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RA HAN a Pate Laese a en eens NRO PINS) H x Mi MANE * Mie f yin oon 1H WEAN Tbe uy Bale hh i ee iy al Tee wea ‘) oe vee net a y Re 7 hy) paves aS evant he ame obe el, i bath Srila oty Bes “i ein sr aes cai ia aia ret Poerrn Seana 3 eee ea Perea erty ; as Sones 3 cet bana tiation ae erie CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THIS BOOK IS THE GIFT OF Joun P. Youne “Ta KONGL. SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Bandet 26. N:o 2. SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS BY Pp. T. CLEVE. PART I. WITH 5 PLATES. PRESENTED TO THE R. SWEDISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MAY 10, 1893. STOCKHOLM 1894. KUNGL. BOKTRYCKERIET. P. A. NORSTEDT & SONER. ae Av 4 a INTRODUCTION. In scarcely any department of natural history is the synonymy so intricate as in that of the Diatomacee. An enormous number of names has been given to forms, frequently very incom- pletely described, or not at all, and often inaccurately figured. Moreover the literature is scattered throughout papers and periodicals, in many different languages, some of which are of very diffi- cult access. These circumstances, together with the necessity of using the most excellent and powerful lenses, make the study of the diatoms a difficult one. But that study is of considerable importance. These small organisms form a peculiar class of highly developed unicellular alge, the structural investigation of which may bring to light facts of much interest. Their silicious shells are very persistent and occur in a fossil state in strata of clays, marls, limestone etc., belonging to different geological epochs, especially the tertiary and post-tertiary, and may become of great value in geological researches, as certain indications of the nature of the water in which the sedi- ments were deposited. When carefully studied the fossil diatoms will surely hecome as important as the fossil shells. Such considerations induced me six years ago to subject the Diatomacez to a critical examination, with the principal objects of getting rid of the heavy burden of names of slight or obscure import, of limiting as concisely as possible the genera or groups, species and varieties, and of classing them according to their natural relations. Every one who knows the amount of lite- rature in the diatomology must be aware that such an enterprise would occupy an ordinary life time, or at any rate a large part of it. It was therefore necessary to limit the work to some di- vision of the diatoms. The large and beautiful discoid forms have attracted many workers, and have been described in numerous monographs; but less interest has been bestowed on the Raphidiez, which are of more importance in the geological researches of my country. I have, then, preferred to limit my present work to the Raphidiez which are characterised by the presence of a median line, a feature of their valves which must be of great importance, to judge from its constant occurrence in this tribe. For the complete knowledge of these diatoms it would have been desirable to study them in the living state, and complete the splendid work in this direction begun by Prirzzr; but I had very little time for such researches, the examination of many thousand slides, and drawings of almost all the forms having occupied me principally, and prevented me from a more extensive study of the living forms. My principal object was to construct a solid basis for farther researches in different directions, and in my opinion the first thing to be done was to systematize the nomenclature so as to make it possible to recognize the forms registered in the science. In the following synopsis I have endeavoured to give as exact diagnoses as possible of all forms, belonging to the tribe Ra- phidiee, not omitting any one described or figured heretofore in a manner to be recognized. I there- fore propose that all names,-not mentioned here, may be dropped in oblivion. To give a list of all those names of doubtful or obscure signification would be a very fruitless work, but if any of my readers desires to search for such, he will find them set forth in the catalogues of Haprrsuaw and of CHasE or in the large work recently published by De Toni (Sylloge algarum Vol. II. Ba- cillariewe Sect. I Raphidiez) in which he has given diagnoses of or at least mentioned all the pu- blished forms. In the last named work also a very valuable list is supplied of publications on the diatoms, prepared by Dzsy, which relieves me from the necessity of giving such a list here. 4 yp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. In carrying out this work I have been kindly assisted by several diatomists, who sent me for examination slides from their collections. Among them I name with recognition Prof. J. Brun, Mr Kinxer, Mr. Lz-Tournevr, Mr. J. D. Mozuer, Mr. P. Perrr, Dr. Raz, Mr. Tuum, Mr. E. WEIssrtoe, Prof. Van Heurck and Mr. Warp. I am indebted to Mr. Jutren Desy, who sent from his gigantic collection everything of interest to me, and to Mr. E. Grove, who not only sent me a large num- ber of slides, but also took the trouble of revising the manuscript and the proofs. Materials from different parts of the world have been sent by Dr. Avurivititus (from Java), Mr. Beppoms (from Tasmania), Mr. Dustn (from Cameroon), Captain G. C. Eckman (marine mud from the Atlantic and Mediterranean), Prof. Laceruemm (from Ecuador) and Dr. Norsrepr (from Australia, New Zealand etc.). To Mr. Comprr I am indebted for many fine photographs of several forms of interesting struc- ture. To all these gentlemen I give my best thanks. On the value of the characteristics. It may be stated as an axiom that those characteristics are of the greatest importance which occur in the greatest number of forms, and on the other hand that the characteristics which occur in some, but not in all, of a number of forms otherwise nearly related are of less importance. The older authors as a rule attached but little importance to the more constant characteristics, but on the contrary gave much attention to trifling differences, because the latter are frequently more conspicuous than the former. They founded not only species but genera and divisions on charac- teristics, which were actually subject to variation in species otherwise identical. I will in the following pages treat of all characteristics which have been used for the description of species and genera. Habit of life and growth. Most diatoms live in a free state, floating in the water, but many are attached to solid bodies in the water, some are stipitate on gelatinous stalks, and others enclosed in gelatinous tubes or masses of different shape and consistence. A careful examination shews that many of the attached or enclosed forms also occur in a free state; and that there are frequently very slight differences between species, which live attached or enclosed, and others which never occur in such a state. On the other hand forms, which are stipitate, or enclosed in tubes, belong to the most different types. For these reasons I regard as a characteristic of very little im- portance the mode of occurrence in free or attached state. At least, genera and species should not be founded on such characteristics alone. Genera, such as Schizonema, Endostauron, Endosigma, Encyonema, Cocconema, are in my opinion not acceptable. ! Size. The limits of the dimensions of the forms of each species are in most cases pretty definite, the larger forms of each species being as a rule twice as large as the smallest. Still, in some cases the variability is more extensive and the followings may be cited as species in which the dimensions of the forms are subject to very considerable variation: Amphora ovalis, Achnanthes brevipes, Pinnularia viridis. Form of the frustule. Most frustules of the Raphidiee are straight, and nearly symmetrical, with the longitudinal and transverse axes, but a great number of forms are in some or other respects asymmetrical. A flexure of the frustule along the longitudinal, or the transverse axis, occur in the old genera Cocconeis and Achnanthes which have been distinguished hitherto principally by this characteristic. As to Cocconeis it seems probable that the flexure may be derived from the ' The gelatinous substance of the stipes of Achnantes longipes is intensely stained by hematoxyline, and no con- tinuation of the substance of the stipes is visible in the interior of the frustule. On the other hand the stipes is not stained by Congo-red, methyle-green, eosine, and metbyléne-blue. The gelatinous tubes of Navicula (Schizonema) mollis are stained by hematoxyline, fuchsine, methyle-green and saffranine, but not by eosine. The tubes of Amphipleura (Berkelya) Dillwynii are stained by hematoxyline and methyle-green, but not by Congo-red. The gelatinous envelopes of Mastologia are stained by methyle-green, fuchsine and saffranine, but not by eosine and Congo-red. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:0 2. 5 form of the objects, to which these forms are attached by the lower valve, and in Achnanthes there are several forms, which owing to other important characteristics must be placed in this genus, although they are not at all genuflexed. Moreover genuflexed species occur in groups of allied forms the greater number of which are straight, for instance in the Navicule lineolate, Nav. mi- crostigmatice, Gyrosigma, Pleurosigma, and in some species the degree of flexure seems to be subject to variation (for instance in Gyrosigma arcticum). The geniculated flexure is thus no generic cha- racteristic, though in most cases of specific value. Zone. The zone in the Raphidiew is in most cases simple, that is without longitudinal di- visions, but in many Amphore, in Amphiprora and in the group Libellus of the Navicule microstig- matice it is complex. This characteristic appears to be subject to very little variation and to be of importance in the limitation of genera. There are however in some cases small variations. The zone of Amphora commutata seems in some varieties to have, and in others not to have, faint divi- sions. Amphora robusta has usually no divisions, but in a variety from California there are longi- tudinal rows of alveoli on the zone. In the Nasteude microstigmatice also, some allied forms have divisions and others are without them. Still we may consider the complexity of the zone as an important characteristic. Outline of the valves. The outline of the valves of the naviculoid diatoms is very variable, presenting every intermediate passage from narrow linear to almost orbicular. The valves are non-constricted, constricted, or biconstricted, and, occasionally, some forms have 3 or 4 constrictions. Sometimes the valve is sigmoid. The following schematic figures will illustrate the meaning of the terms used in my de- ~ (JOQUSE BCU) | Outline of the valves. Fig. 1 —_ 2 oie 3 se ee Zi Rectangular, 5—8 Panduriform with deltvid, sub- elliptical, tongue-shaped and broadly rounded segments, 9 Elliptical, 10 Sigmoid, 11 Cymbiform, 12 Lunate, 13 Clavate. The ends of the valves also have a great variety of shapes, as OVEN PVENEE Ends of the valves. 1 Acuminate, 2 Apiculate, 3 Rostrate, 4 Capitate, 5 Truncate (subrostrate), 6 Cuneate, 7 Rounded obtuse, 8 Obliquely or unilaterally rounded. The constancy of the outline is very different in different cases. Some species seem to be very constant in shape, as Diploneis elliptica, many species of Pinnularia, Cocconeis and Amphora. 6 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. But in other cases the form is subject to much change as, for instance, in Navicula mutica. The shape of the ends is frequently not constant, as in the genus Neidium, Navicula viridula, and others. In the same natural group of diatoms both the outline and the ends are frequently subject to much variation. I therefore conclude that though the shape of the valve may be of service to some extent as a specific distinction, it is of no real importance in limiting or defining genera. On the sigmoid flexure of the valves have been founded the genera Pleurosigma and Scolio- pleura. This characteristic is subject to great variation in Plewrosigma, some forms of which are almost straight. On the other hand widely ‘different forms of other genera are sigmoid, as Navicula Raeana, Navicula Sigma, Caloneis stauwrophora. I have occasionally seen a sigmoid valve of Frus- tulia Lewisiana and one of Navicula cincta var. Heufleri. The sigmoid flexure of the valve can only be regarded as a specific characteristic. The symmetry or asymmetry of the valve has been considered by Herpere, Prirzer and others as of great importance in the formation of families. But this can hardly be maintained, since we meet with forms both symmetrical and asymmetrical in the same species, as for instance Trachy- neis apera, Frustulia vulgaris and others; and there are asymmetrical species closely allied to sym- metrical in the section Navicule lineolate, Pinnularia, Caloneis and others. The degree of asym- metry is also variable. This tends to shew that asymmetrical forms are derived from symme- trical and vice versa, and that in a natural system they cannot be placed in different families. As a generic distinction it may, when combined with other characteristics, be of value in cer- tain cases. A median constriction of the valve has been usually considered as an important character- istic, but it is not so, panduriform species being closely connected with others which are not at all constricted. Dictyoneis marginata, for instance, is usually deeply constricted, but varieties exist connecting this species with the non-constricted D. Thumii, which may therefore be considered as its variety. In the genus Diploneis very closely connected, constricted, and non-constricted forms exist. Diploneis didyma is usually panduriform, but in slightly brackish water the constriction becomes less distinct and, finally, not perceptible. We conclude thus that the outline of the valve in this respect is too variable to furnish generic distinctions, though in many cases, when constant, it may be a valuable specific characteristic. Central nodule. The central nodule constitutes a more or less conical, interior silicious mass in the centre of the valve. In many cases it expands laterally into a stauros, and on this charac- teristic has been founded the genus Stauroneis. It is to be remarked that a stauroid nodule occurs in widely different forms, and that some really allied forms scarcely differ otherwise than in the presence or absence of a stauros. In such cases the stauros cannot be used as a generic distinc- tion. As a specific characteristic it is in most cases very valuable, as it is very constant in the same species. The central nodule extends not only transversely, but is in many cases prolonged into horns, as in Diploneis, in which they closely follow the median line. In other cases, as is Dictyoneis, larger forms of Stauroneis, Frustulia, the median line is enclosed between silicious ribs, in the middle frequently fused together with the central nodule, which thus seems to be elongated. The prolongation of the central nodule in such a manner reaches its maximum in Amphipleura, where the »forks» represent the horns of Diploneis. In the section Navicule lyrate the horns are distant from the median line and developed into the lyriform markings, or large lateral, lunate areas, characterizing this section. The characteristics of the central nodule are subject to only slight variation and are therefore of importance. ; Median line. The median line is in all probability a fissure of more or less complicated structure, and seems to afford valuable characteristics. In most of the Mastogloie it is undulating, also in Navicula plicatula. In Pleurosigma, Gyrosigma, and others, it is more or less sigmoid, but this characteristic, though valuable specifically, is not of sufficient constancy to afford generic dis- tinction, sigmoid median lines occurring in forms nearly akin to others with straight median lines, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDIINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, 7 as for instance Navicula Raeana and Nav. Yarrensis, Nav. tumida and Nav. plicata, Navicula Sigma and Nav. superimposita, Cocconeis heteropleura and C. pellucida. The direction of the terminal fissures in most Naviculee is the same in both extremities, but there are forms in which they are disposed in contrary directions. The latter characteristic on which Grounow was inclined to found a separate genus, Pscudopleurosigma, occurs in widely different groups, and it would not be in accordance with a natural system to class in one genus all forms with the terminal fissures in contrary directions. Such forms are frequently allied to others with the fissures in the same direction. On the other hand as a specific characteristic it seems to be of very great value. Areas, or structureless parts of the valve, occur usually along the median line and around the central nodule. I call these areas axial and central areas. There are also, sometimes, lateral areas, or blank spaces on both sides of the median line, separated from the latter by a striated portion. The form, the presence, or absence, of such areas is in most cases a valuable specific characteristic, and, frequently, a useful distinction in groups of allied forms. Longitudinal lines. In a great number of forms there occur lines, parallel to the median line, in some cases-dilated into longitudinal bands or lateral areas, limiting an interior elevated or depressed portion. Although such longitudinal lines or lateral areas occur in certain groups of forms most of which are devoid of them, as in the Navicule lineolate, and in the whole group of the Navicule lyrate, they are nevertheless in my opinion of great systematic importance. In the Navicule lyrate the longitudinal lines or lateral areas are expansions of the central nodule, corresponding with the »horns» of Diploneis. In other cases they are merely non-striate portions of the valve, but in Amphiprora, Diploneis, Caloneis they are of a different nature. In Amphiprora they mark the limit between the elevated interior and the flatter exterior parts, which frequently have a different struc- ture. They appear to be of the same nature in Caloneis. In Diploneis they limit a depressed portion, and the same is the case in several groups of Amphora, in which they are freqently so placed as to be distinctly seen only in favourable positions of the valve. In several cases the longitudinal lines are double. In Déiploneis I call the space between the median line and the in- terior longitudinal line the furrow, and the space between two longitudinal lines the lunula. The presence, or absence of longitudinal lines appears to me to be of very great importance in the con- struction of genera. , Structure of the valve. The valves of the naviculoid diatoms vary greatly in structure. In most cases the valves are decorated with small or large puncta, disposed in different manners. At present it seems to be generally admitted that these puncta are small cavities in the silicious mass of the valve. They are rarely scattered irregularly, but are usually arranged in transverse rows, more or less radiate or parallel, called strie. The puncta are also so arranged as to form straight, or undulating, longitudinal rows, parallel to the median line, or decussating straight, or curved, rows as in Plewrosigma and others. When the puncta are large they are called alveoli and have the appearance of more or less quadrate spaces, as in several forms of Diploneis and Am- phora. The silicious mass enclosing the alveoli in such cases has a reticulated appearance. I call these siliceous walls of tbe alveoli, if forming continuous silicious ribs, coste. The strong, trans- verse silicious ribs of Duploneis Crabro are such coste. The alveoli or puncta are frequently united, as in Pinnularia, Caloneis etc. In such cases the strie appear to be channels, communicating with the interior, in the larger Pinnularie, by a larger foramen or ocellus. The outside part of the valve consists in several cases of a thin, minutely punctate stratum, usually seen only with difficulty. In a variety of Diploneis splendida, called Dip. diplosticta, there is such a finely punctate stratum outside the layer of alveoli. In the genus Dictyoneis it is also visible, the minute puncta forming transverse, and at the same time obliquely decussating striz. This is also the case with the genus Trachyneis, where the fine puncta form longitudinal or somewhat oblique lines. In the group Navi- cule lineolate the transverse striz are crossed by fine lines, which appear to be formed by closely crowded alveoli, as transitions exist from strie of this nature to stris composed of distinct 8 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF NAVICULOID DIATOMS. puncta. In many forms there is an interior stratum, which may be isolated from the alveolar network. It is frequently found in preparations of Trachyneis Debyi and allied forms, and has been figured in A. Scummpts Atlas Pl. XLVIII f. 23. Also in Navicula distans this interior stra- tum occurs frequently in an isolated form. In the most complicated cases, as in Trachyneis, we may distinguish three different strata, thus 1. The porous or ocelliferous interior stratum. 2. The alveolar stratum of reticulating coste. 3. The exterior, minutely punctate stratum. The structure of the valves presents characteristics which are of great importance for dis- tinction both of species and genera. The coarseness of the structure may vary in the same species, though in most cases such variation is less than is usually believed. The direction of the strix, the arrangement of their puncta, are characteristics subject to only very slight variation in the same species and in groups of allied forms. Cell-contents. As is well known, the chromatophores of the diatoms present a great varia- tion in different tribes, consisting in some of numerous granules, in others of one or two plates. To the latter type belong almost all the naviculoid diatoms, which have either one or two chromato- phore-plates. The position and the form of these plates appear to be constant for groups of allied species, as is proved by the excellent researches of Prirzer. But the cell-contents are known only in a very limited number of forms, and the characteristics dependent on the cell- contents are, for the greatest number of forms, yet to be studied. The same is also the case with the reproduction by means of auxospores, and the characteristics, derived from the living cell, cannot for the present be used in the systematic arrangement of species, as they are too little known. The characteristics derived from the structure of the valve are of the greatest im- portance in the definition of genera and families, and next to those, in my opinion, are the presence or absence of longitudinal lines, and the nature of the non-striate parts of the valve, or the areas. An ideal system should take in consideration the evolution of the different forms, but in the present fragmentary state of our knowledge, such consideration cannot be more than an ap- proximation wich may become closer to the truth as our knowledge of the forms becomes more extensive and perfect, The question which of the groups of forms are the highest and lowest may be answered by considering as the lowest those in which the characteristics are the least developed, and as the highest those in which the characteristics have attained their greatest evolution. But a greater development in one direction usually involves the slighter development, or oblitera- tion, of other characteristics, so that one group may be the highest in some respects, and another in others. The changes of the organisms do not always indicate progress, but are frequently retrograde, especially where the mode of life has become parasitical. A natural system must consequently take account not only of the upward evolution, but also of the downward. As the known diatoms probably represent merely a fraction of those, which exist and have existed, it will be necessary in constructing a natural system to fill the gaps with con- jectures. There can be no doubt that the naviculoid diatoms are most nearly connected with the Nitz- chiee among the diatoms without median line. The genera Tropidoncis and Amphiprora are very closely allied to several forms of Nétechia. We meet in that genus with the carinated asymmet- rical valves and the wing of Zropidoneis, also the complex zone and the carinal puncta of Amphi- prora. In constructing a natural system then we may arrange the genera and groups in order of their relationship to the two genera above mentioned, and the following scheme shews how I sup- pose the different groups of the naviculoid forms to be related. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 26. wn:o 2. 9 Nav. lineolate (10). : ‘ Amphiprora (2) Auricula. 1.sN pme itzchiee { Nav. lyrate (12). Tropidoneis (4). 9. Navicule | . Dictyoneis .. Mastoneis. te Nav. heterostiche .... Actinoneis. 2. Amphiprora .... Seoliotropis .... Gomphoneis. ea le ..., Achnanthidium. . Pleurosigma (3), Toxonidea. . Disconeis. Pleurosigma .... Navicule Decussate . . : Anomoeoneis. Conibella, 4, Troptioncis ae fusiformes (5). 10. Navicule li- } Gomphonema, Rhoicosphenia. Navicule microstigmatice (7). neolate Trachyneis. Navicule othosticha. Nay. levistriate (11). A.) Nawdeulan tae Gyrosigma. 11. Navivalede- Pinnularia. aetned Frustulia (6). iatviates Cymbamphora. : Cistula. Archeamphora. Stenoneis. 12. Navicule ly- { Diploneis (18). ‘ Amphipleura. rate Pseudo-amphiprora (14). G:-Brogtalte alma Amphora.. Diplamphora. Nav. minuscule .... Microneis. | Cymatoneis. Nav. decipientes (8). 13. Diploneis Scoliopleura. Nev. punctate (9). hoe nicobarice. co eee Anorthoneis. Nav. luxuriose. : : : Eucocconeis. 14. Pseudo-am- { Caloneis .... Neidium. crcenenanice Halamphora. phiprora ye . Calamphora. Oxyamphora. 15 We . Achnanthes .... Pleuroneis. Amblyamphora. : . Mastogloia. Psammamphora. 16, Mustowleia { Gocewnste, Nav. bacillares. Campyloneis. 8. Navicule de-]} Nav. entoleiz. cipientes Nay. mesoleiz. . Heteroneis. Tropidoneis comprises both symmetrical not-winged and asymmetrical winged forms. The former appear to be related to the Navicule microstigmatice and Nav. fusiformes. As asymmetrical forms of the Nav. microstigmatice are to be considered the following sections of the old genus Amphora: Oxyamphora, Amblyamphora, Psammamphora probably also Halamphora. Anorthoneis is probably an asymmetrical form of Nav. microstigmatice. The Nav. minuscule, of which Microneis and Eucoceoneis appear to comprise degenerating forms, are probably also allies of Nav. microstigmatice, To the last named large section the Nav. decipientes, Nav. entoleie and Nav. mesoleie are certainly akin. Heteroneis may comprise degenerating forms allied to the same group. From the Nav. microstigmatice the passage is gradual to the Nav. punctate and Naw. heterostiche and the former section is very closely connected with the Nav. lyrate. As degenerating forms are perhaps to be regarded Disconets and Achnanthidium. Also some asymmetrical forms exist in the section Nav. punctate. Some Cymbelle represent very likely asymmetrical forms of Nav. punctate. The Navicule Lyrate are by intermediate forms connected with Diploneis. Akin to the Nav. lyrate I also consider Pseudo-amphiprora. The new groups Amphora and Diplamphora, broken out from the old genus Amphora, may be regarded as asymmetrical forms of Diploneis. Pseudo-amphiprora is connected by intermediate forms with Caloneis, to which also Neidium seems to be allied. The Nav. lineolate pass over to the group Punctate by transitional forms, and the former are also akin to Trachyneis (with the asymmetrical form Amphora Clevei). A part of the Cymbelle, Gomphonema, Rhoicosphenia and Amphora labuensis may be considered as asymmetrical forms of the Nav. lineolate. Degenerated forms of the Nav. lineolate are probably to be found in Actinonezrs. — On the other hand the Nav. lineolate are closely connected with the Nar. levistriate, and those with Pinnularia, and I consider, with much hesitation, Cymbamphora as asymmetrical forms of the Nav. levistriate. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 26. N:o 2. 2 10 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 5 I have no decided opinion as to the distantly related genera Pleuroneis and Achnanthes (sensu stricto). They seem in some way to be akin to the peculiar Alloconeis Castracanei Pantoc., which I know only from the figures. The structure resembles that of Mastogloia Greviller. It may be possible that Alloioneis Castracanei connects Achnanthes and Mastogloia. The latter genus comprises forms with very different structure, which in some cases resembles that of the Nav. ortho- stiche in others that of the Nav. decussate and Pleurosigma. Some forms of Mastogloia have the central nodule dilated into horns or connected with lateral areas as in the Nav. lyrate. It might therefore be said that the Mastogloie belong to different types, but to prove this is not possible, It is not easy to find in a natural system the place a form occupies, as the most important characteristics are usually the least striking. For practical purposes it is necessary to have an artificial classification in order to identify rapidly an unknown form, but it is by no means an easy task to construct an artificial key of such numerous and variable forms as the naviculoid diatoms. Still I have tried to compile an artificial key, which, however little rigorous it may be, will still be useful. Artificial key of the groups and genera of naviculoid diatoms. L ae valves similar . ones eR. Sepals Sle es ay eds 2. — dissimilar. ... . ‘ . . Achnanthee. 9. a with a loculiferous rim : Be (Rh? SVS Mastogloia. without -— _ a? ot : feege Be 3. a symmetrical or almost so : ‘ ; ‘ ‘ 4. asymmetrical _— ie Seed ain oe AG , . 88 4. oe Valves with longitudinal lines . ‘ Os ‘ 5. without — — : a > agnas Sint esate ait aes aS 3 13. 5. oe line sigmoid . ‘i bok Breen od i, Ge BH ode 2-6 6. ; — — straight .. . ula Dy la tee! ABD 6. j Axial part of the valve elevated into a keel , ee Amphiprora. \ — _— not — _ ‘ we. Rae a Ga aiek Up aon 7. poe Structure double en ikem tee «@ fh. fee atv Serta . Scoltotropis. simple . ; ia Scoliopleura.} 8. joentra nodule with horns, enclosing the median line . . « Diploneis. — without — — _— ‘ eee : 9. 9, ae nodule stauroid . .... .. . : : wie g ALO, not — : : ae dis é Be fe cate Oty SN : 11. 10. ee distinctly punctate . j ay ds, Sel Be He a Ge Pseudo-amphiprora. — not — — 3 . . » Caloneis (partim). Lt. ee distinctly punctate ; oa eee ee eC —not — _— sas i a ose use Galinsis (partim). ? 12. ee Valve with elevated ridges . ... see we Cymatoneis. without — ye . Neidium. 13. ee Structure double eo ; : Ae ‘ to See TAR simples 5 ee AGA a OS 3&5 we. gma se. Sect aie a SG 14. { Interior stratum with transverse coste ....... : Mastoneis. — — reticulate — wg 1 Sd ee eon ABS 15. ee of rounded meshes . . lay ce oe Ow .. . . Dictyoneis. rhomboid or rectangular — ‘ ‘ Trachyneis. 16. teas apparently smooth . : 2S : o 3 fo chaos abet distinctly punctate or lineate . , ‘ Bh eee 18. 17. ro more or less linear . : 3 Soe. Rel a ae Pinnularia. lanceolate . ¥ , ‘ ‘ ek . . Nav. levistriate. 18. ee line ‘sited eB 8 ‘ : ah : 19. — nt — ..... : See ony Oe i ; : . 20. 19 | Strie decussating. . ..... + Bose, 8 : . . Pleurosigma. s — transverse and longitudinal . sey ; : . Gyrosigma. 1 Caloneis staurophora. — ? Nav. luxuriantes, Nav. nicobarice. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 11 20. te with lateral areas uniting with the central area Nav. lyratee (Anomoeoneis partim). without = _ _ — i ye ee 2, 21. fee oie in decussating rows . & oe Naw: Tecuantes (Ancmuesneds partim). transverse strie . .. , eee . 22, 99. ‘a Strie ieee and transversely lineate . : ‘ a ee ee a punctate -- _— alas we 8 : : . . 24. 93, oe nodule elongated... ... dweos Ou “Gated. 4 Brebissonia. not —_— A ae 9 .. Nav. lineolate. 24. cae i in Tonetenateal, alist eraiehi rows... oe br en MOOS _ = undulating rows ‘ ep sabe Sav, aevas: ¢ “ba ga! 228 2, es ties between siliceous ribs . ... ee 26, — not — _— _ ; Kaw: eivheattchcn (Nav. fusiformes partim). 26. eee COATSE! 45. Buh goede OK pbc ye ee He Ge GA a Ae eae ee ad Cistula. PIMOS: ean oe Siesiee St eee a de e ae a e ee he [fans nodule uniting with the ribs in a very seaeatal axial costa .. Amphipleura. 27. 4 Central nodule not uniting with the ribs or uniting for a short way only. . Frustulia | (Nav. orthostiche partim). 98. aes distinctly punctate BOG a a say eas bade tie eatin) Sela ZOE indistinctly or very finely pineiaies BG are ee AR Oy ge as Rate ae Se eer ene ge Oat SEL Gk ar. 32. 29. ee COOTSE: ka eas aah ce. te) ae eels -» . . Nav. punctate. small is unl ewe bh eB a 30. 30. je roee strie of unequal length a a di . Nav. heterostiche. equal _ j acy Ge oe ee 31. Valve very convex, and carinated . he ye Tropidoneis. 31. {va slightly convex not carinated ... ‘Nuit mienws igwncians (Nav. mesoleie and Nav. entoleie partim). 39. oe nodules incrassate or transversely dilated eke Lib ay Nav. bacillares. not — — _— tae dhe 33. 33. ce strie more distant than the others Nav. deepionies (Mar microstigmatice partim). — not — _— ep ech ete aad as ie ge BAR Axial area more or less lanceolate .........4.. oe ee Nav. entoleie.! 3d. { indistinct ... See 2 blears ea aa soar 7BD) 35, j cent area large. . ge fe ban ; Bess Sse 36. indistinct. . es : F Sai 48 ‘ 37. Central area a transverse fascia 3 Stenoneis. a6 { quadrate or rounded . : New enables t Acianveeanets partim). ee membranaceous forms. ..... .«....4. het ox Nav. minuscule. ae as _ — . .. . Nav. fusiformes (Nav. microstigmatice partim). 38, Valve clavate ‘ ape Ry et ey RE 39. \ — not — ; ‘ 5 40. Structure: transverse strie or rows of puncta . . Gomphonema. oi \ _ costz, alternating with double rows of puncta Gomphoneis. disevaaws decussating rows of minute puncta . . ome Toxonidea. a teas transverse stri# or rows of puncta ; ‘ 41. Valve not strongly asymmetrical nt Cymbella (Tropidoneis, Trachyneis, 41. Nav. punctate partim). Loe strongly asymmetrical . 42. Median line on an elevated keel . . Auricula.? ae \ not _ — 2 8 28am eae : . Amphora. Habitat and geographical distribution of diatoms. A knowledge of the habitat and the geographical distribution of the diatomacee is of great importance, especially for geological researches. Fossil diatoms occur doubtless more frequently in geological strata than is usually believed, and may furnish the geologist with valuable evidence about the qualities of the water in which the sediments were deposited, whether fresh, brackish or 1 Navicula americana. — ? Tropidoneis partim and Amphora Schmidtii. 12 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. strongly saline, and, in the latter case, whether the sea was tropical, temperate or arctic. There are also reasons to believe that the accurate investigation of the geographical distribution of the freshwater-forms will enable the geologist to ascertain the climate of the periods, when the fresh- water deposits were formed. Considerations of that nature have induced me to pay much attention to the geographical distribution of the Diatomacee. In the abundant literature upon the subject we find many lists of diatoms ocurring in certain seas, countries, and deposits, but I have intentionally made very little use of them, not being satisfied as to the accuracy of the determinations or limitations of species by the various authors. I have besides had sad experience how easily one may be deceived by slides of materials the loaclities of which are incorrectly named and which durnig the preparation have not been kept rigorously isolated from other materials. For such reasons I have relied mainly on my own observations only, though I still feel there may be among them some errors as to the localities, arising from the latter cause, as I had no opportunity of controlling the mode in which every slide, examined by me, had been prepared. Many diatoms are cosmopolitan, occurring in all parts of the world, but there are on the other hand many species, genera and groups which occur only in certain seas and climates. The arctic sea has its characteristic form of Triceratium arcticwm (or Biddulphia Balena), Campylodi- seus Helianthus and others. There are numerous common atlantic species which have never been found in the Arctic Sea. The tropical seas have their own peculiar species, not found in the At- lantic or in the arctic sea. The same is the case with several freshwater-forms. Navicula (Dia- desmis) confervacca, Achnanthes inflata, Cerataulus levis occur in tropical or subtropical countries throughout the whole globe. Of Tabellaria flocculosa, one of the most frequent diatoms of Europe, not a trace has been found either in South America from Ecuador to Argentina or in Australia or New Zealand. Gomphonema geminatum, of frequent occurence in Scandinavia, Gt. Britain, and the Alps, does not live in the main-land of Europe. The same is the case with Tetracyclus, Diatomella Balfouriana and others. Stauroneis Fulmen and St. Frauenfcldiana are peculiar to the Australian region. I could easily multiply these examples, but they are enough to show that the study of the geographical distribution of the diatoms offers many points of interest. I have examined a large number of samples of silurian clays and limestones, rhetic and cretaceous rocks of Sweden, but I never found in them a trace of a diatom. I have also searched for diatoms in the eocene and oligocene strata of Paris, but hitherto in vain, though I think it probable that they may yet be found there, as diatoms are found in the London clay of Sheppey. On the other hand fossil diatoms are very frequent in strata of the tertiary period in Barbados, Trinidad, New Zealand, Hungary, Japan, Denmark, etc. as is well known to every diatomist. If it be true, as PanrocszxK believes, that the deposit of Kusnetzk belongs to the Trias, this is the oldest known diatomiferous rock, as the statement by CasTracane that diatoms occur in the carboniferous system has never been verified. Some of the postglacial strata of Sweden are very rich in diatoms, and I have examined a considerable number of them. Among them the glacial clay and glacial marl have constantly been found by me free from diatoms, probably because the water, in which these deposits were formed, was too turbid for their growth. The strata, formed later than these, usually contain diatoms of both brackish and fresh-water habitat. The brackish-water-diatoms of the ancient baltic deposits comprise forms occuring in the present time in the southern part of the Baltic, as Rhabdonema arcuatum and Coscinodiscus asteromphalus, both characteristic fossils of the Litorina-epoch. The freshwater-species found in the Swedish post-glacial deposits are still living, but there are among them several peculiar species, not hitherto found in the southern or median part of the country, as Pinnularia cardinalis, Navicula amphibola, Nav. Semen, Anomoeoneis serians and others. Of interest is the occurrence of Terpsinoe americana, now extinct in Europe (or at least in northern Europe), in brackish or slightly brackish deposits of the Litorina-epoch. I have KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 13 noticed this species in deposits from Warnemiinde in Germany and from the eastern Smaland in Sweden. The microscopical examination of the pre- and inter-glacial deposits of northern Germany and Denmark have furnished evidence that these strata were formed in inlets from the North Sea and not from the Arctic Sea. All these facts prove of what importance the study of fossil diatomaceze is becoming to Geologists. Amphiprora Eup. (1843). Valve lanceolate, acute, convex. Axial part of the valve elevated into a sigmoid keel, usually separated from the lower part by a line of junction. Axial area indistinct. Central area small or none. Structure of the lower part of the valve: transverse striz, rarely scattered puncta; structure of the keel: puncta in transverse or decussating rows. — Frustule strongly constricted in the middle. Junction between the keel and the lower part of the valve usually visible as a more or less sinuose line. Connecting zone complex, with more or less numerous, transversely striate divisions. — Cell-contents (of A. alata) a single chromotophore-plate along the zone. The division of the chromotophore begins from its ends (Pritzzur, Bau u. Entw. p. 94). The name Amphiprora was given by Eurenpere 1843 (Am. p. 122) to two naviculoid dia- toms. A. constricta, the figure of which represents some species of Navicula in the frustular view, is slightly constricted in the middle. It seems impossible now to make out what form this name may denote. The other Amphiprora is, as the figures in »the Microgeology» shews, Nav. Semen. In the »Bacillarien» Kirzine adds a third species, A. alata, which is distinguished by its sigmoid me- dian line, and the lines on both sides of the median line, as well as by a complex connecting zone. Later on several other forms were described ass Amphiprora by Baitzy, W. Smiru, and others. W. Smrru describes as Amphiprora vitrea a form with straight median line and not complex con- necting zone. Forms of very heterogenous nature were thus thrown together in the genus Amphi- prora. Rapenuorst tried 1864, (Fl. Eur. Alg. p. 257) to separate the forms with a sigmoid median line as a new genus, Amphicampa, which name PritzeR 1871 (Bau und Entw. p. 94) changed to Amphitropis. — I consider that the name Amphiprora may be retained for the forms with sigmoid keel and complex zone, as A. alata is the first recognizable form described. For the other forms I have 1891 (Diatomiste I, p. 51) proposed the name Tropidoneis. The genus Amphiprora seems to be akin to the Nitzschiez, and is on the other hand con- nected with Auricula. The complex zone, the single chromatophore, the puncta or lines on the keel remind one of the Nitzschiee. In most species of Amphiprora the keel forms a well marked part of the valve, bordered by a junction-line, which is frequently denticulated or sinuose, and very sug- gestive of the ale of Surirella. Whether this line projects into a true wing, I have not been able to discover. In all cases it occupies the same position as the wing of Surirelle. The structure of the valve is somewhat different in different sections. Three types may be distinguished: the type of A. alata, of A. gigantea, and of A. Temperei. In the first named the keel as well as the valve have transverse striv. In larger forms of that type the striz seem to be finely transversely lineate, with rather coarser puncta on the keel, which puncta appear to be- long to an interior stratum. In the forms, of which A. gigantea is the type, the keel and the lower part of the valve have entirely different structure. The keel has puncta, disposed in obliquely decussating rows as in Pleurosigma, and the lower part of the valve has transverse strie. In A. Temperei the keel has two rows of large stigmas and in addition very fine transverse strie, while the lower part of the valve shews only fine scattered puncta. Some few forms of Amphiprora live in fresh water, the greater part in brackish water, and some are purely marine. They occur in all parts of the world. 14 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Artificial key. L ee with decussating rows of puncta . te ye ee _ A. gigantea GRUN. Without — — _— ay ee, aoa 9. es with double rows of large saree PUNCta se ae FS As Temperei Ct. without — — _ ee Hee alk Eh 3. 3. re not separate from the lower part of the valve .... ... ‘ 4. separate — — — —- . S.. Seeks. cee 8 6 3D: 4 ace Siliceous .. > 1% ake we : A. conspicua GREV, membranaceous , ; 28 . A. Duseni Cu. 5. peegee and valve separated by a row of puncta enna A. margine punctata Cu. _ — junction-line 6. oo sresubitawideni : ee : ; Bt. 25 toe OF solid. 2... 5 : : 3 4585 7, oe -line with siacal leaticutdtions. ay OO Une ah : a. ornata Bat. — oneorno — ‘ A. paludosa W. Sm. 8. { eee of the valve crenulated . . ; . A. crenulata Teme. — not _ Scud a eta: ae Sula ; e% 9. 9. jsicie of the keel obsolete . eo Gees. oardespeerds. cone. a A. Brebissoniana GREV. distinct . 2... 0... be god. Gee ei bers 10. Strie on fie keel wider than on the valve . . ... . . A. Kjellmanii Cu. 10. \ closer = — = ee . . A. kryophila Cu. and the valve equidistant . neds B he ae oe dd 1. {Ke ore sigmoid ........ my cubities (eeeas nro al A. alata Kivz. slightly — . ......, hee an ah etude ar Fe . 12. 19. gee 6 in 001 mm. : eee ee A. Meneghiniana Grev. a= to 12 ==) ae es eee ee ae PB A. lata Grev. 1. A. Paludosa W. Sm. (1853). — Frustule membranaceous, in the zone-view deeply con- stricted, with rounded to truncate ends. B. 0,03 to 0,05 mm. Junction-line sinuose (or not). V. linear-lanceolate, with acute (or apiculate) ends. L. 0,055 to 0,13 mm. Median line strongly sigmoid. Strie 19 to 20 in 0,01 mm., some of them frequently coarser than the others. — W. Sm. B. D. I. p. 44, Pl. XXXI f. 269. V. H. Syn. p. 121, Pl. XXII f. 10. Brackish water: North Sea (Sweden! England! Belgium!) Cape May! Barbados! Var. bahusiensis Cu. — Frustule strongly constricted. L. 0,08; B. 0,04 mm. Junction-line not sinuose and not punctate. Strie 22 in 0,01 mm., those on the zone and the basal part of the valve more marked. Striz of the keel faint, ending at the median line in very small puncta. Marine: Sweden, Fiskebickskil! Var. africana Grun. (1879). — Frustule strongly constricted. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,03 mm, Junction-line not sinuose and not punctate. Striz 20 in 0,01 mm., those on the ieee! with coarse puncta. — A. pal. v. afr. Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 196. Brackish water: South Africa! Var. subsalina Cu. — Frustule very thin, strongly constricted in the middle. L. 0,04: B. 0,03 mm. Junction-line with a large sinus. Striw 23 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 1. Brackish water: Artern, Saxony! Var. hyperborea Grun. (1880). — Frustule slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,065 to 0,07; B. 0,035 to 0,036 mm. Junction-line slightly sinuose. Striz 27 to 28 in 0,01 mm. — A. pal. var.? hyp. Grun. A. D. p. 62. PL V f. 86. Brackish water: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Forma minuta Grun. (1884). — L. 0,035 mm. — A. hyp. f. min. Gron. Franz Josephs L. D. p. 54 (106), Pl. I f. 51. ; Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.). KONGL. 8V. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:o 2. 15 Var. Pokornyana Grun. (1860). — Frustule slightly constricted. L. 0,065 to 0,087; B. 0,02 to 0,027 mm. Junction-line slightly sinuose. Valve narrow, linear, with rostrate ends, and almost straight median line. — Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 569 Pl. VI f. 9. Brackish water: Neusiedlersee (Hungary); Sea of Kara (Grun.). The above description is from the work of Grunow. In Cl. M. D. N:o 256 (Lymington, England) occurs a form, determined by Grunow as A. Pokorn. L. 0,09; B. 0,04 mm. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm., coarsely punctate on the keel. Junction-line slightly sinuose. Keel strongly sigmoid. Var. punctulata Grun. (1880). -— Frustule slightly constricted. L. 0,037 to 0,095 mm. B. 0,02 to 0,023 mm. Junction-line not sinuose, with a row of small puncta. Strie about 27, on the keel 24 in 0,01 mm. — A. pal. v. punct. Grun. A. D. p. 62, Pl. IV f. 84. Franz Josephs L. D. p. 53 (105), Pl. I f. 54, 55. Brackish water: Sea of Kara! Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Cape Wankarema! Var. Nereis Lewis (1861). — Frustule strongly constricted in the middle. L. 0,05 to 0,114 mm Junction-line not sinuose, but with distant puncta. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm. V. narrow, lanceolate, with sigmoid median line. — A. Nereis Lewis. Proc. Acad. N. Se. Philadelphia 1861 p. 64. — A. plicata var. japonica Castr. Challenger Exp. D. p. 40, Pl. XXX, f. 8. Marine: Atlantic coasts of N. America (Lewts). Var. dilatata Pant. (1891). — Frustule strongly constricted. L. 0,139. Height of the valve 0,025; at the constriction 0,0105 mm. Junction-line crenulated. Strive 25 in 0,01 mm. — A. dila- tata Pant. II. p. 55, Pl. X f. 179. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This form only differs from var. Nereis by its somewhat larger size. Var. borealis Grun. (1880). — Frustule slightly constricted. L. 0,079 to 0,085; B. 0,028 to 0,03 mm. Junction-line slightly arcuate, not sinuose. Striz on the keel 23, on the valve and the connecting zone 26 in 0,01 mm. — A. pal. var.? borealis Grun. A. D. p. 62, Pl. IV f. 85. Brackish water: Sea of Kara (Gruy.), Cape Wankarema! Var. duplex Donn. (1858). — Frustule in L. 0,02 to 0,066; B. 0,01 to 0,04 mm. Junction-line arcuate, not sinuose. Strie very fine. V. narrow, lanceolate, with strongly sigmoid median line. — A. dupl. Donx. T. M.S. VI p. 29, Pl. II f. 13. — A. pal. v. dupl. V. H. Syn. p. 121, PI. XXII f. 15, 16. Brackish water: Greenland! North Sea (Sweden! England, Donx., Belgium V. H.) Hungary, fossil (PANT.). Var. hyalina Evtenst. (1880). — As Var. duplex but smaller. L. 0,017; B. 0,035 mm. — A. hyalina Evu. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIT f. 17. Brackish water: Cette (Grun.). A. paludosa is a very variable species, closely connected with A. alata. Nearly akin to A. paludosa, perhaps a variety, is A. Kiitzingiana Grev. (1863 Edinb. N. Ph. J. XVIII p..184 f. 6) from Queensland. The frustule is deeply constricted. L. 0,128 mm. The junction-line is not sinuose. 2. A. Dusenii Cr. N. Sp. — Frustule membranaceous, strongly constricted in the middle, the segments being almost orbicular. L. 0,13; B. 0,11 at the constr. 0,07 mm. Zone with sigmoid longitudinal divisions, 2 in 0,01 mm., finely striate; strie 17 in 0,01 mm. V. strongly compressed and elevated, without any junction-line. Striz (at the keel) 12 in 0,01 mm., curved, towards the keel with distant puncta, 8 in 0,01 mm. Brackish water (mouths of rivers): Cameroon (Dusty)! 3. A. alata Kirz (1844). — Frustule strongly silicious, constricted in the middle. B. 0,04. Junction-line not sinuose, but frequently with a row of large puncta. V. linear, with acuminate ends. L. 0,10 to 0,11; B. 0jo2 mm. Median line strongly sigmoid. Basis of the keel linear, sigmoid. 16 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Strie 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm. finely lineate and, on the keel, with coarse puncta. — Kurz. Bac. p. 107 Pl. TI f 63. W. Su. B.D. Ip. 44 Pl XV f 124. V. H. Syn. p. 121 Pl. XXII f. 11, 12. Brackish water: North Sea (Bohuslin! England! France! Belgium V. H.). Mediterranean Sea (Peragallo). California! Var. intermedia Cu. — V. in L. 0,11 to 0,15; B. 0,03; Height 0,025 to 0,o3 mm. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. Brackish water: New York! San Domingo (Witt Coll)! Var. pulchra Bat. (1850). — Frustule strongly constricted. L. 0,27; B. 0,1 mm. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm., on the keel with large puncta, 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. — A. pulchra Batu. Smiths. Contr. II p. 38 Pl. IT f. 16, 18 (bad). V. H. Syn. Pl. XXII bis f. 1, 2, 4. Brackish water: Atlantic coasts of N. America! San Domingo (Witt Coll.)! Var. japonica Cu. — V. in the zonal view strongly constricted. L. 0,085; B. 0,02 mm. Junc- tion-line bisinuose on each side of the central nodule. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm., coarsely punctate on the keel. — PL If. 2. Marine: Japan! The smaller forms of A. alata appear to graduate into A. paludosa, so that there seems to be an uninterrupted series of forms from the gigantic Var. maxima to the very minute A. pal. var. hyalina. The Var. japonica may be regarded as a connecting link between A. alata and A. ornata. To the forms of A. alata belongs perhaps also A. biharensis Pant. III Pl. XLIT f. 577. 4. A. conspicua Grev. (1861). — V. linear-lanceolate, strongly convex. L. 0,06 to 0,13; B. 0,02 to 0,024 mm. Median line strongly sigmoid. Junction-line indistinct. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm., some of them near the median line coarser, finely lineate; lineole about 25 in 0,01 mm. — Grey. T. M. S. IX p. 86 Pl. X f. 16(?). V. H. Syn. Pl. XXII bis f. 3. Brackish water: Atlantic coasts of N. America! Brazil! Sierra Leone (Grun), Cameroon! 5. A. ornata Bart (1852). — Frustule membranaceous, strongly constricted. L. 0,067; B. 0,05 mm. Junction-line deeply denticulate. Striz 20 to 22 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate. — Bal. Smiths. Contr. IT p. 38 Pl. II f. 15 to 23. V. H. Syn. p. 121 Pl. XXII bis £5. A. fimbriata Casrr. Voy. Challenger p. 40 Pl. XVII f. 15 (Surirella?). Fresh water: Finland! Belgium (V. H.). North America (Michigan! Florida, Batt). 6. A. crenulata Tremp. (1891). —- Frustule deeply constricted. L. 0,037; B. 0,03 mm. Junc- tion-line sinuose. Connecting zone with several longitudinal divisions, finely striate. Strie 28 in 0,o1 mm. V. lanceolate, with crenulated margins (denticulations 2 in 0,01 mm.), apiculate. I. 0,04; B. 0,014 mm. Median line strongly sigmoid. Basis of the keel biconstricted. Axial and central areas indistinct. Keel with transverse, punctate striz, 16 in 0,01 mm. Lower part of the valve with numerous, strong, transverse lines. — Temp. Diatomiste I, p. 50 Pl. IX f. 9, 10. Brackish water: New Guinea! 7. A. Kjellmanii Cx. (1880). — Frustule silicious, slightly constricted. L. 0,13; B. 0,04 mm. Junction-line undulated or not. Striz coarser on the keel than on the valve, 12 or 13 (keel) to 17 (valve) in 0,01 mm. — Ou. A. D. p. 14 Pl. IV f. 83. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Var. glacialis Cu. (1883). — Frustule not constricted. L. 0,07; B. 0,015 mm. Striz 14 (keel) to 19 (valve) in 0,01 mm. — Cu. Vega p. 477 Pl. XXXV f. 12. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. kariana Grun. (1880). — Frustule slightly constricted. L. 0,064 to 0,07; B. 0,036, at the constriction 0,027 mm. Junction-line slightly sinuose. Strie 10 or 11 (keel) to 17 or 18 (valve) in 0,01 mm. — A. kariana Grun. A. D. p. 61 Pl. IV f. 82. Franz Josephs L. D. p. 53 (105). Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Gruy.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 17 Var. subtilis Grun. (1884). —- Frustule scarcely constricted. L. 0,04; B. 0,014 mm. Junction- line slightly undulated. Striz 13 (keel) to 26 (valve) in 0,01 mm. V. in B. 0,08 mm. — A. kariana v. subtilis Grun. Franz Josephs L. D. p. 105 (53) Pl. I f. 52, 53. Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.). Var. striolata Grun. (1880). — Frustule rectangular, slightly constricted. L. 0,07; B. 0,023, at the constriction 0,015 mm. Junction-line not sinuose. Strie 12 (keel) to 15 (valve) in 0,01 mm. those on the keel ending in small dots. -- Grun. A. D. p. 62 Pl. IV f. 81. Brackish water: Sea of Kara (Grwv.). 8. A. kryophila Cu. (1883). — Frustule slightly constricted. L. 0,13 to 0,16; B. 0,043 to 0,045; at the constriction 0,028 to 0,o3 mm. Junction-line sinuose. Striz on the keel 13 to 17 in 0,01 mm., ending in small puncta; strie on the valve 10 to 14 in 0,01 mm. wider than on the keel. V. lanceolate, with strongly sigmoid median line. — Cu. Vega p. 477 Pl. XXXV f. 11. Marine: Cape Wankarema! _ A. kryophila is perhaps not specifically distinct from A. Kjellmanii, the only difference being that the striz on the keel are closer than those on the valve; otherwise the two forms are perfectly similar. Both differ from A. paludosa in large size, more strongly silicious valves, and coarser striz. 9. A. lata Grev. (1863), — Frustule quadrate, strongly constricted. L. 0,075; B. 0,04, at the constriction 0,025 mm. Keel broad. Junction-line uniformly arcuate, not sinuose. Striz on the keel 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. ending in small puncta. Striz on the valve of equal number, not distinctly punctate. Connecting zone with numerous, longitudinal divisions. — Grey. Edinb. N. Phil. J. XVIII p. 38 f 14. — PL If. 5. Marine: Balearic Islands! Queensland (Grev.). The above description is from specimens from the Balearic Islands. GReEvILLE does not give the number of striz. 10. A. Meneghiniana Grev. (1863). — Frustule broad, quadrate. L. 0,115 mm. Connecting zone with numerous longitudinal divisions. Junction-line uniformly arcuate. not sinuose. Strie coarse 6 in 0,01 mm. — Grey. Edinb. N. Ph. J. XVIII p. 184 f. 7. Marine: Queensland (GREV.). 11. A. Brebissoniana Grev. (1863). — Frustule strongly siliceous, deeply constricted, with broad truncate ends. L. 0,089 to 0,13; B. 0,o66 mm. Junction-line not sinuose. Keel very elevated, bordered with a conspicuose hyaline margin, obsoletely striate, the strie being visible only at the median line and at the junction-line. Strie of the valve 7,5 in 0,01 mm., obscurely but coarsely punctate. — Grey. Edinb. N. Ph. J. XVIII p. 185 f. 8. — Pl. If. 4. Marine: South Pacific Ocean (Grev.), Sendai, Japan, fossil (TEMPERE)! 12. A. margine-punctata Cu. N. Sp. — V. in L. 0,13; B. 0,04, at the constriction 0,015 mm. Keel very elevated, with a row of small marginal puncta, 8 in 0,01 mm., connected with similar rows of puncta at the basis of the keel. Lower part of the valve very narrow. Striz on the keel 19 in 0,01 mm., curved and finely punctate. — Pl. I f. 3. Marine: Java! 13. A. Temperei Cr. (1890). — Frustule strongly constricted. L. 0,15; B. 0,055, at the constriction 0,027 mm. Junction-line obsolete, visible only near the central nodule. Keel with two rows of large puncta (4 in 0,01 mm.), striate; strie 21 in 0,01 mm. V. with fine, scattered puncta. Connecting zone with numerous longitudinal divisions, transversely striate; striae 20 in 0,01 mm. — Cu. Diatomiste I p. 2 Pl. IT f. 3. Marine: Madagascar! This is a very characteristic species, not closely connected with any other. The median line is strongly sigmoid. K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 26. N:o 2. 3 18 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 14. A. gigantea Grouy. (1860). — Frustule strongly constricted. LL. 0,12 to 0;16 mm. Keel with a hyaline margin, broader towards the ends. Junction-line uniformly arcuate, not sinuose. Keel with puncta forming obliquely decussating rows, 13 to 15 in 0,01 mm. Strie of the valve curved, divergent from the central nodule, about 14 in 0,01 mm., not decussating. Median line strongly sigmoid. Connecting zone with numerous longitudinal divisions. — Grun. Verh. 1860 p- 568 Pl. VI f. 12 (bad!). A. D. p. 63. — PL If, 6. A. gig. var. kerguelensis Grun. A. D. p. 63 (1880). Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Macassar Straits! Kerguelens Land! This is a very large diatom, with somewhat thin silicious membrane. When dry the keel under a low power is yellow, and the valve hyaline. Var. tahitensis Grun. (1880). — Frustule membranaceous. L. 0,06 (to 0,095); B. 0,04 mm. Keel strongly sigmoid. Striz 18 to 22 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 63. Marine: China! Japan! Tahiti (Grun.). Var. @quatorialis Ci. (1873). — L. 0,10 to 0,15 mm. Striz 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — Amphi- campa equatorialis Cu. D. Sea of Java p. 12 Pl. IIL f. 17. Amphipr. balearica Grun. A. D. p. 63 (1880). Marine: Balearic Islands! Adriatic! Java! Var. sulcata O’Muara (1871). — L. 0,09 to 0,14 mm. Striz 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm., on the connecting zone 20 in 0,01 mm. — A. sulcata O'M. M. J. (N. 8.) Vol. XI p. 22 Pl. III f. 3. A. pelagica Brun. D. Esp. n. p. 8 Pl. XXII f. 3, 4 (1891). Marine: Le Croisic! Balearic Islands! Seychelles! Cape Good Hope! Sumatra! Jamaica (Grove Coll.)! Var. decussata Grun. (1880). — L. 0,063 to 0,065 mm. Keel slightly sigmoid. Strie 21 to 24 in 0,01 mm. — A. decussata Grun. A. D. p. 63. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIT f. 13. Marine: Courselles (Gruy.). Hungary, fossil (Panr.). Var. septentrionalis Grun. (1880). — L. 0,076 to 0,18 mm. Strie 20 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — A. sept. Grun. A. D. p. 63. Marine: Finmark! Cape Wankarema! Auricula Castr. (1873). Valve more or less reniform or cymbiform, elevated into an asymmetrical, arcuate, but not sigmoid, keel. Median line not sigmoid, more or less biarcuate, with approximate central pores. Structure: transverse strie, or more or less curved, irregular lines. Frustule usually globose, with complex connecting zone. Keels of both valves turned in the same direction. The first known species was the diatom, described 1857 by Grecory as Amphiprora complexa. The genus Auricula was founded 1873 by Castracane (Atti del accad. pont. dei Lincei XX VI p. 406) for A. Amphitritis, which is evidently nearly akin to.A. complexa. In Van Heurcks Synopsis (Pl. XXII bis f 9, 10) Grunow has proposed the name Amphoropsis for two forms, of which one, A. decipiens, is related to Auricula, and the other, A. recta, is by me considered as belonging to Tropidoneis. As A. decipiens in my opinion cannot be separated from Auricula, I propose to reserve the name Amphoropsis for a section of Tropidoneis. The valve of Auricula is keeled as in Amphiprora, but the keel is not sigmoid. In some species, which approach to Amphiprora, the keel is separated from the lower part of the valve by a line of junction. In other forms there is a gradual slope from the median line to the margin. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:0 2. 19 I have examined some living frustules of A. complexa. It has along the ventral side a single caromatophore-plate enclosed in a plasmatic mass, from which fine plasma-threads radiate towards the walls. A. complexa, 500 times magnified. A. incerta, 500 times magnified. Of A. incerta I have had an opportunity of examining numerous living specimens. This species has also a single chromatophore-plate along the ventral side of the zone, enclosed in a plasma-mass which sends fine plasma-threads to the walls of the frustule. If the living frustules be suddenly killed by a boiling con- centrated solution of mercuric chloride in alcohol, and then by washing freed from mercuric salt, they may be stained with different dyes. Carmine colours the nucleus, which is placed above the plate and on its centre. Stained with chrysoidine numerous granules in the plasma-mass take an intensely yellow colour, and are probably eleoplasts, as fatty matters are intensely coloured by the dye. Auricula minuta has also a single chromotophore-plate along the ventral side, and at the primordial stratum of the plasma a number of small granules, possibly geline-secreting organs. Auxospores. In A. minuta a single globular auxospore is formed out: of two frustules.. In the annexed sketches a and ¢ represent a frustule in living state, b a frustule in the state of division. Fig. d shews two frustules enclosed in a mucous mass, the first stage of the conjugation. In e the auxospore is formed and enclosed between the empty valves; f seems to represent an mature auxospore, and g two frustules, to judge from the size, probably formed out of the auxospore. Some extreme forms of Auricula have a very peculiar appearance, but by intermediate steps they are connected on one hand with Amphiprora, on the other with Amphora, so nearly indeed that no line of demarcation may be traced between Am- phora and Auricula. All species of Auricula are marine and pelagic. Some forms are thin and membranaceous. Others have strong valves, but thin connecting zones, so that entire frustules are rarely to be found in gatherings which have been cleaned by means of acids. A. minuta, 500 times magnified. 20 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Artificial key. L Valve more or less boat-shaped i a al da sca oe Aye ba oe . par Bs i — reniform ...... «sev vue te eee oh ae A i ee 10 t to ll in Ooi mm. ....... Bh eae ah oe Fane . . A. coarctata Br. i 20 to 22 _ bean ch eid ; sl ips aoe 3. pee with a few larger siuas Nee. ae j pice), A. pulchra GREV. — without stigmas ...... 2. we. ... .. A. decipiens Grun. 4 ree strongly inflected in the middle See AO RE a do 4 oe 5. — not, or slightly, inflected. ......... Sua. e MA FaIces Geena as tare 6. Strie 15 to 16 in 001 mm... ... Boke .. . A. intermedia Lewis. tai Very fine a. yey eo ee So ee. oy Sas ate A. insecta Grun. 6. es dyansverse .... 0 1 wwe > RR pe a AG ee . 8 curved, divergent towards the nein line a fate Mo etay ahs Sitesi ats ts 7. eo coarse (8 in 0,01 mm.) be Ce BS : Bly mul Amphitritis CastR. finer (20-in 0,01 mm.) . A. 2s Route el ag is A. complexa Gre. 8. a: large (L. 0,17 mm.) beetles oi .. 2... A, javanica Cu. small (L. 0,02 to 0,c3 mm.). . Me ek 2,6 .... Aatkeet: wht . . . P. impleta Cu. a. Grov. — broad : noe 7 ; é 9 9 V. with cuneate ends .. «1... se ua, So se Fo ek P. polygona Bauw, " | V. lanceolate. . he he ee PR eS . teehee ; eo batr as KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wo 2. Tl 5 a very convex ........., oe + ee . . . PB. crucifin Br. a. Temp. “ \V. less convex... 2...) , vss : a 4. 4 J Strie coarsely punctate . be, hes : $a wis . . BP. jugata Ch. “ \ —_ finely SE oben 2h py ie a gt gy apa a . . P. stawroptera Bam. 1. P. impleta Cu. a. Grove (1891). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,13; B. 0,038 mm. Median line with very approximate central pores and indistinct terminal fissures. Stauros narrow dilated at the extremities. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, finely lineate. Longitudinal lines 3 to 4 on each half of the valve, the most distinct connecting the ends of the stauros with the ends of the valve. — Nav. impl. Cu. a. Grove. Diatomiste I, p. 58 Pl. IX fig. 1. Marine: Macassar Straits! 2. P. polygona Brun (1891). — V. broad with slightly convex margins and cuneate, obtuse, ends. L. 0,12 to 0,15; B. 0,035 to 0,05 mm. Median line with small terminal fissures, turned in the same direction, and not very approximate central pores. Stauros moderately broad. Striz slightly radiate throughout, 16 in 0,01 mm., punctate, puncta 21 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal lines not very distinct. — Nav. pol. Brun. D. Esp. n. p. 388 Pl. XV f. 9. Marine: Japan, fossil! The longitudinal lines are not so distinct as on the other species. In their place is a kind af low crest sepa- rating the interior part of the valve from the exterior steeply sloping part. 3. P. stauroptera Barz. (1854). — V. elliptic-lanceo- late, with obtuse ends. J, 0,11 to 0,13; B. 0,03 to 0,035 mm. Stauros moderately broad. Strie 14 to 18 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate, parallel. Longitudinal lines distinct, median. — Amphora stauroptera Batu. Smiths. Contr. VII p. 8 f. 14, 15 (1854). Amphiprora lepidoptera Grea. D. of Clyde p. 506 Pl. XII f. 59 ¢ (1857). Amphiprora obsusa Gree. D. of Clyde 1. c. fig. 60. A. 8S. N. 8. D. IT f. 1. Nav. arctica Cu. D. arct. 8. p. 16 Pl. IIT f. 13 (1873). Lagerst. Boh. D. p. 46. Cn. N. R. D. p. 18. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Finmark! North Sea! Nova Scotia (Bail). Sidney (Brun Coll.!). 4, P. jugata Cu. (1881). — V. lanceolate, with ob- tuse ends. L. 0,068 to 0,093; B. 0,02 to 0,024 mm. Stauros of median breadth. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. parallel, more distinct outside the longitudinal lines, distinctly punctate; puncta about 12 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal lines median. — Nav. jugata Cu. N. R. D. p. 13 Pl. HT f. 38. Marine: Galapagos Islands! Var. Pensacole Cu. (1881). — V. slightly triundulate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,054; B. 0,015. Striz 15 in 001 mm. — Nav. Pensacole Cu. N. R. D. p. 14 Pl. WI f. 39. Marine: Pensacola! P. stauroptera 500 times magnified. 5. P. crucifix Teme. a. Brun. (1889). — V. very convex, narrow, lanceolate, with subacute ends. IL. 0,12; B. 0,o22 mm. Stauros moderately broad. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm. parallel, punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal lines marginal. — Nav. eruc. D. foss. du Japon p. 42 Pl. VII f. 10. Marine: Japan, fossil! 72 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. To this genus probably belongs Stauroneis decora Grev. (T. Bot. Soc. of Edinb. Vol. VIII p. 236 Pl. III f. 11) from New Caledonia. It is very transparent, lanceolate, in length 0,14 mm. and has a short stauros not reaching the longitudinal ridges. Scoliotropis Cr. N. G. Valve elongated symmetrical. Median line slightly sigmoid, especially towards the ends. On both sides of the median line is a longitudinal line. Structure double: coarser transverse cost and finer puncta, disposed in obliquely decussating rows. Connecting zone with longitudinal rows of short striz. This genus has been formed for Scoliopleura latestriata Grun. as this form is entirely different from the true Scoliopleura-forms in its structure, which is the same as in Gomphoneis, and in the complex nature of its connecting zone. Later on another, very interesting species, was discovered, unfortunately not yet found in entire specimens, S. Gillesiz. The frustules of S. latestriata have along the connecting zone on each side, two chromatophore-plates, the margins of which are gently undulating. In front-view the plates have a sinus around the central] plasma-mass. 1. S. latestriata Brip. (1849). — V. linear, narrowed at the cuneate ends. IL. 0,1 to 0,18; B. 0,025 mm. Median line strongly sigmoid. Structure: strong coste, 7 in 0,01 mm., transverse, trough- out, and minute puncta, 18 in 0,01 mm., forming obliquely de- cussating lines and alternating in double rows with the coste. Connecting zone with several longitudinal rows of short striz, about 25 in 0,01 mm. — Amphipr. latestr. Bris. in Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 93. Navic. conveza W. Su. B. D. I p. 49 Pl. XVI f. 136 (1853). Scolio- pleura latestriata V. H. Syn. p. 111 Pl. XVII f. 12. Marine: North Sea (Sweden! England! Belgium!), Caspian Sea (Grun.). Atlantic coasts of North America! West Indies! California! Var. Amphora Cu. (1892). — V. asymmetrical, with a more convex dorsal side. Median line curved, with the terminations directed towards the same side. — Scoliotr. latestr. var. Amphora Cu. Diatomiste I p. 78 Pl. XII f. 13. Marine: Long Island Sound, New York! I have only seen detached valves, of this variety, so I do not know whether both valves have the median lines on the same side of the frustule or not. S. latestriata, 500 times magnified. 2. 8S. Gilliesii Cu. a. Compzr N. Sp. — V. convex, linear, tapering at the somewhat rounded ends. L. 0,2; B. 0,06 mm. Median line straight (sigmoid at the ends?). Central nodule small; its median pores turned in opposite directions. Axial and central areas indistinct. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. a little closer towards the ends, parallel, somewhat convergent at the ends, crossed by a longi- tudinal keel, enclosing a furrow broader than a half of the breadth of the valve. The costz alternate with double rows of puncta, about 14 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal undulating rows. — PLIf 16. Marine: Jamaica (Comber Coll.)! This species, named in honour of Captain Gruurms, who procured the material, is a very characteristic, large form, of which fraginents only have been found. The median line seems to be curved, probably in contrary directions, at the ends. The median pores have the same charac- KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2, 73 teristics as those of Neidium, and also the longitudinal keels or ridges, but the structure differs entirely from that of Neidiwm and agrees with that of Diploneis. In my opinion this remarkable form approaches nearer to Scol. latestriata than any other. Gomphoneis Ct. N. Gen. Valve elongated, clavate, or asymmetrical with the transverse axis. Median line straight, more or less oblique. Terminal fissures straight. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area small, rounded, with one or more stigmas. On both sides of the median line are longitudinal] lines. Structure double: slightly radiate coste, and fine puncta, forming obliquely decussating lines. — Zone broader in the upper than in the lower end, not complex. Cell-contents unknown. I have formed this new genus for some species formerly considered as belonging to Gompho- nema, but differing from it both in the structure and in the presence of the longitudinal lines. In these characteristics they agree nearly with Scoliotropis, but differ in the straight median line, and the asymmetrical form of the valve. To Gomphoneis may perhaps also belong Gomphonema eriense Grun. The few known species of Gomphoneis are all of fresh-water habitat and are found in North and Central America. Artificial key. 1 Central area on both sides of the central nodule with rows of stigmas . G. elegans GRuN. ; — — — —_ — —_ — — one or two stigmas sa 2 9 a about 9 in 0,61 mm. Be a oa : de . G. Mamilla Ens. : - -—-?2 — — me castire Sav, Sate gs aeGe> des . G. herculeana Ens. 1. G. elegans Grun. (1880). — V. sublanceolate, tapering from the gibbous middle to the broad rounded upper end, and to the narrower basis. L. 0,12 to 0,15; B. 0,028 to 0,03 mm. Median line broad (oblique). Axial area narrow; central area orbicular, with a circlet of stigmas. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the ends. Puncta 22 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal lines distinct, median. — Gomphonema elegans Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 19. Fresh water: Shasta Co. Cal. foss. (Cl. M. D. N:o 264), Pitt River, Oregon (Grove Coll.)! 2. G. Mamilla Exp. (1854). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering to the obtuse, narrow ends. L. 0,09 to 0,15; B. 0,02 to 0,03 mm. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area small, rounded, with one or two stigmas. Coste slightly radiate at the ends, 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of fine puncta, forming obliquely decussating rows, 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. Longi- tudinal lines marginal. — Gomphonema Mam. Ens. M. G. XXXVII:2 f. 10. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 1. Gomphonema oregonicum var. maxima Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 3. Fresh water: Shasta Co. Calif., fossil! Pitt River, Oregon (Grove Coll.)! 3. G. hereuleanum Exp. (1845). — V. clavate, with broad and rounded or subtruncate upper ends. L. 0,06 to 0,1; B. 0,02 to 0,o22 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area small, rounded, with one stigma. Coste slightly radiate at the ends, about 12 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of puncta (about 22 in 0,01 mm.) forming obliquely decussating rows. Longi- tudinal lines faint, sometimes obsolete, median. — Gomphonema hercul. Eup. Ber. 1845 (according to Chase). Grun. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 11. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 2. Fresh water: New York! Lake Erie (Cl. M. D. N:o 40)! Winnipeg River, Manitoba Grove Coll.)! m K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd 26. Ni:o 2. 10 74 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. robusta Gruny. (1878). — Broader, more clavate. — G. here. v. rob. Grun. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 12 Pl. IT f. 3. Fresh water: Kamtschatka (Grun.). Var. clavata CL. — Broadest at the upper, rounded-truncate end. L. 0,11; B. 0,03 mm. Fresh water: Pitt River, Col. (Grove Coll.)! Navicule Luxuriosz Ct. Valve of elliptical outline, with depressed areas on both sides of the median line, separated by a more or less broad furrow from the marginal part. Axia] and central area uniting in a narrow space around the median line. Structure: marginal, short strie and on the depressed areas large distant puncta forming more or less regular longitudinal rows. Only a few forms of this section are known, and it seems at present impossible to decide as to their affinities. They have some resemblance to Diploneis nitrscens. The short marginal strize are apparently smooth, but in a specimen of N. luazriosa from China I have seen in the marginal furrow rows of distinct puncta in continuation of the marginal striz. 1. N. Tuxuriosa Grey. (1862). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse, sometimes cuneate, ends. L. 0,06 to 0,09; B. 0,025 to 0,085 mm. Axial area narrow linear, slightly dilated in the middle. Strive marginal, slightly radiate at the ends, 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. Furrow with rudi- mentary, sometimes distinctly punctate, strie. Depressed lateral areas large with 3 to 5 longi- tudinal rows of large puncta straight, or curved towards the median line. — Nav. luxuriosa Grey. T. M.S. XI p. 18 Pl. If. 10, 11. Nav. lux. var. cuneata Brun. D. esp. n. p. 385 Pl. XVI f. 3. Marine: N. 8. Wales (Grev.), China! Japan (Brun Coll.)! 2. N. decora Grove and Sturt (1887). — V. elliptical, with obtuse ends. L. 0,075 to 0,125; B. 0,03 to 0,o45 mm. Median line straight; its terminal fissures turned in the same direction. Axial area distinct, linear, slightly dilated around the nodule. Marginal striez 7 in 0,01 mm., apparently smooth, slightly radiate. Furrow crossed by faint striw. Areas large, coarsely punctate; puncta forming 5 to 6 irregularly undulating longitudinal rows, or somewhat scattered. — GRovE and Sturt Quek. M. Cl. IIT (2) p. 133 Pl. X f. 13. A. S. Atl. CLXXIV f. 27. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! 3. N. trilineata Grove and Srurr (1887). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. LL. 0,1; B. 0,033 mm. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated towards the middle. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm. crossed by two longi- tudinal blank bands, so that each half of the valve seems to bear three longitudinal rows of elongate, coarse puncta. -— Grove and Sturt Quek. M. Cl. III (2) p. 132 Pl. X f. 8. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! Navicule Nicobaricez Cu. Valve elliptical in outline. Median line with approximate central pores and large comma- like terminal fissures, bordered on both sides by a longitudinal row of large, sometimes confluent puncta. Axial and central areas united in a lanceolate space. Structure apparently smooth, distant strive, radiate throughout. This group comprises only two known species N. Nicobarica and N. Ny, of doubtful affinity to and other species. They have some resemblance to certain Diploneis forms, but the central and terminal nodules are very different. They seem to me provisionally to be nearest akin to Diplon. moculata and N. foretpata, although the relation is a distant one. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:o 2. 75 1. N. nicobarica Grun. (1863). — V. broadly elliptical. L. 0,0244 to 0,043; B. 0,019 to 0,03 mm. Median line with moderately approximate median pores and large comma-like terminal fissures, turned in the same direction. Axial and central areas uniting in a large lanceolate space, having on both sides of the median line a row of large, sometimes confluent puncta. Strive 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. smooth, radiate throughout. — Gruy. Verh. 1863 p. 150 Pl. V f. 8. A.S. Atl, VIII f. 57, LXX f. 35, 36. Cu. Vega p. 505 Pl. XXXV f. 16. Marine: Ceylon! Nicobar Islands (Grun.), Celebes (Atl.), Cape of Good Hope (Atl), Cape Horn (Petit). 2. N. Ny Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical, with broad rounded ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,018 mm. Median line with large comma-like terminal fissures, turned in the same direction. Axial and central area united in a large lanceolate area having on both sides of the median line a row of small puncta, and around the central nodule a few larger stigmas. Stria, 16 in 0,01 mm., apparently smooth. — Pl. I f. 24. Marine: Java! Cymatoneis Cu. N. G. Valve more or less elliptical or lanceolate in outline, divided by one or several longitudinal ridges into two or more divisions. Median line with approximate central pores and elongated ter- minal fissures, at some distance from the ends of the valve. Axial area narrow, central small, usually rhomboidal. Structure: puncta disposed in transverse and straight longitudinal’ rows — Zone not complex. This little group of very characteristic forms seems to be most nearly akin to Scoliopleura, although no species has any very close connection with that genus. The structure of the valve is the same as in Scoliopleura Peisonis and the ridges on both sides of the median line recall those of Scoliopleura. In several forms there is a tendency in the median line to be sigmoid. 1. C. suleata Grev. (1863). — V. convex, with triundulated margins, and apiculate or sub- rostrate ends. L. 0,043 to 0,06; B. 0,025 to 0033 mm. Axial area very narrow, dilated around the central nodule to a rhomboidal space. Median live slightly sigmoid; terminal fissures elongated, distant from the ends. Ridges two or three on each side of the median line. Strive radiate at the ends, 8 to 11 in 0,01 mm.; puncta forming straight, longitudinal rows, 14 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Navic. sulcata Gruv. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII p. 235 Pl. HI f. 10. Leup Forrm. D. de Ceylan Pl. III f. 30. Nav. triundulata Grun. Hedwigia VI p. 27 (1867). M. M. J. 1877 Pl. CXCV f. 10. Cymaton. saute. Pl. I f. 12, 13. Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Seychelles (V. H. Coll.)! Madagascar (V. H. Coll.)! Ceylon! Labuan! Japan! Port Jackson! Java! China! Japan! New Caledonia (Grev.), Galapagos Islands! Honduras (Grun.), Campeachy Bay! West Indies! Florida! Varies occasionally with a slight constriction in the middle and with quadri-undulated margins. 2. C. quadrisuleata Grun. (1867). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with slightly rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,05 to 0,09; B. 0,028 to 0,036 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area orbicular. Ridges two on each side of the median line. Strie slightly radiate, 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm., punctate; puncta forming longitudinal rows. — Nav. guadris. Grun. Novara p. 101 Pl. 1 A f. Jd. Marine: 8:t Pauls Island. Grunow figures two specimens, which seem to belong to different species. The smaller re- sembles C. sulcata and may be a non-undulated variety of that species. The larger may be iden- tical with the following, but I cannot identify them, as Grunow’s figure shews two ridges of equal strength on both sides of the median line. 76 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 8. C. cireumvallata Cr. N. Sp. — V. linear-elliptical with broad, rounded, sometimes slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,055 to 0,075; B. 0,012 to 0,022 mm. Median line slightly sigmoid, with approxi- mate central pores and prolonged terminal fissures. Axial area narrow; central rhomboidal. Ridges one or two on each side of the median line. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm., parallel, radiate at the ends, punctate; puncta coarse, forming longitudinal rows, 14 in 0,o1 mm. — Pl. I f. 10, 11. Marine: Balearic Islands! Ceylon! Labuan! Japan (Brun Coll.)! Diploneis Exs. (1840). Valve usually short, constricted in the middle, or not, generally with obtuse or rounded ends. Central nodule more or less quadrate, prolonged into horns, or processes, which enclose the median line. On both sides of the horns are depressions, or furrows, of more or less breadth. Structure: transverse finer strie, or coarser costa, which usually continue in a rudimentary state across the furrows, where they frequently give rise to a longi- tudinal row of large pearls. The transverse coste are often crossed by one or more longitudinal costee, giving the valve the appearance of being reticulated; or alternate with double rows of finer puncta, or alveoli. — The cell-contents (of D. fusca, D. Smithii, D. didyma, D. subcineta, D. chersonensis and D. constricta) have two chromatophore-plates along the connecting zone. They are deeply in- dented and divided, sometimes in such a manner as to be split up into closely crowded and orbicular small discs. The name Diploneis was given by Enrenpere 1840, to some panduriform naviculoid diatoms. This characteristic is of no importance; but on the other gap eo rng hand, the central nodule, the furrows and the structure are so peculiar, that the ' genus Diploneis may be regarded as a well founded one. The central nodule is, in the more typical forms, large and quadrate, with the angles pro- longed into strong siliceous horns, enclosing the median line. In some few forms these horns are less distinct, as in D. nitescens. The horns correspond evidently to the lyre-shaped expansions or lateral areas in the section of Navicule Lyrate, but in Diploneis the space between the horns and the median line is never punctate as in that group. There are a few forms which are inter- mediate between Diploneis and the Nay. lyratze, viz. Dipl. hyalina Donk. and D. Hudsonis Grun. Outside the horns are depressed parts of the valve, furrows. These furrows have usually a longi- tudinal row of large pearls, formed by the continuation of the coste of the valve. Sometimes there are double rows of pearls or alveoli. These furrows are to be found also in other genera, as in Scoliopleura, Cymatoneis, etc., and point to a relationship between Diploneis and those genera. Between the furrows and the exterior part of the valve is in several species a space, the lunwla, of different structure from the outside part of the valve. Such lunule occur in D. mirabilis, D. Crabro and others. The structure of Diploneis is very variable. In some forms, as in D. hyalina, the valve has fine strie, which in D. Hudsonis are formed by obliquely decussating puncta. In other forms there are coarse coste, not composed of puncta. The coste frequently anastomose and seem then to be crossed by one or more, undulating, or straight, longitudinal ribs. When these longitudinal ribs are numerous, they form with the transverse costee a network of quadrate alveoli. The coste often alternate with double rows of puncta (alveoli), forming obliquely decussating rows. These alveoli seem to be formed by numerous small lateral branches from the coste. A similar structure occurs in Scoliotropis and Gomphoneis. In the larger forms the transverse cost alternate with large rounded pore-like markings, the ocell¢, which evidently belong to an interior stratum of the valve. In D. Crabro and allied forms these ocelli form a marginal row, which in the middle ap- KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:0 2. 77 proaches the central nodule. In other forms, as in D. lesinensis, they form several, more or less irregular, longitudinal rows. The ocelliferous stratum seems to correspond to the interior porous layer in Trachyneis and perhaps to the foramina of the larger Pinnularia. Diploneis has, as already remarked, some affinity to the group of Navicule lyrate, inter- mediate forms being D. hyalina and D. Hudsonis. It has also some relation to Cymatoneis and through that genus to Scoliopleura. Another genus, which has some relation to Diploneis, is Am- phora, sensu strictiori. In the last named group we find the large central nodule, the lateral furrows, and, frequently, the reticulated structure of some Diploneis-forms; but there are no known intermediate forms between Diploneis and Amphora. The systematic arrangement of the numerous forms of Diploneis is excedingly difficult. The species are very variable in size and in the coarsness of the structure. Moreover valves, which are uninjured often present a very dissimilar appearance to such as have been corroded by prepa- ration. Several »new species» have been founded on corroded specimens of well-known species. Many, at first sight very distinct species, are connected by intermediate varieties. Although I have examined and figured a very large number of forms from all parts of the world, I must confess that my attempt to their classification still leaves much to desire. Most species of Diploneis live in salt water. Brackish forms are LD). didyma, D. interrupta, D. Smithii and frequently D. elliptica. The panduriform species are all marine or brackish, and D. didyma becomes almost elliptical in slightly brackish water. Fresh water species of Diploneis are few, but very frequent. The are all elliptical in outline. Artificial key. L vo strate (strie 17 to 24 in 0,01 mm.)..... . ‘ te ; . Be. we Coarsely — (coste 3 to 17 in 001 mm). ..... : Sesh 6. 9. ea of distinct, coarse puncta. .. . . be ee eR eA D. ovalis Hits. not distinctly or finely punctate... 2. 2. 1. es 3. 3, | Horns of the central nodule strong and distinct. a cpa pith 3S -ALTS a 4. on — — — not distinct... : bk : Gag 5. 4. er strie crossed by oblique strie 3 D. Hudsonis Grun. — not - — ’ pee ee ee et Di hyalina Donk. 5. re Furrows broad. ..... eo Rh iy Sn hres Hea .. . D. bioculata Grun. NAYTOW . eee | Rw eee he D. oculata BREB. Transverse coste not crossed by longitudinal, or aut aiteranttny with alveoli. 7. 6. _ crossed by one or several longitudinal, or alternating with single or double rows of alveoli . ela vy Sata Zrcatex % 25. 7. Horns of the central nodule not distinct. . : . D. inscripta Cu. _— — distinct dg 48 ; ‘ 8. 8. | Ferrowe MATTOW Sy ai aes a late al ae : a me O”SC*«S RP 9. broad . ae ae ee Ge dh. ag lgolty se oe BE 9, pies constricted : a er Hee 14. not or slightly, . . ; ‘ me es eae ee ae 10: [= Valve elliptical i pty. leah) ER on : me «ap Grete tines 11. 10. linear-elliptical . . . 5 eB pitas dios 12. | = linear i 13. 11. ee 6 to 10 in 0,01 mm.. Be ef _D. subor Noman 18 Gure. (D. soPepormis A. 8.). — 12t.18 — lapis SHAN Shaan thadierdts a SPARS a ae Sea D. Puella A. §. 19. Linen -water species . . shee em es HES D. Boldtiana Cu. Marine . . ine ca. Gee, Seeds Nitty oP e . . « .D. advena A. 8. 13. | Horns araitel2 ee ee ae ‘ 4 D. congrua Jax. — divergent in the middle . foes ae . D. compar Jan. 14, rae constricted . . ..... oe oo . . D. subnuda A. 8. Strongly — ar ats a 2 : tee ie Be 15. 15. ae rostrate . ; Ho ‘ es . .D. laciniosa A. 8 NOt ae Ya a ee , a 16. 78 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. i cS f Ce Le 1 = te | — 11 to 12 — yp Shlain a te [Peete crossed by a single longitudinal rib -_—eo error o-oo eo-e-— e see-— e-— ee -— ee ee ee er oe ee — Coste RL at the margin Cet almost orbicular ....... Valve not constricted Valve elliptical Furrows decreasing in breadth from the middle Furrow crossed by coste. ....... Coste 4 to L. 0,02 to 003 mm... .. L. 0,04 to 0,08 mm. . Furrows broad Longitudinal rib in the middle of ‘Tie ss . 0,07 to 0,1 mm. Valve constricted <= 0 le ;E.] Eq = a Cc oO Keonients orbicular = elliptical or deltoid. ©. 2 2 6 1 1p ee ee ee ee Coste alternating with faint alveoli... . Ribs forming undulating rows L. 0,04 or less L. larger... . a Furrows indistinct. . . . Ribs two to five on each side of the median line Transverse coste 5 to § in 0,01 mm. . . Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID elongate-elliptical. © 6 wwe ee panduriform . Valve very convex and thick . ae tee RIAL AD ot Gh ah ND ce esa Wd not _ SS fe ee ee eS SS Ew RRS TiN@aT 2.25, aks eo Wes 4) Sel ey he EP pel Sa SO eh GE Se of equal breadth throughout... ........4.4. Central nodule small. ...... oo Adah Fee Bole woe eae AS — large . without or with rudimentary coste 7 in 0,01 mm. . 7 to 8 eye Se, de dehy dhe She eae cathore evap oe — several -- ribs alternating with double rows of alveoli Valve not constricted constricted narrow Valve gently constricted . : ‘ 3 deeply — Furrows decreasing in ‘irandth foi the aida of almost equal breadth . Furrows very broad . not — = — marginal Rib? SAPROW! se: so a Ae ee i A A A Ae Se broad) «5. whe ee ee oe AE ok BE L;7about- O03 Mii: a4 ¢ 6 a ee R- Oe 4 ee eR RS ee a ee ne 2 not -- with ocelli WALEHOUE i 1h cee cg See ca Sis Gk Gs da Be Bh a AO strongly constricted... .... slightly _ _— == “CEStineh ee eh Aa ee eee ee — straight or curved distinet) «@ ¢ se ¢-e 8 Sow G Boge aS wh we eS eight to ten ©) ee ee $ to 13 _ et ei ee Sa 40. DIATOMS. D. Adonis Brun. # GOR es go ARs D. interrupta Korz. D. Guinardiana Brun. i tho aikoids seacni pve 28. ig Sh eas ae RE 20. is mek on ees itu'a sar ane 21. 2. ee fe D. munda Jan eetanbees td hc aie ee 22. D. mediterranea Grun. .. . D. contigua A. 8. .. D. Letourneurnit Cr. ee ee 24. D. musceformis Gru. . . .D. constricta Grun. . . . D. ineurvata GREG. De Seat. gate tgkcwe as heel 26. 26 Be ee 35. so ak a aN ER . 61. 27. dasha th. ts 00 29. a eae ee 28, D. lineata Donx. . . WD. discrepans A. 8. D. Papula A. S. . D. Vetula A. amt 31. D. binaria A. 8. ‘ 32. ee ae 33. D. subcincta A. 8. D. exemta A. 8. bse D. demta A. 8. .. D. bombiformis Cu. ie D. coarctata A. §. a hete seas dice 36. ay Se Sou hate, es Gn, & 50. ee D. areolata Cu Suse ah emp ark Ue 37. gy thE! ab Ss ae ed 38, gia @ ietay eee A 45. D. splendida Gre. sale Sis 2. AL .. . D. Griindleri A. 8. alia: peg th eg 42. .. .D. Weissflogii A. S st Ae Tn aSa8 43. oe ee 44. . D. Kiitzingii Gaon. D. Bombus Eus. . D. chersonensis Grun. 45. 46. 47, 48. 49. 62. 63. 64, 65. 66. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. | ie = f= ee te le tae wr { { = { ie { 7 a ie = | | = ee - ae 2 ie | | KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. me ribs 2 to 4 in 0,01 mm.......... — 5to more — Furrows se ead in Furrows Hoes in eee coste 6 — ll Transverse coste 9 — 138 Median line ending Furrows abrupt y the middle. ..... ....., the middle. . a8 wa es to 9 in 0,01 mm. . ec fe t cAteas in OQo1 mm ........ far from the margin near — — : dilated around the conti aadale: ove re aes about 7 in 0,01 mm. Furrows broad narrow . Freshwater species . Marine = Hone neae ribs fe Dah Le te — numerous Central nodule small . a ee ==. (Waree ses ee se BP ae ribs wider than the coste . equidistant with — or closer (Gesiteal nodule small — large. Freshwater species . Marine _— Ribs as close as th closer than e easites Valve not or slightly conauaved aa constricted Valve elliptical elongated with parallel, or slightly concave margins Furrows narrow....... broad Without ocelli . With, o¢elli is neces Furrows equally arcuate... ..... +44, bent around the central nodule linear Central nodule large... . — rather small Furrows = a an elliptical or lanceolate space BAND 26. y:o 2. . D. microtatos Pant. D. ane wa ee ke Be 47. D. Schmidtii Cu. D. Entomon Eup. ee « « 48; Boge eBook 49, D. bomboides A. S. . D. divergens A. 8. . D. didyma Exp. . D. chinensis Cu. 61. D. hyperborea Gauw: . D. vacillans A. 8. 54. 57. D. finnica Ens. 55. D. notabilis Grev. 56. AD: Greffii Gron. D. fusca Gree. domblittensis Grun. 58. D. litoralis Donk. 59. 2. pancearns 60. D. estiva Donx. . D. elliptica Kira. .D. Parma Ct. 62. 74. "Sees Gee ee oe kS atakin len large, orbicular space ........ Furrows fieabie eS) 1S Ae eee BAe ak ees bo (Eee ae single Horns distinct. . . indistinct. . Horns divergent. © 6 6 0 ee ee D. approximate Furrows broader than '/, of the breadth of the valve narrower Reeth ater species . Marine _— L. 0,08 to 0,06 mm. L. 0,08 to 0,24 mm D. biseriata Cu. (D. Crabro var.). : . D. Smithii Bris. bates nak ete Sr Dudytarkas 66. D. advena var. recta. D. subovalis Cu. . D. borealis Grun. els hs Sine ga 68. eh th ee Bee eR Re eee 69. D. mirabilis Castr. . . D. Platessa Cu. a. Grove. ok ae Ble 70. ee 72. te ee a eee ee eee ee 71. . . D. Debyi Pant. . . .D. major Cu. D. Minden Bron. D. nitescens Gruec. D. Szontaghii Pant. D. gemmata Grev. 79 80 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 74, ee without ocelli . . oS : SR igoed wipe SR ors 75. with 5 ; aX ae ip acre toe a 1G, 7h. ee narrow... . ; i. ost Het D. dalmatica Grun. ! F broad. . eon : : . D. Vespa Cu. 76. jOcelli ina marginal band ww ee D. Crabro Exs. \ — _ rows alternating with the coste....... Mabini, « Geentecur ans 77, 77. Co broad fo eR a ack s a ee ee .. . D. gemmatula Gron. narrow . . d we me oi. i, tee ae a 78. Coste 3 to 4 in 0,o1 mm. . 3 ‘ s D. vagabunda Bruyn. 78. — 5toG — : Mee aelauvarckpes sinks D. lesinensis Gron. — 7 — i Ae ome we . . D. prisea A. 8. D. Hudsonis Gruy. (1892). — V. hyaline, elliptical, with more or less rounded ends. L. 0,036 to 0,05; B. 0,012 to 0,02 mm. Central nodule quadrate, its horns slightly divergent in the middle. Furrows forming a small, rhomboid, not striate, space around the central nodule. Parts outside the furrows striate. Strie fine, 24 to 25 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate at the ends, finely punctate; puncta forming obliquely decussating rows. — Navicula (Diploneis?) Hudsonis (GRun.) Cu. in Diatomiste I p. 77 Pl. XII f. 8. Brackish water: Hudson River! This little form is very remarkable and not closely connected with any other known species. It seems to be most nearly related to D. hyalina, but there are considerable differences. 1. D.? bioculata Gruen. (1881). — V. elliptical, with rounded ends. I. 0,02 to 0,036; B. 0,013 to 0,015 mm. Central nodule elongated; its horns close to the median line. Central pores distant, incrassate. Furrows broader than half of the breadth of the valve. Strie 17 to 22 in 0,01 mm. not distinctly punctate, continued across the furrows to the median line, slightly radiate throughout. — Nav. bioculata Grun. A. 8. Atl, LXX f. 9, 10, 11, VII f. 49? Marine: Balearic Islands! Adriatic! Java! Port Jackson! Galapagos Islands! Var. vittata Cu. — L. 0,04; B. 0,015 mm. Central nodule very narrow; central pores distant. Furrow separated from the exterior part of the valve by a linear, broad band. Strive 17 in 0,01 mm., on the furrows punctate. — Pl. I f. 15. Marine: Ceylon! The exact place of this species is difficult to decide. The incrassated central pores recall those of Nav. forcipata, but nevertheless I believe it to be a Diploneis, akin to D. hyalina. 2. D. inseripta Cu. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, subacute, convex. L. 0,065; B. 0,017 mm. Central nodule small; its borns close to the median line. Central pores approximate, incrassate. Furrows as broad as half of the valve. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. continued across the furrows, not distinctly punctate, parallel, very slightly radiate in the ends. — Pl. I f. 17. Marine: Gulf of Naples! China! This species seems to connect the genus Cymatoneis, to which it has some resemblance, with the forms of the group of D. nitescens. 3. D. hyalina Donk. (1861). — V. hyaline, thin, elliptical. L. 0,045 to 0,076; B. 0,014 to 0,o26 mm. Central nodule somewhat elongated; its horns slightly divergent in the middle. Furrows much broader than half of the breadth of the valve. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm., distinct outside, fainter in the furrows, fading away towards the horns of the median line. — Nav. hyalina Donx. M. J. I p 10PLIf£6 B.D. p.5 PLIf 1. AS. Atl LXX f. 1—5. Marine: Finmark! North Sea! 1 Var. of D. Crabro. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 81 4. D. coffeiformis A. S. (1874). — V. broadly elliptical. L. 0,023 to 0,07; B. 0,01 to 0,033 mm. Central nodule quadrate to rectangular, with somewhat divergent horns. Furrows narrow, close to the horns. Striz 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate at the ends, less distinct or imperceptible on the furrows, not alternating with puncta or alveoli. — Nav. coffeiformis A. 8. N.S. D. p. 88 PAS 22 PLAS 13 eel, VEL Ea Marine: North Sea! Gulf of Naples! Macassar Straits! Calif. Santa Monica, fossil (Deby Coll.). Var. densestriata A. S. (1881). —- Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. Lunule large. — Nav. coff. v. dens. A. 8. Atl LXX f. 54. Marine: Jamaica (Atl.). Var. subcireularis A. 8. (1881). — V. orbicular. L. 0,04; B. 0,034 mm. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. — D. coff. subc. A. 8. Atl. LXX f. 53. Marine: ? 5. D. suborbicularis Grae. (1857). — V. elliptical with broad, rounded,ends. IL. 0,04 to 0,053; B. 0,024 to 0,o32 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns divergent. Furrows linear, closely following the horns, with faint continuations of the costz, or with a row of puncta. Coste 6 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Smitha var. suborbicularis Gree. D. of Clyde p. 487 Pl. IX f. 17. Nav. sub- orbicularis Donx. B. D. p. 9 PLIf.9 A.S.N.S. D. PIIf. 21. Atl VIII f. 2, 3, 5, not 4. Marine: Davis Strait! North Sea! Corsica! Adriatic, Caspian Sea (Grun.), Ceylon! Mada- gascar! Singapore! Labuan! Galapagos Islands! Cape Horn (Petit), Brazil (Atl.), Gulf of Mexico (Atl.) North Carolina! Fossil: Hungary (Pant.), Sta Monica, Cal.! Between D. coffeiformis and D. suborbicularis there is no sharp distinction, the furrows being broader, the horns of the central nodule more divergent and the costz usually coarser in D. suborbicularis than in D. coffetformis. 6. D. compar Jay. (1881). — V. linear, with broad, truncate ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,01 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns divergent at their basis. Furrows narrow, linear. Coste about 13 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. compar A. S. Atl. LXX f. 69. Marine: ? 7. D. advena A. S. (1875). — V. linear-elliptical sometimes slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,08 to 0,1; B. 0,026 to 0,035 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate, its horns parallel, approximate. Furrow narrow, linear. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, continuing across the furrow. — Nav. advena A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 29; XII f. 41. Marine: Cape Good Hope (Atl.), Madagascar! Java (Deby Coll.)! Japan (Deby Coll.)! Sand- wich Islands (Atl). Var. recta Brun. a. Hurr. (1893). — L. 0,1 to 0,12; B. 0,02 to 0,023 mm. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of obscure puncta, about 14 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. recta Brun. a. Hire. D. d’Auvergne p. 90 Pl. II f. 3. Marine: Puy du Mur, Auvergne fossil (Br.). Morris Creek Conn. (Brun Coll.)! Var. sansegana Grun. (1875). — V. linear-elliptical. L. 0,053; B. 0,018 mm. — Nar. sanse- gana Grun. A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 27. Marine: Adriatic (Grun.). Var. parca A. S. (1875). — V. narrow, elliptical. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,016 mm. Furrows narrowed at the ends. Coste 10 to 14 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. parca A. S. Atl. VIII f. 20 to 22. Marine: North Sea, Samoa, Campeachy Bank (Atl). 8. D. subnuda A. S. (1875). — V. gently constricted, with elliptical segments. Li. 0,076; B. 0,022; at the comtr. 0,015 mm. Central nodule small, its horns straight, approximate. Furrows linear, dilated in the middle. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. subnuda A. 8. Atl. XII f. 44. Marine: Mazatlan (Atl.). K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. Band 26. N:o 2. 11 82 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. densestriata A. S. (1881). — Smaller. Costee 11 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. subnuda v, densestr. A. S. Atl. LXIX f. 45. Marine: California (Atl.). . 9. D. laciniosa A. 8. (1875). — V. strongly constricted in the middle, with rostrate ends. L. 0,033; B. 0,012; at the constr. 0,o076 mm. Central nodule very small; its horns parallel. Furrows narrow, not dilated in the middle. Coste strongly divergent towards the margins, 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. lac. A. S. At). XII f. 54. Marine: Java (Atl.). 10. D. congrua Jan. (1881). — V. linear, with broad, capitate ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,0136 mm. Central nodule small; its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows very narrow, slightly dilated in the middle. Coste 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. congr. Jan. A. S. Atl. LXX f. 66. Marine: ? This species is unknown to the author. The fig. in Atl. does not show the structure. Pro- bably akin to D. litoralis. 11. D. Cynthia A. S. (1875). — V. narrow, elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,05 to 0,075; B. 0,018 to 0,025 mm. Central nodule small; its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows broad, linear, forming a narrow elliptical space, a third as broad as the valve. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm., parallel, radiate at the ends, continued across the furrows. — Nav. Cynthia A. S. Atl. VIII f. 41. Marine: Red Sea (Van Heurck Coll.)! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Madagascar! Java! Tahiti! West Indies! Var. elongata CL. — L. 0,13; B. 0,038 mm. Coste 13 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Java! Var. sibirica Cu. — L. 0,05; B. 0,017 mm. Costee 11 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. minuta Cr. — Li. 0,035; B. 0,01 mm. Costee 15 in 0,01 mm. ~~ A. 8S. Atl. VIII f. 28. Marine: Cape Good Hope (Atl.) Galapagos Islands! 12. D. mediterranea Grun.. (1875). — V. linear with rounded or cuneate ends. L. 0,053; B. 0,021 mm. Central nodule small; its horns parallel. Furrows broad, with a row of puncta. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. gemmata v. mediterranea Grun. in A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 42. Marine: ? 13. D. munda Jan. (1881). — V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,047; B. 0,015 mm. Central nodule very small; its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows broadest in the middle, gradually tapering to the ends. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. marginal, not reaching the furrows. — Nav. munda A. 8. Atl. LXX f. 70. Marine: ? The coste are figured coarsely punctate, but nevertheless the general appearance of this species agrees most with D. mediterranea. 14. D. contigua A. 8. (1875). — V. linear, with rounded or subcuneate ends. L. 0,066 to 0,14; B. Oo17 to 0,08 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, with parallel, approximate horns. Furrows very broad, linear, crossed by rudimentary costz or by a double row of large puncta. Coste 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. ~- Nav. cont. A. 8. Atl. VIII £43. Nav. Thumii Pant. I p. 29 Pl. X f. 85 (1886). Marine: Japan (Deby Coll.)! Fossil: Oamaru N. Zeal.! S:t Peter, Hungary! Var. Zechentert Pant. (1886). — L. 0,072; B. 0,017 mm. Coste 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Zechentert Pant. I p. 80 Pl. XIV f. 118. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, &3 Var. Eudoxia A. S. (1875). — V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,07 to 0,085; B. 0,017 to 0,022 mm. Coste 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. Furrows narrower, than on the type. — Nav. mediterranea A. 8. N. 8. D. Pl. ID f. 10. Nav. Eudoxia A. 8. Atl. VIII ¢. 40, LXX f£ 71, Marine: Morocco! Balearic Islands! Red Sea! Bab el mandeb! Madagascar! Ceylon! Gala- pagos Islands! Monterey (Atl.). Fossil: Szakal, Hungary! Var. Eugenia A. S. (1875). — V. with subcuneate ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,017 mm. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Eugenia A. S. Atl. VIII f. 44. Marine: Ceylon (Leuduger Fortm.) Macassar Straits! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). There is, so far as I can see, no specific distinction between the above forms, which I regard as belonging to D. contigua. They are perhaps all only smaller, and corroded, forms of D. yemmata: 15. D. cireumnodosa Brun. (1891). — V. very convex and thick, linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,023 mm. Central nodule short and broad; its horns divergent at the nodule. Furrows very broad. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm., continued across the furrows as rows of three large puncta. — Nav. circumn. Brun. Esp. n. p. 33 Pl. XVI f. 2. Marine: Japan, fossil (Brun Coll.)! 16. D. Letourneuri Ci. N. Sp. — V. elongated, very slightly constricted in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,07; B. 0.023; at the constr. 0,02. Central nodule elongated quadrate; its horns nearly parallel. Furrows very broad. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, continued across the furrows, smooth. — Pl. I f. 18. Marine: Columbo, Ceylon (Letourneur Coll.)! 17. D. museeformis Grun. (1875). — V. gently constricted in the middle, with cuneate ends. L. 0,07 to 0,095; B. 0,03 to O,o4 at the constr. 0,024 to 0,037 mm. Central nodule quadrate, with approximate, scarcely divergent horns. Furrows !/, to 1/; as broad as the valve. Coste 4 to 7 in 0,01 mm., with faint continuations across the furrows. Var. placida A. S. L. 0,09 mm. Coste 4 to 4,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. placida A. 8. Atl. CLXXIV f. 2. Marine: Galapagos Islands! San Pedro Calif. fossil (Kinker Coll.)! Oamaru New Zealand, fossil (Atl). Var. genuina Cr. — Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. musceform. A. S. Atl. XIIT f. 42, 47. Marine: Campeachy Bay! Java! : Var. constricta Grun. — Ends rounded. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,018 to 0,019 at the constr. 0,013 to 0,o15 mm. Coste 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. constricta Grun.? A. 8. Atl. XII f. 65; LXIX f. 42. Marine: Balearic Islands! Sansego (Atl.), Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Madagascar! Sum- bava (Kinker Coll.)! Japan (Deby Coll.)! Leton Bank (Atl.). Var. pusilla Cu. — V. slightly constricted. L. 0,02; B. 0,010 mm. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Galapagos Islands! This form is doubtful as a species, having very much the appearance of strongly corroded valves of other species as D. Beyrichiana and allied forms. Grunow mentions a form from the Caspian Sea in length 0,038 mm. and with 12 cost in 0,01 mm., which seems not to belong to D. musceformis. 18. D. constricta Gruy. (1860). — V. gently constricted in the middle, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,06 to 0,15; B. 0,023 to 0,03, at the constr. 0,02 to 0,o25 mm. Central nodule quadrate, its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows very broad. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm., very faint on the furrows, radiate at the ends. — Nav. constricta Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 535 Pl. III f. 18 (according to V. H. T 103). Nav. Musca Donx. B. D. p. 50 Pl. VII f. 6 (1873). Nar. Donkinii A. 8. N.S. D. Pl. I f. 12 (1874); ID f. 8 Atl. XID f 63, 64. Marine: Finmark! North Sea! Balearic Islands! Ceylon! Florida! 84 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Forma minuta. — L. 0,035; B. 0,014; at the constr. 0,013 mm. Coste 13 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Madagascar! Var. distans Cu. —- Horns of the central nodule divergent. Marine: Norway! (L. 0,052; B. 0,02; constr. 0,018 mm. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm.) Hungary, Szakal! (L. 0,04; B. 0,016 constr. 0,015 mm. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm.) Galapagos Islands! (L. 0,032; B. 0,013; constr. 0,011 mm. Coste 12 in 0,01 mm.). 19. D. ineurvata Gree. (1856). — V. elongated, panduriform. L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,013 to 0,017; constr. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate; its horns parallel. Furrows broad, ‘linear, not costate or punctate. Coste 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm., parallel, slightly radiate at the ends. — Nav. inc. Gree. T. M. 8. IV p. 44 Pl. Vf. 13. Donk. B. D. p. 49 Pl VITf 4. A. S.N. By OD PL Df, 10, Ie IL f. 6, Marine: Finmark! North Sea! Morocco! Florida! Galapagos Islands! Cape of Good Hope! 20. D. interrupta Kitz (1844). — V. deeply constricted, its segments broadly elliptical to orbicular, with rounded ends. L. 0,029 to 0,072; B. 0,012 to 0,024; at the constr. 0,007 to 0,013 mm. Central nodule elongated, quadrate, its horns parallel. Furrows linear, narrow. Cost 8 to 12 in 0,o1 mm., divergent, usually interrupted or not reaching the margin in the middle of the valve. — Nav. interr. Kirz Bac. p. 100 Pl. XXIX f. 93. Donk. B. D. p. 47 Pl. VII f. 2. Gruw. Verh. 1860 p. 531 Pl. V f. 20. Laesr. Spitsb. D. p. 28 Pl. If. 6. A.S. N.S. D. Pl If. 8 Atl XI f. 3, 4, 5, 11; LXIX f. 24. V. H. Syn. p. 89 PL IX f. 7, 8. Diploneis didyma Eus. Abh. Berl. 1870 Pl. If f. 138. W. Sm. B. D. XVI f. 154 a’. Nav. Puella A. 8S. Atl. LXIX f. 25. Nav. interr. v. Nove Zealandie A. 8. Atl XII f. 12. Brackish water: Spitzbergen! Beeren Hiland (Lagst.), Kara! Finmark! North Sea! Baltic (Tornea to Riigen)! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea (Grun.), Java! Samoa! Australia! Auckland (Grun.), Cape Good Hope (Atl.), Atlantic coast of America! Greenland! Arctic America! Franzenbad! Halle! Great Salt Lake! Var. Tallyana Grun. (1882). — Coste interrupted in the middle, outside the furrow. — Nav. interr. v. Tall. Grun. F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 150 Pl. XXX f. 59. Brackish water: Tallya, Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var. zanzibarica Grun. (1875). — V. deeply constricted. L. 0,05 to 0,07; B. 0,02 to 0,033; at the constr. 0,009 to 0,017 mm. Segments nearly orbicular. Horns of the central nodule diver- gent. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. (according to A. S. Atl. alternating with rows of puncta). — Nav. interr. v. zanz. A. 8. Atl. XII f. 1, 2. Brackish and marine: Zanzibar (Atl.), Carpentaria, Australia (Atl.). Var.? Weisnert Pant. (1886). — V. less constricted. Li. 0,021 to 0,032; B. 0,01 to 0,014; at the constr. 0,012 mm. Segments tongue-shaped. Horns somewhat divergent. Coste 10 to 12,5 in O,or mm. — Nav. Weisnert Pant. I p. 29 Pl. XVIII f. 158. Nav. interr. var. fossilis Pan. IL p. 48 Pl. VI f. 112; Pl. XII f. 208, 215 (1889). Brackish water: Hungary fossil! Var.? Gorjanovicit Pant. (1886). — V. gently constricted, with elliptical segments. L. 0,022 to 0,036; B. 0,012 to 0,014; at the constr. 0,007 to 0,009 mm. Horns slightly divergent. Coste 8 to 12,5 in 0,01 mm. not interrupted in the middle. — Nav. Gorjanovicii Pant. I p. 25 Pl. IX f. 81. Nav. Heerti Panr. II p. 47 Pl. XI f. 195; Pl. XII f. 210 (1889). ?Nav. Gorjanov. var. major Pant. II p. 46 Pl. V f. 78.? Nav. suspecta? var. Czekehazensis Pant. II p. 44 Pl. IV f. 56. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.)! Var. clancula A. 8. (1875). — V. deeply constricted, with almost orbicular segments. L. 0,036; B. 0,018, at the constr. 0,009. Coste 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. not interrupted in the middle. — Nav, clane. A. 8. Atl. XII f. 33, 34. Marine: Australia (Atl). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 85 Diploneis interrupta is a very variable species, and appears to graduate into D. incurra. The specimens in the deposits of Hungary are corroded, so that it is not easy to decide whether they really belong to D. interrupta or not. So far as I can see from the descriptions and figures, there is no difference between Nav. Wiesneri and Nuv. interrupta var. fossilis Panr. The same is also the case with the nearly related forms Nav. Heerii and Nav. Gorjonovicti Pant. 21. D. Guinardiana Brun. (1889). — V. elongated, panduriform, with narrow elliptical seg- ments. L. 0,08 to 0,095; B. 0,018 to 0,028; at the constr. 0,009 to 0,017 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate; its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows very narrow, linear. Coste 8 in 0,01 mm. smooth, almost parallel. -- Nav. Guin. Brun. a. Temp. D. de Japon p. 43 Pl. V f. 9. Marine: Madagascar! Sumbava! Macassar Straits! Japan, fossil (Brun). 22. D. Adonis Brun. (1889). — V. stout and panduriform. L. 0,1 to 0,125; B. 0,035 to 0,045; at the constr. 0,024 to 0,o28 mm. Segments elliptical. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns divergent. Furrows narrow linear. Cost 5 in 0,01 mm. smooth, curved; strongly incrassate at the margin of the valve (or in certain focus alternating with a punctum). — Nav. Adonis Bruny a. Temp. D. f. du Japon p. 41 Pl. V f. 3. Marine: Mexilones! Iquique! Yedo, fossil (Brun). Var. gibbosa Brun (1889). — Segments deltoid. — Nav. Adonis v. gibb. Brun 1. ¢. f. 2. Marine: Mexillones, Peru! Var. Ganymedes Cu. — L. 0,07 to 0,1; B. 0,025 to 0,03; at the constr. 0,017 to 0,022. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Peru (Mexillones! Iquique!) Madagascar (Kinker Coll.)! Var. Oamaruensis Cur. — L. 0,045 to 0,05; B. 0,015 to 0,018; at the constr. 0,01 to O,u12 mm. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Apis Grove a. Sturt. A. 8. Atl. CLXXIV f. 13. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! D. Adonis comprises a series of forms from the small var. Oumaruensis to the large typ- ical D. Adonis, which are doubtful as species, as they have very much the appearance of being corroded. 23. D. lineata Donk. (1858). — V. elliptical to linear-elliptical. L. 0,04 to 0,08; B. 0,019 to 0,032 mm. Central nodule quadrate; its horns convergent at the ends. Furrows rather narrow, smooth, or with one to two rows of puncta. Coste 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a longitudinal line, smooth. --- Nav. lineata Donx. T. M. 8. VI p. 32 Pl. Wf 17. B.D. p. 8 PLI£8& AS. N. 8S. D. PL If. 16, 17. Atl. VII f 44, LXIX f. 31; LXX f. 67. Nav. adriatica Gruy. Verh. 1860 p. 525 Pl. IIT f. 17. Marine: North Sea (Coasts of Scandinavia and England)! Mediterranean Sea (Balearic Is- lands, Gulf of Naples)! Adriatic! Forma pusilla Cu. — L. 0,032; B. 0,014 mm. Coste 11 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Galapagos Islands! 24. D. Vetula A. 8. (1875). — V. elliptical, very slightly constricted in the middle with broad rounded ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,024 mm. Central nodule broad, quadrate, its horns parallel. Furrows broadest in the middle, gradually tapering to the ends. Cost 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed near the margin by a line. — Nav. Vetula A. 8. Atl. XII f. 49. Marine: Sansego (Atl.). 25. D. Papula A. S. (1875). — V. elliptical. L. 0,023; B. 0,01 to 0,011 mm. Central nodule small; its horns somewhat divergent. Furrows linear, narrow. Coste about 13 in 0,01 mm. crossed by one longitudinal line. — Nav. Papula A. 8. Atl. VII f. 45 to 47. Marine: Samoa (Atl.) Campeachy Bay (Atl). 86 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 26. D. subeineta A. 8. (1874). — V. slightly constricted in the middle, with more or less distinctly cuneate ends. L. 0,06 to 0,092; B. 0,0235 to 0,025; at the constr. 0,02 to 0,o22 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns parallel or convergent at the ends. Furrows moderately broad, narrowed at the ends, with faint traces of coste. Coste 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a longitudinal line. — Nav. subcincta A. S. N. 8S. D. Pl. ID f. 7. Atl. XIII f. 41; LXIX f. 32. Grun. D. Franz Josephs Land p. 56 (4) Pl. I f. 38, 39. Nav. didyma Laas. Boh. D. f. 4 a. Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Kara! Finmark! North Sea! Balearic Islands! Adriatic! Madagascar! Monterey, Cal.! Fossil: Aegina (Atl.), Japan (Brun a. Temp.), Maryland (Deby Coll.)! St. Monica (Deby Coll.)! 27. D. discrepans A. 8. (1875). — V elliptical. L. 0,03; B. 0,011 mm. Central nodule broad, quadrate, its horns divergent at their basis, convergent at the ends. Furrows broad. Coste 11 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a longitudinal costa(?). — Nav. diser. A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 8. Marine: Campeachy Bank (Atl). Unknown to the author. The description is from the fig. in atlas and I am not sure if the longitudinal line across the coste really be a costa. 28. D. binaria A. S. (1875). — V. slightly constricted, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,042; B. 0,022; at the constr. 0,o2 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows very broad, not dilated in the middle, with double longitudinal rows of puncta. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. crossed by a longitudinal costa. — Nav. binaria A. S. Atl. XII f. 62. Marine: Java (Atl.). 29. D. demta A. S. (1881). — V. sligthly constricted. L. 0,116; B. 0,037; at the constr. 0,03 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns parallel. Furrows broad, linear. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. crossed by a broad longitudinal costa(?). — Nav. demta A. S. Atl. LXIX f. 34. Marine, fossil: St. Monica, Cal. (Atl.). Unknown to the author. The fig. in Atl. does not distinctly show if the longitudinal band is, as here accepted, a costa or a row of ocelli. In the latter case this form may probably be placed near D. Pandura. 30. D. exemta A. 8. (1875). — V. panduriform, with tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,085 to 0,136; B. 0,032 to 0,042; at the constr. 0,026 to 0,03 mm. Central nodule quadrate, rather large; its horns parallel. Furrows linear. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a longitudinal line, on the furrows faint or reduced to puncta. — Nav. exemta A. S. Atl. XI f. 28, 29. Marine: Tamatave (Brun Coll.)! Tahiti! Kerguelens Land (Rae Coll.)! Campeachy Bay! Fossil: Oamaru, New Zealand! S:ta Monica (Deby Coll.)! Var.? crabroniformis Grun. (1875). — L. 0,083; B. 0,025; at the constr. 0,016. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. crabronif. Atl. XI f. 24. Marine: Gulf of Mexico (Atl.). Var. digredicns Cu. — L. 0,048 to 0,065; B. 0,022; at the constr. 0,01 to 0,o14 mm. Horns somewhat divergent. Coste 8 in 0,01 mm. Marine: China (Thum.)! Hungary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! 31. D. coaretata A. S. (1875). — V. deeply constricted in the middle. L. 0,07 to 0,1; B. 0,026 to 0,035; at the constr. 0,0136 to 0,018 mm. Central nodule quadrate, with parallel horns. Furrows narrow, linear, with a row of large puncta. Coste 3—4 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a longitudinal line. — Nav. coarct. A. 8. Atl. XI f. 30, 31, 82, LXIX f. 11. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit), Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This is a very suspicious form. The figure recently published by A. Scumrpr in Atl. (CLXXIV f. 22) has very much the appearance of being a strongly corroded specimen of D. Crabro var., or of D. Dirhombus, if that form be anything but a small D. Crabro. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 87 32. D. bombiformis Cu. N. Sp. — V. deeply constricted in the middle, with broad seg- ments. L. 0,022; B. 0,014 mm. Central nodule small, its horns strongly divergent. Furrows nar- row. Coste 8 in 0,01 mm. crossed by a longitudinal line. -- Pl. I f. 26. Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! This form may be a small variety of D. Bombus. 33. D. Clepsydra Cu. N. Sp. — V. strongly constricted, with almost orbicular segments. L. 0,07; B. 0,032; at the constr. 0,016 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns divergent in the middle. Furrows narrowed in the middle and at the ends, crossed by faint coste. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate, alternating with single rows of alveoli. — Pl. I f. 29. Marine: Madagascar! 34. D. Praestes A. 8. (1875). — V. elongated, slightly constricted, with narrow elliptical segments. L. 0,07 to 0,12; B. 0,019. to 0,025; at the constriction 0,015 to 0,017 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate; its horns parallel. Furrows linear, moderately narrow. Coste almost parallel, 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm., alternating with rows of indistinct puncta. — Nav. Prestes A. 8. Atl. XII f. 57, 58. Marine: Gulf of Naples (Thum.)! Alexandria (Deby Coll.)! Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! Mazatlan (Atl). Campeachy Bay (Atl). D. Prestes is nearly allied to D: Guinardiana, from which it differs by somewhat. coarser costee and the rows of alveoli alternating with the coste. It seems to be very probable that D. Guinardiana is only a corroded D. Prestes. 35. D. Entomon (Eup. 1844) A. 8. — V. elongated, slightly constricted in the middle, with tongue-shaped segments. I. 0,072 to 0,15; B. 0,028 to 0,042; at the constr. 0,026 to 0,35 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, its horns parallel. Furrows moderately wide, linear, forming a space of about a third of the width of the valve, often dilated around the central nodule. Coste 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. ‘parallel, at the ends divergent, anastomosing with a few (1 to 4) longitudinal, irregularly undulating, more or less distinct, coste. — Dipl. Entomon Eus. Berl. Ber. 1844 accord to Chase. Nav. Entomon A. 8. N. 8. D. Pl. 1 f. 18, 14; Atl. XIII f. 48,49. Nav. bomboides var. media Grun. A. D. p. 41 Pl. UIT f. 54. Nav. bomboides A. 8. Atl. XTIT f. 38. Marine: Arctic America! Spitsbergen! Kara! Finmark! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Adria! Samoa! Sidney! China! Japan! Behrings Island! Mexillones, Peru (Deby Coll.)! Fossil: Briinn, Tegel! Bory, Hungary! D. Entomon is not a sharply defined species, graduating as it seems into D. splendida, with which many of its varieties are closely connected. 36. D. splendida Gree. (1856). — V. elongated, panduriform. L. 0,055 to 0,22; B. 0,02 to 0,05; at the constr. 0,015 to 0,o3 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns parallel. Furrows narrow, linear, not dilated around the central nodule. Transverse cost 5 to 8 in 0,01 mm.; crossed on each side of the median line by 4 to 6, slightly curved or undulating longitudinal coste. — Nav. splendida Grea. T. M. S. IV p. 44 PL Vfii4. V. HS. PLIXf4 A.S.N.S. D. Pl. I f. 3, 4, Pl If 2. Atl. XIII f. 31, 32, 34. Nav. Entomon Dons. B. D. p. 49 Pl. VII f. 5. Nav. didyma var. Grea. T. M. 8. IV p. 45 Pl. V f. 16. Nav. gemmatula Cu. Quek. M. Cl. IT (2) p- 167 Pl. XII f. 1 (1885). Nav. Taschenbergeri A. 8. Atl. CLXXIV f. 9; 1892 (a large and coarse form). N. margaritifera Pant. III Pl. XXXV f. 494 (1893)? Marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Beeren Eiland! Finmark! North Sea! Ceylon! Madagascar! Java! Sumatra! Port Jackson! Japan! Sandwich Islands (Atl.). West Indies! Florida! Fossil: Moravian Tegel! S:a Monica, Calif.! 88 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. Puella A. S. (1875). — L. 0,0636 to 0,106; B. 0,0166 to 0,026; at the constrict. 0,0075 to 0,o15 mm. Transverse costie 6 to 9 in 0,01 mm.; longitudinal 2 to 3 on each side of the median line, less distinct. — Nav. Puella A. S. Atl. XII f. 13; LXIX f. 15. Nar. exemta A. 8. N. 8. D. p 85. PL df 5 (874). Ath LXLX ff. 13. Marine: North Sea (A. S.); Sorrento (Atl.), Campeachy Bay (Atl.), California (Atl.). Under the name Nav. Puclla A. Scumipt seems to have confounded different forms. The figs. 14 and 15 Pl. XII probably do not represent the same form as the fig. 13. The fig. 13, which I regard as the most typical, is evidently a small variety of D. splendida. A. Scumrpr seems also to have denoted two different species as Nav. exrmta. Var. diplosticta A. S. (1875). — With fine puncta above the reticulation of the coste. — Nav. diplosticta A. S. Atl. XIII f. 25 to 30; LXIX f. 22, CLXXIV f. 10 (no punctation visible). Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl), Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), Java, Samoa (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit). Var.? Haynaldii Pant. (1889). — V. slightly constricted. L. 0,091 to 0,15; B. 0,028 to 0,04; at the constr. 0,027 to 0,028 mm. Central nodule quadrate, with parallel horns. Furrows narrow, linear, with a row of puncta. Transverse coste radiate at the ends, 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed on each side of the median line by about 8 longitudinal, slightly undulating costee. — Nav. Hay- naldi Pant. II p. 47 Pl. XXIV f. 861. Marine: Hungary, Bory, fossil! The fig. in Pantocsecs work is not very clear. The above description is from specimens from Bory, which agree in all eventials with D. splendida, being only a little less constricted and having finer structure than usual. Var.? prominula A. S. (1875). — V. strongly constricted. L. 0,042; B. 0,019; at the constr. 0,013 mm. Transverse costee 8 in 0,01 mm., crossed by some few longitudinal coste. -— Nav. pro- minula A. §. Atl. XTIT f. 15. Marine: Kings Mill Island (Atl.). This form requires a more accurate examination before its true place in the system can be determined. Var.? élesdiana Pant. (1886). — L. 0,07 to 0,1; B. 0,026 to 0,03; at the constr. 0,02 to 0,028 mm. Segments tongue-shaped. Transverse coste 8 in 0,01 mm.; longitudinal numerous, about 8 on each side of the median line. — Nav. élesd. Pant. I p. 42 Pl. XVII f. 152. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Baltjik, fossil! Russia, fossil (Deby). Nav. Margarita A. 8. (Atl. CLXXIV fig. 17) seems to be akin to var. élesdiana. I have not seen any form exactly resembling this, but I think it very probable, that the figured specimen would in another focus have very much the same appearance as some of the numerous varieties of D. splendida. 37. D. bomboides A. S. (1874). — V. panduriform, with subelliptical to tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,09 to 0,13; B. 0,04 to 0,055; at the constr. 0,03 to 0,035 mm. Central nodule strong, quadrate; its horns parallel. Furrows linear, somewhat dilated around the central nodule. Transverse coste 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm, crossed by numerous slightly undulating, longitudinal coste, about 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. bomboides A. 8. N. 8. D. Pl. If. 2. Atl. XIII f. 36. V. H. Syn. Suppl. B f. 19. Nav. didyma W. Sm. B. D. XVII f. 154 a*. Nav. Williamsonii V. H. Syn. PL LX df. 3. Marine: North Sea! Alexandria (Deby Coll.)! Zanzibar (Atl.), Madagascar! Ceylon! Philip- pines! Sydney! China! Japan! Galapagos Islands! Campeachy Bay! Var. madagascarensis Ot. — V. short, slightly constricted, with broad, tongue-shaped seg- ments. L. 0,04 to 0,085; B. 0,022 to 0,043; at the constr. 0,02 to 0,035 mm. Transverse coste 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. Longitudinal coste almost straight, curved outwards in the middle of the valve. — A. S. Atl. LXIX f. 35 (small form). — Pl. I f. 29. Marine: Madagascar (Kinker a. Brun Coll.)! Cape Good Hope (Atl.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 89 Forma minor Cu. — L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,015 to 0,023; at the constr. 0,013 to 0,o2 mm. Central nodule small. Transverse costz 11 in 0,01 mm.; longitudinal 9 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Tahiti! Madagascar! The f. minor may be the same as Nav. futilis A. 8. Atl. XDI f. 17 from Zanzibar, but the furrows are not drawn as dilated around the nodule. Var. moesta A. S. 1881. — V. slightly constricted. L. 0,09; B. 0,034; at the constr. 0,029 mm. Transverse coste 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. moesta A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 18, 19. Marine, fossil: Baltjik (Atl.). D. bomboides is very nearly akin to D. splendida, from which it differs only in the furrows which are slightly dilated around the nodule, a characteristic which seems to be variable. To judge from specimens from Bory Deposit in Hungary Nav. andesitica Pant. (1889, II p. 42 Pl. XXVII f. 390) seems to be somewhat corroded specimens of D. bomboides with rather closer coste. 38. D. divergens A. 8. (1875). — V. more or less constricted in the middle, with elliptical to tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,038 to 0,045; B. 0,018 to 0,02; at the constr. 0,012 to 0,013 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate; its horns divergent at the basis, convergent at the ends. Furrows linear, broader around the central nodule, forming a lanceolate space. Transverse coste 11 in 0,01 mm., crossed on each side of the median line by about 5 longitudinal, slightly curved cost. —- Nav. divergens A. S. Atl. XII f. 50, 51. _ Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Var. digrediens A. 8. (1881). — V. less constricted. L. 0,04; B. 0,019; at the constr. 0,017 mm. Transverse coste 13 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal costez less distinct. — Nav. digrediens A. 8. Atl. LXIX, f. 26, 27. Marine: Tahiti! Baltjik, foss.! ° 39. D. Sechmidtii Cru. N. Sp. — V. slightly constricted in the middle, with broad tongue- shaped segments. L. 0,027 to 0,075; B. 0,011 to 0,038; at the constr. 0,0105 to 0,027 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate; its horns divergent in the middle. Furrows broader in the middle, narrower at the ends, with faint traces of the coste. Transverse costz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. crossed on each side of the median line by 3 to 4 more or less undulating longitudinal coste. — A. S. Atl. XII f. 48; LXIX f. 23 (small, but typical). XIII f 18, 19. — Icon. n. Pl. I f. 20, 21. Marine: Seychelles! Madagascar! Port Jackson! Tahiti! Galapagos Islands! This form is nearly akin to D. divergens. The fig. 18, 19 Pl. XTII in A. S. Atl. greatly resembles larger specimens of D. Schmidtii, but has not divergent horns. Nav. vana A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 36 is probably also nearly related. 40. D. chinensis Cu. N. Sp. — V. slightly constricted, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0.055; B. 0,02; at the constr. 0,013 mm. Central nodule elongated, quadrate; its horns parallel. Furrows narrow, linear, not dilated in the middle. Coste 13 in 0,01 mm., alternating with single rows of alveoli, about 16 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 25. Marine: China (Thum). 41. D. Grundleri A. S. (1873). — V. deeply constricted, very convex. Segments semi- orbicular to broadly tongue-shaped, often of inequal size. L. 0,04; B. 0,02; at the constr. 0,01 mm. Central nodule quadrate, large, with divergent horns. Furrows narrow, broader in the middle. Transverse coste 7 in 0,01 mm., crossed by 2 to 4 longitudinal cost, usually interrupted in the middle of the valve. — Nav. Grundl. A. S. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturw. 1873 p. 407 Pl. VI f. 5, 6. Atl. XII f. 35, 36. Marine: Balearic Islands! Bab-el-Mandeb! Philppines! Atlantic coast of N. America! Para River (A. 8.). K. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 26. Nio 2. 12 90 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 42. D. didyma Eus. (1840). — V. slightly constricted in the middle, with tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,05 to 0,09; B. 0,017 to 0,036 mm. Central nodule moderately large, its horns not divergent. Furrows narrow, linear. Transverse coste 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed by numerous, slightly undulating, longitudinal coste. — Pinnularia didyma Ens. Kreideth. p. 75. Nav. didyma W. Sm. B. D. XVII f. 154 a. A. S. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturw. 1873 p. 405 Pl VI fi 1. A.S. N. & D. Pl I ft ¥% Atl XI f. 1, 2, 3. VY. AH, Syn. p: 90 Pl. IX f 5,6. Suppl. B. f 20. N. Bombus Donk. Pl. VII f. 7 b, 8 b. Brackish and marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Kara! Finmark! Baltic (from Westerbotten to Riigen), Caspian Sea (Grun.), Black Sea! Ceylon! Tahiti! Japan! Cape Horn (Petit), West Indies! D. didyma is a variable species, related to the var. elésdiana of D. splendida and to certain forms of D. Bombus. The outline of the valve becomes less panduriform and almost ellip- tical as the water becomes less salt. The varieties in the northern part of the Bay of Bothnia where the water is almost fresh are almost elliptical and closely connected with D. domblittensis. 43. D. Bombus Eup. (1844). — V. deeply constricted, with suborbicular or elliptical seg- ments often of inequal size. L. 0,065 to 0,13; B. 0,022 to 0,045; at the constr. 0,012 to 0,025 mm. Central nodule large; its horns divergent in the middle, approximate at the ends. Furrows narrow, linear. Transverse coste 5 to 8 in 0,01 mm. crossed by 2 to.5 curved, longitudinal costz. Central alveoli distant from the margin. — Dipl. Bombus Eup. Berl. 1844 p. 84 (accord. to Chase). M.G. Pl. XIX f 31. Nav. Bombus Grea. D. of Clyde p. 484 Pl. IX f. 12. Donx. B. D. p. 50 Pl. VIL f. 7a. V. H. Syn. p. 90 Suppl. B f. 22, A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 28, 29. Nav. gemina A.8. Zeitschr. f. ges. Naturw. 1873 p. 405 Pl. VI f. 2. N.S. D. Pl If. 1, If 1. Atl. XIII f. 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Nav. abnormis Castr. Chall. Exp. XXVIII f. 19. Marine: Finmark! North Sea! Marocco! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Black Sea! Caspian Sea (Grun.)! Madagascar! Java! Japan! Samoa! Galapagos Islands! Cape Horn (Petit), Brazil (Atl.), Florida! Campeachy Bay! Fossil: Aegina (Ehb., Atl.). Var. egena A. S. (1875). — L. 0,038 to 0,047; B. 0,015 to 0,02; at the constr. 0,006 to 0,o12 mm. Transverse coste 8 to 9 in 0,o1 mm. crossed on each side of the median line by about 3 longitudinal coste. — Nav. gemina v. egena A. 8. Atl. XII f. 10. Marine: Balearic Islands! Madagascar! Manilla! China! Japan! Var. densestriata A. 8. (1875). — L. 0,045 to 0,056; B. 0,018 to 0,026; at the constr. 