New York State College of Agriculture At Gornell University Sthaca, N. B- Library ii atalogue of the A Ly 3 1924 000 561 427 in mann CATALOGUE OF THE BRYOPHYTA (Hepatics, Anthocerotes and Mosses) AND PTERIDOPHYTA (Ferns and Fern-allies) FOUND IN PENNSYLVANIA. BY THOMAS CONRAD PORTER, D.D., LL. D. BOSTON, U.S.A. GINN & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 1904 COPYRIGHT, 1904 By S. A. MARTIN, ExEcuTorR ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE. This catalogue presents a complete list of the species of the Bryophytes and Pteridophytes of Pennsylvania, so far as they have come to the notice of the author. Nearly all the speci- mens cited are either in the herbarium of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., or are preserved in other collections where they have been examined by the author. The foundation of the list of Bryophytes was an enumera- tion of the species prepared by the late Mr. Thomas P. James, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, which together with a mounted series of the species named, and duplicates from a large number of stations, he presented to the herbarium of Lafayette College. All of the specimens just referred to were afterward critically examined by Mr. Coe F. Austin, who himself enriched the orig- inal ‘set by his own contributions. Many species since discov- ered within the bounds of the State have been added. The catalogue owes much of its enlargement also to the labors of Dr. A. P. Garber and of Mr. D. A. Burnett, and to the kindness of Mrs. N. L. Britton, of Messrs. Francis Wolle and Eugene A. Rau, and of Dr. John K. Small. This volume is to be followed by another which will con- tain the Spermatophytes or flowering plants of the State, both the native species and those introduced and growing beyond culture. TuHos. C. PORTER Easton, Pa. NOTE. At the request of Dr. S. A. Martin, executor of Professor Porter’s estate, the undersigned has consented to edit this cata- logue and that of the higher plants of the State referred to in a preceding paragraph. J. K. Smaxy New York City. HEPATICAE. MARCHANTIALES. RICCIACEAE. Riccia L. R. arvensis Austin.—NorTHAMPTON, Lehigh Mountain, Raw. R. crystallina L.—PHILADELPHIA, Moyamensing, James. R. fluitans L.—In stagnant and running water. NorTH- AMPTON, Lucy Furnace, Rau; LEHIGH, Rau, Bucks and PHILADELPHIA, James; DELAWARE, Radnor, James; CHES- TER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Collin’s Ferry, Porter. R. glauea L.—On damp earth. PHILADELPHIA, Bustleton, James; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. { R. nigrella DC.—LANCASTER, Porter. R. Sullivantii Aust.—LEuicH, Raz. Ricciocarpus Corda. R. natans (L.) Corda.—Flonting on water. Monrog, Craw- ford; SUSQUEHANNA, Graves; LANCASTER and HUNTING- DON, Porter; ALLEGHENY, Kuzpe. MARCHANTIACEAE. Reboulia Raddi. R. hemisphaerica (L.) Raddi—NorTHAMPTON, PHILADEL- PHIA, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter. Very common. 2 Grimaldia Nees. G. fragrans (Balb.) Corda—_NorTHAMPTON, James, LANCAS- TER and FRANKLIN, Poréer. Asterella Beauv. A. tenella (L.) Beauv.—On damp ground. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; Bethlehem, Raw; PHILADELPHIA, /ames, DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, New Garden, Muchener. Conocephalum Wigg. C. conicum (L.) Dumort.—On wet rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Bushkill Gap, Porter; LEHIGH, Rau; Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, James; DELAWARE (Smnith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, New Garden, Michener; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, forter; WESTMORELAND, Greensburg James. Dumortiera R. Bl. & N. D. hirsuta (Sw.) R. Bl. & N.—On shaded, wet rocks. Nor- THAMPTON, Bushkill Gap above Easton, Porter, CHESTER, on mountain south of Pottstown, Updegrove. Preissia Corda. P. quadrata (Scop.) Nees.—On damp rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Glendon, Porter; Martin’s Creek, Austin; SCHUYVLKILL, near Pottsville, Porter. Marchantia L. M. polymorpha L.—In wet, springy places. NorTAAMP- TON, Easton, Lehigh Mountain, Raw; PHILADELPHIA, DEL- AWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER and HuNTING- EON, Porter. Common. JUNGERMANNIALES. METZGERIACEAE. Riceardia S. F. Gray. [ Azeura Dumort. ] R. multifida (L.) S. F. Gray.—On decaying moss and wood. 3 MonrokE, Tobyhanna Mills, James; Water Gap, Rau; PHIL- ADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; CENTRE, Bear Mead- ows, forter. R. palmata (Hedw.) Carruth—On rotten logs. CENTRE, Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James. R. pinguis (L.) S. F. Gray.—On moist ground. MONROE, Water Gap, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; Lehigh Mountain, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; CENTRE, Bear Meadows, Porter. R. pinnatifida (Sw.) Carruth —Leuicu, Raz. R. sessilis (Spreng.) Kuntze.—On old, damp logs. NorTH- AMPTON, Easton, Porter; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). Metzgeria Raddi. M. conjugata Lindb.—On shaded rocks. MONROE, /ames, NorTHAMPTON, Easton and Bethlehem; PHILADELPHIA; DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER, forter; PERRY, James. Pallavicinia S. F. Gray. P. Lyallii (Hook.) S. F. Gray.— Among damp mosses. Nor- THAMPTON, on the Monocacy, Raz; CHESTER, Coventry, James; LANCASTER; CENTRE, Bear Meadows, Porter. Pellia Raddi. P. epiphylla (L.) Corda—On damp ground. WAYNE, Gar- ber; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Fiot; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); PHILADELPHIA, James. Blasia Mich. B. pusilla L.—On the ground. NorTHAMPTON, Martin’s Creek, Porter, Bethlehem, Foc; Ex, Benezette, McMinn. Fossombronia Raddi. F. angulosa Raddi.*—In moist meadows. MONROE, Water Gap, Austin; NORTHANPTON, Seidersville, R. G. Bechdolt. * Probably / sada Lindb. 4 F. pusilla (L.) Dumort.—On damp ground. NORTHAMPTON, along the Monocacy, Raz. JUNGERMANNIACEAE. Marsupella Dumortt. M. emarginata Dumort.—Carpon, Stony Creek, Raz. M. sphacelata (Gieseke) Dumort.—On wet rocks. CARBON, Stony Creek, Raz. Nardia S. F. Gray. N. crenulata (Sm.) Lindb.—PHILADELPHIA, on the Wissa- hickon, James. N. hyalina (Lyell) Carr.—NorTHAMPTON, Lime Ridge, Raz. N. Lescurii (Aust.) Underw.—Cargon, Faw. N. sealaris (Schrad.) S. F. Gray.—Monrok, Water Gap, Ausézn. Jungermannia L,. J. obtusifolia Hook.—PHILADELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden and Fairmount Park, James. J. barbata Schreb.—MownroE, Water Gap, Azstzn. J. bicrenata Lindenb.—Mownroz, Water Gap, Azstzn. J.excisa Dickson.—Monrog, Water Gap, Austin. J. exsecta Schmidel—NortHamptTon, Lehigh Mountain, Rau. J. ineisa Schrad.—Carzon, Raz. J. inflata Huds.—Pixe, Carson and LEHIGH, Raz. J. pumila With.—On rotten logs. LEHIGH, Rau; FRANK- LIN, Mercersburg, £7 der. J. intermedia (Lindb.) Dumort.—Bucxs, Narrowsville, James; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; LANCAS- TER, Martic Forge, Porter. 5 Plagiochila Dumott. P. asplenioides (L.) Dumort.—Along shaded rivulets. Nor- THAMPTON, James and Rau, Bucks, Narrowsville, James; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). P. porelloides Lindb.*—Among mosses in shaded ravines. NORTHAMPTON, James and Rau; Bucks, Narrowsville James; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; DELA- WARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Chickies, Porter. P. spinulosa (L.) Dumort.{—Bucxs, Narrowsville, /ames,; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue). Lophocolea Dumort. L. bidentata (L.) Dumort.—NortTHamptTon, Lehigh Moun- tain, Raw; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter. L. Austini Lindb.—NoRTHAMPTON and LEHIGH, Raz. L. heterophylla (Schrad.) Dumort.—On the ground and old logs.— NORTHAMPTON, Lime Ridge, Raw; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, New Garden, Michener. L. minor Nees.—NorTHAmpTon, Lehigh Mountain, Raz. Cheiloscyphus Corda. C. adscendens Hook. & Wils.—Nortuampton, Bethlehem, Rau; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue). C. polyanthos (L.) Corda—On wet, springy ground. Mon- ROE, Tobyhanna Mills, Porter; CARBON, Stony Creek, Rau; NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; CHESTER (Flora Ces- trica); DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); HUNTINGDON and CENTRE, Porter. *P. porelloides Lindb. is not now considered specifically distinct from P. asplenioides. t This is probably P. Sudlivantii Gottsche. P. spinulosa is a species of the Old World. 6 Harpanthus Nees, H. secutatus (Web.) Spruce-—PIKE and CarBon, Raw; FRANK- LIN, Mercersburg, Porter. Geoecalyx Nees. G. graveolens (Schrad.) Nees.—On the ground and rotten logs. NORTHAMPTON, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); FRANKLIN, Porter; CAMBRIA and CLAR- ION, James. Cephalozia Dumort. C. bicuspidata (L.) Dumort.—CargBon, Raz. C. catenulata (Huebn.) Lindb—Carson and Lenicn, Raw. C. eurvifolia (Dicks.) Dumort.—On rotten logs. NORTH- AMPTON, Flint Hill, Rav; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter; CAMBRIA, Porter and James. C. divaricata (Sm.) Dumort.—On rocks. PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James. C. media Lindb.—On old logs. FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. Odontoschisma Dumortt. 0. denudatum (Nees) Dumort.—On the ground and rotten wood. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Garber; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); LANCASTER, FRANKLIN, HUNTINGDON and CamprRIA, Porter. O. Sphagni (Dicks.) Dumort.—On decayed logs and the ground. Monrok, Naomi Pines, Mrs. Britton; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. Kantia S. F. Gray. K. Trichomanis (L.) S. F. Gray.—On the ground and rotten 7 logs. PikE, LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Rau; PHILA- DELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). Bazzania S. F. Gray. B. trilobata 5S. F. Gray.—In wet woods and swamps. Nor- THAMPTON, Easton, Bethlehem, Raw; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, Michener; LANCASTER, Porter. Lepidozia Dumort. L. reptans (L.) Nees.—NorrHampTon, Nazareth, Raz. L. setacea (Web.) Mitt—NorTHAMPToN, Lehigh Mountain, Rau; Carson, Rau; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue). Blepharostoma Dumort. B. trichophyHNum (L.) Dumort.—FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. Herberta S. F. Gray. H. adunea (Dickson) S. F. Gray.—Carson, Raz. Ptilidum Nees. [Blepharozia Dumort. | P. ciliaris (L.) Nees—On roots of trees and old logs. Car- BON and LEHIGH, Rau; MONROE, NORTHAMPTON, MoNnr- GOMERY, James; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, /ames, CHESTER, Michener; FRANKLIN and HUNTINGDON, for- ter; ELK, McMinn, Trichocolea Dumort. T. tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort.—Monroer, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; CHESTER, New Garden, Michener; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, Porter. Diplophylleia Trevis. D. taxifolia (Wahl.) Trevis—On damp and shaded ground. NORTHAMPTON, on the Monocacy, Raz. Scapania Dumort. S. nemorosa (L,.) Dumort.—Damp places.—MOonROE; NorTH- 8 TON, Easton, and Bethlehem, Rav; PHILADELPHIA, Wat- son, Fairmount Park, James; CHESTER, Michener; Lan- CASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter. S. subalpina (Nees) Dumort.—Carson, Raz. S. undulata Nees & Mont.—On damp ground. CaRBoN, Stony Creek, Raw; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, James; FRANK- LIN, Mercersburg, Porter. Radula Dumort. R. complanata (L.) Dumort.—On bark of trees. NorTu- AMPTON, Easton, forter; Bethlehem, Rau; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Martic Forge, Porter. R. obconiea Sull.—On rocks. Bucxs, Narrowsville, James. R. tenax Lindb.—LeuicH, Allentown, Raw; CaRBon, Rau; MONROE, Water Gap, Austen. Porella L. P. platyphylla (L.) Lindb.—On rocks and trees. Nortu- AMPTON, Easton, Porter; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Martic Forge, Por- ter. P. pinnata L.