EH. ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEw YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND Home EcoNoMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY Corneil Univ “rmeaical investigations upon the germ; ECOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS UPON THE GERMINATION AND EARLY GROWTH OF DOREST TREES BY BICHARD HE. BOERKER A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE COLLEGE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DocToR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA JANUARY I, I916 cd I—ECOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS UPON THE GERMINATION AND EARLY GROWTH OF FOREST TREES BY RICHARD H. BOERKER CONTENTS Pace Pretatory INOtE ee patyeiss wis esta acdsee niae dasani sgn d Aaa datualndeaadeneonens I Preliniitiaty: (ComsrderatiOnys » 5 4. acacciesahsinsatsuonineduese os och Gaze acocatrngaiinubaweonadn a TEP YS GO Mat alls «anaes oNearaigsca oshste sg brace vanes is aipen sec aau chart ey ae eee 7 Classification and Résumé of Habitat Factors .............0..0000e Il dhe: Germination, PRocess 0.4 2.0x2ev accu een eran earaitnes Ig’ Method of Attacking ‘Problem at: Hand - .......0...852508 seeeeneuee 19 Methods: atid Apparats USE ccc iniaid ieusnaraderduaraadunass 21 THe: (Control: sbabitat: HAECSESE a savassiccua guondede's adeno ota soebveaonnbuaveed sam 24u INotés: wm (Dampinigeote transformation of the accumulated nutrient material into food that can be used by the germinating embryo. In other words, this factor is instrumental in taking this sunken capital and trans- forming it into specie for circulation. But water cannot do this directly ; it must act through the agency of certain catylists or enzymes. These enzymes transform insoluble and indiffusible foods into soluble and diffusible ones which in turn move from the endosperm to nourish the embryo. Water is important to the seed for two reasons; its absence determines the seed’s power to live in a dormant condition, whic is one of its most important properties. If a seed is not dry i cannot be preserved ; we cannot secure good seed in a wet autumn. The second reason why water is important is because of its chemical and mechanical action in germination. Hales at the beginning of the eighteenth century showed that the absorption water by seeds is generally accompanied by a considerable mani- festation of energy, which takes the form of swelling. Chemically water acts as a solvent for the enzymes which render the ac- cumulated foods soluble. 16 Richard IH. Boerkcr Practically all the accumulated foods in the endosperm must be transformed by the action of enzymes, which in turn must first be dissolved by water. Starch, which is insoluble in water, is converted by means of the enzyme diastase into a soluble sugar. Throughout germination the quantity of starch in the seed de- creases; the starch grains at first corrode and finally dissolve completely. Many albuminoids (simple proteins) are likewise insoluble in water and certain soluble albumens cannot diffuse through membranes. A pepsin-like enzyme which develops dur- ing germination acts upon the albuminoids, transforming them into soluble and diffusible forms. Others are changed to crystal- loids which after solution diffuse very readily. Fats and oils are likewise insoluble. Certain enzymes during germination decom- pose oil into its constituents, fatty acids and glycerin, the latter easily soluble in water. It is well known that fatty acids when set free assist the breaking up of oil in water into very fine drops with the formation of an emulsion. Heat is important in the germination of the seed in that it may accelerate, retard, or even entirely stagnate the processes begun by the action of water. It might well be said that the rapidity of germination depends to a large extent upon heat, since it has the power to modify the action of enzymes. Temperature likewise affects the diffusion of liquids. A considerable part of the heat used in germination is generated by respiration. This process sometimes raises the temperature of the seed as much as 40-50° F. above the surrounding temperature. Certain seeds owe their ability to germinate at very low temperatures (below freezing) to the heat generated during respiration. Certain arctic and alpine plants are able to blossom in the snow for this same reason. Seeds in water, seeds buried too deep, or seeds surrounded by air deprived of oxygen do not germinate even if other conditions are favorable. In other words, water and heat are of little avail without oxygen. Even before water and heat can act through the agency of the enzymes, in many cases another factor must come into play to release the enzymes. The latest investigations show that the formation of diastase is intimately connected with respiration. In a similar manner respiration supplies the energy Germination of Forest Trees rz which oxidizes the fats and oils of the endosperm. It has been noted that the quantity of oxygen absorbed is much greater in the case of fatty seeds, like those of the pines and birches, than in the case of the starchy ones, It has been known for a long time that seeds lose weight during the process of germination although no solid matter is lost as near as can be determined. lf we take a certain quantity of seeds and weigh them both before and after germination, being sure to get the dry weight both times, we find that although the seeds have increased in size, they have lost weight. This is due to the loss of certain elements like carbon and hydrogen. In the process of respiration the carbohydrates in the endosperm are broken down, carbon and hydrogen are lost while the quantity of nitrogen remains practically constant. In the process of respiration, the products of combustion are carbon dioxide and water. ee Respiration in the seed is quite different from that in the case of leaves and other green parts of the plant. Seeds are generally not provided with intercellular air spaces, but oxygen penetrates to their interior chiefly by diffusion from cell to cell. Thus it will be seen that the supply of oxygen to the deep-seated cells of the seed is most liable to become insufficient. This of course retards germination. If the supply of oxygen is reduced materially, due to lack of soil aeration, germination may be prevented. The best aerated soils are those that have comparatively large interstitial spaces, like