0,011 to O,o15 mm. Coste 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. gemina v. densestr. A. S. Atl. XIII f. 11, 12. Nav. didyma A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 30. Marine: Marocco! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! California (At1.). Var. bullata Cu. — L. 0,15; B. 0,047 in 0,01 mm. Horns with a row of large puncta. Coste 5 to 7 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Adriatic! Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! California! 44. D. Kitzingii Gruy. (1860). — V. strongly constricted, with deltoid-elliptical segments. L. 0,063 to 0,15; B. 0,03 to 0,085; at the constr. 0,014 to 0,035 mm. Horns of the central nodule parallel. Transverse costz 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm., crossed by numerous (8 to 10) longitudinal, almost straight or slightly undulating coste. — Nav. Kiitzingu Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 532 Pl. III f. 15. A. 8. Atl. XTIT f. 22, 23, 24. Panr. I Pl. XXIX f. 299. Marine: Balearic Islands! Gulf of Naples! Black Sea! Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! Cape of Good Hope! Bermuda (Rae Coll.)! Valparaiso (Atl.), Galapagos Islands! Fossil: Hungary (Pant.), Aegina (Atl). Var. bullata Ct. — Horns with a row of large puncta. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! D. Kiitzingii is very nearly akin to D. Bombus var. densestriata, but it is larger and the horns of the central nodule are parallel. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 91 45. D. chersonensis Gruy. (1875). — V. panduriform, usually slender, with subelliptical segments. L. 0,055 to 0,15; B. 0,02 to 0,06; at the constr. 0,012 to 0,03 mm. Central nodule with parallel, approximate horns. Furrows very narrow, linear. Transverse coste 8 to 13 in 0,01 mm., crossed by 2 to 5, not undulating, almost straight longitudinal coste. — Nav. cherson. Grun. A.S. Atl. XII f. 40, LXIX f. 21. Nav Apis. A.S.N. D. PL If 9. Atl. XID f£. 18 to 23, 25. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Zanzibar (Atl.), Ceylon! Philippines! China! Tahiti! Galapagos Islands! West Indies! Florida! Cape Horn (Petit). Fossil: S:ta Monica Calif. This very widely distributed species is usually regarded as Nav. Apis of Enrenpere. I am unable to make out what this name, as is the case with so many others of the names given by EqRENBERG, may denote. Nav. Apis of Donxrn (B. D. p. 48 Pl. VII f. 3) and of Scumipr (Atl. XII f. 16; LXIX f. 41, 43, 44) are unknown to me. Specimens from England in the collection of GRovE are identical with D. incurvata. D. chersonensis is nearly akin to D. splendida, intermediate forms being frequent. Such a form is the fig. 24 Pl. XII in A. S. Atl. and Nav splendida var. arata A. S. (Atl. XIII f. 13, 14, 16, 33, 35). To D. chersonensis belongs most likely Nap Hantkeni Pant. (II p. 46 Pl. VIII f. 150). On corroded specimens the longitudinal costz are less distinct and the transverse more or less fragmentary. Such corroded specimens form Bruns Nav. pedalis (D. esp. nouvelles p. 86 Pl. XVI f. 10; 1891. A.S. Atl. CLXXIV f. 14, 15; 1892), original speci- mens of which I had an opportunity of examining. 46. D. Weissflogii A. 8S. (1873). — V. strongly constricted, with subelliptical segments. L. 0,033 to 0,11; B. 0.014 to 0,035; at the constr. 0,009 to 0,025 mm. Central nodule with ap- proximate horns. Furrows not distinct from the other rows of alveoli. Transverse coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm., crossed by numerous equidistant, straight, longitudinal costz, curved outwards in the middle of the valve. On the middle of the valve the coste are slightly divergent and not, or only close to the central nodule, crossed by longitudinal coste. — Nav. Weissflogu A. S. Zeitschr. f. ges. Natur. 1873 p. 406 Pl. VI f. 3, 4. A. S. Atl XII f. 26 to 32. V. H. Syn. p. 90 Suppl. B. f. 21. Nav. diversa Grev. Ed. N. Ph. J. XVIII p. 186 f. 14; 1863.? Marine: Bab el mandeb! Madagascar! Ceylon! Singapore! Philippines! Samoa! Tahiti! Sand- wich Islands (Atl.), Gulf of Mexico! Florida! North Carolina! 47. D. areolata Cu. N. Sp. — V. moderately constricted, with subelliptical segments. L. 0,18; B. 0,045; at the constr. 0,028 mm. Central nodule large, its horns almost parallel. Furrows linear, with strongly marked transverse coste. Transverse coste 4, in 0,01 mm., crossed by a few, slightly curved longitudinal coste, 3 in 0,01 mm., which are interrupted in the middle of the valve. The rectangular areole, formed by the two sets of coste are large and have in their middle one or two ocelli. — Pl. I f. 28. Marine: S:ta Monica, Calif., fossil (Deby Coll.)! 48. D. domblittensis Grun. (1882). — V. elliptical. L. 0,027 to 0,045; B. 0,015 to 0,022 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate. Furrows narrow, of equal breadth the whole length. Trans- verse coste 10 in 0,01 mm. anastomosing and thus producing more or less regular longitudinal rows of elongated alveoli, about 7 in 0,01 mm. No fine punctation visible. — Nav. expleta v. domb. Groun. Foss. D. Oster. Ung p. 156 Pl. XXX f. 60. Nav. hilarula Pant. III Pl. XV f. 230 (1893). Dipl. domb. Icon. n. Pl. IT f. 2. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Sweden, Lefrasjén in Skane! Malaren! Domblitton, foss.! Gulf of Bothnia! Common in the Baltic deposits of the Ancylus-epoch! This form seems to be closely connected with D. didyma, of which it may be a non-con- stricted freshwater form. Grunow consideres it as connected with D. notabilis. 92 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 49. D. elliptica Kurz. (1844). — V. elliptical, with broad and rounded ends. L. 0,02 to 0,037; B. 0,011 to 0,02 mm. Central nodule of medium size quadrate. Furrows narrow, of the same breadth throughout. Transverse rows of puncta 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 10 to 14 in 0,01 mm. forming irregular longitudinal rows. — Nav. elliptica Kitz. Bac. p. 98 Pl. XXX f. 55? V. H. Syn. Pl. X f. 10 (upper figure). A. S. Atl. VII f. 29, 32. Nav. elliptica var. minor Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 145. Nav. ovalis W. Su. B. D. I p. 48 Pl. XVIII f. 153 a’? Naw. elliptica W. Sm. B. D. II p. 93. Fresh water: Iceland! Sweden! Finland! Germany! England! New Zealand! North America (New York)! Ecuador! Var. grandis Grun. (1882). — L. 0,065 to 0,13; B. 0,033 to 0,045 mm. Transverse and longi- tudinal rows of alveoli 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. ellipt. var. grandis Grun., Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 145. Nav. prectara Panv. III Pl. XI f. 182 (1893). Brackish water: Hungary, fossil! Var., ladogensis Cu. (1891). — L. 0,06; B. 0,025 mm. Transverse cost 9 in 0,01 mm. irregu- larly anastomosing with a few longitudinal undulating coste. — Cu. D. of Finland p. 43 Pl. IL f. 9. Fresh water: Ladoga! Var. Ostracodarum Pant. (1893). — V. elliptical, tapering from the middle to the ends. L. 0,045; B. 0,027 mm. ‘Transverse rows of alveoli 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. ostrac. Pant. III Pl. IX f. 145. Habitat:? Képecz, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 50. D. Puella (Scuum. 1867?) Cu. — V. elliptical. L. 0,013 to 0,025; B. 0,008 to 0,014 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate. Furrows narrow, of the same breadth throughout. Coste 12 to 18 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli indistinct. — Nav. Puella Scuum. Preuss. D. II Nachtr. f. 39? Nav. elliptica var. minutissima V. H. Syn. p. 92 Pl. X f. 11. Fresh water: Spitzbergen! Sweden! Finland! Berlin! Hungary, fossil (Grun.). This species, differing only in its small size and indistinct alveoli, is closely connected by intermediate forms with D. elliptica. Navicula Puella A. 8. is quite another form (see page 88). 51. D. Boldtiana Cx. (1891). — V. elongate-elliptical. L. 0,03; B. 0,oo12 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate. Furrows of equal breadth throughout. Coste 14 in 0,01 mm. No distinct alveoli. — Cu. D. of Finl. p. 43 Pl. IT f. 12. Fresh water: Finland! 52. D. oculata Brus. (1854). — V. elongate-elliptical. L. 0,015 to 0,02; B. 0,006 to 0,007 mm. Central nodule small. Furrows very narrow. Coste 23 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli very small. — Nav. oculata Bris. in Desm. Crypt. N:o 110. Journ. Quek. M. Cl. 1870 f. 5. V. H. Syn. Pl. IX f. 10. Fresh water: France. 53. D. ovalis Hiusz (1861). — V. broadly elliptical, not constricted in the middle. L. 0,035 to 0,043; B. 0,02 to 0,o26 mm. Central nodule very large, rounded. Furrows very narrow, closely following the central nodule and its horns. Transverse rows of alveoli 13 to 19 in 0,01 mm. radiate at the ends. Puncta 13 to 20 in 0,01 mm. forming irregular longitudinal rows. — Pinnu- Jaria ovalis Hitsp in Rab. A. EH. 1025. Nav. ovalis A. S. Atl. VII f. 33, 34, 35, 36. W. Sm. B. D. XVII f. 153 a? Cu. D. of Finland p. 44 Pl. ID f. 13. Nav. elliptica A. 8. Atl. VIL f. 30. V. H. Syn. Pl. X f 10 (lower fig.). Nav. Carpathorum Pant. III Pl. XVII f. 246 (1893)? Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland, Gotland, Billingen)! Finland (Russian Lapland)! Norway (Dovre)! Saxony! Alps of Switzerland! Australia, Daintree River! Var. pumila Grun. (1882). — L. 0,02 to 0,022; B. 0,008 to 0,085 mm. Rows of alveoli 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. ovalis var. pum. GRun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 150 Pl. XXX f. 61. Nav. Parmula Brus. (according to Grunow). Fresh water: Hungary, foss. (Grun-), Baku (Grun.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 93 Var. oblongella Naautt (1849). — V. linear elliptical. L. 0,02 to 0,038; B. 0,0065 to 0,01 mm. Rows of alveoli 13 to 19 in 0,51 mm. Puncta 20 to 25 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. oblongella Nac. Kitz Sp. Alg. p. 890. V. H. Syn. Pl. X f. 12. Nav. ovalis var. fossilis Panr. II p. 51 Pl. VI f. 115 (1889)? Fresh water: Iceland! Finland! Paris! Kénigsberg, fossil! 54. D. notabilis Grev. (1863). — V. elliptical. L. 0,025 to 0,08; B. 0,02 to 0,035 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate. Furrows linear, arcuate, moderately broad. Transverse coste 7 to 10 in 0.01 mm. alternating with large, elongated alveoli, forming 4 to 5 longitudinal, undulating rows, more close towards the margins. Forma genuina — Rows of alveoli one to three along the margin and one along the furrow. Nav. notab. Grev. T. M. 8. XI p. 1879. A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 46, 47, 48. Forma expleta A. 8. (1874). — Rows of alveoli filling the whole space between the furrow aud the margins. — N. notabilis var. expleta A. S. N.S. D. If. 20, 11 f.11. Atl. VIII f. 49 to 52. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Black Sea! Red Sea! Ceylon! Madagascar! Cape of Good Hope! Java! Labuan! Sandwich Islands! West Indies! Brazil! 55. D. Graffii Grun. (1875). — V. elongated elliptical. L. 0,065 to 0,12; B. 0,025 to O,o42 mm. Central nodule small, rounded quadrate. Furrows broad, gradually narrowed from the middle and crossed by faint prolongations of the coste. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm., alternating with single rows of quadrate alveoli, 8 to 11 in 0,01 mm. and forming 7 to 8 longitudinal rows on each side of the furrows. — Nav. Greffii A. 8. Atl. VII f. 5, 6. Marine: Bab el mandeb! Seychelles! Madagascar! Manilla! Java! Sumbava! Labuan! Japan (Atl.), Samoa (Atl.), Tahiti! Forma minor. — L. 0,06; B. 0,018 mm. — A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 33. Marine: Campeachy Bank (Atl.). This species seems to be intermediata between D. notabilis and D. fusca. 56. D. fusea Gree. (1857). — V. elliptical or subrectangular, not constricted. L. 0,07 to 0,14; B. 0,038 to 0,075 mm. Central nodule moderately large, quadrate. Furrows broad, gradually tapering from the middle and crossed by faint prolongations of the cost, frequently alternating with double rows of obliquely disposed puncta. Coste 6 to 10 in 0,01 mm. alternating with rows of more or less quadrate alveoli, forming more or less regular, longitudinal rows, equidistant with, to twice as close as, the coste. Var. Pelagi A. S. (1875). — V. rhombic-elliptical. L. 0,055 to 0,066; B. 0,035 to 0,04 mm. Central nodule large, rounded quadrate. Furrows broad, semilanceolate, crossed by rows of alveoli. Costes 7 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 9 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal rows, parallel with the margins. — Nav. Pelagi A. 8. Atl. VII f. 25, 26. Marine: Campeachy Bay! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Tahiti! Var. nigricans Pant. (1893). — V. narrow elliptical. L. 0,25; B. 0,07. Transverse and longitudinal rows of alveoli 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. nigricans Pant. III Pl XL f. 552. Marine: Bory, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. pseudofusca Pant. (1886). — V. nearly orbicular. L. 0,052 to 0,087; B. 0,037 to 0,066 mm. Coste in the middle 9 at the ends 13 in 0,01 mm. Furrows forming a large rhomboid space- Longitudinal rows of alveoli about 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. pseudofusca Pant. I p. 28 Pl. XII f. 109. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. norvegica Cu. — L. 0,085 to 0,01; B. 0,045 to 0,055 mm. Coste and longitudinal rows of alveoli 10 in 0,01 mm. — W. fusca A. 8. Atl. VII f. 2, 3. Marine: North Sea! Hungary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! Var. subrectangularis Cu. — V. more or less rectangular. L. 0,85 to 0,13; B. 0,037 to 0,056 mm. Coste and longitudinal rows of alveoli 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fusca A. S. Atl VII f 4. N. Smithii Donx. B. D. p. 6 PL If. 4. Marine: North Sea! Balearic Islands! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! 94 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. Gregorti Cu. —- V. elliptical to subrectangular. L. 0,17; B. 0,08 mm. Coste and longi- tudinal rows of alveoli 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Smithii var. fusca Grea. D. of Clyde IX f. 15. Marine: North Sea! Gulf of Naples (Deby Coll.)! Var. delicata A. S. (1874). — Elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,13; B. 0,038 to 0,os mm. Coste 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal rows of alveoli 10 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fusca var. delicata Aas. N.S. DT t. 26. At VIL £1, 7, 8. Marine: North Sea (A. 8.), Adriatic! Sumatra! Hungary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! Var. tenuipunctata CL. — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,14; B. 0,032 to 0,07 mm. Coste 6 to 9 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal rows of alveoli 12 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fusca V. H. Syn. Suppl. B. f. 24. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Sumatra (Deby Coll)! South Sea (Van Heurck Coll.)! Mexillones guano (Deby Coll.)! Var. Van Heurckit Cu. — V. elongated, very slightly constricted. L. 0,08; B. 0,025 mm. Cost 8 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 20 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 19. Marine: South Sea (Van Heurck Coll.)! Var. subfusca Pant. (1893). — Narrow elliptical. L. 0,055; B. 0,017 mm. Transverse rows of alveoli 5, longitudinal 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. subfusca Panv.. III Pl. XL f. 553. Habitat:? »Isopallaga-Serges» (Pant.). Var. oamaruensis Cu. — V. narrow elliptical. L. 0,11; B. 0,03 mm. Central nodule elongated rounded. Furrows very broad, about a fourth of the breadth of the valve. Coste 8 and longitu- dinal rows of puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. — PI. II f. 3. Marine: New Zealand, Oamaru, fossil! Var. japonica Cu. — L. 0,11; B. 0,055 mm. Coste 6 and longitudinal rows of alveoli 13 in 0,01 mm. Furrows separated from the other parts of the valve by a row of foramina and crossed by transverse single rows of large puncta. -- Pl. I f. 23. Marine: Sendai, Japan, fossil (Tempére). Nav. preflua Pant. (IIT Pl. XV f. 232) appears to be a form of D. fusca. 57. D. ewstiva Donk. (1858). — V. elliptical. L. 0,037 to 0,065; B. 0,018 to 0,038 mm. Central nodule large, elongated. Furrows narrow of equal breadth throughout. Coste 8 to 12 in 0,o1 mm. Alveoli of equal or double number in 0,01 mm. — Nav. estiva Donk. T. M. S. VI p. 32 Pl. TIf 18. B.D. p.6 PLIf£ 3. A. 8S. Atl VIL f. 8, 10, 11; VIII f. 26, 31. Forma a. Coste and alveoli of equal number. Marine: Singapore (coste and alveoli 9 in 0,01 mm.), Manilla (c. a. alv. 10 in 0,01 mm.), Colon (c. a. alv. 12 in 0,01 mm.) all in Deby Coll.! Forma 8. Alveoli twice as close as the coste. Marine: West coast of Sweden (L. 0,04 mm. Cost 12 in 0,01 mm.), Sumatra (L, 0,06 mm. Costee 8 in 0,01 mm. Deby Coll.)! 58. D. litoralis Donx. (1870). — V. elliptical. L. 0,027 to 0,07; B. 0,015 to 0,033 mm. Central nodule small, elongated, rounded rectangular. Furrows very narrow, parallel and close to the horns. Costz 11 (typical) to 14 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 22 (typical) to more in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal rows. — Nav. litoralis Donx. B. D. p. 5 Pl. I f. 2. V. H. Syn. Suppl. B.-f. 25. A. 8S. Atl. VIII f. 23 to 25. Nav. litor. var. subtilis A. S. N.S. D. Pl. I f: 24, 25. Nav. Ovulum Gruy. Verh. 1860 p. 519 Pl. III f. 19? Marine: Arctic America! Finmark! North Sea! Sea of Kara! Cape Deschneff! Adriatic! Java! Tahiti! Port Jackson! West Indies! Var. hospes A. 8. (1875). — V. subhexagonal. L. 0,05; B. 0,023 mm. Coste 11, alveoli 13 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. hospes A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 32. Marine: Samoa (Atl.), Java! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 95 59. D. hyperborea Grun. (1860). — V. elliptical. L. 0,1; B. 0,049 mm. Furrows abruptly bent around the large central nodule. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. hyperborea Grun. Verh. 1860 p- 531 Pl. IIL f. 16. Nav. propingua A. 8. Atl. VII f. 13? Marine: Bohuslin, Sweden (Grun.). Var. excisa A. 8S. (1874). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,09; B. 0,03 mm. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fusca var. excisa A. S. N. 8. D. ID f. 9. Marine: North Sea (Atl). 60. D. vacillans A. S. (1875). — V. elongated elliptical,’ constricted, or not constricted. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,014 to 0,016 mm. Furrows dilated in the middle, forming in the middle of the valve a lanceolate space. Coste 9 to 14, alveoli 15 to 21 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli forming longi- tudinal rows parallel with the margins of the areas. Forma a. YV. constricted in the middle. — Nav. vacillans A. 8S. Atl. VIII f. 61; XIT f. 42, 43, 52, 53. Marine: Ceylon (Leuduger Fortm.) Rodriguez! Cape Good Hope (Atl.), Japan (Atl.), Samoa (Atl.), Sandwich Island (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit), Campeachy Bank (Atl.), California (Atl). Forma 8. V. not constricted in the middle. — A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 34, 35, 36. — Nav. parca var. producta Panr. IT p. 52 Pl. VIII f. 148 (1889). Marine: North Sea (Atl.), Marocco! Balearic Islands! Macassar Straits! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Var. delicatula Cu. — not constricted. Strie 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 37. Marine: Cape Good Hope (Atl.). Var. renitens A. 8. (1875). — V. strongly constricted. L. 0,05; B. 0,018 mm. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. vacill. v. renitens A. S. Atl. XII f. 55. Marine: Celebes (Atl.). Var. corsicana Grun. (1878). — V. slightly constricted. L. 0,065; B. 0,022 mm. Coste 8, alveoli 18 in 0,01 mm. — Cl. M. D. No 158. Marine: Corsica! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Campeachy Bay! Var.? minuta Grun. (1880). — V. slightly constricted. L. 0,014 to 0,02; B. 0,0045 mm. Costz about 16 in 0,01 mm.. — Nav. vacillans f. minuta (N. Pfitzeriana O. W.) V. H. Syn. p. 90 Pl. Ix f£. 9. Marine: Belgium (V. H.). 61. D. Parma Ct. (1891). — V. broadly elliptical. LL. 0,03; B. 0,o2 mm. Central nodule moderately large, rounded quadrate. Furrows arcuate, equally bent, approximate to the horns. Coste 14 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 20 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal rows. -- Cx. D. of Finland p. 43 Pl. II f. 10. : Fresh water: Sweden, Lake Rosslingen i Kalmar Lin! Finland, Abo, Viando! Similar to D. finnica but only half the size and with cost and alveoli twice as close. 62. D. finnica Ens. (1838) Cu. — V. broadly elliptical. L. 0,05 to 0,055; B. 0,034 to 0,036 mm. Central nodule small, elongated. Furrows broad, with arcuate exterior margins enclosing a large, lanceolate space, about one third of the valve. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 12 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal or near the margin obliquely decussating rows. — Coccon. finmca Eup. Inf. p. 194. M. G. XVI, 2 £19. D. finnica Cx. D. of Finland p. 43 Pl. IT f. 11. Fresh water: Sweden, Lake Roslingen! Degerndés in Westerbotten, fossil! Finland! U. States Albany, Maine, fossil! Crane Pond, fossil! Canada, fossil! 63. D. microtatos Pant. (1886). — V. orbicular. L. and B. 0,034 to 0,04 mm. Central nodule large, not sharply defined. Median line with distant central pores, and ending at a consi- derable distance from the margin. Furrows broad; their outer margins enclosing an elliptical 96 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF NAVICULOID DIATOMS. space, half as broad as the valve and crossed by somewhat radiate rows of alveoli. Rows of alveoli 8 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli 8 in 0,01 mm. —- Nav. microtatos Pant. I p. 27 Pl. IX f. 80. Marine: Szakol, Hungary, foss.! South Naparina, Trinidad, foss. (Deby Coll.)! Var. Christianii T. C. — L. 0.045; B. 0,04 mm. Median rows of the alveoli at the margin alternately longer and shorter, 11 in 0,01 mm. — Raphidodiscus Marylandica, Christiani and Febigerii T. C. Microscope 1889, according to Wolle D. of N. Am. Pl. LXXXIV f. 1 to 4. Icon. n. Pl. If. 1. Marine: Cambridge, Maryland, fossil (Deby Coll.)! 64. D. Smithii Bris. (1856). — V. elliptical. L. 0,027 to 0,05; B. 0,015 to 0,035 mm. Central nodule small. Terminal nodules close to the ends. Furrows narrow, close to the horns. Coste 7 to 11 in 0,11 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli disposed in obliquely decussa- ting lines. twice or more as close as the coste. — Nav. elliptica W. Su. B. D. I p. 48 Pl. XVII f. 152 a. N. Smithii Brus. in W. Su. B. D. IL p. 92. WN. Smithii v. borealis f. minor Grun. Franz Josephs Land D. Pl. 1 f. 41. N. Smithit A. S. Atl. VII f. 16,17. N.S. D. If. 19.? N. Scutellum V. H. Syn. Pl IX f. 11.2 Nav. Smithii var. levis Dannf. Baltic D. p. 30 Pl. II f. 15. Marine and brackish: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Spitzbergen! Sea of Kara! Finmark! Baltic! Gulf of Bothnia! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Madagascar! Seychelles! Tasmania! Java! New Zealand! Colon! Campeachy Bay! Nav. Déczyi (Pant. IL p. 45 Pl. XIV f. 247, 1889) from Bremia in Hungary, seems to be a finely costate variety of D. Smithii. Its length is 0,052 and its breadth 0,017 mm. The coste are 14 to 16,5 in 0,01 mm. and are described as indistinctly punctate. 65. D. subovalis Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical. L. 0,38; B. 0,019 mm. Central nodule large, rounded. Furrows narrow, closely following the central nodule and its horns. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of alveoli, forming oblique lines, about 18 in 0,01 mm. — Pi. 1 i 2a. Fresh water: New Zeeland, Paeroa. This form resembles D. ovalis in its shape and large central nodule, but has the structure of D. Smithii. 66. D. borealis Grun. (1884). — V. elongate-elliptical. L. 0,65 to 0,078; B. 0,025 to 0,o265 mm. Central nodule elongated. Furrows narrow, dilated around the central nodule and crossed by costz, interrupted by a longitudinal band. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm., alternating with rows of alveoli, forming oblique longitudinal lines, about 24 in 0,01 mm. — ‘Naw. Smithit var. borealis GRun. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 56 (4) Pl. I f. 40. Nav. fusca Donx. B. D. Pl. I f. 5.? Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Matotschin Sharr, Sea of Kara! Gullmarefjord! Java (var. L. 0,042; B. 0,017 mm. Coste 8 puncta 17 in 0,01 mm.). Var. subconstricta Cu. — V. slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,58; B. 0,02 mm. Coste 10, alveoli 24 in 0,o1 mm. Furrows narrow, the costz not interrupted by a longitudinal band. Marine: Campeachy Bay! This form resembles D. vacillans, from which it differs by the alveoli forming oblique rows. The fig. 14 and 15 Pl. VII in A. S. Atl. seem to belong to D. borealis. 67. D. major Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,17; B. 0,037 to 0,06 mm. Central nodule large, rounded quadrate. Terminal nodules distant from the ends. Furrows rather broad; their outer margins enclosing a space 1/, to '/,; as broad as the valve, crossed by costee and double rows of alveoli. Coste 5 to 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli, 7 to 15 in 0,01 mm., forming oblique lines. — Nav. Smithii A. S. Atl. VII f. 19° (typical)! 22, 21, 18. V. H. Syn. Pl. IX f. 12. Suppl. Pl. B. f. 23. Marine: North Sea! Marocco! Barcelona! Madagascar! Macassar Straits! Sumatra! China! Japan! Australia! S:ta Monica, Calif. fossil! Colon! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 97 Var. permagna Pant. (1889). — V, elliptical, very large. L. 0,014 to 0,2; B. 0,075 mm. Coste 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli, about 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fusca var. permagna Pant. II p. 46. Marine: Bory, Hungary, fossil! D. major is usually considered as a larger form of D. Smithii, with which it is intimately connected. Still I find it desirable to separate, them, as the structure of D. major is much coarser. 68. D. Platessa Cu. and Grove. N. Sp. — V. broadly elliptical-lanceolate. L. 0,06; B. 0,045 mm. Central nodule rounded-quadrate. Furrows very broad, their outer margins enclosing a lan- ceolate space 3/, as broad as the valve and crossed by coste. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of alveoli (16 in 0,01 mm.) forming obliquely decussating lines. — Pl. II f. 6. Marine: Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! 69. D. mirabilis Castrr. (1886). — V. elliptical-orbicular. L. 0,065 to 0,09; B. 0,055 to 0,oc2 mm. Central nodule moderately large, quadrate. Furrows very broad, double, the outer margins of the exterior enclosing a broadly lanceolate space, about 3/, as broad as the valve. The interior furrows are crossed by costs, the exterior of costs, alternating with double rows of alveoli. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli 14 in 0,01 mm. forming obliquely decussating lines. — Nav. mirabilis Castr. Voyage Challenger D. p. 34 Pl. XXX f. 10. Marine: Madagascar (Brun Coll.)! Zebu (Castr.). 70. D. Vespa Cu. N. Sp. — V. panduriform, with subrhomboid segments. L. 0,05; B. 0,012 at the constr. 0,06 mm. Central nodule small, its horns approximate. Furrows broad, of the same shape as the valve, crossed by coste. Coste 11 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of small puncta, arranged in obliquely decussating rows. — Pl. IT f. 5. Marine: Java! 71. D. nitescens Gree. (1857). — V. elliptical-lanceolate. L. 0,05 to 0,09; B. 0,022 to 0,036 mm. Central nodule small, its horns not very distinct. Furrows wide. Their outer margins en- closing a lanceolate space, !/, or more as broad as the valve, crossed by coste, frequently alternating with double rows of alveoli Cost 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. alternating with single or near the margin double rows of alveoli, 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Smithi var. nitescens Gree. D. of Clyde p. 487 Pl. IX f. 16. Nav. nitescens Donx. B. D. p.8 Pl If. 7. A.S. Atl VII f. 38 to 41, VIII f. 14 to 16. Pinnularia arraniensis O'M. M. J. VII p. 116 Pl. V.f.6. Nav. adriatica Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 525 Pl. III f. 17. Marine: North Sea! Morocco! Adriatic! Sebastopol! Moravian Tegel (fossil)! Seychelles! Madagascar! Sumbava! Singapore! Australia! Sandwich Islands! S:ta Monica, fossil! Colon! Cam- peachy Bay! Var. fossilis Pant. (1889). — L. 0,099; B. 0,041 mm. Coste 7,5 to 8,5 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli not distinct. — Nav. nitescens var. fossilis Panv. II p. 51 Pl. IX f. 163. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. fuegiana P. Perit (1888). — L. 0,062; B. 0,0255 mm. Coste 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. nitescens var. fuegiana Petit Cape Horn D. p. 122 Pl. X f. 6. Marine: Cape Horn. Var. serratula Grun. (1875). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,09; B. 0,021 mm. Central nodule small, rounded; its horns indistinct, very approximate to the median line. Furrows broad, forming a lanceolate space, crossed by faint coste, alternating with double rows of indistinct alveoli. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. alternating with (single?) rows of alveoli, 11 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. serrat. A.S. Atl. VII f. 42, 43 VIIT f. 11. Marine: Campeachy Bay! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. Band 26. N:o 2, 13 98 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. D. nitescens is remarkable for the week development of the central nodule, the horns of which are scarcely distinct. In this respect it comes near to D. inscripta Cu. On corroded speci- mens the alveoli are indistinct. 72. D. dalmatica Grun. (1860). — V. slightly constricted, with cuneate segments. L. 0,058 to 0,062; B. 0,014 to 0,017; at the constr. 0,012 to 0,014 mm. Central nodule small, rounded elongated; its horns indistinct, close to the median line. Furrows narrow, not dilated in the middle, crossed by faint coste. Coste 8 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of alveoli. — Nav. dalm. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 525 Pl. IIL f 14. A. S. Atl. VII f. 58, 59. WN. Hornigit Pant. LT Pl. XVI f. 241 (1893)? Marine: Morocco! Balearic Islands! Adriatic (Grun.), Bab el Mandeb! Macassar Straits! Campeachy Bay! Var. Vulpecula A. 8S. (1875). — V. deeply constricted, with semilanceolate segments. L. 0,062; B. 0,017; at the constr. 0,012 mm. Central nodule small, its horns indistinct. Furrows linear, moderately broad, near the horns with traces of the coste. Transverse coste parallel, 8 in 0,01 mm., alternating with indistinct (double?) rows of puncta. — Nav. Vulp. A. S. Atl. XII f. 56. Marine: Celebes (Atl.), Java! 73. D. Mauleri Broun. (1880). — V. elliptical. L. 0,037 to 0,05; B. 0,013 to 0,015 mm. Central nodule large, rounded; its horns indistinct, close to the median line. Furrows broad, for- ming a narrow elliptical space, half as wide as the valve, with two rows of large puncta. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli, 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Mauleri Brun. D. des Alpes p. 77 Pl. I f. 18. D. espéces n. p. 35 Pl. XV f. 7. : Lacustrine: Lac Leman! Sahara (Brun), Bottom-mud from Vettern! Of frequent occurrence in the Baltic deposits of the Ancylus-epoch. Var. borussica Cu. (1882). — L. 0,025 to 0,037; B. 0,011 to 0,o12 mm. Coste 7 to 8 in 0,o1 mm. alternating, with (single?) rows of indistinct alveoli. — Nav. borussica Cu. Phys. Oek. Gesellsch. zu Kénigsberg XXII p. 189. — A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 17, 19. Nav. Maulert Pant. TIT Pl. VIL f. 105; Pl. IX f. 150. Slightly brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia at Nedre Kalix! Domblitton, Prussia fossil! Rammer Moor (Atl.). 74. D. Debyi Pant. (1886). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,03 mm. Cen- tral nodule rounded quadrate; its horns slightly divergent in the middle, approximate. Furrows very broad, with a row of strong puncta (reduced costz). Coste slightly radiate, 4 in 0,01 mm., alternating with rows of alveoli. — Nav. Debyi Pant. I p. 23 Pl. XV f. 136. Marine: Szakal, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. elliptica Cit. — V. narrow elliptical. L. 0,1; B. 0,035 mm. Furrows broad. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. continued across the furrows and alternating with double rows of small alveoli. -— PL U1 £4: Marine: Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! 75. D. gemmata Grey. (1859). — V. broad, linear, with rounded or cuneate ends and pa- rallel or slightly concave margins. L. 0,085 to 0,24; B. 0,03 to 0,065 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns parallel, closely approximate to the median line. Furrows broad, linear, filling a third or less of the surface of the valve. Coste 3 to 6 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of twice as close alveoli. Along the horns of the central nodule is a row of short, but strong coste. Var. fossilis Pant. (1886). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,16 to 0,24; B. 0,045 to 0,065 mm. Coste 3 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl. LXX f. 74. Nav. gemmata var. fossilis Pant. I p. 25 PL XRT St, Marine, fossil: Hungary (Deby Coll.)! Moravian Tegel! Moron (Atl.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2, 99 Var. typica Cu. — V. not constricted. L. 0,085 to 0,19; B. 0,03 to 0,05 mm. Coste 4 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. gemmata Grev. Ed. N. Ph. J. X July 1859 p. 30 Pl. IV f. 7. Nav. gemmata var. boseriata Grun. Novara 100 Pl. I A f. 16. Nav. gemmata var. spectabilis Grun. A. S. Atl. VIII f. 38? Nav. Basilica Brun. D. espéces n. p. 32 Pl. XV f. 14 (1891)? Nav. pseudogemmata Pant. IIT Pl. XXIX f. 420 (1893). Marine: Gulf of Naples! Nossibé! South Sea (Van Heurck Coll.)! Galapagos Islands! Cam- peachy Bay! West Indies! Fossil: Hungary (Pant.), Moravian Tegel! Nankoori! Californian Guano (Grev.). In the coll. of Prof. Brun I have seen a specimen from Sendai, which agrees with his Nav. Basilica and is only a somewhat elliptical form of D. gemmata. Var. minor Cu. — L. 0,09 to 0,16; B. 0,027 to 0,035 mm. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8S. Atl. LXX f. 73. Marine: Balearic Islands! Madagascar! Colon (Deby Coll.!), Jamaica (Atl). Var. punctata Cu. — L. 0,14; B. 0,045 mm. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. Furrows with transverse rows of large puncta. Coste alternating at their interior ends with one or in the middle with two large ocelli. Marine: S:n Pedro, Calif. (Kinker Coll.)! Var. spectabilis Grun. (1860). — L. 0,062 to 0,17; B. 0,025 mm. Coste 3 to 5 in 0,01 mm. continued across the furrows. — Nav. spectabilis Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 533 Pl. III f. 11. Nav. Grunowit Rasy. Fl. E. Alg. p. 203 (1864). Marine: Adriatic (Grun.), Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Fossil: S:t Peter, Hungary. Var. oamaruensis Cu. — V. slightly constricted. L. 0,16; B. 0,04 mm. Horns of the central nodule more distinct and distant. Furrows with faint markings of the costee which become strong along the horns. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. alternating near the furrows with two large ocelli. Marine: Oamaru, New Zeeland, fossil! Var. madagascarensis Cu. — V. narrow, very slightly constricted. L. 0,13; B. 0,024 mm. Horns distinct and somewhat distant. Furrows with two longitudinal rows of puncta along the horns. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Tamatave (Kinker Coll.)! Var. pristiophora Jan (1881). — V. distinctly constricted in the middle. L. 0,1 to 0,15; B. 0,025 to 0,os6 mm. Coste 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. pristiophora A. 8S. Atl. LXX f. 72. Marine: Morocco! Porto Seguro (Deby Coll.)! Leton Bank (Atl.). Forma minuta Ci. — L. 0,057; B. 0,015 mm. Coste 7 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Macassar Straits! D. gemmata is very variable, and by the form madagascarensis nearly connected with D. contigua, which may perhaps be only corroded specimens of D. gemmata. 76. D. Szontaghii, Pant. (1886). — V. elliptic-linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,03 to 0,06; B. 0,016 to 0,o22 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns distinct and distant from the median line. Furrows narrow, linear, with a row of large puncta (spaces between the rudi- mentary costa). Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of twice as close alveoli (on corroded specimens alternating with single rows of larger puncta). — Nav. Szont. Pant. I p. 29 Pl. TL f. 25. Bl. XXVOIL Tf 284. Jeon. n. Pl. IL £. 7%. Marine: Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Hungary, fossil! 77. D. Campylodiscus Gruy. (1875). — V. suborbicular. L. 0,038 to 0,05; B. 0,026 to 0,o3 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, its horns strong, distant, and convergent in the middle. Furrows broad, with faint coste. Coste 4 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of faint alveoli. — Nav. suborbicularis var. Nankoorensis Gruy. Novara p. 100 Pl. I A. f. 15 (1867). Nav. Campylod. Grun. A. 8. Atl. VIII f. 9, 10, 12, LXX f. 64, 65. Cocconeis coclata WaLKER ARN. M. J. II p. 234 Pl. X f. 5, 6 (1862)? 100 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Marine: Bab el Mandeb! Seychelles! Madagascar! Philippines! Tahiti! Galapagos Islands! Mazatlan (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit), Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Fossil: Nankoori (Grun.). 78. D. Crabro Eup. (1844). — V. constricted or not. L. 0,04 to 0,2 mm.; B. 0,018 to 0,o6 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate with parallel horns. Furrows narrow linear, with a row of large puncta. Lunule none or more or less large. Coste 3 to 8 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli outside of the lunule. Ocelli forming a marginal band, bent inwards toward the central nodule. This species comprises a considerable number of forms, differing in size, number of costae, breadth of lunule and in the amount, or absence, or constriction of the middle. The forms also present a very different appearance, according as they are uninjured or corroded. Having com- pared a very large number of different forms I am unable to make distinct species of them, all being more or less connected and differing only in characteristics, which are subject to great variation. If only a few extreme forms be examined, it is easy to found on them apparently well defined species, but the greater the number of intermediate forms observed, the greater be- comes the difficulty of finding any definite distinctions between them. There are all intermediate transitions from purely elliptical to strongly constricted forms, from forms with no lunule to others with broad lunule; as to the ocelli I am not yet convinced of their value as specific cha- racteristic. In most forms they occur as a marginal band, but there are forms without them, either because they originally had none or because the ocelli have been destroyed in preparation. I have distinguished the following forms, which diatomists, fond of speciesmaking, may consider as specifically distinct. A. Forms with no, or very narrow lunule. Var. limitanea A. S. (1875). — V. panduriform, with narrow elliptical segments. L. 0,08 to 0,11; B. 0,024 to 0,032, at the constriction 0,017 to 0,025 mm. Central nodule small, quadrate. Lunule very narrow. Coste 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of alveoli, about 14 in 0,01 mm. Ocelli forming a narrow band along the margin. — Nav. lim. A. 8. Atl. XI f. 23, LXIX f. 14 (optime) (mot fi. 12). Marine: Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Singapore! Java! China! Kerguelens Land! Fossil: Atlantic City N. Jers. (Deby Coll.)! The fig. 23 in A. 8S. Atl. is not sufficiently characteristic, but the fig. 14 Pl. LXIX repre- sents very well the form, which I understand to be limitanea. It differs from Var. Pandura by smaller size and closer coste. Otherwise, there is, as far as I can see, no difference. Var. Pandura Bris. (1854). — V. constricted, with elongated, tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,106 to 0,212; B. 0,038 to 0,053; at the constriction 0,023 to 0,044 mm. Central nodule of median size. Lunule none. Coste 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of fine puncta about 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Pandura Bris. D. de Cherb. f. 4. A. 8. N.S. D. PL IL F&F. 3 (optime!) Atl XI f. 1, 2, 9 (4, 8 corroded). V. H. Syn. Pl. TX f. 1. Truan and Witt D. von Jeremie Pl. IV f. 14 (corroded). Pinnul. Pandura var. elongata Gruc. D. of Clyde Pl. IX f. 22. Nav. Crabro Donx. B. D. p 46 Pl. VII f. 1. Nav. nitida Grue. T. M. 8. IV p. 44 PL V f. 19%. Nav. Mantichora Pant. III Pl. XXXV f. 490; 1893 (corroded). Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Red Sea! Madagascar! Sumbava! Society Islands! Galapagos Islands! Magellhaéns Strait! Bolivia! Campeachy Bay! West Indies! As Nav. navigans Brun a form has been figured in A. 8. Atl. CLXXIV f. 1, which seems to belong to Var. Pandura. The figure is too indistinct for identification. Perhaps fig. 8, Nav. sideralis A. 8., may be the some form in a very corroded state. Var. expleta A. S. (1881). — V. slightly constricted, with broad, tongue-shaped segments, L. 0,07 to 0,12; B. 0,032 to 0,033; at the constr. 0,027 to 0,o3 mm. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. alter- KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wo 2. 101 nating with double rows of somewhat coarse puncta (8 to 11 in 0,01 mm.). — Nav. expleta A. S. Atl. LXIX f. 7, 8. Marine: Zanzibar! Celebes (Atl.), Society Islands! This form differs from var. Pandura by its shorter, less constricted valves. Var. Didelta Cu. — V. slightly constricted, with almost triangular segments. L. 0,085; B. 0,04; at the constriction 0,028 mm. Costz 8 in 0,01 mm. — PI. II f. 8. Marine: Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Var. subelliptica Cu. -— V. elongated, not at all, or very slightly, constricted. L. 0,15; B. 0,052. Coste 3 to 4 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of coarse puncta, about 8 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 11. Marine: South America, fossil! Macassar Straits (corroded form with 4 to 5 coste in 0,01 mm. in Grove Coll.)! Galapagos Islands (perfectly elliptical form. L. 0,08; B. 0,04 mm. Cost 5 in 0,01 mm. Ocelli not distinct). Var.? Pandurella Cu. — V. strongly constricted with subelliptical segments. L. 0,038 to 0,075; B. 0,011 to 0,022; at the constriction 0,007 to 0,013 mm. Coste 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. alter- nating with double rows of puncta, about 20 in 0,01 mm. Rows of ocelli indistinct. — Pl. II f. 9. Marine: Indian Ocean (Deby Coll.)! China! Galapagos Islands! This form resembles in all respects the var. Pandura, but is much smaller and has closer costee. As I have not seen any rows of ocelli I am doubtful whether this form is to be regarded as belonging to this group; nevertheless it is related to the var. Pandura as the var. suspecta to the var. separabilis and the var. Dirhombus to the var. multicostata. B. Forms with moderately vide lunule. Var. separabilis A. 8. (1875). — V. gently constricted with elliptical segments. L. 0,08 to 0,16; B. 0,033 to 0,05; at the constriction 0,026 to 0,032 mm. Coste 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. Lunule narrow. — Nav. Crabro Gruv. M. J. V. p. 7 Pl. III f. 11. Nav. Grevillei Donk. B. D. p. 47. Nav. separabilis A. 8. Atl XI f. 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 17. — N. Crabro var. Japonica A. 8. Atl. CLXXIV f. 4? Marine: Pelew Island (Atl.), Singapore (Deby Coll.)! Puerto Caballo (Atl.), Campeachy Bay (Atl), Trinidad (Grev.). This form is intermediate between var. Pandura and var. multicostata. Var. hungarica Cu. — V. elliptical, not constricted. L. 0,06; B. 0,o3 mm. Row of ocelli marginal, not bent toward the central nodule. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. Lunule narrow. — PI. II f. 10. Marine: Szakal (Hungary, fossil)! Galapagos Islands! Var. gloriosa Brun (1891). -~ V. slightly constricted, vith tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,11 to 0,2; B. 0,04 to 0,074: at the constriction 0,025 to 0,o6 mm. Central nodule large. Lunule narrow. Coste 3 to 3,5 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of large puncta, about 8 in 0,01 mm. Ocelli usually indistinct. — Nav. gloriosa Brun D. esp. n. p. 34 Pl. XV f. 8. Marine: Mexillones Bolivia! Hakodadi, Japan (Deby Coll.)! This is the stoutest and most beautiful of all the forms of D. Crabro. The outline varies. Some specimens are deeply and abruptly constricted, others scarcely constricted. The ocelli are usually not distinct, but in some specimens easily seen. The breadth of the lunulz is also variable. Var.? suspecta A. 8. (1875). — V. strongly constricted, with elliptical segments. L. 0,046 to 0,092; B. 0,012 to 0,03; at the constriction 0,006 to 0,016 mm. Coste 5 in 0,01 mm. Ocelli not distinct. — Nav. suspecta A. S. Atl. XI f. 12, 13, 26, 27. Nav. gloriosa var. inflata Brun D. esp. n. p. 34 Pl XV f. 12. Marine: Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Singapore (Van :Heurck Coll.)! Java! Japan (Atl.), Galapagos Islands! Mexillones, Bolivia (Brun ©oll.)! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). I have placed this form among the varieties of D. Crabro, only with hesitation, as I never observed on it the marginal row of ocelli, by which the other forms are characterized. 102 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. To this group of forms belongs probably D. ornata (Nav. ornata A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 5, N. ornata spirifera A. S. Atl. CLXXXIV f. 25) from S:ta Monica and Monterey in California. It is a large and beautiful form, of which only corroded specimens seem to be known. At least I have hitherto not seen any uninjured specimen. C. Forms with broad lunule. Var. multicostata Grun. (1860). — V. strongly constricted, with elliptical to rhomboid seg- ments. L. 0,09 to 0,21; B. 0,03 to 0,06; at the constriction 0,018 mm. Lunule very broad. Coste 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. multicostata Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 524 Pl. II f. 13. A. S. Atl. XI f. 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, CLXXIV f. 6, 7. Nav. Crabro A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 1, 2. V. H. Syn. p. 83 Pl. IX f. 2. A. S.N. 8. D. PL If. 5, 6 IL f. 4 (corroded). Nav. crabro var. oranensis Atl. LXIX f. 3 (corroded). Nav. polita Brun D. esp. n. p. 87 Pl XV f. 1 (corroded). Marine: North Sea (Norway)! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Madagascar! Ceylon! Labuan! Java! Samoa! Sandwich Islands (Atl.)! Galapagos Islands! Cape Jforn (Petit)! West Indies! Fossil Hungary! Moravian Tegel! Oran (Atl.), gina (Atl.), Nankoori! S:ta Monica Cal. Var. nankoorensis Grun. (1881). — V_ less constricted, with cuneate ends. L. 0,12; B. 0,053; at the constriction 0,042 mm. Coste 4,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Crabro var. nankoor. A. 8S. Atl. LXIX f. 4 (corroded). Marine: Nankoori, fossil (AtL). Var. O’Meari Gruy. Ms. — V. elliptical, not constricted. L. 0,135; B. 0,o58 mm. Lunule very broad. Coste parallel, 4 in 0,01 mm. — PI. IT f. 12. Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Seychelles (Grun.), South Sea (Van Heurck Coll.)! Grunow sent me several years ago a sketch of an elliptical Diploneis from Seychelles under the name of Nav. O’Mearti, which agrees in essential points with the form from Macassar Straits, having, as it has, very broad lunule, filling almost the whole valve. L. 0,09; B. 0,03 mm. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. Var.? Gibelia A. 8. (1874). — V. slightly constricted, with tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,09; B. 0,033; at the constriction 0,026 mm. Lunule broad, forming a biconstricted space. Coste 4 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Gibelii A. S. Probet. f. 18 Pl. XIT f. 73. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl). Var. minuta Cr. — L. 0,056; B. 0,024; at the constr. 0,016 mm. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl XII f. 71. Marine: Samoa (Atl.). Var. perpusilla Cu. — L. 0,04; B. 0,018; at the constriction 0,012 mm. Coste 8 in 0,01 mm. — A. S. Atl XII f. 72. Marine: North Sea (Atl.). Var.? confecta A. S. (1875). — V. small. L. 0,04; B. 0,009; at the constriction 0,0075 mm. Lunule very large. Coste 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. confecta A. S. Atl. XII f. 46. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Var.? Dirhombus A. 8S. (1875). — V. strongly constricted, with subrhomboid segments. L. 0,076 to 0,13; B. 0,024 to 0,038; at the constriction 0,012 to 0,015 mm. Lunule large, lunate. Coste 4 to 6 in 0,o1 mm Ocelli not distinct. — Nav. Dirh. A. 8. Atl. XI f. 21, 22; LXIX f£. 9 (10 corroded). Marine: Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), Pelew Island (Atl.). The connection of this form with the others is not certain, as the figures in Atl. do not shew the marginal row of ocelli. It seems as if this form were to var. multicostata what var. suspecta is to var. separabilis. Dipl. coarctata may be a corroded Dirhombus, which however am unable to decide, not having had an opportunity of comparing specimens. 79. D. biseriata Cr. N. Sp. — V. elliptical or slightly constricted. L. 0,11 to 0,13; B. 0,047 to 0,06 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, its horns almost parallel. Furrows linear, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, 103 narrow, with a row of large granules, formed by the continuation of the coste. Coste 3 to 4 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of coarse puncta. Lunule none or narrow. Ocelli forming a marginal band, and, besides, a band along the furrows or lunule. This species, which is intermediate between D. Crabro and D. vagabunda, differs from D. Crabro in nothing but the double rows of ocelli. The form of the valve is variable, usually elliptical, but in some specimens panduriform. The lunule are indistinct in some forms, narrow in others. It would be admissible to group the forms of this species together with the forms of D. Crabro. The var. Kinkeriana and galapagensis are analogous to the Pandura-series, the var. lata to the separabilis-series. Var. Galapagensis Cu. — V. not constricted, elliptical. L. 0,12; B. 0,05 mm. Coste 4 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of coarse puncta. Lunule very narrow. Ocelli forming a marginal and an interior row. — Pl. II f. 16. Marine: Galapagos Islands! . Var. lata Cu. — V. elliptical, not constricted. L. 0,11; B. 0,048 mm. Coste 4 in 0,01 mm. Lunule moderately broad. — Pl. IT f. 14. Marine: Galapagos Islands! The fig. 12 Pl. CLXXIV in A. 8. Atl. represents doubtless a small, but strongly corroded form of D. biseriata. 80. D. vagabunda Brun (1892). — V. panduriform with tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,13 to 0,17; B. 0,06; at the constriction 0,043 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate; its horns nearly parallel. Furrows narrow, linear, with a row of large granules. Lunule very narrow or not di- stinct. Coste 3 to 4 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of coarse puncta. Ocelli forming a marginal band and several oblique or curved rows besides. — Nav. vagabunda Brun A. 8S. Atl. CLXXIV f. 5. Dipl. vag. Icon. n. Pl. IT f. 18, 15. Marine: Tamatave (Kinker Coll.)!| Fossil: S:ta Monica, Sin Pedro (Kinker Coll.) Calif.! D. vagabunda is a transitional form from D. biseriata to D. gemmatula (var. Beyrichiana). 81. D. prisea A. 8. (1875). — V. slightly constricted, with tongue-shaped or cuneate, obtuse segments. L. 0.07 to 0,08; B. 0,029 to 0,03 mm., at the constriction 0,02 to 0,027 mm. Central nodule quadrate; its horns parallel and approximate. Furrows narrow, linear, with a row of large puncta. Transverse coste 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. alternating with double rows of puncta, about 16 in 0.01 mm. and ocelli, 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. — Wav. priscea A. 8. Atl. Pl. XII f. 66 to 68 (69?). Marine: Nottingham (Maryland)! Atlantic City, N. Jers. (Grove Coll.), Richmond, Va! always fossil. This species is very nearly akin to D. gemmatula from which it differs by the narrow furrows. The exterior stratum with small alternating puncta is usually preserved in D. prisca, but never found on D. gemmatula, which may be a consequence of the state of preservation and preparation. 82. D. gemmatula Gruv. (1875). — V. slightly constricted, with tongue-shaped to broadly cuneate segments. L. 0,07 to 0,15; B. 0,033 to 0,062; at the constr. 0,027 to 0,05 mm. Central nodule large; its horns almost parallel. Furrows usually broad, and somewhat dilated in the middle, with a row of large puncta. Coste 5 to 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with rows of more or less numerous, large ocelli. Var. hungarica Cu. — V. moderately constricted. L. 0,08; B. 0,025; at the constr. 0,018 mm. Ocelli forming one row along the margin and one along furrows. Marine: Szakal, Hungary, fossil! Akin to Nav. expedita A. 8. (Atl. LXIX f. 6) from Moron. 104 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. Grunowtt Cu. — V. very slightly constricted, with broad tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,07 to 0,09; B. 0,033 to 0,039; at the constr. 0,03 to 0,037 mm. Furrows very broad. Coste 5,5 to 7 in 0,01 mm. alternating with ocelli, forming some few more or less undulating, longitu- dinal rows. — Nav. gemmatula Grun. A. S. Atl. XIIT f. 20, 21 (37, 40?). Nav. lacrimans A 8. Ath. Ril £. 61. Marine: Balearic Islands! Red Sea! Mauritius! Tamatave! Sumatra! Yokohama! Samoa! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Fossil: Moravian Tegel! S:ta Monica, Calif. (Deby Coll.)! Var. lacrimans A. S. (1875). — V. elongated, slightly constricted in the middle. LL. 0.09 to 0,14; B. 0,031 to 0,045; at the constr. 0,025 to 0,o4 mm. Furrows broad. Coste 5 in 0.01 mm. Ocelli about 4 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal rows. —- Nav. lacrimans A. 8. Atl. XII f. 59, 60. Nav. gemmatula Cu. D. of Mor. Tegel Pl. XII f. 1. Nav. laer. var. fossilis Pant. II p. 49 Pl. I f. 18. Nav. Taschenbergeri A. 8. Atl. CLXXXIV f. 8 (1892). Marine: Tamatave (Deby Coll.)! Campeachy Bay! Colon! Fossil: Szakal, Hungary! Moravian Tegel! Var. Beyrichiana A. 8. (1861). — V. slightly constricted, with cuneate ends. LL. 0,09 to 0,144; B. 0,35 to 0,062; at the constr. 0,027 to 0,053 mm. Furrows of median breadth, distinctly dilated around the central nodule. Coste 6 in 0,01 mm. alternating with rows of large ocelli (about 5 in 0,01 mm.). — Nav. Beyrichiana A. 8. Atl. LXIX f. 16, 17. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Madagascar! Java! China! Indian Ocean (Deby Coll.)! Cape Horn (Petit). Fossil: Hungary! Aégina (Atl.). Forma minor Pant. (1886). — V. nearly elliptical. L. 0,069; B. 0,034 mm. Coste and ocelli about 5,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Beyr. var. minor Pant. I p. 23 Pl. III f. 381. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Petit). Var. Moravica Cu. — V. slightly constricted, with broad, cuneate ends. L. 0,16; B. 0,068; at the constr. 0,06 mm. Coste 4 in 0,01 mm. Ocelli scattered, 2 to 3 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Moravian Tegel (Deby Coll.)! 83. D. lesinensis Grun. Ms. — V. elongated, usually very slightly constricted, with broad, tongue-shaped segments. L. 0,072 to 0,22; B. 0,03 to 0,057; at the constr. 0,028 to 0,051 mm. Central nodule small, its horns parallel, approximate. Furrows narrow, linear, scarcely dilated in the middle, with a row of large puncta or rudiments of the coste. Coste 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. alternating with rows of large and close ocelli (5 to 7 in 0,01 mm.) and double rows of small, sometimes little distinct, alveoli (about 12 to 18 in 0,01 mm.). — Pl. IT f. 17, 18. Marine: Balearic Islands! Gulf of Naples! Adriatic! Red Sea! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Philip- pines (Rae Coll.). D. lesinenses has the form and appearance of a large D. Entomon. Additional. Navicula Budayana Pant. III Pl. IV f. 57 (1893) seems to belong to the varieties of D. elliptica. : Navicula elliptica var. fossilis Panr. III Pl. II f. 32 perhaps a small form of D. Smithii, which I am unable to decide as the minute structure is not visible on the figure. Navicula pervasta Pant. IM Pl. XXXVI f. 510 a large form, very similar to D. major var. permagna, but the alveoli are drawn as forming single rows. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 105 Scoliopleura Grun. (1860). Valve elongated, convex. Median line sigmoid. Central nodule small. Median line enclosed between two approximate longitudinal lines or ridges. Structure, fine puncta disposed in transverse and longitudinal rows. Connecting zone simple or without longitudinal divisions. The genus Scoliopleura was founded 1860 by Grunow (Verh. p. 554) for Navicule with sigmoid median line, such as Nav. Jenneri and Nav. convexa W. Sm. (B. D.), with the bent of the lines of both valves in contrary directions. The genus comprises very different forms, so that I have separated from it forms without longitudinal ridges along the median line. Sc. convexa (or latestriata) differs from the other species by its structure, for which reason I have formed for it the genus Scoliotropis. With regard to the affinities, Scoléoplewra, as defined above, appears to be distantly allied to Caloneis, and to Diploneis. 1. S. Schneideri Grun. (1878). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,14; B. 0,04 mm, Median line slightly sigmoid. Median pores in opposite directions. Terminal nodules small. Transverse strie 18 (14 according to Grun.) in 0,01 mm. oblique, distinctly punctate, puncta forming longitudinal, undulating rows, 14 (le according to Grun.) in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Schn. Grun. Casp. Sea. Alg. p. 16 PL III f. 1. Brackish water: Caspian Sea! ), This is'a very remarkable form. The median transverse striz form oblique lines across the valve, as in some forms of Neidium; at the ends une are almost parallel. ats 2. 8. Peisonis Grun. (1860). — V. narrow, elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,035 to 0,08; B. 0,01 to 0,018 mm. Median line strongly sigmoid. Strize 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm., transverse, distinctly punctate; puncta forming regular, longitudinal strie, 18 in 0,01 mm. — Grow. Verh. 1860 p. 554 Pl. V f. 25. — Icon. N. Pl. I f. 14. Brackish water: Neusiedler See, Hungary (Grun.), Salt Lake, Utah! 3. S. elegans Cu. N. Sp. — V. slightly sigmoid, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the somewhat obtuse ends. IL. 0,15; B. 0,03 mm. Median line sigmoid at the ends; its central pores approximate; its terminal fissures in contrary directions. Longitudinal lines closely approximate to the median line. Central area indistinct. Transverse strie 17, longitudinal 25 in 0,01 mm. — PL If. 9. Marine: Java! Navicule Fusiformes Ct. Valve narrow, linear to lanceolate, usually thin or slightly silicious. Median line with closely approximate central pores. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie parallel, usually fine, not crossed by longitudinal lines, finely punctate; puncta usually arranged i in longitudinal, straight | Tows. This small group comprises both marine and brackish forms, akin to N. inornata of the Section Navicule entoleie, which also has approximate central pores. On the other hand this group is also allied to the Section Navicule orthostiche. Artificial key. 1 Valve attenuated towards the ends, narrow lanceolate . ©... +--+ 1+ ss 2. : — linear, with broad ends fie 35) fo! Mat te tea LGR R! date Stihl, call. a ay “ach se 5. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 26. N:o 2. 14 106 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 5 ees subcapitate ..... emi ih Rha SRR ee ce N. nuda Pant. i == “@ente 6 awe w 4 ee pant Oo INS, rh yaaa nie Sn =< OD aah ae eee ane 3. Strie about 12 in 0,01 mm. . Spee gE Ge OR Ne Gee we eS . N. lucida Pant. - — i — es fae ok, Gale ere es N. Schmidtii Laesr. e —- — 24 — Seas oe] ORE I oh BM lie BY adr WAS eet N. Acus Cu.- — — 80 = Se Es AS ok ota dan fie. (DN ete Yn fom f 4. 4, ie strie closer ian the Hanayerse yo Ae ed .. N. fusiformis Grun. — more distant. ........ tee adh, ae eee N. Frauenfeldii Gron. 5, ya Tostrate ike . . . .M. crassirostris Grun. : obtuse or truncate. ........ wie ae Cok. Biden othe ha Ge mat Me ote 6. 6. eee fissures in contrary directions... 2.00. eee ee 7. — indistinct. ........ bo Ree N. Lineola Grun. 7 faa all parallel ........ Socata, aaa, 9 Seatac N. parallelistriata Pant. Median strie radiate. . 0... N heteroflera Pant. 1. N. fusiformis Gruy. (1877). — V. narrow, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends. L. 0.115 to 0,15; B. 0,01 mm. Central pores very approximate. Strie trans- verse, 33 in 0,01 mm., longitudinal 36 in 0,01 mm. — Berkeleya Fusidium Grun. Hedw. 1867 p. 17. Amphipleura danica Kirz Bac. p. 103 Pl. XXX f. 38 (1844)? W. fus. Grun. M. J. 1877 p. 178 PL CXCY #. 11, Marine: Honduras (Grun.). Var. ostrearia GaILLon (1820). — L. 0,063 to 0,073; B. 0,006 to 0,007 mm. Striz transverse 36 in 0,01 mm. — Vibrio ostrearius GaiLLon (accord. to Grun.). — Nav. ostrearia Turp. Dict. d’hist. nat. IJ Pl. I f. 2 (accord. to Grun.). WN. fusif. v. ostrearia Grun. M. M. J. 1877 p. 178 Pl. CXCV f, 12. V.H. Syn. Pl, XIV £. 33. Marine: North Sea (West coast of Sweden)! Loire infér. (Grun.), Marseille (Grun.), Triest (Grun.). This species lives on oyster-beds and according to Borner the oysters become greenish by feeding on this diatom. Living frustules have two chromatophore-plates along the connecting zone. The cell-sap has, especially towards the ends, a peculiar blue colour. 2. N. Frauenfeldii Grun. (1863). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,1 to 0,16; B. 0,019 to 0,025 mm. Central pores very approximate. Transverse striz 29 in 0,01 mm., longitudinal more distant. — Amphipleura Frauenfeldii Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 144 PJ. Vf. 3. N. Bvaueng. Grun. M. M. J. 1877 p. 179. Marine: Indian Ocean (Grun.). 3. N. nuda Pant. (1889). — V. narrow, lanceolate, with subcapitate ends. L. 0,037; B. 0,007 mm. Striz not observed. — Pant. II p. 51 Pl. VI f. 108. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This species is unknown to me and the description and figure are not sufficient for diagnosis. 4. N. Acus Cu. N. Sp. — V. narrow, lanceolate, acute. L. 0,09; B. 0,oo9 mm. Central pores approximate. Terminal fissures elongated. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 24 to 25 in 0,01 mm., equidistant, in the middle slightly radiate, elsewhere transverse, or nearly so — Pl. IIT f. 29, 30. Marine: Balearic Islands! As WN. Acus Cu. 1880 (A. D.) is the same as NV. inornata Grun. the name Acus may be used for this form, which differs from WN. ee Grun. (1880) by the absence of longitudinal lines and by: its indistinct area. 5. N. Schmidtii Lagsr. (1876). — V. narrow, lanceolate, with somewhat obtuse ends} L. 0,06 to 0,074; B. 0,009 to 0,011 mm. Central pores approximate. Striz about 17 in 0,01 mm., transverse. — N. (without name) A. 8. N. 8. D. Pl. III f. 7, 8 (1874). WN. Schm. Ldt. Boh. D. p. AB. Marine:. Bohuslaén (Ldt). I do not know this species, which seems doubtful. The fig. in A. S. is not sufficient, and the description of Lagerstept may belong to some form of Nav. (Schizonema) ramosissima. The KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wN:o 2, 107 fig. 7 in A. 8. shews two longitudinal lines crossing the striz on each side of the median line, which suggests some affinity to Caloneis, if this character is not due to an optical illusion. 6. N. lucida Panr. (1893). — V. narrow, lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,2; B. 0,022 mm. Axial area very narrow, not dilated in the middle. Transverse strie 12 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel throughout. — Pant. III Pl. XVIII f. 264. Habitat? »Bodas» fossil (Pant.). Under the name N. inculta Pantocsek figures (II] Pl. XIV f. 216) a similar, but smaller and more finely striate form, with subrostrate ends. 7. N. parallelistriata Panr. (1889). — V. linear, attenuated towards the broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,069; B. 0,017 mm. Central pores approximate, terminal in contrary directions. Axial area linear, narrow. Striz 17,5 in 0,01 mm. parallel. — Pant. II p. 52 Pl. II f. 26. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 8. N. heteroflexa Panr. (1889). — V. linear-lanceolate, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,074 to 0,11; B. 0,011 to 0,013 mm. Median pores approximate; terminal in contrary directions. Axial area very narrow, linear. Striz 22 (28 accord. to Pant.) in 0,01 mm. (the median shorter than the others) radiate in the middle, parallel towards the ends. — Panr. II p. 47 Pl. II f. 34. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil! Var. constricta Pant. (1889). — V. slightly constricted in the middle, with cuneate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,011 to 0,012 mm. Strie 25 to 30 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. Pl. II f. 27, 33. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. minor Pant. (1889). — V. linear-lanceolate. LL. 0,048; B. 0,o095 mm. Striz 22 to 25 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. IT Pl. IX f. 162. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This species is one of the most remarkable Navicule. Although in some respects divergent from the rest of this group, especially by its radiate median striz, I have placed it here, as it seems to be more akin to N. parallelistriata than to any other speeies. 9. N. erassirostris Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with prolonged, rostrate and obtuse ends. L. 0,048; B. 0,0073 mm. Median line with approximate central pores. Areas indistinct. Strie transverse, 27 in 0,o1 mm. — Grun. A. D. p. 45 Pl. III f. 57. Brackish water: Kara (Grun.). Var. Maaséensis Grun. (1880). —- More elongated and with narrower ends. Striz about 25 in 0,01 mm. — Groun. A. D. p. 46. Marine: Finmark (Grun.). 10. N. Lineola Grun. — (1884). — V. linear with rounded ends. L. 0,016 to 0,051; B. 0,0025 to 0,003 mm. Central pores approximate. Strie extremely fine(?) — Grun. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 104 (52) Pl. I f. 45, 46. Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.). Var. perlepida Grun. (1884). — V. with somewhat constricted ends. L. 0,02 to 0,034; B. 0,002 to 0,0033 mm. — N. perlepida Grun. Franz Jos. Land, D. p. 104 (52) Pl. I f. 44. Marine: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.). Navicule Orthostichee Cr. Valve usually elongated, lanceolate to linear. Median line with small or elongated central nodule, sometimes transversely dilated into a stauros, and with small or indistinct terminal fissures. > 108 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS, | Central pores of the median line approximate. Structure: smal] puncta arranged in parallel, trans- verse and longitudinal rows, crossing each other at a right angle. Axial and central areas small or indistinct. Connecting zone not complex. This group is closely related to the Section Fusiformes, by the approximate central pores and the structure of the valve, but the longitudinal strie of the valve are less distinct in Fusi- formes. Some forms of Orthostiche seem to be connected with Gyrosigma: The smaller forms of this section, Nav. greyaria to N. microrhynchus, have no distinct longitudinal striee, but have been placed here, as they seem to be connected with Nav. halophila. On the other hand they appear to come near to Nav. cryptocephala of the section Lineolate. Some species have’ transversely dilated central nodules, and have been considered as belonging to the genus Stauroneis, but there is very little resemblance between there forms and the true Stawroneis (division of Microstigmatica), in the structure of the valve, which is the same as in other orthostiche. Artificial key. 4: oe nodule dilated into a stauros . . ba thsbiet- h, G a es 11. not _ _— tbe «fas doel 2 Roe hs Ge Baa a gin ecards 2. 9. {Hosta strie indistinct ....'.. Q : 3. soo distinct yi a A ee a ae eh ae 6. 3. | Strie uninterrupted in the middle wiaieprsn ths ge Ge by edeed gh Sane i 4. \ — interrupted . er 3-4 oar Bo tre se Sloot ee 5. a ce s acute . a ye) “ope aes . oN, microrhynchus Grun. rostrate to capitate: Pa Re Bee ee ee ee eS . .N. gregaria Donk. 5. vee crossed by a longitudinal depression ....... . . . N. Wankareme Cu. not — — SAD oi Oe dicted Mave B- o ol N. Kryokonites Cu. 6. mag strie convergent ..... pRIA A Sea ORS . . + N. holophila Gron. — not — ‘ ; aay a Re bss ai ie 7. 7. ie Valve broadly linear, with broad ender ey sei dbes N. portomontana Cu. linear or lanceolate, narrowed towards the end. : Sia ; 8. Transverse strie more distant than the longitudinal . : . N. cuspidata Kivrz. 8. = — closer — — _— ee ee eee Remora GRun. — equidistant with — Be ee ae FE ae Haas 9, 9. {Bode acute. ac 3 6 bow Moe @ eka aw 4 we heats i says Beata} W. Uitied Cu. rounded ..... ee : iS ateittes Sunes Bela.) dea 10. 10. ea 15 in 0,01 mm. . ‘ ee ee ee eee N. Kjellmanii Ct. closer — : Pea ee .. . N. O'Mearii Grun. [Seen short ... ‘ : .. . .N. balearica Cu. 11. reaching half-way Pes the margin og ae N. quarnerensis Grun. Hee pervious _ _— — em isla elap ts . 12. 19. po rhombic-lanceolate. . eRe oagie. tea . 4 .N. Stodderit Green. linear or linear-lanceolate . . . RE AG Sie ah ae aS 13. (eco striae more distant than the ianayanee ‘ : ‘ .N. suleata Cu. — closer — _ — 2G e.g ar ong 14. 14. yee strie 12 in 001 mm... . Bt het ; . I. erucigera W. Sm. — about 26 in 001 mm ...... » eo... 2 NM. Spicula Hicks. 1. N. gregaria Donx. (1861). — V. lanceolate, with rostrate-capitate ends. L. 0,015 to 0,035; B. 0,005 to 0,009 mm. Transverse striee 16 to 22 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal striz indis- tinct. -- Donk. M. J. Ip. 10 PL If. 10. B.D. p. 43 Pl. VI f. 13. V. H. Syn. p. 85 Pl. VIL f. 12—15. Nav. eryptocephala W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XVII f. 155. Pedicino Ischia II f. 9—11. Nav. lanceolata W. Sm. B. D. p. 46 Pl. XXXI f. 272? Nav. veneta Scuum. P. D. IL N. Pl. IL f. 30. Nav. Granum Avene Scuum. P. D. N. II p. 56 Pl. IL f. 36 (1867)? Brackish water: Sweden (Bohuslin)! England! Saxony (Salines Diirrenberg)! ai (V. H) France! South Africa! Argentina! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 109 Var. thurholmensis Dannr. (1882). — V. lanceolate, with more distinctly capitate ends. L. 0,02; B. 0,005 mm. Strie 26 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. thurholmensis Danny. Balt. D. p. 27 Pl. I f. 11. WN. levis Pant. II p. 50 Pl. XXV f. 366? Brackish water: Bay of Finland (Dannf.). NV. gregaria connects N. cryptocephala of the section Lineolatw with N. halophila, so that it might perhaps have been placed as well there as here. Its parallel strie seem however to in- dicate a closer relation to N. halophila. 2. N. Wankareme Cu. (1883). — V. narrow, lanceolate, with obtuse, prolonged ends. L. 0,035; B. 0,007 mm. Median line with approximate median pores. Axial area indistinct. Central area a broad, transverse fascia. Strie parallel, about 30 in 0,01 mm., obsolete between the margin and the median line. Longitudinal strie not seen. — N. Kryokonites? var. Wankareme Ct. Vega p. 473 Pl. XXXVII, f. 47. Marine: Cape Wankarema, North Siberian Sea! The accurate place in the system, which this form occupies, is difficult to decide. I have placed it here, at it seems to be nearest akin to N. gregaria. 3. N. Kryokonites Cu. (1883). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,084; B. 0,011 mm. Central area a transverse, broad fascia. Strie 22 in 0,01 mm. — Cu. Vega p. 473 Pl. XXXVII f. 44. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. subprotracta Cu. (1883). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with eee ends. L. 0,033; B. 0,007 mm. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm. — Cr. Vega 1. c. f. 46. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. semiperfecta Cu. (1883). — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,028; B. 0,008 mm. Central area a unilateral fascia. — Cu. Vega l. c. f. 45. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 4. N. microrhynchus Gruy. (1882). — V. narrow lanceolate, with acute, prolonged ends: L. 0,024; B. 0,004 mm. Median pores approximate. Striee 16 (middle) to 17 (ends) finely punctate. — Grun. Foss. D. Ost. Ung. p. 149 Pl. XXX f. 46. , Slightly brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). N. microrhynchus is according to Grunow related to N. Bulnheimii, which I have placed among the Microstigmatice because of its wider central strie and its, (somewhat indistinct) complex, connecting zone. N. microrhynchus Panv. (II p. 51 Pl. III f. 38; Pl. VIII f. 145, 1889) is, if the figures in Pantocsek’s work be accurate, not the species of Grunow, which has no axial area. 5. N. halophila Gruy. (1881). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0.05; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Strie 19 to 20 (16 according to V. H. Syn.) in 0,01 mm. convergent at the ends, elsewhere parallel. Longitudinal striz fine. — N. cuspidata var. haloph. Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 100 Suppl. Pl. B. f. 30. WN. protracta forma minor Pant. IIT Pl. XX f. 301 (1893)? Brackish water: Sweden, Sturké in Blekinge! England, Hull! Belgium (V. H.) Saxony (Mansfelderseen)! France, Medoc! 6. N. cuspidata Kitz. (1834). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with acute ends. LL. 0,07 to 0,15; B. 0,017 to 0,03 mm. Transverse strie 14 to 19, longitudinal 26 in 0,01 mm. — Baeillaria fulva Nitszcu. p. p. 1817 (according to Kiitz.). NV. fulva Donk. B. D. Pl. VI f. 92? Frustulia cuspidata Korz. Syn. Pl. Il f. 26. Nav. cuspidata Ktrz. Bac. p. 94 Pl. IIT f 24, 37. W. Sm. B. D. Ip. 47 Pl. XVI f. 131. Donk. B. D. p. 39 Pl. VI f. 6. Gruy. Banka D. Pl. I f. 16. Fresenius Senckenb. Abh. IV Pl. IV f. 18. Strdse Klicken f. 22. V. H. Syn. p. 100 Pl. XID f. 4. Nav. Reinickeana Rasy. Alg. Sachs. N:o 802 (1859). Vanheurckia cuspidata Brie. Ann. Soc. phyto. et microgr. de Belgique Vol. I p. 205 (1868). Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Germany! France! Switzerland! Bengal! Japan! New Zea- land! Australia (Murray River)! Guatemala, fossil! Ecuador! Dakota! Illinois! 110 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. danaica Grun. Ms. — Smaller, with somewhat obtuse ends. L. 0,07 to 0 409 B. 0,017 to 0,o2 mm. Transverse strie 16 to 17, longitudinal 21 to 27 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Greenland! Danas pond, Massachusetts (Grun.). Var. ambigua Eus. (1843). — Lanceolate, rostrate. Strie finer. - Nav. amb. Kus. Am. II: e, f. 9? Kurz. Bac. p. 95 Pl. XXVIII f. 66. W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XVI f. 149. Donk. B. D. p. 39 Pl. VI f. 5. Pedicino Ischia D. Pl. II f. 4, 6. V.H. Syn. p. 100 Pl. XII f. 5. N. spherophora Donk. B. D. Pl. V f. 10? WN. birostrata Gree. M. J. III p. 40 Pl. 1V f. 15 (1855). WN. quarnerensis Gruy. Verh. 1860 p. 530 Pl. III f. 8? Vanheurckia amb. Brits. Ann, Soc. phyto. et micro. de Belgique I p. 206 (1868). o Fresh water: Sweden! Belgium (V. H.), Italy (Pedic.), Japan! New Zealand! Argentina! Var. Héribaudi Perac. (1893). — Median strie somewhat radiate and more distant than in the type. — Hérib. D. d’Auvergne p. 108 Pl. IV f. 16. Fresh water: Auvergne, fossil. As Bacillaria fulva Nrrzscu is an older name than N. cuspidata, it ‘spol have ‘been more correct to name this species NV. fulva, but on the other hand it is so extremely difficult to make out what the names of the older authors denote, and the name N. cuspidata has been so commonly adopted, that to do so would make the synonymy still more intricate. I prefer therefore the generally accepted name. NV. cuspidata is variable as to the outline, and it can hardly by doubted that N. cuspidata and N. ambigna should be united into one species. It frequently occurs in the forms of N. cuspidata that the interior of the valve is provided with strong transverse cost. Such monstrosities have been named Surirella craticula Kur., Craticula Ehrenbergii Grun., Sticto- desmis craticula L. Sm. Stictodesmis Febigertt (Deby Coll. = craticular state of the var. danaica). Their ‘true nature has been shewn by Prirzzr (Bau u. Entw. p. 104). See also Héribaud D. de d’Auvergne p. 107 Pl. IV f. 15. 7. N. Perrotettii Grun. (1867). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,12 to 0,185; B. 0,03 to 0,04 mm. Transverse striw 13 to 14, longitudinal striz 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. -—- Craticula Perrotettii Grun. Nov. p. 20 Pl. I f. 21. Nav. Perrotettii Grun. M. J. 1877 p- 172. — Icon.*n. Pl. III f. 12. Nav. Pangeroni Luup. Forrm. D. de la Malaisie p. 52 Pl. II f. 9. Slightly brackish water: Italy (Grun.), Philippines (Dr. Rae Coll.)! Java (Leud. Fortm.), New Guinea (Tempére)! Senegal (Grun.)! Rio Purus, Brazil (Deby Coll.)! Lake Pistaku, Illinois (Grove Coll.)! 8. N. Stodderi Greznz. (1861). — V. lanceolate with acute ends. L. 0,09; B. 0,014 mm. Central nodule dilated to a stauros, reaching the margin; terminal nodules small; terminal fissures nearly straight. Transverse strie 18 to 19 (22 according to Lewis) in 0,01 mm. longitudinal about 13 in 0,01 mm. — Stawroneis Stodderi GRreENL. in Lewis Proc. Ac. Philad. 1861 Pl. II f. 6. Fresh water: French pond, Maine! Waltham, Mass.! ‘ Var. insignis Grun. Ms. — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,09; B. 0,021 mm. Transverse striz 16 in 0,01 mm.; longitudinal 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — Stauron. lineolata Eun. Am. It: 1 f. 19? N. Stodd. v. ins. Pl. III f. 18. Slightly brackish water: Bengal! 9. N. suleata Cu. (1881). — V. linear, with subacute ends. L. 0,088 to 0,109; B. 0,008 to 0,oo9 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated to a stauros reaching the margin. Transverse striae 21, longitudinal 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm. — Stawron. suleata Cu. N. R. D. p. 14 Pl. III f. 46. Marine: Balearic Islands! 10. N. Spieula Hickrs (1873). — V. narrow lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,05 to 0,13; B. 0,004 to 0,013 mm. Central nodule dilated into a stauros, reaching the margin. Transverse strie 25 to 29, longitudinal finer. Frustules free. — Stauroneis Spicula Hicxre Month. M. Journ. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wo 2. tr XII p. 290 (according to V. H. Syn.). V. H. Syn. p. 68 Pl. IV f. 9. Stawr. hyalina Dannr. Balt. D. p. 32 Pl. III f. 20 (1882)? Marine and brackish water: Arctic America! Cape Wankarema! Sea of Kara! England (¥. A.D). 11. N. erucigera W. Sm. (1856). — V. narrow lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,08 to 0,113. B. 0,01 mm, Central nodule dilated to stauros, reaching the margin. Transverse strie 12, longitudinal 25 to 28 in 0,01 mm. Frustule free or enclosed in gelatinous tubes. — Schizonema eruc. W. Su. B. D. IL p. 74 Pl. LVI f. 354; LVII f. 356. V. H. Syn. p. 110 Pl. XVI f. 1. Marine: and brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia! Firth of Tay! Bohuslén! Mouth of Loire (Grun.), Saxony (salines of Dirrenberg)! N. crucigera, which occurs in gelatinous tubes and for that reason has been regarded as a Schizonema, is closely connected with N. Spicula, which (always?) occurs free. The striation is much coarser in N. crucigera than in N. Spicula. 12. N. balearica Cu. (1881). — V. narrow lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,11; B. 0,013 mm. Central nodule dilated to a short stauros. Transverse striz 26, longitudinal 23 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroneis balear. Cu. N. R. D. p. 14 Pl. DT f. 41. Marine: Balearic Islands! 13. N. quarnerensis Grun. Ms. — V. membranaceous, linear-lanceolate, gradually tapos from the middle to the subacute ends. L. 0,14; B. 0,o2 mm. Central nodule small, transversely: dilated to a very narrow stauros, reaching half way to the margins. Transverse strie 24, longi- tudinal 18 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — PI. III f. 14. Marine: Adriatic (Grun.), Seychelles (V. H. Coll.)! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Grunow has sent me a sketch of this diatom with the name Stauroneis quarnerensis. As it evidently belongs to this group I have changed the name to Navicula quarn. It is true that this name has been used by GrRunow for an other form, but as that is probably identical with N. cuspidata var. ambigua, I think it admissible to use the name N. quarnerensis for this species. 14. N. vitrea Cr. (1880). — V. narrow lanceolate acute. L. 0,15 to 0,2. B. 0,22 mm. Transverse strie 19 to 20, longitudinal 21 in 0,01 mm. — Pleurosigma vitrea Cu. A. D. p. 15 PL IV f. 78. Grown. A. D. p. 60. Psracatio Pleur. VIII f. 9. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Adriatic (Grun.). 15. N. O’Mearii Gruy. (1880). — V. narrow-lanceolate, with rounded ends. LL. 0,059 to 0,068; B. 0,009 to 0,0115 mm. Transverse strize 17; longitudinal 19 in 0,01 mm. — Grown. A. D. p- 61. Cu. Vega p. 496. Pleur. O'M. Prag. Pleur. VIII f. 10. Marine: Seychelles (Grun.), Australia (Grun.). Var. minor Cu. (1883). — L. 0,05; B. 0,011 mm. Transverse strie slightly radiate, 16 in 0,o1 mm. Longitudinal strie 18 in 0,01 mm. — Cu. Vega p. 496. Marine: Port Jackson! 16. N. Kjellmanii Cr. (1880). — V. linear lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,168; B. 0,0264 mm. Transverse strie 15 in 0,01 mm.; longitudinal of equal number, slightly inflexed. towards the central nodule. — Pleurosigma (Nav.?) Kjellm. Cu. A. D. p. 14 Pl. IV f. 80. Pleur. Kjellm. Pirae. Pleur. Pl. VIII f. 8. Nav. Vege Cu. Vega p. 474. Brackish water: Sea of Kara. “Var. subconstricta Grun. (1883). — V. linear, slightly constricted in the middle, with sub- cuneate ends. L. 0,156; B. 0,015 mm. Transverse striz 15,3; longitudinal 14,3 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Vege v. subc. Vega p. 474. Marine: North Siberian Sea, Cape Wankarema (Grun.). N. Kjellmanii, O’Mearii and vitrea are closely connected and form a peculiar group inter= mediate between Gyrosigma and Navicula, having the structure of the former and the straight. 112 P, T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. median line of the latter. I have proposed (1883 Vega p. 474) to include these forms in a Section Vegr, but I now prefer to connect them with the other species of N. orthostiche. 17. N. porto-montana Ci. N. Sp. — V. broad, linear, slightly gibbous in the middle, with broad rounded ends. L. 0,07; B. 0,017 mm. Median line with approximate median pores and bordered by a narrow silicions rib. Terminal nodules thick, terminal fissures indistinct. Trans- verse strie 19 to 20, longitudinal 19 in 0,01 mm. The puncta close to the median line are larger than the others. — Pl. III f. 36. Fresh water: Puerto Monte, Chile, fossil (Kinker Coll.)! Gyrosigma Hassarr (1845). Valve more or less elongated and sigmoid. Central nodule small. Ends of the median line in contrary directions. Central area small or indistinct. Axial area indistinct. Structure: puncta disposed in transverse and longitudinal rows. — Cell-contents (of the freshwater forms) with two chromatophores along the connecting zone, which long before the division of the cell are trans- versely cut off and migrate in pairs to the inside of the valve. The opening between the halves of the chromatophores becomes oblique, and each half increases to a chromatophore. The margins of the chromatophores entire (Prrrzzr, Bau und Entw. p. 57). Marine species (G. balticum) have irregularly serrated chromatophores the indentations being directed towards the central nodule. The median part of the chromatophores is obliquely striate, their substance being alternately thicker and thinner. The strie of the two chromatophores cross each other in an oblique angle (O. Mttier Ber. d. Deutch. Bot. Ges. 1883 p. 481). The sigmoid Naviculee were named Navieula Sigma by Enrenserc. Hassau proposed for them the name Gyrosigma, which was adopted by Razennorst (Die Siissw. Diat. 1853), but not by other diatomists, who prefered the newer name Plewrosigma, formed by W. Smiru, 1852, who published the first monograph of the species (Ann. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. IX p.1). The genus Pleurosigma, as accepted by all diatomists, includes forms with a structure of small puncta or alveoli, disposed in transverse rows, which are crossed by other rows, either longitudinal, or obliquely decussating. There are no intermediate forms between these two types, and I think they may justly be considered as different genera. For the forms with the puncta in transverse and longitudinal rows, I adopt the name Gyrosigma, although, as Grunow remarks, this name involves tautology. For the forms with the puncta disposed in transverse and oblique rows I reserve the name Pleurosigma. — Among the forms of Gyrosigma are several with carinated valves, for which Ratrs 1861 (Pritch. Inf. p. 920) proposed the generic name Donkinia. In my opinion this genus is not acceptable, as founded on a charac- teristic which is subject to too much variation. The same may be the case with Rhoicosigma, pro- posed 1867 by Grunow (Hedwigia VI p. 10) for forms with genuflexed or arcuate frustules. The genus Rhoicosigma seems at first sight to be better founded, as the valves of the same frustule of R. compactum are (as Prragatto has shewn) dissimilar. But on the other hand some forms (as R. robustum) have evidently similar valves. Besides, the flexure of the frustule differs in different species to all degrees. The manuscript-name Endosigma Bris. for the forms living like Schizonema, in gelatinous tubes is not admissible, on the same grounds as Schizonema, Colleto- nema, Endostauron etc. — From Gyrosigma may be removed Pleurosigma staurophorum Grun., which has no close affinity to any of the other forms, but has the characteristics of Caloneis, being a sigmoid form of that genus. — The division of the sigmoid forms of Navicula into two groups, founded on the disposition of the puncta in transverse and longitudinal, and in transverse and oblique, rows, was first proposed by W. Situ, and has been accepted. by all later diatomists. In the year 1880 Grunow published (in Arctische Diat.) an elaborate monograph, in which he KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 1g mtroduced a classification, founded on the relative number of the transverse and the longitudinal or oblique striz. This classification has been adopted by Prracatio, who published 1891 (in Dia- tomiste) a monograph of Pleurosigma and the allied genera Donkinia, Rhoicosigma and Toxonidea. — It seems to me that to separate the species in accordance with the relative number of the transverse and longitudinal striz is much too artificial a method, although this characteristic may in many cases be useful. Gyros. Fasciola offers a striking illustration of how unnatural such a classification based on the relative number of the strie may be. In the type the longitudinal strize are closer than the transverse, but in the var. sulcata the transverse are closer than the longi- tudinal striz. In some cases moreover the relation between the transverse and longitudinal striz may be vitiated by inevitable errors in their counting. These reasons have induced me not to adopt the classification of Grunow and Prragatio. I prefer as bases of classification the outline of the valve and the flexure of the median line. The variation of the forms in Gyrosigma is very great, and the species pass over into each other in so many cases that it is very difficult to define them. Gyrosigma is related to Tropidoneis by the carinated forms (Donkinia). On the other hand it is related to the Navicule orthostiche. The peculiar G. spectabile has a central nodule, which closely resembles that of the above named section (as of Nav. cuspidata). The majority of forms, belonging to Gyrosigma live in brackish water, but a few are in- habitants of fresh, and salt, water. Artificial key. 1 ‘i line central ee ee ce cael me cv Sout) St oe 2. . = @XCONTFIG: a ew ee eR we id 19. Ends aie into beaks... . .... Bed ne eo . 8. 2. ee not — é Pit G0 Say 6. 3. ‘ad short ona stout: sa 4a ow 8 Ratud oe GR detortiin W. Sm. long — narrow...... a 2 gl cede 4 toa A 4 ee abruptly attenuated into beaks . . nee f : G. macrum W. Sm. gradually _ _ ae : Peay Herceptin, et 5. 5. Valve narrow (B. 0,005 to 001 mm.) . . . .. hy, G. prolongatum W. 8m. : ee broader (B. 0,015 to 0,024 mm.). lel, sage, hen ate ag G. Fasciola Eur. 6. ee VMCAR 6 cose R fale ee eK we ‘ 3 a #8 : 12. lanceolate, tapering from the middie oy & 7. Penesuanial strie wider than the transverse ba ts # e deeds 8. ts — equidistant with — M138 Nip. “Bee Saya 9. — narrower than the — : ; eo % ‘ 10. 8. { eee strie about 14 in 0,01 mm. . ; G. attenuatum Kurz. — iv — . . G. litorale W. SM. J ditanapeta striae about 14 win 0,01 mm. ‘ yt . G. Terryanum Prr. 9. — 17 to 23 — ‘ Wok Soh . G. acuminatum Kirz. | _ — about 28 _ or bide tee: : G. glaciale Cu. Transverse strie about 13 in 0,01 mm. Ss See te ; ; ae 11. — 21 —_ < dy ea Bes G. Kitzingii Gron. 10: a er ee re oP . . G. Febigeri Gun. — 2g SS wou od eects . .G. diaphanum Cu. dcuinad area ‘eel. ba. a CR, ae dcedee a Baad G. Strigilis W. Sm. 11. Sait as ‘ Pe — large, oblique ae ; ar G. Baileyi Grun. Valve about 15 times longer than icon : a: Wy G. tenuissimum W. Sm. 2 SA eee Ge donee ease 13. ‘ Transverse and longitudinal strie equidistant hi eG Bae 14. ss { strie wider than the longitudinal . 3 a. Gye @ sa 2D, Geiitent area large, oblique. . ..-.--+-- ‘ ‘ G. plagiostomum Gron. a { — — small — wap. Ga off ae Ss ay Atenls G. balticum Exp. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd 26. Niro 2. 15* 114 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 15. ze small (L. 0,06 to 0,2 mm.) ..... 54 codbeah witty GUS OR AbD Gh Cea Gareja, Goa ~. 16. — large (L. 0,3 to 0,5 mm.) . sete cde Can Settee Seen Sneek die Path Goethe 18. 16 Valve with gradually narrowed ends .. . 5‘ ‘ . .G. Spencerii W. Sm. 6. oe —- obliquely rounded — : So ose: See ee see ATS 17. hs 006mm. ... Rak : : G. scalproides Rasy. OW > Soe we a ‘ tee wee GL Temperet Cx. 18. ee strie about 9 in 01 mm... «©. 2... 7 eee . . G. Grovei Cu. — 18 — : Bae: coarse . « G. spectabile Grun. Median line sinuose ....... #. 4 GE. oh aese de G. diminutum Grun. 19. ye — nott— ..... ls ee . 20. 90. at very narrow, 17 or more ‘ies anes than ina wesc & . G. lineare Grun.. NOSSATAEFOW! oe nee Sanee a ae ae Ga ae ae eae Soe | SS 21. 91. ieee line slightly excentric «6 6 6 1 eee 22. — coincident with the margin .......... BAe i Oe gel OR: 22. Ve CQUIdIStANY = cs is ee ee Sa es : i he ape! 8: Transverse strie wider than the longitudinal .. . ee ae . G. areticum Cu. 93, Poe about . in 0,01 mm. seg, +8 eh oH + at G. robustum Grun. _ me CALNE oe NL tte ee LA 2 ae G. Wansbeckii Donk. 24. oa ee he A dee. a8 t Wa. Ge aa 6 nS. tte = ED: not at Gp? Sane usc SB stasis ay sae Mars} tebe cam as 8 Gee? Se Ay aa eS 26. 95 Valve broad, unilaterally nsinuded yi Goeea ane @ B-2 . «+ « G. compactum GREv. 5. 5 ee narrow, lanceolate... . ; 3 . 2. G mediterraneum Cu. 26 ae and longitudinal strie eiaiilietant Bop Sky tele eR . . G. rectum Donk. > — strie narrower than the longitudinal . ....... G. angustum Donk. 1. G. acuminatnm Kiz. (1833). — V. sigmoid, lanceolate, gradually tapering to the obtuse ends. L. 0,1 to 0,18; B. 0,015 to 0,o2 mm. Median line central, sigmoid. Transverse and longi- tudinal striz equidistant, about 18 in 0,01 mm. -- Frustulia acuminata Ktrz. Linnea VIII p. 555 Dec. N:o 84 (accord. to Lagst.). Plewros. acuminatum Grun. A. D. p. 56. V. H. Syn. 117 PI. XXI f. 12. Per. VII f. 36, 37. Pleur. lacrustre W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XXI f. 217. Pleur. trans- sylvanicum Pant. III Pl. VI f. 94? Fresh water: Sweden! England! Saxony! Var. curta Grun. (1880). — L. 0,063 to 0,086; B. 0,0145 mm. Ends subrostrate, obtuse. Striz 18 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Holstein (Grun.). Var. gallica Grun. — V. sigmoid, lanceolate, with attenuate, subacute ends. L. 0,011 to 0,155; B. 0,011 to 0,o18 mm. Median line sigmoid, central. Longitudinal and transv. strie equi- distant 20 to 21 in 0,01 mm. — P. scalprum var. gallica Grun. V. H. T. Nio 172. P. gallic. Perr. VII f. 2. Fresh and brackish water: Sweden (Hernésand, fossil, Rimforsa i Vestergétland, Ringsjén)! France (V. H. T.), Argentina! Var. Brebissonii Grun. (1880). — V. sigmoid, linear-lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,086 to 0,104; B. 0,011 to 0,013 mm. Median line central, sigmoid. Transverse and longit. strie equi- disstant, 22 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — Pleuros. balticum y W. Sm. B. D. XXII f. 207 y. P. Bréb. Grun. A. D. p. 56. Per. VII f. 29, 30? P. balt. var. Bréb. V. H. Syn. p. 117 Pl. XXI f. 6. P. sealp- rum Rasu. A. Eur. N:o 2013 (accord. to Grun.). Fresh or slightly brackish water: Spitzbergen! Sweden! Paris! Saxony! Argentina! 2. G. Verryanum Perr. (1891). — V. slightly sigmoid, tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. IL. 0,4 to 0,45; B. 0,038 to 0,041 mm. Median line central, flexuose near the central nodule, which is obliquely elongated. Transverse and longit. strie equidistant, 14 in 0,01 mm. — Pleuros. Terr. Prr. p. 18 Pl. VII f. 21. Marine: Connecticut! 3. G. Baileyi Grun. (1880). — V. broadly lanceolate, strongly sigmoid, with subacute ends. L. 0,08 to 0,13; B. 0,o18 to 0,o21 mm. Median line central, sigmoid. Central nodule large, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wnio 2. 145 elongated and oblique. Transverse striz radiate in the middle and 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm., but 18 in 0,01 mm. at the ends. Longitud. strie 18 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Bail. Grun. A. D. p. 59. Per, VITI f. 11. Brackish water: Bengal (Grunow). 4, G. Strigilis W. Sm. (1852). — V. narrow, lanceolate, sigmoid, gradually tapering to the subacute ends. L. 0,25 to 0,36; B. 0,03 to 0,034 mm. Median line central, slightly flexuose. Trans- verse striz more distant than the longitudinal. T.S.: LS. 1/,;, '/,;, 4/4, in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Strig. W. Sm. Ann. Mag. N. H. (2) IX p. 8 Pl Il f. 4. B.D. I p. 66 Pl. XXII f 208. Per. VIII f. 4. 5. Brackish water: Baltic! North Sea! English Channel (W. Sm.), Batavia! Var. Smithii Grun. (1880). — I. 0,15 to 0.025; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. T.S.: LS. /,, 4/,, in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Smithit Grun. A. D. p. 58. Brackish water: Java! Bengal (Grun.), South America (Grun.). Var.? tropica Grun. (1860). — Ends obtuse. L. 0,16 to 0,3; B. 0,023 to 0,033 mm. Transv. strie about 21 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. tropicum Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 559 Pl. III f. 34. Pur. VIII f. 7. Marine: Red Sea (Grun.), West Indies (Grun.). Var.? capensis Prtit (1891). — L. 0,3; B. 0,017 mm. T.S.: L. S '/, in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. cap. Per. p. 21 Pl. VIII f. 6. Marine: Cape Good Hope (Petit). 5. G. Kiitzingit Grun. (1860). — V. gently sigmoid, lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,08 to 0,12; B. 0,012 to 0,015 mm. Central nodule somewhat elongated. Median line central, sigmoid. Transv. strie slightly radiate in the middle, more distant than the longitudinal. T.S.: L.S. ?'/,,, 2/54, 22/og, 23/og in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Kiiteingit Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 561 Pl. VI f. 3. P. Spencerit var. Kite. Grun. A. D. p. 59. V. H. Syn. p. 118 Pl. XXI f. 14. Per. VIII f. 22. P. gracilentum Rasy. Alg. Europ. N:o 1066 (1861). P. Wormleyi Suttiv. = P. Spencerti var. acutiuscula GRUN. in V. H. Types N:o 183. Fresh water: Sweden (Lake Malaren)! Finland! Belgium (V. H.), Saxony! East Indies (Grun.)! Japan! Tasmania! New Zealand (Grun.), Waltham in Massachusetts! Hudson River! Argentina! 6. G. Febigerii Grun. (1879). — V. lanceolate, gently sigmoid, subacute. L. 0,11 to 0,15; B. 0,0145 to 0,015 mm. Central nodule rounded. Median line sigmoid, central. T.S.: L.S. 4/5 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Febig. Grun. Cl. M. D. No 223. A. D. p. 60. P. Spencertt var.? Febig. Pzr. VIII f. 28. Marine: California (Grun.). 7. G. diaphanum Cr. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, sigmoid, subobtuse. L. 0,085; B. 0,015 mm. Median line central, sigmoid. Centralnodulerounded. T.S. : L.S. ?"/s) in 0,01 mm. — Pl. VI (Part I PLY) & 6, Marine: Isle de Bréhat, France! Gullmarefjord, Sweden! 8. G. (Rhoicosigma) glaciale Cu. (1883). — V. thin, lanceolate, gently sigmoid, gradually tapering to the acute ends. L. 0,143; B. 0,019 mm. Median line very slightly sigmoid. Transv. and longit. strie equidistant, 28 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. glaciale Cu. Vega p. 476 Pl. XXXV f. 13. Per. VIT f. 15. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 9, G. attenuatum Kirz. (1833): — V. gently sigmoid, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. L. 0,18 to 0,24; B. 0,025 mm. Median line gently sigmoid, central. Longitudinal strie stronger and more distant than the transverse. T.8.: LS. !/16: 4/12. 18/,, in 0,01 mm. — Frustulia attenuata Kitz. Dec. N:o 83 (accord. to Lagst.). Pleur. atten. W. Sm. B. D. I p. 68 Pl. XXII f. 216. V. H. Syn. p. 117 Pl. XXI f.11. Pur. VILE 9. P. Hippocampus W. Sm. 116 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Anh, Mag. N. H. [2] X p. 10 Pl. 11 f. 9 (1852), B. D. 1.2. £ 215. V. H. Syn. p. 17 PL AX f. 3. Pur. VII f. 4 to 7. P. att. var. caspia Grun. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 18 Pl. III f. 8. Per VII f. 8. Fresh and brackish water: Sweden! Finland! England! Saxony! Belgium (V. H.), France! Baltic! North Sea! Caspian Sea (Grun.). Var. Scalprum Gam. a. Turp. (1827). — L. 0,12 to 0,15; B. 0,019 mm. TS. : LS. 1/16, W),. — Nav. Scalprum Garur. a. Ture. Mém. du Muséum XV Pl. X, XI f. 3 (accord. to Kiitz.). P. acuminatum W. Sm. B. D. I p. 66 Pl. XXI f. 209. Gruy. A. D. p. 55. Pur. p.17 Pl. VITE. 3. Pl. Kochit Pant. III Pl. IX f. 153 (1893)?? Brackish and marine: North Sea! 10. G. litorale W. Sm. (1852). — V. sigmoid, lanceolate, with attenuate, slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,11 to 0,19; B. 0,022 to 0,045 mm. Median line sigmoid, central. Longit. strie very strong and distant. T.S. : LS. 1%/, in 001 mm. — P. litorale W. Sm. Ann. and Mag. N. Hist. [2] IX p. 10 Pl ID f. 8 B.D. Ip. 67 Pl. XXII f 214. Per. VII f. 1. Marine: North Sea! English Channel (W. Sm.), Mediterranean Sea (Per.). 11. G. distortum W. Sm. (1852). — V. lanceolate, slightly sigmoid. Ends more or less abruptly produced into short, obtuse beaks, turned in contrary directions. L. 0,07 to 0,12; B. 0,017 mm. Median line sigmoid, central. Transv. strie more distant than the longit. T.S.: L.S. 78/5, 23/.,. — Pleur. dist. W. Sm. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] [IX p. 7 Pl. 1 f. 10; B. D. I p. 67 Pl. XX f. 210. Per. VIII f. 32. Marine: Spitzbergen! North Sea! English Channel (W. Sm.), Ionian Archipelago (Grun.), Cameroon, Africa! Var. Parkert Harrison (1860). — L. 0,08 to 0,15; B. 0,015 to 0,025 mm. T.S.: LS. 1%, (Grun.), ?°%/o4, 74/o;, 73/og in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Park. Harri. M. J. 1860 p. 104. Grun. A. D. p. 57. V. H. Syn. p. 118 Pl. XXI f. 10. Pur. VIII f. 33. Fresh and brackish water: Baltic! England! Belgium! Var. stauroneoides (run. (1880). — Central nodule transversely dilated. T.S.: L.S. */,, 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Park. var. stauron. Grun. A. D. p. 57. Brackish water: Hudson River (Grun.). 12. G. Fasciola Eus. (1839). — V. lanceolate, attenuated into long, linear beaks, curved in opposite directions. L. 0,09 to 0,15; B. 0,015 to 0,o24 mm. Median line central, straight in the middle of the valve. T.S.: LS. 7/,4, 73/5 in 0,01 mm. — Ceratoneis Fusciola Ens. Abh. 1839 (accord. to Chase). Plewr. Fasciola W. Sm. B. D. I p. 67 Pl. XXI f. 211. Grun. A. D. p. 58. V. H. Syn. p. 119 Pl. XXI f. 8. Hunpry T. M. Soc. 1862 X p. 152. Per. VIII f. 36 to 38. Marine: Spitsbergen! North Sea! California! Barbados! Var. sulcata Grun. (1880). —- Longitudinal strie strong. T.S. : LS. %/,; (Grun.), 2"/,,, 23/4, in 0,01 mm. — P. (Fasc. var.?) sulcatum Grun. A. D. p. 55 Pl. IV f. 75. V. H. Syn. XXI f. 7. Per. VIII f. 43. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.), Spitsbergen! Firth of Tay (Grove), Mouth of Seine! Var. tenuirostris Grun. (1880). — L. 0,14 to 1,16; B. 0,011 to 0,o12 mm. T.S.: LS. 2%, 23/,, in 0,o1 mm. — P. (Fase. var.?) tenuirostris Grun. A. D. p. 55 Pl. IV f. 76. Pur. VIIT f. 42. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Var. arcuata Donk. (1858). — V. lanceolate. Ends more suddenly produced into long, narrow beaks curved in contrary directions. L. 0,1 to 0,115; B. 0,012 mm. Median line central, straight. Transv. strie 24 to 25 (Grun.) in 0,01 mm.; longitudinal finer. — Pleur. arcuat. Don. T. M. S. VI p. 25 Pl. WI f. 10. Pur. VIII f. 34, 35. Marine: Coast of Sweden (Grun.)! England (Donk.). . Gyros. Fasciola is intimately connected with G. distortum var. Parkeri, and by the Var. tenuirostris, with G. macrum. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, 117 13. G. macrum W. Sm. (1853). — V. narrow, lanceolate, abruptly attenuated into very long and narrow beaks, curved in contrary directions. L. 0,2 to 0,27; B. 0,01 mm. Median line central. Transv. strive 27 to 28 in 0,01 mm., Jongitudinal more than 30 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. macr. W. Su. B. D. I p. 67 Pl. XXXI f. 276. V. H. Syn. p. 119 Pl. XXI f. 9. Pur. VIII f. 41. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.), North Sea! Mediterranean Sea (Grun.). 14. G. prolongatum W. Sm. (1852). — V. narrow, lanceolate, gradually attenuated into long beaks, curved in contrary directions. L. 0,11 to 0,25; B. 0,005 to 0,015 mm. Transverse strie 21 to 22 in 0,01 mm., longit. finer. — Pleur. prol. W. Sm. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] IX p PLL 7. B.D. 1 p. 67 Pl XXIT£ 212. Pur. Vill f. 39. Marine: North Sea! Balearic Islands! Var. closteroides GRUN. (1884). — Beaks turned in the same directions. Transv. strie 22 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. prol. var. closteroides Grun. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 105 (53) Pl. I f. 58. Perr. VIII f. 40. Marine: Coasts of England (Grun.). . 15. G. tenuissimum W. Sm. (1853). — V. very narrow, linear-lanceolate, slightly sigmoid, acute. L. 0,11 to 0,22; B. 0,005 to 0,015 mm. Median line central. Transv. strie 18 to 22 in 0,01 mm. longitud. finer. — Pleur. tenuiss. W. Sm. B. D. I p. 67 Pl. XXII f. 213. Per. VIII f. 13. Marine: Sea of Kara! East coasts of England (W. Sm.), Triest! California! Var. subtilissima Grun. (1880). — L. 0,137; B. 0,0065 mm. Transy. strie 27 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. ten. var. subt. Grun. A. D. p. 58. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Var. Ayperborea Grun. (1880). — V. linear, sigmoid. L. 0,084 to 0,094; B. 0,006 to 0,007 mm. T.S.: L.S. 24/53, 22/4 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. ten. var. hyperb. Grun. A. D. p. 58 Pl. IV f. 77. Per. VIII f. 14. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Gyros. tenuissimum connects G. prolongatum with G. Spencerii by the Var. hyperborea. 16. G. Spencerii W. Sm. (1852). — V. linear-lanceolate, sigmoid, obtuse. L. 0.078 to 0,22; B. 0,012 to 0,025 mm. Median line central. Transv. striz more distant than the longitudinal. TS. : LS. 7/55) 7 /oq, 22/24 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Spencertt W. Sm. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] IX p. 12 Pl Il f 15. B. D.I p. 68 Pl. XXII f. 218. ° P. Spence. var. Smitha Grun. A. D. p. 59. V. H. Syn. p. 118 Pl. XXI f. 15. Pzr. VIII f. 21, 23. P. Spenc. var. Arnottii Grun. A. D. p. 59, P. Spenc. var. borealis Grun. A. D. p. 60. Pur. VIII f. 15. P. Spence. var. Antillarum Grun. A. D. p- 60. P. Spenc. var. curvula Grun. A. D. p. 60. V. H. Syn. p. 118 Pl. XXI f. 3, 4, 5. Pur. VIII f. 20, 24. Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! North Sea! Saxony! Canada! New York! West Indies! Bombay (Grove Coll.)! Var. exilis Grun. (1880). — L. 0,05 to 0,055; B. 0,oo7 mm. Transy. strive 28 to 29 in 0,01 mm. — P. Spenc. var. exilis Grun. A. D. p. 60. Per. VIII f. 25. Brackish water: Normandy (Grun.), Tasmania! Var. minutula Grun. (1880). —- L. 0,06; B. 0,01 mm. T.S.: LS. 74/5, 74/9 in 0,01 mm. — P. Spence. var. min. Grun. A. D. p. 60. Brackish water: Elbe (Grun.). Var. nodifera Grun. (1880). — V. linear, slightly sigmoid, obtuse. L. 0,06 to 0,1; B. 0,011 mm. Median line central. Central nodule surrounded by an elongated, oblique area. ‘Transv. strie slightly radiate in the middle. T.S.: L.S. %/g9, %/,, in 0,01 mm. — P. nodif. Grun. A. D. p- 59. BP. Spenc. var. nod. V. H. Syn. p. 118. Pl. XXI f. 13. Per. VIII f. 26. Fresh water: Mouth of Elbe (Grun.), Belgium (V. H.), Samoa (Grun.). 118 pb. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 17. G. Grovei Cu. (1891). — V. linear, sigmoid at the attenuated, obliquely rounded, ends. L. 0,4 to 0,6; B. 0,03 to 0o6 mm. Central nodule obliquely elliptical. Median line central, scarcely flexuose. T.S.: LS. 9%, in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Groveii Pur. p. 22 Pl. VIII f. 1. Brackish water: Java! Singapore! 18. G. spectabile Grun. (1891). — V. sigmoid, linear, obtuse. L. 0,3 to 0,34; B. 0,04 mm. Median line central, sigmoid, enclosed between two siliceous strings. Central nodule small, elongated. Terminal areas large. T.S. : L.S. 18/,; in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. spect. Per. p. 21 Pl. VII f. 14. Brackish water: Brazil! This isolated species is very interesting, as the eentral nodule and the median line recall those of Frustulia and Navicule Orthostiche. 19. G. sealproides Rasy. (1861). — V. slightly sigmoid, linear, with obliquely rounded ends. L. 0,058 to 0,068; B. 0,01 mm. Median line straight. Central nodule elongated. Median transv. strie somewhat radiate. T.S.: L.S. 2/4) in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. scalproides Rasy. Alg. Eur. N:o 1101. Grun. A. D. p. 60. V. H. Syn. p. 119 Pl XXI f. 1. P. Spencerii var. scalpr. Per. VIII f. 31. Fresh water: Germany! U. States, Kansas River! Cameroon, Africa! Var. (Endosigma) eximia Tuw.. (1856). — V. linear, obliquely truncate. L. 0,06 to 0,08; B. 0,009 to 0,01 mm. Median line straight, somewhat excentric in the ends. T.S. : L.8. 73/.,, 75/og in 0,01 mm. Frustules enclosed in gelatinous tubes. —- Colletonema cxim. Tow. in W. Sm. B. D. II p. 69 Pl. LVI f. 350. Pleur. exim. V. H. Syn. p. 119 Pl. XXI f. 2. Pur. VIII f. 47. Fresh water: Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia, Upsala)! England (W. Sm.), Belgium (V. H.), Bengal! Var. obliqua Grun. (1880). — V. linear, obliquely truncate. L. 0,069; B. 0,0145 mm. Central area elongated, oblique. Median line straight, curved at the ends, central. T.S.: LS. 7?/,, in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. obl. Grun. A. D. p. 56. Per. VII f. 34. Brackish water: Sierra Leone (Grun.), U. States! Savannah, Ga.! 20. G. Temperei Cr. (1893). — V. linear, with obligely truncate and rounded ends. L. 0,14; B. 0,014 mm. Median line central, straight, curved only at the ends. Central nodule small, elongated. T.S. : LS. 77/34. —- Diatomiste II p. 55 Pl. III f. 3. Brackish water: Connecticut! This form has nearly the same outline as P. balticum, but is smaller and has closer striation. 21. G. plagiostomum Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with obliquely rounded ends. L. 0,1 B. 0,013 mm. Median line central, slightly flexuose. Central nodule large, glongated and oblique. Transv. and longit. strie equidistant, 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. plag. Grun. A. D. p. 56. Pr. VIT f. 33. Marine: Seychelles (Grun.), Sierra Leone! Barbados! Pleur. sciotense Suuurv. (1854 Sillim. J. XXVII p. 251; Grun. A. D. p. 59), which seems to be the same as Pl. Wansbeckit Pur. VII f. 25, 26, is probably only a variety of G. playiostomum. Specimens from Hudson River (Icon. nost. Pl. VI (Part II Pl. I) f. 5) differ from that form in their somewhat larger size (L. 0,14 to 0,16; B. 0,016 to 0,o18 mm. TS. : LS. 16/19, 8/19 in 0,01 mm.). 22. G. balticum Ens. (1830). — V. linear, with obliquely truncate and obtuse ends. L. 0,2 to 0,4; B. 0,024 to 0,040 mm. Median line slightly excentric and somewhat flexnose. Cen- tral area small, oblique. Transv. and longit. strie equidistant, 11 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. baltica Ens. Abh. 1830 p. 114 (accord. to Chase). Pleur. balticum W. Sm. B. D. I 66 p. XXII f. 207. Jan. Rasy. Honduras D. Pl. Il] f. 3. V. H. Syn. p. 117 Pl. XX f. 1. Per. VIF. 19, 20. P. Makron Jounst. M. J. VIII p. 15. Brackish and marine: Baltic! North. Sea! Caspian Sea (Grun.). Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Red Sea! Java! Sumatra! Sandwich Islands! Samoa! Magellans Strait! Brazil! West Indies! At- lantic coasts of U. States! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 119 Var. similis Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with obtuse ends. L. 0,10 to 0,2; B. 0,02 to 0,024 mm. Median line central, slightly sigmoid, ending below the apices of the valve. Central area small. Striz equidistant, 16 to 17 in 0,o2 mm. — Pleur. simile Grun. A. D. p. 56. Purr. VII f. 27. Fresh or brackish water: Lagos (Grun.), Java! Samoa (Grun.), Tasmania! China! Barbados! Var. sinensis Ens. (1847). -- V. gibbous in the middle and with incrassate ends. LL. 0,1 to 0,2; B. 0,013 to 0,o22 mm. Median line strongly flexuose. T.S.: L.S. 4/,, in 0,01 mm. — Nav. sin. Ens. Ber. 1847 p. 485 (accord. to Chase). M. G. XXXIV, 7. f. 11. Per. VII f. 11. Pl. sin. var. caleuttensis Grun. A. D. p. 57. Prr. VIT f. 12. Var. californica Grun. (1879). — V. linear, slightly sigmoid, with gradually attenuated ends. L. 0,25 to 0,28; B. 0,028 mm. Transv. and longit. strie equidistant, 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. balt. var. calif. Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 246. Per. VIT f. 22. Brackish water: California! 23. G. diminutum Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with obliquely truncate and rounded ends. L. 0,1 to 0,11; B. 0,016 mm. Median line strongly flexuose, excentric towards the ends. T.S.: LS. 18/0, M/oqgs 73/og In 0,01 mm. — Pleur. (balt. var.?) dim. Grun. A. D. p. 56. Pzr. VII f. 31, 32. Marine: Balearic Islands! Adriatic (Grun.)! Var. constricta Grun. (1880). — V. gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,013 mm. T.S.: L.S. 4/3 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. (balt. var.?) constr. Grun. A. D. p. 57. Per. VIL f. 13. Pleur. reversum Gree. D. of Clyde p. 530 Pl. XIV f. 105. Psp. VIT f. 10? Marine: Adriatic (Grun.). Pl. biharense Pant. III Pl. XLII f. 581 seems to be an akin form. 24. G. Wansbeckii Donk. (1858). — V. linear, tapering towards the slightly curved and obliquely rounded ends. L. 0,11 to 0,17; B. 0,015 mm. Median line excentric, sigmoid. T.S. : L.S. 18/5, 2%, in Oo1 mm. — Pleur. balt. @ W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXII f. 207 ¢. Pl. Wansb. Donx. T. M.S. VI p. 24 Pl. DI f. 7. Pur. VII f. 23. 24. Brackish and marine: Sea of Kara! North Sea! Var. Peisonis Grun. (1860). — L. 0,09; B. 001 mm. T.S. : LS. ?!/,;, 243/,, in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. Peis. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 562 Pl. VI f. 8. P. Spencerti var. Peis. Grun. A. D. p. 60. Per. VIII f. 27. Brackish water: Sonderburg (Grun.), Neusiedler See, Hungary (Grun.)! Var. subsalina Pur. (1891). — L. 0,12 to 0,17; B. 0,o12 mm. TS. : LS. 18/45. — Pleur. Spencertt var. subs. Per. p. 24 Pl. VIII f. 16, 17. Brackish water: Médoc, France (Per.). 25. G. (Rhoicosigma) arcticum Cx. (1873). — V. slightly sigmoid, tapering from the middle to the subacute or obliquely rounded ends. L. 0.07 to 0,2; B. 0,014 to 0,02 mm. Median line more sigmoid than the valve, sometimes slightly sinuose. T.S.: L.S. 7%/y, 74/39, 23/39 in 0,01 mm. Frustule more or less arcuate to almost straight. — Rhoicosigma arcticum Cu. D. Arc. Sea p. 18 Pl. TE £16. Pur. X f. 16; ¥7, Marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! Finmark! Grip in Norway! Firth of Tay! Barbados! Kerguelens Land! This species varies in amount of flexure. Specimens from Kerguelens Land, named by Grunow Donkinia subflexuosa (Icon. n. Pl. VI (Part II Pl. I) f. 3, 4), are straight, so also are speci- mens from Barbados, but othetwise they differ in nothing of importance. The ends are subacute or obliquely rounded according to the position of the valve. As a Var. irregularis Pzracatuo has (p. 33 Pl. X f. 18) figured an asymmetrical form from the North Sea, which requires a more accurate study. 26. (Donkinia) rectum Donk. (1858). — V. convex, linear, straight, with obliquely rounded ends. L. 0,11 to 0,23; B. 0,013 to 0,o2 mm. Median line strongly excentric and sigmoid. Transverse 120 P. I. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. and oblique striz almost equidistant, 19 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. rectum Donk. T. M. 8. VI p. 23 Pl. III f. 6. Amphiprora Ralfsii Arnort M. J. VI p. 91 (1858) ad spec. authentica. Donkinia recta V. H. Syn. p. 119 Pl. XVII f. 9. Per. IX f. 4. P. Lorenzii Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 558 Pl. Vi f 4, Per. VIL £. 17. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Labuan! China! Port Jackson! Florida! Var. intermedia Pur. (1891). — V. more lanceolate, with less asymmetrical ends. — Donkinia recta var, int. Pur. p. 30 Pl. IX f. 7, 8. Marine: Cherbourg (Per.), Firth of Tay! Var. Thumii Cu. (1891). — L. 0,1 to 0,13; B. 0,011 to 0,o12 mm. TS. : LAS. 24/,,, 78/og, 28/0, in 0,01 mm. — Donkinia Thumii Pur. p. 30 Pl. VIT f. 28, IX f. 10. Marine: Balearic Islands! Seychelles! Sumatra! Var. minuta Donk. (1858). — Smaller. L. 0,06; B. 0,o12 mm. Strize 19 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. minutum Donk. T. M.S. VI p. 24, Pl. TIT f. 8. Donkinia min. Raurs in Pritch. Inf. p. 921 (1861). Perr. IX f. 9. Marine: Newcastle! Firth of Tay! 27. G. lineare Grun. (1880). — V. narrow, linear, almost straight, unilaterally narrowed towards the ends. L. 0,17 to 0,26; B. 0,01 to 0,015 mm. Median line sigmoid, strongly excentric. T.S. : LAS. 2°54, 2/5 in 0,01 mm. — Rhoic. lineare Grun. A. D. p. 59. Per. IX f. 11 (median line incorrectly represented as central). Marine: Adriatic! Seychelles (Grun.), Port Jackson! Colon! Var. longissima Cu. (1881). — V. very narrow, with obliquely rounded ends. IL. 0,16 to 0,17; B. 0,007 mm. T.S.: L.S. 18/,, 72/5 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. (Donk.?) long. Cu. N. R. D. p. 6 Pl. Lt. 8. Pap: Vil tf, 16. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Naples, Balearic Islands)! 28. G. angustum Donk. (1858). — V. very convex, thin, linear, with unilaterally attenuate, acute ends. L. 0,126 to 0,14; B. 0,015 mm, Median line diagonal in the middle and then marginal. T.S.: LS. %/,. in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. angustum Donx. T. M. 8. VI p. 24 Pl. III f. 9. Donkinia angusta Raurs in Pritch. Inf. p. 921 (1861). Psr. IX f. 3. Marine: England (Donk.), Balearic Islands! Var. sumatrana Cu. -— Less convex. L. 0,14; B. 0,018 mm. TS. : LS. 2%/,, in 0,01 mm. Median line less excentric. Marine: Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! 29. P. (Rhoicos.) compactum Grev. (1857). — Frustule arcuate, with dissimilar valves. V. short, linear, unilaterally attenuated to the obliquely rounded ends. L. 0,089 to 0,4; B. 0,015 to 0,05 mm. Upper valve with straight diagonal, median line T.S. : L.S. 38/45, 4/53, !/.), 1/4) in 0,01 mm. Lower valve with strongly excentric and sigmoid median line. T.S. : L.S. 18/, '7/,5, Le ae 19/,,, 1%/,4 in 0,01 mm. — Lower valve: Pleur. comp. Grev. M. J. V. p. 12 Pl. IIL f. 9. Donkinia comp. Ratrs in Pritch. Inf. p. 921 (1861). Rhoic. comp. Grun. M. M. J 1877 p. 182. Pur. p. 33 Pl. X f. 7, 8. Rhotc. oceanicum Per. l. c. f. 5, 12, 15. Rhoie. corsicanum Per. 1. c. Rhoic. Antillarum Cu. West. Ind. D. p. 9 Pl. ID f. 14. Pleur. Smithianum Castr. Voyage Challenger D. p. 38 Pl. XXVIII f. 6? Donkinia antiqua Grove and Sturt J. Queck. M. Cl. IIT [2] p. 133 (1887)? — Upper valve: Rhoic. Reichardtianum Grun. Hedwigia VI p. 11 (1867). M. M. J. 1877 p. 181 Pl. CXCV f. 19. Rhoic. compactum Pzr. p. 33 Pl. X f. 6, 8, 10, 18. g Marine: La Rochelle (Petit Coll.)! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Red Sea! Sumatra! Philip- pines! Port Jackson! Samoa! Tahiti! Galapagos Islands! Honduras (Grun.), West Indies! Var. constricta Grun. (1877). -—— V. slightly constricted in the middle, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,13; B. 0,02 mm. TS. : LS. '%/\9, 18/59 in 0,01 mm. — Rhoic. (Reichardtii var.?) constr. GRUN. M. M. J. 1877 p. 181. Marine: Honduras (Grun.)! Adriatic (Grun.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wo 2, 121 This species is very variable as to size and number of the strie, so that I cannot admit the separation of Rhoic. compactum and Rhoic. oceanicum Pur. According to PERAGALLO Gyr. com- pactum has 20 to 24 transverse and closer longitudinal] strie, but I have not seen such closely striate forms, which are said to be frequent. Most specimens I have seen agree with Rhoic. ocea- nicum. The fact that the valves of the same frustule are dissimilar, discovered by PERAGALLO, is of great interest. The striation of the valves is somewhat dissimilar. On specimens from La Rochelle I counted on the lower valve 19 transv. and 24 longit. striz in 0,01 mm. and on the upper valve 16 transv. and 23 longit. striz in 0,01 mm. 30. G. (Rhoicosigma) mediterraneum Cu. (1877). — V. narrow, with acute ends. L. 0,18 to 0,24; B. 0,022 to 0,0025 mm. Median line diagonal in the middle and then marginal. T.S.: L.S. 18/55, "fog, 1/o7 in 0,01 mm. — Rhoic. medit. Cr. T. R. M. 8. 1877 p. 182. N. R. D. p. 6 Pl. If. 9. Pur. IX f. 29 to 32. Marine: Balearic Islands! Adriatic! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Java! Var. calcarea Brun (1891). — V. smaller, with less acute ends and less asymmetrical median line. T.S.: LS. 295/,, in 0,01 mm. — Per. p. 32 Pl. IX f. 28. Marine: Japan, fossil (Per.). Var. chinensis Cu. — L. 0,14; B. 0,018 mm. Median line as in the type. T.S.: L.S. 73/4 in 0,01 mm. Marine: China (Deby Coll.)! 31. G. (Rhoicosigma) robustum Groun. (1880). — V. narrow lanceolate, sigmoid, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends. L. 0,27 to 0,6; B. 0,04 to 0,o6 mm. Median line sigmoid, excentric. T.S.: L.S. "jo, V3, 1/43 in 0,01 mm. — Pleur. (Rhoic.?) robustum Grun. A. D. p. 58. Rhoic. robustum Per. X f. 2, 3. Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Java! Singapore! Samoa! Galapagos Islands! Campeachy Bay! Var. inflexa Pur. (1891). — Valve more narrow and sigmoid. — Perr. p. 34 Pl. X f. 4. Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Frustulia Ac. (1824). Both valves similar. Central nodule small, indistinct or elongated. Median line enclosed between two siliceous ribs. Terminal nodules small, sometimes elongated; terminal fissures not distinct. No axial or central area. Structure: puncta arranged in transverse and longitudinal strie. Connecting zone simple. Cellcontents: two endochrome-plates along the interior wall of the connecting zone, in the middle of the valve separated a from the wall by hemispherical plasma- masses. On division of the plates, they do not move in the cells; the fission begins at the ends of the plate (Prrrzzr Bau u. Entw. p. 58). On conjugating, two frustules form by their cell-contents a mass, which is transformed into two cylindrical bodies, with obtuse, rounded ends, coarsely transversely costate, parallel to the empty valves. The ends of these bodies form, later on, caps, which are thrown off. The bodies become conical, and gradually the valves are developed, one after the other. When full-grown they are twice as long as the mother-cells (Pritzer Bau u. Entw. p. 58). From the description of the cell-contents and the process of conjugation it seems that Fru- stulia and Navicula differ considerably in these respects. Some species of Frustulia (of the group of F. rhomboides) are, as far as regards the valve, nearly akin to the Navicule orthostiche and, on the other hand to Amphipleura. The central nodule, usually small, becomes in same forms (N. rhomboides var. amphipleuroides) united to the strong siliceous strings, which enclose the median line, as in Amphipleura, but the central nodule is in K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 26. N:o 2. 16* 122 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. the latter genus much larger. Several species of Frustulia (as F. vulgaris) live enclosed in gela- tinous tubes and have been considered as belonging to a separate genus (Colletonema Tuaw.); others live in gelatinous masses (Frustulia Ag., Exs., Kirz.). No generic distinctions may be founded on such characteristics. Brisisson founded 1868 (Ann. de la Soc. phytol. et microsc. de Belgique, Vol. I p. 201) the genus Van Heurckia on the peculiar structure of the central nodule and the median line. With Prirzer I am inclined to retain the old name F'rustulia. Artificial key. i pee rhomboid to lanceolate . AN ; ab fy A. as Ox Bh ee linear to elliptic-linear . ve. ‘ Bo Rh i me ae ih 4. 9. an small. L. 0,028 to 0,03 mm. git Arts of .. . F. styriaca Gro. — larger. L. 0,05 or more. . : : Bd, ta Gi Shee, ty PM 3. 3. ee strie slightly radiate . ; SG Be . . FF. vulgaris Taw. — parallel sis ok eB . F. rhomboides Exp. 4 aes nodules near the margin ~ © we ee ee F. interposita Lewis. distant from — Bee Stee Nps . . F. Lewisiana Grev. 1. F. styriaca Grown. (1880). — V. narrow rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,028 to 0,03; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Central nodule elongated. Strie slightly radiate, also at the ends, about 24 (middle) to 27 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — Nav. (Vanheurckia?) styriaca Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XVII f. 7, 8. Fresh water? . I have not seen this species, which has the appearance of a small F. rhomboides. 2. F. vulgaris Tuw. (1847). — V. narrow-lanceolate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,05—0,07; B. 0,011 mm. Central nodule elongated. Strie 24 (middle) to 34 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends. Frustules enclosed in unbranched gelatinous tubes. — Colletenema vulgaris Tuw. Ann. N. H. (2) I Pl. XILf. 4. W. Sm. B. D. II p. 70 Pl. LVI f. 351. Grun. Banka D. II f. 15. Nav. dirhynchus Donk. B. D. Pl. V f. 3 (1871) Ehb.? Kiitz? Vanheurckia vulgaris V. H. Syn. p. 112 Pl. XVII f. 6. Fresh water: Sweden! Norway! Finland! Saxony! Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland (Brun.), Siberia! Japan! Bengal! Australia (Orara River, Blue mountains etc.)! Tasmania! Ecuador! Var. asymmetrica Cu. — V. elliptical, asymmetrical, with obtuse ends. Median line excen- tric, more approximate to the less convex margin. Terminal nodules at some distance from the ends of the valve. Strie 22 to 30 in 0,01 mm., somewhat radiate in the middle and closer at the ends, punctate; puncta arranged in longitudinal undulating rows, 19 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. V f. 29. Brackish water: Sierra Leone! Cameroon! Tasmania! Newark N. Jers. fossil (Champlain epoch)! 3. F. rhomboides Exp. (1843). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,07 to 0,16; B. 0,015 to 0,o3 mm. Central nodule small or elongated. Transverse striae parallel, 23 to 24 in 0,o1 mm.; longitudinal striez 20 to 25 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. rhomboides Eus. Am. III: 1 f. 15? W. Su. B. D. I Pl. XVI f. 129. Grun. Banka D. Pl. ID f. 14. Vanheurckia rhomb. Brus. Ann. Soc. phyto. et micr. de Belgique Vol. I p. 204 (1868). V. H. Syn. p. 112 Pl. XVII f. 1, 2. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland (from Russian Lapland to Abo)! England! Belgium (V. H.), Bengal! Australia (Daintree River, Blue Mountains)! New Zealand! Greenland! Canada! Sierra Nevada! White Mountains! Demerara River! Brazil! Var. lineolata Hus. (1843). — V. with several coarse longitudinal furrows. — WN. lineolata Exs. Am. Pl. J: 3 f. 4a? M. G. Pl. XVI: 1 f. 3 ete. Fresh water: Sweden (Degernis, fossil)! Bengal! New Zealand, fossil! Var. oregonica Cu. — VY. narrow. L. 0,1; B. 0,015 mm. Transverse striz 30, longitudinal 25 in 0,01 mm. : Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 123 Var. amphipleuroides Gruy. (1880). — L. 0,13; B. 0,02 mm. Central nodule elongated; median line slightly excentric. Transverse strize 23, longitudinal striae 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm. — Van- heurckia rhomb. var. amphipl. Grun. A. D. p. 47 Pl. III f. 59. Fresh water: Finland (Russian Lapland, Ladoga)! Mouth of Jenissey! Vancouver Island (Grove Coll.)! Var. saxonica Rasu. (1851). — V. lanceolate, with rostrate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,07; B. 0,013 to 0,o2 mm. Striz fine, 34 to 35 (V. H. Syn.). -- Frustulia saxonica Rasy. (Bac. exc. N:o 42. Fl. E. Alg. p. 227). Grun. Banka D. Pl. I f. 13. Nav. crassinervia Bris. in W. Sm. B. D. p. 47 Pl. XXXII f. 271 (1853). Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 548 Pl. V f. 12. Donx. B. D. p. 42 Pl. VI f. 12. Vanheurckia crass. Bris. Ann. Soc. phyto. et microgr. de Belgique Vol. I p. 204 (1868). Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Lagerst.), Beeren Eiland (Lagerst.), Sweden! Finland! Germany! Australia (Blue Mountains, Daintree River)! New Zealand! Bengal! Var. viridula Bris. (1849). — Frustules in gelatinous tubes. V. elongated, with broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,08 to 0,11; B. 0,015 mm. Striz 28 to 30 in 0,01 mm. (V. H.). — Colleton. viridulum Brés. in Kiitz. Sp. A. p. 105. Vanheurckia virid. Bris. Ann. Soc. phyt. et micr. de Belgique Vol. I p. 203 (1868). V. H. Syn. p.112 Pl. XVII f. 3. Frustulia torphacea A. Br. in Rabh. Alg. Sachs. N:o 761 (1858). Fresh water: Germany! France (Bréb.). 4. F. interposita Lewis (1865). — V. linear-elliptical, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,12 to 0,18; B. 0,025 to 0,o27 mm. Central nodule small, terminal nodules small, approximate to the ends: Transverse strie 20, longitudinal 18 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. interposita Luwis Proc. Ac. Philad. 1865 Pl. If. 19. Nav. Martonfii Panr. IIIT Pl. XVII f. 247 (1893)? Brackish water: Sierra Leone! Bombay (Grove Coll.)! Savannah Ga.! Oakland, Calif.! South America (Lewis), Hungary, Tallya fossil (Grun.). Var. labuensis Cu. (1883). — Narrow elliptic-lanceolate with obtuse ends. L. 0,065 to 0,072; B. 0,015 mm. Transverse striae 17; longitudinal 18 to 21 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. O'W. var. lab. Cui. Vega p. 496. Marine: Labuan! Var. incomperta Lewis (1865). — Transverse strie about 27, longitudinal 22 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. incomperta Lewis 1. c. f. 20. Brackish water: Atlantic coasts of U. States (Lewis). Var. Julient Brun a. Hiri. (1893). — L. 0,07; B. 0,012 to 0,o17 mm. Transverse striz about 28, longitudinal 20 in 0,01 mm. — JN. Jul. Brun a. Héris. D. d'Auvergne p. 199 Pl. VI f. 8, 9. Brackish water: Auvergne, fossil! 5. KF. Lewisiana Grev. (1863). —- V. linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,19 to 0,21; B. 0,035 to 0,o38 mm. Central nodule small, terminal nodules elongated and linear, at some distance from the ends. Transverse striz parallel in the middle, convergent at the ends, 24 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal strie 25 in 0,01 mm. irregularly undulating. — Nav. n. sp. Lewis Proced. Ac. Nat. Sc. Phil. Pl. IT f. 3 (1861). Nav. Lewis. Grev. T. M. 8. XI p. 15 Pl. I f. 7 (1863). Vanheurckia Lewisiana Bris. Ann. Soc. phytol. et microgr. Belgique Vol. I p. 202 (1868). Brackish water: Sierra Leone! Cameroon! India (Wallich), Batavia! Sendai, Japan, fossil! Brazil (Brun Coll.)! Florida and Georgia (Lewis). Stenoneis Cui. N. Gen. Valve narrow, with rounded ends. Central and terminal nodules very small. Median line indistinct, bordered by two strong linear silicious ribs. Structure: fine, transverse, strie. Axial area indistinct. 124 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. This genus includes one species only, which I cannot place in any other group. The thick lines on both sides of the median line seem to point to some relation to Frustulia. 1. S. inconspicua Grue. (1857). — V. linear, frequently gibbous in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,007 mm. Central nodule very small; terminal nodules small, some- what distant from the ends. Median line bordered by two strong, siliceous ribs. Axial area indistinct. Central area a broad, transverse fascia. Striz 26 in 0,01 mm., parallel throughout. — N.? inconspicua Grua. D. of Clyde p. 478 Pl. IX f. 3. MW. Fistula A. S. N.S. D. Pl. II f. 29 (1874). Stenon. incomp. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 28. Marine: North Sea! Scotland (Greg.), Bohuslin! Balearic Islands! Var. Baculus Cu. (1883). — L. 0,065; B. 0,007 mm. Striz 19 in 0,01 mm., crossed in the middle by a narrow lateral area. — WN. Baculus Cu. Vega p. 474 Pl. XXXVII f. 51. Marine: North Siberian Sea, Cape Wankarema! Cistula Cu. N. G. Valve broad (of the only known species, rectangular). Central nodule very small.. Median line between two siliceous ribs; its central pores very approximate. Structure: slightly radiate striz, crossed by several longitudinal, blank bands. This group contains but one species, which 1 am unable to place in any other. The peculiar form of the median line is nearly the same as in Stenoneis and Frustulia. 1. €. Lorenziana Grun. (1860). — V. rectangular, sometimes slightly gibbcus in the middle and at the ends. Strie slightly radiate throughout, 17 in 0,01 mm., composed of elongated puncta, arranged in regular longitudinal rows, 12 in 0,01 mm., angularly bent in the middle. — Nav. Lo- renziana Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 547 Pl. III f. 3. Nav.? Cistella Grev. T. M.S. XI p. 19 Pl. I fig. 12 to 14 (1863). Cistula Lor. Icon. n. Pl. I f. 81. Marine: South coast of England (Roper), Balearic Islands! Adriatic! Queensland (Grev.)! Port Jackson! Campeachy Bay! Brebissonia Grun. (1860). Valve symmetrical, lanceolate or subrhomboid. Central nodule elongated. Terminal fissures almost straight. No longitudinal lines. Structure: coarse, transverse, costate strie and very fine puncta arranged in very fine longitudinal strie. Connecting zone simple. Cell-contents: a single chromatophore-plate as in Cymbella. The only species of this genus was in 1838 described by EHRENBERG as Cocconema Boeckit. It was in 1853 placed by W. Smiru in the genus Doryphora together with Rhaphoneis amphiceros. Grunow in 1860 formed for this species the genus Brebissonia (Verh. 1860 p. 512), principally characterized by the occurence of the symmetrical frustules on gelatinous stalks. Hxzrpere in 1863 placed it in Navicula, a genus to which it has scarcely any affinity, and from which, according to the researches of Prirzer (Bau u. Entw. p. 76) it differs greatly in its cell-contents, which are similar to those of Cymbella. There is no doubt good reason for placing it in the separate genus Brebissonia. By its elongated central nodule it seems to approach to Amphipleara, but the structure of the valve is different, and is more like that of the group Lineolate in the Navicule. It is at any rate an isolated form of doubtful place in the system. The only known species occurs in brackish water attached by gelatinous stalks to water-plants. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:0 2. 125 1. B. Boeckii Ens. (1838). — Frustule stipitate. V. lanceolate. L. 0,12; B. 0,023 mm. Central nodule elongated. Terminal fissures straight, at a short distance from the ends. Striz 10 (middle) to 13 (ends), radiate at the ends. Puncta of the exterior stratum forming fine lineole, about 30 in 0,01 mm. — Cocconema Boeckii Eus. Inf. Pl. XIX f. 5. Doryphora Boeckii W. Sm. B. D. Pl XXIV f. 223. Brebissonia Boeckii Gruy. Verh. 1860 p. 512. Brackish water: Baltic (from Roslagen and Bay of Finland to Kiel)! Coasts of England! Connecticut to North Carolina! Var. minor Cu. — L. 0,058; B. 0,016 mm. Strie in the middle 12, at the ends 15 in 0,01 mm. Brackish water: Amsterdam (Kinker Coll.)! Amphipleura Korz (1844). Valve elongated, fusiform or linear, without longitudinal lines or ridges. Central nodule elongated into a rib, extending throughout the whole valve, furcate towards the ends. Struc- ture: very fine puncta arranged in parallel, transverse and straight longitudinal striew. Cell- contents: two endochrome-plates along the inside of the connecting zone. Median plasma-mass distinct. On conjugating two cells give origin to two auxospores (»Berkeleya Dillwynii» Liiders Beob. p. 59). The genus Amphipleura was founded in 1844 by Kirzine (Bac. p. 103) for Frustulia pellu- cidu, known already by him in 1833. Nitzchia Sigma, under the name of Amphipleura rigida, was also included in the new genus. According to Kirzine and all later authors (compare the ideal section in Van Heurck synopsis Pl. XVII f. 14 A) the valve of Amphipleura has on both sides of the axis an elevated line or ridge, which I have always failed to discover. Certain small forms of Amphipleura live in gelatinous tubes, and for these the genera Berkeleya Grev. (1827), Rhaphi- dogloea (Ktz. 1844) were founded. They have also been included in Schizonema, Micromega, Bangia, Monema. Conferva etc., but there is no more reason for separating these forms from Amphi- pleura than for distinguishing Encyonema, Endosigma, Endostauron, Schizonema and Colletonema from Cymbella, Gyrosigma, Navicula and Frustulia. The frustules of the forms living in tubes are exactly similar to those of the true Amphipleura, only smaller. The shape of the gelatinous tubes is in my opinion of little importance. GrRunow in 1880 (Bot. Centralblatt) wrote an elaborate monograph of these forms, to which I refer. The diatoms most nearly akin to Amphiplewra are to be found in the genus Frustulia. In this genus one meets with forms, having a small central nodule and obscure median line, enclosed between two, strong interior silicious ridges, forming at the ends of the valve a »porte-crayon»- shaped figure. In some forms the central nodule becomes fused together with the siliceous ridges. If the fusion extends farther, we get the forms of the central nodule, characterizing Amphipleura. The >forks» in Amphipleura correspond to the »port-crayons» in Frustulia and to the »horns» in Diploneis. Another genus, to a certain degree akin to Amphipleura is Brebissonia. Perhaps the curious and isolated Hydrosilicon Brun, (Amphiprora rimosa O'MzaRa) may be a distant relative. Amphipleura Debyi appears in some respects to be intermediate. All species of Amphipleura, except A. Debyi, are nearly related, have the same important characteristics, and differ only in the size, some slight differences in the outline, the length of the forks, and number of strie. They inhabit fresh as well as brackish or salt water. Fresh- water forms are larger, live free or enclosed in mucous, amorphous masses, the marine live enclosed in tubes. Of the freshwater-forms those living in warmer or tropical countries are the largest and in structure coarsest. 126 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 1. Smaller, marine or brackish forms, enclosed in gelatinous tubes (Berkeleya, Raphidogloea). ' 1. A. rutilans Trenrzpoun (1806). — V. short and narrow, obtuse, linear-elliptical or linear- lanceolate. L. 0,015 to 0,035; B. 0,004 to 0,oo6 mm. Forks about 1/; as long as the length of the valve. Strie 28 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate at the ends. — Conferva rutilans TRENv. in Roth Cat. HI p. 179. Berkeleya Dillwynii V. H. Syn. p. 113 Pl XVI f. 15. Schizonema Dillw. W. Sm. B. D. IL p. 77 Pl. LVIII f. 366. Berkel. obtusa V. H. Syn. Lc. f. 16 and var. adriatica f. 17, 18. Brackish and marine: Baltic (Gulf of Bothnia, at Torneé, Gotland, Bay of Finland)! Caspian Sea (Grun.)! North Sea, English Channel! Mediterranean Sea! Japan! Var. antarctica (Harw.) Grun. 1881. — Striew 36 in 0,01 mm. — Berkel. antarct. GRuN. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XVI f. 20. Berk. Harveyana Grun. 1. c. 14. Berk. parasitica Grun. 1. c. f. 19. Berk. finnica Danner. Baltic D. PJ. II f. 19 (1882)? Marine: North Sea (Grun.), Falklands Islands (Grun.), Friendly Islands (Grun.). 