hee NA vay A) Mew Pork HState College of Agriculture At Cornell GQniversitp Dthaca, N. DV. Library Soft hag Sop aa ‘iT 1 NEW MANUAL OF BOTANY OF THE CENTRAL ROCKY MOUNTAINS (VASCULAR PLANTS) BY JOHN M. COULTER, Pu. D. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. Bact :: REVISED BY AVEN NELSON, Pu. D. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, THE UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING NEW YORK -:. CINCINNATI .:. CHICAGO AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY PREFACE In 1885 the Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountain Region was published. It was based upon general explorations of the region concerned, and was confessedly tentative. During the last twenty-four years, general explorations of the vascular flora have merged into more or less intensive studies, and the manual long ago became inadequate. It was the original purpose to revise it as frequently as new material justified, but the author’s time and attention became absorbed in other kinds of botanical work, so that no revision has appeared. AS the book continued to be in demand, it seemed necessary, in justice to its users, to bring it up to date. This work has been undertaken by Professor. Aven Nelson of the University of Wyoming (Laramie), whose great familiarity with the flora of the Rocky Mountain region suggested his fitness for the task. _ Professor Nelson has completely rewritten the book, and in such a way that it is as,far from being a compilation as so general a manual can be. Hd has checked up the descriptions by an examination of the plants and by his extensive field experience. Descriptions and keys have been tested repeatedly, and are believed to be workable. The manual is intended to represent current knowledge in "eference to the flora for the benefit of the ordinary user of a manual. The professional taxonomist will not find in it all of the subdivisions of genera and species that he might wish, but it is thought that this will make it more serviceable to the general user, and that it presents an adequate account of the flora from , the more conservative viewpoint. : The sequence of families is that known as Engler’s, which is in general use by botanists; and the nomenclature, so far as practi- cable, is that adopted by the Vienna Congress. Names following the descriptions, but without citation or parenthesis, are those of the old manual, which have been changed. Names with cita- tion and parenthesis represent what are regarded as synonyms. When new combinations have been found necessary, the discarded 4 PREFACE combinations are indicated as are other synonyms: Common names have been used sparingly, for it has not been deemed wise to propose them when they are not already in general use. The area covered can be outlined somewhat more exactly than in the previous edition, as the natural boundaries of our floras are now better understood, which do not always coincide with the boundaries of States and Territories. The purpose has been to use Colorado as the center of the flora included in the manual, and to present complete the flora of that State, of Wyoming, of Yellow- stone Park, and of the Black Hills of South Dakota; also to in- clude most of Montana, southern Idaho, the eastern half of Utah, and the northern half of New Mexico. and adjacent Arizona. Naturally the manual will also cover fairly well an indefinite border to the territory outlined. 1t is not possible to acknowledge all the sources of information in the preparation of a manual, but the following list of authors may be cited, from whose publications, descriptions and keys have been obtained: LeRoy Abrams, L. H. Bailey, N. L. Britton, F. V. Coville, M. L. Fernald, L. N. Goodding, Asa Gray, E. L. Greene, J. M. Greenman, H. M. Hall, Thomas Howell, W. L. Jepson, Elias Nelson, C. V. Piper, B. L. Robinson, J. N. Rose, | P, A. Rydberg, J. K. Small, William Trelease, Sereno Watson, and many others. - JOHN M. COULTER. Tue University or Caicaco. = Ever since Professor Coulter invited me to undertake the re? vision of his well known Manual I have had his advice and.en.. | couragement. The. work has gone through the press under hig © direct | supervision, and all of. the proof sheets have passed through, his hands. I take great pleasure, therefore, i in acknowledging my indebtedness and in expressing my gratitude for his courtesy and . helpfulness. If this, new edition serves its purpose as well as the — first, a large measure of credit must be given to Professor Coulter. | For any errors that the book may contain, I assume entire re- sponsibility. AVEN NELSON. | THE UNIVERSITY oF WYoMING. CONTENTS ANALYTICAL KEY To THE FAMILIES PTrERIDOPHYTES (FAMILIES 1-7) SPERMATOPHYTES (FAMILIES 8-116) GYMNOSPERMS (FAMILIES 8-9) : ean ANGIOSPERMS (FAMILins 10-116) MonocoryLEpons (Famitizs 10-27) DicotyLepons (FaMILies 28-116) ARCHICHLAMYDEAE (FAMILIES 28-85) SYMPETALAE (Famitigs 86-116) SUMMARY ABBREVIATIONS OF AUTHORS’ NAMES . List or New Names: AND COMBINATIONS . GLOSSARY yo a : INDEX . ; ‘ . . . ° si oO 17 26 26 31 31 127 127 366 603 606 608 611 623 ANALYTICAL KEY TO THE FAMILIES * Division I. PTERIDOPHYTES Fern-like, moss-like, or rush-like vascular plants without true flowers or seeds, ae es) Stems conspicuously jointed, their nodes covered by toothed sheaths; sporangia on the scales of terminal dry cone-like spikes 4, EQuisETACEAE, 23 Stems without conspicuously sheathed joints. Leaves closely imbricated or very narrow ; sporangia sessile, axillary. Stem short, corm-like; leaves subulate to long-linear 5. Isonraczasn, 24 Stems elongated, creeping or branching; leaves very short, crowded or imbricated. Sporangia of two kinds, some containing many minute spores (microspores), others bearing few (usually 3-4) much larger spores (megaspores) _ 7. SELAGINELLACEAE, 27 Sporangia bearing uniform minute spores 6. LycopopracraE, 25 Leaves (fronds) not closely imbricated; if narrow without axillary sporangia. Leaves (fronds) 4-foliate, sporocarps (inclosing the sporangia) stalked from the creeping stem 3. MARSILEACEAE, 23 Leaves (fronds) not 4-foliate, simple or variously cleft; sporangia borne on the underside of the ordinary fronds (leaves) or on sporophylls (specialized spore-bearing leaves). Sterile segment of the frond simple; the fertile a. long-stalked simple spike 1! OpntocLossacEAg, 17° Sterile and fertile fronds or segments more or less cleft, either conspicuously unlike or essentially similar 2. PotypopracEak, 18 Division II. SPERMATOPHYTES Plants with seeds and mostly true flowers. Suxnprvision I. GYMNOSPERMS Ovules not in a closed ovary. Trees and shrubs with needle-shaped, linear, or scale-like leaves (mostly evergreen), and monoecious or dioecious, cones. Staminate and pistillate cones with no true flowers (perianth none), the pistillate becoming dry or berry-like 8. Prvaczag, 26 Staminate flowers in aments; pistillate single or in pairs; perianth urn-shaped; low shrubs with jointed branches, and leaves re- duced to sheathing scales 9. GNETACEAR, 30 * Adapted from Gray’s New Manual of Botany, as revised by Dr. B. L. Robinson and Professor M. L. Fernald. 7 8 ANALYTICAL KEY Suppivision II. ANGIOSPERMS Ovules borne in a closed ovary, which at maturity becomes the fruit. Ciass 1. MONOCOTYLEDONS Stems mostly without central pith or annular layers, but’having the woody fibers in small separate bundles which appear, in cross section, irregularly dispersed throughout the cellular tissue. Leaves mostly parallel-veined. Embryo with a single cotyledon and the first leaves in germination alternate. Parts of the flower usually in threes or sixes, never in fives. Our species herbaceous, - : ee THALLOID AQUATICS WITHOUT TRUE STEMS OR LEAVES The plant, body lens-shaped, ellipacidal, or flask-shaped, floating 18. LEMNACEAE, 105 PLANTS WITH STEMS AND LEAVES uF PERIANTH FREE FROM THE OVARY OR WANTING Perianth wanting, or of scale-like or bristle-jorm divisions. Flowers inclosed or subtended by ‘imbricated chaff-like scales (glumes); grass-like, plants with jointed stems, sheathing and mostly narrow leaves, and one-seeded fruit. Stems hollow, round, or flattened; leaf-sheaths split; anthers at- tached by the middle 16. GraMINEAR, 38 Stems solid, usually more or less triangular; leaf-sheaths not split; ; anthers attached at the base 17. CYPERACEAE, 84 Flowers not inclosed in chaff-like scales (though sometimes in in- volucrate heads). Immersed aquatics, branching and leafy, the upper leaves often es floating 12, NaraDAcEAB, 33 Terrestrial or marsh plants. ae ; Flowers monoecious or dioecious. Flowers in cylindrical spikes 10. TyPHACEAE, 31 Flowers in lateral heads : 11. SPARGANIACEAE, 32 Flowers perfect. ee “8 Ovaries 3-6, separating ne lenet Sak ripe 13, JuncaGInaceaE, 36 Ovary single, of 3 carpels a 21 JuncacEas, 108 Perianth always present, herbaceous or colored, never scale-like nor bristle- form. Pistils numerous, in a head or ring ; 14, AtIsmAcEAE, 37 Pistil 1, cells or placentae mostly 3. Stamens all alike and fertile. ; Ovary of nearly separate carpels 13. JuncacinaceEag, 36 Ovary often angled or lobed but not deeply cleft. Flowers perfect; plants not climbing., ii og Divisions of the perianth alike or nearly so. Plant rush-like; perante small, greenish or purplish- ' brown oe 21. Juncaceaz, 108 Plant not rush-like, ANALYTICAL KEY 9 Styles united, often short, or rarely wanting; capsule loculicidal. Plants with bulbs, corms, erect rootstocks, or igi caudices, or bundles of fleshy roots 22. Latsaczar, 1s Plants with elongated horizontal rootstocks aes CoNVALLARIACEAE, 119 Styles distinct; capsule septicidal ' 23. MELANTHACEAE, 117 Divisions of the perianth unlike (3 green sepals and 3 col- : ored petals); leaves Haver and the flowers'in umbels ’'” mu a 19. ComMELINACEAE, 107 Flowers dioecious; plants scrambling or climbing 25. nena e 121 Stamens dissimilar, or only 3 with fertile anthers. | | Perianth of 3 herbaceous sepals and 3 colored ephemeral petals 19; CoMMELINACEAE, 107 Perianth tubular, 6-lobed i 20. PonNTEDERIACEAE, 108 ’ rhe ¢ PERIANTH, PRESEN, ADNATE TO THE OVARY Stamens 3 or more; flowers: regular or nearly 8 so. Aquatics, ripening éheir fruit. under water; flowers digericus | or polygamous. , itiiect dee e LOE , HX¥DROCHARITACEAE, 38 Terrestrial plants with pertect Aevatsney aud 2-ranked equitant leaves , oh uy, 26. TRrpaczag, 121 Stamens 1 or 2; flowers arregular. - hl ete Sepals usually 3; petals usually 3, one of which (the lip) i is generally spurred 27. Oncurpacear, 122 Cuass 2. DICOTYLEDONS' * Stems with central pith inclosed by « zone of ood: Leaves net-veined. Embryo with a pair of opposite cotyledons. Parts of the flower mostly in fours or fives. COROLLA WANTING; OFTEN THE CALYX ALSO FLOWERS MONOECIOUS OR DIOECIOUS; ONE OR BOTH SORTS IN AMENTS Staminate or pistillate flowers (not both) in aments.or in ament-like clusters. ¥ : 1 Trees; the leaves alternate. ‘ The sap not milky. Fruit a samara, winged all around ‘ =< © 31. UnMacwan, 143 Fruit a nut oranachene =" oe : 30. Facacrap, 141 The sap milky : ae “as tosses 32. Moracnan, 143 Herbs or herbaceous vines, mostly with opposite leaves. Styles and stigmas 2 32.: MORACEAE, 143 Style and stigma 1 . Be Usriceiaas, 144 ONetine + Staminate and pistillate flowers both in aments. ty 4 Ovary becoming a. ‘L-celled, many-seeded pod; the seeds hairy-tufted 28. Saricacuag, 127 Ovary becoming a 1-seeded nut, achene, or berry. “‘Trees‘or shrubs, not parasitic : ie 29. BETULACEAE, 139 Plants parasitic on trees, 34. LoranTHsacnar, 145 10 ANALYTICAL KEY FLOWERS NOT IN AMENTS Ovary or its cells 1-2 (rarely 3-4)-ovuled. Pistils more than 1, distinct or nearly so. Stamens inserted on the calyx; leaves with stipules 54, Rosaceaz, 245 Stamens inserted on the receptacle; calyx present, usually petal- like 45. RANUNCULACBAB, 189 Pistil 1, simple or compound. Ovary free from the calyx, which is sometimes wanting. Stipules (ochreae) sheathing the stem at the nodes 36. PotyaoNnacrEag, 147 Stipules (if present) not sheathing the stem. Herbs. - Aquatics, submerged or nearly so. Leaves whorled, dissected; style 1 44, CERATOPHYLLACEAE, 189 Leaves opposite, entire; styles 2 65, CALLITRICHACEAE, 311 Not aquatics. ' Style (if any) 1 and stigma 1. Flowers unisexual; ovary of the fertile flowers 1-celled 33. Urticaceag, 144 Flowers perfect; pod 2-celled and 2-seeded, Lepidium in 48. CrucireRasz, 207 Styles 2-3, or branched; ovary 1-4-celled. Ovary and pod 3-celled; juice usually milky 7 64. EvpHoRBIACEAER, 308 Ovary not 3-celled; juice not milky. Flowers in an involucrate head; fruit 2 3-angled achene, Eriogonum in 36. Potyconacgag, 147 Flowers not involucrate. Leaves covered, at least’ beneath, with stellate hairs 64, EUPHORBIACEAE, 308 Leaves without stellate hairs. Leaves opposite. Plant fleshy, Salicornia in 37. CuznopopiacEag, 160 Plant not fleshy. Flowers in heads or spikes; anthers 1-celled 38. AMARANTHACEAE, 170 Flowers sessile in forks of branching in- florescence, Paronychia in 42. CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 180 Leaves alternate. Flowers and bracts scarious 38. AMARANTHACEAE, 170 Flowers chiefly greenish, no scarious bracts 37. CHENOPODIACEAE, 160 Shrubs or trees. Leaves opposite. Fruit 3-celled, not winged 70. Ruamnaczag, 314 Fruit winged. Fruit 2-celled, 2 double samara 69. AcERAcEAB, 313 Fruit 1-celled, a single samara 91, OutEAczArE, 378 Leaves alternate. Ovary 3-celled 70. RHAMNACEAE, 314 Ovary 1-celled 31. Unmacrar, 143 ANALYTICAL KEY 11 Ovary inferior or so closely and permanently invested by the calyx as to appear so. Parasites on the branches of trees 34. Temarinienam, 145 Not parasitic. Aquatic herbs 82. HALORAGIDACEAE, 345 Terrestrial. Herbs with the calyx corolla-like. _ Leaves opposite . 89. NycTaGINnacEAE, 172 Leaves alternate 35. SANTALACEAE, 146 Shrubs or trees with scurfy leaves 79, ELAEAGNACEAE, 331 Ovary or its cells containing many ovules. Ovary or ovaries superior. Ovaries 2 or more, separate 45. RanuNcULACEAE, 189 Ovary 1. ae Ovary 3-5-celled ; leaves opposite or whorled 40, AIZoacnaz, 176 Ovary 1-2-celled. é Leaves compound 45. RANUNCULACEAE, 189 Leaves simple. ; Sepals distinct ; 42, CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 180 Sepals more or less united. ; _ Calyx ; 5-toothed or -cleft, Glauz in 90. PrimuLaczEaE, 372 * Calyx 4-toothed or -cleft, Synthyrisin 104, ScRopHULARIACEAE, 437 Ovary and pod inferior, Chrysosplenium in 51. SAXIFRAGACEAE, 233 CALYX AND COROLLA BOTH PRESENT COROLLA OF SEPARATE PETALS Stamens numerous, at least more than 10 (rarely 9-10 in Polanisia) and more than twice as many as the sepals or calyx-lobes. . Calyx entirely free and separate from the pistil or pistils. Pistils several to many, wholly distinct, or united ‘at base into a strongly lobed or several-beaked ovary.’ Aquatics with peltate leaves _ 43, NyMPHAEACEAE, 188 Terrestrial plants. Usually climbers, with opposite leaves, Clemetis in 45. RanuncuLaceaE, 189 Not climbing, the leaves alternate. Filaments united into a tube 72. Mauvaczax, 316 Filaments distinct, on the calyx 54, RosacEag, 245 Pistils strictly 1 as to ovary; the styles and stigmas sometimes more numerous. - Leaves punctate with pellucid dots 75. HyPEricacEar, 320 Leaves not punctate. Ovary simple, 1-celled. Ovules 2, seed solitary 56. Drupacran, 269 Ovules many; leaves 2-3-ternately compound or dissected 45, RANUNCULACEAE, 189 Ovary compound as hewn by- the number of’ its cells, placentae, styles,-or stigmas. Ovary 1-celled. Placentae parietal; juice watery, milky, or yellow. Sepals 2 (rarely 3) 47. PAPAVERACEAE, 205 12 ANALYTICAL KEY Sepals 4 49. CAPPARIDACEAE, 231 Placentae central; juice watery; sepals 2. 41. Porrunacaceaer, 176 Ovary several-celled. : Calyx valvate in bud; stamens united 72. MatvacgEaE, 316 Calyx imbricate in bud; stamens not united 43. NYMPHAEACEAE, 188 Calyx more or less united to a compound ovary. Ovary 1-5-celled (10-celled in one genus of Pomaceae). Fleshy-stemmed, without true leaves; petals numerous 78. CacTACEAE, 326 Leaves present. Sepals or calyx-lobes 2; ovules arising from the base of a 1-celled ovary 41, PorrunacacEaE, 176 Sepals or calyx-lobes more than 2, Leaves opposite; stipules none 53. HypRANGEACEAE, 243 Leaves alternate. Stipules present. Carpels distinct, free from the calyx-tubei fruit achenes, follicles, or drupelets. Carpels several or numerous, or if solitary becoming an achene 54, RosacgEag, 245 Carpel solitary, becoming a drupe 56. Drupacran, 269 Carpels united, inclosed by and adnate to the calyx- tube; fruit a pome 55. PoMAcEAE, 265 Stipules wanting; herbage rough-pubescent 77. LOASACEAE, 324 Stamens not more than twice as many as the petals. Stamens of the same number as the petals and opposite them. Ovary 2-4-celled. Calyx-lobes minute or obsolete; petals valvate 71. Vrracnag, 315 Calyx 4-5-cleft; petals involute 70. RHAMNACEAE, 314 Ovary 1-celled. Anthers opening by uplifted valves 46. BERBERIDACEAE, 204 Anthers not opening by uplifted valves, Style 1, unbranched; stigma 1 90. PRIMULACEAE, 372 ‘Styles, style branches, or stigmas more than 1; sepals or calyx-lobes 2 41. PoRTULACACEAE, 176 Stamens not of the same number as the petals, or if of the same «number alternate with them. Calyx free from the ovary, i. e., ovary wholly superior. Ovaries 2 or more, wholly separate or somewhat united. Stamens united with each other and with a large thick stigma common. to the two ovaries 95, ASCLEPIADACEAE, 386 Stamens free from each other and from the pistils. Stamens on the receptacle, free from the calyx. Leaves punctate with translucent dots; shrubs 62. RuTacwraz, 306 Leaves without translucent dots; herbs. « Leaves fleshy 50. CRASSULACEAE, 232 Leaves not fleshy. Ovary or lobes of the ovary 2-5, with a common style. Ovary 2-3-lobed 66. LIMNANTHACEAE, 312 Ovary 5-lobed 58. GERANIACEAE, 302 Ovaries with separate styles or sessile stigmas 45. RaNuUNCULACEAR, 189 ANALYTICAL KEY 13 Stamens inserted on the calyx. Plant fleshy; stamens just twice as many as the pistils ' + 50. CRASSULACEAE, 232 Plant not fleshy ; stamens not twice as miany as the pistils. Stipules present ', 64. Rosaceag, 245 Stipules wanting 51. SAXIFRAGACEAE, 233 Ovary 1. q Ovary simple, with 1 parietal placenta ' 57, LEGUMINOSAE, 270 Ovary compound, as shown by the number of ‘its cells, pla- centae, ‘styles, or stigmas. Ovary 1-celled. Corolla irregular. Petals 4; stamens 6, Corydalis in . 47, PAPAVERACEAE, 205 Petals 'and stamens 5 76. VIOLACEAE, 320 Corolla regular or nearly so. Ovule solitary ; trées or shrubs 67. ANACARDIACEAE, 312 ‘Ovules more than 1. Ovules at the center or bottom of' the’ cell. Petals not inserted on the calyx 42) CarvoPHYLLACEAE, 180 Petals inserted on the throat of a bell-shaped or tubular calyx 80. ioe ecaaoe 332 Ovules on 2 or more parietal placentae. Leaves punctate with translucent dots 75. Tonner 320 Leaves not punctate. Petals 4 or 5; stamens 6. Stamens essentially equal. -: Calyx persistent; fruitacapsule 74. FRANKENIACEAE, 319 Calyx deciduous; fruit a stipitate pod 49, CAPPARIDACEAE, 231 Stamens unequal, two being shorter than the ~ other four; pod sessile — 48. CRUCIFERAE, 207 Petals 4 or 5; stamens as many; fruit a berry - 52, GROSSULARIACEAE, 241 ‘Ovary 2-several-celled. ° Flowers irregular; anthers opening at the top 63. POLYGALACEAE, 307 Flowers regular or nearly so." Stamens neither just as many nor twice as many as the petals. ‘Trees or shrubs. ; Stamens usually fewer than the 4 petals ' 91 Oumaczag, 378 Stamens more numerous than the petals. ° - Woody throughout; fruitadoublesamata 69, ACERACEAE, 313 Woody at base only; fruit a capsule 74. _ FRANEENIACEAE, 319 Herbs. - . ean Petals 5 : —%:« HyPiricaceaz, 320 Petals 4 “48. CRUCIFERAE, 207 Stamens just as many or twice as many as the petals. Ovules and seeds only 1 or 2 in each cell. Herbs. : Flowers monoecious or dioecious 64. EvrHorBIAcEaE, 308 Flowers perfect and symmetrical. ve Cells of the ovary as many as the sepals. Ovary 2-3-celled 66. LIMNANTHACEAE, 342 14 ANALYTICAL KEY Ovary 5-celled 58, GERANIACEAE, 302 Celis of the ovary twice as many as the sepals, Leaves abruptly pinnate 61. ZyaorHyLLAcEAE, 306 Leaves simple 60. LinacEAE, 304 Shrubs or trees, with opposite leaves. Leaves palmately veined 69. AcERACEAE, 313 Leaves pinnately veined 68. CELASTRACEAE, 313 Ovules and usually seeds several or many in each cell. Leaves compound; the leaflets 3, obcordate 59. OXALIDACEAE, 304 Leaves simple. , Stipules present between opposite leaves 73. ELATINACEAE, 319 Stipules none when the leaves are opposite. Style 1. Stamens free from the calyx. With broad green leaves 86. PyrouackEar, 366 Without green leaves 87, MonorRoPAcEAE, 368 . Stamens inserted on the calyx 80. LyTHRACEAE, 332 Styles 2-5; leaves opposite 42, CARYOPHYLLACEAE, 180 Calyx-tube adherent to the ovary, at least to its lower half. Tendril-bearing and often succulent herbs 112. CucurBiracEagz, 472 Not tendril-bearing. Ovules and seeds more than 1 in each cell. Ovary I-celled. Sepals or calyx-lobes 2; ovules borne at the base of the ovary 41. PorTuLAcacgEaB, 176 Sepals or calyx-lobes 4-5; bieseitay 2-3; fruit a berry , 52. GROSSULARIACEAE, 241 Ovary 2-many-celled. Stamens inserted on or about a flat disk which covers the ovary 68. CELASTRACEAE, 313 Stamens inserted on the calyx. Style 1; stamens 4 or 8 81. ONAGRACEAE, 333 Styles 2-3; stamens 5 or 10 51. SaxirraGacEag, 233 Ovules and seeds only 1 in each cell. Stamens 5 or 10. Trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, Crataegus in 55. Pomacrag, 265 Leaves compound or prickly 83. ARALIACEAE, 346 Herbs. Fruit dry, splitting at maturity; styles 2 84. UMBELLIFERAE, 346 Fruit berry-like; styles 2-5, separate or united 83. ARALIACEAE, 346 Stamens 4 or 8. Style and stigma 1; fruit a drupe 85. Cornacnak, 365 Fruit not drupaceous. ; Style 1; stigma 2—4-lobed 81. OnaGRACEAE, 333 Styles or sessile stigmas 1 or 4 82, HaLoRaGIDACEAE, 345 COROLLA OF MORE OR LESS UNITED PETALS Stamens more numerous than the lobes of the corolla. Ovary 1-celled. Placenta 1, parietal 57. LEGUMINOSAE, 270 ANALYTICAL KBY 15 Placentae 2, parietal, Corydalis in ‘47, PAPAVERACEAE, 205 Ovary 3-several-celled. Stamens free from the corolla. Style 1; leaves simple. Ovary superior; fruit.a capsule or berry 88. ErtcacEaz, 369 Ovary inferior; fruit a berry 89. VACCINIACEAE, 372 Styles 5; leaves 3-foliolate 59, OXALIDACEAE, 304 Stamens attached to the base or tube of the corolla. Saprophytic herbs, without green foliage 87, MoNoTROPACEAE, 368 Not saprophytic; foliage green. i a Filaments united into a tube 72. MALVACEAE, 316 Filaments free from each other. Low shrubs, with simple leaves 89. VaccINIACEAE, 372 Low herbs, with radical leaves ternate 111. ApoxacEaEz, 472 Stamens not more numerous than the corolla-lobes. . , Stamens of the same Bamber as the corolla-lobes and ‘opposite them 90. PRIMULACEAE, 372 Stamens alternate with the eoneitasistiee or fewer. , Ovary free from the calyx-tube (superior). Corolla regular. Stamens as many as the eosnnidbes Ovaries 2, or, if 1, 2-horned. - Stamens distinct 95. AscLEPIADACEAE, 386 Stamens united : 94. ApocyNnacEar, 385 Ovary 1. ~ Ovary deeply 4-lobed. : Leaves alternate 100, BoraGinacEag, 410 Leaves opposite 102. LapraTar, 426 Ovary not deeply lobed. Ovary I-celled; seeds several-many. ‘Leaves entire, opposite gk 3 92. GENTIANACEAE, 379 Leaves toothed, lobed, or compound. Whole upper surface of the corolla white-bearded ; leaflets 3, entire , 93. MENYANTHACEAR, 384 Corolla not conspicuously bearded; leaves, if com- pound, with toothed leaflets 99. HypropHyLiaczEaE, 405 Ovary 2-10-celled. | : Leafless, twining parasite 96. CuscuTACEAE, 389- Leaves alternate, or, if opposite, without stipules, Stamens free from the corolla, or nearly so 88. ERrcacrak, 369 Stamens on the tube of the corolla. Stamens 4, Stem with apasite leaves; corolla petaloid 101. VERBENACEAE, 424 Stem wanting; corolla scarious 108. PLANTAGINACEAE, 464 Stamens 5. Fruit of 2 or 4 seed-like nutlets 100. Boracinacrar, 410 Fruit a few-many-seeded capsule, or berry. Styles 2. Capsule few (mostly 4)-seeded 97. ConvOLVULACEAE, 392 Capsule many-seeded 99. HynproprHyLiaceag, 405 16 ANALYTICAL KEY + Style 1, often branched. Branches of the style (or at least the lobes of the stigma) 3 98. POLEMONIACEAE, 394 Branches of the style or lobes of the stigma 2, or wholly united 103. SoLaANACcEAE, 433 Stamens fewer than the lobes of the corolla. ‘Stamens with anthers 4, in pairs 101. VERBENACEAE, 424 Stamens with anthers only 2, or rarely 3. Ovary 4-lobed, Lycopus in 102. LasiaTaR, 426 Ovary 2-celled, not 4-lobed. Stemless; corolla scarious 108. PLANTAGINACEAE, 464 Leafy-stemmed; corolla not scarious, Veronica in ' 104, ScROPHULARIACEAE, 437 Corolla irregular. Stamens with anthers 5, Verbascum in 104, ScROPHULARIACEAE, 437 Stamens with anthers 2 or 4. j ‘ Ovules solitary in the 1-4 cells. .. Ovary 4-lobed ; style rising from between the lobes 102. LasiaTar, 426 Ovary not lobed; style from its apex 101, VERBENACEAE, 424 Ovules 2-many in each cell. Ovary imperfectly 4-5-celled 107. MarRTYNIACEAE, 464 Ovary 1-2-celled. Parasites, without green foliage ' . 106. OROBANCHACEAE, 463 Not parasitic. ie Ovary 1-celled; stamens 2; aquatics 105. PrneuicuLacEAE, 462 Ovary 2-celled; placentae in the axis, usually many- seeded. 104, ScROPHULARIACEAE, 437 Ovary adherent to:the calyx-tube (inferior). Tendril-bearing herbs; anthers often united 112. CucursBiTacEaE, 472 Not tendril-bearing. Stamens separate. 3 Stamens free from the eeiitass or nearly 80; as many as its lobes ma 113. CAMPANULACEAE, 473 Stamens.inserted on the corolla. : Stamens 1-3, always fewer than the corolla-lobes *y 8 115. VALERIANACEAE, 475 Stamens 4~5; leaves opposite or whorled., Leaves opposite or perfoliate, but neither whorled nor provided with stipules .- 110. CapRiFoLIAcEAE, 468 Leaves.either opposite and stipulate, or whorled and “oun. without stipules 109. Rupracwae, 466 Stamens united by their anthers; these joined in a ring or tube. Flowers separate, not involucrate; corolla irregular i 114. LopEentiacraE, 474 Flowers in an involucrate head 116. ComposiTap, 476 1 ea DESCRIPTIVE FLORA PTERIDOPHYTES 1. OPHIOGLOSSACEAE Presl. ApDER’s-TONGUE FAMILY Leafy plants; the leaves (fronds) simple or branched, erect in vernation. Spores of one kind, borne in special spikes or panicles in sporangia (without an elastic ring) which are formed by groups of cells in the interior of the fruit- ing segments of the frond. Prothallia underground, destitute of cholorophyll. 1. BOTRYCHIUM Swartz. Grarz Fern. Moonworr Fronds with a posterior pinnatifid or compound sterile segment and an an- terior panicled fertile segment, the separate sporangia in a double row on the branches of the panicle. Bud inclosed in the base of the stalk. Leaf borne above the middle of the stem. Leaf near the middle of the stem, its lobes lunate or fan-shaped » il Leaf near the summit of the stem, triangular a2 x0 e oz Leaf borne near the base of the stem. Sporophyll simple, often much reduced, , Z ‘ ie 8 Sporophyll multipinnate S % . * ¥ ‘ . 4 1. Botrychium Lunaria (L.) Sw. Schrad. Journ. Bot. 2: 110. 1800. Plant 1-3 dm. high, very fleshy: leaf rising near the middle of the stem, pinnate with 2-8 pairs of lunate or tan shaped lobes which vary from crenate to entire, over- lapping each other or somewhat distant: sporophyll 2~3-pinnate, often dense, 2-4 cm. long; in vernation apex of leaf bent over sporophyl].—Colorado, north to Canada and thence across the continent. ' 2. Botrychium lanceolatum (Gmel.) Augs. Bot. Notiser 1854: 68. Plant 5-25 em. high, scarcely fleshy: leaf sessile near the summit, deltoid, once or twice pinnatifid, with oblique’ oblong-lanceolate acute segments: sporophyll slightly longer than the leaf, short-stalked, 2—3-pinnate, in vernation recurved with the leaf reclined upon it.—Across the continent northward and south in the mountains to Colorado. - 3. Botrychium simplex E. Hitch. Am. Journ. Sci. 6: 103. 1823. Plant smooth, fleshy, 5-15 em. high: leaf rising near the base, short-petioled, vary- ing from simple and rounded obovate (4-6 mm. long) to triangular-ovate and deeply 3-7-lobed, and even to fully ternate with incised divisions; the segments broadly obovate-cuneate or somewhat lunate: sporophyll. a simple or slightly compound spike, sometimes reduced to only a few sporangia: spores large, minutely tuberculate——Wyoming to Montana and thence across the con- tinent. 4. Botrychium Coulteri Underw. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 537. 1898. Stout and fleshy, with numerous fleshy roots: stem only 2-3 em. long, swollen with the contained bud of the succeeding season: leaf short-petioled, broader than long, 3-parted and each division tri- or quadripinnatifid; the segments obliquely ovate, about 10 mm. long, with entire or barely repand margin: sporophyll large, paniculate, 3-6 cm. long; the numerous pinnae crowded: sporangia numerous, bright yellow, with copious yellow spores.—On the geyser formations; Yellowstone Park and Montana, ROCKY MT. BOT.—2 7 . B. Lunaria, . B. lanceolatum, . B. ‘simplex, . B. Coulteri, 18 POLYPODIACEAE (FERN FAMILY) 2. POLYPODIACEAE R. Br. FrErn Famity Leafy plants; the leaves (fronds) often much branched, circinate in verna- tion, rising from a rootstock.’ Spores of one kind, borne on the under surface or margins of the leaves in sporangia (with an elastic ring), which are de- veloped from a single epidermal cell. Prothallia above ground, green.—The sporangia are usually collected in little masses (fruit dots or sori), which are often covered by a scale (indusium), which is produced by a cellular ougrowth from the frond, or by a general involucre formed from the infolded margin of the frond.—Eaton, Ferns of North America. Leaves of two kinds; the sterile broader than the fertile . o . 1. Cryptogramma. Leaves all alike. Indusium wholly wanting, Sori dorsal, roundish, Leaves 2-3-pinnatifid . a é * a 7 ‘| . 2, Phegopteris. Leaves simply pinnate . - < a ‘ . « . 3&8. Polypodium, Sori marginal, elongated . ‘ * * % : . . 4, Notholaena, Indusium present, — : Formed from the inflexed leaf-margin, . : , Sporangia on the underside of the reflexed portion of the leaf . 5. Adiantum, Sporangia in a continuous vein-like groove, or receptacle, which connects the ends of the veins, Me . Large plants of moist copses .. . : 5 a . 6. Pteridium, Small plants of cliffs and rock slides. Pinnae tomentose or scaly beneath . : x % . 7, Cheilanthes, Pinnae smooth beneath . . . ¥ - . . 8 Pellaea. Formed from epidermal cells (not from the leaf-margin) and variously attached, Sori round. ; Indusium superior, reniform or peltate, attached by a central stalk. 7 Sori near the midvein of the leaf ; ‘ ‘ . .9. Dryopteris, Sori near the margin of the leaf . é . ‘ . 10. Polystichum, Indusium inferior or partly so. Hood-like, attached to the inner side,soon openontheother 11. Filix, Cup-like, attached underneath, bursting above into a . briated margin . : . « 12, Woodsia, Sori oblong or linear 3 : . . : ‘ . 13, Asplenium, 1. CRYPTOGRAMMA R. Br. Rock Braxe Rootstocks short, bearing numerous light-green small smooth fronds of two kinds; the sterile much broader than the taller fertile ones; all with stramineous stipes. Sori extending down the free veins. Involucre very broad, at length flattened out and exposing the now confluent sori. Stipes tufted; fronds 3-4-pinnate . x 5 ¥ . ‘ . 1, C, acrostichoides, Stipes scattered; fronds 2-3-pinnate $ ‘ e 4 7 . 2, C. Stelleri. 1. Cryptogramma acrostichoides R. Br. App. Frank, Journ. 767. 1823. Fronds 5-10 cm. long, chartaceous, ovate, closely 3-4-pinnate; pinules ovate or obovate, adnate-decurrent, those of the fertile fronds narrower and longer, the involucres very broad: sori extending far down the veinlets.-—In dense. patches among rocks; California to Colorado, thence far northward and east to Lake Superior. . 2. Cryptogramma Stelleri (Gm.) Prantl, Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 3: 413. 1882. Rootstock very slender, creeping, nearly naked: fronds very delicate, 5-10 em. long, oblong-ovate, pinnate with a few once or twice pinnatifid pinnae; seg- ments oblong or obovate; involucres broad and delicate. Pellaea gracilis.— Crevices of damp and shaded limestone rocks; Colorado, northward and east- ward to Labrador, and thence south to Pennsylvania. 2. PHEGOPTERIS Fee Medium sized ferns with leaves 2-3-pinnate, triangular-ternate, the primary divisions stalked and the rachis not winged. Sori small, on the back of the veins below their attenuate apices. Indusium wholly wanting. POLYPODIACEAE (FERN FAMILY) 19 1. Phegopteris Dryopteris (L.) Fee, Gen. Fil. 243. 1850-52. Fronds smooth and thin, 1-2 dm. wide and long, lateral divisions divergent, all tri- angular and pinnate; the pinnae pinnatifid into oblong, obtuse, entire or even pinnately lobed segments; lowest inferior pinna of the lateral divisions equal to the second pinna of the middle division.—Open rocky woods; reported from Colorado; across the continent northward. 3. POLYPODIUM L. Potrropy Stipes articulated to the branching rootstocks. Leaves pinnate. Veins uni- formly free. Sori large, round, on the veins or at their ends, without indusium. 1. Polypodium hesperium Maxon, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 13: 200. 1900. Leaves subcoriaceous, 5-20 cm. long, ovate-oblong to oblong-linear, pinnatifid into linear-oblong obtuse or acute segments, the lowest ones rarely diminished: veins branched into three or four veinlets, the lowest ones on the upper side of the vein bearing at their thickened ends the subglobose sori midway be- tween the midrib and the margin of the segments. P. vulgare-—From the Rocky Mountains eastward to the Atlantic; also westward. 4. NOTHOLAENA R. Br. In ours the leaves are 3-5-pinnate, and covered beneath with a white or yellow powder, the primary and secondary pinnae distinctly stalked, and the ultimate pinnules very small, oval or 2-3-lobed.. Sori somewhat elongated, often of very, few sporangia, situated below the tips of the veins near the margin of the lobes of the fronds. 1. Notholaena Fendleri Kunze, Farrnkr. 2: 87. 1851. Leaves densely tufted, 5-15 cm. long, broadly deltoid ovate, 4—5-pinnate; the stipes dark brown; rachis and all its branches flexuous and zigzag; the pinnae alternate; ar pinnules 2-4 mm. long.—In clefts of cliffs; Colorado to Arizona and ‘exas, 5. ADIANTUM L. Marpenwair Stipe mostly blackened or very dark pee and commonly highly polished. Sporangia borne at the ends of the veins, on the underside of the Teflexed margin of the frond. Midvein of the pinnules eccentric, dissolving in the forking veinlets. ; \Fronds bipinnate, ovate-lanceolate 1, A. capillus-veneris, Fronds dichotomous, orbicular in outline ; é ¥ : 220A pedatum. 1. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. Sp. Pl. 1096. 1753. Fronds pel with the rachis continuous to the terminal pinnule, 2-4 dm. long, often pendent, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 2-3-pinnate at base; pinnules wedge- obovate or rhomboid, 1-2 cm. long, deeply and irregularly incised, smooth: involucres lunulate or transversely oblong.—In moist rocky: places; southern California across the continent to Virginia and Florida; rare if at all within our range. 2. Adiantum pedatum L. Sp. Pl. 1095. 1753. Frond often 2-3 dm. broad: stipe forked at the top, the branches recurved, and bearing several pinnate divisions on the upper side; primary divisions 6—14, bearing numerous oblong or triangular-oblong pinnules, which have the lower margin entire and the upper more or less lolfed: involucres oblong-lunate or transversely linear.— Across the continent and far northward; within our immediate range reported only from the Black Hills of Dakota, and from Utah. 6. PTERIDIUM Scop. Bracken or BRAKE In curs the rootstock is stout, cord-like, and extensively creeping. Fronds scattered, ternate, with decompound divisions, and pale green stipe. Sporangia 20 POLYPODIACEAE (FERN FAMILY) borne on a continuous vein-like marginal receptacle which connects the ends of the veins. Indusium membranous, formed of the reflexed margin of the leaf —Pteris. 1. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, Decken’s Reisen III. Bot. Ost-Afrika 11. 1879. Leaf often very large, the stipe and frond usually more than 1 m. in length and often 2 m.: frond broadly triangular, primary divisions stalked; pinnae mostly pinnately lobed, with several to many rather short obtuse lobes, and with a sometimes very long subentire apex.—Frequent in the northern half of the United States and in Canada. 7 CHEILANTHES Swz. Lip Fern Small ferns, with 24-pinnate fronds, and the under surface either smooth or variously covered with hair, wool, scales, or waxy powder. Ours belong to the section in which the involucres are continuous around the greater part of the margin.of the very minute and bead-like ultimate segments, and the lower surface of the fronds tomentose or scaly. ok Fronds tomentose beneath, but not scaly . 5 3 é . . 1. C. Feei. Fronds very scaly beneath, tomentum scanty or none . ‘ . . 2, C. Fendlert, 1. Cheilanthes Feei Moore, Ind. Fil. 240. 1857. Fronds 5-12 cm. long, ovate-lanceolate, tripinnate or bipinnate with pinnatifid pinnules; ultimate segments less than a line long; upper surface scantily tomentose, the lower surface matted with jointed woolly hairs: involucres herbaceous, very narrow. C. lanuginosa.—In dense tufts, on dry exposed rocks; Arizona to Colorado, northward and eastward to the Great Lakes. 2. Cheilanthes Fendleri Hook. Sp. Fil. 2: 103. 1858. Rootstock slender, its scales loose and nerveless: frond 8-15 cm. long, tripinnate; ultimate pin- nules rounded and entire, or obovate and 2-3-lobed, covered beneath with broadly ovate acuminate scales, which are sometimes sparingly ciliate at base.—In crevices of rocks; Colorado to Arizona and Texas. 8. PELLAEA Link. Curr Brake Rock-loving small or medium-sized ferns with pinnate or pinnatifid leaves, glabrous, having neither tomentum nor scales. Sori marginal and ultimately in - confluent line. Involucre membranous and continuous around the rpin- nules. Fronds herbaceous or subcoriaceous; the veins clearly visible, Pinnae 6-8, membranous * . . . . Breweri. . 1P Pinnae 2-5, subcoriaceous y . . . . . . 2. P. occidentalis, Fronds coriaceous; the veins not perceptible, 3 Closely tripinnate, 4-5.cm. long . ‘ Lemma and palet membranous; ee first glume Beually: larger than the rest; PASAT Fe Tribe II. Zoysieae. Lemma and palet chartaceous to coriaceous, very: aif ferent in color and appearance from the glumes. Tribe III. Paniceae. Spikelets much compressed laterally; glumes none or rudi- mentary; hilum linear i G8 Tribe IV. Oryzeae. Spikelets with the glumes persistent, tha rachilla entieuiutal above them, 1-many-flowered; frequently the upper lemmas are empty; rachilla often produced. Rerene the sterile lemma, . \ Spikelets borne in an open or spike-like arial or raceme, usually upon distinct pedicels. Spikelets, 1-flowered. Glumes 4; palet l-nerved 98) wees Wt », Tribe VV. Phalarideae. Glumes 2, rarely 1; palet 2-nerved (except in Cinna) Tribe VI. Agrostideae. Spikelets 2-many-flowered. : ai SiG ae Jemma, usually shorter than the glumes; the awn dorsal and.usually bent . es Tribe VII.: Aveneae. Lemma. usually longer than the glumes; the: awh tenis : nal and straight (rarely dorsal in Bromus) or none Tribe IX. Festuceae. Spikelets in two rows, sessile or nearly so. to ' Spikelets.on one side of the continuous axis, forming one- sided spikes. : vaiatls oes 4 ‘ty Tribe VITL Chlorideae. Spikelets alternately on Gaposits sides of the axis, which: is often articulated ‘ ‘ a % i . Tribe X. Hordeae. ry Tribe I. ANDROPOGONEAE Rachis-internodes not sulcate; branches of the simple panicle paired, or rarely single or variously branched. te Some or all of the racemes sessile ss « Be By. . 1, Andropogon. All of the racemies more or Jess peduncled. Pedicellate spikelets wanting . . * 3 . 8%. Sorghastrum. Pedicellate spikelets present and usually staminate:, ‘ . 4. Sorghum. Rachis-internodes sulcate ‘ ks Beg . ea é . & Amphilophis. Tribe Il, ZOYSIEAE Inflorescence in terminal spikes. . . eee . 45. Hilaria. * This excellent key to the tribes represented in our range is taken without change (except in terms used) from Rydherg’s Flora of Colorado, : eae keys have been adapted from those of Rydherg’s Fl, Colo.; Piper's Fl. Wash.; and Britton’s Man. 40 GRAMINEAF (GRASS FAMILY) Tribe III. PANICEAE Spikelets without a subtending involucre of bristles or valves, Spikelets in one-sided racemes or spikes, First glume well developed ‘i s a fs e A . 6. Paspalum. First glume small or abortive. * Plant annual 4 . . A s « ‘ és . 7. Syntherisma. Plant perennial . ; . . = . 8. Brachiaria. Spikelets not in one-sided racemes or ppiien: Glumes awned % . . . . Z . . 9. Echinochloa. Glumes not awned . Fi . “ . . : . - 10. Panicum. Spikelets involucrate. The involucre consisting of bristles . 7 5 ‘ + 11, Chaetochloa. The involucre consisting of spine-bearing valves forming abur . 12. Cenchrus. Tribe IV. ORYZEAE Flowers perfect; glumes wanting . 5 7 : a a . 13. Homalocenchrus Tribe V. PHALARIDEAE Uppermost floret perfect, the others empty . 2 é : . 14, Phalaris. Uppermost floret perfect, the others staminate . . . . 16. Hierochloe. Tribe VI. AGROSTIDEAE Lemma with a long terminal awn, and closely embracing the grain, Spikelets not in pairs. Fruiting lemma thin and membranous . a ‘s . - 20. Muhlenbergia. Fruiting lemma firm and indurated, Awns 3-branched ‘ é 5 . * . A . 16. Aristida. Awns simple. Twisted, persistent on the lemma . ‘ fe . « 17. Stipa. Straight, deciduous from the lemma. Lemma glabrous or appressed-pubescent * . . 18. Oryzopsis. Lemma long silky-pubescent : ‘ a * . 19. Eriocoma. Spikelets paired, in a spike-like raceme . , . 21. Lycurus. T.emma awnless or short-awned, and loosely investing the ran: Inflorescence a dense spike. Spikelets persistent; lemma awnless or with a short terminal awn. Spikes cylindrical i i Fi ‘ Y * : . 22. Phleum. Spikes ovoid ‘ i ‘4 . 27. Polypogon. Spikelets early deciduous; lemma with a dorsal awn © . 23. Alopecurus. Inflorescence a loose panicle. Pericarp discharging the seed at maturity. A diminutive alpine perennial : 2 a < . 24. Phippsia. Larger and mostly at middle and lower altitudes, Nerves of lemma not pilose 4 . . . . . 26. Sporobolus. Nerves of lemma pilose a ei . . . - 26. Blepharineuron. Pericarp permanently investing the seed. Palet 1-nerved; stamenl , . . . ° . . 28. Cinna. Palet 2-nerved; stamens 3, Lemma naked at the base . & 7 . 29. Agrostis. Lemma with a tuft of long hairs at the basa: Thin-membranous ‘ . . . . . - 80. Calamagrostis. Chartaceous . ’ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ . . 81. Calamovilfa. Tribe VII. AVENEAE Awn of the lemma dorsal, Spikelets less than 1 cm. long. Lemma erose-truncate . 5 . « - 82. Deschampsia. Lemma 2-toothed, with awn twisted and bent i r . . 88. Trisetum. Spikelets more than 1 cm.long . _ . . é - $65. Avena. Awn of the lemma terminal, between the teeth ¥ % . 86. Danthonia. GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) Tribe VIII. CHLORIDEAE Spikelets with perfect flowers. Spikelets deciduous as a whole, the articulation below the glumes, Spikelets much flattened; glumes unequal, keeled Spikelets subterete; glumes equal, convex . Spikelets in part persistent, the articulation above some of the glumes. Spikes few (1-4) . 7 . 7 @ ‘ . 7 . Spikes numerous, Spikes long, very slender; plant annual « i z é Spikes short, one-sided . . Spikelets with imperfect flowers, the pistillate very different fom the staminate and on very short culms s 5 3 . Tribe IX. FESTUCACEAE Lemma 3-lobed and 3-awned . . . . a . ~ . Lemma entire or 2-lobed. Rachilla long-hirsute . . ‘ ° . . Rachilla glabrous or with short hair: Plant prostrate, with spinescent leaves . . . . . Plants erect, leaves not spinescent. Lemma 3-nerved (or rarely 1). Lateral nerves hairy. Inflorescence a congested raceme; leaves with cartilagi- nous margins . p : a Inflorescence a panicle; leawee not éattilagingin on this mInargins . . . ° ° . . . Lateral nerves glabrous. Lemma long-hirsute at base . . ep . . Lemma glabrous at base. Glumes similar, Inflorescence spike-like . ‘ a ie ‘ . Inflorescence an open panicle, Rachilla continuous; flowering glumes decidu- ous, the palet persistent . Rachilla articulated; flowering zlutae na, palet both deciduous . = “ Glumes very dissimilar . . . . : Lemma 5-nerved or more. Spikelets with the upper florets sterile and folded about each other ‘ . Spikelets with the upper * doret vertent,, or narrow 7 asd abortive Stigmas arising below the apex of the ovary . Stigmas arising at the apex of the ovary. Lemma compressed and keeled. Awn-pointed : . ° . . e a Pointless. Glumes 1-3-nerved. Scarious-margined . . ‘ . ‘ Membranous . . . . . ° Glumes 5-nerved or more . * * A Lemma. convex or rounded on the back. Acute or awned . 7 . 2 7 . . Obtuse and scarious at apex. Prominently 5-7-nerved . % . e ‘ Obscurely 5-nerved . A i as ote ’ Tribe X. HORDEAE Spikelets mostly solitary at each joint of the rachis, Spikelets placed edgewise on the rachis . ‘ s 40. 87. 38. 34, 39. 41. 42. 44, 43. 45. 47. 46. 48. 51. 49. 54, 87. 58. 61. 4] Beckmannia. | Spartina. Bouteloua. Schedonnardus. Atheropogon. Buchloe. Scleropogon. Phragmites. Munroa. Tricuspis. Diplachne. Redfieldia, Koeleria. Eragrostis. Catabrosa. Eatonia. Melica. Bromus. Dactylis, Poa. . Graphephorum, Distichlis. Festuca. Glyceria. Puccinellia. Lolium. 42 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY, Spikelets placed flatwise on therachis .«.:. °° . f ‘ . 62. Agropyron. Spikelets 2 or more at each joint of the rachis, Spikelets 1-flowered . < 3 ee Boa 5 J % . 63. Hordeum. Spikelets 2-many-flowered, : Rachis continuous . i ‘ e e : . . 64, Elymus. Rachis readily separating into joints . : aie . 665. Sitanion. | 1. ANDROPOGON L. Berarp Grass or BLUE-sTEM Perennials, usually with long narrow leaves, and terminal and axillary racemes. Spikelets in pairs at each node of the jointed hairy rachis, one sessile and perfect, the outer with a pedicel and either staminate, empty, or reduced toasingleglume. Perfect spikelet consisting of 4 glumes; the outer 2 coriaceous, the second keeled and acute; the two inner hyaline, the fourth more or less awned and subtending a palet and perfect flower. Stamens 1-3. Grain free. Racemes solitary, distinct, 1-3 at each node . ‘ : c ve . 1, A. scoparius, Racemes in pairs or approximate, Awn doom spiral, geniculate. . . . . . . . 2, A, furcatus, Awn straight or sometimes wanting . ¥ : a Y i «= @ Ae dla, 1. Andropogon scoparius Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 57. 1803. Culms tufted, 6-12 dm. tall: sheaths sometimes glaucous: leaves 15-30 cm. long, scabrous: spikes 25-50 mm. long, loose, distinct, and 1-3 at each node, on long-exserted slender peduncles: rachis slender, flexuous; joints and pedicels ciliate with long spreading hairs: outermost glume of sessile spikelet about 6 mm. long; awn spiral, 10-12 mm. long; pediceled spikelet a single awn-pointed glume.—Dry, | sandy soil; throughout our range: : 2. Andropogon furcatus Muhl. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 919. 1806. Culms stout, 9-18 dm. tall: sheaths smooth and glabrous: leaves 15-45 em. long: spikes 2-5, in pairs’ or approximate, 5-10 em. long; joints of the rachis and pedicels ciliate with short hairs: outermost glume of sessile spikelet 6-8 mm. long; awn “ of the sterile lemma loosely spiral, geniculate, 10-14 mm. long; pediceled © spikelet of 4 glumes.—Eastern part of our range and eastward. " 8. Andropogon Hallii Hack. Sitz. Akad. Wiss. Wien 89: 127. 1884. Culms robust, 9-18 dm. tall, more or less glaucous: sheaths somewhat glaucous: leaves 3 dm. long or less: spikes 2-5, in pairs or approximate, 5-10 cm. long: joints of the rachis and pedicels villous with long hairs: outermost glume of sessile spikelet about 8 mm. long, acuminate, glabrous at base, from sparingly to copiously silky-pubescent toward the apex; awn of the sterile lemma straight, 4-10 mm. long, or sometimes wanting; pediceled spikelet consisting of 4 glumes, generally larger than the sessile spikelet ae inclosing three stamens.—Dry, sandy soil of the plains and foothills; along the eastern border of the Rocky Mountain. pasts : 2. AMPHILOPHIS Nash Perennials, usually with flat leaves and showy, often silvery-white panicles, the axis short, making the: panicle appear fan-like, or elongated with the branches more scattered. Racemes usually numerous, the internodes with manifestly thickened margins, the median portion thin and translucent ; the pedicels of the same structure, the margins ciliate with long hairs. Sessile spikelets of 4 glumes, the first one 2-keeled, the second 1-keeled, the lemmas hyaline, the latter very narrow, stipe-like, somewhat thickened, gradually merging into a usually geniculate, contorted or spiral awn, or the awn rarely wanting. Pedicellate spikelets staminate and similar to the sessile, or sterile and smaller. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas.plumose. Grain free, in- closed in the lemmas. ; C4 : 1. Amphilophis Torreyanus (Steud.) Nash, Brit. Man. 71. 1901. Culms erect, 4-10 dm. tall, the nodes naked: sheaths more or less glaucous: leaves 7-17 em. long, glaucous: spikes 25-35 mm. long, in a terminal long-exserted panicle 4-10 em. long; outermost glume of sessile spikelet 3-1 mm. long, about GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 43 equaling the terminal jhairs of the rachis-joints, lanceolate, acute; awn 8-16 mm. long, spiral; pediceled spikelet rudimentary. (Andropogon Torreyanus Steud.) —Kansas and Colorado; extending southward and westward to Ne- vada. 3. SORGHASTRUM Nash Annual or perennial, generally tall grasses, with long narrow flat leaves and terminal panicles. ‘Spikelets in pairs or threes at the end of the branches; one sessile and perfect; the lateral pediceled, empty, or reduced to the pedicel only. Perfect spikelet consisting of 4 glumes; the two outer indurated and shining; the inner hyaline, the fourth awned and subtending a palet and per- fect flower, or the palet sometimes wanting. Stamens 8. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Crain free. 1. Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash, inSmall Fl. 66. 1903. Stout perennials, 9-18 dm. high: lower leaves 3 dm. or more in length: panicle, 1-3 :dm. long, brownish-yellow; branches 5-10 cm. long, erect-spreading: spikelets erect or somewhat spreading; first glume of sessile spikelet 6-8 mm. long, pubescent with long hairs; second glume glabrous; awn 1-2 cm. long, the column having but a single bend; lateral spikelets wanting. Chrysopogon nutans.—Extend- ing into our range from the eastern United States. 4. SORGHUM Pers. Annual or perennial grasses, with long, broad, flat leaves and terminal, ample panicles. Spikelets in pairs at the nodes, or in threes at the ends of the branches, one sessile and perfect, the lateral pediceled, staminate or empty. Sessile spikelet consisting of 4 glumes, the outer indurated and shining, ob- scurely nerved, inner hyaline, the fourth awned and subtending a small palet and perfect flower, or palet sometimes wanting. Stamens 3. Style distinct. Grain free. 1. Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. ‘Syn. 1: 101. 1805. Stout perennial, 9-20 dm. tall: sheaths smooth; leaves 3 dm. or more long, 6-25 mm. wide: panicle 15-45 cm. long: outer glumes of sessile spikelet 4-6 mm. long, usually urplish, pubescent with long appressed hairs; awn when present 8-16 mm. ong. Jounson Grass.—lIntroduced in fields and waste places. 5. HILARIA HB. Biack BuNcH-GRAss Caespitose or decumbent perennials, often .stoloniferous, with flat or: in- volute leaves and terminal solitary spikes. Spikelets sessile, in groups of three at each joint of the zigzag continuous rachis, forming terminal spikes, the several groups falling off entire; the two outer or anterior spikelets staminate and 2-3-flowered, the posterior or inner one pistillate or hermaphrodite, and 1-flowered. Glumes firmer in texture than the lemmas, unequal, many-nerved, more or less connate below, entire at the apex or more often divided, usually unequally 2-lobed with one to several intermediate awns or awn-like divi- sions; lemmas much narrower. Stamens 3. Styles connate below; stigmas shortly plumose. Grain ovate or oblong, included within the lemmas, free. 1, Hilaria Jamesii (Torr.) Benth. Journ./Linn. Soc. 19: 62. 1881. Rather coarse, branching, 3-5 dm. high: spikes erect, often purplish, 5-8 cm. long: spikelets 8-10 mm. long, hairy at base; staminate spikelets 2-flowered, the glumes 5-nerved, the outer glume with an awn from the back longer than the spikelet, the inner unawned.—Mesas and table-lands from southern Wyoming to New Mexico and southern California. 6. PASPALUM L. Perennials, various in habit; with usually flat leaves and 1-flowered spike- lets borne singly or in pairs in 2 rows on I-sided spikes, which are single, in 44 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY ) pairs or panicled. Spikelets oblong to orbicular, flat on the outer surface, con- vex on the inner. Glumes 3, the outer ones membranous, the inner one in- durated and plumose. Grain ovoid or oblong, free. 1. Paspalum setaceum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 43. 1803. Culms mostly erect, 3-6 dm. tall, slender, smooth: sheaths and leaves generally very pu- bescent; the latter 7-20 cm. long, 2-6 mm. wide, erect, acuminate: spikes 4-8 cm. long, more or less curved, generally solitary, occasionally 2, on a long- exserted slender peduncle, with usually 1 or 2 additional shorter peduncles from the same upper sheath: spikelets about 1.5 mm. long, in 2 narrow rows, broadly obovate, very obtuse; eopr glumes 3-nerved, glabrous or pubescent, third glume obovate, shining. —Colorado and eastward. 7. SYNTHERISMA Walt. Annuals, with flat leaves and spikelets borne in pairs or sometimes in threes, in secund spikes which are digitate or approximate at the summit of the culm. Spikes often purplish. Glumes of the spikelet 4, sometimes 3 by the suppres- sion of the lowest one; the fourth or innermost glume chartaceous, subtending a palet of similar texture and a perfect flower. Stamens 3. Stigmas plumose. 1, Syntherisma sanguinalis (L.) Dulac. Fl. Hautes-Pyr. 77. 1867. Culms 3-8 dm. high, becoming prestate at base and rooting at the lower nodes: lower sheaths densely papillose-hirsute: leaves 4-20 em. long, 4-10 mm. wide, more or less papillose-hirsute on both surfaces: racemes 3-10, 5-18 cm. long: spikelets 25-30 mm. long and about 0.8 mm. wide, elliptic-lanceolate, acute, in pairs, the first glume minute, triangular, the second 3-nerved, about one half as long as the spikelet, the third 7-nerved, the fourth yellowish-white, acutely apiculate. Panicum sanguinale. Crap Grass.—Generally introduced in fields and waste grounds. 8. BRACHIARIA Ledeb. Annuals or perennials with flat leaves and a panicle composed of alternate scattered one-sided racemes with the spikelets borne in 2 rows. Spikelets 1-flowered, articulated to the pedicel below the glumes. Glumes 4, the outer 3 membranous, the fourth chartaceous, inclosing a palet of similar texture and a perfect flower. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain free.—Panicum in part. 1. Brachiaria obtusa (H.B.K.) Nash, Brit. Man. 77. 1901. Glabrous stoloniferous perennial, the culms 3-6 dm. high, simple or branching at base: leaves 6-22 cm. long, 2-6 mm. wide, usually erect, long-acuminate: panicle 5-15 em. long, composed of 3-5 erect racemes 18-37 mm. long: spikelets about 3 mm. long, crowded, oval or obovoid, obtuse, turgid; first glume shorter than the rest, obtuse, 5-nerved; second, third and fourth glumes about equal, the second and third 5-nerved, the fourth chartaceous.—Colorado and southward. 9. ECHINOCHLOA Beauv. Commonly annuals with broad leaves and a terminal inflorescence consist- ing of one-sided racemes racemosely or paniculately arranged. Spikelets 1-flowered, singly disposed, or in smaller racemes or clusters on the ultimate divisions of the inflorescence. Glumes 4, the outer 3 membranous, hispid on the nerves, the third and usually also the second awned or sometimes merely awn-pointed, the awn often very long; fourth glume indurated, shining, frequently pointed, inclosing a palet of similar texture and a perfect flower. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain free.—Panicum in part. 1. Echinochloa Crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Agros. 58. 1812. Annuals, 4-12 dm. high, the culms often branching at base: sheaths smooth and glabrous: leaves GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 45 15-60 em. long, 6-25 mm. wide, smooth or scabrous: panicle composed of 5-15 sessile, erect or ascending branches, or the lower branches spreading or reflexed: spikelets ovate, green or purple, densely crowded in 2-4 rows on one side of the rachis; second and third glumes about 3 mm. long; scabrous or hispid, the second awnless or with a long rigid awn, the third awnless or short awned, the fourth ovate, abruptly pointed. Barnyrarp Grass.—Introduced in fields and waste grounds. 10. PANICUM L. Panic Grass Annuals or perennials, various in habit, with open or contracted panicles. Spikelets 1-2-flowered, when 2-flowered the lower one staminate. Glumes 4, the 3 lower membranous, empty, or the third with a staminate flower, varying in the same species; the inner or fourth glume chartaceous, shining, inclosing a palet of similar texture and a perfect flower; awns none. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain free, inclosed in the hardened fruit- ing glume and palet. Spikelets acuminate, Annual; spikelets 2-2.5mm.long . . . 5 . . - XL. P. capillare. Perennial; spikelets 4—4.5 mm. long a ‘i i < < . 2 P. virgatum, Spikelets obtuse or barely pointed, Leaves smooth above, scabrous beneath; spikelets about 3mm.long 3. P. Scribnerianum, Leaves more or less pubescent on both surfaces; spikelets 1.5-2.5 mm, long 4, P. scoparium, 1, Panicum capillare L. Sp. Pl. 58. 1753. Culms erect or decumbent, 3-6 dm. tall, simple or sometimes sparingly branched: sheaths papillose- hirsute: leaves 15-30 cm. long, 6-16 mm. wide, pubescent: panicles widely spreading, capillary, the terminal one 20~25 cm. long; the lateral panicles, when present, smaller: spikelets 2-2.5 mm. long, acuminate; first glume one fourth to one half as long as the spikelet; second and third glumes nearly equal, very acute; the fourth 1.5 mm. long. Wircu Grass.—Dry soil; a weed in cultivated fields. 2. Panicum virgatum L.Sp, Pl. 59. 1753. Stout, erect, glabrous, perennial, 9-15 dm. high, usually forming large tufts, with strong creeping rootstocks: leaves elongated, 3 dm. long or more, 6-12 mm. wide, flat, long-acuminate, narrowed toward the base, glabrous, rough on the margins: panicle 15—50 cm. long, the lower branches 10-25 cm. long, more or less widely spreading or sometimes nearly erect: spikelets ovate, acuminate, 4-4.5 mm. long; first glume acuminate, about one half as long as the spikelet, 3-5-nerved; second glume generally longer than the others, 5-7-nerved; the third similar and usually subtending a palet and staminate flower. Swircu Grass.—Sandy river bottoms; extending into our range from the eastern United States. 3. Panicum Scribnerianum Nash, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22: 421. 1895. Perennial, 2-4 or more dm. high: culms erect, finally branching, sparingly pubescent: sheaths usually papillose-pilose: leaves more or less spreading, flat, smooth above, scabrous beneath, 5-10 cm. long, 6-12 mm. wide: panicles small, ovoid, 3-7 cm. long: spikelets turgid, obovoid,.obtusish, about 3 mm. long, sparsely pubescent or nearly glabrous.—Throughout our range. 4. Panicum scoparium Lam. Encyel. 4: 744. 1797. Perennial, 1-4 or more dm. high: culms erect or ascending and finally more or less branched, usually densely pubescent with spreading hairs as also the sheaths, the nodes bearded and with a glabrous ring immediately below: leaves more or less softly pubes- cent on both surfaces and often somewhat villous, scabrous on the margins, -15 em. long, 5-10 mm. wide: panicles ovoid or subpyramidal, 4—7 em. long: pikelets ovate, subacute, 1.5-2, rarely 2.5 mm. long, pubescent.—Throughout mur range. 11. CHAETOCHLOA Scribn. Annuals or perennials with erect culms, few leaves, and bristly spike-like panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered, or rarely with a second staminate flower, the 46 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) basal bristles single or in clusters below the articulation of the rachilla, and therefore persistent. Glumes of the spikelet 4, the other three membranous, the third often subtending a palet and rarely a staminate flower; inner or fourth chartaceous, subtending a palet of similar texture and a perfect flower. Stamens 3. Styles distinct, elongated; stigmas plumose. Grain free, ‘in- closed in the lemmas.—Setarra. : Annual; panicle dense. - % ‘ * ¥ ® i ‘ . 1. C, viridis, | Perennial; panicle more or less interrupted . < . 3 2 . 2, C. composita, 1. Chaetochloa viridis (L.) Serjbn. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 4: 39. 1897. Erect glabrous caespitose annuals, 2-9 dm. high: leaves 7-25 em. long, 4-12 mm. wide: spikes compound, 3-10 cm. long: spikelets about 3 mm. long, elliptic, much shorter than the green or sometimes yellowish bristles; first glume less than one half as long as the spikelet, 1-3-nerved; second and third glumes obtuse, 5-nerved; fourth glume equaling or slightly exceeding the peu Green Foxratt.—Introduced into cultivated. grounds and waste places. a 2. Chaetochloa composita (H.B.K.) Scribn. U. 8. Dept.’ Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 4: 39. 1897. Pale glaucous caespitose perennial, 3-10 dm. high, much branched from the base: culms scabrous and often pubescent, rarely. glabrous, the nodes bearded with a ring of silky appressed hairs: leaves 10-25 cm, long, 2-5 mm. wide, scabrous on both sides or sometimes nearly glabrous: spikes usually more or less interrupted, 5-16 cm. long: spikelets 2 or rarely 3 mm. long, narrowly ovate, acute, much shorter than the single or rarely paired, green, flexuous bristles; first glume one half as long as the spikelet, 3-nerved; second and third glumes acute or apiculate, 5-nerved; fourth glume slightly exceeding the second. Setaria setosa caudata.—Southwestern Colorado. 12. CENCHRUS L. Sanp Bur Annuals or perennials, usually with flat leaves. Spikelets 1-4 together, in terminal spikes or racemes, subtended by a spiny involucre which is deciduous with them at maturity. Glumes 4; the first hyaline; the second and. third membranous, the latter sometimes having a palet and staminate flower.in its: axil; the fourth chartaceous, subtending a palet of similar structure which: incloses a perfect flower. Stamens3. Styles united below; stigmas plumose. Grain free, inclosed in the lemmas. 1. Cenchrus tribuloides L. Sp. Pl. 1050. 1753. Culms erect or decumbent from an annual root, 2-5 or more dm. high: sheaths usually loose, com- pressed, smooth: leaves 6-12 cm. long: spikes 2-6 cm. long, sometimes ‘par- tially included in the upper sheath: involucres crowded on the scabrous rachis, 2-flowered, globose, pubescent except at the base, forming spiny burs, the spines stout: spikelets about 6 mm. long.—Sandy fields and waste grounds; extending into our range from the eastern and ‘southern United States. ! 13. HOMALOCENCHRUS Miog. Marsh grasses with flat, narrow, generally rough leaves and paniculate in- florescence. Spikelets 1-flowered, perfect, strongly flattened laterally, and usually more or less imbricated. Glumes 2, chartaceous, the outer one broad and strongly conduplicate, the inner much narrower. Stamens 1-6. Styles short, distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain ovoid, free. oO 1. Homalocenchrus oryzoides (L.) Poll. Hist. Pl. Palat. 1: 52.: 1776. Rather stout rough much-branched perennial, 3-12 dm. high: leaves 7-25 em. long, 4-10 mm. wide: terminal panicle 12-22 em. long, finally long-exserted, its branches lax, and later widely spreading; lateral panicle generally included: spikelets 4-5 mm. long, about 1.5 mm. wide, elliptic; glumes pubescent, the outer one hispid on the keel and on the margins: stamens 3. Rice Cut-GRass.—™ In swamps and along streams in the eastern part of our range; rare. GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 47 14. PHALARIS L., Canary Grass Annuals or perennials with flat leaves, inflorescence spike-like, capitate, or a@ narrow panicle. Spikelets crowded, 1-flowered. Glumes 5; the first and second about equal in length, strongly compressed laterally, usually wing- keeled; third and fourth glumes much smaller or reduced to mere rudiments; fifth glume subtending a palet similar to itself and a perfect flower. Sta- mens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain oblong, free, smooth, in- closed in the indurated glume. Outer glumes not winged; inflorescence a narrow panicle . a . 1. P. arundinacea, Outer glumes broadly winged; inflorescence a spike-like panicle , . 2.-P, caroliniana, 1. Phalaris arundinacea L. Sp. Pl. 55. 1753. Stout erect glabrous peren- nial, 6-15 dm. high: leaves 8-25 em. long, 6-16 mm. wide: panicle 7-20 em. long, dense and contracted: spikelets 5-6 mm. long; outer glumes 3-nerved; third and fourth glumes less than one half as long as the fifth; fifth glume about three fourths as long as the spikelet, pubescent with long appressed silky hairs. Resp Canary Grass.—Throughout our range. 2. Phalaris caroliniana Walt. Fl. Car. 74. 1788. . Comparatively slender annual, 3-10 dm. high: leaves rather short, 5-15 cm. long, 4-10 mm. wide: spike-like panicle oblong, densely flowered, 2-10 cm. long: spikelets 5 mm. long; third and fourth glumes less than one half as long:as the fifth; fifth glume about two thirds as long as the spikelets, acuminate, pubescent with long appressed hairs.—Infrequent in our range. : 15. HIEROCHLOE Gmel. Houy Grass. VANILLA GRASS Aromatic perennials with flat leaves and contracted or open panicles. Spikelets 3-flowered, the terminal flower perfect, the others staminate. Glumes 5; the first and second nearly equal, acute, glabrous; the third and fourth somewhat shorter, obtuse, entire, emarginate, 2-toothed or 2-lobed, with or without an awn, inclosing a palet and perfect flower. Stamens in the staminate flowers 3, in the perfect, 2. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain free, inclosed in the glumes.—(Savastana Schrank.) 1. Hierochloe odorata (L.) R. & S. Syst. 2: 513. 1817. Slender sweet- scented stoloniferous perennial, 3-6 dm. high: lower leaves elongated, 1-2 dm. long, 2-6 mm. wide; the upper ones 1—5 em. long: panicle brownish, open, 4— 10 em. long, the branches in pairs: spikelets yellowish-brown and purple, 4-6 mm. long; first and second glumes acute; third and fourth villous and strongl ciliate, awn-pointed. Hierochloe borealis—Throughout our range. 16. ARISTIDA L. THren-AwNED Grass Tufted annuals or perennials with narrow, often involute-setaceous leaves. Spikelets narrow, 1-flowered, in terminal more or less expanded panicles. Glumes narrow, carinate; lemma rigid and convolute, bearing three awns oc- casionally united at the base, the lateral awns rarely wanting or reduced to rudiments; palet 2-nerved. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain free, tightly inclosed in the lemma. First and second glumes subequal . ‘ é i A 3 . . 1. A. oligantha. First glume about one half as long asthe second, é . a . 2, A, longiseta, 1. Aristida oligantha Michx. Fl. Bor, Am. 1: 41. 1803. Tufted annual, 2-4 dm. high, with slender dichotomously branched culms and loose sheaths: leaves smooth, 2-15 cm. long, 1-2 mm. wide: spikelets few, in a lax spike-like raceme or panicle; first glume 5-nerved, occasionally 7-nerved at base, equal- ing or somewhat shorter than the second, which bears an awn 4~8 mm. long; lemma shorter than the first glume; awns divergent or spreading, middle on 4-6 cm. long, lateral ones somewhat shorter.—Infrequent; Colorado. = 48 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 2. Aristida longiseta Steud. Syn. Pl. Gram. 420. 1855. Densely tufted glabrous perennial, 1-4 dm. high, with numerous involute basal leaves, and erect simple culms: panicles few-flowered, 1-2 dm. long, its branches solitary or 2 or 3 at the lower nodes, each bearing 1-3 spikelets (usually 1): spikelets 20-25 mm. long; empty glumes unequal, acute or with a mucronate tip 1 mm. long; the first shorter than the lemmas and about one half the length of the second; the second much exceeding the lemma; setae nearly equal, about 7 cm. long.—Sandy soil; throughout our range. 2a. Aristida longiseta robusta Merrill, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Cir. 34. 5. 1901. Stout, 3-4 dm. high, with more rigid inflorescence and usually longer leaves than in the species: glumes prominently cleft at apex, bearing in the cleft a scabrous awn about 2 mm. long.—Same range. 2b. Aristida longiseta Fendleriana (Steud.) Merrill, 1.c. Two to four dm. high: basal leaves numerous: panicle strict: glumes generally cleft at the apex and bearing a short awn; second glume equaling or slightly exceeding the pane setae subequal, 2-3 cm. long.—Eastern Wyoming, Colorado, and southward. 17. STIPA L. FrarHer Grass Tufted perennials, the leaves usually convolute, rarely flat, the inflorescence paniculate. Spikelet 1-flowered, narrow. Glumes narrow, acute or acuminate, obtuse or awned; lemma rigid, convolute, with a hairy callus at base, and bearing a more or less bent awn, which is spiral at the base and articulated to the glume; palet 2-nerved. Stamens 3, rarely fewer. Styles short, dis- tinct; stigmas plumose. Grain narrow, free, tightly inclosed in the lemma. Awn less than 5 cm. long. Panicle loose. Awn scabrous 3 ‘ « ‘ . . . . « 1. 8. Richardsonii, Awn plumose : Z . . « . « 2, 8. mongolica, Panicle contracted and spike-like. Awn plumose, the hairs over 1 mm, long. Glumes 16-18 mm. long 5 . . . . . . Glumes 10-12 mm, long ‘ ‘ 5 ; a s Awn not plumose, recente if any, less than 1 mm. long. Lemma with a distinct crown of hairs at apex. Glumes 10-14 mm. long a : e Glumes 7-10 mm, oue < at ga . . 5 . Lemma not crowned with a tuft of hairs or the crown, if any, indistinct. Sheaths pubescent . ‘ 5 ‘ : é “ - 8. S. Williamsii, Sheaths smooth. 3 Very tall, 89-18 dm. high. é - 10. S. Vaseyi, a . - 9. 8. Nelsonii. 8. speciosa. . S- occidentalis, oe 4. S. Scribneri. 5. 8. Lettermanii, Less than 10 dm. or rarely 12 dm. high. Awn 35-40 mm. long ‘ . a Awn less than 35 mm, long. Margins of sheaths pilose s ~ . ° - 11. S. viridula. Margins of sheaths not pilose . © . . 7. S. columbiana, Awn 5 cm, or more in length. Awn plumose . a ‘ : . . . a . - 12. S. neo-mexicana, Awn not plumose. Glumes 24-36 mm. long a ‘ 7 a . z 5 . 8. spartea, 13 Glumes 18-24 mm. long ‘ . . . . 14, S. comata. 1. Stipa Richardsonii Link, Hort. Berol. 2: 245. 1833. Erect, slender, 6-9 dm. high: leaves long and narrow, involute: panicle loose and open, more or less nodding, 7-12 cm. long, with very slender, few-flowered branches: spikelets 8-9 mm. long, broadly lanceolate, acute; glumes unequal, the lower about 9 mm. long, the upper one fourth shorter, both 3-nerved; lemma 6 mm. long, sparsely hairy, brown; awn slender, scabrous, 12-20 mm. long.—Through- out our range and northward. . 2. Stipa mongolica Turez. in Trin. Gram. Suppl. 42. 1836. Slender, densely tufted, about 3 dm. high, with short, setaceous leaves and loosely few-flowered purplish panicles 7-10 em. long: glumes 5 mm. long, equal, ob- tuse, smooth, subhyaline; lemma about 4 mm. long, thinly hairy below and at the 2-toothed apex; callus short, obtuse; awn 12-16 mm. long, geniculate and twisted below, long-plumose-hairy.—Mountains of Colorado. : GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 49 3. Stipa speciosa Trin. & Rupr. Agrostidea 3: 45. 1842. Erect and rather stout, densely tufted, 3-6 dm. high, with long narrow radical leaves, and erect contracted panicle 12-16 cm. long: glumes 16-18 mm. long, nearly equal, acuminate, hyaline, the first 3-, the second 5—7-nerved; lemma silky-pubescent, 10-12 mm. long; callus short, curved; awn 3-4 cm. long, geniculate below the middle, the twisted portion plumose with white silky hairs 3-6 mm. long.— Extending into Colorado from the southwest. 4. Stipa Scribneri Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 11: 125. 1884. Stout, erect and smooth, 4-8 dm. high, with rather long, narrow, involute-pointed culm leaves, and contracted panicles 12-16 em. long: uppermost culm-leaf almost equaling the panicle: glumes unequal; the first 12-14 mm. long; the second about 10 mm. long, both 3-nerved, acuminate; lemma 6-10 mm. long and crowned with a tuft of rather long hairs; awn once or twice bent, twisted in the lower half, 16-18 mm. long.—Southern Colorado and New Mexico. 5. Stipa Lettermanii Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 13: 53. 1886. Slender and glabrous, with wiry culms 2-6 dm. high, filiform leaves, and slender, few-” flowered, interrupted, shortly exserted panicles 5-15 cm. long: glumes narrow, more or less hyaline, equal or nearly so, smooth or very minutely scabrous on the back, 7-9 or rarely 10 mm. long; lemma 4~5 mm. long, pilose, the hairs spreading and forming a more or less distinct crown at apex; the callus acute.— In dry soil throughout our range. ; : 6. Stipa occidentalis Thurb. in Bot. King’s Exp. 380. 1871. Slender, erect and tufted, 3-8 dm. high, with narrow setaceously pointed leaves and erect, contracted panicles 8-16 em. long: glumes about equal, thin-membranous and carinate’‘above, 10-12 mm. long; lemma clothed with a thin, short pubescence, 5-6 mm. long; awn twice bent, twisted to the second bend, pubescent or sub- plumose on the lower half, the upper half minutely scabrous, 25-35 mm. long. —Extending into Wyoming from the far west. , 7. Stipa columbiana Macoun, Cat. Can: Pl. Part IV.191. 1888. Erect'and slender or rather stout, 4-9 dm. high, glabrous or the culms minutely pubescent below the nodes, with long narrow leaves and usually purplish panicles 15-20 cm. long: glumes somewhat unequal, 7-9 mm. long, usually more or less purplish; lemma 4-5 mm. long, thinly pilose; the callus short and acute; awn usually twice bent, twisted to the second bend, minutely scabrous, 15—- 25 mm. long. [S. minor (Vasey) Scribn.}—Common in the mountains through-. out our range. ; bo 8. Stipa Williamsii Scribn. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 11: 45. 1898. Erect and rather stout, 7-9 dm. high, with long-flat leaves and strict panicles 10-22 em. long: culms pubescent at least near the nodes: sheaths softly pubes- cent, at least the lower ones: glumes nearly equal, about 9 mm. long, smooth or very minutely scabrous; lemma about 6 mm. long, clothed with appressed hairs, the callus sharply pointed; awn usually twice bent, twisted to the second bend, minutely scabrous, 2-3 em. long.—Infrequent; Wyoming, Montana, and eastern Idaho. - 7 ; 9. Stipa Nelsonii Scribn. U. 8. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 11: 46.1898. Rather stout, glabrous, 6-9 dm. high, with long, narrow leaves: panicles strict, 10-25 em. long; pale and of a silvery and comose appearance: glumes narrow, thin and hyaline excepting the nerves which are quite prominent, smooth or minutely scabrous on back, the first about 10 mm. long, the second a little shorter; lemma 6-7 mm. long, clothed with soft, silky hairs; the callus rather acute; awn usually twice bent, twisted to second bend, scabrous, 35-40 mm. long.—Throughout ourrange. | ; 10. Stipa Vaseyi Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 11: 46. 1898. Stout, erect, 8-18 dm. high, with long flat leaves and erect, densely flowered panicles 20-45 em. long: sheaths usually pilose at the throat and often sparsely: so on the margins: glumes nearly equal, about 10 mm. long, firm in texture, minutely but distinctly scabrous on the back; lemma pubescent, 6-7 mm. long; the callus acute; awn scabrous, usually twice bent, twisted to the second bend, 25-35 mm. long.—Colorado and southward. 11. Stipa viridula Trin. Gram. Suppl. 39. 1836. Erect and rather stout, 50 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 6-12 dm. high, with involute pointed leaves, and narrow greenish contracted panicles 10-15 em. long: sheaths pilose about the throat and on the margins; glumes equal, with prominent green nerves, smooth or nearly so, subulate- pointed, 8-9 mm. long; lemma pubescent, about 4 mm. long; the callus blunt or subacute; awn usually twice bent, twisted to the second bend, minutely scabrous, 25-30 mm. long.—At the lower altitudes throughout our range. 12. Stipa neo-mexicana (Thurb.) Scribn.-U. 8. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull: 17: 132. 1899. -Erect, rather stout and densely tufted, 3-9 dm. high, with in- volute leaves, and narrow racemose panicles 8-10 cm. long: glumes nearly equal, long-setaceous-pointed, 5-7-nerved, 3-4 em. long; lemma 10-14 mm. long, clothed with a close appressed pubescence; awn 8-12. cm. long, plumose- hairy excepting near the base-—Extending into Colorado from the south. 13. Stipa spartea Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. 1: 82. 1831. Stout and erect, with simple culms 6-10 dm. high, long narrow leaves and con- tracted few-flowered panicles 10-20 cm. long: glumes subulate-pointed, slightly unequal, 24-36 mm. long; lemma 16-20 mm. long, including the barbed and very sharp-pointed callus, sparsely pubescent below and crowned with a few short hairs; awn stout, twisted and pubescent below, twice bent near the middle, 8-17 em. long. Porcupine Grass.—Extending into our range from the northeast. 14. Stipa comata Trin. & Rupr. Agros. 3: 75. 1842. Rather stout, erect, tufted, 3-9 dm. high, with mostly involute leaves and loosely-flowered panicles 16-24 em. long: sheaths loose, the uppermost inflated and inclosing the base of the panicle; ligule conspicuous, acute, 4-6 mm. long: glumes nearly equal, long-attenuate-pointed, 18-24 mm. long; lemma 8-15 mm. long, including the long, sharp callus, thinly pubescent; awn obscurely twice bent below, vari- ously curled and twisted or only slightly flexuous above, sparsely pubescent below, 10-15 cm. long (S. Tweedyi Scribn. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 11: 47. 1898). NeEpLE Grass.—New Mexico to British Columbia. 18. ORYZOPSIS Michx. Ricrt Grass Usually tufted, the leaves flat or convolute and the inflorescence paniculate. Spikelets 1-flowered, broad. Glumes about equal, obtuse or acuminate; lemma shorter or a little jonger than the glumes, broad, bearing a terminal awn which is early deciduous, the callus at base of the lemma short and obtuse, oramere scar. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain oblong, free, tightly inclosed in the convolute lemma. Leaves 1—-2.5 mm, wide. Awn lessthan2mm.long . . i‘. . . e « 1. O. juncea, Awn more than 2 mm, long, Panicle narrow. 7 © © 2© 2 + « 2, O. exigua. Panicle open | . ei _ ° * . * . é . 3. O. micrantha, Leaves 4-8 mm, wide . . * * * ie ‘ 4 4, O. asperifolia. 1, Oryzopsis juncea (Michx.) B.S. P. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 67. 1888. Erect, glabrous, slender, tufted, 15-60 cm. high, with erect involute leaves and nar- row panicles 2-5 em. long: sheaths crowded below; leaves filiform, smooth or scabrous: spikelets 3-4 mm, long: glumes about equal, glabrous, whitish; lemma pubescent with short appressed silky hairs; awn 2.mm. long or less.—. Colorado and northward and eastward. : : 2. Oryzopsis exigua Thurb. in Wilkes U.S., Explor. Exped. 17: 481. 1874. Slender, densely tufted, 15-40 cm. high, with filiform leaves, and narrow simple few-flowered panicles 2-6 cm. long: spikelets 4-5 mm. long, on short appressed branches: glumes nearly equal, abruptly mucronate-pointed; lemma thinly pubescent; awn about 4 mm. long, twisted below, curved or geniculated when mature.—In the mountains; Wyoming and northwestward. 3.. Oryzopsis micrantha (Trin. & Rupr.). Thurb. in Gray, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1863: 78. Erect and slender, 3-7 dm. high, with narrow scabrous leaves, and small-flowered spikelets in open panicles 8-16 cm. long: spikelets; 20-25 mm. long, much crowded at the ends of the branches of the panicles: GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 51 glumes broadly ovate, acute, nearly equal, smooth or scabrous on the keel; lemma acuminate, the strongly scabrous midrib excurrent in a short point; awn slender, 6 mm. long.—Throughout our range. 4. Oryzopsis asperifolia Michx. I'l. Bor. Am. 1: 51.1803. Erect and slender, with smooth or scabrous culms 25-50 cm. long, long rough flat evergreen leaves, and narrow simple few-flowered panicles 6-10 cm. long: sheaths crowded at the base; leaves 4-8 mm. wide: spikelets 6-8 mm. long: glumes glabrous, green, the margins whitish; lemma whitish, sparingly pubescent; awn slightly twisted, 10-12 mm. long.—Colorado and northward. 19. ERIOCOMA Nutt. Densely tufted perennials with rigid culms, and contracted or open panicles. Spikelets 1-flowered. Glumes membranous, broad; lemma firm, becoming hard in fruit, broadly oval to elliptic, densely pubescent with silky hairs and bearing a terminal readily deciduous awn; the callus at the base short and ob- pee Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain free, inclosed in the lemma. » Panicle diffuse, the divisions filiform, flexuous and widely spreading - 1, E. cuspidata, Panicle more or less open, the branches erect or ascending . : . 2, EB, caduca, 1. Eriocoma cuspidata Nutt. Gen. 1: 40. 1818. Culms 3-6 dm. high: leavés narrow, involute, smooth or somewhat scabrous: panicle dichotomously branched, diffuse, 12-15 cm. long: spikelets 6-8 mm. long, on filiform and flexuous pedicels: glumes pubescent, 3-5-nerved, broad and ventricose below, attenuate-pointed; lemma about one half as long as the glumes, broadly oval, densely pubescent with long silky erect hairs about one and a half times its own length; awn 4-6 mm. long, readily falling off. Inp1an MitLet.—Through- out our range. 2. Eriocoma caduca (Scribn.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 25. 1900. Culms 3-5 dm. high: leaves narrow, smooth or somewhat scabrous: panicle more or less open; the branches erect or ascending, 5-15 em. long: spikelets 5-6 mm. long: glumes scabrous or attenuate-pointed, 3-nerved; lemma about one half the length of the glumes, elliptic, densely clothed with silky hairs of less than its own length; awn 7-9 mm. long, readily falling off.—Infrequent; northern Colorado and northward to Montana. 20. MUHLENBERGIA Schreb. Drop-srrp. Harr Grass ‘Perennials (rarely annuals) of greatly varying habit,-with flat or involute leaves, small spikelets, and narrow or open panicles. Rootstocks often scaly. Spikelets 1-flowered, very rarely 2-flowered. Glumes 2, membranous or hyaline, acute and sometimes awned; lemma 3-5-nerved, subtending a palet and perfect flower and rarely an empty lemma, obtuse, acute, or very often produced into a capillary awn; callus minute; palet 2-keeled. Stamens often 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain narrow, free, tightly inclosed in the lemma. Panicle contracted, spike-like, the short branches rarely spreading. Without scaly rootstocks. . Awn ie ea long ee ¥ ‘ . . * # 1. M. gracilis. Awn less than 2 mm, long. Panicles 2-5 cm. long; second glume 3-nerved . Z fs . 2, M. filiculmis, Panicle 5-9 em. long; second glume l-nerved . ie 3. M. Wrightii. With scaly rootstocks, Culms more or less branched . ‘ . P é ‘ 5 . 4, M, racemosa, Culms simple s : ‘ Rey fe ‘ ‘ ‘ . 5. M. comata. Panicle open, its branches long afd spreading. a Secondary branches of the panicle single; awn 2-4 mm. long . 6. M. gracillima, Secondary branches of the panicle fascicled; awn 1-2 mm. long 7. M. pungens. 1. Muhlenbergia gracilis Trin. Unifl. 193. 1824. Slender but rather rigid, densely caespitose, 15-60 em. high, with narrow involute leaves and con- 52 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) tracted panicles 8-15 cm. long: leaves scabrous, 6-10 cm. long, 1-2 mm. wide: spikelets sessile or pedicellate, 3-4 mm. long: glumes nearly equal in length; the first about one half as long as the lemma, 1-nerved, acute or erose at apex; the second a little longer than the first, 3-nerved and 3-toothed, rarely entire at apex; lemma pubescent or scabrous on the back, ciliate on the mar- gins; awn flexuous, 8-20 mm. long.—Colorado and southward. la. Muhlenbergia gracilis breviaristata Vasey, Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb, 3: 67. 1892. Slender, 15-30 cm. high: panicle about 5 em. long: awn 2-4 mm. long.—Wyoming and southward. 2. Muhlenbergia filiculmis Vasey, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 267. 1893. Low and tufted, with scape-like culms 15-35 cm. high, short setaceous radical leaves, and narrow spike-like panicles 2-5 cm. long: first glume 1-nerved, 1 mm. long; the second 3-nerved, 3-toothed, 5 mm. long; lemma ciliate on the margin of the lower half, 3-nerved, 2.5 mm. long, shading into an awn about 1 mm. long.—Colorado. 3. Muhlenbergia Wrightii Vasey, Coult. Man. Rocky Mt. Bot. 409. 1885. Erect or decumbent, 30-75 cm. high, with keeled sheaths and densely flowered, cylindrical, spike-like panicles 5-9 cm. long: leaves rigid, 8-12 cm. long, the tips filiform: spikelets often 2-flowered: glumes subequal, 1-nerved, about 2 mm. long, thin at base, ovate, awn-pointed; lemma a little thicker and longer, very short-pubescent, 3-nerved, ovate, acute, tipped with a very short stiff awn.—Colorado and southwestward. - 4. Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) B. 8. P. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 67. 1888. Rather stout and upright, 6-9 dm. high, with very tough and densely scaly rootstocks, simple or more’ or less branched culms, and densely-flowered nar- row panicles 5-10 em. long: leaves 5-12 em. long, 2-6 mm. wide, scabrous: spikelets much crowded: glumes of the spikelet acuminate, 4-6 mm. long, in- cluding the awn, smooth or scabrous (especially on the keel); lemma one half to two thirds as long, acuminate, the strongly scabrous midrib excurrent in a short point.—Throughout our range. 5. Muhlenbergia comata (Thurb.) Benth. Journ. Linn. Soc. 19: 82. 1881. Either stout or slender, upright, 3-9 dm. high, with flat leaves and densely flowered, more or less lobed or interrupted panicles 8-10 em. long: leaves 6-12 em. long, 24 mm. wide, erect, rough: glumes of the spikelet equal, or the second a little longer, smooth, scabrous on the keel; lemma shorter, smooth and glabrous, bearing an awn 2-3 times its length, the basal hairs silky, erect, fully as long as the scale.—Throughout our range and far westward. 6. Muhlenbergia gracillima Torr. Pac. R. R. Rept. 45: 155. 1857. Densely tufted, with slender culms 2-4 dm. high, numerous involute basal leaves and open capillary panicles 10-20 cm. long: leaves 3-5 cm. long, smooth or somewhat scabrous, secondary branches of the panicle fascicled: spikelets about as long as the filiform pedicels, which are clavate-thickened at the apex: glumes unequal, usually awn-pointed or short-awned, slightly scabrous; lemma 2.5-3 mm. long, longer than the glumes, sometimes twice as long, scabrous; awn 2-4 mm. long.—Colorado and southward. 7. Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb. in Gray, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 1863: 78. Culms 2-4 dm. high, from creeping rootstocks, erect from a decum- bent branching base, rigid, minutely pubescent: leaves 3-5 em. long, involute- setaceous, rigid, scabrous: panicle open, 7-15 cm. long, the primary branches solitary, much divided from near the base, the divisions apparently fascicled: spikelets on long pedicels which are clavate-thickened at the apex: glurnes when mature equaling or often shorter than the body of the lemma, scabrous, especially on the keel; lemma, when mature, 1.5-2 mm. long, scabrous; the awn shorter than its body.—Infrequent in our range; south to Texas and Arizona. . 21. LYCURUS H.B.K. Texan Timotruy Caespitose erect. or ascending perennials with narrow or often convolute leaves and cylindrical, usually densely flowered, spike-like terminal panicles, Spikelets 1-flowered, usually in pairs. Glumes 2, 3-nerved, the nerves often GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 53 produced into awns; lemma 3-nerved, awned, broader and longer than the glumes; palet a little smaller and more slender, 2-nerved, 2-keeled, very shortly 2-toothed. Stamens 3. Styles short, distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain in- cluded within the lemma, free. 1. Lycurus phleoides H.B.K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl. 1: 142, t. 45. 1815. Slender, wiry, 20-45 em. high, much branched and often geniculate at the base, with narrow, long-pointed leaves and cylindrical spike-like panicles 3-6 em. long: spikelets 4 mm. long, with awned glumes; the first glume often terminating in two unequal awns; the lemma terminating in an awn as long as its body.—Colorado to Texas and westward. 22. PHLEUM L. Timoruy Annual or perennial grasses with flat leaves and spicate inflorescence. Spikelets 1-flowered. Glumes membranous, compressed, keeled, the apex obliquely truncate, the midnerve produced into an awn; the lemma much shorter, broader, hyaline, truncate, denticulate at the summit; palet narrow, hyaline. Stamens 3. Styles distinct, somewhat elongated; stigmas plumose. Grain ovoid, free, inclosed in the lemma and palet. Spikes usually elongated; upper sheath notinflated . broad: panicle open, 15-20 cm. long; the rays mostly single, distant, at length’ spreading, bearing rather few spikelets mostly above the middle: spikelets’ 2-5-flowered: glumes scabrous; lemma 7-nerved, 2-toothed; palet linear, longer than its llmma.—Northern part of our range and thence eastward and .. westward. 3. Melica spectabilis Scribn. Proc. Phila. Acad. 45. 1885. Panicle nod- ding, loosely few-flowered, the slender branches erect-spreading: terminal floret acute: lemma very broadly acuminate, obtuse or notched at the tip. M. bulbosa of Bot. King’s Exp. and Fl. Colorado. This differs from M. bulbosa Geyer in its usually taller and more slender stems, more open and nodding panicle, more slender and flexuose pedicels, shorter glumes, and broader lemmas’ which taper abruptly to a rounded and_usually two- oe summit.—In the mountains, from Colorado and Utah to Montana and Idaho. — 4. Melica bulbosa Geyer, Hook. Journ. Bot. 8: 19. 1873. Stems single or densely tufted, usually 4-5 dm. high, simple: sheaths and upper surface of the leaves scabrous: panicle erect, the branches appressed, few-flowered: spikelets 10-12 mm. long, with 5-8 perfect flowers, the terminal floret acute.—Irom Wyoming and Montana to Oregon and Washington. j M. parviflora, M. Smithii. | M. spectabilis, M. bulbosa, 03. DISTICHLIS Raf. Rather low rigid leafy grasses from perennial running rootstocks. Dioecious. Spikelets 6-15-flowered, compressed, linear or narrowly oval, smooth, awnless, in small subspicate panicles. Second glume slightly larger than the fist, but shorter than the lower floret; lemma rather rigid, ovate, acute, indistinctly 7- 11-nerved, slightly larger than the thin palet. The pistillate spikelets more turgid, otherwise alike. Grain oblong, oblique, subacute, opaque. 1, Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. 2: 415. 1887. Culms erect, 2-4 dm. high: leaves usually crowded, distichous and rigid: panicle 4-8 em. long: spikelets about I em. long.—Common in saline soil throughout our range and far to the northwestward. 54. DACTYLIS L. Orcuarp Grass Rather stout tufted perennial grasses with numerous rough leaves. Spike- lets 2-4-flowered, with a glumiferous rudiment, perfect, compressed, sessile or very short-pediceled in glomerate clusters in a rather dense branching panicle; bracts all herbaceous, or the lower ones submembranaceous, carinate and hispid-ciliate on the keel. Glumes lanceolate, acutc, subequal, shorter than the lower florets; lemma mucronate, 5-nerved, slightly exceeding the hyaline palet. Grain linear, yellow, opaque, channeled or triquetrous. 1. Dactylis glomerata L. Sp. Pl. 71. 1753. Culms 6-10 dm. high, simple: leaves flat, hispid, 2-4 dm. long: panicle 1-2 dm. long, irregularly pyramidal 5 eal spikelets 5-$ mm. long.—Introduced; a valuable grass in cultivation. GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 69 55. POA L. Meapow Grass. Spear Grass. Biur Grass Annual or perennial grasses with flat or convolute leaves and numerous spikelets in contracted or open panicles. Spikelets 2-10-flowered with a glumaceous rudiment, perfect, compressed, ovate, awnless, in a contracted or open panicle. Glumes membranaceo-herbaceous, lance-ovate, subacute, the first I-nerved, the second 3-nerved; lemma thin, herbaceous, subacute or obtuse, 5-nerved, usually pubescent on the keel and with cobwebby hairs at the base, longer than the fatine palet. Grain oblong, linear, much shorter than the floret. Annual; lemma without cobwebby hairs at the base % » 1, P. annua, Verennials. Stems flattened, 2-edged; panicle small ; ‘6 a 5 Stems cylindrical. Lemma webbed, i, e., with a tuft of fine hairs at the base (except No. 8). : Panicle large. _ Its branches not reflexed, i) . P. compressa, Lemmas acute é : ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . 8, P. pratensis, Lemmas obtuse. at Broader than the second glume , . % . 4, P, flava. . Not broader than the second glume 5 e . 5, Pvinterior, Its branches reflexed * ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘“ . 6, P. platyphylla, Panicle small, its fruiting branches reflexed, Leaves more or less conduplicate a : 5 . 7, P. arctica, Leaves flat. Lemma copiously pubescent on the mid- and lat- eral nerves . 5 5 5 i : * . 8. P. reflexa, Lemma glabrate and cobweb nearly or quite wanting 9. P, laxa. Lemma not webbed. Leaves short and broad; panicle small, open; spikelets rounded at the base = . im % A . 10. P. alpina, Leaves normal; panicle various; spikelets acute at base. Low alpine grasses. Lemma pubescent on the mid- and lateral nerves . 11. P. Pattersonii, Lemma glabrous . ‘ 2 : . is . 12, P, Lettermannii.’ Taller grasses of subalpine or lower stations, Spikelets strongly flattened; lemmas acute. ‘ Flowers perfect; lemmas hairy on the nerves and ig internerves; - : Plants with creeping rootstocks; panicle open. Leaf-sheaths retrorsely strigose . e . 13. P, Wheeleri. Leaf-sheaths glabrous . ‘ . © . 14, P. nervosa, Plants tufted, no creeping rootstocks; panicle narrow. ‘ Lemmas strongly purple-tinged . : . 15. P, subpurpurea, Lemmas mostly greenish. Glumes subequal - : < . . 16. P. subaristata, Glumes unequal : ‘ a i . 17. P. epilis. Flowers dioecious; internerves glabrous. Ligules short, rounded or truncate at apex. Panicle narrow, long-peduncled . 7 . 18. P. longipedunculata, Panicle more open, and with shorter peduncle 19. P. Fendleriana, Ligules longer and acute . : : 3 . 20. P. longiligula, Spikelets rounded (scarcely at all flattened); lemmas narrow but not acute. ) i Lemmas scabrous throughout. Lemmas and glumes unequal; leaves narrow and involute . 5 is j : . 21, P, laevigata, Lemmas and glumes subequal; leaves broader : and usually flat Ms & . 22, P, nevadensis, Lemmas scabrous above only, strigose below, e Leaves pale (yellowish), very narrow and usu- ‘ ally involute a . . a A . 23. P, lucida, Leaves dark green. Leaves plicate . . . . . . 24, P. Buckleyana, Leaves ‘flat . . . . 3 . . 25, P, Sheldonii. © 1. Poa annua L. Sp. Pl. 68. 1753. Culms 5-30 em. tall, from an annual root, erect or decumbent at base, somewhat flattened, smooth: sheaths loose, usually overlapping; leaves 1.25~10 em. long, 1.5-3 mm. wide, smooth: panicle 1.25-10 em. in length, open; branches spreading, 6-35 mm. long, naked at base: spikelets 3-5-flowered, 3-5 mm. long: glumes smooth, the first narrow, acute, 1-nerved, about two thirds as long as the broad and obtuse 3-nerved 70 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) second one; lemma 2.5-3 mm. long, distinctly 5-nerved, the nerves pilose be- low.—More or less frequent in waste and cultivated grounds throughout North America. 2. Poa compressa L. Sp. Pl. 69. 1753. Pale bluish-green, glabrous: culms 1.5-6 dm. tall, decumbent at the base, from long horizontal rootstocks, much flattened: sheaths loose, flattened, shorter than the internodes; leaves 2.5-10 cm. long, about 2 mm. wide, smooth beneath, rough above: panicle usually contracted, the branches erect or ascending, 2.5 cm. long or less, spikelet- bearing nearly to the base: spikelets 3-9-flowered, 3-6 mm. long: lower glumes acute, 3-nerved; lemma 2-2.5 mm. long, obscurely 3-nerved, the nerves spar- ingly pubescent toward the base.—Infrequent in our range; common eastward. 3. Poa pratensis L. Sp. Pl. 67. 1753. Culms 3-12 dm. high, sending out numerous running rootstocks from the base: sheaths compressed, overlapping below, ligule 1.5 mm. long; blades 1-6 mm. wide, those of the culm 5-15 em. long, the basal ones much longer: panicle pyramidal, the slender branches in rather remote fascicles of 3~—5, ascending, naked at base: spikelets crowded, 3-5-flowered, 4-5 mm. long: lemmas 3 mm. long, copiously webbed at base; intermediate nerves strong, glabrous. Kenrucky BLueGrass. JuNE GRass. (P. pseudopratensis Scrib. & Rydb. Contrib. Nat.-Herb. 3: 532. 1896; P. phoe- nicea Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 605. 1905.)—Europe, Asia, and America; mostly as an introduced hay and pasture grass, but indigenous also in our range. 4. Poa flava L. Sp. Pl. 68. 1753. Culms 4.5-15 dm. tall: leaves 5-15 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, smooth or rough: panicle 1.5-3 dm. in length, open, the branches spreading or ascending, 5-12 cm. long, divided and spikelet-bearing above the middle: spikelets 3—5-flowered, 3-4 mm. long, exceeding their pedicels, acute: lemma obtuse, somewhat webby at the base, 2-3 mm. long, silky-pubescent on the lower half of the marginal nerves and the mid-nerve, the intermediate nerves obscure or wanting. P. serotina. [P. crocata Michx. (?).}- Same ranges as the preceding; known as Fatsz Reprop and Fowu Merapow Grass. . 5. Poa interior Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 604. 1905. Culms 1.5-6 dm. tall, erect, slender, sometimes rigid: leaves 2.5-10 cm. long, 2 mm. wide or less, erect, smooth or rough: panicle 5-12.5 cm. in length, open, the branches erect or ascending, rarely spreading, 2.5-5 cm. long: spikelets 2-5-flowered, 3-5 mm. long: glumes acute or acuminate, 1-3-nerved; lemma obtuse or acute, 2-2.5 mm. long, faintly 5-nerved, somewhat webby at base, the mid- nerve and the marginal nerves silky-pubescent on the lower half. P. caesia strictior. (P. memoralis of Am. authors as to the western plants; not P. nemoralis L. P. glauca Vahl. also is here included.)—Very common; Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic States. 6. Poa platyphylla Nash. & Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 266. 1901. Culms 5-8 dm. high, with slender roots: leaves flat; culm leaves 5-6, rather broad and flat; the lower short; the upper 12-15 cm. long, sheathing the base of the panicle; sheaths flattened, scabrous: panicle large and loose; its branches distant, the lower mostly in threes, or rarely in fives and 10-12 cm. long, capillary, erect at first but soon spreading: spikelets closely racemed on the slender branchlets, mostly 3-flowered, 4-5 mm. long: glumes acute, unequal, 3-nerved, scabrous on the keel; lemma 5-nerved, slightly pubescent below and on the keel and slightly webbed on the base. (P. occidentalis Vasey, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 1: 274. 1893, the earlier but untenable name. Lately fre- quently distributed as P. leptocoma.)—Montana to Utah and New Mexico. 7. Poa arctica R. Br. in Parry’s lst Voyage, Supp. 288. 1824. Smooth and glabrous: culms 1-4 dm. tall, erect, slender: leaves 2.5-10 cm. long, 1~2 mm. wide: panicle 2.5-10 em. in length, open, the branches generally widely spread- ing and more or less flexuous, 2.5-6 cm. long: spikelets 3-5-flowered, 5-7 mm. long: glumes acute or acuminate, 1-3-nerved; lemma about 4 mm. long, faintly 5-nerved, the nerves short-pilose on the lower half, minutely pubescent between the nerves, somewhat webbed at the base—In the mountains of Colorado and far northward. GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 71 8. Poa reflexa Vasey and Scribn. Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 276. 1893. Culms 2-4 dm. high, slender, erect, smooth: leaves of the culm about 3, mostly narrow, acute, 5-8 cm. long: sheaths long, smooth; ligule obtuse, about 2 mm. long: panicle pyramidal, 5-10 em. long, with about 6 nodes; the branches capillary, rather distant, the lower ones 5-8 cm. long, smooth, spreading and becoming reflexed, spikelet-bearing near the end: spikelets 2~-3-flowered, 3-4 mm. long: glumes acute, smooth; lemma ovate-lanceolate, acute, ob- scurely nerved, pubescent on the nerves and at the base; palet pubescent on the keels. (P. acuminata Scribn. Beal’s N. Am. Gr. 2: 538. 1896; P. pudica Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 603. 1905.)—Wet sandy soils, at middle or higher elevations; Montana to New Mexico. 9. Poa laxa Haenke, Sudet. 118. 1791. Culms 3 dm. tall or less, erect, sim- ple; leaves 2.5-7.5 cm. in length, the branches usually erect, sometimes ascending, 2.5 cm. long or less: spikelets 3-5-flowered, 4-5 mm. long: glumes usually 3-nerved, acute, glabrous, rough on the keel at its apex; lemma 3-3.5 mm. long, obtuse, 3-nerved, or sometimes with an additional pair of obscure nerves, the mid-nerve pilose on the lower half, rough above, the lateral ones pilose for one third their length.—In the Rocky Mountains and in those of New England and New York; infrequent in our range. 10. Poa alpina L. Sp. Pl. 67. 1753. Smooth and glabrous: culms 1~4.5 dm. tall: ligule 2 mm. long, truncate; leaves 2.5-7.5 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, abruptly acute: panicle 2.5-7.5 em. in length, the branches generally widely spreading, 2.5 cm. long or less: spikelets 3-5-flowered, 5-6 mm. long: glumes broad, glabrous, rough on the keel, acute; lemma about 4 mm. long, obtuse, pilose for half the length, pubescent between the nerves toward the base.— Frequent in the mountains and extending northward and eastward. 11. Poa Pattersonii Vasey, l.c. 275. Culms low, densely tufted, 15-25 em. high, slender, naked above: radical leaves numerous, 5-8 em. long, very nar- row, flat or conduplicate, smooth: panicle dense, weakly ‘erect, or nodding; branches mostly in twos, subappressed: spikelets 4-6 mm. long, 2-3-flowered: glumes nearly as long as the lemma, acute; lemma purplish, acute, 4 mm. long, pubescent on the lateral nerves and below the middle but not webbed at the base; palet pubescent on the keels. (P. rupestris Vasey, a name re- placed by P. rupicola Nash, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 49. 1900.)—Alpine; Colorado and Wyoming. 12. Poa Lettermannii Vasey, Contrib. Nat. Herb. 1: 273. 1893. Dwarf, densely tufted, 5-10 cm. high: leaves mostly radical, flat, 3-5 em. long; ligule rather conspicuous, acute; cauline leaves 1 or 2: panicle 10-25 mm. long, rather dense; branches mostly in twos, short, erect, with 1-3 spikelets: glumes nearly as long as the spikelets, acute, nearly smooth, 3~4 mm. long; lemma shorter, ovate-oblong, acute, obscurely nerved, smooth; palet 2-toothed at the acumi- nate apex.—Alpine summits, Colorado to Washington. . 13. Poa Wheeleri Vasey, Rothr. Rep. 6: 291. 1878. Culms 3-8 dm. high, from running rootstocks: ligules about 2 mm. long; leaves of sterile shoots 15-24 em. long, 2-4 mm. wide, rigid, conduplicate or involute, with a firm oblique point: panicle open, 10-15 cm. long, its slender branches mostly in pairs, the longer about 5 em. long: spikelets lance-elliptic, 4-6 mm. long, 3-flowered: glumes subequal, 3-nerved; lemma oval, subacute, about as long, ciliate on the lateral nerves and below; palet truncate, ciliate on the keel.— Frequent in our range and extending to Washington. 14. Poa nervosa (Hook.) Vasey, Ill. N. Am. Gr. 2: 81. 1893.‘ Culms 4-8 dm. high, rather slender, smooth: radical leaves narrowly linear, 15-25 em. long; those of the culms about 3, rather distant, erect, flat, 3-8 em. long, 2-4 mm. wide: panicle 5-12 cm. long, branches spreading, the lower 2-5 together, filiform, naked below, few-flowered near the ends: spikelets 3-8- . flowered, 4-5 mm. long: lemma linear-lanceolate, strongly 5-nerved, minutely scabrous on the nerves; palet and lemma subequal. [P. Traceyi Vasey, Contrib. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 1: 276. 1893; P. fleruosa occidentalis Vasey; P. occidentalis (Vasey) Rydb.; P. callichroa Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 603. 1905.]}—Idaho and Montana to Colorado. 3 72 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 15. Poa subpurpurea Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 606. 1905. A tufted, erect, somewhat wiry perennial: culms 2-4 dm. high: leaves flat: panicle ob- long or pyramidal, dense, 4-6 cm. long: spikelets ovate, 3-5-flowered, 6-8 mm. long: lemma oval, obtuse, minutely scabrous on the back and hispid-ciliate on the keel; palet about 5 mm. long. (P. purpurascens Vasey, Bot. Gaz. fe 297. 1881; the name preoccupied.)—Alpine; Colorado (?) to British Co- umbia. 16. Poa subaristata Scribn. Beal’s N. Am. Gr. 2: 533. 1896. Slender, densely tufted, 2-5 dm. high: leaves of sterile shoots conduplicate, scabrous, 6-12 cm. long; sheaths of the stem 2, smooth, the upper one nearly half as long as the stem; the upper leaf pungent, 4-5 cm. long: panicle dense, some- what interrupted, 4-7 cm. long: spikelets 4—7-flowered, 6—10-mm. long: glumes subequal, linear-lanceolate, 5-6 mm. long, 1-nerved; lemma as long, scabrous on the nerves; palet shorter, ciliate on the keels——Colorado to Montana and Idaho.’ 17. Poa epilis Scribn. Cire. U. 8. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. 9: 5.1899. Densely tufted, 5-10 dm. high: basal leaves numerous, slender, acute, flat (or convolute when dry), those of the sterile shoots 1-2 dm. long; sheaths much shorter than the internodes: panicle dense, bronzed or purple: spikelets some- what compressed, about 5 mm. long: glumes smooth, unequal, acute, or acuminate; the lower 1-nerved; the upper 3-nerved, 3 mm. long and exceeding the lower; lemma 5-nerved, rough-hispid on the back, obtuse; palet ciliate on the keels, with 2-toothed apex: grain acute at both ends, with a white tubercle at the apex.—Colorado to Wyoming and Montana. 18. Poa longipedunculata Scribn. Bull. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. 11: 54. 1898. Slender, tufted, erect, 4-7 dm. high, with short creeping root- stocks, smooth except on the axis of the panicle: leaf blades of the sterile shoots 5-20 cm. long; those of the culm two or three, the uppermost some- times reduced to a mucronate point: panicle dense, 5-7 cm. long; its branches 1-2 cm. long: spikelets somewhat compressed, 3-5-flowered, about 6 mm. long: glumes scabrous on the keels, the first 2-nerved, the second 3-nerved, with broadly subhyaline margins; lemma roughened on the keel above and finely pubescent toward the base, about 4-nerved; palet shorter than its lemma.—F requent throughout our range on mountain slopes. 19. Poa Fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey, Ill. N. Am. Gr. 2: 74. 1893. Pale green, strict and nearly smooth, 2-5 dm. high, from short rootstocks: leaves as in the last but less harsh and rigid: panicle oo lanceolate or slightly spreading, 5-10 cm. long: spikelets ovate-lanceolate, compressed, 4-8-flowered, 7-8 mm. long: glumes subequal, oval, acute, irregularly toothed or obtuse, 1-3-nerved, 4-5 mm. long; lemma about as long, pubescent below on the keel and marginal nerves, otherwise smooth. P. californica; P. andina Nutt. (P. brevipaniculata 8. & W. Cire. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost.9: 2. 1899.)— New Mexico to Wyoming and westward. : 20. Poa longiligula 8S. & W. Cire. U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. 9: 3. 1899. Glaucous, tufted, 3-5 dm. high: culms rather rigid and harsh: basal leaves numerous, flat or conduplicate, 1-2 dm. long, with a conspicuous de- current ligule; the cauline few and short: panicle dense, ovate, erect: spikelets compressed, ovate-lanceolate, 4~6-flowered, 6-10 mm. long: glumes unequal, He rougb-hispid on the back; the lower 1-nerved; the upper 3-nerved and about : 5 mm. long; lemma 5-nerved, somewhat scabrous on the back and woolly- pubescent on the lower half of the back and the marginal nerves, usually erose-dentate, with broad hyaline margins; palet shorter than its glume, with green hispid pubescent keels.—Frequent in our range. 21. Poa laevigata Scribn. Bull. U. 8. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. 5: 31. 1897. Culms densely tufted, 6-8 dm. tall, erect, slender, the innovations 1-2 dm, long: sheaths smooth and glabrous; leaves 1 dm. or‘less long: panicle very slender, 8~14 cm. long, its larger branches 3-5 cm. long: spikelets 5-7 mm. long, 3-4-flowered, lemmas 3-4 mm. long, hispidulous all over, obtuse to acutish.—Very nearly related to the preceding; same range. 22. Poa nevadensis Vasey, Scribn. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 10: 66. 1883, GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 73 Culms 5-10 dm. high, scabrous below the panicle: sheaths and leaves scabrous, very narrow and folded when dry; the radical 15-25 cm. long; the upper ‘3-6 em. long; ligule scabrous, about 4 mm. long: panicle narrow, dense,'10-15 cm. Jong; branches 2 or more at each node, the lower often 4-5:cm. long and branched: spikelets 3-8-flowered, 6-8 mm. long: glumes scabrous, subequal, obtuse or subacute, 3-nerved; lemma shorter, scarious margined above, the nerves obscure; palet ciliate on the keels, scabrous between them.—Not in- frequent, especially in the western part of our range. | : , 23. Poa lucida Vasey, |. c. 274. Culms 6-8 dm. tall, erect, the innovations 2-3 dm. long: sheaths smooth and glabrous; leaves of the culms 1 dm, ‘or less long, those on the innovations much longer: panicle 1-2 dm. long, its larger -hbranches 3-5.cm. long: spikelets 6-10 mm. long, 4—6-flowered: the lemmas about. 4.5 mm. long, appressed-pubescent below with long hairs, obtuse or acutish.. (P. planifolia 8. & W. 1. c. 3.)—Moist hillsides and meadows; Mon- tana to Colorado and Nebraska. Dy AG , . 24, Poa Buckleyana Nash, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22: 465. 1895. -Culms 1,5-4 dm. tall, rarely taller, erect, rigid: ligule 4-6 mm. long, acute; leaves 2.5-10 em. long, about 2 mm. wide, erect, flat,. becoming involute, smooth or rough: panicle 2.5-10 cm. in length, contracted, the branches. ereet, 3,75 cm. Jong or less, spikelet-bearing nearly to the base: spikelets 2-5-flowered, 4-6 mm. long: lemmas about 4 mm. long, obtuse or acutish,,appressed-pubescent below with long hairs. P. tenuifolia. [P. gracillima Vasey (?), Contrib, Nat. Herb. 1: 272.. 1893; P. Sandbergiit Vasey, 1. c..276.}—Very common in our range, and westward to California. a 5 noe te Sa se : 25. Poa Sheldonii Vasey, Contrib. Nat. Herb. 1: 276. 1893. Culms 3-6 dm. tall, erect, rigid: sheaths usually overlapping; ligule 2-4 mm. long;, acute; leaves smooth beneath, rough above, 1-2,mm. wide, flat or folded, pungently pointed, those of the culm 1.25-2.5.cm. long, erect, the basal leaves 7.5-l5.em. long: panicle contracted, 5-12.5 cm. in length, the: branches erect, spikelet- bearing nearly to the base, 3.75 cm. long or less: spikelets 4-7-flowered, 5-7 mm. long: lemmas 3-4 mm. long, erose-truncate at apex, strongly. silky- pubescent on the nerves for half their length, the lower part very. pubescent etween the nerves; intermediate nerves very obscure.. (P. arida Vasey, 1. c. 270, name untenable; P. pratericola Rydb. & Nash, Mem, N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 51. 1900; P. juncifolia Scribn. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost..11: 52. 1898, seems to be only the large forms of the species.)—Common and varying greatly under the extremely variable environments found within our range. 56. GRAPHEPHORUM Desv. Slender erect grasses, with flat leaves and a usually contracted: nodding anicle. Spikelets 2-4-flowered, flattened, the rachilla hirsute and extending eyond the: flowers. Glumes somewhat shorter than the lemmas, thin- membranous, acute, keeled: lemmas membranous, obscurely nerved, entire, sometimes short-awned just below the apex. Stamens 3. Styles distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain glabrous. 1. Graphephorum Wolfii Vasey, Desc. Cat. Gr. U. S. 55. 1885. Culms erect, 3-6 dm. high: leaves scabrous, flat, 15-20 em. long: panicle upright, subspicate, 6-15 cm. long: spikelets 2-3-flowered, purplish: glumes stibequal, 5-6 mm. long, the first I-nerved, the second 3-nerved; lemma nearly as long, faintly 5-nerved, bearing an awn 1 mm. or less long; palet usually shorter than its lemma: grain linear-oblong. G. melicoides, as to our range.—Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and northward. ' De® ee ? 567. GLYCERIA R. Br. Manna Grass . Rather coarse broid-leaved grasses, the florets early deciduous. Spikelets 4-15-flowered. slightly compressed, linear or oblong, smooth or slightly hispid, awnless, in narrow or open spreading panicles. Glumes unequal, persistent, GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) thin, one half as long as the adjacent florets; lemma herbaceous, membrana- ceous at the obtuse apex, 7-9-nerved, nearly equaled or slightly exceeded by the bidentate palet. Grain linear or fusiform, narrowly channeled.—(Pant- cularia Fabr.) Spikelets ovate to eens: Panicle at length nodding, 10-20 cm. long. Floral glume 7-nerved, 1.5-2 mm. long . ‘ . _ ; 1. P. nervata, Floral glume 5-nerved, 2-3 mm. long . ‘ ‘ é . 2. P. pauciflora, Panicle erect or nodding, 20-40 cm. long . ° ‘i . 3 3. P. grandis, Spikelets linear. : Floral glume thin, hispidulous on the nerves. 3 : z . 4. P. borealis, Floral glume firm, hispidulous all over . ; 5. P. fluitans, 1. Glyceria nervata (Willd.) Trin. Mem. Acad. St. Petersb. VI. 1: 365. 1831. Stems 4-10 dm. high: leaves variable, sometimes 3-4 dm. long, usually roughish above, as are the closed sheaths: panicle 1-2 dm. long, its flexuose capillary branches in twos or threes, and soon diffusely spreading and pen- dulous: spikelets 2-4 mm. long, 5-7-flowered, sometimes purplish: lemma 7-nerved, finely scabrous, strongly convex near the apex.—In moist meadows and along water courses, across the continent. 2. Glyceria pauciflora Presl. Rel. Haenke, 1: 257. 1830. Stems 3-10 dm. high, from a creeping root: leaves 1-3 dm. long, scabrous on the margins; sheaths split: panicle 1-2 dm. long, loose, its capillary branches in threes below, in pairs above, flower-bearing from near the middle: spikelets 4-5 mm. long, 4-6-flowered: lemma 5-nerved, scabrous, its scarious tip serrulate or toothed, more or less purplish—From Colorado and Utah northward and westward. 3. Glyceria grandis Wats. in Gray. Man. Ed. 6. 667. 1890. Stems stout, erect, 8-15 dm. high: leaves large, 3-6 dm. long: panicle ample, 2-4 dm. long, much branched, the numerous branches ascending, spreading with age: spike- lets 4-6 mm. long, 5-9-flowered, usually purplish: flowering glume 7-nerved, entire. G. aquatica.—lIn wet grounds, from Colorado to California and Oregon, thence eastward across the continent; called Rezp Meapow Grass. 4. Glyceria borealis (Nash). A. Nels. Glabrous: culms erect from a creeping base, 4.5—-15 dm. tall: sheaths overlapping, smooth or roughish, the uppermost one inclosing the base of the panicle; leaves linear, abruptly acuminate, 1-5 dm. long, 2-10 mm. wide: panicle slender, the exserted portion 1.5-5 dm. long, its branches appressed or nearly so: spikelets 1-1.8 em. long, 7-13-flowered, a pressed: glumes 1l-nerved, unequal; lemma thin, 4-5 mm. long, 7-nerved, the nerves only scabrous; palet slightly shorter than the scale. (Panicularia borealis Nash, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 348. 1897.)—In shallow water; Wyoming to Montana, and thence across the continent. 5. Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br. Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holl. 1: 179. 1810. Very similar to the preceding, the culms 6-10 dm. high, slender, erect, or somewhat spreading: spikelets 7-13-flowered, linear, 1-2 cm. long: lemma hispidulous all over, shorter than the bidentate palet.—In shallow water; Colorado to Canada, thence eastward and westward. 68. PUCCINELLIA Parl. Perennial grasses, with flat or involute leaves and contracted or open panicles. Spikelets 3-several-flowered. Glumes obtuse or acute, unequal; lemma, obtuse or acute, rounded on the back, 5-nerved, the nerves very ob- scure or almost wanting; palet about equaling the lemma. Stamens 3. Styles wanting; stigmas sessile, simply plumose. Grain compressed, usually adhering to the palet. 1. Puccinellia airoides (Nutt.) Wats. & Coult. in Gray Man. 668. 