—On wet rocks in rivulets. Lenicu, Raw; NorTHAmptTon; Bucks, Narrowsville, James; LANCASTER, Porter. P. rivularis (Nees) Trevis.—Bucks, Narrowsville, James. Lejeunea Libert. L. eclypeata (Schwein.) Sull—On rocks. NorTHAMPTON; PHILADELPHIA, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter; Laurel Hill, western Pennsylvania, on the authority of Under- wood. L. echinata (Hook.) Tayl—Exposed rocks. LEnHIGH, Rau; Bucks, Narrowsville, James. 2 L. lucens Tayl—Wet rocks. LancasTER; HUNTINGDON, near Barre Forge, Porter. L. serpyllifolia Americana Lindb.—On trees. HuNTING- DON, Alexandria, Porter; Carson, Rau. Jubula Dumort. J. Hutchinsiae Sullivantii Spruce—On the ground and stones. CARBON, Stony Creek, Raw; MONROE, Water Gap, Garber; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. Frullania Raddi. F. Asa-Grayana Mont.—On trees. PHILADELPHIA, James; CHESTER, James; DELAWARE, James; LANCASTER, Sna- vely’s Mill, Porter; PERRY, James. F. Eboracensis Gottsche.—On rocks and trees. NoRTHAMP- TON, Easton Cemetery, james; Lehigh Mountain, Rau, CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Porter. F. plana Sull.—On shaded rocks. NorTHamprTon, Lime Ridge, Rau; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter. F. riparia. Hampe——NorTHAMPTON, Rau; Delaware (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Porter; FRANK- LIn, Mercersburg, Porter; HUNTINGDON, Porter. F. squarrosa (R. Bl. & Nees) Dumort.—LANCASTER, mouth of the Tucquan Creek, Smali. F. Virginica Gottsche—On trees. NORTHAMPTON, Easton Cemetery, James; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter; FRANKLIN) Mercersburg, Porter. ANTHOCEROTES. ANTHOCEROTALES. ANTHOCEROTACEAE. Anthoceros L. A. laevis L.—On damp ground. NorTHAMPTON, Lehigh Mountain, Raz, Easton, Porter; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); LANCASTER, Porter. A. punctatus L.—NorTHAmpToN, Lime Ridge, Rau, Bucks, Narrowsville, James; PHILADELPHIA, James; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); FRANKLIN, Porter. Notothylas Sull. N. orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull.—On wet ground. Norrn- AMPTON, Lehigh Mountain, Raw, PHILADELPHIA, Moya- mensing, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHES- TER (Flora Cestrica). N. melanospora Sull—NortTuHampton, Rau; PHILADEL- PHIA, James. S. S. S. e MUSCI.* SPHAGNALES. SPHAGNACEAE. Sphagnum L. acutifolium Ehrh.—Mownrog, James; LUZERNE, Garber; LEHIGH, Rau; HUNTINGDON, Warrior’s Ridge, forter; CamBrRIA, Cresson, James. acutifolium deflexum Schimp.—Carbon, Rau. cuspidatum Ehrh.—Mownror, /ames; LuzERNE, Rau; PIKE, Raz. cuspidatum intermedium (Hoffm.) Rau.—PIKE and MonroE, forter. cuspidatum Torreyanum (Sull.) Lesq. & James. —Mon- ROE, Porter. cymbifolium Ehrh.—Wavyne, Garber; Monroe, James; Carson, Rau; LUZERNE, Rau; CHESTER, James: HuNT- INGDON, Porter; CAMBRIA, James and Porter. fimbriatum Wils.—Wavyne, Mount Pleasant, Garber. Girgensohnii Russ.—LancastEr, Muhlenberg. imbricatum Hornsch.—LANncASTER and LEBANON, Mt. Hope, Small. laracinum Spruce.—LANCASTER and LEBANON, Mt. Hope, Small. * Shortly before his death, Professor Porter submitted the manuscript of the mosses to Mrs. Britton for revision. Mrs. Britton has kindly revised such por- tions as needed it in the light of recent studies, and has also added the citations of additional localities that have come to her notice through specimens in the herbarium of The New York Betanical Garden, [Ep.] A. A. 12 molluscum Bruch.—Carson, Raw. papillosum Lindb.—LvuzERNE, Frenchtown, Raz. rigidum (Nees) Schimp.—LUZERNE, Frenchtown, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James. rigidum laxum Austin.—LvUzERNE, Frenchtown, Raz. rigidum squarrosum Ross.—NORTHAMPTON, LEHIGH and LUZERNE, Raz. Ssquarrosum Pers.—PIKE and CARBON, Rau; MONROE, Porter; LANCASTER, Smithville, Smal; HUNTINGDON and CamBRIA, Porter. strictum Lindb.—Monror, Pocono plateau, James and Garber; PIKE, LUZERNE and CARBON, Rau. subsecundum Nees.—MoNnrROoE, Pocono plateau, /ames; CARBON and LEHIGH, Rau. subsecundum contortum (Schultes) Schimp.—LAncas- TER and LEBANON, Mt. Hope, Smad. ANDREAEALES. ANDREAEACEAE. Andreaea Ebrh. erassinervia Bruch.—On rocks. Carson, Stony Creek, Rau. petrophila Ehrh.—On dry rocks. Carson, Stony Creek, Rau. Rothii Web. & Mohr.—On rocks. Monror, Water Gap, Austin; CARBON, Stony Creek, Raw. [A. rupestris Roth. } ARCHIDIALES. ARCHIDIACEAE. Archidium Brid. Ohioense Schimp.—LancastEr, along the Tucquan Creek, Porter. Very rare. 13 BRYALES. EPHEMERACEAE. Ephemerum Hampe. KE. cohaerens Hampe.—NorTHampton, Bethlehem, Wolle, Bucks and PHILADELPHIA, James; LANCASTER. E. crassinervium (Schwaegr.) Hampe.—Old fields. NortTu- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter; INDIANA, James. E. serratum (Schreb.) Hampe.—Bucxs and CHESTER, Ches- ter Valley, James. E. serratum angustifolium Schimp.—CHESTER, James. E. spinulosum Br. & Sch.—LEHIGH and NORTHAMP- ton, Bethlehem, Raw; PHILADELPHIA, Moyamensing, James. PHYSCOMITRELLACEAE. Physcomitrella Br. & Sch. P. patens (Hedw.) Br. & Sch.— LancasTER, Muhlenberg. PHASCACEAR. Phascum L,. P. euspidatum Schreb.—Old fields. Leryicu, Rau; Nor- THAMPTON, Easton; Bucxs, Morrisville, James; PHILA- DELPHIA, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHEs- TER (Flora Cestrica); BEAVER, James. Sphaerangium Schimp. S. muticum (Schreb.) Schimp.—Moist fields. LEHIGH and NoRTHAMPTON, Rav, CHESTER, Coventry, and INDIANA, Derry, James. 8. triquetrum Schimp.—On the ground. PHILADELPHIA, Bustleton, James. 14 Astomum Hampe. A. crispum Hedw.—On the ground. NorTHAMPTON, on the Monocacy, Rau; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). A. nitidulam Schwaegr.—Old flelds. LenicH and NorTH- AMPTON, Rau, CHESTER, Coventry, and INDIANA, Derry, James. A. Sullivantii (Schimp.) Hampe.—Old pastures. NorTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Bucks, PHILADELPHIA, INDI- ANA and BEAVER, James. BRUCHIACEAE. Pleuridium Brid. P. subulatum (Huds.) Rab.—WasuincTon, Lizn and Sim- onton,; NORTHAMPTON and LEHIGH, Raz. Sporledera Hampe. S. palustris Schimp.—Old fields PHILADELPHIA, Moya- mensing, and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James. Bruchia Schwaegr. B. flexuosa (Schwaegr.) C. Muell.—Bucks, PHILADELPHIA, Germantown, and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER. B. Sullivantii Austin—Meadows. PHILADELPHIA, James. WEISSIACEAE. Hymenostylium Brid. H. curvirostre (Ehrh.) Lindl—Carson, Parryville, and LEHIGH, Rockdale, Rau. [Gymnostomum curvtirostre Hedw. ] Mollia Schrank. M. aeruginosa (Sm.) Lindb.—Crevices of rocks. LEHIGH, Rau, NORTHAMPTON, Easton, /ames; Bucks, Narrows- ville, HUNTINGDON, Spruce Creek, Porter. [ Gymunosto- mum rupestre Schwaegt. ] 15 M. aeruginosa stelligera (Schimp.) Braithw. — LEHIGH, Rockdale, Wodlle. M. viridula (L.) Lindl.*—NorTHAMPTON, PHILADELPHIA; DELAWARE and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Porter and Small; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton; MCKEAN,'Ben- nett. [| Wetssia viridula (L,.) Hedw.] M. viridula gymnostoides (Brid.) Braithw.—Bucxs, Nock- amixon cliffs, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg; NORTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau and Wolle. [Molla Rauana Austin. ] M. viridula stenocarpa (Muell.)—Norrsampron, Easton, James. Rhabdoweisia Br. & Sch. B. denticulata (Brid.) Br. & Sch.—On shaded rocks. PIKE, Bushkill Falls, Porter; CARBON and NORTHAMPTON, Beth- lehem, Rau, LAWRENCE, Slippery Rock Creek, James. R. fugax (Hedw.) Br. & Sch.—In crevices of rocks. CARBON, Rau, NORTHAMPTON, Bushkill Gap, Porter; PHILADEL- PHIA, Fairmount Park, James; McKean, Broadbow, Bur- nett. Oreoweisia Schimp. O. serrulata (Funck) Schimp.—On moist rocks. PIKE, CaR- BON and NorTHAMPTON, Rau; Bucks, Nockamixon cliffs, James; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. ' DICRANACEAE. Onchophorus Brid. O. Wahlenbergii Brid.—Frequent in swamps, along streams on decaying trunks. McKEAN, Broadbow, Burnett. * Grimmia controversa Muhlenberg. 16 Dicranella Schimp. D. crispa (Ehrh.) Schimp.—Cargon and LEHIGH, Rau, LAN- CASTER, Dillerville Swamp, James. D. varia (Hedw.) Schimp.—NorTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James, LAN- CASTER, Eby. [Dicranum vartum Hedw.]} D. rufescens (Dicks.) Schimp.—MonrokE, James; PHILADEL- PHIA, Wissahickon, and DELAWARE, Radnor, James, LAN- CASTER and HuntTiIncpon, Porter; CAMBRIA, Galitzin, James; ELK, McMinn; LANCASTER, Conewago, Small. D. curvata Schimp.*—-LaNcasTER, on sandstone, Porter. D. heteromalla (L.) Schimp.—NortTHampton, Easton, Por- ter; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter. D. heteromalla orthocarpa (Hedw.) C. Muell.—NortTu- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Raw, Lancaster, Muhlenberg. [Dicranum orthocarpum Hedw.] Dicranum Hedw. D. condensatum Hedw.—In sandy soil. LaNcasTER and LEBANON, Muhlenberg; DAUPHIN, Peter’s Mountain, C. H. Small. [D. sabuletorum R. & C.] D. elatum Lindb.—On the ground. Mownrog, Porter. [D. Drummond C. Muell.] D. flagellare Hedw.—Mowrok, James; Carson, Rau; DEL- AWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Small; HUNTINGDON and BLarr, Porter. D. fulvum Hook.—PIKE and Carzon, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; LANCAS- TER, Mt. Hope, Sadi. *No specimens of this species from Pennsylvania have been preserved. Those from the above locality are probably referable to D. heteromalla—the form with curved pedicels. [E. G. B.] 17 D. longifolium Ehrh.—Carson, Raz; MONROE, Mt. Pocono, James, CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). D. majus Turn.—Buair, Porter. (Very doubtful.—E. G. B.) D. montanum Hedw.—Monroe, Tobyhanna Mills, James, HUNTINGDON, Porter; ELK, McMinn. D. Schraderi Web. & Mohr.—Bucxs and NorTHAMPTON, Rau, DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). D. scoparium (L.) Hedw.—NorTHAMPTON; BucKs; PHILA- DELPHIA, DELAWARE ad CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER; Davupuin, C. H. Small; CAMBRIA, James. Very common. D. scoparium orthophyllum Brid.—Carson and LEHIGH, Rau. D. scoparium ruapestre Sull. & Lesq.— Mountain regions, Rau. D. undulatum Ehrh.—NorTHampTron and Bucks, Raz; CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; LANCASTER, FULTON and HuntTInGpon, Porter. D. viride Schimp.—PIike, Rau; CamBrRiA, Wiltmore, James. Dicranodontium Br. & Sch. D. longirostre (Starke) Schimp.—On sandstone rocks, usu- ally sterile; fertile specimens from McKEan, Toad Hollow, near Bradford, Burnett. Trematodon Mich. T. ambiguus (Hedw.) Hornsch.—PIkE, CARBON and Lv- ZERNE, Hazelton, Raw; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James and Por- ter. T. longicollis Michx.—PHILADELPHIA, Tacony, James. LEUCOBRYACEAE. Leucobryum Hampe. L. glaucum (L.) Schimp.—On the groynd in woods. Mon- ROE, James; LUZERNE, McMinn; NORTHAMPTON; PHILAr 18 DELPHIA; DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Small. Common throughout, but rare in fruit. L. albidum (Brid.) Lindb.—On stumps or the ground. BERKs, Hiester; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Ches- ter Valley, James, LANCASTER and HUNTINGEON, Porter. [Z. minus Sull.] FISSIDENTACEAE. Fissidens Hedw. F. adiantoides (L.) Hedw.—NorTHAMPTON, Bucks and LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, Porter; HUNTINGDON, Porter, CampBRIA, Cresson, James and Porter; WESTMORELAND, James; LEHIGH, Rau, F. bryoides (L.) Hedw.—NorTHANPTON, near Easton, Gar- ber; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James; ELK, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg. F. hyalinus Wils. & Hook.—On a clay bank in a ravine. WASHINGTON, Lzum and S¢monton, September and October, 1892, 1894, 1898. ‘This rare moss had only been collected in Ohio before. F. incurvus Starke —NorTHAMPTON, Easton, Garber, Bush- kill Gap, PHILADELPHIA, James; LANCASTER, Muhlen- berg, LEHIGH, Rau. F. minutulus Sull—Nortuampron, Easton, Garber and Porter; MONROE, /ames; PHILADELPHIA, on the Wissa- hickon, James; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, Chestnut Hill, Porter; LEnicH, Raw. F. osmundioides (Sw.) Hedw.—PiIkE and LEHIGH, Raz, MONROE, Water Gap, James; NORTHAMPTON, near Easton. F. subbasilaris Hedw.