2. A. micans Lyne. (1819). — V. linear, with broad and rounded ends, elongated. L. 0,065 to 0,125; B. 0,01 mm. Forks more than 1/, of the length of the valve. Striz about 27 in 0,01 mm. — Bangia micans Lynas. Tentamen hydrophytol. p. 84 Pl. XXV. Berkeleya mic. Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 113 Pl. XVI f. 11. Berk. pumila V. H. Syn. 1. c. f. 18. Berk. adriatica Grun. in T. R. M. 8. 1877 p. 180 Pl. CXCV f. 15. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea (Grun.), Adriatic (Grun.). Var. fragilis (Grev.) Gruy. — Strie 32 to 36 in 0,01 mm. — Berkel. fragilis Grev. Scot. Crypt. Fl. Pl. 294. V. H. Syn. Pl. XVI f. 12. Marine: North Sea (Grun.), Mediterranean Sea (Grun.). 2. Larger, brackish or freshwater forms, free or in mucous masses (Amphipleura). 3. A. pellucida Kirz. (1833). -- V. fusiform, acute. L. 0,08 to 0,14; 0,007 to 0,009 mm. Forks 0,02 mm. Transverse striz 87 in 0,01 mm. — Frustulia pelluc. Kitz. Linnea VIII Pl. 13 f. 11. Dec. N:o 83 (1834) accord. to Lagerst. A. pellucida Kitz. Bac. p. 103 (1844). W. Sm. B. D. XV f. 127. Grun. Verh. 1862 p. 154. Grun. T. R. M. 8. 1877 p. 179. V. H. Syn. p. 113 Pl. XVII f. 14, 15 A. Fresh and slightly brackish water: Baltic (Gotland, Dannf. Tornea!), Sweden (Malaren, Vestergétland)! Finland! Belgium (V. H.), England (W. Sm.), Austria (Grun.), Switzerland (Brun.), Japan! : Var. brasiliensis Cu. — L. 0,009; B. 0,01 mm. Forks 0,015 to 0,o3 mm. Transverse strie 33, longitudinal 27 in 0,01 mm. — A. Lindheimert Grun. in Cl. M, D. Nio 298. Fresh water: Brazil! Ecuador! Var. Lindheimeri Grun. (1862). — L. 0,15 to 0,16; B, 0,024 mm. Forks 0,036 mm. Terminal nodules short, rounded. Transverse striz 26, longitudinal 26 in 0,01 mm. — A. Lindheim. Grun. Verh. 1862 p. 155 Pl. XIII f. 11. T. R. M. S. 1877 p. 179 Pl. CXCV Ff. 13. Fresh water: Texas (Grun.), Costa Rica (Grove). Var. intermedia Grun. (1877). — L. 0,019 to 0,2; B. 0,013 to 0,015 mm. Forks 0,044 mm. Terminal nodules short rounded. Strize somewhat finer than in var. Lindheimeri. — Grun. T. R. M. S. 1877 p. 179. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil (Grun.). Var. oregonica Grun. (1877). — 0,33; B. 0,027 mm. Forks 0,063 mm. Terminal nodules elongated, linear. Striz as in var. Lindheimeri. — Grun. 1. c. p. 179. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil (Grun.). 1 See GRunows Monograph in Bot. Centralblatt 1880 N:o 47/,,. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 127 Var. maxima H. L. Smrru (1886). — L. 0,37; B. 0,04 mm. Forks 0,01 mm. Strie 32 in 0,o1 mm. — A. maxima Waker and Chase N. R. D. p. 2 Pl. II f. 5. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil. Var. Truant V. H. — V. fusiform, acute. L. 0,26; B. 0,023 mm. Forks 0,006 mm. Terminal nodules elongated. Transverse and longitudinal strie 26 in 0,01 mm. — A. Lindheimeri var. Truani V. H. T. Nio 166. Truan D. Astur. Pl. II f. 34, 35 (according to De Toni). A. pell. var. Tr. Icon. an. Pl. VI (Part. I] Pl. I) f. 1. Fresh water: Spain! Var. recta Kirton (1884). — V. linear, with gently cuneate ends. L. 0,226; B. 0,019 mm. Forks 0,05 mm. Terminal nodules elongated. Strie 26 in 0,01 mm. — Krrron J. Quekett M. C. (2) II p. 21 Pl. IV f. 4. Marine: Japan (Kitton). Var. Schumannii Grun. (1877). — L. 0,18 to 0,02; B. 0,014 mm. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm. — A, pellucida Scuum. Preuss. D. II N. p. 53 PL If. 9. A. Schum. Grun. T. R. M. S. 1877 p. 180. Brackish water: Baltic (Schum.) 4. A. Weissflogii Grun. (1877). — V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,19 to 0,25; B. 0,012 to 0,013; Forks 0,06 to 0,o8 mm. Striz 25 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. T. R. M.S. 1877 p. 180 Pl. CXCV f. 14. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil (Grun.). 5. A. hungarica Pant. (1889). — V. narrow fusiform, obtuse. L. 0,08 to 0,1; B. 0,014 mm. Forks a third as long as the valve. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. — Berkeleya hung. Pant. II p. 55 Pl. EX £. 168, Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). A similar form, but with a longitudinal line (?) on each side of the median line is Berkeleya neogradensis Pant. III Pl. XXXVI f. 508 (1898). 6. A. Debyi Lzup. Forrm. (1892). — V. gibbous in the middle and with very long and narrow protracted ends, of unequal length. IL. 0,22; B. 0,02 mm. Forks very elongated. Margin of the valve with coarse »pearls» (loculi?). Strie not seen. — Lup. Forrm. D. de la Malaisie p- 22 Pl. II f. 10. Marine: Sumatra (Leud. Fortm.). I have had no opportunity of examing this very curious diatom, which to judge from the figure have a loculiferous marginal rim as in Mastogloia. Naviculee Mesoleize Cu. Valve symmetrical, linear to elliptical, with usually obtuse or rostrate ends. Axial area narrow or indistinct. Central area large, quadrate, or a transverse fascia. Striz usually fine, punctate and radiate throughout. Connecting zone not complex. This Section comprises a number of usually small forms, inhabiting fresh, rarely salt water. By N. Pupula and N. bacilliformis this section is closely connected with Navicule bacillares. There is also some relation between some species of this group and of the section Navicule punctate. Artificial key. 1 Valve constricted in the middle .. .... 2... 6. ee eee N. binodis Ens. : { — not — _ = lee wee ee hy Bs as bo! Lae Bde ss 2. 2 Length about 0,12 mm. ....... aS xe ey . .N. Szaboi Pant. , - — 04 mm.orless.... .«....-.. Loins sae er 3. 3 Terminal nodules with lateral expansions .... . : ae N. Pupula Kurz. i { = —- without — _ fe £. dhe ORY ee pas ay te og 14, 128 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 4 eee area reaching nearly to the margin . . «©. - 1 ee ee ee te te es ‘B. = not more than half the breadth of the valve ........ 9. 5. 2 Valve trochiform cee. rekon. Pegs .. . WN. Lagerheimii Cu. elliptical ©. .. ae St. 6S Gulb et Gee ae ee BS 6. eaee area with a single ranertnl alae é Pes $ oh Sy chee — without — _— rh ASS : et paths hayden So 8. 7. oe stria on one side only... ....... rig . N. asymmetrica Pant. — — both sides ............ 2... . . NM. ulvacea BERKEL. 8. oo 20 in 0,01 mm. bth sy, tats SIRT OY elas .. . WN. obliqua Gree. — 27 Se SS oe es Pa ake” ENS eG . ... . NN. Roteana Rasa. 9. eke area with a stigma ..... f. oalan ds Brae ae 2. 2 NM. mutica Kirz. — withott — ...... ia: ah. Me Ree Ge OG eae ee AO; 10. ‘hae capitate. ... j Be ... N. Heufleriana Grun. — not —... a Ser a eee a 11. Length about Gyn mm. or more , ‘ . . .N. bacilliformis Grun. 11. \~ — 0,025 mm. : Ms eke. dae tees ee N. Haradag Pant. 0.014 to 0,o2 mm. or less ... . ‘ by atta bay - tne mers 12. 19. oo rostrate o. & glia & — i tees 48 13. — rounded... Go a a gg sD: 13. ia biconstricted . . . Wate Tees, .. . N. nivalis Exp. elliptical to lanceolate... .... Me (aintheGente > seecertecaebe 14. 14. ee distinct 20240 «8 Sa eae « ye BME Be Sh see es N. Kotschyi Gron. — very delicate .. feet, wah Bille ae See N. depressa Cu. 15 ve centrally gibbous ww we ee N. Seminulum Gron. , — not — — Gee mapa ceniy a agen at aaa oe . 0. . NM. minima Gro. 1. N. minima Grun. (1880). — V. linear with broad rounded ends. L. 0,015; B. 0,0045 mm. Central area small, quadrate. Strie 26 in 0,01 mm., more distant in the middle of the valve, radiate throughout. — N. minutissima Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 552 Pl. IV f. 2. N. minima Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 107 Pl. XIV f. 15, 16. WN. Saugerri var. Grun. in V. H.8.f.16b. Synedra pusilla Kitz. (according to Grun.). Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.). Var. atomoides Grun. (1880). — V. elliptical. L. 0,008; B. 0,004 mm. Striz 27 to 30 in 0,01 mm. — N. atomoides Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 12—14. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.). 2. N. Seminulum Grun. (1860). — V. sublinear, gibbous in the middle, with broad, sub- truncate ends. L. 0,015; B. 0,004 mm. Central area quadrate, not very large. Strize 20 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. — N. Seminulum Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 552 Pl. IV f. 3. Laest. Spitsb. D. Pl. Wf. 9. V. H. Syn. p. 107 Pl. XIV f. 8, 9. N. Saugerri Dzsmaz in V. H. Syn. f. 8 a’. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Spitsbergen (Lagst.), Sweden (Bollnds in Helsingland, Koén in Bohuslan)! Belgium (V. H.), Japan! Greenland! Var. fragilarioides Grun. (1880). — Striz somewhat coarser. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. f. 10. 3. N. Rotana Rasu. (1852). — V. elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,013 to 0,024; B. 0,006 to 0,oos mm. Central area large and broad, reaching near to the margin. Terminal fissures of the median line in contrary direction. Striz about 28 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. — Stauro- neis Roteana Rasu. Hepw. I p. 103 Pl. XIII f. 7 (1852). Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 565 PI. VI f. 14. Stauron. minutissima Laast. Spetsb. D. p. 39 Pl. I f. 13 (1873). Stauron. ovalis Grea. M. J. IV Pl. I f. 36 (1856). Stauron. Cohniit Brun D. des Alpes p. 91 Pl. IX f. 10 (1880). Navic. Roteana V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 17—19. Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Ldt), Sweden! Finland! Austrian alps (Grun.). Var. excentrica Grun. (1880). — Median line somewhat excentric. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. XIV f. 20. Var. oblongella Grun. (1880). — Valve narrow elliptical. — Grun. in V. H. S. XIV f. 21. Nav. oblongella Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 551 Pl. IV f. 4? KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 129 4, N. Haradaw Pant. (1893). — V. broadly elliptical, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,025; B. 0,618 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area large, somewhat transverse, half as broad as the valve. Striz 20 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. — Panv. III Pl. VI f. 100. Habitat? »Sentenai» (Pant.). 5. N. depressa Cx. (1891). — V. elliptical, with rostrate ends. L. 0,022; B. 0,009 mm. Surface of the valve depressed between the margin and the longitudinal and transverse area. Central area about '/, of the breadth of the valve. Striz 27 in 0,01 mm., more distant (about 24 in 0,01 mm.) in the middle, slightly radiate, especially near the ends. — Cu. D. of Finl. p. 35 Pi, 1 £4, Fresh water: Sweden, Areskutan in Jamtland! Wernamo, fossil! Finland (Imandrian Lap- land, Suomenniemi, fossil)! 6. N. binodis Eup. (1840). — V. strongly constricted in the middle, with rostrate-capitate ends. LL. 0,025; B. 0,oo8 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small. Striee about 30 in 0,01 mm., sligthly radiate. — Ens. Ber. 1840 p. 18. W. Sm. B. D. I p. 53 Pl. XVII f. 159. Grow. Verh. 1860 p. 551 Pl. II f. 42. Donx. B. D. p. 38 Pl. VI f. 3. V. H. Syn. p. 108, Suppl. Pl. B. f. 33. Fresh water: England (Sm.), Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland! Japan! 7. N. (Dickieia) ulvacea Berxx. (1844). — V. linear-elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,025 to 0,035; B. 0,oo8 to 0,o12 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area a narrow, transverse fascia furcate at the margin. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate at the ends. Frustules in leaf-like, flat and stipitate gelatinous mass, in length about 1 to 5 cm. — Dickicta ulv. BerRKu. in Kiitz. Bac. p. 119. V. H. Syn. Pl. XVI f. 10. Marine: Scotland (Dickie), Ireland (O’Meara), Balearic Islands! 8. N. asymmetrica Pant. (1893). — V. narrow elliptical, obtuse. L. 0,025; B. 0,01 mm. Central area a broad fascia, reaching the margins, where is, unilaterally, in the middle of the area a single stria. Strie radiate, 19 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. IIT Pl. VII f. 110. Habitat? »Sentenai» (Pant.). 9. N. mutica Kitz (1844). — V. of variable shape, elliptic-lanceolate, frequently with un- dulated margins. L. 0,013 to 0,033; B. 0,007 to 0,01; mm. Axial area narrow. Central area large, transversely dilated, with an isolated punctum on one side of the central nodule. Striz 18 to 20 in 0,01 mm. radiate at the ends, distinctly punctate. A few of the median striz shorter than the rest. — Kitz Bac. p. 93 Pl. III f. 32 (according to Arnott). Grun. A. D. p. 40. 'Forma Cohnit Hits (1860). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rounded ends. — Stauron. Cohnii Hitse Beitr. p. 83. N. mutica v. Coh. V. H. Syn. p. 95 Pl. X f. 17. Stauron. polymorpha Laast. Spitsb. D. p. 39 Pl. I f. 12. | Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Belgium (V. H.), Bengal! Daintree River, Australia! Lost Spring: Ranch, Calif.! Forma Géppertiana Burtscu (1861). — V. lanceolate. — Stauroneis Semen Enz. M. G. XXXVIIT A 20 f. 1 (1854)? Stauron. Géppertiana Buixtsch Rabh. A. E. N:o 1183 (1861). Nav. mutica Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 588 Pl. V f. 16. Stawron. Cohniit Scuum. Tatra p. 78 Pl. IV f. 61. N. mut. v. Goppertiana V. H. Syn. p. 95 Pl. X f. 18, 19. Fresh or brackish water: Belgium (V. H.), Nova Scotia! West Indies! Ecuador! Forma producta Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with broad, truncate ends. — Grun. A. D. p. 41. Forma ventricosa Kt1z (1844). — V. inflated, with capitate ends. L. 0,016 to 0,022; B. 0,06 to 0,08 mm. Strie 17 in 0,01 mm. — Stauron. ventric. Kiirz Bac. p. 105 Pl. XXX f. 27. Gree. M. J. IV Pl. I f 10 (1856). Nav. (St.) vent. V. H. Syn. p. 96 Pl. IV f. 1 b. Brackish water: Argentina! K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. Band 26. Nio 2. 17 130 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. Peguana Grun. (1879). — V. lanceolate, slightly triundulate with subacute ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,01 mm. Strize in the middle 15 at the ends 20 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Cl. M. D. N:o 188. Brackish water: Bengal! ' Var. Legumen Ou. — V. linear, triundulate, with cuneate, acute ends. L. 0,035; B. 0,009 mm. Strie 21 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Surinam! Forma undulata Hise (1860). — V. with three to four undulations on the margins. — Stauroneis undulata Hise Beitr. p. 83. Nav. mutica v. undulata Grun. A. D. p. 41. V. H. Syn. p. 95 BL Xt 206 Brackish water: South Africa! Ecuador! N. mutica is a very variable species, having the appearance of a Stauroneis, under a low power. All varieties have the unilateral isolated punctum in the area. 10. N. Kotsehyii Gruy. (1860). — V lanceolate, rostrate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,0136 to 0,022; B. 0,0054 to 0,oo68 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area large transversely dilated, without an isolated punctum. Strie 19 to 23 in 0,01 mm., closer near the ends, radiate, distinctly punctate. — Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 588 Pl. IV f. 12. A. D. p. 41. Nav. Kotschyana V. H. Syn. Pl. X fi 22. Fresh water, hot springs: Buda-Pest! 11. N. Heufleriana Grun. — V. inflated, with large capitate and flattened ends. L. 0,0244 to 0,032; B. 0,008 to 0,009 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area large, almost quadrate, with- out an isolated punctum. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm. — Stauron. Heufleriana Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 155 PI. IV f. 10. St. Heufleri. V. H. Syn. Pl. IV f. 1 a. Fresh water: Tyrol (Grun.). This form is very nearly connected with N. mutica var. ventricosa, almost only difference being absence of an isolated punctum in the central area. 12. N. nivalis Eup. (1854). — V. with triundulate margins and rostrate-truncate ends. L. 0,0122 to 0,018; B. 0,o054 mm. Axial area indistinct, central area large, rounded-quadrate, without an isolated punctum. Striz 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm. radiate to the ends and composed of distinct puncta, 18 to 24 in 0,01 mm. — Ens. M. G. XXXII B. af. 5. N. quinquenodis Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 522 Pl. III f. 33. Verh. 1863 p. 149 Pl. IV f. 9. Cu. D. of Finland p. 33 PI. II f. 5. N. undosa Donn. B. D. p. 37 Pl. VI f. 1 (1871). z Fresh water: Sweden (Upsala)! Finland! Belgium (V. H.), Briinn (Grun.), Blue Mountains, Australia! 13. N. obliqua Gree. (1856). — V. broad, elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,04; B. 0,016 mm. Median line slightly sigmoid, with the ends in contrary directions. Axial area very narrow or indistinct; central area a broad transverse fascia, almost reaching to the margin, where it becomes somewhat wider. Stria 21 in 0,01 mm., in the middle a little more distant, almost parallel, distinctly punctate; puncta about 21 in 0,01 mm., arranged in somewhat undulating longitudinal rows. —' Stauroneis obliqua Grua. M. J. IV p. 11 Pl. If. 35. MN. odl. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 26. Fresh water: Scotland (Loch Leven) Greg., Engl. Windermere, Grove Coll.! Sweden, bottom- mud from Vettern! Greeory’s figure shews no structure and a decided sigmoid bent of the median line. The above description is from a specimen in Groves collection, which perfectly agrees with the descrip- tion of Gregory. On original specimens from Loch Leven in Deby’s collection I could not distinctly see the sigmoid flexure of the median line. Neither could I find the median line sigmoid on specimens from Abo (Diat. of Finl. p. 34 Pl. III f. 1), Oregon and the mouth of the J enissey. Having had no opportunity of reexamining these specimens I am unable to state whether I am guilty of a mistake on this point, or these forms represent a variety with straight median line. In all cases the above description refers to a specimen, doubtless identical with Stauroneis obliqua Gruc. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 131 14. N. Szaboi Panr. (1889). — V. linear elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,123; B. 0,029 mm. Central area large, dilated outwards. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. parallel, convergent at the ends, punctate, puncta forming longitudinal rows. — Panv. II p. 54 Pl. VI f. 120. Brackish water: Hungary fossil (Pant.). This species is unknown to me and I have placed it with some hesitation in this section as it seems to be most nearly related to N. obliqua. 15. N. Lagerheimii Cu. N. Sp. — V. rhomboid, very dilated in the middle, with truncate ends. L. 0,027 to 0,033; B. 0,013 to 0,014 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area a broad transverse fascia, reaching nearly to the margin, without an isolated punctum. Striz 18 in 0,01 mm., radiate at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water (moist rocks): Ecuador, Pichincha! This species has the outline of Anomoeoneis Follis and is remarkable for its large central area. The central nodule seems to be stauroid. 16. N. bacilliformis Gruy. (1880). — V. linear, with broad, rounded ends, frequently some- what gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,032 to 0,045; B. 0,009 to 0,01 mm. Central area rectangular, half as broad as the valve. Strie 12 to 15 in 0,01 mm. at the middle, 20 to 22 in 0,o1 mm. at the ends, where they are radiate and curved. — Grun. A. D. p. 44 Pl. II f. 51. V. iH. S. Pl. XIII f. 11. Pant. JIT Pl. III f. 49. Fresh water: Norway, Dovre (Grun.), Finland! Australian Alps (Riewa Lagoons)! Ecuador! 17. N. Pupula Kirz. (1844). —- V. linear, frequently gibbous in the middle, with broad, rounded or subtruncate ends. L. 0,022 to 0,037; B. 0,007 to 0,oo9 mm. Terminal nodules with two lateral expansions. Central area about '/, as broad as the valve, quadrate. Striz 13 to 15 jn 0,01 mm. at the middle, 22 to 23 in 0,01 mm. at the ends, radiate at the ends, very finely punctate. — Kurz. Bac. p. 93 Pl. XXX f. 40. MN. Pup. var. genuina Grun. A. D. p. 45 Pl. IT f. 538. V. H. Syn. p. 106 Pl. XTII f 15, 16. Stawroneis Wittrock Lot. Spitsb. D. p. 38 Pl. IT f. 15 (1873) (perhaps N. bacilliformis). Stauroneis tatrica Gutwinsky Mat. fl. Galicyi 1890 p. 24 Pl. I f. 20 (perhaps N. bacilliformis)? Schizostauron? tatric. De Tont Notarisia 1890 p. 196. Fresh water: Spitzbergen! Sweden! Finland! Norway! Belgium! England! Bengal! Austra- lian Alps! Japan! New Zealand! Sandwich Islands! South Africa! Greenland! Kansas! Argentina! Ecuador! Var. rectangularis Gree. (1854). — V. linear with broad, subrostrate ends. — Stauroneis rectangularis Gree. M. J. Il Pl. IV f. 17. N. Pup. v. rect. Grun. A. D. p. 45. Fresh water: Scotland (Greg.). Var. bacillaroides Grun. (1880). — V. linear with rounded ends. — Grun. A. D. p. 45. Navicule Entoleiz Ct. Valve symmetrical, linear-lanceolate or fusiform to elliptical, rarely constricted. Median line with somewhat distant. central pores. Axial and central areas combined in a more or less broad, lanceolate space. Strie fine, finely punctate, radiate at the ends. Connecting zone not complex. This section comprises forms in some respects intermediate between those of the sections Nav. microstigmatice and Nav. levistriate. Some of them appear to -be: related to the Nav. fusiformes, but differ in the more distant :central pores and in the axial area. The species of this section partly inhabit fresh, and partly salt water. Some of the small fresh-water species usually grow in filaments, and are then called Diadesmis. 132 No] 10. 11. 12. 18. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1. N. contenta Grun. (1880). — V. linear, gibbous in the middle, with broad capitate ends. L. 0,007 to 0,01; B. 0,002 to 0,o025 mm. Axial area narrow, linear, slightly dilated in the middle. Strie almost parallel 36 in 0,01 mm. — N. trinodis V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 31 a. { le le de ie ie He ve ie i. . - lee | l= = = Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Small forms. Larger — Strie 13 to 16 in 0,01 mm. much finer Strie nearly parallel . radiate Strie about - in 0,01 mm. Valve ctioos in the middle Valve sublinear subelliptical Valve with undulated margins non Valve elliptical with rounded lanceolate or fusiform Terminal fissures in contrary — the same Puncta twice as close as the as close as the strie Valve broadly lanceolate . . narrow Artificial key. L. 0,02 mm. or less L. 0,04 or more sini at ‘the sini oP tla Be are but not at the ends ends direction strie or fusiform Puncta ee straight, longitudinal rows undulating Area ‘iaed. ar narrow Strie e in 0,01 mm. Valve ee obtuse Valve fusiform narrow inviewelats Strie radiate in the ends almost parallel Striez »crossed by two lines» not Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 109. Fresh water (on moist rocks and mosses): Sweden (Trollhattan)! Finland (Abo)! Belgium (V. H.), Salzburg! Amsterdam Island! Var. biceps Arnott Ms. — V. not gibbous in the middle. — Diadesmis biceps Annort (accor- Be 09 8 N. Scutum v. H. . N. infirma Gron. . N. confervacea Ktrz. Ph eee 5. N. contenta Grun.. cath eh eee Oh N. Flotowit Grun. N. perpusilla Grun. N. ee Pant. e # «bh . N. fallax Cu. BS dos AOS : : . N. Beta Cu. N. Hochstetteri Grun. . 12. oot en AGE . N. Iota Cu. . 18. 14. Ep aesae DE LN. semitecta A. S. . N. occidentalis Cu. _ NV. definita Grove a. Sturt. N. mocsarensis Pant. N. Béwumleri Pant. N. Kappa Cu. 17. N. Foliola Brun a. Temp. N. monmouthiana Gron. sa 9 18) LN. fusoides Groun. N. inornata Grun. ding to Grun.). Nav. trinodis var. biceps V. H. Syn. XIV f. 31 b. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Ecuador! 2. N. (Diadesmis) Flotowii Grun. (1880). L. 0,015; B. 0,004 mm. Area narrow, lanceolate. ends. V. H. Syn. p. 109 Pl. XIV fi 41. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), France (V. H. T.). V. narrow, lanceolate, with broad, obtuse Strie radiate, 35 in 0,01 mm. — N. contenta KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wnio 2. 133 3. N. perpusilla Grun. (1860). — V. subelliptical, gibbous in the middle and with broad, subtruncate ends. L. 0,012; B. 0,004 to 0,005 mm. Area lanceolate, narrow. Strie about 30 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. — Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 552 PL IVf.7. V.H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 22, 23. Fresh water (on moist rocks, earth etc.): Scotland (Aberdeen)! Sweden (Taberg in Smaland)! Finland (Lapland to Abo)! Arctic America! 4. N. (Diadesmis) confervacea Kitz (1844). — V. thick, lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,02; B. 0,005 to 0,oo7 mm. Area lanceolate. Strie 20 to 22 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, finely punctate. Frustules cohering in long bands. — Kirz Bac. p. 109 Pl. XXX f. 8. Grun. Novara p- 21 Pl. If 19. ™. (Diad.) conf. V. H. Syn. XIV f. 36. Fresh water, tropics: Jamaica! Rio Janeiro! Marquesas Island! Sandwich Islands! Var. peregrina W. Sm. (1861). — V. elliptical. L. 0,012 to 0,015; B. 0,006 to 0,oo65 mm. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm. ~~ Diadesmis peregrina Prircu Inf. p. 923. Grun. Novara Pl. I f. 20. Nav. confervacea var. peregrina, et hungarica Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 37, 38. Fresh water: Rangoon! Australian Alps (Riewa Lagoon)! Tahiti (Grun.), Jamaica! Ecuador! 5. N. Seutum (Scuum.?) V. H. (1880). — V. narrow elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,03; B. 0,01 mm. Area narrow, lanceolate, dilated around the central nodule. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, finely punctate. — Scuum. Pr. D. p. 188 f. 45 (1862)? V. H. Syn. p. 98 Pl. XT f. 14. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H). NN. Scutum V. H. and N. infirma Grun. are, as far as I may judge from the descriptions and the figures, closely akin, the only difference being that the striz of the former are less radiate. The Nav. Scutwm Scuum. from the Kénigsberg deposit has about the same size, and 14 strie in 0,01 mm., but no area, so it seems doubtful whether it be the same species as Van Heurck’s. The Nav. Scutum Scuum. is perhaps a form of Cocconeis Placentula. Another small form of about the same outline and size and with 15 parallel striz in 0,01 mm., but without area is Nav. ignobilis Pant. (II p. 48 Pl. XXV f. 367, 1889) from the brackish strata of Kavna, Hungary. A similar form is N. debilis Pant. III Pl. VI f. 98. Having had no opportunity of examining these forms I am unable to decide whether or not they are identical. 6. N. infirma Grun. (1882) — V. linear elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,02; B. 0,007 mm. Area narrow, lanceolate. Strie 13 (middle) to 17 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout and finely punctate. — Grun. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 146 Pl. XXX f. 53. Fresh water: Hungary fossil (Dubravica Grun.). 7. N. inornata Grun. (1880). — V. fusiform, convex. L. 0,05 to 0,09; B.0,o8s mm. Median line with approximate central pores. Area narrow, lanceolate. Striz 19 to 21 in 0,01 mm. at the middle, 23 to 24 in 0,01 mm. at the ends, almost parallel. — Grun. A. D. p. 46 Pl. III f. 56. N. Acus Cu. A. D. p. 14 Pl. WII f. 55. N. Hahnii Putrr Cape Horn D. p. 124 Pl. X f. 11 (1888). N. filiformis Pant. III Pl. XXXIX f. 538 (1893)? Marine: Finmark! Bohuslin! Mediterranean (Pithuisian Island)! Ile de Brehat, Manche! Cape Horn! N. inornata seems to have a longitudinal line crossing the striz, but this line is an optical illusion, arrising from the convexity of the valve. This species forms a passage from this group to the section N. fusiformes, which has no distinct area, parallel strie, and very approximate central pores. 8. N. fusoides Grun. (1880). — V. narrow, linear-lanceolate, with more or less obtuse ends. L. 0,05 to 0,12; B. 0,007 to 0,012 mm. Axial area narrow. Striz 21 to 25 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, crossed by two longitudinal lines. — N. subula Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 548 Pl. III f. 24. N. fusoides Grun. A. D. p. 46. Marine: Bohuslan (Grun.), Mediterranean Sea (Grun.). 134 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. I have not seen this species, which according to Grunow resembles N. inornata. The two distinct longitudinal lines seem to indicate that N. fusoides is a Caloneis. 9. N. Foliola Bruy a. Tremp. (1889). — V. narrow-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,08 to 0,1; B. 0,015 to 0,017 mm. Central pores of the median line distant. Striation fine, most visible near the margin. — Brun a. Temp. D. f. du Japon p. 43 Pl. VII f. 15. Marine: Japan, fossil (Brun a. Temp.). I have not seen this species, which is not sufficiently figured and described to acertain its proper place. 10. N. monmouthiana Grun. (1880). — V. fusiform. L. 0,062 to 0,09; B. 0,011 to 0,022 mm. Median line with somewhat distant central pores and small comma-like terminal fissures turned in the same direction. Area linear. Strie 16 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm., almost parallel in the middle, radiate at the ends. — Grun. A. D. p. 46. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 20. Fresh water: N. America fossil (Cherryfield, Monmouth)! 11. N. Baumlerii Pant. (1886). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. LL. 0,096 to 0,11; B. 0,018 mm. Area narrow, linear-lanceolate. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel in the middle, radiate at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta 13 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal un- dulating rows. — Pant. I p. 22 Pl. XII f. 108; II Pl. XXIII f. 347. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. interrupta Panv. (1886). — Strie 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. crossed by a marginal line. — Pant. Il. c. f. 108. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). I have not seen this species, which I have provisionally placed in this section. It is perhaps akin to Nav. rhombica. The terminal fissures seem, according to the fig. 103 in Pantocseks work, to be turned in contrary directions. 12. N. occidentalis Cu. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, with slightly protracted ends. L. 0,04 to 0,045; B. 0,015 to 0,o2 mm. Axial area moderately broad somewhat dilated in the middle. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout coarsely punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Pitt River (Oregon), fossil (Grove Coll.)! This species has some resemblance to N. lacustris, from which it differs by its much broader area. 13. N. semitecta A. 8. (1874). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,042; B. 0,013 mm. Area lanceolate, broad. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm.,, slightly radiate throughout, coarsely punctate. — A. 8. Atl. Probe- tafel f. 11. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atzl.). I do not know this species, which may perhaps be a Mastogloia. 14. Navicula Iota Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the subacute ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,021 mm. Median line with somewhat distant central pores and small terminal fissures. Axial area broad, lanceolate. Strie 13,5 (middle) to 16 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, of equal length in the middle, distinctly punctate; puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. arranged in regular, longitudinal rows. — Pl. V. f. 22. Marine: Madagascar (Van Heurck Coll.)! 15. N. Kappa Cu. N. Sp. — V. narrow lanceolate, with elevated, acute ends. L. 0,173 B. 0,028 mm. Median line with transversely dilated median pores and elongated terminal fissures, turned in the same direction. Area narrow near the ends of the valve, gradually widened towards the middle. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm., not closer near the ends, of equal length and slightly radiate KONGL. $V. VET. AKADEMILNS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. no 2, 135 in the middle, transverse at the ends, punctate, puncta, 14 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating, longi- tudinal rows. — Pl. V f. 21. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! 16. N. definita Grove a. Srurr (1887). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. Ends obtuse and with short diaphragms. L. 0,15; B. 0,04 mm. Median line with the terminal fissures in contrary directions. Area linear-lanceolate, broad, Striz 18 in 0,01 mm., not closer near the ends, punctate; puncta, 17 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal undulating rows. — Grove a. Sturt Q. M. Cl. II p. 7 PL. VI £. V1. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! Var. intermedia Cu. — V. subelliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,09; B. 0,o28 mm. Strieze 18 in 0,01 mm., crossed near the margin by a line. — Pl. V f. 24, 25. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand fossil (Tempére)! The var. intermedia is a form connecting N. fallax with A. definita. 17. N. fallax Ci. N. Sp. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rounded ends. L. 0,085; B. 0,032 mm. Median line with the terminal fissures in contrary direction. Area very broad, lanceolate. Strie 20 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, punctate; puncta about 23 in 0,01 mm. The strie seem to be crossed near the margin by a fine line. — Pl. V f. 27. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil (Grove Coll.)! This interesting species seems at the first view to be Nav. nebulosa, having the outline and marginal striate band of the latter, but a closer inspection shews that it is entirely different, having no rows of striz along the median line. In fact it is nearly akin to N. definita. 18. N. Hochstetteri Grun. (1863). — V. elliptical with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,027 to 0,057; B. 0,019 to 0,o32 mm. Area broad, subrhomboidal. Striz 15 (middle) to 20 (end) in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, distinctly punctate; puncta about 17 in 0,01 mm., and close to the area uniting into short lines. — Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 153 Pl. Vf. 2. Novara p. 19. A. S. Atl. VIII f 538—55. Marine: Nicobar Island (Grun.), Java! Carpentaria Bay (Atl.), California (Su Pedro, fossil, Kinker Coll.)! Cape Horn (Petit), Brazil (Atl). Var. placita Grove a. Srurr (1887). — L. 0,045; B. 0,025 mm. Striz 14 (middle) to 19 (ends) in 0,01 mm., a few only in the middle being shorter than the others, punctate; puncta 14 in 0,01 mm. — WN. placitu Grove a. Sturt Q. M. Cl. II p. 133 Pl. X f. 14. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! As Grunow has already remarked there is no specific distinction between N. placita and N. Hochstetteri. Nearly akin to N. Hochstettert is N. Beta, which differs only by its less coarsely punctate strie. 19. N. Beta Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical, with broad rounded ends. L. 0,043; B. 0,025 mm. Median line with the terminal fissures in the same direction. -Area broad, lanceolate. Strie 13 (middle) to 17 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate at the ends, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, finely punctate; puncta about 26 in 0,01 mm. — PI. V f. 30. Marine: Japan (Tempére)! 20. N. polygibba Panr. (1893). — V. lanceolate subapiculate, ends; margins with four undulations. L. 0,055; B. 0,025 mm. Axial area narrow, not dilated in the middle. Strie Tadiate throughout, 16-in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. III Pl. V f. 85. Habitat:? Kavna-Bremia, Hungary, fossil. Unknown to the author. It has a considerable likeness to N. mutica var. undulata. 21. N. mocsarensis Pant. (1893). — V. broad, elliptic-lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,053; B. 0,026 mm. Axial area narrow, dilated towards the middle, where it expands into a somewhat trans- 136 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF NAVICULOID DIATOMS. verse central area. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely punctate; puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. III Pl. XXIII f. 340. Habitat:? Mocsar. (Pant.). This form resembles N. amphibola or N. Placentula. Unknown to the author. Navicule Bacillares Cr. Valve linear to elliptical, usually with broad and rounded ends. Median line straight, en closed by siliceous thickenings. Terminal nodules incrassate. Axial area usually narrow or in- distinct; central area very small. Structure: fine transverse strie, more distant in the middle than elsewhere, slightly radiate throughout and curved, very finely punctate. Connecting zone simple. This section comprises forms, which are nearly akin to the N. mesoleie, and it would perhaps be more natural to include in this group NV. Pupula and N. bacilliformis, which are closely con- nected with WN. Pseudobacillum. On the other hand, the nature of the strie, which are more distant in the middle, indicates a relationship to the section N. decipientes. In the section Bacillares I have included a form, which in some respects is aberrant from the rest, viz. N. americana, which has a broad, axial area and almost equidistant strie. Nevertheless, this form is connected by N, Lambda with N. Bacillum, and I think it better to place it in this group rather than in the section N. mesoleie, with which it has still less affinity, or to form a separate group for this single species as Van Heurcx has done in his synopsis. Artificial key. 1 freee area broad. sg ‘ : “N. americana Exp. — narrow or indistinck. = put bd ‘ be 9. ee and terminal areas with stigmas one Git ae . N. Lambda Cu. elliptical . 1... cobs a: 5 at a N. Rioje Cu. 6 hea fissures comma-like . I Bie «aed, daar anes, wt . . NM. subhamulata Groun. : _ — not prolonged. . a sere N. Bacillum Grun. 1. N. americana Eup. (1843). — V. broad, linear, with rounded ends. IL. 0,055 to 0,1; B. 0,014 to 0,017 mm. Central nodule strong, with one or two pore-like puncta. Axial and central areas uniting in a very broad space, somewhat dilated in the middle. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., of equal length, parallel in the middle, radiate in the ends. — Ens. Am. p. 129 M. G. II: 9, f. 16. V. H. Syn. p. 105 PL XII f. 87. N. am. var. bacillaris Hier. a. Pérac. D. d'Auvergne p. 116 PL IV f. 13. WN. am. var. minor Hyurtp. a. Parag. 1. ec. f. 12 (1893). Fresh water: Sweden (Lake Rosslingen in Calmar lan)! Finland (Abo)! Belgium (V. H.), Australian Alps (Riewa Lagoons)! America (Crane Pond, Boxford, Mass. etc.)! This species is very characteristic and not to be ritista ket for any other. It is widely distributed, but seems to be rare everywhere. 2. N. Lambda Cu. N. Sp. — V. linear slightly constricted in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,05 to 0,1; B. 0,016 mm. Terminal fissures straight in the thick nodules. Axial area narrow but distinct, linear; central area small orbicular. Strie 13 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, parallel at the ends, distinctly but finely punctate. — Pl. V f. 19. Fresh water: Demerara River! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 137 3. N. Rioje Cu. (1881). — V. elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,023 to 0,024 mm. Median line in a thick silicious rib, combining the large central nodule with the thick terminal nodules. Terminal fissures slightly curved. Axial and central area united jn a linear space very slightly dilated in the middle. Strie 17 (middle) to 19 (ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, indistinctly punctate, crossed by a shallow. longitudinal depression. — Cu. D. fr. Gronl. and Argentina p. 12 Pl. XVI f. 2. Fresh water: Argentina (Sierra Famatina)! 4. N. Bacillum Eup. (1843). —- V. linear with rounded ends. L. 0,035 to 0,055; B. 0,01 to 0,015 mm. Median line in a thick siliceous rib. Axial area narrow slightly enlarged around the central nodule and expanded at the ends on each side to the full width of the valve. Strize 14 (middle) to 20 (ends) very slightly radiate. — Eus. Am. Pl. IV: 5, f. 8. Grun. A. D. p. 44 Pl. IT f. 50. V. H. Syn. p. 105 Pl. XIII f. 8. Strése Kliecken f. 8. N. levissima Donk. B. D. p. 28 Pl. V f. 2 1871? Fresh water: Sweden (Skane)! Finland! Siberia, Mouth of Jenissey (Grun.), North Australia! New Zealand! Var.? mexicana Grun. (1880). — V. gibbous in the middle. L. 0,05; B. 0,01 mm. Terminal nodules larger; area abruptly dilated around the central nodule. Strize 18 in 0,01 mm., closer at the ends, in the middle frequently alternately longer and shorter. — Grun. A. D. p. 44. Fresh water: Mexico, fossil (Grun.). Var. Gregoryana Grun. (1880). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. — N. Bacillum Gree. M. J. IV, Pl. I f. 4 (1856). ™. bac. var. Greg. Grun. A. D. p. 44. Fresh water: Loch Leven, Scotland Greg. Var. minor V. H. (1885). — V. half as large as the typical form. Striz 16 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,o1 mm. — V. H. Syn. p. 105 Pl. XIII f. 10. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.). Var. lepida Grea. (1856). — V. elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,02 to 0,025; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct, central small. Strie 17 (middle) to 26 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout. — N. lepida Gree. M. J. IV Pl. I f. 25. V. H. Syn. Pl. XT f. 12. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 14. Fresh water: Sweden (Hernésand foss.)! Finland (Abo)! Scotland (V. H. T.). Argentina (Sierra Famatina)! 5. N. trinotata Pant. (1893). — V. linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,056; B. 0,014 mm. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated in the middle, where is an unilateral stigma. Near the ends of the median lines is also an elongated stigma, placed on contrary sides of the median line. Strie 21, somewhat radiate in the middle, else parallel. — Pant. ITI Pl. IX f. 152. , Habitat? »Képecz> (Pant.). 6. N. Pseudo-bacillum Grun. (1880). — V. linear-elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,035 to 0,045; B. 0,01 to 0,015 mm. Terminal nodules with two lateral expansions. Axial area narrow, central area small, rounded. Strie in the middle 13 (Grun. 21 V. H.) in 0,01 mm. at the ends 20 (Grun. 24 V. H.) in 0,01 mm.; radiate throughout, very finely punctate. — N. levissima KUrz. Bac. p. 96 Pl. XXI f. 14 (1844)? V. H. Syn. Pl. XII f. 13? NV. leptogongyla Ens. p. p.? according to Grun. WV. Granum Scuum. P. D. II N. p. 58 Pl. II f. 46? according to Grun. WN. levissima and N. Pseudo-bac. Grun. A. D. p. 45 Pl. IL f. 52 1880. N. Pseudo-bac. V. H. Syn. p. 106 Pl. XIII f. 9. WN. Bacillum var. B Strose Kliecken f. 9? Fresh water: Sweden (Boras)! Finland! Belgium (V. H.), Java, foss.! Japan! New Zealand! Australian Alps! Canada, foss.! This species described and figured by Grunow in A. D. was at first believed by him to be N. levissima Kt1z. But as this name may denote some form of N. Silicula Grunow proposed the K. Vet. Akad. Hand]. Band 26. N:o 2. 18 138 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. name NV. Pseudobacillum. The same form has been since figured in V. H. Syn. f. 9, but on the same plate Grunow figures (f. 13) a smaller form as N. levissima Kitz. In this, somewhat obscure figure, the lateral extensions of the terminal nodules are not visible, and it seems uncertain whether it may be a variety of N. Pseudobacillum or of N. Bacillum or perhaps N. subhamulata. 7. N. subhamulata Gruy. (1885). — V. linear, slightly gibbous in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. I. 0,02; B. 0,005 mm. Terminal nodules not laterally extended. Terminal fissures comma-like. Axial area indistinct, central very small. Striz about 26 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout. Frustule with triundulated margins. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 106 Pl. XIIT f. 14. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.). Navicule Decipientes Gruvn. (1880). Valve lanceolate to linear, with subacute to truncate, frequently rostrate or capitate, ends. Axial and central areas small or indistinct. Terminal nodules not very thick. Central nodule frequently transversely dilated. Structure: finely punctate strie, slightly radiate or almost pa- rallel, more distant in the middle, than at the ends. Connecting zone not complex. This group is nearly akin to the Nav. bacillares, which differ in the incrassate terminal nodules, and also to Nav. microstigmatice. Some few forms are slightly asymmetrical and have for this reason been considered as Cymbelle, but they are, no doubt, more closely allied to the symmetrical forms of this section. On the other hand some Cymbelle (as C. @qualis) appear to be related to species of this group. Artificial key. Valve acute. ...... ; Pe . . « MN. vamphoides Pant. 1. obtuse Be. “onde : fe Yd. d my fis, nin es 2. Median line broad, fismiae : ' ee Lan hche ace ... . WM. Semen Enz. — straight, filiform . ‘ é 5 8: ‘s {Maca undulated. .... : : arcu ; aoe 4. oO. not — .. . . Buh ay crac hipaa? fee he 5. 4 ae lanceolate. . ‘ : cog rie oN diteaie W. Sm. linear... 3 eS N. Lagerstedtii Cu. aes rostrate or daniiate : : : ‘ . 6. 5. — not — _ : Bh etches Caan ars 9. 6. Median strie alternately longer and etistes w aie & gi ie ANG ee Donk. — not — — — pes leg om nee tel panetiae 475 7. Strie 20 or less in 0,01 mm... . ... 2 ae Se Sa 8. 30 or more — — ; . . NN. subtilissima Cu. : x Strie radiate throughout . . 2. . N. Lundstrémii Cu. i parallel at the ends ..... ‘ N. protracta Grun. tin Linear-elliptical with broad ends © 6 esses N. seminoides Cu. Lanceolate — narrow— . .... | wee ew ee.) OM brasiliana Cr. ‘Valve lanceolate... 9 ..... : : : ». «MN. Crucicula W. Sm. 10. linear eo Neha eels ‘ eben chee Mieabe Siem ent 11. Palys centrally gibbous ...... ha rare N. gibbula Cu. 11. not — — ; ‘ smal op AD: 12 | Metin strie shortened be oe ; Reitekovae) th. efice N. subinflata Donk. mee = — not — ed sack By est these org ee RIA . . .N. Kédlfvensis Gron. 1. N. Semen Ens. (1843). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with broad, almost truncate, frequently slightly rostrate, ends. L. 0,05 to 0,09; B. 0,023 to 0,029 mm. Median line flexuose. Axial area narrow, linear; central area small, orbicular. Striz in the middle 8 in 0,01 mm., of equal length, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 139 radiate; terminal strie 13 in 0,01 mm., slightly convergent; all finely punctate. — Ens. Am. I: 2, ii. M. G XVL 1 f fi? W. Sm. B.D. 1p. 50 FL. XVI f, 141. Dowex B.D. p. 21 Pl. Tt f. 8. A. 8S. Atl. LXXII f. 1. Grun. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 99 (47) Pl. I f. 34. Amphiprora navicularis Eup. Micr. G. III: 1, f. 10, 11. Fresh water: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Sweden (Lule Lappmark living, common in post- glacial, lacustrine deposits)! Finland, foss.! England (Hull) Donk., Germany, Harz (Atl.); Bohemia, Eger fossil! North America: common in diatomaceous earths (Nova Scotia, Canada West, Wash- ington territory etc.)! What Nav. Semen of Eurenserc may denote is impossible to decide, as the figures published by Enrenserc cannot be recognized. The figure in W. Situ Brit. Diat. is not good, but leaves little doubt that the author meant the same species, which now is generally believed to be N. Semen. On the other hand there can be no doubt that Amphiprora naviculoides of EKurensere is the same species as our N. Semen. N. Semen seems to be a northern species, rarely found living, but fre- quently in postglacial deposits of Scandinavia and North America. It is not mentioned by Brun as an inhabitant of the Alps, nor by Bertioc as occurring in the Pyrenées. Its occurrence in a living state in the Harz is an interesting fact and suggests that it may be a survival from the post-glacial epoch. 2. N. (Diadesmis) seminoides CL. & Grove N. Sp. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with truncate ends. L. 0,027 to 0,045; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Axial area narrow linear, suddenly dilated to a small, orbicular central area. Striz in the middle 16 in 0,01 mm., alternately longer and shorter, divergent; strie at the ends about 23 in 0,01 mm. slightly convergent, all finely punctate. Slightly brackish water: West Indies, Jamaica (Grove Coll.)! Ecuador! This small form resembles in outline NV. Semen. The frustules form in living state coherent filaments. 3. N. brasiliana Cu. (1881). — V. lanceolate, with subacute ends, often slightly asymmetrical. L. 0,035 to 0,065; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Median line straight; its terminal fissures in the same direction. Axial area narrow, linear, somewhat dilated around the central nodule. Striez in the middle 18 in 0,01 mm, divergent alternately longer and shorter; towards the ends 21 to 22 in 0,01 mm.; at the ends convergent; all distinctly punctate; puncta (on the median striz about 18 in 0,01 mm.) forming undulating, longitudinal rows. -— Cymbella brasil. Cu. N. R. D. p. 4 Pl If. 4. Fresh water: Brazil! Calif. (St. Rosa in Grove Coll.)! Ecuador in mineral springs at Tesalia Prov. Pichincha! 4. N. inflata Dowx. (1870). — V. lanceolate with capitate ends. L. 0,022 to 0,026; B. 0,007 to 0,oog mm. Axial area indistinct, central area small, irregular. Strie in the middle 19 in 0,01 mm., somewhat divergent and of unequal length; other striz 22 to 23 in 0,01 mm., convergent at the ends, all indistinctly punctate. -- Doyx. B. D. p. 21 Pl. III f. 9 (nee Kiitz. = V. hungarica?) Cl. D. of Fink p. 37 Pl. I £ 2 891), Fresh water: Ireland (Lough Mourne foss. Donk.), Sweden (Lake Rosslingen in Kalmar lan, Rimforsa in Westergétland)! Finland, foss.! N. America (Houghton, Michigan, foss.)! 5. N. ramphoides Panr. (1889). — V. narrow, rhombic-lanceolate, with acute ends, very convex. Li. 0,086 to 0,09; B. 0,018 mm. Median line with approximate central pores. Axial area indistinct. Central area (by the distant median striee) a narrow transverse fascia. Strix about 14 in 0,01 mm. (the median more distant) very slightly radiate, at the ends transverse, indistinctly punctate. — Pant. II p. 53 Pl. V f. 97, 98. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil! 6. N. Crucicula W. Sm. (1853). — V. lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, with somewhat obtuse ends. L. 0,045 to 0,07; B. 0,015 to 0,019 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated. Axial and 140 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. central areas indistinct. Strie about 16 in 0,o1 mm. the median stronger and more distant, very slightly radiate, at the ends parallel, all tinely punctate. — Stawroneis Crucicula W. Sm. B. D. I p. 60 Pl. XIX f. 192. Ldt. Spitsb. D. p. 37 Pl. IL f. 14. ™. eruc. Donk. B. D. p. 44 Pl. VI f 14. V. H. Syn. p. 96 PL X f. 15. Stauroneis dilatata W. Sm. B. D. 1. c. f. 191? Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Baltic! Coasts of the North Sea (Sweden! England! Belgium V. H.), Atlantic coasts of North America! Var. obtusata Grun. (1880). — Smaller, broadly lanceolate, with rounded obtuse ends. L. 0,025 to 0,05; B. 0,01 to 0,016 mm. Strive 17 in 0,01 mm. -— Nav. Crucie. var. obt. Groun. A. D. p. 89 PL. 1 4. 87. Brackish water: Grun. Var. minuta Grun. (1860). — V. broadly lanceolate, with slightly rostrate ends. — L. 0,02; B. 0,01 mm. Striz 19 in 0,01 mm. — Staur. Crucicula var. minuta Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 567 PL VES 2S, Marine: Adriatic (Grun.). 7. N. gibbula CL. N. Sp. — V linear, slightly gibbous in the middle, with broad, truncate ends. I. 0,033 to 0,043; B. 0,o085 to 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area very small, rounded. Striz 16 (middle) to 21 (ends) radiate in the middle, where they are of equal length, slightly radiate in the ends, distinctly punctate, puncta (about 22 in 0,01 mm.) forming longi- tudinal rows. — N. gibberula Lagsr. Spitsb. D. p. 30 Pl. I f. 7 (1873). — N. gebbula Icon. n. Pl. V f. 17. Fresh water (moist earth etc.): Spitsbergen! Beeren Hiland (Ldt.). Var. oblonga Laas. (1873). — V. linear not gibbous in the middle. — Nav. gibberula var. oblonga Lagst. 1. c. p. 31. Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Lagst.). Var. capitata Laest. (1873). — V. strongly gibbous in the middle, with dilated, rounded truncate ends. —- N. gibberula var. capitata Lagst. |. c. p. 31 PL If 7 w’. Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Lagst.), Beeren Eiland (Lagst.). 8. N. Lundstrémii Cx. (1880). — V. linear-lanceolate, with subrostrate, broad ends. L. 0,034 to 0,051; B. 0,011 to 0,013 mm. Median line with the terminal fissures in the same direction. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 16 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, finely punctate, in the middle of equal length. -- Cu. A. D. p. 13, 36, Pl. II f. 39. Brackish water: Sea of Kara (Jamal)! Var. Frieseana Grun. (1879). — V. with broad rostrate-capitate ends, slightly asymmetrical. L. 0,032 to 0,048; B. 0,012 to 0,o15 mm. Striz 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm. (middle) or 20 to 22 in 0,01 mm. at the ends, in the middle radiate and of equal length, at the ends radiate, distinctly punctate, puncta (about 20 in 0,01 mm.) forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Cymbella Frieseana Grun. in Cl. M.D: Nee 261. Ieon, n. PL. V 7. 18. Brackish water: Finmark (Tana Elf)! 9. N. protracta Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with rostrate and truncate ends. L. 0,022 to 0,035; B. 0,oos to 0,01 mm. Axial area very narrow; central very small. Striz 12 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, coarsely punctate, puncta about 17 in 0,01 mm. — WN. Cruc. var.? prot. Grun. A. D. p. 35 Pl II f 38. V. H. Syn. p. 96 Suppl. Pl. B f. 27. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 146 Pl. XXX f. 47. WN. Troglodytes Panr. II p. 54 Pl. XI f. 184 (1889)? Brackish water: Salines of the mainland of Europe (Grun.), Belgium (V. H.), Hungary, foss. (Pant.) — Cameroon! Var. maxima Cu. — L. 0,08; B. 0,016 mm. Strive about 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Rio Purus, Brazil (Deby Coll.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 141 10. N. integra W. Sm. (1856). — V. lanceolate-elliptical, margins with 3 to 5 undulations, and rostrate-apiculate ends. L. 0,027 to 0,03; B. 0,ocs to 0,oo9 mm. Axial area indistinct, cen- tral very small. Striz about 23 in 0,01 mm., more distant in the middle, slightly radiate at the ends. — Pinnularia rostrata Gruc. M. J. IV Pl. If. 14 (1856). Pinn. integra W. Sm. D. II p. 96. Nav. integra Raurs. in Pritch. p. 895 (1861). Donx. B. D. p. 40 Pl. VI f. 8. Grun. A. D. p. 36. V. H. Syn. p. 96 Pl. XI f. 22. Cymbella integra A. 8. Atl. Pl. LXXI f. 64—66. Stauroneis Janischii Rasy. Alg. Eur. 848 (1859)?! Brackish water: Holstein! England (W. Sm.), Belgium (V. H.). 11. N. Lagerstedtii Cu. N. Sp. — V. linear with triundulated margins and broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,028; B. 0,006 mm. Areas indistinct. Strie 11 (middle) to 15 (ends) in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, parallel at the ends. — Nav. sp. Laest. Spitsb. D. p. 85 Pl. IT f. 12 (1878). Fresh water: Spitsb. (Lagst.). 12. N. subtilissima Cx. (1891). — V. linear, with capitate ends. L. 0,032; B. 0,005 mm. Axial area indistinct, central small. Strie about 40 to 45 in 0,01 mm. in the middle stronger, more distant and more radiate; other strie slightly radiate. — Cu. D. of Finl. p. 37 Pl. II f. 15. Stauroneis linearis Laesr. Spitsb. D. p. 37 Pl. II f. 13? Fresh water: Finland (Imandra Lappmark)! Sweden (Westerbotten, Degernas)! Spitsbergen (Lagst.). 13. N. Kilfvensis Gruy. Ms. — V. linear with rounded ends. L. 0,02; B. 0,005 mm. Areas indistinct. Striz 24 (middle) to 27 (ends) in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Kalfva, Alands socken, Sweden, fossil (Grun.). 14. N. subinflata Gruy. (1883). — V. linear, more or less gibbous in the middle, with rounded ends. L. 0,025 to 0,04; B. 0,008 mm. Axial area indistinct, central small irregular. Strie about 19 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel. The three or four median strie are shorter and much more distant than the others. Frustule in the zonal view rectangular; the connecting zone with faint longitudinal lines. — Gruw. in Cl. Vega p. 470 Pl. XXXVII f. 50. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Arctic America! Norway, Grip! Var. elliptica Cu. — V. elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,035; B. 0,013 mm. Striz 20 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Adriatic (Cl. M. D. N:o 210). Navicule Microstigmatice Ct. Valve elongated, usually lanceolate to linear, never panduriform. Axial area narrow or in- distinct. Central area small and rounded, or a transverse stauros. Structure: small, but distinct, puncta arranged in parallel, or slightly radiate, transverse striz, and undulating longitudinal rows, the median transverse strie not alternately longer and shorter, connecting zone complex or simple. This large section comprises a number of species, hitherto placed in Navicula, Stauroneis, Pleurostauron, Schizostauron and Schizonema. The may be classed in the following divisions: 1. Stawroneis. Central nodule transversely dilated into a simple stauros. No diaphragms at the ends of the valve. Connecting zone simple. 2. Pleurostauron. Like Stauroneis, but with diaphragms at the ends of the valve. 3. Schizostauron. Central nodule transversely dilated into a furcate or bifid stauros. 1 To judge from the figure. I have not seen any specimens in the material. . 142 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 4. Libellus. Zone complex or with longitudinal divisions. Central nodule dilated into a stauros, or not dilated. 5. Muecrostigma. Zone simple. Central nodule not transversely dilated. This division of the whole group cannot be completely carried out at present, as the con- necting zones of many species have not been observed. I consequently class all the forms now in two groups, viz. those with transversely dilated central nodules in Stauroneis, and those without such dilated central nodules in Microstigma; at the same time indicating as far as can yet be made out to which of the five groups named above each species belongs. The genus Stauwroneis (Eur. 1843) has always been regarded as distinguished from Navicula by the transversely dilated central nodule; but the difference between a dilatation of the nodule itself, or stauros, and a more transverse extension of the central area, or fascia, has not hitherto been strictly carried out, and several forms with transverse areas only have been placed in Stauroneis. These I now remove to Pinnularia or Navicula. Still, if we include in Stauroneis all the naviculoid forms which have transversely dilated central nodules, we shall not have a natural genus, as it will comprise species of Trachyneis, Mastoneis, Pseudoamphiprora, and other groups. All these I also remove to their respective groups and confine Stauroneis to such forms as possess the structure described above as belonging to the Microstigmatice. Stauroneis has affinities with Amphora, particulary with the group Psammamphora, in which the structure is identical, and in which occur species with and without a stauros, which may be regarded as asymmetrical forms of Stauroneis and Microstigma. In all the true species of Stauroneis the striz are radiate at the ends. This is the case also in the group Pleurostauron, which is nearly related to Stauroneis and passes over into it by gradual transitions. Many species of both these groups are met with in fresh water in all countries, arctic or tropical, a few inhabit brackish waters, but there is scarcely any undoubted marine species. The fresh water species of Schizostauron are closely allied to those of Pleurostauron, but I am not sufficiently acquainted with the marine species of the former to be able to speak as to their affinities. The division Lebellus comprises forms with and without stauros. They are all marine and some of them live enclosed in gelatinous tubes, for which reason they have been classed in the very unnatural genus Schizonema. As there are free forms, so closely connected with those living in gelatinous tubes, that they cannot be specifically distinguished, there is no reason to retain the genus Schizonema. As early as 1873 I proposed the generic name Libellus for Navicule with complex zone, but this view was not accepted until recently by De Toni, who placed in this genus N. aponina. Whether this be admissible or not I cannot say, as I have not examined this species sufficiently; but as it is figured in Van Heurcxs Synopsis as having subsidiary longitudinal lines it may belong to Caloneis. The species of Libellus are no doubt closely connected with those of the division Microstigma, in which are some forms the zone of which has longitudinal rows of short strie (N. auklandica and N. Garkeana). Still closer allied are the forms of the section Oxyamphora among the asym- metrical naviculoid diatoms. The same structure exists in these Amphor as in Libellus; the zone is similar and there are in Oxyamphora species with, and without stauros, exactly as in Libellus. Most forms of Libellus have the terminations of the median line at some distance from the ends of the valve. The division Microstigma comprises forms without stauros, and with a simple connecting zone, which however, as stated above, has in some species longitudinal rows of short strie. I have enclosed in this division several forms, classed in different genera by authors, as Scolio- pleura tumida, and Rhoiconeis Garkeana, the former having a sigmoid median line, the latter arcuate frustules.’ On the sigmoid median line alone no natural genus can be founded, forms with KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, 143 a sigmoid median line occuring in the groups Levistriate (N. Raeana), Caloneis (C. staurophora). Lineolate, Eucocconeis etc. Moreover there are gradual transitions from forms with sigmoid median line to forms with straight median line and terminal fissures in contrary directions (N. auklandica) while many such forms are closely connected with others having the terminal fissures in the same direction. In N. tumzda some specimens occur in which the median line is scarcely sigmoid. As to Rhoiconets, this genus is also inadmissible, as it contains widely different forms, and the degree of flexure in the frustule varies in the same species. Some forms of the section Lineo- late are more or less arcuate, and in Gyrosigma and Pleurosigma we meet with species, which in some varieties are straight, in others arcuate. Microstigma is doubtless akin to Libellus and has also a resemblance to the symmetrical forms of Tropidoneis, which differ principally by their highly elevated valves. Among the other groups of Navicula, Microstigma has affinities with the Decipientes and Fusiformes, the former having the median strive wider (as in N. tumida), the latter having the puncta arranged in longi- tudinal rows; and with the Entoleie, which have a distinct axial area. In fact it is impossible to trace any absolute limit between these groups of forms. Artificial key. 1. j Central nodule stauroid ©... 7. ee é : : 2. \o-— — not me 00) ee ert A ee a Lay » 29. 9, re bifid! 62 see Se eee ee Re eS Aa eee ae Se ay ee SN 5. — not — .... ‘ et ee ee ee 7. 5, se broad wae jj §§§ weenie wl m Bis Gee e eae Sh intake Ens.. i narrow . eo og cee Be pee A a 6. 6. agi 15in 001mm ... .. . . &. aE Eup. (S. anceps var. nobilis). 20 to 30 in 001 mm... , mr eden Ae, Sf ae hoes . &. anceps Exp. Size small (L. 0,013 to 0,025 sk a aS, ge gee at lar. eon a A ah ae Gg «= 8; bs — median (L. about 005 mm.) .. . Sty 38 si Re we eee 10. ==. large (L. 0,07 ‘to Oj2 mm)... ew 16. Linear-elliptical . . 2... a ee a ee .. . . S. septentrionalis Gruy. 8. {uate , bee 24 ‘ ee ee oe eee S. perpusilla Gruy. Elliptical . . . ee % ¢ PG.) ee SS is 9. ae about 18 in 0,01 mm. ay Geo a ... &. kryophila Gru. : — 2 — eee . . . S&S. perminuta Grun. Ends broad, capitate or Aiireate oe “Ae a. Carle a. Gy aah os 11. obtuse or rounded .......... ot @ we bind as ~ 2% » 12, 10. e cuneate.) 2... Be cea EL: Karta. Sea .. .. SS. Demerare Cu. subacute ...... ; ie. .% dept) 6 a os ae) Se SLD: LL. ss 14 to 19 in 001 mm. . . : So OR be. lees ‘Ss. desiderata Cu. — Me te ee a . . . S. pachycephala Cu. 12. poe small ia short. . nf hie crchs: ter 35 . . . S. pellucida Cu. pervious. s.% ae & 4 wails bb Rae 4 Die av de, Ab gn saete le. 6 13. 13. i broad with numerous distinct divisions ....- 0 2+ eee ee ee S. Biblos Cu. — narrow with faint divisions. ...... «+... Hegel ans 14. 14. re broad. 2 2. ewe we 68 ios ea a . &. Gregorit Rars. marrow. . - Com Go Bored apa S. constricta W. Sm. 1b oe 17 to 18 in 0,0. OE MMs bo cee eG ae we ee ; wot .. S. salina W. 8m. : — i Giec Regh e ais inca ... & africana Ou. Lines ok ee ee * £e eR 2 ee ea . 8. Schinzii Bron. 16: { Rhomboid- iieaeodtate ie KER Gs terete jai gittnnn 1s oe eed S. Phoenicenteron Exp. 17. oe ee dy: Zo ; mi yee.) SL Smithit Gon. Non-apiculate 8: : Bee Tg OM eo tan Ue EES ow 28: 144 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 18 fe Valve biconstricted Poss, ee i ; <8 a: oO 19. i not — pe RD 20. 19 eee (L. 0,03 to 004 mm.) .. 1... ; . 8. Legumen Ens. " \ Large (L. 0,2 mm.) : ... . 8S. Fulmen Brw. | Valve fusiform ; i : : S. Frauenfeldtiana Grun. 20. — yhombic-lanceolate . . : a boys eds . S. acuta W. 8m. pes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate. . . . & apd By, teh. chars 21. 91 on (L. 0,12 to 0.2 mm.) oe em Ida dedey's S. javanica GRun. iz Small (L. less than 0,07 mm.) eS 22. 99 pe about 15 in 0,o1 mm... . eat a S. oblonga Grun. = — fine 23 — : Bp hy Se aetb de es Ets caer os 23. 93 re rostrate ... . ‘ Sieets SB sted . S&S. parvula GRon. 7 — non-rostrate 4 ; ; en S. obtusa Laest. 94. J Branches of the stauros parallel ; mee oe ssh aan SS .. &. Sagitta Cu. Lo- — divergent . Bg RE aga 25. 95 Je habitat . i : fe : wig leo 26: : Marine . . : ; é ; ; fo va we RUS 96 J Ends rostrate . . ; eeac cas S. Crucicula Grun. “| = non-rostrate ; 28 .. . &. andicola Cu. 97 eo lanceolate, subrostrate . . , . . S. Reichardtiana Gruy. : broadly elliptical . . i ee kD a ee gh Oa 28. Stauros with very divergent branches Bo Api Ae eit S. Lindigiana Grun. 28. co — less — — é .. . S&. ovata Grun. Median line sigmoid or with the lagatiah desties in datonny directions. ..... 30. 29, ad oi ae — not sigmoid. .. -. . 4. the same = or indistinct 31. 30 | Medion line sigmoid ... 1. ..... : : . N. tumida Bris. : — straight... ; De svete j : N. auklandica Grun. Ends with diaphragms eT: ‘ N. inelegans GRovE & Storr. 31. Yo without — & Sale SAG Babe ae He goge) (4b So ee 32. 39 ie line Hexw0s@ sw 4 ede ee «ea EE PRE Ee OS . N. plicatula Grun. ’ SS ISUPAIEN Ge oy eco te Sel ae See ae Se Ge os P. Ge ada ae Shot 383. Frustule arcuate 2. 2 1. ee . N. Garkeana Grun. 33. ee MOG 4 sek 4S eee ee eo Lap leg lA Datewise. ie, keel and 34. 34 | Sire very fine (28 i 30 in 0,01 mm.) & Bg drog tele mom ee ge Se he 35. ; — 15 to 20in 01 mm ©. 2... ee 387. Wone Dread. a.nd owes cay carlecere. Aas elim «i N. Hylvira Cu. 35. ce narrow Si Rirfse. 2. ile. “GeeByhserane «trav MELE. ee 28 36. 36 ae acute .. ... we Ute, Ste ae, eh S . N. aponina Kitz. sa rostrate- searitate. a. tree ene ae . oo. NN. Bulnheimii Garon. Valve abies obtuse. % Bee we fer oes 3a N. Scopulorum Bree. ie lanceolate ot 48 i 38. 37, Araanie — 4 Ry Bel ctty Se ekg ae 39. = elliptie — = ...... N. suavis Cu. & GROVE. — rostrate ... . > 2 - ee.) NM. Fimbot Pant. Zone broad... . 1. ee oe N. complanata Groun. 38. ; , narrow. . ba a Sas , a8 N. plicata Donx. 39 ae in gelatinous Wueas gor 26 es : . . .N. Grevillet Ac. ; PTOB se ke we ee ; SR, Ae ees 40. 40 eee oh ihine A RGRRolin gt, er Ged ; ce Gu (Rabh. Alg. 1301)! Var. belgica Grun. — V. with somewhat obtuse ends. Connecting zone with fine, longitudinal strie (V. H. Types N:o 113). Marine: Ostend. 43. N. (Libellus) hamulifera Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, sometimes slightly asymme- trical, with subacute ends. L. 0,051 to 0,058; B. 0,012 to 0,o14 mm. Median line with somewhat approximate central pores. Its terminal fissures distinct, hook-shaped, turned in the same direction and at some distance from the ends of the valve. Areas indistinct. Strie in the middle 19 to 21 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, at the ends 25 in 0,01 mm., parallel, punctate; puncta, about 20 in 0,01 mm., forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Grun. A. D. p. 44. Icon. n. Pl. III f. 16, 17, 18. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Grun.), Adriatic (Grun.), Sebastopol! Ceylon (Weissflog Coll.)! Java! Barbados! Var. interrupta Cu. — L. 0,1; B. 0,02 mm. V. as in N. Libellus. Strie interrupted on each side of the median line by a narrow longitudinal area. Striz 20 to 21 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 23 in 0,01 mm. — PI. IIT f. 19. Marine: Japan! N. hamulifera closely resembles N. Libellus and is characterized by its hook-shaped, terminal fissures. 44. N. (Libellus) plicata Donx. (1873). — V linear, convex, with obtuse ends. L. 0,06 to 0,09; B. 0,012 to 0,o16 mm. Terminal nodules close to the ends. Areas indistinct. Striz in the middle 17 to 19 in 0,01 mm., almost transverse, at the ends 20 to 21 in 0.01 mm.. also transverse, finely punctate, puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal, undulating rows. Frustule in the zonal-view with fine, longitudinal striz on the connecting zone. — Donk. B. D. p. 59 Pl. IX f. 2. Grun. A. D. p. 36. Marine: Kara Sea (Grun.), England! Scotland! Baltic (Grun.), Balearic Islands! Triest (Grun.), Labuan! Brazil! Var. sumatrana CL. — V. very convex with more acute ends. L. 0,13 to 0,17; B. 0,017 to to 0,o2 mm. Axial area indistinct; central small, orbicular. Striz 15 (middle) to 16 (ends) in 0,01 mm. transverse throughout, coarsely punctate, puncta about 17 in 0,01 mm., forming un- dulating longitudinal rows. — N. oveia Castr. D. Challenger Exp. p. 31 Pl. XX f. 8 (1886)? Marine: Island of Muntok, Sumatra (Grove Coll.)! Java! 45. N. Garkeana Grun. (1863). — V. linear, with obtuse ends. L. 0,04 to 0,095; B. 0,011 to 0,015 mm. Axial area indistinct; central very small, elongated. Strie 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, distinctly punctate; puncta about 20 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal rows. Frustule in zonal-view arcuate, subrectangular, with broad connecting zone, on which are 2 to 4 rows of short striz (13 in 0,01 mm.). — Rhotconeis Gar. Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 148 Pl. IV f. 12. Marine: Behrings Strait! Kamortha! California! North Pacific Ocean (Grun.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 155 This species is remarkable for its arcuate valves, but in its essential characteristics seems to be nearest allied to N. plicata. 46. N. suavis Cu. and Grove N. Sp. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, flat. L. 0,115; B. 0,04 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area small, rounded. Median line ending close at the margin. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm. equidistant throughout, finely punctate; puncta about 18 in 0,o1 mm., somewhat coarser around the central nodule, forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Pl. IEE £ 31, 32. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil (Grove Coll.)! 47. N. plicatula Gruy. Ms. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with subacute ends, convex, with a more or less distinct longitudinal depression on each side of the median line. L. 0,075 to 0,115; B. 0,02 to 0,025 mm. Median line with approximate central pores and small terminal nodules at the ends of the valve, flexuose. Areas indistinct. Strie 15 to 19 in 0,01 mm. at the middle, slightly divergent, and 18 to 20 in 0,01 mm. at the ends, parallel, and finely, but distinctly punctate. — Pl. III f. 28. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Balearic Islands! Madagascar! Seychelles! Japan (Brun Coll.)! This is a very characteristic species, remarkable for its undulating median line. 48. N. inmelegans Grove and Sturr (1887). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the somewhat obtuse ends, where are short transverse diaphragms. L. 0,18; B. 0,03 mm. Median line with elongated central nodule and small terminal nodules at the ends of the valve. Terminal fissures indistinct. Areas indistinct. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm. radiate at the ends, some- times crossed on each side of the central nodule by a short and narrow lateral area, punctate; puncta, about 15 in 0,01 mm., forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Grove and Srurr Q. M. Cl, Je TT p. 132 Pl. Mot 6, Jeons nw. PL V £16, Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! This species is a very characteristic form, remarkable for the diaphragms in the ends, as in Pleurostauron. It bears some resemblance to N. Kappa of the same habitat. 49. N. (Scoliopleura) tumida Bris. (1849). — V. lanceolate, gradually attenuated to the subacute ends. L. 0,1 to 0,16; B. 9,025 mm. Median line slightly sigmoid. Axial area very narrow; central area small, somewhat elongated. Striew 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm., in the middle where a few frequently are shorter than the others, more distant, slightly radiate (at the ends transverse) finely punctate. Frustule in the zonal-view rectangular with rounded angles. Connecting zone slightly oblique, not complex. — Bris. in Kitz. Sp. Alg. p. 77. WN. Jenneriti W. Su. B. D. I p. 49 Pl. XVI f. 134 (1853). Scolioplewra tumida V. H. Syn. p. 112 Pl. XVII f. 11. 18. Pant. III Pl. XVII f. 245. Marine and brackish: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), North Sea! Sebastopol! Ceylon! Sydney! "Var. adriatica Grun. (1860). — V. 0,027; B. 0,008 mm. Me- dian line strongly sigmoid. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. -— Scoliopleura adriatica Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 554 Pl. V f. 24. Marine: Adriatic (Grun.). I have seen a few living specimens of N. tumida. They had along the zone two chromatophore-plates, with entire margins. Each plate contained a row of 6 large, orbicular pyrenoids. At the ends of the frustules a number of small granules in lively motion was vie feaig eer eit call ahaa SO visible. --' times magnified. ” 156 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 50. N. auklandica Gruy. (1863). —- V. linear, with broad rounded ends, convex. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,018 mm. Median line straight, somewhat excentric; its terminal fissures turned in contrary directions and of somewhat unequal length. Axial area indistinct; central very small. Striz 10 (middle) to 14 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, punctate, puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm. Frustule rectangular with rounded corners, somewhat constricted in the middle. Connecting zone with several longitudinal rows of short strie (Grun.). — Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 151 Pl]. V f. 14. Novara p. 17. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 15. Marine: Auckland (Grun.), Port Jackson! Australia! A very characteristic species, which seems to be related to N. tumzda. 51. N. Jimboi Pant. (1893). — V. lanceolate, rostrate, obtuse. L. 0,042; B. 0,019 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, transverse, with a stigma, close to the central nodule. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm. radiate, but parallel at the ends, punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. III Pl. V f. 81. Habitat?: »Sentenai» (Pant.). This form resembles NV. mutica, which also has a stigma on the central area, but the central area of N. Jimboi is very small. It is doubtful whether it should be placed in this group. Cymbella Ac. (1830). Valve elongated, boat-shaped or more or less asymmetrical to the longitudinal axis. Median line excentric. The terminal nodules near the ends of the valve, and the terminal fissures turned to the dorsal, or ventral, side, or straight. Structure transverse, usually radiate, rows of puncta, or finely lineate striz on both sides of the median line. Connecting zone not complex. Cell- contents a single chromatophore, the longitudinal axis of which follows the dorsal part of the con- necting zone. The chromatophore covers the inside of the frustule, with the exception of the ventral part of the connecting zone and the branches of the median line. The division of the chromatophore begins in the ends of the plate on the dorsal side. In conjugating, the mother- cells, usually produced by division of a parent cell, and enclosed in a gelatinous mass produce two auxospores, parallel to the mother-cells. Before conjugation the cell-contents of one of the mother- cells is divided into two masses, each of which unites with a similar mass of the other mother-cell. As early as 1817 Nrrszcu described some Cymbelle under name the of Bacillaria fulva and B. phoenicenteron, and in 1829 Eurensera founded the genus Cocconema for the stipitate forms. AgarpH in 1830 founded the genus Cymbella (Consp. crit. 1) for diatoms with »frustula elliptica, libera vel muco amorpha involuta, binatim conjuncta». Some of the species included by AcaRDH in this genus belong doubtless to what we now name Cymbella. Later on, in 1830, Ktrzine created the genus Encyonema for the cymbelloid forms included in gelatinous tubes. Most authors since then have adopted these three genera and have regarded as Cymbella, forms which live free; as Cocconema, forms attached to gelatinous stalks; and as Encyonema, forms included in tubes. The valves of all these forms are in all essential points similar, and frustules of stipitate or enclosed forms frequently occur free; for which reasons HEIBERe (Consp. Crit. Diat. p. 107) 1863 united them in one genus, for which he considered the name Cymbella more adequately fitting, although a little more recent than Cocconema. There can be no doubt as to the advisability of uniting Cym- bella and Cocconema, but some hesitation may be felt in uniting Encyonema which has somewhat differently shaped terminal fissures. On the other hand transitions exist between the downward turned terminal fissures of Encyonema and the reflexed fissures of Cymbella, as for instance in C. helvetica; and I think it most convenient to follow the proposition of HeErpere. The most characteristic feature of Cymbella is the asymmetrical form of the valves, but this characteristic is subject to much variation. There are all transitions from boat-like to almost KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 26. w:o 2. 157 symmetrical naviculoid forms. On the other hand several species in other groups of naviculoid dia- toms are more or less decidedly asymmetrical. For instance, all the larger forms of Pinnularia shew a tendency to asymmetry. The same is the case with numerous varieties of Zrachyneis aspera. All the Amphore are asymmetrical, and usually in a more decided manner than the Cymbelle. From some groups of the old genus Amphora the Cymbelle differ only by their connecting zone not being complex. From other groups of the same genus the distinction is attended with more difficulty, especially in the new group Cymbamphora, the valves of which are still more asymme- trical, having the median line close to the ventral margin. But the Cymbamphore are marine or brackish, while the Cymbelle usually are of fresh-water habitat. The structure of the Cymbelle consists of puncta disposed in rows or of transverse striz, which are more or less transversely lineate. The striew in the middle of the valve are radiate and somewhat more distant than in other parts of the valve. In the ends they are parallel or radiate. They either reach the median line, or end at some distance from it, leaving a narrow axial area, frequently dilated around the central nodule. In some species there is a shallow depression on the ventral side of the central nodule, the median ventral striz appearing to be crossed, below the central nodule, by a semicircular furrow. In one division of Cymbella there is in the middle of the central nodule or on its ventral side a peculiar punctum or pore, for which I use the name stigma. If the stigma is below the nodule, a fine, fissure-like line proceeds from it into the nodule. The median line is in some species oblique and therefore broad, shewing a complex structure, as in some Pinnularias. The terminal nodules are usually close to the end of the valve, and the fissures, especially in the boat-like forms, reflexed to the dorsal side. In the naviculoid forms it is comma-like, and in C. helvetica straight, in the direction of the median line, thus forming a passage to Encyonema, which has the terminal fissures bent downwards. The Cymbelle are certainly nearly akin to the Navicule of the section Lineolate. Navicula dicephala is closely connected with C. amphicephala, and C. naviculiformis, and with these a number of forms are more or less related: Navicula dicephala Cymbella amphicephala Cymbella naviculiformis C. Ehrenbergii C. tumida C. heeeoclanea C. anaes C. Cistula c iomoiien C. lanceolata C. Janischii. Cymb. microcephala shews some signs of affinity to Navicula Bulnheimii, and we may thus trace passages to a number of forms Navicula Bulnheimii ? | Cymbella microcephala C. Cesatii C. angustata C. stauroneiformis C. austriaca. Cymbella alpina is an isolated form, without, so far I can see, any close relation to the Lineolate, although the structure of the strie is the same as in the typical form of that group of Navicula. Cymb. sinuata is also an isolated form, which seems to have its nearest relatives in Gomphonema. 158 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. The species of Cymbella are frequently very variable and transitorial. Many names have been proposed for forms, which differ only in trifling characteristics. The descriptions and figures in the literature leave very much to desire; and in many cases, where original specimens are not accessible, it is impossible to decide what the names given by the authors actually denote. Under such circumstances it is extremely difficult to treat the numerous forms of this genus. Most Cymbelle live in fresh water, a few only in slightly brackish water, and none is marine. They occur in all parts of the world, from Spitsbergen and arctic America to the Tropics. Many species live, attached to gelatinous stalks, in enormous masses, in rivulets, on moist rocks, and water-plants. In the following artificial key some imperfectly known forms, marked * in the text are not included. The key must not be regarded as absolutely exact, its definitions being somewhat elastic, as indeed the forms themselves are. Artificial key. Valve cymbiform fs ge se toe of eee aR me lS ie naviculoid : ‘ by hone, ee S. -45 A eee Bye Sh Few BS Central nodule with a stlena Bereich s | Ata ie bane tice oT aih Gey arate ae. Be — without stigma ... . 6... el ode) ah aad the See 7. ae below the nodule... ....... ‘ Ra ee bs , 4. _— : we Jeg oe Gidea: ape ip al ek ae GE 5. Strie sel punctate b O8 ee Bama ORE. ae C. australica A. 8. — finely — Gee, ve B Gicte> den ie atten . C. tumida Bris. Ends broad, rounded. ... ...... we 2. » / C, Janischii A. §. subtruncate, obtuse . : : : ie), ie . toy SO Central areasmall... . ..... ; eR ae aR ap a Sa C. mexicana Eup. — large. Ke Sp Re ew ‘ : C.” punctifera Ct. Median ventral strie ending with isolated puncta . 2. als 8. — not — — Srl pct yethadal neh « de age elel Boe. ty eshte 12. Punctum- one: 3. ei eS Aa a ee ele A Ge ORY C. cymbiformis Kitz. Puncta two or more . .... tk { See a Sy As 9. Puncta two... .. eee ee we. G. turgidula Grun. (C. Cistula var.) several ie. GaSe ae Se eee ce ae Bee eee aenias car ae ab she aca 10. Median line dilated towards the ends... ...... wel. C Sturiit Grun. — not _— —_ fa) Soe ah Se ds BR. rt ee ge las pas eis eB) 11. ne ee ae | Ne ce ce | aie ii {sre BURR RE GSW a gaan mh gileh es A ete ee cose. O, Cistula Hempr. le ie = ie (= ee i. = oe =) 10. fines ae 4 See wee el ele re aad C. Stuxbergii Cu. Median line straight, approximate to the ener MAB cay acces OP er Boe 13. — arcuate, distant from — — = oe shrnanii ene Senn tt eas 22. Terminal nodules distant from the ends .. ..... «ee eveae bees MA, near the ends Ba ‘ Coe Syl ae py + 16. Strie COATSCS hk iw a Ege ES AOR Ge ee ee ar 6 prateasia BERK. fine... .. pt 5.68 ' . . .C. helvetica monstrosity. Strie coarsely ounptete. es Rhea fd. ky Pew & Ib 30 be Spa 16. finely _— So RG Re om et Ah ee Sg ee Boddy. ay ese ee 17. Axial area very narrow... ee eee C. Triangulum Exp. — distinct 120 2. 6 ee ... C. turgida Grue. Median line close to the margin bag : rar eee Aa ‘ sx 4 18. — at some distance from the margin. . ...... «....ia. 19. Binds capitate» <0 @ go eA aw ee wa ee ee ae ag . . @. Jordani Grun. obtuse, reflexed .... ©. .... ity AR eat A te dos C. inelegans Cu. — imeurved..........4. ee hte les C. ventricosa Kirz. Valve lunate; broad... 7. gel, ligt ane sade abs .. . C. hebridica Grun. oe ATPOW apg ac a a Ce SRE oe oe Re Hs b Cacia sin cls. 9 ues Weed 20. Acute. ...... fety | Rtreoardd Savages ef Borie de Gata tae a A OTE Obtuse) BES6. 69 wie tere aomcl etl eye eee el ee ee eS C. norvegica GRun. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wo 2. 159 21. eon area indistinct. .... . ge aby Be a a we A AMS ee og . C. gracilis Ens. — distinct, linear . .... x 3 ae C. yarrensis A. 8. 99, pe subclavate ... .... : : 2... . C. Beecarti Grun. not clavate. .... ...... mal tee Be eagle 23. 93. re area broad «66 we tt te .. +. C. aspera Eup. — narrow or iudliavinet teat. cae Gee on eagptaD eid Gant sity —iaaaal Goma aes tenes 24. 24. (or and dorsal margins parallel... . 2... 2... ee eeu .C. Botellus Laces. ae = No = RC Gr ele er) eA . C. Mélleriana Grun. : SS: SSMALL i ay Sed sty Qe sat eae te od tee ee ee CL lacustris Ae. 53. sa area narrow. ..... 2... eotinlant! GP tap REAR hare cde adel Se ies ap BES ae See 54. —= moderately broad «ss 2 ea ee AH eR RRS RT ee Ee ewe 56. 5A. et about 0,03 to 0.04 mm ..... CG. GOs eek de GR ae eee 5A. — 0,06 to0o7 mm... . .. ee onesie eae. th . . C. borealis Cu. BD. Stris ONC O OAM Ma a a eek ale IG Be A a re ee EAR C. alpina Grun. i — about 10 in 0,01 mm... . < a: Bec es C. equalis W. Su Axial area dilated to a small eontval a BRC Sea SG Tats ee av aE eee 57. 56. — not — — _— Ea. abstr Ses ok cle, La hinge. Go aoe et ae, hae ak 58. BT. jst Strie coarsely punctate .. 2... 2. C. Hauckii V. H. finely Sy og ie ag Sea ee A ee .... C. Reinhardtii Gaon. z ee about 003 mm. . .. ie GRR ee Pos et ea C. leptoceros Grun. 58. — 0,06 mm. siecle» Ai ciah ae 48 lap datty aod ae ne .. . C. austriaca Gron. 59. Median ventral strie ending in ianlteil punctta ..... C. tumidula var. salinarum. — not..... 3 ee OR ee Ber ae eae ee 60. 60. oe Terminal dale distant from the ends... .. .. 2. eee CL Cesatit Rasa. approximate to — ...... Suse cat je ecard . 61. 61. Median fae @ straight, strongly excentric i 6 be i . 62. — subarcuate, nearly central .. ©. 0. eee ee 63. 62. | Vale broad. B. 0,02 mm....... Ro Oe. 4 .» C. Triangulum Ens. narrow. B. less than 0,01 mm. . . .. . . .C. hebridica Gree. 63. Central area not dilated in the middle Wea 0tC*«*« A. C. acutiuscula Cu. — abruptly dilated into a central area . . Wn he de hy sae eek 64. 64. acs L. 0,05 to 01 mm... .. j 5 ie eee ee 65. Small. L. 0,03 to 0,04 mm. fo ewe CR AE ee ee we 66. Strie about a. in Qo1 mm ......... ea eH SL cg C. acuta A. 8S. 65. : yi ts eve aes, idee bie ee ee ae C. oregonica Cu. 66. {central area ae de. Tin Bho fe adh ya his pe Sa: eatin agge tra C. lapponica Grun. — dilated outwards ...........0.4. . . C. stauroneiformis Lagst. 1. C. microcephala Grun. (1880). — V. almost symmetrical, linear, with rostrate-capitate ends. L. 0,015 to 0,023; B. 0,003 to 0,004 mm. Median line almost central, straight; its central pores approximate. Axial and central areas indistinct. Striee 24 to 30 in 0,01 mm. almost pa- rallel. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 63 Pl. VIII f. 36 to 39. C. minuscula A. 8S. At). IX f.58 to 61? Fresh water: Greenland! Scotland! Sweden (Vernamo, fossil)! Belgium (V. H.), Ecuador, Banos! 2. C. (Encyonema) Cesatii Rasy. (1853). — V. nearly symmetrical, narrow lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends. L. 0,045 to 0,05; B. 0,006 to 0,007 mm. Median line almost central, with approximate central pores and slightly curved terminal fissures at some distance from the ends. Axial area narrow; central area small. Strie radiate throughout, about 19 in 0,01 mm., very finely punctate. — Nav. appendiculata Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 552 PL IV f. 29. Nav. Cesatii Rasy. Siissw. D. p. 89 Pl. VI f. 89. V. H. Syn. p. 88 Pl. VIII f. 35. Cym- bella Cesatiti Grun. A. 8. Atl. LXXI f. 48, 49. Fresh water: Greenland! Iceland! Swedish and Russian Lappland! Scotland! Sweden (We- nern)! Belgium (V. H.), Piedmont (Rabh.), Canada! This form, easily recognized by the distance of its terminal nodules from the ends of the valve, is so slightly asymmetrical, that one might regard it as a Navieula. It seems to be an in- habitant principally of northern or alpine regions. In Verh. 1860 (p. 571 Pl. VII f. 16) GRunow mentions a Colletonema dubium as occurring together with C. Cesatii (his Nav. appendiculata) and KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 161 with frustules of the same appearance. It seems then probable that the frustules of C. Cesatii occur enclosed in gelatinous tubes. 3. C. angustata W. Sm. (1853). — V. almost symmetrical, with, usually, slightly triundu- late margins and capitate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,008 mm. Median line almost central, straight; its central pores approximate and its terminal fissures in the ends of the valve. Axial area very narrow or indistinct, not dilated in the middle. Strie about 16 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout. — N. angustata W. Su. B. D. I Pl. XVII f. 156. C. equalis A. S. Atl. IX f. 69. C. equ. var. hybrida Grun. A. 8. Atl. LXXI f. 50. Navic. inequilatera Laas. Spitsb. D. p. 33 Fl. 10 £. 10, Fresh water (alpine and arctic regions): Greenland! Spitsbergen! Scotland, England (W. Sm.), Norway (Dovre)! Sweden (Gellivara, Degernis, Loka, Forarm in Asnen, fossil)! Finland (Imandra to Karelen and Aland)! 4. C. Sehmidtii Grun. (1875). — V. almost symmetrical, broadly linear, with triundulate margins and cuneate ends. I. 0,026; B. 0,009 mm. Median line almost central, slightly flexuose. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie about 14 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. — Grun. in A. 8. Atl. TX f. 48. Brackish water: Neusiedler See, Hungary (Atl.). 5. C. obtusiusecula (Kitz. 1844?) Grun. 1875. — V. slightly asymmetrical, broad, almost elliptical, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,027; B. 0,012 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area very narrow; central area small and orbicular. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. — Kitz. Bac. p. 79 Pl. ITT f. 68. A. S. Atl. IX f. 49. Fresh water: Steinitz See (Atl.). 6. C. alpina Grun. (1863). — V. slightly asymmetrical, lanceolate, with convex dorsal and ventral margins and slightly obtuse ends. L. 0,023 to 0,04; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Median line straight, slightly excentric. Axial area very narrow, not dilated in the middle. Strie 5 in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, finely transversely lineate. — Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 148 Pl. IV f. 19. A. S. Atl. LXXI f. 44, 45. Brun. Diat. des Alpes p. 62 Pl. III f. 7. Fresh water (alpine regions): Tyrol (Grun.), Switzerland (Brun), Savoy! This little species is very characteristic, not nearly akin to any other Cymbella, and di- stinguished by its unusually coarse and lineate strie. It is an habitant of alpine regions only. The fine lineation of the striw appears to indicate a relationship to the group Navicule lineolate, but there is no closely allied from in that group. 7. (C. borealis Cu. (1891). — V. slightly asymmetrical, linear-lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse or slightly capitate ends. L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,007 to 0,09 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area very narrow, slightly or indistinctly dilated in the middle. Strize 10 (middle) to 13 or 14 (ends) in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate throughout, very finely lineate. — Cu. D. of Finl. p. 46 Pl. IT f. 19. Fresh water: Russian Lapland! 8. C. delicatula Kirz. (1849). — V. narrow, lanceolate, slightly asymmetrical, obtuse. L. 0,022 to 0,03; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Striz 18 or 20 (dorsal) to 21 (ventral) in 0,01 mm., delicate. — Kirz. Sp. Alg. p. 59. A. S. Atl LXXI f. 54, 55. V. H. Syn. p. 62 Pl. TIT f. 6. Fresh water (moist rocks etc.): Norway (Dovre, Brevig)! Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! France! Savoy! Genéve! This species is recognized by its narrow, almost linear, lanceolate valves and by its close and delicate strie. It is nearly connected with C. levis, which has broader valves and somewhat coarser strie. Intermediate forms exist between both. K. Sv. Vet. Akad Hand!. Band 26. No 2. 21 162 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. As Cymbella elegans Cramer has issued in Rabh. Alg. Eur. N:o 1441 (1863) a sample con- taining several Cymbelle, as C. Cistula, C. helvetica, C. delicatula, C. levis, C. affinis, C. lepto- ceras, C. amphicephala and C. aspera. As no description or figure of C. elegans is given, it is impossible to determine what form the name denotes. 9. C. levis Nazeztr (1849). — V. strongly asymmetrical, semilanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the ends. Dorsal margin arcuate; ventral margin straight or slightly convex in the middle. L. 0,025 to 0,035; B. 0,007 to 0,008 mm. Median line somewhat excentric and slightly arcuate. Axial area indistinct. Strie of the dorsal side 13 (middle) to 15 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. Strie of the ventral side 16 (middle) to 17 (ends) in 0,01 mm. almost pa- rallel and finely punctate. — Naga. in Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 59. V. H. Syn. p. 62 Pl. III f. 7. A. S. Atl. IX f. 35. Fresh’ water: Norway (Dovre)! Sweden (Gellivaara to Ortofta in Skane)! Finland (Lapland to Karelen)! Scotland! Ziirich (Grun.), Tours du Rhéne! 10. ©, pusilla Grun. (1875). — V. asymmetrical, narrow, semilanceolate, with subacute ends and arcuate dorsal, straight or slightly convex ventral, margin. L. 0,23 to 0,04; B. 0,005 to 0,0075 mm. Median line straight, strongly excentric. Axial area very narrow, not, or slightly, dilated around the central nodule. Strie 15 to 18 (middle) or 16 to 20°(ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends. — Grun. in A. 8. Atl. IX f. 36, 87. V. H. Syn. Pl. III f. 5. Brackish water: Sweden (Baltic: Gothland, Malmé)! Halle! Neusiedler See (Grun.), Caspian Sea (Grun.), Normandy! Belgium (V. H.), Bayonne (Atl.), Sardinia (Grun.), Mouth of Jenissey! South Africa! Ecuador! 11. C. yarrensis A. 8S. (1881). — V. narrow, semilanceolate, acute. L. 0,075 to 0,11; B. 0,o12 to 0,015 mm. Median line nearly central; its terminal fissures in the ends. Axial area narrow, linear, dilated in the middle to an elongated central area. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm., somewhat more distant in the middle, where they are radiate, parallel in the ends. — Encyon? yarrense A. 8S. Atl. LXXI f. 16. . Slightly brackish water: Yarra-Yarra (Australia)! Tasmania! 12. C. rupicola Grun. (1881). — V. slightly asymmetrical, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the subacute ends. L. 0,027 to 0,034; B. 0,0045 to 0,0055 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area narrow, not dilated in the middle. Dorsal strize 12 (middle) to 15 (ends) in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. Ventral strie 16 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate — Groun. in A. S. Atl. LXXI f. 70, 71. Fresh water (moist rocks): Arctic America! Scotland (V. H. Types), Salzburg (Atl.). This species is very nearly akin to C. levis and differs scarcely in anything except the less asymmetrical valves. 13. ©. Reinhardtii Grun. (1875). — V. slightly asymmetrical, elliptic-lanceolate, with convex dorsal and ventral margins. Ends obtuse. I. 0,03 to 0,06; B. 0,008 to 0,014 mm. Median line nearly central, straight. Axial area narrow, gradually dilated to the middle, where it ex- pands to a moderately large central area. Striz 10 (middle) to 13 or 14 (ends) in 0,01 mm. The median striz are more distant than the rest and slightly radiate. Towards the ends the striae become almost parallel. — A. S. Atl. IX f. 27. Cru. M. D. Nio 182. Fresh water: Norway (Romsdalen)! Steinitz Sea (Atl.). The above description is from specimens in Cl. M. D. 132, determined by Grunow as C. Reinhardti. 14. C. leptoceros (Exus. 1843?) Gruy. — V. asymmetrical, lanceolate, with slightly gibbous ventral margin and obtuse, sometimes slightly attenuated ends. L. 0,02 to 0,04; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Median line slightly arcuate. Axial area linear, not dilated around the central nodule. KONGL’ SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wnio 2, 1638 Strie 9 or 11 (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, especially near the ends, punctate ; puncta about 22 in 0,01 mm. — Coce. lept. Eup. Am. Pl. I: 2 f. 30. Cy. leptoc. V. H. Syn. p. 62 Pl. Il f. 18, III f. 24 (f. curta) Suppl. A. f. 2 (. elongata). Cy. hungarica Pay. II p. 40 Pl. I f. 14 (1889)? Fresh water: Rostock (foss.), Belgium! Hungary foss. (Pant.)? Mexico, foss.! Var. minor Grun. (1882). — L. 0,026; B. 0,007 mm. — Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 142 Pl. XXIX f. 32. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var. angusta Grun. (1882). — L. 0,024 to 0,04; B. 0,005 to 0,01 mm. Strie 12 to 15 in 0,01 mm. -- Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 142 Pl. XXIX f. 33, 34. Fresh water: Greenland! Hungary, fossil (Grun.), Geneva! Savoy! Var. excisa Per. (1877). — Ventral margin indented in the middle. —- C. turgida var. excisa Prt. Bull. Soc. Bot. de France 1877 Pl. If.2. A.S. Atl. LXXI f. 35. Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 142. Fresh water: Marly, near Paris (according to Grunow). The most marked characteristic of U. leptoceros is the distinct axial area, which seems to become much reduced in some of the varieties, named by GRunow, especially in the var. excisa which I have placed here on the authority of Grunow. Specimens of that var. from Marly (Cl. M. D. N:o 195) agree in my opinion with C. tumidula Grun. The following forms, found in a fossil state in Hungary and described by PantocsEk seem to be nearly akin to C. leptoceros. C. kavnensis Pant. (II p. 40 Pl. XI f. 186). — L. 0,025; B. 0.0075 mm. Strie 15 in 0,01 mm. C. Neupauert Panv. (II p. 40 Pl. XI-f. 187). — L. 0,027; B. 0,0095 mm. Strie 15 in 0,01) mm. Specimens from Gyéngids-Pata, which I have examined, are scarcely distinguishable from C. leptoceros in Van Heurck’s Types. 15. C. austriaca Grun. (1875). — V. asymmetrical; with arcuate dorsal margin and slightly convex ventral margin. Ends obtuse and rounded. L. 0,045 to 0,068; B. 0,012 to 0,017 mm, Median line somewhat excentric, nearly straight, broad (oblique). Axial area distinct, linear, not widened in the middle. Strie 11 or 13 (dorsal) to 13 or 14 (ventral) in 0,01 mm., radiate through- out, punctate; puncta about 21 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. in A. S. Atl. IX f. 10, LXXI f. 67 to 69. Fresh water: Tyrol (Atl.), Switzerland (St. Gingolf, Engadine)! Var. prisca Grun. (1882). — L. 0,05 to 0,078; B. 0,013 to 0,019 mm. Median line slightly arcuate. Area slightly dilated on the dorsal side of the central nodule. Striz 9 (middle) to 11 (ends) in 0,01 mm., punctate. Puncta 23 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 143 Pl. XXIX f. 29. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var. excisa Grun. (1882). — Smaller. Ventral margin indented. — Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. Pl. XXX f. 27. Pawr. IIT Pl. I f. 11. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Bs C. austriaca, which seems to inhabit the alps only, is characterized by its median line, being oblique and therefore broad in the middle between the central and terminal nodules, by its dis- tinctly punctate strie and non-rostrate ends. It is evidently akin to C. leptoceros. Cymb. Erdében- yana Pant. (II p. 40 Pl. XI f. 198; 1889) agrees completely with C. austriaca, as I have convinced myself by examining specimens from Erdébenye. 16. €. Stodderi Ci. (1881). — V. slightly asymmetrical, narrow, lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,075 to 0,09; B. 0,015 mm. Median line almost central, straight; its terminal fissures approximate to the ends. Axial area moderately broad, linear-lanceolate, not abruptly dilated around the central nodule. Striz strongly radiate in the middle, 10 or 11 (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm., not distinctly punctate. — Cu. N. R. D. p. 5 Pl If. 5. Cu. M. D. N:o 212, 274. Fresh water: Monmouth (Maine), Bemis Lake (White Mountains)! Caldas (Brazil)! 164 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID. DIATOMS. This species is probably akin to Nav. Monmouthiana Grun., and its place here is somewhat doubtful. 17. C. amphioxys Kirz. (1844) Grun. — V. almost symmetrical, narrow linear-lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,07; B. 0,007 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area narrow; central area indistinct. Striz 17 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle and slightly convergent in the ends, not distinctly punctate. — Navic. amphiorys Kitz. Bac. p. 91 Pl. XXVIII f. 37? Cymb. navic. var. amphioyx Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 273 (1879). Fresh water: Degernis, Westerbotten, Sweden, fossil! This form, frequent in Cl. M. D. N:o 273, seems not to be akin to C. naviculacea, but rather to the group of Navicula radiosa, having, like those, the terminal strie convergent. 18. C. acuta A. 8. (1881). — V. almost symmetrical, lanceolate, with acute ends. LL. 0,05 to 0,085; B. 0,016 to 0,o2 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area narrow, linear, in the middle dilated to a rhomboid-orbicular central area. Strie 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm., very finely punctate. — C. americana var. acuta A. S. Atl. LXXI f. 75 to 78. Fresh water: Sweden (Lake Rosslingen in Calmar Lin)! Mouth of Jenissey! Demerara River! 19. C. acutiuseula CL. N. Sp. — V. slightly asymmetrical, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends. L. 0,07 to 0,095; B. 0,02 to 0,022 mm. Axial area narrow, lanceolate, not (or on the ventral side slightly) dilated around the central nodule. Strie 9 to 10 (middle) or 11 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, parallel at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta 17 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. IV f. 26. Fresh water: Crane Pond! Waltham, Mass.! This species is nearly akin to C. acuta, but has broader area and more coarsely punctate striz. 20. ©. Hauckii V. H. (1888). — V. asymmetrical-lanceolate, with arcuate dorsal margin, slightly convex ventral margin and obtuse, not rostrate ends. L. 0,07 to 0,08; B. 0,018 to 0,02 mm. Median line slightly asymmetrical, almost straight. Axial area narrow, lanceolate, scarcely dilated on the dorsal, but distinctly on the ventral side of the central nodule. Strize 10 (middle) to 18 (ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely punctate; puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm. — V. H. in Hauck and Richter Phycoth. univ. N:o 147. Notarisia 1888 p. 622. Icon. n. Pl. IV f. 24. Fresh water: Triest! The above description is from original specimens in Van Heurck’s collection. C. Hauckii is similar to C. acutiuscula, but the striz are radiate in the ends, where they are much closer than in the middle. C. Lindsayana Grev. (Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII p. 234 Pl. III f. 5 to 8) has the same size and outline as C. Haucki, but, according to GREVILLE, somewhat coarser striz. The description and figures given by GREVILLE are not sufficient for identification. 21. C. amphicephala Nazexrt (1849). — V. slightly asymmetrical, with arcuate dorsal and almost straight ventral margin. Ends rostrate to rostrate-capitate. L. 0,025 to 0,04; B. 0,009 to 0,o1 mm. Median line slightly excentric, almost straight. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 12 or 14 (dorsal) to 16 (ventral) in 0,01 mm., more distant in the middle than’ elsewhere, slightly radiate. — Nana. in Kiitz. Sp. Alg. p. 890. A. 8. Atl. IX f. 62, 64 to 66; LXXI f. 52. V. H. Syn. p. 61 Pl. If 6. C. naviculiformis Huts. Consp. Crit. p. 108 Pl. I f. 2. Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Iceland! Sweden (Areskutan, Upsala, Billingen, Gulf of Bothnia)! Denmark! Holstein! England! Saxony! Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland! Ispahan (Atl.), ane New Zealand! Brazil! Var. subundulata Cu. — V. linear, with slightly triundulate margins and Capieaye ane L. 0,04; B. 0,oo7 mm. Striee in the middle 16, at the ends 18 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Norway, Dovre! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wio 2. 165 Var. hercynica A. S. (1875). — V. rostrate. L. 0,029; B. 0,01 mm. Striz about 13 in 0,01 mm. — C. here. A. 8. Atl. IX f. 30, 31. C. abyssinica Grun. in Martelli Florula bogosensis p. 151 Pl. I f. 3 (1886). Fresh water: Juliushall, Harzburg (Atl.), Ringsjén (Sweden)! Abyssinia (Grun.). 22. C. lata Grun. Ms. — V. slightly asymmetrical, broadly lanceolate, with subrostrate to rostrate ends. L. 0,042 to 0,056; B. 0,016 to 0,018 mm. Median line almost straight and central. Axial area narrow, linear, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 9 (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,o1 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, almost parallel at the ends, finely punctate. — Pl. IV f. 27. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia at Pitea; Ore sjé, near Boras)! Ladoga! Domblitten, Rostock and Liineburg, fossil! This species resembles in outline C. Ehrenbergii, but is much smaller and has less distinctly punctate strie. 23. (€. Cucumis A. 8. (1875). — V. broad, with convex dorsal and almost straight or slightly convex ventral margin. Ends rostrate-truncate. LL. 0,07 to 0,09; B. 0,024 mm. Median line almost central, slightly arcuate. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Strie 8 to 9 (dorsal) to 10 (ventral) in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 12 in 0,01 mm., more distant on the median ventral strie. — A. S. Atl. IX f. 21, 22. Fresh water: Bengal (Atl.), Cameroon! 24. ©. Ehrenbergii Kurz. (1844). — V. asymmetrical, elliptic-lanceolate, with slightly rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,09 to 0,14; B. 0,028 to 0,038 mm. Median line slightly excentric, straight. Axial area narrow, but distinct, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Strie 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout, coarsely punctate; puncta 13 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — Navic. inequalis Eup. Inf. Pl. XIII f. 18 (1838). Cymb. Ehrenb. Kitz. Bac. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 11. W. Sw. B. D. IPL II f. 21. A. S. Atl. IX f. 6 to 9; LXXI f. 74. V. H. Syn. p. 61 Pl. IT f.1. Fresh water: Iceland! Sweden (from Lapland to Skane)! Norway! Finland! England! Bel- gium (V. H.), Paris! Germany! Switzerland! North America (Crane Pond, Lost Spring Ranch, Washington territory, St. Rosa Cal.)! Var. delecta A. 8. (1875). — V. asymmetrical-lanceolate, with slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,063 to 0,085; B. 0,019 to 0,o24 mm. Axial area narrow, not, or slightly, dilated around the central nodule. Strie 8 to 9 (middle) to 11 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. delecta A. S. Atl. IX f. 17. C. Ehrenbergii var. Atl. LXXI f. 80. C. Ehrenb. var. minor V. H. Syn. II f. 2. Fresh water: Greenland! Kénigsaue (Atl.), Puerto Monte, Chili (Atl.), Victoria, Splitters Creek (Austr.)! ; 25. C. lapponica Grun. (1879). — V. almost symmetrical, sublanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends. L. 0,033 to 0,037; B. 0,008 to 0,oo85 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area narrow; central area rather large, rounded. Median striz 16 in 0,01 mm., terminal strie about 21 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate. — Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 271. Pl. IV f. 28. Fresh water: North Iceland! Repats in Gellivare, Lulea Lapmark, fossil, Sweden! This species has never been described or figured, but I suppose that Grunow denotes this form, which occurs sparingly in Cl. M. D. N:o 271. This species seems to connect C. Cesati with C. stauroneiformis. 26. C. stauroneiformis Lagst. (1873). -— V. lanceolate, almost symmetrical, with nearly obtuse, attenuated ends. L. 0,038 to 0,04; B. 0,009 to 0,011 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area very narrow; central area large, quadrate, somewhat broader outwards, not reaching to the margins. Strie 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, finely punctate. — Laesv. Spitsb. D. p. 45 Pl. If. 15. A. S. Atl LXXI f. 62, 63. Fresh water: Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Spitsbergen! 166 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 27. C. naviculiformis Aversw. (1861). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, slightly asymmetrical, with rostrate-capitate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,047; B. 0,01 to 0,016 mm. Median line almost central, nearly straight. Axial area narrow, linear, suddenly dilated in the middle to an orbicular space. Strie in the dorsal side 14 (middle) to 18 (ends) in 0,01 mm., on the ventral side 14 in 0,01 mm. — Aversw. Rabh. Alg. E. N:o 1065. V. H. Syn. Pl. Il f. 5. C. cuspidata W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. II f. 22a’. C. anglica Lagst. Spitsb. D. p. 42 Pl. II f. 18 (1873). A. S. Atl. IX f. 63. V. H. Syn. EL AL £ 3: Fresh water: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Beeren Hiland (Lagst.), Norway (Romsdalen, Dovre)! Sweden! Finland! Holstein! Harz (Atl.), Jenissey! New-Zealand! Australia! Herpere (Consp. Crit. p. 108) remarks that Cymb. cuspidata W. SM. is not the species of Kirzine, but possibly C. naviculiformis, of which he gives several figures (Pl. I f. 3), which however are much more similar to C. amphicephala than to this species. LagERsTepT proposed the name C. anglica, believing it to be identical with the species of W. Situ, which is too indistinctly figured for identification. C. naviculiformis closely resembles C. amphicephala, trom which it is distinguished by the larger central area. 28. C€. hybrida Grun. (1878). — V. linear, almost symmetrical, with rostrate ends. L.. 0,045; B. 0,009 mm. Median line almost central and straight. Axial area narrow; central area large, subquadrate. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, finely punctate. — Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 161. Icon. nostr. Pl. IV f. 23. Fresh or very slightly brackish water: Sweden (Gothland, Lefrasjén in Skane)! 29. C€. spuria Cu. N. Sp. — V. asymmetrical, lanceolate; with subrostrate ends. Li. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,013 mm. Median line very slightly arcuate, almost central. Axial area narrow, gradually dilated towards the middle. Striz 12 (dorsal, median) to 13 (ventral and dorsal, termi- nal) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, almost parallel in the ends, finely but distinctly punctate. Fresh water: Talbot (Victoria, Australia)! Pichinicha (alpine region of Ecuador)! 30. C. euspidata Kirz. (1844). — V. broadly linear-lanceolate, slightly asymmetrical, with rostrate-capitate ends. L. 0,04 to 0,095; B. 0,014 to 0,o24 mm. Median line slightly excentric, straight. Axial area narrow, linear; central area rather large, orbicular. Striz 9 or 10 (middle) to 12 or 14 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate, finely lineate. — Ktrrz. Bac. Pl. III f. 40. Herp. Consp. p. 109 Pl If. 4. A.S. Atl IX f. 50 (typical) 53 to 55. V. H. Syn. p. 61 Pl. II f. 3. Fresh water: Sweden (Lappland to Upsala and Westergétland)! Norway (Finmark, Dovre)! Finland! Paris! Belgium (V. H.), England! Germany! Italy! Greenland! Canada! Massachusetts! Jenissey! Kamtschatka! Japan! New Zealand! Var. obtusiuscula Grun. (in V. H. Types N:o 19). — L. 0,06 to 0,08; B. 0,019 to 0,o2 mm. Ends more rounded. Fresh water: England (V. H. T.). 31. C. heteropleura Ens. (1843). —- V. slightly asymmetrical, lanceolate, with rostrate and truncate to subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,12 to 0,15; B. 0,033 to 0,04 mm. Median line almost central, straight. Axial area distinct, linear. Central area large, slightly transversely dilated. Strie 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout, punctate; puncta 9 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — Pinnularia heteropleura Ens. Am. p. 133. M. G. V:2 f. 11. Cymb. het. Kiirz. Bac. p. 79. A. 8. Atl. IX f. 4, 5. Fresh water (arctic and northern regions): Greenland! Norway (Dovre)! Sweden (Lappland)! Russian Lappland! KONGL. SV. VET, AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wz:o 2. 167 Var. subrostrata Cu. —- V. with scarcely rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,19 to 0,20; B. 0,045 mm. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 9 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. heteropleura A. S. Atl. IX £ 3. Fresh water: Canada! Danas Pond! Cherryfield! . Var. minor Cu. — V. with rostrate and truncate ends. I. 0,06 to 0,08; B. 0,015 to 0,022 mm. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., coarsely punctate; puncta 18 to 21 in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. Ehrenb. var. Lagst. Spitsb. D. p. 42 Pl. IT f. 17. Cymb. A. 8. Atl. IX f. 51, 52. Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Norway (Dovre)! Scotland (Lough Monrne, foss.)! Jenissey! St. Fiora, Italy (foss.)! The typical C. heteropleura is a large and characteristic boreal form. The var. minor occurs at Hjerkin in Dovre and cannot be distinguished from specimens in St. Fiora deposit. The latter variety differs from C. cuspidata in nothing except the somewhat different shape of the ends and the more coarsely punctate strie. C. americana A. 8. (At). IX f. 15, 20) seems to be intermediate between C. cuspidata and C. heteropleura var. minor. A similar form occurs in New Zealand at Horawarra. 32. C. oregonica Ci. N. Sp. — V. slightly asymmetrical, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,02 mm. Median line almost central. Axial area narrow, slowly dilated to the middle, where it suddenly expands to a large, subrectangular, central area. Strie 17 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, punctate; puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal rows. — Pl. IV f. 25. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! 33. C. Mélleriana Grun. (1875). — V. nearly symmetrical, somewhat irregularly lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Terminal nodules of the median line at some di- stance from the ends. Axial area narrow; central area large, orbicular. Striz 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. — Grun. in A. 8. Atl. IX f. 71 to 75. Fresh water(?): Wedel in Holstein (Atl.). It seems doubtful whether this form, which I know only from the figures in A. S. Atlas, really be a Cymbella. It has more of the appearance of some form belonging to the group of Navicula viridula, but the striw are radiate at the ends. 34. ©. (Eneyonema) lacustris Ag. (1824). — V. lanceolate, scarcely asymmetrical, with obtuse or truncate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,06; B. 0,o1 mm. Median line nearly central; its terminal nodules very distant from the ends. Axial area narrow; central area small, irregular. Strie about 9 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, transversely lineate; lineolee about 28 in 0,01 mm. — Schizonema lacustre Aa. Syst. p. 10. A. S. Atl. LXXI f. 1 to 5. V. H. Syn. Pl. XV f. 40. Colletonema subcoherens Tuwartes in W. Sm. B. D. II p. 70 Pl. LVI f. 353. Eneyonema Ungeri Grun. in A. S. Atl. X f. 63. Colletonema lacustre V. H. Syn. p. 111. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Hungary (Plattensee Cl. M. D. N:o 108), England (W. Sm.), Gulf of Bothnia! The frustules of this species live enclosed in mucous tubes. The structure of the valve shews that it is nearly akin to the Navicule lineolate. 35. C. (Eneyonema) prostrata Berk. (1832). — V. strongly asymmetrical, semielliptical, with obtuse ends, frequently inclined downwards. L. 0,04 to 0,1; B. 0,025 to 0,o3 mm. Median line straight; its terminal nodules considerably distant from the ends. Axial area narrow; central area small, orbicular. Striz about 7 in 0,01 mm., in the middle of inequal length, and radiate at the ends convergent, transversely lineate. — Monema prostratum Berk. Brit. Alg. Pl. IV f. 3. Gloeonema Leibleinii Ac. Consp. p. 31? Encyonema paradoxum Ktrz. Bac. p. 82 Pl. XXII f. 1 (1844). Encyon. prostratum Ratrs Ann. N. Hist. (I) XVI Pl. XVIII f. 3 (1845). W. Sm. B. D. IL 168 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. p. 68 Pl. LIV f. 345. A.S. Atl X f. 64 to 69; LXXI f. 6 to 9. V. H. Syn. p. 65 Pl. III f. 9 to 11. Cymbella Encyonema Hets. Consp. p. 110 (1863). Eneyonema maximum Wart. Rabu. Alg. Eur. N:o 1248 (1862). Fresh or slightly brackish water: Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia, from Westerbotten to Roslagen; Lake Malaren)! Finland (Abo, Ladoga)! England! Belgium (V. H.), France! Switzerland (Brun), Germany! Hungary (Plattensee, Grun.), Italy (St. Fiora, foss.). 36. C. (Encyonema?) inelegans Ci. N. Sp. — V. boat-shaped, with arcuate dorsal margin, straight or slightly concave ventral margin, and broad, rounded, somewhat reflexed ends. LL. 0,055 to 0,065; B. 0,o2 mm. Median line parallel to the ventral margin, very excentric. Terminal fissures comma-like; terminal pores near the ends. Axial area linear, rather broad. Striz on the dorsal side 10 (middle) to 12 (ends) slightly radiate; striz on the ventral side 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, parallel in the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta 17 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Bi Ya. de. Fresh water: Fall River, Oregon, foss. (Grove Coll.)! 37. C. (Eneyonema) Triangulum Ene. (1845). — V. broad, asymmetrical, lanceolate with acute ends. I. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,02 mm. Median line straight, dividing the valve into a ventral part half as broad as the dorsal. Terminal fissures in the ends of the valve. Axial area very narrow; central area small or indistinct. Striz 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel or slightly radiate in the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta about 10 in 0,01 mm. — Gloeonema Triangulum Ens. Abh. 1845 p. 77. M. G. XXXV A. 7 f. 10. Encyon. Triang. Kt1z. Sp. Alg. p. 62. A. 8. Atl. X f. 54; LXXT f. 10. Fresh water: North America, New York and Pensacola (Atl.), Michigan, Dakota and Lost Spring Ranch Calif.! Tasmania, Campbell Town, fossil! 38. C. (Encyonema) turgida Gree. (1856). — V. lunate, with strongly arcuate dorsal, cen- trally gibbous ventral margin, and acute ends. I. 0,05 to 0,10; B. 0,012 to 0,023 mm. Median line straight, dividing the valve into a ventral part of about half the width of the dorsal. Ter- minal fissures in the ends, comma-like, turned downwards. Axial area distinct, linear, scarcely dilated in the middle. Strize 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle and, on the dorsal side, at the ends, parallel or convergent at the ends on the ventral side, punctate; puncta 13 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Gree. M. J. IV p. 5 Pl 1 f. 18. Eneyon. turg. A. 8. Atl. X f. 49 to 53. V.H. Syn. p. 65 Pl. III f. 12. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Mouth of Jenissey! Scotland (Greg.), East Indies! Java! Australia (Murray River)! Tasmania! New Zealand! North America (California, Mexico)! Guate- mala! Ecuador! Argentina! This species is very variable and graduates into the following. The largest and most ty- pical specimens occur in California, Mexico and Ecuador. European specimens are smaller and can only with difficulty be distinguished from the following species. 39. 0. (Encyonema) ventricosa Kirz. (1834). — V. lunate, with straight or centrally gibbous ventral margin and subacute ends, usually turned downwards. LL. 0,015 to 0,036; B. 0,007 to 0,011 mm. Median line approximate to the ventral margin. Terminal nodules and fissures at the ends of the valve. Axial area very narrow or indistinct. Striz 10 to 16 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, finely punctate. Frustules enclosed in branched mucous tubes. — Frustulia ventricosa Ktvz. Syn. p. 11 f. 7. Cymb. ven. Bac. p. 80 Pl. VI f. 16. Eneyon. ventric. V. H. Syn. p. 66 Pl. IIT fig. 15 to 17, 19. Encyon. prostratum Kirz. Bac. p. 82 Pl. XXV f. 7 (1844). Encyon. cespitosum Kirrz. Sp. Alg. p. 61 (1849). W. Sm. B. D. IL p. 68: Pl. LV f. 346. V. H. Syn. p. 65 Pl. III f. 14; Suppl. A f. 3. i S. Atl. X f. 57, 58; LXXIf. 11,12. Eneyon. Auerswaldii Rau. Siissw. D. p. 24 Pl, VII f. 2 (1853). Cymbella maculata W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. II f. 23. Cymb. affinis var. semicircularis Lagst. Spitsb. D. p. 43 Pl. II f. 20. Coceonema Lunula Enz. Am. Pl. I: 1, f. 15 (1843). Eneyon. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 169 Lunula A. S. Atl X f. 42, 43; LXXTI f. 14, 15, 32 to 34. Cymb. Lunula Rasy. Alg. Eur. N:o 1166 (1861). Cymb. silesiaca Buztsch Rasy. Alg. Eur. N:o 1802 (1865). A. S. Atl. X f. 59. Cymb. minuta Hinse Rapu. Alg. Eur. N:o 1261 (1862). A. 8. Atl. LXXI f. 30, 31. Cymb. variabilis Wartm. Rasy. Alg. Eur. N:o 803 (1859). Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Norway (Dovre, Christiania)! Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Fin- land! Gulf of Bothnia (from Haparanda to Roslagen)! England! Belgium! France! Germany! Swit- zerland! East Indies! Japan! Australia! Tasmania! New Zealand! Greenland! Mexico! California! Ecuador! Var. ovata Grun. (1875). — V. with convex ventral margin. Median line almost in the middle of the valve. — Encyon. cespit. var. ovata A. 8. Atl. X f. 45, 46. V. H. Syn. PL IIL f. 13. Fresh water: Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia)! Germany, Atter See (Atl.), Belgium (V. H.). Var. obtusa Grun. (1875). — V. elongated, obtuse. — E. cespit. var. obtusa Grun. in A. 58. Atl. X f. 47, 48. Fresh water: Rome (Atl.), Rammer Moor (Atl.). Most authors regard the forms of C. ventricosa as belonging to two different species, Kncyo- nema ventricosum and E. caespitosum, the former being smaller and with the median line closer to the straight ventral margin, the latter a little larger, with the median line somewhat more distant from the ventral margin, which is slightly gibbous in the middle. I am unable to find any definite limit between these species, and as their distinctive characteristics are very trifling and subject to great variation, I have united them. 40. €. (Eneyonema) Jordani Grun. Ms. — V. with very elevated dorsal margin, more or less gibbous ventral margin and truncate to capitate ends. L. 0,02 to 0,032; B. 0,008 to 0,009 mm. Areas indistinct. Median line straight; its termina] fissures turned downwards. Striz about 16 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, very finely punctate. — Pl. V f. 3, 4. Fresh water: Otago, New Zealand (Weissflog Coll.)! 41. €. (Eneyonema) hebridica Grun. (1877). — V. elongated, lunate, with arcuate dorsal and slightly convex ventral margin and subacute ends. L. 0,03 to 0,04; B. 0,007 to 0,008 mm. Median line straight, dividing the valve so that the ventral part is half as broad as the dorsal. Terminal fissures in the ends. Axial area very narrow; central area small or indistinct. Strice about 10 in 0,01 mm. distinctly punctate. — Encyon. hebridicum (Gruc.) Grun. Cl. M. D. No 37. Cu. D. of Finl. p. 48 Pl. Il f. 16, 17. Fresh water: Sweden (Luleé Lapmark, foss.)! Finland (Russian Lapland; Nyland and Viborg foss.)! This form, which appears to be pretty constant, occurs in northern regions. It connects E. ventricosum with E. gracile. In A. Scumipts Atl. IX f. 11 is figured a large form from »Ohla- jarri> (Orrjarvi, Finland?), which seems either to be a forma maxima of C. hebridica or a new species. 42. (€. (Encyonema) gracilis Rasy. (1853). — V. narrow, slender, with gently arcuate dorsal and straight ventral margin. Ends acute. L. 0,03 to 0,056; B. 0,007 to 0,o1 mm. Median line more approximate to the ventral than to the dorsal margin; its terminal nodules distant from the ends. Areas indistinct. Strie 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — Encyon. gracile Rasy. Stissw. D. Pl. X f. 1. A. §. Atl. X f. 36, 37, 39, 40. V. H. Syn. Pl. III f. 20 to 21. Cymbella scotica W. Sm. B. D. I p. 18 Pl. II f. 25 (1853). Cymb. lunata W. Sm. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] XV Pl 1X f. 15 (1855). V. H. Syn. Pl. TIT f. 23. Fresh water, especially alpine regions: Norway (Finmark, Dovre)! Sweden (Lapland, Sma. land)! Finland! Scotland! Savoy! Tasmania! New Zealand! Greenland! White Mountains! 43, (C. (Encyonema) norvegica Grun. (1875). — V. asymmetrical, linear, with obtuse, broad ends. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,007 to 0,008 mm. Median line straight, nearly axial, with the K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 26. N:o 2. 22 170 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. terminal nodules at some distance from the ends. Axial area narrow, central area small, orbicular. Strie 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, where they are more distant, parallel at the ends. — Grun. in A. S. Atl. X f. 41. Cu. M. D. Nio 268. Fresh water (alpine regions): Greenland! Iceland! Norway (Dovre, Romsdalen)! Sweden (Pautrisk, Wilhelmina socken)! C. norvegica is nearly akin to C. gracilis and differs principally by its more linear form and broad, rounded ends. 44. C. incerta Grun. (1878). — V. linear, slightly asymmetrical, with broad, obtuse ends, slightly arcuate dorsal margin and almost straight ventral. L. 0,04 to 0,07; B. 0,oo9 mm. Median line almost central. Axial area narrow, not dilated in the middle. Strie 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm., equidistant in the middle, where they are parallel, and slightly radiate at the ends. — C. Pisciculus var. incerta Grun. Cl. M. D. No 96. Cu. D. fr. Gronl. och Argent. p. 13 Pl. XVI f. 12. C. sub- equalis var. incerta Grun. in V. H. T. N:o 30. Fresh water, northern or alpine regions: Norway (Dovre, Hammerfest)! Sweden (Lapland)! Finland (Russian Lapland)! Scotland (V. H. T.). Var. naviculacea Grun. (1879). — With somewhat wider axial area and finer striz, about 18 in 0,01 mm. — C. (Pisciculus var.) naviculacea Gruy. in Cl. M. D. N:o 272. Cu. D. fr. Grénl. och Argentina p. 13 Pl. XVI f. 11. Fresh water: Greenland! Norway (Dovre)! Sweden (Lapland to Jamtland)! Finland (Russian Lapland)! 45. C. wequalis W. Sm. (1856). — V. linear-lanceolate, with arcuate dorsal, straight or slightly convex ventral margin, and broad, obtuse, or almost truncate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,006 to 0,011 mm. Median line straight, near to the ventral margin, broad (oblique). Axial area narrow, not, or slightly, dilated in the middle. Striz 11 or 14 (middle) to 14 or 16 (ends) in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, obscurely punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. — W. Sm. B. D. IT p. 84. Cymb. obtusa Grue. M. J. IV Pl. I f. 19 (1856). V. H. Syn. p. 61 Pl WI f. la A. S. Atl Ix f. 41 to 45; LX XI f. 72? Cymb. subequalis Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. III f. 2, 4 Suppl. A f. 1 (1880). Fresh water: Greenland! Iceland! Scotland and England! Sweden (Lapland to Skane, Goth- land)! Norway (Dovre, Stavanger, foss.)! Belgium (V. H.), Saxony! Switzerland! Michigan! Var. florentina Grun. (1880). — V. less asymmetrical, almost lanceolate. Striz finer, 15 in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. subequalis var. florentina Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. III f. 3. Fresh water: S:ta Fiora, foss. (Grun.). Var. diminuta Grun. — L. 0,015; B. 0,004 mm. Striez 12 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. obtusa var. diminuta Groun. in V. H. T. N:o 129. : Fresh water: England (V. H. T.). C. equalis W. Sm. is usually believed to denote the same species as C. angustata, but as the ends are described as obtuse and the strie are coarse, 12 in 0,01 mm., it is evident that this is a mistake, and that Smrru meant the form described above as C. equalis. Gregory's figure of Cymb. obtusa is small and not very characteristic, but agrees pretty well with this species. Between Cymb. subequalis Grun. and Cymb. obtusa Gree. as represented in Van Huurck’s Synopsis I am unable to discover any specific distinction. As limited here Cymb. equalis is a common form, distinguished by its linear form and almost truncate ends. The median striz are more dis- tant than the others and radiate. 46. C. sinuata Gree. (1856). — V. linear, slightly asymmetrical, frequently gibbous in the middle on the ventral side, with broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,012 to 0,026; B. 0,004 to 0,005 mm. Axial area narrow; central area large, on the ventral side reaching to the margin. Strie 9 to 11 0,01 mm., almost parallel. — Gree. M. J. IV Pl. If. 17. C. abnormis Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. III f. 8 (1880). Gomphonema asymmetricum Gutw. p. 28 Pl. I f. 24? KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 171 Fresh water: Sweden (Malaren, Westergitland, Smaland)! Finland (Abo)! Scotland (Greg.), Treland! New Zealand! Var. antiqua Grun. —- V. with subcapitate ends. L. 0,032 to 0,033; B. 0,008 mm. Strize 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate. — C. abn. var. ant. Grun. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 141 Pl. XXIX f. 31. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var.? fossils Pant. (1893). — Linear with slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,01 mm. Central area a transverse fascia. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. abnormis var. fossilis Pant. JII Pl. XVII f. 255. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This little form is of interest as it has some resemblance to a Gomphonema, in its uni- laterally dilated central area. The fig. given by Grecory is not as good as desirable, but there can hardly exist any doubt that Grucory really meant this species. 47. ©. tumidula Grun. (1875). — V. asymmetrical, linear-lanceolate, with rostrate ends. L. 0,033 to 0,035; B. 0,007 to 0,009 mm. Dorsal margin arcuate, ventral straight, or somewhat gibbous in the middle. Median line somewhat excentric, straight, with approximate central pores. Axial areas indistinct; central area indistinct or on the dorsal side only. Strie on the dorsal side 13 (middle) to 15 (ends) in 0,01 mm., on the ventral side 14 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, finely punctate. On the ventral side of the central nodule are two puncta at the ends of the two median strie. — Gruy. in A. 8. Atl. IX f. 33. V.H. T. Nio 27. Fresh water: Rostock, fossil! Oxford! Triest (Atl.), Paris, Marly (Cl. M. D. 195)! Var. salinarum Grun. (1875). — V. asymmetrical, lanceolate, with subacute, not rostrate ends. L. 0,027 to 0,04; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated on the dorsal side around the central nodule. Strie 11 or 12 (middle and dorsal) to 15 (ventral) in 0,01 mm. — C. salinarum Grun. A. 8. Atl. IX f. 28. V. H. T. No 26. Brackish water: Bay of Finland (Dannf.), Saule (Atl.), Italy! C. tumidula seems to connect C. amphicephala with C. turgidula, C. affinis etc. As far I can see, there is no other difference between C. tumidula and C. salinarwm than the somewhat different shape of the ends. The above descriptions are from original specimens in Van Heurcn’s Types. 48. C. turgidula Gruw. (1875). — V. asymmetrical with more or less rostrate, obtuse, or truncate ends. L. 0,032 to 0,05; B. 0,01 to 0,o15mm. Axial area very narrow. Strie in the middle on the dorsal side 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. at the ends about 11 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate, puncta about 24 in 0,01 mm. At the ventral side of the central nodule are two small puncta, ending the median strie. — Grun. A. 8. Atl. IX f. 23 to 26. Fresh water: Bengal (Atl.), New Zealand! Niagara falls! Porto Rico! Ecuador, Chimborazo! Argentina! C. turgidula is nearly related to C. affinis, but is larger and has 2 puncta below the cen- tral nodule. 49. C. affinis Kitz. (1844). — V. more or less broad, semielliptical to semilanceolate with almost straight ventral margin and slightly rostrate, obtuse or subtruncate ends. L. 0,025 to 0,04; B. 0,007 to 0,01 mm. Median line slightly arcuate, excentric. Axial area very narrow, not dilated around the central nodule. Strie 10 or 11 (dorsal side) to 12 (ventral side) in 0,01 mm. a little closer at the ends, slightly radiate, finely punctate. On the ventral side of the central nodule is a smal] isolated punctum ending the median stria. — Ktrz Bac. p. 80 Pl. VI f. 15? W. Sm. B. D. 1 Pl XXX f, 2507 A. S. Atl. IX £28, 38" DRX f, 28, 29. Vi . Sym. p 62 PL If, 19, V. H. Types N:o 26. Cymb. truncata Gree. M. J. III p. 39 Pl. IV f. 3 (1855)? ~ Cocconema nanum Hanrzscu Rab. A. E. N:o 1321 (1862). A. S. Atl. LXXI f. 27. Coccon. gibbum A.S. Atl. X f. 27. Cymb. affinis var. tumida Laast. Spitsb. D. p. 43 Pl. IL f. 19? 172 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Fresh water: Sweden (Uppland to Skane, Gothland, Gulf of Bothnia)! Finland! Holstein! England! Belgium (V. H.), Germany! Switzerland! Italy! Mouth of Jenissey! Japan! Australia (Lake Muir)! New Zealand! New York! Argentina! Cymb. affinis is a variable species, connecting Cymb. turgidula with Cymb. parva. The ventral margin is sometimes indented in the middle. Such a form has been figured by GruNow in Foss. Diat. Osterr. Ung. Pl. XXIX f. 26 and is probably identical with Cymb. exisa var. major Gutwinsky Materialy p. 25 Pl. I f. 21. 50. C. parva W. Sm. (1852). — V-. semilanceolate, with slightly rostrate, obtuse to sub- truncate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Median line somewhat arcuate and broad (oblique). Axial area narrow, very slightly dilated in the middle. Strie 9 or 10 (median, dorsal) to 13 (ventral and terminal) in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, obscurely punctate. There is no punctum on the ventral side of the central nodule. — Cocco. parvum W. Sm. B. D. I p. 77. Pl. XXIII f. 222. A.S. Atl. Xf.14,15. Gruy. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 97 (45) Pl. If. 9. Cymb. cymby- formis var. parva V. H. Syn. p. 64 Pl. IL f. 14. Cocconema pachycephalum Rau. Alg. Eur. N:o 1107 (1861). Fresh water: Greenland! Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Norway (Finmark to Christiania)! Finland! England! Germany! Belgium! France! Switzerland! Savoy! Italy! Mouth of Jenissey! North America, Winnepeg! Var. hungarica Grun. (1875). — lL. 0,024 to 0,04; B. 0,009 to 0,o1 mm. Area dilated on the dorsal side of the central nodule. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. hungaric. Grun. in A. 8. Atl. IX f. 88, X f. 16, 17; LXXT f. 37, 38. Fresh water: Norway (Brevig)! Platten See, Hungary (Grun.). Cymb. parva is in the living state stipitate. It is closely akin to Cymb. affinis and Cymb. cymbiformis, differing from both by the want of a punctum at the end of the median central stria. 51. ©. Botellus Laasr. (1873). — V. arcuate, with parallel margins and rounded ends. L. 0,024 to 0,034; B. 0,006 to O0,oo7 mm. Median line slightly excentric, arcuate. Axial area narrow, not dilated around the central nodule. Strie 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, not distinctly punctate. — Cymb. variabilis var. Botellus Lagest. Spitsb. D. p. 44 Pl. IT f. 22. Cymb. bot. A. 8. Atl. LXXI f. 39. Fresh water: Arctic America! Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Spitzbergen! 52. C. eymbiformis (Ac. 1830?) Kirz. (1833). — V. boat-shaped, with straight, sometimes slightly gibbous, ventral margin and obtuse or truncate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,1; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Median line slightly arcuate, broad (oblique); its terminal fissures reflexed. Axial area narrow; central area small. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. somewhat closer at the ends, finely lineate (lineolee 20 in 0,01 mm.). On the ventral side of the central nodule is an isolated punctum at the end of the median stria. — Ag. Consp. p. 10 (1830)? Frustulia coffeeformis Kitz. Dec. N:o 11 (1833) according to Lagst. Krust. cymb.{ Kirz. Linn. VIII p. 5389 Pl. XTII £. 10. Coccon. cymbi- forme W. Su. B. D. 1 p. 76 Pl. XXIII f. 220? A. S. Atl. IX f. 76 to 79; X f.13. Cymb. cymbif. V. H. Syn. p. 63 Pl. Il f. 11 a, b, ¢. Fresh water: Iceland! Norway (Finmark to Brevig)! Sweden! Finland! England! Belgium (V. H.), France! Germany! Switzerland! Hungary (Dubravica, foss. Grun.), Socotra (Kitton), Japan! Tasmania! Argentina! C. cymbiformis is very similar to C. helvetica, but differs by the reflexed terminal fissures and from C. helvetica, as well as from C. parva, by the isolated punctum below the central nodule. 53. C. Beecarii Gruv. (1886). — V. clavate, and at the same time boat-shaped, with one half longer than the other. L. 0,054 to 0,06; B. 0,014 mm. Median line arcuate, almost in the middle of the valve. Axial area narrow, not dilated around the central nodule. Strize 11 to 16 KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 173 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, distinctly punctate. No isolated punctum below the central nodule. — Gron. in Martelli Florula Bogosensis p. 152 Pl. I f. 1, 2. Fresh water: Abyssinia (Grun.). 54. C. Cistula Hempr. (1828). — V. boat-shaped, with concave, centrally slightly gibbous, ventral margin, and truncate or rounded, obtuse ends. L. 0,07 to 0,16; B. 0,018 to 0,025 mm. Median line arcuate, broad, bent downwards near the central nodule. The central pores distant, and the terminal fissures reflexed. Axial area narrow, linear, slightly dilated on the dorsal side of the central nodule. Strie 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. coarsely lineate; lineole 18 to 21 in 0,01 mm. On the ventral side, near the central nodule, the striz are interrupted by a narrow depression, so that below the central nodule is a segmental row of 2 to 5 puncta. — Bacillaria Cistula Hempr. a. Ens. Symb. Phys. phyto. Pl. II, IV f. 10. Coecon. Cistula W. Sm. B. D. XXIII f. 221. A.S. Probet. f. 16 Pl. X f. 1—5, 24—26. Cymb. Cistula V. H. Syn. p. 64 Pl. IT f. 12—13. C. Crstula var. maculata A. 8S. Atl. LXXI f. 21. Gron. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 97 (45) Pl. If. 8. C. Cistula var. fusidium Hiérip. a. Perac. D. d’Auvergne p. 71 Pl. III f. 12. Coccon. arcticum A. 8. Atl. LXXI f. 25. Coccon. cornutum Gree. M. J. IV Pl. 1 f. 11 (1856)? Fresh and slightly brackish water: Spitsbergen! Norway (Dovre, Stavanger, foss.)! Sweden (Lapland to Skane), Bay of Bothnia (from Pited to Uppland and Helsingfors)! Finland! England! Holstein! Belgium! France! Germany! Switzerland! Italy! Mouth of Jenissey! Kamtschatka! Japan! Yarkand! America (Winnepeg, Vancouver, Massachusets, Hlinois, California, Mexico)! Var. maculata Kirz. (1834). — V. broader and shorter than in the type. L. 0,045 to 0,082; B. 0,013 to 0,oi5 mm. Strie 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm. Lineolee 24 in 0,01 mm. No row of puncta below the central nodule. — Frustulia maculata Kitz. Dec. N:o 85 (1834) according to Lagst. Cymb. maculata A. S. Atl. X f. 6; LXXI f. 20, 22. Cymb. Cistula var. mac. V. H. Syn. p. 64 Pl. ID f. 16, 17. Cymb. Bouleana Br. a. Hinrp. D. d'Auvergne p. 220 Pl. VI f. 14 1893 (ad spec. auth.). Cymb. Pauli Hunre. a. Perag. D. d'Auvergne p. 70 Pl. III f. 11 (1893). Fresh water: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Spitsbergen! Sweden (Vestergétland, Smaland)! Finland! England! France! Germany! Greenland! Argentina! Var. sibirica Grun. (1880). — V. with rounded, not rostrate ends. L. 0,08; B. 0,024 mm. Median line strongly arcuate. Strie 10 (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. lineate (lineole about 20 in 0,01 mm.) interrupted in the ventral side of the central nodule by a narrow depression. — Coccon. Cistula var. sib. Grun. A. D. p. 25 Pl. If. 11. Fresh water: Mouth of Jenissey! Var. arctica Laest. (1873). — V. boat-shaped, with strongly arcuate dorsal, and slightly concave ventral, margin. Ends truncate. L. 0,032 to 0,07; B. 0,007 to 0,015 mm. Median line strongly arcuate, broad; its terminal fissures reflexed. Axial area narrow. Strie 9 to 13 in 0,01 mm. finely lineate. No row of puncta on the ventral side of the central nodule. — Cymb. variabilis var. arctica Laest. Spitsb. D. p. 44 Pl. IT f. 21. Cymb. arctica A. S. Atl. X f. 12; LXXI f. 23, 24. Fresh water: Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Spitsbergen! Russian Lapland! Mouth of Jenissey! Var.? truncata Brun (1880). — V. with slightly arcuate dorsal margin, straight ventral margin and very broad, truncate ends. L. 0,045 to 0,075 mm. Strie 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm. No row of puncta below the central nodule. — Brun D. des Alpes p. 58 Pl. III f. 2. Fresh water: Switzerland (Brun.). C. Cistula is a very variable species, graduating, as it appears, to C. cymbiformis. Its most distinctive characteristic, the row of puncta below the central nodule, is not present in some of its varieties. The var.? truncata is remarkable for its outline and resembles very much the smaller C. curta A. Scum. (Atl. IX f. 47. L. 0,02; B. 0,01 mm.) unknown to me. 55. ©. Stuxbergii Cu. (1880). — V. with strongly arcuate dorsal margin, almost straight ventral margin, and rostrate, truncate ends. L. 0,055 to 0,075; B. 0,o2 mm. Median line strongly arcuate, with reflexed terminal fissures. Axial area indistinct, slightly dilated on the dorsal side 174 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF NAVICULOID DIATOMS. around the central nodule. Strie 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, almost parallel at ends, very finely punctate, crossed on the ventral side below the central nodule by a narrow de- pression. — Coccon. Stuxb. Cu. A. D. p. 13 Pl. I f. 10. Cymb. St. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 2. Fresh water: Mouth of Jenissey! 56. C. Sturii Grun. (1882). — V. boat-shaped, with truncate ends. Dorsal margin arcuate, ventral margin straight, somewhat gibbous in the middle. L. 0,19 to 0,25; B. 0,032 mm. Median line slightly arcuate, dilated towards the ends; its terminal fissures reflexed. Axial area narrow linear, gradually dilated towards the middle and the ends. Strie 7 or 8 (middle) to 10 or 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. punctate (puncta about 14 in 0,01 mm.), crossed near the central nodule on the ventral side, and sometimes on the dorsal side, by a narrow depression. — Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 140 Pl. XXX f. 35. Panr. III Pl. XIX f. 287. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil! This species is very characteristic, distinguished from all others by its median line becoming wider towards the ends. It has the outline of C. lanceolata, and the row of puncta of C. Cistula. 57. (C. lanceolata Exuz. (1838). — V. boat-shaped, with arcuate dorsal margin, slightly con- cave, centrally gibbous, ventral margin, and obtuse ends. L. 0,08 to 0,16; B. 0,024 to 0,03 mm. Median line slightly arcuate with reflexed terminal fissures. Axial area very narrow; central area small, elongated. Striz 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, punctate, puncta 15 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. lanceolatum Ens. Inf. p. 224 Pl. XIX f. 6. W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XXIII f. 219. A. 8. Atl X f. 8—10. Cymb. lance. V. H. Syn. p. 63 Pl. IL f. 7. Coccon. Boeckii Grun. in A. 8. Atl. X f. 11 (1875). Coccon. variabile Cramer, Rab. A. E. 1246 (p. p. C. cymbifera). Fresh water, especially larger lakes, often slightly brackish water: Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Gulf of Bothnia! Norway (Finmark to Laurgard)! Finland (Ladoga, Onega)! Siberia! Hol- stein! Britain! France! Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland! Vienna! Socotra (Kitton). Var cornuta Eup. (1843). — L. 0,15 to 0,20; B. 0,027 to 0,029 mm. Striew 7 or 8 (middle) to 10 or 11 (ends) in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. cornutum Ens. Am. p. 124. M. G. XV, A f. 94. Cymb. lane. var. cornuta Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 141. Fresh water: Ireland, Toome Bridge, Mourne Mountains (Grun.), Liineburg (Grun.). Var. fossilis Pant. (1889). — L. 0,127; B. 0,024 mm. Striz 11 (middle) to 8 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — Panr. IT p. 40. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 58. C. helvetica Kirz. (1844). — V. boat-shaped, with gently arcuate dorsal margin and straight, frequently slightly gibbous ventral. Ends rounded obtuse. L. 0,036 to 0,085; B. 0,01 to 0,015 mm. Median line slightly asymmetrical and almost straight. Terminal fissures in nearly the same direction as the median line. Axial area narrow, very slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm. closer towards the ends; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. There are no isolated puncta below the central nodule. — Kivz. Bac. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 13. V. H. Syn. p- 64 Pl. If. 15. A. S. Atl. X f. 20 to 21, 22 (Cymb. scotica) f. 23 (Coccon. leave); LXXI f. 19. Fresh water: Greenland! Norway (Finmark, Stavanger, foss.)! Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Gulf of Bothnia (Haparanda, Pited), Finland! Scotland! Belgium (V. H.), Germany! France! Switzerland! Var. curta Cu. — L. 0,045; B. 0,012 mm. Central area smaller than in the type, or in- distinct. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. less distinctly punctate than in the type. — C. turgidula Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 95. Fresh water: Holstein! Var.? Balatonis Grun. (1875). — Dorsal margin strongly arcuate, ventral slightly gibbous. L. 0,09; B. 0,026 mm. Striz about 8 in 0,01 mm. — Cymb. Bal. Gruy. A. 8. Atl X £19. Fresh water: Platten See, Hungary (Grun.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 175 Cymbella helvetica is a very common species, easily recognized by its straight terminal fissures. Under the name Encyonema Gerstenbergeri Grunow has described (Banka D. p. 9 Pl. I f. 11; 1865) a form, remarkable for the terminations of the median line, which are unusually distant from the ends of the valve. I have seen from various localities several specimens closely agreeing with the figure published by Grunow, and I have convinced myself that these are abnormal forms of C. helvetica. * C. hevesensis Pant. (1889). -— V. boat-shaped, with obtuse ends. L. 0,062; B. 0,013 mm. Median line bent; its central pores very distant. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 11,5 to 13,5 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, punctate. — Panr. IT p. 40 Pl. III f. 53. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This species is unknown to me. The fig. and description given by PanrocseExk are insufficient for deciding as to its relations to other boat-shaped Cymbelle. * C. Chyzerii Pant. (1889). — V. boat-shaped, with the ventral margin slightly gibbous in the middle. Ends subrostrate, obtuse. LL. 0,0825; B. 0,0145 mm. Median line arcuate, its central pores approximate. Axial area narrow, not dilated in the middle. Strie 10 to 12,5 in 0,01 mm. Ventral striz crossed by »a black linex(?) — Panv. II p. 40 Pl. XI f. 194. Brackish water: Hnngary, fossil (Pant.). This species is unknown to me. The description and the figure given by PanrocsEK are insufficient for ascertaining its relations to other boat-shaped Cymbelle. It may come near to C helvetica, C. lanceolata, C. cymbiformis. 59. C. aspera Ens. (1840). — V. boat-shaped, with strongly arcuate dorsal margin and straight, centrally gibbous ventral margin. Ends obtuse, rounded. L. 0,15 to 0,18; B. 0,033 mm. Median line arcuate. Axial area linear, slightly dilated in the middle. Strie 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, punctate; puncta 12 to 15 in 0,01 mm. No row of isolated puncta on the ventral side. — Coccon. asperum Eup. Ber. 1840 M. G. V: 1 f. l ete. Pxrrr Journ. de Microgr. 1878 Mars et Avril f. 3. Hire. D. d’Auvergne Pl. III f. 10. Cy. lanceol. var. aspera Brun D. des Alpes p. 57 Pl. IX f. 16? Cy. gastroides Kivz. Bac. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 46 (1844). A. 8S. Atl. IX f. 1, 2; Xf. 7. V. H. Syn. p. 63 Pl. ID f. 8. Grun. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 97 (45) Pl.If 7. C. gigantea Panv. TIT Pl. XXT f. 321 (1893)? Fresh water: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Iceland! Norway (Dovre, Laurgaard)! Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Finland! France! Britain! Belgium! Germany! Switzerland! Savoy! Italy! Japan! New Zealand! Var. minor V. H. (1880). — Smaller, with strongly arcuate median line. L. 0,07 to 0,08 mm. — Cy. gastr. forma minor V. H. Syn. p. 63 Pl. II f. 9. Var. neogena Grun. (1882). — L. 0,175; B. 0,033 mm. Striz about 8 in 0,01 mm., 12 in 0,01 mm. towards the ends, punctate; puncta about 14 in 0,01 mm. — Cy. gastroides var. neogena GRUN. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 141. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var. dubravicensis Grun. (1882). — L. 0,168; B. 0,027 mm. Terminal nodules very strong, at some distance from the ends, surrounded by short striz. Strie 6 to 9 in 0,01 mm.; their puncta 14 to 17 in 0,01 mm. — Cy. gastr. var. dubr. Gruy. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 141 Pl. XXIX f, 30, Payer. J Pl. XVI f, 251. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var.? crassa Grun. (1882). — V. short and broad with rounded obtuse ends. L. 0,073; B. 0,024 mm. Median line strongly arcuate. Axial area narrow. Strie 6 or 7 (middle) to 9 (ends) in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm. The striz are on the ventral side crossed by a short depression. — Grun. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. Pl. XXIX f. 28. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). 176 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. bengalensis Grun. (1875). — V. less asymmetrical, almost boat-shaped, with straight or slightly centrally gibbous ventral margins. Ends obtuse. L. 0,08 to 0,11; B. 0,024 to 0,027 mm. Median line slightly arcuate. Axial area linear, scarcely dilated around the central nodule. Strie 7,5 (middle) to 9 (ends) in 0,01 mm., coarsely punctate; puncta 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — C. beng. Grun. in A. 8S. Atl. IX f. 12, 13; LXXI f. 79. Kirron Linn. Soc. Bot. XX Pl. XLVIIT f. 6 (1884). Cr. M. D. N:o 194. Fresh water: Bengal! Socotra (Kitton). C. aspera is a very common species, easily recognized by its boat-shaped outline, its coarsely punctate striz and always distinct area. It appears to be more closely akin to C. Ehrenbergw than to the boat-shaped C. lanceolata, C. Cistula ete. It seems questionable whether the var. crassa, which I have not seen, really belongs to C. aspera. It may possibly be more akin to C. Cistula. * C. salina Panr. (1889). — V. boat-shaped, with arcuate dorsal margin, straight ventral margin and obtuse ends. L. 0,0585; B. 0,018 mm. Median line arcuate. Axial area distinct linear, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Strie 12,5 to 13 in 0,01 mm. punctate. — Panr. II p. 40 PLIf. 9. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This species is not known to me, but seems, to judge from the fig. in PanrocsEK’s work to be allied to C. aspera, from which it differs by smaller size and closer striz. 60. C. tumida Bris. (1849). — V. boat-shaped with slightly centrally gibbous ventral margin. Ends rostrate-truncate. LL. 0,05 to 0,1; B. 0,018 to 0,o22 mm. Median line arcuate. Axial area narrow, linear, suddenly dilated around the central nodule to an orbicular or sub- quadrate central area. A stigma with a fine fissure below the centralj nodule. Stria 8 or 9 (middle) to 10 or 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate, towards the ends almost parallel, distinctly punctate; puncta about 20 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. tumidum Bru. in Kiitz Sp. Alg. p. 60. Cy. tum. V. H. Syn. p. 64 Pl. ID f. 10. Coce. gibbum A. 8. Probst. f. 17. Cy. stomatophora Grun. in A. 8. Atl X f. 28 to 80. Coccon. stomat. Grun. A. D. p. 26. Fresh water: Sweden (Westergétland, Géteborg)! Holstein (V. H. T.), Belgium (V. H.), Germany! France! Mouth of Jenissey! Japan! Bengal! New Zealand! Australia, Victoria! Ame- rica (Illinois, California)! Var. borealis Grun. (1880). — Ends obliquely truncate, not rostrate. Strize 8 in 0,01 mm. — Cocc. stomat. var. borealis Grun. A. D. p. 26. Fresh water: Sweden (Grun.), Niagara Falls! Var. gibba Grun. (1880). — Dorsal margin with 3 to 4 undulations. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. stomat. var. gibba Grun. A. D. p. 26. Var. fossilis Grun. (1880). — V. with less rostrate and more rounded ends. Stigma with shorter fissure than in the type. — Coccon. stomat. var. fossilis Grun. A. D. p. 26. Fresh water: Habichtswald, fossil (Grun.). 61. C. australica A. S. (1875). — V. boat-shaped with centrally gibbous ventral margin and truncate or rounded obtuse ends. L. 0,1 to 0,14; B. 0,026 to 0,o3 mm. Median line arcuate. Axial area linear, suddenly dilated around the central nodule to an orbicular space. A stigma with a distinct fissure below the central nodule. Striz 7 (middle) to 9 (ends) in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, parallel at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta about 13 in 0,01 mm. — Coce. austr. A. S. Atl. X f. 34, 35. Cri. M. D. N:o 295. Fresh water: Australia! New Zealand! 62. C. punctifera Ct. N. Sp. — V. boat-shaped, with truncate ends. L. 0,13; B. 0,02 mm Median line arcuate; terminal fissures reflexed. Axial area linear, suddenly dilated to an orbicular central area. Stigma in the middle of the central nodule, without distinct fissure. Striz 8 in 0,01 KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, 17 mm. a little closer towards the ends, where they are strongly radiate, distinctly punctate; puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! 63. €. mexicana Eup. (1844). — V. Innate with rounded truncate ends. L. 0,09 to 0,14; B. 0,026 to 0,036 mm. Median line bent, with reflexed terminal fissures. Axial area’ narrow linear, central small, orbicular. Stigma in the middle of the central nodule, without distinct fissure. Strie 7 (middle) to 9 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle and alternately longer and shorter, nearly parallel at the ends, coarsely punctate. Puncta 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. mexicanum Eup. Ber. 1844 p. 342. A. S. Atl. X f. 32, 33; LXXI f. 82. Cymb. kamtschatica Grun. in A. S. Atl. X f. 31. Fresh water: Washington Territory! Vancouver Island! Mexico, Californa and Guatemala fossil! Kamtschatka! There is, so far I can see, no other difference between C. mexicana and C. kamtschatica than that the latter is somewhat smaller and has rather closer striae and puncta. 64. ©. Janischii A. S. (1881). — V. lunate, with rounded ends. L. 0,2; B. 0,05 mm. Median line arcuate, with strong terminal nodules and reflexed terminal fissures. Axial area narrow, linear, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Stigma in the middle of the central nodule, without distinct fissure. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm., in the middle radiate and of unequal length, towards the ends almost transverse, distinctly punctate; puncta 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Coce. Jan. A. 8. Atl. LXXI f. 81. Fresh water: Pitt River, Oregon (Grove Coll.)! San Francisco (Atl.). Additional. C. conifera Brun (1893). — V. slightly asymmetrical, with arcuate dorsal and gibbous ventral margin. Ends apiculate. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Median line slightly arcuate, somewhat excentric. Axial area narrow, linear, not dilated around the central nodule. Strie 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, coarsely punctate; puncta 20 in 0,01 mm. —- Hiri. D. d’Auvergne p. 220 Pl. VI f. 7. Fresh water: Cantal, fossil! Species not described and too imperfectly figured to be admitted in the above monograph. . affinis Pant. III Pl. IV f. 52. austriaca var. fossilis Panr. TII Pl. VIII f. 133. — — _ var. latestriata Pant. IIT Pl I f. 9. Budayiana Pant. III Pl. XV f. 233 (C. Ehrenbergii var.?). a var. gracilioy Pant. III Pl. XXIV f. 363. capitata Pant. III Pl. X f. 160. Cistula var. hungarica Pant. III Pl. III f. 40 (C. helvetica?). . Clementis Pant. III Pl. XX f. 303 (C. Cistula var.?). een Pant. III Pl. X f. 174. a var. producta Pant. IIT Pl. XXTIT f. 346. Gruincoti Pant. III Pl. XIX f. 283 (C. Cistula var. ’). helvetica var. fossilis Pant. III Pl. IX f. 158. . inflata Pant. TIT Pl. VI f. 95. Jimboit Pant. III Pl. VIII f. 130 (C. Cistula?). . Kockit Pant. III Pl. I f. 2 (C. Cistula var. maculata?). K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. Band 26. N:o 2. ee aQAaag 2 Aaa 178 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. C. lanceolata var. fossilis Pant. III Pl. XXIII f. 344. — — var. robusta Pant. III Pl. XXIII f. 350. C. marina Pant. III Pl. XIX f. 274 (Amphora angusta var.?). C. obtusa Pant. III Pl. V f. 79. C. pachyptera Pant. Pl. XXI f. 304, 316. C. Peragalli Pant. III Pl. XLII f. 584. C. perfecta Pant. IIT Pl. XVII f. 249 (C. cymbiformis var.?). C. plutonica Pant. IIT Pl. XX f. 297 (C. aspera var.?). C. preclara Pant. I] Pl. XXXVI f. 512 (resembles C. lanceolata but has closer strie). C. Rakoczyana Pant. III Pl. VIII f. 121 (C. Cistula var. maculata?). C. simplex Pant. III Pl. XXTI f. 308 (C. ventricosa?), C. Staub Pant. III Pl. VLI f. 131 (C. leptoceras var.?). C. Szontaghit Pan. III Pl. X f. 161 (Amphora augusta var.?). C. suavis Pant. IIT Pl. XV f. 229 (akin to C. leptoceras?). C. turgida Pant. III Pl. VI f. 103 (C. parva?). C. valida Pant. IIT Pl. IX f. 154 (C. aspera var.?). C. vegeta Pant. IIT Pl. XXIV f. 359. Gomphonema Acarpn (1824). Valve more or less elongated, clavate, or asymmetrical to the transverse axis. Structure: transverse slightly radiate strie or rows of puncta. Connecting zone not complex, broader in the upper than in the lower end. Cell-contents a single chromatophore, leaving only a narrow parietal plasmaband along one side of the zone, deeply sinuose below the median line. On conjugation two auxospores are formed by two mother-cells, parallel to them. The plane of division of the primordial cell is at right angles to the plane of division of the mother-cells (Pritzzr Bau u. Entw. p. 88). ~The large G. geminatum was observed as early as 1773 by O. F. Mitrer, who named it Vorticella pyrarta. The genus Gomphonema was established 1824 by Acarpu for two species, and since then a large number of species have been formed by Eurenpere, Ktrzine and others, unfort- unately founded on trifling characteristics. For forms living, as Diadesmis, in bands of closely connected frustules, EHRENBERG created (1843) the genus Sphenosira. Kirztina founded (1844) the genus Sphenella for free-living forms and Rapennorst (1853) the genus Gomphonella for forms, which live in gelatinous masses. HeEIBERG (1863) maintained, with justice, that these genera are not admissible, as they are founded on characteristics, which occur in the same species. An attempt to arrange systematically the known species of Gomphonema was made (1878), by Grunow in his description of the alge of the Caspian Sea, and since then he has given a number of most valuable figures in Van Heurcx’s Synopsis Plates XXIII, XXIV and XXV. As among them there are several species from America, which, while having the general outline of Gomphonema, differ in their structure, and in the presence of longitudinal lines, similar to those of Scoliotropis and Caloneis, I now exclude these forms, and place them in a separate genus Gomphoneis. Recently Brun has described, as G. cantalicum, a species, which seems to be allied to Gomphoneis, as it shews across the striz a longitudinal line, but the striation of this species is in all other respects quite different from that of Gomphoneis. The valve of Gomphonema is asymmetrical to the transverse axis, and is usually broader in the upper portion, with a wedge-shaped lower end. The central nodule is nearer to the upper end, or apex, than the lower, or basis. Many species are asymmetrical also to the longitudinal axis, but in a less visible degree, as Pritzur first pointed out, with a parallel asymmetry, like that of the Cymbelle. Some varieties are even slightly cymbelliform. In many species there is on one side of the central nodule an isolated punctum, or stigma, as in several Cymbelle, and in others KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. ANSTO) 2. 179 a unilateral row of stigmas. Grunow has formed for the species with stigmas the group Asym- metrica, and for those without stigmas the group Symmetrica, which names may in view of maintaining the analogy with the Cymbellie be adventageously changed to Stigmatica and Astig- matic. There is a great resemblance between the cell-contents of Gomphonema and Cymbella, the structure is the same in both genera, and they are no doubt nearly connected. We have in Cym. Beccarit Grun. a form, which is asymmetrical to the transverse axis, and, there are several other rymbelloid varieties of Gomphonema. Gomph. Cymbella Brun may be considered as an inter- mediate link between the two genera. The outline of the forms of Gomphonema is very variable, and older authors have paid too much attention to it in forming new species. There exist in the same species all possible transi- tions, from purely clavate, to strongly biconstricted forms, so that outline only cannot be regarded as a good specific distinction. Most species of Gomphonema inhabit fresh water, some brackish water, and there are also purely marine forms, the latter being all astigmatical. They are usually attached by dichotomously branched gelatinous stalks to alge, stones, leaves of water-plants etc. Some forms are inbedded in gelatinous masses, but frustules of attached species occur also occasionally free. Artificial key. I. Stigmatica. 1. oe strie alternately longer and shorter. .. ee 8 2. not —_ _ _— j eS 5 SORA Wiehe Ale 3. 9, ie 0,1 to 0,12 mm. ’ se .4be cw 6 8 G. geminatum Lynes. L. 0,05 mm .. F : G. constrictum Ens. ; Axial area distinct or igouil 4, 3. =e — indistinct or narrow 7. 4 | Are linear ss. oo a ke ee @ : eo Pee eg eS 5. — lanceolate...... So 4 i. 4 « 6: 5. ve subacute or apiculate. © ww . . G. validum Ct.. : — broadly truncate... . oe aS .. . « &. Berggrenti Cu. 6. J Strie about 12 in 0,1 mm. : MP Ree Se G. ventricosum GREG. \- -— 8 = So t—(“ité‘“t«‘« Ce 2s G. ae Cu. 7. es area transverse . . «....., ‘ ‘ , « 8 — small and ronnie or indistinct ........ ow WR: 8, Central area unilateral hace: Dati HB upc reheat ah ceases a tao ee ss — bilateral me die ee : sr Hie By Ry cates 10. Ends apiculate ........ Rem Pte a ; G. Augur Eup. 9. {= rostrate to truncate . ... Sa 2. ee G. angustatum Kirz. broad, rounded-truncate ; ip sas .. . G. subtile Exp. 10. eas area narrow... we es te ee ee ee GL gracile Exp. — broad .... ‘ ‘ 4 ee OS fe ome te! aoe 1. es coarsely punctate ite Sed ‘ & semiapertum GRUN. Obseurely <3 sk hate) A A a Se a ew . . . G. intricatum Kirz. 12. aes biconstricted . ... . . G. acuminatum Eup. (G. septic nition var. Mustela). not — e 4 ‘ bos {ke ee ee 13. Ends capitate... i | Caeatgae Geegacl . G. spherophorum Exp. 13. \- apiculate ‘ bh BB agheds< . . « & apicatum Ens. rounded .. . brat dee Beit Bp ety = 14. Strie coarsely punctate .. re ‘ ne i e lanceolatum Ens. 1 14. , { — finely or obscurely — .. 1... . Maes gh cme. on, eels 1 G. cantalicum Br. a. HiRis. 180 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. | alee cymbiform ... 1...) 5 : : . . G. Cymbella Bron. 15. — clavate. . eos , : . g wwe ee GL subclavatum Gron. \ — lanceolate . : : : : : 238 : ... 16. Strie radiate 2... 1 Uw e ze ‘ a G. eriense GRUN. 16. — almost transverse .. 2...) Fe ee . 2. G parvulum Kirra. Astigmatica. 1. Axial area narrow or indistinct. . . a hs oe . 2. — distinct. = ..... ‘ ‘ ee 2 e- Di 2, Central area distinct. . . ‘ ’ : . 24 , edge OB: — indistinct. ... -. G. exiguum Kirz. Valve lanceolate. ; ; : . G. transsylvanicum Pant. ie clavate... . : : d ‘ . G. olivaceum Lyrnes. 3. ‘ ‘ ie linear-clavate 2. 00 J . « G. peruvianum GRun. linear, with broad apex and basis . . ; eo Baan aa 4, Central area rounded . . . . . ‘ .. . G. Salinarum Pant. 4. — a transverse fascia ‘ inte a ‘ : ‘ . . G. estuarii Ou. 5. wal area narrow. dilated in the iiaate ‘ ; G. kamtschaticum Grun. — broad «6 00000 Nica 6. Stria 21 to 22 in 0,01 mm. mo my . G. abbreviatum Kirz. 6. — 16 to 18 — x 5 i Gn Gi 4s . . G. brasiliense Grun. 6 in — — ; : ch baal se . . G. Puiggarianum Grun. 1. G. eriense Grun. (1878). — V. lanceolate, slightly clavate with rounded, obtuse ends. L. 0,032 to 0,042; B. 0,013 to 0,014 mm. Axial area narrow, linear; central area small, rounded, with a distinct stigma. Strie radiate, 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 12- V. H. Syn. XXIII f. 10. Fresh water: Lake Erie, N. America (Grun.). This species in unknown to me, but to judge from the figure, it is not closely allied to any other Gomphonema. 2. G, parvulum Kirz. (1844). — V. lanceolate-clavate, with rounded or rostrate to capitate apex, gradually tapering from the middle to the narrow often subcapitate basis. L. 0,02 to 0,03; B. 0,006 to O,oo7 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area indistinct or small and unilateral. Stigma frequently indistinct. Striz 13 to 15 in 0,01 mm., almost transverse, indistinctly punctate. — Sphenella parvulum Kitz. Bac. p. 83 Pl. XXX f. 63. Gomphon. parvulum V. H. Syn. p. 125 Pl. XXV f. 9. G. parv. var. subcapitata V. H. Syn. f. 11. G. parv. var. lanceolata V. H. Syn. f. 10. G. Lagenula V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 7, 8. Fresh water: Sweden! England! Belgium (V. T.), France! Athens! Italy! Sandwich Islands! Tahiti! New Zealand! New Jersey! Dakota! Jamaica! Brazil! Ecuador! Var. subelliptica Cu. — V. elliptic-lanceolate almost symmetrical, with scarcely rostrate apex. L. 0,015; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Striz 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Greenland! Falmonth! Tasmania! Var. exilis Gruy. -—— V. subclavate, narrow, linear-lanceolate, with rounded, not rostrate apex. L. 0,02 to 0,005 mm. Striz 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Casp. 8. Alg. p. 10. Fresh water: Rimforsa in Westergétland, Sweden (Grun. ad. icon. in litt). Var. exilissima Grun. V. narrow, lanceolate, subclavate, with slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,02; B. 0,005 mm. -— Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 12 (V. H. T. 17). Fresh water: England! Ecuador! Var. micropus Ktrz (1844). — V. slightly clavate, lanceolate, with obtuse apex and subacute basis. L. 0,025 to 0,03; B. 0,007 to 0,oo8 mm. Striz 8 to 13 in 0,01 mm. Central area unilateral, narrow. — G. micropus Kitz Bac. p. 84. V. H. Syn. p. 125 Pl. XXIV f. 46, XXV f. 4, 5, 6. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. N:0 2, 181 G. angustatum var. intermedia Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 47, 48. G. angustum Brus. (fide Grun.). Fresh water: Finland! Sweden, Upsala! Gothland, Visby in slightly brackish water (a var. with coarse striz, 8 in 0,01 mm.), Kansas River! Ecuador! Var.? tergestina Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse, truncate ends. L. 0,015; B. 0,004 mm. Central area unilateral, very broad, reaching to the margin. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm. — G. semiapertum var. tergestina Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 40. Triest (Grun.). 3. G. angustatum Kirz (1844). — V. slightly clavate, linear, with broad, rostrate to sub- capitate apex and basis. L. 0,03 to 0,04; B. 0,oo7 mm. Axial area not distinct; central area uni- lateral, stigma indistinct. Strix transverse 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. indistinctly punctate. — Sphenella angustata Kurz Bac. p. 83 Pl. VIII f. 6. G. commune Rasu. FI. E. Alg. p. 283 (1864). G. angusta V. H. Syn. p. 126 Pl. XXIV f. 49, 50. Fresh water: Sweden! England! Belgium (V. H.), France! Germany! Var. producta Grun. (1880). — V. L. 0,02 to 0,025. Ends rostrate to capitate. — Gomph. commune Laast. Spitsb. D. p. 40 Pl. Lf. 14. G. ang. var. prod. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 52 to 55. Fresh water: Spitzbergen! Sweden! Finland! Neuchatel! Tasmania! Arctic America! Winni- peg River! Brazil! Var. obtusata Kitz (1844). — V. distinctly clavate, with broad, subrostrate ends. L. 0,025 to 0,03 mm. Striz 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Sphenella obtusata Kitz Bac. p. 83 Pl. IX f. 1. Gomph. ang. var. obtus. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 43 to 45. Sph. obt. and S. vulgaris Scuum. I Nacht. Pl. II f. 14, 15. Sphenella naviculoides Hantzscu in Rab. Dec. N:o 1322 (1862). Fresh water: Thiiringen! Var. equalis Grea. (1856). -- V. with capitate-rostrate apex and basis. L. 0,03 to 0,035; B. 0,006 mm. Strie 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — G. equale Gree. M. J. IV Pl. If. 41. G. angust. var.? equals Grun. V. H. S. Pl. XXV f. 3. Fresh water: Scotland (Greg.). Var. subequalis Grun. (1880). — V. as in var. producta. Striz 14 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 1. Fresh water. Var. Sarcophagus Gree. (1856). — V. linear with rostrate, broad apex and basis. L. 0,024 to 0,04; B. 0,006 to 0,oo7 mm. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. — G. Sarcophagus Gree. M. J. IV Pl. If. 42. G. ang. var. Sarcoph. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 2. G. Lagenula Scuum. III Nacht. Pl. II f. 8? Fresh water: Sweden (Rimforsa in Westergétland, Alnarp)! Scotland (Greg.). Var. undulata Grun. Ms. —- V. triundulate. L. 0,02 to 0,028; B. 0,006 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Laurgaard in Norway (Grun.). Gomph. angustatum is a very variable species, passing over by its varieties to Gomph par- vulum var. micropus. By the var. undulata it seems to be connected with Cymbella abnormis. 4. G. intricatum Kitz (1844). — V. sublinear, slender, slightly gibbous in the middle, with obtuse apex and basis. L. 0,03 to 0,07; B. 0,005 to 0,oo3 mm. Axial area distinct, but narrow; central area transverse, broad. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., subparallel, obscurely punctate. — Kitz Bac. p. 87 Pl. IX f. 4. V. H. Syn. p. 126 Pl. XXIV f. 28, 29. G. gracile Scuum. II Nacht. PI. If. 18 a. Fresh water: Sweden! Russian Lapland! Finland! Hungary, Dubravica, fossil (Grun.), Ecuador (reg. trop.)! Var. pumila Grun. (1880). — L. 0,03; B. 0,005 mm. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. — GrRun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 35, 36. G. gracillimum Scuum. I Nacht. Pl. If. 18 6?. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), England, Cirencester! Hungary, Dubravica, foss. (Grun.). 182 bP. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. dichotoma Kirz (1833). — L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,008 mm. Strie 11 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — G. dichot. Kitz. Syn. D. p. 569 f. 48. Bacil. p. 85 Pl. VIII f. 14. W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXIX f 241? G. intr. var. dich. V. H. Syn. p. 125 Pl. XXIV f. 30—81. G. pulvinatum At. Br. in Rab. Stissw. D. p. 58 (1853). V. H. Syn. f. 32 to 34. Fresh water: Finland! Zirich! Australia (Victoria, Lake Muir, Tasmania)! Var. fossilis Panr. (1889). — L. 0,045; B. 0,0075 mm. Strie 10 to 12,5 in 0,01 mm., the median more distant, 7,5 in 0,01 mm. — Panv. II p. 56 Pl. XI f. 201. Brackish water: Hungary, foss. (Pant.). Var. Vibrio Ens. (1843). — V. very slender and narrow, linear, slightly gibbous in the middle, with rounded-truncate often gibbous ends. L. 0,08 to 0,011; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. distinctly punctate. — G. Vibrio Eup. Verb. p. 128 Pl. II: 1 f. 40. Microg. W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXVIII f. 242. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 26—27. G. Cygnus Scuum. P. D. p. 187 Pl. EX £. 267 Fresh water: Finland! Germany, Erlaf See (Grun.), Hungary, Dubravica, fossil (Grun.), Seychelles! To this species probably belongs G. hungaricum Pant. III Pl. IIL f. 28 (1898). 5. G. subtile Ens. (1843). — V. narrow, elongate,d biconstricted, with broad, rounded- truncate apex. L. 0,045; B. 0,007 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area narrow, unilateral, transverse. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm., almost transverse, distinctly punctate. — Eur. Am. p. 128. Gree. M. J. IV Pl. I f. 12. Scuum. P. D. I Nacht. Pl. ID f. 19. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 13, 14. Fresh water: Scotland! Finland! Holstein! Bengal! Var. Sagitta Scuum. (1863). — As the type, but with cuneate apex. — G. Sagitta Scuum. PD. p. 187 Pl. IX. f. 29. “V. B. Syn. Pl XXII f. 27. Fresh water: Prussia (Schum.). 6. G. semiapertum Grun. (1880). — V. elongated, clavate, with broad apex and basis. L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,011 to 0,013 mm. Axial area distinct, linear; central area a large, transverse fascia, with a distinct stigma on one side and frequently marginal strie on the other. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, punctate; puncta about 21 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 42. Cu. M. D. N:o 264. Fresh water: California, Shasta Co (Grun.), Oregon, Pitt River (Grove Coll.)! 7. G. gracile Ens. (1838). — V. elongated, linear to lanceolate, with acute to subacute apex and basis. lL. 0,025 to 0,07; B. 0,04 to 0,0111 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area narrow, transverse. Striez transverse, 9 to 15 in 0,01 mm. Var. cymbelloides Grun. Ms. — V. slightly asymmetrical to the longitudinal axis, with gently curved dorsal margin and nearly straight ventral margin. L. 0,03; B. 0,005 mm. Strie about 16 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Norway, Dovre! Sweden, Helsingland, Arbra! Var. aurita Aw. Br. (1853). — V. narrow, linear-lanceolate. L. 0,024 to 0,04; B. 0,005 to 0O,oo6 mm. Strie 15 to 16 in 0,01 mm. Living cells with two horn-like processes at the end. — G. aur. Au. Br. in Rabh. Siissw. D. p. 59 Pl. VIII f. 3. V. H. Syn. XXIV f. 15 to 18. G. an- gustum Scuum. I Nachtr. Pl. II f. 17? Fresh water: Baden, Titisee (A. Br.), Finland! Norway, Dovre! Iceland! U. St. Bemis Lake, White Mountains! Var. dichotomum W. Sm. (1853). — Linear-lanceolate, slightly clavate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,007 mm. Strize 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate. — G. dichotomum W. Sm. Br. D. I p. 79 Pl. XXVIII f. 240. G. (gracile var.?) dichotomum V. H. Syn. Pl. XXXV f. 19 to 21. G. tenellum W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XX1X f. 243? G. Vibrio Scuum. Tatra Pl. III f. 38? G. hebridense Hurie. D. d'Auvergne p- 61 Pl. III f. 9? KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 183 Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! England! Dubravica, Hungary, foss. (Grun.), Celebes! Hawaji! New Zealand! Australia (Daintree River! Mitchell River! Australian Alps! Tasmania!) Nova Scotia! Tllinois! Mexico! Jamaica! Ecuador! Var. major Grun. (1880). — V. slender, lanceolate. L. 0,07 to 0,10; B. 0,011 mm. Strize 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. distinctly punctate. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 12. G. hebridense Gree. M. J. IT Pl. IV f. 19? Fresh water: New Zealand! Rhode Island! Demerara River! Var.? lanceolata Kirz. (1844). — V. lanceolate-clavate, with apiculate apex. L. 0,055; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area narrow; central area narrow, transverse. Strice 16 in 0,01 mm. — Kitz. Bac. p. 87 Pl. XXX f. 59, V. H. Syn. XXIV f. 11. G@. Turris var. apiculata Grun. D. of Banka p. 10 Pl. I f. 12. Fresh water: Trinidad (Kitz, Grun.), Banka (Grun.). Var. naviculacea W. Sm. (1856). — V. almost symmetrical to the transverse axis, lanceo- late. L. 0,035 to 0,047; B. 0,007 to 0,01 mm. Striz 11 to 14 in 0,01 mm., indistinctly punctate. — W. Sm. B. D. II p. 98. V. H. Syn. XXIV f. 13, 14. Fresh water: Edinburgh Bot. Garden (W. Sm.)! New Zealand! G. gracile comprises a large number of closely connected forms, some of which are nearly akin to G. intricatum, some to G. lanceolatum Eup. 8. G. Cymbella Brun (1891). — V. linear, slightly clavate with obtuse apex and basis, slightly lunate. L. 0,05 to 0,065; B. 0,011 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area transverse not reaching the margin, with a conspicuous stigma. Striz almost parallel 6 to 7 in 0,o1 mm. — Brun D. esp. n. p. 28 Pl. XIX f. 2. Fresh water: South Africa, Rio de la Plata, Cape Horn (Brun). 9. G. lanceolatum Ens. (1843). — V. lanceolate, clavate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse apex and basis. L. 0,027 to 0,07; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area narrow linear. Central area small, rounded, with one unilateral stigma. Striz 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, coarsely punctate; puncta 22 to 24 in 0,01 mm.; the median stria opposite to the stigma shortened. — Enz. Am. Pl. II: 1 f. 37. G. affine Kirz. Bac. p. 86 Pl. XXX f. 54 (1844). V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 8 to 10. G. Szaboi Panr. III Pl. II f. 34 (1893)? Fresh water: Mexico! Jamaica! Ecuador! Lake Tacarigua, Trinidad (V. H. Syn.), Marquesas Islands! New Zealand! Var. insignis Grea. (1856). — At the type, but with coarser strie, 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm.; puncta 18 to 22 in 0,01 mm. — G. insignis Gruc. M. J. IV Pl. If. 39. V.H.S. PL. XXIV f. 39 to 41. Fresh water: Scotland (Greg.), Bengal! Victoria, Australia! Ecuador, San Nicolas! Var. bengalensis Grun. (1880). — More clavate. L. 0,03 to 0,057; B. 0,009 mm. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. indistinctly punctate. — G. bengalense Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 37, 28. Fresh water: Bengal (V. H. Syn.). G. lanceolatum is nearly akin to G. gracile, some of its forms being exceedingly difficult to distinguish from several varieties of that species. Some forms are, on the other hand, very similar to forms of G. subclavatum. 10. G. subeclavatum Gru. (1878). — V. clavate, with broad rounded apex and somewhat narrower basis, gibbous in the middle. L. 0,035 to 0,07; B. 0,008 to 0.01 mm. Axial area narrow; central area rounded, with distinct stigma. Strie strong, 9 to 13 in 0,01 mm. obscurely punctate, almost transverse, the median ones often shortened. — G. longiceps Ens. var. subclavata Grun. Casp. 8. Alge p. 10. G. montanum v. subclav. Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 125 Pl. XXIIT f. 39—43., XXIV f. 1. G. commutatum Gruy. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 2. Fr. Jos. Land D. p. 98 (46) Pl. I f. 12. G. longiceps Ens. M. G. Pl. VIL 3s, B f. 9 (1854)? Scuum. P. D. p. 187 Pl. IX f. 27? G. Cygnus Strése Kliecken f. 17. G. caleareum Cu. a. M. D. N:o 137. G. dichoto- 184 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. mum B sessile Kirz. (fide Grun.). G. Brébissonii Kitz. (fide Grun.). G. mexicanum GRun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 3. G. Kinkerianum Panv. TIT Pl. X f. 162, 165. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Holstein! Belgium (V. H.), France! England! Neusidler See (Grun.), Iceland! Argentina! Chimborazo, Ecuador! Sandwich Islands! Tasmania! Auckland! California! Var. obliqua Grun. (1884). — Cymbelloid bent, asymmetrical to the longitudinal axis. — Grun. Fr. Josephs L. D. p. (98) 46. Var. acuminata Hiri. a. Perag. (1893). — Lanceolate, tapering towards the narrow ends. -— G, subclav. var. acum. Hiri. a. Perag. D. d'Auvergne p. 55 Pl. III f. 8. Fresh water: Auvergne, fossil. Var. Mustela Ens. (1854). — Biconstricted, with gibbous, obtuse apex. — G. Must. Eup. M. G. Pl. Vik 3; B. f 2 Scaum. P. D. p. 187 Pl, IX. £30. Y. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV £4 to 7. G. Sagitta Scuum. P. D. III Nachtr. Pl. IT f. 16? Fresh water: Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Finmark! Norway, Dovre! Finland! Gulf of Bothnia! Forma curvata Br. a. Perag. (1893). — Frustules in front-view curved. — Hiri. D. d’Au- vergne p. 59 Pl. III f. 6, 7. Fresh water: Auvergne, fossil. Var. montana Scuum. (1867). — Biconstricted, with protracted subtruncate or obtuse apex. — Scuum. Tatra p. 67 Pl. III f. 35. V. H. Syn. p. 124 Pl. XXIII f. 33 to 36. G. acuminatum var. submontana Gutwinsky Fl. Galiz. p. 28 Pl. I f. 23. Fresh water: Galiz. (Schum.), Belgium (V. H.), Hungary, fossil (Grun.), Demerara River! G. subclavatum by its variety montana makes complete transition to G. acuminatum, the latter comprising forms with acute, the former with obtuse ends. 11. G. acuminatum Fup. (1838). — V. clavate, more or less biconstricted, with apiculate apex, and narrow basis. L. 0,03 to 0,07; B. 0,009 to 0,o1 mm. Axial area narrow or indistinct; central area short and narrow, unilateral. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, the median stria opposite to the stigma being shortened. — Ens. Inf. p. 217 Pl. XVII f. 4. W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XXVIII f. 238 a, a’. Forma trigonocephala Kus. (1854). — V. not distinctly biconstricted. Apex cuneate. — G. trig. Exp. M. G. Pl. VI: 1 f. 86. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 18. Forma Brébissonii Kitz. (1859). — V. slightly biconstricted, with cuneate apex. — G. Bréb. Kitz. Sp. Alg. p. 66. V. H. Syn. XXIII f. 23—26. C. ae. var. Clavus V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 20. G. acum. W. Su. B. D. Pl. XXVIII f. 238 a’. Forma coronata Eup. (1840). — V. strongly biconstricted, with broad, apiculate apex. --. G. coron. Eus. Abh. 1840 p. 211. G. acum. W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXVIII f. 238 @. V. H. Syn. p. 124 Pl. XXIII f. 15. Petit Lac des Vosges f. 2. Strése Kliecken f. 16. G. acum. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 16. G. acum. var. laticeps V. H. Syn. 1. ec. f. 17. Forma pusilla Grun. (1880). — As the f. coron. but smaller. L. 0,03; B. 0,008 mm. — G. acum. var. pus. Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 19. Fresh water: Spitzbergen (Lagst.), Sweden! Finland! Belginm (V. H.), England, (Sm.), Ger- many! Switzerland! France! Spain! Canada! Massachusetts! Illinois! Var. elongata W. Sm. (1855). — V. slender, elongated, strongly gibbous in the middle and at the apex. L. 0,07 to 0,11; B. 0,012 to 0,017 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta about 20 in 0.01 mm. — G. elongat. W. Su. Ann. N. Hist. 1855 p. 6 Pl. I f. 4. B. D. IT p. 99. G. acum. var. elong. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII fi 22. G. Brébissonii Gree. M. J. II Pl. IV f. 13 (1854)? G. acum. var. intermedia Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 21. Fresh water: Scotland! Finland! Vosges! Var. Turris Kus. (1843). — V. very slightly biconstricted with cuneate or apiculate apex. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,013 mm. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — G. Turris Eup. Am. p. 128. M. G. Pl. XIV f. 70, 71. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 31. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2, 185 Fresh water: Finland (Padasjoki)! Bengal! Australia, North Australia! Murray River! Australian Alps! New Zealand! Houghton, Michig.! Illinois! California! Demerara! Rio Janeiro! Ecuador! G. acuminatum comprises a number of forms, exceedingly variable in size and outline, pass- ing over to G. subclavatum var. montana by the forma Brébissonii, and to G. Augur by smaller forms of the var. Turris. 12. G. Augur Exp. (1840). — V. clavate, with broad, truncate-apiculate apex and narrow basis. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,009 to 0,01 mm. Axial area narrow; central area narrow, unilateral Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. — Ens. Ber. 1840 p. 211. M. G. XVII:1, f. 35. V. H. Syn. p. 124 Pl. XXTIT f. 29. G. Augur var. Gautiert V. H. Syn. p. 124 Pl. XXIII f. 28. G. na- sutum Ens. Am. p. 128. M. G. VI: 1 f. 37? Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Ceyssat, Puy de Déme foss.! Maine, Bridgetown! Waltham Mass.! Mexico! Seychelles! G. Augur is closely connected with G. accuminatum var. Turris, of which it may be regarded as a form with non-constricted valves. G. apicatum Eup. (1841). — V. clavate, not biconstricted, with acuminate apex. L. 0,022 to 0,025; B. 0,006 to 0,oo7 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm. almost transverse, near the end slightly radiate, not distinctly punctate. — Ens. Abh. 1841 p. 416 (accord. to Chase) M. G. IX: 1 f. 41? Cu. D. of Finl. p. 48 Pl. IIT f. 20, 21. G. eristatum W. Sm. B. D I Pl. XXVIII f. 239? Heib. Consp. D. D. V f. 17? . Fresh water: Finland! G. apicatum is nearly connected with G. acuminatum f. trigonocephala, but has finer strie. 13. G. validum Cu. N. Sp. — V. elongated, gently biconstricted, with rostrate-apiculate apex. L. 0,065; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area linear, moderately broad, not dilated in the middle. Stigma often indistinct. Strize 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm., distinctly punctate, of equal length, transverse, but radiate at the apex. — Pl. V f. 9. Fresh water: Japan, fossil in lignite (Brun Coll.)! Demerara River! Var. elongata. — V. very slightly biconstricted, with subcuneate apex. L. 0,14; B. 0,0113 mm. Strive 5,5 in 0,01 mm. - Pl. Vf. 8. Fresh water: Demerara River! G. validum has the outline of G. subclavatum var. montana, from which it differs by its coarser striee and broader axial area. 14. G. spherophorum Exp. (1845). — V. clavate, with capitate apex and narrow basis. L. 0,035 to 0,047; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, rounded. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm., nearly transverse, punctate. — Eup. Ber. 1845 p. 78 (fide Chase), V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIIT f. 30, Fresh water: Finland (Aland)! New York (Niagara Falls! Genessee Falls)! Lake Pistaku (Illinois)! G. spherophorum is nearly akin to G. Turris, from which it differs scarcely by anything but the capitate apex. 15. G. Berggrenii Cu. N. Sp. — V, clavate, with broad subtruncate and usually constricted apex. Basis much narrower, obtuse. L. 0,047 to 0,05; B. 0,011 to 0,o12 mm. Axial area narrow, linear, somewhat dilated around the central nodule. Stigma distinct. Striz coarse, 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. distinctly punctate, slightly radiate. — Pl. V f. 6, 7. Fresh water: New Zealand (Waitangi! Lake Rotorua! etc.). G. Berggrenit resembles in outline G. constrictum and G. subclavatum, but differs from the former by the median strie not being alternately longer and shorter, and from the latter by its much broader ends and more distinct axial area. K. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 26. Nio 2. 24 186 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 16. G. constrictum Ens. (1830). — V. clavate, gibbous in the middle, with broad, rounded- truncate apex and narrower basis. IL. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area narrow linear; central area narrow, star-like. Stigma distinct, unilateral. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, coarsely punctate. — Eup. Abh. 1830 W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXVIII f. 236. V. H. Syn. p. 123 Pl. XXIII f. 6. G. pohlieforme Kitz. Dec. N:o 25 (1833). G. subramosum Kurz. Dec. N:o 152 (1836) fide Lagst. G. constr. var. subcapitata GRUN. V. H. Syn. f. 5. Fresh water: Sweden! England! Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland! Jenissey! Australian Alps! North Australia! Tasmania! Dlinois! Var. capitata Eup. (1838). — V. very slightly or not constricted, clavate with broad apex. — G. capitatum Eus. Inf. Pl. XVIII f. 2. W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXVIII f. 237. V. H. Syn. p. 123 Pl. XXII f. 7. Petrr Lac des Vosges f. 3. G. turgidum Eup. M. G. Pl. Il: 2 f. 40. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 11. G. italicum Kirz. Bac. p. 85 Pl XXX f. 75. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 8. G. clavatum Eup. Inf. p. 218 Pl. XVIII f. 6. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXTIT f 9. Fresh water: Sweden! Gulf of Bothnia! Finland! England! Belgium (V. H.), France! New Zealand! Canada, foss.! New York, foss.! Argentina! Ecuador! G. constrictum is a very common species with very variable outline. Typical specimens are strongly biconstricted, but all possible intermediate forms exist to the quite unconstricted var. ca- pitata. The characteristic present in all these forms is the stellate central area arising from the median striz being alternately longer and shorter. 17. G. geminatum Lynes. (1819). — V. strongly biconstricted, with broad, subtruncate apex and less broad, obtusely truncate basis. L. 0,1 to 0,12; B. 0,03 to 0,04 mm. Axial area narrow, linear; central area rounded, stellate at its margin, with one or, usually, several. stigmas, disposed in a longitudinal row on one side of the central nodule. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate at the ends, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, coarsely punctate; puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. — Vorticella pyraria Mtuu. 1773 (fide Kiitz.). Echinella geminata Lynexs. Tent. Hydroph. p. 210. Gomph. gem. Ac. Syst. p. 12 (1824). W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XXVIT f. 235. Fresh water on stones in rivulets and lakes: Spitsbergen, Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Faréar (Lyngb.), Scotland! Ireland (Kiitz.), Sweden! Finland! France, Cantal (Hérib.), Spain, Aragonia (Mouz6n), Switzerland (Brun), Vancouver Island! Var. sibirica Grun. (1878). — V. slightly or indistinctly biconstricted, with broad end. L. 0,08 to 0,09; B. 0,035 mm. Stigma single. Striz 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Casp. See Alg. p. 11. G. gem. var. hybrida Gruy. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIII f. 4. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 97| (45) Pl. I f. 11. Fresh water: Ochotsk (Grun.), Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Jenissey! Var. curvirostra Temp. and Brun (1889). — V. deeply biconstricted, arcuate. L. 0,012 to 0,145 mm. Central area with a single stigma. Strie 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — G. curvirostrum Temp. and Brun D. f. du Japon p. 38 Pl. IX f. 4. Fresh water: Yedo foss. (Temp. and Brun). G. geminatum, the largest of all species of this genus, is a northern and alpine form, being very common in Scotland, Sweden and Finland, where it occurs attached to stones by strong stalks. Between the strongly biconstricted type and the broadly clavate var. sibirica all kinds of intermediate forms exist. The var. curvirostra is a cymbelloid form, such as occurs also among the forms of other species. 18. G. ventricosum Grea. (1856). — V. lanceolate-clavate. with broad, obtuse apex and narrower basis. L. 0,035 to 0,055; B. 0.01 mm. Axial area linear lanceolate. Central area rounded, with one distinct stigma. Striz 11 to 13 in 0,01 mm., radiate, finely punctate; puncta about 24 in 0,01 mm. — Gree. M. J. IV Pl. If. 40. V.H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 13. Ch. M. D. N:o 93. Fresh water: Scotland (Greg.). Norway! Sweden! Finland! Jenissey! Kamtschatka! Waltham, Massachusetts! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 187 Var. maxima Cu. — V. more lanceolate. L. 0,08; B. 0,017 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. — PI. V f. 13. Fresh water: Pitt River, Oregon (Grove Coll.)! Var. tasmanica Cu. — V. nearly lanceolate. L. 0,07; B. 0,015 mm. Striz about 9 in 0,01 mm., coarsely punctate; the median, on one side of the valve, alternatelty longer and shorter. Fresh water: Campbell Town, Tasmania, fossil! Var. ornata Grun. (1880). — Lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse apex and basis. L. 0,06 to 0,1 mm. B. 0,011 to 0,013 mm. Axial and central areas combined in a narrow, lanceolate space. On one side of the central nodule is a row of 3 to 5 stigmas, on the other none, or one to two, stigmas. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 18 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 15. G. dubravicense Pant. III Pl. XX f. 294, 296 (1893)? Fresh water: Guatemala, foss.! The typical forms of G. ventricosum belong to northern countries and for that reason it is doubtful whether the varieties should not be considered as distinct species, although the diffe- rences are only trifling. 19. G. oxycephalum Cu. N. Sp. — V. large, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute apex. Basis obtuse to truncate. L. 0,09 to 0,13; B. 0,018 to 0,o26 mm. Axial and central areas uniting in a lanceolate space, with one (or two) stigma on one side of the central nodule. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate at the ends, distinctly punctate; puncta 21 in 0,01 mm. — PL-¥ £20. Fresh water: Demerara River! 20. G. Salinarum Panv. (1889). — V. linear, more or less gibbous in the middle, with almost equally broad, rounded obtuse apex and basis. L. 0,038 to 0,051; B. 0,0075 to 0,008 mm. Terminal fissures of the median line distant from the ends. Axial area narrow linear, suddenly dilated around the central nodule to an orbicular space. Strie 10 to 12 in 0.01 mm., obscurely punctate, slightly radiate in the middle and at the ends. — G. olivaceum var. salinarum Pant. II p- 56 Pl. IX f. 160; XI f. 199; XVIII f. 287. G. olivaceum var. fossilis Pant. II p. 56 Pl. XIT f. 204. G. salsa Pant. IT p. 56 Pl. XVII f. 285. G. Salin. Icon. n. Pl. V f. 11, 12. Brackish water: Baltic at Riigen! Hungary fossil (Gyéngyés Pata! etc.). Var. staurophora Pant. (1889). — Central area a transverse fascia. — G. oliv. var. staur. Pant. DU p. 56 Pl. XII f. 206. Brackish water: Hungary fossil (Pant.). G. Salinarum seems me to be perfectly distinct from G. olivaceum by the distant terminal fissures, the broader axial area, the central orbicular area and the more distant striw. The outline of the valve is, as in most species of Gomphonema, variable. Between G. salsa Pant. and G. oliv. var. fossilis Pant. I am unable to find any difference from the descriptions and the figures. 21. G. transsylvanicum Pant. (1893). — V. lanceolate, scarcely clavate, tapering from the middle towards the obtuse ends. L. 0,084; B. 0,o168 mm. Axial area narrow; central area large, irregular. Strie about 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, where they are of unequal length, parallel towards the ends, not distinctly punctate. —- Pant. IIL Pl. XIV, 219, 220. Fresh water?: Kopecz (Pant.). Unknown to the author. 22. G. olivaceum Lynes. (1819). — V. clavate, rarely sublanceolate, with broad, rounded, obtuse apex and narrower basis. L. 0,015 to 0,025; B. 0,005 to 0,oo7 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area rectangular. Strie 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm., curved or radiate in the middle of the valve, elsewhere almost transverse, not distinctly punctate. — Echinella oliv. Lynas. Tent. Hydr. D. p. 209 Pl. LXX f. ¢ 1 to 3. G. oliv. Kitirz. Alg. Dec. N:o 13 (fide Lagst.). W. Sm. B. D. 188 P. T, CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. P. XXIX f. 244. V. H. Syn. p. 126 Pl. XXV f. 20 to 27. G. sphenelloides Scuum. Pr. D. I Nachtr. p. 19 f. 16. G. subramosum Kurz. (fide Grun.). Sphenella vulgaris Ktrz. (fide Grun.). Fresh and brackish water: Sweden! Germany! Switzerland! England! Var. baltica Cu. (1868). — V. clavate. L. 0,04; B. 0.0075 mm. Central area small. Striz 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm. — G. balticum Cu. Sv. och Norsk D. p. 231 Pl. IV f. 10 to 16. Brackish water: Baltic (from Westerbotten to Gothland)! Var. calcarea Cu. (1868). — V. clavate; L. 0,022 to 0,047; B. 0,005 to 0,oo8 mm. Central area small. Strie 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — G. caleareum Cu. Sv. och Norsk D. p. 231 Pl. IV f. 7. Fresh water (on moist limestone-rocks): Gothland! Var. stauroneiformis Grun. (1878). — V. lanceolate. LL. 0,033 to 0,07; B. 0,01 to 0,o12 mm. Striz 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Casp. See Alg. p. 9 Pl. III f. 2. Brackish water: Caspian Sea (Grun.). Var. tenellum Kitz. (1844). — V. small, clavate. L. 0,012 to 0,025; B. 0,003 to 0,o035 mm. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm. — G. ten. Kitz. Bac. p. 84 Pl. VIII f. 8. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXIV f. 22 to 25. Fresh water: Finland, Abo! Australian Alps! G. olivaceum lives usually in rivulets by slender stalks attached to stones and forming brownish masses about 1 centim. in diameter. The var. calcarea was found on limestone-rocks on Gothland, fixed by long stalks and forming thick gelatinous masses. The var. baltica is common in the Baltic and the Gulf of Bothnia, where it occurs attached by elongated gelatinous stalks to Zostera and Potamogeton. The G. tenellum is not quite clear to me. What I suppose to be Ktrzinas species is doubtless a very small G. olivacewm, but in the Syn. of Van Heurck Grunow places G. tenellum among the asymmetrical Gomphonemas, so it is possible that G. tenellum Kitz. Is a small G. intricatum. 23. G. Aestuarii Cx. (1893). — V. linear, narrow, slightly clavate, with obtuse end and basis. L. 0,02 to 0,028; B. 0,002 to 0,0035 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area a broad trans- verse fascia. Strive parallel (the median radiate) 20 in 0,01 mm. Ends of the valve with rudi- mentary diaphragms. — Cu. Diatomiste Vol. II p. 55 Pl. III f. 4. Marine: Hastings (Comber Coll.)! 24. G. exiguum Kivz. (1844). — V. narrow, clavate with obtuse, sometimes slightly rostrate apex. L. 0,009 to 0,03; B. 0,002 to 0,oo3 mm. Axial area narrow, not dilated in the middle. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm. transverse. — Ktirz. Bac. p. 84 Pl. XXX f. 58. V. H. Syn. p. 126 Pl. XXV f. 34. G. hyalinum Heib. Consp. D. D. p. 96 Pl. V f. 18 (1863). G. exiguum var. digitatum V. H. Syn. f. 35, 363; var. telographicwm (Kitz.) V. H. 1. c. f. 37; var minutissimum (Ktr1z.) V. H. 1. c. f. 38; var. perpusilla Grun. V. H. 1. f. 39. Marine: Coasts of Denmark (Heib.), England! Belgium (V. H.). This minute species is probably widely distributed, but from its smallness rarely met with in cleaned materials. Between the many varieties in V. H. Syn. I am unable to find any difference except in the number of the strizw, and the size. Var. pachyclada Bris. (1838). — V. linear-clavate. L. 0,015 to 0,034; B. 0,005 mm. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm. — G. pach. Brie. Considér. p. 21 (fide Chase). V. H. Syn. XXV f. 31, 32. Marine: Coasts of Normandy (Bréb., Grun.), Cape Wankarema! Behrings Island! Var. arctica Grun. (1880). — V. broad, clavate. I. 0,02 to 0,035; B. 0,006 to 0,oo8 mm. Strie 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. almost transverse. — G. arct. Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 30. Franz Josephs Land D. p. 102 (50) Pl. I f. 13. Marine, arctic regions: Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Nova Zembla! Cape Wankarema! 25. G. kamtschaticum Grun. (1878). — V. elongated, clavate, with rounded apex and nar- rower basis. L. 0,03 to 0,07; B. 0,005 to 0,011 mm. Axial area distinct, linear, dilated around the central nodule. Striz 12 to 16 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, very finely punctate. — KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. wn:o 2. 189 Grun. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 12. V. H. Syn. AXV f. 29. G. antarcticum O’Muara L. Soc. XV p. 56 Pl. I f. 3 (1877)? Marine: Arctic America, Bessels Bay! Esquimaux Harbour (Grun.), Iceland! East Cape! Behrings Island! Var. sibirica Grun. (1878). — V. less clavate, striz less radiate. — Grun. in Cl. M. D. 315 to 318. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. californica Grun. (1880). — Almost linear, with obtuse and rounded ends. L. 0,03; B. 0,006 mm. Striz 15 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 28. Marine: San Francisco (Grun.). G. Kamtschaticum is by the var. calif. nearly connected with G. exig. var. pachyclada, the two latter varieties being distinguished only by the somewhat more visible axial and central area of the former. In the Cape Wankarema material occur forms of G. kamtschaticum with unilate- ral axial area. 26. G. peruvianum Grun. (1880). — V. linear, clavate. L. 0,03; B. 0,005 mm. Axial area narrow; central subquadrate. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 33. Marine: Peru (Grun.). 27. G. abbreviatum (Ac. 1831?) Kitz. (1844). — V. clavate, with broad, rounded end and narrow, obtuse basis. L. 0,016 to 0,028; B. 0,oo5 mm. Axial and central areas uniting in a broad, linear-lanceolate space. Striew 21 to 22 in 0,01 mm. transverse, radiate in the end. — Licmophora minuta Kitz. Dec. N:o 23 (1833) fide Lagst. G. abbreviatum Ag. Consp. p. 34? Kutz. Bac. p. 84. Grun. Casp. See Alg. p. 13. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 16. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Weissenfels (Kiitz.), Dubravica, Hurgary, fossil (Grun.), Gulf of Bothnia at Tornea! 28. G. brasiliense Grun. (1878). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,025 to 0,034; B. 0,005 to 0,oo55 mm. Axial and central areas uniting in a broad, lanceolate space. Striz 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm. short. — Grun. Casp. See Alg. p. 13. G. abbr. var. bras. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 17. Fresh water: Brazil, Cuba, Bengal (Grun.). Var. Demerare Grun. Ms. — V. sublanceolate with subrostrate apex. lL. 0,038 to 0,058; B. 0,008 to 0,012 mm. Fresh water: Demerara River (Grun.). 29. G. Puiggarianum Grun. (1880). — V. linear-lanceolate, with truncate apex and basis. L. 0,05; B. 0,008 mm. Axial area broad, lanceolate. Strize 6 in U,o1 mm. marginal. — GRUN. in V. H. Syn. Pl. XXV f. 18. Fresh water: Brazil (Grun.). Var. @quatorialis Cu. — V. small. L. 0,025; B. 0,oo5 mm. Area less broad. Strize 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Ecuador, San Nicolas! Additional. G. cantalicum Brun a. Hirre. (1893). — V. lanceolate, slightly clavate, gradually tapering from the middle to the rounded obtuse ends. L. 0,16 to 0,225; B. 0,025 to 0,032 mm. Axial area narrow, linear, not dilated in the middle where there is, unilaterally, a stigma. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, slightly radiate at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta about 14 in 0,01 mm., arranged in slightly undulating longitudinal rows. Across the striz and in the middle between the median line and the margin there is a shadowy longitudinal line. — Brun a. Hérrs. D. d’Au- vergne p. 219 Pl. VI f. 11. Fresh water: Cantal, fossil! 190 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. costalonga Brun a. Hire. (1893). — Valve very slightly curved. Longitudinal lines more distinct. — l. c. f. 13. Var. major Brun a. Hiri. (1893). — L. 0,23 mm. — 1. cc. f. 12. A very remarkable species. It does not belong to Gomphoneis as the striz are composed of simple rows of puncta. Trachyneis Ci. N. Gen. Valve naviculoid, more or less elongated, frequently asymmetrical on both sides of the longi- tudinal axis. Valve (often) with an interior coarsely dotted stratum, a median stratum of more or less transverse flexuose strong cost, anastomosing, where they bend towards each other and thus forming a network of diamond-shaped or rectangular alveoli, and an exterior stratum with very fine puncta forming longitudinal, sometimes slightly oblique, fine striee. — Cell-contents: T. aspera v. genuina has two chromatophore-plates along the connecting zone. The margins of the plates are strongly indented. The type of this genus, Nav. aspera Eup. is very variable and widely distributed. The peculiar structure of this species makes it necessary to form for it and the allied species a separate genus. Under a low power the valve seems to be covered with elongated or rhomboid puncta, more or less distinctly disposed in quincunx, these puncta being the diamond-shaped alveoli formed by the anastomoses of the costa. The fine puncta of the exterior stratum are visible only with difficulty, and, under certain illumination, give to the elongated puncta the appearance of being transversely lineate (See Van Heurck Suppl. Pl. B f. 26). The interior stratum of the valve may sometimes be separated, as is shewn by the fig. 23 Pl. XLVIII of A. S. Atl. I suppose that the division Lineolatz of Navicula may be regarded as having the nearest relations to Trachyneis, especially the forms of that group, which have divided strie. A struc- ture somewhat similar to that of Trachyneis is to be found in Mastoneis and Dictyoneis. All the species of this genus are marine. They occur in all seas, arctic as well as tropical. Most forms of Trachyneis aro so closely connected and subject to transitions as to make the distinction of well founded species very difficult. The variability of some species is considerable. In certain species there is a remarkable tendency to asymmetry, some varieties having a very ex- centric median line, or asymmetrical axial area; but such forms, for which the genus Alloioneis was created, are so closely connected with other, nearly, or perfectly, symmetrical forms, that no specific distinction can be founded on this character. The arrangement of the alveoli in oblique, or straight longitudinal rows, seems to afford some distinction; but this characteristic is also subject to great variation, and in some forms we find that the rows are oblique near the central area, and longitudinal elsewhere. Artificial key. Central area small... ..- 2. ee eee j is .. ZL. velata AS, oe ae Waree eae Boat eS aa Aye a ote bs ated 2. Central area a transverse, outwards dilated fascia . be ate Sk hail Pet eae ARS 3. a — rounded... ©. ...... i ARE “eteleh at aks 4. Stauros not reaching to the margin. ....... BEd iy ks Wp ans T. aspera Exs. ae reaching —_ SS ental, caine Bala aadn .. T. tumidula Gron. Alveoli in decussating rows ... «1... ss. metnstis ey Sige’ SP oe gp Gebel 5 5. 2 ee — longitudinal — ©. wa T. Johnsoniana Grev. All alveoli in decussating rows. .......... eee 6. Paha at the margin in decussating, in the middle in eats rows... T. ‘Branil Cu: KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. n:o 2. 191 6 jenn area indistinct. ......... Ppaetas: clap A Spree ected T Clepsydra Donk. , — — linear, frequently unilateral... 2.2. 2. ee ee 7. 7 Jj Alveoli in regularly decussating rows. .....+-+---4.- T. Debyi Lzvp. Fort. “| — — irregularly — Sar erm eS aerak andes dena nan a ar haret fT. Antillarum Cu. 1. TT. aspera Ens. (1843). — V. elliptic- to linear-lanceolate or elongated rhomboid. L. 0,06 to 0,3; B. 0,024 to 0,05 mm. Ends obtuse or rounded. Axial area very narrow or linear and unilateral. Central area a broad stauros, widened and truncate outwards. Alveoli forming trans- verse striz, radiate throughout, 6 to 18 in 0,01 mm. in more or less oblique rows. Symmetrical forms. Var. genuina Ci. — V. linear-lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,15 to 0,2; B. 0,028 to 0,033 mm. Alveoli close. Rows of alveoli 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal fine strie distinct, 26 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroptera aspera Eup. Am. Pl. I f. 1, 2. Nav. aspera V. H. Syn. Pl. X f. 13. Suppl. B. f. 26. A. 8. Atl. XLVIITI f. 15, 21, 22. Donx. B. D. Pl. X f. 1. Nav. pseudo-aspera Pant. IIT Pl. XVIII f. 258 (1893). Marine: North Sea! Singapore (Atl.), Amboina (Kinker Coll.)! Sydney! Japan, fossil (Brun Coll.)! Mexillones guano (Deby Coll.)! Var. vulgaris Cu. — V. elliptic- or linear-lanceolate. L. 0,11 to 0,2; B. 0,02 to 0,035 mm. Axial area indistinct or very narrow. Alveoli close. Rows of alveoli about 10 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal fine striz about 25 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. aspera A. S. XLVIII f. 2 to 6. Marine: Arctic America! North Sea! Cape of Good Hope! New Zealand! Samoa! New Cale- donia! Java! Galapagos Islands! Var. Neumeyerit JantcsH (1876). — V. large, lanceolate. L. 0,3; B. 0,05 mm. Axial area narrow. Rows of alveoli about 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Newm. A. 8. Atl. XLVIUI f. 1. Marine: Cape Horn (Petit). Var. robusta Perit (1877). — V. narrow, elliptical, with acute or subcuneate ends. L. 0,09 to 0,14; B. 0,028 to 0,035 mm. convex, with a longitudinal depression on each side of the median line. Axial area indistinct. Alveoli forming three longitudinal bands and somewhat radiate strie, 6 (middle) to 8 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — Stauroneis robusta Perit D. de Campbell p. 27 Pl. V f. 16. Marine:. Campbell Island (Petit Coll.)! Var. angusta Cu. — V. narrow, linear-lanceolate. L. 0,12; B. 0,018 mm. Rows of alveoli 11 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Var. contermina A. S. (1876). —- V. narrow elliptical. L. 0,048; B. 0,011 to 0,012 mm. Axial area narrow. Strie in slightly radiate, transverse, rows, about 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a few longitudinal blank bands. — Nav. contermina A. 8. Atl. XLVIITI f. 17, 18. Marine: Japan (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit). Var. pulchella W. Sm. (1853). — V. narrow, elliptical, gradually tapering towards the obtuse ends. L. 0,075 to 0,085; B. 0,015 to 0o2 mm. Axial area indistinct. Alveoli close, forming oblique, and slightly radiate, transverse rows, 13 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroptera Achnanthes Ens. Am. p. 185 Pl. Ill: s f. 7? M. Geol. XVII: 1 f. 10? Stawroneis pulchella W. Su. B. D.I p. 61 Pl. XIX f. 194. Nawvicula aspera Donx. B. D. X f. 1 6. Stauroneis pygmea Caste. Voyage Challenger p. 25 Pl. XXIX f. 7. A. 8S. Atl. XLVIII f. 12, 13 (no name). Marine: North Sea! Philippines! Samoa! Sandwich Islands! Var. residua A. S. (1876). — V. narrow, linear-lanceolate. L. 0,1; B. 0,012 mm. Axial area indistinct. Rows of alveoli 18 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. residua A. 8. Atl. XLVIII f. 29. Marine: Japan (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit). 192 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Asymmetrical forms. Var. californica Cu. — V. linear-lanceolate, obtuse. LL. 0,17 to 0,22; B. 0,03 to 0,035 mm. Axial area linear, unilateral. Alveoli close, disposed in irregular, longitudinal rows, and slightly radiate, transverse rows, 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. Marine, fossil: Japan (Brun Coll.)! San Pedro (Kinker Coll.)! S:ta Monica Cal. (Deby Coll.)! Var. derasa Cu. — V. linear, obtuse. L. 0,22; B. 0,o23 mm. Axial area broad and irregu- lar, unilateral. Central area a broad fascia, reaching to the margin. Alveoli close, forming oblique rows and slightly radiate, at the ends parallel, rows, 7 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Madagascar (Kinker Coll.)! Var. intermedia Grun. (1876). — V. narrow lanceolate to elliptic-linear. L. 0,1 to 0,19; B. 0,019 to 0,026 mm. Axial area narrow, unilateral. Alveoli forming longitudinal or oblique rows, and transverse, slightly radiate rows, 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. aspera var. interm. GRUN. A. 8. Atl XLVIII f. 14. Franz Josephs Land D. Pl. I f. 20. Nav. aspera var. hungarica Pant. II p. 42 Pl. X f. 180 (1889). . Marine: Greenland! Spitzbergen! Franz Josephs Land (Grun.), Finmark! Sea of Kara! Cape Deshneff! North Sea! Fossil: St. Peter, Hungary! Briinn! Sendai, Japan! Var. oblonga Batu (1854). — V. linear, with subcuneate ends, and frequently with a median gibbosity. L. 0,17 to 0,22; B. 0,04 to 0,05 mm. Axial area narrow, linear, unilateral. Alveoli close, in oblique and transverse rows, the latter slightly radiate, 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroptera oblonga Batu Smiths. Contr. 1854 p. 10 f. 17. St. oblonga? A. S. Atl. Pl. XLVIIT f. 16. Stauro- neis oblonga Castr. Voy. Challenger p. 24 Pl. XX f. 7 to 11. Marine: Sydney! Kerguelens Land! South America, fossil! Var. rhombica Cit. — V. rhomboid. L. 0,12; B. 0,055 mm. Ends acute. Median line ex- centric. Axial area linear, unilateral. Central area large. Coste near the margin transverse, 9 in 0,01 mm. Alveoli arranged in oblique rows, crossing each others in an angle of about 80°, 6 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Galapagos Island! Var. perobliqua Cu. — V. linear, gradually tapering towards the obtuse ends. L. 0,158; B. 0,02 mm. Median line very excentric. Axial area indistinct. Alveoli arranged in obliqe and transverse rows, the latter 8 to 9 in 0,01 m. m. — Pl. III f. 37. Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Var. Amphora Brun (1891). — V. strongly asymmetrical. L. 0,09 to 0,14 mm. Axial area irregular, unilateral. Central area small. Alveoli arranged in oblique and transverse rows, the latter 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Amphora Brun De especes n. p. 32 Pl. XV f. 3. Marine: Port au Prince and King Georgs Sound (Brun). Var. Schmidtiana Grun. (1876). — Lanceolate, somewhat gibbous in the middle, obtuse. L. 0,08 to 0,11; B. about 0,017 mm. Axial area linear, unilateral. Alveoli distant, disposed in 2 to 3 longitudinal rows and in transverse rows, 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Schm. A. 8. Atl. XLVIII f. 19, 20. Marine: Campeachy Bay! Galapagos Islands! 2. T.?) tumidula Grun. (1860). — V. gibbous in the middle and with broad, truncate ends. L. 0,025; B. 0,011 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area a broad fascia, reaching the margin, where it is dilated. Rows of alveoli radiate, 13 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroneis tumid. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 566 Pl. VI f. 10. Marine: Red Sea (Grun.). I have not seen this form, which, to judge from GRUNOW’s : /deacription, seems to belong to Trachyneis. 3. TT. Clepsydra Donx. (1861). —- Frustule rectangular, constricted in the middle. V. convex, linear lanceolate, with obtuse or subtruncate ends. L. 0,11 to 0,13; B. 0,02 mm. Median line KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 26. w:o 2. 193 central; its terminal fissures laterally expanded. Axial area indistinct; central area rounded- quadrate. Alveoli disposed in oblique and transverse rows, the latter curved and slightly radiate, 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. cleps. Donk. M. J In. s. p.8 PLIf 3. B.D. p. 63 PL Xf. 2. AS. Atl. XLVIII f. 7—8 (no name). Marine, aestuaries: Coasts of Scotland and England! Cape Horn (P. Petit). Var. scotica A. S. (1876). — Smaller, more linear. L. 0,085 to 0,09; B. 0,015 mm. — Nav. scotica A. S. Atl. XLVIII f. 9—11. Cu. M. D. N:o 303. Marine: Scotland! 4. T. Debyi Lzuvp. Form. (1892). — V. linear-lanceolate, convex, gradually tapering towards the obtuse ends. L. 0,15 to 0,30; B. 0,025 to 0o4 mm. Axial area narrow linear, symmetrical; central area orbicular. Alveoli disposed in oblique and transverse rows, the latter parallel, 8—9 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal fine strie about 20 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. clepsydra A. S. Atl. XLVIII f. 39. Marine and brackish: Red Sea! Sumatra (Grove Coll.)! Java (Kinker Coll.)! Singapore! China (Penang Harbour Dr. Rae Coll.)! Australia (St. Vincent, Atl.)! Var. osculifera Cu. — Axial area unilateral; central area with a linear marking on both sides of the central nodule. — Alloioneis Debyi Luup. Forrm. D. de la Malaisie p. 18 Pl. II f. 5. There can be no doubt that 7. Clepsydra and T. Debyi are distinct species. The fig. 38 in A. 8. Atl, (Wav. cleps. var.?) appears to be a variety of T. aspera, or perhaps a new species. 5. T. Johnsoniana Grev. (1863). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse or subrostrate ends. L. 0,09 to 0,11; B. 0,033 to 0,037 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area, large, widened and rounded outwards. Alveoli disposed in longitudinal and transverse rows; the former about 6 in 0,o1 mm.; the latter radiate throughout, 8—10 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal fine striz 25 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Johns. Gruv. T. M.S. XI p. 17 Pl. If. 8. Nav. Sieboldiit Pant. III Pl. XX f. 293 (1893)? Trach. Johns. Icon. n. Pl. IIT f. 38. Marine: Java (Deby Coll.)! Queensland (Grev.), Port Jackson! New Zealand (Grev.), Japan, Sendai Dept (Brun Coll.)! The valve is sometimes slightly asymmetrical, the median line being excentric. The central area, rounded in typical specimens, is in some varieties dilated and truncate outwards, so that T. Johnsoniana is closely connected with 7’ aspera. 6. T. Brunii Cx. (1891). — V. broadly elliptical. L. 0,068; B. 0,034 mm. Axial area indi- stinct; central area large, transverse, rounded outwards. Alveoli disposed in two to three Jongi- tudinal rows along the median line, in oblique rows towards the margin. Transverse rows of alveoli slightly radiate throughout, 9 (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal fine striz about 26 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Brunit Cu. in Brun D. espéces n. p. 33 Pl. XVI f. 4. Marine: Japan (Brun Coll.)! China! This species has some resemblance to Nav. Ovum Paschale (A. 8S. Atl. Pl. VIII f. 56) also from Japan, but this form, unknown to me, has not the large central area of 7. Bruni. It seems, nevertheless, probable that Nav. Ovum Paschale is a form of Trachyneis. 7. T. Antillarum Cr. (1878). — V. linear-lanceolate to linear-elliptical, with obtuse ends. L. 0,12 to 0,17; B. 0,026 to 0,032 mm. Median line somewhat excentric. Axial area more or less broad, irregularly linear and unilateral. Central area rounded, unilateral, on the opposite side of the axial area. Alveoli disposed in longitudinal flexuose or irregularly oblique rows. Trans- verse rows slightly radiate throughout 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Allotoneis (Naviculu?) Antillarum Cu. West. Ind. D. p. 8 Pl. II f. 11. Marine and brackish: Campeachy Bay! West Indies! Florida! Red Sea! Bab el Mandeb: Madagascar! Singapore! Java! Sumatra! China! K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 26. N:o 2. 25 194 b. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. Kurzii Grun. (1878). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with rounded ends. L. 0,09 to 0,105; B. 0,036 mm. Median line strongly excentric. Axial area semilanceolate, unilateral. Alveoli dis- posed in oblique rows, crossing each other in an angle of about 80°, and about 7 in 0,01 mm. Transverse coste marginal, 10—11 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. (Alloioneis?) Kurzii Grun. in Cl. West Ind. D. p. 8 Pl. II f. 12. Brackish water: Elephant Point, India (Grun.), Singapore! Sumatra (Grove Coll.)! 8. T. velata A. S. (1876). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering to the obtuse ends. L. 0,07 to 0,13; B. 0,02 to 0,o22 mm. Axial area very narrow or unilateral; central area small, rounded. Alveoli rectangular, disposed in irregular, oblique rows and in transverse rows; the latter almost parallel or slightly radiate at the ends, 15—16 in 0,01 mm. Fine longitudinal striz 25 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. velata A. S. Atl. Pl. XLVIII f. 83—384; f. 35-87 (mo name). Nav. australis Perit Cape Horn p. 125 (1888). Marine: Cape Good Hope (Atl.), Madagascar! Mauritius! Ceylon! King Georges Sound (Grove Coll.)! Sumatra! Java! China! Japan! Sandwich Islands! New Caledonia! Cape Horn (Petit). Additional. Under the name Navicula Paludinarum Panrocsex has recently figured an apparently very curious form, which ought perhaps to be included in a proper genus. The valve is lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,115; B. 0,038 mm. Axial area moderately broad, slightly dilated in the middle. Strie costate, 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout and alternating with single rows of large ocelli(?) — Pant. III Pl. IX f. 144. Var. gracilior 1. c. Pl. XI f. 186. Fresh water? »Bodos» (Pant.). Having had no opportunity of examining this remarkable form I am unable to decide as to its place in the system. Mastoneis Cr. N. Gen. Valve with double structure. The exterior stratum with transverse striz, composed of puncta; the interior with transverse coste, directed from the margin, where they are thicker, towards the median line. The only known species has been placed by GREVILLE and Grunow in the genus Stauroneis, but it has no close relation to any species of that genus, and the peculiar structure of the valve makes it advisable to form for it a new genus. I am unable to point out any close relation be- tween this form and any other, although its general appearance has some resemblance to some Mastogloiez. 1. M. biformis Grun. (1863). — V. elliptical with rostrate extremities. L. 0,08 to 0,09; B. 0,032 to 0,035 mm. Median lines with approximate median pores and small terminal fissures, turned in the same direction. Central nodule transversely dilated into a very short stauros. No axial area. Strie slightly radiate, 15 (middle) to 18 (ends) in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta about 20 in 0,01 mm. Coste 8—9 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroneis biformis Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 154 Pl. IV f. 7. Stauroneis australis Grev. Ed. N. Ph. J. V. XVIII p. 187 f. 13 1863. Marine: Queensland (Grev.), Red Sea (Kinker Coll.)! Port Jackson! Labuan! Plate I. PLATE I. 1. Amphiprora paludosa var. subsalina CL. — Artern, °/, . 2. > » > Japan, 1000/, 12. C. sulcata GREV. — oe 5007, 13. » > var. — Japan, 1000/ 14. Scoliopleura peels Gruy. — - Utah, 1000/, ‘ 15. Diploneis bioculata var. vittata CL. — Ceylon, 850/, ‘ 16. Scoliotropis Gilliesii CL. (schematic) — Jamaica, °°°/; 17. Diploneis inscripta CL. — China, °°°/, 18. D. Letourneurii Ch. — Ceylon, *9/, belts ad Oy oi M2 19. D. fusca, var. Van Heurckii CL. — South Sea, 19°), 20. D. Schmidtii Cu. -- Galapagos Islands, °°°/, . 21. » » — Seychelles, */, . . : : 22. D. bomboides var. madagascarensis CL. — Madagascar, 500), 23. D. fusca var. japonica CL. — Sendai, a ; 24. Navicula Ny Ch. —- Java, 109/, 25. Diploneis chinensis CL. — China, 500/, oe 26. D. bombiformis CL. — Macassar Straits, 1°/, 27. D. subovalis CL. — New Zealand, 1000/ 28. D. areolata CL. — S:ta Monica, */, . 29. D. Clepsydra CL. — Madagascar, °°, . 30. Navicula lauta GRUN. — South Yarra, 500/, 31. Cistula Lorenziana GRUN. — Campeachy Bay, 1000/, 32, 33. Navicula mediterranea BRUN a. CL. — ‘Naples, 500/, Page. PLT. ats eet 2 9 Ui Ess 6). Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.26. N Kon | Ljustr. Gen. Stab. Lit. Anst. Sthim. Del. PT. Cleve Plate II. 1. Diploneis Microtatos var. Christiani T. C. — Maryland, 10%, . 2. D. domblittensis GRuN. — Lefra sj6, Sweden, 1°/, 2 8. D. fusca var. oamaruensis CL. -— Oamaru, °° 4. D. Debyi var. elliptica CL. — Red Sea, 5°°/, 5. D. Vespa Ch. — Java 100/, Z 6. D. Platessa CL. and GROVE — Macassar Straits, mh : 7. D. Szontaghii Pant. — Sumbava, 5/, oe 8. D. Crabro var. Didelta CL. — Sumbava, *500/,, 9. D. Crabro var. Pandurella CL. — China, °/, 10. D. Crabro var. hungarica CL. — Szdkal, °°/, . . 11. D. Crabro var. subelliptica CL. — Galapagos Islands, 500 /, 12. D. Crabro var. O’Meari GRUN. — Macassar Straits, 300/, ‘ 13. D. vagabunda BRuN. — S:n Pedro Calif., 9/, . : 14, D. biseriata var. lata CL. — Galapagos Islands, 500) 15. D. vagabunda Brun. — S:ta Monica, Calif., 500), : 3 16. D. biseriata var. galapagensis CL. — Galapagos islands 500), 17, 18. D. lesinensis GRUN. — Adriatic ‘ 19. Tropidoneis solidula CL. — Rembang Bay, *¥9/, 20, 21. » > (parts of the valve) 1090/, 22. Auricula javanica CL. —- Sumbava, 5/,. . 23. A. pulchra GREV. — Macassar Straits, *°°/, PLATE II. Pill. 2 2 Kongl: Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.26. N clachabebah jalan AUCs IO / LE eli. aye Be s | P Hh be ! st re : Wes { ETE aa AEN uy Wap \ : AUT A} 7 ity f = — ——— Ljustr. Gen.Stab. Lit. Anst.Sthim. Plate ITI. PLATE III. 1. Tropidoneis Kinkeriana CL. —— Sumbava, °°/, 2. > > > (structure) 1000 3. T. lata CL. — Rembang Bay, *99/,.... . A, » » (Part of the valve) 1000), j 5, 6. T. chinensis CL. —— China, */, . 7. > > > (part ‘of the valve) 1000) 8. T. longa Ch. — Finmark, 5°/, . a 9, 10, 11. T. semistriata GRuN. — South Aira, 500, 4 12. Navienla Perrotettii GRUN. — Brazil, °/,. . 13. > Stodderi v. insignis GRUN. — Bengal, ‘300/ 14. > quarnerensis GRUN. — Sumatra, *%/, . 15. > (Stauroneis) Demeraree CL. —- Demerara, *500/ 16. > hamulifera GRUN. — Balearic Islands */, . 17. > > » Barbados, 5°/, . 18. > » > (part of the valve) 1000, 2 : 19. > > > var. wees ae _— - Japan, 500/, 20. Tropidoneis approximata CL. — Rembang pene 4 21. > > > (part of tlic iy 1000, 22,23. 3 adriatica CL. — Adriatic, 25°/, : . 24. » maxima var. decussata CL. — " Seychelles, 500/, ‘ ‘ 25. > > > > > direction of the strize » 26. Caloneis Frater CL. — Galapagos Islands, %°°/, . 27. N. (Stauroneis) Phyllodes EHB. — Demerara, °99/, 28. N. plicatula GRUN. — Naples, 5°°/, ep 29. N. Acus CL. — Balearic Islands, °%, . 30. > > > (parts of the valve) 1000/, 31. N. suavis CL. and GROVE. — Oamaru, °°/, . . 32. » » > > (parts of the valve), veh 33. Caloneis adenensis CL. — Bab-el-mandeb, °°, . 34, . columbiensis CL. — Columbia River, mn 35. N. Rho Ch. — Canton River, */,. . 36. N. portomontana CL. — Puerto Monte, 1000) , 37. Trachyneis aspera var. perobliqua CL. — Macassar Straits, a 38. T. Johnsoniana GREV. — Sendai, 5/, . . . etd se 39, 40. Caloneis Wardii CL. — Connecticut, 500 41. > > > (part of ‘hie valve) 1000/ » 42, C. bottnica CL. — Pited, 19/, Page. 60. 148. 155. 106. » 155. » 60. 51. Pat II. 112, 192. 193. 57. » 61. PLIN. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd26.N22 eee Temi AW AA — oc (MET nimi Mn lim, \yy” str. Gen.Stab. Lit. Anst.SthIm. Ljus Plate IV. 1s 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. PLATE IV. Caloneis Liber var. Bleischiana JAN. and RABH. — Nice, a C. eximia GRUN. —- Cebu, 5°°/, C. clavigera CL. — Colon, 500 C. Duseni? Cr. — Cameroon, 00 ae latiuscula var. africana CL. — Cameroon, 500/, | : C. abnormis GRUN. — Lysekil, 1°°/, "Wevicule H. album CL, — China, 9/, . . > > » (part of the valve) oh Ypsilon Ch. — Bory, 5%, . s clavata var. rhombica CL. — Morocco, 300) . venustissima KITTON — Hongkong, 5°°/, . irrorata var. elliptica CL. — Hungary, 300) : . Hennedyii var. Centraster CL. — Mexillones, 500), : leurosigma majus GRUN. — Sumatra, ?%/, . . galapagense CL. — Galapagos Islands, 300) Exsul CL. — Naples, */, . : . formosum var. Arcus CL. — Macassat Straits, 500), ‘ . minutum GRUN. — Malmé, %°°/, Heros CL. — Macassar Straits, 225 aes . umbilicatum CL. — Labuan, 5° yell hybrida GRUN. — Faron, 1000 Hauckii VAN HEURCK — Triest, 10007 oregonica CL. — Oregon 10/, . . : aenrideeule CL. — Waltham Muse meh . lata GRUN. — Pitea, 100/, . . lapponica GRUN. — Gellivaara, 1000 /, Qari y a formosum var. dalmatica GRUN. — Balearic Islands, 225 /, 61. 5 Batt II. » vyvVvyeyv¥Vey 44, 36. 43. 45. 41. 44. 45. 43. 166. 164. 167. 164. 165. 165. PLIV. 2 © Kong]. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.26. N SE WSS =H TUNA INT HLL As NWO Ljustr. Gen. Stab. Lit. Anst.Sthim Plate V. PLATE V. Page. Fig. 1. Cymbella inelegans CL. — Pitt River, 1°/) . . g.é hd gerbe tins + che gy ahs EBB: » 2. C. Stuxbergii CL. — Jenissey, 1°/, . Gh Sr ated the a : ae 4a ae, PTB: » 8,4. C. Jordani GUN. — Otago, New Zealand, 1000/, Og ise Geek 2 ‘ ee 169. » 5. Navicula Lunula Ch. — Java, 10%), . by ale e445 eticdiem Gry. Seen Part ll. » 6, 7. Gomphonema Berggrenii CL. — New Zealand, 1000/, : f Baad ; vod cuolee & UES5: » §. G. validum CL. var. elongata CL. — Demerara, 300/, re ee wk cy» 185. » 9. G. validum CL. — Demerara, °%/,. . . eo garde ae ie : 2. 185. » 10. G. oxycephalum CL. — Demerara, °°, . oe . ie eB, » 11, 12. G. Salinarum Pant. — Riigen, 10°/, . : oo PST, » 18. G. ventricosum var. maxima CL. — Pitt River, 1000/, : ea oe V8 » 14. Navicula Bacillum EHB. var. lepida GRUN. — Lojo Finland, 1000) woe. a AB » 15. N. auklandica GRUN. — Port Jackson, 1°/,. . . oS 4 ‘ J. 156. » 16. N. inelegens GROVE & STURT var. Oamaru, 500 : é avaleae AbD: » 17. N. gibbula CL. — Spitsbergen, 19°/, . : . oe ee 140. » 18. N. Lundstrémii var. Frieseana GRUN. — Finmark, *1000/, . 140. » 19. N. Lambda CL. — Demerara, 1°/, : ; eee se @ « “136; » 20. N. monmouthiana GRUN. — Monmonth, 1000, eos ou kee Aa » 21. N. Kappa CL. — Oamaru, 10%/, . 3 ee eS woe ee 184. » 22. N. lota CL. — Madagascar, 500) , ie tod sone TBA: » 23. > > » (structure) 1000), : ss RE hoe a Se ee » 24. N. definita GROVE & STURT var. intermedia Che = Oamaru, 00) ine oS : ‘ 2 > @ a: BBBS » 25. » » > > » (structure) ION Me ma ‘ ee ee » 26. N. obliqua GREG. — Windermere, /, 2... 2. 1. ‘ be 3 oe Ge 1380, » 27. N. fallax Ch. -- Oamaru, 9%/, . bales 213 Do 2 ches 135. » 28. Stenoneis inconspicua GREG. — Balearic Islands, 1000 /, ) ao GRSME s Ste 4 . . 124. » 29. Frustulia vulgaris var. asymmetrica CL. — Newark, 200 ‘ ge ee : os Ww a 8. “122: » 30. Navicula Beta CL. — Japan, 199/, . boo 2 : Deke Hind . 135. » 81. Dietyoneis snbconstricta CL. — Madagascar, 500), De Fiip sae os ee: : ko ie, ae ; 31. » 82. D. jamaicensis GREV. — Alexandria . . oa oe 29 ; ‘ » 80. » 33. D. Thumii Cu. — China, *9/,. . . toa toste st Gard, SREDSY Sea. BI » 84. D. naviculacea CL. — Pensacola, ene : ee ee 3 : ye wee BO, » 35. D. jamaicensis var. gigantea CL. —- Oamaru, 500/, oa ye eh ee et : ; 5 . 80. » 36. > > > » (structure) 0/,. 2. 2, fe ‘ be Bee 18 » PLY. oe B. Konél. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.2¢ TT unin item TWiT SPAM {ALI syst + UY, e KONGL, SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Bandet 27 SYNOPSIS OF Corrigenda. Page 19, line 4 and 5, instead of A. incerta read A. insecta Page 23, line 7, instead of Tropidoneis concerta read Tropido- neis conserta STOCKHOLM 1895. KUNGL. BOKTRYCKERIET. P. A. NORSTEDT & SONER. i N:o 3. * KONGL, SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR, Bandet 27. N:o 3, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS BY P. T. CLEVE. PART IL. WITH 4 PLATES, RESENTED To THE R. SWEDISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES MAY 10, 1893. STOCKHOLM 1895. KUNGL. BOKTRYCKERIET. P. A. NORSTEDT & SONER. 8 Navicule Minuscule Cr. Valve small, broadly lanceolate to elliptical, slightly silicious. Areas indistinct. Structure slightly radiate, very fine or indistinct strie. Connecting zone not complex. The species of this group are usually of extremely small size, and live in fresh or salt water. Artificial key. a Marine species .. . or re ee eae ieenes step Fresh-water species . . . . dian me ce CiReR eh se, Gee met Man 5 . 3. 9. a elliptical . . ve EE N. debilissima Gron. lanceolate . . i . i . WN. bahusiensis Gruy. 3, ie coarse (17 in 0,01 mm.) Brite '2eee . .N. lucidula Gron. — fine (30 and more in 0,01 mm.) . 4 a , 4, 4. asd elliptical . . 5 pie ge he s sh be oth te eo eb Ss 5. lanceolate . . cas gla tahiti gees a oe oge 78 5. ee indistinct . . . A 8 turd» bed Bee mg N. pelliculosa Brks. about 30 in 0,01 mm. teas, cde ae eh tan tants as ‘ NaNO? 3S) oe hy Seem ea e ke b ataet . . N. Centraster Cu. Ends subrostrate, obtuse... 2... 1... ee eee . . N. viridula Kirz. Mop-rostrate, wR we 53. Ends subcapitate . BCULC! Thc we re a ad, Jobs bee Be a) Rhy Be Frustule arcuate. ©. ©. 2... 1 eee TON! SS pa Sh ae a Strie about 18 in 0fo1 mm. .......... — 10 — Se arahn Saat Strie crossed by lateral areas or blank bands . . — not — = _ _ _— . Strie crossed by a single, narrow area... . . Aaiealate: eee Non-apiculate . . : ‘ Axial se of the valve slevated pe a ae eS several longitudinal bands . . — not — Blank lines stvaight Sv tres te caretsto a a undulating. 24 3% ge hae ew & Axial area unilateral. . . eget: Bo bag eg areas bilateral. ...... Valve slightly convex ...... very Valve slightly convex ........ very .N. multiseriata Gron. N. maculosa Donk. é N. rhynchocephala Kitz. 24 ak . N. gotlandica Grun. mice, sR Tapa ak lee gov 5b. ml, Ati. de ok at ee Sg a ee: Be 56. Bd aga Atte ae der td N. genuflexa Kitz. Be aE Sie Mie oat war Ghee a N. Bolleana Grun. A sella GE Bee dip ate tytn a ht aor Ghats 57. ei Gale eae fered 64. ASG ne ee, es he agen ae Yate tsa oo 58. Arar eect eorige Sieche Ratg ins Steep BR Pots 60. Bile coh edy Heck heck Beasklag N. Galea Brun. ee ae ae a ee 59. ee N. superimposita A. 8. Se eesDs Gee sen hy Reyna N. Phi Ou. Be Beh hath Gre nh ere N. arata Gron. Bie eck! ute abe eres ene ey 61. ee A ROR eee 62. Be eel ee utes ke Ghnnsn Cte? at 63. ss: woarte eae ot Bee eo N. imperfecta Cu. pea elles .N. monodon Grun. ob dy Nantes Wades 2s N. consors A. 8. : . N. guttata Gron. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74, 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 1 ie t= Le i i= fe te i {5 L- Ve ic \ Le = = ce oe [= i ie oe = Ls ae ue KONGL. Valve rostrate. ..... non — SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Median striae alternately lowes and ahiatiar — not — —— = Strie coarsely lineate finely — Central area with sepia — without — Strie about 9 in O”o1 mm... ........-2. +000 | gash, Sf, Bs a Valve linear . 4 lanceolate to elliptical Roa Valve very convex. ..... not — .. ‘ : Strie coarsely lineolate . finely = Central area small. ...... — large Median strie alternately longer and shorter — not — _ Size small. L. 0,02 mm.. . — larger. L. 0,06 to 0,1 mm. 2,5 to 4 times longer than broad 5to6 — — - = Central area small or indistinct... . 1... 1.1... 0.22 ae — medium sized or lar Ends conical not — Strie slightly eadiats strongly — Fresh water habitat .... Marine Strie coarse 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. finer 10 in 0,01 mm... . Strie coarsely lineate finely _ Size small, — larger. L. more _ Strie 15 in 0,01 mm. 22 to 23 mm. BOs: 6: wy Ak oo ee L. less than 0,03 mm. Lineole forming longitudinal strie not — a — Frustules in gelatinous tubes . — the interior of alge... Frustule arcuate not—... Strie crossed by lateral areas or not — = aes = Strie coarsely lineate finely _ Lineole stats abEque or longi Valve vey convex . Valve ean symmetrical . Frustule arcuate . not -— Valve linear lanceolate or rhomboidal . blank bands... . tudinal fine strie .... BAND 27%. w:o 8. 65. sat sta a pide tas .. 66. 69. ap rales as ee ee we og AORN Sem, aa oe a a ie “Blam & a gel 67. A BRA a ai AS ae GE SRS Gr tale oh eb ee a 68. . N. Clementis Gron. N. leptostigma Eup. . N. Gastrum Exp. N. platystoma Ens. N. falaisiensis Gron. ee ear 70. N. crucifera Gaun. ge lS We: Placentula Exs. SR 72. ‘ N. anglica Rawrs. _ N. dicephala W. Sm. 76. a ee ae ok ee ce A: Bh) ee ao SE ew 75. _N. valida Cu. a. Grun. N. Hasta Pant. oo Be A es 80. N. inflexa Gree. ip ena. ap Os N. arenicola Grun. Soe eae boy gO: N. lanceolata Kirz. ds Ss N. solaris Grue. dd UE a kee BS . Si. » 4... NM. oviformis Cx. N. pennata A. 8. . N. consanguinea Cu. N. mollis W. Sm. N. incerta Grun. . NV. corymbosa Ac. . N. nidulans Cu. N. sibirica Grun. see ep 8 Rosine cheese 97. ee 88. .N. Satura A. 8. . 89. . 103. 90. 91. 93. N. Gadhepleaue A. 8. age onthe 92. . . NM. Cubitus Br. a. Temp . N. Northumbrica Donx. »- . «. WN. jejuna A. §. Acree ae Ge i hot 94. 13 14 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Habitat: fresh-water... . . bec Se eo . .N. gracilis Ens. 94. \ o oe marine. . De ese . at ‘ Fi es fas Sie JE . 5 3 to 4 times longer than broad. . fog Cy aes cae ges SERIE Wisse di 96. . )4t0o6 — — —- — . oo... : . . N. transitans Cu. mere : - 7 —-— — SS we. oH. ih . . N. Zostereti Grun. _ — Se RES Sete! wad - 4 . . N. directa W. 8m. 96. [a rhomboidal. = ........ poh. OR . . N. superba Cu. lanceolate. i ee we : ... . M. gelida Gron. | Strie between the margin and the axis faint ......... diy ade po ahah dee es 97. unilaterally crossed by an area... . . welds Se WL Sie Ped . 99. Ie — crossed by undulating, blank bands. 3... 1. 0 7 we ee .. . 100. 98. ete nodule a short stauros . 6 ww ee ee . NV. finmarchica Cu. a. GRUN. not stauroid . . . .N. transitans v. derasa (N. kariana v. detersa). 99, fone about ut times longer than broad ......... . . WN. directa v. Incus. — 5t06 -—- -—- — ..... 2 N. transitans v. ineudiformis. ' Valve very convex... Se Gino agence, eee Byes . 101. a i not ab th ; on i 2. 1Gdelils Le Beatie Cae eles . . 102. 101. es fusiform pare Seehe Aads Belge! oh eae Blam & i ge . N. vitriscala Broun. linear! cg ae a ee a ee ee Pe eS . N. mediterranea Br. a. Cu. 102. ae linear with cuneate ends... . .. .. wae . NV. trigonocephala Cu. lanceolate. ...... 3 5 : . NN. transitans v. erosa. 108. oe oblique . . ... & 8 .. .. . NN. Kepesit Grun. straight. aw COR RO .. . 104, 104 oe narrow lanceolate... 1.00 1 ee ee N. ramosissima Ac. , — broadly — .«..... eae food . . .N. Kariana Groun. 1. N. cryptocephala Kirz. (1844). — V. lanceolate, with rostrate-capitate ends. lL. 0,025 to 0,035; B. 0,005 to 0,007 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, somewhat transverse. Striz 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, slightly convergent iu the ends, finely lineate. — Bac. p. 95 Pl. III f. 26. Donx. B. D. p. 37 Pl. V f. 14. V. H. Syn. p. 84 Pl. VIII f. 1, 5. Nav. mutica Rasy. Alg. Sachs. N:o 965. Fresh water: Sweden! England! Belgium (V. H.), Germany! France! Arctic America! Green- land! Argentina! Japan! Var. veneta Ktrz. (1844). — Smaller, with scarcely capitate ends. L. 0,025; B. 0,005 mm. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm. — WN. veneta Ktrz. Bac. p. 95 Pl. XXX f. 76. Pedicino Ischia Pl. II f. 9 to 12? Donk. B. D. p. 48 Pl. VI f. 13? XN. crypt. v. veneta V. H. Syn. p. 85 Pl. VIII f. 3, 4, Pl. XIV f. 34. Brackish water: Sweden, Malm6! Venice (Kiitz). Var. pumila Grun. (1880). — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,016 to 0,023; B. 0,006 to 0,007 mm. Strie about 15 in 0,01 mm. — V H. Syn. Pl. VIII f. 6, 7, XIV f. 35. WN. Rhombulus Scuum. P. D. IT N. p. 56, Pl. IL f. 35 (1867)? NW. Lancettula Scuum. P. D. II N. Pl. II f. 34. NV. cryptoc. v. Lancettula V.H. Syn. Pl. VIITf. 11. N. pumela v. fossilis Pant. III Pl. V f. 75 (1893)? Brackisch water: Triest! Var. perminuta Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, not capitate. L. 0,008 to 0,011; B. 0,003 mm. Striz about 20 in 0,01 mm. — V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 7. Var. exilis Kivrz (1844 p. p. accord. to Grunow). -— V. lanceolate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,018 to 0,019; B. 0,005 mm. Striee about 19 in 0,01 mm. — V. H. Syn. p. 85 Pl. VIII f. 2, 4. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Somme! Triest! 2. N. gotlandica Grun. (1878). — V. narrow, lanceolate, with protracted, subacute ends. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. O,oo8 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, orbicular. Strix 14 (middle) to 18 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, convergent in the ends. — Cu. M. D. N:o 161. V. H. Syn. Pl. VIII f. 8. Slightly brackish water: Sweden, Gothland! Tasmania! 'N. irregularis Pant. N. superba v. elliptica, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. n:0 3. 15 3. N. rhynchocephala Kirz (1844). — V. lanceolate, with protracted, usually subcapitate ends. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,01 to 0,013 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area orbicular. Strie 10 to 12 in 0.01 mm., in the middle radiate and more distant, convergent at the ends, coarsely lineate. — Bac. Pl. XXX f. 35. W. Sm. B. D. Pl. XVI f. 132. Donx. B. D. p. 38 Pl. VI f. 4. Grun. A. D. p. 33 Pl. IT f. 33. V. H. Syn. p 84 Pl. VIL f 31. WN. cryptoc. v. rhynchoc. Strosse Kliecken Pl. I f. 3. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Finmarken! Sea of Kara! Gulf of Bothnia! Sweden! Belgium (V. H.), Saxony! Cape Deschneff! Arctic America! Dakota! Illinois! South Africa! Au- stralian Alps! Var. amphiceros Kiirz (1844). — V. broader lanceolate. Ends not distinctly capitate. Stricz 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — N. amph. Kirz. Bac. p. 95 Pl. JIT f. 39. A. 8. Atl. XLVII f. 25, 26. V. H. Syn. p. 84 Pl. VII f. 30. Brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia! England! Belgium (V. H.), Sandwich Islands! N. rhynchocephala and var. amphiceros pass into each other; the latter graduates into N. avenacea and N. viridula, the former is closely connected with N. cryptocephala. 4. N. avenacea Bris. (1878), — V. lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area orbicular, large. Striz 10 or 12 (middle) to 13 (ends) in 0,01 mm., finely lineate, radiate in the middle, slightly convergent in the ends. — Grun. Caspian Sea Alg. IV f. 23. WN. viridula v. av. V. H. Syn. p. 84 Pl. VII f. 27. Pinnul. silesiaca Buietscu (according to Grun.). Schizonema Smithii (Ac.) V. H. Syn. p. 110 Pl. XV f. 33. Brackish water: Falaise (Bréb.), England! Belgium (V. H.), Black Sea! Caspian Sea (Grun.), East Cape! Tasmania! N: avenacea connects N. viridula with N. rhynchocephala. 5. N. viridula Kitz (1844). — V. broadly lanceolate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,05 to 0,07; B. 0,01 to 0,o15 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area large, orbicular. Strie 10 in 0,o1 mm., coarsely lineate, radiate and more distant in the middle, slightly convergent in the ends. — Bac. p. 91 Pl. XXX f. 47. Grun. A. D. p. 33 Pl. ID f. 85. V. H. Syn. p. 84 Pl. VII f. 25. Schizonema Thwaitesii V. H. Syn. Pl. XV f. 38, 39. | Fresh and slightly brackish water: Sweden! England! Belgium (V. H.), Finland! Salzburg! Sandwich Islands! — Australian Alps! Murray River! — Arctic America! Var. slesvicensis Grun. (1880). — V. linear-lanceolate, with broad, rostrate ends. I. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,009 to 0,011 mm. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — W. sles. Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 84 Pl. VII f. 28, 29. WN. virid. f. minor A. S. Atl. XLVII f. 48. V. H. Syn. p. 84 Pl. VI fi 26. Pinnul. silesiaca Fresenius Senckenb. Abh. IV, Pl. IV f. 27. Brackish water: Finland! Holstein! Belgium (V. H.), Greenland! , Var. abbreviata Grun. Ms. — V. linear, with rostrate and subcapitate ends. L. 0,016 to 0,03; B. 0,0055 to 0,007 mm. Central area small. Striz 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm. Brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia, Torneaé! South Africa! Bengal! Var. rostellata Ktirz (1844). — V. lanceolate, with attenuated, subrostrate ends. L. 0,04 to 0.065; B. 0,01 mm. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — WN. rost. Kiivz Bac. p. 95 Pl. Ill f. 65. A. S Ath XLVII f. 27 to 30. N. rhynchoc. v. rost. Grun. A. D. p. 33. V. H. Syn. p. 84 PL VII f. 23, 24. Brackish water: England! Belgium (V. H.), Marseilles (Atl), East Cape! Japan! The variety rostellata is a transitional form between N. viridula and N. amphirhynchus var. amphiceros. c 6. N. yulpina Kirz (1844). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. L. 0,09; B. 0,014 to 0,o16 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area large, orbicular. Strie 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, convergent in the ends, coarsely lineate; lineole 16 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 24 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal, fine rows. — Ktz Bac. p. 92 Pl. III f. 43. V. H. Syn. p. 88 Pl. VII f. 18. W. viridula forma major A. 8. Atl. XLVII f. 53, 54. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Ireland (Lough Mourne)! Domblitton, fossil! Arctic Ame- rica! Greenland! Michigan! New Zealand! Var. oregonica Ci. — Linear with broad, truncate ends. L. 0,095; B. 0,013 mm. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl. XLVII f. 55, 56 (without name). Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! 7. N. costulata Grun. (1880). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,015 to 0,02; B. 0,0045 to 0,005 mm. Axial area narrow; central area a transverse fascia. Strie 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., slightly divergent in the middle, distant. Terminal strie not more strongly marked than the others. — A. D. p. 27. V. H. Syn. p. 85 Suppl. A. f. 15. Gru. Foss. D. Ost. Ung. p. 156 Pl. XXX f. 45. Slightly brackish water: Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia)! Holstein (Grun.), Belgium (V. H.). 8. N. hungarica Gruy. (1860). — V. linear lanceolate, with broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,015 to 0,02; Br. 0,005 to 0,006 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area small. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm., distant, slightly divergent in the middle and convergent in the ends, where there are on both sides of the terminal nodule one or two more strongly marked strie. — Pinnul. pygmea Ens. M. G. X:1 f. 9 (1854). Nav. hungurica Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 539 PL. LIT f. 30. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 156 Pl. XXX f. 42. A. D. p. 97. Slightly brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia (Torned)! Holstein! Franzenbad (fossil)! Neusiedler- see (Grun.), Dakota! Tlinois! Ecuador! Argentina! Var. capitata Kup. (1848), — V. gibbous in the middle and with subcapitate ends. — Pinn. capit. Eup. Ber. 1848 (accord. to Chase) M. G. XXXVII:3 f. 9; XXXV A. If. 4. Pinn. signata Eup. M. G. XXXIV 6 A. f. 7 (1854). Pinn. garganica Rasy. Stssw. D. VI f. 41 (1853). Nav. inflata W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XVII f. 158 (1853). Nav. globiceps Laast. Spitsb. D. p. 27 Pl. II f. 5 (1873). Nav. humilis Donx. B. D. p. 67 Pl. X f. 7 V. H. Syn. p. 85 PL XI f. 23. Fresh water: Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Sweden; England! Belgium (V. H.). Japan! Var. liineburgensis Grun. (1882). — V. lanceolate, with subacute ends. — Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 156 Pl. XXX f. 48—44. Brackish water: Finmark (Tana Elf)! Holstein (Grun.), Germany (Domblitten, Oberrohe, fossil)! Bombay (Grun.). The var. liineburgensis is very similar to Nav. costulata. Probably Gomphonema navicu- loides Strése Kliecken D. Pl. I f. 18 is this form. 9. N. cineta Enp. (1854). — V. linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,02 to 0,04; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, transverse. Strie 12 to 17 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate in the middle, slightly convergent at the ends. The median strive are more distant and more strongly marked than the others. — Pinnul. concta Kus. M. G. X: 2 f. 6. NV. cincta V. H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VII f. 13, 14. P. Heuflert Pedicino Ischia Pl. JL f.17. N. Kiitzingiana H. L. Smuirn Am. Q J. M. 1878 p. 13 f. 3. Pinnul. nana Gree. accord. to Grun. A. 8. N. 8. D. ID f. 23, 24 (without name)? Fresh and brackish water: Sweden! Finland! Holstein! England! Belgium (V. H.), Bavaria! Switzerland! Hast Cape! Japan! N. America, Kansas! Vancouver Island! Var. Heufleri Grun. (1860). — L. 0,022 to 0,032; B. 0,004 mm. Central area small. Strize 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Heufleri Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 528 Pl. III f. 32. N. cineta v. Heufl. V. H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VIT f. 12, 15. Fresh and brackish water: Sweden (Malmé)! Belgium (V. H.), Triest! Ecuador! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. N:0 3. Le Var. leptocephala Bris. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with slightly rostrate and obtuse ends. L. 0,025; B. 0,006 mm. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. — N. leptoceph. Brus. in Kiitz Herb. accord. to Grun. V. H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VII f. 16. Belgium (V. H.). Var. Cari Ens. (1838). — V. narrow lanceolate. L. 0,046; B. 0,007 mm. Central area distinct, transverse. Striez 17 in 0,01 mm. — N. Cari Eup. Inf. p. 174. M. G. XII f. 20. V. H. Syn. VII f. 11. Fresh water: Habichtwalde, fossil (Ehb.), Australia, Daintree River! Var. angusta GrRun. (1860). — V. linear-lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,05 to 0,065; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Central area distinctly transverse. Striz 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — N. angusta Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 528 Pl. V f. 19. N. Cari v. ang. V. H. Syn. Pl. VII f. 17. Fresh water: Austrian Alps (Grun.), Vosges (Lac de Gerardmer)! Ecuador! N. Cari connects N. cincta with N. radiosa and might as well be regarded as a variety of the latter, distinguished principally by its somewhat transverse central area. 10. N. radiosa Kirz (1844). — V. narrow, lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the subacute ends. L. 0,045 to 0,09; B. 0,012 to 0,019 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area very small, rhomboidal. Striz 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate in the middle and con- vergent at the ends, finely lineate. — Bac. p. 91 Pl. IV f. 23. Pinn. radiosa and P. acuta W. Sm. B. D. p. 56 Pl. XVIII f. 171, 173. N. radiosa Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 526. A. S. Atl. XLVII f. 50 to 52. V. H. Syn. p. 83 Pl VII f. 20. Pinn. acuta Strése Klieken f. 2. Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Lagerst.), Sweden! Norway! Finland! England! France! Switzer- land! Saxony! Japan! South Africa! [linois! Michigan! Brazil! Argentina! Ecuador! Var. dubravicensis Grun. (1882). — V. broadly lanceolate. L. 0,072 to 0,085; B. 0,011 mm. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm., more distant in the middle, distinctly lineate; lineole 25 in 0,01 mm. — F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 144 Pl. XXX f. 49. NW. Dubrav. Pant. TIT Pl. XIX f. 281 (1893). Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var. subrostrata Cu. — Linear with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,085; B. 0,011 mm. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. — Pinnul. tenuis Gruc. M. J. I Pl. IV f. 9 (1854)? Fresh water: Crane Pond (N. Am.)! Var. tenella Bris. (1849). — Lanceolate with acute ends. L. 0,03 to 0,065; B. 0,005 to Q,oos mm. Striz 15 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — N. tenella Brus. in Kiitz Sp. Alg. p. 74. N. radiosa v. ten. V. H. Syn. p, 84 Pl. VII f. 21, 22. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Belgium (V. H.), Japan! Australia (Daintree River)! Tas- mania! Greenland! Argentina! PanrtocsEk describes as N. tenella var.? fossilis (II p. 54 Pl. V f. 91) a form with broad axial area, which, if the figure be exact, cannot belong to N. radiosa. Var. minutissima Grun. (1882). — 0,017 to 0,027; B. 0,0035 to 0,oo4 mm. Strive 14 to 19 in 0,01 mm. — F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 144. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.), Rostock, fossil! This var. seems rather to belong to N. cryptocephala v. veneta. 11. N. gracilis Exp. (1830). — V. almost linear, obtuse. L. 0,033 to 0,05; B. 0,0065 to 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area distinct, transverse. Strie 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm., in the middle slightly radiate, elsewhere almost parallel. — Ber. 1830 Inf. p. 176 Pl. XIII f. 2(?) Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 526 Pl. IV f. 27. V. H. Syn. p. 83 Pl. VII f. 7, 8. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Denmark! Normandy! Arctic America! Argentina, Sierra Famatina! Var. schizonemoides V. H. (1880). — Frustules enclosed in unbranched, gelatinous tubes. Central area somewhat smaller. — Colletonema neglectum Tuwattes in W. Sm. B. D. IT p. 70 Pl. LVI K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. Band 27. N:o 3. 3 18 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. f. 352 (1856). Schizon. neglectum V. H. Syn. Pl. XV f. 37. N. gracilis v. schizon. V. H. Syn. p. 83 Bl. VIE. 9, 16. Fresh water: England! Belgium (V. H.). N. gracilis is very similar to larger varieties of NV. cincta and to some forms of N. radiosa from which it may be distinguished by its less radiate strie, and larger, transverse central area. 12. N. peregrina Ens. (1843). — V. lanceolate with obtuse ends. L. 0,08 to 0,15; B. 0,021 to 0,o28 mm. Axial area distinct, narrow. Central area large, somewhat transverse, subrectan- gular. Strie in the middle 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. radiate, and frequently alternately longer and shorter, towards the ends transverse, and at the ends (8 in 0,0 1mm.) convergent, distinctly lineate; lineolee about 25 in 0,01 mm. — Pinn. pereg. Eup. Am. 1:1 f. 5, 6. W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XVIII f. 170. N. pereg. Kitz Bac. p. 97 Pl. 28 f. 52. A. 8S. Atl XLVII f. 57—60. Brackish water: Sea of Kara! Baltic! North Sea! Saxony! Adriatic (Grun.), Arctic America! Greenland! Atlantic coasts of United States! Argentina! Cape Wankarema! Japan! Batavia! Var. kefvingensis Eup. (1840). — Smaller. L. 0,044 to 0,09 mm. Striz 7 (middle) to 8,5 (ends). — Pinn. kefv. Hus. Ber. 1840 p. 20 (accord. to Kitz). M. G. X:2, f. 4, 5. Nav. kefv. Kurz Bac. p. 97 (1844). A. S. Atl. XLVII f. 61, 62. Brackish water: Firth of Tay! Franzenbad, fossil! Var. polaris Lagst. (1873). — V. subelliptical, with broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,051 to 0,072; B. 0,014 to 0,016 mm. Strize 6 (middle) to 8 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — N. polaris Laest. Spitsb. D. p. 24 Pl. II f. 3. Boh. p. 33. Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Beeren Hiland (Lagst.), Bohuslén (Lagst.). Var. calcuttensis Grun. Ms. — V. lanceolate. LL. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,017 mm. Striz 9, lineole 21 in 0,01 mm. Axial area unilateral, not dilated in the middle. Central area small, also uni- lateral. — Pl. IT f. 2. Brackish water: Calcutta! Var. Meniscus Scuum. (1867). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. LL. 0,036 to 0,066; B. 0,01 to 0,019 mm. Strie 7 to 8,5 in 0,01 mm. — N. Menscus Scuum. P. D. II N. p 55 Pl. II f. 32 (WV. Sam- biensis f. 37? N. aperta f. 49, N. Cyprinus f. 50?). Grow. A. D. p. 83. A. S. Atl. XLVII f. 47 (without name). NV. pereg. v. M. V H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VIII f. 19. Brackish water: Sea of Kara (Grun.), Baltic (Schum., Grun.), Kénigsberg, fossil! Cuxhaven (Atl.), Cape Wankarema! Forms with asymmetrical axial area occur at Cape Wankarema. Var. Menisculus Scuum. (1867). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, frequently slightly rostrate. L. 0,018 to 0,04; B. 0,01 to 0O,o11 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small. Striz 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm., finely lineate. — N. Menisc, Scuum. P. D. II N. p. 56 Pl. II f. 33. WN. pereg. v. Menisculus V. H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VIII f. 20, 21, 22. N. Gastrum v. Upsaliensis Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 242. N. pereg. menisculus f. Upsaliensis V. H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VIII f. 23, 24. WN. pressa Pant. III Pl. XXIV f. 362 (1893)? Fresh and slightly brackish water: Sweden! Baltic! Kénigsberg and Domblitten, fossil! Bel- gium (V. H.), France (Paris, Normandy)! Saxony! Vienna (Grun.), Argentina (Sierra Velasco)! By the var. Menisculus N. peregrina seems to pass into N. eryptocephala var. veneta. 13. N. Haueri Grun. (1882). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,08 to 0,12; B. 0,017 to 0,019 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area large, transverse. Striee 8 in 0,01 mm. radiate and more distant in the middle, convergent in the ends, finely lineate, and crossed on both sides of the median line by a narrow, blank area. — F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 143 Pl. XXX f. 48. Panr. IIT Pl, VE £. 185. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Dubravica, Grun., Bory)! This species, distinguished by the blank band across the strie, is nearly akin to N. peregrina. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 2¢. wN:0 3, 19 14. N. Anthracis Brun a. Cx. (1889). — V. lanceolate, acute. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,014 to 0,018 mm. Axial area unilateral. Central area also unilateral, but on opposite side to the axial area and connected with a narrow longitudinal area. Strie 7 (middle) to 8 (ends) in 0,01 mm. ra- diate in the middle, transverse at the ends, coarsely lineate; lineole 20 in 0,01 mm. — D. f. du Japon p. 41 Pl. V f. 6. N. Flattii Panv. III Pl. XXII f. 330 (1898). Fresh water (marine?): Japan, fossil! 15. N. maculosa Donk. (1871). — V. broadly linear, with apiculate ends. L. 0,045 to 0,068; B. 0,013 mm. Axial area narrow; central area orbicular. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, finely lineate, crossed by two undulating, narrow, lateral areas. — B.D. p. 25 Pl. Vf. 1. X. albinensis Gruy. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 103 Pl. I f. 29 (1884). Marine: Scotland! Original specimens of Donkins N. maculosa in Deby’s Collection agree perfectly with origi- nal specimens of Grunows N. albinensis. 16. N. tuscula Ens. (1840). — V. elliptical, with protracted, capitate ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,015 mm. Axial area narrow; central area large, transverse, subrectangular. Strie 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, very finely lineate and crossed by several irregu- larly undulating longitudinal bands. -- Pinnularia tuscula Eup. Ber. 1840. Stawroptera tuscula Ens. M. G. VI:1 f. 13 a. Stauroneis punctata Kitz. Bac. p. 106 Pl. XXI f. 9 (1844). W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XTX f. 189. Donk. B. D. p. 36 Pl. V f. 12. Navicula tuscula V. H. Syn. p. 95 Pl. X f. 14. Stauroneis meniscus Scuum. Preuss. D. p. 189 Pl. IX f. 54 (1862)? Navic. tumida var. subsasla Strése Klieken Pl. I f. 10? Fresh or slightly brackish water (larger lakes): Spitsbergen (Lagst.), Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Iceland! Sweden (Malaren, Wenern, Ringsjén)! Finland! Gulf of Bothnia (Tornea, Pited)! England! Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland (Brun), Dlinois! Fossil at Konigsberg! Klieken! Rostock! S:ta Fiora! > According to Grunow (F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 145) the cell-contents of Nav. tuscula are very different from those of other species of Navicule. 17. N. Salinarum Grow. (1880). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with protracted, capitate ends. L. 0,023 to 0,037; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area distinct, orbicular. Strie 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm., distinctly lineate, in the middle strongly radiate and alternately longer and shorter, in the ends transverse. — A. D. p. 33 Pl. II f. 34. V. H. Syn. p. 82 Pl. VIII £9. WN. Carassius Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 537 Pl. III f. 31; Pl. IV f. 11. Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! Finmarken! Sweden (Malm6)! Holstein! Belgium (V. H.), England! Saxony! Neusiedlersee, Hungary (Grun.). Var. intermedia Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with subcapitate ends. Li. 0,035 to 0,04; B. 0,007 mm. Strize 14 (middle) to 18 (ends), in the middle alternately longer and shorter, strongly radiate, in the ends convergent. — NV. cryptocephala v. int. Grun. in V. H. Syn. Pl. VIII f. 10. Fresh water: Sweden, Ringsjén in Skane! New Zealand! By the var. intermedia is N. Salinarum connected with forms of N. cryptocephala as well as with WN. notabilis Pant. 18. N. Rho Cu. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, rostrate, obtuse. L. 0,115; B. 0,026 mm. Axial area very narrow, in the middle dilated into a large orbicular central area. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm., distinctly lineate (lineole 25 in 0,01 mm.), in the middle strongly radiate and alternately longer and shorter, in the ends transverse. — Part. I Pl. HI f. 35. Mouth of rivers: China, Canton River! This species resembles NV. elegans, but differs by the distinctly lineate strie. 19. N. notabilis Pant. (1889). — V. lanceolate, acute. L. 0,04 to 0,056; B. 0,009 to 0,012 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, somewhat transverse. Striz 10 to 11 (12,5 Pant.) 20 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. in 0,01 mm. more distant in the middle, where they are radiate and alternately longer and shorter. Terminal strie transverse. — Pant. II p. 51 Pl. V f. 95. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil! 20. N. Wilezekii Grun. (1884). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with protracted, rostrate ends. L. 0,07; B. 0,026 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area subrectangular. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate, in the middle more distant (8 in 0,01 mm.) alternately longer and shorter, ra- diate; strongly convergent at the ends, where they are closer (16 to 17 in 0,01 mm). — Franz Jos. Land D. p. 98 Pl. I f. 36. Fresh water: Franz Josefs Land (Grun.). 21. N. bottnica Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. LL. 0,04 to 0,065; B. 0,01 to 0,013 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area orbicular. Strice 20 in 0,01 mm. very finely punctate, in the middle strongly radiate and alternately longer and shorter, at the ends convergent. — A. D. p. 82 Pl. ID f. 82. V. H. Syn. Pl. VIL f. 33. Brackish and marine: Finmark! Coast of England! Baltic (from Pitea to Gothland)! Green- land! Canada! Maine! 22. N. digito-radiata Grue. (1856). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,012 to 0,o1s mm. Axial area narrow. Central area small, irregular. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., very finely lineate, in the middle radiate and alternately longer and shorter, at the ends transverse. — Pinn. dig. M.J. IV Pl If. 32. N. dig. A.S. N.S. D. p. 92 Pl. Df. 4. V. HH. Syn. p. 86 Pl. VII f. 4. Pinnul. viridula Ens. Abh. Berl. Ak. 1870 II f. 12. WN. dig. v. angustior Grun. A. D. Pl. IL f. 31. Marine and brackish: Spitsbergen! Finmarken! Sea of Kara! North Sea! Saxony! Caspian Sea (Grun.), Arctic America! New York! Fossil, Hungary (Grun.). Var. Cyprinus (Hus. 1843?) W. Sm. (1853). — V. slightly gibbous in the middle. L. 0,06 to 0,08; B. 0,0125 to 0,0275 mm. — Pinn. Cypr. Exp. Am. I: 2 f. 7? W. Sm. B. D. I Pl. XVIII f. 176. WN. digito-r. var. Cypr. V. H. Syn. p. 86 Pl. VII f. 3. Marine: North Sea! England (W. Sm.), Belgium (V. H.). Var. Seychellensis Cu. — As the type. L. 0,04; B. 0,01 mm. Striz 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Seychelles (V. H. Coll.)! Under the name N. Gurovit Pantocsex (III Pl. IV f. 58) has figured a form, which seems to be a new species, akin to N. digito-radiata or N. peregrina. It is broadly, almost rhomboid, lanceolate. L. 0,065; B. 0,o2 mm. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm. the median of unequal length. 23. N. Reinhardtii Grun. (1860). — V. elliptical to lanceolate, with broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,04 to 0,07; B. 0,014 to 0,017 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area irregular, trans- versely dilated. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., coarsely lineate, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, strongly radiate, in the ends transverse. — Stauroneis Reinhardtit Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 566 Pl. VI f. 19. Nav. vernalis Donx. M. J. 1869 p. 293 Pl XVIII f. 5. Nav. Reinh. V. H. Syn. p- 86 Pl. VII f. 5, 6. Stauroptera truncata Rabu. Siissw. D. Pl. TX f. 12 (1853) Alg. Sachs. N:o 848. Fresh water: Sweden! England! Belgium (V. H.), Germany! Switzerland! Var. gracilior Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, narrowed towards the ends. L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,013 mm. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — N. digito-radiata var. striolata Grun. A. D. p. 32. N. Reinh. var. gracilior V. H. Syn. p. 87. Fresh water, occurring with the type. Var. jenisseyensis Grun. (1880). — As. var. gracilior, but with only few shorter median striz. L. 0,132; B. 0,016 mm. A. D. p. 382. Fresh water: Mouth of Jenissey (Grun.). N. Reinhardtii is very similar to N. digito-radiata, from which it differs by its fresh water habitat, and its more coarsely lineate strie, and to N. Gastrwm, which has strie radiate throughout. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:0 3, 21 24. N. oblonga Kiz (1833). — V.,linear-lanceolate, with truncate ends. L. 0,07 to 0,2; B. 0,014 to 0,024 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area suborbicular. Strie 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm., very finely lineate, the median more distant and strongly radiate, the terminal convergent and angularly bent. — Frustulia oblonga Kitz Dec. N:o 71 (accord. to Lagst.). N. oblonga Kir Bac. p. 97 Pl. IV f. 21. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 523. A. 8S. Atl. XLVII f. 63 to 68. V. H. Syn. p- 81 Pl. VII f. 1. Panr. II] Pl. VIII f. 142. Pinnul. oblonga W. Su. B. D. XVIII f. 165. Fresh or very slightly brackish water: Sweden! Finland! Saxony! Belgium (V. H.), Eng- land! Switzerland (Brun.), Illinois! Fossil: Dubravica, Hungary (Grun.), Mexico and Guatemala! Var. lanceolata Grun. (1860). — Shorter and broader lanceolate. — Verh. 1860 p. 523 Pl. LY £25. Var. acuminata Grun. (1860). — Almost linear, with cuneate, obtuse ends. — 1. ec. Fresh water: Austria (Grun.). Var. nodulosa Grun. (1860). — As the var. acuminata, but with triundulate margins. — 1. c. Fresh water: Frankfurt am Main. 25. N. falaisiensis Grun. (1880). — V. narrow, lanceolate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,025; B. 0,005 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, rounded. Strie about 20 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout. — V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 5. Fresh water: Greenland! England (V. H. T:), Belgium (V. H.). Var.? Lanceola Grun. (1880). — V. linear with more distinctly rostrate ends. L. 0,03; B. 0,004 mm. Striz 23 in 0,01 mm. more radiate — V. H. S. Pl. XIV if. 6 B. N. falaisiensis is according to Grunow nearly related to N. Bulnheimii. 26. N. arenicola Grun. (1882). —- V. linear, frequently slightly gibbous in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,02; B. 0,005 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 13 or 14 (middle) to 21 (ends) in 0,01 mm. very finely lineate, slightly radiate throughout. — Amphi- prora arenaria Bris. in Rab. A. E. N:o 2150. N. arenicola Gruy. F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 149 Pl. XXX f. 76, 77. Marine (aestuaries): Coasts of France and England (Grun.), Firth of Tay! 27. N. dicephala (Hus. 1836?) W. Sm. (1853). — V. linear to linear-lanceolate with capi- tate-rostrate ends. L. 0,025 to 0,04; B. 0,01 to 0,0125 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area large, transverse and rectangular. Strie 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. — Pin. diceph. Eup. Inf. p. 185. Am. II: 1 f. 29? WN. dicephala W. Sm. B. D. I p. 87 Pl. XVII f. 157. Grun. A. D. p. 34. V. H. Syn. p. 87. Pl. VIII f. 33, 34. Strése Klieken D. fi 4. Fresh water: Sweden! England! Saxony! Switzerland (Brun.), Hungary, Dubravica, fossil (Grun.), Kamtchatka! Japan! Illinois! Ecuador! Var. elginensis Grea. (1856). — L. 0,024 to 0,03; B. 0,01 to 0,o105 mm. Strie 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. transverse at the ends. — Pinn. elginensis Grea. M. J. IV Pl. If. 33. Grow. A. D. p. 35. Fresh water: Scotland, Ben Lawers fossil (Grunow), Finland, Pudasjarvi, fossil! Var. subcapitata Grun. (1882). — V. with broadly truncate ends. — F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 156 Pl. XXX f. 54. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). N. dicephala is very nearly connected with the Cymbelle, which, besides its great resem- blance to Cym. anglica, is proved by its cell-contents (see A. 8. Atl. Pl. LXXII f. 29—33; Grun. F. D. Ost. Ung. XXX f. 55). There is only one chromatophore-plate, in the middle separated by a plasmatic mass from the zone, and on the dorsal side deeply cloven by a linear fissure. 28. N. lanceolata (Ac. 1827?) Kurz (1833). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area distinct, orbicular. Striz 12 (middle) to 15 or 16 (ends) in 0,01 mm., strongly radiate throughout. — Frustulia lanceolata Acarpu Flora X p. 626? 22 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Kitz Dec. N:o 72 according to Lagst. Pinnularia viridula W. Su. B. D. XVII f. 175. N. lanceol. A. S. Atl. XLVII f. 49. Grun. A. D. p. 35. V. H. Syn. p. 88 Pl. VII f. 16 (17 forma curta). Laest. Ofvers. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Foérh. 1884 X f. 5 a. WN. cryptoc. v. rhynchoc. Strése Klieken D. f. 3 8. c Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! Germany! England! Belgium (V. H.), Japan! Australia, Mitchell River! Var. tenella A. S. (1876). — V. narrow lanceolate. L, 0,035; B. 0,oo6 mm. — N. tenella A.S. Atl. XLVII f. 45, 46. Fresh water: Sweden, Loka (Atl.). Var. phyllepta Kirz. (1844). — L. 0,03 to 0,033; B. 0,008 to 0,009 mm. Striz 18 in 0,01 mm. — NV. phyllepta Kirz. Bac. p. 94 Pl. XXX f. 56. V. H. Syn. p. 88 Pl. VIII f. 40. Brackish water: Belgium (V. H.), Saxony (Saline Diirrenberg)! Var. arenaria Donk. (1861). — L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,01 mm. Strize 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — N. arenaria Donx, M. J. I p.10 PLIf. 9. B.D. p. 56 PL VOI 5. A. 8S. Atl. XLVII f. 38, 39, 40. N. lance. v. aren. V. H. Syn. p. 88 Pl. VIII f. 18. Marine: Baltic (Gothland)! North Sea! Var. Cymbula Donx. (1869). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,055; B. 0,011 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, orbicular. Strie 8 (middle) to 10 (ends) radiate throughout, coarsely lineate. — N. Cymbula Donk. M. J. 1869 p. 294 Pl. XVIII f. 6. V. H. Syn. Pl. VII f. 32. Fresh water: England (Donk.), Finland! Japan! Var.? latior Dannr. (1882). — V. broadly lanceolate, with capitate ends. L. 0,026; B. 0,01 mm. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm. — WN. cryptocephala v. latior Danny. Baltic D. p. 26 Pl. IT f. 12. Brackish water: Baltic (Helsingfors, Gothland) Dannf. As Dannfeldts fig. shews the strie radiate at the ends, this form has been classed here under WV. lanceolata. Var. hordeiformis Pant. (1889). — L. 0,026; B. 0,oo8 mm. Striz 10 to 12,5 in 0,01 mm. — N. hordeiformis Pant. IT p. 48 Pl. XI f. 197. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 29. N. anglica Raurs (1861). — V. elliptical, with capitate ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,014 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area small. Strie 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, finely lineate, in the middle of equal length. — N. tumida W. Sm. B. D. I p. 58 Pl. XVII f. 146 (1853). N. tumida genuina Groun. Verh.,1860 p. 537 Pl. IV f. 43 a. N. anglica Raurs in Pritch. Inf. p. 900. Donx. B. D. p. 35 Pl V f. 11 a. V. H. Syn. p. 87 Pl. VIII f. 29, 30. MW. gastrum v. anglica Grun. A. D. p. 34. Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! England! Illinois! Ecuador! Var. minuta Cur. — L. 0,025; B. 0,008 mm. Striz 15 to 17 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Finland, Lake Lojo near Abo! Jamaica! Var. subcruciata Grun. — L. 0,014 to 0,024; B. 0,007 mm. Area more transverse. — Grun. in V. H. Types N:o 99. Slightly brackish water: England (V. H. T.). Var. subsalsa Grun. 1860. — V. lanceolate with rostrate, not capitate ends. L. 0,03; B. 0,011 mm. Strie 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — N. tumida v. subsalsa Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 537 Pl. IV f. 43 8, ¢. A. D. p. 34. N. anglica Dork. B. D. Pl. V f. 11 6. N. anglica v. subsalina Grun. in V. H. Syn. p. 87 Pl. VIII f. 31. Slightly brackish water: Neusiedler See (Grun.), Shienitzer See, Prussia (Grun.). The var. swbsalsa is nearly akin to N. dicephala and connects this species with N. Gastrum. 30. N. Gastrum Exp. (1843). — V. lanceolate to elliptical, with slightly rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,024 to 0,045; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area large irregular, somewhat transverse. Striz 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate, in the middle usually KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2%, wo 3, 23 alternately longer and shorter. — Pinn. Gastrum Eus. Am. III: 7 f. 23. M. G. V:1f. 12. Strése Klieken D. f. 1 b. WN. Gastrum Dons. B. D. p. 22 Pl. II f. 10. Gruy. A. D. p. 31. V. H. Syn. p. 87 Pl. VIII f. 25, 27. Pant. III Pl. WII f. 48. Nav. exigua Pant. IIT Pl. Il f. 45 (1893). N. varians Gree. T. M. S. III p. 10 Pl. II f. 27, 28 (1855). N. Hoffmannii Panr. IT p. 47 Pl. XIV f. 245 (1889)? Fresh water: Sweden! Finland! England! Ireland! Belgium (V. H.), Sea of Kara! Cape Deschneff! New Zealand! Illinois! Var. Jenisseyensis Grun. (1880). — Lanceolate. L. 0,038 to 0,065; B. 0,011 to 0,017 mm. Strie about 9 in 0,01 mm. more distant in the middle, where there are only a few shorter ones among the longer, very finely lineate. — A. D. p. 31 Pl. I f. 28. N. Basilica {Pant. Il Pl. VIIT f. 129 (1893)? Fresh or brackish water: Jenissey (Grun.), Cape Deschneff! New Zealand! New Caledonia (Kinker Coll.)