1890. Stems tufted, 2-5 dm. high: leaves short and narrow, mostly convolute and glaucous: panicle very variable, erect, narrow and one-sided, its rays in fives or fewer: spikelets 3—-12-flowered: glumes from narrow and acute to broad and cbtuse, 3-nerved or the lower 1-nerved; lemma oblong-linear, minutely pubes- GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 75 cent at base, with broadly scarious apex, faintly 5-nerved, truncate or erose- dentate: stigmas with simple hairs. Glyceria distans.—Wet saline soil; New Mexico to Montana and thence in similar situations to the coasts. 69. FESTUCA L. Ferscun Erect simple-stemmed grasses. Spikelets 4—15-flowered, perfect except the glumiferous rudiment, compressed, short-pediceled or nearly sessile, in narrow or open spreading panicles. Glumes acute, narrow, unequal, about one third shorter than the adjacent florets; lemma herbaceous or coriaceous, obscurely 5-nerved, hispidulous, slightly pubescent or smooth, acute or awned, convex, often involute; palet bidentate, nearly equaling the lemma. Grain narrowly iC or fusiform, channeled, usually adhering to the enveloping glume and palet. Annual; stamens2_, . . i . . . . . . 1. F, octoflora, Perennial; stamens 3, Plants with narrow involute leaves, usually tufted. Densely tufted, not rhizomatous nor stoloniferous, Lemmas more than twice as iene as the first glume, Awn long (equaling or longer than the glume 2, F. ovina, Awn short é ‘ : : % . : 3. F. arizonica, Lemmas less than twice as long as the first glume . 4, F, brachyphylla. More open, rhizomatous or stoloniferous . 5. F. rubra, Plants with flat broad leaves. _ The second glume 3-5-nerved, Panicle with spreading or reflexed branches; awns long 6. F. Jonesii. Panicle with ascending branches; awns short or wanting 7. F. elatior. The second glume 1-nerved, or 3-nerved at base only. Panicle open ri ‘ : a 8, F. scabrella, Panicle spike-like : 2 . : : 9: F: confinis. 1, Festuca octoflora Walt. Fl. Car. 81. 1788. Stems often filiform, 1-4 dm. high: the erect leaves 3-7 cm. long; sheaths sometimes pubescent: panicle 4-6 em. long, simple, often secund: spikelets, including awns, 8-10 mm. long, 7-13-flowered: glumes subulate, very acute, the lower at least half the length of the upper; lemma involute, rough, 4 mm. long exclusive of its awn, which is mostly shorten than the palet and often very short. /F. tenella—Across the continent. ; ae 2. Festuca ovina L. Sp. Pl. 73.1753. Stems 2-5 dm. high, glaucous: leaves all setaceous or the upper flat; ligule 2-lobed and auriculate: panicle short, more or less compound, somewhat one-sided, the branches mostly solitary: spike- lets 3-8-flowered: lemma about 6 mm. long, ternate, mucronate or with an awn half its own length—Many varieties of this common species have been designated, but the distinctions between them can be drawn with difficulty. Across the continent northward and south in the mountains. 2a. Festuca ovina ingrata Hack. Beal’s Grasses 2: 598. 1896. Near the preceding, densely tufted, 1-3 dm. high: leaves setaceous, 3-8 -cm. long; the sheaths entire to the throat, splitting with age: panicle dense, linear, simple, racemose, 3-6 cm. long: spikelets elliptical, 6 mm. long, 1-4-flowered: glumes subequal; lemma 3-4 mm. long, smooth or scabrous, its awn 1-2 mm. long; palet oblong, acute, 2-toothed. [F. ingrata (Hack.) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 608. 1905.}-Throughout the Rocky Mountains. 3. Festuca arizonica Vasey, Contrib. Nat. Herb. 1: 277. 1898. Firm and tufted, 5-7 dm. high: leaves very numerous, stiff, filiform-setaceous, scabrous margined; the upper two or three with long sheaths, and blades 15-25 cm. long; ligules short, with prominent auricles: panicle narrow, 6-12 cm. long; the branches alternate, erect and appressed: spikelets about 10 mm. long, lance-linear, on short pedicels, 4-5-flowered: glumes unequal, 3-nerved; lemma longer, thick, acuminate, with an awn 1-2 mm. long, obscurely 5-nerved; palet equaling its lemma, scabrous on the keels.—Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. ‘ 4, Festuca bepebyphyle Schultes, Mant. 2: 646. 1824. Smooth and glabrous: culms densely tufted, 2 dm. tall or less, slender, erect, much exceed- ing the short basal leaves: sheaths coarsely striate; leaves very narrow, in- 76 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) volute, at least when dry, those on the culm 1.25 em. or less long, erect or ascending: panicle 2.5 cm. or less long, nearly simple, its branches appressed: spikelets 2—4-flowered: glumes acuminate, the first 1-nerved, the second 3-nerved; lemma acute or acuminate, rough toward the apex, 4-5 mm. long, exclusive of the scabrous awn, which is 1-2.5 mm. long. (F’. minutiflora Rydb, |. c.)—Alpine stations throughout our range; also northeastern America. 5. Festuca rubra L. Sp. Pl. 74. 1753. Culms 4.5-7.5 dm. tall, from running rootstecks, erect, simple: basal leaves involute-filiform, 7.5-15 cm. long; culm leaves shorter, erect, flat, or involute in drying, minutely pubescent above: panicle 5-12 cm. in length, sometimes red, open at flowering time, contracted in fruit: spikelets 3-10-flowered, 8-12 mm. long: glumes acute, unequal, the first 1-nerved, shorter than the 3-nerved second; lemma about 6 mm. long, obscurely 5-nerved, sometimes scabrous, bearing awns of less than their own length. (F. vallicola Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 57. 1900; F. Earlei Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 608. 1905.)—Rather frequent in the moun- tains of our range; across the continent northward. 6. Festuca Jonesii Vasey, 1.c. Culms slender or stoutish, 4-8 dm. high: culm leaves 3-5, flat, 1-3 dm. long, 4-8 mm.wide; sheaths shorter than the internodes: panicle ample, very open, 15-30 cm. long; the branches mostly in pairs at the 5-8 distant nodes, slender, flexuous, 8-15 cm. long, at length spreading or reflexed: spikelets numerous, 3—5-flowered: glumes lanceolate, unequal; lemma 3-nerved, minutely scabrous, terminated by a slender awa longer than its body; palet as long as its lemma, with 2 narrow teeth at apex.— Northwestern Wyoming and westward. : 7. Festuca elatior L. 1. c. 75. Culms 6-15 dm. tall, erect, simple: leaves 1-4 dm. long, 4-8 mm. wide, flat, smooth beneath, more or less rough above: panicle 1-3.5 dm. in length, often nodding at the top, simple to very com- pound, the branches ascending or erect, 5-20 cm. long: spikelets 5—9-flowered, 9-12 mm. long: glumes acute, the first 1-3-nerved, the second 3—5-nerved; lemma acute or short-pointed, smooth and glabrous, 5-6 mm. long, indis- tinctly 5-nerved. Tati Fescur.—A valuable introduced hay grass; fields and waste grounds. 8. Festuca scabrella Torr. in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 252. 1840. Culms 3-6 dm. tall, erect, usually rough below the panicle: sheaths overlapping, smooth; leaves rough, 2 mm. wide or less, those of the culms 2.5-7.5 em. long, erect, the basal flat, much longer and readily deciduous from the sheaths, involute in drying: panicle 7.5-10 cm. in length, open, its branches ascending or the lower widely spreading: spikelets 3—5-flowered, about 8 mm. long: glumes scarious, unequal, smooth, the first I-nerved, the second longer, 3-nerved; lemma about 6 mm. long, scabrous, often bearing a short awn 2 mm. long or less. (Ff. Thurberi Vasey, Rothr. Rep. 292. 1878; F. campestris Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 57. 1900.)—In the mountains from New Mexico to Montana; apparently across the continent northward. 9. Festuca confinis Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 11: 126. 1884. Culms tufted, erect, rigid, the base clothed with dry leafless sheaths: sheaths smooth and glabrous; leaves erect, stiff, smooth beneath, rough ahove, 2.5 dm. long or less, 2-4 mm. wide, those on the culm much shorter than those of the in- novations: panicle strict, narrow, 10-12 em. long, its branches erect or ap- pressed: spikelets usually 3-flowered, 7-8 mm. long: the glumes acute, the lemmas strongly scabrous. [F. Kingii (Wats.) Scribn.; F. Watsonii (Nash)].— Sandy banks; throughout our range. 60. BROMUS L. Brome Grass Rather coarse grasses with flat leaves. Spikelets 5-15-flowered, large, :per- fect except the upper florets, in open panicles, the triquetrous pedicels thick- ened upward, at length drooping. Glumes subequal, two thirds as long as the adjacent florets, acute or subacute, the first 1-3-nerved, the second 3- 9-nerved; lemma herbaceous, rather rigid, convex or carinate, acute, den- ticulate. or obtuse, short-awned or awnless; palets ciliate on the two keels, GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 77. at length adhering to the prominent, groove in the linear smooth amber- colored grain. Annuals (introduced), Lemma awned. Awn longer than the glume ,. 7 5 é a A 1, B. tectorum, Awn shorter than the glume . a * a ‘ ‘ 2. B. secalinus. - Lemma not awned ‘ ‘ 3 ; 3. B. brizaeformis, Perennials (indigenous except No. 4), Lower glume 1-nerved; the upper 3-nerved. ‘ Sheaths and leaves smooth or nearly so . ‘ % 4, B, inermis, Sheaths and leaves more or less pubescent or scabrous. Re , Panicle erect . 4 * 3 a . ‘i a 5. B. Pumpellianus, Panicle drooping. 4 : Ask Leaves pilose on both sides or nearly glabrous 6. B. ciliatus. Leaves scabrous above, glabrous below . < . 7. B. Richardsonii, : Lower glume 3-nerved; the upper 3-7-nerved. ; Panicle drooping . a 3 . . a é . « 8. B. Porteri, Panicle erect. i Sheaths and leaf-blades pilose. 7 5 A . .. .9. B. marginatus. Sheaths and leaf-blades smooth or scabrous ‘ ‘ . 10. B. polyanthus, 1. Bromus tectorum L. Sp. Pl. 77. 1753. Culms 1.5-6 dm. tall, erect from an annual root: sheaths, at least the lower ones, softly pubescent; leaves 2.5-10 em long, 2-4 mm. wide, softly pubescent: panicle 5-15 cm. in length, open, the branches slender and drooping, somewhat one-sided: spikelets numerous, 5-8-flowered, on capillary recurved slender pedicels:. glumes acuminate, usually rough or hirsute, the first 1-nerved, the second longer, 3-nerved; lemma 8-12 mm. long, acuminate, 7-nerved, usually rough or hirsute; awn 1.2-1.6 cm. long.—A weed naturalized from Europe; rare in our range. __ 2. Bromus secalinus L. 1. c. 76. Culms 4-8 dm. high: panicle 1-2 dm. long, pyramidal; branches mostly in fours or fives, verticillate, nearly smooth: spikelets 1-2 cm. long, 5—10-flowered; florets turgid: glumes obtuse or sub- acute; lemma obtuse, denticulate, mucronate or short-awned, smooth, 7- nerved: grain concavo-convex. Closely allied and probably to be referred here is B. racemosus L. 1. c.—This is the Cumss or Carat so often found in wheat fields. 3. Bromus brizaeformis Fisch & Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 3: 30. 1836. Culms 2-6 dm. tall: sheaths, at least the lower, pubescent with soft villous hairs; leaves 2.5-17.5 cm. long, 2-6 mm. wide, pubescent: panicle 4-20 cm. in length, open, the branches ascending or often drooping, flexuous: spikelets few, 1.25-2.5 cm. long, laterally much compressed: glumes very obtuse, often purplish, glabrous or minutely pubescent, the first 3-5-nerved, the second larger, 5-9-nerved; lemma 6-8 mm. long, very broad, obtuse, 9-nerved, shin- ing, glabrous or sometimes minutely pubescent, awnless. Quake BRoME Grass.—An introduction from northern Europe or Asia; only occasionally found in our range. ; ; 4. Bromus inermis Leyss. Fl. Hal. 16. 1761.. Culms tufted, 8-12 dm. tall: sheaths smooth and glabrous; leaves 1.5-2.5 dm. long, 4-6 mm. wide, smooth and glabrous: panicle 1.5-2.5 dm. long, oblong, the axis scabrous, its scabrous branches ascending, in clusters: spikelets 2-2.5 em. long, about 5 mm. wide, oblong, erect: first glume 1-nerved, the second 3-nerved; lemma 10-12 mm. long, 5-7-nerved, awnless, or rarely awn-pointed. Smoota or HuncaRIAn Brome Grass.—Introduced and extensively grown for hay; often an escape from cultivation. ; oes 5. Bromus Pumpellianus Scribn. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 15: 9. 1888. Stout erect perennial, with creeping rootstocks: culms smooth or sparingly ‘pilose- pubescent: leaves smooth below, scabrous or pubescent above, 1-2 dm. long: panicle narrow, erect, 10-20 cm. long: spikelets 7-11-flowered, 2-3 cm. long: glumes smooth; the lower 1-nerved, acuminate, 6-8 mm. long; the upper broader and longer, 3-nerved; lemma 5-7-nerved, 10-12 mm. long, densely and coarsely ciliate-pubescent on the margin nearly or quite to the apex and across the back at the base, the awn usually 2-3 mm. long;’ palet nearly as long as the glume; rachilla pilose-pubescent.—Colorado and far northward and westward. 78 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 6. Bromus ciliatus L. 1. c. Culms 6-12 dm. tall, glabrous or pubescent: sheaths often softly pubescent, or the lower sometimes sparingly hirsute;— leaves 1-3 dm. long, 4-12 mm. wide, smooth beneath, scabrous and often pubescent above: panicle open, 1-2.5 dm. in length, its branches widely spreading or often drooping: spikelets 5-10-flowered, 2.5 em. long or less: first glume 1-nerved, the second longer, 3-nerved; lemma 8-12 mm. long, obtuse or acute, 5-7-nerved appressed-pubescent on the margins or over the entire surface; awn 4-8 mm. long. (B. purgans L. is here included.)—In moist woods; in the northern part of our range and eastward to Newfoundland. 7. Bromus Richardsonii Link. Hort. Berol. 2: 281. 1833. . Tufted, erect, robust, 6-12 dm. high: sheaths usually smooth below and pilose at the throat; leaves 15-25 cm. long, usually scabrous above and glabrous beneath: panicle effuse and drooping, 15-25 cm. Jong: spikelets drooping, 6—11-flowered, 2-3 cm. long: glumes smooth; the lower I-nerved, 8-10 mm. long; the upper 3- or rarely 5-nerved, 9-12 mm. long; lemma obtuse, emarginate, 7-nerved, 12-15 mm. long, appressed ciliate-pubescent; the awn 3-5 mm. long; palet shorter than its lmma.—From New Mexico north into British America. 8. Bromus Porteri (Coult.) Nash, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22: 512. 1895. Culms 4.5-9 dm. tall, pubescent below the nodes: sheaths glabrous or some- times softly pubescent; leaves 2-6 mm. wide, rough, those of the culm 1-3 dm. long, the basal narrow and about one half the length of the culm: panicle 7.5-15 em. in length; its branches drooping and flexuous, at least when old, the nodes of the axis pubescent: spikelets 5—10-flowered, 1.8~3 em. long, on slender flexuous pedicels: glumes pubescent, 3-nerved; lemma 1-1.2 cm. long, obtuse, 5-7-nerved, densely pubescent with long silky hairs; awn 2-4 mm. long.— Open hillsides; throughout our range. 9. Bromus marginatus Nees in Steud. Syn. Pl. Gram. 322. 1854. Culms 3-12 dm. tall, sometimes pubescent below the panicle: sheaths pubescent, at least the lower ones; leaves 1.5-3 dm. long or more, 4-12 mm. wide, rough and often pubescent: panicle 1-4 dm. in length, its branches erect or ascending, the lower 5-15 em. long: spikelets 5—10-flowered: glumes acute, pubescent, the first 3-5-nerved, the second longer, 5-9-nerved; lemma compressed, keeled, 1.2-1.4 em. long, acute, 7-9-nerved, appressed-pubescent; awn 4—6 mm. long. B. breviaristatus. (B. Kalmii occidentalis Vasey.)—Very common in the hills and mountains; New Mexico to Manitoba. 10. Bromus polyanthus Scribn. Bull. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. 23: 56.. 1900. Stout and erect, smooth, or puberulent at the nodes, 5-10 dm. high: sheaths smooth or sparsely pilose; leaves mostly somewhat scabrous: panicle elongated, erect, its branches usually short and erect but sometimes spreading: spikelets 3-4 cm. long, 7—-11-flowered: glumes broad, smooth, or somewhat scabrous; the lower 3-nerved, 6-8 mm. long; the upper 3-7-nerved, obtuse, 10-12 mm. long; lemma 7-nerved, 12-14 mm. long, smooth or scabrous, ob- tuse, emarginate, with broad hyaline margins; awn 4-8 mm. long.—In open woods, especially among fallen timber; Wyoming to Washington, 61. LOLIUM L. Coarse erect grasses with numerous flat leaves. Spikelets 5-10-flowered, per- fect, compressed, with the edge to the axis, sessile, and alternately 2-ranked in long rigid terminal spikes. Upper glume external, rigid, 5~7-nerved; lower glume wanting except in the terminal spikelet ; lemma coriaceous, 3~5-nerved, obtuse or subacute, short-awned or awnless, convex, smooth, nearly equaled by the palet and large adherent grain. Glume shorter than the floret . qi is a 5 4 e . L. L. pe i Glume longer than the floret é “ i « QTE Pea clencan 1. Lolium perenne L. Sp. Pl. 83. 1753. Culms 4-8 dm. high: root peren- nial: spikelets 1~2 em. long, exceeding the intervals: glume about equaling the ee floret. PrRENNIAL Ryze GRass.—Sparingly introduced; sometimes cultivated. GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 79 2. Lolium temulentum L. 1. c. Culms rather stout, 5-10 dm. high: spike- lets 1-2 em. long, often shorter than the intervals: glumes usually exceeding the spikelet: florets short, obtuse. Darnex.—Adventive from Europe; some- times a troublesome weed. 62. AGROPYRON Gaertn. Wueat Grass Annual or perennial grasses with flat or involute leaves and terminal spikes. Spikelets 3-many-flowered, sessile, single, and alternate at each notch of the usually continuous rachis, the side of the spikelet turned toward the rachis. Glumes empty; lemma rigid, rounded on the back, 5-7-nerved, usually acute or awned at the apex; palets 2-keeled, the keels often ciliate. Stamens 3. Styles very short, distinct; stigmas plumose. Grain pubescent at the apex, usually adherent to the palet.—Our species perennials. Caespitose, without creeping rootstocks or stolons. chis of the spike breaking up at maturity . ‘ a . 1, A, Seribneri, Rachis of the spike continuous. A Spikelets strongly compressed, 8-20 mm. distant . 6 . 2, A. spicatum, Spikelets nearly cylindrical, 3-10 mm. distant. Basal culm leaves longer than the upper ones, Awns when present straight or but little divergent. Spikes 8-20 cm. long. ; Flowering glumes awned 5 yi e 3. A. caninum. Flowering glumes awnless or short-awned 7. A. tenerum, Spikes 3-10 em. long . ei é < S 4, A, violaceum, - Awns widely spreading . a s é 5, A. Bakeri. Basal culm leaves shorter than the upper ones 6. A. Gmelini. Culms from creeping rootstocks, not caespitose. Spikelets 7-13-flowered, compressed é s by ee 9. A. occidentale. Spikelets 3-8-flowered, subcompressed or nearly cylindrical. Glumes half or less than half as long as the spikelets. Spikelets 16-20 mm. long, culms rather stout . 6 . 10. A. dasystachyum. Spikelets 10-16 mm. long, culms slender. . . - 11. A. subvillosum, Glumes about equaling or two thirds as long as the spikelets . 8. A. pseudorepens, 1. Agropyron Scribneri Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 10: 128. 1893. A densely tufted perennial with ascending culms, 2-5 dm. high: leaves rigid, attenuate-pointed, 2-3 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, the upper sheath thrice as long as the blade; pubescent on both surfaces or smooth and glaucous: spikes 4-7 cm. long, readily breaking up at maturity, the joints falling with the spikelets: spikelets 3-5 mm. distant, 3-6-flowered, the awns and glumes often purplish: glumes linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblong, 5-8 mm. long, ex- tended into an awn 7-25 mm. long, about 3-nerved, scabrous or hispid, little scarious on the margins; lemma smooth or granulose-scabrous on the back below, scabrous or hispid above, the strong mid-nerve extended into a spread- ing or recurved hispid awn 15-35 mm. long.—High mountains; Montana to Colorado and Arizona. 2. Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 61. 1900. A slender and often wiry, densely tufted, usually glaucous perennial, 3-9 dm. high: leaves narrow setaceous, flat or involute, with scabrous margins and smooth surfaces or minutely strigose-pubescent above; those of the culms 3-4, 4-20 em. long, 1-3 mm. broad: spikes 6-14 em. long: spikelets 4-12, remote, 8-20 mm. distant, erect or somewhat diverging, 3-6-flowered, 12-20 mm. long: glumes smooth, 3-5-nerved, narrowly oblong to broadly linear, acute, rarely obtuse or acuminate, prominently scarious-margined, 6-12 mm. long; lemmas smooth on the back below, 5-nerved and rarely scabrous above, 7-10 mm. long, terminating in a stout, diverging awn 12-24 mm. long; palet as long as its glume or longer. (A. divergens Nees.)—Dry, rocky soil and bench lands: throughout our range and westward. 2a. Agropyron spicatum Vaseyi (Scribn. & Smith) E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 38: 378. 1904. Culms rigid and wiry, 3-5 cm. high: leaves 1-2 mm. wide; those of the culms 3-8 mm. long: spikelets 4-8, 8-15 mm. long —Range of the species. PS. Agropyron caninum (L:) Beauv. Agrost. 102. 1812. An erect smooth tufted perennial, 6-9 dm. high: leaves smooth beneath, usually rough above, 80 GRAMINEAE ‘(GRASS FAMILY) 8-25 cm. long, 2-8 mm. wide: spikes erect or nodding at the top, often one- sided; 8-20 cm. long, light green or the empty glumes and awns often pur- plish: spikelets 4-8 mm. distant, 3-6-flowered: glumes about as long as the spikelet, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, tipped with an awn 2-8 mm. Ipng, 3-5-nerved, scarious on the margins, scabrous or nearly smooth, 7-9 mm, long; lemma smooth on the back below, scabrous and ,5-nerved above, ex- tended into a slender awn 2-3.5 mm. long, often bidentate below the origin of the awn.—Throughout our range. ; ‘ 4. Agropyron violaceum (Hornem.) Lange, Consp. Fl. Groenland 154. 1880. Erect, tufted, 3-9 dm. high: leaves scabrous or sometimes smooth be- neath, 5-20 em. long, 2-6 mm. wide: spikes comparatively stout, 3-10 cm.. long: spikelets 3-8 mm. distant, 3-5-flowered: glumes usually purplish, nar- rowly oblong to oblong-linear, acute, rather thin, usually broadest above the middle, obtuse and toothed at apex, scarious on the margins, 3—7-nerved, sca- brous, 8-13 mm. long; lemmas acuminate or tipped with a short weak awn, the awn rarely as long as the body, often purplish Throughout our range and ' northward. ‘ 4a. Beonyien violaceum andinum Scribn. & Smith, U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 30. 1897. Densely tufted, 20-45 cm. high: spikes short and compact: the awns as long or longer than the flowering glumes.—High moun- tains of Colorado. 5. Agropyron Bakeri E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 38: 378. 1904. Smooth, tufted, the culms stout, 3-5 dm. high: leaves flat, rigid, prominently striate-nerved; those of the culms 12-20 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, those of the innovations some- what longer: spikes scarcely exserted, equaled or exceeded by the uppermost, leaf, 9-12 cm. long: spikelets terete, 5-9 mm. distant, 5—flowered, 15-19 mm. long: glumes two thirds as long as the spikelets, narrowly oblong, somewhat abruptly narrowed into an awn 2-8 mm. long and with or without a tooth at the base of the awn, 5-nerved, scabrous, 11-12 mm. long; lemma scabrous, or nearly smooth, the strong mid-nerve extended into a rigid widely spreading ana a mm. long, often bidentate below the origin of the awn.—Southern colorado. 6. Agropyron Gmelini (Griseb.) Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 4. 30.1897. A rather slender, glabrous, tufted perennial 6-12 dm. high: leaves flat, glabrous below, scabrous above; the basal ones 2-8 em. long, 4-6 mm. wide; those-of the culm much longer: spikes slender, 10-25 cm. long: spikelets 6-20, somewhat crowded, subterete or compressed, 5-9-, flowered: glumes two thirds as long as the spikelet, oblong-lanceolate, acumi- nate and short awned, 10-14 mm. long; lemma acuminate, awned from or ~ just*below the apex with a slender, divergent scabrous awn 16-30 mm. long.— oist soil, mountains; Washington to western Wyoming. 6a. Agropyron Gmelini Pringlei Scribn. & Smith, 1. c. 31. Low and tufted, . 2-3 dm. high: leaves rigid, glaucous below, strigose above, 5-10 cm. long: spikes loose, few-flowered.—High mountains; Wyoming and California. © 7. Agropyron tenerum Vasey, Bot. Gaz. 10: 258. 1885. A slender, tufted, glabrous perennial, 6-9 dm. high: sheaths glabrous; leaf-blades narrow, flat or involute, scabrous, 7-25 cm. long, 2-5 mm. wide: spikes slender, cylindrical, 8-18 cm.-long: spikelets usually erect and appressed to the rachis, 5-10 mm. distant, 3-5-flowered. glumes from about as long as the spikelets to two thirds their length, usually broader below the middle, linear-lanceolate or narrowly oblong, acute or acuminate, often awn-pointed, scarious on the. margins, 3—5-nerved and scabrous on the back, 8-12 mm. long; lemma smooth or smoothish on the back below, scabrous and 5-nerved above, muticous or tipped with a stiff straight awn 14 mm. long.—Sandy soil, throughout our range. | : 7a.. Agropyron tenerum ciliatum Scribn. & Smith, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agros. Bull. 4: 30. 1897. Sheaths pubescent or the lower ones densely hairy—Minnesota to Utah. 8. Agropyron pseudorepens Scribn. & Smith, U. 8. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. .% Bull. 4: 34. 1897. Erect and rather stout, light green, with or without creep- | GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 81 ing rootstocks, often tufted, 3-9 dm. high with prominently striate-nerved sheath and leaves, and strict spikes: leaves rough on both surfaces, acuminate, 12-25 cm. long, 2-7 mm. wide: spikes 8-20 em. long: spikelets 5-10 mm. distant, the lower ones often 2-4 cm. distant, a little compressed, 3-7-flowered: glumes equaling or one third shorter than the spikelet, linear-lanceolate, acuminate or awn-pointed, scarious on the margins, strongly 5—7-nerved, the nerves scabrous or hispidulous, 8-12 mm. long; lemma acuminate or tipped with a weak short aristate awn 1-3 mm. long, smooth and shining on the back below, 5-nerved and usually scabrous above.—River bottoms; through-: out our range. S49 8a. Agropyron pseudorepens magnum Scribn. & Smith, Il..c. Robust, 9-12 dm. high, the leaves and spikes longer than in the species: spikelets crowded, 24 mm. long.—Colorado and Idaho. 9. Agropyron occidentale Scribn. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Cir. 27: 9. 1900. A rigid upright, glaucous perennial 3-12 dm. high, from creeping root- stocks, with strongly striate-nerved sheaths, culms, and leaf-blades: leaves rigid, smooth or slightly scabrous on the back, rough-scabrous on the margins and along the prominent nerves above, becoming involute, 10-18 em. long, 4-6 mm. wide; those of the innovations narrower and often half as long:as the: culms: spikes straight, beardless, 6-14 cm. long: spikelets compressed, spread- ing, 6-10 mm. distant, 7~-13-flowered, 12-20 mm. long: glumes one half to two thirds as long as the spikelets, rigid, narrowly lanceolate-acuminate, usually tipped with an awn less than 3 mm. long, 3-nerved, the mid-nerve usually strong and ro scarious on the margins at the middle and below, scabrous on the nerves, 7-18 mm. long; lemma smooth or granulose- roughened on the back, acute or acuminate, mucronate or tipped with an awn 2-3 mm. long.—Plains, bench lands and river bottoms; throughout our range. 9a. Agropyron occidentale molle Scribn. 1.c. Rachis, glumes, and lemma more or less villous-pubescent.—_Throughout our range.: 10. Agropyron dasystachyum (Hook.) Scribn. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 10: 78. 1883. Rather stout, glaucous, from running rootstocks, smooth or finely pubescent or scabrous on the lower sheaths and on the leaf-blades above, 4-9 dm. high: leaves flat or becoming involute, 5-25 cm. long, 2-6 mm.. wide; those of the innovations narrower and longer: spikes 7-17 em. long: spikelets subecompressed or nearly cylindrical, 8-10 mm. distant, 4—8-flowered, 16-20 mm. long:. glumes half or less than half as long as the spikelets, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, acuminate or short-awned, 3—-5-nerved, with rather prominent scarious white margins, villous-pubescent, 6-10 mm. long; lemma acute, awnless, mucronate or short-awned, rarely bidentate, 5-nerved toward the apex, villous.—Sand hills and dunes; Hudson Bay to Wyoming and Idaho. 11, Agropyron subvillosum (Hook.) E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 38: 378. 1904. A light green or somewhat glaucous perennial with running rootstocks, smooth or finely pubescent on the;lower sheaths and the leaf-blades above, the culms slender, 2-7 dm. high: leaves narrow, becoming 4-18 cm. long, 1-3 mm. wide: spikes 5-16 em. long: spikelets compressed or nearly cylindrical, 4-11 mm. disiaat, 3-7-flowered, 10-16 mm. long: glumes one third to one half as long as the spikelets, lanceolate, acuminate or cuspidate-acuminate, 3-nerved, scarious on the margins, scabrous or pubescent or. nearly smooth, 4-7 mm. long; lemma relatively broad, acute, truncate, mucronate or bidentate, 3-5-, nerved toward the apex, sparsely villous, scabrous or nearly smooth on the back.—Plains and bench lands; throughout our range, extending northward and westward. . ; 63. HORDEUM L. Bar.iey Coarse erect grasses with numerous flat leaves. Spikelets 5-10-flowered, per- fect, compressed with the edge to the axis, sessile.and alternately 2-ranked in long rigid terminal spikes. Upper glume external, rigid, 5-7-nerved; lower glume wanting except in the terminal spikelets; lemma coriaceous, 3-5-nerved, obtuse or subacute, short-awned, or awnless, convex, smooth, nearly equaled bv the. valet and large adherent grain. 82 GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) Spikes bushy, with spreading awns . i . . . . . . 1. H. jubatum, Spikes narrow, with nearly erect awns, Glumes aristiform ‘ . te * . . . < - . 2. H. nodosum Glumes dilated above... .- «© «6 « « . . & H. pusillum, 1. Hordeum jubatum L. Sp. Pl. 85. 1753. Short-lived perennial or annual: culms 2-5 dm. high: spike 1 dm. long or less, light green or yellow, very fragile; lateral flowers reduced to awns slightly exceeding the perfect floret: glumes aristiform, slightly exceeded by the awn of the perfect floret.— Prairies, Texas to Minnesota and westward; a very troublesome weed, in meadows; commonly called Foxtai1, but more properly SQUIRRELTAIL Grass. 2. Hordeum nodosum L. Sp. Pl. Ed. 2. 56. 1762. Perennial (?): culms 4-8 dm. high: spike narrow, 4-8 dm. long, usually dark green or purple; lateral spikelets staminate or neutral, awnless: glumes aristiform, about 1 cm. long, equaling the awn of the perfect floret. Winp Bartey.—Common in our range in saline soils; extending to Arizona and Alaska. 8. Hordeum pusillum Nutt. Gen. 1: 87. 1818. Annual: culms 3-5 dm. high, slender, weak: spikes 3-6 cm. long; lateral spikelets staminate or neutral, awnless: four anterior empty glumes broadened above the narrow stalk-like base, tapering above into a rigid awn about 1 cm. long, equaling the awn of ge perfect floret.—From Idaho to Arizona and eastward through the southern tates. : 64. ELYMUS L. Witp Rye. Lyme Grass Rather coarse grasses with flat rough leaves. Spikelets 2-7-flowered, all perfect except the upper florets, compressed, sessile in clusters or 2 to 4 at each node in the spike. Glumes nearly side by side in front of the spikelets, 2 for each, thickened and nervose or aristiform; lemma, coriaceous or rigid, convex, very acute or awned, nearly es by the palet. Grain linear, channeled, adhering to the palet and enveloping lemma. Lemma conspicuously awned. : : Spikelets divergent from the rachis of the broad spike _. % . 1. E, canadensis, Spikelets appressed to the rachis of the narrower spike. Spikelets 3—-6-flowered a i ‘ . . Spikelets 1-3-flowered ° : é : Lemma short-awned or merely acute. Relatively low and slender, usually less than 1 m, high, Spike densely villous-pubescent . . % ‘ * * . 4. E. innovatus, Spike glabrate. Flowering glume 7-nerved above . . .« .o « .« 6&6. &E, triticoides, Flowering glume indistinctly 5-nerved. ves smooth or merely roughened . . ° . . 6. E. ambiguus, ves pubescent beneath . . . 7 . e . 7 E. salinus, Tall and coarse, tufted, often 2m. high . = Se. ca . 8. E, condensatus, 1. Elymus canadensis L. Sp. Pl. 83. 1753. Culms stout, 5-10 dm. high: spike usually nodding, 1-2 dm. long: spikelets mostly in pairs, 3-5-flowered, hispid or pubescent throughout: glumes narrowly lanceolate, indistinctly 3-nerved, tapering into a rather rigid awn 1-2 cm. long and about one half as long as the divergent awns of the 5-nerved lemma. The following are very closely related if indeed they be not mere forms of this: EH. robustus Scribn. & Sm. U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 4: 37. 1897; E. hirsutiglumis Scribn. & Sm. 1. ¢. 11: 56. 1898; EB. brachystachys Scribn. & Ball, 1. c. 24: 47. 1900.— Across the continent northward, and south through our range to New Mexico and Texas. 2. Elymus glaucus Buckley, Proc. Acad. Phila. 1863: 99. Culms 6-15 dm. tall: sheaths rarely pubescent: leaves 1-3 dm. long, 4-16 mm. wide, smooth beneath, sometimes rough above: spike 7.5-20 cm. in length, narrow, slender: spikelets appressed to the rachis, 3-6-flowered: glumes narrowly lanceolate, 8-12 mm. long, acuminate or awn-pointed, rigid, 3-5-nerved; lemmas smooth or slightly rough, 1-1.2 em. long, bearing a slender straight rough awn 1.2-1,.8 em. in length. £. sibiricus—Throughout our range and west to the Pacific States. : 3. Elymus Macounii Vasey, Bull. Torr. Bot, Club 13: 119. 1886. Culms . . - 2 E. glaucus. ‘* s e . 3 EH, Macounii, * i j GRAMINEAE (GRASS FAMILY) 83 3-9 dm. tall: leaves 5-15 em. long, 2-5 mm. wide, rough, especially above: spike 5-12.5 em. in length, narrow, slender, often somewhat flexuous: spikelets appressed to the rachis, single at each node, or the lower sometimes in pairs, 1-3-flowered: glumes (occasionally 3) awn-shaped, 3-nerved, rough, 6-8 mm. long, bearing a slender straight rough awn, 6-10 mm. in length; lemmas 7-10 mm. long, rough toward the apex, bearing a slender straight awn 6-10 mm. long.—From New Mexico into British America. 4, Elymus innovatus Beal, N. Am. Gr. 2: 650. 1896. Culms slender, erect, rather rigid, 5-8 dm. high: basal leaves scabrous, flat or involute, 2-3 dm. long; culm leaves about 3, the sheaths shorter than the internodes; ligule very short; the blades 4-10 em. long: spike erect, densely ciliate-pubescent: spike- lets 3-6-flowered, 10-15 mm. long, 2 at each node: glumes mere bristles, 4-12 mm. long; lemma ovate-lanceolate, 8-9 mm. long; palet as long as its lemma. —Wyoming to Dakota and British Columbia. 5. Elymus triticoides Buckley, ].c. Culms from rootstocks, rather slender, 5-8 dm. high: leaves 15-25 cm. long, erect, often loosely flowered: spikelets 1-3 at each node, 4-8-flowered: glumes equal, linear-lanceolate, rigid, acumi- nate, 6-10 mm. long, equaled by the floret; lemma firm, lanceolate, acuminate or short-awned, nerves indistinct below, 7 above.—Colorado to Montana, west to the Pacific States. 6. Elymus ambiguus Vasey & Scribn. Contrib. Nat. Herb. 1: 280. 1893. Rigid and densely tufted, 5-10 dm. high: leaves of the sterile shoots erect, 3-4 dm. long, involute, smooth or scabrous; culm leaves about 4, 1-2 dm. long; the ligule short: spikes erect, 8-12 cm. Jong, rachis scabrous: spikelets 2 at each joint, or sometimes single near the end, scabrous, 5-9-flowered: glumes subulate, 12-15 mm. long; lemma firm, obscurely 5-nerved, 8-12 mm. long, the short teeth unequal; awn about 2 mm. long; palet as long as the lemma.— Colorado to Montana. 7. Elymus salinus Jones, Proc. Cal. Acad. II. 5: 725. 1895. A rigid wiry erect densely caespitose perennial 3-6 dm. high: leaves rather rigid, involute, narrow and spreading: spikes erect, 5-10'cm. long: spikelets usually only one at each node, about 12 mm. long, 5—9-flowered: glumes nearly subulate, un- equal; lemma short-awned, about 8 mm. long. (E. simplex S. & W. U.S. ee Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 11. 57. 1898.)—Saline situations; Wyoming and Utah. 8. Elymus condensatus Presl. Reliq. Haenk. 1: 265. 1830. Culms 6-30 dm. tall: leaves 1.5-3 dm. long or more, 6-24 mm. wide, scabrous, at least above: spike 1-4 dm. in length, usually stout, strict, often interrupted below, sometimes compound at the base: spikelets 3-6-flowered, 2-several at each node of the rachis: glumes awl-shaped, 9-12 mm. long, generally awn-pointed, usually rough, sometimes smooth.—Valleys, banks, and ravines mostly in saline situations; throughout our range and westward. 65. SITANION Raf. Tufted grasses with flat or involute leaves and a terminal dense spike with the rachis articulated and readily breaking up. Spikelets numerous, in twos or threes at each joint, 1—5-flowered. Glumes entire or divided, the divisions extending often to the base, the lemmas or their divisions bearing long slender awns; palet 2-keeled. Stamens 3. Styles distinct, short; stigmas plumose. Grain adherent to the palet. Leaves and sheaths glabrate or scabrous, Leaves long and flexuous a % « ‘ 5 ‘ é - 1. S. longifolium. Leaves short and rigid . . . ae . 2. 8. brevifolium.. Leaves and sheaths more or less pubescent, . Leaves pubescent on both sides e 2 ‘ é é . ig S. hystrix. Leaves pubescent beneath, scabrous above * * * . 4, 8, montanum, 1. Sitanion longifolium J. G. Smith, U.S. Dept. Agr. Div. Agrost. Bull. 18. 1899. Tufted, 3-5 dm. high: leaves of the innovations 1.5-3 dm. long, oftea as long as the culms, glabrous and glaucous or obscurely pubescent: spike sub- 84 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) flexuous or somewhat nodding: spikelets usually 2 at each node: glumes setaceous, divaricate; lemma scabrous, tipped with a stout scabrous awn 5~6 cm. long.—New Mexico to Wyoming and westward. 2. Sitanion brevifolium J. G. Smith, l.c. 17. Tufted, 2-4 dm. high: culms faintly striate, glaucous: innovations not more than half the length of the culms: sheaths smooth; leaves flat or involute, 5-10 cm. long, smooth be- neath, subscabrous above: spike long-exserted: glumes divergent, 5-9 mm. long, scabrous above; lemma 8-10 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, tipped with a stout scabrous awn 4-8 cm. long; palet obtuse, as long asits lemma. The fol- lowing, published in the revision of the genus by J. G. Smith, do not seem readily separable from this species, at least in so far as the plants of our range are concerned: S. pubeflorum, S. rigidum, S. glabrum. 3. Sitanion hystrix (Nutt.) J. G. Smith, 1. c. 15. Softly and minutely pubescent, low, 1-3 dm. high, in dense spreading tufts: innovations very leafy, about half as long as the culms: leaves flat or at length involute, promi- nently 9-nerved, erect or ascending, 7-12 cm. long: spikes 5-7 cm. long: spikelets 3-4-flowered: glumes bifid, unequally 2-awned, the awns divergent, 3-4 em. long; lemma 7-8 mm. long, 3-awned, the middle awn slender, re- curved; palet 2-awned.—In the desert areas of our range, especially in dry saline soils. 4, Sitanion montanum J. G. Smith, 1. c. 16. Culms 2-4 dm. high, scabrous above: sheaths and leaves more or less finely scabrous; blades 5-10 cm. long: spike 5-10 cm. long: glumes subulate, scabrous, long-awned; lemma 10-11. mm. long, linear-lanceolate, scabrous above, trifid, 3-awned; the middle awn 4-7 em. long; the two lateral quite short and slender. (S. molle J. G. Smith, 1. c. 17.)—This may be the original of Rafinesque’s Sitanion elymoides (Elymus Sitanion Schult.), but this is mere conjecture. The segregates of Sitanion elymoides, a few of which have been here given, are none too distinct, and it’ is perhaps better to retain the old name for the group.—Frequent; Wyoming and Montana to Oregon. 17. CYPERACEAE J. St. Hil. SEDGE FAMILY Grass-like or rush-like herbs. Stem leaves when present 3-ranked. Stems (culms) usually solid, triangular, quadrangular, flattened or terete. Leaves with closed sheaths, mostly narrow. Flowers perfect or imperfect, arranged in spikelets one in the axil of each scale (glume, bract); the spikelets solitary or in spicate clusters. Scales 2-ranked or spirally imbricated. Perianth wanting or of hypogynous bristles (rarely calyx-like). Stamens 1-3. Styies 2-3. Fruit a lenticular or trigonous achene. Flowers perfect; the spikes capitate or umbellate. Spikelets flattened, with the scales in 2 ranks; perianth wanting, 1, Cyperus. Spikelets not flattened, the imbricated scales all around; perianth, in the form of bristles, usually present. Stamens mostly 3; perianth of 1—-several bristles, Bristles few and short, at the base-of the achene, Leaves (at least the basal) welldeveloped. . s . « 2 Scirpus, ,, Leaves reduced toonlyasheathingbase . . . . . 3. Eleocharis, Bristles many, long-exserted . . . . 4, Eriophorum, Stamens1;perianthwanting =...» «Sw Sy SSS Hlemicarpha. Flowers imperfect (monoecious or dioecious); spikelets solitary, spicate or paniculate. “Achene naked ee). eo ee ee . 6. Elyna, Achene inclosed in an inflated sac-like persistent perigynium 7. Carex, i. CYPERUS L. : Mostly with triangular and nearly naked simple stems, sheathed at base by the nearly radical leaves. Inflorescence subtended by a mostly conspicuous leafy involucre, usually irregularly umbellate with unequal rays the spikelets CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 85 in spikes solitary or clustered upon the rays, the central spike or cluster al- ways sessile, and the whole often contracted into a single more or less dense head. Scales concave or keeled, often decurrent upon the rachis. Achene lenticular or triangular, not beaked, usually smooth. Small annual; stamen 1 See ww Ow ew TD Olcinflezns, Perennials; stamens 3. : Spikesinadensehead . . 2. 2. «© «© «© © «© © 2 CG, filiculmis. Spikesinanunequal-rayedumbel . . . « «. «© ) ~~ :S 8. OC. Schweinitzii. 1. Cyperus inflexus Muhl. Gram. 16. 1817. Low annuals, with a 2-3- leaved involucre: spikes oblong, becoming linear, 7-13-flowered, in 1-5 ovate heads: scales nerved, tapering into'a long recurved point: stamen 1: achene obovate, obtuse. C’.. aristatus. Said to be sweet-scented in drying.—Fre- quent in our range; across the continent. 2. Cyperus filiculmis Vahl. Enum. 2: 328. 1806. Perennial, with hard clustered corm- or bulb-like tubers at the base of the stem: stem slender, wiry, often reclined: leaves linear: spikes numerous and clustered in one sessile dense head, or in 1 to 7 additional looser heads on spreading rays of an ir- regular umbel: joints of the axis naked: scales blunt, greenish, strongly 7-11 nerved: stamens 3: achenes gray, 3-angled, obtuse, apiculate-—Extending into Colorado from the east. 3. Cyperus Schweinitzii Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 3: 276. 1836. Perennial: culms with thickened corm-like bases, rough on the angles, 2-5 dm. high: leaves linear: umbel simple, 4—8-rayed: spikes crowded along the upper part of the mostly elongated rays, erect: scales awl-pointed: joints at the axis narrowly-winged: stamens 3: achene' brown, sharply 3-angled, acute at each end.—Colorado, northward and eastward to New York.’ 2. SCIRPUS L. Rusu. BuLrusH Tufted piants, with creeping rootstocks, the stem sheathed or leafy at base, and the spikelets in an apparently lateral cluster, or compound umbel-like panicle, or solitary. Hypogynous bristles 3-6, barbed or ciliate, or wanting. Style 2-3-cleft. Achene lenticular or more or less triangular, obovoid. Spikelets solitary, terminal. Marsh plant; achene reticulated . * . < Suir 9 ae - 1, 8. pauciflorus, Terrestrial plant; achene smooth . a is fe . e . 2. S, caespitosus, Spikelets normally more than 1. : ; : ‘Spikelets few—several, sessile or nearly so, in crowded capitate cluster. Leaves reduced to sheathing bractsat thebase . ° . x . 38. 8. Olneyi. Leaves well developed. ne ~ Involucral leaves flat and broad, paludosus, Rootstocks often tuberous; bristles longer than the achene . 4. S, Rootstocks not tuber-bearing; bristles shorter than the ie : achene or wanting . ee . . . ., 5. 8, campestris, Involucral leaves folded-triangular, narrow, Stem terete |. : . . . . . . . 6. 8, nevadensis, Stem sharply triangular “ : 7. S,:americanus, Spikelets several-numerous, in unejual-rayed™ simple or’ compound umbellate panicles, i : lacustris, Leaves reduced to sheaths or the lowest sheath developing a blade 8. S. Leaves well cerlopet . ie Bristles more or less barbed, Achene 3-angled; styles 3. ‘Spikes large §. . : . = . . 4 . 9.8, fluviatilis. . «' Spikes small and’ very numerous — . . . . . 10. S. atrovirens, Achene plano-convex, carinate on back; styles2 , * . 11, S. microcarpus, Bristles not barbed, long and tortuous . a‘ . ‘ . 12, S, lineatus, 1. Scirpus pauciflorus Light. Fl. Scot. 1078. 1777.. Perennial by filiform rootstocks: stems very slender, little tufted, 1-2 dm. high, upper sheaths truncate: spikelets solitary, oblong, 4-10-flowered, 4-6. mm. long; scales brown with lighter margins and midrib, lanceolate, acuminate: bristles 2-6, hispid, as long as the achene or longer: stamens 3: style 3-cleft: achene obovoid- oblong, gray, rather abruptly beaked, its surface finely reticulated —Extends across the continent; occasionally in our range, especially northward. 86 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 2. Scirpus caespitosus L. ep. Pl. 48. 1753. Stems terete, filiform, in com- pact turfy tufts, densely sheathed at the base, the upper sheath bearing a very short awl-shaped leaf: scales of the ovoid spike rust-colored: involucral bract a rigid-pointed scale, resembling the lowest proper scale of the spike: bristles 6, smooth, longer than the smooth abruptly short-pointed achene.—Colorado and Wyoming; across the continent northward. 3. Scirpus Olneyi Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 238. 1845. Stem 3-wing- angled, with deeply excavated sides, 4-12 dm. high, the upper sheath bearing a short triangular leaf or none: spikes 6-12, closely capitate, overtopped by the short involucral leaf: scales orbicular, smooth, mucronate-pointed: anthers with a very short and blunt minutely-bearded tip: bristles 6, downwardly barbed: achene obovate, plano-convex, brown, mucronate.—Across the south- ern part of the continent (possibly reaching Colorado) and northward in the Atlantic States. 4. Scirpus paludosus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 26: 5. 1899. Perennial from corm-like tubers and horizontal rootstocks: culms 4-8 dm. high, tri- angular, one face narrow and grooved: leaves equaling or exceeding the culms, 5-8 mm. wide, strongly nerve-grooved: involucral leaves 2, unequal, long: spikelets 3-several, sessile in a dense cluster, ovate or oval, 10-20 mm. long, brown: scales narrowly ovate, membranous, puberulent, 2-toothed and the midrib prolonged into an awn: bristles usually 2, twice as long as the achene: achene lenticular, 3 mm. long, broadly and truncately obovate, tipped with a tooth; the surface shiny, finely pitted (under a lens). S. maritimus.—Margins of alkali ponds and lakes; said to range eastward to New England. 5. Scirpus campestris Britton, I]. Fl. 1: 267. 1896. Very similar to the: preceding, 3-5 dm, high: leaves pale green, smooth, 24 mm. wide: involucral leaves 2-3, the longer one much surpassing the inflorescence: spikelets 3-10, oblong-cylindric, 15-25 mm. long, pale brown: scales ovate, 2-toothed and awned: bristles 1-3, much shorter than the achene or none: style 2-cleft: achene lenticular, obovate or oblong-ovate, mucronulate, yellow-brown, its surface strongly cellular-reticulated—On the prairies and coming into our range from the east; said to extend west to Nevada. 6. Scirpus nevadensis Wats. King’s Exp. 360. 1871. Stems clustered, from running rootstocks, 1-5 dm. high, somewhat flattened above, leafy: leaves nearly equaling the stem, deeply channeled or revolute, very rough on the margins, sharply acute,-1-2 em. long: scales brown and shining, ovate, sharply carinate, acutish: bristles 1-3, not half the length of the achene: style 2-cleft: achene broadly ovate, plano-convex, acute, 2 mm. long.—Wet saline soils; Wyoming to California. 7. Scirpus americanus Pers. Syn. 1: 68. 1805. Stem sharply 3-angled throughout, 2-10 dm. high, with concave sides: leaves 1-3, elongated: spikes 1-6, capitate, usually long, overtopped by the pointed involucral leaf: scales ovate, sparingly ciliate, 2-cleft at the apex and awl-pointed from between the acute lobes: anthers tipped with an awl-shaped minutely fringed appendage: bristles 2-6, about equaling the obovate dark brown plano-convex smooth mucronate achene. S. pungens.—From the Atlantic to the Pacific, and not infrequent in our range. 8. Scirpus lacustris L. Sp. Pl. 48. 1753. Stems 0.5-2 m. high, leafless or the lower sheaths bearing imperfect leaves: spikes rusty or chestnut-brown, numerous and clustered in a one-sided compound umbel-like panicle, the principal rays of which mostly surpass the involucral leaf: scales with a salient midrib extending into a mucronate point, often pubescent, especially on the mid-vein; usually pale with fine brown lines: bristles not exserted: achene broadly obovate, terminating abruptly in a rather short beak.—Widely dis- tributed in North America and frequent in our range. 9. Scirpus fluviatilis (Torr.) Gray, Man. 527. 1848. Stem stouter and taller: leaves flat, broadly linear, the upper and those of the very long in- volucre much exceeding the compound umbel: rays 5-9, elongated, recurved- spreading: scales less lacerate and their awns less recurved: achene obovate, slacely and exactly triangular, conspicuously pointed, dull, scarcely equaling CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 87 the bristles.—Borders of lakes and streams; from western Vermont to Illinois und Wisconsin, and extending into our range at its northeastern border. 10. Scirpus atrovirens Muhl. Gram. 43. 1817. Leaves somewhat more rigid: spikelets dull greenish-brown, densely conglomerated (10-30 together) into close heads, these also usually densely clustered in a less compound pani- cle: scales pointed: bristles sparsely and strongly downwardly barbed above the middle, naked below, nearly straight, as long as the conspicuously pointed and obovate-oblong triangular -achene.—Wet meadows and bogs; Colorado and northward, and then across the continent. 11. Scirpus microcarpus Pres]. Rel. Haenk. 1: 105. 1828. Stem tall and very leafy: the umbel-like or cymose panicle irregular, compound or decom- pound: the longer leaf of the inflorescence exceeding the panicle: spikelets ovoid-oblong, acute, 3-25 together in capitate clusters: adi pe brown with a green midrib, obtuse or acute: bristles 4, barbed to the base: stamens 2: style 2-cleft: achene oblong-obovate, plano-convex, somewhat ridged on the back. Ss sylvaticus digynus.—Frequent in our range and extending west to Cali- ornia. 12, pelepaa lineatus Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 32. 1803. Stem triangular, leafy, 2-8 dm. high: leaves linear, flat: umbels terminal and sometimes axillary, loose, drooping, the terminal with a 1-3-leaved involucre much shorter than the long slender rays: spikes oblong, becoming cylindrical, on filiform drooping pedicels: bristles at maturity scarcely exceeding the green-keeled and pointed scales, capillary, naked, not barbed, elongating, becoming tortuous and en- tangled, much longer than the triangular achene.—From New England to Wis- consin and southward, coming into our range from western Kansas. 3. ELEOCHARIS R. Br. Spirxe Russ Stems tufted, from matted or creeping rootstocks, terete or angular, the base covered with closely appressed sheaths: lower scale of the spikelet some- times enlarged and bract-like. Scales closely imbrieated all around the rachis. Perianth of 3-9 short retrorsely barbed bristles, rarely none. Style 2-3-cleft, the conical or flattened tuberculate base persistent and mostly jointed upon the summit of the turgid-triangular or lenticular achene. Style 2-cleft; achene lenticular. erennial by horizontal rootstocks. ellowish-green, densely matted, 7-15 em. high a * . 1. E. thermalis, Bright green, matted,.2-10 dm. high , % a 5 ; . 2, E, palustris, Annual, with fibrous roots. Achene black, with a minute tubercle é . is : . 8, E, atropurpurea. Achene brown, the ovoid tubercle one fourth aslongastheachene 4. E. ovata. Style 3-cleft; achene 3-angled or turgid. : Achene reticulated; small tufted perennial . is . 5. E. acicularis. Achene not reticulated; perennials 2-4 dm, high. Achene papillose 5 a Z . . ° . . . 6. E, tenuis. Achene smooth , . . « x . 7. E, rostellata. 1. Eleocharis thermalis Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 69. 1900. Peren- nial from a slender creeping rootstock, mostly tufted and matted, yellowish green: culms 3-10 em: high, somewhat flattened, striate: upper sheath with a hyaline limb: head obovate, obtuse, about 4 mm. long and 3 mm. in diameter, light yellowish green; scales very thin, ovate, acutish: achenes lenticular, broadly obovate, dark brown, smooth and shining, about 1 mm. long, about four times as long as the conic acute tubercle. FE. olivacea.—Wyoming, Yel- lowstone Park, Montana. 2. Eleocharis palustris (L.) R, & S. Syst. 2:,151. 1817. Stems usually slender, terete, striate, 2-10 dm. high: spike oblong-lanceolate to linear, acute, 10-25 mm. long: scales obtuse or the upper acutish, thin, brown with white margin and greenish keel: bristles 4, about equaling the achene: achene obovate, turgid, smooth; tubercle broad-deltoid, acutish or acute, oy acuminate.—Throughout the continent, and in most parts of the Old World. 3. Eleocharis atropurpurea (Retz.) Kunth. Enum. 2: 151. 1837, Annual, 88 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) roots fibrous: culms tufted, very slender, 2-9 em. high: spikelet ovoid, many. flowered, subacute, 3-4 mm. long: scales minute, ovate-oblong, persistent, : purple-brown with green mid-vein: stamens 2-3: style 2-3-cleft: bristles: 24, ° fragile, white, minutely downwardly hispid, about as long as the achene: achene jet black, shining, 0.5 mm. long, smooth, lenticular; tubercle conic, minute.—From Colorado to Nebraska and Iowa. 4. Eleocharis ovata (Roth) R. & 8. Syst. 2: 152. 1817. Culms nearly terete, 1-3 dm. high: spikelets globose-ovoid to ovate-oblong, obtuse, 2-10 mm. long, dull brown: scales very obtuse, densely crowded in many ranks: style 3-cleft: achene obovate, with narrow base, ee brown, shining, shorter than the 6-8 bristles, broader than the short-deltoid acute and flattened tubercle.—Muddy shores; probably within the eastern part of our range. 5. Eleocharis acicularis (L.) R. &S.1.c. Stems with fibrous roots and very slender running rootstocks, usually setaceous, 3-20 em. high: spike 3-9- flowered: scales acutish, more or less deeply tinged with brown: bristles 3 or 4, often wanting: achene oblong-obovate, obscurely triangular and faintly ribbed on the sides; tubercle broad, short and blunt, contracted at its junction with the achene.—On sandy or muddy stream banks across the continent. 6. Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes, Mant. 2: 92. 1824. Culms almost capillary, erect from running rootstocks, 4-angular and flattish, the sides con- cave: spikelet elliptical, acutish, 20—30-flowered: scales ovate, obtuse, chestnut- purple, with a broad scarious margin and green keel: achene obovate, roughish- wrinkled, crowned with a small depressed tubercle, persistent after the fall of the scales: bristles one half as long as the achene or none.—On our eastern border and throughout the eastern half of the United States. * 7. Eleocharis rostellata Torr. Fl. N. Y. 2: 347. 1843. Culms flattened and striate-grooved, wiry, erect, the sterile ones reclining, rooting and proliferous from the apex, the sheath transversely truncate: spikelet spindle-shaped, 12-20-flowered: scales ovate, obtuse, light brown: achene obovate-triangular, narrowed into the confluent pyramidal tubercle, which is overtopped by the 4-6 bristles.—Across the continent; infrequent in our range. 4. ERIOPHORUM L. Corron Grass Perennials with creeping rootstocks and sometimes enlarged corm-like bases. Stem (culm) leafy or often nearly naked. Spikelets single or clus- tered, or umbellate, usually involucrate, with erect scale-like membranaceous 1-3-nerved bracts. Bristles naked, usually very numerous, often silky and becoming greatly elongated. Style very slender and elongated. Achene acutely triangular. ‘ Achene obovate; bristles more than 2 em, long. Bracts oval or ovate, obtuse . . * . . . 1. E, ocreatum. Bracts ovate-lanceolate . j fs Ke . 5 . 2. -E, polystachyon, Achene linear-oblong; bristles less than 2 cm, long . é s . 8. E, gracile, 1. Eriophorum ocreatum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 400. 1902. Culms growing singly from the corm-like crowns of the short slender rhizomes, finely striate, smooth, slender, 2-3 dm. high: sheaths 2-3, 2-3 em. long, all blade-bearing; blades broadly linear, rather rigid, short, 5-10 cm. long: leaves of the involucre 2-4, the longer usually surpassing the inflorescence: spikelets 3-6, subumbellate, the longer-peduncled ones drooping: scales oval or ovate, obtuse or scarious-lacerate, brown: bristles numerous, glistening-white, 4~6 times as long as the seales: achene broadly obovate, obtuse, dark brown.—Cold, wet subalpine parks; Wyoming and Colorado. - 2. Eriophorum polystachyon L. Sp. Pl, 52. 1753. Stems stiff, smooth, triangular above, nearly terete below, 3-8 dm. high, leafy: leaves flat, shorter than the stem, tapering to a triangular rigid point: involucre of 2-4 leaves, commonly equaling or exceeding the inflorescence: spikelets 3-12, ovoid or oblong, nodding, in a terminal more or less compound umbel;' rays filiform: scales ovate-lanceolate, acute, or acuminate, purple-green or brown: bristles CYPERACEAE: (SEDGE FAMILY) 89 numerous, bright white, 25-30 mm. long: achenes obovoid, obtuse, light a cold bogs; from Colorado to Canada and east to the Atlantic ates. : See 3. Eriophorum gracile Koch, Roth, Cat. Bot. 2: 259. 1800. Culms slender, 2-4 dm. high, somewhat triangular: leaves slender, channeled-triangular, rough on the angles: involucre short and scale-like, mostly 1-leaved: peduncles rough or roughish-pubescent: spikelets 3-7, small, when mature the copious white wool 12-15 mm. long: scales light brown, 3-nerved: achene linear- oblong.—Cold bogs; across the continent through the northern tier of States. 5. HEMICARPHA Nees. Spikelet, flowers, etc., as in Scirpus except that there is a minute translucent scale (readily overlooked) between the flower and the axis of the spikelet. Stamen only one. Styles 2-cleft. Bristles or other perianth none. _1. Hemicarpha aristulata (Coville) A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 460. 1902. Annual, glabrous, culms few to several, erect, 8-15 cm. high, filiform or capillary, exceeding the capillary leaves: involucral leaves 2-3, unequal, 5-20 mm. long: spikes 2 (sometimes only 1), ovoid, 3-5 mm. long: scales rhombic, acuminate, the body nearly 1 mm. long, scarious-margined, some of the margins turning brown, with a green midrib and inconspicuous nerves; the acumination green, subulate, somewhat spreading, nearly as long as the body of the scale or in the lower ones longer: sepal large, as long as the ovule, obtuse or even with a truncate or toothed apex: filament barely exceeding the ovule: style short, its branches inconspicuously if at all barbellulate: achene obovoid, shorter than the body of the scale-——Rare; moist sandy cafions eastern part of our range, to Kansas and Texas. 6. ELYNA Shrad. Perennial herbs with filiform leaves, radical or sheathing the stems at base. Lowest glume inclosing an ovary with a long trifid style; the next one, or rarely the next two, inclosing 3 stamens; often a rudimentary glume or awn terminating the rachis; occasionally only one glume to a spikelet. 1. Elyna Bellardii (All.) Koch, Linnaea 21: 616. 1848. Stems caespitose, 1-3 dm. high, striate-angled: leaves shorter than the stem: spikelets few, small, and brown, in a somewhat clavate spike 20-25 mm. long. Kobresia scirpina.—The Colorado mountains. ; 7. CAREX L.* Szpce Perennial grass-like herbs, with 3-ranked leaves, mostly triangular culms, and spikes in the axils or exserted from the sheaths of leaf-like or scale-like. bracts. Flowers in spikes, imperfect, the staminate and pistillate in different parts of the same spike (spike androgynous), or in separate spikes on the same culm (plant monoecious), or rarely on entirely distinct plants (plants dioecious). Staminate flower composed of three stamens borne beneath a bract or scale. Pistillate flower composed of a single pistil bearing 2 or 3 exserted styles, form- ing in fruit a lenticular or triangular achenium which is inclosed in a more or less inflated sac (perigyniuwm) borne in the axil of a scale. / Theoretically each flower is entirely destitute of floral envelopes, and borne on a branch which springs from the axil of a scarious bract (the scale of the following descriptions), the inclosing perigynium of the fertile flowers answer- ing to one (or two) connate bractlet. In the subgenus Vignea of the present * The treatment of this enue remains essentially unchanged. As prepared for the original Manual by Dr. L. H. Bailey, both the keys and the full diagnoses have proven unusually satisfactory. Relatively few new species have been described in the meantime. Some of these have been inserted and some of the seemingly extralimital ones have been excluded. Changes in nomenclature are of course noted. Though the treatment is not uite'in harmony with the rest of this volume, it seems well to retain both the artificial and the natura! keys. 90 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) elaboration, the spikelets or spiculae of authors are called spikes, which they truly are, and they are conglomerated into heads. The genus is an exceedingly critical one and its study should not be attempted with unripe or imperfect specimens. — T, Spike one, terminal, strictly simple, staminate at the top, or in dioecious plants (4 & 33) all staminate or all pistillate. Sti s three, erigynium spindle-shaped or lanceolate, dark brown or purple ‘ é ‘ 1,2 Perigynium short, mostly ovate or elliptic, Perfectly smooth, : Perigynia 1 to 3, conspicuously spreading, or remote from the staminate portion, Obovate, obtuse. : < . 5 . . . . . . s Elliptic, sharply beaked *, * ‘ a ag 1 “ a 7 a TL Perigynia several, continuous with the staminate portion, Scales leaf-like 3 S . e . . . . . . . ° Scales short, ciliate 5 : a ‘ é e p . - a - 33 Scales short, entire, eco Very broad, covering the perigynium ., ° . . . . - 10 Narrower, shorter than the perigynium ‘ é < ‘ s - 12 Scabrous or hairy. Perigynia 1 to 4, scabrous above 3 5 . < . . S . ed Perigynia several to many, hairy A é . . . . . . « 4 Stigmas two « A & = a ° . a a . . . . - 40 II, Spikes all aggregated into a round or ovoid uninterrupted head, stigmas two. Spikes densely packed, the individual ones scarcely discernible, Head tawny or brown. Subtended by 1 or 2 long leafy bracts . 7 . ‘ ‘ is ° 67 Naked or nearly so, Perigynium nearly orbicular, dark . * a é . e Hi . 57 Perigynium ovate or lanceolate, Spikes staminate at base. s ‘ js é * . 63, 64, 65, 66 Spikes staminate at top. Perigynium rough-angled ‘é 5 3 es <5 . 44, 45, 46,47 Perigynium smooth . . 3 ‘i ‘ ° e . - 48,49, 50, 51 Head green 2 7 é - 45 Spikes simply aggregated, the individual ones readily recognized. Spikes nearly linear, light colored . é yi . e a . . . ~ 58 Spikes oval or ovoid. : Perigynium wing-margined. Broadly ovate or oval % . . . . . . . ° 69, 71 Lanceolate Z ~ 5 . . ° e . . : - 68, 70 Perigynium wingless. Nerved, beak longer than the body , ‘ = ‘6 a Si ‘ 3 . 52 Nerveless. Heads small, globular. 2 ‘ 3 . ‘ & 5 - 60, 51 Heads oblong fee . ‘ : 3 * 3 < : : . 61 III, Some or all of the spikes distinct. Terminal spikes staminate above (staminate flowers inconspicuous), spikes often all approximated into an interrupted head or panicle, stigmas always two, Perigynium strongly nerved . " - i = e % 2 a 3 i Perigynium nerveless or nearly so . = é . f . p a . 41, 42, 43 Terminal spike staminate below. Stigmas two, Spikes very dark fe Spikes tawny or whitish. Perigynium lanceolate. Thin and scale-like a . More or less thick and rounded, Heads fulvous . . Heads silvery or silvery-tawny . . . . . . . ° . 36, 37, 38, 39 ee a a ee | . . - 70 A ‘ ¢ . . . 59 Perigynium ovate, wing-margined : . 72 Perigynium ovate, not margined _ . ; 60, 61, 62 Terminal spike mixed; the intermediate spikes of the tawny interrupted head staminate, Perigynium short and broad, dark-colored , \ . 7 3 . «8B Perigynium ovate or ovate-lanceolate, straw-colored . . . . « « 54 Terminal spike or spikes entirely staminate, Stigmas two. erigynium scone nerved . . . . . * . . ° ° . 25 Perigynium nerveless or nearly so, Bracts all leaf-like . fn ae ‘ é é . 26 Bracts not conepieucuely leaf-like, Spikes rounded or oval. Staminate spike short-stalked . _ ' s m ‘ 5 21, 30, 34 Staminate spike sessile ‘i * ° ° ° e ° 36, 37, 38 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 91 Spikes oblong or long-cylindrical. Perigynium ovate, green or prow purple 5 5 . - 27, 28, 29, 31, 32 : Perigynium obovate, yellow or whiti ‘ o a a . . 14 Stigmas three, erigynium hairy, Pistillate spikes few-flowered, almost globular, mostly sessile, Scales ciliate ‘ 5 c - é . * « . # . . 4 Scales not ciliate. Spikes greenish; culms slender . < . 5 z ‘i 3 - 6a, 6b _ Spikes colored . ‘i * : 7 a 5 . ‘ . . : Pistillate spikes several to many-flowered, oblong or cylindrical. : Perigynium conspicuously nerved . i a ‘ . 7 A . . 19 Perigynium nerveless or nearly so, Plant hairy throughout . % ‘ F . < « ‘ ¥ - 13 _ Plant smooth . . . . . 7 8 - « 18 Perigynium smooth. Pistillate spikes pendulous or nodding. eak slender, longer than body of peri ium; spikes greenish-white . - 17 Body of perigynium as long or longer than beak, Spikes small, 6 or fewer-flowered; plant delicate . r e 3 . 15 Spikes oblong, pendulous, dark ; 7 : _ ; : é . 35 Spikes thick and long; perigynium inflated. Rengyniann greenish straw-colored, slender-beaked, conspicuously more a _ than 10-nerved So aie de, te 20 Perigynium straw-colored or often purplish. ore or less ascending f ‘ - 5 ‘ . . - 22, 23 Conspicuously squarrose . . . . . . . . . 24 Spikes all erect. ; Short-oblong, densely flowered. Beak short, stout, truncate * “ m ‘ # ‘ . 13 Beak longer than bod: 3 a * 3 a 7 ‘ ° : . 17 ’ Cylindrical; perigynium beaked. Perigynium lanceolate, flattened ‘ 4 2 7 i. . - 16 Perigynium thin, inflated, straw-colored or purple. More or less ascending ; ; : . s + 22, 23 Conspicuously squarrose * - oI e . . ij A » 24 Suscenvs I. Eucarex. Staminate flowers forming one or more terminal linear or club-shaped spikes which are often pistillate at base or apex, or occa- sionally having a few pistillate flowers intermixed. Pistillate flowers usually in distinct and normally simple mostly peduncled spikes which are seldom aggregated into heads. Cross-section of the perigynium circular or obtusely angular in outline. Style commonly 3-parted and the achenium trigonous or triquetrous. § 1. Spike single (in our species), androgynous, staminate at the top, the rhachis conspicuously jointed: perigynium lanceolate or spindle-shaped, longer than the scale, deflexed at maturity: stigmas very rarely two.—DEFLEXOCARPAE. Low and mostly slender species. * Perigynium brown, spindle-shaped or narrowly ovate, stipitate, little longer than the scale—PusiicarEs Tuckm. ' 1. Carex pyrenaica Wahl. Vet. Akad. Nya Handl. Stockh. 24: 139. 1803. Culms 5-15 cm. high, slender: spike dense, oblong, brown or purple, the fertile flowers erect until full maturity: leaves narrow, mostly involute-filiform, shorter than the culms: staminate flowers few, occupying one third or less the length of the spike: perigynium few-nerved or nerveless, usually shining at maturity.— High nfountains of Colorado, Utah, and northward. 2. Carex nigricans C. A. Mey. Mem, Acad. St. Petersb. 1: 210. t. 7. 1831. Stouter: leaves nearly flat, 2 mm. broad: staminate flowers usually con- spicuous and occupying about half the spike: perigynium somewhat ventricose, dull: otherwise as in the last, with which it grows.—Evidently the more com- mon species. § 2. Spikes one or more: staminate spike always single, usually distinct, sessile or nearly so, sometimes androgynous with all the prstillate flowers borne at its base: pistillate spikes, if any, small and globular, mostly sessile, more or less approximate: bracts short or none, sheathless: perigynium ovate or glob- ular, hirsute (thin and scabrous in No. 38), tightly surrounding the ache- 92 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) nium, usually bearing a beak half its length: pistillate scales acute (except in Nos. 3 and 4): stigmas rarely 2.—SPHAERIDIOPHORAE Drejer. Low species in dry places, the leaves all radical. No. 4 is dioecious. * Spike one, androgynous.—FILIFOLIAR Tuckm. 3. Carex filifolia Nutt. Gen. 2: 204. 1818. Caespitose: culms slender, ob- tusely angled and smooth, 1-3 dm. high, when full grown longer than the filiform rigid leaves, their bases surrounded by dry brown leafless sheaths which at length break up into fibers: spike 1-3 em. long, ferruginous or whitish, bractless, the staminate portion sometimes nearly free from the pistillate por- tion: perigynium broadly triangular-obovoid, thin, few-nerved or nerveless, scabrous or slightly hairy above, abruptly contracted into a short, stout, white- hyaline entire beak, about the length or shorter than the very broad hyaline- margined clasping scale: perigynium containing a short serrate racheola. (C, oreocharis Holm. Am. Jour. Sci. IV. 9: 358. 1900.)—Dry plains and moun- tains from Colorado westward and northward. 3a. Carex filifolia miser Bailey, Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 122. 1886. Low, usually 5-10 em. high, the leaves very rigid: pistillate portion of the spike not conspicuous: pistillate scales much narrower than in the species, the margins scarcely hyaline: perigynium much smaller and flatter, entirely concealed under the scale, oblong-obovate, smooth.. (C. elynoides Holm. 1. ¢. 356.)— Alpine in Colorado and westward to the Sierras. 4. Carex scirpoidea Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 171. 1803. Creeping: culms in flower short, elongating, 1-4 dm. high in fruit and exceeding the broad and flat leaves, more or less scabrous on the angles at least above, the basal sheaths not splitting into fibers: spike ferruginous, linear or club-shaped, 1-5 ecm. long, occasionally with 1 or 2 accessory spikes at base: perigynium ovate or obovate, hairy, lightly nerved, about the length (or a little longer) of the ciliate more or less obtuse scale: scales on the staminate plant hyaline-margined, not ciliate——High mountains; Colorado and Utah, northward and westward. * * Spikes two to several, the lower occasionally peduncled or sometimes rad- teal: perigynium contracted below, usually bearing two prominent ribs, the very short or often prolonged beak slightly 2-toothed.—MonTanakz Fries (in part). + Culms upright, as long or longer than the leaves: spikes closely flowered, mostly aggregated at the top of the culm. 5. Carex pennsylvanica Lam. Encycl. 3: 388. 1789. Extensively creeping: culms few, slender, 1-3 dm. hivh: staminate spike conspicuous, 1-2 em. long, often club-shaped, sessile or shortly peduncled, sometimes pistillate at the top: pistillate spikes 1-4, the lower one very rarely 2-3 cm. remote, the upper ones bractless, the lower sometimes subtended by a short and subulate brown bract: perigynium globose or roundish-obovoid, abruptly contracted into a short or often long beak, usually shorter than the acute or cuspidate brown or saree whitish scale.—Dry, sandy plains; a variable species, widely distrib- uted. 6. Carex deflexa Hornem, Plantel. Ed. 3. 1: 938. 1821. This species does not occur in our range, but the following varieties are rather common. 6a. Carex deflexa Farwellii Brit. Fl. 1: 334, 1896. R&ther stiff, 1-3 dm. high, in dense tufts: most of the culms somewhat exceeding the leaves: stam- inate spike prominent and erect, 6-10 mm. long, sessile or very short- peduncled: pistillate spikes two or three, all scattered, the uppermost at or near the base of the staminate spike, the lowest usually very prominently peduncled and subtended by a conspicuous bract which surpasses the culm, all rather compactly 3-8-flowered, green, or brown and green: radical spikes usually abundant: perigynium oval, obtusely 3-angled, pubescent, the beak as long as the body: scales large and sharp, equaling or exceeding the peri- gynium. C. defleca media Bailey—Mountains; Montana and Colorado to Oregon. CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 3 + + Culms mostly shorter than the leaves: spikes looser flowered and more ‘ scattered, often radical. 6b. Carex deflexa Rossii (Boott) Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 43. 1889. Stiff throughout, very strict, the leaves mostly equaling or exceeding the culms, the whole plant usually light-colored: staminate spike much as in the last, often larger: pistillate spikes 1-3, distinct or sometimes scattered, loosely 1-4-flowered: radical spikes usually abundant: scales very sharp, greenish-white or very rarely bearing an inconspicuous colored margin. (C. Rossi Boott.)—Mountains: Colorado to British Columbia. 7. Carex umbellata Schk. Riedgr. Nachtr. 75. f. 171. 1806. Rootstock stout, mostly horizontal: culms many, mostly very short and crowded and concealed among the leaves, sometimes 1 dm. long: leaves many, generally short, stiff and curved, sometimes weak and straggling and 10-15 cm. long: staminate spike 12 mm. or less long, not usually distinct and conspicuous: pistillate spike usually crowded among the bases of the leaves, sometimes one or more of them exserted and clustered with the staminate spike: perigynium globose-elliptic, more or less flattened, produced into a flattened toothed beak as long as the body.—Colorado to Oklahoma; and common eastward. 7a. Carex umbellata brevirostris Boott, Illustr. 2: 99. 1860. Beak much shorter and minutely toothed, the perigynium rounder or somewhat 3-sided.— Mongollon Mountains, New Mexico, and near Golden City, Colorado; also in California and British America. § 3. Spikes androgynous, staminate above: pistillate flowers few, often remote, usually on a more or less zigzag rachis: scales prolonged and leaf-like (sca- rious and often short in No. 8): perigynium smooth, or slightly hispid above, mostly tightly inclosing the achenium, the beak, if any, straight.—PHYLLo- sTacHys Carey. * Culms all as long or nearly as long as the leaves: staminate flowers conspic- uous; pistillate flowers very few and large: beak very short—PHYLLOSTACH- YAE Bailey. 8. Carex Geyeri Boott, Linn. Trans. 20: 118. 1846. Stoloniferous: culms very slender, angled, rough, about 3 dm. high, about the length of the flat rough-edged leaves: staminate portion of the spike usually appearing distinct, 1-3 cm. long: pistillate flowers 1-2, large, erect with the rachis: perigynium triangular-obovoid, 6 mm. long, the conspicuous angles obtuse, one-nerved on the two inner sides, very smooth, with a very short entire erose and hyaline beak: scales thin and brown, acute, two to four times the length of the peri- gynium.—Mountains of Colorado, Utah, and Montana. ** Culms mostly much shorter than the leaves: staminate flowers inconspic- uous: perigynium small, the beak produced to half its length (or more): scales very green and much dilated, often concealing the perigynia, and readily mis- taken for bracts.—BRAcTOIDEAE Bailey. ; 9. Carex durifolia Bailey, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 20: 428. 1893. Caespitose: culms 3-15 cm. high, sharply angled: leaves lax and smooth: staminat¢ portion of the spike about 3—flowered: pistillate flowers 2-4, aggregated, more or Jess spreading: perigynium globose-ovate, inconspicuously nerved, smooth or very slightly scabrous above: lower scales longer than the culm. C’. Backii—Dry and rocky hills; Colorado to British America. § 4, Spike one (in our species), small, the pistillate flowers few: perigynium smooth (sometimes minutely dentate on the angles), firm or horny, ‘mostly shining or glossy, lightly nerved or nerveless, bearing a short beak: scales ob- tuse with hyaline margins: stigmas 3.—LAMPROCHLAENAE Drejer. Small plants, with creeping rootstocks. Our species all fall under the group Ru- pestres Tuckm. 10. Carex rupestris All. Fl. Ped. 2: 264. 1785. Caespitose and somewhat stoloniferous: culms obtusely angled, erect, 83-10 cm. high, usually a little 94 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) longer than the long-pointed and mostly channeled leaves: spike linear o1 clavate, 1-3 cm. long: perigynium upright, plano-convex, obovate or elliptic, firm in texture, dull, very lightly nerved, abruptly contracted into a short and stout truncate beak, hidden by the amplectant and very broad dark scale.— Colorado and far northward. 11. Carex obtusata Lilj. Kongl. Acad. Hand. 69. t. 4. 1793. Very ex- tensively creeping by long and slender brownish rootstocks: culms 5-15 em. high, longer than the flat and long-pointed leaves: spike at maturity ovate or narrowly ovoid, 12 mm. or less long, the pistillate flowers 4-10: perigynium at first pale, brownish at the top, when mature spreading and becoming brown or dark brown-purple, glossy, very horny in texture, turgid-ovate, stipitate, con- tracted into a stout obliquely-cut and conspicuously white-hyaline beak, longer and broader than the membranaceous, acute, and often deciduous scale: achenium short and broadly triangular—South Park, Colorado, to Montana, westward and northward. § 5. Spikes 2 or more (1 in No. 12), more or less peduncled: staminate spike one in our species: pistillate spikes mostly compactly flowered and cylin- drical, erect: bracts leafy, sheathing or sheathless: perigynium firm in tez- ture, smooth, slightly inflated, very shortly and stoutly beaked or sometimes beakless, conspicuously nerved—BRACHYRHYNCHAE, Slender, not very leafy species. * Spike one, staminate above: erin beakless.—PouyTRICHOIDEAE ‘uckm, 12. Carex leptalea Wahl. Kongl. Vet. Acad. Handl. II. 24: 139. 1803. Caespitose: culms many, almost capillary, usually longer than the very narrow leaves: staminate flowers very few: perigynia 2-8, alternate and appressed, green, triangular below, flattened towards the top, blunt or emarginate at the apex, much longer than the ovate acute scale: stigmas rarely 2. C. poly- trichoides.—Low ground, Colorado and northward. * * Staminate spike in our species sessile or short-stalked: pistillate spikes short: perigynium obtuse or short-beaked, straight at the apex, longer than the white or tawny acute scale-——PALLESCENTES Fries. 13. Carex abbreviata Prescott, Boott, Trans. Linn. Soc. 20: 141. 1846. Culms 2-4 dm. high, sharply angled, longer than the hairy leaves: pistillate spikes 1-3, roundish, approximate, almost sessile: perigynium round-obovate, sunken at the top, very abruptly tpt ed with a short stout hyaline-margined beak: bracts short, about the length of the culm, sheathless. C. Torreyi.— Colorado and northward into British America. ** * Staminate spike usually long-peduncled: pistillate spikes scattered, all (at least the lower) on exserted stalks: bracts shorter than the culm (longer in No. 14), sheathing: perigynium glaucous-green before maturity, becom- ing pale or yellow, the apex ee or bent and short-beaked (or nearly beak- less in No. 14),—Panicraz Tuckm. 14. Carex aurea Nutt. Gen. 2: 205. 1818. Stoloniferous: culm 4-25 em. high, slender, sharply angled, longer or shorter than the flat and narrow glaucous leaves: bracts leaf-like, the lower much exceeding the culm: spikes 3-6, the staminate often nearly sessile, the pistillate loosely flowered, the lower remote, often on radical peduncles: scales colored on the margins, ovate, shorter than the turgid, globose or pear-shaped, bright yellow or straw- colored and wholly obtuse or slightly pointed perigynium: stigmas commonly two.—Common throughout on moist grassy hillsides and low mountains. A delicate and pretty species, readily distinguished when mature by its bright colored, often almost fleshy perigynia. The staminate spike is occasionally pistillate at the apex. § 6. Staminate spite mostly solitary and peduncled, pistillate spikes several or many, more or less loosely flowered, all or the lower on filiform weak .c CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 95 nodding peduncles: bracts foliaceous and sheathing: perigynium thin and membranaceous, usually slender or oblong, tapering gradually into a dis- tinct or long minutely toothed straight beak, smooth and shining (in No. 16 usually hairy on the angles and not lucid), mostly light-colored, somewhat inflated; scales thin, white, tawny, or brown.—HYMENOCHLAENAE Drejer. Mostly slender and open-flowered lax-growing species. * Terminal spike all staminate: pistillate spikes oblong, club-shaped or cy- lindrical (very small in No. 15): perigynium few-nerved or nerveless, tawny or whitish —F LEXILES Tuckm, 15. Carex et geo L. Sp. Pl. 977. 1753. Usually densely caespitose: culms very slender, varying from 3-30 em. in height, much longer than the numerous very narrow radical leaves: pistillate spikes 1-4, loosely 3-10- flowered, long-exserted and nodding, the lower often very remote: perigynium small, ovate or ovate-oblong, contracted into a nearly entire beak of about half its length, about the length or longer than the white or tawny hyaline scale.—High mountains from Colorado westward and northward. A delicate species, variable in size and in the length and shape of the pistillate scales. 16. Carex ablata Bailey, Bot. Gaz. 13: 82. 1888. Stoloniferous: culm slen- der, 3-5 dm. high, much longer than the short and rather broad, many-nerved, lax radical leaves: bracts conspicuously and loosely sheathing, the lower more or less leaf-like, the upper setaceous: pistillate spikes ferruginous, 2-3 cm. long, the lower club-shaped and long-exserted, the upper more or less cylin- drical and often sessile or nearly so and approximate: perigynium lanceolate, slightly inflated, flattened, at first wholly or partly green, at length becoming more or less ferruginous, obscurely nerved, hairy on the angles, tapering and oe longer than the acute scale. C’. frigida.—Utah and Wyoming to regon. 17. Carex longirostris Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y.1: 71. 1824. Caespitose: culm rather strong, 2-5 dm. high, obtusely angled, rather longer than the flat and soft. leaves: pistillate spikes 2-8, greenish-white, short, thick, nearly erect: perigynium large, 2-nerved, green and shining, produced into a slender white- tipped toothed beak of half or more its length: scale white, acute or cuspidate, about the length of the perigynium.—Colorado. § 7. Staminate spikes one or more: pistillate spikes two to several, stout, erect, mostly shortly peduncled, somewhat squarrose or comose in appearance: peri- gynium thick in texture, hairy, more or less spreading, distinctly and stoutly straight-beaked, the teeth short: scales prominent.—LastocaRPAE Fries. Stout, mostly tall species, in wet or grassy places. Our species falls under the group Lanuginosae Carey. 18. Carex lanuginosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 175. 1803. Stoloniferous: culms 3-8 dm. high, strong: leaves flat, 2-4 mm. broad, about the length or longer than the culm: staminate spikes 1-3, the lower small and aggregated at the base of the terminal one: pistillate spikes 1-4, remote, sessile or nearly so, or the lower peduncled, 1-5 em. long, often loosely flowered at the base: bracts leaf-like, usually much exceeding the culm, the upper sheathless: perigynium ovate or shortly ovoid, abruptly contracted into a very short, erect, divergently and very shortly toothed beak: scales ovate, purple, acute or cuspidate, shorter or longer than the turgid and densely hairy perigynium. C. fiformis latifolius.—Swampy places, in most parts of the northern half of the continent. § 8. Staminate spikes two or more, long-stalked: pistillate spikes two to several, usually all peduncled, long and heavy, loosely flowered, erect or nodding: perigynium large, thick in texture, strongly nerved, hairy or smooth, pro- duced into a long beak which terminates in very conspicuous aul-like erect or spreading teeth.—EXcHINosTACHYAE Drejer. Coarse species. 19. Carex aristata R. Br. Frank. Journ. 751. 1836. Culms very stout, sharply angled: sheaths and under side of the leaves sparsely hairy: staminate spikes 3-8, usually considerably separated; the scale very long, loose and 96 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) pointed: pistillate spikes 5-8 cm. long, 8 mm. or more broad, upright, scattered, loosely flowered at the base: perigynium very strongly nerved, smooth, ovate- lanceolate, terminated by very conspicuous, divaricate, smooth, and slender teeth, usually longer than the rough-awned scale. C. trichocarpa aristata.— Colorado and northward, thence across the continent. §9. Sterile and fertile spikes one to several or many: fertile spikes mostly large and compactly flowered: perigynium much inflated (cross section nearly twice or much more than twice the width of the mature achenium), membranaceous, smooth, conspicuously nerved (or nearly nerveless in No. 21), tapering into a toothed beak as long as the body or longer—PuysocaRPaE Drejer. Mostly large and stout species. No. 21 is the least developed of the section, and in some forms it appears to ally itself with other and very dissimilar sec- tions. * Staminate spikes commonly more than one: pistillate spikes usually long and densely cylindrical (short in No, 21 and occasionally in No. 24): perigynium smooth and shining, long-beaked, at maturity yellow or straw-colored, or oc- castonally partly reddish-purple.—VESICARIAE Tuckm. + Staminate spike one: pistillate spikes comose, cylindrical and drooping .or spreading: bracts sheathless or nearly so: beaks long. 20. Carex hystricina Muhl. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 282. 1805. Plant rather slen- der, pale, 3-5 dm. high: spikes 2-4, narrow, 2-5 em. long, nodding or the upper one nearly erect or spreading, decidedly comose in appearance: perigynium 15-nerved, not prominently inflated; prolonged into a very slender and setace- ously toothed beak, the lobes of which are spreading: scales awn-like, shorter than the perigynium.—Wet places; New Mexico and northeastward to Ne- braska and Wyoming. + + Staminate spike one, rarely two: pistillate spikes short, erect, more or less purplish: beaks short: stigmas usually two. 21. Carex saxatilis L. Sp. Pl. 976. 1753. Stoloniferous: culm 1-3 dm. high, sharply angled, about the length of, or a little longer than, the narrow and sharp-pointed leaves: pistillate spikes 1-3, the upper sessile or nearly so, the lower mostly more or less peduncled, all dark purple or at maturity be- coming brown: bracts narrow, long-pointed, shorter or a very little longer than the culm: perigynium ovate-oblong or elliptic, nerveless or very inconspicu- ously nerved at the apex, rather abruptly contracted into a very short nearly entire beak, mostly longer than the more or less obtuse membranaceous scale. C. pulla Gooden. C. vesicaria alpigena Fries.—Rocky Mountains, from Colo- rado to British America. | : 21a. Carex saxatilis Grahamii Hook. & Arn. Brit. Fl. 8th Ed. 510. Stouter, 3-5 dm. high: perigynium lighter colored, often nearly straw-colored, promi-' nently few-nerved, the beak longer and more conspicuously: toothed.—High mountains of Colorado, Utah and northward. + + + Staminate spikes two or more: pistillate spikes normally long, spread- ing or drooping: stigmas three. t ++ Perigynium conspicuously turgid, ascending at maturity. 22. Carex Engelmannii Bailey, Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 132. 1877. Culms slender but erect, 10-15 cm. high, about the length of the numerous very slender bristle-like leaves: spike small, nearly globular, 4-6 mm. broad, the staminate flowers inconspicuous: perigynium lanceolate, about 4 mm. long, very delicate in texture, flat, somewhat shining, nerveless, the long apex empty, the beak entire or nearly so, about the length of the thin brown acute scale.—Alpine slopes, Colorado. ‘ 23. Carex monile Tuckm. Enum. Meth. 20. 1843. Culms usually more slender and leaves «© little narrower: spikes more slender: perigynium sub- globose, much inflated towards the base, one half or more as broad as long, CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 97 abruptly short-beaked, 10 or less-nerved: otherwise as in the last.—Colorado and Wyoming. , 23a. Carex monile colorata Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 39. 1889. Smaller: spikes shorter than in the species, dark brown: perigynium very much less turgid and shorter beaked: scales shorter and not so sharp.—Colo- rado, northward and westward. ++ ++ Perigynium not conspicuously turgid, squarrose at maturity, and the spikes comose in appearance. 24. Carex utriculata Boott, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 221. 1840. Somewhat stoloniferous: culm very stout, 3-10 dm. high, acutely angled above, very thick and spongy at the base: leaves broad, 4-12 mm., carinate at the base, much exceeding the culm, conspicuously nodulose-reticulated: pistillate spikes 2-6, more or less remote, the upper sessile, the lower often on weak peduncles 3-5 cm. long, long-cylindrical or terete, 3-15 cm. long, thick and compactly flowered (sometimes loosely flowered at the base), often stami- nate at. the top: perigynium ellipsoid or globose-ovoid, usually gradually tapering into-a short beak, broader and commonly longer than the very acute or rough-awned scale. Var. minor Sartwell, is a form smaller in all its parts, with spikes 2-3 cm. long—Common in swamps from Colorado and Utah northward. §10. Staminate spikes one or more, long: pistillate spikes one to several, brown, purple or greenish, commonly approximate, sessile or peduncled, oblong or linear, mostly elongated: perigynium not inflated, biconvex, minutely beaked or beakless, smooth: stigmas 2—MicRoRHYNCHAE Drejer. Paludose and alpine species of upright habit, often growing in tufts or tussocks. Our species fall under the group Acutae Fries. * Perigynium strongly nerved. 25. Carex nebraskensis Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. IJ. 18: 102. 1854. Gla- brous: culms stout, sharp-angled, 3-6 dm. tall: leaves pale green, 3-5 mm. wide, rough-margined, their sheaths more or less nodulose: lower bract sometimes equaling the culm, the upper much shorter and narrower: staminate spikes commonly 2, stalked: pistillate spikes 2-4, dense, oblong-cylindric, erect, 2-3 em. long, about 6 mm. in diameter, sessile or the lower short-stalked: perigynia elliptic or obovate, prominently several-ribbed, short-beaked, the. beak 2- toothed: scales ovate or lanceolate, acute or mucronate, brown with green midvein or green all over, the upper shorter than the perigynia: stigmas 2.— Nebraska to Oregon and New Mexico. ' * * Perigynium slightly nerved or nerveless. 4— Robust species: bracts leaf-like, usually exceeding the culm. . 26. Carex aquatilis Wahl. Kongl. Acad. Handl. 24: 165. 1803. Stolonifer- ous: culm obtusely angled, 5-10 dm. high, smooth, leafy: leaves flat, pale, scarcely longer than the culm: pistillate spikes 2-4, erect, thick and compactly flowered throughout or more commonly inclining to club-shaped with a gradually attenuate base, the upper sessile, the lower more or less peduncled and often long exserted: perigynium broadly elliptic or obovate, rarely circular, nerveless, tipped with a minute and entire point, green or light-colored, wider and either longer or shorter than the green or purple-margined acutish scale.— A large species, in wet places; generally distributed northward. + + Low, or tall and slender species: bracts mostly short and narrow, often setaceous. ++ Culms slender and tall: leaves with more or less revolute margins when dry. 27. Carex physocarpa Presl. Relig. Haenk. 1: 205. 1830. Culms erect, 2-3 dm. high: peduncles relatively long, rough, 3-10 em.: spikes oblong, brown, 98 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) with broad obtuse scales: perigynium short, nerveless, with entire beak,, ex. ceeding the scale-—In the higher Rocky Mountains of British America, and extending south into Wyoming. . cay / 28. Carex acutina Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 52.1889. Stems erect, 4-5 dm. high, smooth or rough above, leaves flat and thin, about as long as the stem: the lower 1 or 2 bracts flat and leaf-like, about equaling the stem, the margins mostly serrate: spikes 4-5, the upper 1 or 2 staminate, all approxi- mate and sessile or the lower short-peduncled, 3-5 em. long: perigynia thin and soft, yellowish, somewhat inflated, the small beak entire, shorter, or longer and broader than the obtuse or muticous scale. [C. rhomboidea Holm, Am. Journ. Sci. 16: 35. 1903 (?).}—On stream banks and lake shores, Colo- rado to Oregon. 29. Carex variabilis Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 18. 1889. Glaucous, mostly low, 3-5 dm. high, stout: culm sharply angled, roughish on the angles: leaves rather broad: spikes 3-4, short and stout, borne near the top of the culm, erect; the lower one or two conspicuously attenuated at the base, and appearing clavate; the upper sessile, lower peduncled: bracts leaf-like and broad, the lower one or two equaling or exceeding the culm: perigynium ‘small and broadly ovate, abruptly and very shortly beaked, nerveless, beak entire, green or whitish, conspicuously broader and usually shorter than the obtuse’ or muticous black scale. C. aperta divaricata.—Wet places; Colorado to Montana and Idaho. “a ++ ++ Culms 1-4 dm. high: leaves more or less involute when dry. ° 30. Carex Bigelovii Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 1: 67. 1824. Culms mostly stout, sharp-angled, smooth except near the top, longer than the narrow leaves: staminate spike one: pistillate spikes 3-5, slender, lax, loosely flowered at the base, the lower peduncled and often remote, black-purple or fuscous-purple: perigynium narrow, mostly elliptic, almost pointless, entire at the orifice, very faintly nerved towards the base, shorter or rarely a little longer than the acute or acutish dark purple scale. C. vulgaris hyperborea.—Alpine regions; Colo- rado, northward and westward. : ; 31. Carex rigida Gooden. Linn. Trans. 2: 193. 1794. Leaves 4 mm. broad, flat: staminate spikes sometimes 2, usually 1: pistillate spikes 3-5, short and thick, 5-20 mm. long, erect, approximate or the lowest sometimes remote and shortly peduncled, dark purple; auricles very prominent: perigynium obovate or nearly circular, nerveless, shortly beaked, pale below, usually more or less purple above, ‘commonly shorter than the dark, acute scale. C. vulgaris alpina.—Same range as the last. : 32. Carex scopulorum Holm. 1.c. Plant rather stout, from a dense and woody root, 3-6 dm. high: leaves very broad for the group, deep green, con- . spicuously pointed, shorter than the culm: staminate spike usually 1, mostly short-peduncled: pistillate spikes 2-4, sometimes contiguous or partially scattered, oval or oblong, 1-4 cm. long, the two lowest usually on slender peduncles 3-5 em. long, the others sessile or nearly so: lowest bract leaf-like and equaling or exceeding the culm: perigynium compressed-trigonous, ovate or round-ovate in outline, pale and more or less discolored or even covered with purple dots (or rarely almost yellow), produced into a very short and entire beak, mostly shorter than the obtuse or muticous purple scale: stigmas — 2or3. C. vulgaris in part. (C. Tolmiei and vars.)—Colorado to Montana and west to the coast States. § 11. Staminate spike one, short, either pistillate above or not conspicuous (except in No. 33): pistillate spikes none to several, short and thick, mostly dark-colored, commonly aggregated (often only approximate), sometimes stam, inate at the base: perigynium biconvex or very obtusely 3-angled, with a very short entire or emarginate beak, or beakless: stigmas 2 or 3.—MELANOSTACH- yar Tuckm. Mostly mountain or boreal species, distinguished by the’ aggregated spikes and inconspicuous or androgynous terminal spike and rugrescent color - CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 99 * Terminal spike all staminate (in-No. 33 often with a few pistillate flowers at base or apex, or rarely all pistillate and dioecious), cylindrical: pistillate spikes approximate, erect: stigmas usually.3.—STYLOSAE. ‘33. Carex Parryana Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. 27: 239. 1835: Stoloniferous: culms rigid, 1-4 dm. high, stout, obtusely angled, smooth or nearly so, granu- lated, longer than the rigid, long-pointed, narrow leaves: terminal spike usually largest, about 2 cm.’ long, brown, with 1-5 small, globular, oblong, or cylindrical erect spikes near its base (or sometimes entirely solitary), the lower usually stibtended by a narrow bract shorter than the culm and often more or less remote and shortly peduncled: perigynium obovate or triangular-obovoid, somewhat plano-convex, scabrous above, lightly nerved, especially on the outer side, very abruptly short-beaked, the orifice entire or erose-hyaline, shorter and about the width of the very obtuse, brown, white-nerved, hyaline- margined, sometimes minutely apiculate and ciliate scale—Colorado, and northward in the mountains; rare. ; ; “34. Carex’ Reynoldsii Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 32: 39. 1861: ' Stolon- iferous: culms 3-10 dm. high, sharply angled, longer than the flat,. glaucous leaves: staminate spike sessile, about 12 mm. long: pistillate spikes 3-6, short and thick, 8 mm, wide, not commonly more than twice as long as broad (and usually less), sessile ‘or short-peduncled, aggregated, or the lowest 2-5 em. “remote and exserted: lower bract about the length of the culm, bearing con- spicudus purple auricles: perigynium large, obovoid, 3-angled, prominently nerved,, green or light-colored, abruptly narrowed into a nearly entire purple beak, somewhat spreading, when mature much longer and broader than the anlite black scale——Mountains; Utah to Wyoming. 7 ** Terminal spike staminate: pistillate spikes ovoid. or oblong and drooping: stigmas 8—LimosaE Tuckm. | ge Pe 35. Carex misandra R. Br. Suppl. Parry’s Voy. 283. 1823... Glabrous: culms 2-40 cm. tall: leaves 2-3 mm. wide, clustered, seldom over 6 cm. long: bracts narrowly linear, sheathing, not overtopping the spikes: terminal spike slender-stalked: pistillate spikes 1 or 2, filiform-stalked, 6-15 mm. long, about 4 mm: thick, rather few-flowered, drooping: perigynia narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, narrowed at the base, 3 mm. long, dark brown, denticulate above: scales obtuse, purple-black with white margins, somewhat shorter than the perigynia: stigmas 2 or 3.—Throughout Arctic America, extending south in the Rocky Mountains to the higher summits of Colorado. *** Terminal, spike club-shaped, staminate below: lateral spikes occasionally bearing a few staminate flowers at base: scales broad, not conspicuously acute.— _ArraTan Kunth, at ae ' 86. Carex atrata L. Sp. Pl. 976. 1753. Caespitose: culm 1-6 dm. high, sharply angled, smooth or roughish, longer than the long-pointed: leaves: bracts about. equaling the culms, mostly with conspicuous auricles: spikes 2-4, densely flowered, clavate or oblong, thick, 1-4 em. long, black or dark brown, approximate or often aggregated, all more or less peduncled, at first upright or spreading, at length usually drooping and often exserted, and the top of the culm appearing as if bent over: perigynium broadly ovate or orbicular, nerve- less, bearing a short notched beak, commonly a little broader and about the length or a little shorter‘than the black or dark:brown obtuse or acutish scale. (C. chalciolepis Holm. Am. - Journ. Sci. 16: 28. 1903.)—High mountains; Colo- rado and Utah'and:northward. . * , 3 : 37. Carex bella Bailey, Bot. Gaz. 17: 153. 1892. Tall and slender: spikes narrowly cylindrical, 3-4 em. long and‘1 em. or less wide, the lower.one or two on slender peduncles or even radical, the terminal one:bearing aivery long and much contracted staminate portion: perigynium greenish-white, conspicuously broader and usually longer than the black-purple and faintly white-nerved scale. C. atrata ovata.Wyoming to Arizona. GE eah a 38. Carex nova Bailey, Mem. Torr. Club 1: 10. 1889. Resembling the pre- 100 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) ceding but the spikes (3 or 4) globular, strictly sessile, and very densely aggre. gated into an ovoid-triangular head, the lower spikes of which are squarrose, or the lower one rarely distinct: perigynium broadly ovate or nearly circular in outline, thin and whitish, very conspicuously squarrose, broader than the ovate and muticous black scale. [C. melanocephala Turcz.(?)}—Mountains; Wyoming and Colorado to California. 39. Carex alpina Swartz, Lilj. Sv. Fl. Ed. 2, 26. 1798. Culms very slender, 1-5 dm. high, smooth, longer than the narrow leaves: spikes 2-4, small, 5-12 mm. long, mostly compactly flowered, black or black and green, closely ag- gregated, erect and capitate, the lowest very short-stalked and usually sub- tended by a green bract: perigynium ovate or elliptic, obscurely nerved or nerveless, with a short slightly notched beak, green or fuscous, commonly a little longer than the ovate, black, nearly obtuse scale——High mountains, Colorado and northward. ' Suscenus II. Vignea. Staminate flowers few and inconspicuous, borne at the base or apex of the pistillate spikes. Pistillate flowers in short, sessile spikes (spike single in No. 40), which are commonly more or less aggregated into heads, or even panicled. Cross section of the perigynium plano-convex in outline. Styles two and achenium lenticular.—The spikes, and especially - the terminal one, usually have contracted bases when the staminate flowers are borne below, and empty scales at the top when the staminate flowers are borne above. — : § 12. Staminate flowers borne at the top of the pistillate spikes; or in the Are- nariae spikes often wholly staminate and the. plants occasionally dioecious.— ACROARRHENAE Anderss, * Spike one and simple: plants very small_—NarDINAE; Tuckm.' i 7 40. Carex Redowskyana C. A. Mey. Cyp. Nov. t. 4. 1831. Creeping: culms 1-2 dm. high, longer than the rigid, erect or spreading leaves: spike 5-15 em. long, loosely flowered: perigynium ovate, prominently nerved, gradu- ally and conspicuously beaked, spreading at maturity, longer than the acute scale. C. gynocrates.—In the nigh: mountains; Colorado to British America. * * Spikes green when mature, more than one. + Spikes few-flowered, distinct, often remote. 41. Carex tenella Schk. Riedgr. 23. f. 104. 1801. Tufted and stoloniferous: culms very slender, almost capillary, 1-4 dm. high, about the length of the narrow, loose leaves: spikes scattered, 1-6-flowered: perigynium shortly oval, rounded on the outside, finely nerved, abruptly.and minutely beaked, longer than the very thin scale-—Swamps throughout our range. 42. Carex vallicola Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. II. 32: 40. 1861.: Culm 1-2 dm. high, very slender, slightly scabrous: leaves 1 mm. broad, shorter than the stem: bracts roughly cuspidate from a broad hyaline-margined base, the lowest equaling or exceeding its spike: head 1-3 cm. long, linear-oblong, composed of 4-7 narrowly oblong contiguous sessile. spikes which have a conspicuous column of staminate flowers at the apex: scales chestnut-colored, mem- branaceous with very broad hyaline margins, clasping at the base, broadly ovate, acute or the scabrous keel prolonged into a short mucro: perigynium pale brown, obovate, abruptly attenuated to the base and to the obliquely cut entire beak, convex on the outer side and concave on the inner, nerveless, sparsely serrate above on the obtuse margins, about as long and narrower than the seale.—Colorado and Wyoming to Idaho. 43. Carex eleocharis Bailey, Mem. Torr. Club 1: 6. 1889. Very slender but stiff, 1.5 dm. high, both leaves and culm filiform and smooth: spikes 2 or 3, cach bearing 1-3 flowers, closely aggregated into a very small and apparently monostachyous head, evidently staminate above: perigynium short-ovate, tur: CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 101 gid, flat on the inner face, marginless and nerveless, dull brown, beak entire or nearly so, as long as or longer than the thin hyaline scale-—-Wyoming to the plains of the Saskatchewan. + + Spikes several to many-flowered, aggregated into a globular or oblong head. 44. Carex gravida Bailey, Mem. Torr. Club 1: 5. 1889. Light green: culms 4-9 dm. tall, 3-angled, rough above: leaves flat, 3-6 mm. wide: bracts usually very short: spikes several, in a dense heavy head 2-3.5 cm. long, pale, sub- globose: perigynia flat, broadly ovate or suborbicular, 3-4 mm. long, rounded at the base, narrowed into a 2-toothed beak about one third as long as the body, several-nerved on the outer face or nerveless: scales acute, cuspidate or short-awned, about as long as the perigynia. C.cephaloidea.—Possibly coming into our eastern border. * * * Spikes tawny or brown, somewhat chaffy in appearance, closely aggregated or densely capitate: perigynium ovate or ovate-lanceolate, not conspicuously nerved.—ForTIparn Tuckm, = — + Perigynium conspicuously rough on the angles above. 45. Carex Hoodii Boott, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 211. t. 211. 1840. Tall and’ slender, but erect, the culm 3-6 dm. high, prolonged beyond the leaves: spikes several to many, very few-flowered, compacted into an ovoid or oblong head 1-2 cm. long: perigynium spreading, small and narrow, gradually contracted at both ends, green, nerveless or nearly so, conspicuously wing-margined, rough on the angles, about the length of the brown or tawny scale. C’. muricata con- fiza—Colorado to Montana and west to Washington: 46. Carex occidentalis Bailey, 1. c. Glaucous: leaves narrower than in the last, and relatively longer: spikes more or less aggregated into a very slender head '2~-3 em. long, the lowest one or two usually wholly distinct: bracts scale- like, inconspicuous: perigynium larger than in the last, turgid-ovate, abruptly short-beaked, nearly marginless and often smooth: scales muticous. | C. muricata.—Colorado to Montana. _ 47. Carex Hookeriana Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. 29: 248. 1836. Very slender: head interrupted, castaneous, small, the spikes sometimes alternately ar- ranged: bracts of the two or three lower spikes produced into long awns, which surpass the spikes: Perigynium small, green, usually lightly nerved, gradually produced into a beak which is cut into sharp awl-like teeth. C. muricata gracilis —Colorado to California. it + + Perigynium smooth or slightly scabrous. 48. Carex foetida All. Fl. Ped. 2: 265.'1785. Creeping: culm 1-4 dm. high, rather stout, scabrous, longer than the long-pointed leaves: spikes very densely aggregated into a globose or ovoid brown head: perigynium lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, toothed at the apex, about the length of the acute or mu- cronate brown scale.—Mountains; Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. 49. Carex incurva Lightf. Fl. Scot. 544. 1777. Extensively creeping: culm stiff and short, 3-15 cm. long, smooth, usually curved, about the length of the narrow and stiff curved leaves: spikes 2-5, crowded into a short ovoid or globular brown or tawny head which is only 3-15 mm. long: perigynium large and turgid, stipitate, broadly ovate, conical above, purple towards the top, faintly many-nerved on one side at least, narrowed into a short and stout en- tire beak, not covered by the acute, thin scale-—Colorado and far into British America. 50. Carex stenophylla Wahl. Kongl. Acad. Handl. II. 24: 142. 1803. Sto- loniferous: culms stiff, 3-15 cm. high from a mass of. fibrillose sheaths, usu- ally longer than the stiff involute filiform leaves: spikes 3-6, short, 4-8 mm. long, nearly globose, loosely conglomerated into a small subglobose or shortly oblong head, each spike subtended by a scarious mucronate bract of less than. {ts own length: perigynium ovate, brown, nerved, gradually contracted into a short, blunt, entire beak, tightly inclosing the achenium, at maturity longer 102' CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) than the hyaline, brown, acutish scale-—Dry plains and hills; New Mexico and’ far northward and eastward. aor 51. Carex teretiuscula Gooden. Trans. Linn. Soc. 2: 163. 1794. Rather light green: culm very rough, at least above, 3-7 dm. long: leaves mostly less than 2 mm. wide: bracts small or none: spikes several or numerous, in a nar- rowly oblong cluster 2-5 cm. long: perigynia ovate-oval, smooth, dark’ brown, hard, shining, the body slightly more than 1 mm. long, truncate or rounded at the head, short-stalked, tapering into a flat conic beak about its own length: seales thin, ovate, brownish, acute or short-awned, about equaling the peri- gynia.—Across the continent northward. - **** Spikes yellow or tawny when mature, aggregated into more or less com- pound heads or panicles: perigynium many-nerved, stipitate, tapering from: a spongy base into a more or less conspicuous beak, twice the length of the body, , or more.—VULPINAE Kunth. © oc ow 52. Carex stipata Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 233. 1805. Caespitose: culms thick and spongy, 3-6 dm. high, very sharply 3-angled, almost winged, about the length of the broad light green canaliculate rough-edged leaves: spikes 10-20, loosely aggregated into an oblong pyramidal’ head 2-6 cm. long, which is somewhat branching or occasionally nearly simple at the base: perigynium. lanceolate, finely nerved, the rough beak about twice the length of the rounded.. base, the whole about twice (or a little more) as long as the scale.—Pastures and wet places throughout our range. a) te 53. Carex Jonesii Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 16. 1889. Slender, but . erect and somewhat stiff, 2-5 dm. high: culm sharply angled and rough, some- , what exceeding the narrow leaves: spikes several to, many, densely aggregated into a small oblong or ovoid head which is bractless: perigynium small, lanceo- . late from the truncate base, stipitate, very strongly many-nerved, marginless, ' smooth or but slightly rough on the angles above, the long and brown beak: nearly entire: scale brown, muticous or obtuse, somewhat shorter than the perigynium.—Wyoming to California. ; ** *** Staminate flowers variously situated, usually some of the intermediate or terminal spikes all staminate, or the plant entirely dioecious: spikes ag- . gregated in more or less chaffy heads, straw-colored or brown.—ARENARIAE Tuckm. . +- Spikes short: scales ovate, not awned or conspicuously acite. ee 54, Carex siccata Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. 10: 278. 1826. Extensively creeping: culm erect, 2-5 dm. high, sharply angled, rough, mostly longer than the rather narrow leaves: spikes 4-12, simple, alternate, ferruginous, longer than the scale-like bracts, the middle ones or sometimes the lower ones all staminate, loosely aggregated into an oblong or cylindrical head 24 em. long: perigynium green, nerved, the margins slightly incurved, ovate below, con-| tracted into a rough and slightly toothed beak which is longer than the body, the whole longer than the hyaline-margined acute scale-—Dry places, Colorado and northward, The forms with the lower spikes all staminate resemble those species of the next section with a single terminal spike which is prolonged and; staminate at the base. ‘ 55. Carex marcida Boott, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 212. 1840. Culm erect, 3-6 dm. high, sharply angled, scabrous, longer than the narrow leaves: spikes 4-15, ferruginous or dark brown, the lower usually somewhat compound, ; staminate at-the apex or nearly dioecious, spreading and imbricated_,into an oblong-conical or broadly cylindrical head: perigynium brown, becoming very dark at maturity, nerved, ovate or orbicular-ovate, with incurved and serrate. margins, contracted into a beak shorter than the body, about the length of, or a little shorter than, the acute or cuspidate scale-—Sandy meadows and moun- tains throughout our range. ; 7 / 56. Carex Sartwellii Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci, 43; 9). 1842. Extensively creeping: culm stout, 3-10 dm. high, sharply angled, rough above, mostly CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 103 longer than the leaves: spikes 10-25, globose or ovoid, compactly flowered, ferruginous or straw-colored, usually all simple, the middle or terminal ones staminate, loosely aggregated (the two or thee lowest sometimes distinct) into a cylindrical or oblong thick and heavy head 3-7 ecm. long, which is sometimes subtended by a bract of its own length: perigynium tawny, ovate, prominently nerved, scarcely wing-margined, rough above, shortly beaked (the orifice nearly entire), bearing a conspicuous fissure on the outer side, commonly longer than the acute brown seale. C. disticha.—Dry places; Utah, Colorado, and northward and eastward. 57. Carex Gayana Desv. Fl. Chili 205. 1853. Creeping: culms slender, 3-6 dm. high, longer than the leaves: spikes 4-15, globose or loosely ovoid, dark brown, simple, nearly dioecious (rarely staminate at the top), rather loosely aggregated into a small ovoid head 15-25 mm. long: perigynium triangular-obovoid, about as wide as long:(sometimes wider), gibbous below, rough on the top, squarely contracted into a very short entire beak, obscurely nerved below, brown and shining at maturity, shorter than the acute chaffy scale-——Wyoming and southward. ' hal te Spikes mostly nearly linear or narrowly oblong, chaffy: the’ scales long, attenuated or awned: heads pale. 58. Carex Douglasii Boott, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 213. 1840:. Creeping: culm 1-3 dm. high, obtusely angled and mostly smooth, longer or shorter than the long-pointed leaves: spikes usually many, simple or compound, pale and chaffy, dioecious or nearly so, densely aggregated into a conspicuous and heavy head 3-5 em. long and often 2-3 em. ‘wide; which is sometimes sub- tended by a setaceous bract of nearly its own length: perigynium ovate- lanceolate, nerved, produced into a slender toothed beak, much shorter and entirely concealed by the long, acute, scarious scale: stamens and stigmas long and Semepin ener 2 eON especially in Wyoming; Colorado, Utah, and southward. © , ‘ ys §13. Spikes staminate at the base (No. 62 sometimes has spikes staminate at : the top).—HyParrHENaE Anderss. * Spikes silvery-green' or tawny when mature, distinct, mostly smail; perigyn- ‘ium not wing-margined nor conspicuously broadened, mostly nearly flat on the inner surface—E.oneataxr Tuckm. ; Per Vine + Perigynium nearly linear or ovate-lanceolate, in loose spikes. 59. Carex Deweyana Schw. Ann. Lyc:'N. Y. 1: 65. 1824. Caespitose: culms weak and slender, 3-8 dm. high, longer than the flaccid and flat leaves: spikes 3-6, silvery-green, erect, 4—8-flowered, the two or three upper ones ap- roximate, the lower more or less remote, the lowest subtended by a setaceous beset of more than its own length, all uniformly staminate at the base: peri- gynium oblong-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, very thin in texture, spongy at the base, nerveless or very nearly so, nearly erect, prolonged into a long and rough toothed beak, little longer than the very acute or awned white scale.— Moist copses throughout. ° pes + + Perizynium ovate or nearly, so, not sharp-margined, firm in texture, erect in, closely flowered and rounded spikes. : 60. Carex canescens L. Sp. Pl. 974. 1753. Culms slender, 3-6 dm. high often weak, rough, about the length or a little longer than the leaves: spikes 3-10, pale or glaucous, scattered or remote (the upper usually approximate), ‘small and densely 10-20-flowered, obovoid or ellipsoid, mostly conspicuously narrowed at the base with staminate flowers: perigynium small, short-ovate ‘or oval, whitish and granular, mostly obscurely nerved, abruptly and minutely ‘peaked, rather longer than the acutish scale.’ C. elongata in part; the vars. “alpicola Wahl. and dubia Bailey seem to run into the species by numerous gradations. [C. brunnescens (Pers.) Poir is C. canescens alpicola Wahl.]— Widely distributed; throughout our range at various elevations. :~ 104 CYPERACEAE (SEDGE FAMILY) 61. Carex lagopina Wahl. Kongl. Acad. Handl. II. 24: 145.1803. Caespitose: culms 1-2 dm. high, erect, rather longer than the leaves: spikes usually 3, often 5 or 6, subglobose or ovoid, reddish-brown, compactly flowered, contiguous or the lowest a little remote, all small, longer than the scale-like bracts: perigynium small, obovate or elliptical, usually colored above, thick in texture, nerved, tapering towards the base, often curved, rather abruptly short- beaked, the beak with a closed fissure on the outer side, longer than the ovate, broad, brown, hyaline-margined acute scale—A small alpine species dis- tinguished by its heads of few dark-colored spikes, its narrow leaves, and caespitose habit; Colorado and Utah. + ++ Perigynium ovate, sharp-margined, firm, often thickened at the base, spreading, in open and at maturity stellate spikes. , 62. Carex sterilis Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 208. 