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Tt Rewer Mirren
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Roswell P. Flower Library
Professor of Zoology in the University at Munich
Professor of Zoology in Tufts College
Zev P. £7 >
J \ v ¢
3 s
Py AS x
Copyright, 1902,
On account of its clearness and breadth of view, its comparatively
simple character and moderate size, Professor Richard Hertwig’s
‘Lehrbuch der Zoologie’ has for ten years held the foremost place
in German schools. The first or general part of the work was
translated in 1896 by Dr. George W. Field, and the cordial recep-
tion which this has had in America has led to the present reproduc-
tion of the whole.
This American edition is not an exact translation. With the
consent of the author the whole text has been edited and modified
in places to accord with American usage. For these changes the
translator alone can be held responsible. Some of the alterations
are slight, but others are very considerable. Thus the group of
Vermes of the original has been broken up and its members dis-
tributed among several phyla; the account of the Arthropoda has
been largely rewritten and the classification materially altered ; while
the Tunicata and the Enteropneusti have been removed from their
position as appendices to the Vermes and united with the Verte-
brata to form the phylum Chordata. Other changes, like those in
the classification of the Reptilia and the nephridial system of the
vertebrates, are of less importance.
A large number of illustrations have been added, either to make
clearer points of structure or to aid in the identification of American
forms. Except in the Protozoa, American genera have in most
cases been indicated by an asterisk. Numerous genera have been
mentioned so that the student may see the relationships of forms
described in morphological literature.
In the translation the word Anlage, meaning the embryonic
material from which an organ or a part is developed, has been
transferred directly. As our language is Germanic in its genius,
there can be no valid objection to the adoption of the word.
As this work is intended for beginners, no bibliography has been
given. A list of literature to be of much value would have been so
large as to materially increase the size of the volume. Experience
has shown that beginners rarely go to the original sources. This
omission is the less important since in all schools where the book is
likely to be used other works containing good bibliographies are
accessible. Reference might here be made to those in the Anat-
omies of Lang and Wiedersheim, the Embryologies of Balfour,
Korschelt and Heider, Minot, and Hertwig, aud Wilson’s work on
The Cell.
The editor must here return his thanks to Dr. George W. Field
for his kindness in allowing the use of lis translation of the first
part of the book as the basis of the present edition.
Turrs COLLEGE, Mass., Sept. 19, 1902.
EN DRO DUCTION gr udods coun s ake on teas done ies wie coe Gate neonate aaa
FEES LORY OFZ OOTOGM a tie iia ara ir at eA oneal dul naan ec cnels 7;
DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY..........0 0.00 ccc cee eaee 8
DEVELOPMENT :OF MORPHOLOGY sx. ss ds i wa atnls 44 ae ¥ oa Lae Ss MOOR me 12
RERORM) OF THE SYSTEM As... cuis can an id weaning sae game boolean e aes 18
’ HISTORY OF THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION..........0....00 0000 ee ees 19
GENERAL ANATOMY: 3 &aandten 2 adniios Vaine a A mualinged via ae Ra eas oes ot einolene 58
The Morphological Units of the Animal Body.................... 58
The Tissues of the Animal Body........... 0.0... ccc cee cee eaes 71
Epithelial iSsnes: areas a ab dane Selene cursus er achaaine wie ooo acn a aeane 73
CONNECTIVE TISSUeSti yen teharadin Pee Be ae Da wi ecia rsleoioeeats awe 83
Miiseuilar Tissuess. wes gcse ts cs ce Move Se ae wld es case aweas go
IN€rvous: LISSUCS si: o0 tad eaawnee Saale Oates erate pas 94
UTMMATY ae ded see hte: by eae os GR DEA Eee Ge eee Ke da Roatan g 97
The Combination of Tissues into Organs........... 000000000 cca 99
Veretative Organs). ow citi ve asane pad ee das eee eee eee oe 102
Organsiof Assimilation, acs cckeae deoudds cu dale de aean eee to’ 102
Digestive: Tract, sy secoutasaki ren ac aoc can cee pene Rie nests ato gmeates 103
Respiratony Organs ins csije to ihe soe Wa awe dterone tie nioar ates heen ay 107
Circulatony-Apparatuss. ccc ccd sane cdwedh wen naaisia oot gous 109
EXCretory OPeatiSive ci cc cans otedc ade dad ev bee oan ees 115
SERIA LOL FANS 7. spare g most Sala Ween alele at ane? MAUL aha Riner ave teat 117
AnimalCOKansy,. i c.z.cicn Waa Maaneins qosagalaeuies masa wae eh eben 121
QOrgansor LOcomOtlOns<:cca8 craeeade gens cans pen aN aa es 121
NERVOUS SYSEODT:.. cous Sccreuchs Crees ibis AMlod SauBeL LRG areiatdnaun sla yh acheala 122
Sense: ORGS yas ais eps carta sa atautneye cane Uecsmiee: cin Geetha sin wate Rua Ecce 125
STITT AGY ayaina eoheel eee inabe Sots each Sous avenge ke ara a dame Saco Mero rau ep onsee 131
PROM OLPHOlO Verano uate sae har eros setae seas Rrra ens aoe alia ese te 133
GENERAL, EMBRYOLOGY, gage okiacnua yee nee tees eee eee ae eves 139
Spontaneous Generationin: scusavse eos eates dice ce eed ghee ake oes 139
Generation by Parentsiics4 <4 eo: ei nesie soi Baye Gh dave yon as tees 140
Asexual Reproductlotiws cisccanasccneen iat cesee ere uee dense ae 140
Sexual Reproduction dca se taeed tvs Ghee Oke ae ees ge weenie aa 142
Combined Methods of Reproduction................... 0.0000. 143
General Phenomena of Sexual Reproduction..................... 145
Maturationvot the Be gijc coy yy. car eaa wis, ¥ gia site tancliann Soe chee sit Ales 146
HertilizatiOnin’: svt ceeg ae icin cis oust dines sale apemeaes ee ew Yee EPS 148
Clea vale Processesi.v.5 Min aon mhn ais tian A act ma ene Dee he I51
Formation of the Germ Layers ............0.... 000 eee ees 156
Different Forms of Sexual Development....................... 160
SOUL TTA TA AEV? co3 sc tg huavcriay’, east cm ake AMA eine desea geaeenk ar aan ace bansheaahe, cA 162
RELATION OF ANIMALS TO ONE ANOTHER............0.000 000000 164
Relations between Individuals of the Same Species................ 164
Relations between Individuals of Different Species................ 167
ANIMA, CAND ® PLANT Ss 5 ccnts cchoisyd. Suing shat dhs na geese Ge ew ow Roe ee oF AE 171
DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS IN TIME...............000 0000 eevee ee 180
SPECIAL, ZOOLOGY. tkcsca wanes tains Raum wists sh BGraeee ae Ae aha oe 182
Phylum Te PROVOL ORR a8 rca he ee Peal oso ARIE RA RIS Le ial ie A a ee 183
Class: Tee Rhizopodaca.nawaisney as sures eee we eer ee ae oe ee 187
OrdercTseMoneray oe myc cake a eevee on oece aiee diac peveaees Sie oreetahees 189
Order TTT 0 DOSAR a cond Bune acts eranvaieh weeds Prgeed anaaestigy alee Ae 189
Onder: TT, UHeli0208 i o6 eter hh nee ad eeohe ee ohenes cee kes 190
Order IVi~ Radiolaria’ <2. ohnas pect neue su eaaee uncer 192
Order V;. Foraminifera: . onc. cc eet neeaeenen ueneia sca aye 196
Order VZuMy CELOZ OA Ih aca hve cp Nstaro ht fol attr ae hy Suk eta 198
Class UE. Plagella tar enn gso russ estncctae eens Seat B eet A oe eae Us Sue canoe 200
Order-l Antoflagellatass sats. co Lars euskal hea ara a 200
Order Ih. Dinoflagellata ti: Gove soe onn naearuela eee we Aas 203
Order TIY, -Cystoflagellatay .i..4 syeesce sen dea au ce wen dance 203
Class. ATT, Ciliatars, spat sae cuneate gies Bon 2 A aeanitecencugsl ane Ais ae 204
Orderly ‘Molotrichars Vwi ne jisrgs, wa dan ay Sue oes Ress oe 209
Order IT, Heterotrichar.... astscawusa does e £au Gare aebuls 209
Order TU. WPenetnehas...5c0/ oi viates ewe a Wsponis ea ais beso cee 210
Order IV. Hy Vion eek pera aeee omens ary
Opder: ViF SUCEOM Aya: gio ae, noe Geman me cuealie a ain aecde apie (oT
Classe SPOKOZOd sis ap a6 t5c Aen ce 4 ae on Seamed nee oS ee eg) 21S
Order te Gregan mid a wens. gi acei 4 tes oon ated teks ee BIAS 213
Order: [Coca digests wit e Meee nace AA Ave anenGernelers oes : 215
Order Ill. Hemosporida......0 000.05 ch ne bees ee oe eee oe 216
Order TV.. Myxosporida... 003 ccs cc ends ee eeeetiuees 217
Order V. Sarcosporiday oss iiaes page beat Aa Gans wh aduae s 218
SUMMARW: Aiacuterenaltilaletdiiehe aware e Wate At cee Mie a site on va cate 14 BIS
IM AZ OA eas tecres te is Miylecaicn Sn sau are den enue Met hm Ate va Zee 221
Phylum LE RORTRERA faa teiya5s)p weigh esl ok Ga ae tow. Gednd. Lt elahnce hemor a eee 221
Ordéerd, (Caleispongies.< 5. cadiwe vas au ee beam teal. be pa 225
Order I, Silitispongia...... 0... wc oh ba oe ca tee mraa yee 226
DSUMMARW: cc tint ee ninatan nat Ny sas ua® She ck; Miehen eae ANS haa ae en 227
Phylum DEL COVENT BRAT A sec gale top oe 4c as hoa Gath EEA EA ecg ws 228
CLASS ELV OT O7Z Oa cia nafs. tis cai cch meee avin sels weteacyn Sera teen nae 230
Order Ty EL yd tal ais ne 8 eles act tonsa gisten & Suasirseners meen Seber 240:
Order IT. Hydrocoralline ...........00..0........... 241
Order IIT. Tubularia = Anthomeduse................. 241
Order IV. Campanularia = Leptomeduse................. 242
Order Ve clrachomeéd uses ge Scone fs tenses es ak tine uals 242
Order VI. Narcomeduse 325 ie ccic se cacneaveuntacacacc, 242
Order VIT {Siplionophora:cccayyec ket. oy ne vea enable eke 243
Class [De Sey plhoz0a rac. cusialon a Gian So ot cain suena aoe abn deen 245
Orderl.. Stautomed usec scias Ao ee du bu pe oaceedaan wwe oe 250
Order I. Reromeduser neon wiccnsecucaioaie a yeehoae Re eee ee 250
Order III. Cubomeduse...........0000. 0000s cee eee eee 250
OrderlV.: Diseomed tse. Se yicsae sedans al sawn aw Aang 250
Glass TTL AMEnOZO8 cies vena re at baie deren has wastetle de eae p eat 251
Order. “Vetracorallas. savataine eae eee ccs wu aa wer ae Baw 258
Order Tl.’ Octocoralla: soja evade siedcee as aalacaee andes 258
Order NTL. Hexacoralla ie: de guste ed ans yok ada hale tne a 259
ClassLV, ‘Clenophora: .. osns ans vadgeeeth ne eaters wane, ae eens 261
DUMMARY stave yg cnn sist penas teh We War? Oar aad en aeeu ace Maan haha a! Stacie eusiavae 265
Phylum LV. PLATHELMINTHES cao 6056 vas SARI Ae eis Seas Sacaal 267
Classi “Turbella tia). caiceiiat eatinte aon, wandecav ainsi tuca.cs Cee mets 268
Order Tl, Polycladideass. cc.guic sas pee Be Yad Se Eee Cees 271
Orderly Cricladideays: syz..a seals eaweae peas nen as susie s 271
Order: Rhabdocodlidae a4... canes ie eee dere ee Oa 271
Classibl sir ema todaime.senscatnwns cpa terakars anna one enters Pees DTI
Orders Polystomiaeiss We c.isocaneeel sigs mighesuce he HORE e 273
Order TE i Distomiaess< 5. ata sida ce a, isalabins wnate a abel ourenee 274
Cassel TIC eStOd ag asia tices neve ar suc ears ue oasyereeetinp in sl ada era ee ee eee 278
Class:LV-s Ne@mertini 4 ¢ tis wane aous maces pause Suny pure baa 289
SUMMARY eo. cairns asa eth es maeeene Saw anes p ie aun genes a aaah) pen 202
Pipline Vc PROTIBERA’ 5 alati Asctae hh ate SRA Meese et ceaeas pe oe ar Acces 293
Phyline V1. CORMARLMINTHES) 034 ou pyle atlas $en88 asedew Gash Sohne dae Sine 2 295
Class PaChaetognatiiien tacnic aiccdon Serta t ak Cin at eee a, 296
Class IT, Nemathelminthes. 2.5 c30.0.h044caerae ste wnseeed ataes 298
Orders Nematoda g..cjistn gin seo te wae AG RPAAY seen ooo 298
Orderly Cordiaceay cs sy. across saya hvindoh Sea ees case 304,
Order ILL. Acanthocephala isis yivcaa chee geen dena end aes 304
Class-ILT:- Annelida, cs uy oh a ele ae earn h hela ces dell us aae a Ne 305
Sub: Class 1. Chaetopoda: 4.2205 oi¥aco vay ogateeded asain aaa wee 306
Order dy “Poly cheeter.js on ae te mace egiey wah tek ok ees 311
Orderdl.-Oligochiaetae 4c seas aioe neues eee Se See tae sald 314
Sub Classis Gephyrea’c sis ocala sue cas sean sue eee as 316
Orders, (Ghaetiferie 5th oie Sis aide aces ya oe ena ana ean wae 317
Order I< Ine rmes eso. sanessrs iiss ests etsy patie dali neue ah wa ee yes aes 317
Order TIl= Priapuloided. «ce son aks oars mvtis.ans SE oe ee Se 317
Sub 'Class:1TL. “Hirwdinel +. 2.5 2%an av one peeve omissions Meme He 318
Order I. Gnathobdellide.............. 321
Order II. Rhynchobdellide ................0...0..0.00002. 32%
GClassEVi. SPOly 20a0's ssc totic he ae Siete cist nite Seca Gone hata nels 321
Sub: Classil.c Pntoproctastccc4440 sao ahs naoee canon Bho oe 321
Sub: Class I sR ctoproctayga ec suce nad oath SA als 8 aneansrewousan 322
Class-V- PH OGOnidal cic ciation he 64d vt lea Sey tener a eA ty tan at ae Ae 325
Class Vik“ Brachiopoda: 15. piace eadiagiatesus Lame oR aa atnaane 32
Order ls sBeardines ia: 2) siecle tate ouriie vier aoe Dene Se aE 328
Order Tl. Vesticardines<.5.i5, 1a wa ce cela an tat usa Ge na thw 328
NSUMNGAR Ya sss cca! croetis ade sracn ond tanaese ass ther ace tir oae a peacne ase aIO) Sus tai eA Ae 328
Piylane VAL. OK CHINODERMA: 5.200 an parva Fat hol ie Wig eS AMN NE Hee Re 32
Class Ts ASEEr OLACA ghire wu tre co nemtass Set sacra Meaaechone eee peas area ME ane 333
ClassIL. Ophittoidéd... nic hacen aeeeteee yates dG aeeeenen B37
Classi Crimotdea's.<.0 5 ho Sapuscn aries See 2 Aaah oy etm, wipe g REG 338
Sub: Classi (Buctinoidéas .:a2 aesomeedsnalsa Haha oe te ene Rae 342
Sub: Class]... Bdrioasterordea 22444 sie ae actos dae cee eae ee 342
SitbiClassel Mh. tCystid Cae sche. & 1 Sassseh Gay srans-guocearane See eae 342
Sub:Clacsl Vi. -Blastordeals hav cue.e uta ninonre siete, a qostysi gies aver a sshd 342
Classi Vir chimotdea crn as id-2snen eeteetuaaiars Gra conan! ies actnanenae Sonky: 343
OrderT,. Palechinoideay sais s Se ede seersed oak eee Me, jae a Sk 345
Order Wi Cidaiidee ss Aoh-sn te sea Bee eR Oe EE Se 345
Order ILI: Cly peastroidéa.e: tere ted wate eee e tee eee 346
Order [V. Spatangoideaeus cicides gia dng ches oad BS Pes 346
Glass'\V- Holothuroidea:, 4/2. crease ags ecsy ad euheeeaee ns wee B40
Order E. AGtinto pod ass ni waters euismod, Bie ae ee eames 349
Order Ue: Paractinopodas. mivsiyare ane Gee aid speed ev eiege o eha, weal 349
PSUs wk ch paws» wa we Rw wis aLM enhleTe alate Bsn he imst ene mame Motes a ern eee 350
Phat VAT Ts > MOTA USC Biers orca cies esc a te aette a va pean Beat ehen ava ccte rece Sara abe 3 351
GlasssIscAmphinetitads. sac cccsemcadiy a mckoohe paw aire Gah te erg aoe eae aude 356
SubClass. Placophorae. nuit e anid aus Aa DAS Means Reta eRe nt 356
Sub Class.IT.. Solénogastres:.....cnece Reman iaas bene ptees anes 358
G@lass TI) Acépialas sy iectcha-wt 2 picniue aistdun Manel aautisce mee Om nee 358
Ordér Ts Protoconehige ts > ecg, aneenscdsnaninewerehusa' ete ae ae Awe: 365
Order Il. Heteroconchigz® 4. 4.c0s.d4 ance oe bailey vane debe 367
Glass TIT) Seaphopodaw so. cot Be eg ae awe Sa Awa 369
Class'LV) Gasteropodavs ai 'ncy a mes Gtiow. Dae Hee nese OO che tale 369
Order.L.. Prosobranchiata’ , 24 4 wy sie cae eae HES RRO 378
Order II. Opisthobranchiata ...........0...... 0.02.02... 381
Order ITD sPulmiona tay swe aks tag oaty actu en eaten ice meat en oes 383
Class'V. Cephalopoda. soca. casas pnacuau iden sns ane wea alge ane 384
Order: Vetrabranchias is s.44.444.n12caeun Ge oa aay eclease scat 394
Order Il, Dibranthiain. csi te shai mean ne morn Ode oes 394
SD UIMIMAIR Vico. ois hc Sly eine RNS e ait Sele NN NO Aon en Beye rec dive ati acres lal ae a 395
Phyl TX ARTAROPODE 2.340. sik: scape Sale lee RSMO ANALY Bm ri eater are 398
Class Tt Cru St aCe a 0 5 es eee ees shea can tense eather sah aan Chee 408
Sub Classy Unilobites cory eteeas Soc deal aeaee nan eben be ors 414
Sub Class II. Phyllopodas isc ccc sce hee ceca cached ve bees 415
Orderl, -Branehiopoda yy. pat yates cgay 5 Soccer wlan hemes 436
Order Tl Cladocera 1.0. cc ius aye ahs nan A cece aie Elena 417
Sub:Class TIT Copepoda. 0a. Sons aah pee ee ea Sede Sates 417
Order lh: Hueco pe pod an. ese Gia kiero ha wana hos Bae ote oe 421
Order ll: Siphonostomatay 2.0 fo sued casa hss opted even os 422
SubClass iV. Ostracodays, «i284 cn ac tan0 Goan puaameks oe oe eee 422
SubClass V2 Cirripediaic ) imi va myst s vakten oes eae ee ee 423
Orderl sepadidac sa cere arden nares ae eae ee ee elon 425
Order Thy Balamidaas: tion. 2.4 nau sie hen Rath Rawiaud oedareaeda Honedie ee 425
OrderIIT.“Rhizoce phal area oa: tact ars.cup deaceace ee ee on ve ees 426
Sub Class Vi; ‘“Malacostraca sosccicsdee coos, wenn bed ow ad cadn 426
Tepionil, Deptostiaca, yay Site sees. gach hades tee oon nae 427
Legion Il. Thoracostraca.... 6.46 cccc eee Sana ecesseacsuavs 427
Order Schizopodais,. a2.G-i.c ges uh ontog ners ee wut ho 428
Order II; Stomatopoday.< oases oe c4nh es Cee en eee belcen 429
Orderdil Decapoda: 2 sataq, cae die as Oars Saeed ae 429
OrderIVi Cuma cla: ee oi oe got 22.8 ema asneere eR ao 437
Legion Ll. Arthrocostracds 23 44 se nke tadione nec amare, ose 8 438
Order tl; Am plnpodari.s ions eehe sie ri vac albrahe ee oe ee 438
Order Te [sopoday oc h5 oe 8 a beac ara det neuaeanonn ae seule ees 440
Class TE ACerata nas Gata noun mee cecat eh oe aoe ene 442
sub: Class I.-Gigantostrata ass. Go adel ic keke at yak bent yous 443
Order]. “Xaphosura ss cdc. t esac tree eee eeu oe Eee he 444
Ordetll. Hury pteridacc.« occstees ee derde ne eeg ae esd eed 444
SiibClass tl; Arachmid ars «nas aauncbeeyaa aadet yuan & Ree eGend ee 444
Lesion |; Arthrogastridas sccvuonaesied G Galaatoe sasaut wepeeuaer: 447
Order. VSCOrpionsd ates re asa ere aerate « aoese a eet Led A oee tena 447
OrderLh. Phrynoideas2. ik ee ate ks oboe a teccioam se get 448
Order III. Microthelyphorida ......................... 448
Ordér LV... Solpigida. 5.502 cethay ceean gas erus peewee ed 449
Order V2 Psendoscorpil. hice tebe pane ees nar esas ences 450
Order Vi; Phalangiday. «200s <5 04 Hess Beis eee y O8 450
Lesion Ll. Spherorastrida, . c.ccihasots Aen nwnad sGaN ane 451
Order: Amaneing: on ic act macne etvae diene aiid leasen Am ames 451
Order Tig Acarifia: 64.5.cc0hs 25 ms abies ee eects BH Oe tins 453
Order lil: Wangaatulida. << .:03 ds aed eee ye hw bad ee eee 454
Tardigrada:<.s¢ aniseehnanachs menses Goda manus oe 455
PY CNOCOMGA 6) Apmis bu tee es RE A Reka een eae 456
ClasseELL Malacopodast s: suc Astvnpusiy encanta aan e ead RN ayaa 456
Gla SoH Ve CITI SEG tas coee iets fess Crean ences stats Aisa ees ha ie Rial Site ma a eee 458
Sul Class Chilopodaccssyedanenac ee ce eeu Maresh oneeretets 460
Sib Classi Hexapoda acs eases aia stomcne watah tonite aed s 461
Order. Apteryeola: oun ieee te sae tee Ones ee eves ead 477
Order 11s. Axchipterars) x pat onde nba es eacd ay wares oe Re ee 477
Order IIb, \Orthoptera., as ce sak ne Sees See odes hE et ss 480
Order TV.Neuropteran wis come cae acai, oa ee eects oe ee 481
Order Ve iStrepsipteray ion sisi ote pastas aaathe a aaihven ww mae g 483
Order Viz ‘Coleoptera: 2x sja.aus stunacuans ve Mace via hee g-heen s 483
Order VII) “Hymenoptera: as. oi0 ct a iene pees 485
Order VITI2RDYyUChOla ts ake eA ieee cd aoe cscs h-aieebh: acc avedte leet 489
Order Tes UDiptera®, cn. cin sass ancarens we ceee tem eure: He awieatcnlert 491
Order X, Aphatiptetan cccrsus acd ceae ee uaaed eae ew haan 493
Order Xi. Lepidoptera... bec orcaG sé anges eae tae Gece ue 494
Class'Ve MDiplopodarys.20t 54 catia een sows ay suena ee Goes 496
SUMMARY 0c ities So ae tute WERE RANGE hdile HATS eb tenes sone gE A 497
Phylum X : “CHORDATA. 1% Mant isa a bese ulead hay Aad ae eae aE a ms 501
Sub Phylamil, Leptocandi.. 05s... 5 sarees cA ieee ete ids aeee 502
Sub Phylume-iL, Dumeatas sc. .06dctsacegeca neo eens Sad teneae eee aan OS
Order tl. - Copelataer) ancdusucpeac meres Ea AMER ROA Ae aN 6 506
Ordérll: ‘Tethyoideayn ss 2e:e ge Sasa ak Oa Ane meee 508
Order TITS PWalig cea. torc se seccuozend ats ee wD eee tN eh 510
Sub Phylum III. Enteropneusta ....... 0... eee eee eee 512
Subs Phylum LV. Vertebrata coasted, ere oe naires aurea hostage ERO ao 514
Series Tenth yo psi dans cea da dus ites coe: sits tescdes siciteost aur bine asta Sopa AUR 555
Class-ky Cy clostomatta ian. cvtaova cialis aie Sanus yorsen od: nea aeeee aa 555
Sub: Class.T. (Myzontes i329 esd eae Se Sees habe Ses 556
Sub: Class Ll... Petromyzontes 3.4 via te sree Seren os dou: 557
Class 11 Pisces jas gate sete seven haces ME ie eee ee Mee Pe Be ES 557
Sub Class I. Elasmobranchit 2. i. jace0¢ 4. secede va vars ses aas 569
Order I. .uesdw a ped Sock Hed aay Seer AY ee ee 570
Order Ih. Holocephalt.+.27 os spice dds ehh e Sh ato een ae oe 572
Sub Classi] <:Ganoider )winccta tre eu et He eas ad Mewes Monel er 572
Order; Crossoptery ei ory yen os rence yeaa ne ainls sm eNG wa ules 573
Order TT Chord roster ceca es csaeviona said ene estas eheacle es sleas's sn Bee 6 573
Order Tilo Holostomt: sie eau ivie suuitoecunn mentee cal caer eros 573
Subi Glass: TIL: “Leleostets 0 yeah atquapersiavey woe sigueesastie dap gokl bee ardor Bw 574
Order: (PhySostOMiss at sau gue pacm amas ee wee oe te 575
Order Th: Pharyngopnathi . 222.5214 le dete edas eas tee 576
Order III. Acanthopteri ............... 00. e eee eee eee 577
Order IV; Anacanthinis. coc dse aces cease ea bhaae bo 577
Order Vi. Lophobranchit .snccngdcannse anne sae HRM RAUNs 578
Order Vi; Plectognathion aca cuins wy mers ane aa thse en ne 578
Sub: Class IV. DipnOk s4..ncuin eo echo AL RABE EAR eRe Re as 579
Classi IL Amiphibiay (occ kess fp amdosoniae aaalnaan nen setelaee ss 580
Order. Stegoceplalyy oo oxy ead was suaves ccausde Pavel bn nies ee 586
Order IL. Gymnophiona; cavenca cavicte te ag aa oieulea a scoot 587
Order LL. Und elas. ss ccs soe gee anes ok ae, Recados Boe arsonvaea ieeata Sars 587
Order TV.) Amutalccaly uct sect ag a ave aw Sane Bie aieiaaee Skaane zie 588
Series: Lie -AimmiO tats sees oe ens who ee hg ER See Ee Se ERA ea a 588
Class? In Reptilia: s.vsars o wineceion sn ce an ane n aides woe oe Saw eens ws 588
Order], “Cheromorphay wicccwn denen wee nak ak ne wet antes 594
Order Ii. PlesiOsauriases ic casrslew.cke Selo we oak, Same s eon 594
OrderIIl, Wehthyosatitia: .o.c.5 42 ccaiss nage vols dual en ae ome 594
Order IV. Cneloniay spc G cng Sea hk ae ain ia SIN eele nite deesabo ee 594
Order V. Rhynchocephalia ..........0.0.00000.00 000 cece 595
Order ViL2 DimOsatna: 966.5 daca caade ueao same hoe teak 595
Order VAL Sa uiamatac ois) wena pate aude eed oes ae eee 596
Order VATE CroCOG Ma x ink). Scot clad alent oe ae ae oe Gas es 601
OrderIx: Pterodactyllay ss o0 a uus hadeav ds ona weleoeeeeacece: 602
Tass A ViCStia seh narnnant ec die Sid aie eacce cyan. eh Mineman ae nears A 603,
Orderly .Sauiiti nae waren aie ae iehnasecartanin iia wis Sates las cael meek 612
OrderTT. “Odontornithes: . sen cessed s Dacd a ach oe oes 612
Orderd Le sRatitaes on santas ay ce ates Mate wide Geka cae 612
Orderly Carinae. aos saci talon Sinner tet Cee eee nena a 613
Glass Tis “Matimmalliace vette h aoe eee ems ete ne ee 617
Sub Class I. Monotremata, 220.005 564 05 bea bexaa decane. . 631
Sub Class: Ti. “Marsiupialian cy <2. ican vag dunes Re ewetee eke bed 632
Order J. ‘Roly protodontas, . «cos Cavan caus aerawas tay eee see 633
Order LL Diprotodonta wia.4..1a nes ou abies J's ewan clin oaenk 633
SubClass TIT; Placentalia ¢ s94. 64.0 sue duartueare tava male ccopieew eee 634
Order ls Hdentata iy. ae sou corn tacks aoe mnce ean 44 eee 635
Onderdls Tmsectivoral -sfa1s sates urges Gon tere ssh eee le oe es 636
OrderlM.- Ghirop tera es cic ccd 5 reals hetietuene eeannels ae ee 637
Order RV,“ Rodentias 3 ir ca.5 S hecstascannlecrarenoaecae Areal eeetan 638
Order V_ Ungulata
Order VA, Proboscidia: 32 .cc spi cacacsioues MRS aes 643
Order: VIE. Diy racoideas sna te eh eet oe as Gee emcee 644
Order VAULT, Sikenla oh Gas a4 want ela aun aes au a oes aetna allen 644
Orden IES, = Ceta Ged: ove auatga es soontina Sain nth a te Bleue og nnedek 645
Orden2e,= Car niviorassrsg Gre ne Secs ae hee ens veh aes 646
Order DEL, PEOSIII TES ai denise. aitaus ss Son Roo hev Wop est aes Lhsa Wcatr ae aN 648
Order MIT: Primates. c):oi each sc aes saan a aeannoug aa eavaee aes: 649
Man’s Relation to Other Animals.—The man who has learned
to observe nature in a disinterested manner sees himself in the
midst of a manifold variety of organisms, which in their structure,
and even more in their vital phenomena, disclose to him a simi-
larity to his own being. This similarity, with many of the
mammals, especially the anthropoid apes, has the sharpness of a
caricature. In the invertebrate animals it is softened; yet even
in the lowest organisms, for our knowledge of which we are
indebted to the microscope, it is still to be found: although here
the vital processes which have reached such an astonishing com-
plexity and perfection in ourselves can only be recognized in their
simplest outlines. Man is part of a great whole, the Animal
Kingdom, one form among the many thousand forms in which
animal organization has found expression.
Purpose of Zoological Study.—If we would, therefore, fully
understand the structure of man, we must, as it were, look at it
upon the background which is formed by the conditions of
organization of the other animals, and for this purpose we must
investigate these conditions. To such endeavors the scientific
knowledge of animal life, or Zoology, owes its origin and continued
advancement. But meanwhile the subject of zoology has widened;
for, apart from its relations to man, zoology has to explain the
organization of animals and their relations to one another. This
is a rich field for scientific activity; its enormous range is a conse-
quence, on the one hand, of the well-nigh exhaustless variety of
animal organization, and, on the other hand, of the different
points of view from which the zoologist enters upon the solution
of his problem.
In the first half of the last century the conception, which is
still held by the public at large, was prevalent, if not quite uni-
versal, in scientific circles, that the aim of zoology is to furnish
every animal with a name, to characterize it according to some
easily recognizable features, and to classify it in a way to facilitate
quick identification. By Natural History was understood the
classification of animals, that is to say, only one part of zoology,
indeed a part of minor importance, which can pretend to scientific
value only when it is brought into relation with other problems
(geographical distribution, evolution). This conception has
during the past five decades become more and more subordinated.
The ambition to describe the largest possible number of new forms
and to shine by means of an extensive knowledge of species belongs
to the past. In fact there is a tendency to undue neglect of
classification. Morphology and Physiology to-day dominate the
sphere of the zoologist’s work.
Morphology, or the study of form, begins with the appearances
of animals, and has first to describe all which can be seen exter-
nally, as size, color, proportion of parts. But since the external
appearance of an animal cannot be understood without knowledge
of the internal organs which condition the external form, the
morphologist must make these accessible by the aid of dissection,
of Anatomy, and likewise describe their forms and methods of
combination. In his investigation he only stops when he has
arrived at the morphological elements of the animal body, the
cells. Everywhere the morphologist has to do with conditions of
form: the only difference lies in the instruments by means of
which he obtains his insight, according to whether he gathers his
knowledge through immediate observation, or after a previous
dissection with scalpel and scissors, or by use of the micro-
scope. Therefore we cannot contrast Morphology and Anatomy,
and ascribe to the former the description of only the external, and
to the latter of only the internal parts. The distinction is not
logically correct, since the kind of knowledge and the mental
processes are the same in both cases. The distinction, too, is
unnatural, since in many instances organs which in some cases lie
in the interior of the body, and must be dissected out, belong in
other cases to the surface of the body, and are accessible for direct
description. Further, on account of their transparency the in-
ternal parts of many animals can be studied without dissection.
Comparative Anatomy.—For morphology, as for every science,
the proposition is true that the mere accumulation of facts is not
sufficient to give the subject the character of a science; an addi-
tional mental elaboration of this material is necessary. Such a
result is reached by comparison. The morphologist compares
animals with each other according to their structure, in order to
ascertain what parts of the organization recur everywhere, what
only within narrow limits, possibly restricted to the representatives
of a single species. He thus gains a double advantage: (1) an
insight into the relationships of animals, and hence the foundation
for a Natural System; (2) the evidence of the laws which govern
organisms. Any organism is not a structure which has arisen
independently and which is hence intelligible by itself: it stands
rather in a regular dependent relation to the other members of the
animal kingdom. We can only understand its structure when we
compare it with the closely and the more distantly related animals,
e.g., when we compare man with the other vertebrates and with
many lower invertebrate forms. Here we have to consider one of
the most mysterious phenomena of the organic world, the path to
the full explanation of which was first broken by the Theory of
Evolution, as will be shown in another chapter.
Ontogeny.—To morphology belongs, as an important integral
part, Ontogeny or Embryology. Only a few animals are com-
pletely formed in all their parts at the beginning of their individual
existence; most of them arise from the egg, a relatively simple
body, and then step by step attain their permanent form by com-
plicated changes. The morphologist must, with the completest
possible series, determine by observation the different stages, com-
pare them with the mature animals, and with the structure and
developmental stages of other animals. Here is revealed to him
the same conformity to law which dominates the mature animals,
and a knowledge of this conformity is of fundamental importance
as well for classification as for the causal explanation of the animal
form. The developmental stages of man show definite regular
agreements, not only with the structure of the adult human being,
which in and of itself would be intelligible, but also with the
structure of lower vertebrates, like the fishes, and even with many
of the still lower animals of the invertebrate groups.
Physiology.—In the same way as the morphologist studies the
structure, the physiologist studies the vital phenomena of animals
and the functions of their organs. Formerly life was regarded as
the expression of a special vital force peculiar to organisms, and
any attempt at a logical explanation of the vital processes was
thereby renounced. Modern physiology has abandoned this theory
of vital force; it has begun the attempt to explain life as the
summation of extremely complicated chemico-physical processes,
and thus to apply to the organic world those explanatory princi-
ples which prevail in the inorganic realm. The results obtained
show that it is the correct method.
Since each organic form is the product of its development,
since, further, the development represents to us the summation of
most complicated vital processes, the explanation of the organic
bodily form is, therefore, in ultimate analysis a physiological
problem; though of course a problem whose solution lies still in
the indefinitely distant future. What has been actually accom-
plished in this direction is only the smallest beginning, even in
comparison with that which many falsely regard as already attained.
Biology.— According as the relations of each organism to the
external world are brought about through its vital phenomena,
there belongs to physiology, or at least 1s connected with it, the
study of the conditions of animal existence, (Ecology or Biology.
This branch of the science has of late attained a very considerable
importance. How animals are distributed over the globe, how
climate and conditions influence their distribution, how by known
factors the structure and the mode of life become changed, are
questions which are to-day discussed more than ever before.
Paleontology.—Finally in the realm of zoology belongs also
Paleozoology or Paleontology, the study of the extinct animals.
For between the extinct and the living animals there exists a
genetic relationship: the former are the precursors of the latter,
and their fossil remains are the most trustworthy records of the
history of the race, or Phylogeny. As in human affairs the
present conditions can only be completely understood by the aid
of history, so in many cases the zoologist must draw upon the
results of paleontology for an explanation of the living animal
The science of zoology would be subdivided in the aboyre-men-
tioned manner if we wished to proceed entirely on a scientific basis.
Yet practical considerations have made many modifications neces-
sary. On account of their paramount importance to the medical
profession human anatomy and embryology have been raised to
independent branches of science. In comparative physiology only
the most general foundations have been laid; a more special
physiology exists only for man and the higher vertebrates: this,
too, for the above-named reasons has been made a special branch
of science. Paleontology also has, in addition to its specific
zoological tasks, attained importance as a scientific aid to geology,
since it furnishes the materials for characterizing and fixing the
various geological ages and the earth’s history during those ages.
When, therefore, at the present day we speak of zoology, we
usually refer to morphology and classification of living animals
with consideration of their general vital phenomena.
The views here given of the character of zoology have not been
the same in all time. Like every science zoology has developed
gradually; it has varied with each epoch and tendency, according
as the systematic or the morphological or the physiological point
of view was the prevailing one. It will now be interesting to take
a hasty glance at the most important phases in the development
of zoology. The reader will better understand the questions which
now dominate zoological inquiry, if he know how these have arisen
Methods of Zoological Study.—In the history of zoology we
can distinguish two great currents, which have been united in a
few men, but which on the whole have developed independently,
nay, more often in pronounced opposition to each other; these are
on the one side the systematic, on the other the morphologico-
physiological mode of studying animals. In this brief historical
summary they will be kept distinct from one another, although in
the commencement of zoological investigation there was no oppo-
sition between the two points of view, and even later this has in
many instances disappeared.
Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, has been distinguished
as the Father of Natural History, which means that his predeces-
sors’ fragmentary knowledge of zoology could not be compared
with the well-arranged order in which Aristotle had brought
together his own and the previously existing knowledge of the
nature of animals. In Aristotle favorable external conditions were
united with more ‘favorable mental ability. Equipped with the
literary aid of an extensive library, and the pecuniary means then
more indispensable than now for natural-history investigation, he
pursued the inductive method, the only one which is capable of
furnishing secure foundations in the realm of natural science. It
is a matter for great regret that there have been preserved only
parts of his three most important zoological works, ‘ Historia
animalium,” ‘*De partibus,” and ‘‘De generatione,” works in
which zoology is founded as a universal science, since anatomy and
embryology, physiology and classification find equal consideration.
llow far Aristotle, notwithstanding many errors, attained to a
correct knowledge of the structure and embryology of animals, is
shown by the fact that many of his discoveries have been confirmed
only within a century. Thus it was known to Aristotle, though
only lately rediscovered by Johannes Miiller, that many sharks are
not only viviparous, but that also in their case the embryo becomes
fixed to the maternal uterus and there is formed a contrivance for
nutrition resembling the mammalian and even the human pla-
centa; he knew the difference between male and female cephalo-
pods, and that the young cuttlefish has a preoral yolk-sac.
The position which Aristotle took in reference to the classifica-
tion of animals is of great interest; he mentions in his writings the
very considerable number of about five hundred species. Since he
does not mention very well-known forms, like the badger, dragon-
fly, etc., we can assume that he knew many more, but did not
regard it necessary to give a catalogue of all the forms known to
him, and that he mentioned them only if it was necessary to refer
to certain physiological or morphological conditions found in them.
This neglect of the systematic side is further shown in the fact
that the great philosopher is satisfied with two sy stematic cate-
gories, with Eidos, species or kind, and yeévos or group. His
eight yévn ueyzora would about correspond with the Classes of
modern zoology; they have been the starting-point for all later
attempts at classification, and may therefore be enumerated here:
Mammals (C@oroKobvta év avrois).
2. Birds (opribes).
3. Oviparous quadrupeds (retpamoda @OTOKOOYTA).
4, Fishes (iy@ves).
5. Molluses (uadakia).
6. Crustaceans (uadaKxooTpaka).
7. Insects (evtopa).
8. Animals with shells (oorpaxodéppata).
Aristotle also noticed the close connexion of the first four
groups, since he, without indeed actually carrying out the divi-
sion, has contrasted the animals with blood, evaipa (better,
ental with red blood), with the bloodless, avaiya (better,
animals with colorless blood or with no blood at all).
Pliny.—It is a remarkable fact that after the writings of
Aristotle, in which classification is much subordinated and only
serves to express the anatomical relationships in animals, an
exclusively systematic direction should have been taken. This is
explicable only when we consider that the mental continuity of
investigation was completely broken on the one hand by the
decline: and ultimate complete collapse of ancient classic civiliza-
tion, and on the other by the triumphant advance of Christianity.
The decay of zoological investigation, that had only just begun to
bloom, begins in the writings of Pliny. Although this Roman
general and scholar was long lauded as the foremost zoologist of
antiquity, he is now given the place of a not even fortunate com-
piler, who collected from the writings of others the accurate and
the fabulous indiscriminately, and replaced the natural classifica-
tion of animals according to structure by the unnatural, purely
arbitrary division according to their place of abode (flying animals,
land animals, water animals).
Zoology of the Middle Ages.—The rise of Christianity resulted
in the complete annihilation of natural science and investigation.
The world-renouncing character, which originally was peculiar to
the Christian conception, led naturally to a disposition hostile to
any mental occupation with natural things. Then came a time
when answers to questions capable of solution by the simplest
observation were sought by painstaking learned rummaging of the
works of standard authors. How many teeth the horse has, was
debated in many polemics, which would have led to bloodshed if
one of the authors had not taken occasion to look into a horse’s
mouth. Significant of this mental bias which prevailed through-
out the entire Middle Ages is the ‘ Physiologus’ or ‘ Bestiarius,’ a
book from which the zoological authors of the Middle Ages drew
much material. The book in its various editions names about
seventy animals, among them many creatures of fable: the dragon,
the unicorn, the phoenix, etc. Most of the accounts given of
various animals are fables, intended to illustrate religions or
ethical teachings. In a similar way the religious element played
an important réle in the many-volumed Natural History of the
Dominican Albertus Magnus, and Vincentius Bellovacensis, and
of the Augustine Thomas Cantimpratensis, although these used
as a foundation for their expositions the Latin translation of
Aristotle, the works of Pliny and other authors of antiquity.
Wotton.—Under such conditions we must regard it as an im-
portant advance that at the close of the Middle Ages, when the
interest in scientific investigation awoke anew, Aristotle’s concep-
tions were taken up and elaborated from a scientific standpoint.
In this sense we can call the Englishman Wotton the successor of
Aristotle. In 1552 he published his work ‘De differentiis
animalium,” in which he essentially copied the system of Aristotle,
except that he admitted the new group of plant-animals or
zoophytes. However, the title, ‘On the Distinguishing Characters
of Animals,’ shows that of the rich treasury of Aristotelian knowl-
edge the systematic results obtained the chief recognition, and
thus Wotton’s work inaugurated the period of systematic zoology,
which in the Englishman Ray, but even more in Linneus, has
found its most brilliant exponents.
Linnzus, the descendant of a Swedish clergyman, whose
family name Ingemarsson had been changed after a linden-tree
near the parsonage, to Lindelius, was born in Rashult in 1707.
Pronounced by his teachers to be good for nothing at study, he
was saved from the fate of learning the cobbler’s trade through
the influence of a physician, who recognized the fine abilities of
the boy, and won him for medical studies. He studied at Lund
and Upsala; at the age of twenty-eight he made extended tours on
the Continent, and at that time gained recognition from the fore-
most men in his profession. In 1741 he became professor of medi-
cine in Upsala, some years later professor of natural history. He
died in 1778.
Improvement of Zoological Nomenclature by Linnzeus.—
Linneus’s most important work is his ‘‘ Systema Nature,” which,
first appearing in 1735, up to 1766-68 passed through twelve
editions; after his death there came out a thirteenth, edited by
Gmelin. This has become the foundation for systematic zoology,
since it introduces for the first time (1) a sharper division into the
system, (2) a definite scientific terminology, the binomial nomen-
clature, and (3) brief, comprehensive, clear diagnoses. In classi-
fication Linneeus employed four categories; he divided the entire
Animal Kingdom into Classes, the Classes into Orders, these into
Genera, the Genera finally into Species. The term Family was
not employed in the ‘‘Systema Nature.” Still more important
was the binomial nomenclature. Hitherto the common names were
in use in the scientific world, and led to much confusion: the same
animals had different names, and different animals had the same
names; in the naming of newly discovered animals there prevailed
no generally accepted principle. This inconvenience was entirely
obviated by Linneus in the tenth edition of his Systema by the
introduction of a scientific nomenclature. The first word, a noun,
designates the genus to which the animal belongs, the following
word, usually an adjective, the species within the genus. The
names Canis familiaris, Canis lupus, Canis vulpes, indicate that
the dog, wolf, and fox are related to one another, since they belong
to the same genus, the genus of doglike animals, of which they are
different species. Linneus’s method of naming was particularly
valuable in the description of new species, inasmuch as it at the
outset informed the reader to what position of relationship the new
species was to be assigned.
In his characterization of the various systematic groups Linneus
broke completely with the hitherto-prevailing custom. His
predecessors (as Gessner, Aldrovandus) in their Natural Histories
had given a verbose and detailed description of each animal, from
which the beginner was scarcely able to see what was specially
characteristic for that animal, a matter which should have been
emphasized in the definition. Linneus, on the other hand, intro-
duced brief diagnoses, which in a few words, never in sentence
form, gave only what was necessary for recognition. Thus a way
was found which insured comprehensibility in the enormously
increasing number of known animals.
Influence of the Linnean System.—But in the great superiority
of the Linnean System lay at the same time the germ of the one-
sided development which zoology came to take under his influence.
The logical perfecting of the system, which undoubtedly had
become necessary, gave that a brilliant aspect, and hid the fact
that classification is not the ultimate purpose of investigation, but
only an important and indispensable aid to it. In the zeal for
naming and classifying animals, the higher goal of investigation,
knowledge of the nature of animals, was lost sight of, and the
interest in anatomy, physiology, and embryology flagged.
From these reproaches we can scarcely spare Linneus himself,
the father of this tendency. For while in his ‘‘ Systema Nature”
he treated of a much larger number of animals than any earlier
zoologist, he brought about no deepening of our knowledge. The
manner in which he divided the animal kingdom, in comparison
with the Aristotelian system, is rather a retrogression than an
advance. Linneus divided the animal kingdom into six classes:
Mammalia, Aves, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes. The first
four classes correspond to Aristotle’s four groups of animals with
blood. In the division of the invertebrated animals into Insecta
and Vermes Linneus stands undoubtedly behind Aristotle, who
attempted, and in part successfully, to set up a larger number of
But in his successors, even more than in Linnzeus himself, we
see the damage wrought by the systematic method. The diagnoses
of Linneus were for the most part models, which, mutatis
mutandis, could be employed for new species with little trouble.
There was needed only some exchanging of adjectives to express
the differences. With the hundreds of thousands of different
species of animals there was no lack of material, and so the arena
was opened for that spiritless zoology of species-making which in
the first half of the last century brought zoology into such discredit.
Zoology would have been in danger of growing into a Tower of
Babel of species-describing had not a counterpoise been created in
the strengthening of the physiologico-anatomical side.
Anatomists of Classic Antiquity.—Comparative anatomy—for
this chiefly concerns us here—for a long time owed its development
to the students of human anatomy; this is due to the fact that even
up to a recent date comparative anatomy was assigned to the
medical faculty, while zoology belonged to the philosophical
faculty, as if it were an entirely separate study. The disciples of
Hippocrates had previously studied animal anatomy for the pur-
pose of obtaining an idea of human organization, from the struc-
ture of other mammals, and thus to gain a secure foundation for
the diagnosis of human diseases. The work of classical antiquity
most prominent in this respect, the celebrated Human Anatomy
by Claudius Galenus (131-201 a.p.), is based chiefly upon obser-
vations upon dogs, monkeys, etc.; for in ancient times, and even
in the Middle Ages, men showed considerable repugnance to
making the human cadaver a subject of scientific investigation.
Middle Ages.—The first thousand years in which Christianity
formed the ruling power in the mental life of the people was quite
fruitless for anatomy; in the main men held to the writings of
Galen and the works of his commentators, and seldom took occa-
sion to prove their correctness by their own observations. With
the ending of the Middle Ages the interest in independent scien-
tific research first broke its bounds.
Vesal (1514-1564), the creator of modern anatomy, had the
courage carefully to investigate the human cadaver and to point
out numerous errors in Galen’s writings which had arisen through
the unwarranted application to human anatomy of the discoveries
made upon other animals. By his corrections of Galen, Vesal was
drawn into a violent controversy with his teacher, Sylvius, an
energetic defender of Galen’s authority, and with his renowned
contemporary Eustachius, which did much for the development of
comparative anatomy. At first animals were dissected only for
the purpose of disclosing the cause of Galen’s mistakes, but later
through a zeal and love for facts. It was natural that first of all
vertebrates found consideration, since they stand next to man in
structure. Thus there appeared in the same century with Vesal’s
Human Anatomy drawings of skeletons of vertebrates by the
Nuremberg physician Coiter; the anatomical writings of Fabricius
ab Aquapendente, etc.
Beginning of Zootomy.—But later attention was turned also to
insects and molluscs, indeed even to the marine echinoderms,
celenterates, and Protozoa. Here, above all, three men who lived
at the end of the seventeenth century deserve mention, the Italian
Malpighi and the Dutchmen Swammerdam and Leeuwenhoek.
The former’s ‘‘ Dissertatio de bombyce ” was the pioneer for insect:
anatomy, since by the discovery of the vasa Malpighii, the heart,
the nervous system, the tracheex, etc., an extraordinary extension
of our knowledge was brought about. Of Swammerdam’s writings
attention should be called particularly to “The Bible of Nature,”
a work to which no other of that time is comparable, since it con-
tains discoveries of great accuracy on the structure of bees, May-
flies, snails, etc. Leeuwenhoek, finally, was a most fortunate
discoverer in the field of microscopic research, by him introduced
into science. Besides other things he studied especially the
minute inhabitants of the fresh waters, the ‘ infusion-animalcules,’
a more careful investigation of which has led to a complete reversal
of our conception of the essentials of animal organization.
The Dawn of Independent Observation.—The great service of
the men named above consists chiefly in that they broke away from
the thraldom of book-learning and, relying alone upon their own
eyes and their own judgment, regained what had been lost, the
blessing of independent and-unbiassed observation. They spread
the interest in observation of nature over a wide circle so that in
the eighteenth century the number of independent natural-history
writings had increased enormously. There were busy with the
study of insect structure and development, de Geer in Sweden,
Réaumur in France, Lyonet in Belgium, Résel von Rosenhof in
Germany; the latter besides wrote a monograph on the indigenous
batrachia, which is still worth reading. The investigation of the
infusoria formed a favorite occupation for the learned and the laity,
as Wrisberg, von Gleichen-Russwurm, Schaffer, Eichhorn, and
O. F. Miller. In most of the writings the religious character of
the contemplations of nature are extraordinarily emphasized, and
since we find that among these writers numerous clergymen
(Eichhorn in Danzig, Gaze in Quedlinburg, Schiffer in Regens-
burg) attained distinction, we have a sign that a reconciliation
had taken place between Christianity and natural science. As a
criterion of the progress made in comparison with the earlier
centuries, a mere glance at the illustrations is sufficient. Any one
will at the first glance recognize the difference between the shabby
drawings of an Aldrovandus and the masterly figures of a Lyonet
or a Résel von Rosenhof.
Period of Comparative Anatomy.—Thus through the zeal of
numerous men filled with a love of nature a store of anatomical
facts was collected, which needed only a mental reworking; and
this mental reworking was brought about, or at least entered upon,
by the great comparative anatomists who lived at the end of the
eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. Among
these the French zoologists Lamarck, Savigny, Geoffroy St. Hilaire,
Cuvier, and the Germans Meckel and Goethe are especially to be
Correlation of Parts.—When the various animals were com-
pared with one another with reference to their structure there was
obtained a series of important fundamental laws, particularly the
law of the Correlation of Parts and the law of the Homology of
Organs. The former established the fact that there exists a
dependent relation between the organs of the same animal, that
local changes in one single organ also lead to corresponding
changes at some distant part of the body, and that therefore from
the constitution of certain parts an inference can be drawn as to
the constitution of another part of the body. Cuvier particularly
made use of this principle in reconstructing the form of extinct
Homology and Analogy.—Still more important was the theory
of the Homology of Organs. In the organs of animals a distinction
was drawn between an anatomical and a physiological character;
the anatomical character is the sum of all the anatomical features,
as found in form, structure, position, and mode of connection of
organs; the physiological character is their function. Anatomically
similar organs in closely related animals will usually have the same
functions, as, for example, the liver of all vertebrates has the
function of producing gall; here anatomical and physiological
characteristics go hand in hand. But this need not necessarily be
the case; very often it may happen that one and the same function
is possessed by organs anatomically different; as, for example, the
respiration of vertebrates is carried on in fishes by gills, in mammals
by lungs. Conversely, anatomically similar organs may haye
different functions, as the lungs of mammals and the swim-bladdey
of fishes; similar organs may also undergo a change of function
from one group to another; the hydrostatic apparatus of fishes has
come to be the seat of respiration in the mammals. Organs with
like functions — physiologically equivalent organs—are called
‘analogous’; organs of like anatomical constitution—anatomically
equivalent organs—are called ‘homologous.’ It is the task of
comparative anatomy to discover in the various parts of animals
those which are homologous, i.e. those anatomically equivalent,
and to follow the changes in them conditioned by a change of
Cuvier.—The foremost representative of comparative anatomy
was Georges Dagobert Cuvier. He was born in 1769 in the town
of Mompelgardt (Montbeillard), then belonging to Wirtemberg,
and obtained his early training in the Karlschule at Stuttgart,
where, through the influence of his teacher Kielmeyer, he was led
to the study of comparative anatomy. The opportunity of going
to the seashore which was offered to him as private instructor to
Count d’Héricy he employed for his epoch-making investigations
upon the structure of molluscs. In 1794, upon the persuasion
largely of the man who afterwards became his great opponent,
Geoffroy St. Hilaire, he moved to Paris, where he was made at
first Professor of Natural History in the central school and in the
College of France, later Professor of Comparative Anatomy in the
Jardin des Plantes. As a sign of the great regard in which Cuvier
was held, it should be noticed that he was repeatedly intrusted with
high educational positions and was made a French peer. As such
he died in 1832.
Type Theory.—Cuvier’s investigations, apart from the mol-
luses, extended to the celenterates, arthropods, and vertebrates,
living and fossil. Tle collected his extensive observations into his
two chief works ‘Le régne animal distribué d’aprés son organiza-
tion” and ‘+ Lecons d’anatomie comparée.” Of quite epoch-making
importance was his little pamphlet ‘Sur un rapprochement a ¢tablir
entre les différentes classes des animaux,” in which he founded his
celebrated type theory, and which in 1812 introduced a complete
reform of classification. The Cuviecrian division, which has become
the starting-point for all later classifications, differed, broadly
speaking, from all the earlier systems in this, that the classes of
mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes were brought together into a
higher grade under the name, introduced by Lamarck, of ‘ verte-
brate animals’; that further the so-called ‘invertebrate animals’
were divided into three similar grades, each equal to that of the
vertebrate animals, viz., Mollusca, Articulata, and Radiata. Cuvier
called these grades standing above the classes, provinces or chief
branches (embranchements), for which later the name Types was
introduced by Blainville. But still more important are the differ-
ences which appear in the structural basis of the system. Instead
of, like the earlier systematists, using a few external character-
istics for the division, Cuvier built upon the totality of internal
organization, as expressed in the relative positions of the most
important organs, especially the position of the nervous system,
as determining the arrangement of the other organs. ‘The
type is the relative position of parts” (von Baer). Thus for the
first time comparative anatomy was employed in the formation of
a natural system of animals.
Lastly the type theory established an entirely new conception
of the arrangement of animals. Cuvier found prevalent the theory
that all animals formed a single connected series ascending from
the lowest infusorian to man; within this series the position of
each animal was definitely determined by the degree of its organi-
zation. On the other hand Cuvier taught that the animal kingdom
consisted of several co-ordinated unities, the types, which exist
quite independently side by side, within which again there are
higher and lower forms. The position of an animal is determined
by two factors: first, by its conformity to a type, by the structural
plan which it represents; second, by its degree of organization, by
the stage to which it attains within its type.
Comparative Embryology.—Evolution vs. Epigenesis.—The
same results which Cuvier reached by the way of comparative
anatomy were attained two decades later by C. E. von Baer by the
aid of embryology. Embryology is the youngest branch of
zoology. What Aristotle really knew, what was written by
Fabricius ab Aquapendente and Malpighi upon the embryology of
the chick, did not rise above the range of aphorisms, and were not
of sufficient value to make a science. The difficulties of observa-
tion, due to the delicacy and the minuteness of the developmental
stages, were lessened by the invention of the microscope and
microscopical technique. Further, the prevailing philosophical
conceptions placed hindrances in the way; there was no belief in
Embryology in the present sense of the word; each organism was
thought to be laid down from the first complete in all its parts,
and only needed growth. to unfold its organs (evolutio*); either the
* This original meaning of ‘evolution’ is different from that prevailing
at present.
spermatozoon must be the young creature which found favorable
conditions for growth in the store of food in the egg, or the egg
represents the individual and was stimulated to the ‘ evolutio’ by
the spermatozoon. This theory led to the doctrine of inclusion,
which taught that in the ovary of Eve were included the germs of
all human beings who have lived or ever will live.
Caspar Friedrich Wolff combated this idea with his ‘‘ Theoria
generationis ” (1759); he sought to prove by observation that the
hen’s egg at the beginning is without any organization, and that
gradually the various organs appear in it. In the embryo there is
a new formation of all parts, an Hpigenesis. This first assault
upon the evolutionist school was entirely without result, chiefly
because Albrecht von Haller, the most celebrated physiologist of
the eighteenth century, by his influence suppressed the idea of
epigenesis. Wolff was not able to establish himself in scientific
circles in Germany, and was obliged to emigrate to Russia. Only
after his death did his writings find, through Oken and Meckel,
proper recognition.
Von Baer.—Thus it remained for Carl Ernst von Baer in his
classic work, ‘‘ Die Entwicklung des Hithnchens, Beobachtung
und Reflexion” (1832), to establish embryology as an independent
study. Baer confirmed Wolff’s doctrine of the appearance of
layerlike Anlagen, from which the organs arose; and on account
of the accuracy with which he proved this he is considered the
founder of the germ-layer theory. Further, he came to the con-
clusion that each type had not only its peculiar structural plan,
but also its peculiar course of development; that for vertebrates
an evolutio bigemina was characteristic, for the articulates the
evolutio gemina, for the molluscs the evolutio contorta, and for
the radiates the evolutio radiata. Here we meet for the first time
the idea that for the correct solution of the questions of relation-
ship of animals, and therefore a basis for a natural classification,
comparative embryology is indispensable; an idea which in recent
years has proved exceedingly fruitful.
Cell Theory.—Of fundamental importance for the further
growth of comparative anatomy and embryology was the proof
that all organisms, as well as their embryonic forms, were com-
posed of the same elements, the cells. This knowledge is the
quintessence of the cell theory, which during the third decade of
the last century was advanced by Schleiden and Schwann, and
which two decades later was completely remodelled by the proto-
plasm theory of Max Schultze. In the cell theory a simple prin-
ciple of organization was found for all living creatures, for highly
and for lowly organized plants and animals, and the wide realm of
histology was laid open for scientific treatment.
Foundation of Modern Zoology.—With the establishment of
comparative anatomy and embryology and the application of these
to classification, and with the development of the cell theory and
of histology, which is connected with it, we may say that the
foundation of zoology was laid. Wonderful advances were made
in vertebrate anatomy by the classic researches of Owen, Johannes
Miller, Rathke, Gegenbaur, and others; our conceptions of organ-
ization have been completely altered by the work of Dujardin,
Max Schultze, Haeckel, and others, who have proved the unicellu-
larity of the lowest animals. The germ-layer theory was further
elaborated by Remak and Koélliker; and applied to the invertebrate
animals by Kowalewsky, Haeckel, and Huxley. It is beyond the
limits of this brief historical summary to go into what has been
accomplished in regard to the other branches of the animal king-
dom; it must here be sufficient to mention the most important
changes which the Cuvierian system has undergone under the
influence of increasing knowledge.
The Division of the Radiata.—Of the four types of Cuvier the
branch Radiata was undoubtedly the one of whose representatives
he had the least knowledge; it was therefore the least natural,
since it comprised, besides the radially symmetrical celenterates
and echinoderms, other forms, which, like the worms, were
bilaterally symmetrical, or, like many infusorians, were asym-
metrical. Thus it came about that most reforms have here found
their point of attack.
C. Th. von Siebold was the originator of the first important
reform. He limited the type Radiata, or, as he termed them, the
Zoophytes, to those animals with radially symmetrical structure
(Echinoderms and the Plant-animals); separating all the others,
he formed of the unicellular organisms the branch of * primitive
animals’ or Protozoa; the higher organized animals he grouped
together as worms or Vermes; at the same time he transferred a
part of the Articulata, the annelids, to the worm group, and pro-
posed for the other articulates, crabs, millipedes, spiders, and
insects, the term Arthropoda.
Leuckart, about the same time (1848), divided the branch
Radiata into two branches differing greatly in structure. The
lower forms, in which no special body-cavity is present, the
interior of the body consisting only of a system of cavities serving
for digestion, the alimentary canal, he called the Cclentera
(essentially the Zoophyta of the older zoologists); to the rest, in
which the alimentary canal and the body-cavity occur as two
separate cavities, he gave the name Echinoderma.
The Present System.—Thus there resulted seven classes:
Protozoa, Ceelentera, Echinoderma, Vermes, Arthropoda, Mol-
lusca, and Vertebrata. Still this arrangement does not meet the
requirements of a natural system and hence is ‘more or less unsat-
isfactory. Some zoologists are returning to the Cuvierian classifi-
cation to the extent of uniting the segmented worms with the
arthropods in a group Articulata. Upon the ground of important
anatomical and embryological characters the Brachiopoda, the
Bryozoa, and the Tunicata have been separated from the Mollusca;
they form the subject of diverse opinions. The relationships of
the first two groups have not yet been settled: of the Tunicata we
know indeed that they are related to the Vertebrata, but the
differences are such that they cannot be included in that group.
The only way out of the difficulty is to unite vertebrates, tunicates,
and some other forms in a larger division, Chordata. The Vermes,
too, must be divided, as will appear in the second part of this
Importance of the Subject.—Before closing the historical intro-
duction we must consider the historical development of a question
whose importance might, on a superficial examination, be under-
rated, but which from a small beginning has grown into a problem
completely dominating zoological research, and has oceupied not
only zoologists, but all interested in science generally. This is the
question of the logical value of the systematic conceptions species,
genus, family, etc.
The Nature of Species.—In nature we find only separate
animals: how comes it that we classify them into larger and smaller
groups? Are the single species, genera, and the other divisions
which the systematist distinguishes, fixed quantities, as it were
fundamental conceptions of nature, or a Creator’s thoughts, which
find expression in the single forms? Or are they abstractions
which man has brought into nature for the purpose of making it
comprehensible to his mental capabilities? Are the specific and
generic names only expressions which have become necessary, from
the nature of our mental capacity, for the gradation of relation-
ship in nature, which in and for themselves are not immutable,
and hence can undergo a gradual change? Practically speaking,
the problem reads: are species constant or changeable? What is
true for species must necessarily be true for all other categories of
the system, all of which in the ultimate analysis rest upon the
conception of species.
Ray’s Conception of Species.—One of the first to consider the
conception of species was Linneus’s predecessor, the Englishman
John Ray. In the attempt to define what should be understood
as a species he encountered difficulties. In practice, animals which
differ little in structure and appearance from one another are
ascribed to the same species; this practical procedure cannot be
carried out theoretically; for there are males and females within
the same species which differ more from one another than do the
representatives of different species. Thus John Ray reached the
genetic definition when he said: for plants there is no more
certain criterion of specific unity than their origin from the seeds
of specifically or individually like plants; that is to say, generalized
for all organisms: to one and the same species belong individuals
which spring from similar ancestors.
The ‘Cataclysm Theory.’—With Ray’s definition an entirely
uncontrollable element was brought into the conception of species,
since no systematist usually knew anything, nor indeed could he
know anything, as to whether the representatives of the species
placed before him sprang from similar parents. It was therefore
only natural that the conception of species put on a religious garb,
since by resting upon theological ideas it found a firmer support.
Linneus said: ‘* Tot sunt species quot ab initio creavit infinitum
Ens”; with this he built up a conception of species upon the
tradition of the Mosaic history of creation, a procedure quite
unjustified upon grounds of natural science, since it drew one of
its fundamental ideas from transcendental conceptions, not from
the experience of natural science. Linneus’s definition showed
itself untenable, as soon as paleontology began to make accessible
a vast quantity of extinct animals deposited as fossils. With an
odd fancy, the fossils, being inconvenient for study, were for a
long time regarded as outside the pale of scientific research. They
might be sports of nature, it was said, or remains of the Flood, or
of the influence of the stars upon the earth, or products of an aura
seminalis, a fertilizing breath, which, if it fell upon organic bodies,
led to the formation of animals and plants, but if it strayed upon
inorganic materials gave rise to fossils. The foundation of
scientific paleontology by Cuvier put an end to such empty specu-
lations. Cuvier proved beyond a doubt that these fossils were the
remains of animals of a previous time. Just as the formation of
the earth’s crust by successive overlying layers made possible the
recognition of different periods in the earth’s history, so paleon-
tology taught how to recognize also the different periods in the
vegetable and animal world of life on our globe. Each geological
age was characterized by a special world of animals quite peculiar
to it; and these animal worlds differed the more from the present,
the older the period of the earth to which they belonged. All
these generalizations led Cuvier to his cataclysm theory, that a
great revolution brought each period of the earth’s history to an
end, destroying all life, and that upon the newly formed virgin
earth a new organic world of immutable species sprang up.
Objections to the Cataclysm Theory.—By the supposition of
numerous acts of creation the Linnean conception of species
seemed to be rescued, though, to be sure, by summoning to its aid
hypotheses which had neither foundation in science nor justifica-
tion in theology. The logical results of Cuvier’s cataclysm theory
were conceptions of a Creator who built up an animal world only
for the purpose of destroying it after a time as a troublesome toy;
it has therefore at no time found warm supporters, at least among
geologists, for whom it was intended. Of the prominent zoologists
there is only to be mentioned Louis Agassiz, who till the end of
his life remained faithful to this theory.
Under these conditions it is readily understood how thinking
naturalists, who felt the necessity of explaining the character of
organic nature simply and by a natural law capable of general
application, began to doubt the fixity of species, and were led to
the theory of change of form, the Theory of Descent, or Evolution.
Darwin’s Predecessors.— Even in Cuvier’s time there prevailed
a strong current in favor of this theory. It found expression in
England in the writings of Erasmus Darwin (grandfather of the
renowned Charles Darwin); in Germany in the works of Goethe,
Oken, and the disciples of the ‘natural philosophical’ school; in
France the genealogical theory was developed particularly by
Buffon, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, and Lamarck. Its completest ex-
pression was found in Lamarck’s ‘* Philosophie zoologique ” (1809);
its arguments will be considered in the following paragraphs.
Lamarck (Jean Baptiste de Monet, Chevalier de Lamarck,
born in Picardy, 1744, died, Professor at the Jardin des Plantes,
1829) taught that on the earth at first organisms of the simplest
structure arose in the natural way through spontaneous generation
from non-living matter. From these simplest living creatures have
developed, by gradual changes in the course of an immeasurably
vast space of time, the present species of plants and animals,
without any break in the continuity of life upon our globe; the
terminal point of this series is man; the other animals are the
descendants of those forms from which man has developed.
Lamarck, in accordance with the then prevailing conceptions,
regarded the animal kingdom as a single series grading from the
lowest primitive animal upto man. Among the causes which may
influence the change and perfecting of organisms, Lamarck
emphasized particularly wse and disuse; the giraffe has obtained a
long neck because by a special condition of life he was compelled
to stretch, in order to browse the leaves on high trees; conversely,
the eyes of animals which live in the dark have degenerated from
lack of use into functionless structures. The direct influence of
the external world must be unimportant; the changes in the sur-
roundings (Geoffroy St. Hilaire’s le monde ambient) must for the
most part act indirectly upon animals by altering the conditions
for the use of organs.
Evolution vs. Creation.—Lamarck’s ingenious work remained
almost unnoticed by his contemporaries. On the other hand there
arose a violent controversy between the defenders and the
opponents of the evolution theory when [1830] Geoffroy St. Hilaire
in a debate in the Academy at Paris defended against Cuvier the
thesis of a near relationship of the vertebrates and the insects, and
set up the proposition that the latter were ‘* vertebrates running
on their backs.” The conflict ended in the complete overthrow ot
the theory of evolution; the defeat was so complete that the
problem vanished for a long time from scientific discussion, and
the theory of the fixity of species again became dominant. This
error was occasioned by many causes. Above all, the theory of
Geoffroy St. Hilaire and Lamarck was rather a clever conception
than founded on abundant facts; besides, it had in it as a funda-
mental error the doctrine of the serial arrangement of the animal
world. Opposed to this stood Cuvier’s great authority and his
extensive knowledge, the latter making it easy for him to show
that the animal kingdom was made up of separate co-ordinated
groups, the types.
Lyell.—In the same year in which Cuvier obtained his victory
over Geoffroy St. Hilaire, his theory of the succession of numerous
animal worlds upon the globe received its first destructive blow.
Cuvier’s cataclysm theory had two sides, a geological anda
biological. Cuvier denied the continuity of the various terrestrial
periods, as well as the continuity of the fauna and flora belonging
to them. In 1830-32 appeared the ‘ Principles of Geology” by
Lyell, an epoch-making work, which, in the realm of geology,
completely set aside the cataclysm theory. Lyell proved that the
supposition of violent revolutions on the earth was not necessary
in order to explain the changes of the earth’s surface and the
superposition of its strata; that rather the constantly acting
forces, elevations and depressions, the erosive action of water, be
it as ebb and flow of the tide, as rain, snow, or ice, or as the flow
of rivers and brooks rushing as torrents towards the sea, are suffi-
cient to furnish a complete explanation. Very gradually in the
course of a vast space of time the earth’s surface has changed, and
passed from one period into the next, and still at the present day
the constant process of change is going on. The continuity in the
geological history of the earth, here postulated for the first time,
has since then become one of the fundamental axioms of Geology;
on the other hand the discontinuity of living creatures, although
the geological support of this was frail, was for a long time
regarded as correct.
Darwin.—lIt is the great merit of Charles Darwin that he took
up the theory of descent anew after it had rested a decade, and
later brought it into general recognition. With this began the
most important period in the history of zoology, a period in which
the science not only made such an advance as never before, but
also began to obtain a permanent influence upon the general views
of men.
Charles Darwin was born at Shrewsbury, Eng., in 1800. After
studying at the universities of Edinburgh and Cambridge, he joined
as naturalist the English war-ship ‘* Beagle.” In its voyage from
1831 to 36 around the globe, Darwin recognized the peculiar
character of island faunas, particularly of the Galapagos Islands,
and the remarkable geological succession of edentates in South
America; these facts formed for him the germ of his epoch-making
theory. Further results of this journey were his beautiful mono-
graph on the Cirripedia, and the classic investigation of coral-reefs.
After his return to England Darwin lived, entirely devoted to
scientific work, chiefly in the hamlet of Down, county Kent, up
to the time of his death in 1882. He was incessantly busy in
developing his conception of the origin of species, and in collect-
ing for this a constantly increasing array of facts. The first
written notes, the fundamental ideas of which he communicated
to friends, particularly the geologist Lyell and the botanist
Hooker, were made in 1844, but the author was not persuaded to
give them publicity. Not until 1858 did Darwin decide to make
his first contribution to science. In this year he received an essay
sent by the traveller Wallace, which in its most important points
coincided with his own views. At the same time with Wallace’s
manuscript an abstract of Darwin’s theory was published. In the
next year (1859) appeared the most important of his writings,
“On the Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection,” and
in rapid succession a splendid series of works, the fruit of many
years of preparatory labors. For the history of the theory the
most important of these are: (1) ‘‘ Upon the Variation of Plants
and Animals under Domestication,” two volumes, which chiefly
contain a collection of material for proofs; (2) on ‘‘ The Descent
of Man,” a work which gives the application of the theory to man.
No scientific work of this century has attracted so much atten-
tion in the zoological, we may even say in the whole educated
world, as ‘‘The Origin of Species.” It was generally received as
something entirely new, so completely had the scientific tradition
been lost. In professional circles it was stoutly combated by one
faction, with another it found well-wishing but hesitating accept-
ance. Only a few men placed themselves from the beginning in
a decided manner on the side of the great British investigator.
There was a lively scientific battle, which ended in a brilliant vic-
tory for the theory of evolution. At the present time all our
scientific thoughts are so permeated with the idea of evolution that
we can scarcely speak of any considerable opposition to it.
Post-Darwinian Writers.—Among the men who have most
influenced this rapid advance is to be mentioned, besides A. R.
Wallace, the co-founder of Darwinism, above all Ernst Haeckel,
who in his ‘“‘ General Morphology” and his ‘‘ Natural History of
Creation” has done much towards the extension of the theory.
Among other energetic defenders of the theory in Germany should
be mentioned Fritz Miller, Carl Vogt, Weismann, Moritz Wagner,
and Nageli, even if they have taken special standpoints in refer-
ence to the causes conditioning the changes of form. Among the
English naturalists are to be named particularly Huxley, Hooker,
and Lyell. In America Gray, Cope, and Ilyatt were early sup-
porters. Darwinism was long in obtaining an entrance into
Before Darwin wrote the idea of fixity of species prevailed
among systematists. It was recognized that all the individuals of
a species are not alike, and that more or less pronounced variability
occurs, so that it was possible to distinguish races and varieties
within the species, but it was believed that the variations never
transcended specific bounds.
The Problem Stated.—Darwin begins with a criticism of the
term species. Is the conception of species on the one side and
that of race and variety on the other something entirely different ?
Are there special criteria for determining beyond the possibility
of a doubt whether in a definite case we have to do with a variety
of a species or with a different species? or do the conceptions in
nature pass into one another? Are species varieties which have
become constant, and precisely in the same manner are varieties
species in the process of formation ?
Morphological Characters.— A. Distinction between Species and
Variety. —For the settlement of this fundamental question morpho-
logical and physiological characters can be considered. In the
practice of the systematists usually the morphological characters
prevail exclusively; for that reason they will be here considered
first. If, among a great number of forms similar to one another,
two groups can be adduced which differ considerably from one
another, if the difference between them be obliterated by no inter-
mediate forms, and if in several successive generations they
remain constant, then the systematist speaks of a ‘ good species’ ;
on the other hand he speaks of varieties of the same species when
the differences are slight and inconstant, and when they lose their
importance through the existence of intermediate forms. A
definite application of this rule discloses great incongruities, many
animal and vegetable groups being regarded by one set of systema-
tists as good species, by another only as ‘sports,’ ie., as varieties
of the same species. The differences between the ‘sports’ of our
domestic animals are in many instances so considerable that
formerly they were regarded not only as sufficient for the founda-
tion of good species, but even of genera and families. In the
fantail pigeon the number of tail-feathers, formerly only 12-14,
has increased to 30-42 (fig. 1c); among the other races of pigeons
enormous variations are found in the size of the beak and feet in
comparison with the rest of the body (figs. 1a, 1p); even the
skeleton itself varticipates in this variation, as is shown by the fact
Fig. 1A.—English carrier-pigeon. (After Darwin.)
Fic. 13.—English tumbler-pigeon. (After Darwin.)
that the total number of vertebre varies from 38 (in the carrier-
pigeon) to 43 (in the pouter), the number of sacral vertebra from
14 to 11.
B. Variation within the Species.—Now in respect to the occur-
rence of transitional forms and the constancy of differences, there
is within one and the same ‘ good species’ the greatest conceivable
difference. In many very variable species the extremes are united
by many transitions; in other cases sharply circumscribed groups
of forms, or races, can be distinguished within the same species.
In the race, the peculiar characteristics are inherited from genera-
Fig. 1c.—English fantail pigeon. (After Darwin.)
tion to generation with the same constancy as in good species.
This is shown in the human races, and in many pure, cultivated
races of domesticated animals.
Physiological Characters.—A. Crossing of Species and Varie-
ties.—A critical examination leads to the conclusion that Mor-
phology is indeed useful for grouping animals into species and
varieties, but that it leaves us completely in the lurch when it is
called upon to show the distinctions between what should be called
a species and what a variety. Therefore there remains open to
the systematist only one resource, i.e., to summon Physiology
to his aid. This has been done, and it has disclosed considerable
distinctions in reproduction. We should expect a priori that the
individuals of different species would not reproduce with each
other; on the other hand under normal conditions the individuals
of one and the same species, even though they are of different
varieties or races, should be entirely fertile. One must beware of
arguing in a circle in proof of these two propositions; it would be
an argument in a circle if an experimenter should regard two
animals as representatives of one species only because they proved
to be fertile together, while under their former relations he
assigned them to different species. Rather the question for him
must read: does physiological experiment lead to the same
systematic distinctions as does the common systematic experience,
viz., the depreciation of constancy and the divergence of distin-
euishing characters ?
iB. Lhe Intercrossing of Species. —This field is as yet far from
being sufficiently investigated experimentally; yet some general
propositions can be set up: (1) that not a few so-called * good
species’ can be crossed with one another; (2) that in general the
difficulty of crossing increases, the more distant the systematic
relationship of the species used; (3) that these difficulties are by
no means directly proportional to the systematic divergence of the
species. The most favorable material for research is furnished by
those animals in which artificial fertilization can be carried out,
i.e., of which one can take the eggs and spermatozoa and mix
them independently of the will of the animals. Thus hybrids
have been obtained from species which belong to quite different
genera, while very often nearly-related species will not cross.