! Var. latiuscula Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,024 to 0,06; B. 0,012 to 0,017 mm. Strie 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. The median striz not alternately longer and shorter. — A. D. p. 81. Strése Klieken D. f. 1 a. Fresh and slightly brackish water: Sea of Kara! Sweden (Upsala, Ronneby, Kalmar, fossil)! Finland! East Cape, East Siberia! Cuxhaven (Grun.), Oberrohe and Klieken, fossil! Var. exigua Grue. (1854). — V. lanceolate with subrostrate or subcapitate ends. LL. 0,017 to 0,03; B. 0,009 to 0,012 mm. Strize 12 to 14 in 001 mm — Pinnul. exigua Gree. M. J. p. 99 Pl. IV f. 14. N. Gastr. v. exigua Grun. A. D. p. 31. V. H. Syn. Pl. VIIT f. 32. Fresh or brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia (Tornea! Pited!) Finland, Lake Lojo, Abo! Hun- gary, fossil (Grun.), New Zealand! Var. boryana Pant. (1889). — V. capitate. L. 0,046 to 0,06; B. 0,017 to 002 mm. Strie 7,5 to 8,5 in 0,01 mm. radiate, coarsely punctate, puncta 17 to 18 in 0,01 mm. Median strie alternately longer and shorter. —- Pant. II p. 46. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 30. N. Placentula Eup. (1843). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,016 to 0o2s mm. Axial area narrow, but distinct. Central area irregular, trans- verse. Stria 6 to 9 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely lineate or punctate, shortened in the middle, but not alternately longer and shorter. — Pinnul. Plac. Kus. Am. III: 7 f. 22. M. G. XII f. 19. Grow. A. D. p. 34 Pl. IT f. 36. WN. pusilla Donx. B.D. p. 20 Pl. IIT f. 6 6? N. Gastrum v. Plac. V. H. Syn. p. 87 Pl. VIII f. 26, 28. NW. Gastrum f. minor. Grun. F. D. Ost. Ung. XXX f. 51. Fresh water: Cassel »Polierschiefer> (Ehb.), Ireland Antrim Co.! Jenissey! New Zealand! California! Oregon! Puerto Monte! Ecuador! Var, lanceolata Grun. (1860). — V. broadly lanceolate. Ends not rostrate. L. 0,04; B. 0,016 mm. Striz 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — N. tumida var. lanceolata Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 537 PL IV f. 44. A. D. p. 34. , Brackish water: Sea of Kara! Skienitz See near Berlin (Grun.), Neusiedlersee (Grun.). Nav. Placentula is very nearly akin to Nav. Gastrum, and it is questionable whether they should not be united in one species. The median striz are in Nav. Gastrum, but not in Nav. Placen- tula, alternately longer and shorter, but this characteristic is subject to great variation, the var. Jenisseyensis having only a few, and the var. latiwscula no, shorter median striez. Of more im- portance is it that Nav. Placentula has coarsely lineate, or almost punctate strie. Nav. anglica is nearly akin to Nav. Gastrum and might be considered as a variety of it. There exists in fact no limit between these three species; Nav. Placentula appears to be akin to Nav. leptostigma, which has finer, distinctly punctate, strie and that to Nav. platystoma, the strie of which are very finely punctate. On the other hand N. Placentula is by its coarsely punctate strie allied to the section Punctate, among which Nav. amphibola is nearly akin to Nav. Placentula. Smaller 24 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. forms of Nav. Gastrum closely resemble smaller forms. of Nav. peregrina var. Menisculus, from which they differ by the terminal strie being radiate throughout, but this characteristic is some- times excedingly delicate. 32. N. leptostigma Ens. (1854). — V. elliptical, with more or less broad, rostrate ends. L. 0,038 to 0,048; B. 0,015 to 0,02 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area large, orbicular. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, distinctly punctate (puncta about 22 in 0,01 mm.) in the middle alternately larger and shorter. — Pinnul. leptost, Eup. M. G. XXXIII: 12 f. 25. Nav. lept. Icon. n. Pl. I f. 387. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! 33. N. platystoma Eup. (1838). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with broad, rostrate ends. L. 0,037 to 0,05; B. 0,o17 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area large, transversely dilated, subrhomboidal. Strie 17 in 0,01 mm., very finely lineate, radiate throughout. Among the median strie a few shorter frequently occur. — Eus. Inf. 178 Pl. XII f. 8§ M.G. XII f 6 6. Cu. A. D. p. 14 Pl. III f. 61. N. macromphala Scuum. Preuss. D. II N. p. 55 Pl. II f. 29 (1867)? Fresh and slightly brackish water: Sweden (Lake Malaren, Gulf of Bothnia, Gotland in the Baltic)! Mouth of Jenissey! Michigan! Var. bengalensis Grun. Ms. —- V. subrhomboidal, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,03; B. 0,012 mm. Striz distinctly punctate. Fresh water: Bengal (Grun.). 34. N. oviformis Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,045; B. 0,018 mm. Axial area narrow, linear; central area large, orbicular. Strize 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, finely lineate, not alternating in length in the middle. — Pl. I7 f. 4. Marine: Madagascar (Van Heurck Coll.)! 35. N, arata Grun. (1882). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. L. 0,06 to 0,067; B. 0,018 to 0,02 mm. Axial area narrow; central area orbicular. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. closer towards the ends, all radiate and distinctly punctate. Across the striea on each side of the median line are 3 to 4 narrow longitudinal clear areas. — N. Tuseula v. arata Grun. F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 145 Pl. XXX-f. 58. Panv. III Pl. XXIII f. 342. Brackish or fresh water: Hungary, Dubravica fossil (Grun.), Hudson River (Grun.). This species can scarcely be a variety of N. tuscula, the terminal striz being radiate. It seems rather to belong to the group of N. Gastrum. 36. N. Clementis Grun. (1882). — V. slightly asymmetrical, broadly lanceolate, with rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,04 to 0,045; B. 0,012 to 0,015 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area small, orbicular, with 2 isolated puncta on one side of the central nodule. Strie 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm. in the middle, where they are alternately longer and shorter, 16 in 0,01 mm. towards the ends. All strie are strongly radiate and finely punctate. -- F. D, Ost. Ung. p. 144 Pl. XXX f. 52. Fresh water: Dubravica, Hungary, fossil! Cheshire, England (V. H. T.). This species is akin to N. Placentula and at the same time to N. Demerare of the section Punctate, the latter having also isolated puncta on the central area. 37. N. arenarieformis Pant. (1889). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,02; B.0,011 mm. Axial area distinct; central area small. Striz 12,5 in 0.01 mm., strongly radiate to the ends, the median strie alternately longer and shorter. — Pant. II p. 42 Pl. VIII f. 140. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 38. N. Iudloviana A. S. (1876). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse, subtruncate ends. L. 0,09; B. 0,03 mm. Axial area distinct, dilated around the central nodule. Striz 8 (middle) to 9 (ends) KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:0 3. 95 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, finely lineate, the median alternately longer and shorter. — Atl. XLVI f. 15. Fresh water: Fort Ludlow (Atl.), Shasta Co. Calif., fossil! Oregon! Minnesota (interglacial deposit)! 39. N. valida Ci. a. Grun. (1880). — V. slightly asymmetrical, elliptic-lanceolate. LL. 0,057 to 0,11; B. 0,022 to 0,026 mm. Axial area narrow, asymmetrical. Central area irregular, some- what asymmetrical. Strie 7,5 to 8 in 0,01 mm., distinctly lineate, radiate throughout, the median alternately longer and shorter. — A. D. p. 32 Pl. II f. 29. Cu. Vega p. 466. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Var. minuta Cu. (1883). — L. 0,025; B. 0,013 mm. Strie# 8 in 0,01 mm., not alternately longer and shorter. — Vega p. 466. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var.? capensis Cu. — L. 0,056; B. 0,019 mm. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. not distinctly lineate, radiate throughout. Axial area symmetrical. Central area larger. Marine: Cape of Good Hope! The type is most nearly akin to N. Gastrum var. Jenisseyensis but has more distinctly lineate strie. The var. capensis is very doubtful as a form of N. valida. 40. N. Hasta Pant. (1893). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the subacute ends. L. 0,07 to 0,09; B. 0,015 mm. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated in the middle. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate throughout and coarsely lineate. Among the median striz some few shorter ones are intercalated. — Pant. III Pl. V f. 74; Pl. XIV f. 213. Habitat?: Képecz, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 41. N. imperfecta Cri. (1883). — V. elliptical to elleptic-lanceolate, frequently with sub- rostrate ends. L. 0,065; B. 0,03 mm. Axial area unilateral, narrow. Central area small. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, finely lineate and crossed by several longitudinal and undulating narrow blank bands. — Vega p. 466 Pl. XXXVI f. 34. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! This form is very nearly akin to N. valida, from which it differs by its strie being divided into 2 to 4 lengths, as the strize of N. maculosa Donk. 42. N. consors A. S. (1876). — V. narrow elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,06 to 0,1; B. 0,015 to 0,o2 mm. Axial area narrow; central area transverse, rectangular. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, finely lineate and crossed by 3 to 4 irregularly undulating, longitudinal bands. — Atl. XLVIII f. 24, 25, 26, 27. N. Leudugeri Cu. Vega p. 505 Pl. XXXVI f. 22 (1883). Marine: Ceylon! Samoa (Atl.), Sandwich Island (Atl.), Singapore (Atl.), Java! 43. N. (Rhoiconeis) genuflexa Kitz (1844). — V. convex, elliptic-linear, with obtuse ends. L. 0,02 to 0,043; B. 0,004 to 0,005 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, orbicular. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm., a little closer at the ends, radiate throughout. Frustule arcuate. L. 0,02 to 0,03; Height 0,01. mm. — Bae. p. 101 Pl. XXI f. 6. Rhoiconeis genuflexa Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 147. Marine: Peru (Grun.), New Zealand (Grun.), Port Jackson! Samoa! Labuan! Ceylon! 44. N, (Rhoiconeis) Bolleana Gruy. (1863). — V. linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,045 to 0,095; B. 0,01 to 0,011 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area large quadrate. Strie 8 (middle) to 11 (ends) in 0,01 mm. not distinctly lineate, radiate throughout. Frustule with broad connecting zone, arcuate. — Rhoiconeis Bolleana Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 147 Pl. IV f. 11. A. §. Atl XLVII f. 18 (striz strongly punctate)? N. Index Tremp. a. Brun D. foss. du Japon p. 44 Pl. V f. 5 (1889). K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 27. N:o 3. 4 26 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Finmark! Sea of Kara! Cape Deschneff! Behrmgs Island! Japan, fossil! Pacific Ocean (Grun.). N. Bolleana has somewhat dissimilar valves, the concave having more strongly satis striae than the convex. Original specimens of Nar. Index Temp. a. Brun are perfectly similar to specimens of N. Bolleana, determined by GRunow. 45. N. incerta Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with slightly convex margins and obtuse ends. L. 0,015; B. 0,oo6 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Striz 15 in 0,01 mm., scarcely radiate. — V. H. Syn. p. 107 Pl. XIV f. 43. Marine: Belgium (V. H.). A small form, remarkable for its coarse strie, unknown to the author. Its place in the system is doubtful. 46. N. (Schizonema) corymbosa C. Aa. (1824). -V. narrow, lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,01; B. 0,002 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strizw 23 in 0,01 mm. very slightly radiate. —- Schizonema corymbosum Aa. Syst. Alg. p. 11. V. H. Syn. Pl. XVI f. 21. Marine: Japan (Grun.). The frustules live in hair-fine branched tubes. 47. N. (Schizonema) mollis W. Sm. (1856). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,027 to 0,032; B. 0,006 to 0,oo7 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, elsewhere parallel, finely lineate; lineole forming longitudinal strie. — Schizon. molle W. Sm. B. D. I p. 77 Pl. LVIII f. 365. V. H. Syn. Pl. XV f. 22, 23. S. albicans V. H. Syn. lc. f. 20.. 8. torquatum V. H. Syn. 1. c. f. 21. Marine: Arctic Amercia, Cape Sabine! Bohuslin! North Sea! Adriatic! The frustules are crowded in very branched, soft tubes, forming branches 15 to 30 emt. long. A form intermediate between N. mollis and N. ramosissima is S. setaceum V. H. Syn. XV f. 13. The frustules of this form live crowded in stiff, olive-green coloured, arborescent and very branched tubes. 48. N. (Schizonema) nidulans Ct. (1892). — V. narrow linear-lanceolate. L. 0,026; B. 0,005 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 22 in 0,01 mm., parallel. Frustules inhabit the interior of marine alge. — Cu. Diatomiste I p. 78 Pl. XII f. 12. Marine: South coast of Australia, in the thallus of a Chylocladia, sent by Prof. J. AGARDE! 49. N. (Schizonema) ramosissima Ac. (1824). — V. linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,051 to 0,072; B. 0,01 to 0,oo8 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. parallel, finely lineate, lineolee forming longitudinal strie, about 30 in 0,01 mm. Forma caspia Grun. (1878). — I. 0,038 to 0,052; B. 0,007 to 0,008 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. — Casp. Sea Alg. p. 19 Pl. IV f. 21. Brackish water: Caspian Sea (Grun.). Forma genuina Cu. — L. about 0,05 mm. — Schiz. ram. C. A. Syst. Alg. p. 11. V. H. Syn. p. 110 Pl. XV f. 4, 5. Marine: North Sea! Forma amplia Grun. (1880). — L. 0,06 to 0,072; B. 0,007 to 0,oo8 mm. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Schizon. amplius V. H. Syn. Pl. XV f. 3. — A. 8. N.S. D. ITT f. 5. Marine: North Sea! Canada! Mauritius! N. ramosissima lives enclosed in gelatinous tubes on the various forms of which a great number of species and varieties has been founded (see GRruNow’s paper in Botan. Centralbl. 1880). As mentioned above, this species is nearly akin to N. mollis, and on the other hand: to’ smaller forms of N. directa var. subtilis, from which N. ramosissima can scarcely be distinguished. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. w:o 3. 27 50. N. directa W. Sm. (1853). — V. narrow, gradually tapering from the middle to the acute ends, about 10 times longer than broad. Central pores of the median line approxi- mate. Axial area indistinct; central area small. Striz 4 to 11 in 0,01 mm., distinctly transversely lineate. Var. subtilis Grue. (1857). — L. 0,09 to 0,012; B. 0,008 mm. Strix 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm., finely lineate. — Pinn. subtilis Gru. D. of Clyde p. 488 Pl. IX f. 19. N. directa car. subt. Cu. Vega p. 467. Pinnul. acutiuscula Grue. T. M. 8. IV p. 48 Pl. V f. 21 (1856)? Marine: Iceland! Scotland (Greg.), Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Var. genuina Cur. — L. 0,07 to 0,125; B. 0,008 to 0012 mm. Strix about 8 in 0,01 mm., finely lineate. — N. directa W. Sm. B. D. I p. 56 Pl XVIII f. 172. A. S. Atl. XLVII f. 4, 5. N. dir. v. angusta Grun. A. D. p. 39. Marine: Spitsbergen! Finmark! Sea of Kara! Cape Deschneff! North Sea! Yokohama! Arctic America! Greenland! Var. remota Grun. (1880). L. 0,16 to 0,2; B. 0,015 mm. Striz 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm., coarsely lineate; lineolee 17 to 21 in 0,01 mm. -- A. S. N.S. D. IID f. 2. Atl. XLVIID ff. 1, 2, 8, 9. Pinn. longa Grea. T. M. 8. IV p. 47 PL. V f. 18 (1856)? Marine: Spitsbergen! Finmark! Sea of Kara! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), Colon! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Var. Incus A. 8. (1876). —- L. 0,13 to 0,15; B. 0,018 mm. Central area on one side of the central nodule dilated to a short longitudinal space. Strie 4 to 4,5 in 0,01 mm. Lineole about 24 in 0,01 mm. — N. Incus A. 8. Atl. XLVII f. 7. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Atl.), Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Colon! Var. javanica Cu. — L. 0,15; B. 0,01 mm. Strive 5 in 0,01 mm. finely lineate. Marine: Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! N. directa is a very variable species, of which I have seen strictly typical specimens only from the Arctic Sea and the North Sea. Specimens from other localities are suspicious. As to NV. longa Gree. I have not seen any form accurately agreeing with the fig. of Gregory, which has radiate strie. Pinnul. criophila Castrac. (Challenger Voyage D. p. 26 Pl. XV f. 2) is probably a form of N. directa. 51. N. Kepesii Grun. (1884). — V. linear, narrow. I. 0,085 to 0,095; B. 0,oos mm. Areas indistinct. Strie 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. transverse, finely lineate, forming oblique striz. — Franz Jos. Land D. p. 103 Pl. I f. 37. _ Marine: Franz Josefs-Land (Grun.). 52. N. jejuna A. 8. (1876). — V. narrow, linear, with rounded or somewhat cuneate ends. L. 0,1 to 0,12; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, elongated. Strive 5 in 0,o1 mm., parallel, or slightly radiate throughout, distinctly lineate. — Atl. XLVI f. 76. Casrnr. Challenger Voy. p. 33 Pl. XX f. 12, XXVIII f. 11. Marine: Java (Atl.), Sumatra (Grove Coll.)! Singapore! Macassar Straits! Japan! 53. N. trigonocephala Cu. (1883). — V. linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,065; B. 0,01 to 0,o12 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small. Strie 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, transversely lineate, crossed by several undulating, narrow longitudinal bands. — Vega p. 468 Pl. XXXVI f. 29. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 54. N. transitans Cx. (1883). — V. lanceolate, 4 to 6 times longer than broad. L. 0,065 to 0,09; B. 0,016 to 0,o2 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, orbicular. Striz 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. parallel, distinctly lineate. — Vega p. 467 Pl. XXXVI f. 31. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 28 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. derasa Grun. (1880). — Striee crossed on each side by a more or less narrow lateral area. L. 0,055 to 0,067; B. 0,0145 to 0,015 mm. Strie 8,5 or 12 (middle) to 10 or 14 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — NV. derasa Grun. A. D. p. 39 Pl. IL f. 46. WN. trans. v. derasa Cu. Vega p. 467 Pl. XXXVI f. 32. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Cape Deschneff! Forma minuta. — L. 0,035; B. 0,o12 mm. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. — Cu. Vega p. 467 Pl. XXXVI f. 37. Marine: Cape Deschneff! Forma gracilenta Grun. (1880). — V. narrower, with prolonged ends. L. 0,065 to 0,075; B. 0,009 to 0,011 mm. Strie 10,5 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — N. derasa var.? gracilenta Grun. A. D. p. 40. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Var. incudiformis Grun. (1883). — Axial area unilateral, irregular, linear. Strie on the side, opposite to the axial area, crossed by a more or less broad lateral area, usually uniting with the central area. — N. incus v. abbreviata Grun. A. D. p. 39 Pl. II f. 43. N. ineudiformis Grun. in Cu. Vega p. 467 Pl. XXXVI f. 26, 30. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. erosa Cu. 1883. — Striz 7,5 to 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed by several narrow, undulating, longitudinal bands. — N. erosa Cu. Vega p. 468 Pl. XXXVI f. 28. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. asymmetrica Cu. (1883). — Axial area unilateral, irregularly linear. Striz 9,5 in 0,01 mm. as in var. erosa. — N. asymmetrica Cu. Vega p. 468 Pl. XXXVI f. 27. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 55. N. finmarchica Ci. a. Gruy. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,03 to 0,042; B. 0,0115 to 0,013 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated to a short stauros. Striz 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, apparently smooth, crossed by a narrow, arcuate lateral area. -- Stauronets finm. Cu. a. Grun. A. D. p. 47 Pl. IIT f. 63. Marine: Finmark! Bohuslin! It is difficult to find the proper place in the system for this little form. There is no allied species in Stauroneis, nor any other naviculoid form, to which it seems to be related, with the exception of N. transitans var. derasa f. minuta, from which it differs by its stauros and apparently smooth strie. This form is neither a Mastogloia nor an Achnanthes, both valves being similar. 56. N. kariana Grun. (1880). —- V. broadly lanceolate, slightly rostrate. L. 0,085 to 0,09; B. 0,024 to 0,026 mm. Median line with approximate central pores. Axial area indistinct; central area small, orbicular. Strie 12,5 to 14 in 0,01 mm., parallel, finely lineate; lineole forming longi- tudinal striz, about 27 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 39 Pl. IL f. 44. Marine: Frans Josefs Land! Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Var. detersa Grun. (1883). — Striw crossed by a more or less large lateral area. — Cu. Vega p. 469 Pl. XXXVI f. 36. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 103 Pl. I f. 23, 24. Marine: Franz Josefs-Land (Grun.), Cape Wankarema! Var. frigida Grun. (1880). — L. 0,044 to 0,07; B. 0,012 to 0,013 mm. Strive 15 or 16 (middle) to 17 or 18 (ends) in 0,01 mm. very slightly radiate throughout, finely lineate; lineole forming longitudinal strie, about 26 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 39. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 103 Pl. Lf. 25. Marine: Sea of Kara! Franz Josefs-Land! 57. N. gelida Grun. (1884). — V. lanceolate, with slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,065; B. 0,009 to 0,015 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area very small, orbicular. Strie 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm., finely lineate; lineole not forming longitudinal strie. — Franz Jos. Land D. p- 103 Pl. I f. 27, 28. N. kariana v. curta Cu. Vega p. 470 Pl. XXXVII f. 40 (1888). Marine: Davis Strait! Franz Josefs-Land (Grun.), Cape Wankarema! Cape Deschneff! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 27. wn:0 3. 29 Var.? subimpressa Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,065; B. 0,016 mm. Striew 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a longitudinal line. — N. subimpr. Grun. A. D. p. 39 Pl. II f. 45. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). Var.? tenuis Cu. (1883). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with a longitudinal impression on both sides of the median line. L. 0,038; B. 0,015 mm. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm., unilaterally interrupted by a narrow transverse fascia. — N. subimpressa var. tenuior Cu. Vega D. p. 470 Pl] XXXVII f. 49. Marine: Cape Deschneff! 58. N. irregularis Panv. (1889). — V. narrow, lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,126; B. 0,021 mm. Axial area broad on one side of the median line, narrow on the other. Strie 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, alternately longer and shorter, on one side of the median line crossed by a linear lateral area. — Pant. II p. 49 Pl. XXX f. 424. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). I have not seen this species, but to judge from the figure it seems to be akin to N. trunsi- tans var. asymmetrica. Somewhat similar is N. primordialis Pant. (III Pl. XXV f. 382). 59. N. (Rhoiconeis) sibirica Grun. (1882). — V. lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area large, subquadrate. Strie 10 (at the ends 10 to 11) in 0,01 mm. almost parallel throughout, distinctly lineate. Frustules arcuate, with narrow connecting zone. — Rhoiconeis Bolleana var.? sibirica Grun. in Cu. M. D. N:o 302. Cui. Vega p. 469 Pl. XXXVII f. 38. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. asymmetrica Cu. 1883. — Axial area unilateral, narrow. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. — N. Bolleana v. asym. Cu. Vega p. 469 Pl. XXXVII f. 39. Var. mediterranea Cu. — V. narrow, rhombic-lanceolate acute. L. 0,1; B. 0,013 mm. Central area rounded. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm., distinctly lineate; lineole about 27 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Gulf of Naples! N. sibirica resembles N. Bolleana, but differs by its more parallel striz and by the narrow connecting zone. The N. Zostereti A. S. N. 8. D. IL f. 3 seems to belong to N. sibirica. 60. N. (Rhoiconeis) superba Cx. (1883). — V. rhomboidal with subacute ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,02 mm. Axial area unilateral, more or less narrow. Central area small, somewhat trans- verse. Striz 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., parallel, finely lineate, frequently crossed, on one side of the median line by an irregular, narrow lateral area. — Vega p. 468 Pl. XXXVI f. 23. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. elliptica Cu. (1883). — V. elliptical. L. 0,065; B. 0,o2 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Cape Wankarema! The valves of this species seem to be somewhat dissimilar, the concave having more distant strie, frequently crossed unilaterally by a narrow area. 61. N. (Rhoiconeis) obtusa Cu. (1882). — V. linear with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,055 to 0,075; B. 0,014 to 0,o1g mm. Axial area narrow, unilateral, irregular. Central area small. Strize 11 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, and convergent at the ends, frequently crossed by irregular longitudinal, narrow bands. — Cu. a. M. D. N:o 315 to 318. Cu. Vega p. 469 Pl. XXXVI f. 25. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 62. N. ammophila Grun. (1882). — V. linear-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,017 to 0,03; B. 0,005 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm., finely lineate, in the middle subradiate, at the ends transverse (12 to 13 in 0,01 mm.). — F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 149 Pl. XXX f. 66 to 69. Marine and brackish: Coasts of England and Sweden (Grun.), Hungary, Tallya, fossil (Grun.). 30 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULUID DIATOMS. Var. intermedia Grun. (1882). — Striz in the middle 12 to 13, at the ends 15 in 0,01 mm. — XN. cancellata f. minuta Grun. A. D. p. 87 Pl. IL f. 41 (1880). WN. amm. f. minuta Grun. F. D. Ost. Ung. p. 149 Pl. XXX f. 71 to 73. Panr. Il p. 41 Pl. XI f. 190. Marine: Finmark (Grun.), North Sea (Grun.), Cape Deschneff! Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. degenerans Grun. (1882). — L. 0,014 to 0,02; B. 0,004 to 0,005 mm. Striz very finely lineate, slightly radiate, 14 or 15 (middle) to 18 or 19 (ends) in 0,o1 mm. — Foss. D. Ost. Ung. p. 149 Pl. XXX f. 74, 75. Marine: Coasts of England (Grun.), Sweden! Hungary, fossil (Grun., Pant.). Var. flanatica Grun. (1860). — V. lanceolate with attenuate, acute ends. Li. 0,054; B. U,0v8 mm. Strixw 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm. —- N. flanatica Gruy. Verh. 1860 p. 527 Pl. III f. 9. N. cancel- lata v. scaldensis V. H. Syn. p. 86 Suppl. Pl. A f. 17. _- Marine: Belgium (V. H.), Adriatic (Grun.). 63. N. Beckii Panr. (1889). -- V. narrow, lanceolate with obtuse ends. L. 0.035; B. 0,008 mm. Axial area distinct; central area small. Strie 12,5 to 15 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends. — Pant. II p. 42 Pl. XI f. 188. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). According to PantocseK this form seems to be akin to N. ammophila. 64. N. cancellata Donk. (1873). — V..narrow, linear-lanceolate, convex, with subacute or subeuneate ends. L. 0,06 to 0,09; B. 0,012 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small. Striz 5,5 to 6,5, finely, but distinctly, lineate (lineolee about 18 in 0,01 mm.) slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends. — NV. truncata Donx. M. J. I p. 9 Pl. 1 f. 4 (1861). NN. canecellata Dons. B. D. p. 55 Pl. VIIT f. 4 a, 6b. — A. S. N.S. D. IL f. 86, 87. Atl. XLVI f. 29, 30. V. H. Syn. p. 86 Suppl. Pl. A f. 16. W. canc. v. genwina a. impressa Gruy. A. D. p. 36. N. fortis? A. 8. Atl XLVI f. 36. N. impressa Laest. Boh. D. p. 33 f. 8. A. 8. Atl. XLVI f. 31, 34. Marine: Finmark! Sea of Kara! Greenland! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Bab el Mandeb! Madagascar! Labuan! China! Galapagos Islands! . Var. maroccana Cu. — L. 0,095; B. 0,016 mm. Striz 5 in 0,01 mm. coarsely lineate; lineole about 23 in 0,01 mm., crossed at the ends (below the margin) by a broad and short blank space. Marine: Morocco! The blank space at the ends of the valve is visible sie in the zonal view. Var. Gregorit Rags (1861). — V. lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,007 to O,0075. Strie 6,5 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — Pinnul. apiculata Gree. M. J. III p. 41 Pl. IV f. 21 (1855)? Wy. Gregorit Ratrs Pritch Inf. p. 901. N. cane. v. Greg. Grun. A. D. p. 87. A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 41, 42, 71, 72. Marine: Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! North Sea (Atl.), Baltic (Atl.), Cape Deschneff! Sand- wich Islands! New Caledonia! Tahiti! Kerguelen’s Land! Galapagos Islands! , Var. retusa Brus. (1854). — V. narrow, linear, with rounded or subcuneate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,075; B. 0,0075 to 0,011 mm. Striz 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. -- N. retusa Bris. D. de Cherb. f. 6. Donk. M. J. 1 (N. 8.) p. 14 Pl. I f. 17 (1861) B. D. p. 64 PL X £3. ALS. N.S. D. PLIL£ 30. Atl. XLVI f. 45, 46, 74, 75. WN. cancellata v. Schmidtii Grun. A. D. p. 36. NW. retusa v. subretusa V. H. Syn. p. 77 Suppl. A f. 10 (V. H. T. N:o 74). Marine: Spitsbergen! North Sea! Baltic (Atl), Cape Deschneff! N. retusa Grun. in A. D. p. 388 is another species, Pinnularia? ambigua OL. KN “retus V. H. Syn. seems to be another form, as the striz are described as smooth. The figures of Bru- BissoN and Donkin are insufficient, so that it is doubtful, what the original N. retusa may be. Var. subapiculata Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with apiculate ends.’ L. 0,03 to 004; B. 0,006 to 0,oos mm. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — WN. Gregortt A. S. N.S. D. ID f. 22. A.S. Atl. XLVI f. 66 to 68. NV. cancell. v. subapic. Grun. A. D. p. 37. Marine: Sea of Kara! Baltic (Atl), Firth of Tay (AtL). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. n:o 3. 81 65. N. inflexa Gree. (1856). — V. narrow, elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse, conical ends. L. 0,033 to 0,045; B. 0,0075 to 0,oo85 mm. Axial area indistinct, central area small, rounded. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate throughout, distinctly lineate; lineole 23 in 0,01 mm. — Pinn. infleca Grue. T. M. S. IV p. 48 Pl. V f. 20. ™. inflera Donx. B. D. p. 54 Pl. VIII f. 2. A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 69, 70. Marine: Sea of Kara! North Sea! N. infleca v. Biharensis Pant. II p. 48 Pl. IIT f. 36 from Bremia seems to be another species, as it has scarcely any resemblance to N. inflexa. 66. N. northumbrica Donk. (1861). — V. very convex, narrow lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,046 to 0,076; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, rounded. Strie 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. (the median stronger and more distant) very slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, lineate; lineole 25 in 0,01 mm. Frustule quadrate. — Donk. M. J. I p. 9 Pl. T& 5. B.D. p, 54 Pl, VIL £1, A, 8. XLVIL £ 19, 20. Marine: North Sea! This species is remarkable for the extreme convexity of its valves, from which cause it is very difficult to find a specimen in the valvular view. 67. N. (Rhoiconeis) Cubitus Temp. a. Brun (1889). — V. very convex, linear-lanceolate with acute, excavate ends. I. 0,09 to 0,095; B. 0,013 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area a narrow, transverse fascia, arising from the two distant median strie. Terminal areas large, triangular spaces (visible only in the zonal view). Striz 6 in 0,01 mm., parallel, coarsely lineate; lineole 21 in 0,01 mm. Frustule arcuate. — D. foss. du Japon p. 42 Pl. V f. 8. Marine: Japan, fossil! 68. N. Zostereti Grun. (1860). — V. slightly convex, narrow lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,065 to 0,14; B. 0,011 to 0,o22 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area very small, orbicular. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm. (a little more close towards the ends) transverse, and slightly curved, lineate; lineole 23 in 0,01 mm. — Verh. 1860 p. 528 Pl. [V f. 23. A.S. Atl. XLVIT f. 42, 438, 44. Marine: Adriatic (Grun.), Bab el Mandeb! Ceylon! Labuan! Java! China! Japan (Atl.), Sandwich Islands (Atl.), Brazil (Atl.), Atlantic City, fossil! Var. seychellensis Cu. — L. 0,065; B. 0,011 mm. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! N. Zostereti is very similar to N. directa, but has more convex valves and slightly radiate, strie curved towards the ends, finely lineate. 69. N. spuria Cu. N. Sp. — V. rarrow, lanceolate, acute. L. 0,09 to 0,15; B. 0.013 to 0,021 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, irregularly rounded. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, coarsely lineate; lineole 21 to 24 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Gulf of Naples)! Adriatic! New Caledonia (Kinker Coll.)! Gala- pagos Islands (Weissflog Coll.)! Var. asymmetrica Cit. — Axial area narrow, unilateral. Striz on the side opposite to the axial area, crossed by an irregular, narrow lateral area. L. 0,15; B. 0,022 mm. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm., lineole 27 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Karnaud Deposit in Deby Coll.)! N. spuria resembles N. directa, from which it differs by its slightly radiate striz, and N. pennata, from which it differs by its small central area. From N. Zostereti it may be distin- guished by its coarsely lineate strie and from N. distans by its indistinct axial area. 70. N. fortis Gree. (1856). — V. very convex, elliptic- to rhombic-lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,05 to 0,089; B. 0,01 to 0,o17 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, orbicular. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, coarsely lineate; lineole 24 in 32 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 0,01 mm. — Pinn. fortis Grea. T. M. S. IV p. 47 Pl. V f. 19. ™. fortis Donk. B. D. p. 57 Pl. VIII f. 8. A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 37 to 39. Pinn. constricta O’Muara M. J. VII p. 17 Pl. V f. 8 (1867). Marine: Spitsbergen! Finmark! North Sea! Greenland! 71. N. Formentere Cx. (1881). — V. elliptic-lanceolate obtuse. L. 0,03 to 0,037; B. 0,013 to 0,o15 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area large quadrate. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely lineate; lineolee about 24 in 0,01 mm. -— N. Fromentere Cu. N. R. D. p. 10 Pl. Il f. 24. Icon. n. Pl. I f. 388. A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 7 (without name). Marine: Balearic Islands! Campeachy Bay (Atl). 72. N. satura A. 8. (1876). — V. narrow elliptical, with rounded ends. IL. 9,075; B. 0,021 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area large. Terminal nodules very distant from the ends. Striz 5,5 in 0,01 mm. parallel, coarsely punctate..— Atl. XLVI f. 27. Marine: Cape of Good Hope (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit). 73. N. erucifera Grun. (1876). — V. broadly linear, with apiculate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,07; B. 0,017 to 0,019 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area large, quadrate. Striz 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, coarsely lineate; lineole 22 in 0,01 mm. In the zonal view the frustule is quadrate and has irregularly triangular terminal areas or blank spaces. — N. ro- stellata A. 8. N.S. D. Pl. IL f. 31 (1874). ™. erucifera Grun. A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 50—53 (1876). N. apiculata var. maculifera Grun. A. D. p. 37 (1880). N. bicuspidata Cu. a. Grun. N. R. D. p. 10 Pl. II f. 25 (1881). Marine: North Sea! Baltic (Atl.), Naples! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! This species is considered to be the same as N. apiculata Bris. Diat. de Cherbourg 1859 f. 5 and Pinn. rostellata Grea. D. of Clyde Pl. IX f. 20 (1857), but these figures shew no central area. 74. N. Seoliopleura A. S. (1876). — V. linear, with apiculate ends. L. 0,083; B. 0,0167 mm. Median line slightly flexuose, with distant terminal nodules. Axial area narrow, linear; central area large, somewhat transverse. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm., parallel throughout (finely lineate?) — Atl. XLVI f. 63. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.). 75. N. solaris Grea. (1856). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. I. 0,038 to 0,114 mm. Axial area narrow; central area small, orbicular. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm., strongly radiate throughout. — T. M. 8. IV p. 43 Pl V f. 10. Marine: Scotland (Greg.). This form is entirely unknown to me. To judge from the figure it has some resemblance to N. botinica, but if it be N. bottnica, the fig. is very far from accurate. In A. 8S. Atl. XLVI f. 16 is a form from New Providence named N. solaris? but the striation is much too coarse for the N. solaris of Gree. 76. N. centraster Cr. N. Sp. — V. convex, linear lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,07 to 0,11; B. 0,012 to 0,015 mm. Axial area indistinct, or narrow and unilateral. Central area large, orbicular. Striz 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate in the middle, where they are more distant, transverse at the ends, finely lineate; lineole about 30 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 35. Marine: Japan! Madagascar! Auckland! This species resembles N. infleca Gree. but has more distant, and very finely lineate, strie. 77. N. pennata A. 8. (1876). — V. linear-lanceolate, subacute. Li. 0,068 to 0,095; B. 0,011 to 0,014 mm. Terminal fissures small, close to the ends of the valve. Axial area narrow or indistinct; central area large, quadrate. Strie 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely lineate; lineole 20 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. XLVIII f. 41, 42, 43. Marine: Morocco! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic (Atl.), Hungary, fossil! Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), West Indies! Pensacola, Florida! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. w:o 3. 33 Var. maxima Cu. — V. narrow, rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,12 to 0,17; B. 0,021 to 0,024 mm. Axial area narrow, unilateral. Strie 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm., coarsely lineate; lineole 17 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 36. Marine: Adriatic! Gulf of Naples! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Indian Ocean (Deby Coll.)! Var. Kinkeri Pant. (1889). — V. slightly sigmoid. L. 0,1 to 0,109; B. 0,016 to 0,018 mm. Strie 5 in 0,01 mm., coarsely lineate. — N. Kinkeri Panr. II p. 49 Pl IX f. 169. Scoliopleura Szakalensis Pant. II p. 55 Pl. VIII f. 154. Marine: Petersburg, Va. foss.! Szikal, Hungary, fossil! 78. N. pinnata Panr. (1889). — V. narrow, lanceolate. L. 0,062; B. 0,o125 mm. Axial area distinct; central small. Strie 7,5 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, coarsely lineate. — Pant. II p. 52 Pl. XX f. 308. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). _ I have not seen this species, which appears to differ from N. pennata principally by its less radiate strie and the more distinct axial area. 79. N. consanguinea Cu. C. Sp. — V. convex, linear lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,10 to 0,12; B. 0,015 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area large, quadrate. Terminal fissures bayonet- shaped, distant from the ends of the valve. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, not distinctly lineate. — A. 8. N.S. D. PL. II f. 32 (without name). Marine: North Sea (A. S.), Morocco! 80. N. compressicauda A. 8. (1874). — V. very convex, lanceolate, obtuse, with elevated conical ends. L. 0,11 to 0,19; B. 0,024 mm. Median line with distant terminal nodules, which are strongly marked. Axial area very narrow; central area orbicular. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, indistinctly lineate. — N. 8. D. p. 91 Pl. II f. 35. Atl. XLVI f. 62. Marine: North Sea! Morocco! Balearic Islands! Sendai, Japan, fossil (Brun.). 81. N. annulata Gruy. (1880). — V. rhomboidal, obtuse, flat. L. 0,05 to 0,076; B. 0,025 to 0,03 mm. Median line with somewhat distant central pores and terminal pores approximate to the ends. Axial area very narrow; central area large, transverse. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, apparently smooth, crossed at the ends of the valve by a semicircular blank narrow space. — A. D. p. 37. Icon. n. Pl. I f. 38. Fresh water: Demerara River! This species is an isolated form, the systematic place of which is doubtful. It is no Ach- nanthes, both valves being similar. 82. N. (Alloioneis) mediterranea Br. a. Cu. (1891). — V. very convex, linear, obtuse, asymmetrical: L. 0,09 to 0,13; B. 0,o012 to 0,o018 mm. Median line excentric. Axial area in- distinct or narrow. Central area small, unilateral. Striz 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm., very finely lineate. crossed at least on one side of the valve by one to three narrow, undulating blank bands. — — Brun D. espéces nouv. p. 35 Pl. XV f. 11. Icon. n. Part. I Pl. I f. 32, 33. Marine: Balearic Islands! Gulf of Naples! Indian Ocean (Deby Coll.)! Sydney (Brun.). Nav. mediterranea Kivz is a small form, not determinable by the fig. in Bac. Pl. III f. 17. N. medit.. Grun. 1874 belong to the genus Diploneis. The figure in Brun’s D. esp. is not quite characteristic, the asymmetry being not sufficiently marked. 83. N. (Alloioneis) scalarifer Brun (1891). — V. narrow, fusiform, acute, very convex and somewhat asymmetrical. L. 0,085 to 0,1; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Median line with distant terminal nodules. Axial area linear, unilateral. Strie 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm., parallel throughout, finely K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. Band 27. No 3. 5 34 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. lineate and crossed by an infra-marginal lateral area. V. in the zonal view slightly constricted in the middle with broad, obliquely truncate ends. Strie crossed by a broad lateral area. — D. espéces N. p. 88 Pl. XV f. 4. Marine: Japan, fossil (Brun.). 84. N. (Alloioneis) vitriscala Brun (1891). — V. narrow, fusiform, acute, very convex. L. 0.2 to 0,22; B. 0,015 to 0.o22 mm. Median line slightly undulating; terminal nodules distant. Axial and central areas uniting in a narrow, lanceolate space. Strie fragmentary, finely lineate. V. in zonal view broad, not constricted in the middle, with obliquely truncate ends, where are large terminal areas, having in their centre a stigma. Along the interior margin is a band of parallel not interrupted striew (14 in 0,01 mm.) outside which the strie are fragmentary. — D. esp. n. p. 41 Pl. XV ff. 5. Marine: Japan, fossil! 85. N. superimposita A. S. (1874). — V. lanceolate (occasionally with slightly undulated margins) with obtuse ends. L. 0,058 to 0,125; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Terminal nodules distant. Axial area narrow; central area large, quadrate. Striz 5,5 to 7 in 0,01 mm., finely lineate, slightly radiate and crossed by a longitudinal area. — N. 8. D. p. 90 Pl. ID f. 34. Atl. XLVI f. 61. Perag. D. de Villefr. p. 53 Pl. III f. 29? Marine: Baltic (A. 8.), Norway! Morocco! China! 86. N. Sigma Brun (1891). — V. very convex, lanceolate, sigmoid, with obtuse ends. L. 0,12 to 0,17; B. 0,03 to 0,035 mm. Axial area narrow, linear; central area large, quadrate. Median line with approximate central pores and distant terminal nodules. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, coarsely lineate (lineole 17 in 0,01 mm.), crossed by a lateral area. V. in zonal view broad, with obliquely truncate ends, slightly constricted middle, and with a very broad lateral area. — D. espéces n. p. 39 Pl. XVI f. 5. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Messina (Brun), Athens (Brun). 87. N. Phi Cu. N. Sp. — V. convex, narrow, lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,08; B. 0,015 mm. Axial area narrow, unilateral; central area large, uniting with the lateral areas. Median line with somewhat distant central pores and comma-like terminal fissures. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely lineate; lineole 24 in 0,01 mm. The striez are crossed on each side of the median line by a moderately broad, linear lateral area and probably also by another infra- marginal area. — Pl. I f. 34. Marine: Seychelles (V. H. Coll.)! This species is very similar to Caloneis biseriata Putrt, which has smooth strie. 88. N. Galea Brun (1891). — V. broadly elliptical, with rostrate ends, convex. lL. 0,06 to to 0,075; B. 0,03 to 0,035 mm. Median line with approximate central pores and somewhat distant termina] nodules. Axial area narrow; central area large, quadrate, uniting with the lateral areas. Strize 7 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout, coarsely lineate and crossed by broad, linear, lateral areas. — D. espéces n. p. 34 Pl. XVI f. 7. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Palermo, Tangier, Arzila (Brun). 89. N. guttata Grun. (1878). — V. very convex with conical ends, elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse. IL. 0,057 to 0,06; B. 0,011 to 0,014 mm. Median pores approximate. Axial area indistinct; central area large, somewhat transverse and quadrate. Strie 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, crossed by 3 to 4, irregularly undulating, narrow lateral areas, so that they have the appearance of being composed of 3 to 4 elongated large puncta. Lineation of the striz fine. — Cu. M. D. N:o 154 to 155. A. 8. Atl. XLVI f. 10 (without name). Marine: Balearic Islands! Sansego (Atl.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:o 3. 35 Var. maxima Cu. — V. less convex, lanceolate, acute. L. 0,13; B. 0,03 mm. Strize 6,5 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, composed of about 7 elongated puncta, lineate, lineole about 27 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Gulf of Naples (Brun’s Coll.)! Var.? Peragalli Brun (1891). — V. rhomboidal, acute; the axial part forming a distinct keel especially towards the ends. L. 0,08 to 0,11; B. 0,025 to 0,030 mm. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm, slightly radiate, composed of about 7 elongated puncta, crossed by fine lineole, about 27 in 0,01 mm. — N. Peragalli Brun D. espéces n. p. 87 Pl. XVI f. 12. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Athens (Brun). 90. N. (Alloioneis) Monodon Brun (1891). — V. very convex, narrow, rhombic-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,06 to 0,09; B. 0.011 mm. Central nodule strong, elevated with a pore in the middle. Terminal nodules distant. Axial area asymmetrical narrow, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. crossed by undulating, narrow, longitudinal areas. V. in zonal view broad, slightly constricted in the middle, with obliquely truncate ends. Central nodule forming a conical projection, perforated by a tube. Strize composed of elongated puncta. — Diat. espéces n. p. 86 Pl. XVI f. 8. Marine: Japan (Brun)! This is one of the most remarkable naviculoid diatoms, diverging from all other known forms by its central nodule, forming a conical, perforated projection on the outside of the valve. 91. N. distans W. Sm. (1853). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. L. 0,09 to 0,13; B. 0,017 to 0,o2 mm. Axial area gradually dilated towards the middle, where it expands to a large, rounded quadrate space. Strie 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, strongly lineate; lineole 21 in 0,01 mm. — Pinn. distans W. Sm. B. Dy. 1p. 56 Pl. XVIII f. 169. WN. distans A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 11 to 14. N.S. D. II f. 38 (without name). V. H. Syn. p. 87 Suppl. Pl. A f. 18. WN. dist. v. borealis Grun. A. D. p. 38 Pl. Il f. 42. Marine: Frans Josefs Land (Grun.), Spitsbergen! Finmark! Greenland! North Sea! N. distans seems to belong to the Arctic Sea and Northern Atlantic. I have not seen typical specimens from other seas. 92. N. subalata Grow. (1880). — V. lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,08; B. 0,o2 mm. Median line with approximate central pores and distant terminal nodules. Axial area linear distinct. Central area large, somewhat transverse. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, transversely lineate; lineole 22 in 0,01 mm. The strie in the middle do not reach the margin, so that the valve seems there to be bordered by a hyaline rim. — A. D. p. 38. Icon. n. Pl. I f. 32. Marine: Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! An original sketch by Grunow agrees perfectly with the specimen in Van Heurck Collec- tion, which has distinctly lineate strie. According to Grunow they are smooth. 93. N. salva A. S. (1876). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, sometimes with slightly triundulated margins and subrostrate ends. L. 0,088 to 0,06; B. 0,02 to 0,022 mm. Median pores approximate; terminal nodules distant. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area large, quadrate. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. — Atl. XLVI f. 23. Marine: Balearic Islands! Campeachy Bay (Atl.), Florida! 94. N. opima Grun. (1867). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rounded, obtuse ends. L. 0,06 to 0,11; B. 0,017 to 0,025 mm. Central pores approximate; terminal fissures almost straight, large, at some distance from the ends of the valve. Axial area broad, linear. Central area large, orbicular. Strie 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm., more distant in the middle; strongly radiate throughout, lineate; lineole 24 in 0,01 mm. — N. fortis var.? opima Grun. Novara p. 100 Pl. I Af. 13. WX. opima A. 8. Atl. XLVI f. 24, 25, 26. N. fortis A. 8S. Atl. XLVI f. 19, 20, 21, 22. Marine: Greenland! Davis Straits! Grip in Norway! Baltic (Atl.), Barcelona! w 36 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 95. N. Rhaphoneis (Ex. 1854?) Gron. (1866). — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,027; B. 0,011 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, trans- verse at the ends, coarsely lineate; lineole about 20 in 0,01 mm. — Pinnularia Rhaph. Eup. M. G. XXXV: 9, f. 7? N. Rhaph. Grun. Novara p. 19. Icon. n. Pl. I f. 30. MN. Pacifica Grun. Nov. Pl. If. 17. Marine: Samoa! Tahiti (Grun.), Jamaica! 96. N. Bruchii Gru. (1881). — V. lanceolate, acute. L. 0.044 to 0,06; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Axial and central areas uniting in a narrow, lanceolate space. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm. abbreviate, and radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, lineate; lineole 18 in 0,01 mm. The strie are crossed by a narrow longitudinal band. — Cu. N. R. D. p. 13 Pl. IIT f. 35. Marine: Labuan! Manila (Deby Coll.)! China (Thum.)? Tahiti (Grun.). 97. N. multiseriata Grun. (1881). — V. lanceolate, with protracted ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,012 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, crossed by two narrow longitudinal bands. — Cu. N. R. D. p. 13 Pl. IIT f. 36. Marine: Tongatabu (Grun.). 98. N. Amicorum Grun. Ms. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, acute. L. 0,0155 to 0,038; B. 0,008 to 0,015 mm. Central pores approximate. Axial and central areas uniting in a lanceolate space. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, coarsely lineate. Lineole 20 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. If. 31. Marine: Tahiti! Galapagos Islands! Var. madagascarensis Cu. — V. lanceolate. LL. 0,065; B. 0,013 mm. Stri# 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, elsewhere parallel. Marine: Madagascar (V. H. Coll.)! 99. N. nicwensis Pzrac. (1888). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,055; B. 0,015 mm. Axial and central areas uniting in a lanceolate space. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, ogranulater. — D. de Villefr. p. 46 Pl. II f. 8. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Peragallo). 100. N. Platessa Cu. (1881). — V. broadly lanceolate, with acuminate ends. L. 0,028 to 0,03; B. 0,015 to 0,018 mm. Median pores approximate. Terminal nodules distant. Axial and central areas uniting a large, lanceolate space. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. lineate, lineole 20 in 0,01 mm. — N. R. D. p. 9 PL If. 12. Marine: Galapagos Islands! 101. N. Sti Thome Cr. (1878). — V. lanceolate with triundulated margins and rostrate ends. L. 0,055 to 0,061; B. 0,02 to 0,025 mm. Central pores approximate, terminal nodules near the margin. Axial and central areas uniting in a large, lanceolate space, considerably dilated in the middle. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, distinctly lineate. — West Ind. D. p. 6 Pl. If. 4. Marine: West Indies! 102. N. Jamalinensis Cu. (1880). — V. elliptical, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,03 to 0,065; B. 0,016 to 0,027 mm. Median pores approximate; terminal nodules very distant from the ends. Axial and central area uniting in a very large, lanceolate space. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, coarsely lineate; lineolee about 20 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 13 Pl. ID f. 40. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Deschneff! China! Indian ocean (Grove Coll.)! Var. simievulius Brun (1891). — L. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,024 to 0,03 mm. Strie 5 in 0,01 mm. Median line somewhat asymmetrical. Area with a large dot on each side of the median line. — N. simievultus Brun D. espéces n. p. 89 Pl. XVI f. 13. Marine: Japan, fossil (Brun)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:o 3 37 Var. schizostawron Cu. — L. 0,038; B. 0,02 mm. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm. Lineole 20 in 0,01 mm. Central nodule lyriformly dilated. Marine: China (Thum.)! 103. N. Chi Cu. N. Sp. — V. broad, constricted in the middle, with apiculate ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,027, at the constriction 0,021 mm. Central pores approximate, terminal nodules near the ends. Axial and central areas uniting in a large space, crossed by faint continuations of the striz. Strie 9 (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, transverse at the ends, very finely lineate. — Pl. I f. 29. Marine: Balearic Islands! Gulf of Naples! This form may easily be mistaken for N. Exul, but it has no axial band of strie. Besides, the striz are very finely lineate. Additional. 104. N. Aquitanie Brun a. Herre. (1893). — V. narrow elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,17 to 0,24; B. 0,034 to 0,045 mm. Axial area in width about a third of the breadth of the valve, lanceolate, slightly dilated in the middle. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, where some few are shorter than the others, convergent and genuflexed in the ends, punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. — D. d’Auvergne p. 81 Pl. II f. 4. Brackish water: Auvergne, fossil! A very remarkable species, the terminal striw of which are genuflexed as in N. oblonga. Varies with undulating margins (var. wndulata Brun). At the inner ends of the strie there is a narrow blank band or depression. 105. N. basalte proxima Brun a. Hérip. (1893). — V. linear, with cuneate ends and parallel or slightly concave margins. L. 0,075 to 0,09; B. 0,014 to 0,018 mm. Axial area narrow, dilated to a large central area. Stri# 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate in the middle, convergent in the ends, finely punctate. — D. d’Auvergne p. 89 Pl. II f. 5. Brackish water: Auvergne, fossil! Navicule Punctate. Valve usually symmetrical, elliptical to,lanceolate, with broad and rounded or, frequently, rostrate ends, rarely constricted in the middle, or with undulate margins. Median line usually central; central nodule not stauroid or dilated in lyriform processes; terminal fissures turned in the same or, sometimes, in contrary, directions. Axial area narrow or indistinct. Central area usually small, rarely transverse, and never dilated to a transverse fascia. Structure: distinct puncta arranged in transverse rows (striz) radiate at the ends and in the middle of equal or unequal length, and, besides in longitudinal, undulating, rarely straight, rows. No longitudinal lines or lateral areas (except in N. carinifera and N. interlineata). Connecting zone not complex, usually narrow. Cell-contents unknown. This section, characterized by the distinct puncta composing the striz, comprises two, not sharply distinct, divisions — forms with the median strie of equal length, and forms with the median strie alternately longer and shorter. The former division is very nearly akin to the Lyrate, which differ in the lateral areas. In many forms of the Punctatz there is a tendency to form lateral depressions or areas, where the puncta are less crowded, which suggests a passage to such forms of Lyrate as N. irrorata, N. fluitans and others. Some forms are distinctly intermediate between the two sections, as WN. carinifera. 38 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. The division, comprising forms with the median strie of equal length, is not to be con- sidered as a series of forms starting from the same point as the Lyrate, but rather as a parallel row of allied forms. For instance the following forms may be regarded as nearly connected: Lyrate. Intermediate. Punctate. N. Lyra. N. carinifera. N. scandinavica. N. connectens. N. concilians. N. diffusa. N. Schaarschmnidtii. N. transfuga. N. fluitans. N. transfuga var. Neupaveri: N. abrupta. N. granulata. There seems also to be some connection between the Punctate and the Lineolate. Thus NV. amphibola is no doubt akin to N. Gastrum. Several species of Cymbella, which have distant puncta (C. aspera, C. mexicana etc.) seems also to be related to Punctate, but they have broader axial areas. The same is also the case with the Entoleia, among which are some coarsely punc- tate forms. With the Microsticte the connection is less evident, the forms of that section generally having the puncta closer than the striw. In the Mesoleie there are also some small forms, which might be placed in this section, for instance N. nivalis and others. The Heterostiche are apparently akin to the forms of the division, which have the mediar strie alternately longer and shorter, but they have a finer punctation and the striz are closer towards the ends. Most forms of the section Punctate are marine, a few only living in fresh water. Some are decidedly inhabitants of brackish water. They occur in all zones and seas. Artificial key. Valve symmetrical... «© #8 G6 Swe Bee EDS we HES shake 1 1. ne asymmetrical .... . ‘ oe) ah Tel ge eae wh a 2. 2. {aaae broad a a acy @ ee @ yew & a Lee _N. Grundleri Cu. a. Grun. Ends acute ... vet ate waite duluawan ed « Gil atti ui. de a . .. N. Lunula Cr. . 3. a of equal jeneeh iia GW ue a ARG ote see cat, SO: — unequal — (at ‘east in the middle) . ee aid. oan va, Sa. AB Ends cuneate... .. 2... enue bay. eh .N. Eta Cu. (N. humerosa var.). 4. {= rostrate. = ...... 5 not cuneate or rostrate . BS, 0 S*t*«*«U aE abc Se yee Re wets ay SOE Strie - to9in O01 mm ...... 2. etched tee inn We GAS is ee 6. 5. pa — D Bevbide, else, + Bisel laa tae Gt eet eg? at ok fe ipl te ae 7 ee Sl, Ve eee ele ee el ik oe Se aes te, Slee nan thee Je 8. 6. | rin Se fissures in the same directions ........ , N. humerosa Bris. —contrary — «......., - ae... NM. Alpha Cn. 7, ie 08mm. ........ reba? Ba ce agate ds ities . . . N. Delta Ox. Bs O07 MMe io ile So AS ee ee eS eee apie ew te a ees N. Xi Ou. 8. a about: Qoa Mme: 4c ee Aa aR OG eR a N. pusilla W. Sm. L. about 0,09 mm.......... Bate ER rage « tee od . N. Delawarensis Garon. 9, ay elliptical . . . esis p> ches ie wake Data dei, AO) lanceolate. ... . ; a hs : ie ter SL wae Menee .. 14. Puncta elongated ...... «ssa. 2 ot, List, de Gd ye N. Maeandrina Cu. 10. ve TOUNG: © ow ek A ee Oe ae a RO Se en 11. 1. ae Length about 003 mm. .. 1... ee ee sore Re. eal ey ty BSG 12. =~ 007 MMs 62a) Wee a hoe) ok eA ie. eee ee ales ed . 18. 19. oe strie more coarsely punctate than the others. .. . ... . N. seintillans A. S. not = = - SS ey a ee . WN. seutelloides W. Su. 18 foe central area. a ES a ew SA Re N. neogradensis Panv. * | With 9 a) -Sato'e apes Ue Marah. ha al ... WN. algida Garon. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 27. n:o 3, tema aboutOd Wits ys cee ae SR ee ee aie Sse ee atde 15. SOG MMe eh. oe we he ek Ode Clad es ee eo osc 16. ae Bin Oo mM. eee ee we Oe ea we gs N. latissima Gree. Be Ye eee ge Ln heh dea Sie uated ab Sasa Pratt Be dey a N. My Cu. og area bordered with a circlet of elongated puncta......... . N. Zeta Cu. — not ae —_ _ _ = ej send eae OTS ee area large. . . eh MW E> eR fac a aed ee eS N. Febigerii Cu. 8M! as Ake we ee By seer ee atts N. Newmayeri Pant. Valve biconstricted .. eG. einer eatin .. . WN. Nove Guineensis Temp. \~ constricted in the middle .... .. gn Hedy) rs Sak ate we . 19. not constricted ....... beeiGel cae. A eae eee 21. Puncta large, irregular... . my hid SOS ha te ecrhn ta eee N. bilobata Levup. Fort. ee arranged in transverse rows. . . ey Ree ete poled uty Se pctl slat eee 20. ee rows of puncta 6 in 0,01 mm...... me % se ceylanensis LEuD. Fort. _ - RB -—- — . .... . 2... N. sublyrata Grun. Valve rostrate. .. 2... .. 04. ad: whine bi epam °c y ch Gi0% 22. a not—- . ..... bi dhs nt crt ee an 64480: Central area large ... ©... 1. 2. ene S.A a wea . 28. es — small or indistinct ... . ae Ce Cre ae ene er ae ar . 26. Puncta closer than the strie. ... . é av: amphibola Cu. (N. Galikit Pant.). in and strie equidistant. . .. bs Aprile aks wig ay DA Puncta forming straight longitudinal rows . me OEotk-&. AB ot ely ie Gamma Cu. var. \ — curved _— a nnn . .. .« NM. baccata Brun. a. Temp. — undulating — — Biiep ea ava dsieniecdy cy nee 46 N. maculata Batu. TOf08 mi: a. hae By boa we ee LE Ree: OO ae See Seg 26. or 0,04 to 0,1 mm. or more .... 1... ee ee ee slate «se vier lak baat 27. Strie i In OPEAMMs esse awe awe eee a aS . . WN. Omicron Cu. ee ade bac Ba OG Whe (Beh cae ated ca aes . . «NM. Omega Ct. Ends ee gy BRN Ge Reo Bee ae .. WN. diffusa A. 8S. Wy conspersa Pant.) ce NOt Se Ee ee WO Bes OA Se ee : ‘ 28. Terminal fissures large, hook-shaped . am Ry AR ee ke Boe N. arabica Grun. Ree Small iweb. sae de aa 7 Mee aap ar tar Ey ees A8. almost parallel .. ©... ... ee ae GN Me dae: 4b cd ail des 49. 48. ies Puncta equidistant oe Bee, 1 3 ... NN. punetulata W. Su. closer at the margin ee SSIS ee wR GO N. brasiliensis Groun. 49. ae 9in Oo1 mm... ......, 5S at Behe aka” bo cee Gee car nover aioe 50. = Tote 14 SS ek hee SH Baise 663: eS h aG eye . 51. 50. oo areaorbicular s 4044) Ue) a eR ee a A N. doljensis Pant. — transverse i kei. che eee, hee Af ba N. Brunii Pant. 51 anaes rhombic-lanceolate . wk AG EASE Teoh aay eek N. Pi Cu. . — elliptic-lanceolate = ..... see eee) ON. seandinavica Lacst. 1. N. seutelloides W. Sm. (1856). — V. orbicular. Li. 0,015 to 0,027; B. 0,013 to 0,02 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area indistinct or irregular. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate through- out, the median strie of unequal length. Puncta of the striz coarse, 10 in 0,01 mm. — M. J. IV Pl. I f. 15. — Scnum. Pr. D. IN. p. 20 f. 22. A. S. Atl. VI fi. 34. Strése Klieken Pl. I f. 11. Fresh and slightly brackish water: Sweden (Gulf of Bothnia! Lake Malaren! Ronneby, fossil! etc.), Finland, fossil! Germany, Domblitten, foss. (Atl.), England! Var. mocarensis Grun. (1882). — Strie very distant, alternating with short, marginal strie. — Foss. D. Ost. Ung. Pl. XXX f. 65. Fresh water: Hungary, fossil (Grun.). Var. minutissima Cu, (1881). — Diam. 0,oo8 mm. Strie obsolete. — D. f. Gronl. Argentina p. 42 Pl. AVES, 10. Fresh water: Greenland! Finland. 2. N. seintillans A. 8. (1881). — V. elliptical, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,038; B. 0,026 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, somewhat transverse. Strie LO (middle) to 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. in the middle of unequal length, coarsely punctate, the puncta in the middle of the valve larger. — Atl. LXX f. 61. Marine: Campeachy Bay. 3. N. neogradensis Pant. (1886). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,057; B. 0,034 mm. Axial area narrow; central area indistinct. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, alternating with short marginal striole. Puncta of the strie 7 in 0,01 mm. — Cocconeis neogr. Pant. I p. 31 Pl, AIL 4, S11, Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). There is no reason for placing this species in Cocconeis. It seems nearly akin to Naw. punctulata, and to the following. 4. N. algida Groun. (1884). — V. broadly elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,07 to 0,085; B. 0,035 to 0,04 mm. Axial area very narrow. Central area not well defined, the median part of the valve being an irregular space with scattered puncta. Strie 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely punctate, alternating with short marginal striole. — Fr. Jos. Land D. p. 56 Pl. If. 31. Nav. glacialis Cu. M. D. N:o 302, Vega p. 471. Marine: North Siberian Sea! 5. N. glacialis Cu. (1873). — V. elliptical. L. 0,06 to 0,11; B. 0,03 to 0,066 mm. Axial area linear, narrow. Central area orbicular. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, punctate; KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. wo 3. Al puncta forming undulating longitudinal rows, about 8 in 0,01 mm. — Coccon. gl. Cu. D. Arct. Sea p. 14 Pl. OI f. 12. MN. sp. A. 8. Atl. VIf. 39. MN. gl. Grun. Fr. Jos. Land D. p. 55. Perit Cape Horn D. p. 123 Pl. X f. 16, 17 (1888). Icon. n. Pl. I f. 28. WN. kerguelensis Castr. Chal- lenger Voy. D. Pl. XXVIII f. 16 (according to Petit). Marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Matotschin Scharr! Cape Horn (Petit), Kerguelens Land (Castr.). Var. septentrionalis Ct. — V. smaller. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,035 mm. Puncta in the median part of the valve scattered or forming short, undulating rows. — A. S. Atl. VI f. 37. Marine: Arctic America! Greenland! Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! Cape Horn (Petit). The original figure in D. of the Arct. Sea shews a marginal rim, which I have since found to be occasioned by the zone. There is no rim on detached valves. The var. septentrionalis connects the type with N. algida. 6. N. Xi Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rostrate ends. L. 0,055 to 0,075; B. 0,022 to 0,032 mm. Axial area narrow; central large, orbicular. Striz 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. Puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. Among the median strie are some few shorter ones. Marine (Mouth of rivers): Sierra Leone (Deby Coll.)! Cameroon! 7. N. Delta Cu. (1893). — V. elliptical, with rostrate ends. L. 0,032; B. 0,016 mm. Axial area narrow; central orbicular. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, coarsely punctate; puncta 12 in 0,01 mm., equidistant. Among the median strie there are some few shorter ones. — Diatomiste II p. 14 Pl. I f. 10. Marine: Ceylon (Weissflog Coll.)! 8. N. pusilla W. Sm. (1853). — V. elliptical to lanceolate, with more or less distinctly rostrate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,047; B. 0,015 to 0,o25 mm. Axial area narrow; central area small, orbicular. Terminal fissures in the same direction. Strie 13 to 18 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, in the middle of unequal length; puncta distinct, 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — B. D. I p. 52 Pl. XVII f. 145. V. H. Syn. p. 99 Pl. XI f. 17. N. tumida var. genuina Groun. Verh. 1860 p. 537 Pl. IV f. 43 a; v. subsalsa Grun. f. b. c. — N. pus. var. spitsbergensis Grun. A. D. p. 40 (CL. M. D. N:zo 158). Fresh or slightly brackish water: Spitsbergen (Grun), England! Arctic America! Mouth of Jenissey! Bahamas! Surinam! Tasmania! Cameroon! Var. lanceolata Grun. (1860). — Lanceolate, with slightly or scarcely rostrate ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,015 mm. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 40 Pl. II f. 47. N. gastroides Gree. M. J. III p. 40 Pl. IV f. 17 (1854). WV. pulchra Grea. T. M.S. IV p. 42 Pl. V f. 7 (1856). WN. tumida v. lanceolata Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 537 Pl. IV f. 44. WN. tum. v. subsalsa Strése Klieken f. 10. Brackish water: Germany, Berlin (Grun.), Klieken, foss. (Strése), Sweden, Lysekil! Hungary, Neusiedlersee (Grun.), Mouth of Jenissey! Var. jamalinensis Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate with broad rostrate ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,016 mm. Central nodule incrassate around the median pores. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 40 Pl. II f. 48. Brackish water: Sea of Kara (Grun). 9. N. Demerar# Grun. (1893). — V. broadly lanceolate, with acute or obtuse ends. L. 0,046 to 0,085; B. 0,017 to 0,03 mm. Axial area narrow or indistinct. Central area large, irregular, with one, or a few, larger puncta near the central nodule. Terminal fissures in contrary direction. Strie 15 to 17 in 0,01 mm. somewhat closer near the ends, radiate, punctate; puncta 19 in 0,01 mm. Median strie of unequal length, terminal strie parallel. — Diatomiste II p. 14 PL If. 9. Fresh water: Demerara River! Surinam (Kinker Coll.)! 10. N. delawarensis Grun. (1893). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,085 to 0,1; B. 0,044 mm. Median line with distant central pores. Axial area narrow. Central area K. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 27. Nio 3. 6 42 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. large, rounded. Strie 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm., closer (about 18 in 0,01 mm.) near the ends, radiate at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta about 11 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating, longitudinal rows. Median strie alternately longer and shorter. — Diatomiste Vol. II p. 13 Pl. I f. 7, 8. Brackish water: Mouth of Delaware (Grun.) Connecticut! ‘ 11. N. Febigerii Cx. (1881). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,054 to 0,06; B. 0,02 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area large and irregular. Strie 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm., not closer near the ends, strongly radiate, parallel at the ends, composed of large puncta, about 14 in 0,o1 mm. Median striz of unequal length. — N. R. D. p. 9 Pl. II f. 21. Marine: California! Japan! N. Febigeri resembles the lower valve of Achnanthes danica, but it is a true Navicula, both valves being similar. 12. N. Neumayeri Panr. (1893). — V. lanceolate, subobtuse. Li. 0,056; B. 0,022 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area small, rounded. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, punctate; puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. Among the median strive a few shorter are intercalated. — Pant. III] Pl IV f. 64. Marine: Bory, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 13. N. Zeta Cr. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,065; B. 0,022 mm. Median line with short terminal fissuses, turned in the same direction. Axial area narrow. Central area orbicular, bordered by somewhat elongated puncta. Strize 17 (middle) to 21 (ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate, parallel at the ends, coarsely punctate, puncta about 17 in 0,01 mm., forming undulating longitudinal rows. A few of the median striz shorter than the others. Brackish water: Barbados (Weissflog Coll.)! Var. mexicana Cu. — V. with broader ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,019 mm. Strizw 15 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm. The median strie not alternating with shorter strie. Central area with blank spaces on both sides of the rows of elongated puncta. Brackish water: Mexico (Weissflog Coll.)! 14. N. My Cu. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the rounded and obtuse ends. L. 0,11; B. 0,024 mm. Axial area narrow; central area small, elongated. Striz 14 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate at the ends and gently curved, punctate, puncta about 16 in 0.01 mm. Median striz of unequal length. — Pl. I f. 17. Marine: China (Deby and Van Heurck Coll.)! In outline and striation this species has some resemblance to N. bottnica, but it is much larger, has more distant puncta and the terminal striz are radiate. 15. N. meandrina Cu. (1893). — V. elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,045 to 0,065; B. 0,021 to 0,031 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area orbicular, moderately large. Strie 19 to 21 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, composed of elongated puncta, forming undulating, longi- tudinal rows, about 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Median strie alternately longer and shorter. — Dia- tomiste II p. 13 Pl. I f. 6. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! The place of this form among the Punctate is somewhat uncertain. The elongated puncta suggest that it may be akin to Nav. Tuscula, which may be decided by examination of specimens in highly refractive media. The puncta will then perhaps be found to be finely, transversely. lineate, in which case its place is near to N. Tuscula. 16. N. Eta Cx. (1893). — V. subhexagonal or broadly linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,044; B. 0,019 mm. Axial area distinct, linear, slightly dilated in the middle. Strie 16 (middie) to 20 (ends) radiate throughout, punctate; puncta about 21 in 0,01 mm. — Diatomiste IT p. 13 Pl. If. 5. Marine: Red Sea! Japan! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. w:o 3, 43 This species has the appearance of a small N. humerosa, from which it differs by finer strie and closer punctation. 17. N. conspersa Pan. (1893). — V. broad, with almost parallel margins and slightly apiculate ends. L. 0,063; B. 0,033 mm. Axial area narrow, very slightly dilated in the middle. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm., radiate at the ends, in the middle of equal length, punctate; puncta 13 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. III Pl. XI f. 184. Habitat?: »>Képecz» (Pant.). Resembles NV. humerosa, but the median strivw are of equal length. 18. N. humerosa Bris. (1856). — V. broad, with parallel margins and rostrate to cuneate, obtuse ends. L. 0,05 to 0,1; B. 0,02 to 0,042 mm. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area orbicular or somewhat transversely dilated. Median line frequently with incrassate central pores and hookshaped terminal fissures turned in the same direction. Strie 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate or parallel in the ends, punctate; puncta 10 to 16 in 0,01 mm., forming undulating, longitudinal rows. Median striz of unequal length. — Sm. B. D. II p. 93. Donk. B. D. p. 18 Pl. III f. 3. A. 8. Atl. VI f. 3, 4, 5. V. H. Syn. p. 98 Pl. XI f. 20. WN. quadrata Gree. T. M. S. IV p. 41 f. 5 (1856). Stawroneis erythrea Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 567 Pl. VI f. 17. WN. bengalensis Grun. in A. S. Atl. VI f. 1, 2 (1875). N. Kamorthensis Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 152 Pl. V f. 16. A. S. Atl. VI f£. 8, 8*? Marine and brackish: Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! Finmark! Baltic! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Black Sea! Caspian Sea (Grun.), Red Sea! Seychelles! Nicobar Islands! Sumatra! Java! Labuan! Sydney! Cameroon! Var. constricta. — V. slightly constricted in the middle. — Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Gulf of Naples (Brun Coll.)! Var Fuchsit Pant. (1889). -- Puncta nearest to the areas elongated. — WN. (latissima var.?) Fuchsii Pant. II p. 45 Pl. X f. 170. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). N. humerosa is somewhat variable in the outline and the punctation of the strie. N. Ka- morthensis in A. S. Atl. has somewhat convex margins. Similar specimens from Samoa (Van Heurck Coll.) differ in nothing else from N. humerosa. N. humerosa is allied with N. punctulata, which has, occasionally, longer and shorter strie intermixed in the middle. On the other hand it is closely connected with N. latissima. 19. N. monilifera Cu. — V. broad, with almost parallel margins and rostrate ends. L. 0,077 to 0,1; B. 0,03 to 0,05 mm. Axial area narrow; central area orbicular, moderately large. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. Puncta 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — N. granulata Bris. in Donk. T. M.S. VI p. 17 Pl. III f. 19 (1858). B. D. p. 17 Pl. II f. 1. V. H. Syn. p. 98 Pl. XI f. 15. N. granul. v. javanica Luup. Forrm. D. de Malaisie p. 17 Pl. IT f. 2 (1892)? Marine: North Sea! Ceylon! Madagascar! Var. heterosticha Cu. — Strie 8 in 0,01 mm., in the middle alternately longer and shorter. Puncta 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — WN. granulata A. S. Atl. VI f. 15. 16. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! N. monilifera is closely akin to N. humerosa, from which it differs principally by its coarser punctation. The median strie are in most specimens of equal length, but this is subject to great variation and some shorter rows of puncta are occasionally intermixed in the middle of the valve. As the name N. granulata was used by Batuey 1854 for another species, I have been obliged to change the name. 20. N. latissima Gree. (1856). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,05 to 0,13; B. 0,04 to 0,05 mm. Axial area narrow, distinct. Central area orbicular. Striz 7 or 8 (middle) to 9 or 10 (ends) in 0,01 mm., radiate, at the ends parallel, punctate; puncta about 11 in 0,01 mm. The 44 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. median strie of unequal length. — T. M. S. IV p. 40 Pl. V f. 4, 4*. Rates in Pritch Inf. VII f. 70. A.S.N. 8. D. If. 30. Atl. VI f. 7. Donk. B. D. p. 17 Pl. Ill f. 2. Panr. III Pl. XLI f. 568. Pinnul. divaricata O'Meara M. J. VII p. 116 Pl. V f. 7 (1867). Marine: Finmark! North Sea! Naples! Sebastopol! Ceylon! China! Japan! Hungary, foss.! Var. capitata Pant. (1889). — V. with capitate ends. L. 0,109; B. 0,048 mm. Striz 10,5 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II p. 49; III Pl. XXXII f. 461. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. minor Pant. (1889). — V. elliptic-elongated, with capitate ends. L. 0,075; B. 0,03 mm. Striz 10,5 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II p. 49. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. elongata Pant. (1889). —- V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,14; B. 0,06 mm. Strie 10 to 11 mm. Puncta 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — N. humerosa v. cones Pant. II p. 48 Pl. X f. 175. Marine: Hungary, fossil: 21. N. Alpha Cu. (1893). — V. broadly lanceolate, with obtuse, subrostrate ends. L. 0,062; B. 0,03 mm. Median line with incrassate central pores, and the terminal fissures turned in contrary directions. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm., a little closer at the ends (9 in 0,01 mm.), radiate, coarsely punctate; puncta 8 in 0,01 mm. Median strie of unequal length. — Diatomiste II p. 13 Pl. If. 4. Marine: Japan! 22. N. Jentzschii Grun. (1882). -- V. elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,017 to 0,02; B. 0,009 to 0,o115 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 8 or 10 (middle) to 12 or 16 (ends) i in 0,01 mm., frequently closer on one side of the valve, radiate throughout, punctate; puncta 22 in 0,01 mm. — Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 156 Pl. XXX f. 64. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Domblitten, fossil (Grun.), Finland, Abo! Sweden, Mala- ren! Gulf of Bothnia! This species seems to connect the Punctate with N. lucidula and N. Atomus among the Minuscule. 23. N. torneensis Cx. (1891). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,017 to 0,024; B. 0,008 to 0,o1 mm. Axial area indistinct, central area small. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm., radiate at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta about 14 in 0,01 mm. — D. of Finl. p. 33 Pl. II f. 6. Slightly brackish water: Gulf of Bothnia (Tornea, Pitea)! Var. dboensis Cu. (1881). — V. elliptical, L. 0,012; B. 0,008 mm. — lL. c. f. 7. Fresh water: Finland, Lake Lojo near Abo! 24. N. lacustris Gree. (1856). — V. lanceolate, with subacute or subrostrate ends. L. 0,035 to 0,055; B. 0,016 to 0,018 mm. Axial area narrow; central area small, but distinct, orbicular. Terminal fissures seem to be turned in contrary directions. Strie 14 to 16, radiate at the ends, distinctly punctate; puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm., larger near the areas. — M. J. IV Pl. I f. 23. Cu. D. of Finl. p. 34 Pl. IT f. 14. Fresh water: Scotland, Loch Leven! Lule Lapmark! Finland! Germany, Oberrohe! Canada, Port Hope! 25. N. Toulae Pant. (1893). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,056; B. 0,021 mm. Axial area in- distinct. Central area small, rounded. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, composed of somewhat elongated puncta (9 in 0,01 mm.) arranged in almost straight longitudinal rows. Median strize shortened. — Pant. III Pl. XiI f. 196. Fresh water?: Hungary, Képecz (Pant.). 26. N. Gamma Ct. (1893). — V. lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. B. 0,036; B. 0,014 mm. Terminal fissures in contrary direction. Axial area indistinct; central area large, orbicular or KONGL, SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:o 3. 45 somewhat transverse. Strie 12 (middle) to 13 (ends) in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, coarsely punctate; puncta 14 in 0,01 mm. — Diatomiste II p. 12 Pl. I f. 2. Slightly brackish water: Amatitlan, Guatemala, fossil! Var. rectilineata Ct. (1893). — L. 0,032; B. 0014 mm. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm. composed of puncta, 17 in 0,01 mm., arranged in straight, longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste Vol. II p. 12 Pl. If. 1. Brackish water: Cameroon, Africa! 27. N. amphibola Cx. (1891). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rostrate, truncate ends. L. 0,037 to 0,07; B. 0,02 mm. Axial area narrow, but distinct. Central area rectangular, transversely dilated, broader outwards. Striz 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, punctate; puncta 12 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — N. punctata v. asymmetrica Laast. Spitsb. D. p. 29 Pl. II f. 7 (1873). N. Gastrum v. styriaca Grn. Foss. D. Ost. Ung. p. 144 Pl. KXX f. 50 (1882). Franz Jos. Land D. p. 98 Pl. I f. 35. N. amphibola Cu. D. of Finl. p. 33 (1891). N. styriaca Pant. III Pl. VI f. 102; Pl. XII f. 194; Pl. XX f. 298 (1893). Fresh water: Franz Josefs-Land (Grun.) Spitsbergen! Beeren Eiland (Lagerst.), Sweden, Alnarp, Skane! Finland! Hungary, fossil (Grun.), S:ta Rosa, Calif.! Chicago foss.! 28. N. Gdlikii Panr. (1889). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,034; B. 0,o15 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area transversely dilated. Strie 7,5 to 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. — N. (Gastrum var.?) Gdlikii Pant. IL p. 46 Pl. XI f. 192. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Probably the same as N. amphibola. 29. N. Grovei Cx. (1893). — V. broadly lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,03 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area large, transversely dilated, and widened outwards. Terminal fissures in the same direction. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta equidistant, 15 in 0,01 mm. Among the median strie a few shorter are intermixed. — Diatomiste II p. 15 Pl. 1 f. 14, Marine: Oamaru, N. Zealand, fossil! This species seems to be akin to NV. transfuga var. Neupaueri. 30. N. baccata Temp. a. Brun (1889). — V. broad, with parallel or slightly convex margins and cuneate or rostrate, obtuse or truncate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,055; B. 0,025 to 0,o27 mm. Ter- minal fissures in the same direction. Axial area linear. Central area large, orbicular. Striz 5,5 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta 6 in 0,01 mm. forming somewhat curved, longitudinal rows. — D. foss. du Japon p. 42 Pl. V f. 10. Marine: Japan, fossil! Colon (Deby Coll.)! 31. N. Sehulzii Kain (1889). — V. elliptical with rounded, obtuse ends. L. 0,12; B. 0,04 mm. Axial area distinct, narrowed towards the central and terminal nodules. Central area large, somewhat transverse. Terminal fissures turned in the same direction. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta 6 in 0,01 mm., forming somewhat curved, longitudinal rows. — Bull. Tor. Bot. Cl. March 1889 p. 75 Pl. 89 f. 2 (according to Wolle Am. D. Pl. XXIV f. 5). N. con- foederata Pant. III Pl. XXXIV f. 481 (1893). Marine: Atlantic City, N. Jersey, fossil (Deby Coll.)! Var. californica Ct. — V. elliptical, with subacute ends. L. 0,096; B. 0,o42 mm. Strie 5, puncta 5 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 26. Marine: San Pedro, Calif. fossil (Kinker Coll.)! Var. marylandica Cu. — V. broadly elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,09; B. 0,05 mm. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm., largest at the margins and gradually decreasing in size towards the areas, forming irregular longitudinal rows. Marine: Nottingham, Maryland, fossil (Dr. Rae Coll.)! 46 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 32. N. maculata Bart (1850). —- V. lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,09 to 0,12; B. 0,035 to 0,045 mm. Axial area linear, narrow. Central area large, somewhat transverse. Strie 6,5 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. Puncta 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating, longi- tudinal rows. — Stauroneis maculata Bart. Smitas Contr. 1850 p. 40 Pl. II f. 32. N. Fischeri A. S. Atl VI f. 38 (1875). Marine: Marble Head, Mass.! Pensacola, Florida! Var. caribea Cu. (1875). — L. 0,056 to 0,1; B. 0,025 to 0,o4 mm. Strie and puncta 7 in 0,01 mm. Central area small. — N. carib. Cu. West Ind. D. p. 5. A. S. Atl. VI £10 12. Marine: West Indies! Florida! Zanzibar (Atl.), Labuan! Port Jackson! 33. N. Omicron Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical, with apiculate ends. L. 0,028; B. 0,011 mm. Axial and central areas indistinct. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout. Puncta 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — PI]. If. 11. Marine: Galapagos Islands! 34. N. Omega Cx. (1893). — V. broadly elliptical-lanceolate, with rostrate ends. L. 0,026; B. 0,015 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area very small, rounded. Terminal fissures at distance from the ends. Transverse striz 17 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, coarsely punctate. Puncta 17 in 0,01 mm., forming nearly straight, longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste II p. 56 Pl. III f. 6. Marine: Etretat (Temp. Perag. Types N:o 406). 35. N. diffusa A. S. (1874). — V. with parallel margins and apiculate ends. L. 0,072; B. 0,03 mm. On each side of the median line is a longitudinal depression. Axial area narrow; central area distinct. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. — Atl. II f. 28. Pxzrag. Villefr. p. 49 Pl. DI f. 30. Marine: Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), Mediterranean Sea (Perag.). Var.? balearica Cu. — V. in L. 0,052; B. 0,022 mm. Axial area indistinct; central small. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating longitudinal rows. Valve without longitudinal depressions. Marine: Balearic Islands! Var. minor Cu. — L. 0,037; B. 0,015 mm. Striz 13; puncta 16 in U,o1 mm. Marine: Java! 36. N. sublyrata Grun. (1883). — V. elongated, constricted in the middle. L. 0,046; B. 0,01, at the constriction 0,007 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area very small. Strie 12 in 0,01, parallel, distinctly punctate. — Cu. Vega p. 496 Pl. XXXV f. 17. Marine and brackish: North America (Grun.), Labuan! 37. N. eeylanensis Leup. Forrm. (1879). -- V. elongated, constricted in the middle; seg- ments lanceolate. L. 0,16; B. 0,04, at the constriction 0,024 mm. Areas indistinct. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm. transverse, coarsely punctate; puncta forming longitudinal rows. — D. de Ceylon p. 26 Bl; It. 25. Marine: Ceylon (Leud. Fortm.). 38. N. bilobata Leup. Forrm. (1879). — V. strongly constricted in the middle, with broadly elliptic-lanceolate segments. L. 0,07; B. 0,0255, at the constriction 0,0115 mm. Areas indistinct. Valve with large irregular puncta. — D. de Ceylon p. 24 Pl. II f. 24. Marine: Ceylon (Lend., Fortm.). N. bilobata and N. ceylanensis are unknown to the author and may possibly represent some forms of Dictyoneis. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:0 3. 47 39. N. punctulata W. Sm. (1853). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,025 to 0,03 mm. Axial area narrow or indistinct. Central area small, orbicular. Strie 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. equidistant. Among the median strie there are a few shorter frequently intermixed. — B. D. I p. 52 Pl. XVI f. 151. N. marina Raurs Pritch. Inf. p. 903 (1861). Donk. B. D. p. 19 Pl. III f. 5. A. S. Atl. VI f. 9. V. Bo Syn. p98 £1. Xf. 16. Marine and brackish: Greenland! Finmark! Sea of Kara! North Sea! Caspian Sea (Grun.), Massachusetts! Florida! Barbados! South Africa! Mediterranean Sea! Ceylon! Port Jackson! Cali- fornia! Var. cluthensis Gree. (1857). — V. elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,045 to 0,05; B. 0,025 mm. Axial area indistinct or narrow. Central area indistinct or small, orbicular. Strie 10 to 14 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, punctate; puncta 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — N. cluthensis Gree. D. of Clyde p. 478 Pl. IX f. 2. NM. Cl. v. maculifera Cu. N. R. D. p. 9 PL II f. 23. N. erythrea Groun. Verh. 1860 p. 539 Pl. V f. 17. Marine and brackish: Finmark! North Sea! Baltic! Cape Horn (Petit), Madagascar! Ceylon! Nicobar Island! Tahiti! Var. finmarchica Grun. (1880). — L. 0,036 to 0,047; B. 0,022 to 0.024 mm. Striz 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. Central area indistinct. — N. cluth. v. finm. Gruy. A. D. p. 40 Pl. II f. 49. Marine: Finmark (Grun.). Var. striolata Grun. (1884). — Strie 14 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 8 in 0,01 mm. forming longi- tudinal rows. — N. cluth. v. striol. Grun. Franz Jos. Land D. 1884 p. 104. Cr. M. D. N:o 156. Brackish water: Fiskebackskil, Sweden. Var. Nove Zealandie Grun. (1884). — L. 0,029; B. 0,015 mm. Strie 11 (middle) to 14 (ends) in 0,01 mm. Central area indistinct. Valve with a marginal furrow. — N. cluth. v. Nove Zeal. Grun. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 104. Marine: N. Zealand (Grun.). Var. pagophila Gruy. (1884). — L. 0,031; B. 0,014 mm. Areas indistinct. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm., distinctly punctate. — N. cluth. v. pagophila Grun. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 104 Pl. I f. 30. Marine: Franz Jos. Land. The name N. punctulata was given 1842 by Eurenpere to a form, which, to judge from the figure in the Micro-geologic is doubtless Anomoeoneis serians. As this species is not included in Navicula, I think it advisable to retain the name, given by W. Smita. Between N. punctu- lata and N. Cluthensis there are no distinctions other than the form of the ends, which are sub- rostrate in the former and broadly rounded in the latter. This characteristic is so trifling that I have united them. Among the median strize a few shorter are usually intermixed, which with other characteristics shews that NV. punctulata is nearly akin to N. humerosa. By the var. clu- thensis it is also related to N. glucialis Cu. As N. cluth. var. minuta I, in 1881 (N. R. D. p. 10 Pl. II f. 22), described a small form with more distinct axial area. It does not belong to the section Punctate, and, as it is not sufficiently characterized, may be dropped. 40. N. brasiliensis Grun. (1863). — V. lanceolate or elliptic-lanceolate, sometimes with subrostrate ends. L. 0,054 to 0,16; B. 0,027 to 0,055 mm. Terminal fissures in the same direction. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, rounded, frequently slightly transversely dilated. Strie 8 to 12 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout. Puncta close towards the margins, more distant in the median part of the valve, where they form longitudinal, undulating rows. — Verh. 1863 p- 152 Pl. V f. 10. Novara p. 19. A. 8. Atl. Pl. VI f. 19 to 25, 31 to 33. Marine: Atlantic coast of N. America (Connecticut, North Carolina)! West Indies! Cam- peachy Bay! Brazil! Bab el Mandeb! Zanzibar (Atl.), Madagascar! Ceylon! Singapore! Labuan! China! Japan! New Caledonia! Samoa! Sandwich Islands (Atl.). 48 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var.? bicuneata Ct. — V. with parallel margins and cuneate ends. L. 0,10 to 0,12; B. 0,04 mm. Axial area linear. Central area transversely dilated, small. Stria 8 in 0,01 mm., the median more approximate and more closely punctate. — Pl. I f. 19. Marine: Pensacola! Connecticut! This variety, determined by Grun. as N. arabica, has nearly the same outline as f. 28 Pl. VI in A. 8. Atl. Var. fossilis Pant. (1889). — V. with cuneate ends. L. 0,027; B. 0,014 mm. Axial area distinct, not dilated around the central nodule. Strize 12,5 in 0,01 mm. — Panv. II p. 43 Pl. V f. 82. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 41. N. scandinavica Lagsr. (1876). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rostrate ends. lL. 0,063 to 0,105; B. 0,028 to 0,034 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, transverse. Stria 12 to 14 in 0.01 mm. almost parallel, distinctly punctate; puncta about 13 in 0,01 mm. — UN. lacustris A. S. N. 8. D. p. 88 Pl. I f. 29 (1874) Atl. VI f. 30. Stawroneis scandin. Laest. Boh. D. p. 47. Staur. dilatata Strése Klieken f. 28? Staur. Hichhornii Scuum. Pr. D. p. 189 Pl. IX f. 55 (1862)? Marine: North Sea (Bohuslin, Norway)! This species is probably allied to N. carinifera. There is on each side of the median line a narrow, longitudinal depression, which extends to the margin. 42. N. carinifera Grun. (1874). — V. lanceolate, with the axial part elevated towards the ends. L. 0,09 to 0,11; B. 0,03 to 0,o4 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small, transverse. Strie 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, distinctly punctate; puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl. IT f. 1. Marine: Balearic Islands! Campeachy Bay! West Indies! Florida! Forma minor. — L. 0,072; B. 0,024 mm. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. less distinctly punctate. — As StL, Ts 2. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Var. densius striata A. 8. (1881). — L. 0,12; B. 0,04 mm. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. LXX f. 42. Marine: Jamaica (Atl). Var. laxepunctata Cu. — L. 0,18; B. 0,05 mm. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm.; puncta close towards the margin, inwards more distant, forming undulate longitudinal rows, 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Kobi, Japan (Temp., Perag. Types N:o 188). 43. N. granulata Barn (1854). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,045 to 0,07; B. 0,022,t0 0,032 mm. Axial area linear, narrowed towards the central nodule and the ends. Central area orbicular. Strie 10' in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout. Puncta closer near the margins, about 13 in 0,01 mm., more scattered on the depressed parts on both sides of the median line, where they* form distant, undulating, longitudinal rows. — Smirus Contr. VII f. 16. N. polysticta Grev. Ed. N. Ph. J. X p. 28 Pl. IV f. 12 (1859). N. Baileyana A. S. N.S. D. Pl. I f. 31 (1874). Atl. VI f. 26, 27. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea (Perag.), Bab el Mandeb! Ceylon! Japan! Sydney! Calif. guano (Grev.). 44. N. transfuga Grun. (1883). — V. elliptic-lanceolate with rostrate or subrostrate ends, depressed on both sides of the median line. Depressions large, lunate. L. 0,07 to 0,11; B. 0,045 to 0,o6 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area large, dilated outwards, and rounded or not sharply defined. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout. Puncta closer near the margins (11 to 12 in 0,01 mm.) than on the depressed areas (about 6 in 0,01 mm.), where they form undulating longitudinal rows. — Cu. Vega p. 511 Pl. XXXV f. 15. Marine: Bab el Mandeb! Seychelles! China (Weissflog Coll.)! Japan (Brun Coll.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wn:o 3. 49 Var. Neupaueri Pant. (1886). — V. elliptical, with obtuse, not rostrate, ends. Strie 11 or 12 (middle) to 12 or 13 (ends). — N. Neupaueri Pant. I p. 27 Pl. XIV f. 123. Marine: Hungary, fossil! Japan, fossil (Tempére), Madagascar! China (Grove Coll.). Var. plagiostoma Grun. (1879). — V. with parallel margins and rostrate ends. L. 0,045 to 0,075; B. 0,022 to 0,o32 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area large, more dilated on one half of the valve than on the other. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, parallel at the ends. Puncta about 12 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. plagiost. Gruy. in Cl. M. D. N:o 257. Marine: Virgin Islands! Pensacola! North Carolina! Forma fossilis Pant. (1889). — L. 0,051; B. 0,024 mm. Strie 12,5 in 0,01 mm. — N. irro- rata v. fossilis Pant. II p. 49 Pl. VIII f. 147. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). It seems, to judge from the figure, questionable whether the var. fossilis is not an Ano- moeoneis. 45. N. Epsilon Cx. (1893). — V. lanceolate, with rostrate ends. L. 0,08 to 0,1; B. 0,04 mm. Median line with bifid median pores, and terminal fissures turned in opposite directions. Axial area narrow, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta near the margins 10 in 0,01 mm., on the depression about 6 in 0,01 mm. dis- posed in undulating, longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste II p. 12 Pl. I f. 3. Marine: China (Thum!) Japan (Brun Coll.)! 46. N. margaritifera Truan a. Writr (1888). — V. elliptical, with acute ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,05 mm. Median line with the ends at some distance from the margin of the valve. Struc- ture: large puncta (about 5 in 0,01 mm.) irregularly scattered over the whole valve. — Jeremie BD. p. 17 Pl. TV £10: Marine: Hayti, fossil (Truan and Witt). This form is very dissimilar to all of this section and its systematic position uncertain. N. Reusti Pant. III Pl. XXXITII f. 473 (1898) has also scattered puncta, but with a rim of fine strie. It may be an allied species, if not N. glacialis var. septentrionalis. 47. N. arabica Grun. (1875). — V. with parallel margins and rostrate ends. L. 0,12; B. 0,04 mm. Terminal fissures large, hookshaped. Central area transversely dilated. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout. Puncta 7 in 0,01 mm. disposed in undulating, longitudinal rows. — A. S. Atl. VI f. 14. Marine: Zanzibar (Atl.). The above description is from the fig. in Atl., which shews terminal fissures of a shape, very dissimilar to those of all other species of this section. Specimens by Grunow determined as N. arabica, are identical with N. brasiliensis var. bicuneata. 48. N. oseitans A. S. (1875). — V. elliptical. L. 0,055 to 0,09; B. 0,03 to 0,05 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area irregular, frequently a transverse linear space narrowed outwards. Striz 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, punctate; puncta about 8 in 0,01 mm., closer towards the margin than on the depressed parts on both sides of the median line. — Atl. VI f. 41. Marine: Balearic Islands! Macassar Straits! Japan, fossil (Brun Coll.)! S:ta Monica, Calif. fossil! Monterey (Atl.). The fig. 40 Pl. VI in A. S. Atl from Davis strait belongs probably to N. oscitans. I have seen similar forms from S:ta Monica (Deby Coll.) and Redondo (Grove), which I cannot separate from NV. oscitans. Var. subundulata Cu. and Grove (1891). — V. elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,092; B. 0,06 mm. Axial area indistinct, central irregular. Surface of the valve with a slight depression on both sides of the median line. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, composed of puncta, more Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. Band 27. N:o 3. 7 50 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. distant on the depressions (8 in 0,01 mm.) than towards the margin and the median line (18 in 0,o1 mm.). — Diatomiste I p. 67 Pl. X f. 10. Marine: Macassar Straits! This form is perhaps to be considered as a distinct species. 49. N. impressa Grun. (1875). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,06 to 0,075; B. 0,034 to 0,045 mm. Axial area indistinct, central area small. Strive 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. parallel in the middle, slightly radiate at the ends. Puncta coarse, 7 to 11 in 0,01 mm. On both sides of the median line are large lunate depressions. — A. 8S. Atl. VI f. 17, 18. Marine: Campeachy Bay! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! 50. N. sparsipunctata Grove and Srurr (1886). — V. broadly elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,05 to 0,065; B. 0,03 to 0,o4 mm. Central nodule very small. Terminal fissures indistinct. Axial area narrow, linear, unilateral. Central area indistinct. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. parallel in the middle, radiate at the ends. Puncta coarse. inequidistant, about 6 in 0,01 mm. At some distance from the margin is a narrow, not punctate, space. — Quek. M. Cl. II (2) p. 323 Pl. XVIII f. 1. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! This is a very remarkable form, not closely akin to any known species. The median line and the central nodule are especially peculiar. 51. N. interlineata Grove and Srurr (1886). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,1; B. 0,05 mm. Axial area narrow, very slightly dilated around the central nodule. Terminal fissures indistinct. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout. Puncta 8 in 0.01 mm. forming irregularly undulating rows. On both sides of the median line is a narrow, arcuate, lateral area, inside which the puncta form more regular longitudinal rows. — J. Quek. M. Cl. II (2) p. 323 Pl. XVIII f. 2. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! A very remarkable species, which shews some resemblance to Diploneis nitida. 52. N. fraudulenta A. S. (1881). — V. elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,019 to 0,023 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, not sharply defined. Strize 14 (middle) to 18 (ends) in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate at the ends, composed of puncta, about 13 in 0,o1 mm., disposed towards the median line in straight, somewhat distant, longitudinal rows. — N. 8. D. III p. 18 (without name). N. fraudulenta A. S. Atl. LXX f. 60. N. restituta A. 8S. accord. to Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 102 (1878). Marine: North Sea! Sebastopol! A small, very distinct species, not to be mistaken for any other. 53. N. Nove Guineensis Temp. (1891). — V. broad, biconstricted apiculate. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,027 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area trans- versely dilated. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm., strongly radiate at the ends, composed of coarse puncta, about 7 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste I p. 71, Pl. XI f. 1. Brackish water: Yule- Island (New Guinea)! This is a very interesting form, not closely connected with any other. The median line has somewhat arcuate components, which suggests that the valve is slightly genuflexed as in Achnanthes. The coarse structure resembles that of Nav. Tuscula, but the direction of the termi- nal rows of puncta is different and there is no appearance of a lineation across the puncta. The dilated central nodule, as well as the strongly inclined striz, remind one of the lower valve of Achnanthes danica and its allies, but the structure is much coarser and the valve strongly silicious. 54. N. Pi Cr. (1893) — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,08; B. 0,022 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area small. Terminal fissures in the same direction. Striz 11 (middle) to KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2/. N:0 3. 51 12 (ends) in 0,01 mm. almost parallel. Puncta about 12 in 0,01 mm. forming slightly undulating longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste II p. 15 Pl. I f. 13. Marine: China (Van Heurck Coll.)! 55. N. doljensis Pan. (1886). — V. lanceolate. with subacute ends. L. 0,142; B. 0,033 mm. Median line with approximate central pores, slightly undulating. Axial area indistinct, central very small, orbicular. Strie 9 in 0.01 mm., transverse throughout, coarsely punctate, puncta about 9 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. I p. 24 Pl. XXIV f. 219. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 56. N. Brunii Pant. (1886). — V. lanceolate, with subobtuse ends. L. 0,084; B. 0,027 mm. Median line straight, with approximate central pores. Axial area indistinct. central a short and narrow transverse fascia. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, slightly convergent at the ends, coarsely punctate. — Pant. I p. 23 Pl. XXIV f. 217. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 57. N. Lunula Cr. — V. moderately asymmetrical, with convex dorsal and ventral margins and subacute ends. L. 0,062; B. 0,016 mm. Median line straight. Axial area narrow, not dilated around the central nodule. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. coarsely punctate; puncta 13 in 0,01 mm. Median ventral strie not ending in isolated puncta. — Part I Pl. V f. 5. Marine: Java! Of this form I have seen one specimen only, in a gathering of shell-sand found at Java by Dr. Avrivititus. There were no freshwater forms in the material, so I have no doubt about the marine habitat of this form, which could be placed in Cymbella, were not the puncta so distant and the habitat marine. 58. N. Grundleri Cu. a. Grown. (1878). — V. broad with almost parallel or very slightly concave sides and broad rounded ends. L. 0,075 to 0,098; B. 0,o28 mm. Median line excentric, with large hook-shaped terminal fissures turned in the same directions. Axial area indistinct; central area small and orbicular. Strie 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm.,, slightly radiate in the middle and convergent at the ends, coarsely punctate; puncta 9 to 12 arranged in undulating longitudinal rows. — Alloioneis Griindleri Cu. West Ind. D. p. 7 Pl. IL f. 10. Marine: West Indies! Campeachy Bay! Colon! Fossil: Oamaru, New Zeeland! Var. symmetrica Cu. — L. 0,07; B. 0,03 mm. Median line almost central, its terminal fissures small. Striz 15, puncta 14 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! This is a very remarkable species, not nearly akin to any other. The var. symmetrica, although in some characteristics differing from the type, can however in my opinion not be sepa- rated from N. Grundleri, especially as the asymmetrical type occurs also at Oamaru. N. Grundleri is a form intermediate to the Amphore of the section Psammamphora or Amblyamphoru, and has as these, the strix in the middle between the central. and terminal nodules divergent from the median line. Additional. N. arverna Hiri. a. Peraa. (1893). —- V. broadly elliptical, with apiculate ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,013 mm. Axial area narrow. Central area star-like. Striz 5 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle and alternately longer and shorter, transverse at the ends, coarsely punctate. — D. d’Au- vergne p. 105 Pl. IV f. 19. Fresh water? Auvergne, fossil. 52 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Navicule Lyratz Ct. Valve usually elliptical to lanceolate, rarely constricted in the middle. Median line with curved terminal fissures, rarely in contrary direction, or bayonet-shaped. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, united to two, more or less broad, lateral areas. Structure of the valve: usually distinct puncta, disposed in transverse rows, radiate at the ends of the valve, and in undulating longitudinal rows. Zone not complex. I have examined some living specimens of N. Lyra, N. spectabilis and N. Hennedyw. All have two chromatophore-plates along the valves. The margins of the plates are strongly indented. From the apices a narrow and deep sinus proceeds towards the central nodule and has at its end an eleoplast. As the plates in some cases were deeply constricted in the middle it seems probable that they divide by a fissure at right angle to the median line. a Nav. Hennedyt with cell-contents, Nav. Lyra var. with cell-contents, 600 times mngnified. 600 times magnified. The most important characteristic of this group consists in the lateral areas, which are to be regarded as lateral expansions of the central nodule. They are more silicious than other parts of the valve, and coherent with the mass of the usually small central nodule. This group, corresponding to the Hennedyées and Lyrées in Van Hzurcx’s Synopsis, com- prises an enormous mass of forms, in which are more transitions than in any other group of navi- culoid diatoms. All the characteristics are subject to so much variation, that I am unable to distinguish more than a very few, well defined species, although besides the numerous pu- blished figures I have examined at least 300 sketches of forms from all parts of the world. I have tried to obtain characteristics from the relative number of the striz and their puncta, but the variation, even in the same species, is too great. The outline of the valve offers no trustworthy characteristics, the same species occurring with rounded, obtuse and rostrate ends. The breadth and form of the lateral areas are also subject to great variations, so that all possible transitions can be traced from the large lunate areas of N. Hennedyi to the narrow and linear areas of N. Lyra. The presence or absence of markings in the areas offer no characteristics for specific distinction. Inspection of a large number of specimens has induced me to unite in one species a considerable number of forms, hitherto admitted as distinct species. The forms be- longing to NV. approximata, N. Hennedyi, N. spectabilis, N. clavata and N. Lyra are numerous, and the simplest and most effective course would perhaps have been to unite these five species, and possibly others; as they all pass by numerous intermediate forms into each other. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢, y:0 3. 53 The group most nearly connected with the Nav. Lyrate is the Nav. punctate, both being united by numerous transitional forms. In some cases it is difficult to decide whether a form belongs to the Nav. punctate or the Nav. lyrate. Such forms are for instance N. transfuga and N. carinifera among the Punctate and N. Schaarschmidtii among the Lyrate. On the other hand the Nav. lyratz offer some resemblance to the genus Diploneis, especially in D. hyalina, D. Hudsonis and some other forms. The prolongations of the central nodule in Diploneis correspond evidently to the lateral expansions of the central nodule in the Lyratz, but there are no longitudinal lines in Lyrate as in Diploneis, and in Diploneis there is no punctate space between the median line and the prolongations of the central nodule. All the forms of this Section live in salt water, a few only (V. pygmea and some varieties of N. foreipata) living in brackish water; so that the forms of this section of Navicula are very characteristic of purely marine deposits. In the older deposits only few occur. From the Barbados deposit I have seen only one specimen, of a species akin to N. Barbitos. In the Oamaru deposit there are a few peculiar forms, one of which has the terminal fissures in contrary directions, and another has almost straight terminal fissures. In the deposits of the miocene or oligocene age forms of Lyratz begin to become numerous, one of the most frequent being . pretexta. In the present age, forms of this Section are very frequent, and the same species have a very wide range of distribution. Most species of this section being transitional and their characteristics subject to great variation, it is extremely difficult to construct a satisfactory artificial key. Still I believe the following will be of use. Artificial key. Lateral areas uniting with the central area mee CS ee ee ae ee en — not — _ — — a Be 3 ; N. concilians Cu. Puncta —_ straight longitudinal rows. ....... _N. Durandi Kirtox. ae undulating — — ies fn = bouicsthe Se 3. Lateral areas linear... . d 3 Bk a ee 4. ae — broader in the stadte j ele ‘ eA 20. Spaces between the areas and the median line _ striate . ac 5. ee — _ — not — ‘ N. Reichardtit Grow. Central pores incrassate ; : oe oe : ‘ é iss 6. oe — not — ‘ : ; ‘ ‘ 5 ‘ ; 7. { Strie abont 13 in 0,01 mm. itr Je ' N. forcipata Grun. 15 to 22 — — ; a 4 N. forcipata var. ae — about 26 - — pS .N. pygmea Kotz. Lateral areas short, not reaching to the margin 8. ~ eee — reaching —_ — en 11. 7 es ane at the margin in double rows of small ‘anes : N. rudis Cu. — not— — _— _— _— — _ _ pleas oe OD g, a area narrowed at the ends and in the middle N. abrupta Grue. — indistinct . ee ee be faie-tr — ose efarant ; N. copiosa A. S. —14 — : $4 ‘ . N. Sandriana Gron. 24. eo Axial lass of the valve elevated a the sis. ; Bdek®, ots) 4 ee . . 26. = not — _ a ne ee, ‘ es BB 25. ea with puncta in short undulating rows... ... N. venustissima Kirt. — irregular puncta ms fe ; : 4 3 hs Ge . N. venusta Jan. 26. Areas narrow ...... mo Je oN. ‘malate var. biharensis. broad... , BRE CR eae 2 . 27. 97. { roe indentate in the middle Sak N. spectabilis var. jningarica and var. excavata. — not — — _— ae iy ee eS Areas semiorbicular . . ; on wos N. oamaruensis Grun. 28. ee | semielliptical . ..... PoE oe «ge Ae ste net 29. 29, cee portion of the areas smooth. . ...... . . « N. Stercus muscarum Cu. _— — punctate j nau : . 80. inde POBEFALES G3) acs erie oe Eee ie Ea N. clavata var. indica. 30. — non— . ‘ Heo » 28K Areas with large dois i N. perfecta Pann, (N. Hennedyi var. caliginosa and var. 31. Neapolitana). — short, undulating rows of puncta. : ..... N. reticulo-radiata Br. a. Temp. — irregular puncta .. ©... ...-.040. ‘ - 82. 32. | strie of 2 to 4 puncta. ... N. pretexta Exp. (N. Bennedyi var. wucinisccian — —4t8 — nae, my N. Schaarschmidtit Pant. 33. ee constricted in the middle . . LN. clavata var. exul (N. Hennedyi var. constricta). not — _— ee VARs pag Ge ve hacia Gea tes me matted oa «io NS tes rostrate . ol bt b.dn nine a BO N. clavata Grxc. 34. <= ponies yk Gl ig aeeet ui oe ‘ oe gy BD: [ares contracted in the middle . : 8 NX. spectabilis Grxe. 35. not — _ a ee ep a aed gases | ah BOs ‘ised Broads a. <2 1. 3 Gta thod votndn 1 Gan k-Rieme Beak we Bm atin: 4 N. Hennedyi W. Sm. 36. M@EQOW 6. ce Se ie se ato eee ee dye dh. Sas catou tare aye ALL? 28 cs 37. 37. te Dia MM a ea ee ew Ge “ee aed .. N. turgidula Pant. L. 0.09 to 017 mm. bee SE ee eee ae .. . N. irrorata Grev. 1. N. concilians Cr. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,045; B. 0,023 mm. Lateral areas not uniting with the central area, linear or narrow lunate, not sharply defined. Marginal. strie 13 to 14 in 0,01. mm. Puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm., becoming more distant to- wards the areas. — Pl. I f. 25. Marine: Honolulu! In this form the lateral areas are separated by a row of puncta from the small central nodule. It is therefore to be considered as a transitional form from the Punctate to the Lyrate. Similar forms are known from Samoa (lanceolate. L. 0,066; B. 003 mm. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm.) and from Madagascar. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. N:0 3. 55 2. N. connectens Grun. (1886). — V. elliptical or lanceolate, with rounded or cuneate ends. L. 0,072 to 0,13; B. 0,035 to 0,038 mm. Lateral areas linear, ending at a considerable distance from the ends of the valve. Strie 8 to 9, puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. — N. Lyra var. connectens GRun. in Pane. I PL. MXTY £. 221, Marine: Atlantic City, N. Jersey, fossil (Deby Coll.)! Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 3. N. H album Ct. N. Sp. — V. broadly elliptical, or almost orbicular. L. 0,076; B. 0,052 mm. Terminal fissures at a right angle to the median line. Lateral areas almost parallel, ab- breviate, somewhat distant, producing in the middle of the valve a figure resembling the letter H. Marginal striw 14, axial strie 18 and puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. — Part I Pl. IV f. 8, 9. Marine: China (Van Heurck and Deby Coll.)! 4. N. Schaarschmidtii Pant. (1886). — V. elliptical. L. 0,075 to 0.13; B. 0,04 to 0,065 mm. Lateral areas not sharply defined, with scattered puncta, and sometimes larger dots. Mar- ginal strie 9 to 15 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 10 to 14 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie of 4 to 8 puncta. — Pane. 1p. 28 PE XIV £ 121. Marine: Hungary, fossil! Japan, fossil (Brun Coll.)! Maryland, fossil (Deby Coll.)! This species is nearly akin to N. transfuga in the group Punctate. 5. N. reticulo-radiata Trump. a. Brun (1889). — V. elliptical. L. 0,1; B. 0,067 mm. Lateral areas large, not sharply defined, with short undulating longitudinal rows of puncta. Marginal strie 10 in 0,01 mm. Puncta about 8 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie of single puncta. — D. fossiles de Japon p. 44 Pl. V f. 4. Marine: Japan, fossil! China (Deby Coll.)! 6. N. Stercus muscarum Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical. 1. 0,072; B. 0,042 mm. Areas large, lunate, not sharply defined, smooth in the middle and with scattered, larger puncta on their sides. Marginal striz 10 in 0,01 mm., short, finely punctate. Axial strie 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm. very short. — Pl. I f. 27. Marine: China (Van Heurck Coll.)! 7. N. pretexta Ens. (1840). — V. elliptical. L. 0,045 to 0,19; B. 0,03 to 0,11 mm. Lateral areas large, semielliptical, not sharply defined, with scattered puncta. Strize marginal, 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie of 3 to 4 puncta. — Pinn. pret. Eup. Ber. 1840 M. G. XIX f. 28. Nav. pret. Gree. D. of Clyde p. 481 Pl. IX f. 11. Donk. B. D. p. 10 Pl Ir f 1. A. §. Atl. IIT f. 31-84; CXXIX f. 7. V. H. Syn. p. 92 Pl. IX f. 13. Wir Archangelsk D. Pl. IX f. 4. Jan. Gaz. Exp. XV f. 21. . Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Ceylon! Australia! Japan! Kerguelens Land! Cape Horn (Petit)! Macassar Straits! West Indies! North Carolina! Fossil: Archangelsk! Moravian Tegel! Upper tertiary deposits of Hungary! Moron! Japan! Hayti (Truan and Witt), Oamaru, N. Zealand! California! Var. abundans A. S. (1888). — V. rhombic-elliptical. L. 0,1; B.0,o7 mm. Areas not defined, covered with puncta (4 to 5 in 0,01 mm.) in connection with the puncta of the marginal striz. Marginal striz 6 in 0,01 mm., their puncta 6 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. CXXIX f. 8. Marine: Monterey and S:ta Monica, Cal. fossil! Var. abnormis Cu. — L. 0,14; B. 0,075. Striz 11, puncta 14 in 0,01 mm. Marginal strie in the middle of the valve close, 14 in 0,1 mm. Marine: Soundings, Lat. 12°24 N., Long. 122°15 Gr. (Rae Coll.)! Var. Haytiana Truan and Wirt (1888). — L. 0,16; B. 0,12 mm. Marginal strie 8 in 0,01 mm. No axial strie. — N. Haytiana Truan a. Witt Jeremie D. p. 17 Pl. IV f. 9. Marine: Hayti, fossil (Truan a. Witt). 56 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var Lunyaczeki Pant. (1886). — L. 0,11; B. 005 mm. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. interrupted in the middle of the valve. — WN. Lunyac. Pant. I p. 26 Pl. XIV f. 122. N. pretexta Truan a. Wirt Jerem. D. p. 17 Pl. IV f. 8. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.), Hayti (Truan a. Witt.). N. pretextu is a most variable species, passing into N. Hennedyi var. circumsecta. 8. N. irrorata Grey. (1859). — V. with parallel margins and cuneate ends, or lanceolate. L. 0,09 to 0 175 B. 0,045 to 0,06 mm. Lateral areas not sharply defined, linear, with straight exterior margins, smooth. Marginal strie 7 to 10, puncta 6 to 9 in 0,o1 mm. Axial striz of 2 to 5 puncta. — Edinb. N. Ph. J. X p. 27 PL IV fii. A.S. Atl. ID f. 22, 23. Marine: Adriatic! Sydney! Calif. guano (Grev.), West Indies! Mexico! Campeachy Bay! Florida! Var. mexicana Cu. — Lanceolate. LL. 0,12; B 0,053. Strie 7, puncta about 5 in 0,01 mm. — N. trrorata A. 8. Atl. IT f. 19. Marine: Gulf of Mexico (Atl.). Var. substauroneiformis Grun. (1874). — L. 0,08; 0,04 mm. Strie 7, puncta 9 in U,o1 mm. Central nodule incrassate and transversely dilated. — N. approxim. v. substauroneif. A.S. Atl. IT f. 20. Marine: Campeachy Bay! Var. ceylanica Cu. — Elliptical. L. 0,095; B. 0,05 mm. Marginal strie 14, their puncta about 21 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie 17, their puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. Columbo, Ceylon (Letourneur Coll.)! Var. elliptica CL. — Elliptical to elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,075 to 0,13; B. U,o3 to 0,055 mm. Areas with convex exterior margins, convergent. Striz 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Puncta about 9 to 10 inequidistant. — Icon. n. Part I Pl. IV f. 13. Marine: Colon (Deby Coll.)! Gulf of Mexico! West Indies! China! Manila (Deby Coll.)! Fossil: Hungary, Kekké (Deby Coll.)! 9. N, perfecta Pant. (1886). — V. elliptical. L. 0,116 to 0,14; B. 0,068 to 0,o7 mm. Areas not sharply defined, semilanceolate, with large crowded dots. Striz 9 (10 to 11 accord. to Pant.), puncta about 10 in 0,01 mm. The puncta become less crowded towards the area and are there arranged in almost regular, longitudinal rows. — Pant. I p. 28 Pl. XXIII f. 207. . Marine: Hungary, fossil! Var. Letourneurit Pan. (1889). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,08; B. 0,032 mm. Striz 12,5, puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. — N. Letour. Pant. IT p. 49 Pl. XXIV f. 358. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 10. N. venusta Jan. Ms. — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,07 to 0,11; B. 0,05 to 0,04 mm. Axial part elevated. Lateral areas not sharply defined, semilanceolate with scattered puncta. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. closely punctate near the margin. — Gazelle Exp. XV f. 17. Marine: Galapagos Islands! Var. intermedia Cu. — V. elliptical. L. 0,097; B. 0,052 mm. Lateral areas large, semi- lanceolate, dotted on the part near the axial striz, punctate on the part near the marginal strie, puncta distant, gradually passing over to the marginal strie. Marginal strie 13, their puncta 18 in 0,01 mm. Axial part less distinctly elevated. ' Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Tempére). This variety seems to connect N. venusta with N. perfecta. 4 11. N. Barbitos A. S. (1888). — V. strongly silicious, rhombic-lanceolate, with the axial part elevated towards the ends. L. 0,18 to 0,22; B. 0,055 to 0,013 mm. Lateral areas linear, not sharply defined, almost parallel, approximate to the median line. . Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta closer (about 14 in 0,01 mm.) near the margins than near the latera] area (about 9 in 0,01 mm.), where they form undulating and obscurely decussating longitudinal rows. — Atl. CX XIX f. 5. Marine: Singapore! Cebu! Sumatra! Sumbava! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 24. N:0 3. 57 12. N. venustissima Kirron (1892). — V. lanceolate, with elevated axial part. L. 0,13 to 0,2; B. 0,055 mm. Lateral areas not sharply defined, large, semilanceolate, covered with undulating longitudinal rows of puncta. Marginal strie 10 and their puncta 11 in 0,01 mm. — Lezup. Fort. D. de la Malaisie p. 17 Pl. IT f. 3. Icon. n. Part. I Pl. IV f. 12. Marine: Penang Harbour! Hongkong (Deby and Rae Coll.)! Samarang (Grove Coll.)! 13. N. inhalata A. 8. (1874). — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,08; B. 0,035 to 0,045 mm. Areas not sharply defined, broadly linear, constricted in the middle and convergent at the ends. Strie 13 to 14, puncta 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. II f. 30. Marine: Madagascar! Philippines! Samoa (Atl.). Fossil: Moravian Tegel! Hungary (Pant.), S:ta Monica Calif.! Var. lanceolata Cu. — V. with rostrate ends. L. 0,065; B. 0,035 mm. Strize and puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Var.? biharensis Pant. (1889). — L. 0,052; B. 0.0265 mm. Areas with scattered puncta. Striz 12,5 to 13 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate. — Pant. IT p. 48 Pl. VIII f. 139. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). The var. béharensis seems to be more akin to N. spectabilis. 14. N. rudis Cr. (1881). — V. elliptical. L. 0,052 to 0,1; B. 0,032 to 0,os mm. Areas not sharply defined, linear, abbreviate. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. closer and in double rows near the margin. — N.R. D. p.8 Pl. ID f.17. WN. Truant Pant. I p. 29 Pl. IT f. 19 (1886). Marine: Balearic Islands! Moron, Spain, fossil! 15. N. fluitans Broun (1591). — V. elliptical. L. 0,14 to 0,16; B. 0,05 to 0,o6 mm. Areas not sharply defined, linear, extending to the ends. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm., puncta about 11 in 0,01 mm. — D. Esp. n. p. 34 Pl. XV f. 13. Marine: Mauritius (Brun), Cabenda, Western Africa (Brun). 16. N. variolata Ci. (1892). — V. orbicular. L. 0,1 to 0,15; B. 0,096 to 0,12 mm. Median line with terminal fissures in contrary directions. Latera] areas large, semicircular with numerous dots and in the middle a linear band of short, punctate strie. Marginal strie 17 to 18, puncta about 22 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie of 5 to 6 puncta. — Diatomiste I p. 76 Pl. XII f. 7. A.S. Atl. CLXXIV f. 26. Marine: Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! This species, resembling N. rimosa and N. Oamaruensis, is well distinguished by its termi- nal fissures. 17. N. oamaruensis Grun. (1888). — V. nearly orbicular. L. 0,06 to 0,11; B. 0,053 to 0,10 mm. Lateral areas semicircular, large with scattered large puncta and dots. Median line with bayonet-shaped terminal fissures. Marginal strie 10 to 11, puncta 14 in 0,01 mm. Axial striz of one or two puncta. — A. 8. Atl. CXXIX f. 9. Marine: Oamaru, fossil! 18. N. Hennedyi W. Sm. (1856). — V. elliptical. L. 0,045 to 0,12; B. 0,03 to 0,053 mm. Lateral areas broad, semilanceolate, with parallel interior margins. smooth. Marginal strie 9 to 11, puncta 14 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — B. D. II p. 938. Gree. T. M.S. 1V Pl. V f. 3 (1856). Gren. Verh. 1860 III f. 21. Donx. B. D. If. 3. A.S. N.S. D. If. 41. Atl TT f 18 V. H. Syn. p. 93 Pl. IX f. 14. Marine: Greenland! Finmark! Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Madagascar! Cape of Good Hope! Ceylon! Philippines! China! Japan! California! Gala- pagos Islands! Cape Horn! West Indies! Fossil, Hungary! K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 27. N:o 3. 8 58 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. maxima Cu. — L. 0,21; B. 0,114 mm. Striz and puncta 9 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Sendai, Japan, fossil (Brun Coll.)! Var. tenuistriata. -— L. 0,18; B. 0,09 mm. Strie and puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Mexillones Guano (Deby Coll.)! Var. undulata Cu. (1881). — L. 0,07; B. 0,035 mm. Margins triundulate. Strize 14, puncta 18 in 001 mm. — N. R. D. p. 7 Pl. II f. 19. Marine: Galapagos Island! Var. Centraster Cu. — L. 0,125; B. 0,007 mm. Areas broad with a group of 5 to 9 large granules on both sides of the central nodule. Striz 13, puncta 20 in 0,01 mm. — Part. I Pl. IV f. 14. Marine: Mexillones Guano (Deby Coll.)! Var. Schleinitzii Jan. (1881). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,12; B. 0,075 mm. Lateral areas broad in the middle, narrower towards the ends. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — N. Schlein. A. S. Atl. LXX f. 43. Jan. Gaz. XV f. 1. Marine: Leton Bank (Atl.), Cape Horn (Petit). Var. finitima Jan. — V. lanceolate, often with slightly triundulate margins. L. 0,11 to 0,14; B. 0,o6 mm. Areas broad in the middle, suddenly narrowed towards the ends. Interior margins of the areas convergent. Strie 9 to 13, puncta 14 to 17 in 0,01 mm. — Gazelle Exp. XV £. 2 to 4, 18. Marine: Falkland Islands (Deby Coll.)! Morocco! Madagascar! Columbo, Ceylon (Letour- neur Coll.)! Var. manca A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical. IL. 0,15; B. 0,069 mm. Areas broad with con- vergent interior margins. Strie 9, puncta about 12 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. IIT f. 17. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Var. californica Gruv. (1859). — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,01; B. 0,04 to 0,053 mm. La- teral areas very large, semielliptical, smooth. Strie 10, puncta 13 in 0,01 mm. — N. californica Grev. Edinb. N. Ph. J. X p. 29 Pl. IV f. 5. WN. calif. var. campechiana Groun. in A. S. Atl. IIT f. 19. Marine: California (Grev.), West Indies! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Campeachy Bay! Var. circumsecta Grun. (1874). — V. elliptical. L. 0,06 to 0,19; B. 0,03 to 0,08 mm. Areas large, semilanceolate, with numerous dots and sometimes, large puncta. Strize 9 to 15; puncta 10 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — N. polysticta var. cireumsecta Grun. in A. 8S. N. D. p. 89 Pl. I f. 36, 42. Atl. TII f. 27, 28. N. polysticta A. S. Atl. III f.. 26. N. californica A. 8S. Atl. HI f 6. N. Henned. var. granulata Grun. in A. 8. Atl III f. 3. Jan. Gazelle Exp. XV f. 14. Marine: Finmark! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Ceylon! Madagascar! Mary- land (Deby Coll.)! Florida! Cape Horn! Galapagos Islands! Mexillones Guano (Deby Coll.)! Hun- gary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! Var. neapolitana Cu. — V. elliptical with subcuneate ends. L. 0,15; B. 0073 mm. Areas narrow, about 1/, of the breadth of the valve, with large, scattered dots. Striz 7,5, puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Var. nebulosa Grua. (1857). — V. elliptical. L. 0,055 to 0,085; B. 0,025 to 0,o42 mm. Areas very large, suddenly narrowed at the ends, smooth. Striz 14 to 16, puncta 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — N. nebulosa Gree. D. of Clyde p. 480 Pl. IX f. 8. Donk. B. D. p. 11 Pl. ID f. 2. A. S. Atl. III f. 14; LXX f. 44. Nav. Hennedyi Witt Archangelsk D. IX f. 5.) Marine: North Sea! Morocco! Mediterranean Sea! Madagascar! Ceylon! Galapagos Islands! Florida! Fossil: Archangelsk (Witt). . The N. Hennedyt var. fossilis Pant. (II p. 47 Pl. XII f. 207) has a narrower area, and belongs probably to the var. nebulosa, to judge from the fine striation. - Forma bacillifera Pant. (1889). — L. 0,112 to 0,125; B. 0,048 to 0,062 mm. Striew 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm. Areas with irregular linear markings. — N. bacillifera Pant. II p. 42 Pl. V f. 80. N. Hennedyi var. abnorm. A. 8. Atl. CXXTX f. 14, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 27. w:0 3. 59 Marine: Galapagos Islands! Hungary, fossil (Pant.). The linear markings on the area are of no specific value, as they occur also in other varieties of N. Hennedyi. Such a form with 11 strie and puncta in 0,01 mm. 1 have found in the Bory deposit (Hungary), this and another form with 12 strie and 14 puncta in 0,01 mm. from Nossi Bé (Brun Coll.) may be associeted with NV. rugosa Jan. Gaz. Exp. Pl. XV f. 11 and belong to the Nav. Hennedyi-type. ; Var.? difficilis Panr. (1893). — L. 0.0467; B. 0,03 mm. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm. (punctation not figured). — N. difficilis Pant. II] Pl. XLI f. 560. Marine: fossil »Nyermegy» (Pant.). Var. caliginosa Cu. a. Grove (1891). — L. 0,08; B. 0,05 mm. Marginal striz and their puncta 18 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie 21 in 0,01 mm. Areas large, covered with irregularly scat- tered dots and with a large punctum on one side of the central nodule. — Diatomiste I p. 67 Pl, Xf, 8. : Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Var. constricta Putrr (1877). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. — Perry Campbell I. D. p. 24 Pl. IV f. 13. Marine: Campbells Island. 7 Var. cuneata Grun. (1874). —- V. with cuneate ends. L. 0,083; B. 0,045 mm. Striw 9 in 0,01 mm. — A. S. Atl. III f. 4. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl). Var. minuta Cu. (1881). — L. 0,027 to 0,05; B. 0.016 to 0,027 mm. Strie 8 or 10 (margi- nal) to 9 or 14 (axial) in 0,01 mm. Puncta 13 to 17 in 0,01 mm. Areas narrow. — N. R. D. p. 7 PiL¥ £ Bb. 1 = Be — Marine: Galapagos Islands! Tahiti! Var. tahitensis Cu. (1881). — L. 0,04 to 0,045; B. 0,017 to 0,023 mm. Striz 13 or 14 (marginal) to 15 or 17 (axial) in 0,01 mm. not distinctly punctate. Areas narrow. — N. R. D. p 8 £1. 1-4 14, ; ee Marine: Adriatic! Tahiti! Sandwich Islands! 19. N. copiosa A. 8. (1888). — V. elliptical. L. 0,1 to 0,17; B. 0,046 to 0,o9 mm. Lateral areas luneate, with convergent interior margins and with an elongated spot of short strie in the middle. Marginal strie and their puncta 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie of 6 to 7 puncta. — Atl, CXXIX £6. | Marine: Mexillones Guano! This form might be regarded as a variety of N. Hennedyi (nearest to the var. manca). _ 20. N. illustra Panr. (1892). — V. elliptical. L. 0,13; B. 0,055 mm. Lateral areas broad, lunate, smooth, but with a longitudinal band of coarsely punctate striw in the middle. Marginal striz 14, their puncta 27 to 28 in 0,01 mm. Axial band of strize moderately broad. — Panr. III Pl. I f. 17. ™. Ypsilon Cu. Part J-Pl. IV f. 10. Marine: Bory, Hungary! This is a very distinct form, remarkable not only for the band of striz in the middle of the area, but by its extremely finely punctate strie. 21. N. Sandriana Grow. (1863). — V. elliptical. L. 0,1 to 0,12; B. 0,06 to 0,07 mm. Areas large, semielliptical, with dots, disposed in irregularly curved rows, and in the middle a longitu- dinal band of punctate strie. Marginal strie 14 to 16 and their puncta 13 to 17 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie of 3 to 8 puncta. — Verh. 1863 p. 153 Pl. IV f. 5. N. rimosa Grev. T. M. S. XIV p. 129 Pl. XII f. 25 (1866). Marine: Adriatic (Grun.), Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! 60 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. levis Cu. — L. 0,07 to 0,113 B. 0,05 to 0,o6 mm. Areas smooth. Marginal striz 10 to 13 and their puncta 11 to 16 in 0,01 mm. Axial striw of 3 to 5 puncta. — N. Sandriana A. S. Ath II f. 10; LXX f. 45. Pant. I p. 28 Pl. IX f. 82. Marine: North Sea (Bohuslin! Sélswig, Atl.), S:t Brieuc (Atl.), Morocco! Balearic Islands! Cannes! Red Sea (Deby Coll.)! Madagascar (Kinker Coll.)! Fossil, Hungary! 22. N. spectabilis Gree. (1857). — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,12; B. 0,03 to 0,06 mm. Lateral areas broad, convergent, narrowed in the middle. Striz 6 to 14, puncta 10 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — D. of Clyde p. 481 Pl. IX f. 10. A. S. Atl. III f. 20—21. Donx. B. D. p. 12 PLIf. 5. N. Hennedii JantscH Guano p. 28 Pl. Il f. 138. N. mikado Panv. III Pl. XXIII f. 334 (1893)? Marine: Greenland! North Sea! Morocco! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Red Sea! Bab el Mandeb! Ceylon! Java! Philippines! Japan! Cape Horn (Petit), Colon (Deby Coll.)!