1805. Caespitose: culms sharply angled, smooth or rough, slender and erect, 1-5 dm. high, usually longer than the narrow, pale leaves: spikes small, about 8-15-flowered, scattered, globular, the upper one conspicuously contracted below with staminate flowers, or rarely all the spikes staminate or all pistillate: perigynium ovate or ovate- lanceolate, gradually narrowed into a sharp-edged, rough, toothed beak, nerved, spreading or reflexed, about the length or longer than the acute scale. C.echinata. (C. stellulata Gooden.)—Colorado to British America, * * Spikes tawny or dark, rather large, sometimes crowded: perigynium with a more or less thin or winged margin which is mostly incurved at maturity, rendering the perigynium concave inside—OvatEs Kunth. + Spikes aggregated into a more or less dense head. 63. Carex tenuirostris Olney, Am. Nat. 8: 214. 1874. Low, 1-2 dm. high, stiff and erect, the leaves very narrow and long-pointed, somewhat shorter than the culm: head small, ovate, 8-12 mm. long, very light brown: perigynium lanceolate and nearly terete below, slightly concave but marginless above, gradually narrowed into a point, lightly many-nerved, particularly on the back, about the length of the lanceolate and acute hyaline-margined scale. C. Bonplandii in part— Western Wyoming and westward. ‘ 64.» Carex illota Bailey, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 1: 15. 1889. Stoloniferous: culm slender and nearly naked (3 dm. or more high), longer than the grass- like leaves: spikes 3-6, small and chaffy, crowded into a small capitate dark brown head which is 12 mm. or less long: bracts scale-like, often setaceously- pointed, sometimes inconspicuous, never longer than the head: perigynium ovate or ovate-lanceolate, somewhat colored, narrowed into a serrate beak about as long as the body, nerved, narrowly winged, about the length of the acutish scale or a little longer and about as wide. C'. Bonplandii angustifolia. — In the mountains; Colorado to Montana and west to Utah. 65. Carex festtva Dewey, Am. Journ. Sci. 24: 246. 1835. Caespitose: culms usually slender, 2-8 dm. high, longer than the flat stem-leaves: spikes 6-15, roundish, small, densely aggregated (occasionally somewhat loosely) into a fulvous dark brown or green and brown ovoid head, which is 1-3 em. in diame- ter: bract usually inconspicuous, sometimes as long as the head, narrow: perigynium varying from broad-ovate at base to long-lanceolate, greenish, conspicuously winged (half its width or more being consumed in: the thin margins), narrowed gradually into a rough beak about as long as the body, nerved or almost nerveless, longer and broader than the acute or somewhat obtuse brown scale. (C. ebenea Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 266. 1901.) A number of varieties have been proposed, but they are distinguished from the species with difficulty.—Frequent throughout the Rocky Mountain region. 66. Carex multinoda Bailey, Bot. Gaz. 21: 5. 1896. Similar to the preced- ing but much slenderer, with very slender leaves: spikes small and massed into a little tawny or dark head: points of the narrow perigynia generally con- spicuously spreading.—Same range as the preceding. : 67. Carex athrostachya Olney, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 393. 1868. Differs from LEMNACEAE (DUCKWEED FAMILY) 105 C. festiva in the presence of elongated bracts which are expanded and strongly nerved at the base, the two or three lower much exceeding the mostly paler head: lowest spike rarely distinct—-Common throughout our range. + + Spikes mostly separated, or if aggregated the individual spike well defined. ++ Perigynium thin and scale-like, with little distinction between the margin and the body, mostly greenish. 68. Carex scoparia Schk. Riedgr. Nachtr. 20. f. 175. 1806. Culms slender, erect, roughish above, 1.5-7.5 dm. tall: leaves less than 3 mm. wide: spikes 3-10, oblong, narrowed at both ends, bright brown, 6-16 mm. long, usually aggregated into an ovoid head: perigynia lanceolate, 4-6 mm. long, rather less than 2 mm. wide, narrowly wing-margined, several-nerved on both faces, tapering into the ciliate two-toothed beak: scales thin, brown, acuminate or cuspidate, shorter than the perigynia.—Extending into Colorado from the eastern States. ++ ++ Perigynium thickened in the middle, with conspicuous wing-margins which are more or less incurved, mostly tawny or brown. 69. Carex petasata Dew. Am. Journ. Sci. 29: 246. 1836. Caespitose: culm’ erect, 1-4 dm. high, scabrous above, mostly longer than the leaves: spikes 3-6, erect, ovoid, all contiguous into an oblong dark brown head: lower bracts often green and as long as-the head, but usually all scale-like: perigynium ovate or ovate-lanceolate, broadly winged, nerved, rough on the margins, contracted into a beak scarcely as long as the body, the whole not longer than the thin- margined scale. C. leporina.—Frequent in our range. 70. Carex Liddonii Boott, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 214. 1840. Culm erect or nearly so: spikes 3-6, ovoid or oblong, pointed, erect, chaffy at the base, con- spicuously fulvous in color, contiguous, or loosely aggregated into an oblong head 2-3 em. long: perigynium large and conspicuous, greenish or tawny, firm in texture, lanceolate, 8-12 mm. long, thrice as long as the élliptic brown achenium, few-nerved when mature, rough on the narrowly winged and in- curved margins, very gradually beaked, about the length of the acute and thin-margined scale. C.adusta congesta W. Boott.—Mostly at high altitudes; Colorado to Montana; said to occur in Arizona, 71. Carex festucacea Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 242. 1805. Culms nearly or quite smooth, erect, 3-10 dm. tall: leaves erect, 2-4 mm. wide, shorter than the culm: spikes 3-8, ‘green-brown, oblong or nearly globular, clustered, 4-8 mm. in diameter: perigynia orbicular or very broadly ovate, broadly wing-margined, about 3 mm. ‘in diameter, several-nerved on both faces, the roughish beak about one third the length of the body: scales acute or obtusish. C. straminea. —On the plains at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. __ 72. Carex praticola Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 84. 1900. Culm very slender towards the top, weak and nodding at maturity, erect when young: leaves narrow, very long-pointed: spikes all silvery-brown, long atten- uated at the base, the lower rather remote: perigynium thin and papery, ovate- lanceolate, nearly nerveless. C.adusta minor; C. pratensis Dre}.—Colorado and into British America. The following have also been reported from this range but probably some of the specimens so reported are referable to other species: C. magellanica Lam.; C. viridula Michx.; C. retrorsa Schkur.; C. microglochin Wahl. 18. LEMNACEAE Dumort. Duckwerrp Faminy Minute aquatic plants without stems or leaves, but a flat or disk-like irregular plant-body which may be called the thallus or frond. These float on or near the surface and increase vegetatively by lateral growth and branching, the branches being lightly connected by slender stalks which soon allow them to 106 LEMNACEAE (DUCKWEED FAMILY) separate as distinct thalli (the stalk, if it remains attached, constituting the stipe). Each produces one or more roots from the under side and on the edge or upper surface is borne the inflorescence which consists of 1 or more naked monoecious flowers. Each flower is either a single stamen, with 2—4-pollen sacs, producing barbellate pollen grains, or a single flask-shaped pistil, pro- ducing 1-6 ovules. Fruit a utricle and seeds large. Thallus 1-3-nerved, or nerveless; rootlet solitary . Mash 3s - « 1, Lemna, Thallus 7-12-nerved; rootlets several, fascicled . é 4 © . . 2, Spirodela, 1. LEMNA*.L. Duckwerp Flowers produced from a cleft in the margin of the thallus, usually three together surrounded by a spathe; two of them staminate, consisting of a stamen only; the other pistillate, of a simple pistil; the whole therefore imitat- ing a single diandrous flower. Anfher cells transversely divided by a partition, each cavity opening transversely. Seeds 1-6. * Thalli long-stipitate see eee LL, tris, Thalli short-stipitate or sessile, Spathe open. Thalli 1-nerved or nerveless. - . Thalli thin, without papules; root-cap strongly curved, tapering . Thalli thick with a row of papules along the nerve; root-cap little curved, cylindric . ‘ i 2. cyclostasa, ae ‘ Be Thalli 3-nerved; root-cap cylindric . ‘ _ a ‘i . ae AS 5. : 2 perpusilla, Spathe sac-like. e I Thalli green or purplish beneath; fruit not winged . : A minor, Thalli pale beneath, usually strongly gibbous; fruit winged . . 6. L. gibba, 1. Lemna trisulca L. Sp. Pl. 970. 1753. Thallus lanceolate, submerged and devoid of stomata in the primary aquatic form, ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 5-15 mm. long, floating and provided with stomata in the later flowering stage: the later and more common form is narrowed at the base to a slender stipe, thin, denticulate, with or without rootlets, and slightly 3-nerved: several in- dividuals often remain connected, so as to form a chain-like series: root-cap pointed: fruit symmetrical: seed deeply 12-15-ribbed.—Across the continent; also in the Old World. ° : 2. Lemna cyclostasa (Ell.) Chev. Fl. Par. 2: 256. 1827. Thallus oblong- elliptic, 24.5 mm. long, thin, subfalcate and shortly stalked at the base, pro- vided with numerous stomata, except on the borders, nerveless: root-cap blunt: spathe reniform: fruit ovoid-oblong, unsymmetrical: seeds prominently 12-29-ribbed.—Pools and slow-flowing streams; northern Wyoming, and across the continent. = ; 3. Lemna minima Philippi, Linnaea 33: 239. 1864. Thallus oblong to elliptic, 2-4 mm. long, obscurely 1-nerved, or nerveless, with a row of papules along the nerve, the lower surface flat, or slightly convex, the apex rounded: root-cap usually short, a little curved, rarely perfectly straight, cylindric, blunt: spathe open: pistil short-clavate; stigma concave: ovule solitary: seed oblong, pointed, about 16-ribbed, with many transverse striations.— Wyoming to Florida and to California. 4. Lemna perpusilla Torr. Fl. N. Y. 2: 245. 1843. Thallus small, 2-3.5 mm. long, obovate, often purplish tinged beneath, unsymmetrical and abruptly narrowed to a very short stalk, provided throughout with numerous stomata, obscurely 3-nerved: root-cap straight, pointed: fruit ovoid: seed 12-20- ribbed.—Frequent; northern Wyoming to New York. 5. Lemna minor L. Sp. Pl. 970. 1753. Thallus obovate or peor 1.5-5 mm. long, thickish, rarely reddish or purplish tinged, short-sta: ed when young, provided throughout with stomata, nearly symmetrical, ob- securely 3-nerved, very rarely 4—5-nerved: root-cap obtuse or subtruneate: L, L, minima, Li, Ly, * The Key and specific descriptious have been taken without change from Britton’s Manual. COMMELINACEAE. (SPIDERWORT FAMILY) 107 fruit symmetrical, subturbinate: seed with a prominent protruding hilum, deeply and unequally 12-15-ribbed: ovule 1.—Cosmopolitan; lakes and stag- nant ponds. : , 6. Lemna gibba L. Sp. Pl. 970. 1753. Thallus unsymmetrical, obovate or short-obovate, 2-6 mm. long, thickish or more or less strongly gibbous be- neath, short-stalked when young, soon separating, provided with. stomata which are sparse beneath, obscurely 3-5-nerved: root-cap mostly short- pointed, cylindrical, ‘rarely long-pointed or obtuse: fruit symmetrical: seed thick, deeply and unequally ribbed.— World-wide in distribution. 2. SPIRODELA Schleiden. Greater DuckWEED Anther-cells bilocellate by a vertical partition and longitudinally dehiscent. Ovules 2. Thallus 7-11-nerved or more; rootlets several, with axile vascular tissue. Otherwise as Lemna. 1. Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleid. Linnaea 13: 392. 1839. Thallus 2-10 mm. long, thick, flat and dark green above, slightly convex and purple be- neath, palmately 5-15-nerved, bearing a central cluster of from 4-16 elongated roots: root-cap pointed.—In still water; widely distributed and occurring oc- casionally in our range. 19. COMMELINACEAE Reichenb. SpmERwort FamiLy Herbs, with fibrous or sometimes thickened roots, jointed and often branch- ing leafy stems, and chiefly perfect and 6-androus, often irregular flowers, with the perianth free from the 2-3-celled ovary, and having a distinct calyx and corolla of 3 persistent sepals and as many ephemeral or deciduous (in ours blue) petals. Style 1; stigma undivided. Pod 3 to several-seeded. Leaves ovate, lanceolate, or ‘linear, parallel-veined, flat, sheathed at the base; the uppermost often forming a kind of spathe. Flowers irregular; 3 of the 6 stamens anther-bearing . he ‘ + 1, Commelina, Flowers regular; stamens all anther-bearing . ‘ . “ < .« 2, Tradescantia, “4. COMMELINA. L. Day Frower Stems branching, often procumbent and rooting at the joints. Floral ‘leaf heart-shaped and clasping, folded together or hooded, forming a spathe in- closing the flowers, which expand for a single morning and are recurved on their pedicels before and afterwards. Sepals somewhat colored, unequal; the two lateral partly united by their contiguous margins. Two lateral petals rounded, on long claws, the old one smaller. Sterile stamens with imperfect eross-shaped anthers. ; 1. Commelina crispa Wooton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 451. 1898. Stems sender, erect, or reclined and rooting towards the base: leaves oblong or linear- lanceolate: spathes peduncled, conduplicate, orbicular-cordate when expanded, in fruit somewhat hood-like. Commelina virginica.—Colorado and southwest- ward. 2. TRADESCANTIA L. Spipzrworr Freely branched; filaments folded: ovary pubescent inrib-likelines . 1, T. laramiensis, Simple; filaments straight; ovary pubescent at apex . i . 2, T, occidentalis, 1. Tradescantia laramiensis L. N..Goodding, Bot. Gaz. 33: 68. 1902. Stems glabrous, ‘freely branched, 3-4 dm. high: leaves widely spreading, linear; the radical 5-10 mm. wide; the cauline narrower; the involucral only 2-3 mm. wide and very long: umbels sessile, terminating stems and branches: flowers numerous, often as many as 50 in each umbel, pendent in age; pedicels 108 JUNCACEAE (RUSH FAMILY) 2-3 em. long, glandular-pubescent as are also the oblong acute sepals: petals dark blue, broad, obtuse, 2 cm. long, twice as long as the sepals: filaments once or twice sharply folded on themselves and immersed in the copious wool arising from their lowest segments: ovary ribbed with rows of glandular hairs.—Hast- ern Wyoming. 2. Tradescantia occidentalis Britton, Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 87. 1900. Stems solitary, erect, simple, 3-8 dm. high: leaves linear, involutely folded; sheaths 1-4 em. long: pedicels 1-2 cm. long, glabrous: sepals oblong or elliptic, sparsely pilose-glandular, 8-10 mm. long: petals blue or reddish, twice as long as the sepals: filaments nearly or quite straight, sparsely pilose at base: ovary pubescent at summit. T. virginiana. (T. scopujorum Rose, Contrib. Nat. Herb. 5: 205. 1899, as to the specimens from Colorado and north- ward.)—From the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado to Iowa. 20. PONTEDERIACEAE Dumort. PickereL WEED FAMILY Aquatic herbs, with perfect more or less irregular flowers from a spathe. The petal-like 6-merous perianth free from the 3-celled ovary; the 3 or 6 mostly unequal or dissimilar stamens inserted in its throat. Fruit a perfectly or in- completely 3-celled many-seeded capsule, or a 1-celled 1-seeded utricle. 1. HETERANTHERA Ruiz & Pav. Mup PLANTAIN Creeping, floating, or submerged low herbs, in mud or shallow water, with a 1-few-flowered spathe bursting from the sheathing side or base of a petiole. Perianth salver-form from a slender tube; the limb somewhat equally 6-parted, ephemeral. Stamens 3, in the throat, usually unequal: anthers erect. Capsule 1-celled or incompletely 3-celled by intrusion of the placentae, many-seeded. 1. Heteranthera limosa (Sw.) Willd. Neue. Schrift. Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin, 3: 439. 1801. Stems branched from the base, 1-3 dm. long: leaves oval or ovate, on long petioles: flowers white or blue: anthers linear, often sagittate.— Reaching the eastern border of our range. 21, JUNCACEAE Vent. RusH FamIty Annual or perennial grass-like herbs. Stems simple, hollow or spongy. Leaves alternate, sheathing, narrow, flat or terete. Flowers lily-like in structure, sedge-like in aspect, small, dry, perfect, disposed in terminal or apparently lateral heads, spikes, subumbellate clusters, or panicles. Perianth consisting of 6 distinct similar glume-like segments. Stamens 6 or sometimes 3. Ovary superior, 3 or sometimes 1-celled; stigmas 3, filiform; ovules 3 to many. Fruit a loculicidally 3-valved capsule. Leaves soft, flat; stems hollow; capsule 1-celled and 3-seeded . ‘ % . 1, Luzula. Leaves stiff, terete or flat; stems usually with spongy pith; capsule 3- or 1-celled, many-seeded . . . . . . - . a . . . 2, Juncus 1. LUZULA DC. Perennial herbs with simple hollow leafy stems, grass-like flat leaves and numerous small flowers in loose involucrate umbels or panicles, or more or less densely clustered or spicate. Floral bracts small and scarious. Stamens always 6. Capsule 1-celled, with 3 parietal placentae and 1-3 seeds. (Juncoides.) Inflorescence an open panicle, the flowers solitary or in clusters of 2-3 1. L. parviflora. Inflorescence congested, capitate or spicate. Nodding, usually a single spike * ~ ‘ s * ‘. - 2 L. spicata, Erect, in 2-several subglobose or oblong heads), . * ‘ @ L, intermedia, JUNCACEAE (RUSH FAMILY) 109 1. Luzula parviflora (Ehrh.) Desv. Journ. Bot. 1: 144. 1808. Stems slen- der, tufted, 3-6 dm. high: leaves narrowly lanceolate, 7-15 em. long, 6-12 mm. wide: inflorescence a loose decompound panicle, commonly 7-10 cm. high, its lowest bract foliaceous, seldom more than one fourth the length of the panicle: flowers borne singly or 2-3 together on the branches of the panicle, on slender pedicels; bractlets ovate: perianth 2~3 mm. long, its segments ovate, acumin- ate, slightly exceeded by the green to brown ovoid capsule.—Either moist or dry ground in the woods; throughout our range and across the continent northward. 2. Luzula spicata (L.) DC. Fl. Fr.'3: 161. 1805. Closely tufted, without ‘rootstocks: stems erect, 1-4 dm. high, distantly 1-3-leaved, tapering to a fili- form summit: leaves 4-6 mm. wide, often involute, tapering to a sharp apex: inflorescence a nodding spike-like often interrupted panicle, commonly 15-30 mm. long, usually exceeded by the lowest leaf-like bract, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, equaling the perianth: segments of the perianth brown with hyaline margins, 2-3 mm. long, lanceolate, aristate-acuminate: capsule broadly ovoid, about two thirds as long as the perianth.—In the high mountains of our range, and across the continent northward. 3. Luzula intermedia (Thuill.) A. Nels. Stems slender, 1-4 dm. high, leafy: leaves 6-10 cm. long, 2-6 mm. wide; the foliaceous bract usually ex- ceeding the narrow panicle: peduncles 2-12, unequal, the longer 3-5 cm. long: spikes ae usually oblong, loosely-flowered: perianth pale or somewhat tinged with brown, about 3 mm. long; its segments narrowly acuminate, equaling the obtuse capsule: anthers small, as long as the filaments: seed’ dark brown with a whitecaruncle. L.comosa. (Juncus intermedius Thuill. Fl. Env. Paris, Ed. 2. 178. 1799; Juncoides intermedium (Thuill.) Rydb. Bull. ee Club 32: 610. 1905].—From the Rocky Mountains to California and Alaska. ia : 2. JUNCUS L. Rusu. Boe Rusu Chiefly perennials, and in wet soil or water, with pithy or hollow and simple (rarely branching) stems, and panicled. or clustered small (greenish or brown- ish) flowers, chiefly in summer. Plant never hairy. Capsule many-seeded, 3-celled, or 1-celled by the placentae not reaching the axis. Stamens when 3 opposite the 3 outer sepals. Leaves knotted by internal cross-partitions; panicles terminal, Leaves compressed and equitant, Stamens 3 ‘ a . . - »e© « « « 1, J,-ensifolius. Stamens 6, Heads two or more . . © «© «© « « . 2d, saximontanus, Heads solitary . . 8 . . 38, J. Mertensianus. Leaves terete or only slightly compressed, — Stamens 6; seeds pointed. : Perianth-segments and capsule obtuse . s * 4, J. Richardsonianus, Perianth-segments and capa acute or acuminate. Inner segments longer than the outer , e e « 5, J. nodosus, Outer segments longer than the inner, Heads pale y . < ath hae . . . 6, J. Torreyi. Heads dark brown . 4 - . ¥ . . 7, J. nevadensis, ©» Stamens 3; seeds caudate . . . oi. 8 - 8 J. Tweedyi. Leaves not knotted, the cross-partitions at least not externally evident, flat, terete or semiterete, Panicle terminal. Flowers capitate. Leaves fistulous, Leaves flattened upward A ; 2 . ‘ - 9. J. triglumis, Leaves terete, channeled at base ef * . - 10. J. castaneus, Leaves flat, not fistulous, Stamens 6, a a Perianth-segments smooth : . . . « 11. J. longistylis, | Perianth-segments rough . . 7 ° 7 - 12, J. orthophyllus, Stamens3 2°. . . . - 13. J. marginatus, Flowers solitary, in panicles, Stems simple, naked, Leaf-blade terete 4 « ‘ ‘ < ‘ « 14. J. Vaseyi. Leaf-blade flat. Perianth-segments pale. . 15, J. tenuis, Perianth-segments brown with green midrib < - 16. J, confusus, - 110 JUNCACEAE (RUSH FAMILY) Stems diffusely branched, leafy 17. J. bufonius, Panicles apparently sessile and lateral; stems nakecl, scapose. ‘ Flowers low in panicles simple or nearly so, : : Stems leafless . . . @ 7 7 ‘ é 18, J. subtriflorus Stems somewhat leafy. | : . : Perianth-segments white-margined; capsule retuse 19, J. Hallii, Perianth-segments green; capsule pointe A * . 20, J. Parryi.' Flowers many, in more or less compound panicles, | i Perianth-segments with a brown stripe either side of the to Bn midrib ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . 21, J, balticus. ~ Perianth pale green throughout : 4 + “ « O25, filiformis. é 1. Juncus ensifolius Wiks. Kong. Vet. Akad. Hand, 2: 274. 1823... Stems 2-5 dm. high, leafy, from thick rootstocks: leaves equitant: heads several to. numerous, panicled, globose, usually dark brown: perianth-segments lanceo- late, acuminate, 3 mm. long: stamens 3: capsule 3-angled, acute, hardly ex- ceeding the perianth.—Wet banks; Colorado to Oregon. 2. Juncus saximontanus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 401. 1902. Stems from a creeping rhizome, erect, 3-5 dm. high, 2-edged: leaves com- pressed and equitant, 1-3 mm. wide, mostly auricled at base: heads, panicled, few to several, brown, 3-10-flowered: flowers 2-3 mm. long, few to many in each head; the inner segments shorter and mostly acute; the outer,ones equal- ing the long-mucronate capsule: stamens 6: seeds more or less reticulated. J. xiphioides montanus.—Very common near stream banks throughout our range. ; 3. Juncus Mertensianus Bong. Veg. Sitcha in Mem. Acad..St. Peter. VI. 2: 167. 1833. Stem from a thick creeping rootstock, caespitose, 2-4 dm. high, compressed, weak: leaves compressed, usually 1-2 mm. wide, sheath auricled:. flowers 15-25, dark brown, pediceled, single, rarely 2-3 in rather loose head; 8-12 mm. broad: sepals ovate-lanceolate, the outer acuminate-subulate, the inner obtuse and mucronate or rarely acute and equaling the outer ones, ex- ceeding the 6 stamens, equaling the broadly-obovate, obtuse, mugronate capsule: anthers oblong or oblong-linear, usually mucronate, equaling the fila- ment or shorter: style mostly shorter than the obtuse ovary: seeds oblanceolate, obovate, fusiform, short-tailed at each end, reticulate-costate——Wet places in, the mountains. Se 4. Juncus Richardsonianus R. & S. Syst. 7: 201. 1829. Stems leafy, 2-5 dm. high: leaves knotted by internal cross-partitions, terete or slightly, com- pressed: panicle terminal, erect, elongated, greenish or light brown: heads few-flowered: sepals obtuse: stamens 6: capsules light brown, obtuse, mu- cronate,' 3-celled: seeds spindle-shaped—From Colorado northward, also eastward to New York. ate 5. Juncus nodosus L. Sp. Pl. Ed. 2. 466. 1762. Stems erect, .1-5 dm. high, slender from a creeping thread-like and tuber-bearing rootstock, mostly with 2 or 3 slender leaves: heads few to several, rarely single, 8—20-flowered, 6-8 mm. wide, overtopped by the involucral leaf: flowers brown, 3-4 mm. long: sepals lance-linear, awl-pointed (the 3 outer mostly a little shorter), nearly as long as the slender triangular taper-pointed 1-celled capsule: anthers oblong, shorter than the filaments: style very short: seeds obovate, abruptly mucronate.—From our range to New England. 6. Juncus Torreyi Coville, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22: 303. 1895. Plant 4-10 dm. high, not caespitose: rootstock slender, tuberiform-thickened. at intervals of a few centimeters, each tuber supporting a single stem: stem terete or slightly compressed, stout, 1—4-leaved: blades stout, terete, in most cases abruptly divergent from the stem: inflorescence usually congested, a few centimeters in length and consisting of 1-6 heads, occasionally only 10 cm. long and bearing 15-20 heads, exceeded by the involucral leaf: heads 10-15 mm. in diameter: perianth 4—5 mm. long, its parts subulate, the outer longer than the faner: stamens about one half as long as the perianth: capsule subulate, 1-celled, its beak barely exceeding the perianth and holding the valves together throughout dehiscence: seed oblong, acute at both ends, reticulated. J. nodosus megacephalus——Throughout our range. 7. Juncus nevadensis Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 303. 1879, Scape very JUNCACEAE (RUSH FAMILY) 11] slender, from a slender horizontal rootstock, somewhat compressed, 2-5 dm. high: leaves very narrow, subterete; ligules present: spathe short and very narrow: heads small, few to rather many in a short open panicle, frequently solitary: perianth-segments brownish, lanceolate, acuminate, 4 mm. long: stamens 6; anthers longer than the filaments: stigmas long-exserted: capsule oblong, abruptly contracted into the stout style, which nearly equals the perianth: seeds minute, oblong, apiculate at each end.—From the Rocky Mountains to the Sierras, 8. Juncus Tweedyi Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 90. 1900. Stem about 3 dm. high, strict, light green, 2-3 mm. in diameter: leaves terete or slightly flattened, more or less distinctly septate, with conspicuous scarious sheaths, the basal ones short; stem leaves, except the upper ones, about 1 dm. long: heads in a contracted panicle, brown and shining, 5-8-flowered: perianth- segments subequal;about 4 mm. long, narrowly lanceolate, acute or acumi- nate: bracts ovate, cuspidate-acuminate: stamens 3, about two thirds as long as the perianth; anthers much shorter than the filaments: style rather short: capsule dark brown and shining, oblong, acute, sharply 3-angled, about one fourth longer than the perianth: seeds light-colored, about 1 mm. long, tailed at both ends. J. canadensis coarctatus.—Yellowstone Park. 9. Juncus triglumis L. Sp. Pl. 328. 1753. Stems 5-15 em. high, some- what tufted on a branching rootstock, erect, terete: leaves radical, subulate, somewhat terete, channeled at base: flowers capitate, in a terminal erect mostly 3-flowered head, the lowest 2 or 3 bracts nearly equal, divergent, about as long as the flowers: perianth-segments rather obtuse, shorter than the ob- long obtuse mucronate capsule: filaments many times longer than the capsule: seeds oblong, abruptly contracted into long slender tails —High mountains in our range and across the continent far northward. 10. Juncus castaneus Smith, Fl. Brit. 1: 383. 1800. Stems erect, 14 dm. high, terete, leafless or nearly so: basal leaves 2-4, rather short, tapering from an involute tubular base to a slender channeled acutish apex: heads 1-3, few- flowered, brown or black: perianth-segments lanceolate, 5-6 mm. long: sta- mens nearly as long; the anthers about 1 mm. long: capsule brown, narrowly oblong, acute, much longer than the perianth: seeds contracted into long slender tails—Range of the preceding. 11. Juncus longistylis Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 223. 1859. Stems 3-5 dm. high, caespitose, stoloniferous, terete, somewhat minutely scabrous above, leafy: leaves flat, grass-like: heads few, clustered in a contracted panicle, 3-5 em. long, or rarely single, 3-12-flowered: flowers 5-6 mm. long, the larger ones greenish, with brown striae, smooth, pediceled: sepals equal, ovate-lanceolate, very acute or cuspidate, twice longer than the stamens: ovary equaling the stamens and style; stigma exserted: capsule ovate, obtuse, mucronate or rostrate, chestnut-colored, shining, 3-celled, equaling or a little longer than the calyx: seeds oblanceolate or obovate, acute at each end, costate-reticulate. —Frequent throughout our range. 12. Juncus orthophyllus Coville, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 4: 207. 1893. Stemg 3-8 dm. high, from creeping rootstocks: leaves flat, about 2 mm. wide, pale green, shorter than the sheaths, with ligules: heads panicled few-flowered: perianth-segments straw-color, lanceolate, acuminate, scarious-margined, rough, 7 mm. long: stamens 6: capsule triangular, oblong, acute, short- beaked.—Mostly to the northwest of our range, 13. Juncus marginatus Rostk. Monog. June. 38. 1801. Tufted, 1.5-7.5 dm. high from branching rootstocks: leaf-sheaths auriculate; blades 1-3 mm. broad, 2-4 conspicuous veins in addition to the midrib: inflorescence 1 dm. high or less, the panicle composed of 2-20 tubinate to subspherical 5-10- flowered heads: perianth 2.53.5 mm. long, the outer parts ovate, acute, the inner slightly longer, obtuse, with hyaline margins: stamens 3; anthers ovate, much shorter than the filaments: capsule equaling the perianth, obovoid, truncate or retuse, almost 3-celled, the placentae deeply intruded: seed ob- _ long, 0.4-0.5 mm. long, pointed at either end, 12-16-ribbed.—Colorado to the ‘Atlantic States. - ~ 112 JUNCACKAE (RUSH FAMILY) 14. Juncus Vaseyi Engelm. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 2: 448. 1866. Caes- pitose: stems 2-5 dm. high, slender, rigid, striate, covered with brown sheaths at base, sometimes leaf-bearing: leaves elongated, setaceous, terete, striate, sulcate toward the base: spathe equaling or rarely longer than the small, con- tracted panicle: panicle 1-3 cm. long, green: sepals equal, lanceolate, 3-4 mm, long, outer ones subulate-tipped, inner ones broader, mucronate, more than twice longer than the six stamens: anthers. equaling the filaments: stigma scarcely equaling the ovate ovary with its short style: capsule straw-colored, ovate, retuse, 3-celled, equaling or a little longer than the sepals: seeds very slender.—Colorado to New England. 15. Juncus tenuis Willd. Sp. Pl. 2: 214. 1799. Plant perennial, closely tufted, 2-7 dm. high: leaves nil basal except those of the inflorescence; blades flat, sometimes involute in drying: inflorescence exceeding or exceeded by its lowest leaf: perianth 3.5-5 mm. long, its parts lanceolate, acuminate: sta- mens 6, about one half as long as the perianth; the anthers shorter than the filaments: capsules usually about one fifth shorter than the perianth, ovate to obovate, obtuse, mucronate, 3-celled: seeds narrowly oblong, with oblique apiculations, reticulated in about 16 longitudinal rows. (J. interior and J. Dudleyi Wiegand, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 516 and 524. 1901, at least as to our specimens.)—Common eastward and rather frequent in our range, though in part replaced by the following. 16. Juncus confusus Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 10: 137. 1897. Densely tufted, 2-7 dm. high, erect: sheaths of the leaves with well-developed ligules, the blades about one half the length of the stem, flat, usually involute: spathe much longer than the inflorescence, usually involute: panicle congested into a turbinate cluster 2-3 em. long: perianth-segments ovate-lanceolate, acute, brown, with a green midrib: stamens 6, the anthers shorter than the filaments: capsule oblong, equaling the perianth, retuse, completely 3-celled: seeds light: brown.—Meadows; Colorado to Montana and west to Oregon. ; 17. Juncus bufonius L. Sp. Pl. 328. 1753. Plant annual, branching from the base, erect, seldom exceeding 20 cm. in height, the stems in larger plants with one or two leaves below the inflorescence: leaf-blade in the larger plants flat, in depauperate ones filiform-involute: inflorescence about one half as high as the plant: flowers inserted singly on its branches: perianth parts 4-7 mm. long, lanceolate, acuminate: stamens usually 6, -sometimes 3, seldom half as long as the perianth: capsule narrowly oblong, obtuse, mucronate, 3-celled: seeds broadly oblong, with straight apiculations, finely reticulated.—Margins of ponds, ete., frequent; widely distributed. 18. Juncus subtriflorus (Mey.) Coville, Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 4: 208. 1893. Caespitose: stems 3-5 dm. high, terete, filiform: sheath bristle-pointed: spathe 1-4 cm. long, mostly surpassing the simple, about 3-flowered panicle: sepals lanceolate, acute, or the outer ones acutish and scarcely longer than the inner ones, more than twice exceeding the 6 stamens, 5 mm. or more long: anthers linear, a little longer than the filament: stigmas shorter than the slen- der prismatic ovary, crowned with a very short style: capsule ovate-oblong, triangular, retuse, 3-celled, equaling or a little shorter than the sepals: seeds ovate, striate-reticulate, long-tailed. J. Drummondii.Colorado to Montana. 19. Juncus Hallii Engelm. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 2: 446. 1866. Caespitose: stems 1-3 dm. high, terete, filiform, much longer than the setaceous, terete leaves: leaves 5-12 cm. long, grooved just above the sheath: spathe scarcely or a little surpassing the subsimple, few-flowered, contracted panicle: sepals lanceolate, acute, 4 mm. long, outer ones a little longer, twice exceeding the 6 stamens: stigma subsessile, equaling the ovate ovary, included: capsule ovate, angled, retuse, 3-celled, scarcely exserted, deep brown: seeds oblong- paral ey long-tailed.—Hall and Harbour, near Lake Ranch, olorado. es 20. Juncus Parryi Engelm.1.c. Caespitose: stems very thin and wiry, 1-2 dm. long: leaves sulcate, one half or two thirds their length, terete above: spathe surpassing the very simple, 1-3-flowered panicle: sepals 5-7 mm. long, lanceolate-subulate, the outer ones longer, bristle pointed, three times longer \ LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) 113 than the 6 stamens: anthers linear, 2-3 times longer than the filament: stigmas scarcely equaling the linear-prismatic ovary, attenuated into the style, in- cluded: capsule prismatic, very acute, brown, exserted, 3-celled: seed oblong, delicately striate-costate.—Frequent in our whole range. 21. Juncus balticus Willd. Berlin. Mag. 3: 298. 1809. Stems erect, 4-8 dm. high, arising at intervals from stout creeping rootstocks: sheaths green or tinged with dark brown: spathe slender, 10-15 cm. long: panicle commonly loosely branching, 3-8 cm. long: perianth 3-5 mm. long, its segments lanceo- late, acute, or the inner sometimes obtuse, brown with green midrib and hyaline margins: stamens 6, about two thirds the length of the perianth; anthers much longer than the filaments: capsule about as long as the perianth, pale to dark brown, narrowly ovoid, conspicuously mucronate: seeds usually with a loose coat.—Sandy shores and slopes; very common; across the con- tinent. 22. Juncus filiformis L. Sp. Pl. 326. 1753. Stems slender, 1-5 dm. high, many of them sterile and appearing like leaves, from stout matted rootstocks: sheaths purplish, obtuse, with a short bristle-like appendage: spathe usually longer than the stem: panicle rather few-flowered, 2~3 cm. high: segments of the perianth 2-4 mm. long, green with hyaline margins, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate: stamens 6, about half the length of the perianth; anthers shorter than the filaments: capsule obovoid, green, barely pointed, about three fourths as long as the perianth, 3-celled: seeds oblong, pointed at each .end.— In marshes; across the continent. 22. LILIACEAE Adans. Litry Fammy Herbs; stems scapose or leafy, from bulbs or fleshy roots (a woody caudex in Yucca), Leaves mostly linear. Flowers perfect; perianth of 6 distinct segments. Stamens 6, on the receptacle or the tube of the perianth. Styles united ; stigma cone entire; ovary 3-celled, becoming a capsule. With fleshy fascicled root&jrom a short rootstock . > * # . 1. Leucocrinum, With tunicated scaly or corm-like bulbs Flowers with scarious bracts and persistent perianth, Flowers in terminal umbels. Bracts 2 or 3; perianth of distinct segments . . . « 2, Allium, Bracts several; perianth funnelform . 7 © «2 - 38. Brodiaea, Flowers in a terminal raceme . . . ° « 4, Camassia. pce acdc oF te ees foliaceous, erianth-segments all alike, . ad Anthers versatile; flowers large and erect . ° . . 5, Lilium. Anthers fixed by the base, Stem leafy. — . Flowers dull purple, or yellow; nodding . é Flowers white, streaked with purple, erect . a c Leaves only 2, basal. +s oe a8 . : Erythronium, Outer perianth-segments smaller than.the inner. . e - _9. Calochortus. With large woody caudex and rigid dagger-pointed leaves . - 10. Yucca. te 6. Fritillaria. . e Lioydia. 1. LEUCOCRINUM Nutt. Waite Mountain Lity Stemless, the numerous fleshy roots from a short rootstock which bears the several Hnear leaves. Flowers few to many from the crown of the rootstock. 1. Leucocrinum montanum Nutt. Gray, Am. Lye. N. Y. 4: 110. 1837. Leaves thick, surrounded at base by scarious bracts: flowers white, the tube slender, 3-5 cm. long, the segments spreading; stamens on the tube: style long, with dilated stigma.—The fragrant blossoms appear just above the ground in: early spring; frequent in our range. 2. ALLIUM L. Witp Onion Herbs with coated bulbs and a basal cluster of leaves, having a very char- acteristic odor and taste (alliaceous). Leaves mostly linear, either flat or. 114 LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) terete (sometimes hollow). Flowers in a simple terminal umbel, deep rose color to white. Perianth segments 1-nerved, usually spreading. Base of the style inclosed between the lobes of the capsule and jointed upon the short axis. Filaments usually dilated at the base. Capsule 3-celled, loculidical, several-seeded. 7 Leaves hollow, terete . : « * * . * ‘6 % . 1, A. sibiricum, Leaves not hollow, flat or terete, ' Mae oh Bulb-coats fibrous reticulated, Valves of capsule crested, : Perianth-segments acute | * «© «© «© « « « 2 A, reticulatum, Perianth-segments acuminate , fe a . 4 . 3 A, Geyeri. Valves of capsule not crested, : Bulblets treely produced in the umbel_ . . 4, A, rubrum. Bulblets rarely produced in the umbel . 5. A, Nuttallii, Pulp eet thin-membranous, sometimes reticulaté-veined but not rous, Umbel nodding . a 5 . si . . . . Umbel erect. 6. A, cernuum, Bulb oblong, and rhizomatous below . 5 é . . 7. A, brevistylum, 8. Bulb small, subglobose. Leaves longer than the short scape . A, Brandegei, Leaves shorter than the scape . fs . 3 : i 9, A, acuminatum, 1. Allium sibiricum L. Mant. 562. 1767. Bulbs more or less caespitose: leaves terete, hollow, shorter than the stout 3-6 dm. high scape: umbel crowded, subcapitate: flowers rose-color; the segments 8-10 mm. long, acumi- nate: stamens included: capsule not crested. A. Schoenoprasum.—Wet meadow-lands; northern Wyoming to Canada, and east to the Great Lakes. 2. Allium reticulatum Fraser, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 184. 1839. Bulbs rather large, usually single, the coats strikingly fibrous-reticulate: leaves nar- row, channeled: scapes 1-2 dm. high: flowers white or pinkish; the pedicels slender, 4-12 mm. long: bracts (spathe) 2: perianth-segments thin, acute: capsule shorter than the perianth, each valve with two short crests at sum- mit.—Throughout our range, and north into Assiniboia. | 8. Allium Geyeri Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 227,.1879. Resembling the preceding but taller and stouter, 2-4 dm. high: flowerg{¢ose-colored, 6-8 mm. long; the segments broad, acute or acuminate, strongly nerved and rigid in fruit; pedicels rather stout, 10-20 mm. long: stamens and style usually but little shorter than the perianth: capsule crested. (A. dictyotum Greene, Pl. Baker. 1: 52. 1901.)—From Colorado to Montana and west to Washington. 4, Allium rubrum Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 506. 1900. Bulbs usually single, fibrous-reticulate coated: seape 2-3 dm. high: leaves rather narrow, flat or channeled: spathe 2 or 3-bracted: most of the flowers of the umbel replaced by small red spherical’ bulblets: perianth-segments ovate to lanceolate, usually obtusish, the outer often with a dark green midnerve, narrowly ovate, 6-7 mm. long: pedicels about 1 cm. long: stamens and style equaling the perianth. A. canadensis. (A. fibrosum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 188. 1897.)—Throughout our range. 5. Allium Nuttallii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 227. 1879. Bulb usually smaller, very fibrous: scape low, 1-2 dm. high: pedicels 8-12 mm. long, rather stout: perianth-segments acute or acuminate, rose-colored or white, rather rigid in fruit, 6 mm. long: capsule not crested: bulblets occasionally replacing the flowers in the umbel. (A. arenicola Osterh. 1. c.\—From Texas and New Mexico to Wyoming. 6. Allium cernuum Roth. Roem Arch. 13: 40. 1798. Bulbs mostly single: leaves flat, 2-8 mm. wide: seape 1-5 dm. high: umbel open, nodding: flowers numerous, on very slender pedicels, rose-colored or white; segments 4-6 mm. long, broad, acutish: stamens and style exserted: capsule crested. (A. recur- vatum Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 94. 1900.)—Frequent; throughout our range and across the continent northward. 7. Allium brevistylum Wats. King’s Rep. 350. 1871. Scape 3-5 dm. high, from a stout elongated bulb with rhizomatous. base: leaves flat, 4-10 mm. broad: spathe 1-valved: umbel erect, few-flowered; pedicels 10-25 mm. long: flowers deep rose-color; segments 8-12 mm. long, narrow. long-acuminate, LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) 115 nearly twice longer than the stamens and style: capsule not crested.—Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. “ 8. Allium Brandegei Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 17: 380. 1882. Bulbs small, the coats membranous, reticulate-veined but not fibrous: leaves 2, exceeding the angular scape: pedicels slender, equal, about 8 mm. long: flowers rose- color; the segments broadly lanceolate, acute, nearly twice longer than the stamens, not serrulate——From Colorado to Idaho and Montana. ae 9. Allium acuminatum Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 184. 1839. Outer bulb-coats with a distinct coarse quadrate to hexagonal reticulation: pedicels 15-25 mm. long: flowers deep rose-color; segments lanceolate, with acuminate recurved tips, rigid in fruit, a third longer than the stamens, the inner ones undulate- serrulate.—Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. 3. BRODIAEA Smith Perennial herbs from corm-like bulbs with fibro-membranous brown coats. Scape erect. Leaves linear. Flowers in terminal umbels with several bracts; pedicels jointed. In ours the perianth is broadly tubular, blue. Stamens 6, in 2rows. Capsule ovate tooblong. -« © » 1. Brodiaea | Douglasii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad, 14: 237. 1879. Scape smooth, 3-6.dm. high, erect and usually stout: leaves carinate: perianth tube subsaccate, about equaling the lobes: anthers oblong; the lower on the throat opposite the outer segments, the upper on the inner segments, on a short free filament which forms below a prominent wing within the tube: capsule 6 mm. long, a little exceeding the stipe and slender style: seeds several in each cell.—From western Wyoming to Washington and Oregon 4. CAMASSIA Raf. QuamasH Scape slender, from a tunicated bulb: Leaves linear-lanceolate, carinate. Flowers in a simple raceme, with narrow scarious bracts; pedicels jointed at the summit.’ Perianth blue or white, of 6 distinct oblanceolate segments. Stamens 6, on the base of the slightly gibbous perianth, shorter than the seg- ments. Style slightly trifid at the apex. Capsule subglobose, 3-lobed and angled, with several black shining seeds in each cell. 1. Camassia esculenta Lindl. Bot. Reg. 18: t. 1486. 1832. Scape stout, a foot or two high: pedicels rather stout, mostly shorter than the usually dark blue flowers: perianth-segments scarcely exceeding the style, a little longer than the stamens.—Western Wyoming and west to California; the bulb formerly largely collected for food by the Indians. 5. LILIUM L. Liny Bulb scaly, stem leafy, simple. Leaves narrow, sessile, whorled or scattered, net-veined. Flowers large and showy, in ours usually solitary and erect. Perianth-segments oblanceolate, with a linear nectariferous groove, usually spotted. Anthers versatile. Style undivided. 1. Lilium montanum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 6. 1899. Bulb depressed-globose, of thick fleshy scales: stem 3-4 dm. high: leaves smooth, dark ‘green, alternate except the uppermost whorl of 5-7, lanceolate, sessile: the segments of the single erect flower elliptic-oblong, tapering to both ends, brownish-red to orange-red, the base of the inner face dotted with purplish- black spots: stamens and stigma purplish: capsule oblong-cylindric. L. phila- delphicum.—In moist thickets near mountain streams; throughout our range. m : 6. FRITILLARIA L. Bulbs of ‘numerous thick scales.. Stems erect, leafy, simple. Perianth mostly campanulate, deciduous, of 6 equal ovate or oblong distinct segments; 116 LILIACEAE (LILY FAMILY) the flowers often nodding, solitary or racemed, much smaller than in Lilium, often mottled. Nectary a shallow pit at the base of the segments. Styles united to the middle or throughout. Flowers purple and mottled . ‘ Bp. des ‘ e , . 1, F, atropurpurea, Flowers yellow or orange S e ° . e ‘ a . 2, F, pudica, 1. Fritillaria atropurpurea Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 54. 1834. Bulb of numerous thick scales: stem 2-4 dm. high or more, 1-6-flowered: leaves 6-20, scattered or somewhat verticillate: flowers dull purple with more or less of yellowish-green: styles distinct above; stigmas linear: capsule acutely angled, broadly obovate.—From Wyoming to the Sierra Nevada. ~~ 2. Fritillaria pudica (Pursh) Spreng. Syst. 2: 64. 1825. Bulb of numerous very small rounded scales: stem 1-2 dm. high, 1-6-flowered: leaves 3-8, scattered or somewhat verticillate: flowers usually solitary, nodding, yellow or orange and tinged with purple: styles connate and stigma shortly 3-lobed: capsule oblong to subglobose.—From Utah and Montana. to the Sierra Nevada and British Columbia. 7. LLOYDIA Salish. The bulb upon an oblique rhizome, covered by the persistent scarious bases of the nearly filiform leaves. Stem leafy, usually 1-flowered. Perianth small, spreading, white with purplish veins and base. Style undivided. 1. Lloydia serotina, (L.) Sweet, Hort. Brit. Ed. 2. 52. 1830. Stems 5-15 cm. high, equaling the leaves: flowers erect: perianth-segments oblanceolate, obtuse, obscurely pitted at base: capsule obovate, obtusely angled: seeds chestnut-colored.—Mountains of Colorado and northward throughout the alpine and arctic regions of the northern hemisphere. 8 ERYTHRONIUM L. Doetooru Vio.tzeT Herbs with deep-set bulbs. Leaves only 2, smooth, flat, shining, sheathing the base of the naked stem. Flowers 1 or more, nodding. Perianth of six separate and recurved segments; these oblanceolate, callous-toothed each side of the grooved nectary. Styles usually distinct above. Capsule obovoid or oblong. Seeds usually several in each cell. ; Leaves acute; anthers yellow . . . et). GS < 5 - 1. E. parvifiorum, Leaves obtuse; anthers dark-purple . . . . x # . 2 E, obtusatum, 1. Erythronium parviflorum (Wats.) L. N. Good. Bot. Gaz. 33: 67. 1902. Bulb slender, 3-5 cm. long: scape 1-3 dm. high: leaves oblong, tapering gradually to the acute ends, 10-15 cm. long: flowers usually solitary; the eduncle hook-curved at summit; segments lanceolate-acuminate, 2-3 cm. ong, bright yellow, with greenish base, strongly recurved: filaments narrowly linear; the anthers pale yellow: capsule from oblong to oval, 2-3 em. long. E. grandiflorum minor,—Subalpine in the central Rocky Mountains. 2. Erythronium obtusatum L. N. Good.l.c. Very similar but with larger, thicker bulb: leaves oblong-elliptical, obtuse but sometimes apiculate: peduncle stout, usually 2-3-flowered (1-5); the perianth-segments pale yellow, drying with a purplish tinge: filaments dilated at base and tapering to the acute apex; anthers dark purple: stigma deeply 3-lobed.—Northern Wyoming and ad- jacent Idaho and Montana. : : t 9. CALOCHORTUS Pursh. Mariposa Lity Stems usually flexuous and branching, from coated corms. Leaves few, linear-lanceolate, radical and cauline, the latter alternate and clasping, all with many nerves and transverse veinlets. Flowers few, showy; in ours the flowers are open-campanulate, white or lilac, with densely hairy glands, and the capsule narrowly oblong with thick obtusely angled lobes. Outer perianth-! MELANTHACEAE (BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY) 117 segments narrow and calyx-like; the inner broad and usually bearded. An- thers basifixed. Stigma sessile. Capsule septicidal. Anthers obtuse, gland circular % we " ‘ ‘ * . . 1. C. Nuttallii, Anthers acute, gland transversely oblong a sue (os . 2, C. Gunnisonii, 1, Calochortus Nuttallii, T. & G. Pac. R. R. Rep. 2: 124. 1855. Stem slen- der, bulbiferous at base, with a single narrow cauline leaf (sometimes 2 or 3), umbellately 1—-5-flowered: sepals often with a dark or hairy spot: petals 3-4 cm. long, white tinged with greenish-yellow or lilac, with a purplish spot or band above the yellow base, and hairy around the circular or oblong gland: anthers obtuse.—From New Mexico and Colorado to Dakota and California. 2. Calochortus Gunnisonii Wats. Bot. King’s Rep. 348. 1871. Like the last but with acuminate anthers and a broad transverse gland: petals, light lilac, yellowish-green below the middle, banded and lined with purple.— Mountains from Wyoming to New Mexico. 10. YUCCA L. Ours are acaulescent plants with rosulate rigid and pungent leaves and large racemose flowers on thick erect scapes. Perianth open-campanulate, of nearly distinct lanceolate or oval segments. Filaments nearly free, thickened above; the anthers short, sagittate. Ovary oblong, mostly longer than the stout or swollen style; the stigma unequally 6-lobed. Fruit capsular, 6-valved above, nearly or quite 6-celled. Seeds numerous. Dia Fruit an erect hard dehiscent capsule. Style green; leaves long, narrow and rigid . « % * - 1. Y. glauca, Style white; leaves short, lanceolate-spatulate . ‘ . 2. Y. Harrimaniae, Fruit pendent, fleshy, edible. i : is a . 3, Y. baccata. 1. Yucca glauca Nutt. Fraser’s Cat. No. 89. 1813. Leaves filamentose on the margin, very stiff and pointed, usually 3-6 dm. long by 6-15 mm. wide, smooth: raceme usually simple, nearly sessile, 3-10 dm. long: flowers greenish- white or tinged with brown; segments broadly ovate, 3-5 cm. long: capsule erect, somewhat 6-sided: seeds thin, smooth, broadly margined. Y. angusti- Jotia.—From New Mexico to Montana and Dakota. f, 2. Yucca Harrimaniae Trel. Rept. Mo. Bot. Gard. 13: 59. 1902. Acaules- cent and often caespitose: leaves linear to spatulate-lanceolate, 640 mm. wide, thin but rigid, spreading, pungent, brown-bordere, with coarse mar- ginal fibers: scape 2-5 dm. ‘high, simple, flowering from near ‘the base: flowers greenish, with large often obtuse segments: style slender: capsule brown, about 40 mm. long, constricted, flaring above.—From Utah to southern Colo- rado. ‘ Se ee et od 3. Yucca baccata Torr. Mex. Bound. Surv. 221. 1859. Leaves coarsely filamentose on the margin, very thick and rigid, 5-10 dm. long by 3-5 em. wide, channeled or concave, rough especially on the back, tipped by a very stout brown spine: panicle pedunculate: perianth-segments narrow, 5-8 cm. long: fruit oval or cylindric, dark purple, often long-beaked: seeds thick and rugose.—Southern Colorado, New Mexico, and west to Nevada.’ - : 23. MELANTHACEAE R. Br. Buncu-Fiowsr Famiy Herbs with leafy stems arising from rhizomes or bulbs. Leaves nerved. Flowers regular, solitary or in racemes or panicles; the perianth-segments dis- tinct, usually persistent. Stamens 6, with cordate or reniform versatile con- fluently 1-celled anthers, or the anthers small and with 2 distinct cells. Ovary 3-celled, with 3 distinct or more or less united styles. Seeds usually tailed or appendaged. Anthers 2-celled; oblong or ovate. "Raceme very long and many-flowered ‘ ai é “ « E Xerophyllum Raceme short, few-flowered ’ * . A " ; y . 2. Tofieldia, 118 MELANTHACEAE (BUNCH-FLOWER FAMILY) Anthers confluently 1-celled, cordate or reniform, « meee Stems from a bulb; perianth-segments with gland or spot near the base 3. Zygadenus, ; Stems from a rootstock; perianth-segments not gland bearing . . 4, Veratrum,’ : ae 1. XEROPHYLLUM Michx. Stem from a bulbous base, bearing a compact ‘raceme of showy, white flowers, and thickly beset with needle-shaped leaves, the upper of which: are reduced to bristle-like bracts ; those from the root very many in a dense tuft. 1. Xerophyllum tenax (Pursh) Nutt. Gen. 1: 235. 1818. Stems 6-10 dm. high: leaves often 5-8 dm. long: flowers white; pedicels 2-4 cm. long: perianth scarcely equaling the stamens; segments oblong, 8-10 mm. long, 5—7-nerved: capsule cordate-ovate, 6-valved, the abruptly acute cells separating and then dehiscing.—Montana, possibly Wyoming, and west to Oregon. 2. TOFIELDIA Huds. Fatse AsPHopEL Mostly tufted, with fibrous roots, and simple stems leafy only at base, bear- ing small flowers in a close raceme. Leaves linear, grass-like. Ours has stem and inflorescence pubescent, and pedicels fascicled. : i 1. Tofieldia intermedia Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 528. 1900. Stem slender, viscid-pubescent above: leaves linear: raceme short, few-flowered: flowers yellow: sepals obovate, 4-5 mm. long: petals narrower and longer: capsule ovoid: seeds unappendaged. T. glutinosa.—Wyoming and far north- ward and westward. 3. ZYGADENUS Michx. Glabrous herbs, with leafy or somewhat scape-like stems from a tunicated bulb, and long narrow keeled leaves. Flowers greenish-yellow or nearly white in a terminal raceme or panicle. Perianth withering-persistent; the segments with a glandular spot near the base. Stamens free or attached to the base of the segments. Capsule 3-celled, dehiscent to the base. Seeds numerous, ob- long or linear, angled.—(Toxicoscordion and Anticlea, c. f. Bull. Torr: Bot. Club 30: 272-3. 1903.) ) Gland obcordate; base of ovary adnate to the perianth " é . 1, Z, elegans, Gland obovate or semiorbicular; ovary free. : oe Perianth-segments more or less clawed; filaments attached to the a base of the segments. . Flowers small; leaves narrow; gland orbicular . * 5 . 2. Z. venenosus, Flowers larger; leaves broader; gland semiorbicular , % . 38. Z, intermedius. Perianth-segments not clawed; filaments free . a 5 ‘i . 4°24, Nuttallii, 4 1. Zygadenus elegans Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 241. 1814. Bulb ovate: stem 2-8 dm. high: leaves glaucous, 4-12 mm. broad: raceme simple or sparingly branched below, often few-flowered: bracts ovate-lanceolate, usually pur- plish: perianth adnate at base; segments broad, greenish, 8-10 mm. long; the inner abruptly contracted to a broad claw; gland obcordate: styles 4 mm. long or more: seeds oblong, angular, 4 mm. long. (Z. dilatata Greene, Pl. Baker.: 1: 51. 1901; Z. coloradensis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 534. 1900.)—The whole Rocky Mountain region from Colorado northward. 2. Zygadenus venenosus Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 14: 279. 1879. Bulb elongated-ovoid: stem slender, strict, 1-5 dm. high: leaves narrow, 4-6 mm. broad, scabrous on margin and midrib, with scarious sheathing base (excep the uppermost): raceme simple, short, with narrow scarious bracts: perianth free from the ovary; segments triangular-ovate to elliptic, obtuse or acutish, 4-6 mm. long, all abruptly contracted to a short-glandular.claw; the blade rounded or subcordate at base; the gland with a well-defined irregular margin: stamens somewhat adnate to the claw: pedicels suberect in fruit: capsule 8-12 mm. long: seeds 3-5 mm. long. (Z. gramineus Rydb. 1. ¢.)—Northern Wyoming and Montana and west to the Pacific States. CONVALLARIACEAE (LILY OF THE VALLEY FAMILY) 119 3. Zygadenus intermedius Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 535. 1900. Bulb elongated-ovoid: stem rather stout, 2-5 dm. high: leaves light green, scabrous on margin and midrib, 1-3 dm. long, 5-9 mm. wide, keeled and often more or less folded, with scarious sheathing base: flowers greenish or yellowish- white: perianth free from the ovary; segments ovate or oblong, obtuse or acutish, 5~8 mm. long, short-clawed; the outer subcordate at base; the inner acute or rounded; gland semiorbicular, the upper margin thin and not well defined: capsule ovoid-cylindrical. (Z. falcatus Rydb. 1. c. 536.)—Colorado and Wyoming. 4. Zygadenus Nuttallii Gray, Wats. 1.c. Bulb ovoid: stem stout, 3-6 dm. high: leaves 6-15 mm. broad: raceme simple or rarely branched below, many- flowered, with narrow membranous bracts: perianth free from the ovary; segments 6-10 mm. long, not clawed, with an ill-defined gland at base: stamens wholly free: capsule about 12 mm. long: seeds large, 5 mm. long, usually flattened.—Scarcely within our range; eastern Colorado (probably) to Ar- kansas. 4. VERATRUM L. Fatse HeLiesore Tall perennial herbs with thick rootstocks, broad, strongly veined leaves and rather ee flowers in a terminal pubescent panicle. Perianth of 6 distinct similar segments. Capsule membranous, 3-beaked by the persistent diverging styles. Seeds compressed, margined or winged. : 1. Veratrum speciosum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 531. 1900. Stem 5-15 dm. high: upper leaves lanceolate, but rarely acuminate: branches of the sometimes compound ‘panicle ascending: perianth-segments obtuse, whitish with greener base, often denticulate above. V. californicum.—From Colorado and Wyoming to northern California and Oregon. 24. CONVALLARIACEAE Link. Liny or tHE VALLEY FamMILy _ Ours are leafy-stemmed herbs, simple or branched, from simple or branched creeping rootstocks. Flowers solitary, racemose or panicled, regular and per- . fect. Leaves broad, nerved. Perianth 6-parted; the segments distinct. Sta- mens 6. Ovary 3-celled, superior; stigma entire, or 3-lobed. Fruit a fleshy berry. Flowers axillary, solitary or 2 together, ‘Perianth-segments distinct e . si 5 is a o 1, Streptopus. Perianth-segments united . 8 ‘ < ‘ ° ® ‘ 2, Polygonatum, Flowers terminal. . Solitary or very few in an umbel ‘ % 2 : 7 5 . 8. Disporum, Racemose or panicled . : . . 4, Smilacina. 1. STREPTOPUS Michx. Twisrep-sTaLK Stem rather stout, with forking and divergent branches, ovate and taper- pointed rounded-clasping membranaceous leaves, and small flowers on slender peduncles, which are abruptly bent or contorted near the middle. Flowers axillary, greenish-white, or purplish. Anthers sagittate, cuspidate, on short deltoid or subulate filaments. Ovary with numerous ovules in 2 rows in each cell. 1. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. Fl. France 3: 174. 1805. Stem 6-10 dm. high: leaves very smooth, glaucous underneath: anthers tapering to a slender point: stigma entire, truncate.—Across the continent in northern lati- tudes and ranging south in the mountains to New Mexico. 4 2. POLYGONATUM Adans. Sotomon’s SEAL Rootstocks horizontal, thick, scarred. Stems simple, arching or erect, leafy. Leaves alternate, ovate or lanceolate, sessile. Flowers white or green- ae 120 CONVALLARIACEAE (LILY OF THE VALLEY FAMILY) ish, axillary, solitary or in small fascicles. Perianth tubular, 6-lobed at the summit. Stamens 6, on the tube. Style slender, deciduous. Berry blue or black; the cells 1-2-seeded. 1. Polygonatum commutatum (R. & 8.) Dietr. Otto and Dietr. Gartenz. 3: 223. 1835. Glabrous throughout: stem 5-10 dm. high: leaves broadly ovate to lanceolate, usually clasping by a broad base: pedicels jointed below the base of the flower. P. giganteum.—From the Rocky Mountains to the north Atlan- tic States. 3. DISPORUM Salish. Low and pubescent, divergently branched above, with closely sessile ovate and membranaceous leaves, and drooping flowers. Flowers solitary or few in a fascicle, terminating the branches, or apparently in the uppermost leaf-axils, white or greenish. Anthers oblong, obtuse, on slender filaments. Stigma 3-cleft, in ours.—Prosartes. 1. Disporum trachycarpum (Wats.) B. & H. Gen. Pl. 3: 832. 1883. Leaves ovate to oblong-lanceolate, acute or rarely acuminate: perianth-segments whitish, slightly spreading, acute: fruit broadly obovate, obtuse and rather deeply lobed, papillose. Prosartes trachycarpum.—Colorado, far northward and westward. 4. SMILACINA Adans. Sotomon’s SEAL Stems simple, leafy, from running rootstocks. Leaves mostly sessile, oblong or lanceolate. Flowers white, with distinct perianth-segments, in a racemose panicle or simple raceme, pedicels jointed at the summit. Stamens 6; the filaments subulate. Style short, thick, persistent; the stigma 3-lobed at the summit; ovules 2 in each cell.—(V agnera Adans.) Flowers in compound racemes (panicles). Leaves short-petioled; flowers very numerous , . . » 1. S. racemosa, Leaves sessile and clasping; flowers fewer . . . . - 2. 8, amplexicaulis, Flowers in a simple raceme. Leaves acute, ascending, more or less folded . . . . . 8. 8. stellata. Leaves acuminate, spreading, usually flat . ° é . « 4. S, sessilifolia, 1. Smilacina racemosa (L.) Desf. Ann. Mus. Paris: 9: 52. 1807. Minutely downy, 3-8 dm. high: leaves numerous, oblong or oval-lanceolate, acuminate, ciliate, abruptly somewhat. petioled: flowers crowded, very short-pediceled: stamens exceeding the short perianth-segments: berries pale red speckled with purple, aromatic—Moist copses; from the mountains in Colorado to the Atlantic States. 2. Smilacina amplexicaulis Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phil. 7: 58. 1834. Re- sembling the preceding in size and habit: the leaves sessile and clasping: flowers fewer, in an open panicle: stamens exserted: style long, nearly as long as the ovary: berry reddish.—Throughout our range and west to California. 3. Smilacina stellata (L.) Desf. 1.c. 52. Stem smooth, 1-4 dm. high: leaves smooth above, minutely pubescent below, oblong-lanceolate, sessile and some- what clasping, 3-8 cm. long, usually folded on the midrib: filaments shorter than the perianth: berry at first green with dark stripes, becoming red when ripe. (Vagnera leptopetala Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 268. 1902.)—In moist woods and meadows; from New Mexico north to the boundary and thence across the continent. . , 4, Smilacina sessilifolia Nutt. ex Baker, Journ. Linn. Soc. 14: 566. 1875. Rootstock slender: stem a foot or two high: leaves lanceolate, acuminate, sessile, usually flat and spreading, somewhat puberulent: raceme larger and pedicels longer (6-12 mm.): segments of the perianth lanceolate, twice as long as the stamens: berries usually black when mature. (Unifolium liliaceum Greene, Pitt. 1: 280. 1889.)—Northwestern Wyoming to Montana and west to the coast. IRIDACEAE (IRIS FAMILY) 121 25. SMILACEAE Vent. Sminax Famity Shrubby or ours herbaceous plants, climbing or supported by a pair of sendrils on the petiole of the ribbed and netted-veined simple leaves. Flow- ers small, dioecious. _Perianth regular, of 6 similar deciduous sepals, free from She ovary, with as many stamens as sepals, and introrse 1-celled anthers. Ovary with 3 cells and as many elongated spreading sessile stigmas. 1. NEMEXIA Raf. Sminax Unarmed vines, with knotted or tuberous rootstocks and annual stems. Leaf-blades membranous, broad, sometimes hastate. Umbels on long and slender peduncles. Pedicels inserted in small pits in a conic or globose re- ceptacle. Stamens 6, more or less reduced in pistillate flowers. Ovary 3- celled, wanting in staminate flowers; ovules two in each cavity. Berry blue- black.—Smiuax. . ‘1. Nemexia herbacea (L.) Small, Fl. S. E. U.S. 281. 1903. Stems elon- gated, climbing, glabrous: leaves numerous; blades ovate, triangular-lanceolate to lanceolate, essentially alike throughout the plant, 4-8 cm. long, short- acuminate, 7-9-nerved, rounded or truncate at the base: bracts subtending the peduncles like the leaves: peduncles much surpassing the subtending bracts at maturity: flowers carrion-scented: sepals and petals greenish, oblong or broadened upward, acutish: filaments twice or thrice as long as the anthers: berries subglobose, bluish-black, 6-8 mm. in diameter. Carrion FLowER.— Eastern Wyoming and thence far eastward and northward. , la. Nemexia herbacea melica A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 17: 175. 1904. Very similar but'the leaves very thin and more decidedly ovate: peduncles usually shorter; tendrils very slender: flowers sweet or honey-scented. ‘SWEET “t Smivax.—lIn cafions; northern Colorado. 26. IRIDACEAE Lindl. Iris Famity Perennial herbs, with equitant sheathing 2-ranked linear leaves, and per- fect triandrous regular flowers, the six divisions of the superior perianth petal- like. Flowers showy, few or solitary. Style 3-cleft at the apex. Stamens on the base of the sepals, with extrorse anthers. Ovary 3-celled, becoming a 3-lobed or triangular capsule with few or many seeds. Style brancheslargeandpetaloid . . . . . «. « « dirs. Style branches filiform . . a e i‘. zi $ . . « 2. Sisyrinchium, IRIS L. Fuac. Brive Fiaa Stems from usually thickened rootstocks. Flowers large and showy, solitary or few in a forked corymb. Perianth tube prolonged above the ovary. Sta- mens beneath the arching, petal-like branches of the style; filaments dis- tinct. Base of the style connate with the perianth tube; the divisions stigmatic at the thin apex, above which is a broad 2-parted crest, which is decurrent on the inner side to the base of the style. Capsule oblong. Seeds numerous, flattened. - . 1. Iris missouriensis Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 58. 1834. Stem slender, the leaves few, mostly basal, shorter than the stem: flowers 1-2, with scarious dilated bracts, light blue; parts of the flower 5-7 em. long: capsule oblong, obtusely angled, 2-3 cm. long. (J. pelogonus L. N. Good. Bot. Gaz. 33: 68. 1902.)—Frequent on wet lands throughout our range; not rarely also on sandy hillsides.. 122 ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) 2. SISYRINCHIUM L. Butvus-syrep Grass Stems simple or branched, usually geniculate and winged, with: linear- lanceolate or grass-like radical leaves, and fugacious flowers on slender pedi- cels, clustered within 2 sheathing herbaceous bracts, with a scabrous bractlet subtending each pedicel. Perianth 6-parted. Capsule membranaceous, sub- globose. Flowers and fruits all terminal on normal (scapes) stems, | Bracts very unequal; the outer (lower) much surpassing the in- florescence. Plant large throughout 7 S . Plant slender, scapes and leaves very narrow , 5 : ‘i Bracts moderately unequal, the outer not much longer than the in- florescence. E ‘ ‘ 7 . . . . . 38. S. occidentale, Flowers and fruits in part basal on dwarf (scapes) stems _ . , + 4, S. heterocarpum, we A . 1. 8, montanum, 2. S. angustifolium, 1. Sisyrinchium montanum Greene, Pitt. 4: 33. 1899. - Plant stout, erect, more than 3 dm. high, herbage light green, glabrous, not glaucescent: foliage rather copious but short, less than half the length of the scapes, the broad leaves about 9-striate, the alternate lines commonly rather obscure: scapes ancipital, each of the broad, sharp-edged subentire wings strongly 3-striate: spathes mostly solitary, their bracts very unequal, the outer more*than twice the length of the inner and 4-5 cm. long: perianth dark purple: capsules large (about 5 mm. in diameter), almost globose.—Western Colorado. 2. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller, Dict. Ed. 7. 1759. Pale green and glaucous: stem 2-edged but scarcely winged, 1-3 dm. high: leaves very narrow, the edges either rough or smooth, much shorter than the stem: bracts very unequal, sometimes purplish, the outer about twice as long as the inner and usually much surpassing the flowers and fruit: capsules subglobose. S. mucronatum and 8. anceps. (S. alpestre Bickn. 1. c. 453.)—Moist grassy banks and fields; Colorado to the New England States. ed Ath 3. Sisyrinchium occidentale Bickn. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 447. ‘1899. Rather stiffly erect, 15-30 em. high: leaves narrow, rigid and pungently acute, much shorter than the stem: bracts more or less hyaline-margined, somewhat unequal; the outer 2-3 em. long, equaling or, but slightly longer than the in- florescence: capsule subglobose, light brown.—Colorado to Idaho and Montana. 4. Sisyrinchium heterocarpum Bickn.].c.348. Resembling S. angustifolium but greener and the stems somewhat stouter: leaves short, mostly less than half as long as the stems, rather rigid: bracts very unequal, the outer usually much surpassing the inflorescence: flowers and fruits of two kinds, terminal and basal; the latter more or less concealed. among the, bases of the leaves: perianth violet-purple, 10mm. long: capsule obovoid-subglobose: seeds black, angled and rugulose-pitted—Throughout Wyoming and probably extending into Colorado. / 27. ORCHIDACEAE Lindl. Orcuip Faminy Perennial herbs, often with tuberous or fleshy roots, sometimes parasitic; the leaves mostly alternate, sheathing and entire. Flowers perfect, irregular, bracteate, solitary or in a spike or raceme, often showy and singular in shape, adapted to cross-pollination by means of insects. Perianth-segments in two series or sets; the 3 outer (sepals) similar or nearly so; the lateral ones of the 3 inner (petals) alike; the third of the inner set very dissimilar and often spurred, and known as the lip (labellum). Before the lip, in the axis;of the flower, is the column, composed of a single stamen, or in Cypripedium 2, vari- ously coherent with or borne on the style or thick fleshy stigma. Pollen united by elastic threads into 2 clavate or pear-shaped usually stalked masses (pollinia), one to each anther cell, and attached by the base of the stalk toa ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) 123 viscid disk (gland). Stigma a broad glutinous surface facing the lip or in a cavity between the anther sacs. Ovary inferior, 1-celled, usually twisted, many-ovuled. Capsule 3-valved. Anthers 2; lip a large inflated sac . . < z ° e . 1, Cypripedium, Anthers solitary. Flowers solitary-terminal «’. : ‘i P ri ‘ . - 2, Calypso, Flowers more than one, generally racemose or spicate. ».j, Green leaves present. - Hoe, ae leafy, at least below. . : or eaves alternate and more than 2, ‘ Capsule erect or ascending. , Spike not spirally twisted, Petals lanceolate i 3 iS ‘ ‘ < . 38, Limnorchis, Petals very narrow. : 3 F S . . 4, Coeloglossum. Spike spirally twisted. Long and slender;'flowers greenish , i . . 5, Piperia, . . Short and crowded; flowers white . ‘é 6. epirenre: ' Capsule deflexed at maturity . , ‘ ‘ . . 7, Epipactis, _. Leaves PppaRite; a single pair just below the raceme , . 8, Listera, Leaves all basal. we : ; ’ Only one a “ . . a . P ‘ ‘ . 9. Lysiella. Several Sie tee . . . . . . . 10, Peramium, No green leaves present . % : . : . a . 11, Corallorhiza, 1. CYPRIPEDIUM L. Lapy’s SLipPer More or less glandular pubescent herbs with leafy stems and thick fascicled roots. -Leaves many-nerved and usually large. Flowers solitary or several, large and showy, with an inflated sac-like lip. Anthers 2, one on either side of the column‘and a sterile one above covering the summit. of the style. Pol- linia granular; the caudicle and glands wanting. Stigma 3-lobed. nes i Flowers yellow, usually solitary... ww ee le i : Flowers Sar purple, Wen e ccter é é i 3 . a Be é foo 1, Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. Trans. Linn. Soc. 1: 77. 1791. Stem 2-4:'dm.. high: leaves several, oval or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acuminate: sepals from ovate to ovate-lanceolate: lip flattish from above, bright yellow, 2-3 em. long: sterile stamen triangular and purple spotted like the lip.—In damp woods and thickets; Colorado, far northward and east to the Atlantic. 2. Cypripedium Knightae A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 48. 1906. Stem short, 3-7 em. high, sparsely and coarsely villous, bearing a single pair of nearly opposite leaves at its summit: leaves oval, generally rounded and obtuse, thickish,: 4-7 cm. long: peduncle glandular-viscid, 3-10 cm. long, usually naked, rarely with a lanceolate bract near'the middle: floral bracts rather large, elliptic-lanceolate: flowers 2 or 3 in a cluster, dark purple or dark brownish-purple: lower sepals united nearly to the tip, ovate-lanceolate, the two together no broader than the other sepal: petals similar, a little broader than the sepals: lip 10-12 mm: long, somewhat shorter than the sepals:and petals, the deeply infolded free margin deep purple, the lower part of the sac ochroleucous or greenish-yellow: sterile anther elliptic, obtuse, much shorter and smaller than the large conspicuous stigma.—In the Medicine Bow Moun- tains of Colorado and Wyoming. : 2. CALYPSO Salisb. A low herb, in wet or boggy woods, with showy flowers, a scaly-sheathed stem, and a single radical broad thin leaf. Petals and sepals ascending, similar and:nearly equal; lip with, two short spurs below the apex. Column petaloid, ovaliand concave. ‘Lower pair of pollen masses smaller, compressed. ; 1. Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes, Cat. Ver. Pl. 28. 1842. Stems 6-12 em. high,-with two or three membranaceous brownish-green sheaths, and a linear acuminate bract at the summit: the radical leaf broadly ovate or slightly cordate: flower drooping: sepals and. petals light rose-color: lip usually longer, 124 ORCHIDACEAE , (ORCHID FAMILY) brownish-pink mottled with purple, the edge margined at the apex and bifid or entire, about equaling the tooth-like spurs and with a tuft of yellow hairs at base. C. borealis —From Colorado to Oregon and British America; thence eastward to the North Atlantic States. 3. LIMNORCHIS Rydb. Orcnis Leafy plants with thick fleshy roots and small greenish or white spicate flowers. Leaves persisting until the maturity of the fruit. Sepals and ets free and spreading; lip entire. Beak of the stigma without appendages. Anther sacs nearly parallel, wholly adnate; glands naked; pollinia granular, —Habenaria in part. Connective of the anther narrow; spur not longer than the lip. Flowers greenish or purplish. Spur shorter than the lip : s; : 2 < “ < 1, L, stricta, Spur equaling the lip ‘ 4 . ae 7 if . 2. L, viridiflora, Flowers white; spur clavate and shorter than the lip S . 3. L. borealis, Connective of the anther broad; spur exceeding the lip - i 4, L. sparsifiora, 1. Limnorchis stricta (Lindl.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 105. 1900. Stem strict, 2-7 dm. high, from fusiform tuberous roots: leaves lanceolate; the lower obtuse: spike often long (1-3 dm.); bracts linear-lanceolate, only the lower longer than the flowers: sepals green: petals purplish; lip linear or lanceolate, obtuse; spur thickened at the apex and somewhat shorter than the lip. (L. purpurascens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 269. 1901.)—From Colorado to Alaska. 2. Limnorchis viridiflora (Cham.) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 616. 1901. Stems rather stout, from elongated thick tuberous roots: leaves ob- lanceolate and obtuse below, lanceolate and acute above: spike rather short and’ dense (5-10 em.); bracts about equaling the green flowers: upper sepal ovate, erect, shorter than the lanceolate lateral ones: petals erect, lanceolate, acute, shorter than the upper sepal; lip lanceolate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long; spur clavate, curved, about equaling the lip. Habenaria hyperborea.—Bogs; Colo- rado and far northward. 3. Limnorchis borealis (Cham.) Rydb. 1. c. Slender, 3-6 dm. high, from thickened tuberous roots: lower leaves oblanceolate and obtuse; the upper lanceolate and acute: spike variable, dense, or few-flowered and lax; the bracts mostly longer than the flowers: flowers usually white, sometimes ochroleucous or greenish-tinged: upper sepal ovate, obtuse, 4-5 mm. long; the lateral oblong- lanceolate, spreading: petals lanceolate, exceeded by the sepals; lip rhombic- lanceolate, as long as the sepals and usually somewhat longer than the scarcely clavate spur. Habenaria dilatata.—Middle Rocky Mountains. 4. Limnorchis sparsiflora (Wats.) Rydb. 1. c. 631. Slender stemmed, 4-6 dm. high: lower leaves oblanceolate, obtuse, 8-16 cm. long;.the upper lanceolate and acute: spike 1-2 dm. long, with scattering flowers; bracts about as long as the flowers, lingar-lanceolate: flowers greenish, 10-14 mm. long: upper sepal ovate to obovate, obtuse; the lateral Janceolate: petals lanceolate, almost as long as the upper sepal; lip linear, obtuse, 6-8 mm. long, the slender spur a little longer. (L. laxiflora Rydb. 1. c. 630.)—From Col- orado to California and Oregon. 4. COELOGLOSSUM Hartman Leafy plants with biennial 2-cleft tubers. Flowers greenish, in a long leafy- bracted spike. Sepals free, but bent together forming a hood. Petals narrow; lip oblong, obtuse, 2~3-toothed at apex; spur much shorter than the lip, blunt and sac-like. Pollinia with long caudicles.—Habenaria in part. 1. Coeloglossum bracteatum (Willd.) Parl. Fl. Ital. 3: 409. 1858 (7). Stem leafy, rather stout, 1-2 dm. high: leaves from oval to lanceolate, the lower often obtuse, 4-10 em. long: floral bracts foliar and conspicuous: spikes loosely ti as £2 ot eee ae ee eer ct ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) 12¢ flowered: flowers green: sepals ovate-lanceolate, spreading: petals narrow, ever filiform; lip oblong spatulate, more than twice as long as the white sac-like spur.—Northern Wyoming, eastward and to the Atlantic. 5. PIPERIA Rydb. Slender strict plants from rounded tuberous roots, and with mostly basal leaves, those of the stem being reduced and bract-like. Leaves short-lived usually withering or dead at anthesis. Flowers greenish or white. Sepals and etals 1-nerved or obscurely 3-nerved, linear-lanceolate to ovate, truncate or astate at base. Stigma a small beak in the angle between the anther cells. Capsule ellipsoid.—H abenaria in part. 1. Piperia unalaschensis (Spreng.) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 270. 1901. Stem very strict and slender, 3-5 dm. high, leafy below only: leaves oblanceolate, obtusish or acute; stem leaves bract-like: bracts lanceolate or broader, shorter than the spirally arranged flowers: sepals and petals lanceo- late, greenish or the ister: purplish; lip oblong, obtuse, subhastately lobed near the base; the spur linear or slightly clavate, barely longer than the lip. Habenaria unalaschensis—From Colorado to far northwestern America. 6. SPIRANTHES Richard. Laprrs’ Tresszes Erect strict herbs with fleshy usually fascicled roots and slender more or less leafy stems. Flowers white, crowded-spicate, in 1-3 spirally arranged rows. Perianth oblique upon the ovary, the sepals and petals connivent; lip oblong, embracing the column, with 2 callosities at base, and dilated. spreading undv- late summit. Columns very short, terminating in a stout terete stipe. Anther erect and subsessile at top of column. Stigma with a bifid beak. 1: Spiranthes stricta (Rydb.) A. Nels. Glabrous, rather stout, 1-3 dm. high: leaves oblong-lanceolate to linear: spike dense; 3-ranked, conspicuously bracteate, 3-8 cm. long: perianth curved: lip recurved, contracted below the rounded wavy-crenulate summit; callosities smooth, often obscure. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana. (Gyrostachys stricta Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 107. 1900.)—Colorado to Montana and thence across the continent. Be 7. EPIPACTIS R. Br. Stems leafy, stout, from creeping rootstocks, Flowers few, pediceled, with conspicuous divergent bracts and spreading perianth.. Sepals and petals nearly equal; lip narrowly constricted and somewhat, jointed in the middle, concave and auriculate at base, dilated above. Column short, erect. Capsule at maturity deflexed. i 1. Epipactis gigantea Dougl. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 220. 1839. Three to 10 dm. high, nearly smooth: leaves from ovate below to narrowly lanceolate above, somewhat scabrous on the veins beneath: raceme pubescent: flowers greenish, strongly veined with purple: saccate base of the lip with erect wing- like margins, strongly nerved; the nerves callous-tuberculate near the base.— Western Texas and southwestern Colorado to California and Washington. 8. LISTERA R. Br. TwaypBnapE Stems from fibrous and creeping roots, low, with a pair of broad. sessile leaves, near the middle. Flowers small, in a loose raceme. Perianth spread- ing. Sepals and petals similar; lip flat, 2-lobed, free, longer than the sepals. Column free and naked.—In cold damp woods and thickets. foe ee ee ee 1, L, conyallarioides. Rocpebom @ 1 ok Re OE OE OS Sees, 1. Listera convallarioides (Sw.) Torr. Comp. 320. 1826. Stem slender, 10-25 em. high, naked excepting one or two sheaths at base and the pair of 126 ORCHIDACEAE (ORCHID FAMILY) orbicular or ovate leaves just below the raceme: inflorescence pubescent: sepals and petals linear; lip oblong-ovate and cuneate, with a small tooth on each side near the base.—From the Sierra Nevada eastward across the continent. 2. Listera nephrophylla Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 108. 1900. Slender, 1-2 dm. high, glabrous: leaves rounded-reniform, strongly veined and reticulate, mucronate: flowers greenish, with oblong sepals and petals, much shorter than the cleft lip: stamen incurved and depressed over the stigma: capsule obovoid. L. cordata.—The central Rocky. Mountains. 9. LYSIELLA Rydb. Small plant with a short rootstock and thick root fibers. Stem seapose, with a single obovate leaf at the base. Flowers greenish-yellow. Lateral sepals reflexed-spreading. Petals lanceolate; lip entire, linear-lanceolate; spur shorter than the arcuate ovary. Beak of stigma not appendaged. Capsule obovoid.—Habenaria in part. / 1. Lysiella obtusata (Pursh) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 104.' 1900. Leaf obovate or spatulate-oblong: upper sepal very broad and rounded: lip dé+ flexed, about the length of the tapering and curving spur: anther-cells arcuate and widely separated.—Colorado and northward, thence eastward across the continent. 10. PERAMIUM Salisb. Ratruesnake PLANTAIN Leaves thickish, all rosulate at the base, petioled, white-reticulate. Root- stock creeping, with fibrous fleshy rootlets. Scapes few-bracteate, 2-4 dm. high. Flowers spicate, bracted. Lateral sepals free, the upper one united: with the petals into a galea. Lip saccate, entire, without callosities and free from the column.—Goodyera. ‘Lip with incurved margins, scarcely saccate . 7 a . » 1, P. Menziesii. Lip with recurved margins, plainly saccate . . ‘ . . 2. P. ophioides. 1. Peramium Menziesii (Lindl.) Morong, Mem. Torr. Club 5: 124. 1894. Scape and inflorescence pubescent: leaves smooth, ovate-oblong to oblong- lanceolate, reticulated with light greenish markings: spike many-flowered, rather dense, secund: perianth white, puberulent: column short and straight: gland and bifid beak very narrow and elongated.—From Colorado northward, thence eastward to western New York; also in the Pacific States. 2. Peramium ophioides (Fernald) Rydb. in Brit. Man. 302. 1901. Scape 1-2 dm. high, glandular-pubescent: leaf-blade 1-2 cm. long, broadly ovate, abruptly contracted into a short-winged petiole, dark green, generally with the white blotches most conspicuous along the cross veins: flowers greenish- white, 4-5 mm. long: galea concave with a short strongly recurved tip; lip deeply saccate, with recurved margins and tip: anthers blunt.—Moist moun- tain woods; Colorado to New England. : 11, CORALLORHIZA R. Br. Coran Root = Without green herbage, the solitary scape with 2-4 membranaceous sheaths, and bearing a simple raceme of brownish, yellowish, or purple flowers; pedicels reflexed in fruit. Petals and sepals ascending, similar and nearly equal, but the lateral sepals oblique at base and either decurrent in a short spur adnate to the side or summit of the ovary, or forming a projecting gibbosity aboveiit. Column narrowly margined, broader at base, somewhat incurved. Spur present, small or sac-like, at summit of the ovary, Lip deeply 3-lobed —. 3 : : i ‘ : é ‘ - 1, C. multifiora Lip 2-toothed or 2-lobed above the base . i S . . » 2. C, innata, Spur absent; the lip entire . ‘ é ‘ ° * e 5 . 3. C. striata. SEE A ae is Oe ee = af oe EA a ie Pa lht- i WS ree ee TS ume i> t1- = = SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) 12’ 1. Corallorhiza multiflora Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phil. 3: 138. pl. 7. 1823 Scape 2-5 dm. high, many-flowered: flowers brownish-purple: sepals ani petals 3-nerved; spur manifest, but whally adnate to the ovary; lip nearl; sessile, 3-lobed by a deep cleft on each side, the middle one rounded or emar ginate, with undulate or denticulate margin: capsule 10-14. mm. long, nar rowed to a short rather stout pedicel. (C'. ochroleuca Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot Club 31: 402. 1904.)—Across the continent in north temperate latitudes, an in the Rocky Mountains southward to Utah and Colorado. .. 2. Corallorhiza innata.R. Br. in Ait. Hort. Kew, Ed. 2. 5: 209. 1813 Scape slender, 1-2 dm. high, 3-15-flowered: sepals and petals 1-nerved, dul purple; spur very short; lip somewhat 3-lobed by lateral clefts, abruptly at tenuate to the base; column stout, constricted in the middle: capsule 4-8 mm long, abruptly narrowed to a short very slender pedicel—From Colorado t Washington and thence eastward to Canada and the Atlantic States, an northward to the Arctic regions. 3. Corallorhiza striata Lindl. Gen. & Sp. Orch. 534., 1840. Scape stout 3-6 dm. high, many-flowered: flowers often 12-15 mm. long: spur none, th lateral sepals and base of the column strongly gibbous over the top of th ovary: flowers larger, purple and veined, not spotted: lip fleshy, entire, some what narrowed below, reflexed above the base and bearing the prominen laminae upon the, arch. (C. Vreelandii. Rydb. 1. c. 8: 271. 1901.)—Fron Washington and Oregon eastward to the Great Lakes. . ttn t / 28, SALICACEAE Lindl, Wizow Fawmy Trees and shrubs with simple, alternate, stipulate leaves. Flowers dioe cious, arranged in aments (catkins), these falling off as a whole, the staminat after anthesis, tlie pistillate after the ripening of the fruit and dispersion o the seeds.. Bracts of the ament scale-like. Perianth none. Stamens 1 t several. Ovary 1-celled;stigmas 2. Fruit a 2-valved capsule, inclosing man} seeds furnished with a tuft of hairs at base. ae Bratieiacets!s flowers with a broad or cup-shaped disk; stamens numerous; Grstcte. entces doar wilh small glands; disks none; stamens few: buds with & a single seale sw lw oo es ee oo. $ . 2. Salix,” Ve 1, Populus 1. POPULUS L. Porzar. Corronwoop. ASPEN ' Deciduous dioecious trees, often low,, with pale furrowed bark, and terete or angular branchlets. Leaves varying from broadly deltoid-cordate_t« narrowly lanceolate. Buds scaly, usually covered with a resinous varnish Both kinds of flowers in drooping aments appearing before the leaves; bract: lacerate. Flowers with a-broad'’or cup-shaped disk. Stamens numerous Stigmas elongated. Fruit a dehiscent capsule with many seeds, each bearing a tuft-of white hairs, “' gee ah fae 5 Sesh ae Petioles flattened laterally. i LARPS Se Leayes suborbicular' . Sot ae Léaves broad, more or less deltoid. Abruptly acuminate, crenately serrate . @ . Gradually acuminate, deeply sinuate-dentate . . Petioles round or furrowed. ip Me Leaves pale beneath 5 é Leayes green, scarcely lighter beneath, Oblong-lanceolate a ah Sar iy a ai . ts Ovate, abruptly long-acuminate , A a A “s 7 Le Populus tremuloides Michx. Fl. Bor. Am, 2: 243. 1803. A small tree 6-20 m. high, usually in dense groves and rarely attaining the maximum size bark smooth, greenish-white: leaves small, roundish heart-shaped,. with 2 3 . P, tremuloides . P. occidentalis . P. Wislizenii. . P, balsamifera . P. angustifolia P. acuminata, . . oe Qo me Who be 128 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) short sharp point and small regular teeth, smooth on both sides, with downy margins; petioles slender, flattened laterally, causing movement of the leaves in the lightest breeze: lobes of the bracts linear, silky: stamens 6-20: capsule conic. ASPEN or AMERICAN ASPEN.—Very common on moist slopes and val- leys in the hills.and mountains. j 2. Populus occidentalis (Rydb.) Brit. Man. Ed. 2. 320. 1905. Becoming a large tree, with thick rough furrowed bark; the branchlets more or less angulate: leaves broadly deltoid, with subcordate or truncate base, abruptly long-acuminate, crenately serrate, the teeth mostly obtuse; petioles often as long as the blade: staminate aments 7-15 cm. long; the pistillate as long or longer, in fruit with several to many ovoid capsules. P. angulata. The com- mon Corronwoop; nearly related to the great Corronwoop, P. deltoidea, of the valleys of the Mississippi and its tributaries —Frequent on stream banks along the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. 3. Populus Wislizenii (Wats.) Sarg. Man. Trees N. A. 165. 1905. Becom- ing a large tree, with gray and furrowed bark: leaves subreniform or deltoid, the triangular acumination entire, usually puberulent especially upon the margin, rather deeply sinuate-dentate: staminate aments with slender ped- icels and laciniate bracts, 12 cm. long; the pistillate as long: stigmas 3, di- lated and irregularly lobed: capsule ovoid, the short pedicel abruptly dilated into the broad disk-like receptacle—Stream banks; southern Colorado to Texas and west to California. 4. Populus balsamifera L. Sp. Pl. 1034. 1753. Becoming a tall tree with nearly smooth bark, with round branches and very resinous-viscid balsamic buds: leaves glabrous, dazk green above, pale beneath, ovate, acute or acu- minate, rounded or subcordate at base, crenulate: aments and bracts some- what pubescent: stamens 18-30: capsule 2-valved. Batsam.—From Wyom- ing far northward and eastward. ; 5. Populus angustifolia James, Long’s Exp. 1: 497. 1823. Becoming a medium sized tree, 10-20 m. high, ashe 1 m. in diameter; bark thick, rough, and furrowed: leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate or oblong, sometimes ovate- lanceolate, rounded at base, acute at apex, finely crenulate the whole length; petiole semiterete or furrowed: staminate aments oblong-cylindric; the bracts obovate, laciniate: stamens 12-20, with large reddish anthers: stigma with broad lobes.—The prevailing cottonwood on the banks of mountain streams at middle elevations; known as the Narrow-Lear Corronwoop. 6. Populus acuminata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 20: 50. 1893. Aslender tree with much smoother and lighter-colored bark than the preceding: leaves rhomboid-ovate, long-acuminate, the base rounded or cuneate, crenulate- dentate, long-petioled and somewhat drooping: pistillate aments slender: the capsules ovoid, pediceled. A clean-looking, well-shaped, and rapid-growing tree now largely grown for shade and ornament; known as the SMOoTH-BARK Cotronwoop. Probably short-lived.—Indigenous on some of the streams on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. 2. SALIX L.* Wittow Leaves mostly narrow, short-petioled. Buds covered by a single scale. Aments (catkins) mostly erect, appearing before (precocious) or with (coeta- neous) the leaves; bracts entire or merely denticulate. Stamens few, accom- panied by lor 2little glands. Pistillate flowers with a gland at the base of the ovary; stigmas short. ; Key to the Sections CAPSULES GLABROUS. Scales pale yellow, deciduous, Stamens 3-5, filaments hairy below; leaves lanceolate, finely P ue is fade rane etioles and lesaf-bases not glandular ‘ 5 . 5 iS GD. Petioles and leaf-bases glandular . “i é . , Tl. PENTANDE * This treatment of the genus Saliz has been contributed by Mr, Carleton R, Ball of tha U. 8. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D, C, all, of tue SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY): 129 Stamens 2, filaments hairy below; leaves linear or narrowly : : elliptical, remotely denticulate; shrubs i : . I. LONGIFOLIAE. Scales not pale yellow, mostly brownish to black, persistent. Styles none; minute prostrate eany . ‘ IV. RETUSAE. Styles distinct; erect or ascending shrubs. Styles 0.3-0.7 mm, long; aments pedunculate; leaves.and . eapsules glabrous é 3 ; ‘ ‘ V. CORDATAE. Styles 1-2.5 mm, long (sometimes shorter in No, 18), leaves : more or less tomentose, at least above; capsules gla- brous to tomentose. Styles 1-1.5 mm. long; aments pedunculate (if sessile, 4 the leaves not glandular) . * $ % VI. COMMUTATAE. Styles 1.5-2.5 mm, long; aments stout, sessile; leaves , : Jandular . 5 ‘- 7 < ‘ 2 . VIL. LANATAE.: CAPSULES HAIRY. oe : Scales yellow, deciduous; filaments hairy below; styles none (in our species) . ea, a é . ie ponte . Scales not yellow, mostly brown or black, at least at the tip, persistent. pet . : $ Styles elongated, 0.5-2 mm. (over 1 mm. long, except in one species of Commutatae). s eaves usually gray-tomentose on both sides, sometimes on the upper surface only; aments mostly on long ., leafy peduncles; capsules gray- or white-tomentose. Capsules thinly villous-tomentose; stigmas entire, short (two species of) . : : , : . . VI. COMMUTATAE. Capsules densely white-tomentose; stigmasentireor usu-..' a : ally divided, much elongated, about 1mm,.long . VIII. ARCTICAE. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces or densely silvery- pubescent on the lower surface only; aments dense, sessile or on short, leafy peduncles; capsules silvery- pubescent. st Leaves densely clothed with a fine satiny pubescence below, glabrate above; aments on short leafy pe- duncles . as a a * < x 7 . TX. ARGENTEAE. Leaves glabrous on both surfaces, bright green; aments closely sessile... : . . . 4 X. PHYLICIFOLIAE. ' Style obsolete, or only 0,2-0.3 mm. long. 1 : : si Tall erect shrubs; capsule conic-rostrate. : 5 Aments stout, dense, sessile or subsessile; scales dark, long-villous; pedicel short or none; stigmas long, _. slender... a z * ¢ . _ . ' KY. CAPREAE. Aments slender and lax, the staminate small, on short leafy peduncles; scales pale, thinly villous; pedicel ' elongated; stigmas short % i . .... XII. ROSTRATAE. Low depressed or creeping shrubs; capsules short, ovate- . conic, subsessile; aments: small, few-flowered, short- Bice peduncled; leaves obovate, reticulate on both sides . XIII. RETICULATAE. Ill. LONGIFOLIAE. , I, Amyepatinan.—Trees 3-16 m. high; bark brown; twigs long and slender, often drooping, usually gray: leaves linear-lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, acuminate, closely and finely serrulate, glabrous; stipules small and decidu- ous or none: aments coetaneous, slender cylindrical, terminal on lateral leafy twigs: scales deciduous, light-yellow, lanceolate or broader, mostly glabrous outside, crisp-villous within: stamens 8-7, filaments hairy below: capsule small, glabrous, pedicellate; styles 0.8-0.6 mm, long; stigmas short. L linear-lanceolate, deep green beneath . . . . +. 1. S.nigra. |. Leaves ‘lanceolate or broader, glaucous beneath . 3 : . 2, 8. amygdaloides. 1. Salix nigra Marsh, Arb. Am. 139. 1785. Dark green; twigs gray or brownish: leaves linear-lanceolate, long-acuminate, often falcate, deep green on both sides, 6-11 cm. long, 7-12 mm. wide (often oblanceolate while un- folding); petioles short, 3-6 mm. long: staminate aments yellow, 2-5 em. long; pistillate aments 2-6 cm. long in fruit: capsules ovate or ovate-lanceolate, 3-4 mm. long; pedicels 1-1.5 mm. long. Buack Wintow. (8. Wrightit Anders. | founded on a monstrous form with Hae eit and distorted aments.)—River banks, common; plains of eastern Colorado to New Mexico and California. . 2. Salix amygdaloides Anders. Ofv. Handl. Vet. Akad. 114. 1858. Yel- lowish green; twigs gray or the youngest yellow: leaves lanceolate to ovate- lanceolate (frequently obovate or broadly oblanceolate and obtuse when un- folding), gradually or abruptly acuminate, green above, glaucous beneath, 5-12 em. Jong, 1.5-3 em. wide; petioles slender, 5-15 or 20 mm. long: staminate 130 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) aments yellow, 3-5 cm. long; pistillate aments lax in fruit, 4-8 em, long: cap- sules lanceolate, 4-5 mm. long; pedicels filiform, 2 mm. long.' PEACH-LEAVED Wittow.—Common on banks of streams and wet ground throughout to an al- titude of 2,000 m. A form with very narrow leaves, scarcely 1 cm. wide, is found on the high plains east of the Rocky Mountains. II. PenranpraE.—Tall shrubs or small trees (within our range) with sparingly caespitose stems, 3-6 m. high, and reddish-brown bark; twigs and obtuse buds stouter than in AMYGDALINAE, olive to reddish-brown, lustrous: leaves large, lanceolate or elliptical, acute to long-acuminate, closely glandular-serrate especially near the base, glabrous; petioles stout, glandular near the distal end or naked; stipules small or none: aments coetaneous, stout, dense, ‘oblong, on.short lateral leafy twigs, 1-2 cm. wide; scales pale yellow, deciduous, lan- ceolate to obovate, thinly -pilose at the base: capsules rather large, 5-9 mm. long, glabrous; pedicels 1-2 mm. long; styles about 0.6 mm. long; stigmas short, notched or bifid. oS , ~ Fruiting in early summer; capsules thin-walled, 5-7 mm long. Leaves short-acuminate, glaucous bereath F . §. §. lasiandra Leaves long-acuminate, scarcely paler beneath = ‘ * - 4. 9. Fendleriana. Fruiting in late summer; capsules thick-walled, 7-9 mm. long . . 5. S. serissima. 3. Salix lasiandra Benth. Pl. Hartw. 335. 1849. A small tree within our limits; twigs rather stout, deep red, lustrous: leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate or sometimes oblanceolate, acuminate at the apex, acute to rounded at the base, dark green and shining above, glaucous beneath, 6-10 cm. long, 1.5-3.5 em. wide; stipules small, acute, glandular: aments on peduncles 1-6 (usually 2-3) em. long; staminate aments 2-6 cm. long, 1-1.3 em. wide; pistillate aments 3-10 cm. long, 1.2-2 em. wide; scales lanceolate to ovate, sometimes glandular at the apex: capsule pale straw-color or light'brown, lanceolate, 5-7 mm. long; pedicel 1.5-2 mm. long, 4-6 times as long as. the eet tae in our limits; Sante Fe, New Mexico, to California, and north- ward. ; ‘ 4. Salix Fendleriana Anders. 1. c. 115.. Twigs long but not slender, shin- ing, reddish or reddish-yellow: leaves narrowly lanceolate to lanceolate, long- acuminate, dark green on both sides or somewhat paler but never glaucous beneath, 6-13 em. long, 1.2-3 cm. wide; stipules usually none, if present, small, semicordate to reniform: staminate aments 2-4 cm. long, 1-1.2 cm. wide; pistillate 2-5.5 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide; scales lanceolate to oblanceolate: capsule pale straw-color or brownish, 5-7 mm. long; pedicels 1-1.5 mm., long; styles 0.5-0.7.mm. long. FENpLER’s Witiow. [S. lasiandra caudata (Nutt.) Sudw.]—Mountain streams and wet places, at 1,500 to 3,000 m. altitude, common; New Mexico to Canada and west to the coast. 5. Salix serissima (Bail.) Fern. Rhodora 6: 6. 1903. A shrub or small tree, sometimes 4 m. in height; twigs lustrous, bright red or brownish: leaves elliptic-lanceolate, acute at, both ends or short-acuminate at the apex, closely glandular-serrulate, dark green and shining above with the midrib whitish, pale or subglaucous beneath, coriaceous, 4-8 em. long, 1525 em. wide; petioles more slender than in the related species: aments very short and-stout; the staminate 1-2 em. long, 1-1.2 em. thick; scales broad, obtuse; pistillate ament 1.5-3 em. long, 2-2.3 cm. wide, usually’ loosely flowered: capsules lustrous, . long-conic, thick-walled, olive-brown to deep brown, 7-9 mm. long; pedicels’ thick, 1-15 mm. long, 2-3 times as long as the gland. Autumn WILLow.—. Wet ground; Montana to Alberta, eastward to New Jersey and New England. III. Lonerrorian.—Shrubs 2-5 m. high, with densely caespitose stems and gray . or light brown bark; twigs slender, brown or reddish, often lustrous: leaves linear to linear-lanceolate or narrowly elliptical, remotely denticulate or ene. tire; petioles very short; stipules none: aments serotinous, terminating’ lateral leafy branches, the staminate often and the pistillate occasionally in pairs or threes, scas light yellow, deciduous: stamens 2, filaments hairy below:' capsules glavrous to thinly villous, 4-7 mm. long; styles none; stigmas short: (in our speci. -} divided. | : SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) 131 Leaves linear, acuminate; pistillate aments 1-2 cm. wide. - Leaves canescent, entire or remotely denticulate; capsules mostly 5 mom. long; pedicels 0.5-0.7 mm, long , . . : * © Leaves bright green, denticulate; capsules mostly 6-7 mm. long; . opedicels 0.5-1.5.mm. long . BEN) ait Nc eae Val ata Bs Leaves elliptical!-oblanceolate, rather closely denticulate; pistillate aments7-8mm.wide . . . . Site he : . 6. S. exigua. 7. 8. fluviatilis, 8. S. melanopsis. 6. Salix exigua Nutt. Sylva 1: 75. 1842. Color effect grayish: leaves linear, acute at both ends or acuminate at the apex, 5-12 cm. long, 2-10 mm. wide, entire or remotely denticulate, opaque, more or less canescent on both surfaces or silky with a fine silvery tomentum beneath, or on both surfaces on young shoots (then frequently mistaken for S, argophylla) ; petioles 2-7 mm. long: peduncles sometimes 7 cm: long; staminate aments 2-4 cm. long, about 7 mm. wide; the pistillate 3-6 cm. long, 1-1.3 cm. wide; scales lanceolate in the pistillate aments, broader in the staminate, mostly acute, nearly glabrous or white pilose on the-margins, occasionally on the back‘ also: capsules nar- rowly lanceolate, 4—6 (mostly 5) cm. long, sessile or on pedicels 0.5-0,7 mm. -long, especially at. the base of the ament, glabrous or thinly villous; gland about 0.5 mm. long; stigmas divided. (S. stenophylla Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 271. 1901, an inconstant, form; S. luteosericea Rydb. Brit. Man. 316. 1901.)—Very common along mountain streams and in wet places through- out. our range and westward; variable in foliage characters and sometimes very difficult to distinguish from the next. ' 7. Salix fluviatilis Nutt. 1. ¢. 73. Color effect bright green or ‘slightly grayish: léaves linear or linéar-lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, 5-12 cm. long, 2-15 mm. wide, remotely ‘denticulate to spinulose-denticulate; pure green'‘and veiny on both sides, glabrous when mature, often thinly villous with long white hairs when young; petioles 2-9 mm. long: aments'and' scales as in“the preceding but the’ pistillate 1.2-3 em. wide (sometimes 10 cm. long in’léw humid regions); scales more nearly . glabrous: capsules 5-8 (mostly 7) mm. long, longer east of our limits, glabrous, or silky ath long white hairs, especially when young,’ pedicellate; pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm. long; gland often1 mm.'long. S. longifolia. SanpBar WILLow. (S. interior Rowlee, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27:' 253. 1900; S. linearifolia Rydb. 1. c.)—Most common in edstern Colorado and Wyoming, and in Montana and Idaho, but not abundant anywhere in our limits; exceedingly abundant east- ward across the continent. bas aiekae ent 8. Salix melanopsis Nutt. 1]. c. 78. A tall, dark green shrub or small tree, 3-5 m. high, more divaricately branched than the related species; twigs brown or blackish, often lustrous: leaves oblanceolate or elliptical, acute at both ends, 4~7 or 8'cm. long, 6-15 mm. wide, rather closely denticulate, often spinulose-denticulate, especially near the apex, or ‘subentire, the margin somewhat revolute in drying, dark green and glabrous above, paler, strongly veined, and usually thinly silky-villous beneath; stipules lanceolate to semi- cordate, dentate: aments slender, 3-4 em. long, the staminate 5-6 mm. wide, the pistillate 7-8 mm. wide; scales oblong to obovate, sometimes erose at the apex, thinly pilose, the pistillate often plainly striate with 3-5 nerves: cap- sules ovate-lanceolate, glabrous, sessile or subsessile, 4-5 mm. long. Dusky WiLtLow.—Type locality, old, Fort Hall near Pocatello, Idaho. Common in northeastern Oregon, eastern Washington, and British Columbia‘ as far east as the Selkirks. © ao i has ‘ af IV. Rerusar.—Low, depressed, or creeping species, less than, 1 dm. high: leaves -minute, entire, glabrous: aments 2-4-flowered: , capsules..glabrous; stigmas sessile, A single. species within our limits... 9. Salix Dodgeana Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot.'Gard. ‘1: 277. 1899. Delicate, suffrutidose,'2 cm. high or less, from short, sleiidér, subterranean stems; twigs yellowish-green, very: leafy: leaves‘oblong or oval, 4~5 ‘mm. long, acutish or obtuse, light green, strongly veined: staminate ament generally 3-4-flowered; ‘stamens 2; filaments glabrous; pistillate aments generally 2-flowered; scales sblong, truncate, sparingly villous-ciliate: capsule oblong-ovoid, glabrous; stig- 132 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) mas sessile, 2-cleft.—Covering acres of ground on Electric Peak, Yellowstone National Park, at 3,200 m. altitude; also on Sheep Mountain, Teton Forest Reserve. V. Corpatar.—Shrubs 2-5 m. high; stems densely caespitose; twigs brown to yellow, mostly slender, lustrous: leaves linear-lanceolate to ovate or broadly oblanceolate, acute to long-acuminate, stipulate, glabrous; buds and slender petioles yellowish: aments precocious or coetaneous, rather slender, subsessile or on short, bracted peduncles; scales tawny to fuscous: capsules glabrous, pedicellate; styles distinct. Leaves glaucous or at least distinctly pale beneath, — Leaves linear-lanceolate; young branches with bluish bloom; capsules subsessile . 7 S Bt ca oe . a Leaves lanceolate or broader; branches without bloom; cap- sules distinctly pedicellate, Pedicels 1-2.3 mm. long. Leaves lanceolate, dark green above, mostly sharply serrate 5 ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ + _,« IL. S. cordata. Leaves broadly lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, yellowish- 10. 8. irrorata, green, crenate-serrulate or subentire * . 12, 8. lutea, Pedicels 3-4 mm. long; leaves oblanceolate or obovate . 13, S. Mackenziana, Leaves deep rich green on both surfaces, never pale beneath. se Leaves ovate or obovate, thin; pedicels 2.5-4 mm, long . 14, S. pyrifolia, Leaves elliptic-lanceolate or oblong, thick; pedicels 1~2 mm, long é : = a . 5 15. S. pseudomyrsinites, 10. Salix irrorata Anders. 1. c. 117. Shrub 2-3 m. high; twigs dark brown to yellowish, glabrous or downy-puberulent, often covered with a bluish glaucous bloom, not shining: buds stout, broadly ovate, brown to yellow: leaves linear-lanceolate or linear-oblanceolate, acute to acuminate at both ends, 6-10 cm. long, 0.7-1.7 cm. wide, entire or undulate-serrulate, glabrous, dark green and veiny above, with the whitish midrib prominent; glaucous and finely reticulate beneath; stipules none: aments precocious, sessile, with- out bracts; the staminate 1-2 em. long; the pistillate 2-4.5 em. long, 7-10 mm. wide, densely-flowered: capsules ovate-conic, 3-4 mm. long, subsessile, gla- brous; pedicels 0.5-1 mm. long; styles 0.5-0.7 mm. long; stigmas short, en- tire or emarginate: scales small, fuscous, obtuse, clothed with long white woolly hairs.—Fairly common along streams and in wet places in the moun- tains, at 1,200-2,500 m. elevation; southwestern Texas to southern Ari- zona northward to northern Colorado. Shoots with large leaves resemble S. lasiolepis very strongly. 11. Salix cordata Muhl. Neue Schrift. Ges. Nat. Fr. Berlin 4: 236. 1803. Shrub 2-5 m. high; twigs long, stoutish, brown or often yellowish, glabrous to pubescent: leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate or somewhat oblanceo- late, acute to long-acuminate, usually narrowed at the base, 6-10 cm. long, 2-3 cm. wide, shallowly to deeply serrate, dark green above, glaucous and re- ticulate beneath; stipules large, ovate to reniform, serrate: aments on short, bracted peduncles; staminate 2-3 em. long, 7-9 mm. wide; pistillate 2-3.5 em. long, 1-1.3 em. wide; scales tawny, or fuscous at the tip, thinly pilose: cap- sules 5--7 mm. long; styles 0.3-0.5 mm. long; pedicels 1-2 (mostly 1.5) mm. lone nes distributed throughout the Rocky Mountains and westward, up to 2, m. lla. Salix cordata angustata (Ph.) Anders. Mon. Sal. 159. 1867. Leaves narrower, about 1 cm. wide, acute or acuminate at both ends.—Wet places on the high plains and in the foothills east of the Rocky Mountains. 11). Salix cordata Watsonii Bebb, Bot. Cal. 2: 86. 1879. Twigs often yel- low, shorter and more divaricate: leaves smaller and more slender, subentire, mostly dark green above, pale or subglaucous beneath: pedicels 1.5-2 mm. long. 8. flava Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 273. 1901; S. Watsonii (Bebb) ydb. l. c. 33: 157; S. Ormsbyensis v. Seem. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 403. 1904.]}—Rocky Mountains, westward to the coast. Intermediate in some re- spects between S. cordata and S., lutea. 12. Salix lutea Nutt. 1. e. 63. pl. 19. Shrub 2-5 m. high; twigs mostly yellow, reddish-brown on the sunny side, glabrous to puberulent: leaves SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) 133 sanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acute to short-acuminate at the apex, rounded to cordate at the base, 4-8 or 10 cm. long, 1.5-4 em. wide, entire to serrulate, mostly yellowish-green, glaucous beneath; stipules ovate to lunate, entire to setrulate: aments nearly sessile, on very short-bracted peduncles; staminate 2-3 em. long; pistillate 2-4 cm. long, 1 cm. wide; scales oblanceolate, acute to obtuse, tawny, thinly pilose: capsules ovate-conic, 4 mm. long; pedicels 0.7-2 mm. long; styles less than 0.5 mm. long—Common plants of stream banks and wet places; Colorado to California, northward to Canada. Dis- tinguished only with difficulty from S. cordata and may perhaps prove to be only a variety of that species. 13. Salix Mackenziana Barr. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 149. 1839. Shrub 2-4 m. high; twigs usually divaricate, lustrous: leaves oblanceolate or nar- rowly obovate, sometimes lanceolate, mostly acuminate at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, 3-6 or 7 cm. long, 1-1.8 cm. wide, entire or serrulate, light green above, glaucous beneath, reticulate on both sides; stipules lunate, entire to serrate-dentate: aments coetaneous, on leafy peduncles 0.5-1 em. long; pistillate aments 2-6 cm. long, 1.5 em. wide, rather lax in fruit; stami- nate aments 2-4.5 cm. long; filaments free, or united only at the base; scales mostly oblanceolate, tawny or fuscous, thinly pilose: capsules ovate-conic, 4-5 mm. long, greenish; pedicels 3-4 mm. long, about three times as long as the scales; styles 0.3-0.4 mm. long; stigmas entire or sometimes emarginate. Very closely related to S. cordata and S. lutea.—Fairly common along streams and in wet places; nérthwestern Wyoming to Saskatchewan, west to Nevada and California. / io 14. Salix pyrifolia Anders. Vet. Acad. Handl. Stockh. 6: 162. 1867. Shrub 1-3 m. high; twigs slender, glabrous, bright chestnut to brown, lustrous: leaves ovate-lanceolate, ovate, or obovate-oval, abruptly cuspidate to short- acuminate at the apex, rounded or cordate at the base, 3.5-7 em. long, 1.5-3.5 em. wide, shallowly glandular-serrulate, thin, translucent, pure dark green and reticulate with slender veins on both sides; stipules lunate or broadly ovate, glandular-serrate to dentate: peduncles short, leafy; aments coetaneous, long, lax; the staminate slender, flexuous, 4-6 cm. long, 8-10 mm. wide; filaments united for one third to three fourths their length; pistillate aments 3-6 cm. long, 1.2-1.8 mm. wide: capsules 3-4.5 mm. long; pedicels 2.5-4 mm. long, about three times as long as the scales; styles 0.3-0.7 mm. long; stigmas usually deeply divided. (S. rotundifolia ovata Nutt.)—Fairly common, mountains of Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. 14a. Salix pyrifolia obscura Anders. 1.c. Leaves obovate-oval to subrotund, abruptly cuspidate to rounded at the apex: pedicels 2-3 cm. long: stipules more ovate. (S. rotundifolia. Nutt. 1. c. 75.) Presenting a transition to S. pseudomyrsinites.—Vicinity of Yellowstone Park and northward. 15. Salix pseudomyrsinites Anders. Oefvers. Vet. Akad. Foerhandl. 15: 129. 1858. Shrub 1-3 m. high; twigs slender, mostly short, divaricate, leafy, bright chestnut to dark brown, lustrous: leaves elliptic-oblanceolate to lanceolate-oblong, acute to acuminate at the apex, mostly rounded at the base, 3-6 em. long, 1-2 em. wide, shallowly glandular-serrulate or subentire, dark green above, pure green, scarcely paler and coarsely reticulate with broad veins beneath; petioles 3-8 mm. long, glabrous or thinly villous; stip- ules lanceolate to ovate, acute or acuminate, glandular-serrate, 4-8 mm. long: peduncles 0.5-1 em. long, leafy; aments coetaneous (?), small, 2-3 em. long in both sexes; scales oblong or oblanceolate, acutish to truncate, thinl, clothed with long white woolly hairs: capsules greenish, 4-5 mm. long; ped- icels 1-1.5 mm. long; styles 0.5-0.7 mm. long; stigmas thick, entire —At middle to high elevations, infrequent; New Mexico to Saskatchewan, west to, eastern Oregon and eastern Washington. : 15a. Salix pseudomyrsinites equalis Anders. Leaves smaller, entire, less strongly reticulate: capsules subrostrate, 5-7 mm. long, green or rufescent. Young leafy shoots strongly resemble those of S. Wolfii, . but the leaves differ in being glabrous and less oblanceolate-—Southeastern Wyoming to the Uinta Mountains, Utah, and north to Yellowstone Park. : 134 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) VI. CommutataE.—Shrubs 1-4 m. high; stems densely caespitose; twigs, dark brown, lustrous: leaves oblanceolate to obovate-oval or elliptic-oval, entire . or shallowly. serrulate, densely to thinly villous-tomentose, at. least: above, stip- ulate: aments on leafy peduncles (sessile in No. 16), precocious or coetaneous: scales fuscous, broad, obtuse, villous: capsules ovate or rostrate, glabrous or tomentose; pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm. long; styles 1-1.5 mm. long (except in No, 18). Leaves glabrate above, glabrous and glaucous beneath, crenate or serru- late. few Aments sessile . re ‘ . . ‘ . ae . 16. 8. monticols, Aments leafy-pedunculate ‘ 5 ‘i a Sie ; . 17. 8. Barelayi, Leaves densely villous-tomentose to glabrate on both sides, dull green os ‘ “beneath, : s : , : : + 18, 8. Wolfii. 16. Salix monticola Bebb. in Coult. Man. 336. 1885. Shrub 3-6 m. high; twigs rather stout and divaricate, usually glabrous, deep reddish-brown, lustrous: leaves at first oblanceolate, obovate or oval, finally more elliptical or oblong-elliptical, acute or abruptly short-acuminate at the apex, usually narrowed. and rounded at the base or sometimes subcordate, 5-7 or more em. long, 2-4 em. wide, crenate-serrulate, dark green above, subglaucous to glau- cous beneath, glabrous or thinly puberulent or pubescent above, especially on the pale yellow midrib and the primary veins, strongly reticulate beneath; stipules large, ovate or. semicordate, acute, serrate: buds large;:. aments sessile, stout, naked or the pistillate with a few broad bracts at the base, 2-3 em. long, the pistillate becoming. 3-5 em. long in fruit; scales, dark, obovate-oval, obtuse, densely villous with long white hairs: capsule glabrous, sessile or subsessile, rostrate, rufescent, 5-7 mm. long; styles 1-1.5 mm. long. (S. padifolia Rydb. not Anders.; S. padophyila Rydb. 1. ¢.:28: 499. 1901).— Common at high elevations, 2,400-3,500 .m.; New Mexico to Montana and Alberta. a 17. Salix Barclayi Anders. 