Among fishes we know hybrids of Adramis brama and Blicca
bjirkna, of Trutta salar (salmon) and Trutta fario (trout); among
sea-urchins the spermatozoa of Strongylocentrotus lividus fertilize
with great readiness the eggs of Lchinus microtuberculatus, but
only rarely the eggs of Spherechinus granularis, which is nearer
in the system. It also happens that crossing in one direction
(male of A and female of B) is easily accomplished, but in the
other direction (male of B and female of A) it completely fails; as,
for example, the sperm of Strongylocentrotus lividus fertilizes well
the eggs of Lchinus microtuberculatus, but, conversely, the sperm
of £. microtuberculatus does not fertilize the eggs of S. lividus.
Even better known is the fact that salmon eggs are fertilized by
trout sperm but not trout eggs by salmon sperm. Eggs have been
fertilized by sperm belonging to different families, orders, and
possibly classes. Eggs of Pleuronectes platessa and Labrus rupestris
by sperm of the cod (Gadus morrhua), frogs’ eggs (Rana arvalis)
by sperm of two species of Triton, eggs of a starfish (Asferias
Forbest) by milt from a sea-urchin, Arbacia pustulosa (??). In
these extreme cases, it is true, the hybrids die during or at the
close of segmentation, before the embryo is outlined.
In the case of animals where copulation is necessary the diffi-
culties of experimentation increase, since here often between males
and females of different species there exists an aversion which
prevents any union of the sexes. Yet in this case we know crosses
of different species; among the vertebrates crossing takes place,
e.g., between the horse and the ass; our domestic cattle and the
zebu; ibex (or wild buck) and she-goat; sheep and goats; dog and
jackal; dog and wolf; hare and rabbit (Lepus darwini); American
bison and domestic cattle; etc.; among birds, between different
species of finches and of grouse; mallard (Anas boschas) and the
pintail duck (Dajfila acuta); the European goose and the Chinese
goose (Anser ferus and A. cygnoides). Among the insects,
especially the Lepidoptera, the cases are many, but the resulting
eggs produce larve of slight vital force only in the case of Actias
luna and A. isabelle.
C. Fertility of Hybrids and Mongrels.—Since many hybrids,
as the mule, have been known for thousands of years, the criterion
is, as it were, pushed back one stage; if the infertility in cases of
crosses in many species is not immediately noticeable, yet it may
be apparent in the products of the cross. While the products of
the crossing of varieties, the ‘mongrels,’ always have a normal,
often an increased, fertility, the products of the crossing of
species, the hybrids, should always be sterile. But even this is
a rule, not a law. The mule (which only very rarely reproduces)
and many other hybrids are indeed sterile, but there are not a few
exceptions, although the number of experiments in reference to
this point is very small. Hybrids of hares and rabbits have con-
tinued fruitful for generations; the same is true of hybrids
obtained from the wild buck and the domesticated she-goat; from
Anser cygnoides and A. domesticus; from Salmo salvelinus and
S. fontinalis; Cyprinus carpio and Carassius vulgaris; Bombyx
cynthia and B. arrindia.
D. Inbreeding.—Even the second of the above statements, that
individuals of a species, provided they are sound, always reproduce
with one another, needs limitation. Breeders of animals have long
known the disastrous consequences of inbreeding—that the repro-
ductive power is reduced even to sterility if, for breeding,
descendants of a single pair be continually chosen. Darwin has
collected not a few cases where undoubted members of the same
species have been completely sterile with one another; as certain
forms of primrose and other di- and tri-morphic species. Exam-
ples of the sterility of mongrels are known only in botany (certain
varieties of maize and mullein).
Conditions Governing Fertility in Sexual Reproduction.—
When we look over these facts it would seem as if continued
fertility in sexual reproduction were guaranteed by a not too con-
siderable difference in the sexual products. Too great similarities,
as these exist in inbreeding, and too great differences, as in the
hybridization of different species, are injurious and are abhorred
by Nature. Sexual reproduction possesses an optimum; if this be
departed from in either direction, diminution gradually follows.
But for that reason it has already been said that here gradual and
not primary differences exist, and therefore this character cannot
be employed asa primary distinction between species and varieties.
Difficulties in Classification.—The final result of all this dis-
cussion may be summed up as follows: up to the present time,
neither by physiological nor by morphological evidence has there
been successfully fixed in a clear and generally applicable way a
criterion which can guide the systematist in deciding whether
certain series of forms are to be regarded as good species or as
varieties of a species. Zoologists are guided rather in practice by
a certain tact for classification, which, however, in difficult cases
leaves them in the lurch, and thus the opinions of various investi-
gators vary.
Change of Varieties into Species.—The conditions above dis-
cussed find their natural explanation in the assumption that sharp
distinctions between species and variety do not exist; that species
are varieties which have become constant, and varieties are incipient
species. The meaning of the above can be made clear by explana-
tion of a concrete case. Individuals of a species begin to vary,
i.e., compared with one another they attain a greater or less
difference in character. So Jong as the extreme differences are
bridged by transitional forms we speak of varieties of a species;
if, on the other hand, the intermediate transitions have died out.
and the differences have in the course of a long space of time
become fixed, and so very much intensified that a sexual union of
the extreme forms results either in complete sterility or at least in
a marked tendency towards sterility, then we speak of different
Species may be Related to each other in Unequal Degrees.—
In favor of this view, that varieties will in longer time become
species, is the great agreement which in the large majority of
cases exists between the two. In genera which comprise a remark-
able number of species, the species usually show also many
varieties; the species are then usually grouped in sub-genera, i.e.,
they are related to each other in unequal degrees, since they form
small groups arranged around certain species. In regard to the
varieties also the case is similar. In such genera the formation of
species is in active progress; but each species formation presup-
poses a high degree of variability.
Phylogeny.—It is now clear that what has here been worked
out in the case of the species must also apply to the other cate-
gories of the system. Just as by divergent development varieties
become species, so must species by continued divergence become
so far removed from one another that we distinguish them as
genera. It will be only a question of time when these differences
will become still greater, and cause the establishment of orders,
classes, and branches, just as the tender shoots of the young
plantlet become in the strong tree the chief branches from which
spring lateral branches and twigs. If we pursue this train of
thought to its ultimate consequences, we reach the conception that
all the animals and plants living at present have arisen by means
of variation from a few primitive organisms. Inasmuch as at least
many thousands of years are required for the formation of several
new species through the variability of one, there must then have
been necessary for this historical development of the animal and
vegetable kingdoms a space of time greater than our mental
capacity can grasp. Since for the idea of the individual develop-
ment (embryology) of an animal the term Ontogeny has been
chosen, it has also proved convenient to apply to the historical
development of animals—though this has not been observed, but
only inferred—the term History of the Race or Phylogeny.
Spontaneous Generation.—If we attempt to derive all living
animals from a common primitive form, we are compelled to
assume that this was of extremely simple organization, that it was
unicellular; for the simpler, the less specialized, the organization,
so much the greater is its capacity for variation. Only from
simple organisms can the lower unicellular organisms, the
Protozoa, be derived. Finally, for the simple organisms alone
can we conceive a natural origin. Since there was undoubtedly a
time upon our earth when temperatures prevailed which made life
impossible, life must at some time have arisen, either through an
act of creation or in a natural way through spontaneous generation.
If, in agreement with the spirit of natural science, we invoke for
the explanation of natural facts only the forces of nature, we are
driven to the hypothesis of spontaneous generation, namely, that
by a peculiar combination of materials without life, the compli-
cated mechanism which we call ‘life’ has arisen. This hypothesis
also supposes that the first organisms possessed the simplest con-
ceivable structure.
Variability not proven to be a Universal Principle.—Starting
from a basis of facts, by generalization we reach a simple concep-
tion of the origin of the animal kingdom, but we have in equal
measure departed from the results of direct observation. Observa-
tions only show us that species are capable of changes and can
from themselves produce new species. That this capacity for
variation is a universal principle, a principle which explains to us
the origin of the animal world, needs further demonstration.
Proofs of Phylogeny.—The rise of the existing animal world
is a process which has taken place in the thousands of years long
past, but is no longer accessible for direct observation, and there-
fore it can never be proved in the sense that we explain the indi-
vidual development of an organism. In regard to the conception
of the simple evolution of animals we can merely prove the
probability; yet it is shown that all our observations of accessible
facts not only agree with this conception, but find in it their only
simple explanation. Such facts are furnished to us by the classi-
fication of animals, paleontology, geographical distribution, com-
parative anatomy, and comparative embryology.
(1) Proofs from Classification.—For a long time it has been
recognized, and in recent times finds ever-increasing confirmation,
that if we wish to express graphically the relationships of animals,
theiz classes, orders, genera, and species, simple co-ordination and
subordination are not sufficient, but one must select a treelike
arrangement, in which the principal divisions, more closely or dis-
tantly related to one another,—the branches, phyla, or types,—
represent the main limbs, while the smaller branches and twigs
correspond to the several classes, orders, etc. This is, in fact,
the arrangement to which the theory of evolution, as seen above,
necessarily leads.
(2) Paleontological Demonstration approaches nearest to what
one might call direct proof; for paleontology gives us the only
traces of existence which the predecessors of the present animal
world have left. Even here a hypothetical element has crept into
the demonstration. We can only observe that various grades of
forms of an animal group are found in successive strata: if we
unite these into a developmental series, and regard the younger
as derived from the older by variation, we depart, strictly speak-
ing, from the basis of fact. But the value of paleontological
evidence is weakened much more by its extreme incompleteness.
In fossils only the hard parts are generally preserved; the soft
parts, on the other hand, which alone are present, or at least make
up the most important part of many animals, are almost always
lost. Only rarely are the soft parts (muscle of fishes, ink-bag of
cephalopods, outlines of meduse) preserved in the rocks. Even
the hard parts remain connected only under exceptionally favor-
able conditions. If further we take into consideration the fact
that these treasures are buried in the bosom of the earth, and are
usually obtained only by accident, in quarrying and road-build-
ing, and besides only extremely seldom excavated with scientific
care, it becomes sufficiently clear how little is to be expected from
the past and indeed future material of paleontology.
Examples of Paleontological Proof.—Yet paleontology has
already furnished many important proofs of the theory of descent.
Fria. 2.—Archcopteryx lithographica. (After Zittel.) cl, clavicle; co, coracoid; h,
humerus; r, radius; u, ulna; c, carpus; I-IV, digits; sc, scapula.
It has shown that the lower forms appeared first, and the more
highly organized later, Among animals in general the latest to
appear were the vertebrates, and of these the mammals; among
the mammals man. For smaller groups genealogical material has
fortunately been found. Transitional forms connect the single-
toed horse of the present with the four-toed Mohippos of the
eocene; for all the hoofed animals a common starting-point or
ancestral form has been found in the Condylarthra. Transitional
forms have also been found between the greater divisions, as, e.g.,
between reptiles and birds, the remarkable toothed birds, und the
Archeopteryx (fig. 2), a bird with a long, feathered, lizard-like
(3) Morphological Proofs. —When we employ comparative
anatomy and embryology in support of evolution, we find that the
two studies have so many points in common that they can best be
treated together.
Cuvier and von Baer taught that the separate types of the
animal kingdom are units, each with a special structure and plan
of development peculiar to it; farther, that there are no similari-
ties in structure and in the development forming a bridge from
type to type. The first of these two propositions is still regarded
as correct, but the second, which alone is important for the theory
of evolution, has become quite untenable. All animals have a
common organic basis in the cell and are thereby brought close
to one another; all multicellular animals agree in the principal
points during the first stages of their development, during the
fertilization, cleavage of the egg, and the formation of the first
two germ-layers, and vary from one another only in such differ-
ences as may occur within one and the same type. Also the
peculharities which distinguish each type in structure and in the
mode of development are not without intermediate phases.
Especially from the branch of the worms there lead cff transitional
forms to the other branches: Balanoglossus to both echinoderms
and chordates, the annelids and Peripatus to the arthropods, the
tunicates and Amphiowus to the vertebrates. In some representa-
tives of each type the structure and the mode of development are
simpler, thereby approaching to the conditions which obtain in
the other types. The existence of such transitional forms is one
of the most important proofs in favor of the theory of evolution,
and speaks against the assumption of a rigid unvarying type in
Cuvier’s sense.
Fundamental Law of Biogenesis.—A fact that weighs heavily
in the balance in favor of the theory of evolution is the fact that
the structure and mode of development of animals is ruled by a
law which at present can only be explained by the assumption of
iw common ancestry. Hach animal during its development passes
through esseutially the stages which remain permanent in the case
of lower or at least more primitive animals of the same branch, as
£3 3° 4
Fig. 3.—Human Embryo, about third or fourth week. 1-4, visceral arches with gill-
slits between them: 1, mandibular arch ; 2, hyoid arch; 3 and 4, first and second
gill-arches. «a, eye; 1, nasal pit: h, cardiac region; ¢ Jande IJ, fore and hind
extremities; m, mesodermal somites.
Fic. 4.—Tadpoles of Rana temporaria. m, mouth; g, upper jaw; z, lower jaw; s,
sucking-disc ; kb, external gills; ik, region of the internal gills; m, nose; a, eye;
0, auditory vesicle ; h, cardiac region ; d, operculum.
the three following examples will show: (1) In the early stages of
development the human embryo (fig. 3) possesses remarkable
resemblances to the lowest vertebrates, the fishes. Like these it
hag gill-shts, the same arrangement of the heart and of the arterial
vessels, certain fundamental features in the development of the
skeleton, etc. (2) Frogs in their tadpole stage have an organiza-
tion similar to that which remains permanent in the case of
certain Amphibia, the Perennibranchiata (fig. 5), which stand
Fra. 5.—Siredon pisciformis (larva of Amblystoma tigrinum). (After Duméril and
lower in the system; they have a swimming tail and tuft-like gills,
which are lacking in the adult frog. (3) There are certain para-
sitic crustacea, which live upon the gills of fishes, and seem not
Fra. 6.—Achtheres percarwum. a, nauplius-, b, cyclops-stage ; ¢, adult female.
(After Claus.)
at all like their relatives. They are shapeless masses which were
formerly regarded as parasitic worms. Their systematic position
as only determined by their embryology (fig. 6). Tlere it is
shown that they pass through a nauplius-stage (fig. 6a), charac-
teristic of most crustacea, and that they then assume the shape of
small crustacea (fig. 6, ), like Cyclops (fig. 7, A), so widely dis-
Fia. 7.—Cyclops coronatus (A) and also the nauplius in lateral (B) and in ventral view
(C). T, head; TJ-V, the five thoracic, and behind these the five abdominal seg-
ments; F’, furca; 1, the first, 2, the second, antenne; 3, mandibles; 4, maxille;
5, maxillipeds ; (-9, the first four pairs of biramous feet, while the rudimentary
fifth pair are hidden; au, eye; 0, upper lip; e, egg-sacs; d, gut; m, muscle.
tributed in fresh waters. Very often the males inake a halt in the
cyclops-stage while the female develops farther and assumes a
shapeless form, so that there arises a very remarkable sexual
dimorphism (fig. 8). All these examples, which can be multiplied
by hundreds, can be explained in the same way. The higher forms
pass through the stage of organization of the lower, because
they spring from ancestors which were
Ss" 4. more or less similar to the latter. Man
) in his embryological development passes
through the fish stage, the frog the per-
» ennibranchiate stage, the parasitic crus-
7 \ tacean first the nauplius- and then the
cyclops-stage, because their ancestors
were once fish-like, perennibranchiate-
like, nauplius- and cyclops-like. Here
is expressed a general phenomenon
which Haeckel has stated in a general
proposition under the name of ‘the
Fundamental) Law of Biogenesis.’ ‘* The
> development history (ontogeny) of an
A \ individual animal briefly recapitulates
the history of the race (phylogeny);
FIG. 8.— Philicthys siphie,, % aio i.e., the most important stages of organi-
iien Peresoel, ae zation which its ancestors have passed
through appear again, even if somewhat modified, in the develop-
ment of individual animals.”
Examples of the Application of this Law.—TZhe Nervous
System.—This law applies as well to single organs as to entire
animals. The central nervous system of the lower animals
(echinoderms, celenterates, many worms) forms part of the skin;
in its first appearance it belongs to the surface of the body, because
it has to mediate the relations with the external world. In the
case of higher animals, e.g., the vertebrates, the brain and spinal
cord lie deeply embedded in the interior of the body; but in the
embryo it is laid down likewise as a part of the skin (medullary
plate) and which gradually through infolding and cutting off from
this comes to lie internally. One can demonstrate this change of
position by cross-sections through the dorsal region of embryos of
different ages of any vertebrate (fig. ‘)).
The Skeletal System.—The skeleton of vertebrates is a further
example. In the lowest chordates, amphiorus and the cyclostomes,
the vertebre are lacking, and in their place we find a cylindrical
cord of tissue, the chorda dorsalis (notochord). In the fishes and
Amphibia the notochord usually persists; but it is partially
reduced and constricted by the vertebre, which in the lower forms
consist of cartilage, and in the higher of bone or a combination of
bone and cartilage. Mature birds and mammals finally have a
FIG. 9.—Cross-sections through the dorsal region of Triton embryos at different Aer
(from O. Hertwig). In [the medullary plate (anlage of spinal cord) De eels
off from the skin (epidermis, ep) by the medullary folds (mf). In IT t he 1 eI
lary plate by inrolling of the medullary folds is converted into a groove. ee
the groove has closed into a tube (7), the spinal cord, which has Separates Tr de
the rest of the ectoderm (epidermis). C, body cavity (c@lom);_ ch, Bee .
cp, cavity of primitive somite (myotome); dz, yolk-cells; ik, entoderm; Ig, lume
of gut; mk}, mk*, somatic and splanchnic layers of mesoderm.
completely ossified vertebral column; their embryos, on the other
hand, have in the early stages only the notochord (amphioxus
stage); later this notochord becomes constricted by the vertebra
(fish-ainphibian stage) and finally entirely replaced; the vertebral
column is in the beginning cartilaginous, only later becoming ossi-
fied. Comparative anatomy and embryology thus give the same
developmental stage of the axial skeleton: (1) notochord, (2)
notochord and vertebral column, the latter at first formed of
cartilage, then of bone.
We have here spoken of a parallelism between the facts of
comparative anatomy and those of embryology. But in reality we
should expect a threefold parallelism: for according to the theory
of evolution the systematic arrangement of animals is conditioned
by a third factor—the historical development of the animal world,
or phylogeny. The mile-stones of phylogenesis, the fossils, should
give the same progressive series in the successive geological strata
as the stages of forms found by comparative anatomy and embry-
ology. We actually know instances of such threefold parallelisms.
Comparative anatomy teaches that the lowest developed form of a
fish’s tail is the diphycercal (fig. 10, A); that from this the
heterocercal (/4), and from the heterocercal the homocercal form
of tail-fin (C, D) can be derived. Embryologically the most highly
developed fishes are first diphycercal, later heterocercal, and
finally become homocercal. Last of all, paleontologically the
oldest fishes are diphycercal or heterocercal, and only later do
homocercal forms appear.
What has here been referred to is only a small fraction of the
weighty proofs which morphology offers in favor of evolution; it
can only serve to show how morphological observations can be
employed. For the reflecting naturalist the facts of morphology
are a single great inductive proof in favor of the theory of evolu-
Distribution of Animals.—From Animal Geography we learn
that the present distribution of animals is the product of past
hundreds and thousands of years. It will therefore be possible
from this to figure out many of the earlier conditions of things,
hy proceeding with the utmost caution and overcoming extreme
If we assume that from the beginning all animal species were
constituted as they now are, they would then have been placed by
the purposeful Creator in the regions best suited to their organiza-
tion; their distribution would therefore have been determined by
favorable or unfavorable conditions of life prevailing in the various
regions, as the climate, food-supply, ete. If, on the other hand,
we assume that the animal species have arisen from one another
through variation, then there must have been, as an influence
determining the manner of distribution, besides the conditions
of existence, still a second factor, which we will call the geo-
Fia. 10.—Tail-fins of various fishes. (From Zittel.) A, Diphycercal fin of Polypterus
bichir. (Vertebral column and notochord divide the tail into symmetrical dorsal
and ventral portions.) B, Heterocercal tail of the sturgeon. (Asa result of an
upward bending of the notochord and vertebral column _ the fin has become
asymmetrical, the ventral portion much larger than the dorsal.) C, D, Homo-
cercal fins, C, of Amia calva; D, of Truttu salar. (By a still greater upward bend-
ing of the notochord and vertebral column the dorsal portion has almost en-
tirely disappeared and the ventral portion almost alone forms the fin, externally
apparently symmetrical, but in its internal structure very asymmetrical.) ch,
chorda; a, b, c, cover-plates.
logical. We know that the configuration of the earth’s surface
has changed in many respects in the course of the enormous space
of time of the geological periods; that land areas, which earlier
were united, have become separated by the encroachments of the
sea; that by the upheaval of mountains important barriers to the
distribution of animals were also formed. From the fact that
these two changes—the changes in the earth’s surface and in the
animal world established upon it—have gone on hand in hand
there follows necessarily the consequence that greater differences
in the faunal character of two lands must result the longer they
have developed independently of one another, without interchange
of their animal populations, and the Jonger the inhabitants have
been separated by impassable barriers. For the various groups
the character of the barriers is different; terrestrial animals, which
cannot fly, are hindered in their distribution by arms of the sea;
marine forms by land barriers; for terrestrial molluscs high moun-
tain ranges, which are dry and barren, or constantly snow-capped,
are effectual.
Instances of Proofs.—Since attention has been called to these
conditions, many geographical facts favorable to the theory of
evolution have been ascertained: (1) Of the various continents
Australia has faunally an independent character; when discovered
it contained almost none of the higher (placental) mammals,
except such as can fly (Chiroptera), or marine forms (Cetacea), or
such as are easily transported by floating wood (small rodents), or
such as could be introduced by man (dingo, the Australian dog);
instead, it had remarkable birdlike animals (with beak and cloaca),
and, the marsupials, which have become extinct in the Old World
and the opossums excepted, in America as well. The phenomenon
is explained by the geological fact that in the earth’s history
Australia, with its surrounding islands, was certainly the earliest
to lose its connexion with the other continents. While’ in the
other four parts of the earth the higher vertebrates, which were
developed from the marsupials and their lower contemporaries,
came, by way of the lands connecting the various continents, to
have a wide or even a cosmopolitan distribution, in isolated
Australia this process of evolution did not go on, and its ancient
faunal character was preserved. (2) As Wallace has shown, the
Malay Archipelago is divided faunally into an eastern and a western
half; within each group there are islands which, in spite of a
different climate, have a very similar fauna. On the other hand,
the faunal boundary (‘ Wallace’s line’) passes between the two
islands Bali and Lombok, which have the same climate and
geographically are very close together. But the depth of the strait
in this region shows that here runs a boundary of extraordinarily
long geological duration, and that in the earth’s history Bali has
developed in connexion with the western, Lombok with the eastern
chain of islands. More recent studies make it probable that there
is an island zone between the two in which a mixture of faunas
occurs. Celebes especially belongs here. (3) A long time before
Darwin, the renowned geologist Leopold von Buch, from the dis-
tribution of plants on the Canary Islands, had come to the conclu-
sion of a change of species into new species; viz., on islands
peculiar species develop in secluded valleys, because high mountain-
chains isolate plants more effectually than do wide areas of water.
M. Wagner has collected many instances which prove that locali-
ties inhabited by certain species of beetles and snails have been
sharply divided by wide rivers or by mountain-chains, while in
neighboring regions related so-called ‘ vicarious species’ are found.
Causal Foundation of the Theory of Evolution.—The Dar-
winian theory, so far as the above exposition shows, is fundamen-
tally like the theories of descent advocated at the beginning of this
century by Lamarck and other zoologists; it is distinguished from
these only by its much more extensive foundation of facts, and
further in that it abandoned the successional arrangement oyer-
thrown by the type theory, and replaced it by the branched, tree-
like mode of arrangement,—the genealogical tree. But still more
important are those advances of Darwinism which relate to the
causal foundation of the descent theory. The doctrine of causes
which has brought about the change of species forms the nucleus
of the Darwinian theory, by which it is especially distinguished from
Lamarckism. In order to substantiate causally the change of
species, Darwin proposed his highly. important principle of
‘Natural Selection by means of the Struggle for Existence.’
Artificial Selection.—In the development of this principle
Darwin started from the limited and hence easily comprehended
subject of Domestication, the artificial breeding of our races of
domesticated animals. Many of these undoubtedly sprang from a
single wild living species; others arose from several species, but
now have the appearance of a single species. ILlow have arisen
such extraordinarily different races of pigeons—the fantail, the
pouter, long- and short-billed pigeons, etc., the long- and short-
horned cattle, the heavy, slow Percherons and the slenderly-built,
fleet-footed Arabian horses? Undoubtedly through that same
more or less conscious influence of man, which is still employed
by the skilful animal-breeder. If he wish to obtain a particular
form, he chooses from his stock suitable animals, which he pairs
together if they in ever so slight a manner approach nearer than
the others to the desired ideal. By repetition of this selection
according to plan, the breeder attains a slow but sure approx-
imation to the goal, since he uses for breeding only the suitable
individuals from each new generation. If he wish, for example,
to breed fantail pigeons, he selects from his stock animals with
the most numerous and strongest tail-feathers. In the course of
generations, then, characteristics cumulate; the number of pigeons
having an increased number of tail-feathers becomes greater, and
thus material is obtained which is adapted to a further increase in
the number of feathers.
Factors of Evolution in Breeding.—The remarkable results of
breeding which are well known to every observer of our domesti-
cated animals depend mainly upon three factors: (1) Vartadbility;
the descendants of one pair of parents have the capability of
developing new characteristics, thereby differimg in appearance
from their parents. (2) Hereditability of newly-acquired charac-
ters. This consists in the tendency of the daughter-generation to
transmit the newly-developed characteristic to the succeeding
generation. (3) Artificial selection; man selects for breeding pur-
poses suitable individuals, and prevents a new character which has
arisen through variation from disappearing through crossing again
with animals of the opposite variational tendencies.
Factors of Evolution in Nature.—If we compare with the facts
of domestication the conditions of animals living in the state of
nature, we find again variability and heredity, as efficient forces,
inherent in all organisms, though the former is not everywhere of
the same intensity. There are many species which vary only
slightly or not at all, and therefore have remained unchanged for
thousands of years. But contrasted with these conservative species
are in every group progressive species, active species, which are
in the process of rapid change, and these alone are of importance
in causing the appearance of new species. Since heredity is
present in all organisms, there is only lacking a factor correspond-
ing to artificial selection, and this Darwin discovered in the
so-called ‘natural selection.’
Natural Selection: Struggle for Existence.— Natural selection
finds its basis in the enormous number of descendants which every
animal produces, There are animals (e.g., most fishes) which
produce many thousands of young in the course of their lives: not
to mention parasites, whose eges are numbered by millions. For
the development of this animal throng there is ‘ho room on the
earth; for even if we compute upon the basis of a slowly-multiply-
ing animal, like the elephant, and assume that all the progeny live
and reproduce normally, it would only be a few centuries before
the entire earth would be occupied by herds of elephants. In
order to preserve the equilibrium in nature great numbers of
unfertilized and fertilized eggs, as well as young animals and many
that are mature but have not yet attained their physiological
destiny, must perish. Many individuals will undoubtedly be
blotted out by purely accidental causes; yet on the whole those
individuals which are best protected will best withstand adverse
conditions. Slight superiority in structure will be of importance
in this struggle for existence, and the possessors of this will gain
an advantage over their companions of the same species, just as in
domestication each character which is or is fancied to be useful to
man insures advantage to the possessor. Among the numerous
varieties that appear the fittest will survive, and in the course of
many generations the fortunate variations will increase by sum-
mation, while destruction overtakes the unsuitable varieties. Thus
will arise new forms, which owe their existence to ‘natural selec-
tion in the struggle for existence.’
The ‘Struggle for Existence.’—The expression ‘struggle for
existence’ is figurative, for only in rare cases does an active con-
scious struggle decide the question of an animal’s existence; for
example, in the case of the beasts of prey, that one which by
means of his bodily strength is best able to struggle with his com-
petitors for his prey is best provided in times of limited food-
supply. Much more common is the unconscious struggle: each
man who attains a more favorable position by special intelligence
and energy, limits to an equal degree the conditions of life for
many of his fellow men, however much he may interest himself in
humanity. The prey which by special craft or swiftness escapes
the pursuer turns the enemy upon, the less favored of its com-
panions. It is noticeable that in severe epidemics certain men do
not fall victims to the disease, because their organization better
withstands infection. Here the term ‘survival of the fittest,’
which Spencer has adopted in preference to ‘struggle for exist-
ence,’ is better.
Instances of the Struggle for Existence.—Although the fore-
going general considerations suffice to show that the struggle for
existence plays a very prominent réle in the organic world, yet on
account of the importance of this feature it will be illustrated by
a few concrete examples. The migratory rat (Mus decumanis),
which swarmed out from Asia at the beginning of the eighteenth
century, has since then almost completely exterminated the house-
rat (Mus rattus) in Europe, and has made existence impossible for
it in other parts of the world. Several European species of thistle
have increased so enormously in the La Plata states that they have
in places completely crowded out the native plants. Another
European plant (Hypocheris radicata) has become a weed, over-
running everything in New Zealand. Certain races of men, like
the Dravidian and Indian, die off to the same degree that other
races of men, like the Caucasian, Mongolian, and Negro, spread.
The more one attempts to explain that endlessly complicated web
of the relations of animals to one another, the relations of animals
to plants and to climatic conditions, as Darwin has done, so much
the more does he learn to appreciate the methods and results of
the struggle for existence. He will become conversant with many
interesting phenomena, formerly unintelligible, which immediately
find an explanation through this doctrine. Islands lying in the
midst of the ocean have a disproportionately large number of
species of wingless insects, because the flying forms are easily
carried out to sea. For example, on the Kerguelen Islands,
remarkably exposed to storms, the insects are wingless; among
them one species of butterfly, several flies, and numerous beetles.
Sympathetic Coloration.—Very often, in regions which have a
permanent or prevailing uniform color, the coat of the animals is
distinguished by the same or at least by a similar hue; this
phenomenon is called sympathetic coloration. Inhabitants of
regions of snow are white, desert animals have the pale yellow
color of the desert, animals which live at the surface of the sea are
transparent; representatives of the most diverse animal branches
show the same phenomenon. The advantages connected therewith
scarcely need an explanation. Every animal may have occasion
to conceal himself from his pursuers; or it may be his lot to
approach his prey by stealth: he is much better adapted for this
the closer he resembles his surroundings. Natural selection fixes
every advantage in either of these directions, and in the course of
many generations these advantages increase.
Mimicry is referable to the same principle, except that the
imitation is not here limited to the color, but also influences form
and marking. Frequently parts of plants are imitated, sometimes
leaves, sometimes stems. Certain butterflies with the upper sur-
faces of the wings beautifully colored escape their pursuers by the
rapidity of their flight; if they alight to rest, they are protected by
their great similarity to the leaves of the plants around which
they chiefly fly. When the wings are folded over the back, the
dark coloring of the under sides comes into sight and the color on
the upper side is concealed. The parts are so arranged that the
whole takes on a leaf-like form, and certain markings heighten
the imitation of the neuration of the leat (fig. 11). Among the
numerous species of leaf-butterflies there are different grades of
completeness of mimicry; in many even the depredations of insects
Fia. age butterflies. .4, Kallima paralecta, flying; a, (After Wallace.)
B, Siderone strigosus, flying; b, at rest. (After C. Sterne.)
is imitated; in others the form and marking are still incompletely
leaf-like, the marking being the first to come into existence.
Among the grasshoppers also there are imitations of leaves, like
the ‘walking-leaf,’ Phylliwm siccifolium, P. scythe, while other
nearly related forms more or less completely approach the appear-
ance of dried, sometimes of thorny twigs (fig. 12, a and 3).
Examples of Mimicry.—Very often insects are copied by other
animals. Certain butterflies, Heliconia, fly in large swarms,
Fig. 18.—Methona psidii, a bad-tasting Heliconiid, copied by the Pierid, Leptatis orise.
(After Wallace.)
clumsy and yet unmolested by birds, because they contain bad-
tasting fat bodies. Another species of butterfly accompanies them
(Pieridze), which does not taste bad, and yet are not eaten, because
in flight, in cut, and marking of the wings they imitate the
Heliconie so closely that even a systematist might easily be
confused (fig. 15). In a similar way bees and wasps, feared on
account of their sting, are imitated by other insects. In Borneo
there is a large black wasp, whose wings have a broad white spot
Fia. 14.--a, Mygnimia aviculus, a wasp imitated by a beetle; b, Coloborhombus fascia-
tipennis. (After Wallace.) } nat. size.
near the tip (Mygnimia aviculus). Its imitator is a heteromerous
beetle (Coloborhombus fasciatipennis), which, contrary to the habit
of beetles, keeps its hinder wings extended, showing the white spot
at their tips, while the wing-covers have become small oval scales
(fig. 14).
Sexual Selection is a special phase of natural selection, chiefly
observed in birds and hoofed animals. For the fulfilment of his
sexual instincts the male seeks to drive his competitors from the
field, either in battle or by impressing the female by his special
excellences. With strong wings and with spurs the cock main-
tains possession of his flock, the stag by means of his antlers, the
bull with his horns. The birds of paradise by means of beautiful
coloring win the favor of the females, most singing-birds by means
of song; many species of the fowl by peculiar love-dances. Since
Fig. 15a.—Puaradisea apoda, male. (After Levaillant.)
all these characters belong chiefly to the male, and since it is
only exceptionally that they are inherited by the female (and even
then are less pronounced), it is almost certain that in a great
measure they have been acquired by the males through the struggle
for the female. In the case of birds a second factor has uwn-
doubtedly co-operated to impress distinctly the often enormous
difference between the feathers of the male and of the female—as
is shown, for example, in the case of the birds of paradise
(fig. 15); for the nesting female inconspicuous colors and a close-
lying coat of feathers are necessary in order that, undisturbed by
enemies, she may devote herself to incubation.
On the Efficiency of Natural Selection.—In the course of the
last decade there has been much controversy as to how far natural
selection alone is a species-forming factor. A number of objectors
dispute the possibility of fortuitous variations being utilized in the
struggle for existence. It is not easy to see how many characters,
Fia. 158.—Paradisea apoda, female. (After Levaillant.)
especially such as are used in classification, can be of use to their
owners. It can only be said that they have developed in correla-
tion, that is in necessary organic connexion, with other important
characters. But useful characters must be considerable in order
to be seized upon by natural selection. Fortuitous variations with
which Darwinism deals are too inconsiderable to be utilized by the
organism and so to be of value in the struggle for existence. In
most cases, too, alteration in one organ alone is not enough to be
of value; usually a whole series of accessory structures must be
modified. In short, there must exist a harmonious co-operation
of parts, which presupposes a progressive and well-regulated
development extending through a long space of time during which
the struggle for existence could have exerted no directing influ-
ence. Thus, for example, the wing of a bird in order to be used
for flight must have already reached a considerable size; the
muscles for moving it, the supporting skeletal parts, the nerves
running to it must have a definite formation and arrangement.
Then there are difficulties in that most animals are bilaterally or
radially symmetrical, many in addition segmented. In all these
cases the same organ is repeated two or more times. Organs which
are repeated symmetrically and usually those which are segmental
agree in general in structure. One must therefore admit that the
alterations of chance must have occurred at at least two points
simultaneously and in exactly the same way.
A further objection is that the action of natural selection would
under ordinary conditions be negatived by unhindered crossing of
the varying forms. If, for example, we do not isolate fantails from
other pigeons, they will cross with these, and their descendants
will soon resume the character of common pigeons. Finally, it
has been claimed that for the formation of new species a simple
variation of forms is not sufficient; it must reach still farther: (1)
a variation in different directions, a divergent development of the
individual members of a species; (2) the disappearance of the
transitional forms which unite the divergent forms.
The objection that the struggle for existence cannot bring
about the divergent development of individuals necessary for
improvement is of least importance. It need only be added that
of the many variations appearing at the same time in a species two
or more may be equally useful; that then one set of individuals
will seize upon one, another set upon the other advantage, and that
in consequence of this both sets will develop in different directions.
Consequently the intermediate forms which are not pronounced in
the one or the other direction will be in an unfavorable position,
and must carry on the struggle for existence with both groups of
partially differentiated companions of their species, and, being less
completely adapted, must fall.
More important are the first two objections; they have led to
theories which originally seemed destined to complete the Dar-
winian theory, but in the course of discussion they have more and
more raised the claim of entirely supplanting it. In the following
paragraphs will be found an outline of these theories, but it is to
be taken into consideration that, at the present time, we are still
in the midst of the reform movement, and it cannot yet be said
whether they will be able to stand beside the theory of the struggle
for existence or will supplant it.
Migration Theory.—T'o explain how characters newly formed
by variation become fixed, and do not disappear again through
crossing with differently modified individuals, M. Wagner has pro-
posed the Theory of Geographical Isolation, or the Migration
Theory. New species may arise if a part of the individuals of one
species should take to wandering, or should be transplanted, and
thus come to a new place, in which crossing with the companions
of their species who were left behind is not possible. The same
might occur, if the region inhabited by a species should by
geological changes be divided into two parts, between which inter-
change of forms would be no longer possible. The animals
remaining under the old conditions would retain the original
characteristics; the wanderers, on the other hand, would change
into a new species. Direct observations support this theory. A
litter of rabbits placed at the beginning of the fifteenth century
on the island of Porto Santo has in the mean time increased
enormously and the descendants have taken on the characteristics
of a new species. The animals have become smaller and fiercer,
have acquired a uniformly reddish color, and no longer pair with
the European rabbit. A further proof in favor of the theory of
geographical isolation is the peculiar faunal character of regions
separated from adjacent lands by impassable barriers, broad rivers
or straits, or high mountains (comp. p. 42); especially instructive
in this regard is the peculiar faunal character of almost every
island. The fauna of an island resembles in general the fauna of
the mainland from which the island has become separated by
geological changes; it usually has not only these but also so-called
‘vicarious species,’ i.e., species which in certain characteristics
closely resemble the species of the mainland. Such vicarious
species have plainly arisen from the fact that isolated groups of
individuals, scattered over the islands, have taken on a develop-
ment divergent from the form from which they started. With all
due recognition of the migration theory, it will never be possible
by it alone to explain the multiformity of the organic world. In
addition, it must be assumed that formerly the earth’s surface
possessed an enormous capacity for change; but the more recent
investigations make it probable that the distribution of land and
water has not varied to the degree that was formerly believed.
The experience of botanists, too, teaches that several varieties can
arise in the same locality and become constant.
Lamarckism.—While the migration theory agrees with Dar-
winism in this, that the new characters appearing through varia-
tion are to be regarded as the products of chance, yet it is just
this part of the theory which has been subjected to searching
criticism. Many zoologists have again adopted the causal founda-
tion of the descent theory proposed by Lamarck and believe that
the cause of species formation is to be found in part in the
immediate influence of ‘changing environment, in part in the
varying use and disuse of organs, brought about by alterations in
the conditions of life. Both principles, they say, are sufficient,
even without the help of the struggle for existence, to explain the
phylogenesis of organisms.
Influence of Environment.—T'o what extent can the environ-
ment bring about a permanent change in the structure of plants
and animals? To decide this is no simple problem, on account of
the complexity of the factors entering into the question.
In cases where the food-supply is altered, organisms change in
a very remarkable manner and within a short time; but these
changes (Niigeli’s ‘ Modifications through Nutrition’) seem to have
no permanence. Plants which, found in nature in poor soil, are
transplanted into rich soil, or vice versa, soon acquire quite a
different appearance, and preserve this through the following
generations, so long as they remain in the rich soil; but the plant
quickly returns to its former appearance when replaced in its
previous surroundings.
In general, a change seems to be the more permanent the more
slowly it has developed. In researches upon the influence of
environment, we can, therefore, rely soonest upon results if we
experiment with slowly-working factors, such as light and heat,
dry or moist air, different intensities of gravitation, of stimuli,
etc., which can be excluded from the environment of the organism.
Use and Disuse.—Regarding the efficiency of use and disuse,
there is no doubt that the shape of an animal is influenced to a
great extent by the manner in which the organs are used. The
organs which are much used will become especially strong and vice
versa those which are not used will become weak. The only ques-
tion is whether these, in the strict sense of the word, newly-acquired
characteristics are transmitted to the offspring, or whether the
descendants, in order to attain to the same stage, must not repeat
in the same way use and disuse. In the latter case the cumulation
of characteristics, and with it the possibility that these may
become permanent, is excluded. It is to be regretted that accurate
results are still lacking on a point so well adapted for experimental
treatment. At this time rudimentary organs strongly favor the
Lamarckian principle; for we see that cave animals, which for
many generations have lived in darkness, are blind, either having
no eyes, or only vestiges of them, incapable of function. This
seems to justify the view that this condition is attributable to lack
of use, since it has brought about a functional and anatomical
incapacity, which has increased from generation to generation.
Now we must believe that what is true for disuse must express
itself in the reverse sense in the case of use.
Nageli’s Principle of Progression.—In conclusion, there is still
to be considered the change of species from internal causes, to
which von Baer gave the poorly adapted because easily misleading
term ‘‘ Zielstrebigkeit ” (the striving toward an ideal), and which
Niigeli has termed the ‘ perfecting principle,’ or the ‘ principle of
progression.’ It cannot, indeed, be denied that each species is
compelled, by some peculiar internal cause, to develop into new
forms, independently of the environment, and up to a certain
degree, independently of the struggle for existence. In all animal
branches we see the progress from lower to higher going on, very
often in a quite similar way, in spite of the fact that the animals
live under very different conditions of development. We see how
the nervous system lying near the surface in the lower animals
becomes in the higher animals concealed in the depths of the body;
how the eye, at first a simple pigment-spot, becomes in worms,
arthropods, molluses, and vertebrates, provided with accessory
apparatus, as lens, vitreous body, iris, choroid, etc. Here we see
an energy for perfection which, since it occurs everywhere, must
be independent of the individual conditions of life, and must have
its special explanation in the character of the living substance.
It is by no means justifiable to call an assumption, as here
expressed, teleological, and to reject it as unscientific; rather the
organism seems to be just as mechanically conditioned as a billiard-
ball, whose course is determined not only by contact with the
cushions of the billiard-table, but also in a large measure by its
indwelling force, imparted to it by the stroke of the eve. An
organism, too, is a store of energy which must necessarily from
itself develop more, but it is of more extraordinary complexity,
and to an equal degree also is independent of the external world.
A complete independence is naturally never present, and Nigeli
has not so maintained. Along with it rather goes always an
‘action’ of the external world, a modifying influence which is
carried on by the external conditions of existence, either directly
or by the mediation of use and disuse.
This exposition of evolution has been given in a rather detailed
way, because in the history of zoology it is undoubtedly the most
important feature. No other theory in the course of the develop-
ment of zoological investigation has gained such a hold, none has
propounded so many new problems and opened so many new fields
for research. There is no other zoological theory which compares
with it in value as a working hypothesis. To the many objections
which have been made that the theory is insufficiently grounded,
it can only be replied that in the present state of our knowledge it
is the only theory which agrees with our experiences and explains
these in a simple way and on a scientific basis. In this sentence
is given the merit of the theory, but at the same time also a limita-
tion of its applicability. For on the one side the statement attrib-
utes the merit in the applicability of the system to the necessity
of the human mind for simple explanations of the facts of natural
science, and on the other hand it makes the degree of correctness
dependent upon the state, whatever it may be, of our knowledge.
On both sides no constant quantities are involved. Many investi-
gators see no necessity of reconciling paleontology and our knowl-
edge of plants and animals. To such, therefore, the Darwinian
theory proves just as little as any opposing theory. Meanwhile
thoughtful naturalists will keep in mind that our knowledge of
nature is making considerable advances, and is visibly becoming
wider and deeper. It is possible, even probable, that these
advances will lead to many modifications of the theory. For
instance, the theory of the causes which condition the formation
of new species will undergo numerous changes. On the other
hand, we can affirm with great certainty that the principle of
descent, which first obtained credence through Darwinism, will be
a permanent landmark of zoological investigation.
General Zoology: Animal Morphology.—In the vital phenom-
ena of animals a certain degree of similarity can be followed
through the entire animal kingdom; the way in which animals are
nourished and reproduce their kind, how they move, and how they
gain experience, is essentially the same in great groups, and even
widely separated forms show many agreements. Corresponding
to this, the apparatus which is concerned with the above-men-
tioned functions, the organs of nutrition and reproduction, of
motion and sensation in their grosser and finer structure, and in
their ontogeny, must be similar to one another and show evidence
of some fundamental characters which always or frequently recur.
All this needs a general explanation before we can go into a
description of the separate branches of animals. This explanation
is the subject of general zoology, specially of general anatomy and
embryology, or animal morphology.
cology or Biology.—If by means of anatomy and embryology
we have learned the general character of the animal organism, we
must yet farther study its relations to the environment. For this
study of the conditions of animal life, ecology or biology, we have
to consider the geographical range of animals, their distribution
over the surface of the earth and in the different depths of the
sea; further, the reciprocal relations of animals and plants, and
of beast to beast, as these find special expression in colony-build-
ing, symbiosis, parasitism, etc.
General Anatomy.—In the case of General Anatomy, with
which we shall begin, the fundamental proposition will be, //ow is
an organism formed from its constituent parts ? We shall thus in
spirit follow the opposite course from that which anatomy actually
takes, for this resolves the animal body into its elementary parts,
its organs, tissues, and cells. Instead of analytical we will pursue
synthetic anatomy.
The synthesis of an organism, of which by general anatomy we
can only gain an idea, actually takes place in nature during the
development of every animal. Embryologically every organism
is at some time a simple element, a cell; this divides and gives rise
to tissues; from the tissues are formed organs, and from the
organs the regularly membered whole of the animal body is com-
bined. If the general ontogeny proceeds synthetically, it then
agrees in its manifestations with the processes which go on in
nature and which are accessible to direct observation.
The Morphological Units.—The expression ‘constituent parts
of the animal body’ can be used in a double sense. We can speak
of the chemical units, the chemical combinations, which form the
tissues; these are the subject of animal chemistry, and may there-
fore be passed over here. But we may also speak of the constituent
units (morphological units) of the animal body; these are the cells.
These and their transformation into tissues, organs, and entire
animals are for us of vastly greater importance.
I. THe MorpnonocicaL UNITS oF THE ANIMAL Bopy.
The Cell.— The study of the morphological units of the organic
body first found a firm foundation in the cell theory. Every
scientific study of the anatomy of plants and animals must there-
fore take the cell as its starting-point.
History of the Cell Theory.—The conception of the cell of animals and
plants has in the course of time undergone many changes, which must
be known to some extent in order to understand completely the name and
the conception. When, in the seventeenth century, Hooker, Marcello
Malpighi, and Nehemia Grew introduced the term into vegetable anatomy,
they meant small chambers surrounded by firm walls and filled with air
or fluid contents. When, also, early in the nineteenth century, it was cor-
rectly recognized that the cell is the anatomical and physiological vegetable
unit from which all the other parts of the plant are formed, and when the
English botanist Brown discovered in the interior of the cell that small
body previously overlooked, the kernel or mzclews, the old conception
remained, and as such was accepted by Schleiden in his cell theory.
Schleiden added as new a completely erroneous view of the origin of cells:
that in a sort of matrix (the ‘cytoblast’) first a granule, the nuclear
body, was formed, then around this granule a membrane, the nuclear mem-
brane, arose by precipitation, and around the thus completed nucleus a
larger membrane (the cell membrane) was deposited. Hence for the
formation of the cell the nucleus would be of most importance,
The Schleiden-Schwann Cell Theory.—Since it is the nuclei which are
most easily seen in the animal body, and even now are particularly useful
in deciding questions concerning the presence of cells, it is readily under-
stood how Schleiden’s theory, which placed the nucleus so much in the
foreground, should have led Schwann to apply the cell theory to the
animal kingdom, and thus raise it toa principle of general application.
We usually, therefore, speak of the Schleiden-Schwann cell theory.
As a result of this theory the walls, the cell membrane, were regarded
as most important for the function of the cell; through the cell mem-
brane diffusion-currents must pass between the surrounding medium
and the contents of the cell; the character of the membrane and of the
cell-sap must determine the condition of the diffusion-currents, and
hence the functional character of the cell; the different appearance of
tissues depends chiefly upon the fact that the cells, spherical in the
beginning, change their form; in the case of fibrillar connective tis-
sue, for example, they increase enormously in length and become fine
fibrillee. Since the life of an organism is nothing else than the co-operative
work of all its cells, they flattered themselves that through the cell theory
and the discovery, brought about by it, of the physical unity of the animal
and vegetable body they had made an important advance in the great
problem of the physical explanation of the phenomena of life. Cell gene-
sis also seemed, according to the theory, to be just as satisfactorily
explained on a mechanical basis as the formation of a crystal. In the
‘eytoblast’ the nuclear bodies, nuclear membrane, and cell membrane
must be formed by deposition just as in the process of crystallization.
Reform Movements,—Since that time our conception of the nature of
cells has completely changed. The cell does not, after the manner of a
crystal, arise as a new formation in a matrix, but it presupposes the
existence of a living mother-cell, from which it arises by division or bud-
ding. Just so also the cell is not a physical unit, but is itself an organism
which shows to us all the enigmas of life, the physical basis of which our
investigations must ever keep in view as a goal, though it be still indiscern-
ibly distant. The membrane and cell-sap are of quite subordinate impor-
tance for the existence of the cell; rather the most important thing in it is
the previously disregarded substance, for which von Mohl introduced the
name protoplasm. According to the newer conception the cell is practically
asmall mass of protoplasm, usually, probably always, provided with one
or more nuclei. This newer conception of the cell has developed so gradu-
ally, and has so slowly supplanted the Schleiden-Schwann view, that the
old name has been retained, although it no longer at all fits the new con-
ception. We have indeed become so thoroughly accustomed to the name
that we no longer notice the contradiction of terms when we call a solid
lump without a membrane a ‘ cell.’
Discovery of Protoplasm.—The reformation of the cell theory was begun
by discoveries which were made in very different regions and only lately
have been brought to a focus.
1. At about the beginning of the nineteenth century, Bonaventura
Corti and Treviranus had seen that the chlorophyl bodies, which cause the
green color of plants, in many species stream around in a lively manner in
the interior of the cell, but Moll was the first to find out that this motion
was not active, but rather that they are moved by a homogeneous sub-
stance in which they are embedded. This substance, which Mohl, in
order to bring it into prominence, named protoplasma, became by other
studies still more important. In the reproduction of the simplest alge, it
was found that the protoplasm, together with the chlorophyl bodies, col-
lected itself into an oval mass, and that this body left the cell membrane
aud swam freely in the water. Since the cell-wall no longer showed signs
of life, while on the other hand the protoplasmic body came to rest and
formed a new plant, it was shown beyond doubt that this was the most
important constituent part of the cell (comp. fig. 115).
2. In the study of animal tissues the importance of the peculiar cell-
substance, the protoplasm, was still more plainly brought out. Here, in
spite of the long-prevailing preconceived idea, unbiassed observation led to
the discovery that most animal cells had no cell-membrane.
3. Very important, finally, was the study of the lowest organisms, the
Protozoa. Dujardin sought by extremely careful observations to prove
that these animals had no organs, but consisted of a uniform granular sub-
stance, the sarcode. The sarcode alone could produce all the vital phe-
nomena, such as movement, sensation, assimilation, previously ascribed to
many organs. Dujardin’s theory was stoutly contested by Ehrenberg and
his school, but finally attained general acceptance through the epoch-
making work of Max Schultze and Haeckel.
Schultze’s Protoplasm Theory.—On the basis of these three series of
observations, Max Schultze finally established the reformation of the cell
theory briefly sketched above, when by accurate study of the appearance
and the vital phenomena, and by means of numerous experiments, he
proved that the cell-substance of animals, the sarcode of Protozoa, and
the protoplasm of plants are identical, and that to this substance, for
which he retained the name protoplasm, all the vital phenomena of animals
and plants are referable in the ultimate analysis. The second important
modification concerns the changes of cells into tissues. These follow not
so much through changes of form and modification of the cells into the
tissue elements, as Schwann thought, but rather by means of chemical
changes. By means of its formative potentiality the protoplasm gives rise
to non-protoplasmic structural parts, as, for example, connective-tissue
fibrils, muscle fibrils, nerve fibres, etc. These give the various tissues their
specific character and perform their functions. The tissues also retain as
the source of life and formation the unemployed remnants of cells, the
connective-tissue corpuscles, muscle corpuscles, ete. We will now trace
out farther these two fundamental ideas in Max Schultze’s ‘protoplasm
theory,’ and thereby briefly sketch the elements of the modern theory of
Nature of the Cell.—The size of the animal cell varies to a
considerable degree; the smallest elements are the male sexual
cells, the spermatozoa, whose bodies, particularly in case of the
mammals, are even less than 0.003 mm.; the largest, on the other
hand, with the exception of the giant plasmodia of some
Mycetozoa, are the egg cells. The yolk of the bird’s egg, which
alone forms the egg in the narrower sense, apart from its coverings,
has for a time the morphological value of a cell, and in the case of
the ostrich egg may reach a diameter of several inches. The form
of the cell is hkewise variable. Free cells, whose form is not
determined by the environment, are usually spherical or oval in
the resting condition, as the egg cell shows; united into tissues,
the cells, on the contrary, may be pressed together into polygonal
or prismatic bodies, or may send out spindle- or star-shaped
branching processes.
Protoplasm.—So there is left to characterize the cell only the
constitution of its substance: the cell is a mass of protoplasm with
one or more nuclei. It is not known whether protoplasm is a
definite chemical body, which from its constitution is capable of
infinite variation, or whether it is a varying mixture of different
chemical substances. So, also, we are by no means certain whether
or not these substances (as one is inclined to believe) belong to
those other enigmatical substances, the proteids. We can only
say that the constitution of protoplasm must, with a certain degree
of homogeneity, have a very extraordinary diversity. For if we
see that from the egg of a dog there comes always and only a dog,
and indeed an animal with all his individual peculiarities, that a
sea-urchin’s egg, placed under the most diverse conditions, pro-
duces always a sea-urchin, that a species of amceba always performs
only the movements characteristic of that species, we must assume
that the functioning constituent part of this cell, the protoplasm,
has in each case its peculiarities. We are driven to the assumption
of an almost unlimited diversity of protoplasm, even if we concede
an impertant share in the prominent differences to the nucleus, of
which we shall speak later.
General Properties of Protoplasm.—The similarity of proto-
plasm, still recognizable through all its variations, expresses itself
in its appearance and in its vital phenomena. Under slight mag-
nification, protoplasm appears as a faintly-gray substance, some-
times colored yellowish, reddish, etc., by pigments taken up by
imbibition, in which numerous strongly-refracting granules are
embedded. The vital characteristics of this substance are move-
ment, irritability, power of assimilation and of reproduction.
By using higher powers a finer structure can be seen in the
protoplasmic substance, the ‘homogeneous protoplasm ’ of earher
writers. The nature of this is as yet in question: a fine-meshed
framework (filar substance, spongioplasm, cell reticulum) the
interstices of which are filled with other material (interfilar sub-
stance, enchylema, ground substance). The dispute les especially
around the question whether this framework is formed of threads
and trabecule or whether the appearance is not formed by small
chambers, bounded by fine partition-walls (foam structure of
Movement of Protoplasm.—Movement expresses itself first in
changes of form of the whole body—ameboid movement—and
secondly in the change of position
of the small granules in the interior
of the protoplasm—streaming of
granules. Examples of ameeboid
movement (fig. 16) are chiefly the
movements of many Protozoa, and
of the colorless blood-cells (leuco-
cytes) of multicellular animals;
here the protoplasmic body sends
out coarser and finer processes,
which may be again withdrawn,
serving for locomotion and hence
called pseudopodia or false feet.
The streaming of granules can be
observed in the interior of the cell-
body, as well as in the pseudopodia
Fic. 16. — Ameba proteus. (After extending from this. The pseudo-
Bees cis er eee podia may even be so fine as to be
Dns neles at the limits of visibility with our
strongest magnifications (fig. 17), yet in them it can still be
observed that the granules wander hither and thither like people
on a promenade, simultaneously centripetally and centrifugally,
some with greater, others with Jess speed. And yet the granules
are only passively moved by the protoplasm, for if we feed the
creature with some pigment granules, like finely-pulverized car-
mine, these granules show the same remarkable streaming. Indeed
nothing better illustrates the great complexity in the structure
of protoplasm than these extremely complicated phenomena of
motion in such narrow limits as pseudopodia in general.
Irritability of Protoplasm.—That ammboid movements and
streaming of granules can be induced, brought to a standstill, and
modified by mechanical, chemical, and thermal stimuli, is a sure
proof of the irritability of protoplasm. Most important are the
thermal stimuli; if the surrounding medium rise above the
Fia. 17.—Gromia oviformis.
(From Lang, after M. Schultze.)
ordinary temperature, the movements at first become more rapid
up to a maximum: from that point begins a slowing, finally coming
to a standstill.—eat-rigor. If the high temperature continue
much longer, or if it rise still higher, death results. The fatal
temperature is found for most animals between 40° and 50° C,
(104°-122° F.); its influence explains a part of the injurious
effects which high-fever temperatures have upon the human
organism. Like the heat-rigor, there is also a cold-rigor, induced
by a sharp sinking of the temperature below the normal. This
is accompanied by a gradual diminution of mobility; it results
in death by freezing, which is, however, not so easily produced as
death by heat. It is a remarkable fact that many animals, conse-
quently their cells, may be frozen; and in this condition can
endure still severer cold without dying. (For example: goldfish,
a temperature of — 8° to —15° C.; frogs, to — 28°; newts, to
= 26°),
Nutrition and Reproduction.—Irritability and power of motion
are the prerequisites of assimilation, the change of food-substance
into protoplasm. Most animal cells, for example almost all tissues
cells, are not suitable for studying assimilation, because they live
upon liquid nourishment. But certain cells of higher animals,
the colorless blood-cells, and most unicellular animals can be fed
also with solid substances; they take the food-particles into the
midst of the protoplasm by flowing around them with the pseudo-
podia. They extract all the assimilable and reject the indigestible
portions (fig. 16).
In the case of assimilation it is to be noted not only that the
cells use the food which they have taken for their own growth and
for replacing worn-out parts, but also that most of them have the
power of producing substances other than protoplasm; for
example, many Protozoa form organic shells or skeletons which
are hardened with silica or lime. This formative power, the
building of ‘plasmic products,’ 1s, as we shall shortly see, the
starting-point for tissue-formation.
Cell Nucleus.—The reproduction of protoplasmic bodies is
synonymous with the division of the cell: but to understand this
we must first consider the second important constituent, the
nucleus. This is a body enclosed in the protoplasm, whose form,
though definite for each kind of cell, shows in general wide varia-
tions. Usually it is a spherical or oval vesicle; but it may be
elongated or club-shaped, bent into a horseshoe, with constrictions
like a rosary, or even be branched, treelike (fig. 18); in many cells
it is disproportionally large, so that the protoplasm surrounds it
only with a thin layer, in others again it is so small that it can
scarcely be found in the protoplasm among the other substances.
Formerly, on this account, it was in very many cases overlooked,
and even now it can often be demonstrated only by great care,
Fig. 18.—Various forms of nuclei. a, horseshoe-shaped nucleus of an Acinete; I»
branching nucleus from the Malpighian vessel of a Sphinyid larva; c, rosary-
shaped nucleus of Stentor cwruleus.
and by employment of a special technique based upon the micro-
chemical reaction of the nuclear substance.
The Nuclear Substance,—The nuclear substance is distin-
guished from protoplasm, among other ways, by its greater
coagulability in certain acids, e.g., acetic and chromic, which
therefore are often used for demonstrating the nucleus. If ina
living cell the nucleus be invisible on account of the similarity of
its refraction to that of the protoplasm, the addition of 2% acetic
acid will often bring it into sharp contour.
Structure of the Nucleus.—In its minute structure the nucleus
affords a wonderful variety of pictures varying according to the
objects chosen, but which are not sufficiently understood to permit
of a single description accepted by all. According to their reac-
tions to stains two substances in particular are distinguished:
chromatin or nuclein (fig. 19, ch), which is easily stained by certain
staining-fluids (carmine, hematoxylon, saffranin), and the achroma-
tin or linin, which stains not at all or only under special conditions.
The achromatin forms a network or reticulum (according to
another view a honeycomb structure) filled with a nuclear fluid,
bounded externally by a nuclear membrane, easily isolated in large
nuclei. If little nuclear fluid be present, and the reticulum con-
sequently be coarse-meshed, the nucleus seems compact. If the
fluid be abundant, the nucleus appears vesicular. This is especially
Fic. 19.—Vesicular nuclei with achromatic reticulum and different arrangements of
the chromatin and nucleolar substance. p, plastin (nucleolar substance); ch,
chromatin; chp, chromatin plus plastin. land 2, nuclei of Actinospharium; 3,
of Ceratium hirundella (after Lauterborn); 4, germinal vesicle of Unio (after
Flemming); 5, nucleus with many chromatin nucleoli.
the case when the lines of the framework are separated by con-
siderable amounts of nuclear fluid (fig. 19, 4).
The chromatin enters into close relations with a less stainable
substance, the plastin or paranuclein (also sharply distinct from
achromatin). In the nuclei of Protozoa plastin and chromatin
are usually intimately united, the first forming a substratum in
which the latter is embedded (chp). The united substances
are most frequently closely and regularly distributed as fine gran-
wes on the reticulum, so that the entire nucleus appears uni-
formly chromatic (fig. 18). More rarely the mixture collects into
one or more special bodies, the chromatic nucleoli (7, 2). The
nucleolus is ordinarily a rounded body, more rarely branched
(fig. 19, 7).
In the nuclei of the Metazoa there may occur the same intimate
mixture of plastin and chromatin (6). As a rule, however, the
plastin (apparently not the whole, but a surplus) is separate from
the chromatin. Thus there occur in the nuclei of many eggs
nuclei which contain, the one chromatin, the other exclusively
plastin (4). In tissue cells only the plastin has the form of
nucieoli (true or chromatin-free nucleoli, 5), while the chromatin
is distributed on the nuclear reticulum (chromatin reticulum).
Somewhat the same may occur in the Protozoa (fig. 19, 2).
Significance of the Cell Nucleus.—For a long time the func-
tional significance of the nucleus in the cell was shrouded in
complete darkness, so that it began to be regarded, in comparison
with the protoplasm, as a thing of little importance. The evidence
that the nucleus plays the most prominent role in fertilization has
altered this conception. Then arose the view that the nucleus
determines the character of the cell; that the potentiality of the
protoplasm is influenced by the nucleus. If from the egg a definite
kind of animal develop, if a cell in the animal’s body assume a
definite histological character, we are, at the present time, inclined
to ascribe this to the nucleus. From this, then, it follows farther
that the nucleus ts also the bearer of heredity; for the transmission
of the parental characteristics to the children (a fact shown to us
by our daily experience) can only be accomplished through the
sexual cells of the parents, the egg and sperm cells. Again, since
the character of the sexual cells is determined by the nucleus, the
transmission in its ultimate analysis is carried on by the nucleus.
This idea has a further support in experiments on Protozoa. If
one of these unicellular animals be cut into nucleate and anucleate
halves, the latter sooner or later degenerates, the former persists
and regenerates the lost parts. Within the nucleus it is probably
the chromatin which controls the functions of the protoplasm and
is accordingly (as observations on fertilization also seem to show)
the bearer of heredity, while the achromatin is the seat of contrac-
tility, and as such plays a part in cell multiplication.
The Centrosome.—Besides the nucleus there frequently occurs
a special body in the protoplasm, the centrosome, which on
account of its small size and a behavior similar to achromatin
with reference to staining-fluids was long overlooked, and even
now its demonstration is difficult. It is apparently well distributed
among the Metazoa, but is absent from most Protozoa. In many
it appears only at certain times and then disappears. What 1s
known of it makes it probable that it is a derivative of the nucleus,
a part of the achromatin which has left the nucleus; in other cases
possibly a second nucleus which by degeneration has lost the
chromatin and retained only the active nuclear substance, the
achromatin. In its function the centrosome is a specific organ of
cell division which controls both the division of the nucleus and
that of the cell itself.
Multiplication of Cells.—Increase in cells occurs exclusively
by division or by budding (gemmaticn). Most common is binary
division in which a circular furrow appears on the surface of the
cell, deepens and cuts the cell into two equal parts. Multiple
division is more rare and can only occur in multinucleate cells,
Here the cell divides simultaneously into as many (sometimes
hundreds) daughter-cells as
there were nuclei present. In
all forms of division the simi-
larity of the products is char-
acteristic, while in budding the
resulting parts are unequal.
In budding one or more
smaller daughter-cells, the
buds, are constructed from a
a large mother-cell (fig. 20).
i Direct Cell Division. —
Every cell division is accom-
panied by nuclear division or
2 ee en ee Oe
Se pone UD. melons. ivision has previously oc-
curred. Direct and indirect
division are recognized. Direct division is most common in
Protozoa, and especially in nuclei with abundant chromatin (fig.
20, 145). The nucleus is elongated and is divided by constriction,
in the same way that the cell itself constricts. Since the proto-
plasm has no special arrangement with regard to the dividing
nucleus (the latter besides protected by its membrane), we must
conclude that the nucleus divides itself and is not passively
divided. The dividing force resides in the achromatic framework,
which correspondingly often exhibits a certain arrangement, a
fibrous structure in the direction of the elongating nucleus.
Indirect Cell Division, Karyokinesis.—Indirect cell division,
karyokinesis or mitosis, is most beautifully shown in cells, poor in
chromatin, which possess a centrosome. The process is introduced
by a division of the centrosome (fig. 21). The daughter centro-
somes migrate to two opposite poles of the nucleus, which now
loses its membrane and becomes the nuclear spindle. The
characteristics of the spindle are that it is drawn out into points
at two poles which are indicated by the position of the centro-
somes, while from these poles fine threads, the spindle-fibres,
run to the centre or equator of the
nucleus. These fibres are in many
cases certainly derived from the
achromatic nuclear reticulum, while
in others a greater or less part in
their formation is taken by the
os Length (a) of
8b the worm Character | Occurrence
Head 2s Uterus and (h) of the oO )
E i ripe Cysticercus | Cysticercus
Ze proglottids
2 ie Ea In pigs, occa-
5 te Tpstel- sionally in
5 circle of S Each side a. 10 feet, 6-20 mm., muscles,
B hooks |with7-9large| bh. 9-11 mm. with brain, and
3 | 6 in 2 rows): S branched long, 6-7mm.! abundant eyes of man,
2 4-weak || @ pouches broad fluid nace iy in
& suckers | tiamimals
rtIn, 4 Each side _ |a. 20 to 25 feet |
3 3 pa ea copa : s with 20-30 and more, 4-8 mm.,
as 4 ‘Strate " | delicate little | b. 18-20mm. | tough, with | Cattle
a2 eer eae Ss branched long, 5-7 little fluid |
a iN pouches mm. broad |
Many other Tenice, which are common to other mammals, occur occa-
sionally in the human intestine. In mice and rats occur T. (Hymenolepis)
murina and T. diminuta (= leptocephala). The first (identical with 7.
nana) has recently been very abundant in human intestines in Italy. The
worm, an inch or two long, may occur in thousands and cause severe in-
jury. This species may develop without an intermediate host; the eggs
taken into the stomach pass the cysticercoid stage in its walls and thence
to the intestine to become adult. 7. diminuta (= flavopunctata), which
has insects for its intermediate host, has been described from man. Other
species occur in the tropics.
B. Forms passing the cysticercus stage in man. Besides the eysticercus
cellulose of TZ. soliwm that of T. acanthotrias
(possibly identical with TZ. soliwm) has been
found in man, More frequent and of more im-
portance to the physician is the cysticercus of
Tenia echinococcus (fig. 253), which lives as an
adult in the dog, and is easily overlooked on ac-
count of its size. It is at most 5 mm. (4 inch) long
and consists of a scolex and three or four pro-
glottids. The scolex bears four suckers and hooks
on the rostellum. When the eggs are taken into
the human stomach, as may easily happen by
stroking and kissing infected dogs, the embryos
are set free and wander into liver, lungs, brain,
or other organs and produce here tumors which,
in the case of the liver, may weigh ten or even
thirty pounds. This extraordinary size is ex-
plained by the formation of daughter bladders
eee and their sco- (eghinococeus) deseribed above. Echinococei are
more common in cattle, sheep, and swine than in man.
Common Tani of domestic animals are in the horse Anoplocephala
plicata (4 to 80 inches), A. perfoliata ($ to 8 inches), A. mamillana (4 to
Fia. 253.—Tenia _echinococ-
cus. (After Leuckart.)
Right sexually mature;
left a part of an echino-
coccus with two brood
2 inches); in ruminants, J/oniezia expansa (usually 7 feet, sometimes 30
feet or more), often fatal, JL denticulata (1 to 5 feet), the most common
tapeworm of cows; in dogs, Tenia marginata (cysticercus in sheep and
swine), 7’. serrata (cysticercus in rabbits), 7. echinococcus (above), T. ca-
nurus (cysticercus in brain of sheep, causing the disease called ‘stag-
gers’), Dipylidium cucumerina (most common, larva in the dog-louse,
Trichodectes); in the cat, Tenia crassicollis (cysticercus in mice). Several
species occur in domestic birds, one (Drepanidotenta infundibuliformis),
causing epidemics among chickens,
Class IV. Nemertini.
Most nemerteans are of appreciable size, some reaching a length
of a yard or more (Lineus longissimus 90 feet !), and yet they are
so contractile that a specimen of our Cerebratulus lacteus, which
can extend itself to fifteen feet, can retract to two. Nemerteans
are rare in fresh water or moist earth, but are most abundant in the
sea, where they burrow through the mud or lie rolled up beneath
stones. Many are noticeable for their bright colors. Their system-
atic position is a problem. Frequently they are included in the
Plathelminthes, but the presence of an anus, of distinct vascular
system, and the higher organization in other respects renders such
a position doubtful.
Like some flatworms they have a solid parenchyma bounded
externally by a ciliated ectoderm rich in mucus cells, and inside
this at least two muscular layers, which, when but two are pres-
ent, are an outer circular and an inner longitudinal layer. They
differ from all other Plathelminthes in having a complete
Fie. 254.—Diagram of Nemertean (orig.). b, brain; ¢, ciliated pit; d, dorsal nerve
trunk; di, dorsal blood-vessel; gc, gastric cw#ca; i, intestine; 1, lateral nerve
trunk; Iv, lateral blood-vessel; », proboscis retracted ; pnt, proboscis muscles ;
pn, protonephridial tube; po, its opening ; ps, cavity of proboscis sheath.
alimentary tract, beginning with a ventral anterior mouth and
continuing as a straight tube, with, usually, paired diverticula, to
the vent at the posterior end of the body (fig. 254).
Especially diagnostic is the proboscis, which hes dorsal to the
alimentary tract and usually opens separate from the mouth. The
proboscis is a muscular tube closed at
one end and at rest is infolded like
the finger of a glove inside a closed sac,
the proboscis sheath, which extends far
back in the body. Its tip is bound to
the posterior end of the sheath by
retractor muscle. By contraction of
the sheath the proboscis is everted,
while it may be retracted again by the
muscle. Nettle cells are not uncom-
mon in the proboscis wall, while in some
forms (the older Enopla) the effective-
ness of the organ is increased by the
presence of a dart-like stylet at the
tip (reserve stylets occur on either side,
fig. 255), and at the base of the stylet
is the opening of a poison sac.
The blood-vascular system consists
of a pair of lateral tubes connected by
transverse loops, and in most forms a
third tube is present lying between the
intestine and the proboscis sheath.
The excretory system consists of two
tubes lying close beside the lateral blood-
Fig. 255 bid. 2ov.
Fie, 255.—Young Tetrastemma obscurum. (From Hatschek, after M. Schultze.) a, anus;
cc, dorsal commissure; ey, cerebral ganglia; f, ciliated grooves; i, digestive tract;
lv, lateral, mv, dorsal hlood- vessel; neph, Ww ater- vascular tubes; nl, lateral nerve;
ac, eye spot; or, proboscis pore; 7, ‘probosci is; r,, glandular hinder por
is; rm, retractor of proboscis: st, sty lets: *, opening of excretory
—Pilidium larva. (From Lang, after Salensky.) es, invaginations which
late r give rise to the nemertine skin; im, oral lobes; md, archenteron; rn, ring
nerve; sp, apical plate; st, esophagus; my ciliated band.
vessels and connecting with branches terminating in flame cells,
while they open separately to the exterior by one or several open-
The central nervous system (in some forms still in the ectoderm)
consists of a supracesophageal brain of a paired ganglia, from which
nerves run to the proboscis and two lateral cords united on the
ventral side by numerous transverse commissures. Connected
with the brain, either directly or by means of a short nerve, are the
cerebral organs or ciliated grooves, pits placed on the sides of the
head. These, formerly regarded as respiratory, are now considered
sense organs. ‘Tactile organs and simple eyes are widely distrib-
uted; otocysts are very rare.
As arule the nemertines are dicecious, the gonads forming a row
of lateral sacs, alternating with the intestinal blind sacs and open-
ing dorsally. The development is sometimes direct, but usually
a metamorphosis occurs in which a larva, the pilidium (or a
reduced form of it, Desor’s larva), appears. The pilidium is a
gelatinous helmet-shaped larva with right and left below a pair of
lappets (fig. 256). The margins of lappets and helmet are ciliated,
while at the top a bundle of longer cilia project from a thick-
ened patch of ectoderm, the apical plate, which apparently func-
tions as a central nervous organ. Inside is the simple cxcal arch-
enteron, the mouth (blastopore) opening between the lappets.
By a complicated process of growth and infolding this mesenteron
becomes enclosed in its own skin, produced from four inpushings
(es); an anus is formed, and at the time of metamorphosis the
worm thus produced escapes from the rest of the pilidium, which
quickly dies.
Order I. Protonemertini.
Nervous system outside the muscles; no stylets in the proboscis; mouth
behind brain. Carinella.*
Order II. Mesonemertini.
Nervous system in the muscles; mouth behind brain; no stylets.
Order III. Metanemertini.
Nervous system in the parenchyma inside the muscles, mouth in
front of brain; proboscis as a rule with stylets. Geonemertes * and some
species of Zetrastemma,* terrestrial. Amphiporus* (numerous eyes),
Nectonemertes.* DMalacobdella,* leech-like with posterior sucker, parasitic
in lamellibranchs.
Order IV. Heteronemertini.
Body wall with several muscular layers, the nervous system in the
muscles; mouth behind brain; proboscis unarmed. Linews,* Micrura,* and
Cerebratulus * (Meckelia) on our coast, with cerebral organs. Zupolia.
Summary of Important Facts.
1. The PLATHELMINTHES are bilateral animals of flattened
form whose nervous system consists of a supracesophageal ganglion
and lateral nerve trunks; the excretory system of branched water-
vascular tubes (protonephridia).
2. The TURBELLARIA are the most primitive; the Trematoda
and Cestoda have descended from them.
3. The Turbellaria are ciliated externally. They have no anus
and no circulatory system. The digestive tract consists of ectoder-
mal pharynx and entodermal stomach, the latter many-branched
in the Polyclads, with three main branches in the 7iclads, and
rod-like in the Rhabdoceles.
4. Polyclads and Triclads are often united under the name
5. In the parasitic TREMATODA the cilia are entirely lost or
confined to the larval stages. Jlooks and suckers are present for
attachment to the host; several in the ectoparasitic forms; only
one or two suckers in the internal parasites.
6. In the Distomige there occur heterogony and alternation of
hosts. From the egg arises a sporocyst, always parasitic in mol-
luses, from the parthenogenetic eggs of which develop cercarix
which become encysted Distomiz in the second host, sexual Di-
stomiz in the third.
7. Best known of the Distoma are D. hepaticum and D.
lanceolatum (rare in man, common in sheep) and D. hematobium
in the portal vein of man in warm climates.
8. The Cestopa are characterized by the entire absence of
digestive tract, and usually by the existence of scolex and pro-
9. The scolex is the organ of attachment, and as such is pro-
vided with suckers and frequently with hooks. It also produces
the proglottids by terminal budding.
10. The proglottids contain an hermaphroditic sexual apparatus.
11. The eggs produce a six-hooked embyro which must pass
into an intermediate host. This is accomplished either by taking
the eggs in passively with the food, or the embryo must pass into
the water, where it infects fishes.
12. The embryo, in the intermediate host, becomes encysted
and changes directly to a scolex (pleurocercoid) or into a bladder
‘worm (cysticercus) which produces internally one or more scolices.
13. The scolex is freed from its cyst when taken along with
food into the stomach of the proper host, and then acquires the
capacity of development into a tapeworm.
14. In man occur as cysticerci Tenia echinococcus (adult in
dog) and 7. solium; as adults Tenia solium (cysticercus in pigs),
T. saginata (eysticercus in cattle), and Bothriocephalus latus
(pleurocercoid in fish).
15. The NemMERTINI are distinguished by a complete alimentary
canal with anus, and a proboscis dorsal to the digestive tract.