sands and gravels, and the poorest ventilated soils are the heavy loams and clays which are small grained and compact and have minute interstitial spaces. The seeds of different tree species naturally vary as to their soil requirements in this respect. This explains why tree species of sandy habitats germinate so poorly on clay soils. From what has been said, it will be seen that water, heat, and oxygen are the essentials for germination, and that the lack of any of these factors is sufficient to retard, if not entirely to inhibit the process, It is a well-known fact that seeds have a power of remaining dormant for a period without affecting their vitality. The power to retain this vitality is due largely to the nature of the seed-coat' 18 Richard H. Boerker which insulates the embryo from heat, water and air and protects it from mechanical injury. Cottonwoods, willows, elms, soft maples, and white oaks have a very short period of rest. Usually the period is not over six months, but basswood and hornbeam lay over from fifteen to eighteen months. It has likewise been noted that some tree seeds must lay over for a certain period before germination can take place. The common experience of attempting to germinate seeds in mid-winter which have been gathered during the previous fall is proof of this phenomenon. This leads me to a brief discussion of the process of after-ripening as it is called. Many seeds we know require a long‘time for germination in spite of the fact that they are surrounded by the proper condi- tions. During this period it has been found that certain chemical and physical changes take place which are necessary before the seed can germinate. The length of delay is apparently de- termined by the persistence of the structure of the seed-coat and to the conditions under which the seed is exposed. The term “after-ripening”’ has come into use to designate the changes in the seed during this period. Eckerson (17) concludes that most cases of delayed germination are due to the exclusion of water or oxygen by the seed coats. But some seeds do not germinate after all coats have been removed and the seed put into germinating conditions, indicating that the delay is due to embryo conditions. , It is now certain that some changes within the embryo are necessary for germination. In the case of Crataegus used by Eckerson it was found that food is stored in the embryo in the form of fatty oils; neither starch nor sugar is present. A series of metabolic processes takes place in the embryo during the period of after-ripening. At first there is increased ‘acidity accompanied by increased waterholding capacity. There follows an increased activity and production of enzymes and as a result the fats decrease and sugars appear. The appearance of sugars which are soluble and diffusible marks the beginning of the germi- nation of the seed. All recent investigations both in America and abroad show how extremely complex is the role of oxygen in germination. A set Germination of Forest Trees 19 of conclusions based upon one species of plant apparently may or may not hold for others. Shull’s investigations (14, 15, 18) are based mostly on Nanthiuim seeds. In his experiments he finds no evidences of the diffusion of oxygen through an absolutely dry seed coat. This is significant in that it shows an important role of water in preceding oxygen in penetrating seed coats. Ex- perimenting with Crataegus mollis Davis and Rose (16) find that seeds treated dry or those placed under water do not go through the process of after-ripening. Here again is evidence that both water and oxygen are necessary. These investigators, working on the effects of temperature upon the period of after-ripening, conclude that favorable moisture conditions and temperature con- ditions shorten the period. Atwood (19) confirms almost all of the conclusions drawn by Eckerson although working on Avena fatua. ‘Crocker and Davis (20, 21) worked with water plants and their results totally different than those described for land plants need not be given. Unfortunately these conclusions are not based upon forest tree seeds. Such investigations have not been undertaken. This phenomenon will probably explain many of the cases of delayed germination which are well known to foresters. It is reasonable to assume that the conclusions based on Crataegus would also hold for such fatty seeds like the birches, spruces, hard maples, etc. It is also reasonable to suppose that most tree seeds pass through this period of after-ripening during the winter months ; if this is true it explains why it is often impossible to germinate certain tree seeds immediately after they have been gathered. Method of Attacking the Problem There are two general methods of determining the causes in- fluencing the behavior of seeds or plants growing under natural conditions. These are the observational and experimental methods. In the observational method we observe the kind of vegetation produced in response to a certain complex of physical factors and seek to find constant relations of one to the other in order to draw conclusions. In the experimental method we may 20 Richard H. Boerker either synthetize an artificial environment and proceed to study the plant under definitely measured differences of light and water, or we may measure the physical factors influencing the same plant under various natural conditions. The observational method is ill suited for most work on habitat relations because the habitat involves an extremely variable array of uncontrolled physical factors, and it is practically impossible to determine without actual measurements which factor has the controlling influence and what the relative importance of the others are. The most desirable method for problems which will allow its application is the one in which we synthetize an artificial environment. In this case we keep certain factors constant and measure the variable one; in this way, it is quite obvious, the environment is comparatively easy to analyze. This method, of course, presupposes a greenhouse and on this account is only of limited application. There is no question that all these methods have their value in their proper places ; the choice of one must vary with the problem and the circumstances. The method of measuring the factors influencing the same plant under various natural complexes is the one probably of widest application in