1. c. 125. Shrub 1-4 m. high; twigs short, stout, divaricate, blackish, tomentose to glabrate: leaves ovate-lanceolate to oval or obovate, acute or cuspidate at the apex, cuneate to rounded at the base, or cordate on vigorous shoots, 3-7 em. long, 1.5-2.5 or more em. wide, erenate- serrulate, the glandular teeth inflexed, or subentire, thinly, tomentose above, especially on the midrib and veins, becoming glabrate, glabrous, reticulate and mostly glaucous beneath; stipules large, ovate-acuminate, serrate: aments stout, on leafy peduncles 1-3 cm. long; staminate aments 1-3, and the pistil- late 2-6 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide; scales fuscous, mostly acute, thinly to densely villous with long hairs: capsules glabrous, or sometimes thinly sericeous, greenish, rostrate, 5-7 mm. long; pedicels 0.5-1 mm. long; styles 1~1,5 mm. long. (S. conjuncta Bebb, Bot. Gaz. 13: 111. 1888).—High elevations, mountains of Colorado and, southeastern Wyoming to Oregon, Washington, and Alaska.. : . Five om, ahs 18. Salix Wolfii Bebb, Bot. Wheeler Exp. 241. 1878. Low shrub 6-10.dm. high; twigs chestnut, leafy, the younger yellowish, lustrous: leaves oblanceo- late or rhomboid-oblanceolate, or elliptical, acute at the apex, rounded at the base, 2-4.5 em. long, 8-13 mm. wide, entire, dull green and silky-villous with shining hairs on both sides, becoming somewhat glabrate; petioles yellow, villous; stipules small or wanting: peduncles short, bearing several leaf-like bracts which often exceed the ament; pistillate aments 1-2.5 em. long, sub- globose to oblong, densely flowered; staminate aments 0.5-1.5 cm. long; scales dark, obovate, sparsely long-villous: capsules glabrous, greenish, or rufescent, 3.5-4.5 mm. long; pedicels about 0.5 mm. long; styles variable, 0.5-1 mm. long. S. desertorum Wolfii—At middle to high eleyations; south- ern Colorado to Wyoming and Idaho. 8 18a. Salix Wolfii idahoensis Ball, Bot. Gaz. 40: 378. 1905. Leaves, larger, 3-6 em. long, 1-1.8 cm. wide, oblanceolate: aments longer, 1-3,5 em. in length; peduncles proportionate: capsules about 5 mm. long, greenish.) thinly tomentose. This:includes most of the material called “S. glauca villosa,?’ in herbaria.—Big Horn, Mountains of north Wyoming to east Oregon and north Idaho: 14"ndant '” the region of the Yellowston’ National Park, = SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) — 135 VII, Lanatar.—Mostly shrubs 1-4 m. high;.twigs stout, divaricate, tomen- tose: leaves large, broadly elliptical to obovate-oval or suborbicular, more or less tomentose:.aments very large, stout and dense, sessile or short-peduncled, | 8-8 em. long, lateral or terminal; capsules large, sessile or subsessile , glabrous (in our: epee) or emepiase) styles much elongated. Only one species cer- tainly within our limits. 19. Salix Tweedyi (Bebb) Ball, Bot. Gaz. 40: 377. 1905... Low (?) shrub; the youngest twigs more or less tomentose with long hairs: leaves broadly elliptical to oval'or ovate, acute or obtuse at both ends to rounded or cordate at the base, 5-7 cm. long, 2-4 em. wide, green above, paler but not glaucous beneath, glabrous throughout or sparsely gray-tomentose above, finely glandular-denticulate or mature leaves irregularly spinulose-denticulate; petioles tomentose, 8-15 mm. long; stipules large, clasping, broadly reniform, glatidular-deniticulate: aments precocious, the istillate. sessile, 4-6'em. long, 1.5 em. or more wide; scales obovate, black, clothed with long white hairs: cap- sule large,’ green, glabrous or finely pubescent, at the apex, 7-8 mm. long; pedicels 1 rom. long: styles 1.5-2:5 mm. long; stigmas divided; ‘gland 1 mm. long. (S. Barrattiana Tweedyi Bebb, Contrib. U. 8S. Nat. Herb. 3:572. 1896.) —In bogs and along mountain streams, 2,500-3,000 m. altitude, not common; known only from the Big Horn Mountains of northern Wyoming, the Yeltow- stone Park, and Teton Basin. VIII. Arcticaz, —low, erect, or creeping alpine shrubs, 1-10 or 15 dm. high; branches full of leaf-scars: leaves smail to medium, narrowly elliptic or ob- «,, lanceolate, occasionally broader, entire, more or less, tomentose; stipules small or none. aments appearing with the. leaves, on short, leafy peduncles; scales _ brown, brown-tipped, villous: capsules sessile or short-pediceled, gray- or : white-tomentose ;. styles 1-1.5 mm. long; stigmas medium, notched. Erect or spreading subalpine shrubs 2-15 dm. high. Capsules and leaves gray- or yellowish-tomentose or leaves etree: mee ae longer than broad; leaves gray-tomentose, drying rn s. ; . S. glaucops. Amen tibglobdse, ‘ ieaves ‘yellowish-tomentose beneath, not drying black : 21. S. brachycarpa, peas and lower leaf-surfaces -densely whitetomentose é : 22° $! eandida: Dep, creeping alpine plants, less than 1 dm, high, ; ves broadly ‘elliptical to obovate, pale beneath, 2-4 em, long . | 23. S. pétrophila. Leaves narrowly elliptical or obovate, scarcely 10-12 mm, long . 24, S. tenera, - 20. Salix glaucops. Anders. DC. Prodr. 162; 281. 1868. Subalpine shrub, 4-15, dm. high; branches and twigs short and stout, shining, chestnut-brown or darker, the bark separating from the older branehlets i in thin gray papery flakes: leaves elliptic-lanceolate, or oblanceolate to _oblong-ovate,. entire, obtuse or subacute at the apex, obtusish to subcordate at the base, 3-5 or 6 em. long, 11.7 or 2 cm. wide, gray-tomentose or glabrate on both sides, dark green above, glaucous and reticulate beneath; petioles yellowish, 5- 10 mm. long; stipules minute, ‘ovate or semicordate: ‘peduncles 2-3 em. long, tomentose; staminate aments 1-3 cm. long, 1-1.5 em. wide; pistillate 3-5 cm. ‘Torig and 1.5 em. 'wide; scales oblong, dark to pale. brown, villous: capsules conic, gray-tomentose, 6-7 or 8 mm. long; pedicels stout, pubescent, 1-1.5 mm. long; styles fuscous or yellowish, 0.7-1 mm. long. (S. poend ieppo wen v. Seem. Engl. Jahrb. X XIX, Beibl. ‘65: 28.1900; S. Seemannii Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard: 2: 164. 1901; 8. jomingensis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 271. 1901.)—Common in. boggy p aces at middle to high elevations; New Mexico to Canada.and westward. , 20a. Salix glaucops glabrescens Anders. Leaves more rigid, glabrate, intensely glaucous beneath: aments, ee capsules, sometimes glabrescent. —Range of the species but..less common.,, _ 21. Salix brachycarpa Nutt. N. Am. ‘Sylva 1: 69. 1842. A small alpine shrub,, searcely more than 1 m. high; branches. stoutish and divaricate within | our limits, longer and more slender northward, reddish-brown to yellowish. or gray; twigs. tomentose: leaves ‘elliptical-oblong or oblanceolate , 136 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) to narrowly obovate, obtusish to abruptly acute at the apex, acute to semi- cordate at the base, entire, light green and somewhat tomentose above, pale’ yellowish-green and densely yellowish-tomentose to glabrate beneath, not glaucous, 2-3.5 cm. long, 6-12 mm. wide; petioles 3-5 mm. long; stipules none: aments numerous, often crowded, subglobose to oblong, 0.5—2 em. long, mostly about 1 cm. long: capsules ovate-lanceolate, subsessile, 5-7 mm. long, densely gray- or white-tomentose; styles 1-1.5 mm. long; stigmas medium. 8. desertorum. [S. stricta (And.) Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 273. 1899,] —Wet places in the mountains above 2,000 m., fairly common; Colorado and northward to the plains of Canada. 22. Salix candida Fluegge, Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 708. 1806. A low, branching shrub, 2-10 dm. or more high; branches stout, divaricate, glabrous, light brown or yellowish; twigs densely white-tomentose: leaves linear-oblong to narrowly oblanceolate or occasionally much broader, usually acute at both ends, mar- gins revolute, entire, or rarely crenulate and glandular, dark green, dull and thinly tomentose above, with deeply impressed veins, resembling sage leaves, densely white-tomentose beneath, 3.5-8 or 10 em. long, 0.7—2 em. wide; petioles short, tomentose; stipules very narrow, acute, glandular, tomentose: aments on short leafy tomentose peduncles, the pistillate 1-3 cm. long, 1-1.3 cm. wide: capsule lanceolate, short-pediceled, white-tomentose, 6-8 mm. long; scales obovate, white-woolly; styles reddish or orange, 1-1.5 mm. long; stig- mas short, divaricate, notched. SaGE-LEAVED or Hoary WiLLow.—Infre- quent, in cold bogs; east of the Divide, from southern Wyoming to Alberta, Saskatchewan, and eastward. : 23. Salix petrophila Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 268. 1899. Stems horizontal, creeping; branches erect, glabrous, brown or yellowish, 5-10 cm, high: leaves broadly elliptical to obovate, abruptly acute to obtuse, entire, deep green above, distinctly pale to subglaucous beneath, rather strongly veined, 1.5-4 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. wide, glabrate.or glabrous; petioles slender, yellow: staminate aments 1-2, the pistillate 24 em. long, slender, lax at base: capsules lanceolate, sessile, gray-tomentose, 4-6 mm. long; styles 1-1.5 mm. long. SS. arctica petraea Anders.—Among rocks, alpine summits, above 8,500 m.; Colorado, Utah, and northward. : 24. Salix tenera Anders. 1. c. 288. Scarcely 5 cm. in height, from horizon- tal creeping stems: leaves narrowly elliptical to obovate, acute at both ends or sometimes obtuse at the apex, deep green and shining on both sides or slightly paler beneath, very strongly nerved, 0.8-12 mm. long, 4-8 mm. wide; pétioles 2-3 mm. long: aments stlbglobose, few-flowered; the staminate 5-10 mm. in length, the pistillate 7-20 mm. long: capsules sessile, 4-5 mm. long, gray-tomentose.—Rare; alpine summits from Wyoming to Washington. Perhaps only a variety of the preceding. : IX, ARGENTEAE.—Shrubs 1-8 or 4 m. high; twigs rather long, brownish or yellowish, often lustrous and mostly pruinose: leaves narrowly oblong or ob- lanceolate, acute, entire or subentire, densely silvery-sericeous or silvery- tomentose beneath: aments sessile or very short-pedunculate, 1-4 em. long: stamens 2: scales brown or black, hairy: capsules small, silvery-sericeous, ses- stile or short~pediceled; styles elongated. . 25. Salix subcoerulea Piper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 400. 1900. Erect shrub 1-3 m. high; twigs glabrous, usually covered with a dense bluish bloom: leaves oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, acute at the base, 2-5 or 7 em. long, 0.8-2.5 cm. wide, entire or slightly crenulate, green and sparsely pubescent above, densely covered with a fine short silvery pubescence beneath; petioles 2-7 mm. long; stipules none, or occasionally very stnall and lanceolate on vigorous shoots: pistillate aments sessile or short-pedunculate (peduncles sometimes 5 mm. long, with 1 or 2 smaill bract-like leaves at base), 2~4 cm. long, densely flowered; staminate aments ‘sessile, stout, 1-2 em. long; stamens 2; scales brown or black, oblong, ovate or obovate, acute or obtuse,’ thinly pilose: capsules ovate or ovate- lanceolate, subsessile or short-pediceled, 3-5 mm. long, silvery sericeous; ped- SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) 137 icels never more than 1 mm. long; styles 1-1.5 mm. long, brown or yellowish. (Ss. poe of authors, not Anders.; S. Covillei Hast. Zoe 5: 80. 1900; S. pach- nophora Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 403. 1904.)—Mountain streams and wet meadows; from New Mexico and California north to’ Montana and Oregon. The pruinose branches and oblanceolate, acuminate leaves suggest 8. Geyeriana very strikingly. X. Puyuicirot1an.—Much-branched alpine or subalpine shrubs, 1-3 m. high; twigs. short, divaricate, lustrous, brown: leaves small; elliptic-ovate, obovate or oblanceolate, usually entire, bright green and shining above, pale or sub- glaucous beneath, glabrous throughout, or very thinly villous beneath with short silvery hairs: aments sessile, stoutish, densely compact: capsules sessile, gray-pubescent; styles elongated; stigmas thick, gona vs Leaves broadly elliptic-ovate or obovate, mostly obtuse at the apex; styles 1-1.5 mm. long ‘ ‘ é fi ‘ 2 r . 26, 8. chlorophylla, Leaves oblanceolate, acute at both ends; styles 0.5-1 mm, long . 27. 8, Nelsonii. 26. Salix chlorophylla Anders. Vet. Acad. Handl. Stockh. 6: 188. 1867. Twigs. glabrous, bright chestnut to deep rich brown: leaves broadly elliptic- ovate or obovate, 2-3.5 cm. long, 0.8-2 em. wide, obtuse at’both ends or acutish at the base and abruptly acute at the apex, entire cr occasionally somewhat glandular-crenulate or serrulate; petioles 2-5 mm. long, glabrous; stipules none: buds large, chestnut or darker: aments appearing with the leaves, 1-3 cm. long, 1-1.3 em. wide; scales ovate, acute, clothed on both sider with long white hairs: capsules ovate-conic, 4-6 mm. long; styles 1-1.5 mm. long, somewhat pubescent at the base; stigmas thick, mostly entire, rather long.—Fairly common at 2,500-4,000 m.; from New Mexico, Utah, and California northward into Canada. “A, 27. Salix Nelsonii Ball, Bot. Gaz. 40: 379. 1905. A shrub 1-3 m. high, similar to the preceding: leaves oblanceolate or rarely narrowly lanceolate, acute or short-acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, 2-5.5 cm. long, 0.8-1.5 em. wide, entire or the apical somewhat glandular-crenulate, rather strongly veined on both surfaces; stipules none: pistillate aments naked or sometimes with 1-3 small bracts at the base, 1.5-5 em. long; scales black, ovate, acute, clothed on both sides with long white hairs: capsules 5-6 mm. long; styles 0.5-1 mm., somewhat pubescent at the base; stigmas, long, stout, glabrous. NEtson’s WiLLow.—Fairly common at high altitudes 2;500- 4,000 m.; from central Colorado to Alberta. ‘ ‘ ce XI, Caprear.—Tall shrubs of wide distribution, 2-4 m. high; bark gray, twigs dark brown to black: leaves rather large, lanceolate-oblong to obovate, entire to crenulate or crenulate-deniate, more or less pubescent to tomentose, especially beneath, glabrate in age, dark green above, glaucous and strongly reticulate beneath: aments precocious, stout, dense, sessile or subsessile; scales broad, blackish, long-villous: capsule gray-pubescent, long-rostrate, 7-9 mm. long; pedicels 1-2.5 mm. long; styles short or none; stigmas long, divided. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate to oblong, obtuse or acute at base, acute or Ne short-acuminate at apex . ‘ . ‘ ‘ a : ‘ Leaves oblanceolate to obovate, cuneate at base, obtuse or abruptly - acute at apex 3 é . ‘| ‘ js ‘ go 28. 8. discolor. 29. S.,Scouleriana, .28. Salix discolor Muhl. 1. c. 234. Shrub. with rather stoutish brown to blackish twigs, glabrous or the youngest pubescent: leaves lanceolate-oblong to elliptic-oblong, acute or rounded at the base, short-acuminate at the apex, 4-8 cm. long, 1.5-2.5 em. Wide, shallowly crenulate-serrate to dentate, mostly glabrous at maturity, dark green above, glaucous and reticulate beneath; stipules mostly large, semicordate, acute, irregularly dentate: aments stout, the staminate sessile, the pistillate very short-pedunculate and rather lax in fruit, 3-5 er 6 cm. long, 1-2 em. wide; scales brown or darker, oblanceolate to obovate, villous with long white hairs: capsules lanceolate-rostrate, 7-9 or 10 mm. long, pubescent; styles 0.5 mm. long; stigmas 0.5-0.8 mm. long, entire 138 SALICACEAE (WILLOW FAMILY) or bifid.—Streams and wet places in the Black Hills and in Montana. A com- mon species in the eastern and central States. 29. Salix Scouleriana Barr. |. c. 145. Shrub with rather slender twigs, glabrous to densely pubescent: leaves obovate or oblanceolate,, obtuse or mostly abruptly acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, 3-8 em. long, 1.5-3.5 em. wide, entire or shallowly crenulate-serrulate, dark green and glabrate above, glaucous, strongly reticulate-veined, and sometimes densely tomentose beneath; stipules minute, entire, or small, finely dentate: staminate aments sessile, 2-3 cm. long, 1.5 cm. wide; pistillate longer, short-peduncled, 3-5 em. long, 1.2-1.5 em. wide; scales black, obovate, long-villous: capsules rostrate, 7-9: mm. long, tomentose; pedicels 1-2 mm. long, pubescent; stigmas about 1 mm. long. 8S. flavescens. (S. Nuttallii Sarg. Gard. & For. 8: 463. 1895.) Forms with short, stout aments may be referred to var. crassijulis Anders. —Common along mountain streams at elevations of 1,500-3,000 m.; New Mexico to Alberta and west to the coast. XII. Rosrratan.—Shrubs 2-5 m. high; twigs slender, divaricate, full of leaf-scars, the younger very leafy: leaves linear-oblanceolate to elliptic-oval, mostly entire, more or less pubescent on both sides; stipules usually none: aments coetaneous; the staminate small, subsessile with small leafy bracts at the base; the pistillate on pubescent leafy peduncles, rather lax in fruit; scales linear-oblong, acute, thinly pilose, tawny, reddish at the tips: capsules long-pediceled, conic-rostrate, 6-10 mm. long, pubescent; styles short or none; stigmas short, divided. Leaves elliptic-oval, pedicels 2-5 mm. long; branches without bloom 30. S. Bebbiana, Leaves linear-oblanceolate, pedicels 1.5-2.5 mm. long; branches with : bloom . : “ . . : . ‘ . 381. 8. Geyeriana, 30. Salix Bebbiana Sarg. Gard. & For. 8: 463. 1895. A tall shrub with few stems, or a small tree, 2-5 m. high; twigs short, brown or darker, pubescent or glabrate: leaves small to medium, narrowly elliptical and acute at both ends to broadly oblanceolate or obovate-oval and abruptly short- acuminate, 2-4 or 5 em. long, 1-2 or 2.5 cm. wide, entire or occasionally glandular-crenulate, dull green above, paler or subglaucous and reticulated be- neath, more or less pubescent on both surfaces or glabrate in age; stipules none, or small, dentate: staminate aments subsessile or on short peduncles, slender, 1-2 cm. long, 5-7 mm. wide, yellowish; filaments capillary; pistillate aments (on peduncles 0.5-2 cm. long) 2-4 or 6 em. long, 1-2 em. wide, very lax in fruit; scales in both sexes lanceolate-oblong, 1-2 mm. long, acute: capsules 6-9 or 10 mm. long, thinly ee pedicels slender, pubescent, 2-5 mm. long; stigmas deeply divided. (S. perrostrata Rydb. in Bull N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 163. 1901.)—Along streams and in wet ground, throughout our range; ascending to 3,000 m. altitude. : 31. Salix Geyeriana Anders. Oefvers. Vet. Akad. Foerh. 15: 122. 1858. Shrub 1-3 or 4m. high; twigs glabrous, very leafy, black with a bluish bloom: leaves small, linear-oblanceolate or elliptical, acute or short-acuminate at apex, acute at base, 2-4 or 6 cm. long, 5-10 mm. wide, dark green above, more or less glaucous beneath, thinly or densely silky-pilose on both surfaces, margins entire, revolute; stipules none: aments on pubescent leafy peduncles, 0.5—1 em. long, the leaves often exceeding the ament, the staminate 1 cm. or less, oblong; the pistil- late subglobose, numerous, 1 or occasionally 2 em. long, 1-1.3 em. wide; scales linear-oblong, acute, thinly pilose, the base tawny, the tip red: capsules 5-7 mm. long, rostrate; pedicels stout, pubescent, 2-2.5 mm. long; styles short or none; stigmas short, divided. S. macrocarpa Nutt.—A plant of stream banks and wet places, at middle altitudes; Colorado to Montana, west to the coast. XII. Rericunatan,—Densely caespitose, low or creeping alpine shrubs, 0.6-8 dm. high, with elliptical-oblong, obovate or suborbicular leaves, strongly reticulate and glaucous beneath; petioles slender, channeled; stipules none: aments on naked peduncles arising opposite the last leaf: capsules small, ses- sile, tomentose; styles none; stigmas short, divided, BETULACEAE (BIRCH FAMILY) 139 Ascending, 3-9.dm, high; leaves long-villous beneath . a . 82. S. vestita. Creeping, 0.3-1 dm. hign; leaves glabrous beneath. . Leaves 1,5~2.5 cm. long; aments many-flowered . . . . 33. S. saximontana. Leaves 7-12 mm. long; aments few-flowered . si ‘ Si . 34. S. nivalis, 32. Salix vestita Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 610. 1814. A shrub with rather stout, light brown to yellowish, glabrous, angular twigs: leaves elliptic to oblong-obovate or suborbicular, rounded to retuse at the apex, acute to obtuse at the base, 3-4.5 cm. long, 2-3.5 em. wide, obscurely crenulate, deep green and glabrous above, clothed beneath with long white silky hairs, especially on the midrib and veins; petioles 2-10 mm long: buds large, obtuse, light brown: aments on villous peduncles; the staminate linear, 2-3.5 cm. long, 0.5 cm. wide; pistillate aments 2 cm. long, 1 cm. wide; scales oblong-ovate, tomentose: capsules ovate-conic, 4-5 mm. long. (S. Fernaldii Blankinship, Mont. Agr. Coll. Sci. Studies Bot. 1: 46. 1905.)\—Among rocks, not com- mon; eastern Oregon and Montana to British Columbia and Albcrta. 33. Salix saximontana Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 261. 1899. Densely caespitose and much branched, 3-6 em. high: leaves elliptic-oblong to sub- orbicular, obtuse or abruptly acute at the apex, acutish to rounded at the base, 1.5-2.5 cm. long, 1-1.5 cm. wide, light green above, glabrous through- out, margin entire and revolute: aments 1-2 cm. long, many-flowered; scales broadly obovate, obtuse or rounded at the apex, cuncate at the base, yellowish, nearly glabrous: capsules 3-4 mm. long, densely white-tomentose. SS. retic- uata. (S. aemulans v. Seemen, 1. c. 28.)—Alpine summits, 3,000 m. altitude and upward; southern Colorado to Montana and west to California and Oregon. 34. Salix nivalis Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 152. 1839. Scarcely 2 em. high, from buried stems: leaves elliptic, oblong-obovate, or suborbicular, acute, obtuse or retuse, 7-12 mm. long, 4-8 mm. wide, green and shining above, margins entire and revolute; petioles 2-7 mm. long, yellowish: aments' globose or oblong, 3-6-flowered, 1 em. or less in length; scales oblong-obovate, obtuse, yellowish, nearly glabrous: capsules 2.5-3 mm. long, tomentose.—Alpine summits; Montana to Alberta and westward. 29. BETULACEAE Agardh. Brrcn Famity ‘Trees or shrubs, with alternate simple leaves and deciduous stipules, and monoecious flowers in aments, the staminate pendulous. Staminate flowers 1-3 in the axil of each bract. Calyx membranous and 2—-4-parted, or wanting. Stamens 2-10, the filaments sometimes dichotomous above with an anther cell on each branch. Pistillate aments spike-like or capitate, with or without a calyx, adnate to the solitary 1-2-celled ovary. Fruit a small 1-seeded nut, with or without an involucre. Pistillate flowers with a calyx; nut inclosed in a large-thick involucre . . 1, Corylus, Pistillate flowers without a calyx; nut naked, often winged, Stamens 2; filaments bifurcate; nutlets winged . ‘ ‘ . < - 2, Betula. Stamens 4; filaments not forked; nutlets not winged . ° . ° - 8 Alnus, 1. CORYLUS L. Hazetnor Shrubs with double-toothed leaves, flowering in early spring. Sterile aments single or fascicled, from scaly buds of the axils of the preceding year; the fertile terminating early leafy shoots. Sterile flowers in drooping cylindri- cal aments, destitute of a true calyx, consisting of several stamens included under and more or less adnate to a bract; anthers 1-celled. Fertile flowers in a scaly bud or ament, two under each fertile bract, each with 1 or more bractlets which form a foliacecus involucre to the large bony nut. 1. Cerylus rostraia Ait. Hort. Kew 3: 364. 1789. Shrub 6-16 dm. high: leaves ovate cr ovate-oblong, somewhat heart-shaped, aLruptly pointed: in- 140 BETULACEAE (BIRCH FAMILY) volucre of united bracts, much prolonged above the ovoid nut into a narrow tubular beak, densely bristly.—I‘rom Colorado to Washington; also northward and eastward. 2. BETULA L. Brrcw Outer bark usually separable in sheets, that of the branchlets dotted. Twigs and leaves often spicy-aromatic. Staminate flowers 3, and bractlets 2, under each shield-shaped scale or bract of the aments, consisting each of a calyx of one scale bearing 2 two-parted filaments. Pistillate flowers without bractlets or calyx. Bracts 3-lobed, becoming coriaceous and caducous. Nutlets winged. Bark of trunk white or gray. i Trunk single (simple at base) . A ‘ 3 . . ‘ - 1. B,. papyrifera, Trunks few-several (in stools or clumps) . * : . . . 2. B, Andrewsii, Bark of trunk greenish-brown or brown, Low bushy shrub; nutlets orbicular-winged . . . . . 3. B, glandulosa, Taller and slender, becoming tree-like; nutlets with broad lateral wings 4. B. fontinalis, 1. Betula papyrifera Marsh, Arb. Am. 19. 1785. A large tree eastward but in our range much redu::d: bark chalky-white, peeling into thin layers: leaves ovate, acute, dentate and incised, glabrous above, pubescent on the veins beneath: staminate aments slender, 5-10 cm. long; pistillate cylindric, 2-5 em. long, with puberulent or ciliate bracts. Paper or CANOE Brrcu.—North- eastern Wyoming, northward and eastward. 2. Betula Andrewsii A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 43: 281. 1907. Near B. papyrifera but growing in clumps or stools, the codrdinate trunks few to several, each attaining a maximum diameter of 10-15 cm., after which they die and are replaced by new shoots from the same root: bark on the old trunks silvery- gray, exfoliating as in the preceding: branches reddish-brown, conspicuously marked by the transversely disposed oval white lenticels; twigs pale brown: leaves ovate, abruptly short-acuminate, sharply and irregularly serrate with short teeth: fruiting bracts deeply 3-lobed, the middle one longer and nar- rower than the lateral: nut oblong-obovate, with very thin wings nearly twice as broad as the body.—Known only from type locality, Green Mountain, Boulder, Colorado. 3. Betula glandulosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 180. 1903. A low bush, 15- 20 dm. high or less, the dark-colored branches usually more or less resinous- glandular: leaves small, obovate to oblong-obovate, mostly cuneate at base, rounded and crenate above, smooth and often resinous-coated: the deeply 3-lobed bracts slightly ciliate: seed orbicular-winged. Mountain Boe Bircu. —From California to Sitka, and eastward through British America to the Atlantic, and southward in the mountains to New Mexico. 4. Betula fontinalis Sarg. Bot. Gaz. 31: 239. 1901. Ranging in size from a tree-like shrub to a tree 12 m. or more high, usually slender and freely branched: bark smooth, dark; branches gracefully drooping: leaves thin, broadly ovate, with small gland-tipped teeth, smooth above, lightly pubescent beneath: wings of the nutlet as broad as the body. B. occidentalis. Rocky Mountain Bircu.—Throughout our range and westward 3. ALNUS Gaertn. ALDER Shrubs or small trees with dentate or serrulate leaves, and flowers of both kinds in aments. Sterile flowers 3, and bractlets 4 or 5 under each short- stalked shield-shaped scale, consisting each of a 3—5-parted calyx and as many stamens, with the filaments short and simple. Fertile flowers with a calyx of 4 little scales adherent to the scales or bracts of the ament. 1. Alnus tenuifolia Nutt. Sylva 1: 32. 1842, A large shrub or small tree, usually several-stemmed from the base: leaves ovate, with prominent veins, rather large, sharply double-toothed: aments begin their development the summer preceding the season in which they open and hang nake upon the FAGACEAE (BEECH FAMILY) 141 branches during the winter, opening in the spring before the leaves develop: fertile aments erect, their scales becoming woody, persistent for a time after the small, compressed, scarcely winged nuts have fallen.—The common ALDER on all the streams of this region. 30. FAGACEAE Drude. ' Bencu Famity Shrubs or trees, with deciduous or evergreen alternate petioled leaves. Flowers monoecious; the staminate in aments; the pistillate solitary or few in a cluster, subtended by an involucre (of more or less united bracts), which becomes a bur or cup. Petals none. Staminate flowers with a 4-7-lobed perianth and 4-20 stamens on slender filaments; the pistillate with an urn- shaped perianth adnate to the few-celled ovary; ovules 1-2 in each cell, only 1 maturing; styles linear, as many as the cells in the ovary. Fruit a 1-seeded nut, with coriaceous or bony exocarp. 1, QUERCUS L. Oax Shrubs or trees. Leaves in ours mostly deciduous. Flowers small, green or yellowish; the staminate numerous, in slender drooping aments; the pistillate solitary, in many-bracted involucres. Staminate flowers subtended by caducous bracts, consisting of a mostly 6-lobed perianth and 5-12 stamens. Pistillate flowers with an urn-shaped calyx adnate to a 3-celled ovary. Fruit consisting of the imbricated and united bracts of the involucre (cup), sub- tending or nearly inclosing the coriaceous nut (acorn). Upper scales of the cup with caudate prolongations . S ; . 1, Q. macrocarpa, Upper scales of the cup not prolonged. eaves deciduous, lobed or divided Densely and softly short-villous beneath , ‘ 2. Q. utahensis. Glabrate or pubescent (especially on the veins) beneath, Cup shallow, covering less than one fourth of the nut é 3. Q. Vreelandii. Cup deeper, covering more than one fourth of the nut, 1 eaves thin and almost glabrous . " ra 3 i . 4, Q, leptophylla, Leaves firm, puberulent beneath. ie, bai, Nut obtuse eet = ee, CO ee oe a 5. Q. Gunnisonii. Nut acute 6. Q. Gambellii: Leaves persistent, from nearly" entire to undulate toothed 3 Sas Q. undulata. 1. Quercus macrocarpa Michx. Hist. Chens Am. No. 2. 1801. , Becoming a large tree with gray flaky bark: leaves variable, obovate or oblong-obovate, irregularly lobed, or pinnatifid, or deeply undulate, at maturity green and shining above, grayish-white tomentulose below, 8-16 cm. long: styles short: fruit subsessile; cup subglobose or hemispheric, 14~20 mm. in diameter; its bracts floccose, hard, thick, the upper pubulete Upped forming a fringe around the ovoid acorn, which is from half to almost wholly immersed in the cup. Bur Oak or Mossy-cur.—This valuable tree comes into our range in the Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming, where it usually attains fair size, though occasionally scarcely more than a shrub. 2. Quercus utahensis (DC.) Rydb. Bull. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 2: 202. 1901.* A small tree often 10 m. high or more or sometimes only a shrub: bark of young branches light brown and pubescent, bark of the older branches brown or gray; bark of the trunk rough and furrowed: bud-scales thin, brown, some- what hairy and puberulent: petioles about 1 cm. long, puberulent; leaf-blade 6-10 cm. long, broadly obovate, deeply divided, often to near the midrib; lobes oblong, rounded at the apex, the larger usually again lobed or undulate; upper surface sparingly stellate, in age glabrate, dark green and glossy; lower *In his paper, “The Oaks of the Continental Divide,’ north of Mexico, Rydberg has given the species most exhaustive treatment. Indebtedness to his descriptions is gratefully acknowledged, ' ee us 142 FAGACEAE (BEECH FAMILY) surface brownish, pale, densely and softly pubescent, almost velvety, strongly veined: fruit subsessile ; cup hemispheric, 12-15 mm. in diameter; scales pubescent, ovate, with much thickened corky backs; acorn ovoid, barrel- shaped, mostly obtuse, 15-20 mm. long, light brown.—From Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. 3. Quercus Vreelandii Rydb. 1. c. 204. 1901. A small shrub, 1-1.5 m. high: bark of young branches brown, puberulent; that of the older branches and trunks ashy gray: bud-scales brown, thin, puberulent on the margins: etioles 5-10 cm. long, puberulent; leaf-blades 5-7 cm. long, obovate, deeply lobed about two thirds to the midrib, thick, firm; lobes rounded, the larger . often lobed or sinuate; upper surface slightly stellate, soon glabrate, bright green but not glossy; lower surface slightly paler and somewhat brownish and puberulent: fruit subsessile; cup very shallow, covering one fifth or one sixth of the acorn; scales ovate and very corky on the back; acorn barrel- shaped or slightly ovoid, obtuse, about 15 mm. long, light brown.—Colorado and New Mexico. 4. Quercus leptophylla Rydb. 1. c. 205. A tree 10-15 m. high: bark of young twigs brownish or poms, slightly pubescent at first; that of the older branches gray; that of the trunk rough and furrowed: bud-scales very thin, brown, glabrous: petioles about 1.5 cm. long, sparingly stellate; leaf-blades broadly obovate, very thin, pinnately 5-9-lcbed scarcely more than halfway to the midrib; lobes rounded; upper surface at first sparingly stellate, soon glabrate, bright green, but not very glossy; lower surface paler, almost per- fectly glabrous, or pubescent on the veins: fruit subsessile; cup hemispheric, about 15 mm. wide, covering about half the acorn; scales ovate-lanceolate, ob- tuse, only slightly thickened on the back; acorns short, barrel-shaped, obtuse or even depressed at the apex.—Colorado and New Mexico. 5. Quercus Gunnisonii (Torr.) Rydb. 1. c. 206. A low shrub 1-3 m. high: bark of young branches light brown, puberulent, of the older branches and the trunk gray, somewhat shreddy: bud-scales brown, pubescent: petioles about 1 em. long, puberulent; leaf-blades oblong, elliptic or narrowly obovate in outline, lobed halfway to the midrib or more with rounded lobes, very thick, green above, sparingly stellate or soon glabrate, shiny; lower surface paler, puberulent, veined: fruit subsessile; cup 12-15 mm. in diameter, hemi- spherical, covering about one third of the acorn; scales ovate with a lanceolate tip, at least the lower much thickened and corky en the back; acorns barrel- shaped, obtuse or even depressed at the apex (Q. nitescens and Q. novo- oe Rydb. 1. ¢. 207 and 208).—Colorado and New Mexico to Utah and ona. 6. Quercus Gambellii Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila, II. 1: 179. 1848. A shrub 3-5 m. high: bark of young twigs light brown and puberulent; that of the older branches and trunk gray: bud-scales brown, puberulent: petioles about 1 cm. long, pe upey leaf-blades broadly obovate in outline, lobed one half or two thirds the distance to the midrib, thinner than in the preceding; upper surface glabrate, green, not very glossy; lower surface only slightly paler, puberulent or nearly glabrous; lobes rounded: fruit subsessile: cup Fant: spheric or somewhat turbinate; acorn ovoid, acute, half inclosed in the cup, about 15 mm. long, light brown (Q. Eastwoodae Rydb. 1. c.).—Utah to Colo- rado and New Mexico. 6a. Quercus Gambellii Fendleri (Liebm.) A. Nels. The shrub smaller and reduced in all its parts: lobes of the leaves mostly acute: the acorn varying from obtuse to acute (Q. Fendleri Liebm., Rydb. |. ¢.; Q. venustula Greene, Rydb. 1. c.).—Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. 7. Quercus undulata Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 248. 1828. A shrub 1-3 m. high: bark of the trunk gray, rough and much cracked; that of the branches light gray and with numerous lenticels; that of the young twigs sparingly stellate-pubescent: petioles 2-6 mm. long; leaf-blades firm, pale bluish or brownish-green and shining above, pale brownish beneath, stellate when young, almost glabrous in age on both sides or even densely stellate-pubescent beneath, only sinuately dentate, acute at both ends; teeth mucronate, scarcely MORACEAE (MULBERRY FAMILY) 143 oe: cup hemispheric, 7-10 mm. broad; scales ovate, strongly corky- thickened on the back; acorn barrel-shaped or cylindric, 10-15 mm. long, 6-7 mm. in diameter, brown (Q. pungens Liebm., Rydb. 1. c.).—Colorado to Texas and Arizona. ’ 31. ULMACEAE Mirbel. Etm Famity Trees or shrubs with alternate serrate pinnately veined leaves, with fugaci- ous stipules. Flowers small, monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous, clustered or the pistillate solitary. Perianth of 4-9 distinet sepals. Stamens as many as the sepals. Ovary 1-celled, superior. Fruit a samara, drupe, or nut. All the flowers clustered; fruitasamara . + . . - 1. Ulmus. Pistillate flowers solitary; fruit a drupe . . i 3 % ge one . 2. Celtis, 1. ULMUS L. Eu Trees with polygamous purplish or yellowish fiowers in lateral clusters, ap- pearing before the short-petioled oblique or unequally somewhat heart-shaped leaves. Perianth campanulate. Stamens slender, 4—9. Styles 2, diverging, stigmatic along the inner margin; Fruit 1-seeded, winged all around. 1. Ulmus americana L. Sp. Pl. 226. 1753. Large and well-known orna- mental tree, usually with spreading branches and drooping branchlets: buds and branchlets glabrous: branches not corky: leaves obovate-oblong or oval, abruptly pointed, sharply and often doubly serrate (5-10 cm. long), soft- pubescent beneath, or soon glabrous: flowers in close fascicles: calyx with 7-9 roundish lobes: fruit glabrous except the margins (12 mm. long), its sharp poe ineurved and closing the notch.—Probably not indigenous in our range, ut largely grown as a shade tree. 2. CELTIS L. Hacxserry Leaves pointed, petioled. Flowers greenish, axillary, the fertile solitary or in airs, peduncled, appearing with the leaves; the lower usually staminate only, in little fascicles or racemose along the base of the branches of the season. Calyx 5-6-parted. Stamens 5-6. Ovary I-celled. Fruit globular. 1. Celtis occidentalis L. Sp. Pl. 1044. 1753. Leaves reticulated, ovate, cordate-ovate and ovate-lanceolate, taper-pointed, sharply serrate, some- times sparingly so or only towards the apex, scabrous but mostly glabrous above, usually soft-pubescent beneath, at least when young: fruit reddish or yellowish, becoming dark purple—From Colorado to Wisconsin and east- ward. A small or middle-sized tree with the aspect of an elm. 32.. MORACEAE Lindl. MULBERRY FAMILY Trees, shrubs, or herbs with opposite lobed leaves (our only native genus an herbaceous vine). Flowers dioecious. Calyx 5-parted. Petals none. Sta- mens 5. Ovary superior, 1-celled, 1-ovuled, becoming a glandular or resinifer- ous achene.—Ulmaceae in part. 1. HUMULUS L. Hop Twining rough perennials, with stems almost prickly downwards, and mostly opposite, heart-shaped, and palmately 3-7-lobed leaves. Sterile flowers wit 5 sepals and 5 erect stamens. Fertile flowers in short spikes with leafy im- 144 URTICACEAE (NETTLE FAMILY) ppeated bracts, each 2-flowered. Achene invested with the enlarged scale-like calyx. 1. Humulus lupulus L. Sp. Pl. 1028. 1753. Leaves commonly longer than the petioles: the fruiting calyx, achene, etc., aie with yellow resinous grains, giving the bitterness and aroma of the hop.—In the mountains from New Mexico to British America and eastward across the continent. la. Humulus lupulus neomexicanus Nels. & Ckll. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 16: 45. 1903. Leaves divided or sometimes parted, the segments varying from broadly lanceolate to nearly linear, acuminate, freely sprinkled with resin particles on the lower face: fruiting bracts ovate-lanceolate, usually eeu este, finely pubescent.—This is the common form in Colorado and New exico. 33. URTICACEAE Reichenb. Nerrie Famity Herbs with simple alternate or opposite leaves, and small greenish apetalous, monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous flowers variously clustered. Calyx 2-5 cleft, or of distinct sepals. Stamens as many as the lobes of the calyx and opposite them; filaments wrinkled and inflexed in the bud. Stigma simple, penicillate or filiform; ovary always 1-celled and 1-ovuled, becoming an achene.—UImaceae in part. Leaves alternate; no stinging hairs a i é a id é ‘ . 1. Parietaria, Leaves opposite; beset with stinging hairs . < ° . . . . 2 Urtica, 1. PARIETARIA L. . Annual herbs without stinging hairs. Leaves alternate, 3-nerved, petioled and without stipules. Flowers axillary, polygamous, and glomerate in a leafy involucre. Calyx of the staminate flowers 4-parted; the fertile tubular or campanulate (4-lobed), and permanently inclosing the ovary. Stigma penicillate. : 1. Parietaria pennsylvanica Muhl. Willd. Sp. Pl. 4: 955. 1806. Low, sim- ple or sparingly branched, minutely downy: leaves oblong-lanceolate, thin, veiny, roughish with opaque dots: flowers shorter than the leaves of the in- volucre.—From Colorado to Wyoming; across the continent. 2. URTICA L. Nerrip Perennial herbs armed with stinging hairs, with distinct stipules, monoe- cious (rarely dioecious) greenish clustered flowers, mostly in racemes or spikes or loose heads. Sterile flowers with four stamens inserted around the cup- shaped rudiment of a pistil. Fertile flowers with the 2 outer sepals smaller. Stigmas sessile. Achene flattened and ovate. my Leaves broadly ovate; cordate . . : . ae a 1. U. dioica, Leaves ovate-lanceolate, base rounded or barely subcordate. s Tomentose beneath . fe pW ae % . 3 < . 2. U. holosericea, Glabrate or slightly pubescent and hispid , = zs - . 38, U. gracilis. 1. Urtica dioica L. Sp. Pl. 984. 1753. A coarse weedy perennial 5-15 dm. high, very bristly and stinging: leaves ovate, cordate, acute, deeply serrate, downy beneath as is also the upper part of the stem: spikes much branched.— Naturalized from Europe and now widely distributed in the United States, mostly in waste grounds. 2. Urtica holosericea Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. N. S. 1: 183. 1847. Tall and stout, more or less bristly, finely and densely tomentose especially on the lower side of the leaves: leaves thick, oblong to ovate-lanceolate, rounded at base, on short stout petioles: staminate flowers in loose slender diffuse panicles LORANTHACEAE 145 nearly equaling the leaves: pistillate panicles denser and shorter.—Abundant in the Wasatch and westward throughout California. 3. Urtica gracilis Ait. Hort.. Kew 3: 341. 1789. Usually tall and rather strict, slender, sparingly bristly: leaves ovate-lanceolate, serrate, 3-5-nerved from the rounded or scarcely heart-shaped base, glabrate or slightly pubescent, the veins and the elongated slender petioles more or less hispid: spikes slender and loosely panicled. (U. cardiophylla Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 191. 1897 and U. gracilipes Greene are forms only; the former with subcordate leaves; the latter with leaves glabrous, more elongated, and more slenderly petioled.)— Montana to New Mexico and far eastward: 34. LORANTHACEAE D. Don Evergreens, parasitic on shrubs or trees, dull yellowish-green or brownish, with dichotomous branches and swollen joints, the opposite thick and coria- ceous exstipulate and entire leaves reduced to mostly connate scales. Flowers small and inconspicuous, greenish, dioecious, of 2-5 sepals coherent at base. Anthers as many as the sepals and inserted upon them. Ovary inferior, 1-celled. Fruit a berry with glutinous endocarp. Anthers a single globose cell; berry compressed, fleshy & ‘i . 1. Arceuthobium, Anthers 2-celled; berry globose, pulpy 7 7 * é < 2. Phoradendron, 1. ARCEUTHOBIUM Hoffm. Lesser Misturror Parasitic on conifers, glabrous with rectangular branches and connate scale- like leaves. Flowers often crowded into apparent spikes or panicles, opening in summer or autumn and maturing their fruit in the second autumn, when the berries suddenly and forcibly eject the glutinous seed to the distance of several yards. Flowers axillary or terminal, solitary or several from the same axil. Staminate flowers on peduncle-like joints in a paniculate cluster. | / a 1. A, americanum. Staminate flowers in the axils of the scales of a simple or compound spike. .,; Spikes short, stout, 3-4 mm. in diameter . * » « 2, A, cryptopodum, Spikes slender, 1-2 mm. in diameter. : Dark, usually greenish-brown . B ‘ < ‘ o . 3. A, divaricatum. : Pale, usually yellowish-green. a ae Flowers few (host Douglas Spruce) . "i . . . 4, A, Douglasii. . Flowers many (host Limber Pine) 5 é a < . 5, A. cyanocarpum, 1. Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. ex. Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6: 214. 1850. Slender, dichotomously and. verticillately much branched, greenish-yellow: staminate plants 5-10 cm. high: fertile plants much smaller: flowers small; the staminate 2 mm. broad, lobes ovate-orbicular, acutish; the pistillate 1-2 mm. broad: berry 4mm.long. On Pinus. flexilis, P. Murrayana, and probably P. edulis —Idaho to Colorado. ~ te io . 2. Arceuthobiam cryptopodum Engelm. in Gray, Pl. Lindh. 2: 214. 1850. Stout, 5-10 cm. high, 3-5 mm. thick at base, paniculate, much branched, brownish-yellow to dark olive-brown: staminate plants smaller than the pistillate ones; staminate spikes with much compressed buds: flowers mostly 3-parted, 3-4 mm. broad: anthers attached above. the middle of the ovate acute lobes: fruit 4-5 mm. long. On Pinus scopulorum.—Colorado and south- ward. ’ 3. Arceuthobium divaricatum Engelm. Bot. Wheeler ‘Survey, 253. 1878. Rather slender, the branches spreading, often recurved, 5-10 cm. long, olive- green or light brown: staminate flowers few and scattered, or in 3-7-flowered spikes, 2 mm. in diameter, with ovate acute lobes: inflorescence often, bearing sterile branches from the same axils as the fertile ones: fruit 3-5 mm. long. On Pinus edulis.—Colorado and to the southwestward. 4, Arceuthobium Douglasii Engelm.1.c. Greenish-yellow: stems slender, 6-24 mm. high, much branched but not verticillately: spikes short, mostly 146 SANTALACEAE (SANDALWOOD FAMILY) 5-flowered: staminate flowers 1-2 mm. wide, with round-ovate acutish lobes, axillary, forming simple or compound spikes: accessory branchlets of fruiting plant flower-bearing: berries 5 mm. long. On Pseudotsuga mucronata.—Idaho to California and New Mexico. 5. Arceuthobium ee A. Nels. ex. Rydb. Fl. Col. 101. 1906. Stems simple or branched from the base; the staminate branchlets somewhat paniculate above, sharply four-angled when dry, 2-3 cm. long, greenish-yellow; the pistillate olive-green: scales suborbicular, appressed, obtuse or subacute, about 1.5 mm. broad: staminate flowers axillary and one-terminal, densely clus- tered, from a few to 20 or more; calyx segments usually 3, fleshy, slightly cari- nate; pistillate similarly disposed but more open in fruit: berry obovate, its somewhat truncate summit toothed with the brown, wrinkled calyx-lobes, blue-green. On Pinus flexilis—Wyoming and Colorado. ‘ 2. PHORADENDRON Nutt. MistTLeror Yellowish-green dioecious parasites on the branches of ‘trees, with jointed much-branched stems, thick and firm persistent leaves (or only scales in their place), short catkin-like jointed axillary spikes (usually several to each short fleshy bract or scale and sunk in the joint). Calyx globular, 3-lobed. Anthers sessile on the base of the -:.lyx-lobes and opening by a pore. Stigma sessile, obtuse. Berry semitransparent and crowned by the persistent sepals. 1. Phoradendron juniperinum Engelm. Gray, Pl. Fend. 58. .1848. Gla- brous, stout, densely branched, 1-3 dm. high: branches terete, the ultimate branchlets quadrangular: secles broadly triangular, connate or distinct, ciliate: staminate spikes of a «ingle 6-8-flowered joint: pistillate spikes 2- flowered: berry whitish or light red. On different species of .Juniperus.— Colorado to New Mexico, and westward. 35. SANTALACEAE R.Br. Sanpatwoop Famity Herbs or shrubs, with angled or striate branches, entire alternate exstipulate and mostly sessile leaves. Flowers (in ours) perfect, usually greenish-white or purplish; the perianth 3-5-cleft, and adherent to the 1-celled ovary. Corolla wanting. Stamens as many as the perianth-lobes and inserted near their bases or opposite them between the lobes of the epigynous disk. Style slender with cleft or capitate stigma. Ovary 2-4-ovuled, becoming a 1-seeded nut-like fruit. COMANDRA Nutt. Bastarp Toapriax Low herbaceous smooth perennials with subterranean rootstocks. Leaves glabrous and often glaucous, the lowest scale-like. Flowers greenish-white, in small terminal or axillary umbellate clusters: perianth campanulate or urn- shaped with a 5-lobed ee limb. Disk with a free lobed margin. Sta- mens included, inserted between the lobes of the disk to which they are at- tached by tufts of hairs. Fruit drupaceous, crowned by the persistent calyx. Leaves green; fruit globose . * * ‘ . . « - 1, C, umbellata. “Leaves glaucous; fruit ovoid . ; 3 . . 2, C. pallida. 1. Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. Gen. 1: 157. 1818. Light green, 1-3 dm. high: stems leafy: leaves from oblong to lanceolate, 2-4 dm. long, sessile, often acute at both ends: flowers in small corymbosely clustered cymes at the sum- mit of the stem; the perianth lobes erect or spreading, about as long as the green tube which is continued conspicuously above the ovary: fruit globular, 5-6 mm. in diameter.—Rare in our range; transcontinental, i POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) 147 2. Comandra pallida A. DC. Prodr. 14: 636. 1857. Stems 1-2 dm. high, arising at. somewhat reyular intervals from the horizontal rootstock, usually simple: leaves glaucous, from oblong to nearly linear, usually acute, often cuspidate: cymes corymbosely clustered, several-flowered ; the perianth greenish-white or purplish: fruit ovoid, 6-8 mm. high, sessile or on short stout pedicels.—Frequent on dry sandy slopes and banks; widely distributed. 36. POLYGONACEAE Lindl. Buckwuerat Famity Herbs (ours), trees, or shrubs with alternate or sometimes opposite or verticillate entire leaves, and stipules in the form of sheaths above the swollen joints of the stems, or none. Flowers rather small, mostly perfect, with a more or less persistent calyx (perianth), consisting of 3-6 segments, the inner ones or often all petaloid. Petals wanting. Stamens 4-9. Ovary 1-celled, bearing 2 or 3 styles or stigmas. Fruit an achene, with a single erect seed. Flowers subtended by an involucre; sheaths none . < S A - 1, Erigonum, Flowers without involucre; sheaths present Stigmas tufted. Sepals 4; stigmas 2; achene orbicular-winged . 3 < . » 2. Oxyria, Sepals 6; stigmas 3; achene triangular. * ° . 3. Rumex, Stigmas capitate, 2 or 3; achene lenticular or triangular e . . 4, Polygonum, 1. ERIOGONUM Michx. Annuals, or herbaceous or somewhat woody perennials, with radical or alternate or verticillate leaves. Flowers small, fascicled, cymose, umbellate or | capitate, subtended by 5-8-toothed oblong, turbinate, or campanulate in- volucres Perianth 6-parted, usually colored; its segments equal or unequal. Stamens 9. Styles 3, with capitate stigmas. ” Achene mostly 3-angled.. Stem leafy. Flowers white 3 . si ‘i <8 s - 1. BE. annuum, Flowers yellow - % . . e . A » 2. E. salsuginosum, Leaves basal. . One or more nodes of the stem inflated . 2 . . 3. E. inflatum, The whole stem normal, Flowers erect 4 ‘ o 3 i ‘ ‘ . 4, EB. Gordonii, Eevee: nodding . i ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ . 5, E. cernuum, PERENNIALS. BRACTS SEVERAL, FOLIACEOUS; ee BASAL, Achenes membranously wings . . a . 6. E. alatum, Achenes not winged. iow plebroue, umbellate at summit_of the scape-like eduncle, Patuncle with a medial whorl of leaves . ‘ . 7% E, heracleoides, Peduncle naked. Flowers distinctly yellow. Leaves glabrate, at least above . ‘ . . 8, E, umbellatum, Leaves tomentose on both sides . . e . 9 E. Rydbergii. Flowers ochroleucous. Calyx 8-9 mm. long . 4 # 2 é . 10. EB. latum. Calyx 4-5 mm. long . J. E. subalpinum, Flowers pubescent, umbellate on long scapes, or (in No. 17) depressed-acaulescent, Umbel irregularly proliferous. Flowers yellow Fi 3 e % ‘i . 12, EB. Bakeri, Flowers white é : 5 7 e . : 13, EB, Jamesii. Umbel regular. Bracts conspicuous, 1-3 em, long. Leaves thick; perianth narrowed abruptly at base. Crowns of caudex enlarged a not woolly . 14. E, flavum, Crowns of caudex enlarged and woolly . 15, E, crassifolium Leaves thinner; perianth narrowed to a stipe- like base. A . 16, E. Piperi. Bracts inconspicuous, less than 1 cm. long. Depressed-acaulescent y - 17. E. acaule. Subcaespitose with long slender scapes : . 18, E, lachnogynum, 148 POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) BRACTS TERNATE, NOT FOLIACEOUS. FLOWERS NOT YELLOW. Peduncles unbranched, terminated by a capitate cluster of involucres, Leaves white-tomentose, pth Oval or elliptic. Outer perianth-segments suborbicular < . 19. E. ovalifolium, Outer perianth-segments oblong * ° . 20, E, ochroleucum Oblanceolate c s 3 . . 21, E. multiceps, Leaves glabrate above, linear 22, E, paueifiorum, Peduncles branching di- or trichotomously, “often sev- eral times, Caudex subterranean; leaves clustered on its crowns. Peduncle simple or ‘simply ichishoHtOMe Sepals dissimilar * a é ‘ . 23, BE. tenellum, ) Sepals similar % . 24, E, racemosum, Peduncle di- or trichotomously branched ! . 25, E, Simpsonii. Caudex woody, branched, leafy. Branches few, erect, leafy up a the short corymbose cyme. Ps Leaves elliptic, undulate-dentate a 7 - 26, E. Jonesii. Leaves linear-oblong, entire a . . 27, E, salinum, Branches numerous; peduncle long and naked, bearing a repeatedly forked cyme. Styles and stamens included . 5 ‘ . 28. E. effusum, Styles exserted . . ~ e . . . 29. E, corymbosum, FLOWERS YELLOW, Involucres in terminal capitate clusters, Leaves short, less than 2 cm, Oval to elliptic - ‘ i a “ * . 19. E, ovalifolium, blong. Ovary pubescent above . 5 . . - 30, E. caespitosum, Ovary glabrous | * f % . 31, E. andinum, Leaves 4-8 cm. long, oblanceolate ! . . 82, E. chrysocephalum, Involucres in a dichotomous cyme. Cyme short, subumbellate x 3 2 é . 83. E. orendense. Cyme long, freely branched ~-. . “ . . 384, E. campanulatum. 1. Eriogonum annum Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. II. 5: 164. 1833-37. Annual, white floccose-tomentose throughout, rather stout, simple or branched, 3-8 dm. high: leaves narrowly oblanceolate or oblong, attenuate to a short petiole, mostly flat: inflorescence cymose: the flowers white: the perianth- segments very unequal, the outer oblong-obovate.—Montana to Texas and Mexico. 2. Eriogonum salsuginosum Hook. Kew Journ. 5: 264. 1853. Low gla- brous annual 4-12 cm. high: stem leafy, di- or trichotomously divided: leaves spatulate-oblanceolate, the bracts becoming linear: involucres divided: flowers pubescent, yellow: sepals narrow, closely appressed to the acutely triangular glabrous achene.—From southwestern Colorado to Utah and west- ern Wyoming. 3. Eriogonum inflatum Torr. Frem. 2d Rep. 374. 1845. Glabrous annual, diffusely branched above, 1-3 dm. high, one or more of the internodes of the stem much inflated: leaves all radical or nearly so, rounded, usually cordate and mostly undulate, pubescent: involucres few-flowered, smooth; the teeth erect: flowers yellowish, pubescent; the pedicels about 1 mm. long; the achene twice as long. (E. fusiforme Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 56. 1906.)—In dry desert districts; southwestern Colorado to Arizona. 4. Eriogonum Gordonii Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 20. 1856. Annual, gla- brous throughout, or the petioles slightly pubescent: leaves basal,- -Jong- petioled, broadly ovate: peduncle di- or trichotomously slender branched, 15-30 em. high: involucre broadly campanulate, 5-toothed: flowers glabrous, light rose-color: outer sepals ovate; the inner oblong. —Rare; in the region of the Platte in Nebraska, and in Colorado and Wyoming. 5. Eriogonum cernuum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. IT. 1: 162. 1848. Gla- brous annual, diffusely di- or trichotomously branched, 1-3 dm. high: leaves broadly ovate, acute: involucres turbinate-campanulate: pedicels deflexed: ca- lyx white, campanulate, 1 mm. long, 6-parted; the segments narrowed near middle; the outer ones broader above and retuse: achene rounded at base and rough on the angles. —Frequent throughout our range. POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) 149 _&. Eriogonum alatum Torr. Sitgr. Rep. 168. pl. 8. 1853. Loosely silky- villous throughout, or the leaves nearly glabrous except on the margin and - midrib, perennial, rather stout, branched above, 5-10 dm. high: leaves alter- nate, long-oblanceolate: involucres pedunculate, cymose at the ends of the branches of the rather ample panicle, turbinate, with 5 erect teeth: flowers about 2 mm. long, yellowish, nearly glabrous, abruptly contracted at the base: achene winged the whole length. (#. triste Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 10: 347. 1875.)—Montana to Texas and Arizona. 7. Eriogonum heracleoides Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 49. 1834. Tomen- tose perennial, from a diffusely branched caudex, 2-5 dm. high: stems slender, more or less tufted, with some sterile decumbent branches below: leaves largely basal, the upper part of the stems scapose-pedunculate and bearing an umbellate cluster of yellow flowers subtended by a conspicuous involucre of foliar bracts; the peduncle usually with a verticil of similar bracts near the middle also: leaves glabrate above or glabrous, spatulate oblong to oblanceo- late: involucre 6—-8-cleft: flowers pale yellow.—Colorado and Wyoming to the north Pacific States. ; 8. Eriogonum umbellatum Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 241. 1828. Stems de- pressed and shrubby below, much branched: leaves oblong to obovate-spatulate, 3-4 em. long, petioled, white-tomentose below, green and glabrate above: seapose peduncles 1-3 dm. long: umbel simple, a whorl of foliar bracts sub- tending it: involucres deeply lobed, the lobes becoming reflexed: flowers. yel- low, glabrous. (. neglectum Greene, Pitt. 5: 69. 1903.)—Exceedingly com- mon throughout our range at low or middle elevations, and westward to the Pacific States. : 8a. Eriogonum umbellatum intectum A. Nels. Leaves glabrate on both faces at maturity. (#. wmbelliferum Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 51. 1896.)—Same range. 9. Eriogonum Rydbergii Greene, Pitt. 5: 68. 1892. Resembling the last but lower and densely white-tomentose on leaves, peduncles, and the smaller bracts: leaves elliptic-ovate or rhomboid, 1-2 cm. long: umbel simple, few- rayed: flowers yellow or greenish-yellow, glabrous.——Yellowstone Park, in the Geyser regions. ‘ ‘ 10. Eriogonum latum Small, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 121. 1900. Shrubby at base and branching freely, forming mats: leaves from oblong to oval, some- what floccose-pubescent below, glabrous above: scapes 2 dm. or less long: umbel 3-8-rayed; bracts oblong or spatulate, at length reflexed: involucres ribbed, with 6-10 unequal reflexed lobes: flowers in dense heads, pale yellow or purple-tinged, tapering into a slender stipe-like base—Northwestern Wyo- ming to Montana and Idaho. 11. Eriogonum subalpinum Greene, Pitt. 3: 18. 1896. Closely resembling £. umbellatum, quite as matted and more woody at base: peduncles stouter, often 3-4 dm. long: leaves mostly glabrate above, rarely below also: flowers pale yellow, tinged with rose in drying; the inner segments accrescent and finally surpassing the outer ones.—Middle elevations to timber line; through- out our range. : 12. Eriogonum Bakeri Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 15. 1901. The base woody, branched, clothed with old leaf-bases: peduncles white-tomentose, becoming glabrate, 1-2. dm. high: leaves from oval to spatulate, 2-5 cm. long, white- tomentose, tending to become glabrate above: inflorescence a single large sessile involucre at summit of the peduncle (scape) and from the base of this a pair of rays (very variable in length) at the summit of which is another in- somes and another pair of proliferating rays (or pedicels), such prolifera- tion sometimes occurring a third and even a fourth time with constantly shortening rays: bracts large, resembling the leaves: flowers yellow, somewhat villous; the inner segments longer than the outer. FH. Jamesii flavescens. [H. arcuatum Greene, Pitt. 4: 319. 1901; HE. vegetius (T. & G.) A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 239, 1904.}-—Wyoming to New Mexico. 13. Eriogonum Jamesii Benth. DC. Prodr, 14: 7. 1856. Rather slender, herbaceous with branching caudex, 1-3 dm. high, white-tomentose: leaves and 150 POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) bracts pblene eorcoae, the latter shortly petiolate: inflorescence a very few- nbs irregularly proliferous umbel: flowers whitish, silky, 4-5 mm. long: achene 4 mm. long.—Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. 14. Eriogonum flavum Nutt. Fras. Cat. 1813. White-tomentose through- out, 1-2 dm. high; caudex branching, the crowns enlarged and scaly: leaves oblanceolate: umbel of 3-9 rays, often short, but quite regular: involucres turbinate, nearly entire; bracts spatulate, foliaceous: flowers yellow, villous; the segments obovate: stamens and style branches exserted: achene con- stricted at middle, long-villous at the summit. (EH. chloranthum Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 15. 1901; E. polyphyllum Small, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 119. 1900; E. canthum Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 51. 1906; all of. these are reduced subalpine states of #. flavwm.)—From Nebraska through the Rocky Mountains and far to the northwest. ; 15, Eriogonum crassifolium Benth. Trans. Soc. Linn. 17: 408. 1837. Resembling the foregoing but the caudex more indurated and densely clothed in leaf-bases involved in a woolly tomentum: leaves broader, mostly elliptic, very white, thick and leathery: umbel short-rayed (subcapitate): flowers yellow, very villous.—Frequent in the more desert areas in the region of the North Platte in Wyoming. 15a. Eriogonum crassifolium tectum A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 23. 1902. Merely an extreme form with inordinately protected crowns; the flowers even so involved in wool as to hide the yellow calyx-segments.—Hot sandy banks, Wyoming. $ 16. Eriogonum Piperi Greene, Pitt. 3: 263. 1898. Allied to the two fore- going but taller and scape slender: villous rather than tomentose, except on the lower face of the thin elliptic or oblanceolate leaves which are shorter than the slender petioles: bracts narrow and petioled: umbel of 5-8 equal rays: perianth greenish-yellow, hirsute, narrowed to a stipe-like base: achene villous at apex.—From northwestern Wyoming and Montana to Washington. 17. Eriogonum acaule Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 160. 1847. .Very dwarf and densely matted, scarcely rising above the surface of the ground: leaves crowded, 4-5 mm. long: peduncle 1 em. high, bearing a head of 1-5 nearly sessile involucres, each with 5 short erect teeth; bracts small: flowers yellow, abruptly narrowed at base, pubescent: achenes densely villous.— Colorado through Wyoming to Idaho. 18. Eriogonum lachnogynum Torr. ex Benth. DC. Prodr. 14: 8. 1856. Cas piboes and densely tomentose: leaves oblongzlanceolate: peduncle slender, 2-3 dm. high, sparingly dichotomous above; bracts small: involucres solitary, sessile or long-pedunculate, short-toothed: flowers densely tomentose, yellow: achene attenuate above,4mm.long. (Z. tetraneuris Small, |. c. 52.)—Colorado and New Mexico. 19. Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 50. 1834. Low, densely tomentose and caespitose, with a short closely branched caudex: leaves elliptic to orbicular, 7~20 mm. long, petioled: bracts ternate, very small, and connate at base: involucres in a single close head, on slender erect pedun- cles 3-15 cm. high, cylindric-turbinate, more or less strongly 5-6-nerved and with as many erect teeth: flowers yellow: the outer sepals oblong, becoming orbicular; the inner spatulate, often retuse. (H. orthocaulon Small, 1. ¢. 53.)— Colorado to Montana and far to the westward. Ours belong mostly to the following variety. ; 19a. Eriogonum ovalifolium purpureum (Nutt.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 23. 1902. Flowers white, shading to rose-color or passing even into deep pur- SS aaa on the open plains and ridges of our range, and westward with the species. 20. Eriogonum ochroleucum Small, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 123. 1900. Tufted perennial with the habit of H. ovalifolium: leaves crowded, densely tomentose, obovate-spatulate, cuneately narrowed into the slender, often twisted petiole: scapes erect, slender, 1-3 dm. high: involucres sessile, in capi- tate clusters, ribbed and with short teeth: flowers numerous, ochroleucous, POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) 151 becoming 4 mm. long; the outer segments oblong; the inner longer and spatu- late: achene glabrous.—Wyoming, Montana, and westward. 21. Eriogonum multiceps Nees, Max. Reise N. A. 2: 446. 1841. Densely white-tomentose perennial; the caudex short-branched, and more or less tufted: leaves crowded below: scapes simple, slender, erect, 3-12 cm. high: leaves spatulate or- oblanceolate, narrowed into petioles: involucres in a terminal capitate cluster, with short spatulate foliaceous bracts: flowers white or rose-color, somewhat villous, 3-5 mm. long; the segments cuneate, obtuse or emarginate: stamens and style branches exserted.—Dry plains; Colorado to Montana and east to Nebraska. ; 22. Eriogonum pauciflorum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 735. 1814. Densely caespitose, at first more or less tomentose throughout: the narrowly linear- oblanceolate leaves revolute and soon glabrous above, 4-6 em. long: the turbinate involucres nearly glabrous, about 4 mm. long, in capitate clusters at the ends of the peduncles; bracts ternate, minute: calyx campanulate, white, glabrous; its segments ovate: achene glabrous, about 3 mm. long.— Dry clayey ridges; Colorado to Montana. 23. Eriogonum tenellum Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 241. 1828. Caudex caespitosely branched, depressed and spreading, covered with the numerous white-tomentose leaves: leaves oblong to elliptic, 6-15 mm. long, short- petioled: scapes 1-2 dm. high, glabrous as is also the inflorescence, sparingly paniculate-branched: flowers white or pinkish, becoming 3 mm. long: outer sepals broadly ovate or orbicular; the inner linear oblong: achene 4-5 mm. long.—Southern Colorado to Texas and New Mexico. 24, Eriogonum racemosum Nutt.1.c.161. 1847. Floccose-woolly perennial; scapes solitary or few from the summit of the subterranean caudex, stout, 2-6 dm. high, naked or leafy-bracted at the lower nodes: leaves 3-6 em. long, on long (5-10 cm.) petioles, ovate or oblong, sometimes subcordate, white-woolly beneath: involucres tubular-campanulate, obtusely 5-toothed, many-flowered, appressed and strictly spicate along the few rigid subsimple branches: calyx rather large (4 mm. long), pinkish or white, acute at base, very glabrous; its segments obovate: ovary glabrous—New Mexico through Colorado to Utah. 25. Eriogonum Simpsonii Benth. in DC. Prodr..14: 18. 1856. Subcaes- pitose; the branches of the caudex few, short, leafy: leaves broadly linear, 5-10 cm. long, attenuate into a short petiole, greenish and thinly pilose above, white-pilose beneath: peduncle 1-2 dm. long, dichotomously branching into the broadly paniculate cyme: lower bracts sometimes foliar, long-linear; the upper subulate: involucres turbinate, glabrous, pubescent on the teeth within: calyx white, glabrous, with broad obtuse lobes. [E. lonchophyllum T. & G. Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 173. 1870; £. nudicaule (Torr.) Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 54. 1906; HE. scoparium Small, |. c. 54./--In the arid districts; southern Colorado and New Mexico. 26. Eriogonum Jonesii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 21: 454. 1886. A woody- based branched tomentose perennial, 3-8 dm. high: leaves alternate, ovate to elliptic,; white-tomentose beneath, greener above; the blade 2-4 cm. long, shorter than the petiole: bracts subtending the open dichotomous corymb somewhat foliaceous: involucre mostly sessile and solitary, tomentose, scarcely 2 mm. long: calyx 2 mm. long, slightly exserted, glabrous, white or pinkish; the inner sepals oblong; the outer obovate and emarginate.—Arid places in western Colorado, through Utah to Arizona. 27. Eriogonum salinum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 220. 1904. Caudex woody, branched: stems herbaceous, strict, leafy up to the short corymbose cyme, 1-2 dm. long: leaves narrowly lanceolate, mostly erect, sub- succulent, short-petioled, 2-4 cm. long, white with a fine tomentum beneath, glabrate but pale above: cyme mostly trichotomous; the bracts linear: in- volucres turbinate, several-flowered, lightly tomentose: calyx white; the inner segments obovate, longer than the outer oblong-elliptic ones: stamens and style branches included.—Saline districts; southern Wyoming. 28. Eriogonum effusum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 164. 1848. Shrubby below and diffusely much branched from the base, densely but - 152 POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) floccosély tomentose, leafy below only: leaves from oblong to linear, mostly - obtuse at the apex, nearly sessile or short-petioled: inflorescence a corymbose compound cyme, often quite large, effusely branched and carried on a long rigid naked peduncle: calyx white or rose-colored, seldom more than 2 mm, long, at length constricted near the middle: stamens and style-branches in- cluded. (Includes £. microthecum Nutt. 1. c. 172; E. tristichum Small, 1. ¢. 55; E. salicinum Greene, Pl. Baker 3: 16. 1901.)—From Nebraska and New Mexico to the Pacific. 29. Eriogonum corymbosum Benth. in DC. Prodr. 14: 17. 1856. Allied to the foregoing but stouter, less branched, the branches more rigid and often erect, leafy to near the shorter and more compact cyme: leaves oblong or nar- rower, obtuse and inclined to be undulate-crisped on the margins: bracts triangular-subulate: calyx broadly campanulate, at length constricted near the middle; the inner segments emarginate, shorter than the outer: style branches exserted. [H. Fendleriana (Benth.) Small; E. divergens Small, |. c. 55.]}-From Kansas to Arizona and Oregon. 30. Eriogonum caespitosum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila: 7: 50. 1834. Matted- caespitose: leaves 6-12 mm. long, mostly rosulate on the prostrate branches of the caudex, spatulate, hoary-tomentose on both sides, the margins ‘more or less revolute: scapes leafless, 3-8 em. high: involucre solitary, naked, deeply 6-8-cleft; the lobes narrow, spreading and at length reflexed: calyx 4-6 mm. long, yellow or tinged with purple, slightly silky-villous, abruptly contracted at base; its segments oval, the inner and the filaments more or less villous at base: ovary sparingly hirsute above —Wyoming to Washington. 31. Eriogonum andinum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 160. 1847. Very similar to the preceding, more depressed-caespitose: leaves smaller and densely pilose-lanate: peduncle short and weak: ovary (achene) glabrous.— Western Wyoming to Nevada. 32. Eriogonum chrysocephalum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 11: 101. 1876. Caudex diffusely branched, woody, tomentose throughout: leaves narrowly oblanceolate, 3-5 cm. long, sometimes nearly glabrous above: peduncle simple erect, 5-15 cm. high; the inflorescence capitate or but slightly branched: involucres narrowly turbinate, firm, about 3 mm. long, short-toothed, some- what tomentose: flowers yellow, glabrous. (. lazifoluum A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 23. 1902.)\—Western Wyoming and Utah. 33. Eriogonum orendense A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 21. 1902. Caudex woody, almost wholly subterranean, tufted, tomentum uniform and rather dense throughout: stems numerous,. short: leaves crowded, narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, subacute, slender-petioled: scapes 7-15 cm. high; the inflores- cence subumbellate, with short subulate bracts; the rays unequal: involucres few in each cyme, short-peduncled, turbinate, merely toothed around the summit, 3 mm. long, many-flowered: calyx bright-yellow; the segments simi- lar, oblong, obtuse, scarcely 2 mm. long; the pedicels intermingled with setae bearing ‘stipitate glands and a few fine slender hairs: filaments pubescent: styles long-exserted: ovary glabrous.—Desert areas; Wyoming to Utah: 34. Eriogonum campanulatum Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. II. 1: 163. 1848. Caespitose shrubby, the woody leafy branches short, bearing a naked elongated herbaceous scape-like peduncle: leaves 3-6 cm. long, from linear to spatulate- oblanceolate, attenuate into a slender petiole, white-woolly on both sides or becoming glabrate above, the margins at length mostly revolute: scapes rigid, 1-2 dm. long, the cyme repeatedly trichotomous, calyculately bracted at the nodes: involucres 5-toothed, soon glabrate: calyx yellow, its lobes oblong ‘or fiddle-shaped: style and style-branches exserted.—From Nebraska to New Mexico and west to Oregon. 2. OXYRIA Hill. Mountain Sorrei Perennial alpine and arctic herbs, erect, with long-petioled round-reniform mostly radical leaves, and small obliquely truncate sheaths. Flowers small and greenish, in narrowly panicled racemes, perfect. The two inner sepals erect, POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) 153 appressed, and unchanged in fruit. Stamens 6. Stigmas 2, tufted. Achene i * ., orbieular-winged: 1. Oxyria digyna -(L.) Camptdera, Rumex, pl. 3, fig. 3. 1819. Rather stout and fleshy, 8-40 cm. high, glabrous: flowers in scarious-bracted fascicles, on short capillary pedicels: sepals often reddish, the outer carinate and darker than the inner.—At high altitudes in cold wet places among rocks throughout the nosthern hemisphere. 3. RUMEX L. Dock. Sorrew: Coarse perennial herbs: stems leafy, with obliquely truncate cylindrical naked sheaths. Flowers small, fascicled or verticillate in paniculate racemes, perfect, polygamous, or dioecious, without involucre. Sepals 6; the .outer spreading; the inner somewhat colored and developing reticulate wings. Stamens 6. Stigmas 3, peltate, tufted. The foliage in some species is dis- tinetly acid. ; Flowers dioécious; inflorescence slender and leafless, Inner sepals becoming winged; achene granular . - « 1, R. Acetosella, Inner sepals not winged; achene smooth , ; a ‘i . 2 KR. paucifolius, Flowers perfect or polygamo-monoecious; inflorescence with stouter often leafy branches, ‘"Tuner ‘perianth-segments (valves) very large (10-30 mm, broad), usually rose-colored. Perennial from rootstocks . 5 A Be oe . - 3, R, venosua, Perennial from large clustered tuber-like roots, Fruiting valves cordate-reniform é ~ % . 4, BR, salinus, . + Fruiting valves ovate-cordate . a . . ‘ . 5 R, bymenosepalus, Inner perianth-segments (valves) medium size (less than 10 , mm.), green or rose-color, One - Ore of the valves bearing a callosity or tubercle on the ack, vd Wings entire, not toothed or fringed, Leaves flat, entire or merely undulate-margined. 7 Stemstufted . - . §. 2. «© © « 6, R. mexicanus, Stems single . « » «© , « + « + @R, brittanica, °». Leayes decidedly crisped on the margin, Tubercles 3 . + « « « & RB. crispus. ‘ _‘'Pubercle 1° + 6 6 eh eC eC Sts« «*R, Pationtia, Wings toothed or fringed. Tee Lower leaves cordate at base . ° e - 10, R. obtusifolius, ._ Lower leaves narrowed at base . . . . « 11, R. persicarioides, Valves without tubercles, - Z : Perennial from horizontal rootatooks . . . . 12, R, densifforus, Pino aa teen, fal 13. R, polyrrhisus Rootsingle sss SSL a4 RY Gccldentalis, 1, Rumex Acetosella L. Sp. Pl: 338. 1753. Dioecious, 1-3 dm. high: leaves small, rarely 5 em. long; the lower mostly hastate; with a large decurrent auricle on each side; the upper gradually reduced and entire: panicle more or less compound, usually reddish, the filiform ascending branches leafless: pedicels capillary, once or twice as long as the flower, articulated at summit; flowers -about 1.5 mm. long, the outer sepals granular.—Naturalized from Europe;'not infrequent as a weed. Known as FiELp or SHrep SORREL. 2. Rumex paucifolius Nutt. Wats. King’s Rep. 314. 1871. Somewhat tufted, 2-4 dm. high: leaves linear to lanceolate or oblanceolate, attenuate to a slender” petiole: ‘inflorescence with suberect branches: flowers reddish, ‘in loose fascicles; pedicels filiform, jointed near the base: valves about 4mm. in diameter, sometimes with a minute basal tubercle: achene small. [R. Geyeri (Meis.) Trel. Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard. 3: 78. 1892.]}—Mountain parks; Colorado and Utah and far northward. : 3. Rumex venosus Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept: 733. 1814. Stem erect, 3 dm. high or less, from’ running rootstocks, stout and leafy, with. conspicuous di- lated stipules: leaves on short but rather slender petioles, ovate or oblong to lanceolate, 8-15 cm. long, only the lowest acute or somewhat cordate at base: panicle nearly sessile, short, dense in fruit: valves entire, cordate-orbicular 154 POLYGONACEKAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) with a deep sinus, 15-30 mm. in diameter, bright; rose-color: pedicels long, slender, jointed near the base: achene 4—7 mm. long.—Sandy rayines and banks; Kansas and Colorado, and far westward and northward. 4 4, Rumex salinus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 549, 1898. Perennial by'a horizontal: woody rootstock on which are borne large fascicled, oblong- elliptic tubers, ‘glabrous throughout: stem stout, nearly erect, conspicuously grooved, 2-4 dm. high: leaves large, moderately thick,'somewhat crisped on the edges, crowded at the base, smaller and more distant ‘upwards, alleshort- petioled; the lower oblanceolate-oblong, 10-15 em. long, 3-5 em. wide, upper lanceolate; sheaths large and thin: racemes erect, at length naked and inter- rupted: calyx red, conspicuously winged at maturity: pedicels filiform, as long or longer than the wings, which are cordate, 10-13 mm. long, deep red: achene 10 mm. long, smeoth with margined angles.—In dry densely saline (alkali) soils; Colorado and Wyoming. ; 5. Rumex hymenosepalus Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 177: 1858. Stems 4-10 dm. high, from a cluster of deep-seated dahlia-like tuberous roots, subsimple, papillate to glabrous, often red:.leaves rather succulent, more or less wavy margined, often 5-20 cm. long or longer, elliptical to oblanceolate, obtuse to very sharply acuminate, the acute base decurrent on the short thick petioles: inflorescence ample, compound, with elongated suberect branches; pedicels slender, about as long as the fruit, less tumidly jointed below the middle: valves flexible, ovate, about 10-15 mm., obtuse to subacute, with an open sinus: achene about 5 mm. long.—Colorado to California and southward. 6. Rumex mexicanus Meisn. DC. Prodr. 14: 47. 1856. Stems tufted, as- cending, 3-6 dm. high: leaves rarely over 15 cm. long, lanceolate, often plicate, acute at both ends: pedicels scarcely equaling the fruit, or a few in each clus- ter longer, jointed near the base: valves 4-5 mm. long, triangular-ovate, acute, more delicately veined; callosities variable in number, smooth or mostly pitted, often nearly as long as the valve, 1 mm. or more broad, leaving typi- cally a very narrow margin on each side: achene 2'mm. long. MR. salici- (nee per enioughous the Rocky Mountains and across the continent north- ward. ° Be 7. Rumex brittanica L. Sp. Pl. 334. 1753. Stout, erect, 5-10 dm. high, somewhat branched, glabrous: leaves large, somewhat undulate, rounded or acute at base and decurrent, tapering gradually to the apex: panicle ample, dense in fruit, the whorls overlapping: pedicels about twice as long as the fruit, jointed near the base: valves 5-6 mm. long, round-ovate, scarcely cordate; tubercles 3, low and broad: achene 2-3:'mm. long.—Seemingly extending into Colorado and Utah from the eastward. ee ee eee 8. Rumex crispus L. |. c. 335. Erect, rather stout, 6 dm, high, simple: leaves bluish-green, the petiole and principal veins papillate, very wavy mar- gined, the lowest ample, elliptical to mostly oblong-lanceolate, rather obtuse, rounded or decurrently acutish at base: flowering branches strict, somewhat. leafy; whorls dense.and approximated; pedicels about one half longer than the fruit, swollen-jointed near the base: valves 3-5 mm.,long, round-ovate, barely cordate, minutely erose or exceptionally broadly dentate below; callosities 3, often rosy, smooth, ovoid, reaching to the middle of the valve: achene 2.5mm. long.—Introduced everywhere into cultivated and waste grounds. CURLED Dock. Dale? Gh s 9. Rumex Patientia L. 1. c. 333. A stout erect perennial much like the pre- ceding but only one of the rather larger valves. developing a tubercle.—Ex- tensively introduced in this country; sparingly in our range. a i 10. Rumex obtusifolius L. 1. c. Erect, 6-9 dm. high: stem usually and sometimes strongly papillate: leaves somewhat undulate, ample or the lowest very large, broadly ovate, cordate, frequently acute, the often purple veins papillate, especially beneath: flowering branches suberect, sparingly leafy be- low: pedicels slender, about twice as long as the fruit, swollen-jointed toward, the base: valves flexible, not very heavily veined, 4-5 mm. long, ovate- oblong, with 3-5 thin triangular teeth on each side; callosities smooth, the largest one about 1 mm. broad, the other two usually very small: achene POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) 155 about 2 mm. long.—Introduced everywhere in the east, and to some extent in our range. as Ms 11. Rumex persicarioides L. 1. c. Annual, simple, or diffusely branched, the low stems erect or procumbent, minutely pubescent: , leaves linear- lanceolate, usually truncate or cordate at base, 3-10 em. long, mostly on short petioles, somewhat wavy-margined: flowers in numerous dense verticils along the slender branches: valves ovate-lanceolate, with 2 or 3 long-awned teeth on each side, all grain-bearing. R. maritima.—Mostly in saline soils; transcontinental. — ies fe Hg ‘ 12. Rumex densiflorus Osterh. Erythea 6: 13. 1898. Stout erect glabrous scarcely branched perennial, from thick horizontal rootstocks; stems clustered, grooved,:5-10, dm. high: lower leaves very large, 1.5-3 dm. long, 10-15 em. wide, usually. very obtuse, long-petioled; upper leaves gradually reduced: flowers in dense clusters, terminating the-stem and its branches, polygamous or dioecious: calyx usually red; the anthers brown: valves naked: the wings broadly ovate, shorter than the pedicels: achene ash-color.—Stream banks at high elevations; Colorado and Wyoming. shay ey 13. Rumex polyrrhizus Greene, Pitt. 4: 305. 1901. Slender sparingly leafy perennial, 5-10 dm. high: stem solitary from a short vertical crown surmount- ing a small fascicle of fleshy roots, usually a whorl of fibrous roots near summit of crown: leaves from lanceolate to linear, 12-20 em. long, on petioles usually shorter than the blade, flat or crisped near the base: panicle strict but rather loose; pedicels slightly enlarged upward, jointed well above the base: valves thin; venulose, the rh'argin obscurely crenate-dentate. (R. Bakeri Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 15. 1901; R. praecox Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 137. 1906.)—- Wet mountain meadows; Colorado and Montana. 14. Rumex occidentalis Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 12: 253. 1876. Mostly 6-9 dm. high, rather stout, subsimple: leaves somewhat fleshy, glabrous, glossy, bluish-green/“wavy margined, the lower very large, ovate or mostly oblong-dvate, truncately cordate, the apex rounded to subacute: panicle strict, dense and rosy in fruit, naked or with a few small leaves below; whorls some- what remote but overlapping; pedicels 2 to 3 times as long as the fruit: valves sometimes rosy, 5-6'mm. long, deltoid-ovate, often only slightly cordate, re- motely erose or denticulate, rounded or obtuse at apex, without callosities. [R. subalpina Jones; *Proc. Cal. Acad. II. 5: 720. 1895.}-—Texas to Ontaric and California, oe Ss ? ‘ yen. «4. POLYGONUM L. | Knorwzep Terrestrial, amphibious, or aquatic herbaceous (ours) annuals or perennials with fibrous roots, ot ‘tuberous or thickened rootstocks. Stem simple or branched, more or less swollen at the numerous nodes, erect, prostrate or climbing.: Leaves alternate and entire; sheaths truncate or oblique at sum- mit,‘ lobed, lacerate,-or fringed. Flowers axillary-racemose or spicate; pedi- eels jointed. Calyx mostly 5-parted, the divisions often petal-like, all erect ‘in fruit, persistent. Stamens 4-9. Styles or stigmas 2 or 3; achene aceord- ingly lenticulate or 3-angular. « . ne ie z Key to the Sections Flowers in terminal spikes, with scarious bracts; filar , ». _ ments filiform, Tne ed ey Roots tuberous, or fleshy rhizories a - @ % I. BISTORTA. -- Roots Bipoue « ee ae eae me a . II. PERSICARIA. i oliar bracts, Flowers axillary, or racemose wi os . Fa: AOA, | St dimbing .. . «~ pies Behibing ee ee : Iv, BILDERDYKIA (TINIARIA). Wee Spade : = BISTORTA.;--Perennials .of. northern, or subalpine distribution. — Rootstock. elongated; spike floriferous throughout e ‘ * 'Rootstock corm-like; epi e bearing bulblets . i 5 ! _PERSICARIA.— Annuals or perennials, mostly of southern and Of middle to lower altitudes. , : 6 1. P. bistortoides. 2. P. viviparum. 156 POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) Spike usually solitary, short and thick, Sheaths neither spreading at summit nor fringed, F Leaves obtuse or subacute. % 5 ‘; ‘ . §. P. amphibium. Leaves acute or acuminate . BGo aie é S . 4 P.emersum. Sheaths spreading at summit and somewhat fringed . 6. P. Hartwrightii. Spikes several or many, rarely few. _ Sheaths cylindric, naked. Spikes erect; styles 2-parted; achene orbicular . . Spikes EPP ing (at least at tip); style 2-parted; achene ovoid, | Calyx and style each parted to below the middle . 7. P. lapathifolium. Calyx and style each parted nearly to the base . . 8&8. P. incarnatum. Sheaths cylindric, fringed with bristles, Spikes erect, _ é : . Achene lenticular or triangular; spike dense. f Achene smooth, broadly ovoid, . 4 4 . 9. P. Persicaria. Achene granular, narrowly ovoid . ‘ . . 10. P. persicarioides, Achene triangular; spike slender, open z . 11. P. hydropiperoides, Spike drooping; achene lenticular or triangular, : Achene dull and granular . 3 5 s . 12. P. Hydropiper. 13. P. punctatum. 6. P. pennsylvanicum, Achene smooth and shining . . ‘. 2 . AVICULARIA.—Mostly annuals, usually rather small, with nar- row leaves; achene triangular Plants prostrate-spreading . ‘ ‘ “ ‘: < 14. P. aviculare. Plants erect. : Flowers axillary throughout. Achenes conspicuously exserted . i 2 . 165. P. exsertum, Achenes included. Branched throughout, the branches spreading, Leaves from oblong to oval . es . . . 16. P. erectum. Leaves from oblong to linear . ts ‘ . 17. P. ramosissimum. Branched from the base, Pedicels erect. Achene oblong . % ‘ ‘ ‘ ¥ . 18. P. sawatchense. Achene ovoid . : % 5 . s . 19. P. tenue. Pedicels deflexed. Achene ovoid, ', Upper bracts small and subulate . i - 20. P. Douglasii. _,., Upper bracts foliaceous . S és . . 21. P. montanum. Achene oblong . . . «=e Se Sts 2, BP. Engelmannii. Flowers in terminal bracteate spicate-racemes, Styles evident. ‘ aceme long and interrupted . < 7 . . 23. P. spergulariaeforme, Raceme very short, subcapitate. Bracts winged ; : . 5 . . . 24. P. polygaloides. Bracts not winged: . Fi * . 5 . . 26. P. Watsonii. Styles wanting or nearly so. 26. P. Kelloggii. BILDERDYKIA.—Annual or perennial, the stem herbaceous and twining (Tiniaria). Outer calyx-segments unchanged in fruit . a, % . 27. P. Convolvulus. Outer calyx-segments developing wings ‘ WED . 28. P. scandens. ” 4 1. Polygonum bistortoides Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 271. 1814. Herbaceous perennial with thick creeping chaffy rootstock; stem 2-6 dm. high: leaves few, glabrous or with a minute hispid pubescence beneath; the radical on long petioles, oblong, oblong-lanceolate to linear, either acute or obtusish at both ends; the cauline much reduced and sessile upon the sheath, the margin often revolute: flowers rose-color to white, on slender pedicels, in very dense ovate to oblong spikes, and usually long-pedunculate: stamens and styles exserted: achenes smooth and shining. [P. lilacina (Greene); P. calophylla (Greene), both under Bistorta in Leaflets-1: 18 & 19. 1904.}—New Mexico to Montana and far northward and westward. la. Polygonum bistortoides linearifolium (Wats.) Small, Bull. Torr. Bot Club 19: 252. 1892., Slender reduced alpine form with leaves tending to linear: raceme ovoid. [P. linearifolia (Greene), under Bistorta, 1. c.}—Alpine; same range. , 2. Polygonum viviparum L. Sp. Pl. 360. 1753. Perennial from a short corm-like rootstock: stems 1-2 dm. high: leaves glabrous or rarely hispidulous beneath; the radical oblong or lanceolate, 2-8 em, long, varying from acute to subcordate at base; cauline from narrowly lanceolate to linear, revolute: flow- ers rather small, nearly: sessile in linear spikes 2-5 cm. long, the lower flowers at least replaced by sessile bulblets about 2 mm. long. | [P. scopulina (Greene), POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) 157 under Bistorta, 1. ec. 20.}—Subalpine and alpine in our range; arctic America, Europe, and Asia. : ‘4 . 8. Polygonum amphibium L. Sp. Pl. 361. 1753. Aquatic, stout, gla- brous or nearly so, not branching above the rooting base: leaves floating, thick, smooth and shining above, usually long-petioled, elliptical to lanceo- late, cuneate or cordate at base; sheaths leaf-bearing about the middle: spike terminal, dense, ovate or oblong, 1-3. cm. long, on a usually short peduncle: flowers bright rose-color: the 5 stamens and 2-cleft style exserted. (P. plat- tensis, P. subcoriacea, P. laetevirens, P. psychrophila, under Persicaria by Greene, Leaflets 1: 29-31. 1904.)—Colorado, north to the boundary, thence across the continent. In shallow water or on muddy banks the stems become erect, the petioles shorter, and the whole'plant often more or less strigose- pubescent. 4. Polygonum. emersum (Michx.) Brit. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 8: 73. 1889. In muddy or wet places, scabrous with short appressed or glandular hairs, especially upon the leaves and upper part of the simple stem: leaves thinner and longer, rather broadly lanceolate, acute or narrowly acuminate, usually rounded or cordate at base: spikes more elongated, 5-7 cm. long, often in pairs: flowers and fruit nearly as in the last. P. Muhlenbergii. [P: Wardti (Greene), under Persicaria, 1. c. 40.] 5. Polygonum Hartwrightii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 294. 1870. Closely allied to the two preceding species, growing usually in the mud, the ascending stems rooting at the base and very leafy, more or less rough, hairy, at least on the sheaths and bracts: leaves rather narrow, on very short petioles, not punctate, adnate to the middle of the sheath: flowers. bright rose-color: sepals not glandular-dotted: style 2-cleft, and achene somewhat flattened. (P. muriculata Greene, under Persicaria.1, c. 47.)—Transcontinental through the northern States. ene a 6. Polygonum pennsylvanicum L. Sp. Pl. 362. 1753. Stem 3-8 dm. high, smooth below, the branches above and especially the peduncles beset with bristly-stalked glands: leaves lanceolate, roughish on the midrib and margins; spikes oblong, obtuse, erect, thick: flowers bright rose-color: stamens. mostly 8, somewhat exserted: style 2-parted; achene lenticular. (P. omissum Greene, Bi 5: 200. 1903.)—Colorado and eastward to the Atlantic States. 7. Polygonum lapathifolium L. 1. c. 360. Annual, branching, 3-12 dm. high, glabrous or the peduncles often minutely glandular: leaves lanceolate, attenuate upward from near the cuneate base and acuminate, somewhat scabrous with short appressed hairs on the midrib and margin, or rarely floccose-tomentose beneath; sheaths and bracts rarely somewhat ciliolate: spikes oblong to linear (1.5 to 5 em. long), dense, erect or nearly so: flowers white or pale rose-color: stamens 6: achene ovate, rarely 2 mm. broad.—In most parts of North America. 7a. Polygonum lapathifolium incanum (Schmidt) Koch. Syn. Fl. Germ. 711. 1837. Lower, with shorter and less pointed leaves, which are lanceolate, obtuse and white-downy beneath; sheaths often somewhat hairy or ciliolate: spikes shorter, oblong and blunt.—In the Wasatch, on the Saskatchewan, and eastward to New York; rare. s 7b. Polygonum lapathifolium nodosum (Pers.)Small, Monog: Polyg. 55. 1895.- Generally robust and glabrous: stems red or reddish, marked with purple spots and dark rings below the sheaths, much thickened at the nodes. P. nodosum.—Range about that of the species. .\.. : 8. Polygonum incarnatum Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 1: 456. 1817. Stem 4-10 dm, high, nearly glabrous, the peduncles, ete., often minutely rough with scattered sessile glands: leaves rough on the margins and midrib, elongated- lanceolate: spikes linear, nodding, becoming slender: flowers smaller than in the last, lighter rose-color. shading to white: stamens 6 and styles 2, both in- cluded: achene lenticular, biconcave, black, smooth and shining.—Colorado and Wyoming and eastward to the Atlantic States. 9. Polygonum Persicaria L. Sp. Pl. 361. 1753. Nearly smooth and gla- brous, 3-5 dm. high: sheaths more or less bristly-ciliate; leaves lanceolate, 158 POLYGONACEAK (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) pointed, roughish, often marked with a dark triangular or lunar spot’ near the middle: spikes ovoid or oblong, dense, erect, on smooth (or at least not glandu- lar) peduncles: stamens mostly 6: styles 2-3-cléft'below the middle; achene gibbous-flattened or sometimes triangular, smooth and shining.—Naturalized from Europe; not frequent in our range. ; ‘ 10. Polygonum persicarioides H.B.K. Nov. Gen. 2: 197. 1817. Glabrous or often strigulose, erect, decumbent or creeping; the stems 3-6 dm. long: leaves from lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, acuminate at both ends, punctate, petioled or sessile; sheaths conspicuously fringed with short bristles: inflores- eence paniculate, somewhat compound: spikes erect, 2-6'cm. long, loosely flowered: calyx rose-color, tinged with green: achenes narrowly ovoid or ob- long, somewhat granular but shining.~-On our southeastern border to Mexico; also in South America. : 11. Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 239. 1803. Peren- nial, not acrid; stem smooth, 3-8 dm. high, branching: the narrow sheaths hairy; leaves narrowly lanceolate, sometimes oblong: spikes erect, slender, sometimes filiform, often interrupted at base, 2-5 cm. long: flowers small, flesh-color or nearly white: sepals not dotted: stamens 8: achene sharply triangular, smooth and shining. —Wet places and in shallow water; across the continent. ; Ps 12. Polygonum Hydropiper L. Sp. Pl. 361. 1753. Smooth, 3-6 dm. high, juice very acrid: leaves punctate: spikes nodding, usually short or interrupted: flowers mostly greenish: sepals conspicuously dotted: stamens 6: style 2-3- parted; achene dull, strongly granular, either flat or obtusely triangular.— Ranging across the continent northward, where it is probably indigenous. 13. Polygonum punctatum Ell. 1. c. 445. Annual, branching,’ 3-12 dm. high, glabrous or the peduncles often minutely glandular: leaves lanceolate, attenuate upward from near the cuneate base and acuminate, somewhat scabrous with short appressed hairs on the midrib and margin, or rarely floccose-tomentose beneath; sheaths and bracts rarely somewhat ciliolate: spikes oblong to linear (1.5 to 5 cm. long), dense, erect or néarly so: flowers white or pale rose-color: stamens 6: achene ovate, rarely 2 mm. broad.—Wet places; across the continent, mostly southward. : 14. Polygonum aviculare L. Sp. Pl. 362. 1753. Slender, mostly prostrate or ascending, bluish-green: leaves oblong to lanceolate, 6-20 mm. long; usually acute: sepals scarcely 1 mm. long, green with pinkish margins: stamens 8 (rarely 5): achene dull and minutely granular, mostly included. (P. buzi- forme Small, Bull. Torr. Club 33: 56. 1906.)—Variously called Knorerass, Goose Grass, Doer-wEED; introduced from Europe and growing everywhere about yards and roadsides. ~ ; Ps 15. Polygonum exsertum Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 21: 172. 1894. An- nual, slender, glabrous, erect, 3-8 dm. high, somewhat flexuous and ribbed! leaves from obovate to narrowly lanceolate or linear: sheaths silvery or brown- ish and much lacerate: flowers in small axillary clusters, greenish and ‘incon- spicuous: style 3-cleft or the stigmas often nearly sessile; achene triangular- pyramidal, rounded at the base, much exserted from the calyx.—From the eastern part of our range to Maine. ; ahh 16. Polygonum erectum L. Sp. Pl. 363. 1753. Stout, erect or ascending, 3-6 dm. high, yellowish: leaves oblong or oval, 1.5-6 mm. long, usually ob} tuse: flowers mostly 3 mm. long, often yellowish, on more or less exserted pedicels: stamens 5 or 6: achene dull, included.—Texas and Colorado to the Northwest Territory. 0 ee 17. Polygonum ramosissimum Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 237. 1803. Erect or ascending, 6-12 dm. high, yellowish-green: leaves lanceolate to linear, 2.5-6 em. long, acute, much reduced above: flowers and achenes as in the last, but sepals more frequently 6, the stamens 3-6, and the achene mostly smooth and shining. (P. rubescens Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33:' 56. 1906.)—Sandy shores and banks of streams extending from Texas to the far north and west. 18. Polygonum sawatchense Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 20: 213. 1893. Annual, somewhat scurfy: stem erect, 5-15 cm. high,’ usually somewhat POLYGONACEAE (BUCKWHEAT FAMILY) ‘159 branched from the base, striate, or wing-angled below the sheaths: leaves from linear to oblanceolate, 1-2 cm. long, sessile, flat'or revolute, conspicuously articulated to the funnel-form lacerate sheath: flowers in small axillary clusters, green: stamens 6-8: stigma 3-cleft, nearly sessile; achene triangular, oblong, smooth and shining.—Colorado to Dakota and west to Washington. ~ 19. Polygonum tenue Michx. F]. Bor. Am. 1: 238. 1803. Stem slender, angled; erect, 1.5-4.5 dm. high, slightly scabrous at the nodes: leaves narrowly linear to lanceolate, 2.5-5 cm. long, 3-nerved, acute at each end and often cuspidate, the margins somewhat scabrous and at length revolute: flowers often solitary, nearly sessile: stamens 8: athene ovate, included, black and shining —New Mexico to Canada and éast'to the Atlantic States. 20. Polygonum Douglasii Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 125. 1884. Erect and 'slendér,'1-4 dm: high, glabrous and somewhat glaucous, sometimes slightly scabrous at the nodes: sheaths with a close somewhat herbaceous base, sparingly scarious and lacerate above; leaves linear to lanceolate, usually much reduced above: flowers often solitary and usually distant, soon reflexed, the sepals margined with white or rose-color: stamens 8: achenes ovate, black and shining. 'P. tenwe.—From Arizona to British Columbia and eastward across the continent. = * voi ies '21. Polygottum montanum (Small) Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 13. 1901. Low, fastigiately ‘branched from the base, 7-15 cm. high, the branches floriferous from the base, but the flowers few among the proper leaves, most of them forming a mere bracted spike beyond the foliage, all the angles of stem and branches denticulate-scaberulous and other parts also more or less scabro- puberulent: leaves oblong-lanceolate, very acute, often 2-3 em. long, 1-nerved, the nerve sharply carinate beneath the leaf: fruiting perianth subsessile but nodding, its segments dark green or purplish except marginally and partly or completely inclosing the achene, which is black, smoothand shining. (P.com- miztum Greene, 1. c. 14.)—Colorado. ‘ “'22. Polygonum Engelmanii Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: 126.1884. Slender, somewhat wiry: scurfy annual; stems diffusely branched at the base, spreading-assurgent, 5-15 cm. high; the branches simple. or branched: leaves from narrowly oblanceolate to linear; sheaths somewhat lacerate: flowers in axillary clusters of 2-4; the pedicels at length deflexed; calyx green, its seg- ments ‘scarious-margined:: stamens 5-8, included: style 3-parted, at length somewhat exserted; achene triangular, oblong, smooth and shining: (P. con- simile Greene, Pitt. 5: 202. 1903.)—High mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. 23. Polygonum spergulariaeforme Meis. Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 19: 366. 1892. Slender, wiry scurfy annual, 1-3 dm. high, simple or corym- bosely , branched: leaves linear-oblong or linear-lanceolate, 5-25 em. long, conspicuously articulated to the, lacerate sheaths: flowers clustered-axillary but confined mostly to the ends of the branches and appearing as interrupted spicate-racemes by the shortening of the internodes: calyx whitish or pink, 5-parted to near the base; the segments obtuse, each with a green, nerve: staniens 8: style 3-parted; achene triangular, black, smooth and shining except on the tnargins.—Colorado; also in the north: Pacific ‘regions. ri 24. Polygonum. polygaloides Meis. in DC. Prodr. 14: 101. 1856. A slender glabrous light green annual; stem erect, 1-2.dm. high, simple or corymbosely branched, slightly flexuous and angled: leaves linear, 1-3 cm. long: flowers axillary but the terminal internodes so short as to give a spicate or sub- capitate infloréscence; bracts oblong, obtuse, scarious-winged and somewhat imbricated: the calyx parted nearly to the base, white or pinkish: stamens 8, included: achene ovoid, triangular.—Northern Wyoming and Montana, and west to the Pacific States. 2 Ja 25. Polygonum Watsonii Small, Monog.,Polyg. 138., pl. 56. 1895.-. Low slender annuals, 3-15 em. high, smooth or slightly scabrous at the nodes: leaves linear, 1-4-dm. long; sheaths rather large, 2-parted or lacerate above the short scarious base: bracts sometimes scarious on the margin: flowers axillary but appearing as short densely terminal spikes, with imbricated bracts, nearly sessile: the calyx green, the segments ovate, more or less rose-colored on the 160 CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) margins: stamens 3-5: achene triangular, narrowly ovoid, prominently granu- lar in ridges. P. imbricatum. (P. unifolium Small, Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard, 1: 129. 1900.)—Alpine and subalpine; Colorado and Wyoming west to the Pacific States. ; 26. Polygonum Kelloggii Greene, Fl. Francis. 134. 1891. Low slender glabrous annual, divergently branched from the base; the branches 2-5 em. long: leaves linear or nearly so, crowded but spreading rather than imbricated; sheaths lacerate: flowers axillary (because of the short internodes the inflores- cence appears like a leafy raceme): calyx green, its obtuse segments whitish or cream-color: stamens about 5, included: stigmas sessile or nearly so; achene triangular, rhombic-ovoid, light brown, granular, and somewhat striate. — Colorado and Wyoming and west to the coast States. : 27. Polygonum Convolvulus L. Sp. Pl. 364. 1753. Annual, twining or procumbent, low, roughish, the joints. naked: leaves halberd-heart-shaped, pointed: flowers in small interrupted corymbose racemes: outer. calyx-lobes keeled: achenes smoothish. BLuack BInpwEED.—Cultivated and waste grounds throughout the United States. ; 28. Polygonum scandens L.1.c. Perennial, smooth: sheaths naked: leaves cordate or slightly halberd-shaped, pointed: racemes interrupted, leafy: the outer calyx-lobes strongly keeled and winged in fruit, the wings somewhat crenate, but often one or all three wanting: achene over 3 mm. long, smooth and shining. P.dumetorum scandens. CiImMBINGc Fatse BuckwHEat.—Moist thickets; from our range to the Atlantic States. 37. CHENOPODIACEAE. Goosrroot FaMILy Annual or perennial, herbaceous or shrubby, usually with simple alternate exstipulate leaves. Flowers perfect or unisexual, small, green or greenish, regular, or nearly so, variously clustered or more rarely solitary in the axils, ebracteate or with herbaceous bracts, which may become either a thin or goriaceous pericarp inclosing the fruit. Perianth of 5 or fewer usually her- baceous and persistent sepals. Stamens as many as the sepals and opposite, distinct, with 2-celled anthers. Ovary 1-celled, with a solitary ovule, becom- ing an achene or utricle. Mostly plants of saline soils. Embryo annular or folded on itself. Flowers perfect, bractless. Perianth wingless, persistent, Two-five parted or divided, Lobes herbaceous, keeled . ‘ Ch Lobes becoming fleshyendred » > > 2 ¢ ¢- 2! Blitum, One sepal only. i Herbaceous and bract-like . . . . .« «© « 8 Hyaline and scale-like , . . . . . ° : Perianth horizontally winged. Plant annual. : . * . = 6 . - 5, Cycloloma, Plant perennial ‘ 5 a . * . . 6. Kochia, Perianth saccate, fleshy; stems fleshy, leafless . . . # . 7. Salicornis. Flowers monoecious or dioecious; perianth in fertile flowers wanting. Fruiting bracts compressed * 8 8 2 2. © « 8 Atriplex, Fruiting bracts obcompressed, Pericarp naked, i; Orbicular, wing-margined . . 2. «© . -« .9. Grayia, Subhastate, 2-toothed at apex . . ‘ ‘i 10, Suckleya. ebcoa a silky-pubescent . . . «© © «© « « 11, Eurotia, Embryo spirally coiled. fn Flowers monoecious; plant shrubby; fruit winged . z 3 . 12, Sarcobatus, Flowers perfect; plants herbaceous, _ Leaves spiny at maturity; fruit winged . 2 - 2 . 13. Salsola. Leaves not spiny; fruit not winged . ‘ é 2 % . 14, Sueda, 1. CHENOPODIUM L. Goosrroot. PiewrEp Annual herbs with alternate petioled leaves. Flowers small, green, sessile, in axillary terminal or panicled spikes; lobes of the perianth usually somewhat e e e ° e -_ . . Monolepis. 4, Corispermum CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) 161 keeled or crested, becoming dry and inclosing the utricle, at least in part. Stamens 5. Styles 2-3. Pericarp membranous, closely investing the lenticular seed. Many are introduced weeds. Pericarp firmly attached to the smooth seed; stamens 5. Leaves more or less white-mealy, At least the lower ones angulate-toothed . is . ‘ « 1, C. album, Nearly entire; plant heavy-scented . . wi S 5 « 2, C. Watsonii, Leaves not mealy. ; Glabrous and coarsely toothed . . . i . 3, C. hybridum, Glandular- or viscid-puberulent, Pinnately lobed; calyx glandular-pubescent . < < . 4. C. Botrys. Sinuate-pinnatifid; calyx resinous-dotted . ~ = - 5, C. cornutum. Tericarp easily separable from the seed. Stamens 5. Leaves lanceolate or broader, undulate-toothed or lobed. More or less mealy, Plant low, divaricately branched or spreading, Leaves green,atleastabove . . . . . . 6. C.glaucum. Leaves white-farinose . m . é . ‘ 7. C. incanum. Plant erect, green, sparsely mealy, Leaves triangular-hastate . z ‘ ° . 8. C, Fremontii. Leaves ovate to oblong . : ‘ . . . . _9. C, aridum. Not mealy, glabrous and succulent . . ° . - 10. C. succosum. Leaves oblong or narrower, entire. Decidedly mealy, Leaves lance-linear_ : ‘i ‘s . 5 < . 11, C. leptophyllum. Leaves oblong, small atNi tae a . ° . » 12, C. desiccatum. Hardly at all mealy, bright green . 5 - ‘“ 2 . 13. C,. subglabrum, Stamens 1-2 is a fi . . . ‘ : 14, C, rubrum. 1. Chenopodium album L. Sp. Pl. 219. 1753. Stem erect, branched above, 3-10 dm. high, light green: leaves generally pale green above, white-mealy beneath, rhombic-ovate to narrowly lanceolate, at least some of them angulate- toothed: flowers in terminal and axillary spikes: perianth wholly inclosing the utricle, the black shining seed adherent 'to the pericarp.—An introduced weed common in waste places; commonly known as Lamp’s QUARTERS. 2. Chenopodium Watsonii A. Nelson, Bot. Gaz. 34: 362. 1902. Moderately mealy throughout, heavy-scented, more or less branched, 2-5 dm. high: leaves dull green, rather thick, oblong to ovate, often subhastate, margin en- tire or nearly so, 15-20 mm. long, on slender petioles: flowers in close clusters arranged in open panicles: pericarp mealy and adherent to the large seed. C. olidum Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 96. 1874.—Indigenous from New Mexico to Utah and Wyoming. ; : 3. Chenopodium hybridum L. Sp. Pl.-219. 1753. Glabrous throughout or only the inflorescence mealy, erect, 4-8 dm. high: leaves thin, bright green, rhombic-cordate, acuminate at apex, with 1-4 large acute teeth on each side, 3=5 cm. long, the uppermost smaller and entire: flowers large, in large spread- ing panicles: perianth-segments somewhat keeled, not wholly inclosing the utricle: seed with acutish margin, firmly united to the pericarp._-A widely distributed weed but probably indigenous in our range. 4. Chenopodium Botrys L. Sp. Pl. 219. 1753. Glandular-pubescent or even viscid, strong-scented: stem leafy below, branching above into the dense naked inflorescence, 2-5 dm. high: leaves ovate or narrower, deeply pinnately- toothed or -lobed, obtuse, truncate or cuneate at base, reduced upward: flowers very small in numerous axillary panicles: calyx-lobes acute, loosely inclosing the fruit—Generally introduced; from Europe. 5. Chenopodium cornutum Benth. & Hook. Gen. Pl. 3: 51. 1880. More or less glandular-puberulent, aromatic, not mealy, diffusely branched: leaves thin, lanceolate, repand-dentate or coarsely sinuate-pinnatifid: flowers minute and solitary, axillary and terminal upon the repeatedly dichotomous nearly naked branches: calyx resinous-dotted. (Telorys cornuta Torr. Pac. R. R. Rept. 4: 129. 1856.)—Through the southern part of our range to California. ‘6. Chenopodium glaucum L. Sp. Pl. 220. 1753. A succulent, low spread- ing or often prostrate annual, glaucous-mealy, the upper surface of the leaves smooth and green: leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, sinuate-dentate, 10-20 mm. Jong, on slender petioles: flowers clustered in axillary spikes shorter 162 CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) than the leaves: calyx about 1 mm. broad, its segments obtuse, not. keeled; not fully covering the depressed sharp-edged. utricle.-—Widely distributed ag an introduced weed, but undoubtedly indigenous in saline areas of our range. 7. Chenopodium incanum (Wats.) Heller, Cat.N.A.P1.45. 1898. Densely mealy throughout, low and diffusely branched, 1-2 dm. high: leaves rather thick, somewhat fleshy and white-farinose, ovate, sinuate or hastately lobed, .7-14 mm. long: flowers crowded in close contracted panicles: sepals carinate and mealy, covering the seed which readily separates from the pericarp. C. Fremontii incanum Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 94. 1874.—Dry loose soil of the plains. : 8. Chenopodium Fremontii Wats. King’s Rep. 5: 287. 1871. Ereet, slender, more or less branched, 2-6 dm. high, light green but somewhat mealy, the stem striate: leaves broadly triangular-hastate, 7-20 mm. long, truncate or cuneate at base, narrower and reduced upward: the small flowers in slen- der spikes of the open panicle: the strongly carinate sepals nearly inclosing the easily separable seed.—Frequent; in the Rocky Mountains and westward. 9. Chenopodium aridum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 240. 1904. Annual, sparingly mealy: stem erect, 3-4 dm. high, often branched, striate: leaves moderately thick, dark green, only slightly mealy; petioles about 1 em. long; blades 1-3 em. long, oblong to ovate-lanceolate, entire or rarely slightly hastately toothed, obtuse: inflorescence dense, narrow; flowers small: seeds less than 1 mm., usually 0.75 mm. in diameter: pericarp thin and easily sep- _ arated from the seed. (C. Wolfii Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 240. 1903.) - —Colorado and Wyoming. 10. Chenopodium succosum A. Nelson, Bot. Gaz. 34: 361. 1902. Stout, erect, 5-8 dm. high, freely branched, with ascending straw-colored branches; the whole plant fleshy and exceedingly succulent: leaves lanceolate to ob- lanceolate or even linear, irregularly toothed, 2-5 cm. long, on petioles about half as long, green on both sides and not noticeably mealy: flower-clusters axillary, crowded-spicate, very numerous: calyx membranous; the sepals usually 3, suborbicular: pericarp thin, rather loosely covering the dark brown seed.—Wet saline soil; southern Wyoming. 11. Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. DC. Prod. 137: 71. 1849. Usually densely mealy, the leaves sometimes glabrate and green above; stems slender, erect, striate, branched, 24 dm. high: leaves linear, entire, 1-3 em. long, acute or mucronate, shortly petioled: the small flowers clustered: in dense or interrupted spikes: the carinate sepals scarcely covering the 1 mm. broad seed.—Wyoming to Utah and southward to Mexico. lla. Chenopodium lepie phyla oblongifolium Wats. Proc. Am. Acad.- 9: 95. 1874. Densely mealy, lower, stouter, more widely: branched: leaves oblong, often slightly hastate: flowers in dense clusters in short close spikes. —Colorado and New Mexico. 12. Chenopodium desiccatum A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 362. 1902. Densely white-mealy throughout, freely branched, low and spreading, about 1 dm.. high (broader than high): leaves from linear to oblong, mostly acute, 1-2 cm. long: floriferous throughout; the small clusters in dense panicles which are naked towards the apex: calyx thickened and inclosing the rather large shining-black seed, which is easily separable from the pericarp.—Southeru Wyoming and northern Colorado. 13. Chenopodium subglabrum (Wats.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 362. 1902.. Glabrous, bright green, loosely and slenderly branched, the branches very widely divaricate: leaves linear-acutc, 2-4 cm. long: flowers single or in 2-3-. flowered clusters, scattered on the branches. C. leptophyllum subglabrum Wats.—Wyoming to Oklahoma. 14. Chenopodium rubrum L. Sp. Pl. 218. 1753. Stout, erect, branching: leaves triangular-hastate to lanceolate, cuneate at base, sparingly sinuate- dentate, the upper narrowly lanceolate and entire: flower-clusters densely spicate upon the leafy branchlets: sepals 2-5, rather fleshy: stamens 1 or 2: stigmas short: seed horizontal, shining, separating from the pericarp.—in saline soil; across the contincnt, especially northward. CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) 163 14a, Chenopodium rubrum humile (Hook.) Wats. :Bot. Cal. 2: 48. 1880. smaller, prostrate or ascending: leaves ovate to lanceolate, often hastate, much smaller, 1-3 cm. long, rarely toothed: flowers in axillary or somewhat spicate clusters.—Colorado to Nevada and Washington: 2. BLITUM Tourn. Annual fleshy herbs, branched, often from the base. Leaves alternate, hastate and petioled. ‘Flowers small, crowded in axillary capitate clusters or the uppermost subspicate. Calyx more or less fleshy in fruit and usually highly colored. Stamens 1-5. Seed subglobose, vertical, shining; embryo a complete ring. — f 1. Blitum capitatum L. Sp. Pl. 4. 1753. Glabrous, usually branched from the base, the branches ascending, 2-5 dm. long: leaves from broadly triangu- lar to lanceolate, usually sharply sinuate-toothed and more or less hastate, cordate at base, 2-7 em. long: flower-clusters large, often 12 mm. in diameter, becoming bright red and by :their appearance suggesting berries: seed com- pressed, acutely margined, separable from the pericarp. Chenopodium cap- itatum Wats. Bot. Cal, 2: 48.1880. (B. hastatum Rydb. Bull. Torr.’ Bot. Club 28: 273. 1901.)—Frequent; moist‘mountain valleys. ° ' 3. MONOLEPIS Schrad. _ Low annuals more or less branched, with alternate, entire, toothed, or lobed leaves. Flowers polygamous; a single persistent sepal, 1 stamen and 2 styles. The pericarp of the flat utricle thin and adherent to the vertical seed. . 1. Monolepis Nuttalliana (R, & 8.) Engelm. Pl. Upp. Miss. 206. 1861. More or less mealy, branched from the base, 1-2 dm. high: leaves lanceolate- hastate or sometimes narrowly spatulate, entire or sparingly sinuate-dentate, cuneate or attenuate ‘at base; lower petioles elongated: flower-clusters often reddish: pericarp fleshy, becoming dry and minutely’ pitted; seed 1 mm. broad, the margin acutish. M. chenopodioides Moq.—Mostly in saline: soil; throughout our range and west to the coast. 2. Monolepis pusilla Torr. in Wats. King’s Rep. 5: 289. 1871. Somewhat mealy and often tinged with red, slender and: freely branched from the base, 5+15 cm. high: leaves oblong, obtuse; entire, scarcely petioled, 10-15 mm. leng: the small clusters 1—5-flowered: sepal: obtuse: pericarp adherent and minutely tuberculate; ‘seed as in the preceding but only about one half as large.—Rare in our range; alkali basins Colorado and westward. fa 4. CORISPERMUM A. Juss. Bucsrep Annuals, with alternate sessile linear 1-nerved leaves. Flowers perfect, solitary in the axils of reduced leaves on the spicate branches. Calyx reduced to a single hyaline sepal, or none. Stamens 1-3 (rarely more), if more than one unequal. The ovate ovary with 2 styles, becoming oblong in fruit. ‘Per- icarp adherent to the vertical acute-margined seed. Fruit distinctly wing-margined, : Bushy-branched throughout, floriferous above only < i ed Divaricately branched below, floriferous nearly to the base. “The branches branched, ‘ * ie Pee. oe e ae The branches simple, spike-like . 7 re) a a 5-3 4. nitidum, imbricatum, Fruit wingless or nearly so. Plant glabrous. . . . . . . . . S emarginatum, Plant somewhat villous " a . 5. C, villosum, ‘1, Corispermum nitidum Kit. ex. Schult. Oestr. Fl. Ed. 2. 1: 7. 1814. Rather pale green, somewhat pubescent when young, slender-branched and erect, 2-4 dm. high: leaves narrowly linear, 2-4 em. long: spikes terminating the slender branchlets, at first short and crowded, becoming longer and rather. «Cc. . C. marginale. en Cc. 164 CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) lax in fruit: utricle narrowly but clearly winged, about 2 mm. broad and usually broader than the subtending leaf or bract. C. hyssopifolium.