The aquatic wheel animalcules, or Rotatoria, are among the
smallest Metazoa, and can be distinguished from the Infusoria,
which they resemble in habits, only by the microscope. The body
is divisible into three regions, head, trunk, and tail. The trunk
is covered by a tough cuticle into which head and tail can be
Fic. 257.—Diagram of rotifer. (After Delage et Herouard.) }, brain; fc, flame cell;
qy, gastric gland; i, intestine: m, mastax; ov, ovary; py, pedal gland; pr, pulsat-
ing vesicle of excretory system; s, stomach.
retracted. The tail or ‘foot’ is often composed of rings which can
be telescoped into each other and which by their superficial resem-
blance to segmentation formerly led to the association of the roti-
fers with the Arthropoda. The last tail ring often bears a pair of
pincer-like stylets which together with adhesive glands enable the
animal to adhere to objects. The head has the most delicate
cuticle and is expanded in front to a trochal disc, an apparatus of
varying appearance, which is surrounded by a ring of cilia of use in
swimming and also in directing food to the ventral mouth. The
alimentary canal consists of @sophagus, mastax (chewing stomach),
glandular stomach, and intestine; all except the mastax cilated.
The mastax bears two chitinous jaws (trophi), which in life are in
constant motion and comminute the food. The cerebral ganglion
lies above the wsophagus, with which simple eyes and peculiar sense
organs, the cervical tentacles, are frequently connected. The
usually single ovary and the paired protonephridia empty into the
posterior part of the alimentary canal, which thus becomes cloacal
in character. For a long time males were unknown until Dal-
rymple discovered that these are much rarer and smaller ‘dwarf
Fie. 258.—Brachionus urceolaris. A,female with four eggs in various stages; B, male;
C, ‘flame’ from protonephridia, greatly enlarged; b, urinary bladder; ¢, cloacal
opening; d, gastric glands; g, ganglion, with eye; h, testis; k, mastax: m,
stomach; 0, ovary; p, penis; t, tentacle; w, protonephridia.
males,’ and that they have a much simpler structure (fig. 258, /).
Usually the alimentary tract is reduced to a solid cord in which the
testes are imbedded.
The Rotifers have two kinds of eggs, large winter eggs enclosed
ina thick shell and smaller thin-shelled summer eggs. ‘The latter
develop parthenogenetically and by their numbers and rapid
growth subserve the distribution of the species. The winter eggs
require fertilization, and have a long resting period, thus serving
to tide over periods of cold or drought. The adult animals can
withstand a certain amount of desiccation; and they are often
found in damp moss or in eave troughs in a sort of sleep from
which they are awakened by water.
In structure the Rotifiers are much like the trochophore type of
embryo of annelids and molluscs to be described later. They must hence
be regarded as extremely primitive forms, connected at once with the
ancestors of these groups, and, as shown by nervous system and excre-
tory organs, with the flatworms as well. Most species are cosmopolitan
and inhabitants of fresh water. Many species in America. Near the
Rotifera may be placed the fresh-water GASTROTRICHA (Ichthydium,
Chetonotus) and the marine ECHINODERID A, forms which are little
The Colhelminthes are distinguished from all the forms which
have gone before by the presence of a body cavity, separating the
outer body wall from the intestine. This cavity is the celom, but
whether it be homologous in different groups, e.g. nematodes and
annelids, is not settled. The body muscles are developed from the
Fie. 259.—Section of Ascaris lumbricordes through the pharyngeal bulb; beside ita
bit of the body wall more enlarged. c¢, cuticle; d, dorsal line; h, hypodermis; m,
longitudinal muscle; n, nucleus of muscle cell; p, muscle cell; s, lateral line;
v, ventral line; w, excretory canal.
outer (parietal) epithelial wall of the celom and hence are ‘ epi-
thelial musele cells’ (figs. 259, 260). The excretory organs con-
nect the body cavity with the outer world and hence are nephridia
(earlier called segmental organs, cf. fig. 69). Internally they begin
with a ciliated funnel, the nephrostome, and continue as long coiled
tubes expanding just before the outer end to a kind of bladder.
The sexual apparatus is simple. The gonads (fig. 260, 0) are
specialized parts of the cwlomic epithelium and their products are
usually carried to the exterior by the nephridia (more rarely by
special ducts), so that here, as in vertebrates, we can speak of a
urogenital system. A closed blood system is now present, now
UNUM EustAt hae:
Fia. 260.—Transverse section of Sagitta bipunctata and a bit of the body wall more
enlarged. (After O. Hertwig.) c, celom; ed, entoderm; df, splanchnic meso-
thelium; ¢, epidermis; m, somatic mesoderm (muscles and epithelium); 0, ovary.
absent. Little in general can be said of the nervous system:
details will be given in connexion with the separate classes.
Class I. Chetognathi.
These marine forms, a half to two inches long, perfectly trans-
parent, are well adapted to serve as an introduction to the celomate
worms. They live at the surface of the sea, preying on other ani-
mals, and from their shapes and rapid motions deserve the name
Sagitta —arrow—given some forms. The animals swim by means
of horizontal fins, one surrounding the tail and one or two pairs
on the sides of the trunk (fig. 261). On either side of the mouth
is a lobe bearing strong bristles used in seizing prey (Cheto-
gnathi, bristle-jaw). Internally the body is divided into three
segments, head, trunk, and tail, by transverse septa which divide
the celom into corresponding parts. Each segment of the ce-
Jom again is divided into right and left halves by a mesentery
(fig. 260), supporting the straight intestine, running lengthwise
through it. The intestine terminates at the anus at the end of the
trunk segment.
The nervous system is entirely ectodermal. In the head is a
pair of fused cerebral ganglia (fig. 262), in the trunk segment a
large ventral ganglion, and these are connected
by long esophageal commissures. Of interest,
because characteristic of nematodes and many
annelids, are the relations of the musculature,
which consists of longitudinal fibres alone.
The body cavity is lined with epithelium (fig.
260), which, so far as it abuts against the ali-
mentary tract, is called splanchnic (or visceral)
mesoderm; that on the side of the celom to-
wards the ectoderm is the somatic mesoderm.
The muscles arise from the latter layer and are
divided into four fields, right and left dorsal,
right and left ventral. The sex cells also arise
from the epithelium of the celom, the eggs
in the trunk segment, the sperm in the tail.
The eggs are carried to the exterior by special
ducts. The sperm-forming cells early lose
their connexion with the epithelium, fall into
the celom, where they develop the spermato-
zoa. These are carried out by canals which
by their relations to the celom recall the ne-
phridia of the annelids.
Fia. 261. Fig, 262.
Fie. 261.—Sagitta heraptera, ventral view. (After O. Hertwig.) a, anus; bg, ventral
ganglion; d, intestine; fl, fin; ho, testes; m, mouth; ov, ovary; ovd, oviduct: sh,
seminal vesicle; sc, cesophageal commissure; s/l, tail fin; sl, sperm; wo, female
opening. 7 ;
Fia. 262.—Head of Sagitta bipunctata, dorsal view. (After O. Hertwig.) an, nerve
to au, eye: g, brain; gh, bristles; rn, nerves to ro, olfactory organs; sc, esophageal
The development of Sagitta is significant from two points of view.
The archenteron (fig. 108) is divided by lateral folds into an unpaired
middle portion and two paired lateral chambers ; the first is the defini-
tive digestive tract, the latter the anlagen of the cwlomic diverticula.
In other words the ccelom is an outgrowth from the archenteron, @.e. is an
enteroceele. Second: The gonads are derived from a pair of cells in the
primitive entoderm, which later are carried into the ccelomic walls. Hence
each divides into anterior and posterior cells, the anterior developing
into the ovary, the posterior into testes. Hence here the male and female
sex cells are beyond doubt descendants of a common mother cell.
The few species of Cheetognathi are arranged in two or three genera,
of which Sagitta, represented on our coasts by S. elegans,* is best known.
Class II. Nemathelminthes.
Like the flatworms, the roundworms are characterized by their
shape, they being thread-like or cylindrical animals whose form is
the result of the existence of a body cavity in which the viscera are
so loosely held that on cutting through the muscular body wall
they will fall out (fig. 259). Since the Nemathelminthes share this
celom with most annelids, the distinction between the two rests
largely upon negative characters, the roundworms lacking the
segmentation of the body cavity and the corresponding ringing or
annulation of the body wall. To the Nemathelminthes belong
three orders, much alike in habits and appearance but differing
considerably in structure. Of these the most important are the
Order I. Nematoda.
The nematoda contain numerous species of thread-shaped
worms varying from 0.001 to 1.0 metre in length, many of
which, through their wide distribution as parasites in plants,
animals, and man, possess special interest. The outer surface is
covered by a tough cuticle secreted by the underlying hypodermis
(fig. 259), a layer corresponding to epithelium and cutis, which in
cross-section shows, median and lateral, four thickenings, the
dorsal, ventral, and lateral lines. In the lateral lines run the excre-
tory vessels, two longitudinal canals which are united near the head
by a transverse vessel opening on the ventral surface by an unpaired
porus excretorius to the exterior. They are related to the celom
by two giant cells on either side which send processes into the
body cavity. These lateral and median lines divide the muscles
(here only longitudinal) into four fields, asin Chetognaths. These
muscles are parts of the somatic epithelium, a layer of vesicular
cells which by their size (fig. 259) so encroach upon the celom
that scarce space is left for the alimentary canal and reproductive
organs. ), muscular layer; c, cuticle; d, parenchyma; e, s, muscles and mesenteries: g,
aentary canal; 4, nervous system.
Family 5. Finarmp#®. These are extremely elongate, hair-like worms.
Their best-known representative is Dracunculus medinensis, the guinea
worm (the female about a yard long, and about as large as stout packing
twine), which produces a sickness known to the Greeks as dracontiasis. It
forms abscesses beneath the skin in which the worm is coiled up. The em-
bryos break through the wall of the mother and must enter the water and
penetrate a small crustacean, Cyclops. It is apparently introduced into
the human system by swallowing the crustacea with drinking water. The
worm has recently been found in the tropics of America.
A second species is Filaria sanguinis hominis, the adults of which—
3 to 6 inches long—live in the lymphatic glands of man, while the young
escape into the blood, often in immense numbers. They often escape
through the kidneys, where they produce serious disturbance (albuminuria,
hematuria). There is possibly a connexion between them and elephanti-
asis. The intermediate host is apparently the mosquito. As yet they are
known only in the tropics. Other species occur in man and other animals.
Family 6. MerMITHID«%. Elongate nematodes with six oral papille.
They live in the body cavity of insects and pass into damp earth, where they
become sexually mature. They share with the Gordiacea the common
name ‘ hairworms.’? Jfermis.*
Order II. Gordiacea.
The hairworms resemble the nematodes in general appearance, but
differ greatly in structure. The body cavity
has both splanchnic and somatic epithelium ;
the intestine is supported by mesenteries; there
is an csophageal nerve ring and unpaired ven-
tral nerve cord, and the female genitalia enter
the cloaca. The adults live in water, where
they lay their eggs; the larve live in insects,
there being in some cases at least an alterna-
tion of hosts. These (and the Mermithide) are
popularly believed to be horse hairs changed
into worms. Gordius,* Chordodes.*
Near the Gordiacea must be mentioned the
marine WVectonema,* the young stages of which
are apparently passed in the mosquito.
Order III. Acanthocephala.
The species of spine-headed worms live in the
alimentary canal of vertebrates. In appearance
they resemble the Ascaride (p. 301), but are easily
distinguished by the proboscis, which may be re-
tracted by muscles and exserted by contraction of
the muscular body wall. This proboscis bores into
the intestinal wall and is held in place by numer-
ous retrorse hooks (fig. 271). In internal anatomy
the entire absence of an alimentary canal marks
them off from Nematodes and Gordiacea, as also the
peculiar structure of the reproductive organs and
a closed vascular system in the body wall which
extends into two sacs, the lemnisci, lying beside
the proboscis sheath. The unpaired ganglion lies
on the proboscis sheath between the lemnisci. An
Fra. 271.—-Male Echinorhyn- Intermediate host occurs in development, the larva
rect at aeons see, living in an arthropod. Thus the larva of Echin-
de, seminal vesicle; dr, orhynchus (Gigantorhychus) gigas* of the pig
ene en lives in the larva of the ‘June bug’ (Jfelolontha),
Se s oe * that of 2. proteus of European fresh-water fishes
r, proboscis; rs, proboscis in crustacea. One species, E. hominis, is ex-
sheath; ©. testes; vd, Vas >
Ee tal tremely rare in man.
Class III. Annelida.
The segmentation of the body, which was shown ina slight de-
gree in the Chetognathi, reaches its highest development in the
Fic, 272.—Diagram of annelid somites (orig.). am, acicular muscles; c, ccelom: cm,
circular muscles ; cv, circular blood-vessels; d, dorsal blood-vessel; i, intestine ;
dn, longitudinal muscles; m, mesentery; x, nerve cord; na, nephridium; ne, nv,
neuro- and notopodia, forming parapodium; s, septum; so, somatopleure; sp,
splanchnopleure; t, typhlosole.
Annelids, where it appears both in the outer ringing of the body
and in the arrangement of the most important systems of organs—
metameric arrangement of excretory organs, nervous system, blood-
WS |i
Fig. 273.—Trochophore (Loven’s larva) of Polygordius. (From Hatschek.) 4, anus;
dLM, dorsal muscles; £D, hind gut: J, stomach; Jj, intestine: Msfr, mesoderma
band; 1, nerves; Neph, protonephridia; O, mouth; Oe, esophagus; oeLM, cesopha-
geal muscle; SP, apical plate; vLM, ventral muscle; vLN, lateral nerve; Wkr, wkr,
pre- and post-oral zones of cilia; WS, apical cilia; wz, adoral cilia.
vessels—internal segmentation. To this is added an extraordinary
increase in number of body segments (somites, metameres), which
can far exceed a hundred. We can thus define the Annelids as
worms with colom and with external and internal segmentation.
In the development there frequently occurs a type of larva, the
trochophore, which must be referred to here, since it is of great
morphological significance, resembling in structure the rotifers
and recalling the larva of the molluscs and to a less extent that of
the echinoderms. It is (fig. 273) a gelatinous body traversed by an
alimentary canal with fore-, mid-, and hind-gut regions. At first
it is everywhere ciliated, but with advance of development the
cilia become restricted to certain thickened tracts of epithelium,
the ciliated bands. One of these, the preoral band, is especially
constant. It runs circularly (]4r) around the body, surrounding
a circular prestomial area, in the centre of which is the anlage of
the cerebral ganglia, a thickened patch (apical plate) of ectoderm,
often bearing a tuft of cilia. Other ciliated bands (post-oral,
perianal) often occur. Of internal organs, besides numerous
muscle fibres, the most noticeable are the excretory organs, true
protonephridia, which open to the exterior either side below. The
trochophore in some respects resembles the larve of some Turbel-
laria (fig. 231) and Nemertines (fig. 256), showing that the annelids
are related to these groups.
The above account applies most closely to the Chetopoda and
the closely related Archianellida. In other forms one or more
features may be lacking—in the Gephyraa segmentation of the
body; in the Hirudinei most of the celom and the trochophore.
Yet these are so closely related that they must be included under
the common head; the missing
characters have been lost during
evolution. ,
Sub Class I. Chetopoda.
These, like the Nematoda, are
cylindrical worms, but are at once
distinguished by the segmenta-
tion. Deep circular constrictions
(fig. 274) bound the somites ex-
ternally. Internally the cclom
is divided by the septa—delicate
double membranes which extend
eae ptr in er end from the ectoderm to the alimen-
and Jung.) 1, first segment with Baie VA = ae ‘ r ahe
mouth and prostomium; 15, male tary canal—into as many cham
sexual opening; 33-37, clitellum. bers as there are metameres, while
a longitudinal mesentery, also double, separates the ccelomic
pouches of the right side from those of the left (figs. 275 and
272). The alimentary canal also shows distinctions; for while it
differs greatly in the various species, it has constantly a terminal
anus, while the mouth is ventral and is overhung by the preoral
segment, the prostomium.
Nervous system, blood-vessels, and excretory organs are influ-
enced by the segmentation. The nervous system is built on the
ladder plan. It begins with asupracesophageal ganglion (‘ brain ’)
lying in the prostomium, from which the esophageal commissures
pass around the esophagus to form the ventral chain, which con-
sists of as many pairs of ganglia, united by longitudinal commis-
# |
“oA \\\\I ETT
Fic. 275.—Anterior end of Nais elinguis. h, cerebrum, connected by commissure with
ventral chain, n; dy, contractile dorsal, vg, ventral blood-vessel; m, muscular
mee A of skin; db, vb, dorsal and ventral chet; d, septa; k, prostomium; 0,
sures, as there are somites present. These ganglia of the ventral
chain are closely similar, since the segmentation of the body is
homonymous. There is but the slightest division of labor among
the somites, and hence they differ but slightly among themselves.
The prostomium always bears tactile organs and frequently eyes,
which in many marine forms are highly developed, with lens,
vitreous body, and retina. Otocysts are rare, but occur in diverse
species. Ciliated pits (olfactory) occur on the head, goblet organs
(taste) on head and trunk, and, lastly, lateral organs, sensory struc-
tures of unknown function, may be metamerically arranged.
The blood-vessels are most frequently represented by two main
trunks which frequently (as in earthworms) contain blood colored
red by hemoglobin. One trunk runs dorsal, the other ventral,
to the intestine, the two being connected by vessels (figs. 272, 276)
in each segment. The blood passes forward in the dorsal vessel,
backwards in the ventral. It is propelled by contractile portions
of the vessels; usually the dorsal vessel pulsates, but, as in the earth-
worms, certain of the circular vessels in the anterior part of the
body may function as hearts (fig. 276, c). Rarely, as in the
Capitellidx, circulatory organs may be lacking.
The excretory organs (nephridia) were formerly known as
‘segmental organs,’ since they occur in pairs in each segment.
These supplant the embryonic protonephridia; each consists of an
internal ciliated funnel, the nephrostome, a more or less conyo-
¢ oe dg ly “ pr st ae
Fic. 276.—Anterior end of Pontodrilus marionis. (After Perrier.) a, vasculararches;
b, ventral nerve chain; ¢, ‘hearts’; co, esophageal commissure; dg, dorsal blood-
vessel; ds, septa; gc, cerebrum; l, retractors of pharynx; lg, lateral blood-vessel:
0, Ovary; 0€, @sophagus; Dp, receptacula seminis; ph, pharynx; pt, ciliated
funnels of vas deferens; s, nephridia; vd, vas deferens,
es Teepe
ou 4
m up bm
Fie. 277.—Schematic cross-section of an annelid. (After Lang.) ac, aciculum; ),
cheetee ; bm, ventral nerve cord; dc, dorsal cirrus: dp, notopodium,; ky, gill: Im,
longitudinal muscles; md, digestive tract; mp, nephridium; ov, ovary; rm, circu-
lar muscles; tm, transverse muscles; tr, nephrostome; vc, ventral cirrus; vd, vv,
dorsal and ventral blood-vessels; vp, neuropodium.
luted tube, and the external opening (fig. 69). In many instances
(Oligochetes, some Polychvtes) the nephrostome is in one somite,
the external opening in the succeeding. The nephridia also usually
serve as genital ducts, carrying away the reproductive cells, which
always arise from the ccelomic epithelium. In the Oligocheta
(fig. 286), besides the nephridia in the genital segments special
oviducts and vasa deferentia occur which are usually regarded as
modified nephridia.
Of the many modifications of nephridia only a few can be noticed here.
Occasionally there may be more than one pair in a somite, or they may
have more than one nephrostome. Again, they may be lacking from more
or fewer somites. In many Oligochztes they may empty into the anterior
or posterior ends of the digestive tract. In many (@lycera, Hesione,
Nephthys, Gontada) the internal ends of the nephridia are branched,
the branches being closed by ‘ solenocytes,’ tubular cells bearing an internal
bundle of cilia.
In many marine annelids there occurs a metamorphosis in which
pelagic larve occur. These, in spite of their many modifications,
are comparable with the ‘ Loven’s larva,’ the trochophore already
mes a
Pra. 278.—4, larva of Polygordius; B, same changing to segmented worm. (After
Hatschek.) a, anus; kn, excretory organ; mes, segmented mesoderm.
described (p. 306). The differences largely consist of modifica-
tions of the ciliary apparatus; the number of bands may be
increased (polytroche larva), or a single band may occur at the
middle (mesotroche) or at the end (telotroche) of the body. The
larva becomes a segmented worm by the hinder end of the larva
growing out and dividing into segments (fig. 278). In this
jointed portion the celom arises as a new formation, divided from
the first into separate chambers. The nephridia also arise de
novo, independent of the protonephridial system, which is often
called head kidney because the chief part of the trochophore forms
the head of the adult.
The fresh-water annelids develop directly, but the embryos pos-
sess a reminiscence of an earlier larval life in that the head lobes are
very apparent and contain protonephridia, which leads to the con-
clusion that these animals earlier hada metamorphosis. From the
resemblance of the trochophore to the Rotifera the farther conclu-
sion is drawn that the annelids have descended from Rotifer-lke
ancestors, the body cavity, nephridia, blood-vessels, and veutral
nerve chain being new formations.
Besides sexual reproduction many fresh-water and marine
species may reproduce asexually, this being rendered possible by
the great homonymy of the segmentation. By rapid growth at
the hinder end as well as at a more anterior budding zone numer-
ous somites are formed which separate in groups from the parent
to form young worms. In some cases the formation of new somites
Fig. 279.—Budding in Myrianida. (After Milne-Edwards.) The sequence of letters
shows the ages of the individuals.
may take place more rapidly than the separation, the result being
chains of worms (fig. 279).
By a combination of sexual and asexual reproduction a typical alter-
nation of generations occurs, the origin of which receives light from the
following facts: In many polychewtes which reproduce exclusively by the
sexual process the sexless slowly-moving young (atoke) at sexual ma-
turity becomes so altered in appearance as to have been described under
another name. It becomes very active in its movements, and the hinder
somites, which contain the sexual organs, develop special bristles and para-
podia (fig. 284, 4). Thus many species of Wereis pass into the ‘ Hetero-
nereis’ stage. In other Polychzetes the sexual part (epitoke) separates
from the sexless atoke portion and swims freely, while the atoke produces
new epitokes. In the Samoan Islands Hunice viridis reproduces in this
way, the epitokes coming to the surface at certain times in incredible
numbers, forming the ‘palolo worm,’ a delicacy in the Samoan diet. In
still other species the epitoke regenerates the head and thus becomes an
independent generation. Syllis and Heterosyllis are thus related. The
Autolytide furnish the most complication. Here the atoke, by budding
as in Myrianida, fig. 279) forms chains of dimorphic individuals which
later separate. The individuals of male chains were formerly described as
‘ Polybostrichus,’ the females as ‘ Sacconereis.’ This same homonymy ex-
plains the regenerative powers of many worms. Thus if certain earth-
worms be cut in two, they will continue to live and will reproduce the lost
Another important character of the Chetopoda is the posses-
sion of bristles or chat. These arise in special follicles, simgly
or several in a bunch, of which usually there are four—right and
left, dorsal or lateral and ventral—in each somite. Each follicle
(fig. 280) is a sac of epithelum opening on the surface and having
at the base a special cell for the development of each bristle. The
developed bristles project from the follicle and, moved by appro-
Fig. 280.—Arrangement of a bristle in an Oligochete. (After Vejdowski.) ¢, epithe-
lium; rm, Um, circular and longitudinal muscles; m, muscle of the follicle; by,,
cheta follicle, its chwta in function; b., follicle for replacement, the formative
cell at its base.
priate muscles, form small levers of use in locomotion. Their
numbers, shape, and support are of much systematic importance.
Order I. Polychete.
The Polychxtw owe their name to the fact that each group of
bristles contains many chete; but more important is that the
bristles of each side are supported by a fleshy outgrowth of the
somite, the parapodium, in which two portions corresponding to the
bunches of bristles—dorsal, notopodium; ventral, neuropodium
—may be recognized (fig. 281). This is the first appearance of
Fig. 281.—A, head with protruded pharynx; 8, parapodium of Nereis versipedata.
(After Ehlers.) ¢, cirri; k, jaws; l, head with eyes; p, palpi; t, tentacles.
true appendages, but they differ from those of Arthropoda in
that they are not jointed to the body nor jointed in themselves.
On the dorsal surface may occur diverse outgrowths, known, accord-
Fig, 282.—Amphitrite ornata.* (From Verrill.)
ing to position or function, as cirri, elytra, gills, ete.; onthe head,
palpi and tentacles. The cirri are long processes on the parapodia,
and like palpi are tactile (fig. 281). Elytra are thin lamelle
which cover the back like shingles and thus protect the body.
Nearly all Polycheetes are dicecious and undergo a more or less pro-
nounced metamorphosis; with few exceptions (Manyunkia*-from the
Schuylkill, Weveis * in California) they are marine. They are usually
divided according to their habits into fixed (Sedentaria) and free forms
(Errantia), but this classification lacks a morphological basis. The Seden-
taria feed on vegetable matter, usually form tubes of leathery organic
substances, in which foreign matter may be incorporated or which may
be calcified. The worms project their anterior segments from the tubes.
The Errantia often secrete gelatinous tubes in which they can hide, but
they never lose their powers of locomotion, and from time to time leave their
retreats and swim about preying on other animals. Correlated with habits
are differences in structure. In the Errantia the head and trunk are not
very different ; the anterior part of the alimentary tract can be protruded
ag a proboscis, and, corresponding to their predaceous habits, is often
armed with strong jaws (fig. 281, A). In the Sedentaria there are no such
pharyngeal teeth, but, on the other hand, there is a greater difference
between anterior and posterior somites. In the
latter the parapodia are weakly developed, and
this part resembles the Oligochetes in ap-
pearance. The head and beginning of the
trunk (thorax) are richly provided with gills
and tentacles for respiration and the taking of
food (fig. 282).
Sub Order I. ERRANTIA. Predaceous
annelids with strongly armed pharynx. The
EUNICID£, mostly represented on our shores by
small species, contains some species a yard in
length. Diopatra,* Nothria.* The ALCIOPIDE
are transparent pelagic forms with large, highly
Fie. 283.—Head of Polynoe
developed eyes. The SyLuIp# usually have © spinifera (After Ehlers.)
three long tentacles ; Autolytus,* Myrianida* Faek entirely covered win
(p. 210). The PoLynoip& * (Lepidonotus,* Poly- projecting at the sides.
noe* (fig. 284), Aphrodite aculeata,* the sea
mouse, 6 inches long) are bottom forms with elytra covering the back.
NEREID ; Nereis virens,* the clam worm of all northern seas.
Sub Order II. SEDENTARIA (Tubicola, Cryptocephala). These forms
cannot wander about at will, but live in their tubes. In the SABELLI-
D& the tube is membranous and there is a crown of gills ; Myxicola,*
Chone,* Manyunkia.* In the SERPULID& the tube is calcified and is
closed by an operculum on one of the gills. Hydroides;* NSpirorbis,*
forming coiled tubes on seaweed ; Protula.* The ARENICOLIDA,* which
burrow in sand, have gills on the sides of the body. The MaALDANip#®
(Clymene,* Azxiothea*) have extremely long segments and build tubes
of sand. The TEREBELLIDA (Terevbella,* Amphitrite (fig. 282), Thelepus *)
have numerous filiform tentacles and branched gills on the anterior end.
The ARCHIANELLID.E, which lack bristles and parapodia,
must be placed near the Polychxte and are usually regarded as very
primitive forms which in structure and development (fig. 250) are
of importance in the phvlogenesis of the Annelids. Polygordius.*
Fia. 284.—New England Annelids. A, male Autolytus ; B, Sternaspis fossor ; C, Cise
tenides gouldii; D, Clymene torquata. (From Emerton and Verrill.)
Order II. Oligochete.
The Oligochetes are almost as preeminently fresh-water and
terrestrial forms as the Polychetes are marine. They are in
most respects simpler than their marine relatives, apparently the
result of degeneration, which has followed from the more simple
conditions of existence. Eyes are rudimentary or lacking, they
have no palpi, cirri, or tentacles; gills are rare, but most striking
is the absence of parapodia, the bristles projecting directly from
the body wall (fig. 280). The chet may be regularly distributed
around each somite (Pericheta) or gathered on the sides (Jfegas-
cole) or arranged in four bunches so that in the animal four
longitudinal rows occur. The animals are hermaphroditic, testes
and ovaries lying in different somites. Usually the integument in
the neighborhood of the sexual openings is thickened by the
presence of numerous glands, forming a clitellum (fig. 274), which
secretes the egg cocoons. The clitellum also functions in copula-
tion, secreting bands which hold the animals together so that
the sperm from one passes into the receptaculum seminis of the
other. After impregation the eggs are usually enclosed in
Sub Order I. LIMICOLA (Microdrili.) Mostly fresh-water forms.
The TUBIFICIDA, in consequence of the red blood, when present in large
numbers color the bottom red. They quickly retract into the tubes which
FIG. 285.—Aulophorus vagus, in tube of Pectinatella statoblasts. (After Leidy.)
they form in the mud. Z'ubifea,* Petoscolex ; Clitellio inoratus * common
on our seashores. The NaIpID# are transparent forms living on water
plants which reproduce asexually throughout nearly the whole year.
Of ow by
Fia. 286.—Sexual organs of Lumbricus herculeus (after Vogt et Jung); the seminal
vesicles of the right side cut away. bm, ventral nerve cord; bl, bv, lateral and ven-
tral rows of sete; di, septa; hi, he, testes, enclosed in sperm reservoir; 0, ovaries ;
ov, oviducts; sbu, sperm reservoir; sh,, 9, 3, Sperm sacs (seminal vesicles) : Lost
seminal receptacles; t,, tz, seminal funnels connected with the vasa deferentia;
to, funnels of oviducts; vd, vas deferens.
Dero* and Aulophorus* have gills around the anus. ENCHYTR#IDA;
Distichopus, Pachydrilus. The DiscopRitips# (Bdellodrilus, Myzobdella)
are parasitic.
Sub Order II. TERRICOLA (Macrodrili). Here belong the terrestrial
forms, the earthworms, our species of moderate size, in the tropics large
species (Megascolex australis four feet long). Our species belong to
Lumbricus,* Allobophora*; Pericheta* has been introduced from the
tropics; Diplocardia * with double dorsal blood-vessel. Most species agree
in habits; they burrow through the earth, swallowing the humus and
casting the indigestible portions on the surface. They loosen the soil and
are continually bringing the deeper parts to the surface, and thus do great
good. Contrary to oft-repeated statements, earthworms occurred in our
prairies and plains when first broken up by the plow. Details of the
reproductive organs of one species are shown in fig. 286. These vary
greatly and are largely used in classification.
Sub Class II. Gephyrea.
The exclusively marine Gephyrea are distinguished at the first
glance from the Chetopoda by the
entire absence of segmentation. The
body is oval or spindle-shaped, circular
in section. The mouth, at the ex-
treme anterior end, is either surround-
ed by a circle of tentacles (fig. 287)
and is retracted together with the
anterior end of the body by internal
retractor muscles, or is overhung by a
Fia, 287. Fig. 288.
Fie. 287.—Anatomy of Phascalosoma gouldi (orig.). a, anus; a, anterior retractors;
d, digestive tract; g, gonads; m, mouth; », nephridia; nce, ventral nerve cord;
pr, posterior retractors.
Fie. 288.—Larva (trocophore) of Echiurus. (After Hatschek.) a, anus; d, intestine;
hw, postoral cilia; kn, protonephridia; m, mouth; mes, mesoderm bands with indi-
cation of segments; 7”, ventral nerve cord; sc, esophageal commissure; sp, apical
plate; vw, preoral ciliated band.
dorsal spatulate preoral lobe or ‘ proboscis’ which may be several
times the length of the body and forked at its tip (fig. 289).
Internal segmentation is also lost, septa being entirely lacking.
The nephridia are also reduced in number, at most but three pairs
being present, and in some but a single unpaired organ. They
are sexual ducts, and in the Chetiferi there are special excretory
organs (fig. 289, g) covered with branching canals opening to the
body cavity by nephrostomes and emptying into the intestine. These
resemble somewhat the branchial trees of the holothurians (infra),
and hence these animals were formerly supposed to bridge the gap
between holothurians and annelids, whence the name (ye@upa,
bridge) Gephyrea. The vascular and nervous systems are more
like those of other annelids. The vascular system consists of a
dorsal and usually a ventral longitudinal trunk; the nervous
system of a brain, esophageal collar, and ventral cord, the latter
without division into ganglia. The relations of the Gephyrea
to the Chetopoda are shown by the development. In some
(Chetiferi) there is a trochophore (fig. 288) from which the worm
arises, as in the Chetopoda, by growth at the hinder end; this at
first has a segmented ceelom and nervous system, the metamerism
being lost later.
Order I. Chetiferi (Armata, Echiuroidea).
With spatulate preoral lobe, often forked at the tip; at least a pair of
ventral sete; a trochophore in development. Hchiurus pallasti* in our
northern waters, Thalassema* farther south. In Bonellia there is a
marked sexual dimorphism (fig. 389). The female is 2 to 3 inches long and
has a proboscis 8 to 12 inches long. The male is only 1 mm. long, totally
different in appearance, and lives parasitically in the cesophagus of the
female (fig. 289, B).
Order II. Inermes (Acheta, Sipunculoidea).
Distinguished by lack of chzete, the mouth surrounded by tentacles,
and the dorsal and anterior position of the anus. The larva is a modified
trochophore without preoral ciliated band and without segmentation; only
two, sometimes but one, nephridia. Phascalosoma* common on our
shores. Phascolion strombi* builds tubes in deserted snail shells. Sipun-
Order III. Priapuloidea.
No tentacles, mouth with chitinous teeth, terminal anus, no nephridia;
two protonephridia united with the sexual organs and opening either side
of the vent. Development unknown. Priapulus, Halicryptus.
Sub Class III. Hirudinet (Discophort).
Three points of external structure clearly distinguish the leeches
from the chetopods. First, the absence of bristles (except in
Acanthobdella) and the presence of two suckers, one of which occurs
on the posterior ventral surface and is used only for attachment
and locomotion, the other, sometimes scarcely differentiated,
Fia. 289.—Bonellia viridis. A, female (after Huxley); B, male (after Spengel). c,
cloaca; d, rudimentary intestine; g, excretory organ; 7, intestine; m, muscles sup-
porting intestine; s, balls of spermatozoa in B, in A, proboscis (preoral lobe); u,
single segmented organ, functioning as oviduct; vd, nephridium with ciliated
funnel serving as vas deferens.
surrounds the mouth and is used in sucking the food. In locomo-
tion anterior and posterior suckers are alternately attached, the
body being looped up and extended like that of a ‘span worm.’
The animals can also swim well by a snake-like motion of the
whole body.
A second point is the fine ringing of the body, there being
usually many more rings than somites, the primitive segment rings
being divided by secondary constructions, there being three, five,
or even eleven rings toasegment. The middle or one of the
anterior rings is often distinguished by bearing strongly developed
sense organs. Asinthe earthworms, certain of the somites at the
time of reproduction may develop into a clitellum which secretes the
egg cocoons.
A third character is the marked flattening of the body in the
dorsoventral direction (except in Ichthyobdellide and a few other
forms), the animals thus recalling the flatworms. This may be
the result of the very sight development of the celom. In most
leeches there is a body parenchyma, traversed by longi-
tudinal transverse and dorsoventral muscles in which
the organs are immediately imbedded (fig. 290).
The alimentary tract is provided with paired
diverticula (fig. 291), varying in number in different
species. Between the last and largest pair of these
sacs is the intestine, which opens dorsal to the pos-
terior sucker. The jawed and jawless leeches show
considerable differences in the pharyngeal region.
Fie, 290.
Fic. 290.—Transverse section of Hirudo medicinalis. (From Lang.) dm, lm, rm, dorso-
ventral, longitudinal, and circular muscles; vl, vd, vv, lateral, dorsal, and ventral
blood-vessels, the latter surrounding the ventral nerve cord, ni; h, testes; vd, vas
deferens; md, midgut; np, nephridial tubule; enp, urinary bladder.
Fig. 21.—Digestive tract of Hirudo medicinalis. (From Lang.) a, oesophagus; b, in-
testine; d,, dy, gastric diverticula.
In the first there are three jaws in the phaynx, semicircular chitin-
ous plates, the free edge of each armed with numerous calcified
teeth (fig. 292). To these are attached two muscles, one to retract
them, when not in use, into pockets, while the other exserts them
and rotates them, causing a triradiate wound from which the blood
flows. This bleeding is difficult to staunch, since glands on the
lips and between the jaws produce a secretion which hinders the
coagulation of the blood, In the jawless leeches a sharp conical
process arising from the pharynx can be protruded from the
mouth, and serves for wounding and sucking. The vascular
system usually contains red blood, and consists, in the Gnatho-
bdellidw, of four longitudinal trunks, a dorsal, two lateral, and a
ventral, the latter surrounding the ventral nerve cord. These are
connected by a complicated system of capillaries.
The nervous system consists of brain and ventral cord, the Jat-
ter containing frequently twenty-three ganglia (the first of five
fused, the last of seven). Nerves from the brain go to the eyes.
Right and left of the ventral cord are the hermaphroditic sexual
organs. In Hirudo medicinalis (fig. 293) there are nine pairs of
Fia. 292. Fic. 293.
Fie. 292.—Hirudo medicinalis, medicinal leech. (After Leuckart.) a, anterior end
with three jaws (k); b, a single jaw with its muscles.
Fig. 293.—Nervous system, blood-vessels, sexual organs, and nephridia of a leech,
ventral view. h, testes; hb, urinary bladder; /g, lateral blood-vessel; n, ventral
nerve cord; nh, epididymis; 0v, ovary; p, penis; sc, nephridia; uw, uterus and
vagina; vd, vas deferens; vg, ventral blood-vessel.
testes (h), the ducts of which unite to form a vas deferens on
either side (vd). These pass forward, form by coiling a so-called
epididymis (xk) and empty into the median unpaired penis (p).
In the space between the epididymis and the first pair of testes
are the ovaries (ov) and oviducts and an unpaired vagina (wz). The
nephridia (17 pairs in this species) are complicated and are pro-
vided with bladder-like expansions.
That the Hirudinei are true annelids and not segmented Plathelminthes
is based upon the view that their ccelom is reduced by ingrowth of paren-
chyma and altered to canals connected with the vascular system. At
any rate the ventral and lateral vessels are to be regarded as remnants of
acelom. In Clepsine there are the dorsal and ventral blood-vessels of
the Cheetopoda and besides four longitudinal ccelomic sinuses connected
by transverse anastomoses. The dorsal sinus encloses the dorsal blood-
vessel, the ventral many of the viscera, among them the ventral nerve
cord, This is also to be regarded as ewelomic, since the nephrostomes con-
nect with it. In most Hirudinei a canal system filled with blood has
arisen from the calom and blood-vessel, and in Nephelis is in part lacunar
in character. Further relations are shown by Acanthobdella peledina,
parasitic on fishes. This has both blood-vessels of the Oligochetes, a
body cavity divided by septa and chete. On the other hand it is leech-
like in other features; two suckers and sexual apparatus on the Hiru-
dinean pattern.
Order I, Gnathobdellide.
The jawed leeches include Hirudo medicinalis, once extensively used
for blood-letting but now little employed. Ha@madipsa includes land
leeches, one of the terrors of travelers in the tropics. In Wephelis* the
jaws are soft. Dacrobdella * includes our largest native species.
Order II. Rhynchobdellide.
Without jaws. The CLEpPsINIDH mostly feed on snails and fishes.
Clepsine* in our waters. Hementaria officinalis of Mexico is used for
blood-letting ; H. ghiliant of South America is poisonous. The IcHTHyo-
BDELLID#, cylindrical, occur in salt and fresh water, parasitic on fishes.
Ichthyobdella,* Pontobdella,* marine ; Piscicola, fresh water,
Class IV. Polyzoa (Bryozoa).
In external appearance the Polyzoa closely resemble the
hydroids, so that the inexperienced have difficulty in distinguishing
them. Like them by budding they form colonies which are either
gelatinous or calcareous incrusting sheets or assume a more bush-
like character. Further they have a crown of ciliated tentacles
which can be spread out or quickly retracted. In internal charac-
ters the two groups are greatly different. The Polyzoa have a
complete alimentary canal, with its three divisions, which is bent
upon itself so that the anus lies near the mouth. The central nerv-
ous system lies between mouth and anus, and the single pair of
nephridia empty by a common opening. Beyond this it is diffi-
cult to go, since the two groups of Polyzoa—Endoprocta and Ecto-
procta—differ so widely that one may doubt whether they belong
together. The Entoprocta have no celom, and resemble in this
respect the Rotifera; the Ectoprocta are true Celhelminthes and
by way of Phoronis show resemblances to the Sipunculoida and so
to the Annelida.
Sub Class I. Entoprocta.
The single individuals of the Entoprocta (fig. 294) are shaped
like a wine-glass and are placed on stalks which rise from (usually)
creeping stolons. The circle of tentacles, arising from the edge
of the cup, enclose the peristomial area in which are both mouth
and anus, and between these the excretory and reproductive organs
open. The Bpaee between the horseshoe-shaped intestine and the
body surface is completely filled by a pa-
repchyma containing muscle cells, and
correspondingly the excretory organs are
protonephridia. In our fresh-water Urna-
tilla gracilis * these organs are branched
and begin with flame all Pedicellina*
and Loxosoma, marine.
Sub Class II. Ectoprocta.
In the Ectoprocta there is a spacious,
often ciliated, celom between the alimen-
tary canal and skin, so that these are
separated and have a certain amount of
independence (fig. 295). On this account
MIG fer Mitsche) Singlewn, has arisen a peculiar method (wholly
aoe gs ea indefensible morphologically) of treating
J, intestine; 7, tentacles; Ys them as two individuals, polypid, the in-
testine and tentacles; cystid the rest, especially the body wall and
Fig. 295.—Flustra membranacea (after Nitsche), asingle animal. a,anus; ea, ectocyst;
en, entocyst; f, funiculus; g, ganglion; hk, collar which permits complete retrac-
tion; m, stomach, aiso dermal muscular sac; 0, esophagus. A, avicularium; B,
vibracularium of Bugula. (After Clapardde.)
The cystid is cup-shaped or saceular. It consists of an endo-
cyst—the body wall—and an ectocyst—a cuticular skeleton, usually
strongly calcified, secreted by the ectoderm. The surface of the
entocyst is always covered by the ectocyst only on the basis and side
walls: the peripheral end remains soft and forms a sort of collar
into which the tentacles and adjacent parts of the cystid can
be retracted. In the ectocyst there is, as will be seen, a larger or
smaller opening which in many species (Chilostomata) can be
closed by a lid (operculum). The circle of tentacles surrounds
the mouth alone, while the anus is outside near the collar. The
strongly bent alimentary canal extends into the cystid and is bound
at its hinder end by a cord, the funiculus, to the base of the cystid.
Ganglion and nephridia lie between the mouth and anus. The
gonads arise from the epithelium of the celom, the testes usually
on the funiculus, the ovaries on the wall of the cystid.
Hundreds and thousands of individuals form colonies (fig. 297)
in which cystid abuts against cystid. The ceelom of adjacent cystids
may be distinct or a wide communication may exist. The colonies
grow by budding; in the Gymnolemata a part of a cystid becomes
cut off as a daughter cystid in which the polypid—alimentary tract
and tentacles—arises by new formation; or (Phylactolemata) the bud
anlage of the polypid arises before the first appearance of the cystid.
Division of labor or polymorphism is common. Besides the
animals already described, which are primarily for nourishment,
three other individuals may occur, ovicells, vibracularia, and avic-
ularia. All three are cystids which have lost the polypid. The
ovicells are round capsules which serve as receptacles for the
fertilized eggs. The vibracularia (fig. 295, B) are long tactile
threads; the avicularia (fig. 295, A) are grasping structures of
uncertain function. They have been seen to seize small animals
and hold them until decay set in. It is possible that the fragments
serve as food for the polypids. The avicularia have the form of a
bird’s head, the movable lower jaw being a modified operculum.
Under unfavorable conditions a polypid in a cystid may break down
and be lacking for some time until better relations cause its new forma-
tion. Besides in the depopulated cystids there may appear statoblasts,
lens-shaped many-celled internal buds enveloped in a firm envelope which
form a resting stage for the preservation and distribution of the species.
Each statoblast is surrounded by a girdle of chambers which by drying
become filled with air, causing the statoblast to float when it again comes
into water. From the statoblast a smaller polyzoon escapes which de-
velops a new colony. The statoblasts are adaptations to the conditions
of fresh-water life and occur only in the Phylactoleemata.
Order I. Gymnolemata (Stelmatapoda).
The tentacles in a ring around the mouth. The numerous species are
almost exclusively marine and are abundant on every coast. In the
CHILOSTOMATA the cystids can be closed by an operculum: Gemmel-
laria,* Cellularia,* Bugula,* Flustra* (fig. 295), Eschara.* The
CYCLOSTOMATA have tubular cystids without an operculum. Crisia,*
Fie. 296.—American gymnolematous Polyzoa. (After Busk, Hincks, Norman, and
Verrill.) A, Uubulipora flabellaris, young; B, Flustrella hispida; C, Eucratea
chelata ; D, Gemellaria loricata ; E, Kinetoskias smitti; F, Membranipora spini-
Sera; G, Porella levis; H, Lepralia americana: I, Cribillina puncturata,
Tubulipora,* Hornera.* In the CTENOSTOMATA the cystid is more cal-
careous and the opening is closed by a folded membrane. Alcyonidiwim,*
Vesicularia, Valkeria,* Paludicella * (fresh-water).
Order II. Phylactolemata (Lophopoda).
Tentacles borne on a horseshoe-shaped lophophore extending on either
Fie. 297.—Small colony of Lophopus crystallinus (after Kraepelin), with young and
old, some extended, others more or less retracted. 0, statoblasts.
side of the mouth, the tentacles on its margins. All are fresh-water
species. Pectinatella,* Lophopus (fig. 227), Plumatella.*
Class V. Phoronidea.
The single genus Phoronis* occurs on our eastern shores.
The animal was first placed among the Chetopoda on account of
its worm-like body situated in a chitinous tube like many sedentary
annelids. Then it was placed in the Polyzoa, with which it is
more nearly related. The young, described as Actinotrocha, is a
modified trochophore with the mouth overhung by a large hood
and the postoral band of cilia drawn out into a series of fingers
which become the tentacles of the adult; the anus is terminal.
At the time of metamorphosis this larva becomes doubled on itself
by a complicated process, so that the alimentary canal is U-shaped
and the anus is near the mouth, while the tentacles are borne on a
horseshoe-shaped basis around the mouth.
Class VI. Brachiopoda.
On account of the bivalve calcareous shells the Brachiopoda
were long regarded as molluscs, but later the fact that the valves
are not paired as in the lamellibranchs, but are dorsal and ventral,
that the nervous system, the excretory and reproductive organs,
the body cavity, and the development resemble those of the annelids
rather than those of the molluscs, led to their recognition as a dis-
tinct class allied to the former group.
The body has a greatly shortened long axis (fig. 298) and in
consequence a transversely oval visceral sac. In most a stalk (st) for
Fic. 298.—Anatomy of Rhynchonellu psittucea, (After Hancock.) a’, left, a%, right
arm; a, opening into the cavity of the arm: d, intestine; ¢, blind end of the intes-
tine; g, stomach with liver; m, adductors and divaricators of shell; 0, esophagus;
p’,p®, dorsal and ventral mantle lobes; st, stalk; 1,2, first and second septum, on
the second a nephrostome.
attachment arises from the posterior end. From the anterior side
two folds, the mantle lobes, extend forwards (jp), one ventral, the
other dorsal, their free edges bearing bristles. Each mantle
secretes a shell largely composed of carbonate and phosphate of
lime. In a few the dorsal and ventral shells are similar, but
usually the ventral valve (in Crania attached directly without the
Fig. 299.—Waldheimia flavescens. (From Zittel.) Shell with arms and muscles. a, arm
with fringed border (h): c, c’, divaricators; d, adductors; D, hinge process (the
vertical line shows position of hinge).
intervention of a stalk) is more strongly arched and has an opening
at the posterior end for the passage of the stalk (figs. 299, 300).
The flatter dorsal valve frequently bears a characteristic feature in
the skeleton of the arms (fig. 300) which, when present, has greatly
Fic. 300.—Waldheimia flavescens. (From Zittel.) A, dorsal, B, ventral valve: a, b,c,
impressions of muscular insertions; a, adductors; 0’’, adjustors (stalk muscles):
c, ce’, divaricators; s, hinge groove of upper valve in which the tooth (ft) of the
lower valve passes; /, support of arms; d, deltidium; /, foramen for stalk.
different expression. Its basis consists of two calcareous rods
which, bilaterally symmetrical, project downwards from the dorsal
valve. These may be connected by a curved transverse band, and
from their ends a spiral process may extend on either side. This
apparatus supports the spiral arms. When closed the valves com-
pletely enclose the body. When they open the gape is anterior,
the posterior parts remaining in contact. At this part, except in
the Ecardines, a hinge is developed just in front of the posterior
margin, consisting of projections (teeth) in the ventral valve which
fit into corresponding grooves in the dorsal. Opening and closing
the valves are, contrary to what occurs in Lamellibranchs, active
processes, accomplished by appropriate divaricator and adductor
muscles (fig. 299). These produce scars on the shell, important in
the study of fossil forms.
The usually spirally coiled arms, which lie right and left of the
mouth and which give the name to the class, fill most of the shell.
On the outer side of the spiral axis runs a longitudinal groove
which reaches to the tip of the arms and is bounded by a row of
small tentacles. By means of cilia on tentacles and groove food is
brought to the mouth, These arms strongly resemble the lopho-
phore of a phylactolemate Polyzoan, which only needs extension
and coiling to produce this condition. In development the arms
of the Brachiopod pass through a lophophore stage.
In the body there is a body cavity which extends into both
mantle folds. It encloses alimentary tract, gonads, and liver, and
is divided into right and left halves by a dorsal mesentery support-
ing the intestine. Each half in turn is divided by incomplete
septa into anterior, middle, and posterior divisions recalling those
of Sagitta (p. 296). If the arrangement of the septa is not so
clear as in that form, it is to be explained by the shortening of the
long axis and the twisting of the alimentary tract. This latter
consists of esophagus, stomach, which receives the liver ducts, and
intestine, which in some species terminates blindly.
The gonads are chiefly in the mantle lobes. The sexual cells
pass outwards through the nephridia, which begin in one cwlomic
pouch with a wide nephrostome, perforate the septum, and open
to the exterior in the next somite. Since usually there are two
septa, two pairs of nephridia may occur, hut one is usually degen-
erate. The nervous system consists of an esophageal ring with
weak dorsal ganglion, which sends nerves into the arms, and a
stronger ventral mass representing the ventral chain. The heart
lies dorsal to the stomach.
In development the brachiopods recall both Sagitta and the Annelida.
They resemble Sugitta in thatin Argiope the colom arises by out-
growths from the archenteron, divided by septa into three pairs of pouches.
They are annelid-like in the form of larva and in the presence of chetez
which are formed in separate follicles. In an earlier period of the earth
brachiopods were so numerous in species and individuals that they are
among the most important fossils in the determination of geologic horizons.
Now there are but few species, some inhabitants of the greatest depths of
the sea.
Fic. 301.—Development of brachiopod. (After Kowalevsky.) A, gastrula with early
enterocceelic pouches; B, closure of blastopore; C, celom separated, body annu-
lated; D, cephalic disc and mantle developing, the latter with long sete; E, at-
tached embryo, the mantle lobes folded over cephalic disc (seta omitted). ¢,
ae disc; d, dorsal lobe of mantle; e, enteroccele; m, mantle; v, ventral man-
e lobe.
Order I. Ecardines.
Hinge absent; valves similar when the stalk passes out between them
(Lingula *), or unequal when the ventral is perfo-
vated by the stalk (Disctna) or when the animal is
directly attached by the shell (Crania).
Order II. Testicardines.
Hinge present, valves unequal, the ventral
perforated by the stalk; anusdegenerate. Rhyn-
chonella,* Terebratulina* in our colder waters.
Fic. fae: Soo: Spirifer, Orthis, Pentamerus, Atryna, important
tentrionculis.* fossil gener.
Summary of Important Facts.
(1) The CELHELMINTHES are characterized by a well-developed body
cavity (ecelom).
(2) The CH&TOGNATHI are hermaphroditic worms with three pairs of
celemic pouches, with fins, and bristle-like jaws.
(8) The NeEMaATopA are mostly di@cious, usually parasitic elongate
worms, with cylindrical unsegmented body, with nerve ring (no ganglia),
paired excretory organs, and tubular gonads.
(4) The most important species parasitic in man are Ascaris lumbri-
coides in the small intestine, Oxvyuris vermicularis in the large intestine,
the blood-sucking AnAylostoma duodenalis, and the notorious Trichina
spiralis. In hot climates occur Filaria sanguinis hominis and Dracun-
culus medinensis.
(5) The GoRDIACEA have mesenteries and splanchnic mesoderm; they
are parasitic in insects.
(6) The ACANTHOCEPHALI lack alimentary tract, have a spiny proboscis
and a very complicated reproductive apparatus. The adults are parasitic
in vertebrates, the young in arthropods,
(7) The CH&TOPOoD ANNELIDS have segmented bodies, the segmentation
showing itself in ringing of the body wall and in the separation of the
ceelcem into a series of pouches by transverse septa and the metameric
arrangements of blood-vessels, ganglia, and excretory organs.
(8) The CHa&TopopDA are distinguished from other annelids by the
cheete (usually four bunches in a somite) arising in special follicles. The
chvetee are few in the hermaphroditic Oligochetz, numerous and borne on
special parapodia in the Polychete.
(9) The GEPHYR#A are closely related to the Cheetopoda. They are
saccular, with a crown of tentacles or well-developed preoral lobe. They
have largely or entirely lost the segmentation. Evidence of segmentation
appears in some cases in development and in the ventral nerve cord and
(10) The HrrupINer are hermaphroditic Annelida which lack chet
but have sucking discs. Their flattened bodies, rudimentary ccelom, and
rich body parenchyma give them a certain similarity to the Plathelmin-
(11) The Hirudinei have either a protrusible pharynx (Rhynchobdella)
or three toothed jaws (Gnathobdella). To the latter belongs the medici-
nal leech (Hirudo medicinalis).
(12) The Potyzoa are like the Hydrozoa in being colonial and having a
cireumoral crown of tentacles. They are distinguished by the complete
alimentary canal, the large celom, and the ganglionic nervous system.
(13) The PHoroniDEa are closely like the Polyzoa.
(14) The Braculopopa have a bivalve shell, the valves being dorsal and
(15) The body cavity is divided by two septa into three (paired) cham-
bers, of which one, rarely two, are provided with nephridia.
(16) Most brachiopods are attached by means of a stalk. They are
divided into Ecardines, without a hinge and with anus, and Testicardines,
with a hinge and no anus.
The Echinoderma are separated from most other animals by
their radial symmetry, but recall in this respect the C@lenterata,
a fact which led to their inclusion by Cuvier in the group
‘Radiata,’ a view of their relationships which was set aside by
Leuckart on account of their different structure, especially the
presence of ace@lom. In fact the radial symmetry of the echino-
derms has a different value, for while in the Coelenterata the
number four or six (apparently derived from four) is fundamental,
Echinoderma are, with few exceptions, five-radiate. Further, the
radial symmetry of the Cclenterata is primitive, that of the
Echinoderma, as development shows, is derived from the bilateral
type. In other words, the echinoderms have descended from
bilateral, possibly worm-lke, ancestors.
The structure of the integument gives these animals a charac-
teristic appearance. In the mesoderm under the
epithelium calcareous plates arise, forming a body
armor or test, and since these are usually pro-
duced into spines, they have given the name
Echinoderma, spine skin, to the group. This
mesodermal skeleton at times becomes degenerate,
as in the Holothurians (it rarely entirely disappears
as in Pelagothuria), but even then shows itself
as spicules and ‘wheels’ of lime. The spheridia
and pedicellaria (fig. 303)—not always present—
PIG. a close eg are characteristic appendages of the integument.
open The first are sense organs; the latter are usually
stalked forceps-like grasping structures with calcareous skeleton.
In life they are active and apparently either clean the skin or are
Certain plates possess a morphological interest since they appear early
in many larve, and in the adults of different classes can be recognized in
similar positions. In the neighborhood of the arms are five basalia, inter-
radial in position, farther five radialia (‘apical skeleton’) and five inter-
radial ‘ oralia’ around the mouth.
Not less characteristic than the skeleton is the ambulacral (or
water-vascular) system (fig. 304). This begins usually externally
and then ordinarily by a calcareous
plate, the madreporite, which is
perforated with fine pores and
serves for the entrance of sea water.
The water passes into a canal
which, on account of its calcified
walls in the starfish (fig. 305), is
called the stone canal and leads
Fa. 304. Fia. 305.
Fig, 304.—Water-vascular system of starfish (orig.). a, ampulle ; ab, ambulacra; ¢,
radial canal; m, madreporite; n, radial nerve; p, Polian vesicle; 7, ring canal,
beneath it the nerve ring; s, stone canal; t, racemose vesicle.
Fic. 305.—Transverse section of stone canal of Astropecten aurantiacus. (After
orally to a ring canal around the mouth. The ring canal bears
usually several (up to five pairs) Polian vesicles, which, with
Tiedemann’s vesicles of the starfishes, are now regarded as appen-
dages which, like lymph glands, produce the leucocytes. From
the ring canal radiate five radial canals which give off right and
left in pairs the ambulacral canals. These in turn connect with
the ambulacra and ampulle, the highly characteristic locomotor
organs of the echinoderms. An ambulacrum is a muscular sac
which can be distended and lengthened by forcing in fluid from
the ambulacral vessels, on the other hand can be retracted and
shortened by its muscles. The ampulla is a sac connected with
the ambulacrum and projecting into the body cavity. In locomo-
tion the animal extends its ambulacra, anchors them by the suck-
ing dise at the tips, and then pulls the body along by contraction of
the ambulacral muscle. In the sessile crinoids and the ophiuroids
(which move by their snake-like arms) the ambulacra are not
locomotor but tactile in function, lacking suckers and ampulle.
So among the holothurians and sea urchins the ambulacra are in
many places replaced by tentacles. Frequently each radial canal
ends in an unpaired tentacle with olfactory functions.
The arrangement of the ambulacral system conditions the
arrangement of other organs. Alongside the stone canal is a
saccular organ formerly called the ‘heart,’ but now regarded as a
lymphoid gland (ovoid gland, paraxon gland). Ring and radial
canals are accompanied by corresponding blood canals, with which
are often associated two vessels to the alimentary canal. There is
a similar nerve ring and radial nerve, frequently in the ectoderm,
to which may be added an enteroccelic or apical nervous system,
possibly of peritoneal origin.
The courses of the radial vessels and nerves mark out five chief
lines in the animal, the radii; between them come the secondary
radii or interradii. The stone canal, madreporite, and lymphoid
gland are interradial in position, as are the gonads, usually five
single or five pairs of racemose glands; in some cases but one is
present. The gonads are supported in the spacious ccelom by
special bands, while mesenteries support the alimentary tract and
its derivatives.
Respiratory organs are represented by very various structures: branchie,
or thin-walled outpushings of the ccelom, either around the mouth, as in
Echinoidea, or on the aboral surface, as in the Asteroidea, the burse of the
Ophiuroidea, the branchial trees of the Holothuroidea and the various
parts of the ambulacral system.
The Echinoderma are exclusively marine, occurring in large
numbers even in the deepest seas. Many groups, like the Crinoids,
are largely bathybial, others frequent rocky coasts. At the period
of reproduction the urchins, starfish, and holothurians frequent
the shallow waters, passing their sexual cells into the sea, where
fertilization occurs. In some, however, the young are carried
about in brood cases until the earlier developmental stages are past.
Fie. 306.—Echinoderm larve. (After J. Miiller.) a, anus; m, mouth; the black line:
the course of the ciliated bands. J, form common to all: JJ, IJ, developmental
stages of auricularia (Holothurian); IV, V, stages of the Asteroid bipinnaria;
VI, pluteus of a spatangoid; VIJ, larva (Brachiolaria) of Asterias (orig.). m,
mouth ; v, vent.
Where there is no brood pouch the young escape from the egg
as larvee which swim at the surface, and are distinguishable from
the adults (fig. 306, 7) by their soft consistency, transparency, and
bilateral symmetry. By the development of lobe-like processes
and slender arms supported by calcareous rods the larve assume
the most different and bizarre shapes (plutei of echinoids and
ophiuroids, brachiolaria and bipinnaria of asteroids, auricularia of
holothurians), all of which can be referred back to a common type
with tri-regional alimentary tract and a ciliated band around the
mouth, strikingly resembling tornaria, the larva of Balanoglossus.
The different appearances of the larve are due to the drawing out
of the ciliated band into lobes and arms, and also to its becuming
broken into parts which unite themselves into complete rings
(fig. 306, JV).
The metamorphosis of the bilateral larva into the radial adult is very
complicated, It begins early with the formation of outgrowths from the
archenteron (fig. 307), which become separated and form the anlagen of
the celom and ambulacral system. This becomes divided, and one por-
tion develops itself as a ring around the cesophagus, the future ring
canal, and from this five outgrowths, the radial canals, arise. Since these
canals, as they grow out, carry the body walls before them, the arms in the
starfishes, which show the process most clearly, arise as outgrowths which
recall buds (fig. 308). This has given rise to one view which regards the
arms as individuals, the whole body (and hence that of all echinoderms) as
a colony of five individuals. According to this the development would be
a kind of alternation of generations, the larva being the asexual genera-
F1a. 307. Fia. 308.
F 1a. 307.—Formation of the celom in Echinus. (From Korschelt and Heider.) 4,
first anlage of ccelom; B, later stage; C, complete constriction of cc@elom (vaso-
peritoneal vesicle) from archenteron
Fra. 308.—Formation of Ophiuran from the pluteus larva. (After Miiller, from Kor-
tion which by budding produces the colony, Yet this view does not agree
with the actual relations, since it draws an untenable contrast between the
larva and the perfect echinoderm. The most important organs of the
former are carried over into the latter, and the echinoderm brings the anla-
gen to further development. In the insects many features which are lack-
ing or incompletely developed in the larva are developed in the course of
the metamorphosis. There is a metamorphosis in the echinoderms as in
insects. It is a question as to which group of Echinoderma is the most
primitive, but ease of treatment makes it best to begin with the Asteroidea.
Class I. Asteroidea (Starfish).
Two parts can be recognized in the body of a starfish, a
central disc and the arms, usually five in number, which radiate
from it (fig. 316). The relations in which these parts stand to
each other vary between two extremes. In many starfish the
arms play the chief réle and the disc appears as only their united
proximal ends (figs. 309, 310). On the other hand the disc may
increase at the expense of the arms, absorbing these in its growth so
that they form merely the angles of a pentagonal disc (fig. 311).
In both arms and disc two surfaces are recognized, oral and
aboral, which pass into each other, usually without a sharp margin.
In the normal position the oral side is downwards and has in the
Fria. 309.—Comet form of Linckia multiflora. (From Korschelt-Heider.) One of the
arms is producing a new animal by budding.
ea a ell
Fia. 310. Fig. 311.
F1G. 310.—Ophidiaster ehrenbergi. (After Haeckel). Comet form: one of the original
arms shown only in part.
Fic. 311.—Culcita pentanguluris, aboral view. (From Ludwig.) a, madreporite; }, re-
flexed end of ambulacral grooves.
centre the mouth and radiating from it to the tips of the arms the
five ambulacral grooves. On the aboral surface is the anus (when
not degenerate) near the centre, and excentric from it in an inter-
radius is the madreporite (in many armed species two to sixteen
radii may have madreporites).
A line passing through the madreporite and the opposite arm divides the
body into symmetrical halves. This ray is frequently spoken of as anterior,
since in the irregular sea urchins (Spatangoids) the homologous arm is
clearly anterior, while the madreporic interradius is posterior, This plane
of symmetry does not correspond with that of the larva. The two rays on
either side of the madreporite form the bivium, the three others the
The skin is everywhere protected by large and small plates
jointed together. These make a dry starfish hard and stiff, but
in life it is extremely flexible, the arms can be bent in any direc-
tion, and the animal can work its way through narrow openings.
Of the skeletal pieces the ambulacral plates need special mention.
Fic. 312.—A, cross-section of starfish arm (orig.). a, adambulacral plates; am, ambu-
lacra; ap, ambulacral plates; 6, branchi; c, ceelom: h, hepatic ceca; ¢, inter-
ambulacral plates; », radial nerve; p, ampulla; 7», radial canal; v, radial blood-
pone B, ambulacral plates, ventral view, showing the ambulacral pores
These form the roofs of the ambulacral grooves, and between them
are openings, the ambulacral pores, through which connexion is
made between the ambulacra and ampullew. In each arm the pairs
of ambulacral plates meet above the groove like the rafters of a
Fie. 313.—Asteriscus verruculatus, aboral surface removed. (After Gegenbaur.) g
gonads; h, hepatic ceca; /, stomach with anus.
roof. Laterally each ambulacral plate abuts against a small inter-
ambulacral plate, bearing usually movable spines. Beyond these
comes the adambulacral plates, and then those of the aboral sur-
face. Each ambulacral area terminates at the tip of the arm with
an unpaired (ocular) plate.
The organs lie in part in the celom, in part in the ambulacral
grooves. The alimentary tract is in the celom and extends
straight upward from the mouth to the aboral surface, where it
ends with an anus or is entirely closed (figs. 313, 314). By a
Fig. 314.—Section through ray and opposite interradium of a starfish (orig.). B,
branchie; C, cardiac pouch of stomach; EF, eye spot; G, gonad; 4H, ‘liver’; M,
mouth; N, radial nerve; P, pyloric part of stomach; RC, ring canal; RD, radial
canal of water-vascular system; S, stone canal.
constriction it is divided into a larger, lower cardiac portion and
asmaller, upper pyloric division. From the latter arise five hepatic
ducts which connect with five pairs of hepatic glands lying in the
arms. The cardiac division gives origin to five gastric pouches
which can be protruded from the mouth or retracted by appro-
priate muscles. The gonads are five pairs of racemose glands lying
in the basis of the arms and opening interradially between the
arms. Lastly, the stone canal, extending from the aboral madre-
porite to the ring canal, and the lymphoid gland lie in the celom.
The radial nerve, canal, and blood-vessel lie in the roof of the
ambulacral groove between the ambulacra. The nerve ends at the
Fia. 315.—Longitudinal section of eye of Asterias. (Orig.)
tip of the arm in a compound eye spot colored with red or orange
pigment which experiment shows is sensitive to light. A second
nerve has been described lying in the celom of the arm. The
ambulacral system corresponds with the foregoing description
(p. 330), the ampulle as well as the five or more Polian and
Tiedemann’s (racemose) vesicles projecting into the cwlom.
Since the arms contain nearly all important organs, the physiological
independence of these is easily understood. Arms broken off not only
live, but regenerate first the disc and then
new arms which appear at first like small
buds (comet form, figs. 309, 310). This
separation of arms may occur through
accident, or it may be, and not infre-
quently is, produced by the animal itself.
Examples of species with well-devel-
oped arms and ambulacra in four rows
are furnished by the ASTERID#&, repre-
sented on our shores by the five-finger
Asterias* and Leptasterias,* and Heli-
aster * with numerous arms. In the
SOLASTERIDZ the ambulacra are two-
rowed; arms sometimes numerous. Py-
thonaster (fig. 316). In the ASTERINIDE&
the arms are short or the body is pentag-
onal, no large plates on the margins of
the arms. Asteriscus (fig. 313). In other
forms (Culcita,* fig. 317, Hippasteria,*
Ctenodiscus*) the body is more or less Fie. 316.— Pythonaster murrayi.
: (After Sladen.) Aboral view
pentangular, the margin being covered showing ambulacral grooves.
with large plates.
Class II. Ophiuroidea (Brittle Stars).
In these the animal consists, as in the Asteroidea, of disc and
arms, the latter sometimes branched, but the internal anatomy is
different. The ambulacral plates
have been drawn inside the arm
and each pair fused to a large
‘vertebra’ (fig. 317). As a result
the celom of the arms is greatly
reduced, the hepatic ceca are lack-
ing, and the alimentary canal, which
lacks an anus, is confined to the
disc. By the ingrowth of ven-
Fic. 317.—Section of Ophiuroid arm tral plates the ambulacral grooves
a, ambulacrum; }, blood ves- z
; ¢, celom; m, muscles of arm; 7, are converted into tubes, and the
bean sodieeeey eA luisapal clstes) ambulacra, which lack sucking
discs, are tactile organs, locomotion being effected by the snake-
like motion of the arms. The madreporite is on the ventral sur-
face. Also on the ventral surface are five slits which connect
with as many burs, thin-walled respiratory sacs into which the
sexual organs open.
In many brittle stars (Ophioenida, Ophiothelia, Ophiocoma), especially
in young specimens, there is a kind of asexual generation (schizogony), the
animal dividing through the disc, the halves regenerating the missing parts.
The classification is based largely on small details. In the majority the
arms are unbranched (Ophiopholis * (fig. 818), Ophioglypha,* Amphiura*),
but in the EuRYALID&, or basket fish, the arms are branched (Astrophyton,*
fig. 319), but not, as usually stated, dichotomously.
Fie. 318.
FG. 318.—Ophiopholis aculeata.* (From Morse.)
Fig. 319.—Astrophyton arborescens, basket fish. (From Ludwig.)
Class III. Crinoidea (Pelmatozoa).
The crinoids or sea lilies are on the road to extinction. In
early times, especially in the paleozoic, they were very abundant,
but to-day there are but few genera and species, these mostly
restricted to the greater depths of the ocean, only the Comatulide
occurring near the shore. The crinoids are attached to the sea
bottom by a long stalk which contains a central canal (fig. 320).
This stalk is composed of cylindrical dises and often bears five rows
of outgrowths, the cirri. In the Comatulide (fig. 821) the adult
is not thus attached, swimming about in the water with the arms
or moving about on the tang. In these earlier stages these animals
have a stalk (fig. 322), passing through a Pentacrinus stage, a
proof that the fixed condition was the primitive one. In these
forms, when the separation takes place, one joint of the stalk with
its cirri remains attached to the animal, as the centrodorsal united
with the lowest cup plates, the infrabasals (fig. 321).
On the upper joint of the stalk is a cup-shaped body (theca)
the edges of which bear five or ten (usually branched) arms. The
a a ey
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(After Wyville Thompson.)
Fig, 321. Fig, 322,
Fic, 321.—Adult of Antedon macronema, (After Carpenter.)
Fig. 322.— Different Pentacrinus stages (4, ),¢) of Autedon rosacea, 1,arms; 2, cirri;
3, stalk.
walls of the theca are covered with polygonal calcareous plates.
Usually the stalk bears five plates, the basalia, and then come five
radialia, alternating in order with the basalia (fig. 323). In some
Fie. 323.—Hyocrinus bethleyanus. A, upper end of stalk with cup, and the bases of
the arms; b, basalia; br, brachialia; r, radialia. B, oral surface of cup with
mouth, five oralia, and the bases of the arms.
there is a circle of infrabasalia in a line with the radialia. Fre-
quently the elements of the arm, the brachialia, are directly attached
to the radials (fig. 823). But often the arm branches once or
several times dichotomously, and the first branching takes place at
the base, so that the arms seem to spring from the theca. In
these cases the first brachialia are considered as part of the theca
and are called radialia distichalia (figs. 320, 321). From the arms
arise, right and left, a row of pinnule, lancet-shaped processes
supported by calcareous bodies in which the sexual products ripen
until freed by dehiscence (fig. 325).
The mouth opening, in the middle of the oral dise which closes
the theca, is frequently surrounded by five radial plates, the oralia.
The mouth, which in contrast to other echinoderms is directed
upwards, connects with a spacious digestive tract in which wsopha-
gus, stomach, and intestine can be distinguished. The anus is
interradial and near the mouth (fig. 324). Five ambulacral
grooves begin at the mouth and extend out on the arms, branching
with them and extending to the tips of the pinnule. These are
ciliated and serve as conduits to bring food to the mouth. Nervous,
ambulacral, and blood systems begin with a circumoral ring. They
follow the ambulacral grooves as in the asteroids, but the ambulacra
Fia. 324. Fia. 325.
Fre. 324.—Oral area of crinoid (Antedon), showing by dotted lines the course of the in-
testine from the mouth (m) to the anus («); gy, ciliated grooves leading from the
arms to the mouth (orig.).
Fig. 325 —Cross-section of pinnula of Antedon. (After Ludwig.) a, axial nerve
cord; c, ciliated cups; c, c, celiac canal; g, gonad; s, sacculi; sc, subtentacular
canal; ¢, tentacles.
here have no suckers nor ampulle and are merely tactile tentacles.
A typical stone canal is also lacking; in its place are five or several
hundred tubules leading from the ring canal to the cwlom. Oppo-
site their celomic mouths are fine pores in the oral disc through
which water enters to pass through the tubules into the ambulacral
system. The ambulacral nervous system is weakly developed.
The enterocele system, on the other hand, is well developed and
forms the axial cord running through the brachialia and radialia
to unite ina ring in the centrodorsal. A problematical organ,
the so-called dorsal organ, also begins in the centrodorsal and
extends up through the axis of the theca to the oral disc. It is
possibly a lymphoid gland, possibly a structure for the transfer of
nutriment, and is apparently homologous with the ‘heart’ of the
Sub Class I. Eucrinoidea,
The foregoing account applies entirely to the Encrinoidea, which may
be divided into two groups :
Order I. TESSELLATA (Paleocrinoidea). Theca with its side walls
composed of immovably united thin plates ; the ambulacral grooves usu-
ally completely covered by calcareous plates. Exclusively paleozoic.
Order II. ARTICULATA (Neocrinoidea). Ambulacral grooves open,
theca with compact, in part movably articulated, plates. This order left
the other in the mesozoic age, and some families have persisted until now.
Rhizocrinus * (fig. 323) and Pentacrinus (fig. 320), deep seas ; the Coma-
TULID# are fixed in the young, free in the adult. Antedon* (fig. 321).
Sub Class 11. Edrioasteroidea (Agelacrinotdea).
Theca of irregular plates ; arms unbranched and lying on the theca.
Possibly the ancestors of the noncrinoid echinoderms. Paleozoic. Ageda-
Sub Class III. Cystidea.
Exclusively paleozoic ; body spherical, composed of polygonal plates.
Stalk and arm structures rudimentary, sometimes lacking. The AMPHo-
RIDA are by some regarded as ancestral of all echinoderms. Holocystites,
Echinospherites (fig. 326).
Fie. 326. Fie. 3827.
Fig. 326.—Kchinospheerites aurantium. (From Zittel )
Fia. 327.—Pentremites florealis. (From Zittel). Lateral, oral, and aboral views.
Sub Class IV. Blastoidea,
Arms lacking ; the mouth surrounded by five petal-like ambulacral
areas. The group appears at end of Silurian and dies out with the earbon-
iferous. Pentremites (fig. 327).
Class IV. Echinoidea (Sea Urchins).
The structure of the sea urchins is best understood in the
spherical forms (figs. 328, 330).
Mouth and anus lie at opposite
poles of the main axis, each open-
ing immediately surrounded by
areas covered by calcareous plates,
the arrangement of which varies
with the family. Around the anus
is the periproct, around the mouth
the peristome, the latter bearing
spheridia and in the Echinoids five
pairs of interambulacral gills. Be-
tween peristome and periproct the He see—Ceepieirin anidaniae teas
body wall is composed of calcareous Agassiz.) Aboral ‘view, the spines
: ‘ a removed to show the ambulacral (a)
plates, which, except in the Echino- and () interambulacral areas, end-
ee . 3 ing respectively in the ocular and
thuride, are immovably united. genital plates: in the centre the four
Aside from the extinct Palechei- P!tes of the periproct.
noidea the plates are arranged in twenty meridional rows, or, more
accurately, in ten double rows, two rows being always intimately
associated together. Five of these double rows are ambulacral,
Fia. 329. Fig. 330.
Fia@. 329.—Clypeaster subdepressus. (After Agassiz.) Aboral view, showing the peta-
loid ends of the ambulacral areas. ; j
Fria, 330.—Diagrammatic longitudinal section through a sea urchin.
the alternating five interambulacral. Both bear small hemispheri-
cal articular surfaces on which are situated the spines, either long
and pointed or swollen to spherical plates. These spines are ex-
tremely mobile and are moved by muscles so that they serve both as
protecting and locomotor structures. The ambulacral plates are
distinguished from the interambulacral by the ambulacral pores
by which the ambulacra on the surface are connected with the
internal ampulle. In most sea urchins the paired grouping of
the pores results from the fact that a double canal extends from
ampulla to ambulacrum.
In the arrangement of the ambulacra two modifications, the band form
and the petaloid, occur. In the first the ambulacra are equally developed
from peristome to periproct (fig. 328). In the second oral and aboral
regions may be distinguished (fig. 329). In the oral region alone are loco-
motor feet always present, but these are so irregularly arranged that no
striking figure results. In the aboral area the ambulacra are tentacular
in character and are regularly arranged, their pores bounding five petal-
like figures around the periproct, very distinct after removal of the spines.
In the Echinoids, the Cidarids excepted, the interambulacral plates around
the peristome show five pairs of notches for the gills, five pairs of thin-
walled branching extensions of the body cavity.
Ambulacral and interambulacral fields both end at the periproct
with an unpaired plate, the five ambulacral plates (radialia of mor-
phology) being called ocular plates, since they often bear pigment
spots formerly regarded as eyes. They are perforated by the end
of the radial canal and nerve, the latter here uniting with the epi-
thelium of the skin. The five interambulacral plates are called
genital plates, since they usually contain the openings of the genital
ducts: One is often madreporite as well.
