to different causes. Unstained spaces may occur along the body of the bacillus, especially in old cultures. These are generally regarded as vacuoles. The bodies of the bacilli, on the other hand, may bulge slightly here and there, often in three or four places, showing oval or rounded knobs which stain with great depth and are very resistant to decolorization. These thickenings were formerly regarded as spores, but in view of the fact that the bacilli are not more resistant against heat and disinfectants than other vegeta- tive forms, this interpretation is probably incorrect. The bacilli are said to possess a cell membrane which confers upon them their resistance against drying and entrance of stains. This membrane gives a cellulose reaction and is believed to contain most of the waxy substances which can be extracted from the cultures. 1 Villemin, Gaz. hebdom., 1865. 2 Koch, Berl. klin. Woch., 1882; Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1884. 3 Baumgarten, Virchow’s Arch., 1xxxii. 479 480 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Various observers, notably Nocard and Roux,! Mafucci,? and Klein,? have demonstrated branched forms of the tubercle bacillus. These ob- servations, variously extended and confirmed, make it probable that Bacillus tuberculosis is not a member of the family of schizomycetes, ae oo aprer 4 , s Mw IS ee Fig. 103.—TusErcie Baciuui 1n Sputum. but belongs rather to the higher bacteria, closely related to the actino- myces. , Staining.—Tubercle bacilli do not stain easily with the ordinary anilin dyes; to these they are made permeable only by long exposure or by heating of the staining solution. Once stained, however, the dye is tenaciously retained in spite of treatment with alcohol and strong 1 Nocard et Roux, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1887. 2 Mafucci, Zeit. f. Hyg., ii. # Klein, Cent. f. Bakt., 1890. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 481 acids. lor this reason, this bacillus, together with some other bacteria to be mentioned later, is spoken of as “acid-fast.”’ The acid-fast nature of the bacillus seems to depend upon the fatty substances contained in it,! and has furnished the basis for differential staining methods. All the staining methods devised for the recognition of the tubercle bacillus thus depend upon the use of an intensely penetrating staining solution, followed by vigorous decolorization which deprives all but the acid-fast group of their color. Counterstains of any of the weaker dyes may then be used to stain the decolorized elements. One of the first of the staining solutions to be of practical use was the anilin-water-gentian- violet solution of Ehrlich? (11 ¢.c. saturated alcoholic gentian-violet to 89 c.c. 5 per cent anilin water). This dye, although of sufficient penetrating power, has the disadvantage of deteriorating rapidly and has in practice been almost entirely displaced by Ziehl’s * carbol-fuchsin solution. (Fuchsin 1 gm. in 10 c.c. alcohol absolute, added to 90 c.c. 5 per cent carbolic.) This staining solution is the one now in general use and is employed as follows: Thin smears, on slides or cover-slips, are covered with the dye and gently heated. In the case of cover-glasses, these may be floated, face downward, in staining dishes filled with the dye. The dye is allowed to act for about three minutes, steaming but not allowed to boil. At the end of this time the preparation is washed either with 5 per cent nitric acid, 5 to 20 per cent sulphuric acid, or 1 per cent hydro- chloric acid, until most of the red color has disappeared (a few seconds), and the preparation appears pale pink. This results in decolorization of all microorganisms with the exception of members of the acid-fast group. Thorough washing in 80 to 95 per cent alcohol is now employed to complete the decolorization. The preparation is then rinsed in water and counterstained with 1 per cent aqueous methylene-blue. Tubercle-bacillus staining has been further simplified by Gabbett,' who combines decolorization and counterstaining. In this method preparations are stained with Ziehl’s carbol-fuchsin as in the preceding; they are then rinsed in water and covered with a solution containing methylene-blue 1 gram, concentrated sulphuric acid 25 grams, and distilled water 100 c.c. This is allowed to act for from two to four + Bienstock, Fort. d. Med., 1886; Weyl, Deut. med. Woch., 1891. 2 Ehrlich, Deut. med. Woch., 1882; Wetgert, Deut. med. Woch., 1885. 8 Ziehl, Deut. med. Woch., 1883; Neelsen, ‘ Lehrb. d. allg. Path.,” 1894 4 Gabbett, Lancet, 1887. 482 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS minutes, at the end of which time all elements in the preparation except the acid-fast bacilli will be decolorized and counterstained. Tubercle bacilli in very young culture are often not acid-fast and it is not always possible to demonstrate acid-fast bacilli in pus from cold abscesses in sputum, in serous exudates, and in granulomatous lesions of the lymph nodes which can be shown by animal inoculation to be tuberculous. Much! demonstrated in such material Gram-positive granules which lay singly in short chains or in irregular clumps, and which he believed to be non-acid-fast tubercle bacilli. He found similar granules in cultures of tubercle bacilli which showed on further incuba- tion numerous acid-fast bacillary forms. His work has been repeatedly confirmed, and there seems little doubt but that these granules are really tubercle bacilli. Their demonstration is not, however, of great diag- nostic value, as other bacilli form granules of the same appearance. Small rods and splinters are also found which stain by Gram’s method, but not by carbol-fuchsin.? To find “Much’s granules,” smears or sections are steamed in a solution of methyl violet B.N. (10 ¢.c. of saturated alcoholic solution of the dye in 100 c.c. of distilled water containing 2 per cent phenol). They are then treated with Gram’s iodine solution 1-5 minutes; 5 per cent nitric acid 1 minute; 3 per cent hydrochloric acid 10 seconds; ab- solute alcohol and acetone equal parts, until decolorized. The granules may be stained by other modifications of Gram’s method. Weiss? has devised a combination stain. One part of Much’s methyl violet is mixed with three parts of Ziehl’s carbol-fuchsin and filtered; slides are stained for 24 to 48 hours in the mixture. They are then decolorized as in Much’s method and counterstained with Bismarck brown or safranin 1 per cent. Both acid-fast and Gram-positive forms are stained by this method and in the red may be seen blue-black granules. While the acid-fast group of bacteria is composed of a number of organisms to be mentioned later, a few only of these offer difficulties of differentiation from the tubercle bacillus. Those to be considered practically are the bacillus of leprosy and that of smegma. The latter bacillus, because of its distribution, is not infrequently found to con- taminate feces, urine, or even sputum, and it is important to apply to suspected specimens one or the other of the stains devised for the differentiation of the smegma bacillus from Bacillus tuberculosis. The 1 Much, Berl. klin. Woch., 1908, xlv, 700. 2 Tiebermeister, Deutsche med. Woch., 1909, xxxv, 1324. 3 Weiss, Berl. klin. Woch., 1909, xlvi, 1797. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 483 one most frequently employed is that of Pappenheim.! The preparations are stained in hot carbol-fuchsin as before; the carbol-fuchsin is then poured off without washing and the preparation immersed in a solution made by saturating a 1 per cent alcoholic solution of rosolic acid with methylene-blue and adding 20 per cent of glycerin. In such prepara- tions tubercle bacilli remain red, smegma bacilli appear blue. Stained by Gram, tubercle bacilli retain the gentian-violet. When tubercle bacilli are very sparsely present in sputum and other material it may be impossible to find them by direct examination, and often the only method of finding them will be animal inoculation. However, a number of methods have been devised by which the bacilli may be concentrated in such a way that they may be found even when a few only are present. One of these is to add peroxide of hydrogen to the sputum. By this the mucus is dissolved out and the solid particles settle or may be centrifugalized. A method very commonly employed to-day is that which depends on the use of ‘‘antiformin.”’ This is a preparation used extensively for the cleansing of vats in breweries. It is described by Rosenau ? as consisting of equal parts of liquor sod chlorinate and a 15 per cent solution of caustic soda. The formula for liquor sodz chlorinate he gives as: Sodium carbonate ...... 0... cece ccc ee cee cece eee nee 600 Chilorina ted Vine 4 g:pcuse'sna tat ctaiane sre cmataies by aia ay eats eas 400 Distilled water ssx.c.3 x enauasttediac ceed o's aoe eee ie a ieaeeers ae 4,000 If sputum is poured into a 10 to 15 per cent solution of antiformin and allowed to stand for several hours, most of the other elements of the sputum, cells, and bacteria, will dissolve out, and acid-fast bacilli be left in the residue. Strangely enough they are not killed by this process and if sufficiently washed may be cultivated or can produce lesions in guinea-pigs. Isolation and Cultivation.—Tubercle bacilli are not easily cultivated. Their slowness of growth precludes their isolation by the usual plating methods. The first isolations by Koch? were made upon coagulated blood serum from bits of tuberculous tissue smeared over its surface. Isolation from tuberculous material may be greatly aided by in- oculation into guinea-pigs. These animals will often withstand 1 Pappenheim, Berl. klin. Woch., 1898. > Rosenau, “Preventive Medicine and Hygiene,” D. Appleton, N. Y., 1913: Uhlenhuth, Berl. klin. Woch., No. 29, 1908. 3 Koch, loc. cit 484 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS the acute infection which may be produced by the contaminating organisms and succumb at a later date (four to six weeks) to the tuberculous infection. The bacilli may then be obtained, after sterile dissection, by making cultivations from lymph nodes or other tubercu- lous foci which contain only tubercle bacilli. When isolation from sputum is attempted, whether directly or by means of animal inocula- tion, the sputum may be rendered comparatively free from contaminat- ing bacteria by a process of washing devised by Koch. The sputum is thoroughly rinsed in running water to free it from its outer covering of pharyngeal mucus. It is then washed in eight or ten changes of sterile water. The material selected for cultivation is taken from the center of the washed mass, if possible from the small flakes of caseous material often visible in such sputum. On blood serum at 37.5° C., colonies usually become visible at the end of eight to fourteen days. They appear at first as small, dry, gray- ish-white, scaly spots with corrugated surfaces. After three or four weeks’ cultivation, these join together, covering the surface of the medium as a dry, whitish, wrinkled membrane. Coagulated dog serum is regarded by Theobald Smith! as one of the most favorable media for the growth of tubercle bacilli. Slants of agar,.to which whole rabbit’s blood has been added in quantities of from 1 to 2 c.c. to each tube, make an excellent medium for this bacillus, both for isolation and continuous cultivation. Cultivation methods were simplified by the discovery by Roux and Nocard that growth can be obtained upon media to which glycerin has been added. Upon glycerin-agar (glycerin 3 to 6 per cent), at 37.5° C., colonies become visible at the end of from ten days to two weeks, at first as dry, white spots; later, as delicately corrugated membranes. Glycerin bouillon (made of beef or veal with pepton one per cent, glycerin six per cent, and rendered slightly alkaline) is an extremely favorable medium. It should be filled, in shallow layers, into wide- mouthed flasks, since free access of oxygen is essential for growth. Transplants to this medium should be made by carefully floating flakes of the culture upon the surface. In this medium the bacilli will spread out upon the surface, at first as a thin, opaque, floating membrane. This rapidly thickens into ‘a white, wrinkled, or granular layer, spread- ing out in all directions, and covering the entire surface of the fluid in from four to six weeks. Later, portions of the membrane sink to the 1 Th. Smith, Jour. Exp. Med., iii, 1898, THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 485 bottom. In old cultures, the membrane assumes a yellowish hue. These cultures emit a peculiar aromatic odor. Glycerin potato forms a favorable culture medium for the bacillus. Hesse ! has devised a medium containing a proprietary preparation known as “ Nahrstoff Heyden,” upon which tubercle bacilli are said to proliferate more rapidly than other bacteria. His method has yielded excellent results in the hands of other observers, both in isolation and in rapid cultivation. It is prepared as follows: ‘a “Nahrstoff Heyden” ?..... ' 10 grams Sodium chloride.......... 5 Glycerin................. 30 “ 2) ae 10 “ Normal sodium solution... 5 c.c Aq. dest.......000000000. 1,000 “ A variety of other culture media have been devised, none of them, how- ever, possessing any marked advan- tages over those given. Biological Considerations. — The tubercle bacillus is markedly depend- ent upon the free access of oxygen. The optimum temperature for its de- velopment is 37.5° C. Temperatures below 30° and above 42° C. inhibit its growth. In fluid media, the bacilli are killed by.a temperature of 60° in yg. 104—Cuurure or Bacttws fifteen to twenty minutes, by one of 80° TUBERCULOSIS IN FuAskK or GLyc- in five minutes, by one of 90° in one ERIN BovrLion. to two minutes. They will withstand dry heat at 100° C. for one hour. They are resistant to cold. The comparatively high powers of resistance of the bacillus are attributed to the protective qualities of the waxy cell membrane.* The natural life of cultures, kept in favorable environment, is from 1 Hesse, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxi. ? “Nahrstoff Heyden” is prepared in Germany. It is a white powder similar to nutrose. * Th. Smith, Jour. Exper. Med., 1899; Grancher et Ledoux-Lebard, Arch. de méd. expér., 1892; Galtier, Compt. rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1887. 486 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS two to eight months, varying to some extent with the nature of the culture medium. The viability of the bacilli in sputum is of great hygienic importance. In most sputum they may remain alive and virulent for as long as six weeks, in dried sputum for more than two months.1 Five per cent carbolic acid kills the bacilli in a few minutes.? If used for sputum disinfection, however, where the bacilli are protected by mucus, complete disinfection by this method requires five to six hours. Bichloride of mercury is not very efficient for sputum disinfection be- cause of the formation of albuminate of mercury. ‘ For room disinfection, formaldehyde gas if thoroughly employed is efficient. Direct sunlight kills tubercle bacilli in a few hours. Pathogenicity.—The tubercle bacillus gives rise in man and suscep- tible animals to specific phenomena of inflammation which are so characteristic that a diagnosis of tuberculosis may usually be made on the basis of the histological examination of material, even without the finding of tubercle bacilli. The foci of inflammation known as tubercles have been systematically studied by Baumgarten? and many others and descriptions of them may be found in any text-book of pathological anatomy. In man, tuberculosis is by far the most common of diseases. Naegeli,* in-a large series of autopsies, found lesions of healed or active tuberculosis in an appalling percentage of cases. His figures are in- teresting in showing not only the frequency of the disease, but its rela- tion to age. Before one year of age, he finds it very rare. From the first to the fifth year it is rare, but usually fatal when occurring. From the fifth to the fourteenth year, one-third of his cases showed tuberculous lesions; from the fourteenth to the eighteenth year, one-half of the cases. Between the ages of eighteen and thirty, almost all the cases examined showed some trace of tuberculous infection. Three-quarters of these were active, one-quarter healed. Two-fifths of all deaths occur- ring at these ages were due to tuberculosis. After the age of thirty, active lesions gradually diminished in number, healed lesions increased. In 1900, at a public hearing of the New York Tenement House Commission, Pryor® stated that the average yearly mortality from 1 Schell und Fischer, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1884. 2 De Toma, Ann. di med., 1886. 3 Baumgarten, Berl. klin. Woch., 1901. 4 Naegeli, Virchow’s Arch., cix, 1900, p. 462. 5 Pryor, Med. News, lxxvii, 1900. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 487 tuberculosis in New York amounted to 6,000, and that in Manhattan alone there were constantly 20,000 persons suffering from the disease. Cornet 1 estimates that in 1894 the deaths in Germany from all other infectious diseases amounted to 116,705, while those from tuberculosis alone amounted to 123,904. Similar statistics might be chosen at will from the health reports of any large city. While the disease is less common in rural districts than in large towns, the difference is not so striking as is generally supposed. In man, pulmonary infection is by far the commonest type. Be- sides this, however, tuberculous processes may be found in the skin, the bones, the joints, the organs of special sense, and the abdominal viscera and peritoneum. No part of the human body is exempt from the danger of infection. Infection in the human subject may take place by inhalation or through the skin or the digestive apparatus. V. Behring? has within recent years expressed the belief that a large percentage of all cases of tuberculosis originate in childhood from infection by way of the intes- tinal tract. He determined, as have others since his publication, that tubercle bacilli may penetrate the intestinal mucosa without causing lesions. Behring’s contention has caused a great deal of discussion, and the question he has raised is intimately bound up with the problem of the virulence of bovine tubercle bacilli for human beings, as he assumes that the infection is due to the use of infected milk. The problem is plainly of the greatest importance hygienically, and for this reason has been diligently investigated during the last few years. The only reliable available method of approaching it has been to isolate the tubercle bacilli from large series of diseased human beings and determine for each case whether the guilty organism belonged to the human or the bovine type. These types, as we shall see presently, can be differentiated definitely by cultural characteristics and patho- genicity, and it is not likely, atleast in the light of our present knowledge, that the type changes during the sojourn in the human body. Granted this permanence of type, it is naturally of much value in revealing the source of an infection, to determine whether or not a human being is harboring a bacillus of the human type or one of the bovine type. One of the most valuable contributions made to this problem during the last three years is that of Park and Krumwiede.* The accompanying * Cornet, “Die Tuberculose,’”’ Wien, 1899, p. 1. *»v, Behring, Deut. med. Woch., 39, 1903 5’ Park and Krumwiede, Jour. of Med. Res., Oct., 1910. 488 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS tabulation is taken from their paper and represents a summary of their own cases and those reported by others. ComMBINED TABULATION, Cases REPORTED AND Own SmRIES OF CasES. (From Park and Krumwiede, loc. cit.) Adults : Children Children 16 Years Under 5 DIAGNOSIS. and Over, | 5t016 Years.) “years, Human | Bovine |Human | Bovine |Human | Bovine Pulmonary tuberculosis................0005 568 1?) i)— | 12 = Tuberculous adenitis, axillary or inguinal..... 2 7 # | 2 = Tuberculous adenitis, cervical............... 22 1 33 | 20 | 15 20 Abdominal tuberculosis...................- 15 3 7\) 7 6 13 Generalized tuberculosis alimentary origin....| 6 1 2} 3 | 13 |. 10 Generalized tuberculosis...................6. 28 - 4/ 1 | 28 5 Generalized tuberculosis, including meninges, alimentary origin. .......,.......6 eee e eee —_ - LS 3 8 Generalized tuberculosis, including meninges..; 4 - 7|— | 45 1 Tuberculous meningitis..................... = = 2|— | 14 2 Tuberculosis of bones and joints............. 18 1 26]; 1 | 2k |} — Genito-urinary tuberculosis................. 11 1 1{;— |— _— Tuberculosis of skin. .................20005 1 - 1|— 1 _ Miscellaneous Cases: Tuberculosis of tonsils..................-.. —_ i= —/ 1 ]— — Tuberculosis of mouth and cervical nodes... . .| — 1 SS es fe — Tuberculous sinus or abscesses.............. 2 = Se = Sepsis, latent bacilli ....................0.. _— - —|— 1 = Wotalss nis dsc weeesk yon sous cewen 677 9 99 | 33 161 59 Mixed or double infections, 4 cases. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 489 From this table it is evident that out of a total of 1,042 cases, 101 only were bovine in origin and over 50 per cent of these occurred in children under five years of age. Fifty-one out of the 59 cases occurring in the 161 infants were directly or indirectly traced to alimentary infection. It seems reasonably accurate, therefore, to state the case as follows: Human adults are relatively insusceptible to bovine infection. Such infection can take place, but is unusual. Below 16 years of age the human race is relatively more susceptible and up to this age the danger of milk infection is unquestionably great, this source accounting for about one-third of the cases. Below 5 years the danger is greatest. This table alone should form sufficient evidence to silence absolutely any doubts as to the dangers of milk infection and remove any objections to the most rigid sanitary control of milk supplies. On the other hand, it also shows that Behring’s original claims were far too sweeping and can not be upheld. Rosenberger ! has recently reported finding tubercle bacilli in the circulating blood of all cases of human tuberculosis which he examined. This announcement aroused much interest and has led to many investiga-: tions by other workers. Rosenberger’s results were obtained by morpho- logical examination of smears of citrated blood taken from the patients, dried upon slides and taked with distilled water. Many other observers have failed to zonfirm Rosenberger’s results. Anderson? examined 47 cases in which tubercle bacilli were found in the sputum and one case of joint tuberculosis. In none of these 48 cases was he able to obtain tubercle bacilli, neither by morphological examination nor by guinea-pig inoculation. Brem* subsequently found that labcratory distilled water may frequently contain acid-fast saprophytes—a fact which may account in many cases for errors when morphological examination alone is relied upon and blood examined by the technique of Rosenberger. This, too, is suggested by the finding of acid-fast bacilli in the blood of perfectly healthy individuals. Therefore, although the bacilli may be present in the blood in a certain number of cases it does not seem likely that they are so distributed in anything like the high percentages found by Rosenberger.* Bacillus tuberculosis (typus humanus) is pathogenic for guinea- 1 Rosenberger, Am. Jour. of Med. Sc., exxxvii, 1909. 2 Anderson, U.S. P. H. Service, Hygienic Lab., Bull. 57, 1909. 3 Brem, Jour. A. M. A., liii., 1909. 4 Suzuki and Takaki, Centralbl. f. Bakt., Ixi, 1911. 490 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS pigs, less markedly for rabbits, and still less so for dogs. It is slightly pathogenic for ‘cattle, a question spoken of more extensively below. Chemical Analysis of Tubercle Bacilli..—Diligent efforts by many investigators to isolate the specific toxins which lend tubercle bacilli their pathogenic properties have led to careful chemical analysis of the organisms. About 85.9 per cent of the bacillus consists of water; 20 to 26 per cent of the residue can be extracted with ether and alcohol. This material consists of fatty acids and waxy substances (fatty acids in combination with the higher alcohols). The residue after alcohol- ether extraction is composed chiefly of proteids. These can be extracted with dilute alkaline solutions, and consist chiefly of nucleo-albumins. A nuclein present in this fraction shows extremely high toxicity and has,? therefore, been suspected of being the pathogenic principle of the bacillus. After these extractions the remainder contains “cellulose,” supposed to represent the framework of the cell membrane, and an ash rich in calcium and magnesium. Toxins of the Tubercle Bacillus —Tur TuBERCULINS.—Filtrates of bouillon cultures of Bacillus tuberculosis* will occasionally produce slight emaciation when injected into guinea-pigs, and when administered to tuberculous subjects in sufficient quantity will give rise to marked increase of temperature. It is likely, therefore, that the tubercle bacillus actually secretes a soluble toxin.4 The chief toxic principles, however, of Bacillus tuberculosis are probably endotoxins or bacterial proteins, bound during cell life to the body of the bacillus. Dead bacilli will produce sterile abscesses when injected into animals. Prudden and Hodenpyl,® Straus and Gamaleia,® and others,’ moreover, have shown that the injection of dead and care- fully washed cultures of this bacillus will produce lesions histologi- cally similar to those occurring after infection with the living germs, and will often lead to marasmus and other systemic symptoms of poisoning. The hope of actively immunizing with substances obtained from 1 Hammerschlag, Cent. f. klin. Med., 1891; Weyl, Deut. med. Woch., 1891; De Schweinitz and Dorset, Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1895; Hammerschlag, loc. cit. 2 Behring, Berl. klin. Woch., 1899. 3 Straus and Gamaleia, Arch. méd. exp., 1891. * Denys, ‘Le Bouillon Filtré,” Louvain, 1905. 5 Prudden and Hodenpyl, N. Y. Med. Jour., June, 1891; Prudden, ibid., Dec. 5. 6 Straus and Gamaleia, loc. cit. 7 Mafucci, Cent. f. allg. Path., 1890, THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 491 dead bacilli led Koch to employ various methods of extraction of cultures for the manufacture of tuberculin. “Old Tuberculin”’! (Koch) (“T.A.K.’’) —The first tuberculin made by Koch is produced in the following manner: Tubercle bacilli are grown in slightly alkaline 5 per cent glycerin-pepton bouillon for six to eight weeks. At the end of this time, growth ceases and the corrugated pellicle of tubercle bacilli, which during growth has floated on the surface, begins, here and there, to sink to the bottom. The entire culture is then heated on a water-bath at about 80° C., until reduced to one-tenth of its original volume. It is then filtered either through sterile filter paper or through porcelain filters. The resulting filtrate is a rich brown, syrupy fluid, containing the elements of the original cul- ture medium and a 50 per cent glycerin extract of the tubercle bacilli. While the glycerin is of sufficient concentration to preserve it indef- initely, 0.5 per cent phenol may be added as an additional precaution. Dilutions of this fluid are used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. “New Tuberculin” 2? (Koch) (TA, TO, TR)—Koch believed that the immunity resulting from treatment with the old tuberculin was purely an antitoxic immunity, devoid of all antibacterial action. The use of whole dead tubercle bacilli for immunization purposes, however, was impracticable; because, injected subcutaneously, they were not absorbed, and introduced intravenously they were deposited in the lungs and gave rise to lesions. Koch was led, therefore, to resort to more energetic extraction of the bacilli in the hope of procuring a substance which could be easily absorbed and would at the same time give rise, when injected, to antibodies more definitely bactericidal. By extract- ing tubercle bacilli with decinormal NaOH, for three days, filtering through paper and neutralizing, he obtained his TA (alkaline tubercu- lin). This preparation seemed to fulfil some of the hopes of its dis- coverer, but had the disadvantage of often producing abscesses at the points of injection. Koch then resorted to mechanical trituration of the bacilli. The method he subsequently followed for tuberculin pro- duction is now extensively used, and is carried out as follows: * Virulent cultures of tubercle bacilli are dried in vacuo and thoroughly ground in a mortar. Grinding is continued until stained preparations reveal no intact bacilli. (This is done by machinery in all large manu- factories.) One gram of the dry mass is shaken up in 100 c.c. of sterile distilled water. This mixture is then centrifugalized at high speed: 1 Koch, Cent. f. Bakt., 1890; Deut. med. Woch., 1891. * Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 14, 1897. 3 Ruppel, Lancet, March 28, 1908. 492 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS The supernatant fluid, known as TO (Tuberculin-Oberschicht), contains the water-soluble constituents of the bacillus, gives no precipitate on the addition of 50 per cent glycerin, and has the same physiological action as the old tuberculin. The residue TR (Tuberculin-Riickstand), after pouring off TO, is again dried and ground up, and again shaken in water and centrifugalized. This process is repeated several times, and eventually, after three or four repetitions, all the TR goes into emulsion. The total volume of water used for these TR extractions should not exceed 100 c.c. All of the TR emulsions are then mixed to- gether. This gives TR a precipitate with 50 per cent of glycerin, and is supposed by Koch to contain substances important in producing an antibacterial immunity. For purposes of standardization, the amount of solid substance in 5 ¢.c. of the TR is determined by evaporation in vacuo and drying. To the rest are added a little glycerin and formalde- hyde and enough water to allow each cubic centimeter of the solution to contain 0.002 grams of solid material. Thus the culture and the medium remaining the same, fairly accurate standardization is possible. “New Tuberculin-Bacillary Emulsion.” —In 1901, Koch combined “TO” and “TR” by putting forth a preparation referred to as “Bazillenemulsion.” This consists of an emulsion of pulverized bacilli 1: 100 in distilled water. After several days of sedimentation to re- move the coarser particles, the supernatant fluid is poured off and fifty per cent volume of glycerin is added to it for purposes of preservation. This preparation contains 5 milligrams of solid substance in each cubic centimeter. Bouillon Filtré (Denys).2—This preparation consists of the filtrate (through Chamberland filters) of 5 per cent glycerin-pepton-bouillon cultures of Bacillus tuberculosis. Phenol 0.25 per cent is added to insure sterility. The filtered bouillon corresponds to the unconcentrated old tuberculin of Koch, but, not having been heated, is supposed by Denys to contain important soluble and possibly thermolabile secretory products of the bacillus. Tuberculoplasmin (Buchner and Hahn).—Buchner and Hahn, by crushing tubercle bacilli by subjecting them to a pressure of 400 atmospheres, obtained a cell-juice in the form of an amber fluid, to which they attributed qualities closely analogous to those of TR. 1 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. 2 Denys, ‘Le Bouillon Filtré,” Louvain, 1905. % Buchner und Hahn, Minch. med. Woch., 1897; Hahn, ibid. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 493 Other tuberculins are those of Beraneck,! highly recommended clinically by Sahli,? that of Klebs,? and the tuberculin produced from bovine tubercle bacilli by Spengler.‘ Diagnostic Use of Tuberculin.— Subcutaneous Use —The preparation usually employed for diagnostic purposes is Koch’s ‘Old Tuberculin” (Alttuberculin). This preparation is administered by hypodermic injec- tion of small quantities obtained by means of dilutions. The dilutions are best made with a 0.5 per cent aqueous carbolic acid solution. In practice a 1 per cent solution is made by pipetting 0.1 c.c. of tuberculin into 9.9 c.c. of the 0.5 per cent carbolic solution. A cubic centimeter of this then contains 0.01 c.c. of tuberculin. One c.c. of this solution added to 9 c.c. of 0.5 per cent carbolic acid gives a solution in which each cubic centimeter contains 0.001 ¢c.c., or 1 milligram of tuberculin. The initial dosage in adults in Koch’s > early work, and as used by Beck ° on a large number of patients, was 1 milligram. This, according to present opinions, is too high, and most clinicians to-day prefer 0.1 to 0.2 of amilligram. If after three or four days no reaction has occurred, a second dose of 1 milligram is given. In the absence of reaction after three further days, a third dose of 5 mgm. may be given and, under similar conditions, a fourth of 10 mgm. This is the largest dose which should ever be given, and absence of a reaction to this dose may gener- ally be regarded as proof that the patient is free from tuberculosis. Doses larger than 10 mgm. may give reactions in perfectly healthy subjects. Increase in dosage should be carried out only when the preceding dose has been entirely without reaction. In all cases it should be remembered that absolute rules of dosage can not be made and the condition and physique of each patient must be separately judged. The reaction itself is recognized chiefly by the changes in tem- perature. In a positive reaction the patient’s temperature will begin to increase within six to eight hours after injection, rising sharply within a few hours to 0.5 or 1.5° higher than the temperature before injection. Ii then sinks more gradually than it rose, the reaction usually being complete within thirty to thirty-six hours. With the temperature there 1 Beraneck, Compt. rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1903. 2 Sahli, Corrbl. d. Schw. Aerzte, 1906. 3 Klebs, Cent. f. Bakt., 1896; Deut. med. Woch., 1907. 4 Spengler, Deut. med. Woch., xxxi, 1904; xxxi and xxxiv, 1905. 5 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 1890. 5 Beck, Deut. med. Woch., 1899. 82 494 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS may be nausea, a chill, rapid pulse, and general malaise. Locally visible tuberculous processes, such as lupus, lymph nodes, etc., may become more tender or swollen, and if the tuberculosis is pulmonary, there may be coughing and increased expectoration. The tempera- tures of persons subjected to the test should be taken regularly for three or four days before tuberculin is used. Ophthalmo-Tuberculin Reaction—Wolff-Eisner! and, soon after him, Calmette 2 proposed a method of using tuberculin for diagnostic purposes by instillation into the conjunctival sac. In tuberculous patients this process is followed by a sharp conjunctival congestion last- ing from one to several days. The preparation used for this purpose is produced in the following way: “Old Tuberculin” is treated with double the quantity of 95 per cent alcohol, and the precipitate allowed to settle and the alcohol then filtered off through paper. The sediment is washed with 70 per cent alcohol until the filtrate runs clear, then pressed between layers of filter paper to remove excess of moisture, scraped into a dish, dried in vacuo over H»SO,, and broken up in a mortar under a hood. Solutions of the powder are made in sterile normal salt solution, 1 per cent by weight, boiled and filtered. The solutions are used in strengths of 0.5 to 1 per cent, a drop of which is instilled into the con- junctival sac.3 Cutaneous Tuberculin Reaction—Von Pirquet‘* has suggested the cutaneous use of tuberculin for diagnostic purposes. A 25 per cent solution of ‘Old Tuberculin” is made in the following way: "PubeRCUND os einen seiko heed BA we Bes Galea eapelals 1 Salt SOMO. 64.54 game vcawea eues wai eee a ces 2 5 per cent carbolic acid in glycerin................ 1 After sterilization of the patient’s forearm, two drops of this solution are placed upon the skin about 6 cm. apart. Within each of these drops scarification is done, and the skin between them is scarified as a con- trol. Within twenty-four to forty-eight hours, in tuberculous patients, erythema, small papules, and herpetiform vesicles will appear. The reaction is irregular and more reliable in children than in adults. Ac- 1 Wolff-Eisner, Berl. med. Gesell., May 15, 1907. 2 Calmette, Acad. des sci., June 17, 1907. 3 Method in use at Saranac and kindly communicated by Dr. Baldwin. *v. Pirquet, Berl. klin. Woch., xx, 1907; Med. Klinik, xl, 1907. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 495 cording to recent investigations, about 70 per cent of adults show a positive reaction and in such cases it is probable that an old healed tuberculosis may give rise to a positive test where absolutely no active process exists. Recently, v. Pirquet has modified his procedure by using instead of the 25 per cent solution given above, the pure, undiluted “Old Tuber- culin.” Moro! has modified this by simply making a 50 per cent ointment of tuberculin in lanolin and rubbing it into the skin without scarification. It is more simple and equally efficient to massage into the skin a drop of undiluted “Old Tuberculin.”’ The Tuberculin Test as Applied to Cattle—In cattle, the symptoms of tuberculosis are not easily detected by methods of physical diag- nosis until the disease has reached an advanced stage. In conse- quence, cows may be elements of danger without appearing in any way diseased to those who handle them. In consequence, routine examination of herds by the tuberculin test has become one of the necessary measures in public sanitation. According to Mohler,? an accurate diagnosis may be established in at least 97 per cent of the cases. It is natural that a good deal of objection to the test is encoun- tered on the part of dairy farmers and cattle raisers, and recently it has been publicly claimed that the cattle are injured by the test. There is, however, no scientific basis for this belief, if the test is carried out care- fully and intelligently. As a matter of fact, the systematic use of the test would eventually be distinctly advantageous to the owners of the cattle themselves, since it has been shown that cows, even in the early stages of the disease, may expel tubercle bacilli, either during respira- tion or in the feces, and thus become a menace to healthy members of the herd. The tuberculin test on cattle should be made as follows: (The directions given below are taken directly from the circular sent out from the Bureau of Animal Industry at Washington.) 1. Begin to take the rectal temperature at 6 a.m., and take it every two hours thereafter until midnight. 2. Make the injection at midnight. 3. Begin to take the temperature next morning at 6 a.M., and con- tinue as on preceding day. To those who have large herds to examine, or are unable to give the 1 Moro, Minch. med. Woch., 1906, p. 216. ? Mohler, Pub. H. and Mar. Hosp. Serv. Bull. 41, 1908. 496 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS time required by the above directions, the following shortened course is recommended: 1. Begin to take the temperature at 8 a.m., and continue every 2 hours until 10 p.m. (omitting at 8 p.m., if more convenient); or take the temperature at 8 A.M., 12 m., and 10 P.m. 2. Make the injection at 10 p.m. 3. Take the temperature next morning at 6 or 8 a.M., and every 2 hours thereafter until 6 or 8 P.M. Each adult animal should receive 2 ¢.c. of the tuberculin as it is sent frem the laboratory. (The tuberculin sent out from the central labora- tory at Washington is already diluted; 2 c.c. represents 0.25 c.c. of the concentrated ‘‘Old Tuberculin” of Koch.) Yearlings and two-year-olds, according to size, should receive from 1 to 1.5 cubic centimeters. Bulls and very large animals may receive three cubic centimeters. The injec- tion should be made beneath the skin of the neck or shoulders behind the scapula, after washing the area with a weak carbolic acid solution. There is usually no marked local swelling at the seat of the injection. There are now and then uneasiness, trembling, and the more fre- quent passage of softened dung. There. may also be slight acceleration of the pulse and of the breathing. The febrile reaction in tuberculous cattle following the subcutaneous injection of tuberculin begins from six to ten hours after the injection, reaches the maximum nine to fifteen hours after the injection, and returns to normal eighteen to twenty-six hours after the injection. A rise of two or more degrees Fahrenheit above the maximum tem- perature observed on the previous day should be regarded as an indica- tion of tuberculosis. For any rise less than this a repetition of the injection after four or six weeks is highly desirable. It is hardly necessary to suggest that for the convenience of the one making the test the animals should not be turned out, but fed and watered in the stable. It is desirable to make note of the time of feed- ing and watering and of any temperature fall after watering. The tuberculin should not be used later than six weeks after the date on the bottle, nor if there is a decided clouding of the solution. Therapeutic Uses of Tuberculin.—Tuberculin was first used therapeu- tically, shortly after its discovery, by Koch.1 Hailed with the most optimistic enthusiasm, its possibilities were overestimated and hope- less cases were treated unskilfully, with unsuitable dosage. The conse- quence was that harm was done, the method was attacked by Virchow 1 Koch, Deut. med. Woch.,, iii, 1891. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 497 and others and the new therapy fell into almost complete neglect. At present, the use of tuberculin has again been revived, but with greater caution and with a thorough understanding of its limitations. The tendency has been toward smaller dosage and the limitation of the agent to early cases. No two institutions use tuberculin in exactly the same manner, and it is, therefore, impossible to do more than outline the general scheme of treatment. It must never be forgotten, however, that all forms of tuberculin treatment consist in an “active immuniza- tion” in which, for the time being, the toxemia of the patient is increased rather than neutralized. It is obvious, therefore, that only such cases are at all suitable for treatment in which the process is not a very acute one. The general principle of modern tuberculin therapy seems to lie in choosing doses so small that no marked general reaction shall follow. The preparations most frequently employed are Koch’s “ Alttuber- culin,” his “TR,” his ““Neu Tuberkulin-Bazillen Emulsion,’ and the Bouillon filtré of Denys. Initial doses of Alttuberculin range from 0.1 to 0.01 of a milligram. In case of successful avoidance of a reaction, the injection may be repeated, gradually increasing, about twice a week. The occurrence of a reaction should be the signal for a longer interval and a slower advance in the size of the dose. The initial dose of “TR” is, as advised by Koch,! about 0.002 mgm. This usually causes no reaction. The dose is doubled, at reason- able intervals, up to 1 mgm. After this, further increase is care- fully gauged by the clinical indications. The maximum dose is about 20 mgm. “Neu Tuberkulin-Bazillen Emulsion,” ? is begun with a dose of 0.001 mgm. Gradual increase as with the other preparations is then prac- ticed. The maximum dose is about 10 mgm. Bouillon filtré has been used chiefly by Denys? and with apparently excellent results. Denys is very emphatic in advising the absolute avoidance of any reaction. He begins with a millionth or even the tenth of a millionth of a cubic centimeter of the bouillon and in- creases with extreme caution. His dilutions are made with glycerin broth. Passive Immunization in Tuberculosis——Numerous attempts have been made to immunize tuberculous subjects with the sera of actively 1 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., xiv, 1897. * Bandelier und Roepke, “‘Lehrb. d. spezifisch. Tub. Ther.,”’ Wiirzburg, 1908; Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. 3 Denys, ‘Le Bouillon filtré,” Louvain, 1905. 33 498 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS immune animals. The most widely used method of producing such serum is that of Maragliano. Maragliano’s Serum.'—Maragliano believes that a toxalbumin is present in tubercle-bacillus cultures which is destroyed by the heating employed in the usual tuberculin production. He procures this sub- stance by filtration of unheated cultures and precipitation with alcohol (tossina, precipitata). He furthermore makes an aqueous extract of the bacillary bodies. With these two substances he immunizes horses. He draws blood from these after four to six months of treatment. The serum is extensively used in Italy. Its value is, at present, very doubtful. Marmorek’s Serum.22—Marmorek claims that the poisons produced by Bacillus tuberculosis depend largely upon the medium on which it is grown. He advanced the view in 1903 that the substances cbtained in tuberculin were not the true toxins of the tubercie bacillus, that there was a marked difference between these and the poisens elaborated by a younger (primitive) phase of the bacillus as it occurs only within the animal body or on media composed of animal tissue. He consequently grows his cultures on a medium composed of a leucotoxic serum (pro- duced by inoculating calves with guinea-pig leucocytes) and liver tissue. Such cultures, he claims, contain no tuberculin. To the sera produced by immunization with these cultures he attributes high curative powers. Bacilli Closely Related to the Tubercle Bacillus.—The Bacillus of Bovine Tuberculosis—Tuberculosis of cattle (Perlsucht) was studied by Koch? in connection with his early work on human tuberculosis. Koch did not fail to recognize differences between the reactions to in- fection in the bovine type of the disease and that of man. He attrib- uted these, however, to the nature of the infected subject rather than to any differences in the infecting agents. This point of view met with little authoritative contradiction, until Theobald Smith,’ in 1898, made a systematic comparative study of bacilli isolated from man and from cattle and pointed out differences between the two types. The opinion of Smith was fully accepted by Koch in 1901. Since that time, the question, because of its great importance to prophylaxis, has been the subject of many investigations, most of them 1 Maragliano, Berl. klin. Woch., 1899; Soc. de biol., 1897. 2 Marmorek, Berl. klin. Woch., 1903, p. 1108; Med. Klinik, 1906. * 3 Koch, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 11, 1882. 4Th. Smith, Jour. Exp. Med., 111, 1898. 5 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 1901. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 499 confirming Smith’s original work. Morphologically, Smith ' found that the bovine bacilli were usually shorter than those of the human type and grew less luxuriantly than these upon artificial media. He determined, furthermore, that, grown upon slightly acid glycerin bouillon, the bovine bacillus gradually reduces the acidity of the culture medium until the reaction reaches neutrality or even slight alkalinity. Fluctuations, after this, do not exceed 0.1 or 0.2 per cent on either side of neutrality. In the case of the human bacillus, on the other hand, there is but slight reduction of the acidity during the first weeks of growth; after this acidity increases and, though subject to fluctuations, never reaches neutrality. This behavior is probably due to action exerted upon the glycerin, since on ordinary bouillon no such differences between the two varieties can be noticed. These observations of Smith were confirmed by Ravenel,? Vagedes,’ and others. The cultural differences between the two types have been studied with especial care by Wolbach and Ernst, and Kossel, Weber, and Heuss. All of these observers bear out Smith’s contention that luxuriance and speed of growth are much more marked in the human than in the bovine variety. Marked differences, furthermore, have been shown to exist in the pathogenic qualities of these bacilli toward various animal species. Guinea-pigs inoculated with the bovine type § die more quickly and show more extensive lesions than those infected with human bacilli. The difference in the pathogenicity of the two organisms for rabbits is sufficiently striking to be of diagnostic value. The bovine bacilli usually kill a rabbit within two to five weeks; the human bacilli produce a mild and slow disease, lasting often for six months, and occasionally fail to kill the rabbits at all. The practical importance of distinguishing between the two types, of course, attaches to the question as to whether the bovine and the human disease are mutually intercommunicable. Extensive attempts to infect cattle with bacilli of the human type have been made,’ for the most part with very little or no success. Infections of human beings with 1Th. Smith, Jour. Exp. Med., 1905. ® Ravenel, Lancet, 1901; Univ. Penn. Med. Bull., 1902. 3 Vagedes, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1898. ‘Wolbach and Ernst, “Studies from the Rockefeller Inst.,” 11, 1904. 5 Kossel, Weber, und Heuss, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1904 and 1905. 6 Smith, loc. cit., and Medical News, 1902. 7 Beck, “Festsch. R. Koch,” 1902; Smith, loc. cit. 500 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS bovine bacilli, however, have been reported and proved beyond reason- able doubt, by Smith,! Ravenel,? Kossel, Weber, and Heuss,? Park and Krumwiede,! and others. Most of these infections have been in children. It is likely, therefore, that while cattle are to a considerable degree im- mune against the bacillus of the human type, human beings do not enjoy the same safeguard in respect to the bovine bacillus. During adult life, the danger of such infection, however, is far less than it is during infancy and early youth. This question has been discussed on p. 487. The Bacillus of Avian Tuberculosis—A disease resembling in many features the tuberculosis of man is not uncommon among chickens, pigeons, and some other bird species. Koch was the first to discover in the lesions of diseased fowl bacilli much resembling Bacillus tuberculosis. It was soon shown, however, by the studies of Nocard and Roux,} Mafucci,* and others, that the bacillus of the avian disease represented a definitely differentiable species. Morphologically, and in staining characteristics, the bacillus is almost identical with that of the human disease. In culture, however, growth is more rapid and takes place at a temperature of 41° to 45° C.7 (the normal temperature of birds), while the human type is unable to thrive at a temperature above 40°. Guinea-pigs, very susceptible to human tuberculosis, are very refractory to infection with the avian type; while, on the other hand, rabbits which are resistant to the human type, succumb rapidly to in- fection with avian tuberculosis. Prolonged cultivation and passage through the mammalian body is said to cause these bacilli to approach more or less closely to the mammalian type. Conversely, Nocard ° succeeded in rendering mammalian tubercle bacilli pathogenic for fowl by keeping them in the peritoneal cavities of hens in celloidin sacs for six months. Recently Koch and Rabinovitsch !° have isolated from the spleen of 1 Smith, Trans. Assn. Amer. Phys., 1903. 2 Ravenel, Univ. Penn. Med. Bull., 1902. 3 Kossel, Weber, und Heuss, loc. cit. 4 Park and Krumwiede, Jour. Med. Res., 1910. 5 Nocard et Roux, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1887. 6 Mafucci, Zeit. f. Hyg., xi. 7 Mafucct, loc. cit. 8 Straus et Gamaleia, Arch. de méd. expér., 1891; Courmont et Dor, Arch. de méd. exp., 1891. 9 Nocard, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1898. 10 Koch und Rabinovitsch, Virch. Arch., Beiheft to Bd. 190, 1907. THE TUBERCLE BACILLUS 501 a young man dead of tuberculosis, a microorganism which, culturally, morphologically, and in its pathogenic action upon birds, seemed to belong to the avian type. Loéwenstein! describes a similar organism cultivated from a human case which seems to be a transitional type. Observations of this order are, however, too few at the present time to be used as the basis of a definite opinion as to the relationship between the two varieties. Tuberculosis in Cold-blooded Animals——The bacillus isolated by Dubarre and Terre? resembles Bacillus tuberculosis in morphology and in a certain degree of acid-fastness. It grows at low temperatures, 15° to 30° C. It is non-pathogenic for animals, but kills frogs within a month. Except for the acid-fastness it has little in common with Bacillus tuberculosis. Similar acid-fast bacilli have been isolated from other cold-blooded animals (carp, frogs, turtles, snakes) by many observers. There have been many attempts to show a close relationship between the tubercle bacilli of cold-blooded and those of warm-blooded animals. Moeller, Hansemann, Friedmann, Weber, Kiister, and others have given this subject particular attention and it has gained especial interest because of the recent notorious claims of Friedmann that he has suc- ceeded in obtaining, from turtles, a strain of acid-fast bacilli which can be successfully used in actively immunizing human beings. In 1903 Friedmann * described two cases of spontaneous infection of a salt-water turtle (Chelone corticata) with acid-fast bacilli, presenting lesions in the lungs which simulated pulmonary tuberculosis in the human being (cavity formation and miliary nodules). The organisms cultivated from these lesions presented much similarity to those of the human type and, according to Friedmann,‘ unlike other acid-fast bacilli of cold-blooded animals, could be grown at 37.5° C. As a possible human origin for the turtle infections Friedmann mentions that the attendant who fed these turtles suffered from a double pulmonary tuberculosis. Upon inoculation into guinea-pigs localized lesions only were pro- duced, and dogs, rats, and birds were immune. The implication of Friedmann’s work is that his culture represents a human strain attenu- 1 Léwenstein, quoted from Koch and Rabinovitsch, loc. cit. * Dubarre et Terre, Compt. rend. de la soc. de biol., 1897. * Friedmann, D. Med. Woch., No. 2, Jan., 1908, 25. ‘4 Friedmann, D. Med. Woch., No. 26, 464, 1903, and Centralbl. f. Bakt., I, xxxiv, _ 1903, also Zeitschr. f. Tuberkulose, iv, Heft 5, 1903. 502 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS ated for man by passage through the turtle, although, as far as we are aware, no definite statement as to this has been made. Summarizing the work of many investigators (Weber, Taute, Kiister, Allegri, Bertarelli, and others) Kiister' makes a statement which is, in essence, as follows: In the carp, in snakes, turtles, and frogs spontaneous tuberculosis may occur. The organisms which cause these diseases are specific for cold-blooded animals, similar in many respects to the tubercle bacillus of warm-blooded animals, but in the latter do not produce progressive disease. Human, bovine, and avian tubercle bacilli inoculated into cold-blooded animals can produce lesions which histologically simulate tuberculosis. These micro- organisms can remain a year in cold-blooded animals without losing their pathogenicity for guinea-pigs. Mutation of the tubercle bacillus of warm-blooded animals into cold-blooded ones has not been proven. For these reasons it is quite impossible to exclude, in the apparently positive work of Friedmann and others, the isolation of a true “cold- blooded” type organism, rather than a mutation form originally of the warm-blooded type. What Friedmann’s present claims in this respect are for his culture has not been stated as far as we know. The possibility of a positive immunizing value of organisms isolated from cold-blooded animals in human beings, though remote, is not out of ques- tion. The problem is so serious and important, and the experience of many workers is, so far, so inconclusive that the time has not come for commercial exploitation and the cruel arousing of false hopes. The subject, however, deserves carefully controlled further investigations. Bacillus of Timothy—Moeller isolated from timothy-grass and from the dust in haylofts acid-fast bacilli, like Bacillus tuberculosis. They grow rapidly on agar, soon showing a deep red or dark yellow color. Bacillus butyricus (Butter Bacillus)—Slightly acid-fast bacilli re- sembling Bacillus tuberculosis have been isolated from milk and butter by Petri,? Rabinovitsch,? Korn,‘ and others. These bacilli are easily differentiated from Bacillus tuberculosis cul- turally. They are slightly pathogenic for guinea-pigs, but not for man. Bacillus smegmatis and the bacillus of leprosy will be discussed in separate sections. The differentiation of these organisms by staining reactions has been discussed in the section on staining methods. 1 Kolle und Wassermann’s Handbuch, 2d edition, v, 767. 2 Petri, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1897. 3 Rabinovitsch, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1897. * Korn, Cent. f. Bakt., 1899. CHAPTER XXXIV THE SMEGMA BACILLUS AND THE BACILLUS OF LEPROSY BACILLUS SMEGMATIS In 1884, Lustgarten + announced that he had succeeded in demon- strating, in a number of syphilitic lesions, a characteristic bacillus, which he declared to be the etiological factor in the disease. The great importance of the subject of Lustgarten’s communication caused nu- merous investigators to take up the study of the microorganisms found upon the genitals of normal and diseased individuals. As a result of these researches the presence of the Lustgarten bacilli upon the genitals of many syphilitics was confirmed; but at the same time bacilli, which in all essential particulars were identical with them, were found in the secretions about the genital organs and anus of many normal persons. The first to throw doubt upon the etiological significance of Lustgarten’s bacillus, and to describe in detail the microorganism now recognized as Bacillus smegmatis, were Alvarez and Tavel.? Similar studies were made soon afterward by Klemperer,’ Bitter,* and others. The smegma bacilli are now known to occur as harmless sapro- phytes in the preputial secretions of the male, about the external genital organs of the female, and within the folds of thighs and buttocks. They are usually found, in these situations, in clumps upon the mucous mem- brane, and occasionally in the superficial layers of the epithelium, intra- and extra-cellularly. Morphology.—The smegma bacilli are very similar to tubercle bacilli, but show greater variations in size and appearance than do the latter. In length the individuals may vary from two to seven micra. They are usually straight or slightly curved, but according to Alvarez and Tavel may show great polymorphism, including short comma-like forms, and occasional S-shaped spiral forms. 1 Lustgarten, Wien. med. Woch., 47, 1884. 2 Alvarez et Tavel, Arch. d. physiol. norm, et path., Oct., 1885. 3 Klemperer, Deut. med. Woch., xi, 1885. 4 Bitter, Virchow’s Arch., ciii. 503 504 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS They are not easily stained, and though less resistant in this respect than the tubercle bacillus, they yet belong distinctly to the group of acid-fast bacilli. Once stained by the stronger dyes, such as carbol- fuchsin or anilin-water-gentian-violet, they are tenacious of the dye, though less so than tubercle bacilli. The identification of the smegma bacillus by staining methods has become of great practical importance since Fraenkel,' Miiller, and others have demonstrated the occasional presence of acid-fast bacilli, probably of the smegma group, in sputum, and in secretions from the tonsillar crypts and throat. The methods of differentiation which have been found most practical are those which depend upon differences in the retention of stain shown by these bacilli. While it may be stated as a general rule that the smegma bacilli are more easily decolor- ized than tubercle bacilli, it is nevertheless important that a con- trol, as suggested by Wood, be made with known tubercle bacilli whenever a slide of suspected smegma bacilli is examined. For the actual differentiation an excellent method is that of Pappenheim, described in detail in the section on Staining, page 106. This method depends upon the fact that prolonged treatment with alcohol and rosolic acid decolorizes the smegma bacilli but not the tubercle bacilli. Coles* has stated that smegma bacilli will resist Pappenheim’s decolorizing agent for four hours at the most, while tubercle bacilli will retain ¢he stain, in spite of such treatment, for as long as twenty- four hours. Although minor differences between the smegma bacillus and that of Lustgarten have been upheld by Doutrelepont * and others, never- theless, the etiological significance of Lustgarten’s bacillus in syphilis has been finally discredited, and, if not identical with the smegma bacillus, it at least belongs to the same group. The smegma bacilli have no pathogenic significance. They are found upon human beings as harmless saprophytes, and all attempts to infect animals have so far been unsuccessful. They are cultivated with great difficulty, first cultivations from man being successful only upon the richer media containing human serum or hydrocele fluid. After prolonged cultivation upon artificial media they may be kept alive upon glucose agar or ascitic agar. Their growth is slow; 1 Fraenkel, Berl. klin. Woch., 1898. 2 Miller, Deut. med. Woch., 1898. 3 Coles, Jour. of State Med., 1904. 4 Doutrelepont, quoted from Klemperer, loc. cit. BACILLUS LEPRA AND LEPROSY 505 and the colonies, appearing within five or six days after inoculation, are yellowish white, corrugated, and not unlike tubercle-bacillus colonies. BACILLUS LEPRZ AND LEPROSY The bacillus of leprosy was first seen and correctly interpreted as the etiological factor in the disease in 1879, by G. Armauer Hansen,1 a Norwegian observer. Hansen found the bacilli in the tissues of the nodular lesions of patients, lying in small clumps, intra-~ and extra- cellularly, as well as in the serum oozing from the tissue during its removal. Hansen’s observation was the fruit of over six years of careful study and as to his priority in making this great discovery, there can be no doubt. Almost simultaneously with his publication, however, Neisser * published similar results, obtained by him during a brief stay at Bergen, during the preceding summer. The bacilli described by these workers are now recognized as beigg unquestionably the cause of the various forms of the disease known as leprosy. Morphology and Staining.—The leprosy bacillus is a small rod measuring about 5 to 7» in length and has a close morphological re- semblance to Bacillus tuberculosis, except in that it is less apt to display the beaded appearance and is slightly less slender than the latter. It is non-motile, possesses no flagella, and forms no spores. Like tubercle bacilli, furthermore, the leprosy bacilli belong to the class of so-called acid-fast bacteria, being stained with much difficulty; but when once stained they are tenacious of the color, offering con- siderable resistance to the decolorizing action of acids. It is necessary for differential diagnosis, however, to note that both the difficulty of staining and the resistance to decolorization are less marked in the case of this microorganism than in the case of Bacillus tuberculosis. It was this peculiar behavior to stains that caused the delay of several years in Hansen’s publications, since he failed in obtaining good morphological specimens until the work of Koch upon bacterial staining had supplied him with proper methods. The bacillus is stained most easily with anilin-water-gentian-violet or with carbol-fuchsin solution. Stained by Gram’s method, it is not decolorized and appears a deep blue. Differ- ential staining by the Ziehl-Neelsen method shows the bacillus stained red unless decolorization by means of the acid and alcohol are prolonged 1 Hansen, Virch. Arch., 79, 1879. 2 Neisser, Breslauer arztl. Zeitschr., 20, 1879. 506 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS for an unusual time. A differentiation from tubercle bacilli by virtue of greater ease of decolorization is of value only in the hands of those having much experience with these bacilli, and follows no regular laws of acid-strengths or time of application which can be generally applied by the inexperienced. In tissues, the bacilli are easily stained by the methods used for staining tubercle bacilli. The sections are left in the Ziehl carbol-fuchsin solution either from two to twelve hours at incu- bator temperature or for twenty-four hours at room temperature. Subsequent treatment is that employed in the case of tuberculous tissue sections (see p. 112). Cultivation.— Cultivation of the leprosy bacillus has not met with success. Hansen and others who have approached the problem with a thorough knowledge of the microorganism, combined with a com- petent bacteriological training, have failed in all their attempts. Numerous positive results reported by observers have always lacked adequate confirmation. Recently, Rost,! of the British Army Medical Corps, has claimed success in cultivation of leprosy bacilli upon salt-free bouillon, his point of departure being the previous observation that salt-free media favored the growth of tubercle bacilli. His results have not been confirmed. In 1909 Clegg? succeeded in growing an acid-fast bacillus from leprous tissue, obtaining his results by inoculating leprous material upon agar plates upon which ameba coli had been grown in symbiosis with other bacteria. On such plates the acid-fast bacilli multiplied, and, subsequently, pure cultures were obtained by heating the cultures to 60° C., which destroyed the ameba coli and other bacteria. These results were confirmed by other workers and, soon after that, Duval ® not only succeeded in repeating Clegg’s experiments, but obtained cul- tures of an acid-fast bacillus directly from leprous lesions without the aid of ameba. He first observed that the leprosy organism would multi- ply around a transplanted piece of leprous tissue upon ordinary blood agar tubes upon which influenza bacilli and meningococci were grown. He concluded that such growth depended upon chemical changes in the media and believed the formation of amino-acids essential for the initial growth. The method he subsequently described depended upon supplying these substances either by adding tryptophan to nutrient agar or by pouring egg albumen and human blood serum in Petri dishes, 1 Rost, Brit. Med. Jour., 1, 1905. 2 Clegg, Philippine Jour. of Sc., iv, 1909. 