— Throughout the middle west. 2. Corispermum marginale Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 247. 1903. Annual; stem glabrous, much branched, 2-5 dm. high: leaves narrowly linear, 2-5 em. long, 1.5-2 mm. wide: spike 3-8 cm.:long, rather dense: bracts usually overlapping each other, the lower lanceolate, about 1 em. long, the upper ovate, 5 mm. long, all more or less acuminate, with a strong midrib and con- spicuous scarious margins, slightly pubescent when young or glabrate: fruit about 4 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide, with a broad wing-margin.—Wyoming to New Mexico. 3. Corispermum imbricatum A. Nels. Very glabrous throughout; branches spreading from the crown of the annual root, 1-2 dm. long, simple, spike-like and floriferous nearly to the base: leaves crowded-imbricate, lanceolate to ovate, 7-15 mm. long, broadly scarious-margined: fruit oval, about 3 mm. long, narrow wing-like margin, yellowish. Characters much like the preceding but of very different habit—Southeastern Wyoming. : 4. Corispermum emarginatum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 404. 1904, Annual, perfectly glabrous or with a few hairs on the bracts, branched near the base, 3-4 dm. high: leaves narrowly linear, 2-4 em. long, 1-2 mm. wide, cuspidate-pointed: bracts except the lowest ovate, 5-7 mm. long, acuminate, scarious-margined, much broader than the fruit: fruit plano-convex, 2.5-3 mm. long and about 2 mm. wide, almost without a trace of a wing-margin.—Wy- oming and Colorado. 5. Corispermum villosum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 191. 1897. Stem 2-4 ie, high, much branched from near the base, the branches diver- gent, striate, when young with the leaves and bracts villous with many branched hairs, in age glabrate: leaves linear, 2-4 cm. long, 1-3 mm. wide, cuspidate-mucronate: spikes rather dense,.with more or less imbricated bracts: lower bracts linear-lanceolate, 5-10 cm. long, the upper ovate-acuminate and cuspidate, 4-5 mm. long and about 3 mm. wide, with broad scarious margin: achene 2-2.5 mm. long and 2 mm. wide, acutely margined but scarcely at all winged.—Throughout our range. 5. CYCLOLOMA Mog. An erect herbaceous annual with thin leaves and small flowers in inter- rupted panicled spikes. Flowers perfect or pistillate; the urn-shaped calyx with 5 concave acute carinate lobes, around the base of which develops a mem- branous wing. Stamens 5. Styles 3. Seed lenticular. 1. Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) Coult. Mem. Torr. Club 5: 143. 1894. More or less arachnoid-pubescent, becoming glabrate, diffusely branched, 1-3 dm. high, generally light green or purple-tinged: leaves lanceo- late, acute, coarsely sinuate-toothed, on slender petioles: calyx cleft to the middle, 4 mm. broad, including the irregular wing, wholly covering the utricle. C. platyphyllum Moq.—Throughout our range in sandy soil; not com- mon. 6. KOCHIA Roth Low peas from a shrubby base, with terete leaves. Flowers solitary or few in the axils, with globose, transversely winged perianth, 5 usually exserted stamens, a depressed ovary, and 2 filiform styles. The pericarp membranous. Glabrate at maturity . . . é ‘ * : A ‘ . 1. K. americans. Villous or subtomentose : ‘ i i . 2, K, vestita. 1. Kochia americana Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 93. 1874. branching at base; stems villous-tomentose or nearly glabrous: flowers 1-3 in the axils, mostly with abortive stamens: perianth densely white-tomentcse, persistent; lobes of the membranous wing cuneate-rounded, nerved and somewhat crenu- CHENOPODIACEAE: (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) 165 late: ovary tomentose above and seed horizontal——Wyoming and Colorado and westward. : 2. Kochia vestita (Wats.) A. Nels. Habit of the preceding: densely villous throughout and subtomentose: ovary oblong, nearly equaling the calyx, very pubescent. (K. americana vestita Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 93. 1874.)— Colorado to Nevada. Kochia scoparia Schrad. Annual, pubescent or becoming glabrate; stem erect, slender, leafy, 3-8 dm. tall: leaves linear-lanceolate or linear, ciliate, acuminate, 2-5 em. long, 2-4 mm. wide, the upper gradually smaller: flowers sessile in the axils of the upper leaves, forming short dense bracted spikes: fruiting calyx-segments each with a short triangular horizontal wing.—An introduction from the old world; occasionally in our range. 7. SALICORNIA L. SampuHire Low fleshy saline plants, mostly herbaceous, and with jointed stems, op- posite branches, and scale-like leaves. Flowers mostly perfect, immersed by threes in the depressions of a close cylindrical spike. Calyx a fleshy rhomboidal sac with an anterior opening, adherent by a narrow line to the rachis. Stamens 1 or 2, exserted in flower. Ovary oblong; styles 2-3. Peri- carp adherent to the vertical seed. 1. Salicornia rubra A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 1899. Annual with a strong taproot, erect, pyramidal in form, closely and divaricately branched from base to summit, the opposite branches regularly at right angles to the preceding pair and gradually shorter upward, the lower branches themselves similarly branched, rather stout, about 3 mm. in diameter when green, joints about as long as broad: scales short, approaching triangular, much wider than long, subacute: fruiting spikes 2-4 cm. long, very numerous, assuming a ruby red at maturity: middle flower higher than the lateral ones, reaching to the summit of the joint: the calyx broadly ovate, about 1.5 mm. long: utricle obscurely pubescent, oval, 1 mm. long. S. herbacea.—Strongly alkaline and saline shores; Rocky Mountain ponds and lakes. 8. ATRIPLEX L. Satrsusu. OracuE _ Annual or perennial, herbaceous or shrubby, usually more or less mealy or seurfy-silvery. Leaves alternate or some of them Speer ie Flowers monoe- cious or dioecious, in axillary clusters or panicled spikes; the staminate ebrac- teate, and with 3-5-cleft perianth; the pistillate without perianth, inclosed in a pair of more or less united compressed bracts which become enlarged and inclose the fruit. Styles two; pericarp thin and membranous; seed free and vertical. For satisfastory determination of the species well-matured fruiting bracts are necessary. Annuals; radicle inferior or subascending. Fruiting bracts very thin, broadly oval . . . : . Fruiting bracts triangular-ovate, herbaceous, with free tips. . lant low (2-3 dm.), several stemmed from the base . 5 . 2, A, subspicata ant tall (4-10 om freely branching upward. Very fleshy, usually rubescent and glabrate . . ‘ . 3. A. carnosa. Scarcely fleshy, somewhat scurfy, greenish-gray . . . 4, A. spatiosa, Annuals; radicle superior, Fruiting bracts ovate, small, 2 mm. long. United, thin, unappendaged 5 ‘ Margin free, truncately 3-toothed . % ; ‘ i . Fruiting bracts rhombic-orbicular, or obovate-truncate, larger, 3 mm. or more broad. ‘ P Apex truncate, with 3-toothed margin .« : * < . 7. A, truncata, Indurated and sides appendaged. : Appendages more or less herbaceous . . . # - 8, A, argentea, Appendages short fleshy processes , fi . . . . 9, A, philonitra, Perstiniela: radicle superior. ‘ a Shrubs: bracts margined or winged. Ae Bracts suborbicular, thick and scurfy . . . ‘ . 10, A, confertifolia, Bracts broadly winked . e 11, A. canescens, ‘ Bee shrubby: bracts thickened, « 1, A. hortensis. yy ‘i . % . 5, A, Suckleyana, 6. A. Wolfii. 166 CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) Bracts indurated, with flattened processes, Flattened vertically é is . . 12, A, aptera. Irregularly flattened és % é ‘ F . 13, A, cuneata, Bracts spongy. , oe Sides appendaged with spongy crests . ‘ . . 14, A, Nuttallii. |. Sides rarely appendaged, apex toothed . ‘ 3 15. A. pabularis,, ‘ 1. Atriplex hortensis L. Sp. Pl. 1053. 1753. An erect annual, somewhat branched above, fruiting profusely: the bracts large and thin, broadly oval or ovate, mucronate, united only at the base——An escape from cultivation in many places in our range. 2. Atriplex subspicata (Wats.) Rydb. Fl. Colo. 117. 1906. A seurfy an- nual, low and usually branched from the base, spreading or ascending, 1-3 dm. high: leaves 1-3 cm. long, lanceolate, often hastately lobed: bracts rather small, thick, deltoid or lanceolate, acute. A. patula subspicata.—From the Saskatchewan to Nebraska. 3. Atriplex carnosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 361. 1902. Annual, stout, at length widely and diffusely branched, sometimes nearly 1 m. high; stems green, subglabrous: leaves thick and fleshy, oblong-lanceolate or broader, 3-7 cm. long, on petioles less than half as long, mostly entire, the larger ones subhastate or with 1 or more large teeth near the base: fruiting spikes nu- merous, more or less panicled, at first dark green, becoming dark purple at maturity; the large fleshy clusters closely approximate in,a spike.often 1 cm. in diameter: fruiting bracts triangular-ovate, about 5 mm. long and broad, usually 1 or more small teeth on the margins, smooth on the back or with 1 or gay. tubercles.—Saline areas; Colorado and Wyoming and westward to Utah. Atriplex hastata L, Sp. Pl. 1053. 1753. This species, common on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, probably occurs sparingly as an introduction on wet alkali soil. It may be known by its thin hastate-triangular slender-petioled leaves; small clusters in interrupted slender spikes; otherwise much like the foregoing. ‘ 4. Atriplex spatiosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 360. 1902. A large erect annual, freely and divergently branched, often 1 m. high, . gréenish-gray, minutely scurfy throughout: leaves ovate, 2-5 em. long, coarsely and irreg- ularly toothed, cuneate at base, rarely subhastate, nearly sessile, acute at apex with a minute cusp; the floral gradually reduced, becoming lanceolate and bract-like: monoecious, androgynous at least above, the flowers in small axillary clusters and in ebracteate terminal spikes: calyx deeply 5-cleft: fruiting bracts small, rarely 5 mm. long, ovate-triangular ‘or orbicular, ap- pressed, free above, with green border, hastately toothed near base or with several smaller teeth, the back usually crested with a semicircle of small slender green appendages.— Waste grounds, loose banks and grades; Utah and Wyoming to Colorado and Kansas. ‘ 5. Atriplex Suckleyana (Torr.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 134. 1900. Erect, 1-2 dm. high, somewhat mealy, branching from the base: leaves thin, ' lanceolate, sessile, entire, acute, 15-20 mm. long: sterile flower-clusters. arachnoid; the calyx urceolate, with inflexed dorsally crested teeth; pistillate flowers solitary in the lower axils, sessile: fruiting bracts ovate, 2 mm. long, membranous, pubescent: ovary surrounded by 3-4 short, hyaline sepals. (Endolepis ovata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 248. 1903.)—From Montana through Wyoming. 6. Atriplex Wolfii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 112. 1874. Slender, 10-15 cm. high, branching from the base, scurfy-canescent and reddish: leaves linear, 8-12 mm. long, acute, sessile: flowers very small, in androgynous axillary clusters: calyx deeply 5-cleft: fruiting bracts oblong, scarcely more than 1 mm. long, the herbaceous summit broader than the body, with a quadrilateral tooth on each side and a small acute tooth in the center.—Alkaline flats; Colorado. 7. Atriplex truncata (Torr.) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 398. 1872. Seurfy-' canescent, either strict or freely and widely branched, 2-5 dm. high and often as broad: leaves broadly ovate, 12-30 mm. long, truncate or cordate at base, mostly acute, sessile or the lower short-petioled: spikes more or less leafy. CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) 167 calyx mostly 3-4-parted: fruiting bracts about 3 mm. long, oblong-obovate, ‘united up to the herbaceous truncately 3-toothed summit, the sides rarely subtuberculate— Wyoming to Oregon. 8. Atriplex argentea Nutt. Gen. 1: 198. 1818. Grayish-scurfy or silvery- glabrate; starved and young plants often nearly simple and erect and only 1-2 dm. high; weleiigurehed ones intricately and divaricately branched, subspherical masses 3-8 dm. in diameter: leaves deltoid or triangular-ovate or subrhombic, often subhastate, 2-5 cm. long: fruiting bracts short-pediceled, united up to the dilated free margin which extends nearly to the base; the free margin variously toothed or acutely lobed; the sides irregularly appen- daged with herbaceous-tipped teeth or lamellae. (A. volutans A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 203. 1898.)—From the Missouri River west to Oregon and California. 9. Atriplex’ philonitra A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 358. 1902. Annual, silvery- white, with a dense scurfiness, freely branched throughout, widely spreading and forming low tangled masses, 2-6 dm. high: leaves in young plants from broadly ovate to orbicular, 3-nerved, 1-3 em. long, on petioles mostly ex- ceeding the leaves; in older plants very numerous, rhombic-ovate or sub- cordate, sessile, on the branches becoming acute, gradually smaller and bract- like: monoecious, androgynous, and also with unisexual clusters, floriferous and leafy-bracted throughout, the crowded clusters at the closely. approx- imated nodes of the spike-like branches: calyx small, only the tips of the sepals free: anthers large: fruiting bracts suborbicular, about 5 mm. broad, barely united above by the irregularly toothed narrow margins, the backs appendaged by short thick flat processes.—Saline plains; Colorado, Wyoming, and westward. oY Ghee 10. Atriplex confertifolia (Torr.) Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 119. 1874. Densely appressed-scurfy diffusely branched shrub, somewhat spinescent, ‘3-12 dm. high: leaves ovate to obovate, 5-20 mm. long, usually obtuse at apex and with cuneate base: flower-clusters small, axillary: bracts sessile, united at the cuneate base around the seed and broadly margined above: seed 2 mm. broad, filling the cavity—Alkaline plains and valleys through- out the Rocky Mountain States. ‘ 11. Atriplex canescens (Pursh) James, Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 120. 1874. A rather rigid freely branched shrub, 4-10 dm. high: leaves oblanceo- late to narrowly oblong, entire, 2-5cm. long: flowers mostly dioecious, in naked panicled spices: calyx 5-cleft: bracts at first ovate, becoming indurated, ad- erent below to the pedicel of the ovary, bifid at apex and with 4 distinct broadly dilated but variable wings. [A. occidentalis (Torr.) Diet. Syn. 5: 537; A. odontophora Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 404. 1904.}—Clay and marl cliffs and banks; Dakota to Lower California, 12. Atriplex aptera A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 356. 1902.. Perennial, from a woody base, the annual stems tufted, decumbent at base or even depressed, more or less branched, 1-3 dm. high:.leaves narrowly oblong, 2-4 cm. long, 5-8 mm. broad, mostly obtuse, cuneately narrowed to a subsessile base: fruiting ‘spikes paniculate, crowded, bracteate; the bracts linear-lanceolate, gradually reduced upward or wanting: -dioecious, the fruiting bracts united, scarcely stipitate, somewhat indurated, densely-scurfy, appendaged with 3-4 more or less vertical 1ows of short vertically flattened processes, some of them often ex- panded but scarcely wing-like—Alkali flats; southern Wyoming. 13. Atriplex cuneata A. Nels. Bot. Gaz..34: 357. 1902. Perennial, with woody base, 2-several dm. high, branched from the base, the branches decumbent: leaves numerous, on the erect branches of the current year, 14 em. long, entire, thick or semifleshy, narrowly to broadly elliptic, obtuse at apex, cuneately tapering into a short petiole: flowers dioecious; the stami- nate densely clustered in the upper leaf-axils and in terminal spikes; the pistillate axillary, 1 or more in each ‘cluster: fruiting bracts united except at the tip, thickened and forming an ovate or subglobose fruit, rather thickly covered with irregular rigid flattened processes.—Southwestern Colorado, southward and westward. . ‘ 168 CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) 14, Atriplex Nuttallii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 116. 1874. Perennial, with more or less woody base, diffusely branched, 2~5 dm. high, greenish but moderately appressed scurfy: leaves oblong-spatulate to narrowly oblanceo- late, entire: staminate flowers in dense leafless spikes; pistillate clustered in the axils and in terminal spikes: fruiting bracts ovate, strongly convex, united, with toothed margins and irregulariy crested or tubercled sides, (A. oblanceolata Rydb. 1. c. 403.)—The “Great Plains;” on alkali free or moderately saline soil. < 5 14a. Atriplex Nuttallii corrugata (Wats.) A. Nels. Lower and more closely branched: leaves smaller and more crowded: fruiting bracts obovate and smaller. (A. corrugata Wats. Bot. Gaz. 16: 345. 1891.)—Arid plains; Colorado. 15. Atriplex pabularis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 203. 1898. Closely appressed white-scurfy, the slender branches tufted on a lignescent base, mostly erect, 2-5 dm. high, usually but slightly branched: leaves oblong to almost linear, 2-5em. long: flowers panicled, densely clustered: fruiting bracts united, oblong-cuneate, decidedly compressed, 4-5 mm. long, almost as broad at the 3-toothed summit, their sides not muricate.—Moist strongly alkaline soil; Wyoming and south into Colorado. : 15a. Atriplex pabularis eremicola (Osterh.) A. Nels. Base more shrubby, more divaricately branched: fruiting bracts often broader and not rarel with accessory teeth on the rounded summit. (A. eremicola Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 284. 1898.)—Same range as the species. 9. GRAYIA H. & A. Slightly scurfy or mealy and often spiny undershrubs, with entire alternate leaves, small flowers in axillary clusters or terminal spikes. Flowers dioecious; calyx mostly 4-parted. Fruiting bracts completely united, obcompressed, orbicular-flattened, entire and wing-margined, the sides naked and somewhat reticulate-veined.. Radicle inferior. 1. Grayia spinosa (Hook.) Mog. in DC. Prodr. 13%: 119. 1849. Erect, diffusely branched, 3-8 dm. high, the branchlets frequently spinescent: leaves rather fleshy, glabrous or at first with the young branches somewhat mealy, oblanceolate, spatulate or obovate, 10-25 mm. long, obtuse or acute, narrowed at base and sometimes petioled: staminate flowers in axillary clusters, the pistillate mostly spicate: fruiting perianth 5-10 mm. in diameter, sessile, smooth, emarginate, thin, white or pinkish, the seed usually central. G. polygaloides H. & A.—Alkaline soil; throughout our range and westward. 2. Grayia Brandegei Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 11: 101. 1876. Lower and unarmed, more mealy: leaves linear-spatulate: fruiting bracts smaller, slightly mealy, retuse at base, sometimes 3-winged, sessile: style short, included. —Southwest Colorado. 10. SUCKLEYA Gray A nearly glabrous annual, with branching prostrate stems, and suborbicular leaves on long petioles. Monoecious, the flowers in axillary clusters. Peri- carp naked, subhastate, with crested margins and 2-toothed apex. 1. Suckleya Suckleyana (Torr.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 133. 1900. Smooth, or somewhat scurfy; the stems prostrate or ascending, 2-3 dm. long: leaves 12-25 mm. long, on somewhat longer slender petioles, acutely repand- dentate: flowers in axillary clusters, the staminate above: calyx parted to the base: fruiting bracts 5-6 mm. broad, flattened, surrounded by a narrow crenate-denticulate margin: seed large, filling the cavity. 8S. petiolaris Gray. —Throughout our range but rare. 11. EUROTIA Adans. Low pubescent undershrubs with alternate entire leaves and ‘omaceiaus or dioecious flowers ‘np small axillary and somewhat spicate clusters. Calyx CHENOPODIACEAE (GOOSEFOOT FAMILY) 169 4-parted. Stamens with slender exserted filaments. Styles 2, somewhat hairy, exserted. Pericarp conical, of obcompressed united densely-hairy 2-horned bracts. 1. Eurotia Janata (Pursh) Moq. Enum. Chenop. 81. 1840. White-tomentose throughout with stellate hairs (often turning reddish-brown), at least the base shrubby: leaves linear to narrowly lanceolate, with revolute margins: calyx-lobes hairy: fruiting bracts lanceolate, nearly covered by 4 dense spread- ing tufts of long silvery-white hairs——-New Mexico to Oregon and Manitoba; known as WINTER Fat or WuHIrsE Saag, and valued as forage. 12. SARCOBATUS Nees. GrEasEwoop A subspinescent rigidly branched shrub with alternate linear fleshy leaves, and bractless monoecious or dioecious flowers. Staminate flowers without calyx, in close terminal spikes; stamens 2-5, irregularly arranged. under a stipitate peltate scale. Pistillate flowers solitary, axillary; the perianth ad- herent at the contracted somewhat 2-lipped apex to the base of the stigmas, laterally margined by a narrow erect slightly 2-lobed border, which at length becomes a broad circular horizontal membranous veined wing; style lateral, terminated by two thick exserted unequal stigmas. 1. Sarcobatus vermiculatus (Hook.) Torr. Emory’s Rep. 150. 1848. Gla- brous or slightly pubescent on young branches, with smooth white bark, 5-25 dm. high: leaves pale green, somewhat 3-angled, 2-5 cm. long: fruiting calyx coriaceous, about 5 mm. long, the winged margin 7-12 mm. broad. —NMoist saline flats; throughout our range and west to Nevada. 13. SALSOLA L. ° Ours an introduced saline annual, with fleshy sessile subcylindrical leaves and sessile solitary 2-bracted perfect flowers. Calyx 5-sepaled, becoming horizontally 5-winged, inclosing the fruit. Stamens 5. Stigmas 2. Fruit a flattened utricle enveloping the horizontal seed. : ‘ 1. Salsola pestifer A. Nels. Bushy-branched, at first soft and succulent, in age rigid, often 1 m. broad and high: leaves and outer branches bright red at maturity; the linear leaves becoming rigid and prickle-tipped: calyx membra- nous, conspicuously veiny on the wings. (S. T’ragus of Am. authors, not S. Tragus L.)—The now widely distributed Russian THISTLE. 14. SUAEDA Forskal. Annuals or frutescent perennials with subterete fleshy leaves and axillary clustered or solitary flowers. Flowers perfect or polygamous, minutely bracte- olate. Calyx 5-cleft, its lobes unappendaged or more or less strongly keeled or crested, or at length somewhat winged. Stamens 5. Seed compressed, the testa shining, black and crustaceous. Wholly herbaceous. Erect annuals; calyx cleft to below the middle, Calyx lobes unappendaged So ey a sD Oy, ER 1. S. diffusa. Calyx lobes carinate-crested . * 5 ‘ , Mike Leaves deeply lobed or divided 7 A . a 5 .' 2. Trollius, Leaves compound. , ; Petals not spurred; fruit a berry . 3 * epi ds . 38, Actaea, Petals spurred; fruit follicular . ‘i . . eed va » 4 Aquilegia. Flowers irregular; carpels 3-5. l i osterior (upper) sepal oe 7 5 ‘i - % . ‘5, Delphinium, ‘osterior sepals hooded ( eS ake f “ ‘ 4 2 . 6, Aconitum, Pistils becoming achenes. Petals none or inconspicuous; sepals large and petal-like. Flowers subtended by an involucre; sepals Ha soeret Styles short, glabrous or pubescent | é : - 7. Anemone, Styles becoming elongated and plumose : 8. Pulsatilla. Flowers without involucre; sepals valvate; styles elongated and plumose; leaves opposite ei o . . » 9, Clematis, Petals as well as sepals present, except in ‘the Is last. Minute annuals: sepals spurred . . . . . - 10, Myosurus, Perennials; sepals not spurred. Flowers white .- ‘ é * , : 11, Batrachium, Flowers yellow; or petals i anting: Leaves simple but often lobed or divided; petals with a nev. tariferous pit at the base; achenes compressed, Achenes smooth or hispid; petals broad : » 12. Ranunculus, Achenes ene omnally striate; petals narrow + 13 Halerpestes. Leaves ternately compound or decompound, Petals present . ‘ : : = ‘i . 1406 Cyrtorhyncha, Petals wanting . . e ‘ i. < « 15, Thalictrum, 190 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 1. CALTHA L. Marsn Maricotp Smooth perennial herbs with thickish somewhat succulent round or oblong leaves with cordate base. Sepals large and petal-like, white or pink, early deciduous. Petalsnone. Stamensnumerous. Pistils several or many, becom- ing follicles with several seeds. ; 1, Caltha rotundifolia (Huth.) Greene, Pitt. 4: 80. 1899. Leaves all rad- ical, rather thick and firm, broadly ovate, elliptic or oblong, cordate at base with narrow sinus, entire or dentate, 3-8 em. long: scapes 2-15 em. high, 1-flowered: sepals 5-15, oblong or obovate, white (bluish without): filaments flattened: follicles flattened and somewhat spreading. C. leptosepala. (C. chionophila Greene 1, c.)—Throughout our range and northwestward, 2. TROLLIUS L. GtoserLowEeR Perennial herbs with palmately parted or incised leaves, thickened fibrous roots, and large solitary terminal flowers. Sepals 5-15, petal-like. Petals 5-15, small, narrow, with a minute nectariferous pit at the base. Stamens numerous. Pistils several, many-ovuled. 1. Trollius albiflorus (Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 152. 1900, Stems slender, 1-2 dm. high: leaves palmately 5-7-parted, 4-8 em. broad, all petioled except the uppermost, the segments obovate, variously cleft or toothed: flowers white, 2-4 cm. broad: sepals obovate: petals minute, much shorter than the stamens: follicles many, flattened, many-seeded, tipped with a divergent slender beak.—Not infrequent at subalpine and higher stations throughout our range. ? % 38. ACTAEA L. Baneserry Perennial herbs with leaves twice or thrice ternately compound. Flowers numerous, white, in a simple raceme. Sepals caducous, small, 4-6, petal-like. Petals small, 4-10. Stigma sessile, 2-lobed. Pistil 1, becoming a large some- what poisonous berry with many seeds. ok Leaflets thin, sharply incised, the teeth acuminate . ‘ ‘ é . 1, A, arguta, Leaflets thicker, the incisions few, the teeth rounded or mucronate , . 2, A, rubra, . 1. Actaea arguta Nutt. T. & G. Fl. 1: 35. 1838. Glabrous or nearly so, erect, bushy-branched, 3-6 dm. high: basal leaf long-petioled, ternate; the divisions long-petioled, pinnate; leaflets ovate, 5-12 em. long, sharply incised and toothed, the teeth acute or acuminate: flowers white, numerous, in an ovoid raceme which elongates in fruit: petals spatulate: berries 6-8 mm. long, oval or subspherical, red or white. (A. eburnea Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 153. 1900.)—In rich soil of moist woods; New Mexico and far to the north and west. 2. Actaea rubra (Ait.) Willd. Enum. 561. 1809. Very similar to the pre- ceding, but the leaflets less sharply incised, the teeth mostly rounded or mu- cronate, or acutish: petals rhombic-spatulate: berries smaller, cherry-red, or sometimes white. (A. viridiflora Greene, Pitt. 2: 108. 1890.)—Northeastern Wyoming, northward and eastward. : : 4. AQUILEGIA L. CotumsBine Perennial herbs, with leaflets twice or thrice ternately compound, the leaflets lobed. Sepals 5, petaloid, deciduous. Petals of the same number, the blade small, each produced backward between the sepals as a large hollow spur. Stamens indefinite, some of the inner sterile and dilated-petaloid or re duced to scarious scales. Pistils 5; the ovules numerous, in two rows, ‘ae RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 191 Spur longer than the calyx. Flowers red in whole or in part . % ‘s ‘ e . . 1, A, elegantula. Flowers never red. Flowers blue or white . . fs ‘ ‘ < . ‘i . 2, A. coerulea. Flowers yellow or bluish. : Spurs long (5-7 cm.), yellow . 5 5 5 7 is . 3, A. chrysantha. Spurs shorter (4 em. or less), bluish . a e . 4, A. oreophila, Spur shorter than the ealye: Stem leafy or not wholly naked-seapose; flowers several, Flowers yellow or yellowish, Plant tall (more than 2 dm.). Spur as long as lamina. flavescens, Eastwoodiae, laramiensis. . Saximontana, . Jonesii. Spur ay wanting . : ‘ Plant lower (less than 2 dm. high) . Flowers blue 2 a ci Stem scapose, 1-flowered .1, Aquilegia elegantula Greene, Pitt. 4: 14. 1899. Erect, glabrous, slen- der, 2-4 dm. high: leaves mostly radical, long-petioled, glaucous beneath; cauline small, subsessile: flowers solitary or few, about 3 cm. long: sepals and limb of petals yellowish-green, or becoming red like the spurs: spurs inflated above, straight, longer than the sepals: filaments short: styles exserted. A. canadensis.—Colorado and New Mexico. 2. Aquilegia coerulea James, in Long’s Exp. 2:15. 1825. Glabrous, rather slender, 3-6 dm. high: leaves most radical and long-petioled, glaucous beneath; the leaflets deeply cleft: flowers solitary or several, terminating the peduncle- like stems, large, deep' blue, or rarely pale: sepals rhomboid-ovate,. acute, longer than the obtuse petals: spurs straight, slender, twice as long as the limb: style shorter than the petals.—Frequent in the mountains; northern New Mexico to Montana; the state flower of Colorado. 2a. Aquilegia coerulea leptocera (Nutt.) A. Nels. Not readily distinguished from the species except by the nearly white flowers and the broader and very obtuse lobes of the leaflets. A.leptocera Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phil. 7: 9. 1834.— Western Wyoming and Utah, at lower elevations than the species. 3. Aquilegia chrysantha Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 621. 1873. Resembling the preceding in habit, but often taller (3-10 dm. high): flowers many, a pure yellow: sepals lanceolate-oblong, scarcely longer and not broader than the lamina of the petals: spurs long, straight and slender. (A. thalictrifolia Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 145. 1902.)—Southern Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. 4. Aquilegia oreophila Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 146. 1902. Re- sembling the two preceding and the following, smaller, 2-4 dm. high: flowers few, 3-4 cm. long: sepals oblong-lanceolate, acute, pale blue, longer than the oval obtuse ochroleucous limb of the petals: spurs straight, widening regularly to the throat, ochroleucous or bluish, about twice as long as limb.—Middle elevations; northwestern Wyoming to Idaho and Montana. ~ 5. Aquilegia flavescens Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 10. 1871. Glabrous except above, branching freely, 3-5 dm. high: flowers lemon-yellow, sometimes tinged with scarlet: sepals oval or oblong, spreading or reflexed, longer than the obovate obtuse limb of the petals: spur about equaling the petals, more or less curved but scarcely hooked, knobbed, 6-8 mm. long: stamens longer than the petals.—Probably in the western part of our range in the higher mountains. 6. Aquilegia Eastwoodiae Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 146. 1902. Pubescent with soft spreading hairs: leaves triternate on long slender petioles; leaflets cuneate, thin, somewhat 3-lobed, petioled: sepals and petals lanceo- late, subequal, 15 mm. long: the petals merely saccate at base and not truly spurred; sterile filaments united into a tube: follicles reticulate-veiny, 12- 15mm. long. (A. ecalcarata Eastwood, Zoe 2: 226.)—Southwestern Colorado to Utah and southward. 7. Aquilegia laramiensis ‘ Nels. First Rep. Fl. Wyo. 78. 1896. Many- stemmed from a rather large semifleshy root, 1-2 dm. hizh; stems and petioles more:or less decumbent and diffuse: leaves biternate; the leaflets large, with crenate lobes, slightly pubescent below: inflorescence and fruits pubescent: flowers 10-15 mm. long: sepals greenish-white, lanceolate, with emarginate WOON Qn PPPPp 192 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FaMILY) apex: lamina of the petals cream-color, elliptical, obtuse, longer than tus slender hooked knobbed spurs.—Shaded cliffs in the Laramie range, Wyom ing. 8. Aquilegia saximontana Rydb. in Robins. Syn. Fl. 1: 43. 1895. Glabrous 12-18 cm. high: stems several from a scaly rootstock: leaves small, twice ternate, even the upper slender-petioled: flowers small, 12-18 mm. long; the lamina of the petals yellowish, shorter than the blue sepals and much longer than the blue spurs: carpels glabrous. A. brevistyla.—High peaks in the cen- tral Rocky Mountains. 9. Aquilegia Jonesii Parry, Am. Nat. 8: 211. 1874. Minutely soft- pubescent: scape 3-6 cm. high, naked, 1-flowered: leaves all crowded and the persistent scale-like dilated bases of their petioles imbricated on the stout ascending branches of the rootstock; the partial petioles short or wanting, so that the 9 small obovate entire leaflets are in a dense cluster: lamina of petals only half as long as the obtuse sepals; the spurs shorter than the sepals: folli- large, 2 cm. long.—Rare alpine plants; high peaks in the central Rocky ountains, 5. DELPHINIUM L. Larxspur Erect herbs, usually with palmately lobed, cleft, or dissected leaves, and racemose flowers which are white, blue, or purple. Sepals 5, petal-like. Petals 2 or 4, irregular; when 4, the upper pair are coe aped backwards into a spur which is inclosed in the spur of the upper sepal; the lower pair with slender claw and broad blade. Pistils few, becoming erect or divergent follicles with several to many seeds. “ Roots fasciculate-tuberous and easily detachable from the slender stem. Stem strict, 3-4 dm. high; flowers many, in a spicate-raceme - 1, D. strictum. Stem lower; flowers few, ina lax raceme . 5 p 5 - 2 Dz. Nelsonii, eee and fascicled but not tuberous; plants low (1-5 dm, 3 igh), Stems glabrous, at least below. : Leeves basal and cauline . “ . . . . . - 3. D. bicolor, Leaves all basal . ‘ . a * . i . .« 4, D. scaposum. Stems pubescent to the base, Radical leaves numerous, tufted . ‘ e . . . - 5. D, Geyeri. Radical leaves few, open . 6. D. carolinianum. Roots large, deep-set, woody, with 1 or more crowns; plants often coarse and tall (1-20 dm. mig): , Leaf-segments laciniately multifid; the lobes linear. 5 Flowers eg or greenish and purple-streaked . 5 5 . 7% D. sapellonis. Flowers blue. Stem glabrous below . ‘ a 6 . ‘ ‘ . 8, D. scopulorum, Stem puberulent tothebase. . | . . . . - 9 D. robustum, Leaf-segments 5-9, these and their divisions oblong to obovate- cuneate, ae Seances 7 Pubescence more or less viscid-villous, yellowish, Raceme crowded, spicate; flowers blue, Mature follicles glabrous s+ « « « « 10, D. subalpinum. Mature follicles viscid-pubescent . . . . - H. D. reticulatum, Raceme open; flowers few (5-10). Plant tall; flowers purple . “ . . . * « 12, D. Cockerellii, Plant low; flowers blue . . . . - 13. D, alpestre Pubescence finely canescent, not viscid or glandular, ceme dense, spicate, finely villous . . . s . 14, D, cucullatum Raceme more open, pilose . . . . . . 15. D. glaucescens, 1. Delphinium strictum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 263. 190C Finely pubescent: root tuberous-fasciculate or solitary-cormose: stem very strict, 3-4 dm. high: leaves trifoliolate; the leaflets again 3-parted or variously lobed; the segments oblong to linear: raceme spicate, 5-10 cm. lng; pedicels short, erect, stout: flowers blue: ee straight, with deflexed tip, standing at right angles to the rachis; lateral petals deeply cleft, eoeteely long-villous follicles 3, pubescent, 6-8 mm. long: seeds wing-angled.— Jackson’s Hole, Wyoming. ; 2. Delphinium Nelsonii Greene, Pitt. 3: 92. 1896. Finely puberulent, at: - et meadows RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 193 1 least above; stem slender, simple, 1-3 dm. high, from a cluster of tuberous, easily detachable roots: leaves. , divided into linear segments: ' flowers blue, slightly villous, slender-pediceled: sepals oblong, shorter ‘than the slender spur: lower petal 2-cleft, pubescent and with a tuft of hairs about the middle: follicles pubescent or glabrate: seeds wing-angled above. (D. dume- torum Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 4. 1901.)—Western Nebraska through Wyoming and Colorado to Utah. ; a ‘ 3. Delphinium bicolor Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 7: 10. 1834. Glabrous or pubescent, 2-3 dm. high, rather stout, from thickish fascicled ‘deep-set roots: leaves deeply parted, the segments cleft or.\parted into linear lobes: raceme open, few-flowered, the lower pedicels elongated: flowers about'2 cm. long: upper petals yellowish and copiously blue-veined: mature follicles glabrous, erect or recurving—Northern Wyoming, west to Oregon. ue 4. Delphinium scaposum Greene, Bot. Gaz. 6: 156. 1880. Glabrous; stems scapose, 2-4 dm. high, from thickish branching roots: leaves ‘clustered at the base, short-petioled, round or reniform in outline, and mostly oblong or sub- enneate divisions and lobes: raceme séveral-flowered ;' the flowers blue: sepals oblong, 10-14 mm. long, shorter than the somewhat curved spur: ‘follicles wee erect: seeds with rugose and ariliform coat.—Western Colorado to Ne- vada. i ee yh 5. Delphinium Geyeii Greene, Erythea 2: 189: 1894. Canescently tomentu- lose throughout; stems usually several or many from a bundle of woody deep- set roots, 2-5 dm. high: basal leaves numerous and tufted, petioled; the cau- ~ line diminishing upward; all rather thick, cut into many linear segments, these tipped with a white callosity: raceme long, with many azure-blue flowers: spur horizontal or ascending, stoutish. This is the species that is commonly known as Porson WeErEp. The tuft of radical leaves develops early and these if eaten freely produce fatal bloating in cattle unless the animal is relieved promptly by the use of a trochar.—Very abundant on the plains in ourrange. — i / a 6. Delphinium carolinianum Walt. Fl. Car. 155. 1788. Puberulent or pubescent; stem solitary, strict, simple or nearly ‘so, 2-5 dm. high: leaves 3-5-parted or cleft, usually into linear lobes: raceme spiciform, many-flowered: flowers varying from blue to white or even greenish-white: sepals sometimes tipped with brown: spur horizontal or ascending; petals rather heavily pilose: folkeles ‘oblong, erect. D. azureum. (D. albescens Rydb. in Brit. Man. 417. eee the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains far to the eastward. § > pags ag pce eerek 6a. Delphinium carolinianum Penhardii (Huth.) A. Nels. A form with flowers mostly white and the spurs curved and erect. (D. Penhgrdii, Huth. Helios 10: 27: 1893; D. camporum Greene, Erythea 2: 183. 1894.)—On the great plains, eastward of the Rocky Mountains. . | he ie ccs . 7. Delphinium sapellonis Ckll. Bot. Gaz. 34: 453. 1902: Very glandular or ‘viscid-pubescent, especially above; stem strict 8-18 dm. high: leaves tripartite; the lateral divisions large and themselves almost tripartite; the segments mostly linear: racemes long, narrow, many-flowered; flowers rather small, dull-colored, greenish-brown and more or less streaked with dull purple: spur ascending; petals somewhat pilose with yellow hairs.—New Mexico, and may reach Colorado. we S20) 5 8. Delphinium scopulorum Gray, Pl. Wright. 2: 9, 1853. Glabrous below, minutely pubescent in the inflorescence; stem usually simple, 3-8 dm. high: leaves laciniately multifid; the primary and secondary divisions cuneiform in outline, laciniately many-cleft into lance-linear very acute segments: flowers rather large, indigo-blue, in a strict raceme: spur longer than the sepale: ae erect, nearly glabrous.—New Mexico and’ probably in southern olorado, ; ; eet 9. Delphinium robustum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. ‘Club 28: 276. 1901., Puberulent throughout; stem stout, often 2 m. or more high: leaves divided into 5-7 segments which are 6-12 cm. Iong and twice cleft into linear lobes: inflorescence branched, many-flowered: sepals elliptical, dark blue, as long as 194 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) f or longer than, the spur: lateral petals 2-cleft at the apex, slender-clawed, and bearded within.—Southern Colorado., ; ~ ; 10. Delphinium subalpinum (Gray) A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club ,27: 263, 1900. Tawny pubescent especially above and in the inflorescence, more or less viscid; stems simple, erect, 5-15 dm. high: leaves, deeply cleft into about 5 segments which are variously incised or gash-toothed, nearly glabrous: raceme simple, short and compact (1 dm. long); pedicels longer than the spurs of the uniformly very deep blue flowers: lower petals with narrow claw and oval deeply notched blade; the lobes dentate: ovaries glabrate, bluish: follicles short-oblong, glabrous. [(?) D. Barbeyi Huth. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 1: 335. 1893.}In large dense beds at subalpine stations;.Colorado and Wyoming. 11. Delphinium reticulatum A. Nels. J. c. 261. Near the preceding, more pubescent but viscid in the inflorescence only; stems usually several from the large woody root, 5-10 dm. high, and more or less branched above: leaves with 3-5 broadly cuneate divisions which are 3-cleft into more or less toothed lobes: raceme simple or branched, becoming elongated; flowers dull or dark blue, more or less streaked with white: spur longer than the sepals; lower etals with ovate, bifid, more or less bearded blade: follicles erect, 10 mm. ong, conspicuously reticulated with dark lines, slightly pubescent or viscid- pubescent. (D. multiflorum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 147. 1902; D. occidentale Wats. as to our range.)—-From northern Colorado to Montana and Idaho. : ees 12. Delphinium Cockerellii A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 51. 1906. Tawny pubes- cent on stems and in the inflorescence, densely and viscidly so above, the leaves obscurely pubescent: stems nearly simple or bushy-branched, 6-12 dm. high: leaves large, often 12-18 cm. in diameter, the veins strikingly superfi- cial, about 5-cleft or parted into broadly oblong or oblong-cuneate divisions, these merely coarsely toothed or incised above the middle: racemes often several, open, with rather long peduncles and pedicels and few flowers (5-10); flowers bright purple, large (3-4 cm. long): sepals oblong-lanceolate, acute, about as long as the thick curved spur: petals small;.the upper yellowish- white, concealed within the upper sepal; the lower purple, with suborbicular. blade, cleft and sparsely hirsute-ciliate——Mountains of southern. Colorado and of New Mexico. Meo, ot 13. Delphinium alpestre Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 146. 1902. Pu- berulent, viscid above, caespitose,.only 1-2 dm. high: leaves digitate, the divisions cuneate-obovate, divided -halfway into oblong mucronate. lobes: inflorescence short, few-flowered, viscid: sepals blue as are also the upper petals: lower petals 2-cleft; the lobes lanceolate—Alpine, among rocks; Colorado and New Mexico. ~ Boe hat ‘ 14. Delphinium cucullatum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 262. 1900. Stems numerous, clustered on thick woody roots,-8-15 dm. high, glabrous nearly to the inflorescence, leafy: leaves finely pubescent, 10-18 cm. in diam- eter, 3-7-divided, the segments cuneate and very irregularly cleft and gashed at the apex: racemes usually several, very closely flowered, densely pubescent (not viscid or glandular): sepals yellowish-white or bluish, all distinctly hooded, shorter than the spur: petals blue, the lower pair with slender claw having a conspicuous saccate nectary at base; the blade cleft to near the middle: ovaries densely white-pubescent.—Known as yet only from north- western Wyoming, on Snake River. / / 15. Delphinium glaucescens Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 155. 1900. Stems several or many from a thick caudex, pubescent, especially above, or in age glabrate and glaucous, 3-8 dm. high: leaves finely puberulent, more or less glaucous and tending to become glabrous, with 5-8 cuneate divisions which are mostly 3-cleft: raceme simple, rather short; the lower bracts ex- ceeding the flowers: flowers blue, or variegated with white, finely pilose: spur. as long as the lower petal: ovaries densely hairy; follicles erect, oblong, pu- bescent. (D. ramosum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28:'276. 1901; D. elon- gatum Rydb. |. c. 29: 148; D. quercetorum Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 4, 1901.)— Montana to Colorado. ‘ a RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 195 6. ACONITUM L. Aconitz. MonxsHoop Perennial ‘herbs, with palmately lobed or dissected leaves, and showy flowers in terminal racemes or ‘panicles. Sepals 5, petal-like; the upper one large; helmet-shaped or prolonged: saccate. -‘Petals 2-5; the upper two with long nectariferous claws and irregular spur-like blades concealed within the hood; the 3-lower very minute or obsolete. Follicles 3-5, with several to many squamellose seeds. S Le # (14 ip Peas i : HW ' we ar ay . Pritnary leaf-segments rarely cleft below the middle. i ; eres 1»: Flowers ‘blue, sometimes very pale;): ». | 2 Hee ae i Raceme open or paniculate, few-flowered . 2 ‘< nt ey aA k Racenie dense, subspicate . i . 2 2, A. Bakeri. Flowers 'ochroleucoug’ 2) ww 3, A. lutescens, Primary leaf-segments cleft nearly to the base . » ow «+ . 4 A, ramosum, 1. Aconitum columbianum Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 34. 1838. More or less pubescent above with short spreading viscid hairs: stem stout, 9-18 dm. high: divisions of the leaves broadly cuneate, laciniately toothed, lobed, or cleft, to near the middle: flowers blue, sometimes pale or nearly white, some- what pubescent, rather few, in a, loose terminal panicle-like raceme: hood 12-15 mm. long, the helmet-shaped portion higher than broad; the beak vari- able, porrect or downwardly curved. (A. insigne Greene, in herb.)—Moist open woods; from New. Mexico to British Columbia. ce : 2. Aconitum Bakeri Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 5.1901. The whole upper por- tion of the plant, even the flowers, short-hirsute with glandular hairs, or some- what viscid-villous: root semifleshy, short, fusiform: stem stoutish, erect, simple and rather strict, 5-7 dm. high: leaves mostly 5-parted, the cuneate divisions doubly about 3-cleft.to near the middle: raceme compact or sub- spicate, the flowérs usually dark blue: hood 15~18 mm. long, scarcely higher than prod beet subulate, usually projecting horizontally: follicles glabrous, about 4. (A. atrocyaneum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot, Club 29: 150. 1902; A. porrectum Rydb, 1, ¢.)—Moist subalpine stations; Colorado mountains, : 3. Aconitum lutescens A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 51. 1906. Root, small, fusiform-tuberous;-stems slender, simple, erect, only 3-6 dm. high,. glabrous nearly to the inflorescence: leaves 3~5 em. broad; the 5 broadly cuneate divi- sions, deeply and incisely toothed above the middle: raceme narrow, long for the plant, rather open; the flowers a pure cream-color, becoming nearly. white. or pinkish in drying; rachis and pedicels softly hirsuté-ciliate with straight ee hairs standing out at right angles—Wyoming, Colorado, and New exico. 6 Ses pion eate ._ 4.,Aconitum ramosum A.. Nels., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 26: 8. 1899., Pu- bescent above only, obscurely glandular: stems 3-5 dm. high, more or less: branched above: leaves 3-4-parted; the segments 2- or.3-cleft much below the middle; these divisions also incised, the leaf thus appearing incisely mul- tifid with linear-lanceolate lobes; flowers in short terminal, capitate racemes, blue: hood 12-16 mm. long; the beak short: follicles cylindrical-oblong, reticulately veined, nearly glabrous.—As yet only from northeastern Wyom- ing. 7. ANEMONE L. AngMonE. WINDFLOWER ' Erect perennial herbs. Basal leaves lobed, divided, or dissected, and those of the-stem forming an involucre either near to or distant from the solitary or .umbellate: flowers. Sepals 4-20. Petals wanting. Stamens numerois,’ shorter than the sepals. Pistils numerous,’ becoming compressed ‘achenes, which are not: long-tailed. eee ve ene Achenes densely woolly. Stem low, simple, 1-flowered.,. ~ - From slender rootstocks ene A. columbianum, i fae ag fol . oP se sae Be Perikia: From a short erect caudex . . eth ie ° . . . 2, A, lithophila, - : . Stems generally branching above, 1-3 dm. high; flowers mostly ., morethanl. __ ; . a Head of carpels’globose . é ‘ é ‘ ‘ e ', $8. A. globosa’. Head of carpels cylindrical . i pi i : ‘ ‘ . 4, A. cylindrica, 196 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) Achenes pubescent only or glabrate. Leaves of the involucre sessile, Achenes Spur erg pubescent ‘ ni ° é é é . 5. A. canadensis, Achenes wholly glabrous. . . . ° ° ° 6, A, zephyra, ‘ Leaves of the involucre petioled. Stems from horizontal or ascending rootstocks . 5 . 7. A, quinquefolia, Stems from an erect caudex, eee as Styles deciduous . . " a . . # . . 8. A. tetonensis, Styles persistent . . . . . ° . . - 9. A, stylosa, ; J. Anemone parviflora Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 319. 1803. Sparingly softly hirsute: the stems low, 4-10 cm. high, the solitary peduncles, in fruit, often longer: rootstock slender: root-leaves 3-parted, their broadly cuneate seg- ments crenately lobed or toothed; involucral leaves nearly sessile, their seg- ments more deeply lobed: sepals 5 or 6, oval, white: head of fruit globular.— Mountains of Colorado, northward to the Arctic sea. / 2. Anemone lithophila Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 152. 1902. Spar- ingly pubescent with long silky hairs: stems 1 or more from a short erect root- stock: leaves ternate, the obovate-cuneate segments once or twice 3-cleft or lobed, the lobes oblong: involucral leaves subsessile and similar: sepals silky, ochroleucous, tinged with blue, broadly obovate or oval: achenes densely vil- lous.—Utah and Montana, probably Wyoming and Idaho. 3. Anemone globosa Nutt. ex Pritz. in Linnaea 15: 673. 1841. Silky hairy, 1-3 dm. high: basal leaves long-petioled, 3-5-parted, the segments cleft into linear acute lobes; involucral leaves short-petioled: sepals 5-9; red, rarely yellow, oval or oblong, silky or downy beneath. A. multifida.—Fre- quent in the central Rocky Mountains. ; ee 4. Anemone cylindrica Gray, Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 3: 221. 1836. Tall and clothed with silky hairs: flowers 2-6, on very long and upright naked pe- duncles: leaves of the involucre long-petioled, twice or thrice as many as the flower stalks, 3-divided, their divisions wedge-shaped, the lateral 2-parted, the middle one 3-cleft, lobes cut and toothed at the apex: sepals greenish- white: head of fruit cylindrical—From Colorado to Bitter Root valley and thence eastward across the continent. 5. Anemone canadensis L. Syst. Ed. 12. 3: App. 231. 1768. Hairy, rather low: involucres sessile; the primary ones 3-leaved, bearing a naked peduncle, and soon a pair of branches or peduncles with a 2-leaved involucre at the middle, which branch similarly in turn; their leaves broadly wedge-shaped, 3-cleft, cut and toothed; radical leaves 5-7-parted or cleft: sepals 5, obovate, white: carpels orbicular. A. dichotoma.—Common along streams; eastern Colorado and Wyoming and eastward. _ 6. Anemone zephyra A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 51. 1906. Green but sparsely: long-pilose: stems 1 or more from the thick erect caudex, 7-15 dm. high, rather stout: basal leaves petioled, ternate, the broad petiolulate segments mostly deeply 3-cleft, and these segments in turn deeply incised into linear- oblong lobes; involucral leaves sessile, with linear-oblong lobes: flowers large, 2-3 em. broad, lemon-yellow or ochroleucous, usually solitary and rather long pedunculate, sometimes umbellately 2-4-flowered: achenes large, glabrous, obovate, tapering to a stipe-like base, tipped with the short hooked style. A. narcissiflora.—Subalpine or alpine in the central Rocky Mountains. _7. Anemone quinquefolia L. Sp. Pl. 541. 1753. Smooth or somewhat villous: stem perfectly simple from a filiform rootstock, slender, leafless,. ex- cept for the involucre of 3 long-petioled trifoliolate leaves; their leaflets wedge- shaped or oblong, toothed or cut, or the lateral ones 2-parted; a similar rad- ical leaf in sterile plants solitary from the rootstock: sepals 4-7, oval, white or agers achenes oblong, with a hooked beak. A. nemorosa.—Scarcely within our range; northward and eastward. 8. Anemone tetonensis Porter, Brit. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 6: 224. 1891. Much - like A. globosa, but lower and more slender: leaf-segments somewhat broader, obtusish, glabrate: flowers deep purple: achenes dorsally glabrate.—In the high mountains of northwest Wyoming and extending into Idaho and Mon- ‘tana. RANUNCULACEAE. (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 197 9, Anemone stylosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 52. 1906. Low from a thickened simple or branched eaudex, densely covered with the dead sheathing petioles: basal leaves pale green, glabrous, biternate, segments 3-parted, again incised into linear-lanceolate acute lobes; involucral leaves short-petioled, otherwise quite similar: stems and petioles sparsely long-pilose, the hairs:spreading or refracted: sepals oval or oblong, purplish-red or greenish-red: achenes pubes- cent, with rather long straight glabrous pereitent styles, hooked at the tip. —Only as yet from type locality, Fish Lake, Utah. 9 2). ° : 8. PULSATILLA ‘Adans. Pasqui FLowER Characters nearly the same as for Anemone, except that the styles are always persistent and become greatly elongated and plumose.—Anemone in part. 1. Pulsatilla hirsutissima (Pursh) Brit. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 6; 1891. Villous with long silky hairs: flower erect, developed before fe leaves, which are ternately divided, the lateral divisions 2-parted, the middle one stalked and 3-parted, the segments deeply once or twice cleft into: narrowly linear and acute lobes: sepals 5-7, purplish or whitish. Anemone patens Nuttalliana. —From the mountains eastward to Illinois and Wisconsin; the state flower of South Dakota. > 9. CLEMATIS L. Virain’s Bower , : 4 e Perennial herbs, either climbing or upright, with opposite leaves, enlarged: nodes, and usually showy flowers (large and solitary or smaller and clustered). Sepals 4 or rarely more, valvate, petal-like, Petals none, sometimes the outer stamens sterile, with the, filaments broadened and petaloid. Stamens many. Pistils numerous, becoming achenes tailed with feathery or hairy or rarely naked styles. | i Petals none; stamens with ‘adnate anthers. Stems erect; leaves pinnate or pinnatifid, ; Leaves pinnate; the leaflets all petiolulate . é é Ps . 1, C. plattensis. Leaves twice or thrice pinnatifid. Petiolules of leaves straight (not contorted), oot Low and white-villous . . . . 2. C, eriophora, fihy ‘Paller’ and'sparsely villous . . De ne st (eae ‘3B. C: Dougiasii. _. Petiolules of some of the leaves contorted as if for climbing 4. C. Scottii, ‘Stems climbing; leaves ternate or pinnately 5-foliolate, . . 5. C ! . a . ligusticifolia, Petals noné; some of the outer stamens 'petaloid and sterile; stems : elimbing or’sometimes low. ~ ee ee % Leaves ternate, entire or merely toothed es * < . 6. C, occidentalis. Leaves biternate, incisely toot. ed or lobed : 3 oe ott C. pseudoalpina, 1. Clematis plattensis A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 52. 1906. .Stems clustered on the crown of.a.thick woody root,, 12—18 cm. high, terminated. by the single stout, peduncle of nearly equal,length in fruit, sparsely short~villous: . basal. leaves small, scale-like and entire; foliage proper of about 3 pairs of nearly: simple-pinnate short-petioled leaves;..pinnae 7-9, the lowest:pair sometimes. ternate, all distinctly petiolulate (petiolule 3-10 mm. long) and oblong- lanceolate, entire, and (in age) merely ciliate-villous: achenes long-tailed, hairy-plumose: flowers not known, presumably! much like those'of C. Doug- lasit.—Eastern Wyoming, in the cafion of the Platte. 2. Clematis eriophora Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 154: 1902. Promi- nenitly white-villous: stems 2-4 dm. high, simple: leaves 5-10 em. long, dis- tinctly petioled, twice pinnately divided; ultimate segmients ‘narrowly linear: flowers nodding: calyx villous, campanulate, about 3 cm. long: sepals oblong, obtuse, the upper third spreading, with a dilated margin: achenes silky, their tails long and plumose.—In mountain cafions; Colorado. _ veel 3. Clematis Douglasii Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 1. pl. 1. 1829.’ Stem simple or branching, more or less villous, woolly at the joints: leaves pinnate to 2- or 3-pinnatifid; the leaflets linear or linear-lanceolate: sepals thi¢k, deep pur- ple within, paler externally, woolly at the apex, and spreading: achenes silky, 198 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP ' FAMILY) the tails 3-4 cm. in length. .[C. Bakeri Greene, Pitt. 4: 147. 1900;-C. Joniesi (Kuntze) Rydb. 1. c.153.]-—Colorado, northward and westward to Washington, 4. Clematis ‘Scottii Porter, Fl. Col. 1. ' 1874. Near the two preceding: leaves large, with some or all. the divisions 3-5-parted ‘or 3-5-foliolate; lobes or leaflets oblong or ovate-lanceolate; some upper leaves with’ distinctly tortuous petiolules, as if for:clasping a support.—Southern Colorado and New Mexico. eT : ee Baha ie Ba. 5. Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A: 1:9. 1838. Nearly gla- brous: stem more or less woody, often very long, climbing by the tortuous grasping petiolules: deaves Diontte and ternate, mostly 5-foliolate; the leaflets oblong, acute, often somewhat lanceolate-cuineate, incisely toothed and trifid: flowers white, in paniculate corymbs, dioecious: sepals thin, equaling the. sta- mens.—-From New Mexico, to the Saskatchewan and Oregon, and. also-in Cali+ fornia; climbing over bushes and producing a great abundance of white flowers. 6. Clematis occidentalis Homem.* Hort. Hafn. 520. ‘1813.’ Leaves simply 3-foliolate, slender-petioled; leaflets slender-petiolulate, ovate mostly acumi: nate, entire or sparingly dentate: sepals violet, 3-5 em. long, oblong, acute or acutish: usually some of the outer stamens sterile, with enlarged’ spatulate etaloid filaments. C. verticillaris.—Colorado to California and north into ritish America. Pena A Ot ot ee Ee eta 7. Clematis pseudoalpina (Kuntze) A. Nels. Stems very short, trailing, hardly if at all climbing: leaves biternate; the divisions lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate, acute, pinnatély 3-7-toothed, lobedor cleft: sepals lanceolate, acute, thirt, purplish-blue or rarely white: petaloid filaments (staminodia) all Hnear, more or less antheriferous, scarcely exceeding the’ other, stamens: achenes pubescent or glabrous, with' long plumose tails. C. alpina dcciden- talis. (Atragene repens. Rydb. 1. c.)—New Mexico to Utah and Wyoming.’ uh 7a, Clematis pseudoalpina ‘tenuiloba (Gray) A. Nels. Differs from the preceding but little: sterns even shorter: leaflets more deeply incised’ and. the obes narrow, often lance-linear. [Atragene tenuiloba (Gray) Brit. in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 3: 206. 1895.}—Colorado and Utah to Dakota and Montana, .., 10. MYOSURUS L. Movseram Very small annual herbs, with a tuft of linear or spatulate entire radical leaves, and solitary flowers on simple. scapes. Sepals 5, spurred at base. Petals 5, linear, on a slender claw with a pit'at its summit. Stamens 5-20. The long slender spike of achenes and linear radical leaves give the plant the appearance of a diminutive plantain. : des é ao nl r $4 Vitae UT 4 : 1. Myosurus apetalus Gay, Hist. Chil. Bot. 1:31. 1845, Scapes 3-5 cm. high, usually spreading, but little surpassing the linear leaves: pétals often wanting: spike of achenes 6-20 mm. long, ovoid-oblong and more or les$ squarrose, or cylindrical: achenes oblong; thin-walled, with’ narrow, promié nently carinate:back prolonged into a spreading or ascending beak: achene ob- long.—Wet saline places; western N. America; also’ in Chile: nokia C2 te 6 T ‘ 11. BATRACHIUM §&. F. Gray. Warer Crowroor — Aquatic or subaquatic perennials or winter annuals, with filiform-dissected submersed leaves and sometimes also a few dilated emersed ones; petioles’ with dilated stipular base. Peduncles solitary}. opposite the leaves. Petals white, with a naked nectariferous pit upon the Plow base. Achenes margin- less and transversely rugose.—Ranunculus in part. meee qos poee peeked j) ce el GN cae cae eR, longirostre. * * See discussion of this and the folldwing species, under Atragene, by Dr. 'P. A, “Rydberg, Bull. Torr, Bot, Club 29: 155-157, 1902,, °° Ra irae RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 199 Flowers large (petals 5-8 mm. long); stamens man . Leaves short and scarcely collapsing when with rawn from the water eg é B. trichophyllum, Leaves longer and collapsing when withdrawn fromthe water | 3. B, flaccidum. Flowers amaller; stamens 5-12 , ¥ ® - i 5 (4, BY confervoides. 1. Batrachium longirostre (Godr.) F. Schutz. Arch. Fl. Fr. et Allem. 1: 70. 1844. Stem leafy (the internodes short): leaves nearly sessile, all submersed ; segments numerous, filiform, 12-15 mm. long,:hardly collapsing when with- drawn from the water; the stipules broad and hairy: peduncles moderately stout, 2-3 cm. long: petals ovate, 5-7 mm. long: achenes in a globose head, distinctly beaked.—Ponds and streams; infrequent i in our range, but common eastward. ee 2. Batrachium trichophyllum ce Bossch. Prod. Fl. Bat. 5. 1850. Wholly. submersed; the stems long (3 dm. or more), with ‘rather long inter- nodes: leaves petioled:; their saemente: short (10-16 mm.), scarcely collapsing when withdrawn from the: water; stipules broad, short, hairy: flowers rather large, on stoutish peduncles bringing them just above the surface: achenes apiculate but not peaked, on a hairy receptacle——Ponds and streams, fre- quent; across the continent and in Europe. 3. Batrachium flaccidum (Pers.) Rupe. Fl. Cauc. 15. 1869. Scarcely dif- fering from) the, preceding except in the shorter internodes, more numerous longer-petioled leaves, which have longer more slender segments that collapse on being withdrawn from the water.—Occurring not ony in N. America but in Europe and. Asia. ‘4, Batrachium confervoides Fries, Bot. N otiser 121, 1844. Differing from the three preceding in the filiform stem, the very flaccid leaves, the smaller flowers, the few stamens, and the conic (not ovoid) receptacles. —In coe wa- ters; northern Wyoming to Alaska and Lake Winnipeg. 12. RANUNCULUS L. Burrercur, Crowroor Mostly, low perennial herbs, more rarely” annual, with leaves varying from entire to divided, parted or dissected; those of the stem alternate. Flowers solitary or several in a subcorymbose cluster. Sepals usually 5. Petals 3-15, with a, little, scale-covered pit at the base inside, yellow (in some degree), often broad. and conspicuous. Achenes aggregated in a globular or oblong head, ‘usually ‘compressed the style often i in. part (more rarely as a ahiole? persisting and pointing ‘the’ achene. at . AMPHIBIOUS AQUATICS, the ‘submersed leaves, if any, . capillary-multifid. Leaves orbicular in outline, multifid or many-toothed orlobed . 1. R. Purshii. Leaves reniform, 3-lobed . * . . . 2, R, natans, MARSH PLAN ANTS, erennial by creeping stolons é - &R reptans. : TERRESTRIAL. PEREN NIALS, often growing in wet places, Il the leavesentire . «s {.. % Tay Sy * . . 4 R. calthaeflorus, Some of the,leaves entire, . a . . . 2, « + 5& R glaberrimus. fone of the leaves entire. . Some or all of the radical aan crenate-dentate, not divided or parted., 4 Achenes glabrous, in'a globose head. ‘Sepals densely: "villous with brown hair’ , a é a Be als glabrate or ciliate-pubescent, adical leaves reniform-cordate . 3 . ' Radical leaves ovate or suborbicular . . ° - 8 dchionen pubescent, in an oblong head. : Retals small, spatulate-oblong. ..°: « “a * « 2 Petals large, o ovate-suborbicular . . e . 10 Most of the radical cleft to the middle or below. Head of‘carpels elliptic or oblong, . R. Macauleyi. abortivus, oval is. R. R. R, inamoenus; . R. spediophy ie Re R. R, Achenes pubescent . . . % . Fy ° - 11. pedatifidus, pope pebipus Si aa ‘ ae ee ee alpeophilug, Head of acheries globose | > . ° . « . 13. pygmaeus, All of the leaves deeply cleft or parted, Plants of alpine or subalpine stations, 3-14 cm. high, Flowers smaill., Oe ‘Sepals ‘glabrous ‘ . e a e . 5 . 14, R. Jovis, a : Sepals villous. ae a ae % « 15, R, Grayi, 200 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 6 Flowers very large, 2-3 cm, broad. vi Leaves 2—3-ternately parted into linear lobes. . 16. R. adoneus,:.: Leaves digitately 3-7-divided or parted . 5 . 17. R. eximius, Plants of middle elevations or lower; mostly 2-4 dm, high, : : Wholly glabrous .. 5 ‘ ‘: i . ‘ . 18, R. eremogenes, More or less pubescent. _, Achenes with short. hooked beak, : bE, feu Stems glabrous or nearly so; flowers small . . 19. R. Douglasii. Stems hirsute; flowers 15-25 mm, broad, Pubescence mostly appressed ; . é . 20. R, acriformis, Pubescence mostly spreading < 5 . . 21, R, montanensis, Achenes with straight stout beak, “Stems stout, very rough hirsute; beak much shorter tae than the body of the achene, . Head of carpels oblong; petals not longer than , the sepals S 4; é es é a . 22, R, pennsylvanicus, ' Head of carpels globose or ovoid; petals longer ’ than the sepals . : i . eM . 23, R, Macounii, Stems slenderer; beak as long as the body of the : achene , ‘ . é . * . 24, R, maximus, 1, Ranunculus Purshii Rich. in Frank. Journ. 751. 1823. Stems floating or immersed, with the divisions of the leaves long and filiform; or rooting in the mud and the leaves round-reniform and more or less deeply lobed and toothed; petioles short, broadly stipulate-dilated at base: flowers large, the petals with conspicuous obovate scales: achenes in a small globose head, beaked by a short straight style. 2. multifidus—Colorado and northward, and across the continent. . 2. Ranunculus natans C. A. Meyer, in Ledeb. Ic. t. 114. 1829. Stem filiform, creeping: leaves glabrous, petioled, reniform, 3-cleft; the lobes oval- oblong, divaricate, the lateral ones sometimes somewhat 2-cleft: heads of achenes globose, compact; style wanting—In swamps at middle elevations; Colorado and northward.’ ‘ 3. Ranunculus reptans L. Sp. Pl. 549. 1753. Glabrous throughout: stems filiform, creeping and rooting at the joints: leaves mostly lanceolate and acute at each end: petals half longer than the sepals: achenes few in a small globular head, plump; beak very short and curved.—Found in Colorado, but most com- mon northward, where it extends across the continent. 4, Ranunculus calthaeflorus Greene, Erythea 3: 45. 1895. Nearly or quite glabrous throughout: roots thickened-fibrous: stems usually solitary, more or less branched, often dichotomously from near the middle, 1-3 dm. high: leaves ovate and oblong-lanceolate, 3-10 cm. long, entire or nearly so; the cauline somewhat narrower and sessile: inflorescence more or less corym- bose: petals about 10, oblong-obovate or narrower: achenes in a subglobose head; the beak short, subulate, and nearly straight. R. alismaefolius. (R unguiculatus Greene, Pitt. 4: 142. 1900.)—Frequent at ‘high altitudes in the central Rocky Mountains. 5. Ranunculus glaberrimus Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 13. t. 5. 1829. Gla- brous, less than 1 dm. high: roots a fascicle of thickened fibers: stems 1-several-flowered: radical leaves elliptic, cuneate at base, 3-cleft to the middle or deeper: flowers ‘18-25 mm. broad: petals twice as long as the sepals, bright yellow, glossy and shining: achenes with a short beak.. (R. ellipticus Greene, Pitt. 2: 110. 1890.)—Colorado, northward and west to Washington. , 6. Ranunculus Macauleyi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 15: 45. 1880. Roots a fascicle of fleshy fibers: stems 10-15 cm. high: leaves petioled, soft-pilose when young, soon glabrate, from oblong to obovate-spatulate, 3-10 toothed: sepals very dark-villous: petals crenulate, about 1 cm. long: carpels glabrous, subglobose, beaked by a short straight style—Alpine; in southwestern Colorado. . : 7. Ranunculus abortivus L. Sp. Pl. 551. 1753. Glabrous, 1-5 dm. high: primary root-leaves round heart-shaped or kidney-form, barely crenate, the succeeding ones often 3-lobed or 3-parted; those of the stem.and. branches 3-5-parted or divided, their‘divisions oblong or narrowly wedge-form, mostly toothed: petals shorter than the reflexed sepals: achenes with a minute RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 201 curved beak. [R. micropetalus (Greene) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 158. 1902.}—From the mountains eastward across the continent. ae 8. Ranunculus ovalis Raf. Proc. Dec. 36. 1814. Dwarf, 7-15 cm. high, hairy: basal leaves petioled, oval to oblong, crenate or slightly lobed; cauline mostly sessile, deeply 3-7-divided into obtuse linear lobes: flowers 10-12 mm. broad; the petals narrow and much exceeding the sepals: head of carpels spherical; achenes ovoid, minutely beaked. R. rhomboideus—From ‘the borders of Wyoming far to the north and east. ee 9. Ranunculus inamoenus Greene, Pitt. 3: 91. 1896. Green but sparsely hairy, 1-3 dm. high: radical leaves short-petioled, ovate-flabelliform, cré- nately toothed or 3-lobed at summit; cauline sessile, once or twice ternately divided into oblanceolate segments: peduncles short; slender, solitary, or several and subumbellate: corolla 6-10 mm. broad; the 5 petals obovate- oblong: head of pubescent achenes oblong-cylindri¢al.—Frequent in moist soil throughout our range. 10. Ranunculus cardiophyllus Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 14. 1829. More or less pubescent, rather stout and succulent, 1-3 dm. high: some or all of the radical leaves ovate-cordate and coarsely crenate; cauline 3~7-cleft or parted, with broadly linear or oblanceolate divisions: flowers few to several, rather large; the petals obovate-orbicular: achenes pubescent, in an oblong-cylin- drical head; the style short.—Occasional; moist valleys in the mountains. 11. Ranunculus pedatifidus J. E. Smith, in Rees. Cycl. No. 72.:1813-16. Similar but smaller and not succulent: radical leaves nearly all more or less lobed or divided, usually pedately multifid with broadly linear lobes: petals pale yellow, 6-8 mm. long: achenes pubescent or glabrate, with short recurved style-—Subalpine; New Mexico, northward to arctic America. 12. Ranunculus alpeophilus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26:'350. 1899. ‘Bright green and nearly glabrous throughout, 8-15 em: high: radical leaves orbicular-flabelliform to nearly reniform, crenately toothed or incisely lobed, the middle lobe lingulate; cauline few, near the top and somewhat involucrate, divided nearly to the base: flowers few: calyx nearly glabrous: achenes in an oblong head, glabrous. R. nivalis Eschscholtzii. (R. ocreatus Greene, Pitt. 4: 15. 1899.)—Subalpine, on moist slopes; central Rocky Mountains. — 13. Ranunculus pygmaeus Wahl. Fl. Lapp. 157. 1812. Dwarf, 2-5 cm. high: leaves glabrous, 3-5-cleft; the radical petioled: stems usually 1-flowered: Pepa glabrous: petals obtuse, about 4 mm. long, not longer than the sepals: achenes subglobose, tipped with a short hooked style, aggregated in an ob- long head.—Alpine and rare within our range; extending to arctic America. 14. Ranunculus Jovis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 261. 1900. Di- minutive glabrous perennial, 2-4 dm. high: roots few, fascicled, tuberous, vertical and largest faiow: radical leaves entire or trifid, long petioled:; cauline single, trifid, sessile: stem as long as the petioles, mostly 1-flowered: petals oblong-spatulate, barely exceeding the broader sepals: achenes in a sub+ globose head, slender beaked. JR. digitatus Hook.; not R. digitatus Willd. — Alpine; Utah, northern Wyoming, and westward. pie 15. Ranunculus Grayi Brit. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 18: 265. 1891. Low but stouter than the foregoing two: radical leaves biternatelvy or pedately divided and parted; the primary divisions often petiolulate and the lobes linear-oblong or spatulate: stems 1-2-flowered: petals about 5 mm. long, surpassing the villous sepals: achenes subglobose, tipped with a subulate beak and aggregated in a subglobose head.—Rare; on the highest peaks in Colorado, and in British America. ; 16. Ranunculus adoneus Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 56: 1863. Low, sparsely villous, becoming glabrous: stems branching from the base, 1-3-leaved above, sometimes sarmentose-decumbent and 2-3-flowered: leaves twice pedately parted, segments narrowly linear: petals golden yellow; twice exceeding the subvillous sepals: achenes crowded in an oval head, turgid, with the rather long ensiform beak scarious-winged on each edge.—High altitudes, close’ to the snow; Colorado. : : Pol 17. Ranunculus eximius Greene, Erythea 3: 19. 1894. Radical leaves 202 RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) few, often only 1, on short stout petioles, cuneate-obovate to flabelliform, deeply about 7-lobed or divided; upper cauline sessile, cleft to the middle or below into broadly linear, lobes: corolla 25-30 mm. broad, circular by the overlapping of the several obovate or almost obcordate petals: achenes ovoid, in an ovoid head.—Near snow banks; in the mountains of Northern Wyoming and Montana; probably in Idaho also. ;, : _18. Ranunculus eremogenes Greene, Erythea 4: 121. 1896. Annual, erect, 2-5 dm. high, stout and fistulous, sparingly leafy, simple below, loosely corymbose-paniculate above, glabrous, the herbage light green: leaves of rounded. general outline, mostly 5-parted and the segments cleft into about 3 lobes, these toothed: flowers 8-10 mm. broad; light yellow, petals surpassing the sepals: head of numerous achenes obtusely ovoid-oblong, the oblong- ovoid receptacle much inflated; achenes nearly beakless. 2. sceleratus.— Margins of pools and springy bogs; plains and valleys of our range, and west- ward. : 4 19. Ranunculus Douglasii Howell, Fl. N. W. Am. 18. 1897, More or less ‘pubescent or hirsute, 3-6 dm. high: leaves thin, deeply 3—5-cleft; the segments oblanceolate to obovate-cuneate, sharply and irregularly few-toothed: pou spatulate, small, only 2-4 mm. long: receptacle glabrous: achenes glabrous, tipped with a short stout hooked beak.—From Colorado northward (in the mountains) and west to Oregon and Washington. a hd as 20.; Ranunculus acriformis Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 21; 374. 1886. Pu- bescence hirsute, more or less appressed: stems strict and slender, 2-5 dm. high: leaves palmately or pedately 3-5-parted into narrow segments which are again 2-3-cleft into lance-linear lobes: flowers several to many: petals orbicular-obovate,.6—-8 mm. long, much exceeding the sepals: achenes glabrous, with a,curved beak half as long as the body. (&. Harlei Greene, Pitt. 4: 15. 1900.)—Abundant; moist bottom lands, on the high plains; Colorado into British America. i a 21. Ranunculus montanensis Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 166. 1900. In habit and foliage much like the preceding, but stouter and silky with more spreading hairs: flowers few, large, 20-25 mm. broad: achenes in a globose head, glabrous; the beak long and strongly hooked.—From northern Wyom- ing. into Idaho and Montana. 5 : : . 22. Ranunculus pennsylvanicus L. f. Suppl. 272. 1781. Hirsute with rough spreading bristly hairs: stem stout, erect: divisions of the leaves stalked, somewhat ovate, unequally 3-cleft, sharply cut and toothed, acute: petals pale, not exceeding the pope achenes in ovate heads, glabrous, pointed with a sharp beak one third their length.—Within the northeastern part-of our range and then eastward to the Atlantic. 23. Ranunculus Macounii Brit. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 12: 3. 1892. Stout and often diffusely. branching from the base, rather rough-hirsute throughout: leaves large, 3-divided; the divisions broadly oblong, acute, cuneate, variously cleft and lobed: flowers 10-12 mm, broad: petals surpass- ing the spreading or reflexed sepals: achenes with a sharp beak one fourth their length.—Wet soil in the valleys; from the Missouri River to the, Pacific. _24. Ranunculus maximus Greene Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 14: 118. 1887. More or less hirsute with spreading hairs, rather stout, 3-6 dm. high: leaves large, 5-10 cm. long, about 5-cleft or divided into oblong or rhomboidal-ovate segments which are laciniately cleft and incised: petals 5-10 mm. long: achenes ovate, strongly margined, tipped with a rigid straight subulate beak as long as the rather large body. f. orthorhynchus. (R. orthophyllus A. Nels. Bot. oan 2 1906.)—In wet places; northern Wyoming and far westward and northward. 13. HALERPESTES Greene. Traitinc Burrercup Perennial by long jointed flagelliform stolons which ultimately strike root and produce a new plant at each node. Petals yellow, with a scale at the base az in Ranunculus, deciduous with the sepals. Stamens and carpels numerous. RANUNCULACEAE (BUTTERCUP FAMILY) 203 Head of fruit oblong-cylindric. Achenes thin-walled and utricular, Sema ae sides striate-—ftanunculus in part; Oxygraphis Prantl: 1. Halerpestes cymbalaria (Pursh) Greene, Pitt. 4: 208. 1900. aw glabrous perennial with numerous thick fibrous roots: leaves broadly ovate or ovate-cordate, coarsely crenate, clustered at the base of the scapes and at the nodes of th "stolons: scapes 5-10 cm. high, 1-7-flowered: petals narrowly oblong or spatu ate, exceeding the sepals: achenes apiculate, small and very numerous. ‘Ranunculus cymbalaria.—Moist banks, especially in saline situa- tions; in the Rocky Mountains and on northern seacoasts. ae ah. Ge, 4 14. CYRTORHYNCHA Nutt. Norratt’s Burrercupe Perennial, with thick fibrous roots and long-petioled ternately compound leaves. Sepals membranous, deciduous with the pale’ yellow petals. Sta- mens about 20. Pistils few, becoming somewhat utricular Boy flattened nerved achenes.—Ranunculus in part. ~ sii i Cyrtorhyncha ranunculina Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1:26. 1838. 'Siooth, 7-15 cm. high: radical leaves biternately divided, segments 3—-5-parted, lobes oblong or linear, sometimes 2-3-cleft: petals spatulate, a little. ‘longer than the broader sepals which are also yellow: achenes rather few, in a globose head, cylindrical-oblong, grooved, many-nerved, tipped with a long slender, incurved style—Colorado. and Wyoming, along the eastern foothills. 2. Cyrtorhyncha neglecta Greene, Pitt. 4: 146. 1900. Similar but taller: flowers few; petals wanting: stamens about 10: achenes ovate.—Rare; cafions near Golden, Colorado. 15. THALICTRUM. Mzapow Ruz Erect perennial herbs with radical and cauline leaves ternately decompound. Flowers perfect, polygamous or dioecious, generally small, greenish-white, in panicles’ or racemes. Sepals 4 or 5, petals none. Pistils ‘few or several, ‘be- coming ribbed or nerved achenes, sessile or short-stipulate. Stamens indefi- nite, exserted. Flowers hermaphrodite (perfect). : et Stem scapose; achenes oblong, f . 1, T. alpinum, ‘Stem leafy; achenes ventrally Eibbous, half rhombie, numerous . oT. sparsiflorum, Flowers dioecious or polygamo-dioecious. | / Achenes flattened, 2-edged. ha Ovate or: ‘ovate-oblong, one edge more bbe (hae the other 3. T. Rendle: ' Lanceolate, acuminate, the two. edges nearly ali . . ae ae T, ‘occidentale, Achenes terete or but slightly flattened. Flowers dioecious; leaves glabrous and glaucous . ‘ . 5. T. venulosum, . Flowers polygamous; leaves obscurely glandular or waxy % «- 6. Ts dasyearpum. 1. Thalictrum alpinum L. Sp. Pl. 545. 1753. Stem simple, scape-like, 5-20 em. high, slightly pubescent: leaves mostly radical; leaflets roundish, 8-12 mm. long, somewhat lobed and crenately: toothed: “flowers perfect, ina simple raceme, nodding: stigma thick and pubescent: achenes. ovate, sessile, — eee in the mountains; Colorado and far northward; also in Europe and As . 2. Thalictrum sparsiflorum Turez. in: Fisch. & Mey. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 1: 40.' 1835. Stems striate angled, lecfy, 3-8 dm. high: leaves 2 or 3-ternate, the upper sessile; leaflets rather small, sometimes, -pulverulent- glandular beneath: flowers perfect, on long pedicels, i in a loose,panicle: fila- ments filiform with clavate summit: achenes flat, half rhombic-obovate, the dorsal edge straight, short-stipitate, and tipped with ake subulate: style. — Colorado, northward and west to California. 3. Thalictrum Fendleri Engelm. in Gray, Pl. Fendl. 5. 1848. Stems 3-10 dm. high, 3-5-leaved: leaves 24-ternately compound; the leaflets. firm, 10-12 mm. long, with rounded or mucronate lobes: flowers dioecious: fila- 204 BERBERIDACEAE (BARBERRY FAMILY) ments capillary; anthers linear, mucronate or apiculate: achenes usually several in the head, ovate or ovate-oblong, flattened and 2-edged, somewhat oblique, the ventral edge more gibbous, 3-nerved on each face, 5-6 mm. long.—Southern Colorado, southward and westward. 4, Thalictrum occidentale Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 372. 1872. Stem 5-10 dm. high, rather stout, 2-3-leaved: leaves 2-4-ternate; leaflets thin, glauces- cent, 15-20 mm. long, the lobes rounded: flowers as in the last: pistils several, usually only a few maturing: achenes eearoely oblique, ovate-lanceolate or narrower, 7-9 mm. long, strongly 3-nerved on the faces.—Colorado, far north- ward and west to the coast. 5. Thalictrum venulosum Trelease, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 23: 302. 1886. Glabrous and glaucous: stem 2-5 dm. high, often purplish: leaves 3-4-ternate, rather long-petioled; leaflets approximate, but primary peti- olules rather long, firm, suborbicular and crenate, whitened and veiny be- low: inflorescence rather narrow: achenes 6-8, but slightly flattened, narrowed to a nearly straight beak, the nerves at maturity becoming enlarged, almost carinate-angled.—From Colorado to British America. 6. Thalictrum dasycarpum F. & L. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 8: 72. 1844. Glabrous or glandular-pubescent, 8-15 dm. high, often purplish, branching above: leaves 3-4-ternate; leaflets thick, oblong or obovate, dark green above, often waxy beneath and with revolute margins, coarsely few-toothed around the summit: flowers in lax somewhat pyramidal panicles, polygamo-dioecious: anthers cuspidate: achenes ovoid, glabrous or pubescent, short-stipitate, with 6-8 salient ribs. 7. Cornuti.—Moist open woods; from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic coast. 46. BERBERIDACEAE T. & G. Barserry Famity Our species are shrubs with alternate simple or compound leaves and no stipules. The flower parts are distinct and free, and are opposite to each other instead of alternate; the anthers open by uplifted valves. Sepals and petals imbricated and deciduous. Pistil one, simple; style short or none. Fruit a berry. 1. BERBERIS L. Barserry Shrubs with yellow wood, simple or compound often spiny leaves, and ellow racemose flowers. Sepals 6, yellow, with 3 or 6 closely appressed racts. Petals six, imbricated in two series, each with 2 basal glands. Sta- mens 6. Stigma circular and peltate. Fruit a berry with 1-3 seeds. Stems unarmed. Prostrate or trailing . <6 * * - 6 « 1. B. aquifolium, Erect, 10-30 dm. high, - . . . ° ° . 2 B. Fremontii, Stems spine-bearing . : ee . + . . . 3. B, Fendleti, 1. Berberis aquifolium Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 219. 1814. A low glabrous shrub, trailing or sometimes suberect; the stems rarely more than 1-3 dm. long: leaves pinnately compound; leaflets 3-7, ovate to oblong, acute or with rounded BRem spinulose-dentate: racemes few, terminating the stems: berry globose, blue or purple, about 6 mm. in diameter. B. repens. (Odostemon Rydb. FI. Col. 148.) Commonly known as OrEGon Grape.—British Colum- bia to New Mexico. 2. Berberis Fremontii Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 30. 1859. A shrub 15-30 dm. high: leaflets 2-3 pairs, the lowest pair close to the base of the petiole, repand-dentate and spiny: berries somewhat ovate, 5-8 mm. in diameter, dark blue. (Odostemon Rydb. 1. ¢.)—Infrequent; cafions; southwestern Colorado to Mexico. 3. Berberis Fendleri Gray, Pl. Fendl. 5. 1848. Low but erect shrubs, 5-10 dm. high; stems smooth and shining as if varnished: leaves entire or denticu- PAPAVERACEAE (POPPY FAMILY) 205 late, lucid, seemingly simple and fascicled but really compound-unifoliate (the lower leaflets being transformed into rigid spines): raceme crowded, few- Bowered, spreading or drooping: berries oval.—Southern Colorado and south- ward. ; 47, PAPAVERACEAE B. Juss. Popry Faminy Herbs with watery, milky, or heavy yellow sap, the leaves exstipulate, alternate or more rarely the uppermost opposite. Flowers perfect, regular or irregular. Sepals early deciduous, 2 or rarely 3-4. Petals imbricated, 4 or more, these also rather early deciduous. Stamens distinct, hypogynous, with filiform filaments and longitudinally dehiscent anthers. Ovary usually l-celled, with many ovules, becoming a dehiscent 1-celled capsule-—Papa- veraceae and Fumariaceae. : a Flowers regular; capsule dehiscent at the summit. Sap milky. Btemtea alpine perennial . < 3 ‘ *. % o & Papaver, Stems stout, hispid, leafy . ; és . . 3 ‘i Enomegra, Sap yellow; stem spinescent . ‘ 5 . . . Flowers irregular; capsule dehiscent to the base; sap watery. he two outer sepals spurred at the base . p e Only one of the sepals spurred at the base . ~ i. PAPAVER L. Poppy Ours is a small subecaespitose perennial, with pinnately parted leaves and solitary scapose flowers; sap milky and narcotic. Sepals2. Petals4. Ovary 1-celled, with 5-7-placentae which project into the cell partially dividing it; stigmatic lobes or rays as many. Capsule dehiscent by pores which open under the edge of the stigma. ‘ 1. Papaver alpinum L. or Pl. 507. 1753. More or less hispid-hirsute: scapes less than 1 dm. high: leaves ovate in outline, deeply lobed or parted; the divisions entire or nearly so: petals yellow: capsule hispid. P. nudicaule. It seems very probable that P. pygmaeum Rydb, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 159, 1902, will prove to be the same.—Rare; alpine in our highest mountains. Dicentra, 1, : ee é . 38. Argemone, 4, 5, Corydalis, 2. ENOMEGRA A. Nels. Coarse perennial herbs with thick milky sap, and alternate pinnate or bi- pinnate leaves which are green and sometimes glaucescent but not splotched with white. Pubescence of two kinds: hispid-spinescent on stem and cap- sules and sparsely so on the toothed lobes of the leaves and on their veins; also a short puberulence which on the stem and capsules tends to become hispid. Flowers crowded in a terminal cluster on the simple stems. Sepals 3. Petals 4-6. Stamens numerous. Capsule 4-valved, with dilated 4-lobed stigma. Seeds numerous, flattened, scarcely pitted.—Argemone in part. 1. Enomegra hispida (Gray) A. Nels. Key Ry. Mt. Fl. 27. 1902. Stems usually several from the deep-set root, 3-6 dm. high: flowers large, 6-9 em. broad: sepals hispid near the cornuate subcucullate apex, conspicuously reticulate-veiny, and inequilateral by the -wing-like membranous margin: on one side: petals suborbicular or reniform: filaments and anther both narrow, subequal. Argemone platyceras in part. (Argemone bipinnatifida Greene, oe 3: 346. 1898.)—Sandy valleys and slopes; southern Wvoming to New exico. . 3. ARGEMONE L. Pricxty Poppy Mostly herbaceous annuals with orange-yellow thick acrid sap, and sinuate or pinnatifid spinulose-dentate glaucous leaves, more or less splotched with 206 PAPAVERACEAE (POPPY FAMILY) white, and without any setulose hispidity. Sepals usually $ and petals 6. Sime ‘many. Capsule 1-celled, with 4-6 nerviform placentae. Seed pitted. - 1. Argemone intermedia Sweet, Hort. Brit. Ed. 2. 585. 1830. Stout, very glaucous, moderately prickly with stramineous spines, otherwise smooth: leaves repand-toothed to sinuate-pinnatifid: petals white or tinged with rosé: sepals sparsely spiny, the horns unarmed and not even hispid. A. platyceras in part.—Southern Wyoming to New Mexico. 4. DICENTRA Bernh. Glabrous perennials with the fleshy root surmounted by a bulb-like cluster of fleshy grains and ternately or.pinnately compound leaves. Sepals 2, small and scale-like.| Petals 4, in two sets; the outer pair larger, saccate at base,, the tips spreading; the inner much narrower, spoon-shaped, the hollowed. tips lightly united at the apex, thus forming a cavity which contains the anthers and stigma. Middle anther in each set 2-celled, lateral ones 1-celled. Stigma 2-lobed. Pod 1-celled.—(Bicuculla Adans.) - : ; 1. Dicentra uniflora Kellogg, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 4:\141. 1870. The 3 to 7 divisions of the leaves pinnatifid into a few linear-oblong or spatulate. lobes: scape 2-3-bractéd, 1-flowered: flowers flesh-colored, 10-12 mm. long, the divergent or reflexed tips of the outer petals equaling or exceeding’ the erect gibbous-saccate base; inner ones not crested, the blade broadly hastate: capsule abruptly beaked with the short style-—Alpine; mountains of Utah and northwest Wyoming to those of Washington. ; 5. CORYDALIS Medik. Annual or perennial herbs with watery juice, compound or dissected leaves, and racemose flowers. Sepals 2, small. Corolla irregular; petals 4, one of the outer, pair spurred at the base. Stamens 6, in 2 sets, opposite the outer petals. Placentae 2. Capsule 2-valved, linear or oblong.—(Capnoides Adans.) Flowers golden-yellow. : Capsule incurved-ascending; seeds acute-margined., | te wy C. montana, apsule terete or torulose . é ‘ ‘ ‘ < é os Capsule thick and somewhat 4-angled . 5 A . . 2, C. curvisiliqua, Capsule spreading or pendulous; seeds obtuse-margined . . 8. C, aurea, Flowers white or cream-color < o . ‘s . . 4. C. Brandegei. 1., Corydalis montana Engelm. in Gray, Man, Ed. 5. 62. 1867. Light green. and glabrous: stems spreading, branched, 1-3 em. long: leaves pin- nately dissected; the divisions oblong or nearly linear: flowers ‘bright yellow, 12-16 mm. long; the spur nearly as long as the body: capsule incurved- ascending or somewhat spreading, 15-25 mm. long: seeds lenticular, black, shining, sharp-margined, and obscurely reticulated. Corydalis’ aurea occiden- talis.—In the central Rocky Mountain region, eastward to the plains. 2. Corydalis curvisiliqua Engelm.l.c. Near the last but usually taller, stouter,.and more erect: flowers nearly sessile in a spicate raceme: capsule oblong-linear, more or less 4-angled, incurved-ascending: seeds distinctly finely reticulated.—In the eastern part of our range. 3. Corydalis aurea Willd. Enum. 740. 1809. Green and glabrous, usually low and decumbent; the stems branched: raceme many-flowered: tips of the outer petals blunt, carinate but not crested; the spur half as long as the body, or often more: capsule usually pendent, more or less constricted and, torulose: seeds shining, obtuse-margined, scarcely reticulated—From Colorado north- ward and eastward. ) : 4, Corydalis Brandegei Wats. Bot. Calif. 2: 430. 1880. Glabrous and somewhat: glaucous; stems stout, mostly erect, 3-10 dm. high: leaves twice or thrice pinnatelv divided; the leaflets 2-3 cm. long, from lanceolate tc CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) 207 broadly obovate, ysually acute: corolla cream-color or white; the spur straight and nearly twice as long as the body: capsule short-oval to oblong, obtuse, reflexed on the ascending pedicels. (C. Ecicrnien Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club’ 34: 426. 1907. .) Southwest Colorado to Uta, 48. CRUCIFERAE B. Juss. Mustarp FAmiILy Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, sometimes with woody base, with watery acrid or pungent sap. Leaves alternate. Flowers perfect, racemose or corymbose. Sepals 4, deciduous, Petals 4, or rarely wanting, alternating with the sepals. Stamens 6, tetradynamous, rarely only 2 or 4; the two outer shorter, opposite the inner sepals. Ovary 2-celled by a septum which stretches across from the placentae, rarely 1-celled; style widivided or wanting; stigma entire or/2-lobed. Fruit a capsule, often ‘greatly elongated, techni- cally called a silique * or,’ if short, a silicle. '-The two valves (in most cases) fall away from the partition or septum, which persists and i is often known as the replum. Seeds attached to both sides of the septum. Silique dehiscent, i. e., the two valves separate from the, septum at maturity. ‘ Silique borne on ‘alongstipe . : . 1, Stanleya, ar ue sessile on the receptacle, or very short-stipitate, auigge linear or oblong, at least three times longer than broad, ture silique lon -linear (more than 2 cm.), Silique flattened parallel to the septum, Pubescence branched or stellate . .. a ee 23, Arabis,. - Pubescence wanting or simple i se Streptanthus, ice terete or 4angled, slightly flattened if at ‘all. Flowers yellow, large. . Silique 4-angled; plant roughish-pubescent ug . 24, Er inaiien, Silique terete; plant glabrous’. . « 2 Se oenocrambe. | Flowers not yellow; silique terete or nearly 50. Se Petals with crisped 7 Diargin; stem succulent . . . 4, Caulanthus, - Petals flat; stem not fles BY nt aaa : 3. Thelypodium., Mature silique short-linear or, oblong (less than 2 cm.). » Sk ‘ . Flowers white or purple. ~ Plants glabrous Nee BO oe e . i ei, pea . 13. Cardamine, :: ‘ , Plants, pubescent.., : “Leaves entire or ‘toothed ‘ ‘ é A » vs 22, Stenophragma, ages Leaves pinuatifid’' 4 a s 5 a a « 20, Smelowskia, ° ‘ -1 ‘Flowers yellow: ©. + ~ ae ., Leaves dissected, ‘ 7 . . . 21, Sophia, Leaves lyrately broad- lobed. Silique distinctly beaked the persistent style . 9. Brassica, Silique beakless, : tat Seeds in 2 rows, . flat - . . 11. Barbarea.. , Seeds in 1 row, globose or oblong 7 a EDs Roripa, = ue short, rarely more than twice'as long as it is broad, : r siisue twin, each cell much inflated, subglobose . - ao 14, Physaria, jilique globose or oblong, not twin. Scarcely flattened; nearly circular in cross section. Flowers white; sili jue pear-shape é a . 18, Camelina, Flowers yellow; gue globose or ellipsoid . a . 15, Lesquerella, el to the septum . » 19. Draba, pula Be ttened paral “ells flattened at Fight angles to the narrow septum, que 'triangular-obovate or obcordate. bac Radical leaves pinnatifid; mig cuneate. . x . 17. Capsella, ; : Radical leaves entire or merely toothed ‘ ‘ -, 8 Thiaspi. Silique cellipite or oval. Small aquatic annuals . . . . - . 6, Subularia, Terrestrial plants, Seeds several in each cell - : , x * . 16. Hutchinsia. Seeds solitary ini each cell 7. Lepidium. Silique indehiscent, i. e., the valves not separating heat the eéptuni ‘even at maturity’: . ‘ Ace . ‘ a - 10. Raphanus, * For convenience the term stligue has been used to designate the fruit in this family xo matter what its shape, 208 CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) 1. STANLEYA Nutt. Stout herbaceous perennials with entire or pinnatifid leaves, and rather large flowers in greatly elongated spike-like racemes. Buds crowded, each elongated-clavate. Calyx narrow, spreading, yellow. Petals with long con- nivent claws, yellow. Anthers linear, curved or spirally coiled; filaments elongated, spreading. Capsule subterete, long-stipitate. Leaves variously pinnatifid, Plant tomentose or white-villous . ‘ 1. 8. tomentosa, Plant glabrous or pubescent, not tomentose, Flowers.pale or cream-color . s e . . . . 2. 8S. albescens; Flowers bright yellow Leaves twice-pinnate or dissected . . 5 A a 3. S. bipinnata, ‘Leaves simply-pinnate or subentire . . é si e 4. S. pinnata, Leaves entire or nearly so. é Leaves mostly cauline, normal . J . . . . . . 5. 8. integrifolia, Leaves mostly basal; stem leaves reduced . “ ‘ é i . 6. S. viridiflora, ‘1. Stanleya tomentosa Parry, Am. Nat. 8: 212. 1874. White-villous or hirsute throughout, stout, 8-15 dm. high: lower leaves lyrate-pinnatifid; the upper. entire and hastate: raceme dense, thick, cylindrical, 3-5 dm. long: flowers pale or cream-color: pedicel and stipe subequal_—Dry gypsaceous soil; Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. 2. Stanleya albescens Jones, Zoe 2: 17. 1891. Erect and_branching, 3-10 dm. high: leaves thick, pale and glaucous, lyrately pinnatifid or some of the upper entire, more or less petioled, with hastately auricled base: sepals greenish-white: petals cream-color, the blade broad, the narrow claw scarcely woolly-pubescent: anthers tightly coiled: silique curved-ascending.—Western Colorado, Utah, and southward. 3. Stanleya bipinnata Greene Erythea 3: 173. 1896. Closely allied to the preceding but the stems several from the same crown, spreading-assurgent, 3-5 dm. high: leaves sometimes dissected, at least more or less twice-pinnate, usually lightly pubescent above but often glabrous: inflorescence slightly pubescent or glabrous: siliques very slender, torulose and tortuous; the stipe about equaling the pedicel. (8. glauca Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 409. 1904.)—Dry banks and slopes; Wyoming, Colorado, Utah. 4. Stanley apinnata (Pursh) Brit. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 8: 62. 1888. Glabrous or nearly so, 4-10 dm. high: leaves mostly cauline, from nearly en- tire to pinnately divided; the lower rather long-petioled; the upper often entire, short-petioled: petals 15-20 mm. long: stamens well exserted: siliques somewhat torulose, twice as long as the stipes. (S. arcuata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 232. 1902.)—-Widely distributed; dry plains; Dakota to New Mexico and California. 5. Stanleya integrifolia James, Cat. 185. 1825. Closely allied to S. pin- nata, stems less stout but the base indurated-shrubby, erect, 3-6 dm. high: leaves entire, or the lower rarely few-toothed, mostly oblong, all short-petioled: buds cylindric, the raceme relatively short: pedicel shorter than the stipe which is somewhat surpassed by the slender curved spreading silique—Wyom- ing and Colorado. 6. Stanleya viridiflora Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 98. 1838. Glabrous, 4-12 dm. high: leaves crowded toward the base, mostly entire; the lower cuneate-obovate, sometimes with a few. teeth toward the base; becoming smaller upward, clasping, lanceolate and passing into the bracts of the greatly elongated spike-like raceme: sepals and petals greenish-yellow.—From the Mexican border to the upper Missouri, and west to California. 2. SCHOENOCRAMBE Greene. Puiarins Mustarp Perennial herbs from long horizontal rootstocks which give rise at intervals to slender virgate simple or branched stems, with no root leaves, linear, en- tire, or pinnate stem leaves, and racemose slender-pediceled rather large yellow flowers. Buds cylindric-oblong. Sepals erect. Petals twice as long CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) 209 as the sepals. Stamens not exserted. Ovary sessile; style short. Silique slender, terete.—Sisymbrium in part. 1. Schoenocrambe linifolia (Nutt.) Greene, Pitt. 3: 127. 1896. Glabrous and green: stems from running rootstocks, one or more from each node, erect, simple or at length somewhat branched above: leaves all cauline, linear, en- tire, or the lower sometimes somewhat incised and oblanceolate: silique 3-6 em. long, linear, suberect, on short spreading pedicels; style short; seeds oblong. Sisymbrium linifolium. (S. decumbens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 409. 1904.)—Northern Colorado to Montana and westward. la. Schoenocrambe linifolia pinnata (Greene) A. Nels. Glabrous and glau- cous throughout: stems always simple, nearly leafless above: the lower leaves rather numerous, pinnatifid into 5-8 pairs of obovate-oblong entire segments. (S. pinnata Greene, |. c.)—Range of the species. 3. THELYPODIUM Endl.* Mostly biennial herbs (rarely perennial), with alternate petioled or clasp- ing stem leaves and white, purple, or yellow flowers. Calyx cylindric or clayate in bud, spreading in flower. Petals flat, long and narrow or with claw and blade. Filaments long and slender; anthers linear, sagittate at base, curved or coiled. Stigma small, circular in outline, or very slightly 2-lobed. Silique slender, terete, or 4-angled, often torulose. Biennials. Flowers white or purple, Stem leaves not clasping, ‘Sessile; siliques numerous, short . a a Fe . 1, T. integrifolium. -Petioled; siliques few, Jon: Siliques erect, on spreading pedicels . ‘ a . 2, T. linearifolium. Siliques widely epreading, on divaricate or deflexed pedicels 3. T. Wrightii. Stem leaves clasping by a cordate or sagittate base, _ Lanceolate to linear, acute : a : oi 4, T. torulosum, Ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute . . . . . 5. T. elegans. Flowers yellow; leaves ovate, acute . ‘ . a . . 6. T, aureum. Perennials. : Glabrous or glabrate . ‘s 6 a a ‘ . é . 7. T. paniculatum, More or less stellate-pubescent A ‘ ° a . 8. T. micranthum, 1. Thelypodium integrifolium Endl. Walp. Rep. 1: 172. 1842. Glabrous, erect, more or less branched, usually simple at base, 4-12 dm. high: radical leaves petioled,. oblong or elliptical; cauline lanceolate, sessile, the uppermost nearly linear: inflorescence usually corymbosely branched; flowers pale rose- color,, very crowded-spicate, on divaricate pedicels: siliques sharp-pointed, somewhat nodulose, suberect or upwardly curved, very uniform, 2-3 em. long.—From Colorado and Nebraska to the Pacific. la. Thelypodium integrifolium gracilipes Robinson Syn. Fl. 1: 176. 1895. Racemes more elongated, becoming 1 dm. or more in length: siliques borne upon a slender stipe 2-3 mm. long. (T. lilacinum Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 9. 1901.)—Southwestern Colorado. 2. Thely podium linearifolium Wats. Bot. King’s Rep. 5: 25.1871. Glabrous biennial (rarely perennial), more or less branched, sometimes from the base: basal leaves incisely serrate, obovate, early deciduous; cauline leaves linear _ to linear-oblong, narrowed to the short petiole-like base: flowers somewhat scattering: petals with obovate blade and slender claw, rose-purple: silique suberect, 4-7 em. long, on very slender spreading pedicels—Colorado and southward. ‘ ; . 3. Thelypodium Wrightii Gray, Pl. Wright. 1: 7. 1852. Glabrous annual or biennial, 5-8 dm. high, more or less paniculately branched above: leaves broadly lanceolate or lanceolate-oblong, 5-10 cm. long, all repand toothed or * This genus has recently been the subject of some discussion, and Rydberg has pro- posed the following doubtfully distinct nOpree ates: Thellypodiopsis, Pleurophragma, Hes- eridanthus, Stanleyella, and Heterothriz, For species included under each, see Bull, Torr, Bot. Club 34: 432. 1904. © 7 210 CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) denticulate: flowering raceme short and dense, more open in fruit: siliques very slender, 4-8 em. long, widely spreading or recurved, on filiform pedicels half as long—Colorado and Utah and southward. 4. Thelypodium torulosum Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 265. 1898. Glabrous and somewhat glaucous: stems erect, rather weak, branching above, 4-7 dm. high: leaves from lanceolate below to linear above, auricled-sagittate, clasping: flowers lilac-colored: petals 12-15 mm. long: alique slender, nar- rowed to a substipitate base, ascending-torulose, 4-7 cm. long: pedicel di- varicate, 8-12 mm. long. T. sagittatum.—Western Wyoming, westward and northward. ; 5. Thelypodium elegans Jones, Zoe 4: 265. 1894. Smooth and glaucous: stems simple or branched from the base, rather closely leafy below: radical leaves early deciduous; cauline leaves cordate-clasping, ovate, or ovate- lanceolate, acute, 15-35 mm. long: flowers opening at the summit of the raceme which becomes greatly elongated in fruit: petals pale purple: siliques sessile, on pedicels less than 1:cm. long, straight or curved, ascending, rather thick-linear, 5-7 em. long—Western Colorado and adjacent Utah. 6. Thelypodium aureum Eastw. Zoe 2: 227. 1891. Glaucous but sparsely retrorsely hairy on the lower part of the stem, branched from the base, 3-4 dm. high: radical leaves oblanceolate, dentate, on margined petioles; cauline ovate, auriculate-clasping, acuminate: sepals and petals bright yellow: siliques very slender, 4-6 cm. long, short-stipitate, nearly erect, on short spreading pedicels.—Mancos, Colorado. 7. Thelypodium paniculatum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 126. 1899. Glabrous and glaucous perennial: stems simple below, paniculately branched above: radical leaves oblong, short-petioled; cauline sagittate clasp- ing, subacute or obtuse, from oblong below to lanceolate above: petals white or purplish, twice as long as the oblong-spatulate sepals, the limb obovate: silique substipitate, pointed at apex, 20-30 mm. long, nearly erect, on short spreading pedicels. 7’. Nuttallii—Wyoming and northwestward. 8. Thelypodium micranthum (Gray) Wats. Bot. King’s Rep. 5: 25. 1871. More or less stellate-pubescent (or even quite glabrous), 3-9 dm. high: lower and stem leaves oblanceolate, sinuately pinnatifid, stellate-pubescent; the upper linear, entire, usually glabrous: flowers small, 2-3 mm. long: calyx glabrous or pubescent: pod slender, subpendulous, about 2.5 cm. long, sessile, with a very short thick style. (7. longifolium of most authors.)—~Colorado to Texas and Mexico. 4. CAULANTHUS Wats. Wrtp Capsacs Coarse and more or less succulent herbs, with the leaves largely basal, and greenish-yellow flowers in racemes. Sepals large, somewhat saccate at base, usually purplish. Petals undulate-crisped, with a broad claw and nar- row or obsolete blade. Anthers linear, sagittate. Silique subterete, sessile; the style nearly wanting; the valves 1-nerved and often reticulate. Stem fleshy, hollow; flowersascending . . ‘ ‘ * s . 1. C. crassicaulis, Stem not hollow; flowers horizontal or deflexed . é es 2 . 2. C, hastatus. 1, Caulanthus crassicaulis (Torr.) Wats. Bot. King’s Rep. 5: 27. 1871. Glabrous or nearly so, except the pubescent sepals: stems simple, erect, thick- fleshy, hollow, 3-5 dm. high: leaves mostly basal, lyrately toothed or pin- natifid; cauline much reduced, linear or somewhat hastate: flowers subsessile, rather large: silique ascending, slender, 7-12 cm. long.—Western Wyoming to Idaho and southern California. ea ope 2. Caulanthus hastatus Wats. Bot. King’s Rep. 5: 28. pl. 3.1871. Glabrous, simple or somewhat branched. 4-8 dm. high: leaves petioled, very variable; radical lyrate or entire, the terminal leaflet ovate, hastate, or truncate at base, the lateral leaflets very small; cauline ovate-oblong, entire, hastate, rounded or cuneate at base: flowers in a loose virgate raceme, reflexed: sepals narrow, distant: pc‘:!s (sometimes nearly wanting) equaling the sepals, CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) 241 toothed on the sides: siliques spreading, somewhat knotted. (Chlorocrambe hastatus ie Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 34: 435. 1904.)—Eastern Utah (probably adjacent Colorado and Wyoming) to Oregon. ; 5. STREPTANTHUS Nutt. More or less branching usually glaucous annuals, biennials, or perennials, with leaves generally sagittate and clasping, and,racemed white, purple, or yel- low flowers. Calyx ovoid or by the spreading of the tips of the sepals flask~ shaped. Petals usually narrow, linear, or with a well-developed blade and a channeled claw. Anthers long, sagittate. Silique oblong to linear, flattened. Pubescencee, if any, simple. Annual; leaves not clasping . . «© «© « « « «© 1.8, longirostris, Perennials; leaves clasping. 7 Leaves very obtuse; siliques broadly linear . 5 e e . 2. 8S. cordatus, Leaves acute; siliques subterete. Siliques stipitate oe ‘i . ‘ ‘ ‘ . 3. 8. coloradensis. Siliques not stipitate ‘ ‘ é fs . é 5 . 4 S. wyomingensis, 1. Stee pe iets longirostris Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 25: 127. 1889. Gla- brous and glaucous annual, branching above, 2-5 dm. high: radical leaves ovate-spatulate, soon deciduous; cauline linear to narrowly oblanceolate, entire or sparingly toothed: flowers spreading or reflexed: petals white, about 5 mm. long: silique linear, attenuate to the slender style that points it, re- flexed:on short pedicels: seeds elliptical, winged.—Colorado and Wyoming to Washington. : 2. Streptanthus cordatus Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 77. 1838. Glabrous or glaucous: stem simple, 2-5 dm. high, rather stout: leaves thick, usually repandly toothed toward the apex, the teeth often setosely tipped; lower leaves spatulate-ovate or obovate, cauline cordate to oblong or ovate-lanceo- late: petals. about half longer than the sepals, greenish-yellow to purple: siliques broadly linear, 5-10 cm. long, spreading.—Colorado and Wyoming to the Sierra Nevada. : 3. Streptanthus coloradensis A. Nels. Sparsely ciliate-hirsute, especially below: stems several from the crown of a biennial or perennial root, ascend- ing, 1~3 dm. long: radical leaves obovate-spatulate, sharply serrate around the summit, short-petioled, ovate-lanceolate, clasping-auricled, 1-3 cm. long: flowers white, crowded at first, the raceme much lengthened in fruit: sepals linear, acute; half as long as the obovate-spatulate petals: silique linear, 6-9 em. long, ascending, somewhat torulose, attenuate to a beak 3-5 mm. long; the stipe slender, about 5 mm. long, half as long as theslender pedicel. (Euk- lisia crassifolia Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 33: 142. 1906; not S. crassifolius Greene, Pitt. 3: 227. 1897.)—Western Colorado. 2 ~% ’ 4, Streptanthus wyomingensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 126. 1899. Glabrous or nearly so, branched from the base: stems simple or branched, 3-4 dm. high: radical leaves laciniate-toothed, obovate, short-petioled; cau- line clasping-auriculate, from coarsely. dentate to entire above: flowers large, numerous: sepals oblong, half as long as the white or pinkish petals; claw of petal long and narrow, the blade oval: silique Jinear, sessile, not beaked, ascending, 6-10 em. long, on stout pedicels —Western Wyoming to Utah. 6. SUBULARIA L. Awtwort A dwarf stemless aquatic, with tufted subulate leaves and few minute white flowers in a loose scapose raceme. Sepals ovate, obtuse. Petals oblong or eee Stigma sessile. Silique slightly flattened, elliptic or oval; the seeds in 2 rows. 1. Subularia aquatica L. Sp. Pl. 642. 1753. Growing in tufts in shallow water of cold lakes or on the muddy shores: leaves glabrous, terete, shorter than the scapes: flowers scattered: sepals and petals subequal: silique some- 212 CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) what truncately obtuse.—“ In great abundance at the head of the Yellowstone Lake,” Parry; infrequent but very widely distributed. 7. LEPIDIUM L. Prprercrass Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, with entire, toothed, or pinnatifid leaves tapering at base, and with small white or greenish flowers (which are sometimes apetalous) in dense racemes. Stamens often fewer than 6. Silique strongly flattened at right angles to the septum, oblong to orbicular, fre- quently wing-margined especially toward the summit which thus becomes more or less notched. Seeds flattened, solitary in each of the flattened keeled valves. Cotyledons (in ours) incumbent. ; Style short but evident; biennials or perennials, Silique not notched at apex. ~ 7 Silique with shallow notch and short style. Leaves entire or merely toothed at apex . ee . . Leaves, in part at least, pinnately toothed, pinnatifid, or parted. Linear-entire and linear-parted; perennials, Silique rhombic-ovate é . . . . . * Silique orbicular s ae: Pinnatifid, or the upper entire; biennials, Branched from ihe crown of the thick root . . . Branched above, the base usually simple . é Style wanting; the stigma sessile in the notch of the silique. Siliques glabrous. . * « 1, L. Draba. 2, L. spatulatum, . alyssoides, . Fremontii, L. L. L, montanum, L, Jonesii. OA poo Annuals, i Petals wanting; root leaves incisely toothed or pinnatifid, Stem simpleat base. . A . . . . . 7, L, apetalum, Stem divergently branched from the base e . 8. 1. divergens, Petals evident; root leaves entire or merely toothed . . 9. L. medium. Biennials. Stems several from the crown, widely spreading . 5 . 10, L, ramosissimum, Stems single from the crown, branching from the base up . 11. L, ramosum. Siliques pubescent. Stem hirsute with white hairs . < < . . fi . 12, L, lasiocarpum. Stem finely puberulent . s . . . 13. L, pubecarpum. 1. Lepidium Draba L. Sp. Pl. 645. 1753. Pubescent perennial, 2-4 dm. high: leaves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, obtuse, denticulate, clasping by a somewhat narrowed auricled base, 3-6 cm. long: petals white, conspicuous: silique broadly ovate, subcordate at base, acutish at apex and tipped with the short slender style.—Adventive; infrequent; waste grounds. 2. Lepidium spatulatum Vasey, Robins. Syn. Fl. 1: 125. 1895. Glabrous perennial, 2-5 dm. high: stems usually several from the woody caudex, each simple below, paniculately branching upward: leaves green, rather thick; the lower oblanceolate, tapering gradually to the slender petiole, 3-toothed at the apex, as are also some of the oblong shorter stem leaves: racemes numerous, dense: peels white, exceeding the sepals: silique glabrous, ovate, minutely notched at apex; style short. (L. crenatum Rydb.; Thelypodium crenatum Greene.)—Western Colorado and in Utah. 7 3. Lepidium alyssoides Gray, Pl. Fendl. 10. 1848. Probably perennial, usually a few stems from the base which are corymbosely branched above, glabrous or puberulent, about 2 dm. high: leaves glabrous, linear, 4-8 em. long; the lower pinnate with 2-3 pairs of linear lobes: racemes dense: petals white, conspicuous: silique rhombic-ovate, the shallow notch occupied by the short style. (L. Eastwoodiae Wooton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 258. 1898, as to Colorado specimens; L. Crandallii Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 34: 427. 1897.)—Arid places; western Colorado, Utah. and southward. 4, Lepidium Fremontii Wats. Bot. King’s Rep. 5: 30.1871. Glabrous and glaucous: stems several from the woody caudex, paniculately branched above, 3~4 dm. high: leaves linear, acute, 4-8 cm. long; some of the lower pinnate with 1-3 pairs of linear teeth or lobes: flowers white: silique large, suborbic- ular, very thin, acutish at base, cordately notched above; style very short.— Arid areas; Colorado and New Mexico to California. 5. Lepidium montanum Nutt. T. & G. Fl. 1: 116. 1838. Nearly glabrous; CRUCIFERAE (MUSTARD FAMILY) 21 stems usually many from the enlarged crown of the biennial (possibly pere1 nial) root, decumbent-spreading, 1-2 dm. long: leaves pinnatifid, sometim: bipinnatifid, with short acute segments; the upper tending to become entir flowers in dense racemes: sepals oblong-oval, half as long as the white petal; silique elliptic to suborbicular.—Dry saline soils; Montana to New: Mexic and far westward. : 6. Lepidium Jonesii Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 233. 1902. Glabrot biennial or sometimes perennial: stem simple below, branching freely fro: the base upward, 2-3 dm. high: basal leaves pinnatifid with linear acute d visions; stem leaves similar but becoming linear and entire above: sepa oblanceolate, obtuse, much shorter than the white petals: silique ovat emarginate; style short, enlarged upward toward the rather large circule stigma. (L. brachybotryum Rydb. 1. c.)—Western Colorado and.in Utah. 7. Lepidium apetalum Willd. Sp. Pl. 3: 439. 1801. Glabrous annual, wit erect stem, generally simple below and more or less paniculately branche above but sometimes very freely branched throughout, 1-2 dm. high: leave usually pale green; the lower more or less incisely toothed or pinnatific flowers apetalous: stamens only 2: raceme appearing contracted just belo its summit: silique orbicular, glabrous, the stigma sessile in the evider notch.—Very widely distributed; across the continent northward; sout through the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. 8. Lepidium divergens Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 237. 1903. Bier nial, minutely pubescent, divergently branched from the base: radical leave broadly spatulate, more or less dentate, short-petioled; cauline smaller an mostly entire: racemes long, with horizontal pedicels: petals: wanting: capsu elliptic, glabrous, emarginate, 3 mm. long.—In the mountains; northwester Colorado. 9. Lepidium medium Greene, Erythea 3: 36. 1895. Glabrous annual, tl stem simple below, usually sparingly branched upward, 2-4 dm. high: leave narrowly lanceolate, more or less toothed but scarcely pinnatifid;. the upp: linear and entire: pedicels slender; early divaricate: petals small but eviden stamens 2 or 4: silique orbicular, retuse, the stigma sessile. L. intermedium.- From Texas to Idaho and California., 10. Lepidium ramosissimum Dwarf and caespitose arctic or alpine perennials, with thick trifoliolate stip- ulate leaves and cymose flowers on scape-like nearly leafless peduncles. Leaf- lets few-toothed at.the truncate, summit. Calyx persistent, nearly flat, with 5 sepals and 5 bractlets. Petals 5, yellow, narrow, minute. Carpels 5-10, on a dry receptacle;, style lateral. ; Res, aa 1. Sibbaldia procumbens L. Sp. Pl. 284. 