The interior of the body is occupied by a spacious ceelom, to
I V A st
Fra. 331.—Sea urchin opened around the equator. 4, ambulacral area; J, interam-
bulacral area; L, lantern; d, intestine; ed, anal end of intestine; g, gonads; nd,
siphon; oe, cesophagus; p, p’, ring canal and Polian vesicles; st, stone canal.
the walls of which the thin-walled alimentary tract is fastened by
a mesentery. In the Clypeastroids this tract forms a simple spiral,
but elsewhere it is a double spiral. It ascends from the mouth,
turning once, and then, bending on itself, coils
in the reverse direction to the anus (fig. 331).
Usually the first portion of the canal is accom-
panied by a siphon, an accessory tube opening
into the main tube at either end. Except in
the Spatangoids the mouth is surrounded by hy
five sharp-pointed calcareous plates, the teeth, ric. 332. — Aristotle’s
which in the Echinoids are supported by a [anfern of simongine
centratus lividus. (Af-
complicated system of levers, fulcra, and mus- a aa meee ae
cles, the ‘lantern of Aristotle’ (fig. 332). cr
The ring canal and the ring of the blood system lie on the
lantern, the stone canal and ovoid gland (‘heart’) extending
upwards from them (fig. 330). The blood-vascular ring gives off
two blood-vessels which run along the alimentary canal, while from
the ring canal arise five ambulacral or radial canais which run on
Fig. 333.—Oral (A) and aboral (B) surfaces of the sand dollar, Echinarachnius parma.
a, anus; g, genital pores; 7, ambulacral areas ; m, madreporite ; 0, mouth.
the inner side of the test accompanied by nerves which radiate
from a nerve ring. The gonads are five (rarely four or two)
unpaired organs in the aboral half of the test, opening through the
genital plates, that is, interradially as in the starfish.
Order I. Palwechinoidea.
Paleozoic forms with five ambulacral areas, the interambulacral areas
containing more than two rows of plates, J/elonites.
Order II. Cidaridea (Regulares).
Ambulacral areas band-like, body more or less spherical, mouth and
anus polar. Here belong the common urchins, represented on our coasts
by Toxopneustes,* Strongylocentrotus,* Arbacia,* Calopleurus* (fig. 828).
Order III. Clypeastroidea.
Trregular flattened echinoids with central mouth and teeth; anus out-
side the periproct in the posterior interradius, sometimes marginal ; five
petaloid ambulacral areas. Clypeaster (tropical), Echinarachnius* (sand
dollar, fig. 833), Ifellita,* with holes through the test.
Order IV. Spatangoidea.
Bilateral flattened forms more or less
heart-shaped ; mouth and anus excentric,
no teeth; usually five petaloid ambulacral
areas and four genital plates. From the
forward position of the mouth it follows
that only two ambulacral areas (bivium,
p. _) are upon the lower surface. Warmer
seas. Spatangus,* Echinocardium, Brissus.
Class V. Holothuroidea.
The sea cucumbers are most re-
Fic. 334. Young Spatangus pur- 7 : 0 ic
ice ee moved of any group from the typical
removed, oral surface. In front, echinoderm appearance. At the first
the slit-like mouth ; behind, the :
anus. The bivium without tu- glance the skin appears naked and the
ercies, . . 7
characteristic plates absent. Yet these
are imbedded in the skin in the shape of plates, wheels, and anchors
(fig. 335). The integment is tough, leathery, and muscular with
Fig. 335.—Dermal plates of Holothurians. A, Myriotrochus rinkii. (After Daniels-
sen.) B, Thyone briareus; C, Synapta giraraii (orig.).
longitudinal and circular fibres. The saccular body gives these
forms a worm-like appearance, strengthened by its elongation in
the main axis, and with the mouth and anus at the poles. Unlike
other echinoderms these move with the main axis parallel to the
ground, a condition which, to a greater or less extent, leads to a
replacement of radial by bilateral symmetry. One surface (trivium)
becomes ventral, the bivium dorsal, and in many the trivial ambu-
Fia, 336.—Anatomy of Caudina arenata. (After Kingsley.) a, anastomoses of dorsal
blood-vessel ; b, branchial tree; d, dorsal blood-vessel; f. mesenterial filaments;
g, genital opening; /, alimentary canal; /, longitudinal muscles; m, mouth: 0,
genital duct; p, pharyngeal ring; 7, gonads, cut away on right side; f, ampulle
lacra alone are locomotor, those of the bivium being tactile or
wholly absent.
In the body cavity (fig. 336) lies the alimentary canal, which
(except in Synapta) is coiled in a uniform manner, although many
minor conyvolutions may obscure this. It passes backwards in the
median dorsal interradius foi ward in the left ventral interradins, and
then back in the right dorsal interradius to the anus. It is held in
position by mesenteries (fig. 337), and
aS near the anus by numerous muscular
filaments. Into the terminal portion
one or two branchial trees may empty.
These are tubular sacs with small
branched outgrewths which are filled
with water. The similarity of these to
: A the excretory organs of some Gephy-
“Int 7? yea (p. 317%) was one ground for re-
Fig. 337.—Transverse section of garding those forms as intermediate
Holothuria tubulosa. (After Lud- :
wig.) d, digestive tract; db, dor- between worms and echinoderms.
sal blood-vessel; g, gonad duct; ,,, E 2
h, skin; Im, longitudinal muscles: They are to be regarded as respiratory,
betiesse sae eihtiocralcompiex since they are periodically filled with
or anwiam fambulacra} vessel) fresh water. In many species ‘ Cuvie-
ee eee rian organs’ occur; these are morpho-
logically specially modified portions of the branchial tree and are
either connected with them or separately with the cloaca. Many
zoologists regard them as defensive structures because of their
sticky nature and because they can be cast out through the anus.
The esophagus is usually surrounded by a ring of five radial
and five interradial plates which serve as points of attachment for
rommhk +
the longitudinal muscles. Just behind it He the ring canal, ring
nerve, and the ring of the blood system, each giving off a radial
branch which here runs inside the muscular sac of the body. From
the beginning of the radial canals (rarely, as in Synapta, from the
ring canal) tubes extend outward to form the extremely sensitive
retractile tentacles which surround the mouth, and which either
branch (Dendrochirotw) or bear frilled shield-shaped extremities
(Aspidochirotw). A single Polian vesicle is usually present, and
the stone canal (except in the Elasipoda) connects with the
celom. Blood-vessels going from the vascular ring form rich
anastomoses on the alimentary canal. Only a single gonad (or é
pair of united gonads) occurs. This consists of numerous tubules
which open usually interradially near the mouth.
The regenerative powers of these animals are of interest. In unfavor-
able conditions (hence in preserving the animals in alcohol without nar-
cotization with chloral) they void the whole viscera and yet may live and
reproduce the lost parts. In certain species are found a few parasites.
One or two harbor a small fish (Fierasfer) in their cloaca and branchial
trees. A parasitic snail, Hntoconcha mirabilis, lives in one species of
Synapta, and a mussel, Hntovalva mirabilis, in another.
Order I. Actinopoda.
Radial canals present, sending branches to the tentacles and am-
bulacra when present. Divided into Pedata, with ambulacra, and Apoda,
without. The PEDATA include the Holothuride with peltate tentacles.
Fia, 338.—Cucumaria frondosa, sea cucumber. (From Emerton.)
Holothuria* in warmer waters, one species furnishing the trepang of
Chinese markets. The Cucumarim. represented in our waters by Cucu-
maria* (Pentacta) with regular rows of ambulacra, Thyone* with them
scattered, and Psolus,* scaly with a creeping disc. The deep-sea Eva-
sIPODA belong to the Pedata. The APODA are represented by Caudina *
(fig. 336) and Molpadia.*
Order II. Paractinopoda.
No radial canals nor ambulacra. Tentacular canals arising from ring
canal, Myriotrochus,* Synapta,* Oligotrochus* (fig. 339).
Summary of Important Facts.
1. The ECHINODERMA share the radiate structure with the
Coelenterata, but differ from them (a) in the numerical] basis of
the symmetry (five); (4) in that, as embryology shows, they have
descended from bilateral forms.
2. Farther characters are the existence of a ccelom, the
ambulacral system, and the mesodermal spiny skeleton, which has
given the name to the phylum.
3. Theambulacral system is locomotor and occurs nowhere else.
It consists of a sieve-like plate, the madreporite (not always pres-
ent), which passes water to the stone canal, and from this to the
Fie 339.—Oligotrochus vitreus.* (After Danielssen and Koren.)
ring canal and the radial canals to fill the ampulle and ambulacra.
Lateral branches supply the tentacles and cause their extension.
4. Blood-vessels and nerve cords run in the same radii as the
radial canals of the ambulacral system; stone canal, madreporite,
ovoid gland, and genital ducts are interradial.
5. The Echinoderma are divided into five classes: (1) Aster-
oidea, (2) Ophiuroidea, (3) Crinoidea, (4) Echinoidea, and (5)
6. The ASTEROIDEA have a dise and (usually) five arms into
which the gastric pouches and hepatic ceca extend. The ambu-
lacral groove open.
%. The Opnrvurorpea also have dise and arms, but the ambu-
lacral groove is closed and the hepatic ceca absent.
8. The CRINOIDEA have a cup-shaped body bearing arms,
usually branching, with pinnule, and a stalk, usually with cirri.
They are either temporarily or permanently attached. The
Crinoidea are subdivided into Eucrinoidea, Edrioasteroidea,
Cystidea, and Blastoidea.
9, The EcHINOIDEA are usually spherical or oval, armored with
calcareous plates which extend as meridional bands from peristome
to periproct, five pairs of ambulacral and five of interambulacral.
10. The ambulacral plates end at the periproct with a single
ocular plate; the interambulacral with a similar genital plate.
The madreporite is fused with one of the genital plates. :
11. The regular sea urchins have the anus in the centre of the
periproct, the mouth in the peristome; the ambulacral areas are
12. The Clypeastroidea have a central mouth, the anus outside
the periproct in the posterior interradius; the ambulacral areas
13. The Spatangoidea are markedly bilateral, the mouth an-
terior, the anus posterior; ambulacral areas petaloid.
14. The Honornurorpea are elongate and worm-like; the
skeletal system greatly reduced; they are more or less bilaterally
symmetrical and have usually a single gonad and two branchial
trees. They are divided into Actinopoda, with radial canals, and
Paractinopoda, without.
At the first glance the molluscs, like the flatworms and leeches,
give the impression of parenchymatous animals. A spacious celom
is absent; what was formerly regarded as a body cavity is a system
of sinuses surrounding the viscera and connected with the blood
system, and is especially developed in the Acephala. More recently
the view has gained ground that the molluscs have descended
from celomate animals, and from forms in which, by encroach-
ments of a connective tissue and muscular parenchyma, the eelom
has been reduced to the inconspicuous remnants of the pericardium
and the lumen of the gonads.
Where the molluscan organization is well developed, as in the
snails, four parts may be recognized in the body (fig. 340). The
‘visceral sac forms the chief mass of the body; it is less rich in
muscles than the rest because it is reduced to a thin peripheral
layer by the alimentary canal, liver, nephridia, and gonads. In
front it is continuous with the head, which, according to the group,
is more or less marked off by a neck, and bears, besides the mouth,
the tentacles and eyes, the most important sense organs. Below,
the visceral sac passes into a muscular mass, usually used for loco-
motion, the foot. From the back extends the pallium or mantle,
a dermal fold which envelops a goodly part of the body. The
Acephala (fig. 340, C’) have a double mantle, right and left, both
halves springing from the dorsal line and extending down over the
visceral sac and foot. The cephalopods (fig. 340, 1) and the snails
(fig. 340, 2), on the other hand, have an unpaired mantle which
arises from about the central part of the back and either extends
down on all sides or, like a cowl, covers either the anterior or
posterior parts of the body. The mantle is of importance in two
ways: its outer surface is covered with epithelium which, like that
of the adjacent surface, has the power of secreting shell, a thick
cuticular layer of organic matter (conchiolin) largely impregnated
with calcic carbonate. The inner surface of the mantle, together
Fic. 340.—Diagrams of three molluscan classes. 4A.a cephalopod (Sepia); B, a gas-
teropod (Helix); C, an acephal (Anodonta), a, anus; c, cerebral ganglion; fu, foot;
m, mantle chamber; sch, shell; ¢, siphon; v, visceral ganglion. Visceral sac
dotted; mantle lined, shell black.
with the outer surface of the body, bounds a space, the mantle cavity,
which, from its most important function, is also called the dran-
chial chamber. Since most molluscs are aquatic, special vascular
processes of the body, the gills or branchix, le in this space; in,
the terrestrial forms its walls serve as lungs and thus are respiratory.
From the foregoing it will be seen that the character of the
mantle must exert an influence on the shape of the shell and on
the respiratory organs. Paired mantle folds necessitate two valves,
right and left, to the shell; a right and Jeft branchial chamber,
and right and left gills. With an unpaired mantle the shell is
always unpaired, while the gills may retain their primitive paired
The gills in the mantle cavity are called ctenidia, from their resem-
blauce to combs with two rows of teeth. Each consists of an axial portion
(back of the comb), containing the chief blood-vessels and two rows of
branchial leaves. The whole is united to the wall of the branchial cavity
by the axis (fig. 885). In many aquatic forms the ctenidia are lacking,
and then the respiration is either diffuse by the skin or by accessory gills
which by structure (usually outside the mantle cavity) are distinguished
from the ctenidia.
Those parts of the surface of the mollusc which are not covered
by the shell have a columnar epithelium which is frequently ciliated
and which contains unicellular mucus glands, especially abundant
on the edge of the mantle. These give these animals the soft slip-
pery skin which is implied in the name Mollusca (iollis, soft).
Many-celled glands, like the byssus gland of the Acephala, the
pedal gland of many snails, occur.
Although the existence of head, foot, and mantle is very char-
acteristic of the molluscs, they are not always present. In the:
Acephala there is no distinct head region; many gasteropods lack
the mantle and hence the shell; in the Cephalopoda the foot is
converted into other appendages, the siphon and arms. These
modifications are to be explained by degeneration and evolution.
In the nervous system are also some highly characteristic features.
As a rule it consists of three pairs of ganglia associated with
important sense organs and connected by nerve cords. One pair
lies dorsal to the esophagus and corresponds to the suprawesophageal
ganglion of the worms; it is the brain (cerebrum) and supplies
RNG pl. . £ EB wal Ly UE ee
* ; ae i >» Semmes q \ par
‘pe. aN re. at pe
A B Cc
¥ 1g. 341.—Nervous systems of Molluscs. A, most gasteropods; B, acephals; C, cepha-
lopods and pulmonates. c, cerebral; pu, parietal, pe, pedal, pl, pleural, and v,
visceral ganglia.
the tentacles and eyes. A second pair lies ventral to the alimentary
tract on the front part of the muscle mass of the foot; these are
the pedal gangha which are connected with the otocysts. The
third pair, the visceral ganglia, are also ventral, and near them
are the third sense organs, which are widely distributeed through
the Mollusea, and which from position and structure are regarded
as organs of smell (osphradia). They are thickened patches of
ciliated epithelia extending into the mantle cavity. Pedal and
visceral ganglia are united to the cerebrum by nerve cords, the
cerebropedal and cerebrovisceral connectives respectively. Accord-
ingly as these connectives are long or short the ganglia are wide
apart or united into a nerve mass around the wsophagus.
Primitive Mollusca (Amphineura) have a simpler condition. The
cerebral ganglia lie dorsal to the cesophagus and are united by a cord
around the cesophagus (fig. 844). From it are given off two pairs of lat-
eral nerve tracts, the ventral or pedal cords, and lateral or pleural cords,
the latter united by a loop dorsal to the anus. By a concentration of
ganglion cells the pedal cords give rise to the pedal ganglia, and similarly
the pleural cords form three pairs of ganglia, the pleural and the parietal,
as well as the visceral already mentioned, of the cerebrovisceral cord (fig.
341, 4). Thepleural ganglia are connected with the pedal by nerve cords;
the parietal innervates the osphradium. When farther concentration takes
place the pleural may unite with the cerebral, and the parietal with the
visceral (fig. 841, B), or both may fuse with the visceral (C). In the latter
case the visceral ganglion (in the wider sense) is associated with the pedal
by the pleuropedal connective ; while in the other the connective is appa-
rently absent because fused with the cerebropedal. Although the otocyst
receives its name from the pedal ganglion, the centre of innervation lies ia
the cerebrum.
The heart, which lies dorsally, consists of auricles and ven-
tricles. The ventricle is always unpaired, but there are two auricles
where two gills exist from which the blood flows to the heart, but
with the loss of one gill one auricle may disappear. Distinct arteries
and veins occur; capillaries are found only in the Cephalopoda,
while in the lower molluscs, and especially in the Acephala, the
smaller arteries open into lacunar spaces which were formerly
regarded as the body cavity. A completely closed vascular system
does not exist even in the Cephalopoda.
The heart is enclosed in a spacious sac or pericardium, which,
with few exceptions, is connected with the nephridia by a ciliated
canal, and in many molluses (Cephalopoda and some Acephala) is
also related to the gonads. These facts support the view, already
mentioned, that the pericardium and the lumen of the gonads are
the remnants of the ca@lom; for here, as in the annelids, the
nephridia open by ciliated nephrostomes into the cclom, and the
sexual cells arise either from the celomic walls or from sacs cut
off from them. Even more important for this view would be
confirmation of the disputed statement that in Paludina vivipara
the celom (enterocawle) arises as diverticula from the archenteron.
Nephridia and sexual organs are primitively paired, but fre-
quently are single by the degeneration of the structures of one side.
The animals are either hermaphroditic or dicecious, but the gonads
are always very large. Even more room in the visceral sac is
demanded by the digestive tract in which wsophagus, stomach, a
coiled intestine, a voluminous liver, and frequently salivary glands
may be recognized. The radula or lingual ribbon is also a char-
acteristic organ, and its absence from the Acephala is probably to
be explained by degeneration. It is a plate or band armed with
teeth which lies on the floor of the pharynx on a ventral ridge,
the tongue, and is used for the communication of food (figs. 366,
Reproduction is exclusively sexual; budding, fission, or parthen-
ogenesis have not yet been observed. The eggs, united in large
numbers, are usually enveloped in jelly and are either rich in
deutoplasm or are enveloped in a nourishing albumen. A few
molluses (¢.9., Paludina vivipara) are viviparous. A metamor-
Sp oS
UK AHANY \ i my °
. a ful | \ p—We
0 ANOH i \E
fp ARS.
Fic. 342.—Veliger larva (trochophore) of Teredo navalis. (From Hatschek.) A, anus;
J, stomach; J;, intestine; L, liver; LM.d, LM.v, dorsal and ventral longitudinal
muscles; Mes, primitive mesoderm cells; MP, teloblast ; Neph, protonephros; 0,
mouth; Oe, esophagus; R, rectum ; S, shell; Schl, hinge; SM.h, SM.v, posterior
and anterior adductors; Sp, apical plate; Whkr, wkr, pre- and postoral ciliated
bands; ws, cilia of apical plate.
phosis is of wide occurrence. In such cases a ‘ veliger’ larva
escapes from the egg (fig. 342); in this can be recognized head,
foot, and mantle, even in those cases where one or the other of
these is lacking in the adult. This shows that the absence of
mantle, shell, or head, which occur in large groups of molluscs,
is not a primitive condition, but can only be explained by degen-
eration. The name veliger arises from the velum, a strong circle
of cilia, which surrounds a frontal or velar field in front of the
mouth, and which serves as a locomotor organ for the larva. In
some cases (fig. 343. B) it is lobed like the trochus of a Rotifer.
Fie. 343.—Veliger stages, 4, of a snail; B, of a Pteropod. (From Gegenbaur.)
o, shell; op, operculum ; p, foot; t, tentacle: v, velum.
The veliger recalls the annelid trochophore and serves for the
distribution of the species; it is therefore of great importance for
animals which, like most molluscs, are sedentary or slow-moving.
In cases without metamorphosis (Cephalopoda, Pulmonata, etc.)
the veliger stage is frequently indicated during embryonic devel-
opment by a ridge of cells surrounding a preoral velar field.
Class I. Amphineura.
These forms, some of which appear in the Silurian, are clearly
the most primitive of molluscs, and are distinguished by a marked
bilateral symmetry. The nervous system already described (p.
354) consists of pleural and pedal cords with scattered ganglion
cells and no ganglia, these cords being connected by numerous
commissures (fig. 344, B).
Sub Class I. Placophora (Chitonide).
The chitons were formerly included among the gasteropods
becanse of the presence of a creeping foot and a radula. They
are at a glance distinguished from them by the rudimentary con-
dition of the head and the shell. This last is unique among mol-
luses; it consists of eight transverse plates overlapping like shingles,
which allows the animal to roll itself into a ball. The edge of the
mantle extends beyond the shell and is covered with spines, while
in the mantle cavity beneath are, right and left, a series of ctenidia.
Nerves enter the shell and end with noticeable sense organs (2s-
Fic. 344.—Chiton squamosus, dorsal view. (After Haller.) 4, the entire animal; B,
after removal of shell and viscera. a, anus; C, brain; K, ctenidia; 0, mouth;
P, pedal nerve cord; pl, pleurovisceral nerve cord.
thetes and, in some, eyes, fig. 345). The symmetry of the body is
also expressed in the viscera. The anus is medial, and right and
Tie. 345.—Eye and esthetes of Acunthopleura spiniger. (After Moseley.) a, macrees-
thete; 6, micra f, calcareous cornea; g, lens; fh, iris; k, pigmented cap-
sule; n, p, nerves; 7, retina.
left of it are the openings of the nephridia and sexual organs. The
sexes are separate, the gonads unpaired, while corresponding to the
paired arrangement of the gills there are two auricles to the heart.
The Chitons are represented on our northeastern coast by several
small species (Lrachydermon,* Amicula*); farther south and on the
Pacific shores are larger species (Cryptochiton *).
Sub Class II. Solenogastres (Aplacophora).
Worm-like forms without shell; the
foot rudimentary and at the bottom of
a ventral groove. The radula is also
reduced; in Chetoderma it bears but a
single tooth. The gills are either small
or wanting. The usually hermaphrodite
‘ animals have the gonads emptying into
4..p an unpaired chamber (pericardium?) and
Fic. 346.—Neomenia carinata, thence to the exterior by the paired
ce ee ae nephridia. Chetoderma in New Eng-
serlon ye, ventraleroove: land; Neomenita, Dondersia.
Class II. Acephala (Lamellibranchiata, Pelecypoda).
These have, among the molluscs, the least powers of locomo-
tion. Some are fixed, the majority burrow slowly through sand
or mud; only a few spring by means of the foot or swim by open-
ing or closing the shells. Hence it is that they need more pro-
tection than other species, and this is afforded by the strong shells
in which the body can usually be completely enclosed. This shell
recalls that of the brachiopod in that it consists of two halves or
valves, but these valves are right and left rather than dorsal and
ventral, and hence are usually symmetrical in shape. Only when
the animal rests permanently on the right or left side is this sym-
metry lost, and then the symmetry of the soft parts is affected.
The two lobes of the mantle which secrete the shell on their
outer surface arise from the back of the animal and grow down-
wards, forwards, and backwards, so that they envelop the whole
(fig. 352). Hence the oldest and the most thickened part of the
shell, the umbo, occurs near the back (fig, 347). Around _ this
the lines of growth are arranged concentrically, lines which show
how, by gradual growth of the mantle, the shell has increased in
size. On the back the valves approach each other, and in the
majority are movably connected by a hinge, which consists of
projections (‘teeth’) in one valve fitting into depressions in the
other. In the Brachiopoda the valves are opened by appropriate
muscles; in the Acephala by an elastic hinge ligament usually placed
dorsal to and behind the hinge. ‘he shell is closed by adductor
muscles which extend through the body from shell to shell, leav-
ing their impressions or scars on the inner surface (fig. 347).
Usually there occur an anterior and a posterior adductor equally
well developed (Dimyaria); less frequently the anterior is rudi-
mentary (Heteromyaria) or entirely disappears (Monomyaria).
Tig. 348.
Fic, 347.—Left valve of Crassatella plumbea, inner and outer surfaces. (From Zittel.)
The outer surface showing lines of growth; no pallial sinus.
Fic. 348.—Right valve of Mactra stultorum, with pallial sinus. (From Ludwig-Leunis.)
Letters for both figures: a’, anterior; «’’, posterior adductor scar; ¢, hinge; lL
internal ligamental groove; m, pallial line; s, pallial sinus.
When the muscles are relaxed (as always occurs at death) the elastic
ligament opens the valves.
The heterodont hinge is the typical form (fig. 348); each valve bears a
group of teeth near the umbo, those of the left alternating with those of
the right. Besides these ‘ cardinal teeth’ there are in front and behind
‘lateral teeth,’ often produced into ridges. The ligament lies behind the
hinge and is usually visible from the outside (external ligament), but is
occasionally transferred to the interior (internal ligament, fig. 347). The so-
called schizodont and desmodont hinges are modifications of the hetero-
dont. Then there are Acephala of apparently primitive character which
either lack the hinge (dysodont), or have one composed of numerous teeth
in a series symmetrical to the umbo(taxodont), or of two strong teeth like-
wise symmetrical to the umbo (isodont). In these cases the ligament is
developed in front of as well as behind the umbo, and may be either
external or internal.
Since the secretion of shell takes place most rapidly at the edge
of the mantle, both are closely united, the union being strength-
ened by small muscles. So the edge of the shell has a different
appearance from the rest, this part being marked off by a pallial
line parallel to the margin (fig. 547). Tn many species, the Sinu-
palliata, the line at the hinder end makes a large bay (pailial
sinus) (fig. 348, s). Since the mantle folds are membranes with
free margins, it follows that when the shell is closed these edges are
pressed together, which would prevent the free entrance and exit
of water. To accommodate this each mantle has its margin exca-
vated at the posterior end, so that when brought together two
openings, an upper and a lower, result (fig. 349, C). The lower
Fic. 349.—Ventral views of siphonate and asiphonate acephals. 4, Anodonta cygnea ;
B, Lsocardia cor ; C, Lutraria elliptica. a, anal siphon ; >, branchial siphon; fs, foot;
k’, outer, 4’’, inner gill lamella; m, mantle; s, shell.
of these is the branchial opening by which fresh water passes into
the mantle (branchial) chamber; it flows out after passing over
the gills, along with the feces, through the upper or cloacal open-
ing. In many bivalves the free edges of the mantle grow together,
Fig. 350.—Section of shell of Anodonta. c, cuticula; p, prismatic layer; 1, nacreous
leaving three openings, one for the protrusion of the foot, the
others the two just described, which are now called the ineurrent
(branchial) and excurrent (cloacal) siphons (fig. 349, 2B). By
further development the margins of these openings are drawn out
into two long conjoined tubes (fig. 349, 4), which for their retrac-
tion need special muscles, which are attached to the valves and
thus cause the pallial sinus referred to above (fig. 348).
In the shell three layers may be distinguished (fig. 850): on the outside
a thin organic cuticula and below two layers largely of calcie carbonate.
In many these two layers are distinguished as the prismatic layer and the
nacreous layer, the first consisting of closely packed prisms; the nacreous
layer of thin lamelle generally parallel to the surface. These by their free
edges produce diffraction spectra and so the iridescent appearance of the
shell; the finer the lines thus formed the more beautiful the play of colors.
This is especially noticeable in the mother-of-pearl shells Meleagrina and
Margaritina margaritifera. When foreign substances get between mantle
and shell they stimulate a greater secretion of nacreous substance and
become surrounded by layers of it. In this way pearls are formed.
K* Ks K' ml gf
Fig. 351.—Anatomy of Anodonta, the mantle, gill, and liver of the right side
removed, the pericardium opened. 1, ?, anterior and posterior adductors; I, II,
IIT, cerebral, pedal, and visceral ganglia; a, anus; |}, b?, upper and lower limbs
of organs of Bojanus,; br, branchial siphon; «, intestine; ¢, nephridial opening ;
fu, foot; g, gonad; hj, h®, ventricle and auricle of heart; k’, insertion of both
lamelle of right gill; Kk, k4, inner and outer lamelle of left gill; 1, left liver < l 5;
its opening in m, stomach; ml, pallial line; 7, anterior, r?, posterior retractor
muscle: sp, nephrostome ; v, labial palpus. The arrows show the planes of sec-
tion of fig. 352.
The gills lie between the mantle and the body and from their
lamellar character have given rise to the name Lamellibranchiata
(figs. 851, 352). Two gill-leaves occur on either side, although
occasionally the outer or both may degenerate. Frequently the
gills of the two sides unite behind the body and produce a parti-
tion which separates the mantle cavity into a small dorsal cloacal
chamber and the larger lower respiratory cavity. Into the cloaca
empty the anus and the water which has passed over the gills; it
opens to the exterior through the excurrent siphon. The incurrent
siphon leads into the branchial chamber. In front of the gills
are two more pairs of leaf-like lobes, the Jabial palpi, between
which is the mouth.
The gills are variously developed. The Nuculide—the most primitive
of living Acephala—have true ctenidia consisting of an axis grown to
the body and an inner and an outer row of gill leaves (fig. 355). From
this the filibranch type is easily derived. The gill leaves grow out into
Fie. 352.—Projection of sections shown by the arrows in fig. 351. b1, b2, upper and
lower limbs of nephridium (organ of Bojanus); @, intestine; e, nephridiopore;
fu, foot; g, gonad; h}, ventricle surrounding the intestine ; 22, auricle: k!, k2,inner
and outer gill lamelle; /, hinge ligament; m, mantle; n, cerebro-visceral com-
missure ; sp, hephrostome; v, venous sinus.
long filaments, each bent on itself so that it presents two limbs, a descend-
ing and an ascending. These branchial threads are so matted together
that they give the impression of a continuous leaf. In the true lamellar
gill the threads of the filibranch grow together at intervals, leaving open-
ings, the gill slits. Since there is an ascending anda descending limb, it
follows that each gill consists of an inner and an outer leaf (fig. 852), leav-
ing a space between into which the gill slits open. This internal space in
some serves to contain the young.
The complete enclosure of the body in the mantle folds has
led to a degeneration of the head and its normal appendages
(Acephala). Hence there are only two divisions in the body,
dorsally the visceral sac and ventrally the foot. The foot, degener-
ate in many, has a broad sole only in Pectunculus and the Nuculi-
de; usually it is hatchet-shaped (Pelecypoda), that is, compressed
with a rounded ventral margin. It may be enormously expanded
and contracted again. This expansion is often explained by the
taking of water into the blood, but now it is generally accepted
that it is accomplished hy forcing blood from other regions into
it. While the foot by this extensibility can serve as a locomotor
organ, it also functions in many as an organ of attachment.
Inside is a large byssus gland which can secrete silky threads, the
byssus (fig. 853), one end of which is fastened to foreign objects by
Fig. 353.—Mytilus edulis. (After Blanchard.) a, edge of mantle; b, spinning finger of
foot; c, byssus; d,e, retractors of foot; f, mouth; gy, labial palpi; h, mantle; i, j,
inner and outer gills.
means of a finger-like process of the foot, while the other end
remains in connection with the foot. Molluscs which have a byssal
gland are found anchored by a thick bunch of byssal threads to
stones, etc.
The heart, surrounded by a pericardium, usually occupies the
most dorsal part of the visceral sac. It consists of a ventricle and
a pair of auricles (figs. 351, 352, h', 4°). The auricles receive the
blood direct from the gills; the ventricle forces it out through
anterior and posterior aorte (fig. 351), the latter lacking in many
The excretory organs (organs of Bojanus) lie immediately
below the pericardium. The organs of the two sides touch in the
middle line. Each consists of a dorsal smooth-walled chamber
and a lower portion traversed by threads, both connected behind
but separated elsewhere by a thin partition. The lower chamber
is connected in front with the pericardium by a ciliated canal, the
nephrostome, while the upper opens to the outside by a short
canal, the ureter, the external opening being in the region of the
inner cavity of the inner gill. In this way a connexion is estab-
lished from the pericardium to the exterior, the apparatus being
apparently a true nephridium. In many it serves also as genital
duct, but usually the genital and reproductive ducts are separate.
The animals are usually diwcious, the gonads being acinose
The digestive tract (fig. 351) begins with a short oesophagus,
widens out to alarge stomach from which a slender intestine leads,
with many convolutions, to the anus. In the majority of Acephals
the terminal portion enters the pericardium in front and below,
passes through the ventricle and out through the upper posterior
wall of the pericardium. In its course the alimentary tract is
enveloped by the gonads and the voluminous liver, the secretion
of the latter emptying by two ducts into the stomach. Usually
the stomach has a blind sac, in which lies the ‘crystalline style,’ a
rod-like structure of uncertain significance.
The three typical molluscan ganglia (p. 355) are uncommonly
wide apart. The two brain ganglia (cerebropleural ganglia) lie
either side of the mouth at the base of the labial palpi and ventral
to the anterior adductor. They are very small, since cephalic
sense organs are lacking, and are united by a transverse supra-
cesophageal commissure. The posterior ganglia, composed of the
united parietal and pedal ganglia, He near the anus ventral to the
posterior adductor. The pedal ganglia, rather far forward in
the muscles of the foot, are closely approximate. Of the higher
sense organs only the otocysts near the foot are constant. The
labial palpi are also highly sensory, while two small osphradia occur
at the basis of the gills. When eyes occur they are, as in the seal-
lops (Pectinide), arranged in a row like pearls on the margin of
the mantle. Small tentacles with sensory powers may oceur both
on the margin of the mantle and on the tip of the siphon.
Veligers (fig. 842) are very common in development. When this stage
is lacking the history may ecntain a metamorphosis as in the fresh-water
Anodonta, The young which grow in the maternal gills are known as
Glochidia, which are distinguished from the adult by a byssus thread,
by only a single adductor, and by a hook or tooth on the free margin of
the shell (fig. 354). After escape from the gills they swim about by
opening and closing the shells, and by
means of the hooks attach themselves
to passing fish. They produce an ulcer
in the skin of the fish in which they,
grow, and by renewal of the shell and “
the adductor muscles attain the de-
finitive condition. After this metamor-
phosis they fall to the bottom, to live
henceforth half buried in the mud.
Structure of gills, hinge, edge of Fic. eae oe aes rae:
mantle, and adductor muscles have been (From Balfour.) ad, adductor ; by,
used as basis of classification, the usual DeSsHe? ©, Sense tains sh Shell,
divisions being founded on characters derived from only one of these
Order I. Protochonchie.
The primitive character of these forms is shown by the struc-
ture of the gills, which are either ctenidia (Protobranchiata) or
ct ob P
Fic, 355.—Anatomy of Nucula. (After Drew.) aa, anterior adductor; b, byssal gland;
c, cerebral ganglion; ct, ctenidium; f, foot; lt, heart; 1, labial palpus; 0, otocyst;
p, pedal ganglion; pa, posterior adductor; s, stomach ; t, appendage of palpus;
v, Visceral ganglion.
filamentary (Filibranchiata), yet here and there, as in the scal-
lops and oysters (Pseudolamellibranchiata), the fusion of gill fila-
ments is already begun. ITlinge and ligament are symmetrical
with regard to the umbo, or vary little from symmetry. The hinge
may be Jacking, and the ligament is wholly or in part internal.
The mantle edges are free, and rarely is there the first trace of fusion.
Fic. 356.—Yoldia limatula.* (From Binney-Gould.)
Lig ae i“
| KO
Fia. 357.—A, Modiola plicutula*; RB. Pecten irradians*; C, Mytilus edulis.* (From
Sub Order I. DIMYARIA. Two equally developed adductors. The
taxodont NucULID& have ctenidia, a broad foot, pleural and cerebral gan-
glia separate, and gonads emptying through the nephridia, all points which
show them extremely primitive. Mecwla,* Leda,* Yoldia.* The ARcID#
are also taxadont, but filibranch. Scapharea,* Argina.* SOLEMYIDA,
Sub Order I]. ANISOMYARIA. Anterior adductor rudimentary
(Heteromyaria) or wanting (Monomyaria). With the exception of the
isodont SPONDYLID#, all the families lack a hinge (dysodont). To the
Heteromyaria belong the MYLILIDA, or mussels, with strong byssus and
shells pointed anteriorly. Modiola,* Pinna,* Mytilus edulis, abundant on
our mud flats; eaten in Europe, but occasionally poisonous. Dreissenia
polymorpha, a brackish and fresh-water species, has spread from the
Caspian through central Europe. Zthodomus* bores into stone. The
AVICULIDA of warm seas have wing-like projections either side of the umbo,
The pearl oysters of the East and West Indies (Meleagrina) belong here.
The OsTR#ZID& and the PECTINIDZ are monomyarian, The Ostreide, or
oysters, usually become attached by the right valve. Our American
Ostrea virginiana differs from the European species in having the sexes
separate. The Pectinide, or scallops, are free-swimming and are well
known for their highly developed green eyes on the edge of the mantle.
Order II. Heteroconchie.
Gills always lamellar, their outer surface frequently plaited.
Hinge—in rare cases (Anodonta) lost by degeneration—is hetero-
dont or modified from a heterodont condition. The mantle edges
but rarely free in their whole extent; siphons usually present, but
in some so small (Integripalliata) as to cause no sinus in the pallial
line; in others (Sinupalliata) large, the pallial line having a marked
sinus. Anterior and posterior adductors equally developed.
Sub Order I. INTEGRIPALLIATA. The UNIONID# (Naiadee) include
the fresh-water mussels, of which hundreds of species occur in the Missis-
sippi basin, some of which are markedly iridescent and afford material
for pearl buttons. In some pearls of value are occasionally found, Unio,
Anodonta. The tropical TripaentpZ, with small siphons, includes the
Fic. 358.—A, Saricara arctica; B, Astarte suleata; C. Siliqua costata. (From Binney-
largest Acephala, Tridacna gigas, the shell of which may be four feet
long and weigh three hundred pounds. The heart shells (CaRDIIDeE—
Cardium*, Serripes*) and ASTARTIDA, marine, and the fresh-water CycLa-
DIDE (Cyclas, Pisidium*), about the size of peas, belong here, as probably
do the extinct RupisTip# of the cretaceous.
Sub Order I]. SINUPALLIATA. The VENERID# with swollen shells,
represented by the quahog, Venus mercenaria on our east coast and by
Fig. 359.— Te-
redo neavatis,
ship worm in
its tube, the
siphons (a,
anal; b, bran-
chial) drawn
out of the
tube (r); ky,
shell. B,teeth
of the shell
brightly colored species in the tropics; the MACTRID& or
hen clams, and the flattened delicate TELLINIDE (Tellina*,
Macoma*), have short siphons. In others the siphons are
so large that they cannot be entirely retracted within the
shell. This is the case in the MyIp#, represented in all
northern seas by the long clam, Mya arenaria, and in the
razor clams (SOLENIDE; Solen Ensatella*). The allied Sax1-
cAVID# have burrowing species. These forms connect
with others in which the united siphons far exceed the rest
of the body in length, giving the animal a worm-like ap-
pearance (fig. 359). Since the valves do not
cover the whole shell, they are supplemented
by accessory shells, or the worm-like body
secretes a tube in which the rudimentary
valves are imbedded (fig. 360). The PHo-
LADIDH, some of which are phosphorescent,
burrow in wood, clay, or stone. The shell is
well developed. In the ship worms (TERE-
pIp#) the shells, on the other hand, are small,
while in some species the burrows made by
these animals in wood are lined by calcareous
deposits. The several species of Teredo* by
their boring habits do much damage to wood
in the sea, especially in the tropics. The
GASTROCHENID also form tubular shells, the
valves being imbedded in the tube (fig. 360);
at the smaller anterior end the tube is open,
but the other end is closed by a perforated
plate, giving these animals the name of
‘sprinkling-pot’ shells.
Lastly, there should be mentioned the
me: ae eran. little-known Septibranchiata, in which the
a gills have the shape of a septum perforated
Ludwig-Leu- by gill slits separating the branchial and clo-
nis.) a, shell. ah ‘ , ;
acal chambers. Silenta, Cuspidaria.
Class III. Scaphopoda (Solenoconche),
The tooth shells are primitive forms which have some resem-
blances to the Acephala in the paired
liver and nephridia and in structure of the
nervous system (with the exception that a
buccal ganglion is present and the pleural
ganglia are distinct from the cerebral).
In some points they are primitive (persis-
tence of jaws and radula), but in others
they are considerably modified. They lack
gills, have unpaired diwcious gonads,
rudimentary heart (no auricle), and have
two bunches of thread-like tentacles either
side of the mouth. The mantle lobes,
which are paired in the larva, unite below,
forming a sac open at either end, and this pig 361 —pentarium Soman:
secretes a shell shaped like the tusk of an — fiw. tooth shell; left the
elephant, from the larger end of which ae i ee
protrudes the long three-lobed foot used
for boring in the sand. Dentalium (fig. 361), £ntalis *.
Class IV. Gasteropoda.
Although more highly organized than the Acephala, the snails
are in some respects more primitive. The regions of the body—
foot, visceral sac, head, and mantle—occur in all orders, although
in each one or more forms may occur in which one or another part
is lost.
As a rule the foot is flattened ventrally to a creeping sole. In
it may be distinguished anterior and posterior processes, the pro-
podium and metapodium, a sharp lateral margin, the parapodium,
and, above these, appendages or ridges, the epipodia. Inside the
foot is usually a pedal gland.
The head bears (1) the tentacles, a pair of muscular lobes or
hollow retractile processes; (2) a pair of primitive vesicular eyes,
which usually lie at the basis of the tentacles, but may rise even
to their tips. In many snails the eyes are on special stalks which,
as in the stylommatophorous Pulmonata, form a second pair of
tentacles. The protrusion of the tentacles is caused by an inflow
of blood, their retraction by muscles attached to the tip which
draw them in like a finger of a glove.
The mantle begins on the back and extends thence forward
over the body to near the beginning of the head. It covers the
mantle cavity, a spacious chamber, which in the water-breathing
Prosobranchiata, etc., contains the gills (ctenidia) and opens
outward by a large aperture under the margin of the mantle.
The edge of the mantle may be produced into a long groove-like
siphon, conveying water to and from the branchial chamber,
which is of importance in determining the shape of the shell.
When, by degeneration of the gill, the animals become air-breath-
ing, the mantle cavity becomes a lung, and the opening, by growth
of the mantle edges to the body, becomes a small spiraculum,
closed by muscles.
The visceral sac, by the great development of the gonads and
liver, becomes very large. Since growth downwards is prevented
by the muscular foot, the organs press towards the back, carrying
before them the dorsal wall at the origin of the mantle folds, the
line of least resistance. Some organs, like nephridia and heart,
may be pressed into the mantle cavity. When the visceral sac, as
often occurs, becomes enormous, it does not stand directly upwards,
but coils from left to right in a spiral. The older the animal
the more the spiral coils and the larger the last or body whorl.
The visceral spiral therefore begins at the tip with narrow whorls
which increase in size with approach to the rest of the body.
From the foregoing the shape of the shell is easily understood.
As a secretion of the mantle it takes the form which the mantle
assumes under the influence of the visceral sac. With slight devel-
opment of the visceral sac it forms a flattened cone (fig. 362, 1),
or is slightly coiled at the apex, as in the abalone (B). When the
visceral sac is greatly elongate the shell is correspondingly an
elongate cone. It is rarely irregularly coiled (Vermetida, fig.
362, C). It is usually coiled like a watch spring in one plane, or
like a spiral staircase; in the latter case the shell is more or less
conical (fig. 362, D, #) and one can speak of its apex and base.
In the middle of the base is usually a depression, the umbilicus.
Sometimes the coils are loose and do not touch in the axis con-
necting umbilicus and apex, so that one can look into the space,
but usually the coils fuse together into a calcareous pillar, the
columella, around which the whorls pass (fig. 362, #, c).
The shell increases to a certain size by additions from the mantle
edge; and since this determines the aperture, the shell is marked
with parallel lines of growth. The pigment is elaborated on the
edge of the mantle, and in the formation of the shell passes into
it, causing its color pattern. When the siphon is present the
shell shows a corresponding process. Thus are distinguished
holostomate shells with smooth mouths (fig. 362, D) and siphono-
F 1G. 362. Various forms of shells. (After Schmarda, Bronn, and Clessin.) A, Patella
costata ; B, Haliotis tuberculata ; C, Vermetus dentiferus ; D, Lithoglyphus naticoides ;
E, shell of Murex opened to show c, columella; 0, siphon.
stome shells, in which the anterior margin is drawn out in a
groove (fig. 362, £).
A simple conical shell without further evidence is not proof of primi-
tive structure. It may arise from the spiral form by degeneration, if the
visceral sac be reduced. Thus the shells of Fisswrella and Patella are to be
explained, for the viscera here show the results of an earlier spiral twist.
In most places the union between shell and soft parts is not very firm,
but the connexion at the aperture is more intimate, while a muscle is at-
tached to the columella (musculus columellaris) at about the middle point
of its height, the other end being inserted in the foot. It is for the retrac-
tion of the animal within the shell, first the anterior part with the head
and then the rest with the metapodium. In this the metapodium is folded
so that its dorsal surface lies towards the aperture. Hence in many species
this surface secretes a door, or operculum, which closes the aperture when
the body retracts. Since the aperture increases in size with growth, the
operculum must also enlarge, which is accomplished in a spiral manner
(fig, 362, D), the process sometimes showing in a spiral line on the out-
side. So-called eye stones are the opercula of small Trochidee and Tur-
binidee. Land snails are usually without opercula, but at certain times,
as in hibernation, they can close the shell by a calcareous plate, the epi-
phragm. In the spring this separates from the shell and is lost.
In most gasteropods the shell is coiled to the right, but in some species
(fig. 363) the whorls are constantly turned to the left,
while reversed specimens occasionally occur in many
species which are normally dextral.
In the shell there are at most two layers, an inner
lamellar layer (not always present), which sometimes
is highly iridescent, and an outer porcellanous layer,
FIG. 363.—Sinistral shell “hich is opaque and contains the pigment. In rare
of Lanistes carinatus. cases the mantle and consequently the shell are lack-
(From Ludwig-Leu- . ‘ : 4 a
nis.) ing, or the mantle is present but the shell is rudi-
mentary and not visible externally because the mantle folds have grown
over it. In these cases the visceral sac is not prominent. Since the shell-
less forms possess a mantle and shell in the young, the adult conditions
are explained by degeneration.
Only a few gasteropods are like the Amphineura and Acephala
in being bilaterally symmetrical. Usually the spiral twist of the
visceral sac has resulted in a torsion of other parts from left to
right, in which alimentary tract, nephridia, gills, heart, and nerv-
ous system take part. The intestine is bent in this way, the anus
opening into the mantle chamber on the right side, or the twisting
may be continued so far as to double the intestine on itself, the
anus being in the middle line in front, near the head. Nephridia,
Fig. 3€4.—Three diagrams illustrating the torsion of the body and the twisting of the
nervous system in gasteropods. (After Lang.) 4, bilateral, B, asymmetrical,
C, streptoneurous condition. The reference letters are placed upon the organs
ot the primitive left side. a,anus: ¢c, cerebral ganglion: g, ctenidium; 7, auri-
cle; m, mouth; 2, nephridial opening; o, osphradium; pa, parietal ganglion;
pe, pedal ganglion; p/, pleural ganglion; v, ventricle. ;
gills (with them the osphradia), and heart wander in company, so
that the organs primitively belonging on the left side may be trans-
ferred to the right and vice versa. With this there is a tendency
to asymmetry and the loss of the organs (usually of the primitively
left side). When the nervous system takes part in the twisting
a notable crossing of the cerebrovisceral commissures takes place,
known as streptoneury or chiastoneury.
The alimentary canal begins with a muscular region which in
some groups is developed into a large protrusible proboscis (fig.
365). The pharynx, which follows, contains the tongue, a ventral
ridge supported by one or more cartilages and covered by a cutic-
ular layer, the radula or lingual ribbon (odondophore). The upper
surface of the radula is armed
with sharp, backwardly di-
rected teeth (fig. 366) which
are usually arranged in trans-
verse and longitudinal rows,
but which vary so in num-
ber, form, size, and arrange-
ment that they are of value in
classification. Although the
radula covers the tongue, it is
Fic, 365. Fic, 366.
Fia. 365.—Pyrula tuba, male. (After Souleyet.) The mantle has been cut on the
right side and turned to the left, reversing the pallial organs. a, anus; ¢, ctenid-
jum; em, columellar muscle; f, foot; h, heart in pericardium ; i, intestine ; 1,
liver; m, mantle; mf, floor of mantle cavity; 1", nephridium, ns, opening ot
nephridium; 0, osphradium ; p, proboscis; pe, penis; t, testes; v, vas deferens
cut in two. . : ; i
Fig. 366.—Pharyngeal region of Helix pomatia. A, side view ; B, section. m, muscle;
oc, @sophagus ; 7’, radula; 7s, radula sac ; sp, salivary duct; 2, lingual cartilage.
formed in the radula sac, which lies behind the tongue. From
this it grows forward like a nail over its bed as fast as it is worn
out in front. It is opposed in eating by a single median or a
pair of lateral jaws (lacking in carnivorous forms).
The rest of the alimentary canal is convoluted, the anus being
usually on the right side in front, in or beside the mantle chamber,
tarely it empties in the middle line behind (figs. 365, 370, 371).
(Esophagus, stomach, and intestine are slightly marked off
from each other. The convolutions of the intestine are enveloped
Fic. 867.—Row of teeth from the radula of Trochus cinerarius. (After Schmarda.)
by the liver, which by its large size forms the chief part of the
visceral suc. , peri-
branchial space; c, notochord; g, gonads; /, liver; m, muscles; 1, nephridia ; 0,
mouth; p, atrial opening ; 7, spinal cord; sp, gill slits.
allows the underlying muscle segments to show through. It differs
from the fishes in lack of skull (Acrania), vertebre, brain, heart,
and kidneys, although the rudiments of brain and excretory organs
are present. Connective tissue is almost entirely absent, the body
consisting of much-folded epithelia separated by thin gelatinous
An axial skeleton is present in the notochord, which extends the
whole length of the body (fig. 541, ¢). Above it lies the spinal
cord, with a central canal, which expands in front into a rudi-
mentary cerebral vesicle. A pigment spot in this brain is the
primitive eye, but other places are sensitive to ight. The olfac-
tory organ is an unpaired pit on the anterior end of the body;
and at its bottom, in the young, is an opening, the anterior neu-
ropore, which leads into the anterior end of the neural canal. It
is a point of delayed closure of the embryonic medullary folds.
Of the alimentary tract more than a third is occupied by the
pharynx with the gill slits. It begins with an oval mouth, sur-
rounded by cirri, and is perforated by numerous gill slits, be-
tween which elastic gill arches form a support for the walls (fig.
542, hb). In the young the gill slits open directly to the anterior,
but later, somewhat as in Tunicata, into a peribranchial chamber
Fig. 542.—Section of the gill region of Amphiorus. (After Lankester and Boveri.)
a, aorta descendens; b, peribranchial space ; ¢, notochord; cd, c@lom (branchial
body cavity) ; e, hypobranchial groove, beneath it the aorta asc endens; 4, gonad;
kb, gill arches; kd, pharynx: l, liver; m, muscles; 7, nephridia, on the left with
an arrow; 7, spinal cord; sx, spinal nerve; sp, gill slit.
(2) which allows the escape of the water through a porus branchialis
(fig. 541, p), behind the middle of the body. On the ventral floor
of the pharynx is a ciliated hypobranchial groove (fig. 542, ¢), the
homologue of the tunicate endostyle and of part of the vertebrate
thyroid. It leads back to the straight digestive tract which opens
on the left side near the end of the body, and bears in front a
blind liver sac which extends forward into the gill region (figs.
541, 542, 7). The vascular system, with colorless blood, consists
of a dorsal arterial (@) and a ventral venous trunk connected by
lateral loops or arches. The ventral trunk begins as a subintestinal
vein under the intestine, branches as a portal vein over the liver,
and, reuniting again in a ventral vessel, continues forward, as the
aorta ascendens, below the gills. From this the vascular arches—
gill arteries—pass up between the gill slits and form the dorsal
vessel, the aorta descendens. A true heart is lacking, but various
parts of the vessels—a part of the ventral trunk and the bases of
the gill arteries—are contractile, whence the name Leptocardii.
As the pharynx liesin the peribranchial chamber, the digestive
portion of the tract lies in a true body cavity or colom, which ex-
tends forward (fig. 542, cé) into the branchial region as well as
into the gill-walls (branchial celom) and into the outer walls of
the peribranchial chamber (peribranchial celom). In the peri-
branchial ceelom are the gonads (g), a series of pouch-like cell fol-
licles which, by dehiscence, allow their products to escape into the
peribranchial chamber. Into this chamber also empty the excre-
tory organs which were long sought for in vain. These are (7) a
series, on right and left sides, of ciliated canals apparently cor-
responding to the pronephros of the vertebrates. Each canal
begins with at least one ciliated nephrostome in the celom and
opens separately like an annelid nephridium.
Like the structure, the development is comparatively simple. The
following points deserve special mention: (1) The eggs have a nearly
equal segmentation (fig. 96). (2) A typical invaginate gastrula (fig. 105)
occurs. (3) The mesoderm arises as a series of pouches, right and left,
from the mesenteron, which later separate and represent the primitive
segments. Hence these are clearly mesothelial in nature. From the cavi-
ties of these arises the body cavity, which is consequently an enteroceele.
(4) The dorsal surface of the entoderm between these ccelomic pouches
becomes folded off from the rest and forms the notochord, which lies
between the digestive tract and the nervous system. (5) The nervous
system arises from a longitudinal groove which becomes folded into a
tube and is connected for a while with the digestive tract by a neuren-
teric canal.
Amphioxus* contains a few closely related species which oceur on our
southeastern coast, in Europe, Indian Ocean. Recently other genera have
been described—Asymmetvon * in America, Heteropleuron in the South
Seas. The animals live in quiet bays and bury themselves in the sand,
with only the mouth above the surface. Like all animals with rudimen-
tary eyes, they shun the light and are greatly excited by strong illumi-
Sus Puyius II. Tunicata (URocHorpa).
In their adult condition the Tunicata, or sea-squirts, bear some
resemblance to the siphonate mollusca, especially in the posses-
sion of incurrent and excurrent orifices, usually close together,
anda mantle. Hence these forms were long associated with the
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Fic. 543.—Diagram of a tunicate (orig.). a. atrium; b, nervous ganglion; e, endo-
style; i, intestine; m, mouth; 2, subneural gland; s, stomach; ?, tunic. In the
centre the branchial basket with the gill slits communicating with the peri-
branchial space, and this in turn with the atrium.
molluscs; later they were associated with the worms, but their de-
velopment shows them to be more nearly related to the vertebrates.
The group owes its name to the tunic or mantle—lacking in the
Copelatee—an envelope (fig. 543, ¢) which is formed like a cuticle
by the epithelium of the skin, but which is distinguished from
ordinary cuticula by its structure. It much resembles connective
tissue in that cells from the mesoderm wander into the ground
substance, which is sometimes fibrous, sometimes homogeneous,
and has an interesting chemical nature. It consists of the same
proportions of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen (C,H,,0,) as cellulose
and agrees with this substance, so characteristic of plants, in its
reactions (blue color with iodine-iodide of potassium and sulphuric
acid, violet with chloriodide of zinc). Nowhere else among ani-
mals is there such a rich formation of cellulose.
The anterior part of the digestive tract is modified into a
pharynx or branchial chamber, the walls of which become per-
forated with a varying number of gill slits, these leading either
directly to the exterior or, more usually, into a peribranchial
chamber, and from this to a cloaca or atrium (a), before reaching
the outside world. While the respiratory water passes through
the gill slits the food particles which it contains are received by a
ring-shaped ciliated band (peripharyngeal band) and, enveloped
by mucus, are led to the esophagus. This mucus is formed by a
ciliated glandular groove, the endostyle (¢), on the ventral surface
of the pharynx.
Between the gill region (end of the endostyle) and the stomach
lies the ventral heart enclosed in a pericardium. It has the
peculiarity, met nowhere else, of changing the direction of its
contractions at frequent intervals; after the heart has driven the
blood for a time to the gills it rests a while and then begins to
force the blood in the opposite direction, pumping it from the
gills and sending it towards the stomach.
If we add to the foregoing that a dorsal ganglion and a her-
maphroditic gonad are present, the striking features of the group
are enumerated. The extreme forms, the Copelate and the
Thaliacea, are rather remote, but they are connected by interme-
diate forms, the Ascidize and Pyrosomas.
Order I. Copelate.
These small forms—one or a few centimeters in length—are
pelagic; they have the anterior end inserted ina gelatinous envelope
or ‘house’ which replaces the lacking tunic. They swim like a
tadpole by means of a tail which arises from the hinder end of
the trunk. The alimentary canal (fig. 544) is bent on itself, and
both it and the two large gill slits, in contrast to all other tuni-
cates, open directly to the exterior. The heart (lacking only in
the Kowalewskidz) is ventral and the hermaphroditic gonads and
the nervous system dorsal. The latter corsists of a cerebral
ganglion, with beside it an extremely simple auditory organ and a
ciliated groove, and farther a chain of ganglia extending into the
tail. The notochord, a gelatinous structure enclosed by a sheath
of cells, forms the skeletal axis of the tail ventral to the nerve cord
and gives attachment to muscles. Otkopleura,* Appendicularia,*
Fritillaria; Kowalewskia.
Fic. i44.—Ockopleura cophocerca. (After Fol.). .4,the whole animal, remov i
5 : faees j : se ssh eens , , removed from its
‘house,’ dorsal view; B, body, side view with base of tail. «, anus: c, notochord:
ae Lonel geist te stomach ; en, endostyle; f, ciliated peripharyngeal
«4 € C : org r aj]: jar . a .
pan ae , brain an rst ganglion of tail; h, testis; m, mouth; o, ov, Ovary;
Fia. 545.—Ciona intestinalis. .A, from the left side, the cellulose tunic and dermal
muscular sac removed; &, from the right side, the tunic entirely removed, pharynx
opened from the mouth. a, anus; c, cellulose tunic below with adhesive processes;
cl, cloaca; d, rectum; ¢, atrial opening; en, endostyle ending above in the peri-
pharyngeal band; g, ganglion; kh, mouth of the ‘hypophysis’; hr, heart, with peri-
cardium ; ho, branched testes; ¢, oral opening; k, gill sac ; #7, muscular sac ; oe,
cesophagus ; od, oviduct, the black line beside it the vas deferens; ov, ovary; s,
partition between atrium and body cavity ; st, stomach ; ¢, crown of tentacles.
Order II. Tethyoidea (Ascidiaformes).
With the exception of the pelagic Pyrosomide all of the ascidi-
ans are attached to rocks, etc., in the sea. The greater necessity
for protection caused by this sedentary life has resulted in a great
development of the cellulose tunic, which, enveloping the internal
organs, gives these animals a swollen, somewhat shapeless appear-
ance. Two openings, mouth and atrial opening, lead into the
interior, and the water which issues from these, when the animals
are taken from the ocean, has given them the common name 6f
* sea-squirts.’
On removing the tunic, which is but slightly attached to the
other parts except at mouth and atrial opening, a muscular sac is
seen (fig. 545), the fibres running circularly and longitudinally. In-
side this sac are the viscera, the pharyngeal region by far the most
conspicuous. The mouth leads to a short tube with tentacles (t),
and then to the pharynx, a wide sac which
lies in a large cavity, the peribranchial
chamber, the walls of the pharynx and
the enclosing space uniting on the ventral
side (fig. 543). The pharyngeal walls are
perforated like a net by small ciliated
gill slits, arranged in longitudinal and
transverse rows (fig. 546), through which
the water received from the mouth passes
Bu eh a ek Neen into the peribranchial chamber and thence
bit of the wallof the gillsac ¢o the atrium, and so out to the external
enlarged to show the gill
slits. world.
While the respiratory water thus passes out in a nearly direct
course, the food particles which it contains pass into the digestive
tract. By means of a ciliated tract (peripharyngeal band) just
inside of the tentacles and surrounded by mucus secreted by the
endostyle (or hypobranchial groove), the food is carried back to
the wsophagus (9e) at the base of the gill chamber, and thence to
the stomach (usually provided with liver glands), and on to the
intestine. The anus is at the base of the special portion of the
peribranchial chamber, which also receives the genital ducts and
hence is known as the cloaca or atrium.
In the body cavity, which is greatly reduced in the species
with concentrated bodies, occur the digestive tract, the sexual
organs, and the heart; the latter, frequently S-shaped, extends be-
tween the stomach and the endostyle. Opposite to the endostyle
is the ganglion in the dorsal wall between oral and atrial open-
ings. Below it (rarely above it) is a branched subneural gland
which, from its relations and its opening into the prebranchial
part of the alimentary tract, has been compared to the vertebrate
hypophysis. In many there exist special excretory organs, numer-
ous blind vesicles filled with excreta.
From the eggs are hatched small swimming tadpole-like larve
(fig. 547), resembling Appendicularia and, like it, consisting of
Kee ab
Fia. 547.—Development of an Ascidian. (After Kupffer and Kowalevsky.) 1, larva,
just hatched ; 2, cross-section through the tailof a slightly younger larva; 3, much
younger stage, formation of notochord and nervous system; 4, anterior end of a
larva just before attachment. (2, Phallusia mentula ; 5,4, Fh. mammillata.) aw,
eye; ¢, notochord ; cl, tunic; d, digestive tract; d’, its nutritive, d’’, its respira-
tory division; e, atrial vesicle; ek, ectoderm ; en, entoderm; /, brain; 7, oral in-
vagination ; m, muscles of tail; n, neural tube; xe, neurenteric canal; 0, otocyst.
trunk and tail, in which the chordate features are strongly marked.
The digestive tract is confined to the trunk; dorsal to it lies the
tubular nervous system in which three parts are recognizable: in
front a vesicular brain with a simple eye and an otocyst imbedded
in its walls; farther back a narrower portion (‘ medulla oblongata ’) ;
lastly, a spinal cord extending into the tail. In the axis of the
tail is a notochord which extends forward a short distance into the
trunk between digestive tract and nervous system.
In the metamorphosis of the free larvie into the sessile ascid-
ians four processes are important: (1) The larve attach themselves
by means of three ventral anterior papille; (2) The tail is retracted
and, after preliminary fatty degeneration, is absorbed; (3) The
body becomes more or less spherical by development of the tunic;
(4) Two dorsal invaginations are formed, these grow together, en-
velop the pharyngeal region, and form the atrium and peribranchial
chamber. It is to be noted that this arises from the dorsal sur-
face and extends ventrally, while the peribranchial chamber of
Amphiocus arises by folds which grow ventrally over the pharynx.
Besides sexual reproduction many ascidians reproduce by bud-
ding. Where this occurs it results in the formation of colonies, a
matter of systematic importance.
Sub Order I. MONASCIDLA. Simple ascidians of considerable size ;
sometimes with transparent, sometimes with thick opaque tunic. The
CLAVELLINIDE produce small colonies by basal budding, each individual
Fia. 548, Fig. 549.
Fic. 548.—A. Molgula manhattensis*; B, Eugyra pillularis.** (From Verrill.)
Fig. 549.—Botryllus violaceus. (After Carpenter.) 4A, small colony of eighteen indi-
vidual groups; B, two individual groups somewhat enlarged.
with its own test; Perophora.* CyNTHIIDs, test leathery, oral and atrial
openings four-lobed; Cynthia.** MoLeuLipm, oral opening, six-lobed,
atrial four-lobed. Molgula,* Eugyra.*
Sub Order I]. SYNASCIDLAH. Compound ascidians consisting of
numerous small individuals imbedded in a common cellulose tunic and
forming considerable crusts on stones, plants, ete. Usually (fig. 549) the
individuals of a colony are divided into small groups, the oral openings
(6-20 in number) forming a rosette around a common central atrium.
Distaplia,* Leptoclinum,* Polyclinwm,* Amaroucium,* Botryllus.*
Sub Order III]. LUCIA, Free-swimming pelagic synascidians, having
the form of a hollow cylinder closed at one end. The animals imbedded in
the tunic vertically to the axis of the cylinder, the oral apertures on the
outside, the atrial in the central cavity. Pyrosoma, very phosphorescent,
tropical, some species four feet long.
Order III. Thaliacea (Salpe#formes).
These, like the Lucie and Copelate, are pelagic, and play an
important part in the plankton, either by the vast numbers of
small individuals or by the formation of colonies of considerable
size. In form a Salpa may be compared to a barrel formed out-
side of a cellulose tunic, ined internally with a muscular wall.
The muscles run circularly (fig. 550), are six or eight, not always
closed rings, like hoops. By their contraction the water is expelled
through the posterior or atrial end of the body, while fresh water
on their relaxation enters the other or oral aperture. By the
reaction the animals swim through the water with the oral end in
front. The cavity of the barrel corresponds to pharyngeal and
peribranchial chambers of the ascidian. In the Dolioliide the two
Fic. 550.—A, B, Salpa democratica with stolon, ventral and lateral views; C, Salpa
mucronata, part of a young chain not yet separated. a, anus; ¢, tunic; d, diges-
tive tract; e, atrial opening: en, endostyle; f, peripharyngeal groove, g, gan-
glion with horseshoe-shaped eye, and near it the tentacle and hypophysial
groove; i, testis; 7, mouth; i, gill; m, muscle hoops; st, stolo prolifer.
chambers are separated by a partition perforated by gill slits (fig.
551); in the common Salpe the partition is reduced to a bar with
transverse rows of cilia go that branchial and peribranchial cham-
bers are not distinct; yet the endostyle and the peripharyngeal
band are retained.
The viscera lie in the muscular sac, where the branchial bar and
the endostyle meet and are usually compacted into a mass, the
‘nucleus’ (intestine, liver, gonads, heart). The ganglion is dis-
tinct and lies dorsally opposite the endostyle, just in front of the
branchial bar. Associated with it is a horseshoe-shaped eye.
For a long time two kinds of Salpe have been known, one
solitary, the other consisting of numerous individuals connected
together like a chain or a rosette (fig. 550, C). At the beginning
of the last century the poet Chamisso discovered that the chain
salps were produced by the solitary individuals, and that these in
turn came from the chain form, a peculiar type of reproduction
to which Steenstrup later gave the name alternation of generations.
The solitary salp is asexual; gonads are lacking, but near the
hinder end is abudding cone or stolo prolifer from which ene
after another bud colonies of salps. When
the first is separated a second matures and
a third begins. These colonial forms, the
chain salps, are sexual, and each produces a
single egg from which a solitary individual is
Since both the solitary and the chain forms have
received names, the species of Salpa* now have
double names like Salpa democratica-mucronata,
democratica being the asexual, meeronata the sex-
ual, individual, ete. From the true Salpw Dolio-
eer eee Ean dum* is distinguished by the better developed gills,
tion of letters sec fig. the complete muscular bands, and a more compli-
eat) cated alternation of generations.
Susp Purim III. ENrEropNeusta (TMEMICHORDIA).
The few marine forms here included are decidedly worm-like,
and, like many worms, they burrow in the mud. The body con-
sists of three parts—proboscis, collar, and body (fig. 552). The
proboscis contains a cavity opening to the exterior by a dorsal
pore, while two similar cavities in the collar open separately.
These can be filled with water, and by alternately enlarging and
contracting these parts the animal is able to burrow like a razor
clam (Hnsis). The mouth lies ventral and in front of the collar
and leads into a digestive tract, which in its anterior part is per-
forated by numerous paired gill slits, while the part behind it is
covered with hepatic ceca. The intestine is supported in the
celom by dorsal and ventral mesenteries, and is accompanied by a
dorsal and a ventral blood-vessel, to which are added lateral canals
and numerous anastomoses. rey myocele; ws, primary
form of the primitive somites (fig. 967), Toi aele: Gcetene Gh woe
formerly called protovertebre. vome.:
Another important point in the musculature lies in the fact
that it is dorsal in origin and therefore in fishes is largely dorsal
in position throughout life. The muscles which are ventral have
largely been transferred from the back, and the cause of the migra-
tion is to be recognized to a large extent in the progressive devel-
opment of the appendages. The dorsal position of the muscles is
only a part of a general fact, that the skeletal axis divides the body
into a dorsal zone, containing only animal organs, and a ventral
zone, chiefly vegetal in character. Besides, the muscles, the cen
tral nervous system, and the most important sense organs—eyes,
nose, ears—belong to the dorsal zone.
The central nervous system of vertebrates consists of brain and
spinal cord. Like that of all chordates it is distinguished from
that of other segmented animals—annelids, arthropods, in which
there is a dorsal brain and a ventral nerve chain—in its purely
dorsal position. It is further distinguished from that of all non-
chordates by its tubular character, that is, by the presence of a
central canal in the axis of the elongate central system (fig. 76),
lined by a special epithelium, the ependyma, and containing a
fluid, the liquor cerebrospinalis. This central canal is the result
of the mode of development, the nervous system arising by an in-
rolling of the ectoderm and not by a splitting from it as in the
invertebrates (fig. 9). Besides the neurenteric canal already
referred to (p. 502), there long persists at the anterior end an
opening to the exterior, the neuropore. In all vertebrates, in con-
tradistinction to the lower chordates, the brain is large and sharply
marked off from the spinal cord.
The spinal cord is a cylindrical structure (flattened in Cyclo-
stomes, fig. 555) which, in the middle line above and below, is
marked by two longitudinal grooves, the dorsal and ventral fissures
of the cord (sp, sa, fig. 76). The central canal (Cc) has its lumen
greatly narrowed by the growth of the nervous tissue, in which,
as in the ganglia of the invertebrates, two layers are distinguished,
one containing almost solely nerve fibres, the other both fibres and
nerve or ganglion cells. The arrangement of these layers is con-
trasted with that of the invertebrates in that the ganglion-cell
layer—the gray matter—lies in the centre, the fibrous layer—white
matter (JI’)—on the periphery, a reversed position consequent
upon the development by infolding. The distinction in color
indicated in the names depends upon the fact that white medullated
fibres run in the cortex, while in the gray matter gray non-medullated
fibres are present between the nerve cells. The color distinctions
fail in the cyclostomes (and inphiorus), which have no medullated
fibres, although the same general structure occurs.
The gray matter surrounds the central canal, but extends on
either side dorsally and ventrally into the white matter, so that
in section it resembles somewhat the letter H, with its dorsal
(fig. 76, HH) and ventralhorns (VH). By means of these horns
and the dorsal and ventral nerve roots arising from them, the white
matter on either side is divided into three tracts, the dorsal (/7),
ventral (s), and lateral (SY) columns of the cord.
Corresponding to each muscle segment two nerve roots arise
from the cord, a dorsal root, with a ganglion (spinal ganglion) at
some distance from the cord, and a ventral root, without a ganglion.
The dorsal root contains only sensory fibres—i.e., those carrying
nervous impulses to the cord—and is afferent, while the ventral
roots are efferent and contain only motor elements (Bell’s Law).
These roots unite into a mixed root, which then divides.into dorsal
and ventral branches.
The brain of vertebrates in general corresponds in its funda-
mental plan (fig. 568), best seen in development, with the brain of
man. At an early stage it consists of three
vesicles, one after the other, a fore brain
(prosencephalon), a mid brain (mesencepha-
lon), and a hind brain (metencephalon).
Usually this stage is reached before the
closure of the medullary folds. Formerly it
was stated that a condition with five vesicles
Fie, 568. Fic. 560.
Fig. 568.—Diagram of a vertebrate brain. (From Wiedersheim.) Aq, aqueduet ; Ce,
central canal; FM, foramen of Monro (connexion of lateral ventricles with each
other and with the third); HH, cerebellum ; MH, corpora bigemina, (optic lobes) ;
NH, medulla oblongata; A, spinal cord; SV, lateral ventricles * VH, cerebrum;
ZH, optic thalami (twixt prain); JI, IV, third and fourth ventricles.
Fic. 569, Scheme of brain in sagittal section. c, cerebrum; ch, cerebellum; cc, canal
of spinal cord; ch, notochord ; ¢s, corpus striatum; , hypophysis; ¢, infundibu-
lum; m, medullary region ; 0, optic chiasma ; of, olfactory lobe; ol, optic lobes ;
Pp, pinealis.
followed upon this with three, the mid brain remaining undivided,
while the hind brain divides into cerebellum (cd) and medulla
oblongata (7); the fore brain into cerebrum and ’twixt brain.
This is unnatural so far as the hind brain is concerned, for cere-
bellum and medulla are related to one another as roof and floor of
one and the same cavity (fig. 569). The distinction between the
first and second vesicles is problematical. The fore brain becomes
divided into three parts by an inpushing at its anterior end: an
unpaired middle portion, and in front a right and a left diver-
ticulum. These paired portions, increasing in size, form the cere-
bral hemispheres, and together with a small connecting part
represent the first cerebral vesicle, while the unpaired portion
forms a second vesicle, the ’twixt brain.
Introducing the terms of human anatomy for the separate parts
of the brain, the first vesicle consists of the two cerebral hemi-
spheres whose dorsal and lateral walls are usually thick and are
called the pallium, while in the floor of each hemisphere is an
enlargement, the corpus striatum (cs). The spaces in the hemi-
spheres are the first and second ventricles (sv). From the front
portion of each hemisphere arises a distinct region, the olfactory
lobe (of), which gives origin to the olfactory nerve. Since the
organ of smell is frequently at some distance from the brain, the
olfactory nerve must be elongate, as in the Amphibia (fig. 614), or
the olfactory lobe must lengthen, as in many Elasmobranchs (fig
592). In the latter case the swollen end of the lobe is close to
the olfactory epithelium and is connected with the brain by a long
stalk, the tractus, while the swelling is called the bulbus olfacto-
rius. Both, as parts of the brain, must be distinguished from the
olfactory nerve.
In the region of the second vesicle only the lateral walls become
thickened, producing the optic thalami, directly adjoining the
corpora striata; the roof of this vesicle develops no nervous sub-
stance, but remains a thin layer of epithelium closing in the third
ventricle above (f//). The floor is also thin-walled between the
thalami and is pushed downwards, forming a funnel-like pocket,
the infundibulum (7). The third vesicle, as a rule, is divided by
a deep longitudinal dorsal groove, dividing the cavity into a right
and left ventricle, while the two halves of the roof are known as
the optic lobes or corpora bigemini. In the mammals alone (in
which there is also a transverse groove dividing the optic lobes
into the corpora quadrigemini) the cavity of this mid brain is re-
duced, by thickening of the walls, to a narrow canal, the iter or
aqueduct of Sylvius, with the result that the term fourth ventricle
is transferred to the cavity of the hind brain.
This last region is called the medulla oblongata; it isa prolonga-
tion of the spinal cord, and in many respects shows a similar struc-
ture. It is distinguished from the cord externally in that it
gradually increases in size in front, while its roof is reduced to a
thin epithelium, often torn away in dissection, leaving an opening,
the fossa rhomboidalis, into the ventricle. In front of this fossa is
the cerebellum, often a thin transverse nervous lamella, but usually
is a considerable part of the brain, composed of a median ‘ vermis’
and two lateral cerebellar hemispheres.
Although these five parts are present in all vertebrates, the
appearance of the brain in the various classes is very different,
because the relative size and form of the parts undergo great
yariations. In the lower vertebrates optic lobes and medulla
oblongata are disproportionately large, while the cerebrum, and
often the cerebellum, are insignificant in size; in the cerebrum,
again, the hemispheres may be smaller than the corpora striata
and the olfactory lobes. In the higher vertebrates, on the other
hand, the cerebrum and cerebellum far surpass the other parts,
the increase in size of the cerebrum being proportional to the in-
crease in intelligence. The cerebral hemispheres grow backwards,
in man and the apes covering the other parts, while in front the
olfactory lobes are carried by a similar overgrowth to the lower
surface. Since the capacity of the skull is limited, the cortex of
the cerebrum, the seat of intelligence, is increased in amount by
the development of folds, gyri, separated by sulci. Somewhat
similar conditions exist in the cerebellum, which in mammals and
birds is, next to the cerebrum, the largest part of the brain.
Connected with the ’twixt brain are two problematical organs, one, the
epiphysis (pinealis), being dorsal; the other, the hypophysis (pituitary
body), ventral. The hypophysis arises like a gland by an outgrowth from
the embryonic mouth, This hypophysial pocket cuts off from its source,
inereases by budding, and fuses with parts derived from the end of the
infundibulum to a single two-lobed body. It has been compared with the
subneural gland of the Tunicata (p. 509), The epiphysis is an outgrowth
from the roof of the brain, from which develops in many vertebrates the
parietal organ. In many reptiles this has the structure of an eye (pineal
eye), and in these, separated from the brain, but connected with it by a
nerve, it lies in a special cavity in the parietal bone, which occurs not only
in recent but in fossil forms. Above the eye the skin may be transparent.
The nerves which come from the brain mostly arise from the
region between the mid brain and the spinal cord, especially from
the medulla oblongata. The olfactory and optic nerves are an
exception, the one arising from the cerebrum, the other from the
*twixt brain, but both, and especially the optic, differ so much from
the peripheral nerves that they can hardly be classed with them.
Development shows that the optic nerve is a part of the brain.
Following custom, however, and including these two, the pairs of
cranial nerves may be enumerated in the terms of human anatomy
as follows: I, N. olfactorius; H, N. opticus; III, N. oculomotorius;
IV, N. trochlearis (patheticus); V, N. trigeminus; VI, N. abducens;
VII, N. facialis; VIII, N. acusticus; IX, N. glossopharyngeus;
Fia. 570.—Diagram of cranial nerves (shark). a, alveolaris; h, buccalis; c, cere-
brum ; cb, cerebellum; ct, chorda tympani; e, ear; er, external rectus muscle;
f, inferior rectus muscle; g, Gasserian ganglion; h, hyoid cartilage; hm, hyoman-
dibular; 7, internal rectus muscle; io, inferior oblique muscle; j, Jacobson's
commissure ; J, lateralis of vagus ; m, mouth; mc, Meckel's cartilage: md, mandi-
bularis ; mx, maxillaris superior; n, nose ; 0, optic lobes; op, ophthalmicus profun-
dus; os, ophthalmicus superficialis; p, pinealis; pl, palatine; po, posttrematic
branches; pr, pretrematic branches; pn, pneumogastric (intestinal) of vagus:
ptg, pterygoquadrate; s, spiracle; so, superior oblique muscle; sv, superior rectus
muscle; ft, ’twixt brain; J-X, cranial nerves: 1-5, gill clefts.