the field. The purely ob- servational method, for work on the determination of habitat factors, while of some value when other methods are impossible of application has tnsurmountable objections. Observers in vari- ous parts have no common basis or standard; their mentai equip- ment and fund of ecological knowledge vary greatly and they may even have very different points of view. Some of these ob- jections might be summed up in the term “ personal equation.” Another danger in this method is that of applving local observa- tions to large areas, in other words, in generalizing on the basis of too meager observations. The conclusions drawn in the ob- servational method are largely in the nature of opinions modified as indicated above by the personal equation, while the experi- mental method produces conclusions based upon actual figures which are indisputable and carry the weight of scientifically proven facts. Another objection to the observational method in determining the effect of habitat factors is that this method studies the effect Germination of Forest Trees 21 and not the cause of the factors. It is a most significant fact that the same habitat factors do not always produce the same effects upon vegetation even under apparently the same set of conditions. The effect of two habitat factors or groups of factors may be the same so far as the structure and behavior of the plant is con- cerned, yet upon inquiry into the causes concerned we might find in one case it was due to temperature and in the other to soil moisture. In a similar manner it is known that other factors besides light determine tolerance. In other words the study of the effect of habitat factors upon plants does not always lead us to safe assumptions as to what the underlying cause is. The only safe method in this kind of work is to measure the cause, thus employing a direct method instead of an indirect one. Methods and Apparatus Used in These Investigations The investigations herein described were carried on in the middle room of the west greenhouse of the botany department of the University of Nebraska. For the germination studies three series of cultures were used, namely, the light, soil-moisture, and soil-texture series. For the experiments and measurements in connection with the early development of roots and stem a fourth series was added, namely, the soil-depth series. In each series three degrees were used. In the light series open light, medium shade, and dense shade were used; in the soil-depth series shallow, medium deep, and very deep soil was used; in the soil-moisture- content series, dry soil, medium wet soil, and wet soil was em- ployed; and in the soil-texture series loam, sand, and gravel were used. The values of each degree in each case will be given later. As the experiments progressed it was found that the amount of greenhouse space assigned to the work was not sufficient, so that the open light culture, the wet soil culture, and the loam cul- ture were combined into one since these were being run under identical conditions. (For arrangement of cultures see page 33.) The seeds for these experiments were obtained from any source it was possible to get them. Large orders were sent to almost all large commercial seed houses at one time or another. On the whole the response from these orders was very discouraging. At 22 Richard IT. Boerker the time the seed was wanted (early fall) many of the seed crops had not been collected. Likewise it took time to determine whether there would be any crops at all in the case of some species. This resulted in delay in getting the work started. By the middle of January eighteen species had been obtained from commercial seedmen and of these only seven produced results that were in any way satisfactory. On the other hand, through the kindness of various members of the Forest Service throughout the United States, twenty-six species were secured and practically all of these produced good results. Due to these facts anyone undertaking experiments of this kind in the future must look a long ways ahead for a good seed supply. The following series of tables gives the source of the seed obtained together with what information was available as to date and place of collection. The nomenclature used here and throughout this report is that used by the Forest Service and is according to Forest Service Bulletin No. 17 by G. B. Sudworth. Species SUPPLIED BY THE UNITED STATES Forest SERVICE Species Piace Collected Date Pinus ponderosa ......... California. scssssceovssamecusienerzawsts ? Pinus ponderosa ......... Pecos N. F., New Mexico ............. 1913 Pinus ponderosa ......... Weiser NOE, IGANG: ocsoecacia ge. cceceonneieraia 1912 Pinus ponderosa ......... Harney N. F., South Dakota ........... Igi2 Pinus ponderosa .......+. Bitterroot N. F., Montana ............. 1912 Pseudotsuga taxifolia ..... Pecos N. F., New Mexico ............. 1913 Pseudotsuga taxifola .....Caribou N. F., Idaho .................. 1912 Pseudotsuga taxifolia ..... Madison N. F., Montana ............... IQII Pseudotsuga taxifolia .....\Western Washington and Oregon ...... IQIL PRUE TOPPED eccrine ea Went WN. Ae, CalitGnni ay wnnsccnoes vec sans 1912 AbviGS CONCOLOF sidiseceae eds Durango: .N. F., Colorado vwsvss sseaxcse es 1913 Tsuga heterophylla ....... Olympic N. F., Washington ............ IQII Pinus lambertiana ........ Teasseni JN Fs: (Califo ena oe os: o \ cascsacacicess 1910 Libocedrus decurrens ..... Eldorado N. F., California ............, 1914 Pinus palustris cacsevccvss Florida N..F.,. Florida: oo. ccccccsice sian ? Pinus coultert .....0c000us Monterey N. F., California ............, I91o Abies magnifica ........... Sequoia N. F., California .............. : Sequoia washingtoniana ..Sequoia N. F., California ............., IQI2 Pinus divaricata .......... Minnesota N. F., Minnesota ..........., 1910 Pinus contorta ........... Arapaho N. F., Colorado .............. ? Pinus resinosad ..........- Minnesota N. F., Minnesota ............ IQIO Germination of Forest Trees 28 Larix occidentalis ......... Colville N. F., Washington ............. IQII Abies lasiocarpa .......... PHest Rivet, Idaho! auiewisensoncecesse, caunacn 1913 Abies grandis .........000. Priést: River, Fdaho? ciicsmcwasvenceacnsax a 1913 PrCOG: SURCNSIS secccoeorea de Coast of Washington ccnncrnracaaeceren IQII Pinus monticola ........46 Priest River. Idaho: ncscsscusesans caaxes 1914 SpPEcIES SUPPLIED BY COMMERCIAL SEEDMEN OR COLLECTED Species Place Collected Date Puts. SPOOUS: o.cocncdan een Carta as-is. aisiccs gs ccaes gaswihuaedaenineaelend an ohens 1913 Ean? CUPOPER: cxcscesrereewees FETROPE! cnn aindwmancent nae th oayntsaiieeetas 2 Pinus ponderosa ......... Black: Hulls. South: Dakotas. cccswacea cess 1913 Pinus divaricata a.2.c00% Northern. Minnesota, se xecasseushencerens IQI4 Robinia pseudacacia ...... EULOPG: aciiaactume eee: oh04g Seon ? Catalpa speciosa ..... Seis NDIA i-th a acon xterrid.a arctcsnunteunatis ace os 1913 Quercus rubra oo ceccccees WCRI SATS <5 dydescsons, id sa.5h Se arutonin dwanec 1914 Acer saccharum .......... ITT OLS eacivestunetedcatntodubcgedavaeueaaupecienaantsi’e 1914 Liriodendron tulipifera ..,.OhIO wo... ccc cece cece n ene e ees IQI4 Betula papyrifera ......... PHS VETS jr use ccrtvc eens falcterrs 1914 Abies balsamea ........... Maine? sane nsieciaset a ea ae 1914 Pseadotsuga taxifolia +:<4 Golorad©: scacascce ivy seer eeeieeeantees 1913 PUR G TOCA OE iccisusitsantcaueds ase SOUCHE LM States) | go. | zor: Pinus ponderosad.......... Idaho | 90 & | $0 a4 | 92 lorax 36 | so |.ao.0 Abies grandis.........5+. Idaho | — | — } — 66 | 10 3.0) 36 | 36 | 4.0 Abies lasi0cer PGs cexvencnas Idaho. a> | es —' 84 I 30° 30.) 6.0) Pinus MONUCOGs «5 cnaanee Idaho | 48 I 0.5' 18 | 38 | 9.0! 24 | 50 | 22.5 As in the preceding table, Table V shows that the beginning of germination is delayed in most cases and that the germination period is considerably shortened with the decrease of soil moisture content. Only 1 species, Pinus ponderosa (N. M.) showed a higher germination per cent. in the medium wet soil than in the wet soil, all other species show a higher per cent. in the wet soil. 40 Richard H. Boerkcr Tue Errect or Soil Aloisture UPON GERMINATION Fic. 1. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (S. D.). Fic.2. The germination curves of Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Colo.) Gerinination of Forest Trees 47 It is evident from this table that the two most drought endur- ing species are Pinus ponderosa (S. D.) and Pinus ponderosa (N. M.). While other species germinated in the dry soil their germination per cents. were very small. Among the intermediate species, as far as soil moisture goes, are Abies concolor, grandis, and lasiocarpa, Pinus contorta, Pinus ponderosa (XMon.), and Pseudotsuga tavifolia (Mon.). It is interesting to see that with one exception the only species that germinated in the dry culture were either Pinus ponderosa or Pseudotsuga taxifolia. The former from the Black hills, New Mexico, and Southern Idaho and the latter from New Mexico, Colorado, and Idaho. The line is evidently drawn between Southern Idaho and Montana as to whether these species will germinate in the dry culture or not, since both species from Montana did not germinate in the dry culture. Another interesting fact is that there are no moisture- loving species in the Rocky Mountains so far as this classification and these species are concerned, since there are no species that germinated only in the wet soil. On page 46 are given the curves of Pinus ponderosa and Pseudotsuga taxifolia in their relation to soil moisture. These eurves show that germination is delayed, the curve rises less rapidly, the period is shorter, and the final per cent. lower with a decrease in soil moisture. TABLE VI Tue Errecr or Soil Moisture on GERMINATION Pacific Coast Species Dry Soil Medium Wet Soil Wet Soil Species culo =8/¢ Fh | | ea I rei —& aA aA ee) aa aA 5 | en A | oA |e é Pinus ponderosa (Calif.).......... —|—|— | 68 | 12 | 6.0) 42 | 67 | 61.0 PURE SOTO sc ecagun RAGE RE DKS —|—!|]— | 80 6 | 12.0] 31 | 77 | 22.0 Pinus lamberizenes0<4 tases sea —!—!—}|—,—|]—] 70 | 36); 25 PUNUSCOUMET1 ace ee whe ee ORE RES. — |—{|— 1] 90 8. svo) 525 gar: Pang ag: ADLES TING ONTRED scnccdie dics eRe REDE ae Se) See Aa | 52 | SSO: Libocedrus decurrens..........- sa. | 20 EO.) ==> |= | 20 | 73: | 620 Sequoia washingtoniana........... —{|—|—s]—|]—|]—/ 16] 1] 70 Tsuga heterophylla..........-0445. to ee [ee ae | are Pee OG | | ee PPUCEO SURE WSIS sce a0 5.2% 5448 ee | Idaho | 36 | 36 4.0) 46 | 61 2.0 36 | 30: | 3.0 Abies lasiocarpa.......... | Idaho | 30 | 30 | 6.0; 0 | 0/0 0! o ° Pinus monticola.......... ' Idaho | 24 | 50 | 22.5' 24 | 50 |11.5 24 50 13.5 Table VIII gives the results for the Rocky Mountain species. Out of 13 species, 8 germinated first in sand or in gravel, only one germinated first in loam, and four germinated simultaneously in loam and in sand or gravel. Eight species show a longer period of germination in sand or gravel than in loam, and § species show the same length of period in either sand or gravel and in loam. Six species show a higher germination per cent. in 52 Richard H. Bocrker Tue Errect or Soil Texture upoN GERMINATION Fic.1. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (S. D.). Fic.2, The germination curves of Pinus contorta, Germination of Forest Trees 53 Tue Errect or Soil Texture UPON GERMINATION Fic.1. The germination curves of Pseudotsuga taxifolia (N. M.). Fic.2. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (N. M.). 54 Richard H. Boerker loam, four in sand, and four in gravel. It is significant to note the large number of species in this table that germinate well in the gravel. On pages 52 and 53 are given the germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (S. D.), Pinus contorta, Pseudotsuga taxifolia (N. M.) and Pinus ponderosa (N.M.). These curves show that the germination usually begins earlier in the sand or gravel, that the curve rises more rapidly for these soils and that the oes per cent. is usually higher. Table IX gives the results for the Pacific coast species. ‘Out of 9 species, two germinated first in the loam, the others ger- minated first in either the sand or gravel. Three had longest germination periods in the loam and six in either the sand or the gravel. Only one species, Libocedrus decurrens, showed the highest germination per cent. in the gravel, while six species germinated highest in the sand. On page 55 are given the germination curves of Pinus pon- derosa and Pinus jeffreyt both from California. These curves show substantially the same facts as those for the Rocky Moun- tain species. These curves show that Pinus ponderosa does not germinate so well on gravel as does Pinus jeffreyi a fact which is significant when it is remembered that the latter will grow on much poorer soil than the former. TABLE IX Tue Errect or Soil Texture oN GERMINATION Pacific Coast Species Loam Sand Gravel Species doltol=§\dul/d 38 alo 28 BOAO RS BAA ee S| ga eS Pinus ponderosa (Califa: sai acinas 42 | 67 | 61.0] 20 | 82 68.01 30 | 20 |270 TOMS SOTO oe soa a yak ob win. Dasdrmeee SL | 77 | 220) 26 | 86 | ose 20 | 86 4 1:0 Pinus lambertiana............0005 70 | 36 | 2.5) 52 | 16 | 9.0] 80 | 18 | 9.0 ALDEES INO ANIC Ooi ses ce eesonese ribo ddan 44 | 52 | 18.0] 96 2 | 3.0; 50 | 48 | 5.0 EADICRE EUS CECBIT CIS 5 8 oe wrwcnten sents 29 | 723 | Go| 28 | 58 | ra.) 28 | GS | 220 Sequoia washingloniana........... 