3 Duval, Jour. Exp. Med., xii, 1910, and ibid., 15, 1912. BACILLUS LEPRA AND LEPROSY 507 inspissating, at 70° C., for three hours and, after inoculating with leprous tissue, adding a 1 per cent solution of trypsin. Indirectly the same result was obtained by employing culture media containing albu- minous substances and inoculating with bacteria capable of producing amino-acids from the medium. After leprosy bacilli had been grown on this medium for several generations, they could easily be cultivated on agar slants without special additions or preliminary treatment. In spite of extensive work upon this very important problem opinions are still divided as to the specific nature of the organisms cul- tivated by Clegg and by Duval. Animal experiments with these cultures have remained inconclusive. The cultures after prolonged preservation upon artificial media grow heavily, often lose their acid-fast charac- teristics, develop into streptothrix-like or diphtheroid forms and become markedly chromogenic, all these characteristics suggesting saprophytism. In a recent communication, Duval and Wellman ! state their opinion as follows: From 29 cases of leprosy, 22 successive cultivations of acid- fast bacilli were made; in 14 of them a chromogenic organism, similar to that of Clegg, wasfound. This grows either as a non-acid-fast strep- tothrix in subsequent cultivations or as non-acid-fast diphtheroid forms. From eight cases an organism distinctly different from the former was cultivated which grows only on specific media and by serological tests seems to give reaction which differentiates itfrom Clegg’s organism. Du- val believes that there is no reason to assume specific etiological relation- ship for the first organism mentioned. In the case of the second, he admits that not sufficient proof has been brought, but states his belief that its etiological significance is probable. Pathogenicity —Innumerable attempts to transmit leprosy to ani- mals by inoculation have been unsuccessful. Nicolle,2 however, has recently claimed successful experiments upon monkeys (macacus) in whom inoculation with tissue from infected human beings was followed, in sixty-two days, by the development of a small nodule at the site of inoculation, in which, upon excision, leprosy bacilli were found. In most cases, however, inoculation has given rise merely to a transient inflammatory reaction. Among human beings, leprosy has been a widely spread disease since the beginning of history, and much evidence is found in ancient lit- erature which testifies to a wide distribution of the disease long before the Christian era and throughout the Middle Ages. At the present day, 1 Duval and Wellman, Jour. of Inf. Dis., xi, 1912, 2 Nicolle, Sem. médicale, 10, 1905. 508 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS leprosy is most common in the eastern countries, especially in India ana China. In Europe the disease is found in Norway, in Russia, and in Iceland. In other European countries, while the disease occurs, it is not at all common. In the United States, there are, according to Osler, three important centers of leprosy situated in Louisiana, in California, and among the Norwegian settlers in Minnesota. The disease is also present in several provinces of Canada. In all countries in which segregation of lepers is rigidly practiced, the disease is diminishing. In Norway, according to Hansen, proper sanitary measures have reduced the number of lepers from 2,870 in 1856, to 577 in 1900. Clinically, the disease appears in two chief varieties, tubercular leprosy and the so-called anesthetic leprosy. In the former variety, hard nodular swellings appear, usually in the face, but often on other parts of the body as well. These lead to frightful disfigurement and are accompanied by a falling-out of hair and a loss of sensation in the affected areas. In the anesthetic form, there is usually at first pain in definite areas of the extremities and the trunk, which is soon followed by the formation of flat or slightly raised pigmented areas, within which there is absolute anesthesia with, later, atrophy and often secondary necrosis in the atrophied parts. The disease is usually chronic in its course. The bacilli are found in large numbers in the cutaneous lesions. In the knobs of the nodular variety, they lie in clumps between the con- nective-tissue cells and within the large spheroidal cells which make up the nodules. They are found, also, in advanced cases, in the liver and in the spleen, lying within the cells, and, to a slighter extent, in the intercellular spaces. They have also been found within the kidneys, the endothelium of the blood-vessels, and in the testicles.!_ In the blood, the bacilli have frequently been demonstrated, especially during the febrile attacks which occur during the disease. Westphal and Uhlen- hut? have found the bacilli within the central nervous system, and these observers, as well as others, have found them lying within the substance of the peripheral nerves, thus explaining the anesthesia. A fact of enormous importance to the question of transmission is the observation made by various observers, more especially by Sticker, that the bacilli are found with great regu- larity in considerable numbers in the nasal secretions of persons suffering from the disease. Sticker is inclined to regard the nose 1 Sticker, Miinch. med. Woch., 39, 1897. 2 Westphal und Uhlenhut, Klin. Jahrb., 1901. BACILLUS LEPRAZ AND LEPROSY 509 as the primary path of infection. Whether or not this be true can not, at present, be decided. As a source of infection, however, the nasal mucus and, secondarily, the saliva, are certainly the vehicles by which large numbers of the bacilli leave the infected patient, and, therefore, tend to spread the disease. The contagiousness of leprosy is far less than is that of most other bacterial diseases. Physicians and others who come into direct contact with large numbers of leprous patients, observing at the same time the ordinary precautions of cleanliness, rarely contract the disease. On the other hand, intimate contact with lepers without such precautions is the only possible means of transmission. The demonstration of leprosy bacilli in dust, soil, etc., must always be looked upon with sus- picion, since, apart from actual human inoculation, there is no method of positively differentiating the bacilli from similar acid-fast organisms. Instances of transmission by contact are on record, not the least famous of which is the case of Father Damien, who contracted the disease while taking care of the lepers upon the island of Molokai. Hansen states that in his knowledge no case of leprosy can be found in which careful examination of the past history will not reveal direct contact with a previous case. Direct inoculation of the human being with material from a leprous patient has been successfully carried out by Arning,! upon a Hawaiian criminal. In this case a piece of a leprous nodule was planted into the subcutaneous tissue of the left arm. One month after the inoculation, pain appeared in the arm and shoulder, and four and a half months later a typical leprosy nodule was formed. Four years after the inoculation, the patient was a typical leper. Although our inability to cultivate the leprosy bacillus, and the lack of success attending animal inoculation, have made it impossible to study more closely the toxic action of this microorganism, there is, neverthe- less, some evidence which points toward the production of a poisonous substance of some kind by the bacillus. Rost,? who claims to have cultivated the bacillus, manufactured from his cultures, by the technique for the production of “Old Tuberculin,” a substance which he called “‘leprolin,” and which he employed therapeutically in the same manner in which tuberculin is employed in tuberculosis. As stated before, the results of Rost still lack confirmation. Of far greater importance, both in demonstrating the probability of the existence of a definite toxin as well as in indicating the close relationship between the leprosy bacillus 1 Arning, Vers, d. Naturfor. u. Aerzte, 1886. 2 Rost, loc. cit. 510 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS and the Bacillus tuberculosis, are the investigations upon the action of tuberculin upon leprous patients. When tuberculin is adminis- tered to lepers, a febrile reaction occurs usually twenty-four or more hours after the administration. The fever differs from that produced by the use of the same substance in tuberculous patients in that it is of late occurrence and lasts considerably longer. At the same time, there may be marked redness and tenderness of the nodules. In isolated cases, Babes! has noticed alarmingly high and prolonged fever together with systemic symptoms such as nausea, headache, and even uncon- sciousness, following the injection of tuberculin. The same writer claims to have extracted from the organs of lepers, which contained enormous numbers of bacilli, substances which showed an action similar to that of the tuberculin. RAT LEPROSY Stefansky ? first observed this disease among rats in Odessa, and since then it has been observed in Berlin (Rabinovitsch *), in London (Dean*), in New South Wales (Tidswell*), and in San Francisco (Wherry § and McCoy’). The disease occurs spontaneously among house rats and is characterized by subcutaneous induration, swelling of lymph nodes, with, later, falling out of the hair, emaciation, and some- times ulceration. Its course is protracted and rats may live with it for six months or a year. When a rat suffering from this disease is dis- sected there is usually found, under the skin of the abdomen or flank, a thickened area which has the appearance of adipose tissue except that it is more nodular and gray and less shiny than fat. It is so like fat, however, that it is often possible to overlook it as evidence of disease by one unfamiliar with the condition. In this area acid-fast bacilli looking like the Bacillus leprae are found in large numbers. These bacilli are also found in the lymph nodes and sometimes in small nodules which appear in the liver and lung. 1 Babes, in Kolle und Wassermann, “Handbuch,” etc., Erst. Erginz. Bd., 1907. 2 Stefansky, Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxxiii, 481. 3 Rabinovitsch, Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxxiii, 577. 4 Dean, Centralbl. f. Bakt., xxxiv, 222; Jour. Hyg., xcix. 5 Tidswell, cited by Brinkerhoff in ‘The Rat and Its Relation to Public Health,’’ Treas. Dept., Wash., 1910. 6 Wherry, J. A. M. A., June 6, 1908, p. 1903; Jour. Inf. Dis., dvii, Rep. U. S. P. H., and M. H.S., xxiii, 1841. 7 McCoy, Rep. U. S. P. H. and M. H.S., xxiii, 981; Abstr. in J. A. M. A, Aug. 22, 1908, 690. RAT LEPROSY 511 The disease can be transmitted experimentally from rat to rat and probably is transmitted naturally from rat to rat by the agency of fleas (Wherry, McCoy). Although clinically not exactly like human leprosy the condition is sufficiently like it to arouse much hygienic interest. The distribution of the disease in various parts of the world does not correspond with the distribution of leprosy. A peculiar feature of its distribution is the fact that in San Francisco, as the writer was told by McCoy, almost all the rats that suffered from this disease came from the district in which the retail meat business is located, known as “Butchertown.” The organisms were made to multiply in vitro by Zinsser and Cary in plasma preparations of growing rat spleen. Chapin has succeeded in cultivating them by a method analogous to the trypsin- egg albumen method employed by Duval. In the experiments of Zinsser and Cary it was found that although the organisms may retain their acid-fast. characteristics for many weeks within leucocytes they degen- erate rapidly within the spleen cells, a fact which seems to have some bearing on the mechanism of resistance possessed by the body against acid-fast organisms. CHAPTER XXXV BACILLUS DIPHTHERI@, BACILLUS HOFFMANNI, AND BACILLUS XEROSIS BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA Since 1821, when Bretonneau of Tours published his observa- tions, diphtheria has been an accurately recognized clinical entity. Our knowledge of the disease in the sense of modern bacteriology, however, begins with the first description of Bacillus diphtherie by Klebs in 1883. Klebs1 had observed in the pseudomembranes from diphtheritic throats, bacilli which in the light of more recent knowledge we can hardly fail to recognize as the true diphtheria organism. His work, however, was purely morphological and, therefore, inconclusive. One year after this announcement, Loeffler? isolated and cultivated an organism which corresponded in its morphological characters to the one described by Klebs. He obtained it from thirteen clinically unques- tioned cases of diphtheria, and, by inoculating it upon the injured mucous surfaces of animals, succeeded in producing lesions which resembled closely the false membranes of the human disease. His failure to find the bacillus in all the cases he examined, his finding it, in one instance, in a normal -throat, and his inability to explain to his own satisfaction some of the systemic manifestations of the infection which we now know to be due to the toxin, caused him to frame his conclusions in a tone of the utmost conservatism. The second and third publications of Loeffler,? however, and the inquiry into the nature of the’ toxins produced by the bacillus, published in 1888 by Roux and Yersin,' eliminated all remaining doubt as to the etiological relationship existiny between this organism and the disease. Innumerable observations, both clinical and bacteriological, by other workers, have, since that time, confirmed the early investigations, 1 Klebs, Verh. d. 2. Kongr. f. inn. Medizin, Wiesbaden, 1883. 2 Loeffler, Mittheil. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1884. 3 Loeffler, Cent. f. Bakt., 1887 and 1890. 4 Roux and Yersin, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1888 and 1889. Al_ BACILLUS DIPHTHERLE 513 and it is to-day a scientific necessity to find the bacillus of Klebs and Loeffler in the lesion before a diagnosis of ‘‘diphtheria” can properly be made. Morphology and Staining.—While Bacillus diphtheriz presents certain characteristic appearances which facilitate its recognition, it is, at the same time, subject to a number of morphological variations with Fig. 105.—BaciLLus DIPHTHERLE, all of which it is important to be familiar. These variations are, to a limited extent, dependent upon the age of the culture and upon the constitution of the medium on which it has been grown. These factors, however, do not control the appearance of the organism with any degree of regularity, and any or all of its various forms may occur mone and the same culture. It is likely that these different appear- ances represent stages in the growth and degeneration of the indi- vidual bacilli, but there does not seem to be any just reason for believing that, as several observers have stated, there is definite correla- tion between its microscopic form and its biological characteristics, such as virulence, toxicity, ete. 34 514 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS The bacilli are slender, straight, or slightly curved rods. In length they vary from 1.2 micra to 6.4 micra, in breadth from 0.3 to 1.1. As seen most frequently when taken from. the throat they are about 4 to 5 micra in length. They are rarely of uniform thickness throughout their length, showing club-shaped thickening at one or both ends. Occasionally they may be thickest at the center and taper toward the extremities. When thickened at one end only, a slender wedge-shape results. Such forms are usually straight, of smaller size than. their neighbors, and are more often stained with great uniformity. These are spoken of by Beck! as the “ground type,” and assumed, for in- sufficient reasons, to be the young individuals. Branched forms have been described by some investigators. They are rare and probably to be regarded as abnormal or involution forms due to un- favorable environment. The organisms stain with the aqueous anilin dyes. A characteristic irregularity of staining which is of great aid in diagnosis is best obtained with Loeffler’s “alkaline methylene-blue.”’ (For preparation seé.section on Staining, p. 96.) Stained with this solution for five to ten minutes many of the bacilli appear traversed by unstained transverse bands which give them a striped or beaded appearance. The longer indi- viduals often have a strong resemblance to short chains of strepto- cocci. Others may appear unevenly granular. In cultures which are about eighteen hours old, many of the bacilli may show deeply stained oval bodies situated most frequently at the ends. These are the so-called “polar” or ‘ Babes-Ernst” bodies? Special stains have been devised for the demonstration of these appearances. One of these was originated by Neisser,? who claims for it differential value in distinguishing these organisms from pseudodiphtheria and xerosis bacilli. His method requires two solutions: 1. Methylene blue (Griibler) .......... 0... ccc eee eee 1 gram. Alcohol, :96 per cent; s:5.2s0css crane cra ees seaed es pam ace ne 20 ce. Glacial acetic acid.............. ee Oe eee 50 “ Woaterh'y-c4 carve ieee debe ees Geese eReader eee aes 950 “ 2. Bismarck brown .......... 0. eee e eee eect e eee e ee tenes 2 grams. Waters sates detec acdineute wean eee aise Pear te ake oe 1,000 c.c. 1 Beck, in Kolle und Wassermann, ii, p. 773. 2 Babes, Zeit. f. Hyg., Bd. v, 1889. 3 Neisser, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxiv, 1897. BACILLUS DIPHTHERI&® 515 The cover-slip preparation, after having been fixed, is stained with so- lution No. 1 for one to three seconds. It is then washed in water and immersed for from three to five seconds in solution No. 2. With this stain the bodies of the bacilli appear brown, the polar granules blue. Another method which has been extensively used is that of Roux. The solutions required for this are: 1, Dahlia Violete:ccxs eee vataams beads awsees dau artes seus 1 gram. Aleohol, 90 per cent ........06 000 c eects 10 ce. Aq: Gest ss csi yanncea nee ecaeeeh snes mee eee deweenseryes ad 100“ 22 Methyl, green: sss 425 we ees ee hese e meen Ts wee Bee 1 gram. Alcohol; 90 pér Celtis csc sis awavs cages ve3g beater ame negs 10. ce. PG GOB hi ae Rekha os ERRORS TE Ga det 4kaeeaie ad 100“ The two solutions are mixed, one part of 1 being added to three parts of 2. Preparations are stained in this mixture for two minutes. The polar bodies appear a dark violet. Other methods for the staining of polar bodies have been recommended. There is very little advantage in the use of these double stains and most bacteriologists employ for routine work the simple stain with Loeffler’s alkaline methylene blue. The significance of the polar bodies is not well understood. Their discoverer, Ernst, regarded them as bodies analogous to the spores of other organisms. The ease with which they are stained, however, and the low temperatures to which the bacteria succumb make this appear very unlikely. A more probable interpretation seems to be that of Escherich * who regards them as chromatic granules. Stained by Gram’s method, the diphtheria bacilli retain the gentian- violet. Care must be used in carrying out this method and strict timing adhered to, since slight carelessness in this respect may lead to irregular results. In stained smears from the throat or from cultures a characteristic grouping of the bacilli has been observed. They lie usually in small clusters, four or five together, parallel to each other, or at sharp angles. Two organisms may often be seen attached to each other by their cor- responding ends while their bodies diverge to form a “ V” or “ Y” shape. Biological Characteristics—The diphtheria bacillus is a non-motile, non-flagellated, non-spore-forming aérobe. Its preference for oxygen is marked, but it will grow in anaérobic environment in the presence of suitable carbohydrates. It does not liquefy gelatin. The bacillus grows at temperatures varying between 19° C. and: 42° C., the most favorable ‘1 Escherich, “ Aetiologie, etc., d. Diphth.,” Wien, 1894, 516 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS temperature for its development being 37.5°C. Temperatures above 37.5°, while not entirely stopping its growth, impede the development of its toxin. Resistance.—The thermal death point of this organism is 58° C. for ten minutes, according to Welch and Abbott. Boiling kills it in about one minute. Low temperatures, and even freezing, are well borne. Desiccation and exposure to light are not so fatal to this organism as to most of the other pathogenic bacteria. Sternberg! has found it alive in dried bits of the pseudomembrane after fourteen weeks. It is easily killed by chemical disinfectants in the strengths customarily employed. H,O, seems especially efficacious in killing the organisms rapidly. Cultivation.—The diphtheria bacillus grows readily on most of the richer laboratory media. It will grow upon media made of meat extract, but develops more luxuriantly on all those which have a meat infusion as their basis. While it will grow upon both acid and alkaline media, it is sensitive to the extremes of both, the most favorable reaction for its development being probably about 0.5 per cent alkalinity ex- pressed in terms of ¥ NaOH. Animal proteids added to the media, in the form of blood serum, ascitic fluid, or even whole blood, increase greatly the rapidity and richness of its growth. Horse serum is sup- posed by some to be especially favorable. Loeffler’s Medium.—The most widely used medium for the cultiva- tion of this bacillus is the one devised by Loeffler. This consists of: The mixture is coagulated at 70° C. in slanted tubes and sterilized at low temperatures by the fractional method. Upon this medium the diphtheria bacillus in twelve to twenty-four hours develops minute, grayish-white, glistening colonies. These enlarge rapidly, soon out- stripping the usually accompanying streptococci. The medium seems to possess almost selective powers for the bacillus and, for this reason, it is especially valuable for diagnostic purposes. Meat-Infusion Agar.—Upon slightly: alkaline meat-infusion agar the bacillus develops readily, though less so than on Loeffler’s serum. Organisms which have been on artificial media for one or more genera- tions may grow with speed and luxuriance upon this medium. When planted directly from the human or animal body upon agar, however, 1 Sternberg, ‘‘ Manual Bac.,” p, 455. 2 Michel, Cent. f. Bakt., 1897. BACILLUS DIPHTHERIZ 517 growth may occasionally be slow and extremely delicate. Colonies on agar appear within twenty-four to thirty-six hours as small, rather translucent, grayish specks. The appearance of these colonies is quite characteristic and easily recognized by the practiced observer. Surface colonies are irregularly round or oval, showing a dark, heaped-up, nucleus-like center, fringed about by a loose, coarsely granular disk. The edges of these colonies have a peculiarly irregular, torn appearance which distinguishes them readily from the sharply defined chain-fringed streptococcus colonies. For these reasons agar is the medium most commonly used for purposes of isolation. The deep colonies in this medium are dense and sharply outlined. The addition of dextrose 1 per cent, nutrose 2 per cent, or glycerin 6 per cent, renders agar more favorable for rapid growth, but unfits it for the preservation of cultures, the organism dying out more rapidly, probably because of acid formation. Meat-Infusion Broth.—Upon beef or veal broth the diphtheria bacil- lus grows rapidly, almost invariably forming a pellicle upon the surface, —another expression of its desire for oxygen. The broth remains clear. Broth tubes with such growth, therefore, have a character- istie appearance. Meat-infusion gelatin is a favorable medium for the Klebs-Loeffer bacillus, but growth takes place slowly because of the low temperature at- which this medium must be kept. Gelatin is not fluidified. Milk is an excellent medium, and for this reason may even occa- sionally be a vehicle of transmission. There is no coagulation of the milk. Upon potato, B. diphtheria will grow only after neutralization of the acid. It is, at best, however, a poor nutrient medium. Upon the various pepton solutions the bacillus of diphtheria produces no indol. Many special media have been recommended for the cultivation of this organism. The most important of these are the modification of Loeffler’s serum devised by Beck,! the horse-blood-fibrin cake used by Escherich, and Wassermann’s ascitic-fluid-nutrose-agar, called by him “Nasgar.” None of these has sufficient advantages over the simpler media, however, to make its substitution desirable. Isolation.— Because of the comparative ease with which B. diph- theriz is isolated from mixed cultures, it is not necessary to give in de- 1M. Beck, Kolle und Wassermann; Brit. Med. Jour. 518 : PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS tail the different methods devised for this purpose. The one de- scribed below is the one most frequently employed, and is both simple and reliable. Cultures are taken from throats upon Loeffler’s blood serum. These are permitted to grow at 37.5°C. for from eighteen to twenty- four hours. At the end of this time about 5 c.c. of bouillon are poured into the tubes and the growth is gently emulsified in the broth with a platinum loop. Two or three loopfuls of this emulsion are then streaked over the surface of glucose agar, serum agar, or nutrose Fig. 106.—CotonigEs oF BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA ON GLYCERIN AGAR. agar. After twenty-four hours’ incubation these plates shew char- acteristic colonies which can be easily fished and again transferred to Loeffler tubes or any other suitable medium. The same method BACILLUS DIPHTHERLA 519 is well adapted for the isolation of pseudodiphtheria and xerosis bacilli. Pathogenicity.—Unlike most other microorganisms, Bacillus diph- theriz causes a more or less specific local reaction in mucous mem- branes, which results in the formation of the so-called “ pseudo-mem- branes.”” When these are characteristically present, infection with this bacillus should always be suspected. The consequent disease depends, in part, upon the mechanical disturbance caused by these false mem- branes and, in part, upon the systemic poisoning with the toxin which the bacilli produce. Although the diphtheria bacillus has been found after death in the spleen and liver, we have no data which would justify the assumption that a true diphtheria-septicemia may occur during life. It is probable that in those cases which Baginsky ' has called the sep- ticemic form of diphtheria, Bacillus diphtheria has merely opened a path by which accompanying streptococci have gained access to the lymphatics and the blood stream. The most frequent sites of diph- theritic inflammation are the mucous membranes of the throat, larynx, and nose. They have also been found in the ear, upon the mucous membrane of the stomach and the vulva, and upon the conjunctiva and the skin. According to Loeffler, Strelitz,? and others, the bacillus may, by extension from the larynx, give rise to a true diphtheritic broncho- pneumonia. For most of the usual laboratory animals the diphtheria bacillus is very pathogenic. Dogs, cats, fowl, rabbits, and guinea-pigs are sus- ceptible. Rats and mice are resistant to all but extremely large doses. False membranes, analogous in every way to those found in human beings, have been produced in many animals of susceptible species, but only after inoculation with the bacillus had been preceded by mechanical injury of the mucosa. The lesions produced in animals by subcutane- ous inoculation present many characteristic features which facilitate the bacteriological recognition of the diphtheria bacillus. Small quantities (0.5 to 1 e.c.) of a virulent broth culture, given subcutaneously to a guinea-pig, may produce the gravest symptoms and within six to eight hours the animal may show signs of great discomfort. Death occurs usually within thirty-six to seventy-two hours. Upon autopsy the point of inoculation is soggy with serosanguineous exudate; neighboring lymph-nodes are edematous. Lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys are congested. There may be pleuritic and peritoneal exudates. Charac- + Baginsky, ‘ Lehrbuch d. Kinderkrankheiten.”” 2 Strelitz, Arch. f. Kinderheilk., 1891. 520 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS teristic, and almost pathognomonic, is a severe congestion of both suprarenal bodies. The gastric ulcerations recently described by Rose- nau and Anderson * may occur, but are by no means regularly found (two out of fifty in our series”). Diphtheria Toxin.*—Animals and man infected ‘with B. diphtherize show evidences of severe systemic disturbances and even organic de- generations, while the microorganism itself can be found in the local lesion only. This fact led even the earliest observers to suspect that, in part at least, the harmful results of such an infection were attrib- utable to a soluble and diffusible poisonelaborated by the bacillus. The actual existence of such a poison or toxin was definitely proved by Roux and Yersin * in 1889. They demonstrated that broth cultures in which B. diphtheria had been grown for varying periods would remain toxic for guinea-pigs after the organisms themselves had been re- moved from the culture fluid by filtration through a Chamberland filter. Meruops or Propuction or DiputHeria Toxin.—While toxin can° be produced with almost all of the virulent diphtheria bacilli, there is great variation in the speed and degree of production, dependent upon the strain of organisms employed and upon the ingredients and reaction of the medium upon which they are grown. Most labora- tories possess one or several strains of bacilli which are empirically known to be especially potent in this respect. One of the most ex- tensively used, not only in this country, but in Europe as well, is the strain known as “Culture Americana,” or “Park-Williams Bacillus No. 8,” an organism isolated by Dr. Anna Williams of the New York Department of Health in 1894. Throughout more than ten years of cul- tivation this bacillus has retained its great power of toxin production. Because of the severity of cases of diphtheria in which the diph- theria bacilli were associated with streptococci, many observers were led to believe that the presence of streptococci tended to increase the toxin-producing power of B. diphtheria. Experiments by Hilbert,> Theobald Smith,® and others seem to have given support to this view. The medium most frequently employed for the production of toxin is a beef-infusion broth. There are minor differences of opinion as to the 1 Rosenau and Anderson, Journ. Inf. Dis., iv, 1907. 2 Zinsser, Journ. Med. Res., xvii, 1907. 3 Loeffler, Cent. f. Bakt., 1887. * Roux and Yersin, loc. cit. 8 Hilbert, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxix, 1898. 8 Smith, Medical Rec., May, 1896. BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA 521 most favorable constitution of this medium for the production of toxin. All agree, however, in recognizing the importance of pepton, without which, according to Madsen,’ no satisfactory toxin has yet been pro- duced. This is added in proportions of from one to two per cent. The presence of sugars in the medium is not desirable in that it leads to acid production; L. Martin? removes the sugars from the meat by fermen- tation with yeast. Smith* accomplishes the same purpose with B. coli. According to Park and Williams,‘ however, this is superfluous, the quantity of sugar present in ordinary butcher’s meat not being sufficient to exert unfavorable influence. Experience has shown that a primary alkaline reaction offers the most favorable conditions for toxin production. In all cultures of B. diphtherie in non-sugar free broth, there is, at first, a production of acid and, while this continues, there is, as Spronk*® has shown, little or no evidence of toxin elaboration. It is only after this initial acid- ity has given way to alkalinity that cultures become decidedly toxic. Park and Williams,® in an inquiry into the question of reaction, came to the conclusion that the best results are obtained with a broth to which, after neutralization to litmus, ¥ NaOH is added in an amount of 7 c.c. to the liter. In such a medium the largest yield of toxin is obtained after about five to eight days’ growth at a temperature of 37.5°C. If left at this temperature for a longer period a diminution in the strength of the toxin takes place. Free access of oxygen to the culture medium during the growth of the organisms has been found to be of great importance. Roux obtained this by passing a stream of oxygen through the bouillon. The supply is quite sufficient for practical purposes, however, if the medium is distributed in thin layers in large-necked Erlenmeyer flasks. CuemicaL NaturE aNbD PxuysicaL PRoperTIES oF DIPHTHERIA Toxin.—The chemical composition of diphtheria toxin is not known. Brieger and Frankel,’ by repeated precipitation with alcohol, succeeded in extracting from toxic bouillon a white, water-soluble powder which possessed most of the poisonous proporties of the broth itself. This, in 1 Madsen, Kraus und Levaditi, ‘‘ Handbuch d. Technic,” etc., 1907. 2. Martin, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1897. 3 Th. Smith, Jour. Exp. Med., iv, 1899. $ Park and Williams, Journ. Exp. Med., 1897. 5 Spronk, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1895. 6 Park and Williams, Jour. Exp. Med., 1897. 1 Brieger und Frankel, Berl. klin. Woch., xi-xii, 1889. 022 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS solution, gave many of the usual proteid reactions, but differed from pro- teids in failing to coagulate when boiled and in not giving precipitates when treated with magnesium sulphate, sodium sulphate, or nitric acid. It was believed by them to be closely related to the albumoses, bodies rep- resenting intermediate phases in the peptonization of aloumins. Similar results have been obtained by Wassermann and Proskauer, Brieger and Boer,? and others. Uschinsky,®? on the other hand, has disputed the proteid nature of toxins in general and has succeeded in producing diphtheria toxin by growing the organism upon a medium entirely free from albuminous bodies. Uschinsky believes that the proteid reactions observed by other workers may be due to ingredients of the precipitates other than the toxin. It is not impossible, however, that the organ- isms may have produced proteid substances by synthesis from the simpler substances in Uschinsky’s medium. The production of toxin from such a medium, therefore, is not a conclusive argument against the proteid nature of toxins. Accurate chemical isolation and analysis of diphtheria toxin have not yet been accomplished. Diphtheria toxin is destroyed,‘ when in the fluid form, by tem- peratures of 58° to 60° C. In the dry state, it may resist a temperature of 70° C. and over, without noticeable change. Light and the free access of air produce rapid deterioration. Sealed, protected from light, and kept at almost freezing point, the toxin remains stable for very long periods. Electrical currents passed through toxic broth have little or no effect upon it. Bacteria Similar to Bacillus Diphtherie.—BacitLus HorrMaNni (Pseudodiphtheria bacillus).—Hoffmann-Wellenhoff,° in 1888, and, at almost the same time, Loeffler,’ described bacilli which they had cul- tivated from the throats of normal persons and in several instances from those of diphtheritic persons, which were in many respects similar to true B. diphtheriz, but differed from this chiefly in being non-pathogenic for guinea-pigs. These organisms were at first regarded by some observers as merely attenuated diphtheria bacilli More recent investigations, however, prove them to be unquestionably a separate species, easily differentiable by proper methods. They differ from B. diphtheriz in so 1 Wassermann und Proskauer, Deut. med. Woch., 1891, p. 585. 2 Brieger und Boer, Deut. med. Woch., 1896, p. 783. 3 Uschinsky, Cent. f. Bakt., xxi, 1897. + Roux et Yersin, loc. cit. 5 Hoffmann-Wellenhoff, Wien. med. Woch.., iii, 1888. 6 Loeffler, Cent. f. Bakt., ii, 1887. BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA 523 many important features, moreover, that the term “ pseudodiphtheria bacillus” is hardly an appropriate one for them. Morphology.—Bacillus Hoffmanni is shorter and thicker than Bacillus diphtheriz. It is usually straight and slightly clubbed at one end, rarely at both. Stained with Loeffler’s blue it occasionally shows unstained transverse bands; unlike B. diphtherie, however, these eg Eg Lisp a *, . ee ¢ ~ « * Z s e * om” . % , ; a e ve e - a” ™ tate 7. is js pn S, rx - The us . e ; ane at Pe Pd : & ‘ no <> <2 we ‘ ‘ re aN aN ate ee tae, ‘ AR ~ . oe Vina? OW fh LUN : ‘ ‘p- raa’,? . pape ~ At frac See OR eR OG ‘ a ee ‘ , » we Re ns Sar ‘ a ¢ f ~ Bi ee wy. fs ey ~~ se te ~> 7) a 4 “ NOT -2 } a re r \ i NN m ~, ‘ : os“ \ oe on, » S ‘ as > “ ~ ef al . ¥ ey “ . pen te, ga TN is Ce — 2 1 Fic. 107.—Bacittus Horrmanni. bands hardly ever exceed one or two in number at most. In many cultures the single transverse band gives the bacillus a diplococcoid appearance. : Staining.—Stained by Neisser’s or Roux’s method, no polar bodies can be demonstrated. The bacillus forms no spores, is non-motile, and possesses no flagella. 524 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Cultivation.—On the usual culture media B. Hoffmanni grows more luxuriantly than B. diphtheriz, developing even in first isola- tions from the human body upon the simple meat-extract media. On agar plates its colonies are larger, less transparent, and whiter than are those of true diphtheria bacilli. In fluid media there is even clouding res — Fig. 108.—CoLonigEs or BacitLus HoFFMANNI ON AGAR. and less tendency to the formation of a pellicle than with B. diphtheriz. A positive means of distinction between the two is given by the inability of B. Hoffmanni to form acid upon various sugar media. The differ- entiation on a basis of acid formation was first attempted by Cobbett * 1 Cobbett, Cent. f. Bakt., 1898. BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA 525 and has been recently worked out systematically by Knapp,’ and con- firmed by various observers.? The results of this work, carried out with the serum-water media of Hiss to which various sugars were added, show that B. Hoffmanni forms acid upon none of the sugars used, while B. diphtherie acidifies and coagulates media containing monosaccharids Fic. 109.—BAcILLUS XEROSIS, and several of the more complex sugars, as given in the diagram in the section following, dealing with B. xerosis. Differentiation can finally be made on the basis of animal pathogen- icity, B. Hoffmanni being entirely innocuous to the ordinary laboratory animals. B. Hoffmanni forms no toxins, and animals immunized with it do not possess increased resistance to B. diphtherie. BacinLus xErRosis.—In 1884, Kutschert and Neisser* described a bacillus which they had isolated from the eyes of patients suffering from 1 Knapp, Jour. Med. Res., vii, 1904. 2 Graham Smith, Jour. of Hyg., vi, 1906; Zinsser, Jour. Med. Res., xvii, 1907. 4 Kutschert und Neisser, Deut. med. Woch., xxiv, 1884. 526 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS a form of chronic conjunctivitis known as xerosis. This bacillus, which, morphologically, is almost identical with B. diphtherie, they believed to be the etiological factor of the disease. The frequency with which it has been isolated from normal eyes, however, precludes this etiological relationship, and it may safely be regarded as a harmless parasite which may indeed be more abundant in the slightly inflamed than in the normal conjunctiva. Morphology.—B. xerosis resembles B. diphtherie closely. It is occasionally shorter than this, but on the whole no absolute morphologi- cal differentiation between the two is possible. It forms no spores and is non-motile. Polar bodies may occasionally be seen. Cultivation.—On Loeffler’s blood serum, on agar, glycerin agar, and in broth, its growth is very similar to that of B. diphtheriz, but more delicate throughout. It can not easily be cultivated upon the simple meat-extract media, nor will it grow on gelatin at room temperature. Its colonies on glycerin or glucose agar are microscopically identical with those of B. diphtherie. Differentiation.—It differs from B. diphtherie distinctly in its acidifying action on sugar media. These relations were first worked: out by Knapp for various sugars and the alcohol mannit, and have been extensively confirmed by others. The differentiations resulting may be tabulated as follows: B. B. B. Diphtherie. Xerosis. Hoffmanni. Hiss serum-water media plus 1% DEXtOSCs nes ea aneste is ote hye ais ws emo OSes Lieviloses:64s2 508 245 wee eexae py oramenine on Galactose... aici saaae vies Sev asawes veo [+i +++ P+i tl tet go o 4 P + A reference to the table shows that differentiation may be made by the use of two sugars—saccharose and dextrin. B. diphtheria forms acid from dextrin, not from saccharose; B. xerosis from sac- charose, not from dextrin; B. Hoffmanni does not form acid from either. B. xerosis is non-pathogenic to animals and forms no toxin. _ BACILLUS DIPHTHERIA 527 Other Bacilli Morphologically Resembling the Diphtheria Bacillus.— Many bacilli have been deseribed which have a slight morphological resemblance to Bacillus diphtheria but which have little or no patho- logical significance. Such organisms are met with in milk, air, and water, and as secondary invaders together with other bacteria in old discharging wounds. These bacilli are usually larger than the diph- theria bacillus and, although transversely striped, rarely show polar bodies. On the various media they grow heavily on even the simpler nutrient substances, with heavy, usually white or yellowish-white colo- nies. Culturally they show all the qualities of saprophytes. Inoculated into animals they produce at most a mild local reaction. In the litera- ture these organisms have often been loosely spoken of as “ Pseudodiph- theria” bacilli, a term which is inappropriate since they have nothing in common with the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus except a certain morpholog- ical resemblance. Differentiation is never difficult. CHAPTER XXXVI BACILLUS MALLEI (Glanders Bacillus) GLANDERS is an infectious disease prevalent chiefly among horses, but transmitted occasionally to other domestic animals and to man. The microorganism causing the disease, though seen and described by several earlier authors, was first obtained in pure culture and accurately studied by Loeffler and Schiitz ' in 1882. Morphology and Staining.—The glanders bacillus or B. mallei is a rather small rod with rounded ends.” Its length varies from 3 to 4 micra, its breadth from 0.5 to 0.75 micron. Variation in size be- tween separate individuals in the same culture is characteristic. The rods are usually straight, but may show aslight curvature. The bacillus is non-motile. There are no flagella and no spores are formed. The grouping of the bacilli in smears shows nothing very characteristic. Usually they appear as single bacilli lying irregularly parallel, often in chains of two or more. In old cultures, involution forms appear which are short, vacuolated, and almost coccoid. While the glanders bacillus stains rather easily with the usual anilin dyes, it is so easily decolorized that especial care in preparing specimens must be observed. Stained in the usual manner with methylene-blue, it shows marked irregularity in its staining qualities; granular, deeply staining areas alternating with very faintly stained or entirely unstained portions. This diagnostically helpful characteristic has been variously interpreted as a mark of degeneration or a preparatory stage for sporula- tion. It is probably neither of the two, but an inherent irregularity in the normal protoplasmic composition of the bacillus, not unlike that cf B. diphtheriz. The bacillus is decolorized by Gram’s method of staining. Cultivation—The glanders bacillus is easily grown on all of the 1 Loeffler und Schiitz, Deut. med. Woch., 1882. 2 Loeffler, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1886. 528 BACILLUS MALLEI 529 usual meat-infusion media. It is practically indifferent to moderate variations in reaction, growing equally well upon neutral, slightly acid, or slightly alkaline culture media. Glycerin or small quantities of glucose added to media seem to render them more favorable for the cultivation of this bacillus. Upon agar the colonies show little that is characteristic. They appear after twenty-four hours at 37.5°C. as yellowish-white spots, at first transparent, later more opaque. They are round, with an even x a, 4 4 * we a a Te SS a we NA Ns a eo ; a, is 4 “ 0 5 o % »* te ts nN gz, rai Ko =v “F; » ef " a Z r %s % oy = ADS He me 8g Fig. 110.—Guanpers Bacrutus. From potato culture. (After Zettnow.) border, and microscopically appear finely granular. The older the cul- tures are, the more yellow do they appear. On gelatin at room temperature, growth is slow, grayish-white, and no liquefaction of the gelatin occurs. Growth upon this medium is never abundant. In broth, there is, at first, diffuse clouding, later a heavy, tough, slimy sediment is formed. At, the same time the surface is covered with a similarly slimy pellicle. The broth gradually assumes a dark brown color. In milk, coagulation takes place slowly. In litmus milk, acidifica- tion is indicated. The growth upon potato presents certain features which are diagnos- tically valuable. On potatoes which are not too acid growth is abundant and within forty-eight hours covers the surface as a yellowish, trans- 35 530 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS parent, slimy layer. This gradually grows darker until it has assumed a deep reddish-brown hue. in using this feature of the growth diagnos- tically, it must not be forgotten that a very similar appearance upon potato occurs in the case of B. pyocyaneus. Biological Considerations.—Bacillus mallei is aérobic.: Growth under anaérobic conditions may take place, but it is slow and impoverished. The most favorable temperature for its cultivation is 37.5°C. It fails to develop at temperatures below 22° C. or above 48° C. On artificial media, if kept cool and in the dark, and in sealed tubes, the glanders bacillus will retain its viability for months and years. On gelatin and in bouillon, it lives for a longer time than on the other media. Exposed to strong sunlight it is killed within twenty-four hours. Heat- ing to 60° C. kills it in two hours, to 75° C. within one hour. Thorough drying kills the glanders bacillus in a short time. In water, under the protected conditions that are apt to prevail in watering-troughs, the bacillus may remain alive for over seventy days. The resistance to chemical disinfectants is not very high.’ Carbolic acid, one per cent, kills it in thirty minutes, bichlorid of mercury, 0.1 per cent, in fifteen minutes. Pathogenicity.—Spontaneous infection with the glanders bacillus occurs most frequently in horses. It occurs also in asses, in cats, and, more rarely, in dogs. In man the disease is not infrequent and is usually contracted by those in habitual contact with horses. Experi- mental inoculation is successful in guinea-pigs and rabbits. Cattle, hogs, rats, and birds are immune to experimental and spontaneous infections alike. Spontaneous infection takes place by entrance through the broken skin, through the mucosa of the mouth or nasal passages. Infection in horses not infrequently takes place through the digestive tract. In all cases, so far as we know, previous injury to either the skin or to the mucosa is necessary for penetration of the bacilli and the development of the disease. Glanders in horses may occur in an acute or chronic form, depending upon the relative virulence of the infecting culture and the susceptibility of the subject. The more acute form of the disease is usually limited to the nasal mucosa and upper respiratory tract. The more chronic type of the disease is often accompanied by multiple swellings of the 1 Loeffler, loc. cit: ? Finger, Ziegler’s Beitr., vi, 1889. 3 Nocard, Bull. de la soc. centr. de méd. vét., 1894. BACILLUS MALLEI 531 skin and general lymphatic enlargement. This form is often spoken of as “farcy.” Acute glanders in the horse begins violently with fever and prostra- tion. After two or three days there is a nasal discharge, at first serous, later seropurulent. At the same time there is ulceration of the nasal mucosa and acute swelling of the neighboring lymph nodes. These may break down and form deep pus-discharging sinuses and ulcers. Fie, 111.—Guanpers Baciuu in Tissuz. (From a drawing furnished by Dr. James Ewing.) Finally, there is involvement of the lungs and death within four to six weeks. When the disease takes the chronic form the onset is more gradual. Concomitant with the nasal inflammation there is a formation of subcu- taneous swellings all over the body, some of which show a tendency to break down and ulcerate. Together with this the lymphatics all over the body become enlarged. The disease may last for several years, and occasionally may end in complete cure. In horses the chronic form of 532 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS the disease is by far the more frequent. In man the disease is similar to that of the horse except that the point of origin is more frequently in some part of the skin rather than in the nasal mucosa, and the clinical symptoms differ accordingly. The onset is usually violent, with fever and systemic symptoms. At the point of infection a nodule appears, surrounded by lymphangitis and swelling. A general papular eruption may occur. The papules may become pustular, and the clinical features may thus simulate variola. This type of the disease usually ends fatally in eight to ten days. The chronic form of the disease in man is much like that in the horse, but is more frequently fatal. The histological appearance of the glanders nodules is usually one of diffuse leucocytic infiltration and the formation of young connective tissue which preponderates more and more as the disease becomes chronic. Virchow has classed these lesions with the granulomata. From the center of such nodules B. mallei may often be obtained in pure culture. The nodules may be generally distributed throughout the internal organs. The bacilli themselves are found, apart from the nodules, in the nasal secretions, and occasionally in the circulating blood.* The bacteriological diagnosis of glanders may be made by isolating and identifying the bacilli from any of the above-mentioned sources. When superficial nodules can be opened for the purpose of diagnosis this may prove an easy task. The most diagnostically helpful medium in such cases is potato. In a majority of cases, however, isolation is ex- tremely difficult and resort must be had to animal inoculation. The most suitable animal for this purpose is the male guinea-pig. Intra- peritoneal inoculation of such animals with material containing glanders bacilli leads within two or three days to tumefaction and purulent inflammation of the testicles. Such an experiment, spoken of as the “Strauss test,” ? should always be reinforced by cultural examination of the testicular pus, the spleen, and the peritoneal exudate of the animals employed. Toxin of Bacillus mallei.—The toxin of B. mallei, or mallein, belongs to the class of endotoxins. The toxic products have been invariably obtained by extraction of dead bacilli.® Mallein differs from many other bacterial poisons in being extremely resistant. It withstands 1 Wassilieff, Deut. med. Woch., 1883. 2 Strauss, Arch. de méd. exp., 1889. 3 Kresling, Arch, d. sci, biol., 1892; Preuser, Berl. thierirzt. Woch., 1894. BACILLUS MALLEI 533 temperatures of 120° C. and prolonged storage without noticeable loss of strength. In its physiological action upon healthy animals, mallein is not a powerful poison. It can be given in considerable doses without causing death. Mallein may be obtained by a variety of methods. Helman and Kalning, the discoverers of this toxin, used filtered aqueous and glycerin extracts of potato cultures. Roux? cultivates virulent gland- ers bacilli in flasks containing 250 c.c. each of 5 per cent glycerin bouillon. Growth is allowed to continue at 35° C. for one month. At the end of this time, the cultures are sterilized at 100° for thirty min- utes, and evaporated on a water bath to one-tenth their original volume. They are then filtered through paper. This concentrated poison is diluted ten times with 0.5 per cent carbolic acid before use. Concen- tration is done merely for purposes of conservation. The diagnostic dose of such mallein for a horse is 0.25 c.c. of the undiluted fluid. At the Washington Bureau of Animal Industry, mallein is prepared by growing the bacilli for five months at 37.5° C. in glycerin-bouillon. This is then boiled for one hour and allowed to stand in a cool place for one week. The supernatant fluid is then decanted and filtered through clay filters by means of a vacuum pump. The filtrate is evaporated to one-third its original volume on a water bath, and the evaporated volume resupplied by a 1 per cent carbolic acid solution containing about 10 per cent of glycerin. Diagnostic Use of Mallein.—The injection of a proper dose of mallein into a horse suffering from glanders is followed within six to eight hours by a sharp rise of temperature, often reaching 104° to 106° F. (40° C.+). The high temperature continues for several hours and then begins gradually to fall. The normal is not usually regained for several days. Locally, at the point of injection, there appears within a few hours a firm, hot, diffuse swelling, which gradually extends until it may cover areas of 20 to 30 centimeters in diameter: The swelling is in- tensely tender during the first twenty-four hours, and lasts for three to nine days. Together with this there are marked symptoms of general intoxication. In normal animals the rise of temperature following an injection is trifling, and the local reaction is much smaller and more transient. Injections are best made into the breast or the side of the neck. 1 Wladimiroff, in Kraus und Levaditi, ‘‘ Handbuch,” etc., 1908. 2 Roux et Nocard, Bull. d. 1. soc. centr. vét., 1892. 534 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS The directions given by the United States Government for using mallein for the diagnosis of glanders in horses are as follows: “Make the test, if possible, with a healthy horse, as well as with one or more affected or supposed to be affected with glanders. Take the temperature of all these animals at least three times a day for one or more days before making the injections. “The injection is most conveniently made at 6 or 7 o’clock in the morning, and the maximum temperature will then usually be reached by or before 10 p.m. of the same day. “Use for each horse one cubic centimeter of the mallein solution as sent out, and make the injection beneath the skin of the middle of one side of the neck, where the local swelling can be readily detected. “Carefully sterilize the syringe after injecting each horse by flaming the needle over an alcohol lamp or, better, use separate syringes for healthy and suspected animals. If the same syringe is used, inject the healthy animals first, and flame the needle of the syringe after each injection. “Take the temperature every two hours for at least eighteen hours after the injection. Sterilize the thermometer in a 5 per cent solu- tion of carbolic acid, or a 0.2 per cent solution of corrosive sublimate, after taking the temperature of each animal. “The temperature, as a rule, will begin to rise from four to eight hours after the injection, and reach its maximum from ten to sixteen hours after injection. On the day succeeding the injection take the tempera- ture at least three times. “Tn addition to the febrile reaction, note the size, appearance, and duration of any local swelling at the point of injection. Note the general condition and symptoms of the animal, both before, during, and after the test. “Keep the solution in the sealed bottle and in a cool place, and do not use it when it is clouded or if it is more than six weeks old: when it leaves the laboratory of the Bureau it is sterile.” If the result of first injection is doubtful, the horse should be isolated and retested in from one to three months, when the slight immunity conferred by the first injection will have disappeared. The second injection into healthy horses usually shows no reaction whatever. Mallein may cause reactions in the presence of other diseases than glanders, such as bronchitis, periostitis, and other inflammatory lesions and is not so specifically valuable as tuberculin for diagnosis. BACILLUS MALLET 535 Immunity.—Recovery from a glanders infection does not confer immunity against a second inoculation.’ Artificial active immunization has been variously attempted by treatment with attenuated cultures, with dead bacilli, and with mallein, but without convincing results. The serum of subjects suffering from glanders contains specific ageglutinins.?, These are of great importance diagnostically if the tests are made with dilutions of, at least, 1 in 500, since normal horse serum may agglutinate B. mallei in dilutions lower than this. 1 Finger, Ziegler’s Beitrage, vi, 1899. 2 Galtier, Jour. de méd. vét., 1901. CHAPTER XXXVII BACILLUS INFLUENZ# AND CLOSELY RELATED BACTERIA THERE is no other epidemic disease which spreads over such enormous territories, and with such speed, as influenza. Epidemics have been numerous and reports of the disease, unquestionably recognizable, are extant even from the most remote times. The last serious epidemic occurred in the years 1889 to 1890, when the disease, spreading from the East, traveled through Russia and, pandemically, attacked all of Europe, then reached America, and eventually, having traveled east- ward as well as westward from its point of origin, became prevalent in China, Japan, Australia, and Africa. Hundreds of thousands were attacked and the mortality of this epidemic was high. Its enormous scope and the rapidity of its spread were facilitated probably by the activity of modern international commerce. The character of the disease pointed so definitely to a bacterial etiology that numerous attempts to isolate a specific microorganism were, of course, made. Pfeiffer+ finally, in 1892, described the bacillus which is at present definitely recognized as the etiological factor of influenza. Morphology and Staining.—The bacillus of influenza (Pfeiffer bacillus) is an extremely small organism, about 0.5 micron long by 0.2 to 0.3 micron in width. They are somewhat irregular in length, but show rounded ends. They rarely form chains. They are non-motile, and do not form spores. Influenza bacilli stain less easily than do most other bacteria with the usual anilin dyes, and are best demonstrated with 10 per cent aqueous fuchsin (5 to 10 minutes), or with Loeffler’s methylene-blue (5 minutes). They are Gram-negative, giving up the anilin-gentian- violet stain upon decolorization. Occasionally slight polar staining may be noticed. Grouping, especially in thin smears of bronchial secretion, is characteristic, in that the bacilli very rarely form threads 1 Pfeiffer, Deut. med. Woch., ii, 1892; Zeit. f. Hyg., xiii, 1892; Pfeiffer und Beck, Deut. med. Woch., xxi, 1893. 536 BACILLUS INFLUENZA 537 or chains, usually lying together in thick, irregular clusters without definite parallelism. Isolation and Cultivation.—Isolation of the influenza bacillus is not easy. Pfeiffer + succeeded in growing the bacillus upon serum-agar plates upon which he had smeared pus from the bronchial secretions of patients. Failure of growth in attempted subcultures made upon agar REE ae 2 % 4,.° » a vg a 38 °e ¢ , ~ - » * » ty a @: * 28 ese ° * ay ger, a, 3 - ad 2a : o 2 = £ os Phe xy ea Fe “ye 4 { bolte* MOS ele oo Be ifm = “rE R EC, 2 ° Fig, 112.—BaciLuus INFLUENz&, Smear from pure culture on blood agar. and gelatin, however, soon taught him that the success of his first culti- vations depended upon the ingredients of the pus carried over from the sputum. Further experimentation then showed that it was the blood, and more particularly the hemoglobin, in the pus which had made growth possible in the first cultures. Pfeiffer made his further cultivations 1 Pferffer, loc. cit. 538 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS upon agar, the surface of which had been smeared with a few drops of blood taken sterile from the finger. Hemoglobin separated from the red blood cells was found to be quite as efficient as whole blood. This method of Pfeiffer is still the one most frequently employed for isolation and cultivation. Whole blood taken from the finger may be either smeared over the surface of slants or plates, or mixed with the melted meat-infusion agar. In isolating from sputum, only that secretion should be used which is coughed up from the bronchi and is uncontaminated by microorganisms from the mouth. It may be washed in sterile water or bouillon before transplantation, to remove the mouth flora adhe- Fig. 113.—Baciuus inFLUENz®. Smear from sputum. (After Heim.) rent to the outer surface of the little clumps of pus. The blood of pigeons or that of rabbits may be substituted for human blood. The former seems to be the more favorable of the two and even more so than human blood. Pigeons may be easily bled for this purpose from the large veins under the wing. Huber? has succeeded in cultivating in- fluenza bacilli upon media containing a soluble hemoglobin derivative known ashematogen. This substance, however, offers some difficulties to sterilization and is not so favorable as whole blood. The absence of oxyhemoglobin from the hematogen, however, is theoretically im- portant in that it shows that hemoglobin is suitable for the growth 1 Huber, Zeit. £. Hyg., xv, 1893. BACILLUS INFLUENZZ: 539 of this bacillus because of its nutrient qualities and not by virtue of its oxygen-carrying properties. Although the presence of hemo- globin seems to be a necessity for the successful cultivation of the bacillus, the quantity present need not be very large. Ghon and Preyss! showed that an amount too small to be demonstrated spectroscopically sufficed for its growth. Other substances which, added to neutral or slightly alkaline agar, have been used for the cultivation of influenza bacilli are the yolk of eggs” (not confirmed) and spermatic fluid.? None of these, however, is as useful as the blood media. Symbiosis with staphylococci,‘ too, Fic. 114.—Cotonizs or Inrturnza Bacrtius on Bioop Acar. (After Hem.) has been found to create an environment favorable for their develop- ment. : Influenza bacilli do not grow at room temperature. Upon suitable media at 37.5° C. colonies appear at the end of eighteen to twenty-four hours, as minute, colorless, transparent droplets, not unlike spots of moisture. These never become confluent. The limits of growth are reached in two or three days. To keep the cultures alive, tubes should 1Ghon und Preyss, Cent. f. Bakt., xxxv, 1904. 2 Nastjukoff, Cent. f. Bakt., Ref., xix, 1896. § Cantant, Cent. f. Bakt., xxii, 1897. 4 Grassberger, Zeit. f£. Hyg., xxv, 1897. 540 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS be stored at room temperature and transplantations done at intervals not longer than four or five days. Biology.—The bacillus is aérobic, growing in broth-blood mixtures only upon the surface, hardly at all in agar stab cultures, and not at all under completely anaérobic conditions. As it does not form spores, it is exceedingly sensitive to heat, desicca- tion, and disinfectants.! Heating to 60° C. kills the bacilli in a few min- utes. In dried sputum they die within one or two hours. They are easily killed even by the weaker antiseptics. Upon culture media the bacilli, if not transplanted, die within a week or less, the time depend- ing to some extent upon the medium used. Pathogenicity.—The relationship between the clinical disease known as influenza or grippe and the Pfeiffer bacillus has been definitely estab- lished by numerous investigators.? During epidemics, the bacilli are found with much regularity in the nasal passages and bronchial secre- tions of those afflicted with the malady. The organs most frequently attacked in man are the upper respiratory passages and lungs. Here the disease most frequently takes the form of a broncho- or lobular pneumonia, and sections of the lung tissue of those who have died of the infection show innumerable bacilli upon and within the mucosa of the bronchioles. [Thin sections are stained for one-half to one hour in dilute carbol fuchsin and are then dehydrated in slightly acid alcohol (alcohol absolute % i, glacial acetic acid gtt. 1-ij).] Clinically, influenzal broncho-pneumonias are not essentially dif- ferent from those due to other microorganisms, and it must always be left to the bacteriological examination to make the positive diagnosis. Pulmonary influenzal infection is not infrequently followed by abscess or gangrene of the lung, and occasionally develops into a chronic. interstitial process. The bacilli have also been found in the middle ear,’ in the meninges,’ and in the brain and spinal cord. Bazcilli in the circulating blood have never been satisfactorily demonstrated, although the general characters of the symptoms would suggest a septi- cemia. The short incubation period ® of the disease was involuntarily determined by Kretz, who fell ill twenty-four hours after accidentally breaking an agar plate of a pure culture which he was photographing. The bacilli are said to remain in the bronchial secretions of conval- 1 Kruse, in Fligge, ‘Die Mikroorg.,’’ Leipzig, 1896. 2 Weichselbaum, Wien. klin. Woch., 32, 1892; Bauwmler, Minch. med. Woch., 1894; Huber, loc. cit. 3 Kossell, Charité-Annalen, 1893. 4 Pfuhl, Berl. klin. Woch., xxxix, 1892. 5 Quoted from Tedesco, Cent. f. Bakt., xliii, 1907. 4 BACILLUS INFLUENZA 541 escents or even of normal individuals for many years. They are found for long periods in the lungs of those suffering from tuberculosis. To such sources, probably, are attributable the sporadic cases developing constantly in crowded communities. Occasional reactivation of the influenzal infection may often aggravate the condition of phthisical patients. Cases of influenza observed apart from the large epidemics are rarely due to an unmixed Pfeiffer bacillus infection, but are usually due to a mixed infection, including with this bacillus, pneumococci, streptococci, and other secondary invaders.! This may, in part, account for the frequently atypical courses of such attacks. Dr. Anna Williams? has recently studied hemoglobinophilic bacilli isolated from the eye in cases of trachoma. She believes that trachoma is probably caused by bacteria of this group. At first an acute infection or acute conjunctivitis occurs. Later when chronic productive inflam- mation supervenes the clinical picture is that of trachoma. Experimental infection of animals reveals susceptibility only in monkeys. Pfeiffer and Beck® produced influenza-like symptoms in mon- keys by rubbing a pure culture of the bacillus upon the unbroken nasal mucosa. Intravenous inoculation in rabbits produced severe symptoms, but the bacilli do not seem to proliferate in these animals, the reaction probably being purely toxic. Cultures killed with chloroform may pro- duce severe transient, toxic symptoms in rabbits. Immunity produced by an attack of influenza, if present at all, is of very short duration. Bacteria Closely Related to Influenza Bacillus.