X, N. vagus (pneumogastricus), XI, N. accessorius; XII, N.
hypoglossus. The accessorius in fishes and amphibia is a part of
the vagus; the hypoglossus, strictly speaking, belongs to the spinal
nerves and only secondarily is associated with the cranial nerves,
which explains its course, outside the skull, in eyclostomes and
Since the head undoubtedly consists of several coalesced body seg-
ments (at least as many as there are visceral arches, and apparently
more), the question arises whether the cranial nerves are as evidently seg-
mental as are those of the trunk. To this is allied the further question
whether Bell’s Law that a mixed nerve consists of dorsal sensory, and
ventral motor components is appleable here. Both problems have been
much discussed in recent years, but as yet the final answers have not been
given, It is probable that the present cranial nerves, the optie and olfac-
tory excepted, have arisen by manifold rearrangements of segmental
nerves. On the other hand it seems impossible to accept Bell's Law here
without considerable modification, since many cranial nerves (facialis,
trigemenus, ete.) contain motor fibres, although they are formed like
dorsal roots.
Besides the nervous system of the body already outlined, the vertebrates
have a special nervous system supplying the viscera,—the sympathetic
system,—and in this a special central organ consisting of right and left
cords beneath the vertebral column, in which ganglia are incorporated.
The last of these ganglia lies at the base of the caudal vertebree, the most
anterior at the beginning of the neck. From the latter nerve cords
extend into the head and are connected with ganglia (otic, sphenopalatine).
This system sends out nerves in the form of delicate networks (plexus
sympathetici) which usually accompany the blood-vessels to the vegeta-
tive organs (intestine, sexual apparatus, etc.). It is also connected with
the spinal nerves.
Regarding the sense organs of the vertebrates we stand on
firmer ground than with the invertebrates, since their great simi-
larity to those of man supports the ideas of their functions derived
from studies of their structure. The tactile organs make an ex-
ception, since only in land animals, and not in fishes, do they
resemble those of man. These organs, in all forms above fishes,
have the peculiarity that the nerves do not end in epithelial cells,
but in special tactile cells of the derma, which either lie isolated in
the connective tissue (Amphibia, reptiles), or, grouped together,
produce tactile corpuscles (birds, mammals,
fig. 571). These are oval bodies and are im-
bedded in special papille of the derma. In
form and position they are much like the
Vater-Pacinian corpuscles, which are distin- 4m
guished by their histological structure (fig. 78)
and, since they also occur in internal organs
(mesentery of cat), are of problematic function.
Besides these mesodermal nerve endings there Fie. 571.—Tactile cor-
m a Sen 1 puscle from hbird’s
are present in all vertebrates intraepithelial — fongue. H, outer en-
nerve branchings which are best seen in the fe ee
cornea of the eye and in animals, like pigs and Partitions.
moles, with sensitive snouts. Even here the finest nerve twigs do
not end in epithelial cells, but in small knobs between them.
Fishes lack tactile cells, tactile corpuscles, and end bulbs;
hence the skin is provided with sense organs in which a sensory
epithelium occurs. The dermal nerves pass into the epidermis
and end in oval corpuscles, which, while imbedded in a stratified
epithelium, consist of a single layer of sense cells. According to
structure, nerve hillocks and nerve-end buds are distinguished,
The first are the specific organs of the lateral line, to be men-
tioned later, of fishes and branchiate amphibians and amphibian
larve, and therefore appear to subserve special and important sensa-
tions connected with aquatic life; hence the idea of a ‘sixth
sense,’ lacking to man (c/. p. 125). The end buds are especially
collected in the neighborhood of the mouth, on the lips and bar-
bels. Since they also occur in the mucous membrane of the mouth,
especially in the palatal regions, they connect with the taste organs.
The taste buds have the same structure as the end buds of fishes.
They occur in all classes of vertebrates, and are most abundant in
man in the walls of the circumvallate papille at the base of the
tongue; in rodents on the large foliate papille, etc.
The end buds also lead to the olfactory organs. The olfactory
epithelium of many fishes and amphibia is a stratified epithelium
with closely arranged end buds (fig. 572). By disappearance of
Fia. 572.—Section of olfactory epithelium of a fish (Belone). (From O. Hertwig, after
Blaue.) e, epithelium: k, olfactory buds; n, nerves.
the isolating parts of the ordinary epithelium the end buds form
a continuous sensory epithelium, which is the rule in most ver-
The olfactory organ, the nose, lined with its sensory epithelium,
acquires a special interest both from its grade of development and
from the important systematic distinctions it affords. Except the
cyclostomes, which have an unpaired nasal sac, all vertebrates have
paired olfactory organs. In adult fishes and in the embryos of
higher forms are two pits which he in front of or dorsal to the
mouth; they are either distinct from it or only connected with
it by an oronasal groove in the skin (fig. 599). If the animal
be terrestrial and replace branchial by pulmonary respiration, a
respiratory canal is developed in connexion with the nose. The
eronasal groove closes to a tube which begins with an opening
(nostril) on the surface and ends with a second opening (choana)
in the mouth cavity. The olfactory sac proper is included in the
wall of this tube, usually on its dorsal surface (fig. 573). In Am-
phibia, lizards, snakes, and birds the choana is far forward, behind
the upper jaw; in alligators, turtles, and mammals it is carried far
back, in crocodiles and some mammals
(edentates) nearly to the vertebral col-
umn. ‘This position is brought about by
the development of the hard palate, a
parting wall which divides the primitive Ly
mouth cavity into two portions, a lower, ‘ a \
the persistent or secondary mouth cavity, od Ch
and an upper, which, as secondary nasal Fig. 573.— Diagram of nose of
: i . izard. (After Wiedersheim.)
cavity, contributes to the air passages, 4X, outer nasal cavity; €,
olfactory sac; Ca, canal from
The bones of the maxillary and palatine Jacobson’s organ to mouth:
3 3 - Ch, choana; IN, inner nasal
series contribute to the hard palate, since cavity; 4/8, roof of mouth;
premaxillaries, maxillaries, and rarely the ian Weoreen anteroe
pterygoids send out horizontal processes "**
which meet in the middle line. In the mammals this partition
is continued back by the muscular soft palate. In crocodiles there
is a fibrous palate.
In the olfactory organ of the chordates two constituents must be
recognized, an unpaired and two paired portions. The unpaired portion
alone occurs in Amphioxus, this being supplied by the lobus olfactorius
impar ; in all vertebrates there are paired sacs with paired olfactory lobes.
The unpaired sac of the cyclostomes has apparently arisen from a union of
paired and unpaired parts, hence the double olfactorius.
A further increase in the nasal cavity is brought about by complicated
folds in the walls supported by special skeletal parts, the turbinal bones,
and also by the outgrowth of chambers, lined with mucous membrane
which extends into the neighboring bones. Thus are formed the sinus
frontalis in the frontal bone ; behind, the sphenoid sinus in the sphenoid,
and the antrum of Highmore in the maxillary. Again, a part of the primi-
tive chamber lined with olfactory epithelium can be cut off from the rest
and form an accessory nose, Jacobson’s organ, which opens into the
mouth behind the premaxillaries by ‘Stenson’s duct’ (fig. 578, P). This
organ is best developed in lizards, monotremes and ungulates, but often
oceurs in a reduced condition in other terrestrial vertebrates.
Tn all vertebrates with the exception of Myzine and a few forms
living in the dark the eyes are composed of all the principal con-
stituents which occur in the human eye and which have already
been briefly described (p. 131, fig. 83). In most vertebrates it is ¢
nearly spherical body with the optic nerve entering it from behind,
with its interior occupied by transparent, refractive substances
(lens, vitreous body), and its walls of three concentric layers.
The outer of these is the tough protecting sclera (sclerotic), a
usually fibrous, but in many fishes a cartilaginous, layer, which in
front becomes transparent and strongly curved, forming the cornea.
The second layer, the choroid coat, is richly vascular and pig-
mented; at the boundary between sclerotic and cornea it is changed
to the iris. The inner layer is the retina, the structure and
arrangement of which are characteristic of the vertebrates.
From the developmental standpoint the retina (fig. 82) con-
sists of two parts, the retina proper and the tapetum nigrum
(pigmented epithelium), formerly regarded as part of the choroid.
In the retina the following layers are distinguished: (1) the limi-
tans interna; (2) nerve-fibre layer; (3) ganglionic layer; (4) inner
molecular layer; (5) inner granular layer; (6) outer molecular
layer; (7) outer granular layer; (8) limitans externa; and (9) layer
of rods and cones. The limitans externa is the bounding mem-
brane of the embryonic retina, which is later penetrated by the
rods and cones. Between the two limiting membranes Miiller’s
fibres (m) extend, large supporting cells occurring in other sensory
epithelia, the nuclei of which lie in the inner granular layer, and
which are aided in their supporting function by the fine horny
framework of both molecular layers. The nervous elements
which are imbedded in this support are best understood by begin-
ning with the optic nerve. This spreads out in the nerve-fibre
layer, and on its way to the end apparatus comes twice into relation
with ganglion cells; first in the ganglonic layer, second in the
inner granular layer. Thus a great part of the retina (layers 1 to
6) are to be considered as an optic ganglion, such as occurs in
molluscs and arthropods, but which there lies outside the sensory
apparatus. The sensory epithelium (the retina in the sense this
term is used in invertebrates) consists of but two layers, the
outer granular layer and the rods and cones. The outer granules
are the nuclei of the extremely slender epithelial cells which bear
the rhabdomes (rods and cones) on their peripheral ends. Pigment
cells are lacking between these visual cells, but the pigment so
necessary for the visual function is supplied by the tapetum
nigrum already mentioned. This isa layer of hexagonal epithelial
cells which lies on the tips of the rhabdomes and sends pseudopodia-
like processes between them, and since the tapetum is rich in
black pigment granules, the rods and cones are enveloped ina
close pigment mantle.
Although in this relation of pigment and in the union of the
optic ganghon with the sensory cells important differences are to
be noted from the eyes of the invertebrates, even of the closely
similar cephalopod eye (p. 385), the most striking difference re-
mains to be mentioned. The retina, with its limitans interna and
nerve-fibre layer, abuts against the vitreous body; with its rhab-
domes and tapetum against the choroid. Hence the incoming
light must traverse the optic ganglion and pass through the layer of
sense cells before reaching the end organs, the rhabdomes. In
nearly all invertebrates, for example the Cephalopoda (fig. 383),
the light falls directly on the peripheral end of the rhabdome.
The rhabdomes in cephalopods, as in most invertebrates, are
turned towards the light, in the vertebrates away from it.
This peculiar and functionally purposeless inversion of the vertebrate
retina is explained by the development of the eye. This can be divided,
according to origin, into two parts, a cerebral (optic nerve, retina, tape-
tum) and a peripheral (all other parts). As the eye in tunicates and Am-
phioxus is permanently a part of the brain, so is the retina of vertebrates
genetically, and of the first cerebral vesicle. An outgrowth occurs on
either side (fig. 574, B) of the ’twixt brain and becomes expanded distally
Fic, 574.—Diagram showing the inversion of layers in the formation of the retina
(orig.). The nuclei are placed in the (morphologically) deeper ends of the cells.
In 4 the brain ()) has been closed in; in B the optic vesicle (v) has reached the
liens (1) and on the right is being converted into the double-walled optic cup
with, as shown in C, an outer tapetal (¢) and an inner retinal layer (").
to an optic vesicle which is connected with the brain by an optic stalk.
The vesicle extends out to the periphery and, coincidently with the de-
velopment of the lens, is folded into a double-walled optic cup with outer
or tapetal, inner or retinal layers. If the position of the epithelial cells
be followed, it will be seen that the peripheral ends rest upon the tapetum,
and when these ends develop the rhabdomes, these must grow into the
tapetal layer.
In contrast to the retina, the lens develops as an invagination from
the epithelium of the body (fig. 574) ; sclera, cornea and vitreous body from
connective tissue. Thus the important part of the eye arises from the
brain and is later provided with accessory apparatus which arise from
peripheral parts. The invertebrate eye, on the other hand, with all its
parts arises from the skin.
The vertebrate eye is furnished with secondary structures: with mus-
cles which move it, with lids which protect the cornea from injury and
drying. The lids are dermal folds which extend over the eyeball from
above and below. To these a third lid, the nictitating membrane, may
be added. It arises from the inner angle of the eye, and can extend over
the cornea beneath the upper and lower lids. A special lachrymal gland,
which occurs at the outer angle of the eye, provides the fluid to moisten
the cornea, while a second or Harder’s gland occurs at the inner angle
when a nictitating membrane is present. Both are lacking in the An-
The ear, at the level of the medulla oblongata, rivals the eye in
its complication of structure. In development it has one point in
common with the invertebrate
otocyst—it arises as an ecto-
dermal pit which is usually
completely cut off from its par-
ent layer, and only in elasmo-
branchs remains connected with
the exterior by a tube, the
elsewhere closed endolymphatic
duct. In the cyclostomes it con-
sists of a single vesicle with a
single macula acustica; from
the fishes upwards the vesicle
becomes divided by a constric-
tion into an upper utriculus
and a lower sacculus (fig. 575),
the connecting utriculosaccular
Fic. 575.—Diagram of membranous laby- duct being narrow in the mam-
rinth of a fish. (From Wiedersheim.) ed ‘
au, ae, ap, anterior, external, and poste- mals. Both utriculus and sac-
riz mpulle amy superiet MinewAT onlns receive a part of the
ee ee canalss usutri: macula acustica. Diverticula
colemphaticus: & lagena.s zee Teesseus from the vesicle occur, giving
a Pec aiGg Eo cr the whole the name of labyrinth.
dolymph-duet: From the utriculus arise three
semicircular canals, connected at either end with this cavity, each
swollen at one end to an ampulla, containing a special nerve
termination, the crista acustica, These canals stand at right
angles to each other in the three dimensions of space and with-
out doubt subserve the sensation of equilibration (p. 128). They
are an outer horizontal, an anterior vertical (nearly sagittal), and
a posterior vertical (nearly transverse). The non-ampullar ends
of the two vertical canals unite, a condition which is understood
when it is recalled that in cyclostomes these canals alone are
present, and in Myzxine form a single canal with two ampulle.
A later formation is a diverticulum from the saeculus, which
appears even in the fishes as a small pocket, the lagena, containing
a part of the macula acustica; in the reptiles and birds the lagena
becomes much larger, and in the mammals is spirally coiled and is
known asthe cochlea. A part of the macula acustica of the lagena
develops into a special nerve-end apparatus, the organ of Corti.
The membranous labyrinth described above is partially or en-
tirely enclosed in the side wall of the skull in the otic capsule,
which may ossify to the otic or petrosal bones. In the birds and
mammals the enclosure is such that the structure is duplicated in
bone, so that the membranous labyrinth lies in a bony labyrinth,
Fig. 576.—Diagram of human ear. (From Wiedersheim.) a, h, vertical semicircular
canals ; ¢, their upper connexion; Co, the connexion in bony labyrinth; Con,
ductus cochlearis; Con’, cochlea; Cr, canalis reuniens; Ct, tympanic cavity
(left), cupula terminales (right); d, perilymph; De ductus endolymphaticus; Dp,
Dp’, ductus perilymphaticus; Kl, AU, bony labyrinth surrounding the mem-
branous labyrinth, the perilymph space black; MW, conch of ear (left), membrane
closing fenestra rotunda (right); Mae, external auditory meatus; Mt, tympanic
membrane; NS, sacculus; SAp, ear bones (represented as a rod); Ne, sacculus en-
dolymphaticus; St, Sv, scale tympaniand vestibuli; Th, Th’, Eustachian tube and
its entrance into pharynx; *, connexion between scale tympani and vestibuli;
+, insertion of ear bones in fenestra ovalis; 2, utriculus.
the two being separated by lymph spaces (fig. 576). These spaces
are developed in the cochlea into two tubes, the scala tynipani and
scala vestibuli, the two connecting only at the tip, being separated
elsewhere in part by the membranous cochlea (the ductus cochlearis
or scala media). The spaces of the bony labyrinth are filled by
two different fluids: inside the membranous labvrinth an en-
dolymph, and between this and the walls of the bony labyrinth a
Accessory structures may be added to this auditory apparatus
proper, their purpose being to bring sound waves to it. Such
structures are but occasionally present in fishes (it is not certain
that they hear), since the sound waves are easily carried by the
water to the tissues and thence directly to the ears. On the other
hand, with the change to terrestrial hfe such a sound-conducting
apparatus is necessary on account of the differing densities of the
air and the tissues. So we find from Amphibia onwards a vibrat-
ing membrane—the tympanic membrane—which receives the sound
vibrations from the air and carries them to a chain of ear bones
(ossicula auditus), which in turn transmits them to the inner ear
orlabyrinth. These structures are not always functional (cetacea),
and they may be wholly or in part rudimentary (urodeles, snakes,
To understand this apparatus it must be recalled that the ear
lies between the hyoid and mandibular arches in the neighborhood
of a canal which leads from the surface to the pharynx. In
the fishes this canal is the spiracle, a reduced gill cleft. In the
Anura and amniotes it consists of an air chamber closed exter-
nally by the tympanic membrane, stretched on a tympanic an-
nulus, while the opening to the pharynx is retained. The
part next the membrane becomes expanded into the tympanic
cavity, this with the membrane forming the tympanum or drum.
The part connecting with the pharynx is usually narrowed and is
called the Eustachian tube. The membranous labyrinth lies in
the wall of the tympanic cavity and touches it at one or two points
where the bony auditory capsule is interrupted, the always present
fenestra ovals, and the fenestra rotunda, lacking in Amphibia.
When it is recalled that the mandibular arch lies just in front
of the spiracle, and the hyoid close behind it, it is readily under-
stood how parts of these arches can
enter the tympanum and produce the
ear bones. In Anura, reptiles, and birds
a columella has one end attached to
the stapedial plate, which lies in the
fenestra ovalis, while the other is in-
serted in the drum membrane, the
whole conveying the waves across the
tympanum to the labyrinth. In the
F1a. 517.—Ear bones ofman. mammals the structure is different, since
ae ele ene 4 the columella is replaced by two bones,
nS the malleus, which is attached to the
drum membrane, and the ineus, which articulates with the
Most students believe incus and malleus to be parts
a view which
(quadrate and articulare) of the mandibular arch
has its opponents, who believe these to be a divided columella
(fig. 577).
The tympanic membrane is usually flush with the surrounding
skin or only slightly below its level. In the mammals it is pro-
tected by being placed at the bottom of a deep tube, the external
auditory meatus. The ear conch, a fold of skin supported by
cartilage, is also confined to the mammals.
The more important vegetative organs of the body are enclosed
in a large body cavity or celom beneath the vertebral column.
This is, as development shows, an outgrowth from the primi-
tive digestive tract, an enterocwle (pp. 109 and 158), lined
with epithelium. Since it arises, as in other colomate animals,
by paired outgrowths from the archenteron, it follows that
at first the two cavities must be separated by a_ partition
Rox SX
F1a. 578.—Section of vertebrate in abdominal region. (From Kingsley.) a, dorsal
aorta; ¢, ccelom; g, gonad; gl, glomerulus; i, digestive tract; l, iver; m, mesen-
tery; mu, muscular part of myotomes; my, its ca@lom (myoccrle); 0, omentum ;
s, Spinal cord; so, sp, somatic and splanchnic epithelia; t, nephridial tubule; vm,
s,s alc atic
ventral mesentery ; w, Wolffian duct.
which also encloses the intestinal tract (fig. 578).
walls furnish the mesentery which supports the intestine in its
whole length from the vertebral column, but ventral of the diges-
tive tract (as the mediastinum, omentum minus, and suspensory
ligament of the liver of human anatomy) only reaches as far back
as the liver, so that right and left coloms unite behind. Some
other organs are also suspended in the body cavity by membranes:
the testes by the mesorchium, the ovary by the mesovarium.
The body cavity is frequently called the pleuroperitoneal cavity,
since in mammals it is divided by a partition, the diaphragm, into
an anterior or pleural and a posterior or peritoneal (abdominal)
cavity. The lining membranes of these cavities are called pleura
and peritoneum respectively. The pericardial cavity is also a de-
rivative of the celom, and the lining, the pericardium, but a part
of the pleuroperitoneal membrane. Hence it is that in many
fishes (sharks, sturgeon) a communication persists between the
pericardial and the other celom. In most fishes and in many rep-
tiles there is a direct connexion of the celom with the exterior by
one or two pori abdominales, beside or behind the anus.
The alimentary tract possesses the greatest systematic interest
of the vegetative organs, for it not only is concerned with diges-
tion, but furnishes, as in all chordates, the respiratory organs (gills
and lungs) as well, these arising in the non-chordates from the
ectoderm. It begins with the anterior ventral mouth and ends
ventrally with the anus, some distance in front of the tip of the
tail; it is almost wholly entodermal in origin, there being but
slight ectodermal portions at either end.
The first division is spacious and consists of the ectodermal
mouth cavity and the entodermal pharynx, two spaces which, in
most vertebrates, are not sharply marked off, but in alligators and
mammals are separated by the soft palate. Then begins the
narrow cesophagus, wideuing behind to the stomach. From the
hinder or pyloric end of the stomach begins the small intestine,
which enlarges into the large intestine, separated from the small
intestine in the higher vertebrates by a valve and one or two ecxca.
The terminal portion in most vertebrates is called the cloaca be-
cause it receives the urogenital ducts. The liver is the only gland
constantly present; it is a large compact brown organ, generally
provided with a gall bladder. Usually a smaller gland, the
pancreas, occurs. The ducts of the liver (bile duct, ductus
choledochus) and pancreas empty into the small intestine near the
pylorus. The mouth cavity may have salivary glands connected
with it, while the rectal region occasionally has blind sacs and
A striking vertebrate characteristic occurs in the dentition.
In the cyclostomes there are horny teeth—strongly cornified epi-
thelial products seated on connective-tissue papille; in the higher
groups occur true teeth of dentine and enamel, enclosing a richly
vascular pulp. They occur in places where the underlying skele-
ton affords them a firm support, especially on the upper or lower
jaws, but they may occur on other bones of the mouth and
pharyngeal cavities (roof of the mouth, gill arches). They have
apparently arisen from a diffuse dentition, recalling the scales of
the skin, since many elasmobranchs possess, besides the ordinary
teeth, rudimentary teeth in mouth and pharynx. Where teeth are
lacking (birds, turtles, baleen whales) they have been lost.
The respiratory organs arise from the pharynx. In the fishes
and some Amphibia its walls, right and left, are perforated by
gill clefts, each of which lies between two successive visceral arches
(fig. 570). These are canals which open internally into the
pharynx, while the outer gill openings are on the outer surface.
The anterior and posterior walls of the clefts bear delicate vascular
folds of mucous membrane, the gill filaments. These are the in-
ternal gills, in contrast to the external gills of Amphibian larve,
which are dendritic external ectodermal growths arising above and
between the gill slits (figs. 4,5). Itis important for the phylogeny
of the vertebrates to note that reptiles, birds, and mammals, which
never breathe by gills, have gill clefts outlined and later lost with
the exception of the Eustachian cleft.
Two problematical organs, the thymus and the lateral lobes of the thy-
roid gland, develop from the epithelium of the gill clefts. The middle
unpaired part of the thyroid has been regarded as a modification of the
endostyle of the Tunicata (p. 506). The thyroid, which produces iodine
compounds, is doubtless very important; disease or extirpation of it
causes serious nervous disturbances.
The lungs also arise from the pharynx as two sacs (one oc-
casionally remaining rudimentary), which grow downwards and
backwards. They retain their opening into it either directly or
by means of a trachea or windpipe, which just before its entrance
into the lungs usually divides into two bronchi (figs. 579, 620).
At the opening into the pharynx (glottis) the supporting cartilages
(remnants of the visceral skeleton, p. 524) are strong and form
the larynx, which in mammals may be closed from the pharynx
by a valve, the epiglottis. The lungs and trachea have their
counterparts in the fishes in the swim bladder, a hydrostatic
apparatus, and its duct.
The swim bladder of fishes and the lungs of most amphibia are smooth-
walled sacs, but in some have greater respiratory surface since folds ex-
tend into the central space. This peripheral folding increases in the rep-
tiles at the expense of the central chamber, this in some being completely
divided by the partitions, which extend inwards from the walls to the
bronchus. In the mammals a central chamber is lacking; the bronchi
extend into the lungs, branching again and again to the fine bronchioles
which give off alveolar ducts lined with minute air cells or alveoli.
The circulatory apparatus is easily derived from that of annelids,
and, like it, is completely closed. In the annelids (p. 307, figs.
272, 275, 276) above and below the
digestive tract is a longitudinal blood-
vessel, these being connected in each
somite by loops which pass around
the intestine. The vertebrate scheme
varies in the development of a heart
in the ventral trunk (the dorsal of
the annelid). In the lower verte-
brates, the fishes (figs. 65, 597), the
heart lies close behind the gills and
sends to them the blood which it
receives from the body. Hence, like
the whole ventral trunk, it carries
Fic. 579.—Lungs of man, ventral view. Venous blood. Since the anterior
(From Wiedersheim, S, sulcus for loops, the gill arteries, pass through
subclavian artery; Tr, trachea di-
viding below into the two bronchi; the gills, the dorsal trunk, which
Z, position of diaphragm; 1, 2, 3, 2a,
3a, lobes of right and left lungs. — ggjlects from these, must contain
oxygenated blood, which is sent by the carotids to the head, and
by the dorsal aorta and the vascular loops to the body. It thus
becomes venous and flows back into the ventral trunk.
This scheme of circulation in fishes needs further description.
The heart, a strong muscular organ enclosed in a pericardium, con-
sists of two parts, auricle and ventricle, separated by valves. The
trunk (ventral aorta) arising from the auricle is arterial and cor-
responds to the ascending aorta and pulmonary artery of man.
The arterial arches of the gill region which arise from it pass di-
rectly into the dorsal vessel only in young fishes (fig. 597); later
they furnish the branchial circulation of gill arteries, gill capillaries,
and gill veins (fig. 65). The dorsal trunk is the dorsal aorta
(aorta descendens); the ventral trunk, which only occurs in the
embryo, is the subintestinal vein, from which the portal vein arises.
To this are added a system of paired veins, consisting of Cuvierian
ducts and jugular and cardinal veins, the latter with growth en-
croaching more and more into the territory of the subintestinal
The circulation of the fish type undergoes a great modification
with the loss of gillsand the appearance of pulmonary respiration.
Gills and gill capillaries disappear, and the branchial circulation is
reduced to arterial arches leading direct from the ventral to the
dorsal aorta. The swim bladder received its blood from the body
(systemic) circulation, but with the functioning of the lungs pul-
monary arteries and veins come into existence, while the arterial
arches in part disappear, in part are divided between the pulmonary
Fig. 580.—Diagram of modification of arterial arches in various vertebrate classes. White,
vessels which degenerate; cross-lined, vessels containing arterial blood; black, vessels
containing venous blood. J, Dipnoi; J/, Urodeles witb pulmonary respiration; JJIJ,
Reptiles; JV, Birds (in mammals the left instead of the right aortic arch persists). ao},
venous aorta of reptiles; co?, arterial aorta: ast, arterial trunk; a, bh, arches which
usually disappear; ad, dorsal aorta; d¢.8. ductus Botalli; k, gill capillaries; pu, pul-
monary artery; 1-4, persistent arterial arches.
and systemic circulations (fig. 580). Of the six arches which
usually appear in the embryo, the first and second, and the fifth
in animals with lungs, usually disappear. The last arch (4), which
even in the Dipnoi supplies the swim bladder, becomes a pulmonary
artery, the other arches (7 and 2) furnish the systemic portions,
the dorsal aorta (2) and the carotids supplying the head (2).
Since special pulmonary veins, distinct from the systemic circula-
tion, carry the blood from the lungs to the heart, the heart be-
comes divided by a septum which separates it into right and left
halves. The right half retains the venous character of the fish
heart; since the right auricle receives the systemic veins, the right
ventricle gives off the pulmonary artery. The left half is purely
arterial, receiving arterial blood by the left auricle from the lungs
and sending it out through the aorta ascendens to the body. A
complete separation of pulmonary and systemic circulation, and a
corresponding division of the heart, occurs only in birds and mam-
mals. Reptiles and amphibia show how the modification has been
accomplished. In these the separation begins in the venous sys-
tem and extends to the auricle, in the reptiles the septum arises in
the ventricle. In the arterial system remnants may persist, such
as a connexion (ductus Botalli) of the puJmonalis with the aorta
(//, d.B), or an aortic arch may arise with the pulmonalis from
the right side of the heart (JZJ, ao).
Besides blood-vessels, lymph vessels occur in the vertebrates as com-
plements of the venous system. The fluids which collect in the spaces of
the connective tissue are taken by them and carried into the large venous
trunks. Usually the action of the heart and the movements of the body
are sufficient to cause the flow of this lymph, but special lymph hearts
may occur. The lymph vessels distributed to the digestive tract play an
important role, since they serve in the resorbtion of digested food. They
are called chyle ducts because their contents, the chyle, rendered white
by oil globules at the time of digestion, distinguishes them from other
lymphatics. The most important features of lymph and blood have
already been noticed (p. 88). In special places small bodies, the lymph
glands, are inserted in the course of the lymph vessels, in which lymph
corpuscles arise. Among these from its structure is to be enumerated the
spleen, colored bright red by its rich blood supply.
The sexual and excretory organs are so closely associated that
they are generally united as the urogenital system. The sexual
products are formed in the embryo from a special region of the
peritoneal epithelium on either side of the vertebral column.
These primordial cells early leave their primitive position, and sink
into the underlying connective tissue (fig. 33), forming in the
male glandular tubes, in the female cords which break up into
numbers of round follicles, each containing a single larger cell, the
ovum. In the male the gonads thus formed are compact and fre-
quently oval, the testes; in the female they are looser and follic-
ular ovaries.
The deposition of the sexual cells occurs in many fishes by way
of the body cavity and the abdominal pores, and in this case a part
of the celom may be cut off as a special vas deferens or oviduct.
In most vertebrates the ducts are formed from a part of the
nephridial system. Embryology shows that there are three kinds
of nephridia in vertebrates: (1) the pronephros, or head kidney;
(2) mesonephros, or Wolflian body; (3) metanephros, or kidney
proper, with the corresponding pronephric, mesonephric (Wolf-
fian), and metanephric (ureter) ducts. The first two of these
ducts are genetically connected, since the development of the
elasmobranchs shows that the pronephric duct, by splitting, gives
rise to two canals, the Wolffian (mesonephric), and the Millerian
ducts, the latter retaining its relation to the pronephros.
The pronephros is usually functional only in embryonic life
and then only in early stages, possibly in some cases not at all.
Its relations to the other parts are yet in question. In most
Fie. 581.—Scheme of urodele urogenital system based on Triton. (From Wieders-
heim, after Spengel.) A, male; B, female. a, excretory ducts; yn, sexual part
of mesonephros; Ho, testis; lg, Leydig’s duct (ureter); mg, Millerian duct
(oviduct); mg’, its vestigial end in male: NW, functional part of mesonephros;
Ov, ovary; Ot, ostium tube; Ve, vasa efferentia; *, collecting duct of vasa effer-
entia (rudimentary in B).
teleosts the mesonephros is equally developed in nearly the whole
length of the body cavity, but in the Amphibia (fig. 581) and
many elasmobranchs its anterior part is smaller than the rest, a
condition which has its explanation in its relations to the sexual
In the males (excepting many fishes) the testes become con-
nected with the anterior end of the Wolffian body (fig. 581, A),
so that the urinary tubules of the latter come to be seminal ducts,
while the hinder portion remains excretory, this condition being
permanent in the Amphibia. In the amniotes the anterior meso-
nephros retains its connexion with the testes, forming the vasa
efferentia, while the Wolffian duct forms the vas deferens, a por-
tion of it greatly coiled being the epididymis. The remainder
of the Wolffian body degenerates, a portion only persisting as the
In the females (fig. 581, 2) the mesonephros is smaller in front,
as in the males, but the connexion of this with the ovary does not
exist, so here the Wolffian duct is solely excretory, and not, as in
the males, excretory and seminal duct. In the female amniotes
the Wolffian body almost entirely disappears, for in both sexes of
the reptiles, birds, and mammals the metanephros or kidney proper
is a new formation, growing forwards from the posterior end of
the Wolffian duct. In the females of elasmobranchs, Amphibia,
and Amniotes the Millerian duct serves as an oviduct, its anterior
end opening by the ostium tube into the abdominal cavity and
receiving the eggs as they escape from the ovary. In the male the
Millerian duct disappears early.
The union of sexual and excretory organs to a urogenital system arises
from the same relations as in the annelids; both organs arise from the
celomic epithelium and have temporary or permanent connexion with the
body cavity. This has already been described for the gonads. The
urinary tubules of both pro- and mesonephros are derivatives of the celomic
epithelium and possess an arrangement recalling that of the annelids in
a striking manner. As is shown (fig. 70) in the scheme of the embryo
selachian, the nephridial system consists of numerous canals, segmentally
arranged, connected by funnels (nephrostomes) with the body cavity;
and differs from the segmental organs of the annelids in that they do not
open singly to the exterior, but by a common duct. They also differ in
their further development by increasing greatly in number and forming
a compact organ, and, finally, by the formation in a certain part of a
network of blood-vessels, the glomerulus, which pushes into the lumen of
the tube.
The ducts of the urogenital system open behind the anus in
most fishes on a urogenital papilla; in the elasmobranchs, amphib-
ians, birds, and most reptiles dorsally into the hinder part of
the digestive tract, which thus becomes a cloaca. In turtles and
mammals the urogenital canal opens into the urinary bladder, a
ventral diverticulum of the rectum which first appears in the
Amphibia. Urinary and sexual ducts then either open into the
urogenital sinus, the lowest part of the bladder leading to the
cloaca (turtles, monotremes), or this part receives only the geni-
tal ducts, while the ureters enter the base of the bladder. The
urogenital sinus remains in connexion with the cloaca in the
turtles and monotremes; in the other mammals a cloaca occurs
only in embryonic life. Later, by formation of the perineum, the
cloaca is divided into a hinder digestive and an anterior urogenital
canal. Step by step the stages may be followed from urogenital
ducts opening behind to those opening in front of the anus.
Asexual and parthenogenetic reproduction are unknown in the
vertebrates. The impregnation of the eggs in the lower groups
is usually external and occurs during oviposition; in the higher
internal copulation is effected by opposition of the genital ori-
fices or by the development of an intromittent organ, the penis.
The fertilized egg can undergo a part or the whole of its devel-
opment in specialized parts of the oviduct (uterus). Accordingly
viviparous and oviparous forms are distinguished, and between
these extremes those that are ovoviviparous (cf. p. 161). Most
elasmobranchs are viviparous, but many are oviparous. In the
teleosts oviparous forms predominate, but there are viviparous
exceptions. So, too, among the reptiles and Amphibia there are
some viviparous species among the egg-laying majority. The
birds and mammals are most constant, the first being exclusively
ovoviviparous, while all the mammals bring forth living young
with the exception of the ovoviviparous monotremes,
Three embryonal appendages may occur in the development,
the yolk sac, the amnion, and the allantois. The yolk sac is small
in those vertebrates which have some yolk, but not enough to
cause meroblastic segmentation (Amphibia), yet it is everywhere
present and is best developed in those groups (fishes, fig. 582,
reptiles and birds) with discoidal segmentation, and is the result
of the accumulation of food material in the digestive tract, which
forces out its ventral wall like a hernia. Its presence in the mam-
mals, which have small eggs lacking in yolk, is an indication that
these have descended from large-yolked forms, such as the mono-
tremes yet are. The embryo either lies directly on the yolk or is
connected with it by a yolk stalk.
While the yolk sac is widely distributed, the amnion and allan-
tois are restricted to reptiles, birds, and mammals, which are con-
sequently spoken of as Amniota or Allantoidea, in contrast to the
fishes and Amphibia, which are frequently called Anamnia or Anal-
lantoidea, from the absence of these structures. The amnion isa
sac which envelops the whole embryo and is connected with the
rest only at the umbilicus, that is, the point where the yolk sac
projects from the ventral wall. In this sac is an albuminous
Fie. 582. Fig. 583.
Fie. 582.Shark embryo. (From Boas.) y, part of yolk sac; yg, external gills in front
of pectoral fins. ;
Fig. 583.—Embryonic envelopes of amammal. (Diagram after KGlliker.) ah, amni-
otic cavity ; al, allantois; am, amnion; dg, yolk stalk ; ds, yolk sac; e, embryo:
hh, ventral wall of embryo; r, extra-embryonic coelom; sh, serosa; sz, serosal
amniotic fluid. The amnion is genetically a part of the ventral
surface; it develops ventrally as folds—lateral, anterior, and pos-
terior—which grow up over the back on all sides and unite above
the embryo.
The allantois is an enlargement of the urinary bladder. This
grows out from the body cavity at the umbilicus and extends be-
tween yolk sac and amnion and then grows in all directions until
its folds meet above the back. The part of the allantois which re-
ceives the urine may be enlarged or not. The rest of the out-
growth consists of blood-vessels and connective tissue. The blood-
vessels are the most important, for the allantois forms the respira-
tory apparatus of the embryo, and in the mammals it develops the
placenta, by which nourishment as well is conveyed to the young.
Yolk sac, amnion, and allantois are enveloped in a common coat,
the serosa.
Aristotle and his followers recognized four divisions of vertebrates, and
these were retained by Linné and Cuvier under the names Pisces, Reptilia
or Amphibia, Aves, and Mammalia. Blainville (1818) divided the second
of these into two classes, retaining the name Reptilia for the one, Amphibia
for the other. Milne Edwards showed that this division corresponded
with one between the higher and lower groups, the amniote and the anam-
niote divisions. Later Haeckel divided the fishes, separating the Cyclo-
stomes from the others as a distinct class, while Huxley pointed out the
close resemblances between the reptiles and birds, grouping them as
Sauropsida, Another division of convenience but not of much systematic
importance contrasts the fishes with all other forms, the Tetrapoda, so
called from the possession of legs rather than fins.
Vertebrates respiring for a time or throughout life by means
of gills ; neither amnion nor allantois present in the embryo.
Class I. Cyclostomata (Marsipobranchii, Agnatha).
The class of Cyclostomes contains but few species, among
which the lamprey eels and the slime or hag fishes are best known.
In shape they are eel-like. They are distinctly vertebrate in the
possession of large liver and nephridia; of a muscular heart with
auricle and ventricle, lying in a pericardium; olfactory lobes,
epiphysis and hypophysis, and the higher sense organs. In the
brain, cerebrum and cerebellum are not so prominent as are the
optic lobes and medulla. The inner ear is not divided into utric-
ulus and sacculus, and it has but one or two semicircular canals,
but always two ampulle. The skin (fig. 26) consists of derma
and a stratified epidermis.
The cyclostomes are distinguished from the true fishes by the
lack of a vertebral column. The axial skeleton of the trunk consists
either of the notochord alone or of it and small neural arches. A
cranium and a basket-like gill skeleton are present, but so different
are these from those of other vertebrates that homologies are dif-
ficult. The absence of paired fins isimportant. Since the median
fins are supported by horny threads alone, the cartilaginous appen-
dicular skeleton—alone of importance—is entirely wanting. Then
the skin lacks scales, and the mouth true dentine teeth, for the
pointed brown teeth arranged in circles in the mouth of the lam-
prey (fig. 584), and the fewer teeth of the myxinoids, are purely
epidermal products and cannot be compared with the teeth of
other vertebrates. Other important differences have given rise to
names applied to the group.
The name Cyclostomata refers to the circular mouth, an ex-
ternal feature, which, however, rests on the important fact that
the jaws are absent or extremely rudimentary, and do not close on
each other as do the jaws of other vertebrates. This cyclostome
condition is of value to the animals, as it aids them in sucking on
to other animals. At the base of the dome-like mouth cavity is
the so-called tongue, which is the sucking apparatus, since it can be
drawn backwards like a piston (fig. 584).
The name Marsipobranchs has been given on account of the
form of the gills, which are usually six or seven in number, but in
Bdellostoma may be twelve or fourteen on either side. Each gill
cleft consists of three parts, the gill sac (marsupium), which alone
contains gills, and the afferent and efferent ducts (fig. 585). These
canals arise separately, and may continue so (Bdellostoma), but in
Petromyzon the afferent ducts unite to a single tube which opens
ventrally in the pharynx. In Myzine (fig. 585) the conditions are
reversed, the efferent canals uniting to empty through a single
external opening.
A third name, Monorhina, has been given, since these forms,
in contrast to all other vertebrates, have an unpaired olfactory
organ. The single nostril, lying in the mid line of the head,
Fic. 584. Fig. 585.
Fig. 584.—Mouth of Petromyzon marinus with horny teeth and tongue. (From Gegenbaur.)
Fie. 585.—Gill apparatus of Myxine glutinosa. (After J. Miller.) a, atrium; «bd, gill artery
and gill arch: br, gill sac (the lines show the gills): hr’, efferent canal; c, cesophaged-
cutaneus duct; ¢, skin turned away; ‘, afferent gill canal; 0, esophagus; s, mouth
of atrium; v, ventricle of heart. 5
opens into a nasal sac, from the bottom of which a canal descends
towards the roof of the mouth, ending blindly in Petromyzontes
(Hyperoartia), or penetrating it in the Myzontes (Hyperotretia),
so that an inner nasal opening (choana) oceurs. A paired olfac-
tory nerve supplies the organ.
Sub Class I. Myzontes (Hyperotretia).
Semiparasitic eyclostomes with cirri around the mouth, very primitive
nephridia, right and left rows of slime saes, eyes rudimentary (lens, sclera,
and choroid lacking). From the large amount of mucus they are known
as slime eels. They bore into fishes and eat the flesh. Myaine* on the
east coast, Bdellostoma* (Polistotrema) on the west.
Sub Class If, Petromyzontes (Hyperoartia).
Several American species of lampreys, all belonging to Petromyzon*
(with sub genera), have well-developed dorsal fins, and seven branchial
openings. They occur in salt and fresh water, some marine species
Fig. 586.—Petromyzon marinus,* sea lamprey. (After Goode.)
ascending streams to lay their eggs. The young pass through a larval
(Ammoceetes) stage with rudimentary eyes and slit-like mouth. Many of
the species live on the mucus and blood which they rasp from fishes.
Here may be mentioned a group of fossils, the OSTRACODERMI, of
uncertain position. They have fish-like bodies, but no skeleton or jaws are
known. They flourished in paleozoic seas. Preraspis, Cephalaspis,
Class II. Pisces (Fishes).
The term fish is used in a wider and a narrower sense. In the
first it includes any aquatic vertebrate swimming by means of fins
and breathing by gills; in the more strict sense, as used here, it
means aquatic branchiate forms with vertebral column, cranium,
and well-developed visceral skeleton; with paired as well as
unpaired fins, these supported by a cartilaginous or bony skeleton
in addition to horny rays; with double nasal pits; with a skin and
oral mucous membrane which can produce ossifications, the scales
and teeth. The cyclostomes are thus excluded. The fishes are
the best adapted of all vertebrates for an aquatic life, and their
whole organization must therefore be considered from this stand-
The epidermis consists of numerous layers of protoplasmic cells
with an extremely thin external cuticle. Cornifications of this
epidermis are lacking under ordinary conditions, with the excep-
tion of a thin portion of the external subcuticular layer. At the
time of sexual maturity cornifications increase greatly in most
Cyprinoids and many Salmonids, producing hard bodies in the skin,
the ‘pearl organs.’ Enormous numbers of large slime cells give
the fishes their well-known slippery skins. Since the epidermis
contributes nothing to the firmness of the body walls, all protective
structures arise from the derma, which is composed of many layers
of dense connective tissue and furnishes the characteristic dermal
skeleton, the scales. These lie at the boundary of epidermis and
derma, commonly imbedded in pockets of the latter, and are, on
account of their different structure, of systematic value, although
the classification based entirely upon them is no longer retained.
The placoid scales (fig. 554, 587, 4) have already been men-
tioned, because they form the
starting point for dermal ossifica-
tious and teeth (p. 515). They
are rhombic bony plates, usually
close together like a mosaic, but
not overlapping. In the centre
of each is a spine, directed back-
yards, In which is a pulp cavity,
while the tip of the spine is coy-
ered witha cap of hard substance,
variously called enamel or vitro-
The ganoid scales (fig. 587,
3) are usually rhomboid and
Fig. 587.—Scales of fishes. 1, cycloid; 2, arranged like parquetry. In the
SETTLE RS See en ye early stages they may bear teeth,
but these are lost in the adult. The outer surface is always covered
with a thick layer of ‘ganoin,’ which gives, even in fossils, an
iridescent effect, a most characteristic feature. The ganoin is no
longer regarded as enamel, but the most superficial layer of dentine
Cycloid and ctenoid scales are closely related. They are always
more loosely placed in the pockets, from which they are easily with-
drawn as in ‘scaling’ a fish. They are arranged in oblique, trans-
verse, and Jongitudinal rows, and overlap like shingles, one scale
covering the parts of two scales behind. The eycloid scales (fig.
587, 1) are approximately circular with a middle point, surrounded
by concentric lines, from which go radiating lines. The ctenoid
seale (2) has the radial and concentric lines of the eycloid, but has
the hinder edge truncate and the free portion bearing small spines
or teeth, processes of the concentric ridges.
Besides these types of scales many fishes bear considerable
spines (strongly developed single scales) and larger bony plates,
these last usually resulting from the fusion of numerous scales.
The coloration of fishes is threefold in origin. The silvery lustre is
due to crystals of guanin which occur not only in the skin but in the peri-
toneum and pericardial walls. In some fishes from their iridescence
(Alburnus lucidus) these crystals become of commercial value. They are
freed from the skin by boiling with ammonia and, suspended in the fluid,
form the important part of essence of pearl (essence d’orient) which is
used in making artificial pearls, being either applied to the outside of ala-
baster balls (Roman pearls) or as a coating to the inside of glass beads
(Paris pearls). The other colors of fishes are due in part to the numerous
strongly pigmented fat cells, in part to ‘chromatophores’ in the derma,
which, under control of the nervous system, can alter their form and
extent and thus produce color changes in the fish. It is by means of
these chromatophores that fishes adapt themselves to their surroundings.
It is of interest to note that destruction of the eyes results in loss of power
to change color.
The axial skeleton shows many conditions which are unknown
outside the class, and varies in character from group to group, the
most important differences consisting in its cartilaginous or bony
character. The vertebre are nearly always amphicelous, the
notochord persisting in the cavities between the successive centra
(fig. 557). Neural and hemal arches occur, these having as key-
stones the unpaired spinous processes. The neural arches extend
throughout the columns; the hemal are complete only in the tail;
in the trunk the hemal spines are absent and the hemal processes,
divided into basal processes and ribs, surround the viscera. A
sternum is everywhere lacking. When ossification is lacking or
is incomplete, two pairs of arches may occur in each segment, the
anterior being the stronger and alone persisting in fishes with ossi-
fied vertebre; the second is much smaller, so that its elements are
not called arches, but intercalaria (figs. 556, 588).
The great number of visceral arches, and their independence
from the cranium, are characteristic of fishes. After removal of
these the cranium in all cartilaginous fishes is very simple (fig.
588), but in the teleosts, with the appearance of ossification, he-
comes very complicated, since the bones are very numerous and
are not, as in mammals, in purt fused to larger bones. There are
also great differences between the different families of fishes, some
having bones which are lacking in others (figs. 560, 589), The
large membrane bones of the cranial roof (parietals, p, frontals, /,
and nasals, na) and the large ventral parasphenoid (ps) are
especially constant. The vomer in front of the parasphenoid is
unpaired, while in all other vertebrates it is paired. Most con-
stant of the cartilage bones are the ethmoids (the paired ecteth-
moids, ee, and the sometimes paired mesethmoid), and the four
occipitals. On the other hand the otic and optic regions vary
considerably; the otic region, from its great size, has several bones,
usually (fig. 589) five in number: pterotic, pto, often called
Fig. 588.—Cranium, visceral arches, and part of vertebral column of Mustelus vulgaris. aor
antorbital process; co, copula; gp, foramen for glossopbaryngeal; H, otic capsule and
hyoid; Hm, hyomandibular; ic, intercalare; Md, mandible (Meckel’s cartilage) ;
N, nasal capsule; o, optic foramen; ob, neural arcb; po, postorbital process; Py.
pterygoquadrate ; ps, spinous process; R, rostrum; 7, ribs; tr, trigeminus foramen ;
v, vagus foramen; J-‘, visceral arches: 1, labial; 2, mandibular; 3, byoid; 4-8. gill
squamosal; sphenotic, spo, frequently called postfrontal; epiotic,
epo; prootic, pro; and opisthotic, oo, the last sometimes lacking.
In the region of the eye the cartilaginous sphenoids are rarely
well developed, the large parasphenoid taking their place. The
same is true of the ali- and orbitosphenoids, these sometimes form-
ing an interorbital septum (fig. 560) or a more or less wide in-
terorbital fenestra (fig. 589).
The character of the visceral skeleton is related to the aquatic
life. All fishes have numerons gill arches (five to seven, mostly
five), which, since their function—gill supporting—is similar, are
similar in structure. So far as they are not degenerate they con-
sist each of four parts and are connected by unpaired copule, these
often being fused. The upper ends are frequently toothed and,
in chewing, are opposed by the rudimentary last arch, on which
account these are spoken of as the superior and inferior pharyngeal
bones. The anterior visceral arches are greatly different in car-
tilaginous and bony fishes. In the former (fig. 588) the pterygo-
quadrate (pg) and the Meckelian cartilage bear teeth and oppose
ach other in biting. In the bony fishes (fig. 589) the teeth of
the lower jaw oppose the tooth-bearing elements, premaxillary
and maxillary, of the maxillary series, while the pterygoquadrate
clements—the palatine and the series of pterygoids—are the an-
tagonists of the hyoid.
A second characteristic of the bony fishes is already outlined in
the ae an the nea ingeion of the o pyomandibulyy, to
FG. 589. —Skull of haddock. Infraorbital ring and operculum outlined in red. a,
; ar, articulare ; as, alisphenoid; de, dentary; ee, ectethmoid; ekt,
ory goid; eng, O8 entoglossum ; ent, entopterygoid; epo, epiotic; fr, frontal;
l'-h3, hyoid elements: hm, hy mandibular; ih, interhyal; ma, maxilla: me,
mesethmoid; mt, metapterygoi na, nasal; och, ocl, ocs, basi-, ex-, and supra-
occipital 3 00, opisthotic ; p, parietal; pa, palatine; prm, premaxillary ; pro, pro-
otic; ps, parasphenoid ; pto, pterotic; qu, quadrate; rbr, branchiostegals ;_ spho,
sphenotic; sy, symplectic; vo, vomer; w, vertebra. Bones outlined in red: inf,
infraorbital ; io, interoperculum ; 0, operculum ; pro, preoperculum ; so, suboper-
culum ; 1,2, 3, axes of ,abial, mandibular, and hyoid arches.
a suspensor of the jaws. In the elasmobranchs (especially the
skates) the parallelism of hyoid and mandibular arches is lost, the
hyomandibular separating from the hyoid and attaching itself to
the hinge of the jaws. In the teleosts the hyomandibular is thus
brought in connexion with the quadrate, and lies between it and
the cranium, the joint being thus indirectly supported from the
cranium, a bone, the symplectic (known only in fishes) helping
out the suspensor, while another bone, the interhyal, connects this
with the hyoid, which itself divides into two, so that the hyoid
arch, like a gill arch, consists of four clements.
The opercular apparatus does not occur in all fishes. It isa
number of bony plates and processes which arise from the hyoid
arch and extend backwards over the gills, protecting them. It
arises in part (opercular bones—O, Pro, So, Jo, fig. 589) from
the hyomandibular, in part (branchostegal rays) from the hyoid
bone. The significance of this apparatus will be spoken of in con-
nexion with the gills; it gives the fish head a definite character,
but covers its structure, on which account it, like the infraorbital
ring, is shown in red in the figure 589.
The appendages are also influenced by the aquatic life. In
contrast to the cyclostomes, they have two pairs of paired fins, the
thoracic or pectoral, and the pelvic, ventral, or abdominal fins; in
contrast with Amphibia, reptiles, and mammals, which occasionally
have fin-like structures, the fishes have three unpaired fins, dorsal,
caudal, and anal fins. Only rarely, as in the eels, the ventral fins
are lacking; more rarely (Murenidz) the pectorals are lost. The
function of the fins in swimming and in balancing makes it neces-
sary that they be broad and well-supported plates. Hence it is
that numerous skeletal parts are present; besides those preformed
in cartilage, numerous horny or bony rays; further, that all parts
should be similar and closely, even if flexibly, bound to each other.
Joints are unnecessary except at the base where the fins join the
supports and move upon the body. The supports of the paired
fins are the girdles, arched skeletal parts, which in the sharks are
held only by muscles, a statement which is true for the pelvic
girdle of all fishes. This is why the ventral fins so readily change
their place. Their primitive position is at the hinder end of the
body cavity (Pisces abdominales, figs. 598, 601). From this point
they can move forward to beneath the pectorals (Pisces thoracici,
fig. 602), or may even come to lie in front of them (Pisces jugu-
lares) in the throat region (fig. 606). The pectoral arch is united
to the vertebral column in the skates; to the skull by a series of
bones in the teleosts. =
The dorsal and anal fins are supported by clements preformed
in cartilages which rest upon the neural or hemal spines and in
turn support the fin rays. In the caudal fin the rays rest directly
upon the spinous processes. Three types of caudal fin are rec-
ognized—diphycereal, heterocercal, and homocereal (fig. 10),
distinctions of great importance. The primitive type is the diphy-
cercal, in which the vertebral column extends directly into the
middle of the fin, dividing it into symmetrical halves. In the
heterocercal type the vertebral axis binds slightly upwards at the
base of the fin, so that the dorsal part is reduced, the ventral greatly
enlarged, the result being extremely asymmetrical, as seen from
the exterior. The homocercal fin is symmetrical externally, but
in reality is extremely asymmetrical. The end of the vertebral
column, the unossified notochord, is bent abruptly upwards, and
hence the fin is almost entirely formed of the ventral portion,
which is usually divided by a terminal notch into upper and lower
halves. The homocercal fin begins with a diphycercal and passes
through a heterocercal stage in development.
In correspondence with the simple motions the musculature is simple
and consists largely of longitudinal muscles divided into myotomes, which
are conical with the apex in front, and are y ;
so inserted in each other that a cross-sec- i RN tbl a
tion gives concentric circles. In a section ! h (MAALEZ. =o Wy
there are at least two such systems, the
muscles being divided by a lateral in-
cision into dorsal and ventral halves.
There are also smaller groups of muscles
related to fins, gill arches, jaws, ete., but
of much smaller size, derivatives from the
larger mass. Electric and pseudelectric
organs, which occur in different fishes,
sometimes in the trunk, at others in the
tail, are formed by the modification of mus- qr ji
cles. Each organ consists of numerous if
lwo |
: : Fig. 5$0.—Driag’ atic secti
closely packed vertical or horizontal col- ena an oe
of electrical apparatus. (From
umns, each column, like a Voltaic pile, Wiedersheim.) The arrow points
consisting of layers of gelatinous plates
(equivalents of muscle bundles) in which
the nerves, with special end plates, termi-
nate. The discharge is electronegative.
dorsally or anteriorly. BG, con-
nectiv issue framework; FP,
electrical plates; G, gelatin-
ous tissue; , nerves entering
through the septa; NN, nerve
The brain shows the low position of the class in the slight development
of the cerebrum (fig. 591). This is especially true of the teleosts, in which,
in place of a cortex, there is only a thin epithelial layer (Pall), what was
formerly called cerebrum being only the corpora striata. The independent
olfactory lobes lie either close to the cerebrum (most teleosts, ol) or are
separated from it by an olfactory tract (fig. 592, 2). The optic thalami
are small (@), but below them are enlargements characteristic of fishes, the
lobi inferiores, and between them the sacculus vasculosus. Both optic
lobes and cerebellum are greatly developed.
The nose consists of two preoral pits, the opening being divided by
a bridge of skin into anterior and posterior nostrils. In many selachians
the nostrils are connected with the mouth by a groove covered by a fold of
skin, and in the Dipnoi there is a choana. The eye has several peculiari-
ties. The lens is very convex, almost conical, due to the slight refraction
caused by the passage of light from the water into the cornea. Further,
the eye is very short-sighted because light is so absorbed by water that
objects forty feet away are invisible. With this is connected the cam-
panula Halleri. The processus falciformis, a sickle-shaped outgrowth of
the choroid, extends from the entrance of the optic nerve into the vitreous
body as far as the lens, swelling out into the campanula; this contains a
muscle which draws back the lens and so is an apparatus of accommoda-
tion. Near the entrance of the optic nerve is a problematic organ, the
Tie. 591. Fie, 592.
Fia. 591.—Brain of trout. (After Wiedersheim.) BG, corpus striatum; GP, pine-
alis; HH, cerebellum; Lol, olfactory lobes; MH, optic lobes; NH, Medulla
oblongata; Pali, pallium, in part cut away; VH, cerebrum; XJ, nerves.
(See p. 536.)
Fig. 592.—Brain and nasal capsules of Scyllium catulus. (From Gegenbaur.) a, me-
dulla; 6, cerebellum ; c, optic lobes; d, *twixt brain; g, cerebruin; /i, bulbus and
tractus olfactorius ; 0, nasal capsules.
choroid gland, consisting largely of blood-vessels (rete mirabile). Chon-
drifications and ossifications of the sclera are common. Lids are weakly
developed or absent, and only some elasmobranchs have a nictitating mem-
The ear has a relative size found in no other vertebrates, the labyrinth
corresponding well with fig. 575. The labyrinth contains in many teleosts
two otoliths, the asteriscus and sagitta, the first being especially large.
Experiments show that the ears are primarily for balance, and hearing is
doubtful. Strychninized fish do not respond to sound, if in its production
mechanical vibrations are avoided.
Of all sense organs the most noticeable are those of the skin, especially
those of the lateral line, which are nowhere else so well developed and
which occur elsewhere only in cyclostomes and aquatic amphibia. In
fishes a line on either side usually begins at the tail and extends to the
head, where it divides into several curved lines (fig. 602, SZ). Its position
is marked by a groove or a canal in the seales which opens to the exterior
by numerous canals through the scales. Branches of trigeminus, facialis,
glossopharyngcus, and especially the lateral branch of the vagus (fig. 570) go
to these organs, the latter extending back to the tail. These supply special
sense organs, which may be grouped in several lines or occur in pits (am-
pullz) in the skin in other places. Their function is obscure, since noth-
ing of the sort occurs in man or mammals. They are specific organs of
aquatic vertebrates and possibly have to do with the perception of water
The alimentary tract is spacious only in the oropharyngeal
region. Then it narrows to a tube in which the various regions
are not sharply marked off from each other. Mouth and pharynx
frequently bear teeth. In the teleosts the bones of the floor of
the cranium and those of the visceral arches may be covered with
coalesced heckel-like teeth. In the elasmobranchs the teeth are
mostly confined to the lower jaw and the pterygoquadrate, but are
in rows, the anterior row alone being functional; but as these are
loosely held they are easily torn out, when they are replaced by
the row behind. Liver and spleen are always present; pancreas
and gall bladder usually occur. In many fishes blind sacs, the
pyloric ceca, occur at the junction of stomach and intestine (fig.
593, B); others have a spiral valve (4), a fold of mucous mem-
brane, which extends like a spiral stairway into the lumen of the
intestine, increasing the digestive surface. Czeca and spiral valve
rarely occur in the same fish.
Fia. 593.—Digestive tracts of (A) Squatina vulyaris (partly opened) and (B) Tra-
chinus radiatus. (From Gegenbaur.) ap, pyloric ceca; c,rectuin; d, bile duct;
dp, duct of air bladder; i, intestine; 0e, esophagus; », pylorus; 1, stomach; vs,
spiral gland ; x, rectal gland.
Gills of two types occur (fig. 594, 4 and BL). In both the gill
clefts, which le between successive branchial arches, begin by
openings in the pharynx, but differ in their external openings.
In the elasmobranch type (.1) the external openings are a series of
slits separated by broad dermal bridges which cover the gills and
gill clefts (fig. 598). The gills are vascular folds of mucous mem-
brane with secondary folds which extend on anterior and posterior
sides of the cleft. Hach arch except the last, as the sections (fig.
594, A, and 595) show, bears two rows of gill folds (demi-
A. B
y /
We aad ‘ WAN
Fic. 594.—Pharynges of (4A) Elasmobranch (Zygena) and (B) Teleost (Gadus), the
skull removed and on the left the gill slits cut across. a,attachment of upper
jaw to cranium, cs, outer gill slit; b, gill arch; bU, DI2, anterior and posterior
gills (demibranchs); h, dermal projection ; lon, hyomandibular ; is, inner gill
cleft; m, mouth ; ma, maxillare ; 0, esophagus; op, operculum ; ops, opercular
opening; pea, palatine; phi, inferior pharyngeal bones; pq, pterygoquadrate;
prim, premaxilla; s, shoulder girdle ; wk, lower jaw; 2, tongue.
branchs) which belong to different clefts and are separated from
each other by tissue containing the cartilaginous gill rays.
In the second type (2), which occurs in all other fishes, the
dermal bridges are lacking, and the tissue between the demi-
branchs has more or less completely disappeared, so that the
demibranchs of one arch become connected, their free ends pro-
jecting into the water like the teeth of a double comb. Here,
on account of their very delicate structure, they would be ex-
posed to serious injury were they not protected by the opereulum
or gill cover, This isa fold of skin arising from the hyoid arch
and extending back over the gillregion. It is supported by two
groups of bones, the opereular bones proper (fig. 589, O, Se, Jo,
Pro), attached to the hyomandibular, and the branchiostegals
(ror) from the hyoid, these latter supporting the branchiostegal
membrane. Between the free edge of the
operculum and the branchiostegal miem-
brane and the skin of the body behind is
the opercular cleft (fig. 594, ops), which is
obviously not identical with a gill cleft. but
leads into an atrium into which the gill
clefts empty. In many elasmobranchs and
ganoids there is a rudimentary cleft, the
spiracle, between the pterygoquadrate and
hyomandibular, in which arudimentary gill,
or pseudobranch, may occur, this often per-
sisting when the spiracle is closed.
Besides gills, fishes, with the exception
of elasmobranchs and some teleosts, have a
Fig. 595.—Sections of gill
arches of Cradus (left)
swim bladder which is usually regarded as oe a
the homologue of the lungs. It is often — jnteyy.s aE
shaped like an hour glass, filled with air, and My er ee naar
may open into the esophagus bya pneumatic — veins 2, tooth.
duct (Physostomi), or this, appearing in development, may be lost
in the adult (Physoclisti). The air Dladder serves for respiration
in the Dipnoi and possibly in some ganoids (Lepidosteus aud
Amia), but is usually a hydrostatic apparatus, its enlargement or
compression altering the specific gravity of the fish. In fishes
brought up from great depths the expansion of air in the swim
bladder frequently forces the viscera out through the mouth.
The heart, enclosed in the pericardium, lies immediately
behind the gill region, and is protected by the shoulder girdle.
It always consists of auricle and yentricle (fig. 506), separated by
a pair of valves to prevent back-flow of the blood; it sends the
blood to the gills by the arterial trunk (veritral aorta), and receives
it from the body through a thin-walled sac, the venous sinus, in
which the hepatic veins and the Cuvierian ducts (formed by union
of jugular and cardinal veins) empty (figs. 65, 597).
The most important differences lie in the development of conus
and bulbus arteriosus. These are muscular accessory organs, the
first arising from the heart, the other from the arterial trunk; and
correspondingly the conus has striped, the bulbus smooth musele
fibres. The anterior end of the heart contains ‘semilunar’ valves,
which, like the auriculo-ventricular valves, prevent the back-flow
of the blood. When, by increase in the number of valves, this part
becomes clongute, a conus arteriosus (fig. 596, vf) is formed. The
bulbus ((’) is a muscular swelling in front of the conus, in the
arterial trunk.
The connexion of ventral and dorsal aorte is effected in young
fishes (fig. 597) by the gill wrteries directly; later by means of the
complicated loops of the gill circulation. When these are de-
Fic. 596.—Forms of hearts of fishes in schematic long section. (After Boas.) 4. sela-
chian and most ganoids: B, Amid; C, Teleost. a, auricle; b, bulbus arteriosus: ©. conus
arteriosus; /, valves; s, sinus venosus; f, truncus aorte; v, ventricle.
clr vy Zz
Fia. 597.—Head of embryo teleost. (Diagram from Gegenbaur.) «a, auricle; abr, ventral
aorta with arterial arches; ad, dorsal aorta: c, carotid ; dc. Cuvierian duct, formed by
union of jugular and posterior cardival veins
a ; 2, Dostril; s, gill clefts; sv. sinus veno-
sus; ¢, ventricle.
veloped, afferent branchial arteries, gill capillaries, and efferent
arteries cun be recognized, the latter uniting to form the dorsal
aorta and also giving off the arteries (carotids), which go to the
The nephridia are a pair of large reddish-brown organs lying
outside the body cavity to the right and left of the vertebral
column, usually extending from heart to anus. Their ducts empty
behind the anus or in the dorsal wall of the intestine and are often
provided with enlargements called, from their functions, urinary
bladders, although totally different morphologically from the
urinary bladder of the higher vertebrates. The gonads, suspended
by mesorchia or mesovaria, are large and project into the body
cavity. They are rarely unpaired. In the elasmobranchs and
most ganoids these products pass out by the urogenital system (p.
552), in other forms by the pori abdominales or by special ducts.
Cuvier divided the fishes into cartilaginous and bony groups, an im-
portant step so far as the extremes (elasmobranchs and teleosts) were
concerned, Agassiz recognized a middle group which he named Ganoidei,
from the character of the scales, but his account was modified and made
more accurate by Johannes Miiller, who also included the Dipnoi among
the fishes. At present the group of ganoids is retained largely as a matter
of convenience. Its members are more closely related with the teleosts
than with the elasmobranchs, and in America Ganoids and Teleosts are
united under the head Teleostomi, the name alluding to the presence of
a true upper jaw comparable to that found in higher vertebrates,
Sub Class L. EHlasmobranchii (Plagiostomt, Chondropterygit).
The elasmobranchs, the shark-like fishes, are almost exclu-
sively marine, varying in length from a foot and a half to sixty
feet, living almost exclusively on other vertebrates, and noted for
their voracity. Sometimes slender and cylindrical, as in the sharks
(fig. 598), sometimes flattened dorsoventrally, as in the skates (fig.
Fia. 598.—Acanthias vulgaris,* dogfish. (From Claus.)7 2B, ventral fin; Br, pectoral fin;
Ks, gill clefts ; 1, nostril ; R’, R?, dorsal fins ; S, heterocercal caudal fin ; Spl, spiracle.
599), they agree in form in that the head is prolonged into a snout,
which is usually supported by a cartilaginous prolongation of the
cranium, the rostrum (fig. 588, #). The mouth lies ventrally, at
more or less distance from the anterior end, and is transverse,
whence the name Plagiostomi—transverse mouth. This position
makes it necessary that a shark approaching its prey from below
must turn on its back before biting. The tail is heterocercal or is
drawn out in a long filament. The skin is covered with placoid
scales, usually close together, these being so small in some cases
that the skin—shagreen—is used instead of sandpaper for polish-
ing. More rarely the scales are larger, and the spines, which
project from the skin, justify in size and form the term dermal
teeth. Such strong spines occur especially at the front of the
dorsal fins (ichthyodolurites of paleontologists). The skeleton is
cartilaginous, frequently calcified on the outside. The calcifica-
tion can also extend into the vertebra, producing star-like figures.
Since bone is lacking, the sharks have no upper jaws, but bite with
the pterygoquadrate. The amphicwlous vertebre (lacking in the
Holocephali and the extinct Cladoselachii, Ichthyotomi, and
Acanthodide), have neural arches, small ribs, and intercalaria.
The number of gill arches and clefts varies between five and seven,
the first cleft lying between the hyoid and the first branchial arch.
Besides, most elasmobranchs have a spiracle and pseudobranch
(fig. 598, Spl). Except in the Nolocephali the gill clefts open sep-
arately, the hyoid arch being without an operculum.
In the visceral anatomy these points are of importance as dis-
tinguishing elasmobranchs from Teleostomes. (1) The heart hasa
large conus, with several rows of valves (fig. 596, A), but lacks a
bulbus. (2) The alimentary tract (fig. 593, 4) has a spiral valve,
but lacks swim bladder and pyloric ceca. (3) The sexual products
are carried to the exterior by the urogenital ducts. The eggs
escape from the follicles of the ovary (occasionally unpaired) by
dehiscence into the body cavity, and from thence by the unpaired
ostium tube and the paired Miilerian ducts to the exterior. The
spermatozoa traverse the anterior part of the Wolffian body (‘kid-
ney’). Sexual and reproductive ducts open dorsally into the
Male elasmobranchs are distinguished by the presence of a copu-
latory structure (mixipterygium) developed by enlargement of some radii
of the ventral fin (fig. 599, c). The large eggs, rich in yolk, are fertilized
in the oviducts and usually develop in uterine enlargements of the ducts.
The embryos (fig. 582), with long gill filaments protruding from the gill
slits, are nourished by the yolk in the yolk sac. In Mustelus aud Car-
charias, as Aristotle knew, there is the formation of a placenta, which
differs from that of the mammals in that the embryonic blood supply
arises from the blood-vessels of the yolk sac and are not allantoic. There
are oviparous elasmobranchs, and in these the egg is surrounded by
albumen and a shell, but these eggs differ from those of birds in that the
skull is horny and is usually drawn out at the four corners, sometimes
with threads for attaching the egg to plants, ete.
Order I. Selachii.
With the notochord more or less completely replaced by verte-
bral centra; no dermal bones.
Sub Order I, DIPLOSPONDYLI. Gill slits lateral, six or seven in
number, a single dorsal fin. Ch/amydoselachus with terminal mouth.
Hexanchus,* mouth normal, six gill slits ; Heptanchus, seven gill slits.
Sub Order II. SQUALI (Euselachii). Normal sharks, with cylindrical
bodies, free thoracic fins, heterocercal tail, lateral gill slits. Most of them
are fast swimmers and are rapacious, the teeth being usually pointed, with
sharp or toothed edges, but in some the teeth are pavement-like and are
used for crushing shell fish. The numerous families are distinguished by
vertebral characters, number of dorsal fins, presence of nictitating mem-
brane, ete. In the GaALEID&, in which the nictitating membrane is
present, belong, besides the dog-sharks (Jfustelus * and Galeus*), the largest
of all sharks, Carcharinus,* some of which have man-eating reputations.
The hammer heads (Zygeena*) are closely allied. The mackerel sharks
Lamna*) and the great white‘ man-eater,’ Carcharodon,* lack nictitating
membranes. All of the foregoing have star-shaped figures in the verte-
bree (p. 570). In the dog-fishes, represented by Acanthias vulgaris * (or
Squalus acanthias, fig. 598), there is a spine in front of each dorsal fin.
Sub Order III. RAIA. In the skates the body is flattened horizontally
fig. 599), and the pectoral fins, also flattened, are united to the sides of
Fic. 599.—Raia batis, male, ventral view. (After Mébius and Heincke.) B. ventral,
Br, pectoral fin; R, rostrum, a, anus: ¢ copulatory part of ventral; ks, gill clefts:
m, mouth; 7, nostril; between them the oronasal groove. :
the body, the union usually extending clear to the tip of the snout, and
frequently back to the pelvis, giving the body a rhombic appearance from
above. The animals swim by undulating motions of these fins. They
mostly lie quiet on the bottom, and hence the lower surface is white,
the upper colored. The union of the fins to the side has resulted in trans-
fer of the gill slits to the lower surface, the spiracles to the upper. The
teeth are usually pavement-like. ‘The PRisTiDa, or sawfishes, are the most
shark-like, but are readily recognized as belonging here by the position of
the gill slits. The common name is due to the fact that the snout is pro-
longed into a paddle-shaped blade, the edges armed with teeth. Pristis.*
Raup#; the typical members of the group; Raia.* Closely allied are the
TRYGONIDA, or sting rays, with whip-like tail with one or two spines, the
‘stings’ at the base; Dasyatis.* The torpedos (TORPEDINIDZ) have
smooth skins, and have electrical organs, kidney-shaped bodies, on either
side between gill arches and pectoral skeleton, Torpedo.*
Order II. Holocephali.
These forms, which have no common English names, differ from
the selachii in having the pterygoquadrate arch, which bears a few
large chisel teeth, fused with the cranium without a suspensor; in
Fia. 600.—Chimera monstrosa. (From Kingsley.)
having a dermal fold constituting an operculum, which covers the
gill slits; and corresponding with this, the gills more on the teleost
type (p. 566). Lastly, the vertebral centra are not developed.
Chimera.* Fossils appear in the Devonian.
The CLADOSELACHI (Cladoselache), ICHTHYOTOMI (Pleuracanthus), and
ACANTHODID# are paleozoic forms in which vertebral centra were lacking.
In Cladoselache the skeleton of the paired fin consisted of numerous simi-
lar radii and was more primitive than the archipterygium; Plewracanthus
was diphycercal, and the head, as in Acanthodes, bore dermal bones.
Sub Class II, Ganoidei.
The ganoids form a transition group in which elasmobranch
and teleost characters are mingled ina notable manner. They
have the spiral valve of the sharks, the swim bladder of the telosts;
the heart with the conus is selachian, the respiratory structures—
the comb-like gills and the operculum—are as distinctly teleostean.
The hyoid arch, with the development of the operculum, has not
entirely lost its respiratory function, since in garpike and sturgeon
it bears an opercular gill, and often there is a psendobranch in
the spiracle. The skeleton is always ossified in certain parts; large
membrane bones lie on the shoulder girdle, on the roof and floor
of the skull (parasphenoid); the horny threads of the fins are bony
rays. In general the skeleton ranges between two extremes—an
extremely primitive cartilaginous condition with persistent noto-
chord, and one with a more than ordinary degree of ossification.
It is important for the systematist to find characters in all ganoids
which occur only in the group. The ganoid scales, used by Agassiz,
are not sufficient, since the sturgeon has bony plates free from
ganoin, while the paddle bill (Polyodon*) has almost no dermal
skeleton, and Amia has cycloid scales. Most recent and fossil
forms possess fulcra, bony plates with forked ends lying shingle-
like in front of the fins (fig. 10, B), but these are not universal,
and are absent, ¢.g., in Amia and Polypterus (fig. 10, 4 and C).
The group is largely American. The few recent ganoids fall into
three distinct groups.
Order I. Crossopterygii.
These are largely extinct, but two genera persisting to-day. The tails
are diphycercal or heterocercal; the pectoral fins have the basal portion
scaled; broad gular plates beneath the jaws in place of branchiostegals; the
skeleton well ossified. Polypterus and Calamoichthys from Africa. The
order was probably ancestral to the Amphibia.
Order II. Chondrostei.
These forms resemble the sharks externally in the heterocercal tail,
spiracle, ventral position of the mouth; internally in the cartilaginous
skull and (except Polyodon) in the pterygoquadrate serving as upper jaw.
In the vertebral column they are more primitive than most selachians,
since centra are lacking, the neural and hemal arches and the intercalaria
resting direct on the notochordal sheath (fig. 556). ACIPENSERID&, with
Kia, 601.— Acipenser sturio,* common sturgeon. (After Goode.)
large bony dermal plates. Acipenser,* sturgeon. The swim bladder
furnishes isinglass, the ovaries make ecaviare. POLYODONTIDE, with
naked skin and long paddle-like snout, toothed maxillaries present.
Polyodon,* paddle fish.
Order III. Holostei.
In these the skull is ossified as in teleosts; maxillary and premaxillary
bones are present, the pterygoquadrates reduced and not meeting in front,
and the mouth terminal. The body may be covered either with ganoid or
eycloid scales. The living forms (the group appears in the trias) have ossi-
fied opisthocelous vertebree and diphy- or homocercal tails.
Lepiposreip#&. Scales rhomboid, branchiostegal rays present, a pseudo-
branch, but no spiracle. Lepidosteus,* garpike. AMIDA, distinctly teleos-
tean in appearance with cycloid scales, amphiccelous vertebre, and heart
with reduced conus (fig. 596, B). Améa,* bow fin.
Sub Class ILI. Teleoster.
The teleosts owe their name to the extensive ossification of
the skeleton, which consists, in the trunk, of amphicclous vertebra,
and in front a skull with numerous primary and secondary bones,
already enumerated (p. 560, fig. 589). Maxillaries and premaxil-
laries are present, but these are frequently without teeth, since
other bones of the mouth (vomers, palatines, hyoid, gill arches,
superior pharyngeals—the latter alone in Cyprinoids) may bear
teeth. Frequently there are present small bones, usually forked,
lying in the intermuscular septa above the ribs, which are not pre-
formed in cartilage. These are the epipleurals, and are distinct
from the ribs. In the fins both cartilage and dermal rays are ossi-
fied, the former remaining small, the rays forming most of the
support. These rays may either be soft and flexible (Malacopteri)
or hard and spine-like (Acanthopteri), a matter of classificatory
value. In the first case they consist of numerous small threads
Fic. 602.—Perea fluviatilis. (From Ludwig-Leunis.) 4, anal fin; B, ventral fin; Br,
pectoral fin, K, operculum; NV, nostrils; R,, Ry, spinous and soft dorsal fins; S,
caudal fin ; Si, lateral line.