| Fossil: Au- gamos Guano (Jan.), Hungary (Pant.), S:ta Monica, Calif.! N. spectabilis is extremely variable and comprises forms connecting NV. Hennedyi and N. Lyra, no absolute limit existing between these three species. Var. maxima Cu. — V. elliptical. L. 0,16; B. 0,08 mm. Areas linear. Strize 5 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 7 in 0,01 mm. disposed in longitudinal rows. Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Var. bullata Cu. — L. 0,11; B. 0,05 mm. Lateral areas with a row of large puncta. Striz 10, puncta 17 in 0,01 mm. — N. bullata var. obtusa Casrr. Voy. Challenger p. 29 Pl. XXVIII f. 10. Marine: Singapore! Forma Moélleriana Jan. (1881). — V. subhexagonal to elliptic-lanceolate. Lateral areas narrow, scarcely narrowed in the middle. L. 0,1 to 0,13; B. 0,05 to 0,053 mm. Striz 7, puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. — N. bullata var. Mélleriana A. S. Atl. LXX f. 51, 52. Marine: Australia (Atl.). Var. madagascarensis CL. — V. with subcuneate ends. L. 0,125 to 0,155; B. 0,062 to 0,068 mm. Striz and puncta 13 in 0,01 mm.; the latter forming almost straight longitudinal rows. Marine: Madagascar (Van Heurck Coll.)! Nossi-Bé (Tempére)! Var. controversa A. 8S. (1874). — L. 0,09; B. 0,035 mm. Lateral areas in the middle linear, dilated and then narrowed towards the margins. Strie 10, puncta 13 in 0,01 mm. — N. Hennedyi var. controversa A. 8. Atl. III f. 5. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Var. abbreviata Cu. — V. with slightly constricted middle and broad, cuneate ends. L. 0,083; B. 0,03 mm. Areas short not reaching to the ends of the valve. Striw 12 (axial and terminal 15), puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Madagascar! Var. Rattrayt Pant. (1889). --- V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0.0775; B. 0,o32 mm. Areas as in var. abbreviata. Marginal striz 10, terminal 1S in 0.01 mm. finely punctate. — N. Rattrayi Pant. II p. 52 Pl. XXX f. 427. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. emarginata Cu. — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,11; B. 0,03 to U,o42 mm. Areas broad, notched in the middle. Striz 12, puncta 18 in 0,01 mm. Central nodule sometimes transversely dilated. — N. excavata A. S. Atl. III f. 22—25. Jantscu Gazelle Exp. XV f. 22. Marine: Sierra Leone (Deby Coll.)! Japan (Atl), Campeachy Bay (Atl.), Nottingham, Maryl. fossil (Rae Coll.)! Var. Angelorum Cu. (1881). — V. elliptical. L. 0,085 to 0,2; B. 0,047 to 0,09 mm. Areas broad sinuate in the middle, attenuate towards the ends, smooth. Strie 7 to 15, puncta 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm. Central nodule sometimes transversely dilated. —- N. excavata var. Angclorum Cu. N. R. D. p. 8 Pl. II f. 20, N. Oswaldi Jantscu, N. excavata var. mesoleia Grun. in A. 8. Atl, LXX f. 46 (1881). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. N:0 3. 61 Marine: California, fossil (Monterey, S:ta Monica, S:ta Maria, S:n Redondo)! Bolivia Guano! Intermediate forms to typical Var. excavata occur in the California earth. Var. hungarica Pant. (1889). — L. 0,114; B. 0,06 mm. Striz 22, puncta 20 in 0,01 mm. Area with a few scattered dots. — N. Oswaldi Pant. II p. 52 Pl. XXV f. 370. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. excavata Grev. (1866). — L. 0,076 to 0,14; B. 0,065 to 0,07 mm. Areas as in var. Angelorum, but with numerous, scattered dots. Strie 14 to 16; puncta 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. — N. excavata Grev. T. M. S. XIV p. 130 Pl. XII f. 15. Nav. Oswaldi Jantscu Gaz. Exp. XV f. 12. Marine: Red Sea (Grev.), Madagascar! S:ta Monica, Calif., fossil! Hungary, fossil! 23. N. australica A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical. L. 0,045; B. 0,o22 mm. Lateral areas linear, with slightly concave exterior margins, tapering towards the ends, abbreviate. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. Puncta? — Atl. II f. 37. f. 12? Marine: 8:t Vincent (Austr.). This species, unknown to the author, appears to be a small variety of N. spectabilis or a form of N. Lyra var. atlantica. 24. N. genifera A. S. (1874). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,13 to 0,16; B. 0,05 to 0,o6 mm. La- teral areas narrow, constricted in the middle, slightly convergent. Marginal strie 9 and their puncta 9 in 0,01 mm., the latter forming longitudinal rows. Axial strie 9 in 0,01 mm. composed of about 3 puncta. Puncta of the striz are confluent close to the sinuses of the areas. — Atl. II f. 6. Marine: Colon (Deby Coll.)! Puerto Caballo (Atl.). 25. N. abrupta Gree. (1857). — V. elliptical. L. 0,055 to 0,085; B. 0,022 to 0,034 mm. Axial areas distinct, narrowed towards the central nodule and the ends. Lateral areas narrow, short, constricted in the middle and with convergent interior margins. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate; puncta about 23 in 0,01 mm. or indistinct. — N. Lyra var. abrupta Gree. D. of Clyde p. 486 Pl. IX f. 14, 14 b. N. abrupta Donn. B. D. p. 13 Pl If. 6. A.S. N.S. DI f. 37. Atl. III f. 1, 2. V. H. Syn. p. 94 Pl. X f. 4. Marine: Spitsbergen! Finmark! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Black Sea! Red Sea! Labuan! China! Fossil: Hungary (Pant.). N. abrupta seems to be a distinct species, not closely connected with the others, distinguished by its axial area and the fine punctation of the strie. 26. N. clavata Grue. (1858). — V. elliptical, with rostrate ends. L. 0,04 to 0.09; B. 0,022 to 0,055 mm. Lateral areas usually broad and semilanceolate with divergent ends. Marginal strie 10 to 14, axial strie 14 to 16, puncta 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — T. M.S. IV p. 46 Pl. V f. 17. Donx. B. D. p. 15 Pl. If. 8 A.S. N.S. D. If. 83. Atl. LXX f. 50. MN. Wrightt O’MEaRa M. J. VII p. 116 Pl. V f 4 (1867). N. Hennedyi var. clavata V. H. Syn. p. 93. N. Lyra var. A. 8. Atl. LXX f. 47. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Seychelles! Madagascar! Ceylon! Sumatra! Singapore! China! Japan! Samoa! Galapagos Islands! West Indies! Florida! Delaware! Connecticut! Var. caribea A. 8S. (1874). — Lateral areas contracted in the middle. L. 0,11; B. 0,044 mm. Striz 1], puncta 13 in 0,01 mm. — N. caribea A.S.N.S.D.1f. 40. Atl. ID #17; LXX f. 48. Marine: North Sea (A. 8.), Jamaica (Atl.), Mediterranean Sea (Peragallo). Forma minor Cit. — L. 0,065; B. 0,028 mm. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. Puncta indistinct. Marine: Colon (Deby Coll.). These varieties connect N. clavata with N. spectabilis. Var. exsul A. S. (1874). — V. constricted in the middle. L. 0,044 to 0,068; B. 0,021 to 0,038 mm. Lateral areas broad, sometimes dotted. Marginal strie 11 to 14, puncta 17 to 20 in 0,01 mm. Axial striae 12 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — N. easul A. S. Atl. IT f. 13. 62 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Marine: Balearic Islands! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Labuan! Galapagos Islands! Flo- rida! Campeachy Bank (Atl.). Var. rhombica Cu. — Y. rhomboid or broadly lanceolate. L. 0,105 to 0,125; B. 0,056 to 0,o75 mm. Lateral areas broad, tapering from the middle to the ends, where they reach the margin. Strie 12 to 13, puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. — Part I Pl. IV f. 11. Marine: Morocco! Galapagos Islands. Forma minuta. — L. 0,055; B. 0,035 mm. Strie 19, puncta 22 in 0,01 mm., the latter disposed in longitudinal rows. Marine: Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Var. proxima Jan. — V. broadly lanceolate. L. 0,105 to 0,15; B. 0,056 to 0,o7 mm. La- teral areas narrow, subparallel, gradually tapering towards the ends, where they reach the margin. Strie 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — N. proxima A. 8. Atl. LXX f. 49. Jan. Gazelle Exp. XV f. 5 to 7. Marine. This variety is nearly akin to var. rhombica, but has narrow lateral areas and connects N. clavata with certain forms of N. Lyra. Var. elongata Purac. (1888). — V. with rounded not rostrate ends. L. 0,11; B. 0,043 mm. Striee 14 in 0,01 mm. — Villefr. D. p. 48 Pl. V f. 37. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Perag.). This variety connects N. clavata with N. Hennedyi. Var. indica Grev. (1862). — V. elliptical, rostrate. L. 0,1 to 0,16; B. 0,056 to 0,068 mm. Lateral areas broad, semilanceolate, with scattered dots. Strize 12, puncta 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm. — N. indica Gruv. T. M. 8. 1862 p. 95 Pl. IX f. 13. Janiscu Gazelle Exp. XV f. 15, 19, 20. N. hibernica O'Meara M. J. VII p. 115 Pl. V f. 1 (1867). N. Hennedyt var. granulata Leup. Fort. D. de Ceylon IX f. 88. Marine: Honduras (Grun.), Ceylon! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Macassar Straits! Manilla! Cebu (Rae Coll.)! 27. N. diffluens A. 8. (1874). -—- V. elliptical with broad rostrate and truncate ends. L. 0,045; B. 0,023 mm. Lateral areas linear, slightly convergent. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm., distinctly punctate. The axial striee form a band, broader than that of the marginal striw. Central area dilated towards the lateral areas. — Atl. II f. 15. Marine: Campeachy Bank (Atl.). 28. N. samoensis Grun. (1881). — V. linear with rounded ends. L. 0,068; B. 0,012 mm. Lateral areas narrow, more approximate to the margin than to the median line, convergent at the ends. Strie 10 in 0,01. mm. — A. S. Atl. LXX f. 41. Marine: Samoa (Atl). 29. N. distenta A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical, rostrate, with slightly convex margins, con- stricted in the middle. L. 0,06; B. 0,027 mm. Lateral areas narrow, constricted in the middle. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. not distinctly punctate. — Atl. IT f. 14. Marine: Campeachy Bank (Atl.). Seems to be a variety of some of the forms intermediate between N. clavata and N. Lyra. 30. N. approximata Grev. (1859). — V. lanceolate, frequently with cuneate or subrostrate ends, and with parallel margins. L. 0,075 to 0,15; B. 0,04 to 0o8 mm. Lateral areas narrow, convergent at the ends. Striz 7,5 to 10; puncta 10 to 15 in 0,01 mm. Forma typiea. Broadly linear with cuneate ends. L. 0,11; B. 0,o46 mm. Strie 8, puncta 11 in 0,01 mm. — N. approximata Grey. Edinb. N. Ph. J. X p. 28 Pl. IV f. 4. Cu. West. Ind. D.p.4 PLIf 1. N. Hennedyi var. niceensis Purac. Villefr. D. p. 47 Pl. V f£. 39 (1888). Marine: California guano (Grev.), Florida! West Indies! Connecticut! Ceylon! Madagascar! Tahiti! : KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:o 3. 63 Var. Coupert Batu. (1850). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. — Pinnul. Couperi Bat. Smiths Contr. II p. 39 Pl. IL f. 33. Marine: Florida (Bail.). Var. Kittoniana A. S. (1874). — V. broadly lanceolate. L. 0,075 to 0,15; B. 0,04 to 0,08 mm. Striz 7,5 to 10, puncta 10 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — N. Kittoniana A. S. Atl. II f. 10. Marine: Brazil (Deby Coll.)! Porto Seguro (Deby Coll.)! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Pensacola! Campeachy Bay! Sierra Leone (Deby Coll.)! Red Sea! Ceylon (Leud. Fortm.), Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Mauritius (Deby Coll.)! 31. N. turgidula Pant. (1893). — V. broadly elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,047; B. 0,033 mm. Lateral areas narrow, broader in the middle and convergent at the ends. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate. — Pant. IJJ Pl. XXXII f. 462. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 32. N. Lyra Eup. (1843). — V. elliptical with rounded or rostrate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,18; B. 0,026 to 0,o6 mm. Lateral areas narrow, linear, constricted in the middle, or not, divergent at the ends or not. Striz 6 to 14; puncta 7 to 18 in 0,01 mm. Var. elliptica A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical, with rounded to subrostrate ends, or subhexa- gonal. L. 0,12 to 0,18; B. 0,04 to 0,06 mm. Lateral areas linear, convergent towards the ends. Strie 6 to 7, puncta 7 to 11 in 001 mm. — N.S. D. Pl. If. 39. Atl ID f 29. V. H. Syn. X f. 2. Jantscu Gazelle Exp. XV f. 23. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Ceylon! Madagascar! Seychelles (Van - Heurck Coll.)! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Philippines! Singapore! Fossil: Moravian Tegel! Forma bullata Norm. (1861). — L. 0,13 to 0,16; B. 0,06 to 0,o7 mm. Areas with a row of large puncta. Striz 6, puncta 11 in 0,01 mm. — N. bullata Norm. T. M. S. 1861 p. 8 Pl. II f. 7. A. 8. Atl. TIT f. 8—9. Marine: Ceylon (Letourneur Coll.)! Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Japan (Atl.), Australia (Norm.), Samoa (Atl.). Var. Ehrenbergii Cu. — V. elliptical, with rostrate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,165; B. 0,026 to 0,o54 mm. Lateral areas constricted in the middle, with divergent ends. Striz 9 to 12, puncta 16 to 21 in 0,01 mm. — N. Lyra Eup. Am. I:1 f. 9 a. Gree. D. of Clyde Pl. IX f. 13 0. Jan. Rasy. Honduras D. III f. 7. Jantsco Guano Pl. I A f. 26. Donx. B. D. p. 14 Pl. II f. 7. A. 8. Atl. II f. 11, 16, 25. V. H. Syn. p. 93 Pl. X f. 1. Janiscu Gazelle Exp. XV f. 13. N. Gre- goryana Grev. M. J. V. p. 10 Pl. III f. 7 (1857). Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Red Sea! Madagascar! China! Japan! Sumatra! Australia! Samoa! Galapagos Islands! Honduras (Jan. Rabh.). Brazil! Florida! New York! Fossil: Baltchik! , Var. dilatata A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical, rostrate. L. 0,08; B. 0,044. Lateral areas slightly convergent. Strie 11, puncta about 14 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. II f. 26. Marine: Gulf of Mexico (Atl). . Var. denudata Grun. Ms. — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,1; B. 0,045 to 0,05 mm. Lateral areas as in the var. Ehrenbergii, but dilated as they reach the margins of the valve. Striz 10, puncta 17 in 0,01 mm. Marine: S:ta Monica, Calif. fossil!. Var. atlantica A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical, with parallel margins and cuneate ends. L. 0,06 to 0,1; B. 0,026 to 0,032 mm. Lateral areas not reaching to the margins of the valve. Strie 9 to Ut ih 0,01 mm. Puncta very close. — N. 8. D. If. 34. Atl. ID f. 33? WwW. Couperi Atl. TI f. 12? N. Lyra dilatata perpusilla Pant. I p. 27 Pl. XVII f. 150.. N. Lyra var. elliptica A. 8. N.S. D. Pl. Lf Sd, 38 Marine: North Sea! Hungary, fossil (Pant.). This var. graduates into NV. connectens Grun. 64 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. subelliptica Cu. — V. elongated, elliptical, non rostrate. L. 0,065 to 0,13; B. 0,035 to 0.048 mm. Lateral areas as in var. Ehrenbergii. Strie 9 to 11, puncta 17 to 22 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Spitsbergen! Finmark! North Sea! Japan! Philippines! Fossil at Bory Hungary! Monterey and S:ta Monica, Calif.! Mexillones guano (Deby Coll.)! This variety is nothing but a non-rostrate form of the var. Ehrenbergii and graduates into N. spectabilis. Such transitional forms are the fig. 9 Pl. XV in Janisch Gazelle Exp. D. N. Lyra var. producta Panv. III Pl. XXXII f. 466 and var. acuta f. 468, var. hungarica Pant. Pl. XXXIV f. 479. A specimen in Deby’s Coll. from Bory in Hungary approaches very near to N. Hennedyi var. fossilis Pant. II Pl. XII f. 207. Var. insignis A. 8. (1874). -- V. elliptical. L. 0,05 to 0,068; B. 0,027 to 0,032 mm. Lateral areas distant, abbreviate. Striz strongly radiate, 10 (middle) to 13 (ends), puncta 18 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. If f. 27. Marine: Japan (Atl.), Madagascar! Var.? seductilis A. S. (1874). — V. elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,015 mm. Areas slightly convergent. Strie 14 in 0,01. mm. — W. sed. A. S. Atl. II f. 35, f. 36? Marine: Ceylon (Atl). Var. acuta Pant. (1889). — V. broadly elliptical, with acute ends. L. 0,09 to 0,040 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II p. 50. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. producta Pant. (1889). — V. elongate-elliptical. L. 0,145; B. 0,057 mm. Strie 12 in 0,o1 mm., slightly radiate. — Panrv. II p. 50. Marine: Hungary, fossil. Var. recta Grev. (1859). — V_ elongated, lanceolate, frequently with slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,135 to 0,21; B. 0,047 to 0,073 mm. Axial part not distinctly elevated towards the ends. Lateral areas linear, parallel, approximate to the median line. Strie 7 to 12; puncta 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal, undulating rows. — Edinb. N. Ph. J. X p. 28 PL. IV f. 3 (1859). A. S. Atl. II f. 18. Prracauzo Villefr. D. p. 49 Pl. IV f. 36. Jantscu Gaz. Exp. XV f. 8. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Perag.), S:t Peter Hungary, fossil! Rio Janeiro (Deby Coll.)! Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), California guano (Grev.), Seychelles and Samoa (Van Heurck Coll.)! Forma fornicata A. S. (1874). -- Lanceolate. L. 0,15; B. 0,057 mm. Strie 8, puncta 9 in 0,01 mm., crossed by an arcuate, blank line. — Atl. II f. 9. ; Marine. Forma abnormis A. 8. (1874). — Lanceolate. L. 0,165; B. 0,06 mm. Lateral areas mode- rately broad. Striz 8, puncta about 10 in 0,01 mm. Median striz much closer and more finely punctate. — Atl. IT f. 8. Marine: Zanzibar (Atl.). Var. subcarinata Grun. (1874). — As var. recta, but with the axial part of the valve elevated. Striz 11 to 16, puncta 12 to 14 in 0.01 mm. — A. S. Atl. II f. 5. Marine: Ceylon! Seychelles! Java (Kinker Coll.)! Singapore! Philippines! Samoa! Tahiti! Var. signata A. S. (1874). — As var. recta, but with an orbicular spot on both sides of the central nodule, crossed in the middle by a longitudinal, fissure-like marking. L. 0,09 to 0,16; B. 0,035 to 0,07 mm. Striz and puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. II f.4. M. Zanzibarica var. A. S. Atl CXXIX f. 4. N. Zauzib. var. zebuana Caster. Voy. Challenger p. 31 Pl. XXVIII f. 8. Marine: Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), Elephanta Island (Atl.), Hongkong (Rae Coll.)! Cebu! Var. zanzibarica Grev. (1866). — As. var. recta, but with an orbicular spot on both sides of the central nodule, inside which the puncta form a star of radiate lines. L. 0,2 to 0,24; B. 0,06 to 0,07 mm. Striz and puncta 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — N. zanz. Grev. T. M. S. 1866 p. 129 Pl. XII f, 24. A.S. Ath Il £3 Marine: Zanzibar! Seychelles! Madagascar! Sumatra! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢, wn:o 3. 65 Var. Robertsoniana Gruv. (1863). — V. lanceolate. Margins usually with three to four slight undulations. L. 0,1 to 0,15; B. 0,058 to 0,o65 mm. Lateral areas linear, parallel, approxi- mate. Striz 7 to 8, puncta 7 to 9 in 0,01. mm. — N Rob. Grev. T. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII p- 235 Pl. Tif. 9. A. S. Atl. I f. 7. Marine: Ceylon! Singapore! Manilla! New Caledonia! Samoa! Forma bullata Cu. — L. 0,165; B. 0,07 mm. Strie 6, puncta 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. Lateral areas with a row of large puncta. Marine: Hongkong (Deby Coll.)! 33. N. Durandii Kitton (1888). — V. lanceolate with elevated axial part. L. 0,32; B. 0,1 mm. Lateral areas approximate, parallel, narrow. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, composed of elongated puncta, forming longitudinal straight rows, 4 in 0,01 mm. Axial striz 10 in 0.01 mm., composed of 2 to 3 puncta. -- A. S. Atl. CXXIX f. 1. Marine: Singapore! Java (Deby Coll.)! Var. intermedia A. S. (1888). — V. elliptical-lanceolate. L. 0,16; B. 0,o63 mm. Lateral areas with a row of large puncta. — Atl. CXXIX f. 3. Marine: Singapore. Var. rhomboides Castrac. (1886). — V. with triundulate margins. L. 0,19 to 0,23; B. 0,06 to 0,o76 mm. Lateral areas with a row of large puncta. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. — N. bullata var. rhomb. Castrac. Voyage Challenger p. 30 Pl. XXX f. 17. NW. Durandii var. rhomb. A. S. Atl. CXXIX f. 2. Marine: Hongkong! Cebu (Rae Coll.)! Singapore (Atl.). 34. N. Reichardtii Gruw. (1879). — V. elliptical. L. 0,022 to 0,029; B. 0,0115 to 0,02 mm. Lateral areas linear, convergent towards the ends, in the middle united by the stauroid trans- versely dilated central nodule. Strise 13 to 17 in 0,01 mm., very finely or indistinctly punctate. On the part enclosed by the lateral areas are no, or indistinct, striae. — Cu. M. D. 208 to 210. A. S. Atl. LXX f. 23 to 29. V. H. Syn. Pl: X f. 9. Marine: Norway, Grip! Adriatic! Var. Tschutchschorum Cu. (1883). — L. 0,1; B. 0,0065 mm. Strie 13 in 0.01 mm. — N. Tsch. Vega p. 472 Pl. XXXVIT f. 48. Marine: Cape Deschneff! 35. N. pygmea Kitz (1849). — V. hyaline elliptical. Li. 0,028 to 0,045; B. 0,016 to 0,024 mm. Lateral areas convergent and constricted in the middle. Striz fine, about 26 in 0,01 mm. — Sp. Ale. p. 77. W. Su. B.D. I p. 91. Donc. B.D. yp. 10 PLIf . A. 8. N.S. D1 £48. Atl. LXX f. 7. V. H. Syn. p. 94 Pl. Xf.7. N. minutula W. Sm. B. D. I p. 48 XXXT f. 274 (1853). Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Finmark! Sea of Kara! North Siberian Sea! Baltic! North Sea! Magdeburg (Atl.), Argentina! Galapagos Islands! 36. N. forcipata Grev. (1859). — V. elliptical with rounded ends. L. 0,04 to 0,08; B. 0,02 to.0,026 mm. Median line with incrassate median pores. Lateral areas narrow, constricted in the middle, with convergent ends. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate. — M. J. VII p. 83 Pl. VI £10, 11; Donec. B.D. p. 12 PLU 4 A. 8. N.S. D.1 £45, 11 £. 16, 18. At, LXX £1. V. H. Syn. p. 94 Pl X f. 3. Marine: Greenland!. North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Black Sea! Red Sea! Cape of Good Hope! Nicobar Islands! Philippines! California! Galapagos Islands! Florida! Fossil, Hungary (Pant.). Var. punctata Cu. — L. 0,06; B. 0,025 to.0,o3 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. punctate, puncta 10 to 16 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Morocco! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! k. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 27. Nio 3. » 9 66 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. versicolor Grun. (1874). — Lateral areas broader, not constricted in the middle. Striw 10 in 0,01 mm. punctate, puncta 17 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — N. versicolor Grun. A. 8. N. 8. D. I f. 17. Atl. LXX f. 18 to 22. V. H. Syn. Pl. X f. 6. WN. rovignensis Grun. in Cu. M. D. N:o 209 (1879). N. seductilis var. Parag. Villefr. D. p. 49 Pl. II f. 20. Marine: North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Sumatra! Var. nummularia Grev. (1859). — V. nearly orbicular. L. 0,023 to 0,045; B. 0,017 to 0,038 mm. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate, puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm. — N. numm. Grey. Edinb. N. Ph. J. X p. 29 Pl IV f. 6. WN. foreip. var. nummularoides Grun. A. 8. Atl. LXX f. 30, 31, 39, 40 (1881). Marine: Adriatic (Atl.), Bab el Mandeb! Madagascar! Cape of (sood Hope (Atl.), Java! California guano (Grev.), Florida! Var. suborbicularis Grun. (1880). — As var. nummularia, but with closer strie, 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm. L. 0,018 to 0,036; B. 0,012 to 0,oo4 mm. — V. H. Syn. Pl. X fi 5. Marine: Spitsbergen! North Sea! Balearic Islands! Seychelles! Zulu Sea (Deby Coll.)! Gala- pagos Islands! Var. densestriata A. S. (1881). — Eliptical. L. 0,03 to 0,06; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Strie 15 to 22 in 0,01 mm. — Atl. LXX f. 12 to 16. M™. fore. var. minor A. S. Atl. LXX f. 32. A. 8. N. 8. D. If. 44. Marine: North Sea! Corsica! Cape of Good Hope! Java! Japan! Campeachy Bank (Atl). This variety connects N. forcipatu and N. pygmea, so that the latter might be regarded as a variety of N. forcipata. Var. balnearis Gruy. (1880). — V. linear-elliptical. L. 0,037; B. 0,01 mm. Lateral areas not constricted in the middle, and forming by their junction a broad stauros. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm. — N. pygm. var. balnearis Gruy. in V. H. Syn. X f. 8. Slightly brackish water: Sweden, Ronneby, fossil! Additional. N. seriosa Panr. (III Pl. XXXII f. 464). — Elliptical, rostrate-acuminate. L. 0,047; B..0,0338 mm. Lateral areas moderately broad, with scattered linear markings, very slightly constricted in the middle and convergent at the ends. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. distinctly punctate. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Navicule Levistriatez Cu. Valve in outline more or less lanceolate. Axial area linear, abruptly dilated around the central nodule to an orbicular space, or transverse fascia, or uniting with the central area in a more or less broad, lanceolate space. Strive usually coarse, radiate, not distinctly punctate or lineate, not crossed by longitudinal lines or furrows. Terminal fissures of the median line usually small and indistinct. Connecting zone not complex. This section is remarkable for its apparently smooth striz, and might on that account have been placed in the genus Pinnularia. But most of the species bear a closer relationship to the true Navicule than to the Pinnulariz, and, besides, it is possible that the striz may be only apparently smooth. Nav. palpebralis, which I place in the section, is usually described and figured as having distinctly punctate striz, but I have never been able to detect any punctate character in its strie. It does however contain several forms (as for instance Nav. bitwminosa) which are closely related to species of Pinnularia, belonging to the section divergentes of that genus. On the other hand several species shew a close affinity to those of the section Entolei¢ of Navicula. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 27. wio 3. 67 Thus, it appears that the forms of the levistriate are intermediate between the Pinnularie and the true Navicule. The species of this group are usually inhabitants of brackish water and estuaries. but there are also purely marine forms among them. Artificial key. 1 Co sigmoid. . . . : peas 3 Ras, a V. Raeana Castr. ; — straight ....... a 5 CDS | Axial area abruptly dilated into an écatttanie canta area or ner Haast es OB: ’ | Axial and central area uniting into a lanceolate or linear space apes. eee MGs 3 ho strie of equal length. . ee yk. ae. oe Bee eels : 4. — alternately longer and shoeter i oe 4 6a og NV. lauta Gron. 4 |i area orbicular . . a oe ee ae 5. — a transverse fascia... ........40. F 6. 5. ee acute or rostrate Aeesy crtneaveyeer. 2? Ge wid ‘ : x depane W. Sm. obtuse... ... .N. Chyzeret Pant, N. Biscernentia Pant., V. grata Pant. 6. ee large. L. about 006 mm. ... 1... 2. eee ee IN. Binwnnasa Pant. small. L. about 0,02 mm. . . . iV. megastauros Cu. 7 ae triundulate. ... N. Aveslaugiana Game: W. gabneiniited v, Botteriana Grun.). NOt See ti US. idee UR. ating a as ap ied te ge ps x Oe) 8h 8. oo radiate throughout . OW a RO A ae aes 5 9. Terminal strie convergent or pareiiel Sp as Sea ae ee Gs 245 Ae (te eles 9. pe strie of equal length. ...... i a dats ‘ : ig do LO; . — alternately longer and shorter. . fo ho gy BL Liew gy Del 10. eee Very broad! se wg eS a ee ee Pe ae Se 2. 4. NM. marginulata Cu. medium ‘sized BS ee See Meh ais sas BS oy ae Oide ce we ae Gp ek tas Bee A NV. palpebralis Bris. 11. eae MAIMOW iio th, 2 SKS Weal ale thee Ae ee Be a NV. Vahliana Grow. yrhombic-lanceolate . 2.00... ee N. solida Cu. Valve elliptical: 4.9.8 4-2 38a eee OR Pee a eS Pe N. Kochii Pant. 12. ie VAM CEO LACE 2 ims. Se se eee as a Ta et ta Sie ay ig an 6 13. 13 eee coarse, distant, 4 to 8 in Oot mm. .......... . . . N. yarrensis Grun. . — closer, 8to9in O01 mm .... 2. wee eee . N. halionata Pant. 1. N. bituminosa Pant. (1889). — V. iuea: lsnesetate, with subacuminate ends. L. 0,065; B. 0,0145 mm. Central pores of the median line somewhat approximate. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area a broad suborbicular fascia, almost reaching the margin. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. —- Panr. II p. 42 Pl. VII f. 137. Brackish water: Hungary fossil! Var. latecapitata Pant. (1889). — V. linear, with broad, rostrate ends. L. 0,064; B. 0,0135 mm. Strie 8,5 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II 1. ec. f. 133. Brackish water: Gyéngyés Pata, Hungary fossil (Pant.). Var. robusta Pant. (1889). — V. with capitate-rostrate ends. L. 0,085; B. 0,018 mm. Cen- tral area lanceolate. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II Pl. XI f. 202. Brackish water: Erdébenye, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. signata Panv. (1889). — V. linear-lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,068; B. 0,018 mm. Central area a transverse fascia reaching nearly to the margin. Striw 11 to 12,5 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II p. 48. WN. bit. v. valida Pl. V f. 89. Brackish water: Gyéngyés Pata, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. staurophora Pant. (1889) — V. lanceolate. Li. 0,054 to 0,075; B. 0,013 to 0,015 mm. Central area a broad fascia, reaching to the margin. Strive 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — Panr. IT Pl. V f. 87, 88. Brackish water: Hungary fossil (Pant.). Var.? cincta Pant. (1889). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,075; B. 0,016 mm. Area lanceolate, very wide. Strie 12,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. cincta Pant. II p. 44 Pl. XI f. 196. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 68 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Nar. bituminosa is a variable species, which is closely akin to Pinnularia, section divergentes. On the other hand some of its varieties seem to be akin to varieties of Nav. Yarrensis. The areas are subject to great variation, and there are gradual passages from forms with a perfect trans- verse fascia, to forms with the central and axial areas uniting in a lanceolate space. As the most extreme form of this kind I regard Nav. cincta Pant,, which I know only by the figure in Pantocsek’s work. Pantocsex considers it as a distinct species, and if so another name is neces- sary, as the name cincta has been used for another, well known species. 2. N. Chyzereii Pant. (1889). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with obtuse extremities. L. 0,066; B. 0,019 mm. Axial area distinct, linear, abruptly dilated to an orbicular central area. Strive 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Panr. II p. 43 Pl. V f. 96. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil! 3. N. discernenda Pant. (1889). — V. linear-elliptical, with subeuneate ends. L. 0,037 to 0,05; B. 0,012 to 0,013 mm. Axial area very narrow; central area large, orbicular. Strie 12 to 14 in 0,o1 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Pant. II p. 45 Pl. XXII f. 335. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil! N. discernenda is closely akin to N. Chyzereii and scarcely more than a small variety with somewhat closer striz. 4. N. grata Pant. (1889). — V. narrow, elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,084; B. 0,015 mm. Median pores distant. Axial area narrow linear, strongly dilated in the middle. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, their terminations angularly bent. — Pant. IT p. 46 Pl. Il f. 21. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 5. N. elegans W. Sm. (1853). — V. lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,027 mm. Median line with distant central pores and semicircular terminal fissures. Axial area very narrow; central area large, orbicular. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Br. D. I p. 49 Pl. XVI f. 1387. Donx. Br. D. p. 23 PL. IV f. 1. Marine to brackish: England! Bohuslan! Var. cuspidata Cu. — V. rostrate. L. 0,08; B. 0,o2 mm. Strive closer, about 12 in 0,01 mm. Brackish water: Atlantic coast of North America! 6. N. lauta Grun. (1888). — V. linear-elliptical, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,095; B. 0,028 mm. Axial area lanceolate, dilated in the middle. Median line with the terminal fissures in contrary directions (Grun.). Strie 13 (9 to 10 Grun.) in 0,01 mm. ‘divergent in the middle, con- vergent at the ends, in the middle alternately longer and shorter. — V. H. Types 542 Bot. Centralbl. XXIII p. 324. Icon. n. Part. I Pl. I f. 30. Brackish water: South Yarra, Australia! 7. N. megastauros Cy. (1883). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,02; B. 0,008 mm. Axial area indistinct; central large, transverse, dilated to a stauros, reaching nearly to the margin. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle, transverse at the ends. -—— Vega p. 464 Pl. XXXV f. 19. Marine: Cape Deschneff! Stauroneis delicatula Leup. Fortm. (Ceyl. p. 36 Pl. III f. 34, 1879) is twice as large as. NV. megastauros and seems to be akin to it. I have not seen this species. 8. N. halionata Pant. (1886). — V. lanceolate, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. L. 0,12 to 0,22; B. 0,03 to 0,048 mm. Area broad, lanceolate. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 KUONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2%, w:o 3. 69 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends; a few shorter strix are occasionally inter- ealated among the median. — Pant. I p. 25 Pl. XI f. 94. II Pl. If. 12. Marine, brackish: Hungary fossil! Atlantic City, N. Jers. U. 8S. Amer. foss. (Deby Coll.)! Var. robusta Pant. (1889). — L. 0,117; B. 0,036 mm. Strie 10 to 12,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. robusta Pant. II p. 53 Pl. IX f. 159. Brackish water: Hungary, foss. (Pant.). Var. directa Pant. (1889). — V. linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,11; B. 0.024 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II p. 46 Pl. XII f. 211. Brackish water: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var. minor Pant. (1889). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,09; B. 0,025 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. — Pant. II p. 46 Pl. XXVI f. 381. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Nav. halionata is a beautiful species, akin to N. Yarrensis and N. palpebralis, but much larger. Between N. halionata and N. robusta I am unable to find any difference of importance. 9. N. Raeana Casrr. (1886). — V. lanceolate sigmoid, twisted. L. 0,09 to 0,15; B. 0,035 to 0,04 mm. Area narrow, somewhat dilated in the middle. Strize smooth, 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm. — Pinn. Raeana Caster. D. Challenger p. 25 Pl. XV f. 3. Nav. contorta Kirton Ms. Brackish water: Ceylon! Singapore! Java! Sumatra! Labuan! Hongkong! This remarkable form is nearly akin to N. Yarrensis, of which it is perhaps a contorted variety. 10. N. Yarrensis Gru. (1876). — V. lanceolate, to narrow elliptical. with obtuse ends. L. 0,06 to 020; B. 0,02 to 0,o38 mm. Median line with small terminal fissures. Area linear to lanceolate, more or less broad. Strie 4 to 4,5 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle slightly con- vergent towards the ends, where they are a little closer. — A. S. Atl. XLVI f. 1 to 6. Panr. 1 Pl. II f. 20; II Pl. X f. 178, XII f. 219, XVI f. 274. Brackish water: Kiel (Atl.), Hungary, fossil! S. Africa! Madagascar! Singapore! Ceylon! Java! Japan! Australia! Florida! Atlantic City N. Jers. U. S. Amer. fossil (L. 0,16; B. 0,v3. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm.). Cameroon! Var. americana Cu. — L. 0,09; B. 0,018. Strie 7 to 8 in 0,o1 mm. Area narrow. Brackish water: Atlantic coast of U. 8. Quincy Mass.! Cape May! Connecticut! Var. bituminosa Pant. (1889). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,056 to 0,075; B. 0,016 to 0,0185 mm. Area lanceolate, wide. Strie 5 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — Panr. IT p. 55 Pl. IV f. 74. Brackish water: Gyéngyés Pata etc., Hungary (Pant.). Var. gracilior Pant. (1889). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,062; B. 0,o16 mm. Area wide. Striz 6 in 0O,o1 mm. — Panr. II p. 55 Pl. XXI f. 323. Marine: Bory Dept. Hungary (Pant.). Var. valida Pant. (1889). — V. broad, lanceolate. L. 0,057; B.0,o2 mm. Area wide, lanceo- late. Striz 7 to 8,5 in 0,01 mm. — Panr. II p. 55 Pl. XII f. 212. Brackish water: Szurdok-Piispéki Dept. Hungary (Pant.). Var. De Wittiana Kain & Scuutrz. — V. broadly linear with protracted ends. L. 0,11; B. 0.03 mm. Area narrow, lanceolate. Strie 5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. De Wittiana Kain & Scuutrz Tor. Bot. Club Aug. 1889 Vol. XVI N:o 8 p. 209 Pl. XCIII f. 5. Marine: Atlantic City, N. Jers. foss. (Deby Coll.)! Var.? aradina Pant. (1893). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,06; B. 0,o2 mm. Area broad, lanceolate. Strie 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. aradina Pant. III Pl. XXX f. 434. Marine?: Kavna-Bremia, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Var.? Phalangium Pant. (1893). — Linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,017 mm. Area narrow-lanceolate. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. phalangium Pant. III Pl. XXX f. 432. Marine?: Kavna-Bremia, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 70 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. Simbirskiana Panv. (1889). — V. lanceolate with protracted ends. L. 0,048; B. 0,015 mm. Area lanceolate. Strize 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Simbirskiana Pant. Il p. 53 Pl. XII f. 216. Marine: Russia, Ananino, foss. (Pant.). Var. hevesensis Pant. (1889). — V. slightly constricted in the middle, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,072; B. 0,015 mm. Area wide, linear. Strie 6,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. hevesensis Pant. II p 47 Pl. IV f. 67. Brackish water: Hungary, foss. (Pant.). 11. N. Kochii Pan. (1889). — V. elliptical, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,017 to 0,014 mm. Median line with approximate central pores, and small curved terminal fissures. Area narrow, linear-lanceolate, widened in the middle. Strie slightly radiate in the middle, 8 (8 to 12 Pant.) in 0,01 mm., convergent at the ends. — Panr. II p. 49 Pl. IV f. 72. Brackish water: Hungary, foss. (Pant.). 12. N. Areschougiana Grun. (1860). —- V. narrow, linear, triundulate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,008 mm. Area linear. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 521 Pl. IIT f. 28. Marine: Sweden, Bohuslan (Grun.)- This species is entirely unknown to me, having never seen in the numerous gatherings from west-coast of Sweden. which I have examined, anything similar to the fig. of Grunow. I have provisionally placed this form near to Nav. palpebralis, among the varieties of which isa triundu- late form, viz. var. Botteriana. 13. N. Vahliana Grun. (1874). — V. lanceolate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,011 mm. Area narrow lanceolate. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm., divergent and alternately longer and shorter in the middle, transverse at the ends. — A. S. N. S. D. Pl. II f. 21. Marine: North Sea (A. S8.). This speciee is unknown to me, perhaps a variety of N. palpebralis. 14. N. palpebralis Bres. (1853). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,038 to 0,08; B. 0,013 to 0,016 mm. Area broad, lanceolate. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, not distinctly punctate. — Brés. in W. Sm. B. D. Ip. 50 Pl. XXXI f. 273. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 536 Pl. III f. 27. Donk. B. D. p. 25 Pl. IV f. 3. V. H. Syn. p. 96 Pl. XI f. 9. Marine, usually litoral: Davis Strait! North Sea (coast of England, Norway and Bel- gium)! Atlantic (Morocco)! Mediterranean (Balearic Islands! Adriatic Grun.), Galapagos Islands! Connecticut! Var. Barclayana Gree. (1857). — V. broad, linear with acuminate-apiculate ends. L. 0,041 to 0,043 (0,1 to 0,11 according to Greg.); B. 0,02 (0,026 to 0,03 according to Greg.) mm. Strie 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Barcl. Grea. D. of Cl. p. 480 Pl. IX f. 9. Nav. palp. var. Barkl. Vo B. Syn. pi. OT PL AE £12. Marine: North Sea (Scotland, Greg., Belgium, V. H.), Mediterr. (Balearic Islands, Adriatic)! Var. angulosa Gruc. (1856). — V. as the type. L. 0,06 to 0,11; B. 0,014 to 0,o21 mm. Area lanceolate, angular in the middle. — Nav. angulosa Gree. T. M. 8. IV p. 42 Pl. V f. 8. Dork. B. D. p. 26 Pl IV fi. 4. A. S. N.S. D. ID £19. Naw. palp. var. angulosa V. H. Syn. Pl. XI f. 10. Marine: North Sea (Sweden! Belgium V. H.), Mediterranean (Naples)! Var. semiplena Gree. (1859). — V. narrow, elliptic-lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,06 to 0,075; B. 0,013 to 0,015 mm. Area narrow, lanceolate. — Pinn. semipl. Gruc. M. J. VII p. 84 Pl. VI f. 12. Nav. angulosa var. @ Gree. T. M. S. IV p. 42 Pl. V f. &*. Nav. semipl. Donx. B. D. p. 26 Pl. IV f. 5. Nav. presecta A. S. N.S. D. p. 90 PL II f. 20? Marine: Spitsbergen! Finmark! Scotland (Grev.), Morocco! Fossil, Baldjik! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. n:o 3. 71 Var. obtusa V. H. (1885). — V. lanceolate, with subrostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,05; B. 0,017 mm. Area lanceolate. — Syn. p. 97 Pl XI f. 8. Marine: Belgium (V. H.). Var. minor Grun. (1880). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with acute ends. L. 0,035 to 0,043; B. 0,011 to 0,012 mm. Area lanceolate. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 30 Pl. I f. 23. V. H.S. p. 97 Pl. XI f. 11. Nav. minor Gree. D. of Cl. p. 477 Pl. IX f. 1 (1857)? Marine: Finmark! Belgium (V. H.). Var. Botteriana Grun. (1860). — V. broad, lanceolate, with slightly triundulate margin. L. 0,07 to 0,08; B. 0,02 to 0,023 mm. Area large, lanceolate. Striz 8 in 0,o1 mm. (finely punctate, Grun.).. — Nav. Bott. Groy. Verh. 1860 p. 535 Pl. III f. 20. Nav. Esoculus Scuum. P. D. p. 189 Pl. IX f. 538? Marine: Adriatic (Grun.). Forma minor Grun. — V. with rostrate ends and triundulate margins. L. 0,04; B. 0,0136 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. — 1. ¢. f. 10. Marine: Adriatic (Grun.). 15. N. solida Cx. (1880). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with subacute ends. L. 0,058; B. 0,024 mm. Area rhombic-lanceolate. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., the median alternately longer and shorter. — A.D. p. 138 PLIf 24. Marine: Finmark! 16. N. marginulata Cu. (1881). — V. rhomboid. I.. 0,042; B. 0,012 mm Area very large. Strie 17 in 0,01 mm. — N. R. D. p. 11 Pl. II f. 29. Marine: Pensacola, Florida! Pinnularia Ens. (1843). Valve more or less elongated, usually linear, with rounded, obtuse, sometimes capitate, ends. Median line straight or flexuose. Terminal fissures generally large and distinct. Structure: appa- rently more or less smooth, transverse striz, usually radiate or divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. Connecting zone not complex. — The chromatophores form two plates, closely following the interior surface of the connecting zone. At the division of the cell they migrate from the zone to the interior surface of the valves, and are then split up along the longitudinal axis of the valve by fissures, simultaneously in the middle and at the ends (Pritzer, Bau und Entw. p. 51). — On conjugating, two parallel cells form two small egg-shaped auxospores, one above the other. The auxospores are later on developed into cylindrical transversely annulated bodies, bearing at their ends hemispherical caps (Pitzer, Bau und Entw. p. 67). The following description of the structure of the valve is principally an abridged account of the researches of Prirzmr (Bau und ‘Entw. p. 30), Fléemn (J. R. M. 8. ser. 2 IV p. 505) and especially Orro Mitizr (Ber. d. D. Bot. Ges. VII p. 169, 1889). The valve forms a more or less convex shell, and its median part a more or less narrow, structureless area (the axial area) usually dilated in the middle to an irregularly rounded space, or to a transverse fascia (the central area) and at the ends to a smaller space (the terminal area or nodule). The axial area is bordered by strie, in most cases radiate in the middle and con- vergent at the ends. In the middle of the central area is the central nodule, and, connecting the central and terminal nodules, the median line. The striz are thinner parts of the valve and according to Prirzer furrows on the outside, according to Fiéeen and Mttuer channels on the inside, of the valve, closed, except in the middle, 72 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. where is a large foramen. The foramina form in the large rspecies, a more or less distinct or broad longitudinal band across the strie. The central nodule consists of a conical silicious mass, projecting in the inside of the cell, usually excentric, so that one margin of its base (the median margin) coincides with the axis of the valve. Between the nodules of both valves, in the interior of the cell, is the median plasma- mass, containing in its middle the nucleus. According to Orro Miimr the central nodule has, on the top of the cone or its median side, an open shallow furrow, in both ends of which is a pore, by which the plasma communicates with a system of closed channels in the central nodule and, by means of similar channels in the median line, with open fissures in the parts of the median line which are between the centre and the ends. From these pores pass vertically, through the solid mass of the nodule, two channels (the channels of the central nodule) which terminate on the exterior of the valve as two bulb-shaped pores (the median pores). The channels of the central nodule each give rise to two parallel, closed, channels, one above the other (the exterior and in- terior channels). Two similar channels also open into the terminal nodules. The exterior of these channels is at its end bent towards that side of the valve, on which the central nodule is situated, and terminates in an oblique, sometimes spirally twisted, fissure (the terminal fissure), which bends round the terminal nodule. The terminal fissures are in most cages turned to the same side, but in some few cases in contrary directions. Their shape is somewhat different in different groups, sometimes curved and comma-like, sometimes straight, giving to the ends of the median line a bayonet-like shape. On the lower side of the curved end, or opening of the exterior channel, opposite to the terminal fissure, is a triangular fissure (the funnel) which passes obliquely through the terminal nodule, and opens with its pore-like apex into the plasma-mass at the ends of the cell. The median part of the funnel communicates with the interior channel of the terminal nodule. The exterior and interior channels from the central to the terminal nodules are connected by a fissure of more or less complicated structure. In many cases this fissure forms a filiform line and seems then to be simply a vertical fissure. In other cases it is broad, and lies in an oblique position. In some of the larger species the fissure is of a more complex nature, being formed by the junction of short knife-like laminz projecting from both halves of the valve. From the half of the valve, on which the central nodule is situated project three, in some cases two, such lamine, alternating with two (or one) lamine from the other half of the valve. In some of the larger species the anterior laminz on the half of the valve which contains the central nodule cover the lamin on the other half of the valve on two portions of the median line, thus giving rise to a biundulated median line. The genus Pinnularia comprises a great number of forms, both marine and fresh-water, the latter being very predominant, forming an important and very characteristic part of the fresh- water diatomaceous flora, both recent and fossil. The marine forms are not all closely connected. One group among them is characterized by the peculiar form of the large terminal fissures, pro- jecting from the ends of the median line at an angle of about 90°. To this group belong P. Tre- velyana, P. rectangulata, P. groenlandica, and in a less degree P. cruciformis. The latter seems to be connected with P. quadratarea, having indistinct terminal fissures. Smaller marine forms bear a great resemblance to the smallest fresh-water Pinnularie of the group Parallelistriate. Among the marine forms are a few more or less panduriform, which appear in several respects to be akin to panduriform species of the genus Caloneis. The fresh-water forms pass into one another to a great extent, so that the definition of good or distinct species or groups is a matter of the greatest difficulty or almost impossible. Still, I think some groups of forms may be distinguished, although closely connected with each other. Such groups are the following: KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. w:o 3, as I. Parallelistriate, which comprises forms generally small, often with capitate or rostrate ends, and with close, parallel or slightly radiate strie. The axial area is indistinct or very narrow. Several of these forms resemble small fresh-water species of Caloneis, and it may be in some cases questionable whether they should be classed with Pinnularia, or with the forms of the Caloneis Silicula-type. The only distinction is the absence of the longitudinal line which crosses the strie of the Caloneis-forms, and which is indeed often seen in these only with great difficulty. II. Capitate. Small forms, with capitate or rostrate ends, radiate strie, and narrow or indistinct axial area. I. Divergentes. Smaller or larger, linear, sublanceolate, or subelliptical forms, with rounded ends and strongly radiate striz. The axial area, in some species narrow, is in others moderately broad. From the smallest species of this group, P. Brébissonii, to the large P. epis- copalis is a continual series of forms, while on the other side P. Brébissonii is closely connected with P. microstauron of the Capitate. Small forms of P. Brébissonii seem also to graduate into the group of IV. Distantes, comprising lanceolate to elliptical, or elliptic-linear forms, remarkable for their distant striz. V. Tabellariee, comprising forms generally linear, narrow, often gibbous in the middle and at the ends. The strive are usually strongly radiate in the middle, and convergent at the ends. The terminal fissures are more or less bayonet-shaped. The area is distinct but moderately narrow. This group is closely connected with the divergentes, P. Legumen being an intermediate form. On the other hand it is also closely allied with the next. VI. Brevistriate, comprising linear forms, with very broad axial area and parallel striz. In P. hemiptera this group touches the following. VU. Majores, usually large, linear, and slender forms with parallel or radiate strie, narrow area, oblique median line and comma-like, terminal fissures. VIII. Complexe, linear, usually Jarge forms, remarkable for their complex median line. Several forms belonging to Pinnularia have some apparent resemblance to those belonging to Caloneis, but it is questionable whether they are really connected. The longitudinal struc- tureless depression of P. Trevelyana and P. groenlandica seem to point to an affinity with some species of Caloneis, which also have smooth striz, but the terminal fissures of the above named species of Pinnularia are too peculiar to allow of their union. Among the Navicule are some forms, which, on account of their smooth strie might be placed in Pinnularia, especially Navicula Yarrensis, typical specimens of which have some likeness to P. alpina; but there is, I believe, no true relation between these forms, the terminal fissures of P. alpina being spirally twisted and large, those of Nav. Yarrensis being indistinct. Among the many fossil forms, recently discovered in Hungary and described by Dr. Pan- TOCSEK, are several closely connected with N. Yarrensis and with N. elegans. These forms are also allied to the group of Nav. palpebralis. All these seem to be related to the group of Nav. lineolate, for which reason I consider it more natural to class Nav. Yarrensis and its allied forms in Navicula than in Pinnularia. The small species Nav. hungarica and Nav. costulata with coarse, apparently smooth, strie seem naturally to belong to the same group as Nav. Yarrensis, although it may not be denied that they are also akin to some forms of the Lineolate, for in- stance Nav. cincta. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 27. N:o 3. 10 74 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. I. Gracillime. Artificial key. i jeu rounded ..... a ug Os ; eae 2 Rs — capitate or rostrate . ; & aS es the A 9. oe not interrupted . . : lh ‘ P. sublinearis Grun. — interrupted .. .... .. : is Pets e Be , 3, te trie almost parallel . . . Saree ee bo, ae a, P: leptosoma Gron. ') in the middle slightly wiles iad ey abe whentok P. molaris Gron. é es CApitate.s 4.6 eae. Alia Bad : ‘ P. undulata Gaze. ; — rostrate . i. é ; hes .. . . . P. gracillima Grea. 1. P. gracillima Gree. (1856). — V. linear, triundulate, with rostrate to subcapitate ends. L. 0,026 to 0,03; B. 0,005 mm. Areas indistinct. Striez, 18 to 22 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel. — M. J. IV Pl. If. 31. Nav. gr. V. H. S. Pl. VI f. 24. N. mesotyla Scuum. Tatra D. Pl. IV f. 51? Fresh water: Scotland (Greg.), Greenland! . 2. P. undulata Grae. (1854). — V. linear, with more or less distinctly triundulate margins and broad, capitate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,035; B. 0,oo6 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area or- bicular or a transverse fascia. Strize 22 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, convergent at the a — M. J. II, Pl. IV f. 10. — Cu. D. of Finland p. 20 Pl, IIe 8. Fresh water: Sweden (Pautriisk in Stensele Lappmark)! Finland, Savitaipale Dept! Scot- land (Greg.). Var. subundulata Grun. — V. with less distinctly undulated margins. Strie 18 to 21 in 0,01 mm., not interrupted. — V. H. Types N:o 140. Fresh water: Scotland (V. H. T.). As far one may judge from the figures Nav. mesotyla Scuum. and P. gracillima are the same species, and the only difference between them and P. undulata consists in the broad, capitate ends of the latter. 3. P. sublinearis Grun. (1880). — V. narrow, linear, slightly gibbous in the middle, with rounded ends. L. 0,02 to 0,03; B. 0,004 mm. Areas indistinct. Strize 21 to 24 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Nav. subl. Grun. V. H. Syn. p. 76 Pl. VI f. 25, 26. P. tenuis Gruc. M. J. 1854 p. 97 PL IV f. 9? Fresh water: Greenland! 4. P. leptosoma Grun. (1880). — V. narrow, linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,085 to 0,04; B. 0,005 mm. Median line with approximate central pores. Axial area very narrow; central area a broad, transverse fascia. Strie 14 or 17 (middle) to 16 or 20 in 0,01 mm. (at the ends) almost parallel. — Nav. leptos. Grun. in V. H. Syn. XII f. 29. Fresh water: Sweden (Rimforsa in Westergétland)! Finland! 5. P. molaris Grun. (1863). — V. linear, slender, with rounded or subcuneate ends. L. 0,033 to 0,05; B. 0,005 to 0,oos mm. Axial areal narrow or indistinct; central area a broad, trans- verse fascia, reaching to the margin. Striw 15 to 17 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Nav. molaris Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 149 Pl. IV f. 26. V. H. Syn. Pl. VI f. 19. Nav. macra A. S. Atl. XLIV f. 54. Nav. mesoleia Cu. N. R. D. p. 10 Pl. IT f. 26. Fresh water: Norway (Dovre)! Scotland! Sweden! Denmark (Ringkébing Atl.), Finland! Germany (Grun.), Brazil! Demerara River! Cape Horn! Bengal! P. molaris is nearly akin to P. leptosoma, which differs by nothing except the less radiate median and the closer terminal strie. 1) Conf. P. isostauron Grun. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2/. w:o 3. TS II. Capitatee. Artificial key. L les rostrate . EL Eee oy P. microstauron Eqs. capitate . ; oe ee ee ee Pa AR: oS . 2, 9. is Valve with undulated margins . . ce ee ee we PB. mesolepta Ens. not undulated....... pias tk Glee. ote xs S. “Ee ppl oe VB: 3. ee linear. 4: a0 6 wee ee a Ee Bo iver eats o : P. interrupta W. Sm. lanceolate. . . ; esa <3 i 3 eA 4. ee ends broad and lanes, degen. pple’, . x y & : P. globiceps Grxe. 3 ends small . Bae ots eo 00 ae ea de a ae ae 5. 5. Pe Valve lanceolate... ..... sa : . . . P. Braunit Grun. almost linear é ye otters A ; te este, BC: 6. ae 16 to 18 in Oo1 mm... 0 7, .... . P. appendiculata Ac. 12 to 13 in Oo1 mm «1... Be MR es P. subcapitata Gruc. 6. P. appendiculata Ag. (1828). — V. linear, gently tapering from the middle to the slightly rostrate-capitate ends. L. 0,018 to 0,036; B. 0,004 to 0,005 mm. Area very narrow, dila- ted in the middle to a transverse fascia. Strie 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Frustulia app. Ag. Icon. Alg. Eur. Pl. I (according to Kiitz). Nav. app. Kitz Bac. p. 93 Pl. III f. 28. V. H. Syn. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 18, 20. N. app. v. trrorata Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. V1 f. 30, 31. Nav. Naveana Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 149 Pl. IV f. 24. V. H. Syn. PY. Vi. £. 29, Fresh water (moist rocks, mosses etc.): Iceland! Scotland! Sweden (Gothland)! Belgium (V. H.), Briinn (Grun.), Bengal! Australia (Blue Mountains)! Greenland! New Jersey (Hoboken)! Ecuador! Var. budensis Grun. (1880). — V. gibbous in the middle, with distinctly capitate ends. Striz 20 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — V. H. Syn. Pl. VI f. 27, 28. Hot springs: Buda-Pesth (Grun.), New Zealand! P. appendiculata is closely connected with P. subcapitata and P. molaris and the other hand through the var. budensis with P. Braunit. 7. P. Braunii Gruvn. (1876). — V. lanceolate, with capitate or subcapitate ends. L. 0,035 to 0,05; B. 0,009 to 0,oos mm. Axial area narrow, gradually increasing in breadth towards the middle of the valve, where it expands to a large and broad, transverse fascia. Strie 11 to 12 in 0,o1 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Nav. Brauniana Grun. in A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 77, 78. Nav. Braunii Gruy. in V. H. Syn. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 21. Fresh water: Iceland! Sweden (Rosslingen in Kalmar lan! Loka, Atl.), Finland! Belgium (V. H.), Bengal! Australia (Blue Mountains)! Argentina! Brazil! 8. P. subeapitata Gree. (1856). — V. linear, with subcapitate to capitate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Axial area narrow or indistinct. Central area a transverse fascia. Strie 12 to 138, slightly divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — M. J. IV p. 9 Pl. I f. 80. Pin. Hilseana Janiscu in Rabh. Alg. Sachs. N:o 953 (1860). Nav. Hilseana A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 65. -V. H. Syn. p. 77 Suppl. A. f. 11. Nav. subcapitata A. S. Atl. XLIV f. 53, 55. V. H. Syn. p 78 Pl. VI £, 22. A, 8. Atl ALV £ 59, 60. Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Sweden (Helsingland, Upsala, Marstrand, Gothland)! Finland! Scotland! England! Kiel! Belgium (V. H.), Bengal! Amsterdam Island! Australia (Blue Mountains)! Argentina! Ecuador! Greenland! Var. paucistriata Gruy. — Strie short, gradually shortened towards the middle, where is a very broad transverse fascia. — V. H. Syn. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 23. 16 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Pinn. subcapitata of Gregory has uninterrupted strie, but forms with a transverse fascia are much more frequent. This species seems to graduate into Pinn. interrupta, from which it differs principally by its smaller size and less distinctly capitate ends. 9. P. interrupta W. Sm. (1853). — V. linear, with parallel or slightly concave margins and capitate ends. L. 0,05 to 0,076; B. 0,018 mm. Axial area narrow, dilated in the middle to a rhomboid space or transverse fascia. Striz 10 to 15 in 0,01 mm., strongly radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends. Forma biceps: central area rhomboid. — P. biceps Gree. M. J. IV p. 8 Pl. I f. 28 (1856). P. interrupta 8 W. Sm. B. D. IL p. 96. Nav. mesolepta 8 producta Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 520 Pl. IV f. 22 a. Nav. bicapitata Laest. Spitsb. D. p. 23 PL If 5. V. H. Syn. p. 78 Pl. VI f. 14. Nav. biceps A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 69, 70. Nav. Termes A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 67. Nav. mesolepta var. boryana Pant. III Pl. XXT f. 312. Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Norway! Sweden! Finland! Scotland (Greg.), Siberia! Japan! Australia, Blue Mountains! Brazil! Forma stauroneiformis: central area a transverse fascia. Pinn. interrupta W. Sm. B. D. XIX f. 184. Nav. int. A. S. Atl. XLV f. 72, 75, 76. Nav. Termes var. stauroneif. V. H. Syn. Pl. VI f, 12, 18. A. S. Atl XLV £ TL. Fresh water: Greenland! Norway (Romsdalen)! Sweden! Finland! England (W. Sm.), Ger- many (Atl.), Bengal! Sandwich Islands! Surinam! Brazil! Var. crassior Grun. (1880). — V. gibbous in the middle and with broad, capitate ends L. 0,035 to 0,042; B. 0,008 to 0,o12 mm. Strie 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. globiceps var. crassior Groun. A. D. p. 27 PLIf. 13. A. 8S. Atl XLV f. 79 (without name). Brackish water: Jamal (Kara Sea)! Aland (Baltic)! Pinnul. biceps is closely connected with P. mesolepta, which differs only in the triundulate margins. There is the same connection between them as between P. divergens and P. Legumen. 10. P. mesolepta Eup. (1843). — V. triundulated, with capitate ends. L. 0.03 to 0,06; B. 0,011 mm. Axial area narrow, dilated in the middle. Striew 10 to 14 in 0,01 mm. strongly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends. — Nav. mesolepta Ens. Am. IV: 2 f. 4. Kitz Bac. p. 101 Pl. XXVIII f. 73, XXX f. 34. V. H. Syn. p. 79 Pl. VI f. 10—11. Pinn. mesolepta W. Sm. B. D. XTX f. 182. Nav. mes. var. a, genuina Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 520. Fresh water: England! Scotland! Greenland! New Zealand! Var. stauronetformis Grun. (1860). — Central area a transverse fascia, widened towards the margins. — Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 520 Pl. IV f. 22 &. A. S. Atl. XLV f. 52, 53. Fresh water: Sweden (Rosslangen, Upsala)! Finland! Greenland! Canada! Bridgewater, Maine! Var. angusta Cu. — V. narrow linear, triundulate. L. 0,065 to 0.08; B. 0,009 to 0,01 mm. Axial area wider. Strie 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. gracillima A. 8S. Atl. XLV f. 62. Ch. M. D. No 108. Fresh water: Upsala, Sweden! Ringkisbing, Denmark (Atl.), Harz (Atl.), Maine, Bridge- town! Demerara River! Rio Purus, Brazil! Var. polyonca Brkt. (1849). — V. triundulate; the median inflation being larger than the others. L. 0,06 to 0,08; B. 0,012 mm. Area narrow, gradually expanded towards the middle toa stauros. Striz 11 to 12 in 0.01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Nav. polyonca Brép. in Kiitz Sp. Alg. p. 85. V. H. Syn. p. 80 Suppl. A. f. 14. Nav. mesotyla A. S. Atl. XLV f. 54, 55. Fresh water: Sweden (Loka, Atl., Upsala!) Belgium (V. H.). P. mesolepta is nearly connected with P. interrupta and analogous to P. nodosa, from which latter it differs by its narrower area. The var. polyonca is in all respects to P. mesolepta what the var. Formica is to P. nodosa. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 2¢. N:0 3, 77 11. P. globiceps Gree. (1856). — V. strongly gibbous in the middle and with capitate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,04; B. 0,01 mm. Axial area indistinct; central area a broad, transverse fascia, narrowed towards the margin. Strie 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — M. J. IV Pl. I f. 34. Nav. glob. V. H. S. Syn. Suppl. A. f. 13. Brackish water: Scotland (Greg.), Anvers (V. H.), Strehlen (Grun.), Dérrenberg in Saxony! Bengal! Var. Krookii Gruy. (1882). — L. 0,015 to 0,028; B. 0,005 to 0,007 mm. Central area a wide lanceolate space. Strie 15 to 17 in 0,01 mm. in the middle, 19 to 20 near the ends. — Nav. Krockit Grun. Foss. D. Osterr. Ung. p. 155 Pl. XXX f. 40. Brackish water: Hungary, (Soos Dept. Grun.), Gulf of Bothnia (Salmis to Tornea)! 12. P. microstauron Eup. (1843). — V. linear, with parallel margins and rostrate, broad ends. L. 0,025 to 0,08; B. 0,007 to 0,oo9 mm. Axial area very narrow, frequently dilated in the middle to a transverse fascia. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle and con- vergent at the ends. — Stanroptera microstauron Kus. Am. I: 4 f. 1; IV: 2 f. 2, Microg. XVI: 2 f. 4. Stauroneis micr. Kitz. Bac. p. 106 Pl. XXIX f. 13. A. S. Atl. XLIV f.16. Nav. divergens f. mmor A. 8S. Atl. XLIV f. 14, 84, 35, XLV f. 81 to 34. Nav. Brébissoni v. subproducta V. H. Syn. p. 77 Pl. V f. 9. Pinn. interrupta Pxpicino Ischia II f. 14. Nav. bicapitata var. hybrida V. H. Syn. Pl. VI f. 9. Nav. Brébissonii Last. Spitsb. D. I f. 2 a. Pinn. Rabenhorstiana Hitsx Rab. A. Sachs. N:o 842 (1859). Nav. divergens var. prolongata Br. a. Hiripaup D. d’Auvergne p. 89 Pl. IV £. 1, Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Finmark! Sweden (Lappland, Areskutan, Skane)! Finland (Lapp- land to Abo)! Englndl Germany Kamtschatka! Australia (Blue Mountains)! Greenland! North America (Canada, Maine, White Mountains, Sierra Nevada)! P. microstauron is closely connected with P. Brébissoni and P. interrupta var. stauronet- formis, which graduates into P. mesolepta. Til. Divergentes.. Artificial key. L (eee fissures in contrary direction .... . YS Stl IP pesos Ens. — inthe same direction ........ a ae 2. 2. yen, with undulated margins .. 1... 1... . eee ee P. Legumen Eus. not undulated. .. 2. 0 7 ee ee ey we Rs oe Me eee Bh 3. 3. ree area rounded . pS. ce ee eS : 7 ... P. karelica Cu. — a transverse fascia. . oa ede. Lg Bem ce 4, mn se forms 0,04 to 0,06 mm. . . ae ee OD Larger forms 0.07 to 0,36 mm. . : By aiuto ae Bs Strie very strongly divergent . . . ; 5 .. . BP. divergentissima Gron. m Co somewhat divergent §....... O. Cee. a . P. Brébissonii Kirz. Striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. gees 165 ae ab MR eee) oe eel Mb e \ — Ito 12in Oo1 mm... 1. «1... 52 . . BP. divergens W. Sm. Valve linear with parallel margins... ‘ is. t beat, ote trae 8. %s es — gibbous in the middle and at the “onde : Cm P. Hartleyana Guzc. Striz strongly radiate SYR AN Bae be witese 38 . . BP. episcopalis Cu. o (on slightly radiate ..... ; . DP. Cardinaliculus Cu. 13. P. divergentissima Grun. (1880). — v. lanceolate with obtuse ends. L. 0,03 to 0,035; B. 0,007 mm. Axial area indistinct. Central area a broad fascia. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm. strongly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends. — Nav. nodulosa forma Lagst. Spitsb. D. p. 22 Pl. II f. 2. Nav. divergentissima Gron. in V. H. Syn. Pl. VI f. 32. Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Ldt), North Iceland! Norway (Dovre)! Finland (Russian Lap- land, Abo)! Greenland! Canada! New Zealand! This little species is very characteristic and seems to belong to arctic and alpine regions. 78 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID, DIATOMS. 14. P. Brébissoni Kiirz (1844): — V. linear-elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,011 to 0,01 mm, Area narrow, gradually widened in the middle to a transverse fascia, broader towards the central nodule. Striew 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle and convergent towards the ends. — Nav. Brébissonii Kitz Bac. p. 93 Pl. Ill f. 49. A. 8. Atl. XLIV f. 17, 18. V. H. Syn. p. 77 Pl. V f. 7. Lor Spitsb. D. Pl. I f. 2 a. Wolle D. of Am. X f. 262 Pinn. stauroneiformis W. Sm. Br. D. I p. 57 Pl. XIX f. 178 a’ (1853). Puprcrno,' Ischia Pl. IL f. 21. Nav. Mormonorum Grun. in A. S. Atl. XLIV f. 24 to 26. Nav. Brébissonii var, fossilis Pant. III Pl. XIX f. 279 (1898). Fresh water, (earth and mosses): Beeren Eiland (Ldt), Spitsbergen! Iceland! Norway (owes)! Sweden! Scotland! England (W. Sm.), Finland! Belgium (V. H.), Germany (Harz, Atl.), Switzer- land! Italy! Greenland! Utah! Var. diminuta V. H. (1880). — Smaller, with gradually narrowed ends. — Syn. p. 77 Pl. Vf. 8. Fresh water: Finland! Scotland! Belgium (V. H.). Var. notata Hirt. a. Prrag. (1893). — V. more narrow, slender. L. 0,05 to 0,055; B. ‘0,008 to 0,oo9 mm. ‘Striz 10 to 15 in 0,01 mm. strongly radiate. — Nav. notata Hérts. D. d'Auvergne p. 87 PL IV f. 11. P. stawroneif. Sm. B. D. XTX f. 178 6. A. S. Atl: XLIV f. 19. Fresh water: Iceland! Norway (Romsdalen)! Finland! Germany (Franzenbad, Atl.), Puy de Dome (foss. Hérib.), Santa Rosa, Cal.! P.. Brébissonii is a very variable species, closely connected with smaller forms of P. diver- gens and with P. microstauron. Nearly allied also is P. appendiculata. 15. P. karelica Cu. (1891). — V. linear, gibbous in the middle, with broad, truncate ends. L. 0,045 to 0,05; B. 0,011 to 0,012 mm. Median line straight, with moderately approximate median pores and hook-shaped terminal fissures, turned in the same direction. Axial area indistinct; central area large, orbicular. Strie divergent in the middle, convergent at the pide 15 to 16 in 0,o1 mm. — Diat. of Finl. p. 28 Pl. I f. 6. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Norway (Mouth of Tana-elf)! Sweden (Lule Lappmark, Wenern, Rosslingen in Smaland, Umea, fossil)!’ Finl., Karelen! 16. P. Legumen Ens. (1843). — V. linear-lanceolate, with triundulate margins and sub- rostrate, broad ends. L. 0,07 to 0,011; B. 0,015 to 0,018 mm. Median line filiform, with comma- like terminal fissures. Axial area broad, nearly '/, of the breadth of the valve, dilated in the middle. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. -— Am. 1.1. f. 7? Nav. Leg. Eup. M. G. I: 2 f. 12. A. 8S. Atl. XLIV f. 44 to 47. V. H. Syn. p. 80 Pl. VI f. 16. Nav. undulata Scuum. P. D. p. 188 f. 37. Fresh water: Sweden! Norway (Stavanger, foss.)! Scotland! Belgium (V. BL), France! Italy (S:ta Fiora, foss.)! Bengal! New Zealand! Australia (Murray River, Australian Alps)! Japan! Congo (V. H. Coll.)! North America (Port Hope, Crane Pond, French Pond, Waltham Mass., Illinois)! sy Var. florentina Grun. (1877). — L. 0,1 to 0,13; B. 0,018 mm. ‘Central area dilated to a transverse -fascia. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav.- (Esox var.?) florent. Groun. in Cl. M. D. Nio 44. A. 8. Atl XLIV f. 8. Nav. divergens var. undulata Hire. a. Purac. D. d’Auvergne p. 89 Pl. IV f. 2 (1893). Fresh water: Livorno (Atl.), S:ta Fiora! Var. ornata CL. — L..0,07; B. 0,012 mm. Central area a transverse fazcia ithe a row of puncta. on each side of the central nodule. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: Bengal! tae Pinn. or Nav. Legumen Eux. seems to comprise several different species with. iiuadulate margins, so that it is impossible to say what species. may be the true P. Legunien. I have adopted the opinion expressed* in’ VAN: HEuRcKs synopsis” P. Legumen is most variable, the undulations of KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2%. wo 3, 79 the margin being often very slight, in which case it is impossible to distinguish it from certain forms of P. divergens and P. stauroptera. 17. P. platycephala Eup. (1854). — V. linear, 5 to 6 times longer than broad, with broad, subcapitate ends and slightly undulate margins. L. 0,083 to 0,105; B. 0,017 to 0,018 mm. Median line filiform with terminal fissures in contrary directions. Axial area distinct, about 1/, of the breadth of the valve. Central area a more or less perfect fascia. Strie divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, 12 in 0,01 mm. — Stauwroptera platycephala Ens. M. G. XVII: 1 f. 9. Pinnul. platyc. Cu. Diat. of Finl. p. 20 Pl. II f. 1. Fresh water: Sweden: Rosslangen (Calmar lan)! Pjesérn Dept. (Skellefted)! Ojasjo Dept. (Blekinge)! Fin]. Suomenniemi Dept. (Viborgs lan)! Uurais socken (Vasa)! Pudasjarvi Dept. (Oster- botten)! Scotland (Grove), France: Lac Gerardmer (Vosges)! _ P. platycephala is an isolated species, which shews no close relation to any known form. It seems to come nearer to P. dirergens and P. legumen than to any other. 18. P. divergens W. Sm. (1853). — V. lanceolate, gradually attenuated to the obtuse or slightly capitate ends. L. 0,07 to 0,14; B. 0,015 to 0,o2 mm. Median line filiform, with curved terminal fissures. Axial area narrow, distinct, widened in the middle to a transverse fascia. Strie 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Br. D. p. 57 Pl. XVIII f. 177. Nav. div. A. 8. Atl. XLIV f. 9. Wore D. of N. A. XTX f. 21. . Fresh water: Sweden (Lappland to Blekinge)! Norway (Stavanger)! Scotland (Premney Peat, W. Sm., Dolgelly earth W. Sm., Loch Kinnord!) Finland! Bengal! New Zealand! Sandwich Islands! N. America (Waterford, Maine)! S. America (Demerara River, Santos)! Var. cuneata Grun. (1876). — V. with cuneate, subacute ends. L. 0,075 to 0,1; B. 0,014 to 0,o2 mm. Central area a narrow fascia. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl. XLIV f. 10, 11. Fresh water: Demerara River! Var. sublinearis CL. — V. elleptic-linear, gradually tapering from the middle to the obtuse ends. L. 0,08 to 0,10; B. 0,014 to 0,013 mm. Striew 12 in 0,01 mm. — A. S. Atl XLIV f. 20, 23, Nav. procera Pant. II p. 52 Pl. I f. 8 (1889)? Fresh water: New Zealand! America (Bemis Lake, White Mountains, Waterford, Maine; Rio Purus, Brazil)! Var. elliptica Grun. (1884). — V. broad, linear to elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,075 to 0,15; B. 0,015 to 0,o27 mm. Strie 8 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. div. var. ellipt. Grun. Fr. Jos. Land D. p. 98 Pl. If. 19. Nav. div. A. S. Atl XLIV f. 6—7. Nav. cardinals var. africana Brun D. espéces nov. p. 33 Pl. XVI f. 9. Nav. viridis var. staurophora Pant. III Pl. VI f. 96 (1893)? Fresh water: Franz Jos. Land (Grun.), Norway (Tana Elf, Stavanger)! Sweden (Rosslingen in Kalmar lan, Ojasjé in Blekinge)! Finland! Scotland (Island of Lewis)! Australia (Blue Moun- tains)! Greenland! Monmouth (Atl.), Demerara River! S. W. Africa, Ombika (Brun Coll.)! Forma ornata Grun. — Central area with a semicircular row of dots on both sides of the: central nodule. L. 0,12; B. 0,017 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. — Bengal! Var. Schweinfurti A. 8. (1876). — L. 0,11 to 0,12; B. 0,o2 mm. Axial area more narrow. Median line oblique. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. Schweinfurtti A. 8. Atl. XLIV f. 4, 5. Fresh water: Scriba Gattas (At1.). - ; 19. P. Cardinaliculus Cu. N. Sp. — V. linear, with parallel margins and rounded ends. L. 0,08 to 0,1; B. 0,015 to 0,018 mm. Median line filiform, with approximate central pores and short, bayonet-shaped terminal fissures. Axial area less than '/, as broad as the breadth of the valve in the middle widened to a transverse fascia. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel or slightly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends. — Pl. I f. 12. Fresh water: Scotland: (Grove Coll.)! America (Canada, Crane Pond, French Pond, Houghton Mich., Mexico)! 80 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 20. P, Hartleyana Grev. (1865). — V. linear, gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,2 to 0,23; B. 0,033 to 0,045 mm. Median line straight, filiform. Axial area linear, less than /, as broad as the valve, in the middle transversely dilated, frequently to a fascia. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — T. M.S. vol. XIII Pl. V1 f. 30. Fresh water: Liberia (Grev.), Demerara River! 21. P. episcopalis Cx. (1891). — V. linear, with parallel margins and broad rounded ends. L. 0,23 to 0,36; B. 0,035 to 0,04 mm. Median line filiform with comma-like terminal fissures. Axial area broad, about 1/,; of the breadth of the valve, in the middle widened to a transverse fascia. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends. — P. cardinalis Ens. M. G. XVIII: 1 f. 4. P. episcopalis Cu. D. of Finl. p. 27 Pl. I f. 4. Fresh water: Sweden (Lake Wenern, Lake Rosslangen in Kalmar lan, Ojasjé Dept. in Ble- kinge, interglacial mud from Hernésand)! Finland! Lac Gerardmer, Vosges! Cherryfield, America! Var. brevis Cu. — L. 0,18; B. 0,038 mm. Strize 6 in 0,01 mm. less radiate. Fresh water: New Zealand (Auckland, Witt Coll.)! Var. africana Cu. — V. smaller. L. 0,115; B. 0,018 mm. Axial area less than a third of the breadth of the valve. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water, mouth of rivers: Cameroon, Africa! P. episcopalis is a very large and beautiful diatom, nearly akin to P. divergens and to P. Hartleyana. IV. Distantes. Artificial key. 1 eee lanceolate. . ..... see ee PB. alpina W. 8m. more or less narrow, elliptical acts 3 a ee ee we es Very small forms. L. about 0,01 mm. . .. . P. Balfouriana Groy. a ee 0,02 to 0,1 mm. and more. ; ‘ Siem a? oe ak OB: 3, 2 0,1 mm. and more ..... : ‘ . P. lata Bris. “| L. less than 0,1 mm. ie AG eh tle Bre Rbwad ng ialee 4. 4. ou 5 to 6 in O01 1 MM wee se ae A Ba od A het P. borealis Exp. — 8 in 0,01 mm. ond ie P. intermedia Laest. 22. P. intermedia Laasr. (1873). — V. linear-elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,018 to 0,042; B. 0,06 to 0,08 mm. Axial area narrow; central a transverse fascia. Striz radiate at the ends, 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. int. Laast. Spetsb. D. 23 Pl. I f. 3. Fresh water: Spitsbergen (Lagst.), Beeren Hiland (Lagst.), Australia (Blue Mountains)! This form seems, according to LagersrTept, to graduate into P. borealis and P. Brébissonii. 23. P. Balfouriana Grun. Ms. — V. elliptical. L. 0,008 to 0,01; B. 0,001 mm. Area wide. Strize distant, 10 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 18. Fresh water: Scotland (Grun.), North Iceland! 24. P. borealis Eup. (1843). — V. linear-elliptical, with rourded or subtruncate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,06; B. 0,007 to 0,oos mm. Median line with approximate central pores and hook-shaped terminal fissures. Area narrow Strie parallel, 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. — Am. Pl. I: 2 f. 6. Nav. bo- realis Kitz B. p. 96. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 518. Lagest. Sp. D. Pl If. 4. A. S. Ath Pl. XLV f. 15—21. V. H. Syn. p. 76 Pl. VI f. 3, 4. Wont Pl. IX f. 23. Pinnul. hebridensis Grea. M. J. 1854 p. 28 Pl. IV f. 13. Pinn. chilensis Rapu. Alg. Sachs. 885 (1859). On mosses, moist earth, in fresh water: Spitsbergen! Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Greenland! Iceland! Sweden! Finland! Germany! England! Belgium (V. H.), Switzerland! Japan! S:t Pauls Island (Grun.), Sandwich Islands! Australia (Blue Mountains)! New Zealand! South Africa! Argentina! Ecuador! W. Ind. 8:t Vincent! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2/. w:o 3. 81 Var. scalaris Exp. (1843). -- Narrow, linear. Central area a broad transverse fascia. — Stauroptera scalaris Eup. Am. IV: 2 f. 8. Nav. borealis var. scalaris Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 518 Pl, LV 2. 15: Labrador (Ehb.). Pinn. borealis graduates by intermediate forms into P. lata. 25. P. lata Bre. (1838). — V. linear-elliptical, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,1 to 0,13; B. 0,03 to 0,o4 mm. Median line oblique; central pores approximate, terminal fissures hook-shaped. Area large, slightly widened in the middle. Striz slightly radiate in the middle, 3 in 0,01 mm., transverse at the ends. — Frustulia lata Bris. Cons. p. 18. P. lata W. Sm. B. D. I pl. XVIII f. 167. Nav. lata Kitz Bac. p. 92. Grun. Franz Jos. Land D. p. 98 Pl. If. 14. Nav. lata var. minor Hiri. a. Perac. D. d’Auvergne p. 86 Pl. IV f. 5. P. megaloptera Ens. M. G. III: 1 f. 4; IV: 2 f. 5 (1854). Abh. 1870 Pl. III f. 16. Nav. meg. Hirt. D. d’Auvergne p. 88 Pl. IV f. 6. P. pachyptera Eus. Am. p. 133 Pl. IV: 2 f. 9 (1843). Nav. pach. A. S. Atl. XLV f. 5, 8. Pant. III Pl. XX f. 302. Nav. costata Hiri. D. d’Auvergne p. 87 Pl. IV f. 7 (1898). Fresh water: Franz Josefs Land (Grun.), England! Scotland! Ireland! France (Normandy)! Switzerland! Australia (Murray River)! New Zealand! Hungary fossil. Var. Rabenhorstii Grun. (1860). — V. slightly constricted in the middle, with cuneate, truncate ends. L. 0,06; B. 0,015 mm. Striz parallel, 4 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Thuringiaca Raza. Fl E. A. p. 205. Nav. Rabenhorstti Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 515, Pl. IV f. 18. Nav. borealis var. fossilis Pant. II Pl. V f. 73 (1893). Fresh water: Thiiringen (Rabh.). Var. latestriata Gree. (1854). — V. narrow-linear, with subcuneate extremities. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,012 mm. Strie 4 in 0,01 mm. — Pinn. latestr. Grea. M. J. II p. 98 Pl. IV f. 12. Nav. borealis var.? producta Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 518 Pl. IV f. 14. Fresh water: Mull Dept. Var. minor Grun. (1878). — L. 0,045; B. 0,018 mm. Area narrow. Strize 4—5 in 0,01 mm. — Grun. Cap. 8S. Alg. Pl. IV f. 22. Fr. Jos. L. D. p. 98 Pl. If. 16,17. Nav. lata V. H. S. p- 76 Pl. VI f. 1—2. Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Franz Jos. Land (Grun.), Cae Sea (Grun.). Var. curta Grun. (1884). — V. elliptical. — Grun. Fr. Jos. L. D. f. 15. Fresh water: Franz Jos. Land (Grun.). 26. P. alpina W. Sm. (1853). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with rounded, obtuse ends. L. 0,1 to 0,18; B. 0,038 to 0,05 mm. Median line oblique; central nodule large; terminal fissures spirally twisted. Axial area wide (less than */, of the breadth of the valve) lanceolate. Striz radiate, 3,5 in 0,01 mm., transverse at the ends. — B. D. I p. 55 XVIII f. 168. Nav. alpina Donk. B. D. per LY s 6. A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 1 to 4. Fresh water (subalpine regions): Scotland! Ireland! Erzgebirge! Switzerland! V. Tabellaries. Artificial key. Central area with a linear mark on each side of the central nodule . 5 ae 2. = ee — without — —= = _ _ SS Me i nah tse So 8 3. Valve not undulate ..... se e See . . P. stomatophora Grun. 2 te slightly triundulate ...... 0. sete ee .. .... P. Brandelit Cu. ghtly triundulate . Valve lanceolate, broad & : Bd, -em diy Tey Ghat ons gadis ey se oe i os linear, narrow . er: gol Sati rete. = BE A 6. Large. L. 014 to0.15 mm. 2. 7 ee eee : ake Simananiie Ens. a yeaa L. 0,04 to 0,075 mm. . . . . Due de (ses pgs Wahiege ~ go0 2D: K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handi. Band 27. N:o 3. 1 82 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 5. haa Grin: Oi0F MMs) se GAS OR eR ee Ia oe le ad _... . P. Thorax Bron. SAB ee Se ae eo a ee. GS ee ees roa a . P. lignitica Cu. 6. ee narrow lanceolate .. . ‘ ee eee : . P. subsolaris Grun. linear 2... : i Wale Ce tea @% betes Sale Girne 7. 7. ae subcapitate ....., ‘ Sf ye ls oe wes 8. rounded. ... 5 : : lee ea, Be. weds ea 12. 8. ae area broad ae ‘ ; ie 8 . . . BP. stauroptera Grun. — narrow... BR tale toe yh ay uit St eet eh’ 9. 9. Po Valve large. L. 0,1 to 0,2 mm. . . ea 8 gy lies a Se. ye 210; . smaller. L. 0,05 to 0,08 mm. . Scag: | Uo Goa es » 11. 10. o Axial area very narrow .......... ae ican .... .P. luculenta A. 5. — '/,; as broad as the valve . , . P. Tabellaria Ens. Central area small... eo teas : i . . P. gibba Exp. 11. te — large. . vee BS 3 .. . P. mesogongyla Ens. Strie parallel . Se A> ead gs gy “ch a Te ee oe P. awa A. S. = subcapitate.... e246 e280 4 ea we ee 4 axe JG Sieh P. Flammula A. 8. Strie parallel or slightly radiate ... . oo ye Se a Se - e byte de. ip --- Ae 3. ee TACUAGC 2! Say ech sh a ee ite We Gea ee rae RE OB ee ae HY he 5. 4 fo BEOA Ges rac Seta ety oe Be ee E Ao eae OD eo he, ae? cal Mp Poe aa ALA “eS a P. macilenta Exp. 22. NATOW 2 ed ela BS wie Gel hak dels .. . . BP. secernenda A. 8. 5. oe across the strie broad... .. 2... 2. eee Sa. Se Bie sa 6. : — narrow or indistinct ..... Bo ode Goats Te Elliptic-lanceolate . 2. 2... 2... Slips cod- dart Bi ... . P. Dactylus Ens. aes with broad, rounded ends ........... . . . P. latevittata Cu. 7, oe very narrow ..... Bh «ie, eta td BS ute tho we OS: moderately broad... ........ eget Se Hr eR oe 9: 8. aes slightly radiate . ...... Bast lt ir So est. es PB; conspicua A. S. strongly (SS Sw ie hee eee Ses Eo ea A dae Beige tye oe P. oregonica Cu. 9. ee with uudulate margins. ......... eRe Eh. esc tee Teh. A P. Ksox Ens. Margins not undulate ......... CIP. Be BS ap eS a, SW 8 - 10. 10. ee trianipular se ReGen ee, ee ee ee igesBees Me P. trigonocephala Cu. — rounded or subcuneate .. 2... 1.2... 2 ee ee . . . BP. major Kirz. 50. P. macilenta (Hus. 1843) Cu. — V. linear, with broadly obtuse ends. L. 0,11 to 0,15; B. 0,017 to 0,02 mm. Median line broad, oblique, not complex; its central pores approximate and the terminal fissures comma-like. Axial area wide, less than a third of the breadth of the valve, linear, scarcely widened in the middle. Stria parallel, 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. crossed by a narrow band. — Eup. Am. 21 f. 23? M.G. If. 7; I:3 f. 13. Cu. Diat. of Finland p. 24 Pl. I f. 27. Fresh water: Sweden (Lake Wenern, Lake Rosslangen in Kalmar lan)! Finland (Nyland, Pudasjairvi)! Hungary (Bory, fossil)! America (Pine spring, Hermico Co, Va, Deby Coll.)! 51. P. secernenda A. 8. (1876). — V. linear, with broadly rounded subcapitate ends and slightly gibbous middle. L. 0,17; B. 0,021 mm. Median line oblique with approximate céntral pores. Axial area narrow, not dilated around the central nodule. Striz 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel. — Nav. sec. A. S. Atl. XLIITI f. 13. Fresh water: Laconia U. 8. A. (Atl). 52. P. trigonocephala Cu. N. Sp. — V. linear, gibbous in the middle and at the broadly cuneate, subcapitate ends. L. 0,17 to 0,2; B. 0,026 mm. Median line narrow, its central pores approximate. Terminal fissures comma-shaped. Axial area narrow, linear, slightly dilated in the middle. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm. slightly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends. Bands not visible. —- Pl. I f. 21. ; Fresh water: America (Waltham Mass., Hudson River, Deby Coll., Big Lake S. Calif. Deby Coll.)! 53. P. conspicua A. S. (1876). — V. linear, gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,11 to 0,13; B. 0,018 to 0,019 mm. Median line filiform, with approximate central pores and semi- circular terminal fissures. Area very narrow, slightly dilated around the central nodule. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. slightly divergent in the middle, elsewhere almost parallel. — Nav conspicua A. 8. Atl. XLITI f. 10, 11. Fresh water: Demerara River! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wn:o 3. 89 54. P. Flamma A. 8. (1876). — V. linear, with broadly rounded ends. L. 0,14 to 0,15; B. 0,025 to 0,02 mm. Axial area very narrow, central orbicular. Strize subparallel, flexuose, in the middle radiate, 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a broad band. — Nav. Flamma A. S. Atl. XLII f. 27, 28. Fresh water: Demerara River! 55. P. Flammula A. 8. (1876). — V. linear, with somewhat dilated and capitate ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,015 mm. Axial area narrow, central orbicular. Strie radiate, 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Flammula A. 8. Atl. XLII f. 26. Fresh water: Demerara River! Seems to be only a smaller form of the preceding. 56. P. oregonica Ci. N. Sp. — V. linear, slightly triundulate, with cuneate, subacute ends. L. 0,113; B. 0,015 mm. Median line filiform with approximate median pores, and semicircular terminal fissures. Axial area very narrow, widened in the middle to a rhomboid-lanceolate central area. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — A. 8. Atl. XLIITf. 34. Fresh water: Oregon, fossil! 57. P. major Kirz (1833). — V. slender, linear, gibbous in the middle, and at the rounded ends. L. 0,2 to 0,3; B. 0,03 mm. Median line not complex, oblique; terminal fissures comma- shaped. Area linear somewhat less than a third of the breadth of the valve, scarcely widened in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a narrow band. — Frustulia major Ktirz Syn. p. 19 f. 25? Nav. maj. Kitz Bac. p. 97 Pl. IV f. 19, 21. Donx. B. D. p. 69 Pl. XI f. 2. V. H. Syn. p- 73 Pl V f. 3,4. A. 8. Atl XLIT f. 8. Fresh water (usually larger lakes): Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Finland (Russian Lap- land to Nyland)! Novaja Zemla! France! Switzerland (Lac Leman)! Japan! New Zealand! America (Canada, Albany, Michigan, Washington Territory)! Var. linearis Cu. — V. linear, not gibbous in the middle, or ends. Area narrower. Strize 7 in 0,01 mm. — Pinn. maj. W. Sm. B. D. XVIII f. 162. Nav. maj. var. andesitica Pant. III Pl. VIT f. 113 (1893). Fresh water: Sweden (Lake Rosslingen)! Norway (Stavanger, foss.)! England Sm. Finland (Pudasjarvi, foss.)! Holstein! Germany! Africa (Congo, V. H. Coll.)! America (Monticello New York, Waltham Mass., Demerara)! Var. heroina A. 8. (1876). — V. gibbous in the middle and at the subcuneate ends. L. 0,26; B. 0,035 mm. Median line broad, oblique. Area narrow. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. slightly divergent in the middle, and convergent at the ends. Bands indistinct. — Nav. heroina Atl. XLIII f. 2. Fresh water: Demerara River! Var. asymmetrica Cu. — V. linear, with broad, obtuse ends. L. 0,14 to 0,26; B. 0,02 to 0,03 mm. Median line asymmetrical, the two halves of it meeting each other in an obtuse angle. — Py a 22: Fresh water: America (Eralton Lake Canada, Waltham Mass., Crane Pond, Montgomery Alabama)! Var. subacuta Eup. (1854). — V. linear, with parallel margins and cuneate ends Area narrow. Strie 7 to 7,5 in 0,01 mm. — Pinnul. subacuta Eup. M. G. XXXV A 6 f. 12. — A. S. Atl. XLII f. 30 to 32. Fresh water: Demerara River! Caldas, Brazil! Var. turgidula Cu. — V. strongly gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,17 to 0,28; B. 0,034 to 0,o4 mm. Strize 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. Fresh water: America (Monticello, Troy, Sierra Nevada)! This form is very similar to P. latevittata var. Domingensis, from which it differs only by a narrower band across the strie. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 27. N:o 3. 12 90 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. transversa A. 8. (1876). — V. very slender. L. 0,17 to 0,22; B. 0,o2 mm. Median line very broad and oblique. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. transversa A. 8. Atl. XLIII f. 5 to 6. Fresh water: Finland (Sodankyla)! America (Monticello)! Australia (South Yarra)! 58. P. Esox Ens. (1843). — V. triundulate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,08 to 0,145; B. 0,012 to 0,022 mm. Median line not complex, narrow. Terminal fissures comma-like. Area linear, narrow, less than 1/, of the breadth of the valve. Strie 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a narrow band. — Am. I: 2 f. 4? Scuum. Pr. D. I Pl. IX f. 36? Ou. Diat. of Finl. p. 24 Pl. I f. 3. Hire. D. d’Auvergne p. 82 Pl. IV f. 4. Fresh water: Sweden (Almten in Kalmar lan)! Finland (Sodankyla)! Greenland! Puy de Déme, fossil (Hérib.), America (Maine, Brun Coll.)! 59. P. latevittata Cu. N. Sp. — V. linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,18; B. 0,033 mm. Median line not complex, oblique; terminal fissures comma-shaped. Axial area broad, less than 1/, of the breadth of the valve, widened in the middle. Strie 6 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a very broad band. — A. 8. Atl. XLII f. 5. Fresh water: Puerto Monte, Chile, foss.! Ecuador! Var. Domingensis Cu. — V. slender, gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,15 to 0,36; B. 0,022 to 0,04 mm. Strie 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — A. S. Atl. XLIII f. 3. Cu. Diatomiste IT Pl. VII f. 3. Fresh water: North America (Cherryfield, Atl.), West Indies, Jamaica and St. Vincent (Grove Coll.)! San Domingo (Witt Coll.)! Ecuador! 60. P. Dactylus Eup. (1843). — V. subelliptic-linear, with rounded, obtuse ends. L. 0,17 to 0,32; B. 0,03 to 0,o5 mm. Median line gently undulate, not complex. Central nodule large, excentric; terminal fissures comma-shaped. Axial area moderately wide, about '/, as broad as the valve, irregularly linear-lanceolate. Strie 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a broad band. — Am. p. 182 Pl. IV:1 f. 3. P. Gigas Eup. Am. p. 133, Il: 3 f. 1. Navicula Dactylus A. 8. Atl. XLIT f. 3, 4, 6. Nav. Dac. forma maxima V. H. Syn. Pl. V f. 1. Nav. Gigas A. 8S. Atl. XLII f. 1. Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland to Halland)! Norway! Finland! Scotland (Premnay Peat)! France (Lac Gerardmer Vosges)! America (common: most diatomaceous earths)! Var. horrida Hire. a. Prerae. (1893). — L. 0,16; B. 0,025 mm. Area with irregularly scattered spines. Strie 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. maj. var. horr. Hiri. a. Perag. D. d’Auvergne p. 83 Pl. IV f. 3. Fresh water: Puy de Déme (fossil). Var. Demerare Cu. — Linear, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,14; B. 0,034 mm. Strie 5,5 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8. Atl. XLII f. 29. Fresh water: South America (Demerara River)! Var. Dariana A. 8. (1876). — V. lanceolate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,18 to 0,21; B. 0,041 0,045 mm. Median line oblique, not complex, with comma-shaped terminal fissures. Axial area broad, less than 1/,; of the breadth of the valve, widened in the middle. Striz 7 to 8 in 0,02 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a broad band. — Nav. Dariana A. S. Atl. XLII f. 24, 25. Fresh water: America, Crane Pond! Schasta Co. Calif.! Neuse River (Atl.), Darien (Atl). VIII. Complexe. Artificial key. 1 Central area a transverse fascia. . . stay a at bs : : get : my ad. y= OX , —_ — not — SSSA) pe Bake ae OP Ob. Be teat tee ae ae GO Sa dae So 4, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. wN:0 3. 91 2. ee large. L. 0,15 to0,2 mm... ......... : . P. cardinalis Ens. small L. 0,08 to0,12 mm. ..... 2... 2... hg Oe es 3. 3. yea 7 to 7,5 in 001 mm............ got .. . P. estuarii Cu. — 9 to 12 — dome hn AO ge ie as sah shachhs = ied ee Seb as Rene MB os P. isostauron Gron. 4 eae gibbous in the middle and at the ends . ‘ : : bd Be <@ Ds — not — _— _ — a . 6. Stria 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm. Si. ee pre= 5 xs . P. nobilis Exp. 5. { e — 7in 0,01 mm. .. ... .. . .2P. gentilis Donx. 6. i ae parallel or slightly sadiale: eee A A a Ry ge 7. strongly radiate... . PM ak hn sgtan oph ceca Te P. distin Cu. 1, ee with parallel margins . . bids ek Bath aa a P. streptoraphe Cu. — convex _— ase ee a phe My ese ow ee Bi 8. gee, MM gets: | Cat ae ees SiG: uae gis ee P. flexuosa Cu. — 6,5 (to 15) in 001 mm ....... +... 2... ee P. viridis Nrvzscu. 61. P. viridis Nrrzscu (1817). — V. lindane with parallel margins, attenuated to- wards the rounded ends. L. 0,14 to 0,17; B. 0,02 to 0,024 mm. Median line complex; terminal fissures comma-shaped. Axial area linear, narrow, about '/; of the breadth of the valve, slightly widened around the central nodule. Strie 6,5 to 7,5 in 0,01 mm. slightly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends, else almost parallel, crossed by a distinct band, about !/, of the length of the striae. — Bacillaria viridis Nrrzscu Pl. IV f. 1 to 3. Pinnul. viridis Eup. Inf. p. 182. Nav. viridis Kitz Bac. p. 97 Pl. XXX f. 12. A. S. Atl. XLII f. 11 to 14, 19, 21, 22, 23. V. H. Syn. p. 73 Pl. V f. 5. Pinnul. medioconstricta Rasy. A. Sachsens N:o 952 (1860). Nav. Gutvinskii Pav. III Pl. XIV f. 217 (1893)? Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland to Skane)! Norway! Finland (Russian Lapland to Ladoga)! Belgium (V. H.), Germany (Franzenbad Dept.)! Hungary (Dubravica Dept. Grun.), Italy (Livorno, Atl.), Australia (Talbot River, Victoria)! New Zealand! America (Illinois, California, Ecuador, Brazil)! Var. intermedia Cu. (1891). -- V. linear. L. 0,075 to 0,11; B. 0,014 to 0,015 mm. Area about 1/, of the breadth of the valve. Strize 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, conver- gent at the ends, crossed by a narrow band. — Nav. major A. 8. A. Atl. XLII f. 9, 10. Pinn. virid. var. int. Cu. D. of Finl. p. 22. Nav. viridis Pant. III Pl. VII f. 119 (1898)? Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland, Smaland)! Finland! Scotland (Atl.), Congo (V. H. Coll.)! Java! Australia (Blue Mountains)! Var. commutata Grun. (1876). — V. linear. L. 0,05 to 0,09; B. 0,01 mm. Area narrow, widened in the middle. Striew 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. Bands indistinct. — Pinnul. viridis W. Sm. XVIII f. 163 a’. Nav. commutata Grun. A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 35 to 37. Pinn. Heufleri Prptctno Ischia Pl. IT f. 17 (1867). Pinn. sudetica Huse Rab. A. Eur. N:o 1023 (1861). Nav. decumana Pant. III Pl. XXXV f. 499 (1893)? Fresh water: Sweden (Upsala, Rosslangen in Smaland)! Finland (Russian Lapland to La- doga)! England Sm., Scotland (Lock Canmor Atl), Germany (Harz, Atl.), France (Lac Gerardmer, Vosges)! Tasmania! America (Canada, Waltham Mass., S:ta Rosa Calif., Sierra Nevada, Rio Purus Brazil)! ‘Similar to Pinn. vir. var. commutata is Pinn. oblongo-linearis Kostowsky (Materialy 1888 p. 23 Pl. XVII f. 5) but this form has wider strie, about 6 in 0,01 mm. Var. leptogongyla (Eus.?) Grun. (1876). — V. linear with parallel margins, or slightly gibbous in the middle. Ends rounded. L. 0,08; B. 0,01 mm. Area narrow, strongly dilated in the middle to a rhomboid-orbicular space. Median line filiform. Terminal fissures semicircular. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Nav. leptogongyla Grun. in A. 8. Atl XLV f. 26 to 28. Nav. Tabellaria Donk. B. D. p. 70 Pl. XII f. 4? Slightly brackish water: Eger, Franzenbad foss.! Var. fallaz Cu. — L. 0,045 to 0,095; B. 0,009 to 0,016 mm. Area very narrow. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, frequently uni- or bilaterally interrupted. — Pinnul. viridis 8 W. Sm. 92 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Br. D. XVIII f. 163 8. Nav. semicruciata A. 8. Atl. XLIV f. 43? XLIII f. 24. Nav. viridis var. commutate VHS. p. 73 PL: Vv £6. A. S. Ath XUV f. 10, 11. Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland to Smaland)! Belgium (V. H.), Germany (Harz Atl.. Eis- leben Atl.), Australia (Waltham Mass., Monticello, Sierra Famatina Argent., Rio Purus Brazil)! According to Van Hzurcx’s Syn. the valves of the same frustule are dissimilar, the strize being in one uninterrupted and in the other unilaterally interrupted. This variety, confounded with the preceding, is distinguished by its almost parallel strie. Var. semicruciuta Grun. (1882). — V. large. Striz unilaterally interrupted. — Nav. viridis var. semicruciata Grun. Foss. D. Oster. Ung. p. 148. Fresh water: Hungary, foss. (Grun.). Var. rupestris Hantzscu (1861). — L. 0,04 to 0,065; B. 0,007 to 0,012 mm. Area very narrow. Strie 13 to 15 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends. — Pinnul. rup. Hantzscu Rab. Alg. E. N:o 1203. Nav. rup. A. 8. Atl. XLV f. 38 to 44. Fresh water: Sweden (Top of the mountain Areskutan! Vernamo, foss., Atl.), Norway! Finland! Denmark (Ringkidbing, Atl.), Holstein! Iceland! Scotland (Braemar, Edinburgh, Loch Canmor, Atl.), Saxony! America (Cherryfield)! Martinique! Var. dispar Scuum. (1862). — Area unilateral. L. 0,05 to 0,06 mm. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. dis. Scuum. P. D. 1 Nachtr. p. 189 f. 50. Fresh water: Konigsberg, foss. (Schum.). , 62. P. distinguenda Cx. (1891). — V. linear to elliptic-linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,10 to 0,18; B. 0,02 to 0,026 mm. Median line distinctly complex; central nodule large, excentric; terminal fissures comma-like. Axial area broad, about '/, of the breadth of the valve, irregularly linear-lanceolate, unilaterally widened in the middle. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm., strongly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends, crossed by indistinct bands. — Nav. viridis Kttz Bac. IV f. 18. Pinnul. viridis W. Sm. f. 163 a. Pinnul. viridis var. distinguenda Cu. I). of Finl. p. 22 Pl. I f. 1. Nav. Hyrilit Pant. IIT Pl. XVII f. 257 (1893)? Nav. viridis var. fossilis Pant. HI Pl. XII f. 193 (1893). Nav. puripinnata Panr. IIT Pl. XVIII f. 263 (1893)? Brackish or fresh water: Sweden (Carlshamn and Sédertelge Depts.)! Finland! Hungary (Bory Dept.)! Kamtschatka! Africa (Congo V. H. Coll.)! Australia (South Yarra, Tasmania)! New Zealand! America (Houghton foss., Michigan Shasta Co. and S:ta Rosa Cal., Washington Territory, Sierra Famatina, Argent.)! 63. P. gentilis Donx. (1873). —- V. linear, with parallel margins and broadly rounded ends. L. 0,14 to 0,25; B. 0,022 to 0,036 mm. Median line slightly complex, with somewhat approximate central pores and comma-shaped terminal fissures. Axial area narrow, less than !/, of the breadth of the valve. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm., divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a moderately broad, not very distinct, band. — Nav. gentilis Donx. Br. D. p. 69 Pl. XII f.1. A.S. Atl. XLII f. 2. Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland to Upland)! Finland! England (Donk., Atl.), Schlesien (Gronowitz foss.)! United States (Salem Mass., Waltham Mass.)! 64. P. nobilis Eup. (1840). — V. linear, slightly gibbous in the middle and at the broadly rounded ends. L. 0,25 to 0,35; B. 0,034 to 0,05 mm. Median line complex, with somewhat approxi- mate central pores and comma-shaped terminal fissures. Axial area linear, less than '/,; of the breadth of the valve, slightly widened around the central nodule. Strie 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm. divergent in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a distinct band, 1/; as broad as the length of the strie. — Ber. 1840 p. 214. W. Sm. Br. D. XVIII f. 161. P. mesogongyla Eup. p. p. M. G. VI:i f. 5. Nav. nobilis Kira Bac. p. 98 Pl. IV f. 24. Donk. Br. D. p. 68 Pl. XI f. 1. V. H. Syn. p. 73 Pl. V f. 2. A. S. Atl XLII f. 1. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%. w:o 3. 93 Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland to Smaland)! Norway (Stavanger Dept.)! Finland! Eng- land! Scotland! Ireland! France! Switzerland (Br.), Italy (Livorno, foss.)! America (Salem and Boxford Mass., Big Lake Cal. Montgommery Ala., Washington Terr. all foss.)! Var. neogena Grun. (1882). — L. 0,215; B. 0,032 to 0,036 mm. Area broader. Stria 5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. nob. var. neog. Grun. Foss. Diat. Oster. Ung. p. 143 Pl. XXX f. 41. Panr. III Pl. TX f. 159. Fresh water: Dubravica, Hungary, foss. (Grun.). Var. fossilis Pant. (1889). -—- L. 0,12 to 0,21; B. 0,018 to 0,033 mm. Strie 6,5 to 8 in 0,01 mm. — Panv. II p. 51. Fresh water?: Bory Hungary (Pant.). 65. P. flexuosa Ci. N. Sp. — V. linear to elliptic-linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,22 to 0,27; B. 0,04 to 0,048 mm. Median line complex. Central nodule large, excentric; terminal fissures comma-shaped. Axial area broad, somewhat less than !/, of the breadth of the valve, not, or very slightly, widened in the middle. Striz 4,5 to 5 in 0,01 mm., slightly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends, crossed by broad, distinct bands. — Pl. I f. 23. Fresh water: Canada (Eralton Lake)! United State (Cherryfield, Crane Pond)! This form is nearly akin to P. nobilis, but closely resembles P. Dactylus, from which species it differs principally by. its complex median line. 66. P. streptoraphe Cx. (1891). — V. linear with ‘parallel margins and broad, rounded ex- tremities. L. 0,18 to 0,26; B. 0,o3 mm. Median line strongly complex; terminal fissures comma- shaped. Axial area moderately narrow, less than 1/, of the valve, not widened in the middle. Striw almost parallel, 5 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a broad and distinct band. — Nav. sp. A.S. Atl. XLII f. 7. Nav. viridis var. sublinearis Grun. Franz Jos. L. D. p. 98 PLIf. 22. Pin. streptoraphe Cu. Diat. of Finl. p. 23. Fresh water: Franz Jos. Land (Grun.), Sweden (common in most diatomaceous earths from Lapland to Smaland)! Finland! England (Premnay Peat, Loch Leven)! France (Lac de Grandlieu Loire infér.)! N. America (common in most diatomaceous earths, for inst. Nova Scotia, New York, Massachusetts, California)! Var. styliformis Grun. (1884). — L. 0,116; B. 0,o125 mm. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm. Area narrow. — Eus. M. G. XXXVIIL 17 f. 6? Nav. viridis var. stylif. Grun. Franz Jos. L. D. p. 98 Pl. If. 21. Fresh water: Franz Josefs Land (Grun.). Var. minor Cu. (1891). — L. 0,085 to 0,1; B. 0,015 to 0,016 mm. Area distinct. Striez slightly radiate, 6,5 in 0,01 mm., interrupted on one or both sides of the central nodule. — Nav. viridis A. S. Atl. XLII f. 20. Pinnul. viridis var. minor Cu. Diat. of Finl. p. 22 Pl. I f. 2. Fresh water: Sweden (Rosslingen Smal., Ebbetorp Dept. Smal.)! Finland! 67. P. isostauron (Euv. 1843?) Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with parallel margins and rounded ends. L. 0,03 to 0,07; B. 0,oos. Median line flexuose, axial area narrow, widened around the central nodule to a transverse fascia. Strie parallel 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroptera iso- stauron Ens. Am. p. 135 f. 1. M. G. XVI:1 f. 7? Naw. viridis var. icostauron Grun. A. D. p. 27 Pl. I £. 14. Nav. icostauron var. conifera Brun a. Hire. D. d'Auvergne p. 91 Pl. Il f. 2. Fresh water: Greenland! Iceland! Kara Sea (Grun.), Sweden (Férarm in Asnen, Upsala)! Finland! Puy du Dome (fossil), Colorado (Brun Coll.)! Stauroptera isostauron of Emrenpere is very doubtful and may perhaps denote some forms of Pinn. divergens, scarcely the species of Grunow, which is closely related to P. Acstuard Ct. P. isostauron may perhaps more properly be placed in the group Gracillime. 68. P. Aestuarii Ct. N. Sp. — V. linear, with parallel margins and rounded ends. L. 0,10 to 0,12; B. 0,016 mm. Median line flexuose; terminal fissures semicircular. Axial area moderately 94 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. broad, linear. Central area a transverse fascia, reaching to the margin. Strie parallel, 7 to 7,5 0,01 mm. — Pl. I f. 16. Slightly brackish water: Sweden (postglacial deposit of Ebbetorp in Kalmar Lin)! Mouth in of Delaware! Connecticut! 69. P. cardinalis Eup. (1840). — V. linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,15 to 0,2; B. 0,03 to 0,035 mm. Median line distinctly complex, central pores approximate, terminal fissures comma-shaped, small. Axial area wide; central area a broad transverse fascia, reaching to the margin. Striez 5 in 0,01 mm., slightly divergent in the middle and convergent at the ends, crossed by a broad band. — Stauwroptera cardinalis Eun. Berl. Abh. 1840 p. 213 (accord. to Chase). Pinnul. cardinalis W. Sm. Br. D. I Pl. XIX f. 166. Nav. cardinalis A. S. Atl. XLIV f.1,2. V.H. Syn. p- 74 Suppl. Pl. A f. 5. Fresh water: Sweden (Lapland to Smaland foss.)! Finland! Ireland, Scotland (Loch Leven, Ordie Deposit), Belgium (V. H.), Italy (Livorno, Atl.), Switzerland (Brun). IX. Marine. Artificial key. 1. yo poe s. se Iniiey Gh SoU at tee ee ke ie ae Rs Symmetrical. . 2... 200000 bia , : ends had 9. pps strongly radiate . . fe Ieee JBL ob BBR es iE Stauntonii Grun. — slightly — eo tet h easy eo ... .P. ambigua var. Digitus A. 8. 3. oe area broad «7 ww we (yah EA aan s Be tea ete 4. — narrow or indistinct . : BS Mia phan: . 82 tie Steven aes ete 5. 4 ou narrow Me anh ci ae Bi oe ‘ P. ambigua Cu. broad. . ae doy 5 Lhd . PP. Temperet Bron. 5. pape nodule stauroid oye P. bistriata Levp. Forrm. — not— ..... me ig Lahey ae ested : 6. , f Central area large, orbicular . . BAS: paivisy ts cae he 7 bs a hs 6. ee — a transverse fascia ..... Do oR BA eee 10. 7. ie erossed by a blank band. .... . 3 So go ey es 8. — not —-- — — : eateries 9. 3. I Valve linear... 1... 1. ; . P. Trevelyana Donk. \ — lanceolate... ....... ‘ P. Grenlandica Cu. 9. eo 3to4 in 0o1mm........... Bo Se at . PP. excellens Cu. — 8tol0 — — ... EO Ge gees lee. 8 ‘ . P. rectangulata Grue. Valve biconstricted. 6 we eel P. Claviculus Gre. 10. {= constricted in the middle ......... ye et 11. not or slightly constricted in the middle . ; 3 a ve 212, UL i 0,1 mm, . meth. tomer serate der ag aes Pp. lobatn GRoveE a. Srurr. L. about 0035 mm. «1... . 1... So eC et ae ee . P. constricta Cu. Axial area indistinct. = ..... oy Sn eSBs apt iockes desc, ies Teaele enue se 13. 12. Vo — narrow...... zc Te) pttn cee Ge 8 Alla a idk 14, 13. oe Parallel ciel Sal he tte oe eon hel, Jana fy iS P. quadratarea A. S. — radiate in the middle, convergent at the ane bP eee P. cruciformis Donx. va pa 12 in Oo mms an be tk ea ee oe eae oe ae P. cruciata Cu. Tito 20S eae es j Bs faves de IR od 2h ‘ P. floridana Cu. 70. P. ambigua Cu. N. Sp. — V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,033 to 0,0785 B. 0,007 to 0,oo8 mm. Central nodule small, terminal nodules small, approximate to the margin. Area broad, linear, not widened in the middle. Striz short, parallel, 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm., with capitate terminations. — Nav. retusa Grun. A. D. p. 38 (1880). Cx. Vega p. 470 Pl. XXXVI f. 35. Marine: Lysekil (Bohuslin, Sweden, Grun.), Oldenburg (Gran. ), Cape Wankarema! The frustule is according to GRunow, in the zone-view more or less constricted in the middle and more or less broad. The connecting zone has numerous punctate longitudinal divisions KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wn:o 3. 95 Nav. retusa Brie. seems to be a form, akin to Nav. cancellata, and therefore entirely dif- ferent from this species, which I have, with much hesitation, placed in Pinnularia. Var. (Amphora) Digitus A. S. (1875). — V. asymmetrical. L. 0,05 to 0,1; B. 0,007 to 0,012 mm. Axial area asymmetrical, a little broader on the dorsal side. Striw 8 in 0,01 mm., not dis- tinctly punctate. Frustule rectangular. Connecting zone with several faint Jongitudinal divisions, which are finely transversely lineate; lineole 24 in 0,01 mm. — Amphora Digitus A. 8. Atl. XXVI f. 30. Cu. and Grove Diatomiste I p. 67 Pl. X f. 11 to 13. Marine: North Sea! Guernsey (Grove Coll.)! Balearic Islands! Macassar Straits! China! 71. P. bistriata Leup. Forrm. (1879). — V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,055 to 0,065; B. 0,009 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated. Axial area narrow; central area a broad, trans- verse fascia. Strize 10 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, transverse or convergent at the ends. — Stauroneis bistriata Leup. Fortm. D. Ceylon Pl. IX f. 89. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Barcelona)! Ceylon (Leud. Fortm.). Labuan! I have seen only two valves of this characteristic form and I have placed it in Pinnularia with great hesitation. 72. P. quadratarea A. S. (1874). — V. narrow, linear, with parallel margins and broad rounded extremities. L. 0,01 to 0,09; B. 0,011 mm. Median line with small terminal fissures. Axial area indistinct or very narrow; central area a broad fascia. Strie parallel, 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm. -— Nav. Pinnularia Cu. (1868) Sv. N. D. p. 224 PL IV f. 1, 2. Nav. quadrat. A. 8. N.S. D. p. 90 Pl. 1E f. 96. Marine: Arctic Seas (Arctic America, Spitsbergen, Finmark, Novaja Zembla, Cape Wanka- rema)! North Sea (Bohuslain, Sweden)! Mediterr. (Balearic Islands)! Australia Sydney! This species was first described by me as Nav. Pinnularia, and later by A. Scumipt as Nav. quadratarea, but as my specific name would be inadmissible I have given preference to the name of A. Scumipt. It is a very variable species, of which a great number of forms has been described as distinct species, but as they are closely connected I have united them. The chief distinction consists in the outline and the number of striz. Closely connected with some of the varieties (Var. fluminensis etc.) are P. floridana Cu. and P. cruciata. On the other hand the var. Théelii approaches to P. cruciformis Donx. The varieties may be arranged in the following series. A. Forms with linear, not constricted valves. Var. baltica Grun. (1880). — B. 0,008. Striz 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Pinn. var. balt. Grown. A. D. p. 27. Brackish water: Baltic (Grun.). Var. Seychellensis Grun. (1880). — V. short, linear, with rounded ends. B. 0,011 mm. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. Pinn. var. Seych. Grun. A. D. p. 28. Marine: Seychelles (Grun.). Var. Séderlundii Cu. (1880). — V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,036 to 0,045; B. 0,006 to 0,oo7 mm. Striz 13 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Pinn. var. Séderl. Cu. A. D. p. 28. Marine: Davis Strait! Balearic Islands! Tahiti! Var. Tahitensis Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with subcuneate ends. B. 0,009 mm. Strize 13 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Pinn. var. Tah. Grun. A. D. p. 28. Marine: Tahiti (Grun.). Var. interrupta Cu. (1883). — V. linear, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,08; B. 0,02 mm. Strie 9 in 0,01 mm., crossed by irregular, longitudinal, blank bands. — Nav. Pinn. var. interr. Cu. Vega p. 463 Pl. XXXVI f. 21. Marine: Cape Wankarema! 96 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. asymmetrica Cx. (1883). —- V. linear, with subcuneate ends. L. 0,08; B. 0,018 mm. Axial area narrow, unilateral. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Pinn. var. asym. Cu. Vega p. 463. Marine: Cape Wankarema! Var. subproducta Grun. (1880). — V. linear, with somewhat rostrate ends. B. 0,01 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Pinn. var. subp. Grun. A. D. p. 28. Brackish water: Baltic (Grun.). Var. amphiglottis Grun. (1884). — V. linear, with protracted ends. L. 0,115 mm. — Nav. Stuxbergti var. amphigl. Grun. Franz Josefs Land D. p. 104. Brackish water: North Siberia (Grun.). B. Forms with subelliptical to sublanceolate valves. Var. Stuxbergii Cu. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with broad, rounded or subcuneate ends. L. 0,059 to 0,1; B. 0,016 to 0,017 mm. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. (finely punctate according to Grunow). — Nav. Stuxbergii Cu. A. D. p. 13 Pl. I f. 15. Marine: Sea of Kara! Cape Wankarema! Var. leptostawron Grun. (1884). — V. elliptic-linear. L. 0,04 to 0,057; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Central fascia with three indistinct striw. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Stuxbergii var. leptost. Grun. F. Jos. Land D. p. 103 Pl. I f. 82. Marine: Franz Josefs Land (Grun.). Var. subcontinua Grun. (1884). — V. elliptic. L. 0,04; B. U,o14 mm. Central fascia with one or two indistinct strie. — Nav. Stuxbergit var. subc. Grun. Fr. Jos. Land D. p. 103 Pl. I f. 33. Marine: Franz Josefs Land (Grun.). Var. Theelia Cu. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with rostrate, obtuse ends. I. 0,055; B. 0,017 mm. Striz slightly radiate, 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Theelii Cu. A. D. p. 13 Pl. I f. 22. Marine: Kara! Cape Deschneff. C. Forms constricted in the middle. Var. fluminensis Grun. (1860). — V. linear, slightly constricted in the middle, with broad, rounded extremities. L. 0,047; B. 0,008 mm. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fluminensis Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 520 Pl. TIT f. 7. A. D. p. 28. Marine: Kara! Adria (Grun.), Ceylon! Seychelles! Var. kerguelensis Grun. (1880). — V. linear, constricted in the middle. L. 0,057; B. 0,009 (middle) to 0,012 (end) mm. Striz 8,5 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. fluminensis var. kerg. GRUN. A. D. p. 28. Marine: Kerguelens Land! Var. minor Grun. (1880). — L. 0,032; B. 0,005 (middle) to 0,006 (end) mm. Striz 15 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. flumin. var. minor Grun. A. D. p. 28 Pl. I f. 12. Marine: Finmark! Var. Léczyi Pant. (1889). — V. linear, slightly constricted in the middle, with cuneate ends. L. 0,081; B. 0,007 (middle) to 0,0145 (ends) mm. Strie 17,5 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Léczyi Pant. IT p. 50 Pl. VI f. 114. Marine: Bremia Dept. Hungary (Pantoczek). I have not seen original specimens and am therefore uncertain whether this form really belongs to P. quadratarea or whether it is a Caloneis. 73. P. Claviculus Gree. (1857). — V. linear, with two constrictions, dividing the valve into three segments, of which the median one is the smallest. L. 0,038 to 0,048; B. in the middle 0,006, at the ends 0,007 mm. Median line with approximate central pores and distant terminal pores. Axial area indistinct; central area a broad, transverse fascia. Strie parallel, 12 to 13 in KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wo 3. 97 0,01 mm., radiate at the ends. — Nav. Clavic. Gruc. D. of Clyde p. 478 Pl. IX f. 5. A. S.N. 8. D. Pl. II f. 28. Pane. II Pl. VI f. 110. Marine: North Sea (Coasts of Scotland Greg.) Sweden! Balearic Islands! Bremia, foss. Hungary (Pant.). Var. javanica Cu. — L. 0,04; B. 0,009 mm. Striz 18 in 0,01 mm. parallel — Pl. If. 24. Marine: Java! 74. P. eruciformis Donk. (1861). — V. linear, often slightly inflated in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,03 to 0,12; B. 0,01 to 0,014 mm. Median line with rather approximate central pores, and hook-shaped, large terminal fissures. Axial area indistinct, central area a broad fascia, dilated outwards and reaching to the margin. Strie 10—12 in 0,01 mm. radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends, crossed by a faint longitudinal depression. — Nav. cruc. Donk. Md. (QS) Tp. 0 Fe BB Dp 6 PX 4 ACS. NS, 1 PL Tf os. V. Ee. Syn. p. 74 Suppl. A f. 8. Marine: Finmark! North Sea (coasts of Sweden, England and Belgium)! Baltic (Trave- miinde Dannf.), West Indies! Cape Horn! Seychelles! Var. brevior Cu. (1883). — L. 0,035; B. 0,009 mm. Striz 14 in 0,01 mm. — Cu. Vega p. 464 Pl. XXXV f. 18. Marine: Cape Deschneff! Var. upolensis Grun. (1880). — L. 0,058; B. 0,01 mm. Striz 14 in 0,01 mm., slightly ra- diate. — Grun. A. D. p. 28. Var. Seychellensis Grun. (GruN. 1880). — V. lanceolate, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,043; B. 0,01 mm. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., strongly radiate. — l. ¢. Nav. elata Lxup. Fort. (D. de Ceylon p. 27 Pl. III f. 28, 1879) seems to belong either to P. cruciformis or to Achnanthes inflata Grun. 75. BP. eruciata Cu. (1881). — V. linear. slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,087; B. 0,017 (in the middle 0,014) mm. Median line with small terminal fissures, and approximate central pores. Axial area narrow; central a broad fascia, narrowed outwards. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. pa- rallel. — Nav. cruc. Ct. N. R. D. p. 6 Pl If. 11. Marine: Greenland (?) 76. P. floridana Cr. (1881). — V. slightly constricted in the middle. L. 0,045 to 0,075; B. 0,01 to 0,012 (ends), 0,008 to 0,009 (middle) mm. Axial area narrow, distinct; central area a broad, transverse fascia. Strize almost parallel, 15 (middle) to 20 (ends) in 0,01 mm. — Naw. flu- minensis var. floridana Cu. N. R. D. p. 6 Pl. I f. 10. Marine: Pensacola (Florida)! 77. P. excellens Cx. (1890). — V. linear, slender, slightly constricted in the middle, with cuneate ends. IL. 0,3; B. 0,03 (middle) to 0,043 (ends). Median line with approximate central pores and small, curved terminal fissures. Axial area narrow, linear, slightly widened in the middle, where on each side of the central nodule is a linear marking. Striz almost parallel, 3 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate at the ends. — Cu. Diatomiste I p. 31 Pl. V f. 6. Marine: Oamaru Dept., New Zealand (Tempére). Var. interrupta Cu. (1890). — L. 0,21; B. 0,022 to 0,o29 mm. Striz 4 in 0,01 mm. Central area a broad, transverse fascia, reaching to the margin. — Cu. l. ¢. p. 31. Marine: Oamaru Dept., New Zealand (Deby Coll.)! 78. BP. lobata Grove a. Stunt (1887). — V. panduriform, with subelliptical segments. L. 0,09 to 0,12; B. 0,025 to 0,03; at the constr. 0,015 mm. Median line with approximate central pores and small terminal fissures. Axial area narrow, linear; central area a broad fascia reaching to the K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 27. N:o 3. 13 98 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. margin and with a linear marking on each side of the central nodule. Strie 4 in 0,01 mm., slightly divergent in the middle and at the ends. — Nav. lobata Grove a. Sturt J. Q. M. Cl. (2) TI p. 133 Pl. X f. 12. Nav. spathifera Grove a. Sturt A. 8. Atl. CLXXIV f. 23. Marine: Oamaru Dept., New Zealand! San Pedro Dept. (Kinker Coll.)! 79. P. constricta Cur. N. Sp. — V. small, constricted in the middle, with apiculate ends. L. 0,035; B. 0,01 mm. (at the constr. 0,005 mm.). Terminal fissures small. Axial area narrow; central a transverse, broad fascia. Strize 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm., parallel. — Pl. I f. 14. Marine: Galapagos Islands! 80. P. Temperei Brun (1889). — V. broad, with parallel or slightly concave margins, and cuneate, obtuse ends. L. 0,14 to 0,15; B. 0,045 to 0,055 mm. Median line with distant central pores and small, hook-shaped, terminal fissures, bordered on each side by lines, divergent towards the middle of the valve. Area wide, lanceolate, dilated around the central nodule. Striz 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. in the middle radiate, and sometimes alternately longer and shorter, parallel at the ends. — Nav. Temperet Brun Diat. du Japon p. 45 Pl. V f. 1. — A. S. Atl. CLXXIV f. 24. Marine: Sendai Dept. Japan! 81. P. Trevelyana Donk. (1861). — V. linear, slightly gibbous in the middle and at the broad, rounded ends. IL. 0,1 to 0,15; B. 0,02 to 0,025 mm. Median line excentric towards the ends and somewhat flexuose, bordered on each side by a longitudinal line. Terminal fissures large, hook-shaped. Axial area narrow, linear. Central area large, orbicular. Striz strongly radiate in the middle and convergent at the ends, 10 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a narrow depression. — Nav. Trev. Donk. M. J. I (N. S.) p. 8 Pl. If. 2. Br. D. p. 66 Pl. Xf. 6. V. H. Syn. p. 74 Suppl. A f. 5, 6. Pinn. T. Rabh. E. A. p. 210. Marine: North Sea (Coasts of Sweden, England, Scotland, Belgium)! Florida (Pensacola)! Japan! Var. angusta Cu. — V. linear. L. 0,1 to 0,16; B. 0,01 to 0,015 mm. Strize 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Trev. var. hungarica Pant. IIT Pl. XLIT f. 575 (1893)? Marine: Gulf of Naples! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Galapagos Islands! Bermudas (Rae Coll.)! Stauroneis Brébissonii Castr. (Chall. Voy. p. 24 Pl. XV f. 4) appears to be akin to P. T’e- velyana. 82. P. groenlandica Cr. (1881). — V. lanceolate, with rounded ends. L. 0,117; B. 0,023 mm. Median line central, angularly bent towards the central nodule. Terminal fissures hook- shaped. Axial area narrow, linear; central area large, orbicular. Striz strongly radiate in the middle, convergent towards the ends, 6 to 7,5 in 0,01 mm., crossed by a narrow lateral area. — Nav. groenl. Cu. N. R. D. p. 7 PL I f. 18. Marine: Davis Strait! 83. P. rectangulata Gree. (1857). — V. linear, frequently slightly gibbous in the middle and at the ends. L. 0,065 to 0,1; B. 0,015 to 0,o2 mm. Median line central, with strong, hook- shaped terminal fissures. Axial area indistinct; central area large, rounded-quadrate. Strize strongly radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends, 8 to 10 in 0,01 mm. — Naw. rect. Gree. D. of Clyde p. 479 Pl. IX f. 7. Donk. B. D. p. 66 Pl. X f. 5. V. H. Syn. p. 74 Suppl. A f. 7. Nav. Regula Grun. in Cl. D. West Ind. p. 5 Pl. If. 3. Nav. lumen Puraa. Villefr. p. 45 Pl. II f. 19. Pinnul. rect. Rasy. E. A. p. 215. Marine: North Sea (Coasts of Sweden, Scotland, England, Belgium)! Mediterranean (Perag.), Labuan! West Indies! Campeachy Bay (Grun.). Forma subundulata Grun. (1882). — V. with slightly undulate margins. — Cu. M. D. N:o 301. Marine: Firth of Tay! 84. P. Stauntonii Gruy. (1882).'— V. asymmetrical, linear, convex, slightly gibbous in the middle, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,053; B. 0,01 mm. Median line excentric, with hook-shaped KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 2¢. w:o 3. 99 terminal fissures. Axial area indistinct; central area a broad fascia, widened towards the margins. Strie strongly radiate in the middle, convergent at the ends, 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. Zonal view of the frustule rectangular with strongly divergent strie. — Alloioneis Stauntonii Grun. Cl..M. D. 304. Foss. D. Ost. Ung. p. 142 Pl. XXX f. 36. Amphora naviculacea Donx. M. J. 1861 p. 11 PL 1d. dg? Marine, estuaries: Scotland! Amphora Eup. (1840). The first known species of Amphora is A. ovalis, described as Navicula Amphora by EuREN- BERG 1831. The genus Amphora was established by the same author 1840 (Ber. p. 11). In the »Bacillarien» Ktrzine 1844 described 18 species only, but this number was greatly increased by Greeory (Diat. of Clyde 1857), who named 32 new species and first made the distinction between forms with complex and not complex connecting zone. Several other authors have since added new species and in the year 1873 Professor H. L. Surry published (Lens p. 65) a synopsis of all the known forms. By the issue of the plates XXV to XXVIII (1875) and XXXIX, XL (1876) of A. Scumipt’s Atlas the number of species was greatly increased. Since then new species have been added, and in the Syloge of De Tonr (1891) the number amounts to 221. An inspection of these species shews that it is impossible to give any diagnosis of the genus Amphora, which is sufficient to distinguish it from Cymbella. The following seems to be the only possible diagnosis of Cymbella and Amphora together: Naviculoid diatoms, with both valves similar and asymmetrical along the longitudinal axis. The distinction between Amphora and Cymbella is, so far I can see, no other than the degree of asymmetry; the ventral and dorsal side of Cymbella being in the same plane, but in Amphora in planes crossing each other in an angle, which is variable. Amphora and Cymbella are only asymmetrical forms of Navicule, belonging to different types. There are in the same species gradual passages from perfectly symmetrical to asymme- trical amphora-like forms (as in Trachyneis aspera). In several groups of Navicula more or less asymmetrical forms occur (for instance Pinnularia Stauntonii and others, formerly named Alloiones) so closely connected with the symmetrical that it would be unnatural to separate them. The asymmetrical form is not a sufficient characteristic for a natural family, but is merely a facies, which may occur in groups of very different types and seem to depend on the method of growth, Amphore occuring attached to algee and other objects. This genus is in short to be considered, as well as Achnanthes and Cocconeis, as degenerated forms. To trace the origin of these forms is in most cases difficult, as the intermediate passages are lost or unknown, but we may get some ap- proximate knowledge of the original types by the study of the structure of the valve and by comparing it with that of different types of Navicula. The Cymbelle appear, to a great extent, to be asymmetrical forms of the section Navicule lineolate, and the same may be the case with the still imperfectly known Amphora labuensis. Amphora Clevei is no doubt nearly akin to the genus Trachyneis. Amphora elegans Prrag. is with great probability allied to the section Navicule orthostiche. As to the other large number of Amphore, they may be classed in forms with and with- out longitudinal lines. Those with lines are probably asymmetrical forms of Diploneis or allied genera. There are in some species of this section forms with a structure so closely re- sembling that of Diploneis that the idea of their connection presents itself at once to the mind, notwithstanding the different shape of the valves. In the large Amphora nodosa we have a form with coarse, transverse coste, alternating with rows of ocelli, as in Diplonets Beyrichiana, D. lesi- 100 p. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. nensis and D. prisca. In others, as in Amphora egregia, we meet with transverse coste, alternating with double rows of puncta or alveoli, exactly as in Diploneis gemmata, and many others. The space ,between the longitudinal and median lines correspond to the furrows of Diploneis. The ventral side of the valve, which has been more modified than the dorsal side, retains still in many cases a longitudinal crest, although all other structure has disappeared. In some forms the longi- tudinal line of the dorsal side fades away, and there is left of it only a blank space, as in forms of Amphora ovalis; in others no trace of it is perceptible, although other characteristics remain marking the affinity with forms which possess distinct longitudinal lines. The forms with longi- tudinal lines on the dorsal side may be classed in two groups, viz. with complex, and not complex, connecting zone. I propose for the former the name Diplamphora, founded on their supposed re- lation to Diploneis, and for the latter I reserve the name Amphora, sensu strictiori. There is another group of forms, which have a longitudinal crest not on the dorsal, but on the ventral side. These forms, which I include in the group Calamphora, are of doubful rela- tionship. , Akin to Calamphora is a group of forms with a row of coste on the ventral side but without the longitudinal crest. All of these, known at present, are fossil, and I propose for them the name Archiamphora. A large group of Amphora is of the type of A. coffeiformis or A. salina. They are without longitudinal lines, but have a complex zone, protracted, and frequently, capitate ends. Their striz are more or less distinctly punctate. I include these forms in the group Halamphora, but am unable to trace their connection with any of the divisions of Navicula. Another group of Amphora, characterized by a complex zone, absence of longitudinal lines, and distinctly punctate strie, constitutes the the group Oxyamphora. There can scarcely be any doubt that this group of forms, many of which have a stauros, is akin to the Microstigmatice among the Navicule, particularly the subdivision Stauronets. The same may be the case with the two groups Amblyamphora and Psammamphora, both characterized by the direction of the median line, absence of longitudinal lines, by their finely punctate strie, but differing in the simple or complex nature of the zone. As Cymbamphora I regard forms, which have great resemblance to Cymbelle, but not di- stinctly punctate strie. The zone is simple, not complex. I am unable to trace their connection with other groups of naviculoid diatoms. There remain some forms, which I cannot comprise under groups above named, and which I treat of in an appendix. If the above named large groups of Amphore were admitted as distinct genera, which I believe they ought to be, the synonymy would be still more intricate than it is at present. I propose for this reason, that the species of the different groups should retain their generic name Amphora, which in all cases signifies that they are asymmetrical Navicule. This will also afford an opportunity of testing my views, which are entirely new, before admitting the proposed new genera. In many Amphore, belonging to different groups, a peculiar, structureless, very hyaline limbus occurs, which seems to be a flat plate projecting from the dorsal side of the valve. I am in doubt how to regard this peculiar organ, which perhaps may correspond to the wing in the genus T'ropidoneis. As specimens of the same species are found with and without this limbus, it seems not to be of great importance for the distinction of species. Subgenus Amphora Ct. Frustules in outline usually elliptical, with truncate ends. Connecting zone broader on the dorsal than on the ventral part, without longitudinal divisions and not transversely striate or costate. Valve asymmetrical, more or less lunate. Median line biarcuate. Dorsal part of the KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wo 3. 101 valve in. some species with a keel at a longer or shorter distance from the median line, in some with a more or less distinct, blank, narrow band across the striz, in some without any keel or longitudinal band. Structure: usually rows of coarse puncta or strong, transverse costz crossed by longitudinal coste, producing a network of more or less regular quadrate alveoli. Ventral part of the valve without a keel, but in some cases with a narrow blank band across the striz, rarely without strie, frequently with short, radiate strie. The living cell is known in few forms only. A. ovalis, contains a single chromatophore-plate along the ventral side of the zone and the inside of the valves. At the end of the ventral side it has a broad and deep sinus. It has also a narrow and deep sinus from the margin to- 4 proteus with cell-contents wards the central nodule. Central plasma-mass and nucleus distinct (ventral and dorsal side) 600 (Prirzer Bau and Entw. p. 82 Pl. IV f. 8, 9). A. Proteus has also a Giapes aneemined, single chromatophore-plate along the ventral side of the zone and extending along the valves towards the dorsal side. — On conjugating, two frustules form two auxospores, the longitudinal axis of which crosses the longitudinal axis of the mothercells (Carter, Ann. a. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2 ser. XVII 1856 p. 2 Pl. I f. 13 to 20. Borscow Siissw. Bac. p. 111 Pl. 13 f. 2 a to g 1878). Artificial key. Very small forms. L. 0,006 to 0,01 mm. : : .. A. perpusilla Gru. 1b, Hensih 0,02 to 004 mm... ......0.0. ‘ We iB teee Gh Gade 225 more than 0,04 mm... 2. 7 eee) ge Vente side not striate .. . & Se> ae aes .. . . A. behringensis Cu. — striate ..... bh. pl) Se Shy cee ae 3 scape ks 5 Be Central area distinct... .... 2... ee eens ....A. ovalis var. Pediculus. fons — indistinct . Bo Oe oto wR cae Be ee ae A. Pusio Ct. Frustule rather rectangular. ........ 3 , week 4S ek eS 5. ee — elliptical ........ oer oe Me Ventral side striate in its whole length... . 2... 1. ee eee ee 6. ae — attheendsonly............ : . Az Weinetit JAN. Longitudinal line distinct .. «©. ...... ‘ Boe ws A. javanica A. 8. 4 == findistinet: 2... 6 6 6 Rw ee ... A. arenicola Grun. Bonsall side longitudinally angularly bent... 1.00 6. eee te eee d. dubia A. 8. ane — not — _ — 8 be ee Se i BR Ra ie 8. Median line on an elevated keel ......... ; : A. Schmidtii Gron. re — not very elevated .... «ss. - ee. Buca “seh geo Ob pi a line on the dorsa] side distinct ... ... ae hed fests: Se ve, AO? = = = — — not—.... . : ah de ak. He ai OS 10. jsnia (or coste) 4 in 001 mm... . Keni et EE .... . A. nodosa Br. = 16 toi See we ee Ge Wiles <% se & ey Central area large Soe Se ae ae ae ge a! Ge Gk Gre ide cha: A. Oculus A. 8. ys — indistinct. ....... cd a ee ee tw Bi eae, . laa ances SAP) Ventral side throughout striate . . 5 i A. mexicana A. 8. oe — striate along the median line iat an the shale Wohi of . A. gigantea GRun. Strie 6 to 7 in Oot mm 2.) ee ee es i ae ee ) 2 -sa et Rw ex 2s i ei REDS Ventral side striate ..... Ae id & veraene . . A. robusta Gree. oe —not— ... OM the: cde oie we 8 A. valida PER. Ventral side striate 2... 6 6 ee 16. ae SG ere BE th he Oa RO SE ee BB) eer A. Ovum Cu. Marine species. ...... pee Seis. . ah lee few atk wot Abe Gay aap i ds Ga ya LG eee water — .. i BR A. ovalis Kirz. Strie on the ventral sii ‘Giese’ fy a flav ting ‘ : . ad. Proteus GREG. = _ — nt— —~ — — dA. marina V. H. (A. Proteus v. contigua). 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 102 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 1. A. behringensis CL. N. Sp. — Frustule elliptical, with truncate ends. L. 0,028; B. 0,014 mm. V. lunate, acute. L. 0,028; B. 0,006 mm. Median line nearly straight. Axial area of the dorsal side broad. Ventral side not striate, very narrow. Dorsal strie 15 to 16 in 0,01 mm. not crossed by a longitudinal line. — Pl. ILI f. 34, 35. Marine: Behring Island! This small species seems to connect this group with the Cymbamphora. 2. A. Ovum Cx. N. Sp. — Frustule broadly elliptical, very convex. L. 0,04; B. 0,025 mm. Median line nearly straight, approximate to the ventral margin. Axial area on the dorsal side not distinct. Striew on the dorsal side 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. composed of obscure granules and not crossed by a longitudinal line. Ventral side narrow, structureless. — A. S. Atl. XXVI f. 40 (without name). Icon. n. Pl. IV f. 12. Marine: Balearic Islands! Java (Atl.). 3. A. dubia (Gree. 1857?) A. 8. (1875). — Frustule in outline elliptical. L. 0,04 to 0,08; B. 0,016 to 0,o2 mm. Zone very narrow. V. angularly bent along a line combining the ends, so that it, if seem from the end, appears composed of two laminz in an angle of about 60°. Outline of the valve lunate, with arcuate exterior, straight interior margins and acute ends. Median line straight, approximate to the ventral margin. Axial area moderately broad on the dorsal side of the median line. Ventral part of the valve linear, narrow, without strie and longitudinal line. Dorsal side strongly transversely striate, especially on the exterior part. Strize 10 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. — D. of Clyde p. 514 Pl. XII1f. 76? A.S. Atl. XXVII f. 20 to 26. Icon. n. Pl. IV f. 5, 6. Marine: Coasts of Norway! Balearic Islands! Barcelona! Adriatic! Campeachy Bay (Atl.), Singapore (Atl.), Java! A. dubia of Gregory seems to be some species of Amphora in the state of division, scarcely the very characteric and isolated species, figured in Atlas. The form of the valve is generally difficult to make out, but I succeded with the aid of slides, mounted, by Mr Tuum in which the valves were placed on their extremities. They presented themselves like segments of an orange. There is no species akin to A. dubia. 