—PsEUDO-INFLUENZA Bacituus.—In the broncho-pneumonic processes of children, Pfeiffer * found small, non-motile, Gram-negative bacilli, which he was forced to separate from true influenza bacilli because of their slightly greater size, and their tendency to form threads and involution forms. These micro- organisms are strictly aérobic and grow, like true influenza bacilli, only upon blood media. They are differentiated entirely by their morphology upon twenty-four-hour-old blood-agar cultures. Wollstein,® who has made a careful study of influenza-like bacilli, both culturally and by agglutination tests, has come to the conclusion that these bacilli are so similar to the true influenza organisms that the term pseudo-influenza should be discarded. Strains of similar bacilli isolated from cases of 1 Tedesco, loc. cit. * Dr. Anna Williams, Inter. Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Washington, 1912. 3 Pfeiffer und Beck, Deut. med. Woch., xxi, 1893. ‘ Pfeiffer, loc. cit. 5 Pfeiffer, Zeit. f. Hyg., xiii, 1892. § Wollstein, Jour. Exp. Med., viii, 1906. 542 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS pertussis, while differing from the others in some of their characteristics, — could not properly be maintained as distinct species. Kocu-Weexs Bactiius.—Koch,! in 1883, Weeks? and Kartulis, in 1887, described a small Gram-negative bacillus found in connection with a form of acute conjunctival inflammation, which occurs epidemically. The bacillus is morphologically similar to B. influenze, but is generally longer than this and more slender. The bacilli grow only at incubator temperature, but, unlike influenza bacilli, can be cultivated upon media of serum or ascitic fluid, without hemoglobin. In fact, growth upon serum-agar is more active than upon hemoglobin media.* Baciuuus or Pievro-PNeumonia or Rassits.—This is a small Fig. 115.—Kocu-Weexs Baci.uus. Gram-negative bacillus, described by Beck, not unlike that of influenza. These microorganisms are slightly larger than the Pfeiffer bacilli and grow upon ordinary media even without animal sera or hemoglobin. BACILLUS MURISEPTICUS AND BACILLUS RHUSIOPATHIZ.— While mor- phologically similar to the microorganisms of this group, these bacilli are culturally easily separated because of their luxuriant growth on simple media. (The last two microorganisms are more closely related to the groups of the bacilli of hemorrhagic septicemia. See page 551.) : Koch, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, iii; Cent. f. Bakt., 1, 1887. 2 Weeks, N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary Rep., 1895; Arch. f. Augenheilk., 1887. 3 Kamen, Cent. f. Bakt., xxv, 1899; Weichselbaum and Miiller, Arch. f. Ophthalm., xlvii, 1899; Knapp, Studies from Dept. of Path., Coll. of P. and S., 1903. CHAPTER XXXVIITI BORDET-GENGOU BACILLUS, MORAX-AXENFELD BACILLUS, ZUR NEDDEN’S BACILLUS, DUCREY BACILLUS BORDET-GENGOU BACILLUS “ Microbe de la Coqueluche,”’ Pertussis bacillus, Bacillus of whooping- ( ? cough.) In 1900 Bordet and Gengou! observed in the sputum of a child suffering from pertussis a small ovoid bacillus which, though similar to the influenza bacillus, showed a number of morphological characteristics which led them to regard it as a distinct species. As they were at first unable to cultivate this organism, their discovery remained ques- tionable until 1906, when cultivation succeeded and the biology of the microorganism was more fully elucidated. Morphology.—The morphology of this organism is described by them as follows: The organism in the sputum, early in the disease, is scattered in enormous numbers indiscriminately among the pus cells, and at times within the cells. It is extremely small and ovoid, and frequently is so short that it resembles a micrococcus. Often its poles stain more deeply than the center. In general, the form of the or- ganisms is constant, though occasionally slightly larger individuals are encountered. They are usually grouped separately, though occa- sionally in pairs, end to end. Compared with the influenza bacillus in morphology, the bacillus of pertussis is more regularly ovoid and somewhat larger. It has, furthermore, less tendency to pleomorphism and involution. Staining.—The Bordet-Gengou bacillus may be stained with alkaline methylene-blue, dilute carbol-fuchsin, or aqueous fuchsin solutions. Bordet and Gengou recommended as a staining-solution carbolated toluidin-blue made up as follows: Tolwi dim lW6 ss o.5.sececacas acacia ncwnaee eee os aaaaienead dues 5 gms. HAI GOWG NS secdniscene te cede dec rape sate cinch ausenhins Catone abt 100 c.c. VV Scie ces,cassusrccnecry cova Vn et 9 det Gal ean ad anne hE 500 ¢c.c 1 Bordet et Gengou, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1906. 543 544 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Allow to dissolve and add 500 c.c. of 5 per cent carbolic acid in water. Let this stand one or two days and filter. Stained by. the method of Gram, the bacillus of Bordet and Gengou is decolorized. i Cultivation.—Early attempts at cultivation made by the discov- erers upon ordinary ascitic agar or blood agar were unsuccessful. They finally obtained successful cultures from sputum by the use of the following medium: One hundred grams of sliced potato are put into 200 c.c. of 4 per cent glycerin in water. This is steamed in an autoclave and a glycerin extract of potato obtained. To 50 c.c. of this extract 150 c.c. of 6-per- cent salt solution and 5 grams of agar are added. The mixture is melted in the autoclave and the fluid filled into test tubes, 2 to 3 c.c. each, and sterilized. To each tube, after sterilization, is added an equal volume of sterile de- fibrinated rabbit blood or preferably human blood, the substances are mixed, and the tubes slanted. On such a medium, inoculated with sputum, taken preferably during the par- oxysms of the first day of the disease, colonies appear, which are barely visible after twenty-four hours,! plainly visible Fig. 116.—Borper-Grncou 2fter forty-eight hours. They are small, Bactuus. grayish, and rather thick. After the first generation the organisms grow with mark- edly greater luxuriance and speed. On the potato-blood medium, after several generations of artificial cultivation, they form a grayish glistening layer which, after a few days, becomes heavy and _ thick, almost resembling the growth of typhoid bacilli. In these later generations, also, they develop readily upon plain blood agar or ascitic agar and in ascitic broth or broth to which blood has been added. In the fluid media they form a viscid sediment, but no pellicle. Culturally, the bacillus varies from B. influenze in growing less readily on hemoglobin media than the latter, on first cultivation from the sputum. Later it grows much more heavily on such media and shows less dependence upon the presence of hemoglobin than does B. influenze. It also grows rather more slowly than the influenza bacillus. It is 1 Wollstein, Jour. Exp. Med., xi, 1909. BORDET-GENGOU BACILLUS 545 strictly aérobic and in fluid cultures is best grown in wide flasks with shallow layers of the medium. The Bordet-Gengou bacillus grows moderately at temperatures about 37.5° C., but does not cease to grow at temperatures as low as 5° to 10° C. On blood agar and in ascitic broth it may remain alive for as long as two months (Wollstein). Pathogenicity.—As regards the pathogenicity and etiological spe- cificity of this organism for whooping-cough, no positive statement can as yet be made. The fact that it has been found in many cases in almost pure cultures during the early paroxysms, renders it likely that the organism is the specific cause of the disease. However, in early cases true influenza bacilli have been often found, and these latter seem to remain in the sputum of such patients for a longer period and in larger numbers than the bacillus of Bordet.and Gengou. Endotoxins have been obtained from the cultures of the bacilli by Bordet and Gengou by the method of Besredka.! The growth from slant cultures is washed up in a little salt solution, dried in vacuo, and ground in a mortar with a small, measured quantity of salt. Finally, enough distilled water is added to bring the salt into a solution of 0.75 per cent and the mixture is centrifugalized and decanted. One to two c.c. of such an extract will usually kill a rabbit within twenty-four hours after intravenous inocula- tion. Subcutaneous inoculation produces non-suppurating necrosis and ulceration without marked constitutional symptoms. Inoculation of monkeys with the bacilli themselves by the respira- tory path has failed to produce the disease. Specific agglutinins may be obtained in immunized animals which prove absolutely the distinctness of this organism from Bacillus in- fluenze.2 In the serum of afflicted children the agglutination is too irregular to be of value. Specific complement fixation with the serum of patients is reported by Bordet and Gengou, but failed in the hands of Wollstein. MORAX-AXENFELD BACILLUS In 1896 Morax? described a diplo-bacillus, which he associated etiologically with a type of chronic conjunctivitis to which he applied the name “‘conjonctivite subaigue.” Soon after this, a similar micro- organism was found in cases corresponding to those of Morax by Axen- 1 Bordet, Bull. de la Soc. Roy. de Brux., 1907. 2 Wollstein, loc. cit. 3 Moraz, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1896. 36 546 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS feld.1. The condition which these microorganisms characteristically produce is a catarrhal conjunctivitis which usually attacks both eyes. The inflammation is especially noticeable in the angles of the eye, most severe at or about the caruncle. There is rarely much swelling of the conjunctiva and hardly ever ulceration. The condition runs a subacute or chronic course. Its diagnosis is easily made by smear preparations of the pus which is formed with especial abundance during the night. Morphology.—In smear preparations from the pus, the microorgan- isms appear as short, thick bacilli, usually in the form of two placed end to end, but not infrequently singly or in short chains. Their ends Fic. 117.—Morax-AxENFELD D1Pio-BaciLbus, are distinctly rounded, their centers slightly bulging, giving the bacillus an ovoid form. They are usually about two micra in length. They are easily stained by the usual anilin dyes, and, stained by the method of Gram, are completely decolorized. Cultivation.—The Morax-Axenfeld bacillus can be cultivated only upon alkaline media containing blood or blood serum. It grows poorly, or not at all, at room temperature. Upon Loeffler’s blood serum, colonies appear after twenty-four to thirty-six hours as small indentations which indicate a liquefaction of the medium. Axenfeld states that eventually the entire medium may 1 Axenfeld, Cent. f. Bakt., xxi, 1897. ZUR NEDDEN’S BACILLUS 547 become liquefied. Upon serum agar delicate grayish drop-like colonies are formed which are not unlike those of the gonococcus. In ascitic bouillon general clouding occurs within twenty-four hours. Pathogenicity. Attempts to produce lesions in the lower animals with this bacillus have been universally unsuccessful. Subacute con- junctivitis, however, has been produced in human beings by inocula- tions with pure cultures. ZUR NEDDEN’S BACILLUS In ulcerative conditions of the cornea, Zur Nedden has frequently found a bacillus to which he attributes etiological importance. The bacillus which he has described is small, usually less than one micron in length, often slightly curved, and generally found singly. It may be found in the diplo form but does not form chains. It is stained by the usual dyes, often staining poorly at the ends. Stained by Gram’s method it is decolorized. The bacillus is non-motile. Cultivation.—It is easily cultivated upon the ordinary laboratory media. Upon agar it forms, within twenty-four hours, transparent, slightly fluorescent colonies which are round, raised, rather coarsely granular, and show a tendency to confluence. Gelatin is not liquefied. Milk is coagulated. Upon potato, there is a thick yellowish growth. Upon dextrose media, there is acid formation, but no gas. The bacillus forms no indol in pepton solutions. Pathogenicity——Corneal ulcers have been produced by inoculation of guinea-pigs. BACILLUS OF DUCREY The soft chancre, or chancroid, is an acute inflammatory, destructive lesion which occurs usually upon the genitals or the skin surrounding the genitals. The infection is conveyed from one individual to an- other by direct contact. It may, however, under conditions of surgical manipulation, be transmitted indirectly by means of dressings, towels, or instruments. The lesion begins usually as a small pustule which rapidly ruptures, leaving an irregular ulcer with undermined edges and a necrotic floor which spreads rapidly. It differs clinically from the true or syphilitic chancre in the lack of induration and in its violent inflammatory 548 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS nature. Usually it leads to lymphatic swellings in the groin which, later, give rise to abscesses, commonly spoken of as “ buboes.”’ In the discharges from such lesions, Ducrey,! in 1889, was able tc demonstrate minute bacilli to which he attributed an etiological rela- tionship to the disease, both because of the regularity of their presence in the lesions and the successful transference of the disease by means of pus containing the microorganisms. Morphology and Staining.—The Ducrey bacillus is an extremely small bacillus, measuring from one to two micra in length and about half a micron in thickness. It has a tendency to appear in short ‘chains and in parallel rows, but many of the microorganisms may be seen irregularly grouped. It is not motile, possesses no flagella, and does not form spores. Stained by the ordinary anilin dyes, it has a tendency to take the color irregularly and to appear more deeply stained at the poles. By the Gram method, it is decolorized. In tissue sections, it may be demon- strated by Loeffler’s methylene-blue method, and in such preparations has been found within the granulation tissues forming the floor of the ulcers. In pus, the bacilli are often found within leucocytes. Cultivation and Isolation.—Early attempts at cultivation of this bacillus were universally unsuccessful in spite of painstaking experi- ments with media prepared of human skin and blood serum. In 1900, Besangon, Griffon, and Le Sourd ? finally succeeded in obtaining growths upon a medium containing agar to which human blood had been added. They were equally successful when dog’s or rabbit’s blood was substi- tuted for that of man. Since the work by these authors, the cultiva- tion by similar methods has been carried out by a number of investiga- tors. Coagulated blood, which has been kept for several days in sterile tubes, has been found to constitute a favorable medium. Freshly clotted blood can not be employed, probably because of the bacteri- cidal action of the serum. Serum-agar has occasionally been used with success, but does not give results as satisfactory as those obtained by the use of the whole blood. The best method of obtaining pure cultures upon such media con- sists in puncturing an unruptured bubo with a sterile hypodermic needle and transferring the pus in considerable quantity directly to the agar. If possible, the inoculation of the media should be made immediately 1 Ducrey, Monatschr. f. prakt. Dermat., 9, 1889. 2 Besangon, Griffon, et Le Sourd, Presse méd., 1900. BACILLUS OF DUCREY 549 before the pus has had a chance to cool off or to be exposed to light. When buboes are not available, the primary lesion may be thoroughly cleansed with sterile water or salt solution, and material scraped from the bottom of the ulcer or from beneath its overhanging edges with a stiff platinum loop. This material is then smeared over the surface of a number of blood-agar plates. Upon such plates, isolated colonies appear, usually after forty-eight hours. They are small, transparent, and gray, and have a rather firm, finely granular consistency. The colonies rarely grow larger than pin- head size, and have no tendency to coalesce. At room temperature, the cultures die out rapidly. Kept in the incubator, however, they may remain alive and virulent for a week or more. On the simpler media, glucose-agar, broth, or gelatin, cultivation is never successful. On moist blood-agar and in the condensation water of such tubes, the bacilli have a tendency to grow out in long chains. Upon media which are very dry, they appear singly or in short chains. Pathogenicity.—Besangon, Griffon, and Le Sourd, and others, have succeeded in producing lesions in man by inoculation with pure cultures. Inoculation of the lower animals has, so far, been entirely without result. MICROCOCCUS MELITENSIS (MALTA FEVER) (Bacillus melitensis) Malta fever is a disease occurring along the Mediterranean coast and its islands. It has been recently found to occur also in South America, South Africa, China, and in the West Indies. The disease is not very unlike typhoid fever, though more irregular and with a lower mortality. It is accompanied by joint pains, sweating, constipa- tion, and occasionally orchitis. The spleen is almost always enlarged. Recent investigations into the manner in which this disease is con- veyed have revealed that it is primarily an infection of goats. A large percentage of the goats on Malta were shown to be infected and passed the organism with the milk. Forty per cent of the goats gave positive agglutination tests and the organisms have been found in the milk in about 10 per cent of the animals. The most susceptible animals seem to be goats, but horses and cows are also susceptible. In guinea-pigs and rabbits the disease can be ex- perimentally produced, but usually takes a protracted course. Monkeys 550 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS are susceptible, and the disease produced in these animals is in many features identical with that of man. Transmission seems to take place chiefly by the ingestion of infected milk. Direct cutaneous infection or through mucous membranes may also occur. In human beings, suffering from the disease, the organisms may be isolated from the blood stream during the entire course. of the disease and as early as the second day. The disease is rarely fatal, death occurring in less than 2 per cent of the cases (Eyre, loc. cit.).! The microorganism causing the disease was isolated in 1887 by Bruce,? a British army surgeon. Morphology.—Micrococcus melitensis is a minute bacterium ap- pearing coccoid in smears from agar cultures, in broth cultures assum- ing the form of a short, slightly wedge-shaped bacillus resembling B. influenze. Babes? regards it as unquestionably a bacillus. Eyre de- scribes it as a minute coccus, and believes the bacillus-like individuals to represent involution forms. It appears in irregularly parallel groups, and occasionally forms short chains. It is easily stained with the ordinary dyes, and is decolorized by Gram’s method. Cultivation.—Micrococcus melitensis can usually be cultivated from the spleens of those who have succumbed to the disease and from the blood stream in active cases. It grows on nutrient agar at 37.5°C., forming small, pearly white colonies at the end of two or three days. It grows easily on all of the ordinary laboratory media. Both in patients and in injected animals, infection with this bacte- rium produces specific agglutinins which are of great practical aid in diagnosis.* 1 British Commission Report cited from Eyre in Kolle und Wassermann, Handbuch, etc., Erginzungsband, Heft 2. 2 Bruce, Practitioner, 1887. 3 Babes, Kolle und Wassermann, iii, p. 443. 4 Wright and Lamb, Jour. Path. and Bact., v, 1899. CHAPTER XXXIX THE BACILLI OF THE HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA GROUP AND BACILLUS PESTIS. In many of the lower animals there occur violently acute bacterial infections characterized by general septicemia, usually with petechial hemorrhages throughout the organs and serous membranes and severe intestinal inflammations. These diseases, spoken of as the “hemor- rhagic septicemias,” are caused by a group of closely allied bacilli, first classified together by Hueppe' in 1886. Some confusion has existed as to the forms which should be considered within Hueppe’s group of “hemorrhagic septicemia,’ a number of bacteriologists including in this class bacilli such as Loeffler’s Bacillus typhi murium, and Salmon and Smith’s hog-cholera bacillus, microorganisms which, because of their motility and cultural characteristics, belong more properly to the “Gartner,” “enteritidis,’ or “paratyphoid” group, intermediate be- tween colon and typhoid. The organisms properly belonging to this group are short bacilli, more plump than are those of the colon type, and showing a marked ten- dency to stain more deeply at the poles than at the center. They are non-motile, possess no flagella, and do not form spores. They grow readily upon simple media, but show a very marked preference for oxygen, growing but slightly below the surface of media. By some observers they are characterized as “obligatory aérobes,” but this is undoubtedly a mistake. While showing considerable variations in form and differences in minor cultural characteristics, the species characteristics of polar stain- ing, decolorization by Gram, immobility, lack of gelatin liquefaction, and great pathogenicity for animals, stamp alike all members of the group. Its chief recognized representatives are the bacillus of chicken cholera, the bacillus of swine-plague (Deutsche Schweineseuche), 1 Hueppe, Berl. klin. Woch., 1886. 551 552 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS and the Bacillus pleurosepticus which causes an acute disease in cattle and often in wild game. Because of certain cultural and pathogenic characteristics, it seems best to consider the bacillus of bubonic plague with this group. BACILLUS OF CHICKEN CHOLERA (Bacillus avisepticus) The bacillus of chicken cholera was first carefully studied by Pas- teur'in 1880. It is a short, non-motile bacillus, measuring from 0.5 to 1 micron in length. Stained with the ordinary anilin dyes, it displays marked polar staining qualities, which often give it the appearance of being a diplococcus. It is decolorized by Gram’s method. It does not form spores, but may occasionally form vacuolated degeneration forms, not unlike those described for Bacillus pestis. The bacillus is easily cultivated from the blood and organs of infected animals, it grows well upon the simplest media at temperatures vary- ing from 25° to 40° C. In broth, it produces uniform clouding with later a formation of a pellicle. Upon agar it forms, within twenty-four to forty-eight hours, minute colonies, white or yellowish in color, which are at first transparent, later opaque. Upon gelatin, it grows without liquefaction. Upon milk, the growth is slow and does not produce co- agulation. According to Kruse,” indol is formed from pepton bouillon. Acid, but no gas, is formed in sugar broth. Among barnyard fowl, this disease is widely prevalent, attacking chickens, ducks, geese, and a large variety of smaller birds. The infection is extremely acute, ending fatally within a few days. It is accompanied by diarrhea, often with bloody stools, great exhaustion, and, toward the end, a drowsiness bordering on coma. Autopsy upon the animals re- veals hemorrhagic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, enlargement of the liver and spleen, and often bronchopneumonia. The specific bacilli may be found in the blood, in the organs, in exu- dates, if these are present, and in large numbers in the dejecta. Infection takes place probably through the food and water contaminated by the discharges of diseased birds.* Subcutaneous inoculation or feeding of such animals with pure cultures, even in minute doses, gives rise to a quickly developing septicemia which is uniformly fatal. The bacillus is extremely patho- 1 Pasteur, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1880. 2 Kruse, in Fliigge’s ‘‘ Die Mikroorganismen.”’ 3 Salmon, Rep. of the Com. of Agriculture, 1880, 1881, and 1882. BACILLI OF HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA GROUP 553 genic for rabbits, less so for hogs, sheep, and horses, if infection is prac- ticed by subcutaneous inoculation. Infection by ingestion does not seem to cause disease in these animals. Historically, the bacillus of chicken cholera is extremely interesting, since it was with this microorganism that Pasteur ' carried out some of his fundamental researches upon immunity, and succeeded in immu- nizing chickens with attenuated cultures. The first attenuation ex- periment made by Pasteur consisted in allowing the bacilli to remain in a broth culture for a prolonged period without transplantation. With minute doses of such a culture (vaccin I) he inoculated chickens, fol- lowing this, after ten days, with a small dose of a fully virulent culture. Although enormously important in principle, the practical results from this method, as applied to chicken cholera, have not been satisfactory. It was with this bacillus, furthermore, that Pasteur was first able to demonstrate the existence of a free toxin which could be separated from the bacteria by filtration. BACILLUS OF SWINE PLAGUE (Bacillus suisepticus, Schweineseuche) This microorganism is almost identical in form and cultural charac- teristics with the bacillus of chicken cholera. It is non-motile, forms no spores, is Gram-negative, and does not liquefy gelatin. The bacillus causes an epidemic disease among hogs, which is characterized almost regularly by a bronchopneumonia followed by general septicemia. There is often a sero-sanguineous pleural exudate, a swelling of bronchial lymph glands and of liver and spleen. The gastrointestinal tract is rarely affected. The bacilli at autopsy may be found in the lungs, in the exudates, in the liver and spleen, and in the blood. The disease is rarely acute, but, in young pigs, almost uniformly fatal. It is probable that spontaneous infection usually occurs by inhala- tion. Experimental inoculation is successful in pigs, both when given subcutaneously and when administered by the inhalation method. Mice, guinea-pigs, and rabbits are also susceptible, dying within three or four days after subcutaneous inoculation of small doses. Active and passive immunization of animals against Bacillus suisep- ticus has been attempted by various observers. Active immunization, if carried out with care, may be successfully done in the laboratory. 1 Pasteur, loc. cit. 554 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Passive immunization of animals with the serum of actively immunized horses has been practiced by Kitt and Mayr,! Schreiber,? and Wasser- mann and Ostertag. The last-named observers, working with a poly- valent serum produced with a number of different strains of the bacillus, have obtained results of considerable practical value. The researches of Kitt and Mayr have revealed a fact pointing to the interrelationship of the bacilli of the “hemorrhagic septicemia” group. They were able to show that the serum of horses immunized with chicken cholera bacilli was able to protect, somewhat, against Bacillus suisepticus. Infection with the bacillus of swine plague, in hogs, is often ac- companied by an infection with the hog-cholera bacillus (Schweinepest). The latter, as we have seen, is a microorganism belonging to the enteri- tidis group, intermediate between Bacilluscoli and Bacillus typhosus, and differing from suisepticus in being actively motile, possessing flagella, not showing the polar staining, having a more slender morphology, and producing gas upon dextrose broth. A confusion between the two bacilli frequently occurs because of their nomenclature. Bacteriologic- ally and pathogenically, they are quite distinct. Bacillus suisepticus produces an acute septicemia, accompanied by bronchopneumonia and usually not affecting the gastro-intestinal canal. The bacillus of hog cholera produces an infection localized in the intestinal canal. BACILLUS PESTIS (Bacillus of Bubonic Plague) The history of epidemic diseases has no more terrifying chapter than that of plague.* Sweeping, time and again, over large areas of the civilized world, its scope and mortality were often so great that all forms of human activity were temporarily paralyzed. In the reign of Justinian almost fifty per cent of the entire population of the Roman Empire perished from the disease. The “Black Death” ’ which swept over Europe during the fourteenth century killed about twenty-five million people. Smaller epidemics, appearing in numerous parts of the world during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, have claimed innumerable victims. In 1893, plague appeared in Hong Kong. During the epidemic which followed, Bacillus ‘pestis, now recognized as the etiological factor of the disease, was discovered by 1 Kitt und Mayr, Monatsh. f. prakt. Thierheilk., 8, 1897. 2 Schreiber, Berl. tieriirztl. Woch., 10, 1899. 3 Hirsch, “ Handb. d. histor.-geogr. Path.,” 1881. BACILLUS PESTIS 555 Kitasato! and by Yersin,’ independently of each other. By both ob- servers the bacillus could invariably be found in the pus from the buboes of afflicted persons. It could be demonstrated in enormous numbers in the cadavers of victims. The constancy of the occurrence of the bacillus in patients, shown in the innumerable researches of many bacteriologists, would alone be sufficient evidence of its etiological relationship to the discase. This evidence is strengthened, moreover, by accidental infections which occurred in Vienna in 1898, with labora- tory cultures. Morphology and Staining.—Bacillus pestis is a short, thick bacillus with well-rounded ends. Its length is barely two or two and a half times GB ie Fic. 118.—Baciiius pestis, (After Mallory and Wright.) its breadth (1.5 to 1.75 micra by 0.5 to 0.7 micron). The bacilli appear singly, in pairs, or, more rarely, in short chains of three or more. They show distinct polar staining. In size and shape these bacilli are sub- ject to a greater degree of variation than are most other microorganisms. In old lesions or in old cultures the bacilli show involution forms which may appear either as swollen coccoid forms or as longer, club-shaped, diphtheroid bacilli. Degenerating individuals appear often as swollen, oval vacuoles. All these involution forms, by their very irregularity, are of diagnostic importance. They appear more numerous in artificial cultures than in human lesions. According to Albrecht and Ghon,’ the plague bacillus may, by 1 Kitasato, Lancet, 1894. 2 Yersin, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1894. 3 Albrecht und Ghon, Wien, 1898. 556 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS special methods, be shown to possess a gelatinous capsule. It does not possess flagella and does not form spores. The plague bacillus is easily stained with all the usual anilin dyes. Diluted aqueous fuchsin and methylene-blue are most frequently employed. With these stains the characteristically deeper staining of the polar portions of the bacillus is usually easy to demonstrate. Special polar stains have been devised by various observers. Most of these depend upon avoidance of the usual heat fixation of the prepara- tions, which, in some way, seems to interfere with good polar staining. Fixation of the dried smears with absolute alcohol is, therefore, prefer- able. The bacillus is decolorized by Gram’s method. Fie. 119.—Bactuuvs vestis, InvotuTion Forms. (After Zettnow.) Isolation and Cultivation—The bacillus is easily isolated in pure culture from the specific lesions of plague patients, during life or at autopsy. It grows readily and luxuriantly upon the meat-infusion media. The optimum temperature for its cultivation is about 30° C. Below 20° C. and above 38° C., growth is sparse and delayed, though it is not entirely inhibited until exposed to temperatures below 12° C., or above 40° C. The most favorable reaction of culture media is neu- trality or moderate alkalinity, though slight acidity does not prevent development. On agar, growth appears within twenty-four hours as minute colonies with a compact small center surrounded by a broad, irregularly indented, granular margin. BACILLUS PESTIS 557 On gelatin, similar colonies appear after two or three days at 20° to 22°C. The gelatin is not liquefied. In bouillon, the plague bacilli grow slowly. They usually sink to the bottom or adhere to the walls of the tube as a granular deposit and may occasionally form a delicate pellicle. Chain-formation is not un- common. In broth cultures, moreover, a peculiar stalactite-like growth is often seen, when the culture fluid is covered with a layer of oil. Delicate threads of growth hang down from the surface of the medium into its depths like stalactites. Characteristic involution forms are brought out best when the bacilli are grown upon agar containing 3 per cent NaCl. Milk is not coagulated. In litmus-milk there is slight acid forma- tion. On potato and on blood serum the growth shows nothing char- acteristic or of differential value. On pepton media no indol is formed. Biological Considerations.—Bacillus pestis is aérobic. Absence of free oxygen is said to prevent its growth, at least under certain condi- tions of artificial cultivation. It is non-motile. Outside of the animal body the bacilli may retain viability: for months and even years if preserved in the dark and in a moist environment. In cadavers they may live for weeks and months if protected from dryness. In pus or sputum from patients they may live eight to fourteen days. These facts are of great hygienic importance. Complete drying in the air kills the bacilli within two or three days. Thoroughly dried by artificial means they die within four or five hours. Dry heat at 100° C. kills the bacillus in one hour.? Live steam or boil- ing water is effectual in a few minutes. The bacilli possess great resist- ance against cold, surviving a-temperature of 0° C. for as many as forty days. Direct sunlight destroys them within four or five hours. The common disinfectants are effectual in the following strengths: carbolic acid, one per cent kills them in two hours, five per cent in ten minutes; bichloride of mercury 1 : 1,000 is effectual in ten minutes. In a recent communication to the New York Pathological Society, Dr. Wilson reported that plague cultures which he had kept sealed for as long as ten years in the ice chest were found living and virulent at the end of this time. This ability to go into a quasi latent stage under suitable conditions is of the greatest importance in connection with the problem of prevention. 1 Kitasato, Lancet, 1894. 2 Abel, Cent. f. Bakt., xxi, 1897. 558 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Pathogenicity.—In man, plague is acquired! by entrance of the bacil- lus either through the skin or by the respiratory tract. The period of incubation is about three to seven days. Two distinct clinical types of the disease occur, depending upon the mode of infection. When cutaneous infection has occurred the disease is first localized in the lymph nodes nearest the point of inoculation. If the respiratory tract has been the portal of entrance the disease primarily takes the form of a pneumonia. Infection may take place through the most minute lesions, hardly visible to the naked eye. Even the unbroken skin may admit the microorganisms if these are rubbed in with sufficient energy. From the primary lymphatic swellings, the bacilli enter the blood and may pro- duce secondary foci. The pneumonic form of plague usually begins with symptoms not unlike a typical pneumonia and is usually fatal within four or five or even fewer days. This form of the disease is especially menacing as a means of dissemination, because of the enormous numbers of plague bacilli in the sputum. One of the chief characteristics of the general systemic plague infec- tion is the very marked cardiac depression. The bacteriological diagnosis during life may be made by finding the bacilli in the sputum or in aspiration fluid from a bubo. The micro- organisms are identified morphologically, culturally, by animal experi- ment, and by agglutination reaction. Blood cultures from plague pa- tients often yield positive results, especially when the blood is well diluted in neutral broth to prevent any inhibiting action of the anti- bodies in the serum. At autopsy, in man, the bacilli are found in the primary lesions, in the blood, and in the spleen, the liver, and the lymphatics. There may be hemorrhages into the serous cavities. When pneumonia exists, it usually takes the form of a bronchopneumonia with extensive swelling of the bronchial lymph nodes. In cases in which the disease is prolonged, there are often tubercle- like foci in the spleen, liver, and lungs. Histologically these foci show central necrosis surrounded by the usual inflammatory cell reactions. In more chronic cases connective-tissue encapsulation may appear. Bacillus pestis is extremely pathogenic for rats, mice, guinea-pigs, rabbits, and monkeys. The most susceptible of these animals are rats 1 Gottschlich, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxv, 1900. BACILLUS PESTIS 559 and guinea-pigs, in whom mere rubbing of plague bacilli into the un- broken skin will often produce the disease. This method of experimen- tal infection of guinea-pigs is of great service in isolating the plague bacillus from material contaminated with other microorganisms. For the same purpose, infection of rats subcutaneously at the root of the tail may be employed. Such inoculation in rats is invariably fatal. The studies of McCoy ! upon guinea-pigs and white rats show that individual plague cultures may vary considerably in virulence. The size of the dose, always excepting enormous quantities such as a whole agar culture, seems to make little difference in the speed with which the animals die. There may be considerable variation in the suscep- tibility of individual animals. Prolonged cultivation on artificial media may gradually reduce the virulence of plague bacilli, though, as stated above, this has not been the experience of all observers. In rats, spontaneous infection with plague is common and plays an important réle in the spread of the disease. Rats become infected from the cadavers of plague victims or by gnawing the dead bodies of other rats dead of the disease. ‘The pneumonic type of the disease is common in these animals and has been produced in them by inhalation experi- ments. During every well-observed plague epidemic, marked mortality among the domestic rats has been noticed. Since the examination of rats for plague is an important phase of the study of epidemics, it may be well to review the typical lesions in these animals as described by an experienced American student of plague, George W. McCoy.2, McCoy, agreeing with the Indian Plague Com- mission, states that the naked eye is superior to the microscopical ex- amination. There is engorgement of the subcutaneous vessels and a pink coloration of the muscles. The bubo when present is sufficient for diagnosis. Marked injection surrounds it and sometimes there is hemorrhagic infiltration. The gland itself is firm but usually caseous or occasionally hemorrhagic. In the liver there is apparent fatty change, but this is due to necrosis. Pin-point spots give it a stippled appear- ance as though it had been dusted with pepper. Pleural effusion is an important sign. The spleen is large, friable, and often presents pin- point granules on the surface. One or two per cent of rats may present no gross lesions. Cultures should of course be made. The method of examination consists in immersing the rat in any convenient antiseptic ee 1 McCoy, Jour. of Inf. Dis., vi, 1909. 2 George W. McCoy, Public Health Reports, July, 1912. 560 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS to kill fleas and other ectoparasites. The rats are nailed by their feet to a shingle and the skin is reflected from the whole front of the body and neck so as to expose the cervical, axillary, and inguinal regions. The thoracic and abdominal cavities are then opened and examined. Wherry,! McCoy,? and others have found that the California ground squirrel was infected with plague, during the recent occurrence of plague on the Pacific coast, and several cases of plague in man were traced to this source. In studying these and other American ro- dents McCoy found that ground squirrels as a species were highly susceptible, never showing natural immunity. Field mice were but moderately susceptible. Gophers were highly resistant. McCoy has also described a case of spontaneous infection in a brush rat (Neo- toma fuscipes). Rock squirrels were found by McCoy to be readily infected. Wu Lien Teh (G. L. Tuck) * has recently found that the Manchurian tarbagan or marmot (Arctomys bobac), an animal trapped for its fur, occasionally suffers from plague. The disease is never extensive and the animal of much less importance in spreading the disease than is the rat. Plague is transmitted either by direct contact or inhalation, or in- directly by clothing, linen, and other objects worn or handled. The role in the transmission of the disease played by rats is probably of great importance. The animals vomit, defecate, and die in cellars, storerooms, etc., and thus set free vast numbers of plague bacilli for indirect accidental transmission to human beings. The actual mode in which this transmission takes place is by no means certain. The fact that in countries where plague is prevalent many of the natives go insufficiently shod or barefooted, may account for many infections. Simond‘ lays great stress upon transmission to man by means of fleas, the Indian rat-flea often being parasitic upon man. His conclusions are probably too far-reaching, though the possibility of such infection can not be denied.® It is a curious fact observed by various bacteriologists that plague bacilli isolated from pneumonic cases are particularly apt to cause pneumonic lesions, having, as it were, acquired a selective pathogenicity for the lung. A most valuable contribution to our knowledge of pneu- ' Wherry, Jour. Inf. Dis., v, 1908. 2 McCoy, Jour. Inf. Dis., vi, 1909; vii, 1910. 3 Wu Lien Teh, Jour. of Hyg., xiii, 1913. 4 Simond, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1893. 5 Nuttall, Cent. f. Bakt., xxii, 1897; Nuttall, Hyg. Rund., ix, 1899. BACILLUS PESTIS 561 monic plague has recently been made by Strong, Teague, and Barber! in their report of the American Red Cross Expedition to Manchuria during the plague epidemic of 1910-11. Their investigations were made with remarkable courage and skill under difficult conditions. The chief points of interest in their reports may be summarized as follows: Expired air of plague patients rarely contains the bacilli; these are thrown out in coughing or hawking. Transmission is, in this form, direct from patient to patient and not indirect through animals. The first localization (Strong, Teague, and Crowell) is in the bronchi from which extension takes place. Septicemia soon follows the pneumonic process. Spreading occurs most likely in the wet and cold of winter, since the bacteria are rapidly destroyed by drying. Toxin Formation.—The systemic symptoms of plague are largely due to the absorption of poisonous products of the bacteria. Albrecht and Ghon,? Wernicke,? and others were unable to obtain any toxic action with broth-culture filtrates and concluded that the poisons of B. pestis were chiefly endotoxins, firmly attached to the bacterial body. Kossel and Overbeck,* however, on the basis of a careful investigation, came to the conclusion that, in addition to the endotoxin, there is formed in older broth cultures a definite and important true, soluble toxin. Immunization.—A single attack of plague usually protects human beings from reinfection. A second attack in the same individual is extremely rare. Immunization in animals produces specific agglutinat- ing and bacteriolytic substances which are of great importance in the bacteriological diagnosis of the bacillus. The agglutinating action of the serum of patients is clinically important in the diagnosis of the disease, even in dilutions of one in ten, since undiluted normal human serum has no agglutinating effect upon plague bacilli. Active immunization of animals* is accomplished by inoculation of the whole dead bacteria. Haffkine has attempted active immunization in human beings by subcutaneous treatment with sterilized broth cul- tures of B. pestis. Gaffky ® and his collaborators recommend, for similar purposes, forty-eight-hour agar cultures of a bacillus of standard viru- lence, emulsified in bouillon and sterilized at 65° C. 1 Strong, Teague, and Barber, Philippine Jour. of Sc., Sect. B, vii, 1912, No. 3. ? Albrecht und Ghon, loc. cit. 3 Wernicke, Cent. f. Bakt., Ref., xxiv, 1898. ‘ Kossel und Overbeck, Arb. a. d. Gesundh., xviii, 1901. ® Yersin, Calmette, et Roux, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, 1895. ° Gaffky, Pfeiffer, Sticker, und Dieudonné, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, xvi, 1899. 30 562 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS The curative plague serum prepared by Yersin and others by the immunization of horses with plague cultures has been extensively used in practice and though often disappointing, a definitely beneficial in- fluence on the milder cases has been noted. The sera are standardized by their protective power as measured in white rats. THE PLAGUE-LIKE DISEASE OF RODENTS (McCOY)! Bacterium Tularense (McCoy and Chapin) ? McCoy has described a disease occurring in Californian ground squirrels (Citellus beechyi) which presents lesions very similar to those of plague in these animals. In fact the disease was noticed in the course of the systematic examination of rodents by McCoy at the Federal Laboratory in San Francisco. Although McCoy was able to transmit the disease to guinea-pigs, mice, rabbits, monkeys, and gophers, and plague-like lesions could be produced in most of the animals, he was at first entirely unable to cultivate any organism from these lesions. In 1912 McCoy and Chapin finally succeeded in growing the specific bacterium on an egg medium made entirely of the yolk. Mor- phologically it is a very small rod, 0.3 to 0.7 micron in length and often capsulated. The rods stain poorly with methylene blue, better with carbol fuchsin or gentian violet. They are found in large numbers in the spleens of animals dead of the disease. 1 McCoy, U.S. Public Health Bull. 43, 1911. 2 McCoy and Chapin, Jour. of Inf. Dis., x, 1912. CHAPTER XL BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX (Milzbrand, Charbon) ANTHRAX is primarily a disease of the herbivora, attacking especially cattle and sheep. Infection not infrequently occurs in horses, hogs, and goats. In other domestic animals it is exceptional. Man is susceptible to the disease and contracts it either directly from the living animals or from the hides, wool, or other parts of the cadaver used in the industries. The history of the disease dates back to the most ancient periods and anthrax has, at all times, been a severe scourge upon cattle- and sheep- raising communities. Of all infections attacking the domestic animals no other has claimed’ so many victims as anthrax. In Russia, where the disease is most common, 72,000 horses are said to have succumbed in one year (1864).! In Austro-Hungary, Germany, France, and the Eastern countries, each year thousands of animals and numerous human beings perish of anthrax. In England and America the disease is relatively infrequent. No quarter of the globe, however, is entirely free from it. Especial historical interest attaches to the anthrax bacillus in that it was the first microorganism proved definitely to bear a specific etio- logical relationship to an infectious disease. The discovery of the an- thrax bacillus, therefore, laid, as it were, the cornerstone of modern bacteriology. The bacillus was first observed in the blood of infected animals by Pollender in 1849, and, independently, by Brauell in 1857. Davaine,? however, in 1863, was the first one to produce experimental infection in animals with blood containing the bacilli and to suggest a direct etiological relationship between the two. Final and absolute proof of the justice of Davaine’s contentions, however, was not brought until the further development of bacteriological technique, by Koch,’ had made it possible for this last observer to isolate the bacillus upon 1 Quoted from Sobernheim, Kolle und Wassermann., vol. ii. 2 Davaine, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., Ivii, 1863. 3 Koch, Cohn’s “ Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pflanzen,” ii, 1876, 563 “B64 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS artificial media and to reproduce the disease experimentally by inocu- lation with pure cultures. Morphology and Staining.—The anthrax bacillus is a straight rod, 5 to 10 micra in length, 1 to 3 micra in width. It is non-motile. In preparations made from the blood of an infected animal, the bacilli are usually single or in pairs. Grown on artificial media they form tangles of long threads. Their ends are cut off squarely, in sharp con- Fig. 120—BacinLus anTuRAcIs. From pure culture on agar. trast to the rounded ends of many other bacilli. The corners are often sharp and the ends of bacilli in contact in a chain often touch each other only at these points, leaving in consequence an oval chink between the ends of the organisms. The appearance of a chain of anthrax bacilli, therefore, has been not inaptly compared to a rod of bamboo. On artificial media the anthrax bacillus forms spores. Oxygen is necessary for the formation of these spores and they are consequently not found BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX 565 in the blood of infected subjects. The spores are located in the middle of the bacilli and are distinctly oval. They are difficult to stain, but may be demonstrated by any of the usual spore-staining procedures, such as Maller’s or Novy’s methods. The bacilli themselves are easily stained by the usual anilin dyes, and gentian-violet or fuchsin in aque- ous solution may be conveniently employed. They are not decolorized by Gram’s method. In preparations from animal tissues or blood, stained by special pro- f Fic, 121—Baciutus anturacis. In section of kidney of animal dead of anthrax. cedures, the anthrax bacillus may occasionally be seen to possess a cap- sule. The capsule is never seen in preparations from the ordinary artificial media. Some observers have demonstrated them in cultures ‘grown in fluid blood serum. In chains of anthrax bacilli, the capsule when present seems to envelop the entire chain and not the individual bacteria separately. Isolation.— Isolation of the anthrax bacillus from infected material 566 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS is comparatively simple, both because of the ease of its cultivation and because of the sharply characteristic features of its morphological and cultural appearance. Cultivation.—The anthrax bacillus is an aérobic, facultatively anaéro- bic bacillus. While it may develop slowly and sparsely under anaérobic conditions, free oxygen is required to permit its luxuriant and charac- teristic growth. : The optimum temperature for its cultivation ranges about 37.5° C. It is not, however, delicately susceptible to moderate variations of tem- ™ Fig. 122.—Baci.uus antaracis. In smear of spleen of animal dead of anthrax. perature and growth does not cease until temperatures as low as 12° C. or as high as 45° C. are reached. By continuous cultivation at some of the temperatures near either the higher or the lower of these limits, the bacillus may become well adapted to the new environment and attain luxuriant growth." The anthrax bacillus may be cultivated on all of the usual artificial media, growing upon the meat-extract as well as upon the meat-infusion media. ’ + Dieudonné, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1894. BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX 567 {t may be cultivated also upon hay infusion, various other vegetable media, sugar solutions, and urine. While moderate acidity of the medium does not prevent the growth of this bacillus, the most favorable reaction for media is neutrality or slight alkalinity. Cn gelatin plates, colonies develop within twenty-four to forty-eight hours as opaque, white disks, pin-head in size, irregularly round and rather flat. As the colonies increase in size their outlines become less regular and under the microscope they are seen to be made up of a hair-like tangle of threads spreading in thin wavy layers from a more compact central knot. The microscopic appearance of these colonies has been aptly described as resembling a Medusa head. Fragments of a Fie, 123.—AntTHRAXx Cotony on Gexatin, (After Giinther.) colony examined on a slide with a higher power show the individual threads to be made up of parallel chains of bacilli. After a day or two of further growth, the gelatin about the colonies becomes fluidified. In gelatin stab cultures, growth appears at first as a thin white line along the course of the puncture. From this, growth proceeds in thin spicules or filaments diverging from the stab, more abundantly near the top than near the bottom of the stab, owing to more active growth in well oxygenated environment. The resulting picture is that of a small inverted “Christmas tree.” Fluidification begins at the top, at first a shallow depression filled with an, opaque mixture of bacilli and fluid. 568 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Later the bacilli sink to the bottom of the flat depression, leaving a cleax supernatant fluid of peptonized gelatin. In broth, growth takes place rapidly, but does not lead to an even, general clouding. There is usually an initial pellicle formation at the top where the oxygen supply is greatest. Simultaneously with this a slimy mass appears at the bottom of the tube, owing to the sinking of Fig. 124—AntTHRrsAx CoLony on Agar. bacilli to the bottom. Apart from isolated flakes and threads the inter- vening broth is clear. Shaken up, the tube shows a tough, stringy mass, not unlike a small cotton fluff, and general clouding is produced only by vigorous mixing. Upon agar plates, growth at 37.5° C. is vigorous and colonies appear BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX 569 within twelve to twenty-four hours. They are irregular in outline, slightly wrinkled, and show under the microscope the characteristic tangled-thread appearance seen on gelatin, except that they are more compact than upon the former medium. The colonies are slightly glisten- ing and tough in consistency. On agar slants, the colonies usually become confluent, the entire surface soon being covered by a grayish, tough pellicle which, if fished, has a tendency to come away in thin strips or strands. On potato, growth is rapid, white, and rather dry. Sporulation upon potato is rapid and marked, and the medium is favorable for the study of this phase of development. Milk is slowly acidified and slowly coagulated. This action is chiefly upon the casein; very few, if any, changes being produced either in the sugars or in the fats of the milk. The acids formed are, according to Iwanow,' chiefly formic, acetic, and caproic acids. Biological Considerations.—The anthrax bacillus is aérobic and facul- tatively anaérobic. It is non-motile and possesses no flagella. In the animal body it occasionally forms capsules. In artificial cultures in the presence of oxygen, it sooner or later invariably forms spores. The spores appear after the culture has reached its maximum of develop- ment. Sporulation never occurs in the animal body, probably because of the absence of sufficient free oxygen. Spores are formed most exten- sively ” at temperatures ranging from 20° C. to 30° C. Spore formation ceases below 18° C. and above 42° C. For different strains these figures may vary slightly, as has been shown from the results of various observers. Spores appear most rapidly and regularly upon agar and potato media. The spore—one in each bacillus—appears as a small, highly refractile spot in the center of the individual bacterium. As this enlarges, the body of the bacillus around it gradually undergoes granular degenera- tion and loses its staining capacity.’ If anthrax bacilli are cultivated for prolonged periods upon media containing hydrochloric or rosolic acid or weak solutions of carbolic acid,* cultures may be obtained which do not sporulate and which seem permanently to have lost this power, without losing their virulence to the same degree. Similar results may be obtained by continuous cul- 1 Iwanow, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1892. 2 Koch, loe. cit. 3 Behring, Zeit. f. Hyg., vi and vii, 1889; Deut. med. Woch., 1889. 4 Chamberland et Roux, Comptes rend. de |’acad. des sci., xevi, 1882. 570 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS tivation at temperatures above 42° C. By this procedure, however, virulence, too, is considerably diminished. Resistance.— Because of its property of spore formation, the anthrax bacillus is extremely resistant toward chemical and physical environ- ment. The vegetative forms themselves are not more resistant than most other non-sporulating bacteria, being destroyed by a temperature of 54° C. in ten minutes. Anthrax spores may be kept in a dry state for many years without losing their viability.’ While different strains of anthrax spores show some variation in their powers of resistance, all races show an extremely high resistance to heat. Dry heat at 140° C. kills them only after three hours.’ Live steam at 100° kills them in five to ten minutes. Boiling in water destroys them in about ten min- utes. Low temperatures have but little effect upon them. Ravenel * found that, frozen by liquid air, they were still viable after three hours. The variability shown by different strains of spores in their resistance to heat is even more marked in their behavior toward chemicals.* Some strains will retain their viability after exposure to five-per-cent carbolic acid for forty days,® while others are destroyed by the same solution in two days. Corrosive sublimate, 1 : 2,000, kills most strains of anthrax in forty minutes. Direct sunlight destroys anthrax spores within six to twelve hours.* Pathogenicity—The anthrax bacillus is pathogenic for cattle, sheep, guinea-pigs, rabbits, rats, and mice. The degrees of susceptibil- ity of these animals differ greatly, variations in this respect existing even ' among different members of the same species. Thus, the long-haired Algerian sheep show a high resistance, while the European variety are highly susceptible; and, similarly, the gray rat is much more resistant than the white rat. Dogs, hogs, cats, birds, and the cold-blooded ani- mals are relatively insusceptible. For man the bacillus is definitely pathogenic, though less so than for some of the animals mentioned above. While separate races of anthrax bacilli may vary much in their de- gree of virulence, a single individual strain remains fairly constant in this respect if preserved, dried upon threads or kept in sealed tubes, in 1 Surmont et Arnould, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1894. 2 Koch und Wolffhiigel, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1881. 3 Ravenel, Medical News, vii, 1899. 4 Frankel, Zeit. f£. Hyg., vi, 1889. 5 Koch, loc. cit. 6 Momont, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1892. BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX 571 a cold, dark place. Virulence may be reduced * by various attenuating laboratory procedures which are of importance in that they have made possible prophylactic immunization. Heating the bacilli to 55° C. for ten minutes considerably reduces their virulence. Similar results are obtained by prolonged cultivation at temperatures of 42° to 43° C., or by the addition of weak disinfectants to the culture fluids.” Once reduced, the new grade of virulence remains fairly constant. Increase of virulence may be artificially produced by passage through animals. Experimental infections in susceptible animals are most easily accom- plished by subcutaneous inoculations. The inoculation is followed, at first, by no morbid symptoms, and some animals may appear perfectly well and comfortable until within a few hours or even moments before death, when they suddenly become visibly very ill, rapidly go into collapse, and die. The length of the disease depends to some extent, of course, upon the resistance of the infected subject, being in guinea- pigs and mice from twenty-four to forty-eight hours. The quantity of infectious material introduced, on the other hand, has little bearing upon the final outcome, a few bacilli, or even a single bacillus, often sufficing to bring about a fatal infection. Although the bacilli are not demonstrable in the blood until just before death, they nevertheless invade the blood and lymph streams immediately after inoculation, and are conveyed by these to all the organs. This has been demonstrated clearly by experiments where inoculations into the tail or ear were im- mediately followed by amputation of the inoculated parts without pre- vention of the fatal general infection. The bacilli are probably not at first able to multiply in the blood. At the place of inoculation and probably in the organs they proliferate, until the resistance of the in- fected subject is entirely overcome. At this stage of the disease, no longer held at bay by any antagonistic qualities of the blood, they enter the circulation and multiply within it. Autopsy upon such animals reveals an edematous hemorrhagic infiltration at the point of inocu- lation. The spleen is enlarged and congested. The kidneys are con- gested, and there may be hemorrhagic spots upon the serous mem- branes. The bacilli are found in large numbers in the blood and in the capillaries of all the organs. The mode of action of Bacillus anthracis is as yet an unsettled point. It is probable that death is brought about to a large extent by purely 1 Toussaint, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., xci, 1880; Pasteur, Chamberland et Roux, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., xcii, 1881. 2 Chamberland et Rouz, ibid., xevi, 1882. 572 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS mechanical means, such as eae obstruction. Neither a true secretory toxin nor an endotoxin has been demonstrated for the anthrax bacillus. The decidedly toxemic clinical picture of the disease, however, in some animals and in man, precludes our definitely concluding that such poisons do not exist. It is a matter of fact, however, that neither culture filtrates nor dead bacilli have any noticeable toxic effect upon test animals, and exert no appreciable immunjzing action. Spontaneous infection of animals takes place largely by way of the alimentary canal, the bacilli being taken in with the food. The bacteria are swallowed as spores, and therefore resist the acid gastric juice. In the intestines they develop into the vegetative forms, increase, and gradually invade the system. The large majority of cattle infections are of this type. Direct subcutaneous infection may also occur sponta- neously when small punctures and abrasions about the mouth are made by the sharp spicules of the hay, straw, or other varieties of fodder. When infection upon a visible part occurs, there is formed a diffuse, tense local swelling, not unlike a large carbuncle. The center of this may be marked by a black, necrotic slough, or may contain a pustular de- pression. Infection by inhalation is probably rare among animals. Trans- mission among animals is usually by the agency of the excreta or un- burned carcasses of infected animals. The bacilli escaping from the body are deposited upon the earth together with animal and vegetable matter, which forms a suitable medium for sporulation. The spores may then remain in the immediate vicinity, or may be scattered by rain and wind over considerable areas. The danger from buried car- casses, at first suspected by Pasteur, is probably very slight, owing to the fact that the bacilli can not sporulate in the anaérobic environment to which the burying-process subjects them. The disease, in infected cattle and sheep, is usually acute, killing within one or two days. The mortality is extremely high, fluctuating about eighty per cent. In man the disease is usually acquired by cutaneous inoculation. It may also occur by inhalation and through the alimentary tract. Cutaneous inoculation occurs usually through small abrasions or scratches upon the skin in men who habitually handle live-stock, and in butchers, or tanners of hides. Infection occurs most frequently upon the hands and forearms. The primary lesion, often spoken of as “ malig- nant pustule,” appears within twelve to twenty-four hours after inocula- tion, and resembles, at first, an ordinary small furuncle. Soon, however, its center will show a vesicle filled with sero-sanguineous, later sero- BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX 573 purulent fluid. This may change into a black central necrosis sur- rounded by an angry red edematous areola. Occasionally local gangrene and general systemic infection may lead to death within five or six days. More frequently, however, especially if prompt excision is practiced, the patient recovers. The early diagnosis of the condition is best made bacteriologically by finding the bacilli in the local discharge. The pulmonary infection, known as “wool-sorter’s disease,” occurs in persons who handle raw wool, hides, or horse hair, by the inhala- tion or by the swallowing of spores. The disease is fortunately rare in this country. The spores, once inhaled, develop into the vegetative forms’ and these travel along the lymphatics into the lungs and pleura. The disease manifests itself as a violent, irregular pneumonia, which, in the majority of cases, leads to death. The bacilli in these cases can often be found in the sputum before death. Infection through the alimentary canal may occasionally, though rarely, occur in man, the source of infection being usually ingestion of the uncooked meat of infected animals. This form of infection is rare, because in many cases the bacilli have not sporulated in the animal and the ingested vegetative forms are injured or destroyed by the acid gastric juice. When viable spores enter the gut, however, infection may take place, the initial lesion being localized usually in the small intes- tine. The clinical picture that follows is one of violent enteritis with bloody stools and great prostration. Death is the rule. The diagnosis is made by the discovery of the bacilli in the feces. General hygienic prophylaxis against anthrax consists chiefly in the destruction of infected animals, in the burying of cadavers, and in the disinfection of stables, etc. The practical impossibility of destroying the anthrax spores in infected pastures, etc., makes it necessary to re- sort to prophylactic immunization of cattle and sheep. Immunity against Anthrax.