(fig. 602, Br, A, B, F,), in the other the parts of a ray are fused
to a spine which, sometimes provided with poison glands (Scorpena,
Amphacanthe, etc.), become good defensive weapons. The tail is
usually homocercal; the diphycercy of eels and other fishes is sec-
ondary. The dermal skeleton consists of ctenoid or cycloid scales,
sometimes of spines or body plates. In rare instances the skin is
The hyoid arch always bears an operculum and _ branchiostegal
membrane, but there is no opercular gill. The gills of the
comb-like type, are confined to the four anterior gill, arches, but
they may be reduced to even two and one-half pairs of demi-
branchs. Instead of a conns (present in Butrinws), the bulbus
arteriosus is well developed; a spiral valve is lacking, but pyloric
appendages are common. A swim bladder is usually present, but
its duct is frequently closed.
The teleosts are distinguished from all vertebrates except the cyclo-
stomes and perhaps some ganoids in that the nephridial system does not
form part of the sexual ducts. The eggs and milt are deposited through
the abdominal pores or by special canals developed from the body cavity.
Copulation occurs in only a few viviparous forms (Embiotocide, Gambu-
sta, etc.). The rule isthat males and females deposit their reproductive
products in the water at the same time, and this leads to the enormous
schools of herring and other fishes which occur yearly at certain times.
This also explains the ease with which artificial impregnation in fish
culture is performed,
In rare instances the males care for the young, as in the case of the
sticklebacks; more noticeable are the conditions in the lophobranchs (sea
horses and pipe fish), where the males receive the eggs in a brood pouch on
the ventral surface. A metamorphosis is known only in the eel-like fishes,
the larvee of which—originally described as distinct under the name Lepto-
cephalus—are flat, transparent forms with colorless blood, enormous tails,
and extremely small trunk. These larvee normally occur in the sea at the
depth of some hundred fathoms. The fresh-water eels go to the ocean
for propagation. On the other hand many salt-water fish go to fresh
water for reproduction.
The classification of the fishes is yet in an unsettled state, partly owing
to the large number of forms, partly to the fact that the groups intergrade.
Most European writers recognize six divisions, Physostomi, Anacanthini,
Pharyngognathi, Acanthopteri, Cheetognathi, and Lophobranchii. Our
authorities separate the Ostariophysi from the Physostomi, the Pediculati
and Hemibranchii from the Acanthopteri, and unite the Anacanthini and
some of the Pharyngognathi with the Acanthopteri and make a distinct
group, Synentognathi, of the others. The characters on which these divi-
sions are based are less convenient for the tyro than those adopted here.
Order I. Physostomi.
The character to which this name refers is not readily seen
without dissection, the persistence of the duct of the swim bladder.
This is, however, correlated with the soft character of the fin
rays (few exceptions) and the abdominal position of the ventral
fins. The Ostariophysi are remarkable in having a chain of bones
connecting the swim bladder with the ear. More than a third of
the food fishes and nearly all of the fresh-water fishes belong here.
The Ostariophysial families are the Sirurip# (1000 species),
or cat-fish, with barbles about the mouth, of which Malapterurus,
Fra, 603.—Salmo salar,* Atlantic salmon. (After Goode.)
the electric cat of Africa, is most noteworthy. The CyPRINIDZ,
or carp (1000 species), and the suckers, Carostomip®, have little
food value. The electric eel of South America belongs to the
Gymnonoti. The other families are true Physostomes. The Sa.-
MONID# are easily recognized by the ‘adipose dorsal,’ a fin formed
of a fold of skin without fin rays. The trout and salmon (Sa/mo *)
belong here and are among the most important food fishes.
Osinerus,* smelt; Coregonus,* white fish; CLUPEIp£, herring,
shad; ANGUILLID#, eels, the breeding habits referred to above.
Esocipm, pike and pickerel. AxmBLyopsip., blind fish of Mam-
moth Cave.
Order II. Paryngognathi.
In many fishes the inferior pharyngeal bones (7.e., the last
rudimentary gill arch) fuse to form a single bone, and these forms
are called Pharyngognathi. Some have spiny fins, among the
Lasrip.x, including Clenolabrus,* the cunners, and Tautoga,* the
Fria. 604.—Clenolabrus caruleus,* cunner. (After Goode.)
tauutog. These are placed among the Acanthopteri by American
authors, Others have only soft fin rays. These are the Synento-
gnathi and include the Exocarrrp.x, or some of the flying fishes,
in which the pectoral fins are very large, acting as parachutes
when the fish leap from the water. Lrocetas.*
Order III. Acanthopteri (Acanthopterygii).
This is the largest group of fishes, its members usually having
the ventral fins thoracic in position and more than three rays spiny
in dorsal, anal, and ventral fins. The sticklebacks (GAsTERo-
STEID.£) and some other forms have the pharyngeal bones reduced,
the ventral fins farther back, and form the group Hemibranchii.
Gasterosteus.* The perch of fresh water (PERCID®), Perca*
and Micropterus* (black bass), and the marine SERRANIDAZ, some
of which are hermaphroditic, have ctenoid scales. The Scomprip,
with Scomber,* the mackerel, and Thynnas,* the horse mackerel, and
Fic. 605.—Scomber scombrus, mackerel.
the XIPHIID#, or sword fishes, in which the snout is prolonged into
along sword, are the most important edible fishes of the group. The
Lonrivatr, including the sculpins (Coltus,* Hemitripterus,* fre-
quently have the body armored with bony plates. The Emprotocirps,
or surf perches of the Pacific, are viviparous. The suck fishes,
Remora,* Echeneis,* have the first dorsal modified into a sucker on
the top of the head.
Order IV. Anacanthini.
These are soft-finned fishes in which the ventral fins lie in
Fic. 606.—Gadus morrhua,* cod. (After Storer.)
front of the pectorals. Structure goes to show that these have
descended from q7n]
clavinns'v}, 0% right and left ven- nects with most of the remaining
tricles (the arrows show the direc- yptapja] arceheag 5 fire hie yes
tion of the blood flow): 1, 2, 4, arterial arches, the first, which gives
arches comparable with those of Pp AN YPOt) ‘ a O olf
amphibia. Notice the origin of the off the carotid, and the right halt
vessels from the heart, and the (aortic arch ad) of the second
connexion (foramen Panizza) be- ” ae :
tween the arterial trunk and the greh. The third vessel connects on
left aortic arch, just in front of A ate
the heart, the one hand with the remaining
(left, second) arch and on the other with the right or venous half
of the heart. The foramen Panizze occurs between this and the
right aortic arch.
The venous character of the left aortic arch and the incomplete
ventricular septum (or presence of foramen Panizze) prevent a
complete separation of systemic and pulmonary circulations. In
the turtles a third element enters, the persistence of a ductus
Botalli (as in Urodeles, fig. 580, //, dB).
To the foregoing adaptations to a terrestrial life may be added
indications of higher development. The brain shows two advances.
The cerebellum, especially in turtles and alligators, has be-
come large, and the cerebrum grows dorsally and backwards over
the *twixt brain and forms the temporal lobes of the hemispheres.
The parietal organ is developed as nowhere clse. In many lizards
it forms an unpaired dorsal eye lying beneath the skin in the
parietal foramen. The paired eyes possess hds (usually upper and
lower as well as a nictitating membrane), and frequently (turtles,
lizards, and many fossils) a ring of bony plates (sclerotic bones)
in the sclera. A new opening in the petrosal, the fenestra rotunda,
places the tympanic cavity and the labyrinth in close relations.
In the excretory system amniote characters prevail. The
Wolffian body with its ductis functional in the embryo. Later
there arises behind it the permanent kidney (metanephros) with
the ureter, while the embryonic structures disappear with the ex-
ception of those retained as accessory to the genital apparatus.
Thus in the male the vas deferens and epididymis are formed
from the Wolffian duct; in the female the Millerian duct (early
lost in the male) becomes the oviduct. Usually the urogenital
canals open dorsally in the cloaca, rarely in an elongation of the
urinary bladder (Chelonia). This latter is lacking in snakes and
Almost all reptiles lay eggs; only in the Squamata (some snakes
and lizards) are viviparous or ovoviviparous forms present. The
eggs much resemble those of birds, in that the large yolk is sur-
rounded with a layer of albumen and enclosed in a fibrous, often
calcified shell. To open the egg the embryo has an egg tooth on
the tip of the snout; this consists, of dentine in the Squamata, but
elsewhere, as in birds, is horny. From these relations it follows
that internal impregnation must occur; the eggs undergo a discoidal
(meroblastic) segmentation. Copulatory organs to accomplish
this internal fertilization occur, and these are of classificatory im-
portance, since they differ in character in the Squamata on the one
hand, the turtles and crocodiles on the other. These differences
are correlated with differences in the form of cloacal opening and
in structure of skull and skin, so that all living species may be
divided into two groups, the Lepidosauria, containing the lizards,
snakes and Sphenodon, and the Hydrosauria with turtles and croc-
odiles. This, however, ignores the fossil forms. When these are
taken into consideration another grouping must be adopted.
Order I. Theromorpha.
Extinct reptiles from the Permian and triassic which are closely re-
lated to the stegocephalous amphibia; with amphicclous vertebre, im-
movable quadrate, and from two to six sacral vertebre, The ANOMODON-
TIA, with partial or complete loss of teeth, stand near the turtles, while
the THERIODONTA, in which a heterodont dentition is developed, resemble
in this and some other respects the mammals, which, by many, are sup-
posed to have descended from them.
Order II. Plesiosauria.
Extinet aquatic forms from the triassic to the cretaceous, some forty
feet in length. They had long necks, and the limbs were modified into
swimming paddles recalling the flippers of the whales. The quadrate was
immovable, and the jaws, with numerous teeth in sockets, were long.
Order III. Ichthyosauria.
These forms resembled the Plesiosaurs in skin, swimming feet, elongate
jaws, and quadrate, but had the teeth (sometimes absent) in grooves rather
Fia. 622.—Restoration of Plesiosaur. (After Dames.)
than in sockets, and short necks. Some species at least were viviparous.
Their range in time was like that of the preceding order.
Order IV. Chelonia (Testudinata).
The turtles form in external appearance a sharply circumscribed
group, with the short and compact body enclosed in a bony case,
from which only head, tail, and legs protrude (fig. 623). The
case consists of a convex dorsal portion, the carapace and a flat-
tened ventral plastron, the two being united in most forms at the
margins. Hach consists of bony plates, the positions and names
of which may be learned from the adjacent eut. It only needs
mention that the neural plates are united with the spinous pro-
cesses, the costals with the ribs, and that the entoplastron is re-
garded as an episternum. It is not connected with the internal
skeleton, since the sternum is lacking. The pelvis is only rarely
fused with the plastron. This bony case is usually covered with
horny shields, their number and arrangement usually agreeing
with the plates of the case, although without their contours exactly
More important are the great firmness of the skull and the
immovable condition of the quadrate, the lack of an os transver-
sum and of any but basisphenoid of the sphenoidal bones, and by
Fie. 623.—Carapace (A) and Plastron (B) of Testudo greeca. (From Wiedersheim.) C,
costal plates; E, entoplastron ; Kp. epiplastron: H, posterior; Hp, hypoplastron;
Hy, hyoplastron ; M, marginal plates ; N, neural plates; Np, nuchal plate ; Py,
pygal plate; R, ribs; V, anterior ; Xi, xiphisternum.
growth forward, and backwards by which the girdles are brought
inside the ribs. The teeth are entirely lost, and, as in birds, the
jaws are enclosed in sharp horny beaks, in many cases efficient
weapons against larger vertebrates. The cloacal opening is oval,
its major axis corresponding to that of the body, and in its anterior
end is an unpaired erectile penis used in copulation. Turtles
appeared in the Permian, and the group has persisted until now.
Characters of armor and legs serve to contrast sharply the land and
sea turtles; the first with well-developed legs, five-toed in front, four-
toed behind, the toes with claws; the carapace arched, into which legs,
head, and tail may be retracted. In the sea turtles the feet are flipper-
like (fig. 624), claws mostly absent, and the carapace weakly united to or
free from the plastron, flat and incapable of covering head or appendages.
The fresh-water species are intermediate in position.
Sub Order I. ATHECA. Carapace of numerous mosaic scales and not
connected with ribs and vertebra; skin leathery. Dermochelys (Sphargis)
coriacea,* the leather-back tortoise of warmer seas, reaches a weight of
1500 pounds.
Sub Order II. TRIONYCHIA. Fresh-water forms with poorly ossified
carapace, but ribs and vertebrae connected with it. Our leather turtles
(Amyda*) and soft-shelled turties (Aspidonectes*) of savage habits belong
Sub Order III. CRYPTODIRA. Carapace well developed and united
with ribs and vertebree, but the pelvic arch free. The species are numer-
ous, including terrestrial, fresh-water, and marine forms. CHELYDRIDA,
fresh water, taillong. Chelydra serpentina,* snapping turtle; Machrochelys
Fa. 624.—Chelone imbricata, tortoise-shell turtle. (From Hajek.)
lacertina,* alligator turtle. CHELONID®, marine, paddle-like feet. Tha-
lassochelys caretta,* loggerhead; Chelone mydas,* green turtle, the favorite
of epicures; Hretmochelys imbricata, whose horny shields furnish tortoise
shell. TESTUDINIDA, terrestrial, including Xerobates,* the ‘gopher turtle’
of the South, the giant Testudo of the Galapagos Islands, and the enormous
fossil Colossochelys atlas of India, 18-20 feet long, 8 feet high. Other
families contain our mud turtles (Kinosternon *), box turtles (Cistudo*),
and terrapins (Malaclemmys *).
Sub Order IV. PLEURODIRA. Pelvis united to carapace and plastron.
All belong to the southern hemisphere.
Order V. Rhynchocephalia.
These resemble the lizards not only in body form (four five-
toed feet) and in scaly skin, but in certain anatomical matters as
well: lack of hard palate, presence of epipterygoid, transverse
cloacal opening, and heart, lungs, and brain. On the other hand
they recall the crocodiles in having two postorbital arches and
immovable quadrate. The large abdominal sternum and abdominal
ribs are noticeable as well as the uncinate processes of the true
ribs. The notochord is but incompletely replaced. The group
appears in the Permian and is thus one of the oldest of reptilian
types, and is usually regarded as ancestral to all the orders yet to
be mentioned. The only living species, Sphenodon (Hatteria)
punctata, belongs to the New Zealand region.
Order VI. Dinosauria.
This order included some of the largest land animals which have ever
existed. Some of them were from forty to one hundred feet long and
twelve to twenty feet high (Amphiculias, Camarasaurus). In some there
was an exoskeleton, some of the plates of which in the stegosaurs measured
a yard across. Among the characters of the group are the fixed quadrate,
jugal and postorbital arches, three to ten sacral vertebrae, and ilium
elongate in front of and behind the acetabulum. Some of these forms
(Orthopoda) in pneumaticity of bones, in having the pubic bones directed
backwards, and in the formation of an intratarsal joint, resembled the
birds, and have been regarded as the ancestors of that group. The Dino-
saurs were confined to mesozoic time.
Order VII. Squamata (Lepidosauria, Plagiotremata).
One of the characters which unite lizards and snakes and which
has given the name Plagiotremata is the transverse form of the
cloacal opening (fig. 625), behind which, in the male, are the
ay jer Sr pi
Fig. 625, Fia. 626.
Fie. 625.—Hinder trunk and hind limbs of a lizard. (From Ludwig-Leunis.) a,
cloacal slit ; b, femoral pores ; sca, anal shield.
Fia. 626.—Skull of Ameiva vulgaris. an, angulare ; ar, articulare ; co, epipterygoid ;
cr, coronoid ; d, dentary ; fr, frontal; j, jugal ; la, lachrymal; m, maxillary ; na,
nasal; p, postorbital, above and behind it the parietal; pf, prefrontal; pr, pre-
maxilla; pt, pterygoid ; y, quadrate ; gj, quadratojugal; sy, squamosal ; tr, trans-
paired copulatory organs, each lying in a sac from which they can
be everted like the finger of a glove. The names Squamata and
Lepidosauria refer to the scaly condition of the skin. These
scales are horny structures and somewhat distinct from the bony
scales of fishes. The derma forms flattened papille which resemble
the scales of fishes in that in many species they contain bony
plates. These papille determine the character of the epidermis.
Since the stratum corneum is especially thick on the top of the
papille and thinner between them, rhomboid and oval plates occur,
which either lie flush with each other (shields) or overlap like
shingles (scales). The rule is that the head is covered with reeu-
larly arranged shields, each with its name, the trunk with scales
in longitudinal, transverse, and oblique lines. Outside these is a
layer of cornified cells, the pseudocuticula, and outside of all an
inconspicuous true cuticle. Since all cornified cells are dead and
require periodic removal, the horny layers are cast yearly and re-
placed by new. During this periodic molting, which recalls that
of arthropods, the animals are sickly and apt to die in captivity.
All Squamata are characterized by the slenderness of the
cranial bones (fig. 619, 626, 627), which, especially in the Lacertilia,
incompletely close in the cranium. The quadrate is movable,
and the squamosal is intercalated between it and the cranium. A
hard palate is lacking, and the choane, as in the amphibia, lie far
forward (fig. 619, Ch). There is a wide gap in the partition
between the two ventricles of the heart.
Sub Order I. LACERTILIA (Saurii). The lizards are usually distin-
guished from the snakes by the possession of limbs, but a few forms,
undoubted lizards, like the glass snakes and Amphisbene, lack limbs.
These are distinguished by the existence of the scapula and the iliac bone
united to the vertebra, and especially by the presence of a sternum, which
never occurs in snakes. In the skull is a peculiar bone (lacking only
in Chameleons and Amphishzene), found nowhere else, the epipterygoid
(fig. 626, co); it reaches from the pterygoid to the parietal, and from its
WLS hr Tf Pa Sq Os
Fia. 627.—Skull of rattlesnake. (From Boas.) Fr, frontal; h, hyomandibular (colu-
mella); Ma, maxillary; N, nasal; Os, supraoccipital; Pa, parietal; Pul, palatine;
Pf, postfrontal; Prf, prefrontal; Pt, pterygoid ; Px, premaxilla; Q, quadrate; Sq,
squamosal; 7, transversum; 1, dentary; 3, articulare.
slender shape is sometimes called columella, but is not to be confounded
with the true columella of the ear. The bones of the jaws are firmly united,
so that the mouth has no special capacity for opening widely. The jugal-
quadratojugal arch is present.
In external appearance the presence of eyelids, nictitating membrane,
tympanic membrane, and Eustachian tube are noticeable, these being
absent only in the Amphisbeenee. In the Ascalabote, as in snakes, the lids
grow together, forming a transparent covering over the eyes. Fossil
lizards are rare, but the group dates back to the eretaceous.
Section I. AScALABOT.E (geckos). Skeleton incompletely ossified, noto-
chord persistent, amphiccele vertebrie; skin granular rather than scaly,
usually adhesive dises on the toes by which they climb vertical surfaces or
ean walk upon ceilings. Two hundred species. Phyllodactylus.*
Section II. Crassmuinauta. Tongue thick, fleshy, not protrusible from
the mouth, or only slightly so. IGuaNrpa; American, often a comb of
spines on the back, teeth pleurodont, ¢.e., firmly united to the inner side
of the jaw. Three hundred species. Anolis,* Sceleporus,* Phrynosoma,*
‘horned toads.’ AGAMID&; Old World, teeth acrodont, @.e., seated on the
angle of the jaw bones. One hundred and fifty species. Chlamydosaurus,
Draco volans, with ribs greatly elongate and supporting a dermal fold
which acts as a parachute.
Section III. Fissruincura. Tongue long and thin, divided at the tip,
and capable of wide protrusion from the mouth, and in Varanus retractile
into a sheath. Trsipa#; American, teeth acrodont; Cnemidophorus,*
Tejus. NHELODERMATID#, pleurodont; Heloderma,* the ‘ Gila monsters,’ are
the only poisonous lizards. Lacertinipas (Lacerta) and VARANID& (Vara-
nus, the monitors) are Old World forms, Lacerta vivipara bringing forth
living young.
Section IV. Brevitineura. Tongue short, slightly notched at the tip,
slightly protrusible. Four hundred species. Scrncip#®, with tendency to
reduction of the limbs. Humeces,* Oligosoma.* In Anguts and Typhline
the legs are absent. ZONURIDa&, with a finely scaled groove along the side;
all Old World except our Ophisaurus ventralis,* the glass snake, a limb-
less form with brittle tail.
Section V. ANNULATA. In many respects snake-like; legs and epi-
pterygoid, tympanum, and movable eyelids lacking and usually girdles ;
tropical or subtropical. In Chirotes sternum and reduced fore legs
retained. Amphisbena.
Section VI. VERMILINGUIA; includes the Old World chameleons (our
BE Manze
Fia. 628.—Head of chameleon with tongue extended.
‘chameleon’ is Anolis,—supra) with long fleshy tongue, lying rolled up in
the mouth, but protrusible and used for catching insects, its end being
covered with a sticky mucus. Other characteristics are the ring-like eye-
lids functioning as an iris, the climbing feet in which the toes are united
into two opposable groups; epipterygoids, clavicle, sternum, and tympanic
membrane lacking. The chameleons are best known from their changes
of color, produced by rapid alterations in the size and shapes of the
chromatophores. Color changes occur in other lizards, but not to such an
extent as here.
Sub Order II. PYTHONOMORPHA. Large, extinct, extremely elon-
gate reptiles with four flipper-like limbs and strong swimming tail.
Flourished in the cretaceous. Josasaurus, Clidastes.
Sub Order III. OPHIDIA. The snakes are distinguished from most
lizards by the absence of limbs, and connected with this the similar verte-
bree in which only trunk and caudals can be distinguished. The caudals
lack ribs, but these are present and long in the trunk region, serving for
locomotion and supporting the body on their distal ends. Since there are
legless lizards, it is further necessary to say that in the Ophidia the girdles
and sternum are lost, only the Peropoda having remnants of the hinder
appendages and pelvis, but these not connected with the vertebral column.
Further distinctions exist in sense organs and jaws. The columella is
indeed present, but tympanum and Eustachian tube are lacking. The eye-
lids also seem to be wanting, but examination shows, in front of the cornea
and separated from it by a lachrymal sac, a transparent membrane, com-
posed of the fused eyelids (outer cornea). The apparatus of the jaws (figs.
619, 627) is remarkable for its great extensibility, which enables snakes to
swallow animals larger than themselves, after coiling around them and
crushing them. This extensibility is in part due to the fact that the bones
of the lower jaw are bound together at the symphysis by elastic ligaments,
in part to the freedom of motion of the bones of the upper jaw (excepting
the small premaxillaries) and the palate. Further, the squamosal (Sq),
quadrate (Q), and transversum (77) are elongate and slender, the quadrate
being widely separated by the squamosal from the skull, while the zygo-
matic arch is entirely absent. The food is forced down the throat by
hook-shaped bones on palatines and pterygoids. A wide distension of
the stomach is rendered possible by the elasticity of its walls and the great
mobility of the ribs, which are not united ventrally by a sternum.
In the non-poisonous snakes the dentition is similar on jaws and
palate bones (fig. 619). The vomer and, usually, the premaxilla are tooth-
less. In the poisonous serpents poison
fangs appear on the maxilla (fig. 627)
and are distinguished from the other
teeth by their greater size and connex-
ion with a large poison gland. The
duct of the gland opens at the base of
the tooth; the peison which is pressed
out by the pressure of the jaw muscles
is led to the tip of the tooth either by a
groove (proteroglyphie tooth, fig. 629, A)
or, when the groove is closed to a canal
(solenoglyphie tooth, B), through this
Fie. 629.—Poison fangs. 4, -4,, pro- canal which opens at base and tip of
teroglyphic (grooved) tooth of co-
bra, and section of same; B, 2,, so- the tooth.
lenoglyphic tooth (tubular) of rattle- The asymmetrical character of the
snake; g, poison canal; p, pulp eee 5
cavity. lungs is interesting. In the Peropoda
one lung (apparently the left) is much
smaller than the other; in the poison snakes and some others it is rudi-
mentary orevenabsent. In the Typhlophide, on the other hand, the right
appears to be degenerate. The urinary bladder is always absent. The
excreta, chiefly urie acid, accumulate as a solid mass in the cloaca and
form the chief part of the excrement; the faces, on account of the
extraordinary digestive powers, being small in amount.
Section I. OporeroponTa (Angiostoma). Burrowing blind tropical
snakes with the mouth incapable of distension, the animals living on
small insects. Typhlops.
Section II. Peropopa. These large snakes have paired lungs and rudi-
ments of hind extremities ; lack poison fangs, and kill their prey by mus-
cular power. Python, Africa; Boa and Hunectes (anaconda), South
Section III. CoLuBRIFORMIA. Ordinary snakes (over 500 species) with
numerous teeth in the upper jaw, but with appendages entirely absent.
Some are poisonous, some not, but no structural lines can be drawn be-
tween them. The AGLYPHA have no grooved teeth. Tropidonotus,* water
snakes ; Bascanion,* black snakes; Hutainia,* garter snakes. The Pro-
TEROGLYPHA, with grooved teeth, perma-
nently erect, are poisonous. Most are
brightly colored. Elaps,* the coral snake;
Naja tripudians, the cobra of India; NV.
haje, Cleopatra’s asp. Here belong the
pelagic sea snakes of the Indo-Pacific,
which are viviparous.
Section TV. SOLENOGLYPHA. With the
maxilla reduced and serving as a socket
for the single large tubular tooth with
one or more reserve teeth (fig. 627).
VIPERID, Old World, no pit between
nostril andeye. CroTaLip#, New World
and Asia, with a pit between nose and
eye. Crotalus,* with the tail ending in
arattle formed by remnants of cast skins,
is common throughout the United States.
Agkistrodon contortrix,* copperhead,
and A. piscivorus, moccasin, lack the
rattle, Bothrops lanceolatus of the An-
tilles, possibly the most poisonous snake.
Order VIII. Crocodilia (Loricata).
The crocodiles, alligators, ete.,
eee ro : 0 Fie. 630.—Ventral surface of skull
agree with some of the forms already ~ of crocodile. (From Wiedersheim.)
: : " Coce, occipital condyle: Ch, cho-
mentioned in the oval cloacal open- San aaeal: ML maxillary; Oh,
] a ae oe ahi soe ah basioccipital ; Orb, orbit ; Qi, quad-
ing with single copulatory organ, — patojusal: Qu, quadrate § Pl, pala-
] : . Albay) ea tine ; Pmz, premaxilla; Pt, ptery-
immovable quadrate, and the bony oid! 7s. transversum.
plates in theskin. Inshape they are
lizard-like, but in structure they differ from all other living reptiles
and approach most nearly to the Theromorphs. The maxillaries,
palatines, and pterygoids have united in the hving species in the
middle line, forming a hard palate and forcing the vomers upwards
into the nasal region. This same process has carried the choana
(fig. 630, Ch) to the back of the skull. Some of the ribs have
two heads; the ears and nostrils are provided with valves. A
sternum is present and, farther back, abdominal ribs and an ab-
dominal sternum. ‘The jaws are extended into a long snout, and
the teeth, which occur only on the margins, are placed in sockets
(alveoli). The four-chambered heart has already been described
(p. 592). The animals move slowly on land, but in the water,
thanks to their strong, keeled tail, they are very active. They have
a strong smell, owing to musk glands in the cloaca and on the
under jaw. The group appeared in the trias, and of the three sub
orders two, the Pseudosuchia and Parasuchia, are extinct.
Sub Order EUSUCHIA. External nostrils united, choana posterior;
five toes in front, four behind. Gavialis, India, snout long and slender.
Alligator luctus,* alligator ; Crocodilus,* most species Old World, one, C.
americanus,* occurring in our southern waters.
Order IX. Pterodactylia (Pterosauria).
Extinet reptiles of the Jurassic and cretaceous, adapted for flight.
The bones were hollow and the wings were broad membranes, supported,
like those of a bat, by the body and the greatly elongated fifth digit of the
Fra. 631.—Dimorphodon, a pterodactyle. (After Woodward.)
fore limbs. Some were sparrow-like in size and some, Pferanodon, had a
wing expanse of twenty feet. Yet one of these large forms from Kansas
had its pelvic opening so small that its eggs could not have been more
than half an inch in diameter.
Class II. Aves.
While structurally the birds stand very near the reptiles, yet by
the development of wings and the feathering of the body the group
is one strictly circumscribed. The skin is in some places, as the
lower part of the legs, covered with horny scales and shields, on
the toes are claws, but as a rule the fingers are feathered. On
most places the skin is soft and thin, since the derma and stratum
corneum are poorly developed. Periodic molts of the integument
do not oceur, since the horny layer, as in mammals, undergoes a
constant renewal. These peculiarities of the skin are correlated
with the appearance of the protecting plumage.
The feather, like the hair of mammals, is exclusively epithelial
in character, but of a much more complicated structure. The cor-
nified epithelium forms a firm axis, the scape, from which, right
and left, arise branches, or barbs. The scape is solid as far as the
barbs extend (rachis, or shaft), while below it is hollow (quill, or
calamus). The quill is inserted deep in the derma, in a follicle,
and is provided with muscles for its movement. Its hollow in
most fully developed feathers is empty save for the ‘ pith,’ a small
amount of dried tissue. In young growing feathers it is occupied
by a richly vascular connective tissue, the feather papilla, which,
for purposes of nourishment, extends inwards from the derma.
The feather may therefore be regarded as a cornified outgrowth
from the skin which has arisen on a papilla of the derma, a view
which corresponds well with its development and shows its
homology with the scales. In many birds (cassowaries) two well-
developed feathers arise from the same follicle—a fact which
explains the existence of a rudimentary feather, the hyporachis,
or after-shaft, attached to the scape below.
In contour feathers the barbs are, to a great extent, united into a
vane. Right and left of the shaft they lie close together and parallel,
each repeating in miniature the entire feather, the barb having branches
or barbules, which, overlapping the barbules of adjacent barbs, give the
vane its close texture. The vane is held together by minute hooks on the
barbules of one barb interlocking with those of the next. Down feathers
(plumes) differ from contour feathers in the absence of hooks and the
loose arrangement of the barbs. Since feathers consist of cornified epithe-
lium and these cells are held firmly (only in powder down is there a
gradual loss), they, like the scaly coat of the snakes and lizards, must be
molted yearly and replaced by new.
Young birds or embryos have only down feathers. Later the contour
feathers arise in regular order in the feather tracts, or pteryle, between
which are apteria in which no contour feathers appear (fig. 682). Since
the contour feathers overlap like shingles, they form a firm coat of
plumage beneath which the down and semiplumes form a warm coat.
Fia. 632. Fic. 633.
Fia. 632.—Feather tracts and apteria of pigeon, dorsal view. (From Ludwig-Leunis.)
Fia. 633.— Regions and feathers of Falco lanarius. (From Schmarda.) As, secondaries ;
Ba, belly ; Br, breast; Bz, rump; D’-D’’, wing coverts; Di, gonys of bill; EF,
alula ; F,culmen of bill; H, occiput; HS, primaries; K, throat ; L, legs; N, neck;
Sch, crown; SF, parapterium; St, forehead, lower tail coverts; Sz, rectrices; W,
cheek; WH, cere with nostril; Zh, toes.
Besides these covering feathers (coverts, or tectrices, fig. 633, D) there are
the longer feathers of the wing, the remiges, and the tail feathers, or
rectrices (Sz). The larger remiges form the chief part of the wing; they
spring from the part of the limb corresponding to the hand (carpus,
metacarpus, phalanges) and are known as primaries (HS), while the
secondaries (As), arising from the forearm, are shorter. These are over-
lapped at the base by the coverts (D, D’, D’) and by the parapterium (SF)
Fic. 634.—Wing skeleton of stork. (From Gegenbaur.) ¢, c’, carpalia of first row:
h, humerus; m, fused metacarpals and carpals of second row; p-p’’, phalanges of
first three fingers ; 7, radius; u, ulna.
springing from the shoulder. A few feathers arising from the first finger
remain distinct from the remiges and form the alula (ZF). In the water
birds especially the feathers are oiled by the secretion of a pair of glands
at the base of the tail above the coecyx.
Since the feathers are not only for protection, but give to most
birds the power of prolonged flight, they predicate a special mode
of life, under the influence of which all of the other organs exist.
The character of the skeleton, the respiratory organs, and in part
the sense organs and brain, are connected with the powers of flight.
As the feathers of the wings, like the fins, form what may
be called a paddle working as a whole, the skeleton of these limbs is
simplified (fig. 634), first, by the reduction of the fingers, of which
only three with a small number of phalanges persist (p, p’, p’’);
second, by fusion of the corresponding metacarpals (m) with each
other and with the adjacent carpal
bones. On the other hand, in order
that there may be the necessary en-
ergy and the most complete transfer
of the same to the body, the con-
nexion with the skeletal axis is
strengthened by special development
of the parts. In the shoulder girdle
(fig. 635) all three elements are firm,
asword-shaped scapula (s), a colum-
nar coracoid (c), and clavicles which
are usually united to a ‘wish-bone,’
or furcula (f). Clavicles and furcula
are united directly or by ligaments
to the broad sternum, the anterior
face of which is developed into a
strong keel, the carina, or crista
sterni, in order to give the largest
7 2 . Fia. 635.—Trunk skeleton of stork.
surface for attachment of the large “(From Gegenbaur.) as, sternal
muscles of flight. Usually the greater PR fehuP iced clinical mp.
the powers of flight the more devel- [wsed,spinons processes of thoracie
oped the carina, yet in somé cases Sorte irel part oe ee ee eee ae
(albatross) the weak carina is com- ee ae
pensated for by the enormous width !™-.
of the sternal plate. In running birds (ostriches, etc.) the
carina is entirely gone. The thoracic framework is rendered
more firm by the development of uncinate processes from the ver-
tebral parts of the ribs (w) which overlap the succeeding ribs.
Since the fore limbs are no longer used for walking, the sup-
port of the body depends upon the hinder extremities, and this
has brought about two striking characteristics—the broad union of
the pelvis with the vertebral column, and the simplification of the
leg skeleton. In the embryo the ilium (fig. 635, 7) is connected
only with the two sacral vertebre present in most reptiles, but
later it extends forward and back, uniting with at least nine ver-
tebre and sometimes with as many as twenty-three; while the iliac
bones of the two sides meet dorsal to the vertebral column. This
extensive union of pelvis and axial skeleton is understood when
we recall that in walking or at rest the vertebral column is not
vertical as in man, but isinclined. Ischium and pubis are peculiar
in that they extend backwards, parallel to each other, from the
acetabulum, and that only exceptionally (ostrich) are the bones
of the two sides united by a symphysis.
In the hind limbs occur conditions similar to those which will
B Cc
Fic. 636.—A, leg of Buteo vulgaris. a, femur; b, tibio-tarsus; b’, remains of fibula; c,
tarso-metatarsus; c’, same, front view; d!-/3, toes. B, lower leg of bird embryo;
C, of lizard. f, femur; t, tibia; p, fibula ; ts, tarsales of first row (talus); ti, tar-
sales of second row; between these intertarsal joint; I-V, digits. (From
be repeated in the ungulates. The weight of the body makes it
necessary that the simplification found in the wing should be re-
peated in the lower leg and foot, and that the numerous bones
usually occurring in these regions be replaced by one which shall
support the pressure (fig. 636). Therefore the fibula, well de-
veloped in the embryo (2), becomes reduced to an inconspicuous
rudiment; the metatarsals, distinct in the embryo (B), fuse toa
single tarso-metatarsus (4, ¢), which has below as many articular
surfaces as there are toes (since the fifth toe only appears in the
embryo, at most four, in some three or even two, d-d’’’). At the
same time the tarsals disappear by fusion with adjacent parts.
Even in reptiles (C’) a part of the tarsals unite with the bones of
the shank, and the remainder with the metatarsals; in the birds
the union is completed, the proximal series fusing with the lower
end of the tibia to form a tibio-tarsus, the distal with the metacar-
pus to form the tarso-metatarsus, in this way producing the inter-
tarsal joint so characteristic of birds.
In respect to the vertebral column, it only needs mention that
the vertebra articulate with each other by a so-called saddle-joint,
that (in living birds) only a few caudal vertebre persist behind the
pelvis, that these are partially fused to a single bone, the pygo-
style, which supports the tail feathers, and that, corresponding to
the well-developed neck, there are many cervical vertebre, among
them an atlas and an axis, all except the last two fused with the
corresponding cervical ribs.
The skull (fig. 637) resembles closely that of the lizards in the
presence of a single occipital condyle, in the movable condition
of the quadrate upon the cranium, and in the presence of a slender
columella. On the other hand an os transversum is lacking. The
cranium, as a result of the increase in size of the brain, is more
spacious; the bones of its walls fusing early so that the sutures
a SZ)
Pal GF Pe Ang
Fia. 637.—Skull of young bustard. (From Claus.) Als, alisphenoid ; Ang, angulare;
Art, articulare; D, dentary ; Et, mesethmoid; Fr, frontal; Jmxr, premaxillary ;
J, jugal; L, lachrymal; Mx, maxillary; NV, nasal; Ol, exoccipital; Os, supra-
occipital; Pa, parietal ; Pal, palatine; Pt, pterygoid; Q, quadrate; Qj, quadrato-
jugal; Sm, interorbital septum ; Spb, basi- and presphenoid.
between them are obliterated. The occipital condyle is on the
under surface, so that the skull is carried at nearly right angles
to the axis of the vertebral column. Teeth are lacking in living
birds, although they occurred in some fossil forms. In their place
are hard horny sheaths covering the jaws which are frequently car-
ried back on the outside into a softer cere (fig. 634, WAH).
The cranium consists of four occipitals, a basi- and a presphenoid; above,
the parietals and frontals; and on the sides prootics, alisphenoids and
orbitosphenoids, while the broad squamosals also enter its wall. The large
mesethmoid lies in the interorbital septum ; the nasal cavity is roofed by
the nasals, and beside them are the lachrymals. The quadrate articulates
with the squamosal, and from it extend forward internally the pterygoid,
palatine, and vomer; externally a zygomatic arch of quadratojugal and
jugal to the maxillaries and premaxillaries. The maxillaries are hinged
in the ethmoidal region, so that in opening the mouth there is besides the
depression of the lower jaw an upward motion of the upper jaw.
The pneumaticity of the bones is an important feature of the
skeleton. In place of marrow and bony tissue, the inside of the
bones in strong flying birds is more or less completely occupied by
wir spaces, around which, as a sheath, is the compact bone. This
gives the greatest possible lightness and strength to the skeleton.
In Buceros and Palamedea all of the bones are pneumatic; in
others (Pelecanus, Sula, Tachypetes, etc.) only the phalanges of
the toes contain marrow, while in the penguin and Apteryz, as in
mammals, air spaces occur only in some of the cranial bones.
The air spaces of the bones are in part (skull) connected with
the nose and tympanum, but most of them, by means of the air
sacs, communicate with the lungs. The long trachea forks at its
lower end into two bronchi. At its upper end is a larynx, as in
other vertebrates, but this is not vocal; the notes of birds are pro-
duced by the syrinx, which lies at the division of trachea into
bronchi. It is usually formed of both trachea and bronchi, but
more rarely of either trachea or bronchi alone. Its vocal cords
are regulated by special muscles, which in the singing birds have
a complicated arrangement. The relatively
‘small lungs send out from their surface air
sacs, especially well seen in embryos (fig. 638,
I-56). These later become large, thin-walled
spaces, easily torn away in dissection, leaving
large openings on the surface of the lungs
(fig. 639, 1-3). Usually five pairs of these
ai ote air sacs are present, largely in the cclom,
ee Sea ree ca but extending in between the muscles (breast
trachea ; 1-%, lung sacs. and axillary region), and also into the bones.
The spongy lungs lie on either side of the vertebral column and are
united to the ribs. On entrance to the lung the bronchus (fig. 639, 7) loses
its cartilage supports and enlarges into a
vestibule (v) and extends thence asa
mesobronchus (0m) backwards, termi-
nating in the abdominal air sac (4). A
side branch supplies the hinder sub-
costal sac (4). Secondary bronchi arise
from the vestibule and mesobronchus;
of these there are three to five ento-
bronchi (J-JV ) supplying the remaining
air-sacs and six or more ectobronchi.
Arising from the mesobronchi and
secondary bronchi are tertiary bronchi,
or air pipes, running parallel to each
other and anastomosing frequently.
Each air pipe has a thick spongy wall un eee aa eb e
(tig. 640) composed of numerous thin- shows a mesobronchus with its
: branches. a, artery; bm, meso-
walled sacs, the lung vesicles, closely bronchus, arising from the vesti-
enveloped by capillaries, and connected Dule: br, bronchus swelling to
with the central air-conducting tube, lung pipes; I-IV, mesobronchi;
% 1-5, ducts of lung sacs.
the lumen of the pipe.
Inspiration is effected by raising the framework of the chest, this
causing a straightening of the hinged ribs and an increase of the sterno-
vertebral diameter ; expiration by the reverse motion. By this the lungs,
attached to the ribs, are alternately enlarged and contracted in spite of
their slight elasticity. This is also true of the lung sacs, which, on account
of their poor blood supply, are not respiratory but serve as accessory air
Fia. 640.—Section of lung pipe. (After Schulze.)
pumps. It is probable that in flight this air-pump action occurs espe-
cially with the subpectoral and axillary air sacs, drawing air through the
lungs and rendering other respiratory motions superfluous, thus enabling
the thorax to remain quiet, an important matter. If the trachea be
closed and the air canal in the humerus opened. the bird can breathe
through the latter.
The circulation in the birds has arisen from that of the reptiles
by complete separation of systemic and pulmonary systems. Of
the three great arterial tranks present there (fig. 621), the pul-
monary artery and the right aortic arch, arising from the left ven-
tricle, are retained, the left venous arch being lost. The septum
between the ventricles is complete. The striking features of the
alimentary canal (fig. 60) are the crop (not always present), a
glandular stomach or proventriculus (¢), and a muscular chewing
stomach or gizzard (d), as well as two long, rarely rudimentary,
ceca (k) at the junction of small and large intestine. Liver and
gall bladder (¢, f), pancreas (g), and spleen are present. A blind
sac (the bursa Fabricii), the paired ureters (mm), and the sexual
ducts (2) open into the cloaca. The latter show the peculiarity
that the right oviduct and ovary are degenerate, while those of the
left side are correspondingly larger. Since copulation occurs the
large eggs (the ‘ yolk’) are fertilized in the oviduct (fig. 99). As
they pass slowly through the duct, they become enveloped first
with a thick layer of albumen, ‘white’ (w), then with a double
egg membrane (ism, sm,) the two parts being separate and enclos-
ing an air chamber at the larger end of the egg. Lastly comes the
shell. All of these accessory structures are secreted by the gland-
war walls of the enlarged oviducts. During the passage down the
oviduct the first phenomena of development (segmentation, gastru-
lation) occur, and after oviposition the development stops and again
starts when the necessary warmth is supplied.
The care for the young, the sexual life connected with copula-
tion, and the complicated conditions of ex-
istence connected with flight have resulted in
an intelligence far superior to that of the
—vx reptiles, which finds its expression in the bet-
Z ter development of sense organs and brain.
--t In the brain (fig. 641) the cerebellum, which
en ua isthe central organ for the coordination of the
action of parts, is strikingly developed. Cor-
a4 respondingly large are the cerebral hemi-
Fie. 641.—Brain_ of pig- Spheres, the frontal lobes of which begin to
as eee: cover the olfactory lobes, the temporal lobes
ee bell en aot in like manner extending back over the *twixt
tory ees Te Ontis brain and optic lobes. Corresponding to the
ee iT cave: Vocal apparatus, the ear is highly organized,
brum ; Z, pinealis. the lagena of the labyrinth being greatly en-
larged and the sound-conducting apparatus (columella, tympanum,
etc.) well developed. The beginnings of an external ear are seen in
the deeper position of the drum membrane. Since the power of
flight necessitates vision at great distances, most birds have exceed-
ingly sharp sight, and the eye itself (fig. 642) is in general con-
Fig. 642.—Eye of owl. (From Wiedersheim.) Ch, choroid; CJ, ciliary muscle; Co,
cornea; Cv, vitreous body; J7, iris; L, lens; Op, optic nerve; OS, sheath of nerve;
P, pecten; Rt, retina; Sc, sclera; VK, anterior chamber; +, sclerotic bones.
structed for distance. Peculiarities of the bird’s eye, already
weakly developed in the reptiles, are the pecten (P), a comb-
shaped growth of the choroid into the vitreous body, and the
scleral ring, a circle of bones developed in the sclera and support-
ing the outer part of the eye.
Among birds there is spirited rivalry for the females, especially
among polygamous species. At the time of mating the males seek to win
the favor of the females either through striking motions (dances), by
singing, or by beauty of plumage. All of these peculiarities are confined
to the male and frequently lead to a marked sexual dimorphism. The dis-
tinction in plumage is commonly strengthened at this time, the male
receiving the brilliant wedding dress. Thus we speak of the spring molt,
although there is only a color change and only exceptionally a renewal of
the feathers. The return to every-day clothes only occurs with a molt, and
this comes at the close of the reproductive season.
The reason for the dull plumage of the female is due to the fact that
she usually sets on the nest, at which time inconspicuous colors protect her
from destruction by enemies. In only a few instances is the heat neces-
sary for incubation produced by other causes, such as the heat of the sun
upon the sand in which the eggs are buried, or the increase of temperature
caused by fermentation in decaying vegetation (Megapodes). The rule is
that both sexes build the nest, which with the weaver birds is most skil-
fully constructed; occasionally among social species the nests are placed
under a common roof, When the clutch of eggs is complete the female
(rarely the male) begins the incubation, at this time in some instances
losing the feathers from certain regions the better to warm the eggs.
Many birds, like hens and ducks, are so far advanced when they leave the
nest that they can follow the mother and feed themselves. Such birds
are called Praecoces—in contrast to the Altrices, which hatch with incomplete
coat of feathers and therefore need the warmth of the nest and the pro-
tection and care of the parents.
The migrations of birds possess great interest. We distinguish among
birds permanent residents and others which, in order to obtain food, take
long journeys, the migratory species. At the approach of cold weather
these seek the south, following regular paths in their travels. They can-
not, like reptiles and amphibians, hibernate at the period when insects
and fruit are scarce, because their greater intelligence and their more ener-
getic vital processes demand a more rapid metabolism and a continuous
food supply. Hence the birds, like the mammals, in contrast to the
‘cold-blooded’ reptiles, amphibia, and fishes, maintain, under all extremes
of external temperature, a body heat of 38-40° (44° ?) C. (100-104° F.).
The classification of birds is in a state of change. The older system
based upon adaptive characters is not in harmony with the results of care-
ful anatomical study, which would divide the whole class into many small
groups. For this reason it has been thought best to retain the older sys-
tem of larger, easily recognized divisions, and to call attention, where
necessary, to the contradictions with later results.
Order I. Saurure.
The view that birds are closely related to reptiles has received
considerable support by the discovery of fossil birds with teeth.
The most reptilian of these occur in the Jurassic of Bavaria, and
only two specimens have been found. In these (Archeopteryx
lithographica) the carpals and metacarpals have not fused, the
three fingers are well developed and clawed, and the caudal verte-
bre, although bearing feathers, form a long slender tail like that
of a lizard (fig. 2).
Order II. Odontornithes.
These forms, from the cretaceous of Kansas and Colorado, also
had teeth. In the Opontorm.© (/chihyornis) there was a keeled
sternum and normal pygostyle. In the OponToHoLc.® (Hesper-
ornis) the wings were reduced (only the humerus persisting), the
sternum was without a keel, and the caudal vertebrae formed a
broad paddle.
Order III. Ratite.
Here are included several families, very different in structure,
which agree in having the feathers not arranged in feather tracts;
and in that, together with the lack of flight, many structures
normally connected with it are absent. The bones are but slightly
pneumatic, the sternum has no keel, and a furcula is not formed,
the clavicles being rudimentary (Vromeus) or not present as dis-
tinct bones. The wings are small and lack primaries and seconda-
ries adapted for flight, for typical contour feathers with close
vanes, as well as typical down feathers, are absent.
Since several structures apparently adapted for flight occur here
(fusion of hand bones and often of caudal vertebre; arrangement
of wing muscles), it is probable that the Ratites have descended
from carinate forms by loss of power of flight. The anatomical
distinctions between the various families lead one to believe that
they have arisen from different groups of carinates and hence do
not form a natural assemblage.
Section I. STRUTHIONES, with long humerus, long legs and neck.
STRUTHIONID#, two-toed ostriches of Africa, Struthio camelus. RHEIDA,
South American three-toed ostriches, Rhea americana, nandu. Section
Il. CASUARINA ; three toes, humerus short. Dromeus, emus; Casu-
arius, cassowaries. Section III. APTERYGES, bill long, nostrils near the
tip, rudimentary wing skeleton; four toes. Apteryz, kiwi, of New Zealand.
The DINORNITHID#, three toes, wing skeleton absent ; giant birds (thirteen
feet high) of New Zealand; now extinct, but apparently contemporaneous
with man. The Zpiornis, a gigantic bird of Madagascar, possibly belonged
near these. Skeletons and eggs holding two gallons found in alluvium.
Order IV. Carinate.
The name refers to the presence of the keel to the sternum,
which is correlated with the powers of flight possessed by most
species. Other characters of the class are the presence of rectrices
and remiges on tail and wings, and the fusion of clavicles to a
furcula. There are strong fliers, like the raptores and albatrosses,
which have but a small carina; in many poor fliers the carina may
be entirely absent. The furcula is not always present, the clavicles
not uniting (many parrots and toucans) or being absent (Jesi/es).
The remiges are also degenerate in some carinates, as in the pen-
guins (which are flightless, although they have a strong carina),
where they take the shape of small scales. Thus the distinctions
between ratite and carinate birds vanish in places.
Sub Order I. GALLINACEA. The hen-like birds are praecoces with
compact bodies and well-developed wings and legs, so that they run and
fly well without excelling in either direction. The feet have three toes in
front, usually connected by a membrane at the base (fig. 648, c); the fourth
toe is behind and at a higher level. Above this in the male is usually the
spur, a process of the tarso-metatarsus, covered with horn. The margins
of the upper jaw overlap the lower; the beak is bent downward at the tip
and is about as long as the head. Naked, richly vascular lobes form comb
and wattles which are specially large in the more elegantly plumaged
The PHASIANIDZ are polygamous; Phasianus, with many species of
pheasants; Gallus bankiva of the Sunda Islands, the ancestors of domestic
Fia.643.—Foot forms. (From Schmarda.) a,semi-palmate, wading of Ciconia ; b,perch-
ing of Turdus;c, rasorial of Phasianus; d, raptorial of Falco; e, adherent of
Cypselus; f, cursorial of Struthio ; g, zygodactyl (scansorial) of Picus ; h, lobate of
Podiceps ; i, lobate and scalloped of Fulica ; k, palmate of Anas ; 1, totipalmate of
cz Phaethon.
fowl. Meleagris,* the turkeys. The TETRAONIDE are partly polygamous,
partly monogamous. Coturnix,* quail; Perdix,* partridge; Bonasa,*
grouse. The incubation of the Megapodes has been referred to (p. 611).
Sub Order II. COLUMBIN.©®. The pigeons are distinguished from
the Gallinaceze by the more slender bodies, shorter legs, the toes free, and
the longer wings capable of prolonged flight. They are altrical; the crop
produces a milky secretion used in feeding the young. The CoLUMBID£
are the most widely distributed and are represented in the tropics by
numerous beautifully colored species. Colwmba.* According to Darwin
the domestic pigeons come from C. livia, the blue rock pigeon ; Eetopistes
migratorius,* passenger pigeon, practically exterminated. Allied was the
dodo, Didus ineptus, of Madagascar, exterminated in the eighteenth
Sub Order III. NATATORES. ( ey :
of Ornithorhynchus paradorus. (From rudimentary episternum, nhow
Wiedersheim.) Cl, clavicle; Co, Co’, v Ss ' ;
coracoid; Ep, episternum; @, glenoid called preclavie). In the pelvis
fossa for humerus: S, scapula; St,
manubrium sterni (anterior element all three elements are fused toa
of sternum). ‘ 2 é Ri
single os innominatum; pubis and
ischium unite ventrally with each other, enclosing between them
the obturator foramen (fig. 655). The pubes of the two sides
unite by a symphysis which can extend back to the ischia.
Since the mammals in general are distinguished from other
vertebrates by their intelligence, the brain is characterized by the
size of cerebrum and cerebellum (fig. 649). In contrast to birds
and fishes, the cerebellum (/V) is differentiated into a median
vermis and lateral cerebellar hemispheres. In the cerebrum the
mantle comes first into consideration. Its frontal lobes grow for-
wards over the olfactory lobes, which consequently lie farther and
farther back on the lower surface. The temporal lobes extend
right and left over the optic lobes and down to the floor of the
cranium ; the occipital lobes cover successively the mid brain, cere-
bellum, and medulla oblongata. Since the greatest increase
of intelligence les within the mammals, the cerebra may be
arranged in an ascending series. In the monotremes, marsupials,
insectivora, and rodents (fig. 649, 4) the olfactory lobes are
Fic. 649.—A, brain of rabbit (after Gegenbaur); B, of fish otter. C, of pavian
monkey (after Leuret and Gratiolet). J, cerebrum; I//, optic lobes; IV, cerebel-
lum; V, medulla oblongata; lo, olfactory lobes.
visible in front, usually the mid brain behind (///). In the lemurs,
carnivores (fig. 649, £), and ungulates the olfactory lobes are
completely, the cerebellum partly, covered. In man and the
anthropoid apes, on removing the roof of the skull, only the two
cerebral hemispheres are visible, all other parts being more or less
completely covered.
Further, it is to be noted that in the first group the surface of
the cerebrum is smooth, while in the others the cortex is increased
by infolding and the formation of convolutions (gyri and sulci)
which reach their greatest complication in the anthropoid apes
and especially in man. A consequence of the increase in size of
the brain is the great development of the connecting nerve tracts,
which become more and more prominent as parts of the brain.
Thus the two halves of the cerebrum are connected by a large
transverse tract, the corpus callosum; two solid cords, the crura
cerebri, run back from the cerebrum to the other parts, while a
transverse commissure, the pons Varolii, passes below, connecting
the two sides of the cerebellum. These connexions in the other
vertebrates are small, and even in the lower mammals, like mono-
tremes and marsupials, are but slightly developed.
The increase of cerebrum and cerebellum, which occurs chiefly in the
dorsal portion, has resulted in flexures in the axis of the brain, already in-
dicated in the reptiles, increased in the birds, and reaching their maximum
in the mammals. Instead of continuing in the course of the spinal cord,
the axis of the brain bends ventrally in the medullar region (cervical
flexure), then in the region of the pons again dorsally (pontal flexure), an
at the level of the optic lobes again ventrally (cephalic flexure). By its
increase in size the brain has influenced the skull in an interesting way ;
for, while even in birds the brain is almost entirely confined to the region
behind the eyes, in the higher mammals it has extended forward to the
olfactory region. Thus there comes an increase of the cranium at the ex-
pense of the face. The relative sizes of the two were adopted by Camper
as an index of intelligence, and were measured by ‘ Camper’s angle,’ a
method which has since undergone considerable improvements.
Of the sense organs the nose is characterized by three features.
An outer nose, supported by cartilage and often extended as a
proboscis, has been formed. Its cavity has been increased, since
by the formation of hard and soft palate a part of the primitive
mouth cavity has been included in it. Its upper portion, the
olfactory region, has been complicated by the formation of olfactory
folds, supported by the turbinated bones already referred to (p.
620). To increase the mucous surface there are extensions of the
nasal cavity, frontal, maxillary, and sphenoidal sinuses, into the
corresponding bones. The eye has the upper and lower lids, besides
the nictitating membrane in a more or less reduced condition.
The ear, except in monotremes, Cetacea, Sirenia, and some seals,
has a conch supported by cartilage, while the external auditory
meatus is always present. Internally the ear is much modified,
since the three bones, malleus, incus, and stapes (p. 544), occur
nowhere else, while the lagena has been greatly lengthened, coiled
into a spiral with two to four turns (figs. 80, 576), while inside
the wonderful organ of Corti has been developed.
Of digestive structures, the teeth—which are restricted to max-
illary, premaxillary, and dentary bones—need special mention,
because of the distinctions they afford from all other vertebrates,
and because of their importance in differentiating the various
orders. If we omit the monotremes, edentates, and whales, in
which there is marked degeneration in the dentition, there are
four particulars which show the dentition of mammals more de-
veloped than that of other vertebrates. (1) The number of teeth
is constant for the species, usually for the genus, and often for
the family. As man normally has thirty-two teeth, so the dog
has forty-two, the anthropoid apes thirty-two, the platyrhine apes
thirty-six, etc. (2) The teeth are firmer. The body of dentine
is divided, by a slight constriction, into a crown covered with
enamel, and a root enveloped in cement (bony tissue). The roots
are placed in separate sockets (alveoli) in the jaws, and in those
cases where continuous growth is necessary the pulp persists and
the teeth, as in the incisors of rodents and the tusks of elephants
and pigs, grow indefinitely. (3) In consequence of their greater
firmness the teeth are not used up so fast and do not require rapid
replacement. There occurs only one change, in which the denti-
tion present at birth or developed soon after—the milk, or lacteal,
dentition or, better, first dentition—is replaced by the second or
permanent dentition (diphyodont mammals). In some cases
(monophyodont mammals) there is no change, the first dentition
being permanently retained (marsupials, perhaps toothed whales),
or the first dentition is more or less rudimentary (edentates, many
rodents, bats, seals, some insectivores). Besides the two typical
dentitions traces of a third or even of a fourth may occur. A
prelacteal dentition of calcified germs which are never functional
is best seen in marsupials, and is rare in placental mammals. A
dentition following the permanent one is outlined in many placen-
talia, and some of its teeth may exceptionally come into function.
(4) Among the teeth a division of labor has brought about change
of form (heterodont dentition). The teeth of the premaxillaries and
their antagonists in the lower jaw are
single-rooted and usually have more or
less a chisel shape, hence they are
called incisors even when, as in in-
sectivores, the crowns are needle-like
(fig. 661). Behind the incisors (in the
maxillary bone in the upper jaw) is
the canine tooth (fig. 650, c), which is
single-rooted and has usually a conical
crown (probably a modified premolar).
Following the canine come the mo-
lars, broad teeth mostly with two roots Fie. 650,—Permanent and milk
dentitions of the cat. (From
and tubercular crowns. Only the an- Boas.) c¢, canines; pp‘, pre-
: : s molars; m’, molar (the milk den-
terior ones appear in the milk den- tition darker and each letter
titi i ‘ preceded by d).
‘ition, while the others appear only in
the permanent dentition and are not replaced. On this develop-
mental basis the molars are divided into premolars (bicuspids of
dentists), which appear in both dentitions, and the true molars,
which occur only in the last.
From the foregoing it will be seen that every species of mam-
mal is characterized by its dentition, and these features may be
expressed by a short formula. It is only necessary to place the
number of each of the four kinds of teeth mentioned in their regular
order, those of the upper jaw separated from those of the lower by
a horizontal line, to express this. Since the two sides of the body
are symmetrical, only those of one side need be enumerated, and
in case that one kind be absent the deficiency is indicated by a
zero. The dental formula of man would thus be 31335 of the rein-
deer, in which in the upper jaw incisors and canines are absent,
00332 The different formule, by comparison, give us a funda-
mental formula from which they have been derived by reduction.
This was probably 4444.
The molars undergo, according to the food, the greatest modification
of form. Asa starting point the bunodont tooth may be taken which
occurs in omnivorous mammals and which has the crown with several
blunt projections or cones. With animal food (fig. 650, 657) the cones be-
come sharper and cutting (secodont dentition of carnivores and insec-
tivores), and when the cutting angle becomes very sharp, with a special
prominence on the inner side, it is spoken of as a flesh or carnasial tooth.
In vegetable feeders the cones become connected by crests (lophs) or are
half-moon-shaped (lophodont or selenodont). Since the cones and lophs
become in part worn away and the grooves between them are filled with
cement, there arise broad grinding surfaces strengthened by the harder and
more resistant enamel of the cones and lophs; this extends inwards as
folds from the outer enamel wall of the tooth ; the folds may become cut
off and form islands of enamel on the grinding surface (dentes complicati
of ungulates). When the folds extend in regular order from the outside
and inside and meet in the middle they form numerous successive leaves,
bound together by cement (compound teeth of elephants, fig. 667, and
many rodents).
Paleontological investigation, with which the more recent embryologi-
cal results are in accord, have shown that a great regularity prevails in
the formation of the cones of the molars. Triconodont and tritubercular
teeth are recognized, in which the three cones are either arranged in a
line or in a triangle, as well as multitubercular teeth with more numerous
cones irregularly arranged. The triconodont type develops farther by the
formation of secondary cones. The development of these occurs in dif-
ferent ways in molars and premolars. Since the latter are the more sim-
ple, their distinction from the molars does not rest alone upon the existence
of a milk dentition, but upon structure as well. This is important, because
it happens that there are premolars which are not replaced (marsupials,
mary insectivores and rodents) and, on the other hand, beneath the molars
the anlagen of replacing teeth may be found, The latter fact shows
that the molars, strictly speaking, belong not to the permanent but to the
milk dentition. They are late in formation and are therefore parts of the
first dentition carried over into the second.
The mouth, which contains tongue and teeth, is separated from
the next division of the alimentary tract, the pharynx, by the
uvula. The pharynx narrows behind into the esophagus, the en-
trance of which into the stomach is marked by a constricting
cardia. At its other end the stomach has a similar constrictor,
the pylorus, separating it from the intestine. In the latter small
and large intestines (the latter consisting of colon and rectum)
are differentiated by the diameter of the lumen. The small in-
testine opens laterally into the colon and at the junction arises a
blind diverticulum, the ceeum, which is small in mammals with
animal food, but in herbivores (especially rodents) is always large
and forms a conspicuous part of the alimentary tract. The ver-
miform appendix (primates, rodents) is a narrower part of the
cecum. Three pairs of salivary glands empty into the mouth,
the liver and pancreas into the small intestine (duodenum).
Most important of respiratory peculiarities is the diaphragm,
which separates the body cavity into thoracic and abdominal cavi-
ties. This occurs only in its beginnings in other vertebrates
(perhaps even in Amphibia). In the thoracic cavity are the
esophagus, heart with its pericardium, and especially the trachea,
bronchi, and lungs; the remaining vegetative organs are in the
abdominal cavity. The diaphragm is a muscular dome, its con-
vex side towards the thoracic cavity; by contraction it flattens an
increases the size of the cavity, in consequence of which air is
drawn into the lungs (inspiration). On relaxation the lungs con-
tract from their own elasticity and force out a part of the air
(expiration). The intercostal muscles, which raise and lower the
framework of the chest, also play a part, as in birds. The respira-
tory ducts (fig. 579) begin with the larynx (with vocal cords),
which can be closed from the pharynx by the epiglottis; this is
followed by the trachea, which divides into right and left bronchi.
Each bronchus divides again and again, and the finest of these
divisions, the bronchioles, are continued as alveolar ducts to small
chambers, the infundibula, both these and the alveolar ducts being
lined with small respiratory pockets, the alveoli.
The heart, with two auricles and two ventricles, is completely
separated into systemic and pulmonary halves. In early embryonic
life the arterial trunk, which at first is simple, is divided into a
pulmonary artery, arising from the right half of the heart and
carrying venous blood, and an aorta ascendens, with arterial blood,
connected with the left half. In contrast with the reptiles, the
right aortic arch is entirely lost, the left persisting.
The urogenital system is of great importance in the separation
of the group into smaller divisions (fig. 651). In both sexes this
consists of practically the same parts in early embryonic life.
These are the early formed Wolffian body (W); the permanent
kidneys, which appear later and are not shown in the diagram;
Iiq. 651.
Fia. 651.—Diagram of embryonic mammalian urogenital system. (From Balfour,
after Thompson.) cl, cloaca; cp, genital process: go, genital cord; i, rectum ;
is, ridge for formation of labia or scrotum; m, Miillerian duct; ot, gonad; wg,
urogenital sinus; 17, Wolffian body; w, Wolffian duct; 3, ureter; 4, urinary blad-
der, 5, continuation of latter to allantois (urachus).
Fia. 652.—Urogenital system of male beaver. (From Blanchard.) a, castoreum
sacs ; b, openings of their ducts into preputial canal; c, tip of penis ; d, preputial
opening ; ¢, anal glands; f, their ducts; g, anus; h, base of tail; i, corpora caver-
nosa; k, Cowper’s glands; /, seminal vesicles; m, vasa deferentia; 7, testes; 0,
urinary bladder with ureters.
the urinary bladder (4), a part of the allantois which extends (2)
into the foetal appendages; the three ducts, the Millerian (m),
the Wolffian (wz), and the ureter (3). These ducts no longer
empty into the intestine, but into the allantoic structures, the
ureters into the base of the urinary bladder, the Wolffian and
Millerian ducts into the urogenital sinus (wg), the lower continua-
tion of the bladder. The gonad is connected with the Wolffian
duct. In the anterior wall of the urogenital sinus is a mass of
highly vascular tissue (cp), from which and a surrounding fold the
external genitalia are developed. Since the urogenital sinus opens
from in front into the intestine, there is always a claoca (c/) in
the embryonic stages, which persists throughout life in the mono-
tremes, and to a considerable extent in the female marsupials: in
all other vertebrates it is divided by a partition, the perineum,
into a urogenital opening in front and an anal opening behind.
From this indifferent condition the male and female apparatus
are derived, the structures being closely similar in most males (fig.
652). The Miillerian duct vanishes, while the Wolffian duct be-
comes the vas deferens and its accessories, serving as a canal for
the genital products, while the external genitals arise from the
other parts mentioned, these forming an intromittent organ
(penis). In the female the Wolffian body and duct degenerate,
the Millerian ducts become the reproductive canals. The modi-
fications of these become of great systematic importance. In the
monotremes both ducts open separately and become differentiated
into two parts (fig. 653, A), anterior oviducts with wide openings
Fie. 653.—Female genitalia of (A) Echidna aculeata; (B) of Didelphys dorsigera; (C)
Phascolomys wombat. (B and C, after Wiedersheim.) cl, cloaca; d, rectum; Hh,
urinary bladder; n, kidney; 0, ovary; ed, oviduct; pu, month of ureters; su, uro-
genital sinus; ¢, ostium abdominale tube; u, uterus; uw’, opening into vagina;
ur, ureter; v, vagina; vb, vaginal blind sac.
into the body cavity (od, ¢) and the uterus (w). The ureters open
into the sinus (and not into the bladder) between the uterine
openings. In the marsupials (B and C) there are three divisions,
oviduct, uterus, and vagina; besides, the two Miilerian ducts may
approach, near the uterus (£), or fuse in this region (C’) in some
species, forming an unpaired blind sac (vb), which may even open
into the urogenital sinus as a third vagina. This partial fusion of
the vagine of the marsupials is completed in the placental mam-
mals, the single vagina and the sinus forming a single canal (fig.
654). Here the uterine portions may remain distinct (uterus
A B cr
Fie. 654.—A, uterus duplex; B, uterus bicornis; C, uterus simplex. (From Gegen-
baur.) od, oviduct; u, uterus; v, vagina.
duplex of rodents, A), or they may fuse partially (uterus bicornis
ot insectivores, whales, ungulates, and carnivores, 2), or they may
be completely fused (uterus simplex of apes and man, C’.
Thus there are three different types of the female genitalia, in
which the vagina is not differentiated (Ornithodelphia), or is
double (Marsupialia), or is single and unpaired (Monodelphia).
To these correspond three types of development. The Ornitho-
delphia are oviparous, the others viviparous, but are distinguished
by the duration of pregnancy. The eggs of the viviparous forms
are so small (about .01 inch) that they have a total, nearly equal
segmentation. Such eggs require nourishment from the mother
in order to produce an animal with the complicated structure of a
mammal. Since in the Didelphia the uterine nourishment is
usually very incomplete, the period of pregnancy is very short,
in comparison with the Monodelphia, in which a placenta, a com-
pleated apparatus for the nourishment of the young, appears;
hence the marsupials, with their small imperfectly formed young,
are often called Aplacentalia; the Monodelphia, Placentalia.
All mammals care for the young, this being chiefly or wholly done by
the mother, who not only supplies them with milk but protects them in
warm if rude nests. Most mammals are monogamous, some polygamous,
while in others there is no permanent association of the sexes. The body
temperature is constant and ranges from 36° to 41° C. (98° to 106° F.); in
Echidna it is only 26° to 84° C. (79° to 83° F.). In most, continual feeding
is necessary for existence; from this rule there are a few exceptions, like
the bears, marmots, badgers, ete., which hibernate during the winter,
taking no food. At this time there is a fall in the temperature due to the
diminished metabolism.
Sub Class I. Monotremata (Ornithodelphia, Prototheria).
A few mammals, confined to Australia and New Guinea,
divided among the genera Echidna, Proechidna, and Ornitho-
rhynchus, are the only living representatives of the group. They
are distinguished from all other mammals by laying eggs about
half an inch long, rich in yolk and with soft shells. These undergo
in the uterus a discoidal (meroblastic) segmentation and are then
incubated by Ornithorhynchus in a nest, by Lehidna in a tempo-
rary pouch (marsupium) on the ventral surface of the body. On
hatching the young are nourished by the secretion of enormously
enlarged sweat glands, which form two large masses to the right
and left of the mid-ventral surface, and which must not be con-
founded with the milk glands (sebaceous) of other mammals.
Each opens on a special region of the ventral surface, which is
slit-like in Ornithorhynchus, a flattened pocket in the others.
Other distinctions from other mammals, which are also points
of resemblance to reptiles and birds, are the strong development
of the episternum and the extension of the coracoid to the ster-
num (fig. 648), the termination of the ureters in the urogenital
sinus and not into the fundus of the bladder (fig. 653), the exist-
ence of a cloaca in both sexes, and the specifically bird-like char-
acter of the female sexual organs, in which the large left ovary is
alone functional, and uterus and
vagina are not differentiated. But
with all this it must not be forgot-
ten that the monotremes have the
hair, the skull, the urogenital sinus
of true mammals, and in the pres-
ence of marsupial bones (fig. 655,
Om) show a close relationship with
the marsupials. The upper end of
the hyoid is connected directly or by
a ligament with the cartilaginous
auditory opening, while a scarcely a [
visible external ear occurs. The jaws oe pee ;
are toothless and enclosed in horny '¢i pene puradorus, (From Wie:
: . dersheim.) Fo, obturator fora-
sheaths, yet in the young of Orni- men; 11, ilivmj Js, ischium; Om,
thorhynchus there are in each jaw ™2Tsupial bones P. os pubis
three pairs of multitubercular molars, which are later replaced
by four broad horny plates.
EcHIDNID#. The spiny ant-eaters have the body covered with bristles,
snout with a worm-shaped tongue used in catching insects; Echidna
aculeata of Australia, feet five-toed, with digging claws; Proechidna
(Acanthoglossus) of New Guinea, three-toed. ORNITHORHYNCHIDZ. The
duckbills are toothless, close-haired animals with horny jaws which
resemble those of a duck; the five-toed feet with a swimming web especially
well developed on the fore feet. Ornithorhynchus paradoxus of Australia.
Fie. 656.—Ornithorhynchus paradozus, duckbill. (From Schmarda.)
The male has a spine with a gland on the hind feet which fits in a corre-
sponding pit on the thigh of the female and apparently plays a réle in
The oldest fossil mammals are possibly to be regarded as belonging to
the monotremes, These appear in the trias and form a group, MULTITU-
BERCULATA (Allotheria), which is but imperfectly known (TZritylodon,
Microlestes, Plagiaulax), Their multitubercular teeth resemble the tempo-
rary ones of Ornithorhynchus, while there are indications that the cora-
coid existed as a distinct bone. Less certain are the PRoTOoDONTA (Droma-
thertum, Microconodon) of the American Jurassic, of which only the lower
jaws are known.
Sub Class IT. Marsupitalia (Didelphia).
These, like the remaining mammals, are viviparous. They
have small eggs which undergo a total segmentation in most species,
and develop in the maternal uterus, being nourished by a secre-
tion from its walls. In a few species there is a placenta which, in
Perameles, is allantoic in origin, in Dasyurus viverrinus possibly
also from the yolk sac. In most species there is no placenta. In
all there is insufficient nourishment and the young are born in a very
immature condition. They are therefore carried a long time by
the mother in the marsupium, a pouch formed by a fold of skin
on the posterior ventral surface, into which the nipples open.
The ventral surface is supported by the marsupial bones, slender
rods articulated, right and left, at the pubic symphysis. Other
characteristics of the marsupial skeleton are the inflected posterior
angle of the lower jaw (fig. 657, @) and the rudimentary replace-
ment of teeth. The milk teeth and molars (first dentition) are
as a whole retained, only premolar 3 being replaced by another
tooth; but it is in question whether this belongs to the second den-
tition or is a belated member of the first. The sexual apparatus
has already been described (p. 630).
Marsupials are known from the secondary (Jurassic) and tertiary strata
of Europe and both Americas. They were apparently then spread over
the whole earth, but were crowded out by the placental mammals and
persisted only as remnants (Cenolestes and the opossums) in America, but
as a richly developed fauna in Australia. In the latter region they con-
Fie. 657.—Lower jaw of Thylacinus cynocephalus (from Flower), showing (a) the
inflected angle characceristic of marsupials; cd, articular surface.
tinued because here, on account of the early separation of this continent
from the rest of the world, no development of Placentalia occurred. The
placentals are entirely lacking in Australia with the exception of those
introduced by man and such (mice, bats, seals) as easily pass from island
to island. In their present habitat, in adaptation to similar conditions
they have undergone a development analogous to that of the placentals in
other parts of the earth, so that they present groups parallel with the
carnivores, rodents, insectivores, and ungulates.
Order I. Polyprotodonta (Zoophaga).
Many marsupials, among them the oldest, have a dentition
adapted to animal food. They have numerous incisors (up to five
in each half-jaw), strong canines, and sharp-pointed molars (fig.
657). Some in teeth, as well as in body form, resemble the Insec-
tivora, others the carnivores.
The Dasyuride are carnivorous: Dasyurus ; Sarcophilus ursinus, the
Tasmanian ‘devil,’ dangerous to larger mammals; Thylacinws, pouched
wolf. The PERAMELIDA are insectivorous ; Perameles, bandicoot. The
DIDELPHYID, or opossums, which are confined to America (chiefly South)
are more carnivorous in dentition and recall the apes with their opposable
thumb. Didelphys virginiana.*
Order II. Diprotodonta (Phytophaga).
The herbivorous habits are correlated with the degeneration
of canines, which usually are lacking in the lower jaw and are at
least very small in the upper. There are also only two incisors,
of large size, in the lower jaw, while the middle two of the upper
are much larger than the one or two lateral which may be present.
The PHAscoLOMYID are the rodents of the marsupials with one chisel-
like incisor in each half of each jaw. Phascalomys, wombat. The Macro-
PODIDA, or kangaroos, resemble the ungulates in their large herds on the
grassy places. The fore legs being very small, the animals leap with the
strong hind legs and tail, Jacropus giganteus. The PHALANGISTIDE
have very variable teeth. They resemble in habits the squirrels, Petawrus
having the same parachute folds as does our flying squirrel. The Dipro-
todonta contain many fossil forms in Australia and a few in South
America. Some of the Australian fossils were very large, Diprotodon
australis larger than a rhinoceros,
Sub Class [1I. Placentalia (Monodelphia).
The first reason for associating the mammals of the Old World
and most of those of the New together as Placentalia is an embry-
ological one, the presence of a placenta. When serosa, amnion,
and allantois (p. 553) have developed in the embryo, the vessels
of the allantois spread out beneath the serosa and form with this
the chorion, which sends small processes or villi into the now
highly vascular mucous mem-
brane of the uterus in order to
obtain nourishment somewhat as
a tree obtains food by its roots.
These villi may be distributed
over the greater part of the sur-
face (fig. 658), producing the
chorion frondosum, or diffuse
placenta, which occurs in Cetacea,
perissodactyles and many artio-
dactyles (swine). On the other
hand the villi may be restricted
Firs. 658.—Diagram of mammalian em- £9 “contain BINGE: Pecos ee
bryo with chorion frondosum; ah, amni- strong there. This gives rise to
oe AGN atime emg en eae cotyledonary, discoidal, or zonary
sac 7, space (extraembryonic celomy, Placente. To these correspond
between chorion and amnion; sh, serosa. portions of the uterine lining
which are distinguished from the rest by becoming extremely vas-
cular (uterine placenta). The cotyledonary placenta (fig. 659)
consists of many small placentar patches, the cotyledons (most
ruminants). In the zonary placenta the villous area takes the
shape of a girdle or barrel (carnivores, Sirenia), while the discoidal
(other mammals) is, as its name indicates, disc-like.
Besides the placental structures the higher mammals are char-
acterized by the disappearance of the cloaca, the unpaired vagina,
and absence of marsupial bones and inflected angle of the jaw. The
dentition, on the other hand, has undergone a progressive, diver-
gent development, so that the distinctions are much more pro-
nounced than in the marsupials, and hence of importance in
differentiating the orders.
Order I. Edentata.
A few families, poor in species, are united under the name
Edentata because teeth are absent or, as is more usually the case,
are markedly degenerate. Persistent functional incisors are lack-
Fie. 659.—Cotyledonary placenta and embryo of cow. (From Balfour, after Colin.)
C!, cotyledons of uterine, C*, of fcetal placenta; Ch, chorion; U, uterus; V,
ing, canines but rarely occur (Bradypus); molars may be present,
sometimes in great numbers (Priodon gigas, the large armadillo, has
about a hundred molars), but they are poorly rooted, prismatic,
without enamel, and usually monophyodont. Since the aardvark
(Orycteropus) and Tatusia have a heterodont milk dentition in
embryonic life in which incisors occur, and fossil edentates
(Entelops) with complete dentition are known, the absence of a
replacement of the teeth is to be explained by degeneration, which
may affect other parts, and is to a certain extent the reason for the
low position accorded these forms. The great number of sacral
vertebra is striking, being as many as thirteen in some armadillos.