—Cargon, Onoko Glen, Raz, Nor- THAMPTON, Easton; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg; INDIANA and WESTMORELAND, James. F. taxifolius (L.) Hedw.—NortTHamprTon, Easton; PHILA- DELPHIA and CHESTER, /ames. 19 Octodiceras Brid. 0. Julianum (Savi) Brid—In rocky pools and streams. LE- HIGH, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, near Easton, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA, James; LANCASTER and HunTINGDON, Porter. [ Conomitrium Julianum (Savi) Mont. } Bryoxiphium Mitt. B. Norvegicum (Brid.) Mitt.— LawRENCE, Slippery Rock Creek, Lesguereux. [Eustichia Norvegica Brid.] SELIGERIACEAE. Seligera Br. & Sch. S. calearea (Dicks.) Br. & Sch——HunTincpon, Warrior’s Ridge, Porter. S. recurvata (Hedw.) Br. & Sch.—On limestone, in woods. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, James and Porter. DITRICHACEAE. Ceratodon Brid. CU. purpureus (L.) Schimp.—NORTHAMPTON, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Muhlen- berg. Common everywhere in the State. Trichostomum Hedw. T. cylindricum (Bruch) C. Muell.—At base of cliffs in woods, on moist rocks, usually sterile. Hunrincpon, Alexandria, Porter; NORTHAMPTON, Bear Creek, Wolle; LEHIGH, Onoko Glen, Raz, CHESTER, Coventry, December 30, 1850, fruiting on old trunks, James. [Dzdymodon cylindricus Br. & Sch.] Ditrichum Timm. (Leptotrichum WHampe.) D. pallidum (Schreb.) Hampe.—On the ground and margins of woods. LEHIGH and NoRTHAMPTON, Raz, DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCAS- TER, Smithville, Smali. 20 D. tortile (Schrad.) Lindb.—In dry soil. LenHicH and Nor- HAMPTON, Raz, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHES- TER, James; LANCASTER, Porter. D. tortile pusillum (Hedw.) Braithw.—PHILADELPHIA, Bus- tleton and Holmesburg, James. D. vaginans (Sulliv.) Hampe.—NorTHAMPTON, Rau; Mc- KEAN, Burnett. POTTIACEAE. Gymnostomum Hedw. (Pottia Ehrh.) G. truncatula (L.) Hedw.—Meadows among grass. PHILA- DELPHIA, Moyamensing, James. ([ottia truncatula (L.) Lindb. ] Barbula Hedw. B. convoluta Hedw.—NorTHAmpPTOoN, Easton, Porter; Ly- COMING, McMinn; LAWRENCE, Enon Valley, James. B. fallax Hedw.—NorRTHUMBERLAND and Monroe, Aunalo- mink Creek, James; NORTHAMPNON, Bingen, Raz, Easton, Porter, Bucks, Narrowsville, James. B. fallax brevifolia Schultz —Mownrog, Analomink Creek, James. B. recurvifolia Schultz.— CumBERLAND, Canadaguinnet Creek, Small. B. rubella (Hoffm.) Mitt—Carson, Rockdale, Wolle. [Didy- modon rubellus Br. & Sch.] B. unguiculata (Huds.) Hedw.—NortTuHampton, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, James; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and B. cylindrica (Br. & Sch.) Sch. has been recorded as growing on old wood and twigs. Carson and LEHIGH, Rau; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James, but it is probably a mistake. aI CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Small; YORK, HUNTING- DON and CENTRE, Porter; WESTMORELAND and BUTLER, James. B. unguiculata apiculata Br. & Sch.—LancastErR, Muhi- enberg. B. unguiculata lanceolata (Hedw.)—LANcASTER, Muhlen- berg. B. unguiculata stricta (Hedw.)—LancasTeR, Muhlen- berg. Tortula Hedw. T. humilis (Hedw.) Brid—MownrokE, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Fair- mount Park, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCAS- TER, river hills, Porter; NORTHUMBERLAND and CAMBRIA, James. ([Barbula humilis Hedw.* Barbula caespitosa Schwaegr. ] T. muralis (L.) Hedw.—NorTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; LANCASTER, Levan’s Mill, Zdy. T. papillosa Wils.—PHILADELPHIA, Bustleton, and BLarr, Tyrone, James. [Barbula papillosa C. Muell.] T. ruralis (L.) Ehrh.—Bucks, Nockamixon cliffs, and Nor- THUMBERLAND, James. [Barbula ruralis Hedw.]} T. tortuosa (L.) Ehrh— NorTHAmpPTON, Garber, PIKE, Rau; CarzBon, Parryville, Raz; Bucks, Nockamixon cliffs. James; VWANCASTER, Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James, [Barbula tortuosa Web. & Mohr. ] Desmatodon Brid. D. plinthobius Sull. & Lesq.—On a limestone rock near Lancaster, Porter. D. Porteri James.—On limestone rocks. NORTHAMPTON, College Hill, Porter; Bethlehem, Raz. * Type locality Lancaster, Muhlenberg. Type specimens representing both names are preserved in the Hedwig herbarium at Geneva. 22 Didymodon Hedw. D. cylindricus (Bruch) Br. & Sch.—On old trunks. Mon- ROE, Delaware Water Gap, Raw; Carson, Onoko Glen, Austin; HIGH, Bear Creek, Wolle; CHESTER, Coventry, James. D. riparius (Aust.) Kindb.—Mownrog, Pocono Plateau, Azs- tin; LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau. [Pot- tia riparia Aust.] D. rubellus (Hoffm.) Br. & Sch—On wet rocks. Without locality, Sull. & Lesq. Musci Bor. Am. Exsicc. no. 106. GRIMMITACEAE. Grimmia Ehrh. G. campestris Burchell—On rocks. LANCASTER, Cedar Hill, Porter; BLarr, Tyrone, James. [G. leucophaea Grev.] G. Donniana Smith.—In crevices of rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Bushkill Gap, James and Porter. [G. obtusa Schwaegrt.] G. Olmeyi Sull.—On exposed rocks on river shores. NORTH- AMPTON, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, French Creek, James; LANCASTER, Small. G. pilifera Beauv.—On exposed dry rocks. NORTHAMPTON, ‘Bethlehem, Rav; DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; Lan- CASTER, Muhlenberg; Conewago, Small. Very common. [G. Pennsylvanica Schwaegr. | Sehistidium Brid. 8S. ambiguum Sull—On rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, James. [Grimmia ambigua Sull.] S. apocarpum (L.) Br. & Sch—On rocks. LeEHIGH, Raw; NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER and CUMBER- LAND, Small; WASHINGTON, Lizz and Szmonton,; MCKEAN, Burnett. [Grimmuia apocarpa (L.) Hedw.] S, confertum Br. & Sch.—On rocks. PHILADELPHIA, on the 23 Wissahickon and Pennypack Creeks, James; LANCASTER, Safe Harbor, Porter; WasHincton, Linn and Szmonton. [Grimmia conferta Bruch.] S. alpicola rivulare (Brid.)—Wahlb. On rocks. LANCASTER and CUMBERLAND, Small. [Grimmia rivularis Brid.] Racomitrium Brid. R. aciculare (L.) Brid. On wet rocks. CARBON, Mauch Chunk, James; Stony Creek (fertile), Raw; CAMBRIA, James’ [Grimmia acicularis C. Muell.] R. microcarpum (Schrad.) Brid.—On wet rocks. CARBON, Stony Creek, Raw; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James. [Grimmia microcarpa (Gmel.) Lindb. R. Sudeticum Br. & Sch.] Glyphomitrium Brid. [Ptychomitrium Br. & Sch.] G. ineurvum (Schwaegr.) E. G. Britton, n. comb.—On rocks and stones. NorTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; Bethlehem, Rau, PHILADELPHIA and DELAWARE, James; LANCASTER, Conewago, Small. [Brachystelium incurvum (Schwaegt.) C. Muell.] Hedwigia Enhbrh. H. albicans (Web.) Lindb.—On exposed rocks. NORTHAMP- ton, Porter, PHILADELPHIA, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter. Common throughout the State. [A cz/ata Ehrh.]} H. albicans leucophaea Schimp.—DavpuHin, Peter’s Moun- tain, C. H. Small; Huntincpon, Stone Creek, Porter, WESTMORELAND, James. 24 ORTHOTRICHACEAE. Anoectangium Hedw.* [Amphoridium Schimp.] A, Lapponicum Hedw.—In crevices of shaded rocks. Mon- ROE, Analominck Creek, James; PIKE and CARBON, Raz; NorTHAMPTON, Easton, and Bucks, Narrowsville, Porter, PHILADELPHIA, on the Wissahickon, James; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and HUNTINGDON, Porter. A. Mougeottii (Schimp.) Lindb.—On shaded rocks. Mon- ROE, Delaware Water Gap, James, Garber; PIKE and CaR- BON, Rau; Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, Porter; PHILADEL- PHIA, Fairmount Park, James. Drummondia Hook. D. clavellata (L.) Hook.—On trees. NORTHAMPTON, PHIL- ADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Small; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton; MCKEAN, Bur- nett. Weissia Ebrh. [ Ulota Mohr. ] W. Americana (Beauv.) Lindb—On dry rocks. NoRTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Raw; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER and Hunrinepon, Porter; PIKE and LEHIGH, Rau; LEBANON, Penryn, Smad/; CAMBRIA, Cres- son, James. [Ulota Hutchinsiae (Beauv.) Schimp. | W. coarctata (Beauv.) Lindb.—On trees. MONROE, Mt. Po- cono, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Conewago, Smal/, CENTRE, Bear Meadows. Porter; WASHINGTON, Linz and Szmonton, McKEANn, Burnett. [Ulota Ludwigt (Beauv.) Brid.]} * Anoectangium Peckii Sull., credited to MONROE, Delaware Water Gap, Austin, proves to be a sterile form of Mollia aeruginosa, and A. Rauii Aust., Carson, Raz, is a depauperate sterile form of Dicranum longifolium, 25 W. ulophylla Ehrh.—On trees. Monrog, Tobyhanna, Gar- ber; Pocono, James; NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Chickies, LEBANON and CENTRE, Bear Meadows, Porter, CLEARFIELD, James. [Ulota crispa Brid.] W. wlophylla crispula (Bruch) Hammar.—On trees. PIKE, Rau, MONROE, Pocono, and PHILADELPHIA, James, Mc- KEAN, Burnett. Orthotrichum Hedw. O. cupulatum Hoffm.—On rocks. NortTHampton, Easton, and Bucks, Narrowsville, James. O. cupulatum Peckii (Aust.) Sull—On dry limestone rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter. O. Porteri Aust.—On dry limestone rocks. NORTHAMPTON and LANCASTER, Porter; CamBRIA, Cresson, James. [O. cupulatum Portert (Aust.) Sull.] O. obtusifolium Schrad.—Monroeg (on Populus candicans) Mrs. Britton; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz; PHILA- DELPHIA, on Lombardy poplars below Bustleton, James. O. Ohioense Sull. & Lesq.—LeEHIGH and NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz. O. Ohioense citrinum (Aust.) Lesq. & James.—On _ trees. NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; LANCASTER, Po ter; WESTMORELAND, James. O. pusillum Mitt.—On trees, poplars mostly. PHILADEL- PHIA, Kingsessing, Fairmount Park, Bustleton, /ames. [O. psilocarpum James. ] O. pumilum Americanum Venturi.—On trees. NorTu- AMPTON, Forter; PHILADELPHIA, /ames; LANCASTER, Porter. 0. Schimperi Hammar.—On trees. LancasTER, Safe Har- bor, Conewago and Tucquan, Small, WasHiInGTon, Linx and Szmonton. 26 O. sordidum Sull. & Lesq.—On trees. MONROE, Mt. Pocono, Garber, LANCASTER, Conewago, Smad. O. Braunii Br. & Sch.—On apple trees. LEHIGH and NorTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Chestnut Hill, Porter, NORTHUMBERLAND, James; MCKEAN, Bur- nett. [A. strangulatum Sull.] O. striatum (L.) Hedw.—On trees. MONROE, Pocono, and Bucks, Narrowsville, James. [O. letocarpum Br. & Sch.] ENCALYPTACEAE. Leersia Hedw. [Encalypia Schreb.]} L. contorta (Wolf) Lindb.—On limestone rocks. Mownrog, James; L&HIGH, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem; Cam- BRIA, Cresson, James. Sterile. [Excalypta streptocarpa Hedw. ] GEORGIACEAE. Georgia Ehrh. [ Tetraphis Hedw.] G. pellucida (L.) Rabenh.—On rotten wood. PrKE, LEHIGH and NorRTHAMPTON, Rau, CHESTER; LANCASTER, Small ; FRANKLIN; Monrog, Mt. Pocono and Tobyhanna, Back: hill Falls, Small; McKean, Burnett. DISCELIACEAE. Discelium Brid. D. nudum Brid.—On clayey ground. NorrHampron, Beth- lehem, Raz, Bingen, & Wolle. FUNARIACEAE, Physcomitrium Brid. P. immersum Sull.—Old pastures. PHILADELPHIA, Moya- mensing, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg ; DavpHIN, Har- risburg, Smad. 27 P. turbinatum (Michx.) Brid.—In fields among tufts of grass. LEHIGH, Raw, NORTHAMPTON, Easton; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Muhlen- berg, Small. McKran, Bradford, Burnett. Not rare. [ Gymnostomum pyriforme Muhl.] Aphanorhegma Sull.* A. serratum (Hook. & Wils.) Sull.—Damp cultivated ground. LEHIGH, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raxz,; Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Mercerburg, Porter. McKEAN, on alluvial deposits, Bennett Brook and in ashes near railroad, Bradford, Burnett. Funaria Schreb. F. Americana Lindb.—On the ground, Bucks, Narrowsville, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg. F. flavicans Michx.—On the ground. Leruicu, Rau, NORTH- AMPTON, Easton, Small; PHILADELPHIA, /ames; LANCAS- TER, Muhlenberg, Small; LAWRENCE, James. F. hygrometrica (L.) Sibth.