—Minute quantities of virulent anthrax cultures usually suffice to produce death in susceptible animals. Dead cultures are inefficient in calling forth any immunity in treated subjects. It is necessary, therefore, for the production of active immunity to resort to attenuated cultures. The safest way to accomplish such at- tenuation is the one originated by Pasteur,’ consisting in prolonged cultivation of the bacillus at 42° to 43° C. in broth. Non-spore-forming races are thus evolved. The longer the bacilli are grown at the above temperature the greater 1 Eppinger, Wien. med. Woch., 1888. 2 Pasteur, loc. cit. 574 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS is the reduction in their virulence. Koch, Gaffky, and Loeffler,’ utilizing the variations in susceptibilities of different species of animals, devised a method by means of which the relative attenuation of a given culture may be estimated and standardized. Rabbits are less susceptible than guinea- pigs, and virulent anthrax cultures, grown for two or three days under the stated conditions, lose their power to kill rabbits, but are less virulent for guinea-pigs. After ten to twenty days of further cultivation at 42°C. the virulence for the guinea-pig disappears, but the culture is potent against the still more susceptible mouse. Even the virulence for mice may be entirely eliminated by further cultivation at this temperature. The method of active immunization first practiced by Pasteur, and still used extensively, is carried out as follows: Two anthrax cultures of varying degrees of attenuation are used as vaccins. The premier vaccin is a culture which has lost its virulence for guinea-pigs and rabbits, and is potent only against mice. The dewxiéme vaccin is a cul- ture which is still definitely virulent for mice and guinea-pigs, but not potent for rabbits. Forty-eight-hour broth cultures of these strains, grown at 37.5°C., form the vaccin actually employed. Vaccin I is subcutaneously injected into cattle in doses of 0.25 ¢.c., sheep receiving about half this quantity. After twelve days have elapsed similar quan- tities of Vaccin II are injected. Pasteur’s method has given excellent results and confers an im- munity which lasts about a year. Chauveau”® has modified Pasteur’s method by growing the bacilli in bouillon at 38° to 39° C., at a pressure of eight. atmospheres. Cul- tures are then made of races attenuated in this way, upon chicken bouillon and allowed to develop for thirty days. Single injections of 0.1 c.c. each of such cultures are said to protect cattle. Active immunization of small laboratory animals is very difficult, but can be accomplished by careful treatment with extremely attenu- ated cultures. Passive immunization by means of the serum of actively immune animals was first successfully accomplished by Sclavo.* The subject of passive immunization has been especially investigated and practically applied by Sobernheim.* The serum used is produced by actively immunizing sheep. It is necessary to carry immunization to an 1 Koch, Gaffky, und Loeffler, Mitt. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1884, 2 Chauveau, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1884, 3 Sclavo, Cent. f. Bakt., xviii, 1895. ® Sobernheim, Zeit. {. Hyg., xxv, 1897; xxxi, 1899, BACILLUS ANTHRACIS AND ANTHRAX 575 extremely high degree in order to obtain any appreciable protective power in the serum. This is accomplished by preliminary treatment with Pasteur’s or other attenuated vaccines, followed by gradually increasing doses of fully virulent cultures. Treatment continued at intervals of two weeks, for two or three months, usually produces an effective serum. Horses and cattle may also be used for the process, but they are believed by Sobernheim to give less active sera than sheep. Bleeding is done about three weeks after the last injection. The sera are stable and easily preserved. Injections of 20 to 25 c.c. of such a serum have been found to protect animals effectually from anthrax and to confer an immunity lasting often as long as two months. Animals already infected are said to be saved by treatment with 25 to 100 c.c. of the serum. Neither specific bactericidal nor bacteriolytic properties have, so far, been demonstrated in these immune sera. In fact, these properties are distinctly more pronounced against Bacillus anthracis in the normal sera of rats and dogs. Agglutinins have not been satisfactorily demon- strated in sera, partly because of the great technical difficulties en- countered in the active chain-formation of the bacillus in fluid media. An increase of opsonic power of such serum over normal serum has not been satisfactorily demonstrated. Bacteria Closely Resembling Bacillus anthracis.—In most laboratory collections there are strains of true anthrax bacilli so attenuated that they are practically non-pathogenic. These do not differ from the virulent strains in any morphological or cultural characteristics. Besides such strains there are numerous non-virulent bacteria culturally not identical with Bacillus anthracis, but resembling it very closely. B. ANTHRACOIDES (Hueppe and Wood ').—A Gram-positive bacillus, morphologically different from B. anthracis in that the ends are more rounded. Culturally, somewhat more rapid in growth and more rapid in gelatin fluidification. Non-pathogenic. Otherwise indistinguishable from B. anthracis. B. ravicosus (Wurzel Bacillus). —Cultivated from water—city water supplies. Morphologically somewhat larger than Bacillus anthracis, and the individual bacilli more irregular in size. Very rapid fluidification of gelatin and growth most active at room temperature. Non-pathogenic. B. sustitis (Hay Bacillus).—Although not very closely related to the anthrax group, this bacillus is somewhat similar and conveniently 1 Hueppe und Wood, Berl. klin. Woch., xvi, 1889. 576 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS described in this connection. It is of importance to workers with patho- genic bacteria, because of the frequency with which it is found as a saprophyte or secondary invader in chronic suppurative lesions. Morphology.—Straight rod, 2 to 8 micra long, 0.7 micron wide. Spores formed usually slightly nearer one pole than the other. Grows in long chains and only in such chains are-spores found. It does not decolor- ize by Gram’s method. Is actively motile in young cultures in which Fg gen Fie, 125.—Baciuuus Susriuis. (Hay Bacillus.) the bacilli are single or in pairs. In older cultures chains are formed and the bacilli become motionless. Gelatin is liquefied. On gelatin and agar the bacilli grow as a dry corrugated pellicle. Microscopically, the colonies are made up of interlacing threads, being irregularly round with fringed edges. There is a tendency to confluence. The bacillus is found in brackish water, infusions of vegetable matter, etc., and is practically non-pathogenic, occurring only occasionally as a saprophyte in old sinuses and infected wounds. pons Lng colo. are joel E (n elt copil aly ‘he bal ; . ete, ul : saprol whic y CHAPTER XLI BACILLUS PYOCYANEUS Ir is a matter of common surgical experience that many suppurating wounds, especially sinuses of long standing, discharge pus which is of a bright green color. The fact that this peculiar type of purulent inflam- mation is due to a specific chromogenic microorganism was first demon- strated by Gessard ‘ in 1882. The bacillus which was described by Ges- sard has since become the subject of much careful research and has been shown to hold a not unimportant place among pathogenic bacteria.’ Morphology and Staining.— Bacillus pyocyaneus is a short rod, usu- ally straight, occasionally slightly curved, measuring, according to Fligge, about 1 to 2 micra in length by about 0.3 of a micron in thickness. The bacilli are thus small and slender, but are subject to considerable variation from the measurements given, even in one and the same cul- ture. While ordinarily single, the bacilli may be arranged end to end in short chains of two and three. Longer chains may exceptionally be formed upon media which are especially unfavorable for its growth, such as very acid media or those containing antiseptics. — Spores are not found. The bacilli are actively motile and possess each a single flagellum placed at one end. Bacillus pyocyaneus is stained easily with all the usual dyes, but is decolorized by Gram’s method. Irregular staining of the bacillary body is common, but is always an indication of degeneration, and not a normal characteristic, as, for instance, in the diphtheria group. Cultivation—The pyocyaneus bacillus is aérobic and facultatively anaérobic. It can be adapted to absolutely anaérobic environments, but does not produce its characteristic pigment without the free access of oxygen. The bacillus grows readily upon the usual laboratory media and is not very sensitive to reaction, growing equally well upon moder- ately alkaline or acid media. Development takes place at temperatures as low as 18° to 20° C., more rapidly and luxuriantly at 37.5° C. 1 Gessard, Thése de Paris, 1882. 2 Charrin, ‘“‘ La maladie pyocyanique,” Paris, 1889. 38 577 578 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS On agar slants, growth is abundant and confluent, the surface of the agar being covered by a moist, grayish or yellowish, glistening, even layer. The pigment which begins to become visible after about eighteen hours soon penetrates the agar itself and becomes diffused throughout it, giving the medium a bright green fluorescent appearance, which grows darker as the age of the culture increases. In gelatin stabs, growth takes place much more rapidly upon the surface than in the depths. A rapid liquefaction of the gelatin takes -place, causing a saucer-shaped depression. As this deepens, pigment begins to form in the upper layers, often visible as a greenish pellicle. In gelatin plates, the colonies have a characteristic appearance. They are round and are composed of a central dense zone, and a peripheral, loosely granular zone, which extends outward into the peripheral fluidi- fied area in a fringe of fine filaments. When first appearing, they are grayish yellow, later assuming the characteristic greenish hue. In broth, growth is rapid and chiefly at the surface, forming a thick pellicle. Below this, there is moderate clouding. The pigment is formed chiefly at the top. In old cultures there is a heavy flocculent precipitate. In fluid media containing albuminous material, strong alkalinity is produced. On potato, growth develops readily and a deep brownish pigment ap- pears, which is not unlike that produced by B. mallei upon the same medium. Milk is coagulated by precipitation of casein and assumes a yellowish- green hue. In oldercultures the casein may again be digested and liquefied The pigment of Bacillus pyocyaneus has been the subject of much investigation. It was shown by Charrin ‘1 and others that this pigment had no relation to the pathogenic properties of the bacillus. It is found in cultures as a colorless leukobase which assumes a green color on the addition of oxygen. Conversely, the typical green “pyocyanin,” as the pigment is called, may be decolorized by reducing substances. This explains the fact that it is not found in cultures sealed from the air. Pyo- cyanin may be extracted from cultures with chloroform and crystallized out of such solution in the form of blue stellate crystals. These, on chemical analysis, have been found to belong to the group of aromatic compounds, with a formula, according to Ledderhose,’ of C,,H,,N20. Besides pyocyanin, Bacillus pyocyaneus produces another pig- 1 Charrin, loe. cit. 2 Ledderhose, quoted from Boland, Cent. f. Bakt., xxv, 1889, BACILLUS PYOCYANEUS 579 ment which is fluorescent and insoluble in chloroform, but soluble in water.’ This pigment is common to other fluorescent bacteria, and not peculiar to Bacillus pyocyaneus. The reddish-brown color seen in old cultures” and supposed by some writers to be a third pigment, is probably a derivative from pyocyanin by chemical change. Chloroform extraction of pyocyanin from cultures may serve oc- casionally to distinguish the pyocyaneus bacilli from other similar fluorescent bacteria. Ernst has claimed that there are two types of B. pyocyaneus, an 4-type which produces only the fluorescent, water- soluble pigment, and a #-type which produces both this and pyocyanin.* Pathogenicity.—Bacillus pyocyaneus is one of the less virulent patho- genic bacteria. It is widely distributed in nature and may be found frequently as a harmless parasite upon the skin or in the upper respira- tory tracts of animals and men. It has, however, occasionally been found in connection with suppurative lesions of various parts of the body, often as a mere secondary invader in the wake of another incitant, or even as the primary cause of the inflammation. In most cases where true pyocyaneus infection has taken place, the subject is usually one whose general condition and resistance are abnormally low.‘ Thus pyocyaneus may be the cause of chronic otitis media in ill-nour- ished children. It has been cultivated out of the stools of children suf- fering from diarrhea, and has been found at autopsy generally distributed throughout the organs of children dead of gastro-enteritis.? It has been cultivated from the spleen at autopsy from a case of general sepsis following mastoid operation. The bacillus has been found, further- more, during life in pericardial exudate and in pus from liver abscesses.° Brill and Libman,’ as well as Finkelstein,® have cultivated B. pyocyaneus from the blood of patients suffering from general sepsis. Wassermann ° showed the bacillus to have been the etiological factor in an epidemic of umbilical infections in new-born children. Similar exam- ples of B. pyocyaneus infection in human beings might be enumerated in large numbers, and there is no good reason to doubt that, under given 1 Boland, loc. cit. 2Gessard, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1890, 1891, and 1892. 3 Ernst, Zeit. f. Hyg., ii, 1887. 4 Rohner, Cent. f. Bakt., xi, 1892. 5 Neumann, Jahrb. f. Kinderheilk., 1890. ° Kraunhals, Zeit. f. Chir., xxxvii, 1893. 7 Brill and Inbman, Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., 1899, 8 Finkelstein, Cent. f. Bakt., 1899. *» Wassermann, Virchow’s Arch., elxv, 1901. 580 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS conditions, fatal infections may occur. Such cases, however, are still to be regarded as depending more upon the low resistance of the individual attacked than upon the great pathogenicity of B. pyocyaneus. Many domestic animals are susceptible to experimental pyocyaneus infection, chief among these being rabbits, goats, mice, and guinea- pigs. Guinea-pigs are killed by this bacillus with especial ease. Intra- peritoneal inoculation with a loopful of a culture of average virulence usually leads to the death of a young guinea-pig within three or four days. Toxins and ImmunizationEmmerich and Léw have shown that filtrates of old broth cultures of B. pyocyaneus contain a ferment-like substance which possesses the power to destroy some other bacteria, apparently by lysis. They have called this substance “ pyocyanase ” and claim that, with it, they have succeeded in protecting animals from anthrax infection. During recent years pyocyanase has been employed locally for the removal of diphtheria bacilli from the throats of convales- cent cases. Broth-culture filtrates evaporated to one-tenth their volume in vacuo are used for this purpose. Pyocyanase is exceedingly thermostable, resisting boiling for several hours, and is probably not identical with any of the other toxins or peptonizing ferments produced by B. pyocyaneus. The toxins proper of B. pyocyaneus have been the subject of much investigation, chiefly by Wassermann.' Wassermann found that filtrates of old cultures were far more poisonous for guinea-pigs than extracts made of dead bacteria. He concludes from this and other observations that B. pyocyaneus produces both an endotoxin and a soluble secreted toxin. The toxin is comparatively thermostable, resisting 100° C. for a short time. Animals actively immunized with living cultures of B. pyo- cyaneus give rise in their blood serum to bacteriolytic antibodies only. Immunized with filtrates from old cultures, on the other hand, their serum will contain both bacteriolytic and antitoxic substances. The true toxin of B. pyocyaneus never approaches in strength that of diph- theria or of tetanus. Active immunization of animals must be done carefully if it is desired to produce an immune serum, since repeated injections cause great emaciation and general loss of strength. Specific agglutinins have been found in immune sera by Wassermann? and others. Eisenberg * claims that such agglutinins are active also against some of the fluorescent intestinal bacteria. 1 Wassermann, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxii, 1896. * Wassermann, Zeit. f. Hyg., 1902. 3 Kisenberg, Cent. f. Bakt., 1903. BACILLUS PYOCYANEUS 581 Bulloch and Hunter’ have recently been able to show that old broth cultures of B. pyocyaneus contain a substance capable of hemolyzing the red blood corpuscles of dogs, rabbits, and sheep. This “pyocyanolysin” seems intimately attached to the bacterial body. Prolonged heating of cultures does not destroy it. Heating of hemolytic filtrates, however, destroys it in a short time. The filtration of young cultures yields very little pyocyanolysin in the filtrate. In old cultures, however, a considerable amount passes into the filtrate. Whether or not the hemolytic powér is due to a specific bacterial product or is dependent upon changes in the culture fluid, such as alkalinization, etc., can not yet be regarded as certain. Gheorghiewski ? claims to have found a leucocyte-destroying ferment in pyocyaneus cultures. 1 Bulloch und Hunter, Cent. f. Bakt., xxviii, 1900. 2 Gheorghiewski, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, xiii, 1899. CHAPTER XLII ASIATIC CHOLERA AND THE CHOLERA ORGANISM (Spirillum cholere asiatice, Comma Bacillus) THE organism of Asiatic cholera was unknown until 1883. In this year, Koch,! at the head of a commission established by the German government to study the disease in Egypt and India, discovered the “comma bacillus” in the defecations of patients, and satisfactorily de- termined its etiological significance. Koch’s investigations were carried out on a large number of cases and many investigations have since then corroborated his results. The numerous morphologically similar spirilla which were later found in normal individuals and in connection with other conditions, have been shown by: accurate bacteriological methods to be closely related, but not identical. Apart from the evidence of the constant association of the cholera vibrio with the disease, the etiological relationship has been clearly demonstrated by several accurately recorded accidental infections oc- curring in bacteriological workers, and by the famous experiment of Pettenkofer and Emmerich, who purposely drank water containing cholera bacilli. Both observers became seriously ill with typical clini- eal symptoms of cholera, and one of them narrowly escaped death. Morphology and Staining.—The vibrio or spirillum of cholera is a small curved rod, varying from one to two micra in length. The degree of curvature may vary from the slightly bent, comma-like form to a more or less distinct spiral with one or two turns. The spirals do not lie in the same plane, being arranged in corkscrew fashion in three dimensions. The spirillum is actively motile and owes its motility to a single polar flagellum, best demonstrated by Van Ermengem’s flagella stain. Spores are not found. In young cultures the comma shapes predominate, in older growths the longer forms are more nu- merous. Strains which have been cultivated artificially for prolonged 1 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 1883 and 1884. 582 ASIATIC CHOLERA AND THE: CHOLERA ORGANISM 583 periods without passage through the animal body have a tendency to lose the curve, assuming a more bacillus-like appearance. The spirilla are stained with all the usual aqueous anilin dyes. They are decolor- ized by Gram’s method. In histological section they are less easily stained, but may be demonstrated by staining with alkaline methylene blue. Cultivation.—The cholera spfrillum grows easily upon all the usual culture media, thriving upon meat-extract as well as upon meat-infusion Fic. 126.—Curormra Sririttum. (After Frankel and Pfeiffer.) media. Moderate alkalinity of the media is preferable, though slight acidity does not prevent growth. In gelatin plates growth appears at room temperature within twenty- four hours as small, strongly refracting yellowish-gray, pin-head colonies. As growth increases the gelatin is fluidified. Under magnification these colonies appear coarsely granular with margins irregular because of the liquefaction. Liquefaction, too, causes a rapid development in such colonies of separate concentric zones of varying refractive power. Old strains, artificially cultivated for long periods, lose much of their liquefying power. In gelatin stab cultures fluidification begins at the surface, rapidly giving rise to the familiar funnel-shaped excavation. Upon agar plates, within eighteen to twenty-four hours, grayish, opalescent colonies appear, which are easily differentiated by their 584 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS transparency from the other bacteria apt to appear in feces. Agar plates, therefore, are important in the isolation of these organisms. Coagulated blood serum is fluidified by the cholera vibrio. On potato, growth is profuse and appears as a brownish coarse layer. In milk, growth is rapid and without coagulation. In broth, general clouding and the formation of a pellicle result. The rapidity and luxuri- ance of growth of the cholera spirillum upon alkaline pepton solutions render such solutions peculiarly useful as enriching media in isolating this microorganism from the stools of patients. In pepton solution, too, the cholera spirillum gives rise to abundant indol, demonstrated in the so-called ‘‘cholera-red”’ reaction. This reaction has a distinct diagnostic value, but is by no means specific. In the case of the cholera vibrio the mere addition of strong sulphuric acid suffices to bring out the color reaction. This is due to the fact that, unlike some other indol- producing bacteria, the cholera organism is able to reduce the nitrates present in the medium to nitrites, thus itself furnishing the nitrite necessary for the color reaction. The medium which is most suitable for this test is that proposed by Dunham,? consisting of a solution of 1 per cent of pure pepton and .5 per cent NaCl in water. Dieudonné? has recommended a selective medium upon which cholera spirilla will grow well, but upon which the colon bacillus will grow either very sparsely or not at all. Its preparation is very simple. To 70 parts of ordinary 3 per cent agar, neutralized to litmus, there are added 30 parts of a sterile mixture of defibrinated beef blood and normal sodium hydrate. The latter is sterilized by steam before being added to the agar. This pure alkali agar is poured out in plates and allowed to dry several days at 37° or 5 minutes at 60°. The material to be examined is smeared upon the surface of these plates with a glass rod. The principle of this medium is that cholera will grow in the presence of an amount of alkali which inhibits other fecal bacteria. The medium has been studied by Krumwiede, Pratt, and Grund,* who have recom- mended a modification. They find the following combination sat- isfactory and an improvement upon Dieudonné’s medium because transparent and more easily prepared. They prepare the following mixtures: 1 See indol reaction, p. 167. * Dunham, Zeit. f. Hyg., ii, 1887. 3 Dieudonné, A., Cent. Bakt., 1., orig., 1909. 4 Krumwiede, Prati, and Grund, Jour. of Inf. Dis., x, 1912. ASIATIC CHOLERA AND THE CHOLERA ORGANISM 585 Egg-White Medium. A. White of egg and water a.a. Sodium carbonate cryst. 12 per cent. Mix in equal parts, steam in Arnold sterilizer for 20 minutes. B. Meat pepton 3 per cent agar, neutral to litmus. 30 parts of A are added to 70 parts of B. Another modification recommended by them is as follows: Whole-Egg Medium. A. Whole egg and water a.a. Sodium carbonate 12 to 13.5 per cent. Mix in equal parts, steam for 20 minutes. B. Meat free agar, viz., pepton, salt, and 3 per cent agar. 30 parts of A are mixed with 70 parts of B while the agar is boiling hot as above. The medium is poured on the plates in a thick layer and allowed to stand open for 20 to 30 minutes and then the inoculation is carried out by surface streaking. Isolation.—Isolation of the cholera vibrio from the feces, while easy in many cases, is occasionally attended with some difficulty owing to the large number of other bacteria present. The most satisfactory method of procedure is to inoculate a set of gelatin plates, another of agar plates, and a number of Dunham’s pepton- broth tubes, with small quantities of the suspicious material. When the spirilla are numerous they can frequently be fished directly from sus- picious colonies in the plates and isolated for further identification. When less numerous, they can usually be found in relatively increased numbers after eight or ten hours at 37.5° C., in the topmost layers of the Dunham broth, which is an almost selectively favorable medium for these organisms. They collect at the surface where free oxygen is readily obtained. From the pepton broth, plate dilutions can then be prepared and colonies fished.t_ Once isolated, the spirilla are identified by their morphology, by the appearance of their colonies, by their manner of growth upon gelatin stabs, by the cholera-red reaction, and, finally, by agglutinative and bacteriolytic tests in immune sera. Owing to the existence of other spirilla morphologically and cultu- rally similar, the serum reactions are the only absolutely positive dif- ferential criteria. 1 Abel und Claussen, Cent. f. Bakt., xvii, 1895. 586 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS For isolation of the bacteria from water, it is, of course, necessary to use comparatively large quantities. Fligge'! and Bitter advise the distribution of about a liter of water in ten or twelve Erlenmeyer flasks. To each of these they add 10 c.c. of sterile pepton-salt solution (pepton ten per cent, NaCl five per cent). After eighteen hours at 37.5° C. the surface growths in these flasks are examined both microscopically and culturally as before. Biological Considerations.—The cholera spirillum is aérobic and facultatively anaérobic. It does not form spores. The optimum tem- perature for its growth is about 37.5° C. It grows easily, however, at a temperature of 22° C. and does not cease to grow at temperatures as high as 40°. Frozen in ice, these bacteria may live for about three or four days. Boiling destroys them immediately. A temperature of Fia. 127. Fia. 128. Fic. 127.—Cuotera Spirittum. Stab Culture in Gelatin, three days old. Fig. 128.—Cuopra Spirintum. Stab Culture in Gelatin, six days old. (After Frankel and Pfeiffer.) 60° C. kills them in an hour. In impure water, in moist linen, and in food stuffs, they may live for many days. Assogiated with sapro- phytes in feces and other putrefying material, and wherever active acid formation is taking place, they are destroyed within several days. Complete drying kills them in a short time. The common disin- fectants destroy them in weak solutions and after short exposures (carbolic acid, five-tenths per cent in one-half hour; bichlorid of mercury, 1 : 100,000 in ten minutes; mineral acids, 1: 5,000 or 10,000 in a few minutes).? Pathogenicity.—Cholera is essentially a disease of man. Endemic in India and other Eastern countries, it has from time to time epidemically invaded large territories of Europe and Asia, not infrequently assuming 1 Fliigge, Zeit. f. Hyg., xiv, 1893. ? Forster, Hyg. Rundschau, 1893. ASIATIC CHOLERA AND THE CHOLERA ORGANISM 587 pandemic proportions and sweeping over almost the entire earth.' Five separate cholera epidemics of appalling magnitude occurred during the nineteenth century alone; several of these, spreading from India to Asia Minor, Egypt, Russia, and the countries of Central Europe, reached even to North and South America. The last great epidemic began about 1883, traveled gradually westward, and in 1892 reached Germany where it appeared with especial virulence in Hamburg, and thence, fol- lowing the highways of ocean commerce, entered America and Africa. During this epidemic in Russia alone 800,000 people fell victims to the disease. In man the disease is contracted by ingestion of cholera organisms with water, food, or any contaminated material. The disease is essen- tially an intestinal one. The bacteria, very sensitive to an acid reaction, may often, if in small numbers, be cheeked by the normal gastric secre- tions. Having once passed into the intestine, however, they proliferate rapidly, often completely outgrowing the normal intestinal flora. Fatal cases, at autopsy, show extreme congestion of the intestinal walls. Occasionally ecchymosis and localized necrosis of the mucosa may be present and swelling of the solitary lymph-follicles and Peyer’s patches. Microscopically the cholera spirilla may be seen to have penetrated the mucosa and to lie within its deepest layers close to the submucosa. The most marked changes usually take place in the lower half of the small intestine. The intestines are filled with the characteristically fluid, slightly bloody, or “‘rice-water’’ stools, from which often pure cultures of the cholera vibrio can be grown. The microorganisms can be cultivated only from the intestines and their contents, and the parenchymatous degenera- tions taking place in other organs must be interpreted as being purely of toxic origin. In animals, cholera never appears as a spontaneous disease. Nikati and Rietsch ? have succeeded in producing a fatal disease in guinea-pigs by opening the peritoneum and injecting cholera spirilla directly into the duodenum. Koch? succeeded in producing a fatal cholera-like disease in animals by introducing infected water into the stomach through a catheter after neutralization of the gastric juice with sodium carbonate. At the same time, he administered opium to prevent active peristalsis. A method of infection more closely analogous to the infec- 1 Hirsch, ‘“Handb. d. histor.-geogr. Path.,” 1881. 2 Nikati und Rietsch, Deut. med. Woch., 1884. 3 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., 1885. 588 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS tion in man was followed by Metchnikoff,! who successfully produced fatal disease in young suckling rabbits by contaminating the maternal teat. Subcutaneous inoculation of moderate quantities of cholera spirilla into rabbits and guinea-pigs rarely produces more than a temporary illness. Intraperitoneal inoculation, if in proper quantities, generally leads to death. It will be remembered that when working with intra- peritoneal cholera inoculations the phenomenon of bacteriolysis was discovered by Pfeiffer.? Different strains of cholera spirilla vary greatly in their virulence. The virulence of most of them, however, can be enhanced by repeated passages through animals. Most of our domestic animals enjoy consid- erable resistance against cholera infection, though under experimental conditions successful inoculations upon dogs, cats, and mice have been reported. Doves are entirely insusceptible.* Hygienic Considerations.—The cholera spirillum leaves the body of the infected subject with the defecations only. Infection takes place, so far as we know, only by way of the mouth. From these two facts it follows that the chief source of danger for a community lies in infection of its water supply. As a matter of fact the bacteria have been fre- quently found in the wells, lakes, rivers, and harbors of afflicted terri- tories, and in several cases it has been possible to define the limits of an epidemic almost precisely by the distribution of the contaminated water supply. A classic example of this is that of the Hamburg epi- demic, during which Altona, a town as close to Hamburg as Brooklyn is to New York, with unrestricted interurban traffic but with separate water supply, was almost spared, while Hamburg itself was undergoing one of the most virulent epidemics of its history. It has been statistically noted, moreover, chiefly by Koch, that cholera in its spread not infre- quently follows the water courses. Apart from infection through the water supply, cholera may be transmitted directly or indirectly by con- tact with contaminated linen, bedclothes, etc., the organism being con- veyed to the mouth by the fingers, or by infected food. Epidemics due to this mode of infection alone, however, are apt to be more narrowly localized and more sporadic in their manifestations. It is probable that this mode of infection is of great importance in countries where the disease 1 Metchnikoff, Ann. d. inst. Pasteur, 1894 and 1896. 2 Pfeiffer, loc. cit. 3 Pfeiffer und Nocht, Zeit. f. Hyg., vii, 1889. ASIATIC CHOLERA AND THE CHOLERA ORGANISM 589 is endemic, but its significance in producing epidemics is limited owing to the fortunately low resistance of the spirillum to desiccation. The sudden appearance of cholera in a place far distant from the seat of a prevalent epidemic may be explained by the occasional presence of cholera spirilla in the dejecta of convalescents as late as two or three weeks after apparent recovery from the disease and consequent release from quarantine. Cholera Toxin.—The absence of the cholera spirilla from the in- ternal organs of fatal cases, in spite of the severe general symptoms of the disease, points distinctly to the existence of a strong poison pro- duced in the intestine by the microorganisms and absorbed by the patient. It was in this sense, indeed, that Koch first interpreted the clinical picture of cholera. Numerous investigations into the nature of these toxins have been made, the earlier ones defective in that definite identification of the cultures used for experimentation were not carried out. Pfeiffer,! in 1892, was able to show that filtrates of young bouillon cultures of cholera spirilla were but slightly toxic, whereas the dead bodies of carefully killed agar cultures were fatal to guinea-pigs even in small quantities. In consequence, he regarded the cholera poison as consisting chiefly of an endotoxin.?, The opinion as to the endotoxic nature of the cholera poison is not, however, shared by all workers. Metchnikoff, Roux, and Salimbeni,? in 1896, succeeded in producing death in guinea-pigs by introduction into their peritoneal cavities of cholera cultures enclosed in celloidin sacs. Brau and Denier,‘ and, more recently, Kraus,> claim that they have succeeded not only in demonstrating a soluble toxin in alkaline broth cultures of cholera spirilla, but in producing true antitoxins by immunization with such cultures. It appears, therefore, that the poisonous action of the cholera organisms may depend both upon the formation of true secretory toxins and upon endotoxins. Which of these is paramount in the produc- tion of the disease can not be at present definitely stated. In favor of the great importance of the endotoxic elements is the failure, thus far, to obtain successful therapeutic results with supposedly antitoxic sera. 1 Pfeiffer, Zeit. f. Hyg., xi, 1892. 2? Pfeiffer und Wassermann, Zeit. f. Hyg., xiv, 1893. 3 Metchnikoff, Roux, et Salimbeni, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1896. 4 Brau et Denier, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1906. 5 R. Kraus, Cent. f. Bakt., 1906. 590 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Cholera Immunization.—One attack of cholera confers protection against subsequent infection. Active immunization of animals may be accomplished by inoculation of dead cultures, or of small doses of living bacteria. In the serum of immunized animals specific bacterio- lytic and agglutinating substances are found. The discovery of bacte- riolytic immune bodies, in fact, was made by means of cholera spirilla. Both the bacteriolysins and the agglutinins, because of their specificity, are of great importance in making a bacteriological diagnosis of true cholera organisms. Protective inoculation of man has been variously attempted by Ferran! and others. Experiments on a large scale were done, more re- cently, by Haffkine,? who succeeded in producing an apparently dis- tinct prophylactic immunization by the subcutaneous inoculation of dead cholera cultures. Similar immunization with bacterial filtrates has been attempted by Bertarelli.? CHOLERA-LIKE SPIRILLA The biological group of the vibriones, to which the cholera spirillum belongs, is a large one, numbering probably over a hundred separate species. Most of these are of bacteriological importance chiefly because of the difficulties which they add to the task of differentiation, for while some of them simply bear a morphological resemblance to the true cholera vibrio, others can be distinguished only by their serum reac- tions and pathogenicity for various animals. Additional difficulty, too, is contributed by the fact that within the group of true cholera organisms occasional variations in agglutinability and bacteriolytic reactions may exist. Certain strains, too, the six El Tor cultures isolated by Gottschlich, while in every respect similar to true cholera spirilla, are considered as a separate sub-species by Kraus,’ because of their ability to produce hemolytic substances, a function lacking in other cholera strains. Spirillum Metchnikovi.—This spirillum was discovered by Gamaleia 5 in the feces and blood of domestic fowl, in which it had caused an in- testinal disease. Morphologically and in staining reactions it is identical 1 Ferran, Comptes rend. de I’acad. des sciences, 1885. 2 Haffkine, Bull. méd., 1892. 3 Bertarelli, Deut. med. Woch., 33, 1904. 4 Kraus, Kraus und Levaditi, “Handbuch,” vol. i, p. 186, 5 Gamaleja, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1883. ASIATIC CHOLERA AND THE CHOLERA ORGANISM 591 with Spirillum cholerz asiatice. It possesses a single polar flagellum, and is actively motile. Culturally it is identical with Vibrio cholere except for slightly more luxuriant growth and more rapid fluidification of gelatin. It gives the cholera-red reaction in pepton media. It is differentiated from the cholera vibrio by its power to produce a rapidly fatal septicemia in pigeons after subcutaneous inoculation of minute quantities.._ It is much more pathogenic for guinea-pigs than the cholera vibrio. It is not subject to lysis or agglutinated by cholera immune sera. Spirillum Massaua.—This organism was isolated at Massaua by Pasquale ? in 1891 from the feces of a clinically doubtful case of cholera. Culturally and morphologically it is much like the true cholera vibrio, but in pathogenicity is closer to Spirillum Metchnikovi, in that small quantities produce septicemia in birds. It possesses four flagella. It does not give a specific serum reaction with cholera immune serum. Spirillum of Finkler-Prior.*—Isolated by Finkler and Prior from the feces of a case of cholera nostras. Morphologically it is like the true cholera spirillum, though slightly larger and less uniformly curved. Culturally it is much like the cholera vibrio, but grows more rapidly and thickly upon the usual media. It does not give the cholera-red reaction, nor does it give specific serum reactions with cholera im- mune serum. Spirillum Deneke.*—A vibrio isolated by Deneke from butter. Much like that of Finkler-Prior. It does not give the cholera-red reaction. 1 Pfeiffer und Nocht, Zeit. f. Hyg., vii, 1889. 2 Pasquale, Giorn. med. de r. eserc. ed. R. Marina, Roma, 1891. 3 Finkler und Prior, Erginz. Hefte, Cent. f. allg. ges. Phys., 1884. 4 Deneke, Deut. med. Woch., iii, 1885. CHAPTER XLIII DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHZTES (TREPONEMATA) THE microorganisms known as spirochetes are slender, undulating, corkscrew-like threads which show definite variations both structurally and culturally from the bacteria as a class. Most important among them are the spirochete of relapsing fever, Spirochete pallida of syphilis, the spirillum of Vincent, Spirochete refringens, Spirillum gallinarum, a microorganism which causes disease in chickens, Spirochete anserina, which causes a similar condition in geese, and several species which have been found as parasites, both in animals and in man, without having definite etiological connection with disease. The classification of these various species in one group is rather more a matter of convenience than one of scientific accuracy, since our knowi- edge of them is not far advanced, and our inability to cultivate almost all of them has not permitted their detailed biological study. Formerly many of these organisms were regarded as bacteria belonging to the gen- eral group of the spirilla. Recently Schaudinn,! the discoverer of the syphilis spirochete, has claimed, upon the basisof a careful morphological study, that many of these forms are actually protozoa. He based this claim upon the observation that stained preparations often showed undu- lating membranes extending along the long axis of the microorganisms and that definite nuclear structures were demonstrable. This observer also claimed that many of the spiral forms reproduce by cleavage along the longitudinal axis. Other observers have not agreed with this view, Laveran,? Novy and Knapp,’ and others asserting that their own obser- vations indicate a close relationship of these microorganisms to the true bacteria. Whatever the final conclusion may be, the question is more or less an academic one, in that our ideas as to the exact line of division between the unicellular animals and the unicellular plants is not by any means founded upon a sound basis. In common with the bacteria, most 1 Schaudinn, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 1904. 2 Laveran, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1902 and 1903. 3 Novy and Knapp, Jour. of Infec. Dis., 3, 1906. 592 DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 593 of these microorganisms have the power of multiplication by transverse fission. They possess flagella and, in the case of some of them at least, definite immune bodies can be demonstrated in the serum of infected subjects similar to those produced by bacteria during infection. The undulating membranes and the definite differentiation between nucleus and cytoplasm claimed for them by some observers have not been uni- formly confirmed, and their similarity to the trypanosomes has not therefore been established. On the other hand, none of these micro- organisms has so far been successfully cultivated upon artificial media, with the exception of the spirilla which occur in Vincent’s angina. For some of the diseases caused by this class of parasites, moreover, trans- mission by an intermediate host, in which the spirilla undergo multipli- cation, has been definitely shown, a fact which corresponds with the conditions observed in many protozoan infections. Upon a careful re- view of these various data, it seems to be fully justified, on the basis of our present knowledge, to group these microorganisms, as Kolle and Hetsch! have done, in a class between bacteria and protozoa. The terms spirochete and spirillum have been indiscriminately used. In the original classification of Migula the difference between the two groups was based upon the rigidity of the cell body in the case of the spirilla and the sinuous or flexible nature of the cell in the case of the spirochete. Although the term spirillum is still colloquially used for some members of this group, merely because of past usage, it would be better to speak of all the microorganisms here grouped together by the term “spirochetes.” SYPHILIS AND SPIROCHATA PALLIDA (Treponema pallidum) The peculiar manifestations of syphilis, its mode of transmission, and the fact that its primary lesion was always located at the point of contact with a preceding case, have always stamped it as unques- tionably infectious in nature. Until very recently the microorgan- ism which gives rise to syphilis was unknown. Many bacteriologists had attacked the problem and many microorganisms for which defi- nite etiological importance was claimed had been described. Most of these announcements, however, aroused little more than a sensational interest and received no satisfactory confirmation. A bacillus described 1 Kolle und Hetsch, ‘‘Die experimentelle Bakt.,” Berlin, 1906. 39 594 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS by Lustgarten ! in 1884 seemed, for a time, to have solved the mystery. The Lustgarten bacillus was an acid-fast organism very similar to Bacillus tuberculosis, and found by its discoverer in a large num- ber of syphilitic lesions. The observation, at first, aroused much interest and received some confirmation. Later extensive investigations, how- ever, failed to uphold the etiological relationship of this bacillus to the disease and practically identified it with the smegma bacillus, so often a saprophyte upon the mucous membranes of the normal genitals. In 1905, Schaudinn,? a German zoologist, working in collaboration with Hoffmann, investigated a number of primary syphilitic indurations and secondarily enlarged lymph nodes, and in both lesions discovered a spirochete similar to, but easily distinguished from, the spirochetes Fic. 129.—Sprrocu=tTa PALLIpa. Smear preparation from chancre stained by the india-ink method. already known. He failed to find similar microorganisms in uninfected human beings. The microorganism described by him as “Spirocheta pallida” is an extremely. delicate undulating filament measuring from four to ten micra in length, with an average of seven micra, and varying in thickness from an immeasurable delicacy to about 0.5 of a micron. It is thus distinctly smaller and more delicate than the spirochete of relapsing fever. Ex- amined in fresh preparations it is distinctly motile, its movements con- sisting in a rotation about the long axis, gliding movements backward and forward, and, occasionally, a bending of the whole body. Its con- volutions, as counted by Schaudinn, vary from 3 to 12 and differ from those observed in many other spirochetes by being extremely steep, or, in other words, by forming acute, rather than obtuse, angles. The ends of the microorganism are delicately tapering and come to a point. In 1 Lustgarten, Wien. med. Woch., xxxiv, 1884. 2 Schaudinn und Hoffmann, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, 22, 1905. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 595 his first investigations, Schaudinn was unable to discover flagella and believed that he saw a marginal undulating membrane similar to that noticed in the trypanosomes. Later observations by this observer, as well as by others, revealed a delicate flagellum at each end, but left the existence of an undulating membrane in doubt. Uncertain, in his later investigations, whether the microorganisms described by him could scientifically be classified with the spirochete proper, Schaudinn sug- gested the name of ‘Treponema pallidum.” In the same preparations in which Spirocheta pallida was first seen, other spirochetes were present, which were easily distinguished from the former by their coarser contours, their flatter and fewer undula- tions, their more highly refractile cell bodies, and, in stained prepara- tions, their deeper color. These microorganisms were not found regularly, and were interpreted merely as fortuitous and unimportant companions. To them Schaudinn gave the name of “Spirocheta re- fringens.”’ The epoch-making discovery of Schaudinn and Hoffmann was soon confirmed by many observers, and the etiological relationship of Spiro- cheta pallida to syphilis may now be regarded as an accepted fact. Although our inability to cultivate the microorganism has made it impossible to carry out Koch’s postulates, nevertheless indirect evi- dence of such a convincing nature has accumulated that no reasonable doubt as to its caustive importance can be retained. The spirochetes have been found constantly present in the primary and secondary lesions of all carefully investigated cases, and, so far, have invariably been absent in subjects not afflicted with syphilis. Schaudinn himself, not long after his original communication, was able to report seventy cases of primary and secondary syphilis in which these microorganisms were found. Spitzer! found them constantly present in a large number of similar cases. Sobernheim and Tomas- cezewski? found the spirochetes in fifty cases of primary and secondary syphilis, but failed to find them in eight tertiary cases. Mulzer,? who found the microorganisms invariably in twenty cases of clinical syphilis, failed to find them in fifty-six carefully investigated non-syphilitic sub- jects. The voluminous confirmatory literature which has accumulated upon the subject can not here be reviewed. The presence of these spirochetes in the blood at certain stages of the disease has been demon- 1 Spitzer, Wien. klin. Woch., 1905. ? Sobernheim und Tomasczewski, Minch. med. Woch., 1905. * Mulzer, Berl. klin, Woch., 1905, and Archiv f. Dermat. u. Syph., 79, 1906. 596 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS strated by Bandi and Simonelli! who found them in the blood taken from the roseola spots, and by Levaditi and Petresco ? who found them in the fluid of blisters produced upon the skin. In tertiary lesions the spirochetes have been found less regularly than in the primary and secondary lesions, but positive evidence of their presence has been brought by Tomasczewski,? Ewing,* and others who succeeded in demonstrating them in gummata. Noguchi and Moore® have recently found the Spirocheta pallida in the brain of patients dead of general paresis. In congenital syphilis, many observers have found Spirocheta pallida in the lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys, and, in isolated cases, in the heart muscle. The organisms were always present in large numbers and practically in pure culture. These results more than any others seem to furnish positive proof of the etiological relationship be- tween the spirochete and the disease. Demonstration of Spirocheta pallida.—In the living state the spirochetes have been observed in the hanging drop or under a cover- slip rimmed with vaseline. It is extremely important, in preparing such specimens from primary lesions or from lymph glands, to obtain the material from the deeper tissues, and thus as uncontaminated as possible by the secondary infecting agents present upon the surface of an ulcer, and also as free from blood as possible. An ordinary microscope and condenser may be used, previded that the light is cut down con- siderably by means of the iris diaphragm. This method is, however, difficult and uncertain. It is better to employ a special device known as a “condenser for dark-field illumination” (Dunkel-Kammer- Beleuchtung). This apparatus is screwed into the place of the Abbe condenser. The preparation is made upon a slide and covered with a cover-slip as usual. A drop of oil is then placed upon the upper sur- face of the dark chamber and the slide laid upon it so that an even layer of oil, without air-bubbles, intervenes between the top of the dark chamber and the bottom of the slide. The preparation is then best examined with a high-power dry lens. An arc light furnishes the most favorable illumination. In such preparations the highly refractive cell- 1 Bandi und Simonelli, Cent. f. Bakt., 40, 1905. 2 Levaditi et Petresco, Presse méd., 1905. 3 Tomasczewskit, Minch. med. Woch., 1906. 4 Ewing, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., N. S., 5, 1905. 5 Noguchi and Moore, Jour. Exp. Med., xvii, 1913. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 597 bodies stand out against the black background, and the motility of the organisms may be observed.! The dark-field condenser is without question the easiest method of finding the Spirocheta pallida. Its use is easily learned and the appara- tus is sufficiently cheap so that it lends itself to the use of the clinic and the office. With very little practice it is possible to detect the spiro- chete in suspension if care is taken that not too much blood or other solid particles are mixed with the preparation. Should it be impossible to obtain the material scraped from syphilitic lesions in a sufficiently dilute condition it is best to emulsify it in a drop or two of human ascitic fluid. EXAMINATION IN SmEars.—The &pirocheta pallida can not be stained with the weaker anilin dyes, and even more powerful dyes, such as carbol-fuchsin and gentian-violet, give but a pale and unsatisfactory preparation. The staining method most commonly used is the one originally recommended by Schaudinn and Hoffmann. This depends upon the use of Giemsa’s azur-eosin stain employed in various modi- fications. The most satisfactory method of applying this solution is as follows: Make smears upon slides or cover-slips, if possible from the depth of the lesions, as free as possible from blood. Fix in methyl] alcohol for ten to twenty minutes and dry. Cover the preparation with a solution freshly prepared as follows: Distilled waters 2:ccdaiad cx BS oa eee AREAS eae RP Rade 10 ce. Potassium carbonate 1:1,000.................. 0. cece eae 5-10 gtt. Add to this: Giemsa’s solution (fiir Romanowski Fdrbung) ...............5 10-12 ett. This staining fluid is left on for one to four hours, preferably in a moist chamber. Wash in running water. Blot. By this method Spirocheta pallida is stained characteristically with a violet or reddish tinge. A rapid and convenient method for staining such smears consists in the use of azur I and eosin in aqueous solutions as recommended by 1 For a critical summary of the various methods of dark-field illumination, the reader is referred to an article by Siedentopf, Zeit. f. wiss. Mikrosc., xxv, 1908. 598: PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Wood (see section on Staining, page 109). The smears are fixed in methyl alcohol as before and are then flooded with the azur I solution. The eosin solution is then dropped on the preparation until an iridescent pellicle begins to form. Satisfactory preparations may be obtained by this method after ten or fifteen minutes of staining. Goldhorn! has prepared a stain which gives excellent results and is extremely rapid. He describes the preparation of his staining fluid as follows: One gram of lithium carbonate is dissolved in 200 c.c. of water. To this are added 2 grams of methylene-blue and the mixture is care- fully heated, filtered, and divided into two equal parts. To one of these parts is added 5 per cent acetic acid until acid to litmus. The two parts are then mixed, and a weak solution of eosin is added until a pale blue color is obtained. The fluid is then allowed to stand for a day and the precipitate which is formed is filtered off and al- lowed to dry without heat. One gram of this precipitate is dissolved in 100 ¢.c. of methyl alcohol. This stain is applied for five minutes or longer after methyl-alcohol fixation. Excellent results are usually obtained with this stain, but variations due to the difficulty of manu- facturing it make it less reliable than the two methods previously mentioned. Recently a rapid and extremely simple and reliable method for the demonstration of Spirocheta pallida in smears, by the use of India ink, has been described. Smears are prepared in the following way: A drop of the fluid squeezed out of the syphilitic lesion, as free as possible from blood cells, is mixed, on a slide, with a drop of India ink (best variety is ‘Chin chin” Ginther-Wagner Liquid Pearl ink), and the mixture smeared with the edge of another slide as in making blood smears. When the smear dries, which takes about a minute, it may be immediately examined with an oil-immersion lens. The organisms are seen unstained on a black back- ground. (See Fig. 129, p. 594.) DEMONSTRATION OF SPIROCHETES IN TissuES.—Ordinary his- tological staining methods do not reveal the spirochetes in tissue sections. It is customary, therefore, to employ some modification of Cajal’s silver impregnation. The technique most commonly employed is that known as Levaditi’s method,? which is carried out as follows: 1 Goldhorn, Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., N. S., 5, 1905. 2 Levaditi, Comptes rend. de la soc. de biol., 59, 1905. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 599 The fresh tissue is cut into small pieces which should not be thicker than 2 to 4 millimeters. Fix in ten-per-cent formalin (four-per-cent formaldehyde) for twenty- four hours. Wash in water. Dehydrate in 96-per-cent alcohol twenty-four hours. Wash in water. Place in a 3-per-cent silver-nitrate solution at incubator temperature (37.5° C.) and in the dark for three to five days. Wash in water for a short time. Place in the following solution (freshly prepared) : Pyrogalhie a0id ives a1 goexan eae adae aes Aaeeeeee bs eee 2-4 grams OPMALID 2.000 sais ancumak a dances 24g aes BE BEE Sa ae ware 5 «ae. Distilled waters ccc cca swe gewiiad waves a steve nies yee 4 100 “ Leave in this for twenty-four to forty-eight hours at room tem- perature. Wash in water. Dehydrate in graded alcohols. Embed in paraffin and cut thin sections. The sections may be examined without further staining, or, if de- sired, may be weakly counterstained with Giemsa’s solution or hema- toxylin. A modification of this method which has been much recommended is that of Levaditi and Manouelian.1 The directions given by these authors are as follows: Fix in formalin as in previous method. Dehydrate in 96-per-cent alcohol twelve to twenty-four hours. Wash in distilled water. Place in a 1-per-cent silver-nitrate solution to which 10 per cent of pyridin has been added just before use. Leave in this solution for two to three hours at room temperature and from four to six hours at 50° C. approximately. Wash rapidly in 10-per-cent pyridin. Place in a solution containing 4 per cent of pyrogallic acid to which 10 per cent of C. P. acetone, and 15 per cent (per volume) of pyridin have been added just before use. Leave in this solution two to three hours. ' Levaditi et Manouclian, Comptes rend. de la soc. de biol., 60, 1906. 600 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Wash in water, dehydrate in graded alcohols, and embed in paraffin by the usual technique. Examined after treatment by either of these methods, the spiro- cheetes appear as black, untransparent bodies lying chiefly extracellu- larly. They are characteristically massed about the blood-vessels of the organs and only exceptionally seem to penetrate into the interior of the parenchyma cells. Attempts at cultivating Spirocheta pallida were at first unsuccessful. Recently Schereschewsky! has reported that he has succeeded in ob- taining multiplication of the organisms on artificial media as follows: Sterile horse serum in centri- fuge tubes was coagulated at 60° C. until it assumed a jelly-like consist- ency. It was then placed in the in- cubator at 37.5° C. for three days be- fore being used. The cultures were planted by snipping off a small piece of tissue from a syphilitic lesion, dropping ; it into such a tube, and causing it to Fic. 180.—Sprrocumta pat- sink to the bottom by means of centri- ipa. Spleen, congenital syphilis. fugalization. The tube was then tightly (Levaditi method.) stoppered with acork. In such an- aérobic serum cultures Schereschewsky claims to have grown the organisms for several generations, though not in pure culture. Mihlens also obtained growth of Spirocheta pallida in horse serum agar by a method which is very similar to that of Schereschewsky. None of these observers, however, succeeded in carrying out Koch’s postulates with the cultures they obtained. This has recently been done in the splendid investigations of Noguchi. Noguchi? began his work upon the Spirocheta pallida in 1910 and 1911. His first success- ful cultivations were made from the syphilis-infected testicles of rabbits, and after many unsuccessful attempts, with slightly varying media and technique, he finally succeeded in the following way: He prepared tubes (20 cm. high and 1.5 cm. wide), containing 10 c.c. of a serum-water made of distilled water, three parts; and horse, sheep, or rabbit serum, one part. These were sterilized by the fractional method in the usual way (15 minutes each day). Into them was then placed a 1 Schereschewsky, Deut. med. Woch., N.S8., xix and xxix, 1909. 2 Noguchi, Jour. Exp. Med., xiv, 1911; xvii, 1913. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 601 small piece of sterile rabbit kidney or testicle and a bit of the testicle of a syphilitic rabbit, in which many spirochetes were present. The fluid was then covered with sterile paraffin oil and placed in an anaérobic jar. After 10 days at 33.5° C. the spirochztes had multiplied considerably, in all but one case, together with bacteria. He obtained pure cultures from these initial cultivations after much difficulty, by a number of methods. At first he succeeded only by allowing the spirochetes to grow through Berkefeld filters, which they did on the fifth day. A better method more recently adopted by him consists in preparing high tubes of three parts of very slightly alkaline or neutral agar to which a piece of sterile tissue has been added. These tubes are then in- oculated from the impure cultures with a long pipette. Close to the Fig. 131.—SprrocH@tTa PALLIDA. Liver, congenital syphilis. (Levaditi method.) tissue and along the stab the spirochetes and bacteria will grow and, after about ten days to two weeks, the spirochetes will have wandered away from the stab and will be visible as hazy colonies. They can then be fished, after cutting the tubes, and directly transplanted to other serum-agar-tissue tubes prepared as before, and eventually will grow in pure culture. By this method Noguchi has also cultivated pure cultures from lesions in monkeys, and has produced lesions both in rabbits and monkeys with his pure cultures. He has thus for the first time carried out Koch’s postulates with syphilis and established beyond the shadow of a doubt the etiological significance of Spirochzta pallida in syphilis. Animal Pathogenicity.— Until very recently, all experimental inocu- lation of animals was unsuccessful. During the year 1903 Metchnikoff and Roux! finally succeeded in transmitting the disease to monkeys. The monkey first used by these observers was a female chimpanzee. At the point of inoculation, the clitoris, there appeared, twenty-six days 1 Metchnikoff et Roux, Ann. de |’Inst. Pasteur, 1903, 1904, and 1905. 602 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS after inoculation, a typical indurated chancre, which was soon followed by swelling of the inguinal glands. Fifty-six days after the inoculation there appeared a typical secondary eruption, together with swelling of the spleen and of the lymph nodes. Similar successful experiments were made soon after this by Lassar.1_ Soon after the experiments of Metch- nikoff and Roux, successful inoculations upon lower monkeys (maca- cus) were carried out by Nicolle.? Since that time, it has been found by various observers that almost all species of monkeys are susceptible. Simple subcutaneous injection is not sufficient to produce a lesion. The technique which has given the most satisfactory results consists in the cutaneous implantation of small quantities of syphilitic tissue obtained by excision or curetting of primary and secondary lesions. A small pocket is made under the mucous membrane of the genitals or of the eyebrows and the tissue placed in this under aseptic precautions. The inoculation may be made directly from the human being, but can also be successfully carried out from monkey to monkey for many generations. Attempts at transmission from tertiary lesions have so far been unsuccessful. The spirochetes can be demonstrated both in the primary lesions of the inoculated animal and in the secondarily enlarged glands. The successful inoculation of rabbits with syphilis has been recently performed by Bertarelli.2 He obtained ulcerative lesions by inoculation upon the cornea and into the anterior chamber of the eye and was able to prove the syphilitic nature of these lesions by finding the spirochete within the tissue. In these animals, as well as in the lower monkeys, the disease usually remains localized. In 1907, Parodi showed that syphilitic lesions could be produced by direct inoculation into the testicles of rabbits. This method of inocula- tion has been subsequently studied by many investigators, especially by Uhlenhuth and Mulzer.* It is the easiest method of obtaining spirochete in any quantity from lesions in man. The spirochete-con- taining lesions may be either excised or scraped as conditions permit and rubbed up in a mortar with sterile sand, in a few centimeters of sterile human ascitic fluid. This emulsion is then injected directly into the substance of rabbit testicles. A swelling supervenes which is often noticeable after two weeks, and is usually at its height in 5 to 7 weeks. At this time the testicle is much larger than normal, some- 1 Lassar, Berl. klin. Woch., xl, 1903. 2 Nicolle, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1903. 8 Bertarelli, Cent. f. Bakt., xli, 1906. *Uhlenhuth und Mulzer, Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte., xxxiii, 1909. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 603 times evenly swollen and sometimes nodular, and of a firm elastic con- sistency. When taken out at castration it oozes a sticky fluid, both from testicle and the tunica, which is rich in actively motile spirochetes. By continuous transinoculation from one rabbit to another such a strain can be indefinitely carried along. It can be inoculated from rabbits to monkeys and vice versa. This method as well as Noguchi’s cul- tivations have opened a new era of spirochete investigation. It is stated by some observers that intravenous inoculation of rabbits may be followed by localization in the testis and occasionally gummatous infections in other parts of the body have been induced after such inoculation by Uhlenhuth, Mulzer, and others. Immunization in Syphilis—It is a well-known fact observed by clinicians that one attack of syphilis usually protects the infected in- dividual at least from the development of another chancrous lesion. That this immunity develops quite rapidly was shown by Metchnikoff and Roux, who found that reinfection of a monkey was possible if attempted within two weeks of the first inoculation, but was unsuccess- ful if delayed beyond this period. On the basis of this knowledge as to the actual development of an immunity, Metchnikoff,! Finger and Landsteiner,? and others have made extensive attempts to devise some method of active immunization. Working along the line of Pasteur’s original attenuation of virus, these observers attempted to attenuate the syphilitic virus by repeated pas- sage through monkeys. These experiments were entirely without suc- cess, the last-mentioned observers finding absolutely no attenuation after twelve generations of monkey inoculation. The study of rabbits has permitted a little more definite formulation of our ideas on syphilis immunization. Bertarelli and others have shown that the production of a syphilitic lesion on the cornea of . one eye does not protect against an inoculation subsequently done on the other eye. Apparently rabbits that have been inoculated with spirochete material and that have not developed syphilitic disease can be successfully inoculated on subsequent attempts. The offspring of female rabbits with syphilis of the cornea are, according to Muhlens, not immune. There is no evidence so far that specific therapy or treatment with spirochete material has had favorable influence upon the disease except 1 Metchnikoff, Arch. gén. de méd., 1905. ? Finger und Landsteiner, Sitzungsber. d. Wien. Akad. d. Wiss., 1905. 