The placenta is very variable, being diffuse, discoidal, or zonary in
different species. The group is essentially tropical, but one species
entering the United States. The oldest fossils occur in the Santa
Cruz beds of Patagonia (eocene or oligocene).
Sub Order I. NOMARTHRA. Old World edentates. FODIENTIA.
Animals with strong digging claws, long tail, and long, vermiform, sticky
tongue used in catching ants and other insects. Orycteropus capensis,
aardvark, with long snout, sparse bristly hair, five small molars, and
rudimentary milk dentition. SQUAMATA. Toothless, body covered with
overlapping scales. Janis, pangolins of Asia and Africa (fig. 660).
Fic. 660.—Manis longicaudata, pangolin. (From Monteiro.)
Sub Order II. XENARTHRA. Edentates of the New World. VER-
MILINGUIA, ant eaters. Resemble manids in toothless jaws, long ant-
catching tongues, and strong digging claws, but are hairy and lack scales.
Myrmecophaga. TARDIGRADA, sloths. Hairy, head short, rudimentary
tail, and few teeth, long strong claws by which they hang back down-
wards from limbs of trees. Bradypus tridactylus, nine cervical verte-
bree ; Cholepus, six cervicals. Fossils allied are Megatherium, as large
as an elephant, Mylodon, Megalonyx, these two extending north to Penn-
sylvania. LORICATA, armadillos. Body with armor of bony plates,
molars numerous ; insectivorous. In the extinct GLYPTODONTID# of South
America the plates fused to a continuous armor. One species twelve feet
long. One species may have occurred in Europe. Dasypopip#; dermal
armor in three or more movable transverse plates; nocturnal. Genera
based upon the number of bands: Dasypus, Tenurus ; Tacusia novem-
cincta * enters United States.
Order II. Insectivora.
These primitive forms have a complete dentition, all the differ-
ent kinds of teeth being present, although they vary in number.
The roots are developed early and consequently the teeth are small.
Since they end with sharp cusps, adapted for eating insects, they
resemble the carnivores, from which they may be distinguished by
the rudimentary condition or occasional absence of the canines
(Talpa $}+43. many shrews $123), There is great variability in
the matter of replacement of teeth; in the shrews, for instance,
the milk dentition is suppressed and
the second only is functional, while in
the hedgehog one incisor and one pre- {
molar in each jaw, a second premolar
and the canine of the lower jaw func- = a
tion in both dentitions. In many re- Fic. 661.—Skull of Sorex, (From
: ‘ Ludwig-Leunis.)
spects the insectivores resemble the
rodents: a clavicle is present; there are usually five toes furnished
with claws; there is a uterus bicornis, often divided its whole
length, and discoidal placenta.
Aside from the proboscis-like snout the insectivores resemble the
rodents in appearance, forming parallel groups to those of that order.
The ERINACID#, or hedgehogs, of the Old World are spined like the porcu-
pines ; the Soricip#, or shrews (Sorea,* Blarina*), are mouse-like, as are
the allied TaLpmz, or moles (Scalops,* Condylura,* star-nosed mole),
which burrow in the earth and have the eyes more or less rudimentary.
Some authors place here Galeopithecus of the East Indies, which has a
similar membrane and similar sailing powers as the flying squirrels. It
also presents resemblance to the bats and to the lemurs. The earliest
known insectivores date from the eocene.
Fia. 662.Skeleton of bat. (After Brehm.)
Order III. Chiroptera.
The bats are the only mammals which actually fly, and this at
once characterizes them. The flying membrane (patagium) is a
thin fold of skin, richly supplied with nerves, which begins at the
tail, includes the lower extremities to the foot, and extends thence
to the fingers, leaving the thumb free. Fingers 2-5 are enormously
elongated and support the membrane. Since flight requires
strong muscles, the sternum develops a small keel, recalling that
of birds, for the attachment of the large pectoral muscle. In con-
nexion with the flying powers the clavicle is strong. The patagium
is the seat of a very acute tactile sense, by means of which blinded
bats can fly among all kinds of obstacles without disturbing them.
The enormous ear conchs and a noticeable nose leaf, widely dis-
tributed through the group, also have marked tactile powers. In
the pectoral position of the mammary glands and in the discoidal
placenta these animals resemble the primates. In temperate
regions bats hibernate during the winter. The dentition is vari-
able, often 2133, Fossils occur in the eocene.
Sub Order I. MICROCHIROPTERA, with insectivorous dentition,
only the thumb of the fore limbs clawed. VESPERTILIONIDA, tail long, no
nose leaf : Vesperugo,* Atalapha.* PHYLLOSTOMID#, with nose leaf, trop-
ical America ; Desmodus, the blood-sucking or vampyre bat.
Sub Order Il. MACHROCHIROPTERA (Frugivora), with smooth-
crowned molars, claws on thumb and first two fingers. Includes the flying
foxes, Pteropus, of the East Indies.
Order IV. Rodentia.
The rodents unite great similarity in appearance with a char-
acteristic dentition. The canines are absent, and the molars are
separated by a large gap (diastema) from the incisors (fig. 663).
The latter are strong, chisel-like,
have persistent pulps and grow at
the lower end as they are worn
away at the cutting edge. Since
only the front surface has enamel,
wear keeps them constantly sharp.
Usually there is but a single in-
cisor, and only in the Duplici-
dentata is a second present in the
The molars are cus-
f kL
car upper jaw.
Fia. 663.—Skull of porcupine. (From
Schmarda.) f, frontal; im, premaxil-
lary; k, temporal fossa continuous in
front with orbit; 0, infraorbital fora-
men, enormous on account of the por-
tion of the masseter muscle which
passes through it.
varying between 1008
3 and
angle of the jaw like that of marsupials.
pidate or have enamel folds and
frequently continue to grow
throughout life. Their number is
frequently reduced, the: formule
Many species have an inflected
The infraorbital canal
is a striking feature in Muride and Hystricide (fig. 663, 0), a
large opening in front of the orbit in which a part of the masseter
muscle is attached.
The rodents are distinguished from the ungulates, which, like
them, are herbivorons, by the usually smaller size, the possession
of claws, five toes (sometimes reduced to three), the occurrence
usually of a clavicle, and a discoid placenta. The mamme are
inguinal in position and, corresponding to the great fertility, are
very numerous. The occurrence of glands with a strong-smelling
secretion, which open near the anus, is common. About nine
hundred living species are known, occurring in all regions except
the Australian. The order appears in the eocene.
Sub Order I. DUPLICIDENTATA (Lagomorpha), two upper incisors,
includes the hares, Zepus,* and the picas, Lagomys.*
Sub Order II. SCIUROMORPHA. The squirrels, ScluriD&, are distin-
guished by the soft fur and bushy tail. Setiwrus,* squirrels ; Cynomys,*
prairie dogs ; Scdwropterus,* flying squirrels. The CAsTorID#& have soft fur
and sealy tail. Castor fiber,* beaver of Europe and America.
Sub Order II]. MYOMORPHA, rats and mice. Mus musculus,*
common mouse; Jfus rattus,* house rat, once abundant but now replaced
by the gray rat, Jf decemanus,* an immigrant from Asia. White rats are
albinos of M. rattus. Fiber zibethicus,* musk rat; Arvicola,* field mice.
Sub Order III]. HYSTRICOMORPHA. The porcupines (HysTRICID#)
have spines; the Old World forms, Hystriz, are terrestrial, ours (Hrethyzon)
arboreal. The Caviip& of South America have hoof-like claws. Cavia
cobaya, guinea pig. Hydrocherus, capybara, the largest existing rodent.
Order V. Ungulata.
Under the heading of Ungulata, or hoofed animals, are bere
included two groups of living animals in which the body weight
is supported on hoofs on the tips of the toes, and which are sharply
marked off from other forms. If, however, the fossils are in-
cluded, the limits of the group must be extended so that it includes
the elephants and conies of the existing fauna as well as several
extinct forms, for these so interlock and intergrade that sharp
lines cannot be drawn.
The ungulates, which arise from common ancestors, the Con-
dylarthra, the representatives of which occur in the eocene of
America (Phenacodon), are preeminently herbivorous; the canines
are rarely well developed, the molars numerous and adapted to
grinding the food, more or less flattened and frequently with
folded enamel. The mamme are inguinal, the uterus bicornuate,
and the placenta either diffuse or (most ruminants) cotyledonary
(fig. 659). The legs are exclusively locomotor structures and, to
permit freer motion, the clavicles are absent; the feet touch but
the tips of the toes, enclosed in hoofs, to the ground (unguligrade).
Since the metacarpals and metatarsals are greatly elongate, the
wrist and ankle are raised high from the ground so that they are
frequently confounded with elbow and knee. With this exclu-
sively supporting character of the limbs there is the same tendency
to reduction and fusion of bones which was noticed in birds (p.
606). There is a constant increase in the development of radius
and tibia to the chief supports of the body, the fibula becoming
rudimentary, the ulna being developed sometimes throughout its
whole extent, sometimes only in its upper part, which serves for the
attachment of muscles (olecranon), and is more or less fused with
the radius. The same tendency to simplification prevails in the
feet, but is expressed differently in the odd-toed (perissodactyle)
and even-toed (artiodactyle) forms. In the Perissodactyla the
A B c D E F
Fia. 664.—Fore feet of ungulates. (After Flower.) 4-C, perissodactyle; D-F, artio-
dactyle. A, tapir; B, rhinoceros; C, horse; D, pig: E, deer; F, camel. __c, trique-
trum (ulnare); 1, lunatum (intermedium); m, capitatum; m?-m5, rudiments of
metacarpals II and V; p, pisiforme; R, radius; s, seaphoid (radiale); td, trapezoid;
tm, trapezium; U, ulna; u, hamatum; II-V, digits.
axis of pressure passes through the middle toe (fig. 664, 4-C,
III), while the other toes disappear symmetrically around this.
Since the first toe is early lost, toe V is next to disappear (2), and
then toes IT and IV (C), so that at last there remain only the
skeleton and hoof of the middle toe (horse), the rudiments of toes
IJ and IV persisting as the small splint bones.
In the Artiodactyla the axis of pressure falls between toes HI
and IV (fig. 664, D), which both unite in supporting the body
and are equally developed and frequently fuse, at least so far as
the metacarpals are concerned (£, #’). The figures D-F show
how the other digits disappear, digit I being lost still earlier.
Since the weight of the body rests more upon the hind legs than
upon the front ones, the former are the first to become modified.
Since we are able, by using abundant paleontological material, to
follow in detail the lines of descent of both artiodacvyles and peris-
sodactyles, the conclusion is certain that these form diverging
series, distinct from the beginning. In each series most of the
common characters enumerated above have been independently
acquired so that the uniformity in appearance of the various
groups of ungulates is in great part the result of convergence.
The discussion of the fossils will be given under a separate head.
Sub Order J. PERISSODACTYLA (Solidungula). The dentition is
peculiar in having molars and premolars (with more or less pronounced
enamel folds) of equal size; a second character is the predominant devel-
opment of the middle toe, the others in the three existing families reduced
to different degrees. Tapirip2, fore feet four-toed, hind feet three-toed;
teeth 2148; nose elongate into a proboscis. Tapirus, tapirs, tropical Amer-
ica and India. RHINOCEROTIDA, three toes on all feet, teeth 3943; one or
two horns on the nasal bones, these without skeleton; skin thick, hairless,
hence these were formerly united with elephants as Pachydermata.
Rhinoceros, a single horn, India; Ceratorhinus (Asia), Atelodus (Africa),
have two horns. Equip, a single functional toe, toes II and IV forming
splint bones (fig. 664, ¢); teeth 2132; Zgz2s caballus,* horse, a native of
Asia; E. asinus, ass; E. zebra, Hybrids between jackass and mare are
called mules; between stallion and she-ass, hinnies.
Sub Order II. ARTIODACTYLA. Besides the features of the feet,
these forms have the premolars, three or four in number, smaller than the
molars. The species are much more numerous than the perissodactyles
and may be divided into three sections. Section I, NON-RUMINANTIA
(Bunodontia); omnivorous and have correspondingly a bunodont dentition,
ae the canines frequently developed into tusks; the stomach is
usually simple, but is occasionally divided into three chambers (Dicotyles,
Hippopotamus), although rumination does not occur. The leg skeleton is
little modified (fig. 664, D), ulna and fibula not being reduced, and meta-
carpals and metatarsals separate. HIPPOPOTAMID®, all four toes reach the
ground; skin thick (‘ pachyderm’), body heavy; living species all African,
Hippopotamus. Suip#; two functional toes, skin with bristles, snout
proboscis-like. Sus scrofa, swine; Dicotyles,* peccaries of warmer
Section II]. RUMINANTIA (Pecora); teeth and stomach are adapted to
the exclusively herbivorous diet. The stomach (fig. 665) is divided into
two portions, each again subdivided. The first of these, the rumen, or
paunch (ru), receives the food as it is eaten; then at a time of quiet it is
regurgitated into the mouth and ground by the molars (‘ chewing the cud’).
It then passes back, this time into the secoud division, the honeycomb, or
reticulum (re), thence to the manyplies or omasum (0), and lastly to the
abomasum, or true stomach (a). Usually not only the canines but the in-
cisors of the upper jaw are degenerate, while the incisors of the lower jaw
are strong and the canines have taken the form and position of incisors.
The molars are selenodont (have crescent-shaped cusps). With few excep-
tions they are of large size and many bear horns on the frontal bones. These
are larger in the males and may occur exclusively in that sex. In the sim-
plest case (giraffes) these are cones of horn free from the frontals and coy-
ered with skin. In others (Cavicornia) the horn cores fuse secondarily with
Fia. 665.—Stomach of sheep. (After Carus and Otto.) a, abomasum (true stomach),
o, omasum (manyplies) ; 7e, reticulum (honeycomb); 7u, rumen (paunch).
the frontals and are covered with a firm sheath of horn. Lastly, the horns
are outgrowths of the frontal bone, in which usually the outer coats are
lost and only the bone projects freely (antlers). These are shed yearly,
the new antler which takes its place being larger and consisting of a larger
number of branches or tines, thus constituting an index of age (Cervicornia).
CAMELOPARDALID& (Devexa), giraffes, long-legged forms (two genera) from
Africa with persistent horns; teeth 9938, Giraffa. CERVIDS, deer, with
deciduous horns in the male. Cervus,* common deer; Alces,* moose;
Rangifer,* reindeer; Moscnip&, horns lacking, males with enlarged upper
canines and with a musk gland (the source of the familiar perfume) on the
ventral surface; Moschus, central Asia. The TRAGULID, primitive Asiatic
and African forms, includes the chevrotain, Tragulus javanicus, the small-
est living ungulate. The CAVICORNIA include a large number of forms,
some of great economic importance; teeth $988. Bovipas: Bos taurus,
domestic cattle, probably descended from three distinct stocks (B. primi-
genius, the aurochs, B. longifrons and B. frontosus); Bison,* including
B. evropeus, the bison proper, and B. americanus* our ‘ buffalo,’ so near
extinction; Bubalus, the true buffalo of the Old World. Ovipx: Ovis aries,
sheep; O. montana,* big horn; Capra hircus, goat; Ovibos moschatus,*
musk ox, ANTILOPIDAS: including a host of Old World forms (Antilope,
Gazella, Rupicapra tragus, the chamois, etc.) and Antilocapra americana,*
the prong horn, which sheds its horns, and Hoploceras montanus,* the
Rocky mountain sheep,
Section III. TYLOPODA, stomach without manyplies, no frontal
horns, diffuse placenta. Camelus, the camels of the Old World; C. drome-
darius, one hump; C. bactrianus, two humps. Auchenia lama, A. alpaca
of South America.
Paleontology of the Ungulata.
Extensive paleontological material, especially from the tertiary rocks
of our western states, has cleared up many lines of ungulate descent
and has rendered it probable that the CONDYLARTHRA of the eocene,
with five-toed plantigrade feet, well-developed ulna and fibula, and an
omnivorous dentition, formed the stoek from which descended the artio-
dactyles and perissodactyles, and possibly carnivores and primates as well,
the ungulate line extending through the Amblypoda. From one group of
these (the PHENACODONTID#) the lines of rhinoceros and tapir have come,
and in an almost complete series we know the ancestry of the horse,
Hyracotherium (EHohippus) and Orohippus of the eocene had the fore feet
four-toed (fig. 666, 2); Paleotherium and Mesohippus (2) of the lower
1 2 3 4 6 6
vg wy
Fic. 666.—Evolution of fore foot of horse. (From Wiedersheim.) 1, Orohippus
(eocene): 2, Mesohippus (lower miocene); 3, Miohippus (miocene), 4, Protohippus
(upper pliocene); 5, Pliohippus (pleistocene); 6, Equus.
miocene and Miohippus of the later miocene were three-toed, while Mery-
hippus and Hipparion (Pliohippus, 4) of the pliocene were near the horse
in tooth structure. The single-toed horses appeared in the pleistocene
with Pliohippus (5) and then Hgwus itself (6). It is a peculiar fact that
the horse entirely died out in America, although the chief part of its his-
tory was enacted here.
The AMBLYPODA, mentioned above, were semi-plantigrade penta-
dactyle forms, appearing in the lowest eocene, and reaching, in Uinta-
therium (Dinocerus) an elephantine size. The TOXODONTIA of the
South American tertiaries combined perissodactyle, rodent, hyracoid, and
proboscidian features, while the TILLODONTIA of the eocene recall both
carnivores and rodents.
Order VI. Proboscidia.
The elephants and their allies, with their hoofs and herbivorous
dentition, are closely related to the ungulates. They are charac-
terized by their thick skin (*pachyderm’), the large, massive,
five-toed legs, and especially by the nose drawn out into a
long proboscis with a finger-like process at the tip, lastly by
the dentition. Canines are entirely lacking, but the incisors of
the upper jaw have pulps and therefore continue to grow
throughout life, forming the well-known tusks. In the living
elephants there are but a single pair of tusks, but in some extinct
Mastodons there were a second smaller pair in the lower jaw, while
in Dinotherium only the lower in-
cisors were developed, these pro-
jecting downwards. The molars
(in Mastodon and Dinotherium
with normal replacement and
cusps) consist of numerous plates
of enamel and dentine united
Fig obt—Inede, of ett lower jave ot NY cement, and madergo a Mater
(After Owen.) 1, functional molar; 2, displacement. Of the three large
Tes SUCerssor. molars and premolars only one
at a time is functional (fig. 667, 7); when worn out the next one
behind (2) takes its place. Further features are a uterus bicornis,
a zonary placenta, and two pectoral mamme.
ELEPHANTIDE: Elephas indicus, small ears; FE. africanus, large
ears. HE. primegenius, mammoth, in the pleistocene; specimens found
frozen in ice in Siberia have close woolly hair, in some places three feet
long. Mastodon, with tuberculate teeth, range from miocene through the
pliocene. DINOTHERID#, only lower incisors; Dinotherium, Old World
Order VII. Hyracoidea.
The single genus Hyraz, including species from western Asia
and Afrida, with four-toed front feet, hind feet with three toes,
the digits with nails, the placenta zonary, and the dentition $343,
forms this group, no fossils being known. Hyrax syriacus is sup-
posed to be the ‘coney’ of the Bible.
Order VIII. Sirenia.
This order consists of a few aquatic mammals which are whale-
like in form, with the fore limbs fin-like, the hind legs lacking, and
a horizontal caudal fin. They live in shallow seas or in the
mouths of rivers, where they feed on the tang, which they chew
with jaws covered with horny plates. The teeth (in the fossil
Prorostomus 3444) are reduced or entirely lacking. The fore legs
are pentadactyle and often have rudimentary nails and always a
flexible elbow. The two pectoral mammz have possibly caused
these animals to furnish the germ of truth in the mermaid myth.
Manatus anericanus,* the manatee, six cervical vertebra, eight to
ten molars; Halicore dugong, Indo-Pacific; fehytina stelleri of the
northern Pacific, exterminated in 1768.
Order IX. Cetacea.
In external form the whales resemble the sirenians, a result of
an aquatic life, but the resemblance ends here. The whales are
Fira. 668.—Restoration of skeleton of Halitherium, an extinct sirenian. (After Miss
so fish-like that they are commonly included by the laity in that
group, and every one speaks of the whale fishery. Head and trunk
are scarcely distinguished, the cervical vertebre being very short
and more or less completely fused. The hinder limbs are absent,
and of the pelvic girdle only a small ilium remains, and no sacral
vertebre are developed. The caudal fin is two-lobed and differs
from that of a fish in being horizontally flattened; the skin is thick
and is sparsely haired or completely naked, in some hair being
lacking even in the embryo. Most of the species inhabit the high
seas, Inia boliviensis and Platanista gangetica occur in rivers.
The fore limbs are modified into flippers, the bones of which are of
nearly equal size and are jointed only at the shoulder. A dorsal fin ( ‘ fin
backs’) occurs in some, The lack of hair is compensated by the thick
layer of subcutaneous fat (blubber) which, like the fat penetrating the
spougy bones, tends to lessen the specific gravity. In order that the ani-
mals may breathe while feeding, the larynx is prolonged into a tube
which extends up through the pharynx to the choane, from which the
nostrils extend directly upwards to the single (Denticetes) or paired (Mys-
ticetes) external opening. Since the air driven out with great force con-
tains much moisture and this is condensed on contact with the cooler
external air, the impression was natural that the animals in ‘ blowing’
spouted water. Since the olfactory membrane is degenerate and the
olfactory lobes are reduced, the nose is an organ of respiration only.
The eyes are small, cxternal ears are lacking, the mamme are close to
the sexual opening. The teeth are either present in large numbers, similar
and conical, and, since the second dentition is rudimentary, are mono-
phyodont (Denticetz) or they are outlined early and then resorbed and
replaced by plates of baleen (Mysticetz). This is composed of large horny
plates (whalebone) in large animals a dozen feet long (fig. 669, w), of
which several hundred are arranged in close succession extending inward
to the tongue. They correspond to the transverse palatal folds which
occur in other mammals. As they are fringed on the inner edges they
form a strainer which retains the small marine animals (plankton, Ceto-
chilus septentrionalis, a copepod, and Clione borealis, a pteropod) on which
these whales feed. The cesophagus is too narrow for the passage of
much larger animals,
The origin of the whales is one of the unsolved problems, That they
came from some terrestrial, quadrupedal forms is beyond question, and the
Fig. 669.—Section through jaws of whalebone whale. (After Delage.) c, septum of
nose; m, mouth cavity; mx, maxillary bone; p, premaxillary (hinder end); %,
vomer ; w, baleen.
little evidence would seem to point to an ungulate or a carnivore ancestry.
It is possible that the toothed and whalebone whales may have had differ-
ent ancestries, and their resemblances may be the result of convergence.
Sub Order I. ZEUGLODONTA. Extinct (eocene) forms with hetero
dont dentition, the posterior teeth two-rooted.
Sub Order II. DENTICET.A, toothed whales, carnivorous, some hav-
ing but two teeth. Delphinus, dolphins ; Globiocephalus,* black fish ;
Monodon, narwal, with, in the male, a long maxillary tusk (possible origin
of the ‘unicorn’), Physeter macrocephalus, sperm whale, pursued for
the spermaceti, an oily mass situated in the ‘chair’ between the cranium
and the snout, as well as for ambergris, formed in the intestines.
Sub Order III. MYSTACETI, whalebone whales, with baleen. Bale-
noptera,* rorquals and fin backs. B. sibbaldi,* the largest whale, reach-
jvg a length of eighty-five feet. Balwna, right whale.
Order X. Carnivora.
The carnivores live chiefly on the flesh and blood of other ver-
tebrates, which they catch by craft, by coursing, or by pouncing
upon them, overpowering their prey by their sharp claws and
cutting teeth. With this mode of life correspond the high devel-
opment of the brain (fig. 649, B) and sense organs, as well as
structure of teeth and claws. Since this predacecous character in-
creases within the order from the bears to the cats, and again tends
to disappear in the aquatic species, there are few constant charac-
ters, but a great variation in structure. In interest of greater
mobility the clavicle is reduced or lost, ulna and radius well de-
veloped. In the structure of the feet there is a gradual transition
from the plantigrade bears, in which the whole sole of hand and
foot rest upon the ground, to the digitigrade cats, which tread on
the tips of the toes. In the latter the claws, which occur in all
carnivores, are kept from injury, when not in use, by being re-
tracted by an elastic ligament into pockets on the penult joint,
from which they are extended by strong muscles. In dentition
( g. 650) the striking features are the almost constantly three
incisors, and the great size of the canines; the molars, on the other
hand, vary with the different families, the cusps assuming more of
the shearing character (secodont teeth). The last premolar of the
upper jaw and the first molar of the lower jaw become carnassial
teeth (sectorial teeth), and acquire a dominating position in the
jaw, while the others become smaller and tend to disappear at
cither end of the series. Further characters are the possession of
a penis bone in the males, the abdominal position of the milk
glands and the uterus bicornis in the females; the placenta is
zonary. Anal glands, furnishing a strong, even offensive smelling
secretion, are of wide occurrence.
Sub Order I. FISSIPEDIA. These are the typical members of the
order and are preeminently terrestrial animals with well-developed toes
usually cleft to the base. The number of digits is frequently five on all
feet, but is often reduced to four on the hind feet (Felide, Canide), rarely
on the fore feet (Hywnide); but in these cases, as in the domestic dog, the
reduced first toe may bear a claw. Unsipas, plantigrade; Ursus,* bears;
Procyon lotor,* raccoon. MUSTELIDA; many species of Mustela * and Puto-
rius,* which include minks, martens, sable, ermines, and weasels, are
yaluable for their fur; Lwéra,* otter; Hniydris,* sea otter ; Mephitis,*
skunk; Taaidea,* badger ; Gulo,* glutton ; anal glands common in this
family. Fossils (Avctotherium, ete.) connect the bears and the CANIDAz
with five toes in front, four behind, claws not retractile; which includes
in the genus Cants* dogs, foxes, and wolves. The FELID« have toes as in
the dogs, but with retractile claws. Felis domestica, our domestic eat.
F. leo, lion; F. tigris, tiger; F. concolor,* puma or cougar. Hyanip.,
all feet freer-toed; Hyena of Africa.
Sub Order I]. PINNIPEDIA. These are aquatic carnivores with the
limbs flattened to broad flippers, the five toes long and webbed, the nails
frequently rudimentary ; the dentition differs from that of the terrestrial
forms in the similarity of molars and premolars (absence of carnassial) ;
the milk dentition degenerates early, without being functional. Puoctws,
seals, without external ears; Phoca vitulina,* harbor seal. OTaRIIDm,
with external ears ; Otaria,* sea lions ; Callorhinus ursinus, fur seal of
Alaska. TRICHECHIDZ; incisors reduced, upper canines developed into
large tusks ; T’richechus, walrus.
The first carnivores appear in the eocene in the order CREODONTA,
plantigrade forms with slightly differentiated dentition (no carnassial) ;
Via. 670.—Phoca vitulina, harbor seal. (After Elliott.)
they present marked resemblances to marsupials, insectivores, as wellas to
the Condylarthra, the ancestral ungulates. True carnivores appear in
the upper eocene and become abundant in the miocene.
Order XI. Prosimiz.
Linné united with the true apes a small group of animals
known as lemurs (from India and the adjacent islands, and
especially from Africa), because of similarity in body form and
climbing habits, because they had grasping hands and feet (oppos-
able thumb and great toe), and at least frequently nails on some
of the toes. To-day many set them aside as a separate order on
account of their lower organization. They have a less-developed
cerebrum, uterus bicornis, and a diffuse placenta. Further
peculiarities are the peculiar and variable dentition (Chiromys
rei3, Lemur $433) and the presence of claws, which always occur
on the second and frequently on the third finger of the hind feet,
and in Chiromys replace the nails on all the digits of all the feet
except the great toe. Their nocturnal habits have resulted in
large eyes, which give these animals a most striking appearance.
A distinction from the primates is the connexion of orbital and
temporal cavities beneath the osseous postorbital ring. Usually
there are a pair of pectoral mamme, to which are added in many
Fia. 671.—Stenops gracilis, slender loris. (From Brehm.)
species a pair in the abdominal or inguinal region, the latter alone
occurring in Chiromys.
CHIROMYID#, digits long, allexcept the great toe with claws; Chiromys
madagascarensis, aye-aye. TARSIIDA, second and third hind toes
clawed. Yarsius spectrum of the East Indies differs from all Prosimiz
in having the orbits closed and a discoidal placenta like that of man,
LeMURID, second hind toe alone clawed. Lemur; Stenops, loris. The
old tertiary PACHYLEMURIDE and ANAPTOMORPHID are close to the most
primitive mammals and to the creodonts and insectivores. The GALEo-
PITHECID (p. 637) are often referred here.
Order XII. Primates.
The most highly organized mammals, the monkeys, apes, and
man, are united in a single order because among them there is <
great agreement in features of classificatory value. If we here, as
elsewhere, ignore grades of intelligence and regard alone greater
or lesser anatomical resemblances, we are forced to the conclusion
that the anthropoid apes are much closer to man than to the lower
monkeys. ‘
The primates have in common nails on all the fingers and toes
(except the Hapalidw), orbits separated from the temporal fosse
by a bony wall, and a cerebrum which covers the other parts of
the brain (fig. 649, ¢). They have a single pair of pectoral
mammx, uterus simplex, and a discoidal placenta. The dentition
is essentially the same throughout; in the Platyrrhinew 34123, in the
Hapalide 3433, in the Catarrhine and in man 3423. Yet there is
a tendency to variation, since in the chimpanzee and in man the
third molar (wisdom tooth) is in process of degeneration, while in
the orang a fourth molar often occurs. In all the molars are
The skeleton of the hand and foot has played an important
réle in classification. As in the lemurs and opossums, the thumb
and great toe can be opposed to the other digits, so that an ape can
grasp objects with either hand or foot. In man this opposability
of the thumb is increased, but that of the great toe, in consequence
of the upright position, is only retained to a slight degree by chil-
dren and primitive people. On this peculiarity rest the names often
given of Bimana, for man, and Quadrumana, for the apes and
monkeys. In contradiction of this it must be emphasized that the
apes do not have a hand, but rather a grasping foot, on the hinder
extremilies. In the grasping foot (fig. 672) are the same bones,
Fia. 672.—Hand and foot of gorilla. c, capitatum; ca, calcaneus; cu, cuboid; h, ha-
matum ; l, lunatum ; mc, metacarpals ; at, metatarsals ; 2, naviculare ; p, pisi-
forme; ph, phalanges ; s,scaphoid; t, triquetrum; ta, talus ; td, trapezoid; t”, tra-
pezium; J-V, digits; 1-3, cuneiformia.
similarly arranged and of about the same shape as in the foot of
man, while the musculature is essentially the same. On the other
hand the same distinctions between hand and foot (4 and B)
occur as are found in the hand and foot of man. The separation
of Quadrumana and Bimana is without anatomical basis; it rests
solely upon functional peculiarities and egotism.
Sub Order I. PLATYRRHIN_A, New World monkeys. Nostrils separated
by a wide septum so that they are visible from in front; teeth 2123, the
tympanum not extended by an outer bony meatus. CEBID#, tail fre-
quently prehensile, long. Cebus, sapajous; Ateles, spider monkeys. The
HAPALID#, or marmosets, are an aberrant group with teeth 2132 and claws
on all the digits except the relatively small great toe, thumbs not opposable.
Hapale, Midas.
Sub Order II, CATARRHINA, Old World apes; internasal septum
small, the nostrils directed in front and downwards; teeth 2122; since the
2123 0
large canines are interlocked in the opposite row of teeth, hens is a more
or less evident diastema in each jaw; the tympanum is prolonged as in
man into a bony meatus. Section I. CYNOMORPHA, with naked places
on the buttocks (ischial callosities), usually a long tail and hairy face,
and only two sacral vertebrae. Cynocephalus, baboons, drills, and man-
drils; Macacus, macaques; J. ecaudatus, with stumpy tail, entering Europe
at Gibraltar. Section Il. ANTHROPOIDA! (Simiide), man-like apes,
usually without ischial callosities, face, fingers and toes without hair, no
tail, five sacral vertebrze (three in Hylobates) fused to an os sacrum. Hylo-
bates, gibbons, with very long arms; Stimia satyrus of Sumatra and
Borneo, the orang-utan; Gorilla eugena; Troglodytes niger, the chim-
panzee, of Africa.
Sub Order III], ANTHROPINA, man. Degeneration of the hair on
most parts of the body; upright position and as a result slight mobility
of the great toe (non-opposable) ; development of articulate speech ; high
intelligence ; strong development of the cerebrum and consequent increase
of the cranium at the expense of the face, are the most prominent char-
acters of mankind. The dentition is the same as in the Catarrhine, only
the canines are smaller and there is no diastema. It was long a question
whether there was a single species of man (Homo sapiens) with several
races or whether there were several species. Since crosses between the
different races are fertile, the first view receives general acceptance,
although the differences which are actually present are constant and point
to the second alternative. The answer to these questions, which in the
light of evolution have lost most of their significance, and the characteriza-
tion of the various races, belong to a special branch of science, anthro-
pology. Here will only be mentioned the three great groups (each of
which has several subdivisions) recognized by Flower. I. Woolly-haired
men or Negroes, with blackish skin and strongly curled hair (elliptical in
section). The subdivisions are Papuans, Australians, Hottentots, Kaffirs,
and Sudan negroes. II. Straight-haired men, or Mongolians, with yellow-
ish-brown skin and straight hair (circular in section). The subdivisions
Eskimos, Malays, Mongols, and Indians belong here. III. A group called
for want of a better name Caucasians, with straight or wavy hair and
lighter complexion. Here belong the Hamosemites, the Aryans or Indo-
Germans, Nubians, and Dravidians (primitive inhabitants of India),
Since an arboreal life was unfavorable for fossilization, the paleontolog-
ical material for the history of the primates is so far very scanty. Of
these the greatest weight has been laid on a ‘find’ in the upper pliocene
of Java. This consisted of a top of a skull, a femur, and a molar tooth
which were found at some distance from each other, making it doubtful
whether they belonged together. These fragments were regarded on one
side as a connecting link, Anthropopithecus erectus, between apes and man,
on another as belonging to a true ape, and from the third as true man.
The latter is now to be regarded as out of the question. Most probable is
the view that these pieces belonged to an extinct gibbon-like animal of
extraordinary size, an enormous cranial capacity and correspondingly a
very large brain. In these respects no Anthropoid now living could com-
pare with Anthropopithecus.
Summary of Important Facts.
1. The CHORDATA are united by the possession of an axial
skeleton, the notochord, lying between the nervous system and the
alimentary tract; a central] nervous system entirely on one side of
the digestive canal, and gill slits extending from the pharynx to
the exterior.
2. The Chordata are subdivided into Leptocardii, Tunicata,
Enteropneusta, and Vertebrata.
3. The LEPTOCARDI] are fish-like in form, have a notochord
extending the length of the body, but lack skull and vertebral
column; the brain is rudimentary, the gill slits numerous.
4. The TUNICATA have a notochord only in the caudal
region. The young is tadpole-like, but in most forms there is a
metamorphosis in which tail and notochord are lost.
5. The body is usually enclosed in a tunic or mantle containing
cellulose, gill slits and an endostyle are present in the pharynx,
the heart changes in the direction of the flow of blood. The nerv-
ous system In its development is tubular and connects with the
digestive tract by a neurenteric canal. In the Salpide there is a
typical alternation of generations between a solitary asexual and a
sexual chain form.
6. The ENTEROPNEUSTA are worm-like, with collar and
proboseis; a diverticulum of the digestive tract is compared to the
notochord; gill slits occur in the pharynx; some undergo a meta-
morphosis in development, the larva resembling those of Echino-
derms. The pertinence of the Enteropneusta to the Chordata is
not certain.
7. The VERTEBRATA are segmented animals without ex-
ternal ringing of the body, but with metameric arrangement of
internal parts (myotome, neurotome, sclerotome).
8. A cuticular skeleton is absent, but there may be cornifications
of the epithelium or ossifications in the derma (scales of fishes, etc. ).
9. An axial skeleton is present, consisting of a notochord or
skull and vertebral column, which more or less completely replace
the notochord.
10. There are two kinds of appendages supported by an axial
skeleton, the unpaired fins, occurring only in fishes and Amphibia,
and the paired appendages (anterior and posterior), which are
usually present.
11. The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) are dor-
sal in position. The brain consists of five parts—cerebrum, ’twixt
brain, optic lobes, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata.
12. Of the sensory organs the eyes and ears are the most highly
13. The respiratory organs arise from the entoderm (pharynx);
gill slits are present at least in the embryo, extending from the
pharynx to the exterior. In all terrestrial groups these are later
replaced by lungs, developed from the hinder end of the pharynx.
14. The heart, consisting of auricle and ventricle, lies ventrally
ina pericardium. In gill-breathing species it contains only venous
blood, but with pulmonary respiration it is divided into venous
and arterial halves. The circulation is closed.
15. The sexes are usually separate. In most species the ex-
cretory (nephridial) system forms the ducts for the reproductive
products (urogenital system).
16. The reproduction is strictly sexual.
17. In the CycntosromaTa there is a primitive skull; but ver-
tebre, paired fins, true scales, and teeth are lacking. The gills
are saccular and the nose is unpaired. There is no skeleton to
the mouth (no jaws).
18. The true fishes (Pisces), like all other forms, have true
jaws (Gnathostomata). The fishes are further distinguished from
the Cyclostomes by the vertebral column (amphicwle vertebre),
by paired pectoral and ventral fins, scales, and paired nostrils.
They breathe by gills, and have a venous heart with auricle and
19. The fishes are divided into Elasmobranchii, Ganoidei,
Teleostei, and Dipnoi.
20. The Llasmobranchii have a cartilaginous skeleton, usually a
heterocercal tail, placoid scales, gills covered, heart with arterial
cone, spiral valve in the intestine, no swim bladder.
21. They are divided into Selachii (subdivided into Squali,
sharks, and Raiz, skates) and Holocephali.
22. The Telcostei have bony skeleton, usually a homocercal
tail, usually cycloid or ctenoid scales, comb-like gills and operculum,
bulbus arteriosus, usually pyloric appendages, and a swim blad-
der; no spiral valve.
25. They are subdivided into Physostomi, Pharyngegnathi,
Acanthopteri, Anacanthini, Lophobranchii, and Plectognathii.
24. The Ganoided form a connecting group; they resemble the
elasmobranchs in the presence of a conus arteriosus and _ spiral
valve, and usually in the heterocercal tail; they are like the teleosts
in operculum and comb-formed gills, swim bladder, and pyloric
appendages. They usually have fulcra and ganoid scales.
25. The ganoids are subdivided into Chondrostei, with carti-
laginous skeletons, and Crossopterygii and Holostei, with bony
26. The Dipnot have branchial respiration, occasionally the
swim bladder serves as lungs; heart with beginning division: nose
with choana.
27. The Ampnrsta, in contrast to the fishes, have pentadactyle
appendages; in contrast to the reptiles, double occipital condyles.
They have bushy external gills, and lungs either persisting together
or succeeding each other, the young (larve) breathing by gills,
the adult by lungs (metamorphosis!). The heart consists of two
auricles and one ventricle.
28. The Amphibia are subdivided into Gymnophiona, Urodela,
and Anura; to these are added the extinct Stegocephali (Laby-
29. The Gymnophiona are blind and have lost the limbs.
30. The Urodeles have many vertebrx and a well-developed tail.
They retain the gills permanently (Perennibranchia), or at least a
gill shit (Derotrema), or they lose the branchial apparatus com-
pletely in development (Salamandrina); the metamorphosis is not
31. The Anura have few vertebra, no tail nor gills in the adult,
and a marked metamorphosis (the larve, tadpoles, are furnished
at first with external, then with internal, gills, and with swimming
tail, but at first lack appendages and lungs).
32. Cyclostomes, fishes, and Amphibia are grouped as Anamina
because of the lack of amnion and allantois; they are also called
Ichthyopsida, because of their branchie and aquatic habit. They
are poikilothermons (cold-blooded),
33. The reptiles, birds, and mammals are called Amniota on
account. of the embryonal organs, the amnion and allantois. They
never respire by gills (although gill clefts occur in the embryo),
and the appendages are based on the pentadactyle type.
34. The REpriLia are poikilothermous, have a strongly ossi-
fied skeleton, with unpaired occipital condyle and usually an
os transversum in the skull; a strongly cornified skin, two auricles,
and usually two incompletely separated ventricles in the heart.
35. Recent reptiles are divided among the Chelonia, Rhyncho-
cephalia, Squamata (including Lacertilia and Ophidia), and
Crocodilia. To these are added the extinct groups Theromorpha,
Plesiosauria, Ichthyosauria, Dinosauria, and Pterodactylha.
36. The Chelonia are compact, have a skeletal capsule (carapace
+ plastron) composed of bone and horny plates, an immovable
quadrate and hard palate, no os transversum or teeth, but horny
plates in the place of the latter; the cloacal opening elongate, with
an unpaired penis in front.
37. The Sqguwamata have horny scales periodically renewed, a
transverse cloacal opening, with behind it paired penes and a
movable quadrate.
38. The Lacertilia have usually movable eyelids, tympanic
membrane, four appendages or their rudiments, and all but invari-
ably a sternum.
39. The Ophidia lack appendages, sternum, and tympanum;
the eyelids are fused to a false cornea; the mouth is usually exten-
sible; poison fangs are frequently present.
40. The Rhynchocephalia resemble the Lacertilia in form, but
differ in having a fixed quadrate.
41. The Crocodilia are elongate, have bony plates in the skin,
elongate cloacal opening, fixed quadrate, teeth placed in separate
alveoli, and a long swimming tail.
42, The Aves (birds) are closely related to the reptiles (Sau-
ropsida) and share with them the single occipital condyle. They
are distinguished by the feathers, and by having the heart com-
pletely divided into right and left halves.
43. Other characters are homoiothermy (warm-blooded), pneu-
maticity of bones, fusion of bones of manus, formation of tibio-
tarsus and tarso-metatarsus (intertarsal joint).
44. The birds are divided into fatite, which lack a furcula and
a keel to the sternum, and the Carinate, in which the sternum is
keeled and the clavicles are united to a furcula. To these are
added two extinct groups, Saurure and Odontornithes, which had
45. The Mammarra have a double occipital condyle, hairy skin,
and milk glands in the female for the nourishment of the young.
46, Other characters are the homoiothermous condition, the
complete separation of the heart, the modification of parts of the
visceral arches into the ear bones, high development. of the denti-
tion (formation of roots, usually heterodont and diphyodont).
47. The mammals are divided into Monotremata, Marsupialia,
and Placentalia.
48. The Monotremata are egg-laying mammals with persistent
cloaca; they have a distinct coracoid and an episternum.
49, The Marsupialia are viviparous, but the young, on account
of imperfect nourishment (usually no placenta), are born early and
usually carried in a marsupium (marsupial bones).
50. In the skeleton the inflected angle of the lower jaw is char-
acteristic. The urogenital apparatus is separated from the anus
by the perineum; uterus and vagina are double.
51. The Placentalia produce well-developed young which are
nourished in the uterus by a placenta; they have no marsupium
nor marsupial bones. The vagina is single (Monodelphia), the
uterus simple or paired.
52. The clawed Edentata and the Cetacea and Sirenia, which
have flippers, have a degenerate dentition (teeth monophyodont or
53. The hoofed ungulates (Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla),
the Proboscidia, and the small clawed Rodentia are preeminently
54. The Chiroptera, which have a flying membrane (patagium),
are partly herbivorous, partly insectivorous.
55. The small Insectivora (with small canines and no earnas-
sial) and the Carnivora (with strong canine and carnassial molar)
are carnivorous. The Carnivora are subdivided into the terrestrial
Fissipedia and the aquatic Pinnipedia.
56. The Prosimie and Primates have a more or less indifferent
dentition. They have largely or entirely replaced claws by nails,
and are largely provided with grasping hands and feet. The
Prosimie are lower, the Primates more highly organized.
57. The Primates are subdivided, according to the position of
the nostrils, the development of the tail, as well as the character of
the dentition and the feet, into the Platyrrhiny, or monkeys of the
New World, the Catarrhiney, or apes of the Old World, and the
Anthropinew, or man.
Aard vark, 636
Abalone, 379
Abdominal cavity, 546
Abdominales, 562
Abdominal fin, 562
Abdominalia, 426
Abducens nerve, 536
Abomasum, 642
Acantharia, 196
Acanthia, 489
Acanthias, 569, 571
Acanthiide, 489
Acanthin, 195
Acanthobdella, 318
Acanthoderus, 48
Acanthobothrium, 286
Acanthocephala, 304
Acanthocotyle, 274
Acanthodes, 572
Acanthodidz, 572
Acanthoglossus, 632
Acanthometra, 194
Acanthophracta, 196
Acanthopteri, 574, 577
Acanthopterygii, 577
Acaride, 454
Acarina, 453
Accessory nerve, 536
Accessory tissue, 99
Accessory yolk, 80
Accipiter, 617
Acephala, 358
Acerata, 442
Acetabula, 280
Acheta, 317
Achatina, 383
Achoreutes, 477
Achromatin, 65
Achtheres, 36, 422
Aciculum, 308
Acineta, 212
Acinetaria, 212
Acinous glands, 77
Acipenser, 573
Acipenseride, 573
Acmza, 378
Acmeide, 378
Accela, 269
Acontia, 253
Acorn barnacle, 423
Acrania, 502
Acraspedia, 246
Acraspedota, 246
Acridiide, 481
Acridium, 481
Acris, 588
Acrodont teeth, 599
Actinaria, 259
Actinian, section of, 136
Actinophrys, 191, 192
Actinopoda, 349
Actinospherium, 190, Ig2
Actinotrichia, 527
Actinotrocha, 325
Actinozoa, 251
Aculeata, 486
Aculeus, 472, 476
Acustic nerve, 536
Adambulacral plate, 335
Adamsia, 254
Adhesive cells, 264
Adipose fin, 576
Adoral band, 209
Adradius, 246
‘Ega, 441, 442
/Egina, 242
‘Eolidz, 382
/Eolidia, 382
A‘piornis, 613
Afquoria, 240, 242
Atschna, 479
Atsthetes, 357
fEthalium, 199
Aftershaft, 603
Agalmia, 244
Agamide, 599
Agassiz, 21
Agelacrinoidea, 342
Agelacrinus, 342
Agkistrodon, 601
Aglaophenia, 242
Aglossa, 588
Aglypha, 601
Agnatha, 555
Agrion, 479
Air bladder, 567
Air pipes, 609
Air sacs of birds, 608
Ale, 466
Alze cordis, 470
Alauda, 616
Alaudidz, 616
Albatross, 615
Albertus Magnus, 9
Alca, 615
Alcedinidz, 616
Alces, 642
Alcidz, 615
Alciopidze, 313
Alcippe, 424
Alcyonaria, 258
Alcyonidz, 259
Alcyonidium, 324
Alcyonium, 255, 259
Aletia, 495
Alima, 429
Alimentary tract of vertebrates, 546
Alisphenoid bone, 522
Allantoidea, 553
Allantois, 553
Alligator, 602
Alligator turtle, 596
Allobophora, 316
Alloposus, 395
Allotheria, 632
Alosophila, 494
Alpaca, 643
Alpheus, 434
Alternation of generations, 144, 512
Altrices, 612
Alula, 604
Alveolar duct, 548
Alveoli, 625
Alveolus, 548
Alytes, 585
Amaroucium, 510
Ambergris, 646
Amblyopsidee, 576
Amblypoda, 643
Amblystoma, 587
Amblystoma, larva of, 36
Ambulacra, 331
Ambulacral grooves, 335
Ambulacral plates, 335
Ambulacral system, 122, 330
Ambulacral vessels, 331
Ametabolous, 473
Amia, 574
Amia, tail of, 41
Amicula, 357
Amiide, 574
Ammoceetes, 557
Ammonitide, 394
Amnion, 472, 553
Amniota, 553, 588
Ameeba, 61, 62, 187, 189
Ameebina, 189
Ameeboid motion, 187
Amphacanthe, 574
Amphiaster, 70
Amphibia, 580
Amphibiotica, 479
Amphicceele, 518
Amphiccelias, 596
Amphidiscs, 227
Amphigony, 142
Amphilina, 286
Amphineura, 356
Amphioxus, 502, 504
Amphioxus, cleavage of, 151
Amphioxus, gastrula of, 156
Amphiphorus, 291
Amphipoda, 438
Amphisbzena, 599
Amphistomum, 278
Amphithe, 428
Amphitrite, 312, 313
Amphiuma, 585, 587
Amphiura, 338
Amphoride, 342
Ampullaridz, 380
Ampullee, 223, 331, 542
Amyda, 596
Anabrus, 481
Anacanthini, 577
Anaconda, 601
Anal glands, 106
Anal fin, 526, 562
Anallantoidia, 553, 555
Analogy, 14, 100
Anamnia, 553, 555
Anaplocephalus, 287
Anaptomorphide, 649
Anas, 615
Anaspides, 437
Anatomy, 57, 58
Anatomy, comparative, 2
Anaxial form, 135
Androctonus, 400
Anelasma, 423, 424
Angiostoma, 601
Anguillidz, 576
Anguillula, 300
Anguillulidz, 300
Anguis, 599
Angulare, 582
Animal morphology, 57
Animal organs, IOI, 121
Animal pole, 147, 151
Animals and plants, 171
Anisomyaria, 367
Anisopoda, 442
Annelida, 305
Annulata, 599
Anodonta, 361, 367
Anolis, 599
Anomodontia, 594
Anopheles, 217, 492
Anser, 615
Anseriformes, 615
Antarctic province, 178
Ant eaters, 636
INDEX. 659
Antedon, 339, 342
Antenna, 401, 410, 430, 463
Antennal gland, 411
Antennulz, 430
Antheomorpha, 251
Anthomastus, 259
Anthomedusz, 239, 241
Anthomyia, 492
Anthozoa, 251
Anthropinz, 651
Anthropoide, 651
Anthropopithecus, 652
Antilocapra, 642
Antilope, 642
Antilopide, 642
Antimeres, 137
Antipatharia, 259
Antipathes, 259
Antlers, 642
Ant lion, 481, 483
Antrostomus, 616
Antrum of Highmore, 539
Ants, 487
Ants, white, 478
Anura, 588
Anurida, 477
Aorta, 548
Aorta ascendens, 504, 549
Aorta, descendens, 504
Apes, 651
Aphaniptera, 493
Aphidz, 490
Aphrodite, 313
Apiariz, 487
Apical plate, 306
Apis, 487
Aplacophora, 358
Aplysia, 381
Aplysilla, 226
Aplysina, 224, 226
Apoda, 349, 425, 587
Apodidz, 416
Apophysis, 517
Aporosa, 260
Appendicularia, 506
Aprophora, 489
Aptenodytes, 615
Aptera, 491
Apteria, 604
Apteryges, 613
Apterygota, 477
Apteryx, 613
Apus, 416
Aquatic faune, 179
Aqueduct of Sylvius, 534
Aqueous humor, 131
Aquila, 617
Arachnida, 444
Araneina, 451
Arbacia, 345
Arcella, 198
Archean era, 180
Archeopteryx, 33, 612
Archegony, 139
Archenteron, 103, 104, 156
Archianellide, 313
Archigetis, 286
Archiptera, 477
Archipterygium, 529
Architeuthes, 384, 395
Arcide, 367
Arcifera, 588
Arctic province, 178
Arctogzea, 177
Arctotherium, 647
Arcyria, 199
Ardea, 615
Arenicolidz, 313
Areolar connective tissue, 85
Argas, 454
Argina, 367
Argiope, 327, 453
Argonauta, 392, 395
Argonautidz, 395
Argulide, 422
Argulus, 421, 422
Ariolimax, 383
Arion, 383
Arista, 493
Aristotle, 7
Aristotle’s lantern, 345
Armadillidium, 442
Armadillo, 636
Armata, 317
Army worm, 495
Artemia, 416
Arterial arches, 549
Arteries, 112
Arthrodira, 579
Arthrogastrida, 447
Arthropoda, 398
Arthrostraca, 438
Articular bone, 525
Articular process, 519
Articulata, 342, 398
Artificial impregnation, 147
Artificial selection, 43
Artiodactyla, 640, 641
Arvicola, 639
Ascalabote, 598
Ascaridz, 301
Ascaris, 145, 299
Ascaris, fertilization in, 150
Ascidizeformes, 508
Ascidians, 505
Ascones, 222, 225
Ascyssa, 224
Asellide, 442
Asellus, 440
Asexual reproduction, 140, 143
Asilidze, 493
Asp, 601
Aspergillum, 368
Aspidobranchia, 378
Aspidonectes, 596
Aspidotus, 490
Ass, 641
Assimilation, organs of, 102
Astacide, 435
Astacoidea, 435
Astacus, 431, 432, 435
Astarte, 367
Astartide, 368
Asterias, 337
Asterias, early development, 146, 148
Asteridz, 337
Asterinid, 337
Asteriscus, 335, 337, 564
Asteroidea, 333
Astra, 261
Astrangia, 260, 261
Astroides, 261
Astrophyton, 338
Asymmetrical form, 135
Asymmetron, 504
Atalapha, 638
Atax, 454
Ateles, 651
Atelodus, 641
Atheca, 595
Atlantide, 380
Atlas, 581, 590
Atoke, 310
Atoll, 258
Atolla, 250
Atrium, III, 506, 508
Atrypa, 328
Attus, 453
Atypus, 453
Auchenia, 643
Auditory meatus, 545
Auditory nerve, 536
Auditory organs, 127
Auk, 615
Aulacantha, 196
Aulophorus, 315
Aulosphera, 196
Aurelia, 245, 250
Auricle, 111, 548
Auricularia, 332
Aurochs, 642
Australian region, 176
Autoflagellata, 200
Autoinfection, 215
Autolytus, 313, 314
Aves, 603
Avicularia, 323
Aviculidz, 367
Aye-Aye, 649
Axial skeleton, 526
Axiothea, 313
Axis, 590
Axis cylinder, 96
Axolotl, 587
Axons, 94
Azoic era, 180
Azygobranchia, 379
Babvons, 651
von Baer, 17
Beetisca, 479
Badger, 647
INDEX. 661
Baleena, 646
Balznoptera, 646
Balancers, 491
Balaninus, 485
Balanoglossus, 513
Balantidium, 209, 210
Balanus, 423
Baleen, 645
Bandicoot, 633
Barbs 603
Barbules, 603
Barnacles, 423
Basalia, 330, 340, 527
Bascanion, 601
Basioccipital bone, 522
Basiopodite, 410
Basisphencid bone, 522
Bass, black, 577
Bassomatophora, 383
Bath sponges, 227
Bats, 637
Bdellodrilus, 315
Bdellostoma, 557
Bdelloura, 271
Bears, 647
Beaver, 639
Bedbug, 489
Bee, larva of, 105
Bees, 487
Beetles, 483
Bela, 380
Belemnites, 388
Bellovacensis, 9
Bell’s law, 536
Belosepia, 388
Belostoma, 489
Belostomide, 489
Beroe, 264
Beroide, 264
Bestiarius, 9
Bicidium, 259
Bicoseca, 201
Bicuspid teeth, 626
Pig horn, 642
Bilateral symmetry, 131
Bilharzia, 277
Bimana, 650
Biogenesis, fundamental law of, 34
Biology, 4, 57
Bipalium, 271
Bipinnaria, 332
Biradial symmetry, 136
Bird lice, 479
Birds, 603
Birds of paradise, 50, 616
Birgus, 432, 436
Bison, 642
Bittacus, 483
Bivium, 334
Black bass, 577
Black fish, 646
Black flies, 493
Black snake, 601
Bladder, urinary, 552
Bladder worm, 278, 284
Blarina, 637
Blastoderm, 153
Blastodermic vesicle, 155
Blastoidea, 342
Blastomeres, 151
Blastopore, 156
Blastostyle, 242
Blastula, 151, 155
Blatta, 480
Blattidze, 480
Blind fish, 576
Blissus, 489
Blister beetle, 484
Blood, 88, 111
Blood corpuscles, 88
Blood vessels, 110, III
Blow flies, 493
Blue birds, 616
Boa, 601
Bobolink, 616
Body cavity, 109
Bojanus, organ of, 363
Bolina, 264
Bombycina, 495
Bombyx, 495
Bonasa, 614
Bone, 86
3onellia, 317, 318
Book lice, 479
Bopyridz, 442
Bopyrus, 442
Bos, 642
Bosmina, 417
Botall’s duct, 550
Bot flies, 493
Bothriocephalidz, 287
Bothriocephalus, 281, 283, 287
Bothrops, 601
Botryllus, 510
Bougainvillea, 144, 241
Bovide, 642
Bow fin, 574
Box turtle, 596
Brachialia, 340
Brachiolaria, 332
Brachiopoda, 325
Brachycera, 493
Brachyura, 437
Braconide, 486
Bradypus, 636
Brain coral, 261
Branchial arch, 524
Branchial chamber, 352, 506
Branchial clefts, 501
Branchial heart, 391
Branchial tree, 348
Branchiata, 408
Branchiomerism, 523
Branchiopoda, 416
Branchiostegal membrame, 56
Branchiostegal rays, 562
Branchiostegite, 431
Branchipide, 416
Branchipus, 416
Branchiura, 422
Braula, 493
Breast bone, 518
Brevilinguia, 599
Brissus, 346
Bristles, 311
Bristles. tactile, 126
Bristle tails, 477
Brittle stars, 337
Bronchiole, 548
Bronchus, 547
Bryozoa, 321
Bubalus, 642
Bubo, 617
Buccal cavity, 106
Buccal ganglion, 390
Buccinide, 380
Buccinum, 379
Bucerontide, 616
Budding, 141
Budding and germ layers, 159
Buffalo, 642
Buffalo leaf hopper, 490
Buffon, 21
Bufo, 588
Bufonide, 588
Bugs, 489
Bugula, 324
Bulbus arteriosus, 568
Bulbus olfactorius, 534
Bulimus, 383
Bulla, 381
Bulla ossea, 621
Bunodes, 259
Bunodontia, 641
Bunodont teeth, 626
Burbot, 578
Bursa, 331, 338
Bursa copulatrix, 471
Bustard, 615
Buteo, 617
Buthus, 448
Butrinus, 575
Butterflies, 494, 495
Butterflies, leaf, 47
Buzzard, 617
Byssus, 363
Cabbage worm, 496
Cacatua, 616
Cacospongia, 22
Caddis flies, 483
Ceecidotea, 442
Cecilia, 587
Czecum, 106, 461, 627
Czenolestes, 633
Czenosarc, 231
Calamoichthys, 573
Calandra, 485
Calanide, 421
Calappa, 437
Calcispongiz, 225
Caligid, 422
INDEX. 663
Caligus, 422
Callianira, 263
Calliphora, 493
Callorhinus, 648
Calosoma, 484
Calycella, 242
Calyconecte, 244
Calycophore, 244
Calycozoa, 250
Calyptoblastea, 242
Camarasaurus, 596
Cambarus, 435
Cambrian, 180
Camelopardalide, 642
Camels, 643
Camelus, 643
Campanella. 242
Campanula Halleri, 564
Campanularia, 232, 233
Campanularix, 239, 242
Camper’s angle, 624
Campodea, 400, 477
Canal, radial, 331
Canal, ring, 331
Canal, semi-circular, 128
Canals of sponges, 223
Cancer, 437
Cancridz, 437
Candona, 423
Canidz, 647
Canine teeth, 625
Canis, 647
Canker worms, 494
Cannostome, 250
Cantharidz, 484
Canthocamptus, 421
Capillaries, 111
Capillitium, 199
Capra, 642
Caprella,, 440
Caprimulgide, 616
Capsule, central, 193
Capybara, 639
Carabide, 484
Carapace, 410, 594
Carboniferous, 180
Carcharinus, 571
Carcharodon, 571
Carchesium, 210, 211
Cardiidz, 367
Cardinal teeth, 359
Cardinal vein, 549
Cardium, 367
Cardo, 463
Caridea, 434
Carina, 424
Carina sterni, 605
Carinaria, 380
Carinariidz, 380
Carinella, 291
Carinatee, 613
Carnassial teeth, 626
Carnivora, 646
Carotid artery, 549
Carp, 576
Carpal bones, 529
Carpocapsa, 494
Cartilage, 86
Cartilage bone, 519
Cartilaginous cranium, 519, 520
Caryogamy, 184
Caryophylleus, 285, 286
Caryophylleide, 285
Caryophyllia, 257, 260
Cassowary, 613
Castor, 639
Castoridze, 639
Casuarina, 613
Casuarius, 613
Cataclysm theory, 20
Catallacta, 220
Catarrhinze, 651
Caterpillars, 494, 495
Catfish, 576
Cathartes, 617
Cathartide, 616
Catocala, 495
Catometopa, 437
Catostomidz, 576
Cats, 647
Cattle, 642
Caudal fin, 526, 562
Caudina, 347, 349
Causal foundation of theory of evolu-
tion, 43
Cavia, 639
Caviare, 573
Cavicornia, 642
Caviidze, 639
Cavolinide, 382
Cebide, 651
Cebus, 651
Cecidomyia, 492
Cell, 58
Cell complexes, 71
Cell division, 68
Cell, nature of, 60
Cell organs, 183
Cell-reticulum, 61
Cell theory, 17, 58
Cells, adhesive, 264
Cells, blood, 88
Cells, contractile fibre, 92
Cells, division of, 68
Cell, egg, 80
Cells, ganglion, 94
Cells, gland, 76
Cells, goblet, 77
Cells, muscle, 92
Cells, multiplication of, 68
Cells, nettle, 229
Cells, sexual, 143
Cells, somatic, 143
Cells, supporting, 83
Cells, thread, 229
Cells, yellow, 195
Cellular connective tissue, 84
Cellularia, 324
Cellulose, 172, 505
Cenozoic era, 181
Centipedes, 459, 461
Central capsule, 193
Central nervous system, 122
Centrifugal nerve tracts, 94
Centripetal nerve tracts, 94
Centrodorsal, 338
Centrolecithal eggs, 152, 153
Centrosome, 190
Centrum, 518
Centrurus, 448
Cephalaspis, 557
Cephalochordia, 502
Cephalodiscus, 514
Cephalopoda, 384
Cephalothorax, 399
Cephalothrix, 291
Cerambycidz, 485
Ceraospongiz, 227
Ceratium, 203
Ceratodus, 579
Ceratorhinus, 641
Cercaria, 268, 276
Cercomonas, 202
Cercopide, 489
Cercus, 477
_ Cere; 604
Cerebellar hemispheres, 535
Cerebellum, 535
Cerebral flexures, 624
Cerebral ganglion, 123
Cerebral hemispheres, 534
Cerebratulus, 292
Cerebrum, 534
Ceresa, 490
Cereus, 253
Cerianthus, 255
Cervicornia, 642
Cervide, 642
Cervus, 642
Ceryle, 616
Cestide, 264
Cestoda, 278
Cestum, 264
Cetacea, 645
Cetochilus, 421
Chelura, 439
Chetz, 311
Chetiferi, 317
Chetoderma, 358
Cheetognathi, 296
Cheetonotus, 295
Cheetopoda, 306
Cheetura, 616
Chain salps, 512
Chalcis, 486
Chalcididz, 486
Chalina, 227
Chameleon, 599
Chamois, 642
Charadriformes, 615
Charadrius, 615
Charybdea, 250
INDEX. 665
Chelicera, 445
Chelifer, 450
Chelone, 596
Chelonia, 594
Chelonide, 596
Chelydra, 596
Chelydridz, 596
Chermes, 450
Chevron bones, 518
Chevrotain, 642
Chiastoneury, 373
Chigoe, 494
Chilognatha, 496
Chilomonas, 201
Chilomycterus, 578
Chilopoda, 459, 460
Chilostomata, 324
Chimeera, 572
Chimney swallow, 616
Chimpanzee, 651
Chinch bug, 489
Chiromys, 649
Chiroptera, 637
Chirotes, 599
Chitin, 398
Chiton, 357
Chitonide, 356
Chlamydosaurus, 599
Chlamydoselachus, 570
Chloragogue cells, 116
Choanoflagellata, 202
Cholcepus, 636
Chondrilla, 224
Chondrin, 86
Chondrioderma, 199
Chondrocranium, 520
Chondropterygii, 569
Chondrostei, 573
Chone, 313
Chorda dorsalis, 501
Chordata, 501
Chordodes, 304
Chordotonal sense organs, 406
Chorion, 148, 634
Choroid, 540
Choroidea, 131
Choroid coat, 130, 131
Choroid gland, 564
666 INDEX.
Chromatin, 65
Chromatophores, 387
Chromomonadina, 202
Chrysalis, 494
Chrysomelidz, 485
Chrysomitra, 244
Chrysopa, 483
Chyle, 550
Chyle vessels, 114
Cicada, 488, 489, 490
Cicadide, 489
Cicindelide, 484
Ciconia, 615
Ciconiformes, 615
Cidaridea, 345
Ciliata, 204
Ciliated epithelium, 75
Cilioflagellata, 203
Cimbex, 486
Cinclides, 253
Ciona, 507
Circulatory apparatus, 109
Circulatory organs of vertebrates, 548
Cirolana, 442
Cirri, 312
Cirripedia, 423
Cirrus, 120, 272, 308
Cirrus pouch, 272
Cistenides, 314
Cistudo, 596
Citigrada, 453
Cladocera, 417
Cladocora, 260, 261
Cladoselache, 572
Clamatores, 616
Clams, 368
Class, 10
Classification, difficulties in, 30
Clathrulina, 191, 192
Clava, 241
Clavellinidz, 510
Clavicle, 528
Claws, 618
Clear wings, 495
Cleavage cavity, 155
Cleavage planes, I51
Cleavage of eggs, 149, 151
Cleavage process, 151
Cleavage, types of, 153
Cleon, 479
Clepsidrina, 213, 215
Clepsinide, 321
Clibanarius, 436
Clidastes, 600
Climbing birds, 616
Clione, 382
Clisiocampa, 495
Clitellio, 315
Clitellum, 315
Cloaca, 106, 223, 506, 546
Clothes moth, 494
Clupeidze, 576
Clymene, 313
Cly peaster, 343, 346
Clypeastroidea, 346
Clypeus, 462
Clytia, 242
Cnemidophorus, 599
Cnidz, 229
Cnidaria, 228
Cnidocil, 229
Cobra, 601
Coccide, 490
Coccidiz, 215
Coccidium, 215, 216
Coccinellide, 485
Coccus, 490
Coccygus, 616
Cochineal, 490
Cochlea, 128, 543
Cockatoos, 616
Cockroach, 480
Cod, 577, 578
Codlin moth, 494
Codosiga, 201, 202
Coelenterata, 228
Ceelhelminthes, 295
Ceelom, 109, 158
Ccelom of Vertebrates, 545
Ccelomic pouches, 158
Ceelenteron, 228
Ccelodendron, 196
Coeloplana, 264
Ceelopleurus, 343, 345
Ceeloria, 260, 261
Ceenurus, 285
Coiter, 13
Cold rigor, 63
Cold-blooded animals, 114
Coleoptera, 483
Collaterals, 94
Collembola, 477
Collozoum, 194
Coloborhombus, 49
Colon, 461
Colony, 164
Coloration, sympathetic, 46
Colossendeis, 456
Colossochelys, 596
Colubriformia, 601
Columba, 614
Columbidz, 614
Columella, 199, 256, 370, 525, 544, 598
Columns of cord, 533
Colymbidz, 615
Colymbus, 615
Comatrichia, 199
Comatulide, 342
Commissures, 123
Complemental males, 424, 442
Compound eye, 403, 404
Conchiolin, 352
Conch of ear, 545
Condylarthra, 639, 643
Condylura, 637
Cones of eye, 540
Coney, 644
Conide, 380
Conjugation, 184, 206
Connective tissues, 83
Conocephalus, 481
Conocladium, 200, 202
Conotrachelus, 485
Contractile fibre cells, 92
Contractile vacuole, 183
Conurus, 616
Conus, 380
Conus arteriosus, 567
Convergent development, 169
Cope, 24
Copelatee, 506
Copepoda, 417
Copperhead, 601
Copula, 524
Copulation, 147
Coraciformes, 616
Coracoid, 528
Coral, brain, 260, 261
Coral, deer’s horn, 261
Coral, organ pipe, 259
Coral, precious, 259
Coral, red, 256
Coral reefs, 258
Coral snake, 601
Corallium, 256, 259
Cordylophora, 239
Coregonus, 576
Corium, 514
Cornea, £30, 131, 541
Cornacuspongia, 227
Coronula, 423, 424
Corpora bigemina, 534
Corpora quadrigemina, 534
Corpus callosum, 623
Corpus striatum, 534
Corpuscles, Miescher’s, 218
Corpuscles, Meissner’s, 126
Corpuscles, Rainey’s, 218
Corpuscles, Vater-Pacinian, 126
Correlation of parts, 14
Corrodentia, 478
Corti, organ of, 543
Corvus, 616
Corvide, 616
Coryceide, 421
Corydalis, 482
Corymorpha, 241
Costee, 256
Costal plates, 594
Cotingidz, 616
Cotton worm, 495
Cottus, 577
Cotyledonary placenta, 634
Coturnix, 614
Cougar, 647
Covering scale, 243
Coverts, 604
Cowries, 380
Coxa, 463
Coxal glands, 445
Crab louse, 491
Crabs, 437
Crab stones, 433
Crangon, 434, 435
Crane flies, 492
Cranes, 615
Crania, 328
Cranial nerves, 536
Craspedon, 235
Craspedota, 235
Crassatella, 359
Crassilinguia, 599
Crayfish, 435
Creodonta, 648
Crepidula, 379
Crepidula, cleavage of egg, 154
Cretaceous, 180
Cribillina, 324
Cribrellum, 452
Crickets, 481
Crinoidea, 338
Crisia, 324
Crista acustica, 127, 542
Crista sterni, 605
Crocodilia, 601
Crocodilus, 602
Crop, 106, 467
Crossbill, 616
Crosses, 27
Crossopterygii, 573
Crotalide, 601
Crotalus, 601
Croton bug, 480
Crows, 616
Crura cerebri, 623
Crustacea, 408
Cryptobranchus, 587
Cryptocephala, 313
Cryptochiton, 357
Cryptodira, 596
Cryptoniscus, 442
Cryptopentamera, 484
Crystalline cone, 405
Crystalline style, 364
Ctenidia, 353
Cteniza, 453
Ctenobranchia, 379
Ctenodiscus, 337
Ctenoid scale, 558
Ctenolabrus, 576
Ctenophora, 261
Ctenoplana, 264
Ctenostomata, 324
Cubomedusz, 250
Cuckoos, 616
Cuculiformes, 616
Cuculus, 616
Cucumaria, 349
Culcita, 334, 337
Culicide, 492
Cumacea, 437
Cunina, 242
Cunocantha, 239, 242
Curculio, 485
Currant worm, 494
Cursorial foot, 614
Cursoria, 480
Cuspidaria, 368
Cutaneous artery, 585
Cuticle, 75
Cutis, 514
Cuttle bone, 388, 395
Cuttle fish, 395
Cuvier, 14, 15
Cuvierian ducts, 548, 567
Cuvierian organs, 348
Cyamus, 440
Cyanea, 250
Cyanocitta, 616
Cycladidz, 368
Cyclas, 368
Cycloid scale, 558
Cyclometopa, 437
Cyclostomata, 324, 555
Cyclostomide, 380
Cyclopide, 421
Cyclops, 37, 421
Cydippide, 264
Cygnus, 615
Cymbulide, 382
Cymothoa, 440, 442
Cynipide, 486
Cynocephalus, 651
Cynomorphe, 651
Cynomys, 639
Cynthia, 510
Cynthiidz, 510
Cyprzidz, 380
Cypridide, 423
Cypridina, 423
Cypridinide, 423
Cyprinide, 576
Cypris, 423
Cypselidz, 616
Cypselomorphe, 616
Cyrtidz, 196
Cyrtophilus, 481
Cysticercoid, 285
Cysticercus, 278, 284
Cystid, 322
Cystidea, 342
Cystoflagellata, 203
Cystonectee, 244
Cytoblast, 58
Cytopharynx, 183
Cytopyge, 183
Cytosporidz, 213
Cytostome, 183
Dactylethra, 588
Daddy long-legs, 450
Daphnia, 417, 418
Daphnidz, 417
Dart sac, 376
Darwin, 23
Darwinian theory, 25
Dasyatis, 572
Dasypodide, 636
Dasypus, 636
Dasyuride, 633
Dasyurus, 633
Datames, 450
Decapoda, 394, 429
Deer, 642
Degeneration, 167
Delamination, 157
Delphinus, 646
Demibranch, 566
Demodex, 454
Dendrites, 94
Dendroceelum, 271
Dendreeca, 616
Dendronotus, 382
Dental formula, 626
Dentalium, 369
Dentary bone, 525, 582
INDES. 669
Denticete, 645, 646
Dentine, 515
Derma, 514
Dermal teeth, 515
Dermanyssus, 454
Dermatobia, 493
Dermatoptera, 480
Dermochelys, 595
Dero, 315
Derotrema, 587
Desmodont hinge, 359
Desmodus, 638
Desor’s larva, 291
Deutocerebrum, 462, 468
Deutomerite, 214
Deutoplasm, 80
Devexa, 642
Devonian, 180
Diaphragm, 546
Diapophysis, 518
Diaptomus, 421
Diastema, 638
Diastictis, 494
Diapheromera, 480
Diastylis, 437
Dibranchia, 394
Dicotyle, 641
Dicyemida, 220
Didelphia, 632
Didelphys, 633
Didus, 614
Differentiation of tissues, 71
Difflugia, 198
Diffuse nervous system, 122
Diffuse placenta, 634
Digger wasps, 486
Digenea, 274
Digestive tract, 103
Digitigrade, 647
Dimorphodon, 602
Dimyaria, 367
Dinichthys, 579
Dinobryon, 200, 202
Diomedia, 615
Dinoflagellata, 203
Dinoceras, 643
Dinornithide, 613
Dinosauria, 596
Dinotheride, 644
Dinotherium, 644
Dicecious, 118
Diopatra, 313
Diotocardia, 378
Diphasia, 242
Diphycercal fin, 41, 562
Diphyes, 244, 245
Diphyodont, 625
Diploblastica, 230
Diplocardia, 316
Diplopoda, 459, 496
Diploria, 261
Diplospondyli, 570
Diplozoon, 273
Diplozoon, development of, 165
Dipneumones, 453
Dipneumonia, 579
Dipneusti, 579
Dipnoi, 579
Diporpa, 165, 274
Diprotodon, 634
Diprotodonta, 633
Diptera, 491
Dipurena, 240, 242
Dipylidium, 287, 289
Direct development, 160
Directive corpuscles, 140
Directive spindle, 146
Directives, 254
Discina, 328
Discodermia, 226
Discodrilidz, 315
Discoidal placenta, 634
Discomedusz, 250
Disconanthe, 245
Discophori, 318
Dispermy, 148
Distaplia, 510
Distichalia, 340
Distichopus, 315
Distomiz, 274
Distomum, 116, 272, 275, 276
Vistribution, 40
Disuse, 55
Division of labor, 72, 165
Dobsons, 482
Docoglossa, 378
Docophorus, 479
Dodo, 614
Dog-day harvest fly, 489
Dogfish, 569, 571
Dog, prairie, 639
Dog sharks, 571
Dogs, 647
Dolichonyx, 616
Doliolum, 512
Dolomedes, 453
Dolphins, 646
Dondersia, 358
Doridiide, 382
Doris, 382
Doryphora, 485
Dorsal aorta, 548
Dorsal fin, 526, 562
Dorsal organ, 341
Draco, 599
Dragon flies, 479
Dranculus, 303
Dreissenia, 367
Drepanidotzenia, 289
Drills, 651
Dromeus, 613
Dromatherium, 632
Drum of ear, 544
Duck, 615
Duckbill, 632
Ducts, genital, 120
Ductus Botallii, 550
Ductus choledochus, 546
Ductus cochlearis, 543
Ductus ejaculatorius, 120
Dugong, 645
Duplicidentata, 639
Dynastes, 484
Dysmorphosa, 241
Dysodont hinge, 359
Dytiscide, 484
Eagles, 617
Ear bones, 525
Ear of vertebrates, 542
Earth worms, 315
Ear wig, 480
Ecardines, 328
Ecdysis, 399
Echeneis, 577
Echidna, 631, 632
Echidnidz, 632
Echinarachnius, 345, 346
Echinobothrium, 286
Echinocardium, 34°
Echinococcus, 288
Echinoderidz, 295
Echinoderma, 329
Echinoidea, 343
Echinorhynchus, 304
Echinospheerites, 342
Echiuroidea, 317
Echiurus, 317
Eciton, 488
Ecology, 4
Ectethmoid bone, 522
Ectochondrostoses, 519
Ectocyst, 322
Ectoderm, 103, 156
Ectoparasites, 169
Ectopistes, 614
Ectoprocta, 322
Ectosarc, 189
Edentata, 635
Edriophthalmata, 438
Edrioasteroidea, 342
Edwardsia, 253, 255, 259
Edwardsiella, 259
Egg cell, 80
Egg of bird, 153
Egg, cleavage of, 149, 151
Egg, fertilization of, 147
Egg, maturation of, 146
Egg nucleus, 146, 149
Egg, segmentation of, 149, 151
Egg tooth, 593
Eichhorn, 13
Eiderduck, 615
Eimeria, 213
Elaps, 601
Elasipoda, 349
Elasmobranchii, 569
Elastic cartilage, 86
Elastic tissue, 85
Elastica externa, 516
Elastica interna, 516
Elastin, 85
INDEX. 671
Elater, 199
Electric catfish, 576
Electric eel, 576
Electric organs, 563
Elephantiasis, 304
Elephantidz, 644
Elephants, 643
Elephas, 644
Elytra, 312, 466
Embiotocidz, 577
Embryo, 160
Embryology, 3, 139, 160
Emu, 613
Enamel, 515
Enchylema, 62
Enchytreide, 315
Encyrtidium, 193, 196
Encystment, 184
Endite, 410
Endocyst, 322
Endolymph, 127, 543
Endolymphatic duct, 542
Endopodite, 410
Endostyle, 506
English sparrow, 616
Enhydris, 647
Enopla, 290
Ensatella, 368
Entalis, 369
Entelops, 635
Enteroceele, 109
Enteroponeusta, 512
Entoconcha, 349
Entochondrostoses, 519
Entoderm, 103. 156
Entomobrya, 477
Entomostraca, 414
Entoniscus, 441
Entoniscidz, 441, 442
Entoparasites, 169
Entophaga, 486
Entoplastron, 594
Entoprocta, 321
Entosarc, 189
Entovalva, 349
Environment, 54
Eocene, 181
Eohippus, 643
Eozoon, 180, 198
Epaxial muscles, 518
Epeira, 451, 453
Ependyma, 124, 532
Ephemera, 479
Ephemerida, 479
Ephippium, 417
Ephydatia, 227
Ephyra, 246, 248, 249
Epiblast, 156
Epibdella, 274
Epididymis, 320, 552
Epigenesis, 16
Epiglottis, 547
Epimerite, 214
Epiotic bone, 522
Epipharynx, 463
Epiphragm, 372
Epiphysis, 535
Epiplastron, 595
Epipleural bones, 574
Epipodite, 410
Epipodium, 369
Epipterygoid bone, 598
Episternum, 528
Epistropheus, 590
Epistylis, 208, 211
Epitheca, 256
Epithelial tissues, 73
Epithelium, germinal, 118
Epitoke, 311
Epizoanthus, 170, 259
Equatorial furrow, 151
Equatorial plate, 69
Equidz, 641
Equilibration, organs of, 128
Equus, 641, 643
Erax, 493
Erethyzon, 639
Eretmochelys, 596
Erichthus, 429, 430
Erigone, 453
Frinacidz, 637
Eristalis, 493
Ermine, 647
Errantia, 313
Erythroblasts, 89
Erythroneura, 490
Eschara, 324
Esocide, 576
Essence of pearl, 558
Estheria, 417
Estheriidz, 417
Ethiopian region, 176, 178
Ethmoidalia, 521
Ethmoid bone, 523, 620
Euchilota, 240
Eucopepoda, 421
Eucratea, 324
Eucrinoidea, 342
Eudendrium, 232, 242
Eudoxia, 166, 244
Euflagellata, 202
Euglena, 200, 202
Euglenide, 202
Euglypha, 198
Euisopoda, 442
Eumeces, 599
Eunectes, 601
Eunice, 311
Eunicide, 313
Eupagurus, 170, 435, 436
Euphausia, 429
Euplectella, 226
Euplexoptera, 480
Eupolia, 292
Euryalide, 338
Eurypauropus, 497
Eurypterida, 444
Eurypterus, 444
Euselachii, 571
Euspongia, 221, 227
Eustachian tube, 544
Eustachius, 12
Eusuchia, 602
Eutainia, 601
Eutima, 240
Evadne, 417, 419
Everyx, 495
Evolution, 16
Evolution, Theory of, 19, 25
Evolution vs. Creation, 22
Excreta, 73, 103
Excretory organs, 115
Excretory organs of Vertebrates, 550
Exite, 410
Exoccipital bone, 522
Exoceetidee, 576
Exoccetus, 576
Exopodite, 410
Eugyra, 510
Extracapsulum, 193
Exumbrella, 235
Eyes, 129
Eyes of Vertebrates, 539
Eye spot, 183
Fabricius, 13
Face, bones of, 525
Faceted eye, 403, 404
Facial nerve, 536
Factors of evolution, 44
Fairy shrimp, 417
Falciform spores, 215
Falco, 617
Falcons, 617
Falconiformes, 616
Fasciolaria, 276
Fat body, 407, 468
Faunal provinces, 175
Favia, 260, 261
Favositidz, 259
Feather tracts, 603
Feathers, 603
Feathers, molting of, 611
Fecundation, 147
Felidz, 647
Felis, 647
Femoral pores, 589
Femur, 463, 529
Fenestra ovalis, 544
Fenestra rotunda, 544, 593
Fertility of hybrids, 2
Fertilization of eggs, 147, 148
Fertilization in Protozoa, 206
Fibre, 639
Fibres, nerve, 94
Fibula, 529
Fibulare, 529
Fiddler crab, 437
Field mice, 639
Fierasfer, 349
Filaments, mesenterial, 252
Filar substance, 61
INDEX. 673
Filaria, 303
Filibranch, 362
Filibranchiata, 365
Fin backs, 646
Finches, 616
Fins, 526, 562
Fireflies, 484
Firmisternia, 588
Fish hawk, 617
Fishes, 557
Fishes, tails of, 41
Fishes, circulation in, 112
Fissilinguia, 599
Fissipedia, 647
Fissurella, 378
Fissurellidze, 379
Fissures of the cord, 532
Flabellum, 410
Flagellata, 200
Flagellate epithelium, 75
Flagelluin, 376
Flame cell, 116, 280
Flamingo, 615
Flat worms, 267
Flea, snow, 477
Fleas, 493
Flesh flies, 493
Flies, 491
Flies, black, 493
Flies, blow, 493
Flies, bot, 493
Flies, caddis, 483
Flies, crane, 492
Flies, dragon, 479
Flies, fire, 484
Flies, flesh, 493
Flies, gall, 486
Flies, harvest, 489
Flies, Hessian, 492
Flies, horse, 493
Flies, house, 492, 493
Flies, May, 479
Flies, robber, 493
Flies, saw, 485, 486
Flies, Spanish, 484
Flies, stone, 479
Fluke, 276
| Flustra, 324
Flustrella, 324
Flying fish, 576
Flying foxes, 635
Flying squirrel, 639
Fodientia, 636
Fontanelles, 521
Food vacuole, 183
Food yolk, $0
Foot, 351
Foramen magnum, 522
Foramen Panizze, 592
Foraminifera, 196
Fore brain, 533
Fore gut, 104
Forficula, 480
Formative yolk, $0
Formicariz, 487
Fossa rhomboidalis, 535
Fossores, 486
Fowl, 613
Fowl, digestive tract of, 105
Fowl, egg of, 153
Foxes, 647
Frenulum 494
Fringillidee, 616
Fritillaria, 506
Frogs, 588
Frons, 462
Frontal bone, 523
Frontal sinus, 624
Frontoparietal bone, 581
Frugivora, 638
Fulcra, 573
Function, change of, 100
Function, community of, 165
Fungia, 261
Fungiacea, 261
Funiculus, 322
Furca, 420
Furcula, 605
Fur seal, 648
Gadide, 578
Gadus, 577, 578
Galea, 463
Galeide, 571
Galen, 12
Galeodes, 450
Galeopithecide, 649
Galeopithecus, 637, 649
Galeus, 571
Gall flies, 486
Gallinacea, 613
Galls, 486
Gallus, 614
Gamaside, 454
Gamasus, 400, 454
Gammarina, 439
Gammarus, 439
Ganglion, buccal, 390
Ganglion cells, 94
Ganglion, cerebral, 123
Ganglion, optic, 129
Ganglion, stellate, 390
Ganglion, supracesophageal, 123
Ganglionic nervous system, 122
Ganoid scale, 572
Ganoidei, 558
Ganoin, 558
Gapes, 302
Garpike, 574
Garter snake, 601
Gasteropoda, 369
Gasterosteus, 577
Gastral tentacles, 246
Gastrochzena, 368
Gastrophilus, 493
Gastrotricha, 295
Gastrovascular space, 228
Gastrovascular system, 109
Gastrula, 156
Gastrulation, 156
Gavialis, 602
Gazella, 642
Gecarcinus, 437
Gecko, 598
Gegenbaur, 18
Gelasimus, 437
Gemmaria, 241
Gemmellaria, 324
Gemmulx, 227
Gemmularia, 241
Gena, 414, 462
Generation, asexual, 140
Generation by parents, 140
Generation, sexual, 142
Generation, spontaneous, 139
Generations, alternation of, 144
Genital ducts, 120
Genital plates, 344
Genus, 10
Geocores, 489
Geodia, 227
Geographical distribution, 174
Geological distribution, 180
Geometrina, 494
Geonemertes, 291
Geophilidz, 461
Geophilus, 461
Gephyrza, 316
Gerardia, 259
Germinal disc, 152
Germinal epithelium, 118
Germinal vesicle, 81, 146
Germ layer theory, 17
Germ layers and budding, 159
Germ layers, formation of, 156
Geryonia, 242
Geryonid, delamination in, 157
Geryonid, germ layers, 157
Giant cells, 71
Gibbons, 651
Gigantostraca, 443
Gila monster, 599
Gill arch, 524
Gill arteries, 504, 548
Gill clefts, 501, 547
Gill leaves, 361
Gill slits, 501, 547
Gill, tracheal, 469
Gills, 108
Gills of fishes, 565
Gills of vertebrates, 547
Gipsy moth, 119, 495
Giraffa, 642
Girdles, 527
Gizzard, 106, 461
Glabella, 414
Gland cells, 76
Glands, 77
Glands, castor, 618
Gland, choroid, 564
Glands, germinal, 118
Gland, Harder’s, 542
Glands, hoof, 618
Gland, lachrymal, 542
Glands, lymph, 550
Gland, lymphoid, 331
Glands, mammary, 619
Glands. milk, 619
Glands, musk, 618
Gland, nidamental, 392
Gland, ovoid, 331
Gland, paraxon, 331
Gland, parotid, 534
Glands, sexual, 80, 117
Glands, sweat, 618
Gland, subneural, 509
Glands, suborbital, 618
Gland, thymus, 547
Gland, thyroid, 547
Glandular epithelium, 73, 76
Glaser’s fissure, 621
Glass crab, 436
Glass snake, 599
von Gleichen, 13
Globiceps, 241
Globigerina, 197, 198
Globiocephalus, 646
Glochidium, 364
Glomeridz, 497
Glomerulus, 117, 552°
Gloss, 464
Glossopharyngeal nerve, 536
Glottis, 547
Glugea, 218
Glutin, 85
Glutton, 647
Gly ptodontidze, 636
Gnathobdellidz, 321
Gnathochilarium, 496
Goat, 642
Goblet cells, 77
Goblet organs, 307
Goethe, 14, 21
Geeze, 13
Gomphus, 479
Gonads, 117
Goniatites, 394.