1753. Densely tufted, the creep- ing stems 5-20 em. long, leafy, at. the extremities: leaflets obovate-cuneate, somewhat villous: peduncles about equaling the leaves: petals shorter than the sepals: achenes on.yery short hairy stipes.—North in the mountains from Colorado, and then across the continent. — : are a pe 18. FRAGARIA L. SrrawsERRy Acaulescent stoloniferous perennials, with ‘palmately trifoliolate leaves tufted at the base and having membranous stipules, and white cymose 252 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) flowers upon short erect scapes. Leaflets obovate-cuneate, coarsely toothed. Calyx deeply 5-lobed and 5 bracteolate. Petals 5. Stamens numerous. Carpels many, in fruit on a large fleshy scarlet receptacle; styles lateral. Tyanes not glaucous; pubescence of scapes and petioles spreading or re- lexed, > Leaflets subsessile; achenes superficial . . . . . «. L Leaflets petiolate; achenes in deep pits . i i838 . . » 2, F, platypetala, Leaves somewhat glaucous; pubescence of scapes and petioles sppremed: oo Leaflets moderately thick, obovate; scapes several-flowered . . 3. F. ovalis, Leaflets thin, oblong-cuneate; scapes few-flowered . = ‘ . 4. F. pauciflora, 1. Fragaria americana (Porter) Brit. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 19: 222. 1892. Rootstock short: leaves thin, soon glabrate on both sides; petioles slender, 5-10 em. long, sparingly silky with spreading hairs, often becoming nearly glabrous; leaflets 3-8 em. long, rhombic-obovate, mostly: acute, in- cisely and deeply serrate: runners very slender and long: scape 8-15 em. long, seldom much longer than the petioles, sometimes leafy-bracteate: fruit ovoid, 8-15 mm. long, red, achenes superficial. F. vesca in part. (F. brac- teata Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 194. 1898.)—Throughout our range and eastward. ; 2. Fragaria platypetala Rydb. Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2: 177, 1898. 'Rootstock very thick and woody: leaves glabrous and glaucous above, appressed-silky beneath; petioles 2-20 cm. long, silky-villous with long spreading or reflexed hairs; leaflets broadly cuneate or obovate, 2-8 cm. long, coarsely serrate or crenate above the middle, more or less petiolate: runners rather thick: scape 8-15 em. high, rarely exceeding the leaves, several-flowered, often leafy-bracteate: flowers large, 15-25 mm. in diameter: sepals and bract- lets lanceolate: petals suborbicular, about twice as long as the sepals: fruit hemispherical; the achenes in rather shallow pits. F. virginiana in part.— Utah and Wyoming and northwestward. 8. Fragaria ovalis (Lehm.) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 143. 1906. Rootstock short, moderately thick: leaves firm and rather thick, somewhat glaucous, almost glabrous above, appressed-pubescent beneath; petioles and scapes subequal, from densely appressed-pubescent to almost glabrate; leaflets broadly obovate, 3-5 cm. long, evidently petiolate, coarsely toothed, the lateral ones very oblique at base: runners slender, nearly glabrous: sepals and bractlets oblong-lanceolate, acute: petals obovate, one half longer than the sepals: achenes in shallow pits. (/. prolifica Baker and Rydb. Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2: 181. 1898; F. pumila Rydb. |. c.; F. firma Rydb. 1. c. 184.)—From Canada to New Mexico and Nevada. 3a. Fragaria ovalis glauca (Wats.) A. Nels. Leaves thin, less pubescent as are also the petioles and scapes. [F'. glauca (Wats.) Rydb. 1. c. 183.}- The commoner form in our range. 4. Fragaria pauciflora Rydb. Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2: 183. 1898. Rootstock slender: leaves thin and glaucous, almost glabrate above, soon glabrate beneath; petioles and scapes more or less appressed-silky; leaflets cuneate, subsessile, coarsely toothed above the middle, scarcely wae lique at base: scape 2—4-flowered, seldom exceeding the leaves: flowers 10-15 mm. in diameter: bractlets and sepals lanceolate: petals obovate: achenes set in deep pits. J’. vesca Wats. in part.—Same range as the preceding. F, americana. 19. CHAMAERHODOS Bunge Small erect and branching glandular-pubescent herbs, with leaves many cleft into linear segments and a dichotomously cymose inflorescence. Calyx campanulate, deeply 5-cleft, the base lined with a membranous disk which is densely bearded at the margin. Stamens 5, opposite the white petals, in- serted with them in the sinuses of the calyx above the disk; filaments short. Pistils 5-10, on a dry villous receptacle; subulate styles inserted near the base of the ovary. ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) 253 1. Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge, in Ledeb. FI. Alt. 1: 430. 1829. Stem slender, paniculately branched above, 1-3 dm. high: radical leaves rosulate, ternately or biternately many cleft: sepals lanceolate, nearly equal- ing the short white obovate-cuneate petals—From Canada to Wyoming and northwestward. : oe havik 20. DRYMOCALLIS Fourr. Perennial, usually glandular-viscid herbs, with pinnate leaves and irreg- ularly cymose flowers. Sepals 5, with 5 alternating bractlets. Petals 5, white or yellow. Stamens 20-30, in five fascicles on the thickened margin of a disk around the receptacle. Receptacle hemispheric, bearing the numerous pistils. Style inserted near the base of the ovary, thickened and glandular a little below the middle and tapering to both ends; the stigma minute.—Po- tentilla in part. ; Bis ae Petals white, often turning yellowish in drying. Petals and sepals subequal, Inflorescence crowded; leaves densely pubescent . 1, D. arguta, Inflorescence open; leaves glabrate fs ‘ a 2. D. convallaria, Petals distinctly longer than the sepals. : a . 3. D. pseudorupestris, Petals evidently yellow. Petals and sepals subequal “ 5 a < e n . 4, D. glandulosa, Petals distinctly longer than the sepals. Inflorescence crowded; the plant glandular-hirsute s . 5. D. fissa. Inflorescence open; the plant viscid-glandular ‘ ‘ . 6, .D, glutinosa. 1. Drymocallis arguta (Pursh) Rydb. Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia. Univ, 2: 192. 1898. Erect, stout, glandular and villous pubescent, 3-7 dm. high: leaflets of basal leaves 7-11, ovate or rhomboid-ovate; the terminal one cuneate, the others rounded at base and somewhat oblique; all incisely ser- rate: stem leaves with few leaflets and often subsessile: flowers white, densely eymose: petals obovate, scarcely longer than the acute sepals. Potentilla arguta Pursh.—From Colorado eastward to the New England States. © . Drymocallis convallaria Rydb. 1. c. 193. Sparsely long-villous, viscid- glandular above, 4-8 cm. high, somewhat branched above: basal leaves with 9-11 glabrate or somewhat ubescent obovate obtuse incisely serrate leaflets, on long petioles, villous at base; the stem leaves smaller, with subacute leaf- lets: cyme branched; the flowers on short pedicels: calyx villous, glandular- viscid: petals obovate, white, drying yellowish, scarcély.. longer than the sepals which are much longer than the bractlets. Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. in part.—From Wyoming to Washington. — Paes ies ey ee : 3. Drymocallis' pseudorupestris Rydb. 1. ¢. 194. Sparingly glandular- villous, the slender striate stems with ascending branchlets above, 2-4'dm. high: basal leaves short-petioled, with 7-9 sparsely pubescent or glabrate leaflets; the terminal one obovate or cuneate-flabelliform; the:lateral ones obliquely elliptic or suborbicular; all incisely serrate, with ovate mucronu- late teeth; stem leaves few, with 3-5 leaflets: inflorescence open, the flowers on slender pedicels: calyx viscid-villous, scarcely enlarged in fruit: petals ob- ovate, white, drying yellowish, exceeding the sepals by a third: bractlets much smaller than the sepals—Through northern Wyoming to Washington. 4. Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindl.) Rydb. 1. ¢. 198. Viscid and glandular- hairy, especially upward, the stem simple below, irregularly branched above: basal leaves petioled, pinnate or interruptedly pinnate; leaflets 7-9, sparingly, hairy or glabrate above, obovate, obtuse, 1-3 em. long, with broad éesth: cyme eee many-flowered: calyx glandular-hirsute, bractlets almost linear, much shorter than the sepals: petals yellow, obovate, not longer than the sepals, which in fruit are 8-10 mm. long. ‘Potentilla glandulosa Lindl. in part.—Da- kota to New Mexico, west to California. —_—, Be Ht 5. Drymocallis fissa Nutt. Rydb. 1. ec. 197, Glandular-hirsute throughout, rather freely branched, 2-3 dm. high: basal leaves short-petioled, with about 9 suborbicular, subrhombic, and incisely doubly serrate leaflets; stem leaves similar but reduced: flowers yellow, large, 2 cm. in diameter, in a narrow 254 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) cyme extending well down the stem: calyx densely glandular-viscid; bractlets linear to ovate, shorter than the long-acuminate sepals: petals orbicular, much longer than the sepals.— Rocky cafions and slopes; throughout the Rocky Mountains. . 6. Drymocallis glutinosa (Nutt.) Ryd6.1.c.196. Viscid with long glandular- villous hairs: stem stout, branched above, 4-8 dm. high: leaflets 7-11, coarsely incised-serrate, pubescent or glabrate, 3-6 cm. long; the terminal one obovate; the lateral obliquely elliptic or suborbicular: cyme broad with divergent branches, in fruit somewhat flat-topped: flowers about 2 cm. broad, yéllow: calyx viscid-villous, the acuminate sepals distinctly exceeding the bractlets and much shorter than the elliptic or orbicular petals—Montana and Wy- oming to California. 21. ARGENTINA Lam. SILVERWEED Perennial herbs, with interruptedly pinnate leaves and long runners. Flowers yellow, solitary on long peduncles from the axils of the basal leaves. Petals suborbicular. Stamens 20-25. Style filiform, attached near the middle of the ovary; carpels glabrous; the receptacle very villous.—Potentilla in part. Leaves silvery silky-tomentose below, green above . : % a . 1. A, anserina, Leaves silvery silky-villous on both sides . % ‘ : 2. A. argentea, 1. Argentina anserina (L.) Rydb. Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2: 159. 1898. Spreading by slender many-jointed silky-tomentose runners: leaves all radical; stipules many-cleft; leaflets 7-21, with smaller ones interposed, oblong, sharply serrate, green and glabrate above, white silky-tomentose beneath. Potentilla anserina L.—Common; in the mountain districts from Mexico northward to the arctic seas; also in Europe and Asia. , ° 2. Argentina argentea Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 143. 1906. Sim- ilar but more robust, the runners shorter and stouter, somewhat, enlarged at the nodes, which are sheathed by the large conspicuous many-cleft. stipules, silvery-silky as are also the peduncles: leaves suberect, larger, densely silvery silky-villous on both sides, but not tomentose; leaflets 15-29, elliptic to re eernn in the mountain districts from New Mexico to the ar north. 22. HORKELIA Cham. & Schlecht. Herbaceous perennials, with pinnate leaflets and flowers in cymes or open panicles. Leaflets usually numerous, often imbricated. Sepals and bractlets 5. Petals 5, white or yellow. Stamens 5-20, inserted in the throat of the rather deep calyx-tube. Style filiform, inserted near the base of the ovaries; carpels (in ours) few. : : 1. Horkelia Gordonii Hook. Journ. Bot. & Kew Gard. Misc. 5: 341. 1853. Caudex thick, resinous, and scaly: stem scapose, 1 or 2-bracted, minutely glandular-puberulent or glabrous, 1-2 dm. high: leaves puberulent or gla- brate; leaflets in 10-20 approximate pairs, divided into 3-5 oblong or linear segments: cyme capitate: calyx glandular-pubescent, yellowish; bractlets lin- ear, half as long as the sepals: petals yellow, spatulate, shorter than the sepals: ee 5. Ivesia Gordonii T. & G.—Subalpine; Central Wyoming to Cali- ornia. 23. POTENTILLA L. Crnqurroru Herbs or shrubs with alternate stipulate digitately or pinnately compound leaves and mostly yellowish cymose (or solitary) flowers. Calyx persistent, with 5 sepals and 5 alternating bractlets. Petals 5, mostly obovate-emarginate. Stamens 10-30, with small anthers. Carpels usually numerous, mostly in 3 serie’, inserted on a dry, usually hairy receptacle; style terminal, deciduous. Achenes (in ours) glabrous. oe 7 a oe ROSACEAE (ROSH FAMILY) Key to the Sections * Short-lived plants, mostly biennials . 3% . < “ 3 Perennials. Leaves digitately 5-9-foliolate. Petioles without a remote reduced pair of leaflets; terminal eaflet not petiolulate. Depressed spreading perennials é "i 5 * ‘i ‘Erect perennials, 1-several dm, high " Petioles with a remote reduced pair of leaflets or the termi- nal leaflet petiolulate fi ‘ ‘ a % “ Leaves digitately 3-foliolate . ‘ % . “ ‘ c Leaves pinnate, Style short,.not longer than the mature achene, glandular- thickened below 7 ‘ “Peal ong, exceeding the mature achene, filiform. Leaflets 7-27. I. SUPINAE. II. CONCINNAE. IV. SUBJUGAE. v NIVEAE. VI. MULTIFIDAE. ets 3-7. . . . . ms Pie . . Vil, RUBRICAULES. Green or greenish, never tomentose . ‘ . VIII. MULTIJUGAE. Whitish-silky or tomentose I. SUPINAE. oe Short-lived pact mostly biennials; style short, thickened-glandular be! Leaves all pinnately 5- or more-foliolate; achenes with a lateral -gibbosity . - i ‘ 5 7 5 Rome or all of the leaves trifoliolate. pper leaves trifoliolate; the lower pinnate, -Achenes with a lateral gibbosity; flowers axillary a 5 Achenes not gibbous; flowers in a leafy cyme . is é ‘All the leaves trifoliolate. . Stamens 10 or fewer; sepals exceeding the petals. ' Leaflets cuneate; flowers in a broadly branched cyme i, Leaflets broadly obovate; flowers in racemose eymules Stamens more than 10; sepals and petals subequal 1. h SORONNAE, pono obras perennials, digitately 5. : foliolate; style short-filiform. ets more or less deeply toothed all around . 2 : a Leaflets truncately 3-5-toothed at apex . I. GRACILES.—More or less erect perennials, digitately 5-9- foliolate; style long and filiform. Leaflets toothed or cleft halfway to the midrib, or less. "Leaves without white-tomentum. Densely silky-villous at least below. Tall erect plants, 3 or more dm. high Cyme glomerate-congested, pieront capitate “i a a Cyme corymbosely broad-topp ed . 3 Low suberect plants, usually less than 3 dm. high « , Sparsely pubescent or glabrate, green. Tow ie sparsely villous plants, usually less than mm. Leaflets eubpinnate and somewhat decurrent Leaflets strictly digitate Tall, ark green, more or less hirsute plants, 3 dm, or more vit Leaves white-tomentose.” Below only, green above . a A . : : On both sides ‘Leaflets toothied or cleft more than halfway to the midrib.” Silky-sericeous; cyme crowded . White-tomentose below; cyme open and broad-topped IV. SUBJUGAE.—Rather low suberect pennies, having digitate leaves with a pinnate tendency; style filiform Leaves eee 5-foliolate, wi a small additional pair on the pet. Leaves ae ately 5-foliolate, ike. terminal leaflet petiolulate . NIVEAE.—Low tufted perennials, digitately trifoliolate; style usually glandular-thickened near the base. oo several-flowered; leaflets oblong-cuneate . a * em 1-3-flowered; ‘leaflets broadly obovate-rhomboid vr MULTIFIDAE.—Erect perennials; leaves pinnately “5-15- foliolate; style glandular-thickened toward the base, Leaves silvery-white on both sides .. ‘ ‘“ % ‘i Leaves not silvery-white, at least not above.. Leaves silky-villous or subtomentose . 2 . . ‘ Leaves neither silky-villous nor tomentose. Somewhat hirsute, dark green on both sides < : . _ Obscurely pubescent and eranulo-glandular A é 5 IX. LEUCOPHYLLAE. 1. P. paradoxa. 2. P. Nicollettii. 3. P. rivalis. 4. P. leucocarpa. 5. P. biennis. 6. P. monspeliensis. _7. P. concinna. 8. P. bicrenata. 9. P. glomerata. 10. P. viridescens. 11. P. diversifolia. 12. P. decurrens. 18. P. glaucophylla. 14. P. Nuttallii. 15. P. gracilis. 16. P. candida. 17. P. pectinisecta. 18. P. flabelliformis. 19. P. subjuga. |. 20. P. quinquefolia. 21. P. nivea. 22. P. uniflora. 23. P. pinnatifida. 24. P. pennsylvanica. 25. P. atrovirens. 26. P. virgulata. * Adapted from Dr. A. Rydberg’s Monseragh of the genus, exhaustive work is eis acknowledged,—A Indebtedness to that 256 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) VI. RUBRICAULES.—Low caespitose perennials; leaves 5-7- foliolate; styles filiform. ‘ : ‘ Calyx bractlets elliptic, obtuse . ‘ ‘ ‘ < é . 27. P. saximontana, Calyx bractlets linear-oblang, acute . ‘ f i ‘ . 28. P. rubricaulis, Vi. MUOLTIJ UGAE.—Low caespitose perennials; leaves pinnately 9-27-foliolate; styles filiform; no tomentum, Stems from the crown of'a taproot, Prostrate-spreading; leaflets not cleft to the midrib ” - 29. P. plattensis, Erect; leaflets cleft to the midrib . ri ‘i * ‘ » 30. P. pinnatisecta, Stems from a multicipital woody caudex, ed Bota ets many, cleft to the base into linear divisions, Whitish, silky-strigose; petals elliptic, rounded at apex . 381. P. monidensis, Somewhat hirsute; petals obovate and truncate-retuse . 82. P. wyomingensis, Leaflets few, oblong, incisely few-toothed. Green and glabrate on both sides . 5 < . . 83. P. rupicola, Silky below, the teeth crenite . . aiid : . $4. P. crinita. Ix. LEUCOPHYLLAE.—Stout, erennials; leaves pinnately 7-13- foliolate; leaflets silvery-silky and usually more or less tomen- tose;. style filiform. . Leaves ;white-tomentose, especially beneath. . Tomentose on both sides; bractlets shorter than the sepals . 35. P. effusa. Silky above, tomentose-silky beneath; bractlets as long as the ¥ sepals j " ze . , . f ‘ ‘ . 86. P. Hippiana. Leaves silvery-silky, scarcely tomentose, greener above ; . 87. P. ambigens, 1. Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 437. 1840. At first subsimple, later freely branched and more spreading: leaves pinnately 7-11- roliolate, short-petioled, sparingly short-hirsute, becoming glabrate; leaflets obovate-cuneate, with crenately rounded teeth; stipules ovate, acute, more or less toothed and ‘ciliate: sepals and petals subequal: achenes with a thick corky swelling on the inner side. P. supina in part—Throughout our range and across the continent to the northward. : 2. Potentilla Nicollettii (Wats.) Sheld. Bull. Nat. Hist. Surv. Minn. 9: 16. 1894. Stems slender, spreading or prostrate and freely branched: leaves thin- hirsute; the lower pinnately few-foliolate; the upper trifoliolate and reduced in size; leaflets obovate-cuneate, with acutish teeth; the terminal one much larger than the lateral leaflets; stipules ovate, acute, entire or sinuate: flowers falsely racemose, on slender pedicels in the axils of the uppermost leaves: bracts and sepals subequal, mucronate, as long as the obovate-cuneate petals: achenes with a corky swelling on the inner side. P. supina in part.—Eastern Wyoming to Minnesota. 3. Potentilla rivalis Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 487. 1840. Stems erect, simple below, branched above, villous-hirsute: leaves all ternate or the lower pinnately 5-foliolate, somewhat villous or glabrate; leaflets obovate, incisely serrate; stipules broadly ovate, coarsely toothed: flowers short-pediceled, in a leafy cyme with ascending branches: sepals exceeding the bracts and also the small cuneate petals: stamens 10: achenes numerous, not gibbous.—From Canada to Mexico. ; 4. Potentilla leucocarpa Rydb. (Monog. Pot.) Mem. Dept. Bot. Columbia Univ. 2: 43. 1898. Stem freely and divaricately branched throughout: all the leaves trifoliolate, finely pubescent, thin and pale; leaflets serrate, oblong- cuneate; stipules lanceolate, subentire: flowers in broad spreading leafy- bracteate cymes: bracts and sepals subequal, exceeding the small light yellow petals: stamens 10: carpels numerous, whitish, and smooth. P. rivalis mille- grana.—From Illinois to California. 5. Potentilla biennis Greene, Fl. Fran. 1: 65. 1891. Branched from the base, erect, stoutish, 2-3 dm. high: leaves pubescent and granulo-glandular, trifoliolate; leaflets cuneate-flabelliform, incisely lobed or with broad mucronu- late teeth; stipules oblong-lanceolate, entire or lobed: flowers in dense cymes: sepals longer than the bracts and the small obovate-cuneate petals: stamens 10: carpels whitish. (P. lateriflora Rydb. 1. c. 44.)—From Canada to Mexico and California. 6. Potentilla monspeliensis L. Sp. Pl. 499. 1753. Stems stout, erect or spreading, leafy, branched above, hirsute: leaves digitately 3-foliolate, more or less hirsute; leaflets obovate, serrate with broad teeth; stipules broadly ovate, more or less toothed: flowers on short pedicels in a dense leafy cyme: calyx ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) 257 hirsute, its sepals equaling the bracts and the light yellow. obovate petals: stamens 15-20: achenes numerous, somewhat rugulose when mature. norvegica.—Across the continent to the northward and south in the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Bee ‘7, Potentilla concinna Rich. Frankl. 1st. Journ. 739. 1823. Stems depressed- spreading, somewhat tomentose: leaves densely white-tomentose beneath, greenish but somewhat silky-villous above, 5-foliolate; leaflets obovate-cune- ate, incisely toothed, 1-3 cm. long; stipules ovate-acuminate: flowers bolitary, axillary or radical: sepals silky-villous or tomentose, longer than the bractlets but surpassed by the obcordate pele: carpels 15-20. P. humifusa.—Through- out our range and to the northwest. al 8. Potentilla bicrenata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 431. 1896. Much like the preceding, the stem short, with spreading branches: leaves greenish but silky above, densely white-tomentose beneath, digitately 5-foliolate; leaf- lets oblong-cuneate, entire except at the truncately 3-5-toothed apex; stipules as in the preceding: calyx silky; its sepals ovate-lanceolate; the bractlets similar but smaller, exceeded by the ovate truncate petals—Wyoming to New Mexico. aa 9. Potentilla glomerata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 480. 1899. Stem stout, simple, erect, 4-8 dm. high, sometimes several from the large ‘woody root: leaves pinnately 5—7-foliolate; the lower long-petioled; the upper- most reduced and nearly sessile; leaflets oblong to narrowly obovate, cleft into long, oblong, mostly obtuse teeth, green but finely pubescent ‘above, densely white-silky below; stipules oblong-ovate, entire or incised: flowers congested-glomerulate: calyx silky; bractlets oblong, acute, shorter than the ae which equal the nearly orbicular petals—Western Wyoming, Utah, and -1dano. — i a -' 10. Potentilla viridescens Rydb. Monog. Pot.1.c.69. Stems erect, branched above, 4-7 dm. high: leaves about 7-foliolate, green but silky above, silky- tomentulose but not white beneath; the lower long petioled; leaflets deeply toothed, the teeth oblong; stipules ovate, incisely cleft: flowers in an open cyme, widely branched, corymbosely broad-topped: calyx and bractlets silky, lanceolate, acuminate, scarcely shorter than the obcordate petals. (P. Bakeri Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 560. 1904.)—Colorado to Canada. 11. Potentilla diversifolia Lehm. Stirp. Pug. 2: 9. 1830. Stems erect, often more than one from the crown, branched above, about 2 dm. high: leaves 5-7-foliolate; the lower often approximately pinnate rather than digi- tate; the upper reduced and sometimes trifoliolate; leaflets incisely toothed, silvery silky-hirsute below, green but somewhat hirsute above; stipules lance- or ovate-acuminate: cyme open, several-flowered: sepals softly hirsute, lanceolate, longer than the similar bractlets but well exceeded by the obcor- date petals. P.dissecta. [P. dissecta Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 355. 1814 (?).}-—- Infrequent; Colorado to California and north to the British boundary. 12. Potentilla decurrens (Wats.) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 396. 1896. Low and somewhat tufted, about 1 dm. high: leaves subpinnate, 5-foliolate, thick, with prominent veins beneath, sparsely villous and somewhat glaucous; leaflets obovate, incisely cleft and more or less decurrent, the lower pair reduced in size; stipules ovate, acute: cyme small, terminal on the scape- like stems, very few-flowered: sepals silky-villous, lance-ovate, exceeding the short obtuse bractlets by as much as they are exceeded by the obcordate petals.—Subalpine; northern Wyoming, westward and northward. ‘13. Potentilla glaucophylla Lehm. Del. Sem. Hort. Bot. Hamb. 1836: 7. Stems usually several, from a simple or branched scaly caudex, assurgent, 1-3 dm. high: leaves digitately 5-foliolate, nearly glabrous on both sides, glaucous-green; leaflets silky on the margin, somewhat unequally: serrate; stipules ovate, acuminate, somewhat scarious on the margins: cyme open, several-flowered: bractlets small, about half as long as the lance-ovate merely pubescent sepals: petals broadly obovate, truncate or scarcely retuse at apex. P. dissecta glaucophylla.—Very common in moist grassy valleys in the moun- tains; throughout our range. 258 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) 14. Potentilla Nuttallii Lehm. Ind. Sem. Hort. Bot. Hamb. 1852: 19, Stems stout and green, sparsely hirsute, 5-8 dm. ‘high: leaves digitately about 7-foliolate, green and sparsely hirsute; the lower on long petioles; stem leaves gradually reduced; leaflets oblanceolate, toothed: or divided nearly. halfway to the midrib; stipules nearly entire, lanceolate, acute: cyme open, many- flowered, often broad and flat-topped: calyx hirsute; the bractlets linear- lanceolate, shorter than the long-acuminate’sepals: petals obcordate, scarcely longer than the sepals. P. gracilis rigida. (P. etomentosa Rydb.: Monog. Pot. probably in so far as our range is concerned; P. jucunda A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 32. 1900.)—Colorado to the British boundary. :. 15. Potentilla gracilis Dougl. Hook. Bot. Mag. pl. 2984. 1829.. Stems usually several, decumbent at base, suberect, more or less branched, silky- villous: leaves 5-7-foliolate, on petioles gradually shorter upward; leaflets oblanceolate or narrowly obovate, green and sparsely pubescent above, densely white-tomentose below, merely toothed or incisely dentate halfway to the midrib; ‘stipules large, ovate, more or less toothed: cyme rather narrow, or if many-flowered well-branched and broader: sepals lance-ovate, acuminate, surpassing the bractlets but exceeded by the obovate emarginate petals. (This may be a composite species; as here used it includes the following which are not readily discriminated: P. fastigiata Nutt.; P. pulcherrima Lehm.; P. Blaschkeana Turez. See descriptions in Rydberg’s Monog. Pot. P. filipes Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 174. 1901 also is included.) 16. Potentilla candida Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 6. 1897. Stems low, densely white silky-strigose, 1-2 dm. high: leaves short-petioled, very white silvery-silky on both sides, no tomentum, digitately 7—9-foliolate; leaf- lets obovate, deeply incised or cleft into large oblong teeth; stipules ovate, entire: cyme dense: calyx white-silky, the ovate sepals longer than the lanceo- late bracts: petals obcordate, a little longer than the sepals.—Rare; north- ern Wyoming, west to Nevada. : 17. Potentilla pectinisecta Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 7. 1897. Stem slender, ascending, minutely hirsute, 2-4 dm. high: leaves appressed-silky on both sides, sometimes obscurely tomentulose underneath, slender-petioled, digitately 5-7-foliolate; leaflets obovate, pectinately divided into oblong- linear segments extending well toward the midribs; stipules ovate, often pectinately cleft: flowers in a dense narrow cyme: calyx appressed-silky; the sepals longer than the narrower bractlets and about equaling the obcordate petals. [P. brunnescens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 171. 1901 (?).} Montana and Wyoming to Utah. ; 18. Potentilla flabelliformis Lehm. Stirp. Pug. 2: 12. 1830. Stems usually several, slender, decumbent at base but erect, 3-8 dm. high: leaves large, digitately about 7-foliolate, densely silky above, white-tomentose beneath; leaflets large, 3-5 em. long, deeply divided or parted into linear lobes with more or less revolute margins; stipules lanceolate or linear: cyme open, with short strict branches: calyx silky-villous; the sepals triangular-lanceolate, acuminate, much exceeding the small lance-linear bractlets and almost as long as the obcordate petals. P. gracilis flabelliformis. (P. ctenophora Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 7. 1897.)—Colorado to the British boundary, west to California. 19. Potentilla subjuga Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 397. 1896. Stems more or less tufted, 1-3 dm. high, branched above, rough below with the brown, scarious, persistent stipules: leaves crowded at the base, digitately 5-foliolate, with a small additional pair on the petiole; leaflets obovate, deeply incised, the teeth broad and subobtuse, green but silky-villous above, white- tomentose beneath; stipules green, ovate, entire: calyx silky-hirsute; its bracts much shorter than the ovate-acuminate sepals, and shorter than the broadly obcordate petals.—Subalpine; Colorado. : 20. Potentilla quinquefolia Rydb: 1. c. 302. Stems several from a short thick rootstock, ascending, usually less than 2 dm. high: leaves crowded at the base, mostly ‘5-foliolate, silky-villous above, white-tomentose beneath; leaflets broadly obovate, cleft halfway to the midrib into oblong segments, ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) 259 the terminal one short-petiolulate; stipules large, ovate:, flowers few, in a close cyme: sepals and bractlets loosely silky, subequal, somewhat exceeded by the obovate emarginate petals.—Subalpine; Colorado (Rydberg), Mon- tana, and northwestward. . 21. Potentilla nivea L. Sp. Pl. 499. 1753. Stems tufted on the branched caudex, which is brown-scaly with persistent petioles and stipules, 1-2 dm. high: leaves coarsely crenate, digitately ternate, glabrate or sparsely villous above, densely white-tomentose beneath; the lower short-petioled; the upper reduced; stipules ovate-lanceolate: cyme 2-6-flowered: calyx white-villous or tomentose; the linear-oblong bractlets shorter than the lanceolate acute sepals: petals obcordate, barely longer than the sepals.—Not rare in alpine stations of the Rocky Mountains. 22. Potentilla uniflora Ledeb. Mem. Acad. Petersb. 5: 548. 1812. Stems caespitose‘crowded on the multicipital caudex, a few cm. high: leaves mostly basal, 3-foliolate, silky or glabrate above, densely white-tomentose beneath; leaflets broadly cuneate or rhombic-obovate, incisely cut from the apex, the teeth coarse, oblong-lanceolate; stipules lanceolate: flowers usually solitary on the scapose stems: calyx grayish-villous; the sepals and bracts lanceolate, subequal, only half as long as the obcordate petals.—Rare; in. the higher Rocky Mountains, north to the arctic seas. 23. Potentilla pinnatifida Dougl. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 188. 1833. Stems several from a thick perennial root, erect, 3-4 dm. high, white silky-villous: leaves pinnately 7-9-foliolate, densely and finely silky above, white-tomentose beneath; leaflets obovate, pectinately divided almost to the midrib; the seg- ments linear-oblong, obtuse; stipules ovate-lanceolate, entire or toothed: flowers in a congested cyme: calyx white-silky; the bractlets oblong-lanceolate, shorter than the ovate pepale petals obovate-truncate, with cuneate base, barely exceeding the aoe s. (P. pseudosericea Rydb. Monog. Pot. 1. c.)— Frequent; the plains of Colorado to the far northwest. 24. Potentilla pennsylvanica L. Mant. Pl. 76. 1767. Stems single or several from the same crown, erect, subtomentose, 3~5 dm. high: leaves pianately 7-15-foliolate, greenish and minutely pubescent above, grayish-tomentose and veiny beneath; leaflets oblong, pinnately divided halfway to the midrib; the pinnae scarcely revolute; stipules ovate in outline, pectinately divided: flowers short-pediceled, in a dense cyme with erect branches: calyx. strigose- tomentose; the acute sepals and bractlets subequal, nearly equaling the ob- ovate, emarginate or truncate petals.—Infrequent, the following varieties being far more common in the same range; extending from British America along the high plains to Colorado. cs 24a. Potentilla pennsylvanica strigosa Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 356. 1814. Usually lower, pubescence mixed with some long strigose hairs: leaflets more deeply divided, the segments narrow and revolute-margined: cyme short and compact.—The most common form in our range and extending eastward to the upper Missouri. a. 24d. Potentilla pennsylvanica arachnoidea Lehm. Sip Pug. 9: 41. 1851. A reduced form with stems arachnoid-pubescent and the segments’ of. the leaflets short, silky-tufted at the apex.—Wyoming to New Mexico and Ari- zona. ae 25. Potentilla atrovirens Rydb. Monog. Pot. 1. ¢. 95. Stems few from the same crown, erect and rather stout, pilose, 2-4 dm. high: leaves dark green and densely pilose on both sides, strongly veined, pinnately 7—-9-foliolate; leaflets obovate or oblanceolate, incisely and coarsely dentate, the segments oblong: flowers numerous, in a narrow cyme, with erect branchlets: calyx densely pilose; the bractlets and sepals subequal, exceeded by the cuneate- obovate bright yellow petals: carpels numerous; the style fusiform.—Infre- quent; Wyoming to Minnesota. ~ 26. Potentilla virgulata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27:, 265. 1900. Stems slenderly virgate, single from the one or two crowns of the thick root, simple, glabrate, obscurely granulo-glandular, as are also the leaves, 3-4 dm. high: leaves few, erect, pinnately, only 5-7-foliolate, dark green,above, lighter 260 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) beneath, with an obscure pubescence, petioled below, nearly sessile at summit; leaflets obovate, dissected nearly to the midrib into linear segments which are obscurely revolute-thickened; the terminal leaflet petiolulate; stipules ovate-lanceolate: flowers several, congested in a corymbose cyme: sepals lightly pubescent, equaled by the bractlets and fully as long as the subor- bicular petals.—Marshy meadows, infrequent; Wyoming to the Dakotas. 27. Potentilla saximontana Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 399. 1896. Densely caespitose, with several silky pubescent stems only a few cm. long: leaves numerous, mostly basal, pinnately. 5-7-foliolate, silky-pubescent and tomentose beneath; leaflets obovate, deeply incised; the oblong segments obtuse or acute: flowers 1-3 on each scapose stem: calyx densely silky; the bractlets oblong, obtuse, much shorter than the ovate triangular sepals: petals broadly obcordate, much longer than the sepals: the style no longer than the smooth achene.—Alpine; in the mountains of Colorado. 28. Potentilla rubricaulis Lehm. Stirp. Pug. 2: 11. 1830. Stems somewhat tufted, ascending, about 1 dm. long, somewhat branched, silky-strigose: leaves silky above, more or less white-tomentulose beneath, pinnately 5-7- foliolate; leaflets small, obovate or oblong, deeply pinnatifid; the segments narrowly oblong; stipules ovate, acute: flowers few, in an open cyme, with erect branches: sepals silky, lanceolate, acute, longer than the oblong-linear bracts and considerably exceeded by the obcordate petals. (P. minutiflora Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 399. 1896 may be merely a depauperate alpine form: P. tenerrima Rydb. 1. c. 398.)—On the higher peaks of the Rocky Mountains; Colorado to Alberta. 29. Potentilla plattensis Nutt. T. & G. Fl N. A. 1: 439. 1840. Stems several from the crown of a taproot, prostrate spreading or ascending, 1-2 dm. long: leaves appressed-strigose or glabrate, pinnately 9-17-foliolate; leaflets obovate-oblong, deeply incised; the lobes oblong, obtuse, or narrower and acute; the stem leaves reduced, often merely 3-cleft; stipules broadly ovate, large for the plant: flowers at first crowded, in age in an open paniculate cyme: sepals strigose, twice as long as the similar bractlets but exceeded by the obovate retuse petals.—Frequent in grassy valleys; Colorado to Utah and north to Wyoming and Montana. 30. Potentilla pinnatisecta (Wats.) A. Nels. Wyo. Expt. Sta. Bull. 28: 104. 1896. Stems several, from the one or more scaly crowns of the woody tap- root, erect, 10-15 em. high, sparsely strigose: leaves nearly glabrous, some- what hoary when young, mostly basal, pinnately many-foliolate; leaflets crowded, deeply cleft into oblong obtuse lobes; stipules ovate-lanceolate, acute: cymes small, 3—6-flowered: bractlets and sepals hirsute, lanceolate, acute, unequal, shorter than the obcordate petals.—Frequent in the alpine regions of the Rocky Mountains; Colorado to British America. 31. Potentilla monidensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 266. 1900. Stems numerous, from a multicipital caudex, prostrate-assurgent, slender, silky-strigose, about 1 dm. long: leaves crowded on the crowns, petioled, silky-strigose above, white with a dense hirsute silkiness beneath, pinnately 7-15-foliolate; leaflets crowded, pinnately or digitately cleft nearly to the mid- rib into oblong-linear segments; stem leaves reduced, cleft into linear seg- ments: sepals and bractlets silky-hirsute, lanceolate, unequal: petals broadly elliptic or oval, exceeding the calyx.—Infrequent; open sagebrush slopes; Western Wyoming to Montana. 32. Potentilla wyomingensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 32. 1900. Stems crowded on the multicipital caespitose caudex, simple except for the corymbosely branched open cyme, green, glabrate, less than 2 dm. high: leaves mostly basal, 5-7-foliolate, green on both sides, nearly glabrous above, lightly pubescent beneath; leaflets obovate to oblanceolate, coarsely and deeply serrate; stipules lanceolate, entire, acute: sepals hirsute, ovate-lanceolate, twice as lang as the oblong-linear bractlets: petals broadly obovate, retusely truncate at summit.—Subalpine; mountains of central Wyoming to Yellow- stone Park and Montana. 33. Potentilla rupicola Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 256. 1899. Stems ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) 261 slender, glabrous, 2-3 dm. high: leaves mostly basal, interruptedly pinnate; leaflets 5-9, oblong-cuneate, incisely few-toothed above, glabrous. except for a few ciliolate hairs, dark green, the terminal one petiolulate, the others slightly decurrent on the rachis: cyme paniculately branched: sepals woolly-pubescent at base, sharply acurhinate, only 5 mm. long, twice as long as the minute linear bractlets: petals broadly obovate, retuse, barely surpassing the calyx: achenes glabrous but imbedded in the wool of the receptacle.—In cliff crev- ices; northern Colorado. 34. Potentilla crinita Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 1849: 41. Stems few from the caudex, ascending, silky-pilose: leaves short-petioled, pinnately 9-15-foli- olate, green but silky-villous below, glabrate above; leaflets oblong-cuneate, crowded, toothed at summit, the white silky pubescence of the under side projecting beyond the tip of the teeth in a soft tuft; stipules ovate-lanceolate, acuminate: the acute bractlets a little shorter than the ovate-lanceolate sepals, which are surpassed by the obovate deeply retuse petals.—On the dry plains; southern Colorado to Arizona. 35. Potentilla effusa Dougl. Lehm. Stirp. Pug. 2: 8. 1839. Stems nu- merous from the same crown, ascending or diffuse, silky-tomentose, becoming glabrate, more or less branched: leaves white-tomentose on both sides, in- terruptedly and irregularly 5-13-foliolate; leaflets obovate or cuneate-oblong, the upper often confluent, toothed with rather broad teeth; stipules lanceolate, subentire: flowers many in a paniculate cyme: calyx tomentose; the sepals lanceolate acuminate, nearly twice as long as the slender bractlets and nearly equaling the obcordate petals. (P. coloradoensis Rydb. Monog. Pot. |. c. 115.) —On the dry plains; New Mexico to British America. 36. Potentilla Hippiana Lehm. 1. c. 2: 7. 1830. Stems many from the crown, ascending or nearly erect, white with appressed hairs, 2-4 dm. high: leaves greenish and appressed-silky above (not tomentose), silky and tomen- tose beneath, pinnately few-foliolate; leaflets obovate or cuneate-oblong, ob- tusely toothed, smaller toward the base of the leaf, sometimes a little de- current upon the rachis; stipules long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, subentire: flowers in a rather short dichotomously branched cyme: calyx silky; the se- pals ovate-lanceolate, acute, scarcely longer than the similar but narrower bractlets: petals 6-8 mm. long, obovate, retuse, longer. than the calyx. (P. een ua Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 176. 1901; P. filicaulis Rydb. ull. i Bot. Club 24: 2. 1897.)—In the moist parks of the mountains; New Mexico to British America. 37. Potentilla ambigens Greene, Erythea 1: 4. 1903. Stems few, assur- gent, stout, 4-7 dm. high, silky-villous with spreading hairs: leaves large, ir- regularly pinnate, 9-15-foliolate, silky-villous on both sides but more densely so below; leaflets oblong-obovate, coarsely serrate, more or less decurrent on the petiole and the uppermost often confluent; stipules large, subentire or toothed: flowers in a long, rather narrow cyme, the branchlets and pedicels often long and slender: bractlets and sepals lanceolate, subequal, exceeded by the obcordate petals.—Infrequent; middle altitudes; New Mexico to Wyoming. 24. COMARUM L. Perennial herbs, resembling Poétentilla, with pinnately 5-7-foliolate leaves and cymose flowers. Bractlets, sepals, and petals 5. Receptacle becoming salar and spongy in fruit. Pistils numerous; the style lateral and fili- ‘orm. 1. Comarum palustre L. Sp. Pl. 502. 1753. Stems stout, ascenaing fromm a decumbent base, glandular-pubescent above: leaves green above, lighter beneath and more or Jess pubescent; the leaflets oblong, the pairs closely ap-: proximate; stipules large, the lower amplexicaul and long-adnate: flowers in. an open cyme: sepals purplish, in fruit 1-2 em. long, much exceeding the linear bractlets: petals red, ovate, acute, much shorter than the sepals: stamens with fleshy filaments, inserted on the margin of the thickened disk: 262 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) carpels numerous, sessile on the spongy receptacle.—Marshy ground; northern Wyoming to the arctic circle. 25. GEUM L. Avens Perennial herbs with large, mostly radical, lyrate or pinnate leaves (those of the stem much smaller), and stipules adnate to the sheathing petioles. Flowers corymbosely cymose or solitary. Calyx persistent, 5-lobed, and 5-bracteolate. Petals 5. Stamens, numerous, inserted on a disk at the base of the calyx. Pistils numerous; the style persistent, straight or (in ours) jointed, hooked or sometimes plumose in fruit. Achenes small, compressed, on a small conical or clavate receptacle. Sepals reflexed; upper part of style deciduous, ‘erminal leaflet cuneate-obovate; receptacle downy-pubescent . 1. G, strictum, Terminal leaflet broadly cordate; receptacle nearly naked . . 2. G, macrophyllum, Sepals erect; upper part of style persistent and plumose in fruit . 3. G, rivale. 1. Geum strictum Ait. Hort. Kew 2: 217. 1789. Stems erect, pubescent, 3-8 dm. high: root leaves interruptedly pinnate; the leaflets obovate-cuneate;, stem leaves few, 3-5-foliolate; the leaflets rhombic-ovate or oblong, acute: flowers yellow, terminal, short-peduncled: carpels compressed, hairy at sum- mit or on the base of the hooked style: receptacle downy-pubescent. (G. scopulorum Greene, Pitt. 4: 148. 1900.)—From Colorado northward, and east- ward to the Atlantic. 2. Geum macrophyllum Willd. Enum. 557. 1809. Bristly-hairy, stouter, 3-5 dm. high: root leaves lyrately and interruptedly pinnate, with the ter- minal leaflet very large and round heart-shaped; the lateral leaflets of the stem leaves minute, 2-4; the terminal one roundish, 3-cleft, the lobes cuneate- obovate: flowers yellow, in a terminal cyme; the petals obovate, longer than the acute calyx-lobes: receptacle nearly glabrous: style hooked, obscurely glandular (the minute glands short-stipitate), pubescent near the base. (G. oregonense Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 56. 1898.)—From California to the Atlantic. ; 3. Geum rivale L. Sp. Pl. 501. 1753. Somewhat pubescent, erect, 3-5 dm. high: stem nearly simple: root leaves lyrate and interruptedly pinnate; those of the stem few, 3-foliolate or 3-lobed: calyx, brown-purple: petals dilated- obovate, retuse, contracted into a claw, purplish-orange: head of fruit stalked in the calyx: achenes very pubescent; styles jointed, plumose.—Colorado and northward, and east to Newfoundland. 26. SIEVERSIA Willd. Rather low perennial herbs, with simple stems, mostly radical pinnate: leaves, and rather large flowers in terminal cymes. Sepals, bractlets, and petals 5. pas erect or Pee: Style not jointed, straight, slender, persistent t and often plumose; head of carpels sessile. Clammy, short-pubescent and hirsute or ciliate; style plumose . . 1, S. ciliata. Nearly glabrous; style glabrous. é Stem leaves pinnatifid; root leaves mostly suberect . 7 . . 2. 8. turbinata. Stem leaves entire; root leaves rosulate-spreading e 7 3 . 3. 8. scapoidea. 1. Sieversia ciliata G. Don. Gen. Hist. 2: 528. 1832. Somewhat clammy. short-pubescent and more or less softly hirsute or ciliate: leaves mostly basal, suberect, interruptedly pinnate; the leaflets very numerous and crowded, cuneate-obovate in outline, deeply incised, often nearly to the midrib: stems simple, merely leafy-bracteate, terminating in the mostly 3-flowered cyme: flowers long-pediceled: calyx purple, its linear bractlets longer than the se- pals and as long as the purplish erect petals: styles very long, strongly plumose in fruit. Geum triflorum.—Moist slopes in the mountains; common in our whole range. : 2. Sieversia turbinata (Rydb.) Greene, Pitt. 4: 50. 1899. Low, 7-15 em. ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) 263 high, glabrate or more or less puberulent, especially above: leaves mostly basal, interruptedly pinnate, spreading or suberect, dark green or tinged with purple; leaflets ovate-cuneate or narrower, incisely toothed; stem leaves pinnately incised: stems surpassing the leaves, rarely nearly twice as long, 1-8-flowered: calyx dark- ‘or purplish-green; the triangular lobes scarcely longer than the lanceolate bractlets, much surpassed by the obovate bright yellow petals: style glabrous, not exserted in fruit; achene villous-hirsute. Geum Rossit.—Alpine; in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. 3. Sieversia scapoidea A. Nels. Glabrous (obscurely puberulent under a strong lens): leaves rosulate-spreading from the crowns of a.more or less branched woody rootstock, interruptedly pinnate, 5-10 em. long; leaflets ob- ovate, 3-cleft into oblong, subacute lobes, not crowded: stems scapose, few, erect, strictly 1-flowered, 14-20 cm. high; the bract-like leaves entire, linear, 15-20 mm. long, the rather large stipules long-adnate: flowers large, 2 cm. broad: calyx softly pubescent, its triangular-lanceolate lobes longer than its tube; the bractlets minute, nearly linear: petals obovate-orbicular, pale yellow, twice as long as the calyx: achene tapering gradually into the style, long- hirsute as is also the thickened base of the style.-—Utah. 27. AGRIMONIA L. Acrimony Tall perennial herbs, with interruptedly pinnate leaves, and flowers with 3-cleft bracts, in long slender spicate racemes. Calyx turbinate, surrounded by a margin of hooked prickles. Petals yellow, small. , Stamens 5-12. Car-: pels 1-3, becoming achenes, inclosed in the dry and firm calyx-tube which is constricted at the throat and its 5 lobes connivent. 1. Agrimonia Brittoniana Bickn. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 517. 1896. Stout, 4-7 dm. high, virgately branched, hirsute: leaflets 7-11, with smaller leaf-segments interposed, elliptic-oblong, acute, sharply serrate; stipules lanceolate, acuminate: flowers crowded: fruit 8 mm. long, reflexed; the bris- tles often purplish, inflexed. A. Eupatoria.—Colorado to Motitana, east to New York. SS 28. SANGUISORBA L. Annual or perennial herbs, with alternate, pinnatifid, stipulate Jeaves and . small perfect flowers in dense, terminal, peduncled spikes or heads. Calyx- lobes 4, imbricated, deciduous, petaloid; calyx-tube 4-angled, naked. Petals wanting. Stamens 2-12, inserted on the throat of the calyx., Carpels usually: only 1, inclosed in the dry, 4-wing-angled calyx.—Poterium. | ; 1. Sanguisorba annua Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 429. 1840. Glabrous,,’ slender, 2-4 dm. high: leaflets 4-6 pairs, ovate to oblong, with linear segments: — flowers greenish; the heads ovoid or oblong: stamens 2-4: fruits shorter than the bracts. -Potertum annuum.—Possibly within our range; said to occur from the upper Missouri to Oklahoma and in California to Washington. ® 3 29. ROSA (Tourn.) L.* Rose Shrubby more or less pukly plants, with pinnate leaves and large flowers: solitary at the ends of the branchlets or in few-flowered corymbs. Stipules: - adnate’ to the petiole. Calyx without bractlets. Stamens numerous on the thick margin of the silky disk which nearly closes the throat of the calyx. Carpels many, hairy, becoming bony achenes inclosed and concealed in the globose or urn-shaped fleshy calyx-tube, which resembles a pome. ° 7 * There are few genera in which the species are so difficult of discrimination, The species as given here are no doubt, in some cases at, least, ‘‘ group species,”’ but.it does not seem possible in the present state of our knowledge so to, characterize the different forms as to make them distinguishable. oe 264 ROSACEAE (ROSE FAMILY) Calyx-tube and fruit not prickly. , Sepals connivent and persistent after flowering. nfrastipular spines wanting. Flowers solitary; sepalserect . .. 5 ‘ % “ . 1. BR. Sayi. Flowers corymbed; sepals spreading. ; S * é . 2. R. arkansana, Infrastipular spines commonly present, j Rachis of leaves more or less prickly . e . 3. R. Fendleri, Rachis of leaves without prickles, Ss Outer sepals laterally lobed . fe ¥ ° . . .« 4, R. Woodsii, Outer sepalsentire _.. é Sas . ° ° - 5. R. Nutkana, Sepals spreading after flowering and deciduous . . . . 6. R.gymnocarpa, alyx-tube and fruit prickly, . Pubescence on young stems lepidote-stellate . . . . 7. R. stellata, Pubescence wanting, or at least not stellate . 8. R. MacDougalii, 1, Rosa Sayi Schwein. Long’s Expd. Winnep. 2: 388, 1825. Stems usually low, 3-8 dm. high, thickly covered with prickles: stipules usually dilated, glandular-ciliate and resinous; leaflets 3-7 (usually 5 or 7), glabrous or slightly pubescent above, more or less resinous beneath, broadly elliptical to oblong- lanceolate, usually sessile and rounded or subcordate at base, more or less doubly and glandular toothed, the terminal 2-4 dm. long: flowers solitary (very rarely 2 or 3): outer sepals with one or more very narrow lateral lobes (very rarely all entire), not hispid, or slightly so on the margin: fruit globose with more or less of a neck below the calyx, 8-12 mm. in diameter (8S. Wat- son, Proc. Am. Acad. 20: 340). (R. Engelmannii Wats. Gard. & For. 2: 376. 1889; following Watson’s view that R. acicularis Lindl. is arctic, R. Sayi. is used as the available name.)—Colorado and northward into British America, 2. Rosa arkansana Porter, Syn. Fl. Colo. 38. 1874. Stem stout, erect, leafy, 3-4 dm. high, glabrous and glaucous, armed with weak, deciduous, bristly prickles: leaflets 9-11, ovate and oblong-ovate, 2 em. or more in length, acute or obtuse, glabrous, sharply serrate; midrib and long stipules somewhat prickly and minutely glandular: flowers numerous, terminal, corymbed, on peduncles about 3 cm. long: fruit globose, smooth, glaucous: calyx-segments ovate, reflexed in fruit, with terminal and sometimes lateral appendages, more or less glandular and tomentose-pubescent on the margins: petals broadly obcordate or emarginate, longer than the calyx-segments, rose-color: flowers 4-5 em. in diameter. (R. pratincola Greene, Pitt. 4: 13. 1899; R. manca Greene, l. c. 11.)—From Colorado northward and eastward into the plains of the upper Missouri region. . 8. Rosa Fendleri Crepin, Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 15: 91. 1876. Stems often tall (15-20 dm. high, or less), with rather slender, straight or recurved spines, often scattered or wanting: stipules mostly narrow, usually naked, some- times glandular-ciliate; rachis pubescent or prickly; leaflets 5 or 7 (very rarely 9), oblong or obovate, more or less cuneate at base and often petiol- ulate, usually glaucous, very finely pubescent beneath or glabrous or some- what resinous, the teeth usually simple: flowers small, often solitary, the short pedicels, receptacles, and sepals glabrous, or the last subpubescent: fruit globose or broadly ovate, with little or no neck, about 8 mm. broad (Watson, 1. c.).—Western Texas, westward to the Sierras and northward in the Rocky Mountains to British America. 4. Rosa Woodsii Lindl. Mon. Ros. 21. 1820. Stems usually low, 2-10 dm. high, with slender, straight or recurved spines, and sometimes with scatte prickles, or unarmed above: stipules narrow or dilated, entire; leaflets 5 or 7 (sometimes 9), obovate to oblong or lanceolate, rounded. or acute at the summit, obtuse or usually cuneate at base, glabrous or subpubescent above, villous or finely pubescent or glabrous beneath (with the paahis and stipules), simply toothed, often only above the middle, sometimes resinous and serrulate- toothed, sometimes glaucous, usually small (the terminal 1-4 em. long): flowers 4-5 em. broad, corymbose or very often solitary, on very short, naked pedicels: sepals:naked or hispid, the lobes more or less conspicuous: fruit globose with a short neck, 8-10 mm. broad (Watson, l. ¢.). (R. Macimil- lianii Nees. Pl. Maxim. 8. 1841; R. Macounii Greene, Pitt. 4: 10. 1899.)— From the Missouri river to Colorado and north into British America. : 5. Rosa Nutkana Presl. Epimel. Bot. 203. 1849. Stems stout, 3-15 dm. cee . POMACEAE (APPLE FAMILY) 265 high, armed with stout, straight or recurved spines, the branches sometimes unarmed, and young shoots sometimes prickly: stipules glandular-ciliate; leaflets 5 or 7 (very rarely 9), broadly elliptic to ovate or oblong or lanceolate, usually rounded at base, obtuse or acute (the terminal 2~5 cm. long), resin- ous beneath (as well as the rachis and stipules) and the teeth more or less. glandular-serrulate, smoother above, sometimes nearly or quite glabrous (and teeth entire), or the pubescence not resinous; rachis more or less prickly or hispid: flowers 5-7 em. broad, solitary (rarely 2 or 3); pedicel and receptacle very rarely hispid; sepals naked or very rarely hispid: fruit globose; not con- tracted above into a neck, 12 mm. broad (Watson, l.c.). (R. melina Greene, Pitt. 4: 10. 1899; R. oreophila Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 561. 1904; R. grosseserrata Ek. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 119. 1900.)—From Colorado to the far northwest. 6. Rosa gymnocarpa Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 461. 1840. Stem slen- der and weak, 1-3 m. high, with straight slender spines: seule narrow, glandular-ciliate; leaflets 5-9, glabrous, doubly glandular-toothed, sessile or nearly so: flowers solitary or few: sepals 6-12 mm. long, entire, spreading after flowering and deciduous (with the distinct styles) from the very contracted top of the naked, oblong-ovate to globose fruit.—Scarcely within our range; west- ern Montana and Idaho to the Pacific States. 7. Rosa stellata Wooton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 152. 1898. Stems 4-6 dm. high, with numerous straight or slightly curved yellowish spines; young stems closely covered with stellate trichomes which may be scale-like or have a central gland-bearing axis, or this axis may be a well-developed spine: leaves small, 3—-5-foliolate; leaflets triangular-cuneate, with rounded acute teeth; stipules spreading, silky-pubescent, not glandular: flowers soli- tary, 4-7 em. broad: calyx-lobes enlarged, Jandular on the margin, generally laciniately lobed: fruit spiny, reddish-brown.—New Mexico and probably reaching southern Colorado. 8. Rosa MacDougalii Holz. Bot. Gaz. 21: 36. 1896. Resembling R. Nutkana: stems with few epidermal spines, or frequently none, the infrastip- ular spines wanting: flowers solitary at the ends of short leafy branches: re- ceptacle and calyx conspicuously glandular and hispid: fruits densely spiny. Ue Enders Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 560. 1904.)—Colorado to 0. 55. POMACEAE L. Aprie Faminy Trees or shrubs with alternate, pinnate, simple or compound leaves; the stipules free from the petiole and early deciduous. Flowers regular, solitary .or in cymes or racemes. Calyx 5-lobed or toothed, adnate to the ovary. Stamens usually many, distinct. Ovary 1-5-celled, of as many carpels, more or less united; the ovules one or more in each cell. Fruit a fleshy pome, formed by the calyx-tube becoming thickened-fleshy and inclosing the 1-5 bony, papery, or leathery carpels.—Rosaceae in part. Leaves simple, ; : Flowers many, in racemes; pome berry-like Amelanchier. Flowers several, in short corymbs; seeds bony Crataegus. 1, Flowers solitary or 2-3 in sessile umbel; seeds cartilaginous . . 38. Peraphyllum, Leaves pinnately compound . % = 3 . A 3 . 4, Sorbus, 1. AMELANCHIER Medic. Servicz-BERRY Shrubs with alternate, simple, serrate leaves and white flowers in racemes; not thorny. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, its five lobes persistent and reflexetdl. Petals 5, inserted with the numerous stamens on throat of the calyx. Styles connate, 2-5; cells of theovary as many as the styles, becom- ing in the berry twice as many, with 1 cartilaginous seed in each cell. ' 266 POMACEAE (APPLE FAMILY), Glabrous throughout, at least at maturity. ? ves crenately serrate . 3 . s i é - 1, A, alnifolia, Leaves incisely serrate oe . . . . . iS . 2, A. glabra, More or less pubescent. Leaves glabrous above, at least at maturity . ‘ " . 8. A. elliptica, Leaves pubescent on both faces, : Incisely serrate around the summit, Calyx and pedicels lanate-pubescent . * . . . - 4, A. Bakeri, Calyx (on the exterior) and pedicels green and glabrate é - 5, A. oreophila, Entire or crenately toothed x 5 . “ - 6, A. prunifolia. 1. Amelanchier alnifolia Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 473. 1840. A shrub or small tree, 2-4 m. high, glabrate throughout (including the calyx-lobes) at least at maturity: leaves thickish, somewhat glaucous, elliptic, oval or ob- ovate, very obtuse or even truncaté, the base rounded, truncate, or subcor- date, coarsely crenately serrate-dentate above the middle: raceme dense, erect: petals oblanceolate, about 1 cm. long: pome purple, with bloom, 6-8 mm, in diameter, sweet and juicy.—On stream banks; from Colorado to Nebraska and the head waters of the Missouri. 8 la. Amelanchier alnifolia ponila (Nutt.) A. Nels. A low shrubby form with small, nearly orbicular leaves, serrate-dentate to the base. 15. PETALOSTEMON. Prarrie Crover Herbaceous, mostly perennial plants, dotted with glands. Leaves unequally pinnate; stipules minute, setaceous. Flowers in pedunculate, dense, terminal spikes or heads. Calyx often glandular, 5-toothed; the teeth connivent, nearly equal. Petals 5, on filiform claws; four of them nearly similar, their claws united to the stamen-tube quite to the summit and deciduous by an articu- lation; the standard free, inserted at the bottom of the calyx; the limb cor- date or oblong, conduplicate. Stamens 5, monadelphous; the tube’ cleft. Ovary with 2 collateral ovules. Pod membranaceous, inclosed in the calyx, indehiscent, 1-seeded. Flowers white. Calyx and spike glabrate. Leaves lanceolate or oblong , fs * 6 Py % . LP. candidus. Leaves linear ur nearly so . . . . ‘ . . 2. FP. oligophylius, LEGUMINOSAE (PEA FAMILY) 299 Calyx and ee densely silky-villous Ps ‘ ‘ . . 3. P, compactus, Flowers me i te. ets 5-9. Glands evident. . . : ‘ 4 ‘ # . é . 4. P. purpureus. '-}’Glands wanting or obscure . ‘i _ ‘ 5 3 é . 5, P. pubescens, < i . 6. P., villosus, a Leaflets 13-17 . 1. Petalostemon candidus Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 49. 1803. Glabrous; stems firm and erect, sparingly branched: leaflets 7 or 9, lanceolate or linear- oblong, sparingly dotted beneath: spikes oblong, in age long-cylindrical: calyx glabrate:, corolla white; wing-and keel petals ovate; the standard broadly cordate: avary pubescent.—Coming into our range from the prairie states. 2. Petalostemon oligophyllus (Torr.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1; 237. 1900. Very similar but the stems slender, ascending, freely branched: leaflets 5-9, linear-oblong: spike short, ovate-oblong, becoming cylindric, loosely flowered.—Very common; from Montana to Texas. 3. Petalostemon compactus (Spreng.)’ Swezey, Nebr. Fl. Pl. 6. 1891. Glabrous; stem sparingly branched, 3-6 dm. high, dotted: leaflets 5-7, lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, dotted beneath: spikes cylindrical, very dense and much elongated; bracts lanceolate, as long as the flower: calyx silky-villous; the teeth lanceolate: standard cordate;' thé other petals linear-oblong, all white or nearly so. P. macrostachyus.—Throwghout the eastern part of our range. A : : 7 # 4. Petalostemon purpureus (Vent.) Rydb. |. c. Smooth or nearly so:- leaflets 5, narrowly linear: spikes globose-ovate, or oblong-cylindrical when old; bracts pointed, not longer than the silky-hoary calyx: corolla rose-purple. P. violaceus.—Prairies. from the Saskatchewan to Texas, and from Colorado to Indiana. Syn ; 4a. Petalostemon purpureus mollis (Rydb.) A. Nels. Stems and leaves more or less villous-pubescent: leaflets linear, usually obtusish: corolla rose- color. (P. mollis Rydb. Mem. N. ¥. Bot. Gard. 1: 238.'1900.) Probably P. tenuifolius Gray as to our range.—Montana to Colorado. ‘"'"' 5. Petalostemon pubescens A. Nels. Bot. Gaz.'31: 395. 1901. Pale with a sublanate pubescence throughout: stems several-many from a large woody crown, from suberect to prostrate-assurgent, 1-3 dm. long: leaves neither glandular nor dotted, 5-foliolate; the leaflets spatulate-linear, obtuse, 10-14 mm. long: spike oblong, dense, silvery-lanate; bracts about as long as the ca- lyx, obovate, abruptly acuminate, the purple tip concealed by the copious pu- bescence: corolla light purple—Southern Colorado. : ‘ 5 6. Petalostemon villosus Nutt. Gen. 2: 85. 1818. Soft-downy or silky all over: leaflets 13-17, linedr or oblong, 8-10'mm. long: spikes cylindrical, 3-10. cm. long, short-peduncled, soft-villous; bracts lanceolate; acuminate, exceeding the calyx: corolla rose-purple, often pale; standard oblong; the wings and keel oblong-obovate.—Northeastern part of our range to Wiscon- sin and Missouri. ' i - > 16. HEDYSARUM L. ; Perennial herbs. - Leaves odd-pinnate. Calyx 5-cleft, the lobes awl-shaped and nedrly equal. Keel nearly straight, obliquely truncate, not appendaged, longer than the wings. Stamens diadelphous (9and1). Pod flattened, com- posed of several equal-sided; separable, roundish joints connected in the middle. Flowers rose-color, lilac, or purple. ; ’ ie tins ‘Stems and leaves cahescent’ . ie a ee as , . 1, H. cinerascens, ' Stems and leaves green, glabrate or obscurely pubescent. Joints of loment wing-margined * ‘ @ 2. H. marginatum, Joints of loment not wing-margined. Flowers tardily if at all reflexed . 3. H. pabulare. . Flowers reflexed from the first 4, H. uintahense, Flowers white or yellow. ; = Leaflets 11-13 ‘ 5. H. sulphurescens, ; Leaflets 15-23 : 6. H. philoscia, 1. Hedysarum cinerascens Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 257. 1900. Cinereous-cancscent: stems several, erect or decumbent, 3-6 dm. high: leaflets 300 LEGUMINOSAE (PEA FAMILY) 9-13, oblong or cuneate-oblong; stipules small, sheathing, subulate: peduncles longer than the leaves: raceme elongated in fruit; flowers spreading and at length reflexed: joints of the loment oval-orbicular, nearly glabrous, trans- versely rugose-reticulated. (H. canescens Nutt.)—From central Wyoming northward and westward. 2. Hedysarum marginatum Greene, Pitt. 4: 138. 1900. Stems tufted, 5-8 dm. high, minutely ee ee leaflets 11-15, oblong, obtuse, mucronulate, thin, pinnately veined beneath and aes glabrous above: raceme large and showy, elongating in fruit: corolla rose-purple, 16-20 mm. long: joints of the loment 2-4, obovoid, 10-12 mm. long, at maturity with a thin scarious margin, the surface strigillose and irregularly reticulate.— Pagosa Springs, Colorado. 3. Hedysarum pabulare A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 15: 185. 1902. Stems several, slender, decumbent, 4-7 dm. long, subcinereous: leaflets 9-15, from narrowly to broadly oblong, 1-2 cm. long: racemes long; on axillary peduncles surpassing the leaves; flowers lilac or pale purple, tardily or not at all reflexed: calyx-tube only about 2 mm. long, its slender teeth twice as long: standard 12-14 mm. long, broadly obovate, emarginate: joints of the loment 3-5, suborbicular, 5-7 mm. broad, pale green and nearly glabrous. H. Mac- kenzit.—Throughout our range. 4. Hedysarum uintahense A. Nels. ]. c. 186. Green but obscurely pubes- -cent; stems stoutish, striate, erect or nearly so: leaflets 11-23, from oval to \anceolate, mostly obtuse, 2-3 cm. long; stipules large, membranous: racemes axillary in the uppermost approximated nodes (appearing clustered) ; flowers urple or lavender, reflexed from earliest anthesis: calyx-tube about 4 mm. long, its unequal teeth much shorter: keel longer than the narrow wings and the standard: loment stipitate, its 2-5 joints canescent on the connective, lightly reticulated, oval to oblong, 10-15 mm. long. H. boreale—In the mountains; from Colorado to Washington. 5. Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 251. 1897. Erect, 3-4 dm. high, minutely pubescent: stipules connate, opposite the petiole; leaflets 11-13, oblong-elliptical, 1.5-2 cm. long, slightly pubescent beneath: racemes 15-30-flowered, short, rather dense, elongated in fruit; flowers bright yellow, 15 mm. long, the wings exceeding the standard but shorter than the keel: calyx-teeth triangular-subulate, shorter than the tube: pod 2-3-jointed, smooth. (H. flavescens Coult. & Fish. Bot. Gaz. 18: 300. 1893, name untenable.\—Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. 6. Hedysarum philoscia A. Nels. ]. c. 185. Bright green and nearly gla- brous throughout; stems slender, few-several, from thickened roots: leaflets 15-23, moe oblong, 15-30 mm. long, peduncles overtopping the leaves: raceme slender: calyx-tube campanulate, exceeding its triangular teeth: corolla white, the wings linear: loment glabrate, the joints oval to orbicular, 6-8 mm. long, lightly reticulated from a somewhat, large, marginal nerve.— Shaded stream banks; eastern Wyoming. Hedysarum carnosulum Greene, Pitt, 3: 212. 1897, Said to be distinguishable from all other species of this country by its succulent herbage, veinless leaflets, and the close transverse lineation of the loment.—Cajion of the Arkansas; no specimen or type cited. : 17. VICIA L. Vercu Herbs, mostly climbing more or less by the tendril at the end of the pinnate leaves. Stipules half-sagittate. Flowers or peduncles axillary. Calyx 5-cleft or &-toothed, the 2 upper teeth often shorter, or the lowest one longer. Wings of the corolla adhering to the middle of the keel. Stamens more or less dia- delphous (9 and 1), the orifice of the tube oblique. Style filiform, hairy all round or only on the back at the apex. Pod flat; 2-valved, 2-several-seeded. Seeds globular. Leaves lance-ovate to broadly oval . a . . . . + 1, V. americana. Leaves narrowly linear to oblong. . Peduncle not produced beyond the terminal flower . . . . 2, V, linearis. ‘Peduncle produced beyond the terminal flower . * * és . 3, V. producta, LEGUMINOSAE (PEA FAMILY) 304 1. Vicia americana Muhl. Willd. Sp. Pl. 3: 1906. 1803. Glabrous; stems climbing or scrambling, 5~10 dm. long: leaflets 10-14, elliptical-lanceolate or ovate-oblong, obtuse or retuse, mucronate, 20-30 mm. long; stipules deeply toothed: peduncles shorter than the leaves, 4-8-flowered; flowers purplish- blue, 18-20 mm. long: pods linear-oblong, reticulated.—Frequent; across the continent especially northward. od la. Vicia americana oregana (Nutt.) A. Nels. Somewhat pubescent; stems weak: leaves mostly lance-oblong, usually some of them truncate or serrate at apex. (V. oregana Nutt. and V. truncata Nutt. T. & G. Fl. 270.) 2. Vicia linearis (Nutt.) Greene, Fl. Francis. 3. 1891. Nearly glabrous; stems decumbent or scrambling: leaflets 8-14, linear, often obtuse, apiculate; tendrils short, simple or bifid; stipules laciniate-toothed or incised below: pe- duncles 3-4:flowered, shorter than the leaves; flowers large (18-25 mm. long), pale purple: style nearly filiform, villous around the summit.—Very common throughout our range and westward. 2a. Vicia linearis caespitosa A. Nels. A reduced form, the stems branched and matted.— With the species. 3. Vicia producta Rydb. Bull. Torr. Club 28: 500. 1901. Sparsely pubes- cent perennial; stems slender, branched, angled and leafy: leaflets 6-10, ob- long to linear: peduncles 2-3-flowered, distinctly produced beyond the small lateral flowers: calyx-tube about 2 mm. long, exceeding its lance-subulate teeth: corolla ochroleucous with purplish tip—Southern Colorado. 18. LATHYRUS L. Pera or Vetcu Our species are perennial and mostly smooth plants, the rachis of the leaves in some not produced intoatendril. Style flattish, dilated (not grooved) above, hairy along the inner side (next the free stamen). Sheath of the fila- ments scarcely oblique at the apex. Otherwise nearly as in Vicia. Flowers purple. Leaves not tendril-bearing. ves linear, Glabrous . é y a A ue si m * ‘ . 1, L, ornatus, Villous-canescent . * . * . . . * . 2, L, incanus, Leaves lance-oblong . . - © © © . . 8. L, decaphyllus, Leaves tendril-bearing . . . o © 28 . . 4. L, arizonicus, Flowers white or yellowish, ves linear to oblong. Stipules semisagittate . 2 e e . . s é . 5, L. leucanthus, Stipules foliaceous % . ‘< ‘i s ‘: . 6..L, ochroleucus, ves ovate, conspicuously veiny , 7. L. utahensis, 1, Lathyrus ornatus Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A.1: 277. 1838. Erect, glabrous, often glaucous; stem 1-2 dm. high, sometimes branched, quadrangular: leaf- lets 3-4 pairs, lanceolate-linear, acute, mucronate, rigid and strongly veined, tendrils scarcely any; stipules linear-lanceolate and slender, semisagittate, entire: peduncles about 4-flowered, longer than the leaves: flowers large, purple, 2-3 cm. long, very showy: calyx-teeth subulate, slightly unequal, rather shorter than the tube: pod smooth, flat, acuminate at each end.—Plains at the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. 2. Lathyrus incanus Rydb. Size and habit of the preceding, densely villous-canescent throughout, otherwise quite similar—Sandy banks and washes; Wyoming and Nebraska. a 3. Lathyrus decaphyllus Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 471. 1814. Mostly glabrous; stem erect, slightly woody at the base, much branched, a little quadrangular, about 3 dm. high: leaflets 2-5 pairs, elliptical-lanceolate, somewhat. glaucous, rigid, strongly veined; stipules lanceolate, subfalcate, semisagittate at base: peduncles 3-5-flowered, rather shorter than the leaves; flowers large, purple: sgments' of the calyx broadly or narrowly subulate, somewhat unequal, shorter than the tube: pod large, glabrous. L. polymorphus.—Throughout the Rocky Mountains of the United States. 4. Lathyrus arizonicus Brit. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 8: 65. 1889. Per- ennial, glabrous or somewhat pubescent; stem: often winged: leaflets 4-8, 302 GERANIACEAE (GERANIUM FAMILY) narrowly oblong to linear, acute, 2.5-5 cm. long; stipules mostly narrow, often small: peduncles 2-6-flowered; flowers purple, 12 mm. long. Colorado and southward. 5. Lathyrus leucanthus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 37. 1901. Nearly glabrous, 2-3 dm. high; stem angled: stipules very. narrow,. semisagittate; leaflets 24 pairs, elliptic or narrower, veiny; tendrils of the lower leaves short, or wanting; of the upper elongated ‘and 2-3-divided: racemes 2~4-flowered: calyx glabrous, cleft to the middle: corolla white or yellowish, about 15 mm. long; the banner broad. L. palustris and L. myrtillifolius as to the Plants of our range.—Colorado to Utah and Nevada. -- 6. Lathyrus ochroleucus Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 159. 1833.. Glabrous or subglaucous; stems slender, climbing or scrambling: stipules broad, foliaceous, semicordate, half as large as the thin ovate leaflets: peduncles. 7-10-flowered: flowers 12-20 mm. long, yellowish-white: pod sessile, glabrous, 3-4 cm. long — “Coming into the northeastern part of our range; Sten jae northward and eastward. 7. Lathyrus utahensis Jones, Proc. Cal. ead: B: 678. “1895. Leaflets 4-6 pairs, oval or ovate, 2-4 cm. long, obtuse at both ends, apiculate atapex, prominently veined: stipules large, reniform, variously cut: peduncles about equaling the leaves, 4—6-flowered; flowers 15-20 mm. long, white or ochroleu- cous, sometimes tinged with purple: calyx-lobes - subulate-triangular; pod 4-5 em. long, smooth as is the rest of the plant.—Colorado and, Utah. oe 58. GERANIACEAE St. Hil. Geranium FaMILy Herbs, with alternate or opposite lobed or dissected leaves, and complete, regular, symmetrical 5-merous flowers. Sepals persistent. Petals deciduous. _ Stamens same number as petals or 2-3 times as many; filaments distinct; anthers versatile. Pistil of 5 united carpels, the styles united into’a column: Fruit a 5-celled capsule. = Stamens 10; carpel-tails naked on the inner side . “ . « * . 1, Geranium, Stamens 5; ‘carpel-tails hairy on the inner side . . ‘ . A ji 2, Hroaiu, : ot GERANIUM L. GeERANIUM oR CRANESBILL Annual or perennial herbs, often glandular-pubescent, usually with deat lobed or dissected leaves with conspicuous stipules. Petals imbricated, alter- nating with 5 glands. Stamens usually 10, 5 of them longer and alternating with the 5 shorter ones. Capsule 5-lobed, each lobe ‘separating elastically at the base at maturity, curling upward and back upon the united Bayles, i ‘the cavities 1-seeded. aries ae i 1 Annual or biennial; adventive, b ag Stamens 5; seeds smooth ". * 4 - ts . . Wa pusillum, .Stamens 10; seeds reticulated : > ‘ ° : EAD G, earoliniahum, Perennial; indigenous. soe ee No glandular pubescence'’ . . 3 ’ ‘ f . °. 8 G, caespitosum, More or less glandular-pubescent. nee Leaves and flowers large; petals (within) and filaments more or less long-villous. 2 Plants single or scarcely tufted. ; ‘Pubescence: tipped with: bunple ganas ig e ‘ . 4G, Richardgonii. _ Pubescence, viscid-glan i“ ‘ i : x oe Ge viscosissimum, Plants caespitose-tufted. Vs, pe Pubescence short-glandular, mostly above onl: et a v6. G, Pubescence viscid-villous as well-as short-glan ie © gaat Gi Leaves and flowers small; petals end Hamenks not ae villous . ‘i : 8. Ga, longipes, 1. Geranium pusillum L. Sp. Pl. Ed. 2, 957. 1763. Slendsx- .. spreading, soft-pubescent on the calyx, ete., somewhat glandular-villous or with short tcenentit: G. Parryi. GERANIACEAE (GERANIUM FAMILY) 303 glands: leaves small, round-reniform or the cauline truncate at base, equally cleft into about 7 cuneate-oblong lobes, each more or less regularly 3-toothed at apex: peduneles distributed along the stem: petals pale to deep violet, somewhat notched: antheriferous stamens only 5 (exceptional in the genus): fruit very small, with puberulent beak, the carpels 2 mm. long, finely canes- cent, not wrinkled.—Adventive in a few places in our range. 2. Geranium carolinianum L. Sp. Pl. 1: 682. 1753. Erect, diffusely much branched from the base, or nearly simple, 1-5 dm. high, pubescent: leaves 2-5 em. in diameter, palmately 5-7-lobed or parted, the divisions cleft into oblong-linear lobes: pedicels short, crowded at the end of branchlets: petals obcordate, pale flesh-color, equaling the awned sepals: carpels pubescent: seeds obscurely reticulated. (G. Bicknellit Brit. as to plants of our range.)— Across the continent, but rare in our range. a 3. Geranium caespitosum James, in Long’s Exped. Am. Ed. 2. 3. 1825. Caespitose-tufted, lightly grayish-pubescent throughout, not glandular: leaves orbicular-reniform, deeply 5-7-cleft: sepals oblong, .scarious-margined, aris- tate: petals generally rose-purple, obovate, scarcely longer than the calyx, bearded near the base within with straight white hairs: filaments pilose: cap- sule.softly pubescent. [G. atropurpureum Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 195. 1898; G. Cowenii Rydb. (?).J—Central Colorado but occasionally north to Wyoming and south to New Mexico. _4, Geranium Richardsonii F. & M. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 4: 37. 1835. Slender, erect,.inconspicuously retrorsely-pubescent below, the peduncles and pedicels and often the upper part of the stem villous with long white hairs tipped with purple glands: leaves thin, 5-7-cleft, the uppermost with the ter- minal lobe longer than the often greatly reduced lateral ones: petals white with roseate veins, or seemingly sometimes purple: capsule puberulent or glandular-pubescent on the beak. (G. strigosum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. a 29: 243. 1902.)—Along streams in the mountains; from Canada to New X10. 4 Oe 5. Geranium viscosissimum F. & M. Ind. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 9: Suppl. 18. 1835. Coarser and leafy branched, dingy-viscid and glandular-pubescent; at least above, often throughout, 3-8 dm. high: leaves large, thick, long-petioled, nearly orbicular, with cordate: or reniform base, deeply 3-parted, the lateral lobes deeply 2-lobed: petals purple, broadly obcordate, 12-15 mm. long, densely bearded at base: styles minutely hispid: beak of fruit very glandular. G. incisum.—From Wyoming to the far northwest. 6. Geranium Fremontii Torr. in Gray, Pl. Fendl. 26. 1848. More or less caespitose-tufted, rather stout, 2-4 dm. high; pubescence sparse, short, and appressed, and viscid-glandular above: upper leaves deeply 3-5-cleft; the radical ones 7-cleft, the segments 3-lobed or incised: petals mostly light ia twice as long as the sepals, villous at base: beak of fruit dirty-glandu- ae (G. nervosum Rydb. 1. ¢. 28: 34. (?)./-Dry open hillsides; Colorado to Idaho. 7. Geranium Parryi (Engelm.) Heller, Muhl. 1: 7. 1900. Quite similar but stouter and often taller, with dense viscid pubescence throughout, of two kinds, loosely villous-viscid and short-glandular: leaves 5-7-cleft; the lobes obovate-cuneaté, with ovate teeth: petals obovate, light purple or rose, with darker veins: seeds reticulated. (G. Pattersonii Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 242. 1902.) G. Premontiit Parryi Engelm.—Mountains of central Colorado and probably extending into Wyoming and Utah. ; : 8. Geranium longipes (Wats.) L. N. Good. Bot. Gaz. 37: 56. 1904. Per- ennial (7), at least biennial: stems simple below, branching above into 3-6 slender equal branches, each of which gives rise to 2-flowered elongated slen- der peduncles: pedicels almost filiform, long: pubescence sparse-strigose, re- flexed below, glandular-pubescent above: leaves reniform, 5—7-cleft nearly to the base, the radical on long slender petioles: sepals oblong, long-awned: petals narrowly obcordate, shorter that the sepals: ovary strigose-pubescent: seéds ‘oblong, pitted. G. carolinianum longipes.—Indigenous in the moun- tains of western Colorado and Wyoming and in Utah. 304 LINACEAE (FLAX FAMILY) 2. ERODIUM L'Her. Storxepiu1. Like Geranium but with only 5 stamens. The carpel-tails long bearded on the inner side and becoming spirally twisted. Peduncles 2-several-flowered, with a 4-bracted involucre, either terminal or lateral. 1. Erodium cicutarium L’Her. Ait. Hort. Kew 2: 414. 1789. Hairy, much branched from the base: leaves pinnate; the leaflets laciniately pinnatifid, with narrow acute lobes: peduncles exceeding the leaves, bearing a 4-8 flowered umbel: sepals 2-6 mm. long, acute: petals bright rose-color, a little longer: tails of the carpels 2.5-5 em. long: pedicels slender, at length reflexed, the fruit still erect. own as ALFILARIA or Pin-cLoveR.—From the Rocky Mountains to the far west. 59. OXALIDACEAE Lindl. Woop Sorret Fammny Annual or perennial, leafy stemmed or acaulescent herbs, often with root- stocks or scaly bulbs, with sour sap (oxalic acid), and mostly palmately 3- foliolate leaves. Stipules commonly present as scarious margins to the bases of the petioles; leaflets mostly obcordate. Flowers perfect, in umbel-like or forking cymes or rarely solitary, or mostly on rather long peduncles. Sepals 5, often unequal. Petals 5, white, purple or yellow. Stamens 10-15. Ovary 5-lobed, 5-celled; styles united or distinct; ovules 2-many in each cell. Fruit a loculicidal, globose or columnar capsule. OXALIS L. Woop Sorret Low, often acaulescent herbs with a sour sap, alternate 1-3-foliolate leaves few-many-flowered peduncles, 10 stamens, and a 5-celled columnar or ovoid loculicidal capsule, with 2-several seeds in each cell. Acaulescent; flowers not yellow * © © © «© « « « 1, O, violacea, Caulescent; flowers yellow 5 . . 7 a S : . 2 O. stricta, 1. Oxalis violacea L. Sp. Pl. 434. 1753. Acaulescent glabrous perennial, 5-10 em. high; the petioles and scapes from a short scaly bulb-like rhizome: leaflets about 10 mm. long, broadly obcordate, with an open sinus: scapes several, longer than the leaves, umbellately 3-12-flowered: sepals ovate, ob- tuse: petals rose-violet, three times as long «3 the sepals: capsule ovoid: seeds 2-3 in each cell, rugose-tuberculate. An exceedingly acid plant.—Common eastward and said to extend into Colorado. 2. Oxalis stricta L. Sp. Pl. 435. 1753. Glabrate or more or less strigillose, especially on the stems and pedicels, perennial; stem more or less branched, 10-25 cm. high: leaves bright green, without stipules; the leaflets obcordate, sensitive: sepals oblong, somewhat ciliate and pubescent on the back: petals pale yellow, longer than the sepals: capsule columnar, 15-25 mm. long. coloradensis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 243. 1903. More nearly gla- brous.)—Open woods along streams; from the mountains eastward. 60. LINACEAE Dumort. Fuax Famity Herbs or shrubs, with alternate or opposite leaves and perfect, regular, symmetrical, 5-merous flowers. Calyx imbricated. Petals convolute. Sta- mens united at the base. Capsule with twice as many cells as there are styles 8-10-seeded. LINACEAK (FLAX FAMILY) 305 LINUM L. Fuax i . Herbs, with tough fibrous bark, alternate (sometimes opposite) leaves with- out stipules or with glands in their place, persistent sepals and ephemeral petals, and a 5-celled pod with 2 seeds hanging from the summit of each cell, which is partly or completely divided into two by a false ence projecting from the back of the carpel, the pod thus becoming 10-celled. pe a ; Petalsblue- . «2» 0 le lls - e 4, L, Lewisii. Petals yellow or yellowish, Glabrous on leaves and stems, heh Leaves imbricated . cs. ‘ve ° . . . « « & L. Kingii. Leaves small and sparse. __ Flowers orange; styles united to summit. . 3. Flowers yellow; styles distinct at summit 7 ‘ . . 4 Puberulent on leaves and stems, Filaments dilated below; styles united to summit . . . 5. L. puberulum. Filaments linear; styles distinct at summit . a e . - 6, L, compactum, L, arkansanum, L, rigidum, 1. Linum Lewisii Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 210. 1814. Branching above, leafy: leaves linear to linear-lanceolate, acute: flowers large, in few-flowered corymbs or scattered on the leafy branches: capsule exceeding the sepals, the prominent false partitions long-ciliate. L. perenne—Common on dry ‘soils throughout our whole range, thence northward and westward. 2. Linum Kingii Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 49. 1871. Low glabrous peren- nial wits woody base, 10-25 cm. high: stems numerous, ascending, panicled above: leaves alternate, crowded or imbricated below, linear to oblong, ob- tuse: flowers yellow, crowded: sepals ovate, acute, »glandular-margined: filaments dilated at base: styles free, as long as the stamens: capsule globose, cuspidate, exceeding the calyx.—Wyoming and westward. to ee eae 3. Linum arkansanum Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 645. 1901. Gla- brous or obscurely scabro-puberulent, perennial (7), 1-2 dm. ‘high, panicu- lately branched from near the base: leaves linear, 1-2 em. long; the upper broader at base and ciliate-glandular: sepals aristate-pointed, 1 cm. long: ee cuneate, 15 mm. long, 10 mm. broad, orange-colored with rose-tinted ase: styles united to the summit: capsule half the length of the sepals.— Colorado and southeastern Wyoming to Kansas, 4. Linum rigidum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 210. 1814. Glabrous or nearly so and glaucous, branched, 2-5 dm. high; the branches stiff and more or less angular: leaves linear or linear-lanceolate; the upper glandular-serrulate: sepals lanceolate, acute or awn-pointed:. petals sulphur-yellow, | cuneate- obovate, twice as long as the sepals: styles united nearly to the summit: fila- ments subulate from a triangular base: capsule ovoid, a little shorter than the sepals. (ZL. australe Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 627, 1898.)—From British America to New Mexico. ? 5. Linum. puberulum (Engelm.) Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23: 627. 1896. Puberulent but glaucous, 1-2 dm. high: stems branched from the base; the branches paniculately branched above: ‘leaves erect, linear, 1-nerved, mu- cronate, a pair of stipular glands at the base: pedicels equaling or exceeding: the calyx: sepals glandulose-ciliate, the exterior 3-nerved:, filaments. with an. ovate-triangular base: styles united to the summit: capsule ovate, scarcely shorter than the sepals.—Utah and Colorado to Texas. : : 6. Linum compactum A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 241. 1904. Per- ennial from slender rhizomes, murky-green, with a ,scabrous puberulence throughout, seemingly also subglutinous: stems crowded on the somewhat enlarged crowns, about 1 dm. long, each freely branched, striate but not wing- angled: leaves linear, about 1 cm. long, mucronate, no stipular glands; sepals lanceolate, obscurely 1-3-nerved, short-cuspidate, glandular-ciliate on the sca- rious margin, 5—6 mm. long, scarcely surpassing the mature fruit: petals yel- lowish, wholly glabrous, nearly twice as long as the sepals: filaments linear: styles free for one third their length.—On the Platte river in eastern Wyo- ming. ~ a3 306 RUTACEAE (RUE FAMILY) 61. ZYGOPHYLLACEAE Lindl. Bran Caper Famizy Herbs, shrubs, or trees, with opposite, pinnately compound, dotless, stipulate leaves, symmetrical 4- or 5-merous flowers solitary on lateral or terminal naked peduncles, stamens as many or twice as many as the petals, and a sin- gle style terminating a 2-12-carpeled ovary which ripens dry. ' Herb; leaves with 6-10 leaflets . . : “ i é . « 1, Kallstroemia, Shrub; leaves with two leaflets . a * je ; és * . 2. Covillea, - KALLSTROEMIA Scop. Ca.trrop Pubescent branching herbs, with opposite, evenly pinnate leaves and sol- itary, axillary, peduncled flowers. Sepals 5 (in ours), tardily deciduous. Pet- als 5, early deciduous. Stamens 10. Ovary sessile, with 10-12 1-ovuled cells; the style thick, striate. Fruit broad, crenately lobed, splitting into 10-12 1-seeded segments which are tubercled on the back. 1. Kallstroemia brachystylis Vail, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 208, 1897. Sparsely pubescent, diffusely branched from the base; the stems brittle, striate, 1-4 dm. long: leaflets 3-4 pairs, 6-15 mm. long, oval to oblong, ob- lique at the base: sepals linear-lanceolate, falling before the fruit matures: etals obovate, obtuse or retuse: fruit finely pubescent, on a peduncle 1-2 cm. ong. Tribulus maximus in part.—Southern Colorado and New Mexico. COVILLEA Vail. Creosote BusH Evergreen heavy-scented shrubs, with nodose branches, opposite 2-foliolate leaves, and solitary yellow flowers. Sepals 5, deciduous. Petals 5, clawed. Disk 10-lobed: Stamens 10; the filaments winged below and with a bifid scale on the inner side. Ovary 5-celled. Fruit globose, short-stipitate, separating into 5 hairy 1-seeded carpels.—Larrea. 1. Covillea tridentata (DC.) Vail, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22: 229, 1895. Diffusgly branched, 12-30 dm. high, densely leafy, of a yellowish hue: leaves nearly sessile, the thick resinous leaflets inequilateral, oblong, 6-12 mm. long, with a broad attachment to the rachis, somewhat curved:' sepals ovate, obtuse, silky: petals bright yellow, 6-8 mm. long: fruit 5 mm. in diameter, beaked by the slender style. Larrea mexicana.—A shrub of the dry mesas; southern Colorado to Texas and west to California. 62. RUTACEAE Juss. Rue Faminy Shrubs or small trees, with pellucid or glandular-dotted aromatic leaves, definite hypogynous stamens, and few seeds. Sepals and petals 4 or 5, imbri- cated in the bud. Stamens as many or twice as many as the petals, inserted outside of a hypogynous disk. Stipules none. Leaves 3-foliolate . . 3 . . . « «© « « « « 1. Peles, Leaves simple A . e ie a . A i é . . 2, Thamnosma, 1. PTELEA L. Hop Tres. Surussy TREFOIL Shrubs or small trees, with trifoliolate leaves, and small, polygamous, greenish-white flowers in terminal cymes or compound umbels. Stamens 4 or 5. Ovary with a short thick stipe, 2-celled; the cells 2-ovuled, the lower ovule abortive. Fruit orbicular, broadly winged. 1. Ptelea crenulata. Greene, Pitt. 1: 216. 1888. A shrub or small tree 2-7 m. high, glabrous except the tomentulose flowers: leaflets ovate-lanceolate POLYGALACEAE (MILKWORT FAMILY) 307 to obovate, somewhat cuneate at base and either obtuse or acute at apex, 3-7 cm. long, crenulate or crenate-serrate or almost entire: filaments villous near the base: samara, including the, broad..wing, 12-18 mm. broad, either truncate or emarginate at both ends. P. trifoliata. (P. angustifolia Benth., a Mexican species, has been reported from our range, but such specimens may prove to be P. crenulata.)—Colorado to New Mexico and west to California. 2. THAMNOSMA Torr. Low glandular desert shrubs. Strongly scented leaves simple and linear. Alternate flowers purple or yellow, solitary. Sepals 4. Petals 4, erect. Sta- mens 8, at the base of a cup-shaped crenate or lobed disk. Ovary stipitate, 2-lobed and 2-celled, with 5 or 6 ovules in each cell; style elongated. Cap- sule didymous, coriaceous, dehiscent down the inner edge of each lobe. Seeds, 4-6 in each cell, reniform. == > Se 4 1. Thamnosma texanum Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. Surv. 42. 1858. Woody only at’base, the slender stems 1-4 dm. high: flowers on short naked pedicels: petals yellow tinged with purple.—Southwestern Colorado and southward. 63. POLYGALACEAE Reichenb. Mitkwort Faminy Herbs with simple entire leaves and no stipules, remarkable for the seem- ingly papilionaceous flowers, monadelphous stamens coherent with the petals, and 1-celled anthers opening at the top. a 1. POLYGALA IL. Mitxworr ‘Herbaceous or somewhat shrubby, with racemose or spicate flowers. Se- pals 5, very unequal, the 2 lateral large and petal-like. Petals 3, united to each other and to the stamen-tube, the middle one hooded above and often crested or beaked. Stamens 6 or 8. Ovary 2-celled; style long,’ curved, di- lated above. Capsule membranaceous, flattened at right angles to the narrow partition, often notched above. Seed carunculate at the hilum. Sbrubby and spinescent. Subcinereous-pubescent.' ,. ee C8 is . ° ® « 1, P. acanthocarpa. SGlabroub te orc, Tee 6 tS . « 2, P. subspinosa. Herbaceous or nearly so; spines wanting. ' eo ‘ Annual; leaves verticillate . . . . . . . . 3&8 P. verticillata. Perennial; leaves alternate . i é < a 4. P. alba. 1. Polygala acanthocarpa Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 11: 73. 1876. Some- what shrubby, 4-7:dmi‘ high, subcinereous-pubescent, armed with slender spines: leaves linear-spatulate: flowers pubactllaiy, scattered, white; pedicels bibracteolate at base: keel short, ‘boat-shaped, with a boss on the back.— Probably coming into our range at the southwest. : 2. Polygala subspinosa Wats. Am. Nat. 7: 299. 1873. Perennial, her- baceous,: glabrous or more or less pubescent; stems 5-20 cm. high, branched above, the branches often spinose: leaves scattered, 1-3 cm, long, oblong or oblanceolate, acute or obtuse, attenuate to the. base: raceme loose, few- flowered; bracts small and scarious; pedicels becoming reflexed, shorter than the flowers: sepals naked or ciliate, the. wings oblong,, 8-10 mm. long and equaling the pee keel hooded, crested. with a broad.saccate process: style. linear; capsule orbicular, emarginate, short-stipitate—-From Colorado to the Pacific southwest. 3. Polygala verticillata L. Sp. Pl. 706. 1753. Slender, 2-3 dm. high: stem leaves whorled in fours, sometimes in fives; those of the branches scattered, linear: spikes peduncled, dense, slender; the bracts falling with the flowers, which are small, greenish-white or barely tinged with purple, the crest of' the ; 3 ‘ 308 EUPHORBIACEAE (SPURGE FAMILY) keel conspicuous: the 2-lobed caruncle half the length of the seed.—Colorado and eastward across the plains. 4. Polygala alba Nutt. Gen. 2: 87. 1818. Smoothish, about 3 dm. high, leafy half-way to the summit: leaves linear to oblanceolate, margins slightl revolute: flowers deciduous, leaving the rachis roughened after their fall, white: seed with caruncle extended into 2 ear-like lobes nearly as long as the seed.—Plains of the upper Missouri. 64. EUPHORBIACEAE §t. Hil. Spurce Famity Herbs, shrubs, or trees, usually with milky or purplish acrid sap and monoe- gious or dioecious flowers. Leaves either opposite, alternate, or whorled, with or without stipules. Flowers with or without floral envelopes; if the calyx is wanting then a calyx-like involucre is present. Ovary 3-celled, with a pendu- lous ovule in each cell, maturing into a 3-celled elastically dehiscent capsule with crustaceous seeds. Stamens few or numerous, the filaments free or united. Styles and stigmas as many as the cells of the ovary. ee ee De 3 . . 7 . : “a . . » 1, Croton, Pubescence simple. Flowers with petals . e e . . . . . . « 2, Ditaxis, Flowers apetaious . ww we le Ste 8, Trreagin, Flowers in an involucre, no true calyx . * * ‘ . « 4, Euphorbia, 1. CROTON L. Herbs or shrubs, scurfy or stellately hairy or sometimes glandular: leaves alternate, entire or repand. Staminate calyx 4-6-parted. Petals often pres- ent but small or rudimentary, alternating with the glands of a central disk. Stamens 5-many, on a hairy receptacle. Pistillate calyx usually 5-parted, but the petals mostly obsolete. Seeds smooth and shining, carunculate. : 1. Croton texensis (Klotzsch.) Muell. Arg. in DC. Prodr. 15: 692. 1862. Covered with a close, canescent, stellate pubescence, dichotomously branched or spreading, 3-6 dm. high: leaves lanceolate, oblong, or linear-lanceolate: dioecious; racemes of staminate flowers short: ovary stellate-tomentose; styles twice or thrice dichotomously 2-parted.—From Wyoming to Colorade and southward. ‘2. DITAXIS Vahl. Erect herbs or shrubs with purplish sap. Leaves (in ours) entire, alternate, usually. stipulate. Calyx valvate in, the staminate flowers, imbricate in the pistillate. Petals 4 or 5, alternate with the calyx-lobes and. with the lobes of the glandular disk. Filaments united into a central column. Seeds sub- globose, roughened or reticulated, not carunculate. 1: Ditaxis humilis (Eng. & Gray) Pax, in Engl. & Prantl, Nat. PA. Fam. 35: 45. 1890.’ Stem about 3 dm. high, much branched, silky or strigose- pubescent, branches spreading: leaves narrowed at the base, spatulate or obovate, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute, sparingly pubescent: raceme much shorter than the leaves, on very short peduncles. Argythamnia humilis. —Colorado, southward and eastward. 3. TRAGIA L. Erect or climbing plants, pubescent or hispid, sometimes stinging, with mostly alternate, stipulate leaves. The sterile flowers above, the few fertile at the base, all with small bracts. ‘Staminate calyx 3-5-parted- Siaments EUPHORBIACEAE (SPURGE FAMILY) 309 short; anther-cells united. _Pistillate calyx 3-8-parted, persistent. Capsule 3-lobed, bristly, separating into three 2-valved carpels. ... . i 1, Tragia ramosa Torr. Ann. Lye. N. Y. 2: 245. 1826. Perennial, light green, bristly with stinging hairs: stem erect, slender, often freely branched, 2-4 dm. high: leaves ovate-lanceolate to narrowly oblong, I-4 cm. long, serrate, cordate at base: calyx in pistillate flowers 5-lobed, 3-bracted; in stam- inate 4—5-lobed, with 4-6 stamens: capsule ‘depressed, bristly: seeds globose orange; variegated. T. nepetaefolia ramosa.—Colorado, eastward and south- ward. 4, EUPHORBIA L. Srurce Monoecious herbs (ours), with alternate, opposite, or verticillate leaves and cymose inflorescence. Flowers included in the 4-5-lobed involucres which are terminal or in the axils; the involucral-lobes alternating with as many fleshy glands, which are rounded and naked or bear petal-like or lunate aru Sterile flowers lining the base of the involucre, each of a single pediceled (or filament-bearing) stamen, joined to a minute bract (the supposed rudimentary calyx). Fertile flowers solitary in the middle of the involucre, soon protruded on a long pedicel. Capsule erect or nodding, 3-lobed, splitting into three 2-valved carpels. hs Glands of the involucre with petal-like appendages (Chamaesyce). Leaves inequilateral and oblique at base. Quite entire. Seeds smooth. es Appendages eons pibiouks seeds terete -. m “ . 1, EB. petaloidea, ppendages small; seeds obtusely 4-angled . . . 2, EB, serpens, Seeds'somewhat roughened. ; . Glands broader than long, with fan-shaped appendages . 3. E. albomarginata. Glands longer than- broad, with crescent-shaped append- z Ez Fr y dleri . . . . ° me ala . EH, Fendleri. > : | ages ¥ ‘Serrate or dentate. ’ Glabrous, ie fara serpyllifolia, Seeds pitted, faintly if at allrugose . s < ‘i . 5 EB Seeds rugose, not pitted eva é . . . §6. E. glyptosperma, Pubescent . ‘ ‘ s ‘e ae a : 7. E, stictospora. Leaves with the two sides at the base similar. ’ . Appendages very large and conspicuous; leaves alternate . 8. E, marginata, Appendages small; leaves opposite Sie . . 9, E. hexagona, Glands of the involucre naked Grithiout petal-like appendages). , Leaves opposite ( Poinsettia). a ae ae pa 4 i cia _ .Ovate or orbicular-oblong, coarsely dentate . . « « 10, E. dentata, Oblong-linear or linear, nearly entire. eg Branched from the base, spreading -. < < @ « 11. E, Aliceae. Stem simple (at least below), erect .. ‘ . . . 12.:E. cuphosperma. Leaves alternate or scattered (Tuthymalus). aay ig Entire; glands semilunate, Stems tufted, low and stout : “ ‘ ea te . 13. E, robusta, Stems few, tallerand more slender. . ‘ ie . . 14, E, montana, Serrate or dentate. ; Annuals, ; 2 4 eo Stems simple below . oe es é . . 15. EY arkansana, Stems branched from the decumbent base » (2%. 16. E. manca, |! Biennial; stem branched from the base ; - . 17, E. commutata. 1. Euphorbia petaloidea Engelm. Bot. Mex. Bound., Surv. 185, .1859. Glabrous annual, low, freely branched, procumbent:.leaves all similar, oblong- linear, obtuse or retuse, attenuate to the scarcely oblique base: involucres solitary, campanulate, lobes hairy beneath the glands which are about as long as the lobes; appendages ‘conspicuous, white, ovate or orbicular, entire or crenulate: capsules globose-depressed: seeds cinereous, nearly smooth, oblong- ovoid.—Sandy plains; from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi river. 2. Euphorbia serpens II. B. K. Nov. Gen. 2: 52. 1817. Glabrous or glau- cescent annual, with filiform prostrate stems, often rooting: leaves round- ovate, obtuse or cordate at base; stipules membranaceous, triangular: pe- duncles longer than the petioles, solitary in the axils: glands salyerform, shorter than the lobes of the involucre; appendages minute, crenulate: cap- 310 EUPHORBIACEAE (SPURGE FAMILY) sules nodding, depressed-globose: seeds obtusely quadrangular, 1 mm. long or less.—Plains; Colorado, east to the Mississippi, south to Mexico. 3. Euphorbia albomarginata T. & G. Pac. R.'R. Rep. 2:. 174. 1857, Per- ennial, slender, much branched, smooth: leaves stipulate, opposite, subor- bicular or subcordate, entire, distinctly petiolate: involucre solitary, shorter than the peduncles; glands transversely oval, with an entire or slightly cre- nate petaloid border, which is twice as broad as the gland itself: seeds obovate, somewhat rugose transversely, dull, gelatinous when moistened.—Colorado to Utah and southward. “1 4. Po Fendleri T. & G. Pac. R. R. Rep. 2: 175. 1855. Glabrous perennial, from a slender rootstock: stems delicately filiform, erect or de- cumbent, dichotomous, much branched, 5-10 cm. high: leaves ovate, obtuse, obliquely rounded or truncate at base; stipules subulate: involucres terminal, solitary, turbinate, slightly bearded in the throat, lobes short and fimbriate; glands transversely oblong, with a very narrow obscure appendage: capsule deflexed, somewhat 3-lobed: seeds ovoid, transversely feed Theeachout our range and southward and eastward. . 5. Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. Syn. 2: 14..1807. A prostrate spreading glabrous annual with obovate-oblong leaves, narrowed at the very oblique base and serrulate towards the obtuse apex (6-12 mm. long); stipules lanceo- late, at length fimbriate at tip: peduncles as long as the petioles or longer, solitary in the axils or clustered towards the ends of the branches: glands of the small involucre with narrow somewhat toothed appendages:’ capsules sharply angled, slightly drooping: seeds transversely wrinkled and pitted. — From California to Iowa and Texas. ; . 5a. Euphorbia 'serpyllifolia rugulosa (Engelm.) Millsp. Pitt. 2: 85. 1890. More matted: leaf toothed on the longer side: seeds turgid, finely rugulose.— Southwestern Colorado, Mexico, and California. tied 6. Euphorbia glyptosperma Engelm. Bot. Mex. Bound. Surv.'187. 1859. Glabrous annual, erect and spreading: leaves linear-oblong, mostly falcate, very unequal at base, slightly serrulate towards the obtuse apex (4-10 mm. long); stipules lanceolate, setaceously divided: peduncles as long as the petioles, solitary or in dense foliaceous lateral clusters: glands of the very small involucre with narrow crenulate appendages: capsules nodding, sharply angled: seeds quadrangular and with 5 or 6 sharp transverse wrinkles.—From Canada to Mexico. , ‘ 7. Euphorbia stictospora Engelm. Bot. Mex. Bound. Surv. 187.®1859. A yellowish-green pubescent annual: stem 1-1.5 dm. long: leaves rounded, sub- cordate, sharply serrate, 4-8 mm. long: racemes crowded with very small and slender long-peduncled involucres; glands narrowly appendaged: capsule pubescent, sharply angled: seeds slender, sharply quadrangular, rugose, pitted.—Wyoming to Mexico. 8. Euphorbia marginata Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 607. 1814. A stout erect annual, bright green, glabrous or pubescent, 3-7 dm. high: leaves entire, ovate or oblong; the uppermost or floral leaves with conspicuous white or petal-like margins, whorled or opposite: involucres 5-lobed, collectéd in an umbel-like ‘inflorescence with 3 dichotomous rays; glands with broad white appendages: capsule depressed-globose, about 6 mm. in diameter: seeds reticulate-tuberculate—From Minnesota to Colorado and. Texas.’ °°") |, 9. Euphorbia hexagona Nutt. Spreng. Syst. 3: 791. 1826. Erect annual,. somewhat hairy with scattered appressed hairs: stem slender, 3-6 dm. high; branches opposite and dichotomous, striate-angled: leaves all opposite, . short-petioled, ‘linear-lanceolate, alternate at cach end, acute, mucronulate, entire; floral ones very narrowly linear: involucre hairy without and in the throat, short, many-cleft; glands 5, transversely ovate, with a green ovate- triangular acute appendage, twice their length: styles very-,short, capitate and somewhat 2-lobed at the apex; carpels of the smooth capsule obtusely cari- nate: seeds ovate, finely papillose—From the upper Missouri to New Mexico. 10. Euphorbia dentata Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 211. 1803. A dull green pubescent annual with ovate, or ovate-lanceolate, coarsely dentate, opposite, CALLITRICHACEAE (WATER STARWORT FAMILY) 311 petioled leaves: involucres in terminal clusters, oblong-campanulate, about 3 mm. long,:3-5-lobed, with 1-4 short-pediceled glands without appendages: capsules glabrous: seeds ovoid or subglobose, slightly tuberculate-—Extend- ing into Colorado from the east. 11. Euphorbia Aliceae A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 42: 50. 1906. Perennial from slender horizontal rootstocks, glabrous or slightly pubescent, 10-15 cm, high: stem branching from the base, the branches spreading-decumbent: leaves narrowly oblanceolate, short-petioled, sharply serrate, opposite, more crowded toward the terminal clustered involucres: involucres nearly sessile, small, turbinate, somewhat fimbriate-margined; the glands about 4, small, short- stipitate, sometimes minutely cornuate or even obscurely appendaged: cap- sules glabrous: seeds cubical, with a caruncle, slightly tuberculate, ashy.— ‘Known as yet only from Hartville, Wyoming. 12, Euphorbia cuphosperma (Engelm.) Boiss. in DC. Prodr. 152: 73. 1862. Annual, sparingly rough-pubescent: stem simple or somewhat branched up- ward with erect slender. branchlets, 2-5 dm. high: leaves opposite or alter- nate, narrowly linear-lanceolate, acute, subentire: involucres 3-5, corymbose, subsessile, campanulate, with ovate lobes; glands 4, long-stipitate, unappen- daged: seeds irregularly 4-angled and slightly tuberculate——From Dakota to Mexico. " 13. Euphorbia robusta (Engelm.) Small, in Brit. Fl. 2: 381. 1897. Gla- brous: stems short, stout, tufted on the crown of a perpendicular rootstock, 1-2 dm. high: leaves scattered, oblong-ovate, 10-14 mm. long, entire, obtuse, sessile: involucres terminal in a 3-5-rayed umbel, campanulate, bearing 4 unappendaged crescent-shaped glands: ¢apsule of 3 ovate rounded lobes: seeds terete, gray, minutely pitted. H. montana in part.—Montana to Colorado. 14. Euphorbia montana Engelm. Bot. Mex. Bound. Surv. 192. 1859. Resembling the preceding but the stems few, slender and taller, somewhat ‘ branched below the umbel: usually somewhat pubescent on the involucre and the floral leaves: glands short-stipitate and bearing 2 short horn-like pro- tuberances: seeds ovoid-oblong, ash-colored, deeply and irregularly pitted.— Southern Colorado and to the southwestward. : 15, Euphorbia arkansana Engelm. & Gray, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 53. 1845. Annual, glabrous, erect, branching above, 2-5 dm. high: stem leaves few, cuneate-spatulate or oblanceolate, 1-5 cm. long; upper leaves oblong to triangular-ovate: involucre small, its lobes short; glands yellow, transversely selliptical: capsule depressed-globose, more or less warty: seeds ovoid-lenticular, with sharp reticulations. FE. dictyosperma. Quite variable. Several varieties have been characterized by J. B.S. Norton in the Eleventh Rep. Mo. Bot. Gard.—From Wyoming to Mexico. ‘ 16. Euphorbia manca A. Nels. 1. c. 47: 437. 1909. Annual, the decumbent base giving rise to few-several simple erect branches 1-2 dm. high: leaves obovate-cuneate, broadly. obtuse, numerous, lower reduced: primary floral bracts ovate-reniform; secondary broadly reniform, sometimes connate: in- florescence once or twice trichotomous: capsule about 4 mm. long: seeds short, cylindrical-oblong, gray but not ashy, nearly smooth.—Colorado.. 17, Euphorbia commutata Engelm. in Gray Man. Ed. 2.389. 1856. Bien- nial, branched from the base, glabrous, 1-3 dm. high: leaves scattered, thin and membranaceous,’' petioled, round-obovate or the upper ovate: umbels terminal, 3-rayed and again forking or 3-rayed: involucres campanulate, sessile; glands 3-4, unappendaged, prolonged into slender horns: capsule obtusely angled, glabrous: seeds terete, irregularly pitted.—Extending into our range from the eastward. Y 65. CALLITRICHACEAE Lindl, Warer Srarwort Famity _ Small, slender, aquatic herbs, with opposite entire leaves, no stipules, and monoecious, axillary flowers without perianth, but sometimes with 2 bracts. Stamen 1, with slender filament and heart-shaped 4-celled anther. Ovary 312 ANACARDIACEAE (SUMAC FAMILY) 4-celled, with 2 styles. Fruit 4-lobed, flattened, and emarginate. Flowers mostly solitary, sometimes a stamen and a pistil in the same axil. f 1. CALLITRICHE L. Characters given under the family. Bracts present; emersed leaves obovate . é - * ¥ ‘ " ‘ . 2, Parthenocissus, a € r 1. VITIS Tourn. Grape Plants climbing by the coiling of forked naked-tipped tendrils, with simple cordate palmately veined lobed leaves and a compound thyrsus of very fra- grant 5-merous flowers. Calyx minute, filled with a glanduliferous fleshy disk which surrounds the ovary and bears the small green petals and the sta- mens. Petals coherent, falling together without opening. Fruit an edible berry: with pear-shaped seeds. 1. Vitis vulpina L. Sp. Pl. 203. 1753. Glabrous or somewhat pubescent on the veins on the lower face of the leaves: leaves thin, shining, incisely 3 or more-lobed, the middle one long, all sharply serrate: berries bluish-black, ‘316 MALVACEAE (MALLOW FAMILY) with bloom, about 8 mm. in diameter: seeds 2-4. Vitis riparia. River. BANK GRAPE.—On stream banks; eastern Wyoming, Colorado, and eastward, 2. PARTHENOCISSUS Planch. Vireinta CREEPER Climbing or trailing by tendrils which are often tipped with adhering disks but in ours with naked tips. Leaves palmately 5-7-compound. Flowers in compound cymes or panicles. Calyx slightly 5-toothed: . Petals concave, thick and expanding before they fall. Berry 2-3-seeded, not edible. 1. Parthenocissus vitacea A. S. Hitch. Spring Fl. Man. 26. 1894. Tendrils without terminal adhering disks, climbing by the coiling of the naked tips: leaflets oblong-lanceolate to ovate, rather sharply and deeply serrate, dark green above, only slightly lighter below: berries nearly black. Ampelopsis quinquefolia in part. Also called AmMERIcAN Ivy.—Eastern Wyoming, Col- orado, and southward. : hela to 72. MALVACEAE Neck. Matitow Famity Mostly herbs, with mucilaginous juice. Leaves stipulate, alternate, gen- erally palmately ribbed. Peduncles axillary, the flowers usually showy, Calyx 5-parted, obovate, often involucellate. Petals 5, convolute, their bases or short claws united with each other and to the base of a column of nu- merous monadelphous stamens. Anthers reniform, 1-celled, borne at the top (in ours) of the stamen column. Ovary several-celled; the styles united be- low but free above, usually projecting from the stamen-column. Fruit cap- sular; the carpels around a common axis, each 1-many-seeded, falling away entire, or loculicidally dehiscent. Pcie tceeenaiane 2S. a. ob. od. cae Aptana Petals obcordate; carpels beakless, Leaves merely crenate . . « * . 2, Malva, Some or all of the leaveslobed or parted... wwe 3. Sidalcea, Style-branches with capitate stigmas, , Carpels 1-seeded é . rs é ‘ * < . . « 4, Malvastrum, Carpels 2-several-seeded. Involucels 3-bracted © 6 «© «© « «6 . « «+ « &, Sphaeralcea. Involucels none . * a ° . ag . . 6, Abutilon. 1. CALLIRHOE Nutt. ‘Herbs, generally with lobed or divided leaves. | Flowers showy, axillary’ or in racemes. Calyx either naked or 3-bracted. Petals cuneate, truncate at apex. Styles stigmatic down the inner side. Carpels 10-20, with nearly straight beaks. 1. Callirhoe involucrata (T. & G.) Gray, Pl. Fendl. 16. 1848. Hirsute: stem branching, procumbent: leaves deeply 3-5-parted, covered with stellate hairs; the segments linear-lanceolate, laciniately 3-5-toothed: peduncles erect, 1-flowered, longer than the leaves: sepals nearly twice as long as the linear-lanceolate: bracts of the involucel: petals scarlet or purplish-red, 2 em. long or more: carpels about 20, hairy, somewhat rugose-reticulated.—Col- orado and southward. 2. MALVA L. Mattow Herbs with rounded and mostly lobed leaves and axillary fascicled flowers. Calyx 3-bracted. Petals obcordate. Styles numerous, stigmatic down the inner side. Fruit depressed, separating at maturity into 1-seeded, blunt reni- form carpels. = 2 MALVACEAE (MALLOW FAMILY) 317 1. Malva rotundifolia L. Sp. Pl. 688. 1753. Stems procumbent from a biennial root: leaves round-cordate, on very long petioles, crenate, obscurel lobed: flowers clustered in the axils, pale blue or whitish, 10-12 mm. broad, on pedicels 2-4 cm. long: carpels about 15, rounded on the back pubescent. Common MaLLow or CHEEsES.—Introduced in some localities in this range. 8. SIDALCEA Gray Perennial herbs with rounded and mostly lobed or parted leaves. Flowers showy, purple, rose-colored, or white. Bractletsnone. Calyx 5-cleft. Stamen- tube double. Styles united below, stigmatic on the inner face; carpels 5-9, indehiscent, 1-seeded, beakless. pe Flowers white . . . s e . . a ‘ ‘4 . 1. 8. candida, Flowers rose-color, Stems feezrous below. . . . . . . . . 2. §. nervata. Stems hirsute-pubescent ‘ * . . i as : . 8, S, neo-mexicana, 1. Sidalcea candida Gray, Pl. Fendl. 20. 1848. Glabrous or nearly so, 5-8 dm. high, from creeping rootstocks, leafy below: lower leaves orbicular, 5-10 cm. in diameter, about 7-lobed, somewhat ciliate, the segments coarsely toothed; the upper leaves lobed or parted, with entire lanceolate segments: flowers spicate: calyx-lobes: deltoid: petals white or shading to cream-color, 10-14 mm. long: carpels 9 or 10, nearly smooth and glabrous.—Along streams; from Wyoming and Utah to New Mexico. 2. Sidalcea nervata A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 17:.94. 1904.. Gla- brous below, minutely stellate-pubescent above, 4-7 cm. high: stems usually somewhat branched above: leaves strongly veined below; the basal long- petioled, orbicular, 6-8-lobed, the lobes with 2-3 broad teeth; the upper deeply divided or cleft to the base into linear divisions: inflorescence densely stellate- pubescent, rather few-flowered: calyx-lobes triangular-lanceolate: petals broadly obovate, emarginate, about 2 cm. long: fruit slightly depressed, the carpels glabrous, rugose-reticulated on the dorsal angles——Western Wyom- ing and westward. : ae he 3. Sidalcea neo-mexicana Gray, Pl. Fend].23. 1848. Hirsuté-pubescent on the slender stems, 3-9 dm. high, more or less branched: radical. leaves orbicu- lar, 5-9-lobed or incisely crenate; stem leaves parted, the segments 3-lobed or those of the uppermost entire: raceme many-flowered, the pedicels some- times longer than ie hirsute calyx: petals about 12 mm. long: carpels smooth and glabrous.—Southern Wyoming to New Mexico. ; 4. MALVASTRUM Gray. Farse Mattow Herbaceous perennials, often tufted, with stellate-pubescent, entire, cordate or divided leaves. Flowers in a narrow naked or leafy raceme, the pedicels short. Calyx 5-cleft, 3-bracted ornaked. Petals entire oremarginate. Stamen- tube single. Stigmas capitate. Carpels 5 or more, each completely filled by the-solitary seed. : “! ; . Leaves greenish, with cuneate or oblong segments. Stems tall, pele. erect, ae . : ‘. - 33 bs Stems low, bushy-branched, spreading > “ets te 2. Leaves hoary-white, with linear segments, : : ‘Herbaceous; pubescence stellate . . a S28 > a a Be . Woody at base; pubescence lepidote . % ry 4, 1, Malvastrum elatum (E. G. B.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 25. 1902. ‘Sparsely stellate-pubescent: stems several from a woody root, subsimple, erect, 3-5 dm. high: leaves broadly cuneate in outline, 3-5-cleft, the cuneate divisions again lobed or cleft: the paniculate raceme crowded, silvery-canescent: floral and fruit characters much as in the next.—Probably only to the southwest of our range, Utah, etc. 2. Malvastrum coccineum (Pursh) Gray, Pl. Fendl. 21. 1848, Somewhat M. elatum, M. coccineum, M. dissectum. M, leptophyllum., 318 MALVACEAE (MALLOW FAMILY) silvery-canescent: the stems tufted, branched, and spreading, 1-2 dm, high. leaves pedately 3-5-parted, 2-4 cm. in diameter, the cuneate divisions 2-3. cleft: flowers short-pediceled, at first crowded but later in a loose raceme: calyx-lobes lanceolate, in age incurved over the fruit: petals copper-scarlet or brick-red: carpels round-reniform, reticulate-rugose, tardily and incom- pletely dehiscent.—The Trans-Missouri region to the mountains. 3. Malvastrum dissectum (Nutt.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 25. 