604 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS in isolated cases reported by Uhlenhuth and Mulzer. Chemotherapy has had results analogous to those obtained in man.! Attempts at passive immunization have been entirely without success. The occurrence of a Wassermann reaction was formerly supposed to indicate the existence of specific syphilitic antibodies in the serum of patients. Our more recent information regarding this reaction seems to show that it depends upon the presence in the serum of syphilitic patients of substances produced indirectly because of the presence of syphilitic infection. It may be a relative increase of globulins or, as Schmidt has suggested, a change in the physical state of the globulins or other substances present in the serum. At any rate it has been found that the fixation of complement in the Wassermann reaction does not depend upon the occurrence of a specific antigen-antibody reaction. Tn the first place the antigens most commonly used, and successfully so, in the Wassermann reactions, are non-specific lipoidal extracts of normal organs. This alone would show that the specific spirochetal substance has no relation to the reaction. Again it has been demon- strated that extracts of cultures of the Spirocheta pallida as well as ex- tractions from the testes of syphilitic rabbits do not furnish an antigen suitable for the Wassermann reaction. This has followed especially from the work of Noguchi,? of Craig and Nichols,’ and of others. This forms a corollary to the other experiments previously mentioned and shows that, whatever the Wassermann reaction may be (and space does not permit us to review the theories, especially since none are definitely proven), it is not a specific complement fixation in the sense of Bordet and Gengou. It must be admitted, therefore, that our knowledge of syphilis immunity is in its infancy and that we know very little about the systemic reactions which follow infection with the Spirocheta pallida. The fact that the syphilitic virus does not pass through a filter has been demonstrated by Klingmiiller and Baermann,‘ who inoculated themselves with filtrates from syphilitic material. 1 Yon Prowazek, ‘“Handbuch der pathogenen Protozoen,”’ i, 1912, Leipzig, Bartsch. 2 Noguchi, Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1912. 3 Craig and Nichols, Jour. Exp. Med., xvi, 1912. 4 Klingmiller und Baermann, Deut. med. Woch., 1904. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 605 THE SPIROCHAETES OF RELAPSING FEVER The microorganisms causing relapsing fever were first observed in 1873, by Obermeier,! who demonstrated them in the blood of patients suffering from this distinct type of fever. Since his time extensive Pil at "% Maile Fig. 132.—Srrrocuare or Revarsive Fever. (After Norris, Pappenheimer, and Flournoy.) studies by many other observers have proven beyond question the etiological connection between the disease and the organisms. Morphology and Staining.—The spirochete of Obermeier is a delicate spiral thread measuring from 7 to 9 micra in length (Novy), and about 1 micron in thickness. While this is its average size, it may, according to some observers, be considerably longer than this, its undulations varying from 4 to 10 or more in number. Compared with the red blood 1 Obermeier, Cent. f. d. med. Wiss., 11, 1873, 606 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS cells among which they are seen, the microorganisms may vary from one-half to 9 or 10 times the diameter of a corpuscle. In fresh prepara- tions of the blood, very active corkscrew-like motility and definite lateral oscillation are observed. In stained preparations no definite cellular structure can be made out, the cell body appearing homogeneous, except in degenerated individuals, in which irregular granulation or beading has been observed. Flagella have been described by various observers. Fig. 133.—SrrrocumTse or Reuapsinc Fever. Citrated normal rat blood. (After Norris, Pappenheimer, and Flournoy.) Novy and Knapp! believe that the organisms possess only one terminal flagellum. Zettnow,? on the other hand, claims to have demonstrated lateral flagella by special methods of staining.. Norris, Pappenheimer, and Flournoy,? in smears stained by polychrome methods, have described long, filamentous tapering ends which they interpreted as bipolar, terminal flagella, never observing more than one at each end. Spores are not found. Cultivation. Innumerable attempts to induce these microorganisms to multiply upon artificial media have been made. Novy and Knapp succeeded in keeping the microorganisms alive and virulent in the 1 Novy and Knapp, Jour. of Infec. Dis., 3, 1906. 2 Zettnow, Deut. med. Woch., 32, 1906. 3 Norris, Pappenheimer, and Flournoy, Jour. of Inf. Dis., 3, 1906. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHAETES 607 original blood for as long as forty days, and call attention to the fact that the length of time for which they may be kept alive depends to a great extent upon the stage of fever at which the blood is removed from the patient. They do not, however, believe that extensive multiplica- tion, or, in other words, actual cultivation, had taken place in their experiments. Norris, Pappenheimer, and Flournoy, on the other hand, have obtained positive evidence of multiplication of the spirochetes in fluid media. They obtained their cultures by inoculating a few drops of spirochetal rat blood into 3 to 5 ¢.c. of citrated human or rat blood. Smears made from these tubes, after preservation for twenty-four hours at room temperature, showed the microorganisms in greater number Wh te Fic. 184.—Sprrocuzte or Revapsinc Fever. (From preparation furnished by Dr. G. N. Calkins.) than in the original infected blood. A similar multiplication could be observed in transfers made from these “first-generation” tubes to other tubes of citrated blood. Attempts at cultivation for a third generation, however, failed. Noguchi! has lately successfully cultivated the spirochete of Ober- meier in ascitic fluid containing a piece of sterile rabbit’s kidney and a few drops of citrated blood under anaérobic conditions. Four different, probably distinct varieties of spirochete have been . described in connection with relapsing fever, all of which have been cultivated by Noguchi by means of this method. The first is known as the spirochaete of Obermeier mentioned above. Probably distinct 1 Noguchi, Jour. Exp. Med., xvii, 1913. 608 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS are the Spirocheta Duttoni, described by Dutton and Todd?! in 1905, the Spirocheta Kochi, and the Spirocheta Novyi,? the organism studied by Norris and Flournoy and Pappenheimer, and regarded as a different species by them. Pathogenicity. —Inoculation with blood containing these spirochzetes produces disease in monkeys, rats, and mice. Attempts to transmit the disease experimentally to dogs, rabbits, and guinea-pigs have so far been unsuccessful. The subcutaneous inoculation of monkeys is followed after from two to four days by a rise of temperature which occurs abruptly as is the case in the disease in man and which may last several days. During this time the spirochetes can be found in the blood of the animals just as it is found in that of infected human beings. The temperature subsides after a day or more, when it again rapidly returns to normal. As a rule, the paroxysms are not repeated. Occa- sionally, however, two or three attacks may supervene before immunity is established. In rats, an incubation time of from two to five days occurs. At the end of this time the spirochetes may be found in large numbers in the blood, and the animals show symptoms of a severe systemic infection. The attack lasts from four to five days, at the end of which time the microorganisms again disappear. Occasionally even in these animals relapses have been observed. Gross pathological changes are not found, with the exception of an enlargement of the spleen. In man the disease caused by the spirochete of Obermeier, commonly known as relapsing fever, is common in India, Africa, and most of the warmer countries. It has, from time to time, been observed epidemically in Europe, especially in Russia, and a few epidemics have occurred in the Southern United States. The disease comes on abruptly, beginning usually with a chill accompanied by a sharp rise of temperature and gen- eralized pains. Together with the rise of temperature, which often ex- ceeds 104° F., there are great prostration and occasionally delirium. Early in the disease the spleen becomes palpable and jaundice may appear. The spirochetes are easily detected in the blood during the persistence of the fever, which lasts usually from three to ten days. At the end of this time the temperature usually drops as suddenly as it rose, and the general symptoms rapidly disappear. After a free interval of from one to three weeks a relapse may occur, which is usually less severe and of shorter duration than the original attack. Two, three, or 1 Dutton and Todd, Brit. Med. Jour., 1905. 2 Novy and Fraenkel, cited from Noguchi. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 609 even four attacks may occur, but the disease is not very often fatal. When patients do succumb, however, the autopsy findings are not particularly characteristic. Apart from the marked enlargement of the spleen, which histologically shows the changes indicating simple hyperplasia, and a slight enlargement of the liver, no lesions are found. The diagnosis is easily made during the febrile stage by examination of a small quantity of blood under a cover-slip or in the hanging-drop preparation. Several types of relapsing fever have been described. In Africa the disease has long been prevalent in many regions and the investigations of Ross and Milne,! Koch,? Dutton and Todd,’ and others have brought oan | ty OF 5) tas 4g £ eS ’ Fig. 135 ——Srrrocnmtrse or Durron, Arrican Tick Fever. (From prepara- tion furnished by Dr. G. N. Calkins.) to light that many conditions occurring among the natives, formerly regarded as malarial, are caused by a species of spirochete. Whether or not the microorganisms observed in the African disease are exactly identical with the spirochete observed by Obermeier is yet a question about which several opinions are held. Dutton and Todd believe that the same microorganism is responsible for both diseases. Koch, on the other hand, believes that the slightly smaller size of the African spiro- chete and the milder course of the clinical symptoms indicate a defi- nite difference between the two. Animal experiments made with the African organism, furthermore, usually show a much more severe in- fection than do similar inoculations with the European variety. The 1 Ross and Milne, Brit. Med. Jour., 1904. 2 Koch, Deut. med. Woch., xxxi, 1905. 3 Dutton and Todd, Lancet, 1905, and Jour. of Trop. Med., 1905. 40 610 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS spirocheete found in the African disease is usually spoken of at present as “Spirocheta Duttoni.” Novy and Knapp,! after extensive studies with the microorganisms from various sources, have come to the conclu- sion that, although closely related, definite species differences exist be- tween the two types mentioned above, and that these again are definitely distinguished from similar organisms described by Turnbull? as occurring in a.similar disease observed in India. The mode of transmission of this disease is not clear for all types. Dutton and Todd, however, were able to show satisfactorily that, in the case of the African disease at least, transmission occurs through the intermediation of a species of tick. The conditions under which such intermediation occurs have been carefully studied by Koch.? The tick (Ornithodorus moubata) infects itself when sucking blood from an infected human being. The spirochete may remain alive and demonstrable within the body of the tick for as long as three days. Koch has shown, furthernore, that they may be found also within the eggs laid by an infected female tick. He succeeded in producing experi- mental infection in monkeys by subjecting the animals to the bites of the infected insects. For the European variety of the disease no such intermediate host has as yet been demonstrated. Immunity.—It has long been a well-known fact that recovery from an attack of relapsing fever usually results in a more or less definite immunity. The blood of human beings, monkeys, and rats which have recovered from an attack of this disease show definite and specific bactericidal and agglutinating substances, and Novy and Knapp have demonstrated that the blood serum of such animals may be used to confer passive immunity upon others. VINCENT’S ANGINA The condition known as Vincent’s angina consists of an inflamma- tory lesion in the mouth, pharynx, or throat, situated most frequently upon the tonsils. The disease usually begins as an acute stomatitis, pharyngitis, or tonsillitis, which soon leads to the formation of a pseudo- membrane, which, at this stage, has a great deal of resemblance to that caused by the diphtheria bacillus. At later stages of the disease there may be distinct ulceration, the ulcers having a well-defined margin 1 Novy and Knapp, loc. cit. 2 Turnbull, Indian Med. Gaz., 1905. 3 Koch, Berl. med. Woch., 1906. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 611 and “punched-out” appearance, so that clinically they have often been erroneously diagnosed as syphilis. Apart from the localized pain, the disease is usually mild, but occasionally moderate fever and systemic disturbances have been observed. Unlike diphtheria and syphilis, this peculiar form of angina usually yields, without difficulty, to local treat- ment. The nature of lesions of this peculiar kind was not clear until Plaut,' Fig. 1836—SmEAR FROM THE THROAT OF A CASE OF VINCENT’S ANGINA. Giemsa Stain. Vincent,? and others reported uniform bacteriological findings in cases of this description. These observers have been able to demonstrate in smears from the lesions a spindle-shaped or fusiform bacillus, to- gether with which there is usually found a spirillum not unlike the spirillum of relapsing fever. The two microorganisms are almost 1 Plaut, Deut. med. Woch., xlix, 1894. 2 Vincent, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1896, and Bull. et mém. de la soc. méd. des hép. de P., 1898, 612 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS always found together in this form of disease and were regarded by the first observers as representing two distinct forms dwelling in sym- biosis. More recently Tunnicliff,) on the basis of experimental work, has claimed identity for the two forms, believing that they represent different developmental stages of the same organism. The fusiform bacilli described by Vincent, Plaut, Babes, and others, are from 3 to 10 micra in length, and have a thickness at the center varying from 0.5 to 0,8 micron, From the center they taper gradually ——— ao” —— ” em _ a ~ “eo . ~ J Coe a f Sf 4 L aa LEG i wat Fic. 137.—Turoar Smear. Vincent’s Aneina. Fusiform bacilli and spirilla. toward the ends, ending in blunt or sharp points. The length of these bacilli may vary greatly within one and the same smear preparation. They are usually straight, sometimes slightly curved. They do not stain very easily with the weaker anilin dyes, but are readily stained by Loeffler’s methylene-blue, carbol-fuchsin, or better, by Giemsa’s stain. . Stained by Gram, they are usually decolorized, though in this respect the writers have found them to vary. Stained preparations show a charac- teristic inequality in the intensity of the stain, the bacilli being more 1Tunniclif, Jour, of Infee, Dis., 3, 1906, DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 613 deeply stained near the end, and showing a banded or striped alternation of stained and unstained areas in the central body. Their staining qualities in this respect are not unlike those of the diphtheria bacillus, and according to Babes! the dark areas are to be interpreted as meta- chromatic granules. The bacilli are not motile. The spirilla found in Vincent’s angina are usually somewhat longer than the fusiform bacilli, and are made up of a variable number of un- dulations, shallow and irregular in their curvatures, unlike the more regularly steep waves of Spirocheta pallida. They are stained with even more difficulty than are the bacilli and usually appear less distinct in the preparations. The stain, however, is taken without irregu- larity, showing none of the apparent metachromatism observed in the bacilli. By the earlier observers cultivation of these microorganisms was attempted without success. Recently, however, it has been shown that cultivation could be carried out under anaérobic conditions. Tunni- cliff has cultivated the organisms anaérobically upon slants of ascitic agar at 37.5° C. This observer found that in such cultures, before the fifth day, bacilli only could be found, that after this time, however, spirilla gradually appeared and finally constituted the majority of the organisms in the culture. It appeared. to Tunnicliff from this study that the spirilla might be developed out of the fusiform microorgan- isms representing the adult form. The microorganisms of Vincent’s angina, when occurring in the throat, are rarely present alone, being usually accompanied by other microorganisms, such as staphylococci, streptococci, and not infre- quently diphtheria bacilli. When occurring together with diphtheria, they are said, by some German observers, to aggravate the latter condition considerably. This frequent association with other micro- organisms renders it impossible to decide conclusively that the fusi- form bacilli and spirilla are the primary etiological factors in these inflammations. It has been frequently suggested that they may be present as secondary invaders upon the soil prepared for them by other microorganisms. Animal inoculation with these microorganisms has led to little result. Fusiform Bacilli other than those in Vincent’s Angina.—F usiform bacilli morphologically indistinguishable from those found in the angina of Vincent may frequently be found in smears taken from the gums, 1 Babes, in Kolle und Wassermann, 1. Ergiinzungsband, 1907. 2 Tunnicliff, Jour. of Infec. Dis., 3, 1906. 614 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS from carious teeth, and occasionally among the microorganisms in the pus from old sinuses. Several varieties of these bacilli have been de- scribed in connection with definite pathological conditions. Babes,! in 1893, observed spindle-shaped bacilli not unlike those described above, but somewhat shorter, in histological sections prepared from tissues from the gums of individuals suffering from scurvy. He found similar bacilli in rabbits intravenously inoculated with material from the patients and was able to cultivate the bacilli for several genera- tions. His descriptions, however, of the microorganisms as found in the secondary cultures vary considerably from those of the original findings in the gums of the patients. His results are not convincing. In noma, a gangrenous disease of the gums and cheeks, occurring occasionally in individuals who have been severely run down by acute infectious diseases or great hardship, Weaver and Tunnicliff have found spirilla and fusiform bacilli in large numbers. The organisms were pres- ent not only in smears from the surface, but were also found by histo- logical methods, in large numbers, lying in the tissues beyond the area of necrosis. Here again it is not entirely certain whether these microorganisms were the primary etiological factors or whether they are to be regarded merely as secondary invaders of a necrotic focus. Fusiform bacilli are cultivated with greater ease than formerly sup- posed; we have found it relatively simple to grow them together with Gram positive cocci in symbiosis in simple broth tubes covered with paraffin oil without the addition of any enriching substance and in similar symbiotic conditions on infusion agar plates under incomplete anaérobic conditions. In such plates they form curious colonies in which the fusiform bacilli and micrococci are intimately commingled. Krumwiede? has had no difficulty in cultivating them in pure culture in anaérobic plates. SPIROCHATA PERTENUIS In a disease known as ‘‘ Frambeesia tropica,” or popularly ‘“ Yaws,” occurring in tropical and subtropical countries and much resembling syphilis, Castellani, in 1905, was able to demonstrate a species of spirochete which has a close morphological resemblance to Spirocheta pallida. The microorganism was found in a large percentage of the cases 1 Babes, Deut. med. Woch., xii, 1893. 2 Krumwiede, Jour. Inf. Dis., 1913. 3 Castellani, Brit. Med. Jour., 1905, and Deut. med. Woch., 1906. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 615 examined both in the cutaneous papules and in ulcerations. Confirm- atory investigations on a larger series of cases were later carried out by von dem Borne.! The microorganism is from 7 to 20 micra in length with numerous undulations and pointed ends. Examined in fresh preparations, it has an active motility similar to that of Spirocheta pallida. In smears it is easily stained by means of the Giemsa method. Both the clinical similarity between yaws and syphilis, as well as the similarity between the microorganisms causing the diseases, has opened the question as to the identity of the two microorganisms. According to most clinical observers, however, yaws, which is a disease characterized chiefly by a generalized papular eruption, is unquestion- ably distinct, clinically, from lues, and experiments of Neisser, Baermann, and Halberstadter,?as well as of Castellani * himself, have tended to show that there is a distinct difference between the immunity produced by attacks of the two diseases. The disease is transmissible to monkeys, as is syphilis, but it has been satisfactorily shown that monkeys inocu- lated with syphilitic material, while no longer susceptible to infection with Spirocheta pallida, may still be successfully inoculated with Spirocheta pertenuis. SPIROCHAETA GALLINARUM An acute infectious disease occurring among chickens, chiefly in South America, has been shown by Marchoux and Salimbeni‘ to be caused by a spirochete which has much morphological similarity to the spirochete of Obermeier. The disease comes on rather suddenly with fever, diarrhea, and great exhaustion, and often ends fatally. The spirochete is easily demon- strated in the circulating blood of the animals by staining blood-smears with Giemsa’s stain or with dilute carbol-fuchsin. Artificial cultivation of the microorganism has not yet been ac- complished. Experimental transmission from animal to animal is easily carried out by the subcutaneous injection of blood. Other birds, such as geese, ducks, and pigeons, are susceptible; mammals have, so far, not been successfully inoculated. According to the investigations of 1 Von dem Borne, Jour. Trop. Med., 10, 1907. 2 Neisser, Baermann, und Halberstadter, Minch. med. Woch., xxviii, 1906. 3 Castellani, Jour. of Hyg., 7, 1907. 4 Marchouzx et Salimbeni, Ann. de Vinst. Pasteur, 1903. 616 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS Levaditi and Manouelian,! the spirochetes are found not only in the blood but thickly distributed throughout the various organs. Under natural conditions, infection of chickens seems to depend upon a species of tick which acts as an intermediate host and causes infection by its bite. The spirochete, according to Marchoux and Sal- imbeni, may be found in the intes- tinal canal of the ticks for as long as five months after their infection from a diseased fowl. In the blood of animals which have survived an infection, agglutin- ating substances appear and active immunization of animals may be carried out by the injection of in- fected blood in which the spirochetes have been killed, either by moderate heat or by preservation at room temperature. Theserum of immune animals, furthermore, has a pro- tective action upon other birds. Fig. 138.—SPrRocHE[TA GALLINA- It is not impossible that the Spiro- Ru. (Frompreparationfurnished Ghesta, gallinarum may be identical by Dr. G. N. Calkins.) “ é : : with the Spirocheta anserina previ- ously discovered by Sacharoff.2 This last-named microorganism causes a disease in geese, observed espe- cially in Russia and Northern Africa, which both clinically and in its pathological lesions corresponds closely to the disease above described as occurring in chickens. The spirochete is found during the febrile period of the disease in the circulating blood, is morphologically. indis- tinguishable from the spirochete of chickens, and can‘not be cultivated artificially. The similarity is further strengthened by the fact that Spirocheta anserina is pathogenic for other birds, but not for animals of other genera. Noguchi has succeeded in cultivating Spirocheta gallinarum by the same method by which he has cultivated the or- ganisms of relapsing fever. Ascitic fluid tubes with a piece of sterile rabbit kidney were inoculated with a few drops of blood containing the spirochetes and cultivated at 37.5° C. under anaérobic conditions. Spirocheta phagedenis.—This is an organism cultivated by Noguchi 1 Levaditi et Manouelian, Ann. de linst. Pasteur, 1906. 2 Sacharoff, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1891. DISEASES CAUSED BY SPIROCHATES 617 by his ascitic-fluid-tissue method from phagedenic lesions on human external genitals. It is probably a new species. Spirocheta macrodentium.—Cultivated by Noguchi;! is believed by him to be identical with the spirochete found in Vincent’s angina. Spirocheta microdentium.—A similar organism with wide con- volutions, cultivated by Noguchi from the tooth deposits chiefly in children. It was grown on mixtures of sheep serum water and sterile tissue in a way similar to that employed by him for other organisms of this group. Spirocheta calligyrum.—Cultivated by Noguchi? from condylomata —is probably a new species. 1 Noguchi, Jour. Exp. Med., xv, 1912. 2 Noguchi, Jour. Exp. Med., xvii, 1913. CHAPTER XLIV THE HIGHER BACTERIA (Chlamydobacteriacee, Trichomycetes) STANDING midway between the true bacteria and the more complex molds or Hyphomycetes, there are a number of pathogenic micro- organisms which offer great difficulties to classification. In the classifi- cation of Migula most of these forms have been placed in a rather heterogeneous group, the Chlamydobacteriacee. By other authors, notably Lachner-Sandoval,! Berestnew,? and by Petruschky,’ the close relationship of these forms to the higher hyphomycetes has been em- phasized and they have been grouped as a subdivision of the true molds under the family name of Trichomycetes. Petruschky ¢ proposes the following clear schematization, which, even though possibly defective from a purely botanical point of view, is at least serviceable for the purposes of the bacteriologist. Hyphomycetes True molds Trichomycetes Leptothrix Cladothrix Streptothrix Actinomyces Leptothriz is used to designate those forms which appear as simple threads without branching. Cladothriz is a thread-like form in which false branching may be recognized. By false branching is meant an appearance resulting from the fragmentation of threads. The terminal cell breaks away from the main stem, is set at an angle by the elongation of the thread itself, and, 1 Lachner-Sandoval, ‘Ueber Strahlenpilze.” Diss. Strassburg, 1898. 2 Berestnew, Ref. Cent. f. Bakt., xxiv, 1898. 3 Petruschky, in Kolle und Wassermann, “ Handbuch,” etc. 4 Petruschky, loc. cit. 618 THE HIGHER BACTERIA 619 as both continue dividing, the simulation of true branching is pro- duced. E Streptothriz denotes forms with numerous true branches and spores which usually appear in chains. Actinomyces is of more complicated structure, characterized by the formation of club-shaped ends and the stellate arrangement of its threads. LEPTOTHRIX Members of the leptothrix group have been observed in connection with inflammations of the mouth and pharynx by Frankel,’ Michelson,? Epstein,? and others. In many of these cases the organism was identi- fied by morphology chiefly, pure cultures not having been obtained. The disease in none of these cases was accompanied by severe systemic symptoms and it is likely that when found in human beings the organ- isms may be regarded simply as comparatively harmless saprophytes appearing in connection with some other specific inflammation. Cultivation of the Leptothrices is not easy and has been successful only in the hands of Vignal * and Arustamoff.5 CLADOTHRIX Owing to much confusion in the differentiation of these forms from the streptothrices, it is not possible to determine whether cases of true cladothrix infection have been observed. It is likely that most cases ascribed to microorganisms of this class have really been due to strep- tothrix infection. The deciding criterion is, of course, the formation of branches and these seem to have been observed in most of the cases described. A closer differentiation, in the future, between true and false branching can alone determine whether or not cases of cladothrix infection proper may occur. STREPTOTHRIX Reports of cases of streptothrix infection of various parts of the body, in both animals and man, are abundant in the literature. The ! Frankel, Eulenburg’s ‘“‘ Realencycl. d. gesam. Heilkunde,” 1882. 2 Michelson, Berl. klin. Woch., ix, 1889. 3 Epstein, Prag. med. Woch., 1900. 4 Vignal, Ann. de phys., viii, 1886. 5 Arustamoff, Quoted from Petruschky, loc. cit. 620 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS earliest observations were made upon microorganisms isolated from the human conjunctiva. Nocard! in 1888 described a member of this group as the etiological factor in a disease “farcies du boeuf” occurring among cattle in Guadeloupe. Eppinger? found streptothrices in the pus of a cerebral abscess. Petruschky,? Berestneff,t Flexner,> Norris and os ~~ eC, ss ‘ ty big 139.—CraporurRix. SHowine Fass Brancaina. Larkin® and a number of other observers have found these microor- ganisms in cases of pulmonary disease, simulating tuberculosis. Sup- purations of bone and of the skin and the intestinal canal have been reported. The infection, therefore, is not very rare, but the diversc experiences of workers who have attempted to cultivate these micro- 1 Nocard, Ann. de V’inst. Pasteur, ii, 1888. 2 Eppinger, Wien. klin. Woch., 1890. 3 Petruschky, Verhandl. d. Kongr. f. innere Mediz., 1898, « Berestneff, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxix, 1898. 8 Flexner, Jour. Exp. Med., iii, 1896. ¢ Norris and Larkin, Proc. of N. Y. Path. Soc., March, 1899. THE HIGHER BACTERIA 621 organisms seem to indicate that not all of the incitants described be- longed to one and the same variety, but that probably a number of different types may exist. Morphology.—Morphologically the streptothrices show considerable variation. In material from infectious lesions they have most often appeared as rods and filaments with well-marked branching. Occasion- ally the filaments are long and interwined, and branches have shown bulbous or club-shaped ends. In Norris and Larkin’s case, the young cultures in the first generations seem to have consisted chiefly of rod- shaped forms not unlike bacilli of the diphtheria group, showing marked metachromatisr. when stained with Loeffler’s methylene-blue. They are Fig. 140.—Srreproturix, SHowine Troe BRANCHING. easily stained with this dye or with aqueous fuchsin. In tissue sections they may be demonstrated by the Gram-Weigert method. Cultivation.—Direct cultivation upon agar and gelatin plates has occasionally been successful. At the end of four or five days grayish- white, glistening, flat colonies may appear which attain a diameter of several millimeters within two weeks. The coloni. later may take on a yellowish hue and begin to liquefy the gelatin. In bouillon flocculent precipitates and surface pellicles of interwined threads may form, with- out clouding of the medium. Norris and Larkin? found much difficulty in cultivating, but finally succeeded by making smears of the infectious material upon fresh, sterile kidney-tissue of rabbits. The micro- 1 Norris and Larkin, loc. cit. 622 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS organisms grew abundantly upon this, but failed to grow on any of the other tissues. After growth of several generations upon this medium, cultures were finally obtained upon agar plates and upon broth. Inoculation of cultures into rabbits and guinea-pigs have given rise to subcutaneous abscesses, bronchopneumonia, and suppuration, accord- ing to the mode of infection. ACTINOMYCES Among the diseases caused by the Trichomycetes or higher bacteria, the most important is actinomycosis. Occurring chiefly in some of the domestic animals, notably in cattle, the disease is observed in man with sufficient frequency to make it of great clinical importance. In cattle the specific microorganism which gives ries to the disease was first observed by Bollinger? in 1877. In the following year Israel? dis- covered a similar microorganism in human cases. The parasites appear in the pus from discharging lesions as small granular bodies, plainly visible to the naked eye and somewhat resem- bling sulphur granules, of a grayish or of a pale yellow color. In size they measure usually a fraction of a millimeter. Ordinarily they are soft and easily crushed under a cover-slip, but occasionally, especially in old lesions, they may be quite hard, owing to calcification. Microscopically they are most easily recognized in fresh preparations prepared by crushing the granules upon the slide under a cover-slip and examining them without staining. They may be rendered more clearly visible by the addition of a drop or two of 20 per cent potassium hydrate. When the granules are calcareous, the addition of a drop of concentrated acetic acid will facilitate examination. Fresh preparations may be examined after staining with Gram’s stain. Observed under the micro- scope, the granules appear as rosette-like masses, the centers of which are quite opaque and dense, appearing to be made up of a closely meshed network of filaments. Around the margins there are found radially arranged striations which in many cases end in characteristically club- shaped bodies. Inside of the central network there are often seen coccoid or spore-like bodies which have been variously interpreted as spores, as degeneration products, and as separate cocci fortuitously found in symbiosis with the actinomyces. Individually considered, 1 Bollinger, Deutsch. Zeit. f. Thiermed., iii, 1877. 2 Israel, Virch, Arch., 74, 1878, and 78, 1879, THE HIGHER BACTERIA 623 the central filaments have approximately the thickness of an anthrax bacillus and are, according to Babes,! composed of a sheath within which the protoplasm contains numerous and different sized granules. About the periphery of the granules the free ends of the filaments become gradually thickened to form the so-called actinomycosis “ clubs.” These clubs, according to most observers, must be regarded as hyaline thickenings of the sheaths of the threads and are believed to represent a form of degeneration and not, as some of the earlier observers believed, organs of reproduction. They are homogeneous, and in the smaller and presumably younger granules are extremely fragile and soluble in water. In older lesions, especially in those of cattle, the clubs are more re- sistant and less easily destroyed. They appear only in the parasites taken from active lesions in animals or man, or, as Wright ? has found, from cultures to which animal serum or whole blood has been added. In cultures from media to which no animal fluids have been added, such as glucose agar or gelatin, no clubs are found. In preparations stained by Gram’s method the clubs give up the gentian-violet and take counter-stains, such as eosin. The coccus-like bodies found occasionally lying between the filaments of the central mass, most observers now agree, do not represent any- thing comparable to the spores of the true hyphomycetes. In many cases they are unquestionably contaminating cocci; in others again they may represent the results of degeneration of the threads. In tissue sections, the microorganisms may be demonstrated by Gram’s method of staining or by a special method devised by Mallory.’ This is as follows for paraffin sections: 1. Stain in saturated aqueous eosin 10 minutes. . Wash in water. . Anilin gentian-violet, 5 minutes. . Wash with normal salt solution. Gram’s iodin solution 1 minute. Wash in water and blot. . Cover with anilin oil until section is clear. . Xylol, several changes. . Mount in balsam. Cultivation.—The isolation of actinomyces from lesions may be easy or difficult according to whether the pus is free from contamination CONANT Wh 1 Babes, Virch. Arch., 105, 1886. 2J. H, Wright, Jour. Med. Res., viii, 1905. 3 Mallory, Method No. 1, Mallory and Wright, “ Path. Technique,” Phila., 1908. 624 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS or whether it contains large numbers of other bacteria. In the latter case it may be almost impossible to obtain cultures. The descriptions of methods of isolation and of cultural characteristics given by various writers have shown considerable differences. The most extensive cultural work has been done by Bostroem,! Wolff and Israel, and by J. H. Wright. Bostroem has described his cultures as aérobic, but Wolff and Israel? and Wright * agree in finding that the microorganisms iso- Fig. 141—Actinomyces GRANULE CRUSHED BrngEAaTH A Cover-cLass. Un- stained. Low power. Shows radial striations. (After Wright and Brown.) lated by them from actinomycotic lesions grow but sparsely under aérobic conditions and favor an environment which is entirely free from oxygen, or at least contains it only in small quantities. The method for isolation recommended by Wright is, briefly, as follows: Pus is obtained, if possible, from a closed lesion and washed in sterile water or broth. The granules are then crushed between two sterile slides and examined for 1 Bostroem, Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path., ix, 1890. 2 Wolff und Israel, Virch. Arch., 126, 1891. 3 J. H. Wright, Jour. Med. Res., viii, 1905. THE HIGHER BACTERIA 625 the presence of filaments. If these are present in reasonable abundance, the material is distributed in tubes of glucose agar, which are then allowed to solidify. If these first cultivations show a large number of contaminations, Wright recommends the preservation of other washed granules in test tubes for several weeks, in the hope that contaminating microorganisms may thus be killed by drying before the actinomyces lose their viability. If cultivation is successful colonies will ap- pear, after two to four days at 37.5° C., as minute white specks, which, in Wright’s cultures, ap- peared most abundantly within a zone situated 5 to 10 millimeters below the surface of the medium, Above and below this zone they are less numerous, indicating that a small amount of oxygen furnishes the best cultural environment. Upon the surface of agar slants, growth, if it takes place at all, is not luxuriant. In alkaline meat-infusion broth growth takes place in the form of heavy, flocculent masses which appear at the bottom of the tubes. Surface growth and clouding do not take place. Milk and potato have been used as culture media but are not particularly favorable. Pathogenicity —As stated above, actinomy- cosis occurs spontaneously most frequently Fic. 142.—Acrino- among cattle and human beings. It may also mMyces GRANULE occur in sheep, dogs, cats, and horses. Itsloca- CRUSHED BENEATH A tions of predilection are the various parts Coven crabs Us : stained. The prepara- adjacent to the mouth and pharynx. It occurs tion shows the margin also, however, in the lungs, in the intestinal of the granule and the canal, and upon the skin. When occurring in “clubs.” (After Wright its most frequent location, the lower jaw, the and Brown.) disease presents, at first, a hard nodular swell- ing which later becomes soft because of central necrosis. It often involves the bone, causing a rarefying osteitis. As the swellings break down, sinuses are formed from which the granular pus is discharged. The neighboring lymph nodes show painless, hard swell- ings. Histologically, about the filamentous knobs or granules, there is a formation of epithelioid cells and a small round-cell infiltration. In older cases there may be an encapsulation in connective tissue and a 41 626 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS calcification of the necrotic masses, leading to spontaneous cure. As a rule, this process is extremely chronic. Infection in the lungs or in the intra-abdominal organs is, of course, far more serious. When death occurs acutely, it is often due to secondary infection. The disease is acquired probably by the agency of hay, straw, and grain. Berestnew 1 has succeeded in isolating actinomyces from straw and hay which he covered with sterile water in a potato jar and placed in the incubator. After a few days small white specks looking like chalk powder appeared upon the stalks, which, upon further cultivation, he was able to identify as the organism in question. Animal inoculation, carried out extensively both with pus and with pure cultures by several observers, has yielded little result. Progressive Fig. 143.—Brancuine FitaMents or Actinomyces. (After Wright and Brown.) actinomycotic lesions were never obtained, although occasionally small knobs containing colonies surrounded by epithelioid cells and connective tissue were observed, showing that the invading microorganisms were able to survive and grow for a short time, but were not sufficiently virulent to give rise to an extensive disease process. Transmission from animal to animal, or from animal to man directly, has not been satis- factorily proven. Whether or not there are various forms of actinomyces must as yet be regarded as an open question. The investigations of Wolff and Israel, however, together with those of Wright, who alone observed thirteen different strains, seem to indicate that most, if not all, of the cases clinically observed are due to one and the same microorganism. 1 Berestnew, Ref. Cent. f. Bakt., 24, 1898. THE HIGHER BACTERIA 627 MYCETOMA (MADURA FOOT) The disease known by this name is not unlike actinomycosis. It is more or less strictly limited to warmer climates and was first recog- nized as a clinical entity, in India, by Carter. Clinically it consists of a chronic productive inflammation most frequently attacking the foot, less often the hand, very infrequently other parts of the body. Nodular swellings occur, which break down in their centers, leading to the formation of abscesses, later of sinuses. Often the bones are in- volved and a progressive rarefying osteitis results. From the sinuses a purulent fluid exudes, in which are found characteristic granular bodies. These may be hard, brittle, and black, resembling grains of gunpowder, or may be grayish-white or yellow and soft and grumous. According to the appearance of these granules, two varieties of the disease are dis- tinguished, the “melanoid” and the ‘“ochroid.”” Many observers believe that the yellow or ochroid variety is, in fact, actinomycosis. The black variety, which is certainly a distinct disease, is caused by a member of the hyphomycetes group. The parasite has been carefully studied by Wright,’ from whose description the following points are taken: The small, brittle granules observed under the microscope show a dark, almost opaque center along the edges of which, filaments, or hyphee, may be seen in a thickly matted mass. By crushing the granules under a cover-slip in a drop of sodium hypochlorite or of strong sodium hydrate, the black amorphous pigment is dissolved and the structural elements of the fungus may be observed. They seem to be composed of a dense meshwork of mycelial threads which are thick and often swollen, and show many branches. Transverse partitions are placed at short distances and the individual filaments may be very long. Spores were not observed by Wright. In a series of over fifty cultiva- tions on artificial media from the original lesion, Wright obtained growth in a large percentage. In broth, he obtained at first a rapid growth of long hypheze which eventually formed a structure which he compares in appearance to a powder-puff. On agar, growth appeared within less than a week and spread over the surface of the medium as a thick meshwork of spreading hyphe 1 Carter on Mycetoma, etc., London, 1874. 2 Wright, Jour. of Exper. Med., 3, 1898. 628 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS of a grayish color. In old cultures black granules appeared among the mycelial meshes. On potato, he observed a dense velvety membrane, centrally of a pale brown, white at the periphery. Small brown droplets appeared on the growth in old cultures. Animal inoculation with this microorganism has so far been un- successful, CHAPTER XLV THE YEASTS (Blastomycetes, Saccharomycetes) THE yeasts or blastomycetes form a distinctive family among uni- cellular microorganisms, characterized essentially by their method of multiplication by budding. By this, they are sharply separated from the bacteria. Their differentiation from the higher fungi, the hypho- mycetes, however, is less definitely established, since the chief character- istic of this latter class, the formation of hyphe and mycelial threads, has oceasionally been described for some of the forms otherwise identified with the yeasts. It is probable that a gradual transition between the two families exists, represented by a number of connecting forms, some- times spoken of as oidia. For the practical purposes of the bacteriolo- gist, the yeast family is sufficiently distinct, both morphologically and biologically, to make a separate classification extremely useful. The yeast cell, as a rule, is oval, but among the wild yeasts, or “torule,” spherical forms are common. In size, great variations occur, but in general the yeasts are much larger than bacteria, measuring usually from 10 to 20 micra in length with a width of about one-half or two-thirds of the long diameter. They possess a well-defined, doubly-contoured cell-membrane, composed chiefly of cellulose, and their body protoplasm, unlike that of the bacteria, shows definite structure. Within a mass of finely granul arcytoplasm, a number of highly refractive globules and vacuoles may be observed. Some of the globules have been interpreted as fat-droplets. Other granules, revealed by special staining methods, are interpreted as nuclear material. en budding takes place, the mother cell sends out a small, globular evagination of the cell membrane into which maternal proto- plasm flows. This bud gradually enlarges until it has attained approxi- mately the same size as the original cell. Until that time, free inter- communication between the protoplasm of mother and daughter cell exists. Finally, by gradual narrowing of the isthmus connecting the two, the daughter cell becomes complete and free. By some observers 629 630 PATHOGENIC MICROORGANISMS definite karyokinetic changes in the nuclear structures have been de- scribed as accompanying the budding process. This observation, how- ever, has not been generally confirmed. Under conditions of special stress, such as unfavorable environment or lack of nutrition, most yeasts possess the power of forming spores. These, called ‘‘ ascospores,” are formed within the yeast cell itself, each spore forming a separate membrane of its own, but all of them lying well protected within the original cell-membrane. The number of ascospores formed is constant for each species, and rarely exceeds four. The yeasts have been studied most extensively in connection with fermentation and are industrially of great importance in the production Fig. 144.—Yerast Cetts. Young culture unstained. (After Zettnow.) of wine and beer. Although Schwann, as early as 1837, recognized the fact that many fermentations could not occur without the presence of yeast, it was not until considerably later that the study of yeast fermen- tation was put upon a scientific basis. The typical fermentative action consists in the transformation of sugar into ethyl alcohol accordirig to the following formula: - C, H,, 0, = 2C, H, OH + 200, The enzyme by which this fermentation is produced is known as “zy- mase,” and is, according to Buchner, in most cases, an endo-enzyme which may be procured from the cell by expression in a hydraulic press. In addition to this, however, the various yeasts also produce THE YEASTS 631 other ferments by means of which they may split higher carbohydrates, such as saccharose, maltose, and even starch, and prepare them for action of the zymase. The manner in which this is accomplished, and the by-products which are formed during the process, vary among ‘different species, and it is for this reason that the employment of pure cultures is of such great importance in the wine and beer industries where differences in flavor and other qualities may be directly dependent upon the particular species of yeast employed for the fermentation. It is due to the work chiefly of Pasteur! and of Hansen ? that the beer and wine industries have been carried on along exact and scientific lines. As the incitants of disease in man, the yeasts have been much studied since 1894, when Busse* reported a case of fatal, generalized yeast in- fection, beginning from a tibial bone abscess. The microorganism which was found in this case he named “Saccharomyces hominis.” In morpho- logical and biological characters it appeared to be a typical yeast, grew readily upon most artificial media, and produced active fermentation in sugars. Mycelia were not observed. When inoculated into animals, this yeast proved pathogenic for mice and rats. Agramonte,’ and others has definitely refuted his original claims, and there is to-day no scientific basis for the assumption that the Bacillus icteroides has any etiological relationship to the disease. Protozoan incitants, also, have been described by Klebs,’ Schiiller,* Thayer,® and others, without bringing conviction or even justifying extensive investigation of their claims. While thus the causative agent of yellow fever remains undiscovered, some of its biological properties are known. Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear” were able to show that the infecting agent is present in the blood serum of patients during the first three days of the disease and that it could pass through the pores of Berkefeld filters. Such filtered serum remained infectious for human beings—a fact which de- monstrates that the incitant is extremely small and possibly ultra- 1Cornil and Babes, Comptes rend. de l’acad. des sci., 1883. 2 Sternberg, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxii, 1897. ; 3 Sanarelli, Ann. del’ inst. Pasteur, 1897, and Cent. f. Bakt., I, xxii, xxvii, and xxix. 4 Durham.and Myers, Thompson Yates Laboratory Reports 3 1902. 5 Otto, Vierteljahrsch. f. gericht. Medizin, ete., 27, 1904. ® Agramonte, N. Y. Med. News, 1900. 7 Klebs, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., April, 1898. 8 Schiiller, Berl. klin. Woch., 7, 1906. % Thayer, Med. Record, 1907. » Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear, Phila. Med. Jour., 1900, 670 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY microscopic. Blood serum, filtered or unfiltered, becomes non-infectious when heated to 56° C. for ten minutes. Mode of Transmission.—Until comparatively recent years the mode of transmission of yellow fever was not understood and many erroneous theories were prevalent. It was supposed that yellow fever was conta- gious, and transmitted from person to person by direct or indirect cor- tact with those afflicted or by fomites. The first to make the definite assertion that yellow fever was transmitted by the agency of mosquitoes was Carlos Finlay. Finlay,' as early as 1881, advanced the theory that mosquitoes were responsible for the transmission of this disease and, fur- thermore, recognized “Stegomyia fasciata” or “Stegomyia calopus” as the guilty species. Finlay’s opinion, although later proved to be correct, was at first based only upon such circumstantial evidence as the corre- spondence of the yellow-fever zones with the distribution of this species of mosquito and the great prevalence of mosquitoes at times during which epidemics occurred. His theory was, therefore, received with much skepticism and was neglected by scientists until its revival in 1900, when the problem was extensively investigated by a commission of American army surgeons. Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear were the members of this commission. The courage, self-sacrifice, and scientific accuracy which characterized the work of these men have made the chapter of yellow fever one of the most brilliant in the annals of American scientific achievement. Their work was much facilitated by the experience of Gorgas? and others, who had demonstrated the absolute failure of ordinary sanitary regulations to limit the spread of yellow fever. They began their researches by investigating carefully the validity of Sanarelli’s claims as to the etiological significance of his “Bacillus icteroides.” The results of this work yielded absolutely no basis for confirmation. They then proceeded to investigate the possibility of an intermediate host. In August, 1900, the commission began its work on this subject by allowing mosquitoes,’ chiefly those of the stegomyia species, to suck 1 Finlay, Ann. Roy. Acad. d. Havana, 1881. 2 Gorgas, Jour. of Trop. Med., 1903. 3 Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear, Phila. Med. Jour., Oct., 1900; also Am. Pub. Health Assn. Rep., 1903; Agramonte, N. Y. Med. News, 1900; Reed, Jour. of Hyg., 1902; Reed, Carroll, and Agramonte, Am. Medicine, July, 1901. Boston Med. YELLOW FEVER 671 blood from patients, later causing the same insects to feed upon normal susceptible individuals. The first nine experiments were negative. The tenth, of which Carroll was the subject, was successful. Four days after being bitten by the infected insect Carroll became severely ill with an attack of yellow fever, by which his life was endangered, and from the effects of which he died several years later. On the 13th of September, Lazear, while working in the yellow-fever wards, noticed that a stegomyia had settled upon his hand, and deliber- (a) Fia. 155.—Streaomyia Fasctara. (a) Female. (b) Male. (After Carroll.) ately allowed the insect to drink its fill, Five days later he became ill with yellow fever and died after a violent and short illness. With these experiences as a working basis, the commission now decided upon a more systematic and thoroughly controlled plan of experimentation. In November of the same year, 1900, an experiment station, ‘Camp Lazear,’”’ was established in the neighborhood of Havana, about a mile from the town of Quemados. The camp was surrounded by the strictest quarantine. Volunteers from the army of occupation were called for, and twelve individuals were selected for the camp, three immunes and nine non-immunes. Two of the latter were physicians. The immunes and Surg. Jour., 14, 1901; Carroll, Jour. Am. Med. Assn., 40, 1903; Carrol, ‘‘ Yellov- Fever” in Mense, “ Handbuch der Tropen-Krankheiten,” ii. 672 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY and the members of the commission only were allowed to go in and out. Allnon-immunes who left the camp were prohibited from re-entering and their places taken by other non-immune volunteers. During December, five of the non-immune inmates were successfully inoculated with yel- low fever by means of infected mosquitoes. During January and Febru- ary five further successful experiments were made. Clinical observa- tions were made by experienced native physicians, Carlos Finlay among them, and the patients, as soon as they were unquestionably ill with yellow fever, were removed to a yellow-fever hospital. This was done to prevent the possibility of the disease spreading within the camp it- self. The mosquitoes used for the experiments were all cultivated from the larva and kept at a temperature of about 26.5° C. A further important experiment was now made A small house was erected and fitted with absolutely mosquito-prcof windows and doors. Theinterior was divided by wire mosquito netting into two spaces. With- in one of these spaces fifteen infected mosquitoes were liberated. Seven of these had fed upon yellow-fever patients four days previously; four, eight days previously; three, twelve days previously; and one, twenty- four hours previously. A non-immune person then entered this room and remained there about thirty minutes, allowing himself to be bitten by seven mosquitoes. Twice after this the same person entered the room, remaining in it altogether sixty-four minutes and being bitten fif- teentimes. After four days this individual came down with yellow fever. In the other room two non-immunes slept for thirteen nights with- out any evil results whatever. It now remained to show that mosquitoes were the sole means of transmission and to exclude the possibility of infection by contact with excreta, vomitus, or fomites. For this purpose another mosquito-proof house was constructed. By artificial heating its temperature was kept above 32.2° C. and the air was kept moist by the evaporation of water. Clothing and bedding, vessels, and eating utensils, soiled with vomitus, blood, and feces of yellow-fever patients were placed in this house and three non-immune persons inhabited it for twenty days. During this time they were strictly quarantined and protected from mosquitoes. Each evening, before going to bed, they unpacked and thoroughly shool. clothing and bedding of yellow-fever patients, and hung and scattered these materials about their beds. They slept, moredver, in contact with linen and blankets soiled by patients. None of these persons contracted yellow fever. The same experiment was twice re- peated by other non-immunes, in both cases with like negative results. YELLOW FEVER 673 All of the non-immunes taking part in these experiments were American soldiers. Four of them were later shown to be susceptible to yellow fever by the agencies of mosquito infection or blood-injection. The results obtained by the investigations of this commission may be summarized, therefore, as follows: Yellow fever is acquired spontaneously only by the bite of the Stegomyia fasciata. It is necessary that the infecting insect shall have sucked the blood of a yellow-fever patient during the first four or five days of the disease, and that an interval of at least twelve days shall have elapsed between the sucking of blood and the reinfection of an- other human being. Sucking of the blood of patients advanced beyond the fifth day of the disease does not seem to render the mosquito infec- tious, and at least twelve days are apparently required to allow the para- site to develop within the infected mosquito to a stage at which rein- fection of the human being is possible. The results of the American Commission were soon confirmed by Guiteras ' and by Marchoux, Salimbeni, and Simond.? These latter ob- servers, moreover, confirmed the fact that infection could be experi- mentally produced by injections of blood or blood serum taken from patients during the first three days of the disease. They showed that blood taken after the fourth day was no longer infectious: that 0.1 c.c. of serum sufficed for infection and finally that no infection could take place through excoriations upon the skin. They furthermore confirmed the observation of Carroll that the virus of the disease could pass through the coarser Berkefeld and Chamberland filters,—passing through a Chamberland candle “F” but held back by the finer variety known as“ B.” The fundamental factorsof yellow-fever transmission thus discovered, Wwe are in possession of logical means of defense. The most important feature of such preventive measures must naturally center upon the extermination of the transmitting species of mosquito. Stegomyia fasciata or calopus is a member of the group of “Culi- cide.” It is more delicately built than most of the other members of the group culicide, is of a dark gray color, and has peculiar thorax- markings which serve to distinguish it from other species. The more detailed points of differentiation upon which an exact zoological recog- nition depends are too technical to be entered into at this place. Briefly described, they consist of lyre-like markings of the back, 1 Guiteras, Rev. d. méd. trop., Jan., 1901, and Am. Med., 11, 1901. 2 Marchoux, Salimbeni, and Simond, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1908. 44 674 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY unspotted wings, white stripes and spots on the abdomen, and band- like white markings about the metatarsi and tarsi of the third pair of legs. The peculiar power of transmitting yellow fever possessed by this species is explained by Marchoux and Simond* by the fact that Stegomyia fasciata is unique among culicide in that the female lives for prolonged periods after sucking blood. Among other species —Culex fatigans, Culex confirmatus, and most others—the female lays its eggs within from two to eight divs after feeding on blood and rarely lives longer than the twelfth day—the time necessary for the develop- ment of the yellow-fever parasite. The limitation of yellow fever to tropical countries ? is explained by the fact that stegomyia develops only in places where high tempera- tures prevail. The optimum temperature for this species lies between 6° and 32°C. At 17° C. it no longer feeds, and becomes practically paralyzed at 15° C. In order to thrive, the species requires a temperature never going below 22° C. at night and rising regularly above 25° C. during the day. The females only are dangerous as sources of infection. The insect, like Anopheles, has the peculiarity of feeding chiefly at night. Experiments done by Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear,’ to ascertain whether the power of infecting was hereditarily transmissible from the mosquito to following generations, were negative. A positive result, however, has been reported by Marchoux and Simond.* This question must still await more extensive research. Immunity.—Natural immunity against yellow fever was formerly assumed to exist in the negro race. More recent investigations have not borne out this assumption. The negro soldiers of the American army in Cuba were afflicted equally with the white troops. The rela- tive immunity of dark-skinned races, however, is explained possibly by the fact that the stegomyia prefers to attack light-colored surfaces. A single attack seems to protect against subsequent infection throughout life. Artificial immunization has, so far, been unsuccessful. Relative immunity was produced, however, by Marchoux, Salimbeni, and Simond, by injections of the serum of convalescents, serum heated to 55° C., fad of defibrinated blood Pree for cient days in vessels sealed with vaseline. 1 Marchouxz and Simond, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1906. 2 Otto, in Kolle und Wassermann, “ Handbuch,” etc., 11, Erginzungsband. 4 Loe. cit. 4 Marchoux and Simond, Comptes rend. de la soc. de biol., 59, 1905. CHAPTER LI MEASLES, SCARLET FEVER, TYPHUS FEVER, AND FOOT- AND-MOUTH DISEASE MEASLES THE causative agent of measles is unknown to the present day, and it would be a thankless task to review the literature of the many attempts to isolate microorganisms from this disease, none of which has resulted in throwing any light on the etiology. Attempts to produce the disease experimentally have frequently been made, the earliest recorded being those of Home of Edinburgh, published in 1759.!_ Home took blood from the arms of patients afflicted with measles, and caught it upon cotton, and inoculated normal in- dividuals by placing this blood-stained cotton on to wounds made in the arm. Home claimed that in this way he produced measles of a modified and milder type in fifteen individuals. Home’s results, how- ever, while at first accepted, were assailed by many writers and it is by no means certain that the disease produced by him was really measles. A number of other observers after Home attempted experimental inoculation of this disease, and positive results were reported by Stewart of Rhode Island (1799), Speranza of Mantua (1822), Katowa of Hungary (1842), and McGirr of Chicago (1850). The experiments of all these early writers, however, are unsatisfac- tory, owing to the necessarily unreliable technique of their methods. In 1905, Hektoen? succeeded in experimentally producing the dis- ease in two medical students by subcutaneous injection of blood taken from measles patients at the height of the disease (fourth day). The experiments were carefully carried out and the symptoms in the sub- jects were unquestionable. They demonstrated beyond doubt that the virus of the disease is present in the blood. Attempts at cultivation carried out with the same blood were entirely negative. It was also shown by Hektoen’s experiments that the virus of measles may be kept alive for at least twenty-four hours when mixed with ascitic broth. 1 Home, “ Medical Facts and Experiments,” Edinburgh, 1759. 2 Hektoen, Jour. Inf. Dis., ii, 1905. 