—Bare places on the ground. NorRTHAMPTON, BUCKS, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Small. MCKEAN, Burnett. Very common. F. hygrometrica calvescens Schimp.—Carpon, Raz. F. hygrometrica patula Br. & Sch NorTHAMPTON, Beth- lehem, Raz. BRYACEAE. Leptobryum Wils. L. pyriforme (L.) Wils—On damp ground and old mortar of walls. NORTHAMPTON, Easton and Bethlehem; PHILADEL- * Aphanorhegma serratum 9 X Physcomitrium turbinatum 3. (See Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 22:65. 1895.) Mr. Burnett collected this interesting hybrid at Tuna Valley, about three miles north of Bradford, McKean county, on ground near the Erie Railroad tracks, where old ties had been burned, on December 12th, 1896. 28 pHiIA, Wissahickon Turnpike, /ames; CHESTER, New Garden, Michener; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, in herb., Porter; CAMBRIA, Chast Creek, James. Bryum L. albicans (Wahl.) Brid.—Wet, springy ground. LEHIGH and NoRTHAMPTON, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park and Laurel Hill, James; CHESTER, New Garden (fruiting), Michener,; MCKEAN (fruiting), Burnett. annotinum Hedw.—On gravelly soil. LEHIGH, Raz; BEAVER, Lesquereux. argenteum L.—On dry soil. Common everywhere. atropurpureum Wahl.—Old fields) NORTHAMPTON, Easton, James; Bethlehem, /7o/; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James; YORK, Porter. bimum Schreb.—Damp soil. NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, James; Bucks, Rau; LANCASTER, Small; CAMBRIA and INDIANA, James; MCKEAN, Burnett. caespiticium L.—Dry soil and old walls. Norrsamp- TON, Laston; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg. Very common. B. capillare L.—On the ground and on shaded rocks. MONROE, B. Cresco, Porter; Delaware Water Gap, Porter; CARBON, Mauch Chunk, James; NORTHAMPTON; Bucks, Narrows- ville Porter; WASHINGTON, Linx and Simonton, MCKEAN, Burnett; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, Chester Valley (fruiting), James; YORK, Wrightsville, Smad. cirrhatum Hoppe & Hornsch.—On gravelly soil. Lan- CASTER, Safe Harbor, James; ELK, McMinn. erudum Schreb.—On the ground. LEHIGH, Rau, BUCKS, Narrowsville, Porter; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, Porter. eyclophyllum (Schwaegr.) Br. & Sch.—Wet places. Monroe, Tobyhanna Mills, James. Very rare. 29 B. elongatum Dicks.—On rocks. McKrEan, Bradford, Bur- nett, B. intermedium Brid.—Wet places. Monrog, Mt. Pocono, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem and Easton, /ames; Bucks, Narrowsville, Porter; LANCASTER, Safe Harbor, and CAMBRIA, James. B. pulchellum Hedw.—On gravelly soil. Monror, Toby- hanna, James; LEHIGH, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Fiot; BUCKS, PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Muhlen- berg; MCKEAN, Burnett. [B. Lescurianum Sull.] B. Muhlenbeckii Br. & Sch—Damp situations. CARBON, Rau. . B. nutans Schreb.—Wet places. NorRTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, fot, Easton, James, PHILADELPHIA, Manayunk, /ames, LANCASTER, Conewago, on trap rock, Small; NoRTHUM- BERLAND, /ames; WASHINGTON, Zzuuz and Simonton, McKEan, Burnett. B. proliferum (L.) Sibth.—In woods about the roots of trees. PIKE, Garber; MONROE, Pocono Mountain, Small; NoRTH- AMPTON, PHILADELPHIA, Byberry, DELAWARE and CHES- TER, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, Porter; LUZERNE, Lily Lake, Smadi; WasHINGTON, Linn and Szmonton, Mc- Kean, Burnett. Common, but seldom fruiting. [B. roseum Schreb. | B. torquescens Br. & Sch.—On the ground. Bucks, Nar- rowsville, and CAMBRIA, Cresson, James. B. ventricosum Dicks.—Wet rocks. Monrog, Water Gap, Garber; Bucks, Rau, Narrowsville, /ames, LANCASTER, Muhlenberg ; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James. [B. pseudotri- quetrum, Schwaegr. | MNIACEAE. Astrophyllum Neck. [Mnzum I,., in part. | A. ciliare (Grev.) Lindb.—Damp situations. MONROE, Dela- ware Water Gap; LANCASTER, Smithville and Mountain 30 Island, Small; WasHINGTON, Zinn and Simonton; Mc- KEAN, Burnett. A. einclidioides (Blytt) Lindb.—In moist places. MCKEAN, West Branch, Burnett. [Mnium cinclidioides (Blytt) Huebn. | A. cuspidatum (L.) Lindb.—In swamps and on wet rocks. NorTHAMPTON, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Porter. Common. [Mnzum affine Bland. ] A. cuspidatum elatum (Br. & Sch.)—Campria, Cresson, James. A. cuspidatum rugicum Laur.—NorTHAMPTON, Easton, MONROE, Water Gap, James. A. Drummondii (Br. & Sch.) Lindb.—Damp places. Lycom- ING, near Williamsport, AZcAZinn. A. hornum (L.) Lindb.—Damp places. PIKE, CARBON and LEHIGH, Rau; MONROE, Mt. Pocono, £. G. Britton; Buck- hill Falls, Garber; NORTHAMPTON, Easton; PHILADEL- PHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Porter; CAMBRIA, James. A. lycopodioides (Hook.) Lindb.—Wet places. PIKE, LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Rau; LANCASTER, Mill Creek, Porter; Biair, C. E. Smith; ELK, McMinn. A. marginatum (Dicks.) Lindb.—Damp situations. Mon- ROE and NORTHAMPTON, Fortier; BuCcKS, Rau, PHILADEL- pHIA, James, LANCASTER and Biarr, Porter; CAMBRIA, James; ELK, McMinn; WasHINGTON, Linn and Simonton. [Mnium serratum Vaich. | A. medium (Br. & Sch.) Lindb.—In very wet soil, bordering streams or rivulets, on stones subject to overflow, and on logs much decayed and partially immersed. MONROE, James; McKzEan, Burnett. A. orthorrynchum (Br. & Sch.) Lindb.—Monrog, James, ' NORTHAMPTON, Zastoz, BLAIR, Porter. A. A. A. A. A. A. 31 punctatum (L.) Lindb.—Wet places. PrKE, MONROE, CaRBON, NORTHAMPTON and LEHIGH, Raw; PHILADEL- PHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER, FRANKLIN and HunTINGDON, Porter; ELK, McMiun. punctatum elatum (Schimp.)—Monrog, Delaware Water Gap, &. G. Britton ; LANCASTER, Mt. Hope, Smad; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; McKean, Bradford, Bur- nett. riparium (Mitt.) Lindb.—Along rivers. Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg. rostratum (Schrad.) Lindb.—Wet rocks. LErHIGH, Rau; Bucks, Narrowsville, Lycominc, McMinn; FRANKLIN and CAMBRIA, James. stellare (Reichard) Lindb.—Damp places. MONROE, James; NORTHAMPTON, Rau and Porter; BucKks, Nar- towsville, James; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, /ames, McKEAn, Bradford, Burnedt, usually sterile. sylvaticum Lindb.—Damp places. NorTHAMPTON, Easton, PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James; LANCAS- TER, Muhlenberg, Small; MCKEAN, Burnett. Very com- mon. [JMJnium cuspidatum Hedw. | Arrhenopterum Hedvw. heterostichum Hedw.—In shaded places. NORTHAMP- TON, PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James; Lehigh, Rau, LANCASTER, Pleasant Grove, Carter; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton. Type locality, Lancaster, Muhlenberg. [Aulacomnium heterostichum (Brid.) Br. & Sch.] Mnium Dill. [Aulacomnium Schwaegr. ] palustre L.—Swampy places. Monror, Tobyhanna Mills and Buckhill Falls, Sadi, NoRTHAMPTON, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LAN- CASTER, Safe Harbor; WASHINGTON, Lznzz and Szmonton; McKEAn, Burnett. [Aulacomnium palustre (1,.) Schwaegt. ] M, 32 MEESIACEAE. Meesia Hedw. triquetra (L.) Aongstr—NortHampton, Rau. [M. tri sticha Funck. | BARTRAMIACEAR. Bartramia Hedw. ithyphylla Brid—In shaded places. FavETre, Layton’s, S. W. Knipe. Rare. Oederi (Gunn.) Sw.—Rocky banks. PIKE and LEuIGcH, Rau, LANCASTER, Muhlenberg; MONROE, Water Gap, and Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, /ames. [B. grandiflora Schwaegr. ] pomiformis (L.) Hedw.—On moist banks. MONROE and NORTHAMPTON, Forder; PIKE, Raw, PHILADELPHIA, DEL- AWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter. Common. pomiformis crispa (Sw.) Br. & Sch.—On shaded ground. McKean, Burnett; PIKE, Rau; MONROE, Delaware Water Gap, Austin. Philonotis Brid. calcarea Schimp.—HunNTINGDON, Warrior’s Ridge, Porter. fontana (L.) Brid—Monroxr, Delaware Water Gap, James; NORTHAMPTON, Rau; Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; Lan- CASTER, Small; LycoMINc, Porter. Marchica (Willd.) Brid—NorruHamprTon, Bethlehem, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg; Slippery Rock Creek, Lesguereux. [Bartramia Muhlen bergit Schwaegrt. | radicalis (Beauv.) Brid—lLEwIGH, Rockdale, and Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, Wolle. 33 TIMMIACEAE, Timmia Hedw. . cucullata Michx.—NortTuHampton, Porter and Rau; Lan- CASTER, Porter; EASTON, Garber and Porter; MCKEAN, Burnett. [| T. megapolitana Hedw. | POLYTRICHACEAE. Catharinea Ehrh. [Atrichum Beauv. | angustata Bridi—In woods. NortHampton, /orter; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Small; WASHINGTON, Zinn and Simonton. Common throughout. crispa James.—On clay. Monroe, Pocono Mountain, £. G. Britton. undulata (L.) Web. & Mohr.—In woods. NorTHAMpP- TON, PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, james; LANCASTER. Polytrichum L. commune L.—In open woods. Common everywhere in the State. juniperinum Willd —Lesicu, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, James; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica), LANCASTER, Welsh Mountains, Smad; Lvcomine, McMinn; McKean, Burnett; WASHINGTON, Linz and Szmonton. Ohioense Ren. & Card.—NorRTHAMPTON, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER and Huntinepon, Porter ; McKean, Burnett. Not rare. [P. formosum Sull.] piliferum Schreb.—MonrokE, Mt. Pocono and Water Gap, Knipe; MCKEAN, Burnett; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Porter; WASHINGTON, Linu and Szmon- ton; McKEan, Burnett. [P. Pennsylvanicum Hedw. Type locality, Lancaster, Muhlenberg: | 34 Pogonatum Beauv. P. alpinum (L.) Roehl.—On rocks or soil. MONROE, Buck- hill Falls and Canadensis, Porter; CHESTER, Chester Valley, James. P. tenue Menz.—On the ground, in bare places. NorTH- AMPTON; /orter; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, /ames, LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter. Common elsewhere. BUXBAUMITIACEARE. Buxbaumia Haller. B. aphylla Haller—On the ground in open woods. MONROE, Mount Pocono, Porter, Water Gap, Kuzpe; NORTHAMPTON, Bushkill Gap, Garber; LenicH, Rau; HUNTINGDON, Boecking; CAMERON, Burnett. , Webera Ehrh. W. sessilis (Schmidt) Lindb.—On the ground in dry woods. LEHIGH, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter; DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, Chickies, Porter; WAYNE, Garber; MCKEAN, Burnett. [Dzuphysctum folcosum Mohr. ] FONTINALACEAE. Dichelyma Myrin. D. capillaceum (Dicks.) Br. & Sch.—On bushes subject to overflow of streams. Monrox, Pocono and Tobyhanna, Small; LEHIGH, Rau; CHESTER, Chester Valley, /ames; MONROE. D. pallescens Br. & Sch.—Attached to the bases of shrubs along water courses. MoNnRoE, Tobyhanna Mills, James, McKzav, Bradford, Burnett. Fontinalis L. F. antipyretica gigantea Sull—In rivulets and pools. PIKE, Raz, MONROE, Pocono, forter; NORTHAMPTON, Wind Gap, Green; PHILADELPHIA, James; DELAWARE, Smith; LANCASTER, Georgetown, Porter; BLAIR and CAm- BRIA, James; McKean, Burnett. 35 F. biformis Sull.—In streams. Pixze, Rau; LANCASTER, Small; McKEan, Burnett. F. Dalecarlica Br. & Sch.—Attached to stones in running water. PIKE, CARBON and LEHIGH, Raw; MONROE, Mt. Pocono, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James ; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, Porter, Mt. Hope, Smail/; CHESTER, Bear Meadows, Porter. F. Leseurii Sull—tIn rivulets. Pike, Rau; MONROE, Mt. Pocono and the Water Gap, James; HUNTINGDON, Porter, McKEAN, Burnett. F. Novae-Angliae Sull.—In springs. NorTHAMPTON and PIKE, Raw; HUNTINGDON, Spruce Creek, Porter. CRYPHAEACEAE. Leucodon Schwaegt. L. brachypus Brid—On the bark of trees. PIKE, Rau, MonrROE, Pocono, Porter; CHESTER, Coventry, /ames ; CamBrIA, Cresson, Porter and James; WaASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton; MCKEAN, Burnett. L. julaceus (Hedw.) Sull.—On trunks of trees. MONROE, Mt. Pocono, Porter, NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter, PHILADELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden, Fair- mount Park, Manayunk, Byberry, /ames; DELAWARE, Smith; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Cedar Hill, Porter; CAMBRIA and INDIANA, /ames; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton; MCKEAN, Burnett. L. julaceus stolonifera Aust.