1902. Peren- nial; many-stemmed from a multicipital caudex, 2 dm. high or less, densely cinereously stellate-pubescent, the stems whitened with the closely appressed hairs, the calyx obscurely glandular beneath the pubescence: leaves small, 1-3 em. broad, pedately 3-5-parted, the divisions incisely lobed, the lobes narrowly oblong to linear: racemes several-flowered, se 2-5 mm. long; flowers scarlet: the petals obovate, nearly truncate and merely emarginate.— Desert areas of Wyoming and Colorado. 3a. Malvastrum dissectum Cockerellii A. Nels. Less hoary, the leaf seg- ments broader: calyx-lobes abruptly contracted to a linear tip: ovules two in each cell, but one of them abortive. M. Cockereilii A. Nels. 1.c.—New Mexico. 4. Malvastrum leptophyllum Gray, Pl. Wright. 1: 17. 1852. Three dm. or less high from lignescent base and stock: stems very numerous, erect or ascending, slender: lower leaves short-petioled and 3-parted or -divided into narrow linear divisions; upper simple and sessile, mostly filiform: flowers few and racemose at summit: petals copper-red, less than 12 mm. long: fruit depressed-globular, slightly surpassing the triangular calyx-lobes; carpels 9 or 10, tomentulose, thickish and rounded on the back, sides coarsely and strongly reticulated.—Colorado to Texas and New Mexico. 5. SPHAERALCEA St. Hil. Giose Mattow Differing from Malvastrum only in the carpels being 2- or 3-seeded, or when 1-seeded with an empty terminal portion. Leaves linear-oblong to lanceolate é 2 é . . 6 - 1. 8. cuspidata,, Leaves crenate, ovate-cordate : < . . . * & . 2. 8. Munroana, Leaves cordate and deeply 5-7-lobed , 3 é 6 % % . 3, 8, rivularis, 1. Sphaeralcea cuspidata (Gray) Brit. Fl. 3: 519. 1898. Densely stellate- pubescent, 4-8 dm. high: leaves oblong-linear to lanceolate, usually rounded or subcordate at base, crenately serrate; the lower with petioles as long as the blade, the petioles shorter upward: peduncles axillary, shorter than the pet- ioles, 2-several-flowered: corolla purple or red, 12-15 mm. broad: carpels 1-3-seeded. S. angustifolia Spach—Southern Colorado and southward. 2. Sphaeralcea Munroana (Dougl.) Spach. Hist. Veg. 3: 353. 1834. Gray- ish with a dense stellate-pubescence, branching, 3-6 dm. high: leaves ovate- cordate, somewhat lobed and the lobes crenate, 3-4 em. long, on slender petioles about as long: calyx-lobes acute or acuminate: petals scarlet, qbo- vate, 12-20 mm. long: carpels pubescent on the back. Malvastrum Mun- roanum Gray.—Western Wyoming and westward. 3. Sphaeralcea rivularis (Dougl.) Torr. in Gray, Pl. Fendl. 23. 1848. Scabrous with stellate pubescence: stems stout, much branched, 6-12 dm. high: leaves cordate, deeply 5-7-lobed, lobes acute, coarsely toothed: racemes leafy below, naked above, the flowers clustered on short peduncles: lobes of the calyx broadly triangular, acute or acuminate: petals 2-3 em. long, white or pale puree carpels hirsute on the back. (S. Crandallii and S. grandiflora Hye , , . Torr. Bot. Club 31: 564. 1904.)—Wyoming, northward, and westward. 6. ABUTILON (Tourn.) Mill. Inpian Mattow Herbs or shrubs, often tomentose or velvety, and with leaves generally cor- date. Calyx naked, 5-cleft. Stigmas capitate; carpels 5 or more, 3-9-ovuled. Seeds more or less reniform. —_ Lae FRANKENIACEAE 319 Stems stout, branched, erect . ! z . A . “ - 1, A, Theophrastii. Stems slender, spreading or trailing . : - 2, A, parvulum. 1. Abutilon Theophrastii Medic. Malv. 28. 1787. Velvety pubescent an- nual, 8-15 dm. tall, freely branched: leaves roundish-cordate, acuminate, 8-20 em. broad: flowers solitary in the axils, yellow, 1-2 em. broad, on short stout peduncles: fruit about 2 cm. broad; the carpels 12-15, pubescent, each uvalve beaked by a slender awn. [A. Abutilon (L.) Rusby; A. Avicennae \Gaertn.]—Only sparingly introduced but gradually spreading as a weed here ‘as it has elsewhere. , 2. Abutilon parvulum Gray, Pl. Wright. 1:'21. 1852. Cinereous-tomentose with a‘lax minute pubescence: stems slender, spreading, from a perennial woody root, paniculate above; branchlets pilose with spreading hairs: leaves small, 2-3 em. broad, cordate, dentate, sometimes 3-lobed, usually obtuse, canescent, tomentose beneath: peduncles axillary, 1-flowered, longer than the leaf: flowers small, yellow: capsule ovoid, somewhat tomentose, 5-lobed: at the apex, much longer than the short calyx; carpels erect, 5, rather obtuse, awnless, 2-3-seeded.—Southern Colorado and southward. 73. ELATINACEAE Lindl. Warerwort Famity Ours are low annuals, with membranous stipules between the opposite dot- less Jeaves, and with regular and mostly symmetrical flowers (2-5-merous), Sepals free. Petals and stamens on the receptacle. Pistil with distinct styles, capitate stigmas, and a 2-5-celled ovary. Fruit capsular, with axillary pla- centa. 1. ELATINE L. Warterwortr Small, prostrate, glabrous plants, growing in water or wet places, with entire leaves and usually solitary ‘flowers. Parts of the flower in twos or threes. Sepals membranous, obtuse. Capsules membranous, globose. Seeds nu- merous, transversely and longitudinally striate. 1. Elatine americana (Pursh) Arm. Edinb. Journ. Sci. 1: 430. 1830. Leaves obovate, very obtuse: flowers with their parts in twos or sometimes in threes: seeds cylindraceous, somewhat curved, the membranous coat many- latticed in 9-10 lines.—Across the continent; infrequent. of 74, FRANKENIACEAE A. St. Hil. Low perennial herbs or shrubs, freely branched, with opposite leaves hav- ing a membranous sheathing base and no stipules. Flowers sessile in the axils and in terminal leafy buds. Sepals'5, united into a furrowed tube, persistent, equal. Petals-5. Stamens as many or sometimes more; anthers versatile. Ovary 1-celled, with 2-3 parietal placentae; styles filiform, 2-4, united fora part of their length. @ 2 FRANKENIA L. Leaves small, mostly crowded and also fascicled in the axils. Flowers small, solitary, and sessile in the forks of the stem or becoming cymose-clustered on the branches. Petals clawed, bearing a crown. Capsule included in the versistent calyx. 1. Frankenia Jamesii Torr. Gray in Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 622. 1873. Shrubby, with scabro-puberulent fascicled branches: leaves linear, 5-6 mm. long, with revolute margins: petals white, cuneate, the apex erose-denticulate, 320 VIOLACEAE (VIOLET FAMILY) the blade 5-6 mm. !ong, equaling the claw: stamens 6: ovules 1 to each of the 3 placentae.—Scuthern Colorado and southward. 75. HYPERICACEAE Lindl. St. Joun’s-wort FaAminy Herbs (in ours), with opposite, entire leaves, punctate with translucent or dark-colored glandular dots, no stipules, and perfect flowers with 5 petals and numerous stamens, the fruit a many-seeded capsule. Sepals 5, imbricate. Petals convolute, glandular-punctate. Stamens very numerous, in 3 bundles, Styles 2-5. ; 1, HYPERICUM L. Sr. Jonn’s-wort In our species the capsule is 3-celled by the union of the placenta with the axis, septicidal. The flowers yellow, with black dots. 1. Hypericum formosum H.B.K. Nov. Gen. and Sp. 5: 196. 1815-25, Perennial, herbazeous, branched above, 2-6 dm. high: leaves oblong-obovate, closely sessile or clasping, usually obtuse, 1-3 em. long, glandular-dotted near margin on the underside: flowers in panicled cymes: sepals oval to oblong, obtuse or acute, about 4 mm. long: petals obovate, 10-14 mm. long: stamens numerous, in 3 bundles; the anthers black-dotted as are the petals and sepals: styles 3, long and distinct. H. Scouleri Hook.—Stream banks and wet mead- ows; Mexico to Wyoming and westward. 76. VIOLACEAE DC. VioLer Famity Herbs with simple, alternate, stipulate leaves and complete flowers, which are more or less irregular. Sepals 5. Petals 5, imbricated in the bud. Sta- mens 5, the filaments short and broad and bearing the connivent anthers on their inner face. Style more or less club-shaped and abruptly bent at apex. Ovary becoming a 3-valved capsule with parietal placentae. After opening the valves fold together lengthwise, forcibly dislodging the rather large, hard- coated seeds. Sepals auriclei at base; lower petal spurred . 5 ‘ * . I, Viola, Sepals not auricled at base é ‘ Ss eit oats ‘ 2. Hybanthus, 1. VIOLA L. VioLer Perennial or rarely annual herbs, with alternate, stipulate leaves. The flowers scapose or on axillary peduncles, often of two kinds; the early ones with showy petals and sometimes sterile; the later ones cleistogamous and more usually fertile. Sepals 5, often auricled at base. Petals 5, unequal, the lower one produced into a nectariferous spur at base. Filaments short or wanting; the anthers distinct but more or less connivent and the two upper with spur-like appendages produced into the spur of the lower petal. Style Usually omanges upward. Capsule oval to oblong, usually- crustaceous, 3-valved. : Perennials; stipules never leaf-like, small and often scarious. Leaves deeply parted or-divided 1, V. pedatifida, Leaves entire, crenate, or dentate; Flowers evidently yellow. Leaves cordate-reniform ; ¥ 3 ‘ ‘ * . 2 V. biflora. Leaves ovate to lance-linear. 4 Coarsely toothed or angularly lobed . * . * . 8. V. atriplicifolia. Entire or remotely denticulate. ‘ Plants small and prostrate or spreading, : Leaves linear-lanceolate "4 ‘ * . - 4 V. Nuttallii, . ; Leaves ovate to supcordate . « +» » e« & V. valli VIOLACEAE (VIOLET FAMILY) 321 Plants larger, erect or suberect, Leaves, petioles, and peduncles green and glabrate _. 6. V. erectifolia. ives, petioles, and peduncles somewhat white-hir- : sute . . . . . ° ‘i . . linguaefolia, Flowers not yellow. : Acaulescent; flowers scapose, Flowers white . : . ‘ . . ‘ . & Flowers blue, lilac, or violet. . blanda, Stoloniferous . palustris, Vv Vv. . . A . i . &= VY. Producing no stolons, Alltheleavesobtuse. . . .«.« « « - 10. V. nephrophylla. ' The later leaves trigonous-acute , Hi . . 11. V. retusa. -Caulescent; flowers axillary. Stipules entire, mostly scarious < ° . 3 - 12, V. canadensis, Stipules fimbriate or incised, ves glabrous, ‘A Dwarf, alpine plants . < a . . . V. Larger, plants of the mountain valleys . : . 1A VY. Leaves s pupendent: Sti V5. Vv V. . bellidifolia. . adunca, les more or less fimbriate, etioles glabrous odontophora, Petioles retrorse-pubescent + rf 5 ‘ . 16. V. montanensis, Stipules more or less laciniate . . . . . 17, V. subvestita, Annual or short-lived perennial; stipules leaf-like . . 7 . 18, V. Rafinesquii. 1. Viola pedatifida Don, Gard. Dict. 1: 320. 1831. Acaulescent, the leaves and scapes from short, thick, vertical rootstocks: leaves pedately dis- sected or flabellately palmate or ternate, the segments ternately or pinnately divided into broadly linear segments, minutely pubescent or glabrate: scapes and leaves subequal, 1-2 dm. high: flowers blue or shading toward white; the lateral petals bearded: oe about 10 mm. long, those from the abundant cleistogamous flowers short-peduncled. V. delphinifolia. (V. biternata Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 12. 1901; V. Sheltonit Rydb. ii. Col., not Torr.)—From the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi. : 2. Viola biflora L. Sp. Pl. 936. 1753. Stems 2 or more from a short vertical rootstock, 1-2 dm. long, weak, ascending, about 2-leaved, and 1- or 2-flowered at summit: leaves nearly glabrous, round-reniform, with narrow sinus, 2-3 em. broad; stipules green and entire: flowers small: sepals linear-oblong: petals yellow with dark purple-brown striae, spur short.—Colorado; seemingly the same as the old-world form. 3. Viola atriplicifolia Greene, Pitt. 3: 38.1896. Dwarf, the whole stem including the petioles and longer peduncles about 5 cm. high: herbage. cin- ereously puberulent, leaf-margins not ciliate; petioles 3-4 cm. long; the lamina mostly less than 12 mm. long, that of the lowest leaf broader than long, all truncate at base and angularly but not deeply 5-7-lobed, or the uppermost 3-lobed and hastate: flowers small, yellow, the upper pair of petals red-purple externally.—Dry hills, Yellowstone National Park. 3a. Viola atriplicifolia Thorii A. Nels. Nearly ‘glabrous and the leaves merely coarsely dentate. (V. Thorii A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 193. 1900.)—Mountains of Yellowstone Park, Montana, and probably westward. 4. Viola Nuttallii Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 1: 174. 1814. Roots semifleshy, , often branched or fascicled: stems several, short, spreading: leaves oblong; lanceolate to nearly linear, 3-6 cm. long, tapering to the margined petiole which usually exceeds the blade, more or less puberulent, entire or obscurely epand-denticulate: peduncles mostly shorter than the leaves: sepals lanceo- late, acuminate: petals yellow, 8-12 mm. long, glabrous or slightly bearded: stigma bearded: capsule subglobose.—From the Rocky Mountain plains into Nebraska and Kansas. 5. Viola vallicola A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 128. 1899. Low, cau- lescent, glabrous or puberulent, from a short rootstock with fascicled fleshy roots: stems few, short or at length 10-15 cm. long: leaves entire, ovate, mostly obtuse, the base rounded or (in the broadest) subcordate, 2-5 cm. long, on petioles as long or longer: peduncles mostly shorter than the leaves: ae lanceolate: petals yellow, streaked with purple, 10-14 mm. long: cap- les oval with many large ovoid seeds. (V. physalodes Greene, Pl. Baker. 8: 12, 1901.)—Moist mountain valleys; Dakota and Colorado. 322 VIOLACEAE. (VIOLET: FAMILY) 6. Viola erectifolia A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 29: 143. 1900. Stems short, from a single taproot: leaves usually erect, slupus to'lance-oblong, entire or repand- denticulate, sparsely pubescent especially on margins and veins, or glabrate, 3-8 cm. long on somewhat longer petioles: peduncles 6-12 cm. long, rarely surpassing the leaves: flowers large: sepals linear, 7 mm. long: petals yellow, tinged or streaked with purple, the laterals short-hirsute below the middle, (V. gomphopetala Greene. Pl. Baker. 3: 11. 1901.)—In the higher mountains; from Ccloredo to Montana. 7. Viola linguaefolia Nutt. ex T. & G. Fl. 1: 41. 1838. Mature plant 2-3 dm. high, subcaulescent, from a slender rootstock; leaves long-petioled, ob- lanceolate, obtuse, decurrent upon the petiole; margins ciliate and obscurely denticulate; surfaces more or less white-hirsute: flowers surpassing the leaves, bright yellow, faintly veined with purple, the lateral petals slightly bearded: sepals narrowly linear, finely ciliate. ( V. flavovirens Pollard, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 405. 1897).—Utah and Idaho to Oregon. 8. Viola blanda Willd. Hort. Berol. Pl. 24. 1806. Acaulescent from slen- der running rootstocks, and more or less stoloniferous: leaf-blades ovate, orbicular, or reniform, crenate, glabrous or nearly so, 1-3 cm. long, on longer petioles: peduncles 3-10 cm. long, usually surpassing the leaves; flowers white, fragrant: the sepals lanceolate: the 3 lower petals purple-veined and nearly beardless: capsule oval. Wuire Sweet-vioLet. (V. LeConteana Rydb. FI. Col., not Don; V. Macloskeyi Rydb. FI.-Col., not Lloyd).—Wet stream banks in the mountains. : 9. Viola palustris L. Sp. Pl. 934. 1753. Glabrous and acaulescent, from slender creeping rootstocks, stoloniferous: leaves ovate to reniform, crenate, 3-4 cm. long, on longer petioles: scapes 5-15 cm. high, generally surpassing the leaves: flowers lilac to white, streaked with darker veins; sepals ovate, mostly obtuse; spur short and saccate-—Marshy meadows; Colorado, north- ward and eastward. 10. Viola nephrophylla Greene, Pitt. 3: 44. 1896. Closely allied to the preceding, but larger and not stoloniferous, and from a short, thickened, ver- tical rootstock: leaves firm, glabrous, reniform to orbicular, crenate, 2-3 em. broad, on somewhat longer petioles; the later ones much larger, often tending to ovate-cordate in outline, on lengthened petioles: scapes slender, from shorter than to somewhat surpassing the leaves: sepals oblong,’'obtise, 3-nerved, scarious-margined: petals purple or violet but white at base, with dark veins, more or less villous: cleistogamous flowers on short, slender, ascending pe- duncles: seeds large, exactly obovate-——Common in open woods on moist bottom lands throughout our range. : 11. Viola retusa Greene, Pitt. 4: 6. 1899. Low, stout, glabrous, and acau- lescent; the erect rootstock short and thick: the early leaves small, subreni- form; the later successively cordate-ovate and deltoid-ovate with an abrupt acumination, all with broad, open sinus and with the blade tapering more or less, to the petiole, crenate-serrate: peduncle stout, 5-15 cm. high, about as long as the leaves, with triangular-subulate bracteoles above the middle: se- pals lanceolate, scarious-margined, nerveless: petals spatulate or oblong, retuse or obtuse at apex, purple or violet (blue ?), three of them somewhat bearded at base.—Colorado and: Wyoming. - 12. Viola canadensis L. Sp. Pl. 936. 1753. Nearly glabrous, 1-3 dm. high, from an ascending rootstock: leaves thin, cordate or broader, either abruptly or gradually acuminate; stipules entire, lanceolate, acumisate, scarious: peduncles shorter than the leaves, slender, axillary: sepals linear- lanceolate, scarcely auricled: petals from pale violet to nearly white, purple- veined, with yellowish base: capsulés pubescent.—Seemingly within our range;- common eastward. 12a. Viola canadensis Rydbergii (Greene) House. Scabro-puberulent on the veins and leaf-margins. (V. Rydbergit Greene, Pitt. 5: 27. 1902.)—The more usual Rocky Mountain form. ‘ 12b. Viola canadensis scopulorum Gray, Bot. Gaz. 11: 291. 1886. A small, depressed, nearly glabrous form.—Cafions and cliffs; central Colorade. VIOLACEAE (VIOLET FAMILY) 323 13. Viola bellidifolia Greene, Pitt. 4: 292. 1901. Dwarf and tufted, ap- pearing as if acaulescent, only 4-7 em. high, glabrous: leaves more or less succulent, ovate to subcordate, 5-10 mm. long, on rather long petioles, entire or crenate: peduncles numerous, from shorter than the leaves to much surpassing them: sepals oblong-lanceolate, acute: corolla less than 1 cm. long, the spur relatively long, violet-purple above, lighter:‘below with purple veins. ve . demissa Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 10. 1901:)—Subalpine; Colorado and yoming. : : : 14. Viola adunca Smith, in Rees Cyel. 37: pl. 63. 1802-20. Glabrous or nearly so, 1-3 dm. high, tardily stoloniferous with cleistogamous flowers: leaves ovate, more or less cordate at base, obscurely crenate, 1-4 em. long: peduncles usually surpassing the leaves: flowers violet to purple, or almost white: petals 10-15 mm. long, the lateral ones bearded; spur as long as the sepals, rather slender, somewhat curved or hooked.—Probably coming into our range from the northwest. ye , 14a. Viola adunca longipes (Nutt.) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 163. 1900. Quite glabrous, the long-peduncled, dark purple flowers with a short, straight, thick spur.—In mountains from northwestern Colorado through Utah and Wyoming to Montana. __ 15. Viola odontophora Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 164. 1900. The slender woody branches of the caudex from a woody taproot: stems several, slender, with a fine puberulence or nearly glabrous, 5-15 em. long, quite leafy: leaves crenate, ovate or ovate-trigonous, obtuse or acute, truncate or subcordate at base, sparsely puberulent on both faces or glabrate, 15-25 mm. long; petioles glabrous, slender, 2-5 cm. long: peduncles about equaling or sometime surpassing the leaves: sepals lanceolate, glabrous: ce purple or violet, the lateral ones bearded; the spur half as long as the petals, often somewhat inflated at the tip, occasionally with an inconspicuous lateral tooth.—Moist loamy banks; Colorado to Montana. “ 16. Viola montanensis Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 263. 1900. Root- stock slender, woody: stems slender, 1-2 dm. high, subscabrous with sparse, short, reflexed hairs: stipules linear-lanceolate: petals blue or violet, with yellowish-white base and spur: capsule ovoid. (V. retroscabra Greene, Pitt. 4: 290. 1901; V. inamoena Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 11. 1901.)—From Montana to Colorado. . 17. Viola subvestita Greene, Erythea 5: 39. 1897. Finely puberulent throughout, subeaespitose, 4-7 em. high: leaves broadly ovate, usually sub- cordate, 1-2 cm. long: peduncles scarcely longer than the leaves: fiowers small, light blue; spur half as long ‘as the petals. (V. montiecola Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 264. 1900.)—Across the continent through northern Wyoming and Montana. : : : 18. Viola Rafinesquii Greene, Pitt. 4: 9. 1899. Stems slender, glabrous, 6-15 cm. long: leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate, entire or crenate-dentate, 1-2 em. long; stipules leaf-like, pinnatifid or laciniate: sepals linear, nearly as long as the small, bluish or yellowish-white, sometimes purple-spotted petals. Witp Pansy.—Colorado and eastward. pees ; i 2. HYBANTHUS Jacq. Pee Low ‘herbs or suffruticose plants, with alternate or opposite leaves and solitary, axillary peduncles. Sepals more or less unequal, not auricled. Petals very unequal; the two upper ses the lower one very large, with dilated, more or less gibbous or concave claw. Stamens approximate, the anterior ones each furnished with a nectariferous gland at the base. Capsules and seeds much as in Viola.—Ionidium Vent. : 1. Hybanthus verticillata (Ort.) A. Nels. Somewhat pubescent, stem branched: leaves opposite or more rarely alternate, entire or remotely serru- late; the lower from lanceolate to oblong or obovate; the upper linear, obtuse or acute, usually 3-4 times as long as the linear stipules: neduncles slender, 324 LOASACEAE (LOASA FAMILY) 4-12 mm. long, articulated, bibracteolate: flowers small: capsules glabrous: seeds turning black. Jonidium lineare Torr.; Calceolaria verticillata (Ort.) Kuntz, Rev. Gen. Pl. 41. 1891. 77. LOASACEAE Reichenb. Loasa F amity Herbaceous plants with either stinging or jointed and rough-barbed hairs, no stipules, calyx-tube adnate to a 1-celled ovary, parietal placentae, and a single style. Stamens usually very numerous, some of the outer occasionally petaloid. Flowers perfect, often showy. MENTZELIA L.* Erect, the stems becoming white and shining. Leaves alternate, mostly coarsely toothed or pinnatifid. Flowers cymose or solitary, orange or golden- yellow to white. Calyx-tube cylindrical or turbinate; the limb 5-lobed. Petals 5 or 10. Stamens inserted below the petals on the throat of the calyx. Ovary truncate at the summit; style 3-cleft, the lobes often twisted. Capsule opening usually irregularly at the apex. Petals 5, small; filaments all filiform; seeds not winged. Leaves petioled . 7 ‘ a 5 « 1, M. oligosperma, Leaves sessile. Seeds tuberculate. Leaves broad, merely toothed «= omy 8 ele) M, latifolia, Leaves narrow, entire to sinuate-pinnatifid . « . . 38. M. albicaulis, Seeds smooth or striate. Stems slender and sparsely branched .. A 5 ‘ . 4, M. dispersa.” Stems low, numerously and compactly branched . ‘ . 5. M. compacta, Petals 5 or 10, large; filaments often dilated-petaloid. Flowers white or merely yellowish. Seeds margined but not winged % . ° s is - 6. M. decapetala, Seeds conspicuously winged 3 . - a . 7 « 7% M, nuda, Flowers yellow. 3 Seeds margined but not winged. Stems smooth ‘i ‘ * . . . . ° . Stems puberulent . s < . . ° . . e Seeds evidently sanned. : Petals 10, large; filaments filiform, Seeds tuberculate A . < si . . ° « 10. M. laevicaulis, ‘Seeds smooth . 3 . < a A < e - 11, M. speciosa. Petals 5, smaller; some of the filaments dilated and an- theriferous : : 5 . * 5 . . . 12, M, pumila. M. che enna, M., multiflora, 90 1. Mentzelia oligosperma Nutt. T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 533. 1840. Rough with multibarbate hairs, dichotomously branched, brittle, 2-8 dm. high: leaves ovate-lanceolate, cuneate at the base, incisely toothed or somewhat lobed and angled, 3-7 cm. long, short-petioled: petals 5, cuneate-oblong, cuspidate, entire, a little longer than the 20 or more stamens, golden-yellow, expanding in sunshine, evanescent: filaments all linear: capsule narrow, 6-12-seeded: seeds oblong, irregular, not winged. (M. Nelsonii Greene, Erythea 3: 70. 1895.)—Extending into our range from the Mississippi valeye 2. Mentzelia latifolia (Rydb.) A. Nels. Stout annual, 3-5 dm. high, branched: leaves sessile, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, coarsely toothed or entire, 5-10 cm. long, 2-3 em. wide: sepals lanceolate, 2.5-3 mm. long: petals obovate- spatulate, about 5 mm. long: capsule linear, cylindric, 2.5-3 em. long, about 2.5 mm. thick, sessile: seeds prismatic, muriculate. (Acrolasia latifolia Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 567. 1904.)—Mountains of Colorado. 3. Mentzelia albicaulis Dougl. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 222, 1833. Low, nearly simple or branching from the base, 1-3 dm. high: stem very pale, be- * This genus has been the subject of much discussion in recent years. Naturally readily separated into two sections, the large-flowered forms were erected into a genus under the name Hasperaster. This group has since been successively referred to Touterea and te Nuttalléa, while the other or small-flowered group has been called Acrolasia, LOASACEAE (LOASA FAMILY) 325 coming white and polished, nearly glabrous: leaves lanceolate to linear, from nearly entire to deeply sinuate-pinnatifid, sessile or nearly so, scabrous: flowers small, solitary or in loose clusters, not bracteolate: petals 5, yellow, obovate, about 4 mm. long, scarcely longer than the subulate-lanceolate calyx-segments: filaments 20-40, subulate-filiform: capsule linear-clavate: seeds numerous, irregularly angled with: obtuse margins, rather strong] tuberculate. (1. Tweedyi and M. tenerrima Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 271. 1900; M. ctenophora Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 33. 1901; M. gracilis Rydb. 1. ec. 566. 1904.)—Frequent; on slopes and dry banks, often in partial shade; throughout our range and far westward. : 4, Mentzelia dispersa (Wats.) Proc. Am. Acad. 11: 137. 1876. A slender annual, usually about 3 dm. high: leaves narrowly lanceolate, sinuate-toothed or sometimes entire, rarely pinnatifid, the uppermost often ovate: flowers small, mostly approximate near the ends of the branches: calyx-lobes 2 mm. long, little shorter than the five spatulate or obovate petals: filaments not di- lated: capsule narrowly linear-clavate, 15-25 mm. long: seeds very often in a single row, angular and somewhat rhombohedral, more or less grooved upen the angles, very nearly smooth, 1 mm. long.—Colorado to Montana and west to Washington. 5. Mentzelia compacta A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 275. 1898. Annual, 2-2.5 dm. high, numerously and compactly branched: stems whitish, pubescent, somewhat brittle: leaves numerous, sessile, entire, obtuse, from broadly linear at base to almost oval at summit, generally ovate-oblong, 2-3 em. long, rough-hirsute, more coarsely and sparsely so above: flowers yellow, small, numerous, in compact cymes at the ends of the branches, ses- sile, about 3 mm. broad: calyx-lobes lanceolate-ovate, shorter than the corolla: petals obovate, about 4 mm. long: stamens 15, anthers small, subspherical: capsule linear-clavate, 10-13 mm. long, 10—12-seeded: seeds in one compact tow, smooth, longitudinally groove-angled, in form from frustra of triangular prisms to rhomboidal cuboids, faces about 1 mm. long.—Wyoming and northward. 6. Mentzelia decapetala (Pursh) Urban and Gilg. in Engl. & Prantl Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3: 111. 1894. Roughish-pubescent, stout, seldom over 6 dm. high: leaves oval, lanceolate or oblong, acute or acuminate, sinuate-pinnatifid, 5-15 em. long, the upper sessile, the lower petioled: flowers mostly solitary, terminal: petals 10, about twice as long as the lanceolate calyx-lobes: fila- ments all filiform, very numerous (200-300): capsule oblong, 3-5 cm. long: seeds numerous, margined, not winged. M. ornata.—From Montana to New Mexico and Texas. 7. Mentzelia nuda (Pursh) T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 535. 1840. Rough with minute pubescence, slender, 3-15 dm. high, the stems light-colored: leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acute, usually sharply and deeply dentate, or the upper pinnatifid, 2~8 em. long: petals 10, about twice as long as the lanceolate calyx-lobes: calyx-tube usually not bracteolate: stamens 100 or more, the outer ones somewhat petaloid: capsule oblong, 1.5-2.5 em. long, about 6 mm. thick: seeds numerous, wing-margined. (M. stricta Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 174. 1902; M. Rusbyz Wooton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 261. 1898.)—Plains; Montana to New Mexico. 8. Mentzelia chrysantha Engelm. Brand. Bull. U. S. Surv. Terr. 2: 237. 1876. Stems 3-6.dm. high, branching: ' leaves ovate-lanceolate, the lower narrowed towards the base: flowers subsessile: petals 12-18 mm. long, acute, often fewer than 10, the innermost smaller and antheriferous: seeds narrowly margined but not winged.—Southern Wyoming to Colorado and Utah. 9. Mentzelia multifiora (Nutt.) Gray, Pl. Fendl.48. 1848. Stems scabrous, branching freely, 2-4 dm. high: leaves generally deeply sinuate-pinnatifid, attenuate below: petals yellow, abruptly pointed, 12-20 mm. long, exceed- ing the subulate calyx-segments: outer filaments noticeably dilated: capsule short, obconic with broad summit: seeds few, broadly winged. (M. laciniata Rydb. 1. ec. 31: 566.)—Colorado to New Mexico. . 9a, Mentzelia multiflora densa (Greene) A, Nels, Freely branched, short- 326 CACTACEAE (CACTUS FAMILY) lived perennial; scarcely different from the species. (M/. densa Greene, Pitt 3: 99. 1900.)—Southern Colorado. 10. Mentzelia laevicaulis (Dougl.) T. & G. Fl. N. A. 1: 533. 1840. Stout, 6-9 dm. high, branching: leaves lanceolate, 5-20 em. long: flowers sessile on short branchlets, very large, light yellow, opening in sunshine: calyx-tube naked, the lobes. 24-30 mm. long: petals acute at each end, 5-7 em. long, the filaments and slender style a little shorter: capsule 30 mm. long, 6-8 mm. in diameter: seeds very minutely tuberculate——Wyoming and Montana to the Pacific States. 11. Mentzelia speciosa Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 689. 1901. Per- ennial, finely pubescent, glandular on the pedicels and ovary, corymbosely branched from near the base: the leaves linear to oblong, sinuate-dentate to sinuate-pinnatifid, the lower, including the narrowly winged petiole, 10-15 cm. long, hispid on both sides: ‘dowers yellen: numerous, vespertine, the earlier ones sessile, the others on pedicels 1-2 cm. long: petals 10, the.5 outer ones whitish on the outside, 2 em. long and 8 mm. wide at the widest ortion, narrowed to a claw which is nearly half the length of the whole petal; the 5 inner ones narrow and not more than half the size of the outer, a number of the outer filaments also petaloid: the capsule a little more than 2 em. long, striate: the seeds round, winged, mature ones smooth, i. e.,. not punctate, (M. sinuata Rydb. 1. e. 566. )—Colorado. 12. Mentzelia pumila Nutt. T. & G. 1c. Stems 2-3 dm. high, rough with a minute barbed pubescence, whitish, branching towards the summit: leaves lanceolate, sinuate, toothed, or pinnatifid, the lower ones petioled, the upper sessile: flowers solitary or three together, terminating the loose flowering branches, slightly pedicellate, with one or two linear-setaceous bracts at the base: petals 10, lanceolate, acute, spreading, longer than the lanceolate- subulate calyx-lobes, the inner ones smaller: stamens very numerous, the outer filaments flat and somewhat dilated: eaule clavate- -cylindrical, 3- valved: seeds numerous, winged.—Colorado. 12a. Mentzelia pumila multicaulis (Osterh.) A. N. dis. Leaves all narrow, the upper entire: stem glabrate below: seeds scarcely winged. (Touterea mul- ticaulis Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 280; 1903. )—Woleott, Colorado.: 78. CACTACEAE Lindl. Cactus FAMILY Green, fleshy, and thickened, persistent, mostly leafless plants, of peculiar aspect. Globular or columnar, tuberculated or ribbed, or jdinted and often flattened, usually armed with bundles of spines from areolae. Flowers with numerous sepals, petals, and stamens, usually in many rows, the cohering bases of all of which coat the inferior, 1-celled, many-ovuled ovary, and above it form a tube or cup nectariferous at base. Style 1, with several or numer- ous stigmas. Fruit a pulpy or rarely dry 1-celled berry. 1 Stems globose, oval or ovoid, usually not jointed; leaves wanting; spines not barbe Flowers from between the tubercles; ovary naked 1. Mamillaria, Flowers ag the tubercles or the ribs; ovary scaly “(the imbricated sepals Flowers nearly terminal, arising near the young or just forming areolae . . 2, Echinocactus, Flowers lateral, arising near the older spine-bearing areolae 5 3. Echinocereus, Stems flat or cylindrical and conspisuausly jointed: leeves amall, “early deciduous; bristles barbed 4, Opuntia, 1. MAMILLARIA Haw. Bas Cactus Small, more or less globose: or oval, simple or oaespitose plants, the spine- bearing ’areolae borne on cylindric, oval, conical, or angular tubercles whieh cover the body of the plant. Flowers about as long as wide, the tube cam- CACTACEAE (CACTUS FAMILY) 327 pact or funnel-shaped, from the axils of the tubercles, fully open in sun- ight and only for a few hours: Ovary often hidden between the bases of the tubercles and naked, as is also the exserted succulent berry. ae os Flowers yellowish-green; central spine mostly solitary, or wanting. Plantssimple (single) . ‘ . é « 1, M, missouriensis, Plants ‘caespitose « . s . . 2, M. similis, Flowers red or purple; central spines 3-12," : Central spines about 4, brown. 2 . . . A . 3, M. vivipara, Central spines 3-12, purple. i . 7 . . . . 4. M, neomexicana, 1. Mamillaria missouriensis Sweet, Hort. Brit. 171. 1827. Globose, 3.5 cm: in diameter, simple or nearly so: tubercles ovate-cylindrical, 12-14 mm. long, slightly grooved: radial spines 13-17, straight, whitish, setaceous, somewhat unequal,’ 8-10 mm. long; central spine more robust,. straight and orrect, puberulent, 10-12 mm. long, often wanting: flowers about 2.5 cm. long, yellow or reddish: stigmas 2-5: fruit globose, scarlet, 6-8 mm. in diam- eter: seeds globose, black and pitted, 0.8-1.1 mm. in diameter.—On ‘the plains; Montana to Kansas and Colorado. | | ‘’' _2, Mamillaria similis Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 5: 246,.1845. Closely related to the preceding but caespitose, with 12-15 puberulent ra- dial spines, the central very often. wanting, larger flowers (2.5—5 cm. long), fruit and seeds (1.6-2.2 mm. in diameter), and ‘5 stigmas.—Colorado (?) to Oklahoma and Texas. et gto Sania 2 3. Mamillaria vivipara (Nutt.) Syn. Suce. Suppl. 72. 1819. Low and depressed-globose, usually proliferous and caespitose (forming large masses), but sometimes simple: tubercles terete and loose, lightly. grooved: radial spines 12-20, stiff and white, often dark-tipped, 6-8 mm. long; central spines usually 4, brownish, 8-12 mm. long, 3 spreading upwards, the lowest stouter and shorter and deflexed: flowers about 3.5 cm. long and even. broader when expanded, bright purple: stigmas pointed with a short mucro: fruit oval, pale green, juicy, 12-18 mm. long: seeds yellowish-brown.—On the’ foothills and eastern plains of the Rocky Mountains, from the Canadian border to Colorado. _ 4, Mamillaria neomexicana (Engelm.) A. Nels. Globose to -short-cylin- drical, simple or branched from the base, only a few cm. high: radial spines 12-40, white with dusky apex; centrals 3-12, purplish: flowers 3-5 em. long and about as broad, violet to dark purple: seeds obovate, pitted, less than 2mm. long. [Cactus radiosus neomexicanus (Engelm.) Coult. Rev. N. A. Sp. Cactus, ete.,: 120. 1894.]}—Utah and Colorado, southward:and eastward to Mexico. ibe " ru 2. ECHINOCACTUS Link & Otto Mostly larger plants, globose or depressed, or ovate, or rarely subcylindric, simple or very rarely caespitose. The spines on the more or less vertical ribs. Flowers contiguous to and above the spines (on the new growth of the plant, often from the nascent woolly areolae and therefore more ‘or less vertical). Ovary covered with sepaloid. scales which are naked or woolly in their axils.’ Fruit succulent: (edible), or sometimes dry, covered with the persistent scales,’ sometimes enveloped ‘ih copious wool, and usually crowned with the pérsistent remnants of ‘the flower. noe Stems with tubercles, mostly in spiral rows, Sp te ; Radiating spines fewer than 10; centralsfewerthanS, . . «. IJ. E. glaucus. Radiating spines more than 10;,centrals more than 5 . é i. .. 2. EB, Simpsonii, Stems with vertical and definite ridges’ . , hs i ge?) Sy . 8. E, Whipplei. 1. Echinocactus glaucus K. Sch. Gesamth. Kakteen 438. 1899. Simple, sometimes proliferous, depressed-globose or -ellipsoidal: ribs entirely broken up into-glaucous tubercles arranged in about.8-13 rows: radial spines 8 or 9,. centrals 1-3: flowers rose-color: ovary scaly,.glabrous.—Colorado., .. 2. Echinocactus Simpsonii Engelm. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 2: 197. 1863. Subglobose or depressed, turbinate at base, simple, often clustered, 7.5-12.5. em. in diameter: ribs 8-13, only indieated by the spiral arrangement of the 328 CACTACEAE (CACTUS FAMILY) prominent tubercles, which are 12-16 mm. long, somewhat quadrangular at base and cylindric above: radial spines 20-30, slender, rigid, straight, whitish, 8-12 mm. long, with 2-5 additional short setaceous ones above; central spines 8-10, stouter, yellowish and reddish brown or black above, erect- spreading, 10-14 mm. long: flowers 16-20 mm. long and nearly as broad, yellowish-green to pale purple: fruit green and dry, 6-7 mm. long and almost = ee seeds black, obliquely obovate, tuberculate, 3 mm. long.—Utah to evada. ; 3. Echinocactus Whipplei spinosior Engelm. Globose, 7.5 cm. in diam- eter: ribs 13: radial spines 9-11, 12-36 mm. long; the lower ones often dusky, the 2 upper ones often elongated, flattened, and curved; the 4 centrals 3.5-5 em. long, the uppermost one flexuous and white, the other 3 a little shorter, dusky, all or only the lower one hooked: flowers about 2.5 em. long: fruit oval, 12 mm. long.—Southwestern Colorado. 3. ECHINOCEREUS Engelm. Globose to cylindrical, simple or caespitose, sometimes very large, with spine-bearing ribs. Flower-bearing areolae close above fully developed, spine- bearing areolae. Ovary bearing bracts which are naked or woolly and always spiny in the axils; stigmas always green. Fruit succulent. Seeds almost without endosperm. Embryo mostly hooked, with short or foliaceous cotyle- dons.—Cereus. Flowers yellowish-green; ribs 12 or more . < ts . 1, E, viridifiorus, Flowers not yellowish-green; ribs 5-12, Flowers violet-purple; central spine dark, terete . si 7 . 2, E, Fendleri, Flowers scarlet, Central spine angled. Ribs 5-7 ¥ « * ¥ ‘ * . * . 3. E. gonacanthus, Ribs 9-11 : C1 é . . . é é 7 . 4. E, Roemeri. Central spine terete . ‘ 5 ‘ A re . e 5. E. aggregatus, 1. Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm. Wisliz.Mem.91. 1848. Subglobose, simple or sparingly branched, 2.5—-7.5 cm. high: ribs 13, acute, scarcely in- terrupted: radial spines 12-18 (with 2-6 setaceous upper ones), straight and! strictly radiant, 2-6 mm. long, laterals longest and reddish-brown, the rest white (rarely purple); central none or a single stout, straight or curved spine (rarely a second more slender one) 12-14 mm. long, variegated purple and white: flowers 2.5 cm. leng and wide, greenish-brown outside, yellowish- green within; petals obtuse: fruit elliptical and greenish, 10-12 mm. long: seeds 1-1.2 mm. long, tuberculate-—Wyoming to New Mexico. 2. Echinocereus Fendleri Engelm. Pl. Fendl. 50. 1849. Ovate or ovate- cylindrical, 7.5-20 em. high, 5-7.5 cm. in diameter, simple or branching at base, caespitose, dark green: ribs 9-12, straight or oblique, tuberculate, with areolae 8-14 mm. apart: spines stout, very variable in length and color; radials 5-10 (mostly 7), straight or curved, lowest stoutest, white, and angu- lar, 12-25 mm. long, next 2 almost as long (or longer), more terete, blackish above and white beneath or all blackish, then 2 white or dark or variegated, then 2 weaker, whiter, and shorter (6-14 mm.), often 2 more upper spines and sometimes a slender or stout dark spine (24-30 mm. long) on upper edge of areola; central 1, stout and very bulbous at base, curved upward, reddish- black, teretish, 2.5-5 cm. long, rarely wanting: flowers deep violet-purple, 6-8.5 em. broad: fruit ovate-globose, 2.5-3 em. long, purplish-green, edible: seed curved, deeply and irregularly pitted, 1.4 mm. long.—Utah and Ari- zona. . 3. Echinocereus gonacanthus Engelm. & Bigel. Rumph. in Forst. Hand. Cact. Ed. 2.806. 1886. Ovate, 7.5~-12.5 cm. high, simple or sparingly branched at base: ribs 7 (sometimes 9), tuberculate, with large areolae 12-20 mm. apart: spines stout, angular, straight or variously curved and flexuous; radials 8, lower 16-24 mm. long, the rest 20-30 mm. long, lower and laterals quadran- gular, yellow at base and often dark-tipped, uppermost one much larger than CACTACEAE (CACTUS FAMILY) 329 the rest, about size and character of the central, which is solitary, very stout, 6 or 7-angled and deeply furrowed, often flexuous, 3-6 cm. long, 2mm. broad: flower scarlet, about 6 cm. long: fruit and seed unknown.—Colorado to New Mexico. 4, Echinocereus Roemeri (Muhlenpf.) Engelm. & Bigel. l.c 792. Ovate, conoid-acutish at apex, 7.5~10 cm. high, sparingly branched at base: ribs 9-11, obtuse, tuberculate, with areolae 8-12 mm. apart: spines whitish or straw- color, translucent with bulbous base; radials 8-12, slender and rigid, straight- ish, upper 4-10 mm. long, lateral 12-30:mm.; centrals 3-5 (usually 4), very bulbous, upper hardly longer than lateral radials, lowest quadrangular, often dusky when young, 2.5-7.5 cm. long, porrect or deflexed: flower crimson, 8- 10 cm long, 3.5-5 cm. broad: fruit and seed unknown. Cereus conoideus.— Colorado, southward, and westward. 5. Echinocereus aggregatus (Engelm,) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 146.. 1906. Ovate or subglobose, obtuse, 3.5-7.5 cm. in height, 3-5 cm. in diameter, caespitose (mostly in dense hemispherical masses 30-100 cm. in diameter): ribs 8-11, tuberculate, with areolae 6-8 mm. apart: spines slender, almost setaceous, straight, terete; radials 8-12, white, 6-12 mm. long, upper much the shorter; centrals 1~3, a little stouter, white or horny, 10-20 mm. long: flower deep crimson, 3.5-6 cm. long, 2.5-3.5 cm. broad: fruit and seed unknown. Cereus phoeniceus.—Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. 4. OPUNTIA Mill. Articulated, much branched plants of various shapes, low and prostrate or erect and shrub-like, with young branches bearing small, terete, subulate, early deciduous leaves and in their axils an areola with numerous short, easily de- tached barbed bristles and (usually) stouter spines. Flowers mostly large, diurnal, with very short cup-shaped tubes on joints of the apo year and on the same areolae with the spines. Petals widely spreading. Ovary with bristle-bearing areolae in the axils of small, terete, deciduous leaves. Fruit a succulent or dry berry marked with bristly or spiny areolae. Joints short and flat (except in Nos. 8 and 9), Internodes oval or orbicular. Fruit pulpy, unarmed or nearly so, Spines dissimilar in size, 1-3, or wanting . . . - 1, O. humifusa. Spines similar, 1-8. : Spines not twisted. s : Spines 1-3; internodes suborbicular . . 2, O. camanchica, Spines 5-7; internodes oblong, . =. 20 we Stes 8. O, Schweriniana, Spines twisted; internodes suborbicular . a a 4, O. tortispina, Fruit dry and more or less spiny. . Corolla yellow ‘ - " . - 5 O.polyacantha, | Corolla red. -_ Fruit nearly unarmed; filaments yellow . 6. O. xanthostemma, Fruit very prickly; filaments red . a Tr . 7%, O, rhodantha, Internodes flattened or subterete, the stem readily disjointing. i. Flowers yellowish tj ; : a . . . » 8. O. fragilis, _ Flowers pink or reddish : i . . . . - 9. O, rutila. Joints long, subcylindric. An erect tree-like shrub. 5 . . . . < . 10. O. arborescens, Spreading or procumbent, freely branched - si a . 11. O. Davisii. 1, Opuntia humifusa Raf. Med. Bot. 2: 247. 1830. Diffuse, from a fibrous root, with obovate or suborbicular, very green joints 7.5-12.5 cm. long, bearing elongated, subulate, spreading leaves 6-8 mm. long: pulvini 1.8-2.5 em. apart, with slender, reddish-brown bristles, mostly unarmed: spines (when present) few, mostly only marginal, stout, terete, straight, erect or spreading, whitish (often reddish at base and apex), 1.8-2.5 cm. long, single, or 1 or 2 smaller deflexed ones in addition: flowers sulphur-yellow (often with red center), 6-8.5 cm. broad: fruit clavate, naked, with funnel-shaped umbilicus, . 3.5-5 em. long (less than half that in diameter), with acid or sweetish purplish pulp: seeds almost regular, compressed, with rather narrow and thick but acutish margins, 5 mm. broad. O. Rafinesquit.—In the Mississippi. valley, and on the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. 330 CACTACEAE (CACTUS FAMILY) 2. Opuntia camanchica Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 293. 1856. Prostrate and extensively spreading, with ascending, obovate-orbicular joints 15-17.5 em. long by 13.5-17.5 em. broad: pulvini about 3 em. apart; with few greenish or yellowish-brown bristles, mostly armed: spines 1-3 (or mar- ginal ones 3-6), compressed, reddish-brown to blackish-brown, paler at tip, 3.5-7.5 cm. long, the upper.one elongated and suberect, the rest deflexed: fruit oval, with broad umbilicus, deep red, sweet and juicy, 3.5-5:cm..long: seeds angular, with broad, thick, acute or obtuse margins and deeply notched at the hilum, 4-6 m. broad.—Colorado to Texas. ‘ 3. Opuntia Schweriniana K. Sch. Monatsschr. Kakt. 9: 148. 1899, Joints oblong, tuberculate: spines 5-7, white: flower yellow.—Reported from our range. 4, Opuntia tortispina Engelm. ]. c. 293. Prostrate, with ascending, or- bicular-obovate. joints 15-20 em. long: pulvini 2.5-3:5 cm. apart, with yel- lowish bristles: spines 3-5, white, angular and channeled, often spirally twisted, 3.5-6 cm. long, with 2-4 more slender ones (1-2.5 cm. long), added below: flowers sulphur-yellow, 6-7.5 cm. broad: fruit ovate, with broad um- bilicus, 4.5-5 em. long: seeds orbicular, regular, and but slightly notched at hilum, 4-6 mm. broad.—Nebraska and Colorado to Oklahoma. _ 5, Opuntia polyacantha Haw. Suppl. Pl. Succ. 82. 1819. Prostrate, form- ing large spreading masses: joints light green, orbicular, tuberculate, 5-10 em. (rarely 10-15 cm.) long: leaves minute, 3-4 mm. long: pulvini 8-12 mm. apart, with reddish-brown bristles (fewer but longer and darker than in other forms), all armed: spines 8-15; the 5-10 (generally 6-8) exterior ones radiant, seti- form, whitish or reddish-variegated; the 3-5 interior’ ones stout, reddish- brown (paler-tipped), 3-5 cm. long, 2-4 of them deflexed, the other one spreading or suberect and very stout: flowers yellow (orange within) or some- times purple: stigmas 5-8: fruit ovate, dry, and spiny, with shallow, flat um- bilicus, 2.5 cm. long: seeds irregular, large (5-6 mm. broad). Very variable; some of the forms have been described. See Coulter’s treatment’ in Contrib. U.S. Nat. Herb. 3: 485.—Plains on the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. 6. Opuntia xanthostemma K. Sch. Gesamtb. Kakteen 735. 1899. Very branching, erect, low, obscurely green and sometimes purplish: joints ob- ovate, tuberculate, subareolate: spines 2-4, with some accessory ones: flower red, stamens yellow: ovary unarmed.—Colorado. , : 7. Opuntia rhodantha K. Sch. Gesamtb. Kakteen 735. 1899. Branching, erect, low, green: joints obovate or oblong, subtuberculate: spines 2-4, some- times with accessory ones: flowers and stamens red: ovary very spiny.— Colorado. i ; a 8. Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) Haw.].c. Subdecumbent, with small, ovate, subcompressed or subglobose (even terete), scarcely tuberculate, shining green joints, variable in size and shape (fruit-bearing ones compressed, 3.5—5 em. long by 2.5-3 cm. broad, the others smaller and more tumid): pulvini large, 8-12 mm. apart, with white wool, and very few, short, whitish bristles (on old joints a little more abundant, coarser, and straw-colored): spines 1-4, (mostly 4 and eruciate), the uppermost one stout, angular, suberect or porrect, yellowish-brown, 12-20 mm. long, the others weaker (6-16 mm.), paler, spreading or radiant, and 2-6 additional slender, white radiant ones below, 4-8 mm. long: flowers pale yellow, about 5 cm. broad: fruit ovate,. almost naked, with funnelform umbilicus,:about 2.5 cm. long: seeds few, large (6mm.), with broad and thick, obtuse, corky margin.—From British Columbia to Utah and Kansas. . : 9. Opuntia rutila Nutt. T. & G. Fl. 1: 555. 1840. Ascending and. diffuse: joints swollen, ovate or teretish; 5-10 em. long by 2.5-7.5 cra. broad (some- times elongated and almost cylindrical): pulvini very crowded (4-6 mm. apart), with whité wool, and at length straw-colored bristles, all armed: spines 3-5, slender, reddish-gray, 1-4 em. long (1-3 upper shorter and erect, central one longer, spreading or declined, the rest deflexed, sometimes larger ones flattened and often twisted), 2-4 smaller ones added below: flowers rose-red or paler: fruit ovate, dry, and spinulose, with a deep funnelform. um- ELAEAGNACEAB (OLEASTER FAMILY) 331 bilicus, 2.5-3 em. long: seeds large (6 mm. broad), much compressed, with broad, acute margins.—Southwestern Wyoming to Nevada. te a tie & 10. Opuntia arborescens Engelm. Wisliz. Mem. 90. ' 1848. Arborescent and erect,. 15-50 dm. high,,12.5-25.cm. in diameter, with verticillate, horizontally divaricate or pendulous, very spiny branches: joints. verticillate (mostly,.in threes or fours), cylindrical and very green, 5-15 cm. long, less than 2.5 em. in diameter, with prominent, elongated, compressed-cristate tubercles 14-18 mm. long;‘and terete, elongated, spreading leaves 12-20 mm. long: pulvini with, short wool, but scarcely bristly; spines 8-30, terete, horny or reddish- brown, in straw-colored sheaths, porrect in’every direction, 1-8 interior ones longer (16-28 mm.), more loosely sheathed, the central subdeflexed, the ex- terior.ones weaker, closely ‘sheathed, 8-16 mm. long, all sometimes very short: flower purple, '6-7.5 em. broad: fruit globose or hemispherical,'2.5-em. in diameter, prominently ‘cristate-tuberculate, unarmed, dry or ‘nearly so, yellow: ca regular, smooth, 3-4 mm. broad, with narrow commissure.— Colorado to. New Mexico and Texas! 6 “7 er 11. Opuntia Davisii' Engelm. & Bigel. Proc. Amer. Acad. 3: 305.1856. Stem, spreading and somewhat. procumbent, with dense woody and divaricate branches, 4-5 dm. high: joints attenuate at base, rather slender, 10~15 cm. long (younger ones erect), with oblong-linear tubercles 14-16 mm. long: inner spines 4-7, subtriangular, divergent, reddish-brown, in a loose straw-colored sheath, 2.5-3.5 cm. long; lower ones 5 or 6, slender, 6-12 mm. long: flower yellowish (?): fruit ovate,; spiny, 2.5'cm. {long. or°more.—Texas, _ extending north into Colorado. 79. ELAEAGNACEAE Lindl. Oxeaster Famity Shrubs or small trees with the entire leaves scurfy throughout, ‘with scarious- silvery or brown scales or with silvery stellate-pubescence. Flowers regular, perfeet or dioecious, clustered in the axils or solitary.. Perianth of fertil flowers with a deciduous 4-lobed limb and a persistent base inclosing ‘the ovary. Perianth of sterile flowers 4-parted, bearing the 4 or 8 stamens on the throat. Pistil simple, with slender style, the solitary ovule becoming a nut-like. achene inclosed in the finally fleshy, drupe-like fruit (the perianth base). ~ ss ua a : tee Flowers perfect; stamens 4; léavesalternate.'. °°. ww ww Elaeagnus, Flowers dioecious; stamens 8; leaves‘opposite' .. . » '« ‘e'° 4'..2. Shepherdia, il a A Bo oe Rs ae ELAEAGNUS ia ie ete Hg Be eh i . 4 , Dates te oa i .; Shrubs,with silvery-scaly alternate ‘leaves and, brownish or silvery branch- lets. Perianth tubular, its 4-lobed limb deciduous, its tube contracted over the ovary. Stamens 4, borne on the throat of the perianth and alternate with its lobes. Fruit drupe-like, with.an 8striate stone. 1..Elaeagnus argentea Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 114. 1814. A stoloniferous shrub 1-3'm. high, the younger branches brownish with scurfy scales, becom- ing silvery:, leaves from’ broadly ‘to narrowly elliptic, silvery-scurfy: flowers numerous, 12-15 mm, long, 1-3 in’ the axils, deflexed, silvery without, pale yellow within, fragrant, the lobes ovate: fruit globose-ovoid, silvery, 8-10 mm. ong. SILVERBERRY.—Moist sandy swales and banks; from Utah through Wyoming northward and eastward. - > SE ae! eS iis % é 2. SHEPHERDIA Nutt. Shrubs or small trees with opposite petioled. leaves with silve y-stellate or seurfy-brownish scales. Flowers small, dioecious, axillary or nodal, fascicled, 332 LYTHRACEAE (LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY) few or solitary, short-pediceled. The staminate flowers larger, 4-parted, the lobes spreading; stamens alternate with as many lobes of a thick disk. The pistillate flowers with oblong, tubular perianth, with 4-cleft limb and the throat nearly closed by the 8-lobed disk. Fruit berry-like, with a smooth, shining compressed seed.—(Lepargyrea Raf.) Tree-like shrub, thorny; leaves silvery . . S . i. . . 1. 8. argentea, Low shrub, thornless; leaves green ‘ < “ . @ a . 2. 8, canadensis, 1. Shepherdia argentea Nutt. Gen. 2: 241. 1818. A stout: tree-like shrub, 2-5 mm. high: leaves silvery on both sides, mostly oblong, obtuse, cuneate at base: flowers fascicled at the nodes: fruit a smooth, ovoid, scarlet berry, about 5 mm. long, nearly sessile, acid, and edible. BurraLto Berry.—Stream banks; from the Saskatchewan south through the mountains to New Mexico. 2. Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt. Gen. 2: 240. 1818. A more or less tufted shrub, 1-2 m. high, brownish-scurfy on the branchlets, leaves, and flowers: leaves elliptical or ovate, nearly naked and dark green above, silvery- downy beneath: flowers yellowish: fruit oval, red or yellowish, 5-7 mm. long, the flesh very juicy and exceedingly bitter —Moist, partly wooded mountain slopes; throughout the Rocky Mountains. 80. LYTHRACEAE Lindl. Loosrstrire Famity Herbs (ours) with simple and entire leaves, calyx tubular or campanulate and free from the ovary and capsule but inclosing it, the petals and definita stamens borne in its throat, a single style, and numerous small seeds on a central placenta. Distinguished from Haloragidaceae and Onagraceae by the free ovary, and from the former also by the numerous seeds. Annual; leaves opposites calyx4-angled . |. »« « « «© « I, Ammannia, Perennial; upper leaves alternate; calyx striate . . . . 2 Lythrum. 1. AMMANNIA L. Low and smooth annuals, with 4-angled stems, sessile leaves, and small axillary flowers. Calyx 4-toothed, with as many intermediate, small, tooth- like processes. Petals as many, small and fugacious, or none. Stamens 4 or 8. Capsule globular, bursting irregularly. Seeds numerous. 1. Ammannia coccinea Rottb. Pl. Hort. Havn. 7: 1773. Stems erect: leaves linear-lanceolate, with a broad auricled base: flowers 1-5 in each axil, mostly closely sessile: petals purple, fugacious: style slender, elongated. A. latifolia—From the Alleghanies west; infrequent; possibly within our range. : 2. LYTHRUM L. Loosestrirs Erect slender herbs, with angled stems, and axillary, mostly solitary, di- morphous flowers. Calyx 4—7-toothed, with intermediate tooth-like processes. Petals oblong-obovate, often conspicuous. Ovary 2-celled, with filiform style; stigma capitate. Capsule membranous, inclosed by the calyx. Seeda flat or angular. 1. Lythrum alatum Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 334. 1814. Tall and wand-like perennial, smooth; branches with margined angles: leaves oblong-ovate to lanceolate, the upper scattered, not longer than the flowers, which are small and nearly sessile in the axils: proper calyx-teeth often shorter than the in- termediate processes: petals purple: stamens of the short-styled flowers ex Syed Colteate and Wyoming, east to the Atlantic States, ONAGRACEAE (EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY) 333 81. ONAGRACEAE Dumort. Evrenina Primrose FaMILy Annual or perennial herbs, rarely shrubs, with alternate or opposite leaves, no stipules or mere glands in their place, and axillary, spicate or racemose, generally perfect, regular or sometimes irregular flowers. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, often prolonged beyond it, the limb 2-6-lobed, usually 4-lobed. Petals 2-9, mostly 4, convolute in the bud, rarely none. Stamens commonly as many or twice as many as the petals and inserted with, them on the summit of the calyx-tube, or on the epigynous or perigynous disk. Ovary 1-6-celled, usually 4-celled; styles united; stigma capitate, discoid or 4-lobed. Fruit usually a capsule; ovules many in each cell. Seeds mostly small, sometimes with a coma, Flowers 4-merous, Fruit a many-seeded capsule opening by valves. Calyx-tube net prolonged beyond the ovary. Annuals; seeds not comose . . . . ° . ° . Gayophytum, . Chamaenerion, Ne Perennials; seeds comose . ‘s . . ° . . Calyx-tube prolonged beyond the ovary. Seeds comose, Flowers showy, scarlet i é Leaves on long petioles, green. ' “Segments linear. Sci ‘ ‘ . . ° « 6. P. anisatus. Segments obovate to rhombic-cuneate . . . . e 7. P. aletifolius. Leaves on short petioles, very pale or glaucous + ° . e 8. P. bipinnatus, UMBELITFERAE (PARSNIP FAMILY) 361 1. Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) C. & R. Rev. N. Am. Umbell. 74. 1888. Stem erect, slender, 3-6 dm. high, more or less leafy, glabrous except at the base of the umbel or on the rays: the bipinnate leaves mostly with broad outline; leaflets exceedingly variable, variously cut or entire: umbel 6-12- rayed, with involucels of linear or setaceous bractlets longer than the yellow flowers; rays 12-3U mm. long; pedicels about 2 mm. long: fruit broadly. ob- long, 4-5 mm. long, wiun lateral wings almost as broad as body, the dorsal and intermediates very variable (either ribbed or narrowly winged); oil-tubes 1-4 in the intervals, 4-6 on the commissural side: seed much flattened,— Open mountain sides; Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. ; 2. Pseudocymopterus sylvaticus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 224. 1901. Similar but the stems more slender, the leaf-segments long-linear, the fruiting peduncle elongated and naked: fruit broader and with thin, con- spicuous, lateral wings as broad as the body; oil-tubes mostly 1 in the inter- vals and 2-4 on the commissural sides.—Wet woods and ‘thickets; Wyoming and Colorado. : a 3. Pseudocymopterus tenuifo.us (Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 147. 1906. Resemblirg P. montanus, but often larger and more branch- ing, and the bipinnate leaves with very few and narrowly linear leaflets 1-4 em. long. (P. montanus tenuifolius C. & R. Rev. N. Am. Umbell. 74. 1888.)— In mountain woods; Colorado to New Mexico. 4. Pseudocymopterus multifidus Rydb. 1. c. Resembling P. monianus, but low, about 2 dm. high: lower leaves broadly rhombic in outline, thrice pinnate; the upper twice pinnate; ultimate divisions linear: fruit smaller and more rounded.—High mountains; Colorado and New Mexico. ox 5. Pseudocymopterus purpureus (C. & R.) Rydb. 1. c. Resembling P. montanus, but short caulescent, with rather weak ascending peduncles 7.5-15 em,.long, and purple flowers. (P. montanus purpureus C. & R. 1. c.)—Moist places in the mountains; Colorado to New Mexico and Utah. . 6. .Pseudocymopterus anisatus (Gray) C. & R.].c. Acaulescent, caespi- tose from a much branched caudex, which is more or less covered with the remains of old leaves: leaves on long petioles, narrow, somewhat rigid, pin- nate, and the leaflets pinnately parted into linear (sometimes broader) pungently acute segments: peduncles 1-3 dm. high, exceeding the leaves; umbel unequally 5-12-rayed, with involucels of linear-subulate (sometimes lobed) bractlets exceeding the white or -yellow flowers; rays 1-7.5 cm. long; pedicels 2-6 mm. long: fruit about 4mm. long, the carpel irregularly 2-5-winged; oil-tubes 1-3 in the intervals, 2-4 on the commissural side:. seed. face. plane.—Dry hills and mountains; throughout our range and to the northwestward. ' ; 7. Pseudocymopterus aletifolius Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 31: 574. 1904. Densely caespitose, with the habit of P. anisatus: leaves once or twice pinnate, stiff and shining, with petioles about as long as the blades; segments obovate to 1hombic-cuneate, deeply cleft into usually 3-toothed lobes: pe- duncles 1-1.5 dm. high, about equaling the leaves; rays of the umbel very unequal, in fruit 1-5 cm. long; pedicels also very unequal, 1-8 mm. long in fruit; flowers yellow: fruit 5-6 mm. long; ‘lateral wings evident. but. rather narrow; dorsal ribs acute or slightly winged; oil-tubes usually solitary in the intervals.—In the mountains of Colorado, among rocks. 8. Pseudocymopterus bipinnatus (Wats.) C. & R. 1. ¢. 75. Caespitose, the short branches of the rootstock covered with the crowded remains of dead leaves, glaucous, puberulent: leaves pinnate with few pairs of short'segments, which are pinnately divided into short linear lobes: peduncles 1-2 dm. high, much exceeding the leaves; rays 2-8 mm. long; involucels ‘of conspicuous linear-lanceolate or broader bractlets, with hyaline margins, and more or less united at base ; flowers white: fruit nearly sessile, ovoid, 3-4 mm. long, mod- erately flattened dorsally, the 5 thickish carpel wings equal and narrow (often being but very premares acute ribs); oil-tubes 3-4 in the intervals, 6-8 on the commissural side: seed face slightly concave.—Western Wyoming to Montana and Oregon. : 362 UMBELLIFERAE (PARSNIP FAMILY) j 24. OXYPOLIS Raf. Smooth, erect, swamp herbs, with fascicled tubers, leaves simply pinnate or ternate or reduced to petioles, involucre of few bracts or none, involucels of numerous small bractlets or none, and white flowers. Calyx-teeth evident. Fruit flattened laterally, ovate to obovate, glabrous. Carpel with dorsal and intermediate ribs filiform; lateral wings closely contiguous to those of the other carpel and nerved dorsally at the inner margin (giving the appearance of 5 filiform ribs on the back of each carpel); strengthening cells beneath the dorsal ribs and nerves of the lateral wings; stylopodium thick, short-conical; oil-tubes solitary in the intervals, 2-6 on the commissural side. Seed face plane.—Archemora. 1. Oxypolis Fendleri (Gray) Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 478. 1897, Stem slender, simple, 3-6 dm. high, from a large fascicle of tubers (2.5.cm, long): leaves pinnate, 5—9-foliolate; leaflets ovate or oblong (or lanceolate in upper leaves), obtuse, 2.5-5 cm. long, incisely serrate: umbel unequally 5-12-rayed, with neither involuére nor involucels; rays 1-3.5 cm. long; ped- icels 4-8 mm. long: fruit ovate, scarcely:4 mm. long, with rather prominent dorsal and intermediate ribs and narrower lateral wings; oil-tubes 2-4 on the commissural side.—In the mountains of our range. 25. LEPTOTAENIA Nutt. Usually tall and stout, glabrous, nearly acaulescent perennials, with thick often very large fusiform roots, usually large pinnately decompound leaves, involucre of few bracts or none, involucels of numerous small bractlets, and yellow or purple flowers. Calyx-teeth obsolete or sometimes evident. Fruit flattened dorsally, oblong-elliptical, glabrous. Carpel with dorsal and inter- mediate ribs, filiform or obscure; lateral wings very thick and corky, with large groups of thick-walled strengthening cells; commissural face with a prominent central longitudinal ridge left after separation from the carpo- phore; stylopodium wanting; oil-tubes 3-6 in the intervals, 4-6 on the com- missural side, mostly small, sometimes obsolete. Seed very flat, with plane or slightly concave face. Leaves finely dissected; oil-tubes mostly wanting . j é . . 1. L. multifida, Leaves less dissected; oil-tubes present . . . . 2, L, Eatonii. 1. Leptotaenia multifida Nutt. T. & G. Fl. 1: 630. 1840. Leaves finely dissected: umbels mostly without involucre; pedicels of the fruit 6-24 mm. long; flowers purple or yellow: fruit 8-12 mm. long, and with no strengthening cells in the almost obsolete dorsal and intermediate ribs: seed face concave, the carpel section being crescentic—Montana to New Mexico. 2. Leptotaenia Eatonii C. & R. Rev. N. Am. Umbell. 52. 1888. Like L. multifida, but with less dissected leaves: umbels few-rayed; pedicels of fruit 8-12 mm. long: fruit 16-18 mm. long, 8-10 mm. broad, flatter and thinner than in any other species; oil-tubes 4-6 in the intervals, 4 on the commissural side, a prominent corky nerve on the commissural face of the lateral wing near the inner margin: seed face plane.—Western Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho 26. COGSWELLIA Raf. Acaulescent or short caulescent, dry ground perennials, with fusiform or tuberous roots, ternate (sometimes pinnate) to dissected leaves, no involucre, involucels mostly present, and yellow, white, or purple flowers. Calyx-teeth obsolete (very rarely evident). Fruit strongly flattened dorsally, oblong to orbicular. Carpel with filiform and approximate dorsal and intermediate ribs, and winged laterals coherent till maturity with those of the other carpel; peri- carp thin, with strengthening cells beneath each rib and nerve; stylopodium wanting; oil-tubes one to several in the intervals (rarely obsolete), 2-10 on the commissural side. Seed dorsally flattened, with plane face (rarely slightly coneave).—Peucedanum. UMBELLIFERAE (PARSNIP FAMILY) 363 Flowers yellow. Roots tuberous or moniliform. “ " Umbellets open; pedicels slender A a ae . a. C, ambigua, Umbellets compact; fruit nearly sessile . . . . - 2 C, leptocarpa, Roots more or less thickened. Plant glabrous or nearly so; fruit glabrous, Qil-tubes several in the intervals is . x - 8. C, montana, Oil-tubes large and solitary. . Glabrous throughout ies 7 . 5 . . » 4. C. Grayi. Slightly puberulent on the herbage . 5 3 . 5. C. bicolor, Plant pubescent, at least when young. _ Leaves finely dissected, ternate then pinnate, Bractlets of involucels lanceolate, conspicuous and united at base . C, foeniculacea, 6 7. C. Jonesii. 3 Bractlets linear, smaller, distinct’ . C. platycarpa. Leaves ternate or biternate, with long linear segments Flowers white. Bractlets not scarious s « _ . Glaucous, large-flowered annuals or perennials, with more or less clasping and connate leaves, and slénder terminal and more or less paniculate 1-flowered peduncles.. Calyx 5 (rarely 6)-parted; its lobes long-acuminate, with carinate midwb. ' Corolla campanulate-funnelform, deeply 5-6-lobed. Anthers oblong, versatile, straight or recurving in age. Stye filiform, nearly persistent; stigma of 2: broad lamellae. 1. Eustoma Andrewsii A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 17: 177. 1904. Perennial from short, vertical, semifleshy roots, with a somewhat enlarged crown or caudex; the old stems occasionally persisting; stems simple below, more or less fasciculately branched above, 2-4 dm. high: leaves elliptic- oblong below to lanceolate and acute above, mostly 3-nerved, 2-4 cm. long; the next year’s crown leaves appearing in the autumn as rosettes which are persistent: and evergreen: peduncles ebracteate, 3-8 cm. long: calyx deeply 380 GENTIANACEAE \(GENTIAN FAMILY) cleft, less: than half.as long as the corolla: corolla deep purple, 3-4 em. long, the lobes elliptic-obovate: stamens short; anthers sagittate, erect: style. stout- ia ‘séarcely:longer than the ovary and shorter than the mature capsule— olorado. 3. PLEUROGYNE Eschsch. Small annuals of cold regions,.with blue or whitish flowers, and distinguished by the remarkable decurrent stigmas. ; 1. Pleurogyne fontana A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 17: 177. 1904. Glabrous throughout; stems slender, simple or with a few narrower erect branehes, 1-4 dm. high: leaves linear, mostly narrowly so, thin, with distinct midrib:‘and two faint lateral nerves, 20-25 mm. long: flowers in a narrow somewhat panicled raceme, having long, very slender pedicels, pentamerous: sepals, green, linear, resembling the bracts but shorter, usually 3-nerved as are also the bracts: corolla often surpassed by the sepals, its lobes elliptic- oblong, subacute, about 5-nerved: stamens half as long as the corolla-lobes;: _ the anthers oblong: mature capsule translucent, with numerous ovules, ulti- mately as long as the sepals. P. rotata.—Colorado and Wyoming. 4. CHONDROPHYLLA A. Nels. Small annuals or biennials, from a few em. to 1 dm. high, the stems single or several from the slender root. Leaves numerous, small, opposite, ‘seem- ingly imbricated below because of the short internodes, the margins white and scarious or cartilaginous. Flowers'solitary and terminal. Calyx narrow, 4 or 5-toothed. Corolla salverform when expanded, plicate at the sinuses with broad emarginate lobes or plates, without crown or glands. Anthers cordate, versatile. Seeds oblong, with a close coat. Leaves broadly scarious-margined; capsule at maturity exsert-stipitate 1. C.'Fremontii, Leaves narrowly margined; capsule short-stipitate a eo os . 2, C, americana, 1, Chondrophylla Fremontii (Torr.) A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 245. 1904. Stems few-many, erect or ascending, 5-10 em. high, somewhat suc- culent: leaves with a broad white margin, pale, cuspidate or mucronate; the lower rosulate, orbicular or ovate; the cauline linear-oblong, connate-sheathing:. flowers rotate, short-pediceled, white or dull-colored: capsule clavate-obovate,, at length exserted beyond the flower on a stout stipe. Gentiana humilis.—. Grassy banks in the mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. 2. Chondrophylla americana (Engelm.) A. Nels. }. c.’ ‘Stems weaker than in the preceding, and when elongated the lateral ones often procumbent: leaves ovate, less erect, greener, and'less white-marginéd: flower 4-merous: corolla azure-blue, in fruit inclosing the linear-oblong, rather short-stipitate capsule. Gentiana prostrata.—Alpine in our range. Sinn? 6. GENTIANA L. GentIaANn ' Bitter herbs. with conspicuous cymose or rarely solitary flowers of various. colors, in summer or autumn. Calyx 4-5-cleft. Corolla 4—5-lobed, regular, often with intermediate plaited folds, which bear appendages. or teeth at,the sinuses. Style. short or none; stigmas 2, persistent. Capsule oblong, 2- valved; the innummerable seeds either borne on placentae at or near the Saree or in most of our species covering nearly the whole inner face of the pod. 4 7 ee Annuals (exce t no. 2); corolla without extended plaits or lobes or ‘teeth at the sinuses. ot Hilow ces eos (3-6 cm, long), 4-merous; eorolla-lobes more or less “frit a oe 8 ee Annual. ee 8 " SPS Bie, # . - 1. G, elegans. ' Perennial . ‘ ‘ . é eo sy . ° . « 2. G, barbellata, GENTIANACEAE (GENTIAN FAMILY) 381 Flowers smaller (less than 'g em, long); corolla-lobes never fringed. Pe - «" Flowers solitary on’a Jong: terminal peduncle « ' «ae Se menenthe: Flowers few-many. Sepals very unequal, two oF them, f foliaceous and overlapping the others 7 wha @, heterosenala; Se rk somewhat unequal but none foliaceous, fog ‘lowers very numerous,’ in’ a. .spike-like . thyrse, shen” Saha : pediceled; leaves generally. as long asthe internodes . 5. G. strictiflora. Flowers fewer, often long-; ediceled; some of the internodes: ae ~~ much exceeding the leaves . - , 6, G, plebeja,. Perennials; corolla plicate at the sinuses, aa. folds more or eps ex- .. tended into thin teeth or lobes. : Anthers distinct, Corolla open-campanulate or funnelform, the lobes spreading; 4 the subtending. leaves broad. ; Rf, ae ‘ _ Flowers always yellowish but freely spattered ‘with purplish: brown spots; the basal leaves persistent . iy Ge Rottianzovii. Flowers blue or blue-purple, or rarely ochroleucous, the basai 6 leaves deciduous. ; a, .» Flowers solitary . oS fs o> ayei. “hes - . 8&G, calycosa. Flowers 1-5 ‘ 9. G. Parryi. re Corolla funnelform, its lobes but) slightly: divergent; the subtend- ag boehe ing leaves narrow, 3 e Leaves oblong-lanceolate to ovate. 3 _ Calyx-lobes present. * s . 10. G. affinis, ' '."" Galyx-lobes wanting or minute and integular s 5. og lL. G. Forwoodii. Upper leaves linear to lance-linear = ‘a . 12. G. Bigelovii, Anthers cohering in a ring < den sale < Set op te ahd + idde wi Andrewsii. 1. Gentiana elegans A. Nels. “Bull, Torr. Bot. Club 25: 276. 1898) Annual, 2-3 dm. high, branched from the base, the 2-20 stems simple or nearly so, each stem or branch terminated by a single flower: leaves 3-6 pairs on each stem, mostly obtuse; the lower petioled, obovate to broadly spatulate; the upper sessile, oblong or narrower: calyx-lobes nearly equal and similar, equal- ing the tube: corolla 4-5 em. long, deep blue with lighter patches or 'streaks downward; the lobes obovate-oblong, entate ‘around the summit, fimbriate on the sides: ‘capsule stipitate: style nearly as long as' the capsule proper, the stigma’ suborbicular, dentate. G. serrata. Rocky MounTAIn FRINGED GEn-" TIAN.—Frequent in ‘moist subalpine parks; throughout our range. ||” la. Gentiana elegans unicaulis A . Nels. 1. c. Reduced, simple- stemmed alpine form.—Same. range. 2. Gentiana barbellata Engelm. ‘Trans. Acad. St. Louis 2: 216. 1863. Perennial from slender fleshy rootstocks, about 1 dm. high, glabrous through- out, 1-2-flowered: leaves about 4 pairs, narrowly oblancéolate to broadly linear, 2-3 emi. long: calyx green with purple streaks, about'15 mm:' long; the lobes triangular-lanceolate, equaling or exceeding the tubé: corolla dark blue, about 25 mm. long? the lobes oblong, obtuse, exceeding the tube,’ conspic- uously Jong. setaceous-lacerate on the sides and often nearly ‘to ‘the summit which is obscurely dentate; the tube arachnoid woolly’ within especially toward the base: filaments stout, ‘flattened, equaling thé NG. stip é-half as long as the elliptic-oblong capsule: style almost wanting. foseleyi A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 31: 396. 1901.) PrREnNnIAL FRINGED Contlase Rare; in the Colorado mountains. *, 3, Gentiana monantha’A. Nels. Bull. Torr, Bet. Club 31:'244. 1904." “An alpine annual, mostly much less than 1 dm. high; stern ‘simple or with one or two branchlets from the.base, only 1-3 em. high, terminated by ‘a slender, naked, 1-flowered peduncle very much longer than the stem! leaves ‘oblong to spatulate, 5-10 mm. long: calyx one fourth shorter than the corolla ‘and some- what exceeding the tube; sepals 4, equal, oblong-lanceolate, subacute, distinct nearly to the base: corolla about 12 mm. long; the tube twice as long as the 4 lance-ovate, subacute lobes; the fimbriae of the crowii ‘rather ‘coarse and short: stamens shorter than the corolla-tube, G, tenella. —in the high moun- tains of Colorado. 4, Gentiana heterosepala Engelm. I. ¢, 115. Annual, 1-3 dm. ‘high, mostly simple, with few pairs of leaves and long ‘internodes: flowers terminal and axillary, either solitary and_long-peduncled or else’in threes with shorter pedice 8, 15-20 mm. long: calyx with two greatly enlarged, foliaceous, ovate 382 GENTIANACEAE (GENTIAN FAMILY) sepals; these more or less enfolding the three small linear-lanceolate ‘ones: corolla blue or purplish, the tube equaling the calyx, a crown of setaceous fila- ments at the base of its lobes. (G. distegia Greene, Pitt. 4: 182. 1900.)—Rare; mountains of Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming. 5. Gentiana strictiflora (Rydb.) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 26. 1902.. Stem simple or branched, very strict, 14 dm. high: leaves often rather remote, thickish, mostly lanceolate-linear, light green: flowers numerous, spicate- thyrsiform on stem and branches, 4-merous: calyx-lobes, unequal, mostly shorter than the tube: corolla ochroleucous, sometimes tinged with blue, but little longer than the calyx, 8-12 mm. long; the setae of the crown often few or even wanting. G. Amarella stricta.—Frequent; throughout our range. 6. Géntiana plebeja Cham. Linnaea 1: 181. 1826. Stem simple or branched from the base, slightly angular, 1-3 dm. high, the internodes often much longer than the leaves: basal leaves oval-spatulate; middle stem leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 2-4 cm. long; the uppermost oblong-linear, acute: flowers several in each axil, often on a short branch, more numerous at summit: calyx deeply cleft, its longer linear lobes almost equaling the corolla tube: corolla 12-18 mm. long, pale blue, the lobes fringed at base. GC. Amarella acuta. (Amarélla scopulorum Greene, Leaflets 1: 55. 1904; Gentia- nella Clementis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 631. 1904.)—Throughout our range. : vai 6a. Gentiana plebeja Holmii Wettst. Oester. Bot. Zeitsch. 50: 195.'1900. Slender and low, simple or nearly so, few-flowered.—A reduced alpine state of the species. phere! re 7. Gentiana Romanzovii Ledeb. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Nat. Mose. 1: 215, 1829. Stems 5-15 cm. high, often tufted, each 1-3-flowered: leaves linear, varying to lanceolate or spatulate, thickish; the cauline 2-4 pairs, connate- sheathing at base: calyx-tube obconical, the lobes somewhat unequal, about half as long as the corolla: corolla funnelform, 3-4 cm. long, yellowish, often streaked with blue, liberally spattered with purplish dots; the lobes short and broad, the plaits entire and broad, only slightly extended at summit: seeds with a loose cellular coat having crested longitudinal ridges. G. frigida, —Alpine regions in the Rocky Mountains. ; 8. Gentiana calycosa Griseb. Gent. 292. 1839. Stems erect, 1-3 dm. high: leaves ovate, 15-30 mm. long, commonly equaling or exceeding the inter- nodes, the lowest pairs smaller and with connate-sheathing base, the upper hardly so; the uppermost involucrate and somewhat exceeding the calyx of the commonly solitary flower: lobes of the calyx ovate or oblong, or even sub- cordate, about as long as the turbinate tube: corolla blue, oblong-funnelform, the appendages in the sinuses triangular-subulate, laciniate or 2-cleft at tip, shorter than the broadly ovate lobes: seeds lanceolate, acuminate, wingless.— On the highest mountains; western Wyoming to California and Oregon.. 8a. Gentiana calycosa.xantha A. Nels. 1. c. Leaves about 5 pairs, longer than the internodes: flowers yellow or yellowish-white with numerous’ green dots.—Teton Mountains, Wyoming. 2 aie, 9. Gentiana Parryi Engelm. |. c. 218. Stems numerous from the crown of a somewhat woody root, 1-3 dm. high: leaves glaucescent, thickish, ovate, varying to oblong-lanceolate, 18-36 mm. long, most of the pairs with some- what sheathing base; the upper two or three pairs involucrate around the 1-5 flowers, concealing the calyx and sometimes almost equaling the bright blue corolla: lobes of the calyx small, moderately or much shorter than ‘the campanulate tube: appendages in the sinuses of the corolla narrow, deeply 2-cleft, but little shorter than the obovate lobes: seeds lanceolate, wingless, with obtuse or acutish edge.—Alpine and subalpine in the Cascade and Rocky Mountains. Qa. Gentiana Parryi bracteosa (Greene) A. Nels. Leaves narrower, the floral ones thin and somewhat scarious: calyx-lobes small and inserted at the base of the membranous summit ‘of the tube. (G.: bracteosa Greene, Pitt. 4: 180. 1900.)—Colorado. das a ey ed _ 10. Gentiana affinis Griseb. 1. c. 289. Stems clustered, 1-3 dm,’ high: _GENTIANACEAE (GENTIAN FAMILY) 3883 leaves 6-16 pairs, ovate. or oblong-lanceolate: flowers from numerous and thyrsoid-racemose to few or rarely almost solitary; bracts lanceolate or linear: calyx-lobes linear or subulate, unequal and variable, the longest rarely equal- ing the. tube, the shorter sometimes minute: corolla. 2-3 em, long, rather narrowly funnelform; the lobes ovate, acutish or mucronulate-pointed, spread- ing; the laciniate-toothed or cleft appendages at the sinuses sometimes almost equaling the lobes. (G. interrupta Greene, 1. c. 182.)—Very frequent at mid- dle elevations in our range. 11,. Gentiana Forwoodii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 86. 1883. Resembling G. affinis, but the corolla decidedly smaller, about 18 mm. long, narrow, and with shorter and rounder lobes, these little surpassing the plicate append- ages: stems equably leafy to the very top: calyx subcampanulate, with no vestige of lobes or teeth. Rare in Colorado and Utah but frequent in north- western Wyoming. - 12. Gentiana Bigelovii Gray, 1. c. 87. Near G. affinis, very leafy: leaves thick; the lower lanceolate-oblong; the upper linear and the floral often much exceeding the flowers: stems 1-3 dm. high, somewhat scabrous: flowers densely spicate: calyx-teeth very slender, as long as the tube: corolla 20-25 mm. long, slightly scabrous on the outside; the lobes short, broadly ovate, twice as long as the bifid appendages: stipe of the capsule short and fistulous.— Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona. : 13. Gentiana Andrewsii Griseb. in Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 55. 1834. Stems upright, smooth: leaves ovate-lanceolate: calyx-lobes lanceolate, half as long as the tube: corolla blue, with pale streaks, somewhat cylindric-clavate, nearly closed at the mouth, twice as long as the calyx, nearly truncate at the summit with the lacerate appendages as long as the lobes.—Infrequent; stream banks of northern Colorado. Apparently our plants are not identical with the eastern form of this species. 6. SWERTIA L. Simple-stemmed perennials, occasionally with alternate leaves, the lower at least tapering into margined petioles. Inflorescence thyrsoid; flowers blue or purple,, varying to white, Corolla rotate, 4- or 5-lobed. Style very short or none; stigma 2-lobed or 2-lamellate. Capsule ovate. . Flowers 4-merous . . * 4 < . . . ‘ . 1, 8, scopulina, Flowers 5-merous. ae 4 Inflorescence elongated; corolla-lobes oblong or narrower . * . 2. S. palustris. Inflorescence capitate-congested; corolla-lobes elliptic to ova ‘ . 38. 8. congesta, 1.-Swertia scopulina Greene, Pitt. 4: 184. 1900. Plant 1-4 dm. high: inflorescence very strict: leaves broadly oblanceolate or spatulate-oblanceolate; radical leaves very large, often more than half the length of the subscapi- form stem, usually all, even the lowest and largest cauline ones, alternate, with broad-winged petioles and half-clasping: flowers 4-merous: sepals lanceolate- subulate, often 3-nerved, and three fourths as long’as the corolla-lobes; these 10-14 mm. long, dark blue-purple: glands subulate-fringed: ‘seeds round- obovate varying to somewhat quadrangular, very distinctly winged on one, two, or three sides, the testa wrinkled.—Colorado and New Mexico. 2. Swertia palustris A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 227. 1901. Stems simple, erect, glabrous, 2-3 dm. high: leaves glabrous, thin, entire or rarely denticulate; radical leaves oblong to elliptic, obtuse, 5-10 cm. long; stem leaves several, generally in pairs but not rarely alternate, spatulately oblanceolate or broader:: inflorescence very strict; peduncles: erect, axillary to the. bracts and uppermost leaves, 1-3-flowered;: flowers, 5-merous: sepals subulate- lanceolate, delicately nerved, about half as long as the petals: corolla-lobes dark blue shading to purple, oblong, obtuse, about 10 mm. long, 3-4 mm. broad; glands orbicular, the. appendages few (10 or less), short-subulate: oe see, wing-margined.—Shaded mountain bogs; Wyoming and solorado. 384 MENYANTHACEAE (BUCKBEAN FAMILY) 3. Swertia congesta A. Nels. 1.c. Commonly less than 2 dm. high: leaves alternate, rarely more than 3 or 4, usually on the basal half of the stem, elliptic to oblanceolate, obtuse or subacute, 3-6 em. long: inflorescence con- gested, usually subtended by a pair of foliar bracts;' flowers 5-merous, 3-7, dark bluish-purple: sepals as in the preceding: corolla-lobes elliptic, obtuse, usually emarginate, 8-10 mm. long, nearly half as broad; glands cup-shaped, the setaceous appendages as long as the cup: filaments flat and thin, their bases involved in a ring of very short, sparse, subulate setae in the base’ of the corolla: seeds small, very numerous, narrowly wing-margined on the angles.— Open subalpine swales; Wyoming and Colorado. wat 7. FRASERA Walt. Smooth herbs with erect stems, opposite or verticillate leaves,.and nu- merous flowers in thyrsoid or paniculate cymes. Corolla rotate, 4-parted, the lobes bearing a single or double fringed gland, and sometimes a fimbriate crown at base. Stamens inserted on the very base of the corolla; filaments subulate, often united at base, occasionally with some interposed small bris- tles or scales. Ovary ovate, tapering into.a distinct and often slender, per- sistent style; stigma small, 2-lobed or nearly entire. Capsule coriaceous. 1. Frasera speciosa Griseb. Gent. 329. 1839. Stems 6-14 dm. high, very leafy: leaves in fours and sixes; the radical and lowest cauline obovate or ob- long, 2-3 dm. long; the upper lanceolate and at length linear: flowers very numerous in a long leafy thyrsus: lobes of the greenish-white or barely bluish and dark-spotted corolla oval-oblong, bearing a pair of contiguous and densely long-fringed glands about the middle, and a distant, transversely inserted and setaceously multifid scale-like crown near the base. (F'. macrophylla Greene, Pitt. 4: 186. 1900.)—In the mountains from Wyoming to Oregon and south- ward to New Mexico and Arizona. Oe la. Frasera speciosa scabra Jones, Zoe 4: 277. 1893. More or less puberu- lent or scabro-puberulent on stem and leaves. (F. scabra, F. stenopetala; F. angustifolia Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 149. 1906.)—Seemingly the more usual state in our range, and may therefore be recognized as a variety. ° 93. MENYANTHACEAE G. Don. BucksEan Famity Perennial aquatic: or marsh herbs, with basal or alternate leaves, and clustered, regular, perfect flowers. Calyx deeply 5-parted, persistent. Co- rolla 5-lobed or 5-cleft, the lobes induplicate-valvate, at least in the bud. Stamens 5, borne on the corolla, and alternate ‘with its lobes; anther-saes longitudinally dehiscent; pollen-grains 3-angled. Ovary 1-celled, the 2 pla- centae sometimes intruded. Fruit a capsule, or indehiscent. 1. MENYANTHES L. Leaves trifoliolate; other characters as given under the single species of the genus. 1. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Sp. Pl..145. 1753. Rootstocks thick, scaly, sometimes 3 dm. long: petioles sheathing at'the base; leaflets oblong or obo- vate, entire, obtuse, narrowed to the sessile base, 3-8 cm’ long: raceme 10- flowered; pedicels 6-25 mm. long, bracteolate at the base; flowers 10-12 mm. long: calyx shorter than the' white or purplish corolla: capsule ovoid, obtuse, about 8 mm. long.—In bogs; cireumpolar; south in our mountains to Co orado. APOCYNACEAE (DOGBANE FAMILY) 385 94. APOCYNACEAE Lindl. Doasanre Faminy t, .. Perennial herbs (ours), mostly with acrid, milky juice, simple, opposite or alternate leaves, and perfect, regular, cymose, solitary, or paniculate flowers. Calyx 5-parted, persistent, the lobes imbricated in the bud. Corolla 5-parted, the lobes convolute in the bud. Stamens as many as the lobes of the corolla and alternate with them, inserted in the tube or throat; anthers linear-oblong,. sagittate, 2-celled. Ovary superior or its base adherent to the calyx, of 2 distinet carpels; ovules few or numerous; style simple or 2-divided; stigma simple. Fruit of 2 follicles. Seeds often appendaged by a coma. Leavesalternate; anthersfreefromthestigma . . 3... . J. Amsonia. Leaves opposite; anthers converging around the stigma and slightly ad- herent to it 2. Apocynum, 1. AMSONIA Walt. Herbs. Leaves alternate; blades entire. Flowers in terminal thyrsoid: or corymbose cymes. Calyx-lobes 5, acuminate; disk wanting. Corolla mainly salverform; tube slightly dilated upward, villous within; lobes narrow. Sta- mens included; anthers unappendaged. Carpels 2, connected by the slender styles; stigma appendaged by a reflexed membrane. Follicles 2 together, erect, several-seeded. Seeds unappendaged. oe 1. Amsonia texana (Gray) Heller, Muhl. 1: 2. 1900. Stems 1.5-7 dm.’ tall, often sparingly branched, glabrous: leaves numerous; blades oblong to narrowly elliptic or linear, conspicuously narrower on the upper part of the plant, 2.5-6 cm. long, acute or blunt, often somewhat lustrous above, glabrous. at least at maturity: calyx-lobes acuminate, the longer about 2 mm. long: corolla glabrous; tube 9-11 mm. long; lobes usually about as long as the tube: follicles 6-10 cm. long, glabrous.—Colorado to Texas. Bee aes 2. APOCYNUM L. Docsane. Inpran Hemp Pale perennial herbs, with very tough-fibrous bark and opposite mucronate- tipped leaves. Flowers small, in terminal cymes, white or rose-color. Calyx small, deeply 5-cleft, the tube by means of a thickish disk adnate to the back of. the ovaries below. Corolla campanulate, 5-lobed, toward the base bearing 5 small, triangular-subulate appendages alternate with the stamens. Fila- ments very short and broad; anthers sagittate. Follicles slender, 5-15 em. long, terete. Seeds numerous, with a long coma at apex. ; ; tat Corolla pink, its lobes spreading or revolute. ‘ o . 1. A. androsaemifolium.,' Corolla greenish-white, its lobes mostly erect. . Leaves petioled, cuneate or cuneately rounded at base . 2, A, cannabinum. Leaves sessile or nearly so, subcordate or broadly rounded at ses Tutte ot base a 7 . 3, A, hypericifolium. - 1. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. Sp. 213. 1753. Stems 3-15 dm. tall, with widely-spreading branches, mostly glabrous: leaf-blades ovate, oblong or.oval, 4-11 cm. long, deep green and glabrous above, pale and more or less pubescent beneath, short-petioled: cymes rather lax: calyx-lobes ovate. to ovate-lanceolate, 2-2.5 mm. long: corolla pink, 5-7 mm. long; lobes revolute: follicles 10-15 cm. long. (A. scopulorum Greene; A. ambigens Greene, Pl. Baker. 16. 1901, the glabrate form.)-—Throughout our range, and very widely distributed in the United States. oe We 2. Apocynum cannabinum L. |. c. ‘Stems 8-18 dm. tall, the branches erect or ascending, glabrous at maturity: leaf-blades oblong to ovate-oblong or: oblong-lanceolate, 5-12 em. long, glabrous, or slightly pubescent: béneath, short-petioled: cymes rather dense: calyx-lobes lanceolate, 2.5-3 mm. long’ we 386 ASCLEPIADACEAE (MILKWEED FAMILY) corolla gréenish-white, 3-3.5 mm! ‘long; lobes erect or nearly. so: follicles 12-15 em. long.—Throughout the United Statés. 2a. Apocynum cannabinum ‘lividum (Greene) A. Nels. Habit, size; and leaf characters the same, glabrous:. ealyx-lobes only half as long as the nar- rowly campanulate. corolla. ; (A. lividum Greene, Pl. Baker. 16. 1901,)— Wyoming and Colorado. 3. Apocynum hypericifolium Ait. Hort. Kew 1: 304. '1789. Not strongly differentiated from A. cannabinum: leaves usually broader, with rounded or subcordate base, : subsessile, often: abeautty apiculate. —New Mexico to Mon- tana and the Great Lakes.. 95. ASCLEPIADACEAE Lindl. MILKWEED Fauny ‘Mostly herbs with milky juice, usually éunedits leave qitotit atioa, and regular perfect flowers in terminal or pseudo-axillary or sometimes axil- lary cymes (often umbelliform): Calyx free'from the ovary or nearly so, im- bricated in the bud. Corolla 5-merous, convolute, or often nearly valyate in the bud.’ Stamens 5, borne on the tube of the corolla and alternate.with its, ‘lobes; ‘anthers surrounding the stigma; pollen in 1 or 2 waxy masses, in ours . all the pollen in each cell in one mass and. attached to the stigmatic disk by the glands that alternate with the anthers. A crown of 5 parts or lobes usually present, between the, corolla and the mostly monadelphous stamens,:.and adnate eitherto the one or the other. Ovary. of 2 cells that become several to many-seeded follicles. Seeds almost aay bearing ia long and soft coma. 8 east Lobes of the’corolla reflexed at anthesis. : it Leaves alternate or opposite;.hoods of the gw crestless .. a Acerates, thea Leaves mostly SpRcete, hoods of the crown each with an ineurved hors! 2. Asclepias, Lobes of the corolla erect at anthesis; leaves alternate; hoods of the crown prominently crested | . é e ‘ 0 . . 3 Asclepiodora, a heal ee ead 1. ACERATES Ell. Green Mitxwzxp Perennial herbs, with thick leaves sail green or ‘purplish’ flowers‘ in 1 short- peduncled or sessile umbels. Calyx 5-parted or 5-divided, the segments acute, glandular within. Corolla deeply 5-cleft, the segments valvate, reflexed in anthesis. Crown-column very’ short; crown of 5 involute-coneave or some- what pitcher-shaped hoods, neither horned nor crested within, or in one species having a small interior crest and usually a few small processes at the base of the, anther-wings, forming an obscure inner crown. Stigma 5-lobed., Leaves numerous, alternate-scattered; auricles of the hoods conspicuous r A. auriculata. Leaves in part opposite; auricles of the hoods concealed or wanting, oe Hoods entire. ‘ . ‘ ; . 5 . a 4 . 2. A, viridiflora. Hoods trilobed < . 3. A. angustifolia. 1. Acerates sbcisiattate Engelm. Bot. Mex: Boul: 160.’ 1859:' Glabrous wu to the inflorescence; stem 5-8 dm. high, slender: leaves linear-filiform, wit scabrous. margins: umbels several, lateral: ‘column below the ‘hoods very short; hoods oval or quadrate, emarginately or sometimes 3-crenately trun“ cate, the involute margins at base appendaged with a pair of remarkably large’ and. broad auricles: anther-wings narrow, and of equal. breadth. from ‘top, ie bottom.—Colorado and Kansas to Texas and New Mexico, ' 2. Acerates viridiflora (Raf.) Eaton,,Man. Ed. 5.90. 1829. mainantons! puberulent; stem 2-5 dm. high: leaves oval or oblong and obtuse or retuse, or sometimes narrower and acute: umbels 2-5 or sometimes solitary, dense, mostly lateral and Subsessile; pedicels little over twice the length of the te- flexed narrow: co! ong lobes ‘of the greenish corolla; hoods somewhat fleshy, ASCLEPIADACEAE (MILKWEED FAMILY) 387 with, small auricles at base much involute and concealed, alternated by as many short and roundish or gland-like, small internal teeth: ‘anther-wings semi-rhomboid above, with a much longer tapering base. —From Colorado to the Saskatchewan and eastward across the continent. 2a. Acerates viridifiora Ivesia Brit. Mem. Torr. Club 5: 265. 1894. Leaves lanceolate ¢ or oblong-lanceolate, 5-12 cm. long.—Same range and often with the species. 2b. Acerates viridiflora linearis Gray, Syn: Fl. 2: 90.1878. ‘Leaves ecieuiet: -linear, stems low, and umbels usually solitary. —New Mexico to’ anada ‘ 3. Acerates angustifolia (Nutt.) Dec. in DC. Prodr. 8: 522. 1844. Stem puberulent but’ foliage glabrous, slender, 3-5 dm. high, simple: leaves long and narrowly linear, with scabrous and ‘more or less revolute margins and a strong midrib; the upper alternate and the lower opposite: umbels several, 10-15-flowered; flowers greenish: hoods ‘whitish, erect, equaling the anthers, conduplicate-concave, the base of each inner margin appendaged bya cuneate, erosely truncate lobe, the apex 2-lobed'and the narrow internal crest exserted in the sinus in the form of an intermediate tooth; interior crown of 5 very small 2-lobed processes between the bases of: the anthers: follicles long- acuminate, erect on the ascending pedicel.’ Acerates stenophylla Decaisne.— From Colorado and Nebraska to Texas. ves 2. ASCLEPIAS L. MiLkwreEp Herbs with erect or merely spreading stems, opposite or sometimes verticil- late or alternate, leaves, and terminal and lateral umbellate inflorescence. Calyx 5-parted, common nly bearing some minute processes. at the base within. 7 Corolla rotate, 5-parted, dextrorsely valvate-convolute in the bud; crown consisting of 5 distinct cucullate or hollowed, nectariferous ap endages, op- poste the anthers, that are involute or complicate. and bearing a eae or crest- ike process from. the back or toward the base within, either sessile or elevated . on a column which i is, shorter than the anthers. Anthers tipped with an in- flexed or, sometimes erect membrane; the polliniferous cells lower than the stigma; pollen masses suspended, attached in pairs to the glands of the stigmatic Ting, are Corolla and crown orange or bright red. veg nearly all alternate; corolla’ orange . s e . 1, A, tuberosa, Leaves opposite; corolla red 5 % 7: | 9° Al incarnata. Corolla greenish, purplish, yellowish, or white, int Leaves lanceolate or broader (not linear Leaves sessile, very broad Ghiborbie ar), soon glabrous, : ' ba "Horns concealed; leaves obtuse . 8, A. eryptoceras, -+'_ Horns exserted; leaves retuse . 4, A, latifolia, Leaves petioled lanceolate: or broader, canescent or tomen- tose, or in No. 7 nearly glabrous. Pe 4 Leaves obtuse; follicle with soft spinose processes . 7» «66, A. speciosan yo :, ., Leaves lanceolate or obovate; follicle without spinose- 1 processes. : Leaves obovate-retuse, densely tomentose-canescent 6. A. arenaria. Leaves lanceolate, glabrate’ . 5 ‘ . qe. alli, 2. Leaveslinear. =, nap - wea seal Leaves opposite ge ee 5 . §. A. brachystephana, ‘Leaves verticillate or scattered. ic a : e Be :’ Plant tall; 4-6 dm, high; leaves wertieillats, <1! Hoods entire ° : i Skier Coe - 9A, _vertic illata -« ,* Hoods doreall: hastate-sagittate : ‘ a0. A. galioides. °° ” Plant low,: 172 im. high; leaves crowded, filiform-linear is . A. pumila. 1. Asclepias tiberasa L.Sp. Pl. 217.' 1753. Hirsute or roughish-pubescent, 4-8 dm. high, very leafy to the top: leaves lanceolate-oblong: to linear- lanceolate, sessile or slightly petioled: umbels several and mostly cymose at the summit of the stem: hoods narrowly oblong, erect, deep bright orange, - much surpassing the anthers, almost as long as the purplish- or. slightly greenish-orange, oblong cor olla-lobes, nearly equaled by the filiform-subulate 388 ASCLEPIADACEAE (MILKWEED FAMILY) horn: follicles cinereous-pubescent.—From southern Colorado and Arizona to Texas, thence eastward to Floridaand Canada. Known commonly as Burrer- ruy-WeeEp or PLeurisy Root. 2. Asclepias incarnata L. 1. c. 215. Stem slender, 6-12 dm. high, leafy to the top: leaves acuminate, 8-15 em. long, the primary nerves not. wide- spreading: umbels usually numerous, many-flowered; pedicels pubescent: corolla red or rose-purple, rarely white, its lobes oblong, about 4 mm. long; horns incurved, longer than the hoods, obtuse, pink or purplish: anther-wings entire, or obscurely notched at the base: fruiting pedicels erect or incurved; follicles erect, 5-9 cm. long, sparingly puberulent.—Within our range and thence far eastward and southward. - | , a 3. Asclepias cryptoceras Wats. King’s Rep. 283. 1871. Glabrous; stems decumbent, 2-3 dm. long, simple: leaves 3-4 pairs, rounded-ovate, 3-5 cm. long, on very short petioles: umbels axillary and terminal, sessile, few-flowered: corolla-lobes ovate-lanceolate, spreading, greenish-yellow, 10 mm. long; hoods of the crown 6 mm. long, equaling the disk, purple, ovate, abruptly pointed with two short recurved beaks; horn short, incurved, not at all exserted: fol- licles 3-5 cm. long.—Western Wyoming to Nevada and Oregon. _ . 4.-Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf. Atl. Journ. 146. 1832. | Puberulent when young, soon green and glabrous: leaves about 5 pairs, approximate, very thick and large, orbicular or broadly oval, often emarginate and with a mucro, subcordate at base, nearly sessile, copiously transversely veined: umbels 2 or 8, all or mostly lateral, densely many-flowered; flowers greenish: column very short but distinct; hoods barely equaling the anthers, broad, with a truncate entire summit, which is equaled by the upper margin of the falci- form triangular crest, the apex of which extends into a short’ subulate horn partly over the top of the stigmatic disk. A. Jamesii.—Plains of Colorado to Arizona and Texas. : 5. Asclepias speciosa Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 218. 1826. Finely canescent- tomentose: leaves subcordate-oval to oblong, thickish: pedicels of the many-' flowered dense umbel and the calyx densely tomentose; flowers purplish,: large: corolla-lobes ovate-oblong; hoods spreading, the dilated body and its short inflexed horn not surpassing the anthers, but the center of its truncate. summit sprupely produced into a lanceolate-ligulate, thrice longer termination; column hardly any: wings of the’ anthers notched and obscurely corniculate at base-—From Nebraska and Arkansas westwaid across the continent. 6. Asclepias arenaria Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 162. 1859. Lanuginous- tomentose, in age glabrate; stems thickly leaved: leaves smaller, coriaceous’ when old, obovate or oval and retuse or the lower ovate, with rounded or subcordate base, somewhat undulate, distinctly petioled: umbels all lateral, rather densely many-flowered:, corolla greenish-white; column nearly half the length of the anthers; hoods about as broad as high, surpassing the anthers, truncate at’ base and summit, the latter oblique and notched on each side near the inner angle, which forms an obtuse tooth; horn with included ascend- ing portion or crest broadly semilunate, as high as the hood; the abruptly in- curved apex subulate-beaked, horizontally exserted, or the slender termina- tion -ascending.—On sandbanks;, southeastern Colorado to New Mexico. 7. Asclepias Hallii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad: 12: 69. 1876. Puberulent- glabrate; stem stout: leaves thickish, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, with rounded base and rather acute apex, short-petioled, the stout midrib and straight veins prominent underneath: umbels few and corymbose, many- flowered, on, peduncles somewhat longer than the pedicels: corolla greenish- white and purplish; hoods elongated-oblong in outline, entire, hastately 2- gibbous above the narrower base, a little surpassing the sickle-shaped horn: anther-wings unappendaged at base. (A. curvipes A. Nels. Bull. Torr, Bot. Club 28: 229. 1901.)—Southern Wyoming and Colorado, ' 8. Asclepias brachystephana Engelm. Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 163. 1859: Stems 2-3 dm. high, very leafy, cinereous-puberulent or tomentose when young, the inflorescence more floccose-tomentose: leaves lanceolate with a broader rounded base to linear, short-petioled, very much surpassing the CUSCUTACEAE (DODDER’ ¥AMILY) 389 (3-8) few-flowered umbels: flowers lurid-purplish: hoods only half the length of the anthers, erect, strongly angulate-toothed at the front; the tip: of the erect subulate horn exserted.—Dry sandy soil; from Wyoming and Colorado to Arizona and Texas. gare! 9. Asclepias verticillata L. 1. c. 217. Stems 3-6 dm. high, slender, very leafy: leaves mostly in whorls of 3-6, or some scattered, filiform:linear, with revolute margins: umbels numerous, small, many-flowered, on peduncles longer than the ‘pedicels: corolla greenish-white; hoods white, broadly ovate and entire, with somewhat auriculate involute base, barely equaling the anthers, much shorter than their elongated-subulate, faleate-incurved horn.— In dry soil; from New Mexico and Colorado to Nebraska, and eastward across the continent. i 10. Asclepias galioides H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 148.1815. Glabrous, except the minutely pubescent stems and pedicels; stems erect, 3-5 dm. high from a horizontal rootstock: leaves erect or spreading, in whorls of 2-6, nar- rowly linear, 5-8 cm. long, the margins revolute: peduncles longer than the pedicels and shorter than the leaves; umbels 19-26 mm. in diameter; flowers greenish-white: corolla-segments 4 mm. long; hoods as high as the anthers, broadly rounded at the summit, dorsally hastate-sagittate, the ventral mar- gins slightly involute, entire; horn arising from the base of the hood, long- exserted over the anthers: anther-wings minutely notched at the base: folli- cles erect on erect fruiting pedicels, attenuated, 5-7 cm. long, glabrous or nearly so.—Kansas to Colorado, Arizona, and Mexico. 11. Asclepias pumila (Gray), Vail, in Brit. and Br. Fl. 3: 12. 1898. Stems 4-25 em. high, tufted, from a woody root: leaves numerous, crowded, some- times obscurely whorled, filiform-linear, 2.5-5 em. long, smooth: or minutely roughened, the margins revolute:, umbels 2~several, short-peduncled, few- flowered; pedicels filiform, puberulent, 6-9 mm. long: corolla greenish-white, its segments oblong, 3-4 mm. long; hoods white, erect, oblong, entire, equal- ing the anthers, shorter than the slender incurved horn: follicles erect, on erect fruiting pedicels, narrowly spindle-shaped, 3+5.cm. long, finely puberu- lent.—Dry plains; South Dakota and Wyoming to Arkansas and New Mexico. 3. ASCLEPIODORA Gray Low and stout perennial herb, often decumbent. Flowers large.’ Corolla- lobes ovate, greenish. Follicles ‘usually bearing some scattered, soft-spinulose projections, on recurved or sigmoid poet: Distinguished from Asclepias by the hood bearing a crest instead of a horn. nee _ 1. Asclepiodora decumbens (Nutt.) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 12: 66. 1876. Seabrous-puberulent: leaves lanceolate to linear, tapering to the apex: umbels solitary: corolla depressed-globular in bud, hardly twice the length of the yellowish or dark purplish hoods, which overtop the somewhat depressed anther-column: anther-wings salient, especially, at the broader and strongly angulate upper portion; pollinia pear-shaped, short-caudicled.—From Utah through Colorado,and New Mexico to Texas.and Arkansas. ged ee 96. CUSCUTACEAE Dumort. Dopper Faminy Parasitic plants with slender, thread-like, yellowish or reddish stems which twine dextrorsely about the. vegetative organs of the host plant and invade its tissues by means of suckers. Leaves and bracts reduced “to small scales of the same color as the stems. Flowers small, cymose-clustered, mostly white, 5 (rarely 4)-merous. Calyx cleft or parted. Corolla globular, urn-shaped, bell-shaped, or somewhat’ tubular: Stamens inserted‘ in the throat of the corolla above as many scale-like crenulaté’ or lacerate appendages. Ovaty 390 “ CUSCUTACEAE (DODDER FAMILY) globular, 2-celled, 4-ovuled; styles distinct or rarely united; the stigmas glo- bose or filiform. Embryo thread-shaped, spirally coiled, destitute of cotyle- dons. a CUSCUTA L. DopprR _ Characters of the family. Seeds large, ‘globular or angular by mutual pressure. Germinating in the soil but scarcely rooting; the root and basal portion perishing as soon as the parasite has attached itself to the host.., . Corolla surpassing the calyx ‘ ‘©orolla scarcely equaling the calyx . . ''e ie ee Corolla scales fringed; sturias peltate-capitate; capsule indehiscent, Corolla scales crenate; stigmas filiform; capsule circumacissile. a8 ay os ‘ e . a 1, C. gracilis,‘ 2, C, Anthemi, ... Calyx of 5 distinct sepals, subtended by sepal-like bracts, be eet cle i gt ‘Bracts few, appressed, entire . |. . ae ~'-.-'' 8. C, euspidata. Bracts many (8-15), recurved, serrulate . . ° ° ASC paradoxa. Calyx gamosepalous. f ; ’ Ovary and capsule depressed-globose, Corolla persistent at base of capsule. Flowers sessile, in globular clusters. Scales large; deeply fringed . * Seales small and bifid, or even abortive Flowers pediceled, in cymose panicles. Corolla persistent, capping the capsule . e C. arvensis, & C. ‘plattensis,' Ovary:and capsule pointed, : . C. Polygonorum, . C., Cephalanthi, Corolla persistent, inclosing the capsule 5 é ide 6 . C. indecora, ‘Corolla persistent,.capping the capsule, : os t Cre Bx Scales obsolete or nearly so i 5 7 ‘e Oe - 10. GC. Coryli. ': ‘ Seales 2-lobed, fringed in the sinus : -, , ° « 11, C, megalocarpa. Corolla scales fringed, exceeding the tube; capsule circumscissile . 12. C. umbellata, ae : : PRs 1. Cuscuta gracilis Rydb- Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 501. 1902. Stems filiform: flowers in dense globular clusters: calyx gamosepalous but cleft to near the base, lobes ovate: corolla urceolate, less than 2 mm. high; lobes ovate, wie apne ne acute, delicate, about 1 mm. long; scales ovate, crenate, almost half as long as the corolla-tube: filaments subulate, about twice as long as the anthers: styles distinct, equal, about as long as and somewhat thicker than the red, fiiform, curved stigmas:‘capsule: about 2 mm. high, acute-globose, circumscissile near the base: seeds about 1 mm. long. —On Compositae, Medicago, etc.; Wyoming. ae 2. Cuscuta Anthemi A. Nels. Stems delicately’ slender-filamentous, only 2 or 3dm..long: flowers sessile in capitate, few-flowered clusters about,5, mm. in diameter: calyx-lobes broadly ovate, acute, united, below, the middle, some- what imbricated, equaling or at first surpassing the corolla: corolla less than 2 mm. long; the lobes ovate, acute, equaling or longer than the,broadly cam- panulate tube; scales oval, fringed around the summit with short processes: fildments about as long as the anthers: capsule globose, about 1 mm. in diam- eter: ‘stigmas linear, purple, as long as the distinct equal styles; stigma and style together 1 mm. long: ovules 4, usually but one maturing.—On Artemisia gnaphalodes; Wyoming. ae oe . 3. Cuscuta cuspidata Engelm. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist.'5: 224. 1845. Stems slender: flowers in loose panicles, :3-5'mm. long, thin, membranous when dry: sepals 5, ovate-orbicular, subtended by some similar. bratts: corolla-lobes shorter than the tube, cuspidate or mucronate, spreading; scales narrow, about half as long as the tube, deeply and irregularly fringed: styles many times longer than ‘the ovary, at length exserted: eapsule topped by the withered corolla.—On various coarse herbs, as Ambrosia, Iva, many Legum- inosae, etc.; eastern.part of our range. ‘ ; if Reh oe te tL 4. Cuscuta paradoxa Raf. Ann. Nat. 13. 1820. Stems coarse, orange- colored, soon withering away, leaving dense flower-clusters encircling in rope- like masses the stems of the host: sepals recurved-spreading, nearly equaling the upwardly widening corolla-tube;'the subtending bracts 8-15, serrulate- tipped as are also the sepals: scales-copiously long-fringed at the summit, sparingly on the sides. C.: glomerata Choisy.—Scarcely,, within our range; eastward, on tall herbs, as Compositae, etc. ‘ : ‘ bogey CUSCUTACEAE (DODDER FAMILY) 391 5. Cuscuta arvensis Beyrich, Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2:,77. 1834. Stems pale’ and slender, low; flowers sessile or nearly sd, small, about 2 mm. long: calyx-lobes obtuse, broad: corolla-lobes acuminate, ‘longer than the tube, the tips’ inflexed; scales large, deeply fringed all around with irregular fila- ments: ovary and capsule depressed-globose, its base encircled by the wither- ing corolla: styles not longer than the capsule.—Not frequent; various low plants as hosts; from our range to the, Atlantic States. 6. Cuscuta Polygonorum Engelm. Am. Journ. Sci. 43: 342. 1842. Stems coarse, orange-yeéllow: flowers crowded, sessile: calyx 4~5-lobed; its lobes ovate-acute: ¢dorolla-lobes triangular-ovate, as long or longer than the’ tube; scales reduced, 2-cleft, or often nearly wanting: capsule depressed-globose, the withering corolla persistent at its base—On Polygonum and other herbs. Bee ' 7. Cuscuta plattensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 131. 1899. Stems ellowish-green, moderately slender: flowers in either loose or dense, panicu- dete cymes, short-pediceled: calyx-lobes obtuse, suborbicular, somewhat ex- ceeding 1 mm. in length, the tube very short: corolla marcescent at the base of the capsule; the lobes short-ovate,, obtuse, about half the length of the broadly campanulate tube; tube about 2 mm. long; scales shorter than the tube, broadest at the truncate fringed summit: styles distinet, but slight] unequal, scarcely. more than 1 mm. in Jength and not more than one fourt the, length -of the. mature edpsule: capsule. subglobose,.5 mm. in diameter. On. Grindelia, Solidago, and Helianthus; Wyoming. ae 7 8. Cuscuta Cephalanthi.Engelm. Am. Journ. Sci. 43: 336...1842. Stems coarse and yellow, mostly high-climbing: flowers in paniculate, often com- pound cymes, very small, about 1.5 mm. long, on short thick pedicels, often 4-merous: calyx-lobes obtuse: corolla cylindric-eampanulate; the lobes obtuse, half as long as the tube; scales shorter than the tube, irregularly fringed around the summit: capsule depressed-globose; styles slender, as long as the ovary, thé marcescent' corolla capping the large ‘ceapsule-—On tall ,herbs and shrubs. ‘9. Cuscuta indecora Choisy, Mem. Soc. Gen. 9: 278. 1842. Stems coarse: flowers 3 mm. long, cymose, rather long-pediceled: calyx-lobes 5, ovate- lanceolate, acute: corolla campanulate; the lobes subcrenate, triangular, as long as the tube, spreading but with inflexed tips; scales ovate, irregularly fringed all around: capsule‘ oblong, acute——-On low herbs and shrubs; fre- quent on alfalfa. Eig aia ak AL: : 10. Cuscuta’ Coryli Engelm. Am. Journ. Sci.'43: 337; 1842. Stems coarse: flowers' about 2 mri. long, in cymes, on pedicels of variable length:. calyx 4-5-lobed; the lobes’ triangular-acute, as long as thé corolla-tube: corolla campanulate; the’ lobes crenulate, actite, about as long as the tube, the tips inflexed; scales small, oval, fringed on the sides sparingly or not at all: cap- sule pointed, longer than the styles, covered or capped by the withered corolla, —OQn hazels,and other shrubs. __ : . 11.,Cuscuta’ megalocarpa Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 501. 1901. Stem stout, usually over 1 mm. in diameter: flowers in dense globular clusters; pedicels very short, at most 2mm. long: calyx :gamosepalous, lobes rounded, scarcely 1 mm. long: corolla about 3 mm.‘high and ‘broad; lobes broadly triangular, acutish, about 1 mm. long, with incurved tip; fringed scales attached near the bottom, deeply 2-lobed, and fringed only in the open sinuses: stamens about, as long as the lobes of the corolla; filaments subulate, about twice as long as the rounded anthers: style distinct, short; stigmas capitate: capsule 5-6 mm..in diameter, acute-globose, about 4-seeded.—On_ willows and other shrubs; Colorado and'Wyoming. |: °° — Ba 12. Cuscuta umbellata H.B.K. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 121. 1815. Stems low and capillary: flowers 3-4 mm. long, few together in umbel-like clusters, usually'shorter than their pedicels: acute calyx-lobes and lanceolatéSubulate lobes. of the corolla longer than its shallow tube: scales deeply ‘fringed ‘and exceeding the tube: capsule more or less regularly circumscissile, usually capped by.the remains of the corolla.—Dry places, on low herbs (Portulaca; etc.);.Colorado and southward. med Bagh ge 4 392 CONVOLVULACEAE (MORNING-GLORY FAMILY) 97. CONVOLVULACEAE Vent. Morninc-ciory Faminy Herbs, chiefly trailing or twining vines, with alternate, exstipulate leaves and regular 5-androus flowers. Calyx-lobes or sepals imbricated. Corolla sympetalous, the limb angled or plaited, 5-lobed or nearly entire, convolute in bud. , Stamens inserted on corolla-tube. Ovary 2-3-celled with 2 ovules in’ each cell, the cells sometimes doubled by a false partition, entire, with ter. minal style, or 2-3-divided with 1-3 styles from between the lobes. Fruit a capsule. t Styles 2 and 2-cleft, hi . ° e . . . . . « 1, Evolvutus, Style 1. 3 , Stigmas 1-3, small, capitate . 5 @ * . . ~ 2 Protas Stigmas 2, linear to oblong . . ete - 3. Convolvulus, 1. EVOLVULUS L. Hairy or silky-pubescent herbs, with erect or diffuse or prostrate (never twining) stems, small leaves, and small axillary flowers. Calyx of nearly equal segments. Corolla small, pape or blue, rotate, campanulate, or funnelform, solitary or on few-flowered peduncles. Styles 2, distinct or sometimes united below, each 2-cleft; stigmas linear-filiform or somewhat clavate. Capsule 2-4-valved, 14-seeded. 1. Evolvulus pilosus Nutt. Gen. 1: 174. 1818. Whole plant densely silky-villous, silvery or becoming fulvous; stems numerous from a lignescent, base, erect or ascending, 1-2 dm. high, very leafy: leaves spatulate and ob- tuse to linear-lanceolate and acute, 7-15 mm. long: flowers solitary on short, 2-bracted peduncles: sepals acute: corolla short, funnelform-campanulate. E. argenteus Pursh. 2. IPOMOEA L. Morninc-clory Twining, trailing, or erect annual or perennial herbs, mostly .with large showy flowers. Sepals usually unequal. Corolla funnelform to trumpet- shaped, plicate and generally convolute; the limb from entire to lobed. Sta- mens included. Style slender, with capitate stigma. Capsule globular, 2-4- celled, 4-6-ovuled. Perennials; ovary 2-celled. Trailing; leavescordate . % < ‘ ‘Erect; ‘leaves linear A i‘ ‘ e Annuals; ovary 3-celled. Leaves entire, cordate ‘ Leaves more or less lobed. ‘Corolla violet-purple, 2-3 cm, long Corolla light blue, 4-5 cm. long I, pandurata. I, leptophylla. I, mexicana, I, hederacea, ': a6 2. ee a ee . . . 