16 | 28 | Fao) TO | 24 | r6.5] 22 z | Os T SUE0 PRODI Bios ce ew ag emma; 66 I | @.5| 44 | 42 | 3.0] 56 Bil Te5: PUCEGSULRENS Six a 3 0 xm y apis RecN, e 22 | 60 | 22.5) 18 | 64 | 31.0) 18 | 64 | 24.5 EGV1H OCCLAENLGIIS 3a. 5 dive eo necicdans —}—o—]o-yomlomy ey ey cr ee Pseudotsuga taxifolia.............. 22 | 28 | 6.0) 38 | 44} §.0) 361 a8 | 60 Germination of Forest Trees 55 Tue Errecr or Soil Texture upon GERMINATION Fic. 1. The germination curves of Pinus ponderosa (Calif.). Fic. 2. The germination curves of Pinus jeffreyi. 56 Richard H. Boerker Tables X, XI, and XII give the results of the effect of light, soil moisture, and soil texture upon certain groups of species as they were classified on page 48. While the foregoing tables group the species and the final results on the basis of the geo- graphical distribution of the species, these tables divide all species into three groups based upon the amount of soil moisture neces- sary for germination. The tabulation of the final data on this basis is probably more significant than any other that could be offered. The data for the xerophilous species are given in Table X. The average figures given at the bottom of the table show that germination begins first in the dense shade, next in the medium shade, and last in the light ; that the germination period is longest in the dense shade; that, germination begins last in the dry soil; that the germination period is shortest in the dry soil; that germination begins first in the gravel and that the shortest ger- mination period is in the loam and gravel. Of the 14 species given in this table, 13 germinated in the dense shade before they did in the open, 9 showed longer germination periods in the dense shade than in the open light, 12 germinated in wet soil before they did in dry soil, 13 had shorter germination periods in the dry soil than in the wet, and 9 germinated in gravel before they did in loam. Table XI gives the results for the xero-mesophilous species. The average figures given in this table show that germination begins first in dense shade, next in medium shade, and last in open light ; that the germination periods are longest in the medium and dense shade; that germination begins last in the medium drv soil; that the germination period is shortest in the medium dry soil; that germination begins first in the sand or in the gravel; and that the germination period is shortest in the gravel. Out of 13 species listed in this table 9 germinated in dense shade before they did in the open, 7 showed longer germination periods in the dense shade than in the open light, 12 germinated in the wet soil before they did in the medium dry soil, 12 showed shorter ger- mination periods in the dry soil and 9 out of 11 germinated first in either sand or gravel. Germination of Forest Trees 57 The data for the mesophilous species are given in Table XII. The average figures at the bottom of the table show that germina- tion began in dense shade, followed by medium shade and open light; that the germination period is longest in the case of the dense shade; that germination began first in the loam and last in the gravel ; and that the germination period was shortest in loam. Out of the 10 species listed in this table 7 germinated in the dense shade before they did in the open light, 4 out of 8 species showed longer germination period in the dense shade than in the open light ; and 7 showed shorter germination periods in the loam and sand than in the gravel. These three groups show exactly the same results so far as light and soil moisture go. From the standpoint of soil texture there are some interesting results. In the xerophilous species germination usually begins in the gravel, in the xero-mesophilous species it usually begins in the sand; and in the mesophilous species it usually begins in the loam, as the average figures and number of species in each case testify. In the xerophilous species the germination period is shortest in the loam and gravel, in the xero-mesophilous it is shortest in the gravel, and in the mesophilous species the period is shortest in the loam. That xerophilous species germinate sooner in the sand and gravel than in the loam is due undoubtedly to the amount of oxygen in these soils. This suggests that oxygen is more necessary for the ger- mination of xerophilous species than is the case in mesophilous ones. In the mesophilous species germination begins sooner in the loam indicating that soil moisture is more necessary to them than oxygen. In the case of the light and the soil moisture experiments it has been shown that favorable moisture conditions lengthen the time of germination. In these cases it was found that the shortest periods were in the open light and in the dry soil. This same theory is proven in the case of the soil texture experiments. It is well known that loam is favorable for ger- mination on account of its moisture-retaining properties and that gravel is favorable on account of its great amount of aeration. Sand is intermediate between these and combines enough of the soil moisture property of the loam with the aeration of the gravel Richard H. Boerker 58 SEE [OSI [OSE | LLr | gE |S-Lr jovgo€ |orkr | pxr joel | vof Jorrz lovee | ger | 4-ee | Shr [eee Tor saBRIDAy 89 gz gs gz eh 6z o oO ir oz ZS QI gi ve £L Og. Petia aos SUBLANIOD SNAPIIOGIT os bz os Tz os bz ge gI I gh 09 bi gs 91 os vz “CPI) Djosyuou snutg br or gt or zp er Zp ZI vz br 9f 8 9f a zy zr OOD) pyofixn D¥nsjopnasg ol gI rs oz of gr ze oz I bz to or v9 91 of SI |" (PI) Dyofexn] DSnsjopnasg gl O%e|; ZS Pf a gf zk Tr 8 06 zg VI 99 be 2S gE | °° CPI) vsosapuog snurg tI or oe Or gz ZI tr Zi 9 er 9I OL eI or 9Qz ZI |CIAN) 0270fexn] D3nsjopnas J cI zr gz Or ov VI 91 oz gi ze or or Ze zr ov PI |’ “CW 