—LANCASTER, Octorara Creek, Small, NECKERACEAE. Homalia Brid. H. Jamesii Sch.—On rocks. PIKE, Raw. Very rare. Eleutera Beauv. [Weckera Hedw.] E. pennata (L.) Stuntz—On trunks of trees. MONROE, Pocono, £. G. Britton, PIkE and LEHIGH, Rau; PHILADEL- 36 PHIA, Fairmount Park ; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica) ; LANCAs- TER, Mount Hope, FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and CAMBRIA, Cresson, Porter ; MCKEAN, Burnett. Not rare in the moun- tains. Forsstromia Lindb. [Leptodon Mohr. ] F. trichomitria (Hedw.) Lindb.—On trunks of trees and occasionally on rocks. PIKE, Raw; MONROE, Pocono and Water Gap, James; NORTHAMPTON, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park and Byberry, james; Delaware, Smith ; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Tucquan, Smad; McKEan, Burnett. FABRONIACEAE. Fabronia Raddi. F. octoblephraris (Schleich.) Schwaegr.—On trees. NorTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Wolle; PHILADELPHIA, Bustleton, James. F. Ravenellii Sull—On trees. NORTHUMBERLAND and PHILADELPHIA, above Manayunk, James; FRANKLIN, Mer- cersburg, Porter. Anacamptodon Brid. A. splachnoides (Frol.) Brid—On trunks of trees and old stumps, around knot-holes full of water, at base of old trees and fallen logs, especially beech ; also on decaying shelves of Polyporus. LeHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, /ames,; INDIANA, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg; McKean, Bradford, Burnett; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton. [Campy- lodoniium hypnordes Schwaegt. ] LESKEACEAE. Myurella Br. & Sch. M. Careyana Sull.—In crevices of rocks. PrKE, CARBON and LEHIGH, Raz; MONROE, Analomink Creek, James, NORTH- AMPTON, Easton, Bucks, Narrowsville, LANCASTER, Cedar of Hill, FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and HunTINGDON, Alexan- dria, Porter. ' Thelia Sull. T. asprella (Schimp.) Sull.—On the roots of trees. MONROK, Tobyhanna Mills, James; NORTHAMPTON, Easton Cemetery, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; LANCASTER, Conewago and Mount Hope, Small; YORK, Small; McKEAN, Brad- ford, Burnett. T. hirtella (Hedw.) Sull—On the bark of trees. NorrTn- AMPTON, Easton, Porter; Bucks, Morrisville, PHILADEL- PHIA, Fairmount Park, and DELAWARE, Radnor, James ; LANCASTER, Porter; WESTMORELAND, James. T. Lescurii Sull—On flat rocks. Monror, Water Gap, Austin; Bucks, Rau. Fabroleskea Best. F, Austini (Sull.) Best—On Juniperus Virginianus. Wan- CASTER, Dillerville Swamp, Small; MONROE, Water Gap, Austin; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raw and Wolle. [Leskea Austiné Sull.} Leskea Hedw. L. denticulata Sull.—On dry rocks and trunks of trees, : Monroe, Analomink Creek, James; LEHIGH and NoRTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, PHILADELPHIA and DELAWARE, James; CHESTER, New Garden, Michener,; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James. L. gracilescens Hedw.—On tree trunks. LaNcasTEr, Lan- caster, Muhlenberg, Small, Safe Harbor, Small; WASHING- ton, Linn and Simonton. L. nervosa (Brid.) Myrin.—On trees, especially on the base of old maples. McKean, Bradford, Burnetz. L. obscura Hedw.—At the base of trees and on wet ground. NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Wissa- 38 hickon, and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; LANCASTER, Peach Bottom, Porter; BLAIR, Tyrone, James; WASHING- TON, Linn and Simonton, MCKEAN, Burnett. L. polyearpa Ehrh.—On roots and trunks of trees. NorTH- AMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter; MONTGOM- ERY and PHILADELPHIA, Gray’s Ferry, James, LANCASTER, Chiquesalunga Creek and Conestoga Creek, Small. Anomodon Hook. & Tayl. A. apiculatus Br. & Sch.—On rotten bark. Mownrosz, Buck- hill Falls, Small; LANCASTER, Chiquesalunga Creek, Small; MCKEAN, Burnete. A. attenuatus (Schreb.) Huebn.—On rocks and roots of trees. NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; Easton, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA, Wissahickon, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Small, WASHINGTON, Linum and Simonton, McKEAn, Burnett. A. minor (Beauv.) Furn.—On trunks of trees. NORTHAMP- TON, Bethlehem, Raw; Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA) Byberry, James; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg; WASHINGTON, Linn and Stmonton; MCKEAN, Burnett; CLEARFIELD, Phil- lipsburg, and Camsria, James. (A. obtustfolius Br. & Sch.] A. rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp.—At the base of trees. Mon- ROE, Buckhill Falls, S7a//; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, James, LANCASTER, Mount Hope, SmalZ; WASHINGTON, Linz and Simonton; McKEAn, Burnett. A tristis (Cesati) Sull_—On trunks of trees. Monrog, Analo- mink Creek, James; Northampton, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER, Porter; CLEARFIELD, James; MCKEaNn, Bur- nett. [Leskea tristes Cesati.] A. viticulosus (L.) Hook. & Tayl.—On shaded rocks. Bucks, Narrowsville, James; LANCASTER, on the Tucquan, Smad/; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. 39 Pterigynandrum Hedvw. filiforme Hedw.—On rocks and roots of trees. MONROE, Water Gap; Carson, Raz. Thuidium Br. & Sch. abietinum (L.) Br. & Sch—On rocks. NorTHAMPTON, on a cliff above, Easton, Porter. Very rare. delicatulum (L.) Mitt—On the ground and roots of trees. PIKE and NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; PHILADEL- PHIA, DELAWARE aud CHESTER, /ames; McKean, Bur- nett. | Hypuum tamariscinum Sull. & Lesq.] microphyllum (Sw.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—NoRTHAMPTON, Rau. [H. gracile Br. & Sch.] minutulum (Hedw.) Br. & Sch.—Old logs and about the roots of trees. MONROE and Carzon, Mauch Chunk, James, NORTHAMPTON, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, DELA- WARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, james; HUNTINGDON, Porter; BLAIR, Burgoon’s Gap, Garber; MCKEAN, Burnett. paludosum (Sull.) Rau & Hervey.—Swamps and low grounds. NORTHAMPTON, Sedersville, Raw; Bucks, Mor- risville, James; PHILADELPHIA, Tacony Creek, James, LANn- CASTER, Dillerville Swamp, Porter. pygmaeum Br. & Sch.—On damp stones and rocks. LEHIGH, Raz; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, James. recognitum (Hedw.) Lindb.—On shaded rocks and banks, MONROE, Pocono, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz. Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, james; LANCASTER, Small; CUMBERLAND, Chambersburg, Porter. [A. dehca- tulum Br. & Sch.] scitum (Beauv.) Aust.—At the base of trees. NoOrTHAMP- TON, Bethlehem, PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, New Gar- den, James. 40 YT. scitum aestivale Aust.—PIKE, Rau; Monroz, Water Gap, Austin; BLarr, Porter; MCKEAN, Burnett. T. Virginianum (Brid.) Lindb.—On decayed logs. MOoNnRogE, Buckhill Falls, PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, James Bian, Bald Eagle Valley, Porter; Campria, Cresson, James; NORTHAMPTON, Rau; LANCASTER, Muhlenberg, New Texas, Small. [H. gracile var. Lancastriense Sull. & Lesq. | HYPNACEAE. Isothecieae. Homalothecium Br. & Sch. H. subcapillatum (Hedw.) Sull—On trunks of trees. NORTHAMPTON, Easton Cemetery, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden, Bustleton, and CHESTER, Warwick Fur- nace, James; I,ANCASTER, Octorara Creek, Small, Cedar Hill, Porter; ELK, McMinn. [Pterigonium subcapillatum Muhl.] Platygyrium Br. & Sch. P. repens Br. & Sch.—On trunks of trees, often sterile and gemmiferous. MONROE, Cresco, /ames; NORTHAMPTON, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden, Wissahickon, and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Porter, INDIANA and BEAVER, /ames; WASHINGTON, Linx and Szmonton; Mc- Kran, Bradford, Burnett. [Entodon palatinus (Neck.) Lindb. ] Pylaisia Br. & Sch. P. intricata (Hedw.) Card.—On tree trunks. PIKE, Elbow Swamp, and Carson, Raw; LANCASTER, Mount Hope, Small; MCKEAN, Burnett. [P. velutina Br. & Sch.] P. polyantha (Schreb.) Br. & Sch.—On tree trunks. Mc- Kean, Burnet. P. Schimperi Cardot—On trees. NortTHamptTon, Bethle- hem, Rau; Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Coventry, /James; LANCASTER, Small; 4I CLEARFIELD, Phillipsburg, and INnprana, Blairsville, James; ELK, McMinn; WasuHincton, Linn and Simonton, McKean, Burnett. [P. intstcata Schimp.] Entodon C. Muell. [Cyfndrothecium Br. & Sch.] E. brevisetus (Hook. & Wils.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—In dry places. PHILADELPHIA, Bingham’s, James; CHESTER, New Garden, Miuchener; ELK, Bennett’s Branch, McMinn; McKEan, Burnett. E. compressus C. Muell.—On bases or roots of trees. NORTH- AMPTON, Easton Cemetery, and PHILADELPHIA, Byberry, James ; CHESTER, New Garden, Michener. [C. compres- sum Br. & Sch.] E. cladorhizans (Hedw.) C. Muell.—On old logs, roots of trees and shaded shingle-roofs. LeEHIGH, and NORTHAMPTON and CHESTER, Coventry, James; LANCASTER, Mount Hope, Small; INDIANA and BEAVER, James; WASHINGTON, Linn and Szmonton; MCKEAN, Burnette. E. seductrix (Hedw.) C. Muell.—On wet ground, rocks and roots of trees. LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; Bucks, Narrowsville, James; MONTGOM- ERY, PHILADELPHIA, Germantown, DELAWARE and CHEs- TER, Coventry, /ames; LANCASTER, Porter, Safe Harbor, Small; INDIANA, James; WASHINGTON, Linn and Szmon- ton, McKEAn, Burnett. E. Sullivantii C. Muell.—On damp ground. PHILADELPHIA, along the Schuylkill, James. Rare. Climacium Web. & Mohr. C. Americanum Brid.—On wet, shaded ground. MONROE, Water Gap, Porter; NORTHAMPTON, Bingen, Rau, PHILA- DELPHIA, James; DELAWARE, Smith; LANCASTER, Welsh Mountains, Conewago and Mount Hope, Small; WASHING- TON, Linn and Simonton; MCKEAN, Burnett. Very common, but rarely fruiting. 42 dendroides (L.) Web. & Mohr.—CuEsTER, Darlington , DAUPHIN, Harrisburg, Small. Kindbergii (R. & C.) Grout. In water or low grounds. Lan- CASTER and LEBANON, Mount Hope and Penryn, Small; LUZERNE, Lily Lake, Small; McKEAn, Bradford, Burnett. [C. Americanum vat. fluitans Aust. ] Brachythecieae. Camptothecium Schimp. nitens (Schreb.) Schimp.—In bogs. NORTHAMPTON, Bin- gen, Rau. Rrachythecium Schimp. acuminatum (Hedw.) Rau. & Hervey.—On damp ground and logs. NORTHAMPTON, Lime Ridge, Raw, PHILADEL- PHIA, Bingham’s, and CHESTER, Coventry, /ames,; LANCAS- TER, Conewago, Small; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter; CLEARFIELD, Phillipsburg, and WESTMORELAND, Greens- burg, James. acuminatum rupincolum (Hedw.) R. & C.—Occasional with the species. acuminatum setosum (Hedw.) Sull. & Lesq.—Lancas- TER, Muhlenberg. [Leskea setosa Hedw. | acutum (Mitt.) Sull—In low places. Monror, Water Gap, Austiz, LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Raw; MCKEAN, Burnett. campestre (C. Muell.) Br. & Sch.—On damp ground and rocks in woods. MONROE, Tobyhanna Mills, NORTHAMP- TON, Bethlehem, Rau; Bucxs, Morrisville, James. cyrtophyllum Kindb.—McKEAan, Bradford, Buriett. flexicaule R. & C.—LancastEr, Muhlenberg; MCKEAN, Burnett. Novae-Angliae (Sull. & Lesq.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—On wet ground and rocks. PIkE and LEHIGH, Rau, MONROE, Mount Pocono, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter, PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, /ames; YORK, Porter; LANCASTER, Mrs. Eby, McCKEan, Burnett. h. 43 oxycladon (Brid.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.— Lancaster, Muhlen- berg. plumosum (Sw.) Br. & Sch.—LancasTER, Rock . Hill and Tucquan, Smad. populeum rufescens Br. & Sch—McKkzan, Bradford, Burnett. reflexum (Starke) Br. & Sch.—Credited to the State in Sullivant and Lesquereux’s Musct Allegh. MCKEAN, Brad- ford, Burnett. rivulare Br. & Sch.—On wet ground and rocks. MONROE, Tobyhanna Mills, James; NORTHAMPTON, Easton and Beth- lehem, LeHIGH and Bucks, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, Bing- ham’s and the Wissahickon, /ames; LANCASTER, Mount ‘Hope, Smadl; YORK, Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James. rutabulum (L.) Br. & Sch.