4. A. valida Psrac. (1888). — Frustule broadly elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,07 to 0,os mm. Valve broadly lunate. Median line approximate to the ventral margin. Axial area on the dorsal side indistinct. Ventral side not striate. Dorsal side with 5 to 6 coarsely punctate strie in 0,01 mm. —- D. Villef. p. 40 Pl. III f. 25. Marine: Villefranche, Medit. (Perag.). This species, unknown to me, has the form of A. Ovum but is much larger. re 5. A. Weinekii Jay. (1876). — Frustule rectangular, with parallel margins. L. 0,06; B. 0,013 mm. Valve linear, with gibbous ends. Median line straight. Axial area narrow, on the dorsal side moderately broad, with some few oblique strie at the ends. Dorsal part with about 14 strie in 0,01 mm. — A. S. Atl. XXXTX f. 20. Marine? This species, which I know only from the A. 8. Atl, seems to be very characteristic and requires a more complete examination. 6. A. Pusio Cr. — Frustule in outline broadly elliptical, with truncate ends. L. 0,025 to 0,027; B. 0,017 mm. Median line strongly biarcuate. Central nodule large. Axial and central areas not distinct. Dorsal and ventral side with strong striz, about 14 in 0,01 mm., not inter- rupted and not distinctly punctate. — Pl. III f. 40. Brackish water, marine: Coast of Sweden (Cl. M. D. N:o 157); Balearic Islands! Hilo, Sand- wich Islands (in almost fresh water). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. w:o 3. 103 This little form scarcely belongs to A. ovalis and is remarkable for the strongly striate dorsal and ventral sides, as well as for the absence of central area. Perhaps a small form of the following. A. Proteus var. parvula Fiieut Pommerania Exp. p. 89 f. 10 may represent this form. 7. A. marina (W. Sm. 1857?) V. H. (1880). — Frustule in outline elliptical or orbicular, with truncate ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,025 mm. V. luneate, with subacute ends and slightly concave ventral margin. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,01 to 0,013 mm. Median line slightly biarcuate. Axial and central areas not distinct on the dorsal side. Strie 15 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate, not inter- rupted or crossed by a longitudinal line. Ventral side narrow, striate as the dorsal side. — A. N, H. 1857 p. 7 PL 1d. 2? V. H. Syn. p58 PL If 16. A. 8S. Atl REVIT £ 1, 17, 18. A. pellucida Gree. D. of Clyde p. 513 Pl. XII f. 73? A. nana Fiéent Pommerania Exp. p. 90 f. 12? Marine: North Sea! Balearic Islands! Seychelles! China! Porto Seguro (Deby Coll.)! A. marina of W. Sm. is too badly figured for identification. According to Arnott (M. J. VI p. 206) A. marina is identical with A. Proteus of Grue., but if so the striz are incorrectly stated as 40 in 0,001". A. pellucida Grue. is too imperfectly described and figured for admitting of identification, but it seems to be the same as A. marina. A. marina is doubtful as a species, probably a form of A. Proteus. 8. A. Proteus Gree. (1857). — Frustule elliptical with truncate ends, about twice as long as broad. Valve lunate, obtuse. L. 0,04 to 0,065; B. 0,005 to 0,016 mm. Median line biarcuate. Axial area indistinct on the dorsal side. No central area. Striz on the dorsal side 9 to 13 in 0,01 mm. not interrupted and coarsely punctate. Ventral side striate, especially towards the ends. Striz radiate, approximate to the median line and crossed by a narrow, blank band. — D. of Clyde p- 518 Pl. XIII f. 81. A. 8. Atl XXVIT f. 3. A. Prot. var. Kariana Grun. A. D. p. 24 Pl. I f. 7 (1880). A. hexagonalis O. Wirr Mus. Godeffroi I p. 66 Pl. VITI f. 12? A. speciosa Castr. Voyage Challenger p. 17 Pl. XXVII f. 1? Marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Finmark! Sea of Kara! Cape Deschneff! North Sea! S:t Helena! Campeachy Bay! Mediterranean Sea! Black Sea! Seychelles! China! Galapagos Islands! Var. contigua Cu. — Strizw on the ventral side not crossed by a blank, narrow band. — A. §. Atl. XXVII f. 7 to 9. Probably also XXVIII f. 4. Marine: North Sea! Adriatic! Labuan! New Caledonia! Var. alata Ct. — V. L. 0,13; B. 0,032: mm. Dorsal side with a projecting hyaline limbus in the middle. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Baltjic Dept. (Van Heurck Coll.)! 9. A. robusta Gree. (1857). — Frustule in outline broadly elliptical, with truncate ends. L: 0,065 to 0,17; B. 0,038 to 0,12 mm. Valve lunate with arcuate dorsal: margin and straight ventral margin. Median line strongly biarcuate. Axial and central area indistinct on the dorsal side. Dorsal side with strong strie, 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm, not crossed by a longitudinal line, coarsely punctate; puncta about 8 in 0,01 mm. Ventral side broad, with a more or less broad band of coarse radiate strive along the median line. — D. of Clyde p. 516 Pl. XIII f. 79. Marine: Spitsbergen (striz 10 in 0,01 mm.)! North Sea! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Ma- cassar Straits! Japan (fossil)! Samoa! Var. fusca Cu. — Connecting zone with a number of small, irregular puncta, giving it a brownish colour. L. 0,12; B. 0,075 mm. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm. Marine: China (Deby Coll.)! Var. subplicata Cu. — Connecting zone with traces of longitudinal divisions and longitudinal rows of puncta. L. 0,115; B. 0,045 mm. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. Marine: S:ta Monica, Cal. fossil (Deby Coll.)! 104 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. A. robusta is nearly related to A. Proteus and differs principally by the coarse striz and larger size. A. oblonga Gree. (D. of Clyde p. 515 Pl. XIII f. 78) seems to be a form of A. robusta, but I have never met with any perfectly similar form. 10. A, javanica A. S. (1875). — Frustule rectangular, about three times longer than broad. L. 0,045 to 0,06; B. 0,017 to 0,o2 mm. Zone not complex. Axial area narrow, dilated on the dorsal side around the central nodule. Keel or longitudinal line on the dorsal side very distinct. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. composed of elongated distant puncta. Ventral side striate, except in the middle. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. curved, composed of some few elongated, large puncta or crossed by an undulating narrow line. — Atl. XXVII f. 27, 30 to 33. Marine: Java! This form is very nearly akin to A. arenicola, of which it may be a variety. 11. A. arenicola Grun. (1882). — Frustule nearly rectangular, three times longer than broad. L. 0,038 to 0,07; B. 0,017 to 0,o21 mm. Valve in breadth 0,01 mm., linear, with broad, unilaterally rounded ends. Median line slightly biarcuate, distant from the ventral margin. Axial area indistinct on the dorsal side. Central area none or orbicular. Dorsal side with 10 to 14 coarsely punctate, not interrupted, strie in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal line indistinct. Ventral side broad, with radiate, coarsely punctate strie, sometimes crossed by a narrow, blank band. — A. marina var. arenicola Grun. in Cl. M. D. N:o 310. A. marina Pritcu Inf. Pl. V f. 59? A. arenie. Icon. n. Pl. IV f. 19, 20. Marine: Coasts of England and Belgium! China (Deby Coll.)! Var. major Cu. — V. in L. 0,1; in B. 0,026 mm. Strie 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. composed of large, distant puncta. — A. robusta A. S. Atl. XXVII f. 89 to 41. A. Lima Panr. IT] Pl. XXIII f. 347 (1898). Brackish water: Baltic! Var. oculata Cu. — Frustule in L. 0,07; in B. 0,036 mm. Central area on the dorsal side large, rounded. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. composed of large, distant puncta. — Pl. 1V f. 21. Marine: Sebastopol! Var. subequalis Cit. — Frustule linear elliptical. L. 0,075; B. 0,032 mm. Median line bi- arcuate, very distant from the ventral margin, so that the ventral side is almost as broad as the dorsal. Dorsal side with 10 striz in 0,01 mm., composed of large puncta, 10 in 0,o1 mm. Ventral side entirely covered with coarsely punctate strie. — Pl. IV f. 22. Marine: China (Deby Coll.)! . 12. A. ovalis Ktrz (1833). — Frustule broadly elliptical, with truncate ends. Iu. 0,01 to 0,06; B. 0,0045 to 0,033 mm. Valve lunate with subacute ends. Median line slightly biarcuate. Axial and central areas on the dorsal side indistinct or distinct. Dorsal side twice as broad as the ventral. Ventral side with a row of short striae. Dorsal part with 10 to 16 striz in 0,01 mm. Striz punctate, not interrupted, or crossed by a somewhat irregular blank band. Forma typica. Frustule in L. 0,045 to 0,06; B. 0,024 to 0,033 mm. No axial and central area, no longitudinal band on the dorsal side. Striz 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. composed of distinct puncta (about 9 in 0,01 mm.). — A. ovalis Ki1z Syn. f. 5, 6. Bac. p. 107. V. H. Syn. p. 59 PlIf. 1. H. L. Sm. Types N:o 40. Fresh water: Sweden! England! France! Germany! Switzerland (Brun), Baltic (Gulf of Bothnia!) Australia, Lake Muir! Var. gracilis Kus. (1843). — As the type, but smaller. L. 0,027; B. 0,01 mm. Strize about 12 in 0,01 mm. — A. gracilis Kus. Am. p. 122 Pl. III: 1 f. 43. A. ovalis var. gr. V. H. Syn. p. 59 Plott 8 A, S&S. Atl: RAVI £ LOL. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Harz (Atl.). Var. libyca Eup. (1840). — V. lunate. L. 0,055 to 0,08; B. 0,011 to 0,017 mm. Median line slightly biarcuate. Central area distinct on the dorsal side, frequently uniting with an irregular, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2%, neo 3. 105 blank band across the striz. Striz on the dorsal] side 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta about 8 in 0,01 mm., often uniting near the central nodule. — A. libyca Eup. Ber. 1840 p- 11 (fide Kiitz). Kitz Bac. p. 107. A. affinis Kitz Bac. p. 107. A. ovalis var. affinis V. H. Syn. p. 59 Pl. If. 2. A. ovalis A. 8. Atl. XXVI f. 102 to 111; Pl. XXVII f. 4, 5? A. abbre- viata BuriscH Rasy. A. E. 1489 (1863). A. Szontaghii Pant. IL p. 39 Pl. VII f. 138? A. Proteus var. A. S. Atl. XXVIII f. 1? A. Stawbii Panr. 1II Pl. X f. 171 (1893)? A. verrucosa Pant. III Pl. X f. 166 (1893)? A. svavis Pant. III Pl. XXVIII f. 416 (1898)? Fresh or brackish water: Spitsbergen (Atl.), Greenland! East Cape! Sweden! England! France! Belgium (V. H.), Germany (Saline Dirrenberg! Kénigsberg, foss.!) Hungary foss. (Pant.)? Var. Pediculus Ktrz (1844). — Frustule in outline broadly elliptical. Valve lunate. L. 0,02 to 0,04; B. 0,006 to 0,oos mm. Median line slightly biarcuate. Central area distinct and central nodule strong. Striz 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate. Ventral side striate. — Cymbella? Pediculus Kitz Bac. p. 80 Pl. V f. 8. A. ovalis 6 Pediculus V. H. Syn. p. 59 Pl. I f. 6. A. ovalis y affinis f. minor (A. Pediculus major Grun.) V. H. Syn. p. 59 PLIf. 4,5. A. minutissima W. Sm. B. D. p. 20 Pl. IT f. 80 (1853). A. borealis Scuum. P. D. I Nachr. p. 23 f. 81 (1863). A. globosa Scuum. P. D. II Nachr. p. 55 Pl. I f. 24 (1867). A. sp. n.? A. S. Atl. XXVI f. 102. A. libyca var. interrupta Pant. II p. 37 Pl. Il f. 28. Fresh or slightly brackish water, usually attached to larger diatoms, as Nitzschia sigmoidea, or on alge: Sweden! Finland! England! Belgium! Germany! India (Atl.), New Zealand! Tasmania! Hungary, fossil (Pant.). Although these varieties are at first sight very dissimilar to each others, they are so inti- mately connected by intermediate forms that I am entirely of the opinion of Grunow and Van Hevrck that they should be united. 13. A. perpusilla Grun. (1880). — Frustule in outline nearly orbicular. L. 0,006 to 0,01; B. 0,004 to 0,005 mm. Valve lunate, with arcuate dorsal, and straight ventral, margin. Central nodule strong. Dorsal strie 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. almost transverse. Central area usually not distinct. Ventral side without strie. — A. (globulosa var.) perpusilla Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. If. 11. A, perp. V. H. Types N:o 4. A. ovalis var. 6 Pediculus forma minor and exits V. H. Syn. p. 59 Pl. If. 8, 9,10. A. Pediculus A. 8, Atl. XXXVI f. 99. Cu. M. D. 126, 187. A. globulosa Scuum. Preuss. D. II Nachr. p. 55 Pl. I f. 25. A. 8S. Atl XXVI f. 100. Fresh water, moist earth etc.: Sweden (Upsala, Dalsland!) Prussia (Schum.), Belgium (V. H.), England, Swansea! France, Meudon! Hungary, Plattensee (Atl.). 14. A. mexicana A. S. (1875). — V. lunate with arcuate dorsal and straight ventral mar- gin. L. 0,15 to 0,20; B. 0,035 mm. Median-line more or less biarcuate. Axial area not distinct; central area small and rounded on the dorsal side. Dorsal side with a longitudinal line more or less approximate to the median line. Striz 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 6 to 7 jn 0,01 mm. Ventral side entirely covered with somewhat radiate strie. — A. 8S. Atl. XX VII f. 47 to 48. Icon. n. Pl. IV f. 15. A. boryana Pant. III Pl. XXXVIITI f. 531 (1893). Marine: Morocco! Gulf of Naples! Sumatra (Deby Coll.!), China! Galapagos Islands! Gulf of Mexico (Atl). Var. fusca Cu. — Zone with small irregular puncta giving it a brownish colour. L. 0,14; B. 0,075 mm. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Macassar Straits! I am not quite sure about the identification, as the fig. in Atl. shews a more distant longitudinal line than in my specimens. A. lima A. S. Atl. Probetof. f. 14, which is unknown to me, seems to be allied to A. meaxicana. 15. A. gigantea Grun. (1875). — Frustule broadly elliptical with truncate ends. V. lunate, with straight ventral margin. L. 0,09 to 0,17; B. 0,025 to 0,035. Median line strongly biarcuate. K. Sv. Vet. Akad, Hand]. Band 27. Ni:o 3. 14 106 P. 'T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. No axial nor central area on the dorsal side. Longitudinal line closely approximate to the median line. Dorsal strie 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 7 in 0,01 mm. Ventral side with a row of short striz along the median line and towards the ends of the valve. Ventral strie frequently crossed by a longitudinal line. — A. S. Atl. XXVII f. 46. A. gigantea var. andesitica Pant. II p. 36; III Pl. XVII f. 243. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Java! Japan! Sin Pedro Calif., fossil (Kinker), Campeachy Bay! Pensacola! Colon (Deby Coll.)! Hungary, Bory fossil (Pant.)? Var. obscura Cu. — V. in L. 0,10 to 0,20, in B. 0,015 to 0,o4 mm. Striz on the dorsal side 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm.; puncta coarse, about 5 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal undulating lines. Ventral side with a row of short, radiate striw along the whole median line. — A. S. Atl. Pl. XXVIII f. 20 (without name). Icon. n. Pl. IV f. 28, 29. Marine: Balearic Islands! Gulf of Naples (Deby Coll.)! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Macassar Straits! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Forma minor. Strie 8 in 0,01 mm. L. 0,11 mm. — A. S. Atl. XL f. 28, 29. Marine: S:t Peter, Hungary (fossil)! Leton Bank (Atl). Var. fusca A. 8. (1875). — V. in I. 0.07 to 0,12 mm. Dorsal striz 10 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 8 in 0,01 mm. Longitudinal line somewhat obscure. Ventral part broad, struc- tureless, except at the ends, where are short sets of oblique, granulate strie. Zone with irregu- lar small puncta, giving it a brownish colour. — A. fusca A. S. Atl. XXVII f. 68. Marine: Gulf of Naples! Red Sea (Van Heurck Coll.)! Java! Labuan! Macassar Straits! Gulf of Mexico (Atl.), Bahia! Galapagos Islands! 16. A. nodosa Brun. (1891). — V. with strongly arcuate dorsal margin, straight ventral margin and broad, rounded ends. L. 0,12 to 0,15; B. 0,o42 mm. Median line slightly biarcuate. Dorsal side without axial and central areas, divided into two parts by a longitudinal line (or crest), of which the interior bears short rows of large puncta, and the exterior strong coste (4 in 0,o1 mm.) alternating with rows of large ocelli (4 to 5 in 0,01 mm.), which form longitudinal, slightly undulating lines. Ventral side of the valve narrow, with short and strong coste. — D. espéces nouv. p. 9 Pl. XII f. 2. Marine: Nossibé (Brun Coll.)! Japan (Brun), Samoa! Macassar Straits! One of the largest and stoutest forms of Amphora. The strong central nodule, the crest enclosing, on the dorsal side of the valve, a furrow, recal Diploneis, as does also the structure of transverse coste, alternating with ocelli. 17. A. Oeulus A. S. (1875). — V. lunate, with obtuse ends. L. 0,07 to 0,15; 0,02 to 0,04 mm. Median line approximate to the ventral margin, straight or slightly biarcuate. Axial area indistinct; central area large, rounded. Longitudinal line at a considerable distance from the median line. Striz on the dorsal side 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm., coarsely punctate; puncta about 8 in 0,01 mm. Ventral side narrow, with coarse striz in its whole length. — Atl. XXVII f. 52. A. Oc. var. fossilis Pant. I p. 22 Pl. XIV f.127. A. Wachenhusenit Janiscn A. S. Atl. XL f. 38 (1876). Marine: Gulf of Naples (Deby, Brun Coll.)! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! China (Deby Coll.)! Japan (Atl.), Campeachy Bay (AtL). Var. Farcimen A. S. (1875). — L. 0,06 to 0,07; B. 0,019 mm. Central area less distinct. Striez 11 in 0,01 mm.; puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. — A. Fare. A. 8. Atl. XXVIT f. 56, 57. Marine: Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Samoa (Atl.), Galapagos Islands! Campeachy Bay (Atl.). 18. A. Schmidtii Gren. (1875). — Frustule in outline elliptical with truncate ends. L. 0,09; B. 0,04 mm. Median line elevated to a biarcuate keel. Dorsal side with coarsely punctate striz, 9 in 0,01 mm. reaching to the median line. Ventral side also with coarsely punctate strie. Zone with two or more longitudinal rows of large puncta. — A. 8S. Atl. XXVIII f. 2. Marine: China! Samoa (Atl.), Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Porto Seguro (Deby Coll.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 20.) wio 3. 107 Forma major. — Frustule in L. 0,133; B. 0,06 mm. Striz 7 in 0,01 mm. -- A. Sch. A. 8. Atl. XXVIII f. 3. Marine: Campeachy Bay (Atl.). Forma minor. — Frustule in L. 0,07; B. 0,025 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Pensacola! Labuan! Var. alata Ct. — As the type, but with a hyaline limbus projecting from the dorsal side L. 0,055; B. 0,035 to 0,045 mm. Striz 10 in 0,01 mm. Marine: China! Japan (Brun Coll.)! Barbados! Florida! Var. Schleinitzii Jan. (1876). — Frustule in L. 0,12 to 0,15, in B. 0,066 mm. Zone without puncta. Dorsal side with a hyaline limbus. The strie 8 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 7 in 001 mm. — A. Schleinitzii A. S. Atl. XXXIX f. 9, 10. Marine: Gulf of Naples (Deby Coll.)! Samoa (Atl). I am unable to find any specific difference between A. Schmidtii and A. Schleinitzii. The structure of the connecting zone is variable. In some specimens I have seen, besides the longitu- dinal rows of large pearls, very fine scattered puncta, giving it a brownish colour. The absence or presence of a limbus seems also not be of any specific value. A. Schmidtii is a form of a peculiar type, remarkable for the elevation of the valve to a keel bearing on its summit the median line as in Avwricula. Subgenus Diplamphora Ct. Frustule in outline usually elliptical, or rectangular, with rounded, truncate, or rostrate ends, sometimes indented in the middle. Zone with more or less numerous longitudinal divisions, more or less coarsely, transversely, costate or striate. Valve linear to semilanceolate, with obtuse or protracted ends; its dorsal,side with one (or two) longitudinal lines. Structure: transverse cost or rows of puncta. Ventral side structureless, punctate, or costate, with or without longi- tudinal line. This group comprises a number of species, very different in appearance, but agreeing in the complex connecting zone and the longitudinal line on the dorsal side. They are nearest akin to Amphora, »sensu stricto», but differ in the complex zone. Whether this characteristic be of such importance that the two groups are to be regarded as distinct genera, I cannot at present state with certainty. There are among the Amphore some forms with tendency to a complex zone, for instance A. robusta var. subplicata and A. Schmidtii. In all cases Amphora and Dipl- umphora are to be considered as allied groups, having in common a more or less distinct longi- tudinal line or keel on the dorsal, and frequently also on the ventral, side of the valve. This characteristic as well as the structure of the valve point to a relation to the genus Diplonezs, although no intermediate forms have hitherto been discovered. The species of this subgenus are very variable in size and form, and the valves in many cases present very different appearances according to the position, in which they lie. These cir- cumstances make the distinction of species and the construction of an artificial key extreme- ly difficult. All forms of this group are marine and occur in all seas, but in the greatest variety in the tropical. Many of them are found in a fossil state in Hungary, Japan and New- Zealand. Artificial key. 1 es indented in the middle 2. ; - not — — — 9. j Central nodule stauroid ‘ 3. ol) aes — not — an eh 7. 3 J Axial area broad : ely d A. exsecta GRUN. “ \ = — — narrow or indistinct. . ; : ‘ Si ty Se Soe Os 108 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. x Pe of the valve broad and incurved . ‘ wis ale Se ‘ _ ad. vetusta Cu. — not — — : : : ee Bs 5. ye Aivtiss on the dorsal and woateal side. meas ; A. cuneata Cu. not — — — —_ _— eR ee 6. 6. ee 0,04 to 0,047 mm. a 2. Rs ; A. granulifera Cu. L. 0,1 to 0,113 mm. ie eee A. Weissflogit A. S. 7. oe of the valve reflexed . . . bm oo ._ A. Janischii A. 8. — not— .. ; ; ‘ wie) 8: 8. ee crossed by broad lateral areas . ‘ A. margaritifera Cu. — not — _— _— _— ; A. alata Pur. 9. oe of the valve broad, obtuse, or incurved 10. — not—~—~ — | 20. 10. {Sratare: quadrate alveoli in Jongitudinal and transverse rows ie pesidlaia GROVE a. STURT. transverse cost# or rows of puncta... e oo ey LE 11. Ventral side of the valve without puncta or coste .. . ; 12. ee — — with — —_— ts fe eae Ai j ; S08 13. 19. peas 23 t 3 to 3 in 0,01 mm. _ A. Pecten Bron. 10 in 0,01 mm. bh es A. Adnaonete Cu. (A. crassa var., A. egregia var.) 13. ee side with two longitudinal rows of puncta. oo 14. —- with punctate or costate strie 8 i 15. 14. oe side with one longitudinal line 2. oF . . A. Griindlert Grun. — several — lines A. prismatica Cu. 1b. yee side punctate . 16. — costate ome ; re 18. 16. oe of paves on the ventral ails crossed by a blank band 8 17. _ —- —not — _ — ‘ A. crassa GREG. 17. roe strie of large, distant puncta .. . ; A. comorensis Cu. — apparently smooth ; ate on was A. ornata Levup. Forrm. 18. (ee ee : we Soa eS ech sen ee te we NDE Rin -— — gles teat IRs . A. decipiens Cu. 19. oe Coste alternating with doula: rows of neta od Se Ss . . A. egregia Ens. not — - = — _ ns A. inelegans Cu. a. GROVE. Dorsal side with two longitudinal lines ore ‘ tye 21, 20. aie — one _— line : ‘ i$ i « 22, 91. {Axia are area indistinct. .... . eons Bs . . A. areolata Grun. = distinette : a = Re ewe ees . A, Leudugeriana Pr. 99. vo line approximate to the median line . . -. . . A, diaphana Cu. — distant from _— - -— co 23. 93, ee between the median and longitudinal lines cuddeatey dilated: in hit middle . 24. _— _— — _— not — _ _— — oe tee we 228: Central area structureless .. . ..... ‘ : as 25. 24. \— — with scattered iene soe : weg See le “gubgaueelete Grove a. Sturt. — faint strie.... Pas .. . “not: distinctly punctate: «60605 gone ye Soe a See Be yam ae 4. 4 hee area distinct... ... pda WO a a ay A. angusta Cu. , — — not distinct. .. Bs or: San «Gh | alee ar eanes 5. 5 pee line straight. .... eA Ciba Stee Sa ode gt trae ade A. euanbiion mis CL. es — -— slightly biarcuate ... go. ae hoe 8 . .A. bituminosa Pant. 1. A. angusta (Gree. 1857) Ct. — V. narrow, semilanceolate, acute or subacute. L. 0,04 to 0,13; B. 0,005 to 0,018 mm. Median line straight, parallel and approximate to the ventral margin. Axial area distinct and frequently moderately broad on the dorsal side, indistinct or small on the ventral side. Strie 7 to 17 in 0,01 mm., not distinctly punctate. Both the dorsal and the ventral sides of the valve are striate. This species comprises a number of forms. Var. typica Cy. — B. of the frustule 0,01. L. of the valve 0,05 to 0,055; B. 0,005 to 0,oo7 mm. Strie 17 to 18 in 0,01 mm. — A. angusta Gree. D. of Clyde p. 510 Pl. XIT f. 66. A. angusta var. gracilenta Gruy. A. S. Atl XXV f. 15. A. Eulensteinii var. fossilis Pant. 1889 IIT p. 36 Pl. I f. 3, Pl. III f. 49. Cymbella marina Caste. Chall. Exp. D. p. 31. Pl. XXVII f. 13? Marine: Scotland (Greg.), Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! Quincy, Massachusetts! Czekehaza, Hungary (fossil)! Jamaica (Grove Coll.). The figure of A. angusta in Diat. of the Clyde is not sufficient for identification without original specimens, but as in the description is stated that it has 17 to 18 strie in 0,01 mm. I think that A. angusta Grea. may denote this form. A. Eulensteinii var. fossilis is described as having 20 to 22,5 strie in 0,01 mm. I found 18 only in specimens from Czekehaza. Cymbella marina CastR. may be this or another form of A. angusta, it is impossible to decide which from the figure and the description. Var. oblongella Grun. (1878). — Frustule in breadth 0,008 to 0,013. L. 0,032 to 0,068; B. 0,006 to 0,01 mm. Striz 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — A. oblongella Grun. Casp. Sea D. p. 7 Pl. IV f. 20. A. exigua Grea. D. of Clyde p. 514 Pl. IV f. 75? A. angusta var. arctica Grun. A. D. p- 24 Pl. I f. 9 (1880). A. lanceolata var. minor Cu. Vega p. 462 (1883). Marine and brackish: Sweden (Bohuslin)! Firth of Tay! East cape! Behrings Island! Ba- learic Islands! Caspian Sea (Grun.), Campeachy Bay! Pensacola! Honolulu! A. exigua Gree. may be this form although the strie are stated to be 11 in 0,01 mm., but it is impossible to decide without original specimens. Var. Eulensteinii Grun. (1875). — L. of the valve 0,08 to 0,121; B. 0,016 to 0,02 mm. Striz 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. somewhat closer on the ventral side, or about 14 in 0,01 mm. — A. Hulen- steimt A. S. Atl. XXV f. 1 to 8; XL f. 35 to 37. Marine: China! Japan! Govans Bay; Raised March; Leton Bank (Atl.), Cape May! Var. diducta A. S. (1875). — V. gibbous in the middle. L. 0,082; B. 0,015 mm. Dorsal strie 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — A. did. A. 8. Atl. XXV f. 13. A. cymbelloides var. latior Grun. Atl. XXV f. 8. Marine: Java, Japan (Atl.). Var. ventricosa Gree. (1857). — V. in L. 0,059 to 0,13; B. 0,013 to 0,018 mm. Dorsal strize 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm., ventral somewhat closer. — A. ventricosa Gree. D. of Clyde p. 511 Pl. XII f. 68. A. lanceolata Cu. D. from Spitsb. p. 667 Pl. XXIII f. 2 (1864). Cymbella criophila Casrr. Chall. Exp. D. p. 21 Pl. XXVII f. 5 1886 (strie distinctly punctate)? Cymbella marina Pant. IT] Pl. XIX f. 274? Marine: Greenland! Spitsbergen! Sea of Kara! Finmark! Coasts of Scotland, Norway and Bohuslan! Adriatic! Bab el Mandeb! Monterey (Atl. XXV f. 6). The fig. in Diat. of the Clyde is insufficient for identification, still I have little doubt that Gregory denotes this form. An intermediate form between Var. ventricosa et Var. Eulensteini is fig. 5 Pl XXV in A.S Atl. 136 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Var. incurvata Brun (1891). Valve arcuate. L. 0,1 to 0,13; B. 0,011 mm. Striz 6 in 0,01 mm. — A. lanceolata var. incr. Brun D. espéces n. p. 8 Pl. XII f. 3. Marine: Japan! Western Africa (Brun). Var. zebrina A. §S. (1875). — V. gibbous in the middle. L. 0,075; B. 0,009 mm. Strie 6 (dorsal) to 7 (ventral) in 0,01 mm. — A. zebrina A. S. Atl XXV f. 11. Marine: Baltjik Dept. (Atl.). 2. A. eymbiformis Ci. N. Sp. — V. semilanceolate, acute. L. 0,045 to 0,07; B. 0,007 to 0,013 mm. Axial area indistinct. Strie 14 to 17 in 0,01 mm. — A. 8S. Atl. Pl. XXV f. 9. Marine: Port Jackson! Labuan! 3. A, eymbelloides Grun. (1867). — Hyaline. IL. of the frustule 0,038 to 0,084; B. of the frustule 0,011 to 0,013, of the valve 0,008 to 0,011 mm. Striz very fine, 29 in 0,01 mm. or more. — Hedw. 1867, VI p. 24. A. angusta var. minuta Grun. A. 8. Atl. XXVI f. 65, 66. Danyr. Baltic D. Pl. I f. 102 A. angusta var. glaberrima Grun. A. 8. Atl. XXVI f. 61, 62. Marine: Seychelles! Honduras (Grun.), Barbados! The original A. cymbelloides of Grunow is a very delicately striate form, of which the author several years ago sent me a sketch, agreeing with A. angusta var. minuta, or var. glaberrima in A. 8. Atl. More coarsely striate forms have since been published as A. cymbelloides (Atl. XXV f. 8, 14) which belong to A. angusta. The var. mauritiana Groun. (Hedwigia |. c. p. 25) cannot belong to the same species as it has a longitudinal line across the striz. 4. A. areta A. S. (1875). — Hyaline. Frustule almost linear with truncate ends. L. 0,094; B. 0,012 mm. Striee delicate. — Atl. XXVI f. 63. Marine: Australia, Port Lincoln (Atl.). 5. A. magellanica Prerrr (1888). — V. semilanceolate, acute. IL. 0,061 to 0,063; B. 0,01 to 0,011 mm. Median line straight, approximate to the ventral margin. Axial area indistinct; central small, rounded. Strize 12 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate. — D. de Cape Horn p. 119 Pl. X f. 14. A. 8. Atl. XXV f. 4 (no name). Marine: Magellan’s Straits! 6. A. bituminosa Panr. (1889). — Frustule elongated, elliptical. L. 0,016 to 0,043; B. 0,012 to 0,o14 mm. Median line approximate to the ventral margin, slightly biarcuate. Axial and central areas indistinct. Striz 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. not distinctly punctate and not interrupted or crossed by a longitudinal line. Connecting zone not complex. — Pawr. II p. 35 Pl. I f. 1, Pl. EL 4.23: Brackish water: Szardoc, Hungary, fossil! It is doubtful whether this species be correctly placed in this subgenus or in the subgenus Amphora, as the median line is not perfectly straight. Subgenus Calamphora Ct. Frustule rectangular, with more or less rounded ends. Zone complex, with more or less numerous, transversely striate or costate divisions. Valves linear, obtuse, or with obliquely rounded ends. Median line biarcuate, not closely approximate to the ventral margin. Dorsal side with transverse striz, not crossed by a longitudinal line. Ventral side structureless, but with a longitudinal line. This subgenus comprises complex forms, the dorsal strie of which are not crossed by a keel or line. From Halamphora and Oxyamphora they differ by the broader ventral side, which has a longitudinal line, and by the non-protracted or non-rostrate ends. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wo 3. 137 Artificial key. L ie 0503: tor 0,08: Mii. eae ae eR ea SG Se ee eae abe A. pusilla Cu. Is. O085t0:-Oo1S Mme ek ee a ee he ew 2. 9, a nodule stauroid . . ere Se . . . A, sendaiana Bron. — not — Shh pote, eh deh eed ae e Bets eo a! Be 3. eee constricted in the middle. ....... 2.2.00 ee eee enue D. not — — _— Pa i ee ee See de 8 = S BS dees San AL ‘A: io Srto 9 in 00a Mi, Seek eR Sin Go whee pie x A. formosa Cu. 5to6 — Se Bit te se ae wlualeg: Gath dts a, ceetaklds A. Scala Cu. a. GRovE. Slightly constricted .. ........ 5 BB Rca Ae cee et 6. 5. Strongly 9 aie eae ane eee eae Bp edesrhn eau se Ve het t 7. Triconstricted . ......... fie So =2 i A. dorsalis Cu. a. Grove. 6. ee with a hyaline wing... . Ss we BO. hy . A. limbata Cu. a. GRove. without — a eet ah evga ser dealiniate Oko See Cees Bo vig Se ws ec A. Grovei Cu. 7. ae 8in 01 mm.............04. a . A. Camelus CL. a. GROVE. ca ipl hg et ear! at Ga te a ee a ae ee A. biconvera Jan. 1. A. pusilla (Gree. 1857?) Ct. — Frustule linear-elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,032 to 0,053; B. 0,01 to 0,o2 mm. V. with obtuse and gibbous ends. Median line biarcuate, at some distance from the ventral margin. Dorsal side striate; strize 12 in 0,01 mm. not distinctly punc- tate. Ventral side not striate. — D. of Clyde p. 525 Pl. XIV f. 95? Diatomiste I p. 159 Pl. XXIII f. 3, 4. Marine: Macassar Straits! It is doubtful what A. pusilla Gree. may denote. It is described as having coarser striz (9 in 0,01 mm.) than A. bacillaris Grua., to which it otherwise bears a considerable resemblance. There is some doubt about the exact position of this little form, as the ventral side of the valve has, so far as I have hitherto seen, no distinct longitudinal line. 2. A. Camelus Cr. and Grove (1892). — Frustule of rectangular outline. L. 0,073; B. 0,035 mm. Zone with a number of longitudinal divisions (2 in 0,01 mm.) transversely striate; strize 9 in 0,01 mm. V. with slightly arcuate median line and the dorsal margin sinuose in the middle. Ends capitate. Dorsal side with 8 striz in 0,01 mm. -— Diatomiste I p. 158 Pl. XXII f. 9 to 12. Marine: Macassar Straits! 3. ae a Re Gee a) Ge a de Gee ee 24. Valve with irregular large puncta .. 2...) eee ee ee M. oamaruensis Cu wot Close SHEIB yoy SE ke a ee es Be ee ek M. ovata Grun Valve without axial or lateral areas 6 ww 25, with — — a ea he Vata sauce hana Jen) « Mae hae sen Gdka Suara cans 65. Strie crossed by several longitudinal furrows . «2. 6 1 1 eee ee te ee es 26. not — a: _— —s) ge aaa aes baw oe Wee ee 27. Valve elliptic-lanceolate or rhomboid... . 1... +. 55. M. quinquecostata Groun. lanceolate, ACUMINATE. 2045 Go ae a ee ae ae .... M. seriata Cu. Puncta in straight longitudinal rows, stronger — the transverse ........ 28. Transverse rows of puncta stronger than the longitudinal. . . . al saat “Bs Transverse strie 12 in 001mm... .. ..........4. M. Tntole Cu. a. GROVE — a= AF t030" 100,07 Mies ae hae SE eee ce et ep a 29. Loculiferous rim distant from the margin... ... 1... ee pe uee . M. acuta Grux <= Marginal «4.42 ek ee OR RS we we ew ee WS 30. Central POA) GIStINCb 4: 26 cay Os See ae Ry eh Ge RO a Ge M. arata Cu o= AMGIStINGt ys 6) oye ee Ga RE Ge a He M. exarata Cu Valve with longitudinal lines parallel to the median line. ........,... 82 without — _ _— _ _— Bae at at We we BS tg be Th. Bs oh 38. cee lines combined with the central area... . 1... 2... ee eee 33. — not — _ _ ey oa Rance ais beech he gt a Se 35. Small. L. 0,025 to 0028 mm. . 2... 1 ee ee M. pumila Groun Larger. L. 0,04 to 0,095 mm, . 1... 1 1 ee 34. Loculi about 8 in 001mm. ©... 1. M. Debyi Cu. Digs ee ke ap once Abies eat ay ae ae Poi dab dei Sn Gaye M. Braunii Grun. Longitudinal lines close to the median line... 1... 2... 00 0 0 01 ae ee ee 36. — distant from — Sg SB Se he Gs) ae ee a ee 37. Valve 5 elliticclancsalate ee ee ae ee ee eee ae ae . . .M. apiculata W. Sm. linear with cuneate ends. .... : : broad, elliptical, rostrate . lanceolate, rostrate . Loculi : in 0,01 mm. Loculi a sana size... — unequal— ..... Valve very small. L. 0,01 mm. = larger. L. 0,02 mm. and more. ..... Loculi few ........... numerous... ..... #......, Loculi : on each side cues rim inside the margin . . — marginal ......... Valve | constricted in the middle... ...... not — —_ fe e be ow ay Valve rostrate or apiculate... ...... ~. TOU yg Shae SP Ge cae olan So Puncta forming almost straight longitudinal rows — not — _ _ _ _ Median line strongly undulating ......~ =. — slightly Ends rostrate-capitate slightly rostrate : Median line strongly flexuose. .... .... — slightly _— or straight M. labuensis Cu. . M. Citrus Cu. s : M. baltica Grown. ae ee M. Pisciculus Cu. M. Peragalli Cu. is sel pede, a aa .M. capitata Bao. Rhee * tana ates, Sea M. exigua Lewis. . M. paradoxa Grun. (M. Smithii var.). RaSh Kean Ara ticdh., otteon a lashes 43. Be Deas Reena ae tan wee Bary Gh 44, Pats wate eee « BI cn May 48. 49, 54. 55. 56. 58. 59, 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. = (= eee | - ce i l= c ie ti t= | = Le c \ = ie Le i - i | | te K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Striz about 18 in 0,01 mm. 25 Valve apiculate . . rostrate . Valve rhomboidal .. . linear with cuneate ends . elliptical to lanceolate. . . Loculi almost as close as the strie . less than L. about 0,045 mm. 0,075 mm. Loculi ; strie 13 in 0,01 mm. 2 — 1 2 — il 8 — 14 Loculi less than 7 in 0,01 mm. . more than 7 5 Strie coarse, of distant puncta. . of close puncta Loculi lunate L. ae mm. or less ...... Strie about 15 in 0,01 mm. 20 ; Strie radiate in the ends. ..... convergent —- Loculi closer in one end Piet in the other Terminal loculi equal in both ends . Loculi between the middle and the ends Jargest . . . Median loculi largest ‘ zi ; Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm. about 8 in 0,01 mm. Valve linear’, a « 6 a ee we ne elliptical Valve with axial area — lateral areas Axial area narrow. ........ broad Loculi marginal . inside the margin Lateral areas structureless Lateral and central areas uniting . not — Central neaiale stauroid not Strie 9 in 0,01 mm. — 17 — 22 sos Boe Strie finely ey oe ee ee coarsely eg a Loculi 5 to a in 00.1 mm... ee er Areas with a puncta . punctate or striate... . — longitudinal rows of elongated puncta Rows of puncta few. . . numerous Bd 27. New 3. Band 27. w:o 3, . M. flexuosa Cu. M. cuspidata Cu. . M. minuta Gron. _M. Smithii Tawartes. ae BL oa) ae. ah 52. M. elliptica v. Dansei. be 55. 53. 54. 5 M. bahamensis Cu. . M. affirmata Levp. Fort. .. .M. Lancettula Cu. ._M. Rhombulus Cu, . M. rhombica Cu. . M. pulchella Cu. me iy Seas ME apinte Cu. wan>d 57. .M. notata Parr. M. laminaris Ens. M. Portieriana Gron. 59. M. elegans Lewis 60. .. M. clliptica Ac. (M. Smithii var.). . M. lanceolata TuHwatres. M. inequalis Cu. ve Wid Be 62. ty Ba lia Ge oly M. erythrea Grow. adh dolerite 63. M. kariana Gaon. db. 64. M. pusilla Groun. M. floridana Cu. Bi ae_crieiewas 20M . M. entoleia Cu. M. japonica Cu. M. antiqua Cu. sweeter GDh 74, 70. 73. 71. ie eh Bh Ser Ee oth Ye 72, ... . M. eruciata Leup. Fort. BES AED oses cat CN ak Loe M. ewxina Cu. . M. Macdonaldii Grey. . M. submarginata Cu. a. Gron. . M. baldjikiana Grun. M. bisulcata Grun. M. rimosa Cu. M. Jelineckii Gron. 75. 76. 78. 145 19 146 ~ P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 76. teak broadly lanceolate, acuminate. ... . ie, Fides ine Oh a Pee erg a M. obesa Cu. — rhombic-lanceolate to rhomboid ........ Mes oon tue Se ler iietie ee 77. 77. oe and strie equidistant. ... . 2.) CM. Lemniscata Leup. Fort. more distant than the striae... .... ...., .M. javanica Cu. 78. joe elliptical to lanceolate. © 6 6 we ee 79. rhombic-lanceolate. . 6 6 - . ee . 80. 79. a 1OMin’ Ooi mime sve ee ER ee RE . . .M. Temperei Cu. — UMtolhinOor mm ©. . 2.2... . 2. eee, .. M. Kelleri Pana. Puncta in the longitudinal rows largest in the middle ..... M. Craveni Levup. Fortm. 80. ‘ re _ — of equal size. ...... M. Leudugeri Cu. a. Grove. 1. M. Grevillei W. Sm. (1856).\— V. linear, with cuneate, obtuse ends. L. 0,035 to 0,06; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Central area rounded. Axial area narrow, linear. Median line flexuose. Loculi 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. forming a band ending near the cuneate extremities. Costz 10 in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, alternating with double rows of puncta arranged in oblique lines, about 20 in 0,01 mm. — W. Sm. B. D. IT p. 65 Pl. LXII f. 389. V. H. Syn. p. 71 Pl. IV f. 20. A. S. Atl CLXXXYV, 1, 2. Fresh or slightly brackish water: Pentland Hills (Grove Coll.)! Belgium (V. H.), S:t Gallen (Atl.). This species resembles UV. elliptica var. Dansei but has a different structure of the valve. 2. M. Castracanei Pant. (1889). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, with very slightly rostrate ends. L. 0,065; B. 0,021 mm. Axial area very narrow, lanceolate. Loculi(?) along the whole margin, alternately larger and smaller, the former 3 in 0,01 mm. Structure: transverse, slightly radiate costee, 6 to 7,5 in 0,01 mm., alternating with double rows of small puncta, arranged in decussating lines. Connecting zone with two longitudinal rows of coarse puncta. — Alloioneis Castr. Pant. IT Pl. XXIII f. 344, [II Pl. XXV f. 374. M. Castr. A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVIII, 30. Marine: Bory, Karand Hungary, fossil (Pant.). _ I have not examined this remarkable species, which I have placed provisionally in Masto- gloia, as the figure in the zonal view shews something, which appears to be loculi. The structure of the valve resembles that of M. Grevilles. 3. M. delicatula Cx. (1893). — V. lanceolate, acuminate. L. 0,037; B. 0,014 mm. Median line slightly flexuose. Areas indistinct. Loculi quadrate, 6 in 0,01 mm., equal, forming a marginal band, reaching nearly to the ends. Striz 21 in 0,01 mm. parallel, formed of puncta arranged in decussating rows. — Cx. Diatomiste Vol. II p. 16 Pl. I f. 20. Marine: Bahamas (Grove Coll.)! 4. M. Rhombus Pasrir (1867). — V. broadly lanceolate, acuminate. L. 0,046 to 0,058; B. 0,025 to 0,035 mm. Loculi with convex inner margin, 3 to 4 in 0,01 mm., equal, forming a row along the whole margin of the valve. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. composed of elongated puncta, forming decussating rows, about 9 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Rhombus Pztit D. Campbell p. 23 Pl. IV f. 12. Mastog. Rh. Cu. and Grove Diatomiste I p. 58 Pl. IX f. 12. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVII, 33 to 35. Marine: Nossibé (Brun Coll.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! China (Thum.)! Campeachy Bay! 5. M. asperula Grun. (1892). — V. elliptical or lanceolate, with acuminate, rostrate or subcapitate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,023 to 0,027 mm. Median line straight. No axial area. Central area small, rounded. Loculi equal, quadrate, 4 in 0,01 mm. forming a band reaching to the ends. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm. parallel, slightly radiate at the ends, of elongated alveoli, arranged in obliquely decussating rows. — Cu. Diatomiste I p. 161 Pl. XXIII f. 12. M. Phaitiana (instead of thaitiana Caste.) A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVII, 46, 47 (variety?). Marine: Balearic Islands! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Java! Cebu (Grove Coll.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wo 3. 147 Var. Gilberti A. S. (1893). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,03; B. 0,012 mm. Median line straight. No axial and central areas. Loculi about 5 in 0,01 mm., forming a band along the whole margin. Strize 12 in 0,01 mm. very slightly radiate, of some few elongated alveoli. — Atl. CLXXXVII f. 14, 15. Marine: Kings Mill Island (Atl.), Barcelona! 6. M. rostellata Grun. (1877). — V. lanceolate, frequently slightly constricted in the middle, with acuminate, rostrate ends. L. 0,042 to 0,06; B. 0,02 mm. Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm. with some- what convex interior margin, almost equal (terminal loculi somewhat larger than the others), forming a marginal band reaching nearly to the ends of the valve. Striew 14 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate at the ends, composed of elongated alveoli, arranged in somewhat irregular, decussating rows. — Grun. M. J. 1877 p. 174 Pl. OXCV f. 2. Marine: Honduras (Grun), Campeachy Bay! Florida! 7. M. angulata Lewis (1860). — V. elliptical to lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,04 to 0,08; B. 0,025 to 0,029 mm. Median line straight. No areas. Loculi of unequal size, the median largest, 3 in 0,01 mm. forming a band reaching almost to the ends. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm.; puncta arranged in decussating rows. — Lewis Proceed Ac. Nat. Sc. Philadelphia 1861 p. 65 Pl. II f. 4. A. 8. Atl CLXXXVII, 4 to 11. M. thaitiana Caste. Voyage Challenger p. 22 Pl. XXVI f. 11? M. apiculata Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 577 Pl. VIL f. 9 (mon W. Sm.). Marine: Atlantic coasts of North America! Honduras (Atl.), Mediterranean, Adriatic, Black and Red Seas! Australia (Atl). Var. pusilla Grun. (1877). — L. 0,026; B. 0,014 mm. Loculi 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. oblique strie 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm. — M. apicul. var. pus. Grun. M. J. 1877 p. 175 Pl. CXOV f. 3. Marine: Honduras (Grun.), Adriatic! 8. M. Szontdghii Pant. (1890). — V. broadly linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,083; B. 0,025 mm. Loculi about 2 in 0,01 mm. confined to the middle of the margin, quadrate. Striz 11,5 in 0,o1 mm. composed of coarse puncta, forming oblique rows. — Panr. II p. 41 Pl. XXIX f. 416. A. S. Atl CLXXXVII, 12. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 9. M. suleata Cx. (1892). — V. lanceolate, acuminate, with slightly triundulate margins. L. 0,08 to 0,085; B. 0,027 to 0,o28 mm. Central nodule small, transversely dilated. Loculi, about 3 in 0,01 mm., elongated, forming a narrow band along the whole margin. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm. parallel, convergent in the ends, finely punctate; puncta forming very fine, decussating strie. The striz are crossed, between the middle and the ends of the valve, by a linear furrow, parallel to the median line and halfway between it and the margin. — Cx. Diatomiste I p. 162 Pl. XXIII f. 18, 14. A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 51. Marine: Philippines (Grove Coll.), Java! 10. M. decussata Grun. (1892). — V lanceolate, acute. L. 0,07 to 0,013; B. 0,022 to 0,027 mm. Loculi 9 in 0,01 mm., equal, rectangular, forming a band along the whole margin. Strie 22 to 25 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate; puncta forming decussating lines. — Cu. Diatomiste I p. 162 Pl. XXIII f. 17. A. 8S. Atl. CLXXXVI, 40, 41. Marine: Seychelles (V. H. Coll.)! Sandwich Islands! 11. M. Kjellmanii Cx. (1883). — V. linear-lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,06; B. 0,014 mm. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. almost equal, with somewhat convex interior margin, forming a narrow band along the whole margin of the valve. Strie 22 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate; puncta forming oblique rows. —- Vega p. 495 Pl. XXXV f. 6. Marine: Labuan! 148 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 12. Q. (Stictoneis) binotata Gruy. (1863). -—— V. elliptical. L. 0,033; B. 0,022 mm. Locu- lus single in the middle of one of the margins (entire frustules shew one loculus on each side), large with convex interior margin. Central area transversely dilated to a short pseudostauros. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm., radiate near the ends, punctate; puncta about 11 in 0,01 mm. forming curved, oblique rows. — Cocconeis Scutellum y Roper M. J. VI p. 24 Pl. TI f. 9. Coce. binotata Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 145 Pl. IV f. 13 a,b. Orthon. binot. Grun. Novara p. 15. V.H. Syn. Pl. XXVIII f. 7. Marine: England! France! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic Sea! Red Sea (Grun.), Nicobar Islands (Grun.), Island of Rhea! Australia! Cape Good Hope (Grun.), West Indies! Var. atlantica Grun. — V. elliptical to elliptic-laneeolate. Loculi elongated. Strie finer. — Novara p. 15 Pl. I f. 11. Marine: Atlantic, Honduras (Grun.). On living specimens a long horn of mucoid substance projects from the loculus. 13. 0. (Stictoneis) Crucicula Grow. (1877). — V. elliptical. L. 0,014 to 0,017; B. 0,008 to 0,o1 mm. Loculi along the whole margin, 4 on each side, with invard margins convex. Central nodule transversely dilated into a stauros. Striew 22 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, finely punctate (puncta in decussating lines 2) — M. J. 1877 p. 177 Pl. CXCV f. 8. Marine: Honduras, Adriatic (Grun.). 14. 0. (Stictoneis) fimbriata Brw. (1859). — V. elliptical. L. 0,02 to 0,05; B. 0,017 to 0,033 mm. Loculi large, 3 to 6 on each side, with interior margin convex. Striz 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. forming oblique and curved lines. The rows of puncta end near the margin in double rows of small puncta. — Coccon. fimbr. M. J. VII p. 179 Pl. IX f. 13. Mastogloia cribrosa Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 577 Pl. VII f. 10 d. Marine: Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea! Mauritius! Madagascar! Sumbava! Japan! China! Australia! Oceania! Honduras and Brazil (Grun.). 15. O. Clevei Grun. (1880). — V. elliptical. L. 0,046; B. 0,03 mm. Loculi 2,5 in 0,01 mm. narrower outwards. Striz 8 in 0,01 mm. of large puncta, about 8 in 0,01 mm. forming oblique rows. The striz end at the margin in double rows of small puncta. — V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVIII f. 4. Marine: Mauritius! Seychelles! Java! Barbados (Grun.). Resembles O. fimbriata, but has shorter, more numerous loculi, which become narrow outward. 16. 0, splendida Gree. (1857). — V. elliptical. L. 0,07 to 0,17; B. 0,052 to 0,13 mm. Loculi 2 to 3 in 0,01 mm., narrowed outwards. Their inner margin straight. The ends of the median line curved in the same direction. Striz 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, composed of large puncta, forming elegantly curved and decussating rows, 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm., ending near the margin in double rows of small puncta. — Cocc. splendida Grea. D. of Clyde p. 493 Pl. IX f. 29. Cocc. punctatissima Guev. M. J. V p. 8 PL. III f. 1 (1857). MW. eribrosa Grun. Verh. 1860 p- 577 Pl. VII f. 10 a. Orthon. splend. Grun. Novara p. 15 (1867). V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVIII f. 1, 2. Truan a. Wirt D. of Jeremie Pl. IV f. 13. Pant. II Pl. XXIV f. 352. Marine: Scotland (Greg.), Bohuslin! Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Red Sea! Seychelles! Madagascar! Sumatra! China! Japan! Oceania! Galapagos Islands! Honduras (Rabh.), Colon! West Indies! Fossil: Hungary! Moravia! Nankoori! California! Jeremie (Truan a. Witt), Oamaru! Widely distributed and easily recognized species. Fossil specimens from Moravia and Hun- gary attain a gigantic size. 17. 0. Wrightii O'Meara (1867). — V. broadly elliptical. L. 0,027 to 0,034; B. 0,018 to 0,025 mm. Median line straight, not reaching to the margin and enclosed between two rows of puncta, 12 to 13 in 0,01 mm. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a marginal rim. Puncta of KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%. w:o 3. 149 the valve forming transverse and decussating rows. Transverse rows 9, oblique rows 8 in 0,01 mm. Marginal puncta frequently double. — Coce. Wr. O'M. M. J. N. S, VII PL. VII f. 6? Perir D. Campbell p. 12. Pl. IV f. 3? O. barbadensis var. nankoorensis Grun. Novara p. 98 Pl. 1 A f. 10 (1867)? Marine: Cape Horn (Petit Coll.)! None of the figures corresponds exactly with this species, so that the identification is doubtful. As Orthoneis Pethéi Pantocsrx has figured (III Pl. IX f. 148) a similar, but acumi- nate form. 18. 0. barbadensis Grev. (1864). — V. elliptical to orbicular. L. 0,05 to 0,08; B. 0,03 to 0,05 mm. Loculi? Median line slightly undulate. Puncta more crowded near the margin, where they form short strie, about 8 in 0,01 mm., transversely elongated at the median line (9 in 0,01 mm.), where they form a longitudinal band on both sides of the line. The puncta of the valve are larger towards the median line than towards the margin and form elegantly curved decussa- ting rows. — Cocc. barbadensis Grev. T. M. 8. XII p. 14 Pl. IL f. 10. Coce. naviculoides Grev. T. M.S. XIII p. 34 Pl. IV f. 24 (1865). Marine: Barbados, foss.! Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! Var.(?) tenuipunctata Brun (1893). — L. 0.12 to 0,15 mm. Striz 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Diatomiste I p. 176 Pl. XXIV f. 8. Marine: Oamaru, fossil. 19. 0. Grovei Cu. (1892). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,1 to 0,11; B. 0,04 to 0,o45 mm. Central area small, subquadrate. Median line undulating. Loculi subequal, quadrate, about 3 in 0,01 mm., forming a band along the margin. Transverse rows of puncta 9 in 0,01 mm.; oblique rows 10 in 0,01 mm. Transverse rows not ending with double rows. Puncta along the median line not elongated. — M. Grovei Cu. Diatomiste I p. 161 Pl. XXIII f. 10. Marine: Barbados, foss.! Var. rhombica Cu. — V. rhombic-lanceolate. LL. 0,1; B. 0,c25 mm. Central area small, with some isolated puncta. Strize as in the type, but near the margin crossed by a narrow blank line. — Pl. II f. 14. Marine: Barbados, fossil (Deby Coll.)! 20. 0. cribrosa Grun. (1860). — Elliptical. L. 0,034 to 0,05; B. 0,027 to 0,03 mm. Loculi quadrate, 2 to 4 in 0,01 mm. forming a band along the margin. Median line straight. Central area indistinct. Transverse rows of puncta 7 to 10 in 0,01 mm. not ending with double rows of small puncta. Oblique rows of puncta gently curved. — Mastogl. cribrosa Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 577 Pl. VIL f. 10 ¢. Orthon. cribr. Grun. Novara p. 16 (1867). V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVIII f. 6. Marine: Adriatic! Nicobar Islands (Grun.), Port Jackson! Japan! Samoa! Tahiti! O. cribrosa greatly resembles O. fimbriata, but the loculi are entirely different, and there are no double rows of small puncta at the end of the transverse rows. 21. 0. Horvathiana Grun. (1860). — Elliptical. L. 0,035; B. 0,024 mm. Loculi 5 to 8 in 0,01 mm., rectangular, forming a broad band along the margin. Transverse rows of puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. Oblique rows gently curved. — Mast. Horvath. Gruy. Verh. 1860 p. 578 Pl. VIL f. 13. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 41. Marine: Red Sea (Grun.), Samoa! Tahiti (Grun.), Honduras (Grun.), Java (Atl.). Nearly akin to O. cribrosa and differing in its closer loculi and finer striations. This may probably be regarded as O. cribrosa var. 22. 0. cocconeiformis Grun. (1860). — Orbicular. L. 0,036; B. 0,028 to 0,03 mm. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm., rectangular, forming a broad band along the margin. Puncta forming radiate 150 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. rows, 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm,, curved oblique rows and, near the slightly undulating median line, almost longitudinal rows. — Mastogl. coccon. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 578 Pl. VII f. 14. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 43. Icon. n. Pl. II f. 20. Marine: Red Sea! Madagascar! Bahamas (Grove Coll.)! 23. QO. oamaruensis Cu. N. Sp. — V. elliptical. L. 0,05; B. 0,03 mm. Loculi? Median line undulating. V. with very distant large puncta, along the median line 5 in 0,01 mm. Margin with double-rows (4 in 0,01 mm.) of small puncta. — Pl. II f. 19. Marine: Colombo, Ceylon (Le Tourneur Coll.)! Oamaru, New Zealand, fossil! Coccon. armata Gruv. (T. M. 8. XIV p. 126 Pl. XI f. 13, 1866) is, to judge from the figure, nearly akin to O. oamaruensis and to O. barbadensis. The »marginal tubercles» of this form, mentioned by GREVILLE are beyond doubt loculi. All these forms are only insufficiently described and figured. In this species the puncta are not arranged in decussating rows, so that it strictly does not belong to this division, but in other respects is nearly akin to the latest described species. 24. M.? (Diadesmis) gallica W. Sm. (1857). — V. linear elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,09 to 0,015; B. 0,003 to 0,oo4 mm. Loculi small, about 12 in 0,01 mm. forming a band of puncta along the margin. Striz about 28 in 0,01 mm. — Diad. gallica W. Sm. Ann. Mag. N. Hist. XIX p. 11 PL Il f. 16. V. H. Syn. Pl. XIV f. 39. Navicula parvula H. L. Surry Am. Q. J. M. 1878 p. 14 Pl. III f. 4. Fresh water, moist earth etc.: Spetsbergen (Lagst.), Upsala! Brussells (V. H.), Havre (W. Sm.), America (H. L. Sm.). One of the smallest diatoms, characterized by the marginal granulation, which I believe to be loculi. The frustules occur in long bands. 25. M. marginulata Gruy. (1867). — V. narrow lanceolate or linear, obtuse. L. 0,025 to to 0,08; B. 0,0057 to 0,o11 mm. Loculi 12 to 14 in 0,01 mm. Strie 22 in 0,01 mm. transverse. — Novara p. 16 Pl. If. 12. M. J. 1877 p. 175. A. 8S. Atl. CLXXXVI, 30. Marine: Adriatic, Australia, Samoa, Tahiti, New Zealand, Chile, Honduras (Grun.). I have not seen this small form, which seems to be widely distributed. It may perhaps be the same as M. inequalis Ct. 26. M. inequalis Cr. — V. narrow lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,05; B. 0,01 mm. Loculi in one half (valve imagined cut along the transverse axis) of the valve quadrate, 10 in 0,01 mm., in the other more narrow (15 in 0,01 mm.) forming a band along the whole margin. Strie parallel about 30 in 0,01 mm. — PI. IJ f. 15. Marine: Australia (Méller), Java! Rodriguez! I have seen many specimens all agreeing, so that the different size of the loculi seems to be a characteristic feature. 27. M. Rhombulus Cu. N. Sp. — V. rhomboid acute. L. 0,03; B. 0,oos mm. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. with straight interior margin, forming a narrow marginal band. Median line slightly undulating. Strie 21 in 0,01 mm. not distinctly punctate. Marine Pensacola (Grove Coll.)! 28. M. Lancettula Cu. (1892). — V. rhomboid, subacute. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,008 to 0,01 mm. Central area small, rounded. Median line undulating. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm., narrow, with somewhat convex interior margins, in a band along the whole margin. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. composed of distinct puncta forming longitudinal rows, 13 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — Diatomiste I p. 163 Pl. XXIII f. 18. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 24. Marine: Cebu, Philippines! Java! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%, wo 3. 151 29. M. affinis Cr. N. Sp. — V. narrow lanceolate. L. 0,035; B. 0,01 mm. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm., almost equal, with inner margin convex, forming a band reaching to the ends. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. composed of 4 to 5 elongated puncta. — Diatomiste I p. 163 Pl. XXIII f. 19. Marine: Galapagos Islands! This small species is nearly akin to M. kariana, but has closer loculi and more coarsely punctate striz. In the shellsand from Norway (Cl. M. D. 311) a similar form occurs frequently without loculi, which may possibly have been destroyed in the cleaning processes. 30. M. kariana Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,05; B. 0,011 mm. Central area small, orbicular. Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm. larger in the middle, with convex interior margin. Strize 11,5 in 0,1 mm. parallel, finely punctate. — A. D. p. 17 Pl. I f. 3. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). 81. 0. notata Panr. (1889). — V. elliptical. L. 0,035; B. 0,0205 mm. Loculi 6 on each side, with convex interior margin. Striz 15 in 0,01 mm., subradiate, punctate. — Pant. II p. 57 Pl. XXVII f. 392. Marine: Bory, Hungary, foss. (Pant.). Species entirely unknown to me. As the punctation is not described, it is impossible to say what are its affinities. 32. M. floridana Cx. (1894). — V. elliptical, rostrate. LL. 0,043; B. 0,015 mm. Median line straight. Axial area indistinct. Central area small, orbicular. Loculi unequal, the two to four median much larger than the others (8 to 9 in 0,01 mm.), which form a narrow marginal band, reaching nearly to the ends. Striz 14 to 16 in 0,01 mm., very slightly radiate, distinctly punctate; puncta, about 14 in 0,01 mm., forming longitudinal rows. — WM. floridea (name altered by the editor) Diatomiste II p. 55 PL III f. 1. Marine: Pensacola (Grove Coll.)! 33. M. pusilla Grun. (1878). — V. narrow, linear-elliptical to lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,02 to 0,035; B. 0,oo6 mm. Loculi about 7 in 0,01 mm., 7 to 16 in each row, the median ones larger. Strie 14 to 17 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, finely punctate. — M. Smithii var.? pusilla Grun. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 14 Pl. III f. 10. Cru. M. D. No 206. A. S. Atl. CLXXXV, 34. Icon. n. Pl, 1 £ 8. Brackish and marine: Caspian Sea (Grun.), Adriatic! 34. M, minuta Grev. (1857). — V. elliptical, apiculate. L. 0,02 to 0,035; B. 0,01 to 0,013 mm. Loculi 6 to 9 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, quadrate to rectangular, forming a band reaching nearly to the ends. Strie 15 to 16 in 0,01 mm. parallel, not interrupted, distinctly punctate. — M. J. V. p. 12 Pl. Tf. 10. A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVIT, 22. Icon. n. Pl. II f. 7. Marine! Seychelles! Java! Samoa! Sandwich Islands (Grun.), Honduras! Trinidad (Grun.)! Bahamas (Grove Coll.)! Valparaiso (A+tl.). 35. M. (Stigmaphora) capitata Br. (1891). — V. narrow, lanceolate, capitate-rostrate. L. 0,03 to 0,035; B. 0,o1 mm. Loculi two on each side, in the middle of the margin, rounded. Strie? — D. espéces nouv. p. 45 Pl. XI f. 13. ; Marine: Java, parasitical on Rhizosolenia (Brun). 36. M. exigua Lewis (1861). — V. fusiform to lanceolate. LL. 0,025 to 0,04; B. 0,011 mm. Loculi few, 2 to 6 in the middle of each margin, 4 in 0,01 mm., with somewhat rounded interior edges. Strive 20 to 24 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. — Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad. 1861 p. 65 Pl. I f. 5. V.H. Syn. p. 70 Pl. IV f. 25, 26. A. S. Atl. CLXXXYV f. 33. M. amygdala Levp. Fortm. D. Malaise p. 19 Pl. II f. 7 (1892). Brackish and marine: Baltic (Gothland)! Belgium (V. H.), Atlantic coast of America! Behring Island! , 152 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 37. M. Smithii Tuwarres (1848 fide W. Sm.). — V. lanceolate, more or less rostrate, or rostrate-capitate. L. 0,027 to 0,053; B. 0,01 to 0,016 mm. Loculi 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, quadrate, forming a band ending at some distance from the ends of the valve. Striz 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, or radiate at the ends, punctate; puncta about 24 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal rows. Central area small, rounded. — W. Sm. B. D. II p. 65 Pl. LIV f. 341. V. H. Syn p. 70 Pl. IV f. 13. M. lanceolata var. Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 576 Pl. VIL f. 6. M. lanceo- lata var. hungarica Pant. II p. 41 Pl. VII f. 136 (1889). Brackish water: Baltic (from Tornea to Riigen)! Saxony! Caspian Sea (Grun.), England! Australia! Tasmania! Fossil: Hungary (Czekehaza! etc.). Var. lacustris Grun. (1878). — Central area transverse, moderately large. Striz 15 to 16 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. — Caspian Sea Alg. p. 14. V. H. Syn. Pl IV f. 14. M. antiqua Scuum. Preuss. D. p. 190 Pl. IX f. 58 ¢, e (1862). Fresh water: Spitsbergen! Gulf of Bothnia! Iceland! England! Belgium (V. H.). Var. lanceolata Grun. (1878). — V. linear lanceolate, slightly rostrate. Li. 0,045 to 0,05; B. 0,008 mm. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. Strie 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm. radiate. — Cu. M. D. N:o 161. M. Smithii Pant. ITI Pl. XXXVI f. 520. Brackish water: Gothland! Var. amphicephala Grun. (1878). — V. with capitate ends. — M. Smithii 8B W. Sm. M. Sm. var. amphic. Grun. in Cl. M. D. Nio 161. V. H. Syn. Pl. IV f. 27. A. 8S. Atl, CLXXXV, 13, 14. M. capitata Grev. M. J. N. 8. II p. 235 Pl. X f. 11, 12? Brackish: Baltic! England, Scotland Sm., Morocco (Atl.). Var. intermedia Grun. (1878). — V. lanceolate, slightly rostrate. I. 0,032 to 0,037; B. 0,0125 mm. Central area very small. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm. Strie 18 to 19 in 0,01 mm., somewhat radiate. — Caspian Sea Alg. p. 13. Brackish: Caspian Sea (Grun.), South Africa (Cl. M. D. N:o 197), Karand, Hungary, fossil! Var. abnormis Grun. (1878). — V. lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,065; B. 0,02 mm. Loculi 6 in 0,o1 mm. in a band at some distance from the margin. Central nodule slightly transversely dilated. Strie 17 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 17 in 0,01 mm. — Casp. Sea Alg. p. 14. Jeon. n. Pl. ID f. 17. Brackish: Caspian Sea (Grun.). Marine: Hungary, Karand, fossil (Deby Coll.). Description from a specimen from Karand. Var. doljensis Pant. (1886). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,03 to 0,04: B. 0,001 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated into a stauros. Loculi 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm. Strie 27,5 in 0,01 mm. parallel (radiate on the figure given by Pant.). — Pant. I p. 22 Pl. X f. 88. Brackish: Dolje, Hungary, fossil (Pant.). 38. M. elliptica Ac. (1833). — V. elliptical. L. 0,022 to 0,045; B. 0,01 to 0,018 mm. Central area orbicular, small, but distinct. Loculi 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, forming a band, which ends at some distance from the ends. Striz 20 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, finely punctate. — Frustulia elliptica Ag. in Kitz. Syn. p. 10. M. Dansei var. elliptica V. H. Syn. Pl. IV f. 19. Danner. Baltic D. Pl. IV f. 19. M. obtusa Pant. II p. 41 Pl. VIT f. 134 (1889). Brackish water: Sweden (Baltic, extremely abundant)! Saxony! England! Belgium! Ecuador (Bafios, Tesalia)! Var. australis Cu. — L. 0,032 to 0,036; B. 0,01 to 0,013 mm. Loculi 9 in 0,01 mm. Striee 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. Slightly brackish water; Mitchell River, Australia! Rioja, rep. Argentina! Var. Dansei Taw. (1856). — V. narrow, linear with cuneate ends. L. 0,035 to 0,04; B. 0,01 to 0,o12 mm, Striz 18 in 0,01 mm., finely punctate. — M. Dansei Tuw. Sm. B. D. II p. 64 * KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. N:0O 3 155 Pl. LXII f. 388. V. H. Syn. p. 70 Pl. IV f. 18. A. 8. Atl. CLXXXV, 5 to 8. M. antiqua Scuum. Preuss. D. Pl. IX f. 58 a (1862). Brackish, or almost fresh water: Sweden (Gothland)! England! Belgium (V. H.), Saxony! Tasmania! Australia (Atl). Var. punctata Cu. — Linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,04 to 0,065; B. 0,01 to 0,012 mm. Striz 15 in 0,01 mm.; puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. Almost fresh water: Australia (Mitchell River)! Gothland! 39. M. lanceolata Tuwarres (1848 fide W. Sm.). — V. lanceolate, frequently acuminate. L. 0,04 to 0,05; B. 0,017 to 0,019 mm. Central area not distinct. Median line slightly undulating. Loculi 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. rectangular, of equal size, forming bands ending near the extremities. Strie about 19 in 0,01 mm. parallel, convergent at the ends, punctate; puncta 25 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal rows. — W. Sm. B. D. II p. 64 Pl. LIV f. 340. Gru. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 14 Pl. WI f. 11. V. H. Syn. p. 70 Pl IV f. 15 to 17. A. S. Atl CLXXXVI, 21, 22. Brackish and marine: Baltic (Riigen)! Caspian Sea (Grun.), England! Adriatic Sea! Labuan! Port Jackson! Pensacola! 40. M. fallax Ci. N. Sp. — V. lanceolate, slightly rostrate. L. 0,045 to 0,047; B. 0,018 mm. Median line slightly undulating. Axial area indistinct. Central area small. Loculi 10 in 0.01 mm. forming a marginal band ending near the extremities. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, the median shorter, composed of elongated puncta forming longitudinal rows, closer at the margins. — Pl. IT f. 16. Marine: Seychelles (V. H. Coll.)! Java! This species resembles VM. lanceolata, but its strie are radiate throughout and have a diffe- rent punctation. In outline it resembles Grunow’s Rhaphoneis dubia (Novara p. 99 Pl. 1 A f. 6) which seems to be a Mastogloia, but has coarser strie than I. fallax. 41. M. laminaris Eup. (1843). —- V. lanceolate, frequently slightly acuminate. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,01 to 0,015 mm. Median line very slightly undulating or straight. Central area not distinct. Loculi 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, forming bands ending near the extremities. Strie about 21 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, very finely punctate. — Ceratoneis lamin. Ens. Am. Pl. III: 7 f. 24 (fide Grun.). Cu. Vega p. 494. Cr. M. D. No 153. Marine: Adriatic! Corsica! Labuan! Java! Pensacola (Grove Coll.)! Var. intermedia Cu. — L. 0,035; B. 0,015 mm. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm. Striz 21 in 0,01 mm. — Pl Uf. 10. Marine: Japan! M. laminaris resembles M. lanceolata, but has larger loculi and finer striee. The var. ¢nter- media takes an intermediate position. 42. M. Portierana Grun. (1863). — V. lanceolate, slightly rostrate. L. 0,095; B. 0,027 mm. Loculi 7 in 0,01 mm. equal, forming a band reaching to the apices. Strie fine, more than 22 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate. — Verh. 1863 p. 157 Pl. IV f. 3. Marine: Red Sea (Grun.). Unknown to me, seems to be allied to M. lanceolata or laminaris. 43. M. pulchella Cr. N. Sp. — V. rhomboid, acute. L. 0,1; B. 0,o28 mm. Median line undulating. Axial area indistinct; central area small, irregular. Loculi quadrate, 8 in 0,01 mm. forming a marginal band reaching to the ends. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate, crossed by several faint longitudinal lines. — Pl. II f. 27, 28, 29. Marine: Java. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. Band 27. N:o 3. 20 154 Pv. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 44. M. elegans Lewis (1865). — V. lanceolate, subacute or subrostrate. L. 0,066; B. 0,026 mm. Loculi 3 to 7 in 0,01 mm., delicate, frequently rudimentary, forming a band along the whole margin. Median line almost straight, or very slightly undulating. Central area very small, or indistinct. Strie about 15 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel throughout, punctate; puncta about 15 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal rows. — Proced. Acad. Nat. Se. Philadelphia 1865 p. 13 Pl. I f. 9. — Grun. Foss. D. Ost. Ungarns p. 150 Pl. XXIX f. 20. A. 8S. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 19, 20. Marine: Atlantic coast of U. St.! Java! Pensacola! Foss. Bory, Hungary! 45. M. paradoxa Grun. (1878). — V. linear-lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,055; B. 0,014 mm. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. equal, forming a band at some distance from the margin, and ending at a considerable distance from the extremities. Strie 26 to 29 in 0,01 mm. — Cu. M. D. N:o 153. M. Seychellensis Gruy. Casp. Sea Alg. p. 14. Marine: Corsica (Grun.), Seychelles (Grun.). This species is unknown to me, having failed in finding it in Cl. M. D. N:o 153. The above description is from a sketch sent by Grunow, who does not indicate whether the striz are longitudinal, straight, or oblique, for which reason its place in the system is uncertain. 46. M. erythrea Grun. (1860). — V. lanceolate with acuminate or apiculate ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,01 to 0,013 mm. Loculi about 12 in 0,01 mm., forming a band interrupted in one or two places by one, to three, larger loculi. Median line undulating. Areas indistinct. Strize 21 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, punctate; puncta forming undulating longitudinal rows, about 14 in 0,01 mm. — Verh. 1860 p. 577 Pl. VIL f. 4. M. J. 1877 p. 174 Pl. CXCIV f. 12 to 14. A.S. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 25, 26. — M. bullata A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 36 (1898). Marine: Mediterranean, Adriatic and Black Seas! Red Sea (Grun.), Honduras (Grun.), Ba- hamas (Grove Coll.)! Var. biocellata Grun. (1877). — The larger loculi in the middle of the band. Strie 24 in 0,01 mm. — M. J. 1877 1. c. f. 15. Marine: Honduras (Grun.). Var.? interrupta Hantzcu (1862). — Larger loculi 4 to 6. — M. inter. Hantzscu Ost Ind. Arch. D. p. 20 Pl. VI f. 5. A. 8S. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 37. Marine: East Indies (Hantzsch), Nicobar Islands (Grun ). 47. M. constricta Ci. (1892). — V. elongated, with cuneate ends, constricted in the middle. L. 0,06; B. 0,011 at the constriction 0,o065 mm. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. of equal size and with straight interior margins. Median line undulating. Central area very small. Strie 21 in 0,01 mm. transverse, punctate; puncta about 20 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste I p. 159 Pl. XXIII f. 5. Marine: Java! 48. M. flexuosa Cit. N. Sp. — V. linear to elliptical with rostrate to acuminate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,011 to 0,o1 mm. Median line strongly sinuose. Loculi 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, quadrate, forming a band ending near the apices. Central area very small, orbicular. Strie 16 to 20 in 0,01 mm. parallel, of coarse elongated puncta, not forming straight lines. — Pll, 12. Marine: Pithyusian Islands! Mediterranean! This small species is remarkable for the strong flexure of its median line, near the central nodule. 49. M. cuspidata Cu. (1893). — V. elliptical, apiculate. L. 0,026; B.0,01 mm. Median line strongly flexuose. Axial and central areas indistinct. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a marginal band, ending below the extremities of the valve. Striz 25 in 0,01 mm., pa- rallel, not distinctly punctate. — Diatomiste II p. 16 Pl. I f. 18. Marine: Bahamas (Grove Coll.)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 2¢. w:o 3. 155 50. M. bisuleata Groun. (1877). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,017 to 0,03; B. 0,09 to 0,011 mm. Loculi 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm., of equal size, quadrate, forming bands not reaching to the extremities. Median line undulating. Strie 10,5 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, finely punctate, crossed on both sides of the median line by a narrow, arcuate furrow. — M. J. 1877 p. 176 Pl. CXCV f. 6. Marine: Honduras (Grun.). Var. corsicana Grun. (1878). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, apiculate. L. 0,025 to 0,032; B. 0,008 to 0,011 mm. Loculi 5 in 0,01 mm. Median line slightly undulating. Strie 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. crossed by one or two, narrow, longitudinal furrows. — WM. corsic. Gruy. Cl. M. D. Nio 153. IW. bisule. var. cors. Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. IV f. 28. Marine: Mediterranean! 51. M. rimosa Cu. (1893). — V. rhombic-lanceolate, with apiculate ends. L. 0,037; B. 0,013 mm. Median line flexuose. Axial area narrow, distinct. Loculi rectangular, about 10 in 0,01 mm., forming a broad band, reaching to the apiculi. Striz 11 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, convergent at the ends and crossed by a longitudinal furrow, not distinctly punctate. — Diatomiste vol. II p. 15 PL If 15. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 25. Marine: Bahamas (Grove Coll.)! 52. M. Goésii Cu. (1878). — V. elliptical with rostrate to capitate ends. Li. 0,036 to 0,06; B 0,013 to 0,o2 mm. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm., forming a narrow marginal band reaching to the apices. Median line straight. Areas not distinct. Strie 16 to 18 in 0,01 mm. of elongated puncta forming parallel, longitudinal rows, about 12 in 0,01 mm. — Nav. Goésiw Cu. West Ind. D. p. 6 Pl. If. 7. Mastogl. Goésii Cu. Diatomiste I p. 160 Pl. XXIII f. 6. A.S. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 23? Marine: Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Cebu, Philippines! West Indies! 53. M. undulata Grun. (1860). — V. broadly lanceolate, rostrate. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,012 to 0,018 mm. Loculi 9 to 12 in 0,01 mm. equal, forming bands, reaching to the apices. Median line strongly undulating. No distinct areas. Strie 17 to 18 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, of elongated puncta, forming longitudinal rows, about 9 in 0,01 mm. — Verh. 1860 p. 576 Pl. VII f. 5. M. J. 1877 p. 176 Pl. CXCV f. 5. Puraa. D. Villfranche p. 44 Pl. II f. 24. Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Adriatic! Seychelles (Grun.), Australia and Oceania (Grun.), Honduras (Grun.). 54. M. rhombica Cr. (1883). — V. rhomboid, with a shallow longitudinal depression on each side of the median line. L. 0,043; B. 0,02 mm. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming bands reaching to the ends. Median line undulating. Strie 11 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 17 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating longitudinal rows. — Vega p. 494 Pl. XXXV f. 9. Marine: Labuan! 55. M. affirmata Levp. Forrm. (1879). — V. rhomboid to lanceolate. L. 0,07 to 0,085; B. 0,035 to 0,04 mm. Median line undulating, unilaterally dilated at the central nodule. Loculi 9 to 11 in 0,01 mm., equal, forming broad bands, reaching to the ends. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm., parallel or slighly radiate at the ends, crossed by parallel longitudinal strie, 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. — Navic. affirm. Leup. Fortm. D. de Ceylan p. 24 Pl. IL f. 22. M. affirm. Cu. Diatomiste I p- 162 Pl. XXIII f. 15. WM. squamosa Br. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVIITI f. 19, 31 (1893). Marine: Ceylon, Colombo (Le Tourneur Coll.)! Philippines! Rodriguez (Atl.). 56. M: bahamensis Cu. (1893). — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,045; B. 0,022 mm. Median line dilated near the central nodule. Loculi 12 in 0,01 mm., equal, rectangular, forming a band, which reaches the ends of the valve. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm., composed of coarse, elongated puncta, forming longitudinal, or irregularly decussating, rows, about 8 in 0,01 mm. — Diatomiste IT p. 16 PLIfiz. A. 8S. Atl CLXXXVIITI f. 20, 21. Marine: Bahamas (Grove Coll.)! 156 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Closely akin to M. affirmata in all characteristics, but much smaller. Perhaps a forma minuta of this species. . 57. 0. ovata Grun. (1860). — V. elliptical. L. 0,035 to 0,036; B. 0,018 to 0,o2 mm. Loculi 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a rim along the margin. No areas. Strie 17 in 0,01 mm. transverse or slightly radiate at the ends, composed of elongated puncta, forming longitudinal rows, about 11 in 0,01 mm. — Mast. ovata Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 578 Pl. VII f. 12. A. D. p. 17 Pl. I f. 2. Orthon. ov. Grun. Novara p. 98. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.), Mediterranean, Adriatic and Black seas! Madagascar! Java! Samoa! Honduras (Grun.). Allied to O. ovata is probably MW. ovalis A. S. (Atl. CLXXXV f. 30) from Japan, L. 0,03; B. 0,018 mm. Strie 12 and loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. It is distinguished from O. ovata principally by the short bands of 7 loculi, which end at a considerable distance from the extremities of the valve. 58. M. lineata Cx. a. Grove (1891). — V. lanceolate, acute or apiculate. Li. 0,093; B. 0,034 mm. Loculi 2,5 in 0,01 mm. equal, delicate, with convex interior edges, along the whole margin of the valve. Median line slightly undulate. Central area very small, rounded. Strie 12 in 0,01 mm. parallel, composed of elongated puncta, forming straight, parallel, longitudinal rows, 7 in 0,01 mm. — Diatomiste I p. 59 Pl. IX f. 11. Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Cebu! 59. M. exarata Ci. N. Sp. -- V. lanceolate, apiculate. L. 0,065 to 0,08; B. 0,027 to 0,028 mm. Loculi 5 in 0,01 mm. delicate, with straight interior edges forming a narrow band along the margin. No areas. Median line straight. Strie 21 in 0,01 mm. parallel, of elongated puncta forming longitudinal, parallel, straight rows, 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. II f. 35. A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 38. Marine: China (Van Heurck Coll.)! Japan (Brun Coll.)! Similar to M. lineata, but differs by its closer loculi and finer striz. 60. M. arata Cu. N. Sp. — V. rhomboid. L. 0,09 to 0,11; B. 0,033 mm. Loculi 3,5 in 0,01 mm. delicate, equal, with straight interior edges, forming a band along the whole margin. Central area moderately large, rounded. Median line undulating. Strize 17 in 0,01 mm. transverse, compo- sed of elongated puncta, forming straight, parallel longitudinal rows, 11 in 0,01 mm. — Pl. If. 9. Marine: Island of Rhea, near Singapore! 61. M. acuta Grun. (1883). — V. lanceolate to rhomboid. L. 0,04; B. 0,015 mm. Loculi of unequal size, larger in the middle, forming a band at some distance from the margin and ending at a distance from the apices. No areas. Striz about 30 in 0,01 mm., crossed by more distant longitudinal furrows, about 17 in 0,01 mm. — Vega p. 494 Pl. XXXV f. 8. Icon. n. Pl. IT fi 13. Marine: Seychelles (Grun.), Labuan! M. lineolata A. 8. (Atl. CLXXXVI f. 33) from Malabar resembles somewhat M. acuta, but the figure is too little detailed for identification. 62. M. baltica Grun. (1880). — V. lanceolate, with broad, rostrate ends. L. 0,03 to 0,04; B. 0,013 to 0,016 mm. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a band, ending at some di- stance from the extremities. Median line straight enclosed between two approximate longitudinal ribs. No areas. Stria 20 to 21 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate; puncta forming longitudinal rows. — V. H. Syn. Pl. IV f. 24. MW. lanceolata var. elliptica and var. amphicephala Dannr. Baltic D. pe 16 Fit 2? Brackish water: Baltic (Gothland, Rigen)! South Africa! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%. w:o 3. 157 This species has a close resemblance to M. Smithii, from which it is however distinguished by the longitudinal lines close to the median line. The following three species are nearly akin to M. baltica and all may perhaps more properly be considered as varieties of M. apiculata. 63. M. Citrus Cx. (1883). — V. broadly elliptical, apiculate. L. 0,03 to 0,04; B. 0,016 to 0,o24 mm. Loculi about 9 in 0,01 mm., of equal size, quadrate, forming a band reaching to the ‘apiculi. Strie 18 or 19 (middle) to 23 (ends) in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. — M. baltica var.? Citrus Cu. Vega p. 495 Pl. XXXV f. 7. M. suborbicularis Leup. Forru. D. de Malaisie p. 19 Pl. Il f. 6 (1892)? M. Citrus A. 8. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 16 to 19. Icon. n. Pl. II f. 6. Marine: Adriatic! Labuan! Sandwich Islands! Vera Cruz (Atl.), Jamaica (Grove Coll.)! 64. M apiculata W. Sm. (1856). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, frequently rostrate. Li. 0,05 to 0,09; B. 0,023 mm. Loculi 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a band, ending near the extremities. Median line straight, enclosed between two approximate longitudinal ribs. No areas. Striz 15 to 19 in 0,01 mm., almost parallel, finely punctate; puncta 19 to 23 in 0,01 mm., forming fine, longitudinal rows. — B. D. II p. 65 Pl. LXII f. 387. A.S. Atl CLXXXV f. 43, CLXXXVI f. 23. Icon. n. Pl. ID f. 24, 25. M. acutiuscula Grun. in Cl. Vega p. 495. M. angulata Prrac. D. de Villefr. Pl. TII f. 22 (1888). M. balkanica Br A. S. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 40 (1893)? Marine: North Sea (England, Sweden)! Cherbourg (Grun.), Mediterranean Sea! Sebastopol! China! 65. M. labuensis Cx. (1883). — V. linear, with cuneate ends. L. 0,064 to 0,075; B. 0,015 to 0,o16 mm. Median line straight, enclosed between two approximate longitudinal ribs. No areas. Loculi 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming bands reaching nearly to the ex- tremities. Striz 15 to 17 in 0,01 mm. parallel, or slightly radiate towards the extremities, coarse- ly punctate, puncta 17 in 0,01 mm., forming straight, longitudinal rows. — M. acutiusc. var. lab. Cu. Vega p. 495 Pl. XXXV f. 5. WM. lab. A. 8. Atl CLXXXYV f. 4? CLXXXVII f. 2. Icon. n. Pl. II f. 5. Marine: Labuan! Philippines! 66. M. Peragalli Cx. (1892). — V. elliptic-lanceolate, rostrate. lL. 0,052 to 0,058; B. 0,0025 to 0,oo27 mm. Median line undulating, enclosed between two, not very approximate longitudinal ribs. No axial area. Central area small. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm., almost equal, rectangular, forming bands, reaching to the apices and with slightly undulating interior edges. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm. parallel, or slightly radiate towards the ends, punctate; puncta about 20 in 0,01 mm., forming straight, parallel, longitudinal rows. — WM. sp.? Prag. D. Villefranche p. 44 Pl. III f. 23. MM. Perag. Cu. Diatomiste I p. 160 Pl. XXIII f. 7. Marine: Mediterranean Sea (Perag.), Sumatra (Deby Coll.)! Japan! 67. M. Pisciculus Cu. (1894). — V. lanceolate, subacuminate. L. 0,035; B. 0,015 mm. Median line sinuose. Axial area indistinct. Central area orbicular, small. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm., quadrate, equal, forming a marginal band, ending below the extremities of the valve. Strie 21 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, radiate at the ends, finely punctate, puncta forming longitudinal rows. The strie are crossed by a longitudinal line at some distance from the median line. The striz inside the longitudinal lines faint. — Diatomiste II p. 55 Pl. I f 2. Marine: Pensacola (Grove Coll.)! 68. M. pumila Gruy. (1880). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,025 to 0,028; B. 0,01 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, prolonged into narrow horns, parallel to the margin. Loculi 6 to 8 on each side, of unequal size, the median being largest. Striz 23 in 0,01 mm. parallel. — M. Braunii var. pumila Grun. V. H. Syn. p. 71 Pl. IV f. 23. A. S. Atl. CLXXXV f. 36, 37. Slightly brackish water: Baltic (Dannf.), Hawaii! 158 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 69. M. Braunii Gru. (1863). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,04 to 0,095; B. 0,014 to 0,027 mm. Central nodule large, quadrate, prolonged into narrow horns, as to form a lyriform figure. Loculi 4,5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. quadrate, equal, or the median larger, forming a band ending near the extremities. Strie 18 to 22 in 0,01 mm. parallel, radiate towards the ends, finely punctate; puncta about 25 in 0,01 mm. — Verh. 1863 p. 156 Pl. IV f. 2. Danny. Balt. D. PL If. 4. V. H. Syn. p- 71 PL IV f. 21, 22, A. S. Atl CLXXXV f. 39, 40, 45; CLXXXVIII f. 4 to 12. M. Kins- mannit Lewis Proced. Ac. Nat. Hist. Philad. p. 13 PI. II f. 15 (1865). Brackish water: Spitsbergen! Baltic! Caspian Sea! Saxony! North Sea! Mediterranean, Adriatic and Black Seas! Red Sea (Grun.), Japan! Pensacola! Cape May (Lewis). 70. M. Debyi Cx. (1892). — V. narrow, rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,055; B. 0,014 mm. Median line strongly flexuose. Central area quadrate, expanded into narrow, linear lateral areas, parallel to the median line. Loculi 8 in 0,01 mm. quadrate, forming a narrow band reaching to the ends. Strie 15 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, finely punctate. — Diatomiste I p. 161 Pl. XXIII f. 11. Nav. perducta Pant. III Pl. XVIII f. 262 (1893). M. rhomboidalis Panv. III Pl. XLI f. 563 (1893)? Marine: Karand, Hungary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! 71. M. baltjikiana Grun. (188 ?). —- V. elliptical to elliptic-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,042; B. 0,02 mm. Median line undulating. Central area broad, transverse, merging into two narrow, lunate lateral areas. Loculi 6 to 8 in 0,01 mm., equal, rectangular, forming bands, ending at some distance from the apices. Strie 16 to 17 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, coarsely punctate; puncta about 16 in 0,01 mm. — M. Brawnii var. baltjikiana Grun. in V. H. Types N:o 545. M. baltj. A. 8. Atl CLXXXVIII f. 2. Icon. n. Pl. ID f. 11. M. Pethéi Panr. III Pl. XXXVI f. 519 (1893). M. neogena Pant. III Pl. XLI f. 559 (1893). MM. Kinkerti Pant. IIT Pl. XLI f. 562 (1898). Navicula Orphet Pant. III Pl. XLII f. 580 (1893). Marine: Baltjik, foss.! Var. bullata Cu. — Areas with some few scattered, large puncta. L. 0,09; B. 0,024 mm. Strie 17 in 0,01 mm. Puncta 16 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Russia, fossil (Deby Coll.)! 72. M. Macdonaldii Grev. (1865). — V. lanceolate to rhomboid, subacute. L. 0,035 to 0,045; B. 0,013 to 0,017 mm. Median line slightly undulating. Central nodule transversely dilated into a broad stauros. Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm., decreasing in size towards the extremities and with slightly rounded interior edges. Striz 22 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout, crossed by large, semi- lanceolate areas, punctate; puncta about 22 in 0,01 mm. forming somewhat undulating longitudinal rows. — T. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII p. 237 Pl. II f. 15. A. 8S. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 42, 43. Icon. n. Pl. IL f. 21. Marine: Corsica! Adriatic! Philippines! Australia (Grev.). 73. M. euxina Cu. (1892). — V. lanceolate. LL. 0,07; B. 0,026 mm. Median line undulating, Axial area narrow. Central nodule transversely dilated into a short stauros. Axial area narrow; central area prolonged into the narrow, lunate lateral areas. Loculi 5 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a band reaching nearly to the ends. Striz 17 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta about 18 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating longitudinal rows. Axial strie short. — Diatomiste I p. 160 Pl. XXIII f. 9. Marine: Baltjik, fossil! 74. M. entoleia Cx. (1892). — V. lanceolate. L. 0,07; B. 0,025 mm. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, rectangular, forming bands ending at some distance from the extremities. Median line undulating. Axial area lanceolate, moderately broad. Striz 17 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta, about 14 in 0.01 mm., forming longitudinal undulating rows. — Diatomiste I p. 160 Pl. XXIII f. 8. A. S. Atl CLXXXVIITI f. 15 to 17. Marine: Baltjik, foss.! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%. w:o 3. 159 A similar, not described, and insufficiently figured, form seems to be M. obtusa var. fluvia- tls Brun in A. §. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 18. 75. M. antiqua Ci. (1893). — V. rhomboid. L. 0,08; B. 0,03 mm, Median line slightly undulating. Axial area a narrow, lanceolate space. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm., equal, quadrate, forming a band inside the margin and ending at some distance from the extremities. Strie 18 in 0,01 mm. parallel, very slightly radiate at the ends, punctate; puncta 18 in 0,01 mm., forming undu- lating longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste II p. 16 Pl. I f. 19. Marine: Karand, Hungary, fossil (Deby Coll.)! 76. M. eruciata Leup. Fort. (1879). — V. rhomboid. L. 0,085 to 0,122; B. 0,053 to 0,057 mm. Central nodule transversely dilated into a stauros, not reaching to the margins. Median line slightly undulating. Loculi? Lateral areas large, semilanceolate, crossed by faint strie. Striz marginal and axial. Marginal striz 8 to 9 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 12 in 0,01 mm. Axial strie short. —- Nav. cruc. Leup. Forrm. D. Ceylan p. 25 Pl. II f. 19. Mast. crue. Cu. Dia- tomiste I p. 65 Pl. X f. 4 (1891). A. S. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 50. Marine: Ceylon (Le Tourneur Coll.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Philippines! 77. M. Craveni Leup. Fort. (1879). — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,111; B. 0,056 to 0,06 mm. Median line almost straight. Central area irregularly rounded, moderately large. Loculi? Lateral areas large, with numerous and irregular longitudinal rows (about 7 in 0,01 mm.) of elongated puncta. Strie marginal and axial. Marginal strie 12 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta about 14 in 001 mm. — Navicula Crav. Leup. Fortm. D. Ceylan p. 25 Pl. II f. 20. Mastogl. Crav. Cu. Diatomiste I p. 66 Pl. X f. 5. Marine: Colombo, Ceylon (Le Tourneur Coll.)! 78. M. Leudugeri Cu. a. Grove (1891). — V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,12; B. 0,06 mm. Median line undulating. Central area small, subquadrate. Axial area very narrow. Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm., quadrate, equal, forming a band, reaching to the extremities. Lateral areas broad, semi- lanceolate, with numerous longitudinal rows (about 7 in 0,01 mm.) of short strie. Striz marginal and axial, 14 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 15 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating, longitudinal rows. -— Diatomiste I p. 65 Pl. X f. 3. A. 8S. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 13. Marine: Macassar Straits! Singapore! Java! 79. M. lemnisecata Leup. Fort. (1879). —- V. rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,05 to 0,08; B. 0,025 to 0,043 mm. Median line slightly undulating. Loculi 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. quadrate, forming a band reaching to the ends. Central area small, quadrate. Lateral areas large, semilanceolate, with a few (3 to 4) longitudinal rows of short striw. Strie 15 to 16 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 15 to 20 in 0,01 mm. — D. de Ceylon p. 35 Pl. TIT f. 29. A. 8S. Atl, CLXXXVI f. 14. Icon. n. Pl. IL f. 26. M. decora Levup. Forrm. 1. ec. f. 32. Marine: Madagascar (Van Heurck and Kinker Coll.)! Ceylon! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! Carpentaria Bay! Japan! Colon (Deby Coll.)! 80. M. javanica Cx. (1893). — V. rhomboid-lanceolate. L. 0,11; B, 0,032 mm. Median line slightly undulating. No axial or central areas. Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm. equal, rectangular, forming a narrow band, reaching to the ends. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm. parallel, slightly radiate at the ends, composed of elongated puncta, forming longitudinal, parallel, straight rows, 12 in 0,01 mm. Sur- face of the valve with a shallow, narrow, longitudinal depression, close to the median line. The longitudinal rows of puncta are more distant on the depression. — A. S. Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 38. Jeon. n. Pl. 1 f. 22, 23. Marine: Java! Sumatra (Grove Coll.)! 160 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 81. M. obesa Cx. (1893). — V. broadly lanceolate, acuminate. L. 0,04; B. 0,024 mm. Me- dian line slightly undulate. Axial area very narrow. Central area quadrate, extending into narrow, lunate lateral areas. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate forming a band, ending near the extremities. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. composed of coarse and distant puncta. Between the striz and the lateral areas are a few rows of elongated puncta. — Diatomiste II p. 15 Pl. I f. 16. Marine: Java! 82. M. Temperei Cu. (1890). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. LL. 0,11; B. 0,04 mm. Median line undulate. Axial and central areas indistinct. Loculi? Lateral areas lunate with about 5 undu- lating longitudinal rows of elongated puncta. Strie 10 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 10 in 0,01 mm. forming undulate longitudinal rows. — Diatomiste I p. 23 Pl. III f. 3. Marine: Japan, fossil! Nearly akin to M. Jelineckit, probably a variety of it. 83. M. Jelineckii Grun. (1863). — V. rhombical. L. 0,06 to 0,11; B. 0,025 to 0,045 mm. Median line almost straight. Axial area small, transverse. Loculi 3 to 4 in 0,01 mm. delicate, with rounded interior edges, forming a narrow band, reaching to the apices. Lateral areas large, with faint prolongations of the strie. Strie 13 to 14 in 0,01 mm punctate; puncta 10 to 18 in 0,o1 mm. forming irregular, oblique rows. — Navic. Jel. Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 151 Pl. V f. 12. Mastogl. Jel. Grun. Novara p. 99 Pl. I f. 11. T. M. Soe. 1877 p. 174 Pl. CXCV f. 1. A.S. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 49. Nav. quarnerensis var. dilatata Prtrr D. Campbell p. 21 Pl. V f. 24? Nav. subrhomboidea Castr. Voyage challenger D. p. 30 Pl. XX f. 4? Mastogl. Jel. var. italica B. A.S. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 48. Marine: Mediterranean Sea! Seychelles (Van Heurck Coll.)! Madagascar (Van Heurck Coll.)! Java! Sumbava (Kinker Coll.)! Manilla (Deby Coll.)! China! West Indies! Brazil! Var. fossilis Cu. — L. 0,07; B. 0,03 mm. Striz 12 in 0,01 mm. the median alternately longer and shorter. Puncta 14 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Russia, fossil (Deby Coll.)! Var. marina (Jan. a. Rapu.?) Ct. — V. rhomboid. L. 0,04 to 0,07; B. 0,017 to 0,025 mm. Loculi 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. Lateral areas narrow, frequently with a row of short striz at their exterior edges. Strie 17 to 18 in 0,01 mm. finely punctate; puncta 25 in 0,01 mm. Nav. mar. Jan. Rasy. D. Honduras p. 10 Pl. II f. 16? Icon. n. Pl. II f. 18. Marine: Honduras (Jan. Rabh.), Manilla (Deby Coll.)! Java! Philippines (Grove Coll.): 84. M. submarginata Ci. and Grun. (1881). — V. lanceolate subacute. L. 0,04 to 0,055; B. 0,017 to 0,018 mm. Median line straight. Central area quadrate, merging into the lunate, structureless, or faintly striate, large lateral areas. Loculi rudimentary 5 to 8 in 0,01 mm. Striz 19 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 23 in 0,01 mm. — N. R. D. p. 4 Pl If. 2. Marine: Galapagos Islands! Campeachy Bay (Grun.). 85. M. Kellerii Panr. (1889). —- V. elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,09 to 0,12; B. 0,038 to 0,036 mm. Median line undulate. Central and axial areas small or indistinct. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm., equal, quadrate, forming a band extending along the whole margin. Depressed lateral areas lunate with crowded longitudinal rows (6 in 0,01 mm.) of short strie. Striz 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. punc- . tate; puncta about 10 in 0,01 mm. — Navicula Kellerii Pant. II p. 49 Pl. XXIII f. 351. Marine: Hungary, fossil, Bory! 86. M. japonica Cx. (1892). — V. elliptic-lanceolate. LL. 0,045 to 0,065; B. 0,02 to 0,027 mm. Median line strongly undulate. Axial area narrow, distinct. Loculi 6 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a band, ending in the apices. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm., of elongated puncta, forming longitudinal parallel rows, 12 in 0,01 mm.; the two rows next to the median line more distant. — Diatomiste I p. 162 Pl. XXIII f. 16. Marine: Japan (Tempére)! KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%. w:o 3. 161 87. M. seriata Cu. a. Grove (1891). — V. broadly lanceolate, acuminate. L. 0,06; B. 0,036 mm. Median line undulate. Central area small, rounded. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. equal, quadrate, forming a band reaching to the ends. Surface of the valve with 5 to 6 shallow, longitudinal furrows on each side of the median line. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm., radiate throughout, in the middle alternately longer and shorter, finely punctate. — Diatomiste I p. 66 Pl. X fi 6. Marine: Macassar Straits (Grove Coll.)! All these species from M. Leudugeri are intimately connected. M. seriata combines them with M. quinquecostata var. rhombica 88. M. quinquecostata Grun. (1860). — V. elliptical to subrhomboid. L. 0,057 to 0,104; B. 0,022 to 0,o3 mm. Median line more or less undulate. Central area small. Loculi 4 to 5 in 0,01 mm. almost equal, forming a band reaching nearly to the ends. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, finely punctate; puncta forming close, undulate, longitudinal rows. Striz crossed on each side of the median line by 2 or 3 longitudinal, narrow depressions. — Verh. 1860 p. 578 Pl. VII f. 8. Hanrzscn D. Ostind. Arch. p. 20 f. 6. Prac. D. Villefranche Pl. IIT f. 21. Navie. olivacea Leup. Fortm. D. Ceylan p. 32 Pl. II f. 23 (1879). Mast. obscura Lxup. Forrm. 1. c. p. 36 Pl. III f. 33 (1879). Nawic. Egeria Panr. III Pl. XLII f. 578 (1893)? Mast. Grunowtt A.S8. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 1 to 7. Marine: Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas! Cape of Good Hope! Kerguelen’s Land (Castr.), Sumbava! Java! Samoa! Var. kerguelensis Castr. (1886). — Elliptical. L. 0,03 to 0,045; B. 0,018 mm. Loculi 5 in 0,01 mm. Striz 27 in 0,01 mm. — M. kerg. Castr. Voyage Challenger D. p. 22 Pl. XV f. 11. Marine: Labuan! Upolu (Grun.), Kerguelen’s Land (Castr.). Var. concinna A. S. (1893). — V. almost rhomboid. L. 0,05; B. 0,022 mm. Loculi some- what unequal, forming an undulate band along the margin. Strie 22 to 23 in 0,01 mm. — MM. conc. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 9. Marine: Corsica! Pithyusian Islands! Samoa! Var. elongata Leup. Fortm. (1879). — V. narrow, rhombic-lanceolate. L. 0,105 to 0,111; B. 0,03 mm. Strie 15 in 0,01 mm. Puncta about 19 in 0,01 mm. forming longitudinal rows. — M. elong. Levp. Fort. D. Ceylan p. 35 Pl. III f. 31. A. S. Atl. CLXXXVI f. 12. Marine: Madagascar (Van Heurck Coll.)! Ceylon (Leud. Fortm.). Var. rhombica Cu. — V. rhomboid. L. 0,072; B. 0.036 mm. Median line slightly undulate. Central nodule very small. Loculi 3,5 to 4 in 0,01 mm. Strie 15 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, stronger at the margin, fainter inwards, crossed by about 4 longitudinal shallow depressions, punctate; puncta about 20 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Ceylon! Madagascar! M. quinquecostata is a very variable species, closely connected with all the above forms from M. cruciata. More or less connected with M. quinquecostata are M. quinquecostata var. neapolitana Brun (A. 8. Atl CLXXXVI f. 10), M. sinuata A. S. (lc. f. 11), M. mauritiana Bron (A. S. Atl. 1. c. f. 28), M. sansibarica A. S. (1. c. CLXXXVII f. 44), all forms, of which I have had no opportunity of examining original specimens. Additional. M. Brunii A. 8. (1893) — appears to be allied with M. fallax — Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 27. M. chersonensis A. S. (1893) — seems to be related to M. elegans, but the figure is in- sufficient for identification. — Atl. CLXXXVI f. 81, 32. M. divergens A. 8. (1893) — a characteristic form, which however I cannot class in the system as the figure is not sufficient. — Atl. CLXXXVII f. 52. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Band 27. N:o 3. 21 162 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. M.? dubia Cu. N. Sp. — V. broadly lanceolate, with cuneate ends. B. 0,07; B. 0,03 mm. Median line straight. No axial area. Central area small, orbicular. Along the median line is a row of elongated puncta. Strie 16 in 0,01 mm. composed of distant, elongated puncta, forming undulating, longitudinal rows, about 12 in 0,01 mm. Loculi not seen. — Pl. II f. 38. Marine: Barbados, foss.! This form, of which I have found one specimen only, is perhaps a Navicula, but if so I know of no allied form, nor am I acquainted with any kindred species of Mastogloia. M. egregia A. S. (1898) — a form of the group of M. lemniscata. — Atl. CLXXXVI f. 16, M. electa A. S. (1893). — V. lanceolate, subapiculate. L. 0,056; B. 0,022 mm. Axial area narrow, but distinct. Transverse striew 12 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate throughout, composed of puncta, arranged in obliquely decussating rows. Loculi 3 in 0,01 mm. of equal size, quadrate, forming a band extending to the extremities. — Atl. CLXXXVII f. 3. Seems to be akin to M. rostellata and M. asperula. Marine: Sandwich Islands (Atl.). M. Foliolum Brun (1893). — The figure is insufficient for description. — A. S. Atl. CLXXXVII f. 45. M. funafutensis A. S. (1893). — V. lanceolate, apiculate. L. 0,016; B. 0,018 mm. Median line straight. No areas and no furrows. Strize 9 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, of coarse equi- distant puncta, 9 in 0,01 mm. Loculi 7 in 0,01 mm. rectangular, forming a marginal band, ex- tending to the extremities. — Atl. CLXXXVII f. 13. Characteristic species. Marine: Funafuti (Atl). M. Griindleri A. S. (1893). — V. rhomboid-lanceolate. I. 0,045; B. 0,018 mm. Central nodule unusually elongated. No areas. Striz 13 in 0,01 mm. transverse, composed of distinct puncta. Loculi 5 in 0,01 mm., quadrate, in a marginal row reaching to the ends of the valve. — Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 26. Seems to be akin to M. affinis. Marine: Campeachy Bay! M. intersecta A. 8S. (1893) resembles M. erythrea, but the fig. which shews longitudinal lines, is too little detailed for description and identification. — Atl. CLXXXVI f. 38. M. (Orthonets) latericia A. 8. (1898). — V. broadly elliptical, with subrostrate ends. L. 0,07; B. 0,04 mm. Median line straight. No areas. Transverse rows of alveoli 7 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. Alveoli rectangular, arranged in obliquely decussating, curved rows. Loculi 4 in 0,01 mm. rounded quadrate, of equal size, forming a marginal band, extending to the extremities. — Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 40. A remarkable species, in some respects allied with M. asperula. Marine: Kings Mill Island (Atl). M. peracuta Janiscu (1893). An apiculate form, apparently akin to M. Rhombus, but the figure is too little detailed for identification — Atl. CLXXXVII f. 87. M. radians A. 8. (1893). — Probably no Mastogloia, but a small form of Diploneis nitescens, at any rate too insufficiently figured to be admitted in to the system. — Atl. CLXXXVIII f. 28. M. remota A. S. (1893). — The figure is not sufficient for description. — At]. CLXXXVIII f. 29. M. tumescens A. 8. (1893). — This form is too imperfectly figured to be admitted into the system. — Atl. CLXXXVII f. 20. Stigmaphora Watticu (1860). This genus, of which I have not seen any species, was founded by Watticu (T. M. 8. VIII p. 43). It seems to be akin to Mastogloia and comprises two pelagic species: 1. 8. rostrata Watttcn (1860). — V. lanceolate, slightly gibbous in the middle, abruptly constricted between the middle and the ends. L. 0,09 to 0,095; B. 0,014 to 0,015 mm. Along the median line is a row of equidistant puncta. Loculi 2 on each side, small, cuneate. — T. M. S. VIII p. 43 Pl. Il f. 5, 6. — Pelagic: Indian Ocean (W.), Honduras (Grun.). 2. 8. lanceolata Wauticu (1860). — V. lanceolate, acute. Median line without puncta, otherwise as S. rostrata. — L. c. f. 7, 8. — Pelagic: Indian Ocean. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. wn:o 3. 163 Achnantheee. Frustule with dissimilar valves, the upper without, the lower with, central nodule and me- dian line, usually bent along the longitudinal (Cocconeis) or along the transverse axis (Achnanthes). As early as 1783 O. F. Mttizr observed an Achnanthes, named by him Conferva armillaris (= A. longipes). Another species was in 1819 named by Lynasyz Echinella stipitata (A. brevipes). The generic name Achnanthes was given in 1822 by Bory Sr. Vincent. In his Conspectus criticus diat, 1832, J. Acarpu defined the genus as »frustilla (1. articuli) convexa, pauca, in frondem vexilli- formem (vexillum) stipitatum coadunata» (coordinata?) Kirzine, who correctly observed that the lower valves only of Achnanthes and Cocconeis have a central nodule, formed in 1844 a section »Monostomatice» (Bac. p. 70) comprising the ‘Cocconeidee, with the genera Cocconeis and Dory- phora, and the Achnanthee, including the genera Achnanthes, Achnanthidium and Cymbosira, di- stinguished by the genuflexed frustules, Achnanthes comprising stipitate, Achnanthidium free living forms, and Cymbosira those, in which the frustules are connected as in Diatoma. Hurpera (Consp. Crit. Diat. 1863) rejected these distinctions, as founded exclusively on the manner in which the frustules occur in the living state, but retained the names Achnanthes and Achnanthidium, the former for those forms which have a double structure, of coste, alternating with double rows of puncta; the latter for those which have no coste. This view has not been adopted. Grunow (Verh. 1860 p. 511) included in the family Achnanthee, besides Achnanthes and Achnanthidium, both in the sense of Kirzine, also Cocconeis, and Rhoicosphenia, a genus formed for receiving Gomphonema curvatum of older authors; but in the year 1862 (Verh. p. 116) he separated as a distinct family Cocconeidee, comprising Cocconeis, Campyloneis and Rhaphoneis. He published in 1880 (Arct. Diat. p. 17) a very valuable synopsis of Achnanthes, retained A. longipes in the same genus as A. subsessilis, but reserved the name Achnanthidium for A. flexellum, or Cocconeis Thwaitesu W. Sm. The genus Cocconeis was formed in 1838 by Eurenzzre. The species of this genus usually have a broad, elliptical outline, and live attached to alge by their lower valves, which is probably the cause that the frustules are genuflexed along the longitudinal axis, thus differing from Ach- nanthes, in which genus the frustules are genuflexed along the transverse axis. In course of time a number of diatoms with elliptical outline were described by authors as Cocconeis, although their valves were similar, and in 1867, Grunow (Novara p. 8) tried to bring order into this chaos. He there defined the family Cocconeidez as follows: »Naviculoid diatoms, attached by their flatter side to alge, with or without gelatinous envelopes; with dissimilar and bent, or similar and straight valves. Interior costate stratum of the lower or of both valves absent, present in a rudimentary state, or strongly developed by the vertical elevation of the ribs into marginal loculi. He included in this family Campyloneis, Cocconeis, Orthoneis and Mastogloia In the genus Anorthoneis, formed for receiving Cocconeis excentrica, he sees a connecting link between Cocconeidee and Cymbellee. In the year 1880 (Arct. Diat. p. 16) he separated Mastogloia and Orthoneis, in- cluding them in a new family, Mastogloiacee. The true Cocconeidew and Achnanthee resemble each other in the dissimilarity of their valves, the lower being naviculoid, the upper without central nodule and median line, but with an axial pseudo-raphe or area. The only respect in which they differ is in the manner in which the frustules are genuflexed, but the latter characteristic is not of generic importance. One may easily feel inclined to unite in one group or family all diatoms with dissimilar valves, and form new genera of species which are related. Although this course appears to me to be the only one, by which one may hope to bring order into the chaos of forms, I consider that such a family would be far from a natural one, and would comprise widely different types. The dissimi- 164 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. larity of the valves appears to me, just as the asymmetry, rather as a facies common to different types, than a characteristic of allied forms. There are among the true naviculoid diatoms several more or less arcuate forms with slightly or strongly dissimilar valves, although both have a central nodule and a median line. For such forms, belonging to the sections Lineolate and Micro- stigmatice of Navicula Grunow formed the genus Rhoiconeis, and PeragaLLo has recently proved that the valves of Gyrosigma compactum are very dissimilar. In Rhoicosphenia, which belongs to the true Achnanthee, we meet with a form, which in many characteristics, especially of the cell-contents, appears to be nearly akin to Gomphonema. Many of the species of Cocconeis have a loculiferous rim and are so nearly akin to the elliptical forms of Mastogloie, that it seems justifiable to believe them to be Mastogloie, degenerated by their parasitical habits. It thus appears that the flexure of the frustule is connected with a dissimilar development of the valves, and the differences become more striking, when the frustules are stipitate or attached to alge or other objects. The lower valve maintains its naviculoid characteristics, but the upper undergoes more or less com- plete changes. From this it seems probable that the forms of Cocconeis and Achnanthes are Navicule degenerated by their manner of living. The original Navicule probably belonged to very different types and have undergone analogous changes. I think it evident that Cocconeis and Achnanthes comprise forms which frequently have very little real affinity. The classification offers many difficulties, but I believe that to this end the structure of the lower valve is of more importance than that of the upper valve. A characteristic, which appears to me to be also of importance, is the presence or absence of a marginal rim, which occurs in C. Placentula, C. Scutellum and others, and is probably of the same nature as the loculiferous plates in Mastogloia. Some forms are probably akin to the section Mesoleie of Navicula, as C. minor to Navicula Rotaeana. Others, such as C. reticulata seem to be connected with the section Punctate. The curious A. danica is remarkable for the highly inclined striz of the lower valve and resembles in this respect the section Hetero- stiche of Navicula. If we consider also that Rhoicosphenia is a Gomphonema-like Achnanthes, we feel that the family Achnanthee represents rather a facies belonging to widely different types than a family of allied species. The interior of the cells and the formation of the auxospores point to the same conclusion. There is a great resemblance in this respect between Cocconeis Pediculus and Achnanthes lanceolata, both having a single chromatophore-plate along the upper valve, but in Achnanthes brevipes the chromatophore-plates are two, placed along the walls of the connecting zone, as in Navicula. It is possible that by a long continued degeneration, the lower valve of the frustule may also lose its central nodule and median line, in which case the form would become a Rhaphoneis. Some points of resemblance between Achnanthes and Rhabdonema (and its allied genera) seem to exist. In Geplhyria we meet with the arcuate and stipitate frustule of Achnanthes. The structure of the upper valve of A. groenlandica and use. 13 .. . A. hungarica Gron. elliptical, rostrate . . : gor ... A. exigua Grun. 4. [ree broad and short. ......... ‘ ao Sa Ds \ — narrow and elongated . 2... 2... wv uve By a ER ee Re Se ae 7. 5. ve fine (25 in 0,o1 mm.) . 2 : : eh A. Biasolettiana Kitz. 7 — coarse (10 to 14 in 0.01 sai) 7 aa 6. 6. ees broadly lanceolate .. . > 9S ‘ oe ee az dathentaite Kirz. elliptical . . Sy eh entaas feats oat A. Hauckiana Grun. 7, Ws 12 to 16 in oe MMS -Setkate. coediayde. ae —«-—S ss SB) en be aes 8. — 2lormore.......... : & eQVien® deh mtn ty Os 8. lo lanceolate... 2... ee eee Ree ... A. Hudsonis Grun. MNGHR). cs. gi ak. Ges ae ee ga Ge ae oe A. glabrata Grun. 4. — Qin OQotmm. ....... ‘ i woe) AL exrilis Kirra. : — 24 or more in 001mm... = ....... et oie en em the 10. 10. eo with parallel margins... 00. we ee ee es hn ctrl 11. — slightly convex .. : ; ee ee ee oe 12. 11. es water habitat... . , . .. . A. linearis W. SM. Marine ah ge bah: ck » oo. 0...) AL teniata Gro. 12 J Ends silicapitate Baha , go Bo 28 on A. microcephala Kivz. “| = obttse 2 ek kee hot ee es . . A. minutissima Ktrz. 1. A. minutissima Kirz. (1833). — Linear with somewhat attenuate and obtuse ends. L. 0,015 to 0,02; B. 0,003 to 0,oo4 mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear axial area. Strize about 26 in 0,01 mm. parallel. Lower V. without axial area and with small, transverse central area. Strie about 25 in 0,01 mm., stronger in the middle, slightly radiate. — Dec. N:o 75 (1833) accor- ding to Lagst. Grun. A. D. p. 23. V. H. Syn. p. 1381 Pl. XXVIII f. 35 to 88. A. exilis W. Sm. B. D, If Pl. XXXVII f. 303. Fresh water: Sweden! Germany! England! Belgium (V. H.), probably common everywhere. Var. cryptocephala Gron. — Smaller, with slightly capitate ends. L. 0,012 to 0,018; B. 0,002 to 0,003 mm. Striew about 30 in 0,01 mm. — V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVII f. 41 to 44. Fresh water: Finland! 2. A. microcephala Kurz. (1844). — Linear lanceolate, with subcapitate ends. L. 0,009 to 0,026; B. 0,003 mm. Upper valve with linear axial area and parallel strie, 30—36 in 0,01 mm., the median striz abbreviated. Lower V. without axial area and with small transverse central area. Striz about 32 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. — A. microcephalum Kitz. Bac. 75 Pl. III f. 13, 19 (1844). Gruvn. A. D. p. 22. V. H. Syn. p. 131 Pl. XXVIT f. 20 to 23. Navicala pachycephala Scuum. Preuss. D. 2:te N. Il f. 44? Fresh water: Sweden (Helsingland)! Belgium (V. H.). Achnanthidium microcephalum W. Sm. B. D. is probably Anomoeoneis exilis Grun. 3. A. linearis W. Sm. (1855). — Linear with rounded ends. L. 0,01 to 0,02; B. 0,003 to Q,oo4 mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear axial area and parallel striw, 24 to 27 in 0,01 mm. Lower V. without axial area and with small and transverse central area. Striee 22 to 28 in 0,01 mm. — Achnanthidium lin. W. Sm. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1855 p. 8 Pl If. 9. B. D. II p. 31 Pl. LXI f. 381. Achnanthes lin. Grun. A. D. p. 23. V. H. Syn. p. 131 Pl. XXVII f. 31, 32. Fresh water: Norway (Dovre)! England! Belgium (V. H.). KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢. w:o 3. 189 Var. pusilla Grun. (1880). — L. 0,013 to 0,017; B. 0,003 to 0,004 mm. Striw 18 to 23 in 0,o1 mm. — A. D. p. 23. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVII f. 33, 34. Fresh water: Greenland! Norway (Dovre)! Var. Jackit Rasy. (1861). -- Broader. L. 0,015; B. 0,0045 mm. Strize about 25 to 26 in 0,01 mm. — Achnanthidium Jackii Rasu. Alg. E. N:o 1008. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVII f. 24. Fresh water: Baden (Rabh.)! 4. A. exilis Kwtrz. (1833). — Linear-lanceolate, with rounded ends. UL. 0,015 to 0,03; B. 0,008 to 0,oo9 mm. Upper V. with narrow, axial area slightly dilated at the middle. Striz parallel, about 21 in 0,01 mm. Lower V. without axial area and with small and rounded central area. Strie slightly radiate throughout, in the middle 20, at the ends 27 in 0,01 mm. — Dee. N:o 12 (according to Lagst.). Gruy. A. D. p. 22. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVIIf. 16 to 19. A. subhun- garicum Gutw. Materialy p. 29 Pl. I f. 26? Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Germany! 5. A. glabrata Grun. (1863). — Linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,012 to 0,046; B. 0,0068 to 0,013 mm. Upper V. with 12 to 18 strie in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with 13 to 15 striz in 0,01 mm. coarser in the middle than elsewhere. Frustule with broad connecting zone, and rudimentary diaphragms at the ends. — Verh. 1863 p. 146 Pl. IV f. 17. A. D. p. 22. Marine: California (Cl. M. D. N:o 120), Pacific Ocean, New Zealand, North and South Ame- merica (Grun.). Var. auklandica Grun. (1880). — L. 0,035 to 0,04 mm. Striz 22 to 24 in 0,01 mm. Median strie more distant, 10 to 11 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 22. Marine: Auckland (Grun.). Akin to this species is probably the incompletely described and figured Cymbosira minutula Grun. (Verh. 1863 p. 146 Pl. IV f. 27). 6. A. Biasolettiana Kitz. (1844). — Broadly lanceolate, with obtuse, rounded-truncate ends, somewhat gibbous in the middle. JL. 0,055 to 0,031; B. 0,0065 to 0,007 mm. Upper V. with narrow linear axial area. Striz parallel, about 25 in 0.01 mm. Lower V. without axial area; central area small, rounded. Striez 25 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate in the middle. -- Synedra Bias. Kitz. Bac. p. 63 Pl. III f. 22. Achn. Bias. Grun. A. D. p. 22. V. H. Syn. p. 130 Pl. XXVII f. 27, 28. Fresh water: Hungary (Grun.), Belgium (V. H.). Forma minuta Grun. (1880). — L. 0,012 to 0,013; B. 0,o045. Strie 24 in 0,01 mm. — A. D. p. 22. Fresh water: Triest (Grun.). Var. sublinearis Grun. — Linear, narrowed at the ends. L. 0,014; B. 0,oo4 mm. Strize 17 to 22 in 0,01 mm. — V. H. T. N:o 11. Brackish water: Belgium (V. H. T.). 7. A. teniata Grun. (1880). — Frustule scarcely arcuate. V. linear, with rounded ends. L. 0,02 to 0,03; B. 0,005 mm. Lower V. without areas. Strie about 24 in 0,01 mm. more distant in the middle and closer towards the ends. — A. D. p. 22 Pl. If. 5. Marine: Sea of Kara (Grun.). 8. A. Hudsonis Grun. (1881). — Linear-lanceolate or subelliptical, with broad and obtuse, frequently’ subrostrate, ends. L. 0,015 to 0,035; B. 0,005 to 0,oog mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear axial area and parallel stria, 15 to 16 in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with narrow axial area; small and orbicular or subrhomboidal central area. On each side of the central nodule is a lunate marking. Strie 14 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. - V. H. Syn. XXVII f. 25, 26. Brackish water: Hudson River! 190 Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. 9. A. trinodis Aryorr (1861). — Linear, gibbous in the middle and at the broad ends. L. 0,015 to 0,02; B. 0,005 mm. Upper V. with narrow axial area dilated in the middle to an almost orbicular, small central area. Striew about 30 in 0,01 mm. parallel. Lower V. without distinct axial area and with small central area. Striz about 30 in 0,01 mm. parallel. — Achnan- thidium trinode Priron. Inf. p. 872 Pl. VIII f. 9. Nav. trinodis Grun. Verh. 1860 p. 551 Pl. 1V f. 8. Rhoiconeis trin. Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 147. Achn. trin. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVII f. 50 to 52. Fresh water: England, Tyrol (Grun.). 10. A. delicatula Kirz. (1844). — Elliptic-lanceolate, frequently with subrostrate ends. L. 0,01 to 0,02; B. 0,005 to 0,011 mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear axial area. Striz 14 to 15 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel. Lower V. with indistinct axial area and very small, orbicular central area. Striew 17 to 19 in 0,01 mm. the median shorter. — Achnanthidium delicatulum Kitz. Bac. p- 75 Pl. III f. 21. Achnanthes delic. Grun. A. D. p. 22, 1880. V. H. Syn. p. 130 Pl. XXVII f. 3, 4. Brackish water: Greenland! Arctic America! North Sea! English Channel! Balearic Islands! San Francisco! 11. A. Hauckiana Grow. (1880). — Elliptical to elliptic-lanceolate. L. 0,012 to 0,031; B. 0,006 to 0,008 mm. Upper V. with linear, narrow axial area. Striw 10 to 12 in 0,01 mm., parallel, lower V. without axial area and with small central area. Striz 10 to 13 in 0,01 mm. radiate. — A. D. p. 21. Achn. Hauckii Grun. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVII f. 14, 15. Hot springs and brackish water: Triest (Grun.), Canada! New Zealand! Tasmania! Cape Horn! 12. A. affinis Grun. (1880). — Linear-lanceolate, obtuse. L. 0,015 to 0,023; B. 0,003 to 0,o0o35 mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear axial area. Strie parallel 27 to 30 in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with narrow axial area. Central area a transverse fascia, reaching to the margin. Strie about 30 in 0,01 mm. radiate throughout. -- A. D. p. 20. V. H. Syn. p. 130 Pl. XXVII f. 39, 40. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Tasmania! North America, White Mountains! Var. jamalinensis Grun. (1880). — L. 0,037; B. 0,oo5 mm. Strie of the lower V. 16 in 0,01 mm. — A. hungarica var.? jamal. Grun. A. D. p. 20. Marine(?): Sea of Kara (Grun.). 13. A. exigua Grun. (1880). — Broadly elliptic-lanceolate, with rostrate, obtuse ends. L. 0,013 to 0,017; B. 0,005 to 0,oo6 mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear axial area. Strize about 22 in 0,01 mm. parallel. Lower V. with very narrow axial area. Central area a transverse fascia, reaching to the margin. Striz about 25 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate throughout. — Stauro- neis exilis Kitz. Bac. p. 105 Pl. XXX f. 21. Scuum. Preuss. D: II Nachtr. Pl. II f. 59. Ach. exigua Grun. A. D. p. 21. V. H. Syn. Pl. XXVII f. 29, 30. Fresh water, hot springs: Sweden (Hernésand, interglacial deposit)! Germany (Berlin)! Brazil! Ecuador! Surinam! Java! New Zealand! Hawaii! 14. A. hungarica Gruy. (1863). — Narrow elliptical or linear-lanceolate with subcuneate ends. L. 0,02 to 0,03; B. 0,006 to 0,oo7 mm. Upper V. with narrow axial area, in the middle dilated to a narrow, short, transverse central area. Strie about 21 in 0,01 mm., parallel. Lower V. with narrow axial area. Central area a broad fascia. Striz about 21 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate. — Achnanthidium hungaricum Grun. Verh. 1863 p. 146 Pl. IV f. 8. Achnanthes hung. A. D. p. 20. V. H. Syn. p. 130 Pl. XXVII f. 1, 2. Achnanthidinm neglectum Scuum. Preuss. D. JI Nachtr. p. 54 Pl. I f. 17? Fresh water: Sweden (Grun.), Belgium (V. H.), Hungary (Grun.), Illinois! Brazil! Ecuador! Australian Alps (Rieva Lagoon)! To this group may belong Achnanthes Gregoryana Gruv. (M. J. VII p. 84 Pl. VI f. 18, 14) if this form, of which the zonal view is figured, be really an Achnanthes, but it appears more probable that it may represent an arcuate Gyrosigma perhaps G. arcticum., KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND. 27%. w:0 3. 191 Achnanthidium (Kitz. 1844) Hers. 1863. Outline more or less linear, rarely elliptical. Valves dissimilar. Upper valve without cen- tral nodule and median line, but with narrow, frequently asymmetrical axial area, not costate (except A. groenlandica). Structure transverse rows of puncta (except A. groenlandica). Lower valve with straight, central median line. Central nodule usually stauroid. Central area a trans- verse fascia. Structure: transverse rows of puncta. Frustule genuflexed, without rim. Connecting zone usually with longitudinal rows of short strie. Cell-contents (of .4. lanceolata) a single chromatophore-plate along the inside of the upper valve or (as in A. brevipes) two plates, deeply sinuose in the middle along the inside of the connecting zone. In conjugation one cell (A. brevipes) gives origin according to LipErs to one auxospore (Pfitz. Bau und Entw. p. 85). This group comprises most of the stipitate species of Achnanthes of authors. They agree in outline with the true Achnanthes, which have an entirely different structure. Whether the genus formed by me is natural is somewhat doubtful, the cell-contents of A. lanceolata being very similar to those of Cocconeis, and those of A. brevipes agreeing with those of Navicula. On the other hand A. groenlandica differs in the costate upper valve and is remarkable for the rudimen- tary diaphragms at the ends of the frustule, which point to some affinity with the Tabellarie (Entopyla). The exact position of this group in a natural system is impossible to define at present. Artificial key *). Margin of the upper valve with a horseshoe-shaped mark ..... A. lanceolata Brus. 1. \ (A. Peragalli Bris. a. HERIB.). _ — without — _ _ : 2. 9. i fone oe ee ye a A. crenulata Gnon. (A. breuines: var. seibcvennatal: not — te Se Regit aim Bay MPs 2 ep 5 Gaeaiee! ao 3, aie valve with dnaiiavere castes a a : dA, groenlandica CL. . = rows of puncta . s 3 ae 8 Seog). ee AS 4. a area of the upper valve central. .. . Bye CARRE A me, one Be 5. — — excentric. . Sgmete eapeacharnr ne weds 6. 5. oe linear a2 ex a Goat oar ce be i Re apd . A. mesogongyla GRun. : lanceolate. Be enh ae A. margaritarum Ct. 6. oe centrally gibbous .. . fe. SR. aS aos ... 4 A, inflata Garon. not — eh tee ; : i Oi, Banks eek ts 7. eae small and constricted . : .... A. coarctata Bris. — — elliptical or large, and enumteteted, ornot...... . A. brevipes Ag. 1. A. margaritarum Cr. (1893). — V. not arcuate, lanceolate, with slightly protracted ends. I. 0,05 to 0,06; B. 0,o2 mm. Upper V. with central, narrow axial area. Striz 10 (middle) to 13 (ends) in 0,01 mm. very slightly radiate, composed of distinct puncta, arranged in straight, longitudinal rows, 15 in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with straight median line, indistinct, axial and small, orbicular central area. Striz 10 (middle) to 15 (ends) in 0,01 mm. composed of puncta, arranged in straight longitudinal rows, 13 in 0,01 mm. .— Dissomishe IL p. 57 Pl. III f. 9, 10. ' Marine: Pearl Islands (near Java?)! This remarkable species is not akin to any other. ‘The upper valve has some resemblance of Rhaphoneis amphiceros. 9. A. lanceolata Bris. (1849). — Narrow, elliptic-lanceolate to broadly elliptical, with rounded, obtuse, rarely rostrate, ends. L. 0,017 to 0,035; B. 0,005 to 0,oos mm. Upper V. with 1) The incompletely known Ach. beccata Leup. Fortm., A. agglutinata Grun. and Cocconeis perpusilla Pan. not included. 192 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. linear, central axial area, on one side of which, in the middle of the valve, there is a horseshoe- shaped area. Strie 13 in 0,01 mm. almost parallel, coarsely punctate. Lower V. with narrow axial area and broad, quadrate or rectangular central area. Siriz 14 in 0,01 mm., slightly radiate, coarsely punctate. — Achnanthidium lanceolatum Kitz. Sp. Alg. p. 54. W. Sm. B. D. II Pl. XXXVII f. 304. Achnanthes lanc. Grun. A. D. p. 23. V. H. Syn. p. 181 Pl. XXVII f. 8 to 11. Stauro- neis truncata Scuum. Preuss. D. I Nachtr. p. 22 f. 28. Fresh water: Throughout Europe! Amsterdam Island! Tasmania! New Zealand! Australia (North Australia, Daintree River, Australian Alps)! Illinois! Ecuador! Var. dubia Grun. (1880). — Broadly lanceolate. L. 0,015 to 0,017; B. 0,007 to 0,0072 mm. Strie 13 to 14 in 001 mm. — A. D. p. 23. V. H. Syn. p. 132 Pl. XXVIT f. 12, 13. Fresh water: Belgium (V. H.), Austria (Grun.)! Var. elliptica Cu. (1891). — Elliptical. L. 0,012 to 0,016; B. 0,007 to 0,oo9 mm. Upper V. with 16 strize in 0,01 mm. — D. of Finland p. 51 Pl. TIT f. 10, 11. Fresh water: Abo in Finland! Var. Haynaldii Saarscu. (1881). — Inflated in the middle, with rostrate-capitate ends. L. 0,025 to 0,027; B. 0,007 mm. Striz 16 in 0,01 mm., indistinctly punctate. — Achn. Haynaldii Saarscu. Spec. Phyc. Aequat. p. 8 (according to De Toni Syll. p. 478). Cx. Diatomiste II Pl. VII f. 14. Fresch water: Ecuador, Antisana! 3. A. Peragalli Bruyn. a. Hirre. (1893). — Broadly elliptical, inflated, with protracted api- culate or subcapitate ends. LL. 0,012 to 0,016; B. 0,006 to 0,oos mm. Upper V. with narrow, linear and central axial area, on one side of which in the middle of the valve there is a horseshoe- shaped area. Strize 17 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate. Lower V. with large, outward dilated central area. Striz very fine and oblique. — D. d’Auvergne p. 50 Pl. I fi 4. Fresh water: Puy de Déme, living (Brun. Coll.)! A very small, but distinct species, resembling A. lane. var. Haynaldit. 4. A. mesogongyla Grun. (1879). — Narrow, elongated, inflated in the middle, with rounded ends. L. 0,08 to 0,09; B. 0,013 to 0,014 mm. Upper V. with central, narrow axial area and transverse, coarsely punctate striz, 10 in 0,01 mm. (puncta 18 in 0,01 mm.). Lower V. with broad central fascia. Striee 11 in 0,01 mm. punctate; puncta 18 in 0,01 mm. — Cr. M. D. N:o 193. A. D. p. 19. Icon. nost. Pl. III f. 2. Fresh water: Brazil! 5. A. coarctata Bris. (1855). — Linear, slightly constricted in the middle, with broad, truncate ends. L. 0,04; B. 0,008 mm. Upper V. with very excentric, narrow, frequently infra- marginal, axial area. Striz 11 to 14 in 0,01 mm. punctate. Lower V. with broad central fascia. Strie 12 to 15 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, punctate. — Achnanthidium coarct. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. [2] Vol. XV p. 8 f. 10. W. Sm. B. D. Pl. LXI f. 379. Achnanthes coarct Grun. A. D. p- 20. V. H. Syn. p. 130 Pl. XXVI f. 17 to 20. Achnanthidium coarct. var. elineata Laast. Spitsb. D. p. 49 Pl. I f. 16. Achn. binodis Kus. M. G. Pl. XXXIV, 5, B, 12. Fresh water, moist earth, on mosses: Spitsbergen! Beeren Eiland (Lagst.), Arctic America! Sweden (Upsala)! England! France! Belgium (V. H.). 6. A. inflata Kirz. (1844). — Elongated, gibbous in the middle, with rounded capitate ends. L. 0,045 to 0,065; B. 0,015 to 0,018 mm. Upper V. with very excentric axial area. Strise 9 to 10 in 0,01 mm. parallel, composed of coarse puncta, about 9 in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with broad fascia. Strie about 10 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate; puncta about 10 in 0,01 mm. — Stauroneis inflata Kirz. Bac. 105 Pl. XXX f. 22. Achnanthes ventricosa Ens. M. Geol. p. 226. Monogramma ventr. Ens. M. Geol. Pl. I, II, f. 9, Pl. III f. 18, 19, 6, « Grev. T. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. w:o 3. 193 p- 439 Pl. VI f. 6, 7. Achnanthes inflata Grun. A. D. p. 19. Navicula elata Luup. Fortm. D. de Ceylon Pl. III f. 28. Achn. brevipes var. tumidula Grun. A. D. p. 19. Fresh water, in tropical and subtropical regions: South Tyrol (Grun.), Pompeii (Grun.), Java! Australia! Tasmania! New Zealand! Tahiti! Brazil! Ecuador! Cuba (Grun.), Bourbon and Mauritius (Ehb.). Var. Smithiana Grev. (1866). — Ends cuneate. Strix coarser. — Monogramma Smithiana Grev. T. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII Pl. VI f. 3 to 5. Fresh water: Mauritius and New Hebrides (Grun.). Cameroon, Africa! 7. A. brevipes Ac. (1824). — Linear-lanceolate, frequently slightly constricted in the middle, with cuneate ends. Upper V. with somewhat excentric axial area and transverse rows of coarse puncta forming irregular longitudinal rows. Lower V. with indistinct axial area. Central nodule transversely dilated into a stauros, reaching to the margin. Striw slightly radiate. Frus- tule genuflexed, stipitate. Connecting zone finely and transversely striate. _ Var. parvula Kiirz. (1844). — Elliptical. L. 0,01 to 0,02; B. 0,005 to 0,oo7 mm. Upper V. with 12 to 18 striz in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with about 15 strie in 0,01 mm. — A. parvula Kis. Bac. p. 76 Pl. XXI f. 5. Grun. A. D. p. 19. V. H. Syn. p. 129 Pl. XXVI f. 25 to 28. A. pa- chypus Mont. Ann. Se. nat. (2) T. VIII p. 348 (accord. to Kiitz.). Ktrz. Bac. p. 76 Pl. XXI f. 2. Brackish water: Trondhjem! England! Ostend (V. H.), Calvados! Galapagos Islands! Var. Leudugeri Temp. a. Brun (1889). — Broadly lanceolate with obtuse ends. I. 0,075 to 0,095; B. 0,03 to 0,037 mm. Strie of the lower V. 6 in 0,01 mm. — Achn. Leud. D. foss. du Japon p. 9 Pl. IX f. 11. Marine: Japan, fossil (Temp. Br.). Var. typica Cu. — Linear with cuneate ends, frequently constricted in the middle. L. 0,07 to 0,1; B. 0,o2 mm. Upper V. with slightly excentric axial area. Stria 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. coarsely punctate; puncta 7 to 8 in 0,01 mm. forming undulating longitudinal rows. Lower V. with indistinct axial area. Central area a narrow fascia, reaching to the margin. Strie 7 to 9 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate and coarsely punctate. — A. brevipes Aa. Syst. Alg. p. 1. Kirz. Dee. N:o 77, 78 (according to Lagst.) 1833. W. Sm. B. D. Il Pl. XXXVII f. 301. V. H. Syn. p. 129 Pl. XXVI f. 10 to 12. A. salina Kitz. Linnea 1838 p. 72. Brackish water: Arctic America! Greenland! Spitsbergen! Finmark! North Sea! Baltic! Caspian Sea (Grun.), Japan, fossil! Monterey and Mauritius (Grun. forma contracta A. D. p. 19). Var. marginata Cu. — Rhomboid-lanceolate, subacute. L. 0,12; B. 0,05 mm. Upper V. with excentric, linear axial area and transverse strie, 7 in 0,01 mm., composed of large quadrate alveoli. Parallel to the margin and close to it, is an elevated line or keel. Connecting zone with longitu- dinal rows of coarse puncta, 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. Marine: Madagascar! Var. capensis Cu. — Narrow, linear lanceolate, tapering from the middle. L. 0,05; B. 0,01 mm. Upper V. with-very excentric axial area and 9 granulate strie in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with 11 almost parallel striz in 0,01 mm. composed of about 13 puncta in 0,01 mm. Marine: Cape of Good Hope! Var. subcrenulata Ct. (1891). — Narrow elliptic-linear, obtuse, with crenulated margin. L. 0,047; B. 0,012 mm. Upper V. with very excentric axial area and parallel strie, 8 in 0,01 mm., com- posed of large puncta (7 to 8 in 0,01 mm.). Lower V. with 11 strie in 0,01 mm. Puncta 11 to 12 in 0,01 mm. -— Diatomiste I p. 50 Pl. IX f. 5, 6. Brackish water: New (Guinea! Var. intermedia Kirz. (1833). — Linear-elliptical, with rounded ends. L. 0,03 to 0,05; B. 0,01 to 0,011 mm. Strie about 10 in 0,01 mm. — Achn. int. Kirz. Dec. N:o 21 (according to Lagst.). Laast. Ofvers. K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Forh. X f. $a. A. subsessilis Kir. Dec. N:o 42 (1833) kK. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Bd 27. N:w 3. 