'N) Dsodapuod snurg 8 1 gz ti vr FI gi zz 9 ve gz 8 9z 8 vr v1 “GsureH) Dsosapuog Snutg se | 8 oz 8 z€ |} or | of | zr 92 | gz} PE] or zz | o1 z€} or ae a °S) Dsosapuog snurg gt 8 gi 8 91 8 ze 8 of or gr 9 gl 9 91 g ‘pipIvpnasg DIULGOy 8 gi gi vz of gr gz Ee I vz ve vI ve QI of ire [18S P Ser TL UNAQHA 429 Y g gI vs oz gI bz or vz I 89 vr VI vz QI gl Dei |S OS PP Re B reasiecat DSOUISAA SNULT gi 91 gI 91 oc FI gi Zz ZI gz bz oI gz vI er vI CSA) 0IDI1ADAIp snutg ov or ge zi ze | ZI os vr vz ov ge ol 9z or ze Eads [rer eae tes DIDItADAIP SNULT y w » a y w ‘v to bs) oo vg i cc) ow wo va os oo os oo as en uo 5 oa os eA wo on os eo os e aan sojoadg feaerg pues Seay RA Fare wos Arq shase CBS =n ee PINYXFT [10S BINISIOJA [IOS qysryT SaI0adS snojiygo4aX AO NOILVNIWUAL) AHL NO a4njxa], [109 ANvV ‘adnjsropy [0S BybIT 40 Load ABI, xX HTAVL 59 Germination of Forest Trees fib gic ogh fre [Orr |Loz jose iggsh ja St jroz [SSS | |e Ze TOME (LOE Ae ees OR EERE saSvisAy en — — Iv zs 8 06 z9 zs of vs Iv ee etree *1249qNOI SNUIT 98 oz 0g gz LL Ig] 9 og | vs 0z tg ze LL TES [ee ee ‘+ akasfal snurgq of of zB oz L9 zy ZI 89 ZO zz z6 ze 49 Be RS kee “+ *(yypeO) psosapuog snurgq — —_ — _— of of I vg 8% zz os gz of of jee DgADIOISD] S31QV 9f gf 9 ov 9f gf or 99 09 cz% ZO ce 9f Qs =? “sIpUuDds Sa1QV I gr gv gr ZI gr gs gr 8 or vs gr ZI Be ee eo rea ‘+++ CUO) DSosapuog snutq ze lo oct | be! zx | ve | vr} o2 | gt | bh] er| c€} 2rj ve | br fot + + CuO) DMofexn2 DInszopnasT ol QI 99 0% og VI 99 oz zl VI oL oI 0g vI DIAOJUOI SNULT gt oz 99 gr os vz gz 0g 09 vI ps gr os vz *40]09U02 Sa1qQy re gI e1 gI ZI gI 9 zz v1 PI oz PI ZI I | SRA ER ES ( ate pso1ads DGIDIDD ov QI RE VI of gi ce zz gf gi get gi of | CROAT NERY SAAS SSS *DOULDSIDG Sa1gVy z9O cz vs gz es re os gf ZO ze zg ee es re setts sstasnipg snug gt PE ve gr oS Ee ve of gz VI vs 91 oS ee SNQOAIS SHULT ‘d wo Le] ow g in yg wo 9g w Ls) wD yy wo be | Se | 9s | Se | Se | Se | Fe | Se | Ps) Fe | F3| ge | Fe | ge $2) G5 | 32) SE | 2) 35 G2) G8 (G2) 35 | G2) G5 | 3B | ob aamnyng [0S A apeys apeys aainyag sepeds PARAS pues aS wnIpayy asuecy wMnIpayy yoyo SINIX9,T, 10S aINISIOJT [!OS qyarT SHIIS snoprygosau-049X IO NOWLVNINUID TNL NO a4njxay [10S ANY ‘adnjsioyy [10S “Hy SY] 40 Lada INL IX HI€VL 60 Richard H. Boerker so as to make it an ideal soil for germination. Hence we might expect to find the longest germination periods in the sand. The average figures show that this is the case in each group of species. The shortest periods in every case are either in the loam or the gravel because loam is unfavorable from one standpoint and gravel from another. In comparing the check cultures of the three groups of species it will be seen that xerophilous species germinate first, xero- mesophilous next, and mesophilous last. In other words the drier the habitat the sooner germination starts, granting that the conditions are favorable. TABLE XII Tue Errect or Light anp Soil Texture oN THE GERMINATION OF Mesophi- lous SPECIES Light Soil Texture Check Medium Den Check Culture Shade Shade Culture Sand Gravel Species — so -- | oe ee aw 3 a“ ae aR) ae PRS FOOD seg a hone eye 34.) 6 Catalpa speciosa (Ind.)....;/18 | 1 QueKCUS TUDT GE... voice Rees 40 |28 Betula papyrifera........ oa 4 Pinus lamberfiana....... 70 ‘36 Abies magnifica.......... 44 |52 Sequoia washingtoniana...j16 |18 Tsuga heterophylla....... 66 | 1 PUCCh SURCHSIS sien se 4x 38 22 |60 Pseudotsuga taxifolia | CW 8ENE) s etree ae wae e ek 22 '28 fa? 54 {14 |62 (22 28 38 ‘44 36 48 { 1 t ae ee Averages?............. 35-9 28.6/31.7 27.9 30.0/30.1,38.7 25.5|40.4 279:0)40.727.:0 Tables similar to X, XI, and NII were constructed showing the effect of these habitat factors upon the germination per cent. of the species. This table is not given but the most significant facts which it shows are given here and in a later table. It is interesting to note that of the 37 species used in the experiments the highest 2 Catalpa speciosa and Tsuga heterophylla not included in averages of light cultures. Catalpa speciosa not included in soil-texture averages. Germination of Forest Trees 61 germination per cent. did not always occur under the influence of the same conditions. Considering all factors and all degrees of these factors the highest germination per cents. occurred as follows: TOPO TLL AB ertec escent tees ia ete arene alee een coe eee 3 Tne dium, Shade: a xensieva data vee sence a ecotiua vaevee Pe ues a Unt dense shade’ scsccossinssin id wacsiice a. saoecctieuiniawisaeess II Dt SAAT sy Per crsece at cud yrbnsetsausvhde salud ava esaraveconvovovendnaneens Wibod aslelas 12 UGA ate astyeticcapacacesnsnavars 6. Light plays absolutely no part in the geritination of tree seeds; in fact shade has been found to be exceedingly beneficial to germination, other factors being equal. In the work carried on by Burns already referred to, there are at least two state- ments that a certain amount of light is necessary for satisfactory germination. Whether he means to imply by the term “ light” 84 Richard EH. Boerker merely the luminous energy or the heat energy of the sun or both is difficult to say. As a general thing it is impossible to have light energy without a certain amount of heat energy, but heat and light affect plants so differently that the final cffect of these factors is easily recognized. It is important to keep these two concepts separate in order to avoid confusion. Graves also makes the statement that light is necessary for the germination of Western White pine. It is inconceivable how luminous energy can play any part in germination, especially when the seeds are below the ground; it is likewise difficult to conceive what possible effect light could have if it did reach the seed. 7. An inadequate supply of soil moisture delays germination. 8. .\n inadequate supply of soil moisture decreases the length of the germination period. g. A lack of soil moisture decreases the final germination per cent. 10. The germination curves of seeds sown in wet soil rises much more rapidly than that of seeds sown in dry soil. 11. Xerophilous species begin germination first, xero-meso- philous germinate ater, and mesophilous germinate last. 12. The germination period of xerophilous species is shorter than that for either the xero-mesophilous or the mesophilous species. 