—On wet and springy ground, PIKE, LEHIGH and NorTHampToN, Bethlehem, Raz ; MonroE, Cresson; Bucks, PHILADELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden, Byberry, Wissahickon, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Coventry, James; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter; MCKEAN, Burnett. salebrosum (Hoffm.) Br. & Sch.—On logs and on the ground. Monrog, Tobyhanna Mills and Mount Pocono, James, L.EHIGH, NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz; PHILA- DELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden, Fairmount Park, Manayunk, and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; LANCASTER and York, Porter; ELK, McMinn; MCKEAN, Burnett. Starkei (Brid.) Br. & Sch.—On shaded ground. Pike and Carson, Raz; Monroz, Tobyhanna Mills and Mount Pocono, James; ELK, Benezette, McMinn, McKEan, Bur- nett. velutinum (L.) Br. & Sch.—On the ground. LANCASTER, Small; York, Porter, rare; MCKEAN, Burnett. Hylocomium Br. & Sch. brevirostre (Ehrh.) Br. & Sch.—TIn shaded ravines and swamps. Monrog, Buckhill Falls, 4. G. Britton, Pocono, 44 Porter; NORTHAMPTON and PIKE, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James, LANCASTER, Martic Forge, and BLair, Porter; CAMBRIA, James; ELK, McMinn; WASHINGTON, Linn and Stmonton; MCKEAN, Burnett. parietinum (L.) Lindb.—Open dry woods. Monroe, Pocono Mountain and Buckhill Falls, 2. G. Britton; Pike, Garber; CARBON and LEHIGH, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Beth- lehem and Easton, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHES- TER, James, LANCASTER and HUNTINGDON, Porter; ELK, McMinn, MCKEAN, Burnett. [Hypnum Schrebert Willd. } proliferum (L.) Lindb.—On the ground in damp woods. Monrok, Pocono, and NoRTHAMPTON, near Easton, Porter; PIKE and CARBON, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, high bluff on the Wissahickon, James; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, and BLAIR, Porter; LUZERNE, Pond Hill, Small; Ex, McMinn, .Mc- Kean, Burnett; WasSHINGTON, Zinn and Szmonton. [ Hypuum splendens Hedw.] rugosum (Ehrh.) De Not.—Dry woods, on the ground. NorTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter, Bucks, Nockamixon Rocks, Small; LANCASTER, FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and Hunt- INGDON, forter. Common, but sterile. squarrosum (L.) Br. & Sch.—Grassy places and borders of woods. Pixxx, Raw; Campria, Cresson, Lesguereux. triquetrum (L.) Br. & Sch.—In dry woods, on the ground. PIKE, CARBON and LEHIGH, Raz, NORTHAMPTON, Beth- lehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames; LANCASTER, Porter and Small; LUZERNE, Small; CAMBRIA, Porter ; ELK, McMinn ; MCKEAN, Burnett; WASHINGTON, Linn and Szmonton. umbratum (Ehrh.) Br. & Sch.— McKEav, Marilla Brook, Burnet. Eurhynchium Br. & Sch. Boscii (Schwaegr.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—On shaded rocks and banks. MONROE, Mt. Pocono, &. G. Britton, Delaware Water Gap, Garber; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter ; 45 Bucks, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames ; LANCASTER, Safe Harbor, Smal/, FRANKLIN and Cam- BRIA, WASHINGTON, Lzum and Simonton. diversifolium (Schleich.) Br. & Sch—NoRTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz. graminicolor (Brid.) R. & C.—Pixr, LEHIGH, Bucks, NorTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; Easton, Porter, PHILA- DELPHIA, James ; LANCASTER, Rock Hill, Smal; FRANK- LIN, Mercersburg, and HUNTINGDON, Alexandria, Porter ,; McKEan, Bradford, Burnett. |Hypnum Sullivantit Spruce. | hians (Hedw.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—In low, shaded places. LEHIGH, Rau; Bucks, Narrowsville, PHILADELPHIA. Wis- sahickon, Holmesburg, and CHESTER, Coventry, James ; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); LANCASTER, FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and CAMBRIA, Cresson, Porter; ELK, Bennett’s Branch, McMinn ; WaSHINGTON, Linn and Szmonton ; McKean, Burnett. piliferum (Schreb.) Br. & Sch.—On moist ground. Mon- ROE, Water Gap, and PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James, ELK, Benezette, McMinn; MCKEAN, Burnett. strigosum (Hoffm.) Br. & Sch.—On dry ground. MONnrRog, Water Gap, James; NorTHamprton, Easton, James, Beth- lehem, Rav; LEHIGH, Rau; PHILADELPHIA and CHESTER, Coventry, James; ELK, McMinn; MCKEAN, Burnette. strigosum praecox (Hedw.) Husn.—LancasteErR, JZuh- lenberg. |Leskea fasciculosa Hedw. | Rhynchostegium Br. & Sch.* deplanatum (Schimp.) L. & J.—On damp, shaded ground and stones. PIKE, Raz; MONROE, Analomink Creek, NoRTH- AMPTON, Easton, Garber; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; MCKEAN, Burnett. *R, curvisetum (Brid.) Lindb. has been credited to Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, by Prof. T. P. James, but this is probably a mistake, as specimens cannot be found in his herbarium, and this is the only time it has been reported from North America. 46 R. geophilum Aust.—On damp, shaded ground. Lzuicu, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, on the Schuylkill (fruiting), James ; CampBRiA, Cresson, Porter. Rare. R. rusciforme (Neck.) Br. & Sch.—On rocks in rivulets. Monroe, Water Gap, james; LEHIGH and Bucks, Raz ; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA, Wissahickon, and CHESTER, Coventry, /ames; LANCASTER, Chickies, Porter, Mount Hope, Small; York, Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson, James; MCKEAN, Burnett. R. serrulatum (Hedw.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—On damp ground about trees. PikE and LEHIGH, Raz; MONROE, Toby- hanna Mills, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz ; Easton Cemetery and Weygat, Forter; PHILADELPHIA, Bartram’s Garden, Mount Moriah Cemetery, Byberry, DEL- AWARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James, LANCASTER, Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson, and BEAVER, James. Sematophyllum Mitt. S. tenuirostre (Br. & Sch.) E. G. Britton.—Monrok, Delaware Water Gap, Austin. [R. cylindricarpum (C. Muell.) Jaeg. & Sauerb. ] S. Carolinianum (C. Muell.) E. G. Britton.—On the ground and moist rocks. LEeHIGH and CARBON, Rau, NORTHAMP- TON, Bushkill Gap, and PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James. [R. demissum (Wils.) De Not.] S. Marylandicum (C. Muell.) E. G. Britton.—Carson, Raw. [R&. Marylandicum (C. Muell.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.] S. delicatulum (James) E. G. Britton——On perpendicular rocks. McKran, Bradford, Burnett. [R. laxepetalum (L. &jJ.)R.&C] S. adnatum (Michx.) E. G. Britton—Monrokg, Buckhill Falls, E. G. Britton. [R. microcarpum (Brid.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.] S. Novae-Cesareae, (Aust.) E. G. Britton.—On damp rocks. CARBON, Stony Creek (fruiting), & Wolle; McKEan, Manilla Brook, Burnett. [R. Novae-Cesareae R. & C.] S. P. 47 recurvans (Michx.) E. G. Britton.—On the ground and roots of trees. PIKE, CARBON, LEHIGH and NoRTHAMP- TON, Bethlehem, Rau; MONROE, PHILADELPHIA, DELA- WARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Mount Hope, Small, Chickies, Porter; ELK, McMinn; McKean, Burnett. [R. recurvans (Michx.) Br. & Sch.] Porotrichum Brid. Alleghaniense (Br. & Sch.) Grout.— Wet rocks, in ravines, rare in fruit. MONROE, Water Gap, James, Knipe, fruiting, Buckhill Falls, £. G. Britton; LEHIGH and Bucks, Nar- rowsville, Raw; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rav, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, and Huntinepon, Porter, CAMRRIA, Cres- son, James, MCKEAN, Burnett. HYPNEAE. Plagiothecium Br. & Sch. P. denticulatum (L.) Br. & Sch.—On damp ground.— LEHIGH P. P. P. and NoRTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter ; MONROE, Pocono, James, PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Small; YORK and FRANK- LIN, Porter; CAMBRIA, Ebensburg, James; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton; MCKEAN, Burnett. elegans (Hook.) Schimp.—On the ground. PrIKE and CaRrBon, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; PHILA- DELPHIA, Wissahickon, James; MCKEan, Burnett. Muellerianum Schimp.—On the ground. Carson, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, Porter. pulchellum nitidulum (Wahl.) L. & J.—On the ground. Bucks, Narrowsville, James, ELK, Benezette, McMinn. Roseanum orthocladon (Br. & Sch.) Limpr.—On the ground. PHILADELPHIA, along the Schuylkill and Wissa- hickon, James. [P. sylvaticum var. orthocladon (Br. & Sch.) L. & J.J 48 P. striatellum (Brid.) Lindb.—On logs and shaded ground. PIKE and CaRBon, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, CHESTER, Chester Valley, and CamBriA, Ebensburg, James, Monrok, Garber; MCKEAN, Burnett. [Hypnum Muh- lenbecku Spruce. ] P. Sullivantiae Br. & Sch.—Shaded places on the ground. Monrokg, Cresco, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, and DELA- WARE, Radnor, James, LANCASTER, Marietta, Porter; Mc- KEAN, Burnett. P. sylvaticum (Huds.) Br. & Sch.—PIKE, CaRBON and LEHIGH, Rau, NORTHAMPTON, Green; CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Porter. P. turfaceum (Lindb.) Lindb.—On damp ground. PIKE, Rau; CAMBRIA, Ebensburg, James; McKEan, Burnett. Isopterygium Mitt. I. micans (Sw.) E. G. Britton—On decayed wood. CENTRE, Bear Meadows, Porter. Amblystegium Br. & Sch. A. adnatum (Hedw.) Aust.—On damp ground and rocks, in woods. LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz; Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, DELAWARE, Radnor, and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; LANCASTER, Chestnut Hill, and Yorx, Porter. A. confervoides (Brid.) Br. & Sch.—On limestone rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter, Bethlehem, Raz; LANCAS- TER. [A. confervoides Brid.] A. fluviatile (Sw.) Br. & Sch.—PIxgE, outlet of East Branch Pond, Raw, McKEan, Burnett. A. irriguum (Hook. & Wils.) Br. & Sch.—On wet rocks in rivulets. Monror, Water Gap, Wood; LEHIGH, NORTH- A. compactum (C. Muell.) Austin has been credited to the State without locality, by L. Cheney (Botanical Gazette, 24: 265). 49 AMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Pennypack _ Creek, James; HUNTINGDON, Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson and Johnstown, James. A. irriguum spinifolium (Schimp.)—In and around lime- stone springs. FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and LANCASTER, Lititz, Porter ; NORTHAMPTON, Raw. A. Juratskanum Schimp.—In damp places. NorrHamp- TON, Bethlehem, Raz. A. Kochii Br. & Sch.—In springy places. McKean, Bradford, Burnett. A. Leseurii (Sull.) Aust.—On wet, shaded rocks. LuzERNE and Carson, Rau, NORTHAMPTON, on the Bushkill Creek, LANCASTER, near the Buck Tavern; YoRK, opposite Mari- etta, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, /ames. A. minutissimum (Sull. & Lesq.) Jaeg. & Sauerb.—On limestone rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Easton Cemetery; Lan- CASTER, Cedar Hill, and Huntinepon, Alexandria, Porter. A. riparium (L.) Br. & Sch.—In rivulets and standing water. MonroE, James; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Lititz Springs, and FRANK- Lin, Mercersburg, Porter. A. serpens (L.) Br. & Sch.—On logs, rocks and the ground. NorRTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, Easton, Green ; PHILA- DELPHIA, Bustleton, Manayunk, Byberry, DELAWARE, Radnor, and CHESTER, /ames,; LANCASTER, Dillerville Swamp, Porter, Conewago, Small. A. varium (Hedw.) Lindb.—Wet ground and rocks. MONROE, Water Gap, james, NORTHAMPTON, LEHIGH, ax ; Bucks, Rau, PHILADELPHIA, Woodlands, Manayunk, Wis- sahickon, Tacony, Bustleton, DELAWARE, Radnor, and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; HUNTINGDON, Spruce Creek, Porter; CAMBRIA, James; YORK and LEBANON, Porter ; McKean, Burnett. ([H. orthocladon Brid.] HH. H. H. H. H. H. H. 50 Hypnum L. HHypnum, subgenus Chrysohypnum. chrysophyllum Brid.