25 194 P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. according to Lagst. W. Sm. B. D. If Pl. XXXVII f 302. V. H. Syn. p. 129 Pl. XXVI f. 21 to 24. A. multiarticulata Aa. Consp. p. 59 (1832). A. capensis Kiirz. Bac. p. 76 Pl. XXI f. 1 (1844). Achnanthidium arcticum Cu. D. Arctic Sea p. 25 Pl. IV f. 22 (1873). Achn. Léczyi Pant. II p. 57 Pl. XII f. 217 (1889). Brackish and marine: Finmark! Coasts of Britain (Sm.), North Sea! Baltic! Caspian Sea (Grun.), Mediterranean Sea! Amsterdam Island (Grun.). Var. seriata Ag. (1827). — Frustules concatenated into Diatoma-like series. Valves elongated, narrow, frequently broader at one end than at the other. — A. seriata Aa. Bot. Zeitung 1827. Consp. p. 60. Cymbosira Agardhi Kitz. Bac. p. 77 Pl. XX f. 3 (1844). A. ser. var.? cuneata Grun. A. D. p. 19. A. subsessilis var. enervis Putit Mém. de la Soc. de Cherb. p. 207 Pl. XXIII Pl. Id f. 2? Marine: Adriatic (Kitz), Java! Labuan! Pacific Ocean (Grun.). Var. angustata Grev. (1859). — Elongated, narrow. L. 0,07 to 0,15; B. 0,005 to 0,01 mm. Strie 10 to 15 in 0,01 mm. — A. angustata Grev. M. J. VII p. 163 Pl. VIII f. 9. A. pennata Cu. Vega p. 504 Pl. XXXV f. 2. Marine: Californian guano (Grev.), Ceylon! GREVILLE figures two coherent frustules in the zonal view, for which reason the identifi- catation with A. pennata CL., the figure of which represents a lower valve, is somewhat doubtful. Var.? penneformis Grev. (1865). — Frustule biarcuate, long and narrow. Lower valve linear obtuse. L. 0,15; B. 0,01 mm. Striz parallel, 12 in 0,01 mm. punctate, puncta 13 in 0,01 mm. — Achnanthes pennef. Grev. T. Bot. Soc. Edinb. Vol. VIII p. 488 Pl. VI f. 11 to 13. Marine: Sandwich Islands! Var. indica Brun (1893). — Centrally constricted, with cuneate ends. L. 0,06 to 0,075; B. 0,02 mm. Strie and puncta 8 to 9 in 0,01. mm. — Achnanthes indica. Brun Diatomiste I p. 173 Pl. XXIV f. 14. Marine: Rodriguez (Brun). A. brevipes is an exceedingly variable species, on the varieties of which a great number of mew species», usually imperfectly described and figured, has been founded. The characteristics, by which these reputed species differ, are such trifling ones as the shape of the valve, the size of. the stipes, the excentricity of the axial area of the upper valve, etc. But as all these characteri- stics are very variable, I am unable to separate as species the above named varieties. A. inflata, A. crenulata and A. coarctata, are so nearly allied to A. brevipes that it is difficult to state any stable characteristics for their distinction. Achn. parallela Castr. (Voy. Challenger p. 41 Pl. XTX f. 11) and A. kerguelensis Caste. (1. c. Pl. XX f. 41) would seem to belong to the varieties of A, brevipes, were not the area of the upper valves represented as central, and the strive of the latter so fine. 8. C. perpusilla Pant. (1889). — V. broadly lanceolate. L. 0,015; B. 0,oos mm. Lower V. with narrow axial area. Central area a narrow transverse fascia, reaching to the margin. Median line straight. Striz 17,5 in 0,01 mm. punctate, slightly radiate througheut. Upper V.? — Pant. IE p. 58 Pl. IV £. 7. Marine: Hungary, fossil (Pant.). A small form, unknown to me, resembling a small variety of Achnanthes subsessilis. 9. A. agglutinata Groun. (1880). — V. narrow, lanceolate. lL. 0,022 to 0,028; B. 0,004 to 0,oo5 mm. Upper V. with 13 punctate striz in 0,01 mm. Lower V. with 15 punctate strie in 0,o1 mm. — A. D. p. 19. Marine: Triest. . This, to me unknown form, resembles according to Grunow A. subsessilis, but occurs attached by the lower valve to seaweeds, not on gelatinous stalks as A. subsessilis, KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27%. wn:o 3. 195 ' 10. A, baceata Lzup. Form. (1879). — Linear, with broad, rounded ends. L. 0,1; B. 0,025 mm. Lower V. with wide and irregular axial area. Central area large and irregularly transverse. Strize 7 in 0,01 mm. formed of large puncta, arranged in undulating, longitudinal rows. — Stauro- neis baccata Leup. D. de Ceylan p. 37 Pl. IIL f. 35. Achnanthes curvata Levp. 1. ¢. Pl I f. 5? A, bace. Icon. n. Pl. IIT f. 3. Marine: Colombo, Ceylon (Le Tourneur Coll.)! 11. A. groenlandica Cr. (1873). — Linear with rounded ends. L. 0,04 to 0,06; B. 0,005 to 0,007 mm. Upper V. with narrow axial area and strong costate striz, 4,5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. crossed by a longitudinal line. Lower V. with indistinct axial area. Central area a broad trans- verse fascia. Central pores of the median line somewhat distant. Strie 5 to 6 in 0,01 mm. slightly radiate, formed by 3 to 4 large, distant puncta. Frustule genuflexed. Connecting zone with a row of puncta, 6 to 7 in 0,01 mm. Lower valve with rudimentary diaphragms. — Scuum. flexellum Brus. . Grénlandicum Cu. Hungaricum Gruy. Jackit Ru. : lanceolatum BREB. lineare W. Sm. minutum CL. . microcephalum Ke. » W. SM. naviculoides REINSCH. neglectum ScHuM. . trinode (Ar.) subhungaricum Gurw.. Actinoneis Ct. . Alloioneis Scnum. (Navic.?) Antillarum Cu. Castracanei Pant... . cocconeiformis Grun. M. 8. curvinervia GRUN. . 3 Debyi Luup.-F. Griindleri Cu. & Grun. Stauntonit GRUN.. . . 2... Amphicampa Rass. aequatorialis Cu. Amphipleura Ke.. . Danica Ke. . . Debyi Lrvup.-F. Frauenfeldii Groun. . Hungarica Pant. . infleca Bris. . . Lindheimeri Grun. var. Truani V. Hex. maxima H. L. Sm. micans Lynes.. ...... var. fragilis (GREV.) GRUN. . pellucida Ke... . 1... . var. Brasiliensis Cu. var. var. var. var. var. Lindheimeri Grun. maxima H. L. Sm. Oregonica GRUN. recta Kirron . var. Schumanni Grun. . var. Truani V. Hex. . rutilans (TRENTEPOHL) . . var. antarctica (HARV.) GRuN. Schumanni Grun. Weissflogii Grun. Amphiprora E. alata Ka. var. intermedia Cu. var. Japonica CL. . . var. pulchra (BaAIL.) . ? antarctica GRUN. arenaria BrREB. Balearica Grun. . Biharensis Pant. . . Brebissonia GrEv. coarctata Brun. . fox complexa Gruc.. ... conserta Lewis... . intermedia Grun. .. . een fm ee et et et et ee et Sd He See — Fmt ed met me dt ed ee eet ed ee eS Se KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLNGAR. conspicua GREV...... I 16. (elegans var.?) PosewitziiPanr. I constricta Eur... . 1145. = pulehra Batt. . . I crenulata TEmp. I 16. punctata Panr. . I decussata Grun.. ..... I 18. ‘pusilla Grec.. . . I delicatula Gruv. I 2b. See GRUN. . I didyma W. SM. I 2b. alfsii Arn. I dilatata Pant. I 15. recta Gree... . sty I duplex Donx. : I 15. semistriata GRun.. . I Dusenii Ch... 2 2... » L145, septentrionalis Grun. (decus- elegans W. Sm. ...... I 27. sata var.) . I var. Adriatica Grun. . . . I 27. striata Pant. I var. gracilis Grun. I 25. sulcata O'ME. . . . I var. ? Posewitzii Pant. I 27. ? superba GREV.. I eximia GREV.. . ee I 2b. Temperei Cr. , I Jimbriata Caste. I 16. Thwaitesiana Grev.. I Sragilis Temp & Br. . I 24. vitrea W. Sm. I gigantea Grun. I 18. Wendtit Wirr. 1 var. aequatorialis Ct. I 18. Amphora E. é . Il var. decussata (GRUN.) . . I 18. Amblyamphora II var. Kerguelensis Grun.. . I 18. Amphora Cu. II var. septentrionalis (Grun.). I 18. Archiamphora. II var. sulcata (O’Mz.) . I 18. Calamphora Cu. . II var. Tahitensis (GRUN.). I 18. Cymbamphora . II hyalina Evt. . ... 2... I 16. Diplamphora Cu... II hyper borea ane minuta Doubtful or imperfectly GRun. . . Anes I 14. known Amphorae II Indica Grun. : I 265. Halamphora Ct. I Jolisiana Grev.. .. .. I ¥0. Oxyamphora....... II Kariana Grun. I 16. Psammamphora Cu. I Kjellmanii Cu... I 16. abbreviata Burisco . . .. II var. glacialis Ch. . ... . I 16. acuta GREG... . 1... II var. Kariana (GRun.) . I 16. var. arcuata (A. 8.) . II var. striolata (GRuN.) I 1%. var. labyrinthica Gruy. . . IL var. subtilis (GRuUN.) . I 17. var. neogena Pant. . Il 128, kryophila Ch... . . ; I 17. acutiuscula Ke... . . II Kiitzingiana Grev. : I 15. var.? constricta Groun. . II lata GREV. . . 6 Rey I 17. var. fossilis Pant. UL latestriata Bris. I 72. var.? subconstricta Grun.. . II Lepidoptera Grea. 25, 71. Aestuarii- Ch. . hat IL var. Samoensis Grun.. . . I 23. affinis Ke... . . ay Il lineata Grev. . poe ie CA 20 alata PERAG. . Il longa Cu... . . , 1 25: var. aptera Ct. . I margine-punctata Ct. : I 17. var major Ch... ..... II maxima GREG. (RABH. & JAN, ) 126, 11131. alveolata Lxeup.-F.. II var.? dubia Cu. & Grun . I 26. amphioxys Bat. II mediterranea GRun. T 25, 28. andesitica Pant. II membranacea Ch. . .. IT 24. angularis GREG. II Meneghiniana Grev. I 17, > Vv... I navicularis E.. . I 189. angulosa var. lyrata (Grue.). Il Nereis Lewis . I 15, angusta (GREG.) CL. . . II nitida GReEv. T 20. var. arctica GRUN.. . . II oblonga Grev.. I 26. var. diducta (A: 8.) . . II obtusa GREG. I 71. var. Eulensteinii (GRUN.) . II ornata Bam... ... I 16. var. glaberrima GRUN. . II paludosa W. Sm... 2 F 14, var. glacilenta Gron. I var. Africana GRUN.. . . I 14 var. incurvata (BRrun.) Il var. Bahusiensis Cu... . I 14. var. minuta GRUN. II var. borealis GRun. I ib. var. oblongella Grun. II var. dilatata (Pant.) ° I 15. var. typica Ct. , I var. duplex (Donk.) .. . I 15. var. ventricosa GREG. II var. hyalina (EUL.). I 165. var. zebrina A. 8.. It var. hyperborea Grun.... I 14. antiqua CL. & GROVE I forma minuta Gron. . I 14. aponina Ke. II var. maxima (Grec.).... I 16. arcta A. 8. Il var. Nereis (LEWIS) . . I fh. arcuata Pant. 8. .... II var. Pokornyana GRUN.. . I 15. > Bix dare esn Gs Il var. punctulata Grun.... I 15. Arcus GREG.. . I var. subsalina Cu. . I 14. forma typica . . . I ? paradoxa GREV. I 29. var. sulcata (GREG.) . II elagica BRUN. I 18. arenaria Donx. Il ethoi Pant. I 22. > > var. II plicata GREG. I 20. forma typica . var. Japonica Caste. I 15. var. Donkinii Rex. II var.? subplicata Grun. I 28. var. Rattrayi Cu. I Pokornyana Grun. I 15. arenicola Grun. . . II BAND 27. w:io 3. 199 var. major Cu. IT 104. var. oculata Ch... II 104. var. subaequalis Cu. II 104. areolata GRUN.. . . II 114. var. curta CL. . . IT 115. var. maxima Cn. & Grove. II 115. var. minor Cu. II 115. Argus Pant. TI 141. aspera Petit. . II 128. bacillaris Gree. . IL 127. var. Scotica Grun. . II 127. Beccarii DE Novaris TI 141. Behringensis Cu. . II 102. Berggrenii Ct.. II 134. biconvexa Jan. II 137. biggibosa Cu. II 133. bigibba Grun.. . . II 120 var. interrupta Grun. II 120. binodis Grze. . . If 124. bioculata Cu. II 114. biseriata Gree. . . II 109. bistriata Lrup.-F. . “TI 110. bituminosa Pawr. TI 136. borealis Ke... . II 121. > ScHum.. . II 105. Boryana Payv. . II 105. Budayana Pant. II 141. bullata Ch... .... II 119. bullosa Fior. Mazz... . II 141. var. lineolata E. II 121. Bulnheimii Ren... . II 126. Camelus Cu. & GROVE . II 137. Capensis A. S.. . JI 115. Chinensis A. 8. IL 126. cingulata Cu. . IT 138. > Pant. . II 141. clara A. 8. II 122. Clevei Grun. II 140. coarctata Lxun.-F. JI 141. coffeiformis AG. . II 120. var. angularis . If 121. var. borealis Ke. II 121. var. fossilis Pant... If 119, 121. var. Hungarica CL... . IT 121. var.? perpusilla GRoun. . II 120. var. protracta Pant. . II 121. var. salinarum GRun. II 121. coffeiformis H. L. Sm. II 119. commutata GRun. . If 119. var. fossilis Pant... . II 120. Comorensis Cu. . II 111. complanata Grun. . I 158. complexa GREG. . IT 118. contracta GRovE & St. II 114. > GRUN. . .. . IT 115. corpulenta Cu. & GRovE II 123. costata W. Sm ..... II 122. crassa GREG. II 109. > var. : II 100, 110. var. Campechiana Grun. . II 109. var. degenerata CL. II 109. var. elongata Cu. . I1 109. var. euprepes Pant. ... . TI 109. var.interlineata(GRove& St.) II 109. var. minor Pant. . If 110. var. modesta Cu. TI 109. var. punctata GRUN. IL 109. var. Seychellensis Ci. II 110. var. Sélswigiensis (PETIT) II 109. var. spuria Ch. ...... II 110. cristata Petit. II 141. cuneata CL... .. II 116. curvata PaNT.. .. II 120. cyclops Lrup.-F.. . . It 181. cymbelloides GRun. II 136. 200 var. latior. Grun. . . tar. Mauritiana Grun. cymbifera GREG. . > GREG. var. var. gigantea GRUN.. . cymbiformis Ch... . . Czekehazensis Pant. . . Debyi Levp.-F. decipiens Ct. decora CASTR.. .... decussata Grun. var. Briocensis Leup. F. delphinea Barn... . var. Jamalinensis CL & Grun. II 134. é II 134. II 112. II 135. II 95. II 133. . II 187. II 102. II 110. II 110. IL 129. II 189. II 122. TI 122. IT 135. TI 135. II 122. II 122. var. minor diaphana Ch. . diducta A. S.. . Digitus A. 8.. Donkinii Reu. dorsalis CL. & GROVE dubia (GreEG.) A. S. egregia (E.) A. S. var. Neogradensis Pant. . elegans GREG. elegans PERAG. Erebi E. ‘ Ergadensis Gree. Eulensteinii Grun. var. fossilis Pant. Eunotia Ct. . var. gigantea Grun. eunotiaeformis Grun. excisa GREG. exigua GREG. . exornata JAN. . exsecta GRUN.. . fallax Temp. & Br. Farcimen Grun. fasciata E. > GREG. fimbriata Ch. & GRovE . flexuosa GREV. jiuminensis Grun.. . . . formosa CL. . var. minuta CL. . fossilis Panr. . Surcata Levup. -F. fusca A. 8... 0... gemmifera Prvit. . . gibba A. 8. gigantea Gro. var. andesitica Pane. var. fusca (A. S.) . var. obscura Cr... forma minor globosa Suum.. globulosa Suum. . gracilis E. .. 2... Graeffii (GRuN.) CL. . var. staurophora Ch... . . Graeffii Grun. var. . granulata GREG... . . granulifera Cu. Grevilleana Grec.... var. Campechiana Grun. var. contracta Cu. var. prominens GRUN.. . . var.? sepulta Pant. Grénlandica Cu... Grovei Cu. : Griindleri Grun... . var. approximata Ch. var. robusta Cu. var. trachytica Pant. Grunowii A. 8. P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE II 135. II 136. IT 122. IT 122. II 122. . » IL 186, TI 124. . I 118. TI 108. II 116. JI 123. TI 129. Tl 134. TI 141. II 130. Ir 123, 135. II 110. II 116. IT 181. IT 106. II 118. IT 113. IT 139. II 120. II 123. .. II 138. . IL 188. II 120. II 182. II 106. II 114. Ir 140. . II 105. II 106. II 106. II 106. II 106. II 105. II 105. IT 104. It 118. IT 113, TI 113. II 1238. II 116. TT 113. II 113. If 113. TI 118. II 113. . IT 128. II 138. II 112. II 112. II 112. II 112. II 123. hemisphaerica Grun. ae I hevesensis Pant.. . ree | hians FLOGEL . II 130, Hohenackert Rew... . .. . II humicola Grun.. . . II var. calderiorum GRUN. . Il var. Javanica GRUN. ey TD hybrida Gruy. s Adprapaea ed hyalina Ke... . . . . It 126, var. parvula GRUN. . It hyperborea Grun. I 153 TI ? incerta A. S. . 6 hoe incurva GREG... . ee AL inelegans Cl. & Grove . . Il var.? polita Cu. . a« AD inflata GRuN. .. . II inflexa Bris. . . edu ee LD inornata CL. me Sie de II ? insecta GRUN.. . . rei interlineata Grove & Sr. . I intermedia Lewis. ..... I (ostrearia?) interrupta Pant. II intersecta A.S........ II var. Sarmatica Pant. II var.? striata Pant... ... Il invidenda Pant. es CH I Janischii A. S. ....... II Javanica A. 8. « II Jeschkei Jan. . : : II juvenalis Pant... . . iO Kamorthensis Gruy.. . . I var. minor . i e-2 II Kossuthii Pant... .... II Labuensis CL. . . II var. fusiformis Leup-F. . IL labyrinthica Grun. wy LL laevis GREG. : : II var. laevissima Gree. . . SII var. minuta CL. . 4 ia) EE var. perminuta Grun. I laevissima GREG. . . II var. perminuta GRUN.. . I Lagerheimii Cu. 2 II lanceolata Cu... . en TE var. incurvata Brun... II var. minor Ch. . . aa AE Leightsmithiana O’Mr . . I Leudugeriana PEetiT Suceke libyca E.. 5 IT Se an. II var. interrupta Pant. II ‘Lima Pant. ... ..) . ‘TD >» AS... he Il limbata Ct. & GrovE .... II limpida Jan. . . «AF lineata Gree. . IT 120, lineolata Donk. oll Ue JE lineolata FE. .. ..... II var. Chinensis (A. 8 . Il var. undata (H. L. 3h ea OE litoralis Donx. EE Léczyi Pant... 2... . II Lunula Ch... . ‘ >: II Lunyacsekit Pan. aye LT lutea Leup.-F, . . ae gh ald lyrata Gree. 2 poids Deilh macilenta GREG... . II 121, var. Ergadensis Grea... . II var. typica Cx. ee II meandrina Cu. shee SLE Magellanica Prtir. . ‘ II magnifica GREV.. . er II margaritifera CL. . : II marina W. Sm. I 403, var. arenicola Gun... IL 127. 119. 134. 118. 119. 119. 119. 121. 3, 127. 119. 126. 21. 126. 111. 111. 122. 131. 110. NAVICULOID DIATOMS. megapora PANT... . . membranacea W. SM. . Mexicana A. 8... var. fusca Cn. micans A. 8. Milesiana Gree. minuta Pant. . minutissima W. Sm... . monilifera GREG... . mucronata H. L. SM. munda A. 8. Milleri A.S.. 2... nana GREG.. . Naumanni Jan. .... naviculacea Donk. naviformis Leup-F.. . . Neupauert Pant. nobilis FLOGEL ... . > GREG. . nodosa Brun. . . Normani Rpw..... . Nova Caledonica Grun. . . obesa Cu. & GROVE . . oblonga GREG. . oblongella Grun. obtecta Bat obtusa GREG. ..... forma typica Cu. forma minuta Ct. var. Lunyacsekii (Pant) . var. oceanica (CAsTR.) var. Radula Cu. var. transfuga CL. obtusiuscula Grun. oceanica CastR.. . ocellata Donk. 5 var. cingulata CL. var.? interrupta Pant. . var. Jamalinensis Cu. GRuN. var.? Oamaruensis Ch. . ep var. typica CL. Oculus A. 8. var. Farcimen GRUN.. . var. fossilis Pant. -ornata Leup -F. ostrearia Bris. . . var. Belgica Grun. var. lineata Ch. . var. minor GRUN. . var. typica Cn. var. vitrea Cu. ovalis Ka. forma typica . var. affinis Ke. var. y affinis f. minor var. gracilis E. var. libyca E. . var. Pediculus Ke.. ovalis var. 0 Pediculus Ke. forma exilis Grun. forma minor Grun. . Ovum Ch... 2... parallela FLOGEL Pecten Brun. . . var. Argus Cr. Pediculus Gro major GRUN. pellucida A. 8. > GRec.. Peragalli Cu. permagna Pant. perpusilla Grun. (globulosa var.) GRUN. 2... & II 129. ‘| TT 130. II 104. TI 105. II 105. . It 104. II 104. II 105. II 105. . IT 105. II 105. . IL 102. II 130. eg TE 110. II 110. II 105. IT 105. II 119. . If 103. II 124. II 131. II 105. II 105. Petitii Temp. & Brun.. : Petiti Leup-F........ Pleurosigma Temp. & Brun. plicata Gree. . 3 polyzonata Casrr. . Porcellus Kirton... . praevalida Jan.. prisca Cu. & GRovE. . : prismatica Ch... 2. 1... proboscidea (GREG.) CL. . Proteus GREG. . ths Proteus var. var alata Cu. var. contigua Cu. : var. hexagonalis Wirt. var. Kariana Grun.. var. parvula FLOGEL var. speciosa CAsTR. . protracta Pant... . pulchra Grev. .. pusilla (GrEG.) Ch... . Pusio Ch... 2... quadrata Gree... quadrata Bris... . quadricostata Rey. . . Rattrayi Cu... rectangularis GREG... .. . rectilineata Ch. & Grove. Reichardtiana Gruy.. . rhombica Kirron var. gracilior CL. . var. intermedia Cu. rimosa E. robusta A. S..... robusta GREG... . 4 var. fusca CL... . . var. minor. DANNF. ... . var subplicata Ch... . salina W. Sm... .... salina var. fossilis Pawr. . salina B minor : sarniensis GREV. var.? flexuosa (GREV.) ... var.? sinuata (GREV.) scabriuscula CL. & GROVE . . Scala Ct. & GRovE .. . var. alata CL. . scalaris CastTR. Schleinitzii Jan. Schmidtiit Perrr Schmidtii Grun . forma major. ... forma minor. var. alata CL. . be dae pds var. Schleinitzii Jan. sejuncta Pant. Sendaiana Brun . sinuata GREV. spectabilis GREG. Staubit Pant... ... : staurophora (CastR.) Ch... . staurophora DANNF.. ... . > Pant. . stauroptera Batt. . striata Pant... .... : Ae strigata Pant. striolata Panr. Studerii Jan. Sturtii Gro. . subinflata GRUN. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2¢, N:0 3, 201 subpunctata Gr. & Sr... .. II 114. Ostrea Temp. & Br. TE 2h; sulcata (Bris.) CL. II 112. pulchra Grey. ..... I 20. suleata A. 8. Il 127. Baciliaria Get. > Dayne. TI 126. Cistula Hempr. & E. I 173. » GREG... . Ir 113. fulva Narascn I 109. > Roper. - 1109. viridis Nivzscn. . . . Ir 91 sumatrensis Leup.-F. 1113. p L : : svavis Pant... .. . II 105, Bangia Lyves. Szaboi Pant. ‘5 Ir 119. micans Lyncs. T 126. Szontaghii Pant. . . é II 105. Berkeleya Grev. Taylori Grun. . It 120. Adriatica Grun. (AG.). . I 126. tenera W. Sm. II 126. antarctica (HaRv.) GRUN. I 126. tenuis FLOGEL Ir 126, Dillwynii (Ac.) Grun.. I 126. Terroris E.. ...... II 122. Fennica Danny. . I 126. var. limbata CL.. Ir 123. fragilis Grev. I 126, tertiaria Pant. Ir 142. fusidium Gro. . I 106. tesselata GRove & Sv. . II 111. Harveyana GRUN. . I 126. tetragibba Ct. . : II 120. Hungarica Pant... . . I 127. Thaitiana Castr.. . . 11109. =‘micans (Lyneos.) Gron. I 126. transylvanica Pant. . . IT 142. Neogradensis Pant. . T 127. Treubiit Luup.-F. Tr 129. obtusa GREV... ..... I 126. truncata A. 8. . Ir 113. var. Adriatica (C. Ac.)Grun. I 126. truncata GREG... . . II 112. parasitica (Grirr.) Gruy. I 126. tumidula Grun.. . . II 118. pumila (AG.) Gron. I 126 turgida GREG... . . . II 123. Brachysira Ke. undata H. L. Sm. . TI 126. — aponina Ke. : I 154. > Levp.-F. . II 128. Brebissonia Grown. . I 124. undulata GREv.. . II 187. Boeckii (ExR.) . I 125. valida Perag.. . . II 102. var. minor Ch. . I 125. veneta Ke... . . . It 118. ? Weissflogit Gron. . I 152. ventricosa GREG. ...... II 135. Caloneis Ct. Bi I 46. verrucosa PANT... II 105. abnormis (GRuUN.) I 61. vetusta Ch... 2... II 115. Adenensis Cu. . I 60. vitrea CL. . ww. ‘ II 129. aemula (A. 8.). I 57. vittata Pant... 1... . IT 142. var. major CL. & Grove . I 57. Wachenhusenii Jan.. . II 106. alpestris (GRuN.). I 58. Weinekii Jan... .. . IT 102. amica (CL. & Grow.) . : I 64. Weissflogii A. S. II 116. amphisbaena (Bory) . I 58. Wiesneri Pant. . II 119. var. Fenzlii Gaon. I 59. Wittstenii Jan... .. . IT 140. var. fuscata ScHum. I 58. zebrata Temp. & BRUN II 110. var. liburnica Grun. I 58. zebrina A. 8... 2 II 136. var. subsalina Donk... . I 58. Amphoropsis GRun. forma major. .... I 58. decipiens GRUN.. . . . I 20. var. Vukotinovicii Panr.. . I 58. recta GRUN.. .... . I 2B. Anderssonii Ct. ‘ I 60. Anomoeoneis Prirz...... Il 5. bacillaris (GREG.) I 50. ? bipunctata Grun. .... . Ir 8. Beccariana (GRUN.). . . I 50. ? brachysira (Bris.) Grun.. . II 7. biclavata CL. & GROVE. . I 59. ? exilis (Ka.) (Grun.) I 8. biconstricta (GRovE & St.). . I 66. var. gomphonemacea Grun.. II 8. biseriata (Perit). . I 63. var. thermalis (Grun.). .. IL’ 8. bivittata (PANT.). . .. I 59. Follis (E.) ....... I 181, II 7. blanda (A. S.). .. I 62. Macraeana (Pant.). . ._ TW 7 ? Bodosensis (Panr.) . . I 58. menilitica (PANT.) . . ei TL ats var. Heribaudii Per. . I 58. polygramma (E.). . . Ir 6. Bottnica Ch... . . I 61. sculpta (E.). ... Il 6. brevis (GREG.). . . I 61. var. major Ch. ...... Ir 6. var. distoma Groun. I 61. ? serians (BREB.) II 7, 47. forma angustior I 61. sphaerophora (Ke.) Ii 6. forma bicuneata. . . I 61. var. biceps (E.). ..... Ir 6. forma latior . I 61. ? Zellensis (GRUN.). . . Ir 7. var. vexans GRUN. I 61. Anorthoneis Grun.. .. . II 166. Campbelli (Petit) . I 63. eurystoma CL. IIT 166. Castracanei (GRUN.) I 64. excentrica Donk. ...... II 166. var. Caledonica Cr. I 64. Auricula Castr. I 18. var. genuina Ct.. I 64. Amphitritis Casrr. I 21. var. Petitiana Grun. . I 64. ? coarctata (BRUN). ... . I 20. var. Philippinarum Ct.. I 64. complexa (GREG.) ...... I 21. var. Seychellensis Grun. M.S. I 64. decipiens GRUN.. . : I 20. clavigera Cu. I 56. Grunowii Pant........ I 22. Clevei (Lerst.) I 51. insecta GRUN.. ......-. I 20. Columbiensis Ct. I 51. intermedia (LEWIS). . .- I 21. consimilis (A. 8S.) ...... I 57. Japonica Brun........ I 21. curvinervia (GruN. )(Alloioneis) I 58. Javanica Cu. , I 21. ? dispersa GRovE & Sr. I 62. minuta CL... . I 21. Dusenii Ct. I 59. Bd 27. No 3. 26 K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handlingar. Il 129. II 138. II 183. IT 126. . IL 130. II 129. TI 110. II 139. II 112. It 113. . . IT 103. II 105. II 103. . It 108. IT 103. II 103. II 103. II 103. II. 121. I 20. It 187. II 102. IL 112. II 129. II 118. 202 ? egena (A. S.) . elongatula a Eugeniae Cu. eximia Grun. M. s. fasciata (La@Rst.). formicina (GRUN.) | formosa (GREG.). ... var. Holmiensis Cu. var. interrupta Cu. var. quadrilineata Grun.. . Frater Cr. ‘ Galapagensis CL. ; var. contracta GRUN. var. Japonica CL, . ? Hardmaniana Cu. Holstii Cu. : Kanitzii (Pan?.). . Kinkeriana (TRuAN) . . ? kryophila Cu. Ladogensis Cu. Lagerheimii Ch. . . latefasciata (GRUN.) latevittata (Panrt.) . latiuscula (K@.) . . . . var. Africana Cu. lepidula (GRUN.). . . . Liber (W. Sm.) var. bicuneata (GRUN.) . forma lanceolata var. Bleischiana (Jan. & RBH. ) var. elongata (GRUN.) var. excentrica GRUN. var. genuina CL. : forma tenuistriata CL. . forma convexa Cu. Janischiana (RBH.) Holubyi (Pant.). . . linearis GRUN. var. relegata CL. be diet var. umbilicata GRUN. . lobata (ScHWARTZ). . . Madagascarensis Ch... . Musca (GREG.). . var. eurynota Cu. . . var. intermedia Cu. var.? margino-punctata Grove & Sturt. .... var. mirabilis (Leup.-F.) . nubicola (GRUN.). . . sick obtusa (W. Sm.)...... ophiocephala Cu. & GROVE . Patagonica Cu. : permagna Ch... ...... Powellii (LEwis). ... . var. Atlantica Ch... . . . var. Bartholomei Ch... . . var. Egyptiaca Grev. var. Galapagensis Cu. . var. Vidovichii Grun. . probabilis (A. 8.) quadriseriata (Cu. & Grun.) robusta (GRUN.) var. perlonga Pant... . . var. subelliptica Ch... . Samoensis (GRUN.). .. . var. bimaculata (Panrt.) Schumanniana (GRuN.). . . . var. trinodis LEwIs . 5 ? scintillans (Tremp. & Br). . sectilis (A. S.) var. Boryana (PANrT.) ? sejuncta A. S Silicula (Enr.) var. alpina CL. var. capitata (LersT.) . . . var. var. var. HHH HH HHH HR RRR RRR RRR HR RH HH RHR RHR RH P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE var. var. var. var, var. curta (GRUN.). .... genuina Ch... . . 5 gibberula (Ke.) inflata (GRuN.) ee Jenisseyensis (GRUN.) . var. Kjellmaniana Cu. var. minuta (GRUN.) . var.? subventricosa (GRUN.) . var, truncatula (GRUN.) var. undulata (GRun.) var. ventricosa ([E.] Donx.) Spathula (Bru) . staurophora (GRUN.) (Pleuro- sigma) var. Adriatica Temp. & Br. . supergradata (BRUN.). . Tahitensis (GRUN.). . ? venusta (Pant.) . virginea Cu. Wardii Cu. oe Wittii (Grun.). 2... Zanardiniana (GRUN.) 63. Campyloneis Grun. . IT 166. Argus,GRUN. .. . . II 167. Grevillei (W. Sm.) . . . II 167. var. Argus Grun. . . . II 167. var. microsticta GRUN.. . II 167. var. obliqua GRuN. II 167. var. regalis GREY. . II 167. var. typica Cu. II 167. notabilis BRuN..... . II 168. Ceratoneis E. Fasciola HE... .. . I 116. laminaris E. ‘ . II 153. Cistula Cu.. I 124. Lorenziana (Grow.) T 124. Climaconeis Groun. Frauenfeldit Grun.. . . . I 152. linearis Jan. . . I 152. Lorenzti Grun. . . T 152. Climacosphenia E. linearis Jan. & RBH. . I 152. Cocconeis (E.) Cu. . . II 168. Actioneis CL. . .... . ID 185. Disconeis Cu]. . II 180. Eucocconeis Ch. . . . II 173. Heteroneis Ch... .... . ID 182. Microneis Cu. . . : II 187. Pleuroneis Ch... . . . . It 181. adjuncta ALS... It 170. aemula A. 8. II 196. aggregata Ke.. II 170. ambigua GRUN... . It 171. es californica . II 171. mygdalina GRuN. II 174. ndesitica Pant. II 172. pala Temp. & Br. II 177. var. fossilis Ch... II 177. arcta ALS... 2 2 ee II 196. arctica CL. Ag on 175, 176. armata GREV......... TI 150. Australis Petit... ... II 178. Baldjikiana Gaon. ... . IL 171. Barbadensis Grrev. ... . II 149. bifewa ALS... . . IT 196. Biharensis PANT. ...... TI 184. var. minor Pant. ..... II 184. binotata Grun. .... II 148. biradiata Brun.. . II 196. blandicula A.S. . 1... . II 196. Boryana Pant... . II 171. Britannica N@GELI . It 181, Campechiana GrRun. . II 196. RH HH RHR RR OR EHR RRR or nw NAVICULOID DIATOMS. Californica var. Hungarica PANG 4 6. 8 i5 ak gt card II 171. var. menilitica Pant. . II 171. cincta ALS. 2... we, II 196. circumcincta A. 8. . I 178. clavigera O'Mz. II 185. coarctata A.S.. 1... 1. II 196. coelata ARN. ». 1... +. I 99. comis A. 8S... 6... eee IT 196. composita A. 8. . II 179. consociata Ke. II 170. conspicua A. 8... » . IF 179. contermina A. S. . . IT 196. coronata BricHt II 181. costata GREG. ...... II 182. costata GREG. var. . . ID 181. var. hexagona Grun.. . . II 182. var. Kerguelensis (Petit). . II 182. var. pacifica (Grun.). . . . IL 182. var. typica CL. . IT 182. crebrestriata GREV. . II 171. cruciata Pant. II 172. Oruce: Be esas yy eR II 177. (pellucida var.?) curvirotunda Teme. & Br. von cy wo LE LG9, cyclophora GRun. ...... II 179. var. Challengeri Cu. . II 179. Danica FuocEL . . . . . IT 186. decipiens Cu. . II 175. delicata A. S.. : II 175. denticulata Lxup.-F. II 181. De Toniana Pant. It 177. diaphana W. Sm. . 1 174. 175: dirupta GREG. . ‘ II 175. var. antarctica GRUN. II 175. var.? Beltmeyeri Jan. II 175. var. Californica CL. . II 175. var decipiens Cu. . I 175, var. dubia Gron. . .. II 17%. var. flexella (JAN.). . . II 175. var. Fulgur (Brun) II 176, var. major GRUN.. . II 175. var. Sigma (Pant.) . I11%6. var. sparsipunctata eum) . IT 176. var. typica Cu. II 175. discrepans A. 8. II 196. Disculus (ScHum.) . II 172. dispar A. 8. II 196. distans GREG. . _ IE 169. 172. ome mips Per... . II 172. duplex A 3s «a «-5 DE 178: egena A. 3 Lak ao II 196. euglypta BE... 2 1... II 170. excentrica DONK. . II 166. eximia A.S... II 181. exoptata A. 8. II 182. extravagans JAN. IT 182. fasciata E. II 175. Febigeri BRUN. II 196. jimbriata Brien . . . . D148. Finmarchica Gron. It 174. Finnica EB. 1... so 2 95: jlexella Jan. & Rew. ... . IL 175. flexella Ke... 2... 0, II 179. formosa BRuN. ....... II 181. fraterna AS... II 182. Fulgur Brun. . II 176. gibbocalyx Brun II 172. glacialis A. 8. IL 196. glacialis Ch... 2... . It 41. Grantiana Grev....... It 171. granulata Gree. II 172. granulifera Grav. II 168. grata A.S.. . . IT 172. Grevillei W. Su. II 167. KONGL. SV. VET. Grovi ALS... 2... IL 197. Grunowii A. S... Ir 197. » Pant... .. I 171. Haradae Pant... .. II 171. Harioti Petr ww ws ig II 178. heteroidea Htzscu . II 178. var. conspicua (A. S.) . . II 179. var. curvirotunda (TEMP. & Br.) II 179. var. sigmoidea (GRuN.) . IL 179. illustris A. 8. : II 197. Imperatria A. 8S... II 182. inflewra A.S...... II 176. insueta A. 8. II 197. intermedia Per. & Har. IL 169. interrupta GRUN. II 177. Janischii A. S. IL 182. Japonica*A. 8. . II 197. > Pant. II 177. Jimboi Pant... . II 177. Kerguelensis Per... . IL 182. Kinkeri A. S.. II 166. > Pant. II 178. Kirchenpaueriana Jan & Rex. IL 178. Lagerheimii Cu. II 185. lamprosticta GREG. IL 172. Letourneurii Cu. . . It 176. limbata EK... ... II 175. lineata E. " ‘Ir 169. 178. var. minor Pant. IL 169. var. pygmea Pant. II 169. Lorenziana A. 8... It 171. > PER. II 181. lunata Levp.-F. . II 178. Lunyacsekii Pant. II 178. Lyra A. 8. II 180. major GREG. : II 178. minuta CL. . Pe 173, 179. var. alpestris Brun. . . II 180. molesta (Ke.) GRuN.. .... II 174. var.amygdalina(BREB.)Grun. II 174. var. crucifera GRUN. . . Il 174. Moronensis A. 8... II 197. Morrisii W. Su. . i It 171. naviculoides GREV. . . . Ir 149. Neogradensis Pant. Ir 40. Ningpoensis Perit , II 181. Norvegica Gun. 5 II 180. notabilis A. S. . II 197. > Pant. . ‘ . Il 178. notata PETIT ... II 176. nutans A. 8. . . . IT 197. oceanica EB... . . II 175, 178. Oculus Catis Brun. ; II 176. ornata GREG. ... . . I 171. pacifica GRuy. . : . II 182. paniformis BRUN.. . . II 170. ‘parthenopoea PEDIC. Ir 179. Pediculus E. . . II 169. var. salinarum Pant. , II 169. pellucida Hrzscu . . . JL 178. var. fossilis Pant. . IT 178. var. minor GRUN. . II 178. var. Nankoorensis Grun. mI 18, 197. var. sigmoioda GRUN. I 179. Pelta A. 8S... ‘ , II 184. Pensacole A. 8. . eg TEI perpusilla Payv. . Il 191, 194. Pethéi Pant... . 4 TEDL, pinnata Grea... .. .. . I 181. Placentula E. ...- . I 133, IT 169. var. baltica DANNF. . . . . II 169. var. euglypta E.. ..... II 170. var. intermedia (Per. & Hitz.) II 169. sor min vpn eens II fea II var lineata (E.) . AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. var. Rouxii (Hér. & Brun). II 169. var. trilineata (Per. & Hér.) II 169. Portii OMz. . ‘ II 171. precellens A. 8. Ir 197. precellens Panv. . It 176. prestans A, 8. II 182. probata A. 8. . II 177. producta A. 8... II 169. A mCUAOMGN ‘ginata A. ‘s. I 177. » JAN.. II 181. eoatinineetaats GREG. . II 178. var. intermedia Grow. II 178. punctata E.. F II 169. punctatissima GREv. II 148. pygmea Scuum. II 184. Quarnerensis GRun. II 184. radiata GREG.. . II 167. Raéana Pant. I 171. recurva A. 8. II 178. regalis GRrEv. II 167. > Per. . II 169. Regina Jouns . II 182. Rescheltii A. 8. . IL 197. reticulata Cu. II 180. rivalis A. 8. II 197. robusta Lxup.-F. : Ir 187. Rouxii Her. & Brun Ir 169, Schleinitzii Tan. II 197. scutelliformis GRuN. iI 181. Scutellum E. oa II 170. var. ampliata GRuN. . II 170. var. Baldjikiana GRUN. . II 171. var. Californica Grun. It 171. var. dilatata A. 8. II 170. var. Doljensis Pant. II 171. var.? dubia Grun. II 171. var. fossilis Pant. . II 171. var. gemmata A. S. . II 170. var. genuina Cu... . . IL 170. var. maxima (GRuN.) . II 171. var. minor . II 170. var. minutissima GRUN. II 170. var. ornata GRUN. II 170. var. parva GRUN. II 170. var. Raéana (Pant.) . II 171. var. stauroneiformis (Ww. Su.) II 170. y Roper...... II 148. semipolita A.S. ..... II 197. septentrionalis GRuN. Il 174. Sigma Pant. .... . II 176. sigmoidea ScHUM. . II 169. sigmo-radians Temp. & Br. . II 176. sparsi-punctata Brun... IL 176. spec.? A.B... 1. 2 eee II 180. spec. Brun. & TEMP.. II 177. splendida GREG. . II 148. surirelloides Gun. II 173. tenella A.S. 1... 1... II 178. tenera ScHuM. . TI 169. Thwaitesiti W. Sm. : II 179. var. 8 arctica Lerst. . II 179. Totare BRuN.... . II 168. transversa A.S.... II 178. transversalis Greg... . . IL 170. trilineata Per. & Hie. II 169. Van Heurckii Ch... . Il 173. verrucosa BRUN . . 177. versicolor Brun... . If 181. vetusta A.S.. .. - II 197. villosa PERAG. II 167. vitrea Brun . II 177. var.? verrucosa (Bron) 5 II 177. voluta Brun. . . II 177. Wrightit O'Mz. . II 149. BAND 27. w:o 3. 203 Cocconema E. arcticum (Lerst.) I 173. asperum E. I 17. Australicum A. S. I 176. Boeckii E. ‘ I 125. > GRUN. . J 174. Cistula E. I 178. var. maculata Gron. I 173. var.? Sibirica GRun. I 173. ere E. I 174. GREG. . I 173. caannenen me EH. I 172. gibbum A. S. 1 171, 176. Hungaricum Grun. I 172. Janischii A. 8S. I 177. leve (N&G.) . J 174. lanceolatum E. I 174. leptoceros E. I 163. Lunula E. I 168. Mexicanum E. I 177. nanum Hrzscn. . I 171. pachycephalum Rey. I 172. parvum W. SM. . T 172. stomatophorum Grun. I 176. var. borealis Grun. I 176. var. fossilis GRun. I 176. var, gibba GRon. I 176. Stuxbergit Cu. I 174. tumidum Brus. I 176. variabile CRAMER . . J 174. Colletonema Bres. bullosum Fior. Mazz. II 141. dubium Grun.? . I 160. exile GRUN. . “ . tT 8. eximium Tuw. e I 118. lacustre (C. Ac.) H. Vv. H. I 167. neglectum THw. . II 17. subcohaerens Tuw. I 167. viridulum Bris. I 123. vulgare THW.. .... I 122. Conferva Lin. rutilans TRENTEP. . I 126. Craticula Grun. Ehrenbergii_GRun. I 110. Perrotettii Grun. I 110. Cymatoneis Cu. I 75. circumvallata Cu. I 76. quadrisulcata (GRUN.) I 7%. sulcata (GREV.) I 7. Cymbella Ag. I 156. abnormis GRUN. . . i 170, 181. var. antiqua GRun. 1 171. var. fosstlis Pant. I 171. Abyssinica GRUN. . I 165. acuta (A. 8.) I 164. acutiuscula Cu. I 164. equalis A. 8.. I 161. equalis W. Su. . I 170. var. diminuta GRUN. . I 170. var. Florentina GRuN. I 170. var. hybrida Groun. I 161. affinis Ke... . . T 171. >» Pant. ia I 177. var. semicircularis Lersr. . I 168. var. tumida Lerst. 1 171. alpina GRUN. I 161. Americana var. acuta A. 8. I 164. amphicephala Na&ert1 I 164, 166, 171. var. hercynica A. 8S. I 165. var. subundulata Ct... I 164. amphioxys (Ke.) Grow. . I 164. anglica Lerst. . .. 1 166. angustata (W. Sm.) . I 161, 170. artica Lerst. s EVE: 204 aspera KE... . 1175, IL 38. var. Bengalensis Grun. . I 176. var.? crassa GRUN. . I 175. var. Dubravicensis Gaon. I 175. var. minor I 175. var. neogena GRUN. I 175. Australica A. S. I 176. Austriaca GRUN. . I 168. var. excisa GRUN. I 163. var. fossilis Pant. I 177. var.? latestriata Pant. I 177. var. prisca GRUN. I 163. Balatonis Grun. I 174. Beccarii Grun. I 172. Bengalensis Grun. I 176. Beverleiana A. 8S... Il 7. borealis Cu. . : I 161. Botellus Lerst. . . I 172. Bouleana Hir. & Br. I 173. Brasiliana Ch... . . I 139. Budayiana Pant. (Ehrenber- gut var.?) . i I 177. var. gracilior Panr. I 177. capitata Pant. . I 177. Cesatii (Reo) Grun. (Bneyo- nema) . I 160. Chyzerii PANT. I 175. Cistula Hempr. I 178. var. artica Lorsr. : I 173. var. fusidium Prr. & Her. I 173. var. Hungarica Pant. I 177. var. maculata A. S. . I 1738. var. Sibirica Grun. I 173. var.? truncata Bruyn ; I 173. Clementis Pant. (Cistula var. 2) I 177. conifera Brun & Hip. I 177. criophila Cast. . II 135. Cucumis A. S. . I 165. curta A. 8. I 178. cuspidata Ke. : I 166. var. obtusiuscula Gun. I 166. eymibitormls (Ac.) Ka. I 172. Pant. . I 177. sae. producta Pant. . I 177. delecta A. 8. i I 165. delicatula Ke. . T 161. Ehrenbergii Ke. I 165. Ehrenbergiit Ke. var. I 165. Ehrenbergti forma Lerst. . I 167. var. delecta A. S. I 165. var. minor . I 165. elegans CRAMER I 162. Encyonema Hut. I 168. Erdobényiana Pawn. I 168. excisa var. major Gurw. I 172. lexella Ke. : II 179. Frieseana Grun. I 140. gastroides Ke. I 1%. forma minor. . I 175. var.2 Dubravicensis Grun. 1 175. var. neogena GRUN. I 17. gigantea Pant. ‘ I 175. (Encyon.) gracilis RBH. . I 169. (Cistula var. ?) Grunovii Pant. I 177. Hauckii V. Hex. . : I 164 (Encyon.) hebridica Brun. . I 169. Helvetica Ke. I 172, 174. var.? Balatonis GRuN. I 174. var. curta CL. . I 174. var. fossilis Pant. . I 177. Hercynica A. 8. I 165. heteropleura E. I 166. var. minor I 167. var. subrostrata . I 167. hevesensis Pant.. . I 175. Hungarica Pant. I 163. hybrida Grun. . I 166. incerta Grun. I 170. var. naviculacea Grun. : I 170. (Encyon.?) inelegans Cu. I 168. inflata Pant. . I 177. integra A. 8. I 141. Janischii A.S. ...... I 177. Jimboi Pant. (C. Cistula?) I 177. (Encyon.) Jordanii Grun. . I 169. Kamtschatica Grun. . I 177. Kavnensis Pant. I 163. Kochii (Cist. var. maculata 2) PANT. ek Se es I 177. (Encyon.) lacustris Ac. t 167. levis NmGELI ABT 102. lanceolata E. : I 174, var. aspera BRoun I 1%. var. cornuta (E.). I 174. var. fossilis Pant. I 174, 178. var. robusta Pant. I 178. Lapponica Grun. I 165. lata GruN. . . I 165. leptoceros (E.) Grun.. I 162. var. angusta GRUN. I 163. var. excisa PETIT I 163. var. minor Grun. I 168. Lindsayana Grey. I 164. lunata W. Sm. I 169. lunula Res. T 169. maculata Ke. . I 178. > W. Sm. I 168. marina CASTR. . II 135. marina Pant. (Amphora angu- stata var.) I 178. Mexicana E. I Fi: II 38. microcephala GRUN. I 160. minuscula GRun. I 160. minuta HItse . I 169. Mélleriana Groun. : I 167. (Pisciculus var. ?) naviculacea GRun. . I {70. naviculacea var. amphiouys GRUN.. .. 2... I 164. naviculiformis AUERSW. I 166. naviculiformis HEr. I 164. Neupaueri Pant. I 163. (Encyon.) Norvegica Gaon. I 169. obtusa GREG. I 170. > Pan. I 178. var. diminuta GRuN. I 170. obtusiuscula (Ke.?) Grun. I 161. Oregonica CL. . : I 167.. pachyptera Panr. I 178. parva (W. Sm.) . I 172. (cymbiformis var.) parva W. Sm. I 172. parva var. Hungarica Grun. I 172. Pauli Per. & Hur. I 178. ? pediculus Ke. . II 105. Peragalli Pant. . I 178. perfecta Pant. (C. cymbifor- mis var. ?) ae ee: 178. Pisciculus Gree. var. incerta GRUN.. . De . 1170. plutonica Panr. (C. aepere var.?) . ‘ I 178. preclara Panr. . I 178. (Encyon.) prostrata BERK. I 167. punctifera CL... 2... I 176. pusilla Grun. Soi I 162. Rakéezyana Pant. (C. Cistula var. maculata ?) . 178. Reinhardtii Grun. . . I 162. rupicola Grun. I 162. salina Panr. I 176. Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. salinarum GRuN. T 171. Schmidtii Grun.. . . I 161. Scotica W. Sm. . . I 169, 174. Silesiaca BLEISCH. .... . I 169. simplex Pant. (C. ventricosa?) I 178. sinuata GREG. see Mee SEO: var, antiqua GRUN. I 171. var.? fossilis Pan‘. I 171. spuria Ch... 2... eee I 166. Staubii Panr. (C. Fepeeeeres VOL 2) ewe wae I 178. stauroneiformis Lerst. . I 165. Stodderi Cu... . . I 163. stomatophora GRUN.. . . I 1%. Sturii Groun. I 174. Stuxbergii Ct. I 173. suavis PANT. .. 1... I 178. subequalis GRUN. . I 170. var. Florentina Grow. . I 170. var. incerta GRuN. eg ae i 120; Szontaghii Pant. (Amphora angusta var. ?) é I 178. (Encyon.) Triangulum (B) ; I 168. truncata GREG. ‘ I 171. tumida Br&s. I 176. var. borealis Grun. I 176. var. fossilis Grun. I 176. var. gibba Grun. I 176. tumidula Grun. : I 171. var. salinarum GRUN. I 171. (eueyon.) turgida Gree. I 168. >» Pant. . I 178. ay tas ver. excisa Putir . . I 163. turgidula Grun. . . 1171, 174. valida Pant. (C. aspera var. ” I 178. variabilis Warr. I 169. variabilis (CRAMER) Her. var. artica erst... . I 173. var. Botellus Lens. . I 172. vegeta Pant. ; I 178. (Encyon.) ventricosa Ke. . I 168. var. obtusa GRuN. I 169. var. ovata GRUN. I 169. Yarrensis (A. 8S.) I 162. Cymbosira Ke. Agardhii Ke. II 194. minutula Gron. II 189. Diadesmis Ke. biceps ARnotr I 182. conlervacea Ke... I 183. Flotowtit Grun. . I 182. gallica W. Su.t . TI 150. peregrina W. Sm. . I 183. seminoides Cu. & GROVE. I 139. Dickieia Berk. ulvacea BERK.. . Dictyoneis Cu. Jamaicensis (GREV.) var. gigantea Cu. marginata (Lewis) Ct. forma elongata . var. Cleveii Brun. . var. commutata Cu. var. gigantea CL. var. intermedia Ch. . . ; var. Janischii (Castr.) Cu. . var. spectatissima (GREVv.) var. typica CL. : mastogloidea (PAnT.) naviculacea Cu. ‘ panduriformis Cu. . Pantocsekii Cu. ial rugosa (TEMP. & Brun) spectatissima (GREv.) Cu. Me nw © HAHA ARR HHH RHR RH eo ~ KONGL. SV. subconstricta Cx. Dimeregramma Ratrs. Baldjikii Watxer & CHasE . Diploneis FE... ... . Adonis (Brun)... . . var. Ganymedes Ch. . . var. gibbosa Brun. . . var. Oamaruensis Cu. advena (A.S.)... ‘ var. parca A. S.. 1 2... var. recta Brun & Hir. . . var. Sansegana GRun. estiva (Donx.) formaa... forma @ areolata CL. . £9 ‘ binaria (A. S.).. 2... ? bioculata (GRUN.). . var. vittata Ch... . biseriata CL... . ... var. Galapagensis CL. . var. lata Cu. ; Boldtiana Cu. ; bombiformis CL... .. . bomboides (A. 8.) ‘ var. Madagascarensis Cu. forma minor Cu.. . var. moesta A. S. Bombus E. . . a es var. bullata Cu. we var. densestriata A. S. var. egena A. S.. . borealis (GRUN.) . . . var. subconstricta Cu. Campylodiscus (GRUN.) . . Chersonensis (GRuN.) . Chinensis Ch... . . : circumnodosa (BRUN). .. . Clepsydra Ch. . . coarctata A.S. .... coffeiformis (A. S.). .... var. densestriata A. S... . var. subcircularis A. 8. compar (JAN.) congrua (JAN.). . . ee constricta (GRUN.) . . forma minuta var. distans Ch. . . contigua (A. 8.) .... var. Eudoxia A. 8. var. Eugenia A. S. var. Zechenteri Panv. Crabro (E.) var.? confecta A. S. var. Didelta Ch... . var.? Dirhombus A. 8S. var. expleta A. 8S... var.? Gibelii A. S.. . . var. gloriosa BRun . var. Hungarica Ch. .. . var. limitanea (A. 8.) : var. minuta Ch. ...... var. multicostata GRun. var. Nankoorensis Grun. var. O’Meari Grun. M. S. var. Pandura (BREB.) var.? Pandurella Cu. var. perpusilla Cu... . . var. separabilis A. S. var. subelliptica Cx. var.? suspecta A. S. Cynthia A. S.. . var. elongata Cu. VET. I 31. I 31, Ir 187. RS HH HHH HH RRR HR oo @ AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. var. minuta Ch. . var. Sibirica Cu. . Dalmatica (Grun.) . . var. Vulpecula A. 8S. . Debyi (Pant.). .. . : var. elliptica Ch... 1... demta (A. 8.) as didyma (E.)_. I Dirrhombus (A. 8) discrepans (A. §.) divergens & Soe. es var. digrediens A. 8.. Domblittensis (Grun.) elliptica (Ke.) . var. grandis GRuN. var. Ladogensis Cu. oar var. Ostracodarum Pant. . Entomon (E.) . al fae tam 8 exemta (A. S.). ....2.. var.? crabroniformis GRUN. . var. digrediens Cu. Finnica (E.) Cu... . fusca (GREG.) . . var. delicata A. S._ var. Gregorii Cu. var. Japonica Cu. var. nigricans Pant... . . var. Norvegica Cu. . var. Oamaruensis Cu. var. Pelagi A. 8. : var. pseudofusca Pant... . var. subfusca Pant. . . . var. subrectangularis Ct. . var. tenuipunctata Ch... var. Van Heurckii Cu... . gemmata (GREV.) : var. fossilis Pant... ... var. Madagascarensis Cu. . var. minor CL. Se var. Oamaruensis Cu. : var. pristiophora Jan... . forma minuta CL. . . var. punctata CL. var. spectabilis Grun. . . var. typica Cu. gemmatula (GRuN.). . . . var. Beyrichiana A. § forma minor Pant. var. Grunowii Ch... . . var. Hungarica Cu. var. lacrimans A. §.. var. Moravica Cu. . Greffii (GRuN.) forma minor. Grindleri (A. 8.) Guinardiana (Brun) Hudsonis (Groun.) hyalina (Donx.) . . hyperborea (GRuN.) var. excisa A. 8. incurvata (GREV.) inscripta Ch. . .. . interrupta (Ke.) ..... var. clancula A. 8. var.? Gorjanovicii Pant. var. Tallyana GRUN. . . var.? Wiesnerii Pant. var. Zanzibarica GRUN. . Kiitzingii (Grun.) var. bullata Ch... . laciniosa (A. S.). . . Lesinensis (GRUN.) . . Letourneuri Cu. . . lineata (Donx.) forma pusilla Ct. aia peered are ea acres aa nanotech mee co lor) BAND 27. n:o 3. 205 litoralis (Donx.) . I 94. var. hospes A. 8. I 94. major Cu. I 96. var. permagna Pant... I 97. Mauleri (Broun.) I 98. var. Borussica Cu. I 98. mediterranea (GRuN.) . I 82. microtatos (Pant.) I 95, II 196. var. ChristianiiTu.Curistian I 96. mirabilis (CastR.) . .. . I 97. munda (Jan.)-. ... I 82, musceformis (GRUN.) . I 83. var. constricta GRUN. I 83. var. genuina Cu... . I 83. var. placida A. S.. . I 83. var. pusilla Ch... . I 83. nitescens (GREG.) I 97. var. fossilis PANT... . I 97. var. Fuegiana Petit I 97. var. serratula GRUN.. . . I 97. notabilis (GREV.)...... I 93. forma expleta A. SS... . . I 93. forma genuina. . I 93. oculata (BREB.) . ... I 92. ornata (A.8)...... I 102. ovalis (HILSE). .... I 92. var. oblongella Na&GELI. . I 93. var. pumila GRun.. . I 92. Papula (A.S.). 2... I 85. Parma Cu. . I 95. Platessa Cu. & Grove... . I 97. Prestes (A. S.) I 87. prisca (A. S.) . I 103. Puella (Scxum.) Cu. I 92. Schmidtii Ch... ... I 389. Smithii (BriB.) ...... I 96. splendida (GREG.) I 87. var. diplosticta Gruy. . I 88. var.? Elesdiana Pant. . . I 88. var.? Haynaldii Pant. I 88. var.? prominula A.S.... I 88. var. Puella A. S. I 88. subcincta (A. S.). .. . I 86. subnuda (A. 8.) ... I 81. var. densestriata. . . . I 82. suborbicularis (GREG.) . . I 81. subovalis Ch. ..... I 96. Szontaghii (Pant.). . I 99, vacillans (A. S.). . . I 95. formaa...... I 95. forma 8 ....... I 95. var Corsicana Grun..... I 96. var. delicatula Ch... . . I 95. var.? minuta GRUN. I 95. var. renitens A. S.. . I 965. vagabunda (BRUN)...... I 103. Vespa O63. 6 0 ok we a ae 97. Vetula (A.S.).... I 85. Weissflogii (A. 8.) . I 91. Disconeis Cr. ...... It 180 Donkinia Ratrs. angusta (Donxk.) RALFs I 120. antiqua Grove & Sr. I 120. carinata (Donk.) Ratrs ... I 44. compacta RauFs. ... . I 120. minuta (Donx.) Raurs . I 120. recta (DonxK.) GRoun. T 120. var. intermedia Pr. I 120. reticulata Norm. I 465. subflecuosa GRUN.. .... I 119. Thumit Per. .... I 120. Doryphora Ke. Boocksi WO BM soe Seen I 125, 206 Pp. T. Echinella. geminata Lyne. Soe olivacea LynGB.. . . 1... Encyonema, Auerswaldit RBH... ... . caespitosum Ke. : ‘ var. obtusa GRUN.. . . var. ovata GRuN. . . Gerstenbergeri GRuN. gracile RBH. .. 1.1... hebridicum (Grue.) GRun. . Lunula (E.) Grun. maximum Warr. 2.5 paradoxum Ka... 2... s. prostratum (BERK.) RALFs . » Ke. . . ‘ triangulum Grams oe Ae turgidum (GREG.) GruN.. . . Ongert GRUN.. . 2... ventricosum (K@.). . . ? Yarrense A. S. . Eucocconeis Cu... Frustulia Ac. a acrosphaeria Bris. acuminata Ke... . appendiculata Ac. attenuata Ke. coffeiformis Ac. > Ke. aie cuspidata Ke... .. 1... eumnbiformts Ke. vessa KG. . 2. 2 wee oie Ag. intensities LEewis . . ei var. incomperta LEWIs. . . var. Julieni Brun & Hr. var. Labuensis Ch... . . lanceolata Ac. lata Bris. ; Lewisiana (Grev.) maculata Ke... 2... major Ka. oblonga Ke. . pelliculosa Bree. pellucida Ke... a rhomboides E.. ....... var. amphipleuroides Grun. var. lineolata E. var. Oregonica CL. . var. Saxonica Rau. var. viridula Bris. ig lds Saxonica RBH. ....... spec. GRUN.. 2... ee Styriaca GRun. : torphacea A. Braun. . ventricosa Ke. vulgaris Tow... . var. asymmetrica Cu. Gloeonema E. Leibleinii Ac. . Triangulum E. Gomphoneis Ct. . elegans (GRUN.) herculeanum E. ‘ var. clavata Ch... . . var. robusta Grun. Mamilla (E.) Gomphonema Ac. .. . abbreviatum (Ac.) Ka... .. (abbreviatum var.) Brasiliense acumipatum E. forma Brébissonii Ke. forma coronata E... . forma pusilla Grun. . . I 186. I 187. T 168. I 168. I 169. I 169. I 175. I 169. I 169. I 168. I 168. I 167. I 167. I 168. I 168. I 168. I 167. I 168. i I 162. . ID 178. I 121. . I 86. » 1144 Tl 7%. I 115. II 120. I 172. I 109. I 172. I 88. II 152. I 123. I 123. I 178. I 189. I 189. I 184. I 184. I 184. forma trigonocephala E. I 184. var. Clavus (BREB.) . . I 184. var. elongata W. Sm. I 184. var. intermedia Grun.. . . I 184. var. laticeps (E.) . 1... T 184. var. pusilla GRun. I 184. var. submontana Gutw. I 184. var. Turris E.. .. . I 184. equale GREG... . I 181. Aistuarii Cu. I 188. affine Ke. . 1... I 183. angustatum Ke. Soirée, TST: var. equalis GREG... .. . I 181. var. intermedia. . . I 181. var. obtusata Ke. ee > Fd8l, var. producta GRUN.. . . I 181. var. Sarcophagus GREG. I 181. var. subequalis Grun.... I 181. var. undulata Grun..... I 181. angustum BREB. I 181. antarcticum OME. I 189. apicatum E......... I 185. arcticum GRuN.. ... . I 188. asymmetricum Gutw.... . I 170. Augur Hy, aa 8 a ae ee a I 185. var. Gautiert V. Hox... . I 185. auritum A. BRAUN ..... I 182. Balticum Cu... 1... .. I 188. Bengalense Gruyn....... I 183. Berggrenii Cu. . I 185. Brasiliense BRUN. 5 I 189. var. Demerare Gru. M. 'g. I 189. Brébissoniti Ka... . I 184. calearewm Cu. & M.. .. I 188, 188. Cantalicum Brun & Hér. I 189. var. costalonga Brun & Hir. I 190. forma major Brun & Hip. . I 190. capitatum E,.. .. I 186. clavatum E. I 186. commune RBH. so. 2 T 181. commutatum GRUN.... . I 183. constrictum E. I 186. var. capitata E. I 186. var. subcapitata . . . 1 186. coronatum EB... 1... I 184. cristatum RALFS ...... -I 185. curvatum Ke... .. 2... II 165. curvirostrum Temp. & Br... I 186. Cygnus Scoum. ...... I 182. > Srrész... I 183. Cymbella BRun ..... I 188. dichotomum Ke. ...... I 182. (gracile var.?) dichotomum SW SSMS cde et oe, weer geh os Ses Ber I 182. dichotomum § sessile Ka. I 183. Dubravicense Pant... ... I 187. elegans GRUN. . I 7. elongatum W. 8m. . . I 184, Eriense GRuN.. ...... I 78, 180. exiguum Ke. ..... : T 188. var. arctica GRUN.. .. . I 188. var. digitata (Ka.) : I 188. var. minutissima (Ke.) I 188. var. pachyclada Briss. I 188. var. perpusilla Grun.. . . I 188. var. telographica (Ke.) I 188. fractum Scnum....... II 166. geminatum LyncB....... I 186. var. curvirostrata Temp.& Br. I 186. var. hybrida GRun. . .. . I 186. var. Sibirica Grun. . I 186. gracile B.. . 2... I 182. var. aurita A. BRAUN . . I 182. var. cymbelloides Grun. M. 8. I 182 var. dichotoma Ke. I 182 CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. var.? lanceolata Ke... . I 183. var. major GRUN. . . I 183. var. naviculacea W. Sm. I 188, gracile Scupum. 1... ... I 181. gracillimum Scuum. . I 181. hebridense GREG. I 182. Herculeanum E. ns I 7. var. robusta GRuN. J 74. Hungaricum Pant. I 182. hyalinum Het. . I 188. insigne GREG. . I 183. intricatum Ke. . I 181. var. dichotoma Ke. T 182. var. fossilis Pant. . I 182. var. pumila GRUN.. . I 181. var. Vibrio E.. . I 182. Italicum Ke. «1... . I 186. Kamtschaticum Gruy. . . I 188. var. Californica GRUN. T 189. var. Sibirica Grun. I 189. Kinkerianum Pant. . I 184. Lagenula V. Hex. . T 180. > Scnoum.... J 181. lanceolatum E. gad I 188. var. Bengalensis. . . . . . I 188. var. insignis GREG. T 183. longiceps (E.). . . I 183. var. subclavata . . I 183. Mamilla BE... .... T 7: marinum W. Su. . II 165. Mexicanum Gron. I 184. micropus Ke. I 180. minutissimum Ke. .... . II 165. montanum var. subclavata GRuy. . s 183. Mustela E. soci I 184, naviculoides StRGSE. . . . . It 16. nasutum BE... . fs I 185. olivaceum Lynep. ... . I 187. var. baltica Cu. . I 188. var. calcarea Ch... . I 188. var. fossilis Pant. . I 187. var. salinarum Pant... . I 187. var. stauroneiformis Grun. I 188. var. staurophora Pant. T 187. var. tenellum Ke. I 188. (Oregonicum var. *) maximum GRUN. ‘ 2 JR 98: oxycephalum Cos. aa . I 187. pachycladum BREB.. ... . I 188. parvulum Ke. . . I 180. var. exilis GRUN. ..... I 180. var. exilissima GRuUN. I 180. var. lanceolata. ..... I 180. var. micropus Ke. é I 180. var. subcapitata. . . . I 180. var. subelliptica Cu... . . I 180. var.? tergestina Grun. I 181. Peruvianum GRoUN. . I 189. pohliceforme Ka. I 186. Puiggarianum Grow. . I 189. var, equatorialis Cu. I 189. pulvinatum A. Braun . T 182. Sagitta Scrum. 'T 182, 184. salinarum Pant. . I 187. var. staurophora PANT. I 187. salsa Pant. . : I 187. Sarcophagus GREG. I 181. semiapertum GRun. T 182. var. tergestina Grun. I 181. sphaenelloides Scuum.. . . I 188. spherophorum E. I 185. subclavatum Grun. I 183. var. acuminata Per. & Her. I 184. var. montana ScHum. I 184. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 27. n:o 3. 207 var. Mustela KE. . 2... I 184. var. minutula GRuN.. . . I117. egregia A.S.... I forma curvata Brun & Per. I 184. var. nodifera Grun. . T1117. electa A.S.... I var. obliqua Grun. I 184, strigilis (W. Sm.) I 115. elegans Lewis. Il subramosum Ke. I 186, 188. var.? Capensis PEtit . I 115. elliptica Ac. : . I subtile EB... ....... 1 182. var. Smithii Groun. I 115. var. Australis Cr. . . I var. Sagitta Scuum. . I 182. var.? tropica GRUN. I 1145. var. Dansei (THw.) II 146, Szaboi Panr. . 1183. Temperei Ch. . ... . T 148. var. punctata Cu. Il tenellum Ke. 1188. tenuissimum W. Sm... . 1117. elongata Levup.-F. . I > WES Me | ook a ae ae I 182. var. hyperborea Grun.. . I 117. entoleia Ch... . 1... II transsylvanicum Pant... .. I 187. var. subtilissima Grun. I 117. Erythrea GruN.. ... Il trigonocephalum E. T 184. Terryanum (PER.) . I 114. var. biocellata Grun.. . II turgidum E. I 186. Wansbeckii (DonkK.) I 119. var.? interrupta (Hrzscn.) . II Turris E.. I 184. var. Peisonis Grun. I 119. euxina CL. as I var. apiculata Gann I 183. var. subsalina Prr. 1119. exarata Ch... . II validum Ctr. . : I 185. Hantzschia Gron. exigua Lewis . II var. elongata Cu. .. 1185. amphioxys (E.) Grun.. .. IL 141. fallax Ch... 2... . I ventricosum GREG... .... I 186. marina (DonK.) GRUN. . II 141. flexuosa CL... II var. maxima CL... ... 14187. Heteroneis Ch. ..... II 182. Floridana Ct. II var. ornata GRUN...... I 187. Libellus Ch... ... I 151. Floridea Cu. . II var. Tasmanica Cu. I 187. aponinus (DE Tont) I 154. Foliolum Brun. . . It Vibro RB. ge ee eee I 182. Licmophora Ae. Funafutensis A.S.. 2... II ? vitreum GRUN. . YT 8&8 minuta Ke. . I 189. ?(Diadesmis) gallica (W. em) II Gyrosigma Hassabn ..... I 112. Mastogloia THWATTES . II 142. Goésii Ch. . .... . Il acuminatum Ke... ..... I i14 acuta GRUN.. .... 0.0. II 156. Grevillei W. Sm... 1... . II var. Brébissonii Grun.. . . -I 114. acutiuscula GRuN.. .... . II 157. Grovei Cu. . . es II var. curta GRUN. ..... I 114. var. Labuensis Cu. II 157. Grundleri A.S. 2... Il var. gallica Grun.. .... I 114. affinis Cu. . II 151. Grunowit A. SS... 2... 241 angustum DonK........ I 120. affirmata Leup.-F. II 155. Horvathiana Grov. . II var. Sumatrana CL. . I 120. amygdala Lrup. Bie ithe a II 151. = inequalis Cu. ; II (Rhoicos.) arcticum Cu... . . I 119. angulata Lewis . 5% II 147. interrupta Hrzscu . 5. 4E attenuatum (Ke.) ...... I 115. > IP RERY ee Ye be ae II 157. intersecta A. S.. . II var. scalprum GAILL. & Temp. I 116. var. pusilla Grun.. . II 147. Japonica CL . 1... II Baileyi (GRuN.) ...... I 114. antiqua Ch... . . . ID 159. Javanica Ch. . I balticum (E.) .. 2... 2... I 118. > Scuum. II 152, 153. Jelinekiana GRun. II var. Californica Grun. . . . I 119. apiculata GRUN... . . I 147. Jelinekii Grun. : Ii var. similis Grun...... I 119. apiculata W. Sm. II 157. var. fossilis Ch. . . . I var. Sinensis BE... .... I 119. Arata Che a acm Bock a oS II 156. var. marina (JAN. & RBH. ?) Cu. IL (Rhoicos.) compactum (Grev.) I 120. asperula Grun. M.S. . . II 146, 162. var. Italica Broun . II var. constricta GRuN. T 120. ‘var. Gilberti (A. 8.) . 11147. Kariana Grow. .. . IT diaphanum Cu. I 115. Bahamensis Cu. . . : II 155. Kellerii (Pant.) . . . ‘ II diminutum Grun. ..... I 119. Baikanica Brun II 157. Kerguelenensis Castr.. . . II var. constricta GRuN. I 119. baltica GRUN.. . . II 156. Kinkerit Pant... .. II distortum (W. Sm.) ..... I 116. var.? Citrus Cu. II 157. Kinsmanni Lewis. . I var. Parkeri Harris . I 116. Baldjikiana Grun. . .. II 158. Kjellmanii Ct. II var. stauroneoides Grun. I 116. var. bullata CL. II 158. Labuensis Ch... 2 2... II Fasciola (E.) ........- I 116. bisuleata Grun...... . It 155. laminaris EF. ...... II var. arcuata Donk. I 116. var. Corsicana (GRuN.) . Ir 155. var. intermedia Cu. II var. sulcata Grun.. I 116. Braunii Grun.. ..... . ID 158. lanceolata THw... . II var. tenuirostris Grun.. . . I 116. var. Baldjikiana Grun. II 158. var. GRUN. ..... 2. I Febigerii (Gruy.) . . I 1165. var. pumila GRoN. II 157. var. amphicephala Danner. . II (Rhoicos.) glaciale Cu. I 115. Brunt A.8.. . . .. «*TL 161. var. elliptica Dann. I Grovei Ch. . 2... ee I 118. bullata A.S. 2. ee ee II 154. var. Hungarica Panv.. II Kiitzingii (GruN.) ...... I 115. (Stigmaphora) capitata Brun II 151. Lancettula Cn. 2... 1. II lineare (GRUN) ... +... I 120. capitata Grev. ....... It 152. (Orthoneis) latericia A. 8... II var. longissima Cu. .... I 120. Castracanei BRUN ...... II 146. lemniscata Luup.-F...... Il litorale (W. Sm.)....... I 116. Chersonensis A. 8. II 161. Leudugeri Cu. & Grove... II macrum (W. Sm.) ...... T 117. Citrus Ch... .. . II 157. lineata Cu. & GROVE... .. II (Rhoicos.) mediterraneum Cu. . I 121. Clevei BRUN ........ I 31. lineolata A. 8S... . It var. calcarea BRUN I 121. cocconeiformis GRUN. . . 11150. Macdonaldii Grav... .. al var. Chinensis Cu.. . I 121. concinna A. 8. ‘ . I 161. marginulata Gruy. . II plagiostomum (GRuN.) 1118. constricta Cu. . . Il 154. Mauritiana Brun... .. I prolongatum W. Sm... . I 117. Corsicana GRUN. ...... II 155. maxima Grun........ II var. closteroides Grun.. . . I 117. Oraveni (Lrup.-F.) . : II 159. minuta GREV......... II (Donkinia) rectum Donx.. . . I 119. cribrosa GRUN. ..... II 148, 149. neogena Pant. ....... Il var. intermedia PEr. . I 120. cruciata (LEuUD.-F.)...... II 159. obesa Ch... . 1... ea. Il var. minuta DonK.. .... I 120. cuspidata Ch... . . . — it 154. obscura Leup.-F. ...... I var. Thumii Cu... .... I 120. Dansei Tow......... II 152. obtusa Pant. . 2... es II (Rhoicos.) robustum Groun. . . I 121. var. elliptica ms AG.) . ID 152. var. fluviatilis Brun II var. inflexa Per. ..... I 121. Debyi Ch... 2) 1 ew eee II 158. OVALS AL Site ye eo II scalproides RBH... ..+.-. I 118. decora Lrup.-F. . IL 159. ovata GRUN. 6. 2 ee eee Ir var. (Endosigma) eximia Taw. I 118. 2? decorata GRun. . . I 62. panduriformis CL. ... .. I var. obliqua GRUN. . I 118. decussata Grun. M. S. . . 11147. paradoxa Grun........ Ir spectabile (GRUN.) - . . ++. 1118. delicatula Cu... . . . 11146. = peracuta Jan.. . II Spencerii (W. Sm)... .. I 117. divergens A.S.... It 161. Peragalli Cr... . . . iI var. exilis GRUN. ..... I 117. 2? dubia Cu... II 162. Pethéi Pan. Il 162. 162. 154. 152. 152. 152. 153. 161. 158. 154. 154. 154. 158. 156. 151. 153. 154. 151. 151. 162. 162. 150. 155. 146. 149. 162. 161. . 149. 150. 154. 162. 160. 159. 160. 160. 160. 160. 160. 151. 160. 161. 158. 158. 147. 157. 153. 153. 153. 152. 156. 156. 152. 150. 162. 159. 159. 156. 156. 158. 150. 161. 171. 151. 158. 160. 161. 152. 159. 156. 156. 154. 162. 157. 158, 208 (Phaitiana) CastR. ..... Il 146 Pisciculus Ch... .. 2... II 157. Portierana GRUN. ..... II 153. pulchella Cu. II 153. pusilla Gron.. . II 151. pumila GRUN.. .. . If 157. quinquecostata GRUN. II 161. var. concinna (A. 8.) TT 161. var. elongata Lrup.-F. II 161. var. Kerguelenensis (Castr.) II 161. var. Neapolitana Bruy II 161. var. rhombica Cu. . . TI 161. radians A. S.. II 162. remota A. SS... II 162. ? reticulata Grun. I 30. var. Japonica Brun . IT 31. rhombica Cu... . . II 155. rhomboidalis Pant. II 158. Rhombulus Cu. Ir 150. Rhombus vena Ir 146. rimosa Cu. es II 155. rostellata GRUN. . II 147, 162. rugosa TEMP. & Br. . . I 82. Sansibarica A. 8. II 161. seriata CL. & GROVE. . . II 161. Seychellensis Grun. . Ir 154. sinuata A.S.. 2... II 161. smithii Tuw..... 2 EL 152 var. abnormis GRuUN.. . II 152. var. amphicephala Grun.. . II 152. var. Doljensis Pant.. . TI 152. var. intermedia Grun... . II 152. var. lacustris Grun. . II 152. var. lanceolata Grun. Ir 152. var.? pusilla Grun... . . II 151. Smithiti @ Taw. ..... II 152. sp.? PERAG. . II 157 squamosa PGS. , awe & Ir 155 submarginata CL. & GRUN. . Il 160. suborbicularis Lrup.-F. II 157 suleata Ch... . . II 147 Szontaghii Pant. ...... II 147 Temperei CL. ...... Ir 160. Thaitiana CastrR. ._ I 146, 147. tumescens A.S. ...... II 162. undulata GRUN. ... . II 155. Mastoneis CL...... I 194. biformis (GRuN.). ...... I 194. Microneis Ch. ..... II 187. Microstigma Cu. . I 151. Monema GreEv. prostratum BERK. . I 167. Monogramma E. Smithiana GREv. II 193. ventricosa HB. . . II 192. Navicula Bory. Abaujensis Pant... . II 88. abnormis CAsTR. I 90. > GRuN.. . . . I 61. abrupta (GREG.). °.... II 61. (molaris var.?) Abyssinica GRUONE sigan Sure eer a 50. acrosphaeria BRUB. ..... Il 86. var. Sandvicensis A. 8S... II 86. Acus Ch... ‘T 106, 133. Adonis BRuN ...... I 85. var. gibbosa BRuN. ... . I 8b. Adriatica Grun. I 85, 97. aemula GRUN........ I 57. var.? major Cu. & Grove. I 57. aestiva DonK........ I 94. Aestuarit BREB.. . .. . I 42. affinis BE. 2... ee I 68, 69. Pee UDI A soe ee coke eave shes I 68. var. amphirhynchus Gaon. I 68, 69. var. undulata GRUN. I res Leup.-F..... II binensis GRUN. ey II algida GRUN. II Allmaniana GREG. ..... II alpestris GRUN. . . I var. Tatrica Gutw. . I Alpha Cn. 3 6 4% & 2% 4 II alpina W. Sm. ft ambigua EB... 2... ew I Americana E.. «1... I var. bacillaris Per. & Hitz. I forma minor Per. & Hir. I amica Cu. & GRuN. ..... I Amicorum Grun M.8..... I var. Madagascarensis CL. . Il ammophila GRun....... II var. degenerans GRUN. . II var. flanatica (GRuN.) Il var. intermedia Grun. . . . II forma minuta Grun. a amoena CL. ....... amphibola Ct. . I 136, 11 93, amphiceros Kay. 4 Geek ss II amphigomphus E. ae SE amphioxys E.. . I amphirhynchus W. Sm. I amphisbaena Bory I var. Fenzlit Grun I var. subsalina I Amphora Brun. . . I ampliata E. , I Anderssonii Cu... I andesitica Pant. 5 iE anglica RaLFs. ....... II var. minuta Ch... .... II var. subcruciata GruN.. . Il var. subsalina GRUN. . Il var. subsalsa GRUN. Il’ angulata QUCK. . I angulosa GREG. . I var. 8 GREG. II angusta GRUN. ....... II angustata W. Sm. I annulata GRUN. .. . Bp oe cor CoE Anthracis Brun & CL... . . II aperta ScHum. oe 18 II apiculata GREG... . . > BREB. , 4 II var. naculifera GRun . I Apis EE... .... I 85, (Libellus) aponina Ke... . I appendiculata Ke. I 160, ‘Il 75, var. trrorata GRUN.. . I approximata GrEvV. ..... II forma typica ...... II var. Couperi (Bam.) . . .. II var. Kittoniana A. S. ... II var. substauroneiformis GRUN) esi ke a x 4 II Aquitaniae Brun & Hip. II var. undulata Brun. . . . II Arabica GRUN. ....... II Aradina Pant... . II arata GRUN.. ....... II arctica CL... 2... I arcuata Pant. . II arenaria Donk... .... II arenariaeformis Pant. . II arenicola GRUN. . . . IT Areschougiana GRUN. II arverna Per. & Hr. II aspera BE... 1. wee I var. Hungarica Pant. . I var. intermedia Grun.. I 68. P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. asymmetrica Pant. .... . > Cu. . atomoides Grun. Atomus GRUN. > NAEGELI Aucklandica Gron. Seal a Australica A. 8... 0... Australis Pevir.... .. avenacea BREB, ....... baccata BRUN.. . . es Seer we bacillaris GREG... 2... . Bacillaris Gree. var. incon- stantissima GRUN. . : bacillifera Pant. . bacilliformis Grun. s Bacillum E.. ........ var. GREG. var. 8 var. Gregoriana GROUN. . var. minor V. Hck. .... var. lepida GREG. ... . var.? Mexicana GRUN. .. . Baculus Cu. Baumlerii Panr.. . .. . var. interrupta Pant. Bahusiensis Grun.. ... . var. arctica GRUN.. .... var. Istriana GRUN. Baileyana Gron. . . Balearica (CL.) baltica BE... . . Barbitos A. S. 5 Barclayana Gree. Bartholomei Cu. basaltae proxima Brun & HER. Basilica Brun. 8 » Pant. . Beccariana Grun.. . . Beckii Pant. . ‘ Bengalensis Grun. Beta Cu. Beyrichiana A. S. forma minor Pant. bicapitata Lerst. var. hybrida Gron. biceps E. ote > Gree. biconstricta Grun. Boa > GRovE & St. bicuneata GRun.. . . bicuspidata Cu. & Garon. biglobosa Scuum. bilobata Leup.-F. bimaculata Pann. . binaria A. 8S... binodis E. , bioculata Grun. . bipunctata GRUN.. . birostrata Gree. biseriata Pevir.... bisulcata Lerst. var. turgidula ‘ bituminosa Pant. ......, var.? cincta Pant... . . var. latecapitata Pant. var. robusta Pant. var. signata Pant. var. staurophora Pant. var. valida Pant... ... (Oregonica var.?) bivittata PANT ic oo Si ke ook ks ed blanda ALS. ww we Bleischiana Jan. & Reur.. . Bleischit Jan... 2... Bodosensis Pant. . KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Bogotensis Grun....... Il 88 Bohemica EB... .... 0... II 6. (Roiconeis) Bolleana Grun. . II 25. bomboides A.S. ...., I 87, 88. var. media GRun. ie. T St Bombus BE... .... .. I 90. var. densestriata A. 8. I 90. var. egena A.B. 2... I 90. borealis (E.) .... 2... II 80. var. fossilis Pant. .. . II 81. var.? producta Grun. .. JI 8i. var. scalaris GRUN. . . Il 81. Borussica Cu... .. . .. I 98. Boryana Pant. ...... I 60. Botieriana Grun..... . ID 71. Bottnica Grun. ..... Il 20, 32. brachysira BruB..... . 7. Brasiliana Ch... 1... 2, I 139. Brasiliensis Grun.. ..- .. II 47. var.? bicuneata Cu. II 48, 49. var. fossilis Pant... ... II 48. Brauniana Grun....... II 7%. Braunit Grun. . . 1... II 75. Brebissonii Ke... . . . Il 77, 78. var. fossilis Pant. .... IL 7. var. subproducta Grun. . Il 77. brevis GREG. ..... 2... I 61. var. elliptica . boy give cL 61. Bruchii Grun.. ...... II 36. Brunii Pant. . . fs, See «LD oh Tl 51. Bo OTS acces late! ga of I 193. Budayana Pan. I 104. bullata Norpm... ..... I 63. var. Molleriana Jan... II 60. var. obtusa CasTR. . . II_ 60. var. rhomboides Castr. . . II 65. (Libellus) Bulnheimii Grun. . I 154. var. Belgica Grun. .... I 154. Californica GREV.. . . II 58. var. Campechiana Gaow, . ID 58. Campbelli (Prttt) . .. I 63. Campylodiscus Gruy..... I 99. cancellata Donk. . 5 : II 30. forma minuta Grun. . . . II 380. var. genuina Grun. ... II 30. var. Gregorii Raurs ... . II 30. var. impressa (LGRST.) . IT 30. var. Maroccana Cu. . ... IL 30. var. retusa BREB. .... . Ir 30. var. Skaldensis H. V. Hex. II 380. var. Schmidtii Grun. . . . II 30. var. subapiculata Grun. . . II 380. Carassius BE... ... .. I 19. cardinalis (E.) ..... . ID 94. var. Africana Brun... II 79. Cart Big ey ee ae JA wag IE DE var. angusta Grun. .... II 17. Caribaca A.B... 1.1... II 61. > CBee wk Ge ae aS Il 46. carinfera GRUN...... II 37, 48. forma minor . ..... Il 48. var. densius striata .... II 48. var. laxepunctata ..... Ir 48. Carpathorum Pant... .. . I 92. Castracanei GRUN. .... - I 64. Centraster Cu. ..... II 32. Cesatii Raw. ... . “8 I 160. Ceylanensis Lzup.-F.. . . Il 46. Challengeri GRuN.. . .. . I 24, Chersonensis Grun. .... I 91. Chie Cii: a. a 3 2 Vit cn Ge Ee BG Chyzereii Pant... .. - . Il 68. cincta E...... ga ay Ir 16. >» Pant. fo. So TI 67. Kongl. Sv. Vet. Akademiens Handl. var. angusta (Grun.) ... II 17. var. Cari (BE)... 2 Il 17. var. Heufleri Grun. .... II 16. var. leptocephala (Brée.) . II 17. circumnodosa Brun... . I 83. ? Cistella Grev. .. . . 1 14. citrea A. S.... eco ak IO: clancula A.S. ... I 84. clavata GREG. . ; ~ «« IL 61, forma minor Cu.. ~ wed, 68 forma minuta...... II 62. var. Caribaea (CLevE) ... II 61. var. elongata PERaG. . ID 62. var. exsul (A. 8S.) . . Il 61. var. Indica (GreEv.) . . ID 62. var. proxima Jan. . : II 62. var. rhombica CL... . II 62. Claviculus Gruec, . ‘ Il 97. Clementis Grun.. . ..,.. IL 24. Clepsydra Donx. . 2.2 @ 198: > var.? 4 . 1 198. Clevei Lorst......... I 51. Cluthensis Greg .. . IW 47. var. Finmarchica Grun.. . Il 47. var. maculifera Cu... . . IL 47. var. minuta Ch... It 47. var. Novae ZéalandiaeGrun. Il 47. var. pagophila Grun. ... Il 47. var. striolata Grun.. ... IL 47. coarctata A. 8S... ; .. I 86. cocconeiformis GREG. . 2a LD 39: coffeiformis A. SS... 1. I 81. var. densestriata .... I 81. var. subcircularis. .. I 81. commutata GRUN. . . IL 91. compar JAN. . I 81. (Libellus) complanata GRun. I 153. var. hyperborea GRun. . T 153. var, subinflata Grun. I 153. compressicauda A. 8. II 33. concilians Ch.. ...... TI 54. confecta A. S. . I 102. (Diadesmis) confervacea (Ke). I 133. var. Hungarica GRun. . I 133. var. peregrina Grun.. . .. I 133. confoederata ........ Ir 45. congrua JAN. 2 ghd (82. connectens (GRUN.). II 55, 638 consanguinea Cu. . .... II 33. consimilis A.8........ I 57. consors A.S....... . IT 25. conspersa Pant.. . ... II 48. conspicua ALS. . 1... I 88. constricta GRuN. ..... I 65, 83. contenta GRuN. I 182. var. biceps ARN. . .. I 182. contermina A.S....... I 191. contiqua A.S. ... 2... I 82. contorta Kitton M.S... . . II 69. contracta GRUN.. ..... I 57. conveca W. Sm..... = . 72, 105. copiosa A. 8S... .... ; Hu 59. correpta A. 8. . 57. (Schizonema) corymbosa «. Aa) ul 26. costata EK. . » aw we LE BL > [ Levup.-F.. . . . II 159. Crucicula (W. Sm). . I 139, 140. var. minuta GRUN.. .... I 140. var. obtusata Grun.. .. . I 140. (Crucicula var.?) protracta GRUN) 4 6 6 eg Se aw ys I 140. crucifera Grun........ II 82. Crucifix Tue. & Br. po de Ta cruciformis DonK. ..... Il 97. crucigera (W. Sm.). 1... . I 111. cryptocephala Ke... . I 108, II 14. var. exilis Grun. ... Il 14. var. intermedia. ..... Ir 19. var. lancettula Scuum. . I 14. var. latior DANNF. .. . Il 22. var. perminuta (GRUN.) . . ut 14. var. pumila Grun.. . 14. var. rhynchocephala Gun. II 16, 22. var. veneta (KG.) II 14 17. (Rhoiconeis) CubitusTemp.& Br. II 31. curtestriata Pant, ..... II 87. (peregrina E. var.?) curtestri- Gta PE. bes ... Il 87. curvinervia GRUN. ..... I 58. cuspidata Ke... 1... 1... I 109. var. ambigua E....... I 110. var. danaica Grun. I 110. var. halophila Grun. I 109. var. Héribaudi PERag. . I 110. Cymbula Donk... .... II 22. Cynthia ALS. 2. 1... I 82. Cyprinus BE... 1... I 18. Dactylus EB. ... . . «=I 90. forma maxima. .... IL 90. Dalmatica Grun. ...... I 98. Dariana ALS. ... ... I 90. debilis Pant... ...... II 85. debilissima Grun. ¢ ee a TE 33: Debyi Pant. . 2... I 98. decora GRrovE & 8... I 74. decumana Pant. .. . Ir 91. decurrens (E.) Grun. .... IL 84. decussata (E.). ....... II 5. definita Grove & St. .... I 135. var. intermedia Cu. . ... JI 185. delata ALS. . 1...) I 565. Delawarensis Grun. ... . II 41. Delogneit V. Hrcx . ‘ I 153. Delta Ch... . .. II 41. Demerarae GRUN. . ‘ . II 41. Demerarae Cu. . . ys F147. demta A.S. ...... . I 86. depressa CL. ....... I 129. derasa GRUN......... If 28. var.? gracilenta GRuN. . IT 28. De Wittiana Kaw & Scuuttze II 69. dicephala (E.) W. Sm. . IT 21. var. elginensis GreG. . . JI 21. var. subcapitata Gron.. . . II 21. didyma BE... . » «. I 90. > Lacst .. sew e I 86: > var. GREG. .. . I 87. difficilis Pant... ..... Ir 59. difluens A.S...... . IT 62. diffusa, AS 6 wn de ee Rs Ir 46. var.? Balearica CL. . . I 46. var. minor Cu. wae « ID 46, 27 210 P. digito-radiata GREG. . . : II var. angustior Grun. . . . IL var. Cyprinus (E.) W. 8m. . II var. Seychellensis Cu. é II var. striolata Grun.. . . . IL digrediens A. 8. I dilatata E.. . . I 69, diplosticta GRUN. . . 6... directa (W. Sm.). . . II var. angusta Grun.... II var. genuina CL.. : , II var. Incus (GRuN.) . . . Il var. Javanica CL. eae ce var. remota GRUN. . . Il var, subtilis GREG. ... II dirhynchus E. . . an. Us Dirhombus A. 8. ity: bal discernenda Pant. . Il discrepans A. 8. es I Disculus Scuum. ‘ Il dispar Scuum. . . dispersa Grove & St... .. I dissimilis W. Sm. oe Il distans (W. Sm.) . gee II var. borealis Gruy.. . . . IL distenta A. SS... II (brevis var. ?) distoma forma angustior GRun.... .. I forma latior Grun. . . I divergens ALS... aa 1 (F, Se) . vss I forma minor . I var. elliptica Grun.. .. . TI var. prolongata BRUN & Per. II var. undulata Per. & Hire. II divergentissima GRUN.. . II diversa GREV.. . be teem al Déczyi Pant. . : . I Doljensis Pant. . . . . I Donkinit A. 8... . aie. Lal dubia E. . I Dubravicensis Grun. sales II duplee Pant. . 1... 0... I Durandii Kitton. ...... II var. intermedia . : ; SI var. rhomboides Castr. . I egena A. 8S... .. ew ee, geria Pant... . .. II Egyptiaca Grev. 5% al elata Lrup.-F. IL 97, elegans W. Sm. I 59, IL var. cuspidata Ch... . . I Elesdiana Pant. aipiice W. Sm. Ke WwW I I I var. fossilis Pant. I var. grandis GRUN. = aE var. minor GRuN.. . . I var. minutissima Grun. . I elongata Grun. i I elongatula Pant. I I Entomon E. 6 ee ae Epsilon Ch... . fae ste SE erosa CL... icp i + « Lf Erythraea Grun. bt) Esoculus Scuum. ...... TI Eta Ch... . a ULE excavata A. S. io ie 4 It > GREV.. . . a, dD: var. angelorum CL... . II var. mesoleia GRUN.. . II excentrica GRUN. : I exemta A. 8. I 86, exigua GREG... . .. . ID exilis Ke. 4. UR Sad Il exilissima GRUN. ...... II expedita A.S. ... ; d] expleta A.S.. 2... I > var. Domblittensis GRUN. ‘ $. dcoGh ae Lb Exsul A. 8. II 37, Eudoxia A. 8. x Eugenia A. 8. 1 Hugeniae Cu. . I Falaisensis Grun. F II var.? lanceola Grun.. ... II fallax Ch... . .. I Famelica Castr. . . ‘ I fasciata Lerst. : I Febigerii Ch... 2. ..... II Fenzlii Gron.. ‘ I filiformis Pant.. . I Finmarchica Cu. & GRUN. Il firma Ke! be Sg OE var. major Run. . I var. subampliata Gruy... I var. twmescens GRUN. I I Fischeri A.S. 2... 2... I Fistula A. 8S... . §.peag 2a, Flamma A. 8. ae ty II Flammula A.S. .... . IE flanatica Grun.. .. .. TI Flattti Pant... 1... Il (Esox. var.?) FlorentinaGrun. II (Diadesmis) Flotowii Grun.. . I fluitans Brun. . « IE 3%, fluminensis Grun. . It var. Floridana Cu. . . II var. Kerguelensis Guy... IL var. minor GRUN. . shee gus AL Férarmensis Grun.. . . . II Foliola Temp. & Brun. . I Follis BE... : II Sonticola GRUN.... 0. I fontinalis Grun. Sash I forcipata GREV. .. « TE var. balnearis Baas , II var. densestriata A. II var. minor... oor SEL var. nummularia Grev. egos var. nummularoides Grun. II var. punctata CL. . . II yar. suborbicularis Grun. II ~ var. versicolor GRun. AT Formenterae CL.. . 4 . I Formica E. . si eee aE Sormicina GRun. eae, B formosa GBEG. I 57, var. fossilis Pant. 2 ea fortis GREG... wo ce eo >» AS. 7 A fortis var.? opima Gruy. . II fortunata Leup-F. .. .. . I fossilis BE... . 2... et AE ‘fraudulenta A.S. ... II Frauenfeldii Grun. ..... I (latissima Grea. var. ?) Fuchsi« Pant... .. fulva Nrrzscu Susca Donk. >» GREG... var. delicata A. gs. var. excisa A.S. ... var. permagna Panr. fuscata Scuum....... fusiformis GRUN. ..... I var. ostrearia GAILLON. . I fusioides Grun. I 406, te ee Se et eS St 133. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. futilis A.B... ee, I Galapagensis Cu.. .... I var. Japonica Cu. . Lo ol Galea BRUN. . . 1... eee II Galikii Pant... 2... 7... II (Gastrum var. ?) Galikii Pant. IT Gamma CL... . : II var. rectilineata Gio a ees AE Garkeana (GRuN.) gc Be I gastroides Gruec. . .... II Gastrum EH... ... . I forma minor. ... .. IL var. Anglica Grun. .. IL var. Boryana PANT. ... . II var. exigua GREG. . a 5 oD var. Jenisseyensis GRUN. II var. latiuscula Grun. . . IT var. Placentula. .... II var. Styriaca Grun.. . . II var. Upsalensis Grun. . . II gelida GruN. ....... II var.? subimpressa ue) . I var.? tenuis Ch... . . I gemina E. I var. densestriata A. 8. I var. egena A. 8. I gemmata GRrev. .... . I var. biseriata Grun, é I var. fossilis Pan. a al var. mediterranea GRUN. I I I I var. spectabilis . gemmatula Cu. > GRUN. . ‘ genifera A. 8S... ee II gentilis Donk. ...... Il (Rhoiconeis) genuflexa Ke. . . II gibba BE... plan de volt 9 OV Hee ee see ee SS II var. brevistriata Grun. . . II forma curta BuuiscH . . II var. hyalina Per. & Hér.. II gibba 8 Peckii Grun. . II gibberula Ke. . 6) gd gibbula Ch... 2. ie I var. capitata Lerst. ... I var. oblonga Lerst.. ... I Gibeliti ALS... ew, I GAGS Ws ae ee ee tee ae II glacialis Oia) et tend I var. septentrionalis Cu. II 41, glebiceps GREG... .... II > Lerst... ... JI var. crassior GRuN. .. . II gloriosa Brun... . iJ var. inflata Brun. .... I Goésit Ch. ww. we, . I gomphonemacea Grun. ... II Gorjanovictt Pant... . . . I var. major . . align ce. OE Gotlandica Grun. .. ... II gracilis EK. ...... II var. Schizonemoides V Hox II graeetinne: A.S. . . II GREG... . II Graeffei GRUN. 2... I granulata Bain... ... II granulata BruB. .. 1... IL var. Javanica Levp.-F. . — II Granum Scuum. ...... I Granum avenae Scuum.. .. I grata Pant... 2... II gregaria Donk. ....... I var. Thurholmensis Dannr.. I Gregorit Raurs.. . .. II Gregoryana Grev. ... . IL KONGL. SV. VET. Grevillei Donk... ....., I 101. (Schizon. Libellus) Grevillei Ac. I 152. Groenlandica Cu. II 98. Grovei CL. : ... IT 45. Grindleri A. 8. . ¢- 189: > CL. & GRun. ... Il 51. var. symmetrica Cu. «a (TL, 1, Grunowii O'MEA . sig chs I 59. > RBH ws ae ew 8 I 99. Guinardiana Brun. .... I 85. Gurovit Pant. . 1... Il 20. guttata GRUN.. . .... Il 34. var. maxima CL. ..... II 35. var.? Peragalli (Brun.). . . II 35. Gutvinskit Pant... 1... II 91. Hahnii Petr... .. 1... T 133. H. album CL. . . Ste by halionata Pant... ..... II 68. var. directa Pant... ... II 69. var. minor Pant. ..... II 69. var. robusta (PANT.). . . II 69. halophila Grun...... . I 109. (Libellus) hamulifera Grun. . I 154. var. interrupta CL. .. . I 154. Hanthenii Pant. ...... I 91. Haradaae Panr. ...... I 129. Hasta Pant. .. . . II 25. Hauckit Ch. . 2... I 54. Haueri GRUN......... Il 18. Haynaldi Pant. ...... I 88. Haytiana Troan & Wirt... II 55. Hazslinszkyi Pant... . I 52. Hebes Ratrs ...... I 54. Heerit Pant... 2... 1 84. hee ete Bee Bier slar cin) Gel gars II 86. KG? ee 43 as cae Wh Il 85. var. Bielawskii Hix. & Per. II 8b. Hennedyi W. Sm. ... II 57, 60. forma bacillifera (Pant.). . II 57. vay. abnorm. . 6. we Ir 58. var. Californica Grey... . II 58. var. caliginosa CL. & Grove II 59. var. Centraster CL. ‘ Il 58. var. circumsecta GRUN. . ID 58. var. clavata (GREG.). . . . II 61. var. constricta Petir ... II 59. var. controversa A. 8S... II 60. var. cuneata A. 8.. ... ID 59. var. difficilis Panv. Ir 59. var. finitima JAN... ... Il 58. var. fossilis Pant. Tr 48, 64. var. granulata Grun. ... II 58. var. > OM..... IL 62. var. manca A. S. . : Ir 58. var. maxima CL. . . oa TE -B8; var. minuta Cu.. .... ID 59. var. Neapolitana Cu... . . II 58, var. nebulosa GREG... . Ir 58. var. Niceensis Perag.. . . II 62. var. Schleinitzii (Jan.). . . II 58. var. Tahitensis CL. .. . II 59. var. tenuistriata. ..... Il 58. var. undulata CL..... Il 58. Heribaudi Pur... . ... I 58. heroina A.S.... Ir 89. heteroflexa Pant. b ... 1107. var. constricta Pant. .. I 107. var. minor Pant. ..... T 107. Heufleri Groun. . a ae ABE TG Heufleriana GRUN.. . . .. I 130. Hevesensis Pant... .... I WO. Hibernica OMpa... .. II 62. hilarula Pant. . . . ss I 91. Hilseana Jan. 6 se ee Il 7 Hitcheockii E. . . : I AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Hochstetteri Grun. ..... I var. placita Grove & Sr. I Hoffmannii Panz.. cote ag El Holmiensis Cu... sab Holstiti Ch... 2. I (maxima var.?) Holubyi Pant. I hordeiformis Pant... .. . Il Hlornigit Pant... 2... 1 Horvathii Grun. . . .. I Hospes A.8........ I (Deploneis) Hudsonis Grun.. I humerosa Brig... ... . IT var. constricta ...... II var. elongata Pant... .. II var. Fuchsii (Pant.) . aa) OLE humilis Donk. ....... II Hungarica Grun. . I 189, II var. capitata (E.) . . . oe aE var. Liineburgensis Grun. II hyalina Donk. «1... 0. I (Libellus) Hyalosira Ch. . . . I hybrida Hur. & PER. . IL. hyperborea GRUN.. ..... I Hyrtlii Pant... 2... . TT ignobilis Pant. ....... I illustra Pant... ... II imperfecta Ch. .... . It impleta Cu. & Grove .... I impressa Lerst. ... . II > Grun. a lee II inaequalis Ho. 2... I inaequilatera Lerst. .... I incerta GRUN.. ...... Il includens Pant... ... oo uk incomperta LEWIS. . 4 a ? inconspicua GREG... . I incudiformis GRUN. . Se Beil inculta Pant... . ak incurva var. minuta Gutw. . I incurvata GREG... . 1... I Incus Gaun. . 2... eee II var. abbreviata Grun. .. II Index Temp. & BR... .. I Indica Grev.. . . AE inelegans GROVE & Sr. . : Tl infrma GRUN........ I inflata Donk . 1... ... I > Bee eee ee ees ee inflexa GREG. ..... II 31, var. Biharensis Pant... . II inhalata A. 8... 0... ae Il var.? Biharensis Panr.. . II var. lanceolata Ch. . ... II inornata GRuN. oe I 106, instabilis A. SS... 6. 2, IT integra W. Sm. 1... .. I intercedens A. 8. I interlineata Grove & ‘Sr. II 37, intermedia LeRrst. . IL interposita LEWIS . I interrupta Ke... . . sgl > W.SmM....... II var. fossilis Pant. I var. Novae Zelandiae A. 7 var. Tallyana Grun. ... I var. Zanzibarica GRun. I Tridis E. I Tridis var. amphigomphus E. 1 var. amphirhynchus E. I var. dubia c8 I var. producta I irregularis Pant. irrorata GREV. . var. Ceylanica CL. . Il var. elliptica Cu. Grey BAND 2%. w:o 3. 11 135. var. fossilis Pant. . I 7, 135. var. Mexicana Cu. . nid 23. var. substauroneiformis II 58. Jamaicensis GREV. ..... I 62. Jamalinensis Cu. ch Se hacgee Olle 54. var. Schizostauron Cu. . II 22. var. simiaevultus (Brun). . II 98. Janischiana Rsu.. . I 52. Janischti CastR. .... I 94. jejuna ALS... . II 80. Jelineckii Grun. II 43. Jennerii W. Sm. IT 43. Jentzschii Grun. II 44, Jimboi Panr. . ‘ I 48. Johnsoniana GREV. ..... I 16. Johnsonit (W. Sm.) .. 1... I 16. var. Belgica H. V. Hex... I 16. Jota Cu. pk ee aoe I WG, “GUGOb Clie ce 2 as ea sek I 80. Julient Her. & Brun .... I 153. Kalfvensis Grun. M. 8. I 85. Kamorthensis Grun. .... IL 95. Kanitzii Pant. I 92. Kappa Ci. 6 ke es I 133. Kariana Grun. ...... II 59. var. curta Ch. 2... we, Il 25. var. detersa GRUN.. . .. - Il 71. var. frigida (GRuUN.) II 30. Kefvingensis EF. ...... Il 50. Kellerit Pante 1... II 165. Kepesii Grun.. ...... Il 161. Kerguelensis CastR.. . . . . Il 26. Kinkeri Pant . 1 66, II 70. ~Kinkeriana Truan yoked 123. Kittoniana A. 8. II 124. Kjellmanii Cu... . . . . I 28. var. subconstricta I 107. Kochii Pant. . ... . II 70. Kossuthii Pant.. I 84. Kotschyana Grun. I 27. Kootschyii Groun. I 28. Krockii Grun. II 25. Kryokonites CL... . I 62. var. semiperfecta Cu. I 145. var. subprotracta CL, 3 ok 133. ? var. Wankaremae Cu... I 189. kriophila Cu... 7 we ee I 16. var.? gelida Cu. . mide Jak 32. Kiitzingiana H. L. Suita . . I 31. Kiitzingii Grun. ..... I 57. (Alloioneis?) Kurzii Grun. I 57. laciniosa A.S. 2. 2. we. I 57. lacrimans A. 8.. > [ab 133. var. fossilis Pant. eat (HE 85. Lacunarum Gron. / I 141. lacustris pe I 134, II 65. > ape : « AE 50. Ladogensis Gr bas SHES a I 80. laevissima Ke. I 123. Lagerheimii Ch... . I 84, Lagerstedtii Cu. . I 76. Lambda Ct. . I 84. lanceolata Ke. . ; Il 84. > W.s.... I 84. var. arenaria Donk. . . I 84. var. Cymbula Donx. Il 69. var. hordeiformis II 69. var.? latior (DANNF.). II 68. var. phyllepta Ke. II 70. var. tenella (BREB.) Il 69. Lancettula Scuvum. II 29. lata (BREB.). 3 II 56. lata Bres. var. minor Pr. 56. & Hep... res 4 I 56. latefasciata Grun. I 212 latevittata Pant 4 ie SE latissima GREG... . . II var. capitata Pant. . . . II var. elongata (PANT.) _ I var. minor Pant. . . II latiuscula Ke. ‘ he aa tall lauta GRuN. . BS j ll Legumen E. . a SET forma vix undulata Il lepida Gree. . . «OCS lepidula Grun. . . T leptocephala Bris. II leptogongyla (E.) Grun. I 137, Il leptosoma Grun. .. Il leptostigma E. ; Se ae. el Letourneurit Pant. . ... II Leudugerit Ch... .. «TI Lewisiana GReEv. : I Libellus GreG. .... ae | Liber W. Sm... . ee Sa liburnica Grun.. . I 57, limicola Ch... ...... II limitanea A. 8. I limosa Ke. . . I var. curta Gron. I var. genuina GRun..... I var. gibberula Grun. [ var. inflata Grun.. . I var. subinflata Grun. I var. undulata Grun. I linearis Grun. : I lineata Donk... .. . I Lineola Grun. . I var. perlepida GRUN. . op otin ee. Cele lineolata E. . . I 122, 11 litoralis Donx. m= ce, bee I var. subtilis A. 8... I lobata GrovE & St. . II >» Scuwartz.... Z Léczyi Pant. II longa GREG. .. 1... II longiceps GREG... . . I Lorenziana GRun. . I lucida Pant. I lucidula ‘ . I (Diadesmis) lucidula Gru. . ._ I luculenta A. 8S... . artes aE Ludloviana A. Ss. Na ‘ II lumen PERAG.. . . . «EL, Lundstrémii Cu... 3 i I var. Frieseana Gron. a | Lunula Ch. . . eo . II Lunyaceeki Pant... 2... I luxuriosa GREV...... I var. cuneata BRUN. .... I Lyra E. .. . bai oe wane BeBe ao a) m4 a » AL var. abrupta GREG. . II var. acuta Pant. on SCE var. atlantica A. S. . . II 61, var. connectens GRun.. . . IL var. denudata Grun. M. 8.. II var. dilatata A. S. . pe LE forma perpusilla Pawr. . II var. Ehrenbergii Cu. . oe ok var. elliptica A.S. .... II forma bullata Norm... . II var. Hungarica Pan. . II var. insignis A.S. ..... II var. producta Pant. . . I var. recta GREV.. . .... II forma abnormis A. 8S. . . II forma fornicata A. S. .. II var. Robertsiana GREv. . II forma bullata Cu. . > 4 var.? seductilis (A. 8.). . II 64. var. signata A. 8S... Il 64. var. subcarinata Grun. .. II 64. var. subelliptica Ch. .. II 64. yar. Zanzibarica GREv. . II 64. macra GRUN. .... .. TT 74. Macracana Pant... . Il 7. macromphala Scuum. ... . Il 24. macula GREG... : Tr 179. maculata Baru. . ... IL 46. var. Caribaea CL. . . . ID 46. maculosa DonkK ....... Ir 19. Madagascarensis Ct. . ... I 59, maeandrina Ch. .... . It 42, major Ke. ...... Tr 89, 91 var. andesitica Pant. .. II 89. var. horrida Hin. & Per. . II 90. mammalis CastR.. .. 1... I 60. Mantichora Pant.. . .. 1 100. Margarita AS. 2... 1... I 88. margaritifera Pant... ... I 87. > Truan & Wirt II 49. marginata Lewis ...... I 30. margino-lineata Grove & St. I 665. margino-punctata Grove & St. 1 65. marginulata Ch... . . . Il 1. marina Jan. & RBH... . II 160. > RaLFs . ae . IL 47. oe Pant... . I 123. mastogloidea Pant. «iL, 82, Maulert BRun ....... I 98. maxima GREG. I 54, 55. var. Asiatica Temp. & ‘BRUN I 55. var. umbilicata Grun.. . . I 55. mediterranea Br. & Cu. . IL 83. > Grun. I 88, 33. » Ke. . Soa SS 233; megaloptera (E.) ...... Ir 81. megastauros CL. . . . IL 68. menilitica Pant. ‘ ol Menisculus Scnum. ... . II 18. var. Upsalensis GRrun. . I 18. Meniscus Scoum. .. .. II 18. mesoleia CL. . . . It 74. mesolepta BE. . ...... Ir 76. var. a genuina Grun. . II 76. var. 8 producta Grun. . II 76. var. Boryana Pant. ... IL 7%. inezolgia Scpum. . .. . IL 74. AS... é « TD 76; siliesceiitale GRun. ... Il 4. microrhynchus GRUN. .. I 109. > Pant. . I 109. microtatos Pant. ...... I 96. Mikado Pant. ....... Il 60. minima GRuN...... I 128. var. atomoides GRuN. .. I 128. minor GREG. ... . ‘ Il 71. minuscula Grun. . . Soa aN As var. Bahusiensis Grow. . I 4. minutissima GRUN...... I 128. minutula W.SmM....... II 65. mirabilis CasvtR iw www I 97. > Leup.-F. I 66. forma intermedia Ct. . I 65. Mocsarensis Panv. . I 135. modesta GRUN. ..... II 88. moesta A.S. 2... 0... I 89. molaris GRUN. . . 74. (Schizonema) mollis Ww. Sm) TI 26. monilifera Cu. . Il 48. var. heterosticha Cr... Il 48. Monmouthiana Grun. T 134, 164. (Alloioneis) Monodon Brun. . II 35. Mormonorum Grun.. . . Il 78. P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. multicostata GRUN. . 1 102. multiseriata GRUN. ..... Il 36. munda JAN. 2. 1 eae I 82. muralis GRUN. . : .. I 3B. Musca Donk. Sy gore I 83. > GREG... .. I 665. var. intermedia A. 8. I 665. muscaeformis GRUN. . I 88. > Pant... ... I 66. mutica Ke. .~. ... 1... I 129. » FRABHe. goa: (4 do eee We It 14. forma Cohnii Hinsz I 129. forma Goppertiana BLeIscH. I 129. forma producta Grun. . . . I 129. forma ventricosa Ke. I 129. var. Cohnit (HIusE) . I 129. var. Géppertiana (BLEISCH) I 129. var. Legumen Ch... ... I 180. forma undulata HinsE . I 180. var. Peguana GRUN. I 130. var. undulata HinsE I 180. var. ventricosa (KG.) I 130. MY, Ola: 3 he hace Be Il 42. Naveana Grun.... ... IL 7%. navigans Brun... ... . 1 100. nebulosa GREG. I 185, II 58. neogena Pant. .. .... I 52. Neogradensis (PANT.). . ... Il 40. Neumayeri Jan. . wo eS SR DOT > PANTS: 4-0 ae ae ss Il 42. Neupauert Pant... . Il 49. Niceensis PErac. 3 II 36. Nicobarica Grun. ¥ eg I 7. (Schizonema) nidulans Ct. . IL 26. nigricans PANT... . I 93. nitescens GREG. . be he eg dt OTs var. fossilis Pant. . . I 97. var. Fuegiana Petir ... I 97. nitida W. SM. . ..... I 100. nivalis E.. ..... I 130, II 38. nobilis (E.) Ke... .. .. Il 92. var. neogena Grun.... IL 93. nodosa E. ......... Il 87. nodulosa (Bris.) Ke. forma. I 77. Northumbrica Donk... ... II 381. notabilis Pant. ...... II 19. > GREV.. . : . TI 93. var. eapleta A. Bi hie dhs a2 I 93. notata M. Prrac. & HEr. Il 78. n. sp. LEWIS : I 123. Novae Guineaensis TEMP. II 50. nubicola GRuN. ...... I 53. nuda Pant... ......0. I 106. nummularia GRrev. . Il 66. ING CLs ee oe Bh a ae Ss I 7. Oamaruensis GRUN. Tl 57. obliqua (GREG.) ...... I 130. oblique-striata A. S. . I 69. oblonga Ke... ......., II 21. var. acuminata GRuN. Ir 21. var. lanceolata Grun. . ID Qt. var. nodulosa Grun..... IL 21. oblongella Grun. I 128. > NAEGELI..... I 98. (Rhoiconeis) obtusa Cu. II 29. obtusa W. Sm. I 54. occidentalis Cu. I 134. oculata Bris. . . I 92. olivacea Leup.-F. . . II 161. O’Mearii Grun. . .. I 102, 111. var. Labuensis Cu. . I 128. var. minor Cn. I 111. Omega Cu. II 46. Omicron Cu. . ‘ Il 46. ophiocephala Cu. & Grove - I 66. KONGL. SV. VET. opima Grun. . ww... Il 35. regonica BE. I 57. ornata A. S. . I 102. var. spirifera A.B: . 1 102. Orphei Pant... . 1... II 158. oscitans A. 8... 2... Il 49. var. subundulata ..... Ir 49. Ostracodarum Pant. I 92. ostrearia TuRP. . . . I 106. Oswaldi Jan. ... . II 60. ovalis Hise .. 1... I 92. Bin) Was JM eee: gee cae Nee Ge ao ha I 92. var. fossilis Pant. I 93. var. pumila GrRun. . I 92. oviformis Ch......... II 24. Ovulum A.S. 2... 0... IL 185. > GRuN. ...... I 94. oxeia CaSTR. ...-.. 7... I 154. pachycephala RBu. II 188. pachyptera (H.) . Il 81. pacifica GRUN. .... Il 36. palpebralis Bris. . . . . It 70. var. angulosa Gree... . . II 70. var. Barceyana (GREG.). Il 70. var. Botteriana (Grun.) Il 71. forma minor (GRUN.) sab EL var. minor GRUN...... II 71. var. obtusa Wr 71. var. semiplena ..... IL 70. Paludinarum Pant... 1... . 1 194. var. gracilior Pant... . . 1194. Pandura Bars... ... . I 100. Pangeroni Urvup.-F. I 110. pannonica GRUN. Ir 6. Papula A. 8. : I 85. parallela Castr.. . I 56. parallelistriata Pant. I 107. parca A.B... 2. ee I 81. var. producta Pant. . I 95. paripinnata Pant. II 92. Parmula Bris. I 92. parvula H. L. Surra Tr 150. > Raurs ....... II 87. patula W.Sm...... I 61. pavida Pant... ...... I 60. edalis BRUN........ I 91. Peisonis GRuN...... I 70. Pelagi AS. 2. eee ee I 93. pellicles (BreB.) Hise . Ir 3. pennata A. S.... : 1, 32. var. Kinkeri (Panr.) . Il 33. var. maxima Cu. : II 33. Pensacolae Cu. I 71. Peragalli Brun. ...... II 35. perducta Pant. Ir 158. peregrina E. . 1... 4... Ir 18. var. Caleuttensis GRun. II 18. var. Kefvingensis E. II 18. var. Menisculus Scuum. Bc 18, 24. var. Meniscus Scuum. II 18. var. polaris (LeRst.) . bbe ES: perfecta Pant. . II 56. var. Letourneurii (Panr.) . II 56. peripunctata Brun. .... . Il 87. perlepida GRuN. ...... I 107. perlonga Pant. I 56. permagna RaLFs I 59. perpusilla Groun. I 133. Perrotettii Grun. ...... I 110. pervasta Pang. . 1... I 104. elitiana GRUN.. ..... I 64. ‘Epronana O. Wirt... .. I 96. Phalangium Pant. II 69. Phi Obs. 2 4: 3 2 4S II 34 II 22 phyllepta Ke. . AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Gere unciets) Plgplades E. I Chis ew wes II = aeen Pant. . ‘ II Pinnularia Cu... Il var. asymmetrica Cu. II var. Baltica Grun. . Il var. interrupta Ch. . . Il var. Seychellensis Groun.. II var. Séderlundii Cu. II var. subproducta Gron. . . IT var. Tahitensis Grun. II Placenta BE... 2... 0. II Placentula E. . I 186, II var. lanceolata (GRun.). . II placida A.S.. . : » J placita Grove & Sr. I plagiostoma GRUN. ..... II Platessa Ch... . ; . Il platystoma FE... ......, II var. Bengalensis Grun. M.S. II (Libellus) plicata Donx. . I var. Sumatrana Cu. baie) oe OE plicatula Gruw. M.S. . . I polaris Lerst. 11 polita Brun... . aT polygibba Pant. I polygona Brun. I polyonca BREB. II polysticta A. 8. . Il > GREV. II var. circumsecta Grun. It porto-montana Cz. I Powellii Lewis... .... I var. Galapagensis Cu. I praeclara Pant. . I praeflua Pant. I praesecta A.B... . II Praestes A. 8. I praetexta E. II var. abnormis Ct. . II var. abundans A. S.. . II var. Haytiana (TRUAN & WITT) a be ah den ay ee II var. Lunyaczeki (Panr.) . . II pressa PANT... «1... II primordialis Pant. II prisa A. 8 ...... I pristiophora JAN. «1... I probabilis A. 8... I procera Pant... . II producta W. Sm. ...... I prominula A. 8. I propingua A. §.. I Proserpinae Pant. Il protracta Grun.. . . rere forma minor Pant... . I var. maxima CL. I provima JAN... 6... II pseudo-aspera Pant. . I pseudo-bacillum Gaon. I pseudofusca Pant. I icidogemeiaia PANTH 6 ¢ «oh Puella A.S. 2.0... I 84, » ae ee ae ee I pulchra Gree. . .. 1... II pumila Groun. var. fossilis PANT: Gx Sos Be eOR & II punctata var. asymmetrica TGRSP:, a eas ws eH II punctulata E.. .. 1... II punctulata W. Sm. Ir 40, var. Cluthensis Gree... . I var. Finmarchica GRuN. II var. Novae Zealandiae Grun. II BAND 27. 148. n:0 3. 213 var. pagophila Grun. .. II var. striolata Grun. Il Pupula Ke. . I var. bacillaroides Gren. elt var. genuina GRUN... . I var. rectangularis Grun. . I pusilla W. Sm. ee Il > Donk. : ~» « ID var. Jamalinensis Gru. z Il var. lanceolata Grun. . .. II var. Spitzbergensis Grun. II Pusio Ch. 2k es we ee II pygmaea Ke. ..... x ID var. balnearis Grun. . . II pyrenaica W.S8m.... .. II quadrata GREG... ..... I quadratarea A. 8... . II quadrilineata Grun.. ... I quadriseriata Ct. & Grun.. . I quadrisulcata Grun.. . . 1 Quarnerensis Grun. M. S. I Quarnerensis var. dilatata Perit. . II Quincunx Ch...... 5 II quinquenodis Grun... .. I Rabenhorstit Grun. so oa EE radiosa. ..... I 164, II var. Dubravicensis Grun. . II var. minutissima GRUN. . Il var. subrostrata Cu... . II var. tenella BREB.. ... . II Raéana CastR. ....... II (Schizonema) ramosissima (C. AGE) a swe Ba % I 106, II forma amplia Grun.. .. . II forma Caspia (GrRuN.) . ID forma genuina Ch... . . II ramphoides Pant. : : I Rattrayi Pant... .. .. II recta Brun & Hkr. bo I rectangulata Greg. .... II regula GRUN. & CL. . . II Reichardtii Grun. . . Il var. Tschuktschorum Ch. . . Il Reinhardtii (Grun.) x 4a AL var. gracilior Grun. ... II var. Jenisseyensis Grun.. . II Reinickeana Rew... ... I residua A. SS... 2... I restituta A.S. .... 3 3 LL reticulata GRUN. . . I reticulo-radiata Temp. & Br. II retusa BRB. isa: II > GRUN: ase Gh a ey II 30, var. subretusa Grun. . . . II Reusii Pant. . . « « ID Rhaphoneis (E.) GRun. . iS 5 oe EE. Rho Ch. . ee ee ae ee Ir rhombica GREG. . I 153, II (Libellus) rhombica Gree. oo ae var. Japonica (BRuN) ... I rhomboides EF. ...... I Rhombulus Scuum. . . . I Rhombus Petir....... Il rhynchocephala Ke. ..... Il var. amphiceros (Ke.) . . . IL var. rostellata ...... II rimosa GREV.. .... II 57, Riojae Cu. . . ‘ I Ro ertsoniana Grev. .... Il robusta GRuN.. ome 2 » Pant. gs ane aay JED rostellata GREG... .... II > KEG is is Ger ar iS ae aw II 214 Pp. T. Rostellum W. Sm.. rostrata BE... Sat al 4 > W. Sm.. Rotaeana (RaB.) GRUN. . var. excentrica GRUN. . var. oblongella GRun. I 128, Rovignensis Grun. rudis Ch... ... rugosa JAN.. eee & rupestris HvzscH.. ..... salva A. 8. BA ns salinarum GRUN.. .. . ee var. intermedia GRUN. . . Sambiensis Scuum. Samoensis GRUN. Sandriana Gron. var. laevis Cu. Sansegana Grun. satura A.S.. ......4. Saugerri Desmaz.. . 1... . var. striis tenuioribus. . . (Alloioneis) scalarifer Brun. Scalprum Gai. & TuRP.. . Scandinavica Lerst.... . Schaarschmidtii Pant... . . Schleinitzii (Jan.). . Schmidtiana Grun. Schmidtii Lersr. . Schneiderit GRun....... Schultzii Karn ae wd var. Californica CL... . . var. Marylandica Cu. Schumanniana Grun.... . Schweinfurtiit A. S.. . scintillans A. 8S. .. > Tremp. & Br. scita W. Sm. . . Scoliopleura A. 8. 3 Scopulorum Bris... . 3 var. Belgica H. V. Her. see var. fasciculata GRUN. var. perlonga Brun x Scotica A.S.. 2... 0... sculpta BE. scutelloides W. Sm. : var. minutissima CL.. . : var. Mocarensis GRUN... . Scutellum O’'MzEa . scutiformis GRUN. . . Scutum (ScHum.?)... Scythica Pant. secernenda A. 8. eA sectilis A.S..... 4 var. poe Pant... .. seductilis A. S.. . var, PERAG. . sejuncta A. 8. . . Semen E...... semicruciata E. (Diadesmis) seminoides CL. & GROVE Seminulum Gruy... . eek var. fragilarioides Grun.. . semiplena Donk. i semitecta A. S. separabilis A. 8. serians BREB. . ik var. minima GRUN. yee var. minor GRUN.. .... var. thermalis GRrun. seriosa ‘Pant. : serratula GRun. . -— (Rhoiconeis) Sibirica Groy.. . var. asymmetrica Cu. var. Mediterranea CL. Ww 4. Il 6. I 141. I 128. sideralis Brun... I 100. Sieboldit Pant. . . . I 193. Sigma Brun TI 34. Silicula E. I 51. > GRUN. I 51, 187. Sillimanorum E. . . . II 86. Simbirskiana Pant... . II 70. Simiaevultus Brun... .. . Il 36. simulans Donk... .. . I 145. Sinensis E. . I 119. Slesvicensis GRun. Ir 15. Smithiti Brép. ...... , I 96. > Donk. ..... . I 93. var. borealis GRun. . . . I 96. forma minor Grun. I 96. var fusca GREG. I 94. var. laevis DANNR. I 96. var. nitescens GREG. . I 97. var. suborbicularis GREG. I 81. solaris GREG. . . as Ir 32. solida Ch... . Il 71. sparsipunctata GROVE & Sr. Ir 50. spathifera Grove & Sv... II 98. spathula Brun. I 60. sp. Larsr. ‘ : I 141. spectabilis Gree... . . II 60. > GRUN.... I 99. forma Mélleriana Jan. Ir 60. var. abbreviata Cu. Il 60. var. Angelorum CL. Ir 60. var. bullata Cu. é Il 60. var. controversa (A. 8.) II 60. var. emarginata CL. II 60. var. excavata GREV. Ir 61. var. Hungarica Panr. Ir 61. var. Madagascarensis Cu.. II 60. var. maxima Cu. . Ir 60. var. Rattrayi Pant... . IIL 60. spectatissima GREV. . I al. sphaerophora Donk. . I 110. > Ke. Il 6. var. minor. . Il 6. var. auborpiiata: Gun. II 6. Spicula (Hickig) . I 110. splendida GRxc. I 87. var. arata Pant. I 91. gpuria Cu... ; Tl 31. var. symmetrica Ou. . Ir 31. St. Thomae Ct. Il 36. Stauroptera GRun. I 82, 83. forma gracilis IL 83. forma parva... Ir 83. Stercus muscarum Cu. ... IL 5d, Stodderi (GREENL.) . I 110. var. insignis Grun. M. S. I 110. stomatophora Grun. Il 83. strangulata Griv..... . I 80. Stuxbergit Ch... 1... Il 96. var. amphiglottis Grun.. II 96. var. leptostauron Grun. II 96. var. subcontinua Grun. Tl 96. (Vanheurckia?) StyriacaGrun. I 122. Styriaca GRun. 2... I 45. suavis CL. & GROVE I 155. subalata GRuN. II 36. subcapitata GREG. . Il 75. subcincta A. 8. I 86. subdivisa GRUN. . I 57. subfusca Pant. . . I 94. subhamulata Grun. I 138. subimpressa GRuN. II 29. var. tenwior Cu. IL 29, subinflata GRUN. . I 141. var. elliptica Cu. . 1141 sublinearis GRUN.. . . Il 74. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. sublyrata GRUN.. . . Il 46. subnuda A. 8. I 81. var. densestriata . I 82. suborbicularis Grxc. I 81. var. Nankoorensis. . . DT 99: subrhomboidea Castr. . Il 160. subsalina DonxK.. . I 58. (decurrens E. var. ?) subsolaris Grun. I 84, var. brevestriata GRUN. Ir 84. subtilissima Cu. T 141. subula GRun. . ass T 183. subventricosa GRUN.. . 1 52. sulcata Ch. «4 ye ve & I 110, > GREV. . I 75, (Rhoiconeis) superba Cn. Ir 29, var. elliptica Cu. Il 29. supergradata Brun I 62. superimposita A. 8. Ir 34. Surinamensis Cu. TI 9, suspecta A.S. .. I 101. var. Czekehazensis Pant. I 84, Szaboi Pant. Pf: anes I 131. Szontaghit Pant. 1 99, Tabeliaria E. II - 84. > Donk. Tl 91. V. Hox. Il 83. tavida RYLANDS I 7. Tahitensis GRun. . . . I 52. Taschenbergeri A. 8. I 87, 104. Tau Cu. TW 9. Temperei BRUN | Ir 98. tenella A. 8. II 22. >» Brits. . Ir 17. var.? fossilis Panr. . I 17. Termes BE. . . .. . Il 76. var. staur enone Il 76. Theta Cu... : II 9. Theelii Cu. . . II 96. Thorax Brun . II 85. Thumii Pant... 2... I 82. Thurholmensis Dannr. I 109. Thuringiaca Rex. . I 81. Thuringica Ke. . . I 40. Torneensis Ct. II 44. var. Aboensis Ct. Tr 44. tortuosa Lxrup.-F. I 30. Toulaae Pant. . II 44. transfuga GRuUN.. . cid 48, 5d. forma fossilis Pant. . _ I 49. var. Neupaueri (Pant.). II 45, 49. var. plagiostoma (GRUN.- II 49. transitans CL. . a whew Lp BE var. asymmetrica Cu. II 28, 29. var. derasa GRUN. ‘ II 28. forma gracilenta Grun. II 28. forma minuta . II 28. var. erosa CL. . Il 28. var. incudiformis Grun. II 28. transversa A. 8. II 90. transylvanica Panw. . II 865. var. producta Gaon. . Ir 85. Trevelyana Donk. . Tr 98. var. Hungarica Pant. . Ir 98. trigonocephala Ch... . II 27. trigramma FRES. .... . Ir 6. trilineata Grove & Sr. I 74. trinodis ARNOTT II 190. > Lrwis I 58. > V. How: 6 4 eis I 182. var. biceps Grun. . I 132. trinotata Pant. I 187. triundulata Grun. I %. Trochus EB... .. . eo be EL, > Scoum........ I 53. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. BAND 2%, w:o 8. 215 Troglodytes Pant... .... I 140. Wankareme Cu... . 1 109. var. Atlantica Grun. II 148. Troyana Grun.. .... IT 88. Wiesneri Panv. . I 84. Barbadensis GREv. . Ir 149. Truani Payxt.. . .. Il 57. Weissflogii A. S. I 9t. var. Nankoorensis Grun. II 149. truncata Donk... .... II 30. Weisstlogii (Grun.) I 152. var.? penuUne hee Brun. II 149. Tschuktschorum Cu. . .. IL 65. Wilcezeckii Grun. Il 20. Clevei Groun. : II 148. tumens W. SM........ II 6. Williamsonii O'MgEa. IT 88. cocconeiformis GRUN. . II 149. (Scoliopleura) tumida (Bris.) I 155. Wittii Grun. . . I 68. cribosa GRun. II 149. var. Adriatica Grun. I 155. Wrightt O’MEa. . Ir 61. var. . . Tr 149. tumida W. Sm. . . i de 22: MS Gt se eae S II 41. (Stictoneis) Crucicula Grun. . II 148. genuina GRUN. . IL 22, 41. Yarrensis Grun.. . Il 69. (Stictoneis) fimbriata Bricur II 148, 171. var. lanceolata Grun.. . IL 23) 41. var. Americana CL. II 69. Grovei Cu. ‘ ‘ 1 149. var. subsalsa Grun.. II 19, 22, 41. var. Aradina Pant. Il 69. var. rhombica Ct. II 149. turgidula Pant... ..... 63. var. bituminosa Pant. II 69. Horvathiana Gron. II 149. Tuscula E. . . de cody ot aE 19, 42. var. De Wittiana Kain & Scu. II 69. notata Pant. ..... : II 151. var. arata GRoN. . II 24. var. gracilior Pant... . IL 69. Oamarnensis Cu... .... . II 150. (Dickieia) ulvacea (BERK ) I 129. var. hevesensis Pant. Il 70. ovata GRUN. II 156. undosa E. le ae a a a I 130. var.? Phalangium Panr. . . ID 69. Pethéi Pant... . Il 149. Undula Scuum..... . Il 78. var. Simbirskiana Pant... II 70. splendida (GREG.) Ir 148. vacillans A. 8... ‘ I 95. var. valida Pant. ..... II 69. Wrightii O’Mza.. . Ir 148. var. renitens A. 8. wig)! De QS: Ypsilon Cu... .. .. . IW 59. Pinnularia E. : goa UL Ab: forma minuta .. I 9. Zanardiniana Grun.... . I 63. Brevistriate. . . II 8. vagabunda Brun . . 1108. Zanzibarica Grev. . . Il 64. Capitate == ...... Il 7%. Vahliana Grun. . ‘ II 70. var, A. S. Ir 64. Complexe. . Ir 90. valida Ch. & Grun. .. .. IE 26. var. Zebuana Castr. Il 64. Distantes . . ... II 80. var.? Capensis Ch... . TI 26. Zechentert Pant. . I 82. Divergentes ... Il 77. var. minuta Cu... 1... II 25. Zellensis Grn. It' 7. Gracillime i” Ga Il 74. vann A. SS... bite tere IT 89. Zeta Ch. . 2... II 42. Majores . J... IL 88. varians GREG. ..... IE 23. var. Mexicana Cu. II 42. Marine... ... : Il 94. variolata Ch. . . . . . Il 57. Zostereti GRUN. ..... II 29, 81. Tabellariee . bapa oe DE a8 Lh. Vaszaryi Pant. . II 183. var. Seychellensis Cu... . II 381. acrospheria BREB. , . II 86. Vege Ch... .. . I 111. Navicule. forma genuina, . .... JI 86. var. subconstricta Groy. I 111. Bacillares Ch... .. I 136, forma maxima... II 86. velata A. 8. ae I 194. Decipientes GRUN.. ... . I 1388. forma minor... .. II 86. veneta Ka... . 2... Il 14. Decussate GRUN. II 4. var. levis Ch... 2... Il 86. > Scuum. ....... I 108. Entoleie Cu. I 181. var. turgidula Grun. M. 8. II 86. (Stauroneis) ventricosa Ke. I 129. Fusiformes Cu. I 105. var. undulata Ch... ... II 86. ventricosa E. I 52. Heterostiche Ch. ...... Il 8. acuminata W. Sm. x TT 85. var. Tenisseyensis ‘GruN. I 62. Levistriate CL... ... | II 66. acuta W. 8m... 2.2... Ir 17. var. Kjellmaniana Cu. I 52. Lineolate Cu. . II 10. acutiuscula GREG. .. . II 27. var. minuta ... 2. | . I 652. luxuriose Ch... . I 74, Aistuarii Cp. 2. ww. . I 93. var. subundulata Grun. . I 52. Lyrate Cu. . Il 52. alpina W. Sm.. Tr 81. var. truncatula Grun.. . . I 52. Mesoleie Ch. ........ I 127. ambigua Cu. ..... “I 30, 94, 141. Venus Pant. . , I 66. Microstigmatice Cu. . I 141. var. (Amphora) Digitus A. S. IL 95. venusta Jan. M. 8. Il 56. Minuscule Ch. ..... Il 3. apiculata Grace... . II 30. > PANT: a we ee Be I 64. Nicobarice Cu. i I 74. appendiculata Ac. . ie ate EE DS var. intermedia Cu. II 56. Orthostiche CL... I 107. var. Budensis GRUN.. . . TI 75. venustissima Kirton . Il 57. Punctate Il 37. Arramiensis OMEA. . .. I 97. vernalis Donx. Il 20. Neidium Prirzsr . I 67. Balfouriana Grun. M.S... . IL 80. versicolor GRUN. II 66. affine (E.). . I 68. biceps GREG. . . . Il 76. Vetula A.S.. 1... I 85. var. amphirhynchus E.. I 68. bistriata (LeuD.-F.) .. . Il 95. Vidovichit Grun. . I 63. forma major I 68. Bogetensis Grun. Il 83. virginea Cu. a é« To 56: forma minor I 68. borealis E. .... .. II 80. viridis Ke... ... ; II 91. var. genuina CL.. . I 68. var. scalaris E. . II 81. var. commutata Grow. : II 92. forma maxima. . I 69. Brandelii Cu. . 3 a. oe LE 83. var. conifera Brun & Hér. II 93. forma media I 69. Braunii Grow. . oom Il 75. var. fossilis Pant: .. . IT 92. forma minor : I 68. Brebissoni Ke. . . IL 7. var. icostauron Grun. .. II 98. var. longiceps Gruc.. ... I 68. var. diminuta Grun.... II 78. var. Patagonica Cie ea 2 Det var. undulata Grun. . I 68. var. notata Per. & Hiir.. . IL 78. var. semicruciata GRUN. . II 92. amphigomphus E..... . I 69. brevicostata Ct. . ... ID 86. var. staurophora Pant... IL 79. bisuleatum (Lerst.) .... . I 68. var. Demerare CL... . II 8&6. var. sublinearis GRun. . It 93. citreum (A.S) ....... I 70. var. leptostauron Cu.. .. II 86. var. styliformis Grun. . . IT 93. dilatatum (E.)... .... I 7. capitata BE... . . Ir 16. viridula Ke. . us , II 15. dubium (E.). ........ I 70. Cardinaliculus CI. . : = AE 9: forma major... 1... II 16. ‘Hitchcockii (E.) . aa TF 6% cardinalis E. II 80, 94. var. abbreviata Grun. M. 8. IT 15. Tridis: (EB). ok ee I 69. Chilensis BLEIscH . : II 80. var. avenacea BREB. . Ir 15. var. ampliata E. . I 69. cincta BH... . 1... : I 16. var. rostellata Ke... . . II Wb. oblique-striatum (A. 8.) 1 69. Claviculus (GREG.) Ir 96. var. Slesvicensis (Grun.). . II 15. productum (W. Sm.) . I 69. var. Javanica. Il 97. forma minor. ..... Ir 15. tumescens (GRUN.) I 70. conspicua ALS... 2... II 88. witred: Obi. %.-4 2% eo mH I 111. Odontidium Ke. constricta Cu. . ie Gere ee LS QS. (Alloneis) vitriscala. Bron Il 34. Baldjikii Brier... ... . Il 187 > OMga. . . . II 82. Vukotinovicii Pant. I 58. Okedenia Evut. Coupert Baw... .. . . II 68. Vulpecula A. S. I 98. infleca Eul. M. 8. IL 131 criophila CastR. Il 27. vulpina Ke... 1... . II 15, Orthoneis Groun. cruciata Ch... : . I 97. var. Oregonica Ch... . . . II 16. (Stictoneis) binotata Grun. TI 148 eruciformis (Donx.) ee II 97. 216 var. brevior Ch... .... var. Seychellensis Grun.. . var. Upolensis . Cyprinus EB... Dactylus E.. . .. . var. Dariana A. S. var. Demerare CL. var. horrida Hir. & Psp. dicephala E. Rae didyma E. . digito-radiata GREG. distinguenda Ct. . distans W. Su... divaricata O'MEA divergens W. ‘Sm. . var. cuneata GRUN. var. elliptica Grun. . forma ornata GRUN. . . var. Schweinfurthii (A. S.) . var. sublinearis CL. . : divergentissima (GRuN.) Elginensis Greg... .. . episcopalis C1. Ode AER var. Africana Ch... .. . var. brevis Cu. Ergadensis Gree Esox E. excellens Cu. : var. interrupta Ch. exigua GREG. . Flamma (A. 8.) Flammula A. 8. . flexuosa Ch... .. Floridana Cu. fortis Grze. Garganica RBu.. Gastrum E. gentilis (Donx.) gibba (E.?) W. Sm. Gigas BE... . . globiceps Gres. var. Kro¢ckii Grun. gracillima GREG. 48 Groenlandica (Cu.)... . Hartleyana GREV... . hebridensis GREG. . hemiptera (Ke.) . . var. ere Cu. heteropleura K. Heufleri: Grun. Hilseana (Jan.) . infleca GREG. . integra GRUN. M. S.. integra W. Sm. . . intermedia (Lerst.) interrupta W. Sm. . > PEDIC. forma biceps forma stauroneiformis . . var. crassior GRUN. interrupta 8 W. Sm. asocephala E. isostauron (E.) Grun. Johnsonii W. Sm. . Karelica Cu. Kefvingensis E. lata BREB. var. curta Gron. var. latestriata Gree. var. minor GRUN. ..... var. Rabenhorstii Grun. . . latestriata Grec. ..... latevittata Cu. . var. Domingensis Ct. Legumen E...... var. Florentina Grun. Il 78. var. ornata CL... . . II 78. leptosoma (GRUN.) Il 74. leptostigma E. II 24. lignitica Cu. ‘ II 85. lobata (GRovE & Sr.) Il 97. longa Gree. ........ IL 2. luculenta (A. S.). . II 82. macilenta (E.) Cu. II 88. major Ke. ......... Ir 89. var. asymmetrica Cu. . TT 89. var. heroina (A. 8.) .... IL 89. var. linearis CL.. . Il 89. var. subacuta E. II 89. var. transversa A. S II 90. var. turgidula Cu. .. IF 89. medio-constricta Repu... .. II 91. megaloptera BE... . ... I 81. mesogongyla EK... .... I 84, 92. var. interrupta Cu. II 84. mesolepta E. It 76. var. angusta CL. « « IF 76. var. polyonca Brig... . IL 76. var. stauroneiformis Grun.. II 76. microstauron E....... Il 77: modesta GRUN. ...... II 87. molaris (Gron.) Il 74. Monile E. Il 87. nana GREG... ..... Ir 16. nobilis EF... ...... II 92. var. fossilis Pant... . . II 98. var. neogena GRUN. II 98. nodosa H.. .. Ii 387. forma capitata ...... Il 87. forma genuina. . II 87. var. Formica E.. . Il 87. oblonga W. Sm... . . ID Qt. oblonga-linearis Kostowsky . II 91. Oregonica Ch... .... II 89. ovalis Hise... .... I 92. eh yptera He wwe ee II 81. ura Brus. var. elongata Gane. sah Oe ae BAe a . I 100. parva (E.) GREG. ; . II 87. var. Lagerstedtii Cu... . . ID 87. var. Nove Zealandie CL... II 87. Paulensis Grun. M. 8. . II 86. peregrina E. : Ir 18. ‘permagna Batt. . I 59. Placentula E.. II 23. platycephala E. oe Il 79. polyonca Brus. . . Ir 87. pretecta E. Bq aed II 5b. pygmea BE... . Il 16. quadratarea (A. S.) . . . Il’ 965. var. amphiglottis Grun. II 96. var. asymmetrica Cu. II 96. var. Baltica Grun. : II 95. var. fluminensis Grun.. . II 96. var. interrupta Cu. i.e TE 95: var. Kerguelensis Grun. . . II 96. var. leptostauron Grun. . II 96. var. Loczyi Pant... 1. . II 96. var. minor GRUN. .... IL 96. var. Seychellensis Grun.. . II 95. var. Séderlundii Cr... .. I 95. var. Stuxbergii Cu. Il 96. var. subcontinua GRuN. II 96. var. subproducta Grun. II 96. var. Tahitensis Grun. . . II 965. var. Theelii Ch... ... II 96, Rabenhorstiana Huse... . Il 77. radiosa W. Sm. ak It 17. Raéana Castr....... Ir 69. Rangoonensis Grun. M.S. . . II 83. Pp. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. rectangulata (GRue.) Ae iglae t Il 98. forma subundulata. ... . II 98. Rhaphoneis E. ‘ . It 86. rostellata GREG... ..... II 32. rostrata W. Sm.. . .. 1141. rupestris HrzscH....... II 92. secernenda (A. 8.) . . II 88. semiplena GREG. .... . II 70. signata EB... we ee Il 16. Silesiaca BLEISCH.. . . . It 15. Sillimanorum E.... . II 84. singularis (A. §.) II 86. Spitzbergensis. ....... II 82. var. stomatophora Cu. . ID 82. Stauntonii Grun. IL 98, 141. stauroneiformis W. Sm... . IL 78. stauroptera (GRUN.) ..... Il 82. var. interrupta Cu. .. Il 88. var. sancta Grun. M.S. . Il 88. var. semicruciata Cu. II 83. stomatophora GRUN...... II 83. var. continua CL. II 88. streptoraphe Cu... . II 98. var. minor CL. Sos II 98. var. styliformis Grun. Ii 98. subacuta EB... . 2... 0. II 89. subcapitata GREG... .... II 7. var. paucistriata GRUN. Il 75. sublinearis (GRUN.) Il 74. subsolaris GRUN.. ..... II 84. var. Australiensis Ch. . . Ir 84. var. brevistriata Grun. Il 84. var. linearis Cn. . Il 84. subtilis GREG. . Il 27. Sudetica Hiuse. . Il 91. Tabellaria E. . 7. II 84. Temperei (Brun) .. IL 9. tenuis GREG. . . . Il 17, 74. Thorax (BRUN) ..... : 85. Trevelyana (Donx.) II 98. > var. angusta Co. =o 98. trigonocephala Cu. . IL 88. Tuscula EB... . II 19. undulata GREG. Il 74. var. subundulata Grun. II 74. viridis (NrrzscH) ah Ir 91. var. commutata GRUN. Il 91. var. dispar Scuum. II 92. var. distinguenda Cu. . II 92. var. fallax CL. Il 91. var. intermedia Ch. . . Ir 91. var. leptogongyla (E. oe Gruy. Ir 91. var. minor CL. II 93. var. rupestris Hrzscu. Il 92. var. semicruciata GRun. Il 92. viridis B W. Sm. Ir 91. viridula E. hea Sab s II 20. > W. Sm... II 22. Plagiotropis PrirzEr. Baltica Prirzur T 27. gibberula GRuN.. ..... 26. (Baltica var.?) mediterr anea GRUN. mG 27. recta GRUN.. . .. 2... I 28. Samoensis GRUN. . . I 28. (Baltica var.?) sealigera Gru. I 28. Van Heurckii Grun. . I 27. vitrea GRUN. . . 2. 1 I 27. var. Lindigii Grun. . I 27. Pleuroneis Cr... .. II 181, Pleurosigma W. Sm... . I 32. acuminatum (Ke.) Grun. I 114. > W. Sm. I 116. acutum Norm... ...... I 42. KONGL. SV. VET. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. var. Australasicum Grun. . var. Australica Grun. . _equatoriale Cu. Aistuarii (BReB.) intermedia Grun. . minuta GRun. GRuN. . fossilis Gron. . interrupta PER. . Marylandica Grun. . Nicobarica GRrun. var. Normanii Pzr.. . angulatum W. Sm. > (QUEKETT) . forma undulata Grun... . var. Aistuarii AS var. convexa (GRUN.). . . var. elongata var. Finmarchica Cu. var. Javanica Grun. : var. quadrata (W. Sm.). . . var. strigosa (W. Sm.) . angustum Donk. arcuatum DonK. attenuatum W. Sm. . var. Caspia Groun. Australe GRUN. . Australicum Wirt Baileyi Gron. Balticum W. Sm. . .. > @W.SmM..... > y W. SM. . var. Brebissonii Gruy. var. Californica GRun. Biharense Pant. ‘ Brebissonit Grun. . Brunii Cu. ‘ ‘candidum Scuum. . Capensis Prtit (Donkinia) carinatum Doyx. Clevei Grun. var. cornuta Grun. M. 8. var. fossilis Brun . var. Sibirica Gron. M. 8. compactum GREV. (Balticum var. ?) constrictum GRUN. cuspidatum Cu. decorum W. Sm. . . (var.?) Americana PER. var. Dalmatica GRun. . var. inflata Pur. delicatulum W. Sm. ..... var. Africana GRUN.. . var. Americana CL. 4s var.? Kariana GRun... . var. obtusiuscula GRUN. . var. Salinarum GRuN. (Balticum var.?) diminutum GRun. a> (eee eB directum Gron. distortum W. 8m.. elongatum W. Sm. . var. Balearica var. fallax GRUN. var. gracilescens GRUN. var. gracilis GRUN. var. Kariana (GRuN.) Eudon Pant. eximium (BREB.) Exsul Cu.. . (Rhoicosigma) falcatum Donk. Fasciola W. 8m. ; le ~ ~ eH QO on fed beet de ed Re ed et ed oe a SRR oo eo I 116. K. Sv. Vet. Akademiens aqnadtneed Febigerit_GRun. . Finmarchicwm Cu. formosum W. Sm....... var. Arcus Cu. (Rhoicosigma) var. Balearica Grun. . . var. Dalmatica (Grun.). . var. longissima Grun. Galapagense OL. . Gaheuh (Grun.) Prr. giganteum GRun. glaciale Cu.. ; gracilentum Reu.. . gracilescens GRun. Grovesii Prr. Griindleri Grun.. . hamuliferum Brun. . Heros Ch... ..... Hippocampus W. Sm. Hungaricum Cu. & Brun hyalinum Gaon. ibericum PER. . (Rhoicosigma?) incertum ‘Pur. inflatum SHaps. i intermedium W. Su. . . var. amphipleuroides Garun. Italicum Par. Japonicum Castr. Javanicum GRUN. Karianum Grun. Kerguelense GRuN.. . . (Navicula?) Kjellmanii Cu. Kochit Pant... Kiitzingii Grun. lacustre W. Sm.. lanceolatum Donk. . var. cuspidata Cu. var. Tahitensis Grun. latiusculum Prr. (Rhoicosigma?) lineare Grun. litorale W. Sm. ue longine W. Su... (Donkinia?) longissimum ( On. longum CL. . . Z var. Americana (Per) var. inflata (PER.) Lorenzii Grun. macilentum PER. macrum W. SM. majus GRUN. Makron Jounst. marinum DonkK....... var. Antillarum (PER.) var. Barbadensis Gruny. . var. Italica (PER.) . (Rhoicosigma?) Maroccanum Ct. minutum GRUN. ee i > Donk. ... naviculaceum Bris. forma minuta . Neogradense Pant. . Nicobaricum Grun. . var. hamulifera (BRUN.) var. Indica Prr. var. Sagitta (BruN & Tear. nodiferum Grun. Normanii Raurs . : var. fossilis (GRUN.) . . var. Marylandica (Gruv.) Nubecula W. Sm. var. amphipleuroides (Grow. var. intermedia (W. Sm.) var. Mauritiana GRUN. var. parvula GRUN... . var. subrecta Cu. Bd 27. N:o 3. Fd ee RR RH RH RRR RRR RRR RR BAND 27. w:io 3 217 obliquum Grun. . I 118. obscurum W. Sm. . . ew E43. var. Barbadensis Cu.. . I 48. var. Mediterranea GRUN. J 44. O’Mearii (Grun.) PER. I 111. aradoxum PER. I 39. arkeri HARRISON. . . I 116. var.? stauroneocides Grun.. I 116. pelagicum Perr. . I 37, 42. Peragalli Brun I 35. var. gracilior Cu. I 35 var. perangusta CL. . I 35 plagiostonum GrRun. . prelongum CL. prolongatum W. Sm. . var. closteroides GRUN. pulchrum Gron. . pusillum GRun. . quadratum W. Su. . var.? rhombeum GRunN. rectum Donk. . reversum Gree Hoe 58 2560 ats ake rhombeum Grun. rhomboides Cu. rigidum W. Sm... . var. gigantea (GRUN.) var. incurvata Brun ‘ (Rhoicosigma) robustum Gaon. Sagitta Brun & Tremp. salinarum GRUN. . ao 8 var. paradoxa (PER.) . var. pusilla Grun... . scalproides Rsu. scalprum BREB.. . . . var. Gallica Grun. Sciotense Suutv. simile Grun. . Sinense var. GRUN. . Smithianum Caste. . Smithii Grun. speciosum W. Sm. var.? abrupta Prr. var.? gracilis PER. var.? major GRUN. var. Mediterranea Grun. var. pulchra (GRUN.). . var.? Sumatrica PER. 7 var.? tortuosa Ch... ... spectabile Grun. ‘pencerti W. Sm... var. acutiuscula GRrun. var. Arnottit GRun. . var. Antillarum Grun. var. borealis GRun. var. curvula GRUN. . . var. exilis GRUN. . . var.? Febigerit GRun. . var. Kiitzingii Grun. . var minutula GRun. var. nodifera GRUN. . var.?2 Pevsonis GRun. var.? scalproides Rau. var. Smithit Grun. var. subsalina PER. . staurophorum GRuN. strigilis W. Sm.. strigosum W. Sm. . var.? convera GRUN. z (Rhoicosigma) Stuxbergii Cu. var. latiuscula (PER.) var. minor GRUN. ao var. rhomboides Cu. . . . subrectum Cu. subrigidum Gron. Calcuttensis 28 en ee ee ee eo © Dm ee et md ed eee eet et et et et et et ed et et eed et ee ee e e ~I 218 (Fasciola Sm. var.?) suleatum GRONe eo eh ee hg I Tahitense Wirt . I (Fasciola Sm. var.?) tenuiro- stris GRUN. . Saute oll tenuissimum W. Sm. , I var. hyperborea Grun. I var. subtilissima Grun. . IT Terryanum Perr. i I Thumii Casrr. I tortuosum CL. 3 iL transylvanicum Pant. I transversale W. SM. . I > 8 ROPER I tropicum GRuN. I umbilicatum Cu. ; ag. cal validum SHADB.. ..... . I var. Nicobarica GRun. . I Virginiacum H. L. Suira I vitreum Cu... d a . I Wansbeckii Donx. i ~ (Rhoicosigma) Weissflogii IRN. ) I Wormleyi Suruiv. Pleurostauron Rasu. Frauenfeldti Grn. . I Javanicum GRUN. . I linearis HiusE I Pseudo-Amphiprora Cu. I Crucifix (Temp. & Br.) I impleta (Cu. & GROVE). . I jugata Cu. . ‘ I var. Pensacole Cu. 1 polygona (Brun). I stauroptera (Balt.) . eau I Pseudo-Dictyoneis Pant. Hungarica Cu. . . J Rhaphidodiscus CHRISTIAN. Christianit Febigerii Tu. Curistian I Marylandica Rhaphoneis E. amphiceros E. ; Il Archeri O'Mga .. . ‘ Il Baldjikit Grun.. 2. 0... Il dubia Gron. a Il fluminensis Grun. It Jonesii O’MEA Il Lorenziana GRuwn. ° . Il mammalis Castr. . Il marginata GRUN. Il Moorit O’MgEa II Quarnerensis GRUN. II scutelloides Gron. . II scutellum E. I suborbicularis O’MEa II Rhoiconeis Groun. Bolleana Grun. . . Il var. asymmetrica Cu. I var.2 Sibirica GRuN. II Garkeana Grun. I genufleca GRun. II trinodis GRUN. Il Rhoicosigma Grun. Antillarum Cu. I arcticum CL. . . Bh 03.33 SE compactum GRUN.. . 1... I (Reichardtii var.?) constric- tum GRUN. . ; ae eee. Corsicanum PER. . oem: Jak falcatum (Donk.) Grow, . Bee as Coal (arcticum var.?) irregulare PEERY OE we ae lineare GRUN.. ...... i Maroccanum Cu. I Mediterraneum Cu. I 116. 45. 116. 117. 117. 117. 114. 8b. 44. 114. 191. 1 119. 120. 121. oceanicum PER... . F I Reichardtianum Garon. eae. OL robustum PER. i as I Weissflogii Grun.. . .. . I Rhoicosphenia Gruy. .. . Il curvata Ke... . 3 II var. fracta ScHum. .... II var. major Cu. oo AL Van Heurckii Grun.. . . . I Schizonema Ag. albicans Ke. . . ‘ . II amplius GRUN. . . . Il apiculatum C. AG... 1. I comoides C. AG... .. I corymbosum Ac. .... . IE crucigerum W. Sm... . I Dillwyntti Ace 6. ww I Grevillei Ac... 2... « J Japonicum Brun feo aE lacustre AG. . . . dl molle W. SM. . Rana yet II neglectum Tow... .... II ramosissimum C. Ac. . 1 106, II Smithii Ac... ot he ie Thwaitesiti Gron.. ... II torquatum W. Sm. ..... II Schizostauron Grow. . andicolum Cu. . inte Cruciculum Grun. ..... jimbriatum Grun...... Lindigianum Grown. Lindigii Gro. ovatum GRUN.. .. . : Reichardtianum GrRuN.. .. . Sagitta Cu. : Reichardtii Grun. ? Tatricum (Gutw.) De Toni Scoliopleura Grun. ; Adriatica Grun. elegans CL. . . latestriata (BRuB.) Gro. Peisonis Grun. ‘ Schneideri (GRuN.). . . . . Szakalensis Pant. . tumida (Brés.) Rau. Scoliotropis Ch... .... Gilliesii CL. & ComBER latestriata BrEB. var. Amphora Cu. Sphenella Ke. 4H HHA HHH HE HEH RHR a angustata Ke. : I naviculoides Hrzscu I obtusata Ke. I parvula (Ke.) . I vulgaris (Ke.). a 181, Stauroneis E. (Pleurostauron) acuta W. Sm. I var. Terryana TEmMp. . ida: SL var. undulata Cu. . I acutiuscula Pur. & Hir. .. I (Libellus) Africana Cy. . .. I var. acuminata Grun. ... I ‘amphicephala Ke... ... . I amphilepta EF. 2... , 1 amphioxys GREG... ... I amphoroides GRUN.?. . I anceps EK, ...... jets VATE? CBs oe te te I var. amphicephala Ke... . I var. argentina Ch... ... I var. birostris (E.) . . ¢ F var. derasa GRUN. M. 8... I var. elongata Ch. ..... JI var. fossilis Cb... ... » I var. gracilis (E.?) .... I 120. 120. 121. 43, 165. 165. 166. 165. 166. 26. 26. 153. 153. 26. 111. 126. 153. 152. P. T. CLEVE, SYNOPSIS OF THE NAVICULOID DIATOMS. var. hyalina Per. & Brun. I 147, var. linearis E. Sh I 147. var.? nobilis Scuum. . I 148. var. obtusa Grun. M.S... I 148. var. recta CL. . BC see cca’ I 148. var. Siberica Grun. . . I 147. andicola Ch. ...... I 151 apiculata GREV. . II 187. ustralis GREV.. .. . I 194. baccata Lrup.-F. ‘ . IL 195. Bacillum Grun.. . . . : I 50. Baileyi E. I 149. Balearica Ch. . 1... I 111. (Libellus) Biblos Cu... . I 145. biformis GRuN.. ... . I 194. birostris BE... 2... : I 147. bistriata Leup.-F....... Tr 965. Boryana Pant. ...... T 149. Brebissonii Castr. .1 60, IE 98. Brunii Per. & Him... I 149. Cohnii Brun. ... . . I 128. > Hinsk. 200 ke ne 129. I (Libellus) constricta (E.)W.Smu. I cornuta Lroup.-F. Crucicula (GRuN.). . . I 161. > W. Sm... = . 1:140. decora GREV..... : I 7. delicatula Lreup.-F. . . : II 68. Demerare Cu. Si 38 . 1 147. desiderata Ch... ‘ I 146. dilatata E. ......... I 148. > StrROsE. . 1... . II 48. » WwW. Su... fe dae I 140. Eichhornit Scuum. ta a TE AB: Erythrea Grun. . . Il 48. exilis Ke. ........44 II 190. Finmarchica Cu. & Gron. . II 28. (Pleurostauron) Frauenfeldiana GRUN. . (Pleurostauron) Fulmen Bricut Gallica Pur. & Hip. glacialis CastR.. . 1... Gocuperaantt BLEISCH. . gracilis BE... . > W. Sm. . (gracilis var. ?) argentina Cu. Gregorii Raurs var. diminuta GRUN. . Heufleri Grun. hyalina Danner. . fsa oe inflata Ke. a I Janischii Rau. . . Javanica Grun.? (Pleurostauron) Javanica GRrun. Kochit Pant. kriophila .Grun. lanceolata Ka. Fe Re e ~ o 149. Legumen (E£.). I 149. (Pleurostauron) Legumen i) KGe 4g haw ws ; I 149. var. LEWIS... I 149. Lindigiana Groun. T 151. linearis E. I 147. > GRun. ....... I 148. > Lerst. I 141. > W. Su... I 150. lineolata EF. ........ I 110. maculata Bau... ..... IE 46. Meniscus Scuum...... Ir 19. microstauron BE... . . . Il 77. minutissima Lerst. . I 128. nobilis Scuum. ee oe I 148. ? obesa GREV.. ... . Ir 187. obliqua GREG... .... ». I 180. I 149. (Pleurostauron) oblonga Grun.: KONGL. SV. VET. oblonga Gree. ....... I 192. (Pleurostauron) obtusa Lerst. I 149. ovalis GREG. : I 128. ovata GRuN. ........ I 151. pachycephala Ch. ...... I 146. pacifica Castr. . . I 146. tPicurastauran) parvula Jan. 150, 149. > GRun. I 149. var. eosluees GrRuN.. . . I 149. var. prominula Grun. M.S. I 149. ? pellucida Ch. ...... I 144. forma arctica. . .... I 145. forma Mediterranea I 145. perminuta GRun. I 146. perpusilla Grun. ...... I 146. var. obtiuscula Grun. . I 146. Phoenicenteron E. . J 148. var. amphilepta E. I 149. var. Baileyi E. I 149. var. genuina ...... I 149. Phyllodes E. ........ I 148. polygramma E. ge get, TE» 20: polymorpha Lerst...... T 129. producta GRUN. . a's I 149. pteroidea Bain. . . I 149, pulchella W. Sm. ..... I 191. punctata Ke. . i 19. pymea Castr. I 191. marnerensis .GRUN. I 111. rectangularis GREG. 1 181. Reichardtiana Grun. . I 151. Reinhardtii Grun. II 20. robusta PETIT. . . I 191. Roteana Rew. ....... I 128. salina W. Sm... ...... I 145. var.? latior Dann. I 145. Scandinavica Lerst. Il 48. Schinzii (BRUN.) . I 146. Semen E.. ... . eM I 129. septentrionalis GRUN. I 146. Sieboldti BE. .. 1. .... I 148. (Pleurostauron) Smithii Grun. I 150. spicula Hickiz .. . . 1110. todderi GREENLEAF I 110. sulcata CL... .. I 110. Szontaghii Pant... .. I 150. Tahitiana Casrr. II 187. Tatrica GUTWINSEY . I 131. truncata Ru. : II 192. tumidula Grun.. . . I 192. undulata HiILsE I 130. ventricosa Ke. . I 129. Wittrockit Lor. I 181. Stauroptera E. Achnanthes E. . . I 191. aspera EK. . I 191. cardinalis E. Il 94. gibba BE. www we we . It 82. asostauron E.. . Il 98. AKADEMIENS HANDLINGAR. Legumen E. microstauron E. oblonga Batt. parva E. platycephala Pics cogs, be abe scalaris E. semicruciata E. truncata RBu. tuscula E Staurosigma Grow. Asiaticum Tremp. & Brun Stenoneis Ct. inconspicua (GREG.) var. Baculus Ch... .... Stictodesmis Grev. Australis GREV.. ...... Craticula L. Sm. Febigerii. . . Stigmaphora WaLttice. lanceolata WauuicH. .. . rostrata WALLICH. . . Surirella Turp. Craticula E. . 2... ...., Quarnerensis GRUN.. . . . Synedra E. Atomus NGELI 2 Biasolettiana Ke... ... pusilla Ke... 2. 1 wee Toxonidea Donk. . Balearica Cu... 2... Challengenrensis CastR. . . . Gregoriana Donk... . var. Balearica CL. . insignis Donk. var. Madagascarensis (GRUN. ) var.? undulata (Norm.) . levis Wirt Madagascarensis Grun.. . undulata Norm... . . Trachyneis Ct.. Antillarum Ct. var. Kurzii Grown. . aspera (E.) m4 , var. Amphora BRUN var. angusta CL. var. Californica Cu. . var. contermina A. §. var. derasa CL. . var. genuina CL. : var. intermedia GRUN. var. Neumayeri Jan.. var. oblonga Batu.. . var. perobliqua Cu. var. var. var. var. var. var. residua A. S.. rhombica Ct. . robusta PETIT vulgaris CL. ae pulchella W. Su... Schmidtiana Grun. ; , I II I II II II II II 4 RHR RRR HARRAH HHH HHH BAND 27. w:o 3. 219 149. Brunii Cu. . I 193. 77. Clepsydra (Donx.) . I 192. 192. var. Scotica A. S. I 193. 87. Debyi Lzeup-F. . .... 1198. 79. var. osculifera CL. . I 193. 81. Johnsoniana (GREV.). . I 198. 83. ? tumidula Grun. . . I 192. 20. velata (A. S.) I 194. 19. Tropidoneis Cu. ...... I 22. Adriatica Cu. I 26. 56. antarctica (GRUN.) I 24, 123. approximata CL.. I 26. 124. Chinensis Ch. . I 27. 124. conserta (LEwIs) I 28. elegans (W. Sm.) I 27. 152. var. Adriatica (Gron.) . I 27. 110. var.? Posewitzii (Pant. i I 27. 110. gibberula (Grun.) . ; I 26. Japonica Cx. I 27. 162. Kinkeriana Ct. I 28. 162. lata Cu. ‘ I 28. Lepidoptera . (GREG.) . I 25. 110. var. delicatula (Grev). I 25. 182. var. minor CL. ..... I 25. var. proboscidea Cu. . . I 26. 4. var. Samoensis (GRUN.) I 25. 189. longa CL... ..... I 25. 128. var.? gracilis (GRUN.) I 2. 45. maxima (GREG.) I 26. 46. var.? decussata Cu. . . I 26. 46. var. dubia (Cu. & Grun.) I 26. 46. var. subalata Cu. I 26. 46. membranacea Ct. I 24. 45. pusilla (GREG.) I 26. 46. recta (GREG.) I 28. 46. var.? subplicata (GRUN.) I 28. 131. Samoensis (GRun.) . I 28. 46. semistriata (GRUN.) Lh 46. seriata CL. I 28. 190. solidula Cu... I 265. 193. Sumbavensis Ch. ...... I 26. 194. Van Heurckii (Grun.) T 25, 27. 191. vitrea (W. Sm.) .... . 1 27. 192. var. Mediterranea (GRUN.) I 27. 191. var. scaligera (GRuN.) . . . I 28. 192. Zebra Ch... é I 28. 191. Vanheurckia Bris. 192. ambigua Bris. I 110. 191. crassinervia BREB 1 123. 192. cuspidata Brés. I 109. 191. Lewisiana Brés. T 128. 192. rhomboides BriB.. ..... I 122. 192. var. amphipleuroides Grun. I 123. 191. viridula BREB. ....... I 128. 191. vulgaris (THW.) . I 122. 192. Vibrio Mier. 191 ostrearius GAILLON .... . I 106. 192. Vorticella Mi.ier. 191 pyraria MULLER I 186. PART I (Kongl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. Band. 26 N:o:2). Page 31 >» 1 > » > » » > » > » >» » » » » » » > » » > » >» > » » » » » » > » >» > » » » > * » * >» > 120 121 126 ine 12* for farther >» 15&16 >» 4&5 7 17* 7 25* 24 22 Q* 16 . 21* 5 5 21* 4* 4 9x 2 7* 21* g* 2 5 7 i 22 & 25. 1: 20 15* & 17* 5 24* 4* weuevvveruvurvvvervvvvev ve eve eevee vee YE EYEE eevvvervnwvvervuevvueveve Vue sev eevee ye eee Ye EEE Hee 14 * From bottom. chromotophore incerta concerta Lepidopt. Vv. Grev. 0,85 0,12 incurva javanica 16 /99 0,017 Coloneis Bacillum Coloneis Ta Kainitzii Kain Holuboi 0,07 0,013 Bribissonia Part IV Pl. I Grev. diatoma 0,25 obsusa Weisneri Gorjonovicti 0,35 0,85 0,38 0,65 0,58 0,014 0,06 0,22 0,025 - Groveit oblique 0,0025 0,009 Corrigenda. ve_wyve ve vv ve ey Yue Ey YY 7* 3* 13 16* 12 19 4 8 8 7* 14 6* 13* 26* 1* 12 14 25* for 0,019 read 0,19. > 0,33 >» L. 0,33. >» 0,02 >» 0,2. -» 0,088 » 0,0088. > naviculoides' » navicularis. » 7 ite » Ta. » Pinnularia » Nav. » O12 » 0,012. » 464 > 564. > 0,0028 » 0,028. >» CL. » Climacosphenia, » 1822 » 1882. » 0,09 » 0,009. >» near » nearer. » Kockit » Kochii. > angusta » angust. >» peruvianum > peruanum. » Newmeyerit » Neumayerit. PART II (Kongl. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl. Band. 27 N:o 3). 28 4 15 17* 10 20* 14* 17 15*° g* Page 126 7 » » read further. » 127 » chromatophore. >» 138 » insecta. » 139 >» conserta. » 140 » pusilla. >» 141 >» Frustule. » 146 > Grun. » 150 >» 0,085. » » >» 0,012. » 152 » wmcurvata. >» 158 >» sumatrica. » 161 » Bre, » 170 >» 0,17. » 177 » Caloneis. >» 181 » bacillaris. > §6189 » Caloneis. » 191 >» Ta. >» Kanitzii. » Kan. » Holubyr. Page 7 line 19* » 0,007. >» 10 > >» Q,18. » Brebissonit. » 20 » >» Pl. IV. » 21» > Greg. > >» » » distoma. ‘BT > > 0,025, >» 45 » > obtusa. >» » » » Wiesneri: >» 65 » > Gorjanovicii. » 78 » » 0,035. » 85 » » 0,085. >» O91 » >» 0,038. » 130 » > 0,065. » 1385 > » 0,058. >» 148 » >» 0,14. >» 161 » » 0,006. >» 168 » > Q,022. » 170 > » 0,25. > 171 » » Grovesii. >» 175 >» » longitudinal. » 178 >» > is hy » 181 > » 0,025. » 187 >» » 0,09. » 192 » for C. serians » and Nav. Tozzo- » > >» » » » > » » » » » » » » > > > » * » » nidea N. Wilezekii N. falaisiensis Exul Tremp. a. BRUN N. Schulzii rhomboides undulata hybrida Kostowsky 31 f. 13 kerguelensis Berscow ~ 24 6 melinitica arcticum Henrioti Quek. Greg. Saarch wee vYueue_ve ¥Y BEM HEE EE OV read N. serians. N. Wilezeckii. N. falaisensis. 53. Exsul. TEMP. N. Scehultzii. rhomboidea. undula. hemiptera. KosLowsky. 18. 21. f. 3. kerguelenensis. Borscow. 34 @. menilitica. arctica. Harioti. Quart. Grev. Schaarsch. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handi. Band 27. N:o 3. Plate I. 29 Fig. » » » » » » » » » » 1. Amphipleura pellucida var. Truani V. H. — Spain, /1. 2... ... 2... . . . Part I, 2. Pleurosigma prelongum CL. — Greenland, 75/1. wacko att ce eae 3, 4. Gyrosigma arcticum CL. var. — Kerguelens Land, "500 /, Sy ok eka eae Boe ee, 28 5. G. sciotense Sull. — Hudson River, °%/1 2... 2. 2. ee > 6. G. diaphanum CL. — Ile de Bréhat, BOO eine om, GAP dee ah Se me ARGO, DAB) tcl ai gtogh oot ee ED 7. Caloneis Beccariana GRUN. — Bengal, MOO ope de Ge se eg es Be BG co > 8. C. Anderssonii CL. — Galapagos Islands, 9/1 2. 2... 1 ee ee ee 9. OC. Musea var. eurynota CL. -— Rio Janeiro, /1 2 2 2 2 we ee 10. C. Hardmaniana CL. — Campeachy Bay, 500/ BERL Sy GBS civ. Banke Death I ist, ho SOD 11. N. Omicron CL. — Galapagos Islands, 00/4. AOA Ea ee Re fas hv oe he tes ee. Searels 12. Pinnularia cardinaliculus CL. — Waltham, Massie te SS a ee ae » 13. P. spitsbergensis CL. — Spitsbergen, 4/1 2 2 2 1 1 ww kD 14, P. constricta CL. — Galapagos Islands, 5/1 . 15. P. lignitica Ch. — Japan, 1/1. . 2... 16. P. Aestuarii CL. — Connecticut, 5300/1 17. Navicula My Cu. — China, 1000/4 18. Pinnularia Balfouriana GRUN. — Aberdeen 1), °150/y : 19. Navicula brasiliensis GRUN. var. bicuneata CL. — Bansaseli, 50/4 | ‘ 20. Pinnularia paulensis GRUN. — Demerara River, 19/1 21. P. trigonocephala Cu. — Big Lake, Cal., 500 / ob eS 22. P. major var. asymmetrica CL. — Waltham Mass., °°/1 23. P. flexuosa CL. — Crane Pond, 5/1... . 24. P. Claviculus var. javanica CL. — Java, 100°/1 25. Navicula concilians CL. — Honolulu, 5000/4 Se 26. N. Schulzii Kain var. californica CL. — S:n Pedro, Gali, "500 /4 27. N. Stercus muscarum CL. — China, 59/1 . Bod 28. N. glacialis CL. — Matotchin Scharr, 10/1 29. N. Chi CL. — Balearic Islands, 1000/', : 30. N. Rhaphoneis GRUN. — Samoa, 19/1 . 31. N. Amicoruam GRUN. — Samoa, 1009/1 32. N. subalata GRUN. —- Seychelles, SOUT has: te <8 33. N. Formentere CL. — Balearic Islands, 1000/4 34, N. Phi Cu. — Seychelles, 0/1... . 35. N. centraster CL. — Madagascar, 1000 /4 ea ; 36. N. pennata A. 8. var. maxima CL. — Naples, 500/, 37. N. leptostizma EHB. — Oregon, 10/1 . . iAP as 38. N. annulata GRUN. — Demerara River, 9/1 . PLATE I. 1) From a sketch sent by GRUNOW. Page. 127. 39. 119. 118. 115. 50. 60. 65. 67. 46. 79. 82. mum “ANNU ITT TIT Mir ll W a \ y MTT THAIN, “UNUM” — = ft Cm Wir Soe SR A euges QS ei SS W007 aT => — Se mat oe Te xe \ Me Sy fos ao eines ON eae = es es Ow teh che IDS iy eee SSD HAY By i sa eT TTT io — ees SCOMNOAN LUAU UUNSLEE LL ATTA tii nh AY Ha abet My A. nit i I | Hihy\\ WW ANY \\ \\{qtihe Nh Mfr my) of os Lit. Anst.Sthim. Ljustr. Gen. St2d. Plate II. S- 27. 28, 30, 32, 35. 36, 38. PLATE II. Navicula surinamensis CL. — Surinam, 19/1. . N. peregrina var. calcutteusis GRuN. — Calcutta, 500/, ‘ N. Pusio Cu. --- New Zealand, 19/1 . . N. oviformis CL. — Madagascar, 1000/5, Mastogloia labuensis CL. — Cebu, 1009/1. M. Citrus CL. — Adriatic, 10/1. M. minuta GREV. — Java, 1/1. M. pusilla GRUN. — Pensacola, 19/1 M. arata CL. — Island of Rhea, 59/1 , Saas M. laminaris EHB. var. intermedia CL. — Japan, 1000/4 M. baldjikiana GRuN. --- Baldjik, 19/1 . M. flexuosa CL. — Adriatic, 1/1 . . M. acuta GRUN. — Labuan, 1°/1 . . M. Grovei CL. var. rhombica Ch. — Barbados, omy M. inaequalis CL. — Australia, 19/1 . M. fallax Ct. —- Java, 29/1 2. 2... M. Sinithii THW. var. abnormis GRUN. — Karand, 1000/4 M. Jelineckii var. marina RABH. — Cebu, 10/1 . M. (Orthoneis) oamaruensis CL. — Oana, B00. so M. (Orthoneis) cocconeiformis GRUN. — Red Sea, 1000/4 : M. Mac Donaldii GREV. — Cebu, 10/1 M. javanica CL. — Java, 59/1 i ed » » » » 1000 1 M. apiculata W. SM. — Cumbre, 1000/4 > > >» var, — Balearic Islands, 1000/, M. lemniscata LEUD. FortM. — Cebu, 1000 /4 M. pulchella CL. — Java, °°/1 29 » » » » 1000/4, ee oo 31 Cocconeis grata A. 8S. — Campeachy Bay, 1000/; 33, 34 C. Van Heurckii CL. — Madagascar, 1099/1 Mastogloia exarata OL. — China, 1000/1 37. Cocconeis granulifera GREV. — Galapagos 1 Islands, "1000 /4 : Mastogloia(?) dubia CL. — Barbados, 190/1 Page. 18. 9. 24, 157. 157. 151. 156. 153. 158. 154. 156. 149. 150. 153. 152. 160. 150. 149. 158. 159. » 157. 159. 153. » 172. 173. 156. 168. 162. Pl i o 23. Kong). Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.27. N nit. Anst.Sthim. str. Cen. Stab, Lu Del. P.T. Cleve Plate III. Fig. PLATE III. 4 1, 2. Achnanthes mesogongyla GRUN. -— Brazil, 10/1 . 3. A. baccata LEuD. FortM. — Ceylon, 0/1 ‘ 4, 5. portion of the valve, 10/1... oie Satie ie Spa Se 16. A. (Actinoneis) mammalis CASTR. var. reticulata CL. - — “Maeiseae Sleaits: “date frustule, °9%/1 . . 17, 18. Amphora (Diplamphora) truncata (GREG.?) CL. — pemeeh we 19. A. (Dipl.) proboscidea (GREG.?) CL. — Java, %/1 . : 20, 21 » » » » Bahia, ae ‘ 22. A. (Oxyamphora) aspera PETIT. —- Naples, 1000/4 ; 23. A. (Dipl.) et CL. — Java, $1 . 24,25. » > Masneaat Straits, *500/y ee 26, 27, 28, 29. i. (Dipl.) exsecta GRUN. — China, 500 /4 ad 30, 31. A. (Dipl.) margaritifera CL. — Galapagos Islands, ‘mn 32, 33. A. (Dipl.) granulifera CL. — Java, 101. rae 34, 35. A. behringensis CL. — Behrings Straits, 1000/, 5 36. A. (Diplamphora) bioculata CL. — Balearic Islands, nh 37, 38. » » » > » 00/1 . 39. A. (Psammamphora) ocellata DoNK. var. cingulata CL. — ’ Pensacola, 500 4, 40. A. Pusio CL. — Sandwich Islands, 19/1 ‘ dorks Gehan Page. . 1 192. 195. 187. 180. 186. 176. 166. 187. 112. 113. 128. 116. 116. 117. 116. 102. 114. 115. 133. 102. PLOT. “NUTELLA” 38 3 Sooecse cas Po ocedc noe (Vii = Lo” Ng oc SES ies Or =3 “uuu” LE Seance CCOCOIPFVLOOMINUODTN eer wan EP BED SITIOS O IO GOGO OSeH. £0000 20900000 0000000800 9% 228 20000 5.00 vulUr a7 4 wr 6900000 PMOL aca ust sanaemacaa mnasensastdbeees ar “Ser cea ena eae 3. 2 ods3o Fon Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.27. N anes tam, Suab. Lit. Anst.S o e 6 Oo Plate IV. PLATE IV. Amphora (Oxyamphora) groenlandica CL. — Davis Straits, 1/1 3. A. (Halamphora) Eunotia CL. — Spitsbergen, °°/1 . (Oxyamphora) Arcus GREG. — Sumatra, 59/1 . A. dubia A. 8. — Barcelona, °°°/1 (Oxyamphora) micans A. S. — Macassar Straits, 800 ‘ ‘ > » > (portion of the margin and end) 1000/4 é (Oxyamphora) decussata GRUN. — Adriatic, °°/1 . 6. 9. > > var. briocensis LEUD. FoRTM. — “The “English channel, *1000/; : A. A. A. A. Ovum CL. — Balearic Islands, 1°°/1 A. (Oxyamphora) Lunula Ch. — Suinatra, 1000/, ‘ A. (Oxyamphora) Maeandrina CL. — Colon, B00 A. mexicana A. 8S. — Naples, 9/1. ; 7, 18. A. (Diplamphora) decipiens — " Labuan, "1000 0, Arenicola GRUN. — South Pembroke, 1. . > > > var. oculata CL. — Sebastopol, 800/, > > > var. subeequalis CL. — China, 59/1 . A. (Oxyamphora) acuta var. labyrinthica GRUN. — ‘Blea Idlands, 1000/, E 25. A. (Archiamphora) rectilineata CL. a. GROVE — Oamaru, 50/4 A. (Diplamphora) prismatica CL. — Naples, 9/1 . Book? ins A. (Diplamphora) diaphana CL. — Colon, °°°/1 1 20, 29. A. gigantea var. obscura CL. — Naples, ee : 31, 32. A. (Diplamphora) vetusta CL. a. GROVE, — Oamarn 500/, | ? A. (Oxyamphora) staurophora CASTR. — Morocco, 5004 > > > Pensacola, a ae A. (Diplamphora) inornata CL. — Macassar Straits, 500/y 37, 38.» » » Java, 0/1 A. (Diplamphora) inelegans var.? polita CL. — Java, 1000/ ce A. (Oxyamphora) bacillaris (GREG.?) CL. — Firth of Tay, 500 /4 : » > » (portion of the dorsal side of the connecting zone) 1000/, Page. 128. 122. 127. 102. 128. 128. 129. 102. 129. 127. 105. 108. 104. 128. 112. 106. 115. 129. 110. 111. 127. 23. Kongl. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd.27, N nx iT S wWwloig uf fall jiu Wie ‘ ia yi las j “Memon mide, cabs MALL! AA7,"> s Ne = - ANN SSE PE 77, Ge . AY eS _—$—_———____— LYM “ETT ana a Ht a ML AAAI py 5) Ljustr. Gen. Stab. Lit. Ans? Sthim. Del. P.T. Cleve Taree re atta eta prerert t att nis We ay sumer ites iA bie Teaterseet aint t ae we Tana tit SeLabeubs a) Bly ih uh Pret Re A he i 2 Tie a teh 5} an ie 3 Cais aatae oe ‘ by “ eat ry ee Lig C44 : SSR er ROS ana By Tea peat eig tesa pevttedet SNOB : Brolin dte moun Aunt ahaa Tanraianen titel te stat Pata lonsrutiionsneun setts 7 8 apt Rite sisal ry eet iay 4 bt ce Sela each Rig nee: iat Haat : : sieht rats d etn Seca a LS aaa Ht ae H ot) WOU AV i Veedgatat CARN PRR Ee Hes) aia PaUhantat i Ot uit H Ua, Pest . UU LI Vue UTA tot Une econ ithe vets) osu? Att \ AP treat etirhr apart erat} Reha r is i i ORR ity ni Hay Hite t ae ci i nat aah * Nth pt erate ech Males ahah Miata Ua aR a x ocean ea NECTURE RAT RM Re URC NS AARC ath MMi ain} uy ei ti be Aeadeurmny ; faery : tm SuiK ae Ae Ws i} pulses ib Weed ip bees Rite Mi Aa SUC eehesti sa anatase RNR aN pe . * vushe ales We pie ay aE UNS ian MH . ier ipiueac ve : yi ert 1G r Sie Raa ae Earn Se ee retiree , Bsealmtes wer ests tatty ry ace ts ge Ne eens anges Tee Whiter eitrm ete PiraplnrarbecTebataca ara cttan tat are dlniepeatt atennera sweet ty Ieee Pipes Ediakre ie ean dioeets me ae ee vs we earns a ees Sores ereye a ereper re aeottaied) imetto cre hea i r vn aintiate Re SERRA sae >) te ie i Pesyrt bret ay teur ae btn ey eri A ens ey Teor Met i it HH PAN . chatter iY net ( na tui ANT a Sn ee Lapa