675 676 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY SCARLET FEVER (Scarlatina) The etiology of scarlet fever, like that of measles, is still obscure. Streptococci have been found with striking regularity in the throats of scarlet-fever patients, and a large number of investigations have seemed to furnish evidence for the etiological relationship of these microorgan- isms with the disease. According to von: Lingelsheim, Crooke as early as 1885 demonstrated the presence of streptococci in the cadavers of scarlet-fever victims. Baginsky and Sommerfeld‘ in 1900 examined a number of scarlatina cases with reference especially to streptococcus infection, and reported the presence of streptococci in the heart’s blood of eight patients who had died after a very acute and short illness. They expressed the belief that the acuteness of the illness and the rapidity of death in these cases precluded the possibility of the streptococci being merely secondary invaders. A large number of other observers have expressed similar opinions, but we can not, as yet, justly conclude that streptococci are actually the etiological agents in this disease. : Class ? in 1899 described a diplococcus which he cultivated from a large number of scarlatina patients and with which he was able to pro- duce exanthemata and acute fever in pigs. Subsequent investigations seem to show that Class was really working with a streptococcus. Moser,? working in Escherich’s clinic, has recently reported the very favorable influence upon the course of scarlet fever of polyvalent streptococcus antisera. This is not really very strong evidence in favor of the streptococcus etiology of the disease, since there is, of course, no doubt that streptococcus infection complicates the disease, and it is to be expected that antistreptococcus serum should, therefore, benefit the patient’s condition by combating this complication. Mallory ‘ in 1904 published observations on four scarlatina cases on which he bases the belief that scarlatina is caused by protozoa. In the skin, between the epithelial cells, he found small bodies which were easily stained with methylene-blue and which because of their arrange- 1 Baginsky and Sommerfeld, Berl. klin. Woch., 1900. 2 Class, Phila. Med. Jour., iii, 1899. 3 Moser, quoted by Escherich, Wien. klin. Woch., xxiii, 1903. « Mallory, Jour, Med, Research, x, 1904, TYPHUS FEVER 677 ment and form he interpreted as parasites not very unlike the plasmo- dium of malaria. Subsequent investigations of Field! and others have failed to substantiate Mallory’s conclusions. TYPHUS FEVER Typhus fever is an infectious disease which is characterized by an incubation time of 5 days or more, high temperature, and a petechial rash. It has been characterized as peculiarly a disease of filth and has epidemically disappeared in most of the civilized countries, al- though it is still endemic in certain parts of Europe, North and South America, and occurs epidemically in Mexico under the name of Tabar- dillo. In New York it has recently been found to exist not infrequently. It was described as a new clinical entity by Brill, and has been spoken of as Brill’s disease, but the work of Anderson and Goldberger has shown that Brill’s disease is identical with typhus fever. Great ad- vances have been made in the knowledge of the disease during the last few years. In 1909, Nicolle? successfully inoculated an anthropoid ape, and Anderson and Goldberger? in the same year succeeded in inoculating lower monkeys, rhesus and capuchin. Similar successful monkey in- oculations were made by Ricketts and Wilder,‘ by Gavino and Girard.® In these animals inoculation with blood from active cases is followed by a rapid rise of temperature after an incubation time of 5 days or more, and the fever remains high for 3 to 5 days, after which it comes down by lysis. Occasional recrudescences have been noticed in monkeys. Goldberger and Anderson have had a mortality of 2 per cent in their monkeys. The disease may be transmitted from monkey to monkey with the blood, which is infectious during the febrile period and may be so for as long as 32 hours after the temperature returns to normal. Ricketts and Wilder have described short bacilli looking like organisms of the hemorrhagic septicemia group in smears from the blood, but have not been able to cultivate them. Very recently Plotz * has reported 1 Field, Jour. Exper. Med., vii, 1905. * Nicolle, Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., 1909, p. 157; Ann. de V’inst. Past., 1910, 1911, 1912. 3 Anderson and Goldberger, Jour. A. M. A., 1912, p. 49; Jour. Med. Res., 1910, p. 469; N. Y. Med. Jour., 1912, p. 976. 4 Ricketts and Wilder, Jour. A. M. A., Feb., 1910, p. 463; ibid., April 16, 1910, p. 1304; ibid., April 23, 1910, p. 1373; ibid., July 23, 1910, p. 309. 5 Gavino and Girard, cited from Anderson and Goldberger. * Plotz, Jour. of the A. M. A., Ixii, 1914, No. 20. 678 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY the cultivation of a Gram-positive pleomorphic, anaérobic bacillus from the blood of six vases of Brill’s disease and from an equal number of typhus cases. Complement fixation was obtained, when this organism was used as antigen, with the blood of typhus fever cases and it seems not unlikely, at the present time, that Plotz’s bacillus may prove to be the etiological factor of typhus. His detailed report has not yet ap- peared at the present writing. Cultivation experiments by other writers have also been negative and the etiological significance of the organisms of Ricketts and Wilder is very doubtful. Filtration experiments carried out by Ricketts and Wilder and by Anderson and Goldberger at first indicated that the virus did not go through Berkefeld filters. Nicolle, Conor, and Conseil: noticed that inoculation with the filtered blood rendered monkeys refractory, an observation later recorded also by Wilder and Ricketts. Goldberger and Anderson report similar results. By the French investigators this fact has been interpreted as indicating that the virus is filtrable, and Goldberger and Anderson admit this as a possibility. It is likely there- fore but not proven that the virus of typhus fever may have a filtrable stage. By the work of Nicolle and his associates, and of Ricketts and Wilder,? also of Anderson and Goldberger,’ it has been shown that the virus can be transmitted from human being to human being by the bites of the body louse (pediculus vestimenti); the flea and the bed bug apparently do not transmit the disease. The head louse (pediculus capitis) may possibly transmit it. FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE This malady occurs chiefly in cattle, sheep, and goats, more rarely in other domestic animals. It is characterized by the appearance of a vesicular eruption localized upon the mucosa of the mouth and upon the delicate skin between the hoofs. In the females similar eruptions may appear upon the udders. With the onset of the eruption there may be increased temperature, refusal of food, and general depression. Usually the disease is mild; the vesicles go-on to the formation of small ulcers and pustules, and gradually heal with a disappearance of systemic 1 Nicolle, Conor, et Conseil, Compt. rend. Acad. d. Sc., Sept. 18, 1911. 2 Wilder, Jour. Inf. Dis., July, 1911, p. 9. 3 Goldberger and Anderson, Pub. Health Report, Wash., March, 1912; ibid., May 31, 1912. FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE 679 symptoms. Occasionally, however, the disease is complicated by ca- tarrhal gastroenteritis or an inflammation of the respiratory tract. and death may ensue. . The disease is unquestionably transmitted from animal to animal by means of virus contained in the vesicular contents. It is also held that infection may take place through the agency of milk. It has been claimed, moreover, though on the basis of insufficient proof, that infec- tion may take place through the air, without actual contact, direct or indirect, with lesions. On rare occasions the disease may be transmitted to man. Such infection, when it does take place, occurs usually among the milkers and attendants in dairies, and is transmitted by direct contact. The course of the disease in man is usually very mild. Mohler states that the disease may be transmitted to man through the consumption of milk from infected animals. He! adds, however, that in the United States the disease has been practically eradicated. The causative agent of foot-and-mouth disease is unknown. A num- ber of organisms have been cultivated from the vesicles and mucous membranes of afflicted animals, but none of these could be shown to have etiological significance. Loeffler and Frosch,? moreover, have demonstrated that the virus contained in the vesicles may pass through the pores of a Berkefeld filter. It must be assumed that the causative agent of this disease is too small to be within the range of vision of our microscopes. The virus of the disease is easily destroyed by heating to 60° C. and by complete desiccation. It has been observed that one attack of foot-and-mouth disease pro- tects against subsequent attacks. This immunity in most cases lasts for years, though rare cases of recurrence within a single year have been reported. On the basis of such naturally acquired immunity, Loeffler has actively immunized horses and cattle with graded doses of virus obtained from vesicles and with the sera of such animals has produced passive immunity in normal subjects. 1 Mohler, Bull. No. 41, U.S. Pub. Health and Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1908. 2 Loeffler und Frosch, Cent. f. Bakt., 1, 1908. 680 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY FILTRABLE VIRUS Recent investigations into the causation of disease have revealed that a considerable number of infections may be caused by organisms too small to be held back by filters through which even the smallest bacteria cannot pass. The earliest observations of such “‘filtrable virus” are probably those of Frosch (1898) in foot-and-mouth disease and of Beijerinck in the mosaic disease of tobacco. Since then similar investigations have shown that a large number of diseases are probably caused by such minute organisms; their investigation, long delayed by the belief in their invisibility by even the most powerful microscopic aid, and by our inability to cultivate them, has taken new impetus from the discovery of and the cultivation of minute globoid bodies from the virus of poliomyelitis by Flexner and Noguchi (see below). The following tabulation is based largely on the comprehensive summary published by Wolbach.' DISEASES CAUSED BY FILTRABLE VIRUS TRANSMISSION Disease Occurrence Direct Indirect Yellow fever..... Pe eer ee ee Stegomya fasciata | Man Molluscum contagiosum.| Direct contact | ................ Man Dengueriévet..cceccan] accent ieawa sce s Culex fatigans Man Verruca vulgaris filtra- if Man bility? Trachoma? filtrability. . ames. | aes shop nce Man Poliomyelitis........... Unknown; proba-| Indirect by stable-| Man bly uasal, etc.| fly discharges Measles filtrability| Direct | ................ Man claimed Goldberger and| Anderson Typhus fever? Nicolle pos.| ................ Body louse (pedic-| Man Ricketts neg. ulus vestimenti) 1 Wolbach, Jour. of Med. Res., xxvii, 1912. FILTRABLE VIRUS 681 DISEASES CAUSED BY FILTRABLE VIRUS.—Continued TRANSMISSION Disease Occurrence Direct Indirect Scarlet fever? filtrability| Probably direct | ................ Man claimed by Cantacuzene Chimpanzee and Bernhardt but doubtful Foot-and-mouth disease.| Direct | wc eee eee eee eee Man, cattle, and swine Rabies...............- Direct by bite with} ................ Man and all saliva mammals; birds can be infected Variola and vaccinia.....| Direct sd] wee eee eee Man and cat- tle; can be transmitted to monkeys and rabbits Pleuro-pneumonia of] Direct | .............00. Bovine species cattle African horse-sickness. .|..............---. Probably insects, | Horses mosquitoes Sheep-pox............. Direct sd Svs che pet eee Sheep Cattle plague:......... Food contaminated) = Cattle with excreta Hog-cholera........... Direct kets eciceds caiead Hogs Swamp fever of horses..|..............000 Probably indirect | Horses by insects Agalactia of sheep and] Contact =—=s ||... see eee eee Sheep and goats goats “Blue tongue”......... ? is Sheep Guinea-pig epizodtic.... ? ? Guinea-pigs 682 DISEASES OF UNKNOWN ETIOLOGY DISEASES CAUSED BY FILTRABLE VIRUS.—Continued ‘TRANSMISSION Disease Occurrence Direct Indirect Guinea-pig paralysis.....| ? ? Guinea-pigs Novy’s rat disease....... Qo ? Rats Fowl pest...... esis Feces: Gin Staite Saweney tates Pheasants, sparrows, geese Fowl diphtheria........ Contact exudates,| .............. .. | Fowl etc. Rous’s chicken sarcoma, . 2? 2 Chickens SECTION V BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK CHAPTER LII BACTERIA IN THE AIR AND SOIL BACTERIA IN THE AIR Bacrerta reach the air largely from the earth’s surface, borne aloft by currents of air sweeping over dry places. Their presence in air, therefore, is largely dependent upon atmospheric conditions; humid- ity and a lack of wind decreasing their numbers, dryness and high winds increasing them. Multiplication of bacteria during transit through the air probably does not take place. Apart from these considerations the presence of bacteria in air also depends upon purely local conditions prevailing in different places. They are most plentiful in densely populated areas and within buildings, such as theaters, meeting halls, and other places where large numbers of people congregate. On mountain tops, in deserts, over oceans, and in other uninhabited regions, the air is comparatively free from bacteria. A classical illustration of this fact is found in the experiments which Pasteur carried out in his refutation of the doctrine of spontaneous generation. Tyndall also, in working upon the same subject, demon- sirated this fact. From the surface of. the ground and other places where bacteria have been deposited, they reach the air only after complete drying. It is a fact of much importance, both in bacterio- logical work and in surgery, that bacteria do not rise from a moist surface. From dry surfaces they may rise, but only when the air is .agitated either by wind or by air-currents produced in other ways. In closed rooms, therefore, even when bacteria are plentiful and the walls and floors are perfectly dry, there is little danger of the inhalation of bacteria unless the air is agitated in some way. The most favorable conditions for the occurrence of many bacteria in air are the existence of a prolonged drought followed by a dry wind. Under such condi- 683 684 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK tions, even the dark places and unlighted corners of streets and habita- tions are thoroughly dried out, and bacteria are taken up and carried about together with particles of dust. At such times the dangers from inhalation are much multiplied. By experiments made in balloons, it has been found that bacteria are plentiful below altitudes of about fifteen hundred feet and may be present, though much reduced in numbers, as high up as a mile above the earth’s surface. The species of bacteria found in the air are, of course, subject to great variation, depending upon locality. Molds and spore-forming bacteria, being more regularly resistant to the effects of sunlight and drying than bacteria possessing only vegetative forms, are naturally more generally distributed. Out of air thus laden with bacteria, they may again settle when the wind subsides and the air becomes quiescent. The process of settling, however, is extremely slow, since the weight of a bacterium is probably less than a billionth of a gram, and it may be held in suspension in air for considerable periods. Rains, snow, or even the condensation of moisture from a humid atmosphere, hastens this process considerably, and large quantities of bacteria may settle out from air, in a com- paratively short time, in ice chests, in operating rooms, or in other places in which much condensation of water vapor takes place. The importance of the air as a means of conveying disease is still a problem upon which much elucidation is needed. The importance of this manner of conveyance in smallpox, in measles, in scarlet fever, and in other exanthemata, can not be denied. As regards the dis- eases of known bacterial origin, conveyance by air is of importance in the case of tuberculosis, where infection by inhalation may take place, and in the case of anthrax, where inhaled anthrax spores may give rise to the pulmonary form of the disease. The importance of air conveyance for any great distance in pneumonia, in influenza, in diph- theria, and in meningitis is by no means clear and requires much fur- ther study. The expulsion of bacteria from the lungs and naso-pharynx does not take place during simple expiration, since an air-current pass- ing over a moist surface is not sufficient to dislodge microorganisms. Expulsion of bacteria in these conditions must take place together with. small particles of moisture carried out in sneezing, coughing, or any forced expiration. The bacteria thus discharged are then subject to the process of drying and often are exposed to direct sunlight for a con- siderable period before they are again taken up in the air. The methods of estimating the bacterial contents of the air are not BACTERIA IN THE AIR AND SOIL 685 entirely satisfactory. The simple exposure of uncovered gelatin or agar plates for a definite length of time, and subsequent estimation of the colonies upon the plates, yield a result which is variable according to the air-currents and the degree of moisture in the atmosphere, and furnish no volume standard for comparative results. The methods which are in use at the present time depend upon the suction of a definite quantity of air by means of a vacuum-pump through some substance which will catch the bacteria. One of the first devices used for this pur- pose was that of Hesse, who sucked air through a piece of glass tubing, about 70 em. long and about 3.5 cm. in diameter, the inner surface of which had been coated with gelatin in the manner of an. Esmarch roll tube. This method is not efficient, since a large number of the bacteria may pass entirely through the tube without settling upon the gelatin. One of the most satisfactory methods at present in use is that in which definite volumes of air are sucked through a sand-filter. Within a small glass tube, a layer of sterilized quartz sand, about 4 cm. in depth, is placed. The sand is kept from being dislodged by a smail wire screen. After the air has been sucked through the filter the sand is washed in a definite volume of sterile water or salt solution, and measured fractions of this are planted in agar or gelatin in Petri plates. The colonies which develop are counted. Thus, if two liters of air have been sucked through the filter, and the sand has been washed in 10 c.c. of salt solution, and 1 c.c. of this is planted, with the result of fifteen colonies, then the two liters of air have contained one hundred and fifty bacteria. BACTERIA IN SOIL Besides the normal bacterial inhabitants of the soil, bacteria reach the soil from the air, in contaminated waters, in the dejecta, excreta, and dead bodies of animals and human beings, and in the substance of decaying plants. It is self-evident, therefore, that the distribution of bacteria in soil depends largely upon the density of population and the use of the soil for agricultural or other purposes. Thus, bacteria are most plentiful in the neighborhood of cess-pools or in manured fields and gar- dens. Such conditions, however, may be regarded as abnormal. Even in uncultivated fields there is a constant bacterial flora in the soil which is of great importance in its participation in the nitrogen cycle, a phase of the bacteriology of soil which has been discussed in detail in another 686 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK section. (See page 40.) There are, thus, regular and normal inhabitants of the soil which fulfil a definite function and may be found wherever plant life flourishes. In addition to these, innumerable varieties of sapro- phytes and pathogenic germs may be present, which vary in species and in number with local conditions. Numerous investigations into the actual numerical contents of the soil have been made. Houston? found an average of 1,500,000 bacteria per gram in garden soil, and about 100,000 bacteria per gram in the arid soil of uncultivated regions. Fraenkel,” in studying the horizontal distribution of bacteria in the earth, has found that they are most numerous near the surface, a gradual diminution occurring down to a depth of about two yards. Beyond this, the soil may be often practically sterile. Pathogenic bacteria may at times be found in the surface layers, and these are often of the spore-bearing varieties. Most important among them from the medical standpoint are the bacillus of tetanus, of malignant edema, and the Welch bacillus. If a guinea-pig is inoculated subcutaneously with an emulsion of garden soil, death will result almost invariably with enormous bloating and swelling of the body due to gas production. This is due to the fact that the spore-bearing, gas-producing anaérobic bacilli are commonly present and are actively pathogenic for these animals. The frequent occurrence of tetanus in persons sustain- ing wounds of the bare feet and hands in fields and excavations, is a matter of common knowledge. Anthrax, also, may be easily conveyed by soil in localities where animals are suffering from this infection. It is not probable that pathogenic germs which are not spore-bearers sur- vive in the soil for any great length of time. Unless the soil is specially prepared by the presence of defecations or other other organic material, the nutrition at their disposal is not at all suitable for their needs, since rapid decomposition of organic materials by saprophytes is always going on in the upper layers. Furthermore, in the deeper layers the con- ditions of temperature and possibly oxygen supply are not at all favorable for the growth of most pathogenic bacteria. Within a short distance from the surface the temperature of the soil usually sinks below 14° or 15° C. An interesting series of experiments by Fraenkel? have demonstrated this point. This investigator buried freshly inoculated agar and gelatin cultures of cholera spirilla and of typhoid and anthrax bacilli at differ- ent levels, and examined them for growth after two weeks had elapsed. 1 Houston, Report Med. Officer, Local Govern. Bd., London, 1897. 2 Fraenkel, Zeit. f. Hyg., ii, 1887. 3 Fraenkel, Zeit. {. Hyg., xi, 1887. BACTERIA IN THE AIR AND SOIL 687 The anthrax bacilli hardly ever showed growth at a depth below about two yards, and cholera and typhoid developed colonies at these depths only during the summer months. Under natural conditions it must be remembered that, at these levels, suitable nutritive material is not found. A consideration of practical importance in this connection is the possibility of infection by means of buried cadavers. An elaborate series of experiments has been carried out upon this subject in Germany, with results which demonstrate that the danger from the burial of persons dead of infectious diseases was formerly much exaggerated. Experi- ments! usually failed to reveal the presence of cholera and typhoid bacilli within two.to three weeks after burial, and tubercle bacilli were never found after three months had elapsed. It was only in the case of sporulating microorganisms, such as the anthrax bacillus, that the living incitants could be found for as long as two years after burial. The dangers of infection of human beings through the agency of soil, therefore, are chiefly those arising from the spore-bearing bacteria which are able to remain alive in spite of the unfavorable cultural conditions. It has been found by some observers,” however, that, under special con- ditions, non-sporulating bacteria, more especially the typhoid bacillus, may remain alive in soil for several months. Although these bacteria, as well as those of cholera, diphtheria, etc., can not proliferate under the conditions found in the soil, the fact that they can remain viable for such prolonged periods in the upper layers suggests the possibility of danger from the use of unwashed vegetables, such as lettuce or radishes or other soil and sewage contaminated food products. The examination of soil for colon bacilli, while demonstrating the presence or absence of manure or sewage contamination, has no practical value, since colon bacilli are found in the dejecta of animals. Examination of specimens of soil for their numerical bacterial contents is extremely unsatisfactory because the bacteria there found can hardly ever all be cultivated together under one and the same cultural environment. A large number are anaérobic, others again thrive at low temperatures, while again another class may require un- usually high temperatures. When such examinations are made, how- ever, specimens of the soil from the surface layer may be taken in a sterile platinum spoon. When taken from the lower levels, a drill, 1 Petri, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, vii. 2 Firth and Horrocks, Brit. Med. Jour., Sept., 1902. 688 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK such as that devised by Fraenkel, maybe used. This consists of aniron rod the lower end of which is pointed. Just above the point a movable collar is fitted. This collar has a slit-like opening. The rod beneath the collar has a deep longitudinal groove corresponding to the slit in the collar. A flange on the collar permits opening and closing of the groove while the instrument is below the ground. The drill is forced into the earth to the desired depth, the groove is opened and earth is forced into the chamber by twisting the rod. In the same manner the groove may be closed. The soil obtained in this way is taken out of the chamber and a definite quantity, say one gram, is dissolved and washed thor- oughly in a measured volume of sterile water or sterile salt solution. Fractions of this are then mixed with the culture medium, plated, and cultivated aérobically or anaérobically as desired. CHAPTER LIII BACTERIA IN WATER Av natural waters contain a more or less abundant bacterial flora. This fact, combined with our knowledge that the incitants of several epidemic diseases and a number of minor ailments of a diarrheal char- acter are water borne, gives the bacteriological investigation of water a place of great importance in hygiene. In nature, there are very few sources of water supply which do not contain bacteria of one or another description. While pathogenic bacteria are usually not present except in those waters which are directly contaminated from human sources, a thorough understanding of the quantitative and qualitative bacterial contents of all natural waters is necessary in order that we may in- telligently gather comparative data as to the fitness of any given water for human consumption. The gross appearance of water is rarely, if ever, an indication of its danger. The turbid waters of running streams in sparsely populated agricultural districts may be safe, while perfectly clear well waters subjected to the dangers of contamination from neighboring sinks or cess-pools may contain large numbers of pathogenic germs. The diseases which are known to be more directly connected with water supply are typhoid fever and cholera. Typhoid germs discharged from the bowel or from the urine of typhoid patients or convalescents may be carried by the sewage or from the neighboring soil into a river or lake and lead to infection of the population deriving its drinking water from this source. There are a great many investigations on record in which severe typhoid epidemics have been traced to such sources. In the case of cholera, where the germs are discharged from the bowels in enormous numbers, conveyance of the disease by water is even more apparent, and the discoverers of the cholera germ themselves, in their early work in Egypt and India, were able to isolate the bacteria from contaminated water supplies. In regard to the less clearly understood diarrheal diseases, dysen- tery, cholera infantum, etc., the direct relation to water supply has not 45 689 690 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK been so definitely proven, and can be deduced only from the diminu- tion of such infections after the substitution of pure water for the pre- viously used impure supply. It is thus seen that water bacteriology is one of the most important branches of the science of hygiene, and has led, and is constantly leading, to enormous diminution of the death rate in all communities where an intelligent study of the conditions has been made. The bacterial purity of natural waters, although dependent upon special and local conditions in relation to possible contamination, differs widely, according to the source from which such waters are derived. Rain water and snow water are usually contaminated with bacteria by the dust which they gather on their way to the ground, and are especially rich in bacteria when taken during the first few hours of a rain or snow storm when the air is still dusty and filled with floating particles. During the later hours of prolonged storms, rain water and snow water may be comparatively sterile. Miquel,) who made exten- sive experiments in France on the bacterial contents of rain water, found that in country districts, where the air is less dusty, rain water contained an average of about 4.3 bacteria to the cubic centimeter. The bacterial counts of snow water are usually somewhat higher than those of rain. The waters of streams, ponds, and lakes are usually spoken of as surface waters, and these of all natural supplies contain the largest num- ber of bacteria. In each case, of course, the quantitative and quali- tative bacterial flora of such waters is intimately dependent upon the conditions of the surrounding country, the density of the population, and the relation of these waters to sewage. It is also, and to no less important degree, dependent upon weather conditions, the influence of light and temperature, and the food supply contained within the waters in the form of decayed vegetation. In all such surface waters there is -constantly going on a process of self-purification. The chief factor in this process is sedimentation. In stagnant ponds and lakes with but sluggish currents there is a constant sedimentation of the heavier particles, which gradually but steadily leads to a diminution of the number of bacteria in the upper layers of the water. In rivers where sedimentation is to a certain extent prevented by rapidity of current, the effectiveness of such sedimentation is, of course, entirely dependent upon the speed of the current. 1 Miquel, Revue d’hyg., viii, 1886. BACTERIA IN WATER 691 The influence of light in purifying surface waters is important chiefly in ponds, lakes, and sheets of water which expose a large surface to the sunlight, and where the surroundings are such that the sun has free access throughout the day. According to the researches of Buchner,! the bac- tericidal effects of light penetrate through water to a depth of three fect. The effects of temperature in purifying surface waters under natural conditions are probably not great. There is, however, a general tendency toward diminution of the bacterial flora as the temperature of such waters becomes lower. The presence of protozoa in natural waters as purifying agents has recently been emphasized by Huntemiiller,” who claims that these organ- isms by phagocytosis greatly diminish the number of bacteria in any given body of water. It is self-evident that the number of bacteria in any of these waters is never constant, since all factors which tend to a diminution or increase in volume, such as drying up of tributary streams or the occurrence of heavy rains, would lead to differences of dilution which would materially change numerical bacterial estimations. The influence of rains, furthermore, may be a twofold one. On the one hand, heavy rain-falls, by washing a large amount of dirt into the rivers and lakes from the surrounding land, have a tendency to increase the bacterial flora. This influence would be especially marked in all bodies of water which are surrounded by cultivated land where manured fields and grazing-meadows supply a plentiful source of bacteria. On the other hand, in regions where arid, uninhabited lands surround any given river or lake, the rain would carry with it very little living con- tamination and would act chiefly as a diluent and diminish the actual proportion of bacteria in the water. Another and extremely important source of water supply is that spoken of technically as “ground water.” The “ground waters” include the shallow wells employed in the country districts, springs, and deep or artesian wells. The shallow wells that form the water supply for a large proportion of farms in the eastern United States are usually very rich in bacteria and are by no means to be regarded as safe sources, ex- cept in cases where great care is observed as to cleanliness of the sur- roundings. In such wells the filtration of the water entering the well may be subject to great variation according to the geological con- ditions of the surrounding ground. The proximity of barns and sinks may lead to dangerous contamination of such waters. 1 Buchner, Arch. f. Hyg., xvii, 1895. 2? Huntemiiller, Arch. f. Hyg., liv, 1905. 692 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK Examinations by various bacteriologists have shown that such wells frequently contain as many as five hundred bacteria to the cubic centi- meter. Perennial spring waters are usually pure. Examinations by the Mas- sachusetts State Board of Health ‘ in 1901 showed an average of about forty bacteria per cubic centimeter. As sources of water supply for general consumption, however, springs can hardly be very important because of the insignificant quantities usually derived from them. Of much greater practical importance are deep artesian wells, which, under ordinary conditions, are largely free from bacterial contamination. Quantitative Estimations of Bacteria.—The quantitative estima- tion of bacteria in water is of necessity inexact, because of the difficulty of always securing fair average samples from any large body of water, and because of the large variations in cultural requirements of the flora present in them. All these methods depend upon colony enumera- tion in plates of agar or gelatin, preferably of both. For the sake of gaining some basis of comparison for results which, at best, can never be entirely accurate, an attempt has been made by the American Public Health Association * to standardize the methods of analysis. Water for analysis should always be collected in clean, sterile bottles, preferably holding more than 100 c.c. If water is to be taken from a running faucet or a well supplied with piping, it is important that it should be allowed to run for some time before the sample is taken, in order that any change in bacterial content occurring inside of the pipes may be excluded. It is obvious that in water pipes through which the flow is not constant, bacteria may find favorable conditions for growth and such a sample would not represent fairly the supply to be tested. When the water is taken from a pond, lake, or cess-pool, the bottle may be lowered into the water by means of a weight, or may be plunged in with the hand, great care being exercised not to permit contamina- tion from the fingers to occur. A number of devices for collecting water have been originated, a very excellent one for small samples, by Stern- berg,® consisting of a small glass bulb with a capillary neck which is séaled while the bulb is hot. This is attached to a rod, and a wire noose is fastened to the neck of the bulb. When immersed in water the neck 1 Mass. State Bd. of Health, 33d Annual Report for 1901. 2 Fuller, Trans. Amer. Public Health Assn., xxvii, 1902. Report of Com. on Standard Methods of Water Analysis. Jour. Inf. Dis., Suppl. 1, 1905. 3 Sternberg, ‘‘Manual of Bact.” BACTERIA IN WATER 693 may be broken off by means of the wire, and water will be forced into the bulb to satisfy the vacuum. After the water has been collected it is important to plate it before the bacteria in it have a chance to increase. The changes taking place during transportation, even when packing in ice has been resorted to, have been found by Jordan and Irons! to be considerable. It is impera- tive, therefore, that plating of the water, if possible, shall not be delayed for longer than one or two hours after collection. Before plating, the bottle containing the sample should be shaken at least twenty-five times in order to distribute the bacterial contents evenly. The quantities to be plated will depend to a certain extent upon the probability of there being a large or small number of bacteria. If less than two hundred are suspected, 1 c.c. of the water should be taken out of the bottle with a sterile pipette and placed in a sterile Petri dish. To this is added 10 c.c. of gelatin at a temperature of about 30° C., or of agar at a temperature of not over 40° C. The water is thoroughly mixed with the medium by repeated tilting of the plate, and finally al- lowed to harden in the regular way. If unusual pollution or other data lead to a suspicion that the bacterial count is apt to be extremely high, it is advisable to dilute the sample of water with sterile-water before plating. The reason for mixing water and medium in the Petri dish, rather than in the tube, as was formerly done, is the fact that in the pouring of the mixture from the tube a certain amount of residuum is left which naturally leads to a diminution in the actual number of colonies developing in the plate. The gelatin is incubated at 20° C.. the agar at 37.5° C. Neither the gelatin nor the agar alone can give an accurate estima- tion of the total bacterial contents of water. A better estimate can of course be made when both are used. However, since aérobic and anaérobic bacteria may be present and since many water organisms may require nutritive conditions and a reaction other than that of the stand- ard media, it is quite likely that none of the methods in use can give an accurate total of organisms originally in the water. For sanitary purposes, however, the agar counts, in which the plates are incubated at 37.5° C. or body temperature, are by far the most important since the bacteria which grow at this temperature are the ones likely to possess pathogenic significance, or at any rate to emanate from animal and human sources. It has been suggested by Rosenau? and others that es- 1 Jordan and Irons, Reports of the Amer. Pub. Health Assn., xxv, 1889. 2 Rosenau, ‘‘Preventive Medicine and Hygiene,” 755. D. Appleton & Co., 1913. 694 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK pecial value is attached to the organisms which grow at 40° C. since the temperature excludes many non-pathogenic water bacteria, while it permits organisms of the colon-typhoid group to grow. The gelatin and agar which are used should be made according to the standard methods recommended by the American Public Health Associa- tion. The gelatin should be made of meat infusion and not of meat ex- tract, and should contain one per cent of Witte’s pepton and ten per cent of the best so-called French brand of gelatin. Itshould not soften when kept at a temperature of 25°C. The agar medium should also be made of meat infusion and of the highest grade of commercial thread agar. For general purposes the standard reaction of media should be one per cent acidity, but for long-continued work on water from the same source the optimum reaction should be ascertained and adhered to, and differences from the standard reaction should be mentioned in the report. Incubation of the gelatin should be continued for forty-eight hours in an atmosphere saturated with moisture. When agar is used, incuba- tion for twenty-four hours is usually sufficient, and it is advantageous to employ Petri dishes supplied with porous earthenware covers.!_ Simple inversion of the Petri dishes when placed in the incubator obviates the necessity of using the porous covers. In counting, the ordinary counting plates divided into 1 cm. squares may be used, but, whenever possible, all the colonies in a plate should be counted. The value of the quantitative estimation of bacteria in water is only a comparative one, and no arbitrary standards can be established for the purity of water on this basis. In general it may be said that water containing one hundred bacteria to the cubic centimeter or less is apt to be from a deep source and comparatively pure; that water containing five hundred bacteria to the cubic centimeter or over is open to suspicion, and that any water containing over one thousand to the cubic centimeter is probably from a polluted source. At the same time it is quite impossible to draw any direct conclusions from numerical colony counts, and all such results must be carefully weighed in the balance with qualitative analyses and chemical tests, and knowl- ‘edge of environmental conditions. Qualitative Bacterial Analyses of Water.—Of far greater importance than quantitative analysis is the isolation of bacteria either distinctly pathogenic, such as the cholera spirillum and the typhoid bacillus, 1 Hill, Jour. Med. Res., xiii, 1904. BACTERIA IN WATER 695 or of other species probably emanating from contaminating sources, such asa B. coli. Unfortunately there are no reliable methods by which typhoid and cholera germs can be isolated from water with any degree of regularity or certainty. Although frequently the isolation of such organisms is possible, a negative result in these cases is by no means eliminative of their presence. The isolation of typhoid bacilli from water is very difficult, chiefly because of the great dilution which contaminations undergo upon enter- ing any large body of water. The difficulty of isolating typhoid bacilli, even from the stools of infected patients, makes it clear that such diffi- culties are enhanced when a considerable dilution of the excreta takes place. Furthermore, water is by no means a favorable medium for the typhoid bacillus. Russell and Fuller! have shown that typhoid bacilli may die in water within five days, and it is unquestionable that the rate of increase of these bacteria is by no means equal to that of many other microorganisms for which polluted water at the temperature en- countered in streams and lakes forms a much more favorable medium. It is thus clear that even in infected waters the number of typhoid bacilli encountered can never be very great.? A large number of methods for the isolation of the typhoid bacillus from water have been devised. Most of the media used are identical with those employed for the isolation of these bacteria from the stools. These media have been discussed in the chapter dealing with the typhoid bacillus. Drigalski* has reported a method for which he claims considerable success in isolating typhoid bacilli from water, which depends upon the motility of the organisms. One- to two-liter samples of water are taken and allowed to stand at room temperature in high jars for one or two days. Small quantities are then removed from the surface and planted on Wurtz’s lactose litmus agar. The method depends upon the probabil- ity of the settling out of non-motile organisms and the possibility, there- fore, of getting motile organisms only in the plates. Parietti* and others have attempted to eliminate other organisms by adding phenol and hydrochloric acid to neutral broth, in the hope that the high acidity and the antiseptic qualities of the phenol will destroy more delicate organisms than the typhoid bacillus. Inasmuch as B. 1 Russell and Fuller, Jour. Inf. Dis., Suppl. 2, 1908. ? Laws and Anderson, Rep. of Med. Officer, London County Council, 1894. 3 Drigalski, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, xxiv, 1906. 4 Parietti, Rev. d’igiene e san. pub., 1890. 696 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK coli, however, withstands these reagents as well as B. typhosus, or even better, these methods have not met with great success. A method which has proved useful in the hands of Adami and Chapin is one which depends upon the phenomenon of agglutination. These authors collect water in two-!iter specimens and to each two liters add 20 c.c. of one per cent glucose broth. These samples are incubated at 37.5° C. for twenty-four hours, and at the end of this time quantities of 10 c.c. are withdrawn and placed in test tubes. To each of these tubes potent typhoid serum, preferably diluted 1:60, is added, and whenever agglutination occurs the flocculi are washed and plated on various media for identification. Vallet and others have attempted to precipitate typhoid bacilli out of water by chemical means. The purpose of these methods has been to entangle the bacteria in an inert precipitate, and thus concentrate the bacteria in water for purposes of cultivation. Vallet’s method is as follows: To two liters of water add 20 c.c. of a 7.75 per cent solution of sodium hyposulphite and 20 c.c. of a 10 per cent solution of lead nitrate. When the precipitate has settled, the clear supernatant fluid is decanted and the precipitate dissolved in a saturated sodium hypo- sulphite solution. This clear solution is then plated. Willson? has modified this method by adding to the water 0.5 gm. of alum to each liter. A precipitate is formed which may either be allowed to settle or may be brought down by centrifugalization. The supernatant fluid is removed and the precipitate plated. In actual work many of the methods which are aimed purely at B. coli may lead to success in the isolation of B. typhosus, because of the similarity of the two organisms in their reaction to definite media. Thus, the method of Jackson,? who employs one per cent of lactose in pure ox-bile for the isolation of B. coli, has occasionally led to the simul- taneous isolation of B. typhosus. The isolation of the vibrio of cholera is less difficult than that of B. typhosus, primarily because of the much greater numbers of these microorganisms discharged into sewage. The number of cholera spirilla in the excreta of cholera patients is enormously higher than is that of B. typhosus in the stools of typhoid-fever patients. It is not infre- quent, therefore, that the source of a cholera infection may be directly traced to the water supply. Koch,‘ the discoverer of the cholera vibrio, 1 Adami and Chapin, Jour. Med. Res., xl, 1904. 2 Willson, Jour. of Hyg., v, 1905. 3 Jackson Journ. of Inf. Dis., Suppl. 2, 1907. 4 Koch, Zeit. f. Hyg., xiv, 1893. BACTERIA IN WATER 697 has indicated a method which has frequently found successful applica- tion. To 100 c.c. of the infected water are added one per cent of pepton and one per cent of salt. This mixture is then incubated at 37.5° C., and after ten, fifteen, and twenty hours, specimens from the upper layers are examined microsopically and are plated upon gelatin. Upon the weak pepton solution cholera spirilla increase very rapidly at in- cubator temperatures, and then when plated in gelatin the detection of characteristic colonies is comparatively easy. Because of the great difficulties outlined above in isolating specific pathogenic germs from polluted waters, bacteriologists have attempted to form an approximate estimate of pollution by the detection of other microorganisms which form the predominating flora of sewage. Chief among these is B. coli. The isolation and numerical estimation of B. coli in polluted water has been for a long time one of the criteria of pollution. This so-called colon test, however, should always be ap- proached with conservatism and should never be carried out qualita- tively only. Careful quantitative estimation should be made in every case. B. coli in water is by no means always the result of human con- tamination, since this bacillus is found in great abundance in the in- testines of domestic animals. According to Poujol, B. coli does not even always point to fecal contamination, since this author was able to find the bacillus in the water of a number of wells where no possible contamination of any sort could be traced. Prescott! explains this, as well as similar cases, by the fact that organisms of the colon group may occasionally be parasitic upon plants. The opinions of hygienists are widely at variance as to the value of the colon test. While the discovery of isolated bacilli of the colon group may therefore be of little value, it is nevertheless safe to follow the opinion of Houston,? who states that the discovery of B. coli in considerable numbers invariably points to sewage pollution, and that the absolute absence of B. coli is, as a rule, reliable evidence of purity. Rosenau states that a ground water should be condemned even if only a few colon bacilli are found, for, as he puts it, “these bacteria have no business in a soil-filtered and properly protected well or spring- water.” Surface waters, however, may easily contain a few colon bacilli without necessarily having been exposed to contamination by 1 Prescott, Science, xv, 1903. * Houston, Rep. Medical Officer, Local Gov. Board, London, 1900. 698 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK human forces. The limit of safety, Rosenau states, is one colon bacillus per c.c. If more are present the water should be regarded as sus- picious. If more than 10 per c.c. are found the water must be re- garded as dangerous and unqualifiedly condemned. For the purpose of isolating B. coli from water, a large number of methods have been devised. In examining sewage or other pol- luted waters in which the number of colon bacilli is comparatively large, the direct use of lactose litmus agar plates yields excellent re- sults. Varying quantities of water may be added to this medium and the development of red colonies at incubator temperatures usually indicates the presence of bacilli of this species. These colonies may be fished and further identified. Copeland! has proposed the addition of .2 per cent of phenol to this medium in order to inhibit other bacteria. In water less grossly polluted, some method of enrichment must be employed in order to increase the number of bacteria so that they may be found in plates. For this purpose glucose bouillon in fermentation tubes, according to the method of Theobald Smith, may be employed.? In this medium, at a temperature of 37.5° C., the colon bacilli grow with great speed and transplants to plating media may be taken after eight or more hours’ incubation. A medium proposed by Jackson* has been found successful. This consists of undiluted ox-bile, to which has been added 1 per cent of lactose. For quantitative estimation of colon bacilli in water, Theobald Smith ‘ has proposed the use of dextrose bouillon in fermentation tubes, to which are added varying quantities of water, ranging from 0.001 to lec. The appearance of gas in any tube indicates the presence of B. coli, and the number can be approximately computed from the smallest quantity of water by which gas formation has been produced. The presence of B. coli in such fermentation tubes may be deter- mined without isolation and cultivation, by estimating the comparative amount of CO, in the gas.6 Whenever CO, forms approximately 33 per cent of the gas present, Irons concludes that B. coli is present. Jackson ® believes when lactose ox-bile is used that 25 per cent of gas within 72 hours may be regarded as positive for B. coli. 1 Copeland, Jour. Boston Soc. Med. Sciences, 1901. 2 Prescott, Science, xvi, 1902. 3 Jackson, Jour. Inf. Dis., Suppl. 2, 1907. 47h. Smith, 13th Ann. Rep. N. Y. 8. Board of Health. 5 Irons, Trans. Amer. Pub. Health Assn., xxvi, 1900. 6 Jackson, ‘Biol. Studies of Pupils of W. T. Sedgwick,” Boston, 1906. CHAPTER LIV BACTERIA IN MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS, BACTERIA IN THE INDUSTRIES BACTERIA IN MILK THE universal use of cows’ milk as a food, especially for the nourish- ment of infants, has necessitated its close study by bacteriologists and hygienists. It furnishes an excellent culture medium for bacteria and is, therefore, pre-eminently fitted to convey the germs of infectious dis- ease. The many changes which take place in milk, furthermore, and which add or detract from its nutritive value, are due largely to bacterial growth-and have been elucidated by bacteriological methods. Within the udder of the healthy cow, milk is sterile. If pyogenic or systemic diseases of bacterial origin exist in the cow, the milk may, under certain circumstances, be infected even within the mammary glands. In the milk ducts and in the teats, however, even in perfectly healthy animals, a certain number of bacteria may be found. For this reason, even when all precautionary measures are followed, the milk as received in the pail is usually contaminated. As a matter of fact, the anatomical location of the udder and the mechanical difficulties of milking make it practically impossible to collect milk under absolutely aseptic conditions, and, under the best circumstances, from 100 to 500 microorganisms per ¢.c. may usually be found in freshly taken milk. Withdrawn under conditions of ordinary cleanliness, the bacterial contents of milk are considerably higher than this. After the proc- ess of milking, in spite of all practicable precautions, the chances for the contamination of milk are considerable; but even could these be eliminated, the bacterial contents of a given sample would ultimately rapidly increase because of the rich culture medium which the milk provides for bacteria. Whether large increases shall take place or not de- pends, in the first place, upon the temperature at which milk is kept, and, in the second place, upon the length of time which intervenes before its consumption. Though fresh milk possesses slight bactericidal powers, 1 Rosenau and McCoy, Jour. Med. Res., 18, 1908. 699 700 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK these are by no means sufficient to be of practical importance in the inhibition of bacterial growth. Kept at or about freezing-point, the bacterial contents of milk do not appreciably increase. At higher tem- peratures, however, a rapid propagation of bacteria takes place which, especially during the summer months, speedily leads to enormous num- bers. In a case reported by Park,’ where milk, containing at the first examination 30,000 microorganisms per cubic centimeter, was kept at 30° C. (86° F.) for twenty-four hours, the count at the end of this time yielded fourteen billions of bacteria for the same quantity. It is of much importance, therefore, that the cleanliness of dairies, of cattle, and in the handling of milk should be reinforced by the utmost care in chilling and icing during shipment and before sale. Because of its great importance, especially for the health of the chil- dren in large cities during the summer months, the milk question has, of recent years, received much attention from health officers. In the city of New York, the question has been made the subject of many careful studies by Park” and his associates. Commissions, working ‘in Chicago, Boston,‘ and other large towns, have placed the sale of milk under more or less exact bacteriological supervision. Park has de- termined that the milk, as sold in New York stores during the cold weather, not infrequently averages seven hundred and fifty thousand bacteria per cubic centimeter; during the hot summer months, the bacterial contents of similar milk not infrequently average one million and more, for the same quantity. In consequence of these and other researches, large dairies have introduced bacteriological precautions into their method of milk production. They have attempted the reduc- tion of the bacterial contents of milk by scrupulous cleanliness of the ‘barns and of the udders and teats of the cow, by the elimination of dis- eased cattle, by sterilization of the vessels in which the milk is received, and of the hands of the milker; also by the immediate filtermg and cooling of the milk and the packing of the milk cans in ice, where they remain until delivered to the consumer. In consequence of such measures, it is possible for cities to be supplied with milk containing no more, and often less, than fifty thousand bacteria to the cubic centimeter. A standard of cleanliness has been established in various towns by the 1 Park, W. H., ‘‘ Pathogenic Bacteria,” New York, 1905, p. 463. 2 Park, Jour. of Hygiene, 1, 1901. 3 Jordan and Heinemann, Rep. of the Civic Federation of Chicago, 1904. 4 Sedgwick and Batchelder, Bost. Med. and Surg. Jour., 126, 1892. 5 Escherich, Fort. d. Medizin, 16 and 17, 1885. BACTERIA IN MILK 701 introduction of the so-called “certified milk,” which, by the New York Milk Commission, is required to contain no more than thirty thousand bacteria per cubic centimeter. Great stress is laid upon such numerical counts simply in that they are approximate estimates of cleanliness. Most of the bacteria, however, contained in milk are non-pathogenic, and numbers much larger than the maximum required for certified milk may be present without actual disease or harm following its consump- tion. The various species of bacteria which may be found in milk include almost all known varieties. Whether there are special, so-called milk bacteria or not is a question about which investigators have expressed widely differing opinions. It is probable that many of the species, formerly regarded as specifically belonging to milk, are there simply by virtue of their habitual presence in fodder, straw, or bedding, or upon cattle. It is likely, furthermore, that some of these species are found with great regularity because of their power to outgrow other species under the cultural conditions offered them in milk. Under normal conditions, milk always undergoes a process which is popularly known as souring and curdling. This is due to the forma- tion of lactic acid from the milk sugar and is the result of the enzymatic activities of several varieties of bacteria commonly found in milk. Most common among these bacteria is the so-called Bacillus lactis aérogenes, an encapsulated bacillus closely related to the colon-bacillus group. (See page 451.) The transformation of the lactose into lactic acid may occur either directly by hydrolytic cleavage: C,, Hy, O,, + H,0 = 4 C, H, O,; or indirectly through a monosaccharid, C, H,, O,, + H, O=2 C, H,, 0, =4 C, H, O,. Other microorganisms which may cause lactic-acid fermentation in milk are the so-called Streptococcus lacticus, the common pyogenic streptococcus, the Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus coli communis and communior, and many other species. Most commonly concerned inlactic- acid production, however, according to Heinemann,’ are the two first- mentioned, Bacillus lactis aérogenes and Streptococcus lacticus. The secret of the regularity with which some of these bacteria are present in sour milk is probably found in the ability of these varieties to withstand a much higher degree of acidity of the culture medium than other species. 1 Heinemann, Jour. of Inf. Dis., 3, 1906. 702 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK In consequence, they are able to persist and develop when cultural con- ditions are absolutely unsuited to other bacteria. Consequent upon acidification of the milk by lactic-acid formation, there is coagulation of casein. Casein precipitation, however, may also be due to a non-acid coagulation caused by a bacterial ferment. Casein precipitated in this way may be redissolved by a bacterial trypsin or casease, produced by the same or other bacteria, the milk again. becoming entirely liquid, transparent, and of a yellowish color. The casein precipitated by lactic-acid formation, however, is never thus redissolved, because the high acidity does not permit the pro- teolytic ferments to act.’ Butyric-acid fermentation in milk, a common phenomenon, is also an evidence of bacterial growth. As a rule, it is produced by the anaérobic bacteria, and is a process developing much more slowly than other fer- mentations. A large number of bacteria have been described which are capable of producing such changes, the chemical process by which they are produced being, as yet, not entirely understood. It is probable that the process takes place after hydrolysis of the disaccharid some- what according to the following formula: Cg Hy Og = C, Hg O, + 2 CO, + 2 Ha. Special bacteria have been described in connection with this form of milk fermentation,’ most of them non-pathogenic. It is unquestionable, however, that many of the well-known pathogenic bacteria, such as Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus, Bacillus cedematis maligni, possess the power of similar butyric-acid formation. While less commonly observed in milk, because milk is rarely kept long enough to permit of the action or development of these enzymes, the butyric-acid fermentation is of importance in connection with butter, where it is one of the causes pro- ducing rancidity. Alcoholic fermentation may take place in milk as a result of the ac- tivities of certain yeasts. Upon the occurrence of such fermentations depends the production of kefyr, koumys, and other beverages which have been in common use for many years, especially in the region of the Caucasus. The characteristic quality of these beverages is contrib- uted by the feeble alcoholic fermentation produced by members of the saccharomyces group, but side by side with this process lactic-acid forma- 1 Conn, Exper. Stat. Rep., 1892. 2 Schattenfroh und Grasberger, Arch. f. Hyg., 37, 1900. BACTERIA IN MILK 703 tion also takes place. Beijerinck,' who has carefully studied the so- called kefyr seeds, used for the production of kefyr in the East, has isolated from them a form of yeast similar in many respects to the ordinary beer yeast, and a large bacillus to which he attributes the lactic-acid formation. Occasional but uncommon changes which occur in milk lead to the formation of the so-called “slimy milk,’ yellow and green milk, and bitter milk. These may be due to a number of bacteria. A microorgan- ism which is commonly found in connection with the slimy changes in milk is the so-called Bacillus lactis viscosus. According to the researches of Ward,’ this microorganism is frequently derived from water and it is the water supply which should attract attention whenever such trouble occurs in dairies. The so-called blue, green, and yellow changes are usually due to chromogenic bacteria, such as Bacillus cyanogenes, Bacillus prodigiosus, and others. “Bitter milk,” a condition which has occasionally been observed epi- demically, is also the consequence of the growth of microorganisms. Conn,? in 1891, isolated from a specimen of bitter cream a diplococcus which occasionally forms chains and which in sterilized milk develops rapidly, producing an extremely bitter taste. The organism of Conn differs from a similar diplococcus described by Wagmann? in that it possesses the ability of producing butyric acid. Milk in Relation to Infectious Disease.—As a source of direct in- fection, milk is second only to water, and deserves close hygienic at- tention. A large number of infectious diseases have been traced to milk, although the actual proof of the etiological part played by it in such cases has often been difficult to adduce and has necessarily been indirect. Nevertheless, even when indirect proof only has been brought, it has been sufficiently convincing to necessitate the most careful investigation into milk supplies whenever epidemics of certain infectious maladies occur. Typhoid-fever epidemics have been frequently traced to milk in- fection, and, in this disease, milk is, next to water, the most frequent etiological factor. Schiider,® in an analysis of six hundred and fifty typhoid epidemics, found four hundred and sixty-two attributed to 1 Beijerinck, Cent. f. Bakt., vi, 1889. 2 Ward, Bull. 165, Cornell Univ. Agri. Exp. Stat., 1899. 3 Conn, Cent. f. Bakt., ix, 1891. * Wagmann, Milchztg., 1890. & Schider, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxxviii, 1901. 704 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK water, one hundred and ten to milk, and seventy-eight to all other causes. Trask * compiled statistics of one hundred and seventy-nine typhoid epidemics supposed to have been caused by milk, in various parts of the world. In all such epidemics the origin of infection was generally trace- able to diseased or convalescent persons employed in dairies, to con- taminated well water used in washing milk utensils, or to the use of cans and bottles returned from dwellings where typhoid fever had existed. Actual bacteriological proof of the infectiousness of milk by the isolation of Bacillus typhosus is rare, but has been accomplished in isolated in- stances. In the case of one epidemic, Conradi? isolated the bacillus from the milk on sale at a bakery at which a large number of the infected individuals had purchased their milk. The examination of market milk at Chicago, through a period of eight years, revealed the presence of typhoid bacilli but three times. In spite of the few cases in which actual bacteriological proof has been brought, it is not unlikely that careful and systematic researches would reveal a far greater number, since many writers have shown that typhoid bacilli may remain alive in raw milk for as long as thirty days, and may actively proliferate in the milk during this time. One peculiarity of epidemics which may aid in arousing the suspicion that they have originated in milk is that, in such cases, women and children are far more frequently attacked than men.* A feature which adds considerably to the dangers of milk infection is the unfortunate absence of any gross changes, such as coagulation, by the growth of typhoid bacilli. Scarlet fever,’ though as yet of unknown etiology, has in many cases been traced indirectly to milk infection. Trask has collected fifty-one epidemics of scarlet fever presumably due to milk. In one epidemic occurring in Norwalk, Conn.,° twenty-nine cases were distributed among twenty-five families living in twenty-four different houses. The indi- viduals affected did not attend the same school, and were of entirely different social standing, the only factor common to all of them being the milk supply. 1 Trask, Bull. No. 41, U. S. Pub. Health and Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash. 2 Conradt, Cent. f. Bakt., I, xl, 1905. 3 Heim, Arb. a. d. kais. Gesundheitsamt, v. + Wilckens, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvii, 1898. 6 Trask, loc. cit. ° Herbert FE, Smith, Rep. Conn. State Bd. of Health, 1897. BACTERIA IN MILK 705 Diphtheria has been frequently traced to the use of infected milk. In most of the epidemics reported as originating in this way, the proof has been necessarily indirect. In two out of twenty-three epidemics reported by Trask, however, Bacillus diphtheriae was isolated from the milk directly. The ability of the Klebs-Loeffler bacillus to proliferate and remain alive for a long while in raw milk has been demonstrated by Eyre! and others. Whether or not cholera asiatica may be transmitted by means of milk has beena disputed question. Hesse ’ claims that cholera spirilla die out in raw milk within twelve hours. This statement, however, has not been borne out by other observers.? Unquestionable cases of direct transmission of cholera by means of milk have been reported by a num- ber of writers, notably by Simpson.