—On the ground in fields and woods. Monrok, Tobyhanna, Garber; Buckhill Falls, &. G. Brit- ton; PIKE, LEHIGH, CARBON, NORTHAMPTON and Bucks; LANCASTER, Cedar Hill, Porter; Smithville and New Texas, Small; MCKEAN, Burnett. hispidulum Brid.—On the ground, the base of trees and old stumps. MONROE, Pocono, /ames; LEHIGH, Rau ; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau, Easton, Porter; PHILa- DELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, /ames, LANCASTER, Porter and Small; CAMBRIA and INDIANA, James; WASH- INGTON, Lzzxz and Szmonton; MCKEAN, Burnett. radicale Beauv.—On wet, decaying leaves. PIKE and LEHIGH, near Bethlehem, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, on the Wissahickon, James; LANCASTER, Conewago, Small. [H. chrysophyllum vax. tenellum V,. & J. Hypnum Bergenense Aust. ] stellatum Schreb.—Swamps. NORTHAMPTON, Bigen, Rau; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica) ; LANCASTER, Dillerville, Porter; MCKEAN, Burnett. HHypnum, subgenus Drepanocladus. aduncum L,.—On wet rocks and in marshes. PIKE, Rau; NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, Fair- mount Park and Wissahickon, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); LANCASTER, Dillerville Swamp, /orter ; CHESTER, Michener; HuNTINGDON, Porter; CAMBRIA, James. [Hypnum uncinatum Hedw. | exannulatum Guembel.—Marshy places. LUZERNE, Raw. fluitans L.—In water. PrkE and Cargon, Rau; MONROE, Tobyhanna Mills, Porter; Water Gap, Austin, LANCASTER, Smithville, Swal/; CENTRE, Bear Meadows, Porter. H. hamifolium Schimp.—Monrok, Pocono, Porter. Rare. LH. H. aduncum giganteum Br. & Sch.] Kneiffii (Br. & Sch.) Schimp.—LuzERNE, Rau; CARBON, F. ot Wolle; ANCASTER, Conewago, Small. [A. Kneifit Br. & Sch.] H. polycarpon gracilescens (Br. & Sch.) Limpr.—In lime- stone springs. LANCASTER, YORK, opposite Marietta, and FRANKLIN, near Chambersburg, Porter. [H. aduncum gractlescens Br. & Sch.] Hypnum, subgenus Cratoneuron. H. filicinum L.—Swamps. NorrHampron, Monocacy, Rau,; LANCASTER, Dillerville, and Huntinepon, Spruce Creek, Porter. LHypnum, subgenus Ptilium. H. crista-castrensis L.—In woods, on decayed logs and damp ground. MONROE, Pocono, Porter; PIKE, CARBON and NorRTHAMPTON, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, New Garden, Michener; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, and Cam- BRIA, Cresson, Porter; BLAIR, Garber; ELK, McMinn; Mc- KEAN, Burnett. Hypnum, subgenus Ctenzdium, H. molluscum Hedw.—On the ground and rocks. MONROE, Tobyhanna Mills and Analomink Creek, /ames; LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Raz; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, James, DELAWARE, Smith, CHESTER, New Garden, Michener ; LANCASTER, Martic Forge, and CamBRIA, Cres- son, Porter; BLair, Garber; ELK, McMinn; McKzan, Burnett ; WASHINGTON, Lizz and Szmonton. flypnum, subgenus Stereodon. H. cupressiforme L.—On the ground and roots of trees: LANCASTER, Mount Hope, Smad/; CamBria, Ebensburg, James ; MCKEAN, Burneit. H. cupressiforme filiforme Brid.—PHILADELPHIA, Fair- mount Park, James, sterile. MCK#AN, on damp stones at foot of cliff, Burnetz. H. cypressiforme mammillatum Brid.—LANcasTEr, Beartown, Sadi. 52 eurvifolius Hedw.—On damp ground and logs. Bucks, PIKE and CARBON, Rau, MONROE, Pocono, and Norrn- AMPTON, Easton, Porter; PHILADELPHIA, Wissahickon, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James; Lan- CASTER, Safe Harbor, Porter; CAMBRIA, Ebensburg, James. fertile Sendt.—In moist places. PIKE, Raz. Haldanianum Grev.—On damp ground, in woods. Mon- ROE, Pocono, James; LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Bethle- hem, Rav; PHILADELPHIA, Fairmount Park, DELAWARE and CHESTER, Chester Valley, James ; CAMBRIA, Cresson, Porter, Ebensburg, James; ELK, McMinn. imponens Hedw.—On decayed logs. MONROE, Mt. Pocono, Tobyhanna, James, and Pocono Mtn., &. G. Britton ; PIKE, Rau, LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE and CHESTER, James; LANCASTER, Safe Har- bor and New Texas, Smad/; DAUPHIN, Peter’s Mtn., Smad, FRANKLIN and CAMBRIA, Cresson, Porter, ELK, McMinn; WASHINGTON, Linn and Simonton ; MCKEAN, Burnett. nemorosum Koch.—On decayed logs. Carson, & Wolle. pallescens Hedw.—On the ground and trunks of trees, PIKE, Rau; MONROE, James and Porter; CAMBRIA, Cresson, Porter. pratense Koch.—In wet meadows. LeuIGH and NORTH" AMPTON, Rau; PHILADELPHIA, James; LANCASTER, Dil- lerville Swamp, Porter; CamBRIA, Wiltmore, James; Mc- KEAN, Burnett. Common. reptile Michx.—At base of trees and on decaying logs. MonrokE, Mt. Pocono, £. G. Britton; PIKE, Rau ; LAN. CASTER, Muhlenberg ; MCKEAN, Burnett. Hypnum, subgenus Hygrohypnum. eugyrium Br. & Sch—On rocks in mountain brooks. LUZERNE and Carzon, Rau. ochraceum Turn.—Wet rocks. LEHIGH, PIKE, Raz; MONROE, Mt. Pocono, and Carson, Mauch Chunk, James, 53 NORTHAMPTON, Bethlehem, Raz, CampBria, Cresson, James ; MCKEan, Burnett. palustre Huds.—Wet rocks, CarBon, Rau ; HUNTINGDON, Porter ; MCKEan, Burnett. fypnum, subgenus Calliergon. . cordifolium Hedw.—Swamps. PIKE, Raw; MONROE, Pocono, Porter and James; NORTHAMPTON and BucKs, Rau. giganteum Schimp.—Swamps. Lancaster, Dillerville Swamp, James, Porter, Small. stramineum Dicks.—Swamps. Monrog, Pocono (ina bed of wet sphagnum), Porter. Very rare. LHypnum, subgenus Acrocladium. cuspidatum L.—Swamps and marshy ground. LEHIGH and NORTHAMPTON, on the Monocacy, Rau; LANCASTER, Dillerville Swamp, Porter. PTERIDOPHYTA. OPHIOGLOSSALES. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE. Ophioglossum L. vulgatum L.—In moist meadows and thickets. MONROE, Tannersville, Porter; Tioca, Garber; LUZERNE, Lily Lake, Heller; Bucks, Ruth; DELAWARE, Leidy,; CHESTER, Canby; MIFFLIN, Henderson; CRAWFORD, Conneaut Lake, Garber. Botrychium Sw. dissectum Spreng.—In open woods and about thickets. NORTHAMPTON, Seibert; MONTGOMERY, Saunders ; DELA- WARE, G. Smith; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter ; MIFFLIN, Kishicoquillas Valley, Henderson ; ERIE, Fenno. lanceolatum (S. G. Gmel.) Angs.—In meadows, woods, and swamps. WAYNE, Mt. Pleasant, Gazder; LYCOMING, Pine Creek, McMinn; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders. neglectum Wood.—lIn grassy woods and swamps. WAYNE, Garber ; MONROE, Tannersville, Sezbert; SUSQUEHANNA, top of Mt. Ararat, alt. 2800 ft., Saunders. obliquum Muhl.—In low woods and open places. MOon- ROE and NORTHAMPTON, Porter; Bucks, Fretz ; MONT- GOMERY, Saunders; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue) ; CHESTER, LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter ; HUNTING- DON, Porter, ALLEGHENY, Shafer; ERIE, Fenno, MIFFLIN, Flenderson. simplex E. Hitchcock.—In moist woods, meadows and swamps. MONROE, Naomi Pines, &. G. Britton; NORTH- AMPTON, Chestnut Hill, near Easton (only two specimens found), 7. Marsh. 55 B. Virginianum (L.) Sw.—In damp or rich woods. PIKE and MonrRoE, Porter, NORTHAMPTON ; BUCKS; PHILADEL- PHIA; DELAWARE; CHESTER; LANCASTER; FRANKLIN, Green ; HUNTINGDON and SOMERSET, Brown and Saun- ders; ALLEGHENY, Shafer, ERIE, Fenno. Common throughout the State. FILICALES. OSMUNDACEAE. Osmunda L. O. Claytoniana L.—In low woods and marshes. Lacka- WANNA and MONROE, forter; BUCKS ; PHILADELPHIA; LAN- CASTER, Diffenbaugh; FRANKLIN and HUNTINGDON, Shafer ; VLEBANON, feller; ERIE, Fenno,;, CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); PIKE, Porter; HUNTINGDON; T10GA; BEa- VER ; DELAWARE, Shafer. O. cinnamomea L.—In swamps and low grounds. LacKa- WANNA, Porter; NORTHAMPTON; Bucks; LANCASTER, Carter ; MONROE, Porter ; LEBANON, Small; ERIE Fenno; PIKE, Porter; HuNTINGDON, Porter; CENTRE; FRANK- LIN, Green; LAWRENCE, Shafer; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue). O. regalis L.—In swamps and marshes. LACKAWANNA and Monroe, Porter ; Bucks; NORTHAMPTON, Porter ; DELA- WARE (Smith’s Catalogue) ; LancasTER, Porter ; LEBANON and CoLumBia, Heller; PERRY, Porter ; VENANGO, Bell ALLEGHENY, Shafer; ERIE, Fenno,; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); Prk, Porter ; HUNTINGDON ; CENTRE. SCHIZAEACEAE. Lygodium Sw. L. palmatum (Bernh.) Sw.—In moist thickets and open 56 woods. Monroxz, Long Pond, Porter; Bucks, (Moyer’s Catalogue); LuzERN#, near Hazelton, Porter; SCHUYLKILL; Carson, Onoko Glen, Rau. POLYPODIACEAE. Onoclea L,. sensibilis (L.)—In low or moist grounds. NORTHAMPTON ; Bucks; LANCASTER; HUNTINGDON; ERIE; CHESTER; PIKE; MONROE; BEAVER; ALLEGHENY ; DELAWARE. Matteuccia Todaro. Struthiopteris (L.) Todaro.—In thickets, especially along streams. MONROE; NORTHAMPTON ; BUCKS ; LANCASTER; DAUPHIN; MIFFLIN; BLAIR; VENANGO; ALLEGHENY; ERIE; SOMERSET. Woodsia R: Br. . Ilvensis (L.) R. Br.—On exposed rocks or cliffs. LUZERNE; Lily Lake, Heller ; Lvcominc, McMinn ; HunTiIncpon ; Bucks; Monrokz, Water Gap, Kxife,; NORTHAMPTON, near Easton, Sezbert ; Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, Porter ; Barr, Tyrone, Porter ; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica). obtusa (Spreng.) Torr.—On rocks and in stony soil. PrKk, Brown and Saunders ; NORTHAMPTON and Bucks, Porter; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue) ; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Small; LycoMInc, McMinn ; FRANKLIN and HUNTINGDON, Porter ; ALLEGHENY, Knipe. Dennstaedtia Bernh. punctilobula (Michx.) Moore.—In moist or dry soil, especially on exposed stony hillsides). Wayne, Garber ; PIKE, Brown and Saunders; LACKAWANNA, Dudley ; MonROE, forter; LuzERNE, Heller; NORTHAMPTON; Bucks, Fretz ; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); Lancaster; Lycominc, Mcdinn ; 57 SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders; BEAVER and ALLE- GHENY, Shafer ; ERIE, Fenno. Filix Adans. F. bulbifera (L.) Underw.—On moist rocks, especially lime- stone. SUSQUEHANNA, Saunders; MONROE, Bushkill; NoRTHAMPTON ; Bucks; LANCASTER and HUNTINGDON, Porter ; ALLEGHENY and BEAVER, Shafer. F. fragilis (L.) Underw.—On rocks or in moist woods. Svus- QUEHANNA, Saunders; MONROE; LUZERNE and COLUM- Bia, Heller ; NORTHAMPTON; LANCASTER and DAUPHIN, Porter ; LYcomINnG, McMinn ; SULLIVAN, Smith ; Hunv- INGDON, Porter ; ALLEGHENY, Kuzpe ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders. Dryopteris Adans. D. Boottii (Tuckerm.) Underw.—In woods. SUSQUEHANNA, Saunders; PiKE, Brown and Saunders ; MonTGoMERY, Saunders; PHILADELPHIA, Lezdy ; BERKS, Hester ; SoM- ERSET, Brown and Saunders; ALLEGHENY, Shafer; ERIE, Fenno. D. cristata (L.) A. Gray.—In swamps and low woods. LUZERNE, Thurston ; MONROE, Tobyhanna Mills, Porter ; PIKE, Brown and Saunders; NORTHAMPTON, Wolle ; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue) ;, CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter ; HUNTINGDON and CENTRE, Davis; BLair, Boecking; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders; AL- LEGHENY and LAWRENCE, Shafer; ERIE, Fenno. D. cristata Clintoniana (D..C. Eaton) Underw.—Susqur- HANNA, Saunders; NORTHAMPTON, Bangor, /forter ; DELAWARE and CHESTER, Price; ERIE, Fenno. D. Goldieana (Hook.) A. Gray.—In rich or moist woods. SUSQUEHANNA, Saunders; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; Bucks, Moyer; BERKS, Reading, Hvzester ; MONTGOMERY, Saunders ; CHESTER, Palmer ; BLAIR, Boecking,; SOMER- 58 sET, Brown and Saunders; ALLEGHENY, Shafer; VENANGO, Bell, ERE, Fenno. marginalis (L.) A. Gray.—In rocky woods. Lacka- WANNA; PIKE, Brown and Saunders ; NORTHAMPTON ; Bucks; PHILADELPHIA; DELAWARE, Smith; CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica) ; LANCASTER, Porter ; DAUPHIN, Small ; CotumsBia, Heller; Lycominc, McMinn; FRANKLIN; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders; ALLEGHENY, Shafer ; ERIE, Fenno. Noveboracensis (L.) A. Gray.—In moist woods and thick- ets. SUSQUEHANNA, Saunders; PIKE, Brown and Saun- ders ; LACKAWANNA, MonRoE and NoRTHAMPTON, Por- ter; Bucks, Freiz; LUZERNE, feller ; PHILADELPHIA, DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER and LANcas- TER, Porter; FRANKLIN, Green; ALLEGHENY, Shafer; ERIE, Fenno. simulata Davenp.—In damp woods and shaded swamps. Pike, Brown and Saunders ; MONROE, Tannersville Bog ; SCHUVLKILL, Pottsville, Porter; CHESTER, Paoli; Craw- FORD. spinulosa (Retz) Kuntze.