13. In xerophilous species germination is accelerated in the gravel and sand; in mesophilous species it is accelerated in loam and sand. In general germination is accelerated in sand and gravel due not to the amount of soil moisture in these soils (see accompanying diagram) but to the amount of oxygen in the soil. 14. The germination period is longest in the sand. 15. The germination per cent. is usually highest in the sand. 16. The rise of the germination curve of seeds sown in sand is usually more rapid than of seeds sown in loam or gravel. 17. According to the table on page 29 of this report the volume of air space in a given volume of soil is about 39 per cent. for gravel, 33 per cent. for sand, and 53 per cent. for loam. In the accompanying diagram is shown the amount of capillary water in these soils at the time of watering and twenty-four hours later, « Germination of Forest Trees 85 This diagram shows very strikingly the water retaining capacity of these three soils. Not only do sand and gravel hold less mois- ture at the time of watering but they lose a much greater per cent. of it in the course of twenty-four hours than does loam. % 30 Z0 /O oO leant Sand gra ve/ Diagram showing: soil moisture per cent. at time of watering; soil moisture per cent. twenty-four hours later. When we consider the amount of air space in these soils and the amount of soil moisture each retains, the fact that loam usually contains a great deal of moisture and very little air space and that gravel contains very little moisture and a great volume of air space is very strikingly shown. 86 Richard H. Boerker Il. The Effect of Habitat Factors upon Stem and Root Development 1. Pinus ponderosa and Pinus strobus show increased height growth with diminishing light intensity. This conclusion bears out the results secured by Nikolsky who worked with pine and spruce and Burns who worked with Pinus strobus. On the other hand Badoux showed that pines decrease their height growth with increasing shade; but these trees were grown to a height of about six feet while Nikolsky and Burns experimented with much smaller stock. 2. Robinia pseudacacia and Quercus rubra show a decrease in height growth with diminishing light intensity. 3. Pinus ponderosa shows a decrease in length of tap root and in total length of laterals with diminishing light intensity. These results again bear out the conclusions of Nikolsky and Burns. 4. Robinia pseudacacia and Quercus rubra show a decrease in length of tap root and total length of lateral roots with decreased light intensity. 5. Pinus ponderosa, Robinia pseudacacia, Pinus strobus, and Quercus rubra show increased height growth with an increase in soil depth. 6. Pinus pondcrosa, Robinia pseudacacia, Pinus strobus, and Quercus rubra show an increase in length of tap root but a decreased development of lateral roots with increased depth of soil. 7. Pinus ponderosa, Robinia pseudacacia, and Pinus strobus show a decrease in height growth with a decrease in the soil moisture supply. 8. Pinus ponderosa shows an increase in length of tap root and an wicrease in total length of lateral roots with diminishing soil moisture content. 9. Robinia shows a decrease in length of tap root with a de- crease in soil moisture supply. 10. Pinus ponderosa shows the greatest height growth in the loam and gravel, but Pinus strobus shows the greatest height growth in the sand. it. Robinia pseudacacia and Quercus rubra show the greatest Germination of Forest Trees 87 height growth in the loam and the least in the gravel. Compar- ing this conclusion with No. 10 it is interesting to see that the conifers do well in either sand, loam or gravel, but that the hard- woods do best in loam only. 12. Pinus ponderosa, and Quercus rubra show the greatest length of tap root and greatest length of lateral roots in the gravel and the shortest length in the loam; Robinia pscudacacia shows the greatest length of tap root in the sand and least in the loam. In other words, root development is usually greatest in the gravel, and least in the loam. This conclusion agrees in part with Tolsky’s results that pine in black soils develop vertical roots but in sand develop a greater spread of lateral roots. 13. «As far as height growth goes it is evident that pines, on account of their greater drought resistance, may grow as well in sand or gravel, or even attain a greater height in sand or gravel than in loam; while hardwoods which prefer moister soils grow best in loam. That root development is greatest in gravel is due undoubtedly to the fact that water quickly percolates through this soil and hence the roots have to go deep for the moisture. Reference to the diagram on page 85 will bring out these rela- tions more clearly. Ill. The Relation of Size and IVecight of Seed to Germination and Early Development. . 1. Large seeds of Pinus ponderosa and Pscudotsuga taxifolia produce a higher final gerimination per cent. than small seeds. This conclusion contradicts the results of Busse and Centgraf who found no relation between size of seeds and germination per cent., but it proves the contentions of many old silviculturists that large seeds produce a higher germination per cent. 2. At the age of from 2 to 4 days large seeds of Pinus pon- derosa and Pseudotsuga tavifolia produce larger seedlings than small seeds. This conclusion proves at least in part Schlich’s statement on page 73 concerning the use of large seeds in plant- ing and nursery work and bears out the contentions of practicing foresters in Europe that large seeds should be used in field sowing. This conclusion likewise agrees with the mass of evi- dence collected in connection with many cereal and garden vege- 88 Richard H. Boerker table seeds, namely that the use of large seeds results in a better all round later development and a greater final crop. 3. The Rocky Mountain varieties of Pinus ponderosa produce smaller seeds, their germination begins carlier, their germination period is shorter, and their germination curves rise much more rapidly than in the case of the Pacific coast varieties of this species. 4. Except for the size of the seed, the same relations hold for the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast varieties of Pseudotsuga taxifolia. Blumer noted the slow germination of Pinus pon- derosa and Pseudotsuga taxifolia from the coast and he also noted the great difference in size of the seed of Pinus ponderosa. These observations are corroborated. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Clements, F. E. Research Methods in Ecology, Lincoln, 190s. 2. Zon, R., and Graves, H. S. Light in Relation to Tree Growth. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Bul. 92, 1911. 3. Hasselbring, H. The Effect of Shading on the Transpiration and Assimilation of the Tobacco Plant in Cuba. Bot. Gaz., 57, 1914. 4. Stewart, J. B. Effects of Shading on Soil Conditions. U. S. Dept. Agric., Bureau of Soils, Bul. 39, 1907. 5. Haak, J. Die Priifung des Kiefersamens. Zeitschrift fiir Forst- und Jagd-wesen, April, May, 1912. 6. Pittauer, E. Uber den Einfluss verschiedner Belichtung und Extremen Temperaturen auf den Verlauf der Keimung forstlichen Saatgutes. Centralblatt fiir das gesammte Forstwesen, April, May, 1912. 7. Graves, H. S. The Place of Forestry among Natural Sciences. Sci- ence; N.S. XEL.: 117, 1915, 8. Tolsky, A. P. Work of the Forest Experiment Stations of Russia. Review in Forestry Quarterly, III, 1905. 9. Burns, G. P. Studies in Tolerance of New England Forest Trees. Vt. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 178, 1914. 10. Haberlandt, G. Physiological Plant Anatomy. English edition trans- lated from fourth German edition, 1914. 11. Coulter, J. M., and Barnes, C. R., and Cowles, H. C. A Textbook of Botany, Igtt. 12. Clements, F. E. Plant Physiology and Ecology. New York, 1907. 13. Timiriazeff, T. A. The Life of the Plant, 1912. 14. Shull, C. A. The Oxygen Minimum and the Germination of Xan- thium Seeds. Bot. Gaz., 52, 1911. 15. Shull, C. A. Semipermeability of Seed Coats. Bot. Gaz., 56, 1913. 16. Davis, W. E., and Rose, R. C. The Effect of External Conditions 17. 18. 10. 8&S 30. aT, 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37- Germination of Forest Trees 89 upon the After-ripening of the Seeds of Crataegus mollis. Bot. Gaz., 54, 1912, Eckerson, S.A Physiological and Chemical Study of After-ripening. Bot. Gaz., 55, 1913. Shull, C. A. The Réle of Oxygen in Germination, Bot. Gaz., 57, 1914. Atwood, W. M. A Physiological Study of the Germination of Avena fatua, Bot. Gaz., 57, 1914. . Crocker, W., and Davis, W. E. Delayed Germination in Alisma plan- tago. Bot. Gaz., 58, 1914. . Crocker, W. The Role of Seed Coats in Delayed Germination. Bot. Gaz., 42, 1906. . Amerikanische Versuche mit Kiefersamen. Zeitschrift fiir Forst- und Jagd-wesen, April, 1908. . Schotte, G. Work of the Swedish Forest Experiment Station. Re- view in Forestry Quarterly, IV.: 51, 1¢06. . Die Zuchtwahl im Forstbetriebe und die Bestandespflege. Allg. Forst- und Jagd-zeitung, December, 1907. . Busse, J. Ein Weg zur verbesserung unseres Kiefernsaatgutes. Zeit. schrift fiir Forst- und Jagd-wesen, May, 1913. . Centgraf, A. Uber Beziehungen zwischen Tausendkorngewicht und Keimenergy bei Kiefersamen. Allg. Forst- und Jagd-zeitung, June, 1913. . Schlich, W. A Manual of Forestry. Vol. II, London, 18o1. . Duggar, B. M. Plant Physiology. New York, Iort. . Waldron, L. R. A Suggestion Regarding Heavy and Light Seed Grains. Am. Nat., 44, IQI0. Webber, H. J., and Boykin, E. B. The Advantages of Planting Heavy Cotton Seed. U.S. Dept. Agric., Farm Bul. 285, 1907. Shamel, A. D. The Improvement of Tobacco by Breeding and Selec- tion. U.S. Dept. Agric. Yearbook, 1904. Trabut, L. Bulletin 17, Service Botanique de 1’Algerie. Directeur du Service Botanique, Governement de 1’Algerie. Harris, J. A. On Differential Mortality with Respect to Seed Weight Occurring in Field Cultures of Phaseolus vulgaris. Am. Nat., 46, 1912. Harris, J. A. Supplementary Studies in the Differential Mortality with Respect to Seed Weight in Germinating Garden Beans. Am. Nat., 47, 1913. Harris, J. A. On Differential Mortality with Respect to Seed Weight Occurring in Field Cultures of Pisum sativum. Am. Nat., 48, 1914. Nobbe, F. Handbuch der Samenkunde. 1876. Walls, E. P. The Influence of the Size of the Grain and the Germ of Corn upon the Plant. Bul. 106, Md. Agric. Exp. Sta., 1905. . Cummings, M. B. Large Seed a Factor in Plant Production. Bul. Vt. Agric. Exp. Sta., 177, 1914. PLATE | Fic. 1. View of the interior of the greenhouse, showing cultures and hydrothermograph. Fic. 2. View of the interior of the greenhouse, showing cultures and the cheesecloth tent used for the dense shade experiments. PLATE Il Tue Errect oF Light upon Earty DEVELOPMENT Fic. 1. The effect of light upon the development of Pinus ponderosa (S.D.). Ten plants each (1) grown in open light, (2) grown in medium shade. 5% natural size. 2. 3 Fic. 2. The effect of liyht upon the development of Robinia pseudacacia. Three plants each (1) grown in open light, (2) in medium shade, (3) in dense shade. 3% natural size. Tue Errecr or Soil Depth upon Earty DrveLopMENT Fic. 1. The effect of soil depth upon the development of Minus pon- derosa (S. D.). Ten plants grown (1) in deep, (2) in medium, and (3) in shallow soil. ™% natural size. Fic. 2. The effect of soil depth upon the development of Robinia pseu- dacacia. Three plants each (1) grown in shallow, (2) in medium, (3) 10 deep soil. 1; natural size. - Missing Page PLATE V Tue Errect or Soil Texture upon Earty DEVELOPMENT Fic. 1. The effect of soil texture upon the development of P/nus pon- derosa (S. D.). Ten plants each (1) grown in loam, (2) grown in sand, (3) grown in gravel. % natural size. pr ¥ 1 we 3 Fic, 2. The effect of soil texture upon the development of Robinia pseu- dacacia, Three plants each (1) grown in loam, (2) grown in sand, (3) in gravel. ¥ natural size. VITA Richard Hans Boerker, born October 19, 1887, Brooklyn, N. Y.; prepared for college at Boys’ High School, Brooklyn, N. Y.; received A.B. degree from Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., in 1909; graduate student in forestry at the University of Mich- igan, IQO9-IQII, receiving the degree of M.S. in forestry in rgrt. Engaged in private forestry work in New York and Michigan at various times; forester in the United States Forest Service in Colorado in 1910, and in California from 1911-1914 engaged in forest reconnaissance, silvical, and silvicultural work. Graduate student in botany and silvics and Fellow in Botany at the University of Nebraska 1914-1915, receiving Ph.D. degree in 1915. Since 1915 in charge of a private forestry enterprise in New York State. . Author of numerous articles on forestry subjects, 1907-1915; member of Sigma Xi; American Association for the Advance- ment of Science; American Forestry Association; Canadian Forestry Association; and the Ecological Society of America. RicuarpD H. BoERKER