Goniodes, 479
Gonochorism, 118
Gonodactylus, 429
Gonophore, 238
Gonotheca, 242
Gonys, 604
Goose barnacle, 425
Gopher turtle, 596
Gordiacea, 304
Gordius, 304
Gorgonidee, 259
Gorilla, 651
Gradientia, 587
Grallatores, 615
Grantia, 225
Grasshoppers, 48, 481
Gray matter, 124, 532
Grebes, 615
Green gland, 411
Green turtle, 596
Gregarina, 213, 215
Gressoria, 480
Gribble, 442
Gromia, 62, 198
Ground substance, 62
Grouse, 614
Gruiformes, 615
Grus, 615
Gryllide, 481
Gryllotalpa, 481
Gryllus, 481
Guanin, 558
Guard, 389
Guinea pig, 639
Guinea worm, 303
Gula, 462
Gulls, 615
Gulo, 647
Gunda, 271
Gymnoblastea, 241
Gymnodonti, 578
Gymnolemata, 323
Gymnonoti, 576
Gymnophiona, 587
Gymnosomata, 382
Gynzcophoral canal, 119
Gynandromorphism, 277
Gyri, 535
Gyrodactylus, 273, 274
Tlabrocentrum, 453
Haddock, 578
Hadeneecus, 481
Haeckel, 18, 24
Hemadipsa, 321
Heemal arch, 516
Heemal ribs, 518
Heemal spine, 517
Heemapophysis, 517
Heemoccele, 109, 113
Hemoglobin, 89
Heemosporida, 216
Hemuntaria, 321
Hagfishes, 555
Hair, 617
Hair necks, 302
Hair worm, 304
Hairs, auditory, 127
Hairs, tactile, 126
Halcampa, 259
Haleremita, 241
Haliztus, 617
Halibut, 578
Halicore, 645
Halicryptus, 317
Haliomma, 135
Haliommide, 196
Haliotidz, 379
Haliotes, 379
Halisarea, 226
Halitherium, 645
von Haller, 17
Halowises, 239
Halteres, 491
Halyclystus, 250
Hammerhead shark, 571
Hapale, 651
Hapalidz, 651
Harder’s gland, 542
Hares, 639
Harpactida, 421
Hatteria, 596
Haustellum, 465
Haversian canals, 87
Haversian lamell, 87
Tawks, 617
Head kidney, 310, 550
Head, segments of, 536
Hearing, organs of, 127
Heart, 111
Heart shells, 367
Heat rigor, 63
Hectocotylus, 393
Hedgehogs, 637
Heliaster, 337
Helicide, 383
Heliopore, 259
Heliozoa, 190
Helix, 383
Hell-bender, 587
Hellgrammite, 482
Helminthes, 169
Helminthophaga, 616
Heloderma, 599
Helodermatide, 599
Hemelytra, 489
Hemerobiide, 482
Hemibranchii, 575. 577
Tlemichordia, 512
Hemimetabolous, 473
Hemiptera, 489
Hemitripterus, 577
Hen, 613
Hen clam, 368
Hepatopancreas, 106, 411
Hepatus, 437
Heptanchus, 570
Heredity, 67, 150
Hermaphroditism, 118
Hermit crabs, 436
Herons, 615
Herring, 576
Hesperornis, 612
Hessian fly, 492
Heterakis, 301
Heteraxial symmetry, 136
Heterocercal tail, 41, 562
Ileteroconchiz, 367
Heterocotylea, 273
Heterodera, 300
Heterodont dentition, 625
Heterodont hinge, 359
Heterogony, 144, 145, 486
Heteromera, 484
Heteromyaria, 367
Heteronemertini, 292
Heteronereis, 311
INDEX. 677
Heteronomy, 138
Heteropleuron, 504
Heteropoda, 380
Heteroptera, 489
Heterosyllis, 311
Heterotricha, 209
Hexacoralla, 259
Hexactinellidz, 226
Hexamita, 201
Hexanchus, 570
Hexapoda, 461
Hind brain, 533
Hind gut, 104
Hinge, 358
Hinny, 641
Hipparion, 643
Hippasterias, 337
Hippide, 437
Hippocampus, 578
Hippocrates, 12
Hippocrene, 241
Hippoglossus, 578
Hippolyte, 434
Hippopotamidz, 641
Hippopotamus, 641
Hippospongia, 227
Hirudinei, 318
Hirudo, 321
Hirundinidz, 616
Hirundo, 616
Holoblastic cleavage, 153
Holoblastic eggs, 152, 153
Holocephali, 572
Holocystites, 342
Holometabolous, 473
Holostei, 573
Holostomate, 371
Holothuria, 349
Holothuria, gastrula of, 158
Holothuridea, 346
Holotricha, 209
Homarus, 435
Homaxial animals, 135
Homo, 651
Homocercal tail, 41, 563
Homoiothermous, 115
Homology, 14, 100
Homonomy, 138
Homoptera, 489
Honey ant, 488
Honeycomb, 641
Hoofs, 618
Hooker, 24
Hoploceras, 643
Hoplorhynchus, 213
Hop worm, 495
Hormea, 324
Hormiphora, 262, 264
Horn bills, 616
Horns of cord, 533
Horned toad, 599
Horn tails, 486
Horse flies, 493
Horse mackerel, 577
Horses, 641
Horseshoe crab, 444
House fly, 492, 493
Human embryo, 35
Humerus, 529
Humming birds, 616
Huxley, 18, 24
Hyena, 647
Hyeenide, 647
Hyalea, 381
Hyaleide, 382
Hyaline cartilage, 86
Hyalonema, 226
Hyalopus, 198
Hyalospongia, 226
Hyas, 437
Hyatt, 24
Hybrids, 28
Hydnophyton, 488
Hydra, 230, 240
Hydra, section of, 141
Hydrachna, 454
Hydrachnide, 454
Hydractinia, 241
Hydranth, 231
Hydraria, 239, 240
Hydrichthys, 240, 242
Hydrobatide, 489
Hydrocaulus, 231
Hydrocheerus, 639
Hydrocorallina, 239, 241
Hydrocores, 489
Hydroides, 313
Hydromeduse, 230
Hydrophilide, 484
Hydropolyp, 230
Hydropsyche, 483
Hydrorhiza, 231
Hydrosauria, 594
Hydrotheca, 233
Hydrozoa, 230
Hyla, 588
Hylesinus, 485
Hylide, 588
Hylobates, 651
Hylodes, 586
Hymenolepis, 287, 288
Hymenoptera, 485
Hyocrinus, 340
Hyoid arch, 524
Hyoid bone, 524
Hyoid cartilage, 524
Hyomandibular, 524, 525
Hypeena, 495
Hypaxial muscles, 518
Hyperia, 439
Hyperina, 439
Hyperoartia, 557
Hyperotretia, 557
Hypoblast, 156
Hypobranchial groove, 503
Hypoderma, 493
Hypodermis, 398
Hypogeophis, 587
Hypoglossal nerve, 536
Hypopharynx, 463
Hypophysis, 535
Hypoplastron, 595
Hyporachis, 603
Hypotricha, 211
Hyracoidea, 644
Hyracotherium, 643
Hyrax, 644
Hystricide, 639
Hystricomorpha, 639
Hystrix, 639
Tapyx, 477
Ibis, 615
Ichneumonidze, 486
Ichthydium, 295
Ichthyobdella, 321
Ichthyodolurites, 570
Ichthyophis, 585, 587
Ichthyopsida, 555
Ichthyosauria, 594
Ichthyotomi, 572
Icteride, 616
Icterus, 616
Idiothermous, I15
Idotea, 441, 442
Idoteidz, 442
Idyia, 264
Iguanide, 599
Tlium, 528
Ilyanassa, 379
Imaginal discs, 476
Impennes, 615
Impregnation, 147
Inbreeding, 29
Incisor teeth, 625
Incus, 525, 544
Indirect cell division, 68
Indirect development, 160
Inermes, 317
Infrabasalia, 340
Infundibulum, 534
Ingluvies. 106, 467
Inia, 645
Inorganic bodies, 133
Inquilines, 486
Insecta, 458
Insectivora, 637
Insects, cleavage of egg, 155
Integripalliata, 367
Interambulacral platg, 335
Intercalaria, 516
Interfilar substance, 62
Interhyal bone, 561
Intermaxillary bone, 525
Intermedium, 529
Interorbital septum, 560
Interparietal bone, 619
Interradius, 246
Intervertebral ligament, 519
Intestine, 106
Invagination, 156
Inversion of retina, 541
INDEX. 679
Tris, 130, 131
Irritability, 62
Ischial callosities, 651
Ischium, 528
Isinglass, 573
Isis, 259
Isodont hinge, 359
Isopoda, 440
Isoptera, 478
Itch, 454
Iter, 534
Tulidz, 497
Tulus, 497
Ixodes, 454
Ixodidee, 454
Jacobson’s organ, 539
Jassidze, 490
Jays, 616
Jigger, 494
Jugal arch, 526
Jugal bone, 526
Jugulares, 562
Jugular vein, 549
June bug, 484
Jurassic, 180
Kallima, 47
Kangaroos, 634
Karyokinesis, 68
Katydid, 481
Keyhole limpets, 379
Kidneys, 116, 550
Kielmeyer, 15
Kinetoskias, 324
King crab, 444
King fishers, 616
Kinosternon, 596
Kiwi, 613
Keenenia, 449
Kolliker, 18
Kowalewskia, 506
Kowalewsky, 18
Labial cartilage, 534
Labial palpi, 362
Labidura, 480
Labium, 463, 464
Labor, division of, 165
Labride, 576
Labrum, 463
Labyrinth, 128, 542
Labyrinthodonta. 586
Lac, 490
Lacerta, 599
Lacertilia, 598
Lacertilidz, 599
Lace wings, 482
Lachrymal bone, 590
Lachrymal gland, 542
Lacinia, 473
Lacteal dentition, 625
Lacuna, 379
Lacunar blood system, 113
Ladder nervous system, 124
Lady bird, 485
Lady crab, 436
Lemodipoda, 439
Lagena, 543
Lagomys 639
Lama, 643
Lamarck, 14, 22
Lamarckism, 53
Lamblia, 202
Lamelle, Haversian, 87
Lamelle bone, 87
Lamellibranchiata, 358
Lamellicornia, 484
Lamellirostres, 615
Lamna, 571
Lamne, 618
Lamprey eels, 555, 557
Lampyridz, 484
Land crab, 437
Lanistes, 372
Lantern of Aristotle, 345
Larus, 615
Larva, 160
Larval organs, 161
Laryngeal cartilages, 524
Lateralia, 424
Lateral line, 537. 564
Lateral teeth, 359
Latrodectes, 451
Laurer’s canal, 273
Leaf butterflies, 47
Leaf hoppers, 489
Leatherback tortoise, 595
Leather turtle, 596
Leda, 367
Leeches, 318
Leeuwenhoek, 13
Lemniscus, 304
Lemuride, 649
Lemurs, 648, 649
Lens of eye, 130, 131, 541
Lepadide, 425
Lepas, 172, 425
Lepidonotus, 313
Lepidoptera, 494
Lepidosauria, 594, 597
Lepidosiren, 579
Lepidosteide, 574
Lepidosteus, 574
Lepidurus, 416
Lepisma, 477
Lepralia, 324
Leptalis, 48
Leptasterias, 337
Leptocardii, 502
Leptocephalus, 575
Leptochela, 441, 442
Leptoclinum, 510
Leptodiscus, 204
Leptodora, 417
Leptomedusz, 239, 242
Leptoplana, 110, 271
Leptostraca, 427
Lepus, 639
Lerneea, 422
Lernzidz, 422
Lernzeocera, 421, 422
Lernzopodide, 422
Leucania, 495
Leucetta, 225
Leuckart, 18
Leucocytes, 88
Leucon, 223
Leucones, 226
Leucortis, 226
Leucosoidea, 437
Leucosolenia, 225
Libellula, 479
Libellulidz, 479
Libinia, 436, 437
Lice, 491
Lice, bird, 479
Lice, book, 479
Life, origin of, 140
Ligula, 286
Ligulide, 286
Limacide, 383
Limacinidee, 382
Limax, 383
Limbs of vertebrates, 527
Limicola, 315
Limitans cxterna, 540
Limitans interna, 540
Limnadia, 417
Limnea, 383
Limneide, 3383
Limnocnida, 239
Limnocodium, 239
Limnoria, 441, 442
Limnothrips, 479
Limpets, 379
Limulus, 444
Linckia, 334
Linear nervous system, 122
Linerges, 250
Lines of growth, 358
Lineus, 289, 292
Lingual ribbon, 355, 373
Linguatulida, 454
Lingula, 328
Linin, 65
Linnzean system, 10
Linneeus, Io
Liobunum, 451
Lion, 647
Liriope, 239, 242
Lithistidze, 226
Lithobiidz, 461
Lithobius, 461
Lithodidze, 437
Lithodomus, 367
Littorina, 379
Littorinidz, 380
Liver, 106
Liver fluke, 276
Lizards, 598
Lizzia, 240, 242
INDEX. 681
Lobate, 264
Lobate foot, 614, 615
Lobi inferiores, 563
Lobosa, 189
Lobster, 435
Lobster, spiny, 436
Locomotion, 121
Locustide, 481
Locusts, 481, 489
Loggerhead, 596
Loligo, 384, 395
Loligo, cleavage of, 155
Longipennes, 615
Loons, 615
Lophobranchii, 578
Lophodont teeth, 626
Lophogastridz, 429
Lophophore, 324
Lophopoda, 324
Lophopus, 324
Lophs of teeth, 626
Lorica, 200
Loricata, 435, 577, 601, 636
Loris, 649
Lota, 578
Love dart, 376
Loven’s larva, 309
Loxia, 616
Loxosoma, 322
Lucernariz, 250
Luciz, 510
Lumbricus, 315, 316
Lumbricus, anatomy of, 118
Lunatia, 379, 380
Lung book, 443
Lung fishes, 579
Lungs, 109, 547
Lung sac, 443
Lung sacs of birds, 609
Lutra, 647
Lycosa, 453
Lyell, 23, 24
Lygzide, 489
Lymph, 88, 90
Lymph corpuscles, 90
Lymph glands, 550
Lymph system, 550
Lymph vessels, 114
682 INDEX.
Lymphoid gland, 331
Lyonet, 13
Lyre birds, 616
Lyriform organs, 445
Lytta, 484
Macacus, 651
Macaques, 651
Machilis, 458, 477
Mackerel, 577
Mackerel shark, 571
Macoma, 368
Macreesthete, 357
Macrobdella, 321
Macrobiotus, 455
Macrochelys, 596
Macrochiroptera, 638
Macrodrila, 315
Macrogamete, 185
Macronucleus, 206
Macropodide, 633
Macropus, 634
Mactra, 359
Mactride, 368
Macrura, 434
Madrepora, 261
Madreporaria, 260
Madreporite, 330
Maioidea, 437
Malaclemmys, 596
Malacobdella, 291
Malacoderma, 259
Malacopoda, 456
Malacopteri, 574
Malacostraca, 426
Malagassy region, 178
Malapterurus, 576
Malar bone, 526, 620
Malaria, 217, 492
Maldanidz, 313
Malleus, 525, 544
Mallophaga, 479
Malpighi, 13
Malpighian body, 117
Malpighian tubes, 438, 445, 459, 461
Mammalia, 617
Mammals, 617
Mammoth, 644
Man, 651
Manatee, 644
Manatus, 644
Mandible, 401
Mandibles, 463, 464
Mandibular arch, 524
Mandibular cartilage, 524
Mandrils, 651
Manicina, 261
Manis, 636
Manna, 489
Manubrium, 235
Mantidz, 480
Mantis, 480
Mantis shrimp, 429
Mantle, 351, 505
Mantle cavity, 352
Manyplies, 642
Manyunkia, 313
Margarita, 379
Margelis, 144, 241
Marginal plates, 595
Marine faunz, 179
Marmosets, 651
Marsipobranchii, 555
Marsupialia, 632
Marsupial bones, 631, 632
Marsupium, 632
Marten, 647
Mastax, 294
Mastigameceba, 188, 201
Mastigophora, 200
Mastodon, 644
Maturation of egg, 146
Maturation and Fertilization, 147
Matuta, 437
Maxilla, 401, 463
Maxillary bone, 525
Maxillary sinus, 624
Maxillipeds, 401
May flies, 479
Measly meat, 284, 285
Measuring worms, 494
Meckel, 14
Meckelia, 292
Mecoptera, 483
Mediastinum, 546
Medulla oblongata, 534
Medullary plate, 501
Medullary sheath, 96
Medusez, 144, 230, 234
Megalops, 434
Megalonyx, 636
Megalospheres, 198
Megatherium, 636
Megascolex, 316
Megastoma, 202
Meissner’s corpuscles, 126
Melanoplus, 481
Meleagrina, 367
Meleagris, 614
Melitta, 346
Meloide, 484
Melolontha, 484
Melonites, 345
Melophagus, 493
Melopsittacus, 616
Membracide, 490
Membrane bones, 515
Membranipora, 324
Membranella, 209
Membranous cranium, 519
Menopoma, 587
Mentum, 464
Menuride, 619
Mephitis, 647
Meridional furrows, 151
Mermithide, 304
Meroblastic cleavage, 153
Meroblastic eggs, 152, 154
Meryhippus, 643
Mesectoderm, 222
Mesencephalon, 533
Mesenchyme, 157
Mesenterial filaments, 252
Mesenteries, 109, 545
Mesenteron, 105
Mesethmoid bone, 522
Mesites, 613
Mesoblast, 157
Mesobronchus, 609
Mesoderm, 104, 157
Mesogloea, 230
Mesohippus, 643
Mesonemertini, 291
Mesonephros, 550
INDEX. 683
Mesonephric duct, 550
Mesopterygium, 529
Mesorchium, 546
Mesotroche, 309
Mesosternum, 462
Mesothelium, 158
Mesothorax, 462
Mesozoic era, 180
Mesovarium, 546
Metabolism, 172
Metacarpal bones, 529
Metagenesis, 144
Metameres, 137, 305
Metamerism, 137
Metamorphosis, 161
Metamorphosis of insects, 473
Metanemertini, 291
Metanephric duct, 550
Metanephros, 550
Metapodium, 369
Metapterygium, 529
Metastoma, 430
Metatarsal bones, 529
Metathorax, 462
Metazoa, 221
Metencephalon, 533
Methona, 48
Metridium, 259
Miastor, 492
Mice. 639
Micrzesthete, 357
Microcentrum, 481
Microchiroptera, 638
Microconodon, 632
Microcotyle, 274
Microdrilze, 315
Microgametes, 185
Microlepidoptera, 494
Microlestes, 632
Micronucleus, 206
Micropterus, 577
Micropylar apparatus, 148
Microspheres, 198
Microstomidee, 271
Microthelyphonida, 448
Micrura, 292
Midas, 651
Mid brain, 533
Middle Ages, Zoology in, 9
Mid gut, 105
Miescher’s corpuscles, 218
Migration of birds, 612
Migration theory, 52
Miliola, 197, 198
Milk teeth, 625
Millepora, 233, 241
Mimicry, 46
Mink, 647
Miocene 181
Miohippus, 643
Miracidium, 276
Mites, 453
Mitosis, 68
Mixipterygium, 570
Mnemiopsis, 264
Moccasin, 601
Modiola, 366, 367
Molar teeth, 625
Mole cricket, 481
Moles, 637
Molgula, 510
Molgulidz, 510
Mollusca, 351
Molpadia, 349
Menactinellide, 227
Monadina, 202
Monascidiz, 510
Monaxial symmetry, 135
Monera, 189
Moniezia, 287, 289
Monitor, 599
Monkeys, 651
Monocaulis, 240, 241
Monocystis, 215
Monodelphia, 634
Monodon, 646
Monogenea, 273
Monogony, 140
Monomyaria, 367
Monops, 271
Monophyodont, 625
Monopneumonia, 579
Monopylea, 196
Monorhina, 556
Monoscelis, 271
Monospermy, 148
Monostomum, 275
Monothalamia, 198
Monotocardia, 379
Monotremata, 631
Moose, 642
Morphology, 2
Morphology, development of, 12
Mosaic vision, 406
Mosasaurus, 600
Moschide, 642
Moschus, 642
Mosquitos, 492
Mosquitos and malaria, 217
Moths, 494
Mouse, 639
Mud crab, 437
Mud puppy, 587
Mud turtle, 596
Miiller, Fritz, 24
Miiller, J., 18
Miiller, O. F., 13
Miillerian duct, 551
Miiller’s fibres, 540
Mule. 641
Multicellular glands, 77
Multicellularity, 70
Multinuclearity, 70
Multituberculata, 632
Muricidz, 380
Mus, 639
Musca, 492, 493
Muscariz, 493
Muscide, 493
Muscle cells, 92
Muscle fibres, 91
Muscular tissue, 91
Musculature, 121
Musk deer, 642
Musk ox, 642
Musk rat, 639
Mussels, 367
Mustela, 647
Mustelidee, 647
Mustelus, 571
Mya, 368
Mycetozoa, 198
Myctodera, 587
Myelin, 96
Mygale, 453
Mygalide, 453
Mygnimia, 49
Myidz, 368
Mylodon, 636
Myocommata, 531
Myomerism, 523
Myomorpha, 639
Myopsida, 395
Myosepta, 531
Myotomes, 531
Myrianida, 310, 313
Myriapoda, 408, 459, 496
Myriothelia, 241
Myriotrochus, 349
Myrmecocystus, 488
Myrmecophaga, 636
Myrmecophily, 169
Myrmeleo, 481, 483
Mysidide, 429
Mysis, 428, 429
Mysticetz, 645, 646
Mytilus, 363
Myxicolida, 313
Myxidium, 213, 217
Myxine, 557
Myxobolus, 217
Myxomycetes, 198
Myxospongiz, 225, 227
Myxosporida, 217
Myzobdella, 315
Myzontes, 557
Nacre, 361
Nageli. 24, 54, 55
Naiadz, 367
Naididze, 315
Nails, 618
Nais, 307
Naja, 601
Nandu, 613
Nanomia, 244. 245
Narcomeduse, 239, 242
Narwal, 646
Nasal bone, 523
Nassa, cleavage of, 154
Nassellaria, 196
Natatores, 614
INDEX. 685
Naticidz, 380
Natural selection, 44
Nauplius, 37, 413
Nauplius eye, 412
Nausithot, 134, 250
Nautilidz, 394
Nautilus, 387, 394
Nearctic region, 176, 178
Nebalia, 427
Nectonema, 304
Nectonemertes, 291
Necturus, 587
Nectocalyx, 243
Needham’s sac, 392
Nematocysts, 229
Nematoda, 298
Nemathelminthes, 298
Nematophora, 228
Nematus, 486
Nemerteans, 289
Nemertini, 289
Nemocera, 492
Nemognatha, 483
Nemopsis, 242
Neocrinoidea, 342
Neog zea, 177
Neomenia, 358
Neotropical region, 176, 177
Nephilis, 321
Nephridia, 116, 308
Nephrostome, 116
Nepidz, 489
Neptunus, 437
Nereidx, 313
Nereis, 311, 312, 313
Nerve-end buds, 537
Nerve fibres, 94
Nerve hillock, 537
Nerve roots, 533
Nerves of vertebrates, 535
Nervous system, 122
Nervous tissue, 94
Nettle bodies, 205
Nettle cells, 229
Neural arch, 516
Neural plates, 594
Neural spine. 517
Neurapophysis, 517
Neurenteric canal, 502, 532
Neurites, 94
Neuropodium, 308, 312
Neuropore, 503, 532
Neuroptera, 481
Neverita, 380
New Zealand, 177
Nictitating membrane, 541
Nidamental glands, 392
Night hawks, 616
Nipple, 619
Nirmus, 479
Noctiluca, 201, 203
Noctuina, 495
Nodes of Ranvier, 96
Nomarthra, 636
Nomenclature, binomial, 10
Non-Ruminantia, 641
Nosema, 218
Nothria, 313
Notochord, 501, 515
Notochordal sheath, 516
Notodelphys, 585
Notodelphidz, 422
Notogzea, 176
Notonectidz, 489
Notopodium, 308, 312
Nototrema,. 585
Notum, 462
Nuclear plate, 595
Nuclear fragmentation, 70
Nuclear spindle, 68
Nuclear substance, 65
Nuclein, 65
Nucleolus, 66
Nucleus, 58, 64
Nucleus, cleavage, 149
Nucleus, egg, 146
Nucleus in fertilization, 149
Nucleus of Salpa, 511
Nucleus, significance of, 67
Nucleus, somatic, 208
Nucleus, sperm, 149
Nucleus, substance of, 65
Nucleus, structure of, 65
Nucula, 365, 367
Nuculidze, 367
Nuda, 264
Nudibranchia, 382
Nummulites, 198
Nurse, 144
Nutrition and reproduction, 64
Nyctotherus, 210
Nymphon, 456
Obelia, 240, 242
Obisium, 450
Obturator foramen, 622
Occipitalia, 521
Occipital bone, 521, 619
Occiput, 462
Ocellate, 239
Ocellus, 129, 403
Ocneria, 119, 495
Octocoralla, 258
Octopoda, 395
Octopodide, 395
Octopus, 384, 390, 394, 395
Ocular plate, 335
Oculina, 261
Oculomotor nerve, 536
Odonata, 479
Odontoholce, 612
Odontophore, 373
Odontorme, 612
Odontornithes, 612
CEcanthus, 481
(Ecology, 457, 164
CEdipoda, 481
CEdogonium, 173
CEgopsida, 394
(Esophageal ring, 124
(Esophagus, 106, 546
CEstridze, 493
Estrus, 193
Oikopleura, 506, 507
Oil bottle, 484
Olfactory organs, 126
Olfactory organs of vertebrates, 538
Olfactory lobe, 534
Olfactory nerve, 536
Oligocene, 181
Oligochzetee, 314
Oligosoma, 599
Oligotrochus, 349
Olividze, 380
INDEX. 687
Olynthus, 222
Omasum, 642
Omentum, 546
Ommastrephes, 388, 395
Ommatidium, 405
Oncosphera, 283
Oniscide, 442
Oniscus, 442
Ontogeny, 3, 160
Oospore, 185
Ootype, 272
Opalina, 209
Opercular bones, 562, 566
Opercularella, 242
Operculum, 210, 323, 371, 440, 566
Ophidia, 600
Ophidiaster, 334
Ophiocoma, 338
Ophiocnida, 338
Ophioglypha, 338
Ophiopholis, 338
Ophiothelia, 338
Ophisaurus, 599
Ophisthotic bone. 522
Ophiuroidea, 337
Opisthobranchia, 381
Opisthoccelous, 519
Opisthopatus, 458
Opossums, 633
Opossum shrimp, 428
Opoterodonta, 601
Optic ganglion, 129
Optic lobes, 534
Optic nerve, 536
Optic stalk, 541
Optic thalami, 534
Optic vesicle, 541
Oralia, 330, 340
Orang-utan, 651
Orange scale insect, 490
Orbitelarize, 453
Obitosphenoid bone, 522
Orchestia, 438, 439
Order, Io
Organic bodies, 133
Organisms, origin of, 139
Organ-pipe coral, 259
Organs, 99
Organs, animal, IoI, 121
Organs, of assimilation, 102
Organs, auditory, 127
Organs, of Bojanus, 363
Organs, circulatory, 109
Organs, of Corti, 543
Organs, digestive, 103
Organ, dorsal, 341
Organs, electric, 563
Organs of equilibrium, 128
Organs, excretory, 115
Organs, excretory, of vertebrates, 550
Organ of Jacobson, 539
Organs of heariny, 127
Organs, lateral line, 537
Organs, olfactory, 126
Organs, pearl, 558
Organs, respiratory, 107
Organs, sensory, 125
Organs, sexual, 117
Organs, sexual, of vertebrates, 550
Organs of smell, 126
Organs, systems of, 100
Organs, tactile, 125
Organs, of taste, 126
Organs, of touch, 537
Organs, vegetative, 101, 102
Oriental region, 176, 178
Orioles, 616
Ornithodelphia, 631
Ornithorhynchidz, 632
Ornithorhynchus, 631, 632
Orohippus, 643
Oronasal groove, 538
Orthis, 328
Orthoceras, 394
Orthonectida, 220
Orthoneurous, 374
Orthopoda, 597
Orthoptera, 480
Orycteropus, 636
Oscarella, 227
Oscines, 616
Osculum, 222, 225
Os en ceinture, 581
Ossein, 86
Os transversum, 590
Os turbinale, 620
Osmerus, 576
Osphradium, 354
Ossicle, auditory, 127
Ostariophysi, 575
Osteoblasts, 88
Ostracoda, 422
Ostracodermi, 557, 578
Ostracoteuthis, 388
Ostreeidee, 367
Ostium tube, 552
Ostrich, 613
Otaria, 648
Otic ganglion, 537
Otica, 521
Otis, 615
Otocysts, 236
Otoliths, 127
Otter, 647
Ovibos, 642
Ovicells, 322
Ovide, 642
Oviducts, 120
Oviparous, 161
Ovis, 642
Ovoid gland, 331
Ovoviviparous, 161
Owen, 18
Owlet moths, 495
Owls, 617
Ox warble, 493
Oxy-hemoglobin, 89
Oxyrhyncha, 437
Oxystomata, 437
Oxyuris, 301
Oyster crab, 437
Oysters, 367
Pachydermata, 641
Pachydrilus, 315
Pachylemuridz, 649
Paddle fish, 573
Padogenesis, 142, 472
Paguridea, 436
Palearctic region, 176, 178
Palzemon, 400, 434
Paleemonetes, 434
Palemonide, 434
Paleocrinoidea, 342
Palzotherium, 643
Paleozoic era, 180
Palate, 539
Palatine bone, 525
Paleacrita, 494
Palechinoidea, 345
Paleontology, 4
Paleozoology, 4
Pali, 256
Palinuridee, 435
Palinurus, 436
Pallial line, 359
Pallial sinus, 360
Pallium, 351, 534
Palmate foot, 614, 615
Palm crab, 436
Palolo, 311
Palpi, labial, 362
Palpus, 430, 463
Paludicella 324
Paludinide, 380
Pancreas, 106
Pandalus, 434, 435
Pandion, 617
Pandionide, 617
Pangolin, 636
Panopeus, 437
Panorpa, 483
Panorpide, 483
Pantopoda, 456
Paper nautilus, 395
Papilio, 496
Parachordals, 520
Paractinopoda, 349
Paradidymis, 552
Paradisea, 50
Paradiseide, 616
Paradoxides, 415
Paraglossa, 464
Paragnath, 430
Paramecium, 206, 207, 209
Paranuclein, 66
Paranucleus, 206
Parapodium, 312, 369
Parapophysis, 518
Parapterium, 604
Paraquadrate bone, 581
Parasita, 422
Parasitism, 167
Parasphenoid bone, 523
Parasuchia, 602
Paraxon gland, 331
Parietal bone, 523
Parietal foramen, 590
Parietal ganglia, 354
Parietal organ, 535
Parostoses, 519
Parotid gland, 534
Parrots, 616
Parthenogenesis, 142, 145, 472
Partial cleavage, 152, 153
Partridge, 614
Parypha, 241
Passer, 616
Passeres, 616
Patagium, 637
Patellidz, 378
Pathetic nerve, 536
Paunch, 641
Pauropida, 497
Pauropus, 497
Pearl organs, 558
Pearl oysters, 367
Pearls, 361
Pearls, artificial, 558
Pébrine, 218
Peccaries, 641
Pecora, 641
Pecten, 366
Pecten of eye, 611
Pectinatella, 324
Pectines, 447
Pectinibranchia, 379
Pectinidz, 367
Pectoral fin, 562
Pectoral girdle, 527
Pedal cords, 354
Pedal gangha, 353
Pedata. 349
Pedes spurii, 475
Pedicellina, 322, 330
Pediculati, 575
Pediculus, 491
Pedipalpi, 448
Pedipalpus, 445
Pelagia, 246, 250
INDEX. 689
Pelecanus, 615
Pelecypoda, 358
Pelicans, 615
Pelmatozoa, 338
Pelobatide, 588
Pelomyxa, 189
Peltogaster, 426
Pelvic fin, 526, 562
Pelvic girdle, 527
Pen, 389
Peneide, 434
Penella, 422
Peneus. 434
Penguin, 615
Penis, 120
Pennaria, 241
Pennatula, 259
Pennatulidz, 259
Pentacrinus, 339, 342
Pentacta, 349
Pentadactyle appendage, 529
Pentamera, 484
Pentamerus, 328
Pentastomum, 169, 445
Pentatomidz, 489
Pentatoma, 489
Pentremites, 342
Perameles, 633
Peramelidz, 633
Perca, 574, 577
Perch, 577
Percidz, 577
Perdix, 614
Pereiopoda, 401
Perforata, 197, 198
Peribranchial chamber, 503, 505
Pericardial sinus, 470
Pericardium, I11, 546
Pericheta, 316
Perichondrium, 86
Pericolpa, 250
Peridinium, 203
Perilymph, 543
Periosteum, 87
Teripatide, 456
Peripatopsis, 458
Peripatus, 456, 458
Peripharyngeal band, 506
Peripheral nervous system, 122
Periphylla, 250
Periplaneta, 480
Periproct, 343
Peripylea, 195
Perisarc, 233
Perissodactyla, 640, 641
Peristome, 209, 343
Peritoneal cavity, 546
Peritoneum, I09, 546
Periwinkle, 380
Perla, 479
Perlide, 479
Permian, 180
Perennibranchiata, 587
Peromedusz, 250
Perophora, 510
Peropoda, 601
Perradius, 246
Petaurus, 634
Petiole, 485
Petoscolex, 315
Petromyzon, 557
Petromyzon, cleavage of egg, 154
Petromyzontes, 557
Petrosal bone, 522
Phacellz, 246
Pheenicopterus, 615
Pheodaria, 196
Pheeodium, 196
Phaethon, 615
Phagocata, 271
Phalanges, 529
Phalangida, 450
Phalangistida, 634
Phalangium, 451
Phallusia, 509
Pharyngeal bones, 560, 576
Pharyngognathi, 576
Pharynx, 106, 506, 546
Phascalosoma, 316, 317
Phascolomyide, 633
Phascalomys, 633
Phascolion, 317
Phasianella, 379
Phasianidz, 614
Phasianus, 614
Phasmidz, 480
Phasmomantis, 480
Pheasants, 614
Phenacodon, 639
Phenacodontide, 643
Phidippus, 453
Philichthys, 38
Philine, 381
Philonexidze, 395
Phlegethontias, 495
Phoca, 648
Phocide, 648
Pholadidz, 368
Phoronidea, 325
Phoronis, 325
Phoxichilidium, 456
Phragmocone, 389
Phronima, 439
Phryganea, 483
Phrynicus, 448
Phrynoidea, 448
Phrynosoma, 599
Phrynus, 448
Phthirius, 491
Phylactolaemata, 324
Phyllium, 48
Phyllodactylus, 598
Phyllopoda, 415
Phyllosoma, 434, 436
Phyllostomidz, 638
Phylloxera, 491
Phylogeny, 4, 31
Physalia, 245
Physeter, 646
Physiological character of species, 27
Physiologus, 9
Physiology, 3
Physoclisti, 567
Physonectz, 244
Physophora, 244
Physophore, 244
Physopoda, 479
Physostomi, 567, 575
Phytoflagellata, 202
Phytophaga, 633
Picarix, 616
Picas, 639
Pickerel, 576
Picus, 616
Pieris, 496
Pieris, cleavage of. 155
Pigeons, 26, 27, 614
Pigmented epithelium, 540
Pike, 576
Pilidium, 290, 291
Pill bug, 442
Pineal eye, 535
Pinealis, 535
Pinnipedia, 647
Pinnotheres, 437
Pinnulz, 340
Pin worm, 301
Pipa, 585, 588
Pipe fish, 578
Pisces, 557
Piscicola, 321
Pisidium, 368
Pituitary body, 535
Placenta, 634
Placentalia, 634
Placoid scale, 515, 558
Placophora, 356
Plagiaulax, 632
Plagiotremata, 597
Plagiostomi, 569
Planaria, 271
Planarians, 268
Planipennia, 482
Plankton, 179
Planorbis, 383
Plantigrade, 647
Plant lice, 490
Plants and animals, 171
Planula, 237
Plasma, blood, 88
Plasmic products, 64, 72
Plasmodium, 198, 216
Plastin, 66
Plastogamy, 184
Plastron, 594
Platanista, 645
Plathelminthes, 267
Platyonichus, 436, 437
Platyrrhine, 651
Plecoptera, 479
Plectognathi, 578
Pleistocene, 181
INDEX. 691
Pleopoda, 401, 402
Plesiosauria, 594
Plethodon, 587
Pleura, 414, 462, 546
Pleuracanthus, 572
Pleural cavity, 546
Pleural cords, 354
Pleural ribs, 518
Pleurobrachia, 262, 264
Pleurocercoid, 283
Pleurodira, 596
Pleurodont teeth, 599
Pleuronectide, 578
Pleuroperitoneal cavity, 546
Plictolophus, 616
Pliocene, 181
Pliohippus, 643
Pliny, 8
Plover, 615
Plumularia, 242
Plumatella, 324
Pluteus, 332
Pneumatic duct, 567
Pneumaticity of bones, 608
Pneumatophore, 243
Pneumodermon, 382
Pneumogastric nerve, 536
Podocoryne, 241
Podophrya, 68, 212
Podophthalmia, 427
Podura, 477
Poikilothermous, 115
Polar bodies, 146
Pole field, 263
Poles of egg, 147, I51
Polian vesicles, 331
Polistotrema, 557
Polybostrichus, 311
Polycheetee, 311
Polychcerus, 269, 271
Polycladidea, 269, 271
Polyclinum, 510
Polyclonia, 247, 251
Polycystide, 214
Polydesmidz, 497
Polyergus, 488
Polygordius, 309, 314
Polymorphism, 165
Polynesia, 177
Polynoe, 313
Polynoide, 313
Polyodon, 573
Polyodontide, 573
Polyp, 230
Polyphemide, 417
Polypid, 322
Polypodium, 239, 241
Polyprododonta, 633
Polypterus, 573
Polypterus tail, 41
Polyscelis, 271
Polyspermy, 148
Polystomez, 273
Polystomella, 198
Polystomum, 273, 274
Polythalamia, 196, 198
Polytroche, 309
Polyzoa, 321
Poneride, 487
Pons Varolii, 623
Pontohdella, 321
Pontodrilus, 308
Pontella, 421
Porcellanide, 437
Porcellain crabs, 437
Porcellio, 442
Porcellio, nervous system of, 124
Porcupines, 639
Porella, 324
Pori abdominales, 546
Porifera, 221
Porites, 261
Porpita, 245
Portal vein, 548
Portuguese man-of-war, 245
Portunidz, 437
Porus branchialis, 503
Postabdomen, 401
Postfrontal bone, 526, 590
Postorbital bone, 590
Postpermanent dentition, 625
Potato beetle, 485
Powder down, 603
Praeclavia, 528, 622
Priecoces, 612
Prairie dogs, 639
Praya, 166, 244
Prefrontal bone, 526, 590
Prelacteal dentition, 625
Premaxillary bone, 525
Premolar teeth, 626
Presphenoid bone, 522
Priapuloidea, 317
Priapulus, 317
Primaries, 604
Primary bone, 519
Primary yolk, 80
Primates, 649
Primnoa, 259
Primordial cranium, 521
Principal tissue, 99
Priodon, 635
Pristidee, 572
Pristis, 572
Proboscidia, 643
Proboscis, 373
Proceelous, 519
Procoracoid, 528
Proctodzeum, 104
Procyon, 647
Preechidna, 631, 632
Proglottids, 278
Profeet, 4.66
Progression, principle of, 55
Prolegs, 475
Promorphology, 133
Pronephric duct, 550
Pronephros, 550
Prong horn, 643
Pronotum, 462
Pronucleus, 149
Proofs of phylogeny, 32
Proostracum, 389
Prootic bone, 522
Propodium, 369
Propterygium, 529
Prorostomus, 644
Prosencephalon, 533
Prosimiz, 648
Prosobranchia, 378
Prosternum, 528
Prostoma, 156
Protameeba, 189
Proteroglypha, 601
Proteroglyphic tooth, 600
Proteus, 587
Prothorax, 462
Protobranchiata, 365
Protista, 186
Protocaris, 416
Protocerebrum, 462, 468
Frotoconchiz, 365
Protodonta, 632
Protohydra, 239, 241
Protomerite, 214
Protonemertini, 291
Protonephridia, 115
Protoplasm, 61, 80
Protoplasm, discovery of, 59
Protoplasm, movement of, 62
Protopterus, 579
Prototheria, 631
Protovertebre, 531
Protozoa, 183
Prortacheata, 408, 456
Protula, 313
Proventriculus, 467
Psammonyx, 198
Pseudelectric organs, 563
Pseudobranch, 570
Pseudocuticula, 597
Pseudolamellibranchiata, 365
Pseudonavicellz, 215
Pseudoneuroptera, 477
Pseudopodia, 187
Pseudoscorpii, 450
Pseudosuchia, 602
Psittaci, 616
Psittacus, 616
Psocidee, 479
Psolus, 349
Psorosperms, 217
Pteranodon, 602
Pteraspis, 557
Pterichthys, 557
Pterodactylia, 602
Pteronarcys, 479
Pteropoda, 382
Pteroped ooze, 382
Pteropus, 638
Pterosauria, 602
Pterotic bone, 522, 560
INDEX. 693
Pterotracheidz, 380
Pterygoid bone, 525
Pterygoid process, 622
Pterygoquadrate, 524
Pterygotus, 444
Pterylae, 603
Pubic bone, 528
Pugettia, 437
Pulex, 493, 494
Pulmonata, 383
Pulmonary artery, 549
Pulmonary circulation, 549
Pulmonary vein, 549
Pulp cavity, 515
Pulvilla, 493
Puma, 647
Pupa, 383
Pupee, 474
Pupipara, 493
Purpura, 379, 380
Putorius, 647
Pycnogonida, 456
Pygidium, 414
Pyloric czeca, 565
Pylorus, 546
Pyrosoma, 510
Pyrula, 373
Python, 601
Pythonaster, 337
Pythonomorpha, 600
Quadrula, 196, 198
Quadrumana, 650
Quadrate bone, 525
Quahog, 368
Quail, 614
Quaternary, 181
Raccoon, 647
Rachis, 603
Racemose glands, 77
Radial canals, 235, 331
Radial symmetry, 135
Radiale, 529
Radialia, 330, 340, 527
Radiata, 228, 329
Radiolaria, 192
Radius, 529
Radula, 355, 373
Raia, 571, 572
Raid, 572
Rail, 615
Rainey’s corpuscles, 218
Rallus, 615
Rana, 588
Ranatra, 489
Rangifer, 642
Ranvier, nodes of, 96
Raptores, 616
Raptorial foot, 614
Rasorial foot, 614
Rasor clam, 368
Rathke, 18
Ratite, 612
Rats, 639
Rat-tail larva, 493
Rattlesnake, 601
Ray, I0, 20
Réamur, 13
Receptaculum seminis, 120, 471
Rectrices, 604
Rectum, 461
Red coral, 256
Redia, 276
Reduviide, 489
Regulares, 345
Reindeer, 642
Remak, 13
Remiges, 604
Remora, 577
Renilla, 258, 259
Reproduction, asexual, 140, 143
Reproduction, sexual, 142
Reptilia, 588
Respiratory organs, 107
Reticularia, 196
Reticulum, 642
Retina, 129, 131
Retina of vertebrates, 540
organs of
Retinaculum, 494
Retinula, 405
Retitelariz, 453
Rhabdites, 270
Rhabditis, 300
Rhabdoceelida, 269, 271
Rhabdom, 129, 405
Rhabdonema, 145, 300
Rhabdopleura, 514
Rhachiglossa, 380
Rhachis, 414
Rhamphastos, 616
Rhea, 613
Rhegmatodes, 242
Rhinoceros, 641
Rhinocerotide, 641
Rhinoderma. 585
Rhizocephala, 426
Rhizocrinus, 342
Rhizopoda, 187
Rhizostomez, 250
Rhopalocephalus, 213
Rhopalocera, 495
Rhopalonema, 234
Rhynchobdellidz, 321
Rhynchobothrium, 286
Rhynchocephalia, 596
Rhynchonella, 325, 328
Rhynchophora, 485
Rhynchota, 489
Rhytina, 645
Rib, 517, 518
Right whale, 646
Ring canal, 331
Rocky Mountain sheep, 643
Rodentia, 638
Rods and cones, 129, 540
Root barnacles, 426
Rorqual, 646
Résel von Rosenhofen, 13
Rossia, 395
Rostellum, 280
Rostrum, 389, 424, 465
Rotalia, 188, 198
Rotatoria, 293
Rotifera, 293
Round worms, 298
Rove beetles, 484
Rudistidz, 368
Rugosa, 258
Rumen, 641
Ruminantia, 641
Rupicapra, 642
Sabellidze, 313
Sabinea, 435
Sable, 647
Sacconereis, 311
Sacculina, 426
Sacculus, 128, 542
Saccus vasculosus, 563
Sacral ribs, 528
Sagartia, 259
Sagitta, 296
Sagitta (ear bone), 564
Sagitta, development of, 158
St. Hilaire, 14, 22
Salamandra, 585, 587
Salamindrina, 587
Salinella, 220
Salivary glands, 106
Saltatoria, 480
Saltigrada, 453
Salmo, 576
Salmon, 576
Salmonidz, 576
Salpa, 510, 512
Salpzeformes, 510
Sand dollar, 345
Sand saucers, 380
San José scale insect, 490
Sapajous, 651
Sapphirina, 421
Sarcocystis, 213, 218
Sarcode, 60
Sarcolemma, 93
Sarcophaga, 493
Sarcophilus, 633
Sarcopsylla, 494
Sarcoptes, 454
Sarcosepta, 255
Sarcosporida, 218
Sarsia, 241
Saurii, 598
Sauropsida, 588
Saururee, 612
Savigny, 14
Savigny’s law, 401
Sawfish, 572
Sawflies, 485, 486
Saxicava, 367
Saxicavide, 368
INDEX. 695
Scala media, 543
Scala tympani, 543
Scala vestibuli, 543
Scale insects, 490
Scale, placoid, 515
Scales of fishes, 515, 558
Scales of reptiles, 597
Scallops, 637
Scalpellum, 424
Scansores, 616
Scansorial foot, 614
Scape, 603
Scaphander, 381
Scapharca, 367
Scaphiopus, 588
Scaphognathite, 431
Scaphopoda, 369
Scapula, 528
Scarabeeidee, 484
Schaffer, 13
Schizodont hinge, 359
Schizopoda, 428
Schizopodal appendages, 409
Schizosomi, 437
Sclerophylla, 261
Schleiden-Schwann theory, 58
Schwann, sheath of, 96
Scincidze, 599
Sciuridz, 639
Sciuromorpha, 639
Sciuropterus, 639
Sciurus, 639
Sclera, 131. 539
Scleral bones, 611
Sceleporus, 599
Scelrophyllia, 257
Sclerosepta, 255
Sclerotic, 539
Sclerotic bones, 593
Sclerotic coat, 130, 131
Sclerotomes, 531
Scolex, 278
Scollops, 367
Scolopax, 615
Scolopendra, 460, 461
Scolopendrella, 497
Scolopendride, 461
Scomber, 577
Scombridz, 577
Scops, 617
Scorpionida, 447
Sculpin, 577
Scutellum, 489
Scutibranchia, 378
Scutigera, 461
Scutigeridz, 461
Scutum, 424
Scyphomeduse, 245
Scyphopolyp, 230
Scyphostoma, 245, 246
Scyphozoa, 245
Sea anemones, 251, 259
Sea cucumbers, 346
Sea fans, 259
Sea horse, 578
Sea lion, 648
Sea pens, 259
Sea otter, 647
Sea snakes, 601
Sea squirts, 505, 508
Sea urchin, fertilization of, 149
Sea urchins, 343
Sea whips, 259
Seals, 648
Secodont teeth, 626
Secondaries, 604
Secondary bones, 515
Secreta, 73
Sedentaria, 313, 453
Segmental organs, 116, 308
Segmentation cavity, 155
Segmentation of egg, 149, I51
Segments of head, 536
Selachii, 570
Selection, artificial, 43
Selection, natural, 44
Selection, sexual, 46
Selenodont teeth, 626
Semeeostome, 250
Semicircular canals, 128, 542
Semilunar valves, 567
Semipalmate foot, 614
Semiplumes, 604.
Sensations, 125
Sense organs of vertebrates, 537
Senses, 125
Sensory epithclium, 73, 82
Sensory organs, 125
Sepia, 386, 388, 395
Septibranchiata, 368
Septum, 306
Sericteria, 494
Serosa, 473
Serpulidz, 313
Serranidee, 577
Serripes, 368
Sertularia, 242
Serum, blood, 88
Sesiidee, 495
Seventeen-year locust, 489, 490
Sexual cells, 143
Sexual epithelium, 78
Sexual glands, 78, So
Sexual organs, 80, 117
Sexual organs of vertebrates, 550
Sexual reproduction, 142, 145
Sexual selection, 49
Shad, 576
Shagreen, 569
Sharks, 571
Sheath of Schwann, 96
Sheep, 642
Sheep tick, 493
Shell gland, 411
Shell, layers of, 361
Ship worms, 368
Shore crab, 437
Shoulder blade, 528
Shoulder girdle, 527
Shrews, 637
Shrimp, mantis, 429
Shrimp, opossum, 428
Siala, 616
Sialidze, 482
Sialis, 482
Sicyonia, 434
Siderone, 47
von Siebold, 18
Silenia, 368
Silicispongiz, 226
Siliqua, 367
Silkworms, 495
Silurian, 180
Siluridze, 576
Silverfish, 477
Simia, 651
Simiidee, 651
Simuliide, 493
Sinupalliata, 368
Sinus frontalis. 539
Sinus, sphenoid, 539
Siphon, 345, 387, 360
Siphonaptera, 493
Siphonophora, 240, 243
Siphonophores, 166
Siphonostomate, 371
Siphonostomata, 422
Siphuncle, 338
Sipunculoida, 317
Sipunculus, 317
Siredon, 36
Siren, 586
Sirenia, 644
Sirex, 485
Siricidz, 486
Sixth sense, 125, 538
Skalis, 571
Skin, 76
Skull, 519
Skull of mammals, 619
Skunk, 647
Skylark, 616
Slime animals, 198
Slime eels, 557
Slime moulds, 198
Sloths, 636
Smell, organs of, 126
Smelt, 576
Snakes, 600
Snapping turtle, 596
Snout beetles, 485
Snow flea, 477
Social animals, 167
Soft-shell crab, 437
Soft-shelled turtle, 596
Solasteride, 337
Sole, 578
Solemyide, 367
Solen, 368
Solenoconchz, 366
Solenogastres, 358
Solenoglypha, 601
INDEX. 697
Solenoglyphic tooth, 600
Solenide, 368
Solidungula, 641
Solifugze, 449
Solpuga, 450
Solpugida, 449
Somatic cells, 143
Somatic layer, 159
Somatopleure, 159
Somites, 305
Song birds, 616
Sorex, 637
Soricidz, 637
Sowbug, 442
Spadella, 298
Spadix, 238
Spanish flies, 484
Span worms, 494
Spatangoidea, 346
Species, 10
Species, nature of, 19, 25
Species, physiological characters of, 27
Spelerpes, 587
Speotyto, 617
Spermaceti, 646
Spermatophore, 392
Spermatozoa, 81
Spermatozoids, 202
Sperm nucleus, 149
Sperm whale, 646
Spheeridia, 330
Spheerogastrida, 451
Sphzeroma, 442
Spheeromidee, 442
Spherophrya, 212
Spheerozoidz, 195
Sphargis, 595
Sphenethmoid bone, 581
Sphenodon, 596
Sphenoidalia, 521
Sphenoid bone, 523, 620
Sphenoid sinus, 539, 624
Sphenopalatine ganglion, 537
Sphenotic bone, 522
Spherical animals, 135
Sphingina, 495
Sphyranura, 274
Spicula, 300
Spicules of sponges, 225
Spider crab, 436, 437
Spider monkeys, 651
Spiders, 451, 452
Spinal canal, 517
Spinal ganglion, 533
Spindle, directive, 146
Spindle fibres, 69
Spindle, nuclear, 68
Spinnerets, 452
Spinous process, 517
Spiny ant eaters, 632
Spiny lobster, 436
Spiracle, 459, 524, 544
Spiral valve, 565
Spirifer, 328
Spirorbis, 313
Spirobolus, 497
Spirula, 388, 394
Spirulide, 394
Spittle bug, 489
Splanchnic layer, 159
Splanchnopleure, 159
Spleen, 550
Splenial bone, 582
Splint bones, 640
Spondylidee, 367
Sponge, fresh-water, 133
Sponges, 221
Spongida, 221
Spongilla, 133, 221, 227
Spongillidz, 227
Spongioplasm, 61
Spontaneous generation, 31
Sporangia, 199
Spores, 213, 215
Sporoblasts, 185, 213, 215
Sporocyst, 276
Sporosacs, 238
Sporozoa, 213
Sporozoites, 185, 213, 215
Springtails, 477
Sprinkling-pot shell, 368
Spumellaria, 195
Squali, 571
Squalus, 571
Squamata, 597, 636
Squamosal bone, 526
Squid, 395
Squilla, 429
Squirrels, 639
Staggers, 493
Stapes, 525
Staphylinidee, 484
Starfish, 333
Statoblasts, 227, 323
Statoliths, 128
Stauromeduse, 250
Steganopodes, 615
Stegocephali, 586
Stegosaurs, 597
Stellate ganglion, 390
Stelmatopoda, 323
Stemma, 403
Stenops, 649
Stenson’s duct, 539
Stentor, 209
Stephalia, 244
Stephanocyphus, 250
Sterna, 615
Sternaspis, 314
Stercoral pocket, 445
Sternum, 462, 518
Sticklebacks, 577
Stigmata, 459
Sting, 472, 486
Sting rays, 572
Stipes, 463
Stink bug, 489
Stolo prolifer, 512
Stomach, 106
Stomatopoda, 429
Stomodzum, 104
Stomolophus, 251
Stone canal, 330
Stone flies, 479
Storks, 61 5
Stratified epithelium, 73, 74
Stratum corneum, 76, 514
Stratum Malpighi, 76, 514
Streaming of protoplasm, 62, 188
Strepsiptera, 483
Streptoneury, 373
Stridulating organs, 469
Striges, 617
Strix, 617
Strobila, 249, 278
Strongylidz, 301
Strongyloides, 30c
Strongylocentrotus, 345
Strongylosoma, 497
Struggle for existence, 44
Struthio, 613
Struthiones, 613
Sturgeon, 573
Sturgeon, tail of, 41
Stylaster, 241
Style, crystalline, 364
Stylochus, 271
Stylohyoid ligament, 621
Styloid process, 621
Stylommatophora, 383
Stylonychia, 211, 212
Stylopide, 483
Stylops, 483
Subcutaneous tissue, 514
Subintestinal ganglion, 374
Subintestinal vein, 548
Submentum, 464
Subneural gland, 509
Subumbrella, 234
Suckers, 576
Suck fish, 577
Suctoria, 212
Suidz, 641
Sulci, 535
Summer eggs, 416
Sun animalcules, 190
Supporting cells, 83
Supporting layer, 230
Supraintestinal ganglion, 374
Supraoccipital bone, 522
Supracesophageal ganglion, 123
Suprascapula, 528
Surf perch, 577
Sus, 641
Swallows, 616
Swallow tails, 496
Swammerdam, 13
Swans, 615
Swarm spores, 185, 195
Sweat glands, 618
Swell fish, 578
Swim bladder, 547
INDEX. 699
Swimming bell, 243
Swimming birds, 614
Swine, 641
Sword fish, 577
Sycandra, 222, 225
Sycon, 223, 225
Sycones, 225
Syllide, 313
Syllis, 311
Sylvicolide, 616
Sylvius, 12
Symbiosis, 169
Symmetry, 134
Sympathetic coloration, 46
Sympathetic system, 537
Symplectic bone, 561
Symphyla, 497
Synapta, 349
Synapticula, 257
Synascidiz, 510
Syncitia, 71
Synceelidium, 269, 271
Syncoryne, 241
Synentognathi, 575, 576
Syngamus, 301
Syngnathus, 578
Syringopora, 259
Syrinx, 608
Syrphide, 493
Systems of organs, 100
Systemic circulation, 549
Systemic heart, 391
Tabanide, 493
Tabulz, 257
Tabulate, 257
Tactile bristles, 126
Tactile corpuscle, 537
Tactile organs, 125
Tadpole, 586
Tadpoles of Rana temporaria, 35
Tenia, 169, 279, 282
Teniadz, 287
Teniolx, 246
Tenioglossa, 380
Talpa, 637
Talpidee, 637
Tanais, 442
Tanystoma, 492
Tapetum nigrum, 131, 540
Tape worms, 285
Tapiridx, 641
Tapirs, 641
Tapirus, 641
Tarantula, 453
Tardigrada, 455, 636
Tarsal bones, 529
Tarsus, 463
Tarsiidz, 649
Tarsius, 649
Tarso-metatarsus, 607
Tasmanian devil, 633
Taste, organs of, 126
Taste organs of vertebrates, 538
Tatusia, 636
Tautoga, 576
Taxidea, 647
Taxodont hinge, 359
Tectibranchia, 381
Tectrices, 604
Teeth, dermal, 515
Teeth of mammals, 624
Teeth of vertebrates, 547
Tejidee, 599
Tejus, 599
Telea, 495
Teleostei, 574
Teleostomi, 569
Tellina, 368
Tellinidze, 368
Telolecithal eggs, 152
Telson, 427
Telotroche, 309
Temporal bone, 620
Temperature of mammals, 630
Tendinous tissue, 85
Tenebrionide, 484
Tentacles, gastral, 246
Tentaculata, 264
Tent caterpillars, 495
Tenthredinidx, 486
Terebella, 108, 313
Terebellida, 313
Terebra, 486
Terebrantia, 486
Terebratulina, 328
Teredo, 368
Teredide, 368
Tergum, 424
Termes, 478
Termitida, 478
Terns, 615
Terrapin, 596
Terricola, 315
Tertiary, 181
Tessellata, 342
Tesseridx, 250
Testicardines, 328
Testudo, 596
Testudinata, 594
Testudinide, 596
Tethyoidea, 508
Tetrabothrium, 286
Tetrabranchia, 394
Tetracoralla, 258
Tetractinellide, 227
Tetramera, 484
Tetraonide, 614
Tetrapneumones, 453
Tetrapoda, 555
Tetrarhynchidz, 286
Tetrarhynchus, 281, 286
Tetrastemma, 290, 291
Tetrasticta, 453
Tetraxonia, 226
Tettix, 481
Thalamophora, 196
Thalamus, 534
Thalassicola, 192
Thalassicolidie, 195
Thalassima, 317
Thalassochelys, 596
Thaliacea, 510
Thamnocnida, 242
Thaumantia, 242
Theca, 255, 338
Thecasomata, 382
Thelepus, 313
Thelyphonida, 448
Thelyphonus, 448
Theridium, 453
Theriodonta, 594
Theromorpha, 594
Thoracici, 562
Thoracic fin, 526, 562
Thoracostraca, 427
Thread cells, 229
Thrips, 479
Thrushes, 616
Thylacinus, 633
Thymus gland, 547, 577
Thyone, 349
Thyroid gland, 547
Thysanoptera, 479
Thysanozoon, 271
Thysanura, 477
Tiara, 236
Tiaris, 242
Tibia, 463, 529
Tibiale, 529
Tibio-tarsus, 607
Ticks, 454
Tick, sheep, 493
Tiedemann’s vesicles, 331
Tiger, 647
Tiger beetles, 484
Tillodontia, 643
Tima, 242
Tinea, 494
Tineidz, 494
Tipulide, 492
Tissues, 71
Tissues, accessory, 99
Tissues, classification of, 72
Tissues, connective, 83
Tissues, elastic, 85
Tissues, epithelial, 73
Tissues, muscular, 91
Tissues, nervous, 94
Tissues, principal, 99
Tissues, tendinous, 85
Toad, horned, 599
Toads, 588
Tobacco worm, 495
Tocogony, 140
Tomato worm, 495
Tongue bone, 524
Toothed birds, 612
Tooth shells, 369
Tornaria, 513
Torpedinid, 572
Torpedo, 572
Tortoises, 594
Tortoise shell, 596
Tortricidz, 494
Total cleavage, 152
Totipalmate foot, 614, 615
Toucans, 616
Toxiglossa, 380
Toxodontia, 643
Toxopneustes, 345
Trabeculz, 520
Trachea, 109, 443, 458, 547
Tracheal gills, 469
Trachydermon, 357
Trachymeduse, 239, 242
Trachynema, 242
Tractus olfactorius, 534
Tragulide, 642
Tragulus, 642
Transverse commissure, 123
Transverse process, 518
Trapdoor spider, 453
Tree cricket, 481
Tree hoppers, 490
Tree toads, 588
Trematoda, 271
Triarthus, 415
Triassic, 180
Triaxonia, 226
Trichechide, 648
Trichechus, 648
Trichina, 302
Trichocephalus, 302
Trichocysts, 205
Trichodectes, 479
Trichomonas, 202
Trichoplax, 220
Trichoptera, 483
Trichotrachelidz, 302
Triclalidz, 269, 271
Triconodont teeth, 626
Tridacna, 367
Trigeminal nerve, 536
Trilobite, 414
Trimera, 485
Trionychia, 596
Tristicta, 453
Tristoma, 274
Tritocerebrum, 462, 468
Triton, sections of embryo, 39
Tritonide, 382
Tritubercular teeth, 626
Tritylodon, 632
Trivium, 334
Trochal disc, 293
Trochanter, 463
Trochide, 379
Trochilidx, 616
Trochilus, 616
Trochlear nerve, 536
Trochophore, 306
Trochosa, 453
Trochus, 379
Troctes, 479
Troglodytidz, 616
Troglodytes, 651
Trombidide, 454
Trophi, 294
Tropic birds, 615
Tropidonotus, 601
Trout, 576
Trunk fish, 578
Trutta, tail of, 41
Trygonide, 572
Tubicola, 313
Tubificide, 315
Tubinares, 615
Tubifex, 315
Tubiporidz, 259
Tubitelariz, 453
Tubular glands, 77
Tubular nervous system, 124
Tubulariz, 239, 241, 242
Tubulipora, 324
Tunic, 505
Tunicata, 505
Turbellaria, 268
Turbinated bone, 620
Turbinide, 379
Turbo, 379
Turbot, 578
Turbide, 616
Turdus, 616
Turkey, 614
Turkey buzzard, 617
Turritopsis, 240, 242
Turtles, 594
Twixt brain, 534
Tylenchus, 300
Tylopoda, 643
Tympanal organ, 128, 468
Tympanic annulus, 544
Tympanic bone, 526
Tympanic cavity, 621
Tympanic membrane, 544
Tympanum, 544
Type theory, 15
Typhline, 599
Typhlops, 601
Tyrian purple, 380
Tyrannide, 616
Uca, 437
Uintatherium, 643
Ulmaris, 247
Ulna, 529
Ulmare, 529
Umbilicus, 370, 554
Umbo, 358
Umbrella, 234
Uncinate process, 605
Ungues, 618
Ungule, 618
Ungulata, 639
Unguligrade, 640
Unicellular glands, 77
Unicorn, 646
Unio, 367
Unionidz, 367
Ureter, 550
Urinary bladder, 552
Urinator, 615
Urinatores, 615
Urnatella, 322
Uroceride, 486
Urochorda, 505
Urodela, 587
Urogenital sinus, 553
Urogenital system, 120
Urogenital system of vertebrates, 550
Urosalpinx, 379, 380
Urside, 647
Ursus, 647
Use and Disuse, 55, 99
Uterus, 120, 629
Utriculo-saccular duct, 542
Utriculus, 128, 542
Varanus, 599
Vacuole, contractile, 183
Vacuole, food, 183
Vagabunde, 453
Vagina, 120, 629
Vagus nerve, 536
Valkeria, 324
Vampyre, 638
Vanessa, 496
Varanidze, 599
Variation, 25
Vas deferens, 120
Vasa Malpighii, 461
Vascular arches, 504
Vater Pacinian corpuscles, 126
Vegetative organs, IOI
Vegetative pole, 147, 151
Veins, 112
Velella, 245
Veliger, 355, 364
Velum, 235, 356
Veneridz, 368
Ventral aorta, 548
Ventral fin, 562
Ventral nerve cord, 123
Ventricles of brain, 534
Ventricle of heart, 111, 548
Venous sinus, 567
Venus, 368
Venus’ flower basket, 226
Venus’ girdle, 264
Vermiform appendix, 627
Vermilinguia, 599, 636
Vermes, 535
Vertebra, 518
Vertebra (of ophiuroids), 337
Vertebral column, 516
Vertebrata, 514
Vertex, 462
Vesal, 12
Vesicle, auditory, 127
Vesicle, blastodermic, 155
Vesicle, germinal, 146
Vesicle, Polian, 331
Vesicle, Tiedemann’s, 331
INDEX. 703
Vesicularia, 324
Vesicula seminalis, 120
Vespariz, 487
Vesperlilionidze, 638
Vesperugo, 638
Vibracularia, 323
Vibrissze, 618
Viperidz, 601
Visceral ganglia, 353
Visceral sac, 351
Visceral skeleton, 523
Vitellarium, 267
Vitreous body, 130
Vitrodentine, 558
Viviparous, 161
Vogt, 24
Volutidz, 380
Volvocina, 202
Volvox, 202
Vomer, 525
Vortex, anatomy of, 120
Vorticella, 211
Vorticellidz, 210
Wading birds, 615
Wagner, 24
Waldheimia, 326
Walking stick, 480
Wallace, 24
Wallace’s line, 177
Walrus, 648
Warblers, 616
Warm-blooded animals, 114
Wasps, 487
Water bears, 455
Water beetles, 484
Water scorpion, 489
Water snake, 601
Water-vascular system, I15, 330
Weasel, 647
Weevils, 485
Weismann, 24
Whalebone, 645
Whales, 645
Whelks, 380
White ants, 478
White fish, 576
White matter, 124, 532
White rats, 639
Windpipe, 547
Winter eggs, 416
Wisdom tooth. 650
Wish bone, 605
Wolff, 17
Wolffian body, 550
Wolffian duct, 550
Wolves, 647
Wombat, 633
Woodcock, 615
Woodpeckers, 616
Wool, 618
Worms, 182
Wotton, 9
Wrens, 616
Wrisberg, 13
Xenarthra, 636
Xenos, 483
Xenurus, 636
Xerobates, 596
Xiphiide, 577
Xiphisternum, 595
Xiphosura, 444
Yellow cells, 195
Yellow fever, 492
Yoldia, 366, 367
Yolk, 80
Yolk and segmentation, 151
Yolk granules, 81
Yolk membrane, 148
Yolk sac, 553
Zebra, 641
Zeuglodonta, 646
Zoantharia, 259
Zoanthez, 259
Zoea, 413
Zonary placenta, 634
Zonuride, 599
Zoology, I, 5
Zoology, history of, 6
Zoology, purpose of, I
Zoophaga, 633
Zoophytes, 17£, 228
Zoospore, 185, 188, 195
Zoothamnion, 211
Zootomy, beginning of, 13
Zooxanthelle, 170, 195
Zygeena, 571
Zygapophysis, 519
Zygobranchia, 378
Zygodactyl foot, 614
Zygomatic arch, 526
Zygomatic bone, 526
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