—In rich woods. MONROE, Pocono, and FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, Green ; HUNTING- pon, Alexandria, Porter. spinulosa dilatata (Hoffm.) Underw.—SusQuEHANNA, Saunders, LACKAWANNA; PIKE, and MONROE, Pocono, Por- ter; LYCOMING, McMinn ; POTTER, Smith, ARMSTRONG, Knipe; ERIE, Presque Isle, Garder. spinulosa intermedia (Muhl.) Underw.—PikrE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE, Pocono ; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, and Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, Porter; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER; SOMERSET, Brown ; BEAVER and BUTLER, Shafer; ERIE, Fenno. oo D. Thelypteris (L.) A.Gray.—In wet woods or marshes, or rarely in dry meadows. PIKE, Brown and Saunders ; NORTH- AMPTON and Bucks, Porter ; PHILADELPHIA; DELAWARE, Tinicum; CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER; FRANK- LIN, Green ; HUNTINGDON, Lowrie; ALLEGHENY, Shafer ; ERIE, Fenno. Polystichum Roth. P. acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott.—On rocky hillsides or in woods.—PIKE, Brown and Saunders ; MONROE, NorTH. AMPTON and Bucks, Porter ; PHILADELPHIA; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); LAncas- TER and FRANKLIN, Porter; CoLtumBia, Heller; CENTRE, Rothrock ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; ALLEGHENY, Shafer ; VENANGO, Bell. P. acrostichoides Schweinitzii (Beck) Small.—NortT#- AMPTON, Easton, Porter ; MONROE, Small. P. Braunii (Spenner) Lawson.—In rocky woods. SULLIVAN, Griffith. Phegopteris Fée. P. Dryopteris (L.) Fée.—In moist woods. WaAyNE, Garber; PIKE, Brown and Saunders ; MONROE, Small, WYOMING, Shirk ; LACKAWANNA, Dudley ; TioGA, Garber; LUZERNE; Heller; NoRTHAMPTON, Glendon, Sezbert; DELAWARE, Price; CHESTER, Dzffenbaugh; WANCASTER, Mifflin; HUNTINGDON, Pennsylvania Furnace, /orvter; BLAIR, Boecking ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; ARMSTRONG, Knipe ; ERIE, Fenno. P. hexagonoptera (Michx.) Fée.—In dry woods and on hill- sides. Monroe; LuzeRNE, feller; NORTHAMPTON, Porter ; MONTGOMERY, Saunders; DELAWARE, Jahn ; CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER; FRANKLIN and Huntincpon, Porter; York, MacElwee ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; BEAVER, Shafer. 60 Phegopteris (L.) Underw.—On hillsides and in low woods. LUZERNE, Dudley; PIKE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE, Pocono, and NORTHAMPTON, Maston’s Creek, Porter ; SCHUYLKILL, Stauffer; WyoMING, Sharp; SULLIVAN, Smith; TIoGA; HUNTINGDON, Lowrie; BLAIR, Davis ; VENANGO, Bell. Robertiana (Hoffm.) A. Braun.—In woods and thickets. ERI£, Union City, Fenno. Asplenium L,. acrostichoides Sw.—In rich moist woods. PIKE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE and NORTHAMPTON, Porter ; Bucks, Moyer; BERKS, Hester; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Cata- logue) ; LANCASTER and FRANKLIN, Porter ; BEAVER and ALLEGHENY, Shafer. angustifolium Michx.—In moist woods. BERKS, Reading, Mester ; ANCASTER, YORK and Barr, Burgsoon’s Gap, Porter; FAavETTE, Curtis; ALLEGHENY, Knife; ERIE, Fenno. Bradleyi D. C. Eaton.—On rocks, preferring limestone. LANCASTER, along the Tucquan Creek, Smad/; McCall’s Ferry, ffeller. - ebenoides R. R. Scott.—On limestone. NoRTHAMPTON, Glendon, Easton, Porter, Small; LEIGH. Filix-foemina (L.) Bernh.—In woods, thickets and by fences. PIKE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE and NortH- AMPTON, forter; Bucks, Moyer, DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, Porter; LUZERNE, Heller, LYCoMING, McMinn; FRANKLIN, Green; HuNTINGDON, Lowrie; BEAVRE and ALLEGHENY, Shafer, VENANGO, Bell; Ere, Fenno. montanum Willd.—On rocks. Lackawanna, Dudley ; MONROE, Water Gap, Knipe ; CaRBON, Onoko Glen, Rax ; LEHIGH ; NorTHAMPTON, , Easton, | Diffenbaugh': LANCAS- A. A. 61 TER, on the Tucquan, Porter; Yorx, York Furnace, Dzffen- baugh ; SOMERSET, Laurel Hill, Brown and Saunders. pinnatifidum Nutt—On rocks. Yorx, York Furnace, and LANCASTER, on the Tucquan and at Georgetown, Por- ter; FAYETTE, Shafer. platyneuron (L.) Oakes.—On rocks and shaded slopes. PIKE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE and NORTHAMPTON, Porter ; Bucks ; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESs- TER, (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, FRANKLIN and Hunv- INGDON, Porter ; ALLEGHENY, Sha/er. Ruta-muraria L.—On limestone. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter ; Bucks, Fretz ; CHESTER, (Flora Cestrica) ; LANCASTER; FRANKLIN; HUNTINGDON and BLAIR, Por- ter ; CENTRE, Rothrock. Trichomanes [L,.—On limestone rocks. LACKAWANNA, Dudley ; PIKE, Brown and Saunders ; MONROE, NORTH- AMPTON and Bucks, Porter ; DELAWARE, Smith; CHES- TER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER; FULTON, Saunders ; HuNTINGDON, Porter; SUSQUEHANNA, Graves; VENANGO, Bell; BEAVER and ALLEGHENY, Shafer. Camptosorus Link. C. rhizophyllus (L.) Link.—On dry rocks, preferring lime- W. stone. MONROE and NORTHAMPTON, Easton, forter ; Bucks, Moyer ; DELAWARE (Smith’s Catalogue) ; CHESTER and MONTGOMERY, Saunders ; PIKE, Brown and Saunders; LANCASTER, YORK, FRANKLIN and HUNTINGDON, Barre Forge, Porter; Fuuron, Saunders; SUSQUEHANNA, Graves; SULLIVAN, Smith; CENTRE, Rothrock ; SOMER- sET, Brown and Saunders; BEAVER and ALLEGHENY, Shafer ; VENANGO, Krout ; ERIE, Fenno. Woodwardia J. E. Smith. areolata (L.) Moore.—In swamps and moist soil. Bucks, Bristol, Difenbaugh ; DELAWARE, Tinicum. 62 W. Virginica (L.) J. E. Smith.—In swamps. SusQUEHANNA, Graves; PIKE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE, Broad- headsville, Porter ; NORTHAMPTON, Moore ‘Township, Wolle ; BucKs, Bristol, Difenbaugh ; DELAWARE, Tinicum, B. H. Smith; CENTRE, near Pennsylvania Furnace, Porter. Pteridium Scop. P. aquilinum (L.) Kuhn.—In dry or moist sunny places. LACKAWANNA; PIKE, Brown and Saunders ; MONROE ; LUZERNE, Heller ; SCHUYLKILL; CARBON; NORTHAMP- ton, Porter; Bucks, Moyer ; DELAWARE (Smith’s Cata- logue); CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, FRANK- LIN and HUNTINGDON, forter; ALLEGHENY, Shafer ; Eriz, Fenno. P. aquilinum subcaudatum Clute—DELAWARE, Smith. ‘ Cheilanthes Sw. C. lanosa (Michx.) Watt.—On rocks. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Sevbert; BERKS, Reading, Azester ; Bucxs, Fretz ; CHES- TER, Carter ; MONROE, Water Gap, Kuzpe ; LANCASTER) Safe Harbor, Porter. Cryptogramma R. Br. C. Stelleri (S. G. Gmel.) Prantl.—On rocks, preferring lime- stone. SULLIVAN, on the face of a rock in the Loyalsock Creek, C. £. Smith. Pellaea Link. P. atropurpurea (L.) Link.—On rocks, preferring limestone. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; MONTGOMERY, Jahn; CHESTER, Saunders ; CUMBERLAND, Shafer ; LANCASTER, FRANKLIN and HunTINGponN, Porter ; CENTRE, Rothrock ; WESTMORELAND, Shafer. Adiantum L,. A. pedatum L.—In woods. PIKE, MoNROE and NoRTHAMP- TON, Porter ; Bucks, Moyer ; PHILADELPHIA ; DELAWARE, Jahn; CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); LANCASTER, FRANK- 63 LIN and Biarir, Porter; CoLumBIA, Heller ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; BEAVER and ALLEGHENY, Shafer , ERIE, Fenno. Polypodium L. P. vulgare L.—On rocks. NorrHamprton, Easton, Porter ; Bucks, Moyer; DELAWARE, Jahn, CHESTER (Flora Cestrica); PIKE and MonROE, Porter; LUZERNE, Heller; LANCASTER, FRANKLIN and HuntTincpon, forter ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; BEAVER and ALLEHENY, Shafer, ERIE, Fenno. EQUISETALES. EQUISETACEAE. Equisetum L. E. arvense L.—In sandy soil. Monrok; NORTHAMPTON ; Bucks; PHILADELPHIA; DELAWARE; CHESTER; LAN- CASTER ; FRANKLIN and HUNTINGDON, Porter, ALLE- GHENY, Houston; VENANGO, Kroui; ERIE, Fenno. E. fluviatile L.—In swamps and along the borders of ponds. Tioca, Garber ; LUZERNE, Heller; LEHIGH, Rau ; Mon. ROE and NorTHAMPTON, Porter; Bucks, Tullytown, Fretz; ERIE, Fenno. E. hyemale L.—In wet places and on banks, especially along rivers and lakes. NORTHAMPTON and Bucks, Porter; DELAWARE, CHESTER ; LANCASTER; ERIE, Fenno. E. laevigatum A. Br.—Along streams and rivers, especially in clay soil. NORTHAMPTON, Easton, along the Delaware, Porter. E. littorale Kuehl.—On sandy river and lake shores. NORTH- AMPTON, Easton, Porter ; Bucks, Point Pleasant, Freéz ,; DELAWARE, Palmer; LANCASTER, YORK and DAUPHIN, on the Susquehanna, Porter. E. pratense Ehrh.—In sandy places. CLEARFIELD, McMinn. 64 scirpoides Michx.—On moist wooded banks. Credited to the State in Britton and Brown’s Illustrated Flora. sylvaticum L.—In moist sandy woods. PIKE, Brown and Saunders; MONROE and NORTHAMPTON, /forter ; LuzERNE, Heller; TioGa, Garber; Bucxs, Moyer ; LEHIGH, Garber ; DELAWARE; CHESTER; LANCASTER, Porter ; LEBANON, Small; FULTON, Saunders ; HUNTING- DON, Warrior’s Mark, Lowrie ; BEAVER, Shafer. variegatum Schleich.—ErIk, Presque Isle, Garber. LYCOPODIALES. LYCOPODIACEAE. Lycopodium L. alopecuroides [L.—In pine-barren swamps. BUCKS, Tullytown, Fredz ; ERIz, Presque Isle, Guttenberg. annotinum L.—In woods and thickets, commonly in dry soil. Monrox, Pocono, Porter; TioGa, Garber; SULLI- van, C. &. Smith ; CENTRE, Bear Meadows and HUNTING- DON, Warrior’s Bridge, Porter; CAMBRIA; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders. clavatum L,.—In woods. Tr1oGa and LUZERNE, Garéer ; Monrok, forter ; Bucks, Moyer ; CHESTER; DELAWARE, Smith ; HUNTINGDON, Bucher; BLAIR and CAMBRIA, Porter ,» ELK, McMinn ; Lancaster, Heller. complanatum L.—In woods and thickets. LACKAWANNA, Moosic Lake, Dudley ; MONROE and NORTHAMPTON, Por- ter ; Bucks, Moyer ; DELAWARE, B. H. Smith ; CHESTER, LANCASTER, Porter ; SOMERSET, Brown and Sauuders ; ALLEGHENY, Shafer ; ERIE, Clinton. inundatum L.—In sandy bogs. LAackKAWwANNA, Moosic Lake, and Monroe, Naomi Pines, CARBON and SCHUYL- KILL, Broad Mountain, Porter ; LUZERNE, Heller ; Lycom- Inc, McMinn. 65 L. inundatum Bigelovii Tuckerm.—In low grounds. DEL- AWARE, Tinicum, Porter. L. lucidulum Michx.—In cold, damp woods. Monrog, for- ter ; LUZERNE, Heller ; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter , Bucks, Moyer; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESTER; LEBANON, forter; YORK, York Furnace, MacElwee ; FRANKLIN and HuntTincpon, forter; Biarir, Lowrie ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; BUTLER, Shafer. L. obscurum L.—In moist woods. Lackawanna, Dudley ,; Monroe; LuzERNE, Heller; Nortuampton, Porter ; Bucks, Moyer ; DELAWARE, (Smith’s Catalogue); CHESs- TER ; LANCASTER ; LEBANON, forter;; FRANKLIN ; HuNT- INGDON and CamBriA, Porter ; SOMERSET, Brown and Saunders ; ERIE, Shafer. L. Selago L.—On rocks. Monrox, Water Gap, at the summit of the mountain. Elevation 1600 feet, Kxzpe. L. tristachyum Pursh.—In woods. Mownror, Tobyhanna Mills, Bretton ; HUNTINGDON, Lowrze. SELAGINELLACEAE. Selaginella Beauv. S. apus (L.) Spring.—In moist shaded places, often among grass. Monroe and NorTHAMPTON, Easton, Porter; BUCKS, Moyer; MONTGOMERY, Saunders; DELAWARE; CHES- TER; FRANKLIN, Mercersburg, and HuNnrINGDON, Porter. S. rupestris (L.) Spring.—On dry rocks. PIKE, Brownz and Saunders ; MONROE ; NORTHAMPTON, Easton, and Bucks, Nockamixon Cliffs, Porter; BERKS; CHESTER ; LANCAS- TER, Porter. ISOETACEAE. Isoetes L. I. Dodgei A. A. Eaton.—In mud flats. Bucks, Mount Plea- sant, fretz. : 66 Isoetes echinospora Durieu.—Represented in our range by the following subspecies : I, echinospora Braunii (Durieu) Engelm.—WavnE, Saun- ders ; TACKAWANNA, Moosic Lake, and CarBon, Great Lake, Porter, CRAWFORD, Conneaut Lake, and ERIE, Presque Isle, Garder. I. echinospora robusta Engelm.—Bvcks, near Riegelsville, Ruth. I. Engelmannii A. Br.—In mud, chiefly about ponds and ditches, and on river shores. MoNnRoxE, Tannersville and Water Gap, Porter; LEHIGH, near Bethlehem, Raz ; Bucks, Frezz. I, Engelmannii gracilis Engelm.—DELAWaRE, Tinicum; BUCKS. I. Engelmannii valida Engelm.—LAancasTER, Smithville, (original station), LEBANON, near Cornwall; HUNTINGDON, in a pond near Warrior’s Mark, Porter. I. riparia Engelm.—Along rivers. Bucks, near Tullytown, Fretz; PHILADELPHIA, C. £. Smith and Leidy; DELA- WARE, G. Smzth. #