‘ The relation of milk to the diarrheal diseases of infants has, of late years, received a great deal of attention. In large cities, during the summer months, numerous cases of infantile diarrhea among bottle- fed babies occur, which, in many instances, are attributed to feeding with contaminated milk. Park and Holt,> who have made extensive re- searches upon this question in New York City, have come to the con- clusion that the harmful effects of contaminated milk upon babies can not be ascribed to any given single microorganism in the milk. Specifically toxic properties were found by these writers for none of the one hundred and thirty-nine different species of bacteria isolated from unsterilized milk. It is unlikely, therefore, that the diarrheal diseases among babies have a uniform bacteriological cause. Whether or not these diarrheal conditions depend entirely upon the bacterial contents of milk or, in a large number of cases at least, upon the inability of the child to digest cows’ milk because of chemical conditions, must be left undecided. Park and Holt, in analyzing their extensive data, conclude that milk containing “over one million bacteria to the cubic centimeter is certainly harmful to the average infant.” The significance of the presence of streptococci in milk, as an element of danger, has recently received much attention in the literature. Heine- mann,*® who has made a careful comparison of Streptococcus lacticus 1 Eyre, Brit. Med. Jour., 1899. 4 Hesse, Zeit. f. Hyg., xvii, 1894. 3 Basenau, Arch. f. Hyg., xxiii, 1895. ¢ Simpson, Indian Med. Gaz., 1887. & Park and Holt, Arch. of Ped., Dec., 1903. 46 6 Heinemann, Jour. Inf. Dis., 3, 1906. 706 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK (formerly spoken of as Bacillus acidi lactici [Kruse]), with other strep- tococci, has shown that, essentially, this streptococcus does not differ from streptococci from other sources, and is practically indistinguish- able by cultural methods from Streptococcus pyogenes. Similar com- parisons made by Schottmiillér,! Miller,? and others have led to like re- sults. Since streptococci may be found in milk from perfectly normal cows and are almost regularly associated with lactic-acid fermenta- tion, it is unlikely that these microorganisms hold ordinarily any specific relationship to disease. Recently, however, a number of epidemics of sore throat caused by streptococci have been traced to milk upon reasonably reliable evidence. Accounts of such epidemics in Chicago and in Baltimore have been published by Capps and Miller? and by Hamburger.* The presence of pus cells and leucocytes in milk, together with streptococci, was also formerly regarded as of great importance. .Enumerations of leucocytes in milk were first made by Stokes and Weggefarth.© Their method of enumeration consisted in centrifugaliz- ing a definite volume of milk, spreading the entire sediment over a definite area on a slide, and counting the leucocytes found in a number of fields. Calculations from this may then be made as to the number of leucocytes per cubic centimeter. This method, and modifications of it, have been used by a large number of observers, but the value of the con- clusions drawn from them has been much exaggerated. Normal milk may contain leucocytes in moderate numbers, and importance may be attached to such leucocyte counts only when their number largely ex- ceeds that present in other specimens of perfectly normal milk. When- ever such high leucocyte counts are found, of course, a careful veteri- nary inspection and examination for pyogenic disease should be made. Foot-and-mouth disease, an infectious condition prevailing among cattle, characterized by a vesicular rash on the mouth and about the hoofs, has, in a.number of cases, been definitely shown to be transmitted to man through the agency of milk. Notter and Firth® reported an epidemic occurring among persons supplied with milk from a single dairy in which foot-and-mouth disease prevailed among the cows. In this 1 Schottmiller, Minch. med. Woch., 1903. 2 Miller, Arch. f. Hyg., lvi, 1906. 3 Capps and Miller, Jour. A. M. A., June, 1912, p. 1848. 4 Hamburger, Bull. of the Johns Hopk. Hosp., xxiv, Jan., 1913. 5 Stokes and Weggefarth, Med. News, 91, 1897. 6 Notter and Firth, quoted from Harrington, “Theory and Practice of Hygiene.’ BACTERIA IN MILK 707 epidemic, two hundred and five individuals were affected with vesic- lar eruptions of the throat, with tonsillitis and swellings of the cervical lymph nodes. Similar cases have been reported by Pott.! Although anthrax has never been definitely shown to have been conveyed by milk, Boschetti? succeeded in isolating living anthrax bacilli from a sample of milk two weeks after its withdrawal from the cow. Milk and Tuberculosis—The question of the conveyance of tuber- culosis by means of milk is a subject which, because of its great im- portance, has been extensively investigated by bacteriologists. A large number of observers have succeeded in proving the presence of tubercle bacilli in the milk of tuberculous cows by intraperitoneal in- oculation of rabbits and guinea-pigs with samples of milk. Such posi- tive results have been obtained by Bang,’ Hirschberger,‘ Ernst,’ and many others. A number of these observers, notably Ernst, have shown that tubercle bacilli may be present in the milk without tuberculous dis- ease of the udders. In an examination of the milk supply of Washington, D. C.,° 6.72 per cent of the samples contained tubercle bacilli. The path of entrance of the bacilli from the cow into the milk has long been a subject of controversy. That the bacilli may easily enter the milk, when tuberculous disease of the udder is present, stands to reason and is universally conceded. It is now believed also, on the basis of much experimentation, that in systemically infected cows tubercle bacilli may pass through the mammary glands into the milk, without evidence of local disease in the secreting gland. An experi- ment performed by the Royal British Tuberculosis Commission’ illus- trates this point. A cow, injected subcutaneously with tubercle bacilli. behind the shoulder, began to discharge tubercle bacilli in the milk within seven days after inoculation and continued to do so until death from generalized tuberculosis. Milk may become indirectly contaminated, furthermore, with tubercle bacilli emanating from the feces of cows. It has been shown that tubercle bacilli are present in the feces of cattle so early in the disease that diagnosis can be made only by a tuberculin test.’ Whether or not contaminated milk is common as an etiological 1 Pott, Minch. med. Woch., 1899. 2 Boschetti, Giorn. med. vet., 1891. 3 Bang, Deut. Zeit. f. Tierchem., xi, 1884. 4 Hirschberger, Deut. Arch. f. klin. Med., xliv, 1889. 5 Ernst, H. C., Amer. Jour. Med. Sci., xeviii, 1890. 6 Anderson, Bull. No. 41, U. S. Pub. Health and Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash., 1908. 7 Quoted from Mohler, P. H., and Mar. Hosp. Serv. Bull. 41, 1908. 8 Schroeder and Cotton, Bull. Bureau Animal Industry, Wash., 1907. 708 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK factor in human tuberculosis, must be considered at present as an un- settled question. Behring, at the Congress of Veterinary Medicine, at Cassel, in 1903, advanced the view that pulmonary. tuberculosis in adults may be a late manifestation of a milk infection contracted dur- ing infancy. He stated as his own opinion, moreover, that most cases of tuberculosis in man are traceable to this origin. The problem is as difficult of solution as it is important. In bottle-fed infants, infection by means of milk unquestionably occurs with considerable frequency. Smith,’ Kossel, Weber, and Huess,? and others, have isolated tubercle bacilli of the bovine type from the mesenteric lymph nodes of many infected children. Animal experimentation has, furthermore, revealed that lesions in the mesenteric nodes, as well as later in the bronchial lymph nodes, may occur as a consequence of feeding tubercle bacilli, without any demonstrable lesions in the intestinal mucosa. It is thus certain that infection by the ingestion of tuberculous milk may occur, especially among young children who, as is well-known, are com- paratively susceptible to bacilli of the bovine type. Whether or not such infection will account for many cases of tuberculosis in adults is a ques- tion which, for final solution, will require much more investigation. The sole reliable method of approaching it lies in determining the type, human or bovine, of the bacilli present in a large number of cases. Ex- perience thus far seems to indicate that the bovine type is comparatively rare in the pulmonary disease of adults. The value of the tuberculin reaction for diagnosis, and the elimination of all cattle showing a positive reaction, for the prevention of tubercu- losis, can not be overestimated. The failure of the test in diseased animals is rare, and an accurate diagnosis can be established in over 90 per cent of diseased animals.* The assertion that the cattle are permanently injured by tuberculin injections is without scientific basis. If this test were conscientiously carried out, and infected cattle elim- inated, the dangers from bovine bacillus infection would be practically eliminated, for there are but few instances in which science has been able to furnish such definite information for absolute protection. It is need- less to say, however, that the carrying out of such precautions is subject to great expense and great difficulties of organization. Dairy inspection is practiced in the vicinity of many of our larger 1 Smith, Trans. Assn. Amer. Physic., 18, 1903. 2 Kossel, Weber, and Huess, Tuberkul. Arb. a. d. kais, Gesundheitsamt, 1904, 1905, Hft. 1 and 3. 3 Mohler, loc. cit. BACTERIA IN MILK 709 cities, and the movement is daily gaining ground. Until fully estab- lished, however, upon a financial basis which brings the best products within the means of the poorer classes, other inexpensive measures to render milk safe must often be resorted to. Sterilization by high temperatures is objected to by pediatricians because of the physical and chemical changes produced in the milk which are said to detract from its nutritive value. The development of scurvy and rickets in infants has often been attributed to the use of such milk. These objections, however, do not apply to the use of milk which has been subjected to the process of “pasteurization.” By this term is meant the heating of any substance to 60° C. for twenty to thirty minutes. The process, first devised by Pasteur for the purpose of destroying germs in wine and beer in which excessive heating was supposed to injure flavor, brings about the death of all microorganisms which do not form spores—in other words, of all the bacteria likely to be found in milk which can give rise to infection per os. At the same time the chemical and physical constitution of the milk is not appreciably changed, at least not to an extent which renders it less valuable as a food. Statistics by Park and Holt! have shown strikingly the advantages of pasteurized over raw milk in infant feed- ing. Of fifty-one children fed with raw milk during the summer months, thirty-three had diarrhea, two died, and only seventeen remained entirely well. Of forty-one receiving pasteurized milk, but ten had diarrhea, one died, and thirty-one remained entirely well throughout the summer. The actual diminution of the living bacterial contents of milk by pasteurization is enormous, the milk so treated often con- taining not more than one thousand, usually less than fifteen thou- sand, living bacteria to each cubic centimeter. Methods of Estimating the Number of Bacteria in Milk.—In estimating the number of bacteria in milk, colony counting in agar or gelatin plates is resorted to. Great care must be exercised in obtaining the specimens. If taken from a can, the contents of the can should be thoroughly mixed, since the cream usually contains many more bacteria than the rest of the milk. The specimen is then taken into a sterile test tube or flask. If the milk is supplied in an ordinary milk bottle, this should be thoroughly shaken before being opened, and the specimen for exam- ination taken out with a sterile pipette. Dilutions of the specimen can then be made in sterile broth or salt solution. If an initial dilution + Park and [folt, loc. eit. 710 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK of 1:100 is made, quantities ranging from 1 ¢.c. to 0.1 ¢.c. of this will furnish 0.01 c.c. to 0.001 c.c. of the milk, respectively. Inoculation of properly cooled tubes of melted neutral agar and gelatin, with varying quantities of these dilutions, are then made and plates poured. After twenty-four to forty-eight hours at room temperature or in the in- cubator, colony counting is done as described upon page 161, and the proper calculation is made. In samples in which few bacteria are expected, direct transference of 1/20 or 1/40 of a c.c. of the whole milk into the agar may be made. This saves time but is less accurate than the method given above. ; Bacteria and Butter.—Butter is made from cream separated from milk either by standing or by centrifugalization. After this, the cream is agitated by churning, which brings the small fat-globules into mutual contact, allows them to adhere to each other and form clumps of butter. It has been a matter of common experience, however, that unless the cream is allowed to “ripen” for a considerable period before churning, the resulting butter lacks the particular quality of flavor which gives it its market value. The interval of ripening, at first a necessity upon small farms where cream must be collected and allowed to accumulate, has now been recognized as an essential for the production of the best grades of butter, and it has been shown that the changes taking place in the cream during this period are referable to the action of bacteria. Cream, which before the ripening process contains but 50,000 bacteria to each cubic centimeter, at the end of a period of “ripening ’’ will often contain many millions of microorganisms. At the same time, the cream becomes thick and often sour. The species of bacteria which take part in this process and which, therefore, must determine to a large extent the quality of the end prod- uct, are various and, as yet, incompletely known. Usually some variety of lactic-acid bacilli is present and these, as in milk, outgrow other species and, according to Conn,' are probably essential for “ripening.” It would be of great practical value, therefore, if definite pure cultures of the bacteria which favor the production of agreeable flavors could be distributed among dairies. In Denmark this has been attempt- ed by first pasteurizing the cream and then adding a culture of bacteria isolated from “favorable” cream. These cultures, delivered to the dairyman, are planted in sterilized milk, in order to increase their quan- tity, and this culture is then poured into the pasteurized cream. In 1 Conn, “ Agricultural Bacteriology,” Phila., 1901. BACTERIA IN MILK 711 most cases, these so-called “starters” are not pure cultures, but mixtures of three or more species derived from the original cream. Adverse accidents in the course of butter-making, such as “souring” or “bittering” of butter, are due to the presence of contaminating, probably proteolytic, microorganisms in the cream during the process of “ripening.” As a means of transmitting infectious disease, butter is of importance only in relation to tuberculosis. Obermiiller,! Rabinowitch,? Boyce,’ and others, have repeatedly found tubercle bacilli in market butter, and Mohler, Washburn, and Rogers have recently shown that these bacilli could remain alive and virulent for as long as five months in butter kept at refrigerator temperature. The acid-fast butter bacillus, described by Rabinowitch as similar to the true Bacillus tuberculosis, shows decided cultural and morphological differences from the latter. Bacteria and Cheese.—The conversion of milk products into cheese consists in a process of proteid decomposition which, by its end products, leucin, tyrosin, and ammonia compounds, largely determines the cheese- flavors. The production of cheese, therefore, is due to the action of proteolytic bacterial enzymes® and the variety of a cheese is largely determined by the microorganisms which are present and by the cultural conditions prevailing. The sterilization of cream, or the addition of antiseptics, absolutely prevents cheese production. The organisms which are concerned in such processes have been extensively studied and attempts have been made, with moderate success, to produce a definite flavor with pure cultures. In the production of cheese the two varieties, hard and soft cheeses, depend not so much upon the bacterial varieties as upon the differ- ences in the treatment of the curds before bacterial action has begun. In the former case, a complete freeing of the curds from the whey furnishes a culture medium which is comparatively dry and of almost exclusively proteid composition; in the latter, retention of whey gives rise to cultural conditions in which more rapid and complete bacterial action may take place. The holes, which are so often observed in some of the hard cheeses, are due to gas production during the process of “ripening.” 1 Obermiiller, Hyg. Rundschau, 14, 1897. 2 Rabinowittch, Zeit. f. Hyg., xxvi, 1897. 3 Boyce and Woodhead, Brit. Med. Jour., 2, 1897. 4 Mohler, U.S. P. H. and Mar. Hosp. Serv. Bull. 41, 1908. 5 I’reudenreich, Koch’s Jahreshericht, etc., 135, 1891, 712 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK As to the varieties of microorganisms present in various cheeses, much careful work has been done. Duclaux! attributed the “ripening” of some of the soft cheeses to a microorganism closely related to Bacillus subtilis. V. Freudenreich ? in part substantiated this, but laid particular stress upon the action of Oidium lactis, a mold, and upon several varieties of yeast. Conn,’ more recently, in a bacteriological study of Camembert cheese, has demonstrated that the production of this cheese depends upon the united action of two microorganisms, one an oidium, like the Oidium lactis of Freudenreich, which is found chiefly in the interior softened areas, the other a mold belonging to the penicillium variety, found in a matted felt-work over the surface and penetrating but a short distance. In spite of the scientific basis upon which the work of these men and of others has seemed to place cheese production, attempts at uniformity in cheese production have met with almost insuperable obstacles because of the presence of a variety of adventi- tious microorganisms which, depending in species and proportion upon the local conditions under which the various cheeses have been produced, have added minor characteristics of flavor which have determined market value. Occasional failure of good results in cheese production * is due to contamination with other chromogenic or putrefactive bacteria. In its relationship to the spread of infectious disease, cheese is relatively unimportant except in regard to tuberculosis. Typhoid and other non-spore forming pathogenic germs can not survive the condi- tions existing during cheese-ripening for any length of time. Tubercle bacilli, both of the human and bovine types, have been found in cheese by Harrison * and others, and Galtier has shown experimentally that tubercle bacilli may remain alive and virulent in both salted and un- salted cheese for as long as ten days. THE LACTIC-ACID BACILLI AND METCHNIKOFF’S BACTERIO- THERAPY A problem which has occupied clinical investigation for many years is that of gastrointestinal autointoxication. There are a number of conditions occurring in man, in which symptoms profoundly affecting : Duclauz, ‘Le Lait,’ Paris, 1887. 2V. Freudenreich, Cent. f. Bakt., II, i, 1895. 3 Conn, Bull. Statis. Agri. Exp. Stat. 35, 1905. + Beijerinck, Koch’s Jahresber, ete., 82, 189. » Harrison and Galtier, quoted from Mohler, U.S. Pub, H. and Mar. Tlosp. Serv., iWygiene Lab, Bull. 41, 1908. LACTIC-ACID BACILLI 713 the nervous system, the circulation, and, in a variety of ways, the entire body, can be clinically traced to the intestines, and can, in many cases, be relieved by thorough purgation and careful diet. In some of these conditions, specific microorganisms can be held accountable for the diseases (B. enteritidis, B. botulinus, etc.). In other cases, however, etiological investigations have met with but partial success because of the large variety of microorganisms present in the intestinal tract and because of the complicated symbiotic conditions thereby produced. Intestinal putrefaction, recognized as the cardinal feature of such maladies, has been attributed to Bacillus proteus vulgaris,’ to Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus, to Bacillus putrificus,? and to a number of other bacteria, but definite and satisfactory proof as to the etiological im- portance of any of these germs has not yet been advanced. The fact remains, however, that, whatever may be the specific cause, the disease itself, a grave and often fatal affliction, may be clinically traced, in a number of cases, to the absorption of poisons from the intestinal canal, and it is more than likely that these poisons are the products of bacterial activity. Reason dictates, furthermore, that the bacteria primarily responsible for the production of these toxic substances do not belong to the varieties which attack carbohydrates only, but must belong to that class of aérobic and anaérobic germs which possess the power of breaking up proteids—in other words, the bacteria of putrefaction. On the basis of the mutual antagonism existing in culture between many acid-producing bacteria and those of putrefaction—a phenomenon recognized by some of the earliest workersin this field, many investigators have suggested the possibility of combating intestinal putrefaction by adding acid-forming bacteria together with carbohydrates to the diet of patients suffering from this condition. The first to suggest this therapy was Escherich * who proposed the use, in this way, of Bacillus lactis aérogenes; with the same end in view, Quincke,* a little later, suggested the use of yeasts—Oidium lactis. The reasoning underlying these attempts was meanwhile upheld by experiments carried out both in vitro and upon the living patient. Thus Brudzinski® was able to demonstrate that Bacillus lactis aérogenes, in culture, inhibited the development of certain races of the proteus species and succeeded in + Lesage, Rev. de méd., 1887. 2 Tissier, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1905. 3 Hscherich, Therapeut. Monatshefte., Oct., 1887. ‘ Quincke, Verhandl. des Congress f. Inn. Med., Wiesbaden, 1898. 6 Brudzinski, Jahrbuch f. Kinderheilkunde, 52, 1900 (Ergiinzungsheft), 714 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK obtaining markedly favorable results by feeding pure cultures of Bacillus lactis aérogenes to infants suffering from fetid diarrhea. Similar ex- periments + carried out with the Welch bacillus (aérogenes capsulatus) and Bacillus coli, however, had no such corroboratory results, since this anaérobe possesses a considerable resistance against an acid reaction. In considering the difficulties of the problems involved in this question, ae Oy j gr: Fig. 156.—Bacituus BULGARICUS. it occurred to Metchnikoff? that much of the practical failure of therapy, based upon the principles stated above, might be referred to insufficient powers of acid production on the part of Bacillus coli, Bacillus lactis aérogenes, and other germs previously used. In searching for more pow- erful acid producers, his attention was attracted to Bacillus bulgari- 1 Tissier and Martelly, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1906. 2 Metchnikoff, ‘‘Prolongation of Life,” G. P. Putnam’s Sons, N. Y.; also in “ Bac- tériothérapie,” ete, “Bibliothéque de thérapeutique,’ Gilbert and Carnot, Paris, 1909. BACTERIA IN THE INDUSTRIES 715 cus, isolated from milk by Massol * and Cohendy? in 1905. This bacillus, according to the researches of Bertrand and Weisweiller,? produces as much as 25 grams of lactic acid per liter of milk. In addition to this, it manufactures, from the same quantity of milk, about 50 centigrams of acetic and succinic acids and exerts no putrefactive action upon pro- teids. Added to these characters, it is especially adapted to therapeutic application by its complete lack of pathogenicity. The administration of the bacillus to patients suffering from intestinal putrefaction, first suggested by Metchnikoff in 1906, has, since that time, been extensively practiced and often with remarkable success. In spite of sharp criticism, especially by Luersen and Kiihn,* who deny much of the antiputrefactive activity of the bacillus, the treatment of Metchnikoff has found many adherents, upon the basis of purely clinical experiment. It is not possible to review completely the already ex- tensive literature. Among the more valuable contributions may be mentioned the articles by Grekoff,> by Wegele,® and by Klotz.’ In Metchnikoff’s experiments and in the work of his immediate successors, the bacillus was used either in milk culture or in broth in which it was induced to grow in symbiosis with other microorganisms. Recently, North * has suggested the use of Bacillus bulgaricus in parts of the body other than the digestive tract. His work was made feasible by the discovery that the bacillus could be cultivated in dex- trose-pepton broth to which calcium carbonate has been added, after the manner recommended by Hiss. With such cultures, applied in the form of a spray, inflammations of the ear, nose, throat, genitourinary tract, etc., have been treated, many of them with success. BACTERIA IN THE INDUSTRIES Bacteria and Tobacco.—In the manufacture of tobacco, the har- vested leaves are first dried and then heaped up in large masses in which the tobacco undergoes fermentation. During this fermentation, which 1 Massol, Revue médicale de la Suisse romande, 1905. 2 Cohendy, Comptes rend. de la soe. de biol., 60, 1906. 3 Bertrand and Wersweiller, Ann. de l’inst. Pasteur, 1906. 4 Luersen and Kihn, Cent. f. Bakt., II, xx, 1908. 5 Grekoff, ‘Observations cliniques sur l’effet du lact. agri.,” etc., St. Petersburg, 1907. 5 Wegele, Deut. med. Woch., xxxiv, 1908. 7 Klotz, Zentralbl. f. innere Med., 1908. 8 North, Med. Record, March, 1909. 716 BACTERIA IN AIR, SOIL, WATER, AND MILK goes on at temperatures varying from 50°C. to 60° C., carbohydrates are split up and much nicotin is destroyed.!_ The end products consist largely of CO, and various organic acids, butyric, formic, succinic, etc. During the fermentation, bacteria of many varieties are found in the heaps of tobacco leaves and many attempts have been made to deter- mine flavors artificially by inoculating tobacco leaves of a poorer quality with cultures obtained from the finer Havana grades. Suchsland? and others, who have attempted this, claim to have obtained marked im- provements in domestic products by this method. The bacteria found in tobacco fermentation belong to many varieties. Some of these are closely related to the proteus and subtilis groups. Others are distinctly thermophilic, an attribute required by the high temperatures attained in the fermenting tobacco leaves. It is probable that the tobacco flavors can not be regulated by bacteriological methods alone, since it has been shown by Loew * that an important factor in the tobacco fer- mentation is contributed by the leaf-enzymes, which, of course, depend intimately upon soil and climatic conditions. Opium Productions.—In the preparation of opium for smoking pur- poses, the raw product is subjected to a prolonged period of fermentation by which the carbohydrates in the material are destroyed. According to various observers, the process is carried out in most cases by a species of aspergillus. Indigo Production.—Indigo, which is obtained from the plants “Tsatis tinctoria” and “Indigofer tinctoria,” is not present, as such, in the plants. In some of these it is found in the form of indican, in others, as indoxyl. It has been shown by Alvarez and others that the oxida- tion of indican and indoxy] into indigo-blue is carried out largely by bacterial oxydases. Sterilized indigo plants do not produce the blue color. Alvarez * has isolated a bacillus closely related to the Bacillus mucosus capsulatus group, to the action of which he attributes this oxidation. Bacteria in the Tanning of Hides—Raw animal hides are subject to decomposition until treated by a process known as tanning. This consists first in the depilation of the dried and salted skins, either by partial putrefaction in an atmosphere saturated with water vapor or by chemical treatment with solutions of milk of lime. After this, the 1 Behrens, quoted from Fligge, ‘‘ Die Mikroorganismen,” Bd. 1, Leipzig, 1896. 2 Suchsland, Ber. der Deut. botan. Ges., ix. 3 Loew, Rep. U. 8. Dep. Agriculture, 59, 1899. * Alvarez, Comptes rend, de l’acad. des sci. vol. 105, BACTERIA IN THE INDUSTRIES 717 tanning proper consists in subjecting the skins to prolonged immersion in solutions made up according to a large variety of formula—the principle of all of which, however, seems to be found in the mixing of various organic ingredients, such as bran-mash, oak-bark, and often dried animal excreta, in which fermentation and acid production occurs. According to Haenlein ! this acidification is the essential process by which the leather is sterilized and rendered soft and pliable. This author has described a microorganism, Bacillus corticalis, which he found regu- larly present in fir-tree bark and to which he ascribes the acid fermenta- tion occurring in tanning liquors in which this ingredient is employed. Wood,? who has worked extensively upon the subject, has attempted with some success to substitute pure cultures for the old uncertain chance mixtures employed. In spite of these investigations, however, while we must acknowledge the probable importance of bacteria in the tanning process, the subject is by no means upon a scientific or exact basis. 1 Haenlein, Cent. f. Bakt. II, i, 1895. 2 Wood, Jour. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1895, 1899. INDEX OF AUTHORS ABBOTT, 97, 326 ABEL, 189, 450, 452, 557 ABEL AND CLAUSSEN, 585 ACHARD AND BENSAUDE, 430 ADAMI, 392 ADAMI AND CHapin, 696 AGRAMONTE, 669, 670 ALBRECHT AND GuHOoN, 376, 377, 378, 555, 561 ALLEGRI, 502 ALVAREZ, 716 ALVAREZ AND TAvEL, 503 ANDERSON, J. G., 707 ANDERSON AND GOLDBERGER, 677, 678 ANDERSON AND McC uintic, 80 ANDREWES AND Horpsr, 349 ARISTOTLE, 2 ARLOING, 63 ARLOING AND CHaAUvEAD, 471 ARLOING, CORNEVIN AND THomas, 468 Artoine, LEcLAINCHE, AND VALLEE, 468 Arnine, 509 ARONSON, 91, 346, 347, 348, 350 ARRHENIUS AND MaDsEN, 211 ARTHUS, 297 ARusTAMoFF, 619 Asakawa, 214 Ascott anp Ficart, 201 AXENFELD, 546 Bass, 11, 510, 514, 550, 613, 614, 623, 648 Bases anD Lepp, 197 Baginsky, 343, 460, 519 Bacinsky AND SOMMERFELD, 348, 344, 676 Bat,' 292, 2938, 330 Bait anp Perrerson, 292 Bait anp WEIL, 293 Batpwin, 494 BaNDELIER AND RoEPKE, 497 BANDI AND SIMONELLI, 596 Bane, 707 Banzuar, 219, 220 BARKER AND Cote, 424 BasEnav, 430, 705 Bauer, 268 . BaumGaRtTEn, 106, 479, 486 Baumer, 540 Beck, 493, 499, 514 Beck, M., Ko.iz, anpD WasSsERMANN, 517 BEcKMANN, 78 Brnrens, 716 v. Benrine, 76, 77, 78, 79, 195, 205, 221, 295, 487, 490, 569 v. BEHRING AND Kitasato, 196, 198 v. Bering anp Krrasuina, 295 v. BEHRING AND WERNICKE, 196, 198 BEIJERINCK, 26, 27, 703, 712 BELFANTI, 458 BELFANTI AND CARBONE, 200 BEusaErr, 198 BERANECK, 493 BERESTNEW, 618, 620, 626 BERTARELLI, 501, 590, 602, 603 BERTHELOT, 54 BERTRAND AND WEISWEILLER, 715 BEsREDKA, 298, 302, 345, 416 BESREDKA AND STEINHARDT, 299 BEUERMANN AND GoucERoT, 645 BEzangon, 334 Brzancon, GRIFFON, AND LE Sourp, 548 BiEnstock, 393, 481 Biaes AND Park, 231 BILiroTs, 7 Binacut, 368 Bircu-HirscHFeLp, 192, 392 Bitter, 31, 168, 503 Buaise anp SamBac, 64 Buioopcoon, 474 Buiomer, 411 Bogart anp Bernarp, 201 719 720 INDEX OF Botanp, 579 Bo.uincEr, 622 Botton, 24 Borpet, 200, 224, 225, 228, 232, 236, 240, 242, 243, 337, 346, 367, 545 BorvEt anv Gay, 261 BorpbeEt anp Grencou, 245, 261, 262, 543 Borpont-UFFREDUzZzI, 359 Borissow, 328 Borsirxow, 139 Boscuertt, 707 Bostrorm, 624 Boyce anD WoopHeEapD, 711 Brav AND DENIER, 589 BRAUELL, 6 Brigcer, 185, 195, 415 BRIEGER AND Borr, 462, 522 BRIEGER AND Coun, 461, 462 BriEGER AND FRANKEL, 521 BRIEGER AND KEMPNER, 478 Britt anp Lipman, 579 Brovuacuton, 427 Bruce, 550 Bruck, 215 Brupzinsk1, 713 v. Brunn, 90 BucuHNER, 22, 63, 152, 186, 198, 203, 224, 225, 389, 691 BucHNER AND Haun, 492 BucHNER AND ME&ISENHEIMER, 50 Bopp, 399 BipinceEr, 327 Burrcer, 99, 349, 351, 355 Burron, 4 BULLOCK AND ATKIN, 282, 284 Buuiock AND HunTsER, 581 BULLOCK AND WESTERN, 282 Bum, 380, 381 BuNGE AND TRAUTENROTH, 106 BurRKHOLTz, 63 Busse, 631 Birscuu, 11, 12 Buxton, 428, 429 Buxton anp CotEMaN, 180, 431 Cacntarp-LATour, 3 CaLxins, 650, 658 CaLMETTE, 199, 203, 494 AUTHORS CALMETTE AND GUERIN, 660, 662 Canauis, 189 Canrora, 460 CANTACUZENE, 280 Cantant, 539 Capatpl, 134 Capps AND MILLER, 706 Caro AND Ratrone, 456 Carnot AND FourniEr, 363 CaRRIERE, 47 CaRrRo.t, 671 Carter, 627 CasTELLANI, 234, 405, 614 CrrtEs, 35 CHAMBERLAND AND Rooux, 194, 569, 571 CHANTEMESSE, 412, 424 CHANTEMESSE AND WIDAL, 418 CuaPIn, 562 CuHagRIN, 577, 578 CHARRIN AND RocEr, 228 CuavveEat, 195, 574 CuRISTEN, 67, 69 CurisTmas, 385 Cuup1aKow, 27 Cuurcuman, 140 CHURCHMAN AND MicHazL, 140 Cirron, 273, 294 Ciarrmont, 449 CiaRKE, 658 Crass, 676 CiE@a, 506 CosBett, 524 ConeEnpy, 715 Coun, 5, 36 Cog, 366 CoLEMAN AND Buxton, 405 Cotzs, 504 Conn, 415, 702, 703, 710, 712 Conor, 678 Conranl, 137, 405, 443, 704 Conrapi AND Driaatsk1, 135 ConsEIL, 678 CopELanp, 698 Cornet, 342, 487 CorniL AND BaBEs, 669 Councitman, 658 Councinman, Ma.iory, AND WRIGHT, 374, 376, 377 INDEX OF CouRMONT AND Doyen, 463 Craia anD NicHo.s, 604 CRAMER, 21 CreiTe, 460 CrowELL, 561 Curtis, 631 Cusxine, 431 CusHING anpD Livinaoop, 392 D’ARSONVILLE AND CHARRIN, 65 DavainE, 6, 563 Davis, 343 Dean, 283, 510 Dersranp, 461 DELEZENNE, 201 DENEKE, 591 Denys, 346, 490, 492, 497 Denys anp Lecter, 281, 346 Denys anp Marcuanp, 346 Denys anp VAN DE VELDE, 331 De ScHWEINITz AND Dorset, 22, 490 DrsLonccHamps, 326 De Toma, 486 DevutscH AND FEISTMANTEL, 292 Dizvuponng&, 64, 216, 566, 584 Dossin, 474 Docuez, 366 Doerr, 186, 299, 443 Doerr anp Russ, 303 Donatu anp LANDSTEINER, 248 Donrrz, 188, 218 DovrreLepont, 504 Dreyer AND Mapsen, 209, 215 Dricasxi, 695 DriGaLsk1 AND ConrantI, 406 DvsBarre AND Terre, 501 Douctavx, 712 Ducrey, 548 v. DuncERN, 201, 242, 411 Dunuam, 386, 472, 473, 584 DouruaM, 428, 434 Duruam anp Myzrs, 669 Duscg, 4 Dourron anp Topp, 608 Dovat, 506 Dovat anD WELLMAN, 506 EseErtu, 399 47 AUTHORS 721 EnRENBERG, 2 Exruicn, 7, 104, 187, 193, 199, 203, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 213, 238, 464, 481 Exruicu, KosseL, AND WASSERMANN, 205 ExRuicH AND MorcENROTH, 226, 241, 242, 243, 246 Euruicu anp Sacus, 242, 243 EIcustTEDT, 639 EISENBERG, 580 EISENBERG AND VOLK, 420 v. EIsLer AND Prisram, 459 Esxmann, 47, 49 Esser, 377 Eser anp Huntoon, 376, 378, 379, 387 Exsner, 408 Enno, 135 ENGELMANN, 27, 61 Eprincer, 573, 620 Epstein, 77, 178, 619 Ernst, 11, 579, 707 EscHERICH, 343, 389, 394, 453, 515, 700, 713 v. Esmarcg, 68, 147, 149 Evans AnD RussELL, 92 Ewine, 596, 658 Eyre, 166, 550, 705 Eyre anp WasHzurn, 360 Farnet, 413 Favure-BEavlign, 384 Frs.eisen, 336, 341, 342 FERMI AND PErnosst, 462 FERRAN, 28, 195, 458, 590 FErri AND CELI, 64 Ficker, 62, 231, 423 Fiexp, 678 Fincer, 530, 535 FINGER AND LANDSTEINER, 603 FinkestTein, 579 FINnKLER AND Prior, 591 Fintay, 670 Firta anp Horrocks, 687 FIscHER AND PRosSKAUER, 88 Fisuer, 9, 56, 59, 325 Fisuir, A., 10, 19, 23, 24 FirzGERAp, 450 FLEXNER, 197, 378, 413, 486, 444, 620 722 INDEX OF FLEXNER AND JOBLING, 378 FLEXNER AND Lewas, 665 FLEXNER AnD Nocucal, 462 Friseae, 84, 85, 198, 325, 385, 586 Foa, 360 Foa AND CARBONE, 362 v. Fopor, 198, 224 Focss, 460 Foors, 415 Forneaca, 334 Forster, F., 32, 586 Fracastor, 2 FRANKEL, A., 353, 355, 360, 362, 404. 412, 421, 447, 472, 504, 570, 619, 686 FRANzOT?, 326 FREUDENREICH, 711, 712 FRIEDBERGER, 304 FRIEDBERGER AND Hartocg, 303 FRIEDEMANN, 303 FRIEDLANDER, 352, 447 FrrepMann, 501 v. Friscu, 451 Froscu anD Ko te, 339, 368 FuHRMANN, 44 FULLER, 692 FURBRINGER, 88 GaBBET, 105, 481 GaFFky, 333, 399, 400, 469 Garrky, PFEIFFER, STICKER, AND DIEv- DoNNgs, 561 GaLtTiER, 485, 535 GaMaLElA, 590 Garrt, 327 GARTNER, 429 GavINo AND GtirarD, 677 Gay, 243, 244, 427, 446 Gay AnD CLAYPOLE, 405 Gay AND SoutHarp, 299, 300, 302 Gencou, 240, 244, 273 GEpPERT, 86 GrssarD, 577, 579 GHEORGHIEWSKI, 581 GHON AND PFEIFFER, 376, 386 GHON AND Preyss, 539 Grsson, 219 GIBSON AND CoLLins, 219 Giemsa, 108 AUTHORS GILBERT, 430 GuucuRIst, 631 Guosie, 33 GOLDBERGER, 677 Go.pHorn, 598 Goopwin anp v. SHOLLY, 376 Gorpon, 350 Goraas, 670 GOTTSCHLICH, 23, 557 Govuasrot, 644 Gram, 102 Gran, 49 GRANCHER AND LEDOUX-LEBARD, 485 GRASSBERGER, 539 Grawitz, 640 Grekorr, 715 GRUBER, 67, 78, 421 GRUBER AND Duruam, 200, 228, 234 Grusy, 642 Grunp, 584 GRUNHAGEN, 657 GUARNIERI, 357, 359, 360, 657 GUERIN, 662 GuitEras, 673 GuMPRECHT, 463 GinrTueEr, 352 Gwyn, 430, 475 Haas, 66 HaEn.ein, 717 HaFrkine, 590 Haun, 190, 191, 416, 492 Ha.uisr, 7 Hampurcer, 303 HaMMarstTeEn, 46 HamMERScHLAG, 22, 490 Hane, 326 Hankin and Leumann, 20 HaNKIN AND WESBROOK, 168 HansEmann, 501 Hansen, 505, 631 HARDING AND OsTENBERG, 136, 433 Harrincton, 91 Harrison, 425 Harrison anD Gautier, 712 Hartman, 340 Hauser, 151, 454 Heim, 704 INDEX OF Herman, 381, 384 HEINEMANN, 701, 705 HEKTOEN, 283, 675 HEKTOEN AND RUEDIGER, 282, 283 HELLMIcH, 22 HELLRIEGEL AND WILFARTH, 55, 56 HENLE, 3 HENRIJEAN, 459 HERIcOURT AND RicHET, 296 Herter, 177, 394, 475 Hesse, 27, 133, 485, 705 Hizpert, 31, 520 Hitt, 86, 94, 694 Hirscu, 554, 587 HirscHBERGER, 707 Hiss, 13, 98, 132, 251, 289, 337, 338, 339, 340, 347, 349, 351, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 364, 365, 369, 407, 408, 411, 439, 440 Hiss anp ATKINSON, 198, 219 Hiss anp RussELu, 438 Hiss anp ZinssER, 291, 366, 379 Horrman, 233 HorrMaNnn-WELLENHOFF, 522 Hoeyss, 652, 655, 656 Hotst, 430 Homes, 675 Hopxins anp Lana, 349 Horron-Smitu, 407, 411 Houston, 686, 697 Howarp, 451 Howarp AnD Perkins, 350, 369 Huser, 538, 540 Hupp.eston, 662 Hueprs, 551 HvEpre AND Woop, 575 HUNTEMULLER, 691 Hunter, 198 Trons, 698 Isanrr, 363 IsraE, 622 Iwanow, 569 JACKSON, 138, 696, 698 JACKSON AND MELIA, 133, 138 JAGER, 373, 451 JENNER, 108, 193, 659 AUTHORS 723 Joacim, 198 JOHNSTON, 404 Jonss, 75 Joos, 233 JORDAN AND HEINEMANN, 700 JORDAN AND Irons, 693 JORDAN, RusseLL, AND ZEIT, 414 JORGENSEN AND Mapsen, 233 Kamen, 394, 534 Kappss, 21 Karinsky, 411 KE zy, 343 Kempner, 199 KEMPNER AND PoLuAcK, 478 KEMPNER AND SCHEPILEWSRY, 215 Kircuer, 1 KisTer anp WOLFF, 237 Kitasato, 456, 459, 462, 465, 555, 559 Kitasato aNnD WEYL, 27 Kirt, 468 Kirt anp Mayr, 554 Kzss, 7, 352, 493, 512, 669 Kuen, 176, 404, 424, 480 K.emprrer, 503 KLempPErer, G. ann F., 362 KLINGMULLER AND BAERMANN, 604 Kuotz, 715 Kwapp, 525, 542 KNOEPFELMACHER, 665 Kworr, 205, 295, 340 KoBeErt AND STILLMARCK, 204 Koc, 7, 63, 73, 77, 84, 86, 89, 321, 335, 352, 404, 469, 479, 483, 490, 491, 492, 493, 496, 497, 498, 542, 563, 566, 569, 570, 582, 587, 609, 610, 696 Kocu anp Petruscuky, 345 Koca anp Rasinovitscu, 500 Kocu anp WoLFFHUGEL, 65, 570 Kocu, Garrky, AND LOEFFLER, 65, 564 Ko.ie anp Hetscu, 593 Ko.ie anp Orro, 331 Ko.ie anp WASSERMANN, 189, 190, 191, 378, 502 Korn, 502 Korscuun, 291 KossEx, 204, 532 KossEu anD OVERBECK, 551 724 Kosset, WEBER, AND Heuss, 499, 500, 708 Korsar, 628 KRavnHALs, 569 Kraus, 186, 200, 235, 237, 328, 329, 423, 443, 446, 589, 590 Kraus ano Dorr, 441, 444 Kravs anp Low, 232, 397 KRavts AND V. PirQueEt, 236 Krauts AND STENITZER, 416 KRESLING, 532 Kretz, 217 Kronie anp Patt, 74, 77, 78, 80, KRUMWIEDE, 614 KRUMWIEDE AND Pratt, 140 KRUMWIEDE, Pratt, AND Grunp, 584 Kruse, 292, 437, 444, 446, 540, 552 Korts, 431 Kuster, 501 Kotscuer, 342, 431 KutTscHER AND MEINICKE, 432 KUTSCHERT AND NEISSER, 525 LacHNER-SANDOVAL, 618 LaNnDSTEINER, 201 LANDSTEINER AND Jacic, 240 LANDSTEINER AND LevapiTt, 665 LANDSTEINER, MULLER, AND PoETZL, 263 LANDSTEINER AND PoppEr, 664 Lane, 349 Lanz AND TAVEL, 343 Lassar, 602 LavERAN, 592 Laws anp ANDERSON, 695 LECLAINCHE AND VALL&E, 467 LepprerHose, 578 LEEUWENHOEK, 1 LEIcHTENSTERN, 372 LetsHMaN, 281 Lremsxe, 392 Lentz, 438 Lerrerre, 377 Le Roy, Des Barres, AND WEINBERG, 368 Lesacs, 713 Lrvcus, 137 LevapitT1, 277, 280, 283 LevabiTi aND INMANN, 283 INDEX OF AUTHORS Levapit1 AND MANOUELIAN, 599, 616 LevapitI AND Petresco, 596 Lewitu, 66 Lipman, 339, 348, 431 Lipman AnD RosENTHAL, 370 Lisortius, 149 v. LINGELSHEIM, 328, 331, 337, 340, 346, 348, 387 . LinossizR AND Roux, 640 Lister, 6 Lozs, 324 LorrFF.er, 14, 100, 110, 136, 512, 520, 522, 528, 530 LoEFFLER AND Froscu, 678 Lorrrier anp Scuiitz, 528 Loew, 25, 716 L6sLEIN, 282 Lonecopre, 432 Lowenste1n, 501 Lusarscu, 190 LiisBert, 326 Lurrsen anp Kian, 715 LusteartTen, 503, 594 Maassen, 53 Macrapyen, 363 Macrapyen anp Row.anp, 416 Mapszgn, 218, 521 Maruccrt, 480, 490, 500 Ma .iory, 623, 676 MALLory AND Wriaut, 110, 112, 150, 454 Many, 96, 474 Marac iano, 498 Marsarx, 341, 342, 348 Marcaiarava AND CELL, 371 MarcnHovx AND SALIMBENI, 615 Marcuovx, SALIMBENI, AND Srmonn, 673 Marcuoox anp Simonp, 674 Marie anp Morax, 463 Manrinesco, 478 Marmisr, 344 Marmorek, 344, 498 Marscuat, 371 Marty, L., 468, 521 Martin AND CHERRY, 204 Martini AND LEnTz, 438 Marx, 347 INDEX OF AUTHORS Massot, 715 McCurntTI1c, 80 McCoy, 510, 559, 560, 562 McCoy anp Cuapin, 562 MEnnEs, 362, 366 MEsniL, 232 Messe, 15 MetcunixorF, 188, 200, 201, 224, 225, 228, 232, 275, 588, 603, 714 METCHNIKOFF AND BESREDKA, 426 METCHNIKOFF AND Rovx, 601 Mercunikorr, Roux, AND SALIMBENI, 589 Meyer, 187 MEYER AND Ransom, 463 MicwazE is, 96, 253, 263 Micuet, 516 MicHELson, 619 Mrenssco, 63 Mieuta, 12, 36, 325, 472 Mixuticz, 452 Mier, 411, 706 MIQvEL, 32, 690 Mrircae.t, J. P., 167 MoELLER, 98, 501 Moster, 495, 679, 707, 708, 711, 712 Mott, 198 MottscHanorr, 385 Momont, 570 Montt, 658 Morax, 545 Morax anp Manin, 462 Morgan, 404, 431 MorceEnroTa, 202 MorcENRoTH AND Sacus, 265 Moro, 492 Morpoureo, 189 Moser, 676 Mooton, 275 Moxter, 241 Mucg, 482 Mixtens, 600, 603 MUSLSCHLEGEL, 17 Mier, 334, 504, 706 Mier, Fr., 325 Mu.ier, Orro Friepricna, 2 Miter, P. Tu., 243, 254, 255, 272 Mouzer, 595, 602 725 Montz, 25 Muwnrz anp ScHLossina, 57 Myers, 215, 253 NarcELi, 486 NaxanisuI, 10, 11, 16, 17 NastsuKorr, 539 NEEpHaM, 4 Neca, 648 Netsser, 107, 329, 380, 505, 514 NEISSER, BAERMANN, AND HALBER= STADTER, 615 NEISSER AND Sacus, 246, 273 NEISSER AND SuiGa, 443 NEISSER AND WECHSBERG, 201, 244, 329, 330, 331 NENCKI AND SCHEFFER, 21 NEvrFELD, 345, 364, 365, 369, 412 NEUFELD AND HAENDEL, 366 NEUFELD AND Hine, 283 NEUFELD aND Rimpav, 282, 366 NEUFELD AND TOPFER, 283 Neumann, 411, 579 Nicnots, 604 Nicouarer, 456 NIco._z, 233, 298, 300, 506, 602 NIcoLLe, Conor, AND ConsEIL, 678 NIcoLLE AND THENEL, 233 NIELSEN, 481 Nixati anD Rietscu, 587 NIKOLAYSEN, 385 Nissen, 76 Nocarp, 430, 500, 530, 620 Nocarp anp Roux, 10, 480, 500 Nocucut, 264, 265, 267, 270, 600, 601, 604, 616, 617, 651 Norris, 237, 253, 424 Norris anp LarkIN, 620, 621 Norris, PapPpENHEIMER, AND FLOUR- noy, 606 Norra, 715 Norrer AnD Firts, 706 Novy anv Freer, 64 Novy anp Knapp, 592, 606, 610 Nurrai, 198, 224, 237, 241, 253, 560 NvTTALL AND THIERFELDER, 392 OBERMEIER, 6, 605 726 INDEX OF OBERMULLER, 711 Ogston, 321, 335 Oxnno, 439, 446 OMELIANSKI, 49, 58 OMELTSCHENKO, 79 Opuiizs, 631, 632 OPPENHEIMER, 43, 47 OsTENBERG, 136 Orro, 297, 298, 300, 669, 674 OTTOLENGHI, 359 Overton, 187 Paumer, 349 Pane, 232, 362, 366 Papasotiriv, 391 PapPENHEIM, 106, 483 PaRiettT1, 695 Park, 89, 216, 217, 412, 700 Park AND Carey, 439 Park anp DunHaAM, 438 Park anv Hott, 705, 709 Park AND KRUMWIEDE, 487 Park AND THRONE, 220 Park AND WILLIAMS, 366, 521 Paropt, 602 PasquaLe, 338, 591 PassEt, 326, 337 Pasteur, 5, 41, 189, 192, 193, 194, 196, 321, 352, 468, 552, 553, 573, 631, 647 PasTEUR AND CHAMBERLAND, 122 PasTEUR, CHAMBERLAND, AND Rovx, 194, 571 Paut, 659, 660, 661, 663 PEABODY AND Pratt, 137, 409 Pearce, 202 Perkins, 448 PERRONE, 339, 344 Perri, 502, 717 PEeTRUSCHKY, 342, 404, 411, 426, 618, 620 Perrerson, 291 PFAUNDLER, 231, 232, 234 Prerrer, 54, 56 Preirrer, 195, 199, 230, 255, 279, 416, 536, 537, 541, 588, 589, 657 PFEIFFER AND Beck, 536, 541 PFEIFFER AND FRIEDBERGER, 241 PFEIFFER AND IsaEFF, 199, 224 PFEIFFER AND Ko.e, 231, 418, 425 AUTHORS PFEIFFER AND Nocat, 588, 591 PFEIFFER AND WASSERMANN, 589 Priijcer, 59 Prva, 455, 540 Pick AND YAMANOUCHI, 300 PIERRALLINI, 276 Piorkowskl, 134 v. Prrquet, 494 v. PrrqueT AND Scuick, 296, 301 Prirt, 14 Pato, 381 Pract, 611, 641 PLENCIz, 2 Puiotz, 677 Ports anD Dxont, 430 Ports anD NOLEN, 368 Pouuack, 427 PoLLENDER, 6 Poor, 651 Porcss, 13 Porces AND MEIER, 263 PorTIER AND RICHET, 296 Pott, 706 Pratt, 140, 412, 584 Prescott, 391, 697, 698 PREUSER, 532 ProscHER, 331, 332 PROSKAUER AND BECK, 29 Pruppen, 404, 490 PRUDDEN AND HopENpyYL, 490 Pryor, 486 QuincKE, 713 RasinovitscH, 502, 510, 634, 711 Rapziewsky, 363 Ransom, 463 RANSOME AND FULLERTON, 88 Ravens, 500, 570 v. RECKLINGHAUSEN, 7 REDTENBACHER, 407 Reep, 670 REED AND CaRROLL, 430 ReEeEp, CARROLL, AND AGRAMONTE, 670 ReEeEp, Carrot, AGRAMONTE, AND La- ZEAR, 669, 670, 674 ReEMLINGER, 651 Ricwarpson, 64, 411, 412 INDEX OF RicHET, 296, 302 RicHEet anp Hericourt, 197, 331 Rickstts, 633 RIcKETTS AND WILDER, 677 Rivest AND WALKER, 80 RiepEr, 64 RINDFLEISCH, 7 RrxrorpD AND GILCHRIST, 632 Rocer, 344 Rouwner, 579 Romer, 476 RosENAU AND ANDERSON, 222, 297, 298, 520 Rosenau anp McCoy, 699 RosENBACH, 321, 337 ROSENBERGER, 489 RosEenTHat, 441 RosEnow, 343, 370 Ross anp MILNE, 609 Rost, 506, 509 RotTHBERGER, 403 Roux, 64, 149, 203 , Roux AND CHAMBERLAND, 471 Rovux anp Nocagrp, 533 Roux anp YeRsIn, 107, 512, 520, 522 Rusner, 24 Ruppet, 22, 491 RUSSELL, 426 RussELL AND FULLER, 695 SaBouraup, 643 SacHarorr, 616 Sacus, 188, 199, 202 Sacuss, 54 SaHut, 493 Satmon, 552 SALMON AND SMITH, 196 SANARELLI, 669 SanFELIceE, 471, 632 SAUERBECK, 294 SavL, 77 SavacE, 231 SCHAEFFER AND STEINSCHNEIDER, 384 Scuarer, 31 ScHAaTTENFROH, 291, 328 ScHATTENFROH AND GRASBERGER, 702 Scuaupinn, 592 ScHAUDINN AND Horrmann, 594 AUTHORS 727 ScHELL AND FIscuER, 486 ScuEncx, 644 ScHERESCHEWSKY, 600 ScHERING, 92 ScHEUERLEN AND Spiro, 74, 78 Scurww, 392 ScHIMMELBUSCH, 327 ScHLESINGER, 345 Scuiossmann, 90, 91 ScHNEIDER, 325 ScHNITZLER, 455 ScHoxtz, 380 ScHOTTELIUS, 392 ScHoTrMiLipR, 337, 344, 348, 350, 369, 405, 431, 706 ScHREIBER, 546 ScHROEDER, 4 ScHROEDER AND Cotton, 707 Scurogrtsr, 60 ScuiipEr, 414, 703 ScHULLER, 669 Scuuuze, 4 ScHtitz, 341, 368 ScutirzE, 202, 236 ScHWANN, 3, 4 Sciavo, 357, 574 SEDGWICK AND BaTcHELDER, 700 SHARNOSKY, 103 SHATTOCK, 22 Suiea, 435, 438, 442, 444, 446 Srepventoprr, 597 SIGNORELLI, 140 SILBERSCHMIDT, 455 Simon anp Lamar, 286 Srtwon, Lamar, AND BispHam, 286 Simon, 560 Simpson, 705 Stmpson AND HEWLETT, 80 Smit, 101, 499, 500, 708 Smiru, Grawam, 525 Smiru, Hersert E., 704 Smitu, TH., 27, 34, 297, 484, 485, 498, 499, 520, 521, 698 Smita, Tx., anp Kitpourng, 195 Situ, Ts., anpD Moorg, 430 Smita, Tu., Brown, AnD WaLKER, 458 SoBERNHEIM, 563, 574 SoBERNHEIM AND TOMASCZEWSKI, 595 728 SoMMERVILLE, 80 SPALLANAZANI, ABBE, 4 SPENGLER, 493 SPILKER AND GOTTSTEIN, 65 Spirzer, 595 SPRONCK, 437 Spronk, 521 STEFANSKY, 510 SreinuarptT, Dr., 651 Stern, 237, 421 STERN AND Korte, 259, 418 STERNBERG, 34, 325, 340, 352, 359, 516, 669, 692 STEVENS AND Myers, 204 Sticker, 508, 644 Stoxgs, 343 Stokes AND WEGGEFARTH, 706 Strauss, 532 Srrauss AND GAMALEIA, 490, 500 Strauss anp Huntoon, 652 STRELITz, 519 Srricut, 478 Strona, L. W., 449, 561 Strone anp Musarave, 436 Strona, TEAGUE, AND BARBER, 561 Srrone, TEAGUE, AND CROWELL, 561 SucHsLanp, 716 Surmont, 201 SurmontT AnD ARNOULD, 570 Suzuki AND Takakt, 489 Tacks, 54 TALAMON, 353 Tarozzt1, 460 TAvEL AND KRuUMBEIN, 368 Taytor, 645 Traaue, 561 Trpesco, 540, 541 TERIN, 327 THAYER, 669 Tuomas, 668 TIDSWELL, 510 Tissier, 713 TISSIER AND MARTELLY, 392, 714 Tizzont, 460 Topp, 329, 443 TOKISHIGE, 632 Tomascz2EwskI, 596 INDEX OF AUTHORS Torii, 47 Torrey, 385 TorsuKa, 419 Toussaint, 194, 571 Trask, 704 TRILLAT, 89 TSCHISTOVITCH, 236 TSIKLINSKI, 32 TownnicuirF, 612, 613 TURNBULL, 610 UHLENHUTH, 237 UHLENHUTH AND MuuzeEr, 602 ULLMANN, 384 Unna, 639 UscHINSKY, 28, 126, 522 VaGeEpes, 499 VAILLARD AND Dopter, 443 VAILLARD AND RovucGeEt, 459 VAILLARD AND VINCENT, 462 VaLuERI-Rapot, 4 VALLET, 696 VAN DER LoerFr, 657 VAN DE VELDE, 329, 330, 342, 346 Van Ermencem, 14, 101, 430, 475 Van GEHUCHTEN, 648 Van GrEson, 649 VauGHAN, 298, 304, 417 VAUGHAN AND WHEELER, 302 VEDDER AND DUVAL, 438 VEEDER, 415 VEILLON, 333 Di VEsSTEA AND ZAGARI, 647 VieNaL, 619 VILLEMIN, 479 VINCENT, 611 VocEs, 29 Von DEM Borns, 615 VoTTALER, 457 WapsworTH, 99, 249, 355, 357, 359, 361, 364, 365 Wacmann, 703 WALDEYER, 7 Wat.ker, 419 Warp, 64, 703 WasHBURN, 366 INDEX OF WaSSERMANN, 195, 199, 204, 236, 242, 383, 385, 579, 580, 604 WASSERMANN AND Bruck, 246, 262 WASSERMANN AND Citron, 294 WASSERMANN, NEISSER, AND Bruck, 262 WASSERMANN AND PROSKAUER, 522 WASSERMANN AND ScHiTzE, 237 WASSERMANN AND Takaki, 188, 214, 279, 463 WASSILIEFF, 532 WEBER, 501 WECHSBERG, 242 WEEKs, 542 WeEEny, 419 WEGELE, 715 WEICHSELBAUM, 333, 353, 372, 376, 386, 447, 450, 540 WEICHSELBAUM AND Miuuer, 542 WEIGERT, 7, 111, 214, 481 WEILL-HALLE AND LEMAIRE, 300 Wels, A. H., 328 Weiss, 482 WE cH, 98, 129, 355, 357, 395, 472 WELCH AND BuacusTEIN, 404 WELCH AND FLEXNER, 474 Wet.cu anp Norratt, 177, 471 WERNICEE, 561 WERTHEIM, 382 WESENBERG, 455 WesTPHAL AND UHLENHUTH, 508 WEYL, 22, 481, 490 Wuerry, 510 Wickman, 664 Wipat, 421 Wipat anp Nosscourt, 430 Wipat AND Sicarp, 421 AUTHORS 729 Witcxens, 704 Wipe, 451, 452, 453 WILDER, 677 WILLIAMS, 533 WILLIAMS AND LowpDEn, 650 WItson, 557 WILuson, 696 WILtTscHour, 407 Winocrapsky, 14, 54, 57 Winstow, 343 WINSLOW AND PALMER, 349 WLADIMIROFF, 533 Wotsacg, 680 Wo.BacH AND Ernst, 499 Wo rr, 294, 396 Wotrr anv IsraEL, 624 Wotrr-E1sner, 301, 494 WOLFFHUGEL, 89 WottstTEIN, 541, 544, 545 Woon, 95, 109, 359, 717 Worontn, 55 WricutT, 108, 150, 153, 195, 286, 288, 425, 623, 624, 627 Wricut anp Dove.as, 281, 282 Wricat anp Lamp, 550 Wo Lien Tex, 560 Yersin, 555 YERSIN, CALMETTE, AND Roux, 561 ZEIT, 64 ZeTTNow, 10, 11, 12, 606 ZIEHL, 97, 105, 481 ZINSSER, 16, 155, 291, 412, 413, 442, 520, 525, 631 ZINSSER AND Cary, 511 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Asszotr’s method of staining spores, 97 Absorption method in study of agglu- tination reaction, 234 Achorion Schoenleinii, 640 cultivation of, 642 morphology of, 641 varieties of, 641 Acid formation by bacteria, 166 Acid-fast bacteria, stains for, 104 Acquired immunity, 192 definition of, 192 Actinomyces, 622 cultivation of, 623 discovery of, in cattle, 622 in man, 622 morphology of, 619, 622 pathogenicity of, 625 in animals, 625 in man, 625 parts of body infected in, 625 staining of, 623 varieties of, 626 Actinomycosis, 625 Active immunity. See under Immunity Aérobic organisms, facultative, 26 obligatory, 25 non-infectiousness of, 183 respiratory processes of, 27 Agar for culture media, 127 lactose-litmus, 129 meat extract, 127 meat infusion, 128 Agar slants, cultivation of anaérobic bacteria on, 153 Agglutination reaction, 228 between agglutinin and agglutinin- stimulating substances, 233 clinical diagnosis by, in typhoid, 229 concentrated agglutinin in, 235 Agglutination reaction, differentiation of bacterial species by, 229 diluted agglutinins in, 235 group agglutination in, 234 immune or chief agglutinin in, 234 macroscopical observation of, 230 for bacterial differentiation, 231 major agglutinin in, 234 microscopical observation of, 229 for clinical diagnosis, 231 minor agglutinins in, 234 nature of, 228 of capsulated bacteria, 13 partial agglutinins in, 234 absorption method in study of, 234 proagglutinoid zone in, 235 proagglutinoids in, 235 pseudo-clumping in, 231 specificity of, 234 “thread-reaction”’ in, 231 upon dead bacteria, 231 upon living bacteria, 231 Agglutination tests, technique of, 250 macroscopic, 252 microscopic, 251 Agglutinins, 200, 228 action of, 240 agglutinin-stimulating substances and, 233 quantitative relations between, 233 reaction between, 233 bactericidal substances with, 231 ‘cell receptors in, 238 concentrated, failure of, to produce agglutination, 235 diluted, agglutination reaction with, 235 effect of heat on, 232 experimentation with, 231 compared 731 732 Agglutinins, in agglutination raction, chief or immune, 234 major, 234 minor, 234 partial, 234 in serum of glanders, 535 in staphylococcus immune sera, 331 nature of, 231 normal, 232 partial absorption method in study of, 234 production of, 232 in sera of ‘animals, by injection of bacteria, 233 of culture extracts, 233 time of, 233 reaction of. See Agglutination reaction specificity of, 234 structure of (Ehrlich), 238 theoretical considerations concerning, 238 “thread-reaction” in, 231 Agglutinogen, 233 Agegressins (Bail’s theory), 291 action of, 293 immunization with, 293 nature of, 293 occurrence of, 293 opposition to Bail’s theory of, 294 Air, bacteria in, 673 dryness and high winds favorable to increase of, 683 estimation of numbers of, 684 occurrence of, in inhabited places, 683 scarcity of, in places high above earth, 684 settling of, with rain, snow, etc., 684 infectious material carried by, 684 Alcohol, as fixative in staining, 110 Alcoholic fermentation, 51 by yeasts, 52 in milk, 684 process of, 51 Alcohols as disinfectants, 77 Alexin, 198 action of, in blood serum, 224, 225 Alkali formation by bacteria, 166 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Allantiasis, 477 Amboceptor and complement, quanti- tative relationship between, 244 Amboceptors, filtration of, 244 multiplicity of, in normal sera, 241 Amylase, 48 action of, 49 occurrence of, 49 Amylolytic ferment. See Amylase Anaérobic cultivation of bacteria, 148 use of sterile tissue as an aid in, 156 See also under Cultivation of bacteria Anaérobic organisms, facultative, 26 Gram-positive, in feces, 177 infectiousness of, 183 non-invasion of blood stream by, 183 obligatory, 26 — respiratory processes of, 26 Anaphylactin, 302 Anaphylatoxin, 304 Anaphylaxis, 295 autopsy findings in, 299 definition of, 297 experimentation in, early, 295 immunity after, 299 in diphtheria antitoxin injections, 296 incubation during, 299 inherited, 300 observations in, fundamental, 296 by Arthus, 297 by Besredka, 298, 299 by Besredka and Steinhardt, 299 by Doerr, 299 by Gay and Southard, 299, 300 by Hericourt and Richet, 296 by Nicolle, 298, 300 by Otto, 297, 300 by Pick and Yamanouchi, 300 by Portier and Richet, 296 by Rosenau and Anderson, 297, 298, 300 by Th. Smith, 297 by Vaughan and Wheeler, 298 by Weill-Hallé and Lemaire, 300 passive, 300 phenomena of, 295 “phenomenon of Arthus” in, 297 proteid injections in, 295 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Anaphylaxis, proteid injections in, mode of giving, 298 quantity of, 298 symptoms in, 299 theories concerning, 301 based on Ehrlich’s receptor over- production theory, 301 of Besredka, 302 of Doerr and Russ, 303 of Friedberger and Hartoch, 303 of Gay and Southard, 302 of Hamburger, 303 of v. Pirquet and Schick, 301 of Richet, 302 of Wolff-Eisner, 301 Anilin dyes, influence of, upon bacterial growth, 140 Animal alkaloids, 45 Animal experimentation, 169 animals used in, 169 cages for, 173 autopsies in, 173 inoculations in, 170 Antagonism of bacteria, 31 Anthrax, 563 bacterial causation of, 6 occurrence of, 563 Anthrax bacillus, 563 action of, 571 bacilli resembling, 575 Bacillus anthracoides, 575 Bacillus radicosus, 575 Bacillus subtilis, 575 biology of, 569 cultivation of, 566 early investigation of, 563 experimental inoculation with, 571 immunization against, 573 active (Pasteur’s method), 574 attenuation in, 573 passive (Sobernheim’s method), 574 in milk, 707 infection with, 572 by inhalation, 572 cutaneous, 572 pulmonary, 573 spontaneous, 572 through alimentary canal, 573 733 Anthrax bacillus, isolation of, 565 morphology of, 564 pathogenicity of, 570 prophylaxis against, 573 resistance of, 570 staining of, 565 susceptibility of animals to, 570 virulence of, 570 Anthrax, symptomatic, bacillus of, 465 cultivation of, 465 immunization against, 468 vaccines used in, 468 morphology and staining of, 465 occurrence of, 465 pathogenicity of, 466 autopsy findings in, 467 toxins of, 467 Anthropoid apes, blood of, distinguished from human, 237 Antiaggressins, 293 Antiamboceptors, 242 Antianaphylaxis, 299 Antibodies, 197 experimentation and discovery of, 197 agglutinins, 200 alexin, 198 antiferments, 202 antitoxin, 198-199 bacteriolysins, 200 cytotoxins, 201 precipitins, 200 facts and theories concerning, 241 in sera, determination of, by comple- ment fixation. See under Comple- ment fixation. Anticomplements, 242 Antiferments, 202 Antiformin, formula for, as given by Rosenau, 483 in examination of sputum for tubercle bacilli, 483 Antigen, definition of, 202 Antilab, 202 Antilactase, 202 Antileucocidin, 331 Antipepsin, 202 Antiricin, discovery and experimenta- tion with, 204 734 “ Antisensibilisin,” 302 Antiseptics, inhibition strengths of va- rious, 84 values of, determination of, 80 table of, 80 Antistaphylolysin, 331 Antisteapsin, 202 Antistreptococcic sera, 346 Antitoxic sera, 196 Antitoxin, 198-199 diphtheria. See Diphtheria anti- toxin normal, 205 production of, a final test between toxin and endotoxin, 187 - stability of, 206 tetanus. See Tetanus antitoxin unit. of, 205 valency of, for toxin, 210 Antivenin, 198 Arthrospores, 16 Ascospores, 630, 638 Ash in bacterial cell, 23 Asiatic cholera. See Cholera Aspergillus, reproduction in, 637 Attenuated cultures in active immuni- zation, 193 Autoclave, 71 technical details of, 72 Trillat’s, 87 Autointoxication, gastrointestinal, 712 bacteria causing, 713 experimental combating of, by acid-producing bacilli, 713 Metchnikoff’s treatment of, by means of Bacillus bulgaricus, 714-715 Autolysins, 248 Autopsies of infected animals, 173 Avian tuberculosis, bacillus of. Tubercle bacillus, bacilli related to See BaseEs-Ernst granules, 11 Bacilli intermediate between typhoid and colon organisms, 428 bacterial correlation of, 431 bacilli of colon-like morphology in, 433 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacilli intermediate between typhoid and colon organisms, bacterial correla- tion of, bacilli of typhoid-like mor- phology in, 433 non-motile bacilli in, 433 classification of, 432 differentiation of, from typhoid and colon groups, 428 by cultural characteristics, 428 by morphology, 428 by motility, 428 hog-cholera bacilli in, 430 meat-poisoning bacilli in, 429 Bacillus enteritidis in, 429 Bacillus icteroides in, 430 Bacillus Morseele in, 430 paratyphoid bacilli in, 430 Bacillus psittacosis in, 430 “Miller” bacillus, 431 paracolon bacillus in, 430 ““Seeman’’ bacillus, 431 pathogenicity of, 431 toxic products of, 431 Bacillus, 37 general description of, 9 Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus, 471 and pernicious anemia, 177 biological considerations of, 474 cultivation of, 473 isolation of, 474 morphology of, 472 occurrence of, 472, 475 pathogenicity of, 474 staining of, 473 Bacillus anthracoides, 575 Bacillus avisepticus, 552 Bacillus botulinus, 475 antitoxin for, 199 cultivation of, 473 morphology of, 476 pathogenicity of, 477 staining of, 476 toxins of, 478 Bacillus bulgaricus, use of, by Metch- nikoff for treatment of gastrointes- tinal autointoxication, 715 Bacillus butyricus, 502 Bacillus coli communior, 398 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacillus coli communis, 389 agglutinins for, 396 in immune serum, 396 in normal serum, 397 -bladder diseases due to, 395 cholera infantum attributed to, 394 cholera nostras attributed to, 394 cultivation of, 390 differentiation of, from meat-poisoning and paratyphoid bacilli, 428 distribution of, 391 in animals, 392 in feces, 177 in man, 392 in milk, 391 in nature, 391 in water, 697 immunization with, 395 inflammatory conditions of liver and ' gall-bladder attributed to, 395 isolation of, 391 morphology of, 389 pathogenicity of, 393 peritonitis following perforation at- tributed to, 394 septicemia due to, 394 staining of, 389 toxic products of, 395 varieties of, 397 Winckel’s disease in the newborn due to, 394 Bacillus’ diphtherie. bacillus Bacillus enteritidis, discovery and char- acteristics of, 429 Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes, 426 differentiation of, from typhoid ba- cillus, 427 in feces, 177 Bacillus Hoffmanni. See Diphtheria bacillus, bacilli similar to Bacillus icteroides, 430 Bacillus influenze. See Influenza bacillus Bacillus lactis aérogenes, 453 cultivation of, 453 morphology of, 453 occurrence of, 453 in feces, 177 See Diphtheria 735 Bacillus lactis aérogenes, pathogenicity of, 453 Bacillus lepree. See under Leprosy Bacillus mallei, 520. See also Glanders biological characteristics of, 530 cultivation of, 528 immunity against, 535 morphology of, 528 pathogenicity of, 530 bacteriological diagnosis in, 532 in horses, 530 in man, 532 nodules in, 532 spontaneous infection by, 530 staining of, 528 toxin of, 532 action of, 533 8 diagnostic use of, 533 directions of U. S. Government for, 534 obtaining and preparation of, 533 Bacillus melitensis. See Micrococcus melitensis / Bacillus mesentericus in feces, 177 Bacillus Morseele, discovery and charac- teristics of, 430 Bacillus mucosus capsulatus, 447 association of, with pneumonia, 450 with other diseases of mucous lin- ings, 450-451 cultivation of, 448 cultural characteristics of, 449 Fitzgerald’s work on classification of, 450 immunization against, 451 inoculation of animals.with, 451 morphology of, 447 pathogenicity of, 450 staining of, 448 Bacillus murisepticus, 542 Bacillus ozenz, 452 Bacillus pestis. See Plague bacillus Bacillus proteus vulgaris, 454 cultivation of, 454-455 Bacillus prodigiosus, quantitative chem- ical analysis of, 21 Bacillus psittacosis, 430 Bacillus pyocyaneus, 577 736 Bacillus pyocyaneous, antitoxin against products of, 199 cultivation of, 577 favorable conditions for, 577 pigment in, 578 fluorescent variety of, 579 pyocyanin in, 578 immunization against, 580 filtrates of old cultures in, 580 pyocyanase in, 580 true toxin in, 580 morphology of, 577 occurrence of, in lesions and inflam- matory affections, 579 pathogenicity of, 579 staining of, 577 susceptibility of animals to, 580 toxins of, 580 leucocyte-destroying ferment in, 581 pyocyanase in, 580 pyocyanolysin in, 580 true, 580 from filtrates of old cultures, 580 virulence of, 579 Bacillus radicicola, 55 Bacillus radicosus, 575 Bacillus rhusiopathie, 542 Bacillus smegmatis. See Smegma ba- cillus Bacillus subtilis, 575 Bacillus suisepticus, 553 Bacillustetani. See Tetanus, bacillus of Bacillus tuberculosis. See Tubercle bacillus Bacillus typhi abdominalis, 399 Bacillus typhi murium, 430 Bacillus typhosus. See. Typhoid fever, bacillus of Bacillus xerosis. See Bacillus diph- theriz, bacilli similar to Bacteria (see also Bacterial cell): acid and alkali formation by, 166 acid-fast stains for, 104 action of, in the body, 184 anabolic or synthetic activities of, 54 in root tubercles, 55 in soil, 54 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacteria, animal experimentation with, 169 antagonism of, 31 biological activities of, 40, 164 chemical agents injurious to, 73. See also Disinfectants classes of, 182 bacilli, 9 cocci, 9 spirilla, 9 classification of, 35 based on organs of motility, 15 by Bail with regard to aggressins, 294 _ by Gram stain, 104 by Migula, 37 counting of, 161 cultivation of, 141 by anaérobic methods, 148. See also under Cultivation of bacteria inoculation of media in, 141 dead, in active immunization, 193 degenerative forms of, 20 denitrifying, 52 destruction of. bacteria differentiation of, by fermentation, 48 enzymes produced by, 168 diastatic, 169 inverting, 169 proteolytic, 168 gas formation by, 164. See also Gas formed by bacteria Gram-negative, 104 Gram-positive, 104 in air. See Air, bacteria in in industries, 715 in milk. See Milk, bacteria in in soil. See Soil, bacteria in in tissues, staining of, 110 in water. See Water, bacteria in incubation of, 156. See also under In- cubation of cultures indol production by, 167 isolation of, methods of, 142 katabolic activities of, 41-53 by bacterial enzymes or ferments, 42 varieties of, 48 See Destruction of INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacteria, katabolic activities of, by denitrifying bacteria, 52 by fat-splitting enzymes, 47 by lab enzymes, 46 by proteolytic enzymes, 43 liberation of energy by, 58 light production of, 59 microscopic study of. See Microscopic study nitrifying. See Nitrifying bacteria nutrition of, 25. See also under Nutrition of bacteria occurrence of, in the body, 181 parasitic, 29 definition of, 182 pathogenic, 182 phenol production by, 167 physical agents injurious to, 62 pigment formation by, 59 protozoa and, differentiation of, 1 putrefactive, quantitative chemical analysis of, 21 reducing powers of, 167 relation of, to moisture, 35 to physical environment, 31 to pressure, 35 relationship of, to other plants, 35 reproduction of, 18 rate of, 18 varieties of, 18 saprophytic, 29 definition of, 182 size of, 9 staining of, methods of. See Staining of bacteria sulphur. See Sulphur bacteria symbiosis of, 31 thermal death points of, 34 variations in forms of, 19 virulence of, and infectiousness, 183 virulent, sublethal doses of, in active immunization, 195 Bacteriaceze, 37 Bacterial cell, ash in, 23 Babes-Ernst granules in, 11 capsule of, 12 carbohydrates in, 23 chemical consitutents of, 21 48 737 Bacterial cell, chemical constit ents of, quantitative analysis of, 21 varieties of, 21 fats in, 22 globulin in, 22 membrane of, 12 metachromatic granules in, 11 morphology of, 100 motility of, 13 Brownian, 14 by flagella, 14 effect of temperature on, 15 molecular, 14 true, 14 nucleus in, 10 organs of locomotion of, 13 classification of bacteria based on, 15 osmotic properties of, 23 permeability of membrane of, 23 plasmolysis of, 23 plasmoptysis of, 24 polar bodies in, 11 proteids in, 22 refractive index of parts of, 24 specific gravity of forms of, 24 water in, 21 Bacterial enzymes or ferments, 42 action of, 42 environmental conditions on, 43 reversible, 43 similarity of, to ferments of special- ized cells of higher plants and ani- mals, 43 Bacterial forms, variations of, 19 Bacterial poisons, 184 action of, 187 ptomains and, 185 resistance of, to chemical action and heat, 187 summary of, 305 varieties of, 185 endotoxins, 185 proteins, 186 true toxins, 185 Bacterial products in active immuniza- tion, 195 | Bacterial proteins, 186 738 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Bacterial spores, 15 formation of, 15 germination of, 17 position of, 17 varieties of, 15 arthrospores, 16 true, or endospores, 16 vegetative forms from, 17 Bactericidal action of blood serum, 224 Bactericidal strengths of common dis- infectants, 85 , Bactericidal substances compared with agglutinins, 231 Bactericidal tests, 257 in test tube, 257 technique of, 258 for typhoid fever, 258 in vivo, 255-7 Bacteriemia, definition of, 184 Bacteriological examination of blood cultures, 178 choice of media for, 179 results of, estimation of, 180 technique of obtaining material for, 178 from typhoid patients, 180 of exudates, 175 of feces, 176 of material from patients, 174 technique of collecting, 174 of urine, 176 Bacteriology, development and scope of, 1-8 Bacteriolysins, 200 immune, 225 Bacteriolytic tests, 255 Pfeiffer’s test in, 255 determination of bacteriolytic power of serum against a known micro- organism in vivo by, 255 identification of microorganism in known immune serum in vivo by, 257 Bacteriotropins, 282 Bacterium, 27 Bacterium tularense, 562 Bail, aggressin theory of, 292 opposition to, 294 Barsiekow’s medium for colon-typhoid differentiation, 139 Bauer’s modification of Wassermann test for syphilis, 268 “Bazillenemulsion,” 492 Beggiatoa, genus, 38 Beggiatoaceer, 38 Berkefeld filter, 120, 121 Bile medium for colon-typhoid differen- tiation, 138 Bile-salt agar, MacConkey’s, for colon- typhoid differentiation, 138 Bitter milk, bacteria causing, 703 Black Death, 554 Bladder diseases due to colon bacillus, 395 Blastomycetes. cells Blood, laked, 225 the seat of immunizing agencies, 198 Blood corpuscles, red, in Ehrlich’s the- ory of lytic process in blood serum, 227 Blood cultures, bacteriological examina- tion of, 178 results of, estimation of, 180 choice of media for, 179 technique of obtaining material for, 178 from typhoid patients, 180 Blood media, method of obtaining, 140 Blood serum, bactericidal action of, 224 Bordet’s interpretation of lytic proc- esses of, 225 immune, 198 reactivation of bactericidal power of, by normal serum, 225 reactivation of bacteriolytic powers of, by normal serum, 226 lytic processes of, 224 normal, 198 Bordet’s lytic theory of constituents of, 225 alexin in, 225 “sensitizing substance” in, 225 obtaining of, from animals, 249 from man, 249 reactions with. See Serum reactions See Yeasts and Yeast INDEX OF Blood serum reactions, method of ob- taining, 139 Bollinger, discovery of actinomyces of cattle by, 622 Bordet and Gengou, discovery of whoop- ing-cough bacillus by, 543 Bordet-Gengou bacillus, 543 cultivation of, 544 compared with that of influenza bacillus, 544 technique of, 544-545 morphology of, 543 compared with that of influenza bacillus, 544 pathogenicity of, 545 staining of, 543 toxins of, 545 Botulism, 477 Bouillon, malachite green, for colon- typhoid differentiation, 137 Bouillon filtré (Denys), 492 Bovine tuberculosis, bacillus of. Tubercle bacillus, bacilli related to Broth used for culture media, 124 calcium carbonate, 126 glycerin, 125 meat extract, 124 meat infusion, 124 nitrate, 126 pepton-salt, 126 sugar-free, 125] Uschinsky’s proteid-free, 126 Bruce, discovery of Malta fever bacil- lus by, 550 Buboes, 548 Buchner, discovery of Bacillus coli com- munis by, 389 Buchner’s method of pyrogallic absorp- tion of oxygen in cultivation of anaérobic bacteria, 152 Wright’s modification of, 153 Buerger’s method of staining capsules, 99 Butter bacillus, 502 Butter, making of, 710 bacteria aiding, 710 transmission of infection by, 711 tubercle bacilli in, 711 Butyric-acid fermentation in milk, 702 See SUBJECTS 739 CapAvERIN, 45 Cages for animals, 171, 172, 173 Calcium-carbonate broth, 126 Capaldi’s medium for colon-typhoid dif- ferentiation, 134 Capsule stains in staining of bacteria, 98 Carbohydrates in bacterial cell, 23 Carbolic acid as disinfectant, 77 Carbolic-acid coefficient, 80 Carbon dioxid formed by bacteria, 164 Carbon in nutrition of bacteria, 25 Casein, coagulation of, in milk, 702 Castelli, discovery of Spirocheta per- tenuis by, 614 Cell-receptors, three forms of, in expla- nation of all known antibodies (Ehrlich): haptines of the first order, 240 haptines of the second order, 240 haptines of the third order, 240 Cellulase, 49 Charbon. See Anthrax Charbon symptomatique. symptomatic, bacillus of Cheese, making of, 711 bacteria aiding, 711, 712 pathogenic organisms in, 712 Chemotaxis, negative and positive, defi- nition of, 277 Chicken cholera bacillus, 552 cultivation of, 552 immunization with, 553 morphology and staining of, 552 occurrence of, in animals, 552 pathogenicity of, 552 Chicken-pox, relation of, to smallpox, 660 Chlamydobacteriacex, 38, 618 classification of, 618 morphology of various forms of, 618 Chloride of lime as disinfectant, 76 Chlorine as disinfectant, 88 Cholera, Asiatic, 582 diagnosis of, 584 epidemics of, 586 immunization in, 590 active, 590 protective inoculation in, 590 in animals, 587 See Anthrax, 740 Cholera, Asiatic, infection in, 587 pathological findings in, 587 spirillum of, 582 biological considerations of, 586 cultivation of, 583 diagnosis of, by ‘cholera-red” reaction, 584 Dieudonné’s selective medium for cultivation of, 584 Dieudonné’s selective medium for cultivation of, modified by Krumwiede and Pratt, 584 hygienic considerations of, 588 in feces, 177 isolation of, 585 from feces, 585 from water, 586, 696 morphology of, 582 pathogenicity of, 586 in animals, 587 in man, 587 resistance of, 586 spirilla resembling, 590 Spirillum Deneke, 591 Spirillum Massaua, 591 Spirillum Metchnikovi, 590 Spirillum of Finkler-Prior, 591 staining of, 583 toxin of, 589 traced to milk, 705 Cholera, fowl, bacillus of, 7 Cholera infantum attributed to colon bacillus, 394 Cholera nostras attributed to colon bacillus, 394 Cholera-red reaction, 584 Chromo-bacteria, 59 Chromogenic Gram-negative cocci, 387 Cladothrix, 38, 619 morphology of, 618 Clearing of culture media, 119 by filtering, 120 with eggs, 119 Clostridium Pasteurianum, 54 Coagulins, 235 Cobra poison and its antitoxin, experi- mentation with, 204 Coccacexr, 37 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Cocci, description of, 9 Coefficient of inhibition, 80 Colon bacillus. See Bacillus coli com- munis Colon bacillus group, 389 Colon test, for analysis of water, 697 Colon-typhoid differentiation, media for, 132 Barsiekow’s, 138 bile, 137 Capaldi’s, 134 Conradi-Drigalski, 135 Endo’s, 135 Hesse’s, 133 Hiss’ plating, 133 Hiss’ tube, 133 Jackson’s lactose-bile, 138 Loeffler’s malachite green, 136 MacConkey’s bile-salt, 138 malachite green bouillon, 137 neutral-red, 138 Piorkowski’s urine gelatin, 134 Colon-typhoid-dysentery group, bacilli of, 388 characteristics of, 388 Colonies in agar, 146 Colony-fishing, 146 Colony study of bacteria, 161 Color indicator in titration, 117 Comma bacillus. See Spirillum cholere asiaticee Complement, deviation of, 244 filtration of, 244 fixation of. See Complement fixation in Ehrlich’s theory of lytic process in blood serum, 226 in normal blood serum, 226 multiplicity of, in normal sera, 242 Complement fixation, action in, 245 by precipitates, 244 determination of antigen by, in serum reactions, 271 of antibodies in sera by, 261 principles of, 261 reaction in, 261 Wassermann test for. See Was- sermann test for diagnosis of syphilis INDEX OF SUBJECTS Complement fixation, proteid differentia- tion by, 273 Complementoids, 243 Conjonctivite subaigue, 545 Conradi-Drigalski medium, for colon- typhoid differentiation, 135 isolation of typhoid bacillus in stools by, 408 Cotton used in filtering culture media, 120 Counting of bacteria, 161 Cowpox, relation of, to smallpox, 659 use of, in immunization against small- pox, 659 Crenothrix, 38 Creolin, 78 Cultivation of bacteria, anaérobic, 148 by absorption of oxygen by pyro- gallic acid in alkaline solu- tions, 152 Buchner’s method, 152 Wright’s modification of, 153 combined with air exhaustion and hydrogen replacement, 153 on agar slants, 153 without use of hydrogen, 155 by displacement of air with hydro- gen, 151 by mechanical exclusion of air, 148 Esmarch’s method, 149 fluid media covered with oil, 150 Liborius’ method, 149 Roux’s method, 149 Wright’s method, 150 Zinsser’s apparatus for, 156 colony study in, 161 counting of bacteria in, 161 incubation in, 158. See also under Incubation of cultures Culture media, 124 agar for, 127 lactose-litmus, 129 meat extract, 127 meat infusion, 128 blood for, 140 blood serum for, 139 broth for, 124 calcium carbonate, 126 glycerin, 125 TAl Culture media, broth for, meat extract, 124 meat infusion, 124 nitrate, 126 pepton-salt, 126 sugar-free, 125 Uschinsky’s proteid-free, 126 clearing of, 119 by filtering through cotton, 120 through paper, 121 with eggs, 119 Dorsett egg, 130 enriching substances used in, 139 fluid, covered with oil, in anaérobic cultivation of bacteria, 150 for colon-typhoid differentiation, 132 glassware preparation in, 113 glycerin for, 126 ingredients of, 115 choice of, 116 lactose litmus-agar, 129, 135 litmus milk, 130 milk, 130 potato for, 130 glycerin, 130 preparation of, 113 general technique of, 113 process of, 124-40 reaction of, 119 serum, 131 Hiss’ serum water, for fermenta- tion tests, 132. Loeffler’s, 131 slanting of, 123 special, 132 sterilization of, 121 filtration in, 122 heat in, 121 titration of, 117 color indicator in, 117 process of, 117 for alkaline media, 118 reaction of, 117 adjustment of, 119 tubing of, 121 Cultures, attenuated, in active immu- nization, 193 138, 742 Cultures, incubation of. See under In- cubation of cultures Cytase, 279 Cytoryctes variole, 658 Cytotoxins, 201 + specific, injury to organs by, 201 Dark-FIELD condenser, 597 Decay, action of, 44 Defensive factors of animal organism, 189 Degenerative forms of bacteria, 20 Denitrifying bacteria, 52 activities of, 53 occurrence of, 53 Destruction of bacteria, 62 by chemical agents, 73. See also Dis- infectants gaseous, 88 in solution, 73 inorganic, 73 organic, 77 by physical agents, 62 drying, 62 electricity, 65 heat, 65 light, 63 Diarrheal diseases traced to milk, 705 Diastase. See Amylase Differential stains in seataes of bac- teria, 102 Diphtheria, tracing of, to milk, 705 Diphtheria antitoxin, 216 anaphylaxis in injections of, 296 normal, 205 production of, 216 horses used in, 216-17 technique of, 217 toxin for, 216 stable, 206 standardization of, 218 concentration and purifying in, 219 technique of, 218 unit for, 205 Diphtheria bacillus, 512 bacilli similar to, 522 Bacillus Hoffmanni, 522 cultivation of, 524 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Diphtheria bacillus, bacilli similar to, Bacillus Hoffmanni, mor- phology of, 523 staining of, 523 Bacillus xerosis, 525 cultivation of, 526 differentiation of, from other ba- cilli, 526 other bacilli, 527 biological characteristics of, 515 cultivation of, 516 degenerative forms of, 19 differentiation of, from other forms, 107, 522, et seq. grouping of, 515 isolation of, 517 morphology of, 513 “ground”? type in, 514 occurrence of, in body, 518, 519 pathogenicity of, 518 in animals, 519 “pseudo-membranes”’ in, 518 resistance of, 516 staining of, 574 Gram’s method of, 507 polar or Babes-Ernst bodies in, 514 Neisser’s stain for, 514 Roux’s stain for, 515 toxin of, 520. See also Diphtheria toxin chemical and physical properties of, 520 production of, 520 media employed in, 520 Park-Williams Bacillus No. 8 in, 520 resistance of, 522 Diphtheria toxin, analysis of (Ehrlich), 205-15 method of partial absorption in, 209 side-chain theory of, 212 summary of, 215 constitution of (Ehrlich), 210 graphic form of (Ehrlich), 211 views of Arrhenius and Madsen on, 212 epitoxoid in, 208 molecule of, haptophore group in, 207 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Diphtheria toxin, molecule of, toxophore group in, 207 normal solution of, 205 partial absorption of, 209 standardization of, Limes death in, 208 Limes zero in, 207 time changes in, 206 toxoid form of, 207 protoxoids in, 209 syntoxoids in, 209 toxon in, 209 unit for, 205 Diplococcus gonorrheee, 380 cultivation of, 381 conditions favorable to, 383 Wertheim’s medium for, 381-2 differentiation of, from Micrococcus catarrhalis, 386 early work in, 380 infection by, in man, 384 morphology of, 380 pathogenicity of, in animals, 385 in man, 384 resistance of, 384 staining of, 381 Diplococcus lanceolatus. cus pneumonize Diplococcus mucosus, 387 Diplococcus pneumoniz, 352 cultivation of, 355 differentiation of, from streptococcus, 357, 367 cultural, 368 morphological, 367 by bile test, 369 by capsule, 367 by fermentations, 369 by grouping, 367 by growth in blood media, 367, 369 by shape, 367 immunization against, 363 active, methods of, 363 agglutinins in immune sera in, 364 table of, 365 technique of, 364 opsonins in immune sera in, 366 precipitins in immune sera in, 365 See Diplococ- 743 Diplococcus pneumonize, immunization against, passive, with immune sera, 366 isolation of, 358 modes of inoculation*with, 361 morphology of, 553 capsules in, 353-4 lancet-shape of cocci in, 353 pairing of cocci in, 353 pathogenicity of, 361 pneumonic complications and, 362 resistance of, 358 staining of, 355 susceptibility of animals to, 370 toxic products of, 362 virulence of, 360 in animals, 360 in man, 361 Disinfectants, 73 bactericidal strengths of common, 85 gaseous, 88 chlorine, 88 formaldehyde, 89 oxygen, 88 ozone, 88 sulphur dioxide, 88 testing of efficiency of, 79 by U. S. Public Health Service method, 80 carbolic-acid coefficient in, 80 determination of antiseptic values in, 83 . of disinfectant ,values in, 86 table of, 85 factors in, 79 used in solution, 73 inorganic, 73 acids, bases, and salts, 74 halogens and derivatives, 75 chlorid of lime, 76 tetrachlorid of iodin, 76 oxydizing agents, 76 hydrogen peroxid, 76 potassium permanganate, 76 organic, 77 alcohols, 77 carbolic acid, 77 Cresol group, 78 744 Disinfectants, used in solution, organic, essential oils, 78 formaldehyde, 78 iodoform, 77 Disinfection, practical, 86 of feces, 87 of hands, 87 of instruments, 87 of linen, etc., 87 of rooms, etc., 88 of sputum, 87 of urine, 87 Dissociation, electrolytic, 74 relation between degree of, and bactericidal powers of solutions, 74 Dorsett egg medium, 130 Drying in destruction of bacteria, re- sistance to, 62 DTN'!M®, definition of, 205 Ducrey bacillus, 547 cultivation and isolation of, 548 discovery of, 548 infection with, 547 pathogenicity of, 549 Dysentery, autopsy findings in, 442 occurrence of, 442 symptoms of, 442 Dysentery bacilli, 435 biological considerations of, 441 differentiation of, by Hiss, through agglutination tests, 440 through fermentation tests, 439 immunization with, 444 active, 444 agglutinins in, 444 bactericidal substances in, 444 true toxins in, 445 passive, 445 in feces, 178 investigation of, by Flexner, 436 by Hiss and Russell, 438 by Kruse, 437 by Lentz, 438 by Martini and Lentz, 438 by Ohno, 439 by Park and Carey, 439 by Park and Dunham, 438 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Dysentery bacilli, investigation of, by Shiga, 435 by Spronck, 437 by Strong and Musgrave, 436 by Vedder and Duval, 437 pathogenicity of, 441 pseudo-dysentery bacillus and, 437, 438 Shiga’s bacillus in, 435 cultural characteristics of, 436 morphology of, 435 toxic products of, 442 action of, on animals, 443 obtaining of, from cultures, 442 “Y” bacillus in, 438 Esertu, discovery of typhoid bacillus by, 399 Edema, malignant, bacillus of. under Malignant edema Eel-blood serum, toxic, 205 Eggs used in clearing culture media, 119 Ehrlich’s analysis of diphtheria toxin, 205-215. See also under Diphtheria toxin Eichstedt, discovery of Microsporon fur- fur by, 639 Electricity in destruction of bacteria, 65 Electrolytic dissociation, 74 : relation between degree of and bac- tericidal powers of solutions, 74 Elser and Huntoon, discovery of pseudo- meningococcus by, 379 Elsner’s potato-extract gelatin, isola- tion of typhoid bacillus in stools by, 407 Emphysematous gangrene, isolation of Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus from,474 Endolysins, 291 : Endo’s fuchsin-agar, isolation of ty- phoid bacillus in stools by, 409 Endo’s medium, for colon-typhoid dif- ferentiation, 135 Harding and Ostenberg’s method of preparation of, 136 Endospores, 16 Endotoxins, 185, 306 compared with pigments, 186, 309 See INDEX OF SUBJECTS Endotoxins of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 328 of Streptococcus pyogenes, 345 summary of, 306 toxins distinguished from, 186 Environment and bacteria, 31 Enzymes, definition of, 42 katalyzers and, analogy between, 42 produced by bacteria, 168 diastatic, 169 inverting, 169 proteolytic, 168 varieties of. See under specific names Epitoxoid in toxin, 208 Erlenmeyer flask, 114 Escherich, discovery of Bacillus lactis aérogenes by, 453 Esmarch roll tubes in isolation of bac- teria, 147 Esmarch’s method of anaérobic culti- vation of bacteria, 149 Essential oils as disinfectants, 78 Exudates, bacteriological examination of. See Bacteriological examination Eumycetes. See Hyphomycetes FAcuLrativE aérobes, 26 Facultative anaérobes, 26 Farcy, 531 Fat-splitting enzymes, 47 action of, method of investigating, 47 varieties of, 47 Fats in bacterial cell, 22 Favus, 640 Feces, bacteriological examination of, 176 disinfection of, 87 number of bacteria in, 176 varieties of bacteria in, 177 Fermentation, alcoholic, 51 in milk, 702 butyric-acid, in milk, 702 enzymes of, 48, 52 in development of bacteria, 26 inversion in, 42 lactic-acid, 50, 701 process of, 48 745 Fermentation tests, serum media for, 132 Filtering, in clearing of culture media, 102 through cotton, 120 through paper, 121 in sterilization of culture media, 122 Filters, varieties of: Berkefeld, 120, 121 Kitasato, 123 Maassen, 124 Reichel, 122 Filtrable virus, 679 table compiled by Wolbach, 680 Filtration of immune body and comple- ment, 244 Fishing, colony, 146 Fixation of complement, action in 246 by precipitates, 244 “Fixator,” 279 Flagella, arrangement of, 15 structure of, 14 varieties of, 14 Flagella stains in staining of bacteria, 100 Florence flask, 114 Fluid media covered with oil, used in cultivation of bacteria, 150 Foot-and-mouth disease, 678 etiological factor of, 679 immunity in, 679 in milk, 706 pathology of, 678 transmission of, 679 Formaldehyde as disinfectant, 78, 89 generation of, by breaking up solid polymer with heat, 91 by Breslau method, 90 by direct evaporation, 89 by glycerin addition, 90 by lime method, 92 by potassium-permanganate meth- od, 92 by Trillat method, 89 gauging amount of formalin in, 92 Trillat autoclave for, 89 Fractional sterilization, 70 at high temperatures, 70 at low temperatures, 71 746 Frambeesia tropica, 614 Friedlander, discovery of Bacillus mu- cosus capsulatus by, 447 Friedlinder bacillus. See Bacillus mu- cosus capsulatus v. Frisch, discovery of Bacillus of rhi- noscleroma, 451 Fusiform bacilli, 614 from carious teeth, 613 from noma, 614 from scurvy, 614 of Vincent’s angina, 612 Garrky, discovery of Micrococcus tetra- genus by, 334 Gartner, discovery of Bacillus enteri- tidis by, 429 Gas formed by bacteria, 164 analysis of, 164 carbon dioxide in, 164 hydrogen in, 165 hydrogen sulphide in, 165 quantitative, 166 Gas-pressure regulators for incubators, 160 Moitessier’s, 160 Gastrointestinal autointoxication, 712 ~ bacteria causing, 713 experimental combating of, by acid- producing bacilli, 713 Metchnikoff’s therapy of, by means of Bacillus bulgaricus, 714-715 Gelase, 49 Gessard, discovery of Bacillus pyocyaneus by, 578 Glanders, bacteriological diagnosis of , 532 immunity in, 535 in horses, 530 acute form, 530 chronic form, 531 in man, 532 nodules of, 532 spontaneous infection in, 530 Glanders bacillus. See Bacillus mallei Globulin in bacterial cell, 22 Glycerin, use of, for culture media, 126 meat extract, 126 meat infusion, 127 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Glycerin broth, 125 Glycerin potato, 130 Gonococcus. See Diplococcus gonor- rhoeee Gram-negative bacteria, 104 Gram-negative cocci, chromogenic, 387 Gram-negative micrococci, table of di- agnosis of, by differential value of sugar fermentation, 387 Gram-positive bacteria, 104 in feces, 177 ‘Gram’s method of staining bacteria, 102 classification of pathogenic bacteria by, 104 Paltauf’s modification of, 103 Group agglutination, 234 Gruber-Widal reaction, 250 Gruby, discovery of Trichophyton ton- surans by, 642 Guarnieri’s medium, Welch’s modifica- tion of, 129 HALoGENs as disinfectants, 75 “Hanging block” method in study of bacteria, 94 “Hanging drop’? method in study of bacteria, 93 Hansen, discovery of lepra bacillus by, 505 Haptophore group in toxin molecule, 207 in toxon molecule, 209 Haptophore groups in immune body, 228 complementophile, 228 cytophile, 228 Hauser, discovery of Bacillus proteus vulgaris by, 454 Heat, in destruction of bacteria, 65 dry and moist, comparison of, 66 effect of various degrees of, 65 moist, advantages of, 66 penetrating power of, 67 in sterilization of culture media, 121 Heat sterilization, 68 dry, 68 by burning, 68 by hot air, 68 moist, 69 by boiling, 69 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Heat sterilization, moist, by fractional sterilization, 70 by live steam, 60 by steam under pressure, 71 Hektoen and Ruediger on structure of opsonins, 283 Hemagglutinins, 235 Hematogen, 538 Hemolysin, immune, 226 Hemolysins of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 329 of Streptococcus pyogenes, 344 specificity of, 247 varieties of: autolysins, 247 heterolysins, 247 isolysins, 247 Hemolysis, 201, 225 Hemolytic tests, 259 obtaining blood for, 259 in large quantities; 260 in small quantities, 259 standard concentration of red blood cells for, 259 Hemolytic unit, definition of, 265 Hemorrhagic septicemia bacilli, 551 morphology of, 551 staining of, 551 varieties of: bacillus of chicken cholera, 552 Bacillus pestis, 554 bacillus of swine plague, 553 Hepatotoxin, 201 Hesse’s medium for colon-typhoid differ- entiation, 133 Heterolysins, 247 Hides, tanning of, bacteria in, 716 Hiss’ agar-gelatin medium, isolation of typhoid bacillus in stools by, 407 Hiss’ leucocyte extract theory and therapy, 289 Hiss’ methods of staining capsules, 98 Hiss’ plating media for colon-typhoid differentiation, 133 Hiss’ tube medium for colon-typhoid differentiation, 133 Hiss’ serum water media for fermenta- tion tests, 132 747 “Hog-cholera” bacilli, 430 differentiation of, from swine plague bacillus, 554 Hogyes, dilution method of, in treat- ment of rabies, 656 Horse meat, detection of, by precipitin tests, 254 Horses used in production of diphtheria antitoxin, 216-17 of tetanus antitoxin, 221 Howard and Perkins, discovery of Strep- tococcus mucosus by, 350 Hydrogen, formation of, by bacteria, 165 in nutrition of bacteria, 28 Hydrogen peroxid as disinfectant, 76 Hydrogen sulphid formed by bacteria, 165 Hydrophobia. See Rabies Hypersusceptibility. See Anaphylaxis Hyphomycetes, 635 conditions favorable to growth of, 638 diseases caused by, 639 favus, 640 pityriasis versicolor, 639 ringworm, 642 thrush, 640 diseases sometimes accompanied by, 644 morphology of, 635 reproduction of, 635 mycomycetes in, 636 Aspergillus variety in, 637 Penicillium variety in, 637 sporulation by other methods in, 637 phycomycetes in, Mucorine vari- ety of, 635 sexual reproduction of, 636 structural classification of, 635 varieties of, 635 mycomycetes, 635 morphology of (typical), 635, 636 ascospores in, 638 conidia (or spores) in, 638 conidiophores in, 637 hyphal branches (septate) in, 637 748 Hyphomycetes, varieties of, mycomy- cetes, morphology of, my- celial threads (septate) in, 637 sterigmata (septate) in, 637 morphology of less frequent forms of, 637 ascospores in, 637 chlamydospores in, 638 phycomycetes, 635 morphology of (typical), 635-636 columella in, 636 hyphal branches in, 636 mycelial threads (non-septate) in, 636 sporangium in, 636 spores in, 636 morphology of sexual reproduc- tion forms of, 636 gametophores in, 636 zygospores in, 636 “IMMUNE BopY”’ in blood serum, 226 in Ehrlich’s theory of lytic process in . blood serum, 226 haptophore groups of, 228 complementophile, 228 cytophile, 228 Immunity, absolute, 190 acquired, 192 definition of, 190, 192 active, 193 artificial, 193 definition of, 193 experimentation with attenuated cultures for, 193 with bacterial products for, 195 with dead bacteria for, 195 with sublethal doses of fully viru- lent bacteria for, 195 definition of, 189 natural, 190 individual, 191 of races, 191 of species, 190 -passive, 196 relation of, to phagocytotic powers in animals, 279 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Immunization, blood the seat of, 198 Incubation of cultures, 156 incubators in, 158 gas-pressure regulators for, 160 thermo-regulators for, 159 Indigo production, bacteria in, 716 Individual immunity, 191 in higher animals, 192 in lower animals, 191 Indol production by bacteria, 167 Industries, bacteria in, 715 Infection, definition of, 181 fundamental factors in, 181 paths of, 183 inner, 184 outer, 183 Infectiousness, definition of, 182 due to number of bacteria, 182 due to variations in virulence, 183 | Influenza, epidemic of, in 1889-90, 536 organs attacked in, 540 | Influenza bacillus, 536 bacteria related to, 541 Bacillus murisepticus, 542 bacillus of pleuro-pneumonia, 542 Bacillus rhusiopathia, 542 Koch-Weeks bacillus, 542 pseudo-influenza bacillus, 541 biology of, 540 isolation and cultivation of, 537 on agar and gelatin, 537 blood added in, 537 hemoglobin added in, 537 hematogen added in, 538 morphology and staining of, 536 pathogenicity of, 540 in experimental inoculation of ani- mals, 541 organs attacked in, 540 susceptibility of animals to, 541 Inhibition, coefficient of, 80 Inhibition strengths of various antisep- tics, 84 Inoculation of animals, 170 intraperitoneal, 172 intravenous, 172 subcutaneous, 171 Inoculation of media, 141 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Inoculation of media, technique of trans- ferring bacteria in, 141 virus used in transferring bacteria in, 141 Insusceptibility of cold-blooded animals, 190 Intravital method of Nakanishi in study of bacteria, 94 Inulin media, 132, 369 Invasion, paths of, 183 inner, 184 outer, 183 Inversion by fermentation, 42 Invertase, 49 Iodoform as disinfectant, 77 Iodine, tetrachloride of, as disinfectant, 76 tincture cf, for skin sterilization, 76 Iron compounds in nutrition of bacteria, 29 Isolation of bacteria, 142 early methods of, 143 present methods of, 143 Esmarch roll tubes in, 147 Koch’s plates in, 144 surface streaking in, 148 Isolysins, 247 Israel, discovery of actinomyces of man by, 622 Jacxson’s lactose-bile medium for colon- typhoid differentiation, 139 Jenner’s discovery of immitnization in smallpox by vaccinia, 659 Kartatyzers, definition of, 42 enzymes and, analogy between, 42 Kefyr, 702 Kitasato, discovery of Bacillus tetani by, 456 discovery of plague bacillus by, 554 Kitasato filter, 123 Klebs, discovery of diphtheria bacillus by, 512 Koch, discovery of cholera spirillum by, 582 discovery of tubercle bacillus by, 479 Koch plates in isolation of bacteria, 144 749 Koch-Weeks bacillus, 542 Koumys, 702 L+, definition of, 208 L,, definition of, 207 Lab enzymes, 46 Lactase, 50 Lactic-acid bacilli in therapy of gastro- intestinal autointoxication, 714-715 | Lactic-acid fermentation, 50 bacteria of, 50 in milk, 701 Lactose-bile medium, Jackson’s, colon-typhoid differentiation, 138 Lactose-litmus agar, 129 for | Laked blood, 225 Langenbeck, discovery of Oidium albi- cans by, 640 Lautenschliger’s thermo-regulator, 158, 159 Leprolin, 502 Leprosy, 505 bacillus of, 502, 505 cultivation of, 506 by Clegg, 506 by Duval, 506 ; differentiation of, from tubercle ba- cillus by staining, 106, 506 inoculation with, 507, 509 morphology of, 505 occurrence of, in body, 508 pathogenicity of, 507 relation of, to tubercle bacillus, 509 staining of, 505 toxic products of, 509 clinical varieties of, 508 contagiousness of, 509 in rats, 510 occurrence of, 507 tuberculin administered in, results of, .510 Leptothrix, 619 morphology of, 618 Leucocidin of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 329 action of, upon leucocytes, 330 discovery of, 329 leucotoxin differentiated from, 331 750 Leucocidin of Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, obtaining of, 330 Leucocyte extract, 289 effect of, upon infections in animals, 290 in man, 291 experimentation with, 291 obtaining of, 290 Leucotoxin, 201, 331 Liborius’ method of anaérobic cultiva- tion of bacteria, 149 Light in destruction of bacteria, 63 action of, 64 resistance to, 63 varieties of, 64 Lime, chloride of, as disinfectant, 76 Limes death, definition of, 208 Limes zero, 207 Linen, etc., disinfection of, 87 von Lingelsheim, discovery of Diplococ- cus mucosus by, 387 discovery of Micrococcus pharyngis siccus by, 387 Lipase, 47 Liver and gall-bladder, inflammatory conditions of, attributed to colon bacillus, 395 Lobar pneumonia, 352 Loeffler and Schiitz, discovery of glan- ders bacillus by, 528 Loeffler’s malachite-green media, isola- tion of typhoid bacillus in stools by, 409 Loeffler’s method of staining flagella, 100 Loeffler’s serum medium, 131 Lustgarten, discovery of smegma bacil- lus by, 503 Lysins, 224 action of, Bordet’s interpretation of, 225 compared with Ehrlich’s, 225, 228 summary of, 228 Ehrlich’s theory of, 226 compared with Bordet’s, 226 complement in, 226 immune body in, 226 infectiousness of, INDEX OF SUBJECTS Lysins, action of, Ehrlich’s theory of immune body in, formation of, 226 haptophore groups in, 228 complementophile, 228 cytophile, 228 red corpuscles in, 227 side chains or receptors in, 226 over-reproduction of, 226 in blood serum, 225 experimentation in, 224 in immune blood serum, reactivated by normal serum, 226 in normal blood serum, Bordet’s theory of, 225 alexin in, 225 sensitizing substance in, 225 investigation of, by Ehrlich, 226 Lysol, 78 Lyssa. See Rabies Maassen filter, 124 MacConkey’s bile-salt agar, for colon- typhoid differentiation, 138 Macrophages, definition of, 276 Madura foot. See Mycetoma Malachite-green media, for colon-ty- phoid differentiation, 136 bouillon, 137 Loeffler’s, for isolation of typhoid bacillus in stools, 409 Malignant edema, bacillus of, 468 cultivation of, 470 early investigation of, 469 immunity in, 471 morphology of, 469 pathogenicity of, 470 staining of, 470 Mallein, 532 action of, 533 diagnostic use of, 533 directions of U. 8: government for, 534 obtaining and preparation of, 533 Malta fever, 549 in domestic animals, 549 Maltase, 50 Maragliano’s serum for tuberculosis, 498 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Marchiafava and Celli, discovery of meningococcus by, 371 Marmorek’s serum for tuberculosis, 498 Measles, 675 investigation for virus of, 675 by Hektoen, 675 by Home, 675 Meat, determination of nature of, by precipitin tests, 254 used for culture media, 115 soluble, 116 Meat extract, 116 Meat-extract agar, 127 Meat-extract broth, 124 Meat-extract gelatin, 126 Meat-infusion agar, 128 Meat-infusion broth, 124 Meat-infusion gelatin, 127 Meat-poisoning bacilli, 429, 475 Meningitis, microorganisms causing, 371 primary, 371 secondary, 371 serum therapy of, 378 Meningococcus. See Micrococcus intra- cellularis meningitidis Metachromatic granules, 11 Metacresol as disinfectant, 77 Metchnikoff’s therapy of gastrointestinal auto-intoxication by means of Bacil- lus bulgaricus, 714-715 by means of lactic-acid bacilli, 715 Mice, method of injecting, intravenously, _173 “Microbe de la coqueluche,”’ 543 Micrococci, 321. See also Staphylo- cocci Micrococcus, 37 Micrococcus catarrhalis, 385 differentiation of, from gonococcus, 386 from meningococcus, 386 Micrococcus intracellularis meningitidis, 371 cultivation of, 374 oxygen in, 375 s viability of organism in, 375 differentiation of, from Micrococcus catarrhalis, 386 751 Micrococcus intracellularis meningitidis, early observation of, 371-2 immunization against, 378 agglutinins in immune sera in, 378 modes of inoculation of, 377 morphology of, 373 pathogenicity of, 376 in animals, 377 ‘ in man, 376 pseudomeningococcus _ differentiated from, 379 resistance of, 376 staining of, 374 susceptibility of animals to, 377 viability of, 375 Micrococcus melitensis, 549 cultivation of, 550 morphology and staining of, 550 Micrococcus pharyngis siccus, 387 Micrococcus tetragenus, 333 cultivation of, 333 pathogenicity of, 333 Microorganisms, discovery of, 1 pathogenic, 321 Microphages, definition of, 276 Microscopic study of bacteria, 93 in fixed preparations, 94 process of, 94. See also under Staining in living state, 93 by hanging block method, 94 by hanging drop method, 93 by intravital method of Nakanishi, 94 Microspira, 37 Microsporon furfur, 639 clinical picture of infection of, 639 cultivation of, 640 morphology of, 639 Milk, alcoholic fermentation in, 702 anthrax bacilli in, 707 bacteria in, 699 butter a means of transmitting, 711 butter-making aided by, 710 cheese-making aided by, 711 numbers of, 700 estimating of, 709 752 Milk, bacteria in, propagation of, 700 sources of, 699 under ordinarily hygienic condi- tions, 699 varieties of, 701 “bitter,” 703 butyric-acid fermentation in, 702 certified, 701 cholera traced to, 705 coagulation of casein in, 702 color changes in, 703 diarrheal diseases traced to, 705 diphtheria traced to, 705 foot-and-mouth disease virus in, 706 lactic-acid fermentation in, 701 pasteurization of, 709 pus cells and leucocytes in, 706 relation of, to infectious diseases, 703 scarlet fever traced to, 704 “slimy,” 703 streptococci in, 705 streptococcus throat infections con- veyed by, 343, 706 supervision of supply of, 700 tubercle bacilli in, 707 infection from, 708 precautions against, 708 dairy inspection in, 708 Milk, tubercle bacilli in, precautions against, tuberculin test of cows in, 708 transmission of, from cow, 707 typhoid fever epidemics traced to, 703 Milk media, 130 Milzbrand, 563 Moeller’s method of staining spores, 98 Moitessier’s gas-pressure regulator, 169 Molds. See Hyphomycetes Morax-Axenfeld bacillus, 545 cultivation of, 546 morphology and staining of, 546 pathogenicity of, 547 Motility of bacteria, 14 by flagella, 14 Brownian, 14 effect of temperature on, 15 molecular, 14 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Motility of bacteria, organs of, 13 true, 14 Mucorine, reproduction in, 635-636 Muguet. See Thrush Multiplicity of amboceptors in normal sera, 241 of complement in normal sera, 242 Mycetoma, clinical picture of, 627 granules in, 627 melanoid, 627 cultivation of, 627-628 morphology of, 627 ochroid, 627 Mycomycetes, 635 Nakanisul, “intravital” staining method of, in study of bacteria, 94 Negri bodies in central nervous system in rabies, 648 demonstration of, 648 diagnosis of rabies by, 650 explanation of, 650 significance of, 651 staining of, 108 Neisser, discovery of Diplococcus gon- orrhoee by, 380 discovery of lepra bacillus by, 505 Nephrotoxin, 201 Neufeld and Rimpau’s discovery of opsonic substances, 282 Neurotoxin, 201 Neutral-red medium for colon-typhoid differentiation, 138 “New tuberculin’ (Koch), 491 “New tuberculin-bacillary emulsion,” 492 , Nitrate-solution broth, 126 Nitrifying bacteria, 57 action of, 58 agricultural importance of, 58 Nitrogen fixation by bacteria, 54 microorganism of, 54 in root tubercles, 55 experimentation on, 56 microorganism of, 55 process of, 56 in soil, 54 Nitrogen in nutrition of bacteria, 28 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Nitrogen in nutrition of bacteria, sources of supply of, 28 Noguchi’s modification of Wassermann test for syphilis, 270 Novy jar, 154 Nucleus in bacterial cell, 10 Nutrient media. See Culture media Nutrition of bacteria, 25 carbon in, 25 hydrogen in, 28 nitrogen in, 25 oxygen in, 25 salts in, 29 OBERMEIER, discovery of spirochetes of relapsing fever by, 605 Obligatory aérobes, 25 Obligatory anaérobes, 26 Oidium albicans, 640 discovery of, 640 morphology of, 640 varieties of, 640 “Old tuberculin” (Koch), 491 Opium production, bacteria in, 716 “Opsonic coefficent of extinction,” 286 Opsonic index, finding of, 286 Opsonic test, Wright’s, 284 obtaining of bacterial emulsion for, 284 of blood serum for, 284 of leucocytes for, 284 opsonic index in, finding of, 286 parallel control test on normal serum in, 285 “pool” in, 285 technique of, 284 Simon, Lamar, and Bispham’s tech- nique of, 286 dilutions in, 286 opsonic coefficient of extinction in, 286 Opsonins, 281 decrease of phagocytic power upon introduction of bacteria without, 282 definition of, 282 increase of phagocytic power upon in- troduction of, 283 49 753 Opsonins, Neufeld and Rimpau’s dis- covery of, 282 normal and immune, 282-3 specificity of, 282 structure of, according to Hektoen and Ruediger, 283 Wright’s test of. See Opsonic test Wright’s theory of, 282 Orthocresol as disinfectant, 78 Osmotic properties of bacterial cell, 23 Oxydases, 50 Oxygen as disinfectant, 88 in development of bacteria, 25 free, 26 absence of, 26 indirect supply of, 26 in nutrition of bacteria, 25 Ozone as disinfectant, 88 PaLtTavr’s modification of Gram’s stain, 103 Pancreascytotoxin, 201 Paper used in filtering culture media, 121 Paracolon bacillus, 430 Paracresol as a disinfectant, 78 Parasites, bacterial, 29 facultative, 30 media for growth of, 29 definition of, 182 infectiousness of, 182 pathogenicity of, 182 Paratyphoid bacilli, differentiation of, on sugar, 433 types A and B, 4381 Paratyphoid fever, differentiation of, from typhoid, 432 Passive immunity. See under Immunity Passive immunization, definition of, 196 Pasteur, discovery of bacillus of chicken cholera by, 552 discovery of bacillus of malignant edema by, 468 discovery of Diplococcus pneumonise by, 353 technique of, in rabies therapy, 652 Pasteurization of milk, 709 Pathogenic bacteria, 182, 321 754 Pathogenicity, fundamental factors of, 181 of bacteria, 182 Penicillium, reproduction in, 637 Pepton-salt solution broth, 126 Pericardial exudates, bacteriological ex- amination of, 175 Peritoneal exudates, bacteriological ex- amination of, 175 Peritonitis following perforation attrib- uted to colon bacillus, 394 Perlsucht, 498 Permanganate of potassium as disin- fectant, 76 Pernicious anemia and Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus, 177 Peroxid of hydrogen as disinfectant, 76 Petri dish, 115, 144 Petruschky, discovery of Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes by, 427 Pfeiffer, discovery of influenza bacillus by, 536 discovery of Micrococcus catarrhalis by, 385 discovery of pseudo-influenza bacil- lus by, 541 Phagocytic index, 286 Phagocytosis, 275 cells active in, 276 “fixed,” 276 macrophages, 276 microphages, 276 “wandering,” 276 cells of animal origin in, 278 chemotaxis in, 277 complement or ‘‘cytase”’ in, 279 definition of, 275 dependence of, on opsonins, 281-2 diminution of, upon introduction of bacteria without opsonic serum, 282 immune body or “‘fixator” in, 279 immunity and, 279 in higher animals, 276 in protozoa, 275 increase of, upon the introduction of opsonic substances in serum, 282 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Phagocytosis, macrophages in, 276 Metchnikoff’s theory of, 276 opposition to, 279 microphages in, 276 process of, in the body upon introduc- tion of bacteria, 277 upon introduction of nutrient broth, 276 susceptibility of various microorgan-. isms to, 278 variety of phagocyte in, determined by the bacterium, 278 Phenol production by bacteria, 167 ; Phosphates in the nutrition of bacteria, 29 Phosphorescence produced by bacteria, 59 Phragmidiothrix, 38 Phycomycetes, 635 Pigment, formation of, by bacteria, 59 chemical nature of, 59 cultural conditions on, 60 Piorkowski’s urine gelatin fer colon-ty- phoid differentiation, 134 Pityriasis versicolor, 639 clinical picture of, 639 microorganism causing. sporon furfur occurrence of, 639 Plague, bacillus of, 554 biology of, 557 degeneration forms of, 20 immunization against, 561 active, 561 involution forms of, on salt agar, 557 isolation and cultivation of, 556 lesions in animals produced by, 559 morphology of, 555 pathogenicity of, 558 resistance of, 557 staining of, 556 transmission of, 560 toxins of, 561 variations in virulence of, 559 viability of, 557 epidemics of, 554 in animals, 558 in California ground squirrels, 560 See Micro- INDEX OF SUBJECTS Plague, bacillus of, in animals, in Man- churian marmot, 560 inoculation in, 559 spontaneous infection in, 559 in man, 558 autopsy findings in, 558 bacteriological diagnosis of, in life, 558 infection in, 558 localized form of, 558 pneumonic form of, 558 transmission of, 560 Plague-like disease in rodents, 562 Planococcus, 37 Planosarcina, 37 Plasmolysis of bacterial cell, 23 Plasmoptysis of bacterial cell, 24 Plating in isolation of bacteria, 143 Pleural exudates, bacteriological exami- nation of, 175. Pleuro-pneumonia, organism of, 542 Pneumobacillus. See Bacillus mucosus capsulatais Pneumococcus, discovery of, 7 different types of, 336 Pneumococcus. See Diplococeus pneu- monize Pneumococcus-streptococcus group, mu- tation, 370 Pneumonia, complications of, 362 lobar, infectiousness of, 352 serum therapy for, 366 Poisons, bacterial. See Bacterial poi- sons Polar bodies, 11 special stains for, 107 Poliomyelitis, acute anterior, 664 immunity in, 667 infectiousness of, 664 inoculation of animals with spinal substance of, 664 by Flexner and Lewis, 665, 666 by Knoepfelmacher, 665 by Landsteiner and Levaditi, 665 by Landsteiner and Popper, 665 resistance of virus of, 666 Polychrome stains in staining of bac- teria, 107 755 Potassium permanganate as disinfect- ant, 76 Potato media, 130 glycerin, 130 Pour plate, technique of making, 145 Precipitin tests, 252 bacterial filtrates for, 254 technique of, 255 determining nature of meat by, 254 precipitating antisera for, 252 against albumin solutions, 253 technique of production of, 252 proteid solutions to be tested by, 254 Precipitins, 200, 235 agglutinins and, structure of (Ehr- lich), 238 cell-receptors in, 238 theoretical considerations concern- ing, 238 bacterial differentiation by, 237 differentiation of proteids by, 237, 254 distinguishing blood of animal species by, 237 effect of heat on, 236 experimentation in, 235 group reaction of, 237 identity of, with sensitizers, 236 nature of, 236 specificity of, 237 Proagglutinoids, 235 Proteid differentiation by complement fixation, 273 substances necessary for, 273 technique of, 274 by precipitins, 237, 254 Proteid injections, anaphylaxis in, 295. See also Anaphylaxis Proteids in bacterial cell, 22 Proteins, bacterial, 186 Proteolytic enzymes, 43 action of, 44 in breaking down animal excreta, 46 bacteria producing, 44 preteids necessary to, 44 ptomains produced by, 45 756 Proteus group, bacilli of, 454 cultivation of, 454 morphology and staining of, 454 occurrence of, 454 pathogenicity of, 455 Protozoa and bacteria, differentiation of, 1 staining of, 108 Pseudo-dysentery bacillus, 437, 438 Pseudo-influenza bacillus, 541 Pseudo-membranes in diphtheria, 519 Pseudomeningococcus, 379 Pseudomonas, 37 Ptomains, 45, 185, 306 bacterial poisons and, 185 discovery of, 185 occurrence of, 185 toxins distinguished from, 45 varieties of, 45 Pus, bacteriological examination of, 175 Pus cells and leucocytes in milk, 706 Putrefaction, action of, 44 Putrefactive bacteria, quantitative an- alysis of, 21 Putrescin, 45 Pyemia, definition of, 184 Pyocyanase, 580 immunizing powers of, 580 Pyocyanin, 578 Pyocyanolysin, 581 Pyrogallic acid, use of, in cultivation of anaérobic bacteria, 152 Rastins, 646 course of, 647 in animals, 647 in men, 648 cultivation of organism of, by Nogu- chi, 651 diagnosis of, by presence of Negri bodies in central nervous system, 648-650 experimental infection of, 646 incubation in, 647 Negri bodies in central nervous sys- tem, 648 demonstration of, 648 by Van Gieson’s method, 649 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Rabies, Negri bodies in central nervous system, demonstration of, by Williams and Lowden’s meth- od, 650 staining in, 649 Mann’s method of, 649 diagnosis by, 649-650 occurrence of, 646 pathology of, 648 specific therapy of (Pasteur’s tech- nique), 652 attenuation and preparation of virus fixe in, 652 inoculation of rabbits with virus fixe in, 652 spinal cord of inoculated rabbits in, desiccation of, 653 emulsification of, 654 treatment of cases with injections of spinal-cord solution in, 654 Hogyes dilution method in, 656 scheme of, used at Pasteur In- stitute, 654 used in New York Department of Health, 655 virulence of virus of, 647 Racial immunity, 191 “Rage.” See Rabies. Rat leprosy, 510 relation of, to human leprosy, 511 Rauschbrand. See Bacillus of sympto- matic anthrax Receptors of toxin molecule in side- chain theory, 213 chemical action of, 213 over-production of, 214 Red blood cells, antibodies produced by, 200 : Reducing powers of bacteria, 167 Refractive index of parts of bacterial cell, 24 Reichel filter, 122 Reichert’s thermo-regulator, 158, 159 Relapsing fever, 605 immunity in, 610 symptoms of, 608 transmission of, 610 varieties of, 609 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Relapsing fever spirochete, 605 cultivation of, 606 morphology and staining of, 605 pathogenicity of, 608 in animals, 608 in man, 608 symptoms of, 608 transmission of, 610 varieties of, 609 Reproduction of bacteria, 17 Resistance, definition of, 189 Rhinoscleroma, bacillus of, 451 Ricin, experimentation with, 204 Ringworm, 642 Root tubercles, 55 microorganism of nitrogen fixation in, 55 Roux’s method of anaérobic cultivation of bacteria, 149 SaccHaromycetes. See Yeasts and Yeast cells Salts in nutrition of bacteria, 29 Saprophytes, bacterial, 29, 30 definition of, 182 Sarcina, 37 Sarcophysematos bovis. See Bacillus of symptomatic anthrax Scarlatina. See Scarlet fever Scarlet fever, 676 favorable influence of ‘streptococcus antisera in, 676 streptococci present in, 676 traced to milk, 704 Schaudinn and Hoffmann, discovery of Spirocheta pallida by, 594 Schizomycetes, 37 Schweineseuche, 553 Scorpion poison, antitoxin for, 199 “Sensibilisin,” 302 “Sensibilisinogen,” 302 Septicemia, definition of, 184 diagnosis of, by isolation of bacteria from the blood, 178 due to colon-bacillus infection, 394 hemorrhagic. See Hemorrhagic sep- ticemia Serum media, 131 757 Serum media, Loeffler’s, 131 Serum reactions, technique of, 249. See also under individual tests agglutination tests in, 250 antigen determined in, by comple- ment fixation, 271 for typhoid fever, 271 obtaining of material for, 271 test in, 272 bactericidal and bacteriolytic tests in, 255 complement fixation in, for deter- mination of antibodies, 261 for determination of antigen, 271 for proteid differentiation, 273 hemolytic tests in, 259 precipitin tests in, 252 proteid differentiation by comple- ment fixation in, 273 substances necessary for, 273 test in, 274 Wassermann test, in, 262 modifications of, 268 “Serum sickness,” 296 Serum water media for fermentation tests, 132 Shiga, discovery of dysentery bacillus by, 435 Shiga’s bacillus, 435 cultural characteristics of, 4386 morphology of, 435 Side-chain theory of toxin-antitoxin reaction, 212 chemical action in, 213 elements of molecules in, 213 atom group, 213 side chains or receptors, 213 over-production of receptors in, 214 Side chains, action of, in Ehrlich’s theory of lytic process in blood serum, 226 Slanting of culture media, 123 “Slimy” milk, bacteria causing, 703 Smallpox, 657 : etiological factor of, 657 immunization in, 658 by vaccination, 659, 663 Jenner’s discovery of, 659 technique of, 663 758 Smallpox, immunization in, by vaccina- tion, value of, 663 production of vaccine for, 647. See also under Vaccine occurrence of, 657 protozoan incitant of, research for, 657 relation of chicken-pox to, 660 relation of cowpox to, 659 transmission of, 658 vaccine bodies in, discovery of, 657 explanations for, 658 Ewing’s, 658 Smegma bacillus, 502, 503, 594 cultivation of, 504 morphology of, 503 occurrence of, 503 staining of, 504 identification of bacillus by, 504 tubercle bacillus and, differentiation between, by stains, 106 Smith’s modification of Pitfield’s method of staining flagella, 101 Snake poison, antitoxin for, 199 Soil, bacteria in, 685 from burial of infected cadavers, 687 in agricultural regions, 685 numerical estimation of, 687 pathogenic, in surface layers, 686 Solutions, saturated, for staining of bacteria, 95 staining-power of, 96 Soor. See Thrush Species immunity, 190 differences in, 190 Specific gravity of forms of bacterial cell, 24 “Specific precipitates,” 235-236 Spider poison, antitoxin for, 199 Spinal fluid, bacteriological examination of, 176 Spirillacer, 37 Spirillum, 38 description of, 9 Spirillum cholere asiatice. See under Cholera Spirillum Deneke, 591 Spirillum of Finkler-Prior, 539 Spirillum Massaua, 591 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Spirillum Metchnikovi, 590 Spirocheta, genus, 38 Spirocheta anserina, 616 Spirocheta Calligyrum, 617 Spirocheta Duttoni, 610 Spirochexta gallinarum, 615 cultivation of, by Noguchi, 616 immunization against, 616 similarity of, to Spirocheta anserina, 616 transmission of, 615, 616 Spirocheta macrodentium, 617 Spirocheta microdentium, 617 Spirocheta pallida, 593 animal pathogenicity of, 601 cultivation of, 600 dark-field examination of, 597 by Mihlens, 600 by Noguchi, 600 demonstration of, 596 in living state, 596 in smears, 597 by Goldhorn’s method of stain- ing, 598 by India-ink preparation, 598 by Schaudinn and Hoffmann’s method of staining, 597 by Wood’s method of staining, 597 in tissues, 598 by Levaditi’s method, 598 by Levaditi and Manouelian’s method, 599 immunization against, 603 active, 603 passive, 603 infection of animals by, 602 of cornea of rabbits, 602 of testes of rabbits, 602 morphology of, 595 observation of, 596-597 occurrence of, in syphilis cases, 595- 596 staining of, 108 Spirocheta pertenuis, 614 morphology of, 615 similarity of, to Spirocheta pallida, 615 Spirochzeta phagedenis, 616 INDEX OF SUBJECTS “Spirocheta refringens,” 595 Spirochete of relapsing fever. lapsing fever spirochete Spirochete of Vincent’s angina. Vincent’s angina, spirochete of Spirochetes, cultivation of, 593 differentiation of, from spirilla, 593 diseases caused by, 592. See also under specific names reproduction in, 592 structure of, 592 Spirosoma, 37 Spore stains in staining of bacteria, 97 Spores, bacterial, 15 formation of, 15 germination of, 17 position of, 17 varieties of, 16 arthrospores, 16 true or endospores, 16 vegetative forms from, 17 Sporotrichosis, 644 Sporulation, physiological significance of, 17 process of, 16 Sputum, disinfection of, 87 Stable antitoxin, 206 Staining of bacteria, chemical principles in process of, 96 acid-fast bacteria stains, 104 Baumgarten’s method, 106 Bunge and Trautenroth’s method, 106 Ehrlich’s method, 104 Gabbet’s method, 105 Pappenheim’s method, 106 Ziehl-Neelson method, 105 capsule stains, 98 Buerger’s method, 99 Hiss’ methods, 98 copper sulphate, 98 potassium carbonate, 98 Wadsworth’s method, 99 Welch’s method, 98 differential stains, 102 Gram’s method, 102 classification by, 104 Paltauf’s modification of, 103 See Re- See 759 Staining of bacteria, flagella stains, 100 Loeffler’s method, 100 Smith’s modification of Pitfield’s method, 101 Van Ermengem’s method, 101 polychrome stains, 107 Giemsa’s method, 108 Jenner’s method, 108 Wood’s method, 109 Wright’s modification of Leish- man’s method, 108 special stains for polar bodies, 107 Neisser’s method, 107 Roux’s method, 107 spore stains, 97 Abbott’s method, 97 Moeller’s method, 98 staining in tissues, 110 for actinomyces in sections, 112 for Gram-positive bacteria, 111 Gram-Weigert method, 111 in celloidin sections, 111 in paraffin sections, 111 for tubercle bacilli in sections, 112 in celloidin sections, 112 in paraffin sections, 112 Loeffler’s method, 112 saturated solutions used in, 95 staining solutions in, power of, 96 steps in process of: (1) smearing, 94 (2) drying, 95 (3) fixing, 95 (4) staining, 95 (5) washing, 95 (6) blotting, 95 (7) mounting, 95 Standardization of diphtheria antitoxin, 218 of tetanus antitoxin, 221 Staphylococci, 321. See also under individual staphylococci definition of, 321 _ in feces, 177 Staphylococcus epidermidis albus, 332 Staphylococcus pyogenes albus, 332 Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, 322 cultural characters of, 323 760 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus, im- munization against, 331 active, 332 agglutinins in, 331 modes of inoculation with, 327 morphology of, 322 pathogenicity of, 326 in animals, 327 in man, 327 pigment formation of, 325 resistance of, 325 to chemicals, 326 to desiccation, 326 to heat and cold, 325 staining of, 322 susceptibility of animals to, 326 susceptibility of man to, 327 thermal death point of, 325 toxic products of, 328 endotoxins, 328 hemolysins, 328 leucocidin, 329. See also under Leucocidin virulence of, 326 Staphylococcus pyogenes citreus, 332 Steam in sterilization, 67 live, 69 saturated, 68 superheated, 68 Stegomyia fasciata, 673 Sterilization of culture media, 121 filtration in, 122 heat in, 121 Sternberg, discovery of Diplococcus pneumonie by, 353 Stimulins, 281 Streaking, surface, in isolation of bac- teria, 148 “Street virus,” 647 Streptococci, 37, 335 capsulated, description of organisms reported as, 367-369 classification of, 348 by Andrewes and Horder, 349 by carbohydrate fermentation pow- ers, 348 by reactions to immune sera, 350 morphological, 348 Streptococci, classification of, morpho- logical, Streptococcus longus seu erysipelatos in, 348 Streptococcus minor seu viridans in, 348 Streptococcus mucosus in, 350 definition of, 335 differentiation of, from pneumococci, 357, 367 cultural, 368 morphological, 367 epidemic throat infections by, 343 in feces, 177 in milk, 705 in milk epidemics, 343 preparation of, for agglutination test, 251 pyogenic. See Streptococcus pyo- genes Streptococcus anginosus, 349 Streptococcus equinus, 349 Streptococcus erysipelatis, 342 Streptococcus fecalis, 349 Streptococcus longus seu erysipelatos, 348 Streptococcus mitior seu viridans, 348 Streptococcus mucosus, 350, 351 Streptococcus pyogenes, 335 brevis, 337, 338 cultivation of, 337 early experimentation with, 335 immunization against, 345 immune sera of infected animals in, 345 agglutinins in, 347 precipitins in, 348 specificity of, 347 standardization of, 347 leucocyte extracts in, 347 technique of, 346 longus, 337 modes of inoculation with, 341 in animals, 341 in man, 342 morphology of, 337 pathogenicity of, 340 in animals, 340 in man, 342 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Streptococcus pyogenes, resistance of, 339 staining of, 337 susceptibility of animals to, 341 toxic products of, 344 endotoxins, 344 hemolysins, 344 virulence of, 340 Streptococcus salivarius, 349 Streptothrix, 38, 619 cultivation of, 621 morphology of, 619, 621 Sublethal doses of virulent bacteria in active immunization, 195 Sugar-free broth, 125 Sulphates in nutrition of bacteria, 29 Sulphur bacteria, 60 physiology of, 61 spectroscopic examination of, 61 varieties of, 60 Sulphur dioxid as disinfectant, 86 Sulphuretted hydrogen. See Hydrogen sulphid , Suprarenal cytotoxin, 201 Swine-plague bacillus, 553 differentiation of, from hog-cholera bacillus, 554 immunization against, 553 morphology of, 553 pathogenicity of, 553 Symbiosis of bacteria, 31 Symptomatic anthrax, bacillus of. Anthrax, symptomatic Syphilis, 593 in monkeys, 602 in rabbits, 602 microorganism of. pallida See See Spirocheta Tannine of hides, bacteria in, 716 Temperature, attained by application of various degrees of pressure, 72 effect of, on activity of bacteria, 15 high, 34 low, 34 relation of, to bacteria, 31 maximum, 32 minimum, 32 761 Temperature, relation of, to bacteria, optimum, 32 to cultures with spores, 33 to vegetative forms, 33 “Tetanolysin,’”’ 205, 464 “Tetanospasmin,”’ 463 Tetanus antitoxin, 220 production of, 220 horses used in, 221 technique of, 221 toxin for, 220 standardization of, 222 unit of (Society of American Bacteri- ologists), 222 Tetanus bacillus, 456 autopsy findings in infections of, 460 biological characteristics of, 458 cultivation of, 458 distribution of, 457 early observation of, 456 favorable conditions for growth of, 459 incubation of, 460 isolation of, by Kitasato, 456 morphology of, 456 pathogenicity of, 459 following wounds, 460 relation of spores to, 459 resistance of, 459 staining of, 457 toxin of, 460 ; central nervous system attacked by, 463 mode of reaching, 463 incubation period of, 463 isolation of, 461 by chemical reaction, 462 by filtration, 461 by precipitation, 461 production of, 461 resistance of, 462 strength of, 462 susceptibility of animals to, 462 Tetanus spores, transportation of, to organs, 460 Thermal death points, 34 Thermo-regulators for incubators, 159 Lautenschliger’s, 158, 159 Reichert, 158, 159 762 Thiothrix, 38 Thrush, 640 microorganism causing, 640 Timothy, bacillus of, 502 Tissue sections, method of staining, 111 Gram-Weigert, 111 in celloidin sections, 111 in paraffin sections, 111 staining of bacteria in, 110 Titration of culture media, 117 color indicator in, 117 process of, 117 for alkaline media, 118 reaction of, 117 adjustment of, 119 Tobacco industry, bacteria in, 715 Torule, 617 Toxin, constitution of (Ehrlich), 210 graphic form of (Ehrlich), 211 views of Arrhenius and Madsen on, 212 diphtheria. toxin endotoxin distinguished from, 186 epitoxoid in, 208 in side-chain theory, cell-nutrition in, 213 chemical action of, 213 elements of, 213 atom group, 213 side chains or receptors, 213 over-production of receptors in, 214 molecule of, haptophore group in, 207 toxophore group in, 207 partial absorption of, 209 standardization of, 207 Limes death in, 208 Limes zero in, 207 time changes in, 206 toxoid form of, 207 protoxoids in, 209 syntoxoids in, 209 toxon and, difference in action of, 209 toxon in, 209 used for production of diphtheria antitoxin, 216 valency of antitoxin for, 210 See under Diphtheria INDEX OF SUBJECTS Toxin-antitoxin reaction, 203 side-chain theory in, 212 summary of, 215 theories as to process of, 203 by destruction of toxin by its specific antitoxin, 203 by direct union of toxin and anti- toxin, 203 through mediation of tissue cells, 203 time element in, 204 Toxin solution, normal, 205 Toxin unit, 205 Toxins, 185 compared with pigments, 186, 309 summary of, 305 Toxoid form of diphtheria toxin, 207 Toxoids, varieties of, 209 epitoxoid form in, 208 protoxoids, 209 syntoxoids, 209 Toxon, in diphtheria toxin, 209 toxin and, difference in action of, 209 Toxon molecule, 209 haptophore group in, 209 toxophore group in, 209 Toxophore group in toxin molecule, 207 in toxon molecule, 209 Trachoma, hemoglobinophilic bacilli in, 541 Trichomycetes. aces Trichophyton tonsurans, 642 cultivation of, 644 demonstration of, 643 morphology of, 643 occurrence of, 642 Tricresol, 78 Trillat autoclave, 89 Tubercle bacillus, 479 bacilli related to, 498 Bacillus butyricus, 502 bacillus of avian tuberculosis, 500 cultivation of, 500 discovery of, 500 morphology and staining of, 500 susceptibility of animals to, 500 bacillus of bovine tuberculosis, 498 See Chlamydobacteri- INDEX OF SUBJECTS Tubercle bacillus, bacilli related to, bacillus of bovine tuberculosis, early investigation of, 498 cultivation of, 499 differentiation of, from human type, 499 morphology of, 499 bacillus of fish tuberculosis, 495 bacillus of leprosy, 502, 509 bacillus of timothy, 502 bacillus of turtle tuberculosis, 501 * Bacillus smegmatis, 502 biological considerations of, 485 chemical analysis of, 490 cultivation of, 483 “Nahbrstoff Heyden” in, 485 media for, 484 discovery of, 7 early investigation of, 479 examination for, by animal inocula- tion, 175 by Ziehl-Neelson staining method,. 176 in circulating blood, 489 in feces, 178 in milk, 709 isolation of, 483 leprosy bacillus and, differentiation between, by stains, 106 methods of staining, 104, 105, 106 in sections, 112 celloidin, 112 paraffin, 112 morphology of, 479 Much granules, 482 pathogenicity of, 486 frequency in, 486 mode of infection in, 487 mortality in, 486 preparation of, for agglutination test, 251 quantitative analysis of, 22 smegma bacillus and, differentiation between, by stains, 106 staining of, 480 differentiation of, from acid-fast group by Pappenheim’s method of, 482 wy 763 Tubercle bacillus, staining of, Ehrlich’s anilin-water-gentian-violet solu- tion in, 481 Gabbet’s decoloration and coun- terstaining in, 481 Ziehl’s carbol-fuchsin solution in, 481 toxins of, 490 endotoxins in, 490 tuberculins in, 490 bouillon filtré (Denys), 492 *new tuberculin-bacillary emul- sion”’ (Koch), 492 “new tuberculin” (Koch); 491 original method of making of, 491 present method of making of, 491 : “old tuberculin” (Koch), 491 “tuberculoplasmin” (Buchner _and Hahn), 492 use of antiformin in examination for, 483 Tuberculin. See under Tubercle bacillus, toxins of “Tuberculoplasmin” Hahn), 492 Tuberculosis, frequency of, 486 immunization in, passive, 497 Maragliano’s serum in, 498 Marmorek’s serum in, 498 human and bovine types of bacilli in, in infections of man, 488 mode of infection in, 487 mortality of, 486 tuberculin in, diagnostic use of, 493 cutaneous reaction in, 494 in cattle, 495 ophthalmo reaction in, 494 subcutaneous injection of, 493 dosage and reaction in, 493 therapeutic uses of, 496 original, 496 present, 497 dosage in, 497 preparations employed in, 497 Tubing of culture media, 121 Typhoid bacillus. See under Typhoid fever (Buchner and 764 Typhoid carrier state in rabbits, 404 Typhoid fever, bacillus of, 399 bacteriemia in, 405 biological conditions favorable to, 403 cultivation of, 399 differentiation of, from Bacillus fecalis alkaligenes, 427 from meat-poisoning and para- typhoid bacilli, 428 discovery of, 7, 399 immunization against. See under Typhoid fever, immunization in in blood during disease, 405 obtaining cultures of, 405 in feces, 177 in gall-bladder, 411 in rose spots, 412 in sputum, 412 in stools, 406 examination in, 406 isolation of, 407 on Conradi-Drigalski medium, 408 on Elsner’s potato-extract gel- atin, 407 on Endo’s fuchsin-agar, 409 on Hiss’ agar-gelatin media, 407 on Loeffler’s malachite-green media, 409 time of appearance in, 406 in urine, 411 in water, 694 inoculation of animals with, 404 with endotoxin of, 417 isolation of, 403 morphology of, 399 pathogenicity of, 404 in animals, 404 in man, 404 staining of, 339 suppurative lesions due to, 412 toxic products of, 415 obtaining of, 417 varieties of: endotoxins, 415 true toxins, 416 typhoplasmin, 416 NDEX OF SUBJECTS Typhoid fever, diagnosis in, by agglutin- ins in blood serum, 420 Widal test in, 421 obtaining blood for, 422 by bactericidal substances in blood serum, 419 by bactericidal tests in vivo, 258 by opsonic index, 424 epidemics of, traced to milk, 703 hygienic considerations in, 413 immunization in, 417 by inoculation with typhoid bacilli, 417 active, 424 _ technique of Pfeiffer and Kolle in, 425 of Wright in, 425 substances found in blood after, 418 agglutinins in, 419 chief or major, 420 ; group, 420 @ .* bactericidal, 419 bacteriolytic, 418 opsonins in, 424 precipitins in, 423 obtaining blood cultures in, 180 prophylactic measures in, 414 prophylactic vaccination in, 426 specific therapy in, 424 transmission of, 413, 414 by flies, 415 from milk, 414 from oysters, 415 from water supply, 414 without intestinal lesions, 413 “Typhoplasmin,” 416 Typhus fever, bacillus of Plotz, 678 bacillus of Ricketts and Wilder, 677 distribution of, 677 identity of, with Brill’s disease, 677 inoculation of animals with, 677 Urine, bacteriological examination of, 176 Urobacillus liquefaciens, 455 Uschinsky’s proteid-free medium, 126 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Vaccine production, for immunization in smallpox, 660 animals used in, 660 calves used for, 660 cleanliness observed in stabling of, 660 material used for vaccination of, 661 vaccination in, 661 preparation of field in, 661 scarifications in, 661 vaccinia vesicles developed in, 661 obtaining of vaccine from, 662 by curettage, 662 by ivory tips, 662 testing of vaccine in, for bacteria, 663 for efficiency, 662 : Vaccine therapy of Wright, 286 dosage for, 288 opsonic curve in, 288 production of vaccines in, 286 standardization of emulsion in, 287 enumeration of bacteria against red blood cells in, 287-8 sterilization of vaccine in, 288 Van Ermengem, discovery of Bacillus botulinus by, 475 Van Ermengem’s method of staining flagella, 101 Variola. See Smallpox. Vegetative forms from bacterial spores, 17 “Vibrion septique.”’ See Malignant edema, bacillus of Vincent’s angina, 610 spirochete of, 611 cultivation of, 613 fusiform variety of, 612 bacilli of other diseases resem- bling, 613. See also under Fu- siform bacilli other bacilli accompanying, 613 spirillum variety of, 613 symptoms of, 610 Vincent’s spirilla, staining of, 108 Virulence, definition of, 183 variations in, and infectiousness, 183 Virulent bacteria, sublethal doses of, in immunization, 195 Virus fixe, in specific therapy of rabies, 652 765 Wanpsworta’s method of staining cap- sules, 99 Wassermann test for diagnosis of syph- ilis, 262 antigen for, 262 determination of necessary quantity of, 264 obtaining of, from alcoholic ex- tracts of syphilitic organs, 263 from alcoholic solution of normal organs, 263 from salt solution of syphilitic liver, 263 of syphilitic spleen, 262 preparation of, by Noguchi meth- od, 264 complement in, 266 hemolytic serum in, 265 obtaining of, 265 potency of, 265 quantity of, 265 unit in, definition of, 265 determination of, 266 modifications of, 268 Bauer’s, 268 Noguchi’s, 270 performed with Spirocheta pallida antigen, 604 preparation for, 262 serum to be tested for syphilitic anti- body in, 267 sheep corpuscles in, 267 technique of, 267 Water, bacteria in, 689 in ground waters, 691 in perennial springs, 692 in wells, 691 in rain and snow, 690 in surface waters, 690 influence of rain on, 690 light and temperature factors in purification of, 691 self-purification in, 690 pathogenic, 689 of cholera, 689 of diarrheal diseases, 689 of typhoid fever, 689 qualitative analysis of, 694 766 © Water, bacteria in, qualitative analysis of, isolation of cholera vibrio in, 696 Koch’s method of, 696 isolation of colon bacillus in, 695 isolation of typhoid bacillus in,695 Adami’s and Chapin’s method of, 696 Drigalski’s method of, 695 Parietti’s method of, 695 Vallet’s method of, 696 quantitative estimations of, 692 collecting of specimens for, 692 colon bacilli in, 698 colon test in, 697 counting of bacilli in, 698 counting in, 694 incubation of specimens in, 694 plating of specimens in, 693 value of, 694 in bacterial cell, 21 Welch, discovery of Bacillus aérogenes capsulatus by, 471 Welch’s method of staining capsules, 98 Welch’s modification of Guarnieri’s medium, 129 Wertheim’s medium for cultivation of gonococcus, 381-2 Winckel’s disease in the newborn due to colon bacillus, 394 Wires used in transferring bacteria, 141 Wolffhiigel counting plate, 162 Wool-sorter’s disease, 573 Wright, method of, of anaérobic cultiva- tion of bacteria, 150 modification by, of Buchner’s pyrogal- lic method of cultivation of anaérobic bacteria, 153 theory of opsonins of, 282 vaccine therapy of, See Vaccine therapy of Wright XzrRosis bacillus, 525 Yaws, 603 Yeast cells, cultivation of, 633 demonstration of, 632 morphology of, 629 reproduction in, by budding, 629 by spore formation, 630 INDEX OF SUBJECTS Yeasts, 629 differentiation of, from other microor- ganisms, 629 fermentation by, 630 industrial employment of, for fermen- tative purposes, 52 infection of, in animals, 632 in man, 631 clinical picture of, 632 pathogenic varieties of, 633 Yellow fever, 668 clinical picture of, 668 distribution of, 668 etiology of, 668 immunity in, 674 investigation of, by Guiteras and Mar- choux, Salimbeni and Simond, 673 results of, 673 by Reed, Carroll, Agramonte, and Lazear, 670 results of, 673 microorganism of, biological proper- ties of, 669 research for, 668 by Cornil and Babes, 669 by Sanarelli, 669 by Sternberg, 669 Stegomyia fasciata in, 673 description of, 673 power of transmission of infection by, reasons for, 674 tropical countries most favorable for, 674 transmission of, 670 by mosquitoes, 670 discovery of, by Finlay, 670 investigation and confirmation of, by United States Commission, 670 Yersin, discovery of plague bacillus by, 555 Zur NEpvDEN’s bacillus, 547 cultivation of, 547 morphology and staining of, 547 pathogenicity of, 547 Zymase, 51, 630 6) Bathe