8. I. purpurea, 4, 5. 1. Ipomoea pandurata (L.) Meyer, Prin. Fl. Esseq. 100. 1818. Nearly glabrous; stems trailing or scrambling, 1 m. or more long; root very Jong and large: leaves mostly entire, cordate or some of them angulate or lobed, 4-8 em. long: sepals oblong: corolla funnelform, with broad limb, 5-7 em. long, white with purple throat: seeds woolly. on the angles. Witp Potato Vinz.— Scarcely within our range; southeastward. 2. Ipomoea leptophyila Torr. Frem. Rep. 95. 1845; Emory Rep. 148. pl. 11.1848. Wholly glabrous; stems erect or diffuse, 6-12 dm. hig, several from an enormous root: leaves linear, 5-10 em. long, 4-6 mm. broad, short- petioled, acute: sepals ovate, obtuse, the outer ones shorter: corolla funnelform, pink to purple, 6-8 cm. long, the limb nearly entire: capsule ovoid, acute: CONVOLVULACEAE :(MORNING-GLORY FAMILY) 393 seeds rusty;pubescent. Busa Mornine-cuory.-On dry banks; through east- erm Wyoming and Colorado. . 3. eee purpurea (L.) Roth. Bot. Abh. 27. 1787... An annual ,with long, slender, twining stems: leaves cordate, entire: prduneles 5-15. em. long bearing 1-5 umbellately clustered flowers; the pedicels thickened and refracte in fruit: sepals lanceolate, somewhat hirsuté, 10-12 mm. long: corolla about 5 em. long; purple to white and often variegated: capsule depressed-globose. The common MorninG-GLoRY.—Sparingly escaped from cultivation. .;..,..,: 4. Ipomoea mexicana Gray, Syn. FI. 2: 210. 1878. A slender annual with angulate, 3-lobed leaves or some entire; the later ones deeply-lobed, the lobes ovate-lanceolate, often cordate at base: peduncles slender, 1-3-flowered ; the pedicels as long as the lanceolate sepals: sepals hispid or lightly. hirsute, about ‘12 mm. lorig: corolla violet-purple, rarely 3°cm. long.—Probably within our range on the south, s,s, i GE ae echt soe 5. Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. Ic. Rar, pl. 36. 1781. Stem slender, 6-15 dm. long, retrorsely hairy: leaves deeply 3-lobed; ‘the lobes ‘ovate to ovate- lanceolate, and the middle oné narrowed at base, the lateral ones often Tepande lobed: peduncles short, 1-3-flowered,. pedieels; wanting or nearly so:. sepals linear-attenuate-from a dilated and densely long-villous-hirsute- base, 2-3 em. long, at length recurved: corolla sky-blue, with whitish tube, 4~5 cm. long: capsule depressed-globose. Ivy-LEaAvED MorninG-GLory.—Introduced from tropical America. Sayed a ae 795 ’ mabey 3. CONVOLVULUS L. Brnows=p ce Ours slender twining or trailing perennial herbs, generally with cordate or sagittate-petioled: leaves and large axillary flowers. Sepals equal’or un- ere often a pair of bracts at their base. Corolla campanulate to ffnnelform, RB cate; the limb entire or lobed. ‘Stamens inserted''on ‘thé’ tube, included: tigmas 2, filiform or oblong. ‘Capsule globose, 2-4-valved, usually 2-celled. one subtended and inclosed by 2 bracts, i eaves hastate, glabrate ‘ a a : a o i . - 1, C. sepium. Leaves oblong-cordate, pubescent s ‘ @ : ae . 2, C. repens. Calyx not subtended by bracts, ; ‘ oe, ives broad, entire, glabrous 7 et ihe ae e 4. 8.5 arvensis, ar ets Adi Se . 4, C incanus, Leaves narrow, lobed at base, canescent ; mit i 4 - a 1. Convolvulus sepium L. Sp. Pl. 153.\ 1753. Glabrous or slightly pubes- cent, freely twining: leaves slender-petioled, deltoid-hastate, 5-12 cm. long, acute or acuminate, the basal-lobes acute, divergent, entire or angulate toothed: peduncles elongated, 1-flowered;, bracts cordate-ovate: corolla broadly funnel- form, pink or white: stigmas oblong. Herpes BinnweEp.—Introduced in many localities. Br teks Mt er Mead oh ee Ae 2. Convolvulus repens L. Sp. Pl. 153....1753. Pubescent or tomentose; stems prostrate-trailing: leaves oblong, with sagittate or cordate’ hase, the lobes entire, obtuse or rounded: flowers much’ as in the preceding}. ¢orolla usually white. Trarning BrinpweEp.—Frequent in fields. . ge 3. Convolvulus arvenis L. Sp. Pl. 153. 1753. Nearly glabrous; the twining stems very slender, 4 dm. or more long: leaves oblong-sagittate. or somewhat hastate, 3-5 em. long, the basal-lobes:short, acute: bracts at base of pedicel small and subulate: corolla white or tinged with rose, 2-3 em. long: stigmas filiform.—Sparingly as an introduced'weed. . '. = ea 4, Convolvulus incanus Vahl. Symb. 3: 23. 1794. Canescent with a short and close silky-pubescence; stems filiform, 3-10 dm. long, mainly pro- eumbent: leaves short-petioled, polymorphous; some simply lanceolate- or linear-sagittate or hastate,,obtuse and mucronate, entire, and with the nar- row elongated basal lobes entire or 2-3-toothed; usually’ variously cleft or parted at base, the lobes divergent or refléexed: edunclés ‘equaling ‘the leaf, 1-2-flowered: corolla white or tinged with rose, the angles salient-acuminate, 10-14 mm long.—Throughout the eastern part of our range io Texas. 394 1) POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX' FAMILY) 98. POLEMONIACEAE“ Vent. © Putox Famity '- Herbs’ with | alternate or opposite leaves: and: regular 5-merous' flowers, Calyx persistent, ‘mbbri¢ated. Corolla conyolute i in the bud, , Stamens eithe equally or unequally inserted. Ovary S-celled, with, lobed ‘style, Pod 3; celled, 3-ovuled, ‘Joculicidal; 'few-niany-seeded:. Seed coat frequently muci- laginous when moistened! dnd emitting spiral threads. On. « ESE ao | apts Ay yd Re " ee Leaves aaa andientire, often ierginded or, imbricated,, faible wigall x Phies aa Perennials with opposite leaves ., 0: ‘Perennials with alternate leaves, or: if, annuals ‘thie! leaves either § oppo: | ae elal JU site or iterhate. Gan oa Sa. STi 4 ‘ “hh i Stem: leafless éxcept for the pair.of cotyledons; ciate very small, wie Des Gymnosteris, Stems leafy. 1 2 Be Calyx not ruptured by ee maturing capsule; stamens unequal ally a deat inserted; ovules solitary é « 3, Collomia,” if aoa be jJength ru Danaea by the ema. eapaule; stamens ev les more Se eac cell % 4, Gili Legves pinnaty or lly insert ifid. mt a : ye Ae ' \ Leaves and, icalyx-teeth’ spinulose-tipped a fe Ls ee 5, Navarretia:- Leaves and, aalsra-teeth, panera aie é a/ IBS. Ce : 6. Polemonjum: © Erg Gab vacdeed ei pibyy phere : Gia! Syke so Poti yes mon boner trad ==, cbt ‘L UEEEOE L. dei oa inyebe. Hg rhe mil ae umitouk Jy ia Perennials (except a few southern species, such = P. Drummondii of the gardens), with opposite and fesse parteet Hy Epe -Jeaves, the floral often alternate. Flowers ¢ymose,’ bracte ‘open’ ‘clusters terminal or crowded in. the upper axils, : ‘Calyx, narrow, somew! at prismatic, or plaited and angled Corolla salverform, with. a ‘long tube, . Stamens, very. unequally. inserted, i in ‘the tube, of the. corolla, included. Capsule ovoid, with sometimes, 2 ovules, but ripening only a. single seed in each, cell. Our Rocky Mountain, forms are somewhat suffrutescent, chiefly - with narrow or minu a and: -thickish- margined leaves, ‘and branches or peduncles mostly I-flowere Pulvinate or caespitose. pee lS Flowers solitary, thé annual growth 1-flowered. Bee Leaves beset with woolly, cobwebby hairs, ° eh : > Densely arachnoid-lanate; leaves scale-like, imbricated, ; . Leaves 4-ranked; corolla-tube much longer, than the calyx’ 1. P. oer ’ Leaves not 4:ranked; corolla-tube’not longer than the calyx 2, P, muscoides. _ Sparsely arachnoid-lanate or glabrate; leaves subulate, often Me enue ee : ‘ a aah is: Ns ve : orolla-tube, muchi longer.than the ca -! .. °8. P. canescens, + as pee be but, little if, y longer thai the eal oo [eee es pat ets per v% 4, BY Hoodii! a oo een) aid | gisbrae henge Be eo. e156, PL glabrata"; Aeavesrel: beset with; woo) ly cobwebby ise, Ate ae oe sf Leaves hispid-ciliate and often glandular-pubescent. Leaves not thickened-cartilaginous on the HiBEe He © Leaves. bisuleate,‘oblong-linear. | . | ‘. le, “6, P. condensata. ‘ Leaves plane, lance-linear Fite -i . ‘ei -% P. caespitosa.: Leaves thickened-carti aginous on the margins | __ 8, P. alyssifolia. ‘Leaves glabrous, only the inflorescense pubescent, or the whole, = plant glabrate. a ig, ‘ : u ii Leaves plane; flowers pedunculate pak é a Sg ahs 9S Re niglltaore: Leaves involute; flowers. subsessile 5 . » 10. P. depressa.. : ‘Flowers not solitary, the annual stems 2-several-! flowered. fi Stems from a rhizome, ‘erect; leaves'bigulcate | . . - “a iy P. andicola. 4 . Stems caespitose-spreading; leaves plane:: . o. te tae , « 12, P, Kelsey. Scarcely ‘tufted, suffrutescent or nearly herbaceous. a ce ‘, Glabrate or puberulent, not glandular, ee Te yi . Stems few, slender, 1-3 dm; high . a te : a a? = Bee, Jongifelis. Stems pep less aban 1 dm. high “ % s i “ . 14,.P, cernua.., , Pubescent and glandula: Co ‘olla-tube more’ than twice as dong as une cele oma ad ; besoence- minute . é ion th oo poder. te , escence coarse . ot 6 16. Stans Cage less | than twwiee as long asy the calyx z PRE 4 17... Sens aay 3 * ‘the ‘treatment of this sons ‘is adaptel from Elias Nelson’s e; cellent “ Revision of Western North American Phloxes,” Ninth Rep. Wyo. Agr’l College, 1899, POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) 395 _1. Phlox bryoides Nutt. Pl. Gamb. 153. 1848. Copiously lanate, densely caéspitose and-depressed, forming cushion-like mats: leaves short, imbricated in 4 strict ranks, ¢rowded up to the mostly solitary flowers, ovate or triangular- lanceolate,’ about 3-4 mm. lorig, the margins’ usually inflexed: tube of the corolla exceeding the calyx, the cuneate lobes about 3 mm. ee slopes and ridges at ‘middle elevations; Colorado to Montana and west to Utuh. : 2: Phlox muscoides Nutt. Journ: Acad. Phila. 8: 42. 1834. Like the pre- ceding; ‘more resembling some canescent moss: the branches much tufted, very short: leaves less strictly 4-ranked and less lanate, ovate-lanceolate: tube of the corolla not’ surpassing the calyx.—Rare; Montana. | | se 3. Phlox canescens'T. & G. Pacif:R.R.Rep.2: 122. 1855. Densely caespi- tose, lanate and somewhat canescent, at least when’young: leaves subulate, pun- gent,’ somewhat granular-rougtened, at’ length' recurved-spreading, 6-10'mmi. long: corolla white (tube “yellow ’’), somewhat hairy at’ base within, twice the length-of the calyx or nearly so, the lobes broadly obovate to rotund, ‘usually entire, ‘about 5 mm. long: style less'than half the length of the corolla-tube.— Western Colorado'to California. ee ea en ae 4. Phlox. Hoodii Rich. Frankl. Journ. App. pl. 28. 1823. Densely: tufted and much branched from a somewhat woody root, sparsely lanate: leaves subulate, apiculate, with broader clasping bases, 4-10 mm. long: calyx 5-7 mm. long, the teeth like the leaves, the thickened central portion of the teeth produced into strong ribs on the tube below: corolla white, the'tube equaling or Somewhat excéeding the calyx, the lobes obovate, entire or mucronate, about 5 mm. long.—Flowering early in the spring on the plains and foothills; frotii Saskatchewan to Montana and Wyoming. | Sale, rues 5. Phlox glabrata (H. Nels.) Brand, Pflanzenreich, Polem. 86. 1907. ' De- préssed-caespitose;,stems very numerous from the small, ligneous, branched, rhizomatous caudex, ascending, the internodes very short: leaves’ glabrate, densely ‘imbricated-appressed, nearly linear, 5-6 mm. long: flowers: solitary, sessile: calyx subglabrous, the lobes shorter. than the tube: corolla 8-10 mm. long, the tube scarcely, longer than the calyx, the lobes broadly ovate, not much ‘shorter than the tube: stamens inserted in the throat: style as long as the calyx. (P. Hoodii glabrata E. Nels. Rev. W. N. A. Phloxes'11.)—On the high plains of southern Wyoming. fms 6. Phlox condensata (Gray) E. Nels. Rev. W.'N. A’ Phloxes 13. 1899. Densely pulvinate-tufted: leaves much imbricated, rigid, oblong:linear, apicu- late, distinctly bisulcate, hispid-ciliate on the margins and slightly glandular, 5-6 mm, long: calyx as long as the leaves, the teeth oblong-linear, apiculate: corolla white, the tube twice the length of the calyx or less, somewhat hairy at. the base within, the lobes rotund, 4.5 mm. long: style shorter than the ca- lyx. ‘(P. scleranthifolia Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 318. 1900, at least as to Colorado specimens.)—At high altitudes in Colorado.’ ‘ a Phlox caespitosa Nutt. 1. c.'41.’ Densely or somewhat loosely caespitose, often with long,. prostrate stems: leaves oblong-linear or lanceolate, apiculate, 8-14 mm. long, 1-2 mm. wide, usually plane, the somewhat cartilaginous margins hispid,ciliate or naked, surface glabrous or with short, scattered, gland-tipped hairs: flowers sessile or ‘subsessile (peduncles rarely 2 ‘mnt. long): calyx more or less hispid-ciliate and usually with some short gland-tipped hairs, the teeth as long as the tube, lanceolate or narrowly 'so, pungent: corolla white or light blue, the tube slightly hairy at base within, about three’ times the length of’ the calyx-teeth, the lobes broadly obovate, 5-7 mm. long.—In the mountains from New Mexico to Montana; type ‘locality, “Flat-Head River, on the sides of dry hills.” hy celts PUNY Ae HG 8. Phlox alyscitolia' Givens. Pitt.’3: 27.'1896. ‘Stems nearly’ prostrate, herbacéous, short, stout, from a subligneous branching ‘caudex,’ the short intefnodes hispidulous with ‘white hairs; ‘leaves 10-18 mm. long, oblong- linear, cuspidately acute, plane, rather thick, with callous, white, entire mar- gins, and a similar midvein very prominent beneath, though obsolete above, both faces glabrous, only the margins loosely ciliate toward the base of’ the leaf: flowers very few, large, pale purple or whitc, short-pediceled at ‘the x NX 396 POLEMONIACEAR (PHLOX FAMILY) ends of the branches: calyx-tube glandular-pubescent, the scarious line be- low the sinuses very narrow; teeth oblong-lanceolate, . aristate-pointed: corolla-tube well exserted; segments narrow, obtuse, entire: style about. equaling the tube of the corolla.—Gravelly or stony hills; eastern Wyoming to Assiniboia. 9. Phlox multiflora A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 278. 1898. Suf- frutescent as to the caespitose much branched prostrate base, the numerous herbaceous stems nearly erect, 6-10 cm. high, the branches simple, 1-flowered: leaves broadly linear, glabrous, apiculate, 1-2 em. long, opposite or fascicled: peduncles finely pubescent, 1-3 em. long: calyx angled by the prominent mid- rib of the lobes, membranous in the sinus only;.lobes linear-apiculate, equal- ing the tube: tube of the corolla exceeding the calyx; lobes obovate, entire, 1 cm. long: style as long as the calyx.—In the foothills of the mountains; from Colorado to Montana. . ot : oe _ 10. Phlox depressa (E. Nels.) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 149. 1906, Depressed-caespitose, rising but little above the ground: leaves 1 cm. long, rarely 2 cm.: flowers mostly subsessile, the corolla-lobes 6-7 mm. long: other-' wise much like the preceding. (P. densa Brand, 1. c,: 83, seems. to-be merely a still more compact form with some traces of lanate pubescence.)—In moist swales on the plains; Colorado, Wyoming, and Idaho. 4 ‘11. Phlox andicola (Brit.) E. Nels.1.¢.11. Stems. from a rhizome, usually erect, often branched at the surface of the ground and with opposite branches at the nodes, white, the bark exfoliating with age in thin shreds, 5-10 em. high; sparsely lanate on the calyx and bases of the leaves, the stems granular- pubescent and somewhat glandular: leaves acerose or subulate, often some- what bisuleate, pungent, 1-2.cm. long: flowers sessile or on peduncles.2 mm. long: calyx-teeth as long as the tube, pungent: corolla white, the tube some- what hairy near the base within, one and a half times the length of the calyx, the lobes broadly obovate,, 5-7 mm. long: style about as long as the calyx.— On the plains east of the Rocky Mountains, from Montana to western Ne- braska.and eastern Wyoming. i ; 12. Phlox Kelseyi Brit. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 19: 225. 1892. Many- stemmed from a woody root, the stems spreading, creeping or ascending, sometimes 20 cm. long, glabrous or slightly pubescent above, very leafy: leaves sessile, oblong or linear-oblong, glabrous. or nearly so on both sides, 5-15 mm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, thick, rigid, the apex mucronately tipped with a short spine, the margins revolute, ciliate; upper leaves narrower and longer than the lower: flowers sessile or short-peduncled, the peduncles and calyx somewhat glandular-pubescent or glabrous: calyx-teeth. subulate, as long as or longer than the tube: corolla-tube somewhat exceeding the calyx-lobes; limb about; 1.5 em. broad, bright blue or lilac, the lobes obovate-cuneate, ... rounded. [Brand in his monograph of this family (Pflanzenreich) reduces the following to varietal rank, which is probably quite justifiable: P, albo- marginata Jones, Zoe 4: 367. 1894; P. costata Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot, Gard. 1: 315. 1900; P. collina Rydb. 1. c.; P. diapensioides Rydb. 1, ¢.}—Wyoming and Montana. , . . . 13. Phlox longifolia, Nutt, 1. c. Usually erect in habit, 10-25 em. high, finely pubescent or glabrous: leaves linear, with prominent midveins and somewhat thickened cartilaginous margins, 3-6 cm. long, 2-3 mm. wide: flowers on pedicels 1-3 em. long: calyx with slightly replicate sinuses: corolla white, the tube somewhat exceeding the calyx, the lobes obovate or cuneate- obovate, entire, emarginate, or erose, 8-10 mm. long: ovules generally solitary in each cell—Along the western side of the Rocky Mountains from Montana to Colorado and Utah; also in Oregon and Washington. 5 14, Phlox cernua E. Nels.|.c.22. Suffrutescent at base and many-stemmed, 6-12 em. high, the lower part of the stems purple; glabrous iivoudtioat or the stems puberulent below: leaves linear, spreading, 2-3 cm. long, less than 2 mm. wide: flowers on slender pedicels (about 1, cm. long), inclined to be nodding: calyx with somewhat replicate sinuses, the teeth half the length of the tube: corolla white or tinged with purple, the tube twice the length of POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX’ FAMILY) 397 the calyx, the lobes obovate, entire or somewhat erose, 7-8 mm. Jong: ovules solitary in each cell—Cimarron, Montrose county, Colorado. 15. Phlox puberula (E. Nels:) ‘A. Nels. Low, 1 dm. high or less, stems erect or. ascending; more or less glandular-puberulent, very densely so on the ped- icels and calyx, nearly destitute of ‘roughish hairs: leaves’ usually spreading, linear, bluntish at tip or apiculate, 2-4 cm. long, 1-2.5 mm. wide: replication of the calyx sinuses very slight and inconspicuous: corolla light blue or lilac, the lobes obovate or cuneate-obovate, retuse or blunt, 7-12 mm. long: ovules solitary in each cell. ' (P. longifolia puberula E. Nels. 1. ¢. 26.)—Frequent in western Wyoming and adjacent Utah and Idaho. Flowering much earlier than'P. longifolia. ' ~ pt es ene ? 16. Phlox Stansburyi (Torr.) Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 478. 1897. Stems several from a ligneous ‘base, rathér stout, usually simple below,'cym- osely branched above into leafy-bracted corymbs, about 1 dm. high; pubes- cent throughout, roughly so above, the pedicels ‘and calyx usually glandular: leaves thick, usually recurved-spreading, linear or linear-lanceolate, apiculate, 20-35 mm. long, 2-3 mm. wide: flowers on pedicels 5-15 mm. long: calyx 1 em. long, the sinuses more or less replicate, the teeth apiculate or somewhat cuspidate-attenuate, as long as the tube: corolla pink or rose-color, the tube fully twice the length of the calyx, the lobes. cuneate-obovate, erose, emar- ginate or retuse, 7-8 mm. long: ovules usually one in each cell. (P: dasy- phylla Brand, 1. c. 80.. The type, Baker’s No. 620, seems to, be merely an over-mature, hence. glabrous, specimen of this species.)\—Colorado and New Mexico and thence far weston: 17. Phlox nana Nutt. Pl. Gamb. 153. 1848. Herbaceous to the ground or somewhat ligneous at base, 1-2 dm. high, stems freely branched; roughish- pubescent throughout and more or less glandular: leaves spreading, opposite below, alternate’ above, lance-linear, on the main stems 20-35 mm. long, 3-4 mm. wide, on'the lateral’ branches shorter and narrower: flowers scat- tered or somewhat corymbose, on pedicels 5-35 mm. long: calyx-teeth slightly longer than the tube, green'‘and apiculate: corolla “red” or “white,’’. the tube pubescent, somewhat exceeding the calyx, the lobes broadly cuneate- obovate, entire or with wavy margins, often mucronate, about 15 mm. long: ovules 2, OF 3.in each cell—Common in New Mexico, also.in Arizona. HE? Bec 1. GYMNOSTERIS Greene Diminutive annuals'devoid of proper foliage, the cotyledons persisting on the otherwise naked stem. The capitate-congéested inflorescence subtended, by an involucre of 4 or 5.leaves which are distinet and herbaceous above, but scari- ous and united at base. Calyx vesicular and urceolate, thin-scarious, only the unequal teeth herbaceous. Corolla salverform, with long and slender tube; the somewhat dilated throat bearing the stamens, the whole marcescent- persistent, the dilated base of the tube still investing the thin, apparently indehiscent capsule’ with :its-ripe seeds. Seeds many, obliquely somewhat cubical, the angles membranaceously margined or winged; testa thin, muci- laginous when wetted, but not developing spiracles. : 1..Gymnosteris nudicaulis (H. & A.) Greene, Pitt. 3: 304..1898, Very glabrous, 3-10 cm. high; at length branching from the base: stem leafless from the cotyledons up to the inflorescence, which is a close head’ or glomerule subtended by'an involuere of several entire, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, foliaceous bracts: corolla salverform, white, pink, or yellow; the tube 5-7 mm. long and thrice the length of the calyx: ovules 10-16 in each’ cell.—Sandy stream banks. + Pa ES 3. COLLOMIA Nutt. Herbs with ‘alternate, mostly entire leaves. Calyx scarious below between the angles, accrescent, obpyramidal or ‘nearly cyathiform, not-distended by the capsule. Corolla tubular-funnelform,' with open throat and a spreading 398 POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) limb of short obtuse lobes.. Stamens unequal and unequally inserted on the tube of the corolla. Capsule narrowed at base. Seeds usually 1 in, each cell, mucilaginous when wetted, and emitting spiracles, a ete bewes: in terminal clusters. . . . ° . 7 a e linearis, Flowers Solitary’ in the uppermost axils ; * i ‘ « ew C. tenella, 1, Collomia linearis Nutt, Gen. 1:,126. 1818, Stems simple o or Juratohing above, sometimes in age widely so, 1-3 dm. high: flowers capitate-crowded and leafy-bracted: calyx obconical; the lobes triangular-lanceolate: corolla from lilac-purple to nearly white, very slender, tubular-funnelform, the , tube minutely pubescent: capsule triangular-obeordate—Very common. in moist my soils in ‘our range. , Collomia tenella Gray, Proc. Am. Reus. 8: 259. 1870. Viscid-pubern- ae very islender, 5-12 cm. high, simple or laxly branched above; leaves entire, Iinear; obtuse, attenuate.at. ‘base, the lowest opposite: flowers-solitary in the axils, remote, nearly sessile: calyx obconic, about 4 mm. long, the lobes short-triangular, shorter than the broadly turbinate tube: corolla purplish, about 8 mm. long, DARTON: ealvertorm: ovules solitary —Mountains of Utah ia Mowade : bats 4, GILIA Ruiz & Pav. ee Annual, biennial, or perennial herbs, with alternate or opposite, ‘ehtire or divided: leaves. Flowers scattered or congested in heads or thyrsiform pan- icles. Calyx tubular or campanulate, at length split: by the enlarging capsule. Corolla tubular or funnelform, with an open funnelform throat.: Stamens un- when or a anEONCe Seeds usually develops eEeetpvareee threads en: wette snl Key to the Sections Leaves alternate, the lowest sometimes: opposite!’ | tee scattering-solitary, in corymbs, or. in corymbose- a panicles, S iia hy 2k Annuals, with straight embryo (see also nos, 7 and 8); ‘ eis ie the seed-coats often‘ ‘developing mucilage and emit- i , : He ttt ting spiral threads if wetted! chats, QOvules solitary in each cell . . . F . 2k PHLOGASTRUM. Ovules 2-several in each cell I. EUGIL! Biennials or perennials (except nos, 7 and! 8), with straight embryo; the seedcoats developing mucilage and emit- _. ting spiral threads if wetted ., 1. IPOMOPSIS. Flowers congested in series or spicate inflorescences: * : embryo broadly curved; calyx and ‘bracts viseid pubes- cent; seed-coats developing mucilage and emitting. _. i spiral threads if wetted Iv. ELAPHOCERA, Leaves opposite or rarely alternate and then palmately 3-7- cleft or parted, Perennials . i 4g * : ee ee LEPTODACT ao Annuals, with, funnelform corolla. a ‘ . ‘ VI. D. ACTYLOPH 7 PHLOGASTRUM.—Leaves entire or divided; flowers ee or loosely' corymbed,. ‘ Corolla scarcely longer than. the calyx, ealyertoem: ae . Stamens unequally inserted''’. é ‘ ‘ . 4. G. micrantha. Stamens equally inserted + oe pe ww, we) BG, Tweedyi. ' Corolla twice as long as the calyx oe G. ecru ea EUGILIA.—Leaves pinnatifid or biphinata, rarely" nearly en- is ‘tire; flowers: scattered-paniculate, ; “a __ Seeds unchanged if wetted. Oa . < 3 7 G. leptomeria. Seeds emitting spiral threads if wetted % . G. inconspicua. ml POMOPSIS —Biennials, Pare or rarely” scicehatas stems v4, usually tall; icorolla usually well exserted from the calyx. Leafy throughout. We Corolla 10-12 mm. long . ‘ : ‘ . é ‘ . 6. G. polyantha.: : Corolla 20-50 mm. long. Annuals; capsule ma longer than the calyx. + orolla more than 3 em, long . s . . * # G. songiflora. aavwd-> Corolla less than * cm. long - * . 8. G. laxiflora. .. Paar capsule not longer than the cays. : Elowers re as roseate 5 . ee - _9. G. aggregata. Wilucr\Blowers white.’ '.: 5 os ‘es’ a «6 « « 20. G. attenuata. . 9 POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMIL}) 399 Leaves mostly in a basal rosette. . é Stems leafy; tilaments conspicuously exserted . 7 is . 11, G. pinnatifida. Stems nearly uaxed; filaments wanting or very short . . 12. G. subnuda. IV. ELAPHOCERA.—Biennials or annuals; flowers congested, Biennale leaves more or less divided, or entire; ovules 1-4 in each cell. Flowers spicate 4s a % s . . . : . 13. G. spicata. Flowers capitate. 2 Style pilose above ‘ 5 . = * . 19. G. Watsonii. Leaves alternate, | : Depressed-caespitose , i * ‘ ¥ . ¥ . 20. G. caespitosa. Erect and branching . 5 21. G. Nuttallii. VI. DACTYLOPHYLLUM.—A anuals with opposite leaves palmately parted or rarely entire; corolla funnelform; seeds mucilaginous or emitting spiral threads when wetted. Stamens glabrous “ . . Stamens pilose s . : . . 1, Gilia micrantha (Kell.) A. Nels. Annual, puberulent or pubescent with gland-tipped hairs, at length freely branched from the base, 5-15 em. high, as broad as high: leaves alternate, usually at the base of the branches, lanceo- late or linear, 1-3 em. long: flowers mostly geminate on short subequal pedi- cels: calyx-teeth acute, about half the length of the tube: corolla white or pale pink or violet, the tube usually subsurpassing the calyx: capsule elongated- oval. G. gracilis. (Collomia micrantha Kell. Proc. Cal. Acad. 3: 18. 1863; Microsteris micrantha Greene, Pitt. 3: 303. 1898; under various other names.) —Throughout our range and westward. 2. Gilia Tweedyi Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 634. 1904. Annual, branched, 1-4 dm. high; stem and branches glandular-puberulent, especially above: leaves 1-3 cm. long, pinnatifid with lanceolate-cuspidate lobes, or the uppermost entire: flowers paniculate; pedicels 1-8 mm. long: calyx about 3 mm. long, scarious between the green ribs, the lobes lanceolate: corolla funnelform, barely exceeding the calyx, bluish: capsule ovoid, about 4 mm. long. G. minutiflora.—Colorado to Montana and Idaho. 3. Gilia tenerrima Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 277. 1870. Slender annual, 1-3 dm. high, diffusely branched from the base with numerous, scattered, divaricate, almost filiform branchlets, minutely glandular-pubescent: leaves alternate, linear or the radical lanceolate, the upper much reduced, entire: flowers small, solitary, terminal on the branchlets: corolla salverform, twice as long as the calyx, white: capsule compressed-globose: seed-coats muci- laginous.— Western Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho. 4. Gilia leptomeria Gray,!.c. More or less glandular-pubescent; stem erect, divaricately branched from base to summit, 6-15 em. high: radical leaves rosulate, oblong-linear, dentate to pinnatifid, teeth usually short-mucronate; cauline leaves reduced and bract-like: flowers numerous, corymbose-paniculate: calyx-teeth shorter than the tube: corolla white or rose-color, salverform, 4-6 mm. long, the tube nearly twice the length of the lobes and of the calyx: sta- mens inserted in the throat: style as long as the corolla: ovules and seeds 2-3 in each cell of the globose capsule.—Colorado to California. ; 5. Gilia inconspicua (Smith) Dougl. Hook. Mag. 56: pl. 2883. 1829. One to three or more dm. high, usually with slight woolly pubescence when young, and viscid-glandular, often branching from the base: leaves mostly pinnatifid or pinnately-parted, or the lowest bipinnatifid, with short, mucronate-cuspidate lobes; the uppermost becoming small, subulate and entire: flowers either some- what crowded and subsessile or'at length loosely panicled and some of them slender-pediceled: corolla violet or purplish, 5-10 mm. long, narrowly funnel- ‘form, the lobes oval, half as long as the tube which much exceeds the calyx: ovules 2-several ineach cell. Very variable, and a number of segregates have é 5 Fi . . 22. G. Harknessii. : 7 @ 23. G. pharnaceoides. 400 POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FaMILY) been proposed, only the following of which need to be mentioned.— Widely dis. tributed in the western half of America. 5a. Gilia inconspicua sinuata Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 278. 1870. Nearly glabrous, the leaves sinuate: the corolla tubular to salverform.—Western part of our range, and westward. 5b. Gilia inconspicua subacaulis (Rydb.) Brand, Polem. (Pflanzenreich) 105. 1907. Stem low, very slender, usually branched above. (G. subacaulis Rydb. |. c. 30: 261. 1903.)—Southern Wyoming. 6. Gilia polyantha Rydb. 1. c. 31: 634. 1904. Stem single at base but branched from near the base upward; branches mostly simple and moderately divaricate, almost equaling the main stem, minutely pruinose-viscid: leaves 2-5 cm. long, somewhat pungent, linear, entire or simple-pinnatifid, with few to several linear lobes: flowers in small bracteate cymes forming narrow pan- icles: calyx membranous, narrowly campanulate, about 4 mm. long, merely pruinose; its teeth very short, green, triangular-subulate, and minutely pun- gent: corolla white, purple-dotted, 10-12 mm. long, somewhat trumpet-shaped; the tube surpassing the calyx; the lobes elliptic-oblong, acute, almost as long as the tube: stamens noticeably exserted; style scarcely so: ovules about 2 in as cell. (G. exserta A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 40: 65. 1905.)—Southern Col- orado. 7. Gilia longiflora (Torr.) G. Don, Gen. Syst. Gard. 4: 245. 1837. Glabrous, loosely paniculate-branched: divisions of the leaves long and slender: flowers somewhat corymbose on slender peduncles: corolla white, strictly salverform, showy; the tube often 3-5 em. long, with narrow orifice; lobes orbicular or ovate, many times shorter than the tube: stamens unequally inserted near the top of the tube, included: capsule obovate-oblong, twice as long as the calyx, many-seeded: seeds angled.—Texas and Mexico to Nebraska and Colorado. 8. Gilia laxiflora (Coult.) Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 51. 1897. Annual, about 3 dm. high, erect, branching, glabrous except the calyx, ped- icels, and growing stem, which are minutely glandular: leaves pinnate with slender divisions, mucronate-tipped, the upper few-lobed or entire: inflores- cence scattering, with flowers on slender pedicels 1-2 em. long: corolla white or bluish-tinted, slender, 10-15 mm. long; the lobes ovate, pointed, 4-5 mm. long: filaments included, unequally inserted: tube of the calyx 5 mm. long, with subulate teeth 1.5-2 mm. long: capsule 10 mm. long, having 6 seeds in each cell, which develop mucilage and spiracles when wetted.—Colorado to New Mexico and Texas. 9. Gilia aggregata (Pursh) Spreng. Syst. 1: 626. 1825. Somewhat pu- bescent; stems 3-10 dm. high, leafy, sometimes loosely branching: leaves thickish, with narrowly linear mucronulate divisions: panicle loose or inter- rupted; the flowers sessile in small mostly short-pedunculate clusters: calyx commonly glandular: corolla scarlet to pink-red, with narrow tube; the lobes ovate or lanceolate, acute or acuminate, widely spreading, soon recurved: stamens and style exserted. (Greene, in Leaflets 159 and 160, offers the fol- lowing segregates, under the proposed new generic name Callisteris: C. collina, C. formosissima, C. flavida, C. pulchella. Gulia scariosa Rydb. |. c. 31: 32. 1904 is also to be referred to this species.)—Texas to western Nebraska and west to Oregon. 10. Gilia attenuata (Gray) A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 278. 1898. Nearly related to the preceding: basal leaves green and glabrate; the upper pubescent and more or less glandular, the inflorescence decidedly so: inflores- cence more narrowly thyrsiform: calyx-lobes narrowly attenuate: corolla white, the tube often pinkish, 3-4 em. long, the lobes long and gradually acuminated: style and stamens included. (G. candida Rydb. 1. ec. 28: 29. 1904; Callis- teris leucantha Greene, |. c.)—Wyoming and Colorado. j1. Gilia pinnatifida Nutt. Gray in Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 276. 1870. Stem simple or loosely branching, 1-5 dm. high: inflorescence open-paniculate, often compound: leaves pinnately parted into linear or narrowly oblong lobes; these sometimes again 1 or 2-lobed: stamens conspicuously exserted: corolla strictly salverform, 4-5 mm. long, pale blue or violet, or the narrow tuts POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) 401 white:. style a8 long as the corolla; the exserted stamens inserted in the si- nuses: capsule ovoid: seeds small, narrowly winged.—Wyoming to New Mexico. i2. Gilia subnuda Gray, l.c. 276. Biennial; stems erect, simple or branched, 3-5 dm. high: radical leaves rosulate, oblong-spatulate, lobed or somewhat pinnatifid, attenuate to the base; cauline small, bract-like, and nearly or quite entire: flowers subcorymbose, terminating the branchlets, pediceled: calyx glandular, as are also the pedicels, the teeth subulate, as long as the narrowly campanulate tube: corolla yellow or rose-color, tubular-funnelform, 15-20 mm. long, minutely glandular; the lobes oval, less than half as long as the tube: stamens included, nearly sessile: style glabrous: capsule ovoid: seeds angled, narrowly winged, unchanged if wetted. (G. Crandallii Rydb. 1. v. 634; G. Bakeri Greene, Brand, Polem.)—Southern Colorado to New Mexico and thence westward to Nevada. 12a. Gilia subnuda Haydenii (Gray) Brand, J. ¢. 119. Glabrate: leaves deeply incised, rarely pinnatifid: corolla rose-color. (G. Haydenii Gray, 1. c. 11: 85.)—Colorado to New Mexico. 12b. Gilia subnuda superba (Eastwood) Brand, 1. c. Viscid-glandular throughout: leaves irregularly lobed or dentate: corolla orange or red. (G. superba Eastwood, Zoe 4: 122. 1893.)—Utah to Nevada. 13. Gilia spicata Nutt. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. 2: 156. 1848. Stems rather stout, erect, simple, or several from the fusiform root, 2-3 dm. high: capitate flower-clusters crowded in an elongated, virgate, and spike-like thyrsus: leaves thickish, almost filiform, some about 3-cleft, occasionally all entire, barely mucronate: corolla salverform, purplish, 10-12 mm. long; the lobes shorter than the tube: anthers subsessile in the throat: ovules 4-6 in each cell.— Mountains of Colorado to Utah and Wyoming. 13a. Gilia spicata deserta A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 132. 1899. Habit of the species, but usually shorter-stemmed; stems one or more from a woody root with one or more swollen crowns, lanate: basal leaves crowded on the crowns, mostly simple, linear; the cauline pinnatifid, the divisions few (3-5), linear, shorterthan in the species: inflorescence crowded-spicate, in dwarf plants approaching capitate: calyx closely and minutely glandular.— Desert areas in Colorado and Wyoming. 14. Gilia cephaloidea Rydb. 1. c. 24: 293. 1897. Lanate-pubescent; stems simple, solitary or several from the crown, 1-3 dm. high; root somewhat woody: radical leaves crowded, linear, or 3-cleft at the apex, 5 em. long; cauline few, 3~5-cleft, the segments short, linear: corolla white: stamens equally inserted in the throat, exserted, the filament and anther subequal: style as long as the corolla, pilose at the apex.—South Dakota to Montana and Wyoming. 15. Gilia congesta Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 75. 1838. Stems erect or spread- ing, 1-3 dm. high, from a tufted base, bearing single terminal or few and corymbose capituliform cymes: leaves with 2-7 mucronate divisions, or some of them entire: corolla white, salverform; lobes of the corolla nearly as long as the tube, which does not exceed the usually aristulate-tipped calyx-lobes: exserted filaments at length as long as the anthers: ovules 1-2 in each cell: cater globose, 1-3-seeded.—F'rom the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific tates. ‘ 15a. Gilia congesta iberidifolia (Benth.) Brand, |. ¢. 121. Leaves more rigid and the lobes cuspidate-tipped, as are also the bracts: capitate cymes corymbose: filaments shorter: ovules solitary in each cell. Not readily dis- tinguished from depauperate specimens of the species. (G. spergulifolia Rydb. 1. ¢. 633; G. roseata Rydb. 1. c.)}—Nebraska to Colorado and Wyoming. 15b. Gilia congesta crebrifolia (Nutt.) Gray, 1. c. Low, often depressed: leaves crowded, all entire, linear, rigid: stems usually terminated by a single capitate cluster. (G. Merrillii A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 27. 1902.)—In the Rocky Mountain States. 16. Gilia polycladon Torr. Bot. Mex. Bound. 2: 146. 1859. Stems 1-2 dm. high, puberulent or sparsely pubescent, diffuse, very few-leaved: leaves pinnatifid or incised; the lobes short, oblong, abruptly spinulose-mucronate, 402 POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) those subtending the cymosé cluster longer than the flowers: flowers cymulose: glomerate and leafy-bracted: tube of the corolla hardly exceeding the aristulate- mucronate calyx-lobes: anthers in the throat, on very short filaments: ovules 2 in each cell.—Texas to Colorado and west to Nevada. 17. Gilia pumila Nutt. l.c. Stems 1-2 dm. high, loosely woolly, at least when -young, leafy: leaves narrowly linear, entire or most of them 2 to 4-parted into diverging linear lobes, mucronate: flowers cymulose-glomerate and leafy-bracted: tube of the corolla slender, about twice the length of the aristulate-tipped calyx-lobes: filaments slender, inserted in the sinuses, ex- serted, shorter than the lobes of the corolla: ovules about 6 in each cell.— From western Nebraska and Texas to the Sierra Nevada. 18. Gilia pungens (Torr.) Benth. in DC. Prodr. 9: 316. 1845. Stems woody, tufted, branched, very leafy, 1-3 dm. high: leaves alternate except the lowest, much fascicled in the axils, or rather 3-7-palmately parted with acerose segments: flowers sessile and solitary in the upper leaf-axils: calyx tubular, with subulate teeth, glandular-ciliate: corolla roseate, white or yellowish, tubular: stamens unequally affixed, scarcely exserted: ovules many (6-10 in each cell): capsule oblong, shorter than the calyx.—From New Mexico to the Canadian provinces. : 18a. Gilia pungens Hookeri. (Dougl.) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 268. 1870. More or less glandular above: leaves strict: bracts shorter than the calyx— Throughout our range. 19. Gilia Watsonii Gray, I. c. 267. Roughish-puberulent and glandular, or at length smoothish; slender branches 1-2 dm. high from the woody caudex: leaves not much fascicled, widely spreading; the slender acerose divisions 10-15 mm. long, often shorter than the internodes: calyx-lobes barely half the length of the tube: corolla nearly white with purplish throat; the tube and lobes each about 12 mm. long: anthers at the orifice: ovules 10 or more in each cell_—Utah and probably in western Colorado and Wyoming. 20. Gilia caespitosa (Gray) A. Nels. 1. c. 25: 546. Densely caespitose, the much-branched woody base hardly emergent from thé soil; stems numerous and very short, clothed with the persistent crowded leaves: leaves alternate, palmately 3-parted (rarely 5-parted), densely fascicled, rigid, subulate- - pungent, 5-7 mm. Tong, nearly glabrous or somewhat ciliate on the margins, green as to the new leaves, the short stems gray with the persistent dead ones: flowers numerous: calyx one half the length of the corolla-tube, the lobes 4 (rarely 5), acerose: corolla white to yellowish, salverform, the tube very slender and but little dilated at the throat, about 12 mm. long; lobes 4, narrowly obovate, about 4 mm. long: stamens 4; filaments short, anthers in the throat: pistil less than half the length of the corolla-tube; styles 2 or rarely 3.—Dry bluffs; western Nebraska to the interior desert areas of Wyoming; rare. 21. Gilia Nuttallii Gray, 1. c. Cinereous-puberulent or the leaves glabrate, more or less woody at base; stems or branches 1-4 dm. high, terminated by a dense leafy cluster of flowers: leaves 3-7-parted; the divisions narrowly linear, mucronate: corolla white with yellow funnelform throat; the tube not longer than the calyx: ovules a pair in each cell. G. floribunda Gray, 1. c.—Moun- tains of Colorado and Utah to Arizona and the Sierras of California. 22. Gilia Harknessii Curran, Bull. Cal. Acad. 1: 12. 1884. Stem erect, diffusely branched, 8-20 em. high: leaves divided to the base into filiform segments, 5-20 mm. long: flowers paniculate, on filiform pedicels 12-25 mm. long: calyx minutelypubescent; the lanceolate lobes as long as the tube: corolla white, 2-4 mm. long; the tube but little longer than the calyx and about as long as the lobes: capsule oval, exceeding the calyx;.seeds solitary in the cells, smooth, turgid, oblong, about 2 mm. long.— Western Wyoming to the Pacific States. 23. Gilia pharnaceoides Benth. Bot. Reg. 19: pl. 1622. 1833. Stem slender, with diffuse filiform branches, 1-2 dm. high: leaves palmately 2-5-parted into acerose-pubescent segments, 4-12 mm. long: flowers paniculate, on filiform pedicels: calyx campanulate, 4-5 mm. long; the triangular acute lobes not as long as the tube: corolla almost rotate, the broad tube hardly as long as the POLEMONIACEAE (PHLOX FAMILY) 403 calyx; the broad lobes obovate, rounded at the apex, 4-6 mm. long: ovules 6-8 in each cell: capsule shorter than the calyx.—Wyoming to California and Washington. 5. NAVARRETIA Ruiz and Pavon Glabrous or viscid-pubescent annuals. Leaves all alternate, pinnatifid, setaceous or.spinose. Flowers in crowded bracteate clusters terminating the branches. Calyx-tube scarious between the five prominent green ribs pro- longed into the unequal pungent lobes. Corolla tubular, funnelform, or salver- form. Stamens and style either included or exserted, Capsule i-3-celled, 1-many-seeded.— Under Gilia. ; ty Glandular-viscid 2 2. 6 1 ee ees WN Breeweri. Glabrous. ; ‘Stems erect, simple or branched; corolla about 5mm. long . es . _j|Stems low, mostly divaricately branched at the base; corolla small, less than 2mm, long . a . . . . = ee 2. N, intertexta. si sae _ + 3.°N, minima, _1. Navarretia Breweri (Gray) Greene, Pitt. 1: 137. 1887. Erect or at length much branched and diffusely spreading, 3-12 cm. high, very minutel glandular-puberulent all over: flowers somewhat glomerate: leaves with mostly simple acicular-subulate divisions: calyx-lobes similar to these, nar- rowly subulate, about equaling the yellow corolla, 6-8 mm. long, 3 or 4-times the length of the tube: ovules 1 or 2 in each cell_—From Wyoming to Utah, Nevada, and California. oo 2. Navarretia intertexta (Benth.) Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 75. 1838. Erect or widely branched, low and rather stout, neither viscid nor glandular; stem retrorsély pubescent: leaves mainly glabrous, with divaricate, acerose- spinescent divisions sparingly divided or simple: flowers densely glomerate: tube of the calyx and base of the bracts strongly villous with white spreading hairs; the lobes equaling the white corolla, 6-8 mm. long: ovules and seeds 3 or 4 in each cell.—From the Rocky Mountains westward to California and Oregon. 3. Navarretia minima Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 1: 160. 1848. Depressed, often forming broad tufts, 2-6 cm. high, glabrate: leaves:acicular and with simpler and’ fewer divisions than the preceding: tube of: the calyx white-hairy in the broad sinuses, as long as the unequal lobes, which equal or exceed the white'corolla, 3mm. long: ovules 1-3 in each cell.—In very dry regions from Dakota to Colorado‘and Oregon. ia , 6. POLEMONIUM L._ , . Mostly perennial herbs, with alternate pinnate or pinnately parted leaves, and blue’or white or rarely purplish flowers, which are mostly terminal, either solitary, 2-3 together, or aggregated in capitate or paniculate cymes. Calyx rotaté-campanulate to tubular. ‘Corolla funnelform to nearly rotate. Stamens équally inserted; the filaments more or less declined and usually pilose- appendaged at base. Capsule oblong to globose. Seeds black or brown, ob- long, often angled or even winged. Corolla campanulate; filaments pilose-appendaged at base; leaf- lets not verticillate, Stems tall, leafy, solitary. ' Inflorescence narrow, usually densely thyrsoid. 7 Plants from a slender rootstock; seed-coats unchanged if wett Oy eee e 1s . ere ANG Shae - 1. P. occidentale. Plants from a lignescent caudex; seed-coats becoming mu- apne cilaginous if wetted . 7 . . s 5 . 2 P. foliosissimum, -t’, Inflorescence broad:and open. : as bes .», Stems and herbage pubescent . . . «. | «| 4% P. foliosissimum., _ Stems and herbage glabrate _.. . . : . . 8%. P, filicinum, -: pies ‘low, several to many in tufts, sparsely leafy or only _bracteate. Lo Ss A : Seeds angled but not winged. J ‘ Stems from a rootstock with a single or nearly simple crown 4, P. pulcherrimum:' ~ ‘1 « Stems from a lignescent freely branched caudex . . . 5. P. Haydenii:. ¢ 1) Seeds narrowly winged . . «oe . . . - 6, P, pterospermum. 404 POLEMONIACEAB (PHLOX FAMILY) Corolla fannelform or narrower; filaments not pilose-appendaged at 9 " ! ‘iu, base; leaflets more or less verticillate, | : : orolla purple; flowers capitate. Corolla broadly funnelform, less than 2cm.long . Pp 7. P. viscosum, Corolla narrower, more than 2cm.long . -.. 6... > . 8. P. confertum. Corolla, panies or becoming yellowish or’ bluish; flowers in‘ dense ii. Spikes, oa. is "“'@orolla with broad tube, white dr bluish . 9. 2... 9, Pe-mellittim: |" Corolla with very slender tube, yellow . ei ae ae . 10. P. Brandegeei, ; . 1. Polemonium occidentale Greene, Pitt. 2: 75. 1890. Either glabrous or viscid-pubescent; stem ‘strict and virgate, 5-10 dm. high, from running root- stocks, 5-10-leaved: leaflets 15-23, linear-lanceolate' to oblong-ovate,. .10- 20 mm. long: flowers numerous, in a naked and narrow thyrsus or panicle: calyx cleft to or below the middle, with short lancéolate lobes: corolla blue, 15-20 mm. in diameter, the obovate lobes much longer than the tube: fila- ments densely.bearded at base, often’equaling the corolla-lobes: style exserted, P. caeruleum.—Boggy or springy’ places in the mountains; throughout. our range and west to the Pacific States... - a pity Sint. me 2. Polemonium foliosissimum Gray, Syn. Fl. 2!: 151. 1878. Rootstock lignescent; stems solitary, piloseat base, glandular upward, simple or branched, leafy throughout: leaflets lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate:, flowers. corymbose- cymose, smaller: corolla commonly. white or cream-color, sometimes violet, 10-12 mm. long, twice the length of the calyx: style and, stamens not, pro- truding: capsule subglobose: seeds oblong, becoming mucilaginousif wetted — In the mountains throughout our range... ss ee eo ‘2a. Polemonium: foliosissimum robustum.(Rydb.) Brand, Polem. 34. 1907. -Leaves short-petioled: flowers smaller, blue. (£. molle:Greene, Leaf; lets 1: 153..1905; P. robustum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 635. 1904.)— Mountains of Colorado and Utah. ; fe Pcs hed : 5 3; Polemonium filicinum Greene, Pitt. 1: 124. 1887. Slender, 5-10 dm. high, glabrous up.'to’ the ‘inflorescence . which iis. rather. densely: glandular- viscid: leaves: ovate-oblong in outline, the segments lanceolate, acute, some- what closely. ranged and! decurrent upon the rachis: inflorescence corymbose- congested: segments! of the calyx erect,. lanceolate, longer than, the tube: corolla deep purple, campanulate, 10-12 mm.. broad, the segments ovate, acute: stamens declined and incurved, reaching little.beyond midway of the corolla: style exserted: seeds very dark brown, sharply angled..-New Mexico, 3a. Polemonium filicinum Archibaldae (A. Nels.) Brand, 1. c. 37. Usually smaller but with relatively larger;and more. open inflorescence: corolla-lobes very obtuse: stamens usually declined. (P. Archibaldae A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 31: 397. 1901; P. grande Greene, Leaflets 1. c.)}—Southern Colorado. . ils ‘4; Polemonium pulcherrimum Hook. Bot., Mag..57: pl. 2979. 1830;,; Mir nutely puberulent and :.viscid-glandular; stems rather slender, sparingly branched, 1-3 dm. high: leaflets 921; oblong to lanceolate: flowers in clusters of small cymes, mostly slender-pediceled: calyx narrowly campanulate, cleft to below the middle, 4-5 mim. long: corolla blue with white tube, 10-15 mm, long, the ample oblong lobes much longer than the short. tube: filaments. pi- lose but not dilated at base: capsule obovoid, much shorter than the calyx: ovules 2-4, and seeds’ usually 1 in each cell. P. humile pulchellum.—In the high mountains of our range. WBE: cae 4a. Polemonium pulcherrimum parvifolium (Nutt.) A..Nels... Reduced or depauperate forms, usually with fewer leaflets, the flowers on slender pedicels. (P. parvifolium (Nutt.) Rydb. 1. c. 24: 253. 1897; P. delicatum Rydb. |. 6. 28:29. 1901. en ea aoe 5,,Polemonium Haydenii A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 353. 1899. Root large, woody, surmounted by a short, woody, branched caudex; stems several, one or more from each crown, 1-3 dm. high, the minute puberulence becoming glandular above: leaves crowded on the crowns, more than half as long.as the stems; leaflets 15-25, oval,,oblong, or oblanceolate, mostlyvery small, rarely .éxceeding 1 cm. in length, glabrous or nearly so: flowers nu- merous and'rather crowded, drooping or suberect, on ‘slender pedicels: calyx HYDROPHYLLACEAE (WATERLEAF FAMILY) 405 narrowly campanulate, about as long as the corolla-tube: corolla blue, tubular- campanulate, 12-16 mm. long, the broadly elliptic. lobes a, little longer than the calyx: filaments very slender, the base slightly dilated and sparsely pilose: seeds 2~3 in each cell.— Yellowstone Park and probably-Idaho and Montana. 6. Polemonium Espen Nels. & Ckll. Proc. Biol. Soc: Wash. 16: 45. 1903. Low, 1-2 dm. high, glabrate below, glandular-puberulent above; stems several, spreading or decumbent at base, very ledfy!especially above: leaves 4-6 cm. long; the segments oblong,, acute, 8-12 mni. long, the lower distinct, and subpetiolate, the terminal crowded -and slightly. confluent: flowers in congested corymbs: calyx-lobes about equaling the campanulate tube: edrolla’' purple, campanulate; 10-12 mm. long, quite.as broad; the tube short, the lobes broadly ovate, moderately obtuse: filaments shorter than the corolla, somewhat incurved, glabrous, but involved in dense fine pubescence at the insertion: style filiform; the stigmas narrowly. linear, exserted: ovules few} apparently only 2 or 3 maturing: the seeds narrowly wing-margined and subeonseye ventrally—Northern' New Mexico, ‘probably extending’ into Colorado. 7. Polemonium viscosum Nutt. Pl. Gamb. 154. 1848. Somewhat viscid throughout; rhizome somewhat fleshy; stems erect, 5-12 cm. high: leaflets 30-40, small, oblong to suborbicular, crowded or subimbricate: flowers: in capitate clusters: calyx campanulate, very glandular.and often pilose: corolla blue, twice as long as the calyx, broadly funnelform, 14-18 mm. long, the lobes rounded-obtuse: stamens and style about as long as the corolla. (P.Grayanum Rydb. 1. c.31: 635.’ 1904.)—Rare; on the highest of the Rocky Mountain peaks. 8. Polemonium confertum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. Phila. 73. 1863. Perennial, 1-2 dm. high, glandular-viscid and musk-scented, pubescent above: leaflets very numerous, small, 3-8 mm.'long, mostly as if whorled:or fascicled, being 2-5-divided and sessile, segments either broadly oval or linear-oblong: flowers capitate-crowded, at ‘length racémose-spicate,; somewhat nodding, honey-seented: lobes of the calyx narrow, half as long as! the cylindrical or oblong tube: corolla 2-3 em. long, blue, the narrow funnelform tube longer than the calyx and 2-3 times longer: than the rounded lobes: filaments barely hairy and scarcely dilated at base.—In the higher mountains; from Colorado to Montana. . 9. Polemonium mellitum (Gray) A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 354. 1899. Viscid-pilosey tufted; the stems erect’ or spreading: radical leaves long; the leaflets in verticils of 3-4 or merely paired, oval to broadly linear, thin: infloréscence loosely spicaté to racemose, Practeose: the lanceolate calyx-lobes scarcely shorter than the tube: corolla white or ochroleucous, tubular, more than twice as long-as the calyx' (20 mm. or more), the lobes one third’as long as the tube. Herbage heavy musk-scented, but thé flowers “ honey-sweet.”— In the mountains of our range to Nevada. =§ ss’ parka 9a. Polemonium mellitum speciosum (Rydb.) A. Nels. Similar in all re- spects except that the leaves are often merely paired and the flowers tinged with blue. (P. speciosum Rydb. 1. c. 28: 29.)—Mount Garfield in Colorado. .10. Polemonium Brandegeei (Gray): Greene, Pitt. 1:,126. 1887. 7:Very viscid with glandular pubescence, pleasantly odoriferous, caespitose; stems 1-3 dm. high, simple: leaves all pinnate, elongated-linear in outline, the rad- ical crowded, the cauline. scattered;* leaflets very small jand numerous, oval to oblong-linear, some simple, others 2-parted, and so appearing verticillate: flowers several in a.short and racemiform leafy thyrsus: corolla golden-yellow, trumpet-shaped, with very. narrow tube, 20-25:mm. long. |Gilia Brandegeei.: —Colorado, ; i% Sit yates, RWS A sh ay 99. HYDROPHYLLACEAE L. Wareriear Famity Herbs or shrubs with opposite or alternate leaves. Flowers regular'''5- merous in racemes or spikes (often scorpioid), or capitate, or solitary. Sta- mens near the base of the corolla, alternate with, its lobes, Styles 2, distinct 406 HYDROPHYLLACEAE (WATERLEAF FAMILY) or more or less completely united even to the stigmas. Fruit a 1-celled cap- sule or partly or quite 2-celled by the intrusion of the placentae or their union in the axis; valves 2, rarely 4. Seed-coat pitted, the cavities regular and honeycomb-like. ef ay Leaves all basal; peduncles 1-flowered a e . . ‘ . 1. Capnorea, Leaves not all basal. _ : Corolla convolute in bud; placentae broad. Perennials; stamens exserted. . . 2 © «© - 2, Hydrophyllun, Annuals; stamens included. | Calyx enlarged in fruit, naked at the sinuses . ‘ ¥ . 3.,Macrocalyx, Calyx not much enlarged in fruit, with a reflexed appendage at = Be m each sinus, i ' ‘ é a a a « 4, Nemophila, ::!-- Corolla imbricated in bud; placentae narrow. i oo Seay Flowers in a scorpioid cyme. ol Corolla deciduous, not'yellow . . . . . . - 5. Phacelia, Corolla persistent, yellow or yellowish _. . ‘ . - 6, Emmenanthe, Flowers solitary in the leafy forks of the stem . . 7. Nama, 1. CAPNOREA Raf. a oe _Low stemless perennials, with entire spatulate or oblong leaves on elongated petioles crowning thé caudex, and from their axils sending up 1-flowered ‘pe- duneles. Calyx 5-parted, rarely 6 or 7-parted; the lobes linear-lanceolate occasionally ‘unequal. Corolla campanulate or rotate, the stamens inserted on the base of its tube. Style 2-cleft at the apex. Capsule loculicidal. ,, , 1. Capnorea pumila Greene, Erythea 2: 193..1894., Leaves several from the: crown of a short, usually, branching rootstock, lanceolate to spatulate} iapering below to a slender: petiole, minutely, ciliate, otherwise glabrous: peduneles slender, 3-7 em. long, about equaling the leaves, glabrous: sepals lanceolate, about 12 mm. long, minutely ciliate: corolla white to purple, ro/ tate, often 2 cm. broad; the broad ovate lobes longer than the tube; the tube within and base of the filaments pubescent.—In: wet places; Wyoming to Ualifornia and Washington. ~~ | - , Bas oo a 2. HYDROPHYLLUM L. Wareriear J ‘Perennial herbs with horizontal rootstocks. Leaves alternate or mainly radical, pinnate or pinnately parted, long-petioled. Flowers in capitate cymes. Corolla campanulate, 5-lobed, the tube with a nectar-bearing grooved append. age opposite each lobe. Stamens exserted, the filaments hairy at the middle, Style filiform, exserted; ovary hispid. Capsule 2-valved, 1-~4-seeded.. : , | Flowers crowded-capitate; peduncle shorter than the petiole . z . 1, H. capitatum, Flowers loosely-capitate; peduncle longer than the petiole . a - 2. H.'Fendleri, i 1. Hydrophyllum capitatum Dougl. Benth. in Linn. Trans. 17: 273. 1836. Retrorsely hispid with minute white hairs; stems often tufted, 1-2'dm. high, from a small fascicle of thickened perennial roots, 1-several-leaved,' erect, in flower, recurving and often prostrate in fruit: leaves pinnately 5-7-parted ‘or’ at base divided; the lanceolate division's entire or often 2-3-lobed, mucronate-! tipped: flowers in a dense capitate cluster: calyx very hispid, parted nearly’ to the base: corolla blue, but little longer than'the calyx: filaments twice as long as the corolla: style equaling the stamens, 2-lobed.—Colorado to Montana and far westward. 2. Hydrophyllum Fendleri (Gray) Heller, Cat. N. A. Pl. 40. 1898. Pubes- cent, hirsute, or sparingly hispid, 2-4 dm. high: leaves elongatéd-oblong, pinnately parted or divided into 7-15 divisions; divisions inclined: to ovate- lanceolate, acute or acuminate, incisely serrate: cyme rather open: corolla, white, or nearly so: calyx deeply parted, the lobes lanceolate. H. occidentale Fendleri. --Wet. eopses and bottom lands; New Mexico to Montana and westward. ' HYDROPHYLLACEAE (WATERLEAF FAMILY) 407 . 3. MACROCALYX Trew. Leavés pinnately parted or bi- ‘ot tripinnately dissected and the bractless flowers in axillary peduncled racemes. (Calyx without appendages ‘at, the sinuses,;.and usually much enlarged under the fruit. Corolla white, .cam- panulate, shorter or little longer than the calyx, the internal appendages minute or none. Ovules 4-8.—Ellisia. .... 5 Pe ' 1, Macrocalyx Nyctelea (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen! Pl. 434. 1891. Annual, 1-2 dm, high, ‘at length very diffuse: leaves on naked or’ barely margined petioles; the’ divisions 7-13, lanceolate, acute, mostly 1-3-toothed or ‘lobed: peduncles solitary in the forks'or’ opposite the leaves, or some of the later ones racemose and secund: calyx-lobes acuminate, longer than the capsule: ‘corolla rather shorter than the calyx.—Colorado to the Saskatchewan, ‘and 19 eastward across'the continent. OW oo 4, NEMOPHILA Nutt. - _ Delicate low annuals. Leaves opposite, or the uppermost alternate, more or less pinnate. Flowers solitary or inclined to be racemose. Calyx with a reflexed appendage in each sinus, accrescent. Corolla rotate to broadly cam- panulate, in all our species longer than the calyx, with 10 internal appendages Fae Stamens shorter than the corolla, inserted’ near its base. Styles more or Jess 2-cleft; ovules 4-20. ‘1.:Nemophila parviflora Dougl. Hook. Fl.'2: 79. 1840. Stems slender an weak, trailing or procumbent: leaves pinnately lobed, parted, or divided into 3-5 lobes: .calyx-appendages rather conspicuous, or sometimes almost none: corolla white' or whitish, 5—8' mm. in diameter, narrowly ‘campanulate to al- most rotate, the lobes longer than the tube; appendages adherent by one edge: } filaments inserted ‘on the very base of the corolla: seeds 1-4, oftén deeply pitted. ~From Western Wyoming to California and Washington. ° ul rod ‘ Se seul oth saline 5. PHACELIA -‘Annual; biéhnial, or rarely perennial mostly hirsute or hispid herbs, often glandular, ‘with entire or variously lobed or dissected leaves, and often showy flowers in s¢drpidid spikes or racemes. Calyx deeply 5-parted. Corolla from nearly rotate to campanulate, tubular or funnelform, deciduous, the tube | by AEE E sg os, Wie We a 3 ‘ sa Se eget) oy ‘Ti commonly with internal lamellate projections or appendages. Style 2-cleft. Capsule 1-celled, 2-valved, the' thin septa-like placentae adherent. Leaves-simple and entire, or the lower more or less pinnate with en- ate ‘ ’ tire divisions.: : oat Angus | “Vernal and evanescent, diminutive; leaves ovate ‘Aestival; leaves:or their lobes linear-oblong . . . - 2 Rather large and coarse perennials or biennials, mY ; ( _ White-canescent; stems clustered, assurgent . * - . 38. P. leucophylla, ; Hispidly hirsute; stems mostly single, erect . ‘- ° « 4, P. heterophylla. Leaves situate or crenate to bipinnatifid,:: 6 9): : Annuals.or biennials, | ere Leaves pinnately divided quite to the midrib. . , |‘ Terminal divisions of 'the leaves distinctly larger than the me oboaeho ) Mpteral ye rr gai gw ee we SB Pe splendens.’ '« Terminal divisions of the leaves not larger than the lateral. bs ., .{, Ovules and seeds 4 or by abortion fewer. : '". ““Canescent' biennial, scarcely glandular - . . . 6, P. deserta. -ii s+! Sordid-green’ glandular. annuals. 5 aS oe Corolla lobes crenulate to erose-denticulate x . 7. P. glandulosa.., ieee _Corolla-lobes entire . Rirecedtaiees < ne Ss neo-mexicana, ''''1" Qvules and seeds several to numerous (8-40). | Baye '» 2 Plants simple, or branched above, 2-3 dm, high. . . _| Plants diffusely slender-branched from the base, low . 1 Leaves merely sinuately or crenately. lobed. Leaves coarsely and sinuately lobed halfway to the midrib 1 Leaves finely and shallowly:crenate , gt: e's A 1, P. Knightii. P ag) . P. linearis, © , P. . P, Franklinii. . P. Ivesiana, © . P. corrugata, . P. integrifolia, Ne oO 408 HYDROPHYLLACHAE; (WATERLEAF FAMILY) Perennials; leaves more or less silky, Sgt “BAL ge . Caespitose; sericeous throughout . . . . Z . 13. P. sericea, sont Searcely caespitose, merely pubescent or finely hirsute. ‘i ae 14, P. idahoensia, woah pape me Se as at , PES ' we 1, Phacelia Knightii A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28:'229.1901.. A diminutive annual 2-5'em. high, minutely puberulent, simple or ‘branched: leaves few, semifleshy, orbicular to ovate, entire or nearly so, 5-10 mm: long: flowers few, subspicate and nearly sessilé in the uppermost’ axils: corolla narrowly campanulate,. about 5.mm. long,: longer, than. the, linear-spatulate calyx-lobes, the limb purple, the tube yellowish: seeds about 14, oblong, large for the plant, conspicuously alveolate-hexagonal-reticulate, ‘slightly wing. margined by the cellular coat.—In the crevices of the naked Wasatch clays, western Wyoming. , fale naa : » i‘ / 3. Phacelia linearis (Pursh) Holz..Contrib. Nat. Herb. 3:. 242, ,1895. Stenis 1-3 dm. high, at length paniculate-branched, hispid or roughish-hirsute, usually also minutely cinereous-pubescent: leaves mostly sessile, linear or lanceolate and entire or some of them deeply cleft; the lobes few or single, linear or lanceolate, entire: spikes or spike-like racemes thyrsoid-paniculate, at length elongated and erect: corolla bright violet or sometimes white: ovules 12416: capsule shorter than the calyx; seeds oblong, coarsely favose-retic ; P. Menziesii:—Wyoming to California and British Columbia. wpe EE UN 3. Phacelia leucophylla Torr. Frem. Rep. 93. 1845. Perennial by! a, stout rootstock, pale, densely silky-pubescent; stems 3-5 dm. high: ledves lanceo- late to oblong, 5-10 em: long, the lower long-petioled: spike-like branches of the scorpioid cymes dense, 2-8 cm. long; flowers sessile, numerous, about 8 mm. high: calyx-lobes hispid, oblong-lanceolate or linear, somewhat. shorter , than ‘the white or bluish, 5-lobed corolla: corolla-appendages in pairs between the filaments: filaments exserted, glabrous or sparingly -hairy: .ovules‘2:on pect placenta. P.-circinata,—In dry soil; Colorado to North Dakota and, to ano. af Wed tai ey ‘ Bo fie sae A 4. Phacelia heterophylla Pursh, Fl. 140. 1814. Much like the preceding but probably only biennial, the stems single, or rarely. more, from the semi- fleshy root, erect, 3-5 dm. high; pubescence of two kinds, a fine canescence and more or less hirsute-hispid hairs:, leaves simple, or some of them with divergent, lanceolate or linear lobes nee the base: inflorescence hispid; the dense spikes; thyrsoid-congested: corolla bluish, longer. than: the gblong- lanceolate or linear calyx-lobes: filaments much exserted, sparingly bearded. P. circinata in part. (P. biennis A. Nels. 1, ¢, 26: 132.)—Colorado and Wyo- ming and west to the Pacific States. wee pa eae _4a. Phacelia heterophylla alpina (Rydb.) A. Nels. Scarcely more than a reduced form of alpine stations, tending to become perennial. (P. alpina Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 324..1900.)—In the high mountains. 5. Phacelia splendens. Eastw. Zoe 4:,9. 1893... Annual, erect, 2-3, dm. high, usually simple-stemmed; stems glandular or glabrous: leaves pinnately parted into three,or four pairs of alternate divisions, crenate or bluntly lobed and oblique at base, nearly glabrous; glandular on the rachis: scorpioid cyme on a naked peduncle; flowers on short’ pedicels: calyx white-hirsute and slightly glandular, the lobes linear-lanceolate, 4-6 mm. long, slightly surpassing the ripe capsule: corolla bright blue, rarely white, about 1 em. in diameter, divisions obtuse: stamens and style conspicuously exserted: capsule glandular and hirsute; seeds with the central ridge very prominent, cymbiform, favose ouer ee li but not corrugated.—In adobe soil; western Colorado an ah. nk : a ; : 6. Phacelia deserta A. Nels. 1. c. 25: 278. 1908, Stem erect, simple or branched from the base, 1-2 dm. high, densely leafy at base, sparsely so a ward, the whole ‘plant canescent with a short close pubescence, obscurely glandular: leaves pinnate, the pinnae opposite, nearly oval and crenately toothed, 5-9 pairs which’ are nearly equal in. size: inflorescence dense, paniculate, of scorpioid cymes: sepals equal, lanceolate-oblong: corolla bright blue, turbinate-campanulate, 7 mm. long, lobes equaling or surpassing the tube, rounded, entire; the obliquely vertical lamellae broad and conspicuous, HYDRUPHYLLACEAL (WA'TERLEAP FAMILY) 409 loosely united over the filament: filaments and style conspicuously éxserted.— In the Green river shales, Wyoming. eee 7. Phacelia glandulosa Nutt. Journ. Acad. ‘Sci:' Phila. IT. ‘1; 160. 1847. Plants 2-7 dm. high, rather’ stout, often widely branched, viscidly pubescent or in the inflorescence ‘hirsute: primary segments of the leaves ‘few-lobed or incised, or some entire: flowers eres large: corolla violet or blue, 8-12 mm. high, with ample rourided lobes quite entire: stamens and style much exserted: capsule short-oval.—Montana to Texas and Arizona. 8. Phacelia neo-mexicana Thurb. Torr. Bot. Mex.’ Bound. 143. 1859. Plants 2-6 dm. high, erect and strict, very leafy, viscid-pubescent, sometimes also hirsute: leaves ett ie twice pinnately parted into small and short lobes:.corolla comparatively small, 4-6 mm. long, bluish, purplish, or white,. the short lobes minutely crenulate to erose-denticulate: stamens and style often no longer than the corolla-lobes, sometimes rather ‘conspicuously ex- serial. on alba Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 30. 1901.)—Southern Col- orado and New Mexico. stn ee et ae 9. Phacelia Franklinii (R. Br.) Gray, Man. Ed. 2. 329. 1856. Erect, sim- ple; or corymbose at summit, 2-4 dm. high,-soft-hirsute or pubescent: lower leaves ‘petioled and pinnately or. somewhat bipinnately divided or parted into ‘numerous and short linear-oblong divisions'or lobes, the upper ‘sessile and less divided: spikes cymose-glomérate or crowded; little elongated in age: corolla pale blue or almost’ white: ovules 40 or more: capsule about the length of the calyx; seeds oval; minutely alveolate in vertical lines—Wyoming and far northward and westward. ; as - “ed 10, Phacelia Ivesiana ‘Torr. Ives Colorado Exp. 21. 1860. Diffusely much branched from thé base, 10-15 em. high, hirsute-pubescent and ‘glandular: leaves beating | parted into 7-15 linear or oblong and entire’ or incisely few- toothed lobes, rarely bipinnatifid: racemes loose, 6-20-flowered: narrow ap- pendages of the corolla adnate to the filament only at base: capsule oblong, 16-24-seeded. (P. campestris A. Nels. 1, c. 26:;242.)—From, western, Wyo- ming tosouthern California. | eis cat SS ay 11. Phacelia corrugata A.Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 26. 1902. Slightly glutinous and more glandular-pubescent; stem branched or simple, moderately leafy, terminating in elongated naked peduncles: leaves narrowly oblong, somewhat alternately 11~15-lobed, the ‘broad’ sinuses extending about ‘halfway to the midrib, each lobe ‘with'2 or'4'rounded unequal lobes; petioles short’ or want- ing: spikes very dense even in fruit: sepals linear-oblanceolate, sparsely: hir- sute, nearly as long as the corolla: corolla blue;‘campanulate-funnelform, 1 em. or more long: stamens and ‘styles nearly twice the length of the corolla; the undivided base of the style pubescent: capsule elliptical, about 5 mm.: long; seeds oblong, obtuse at both ends.—Utah, through Colorado to western Texas. 12. Phacelia integrifolia Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 222. 1827. Annual or biennial; stem :very ‘leafy, 1.5—5 dm. high:’ leaves finely strigose-pubescent, ovate-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, irregularly crenate-dentate, obtuse at the apex, rounded or cordate at the base, 2-6 cm..long, petioled or the uppermost sessile:! spike-like branches of the scorpioid cymes dense, 5-10 em. long when expanded; flowers sessile, about 8 mm. long: calyx-segments acute: corolla tubular-campanulate, white or blue, the tube longer than the calyx: filaments glabrous, exserted:' ovules 2 on each placenta.—In saline’ soil; Kansas and Colorado to Utab and Arizona.’ =... . bk : 13. Phacelia sericea (Graham) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 10: 323. 1875. Stems 1-3.dm. high from a branching caudex, silky-pubescent or cariescent, or the simple*virgate stems and inflorescence villous-hirsute, rather leafy to the top: leaves pinnately parted into numerous linear. or narrowly oblong lobes, these often again few-cleft or pinnatifid, silky-canescent or sometimes greenish; the lower petioled;.the uppermost simpler and nearly sessile: short spikes crowded in ‘a' ‘naked spike-like thyrsus: corolla violet-blue or whitish: stamens long-exserted: capsule a little longer than the calyx.—Moyntains of Colorado,’ Nevada, and northward. Ge Ot ik cede, aa 14. Phacelia: idahoensis Henderson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 22:.48. 1895. 410 BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) Much resembling the preceding, less strongly caespitose, the stems usually taller; pubescence less dense and often merely villous-hirsute: thyrsus rather long and narrow: stamens and style. sometimes but little longer than the corolla: seeds 12-22, angled by pressure, rather deeply alveolate, (P. ciliosa Rydb. 1, ¢. 33: 149.)—Colorado to Montana and Washington,,, - 6. EMMENANTHE Benth. chil Annuals. Corolla yellow or yellowish, campanulate, persistent, Seeds several. Otherwise like Phacelia. che ee Corolla equaling or exceeding thecalyx-lobes - . . : .~ .' 1.,.E. scopulina, Corolla distinctly shorter than the calyx-lobes . . ‘ S . 2.8, mann. 1. Emmenanthe scopulina A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 380. 1898, Small, pubescent but scarcely glandular, branched from the base; branches short, ascending, 1-8 cm. long: leaves ovate, elliptic, or oblong, crenately lobed to nearly entire, 5-12 mm. long: flowers.in short racemes; pedicels short, rarely exceeding the calyx in length: sepals linear, obtuse, at maturity about 4 mm. long: corolla equaling the calyx-lobes: capsule exceeding the calyx at maturity: ovules usually 10; seeds brown, irregularly ovate, obliquely rugose, 2 mm. long.—In the Green river cliffs, Wyoming. | |. Ce 2. Emmenanthe salina A. Nels. 1. c. 45. Similar but even smaller, some- what. viscid-pubescent:. leaves oval to oblong, entire to pinnately’ lobed: corolla minute, narrow, distinctly shorter than the 3 mm. long linear sepals: capsule shorter than the sepals; seeds pale, oblong-flattened,. transversely rugose and obscurely reticulated —On the naked, ashy, alkali flats of Bitter Creek, Wyoming. . : _ 7 7. NAMA L. Low herbs, with purple, bluish, or white corolla: In ours the corolla is short-funnelform and hardly exceeding the calyx, the flowers are in the forks of the stem, and the leaves are entire. Ovary imperfeetly 2-celled; styles 2, distinct. ae oo "4 7h 1. Nama angustifolium (Gray) A..Nels. _ Erect, 1-2 dm., high, minutely pubescent, glandular; stem repeatedly forked and with a nearly sessile flower in each fork: leaves narrow, linear or nearly so: sepals narrowly linear:, seeds marked with about 5 longitudinal rows of large pits, from. 4-6.in each row. N. dichotomum angustifolium.. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 284. 1870, (Mari- launidium angustifolium Kuntze.)—Colorado and New Mexico. .. ! 100. BORAGINACEAE A. Gray. Borace Famiy Chiefly rough-hairy herbs, with alternate or rarely opposite entire leaves and symmetrical flowers mostly on one side of the branches of a reduced-cyme. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla regular, 5-lobed. Stamens 5, inserted on the corolla- tube. Style single; ovary deeply 4-lobed (occasionally. undivided), forming in fruit 4 (or by abortion fewer) seed-like nutlets, each with a single seed. oe Ovary undivided or only 4-grooved, with terminal style. ‘ ; : z % s. . 1, Coldenia, ' Style 2-cleft or 2-parted . Style entire or none; stigma annular . 3 et 4 S . 2,"Heliotropium. Ovary 4-lobed or 4-divided, with central style. as Nutlets armed with barbed prickles; fruit bur-like , fi i . 8, Lappula. Nutlets unarmed or the prickles (if any) not harbed. ; Nutlets widely divaricate, bordered with'uncinate prickles . . 4, Pectocarya, ‘Nutlets attached: laterally to a pyramid-like: projection of the 4 hye an pee teele: 3 zi ‘ Annuals. Leaves sppoate below . . . oe as - 6, Allocarya. ' Leaves all alternate . ‘ . ae % 24 . 7% Cryptanthe, BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE . FAMILY) 411 Biennials or perennials. -Nutlets prickly on the margin’ . : Nutlets not packy on the margin. Flowers white or yellow . 2 . si . . . 8, Oreocarya. Flowers blue (rarely white) . . . . . 9 Mertensia, Nutlets attached by their bases, ; Nutlets small, smooth and membranous; flowers blue, in _bractless racemes _. ‘ os ‘ . es Nutlets bony and polished; flowers yellow, in leafy or bracteate racemes; corolla-lobes rounded, spreading . . 11, Lithospermum. Nutlets smooth, subglobose; flowers reenish or yellowish, _ , in leafy-bracteate racemes; corolla-lobes acute, erect .' 12, Onosmodium. ‘ . 5, Eritrichium, 10, Myosotis, trap i 1. COLDENIA L. Low herbaceous or suffrutescent plants, with canescent or hispid entire leaves, and small, white, clustered, sessile flowers. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla funnelform or salverform and convolute. Fruit separating at maturity into four :1-seeded nutlets. . 9 : . 1. Coldenia Nuttallii Hook. Kew Journ. Bot. 3: 296. 1851. Prostrate annual, repeatedly and divergently dichotomous: leaves ovate or rhomboid- rotund, 4-10 mm.,long, on longer petioles, with 2 or 3 pairs of strong and somewhat curving veins, and margins somewhat revolute: flowers densely clustered in the forks and at the ends of the naked branches: filaments in- serted nearly in the throat of the pink,or whitish corolla, the tube of which bears 5 short obtuse scales near the base: nutlets marked with a linear and ee ventral scar.—Dry plains; from Wyoming to New Mexico and westward. ' 2. HELIOTROPIUM L. HE.ioTRors Annuals or perennials; ours herbaceous and with alternate, entire leaves, white flowers, deeply 5-parted persistent calyx, salverform or funnelform corolla, sinuses more or less plaited in bud, connivent anthers, and a 4-celled ovary; becoming a 2 or 4-lobed fruit splitting into 1-seeded nutlets. Glabrous and glaucous; fruit 4-lobed . a ‘ 5 - Sond dS spathulatum. Strigose-canescent; fruit 2-lobed . é P = ‘ « 2, H, convolvulaceum. 1. Heliotropium ‘spathulatum Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 262. 1903. Diffusely spreading perennial, 1-3 dm. high: leaves succulent, oblanceolate or narrower: .spikes unilateral, scorpioid, mostly in pairs or twice forked, densely flowered: corolla. 6-8 mm. broad, white, with a yellow eye: stigma sessile, disk-shaped, as broad as the glabrous ovary: nutlets scarcely rugose. H. curassavicum L. in part.—In moist strongly saline soils; throughout our range. We = ‘a 2. Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Nutt.) Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 6: 403. 1857. A.low, spreading, freely branched annual, 1-3 dm. high: leaves ovate to nearly linear, short-petioled: flowers solitary, opposite the leaves and ter- minal, short-peduncled: calyx-segments acuminate: corolla large, strigose,on the tube, which exceeds the sepals andthe angulate-lobed ample limb; an- thers cohering slightly by their minutely bearded tips: style long and filiform; stigma conical, with a truncate, penicillate tip—Sandy plains; Colorado and westward. ng als eB 3. LAPPULA Moench. SticksrEp oF Hispid-pubescent or canescent herbs, with alternate entire leaves, and small white or blue flowers in spikes or racemes. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla salverform or funnel-form, with short tube and the lobes imbricated in bud. Stamens included. Ovary 4-lobed, becoming a bur-like fruit of 4 nutlets armed with barbed prickles —Echinospermum Sw. Racemes ebracteate above; fruiting pedicels deflexed, : Annual; flowers small; racernesopen . . . . . « 1, L. americana. Biennial: flowers medium; raceme dense . ° . « 2, L, floribunda, . Perennial. , 412 BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) Crests in corolla-throat short-pubescent . é . 7 . 38, L, subdecumbens, Crests in corolla-throat long-hirsute . < i? . . 4. L, caerulescens, Racemes bracteate; fruiting pedicels not deflexed. Marginal prickles distinct or nearly so, Prickles in one row. Sepals not enlarged. , Stems branched above. . +. .« .- . « 5, L, erecta, Stems branched throughout . s x i é - 6, L. occidentalis, Sepals enlarged and reflexed : ‘ < ‘i . 7 L, calycosa, Prickles in two rows, a Prickles similar; plant strict . . .© .« « . 8 L, Lappula, Prickles dissimilar; plant spreading . * 9. L. cenchroides, Marginal prickles more or less confluent, forming a cupulate border to the nutlet, i ’ Floriferous from the base, foliose throughout. Cup ders margin involute ope . é 7 C « 10. L. cucullata, Cup shallow, margin’revolute " , e . 11. L, foliosa, Floriferous on the.branches, bracted above : ; : ». . 12, Ly heterosperma, 1. Lappula americana (Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 294. ‘1897, Roughly short-pubescent, 3-7 dm. high; stem simple below, slenderly and divaricately branched ‘above: leaves oblong-lanceolate, 4-8 em. long: racemes slender and sparsely flowered; the slender pedicels deflexed in fruit,'5-6 mm. long: corolla minute: nutlets roughened-papillose on the back, a row of flat prickles on the margin — Wyoming and northward. - 2. Lappula floribunda (Lehm.) Greene, Pitt. 2: 182. 1891. , Hirsute pubescent; stems stout, erect, 5-8 dm. high: leaves oblong to linear-lanceolate, the lowest tapering’ into margined ‘petioles: racemes numerous, crowded, commonly geminate and in fruit rather strict: corolla rotate, blue, ‘7-8 mm. broad: fruit pyramidal, on recurved pedicels about 6 mm. long; nutlets with a flat, elongated-triangular scabrous back, the margin armed with a close row of flat subulate prickles, the bases often confluent.— Ll eepraan floribundum Lehm.—Rich moist ground; Western ' United tates. 7 A. ve ‘ 3. Lappula subdecumbens (Parry) A. Nels. Mostly soft-hirsute, some of the hairs, with papillose base; stems several or many from large roots, diffusely spreading, 3-7 dm. long: leaves ample; lower oblanceolate, tapering-into a margined petiole, 7-15 cm. long; upper oblong, sessile, gradually smaller and bract-like: inflorescence paniculate, at length open: corolla rotate, blue vary- ing to white, 8-12 mm. broad: pedicels at length deflexed, about 5 mm. long, equaling the fruit: marginal prickles of nutlets subulate and very flat, nearly as long as the width of the dorsal disk, this beset with a few small glochidiate processes. (Echinospermum subdecumbens Parry, Proc. Davenport Acad. 1; 148. 1876.)—Northwestern part of our range and westward. 4. Lappula caerulescens Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 328. 1900. Stems several, ascending, 4-6 dm. high, grayish-strigose, simple up to the inflorescence: basal leaves '5-10 cm. long, numerous; blade oblanceolate, ‘ob tuse, grayish-strigose and ciliate-margined, tapering into a winged petiole; stem leaves oblong, 2-5 cm. long, sessile or the upper somewhat ‘clasping? inflorescence open and rather loosely flowered: calyx strigose, 2 mm. long: corolla 6-10 mm. in diameter, from nearly white to sky-blue, the crests with some long' white hairs upon them: nutlets 8 mm. long; marginal prickles:of two lengths, free to the base, all glochidiate; back finely muriculate’ and usually with a central ridge bearing about 10 glochidiate prickles; ventral surface finely rugose.—Northwestern Wyoming, Yellowstone Park, and north- westward. ee : Ee a Feeds Page ed 5. Lappula erecta A. Nels. Bull. ‘Torr. Bot. Club 27: 268. 1900. Annual or biennial, cinereously strigose-pubescent; stems 1-5 from the crown of 4 taproot, simple, ‘erect, paniculately branched above, 2-4 dm. high: crown leaves rosulate, small, oblanceolate, petioled; stem leaves’ broadly linear, ses- sile or nearly so, 1-4 em. long: flowers small, blue varying to white, crowded on the panicled branches, more open in fruit: nutlets minutely and densely muricate-tuberculate:on all sides, with the murications.in the median line of the back a little more prominent than the others, a. single series of about 10 BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 413 prickles-which are distinct to an obscure marginal ridge.r—Frequent.in Wyo- ming; probably southward. iter sh Bee aM ae Bt 6,:Lappula occidentalis (Wats.) Greene, Pitt.,4:,97. 1899. Pubescence short, pustulate at base; stems one or more, freely branched from near the base, 1-4 dm. high: leaves linear-oblong, mostly small, passing into small bracts: flowers minute, crowded ;,fruiting racemes elongated and slender: nut- lets with 7-11 distinct triangular-subulate prickles generally grooved down the whole inner;face,.the surface of. the nutlet covered with low tuberculations (not muricate).. Echinospermum Redowskii occidentale .Wats.—Frequent. in our range and extending both eastward and westward., . A 4.7,, Lappula calycosa Rydb, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28; 30.1901. A hirsute an- nual, simple below, virgately branched above, 3-4 dm. high: leayes oblong, . . obtuse, 3-4 em. long, smaller and bract-like on the branches: flowers and fruit on'short pedicels: the calyx-lobes enlarged, in fruit subfoliaceous and reflexed: the ‘minute corolla blue: nutlets as ih the preceding but the prickles not grooved; backs of nutlets muricate.—Colorado (Rydberg and Vreeland, 1900): ' 8. Lappula Lappula ‘(L.) Karst. Deutsch. F1.979. 1880-83. A pale, leafy, hispid-pubescent annual, 3-6 dm. high, eréct with a few erect or ‘divaricate ' branches above: leaves from spatulate below to linear above, mostly obtusish: racemes crowded, sometimes I-sided: corolla blue fruit ‘ovate-globular, 2-3 mm. in diameter, on short stout pedicels: nutlets roughened-papillose on the back, with 2 rows of small slender prickles onthe thafgins.—Naturalized from Europe and to be expected within our range as a weed. ; 9. Lappula cenchroides A. Nels. Bull!’ Torr. Bot. Club 28: 2. 1899. An- nual or biennial, rather harshly pubescent, mostly intricately bushy-branched, 2-4 em. high: leaves numerous, oblong to ovate, 1-2 em. long, the pubescence’ on the underside with large pustulate bases: flowers minute, in leafy-bracted spikes: fruits large, nearly sessile; nutlets ovate-acute, armed.on the margins with a ‘double’ row of numerous large distinct: unequal -aculei,; scabrous-: tuberculate on the back with a noticeable median row.—Dry cajions; southern Wyoming. ; RAT oe Bees ‘ a a _10. Lappula cucullata A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 29. 1902. Pubescence short, subeinereous, scarcely hispid, more or less branched from the, crown. of the slender taproot, 1 (rarely 2) dm. high: leaves numerous,, narrowly oblong, 1-3 em. long, passing into the smaller foliar bracts: flowers :ineonspicuous: | fruits large for the plant; nutlets similar, all deeply cupulate or hooded, the border, thin but, strongly involute, the rounded margin, bearing a few short, : glochidiate ‘prickles;.the tip of the nutlet, with nearly an.equal: number of , slender prickles not involved in the border of the hood.(these characters not fully developed till maturity); the body of the nutlet with a dorsal, slightly muriculate ridge, ventrally orbicular with an abrupt acumination,, strongly keeled, the sides closely muriculate.—Sandy barrens; Wyoming and southward. . 11. Lappula foliosa A. Nels. , Diffusely and, profusely branched from. the, base, the slender branches very leafy throughout, 10-20 cm. long, floriferous nearly to the base but more remotely so downward: leaves broadly linear, 1-3 em. long: flowers blue: fruits on short pedicels which tend to recurve; nut- lets all alike, the prickles widely dilated and connected at base, forming a narrow wing-like revolute margin, minutely papillose-scabrous,on all sides with a ‘noticeable dorsal ridge. L. desertorum foliosa A.’ Nels. Bull. Torr Bot. Club 27: 267. 1900.—Red Desert of Wyoming; probably southward. . 12. Lappula heterosperma Greene, Pitt. 4: 94: 1899: Diffusely branched, often nearly to the base; the branches 10-15 em. long, loosely floriferous, each flower subtended by a leafy bract which surpasses even the mature fruit: leaves linear to oblong-linear, subcinereous: flowers pale blue: nutlets dis- similar, 3 with an elevated, coroniform, thickened, aculeate border, the fourth with about 6-prickles almost distincet, but each dilated and slightly inflated at base, a line of sharp murieation forming a dorsal ridge and. the whole surface of nutlets minutely muricate, even on the cupulate. crown.—Southwestern Colorado and southward:as to the species. The following variety: occurs farther northward. ben BO Ri ve pS ov i A ae 414 BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 12a. Lappula heterosperma homosperma A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 29. 1909, Larger than the species, paniculately and somewhat rigidly branched from near the base upward: nutlets all similar and with the character of the cupu- late ones of the species.—Northern Colorado. 4. PECTOCARYA DC. Small annuals with narrow subopposite leaves and minute flowers. Calyx cleft to the base or nearly so and open in fruit. Corolla with crests nearly closing its throat, the 5 short stamens included. Style minute with capitate stigma. Nutlets thin and flat, widely divergent, winged by a thin pectinate or bristly border. a 1. Pectocarya miser A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 37: 310. 1904. Minutely appressed- strigose, branched from the base, the several stems filiform, spreading, 5-20 cm. long: leaves linear, imperfectly opposite, mostly less than 1. cm, long; the floral one of the pair reduced or wanting: flowers single at the nodes: nutlets geminate, very flat, irregularly and narrowly winged at the sides, sides and apex bordered with hooked bristles, the dorsal disk slightly keeled and; glandular-hairy.—Known only from type locality, Point of Rocks, Wyoming. 5. ERITRICHIUM Schrad. Dwarf, caespitose, mountain perennials with narrow leaves and small white or blue flowers. Corolla rotate, with short tube, 5 crests in the throat, and 5 included stamens. Nutlets divergent, with sharp margin or winged by an acute pectinate-toothed border.—Omphalodes. Pubescence long and villous 3 . - 1. E, argenteum, Pubescence short, sericeous-canescent . 7 ® a . . 2.,E, Howardii, 1. Eritrichium argenteum Wight, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 411. 1902, Densely caespitose, only 2-4 cm. high, closely villous with long soft white hairs: leaves narrowly ovate to narrowly lanceolate: flowers terminating very short leafy shoots, becoming more or less racemose: nutlets with a pectinate-toothed or spinulose dorsal border. Omphalodes nana aretiodes. —Alpine; in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and northwestward. 2. Eritrichium Howardii (Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 327. 1900. Densely caespitose, sericeous-canescent with appressed pubescence: leaves spatulate-linear, 7-15 mm. long, crowded on the tufted branches of the caudex: stems short, with a few linear leaves, simple or dichotomous, few- flowered: corolla larger (7-10 mm. broad): nutlets flattened dorsally, the disk smooth or minutely papillose, the margin acutely angled. Omphalodes Howardii. (Eritrichium elongatum Wight, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 408. 1902). Wyoming, Montana, and westward in the mountains. th Beas 6 ALLOCARYA Greene Small semisucculent somewhat hirsute annuals, with eee (at least the lower) linear leaves, and several to many slender usually depressed Pane from the base. Flowers, small, white, racemose, on turbinate-thickened pedicels. Calyx 5-parted. Corolla salverform, yellow-throated. Nutlets 4, variable (from smooth to rugose or even glochidiate), ovate or lanceolate-—Krynitzkia Fisch. & Mey. in part. a ; Fruiting racemes lax . - . . . - 1. A. scopulorum. Fruiting racemes dense é ee 2 a . 2, A. Nelsonii, 1. Allocarya scopulorum Greene, Pitt. 1: 16. 1887. Minutely strigillose- hispid or the leaves glabrate above, branched from the base; ‘the slender, prostrate-spreading stems at length branched, 7-15 em. long: leaves linear, the floral somewhat elongated: calyx-segments not accrescent, linear-lanceolate: nutlets with ovate nearly basal scar, slightly carinate ventrally and also ‘i BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 415 dorsally toward tlie apex, rugulose or obscurely penicillate-roughéned or muriculate. '‘Krynitzkia californica’ subglochidiata Gray.—Frequent ‘on moist saline soil throughout our range. | ' ae CA hae : 2, ‘Allocarya' Nelsonii Greene, Erythea 3: 48. 1895. Similar in size and habit, '‘the pubescence denser and the hairs with pustulate base; very pro- fusely' branched’ from the crown: inflorescence dense in fruit ‘as’ well as in flower: calyx open, the segments short: corolla inconspicuous: nutlets with nearly basal scar, sharply keeled ventrally, a few sharp transverse or oblique rugulae’ on ‘the dorsal side, beset: with minute hooked or forked hairs on the ridges'and obscurely papillose in the intervals—Known only from the type locality, Silver'Creek, Fremont ‘county, Wyoming. — as _. %, CRYPTANTHE Lehm.* "$lender, hirsute or hispid annuals, ‘with narrow entire alternate leaves and bractless (sometimes leafy-bracteate below) flowers in slender. spikes, or racemes. .Calyx more ;or less hispid, closely embracing the fruit and de- ciduous with it. Corolla small, often inconspicuous.. Nutlets 4, or by abor- tion fewer, attached from the base upward, usually nearly to the apex, smooth, muriculate or tuberculate, sometimes with a slight dorsal ridge, the margin sometimes acute or even winged.—KAryniizkia Fisch. & Mey. in part. , , light gray or mottled. "Sepals with Cinennd Genteionts a, tanched' froni the ‘base, = of 3 C. Pattersonii. . 'C, ramulosissima. C, Fendleri. : «., ; Qne nutlet more persistent . . a ee tes Nutlets'all alike J) 1. ., _ as 3 Simple below, paniculately branched above .'. “Sepals setose-hispid;. midrib not, noticeably thickened. | _ Nr als long-attenuate,, the tips open-divaricate, : io 3 FORT elote usually all maturing." '. wes 4 G, flexuosa. oj... Nutlets solitary 2h lot DoDD 8! 6 gracilis. .{ij Sepals short, tips closed _: . « 6, C0, Watsonii. SW itiets dissimilar, ono ierger and sino’ ss"... 7, C, erassisepala, » Atlee alike, one sometimes aborted . . . . « 8. C, multicatlis. '. fa ype pe ee es a ee : fan lap : : 7 “1, Cryptanthe Pattersonii (Gray) Greene, Pitt. 1: 120.1897. Rough-hispid, - 15-25 em. high; the several stems from the base simple or sparingly branched: leaves inarrowly spatulate or linear: calyx hispid-with. pungent bristles, the lobes linear-lanceolate and with noticeably thickened: midrib: nutlets ovate- acuminate, smooth, one of them disposed to be more persistent than the rest, sometimes but one maturing, attached from the base to the middle or above. Krynitzkia Pattersonii, Gray.—Plains and: foothills.of the eastern side of the: Rocky Mountains. ed ee a 2. Cryptanthe ramulosissima: A. Nels. Erythea 7: 68. 1899. Densely hispid throughout, closely and. intricately. branched from the base up, the ‘whole forming a subspherical' mass 24 dm. in’ diameter: leaves small, nu- merous, linear,, the: hairs with pustulate. base: plies uniserial, crowded, the flowers in. pairs: sepals linear, setose-hispid, midrib thickened at base, 5-6 mm, long: nutlets all alike, smooth, subconical, 2 mm. long, ventral groove widen- ing slightly, into an open basal areola.—Southern Wyoming: eke «ania , 3» Cryptanthe Fendleri (Gray) Greene, Pitt. 1:.120..1887, Erect, pan- iculately branched. from near the base, rather rigid, 2-3 dm. high: leaves linear, 2-4 em. long: spikes slender, bracteate at base: sepals narrowly linear in fruit: nutlets narrowly ovate-acuminate, attached nearly to the,apex, all maturing and alike, brown, less than 2mm. long. Krymtzkia Fendlert Gray — Sandy plains in the Rocky Mountains and westward. * Besides the species described, several others are occasionally reported from our ake among which may be named C. affinis,'C. Torreyana, C. ambigua, etc, ‘It seems doubt: ‘al w iether these species occur in our range. Fully developed material with mature nutlets is i: ely to show that those so reported belong to one or the other of the species ‘here de- aveived, or else that they are new and yet undescribed, Alb BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 4, Cryptanthe flexuosa A. Nels. Pale, hispid-pubescent; stems simple, or several from the base, loosely branched upward, erect, or (if, long) flexuous, spreading, 15-30 em. long: leaves narrowly oblong, 2-3 cm. long: fruiting spike open, below with foliar bracts: sepals lanceolate-acuminate, hispid at base, the tips mostly spreading, 5-8.mm. long: nutlets mottled, smooth and shining, about 2 mm. long, the ventral groove nearly closed, forked at the base but without areola, all maturing—C. ajfinis fleruosa A. Nels, Bot, Gaz. 30: 183. 1900.—Northwestern Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho.,, ars 5. Cryptanthe gracilis Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 236. 1903. Slen- der, erect, 10-15 cm. high, sparsely hispid: leaves rather few, oblanceolate, obtuse, about 1 cm. long, sparsely hispid: inflorescence pedunculate, open in fruit; the flowers small: calyx densely hispid, the lobes narrow and not thick- ened, 3 mm. long in fruit: nutlet solitary, ovate-acuminate, smooth, some- what triangular in cross section, about 2 mm. long; a little longer than the large gynobase to which it is attached for about half its length—Known only from the type’ locality, Glenwood Springs, Colorado.) 92 0) 1s 'riinid 6. Cryptanthe Watsonii (Gray) Greene, Pitt. 1: 120. 1887. Erect, dark green, slightly hispid, 12-25 cm. high; stem simple or branched ‘from the base, slender and somewhat weak: leaves narrowly: oblong or spatulate, 2-4 em. long: flowers minute, relatively few, the fruiting spikes open, naked except at base: sepals short, only 3-4 mm. long, the tips mostly closed; midrib not thickened: nutlets narrow, subtriquetrous, about 2 mm. long, attached from the base nearly to the apex, smooth and shining. Krynitzkia Watsonit Gray.— Northwestern Colorado and through western Wyoming... Rea 7. Cryptanthe crassisepala (T. & G.) Greene, Pitt. 1: 112. 1887. Very rough-hispid, freely and diffusely branched from the base upward, rather stout, 15-25 em. high: leaves oblanceolate and. linear-spatulate: calyx, very hispid with yellowish or fulvous bristles, the sepals greatly' thickened, at base in fruit, 5-8 mm. long, inclined to disarticulate at maturity, forming a sort of bur inclosing the nutlets: nutlets ovate, acute, dissimilar, 3 of them muricate- granulate, and 1 larger and smooth or nearly so, attached for half its length. Krynitekia crassisepala Gray.—From the Rocky Mountains’ eastward to Kansas and Nebraska. ra 3 8. Cryptanthe multicaulis A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 183. 1900. Few to many-stemmed from the crown of the vertical taproot; stems slender, erect or decumbent at base, sparingly branched, 12-24 cm. high: leaves broadly linear, 2-3 em. long; pubescence from hispid to hirsute-ciliate:. spikes slender, rather dense even in fruit: sepals setose-hispid, narrowly lanceolate-acuminate, about 5 mm. long, the midrib not thickened: nutlets obscurely roughened; ovate, subacute, 2 mm. long, the ventral groove forked at base but Without conspicuous open areola, usually only 3 maturing —Wyoming and probably southward into Colorado. ", 8. OREOCARYA Greene Coarse biennial herbs, with rough or hispid pubescence, alternate leaves, and white or yellow flowers in crowded paniculate or thyrsoid clusters. Calyx 5-parted, open in fruit. Corolla salverform, 5-lobed, crested in throat and bearing 5 included often dimorphic stamens. ‘Ovary deeply 4-lobed, becoming a fruit of 4 sharp-angled or wing-margined nutlets which are attached later- ally to the pyramidal receptacle—Kryntizkia Fisch & Mey. in part. Flowers yellow or with yellow throat. i ‘i Flowers yellow, in a spicate thyrsus . - . . # - 1. 0. flava. Flowers yellowish, in an interrupted thyrsus . “ 7 « 2. O. alata. Flowers white with yellow throat . : . 3. O. flavoculata. Flowers white, - -Tufted or caespitose perennials. : ‘| Inflorescence racemose-paniculate; nutlets smooth, ; . Fruiting raceme uniserial; nutlets gray . ‘ 3 . 4, O. multicaulis. Fruiting. raceme biserial; nutlets brown . i s . 5, O. suffruticose Inflorescence thyrsoid or thyrsoid-glomerate; nutlets rough, : BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY): 417 Calyx-lobes equaling or exceeding the corolla-tube. irsute, fulvous above. ‘a apuners nearly smooth ‘ ‘ 6. O. caespitosa. *'t “Nutlets conspicuously roughened . 7. O. nana, Silvery-canescent; nutlets muricate . 3 fe . 8 O. cana, ,. White-sericeous, tawny above; nutlets rugulose- | ot, zptuberculate, , '*” Ploriferous above onl eB OR . _9. Q. sericea, Floriferous from the base . é i . . . 10. O, elata. Calyx-lobes shorter than the corolla-tube. . . _ Inflorescence terminal. e Contracted capitate . . ss < é a . 11, O. fulvocanescens. » ' Compound spicate f; 3 ‘ ‘ < S . 12. O, cristata. . Floriferous throughout; nutlets rugose_ . 5 5 . 18, O, Bakeri. Biennials or scarcely more enduring, mostly from a taproot. Corolla-tube not surpassing the calyx-lobes, Stem simple, or with smaller branches from the base; lower te leaves oblanceolate . . 7 . . ‘a . 14, O, affinis, : Stem simple or several from the base; lower leaves obovate 15, O. glomerata. . Stems two or more from the crown, equal. — : : ve ‘ es Nutlets sharply rugose .. .. . . . -> . 16, O. thyrsiflora, Nutlets roughly white-papillose | 7 . « . + 17. QO. aperta, Stem strict, stout; inflorescence spicate, leafy-bracteate . 18. QO. virgata. 7 ‘Corolla-tube surpassing the elongated calyx-lobes . < s 19. O. longiflora. 1. Oreocarya flava A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 202. 1898. White-. ' pubescent below, fulvous or yellow-hirsute upward; stems numerous, tufted . on @ branched lignescent caudex, 10-25 em. high: leaves numerous; basal ones scale-like and white-hairy; stem leaves linear to oblanceolate, 3-5 cm. . long: inflorescence crowded, glomerate-spicate: calyx: yellow-hirsute, lobes. . linear, half the length of the corolla-tube: corolla a decided yellow, tube about ' 12 mm. long; crests conspicuous, emarginate: stamens and pistils dimor- phic; stamens inserted just below the throat or just below the middle of the _ tube; style the length of the tube or half the length: nutlets smooth, ovate, . narrowly. winged, not all maturing.—Southern desert region of Wyoming. 2. Oreocarya alata (Jones)-A. Nels. Pubescence short, soft.and appressed,,, longer but scarcely hispid in the inflorescence; caudex woody, branched; . ’ stems single from the crowns, erect, 2-5 cm. high: basal leaves. crowded,.: . linear-oblanceolate, 3-6 cm. long; those of the stem oblong-linear: inflores- cence subcapitate, with one or more small clusters in the axils of the upper- most leaves: calyx-lobes linear, shorter than the corolla-tube, fulvous-hirsute: corolla yellowish, tube about 10 mm. long, at least twice as long as the lobes: nutlets smooth, obtusely and narrowly wing-margined.—Krynitzkia leu- cophaea alata Jones, Cal. Acad. Sci. II. 5: 710. 1895.—Sandstone cliffs and barrens; Utah and probably western Colorado. ake : 8. Oreocarya flavoculata A. Nels. Erythea 7: 66..1899.. Hispid-ciliate, loosely tufted on a branched caudex the branches of which are clothed with dead leaf-bases, 1-2 dm. high: leaves linear-spatulate to narrowly obovate, . canescent: inflorescence crowded, becoming a thyrsus of short racemes, fulvous and somewhat strigose: sepals lanceolate, about,7 mm. long: corolla white or ochroleucous, the throat and conspicuous oblong crests.bright yel- low; tube slightly exceeding the calyx and nearly twice the length of the oval ie nutlets ovate, roughened-papillate on the back. (O. eulophus, Rydb. uw ward. tufted, densely pubescent and somewhat tomentose; stems numerous, rather rigid, 3-5 dm. high, moderately leafy, bearing a thyrsus of numerous elongated spikes at and near the summit: leaves mostly oblanceolate, becoming broadly lmear upward: spikes appearing uniserial and unilateral: nutlets, ovate- trigonous, smooth and shining. Krynitzkia Jamesii Gray in part.—Southern, Colorado and southward. : A Be es 5. Oreocarya suffruticosa (Torr.) Greene, Pitt. 1: 57. 1887. .. Stems . Torr. Bot. Club 31: 637, 1904.)—Southwestern Wyoming and south- , 4. Oreocarya multicaulis (Torr.) Greene, Pitt. 3: 114. 1896.. Perennial, : tufted, freely branched, canescently pubescent. or white-hirsute, About .2 dm. . high, rather rigid and brittle: leaves linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate . cins ‘ 418 BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) ereous with appressed pubescence: fruiting spikes geminate and oiserial: sepals ovate-lanceolate: nutlets ovate-trigonous (a quarter of @ sphere), polled, red-brown, dotted with white. Krynitzkia Jamesii Gray in part.— outheastern Wyoming and southward in Colorado. , 6. Oreocarya caespitosa A. Nels. Erythea 7: 65. 1899. The multicipital caudex densely tufted, often forming broad mats, the branches clothed with dead leaves; stems 5-10 cm. high, single from .the crowns, simple: leaves numerous, linear to spatulate, 5-30 mm. long, silky-canescent: inflorescence at first capitate, in fruit thyrsoid-spicate, fulvous-pubescent: corolla white, tube scarcely equaling the sepals, crests conspicuous: nutlets narrowly ovate, searcely roughened on the back, attached by nearly the whole inner margin, —Wyoming and southward. 7. Oreocarya nana Eastw. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 243. 1903. Caespi- tose, 5-20 cm. high, ae throughout, floriferous’ nearly from the base: radical leaves crowded, oblanceolate, petiolate, 1-2 cm. long; cauline leaves few, similar but shorter than the radical: inflorescence spicate-glomerate: calyx-lobes linear-subulate, longer than the corolla-tube, enlarging in fruit and conniving over the nutlets: corolla white, with prominent crests: nutlets ovate, keeled on the dorsal side and rough with sharp, transverse, interrupted muriculations, with fine papillae intervening.—Mesa lands; Grand Junction, Colorado. ae pak Scat a 8. Oreocarya cana A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 30. 1902. Caudex multicipital, ; clothed with densely pubescent leaf-bases; stems 1-2 dm. high, simple, softly. pubescent: leaves silvery-white with a short, close, soft pubescence, linear-: oblanceolate, 3-7 cm. long: the short, dense, thyrsoid spike closely fulvous-: hairy (scarcely hispid): sepals linear, 5-7 mm. long: tube of the white corolla! equaling the calyx: nutlets narrowly ovate, sharply angled, closely muricu-' late on back and sides, ridged on the back by a double row of minute tubercles, scar open, lanceolate, seldom all maturing.—Barren hills on the North Platte. 9. Oreocarya sericea (Gray) Greene, Pitt. 1: 58. 1887. Canescent: below, more hirsute upward and becoming a tawny yellow; stems tufted on 4 branched caudex, 1-2 dm. high: leaves spatulate, 2-4 cm. long: inflorescence short;‘at first capitate, at length open thyrsoid: corolla white, the short tube equaled by the oval lobes and much surpassed by the hispid linear fruiting sepals: nutlets ovate, subacute, closely muricate-tuberculate on the back, the ven- tral groove terminating in a broader basal scar. Krynitzkia sericea Gray.’ Western part of our range (probably) and westward to the Sierra Nevada. | 10. Oreocarya elata Eastw. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 241. 1903. Stems 1-several from a woody taproot, 2-4 dm. high, floriferous from the base, the axillary clusters becoming spicate and the summit of the stem branching into - a panicle of bracteate spikes: basal leaves spatulate, white with a fine, dense, interlaced pubescence; cauline distant, similar but sessile or clasping: calyx! lobes ovate, with strong midvein, densely hispid, surpassing the corolla-tube?! corolla white, the tube longer than the lobes: nutlets ovate, acute but not winged on the margin, tuberculate with glossy-white tubercles which are separate or confluent: in irregularly transverse ridges.—Type locality, clay hills, near Grand Junction, Colorado. : 11. Oreocarya fulvocanescens (Gray) Greene, Pitt. 1: 58. 1887. Silky- tomentose and the inflorescence yellow hispid-hirsute; caudex caespitose; stems 1 dm. or more high: leaves linear-spatulate, acute: inflorescence con tracted and ea ape tube of the white corolla much longer than the lobe: and surpassing the calyx, the crests elongated and exserted. Krynitzkia Julvocanescens Gray.—Southern Colorado and New Mexico. 12. Oreocarya cristata Eastw. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 30: 244. 1903. Cau- dex branched from a slender woody taproot; stems slender, 2 dm. high: leaves ' oblanceolate-spatulate, on broad petioles; pubescence from cinereous to tawny (above): inflorescence short,: glomerate-spicate: calyx-segments about 6 mm. long, very bristly, shorter than the tube of the corolla: corolla with broad orbicular divisions, the throat-crests prominent: nutlets globose, in- curved, acutelv margined to the scar. rough with transverse ridges and minute BORAGINACEAE. (BORAGE, FAMILY) 419 papillae intervening; scar broad,and-open, and forked at base.—Type locality, Grand Junction, Colorado. s sae ; “18. Oreocarya Bakéri Greene, Pitt. 4: 92.' 1899. Densely ‘appressed- pubescent, becoming hispid above; perennial with stout stems; 'usually de- eunbent at-base, moré or less branched and floriferous ‘almost: throughout:. leaves petioled, oblanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate: flowers crowded in the few, solitary, or gemihate racemes, bracted: sepals ovate-lanceolate, short, only a little longer than the fruit: nutlets narrowly margined, sinuately and sharply rugose on the back, pitted on the ventral face—Southern Colorado. = 1" 14, Oreocarya ‘dffinis Greene, Pitt. 3: 110. 1896. ‘Biennial, 15-25 em. high, with 1 stoutish, erect, hispid stem and usually 2 or more smail, ascending,. accessory ones from the base: leaves mostly oblanceolate, obtuse, canescent with a minute pubescence intermixed with hispid hairs from a caneseent base: flowers in short axillary racemes, forming a long narrow thyrsus: corolla 6-8 mm. across, the tube ‘equaling the’ calyx: nutlets narrowly ovate, sub- acuminate, tuberculate-rugose on the back. « Krynitzkia:glomerata. Gray, in part.—Southern Wyoming, westward and southward. | | “' pe “14a, Oreocarya affinis perennis A. Nels. Erythea 7: 67. 1899. Very: similar but the root becoming indurated and perennial: nutlets nearly. smooth, obscurely wing-tnargined.— Desert areas; Wyoming, and Colorado to Nevada. 15. Oreocarya. glomerata (Nutt.) Gréene, Pitt. 1:.58. 1887. Pubescence subtomentose, seins hairs with pustulate bases intermingled, upwardly becoming densely ‘hispid; stems simple, one or sometimes more: basal leaves crowded, short, obovate-spatulate, very obtuse or sometimes retuse; stem leaves spatulate, becoming acute upward: inflorescence and flowers as in the preceding: nutlets narrowly ovate, with dorsal ridge, transverse bars, and numerous tubercles. “‘Kryniizkia glomerata Gray in part.—Coming into the northeastern part of our range. 16. Oreocarya thyrsiflora Greene, Pitt. 3: 111. 1896. Strigose-hispid., throughout, usually with 3 or more equal stoutish stems from the ¢rown,: 2:4 dm. high: leaves oblanceolate: thyrsus large, its forked branches panicled: corolla-tube short, scarcely equaling the short sepals: nutlets about 3 mm. long,!.ovate, obtuse, sharply but interruptedly’ rugose.—Frequent on dry hills; eastern Rocky Mountains. . » 5. £2 G if, ad He, 17, Oreocarya aperta Eastw. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club.30: 241, 1903... Pr ably. perennial, jhe caudex. branched; ‘stems several, 1-2 dm. high, braked from, the base but: the whole forming a close thyrsus of 2-forked, spikes; pubescence gray, setose-hispid, and a finer indument: of appressed hairs: calyx-lobes subulate-acuminate, elongating ‘and. spreading in fruit; corolla white, ;tube and limb subequal; crests conspicuous; nutlets ovate, obtuse, with prominent dorsal ridge and acutely margined all around, rough with glossy-white pepillee, the larger merging into small papillae.and forming somewhat. star-shaped, figures.—T ype. locality, Grand Junction, Colorado. ‘i Sesser 18. Oreocarya virgata (Porter) Greene, Pitt. 1: 58. 1887., Very, hispid, not at all eanescent; stem strict, 3-6 dm, high, flowering for most. of its length. in short’ and dense, nearly: sessile clusters, which are generally much shorter, than. the linear, subtending leaves, and forming a long, virgate, leafy spike corolla-tube-short, equaled by; the lobes and by the sepals: fruit pyramidal; nutilets broadly ovate, sparingly papillose. Krynitzkia virgata Gray.—Eastern slopes of. the:Rocky Mountains,in Colorado and Wyoming.. «©... ...:: 19. Oreocarya longiflora. A. Nels. Erythea 7: 67. 1899. Canescently his- pid, with a denser underlying fine puberulence, setose-hispid in the thyrsus; stems l,or more from the crown of. the biennial: (possibly more enduring) root, 1-2 dm. high (including the, thyrsus): leaves mostly basal, spatulate, ,3+7 cm: long: inflorescence occupying nearly the whole length of the stem, the. numerous racemes in the axils of the leaf-like bracts (reduced above): sepals linear, 8-10 mm. long, longer in fruit: corolla-tube much exceeding the sepals:. stamens dimorphic: nutlets ovate, obtuse, 3-4 mm. long, acute-angled, slightly keeled on back, obscurely rugose and low-papillate towards the margin.— Southwestern Colorado. : ; . fo ‘ : v 420 BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 9. MERTENSIA Roth. Perennial herbs, with glabrous or minutely hispid or softly pubescent alternate leaves and handsome blue, purple, or white flowers clustered in paniculate racemes or in cymes. Calyx-lobes linear to lanceolate, usually somewhat enlarged in fruit. Corolla tubular to funnelform-campanulate; the limb 5-lobed; crests in throat small. Stamens inserted on the corolla-tube; anthers included, or. at least not surpassing the limb. Ovary 4-divided; style slender. Nutlets attached laterally, but near the base only, elevated receptacle, erect, leathery, and wrinkled when mature., . Leaves glabrous or nearly s0, sometimes papillose or otherwise roughened, Corolla-tube equaling the calyx é 7 Corolla-tube about twice as long as the calyx, Tube glabrous within . ‘ s . * . Tube with a villous ring within . ‘ . -Corolla-tube more than twice as long as the calyx, Leaves crowded, usually glaucescent . . . Leaves. sparse, vivid green. gee, Se . . Leaves strigillose above, sometimes papillose as well. Calyx and 'corolla-tube subequal. - Stamens included in corolla-tube . ° ° . Stamens exserted from the tube . ° . ° Calyx shorter than the corolla-tube, Low and tufted (8-15 em, high), Leaves ovate or elliptic . . * ° e . Leaves eblong or oblance-spatulate .. |. Taller and loosely tufted (20 em, or more high), Leaves crowded on the stems and at the base, ips Smaller upward, bright green... oe Equably leafy, dark green . . . ‘Leaves'open on stem, few or wanting below, Glaucescent, rather thic! ° . . e ' Bright green, thin and large , 5 6 - Leaves pubescent on both sides . i é 7 a 1. Mertensia alpina (Torr.) Don, Gen. Syst. terminal and in the axils of the upper leaves, he S2 NE TP SN me - RON HO oes ce 4: 372, 1838. somewhat glaucous, 10-15 cm. high: leaves broadly oblong to narrowly lanceolate, obtuse or subacute, 3-5 cm. long; the lower numerous and./on slender petioles as long as or longer than the blade: flowers crowded, more open’ in fruit: calyr-lobes rearcely equaling the tube of the blue corolla: the limb of the corolla mostly shorter than the tube: filaments inserted either on the margin of ‘the throat or about the middle of the tube, ve than the anther: style included.—Open subalpine plains and foothills. 2. Mertensia foliosa A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 243: 1899. Gla- brous, dark green, 2-3 dm. high; rootstock thick, shreddy, branched at summit; stems ‘numerous, 1 or more from ‘each crown, striate, ascending or erect: leaves thick, ample,-seabrous on the margins; radical numerous, elliptic to oblong, 4-7 cm. long, on slender petioles often twice as long; cauline crowded, sessile, oblanceolate or (upwardly) lanceolate and acute: panicle crowded: corolla 15 mm. long, the tube slightly exceeding the limb; about twice the Iéngth of the lanceolate calyx-lobes, a 10-toothed ring inside at the base of the glabrous tube: filaments as broad as the anthers, which are protruded from the conspicuously crested throat.—Moist slopes; western Wyoming. ' 3. Mertensia coriacea A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 402. 1902. Gla brous, tufted, assurgent, 2-3 dm. high: leaves crowded, thick and coriaceous, with some flat-topped papillae on the upper surface; radical oblong’ or elliptic, 4-6 cm. long, on petioles mostly shorter than the blade; lower stem leaves oblanceolate, passing into sessile ovate leaves upward: flower-clusters BES 5S ES ES EE EX § to a slightly . alpina, foliosa, coriacea, ciliata. cynoglossoide:, brevistyla, papillosa, ovata. Tweedyi, CLA, er enh viridis, coronata, lanceolata, ratensis, akeri, Smooth ad short, narrower crowded even in fruit: calyx- lobes’ triangular-lanceolate, subciliate: corolla nearly tubular, limb: and , throat exceeding the tube, the latter with a villous ring below the middle: filaments spatulate, broader and shorter than the anthers: nutlets ovate, soarsely rugose. (M. perplera Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 639. 1904.) —Alpine; southern Wyom'ng and southward. 3a. Mertensia coriacea dilatata A, Nels. 1,2, Less leafy: inflorescence more. BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 421 ope sepals lance-linear: filaments broadly and spatulately dilated.—Range of the species. a ae ae 4. Mertensia ciliata (Torr.) Don, Gen. Syst. 4: 322. 1838. Pale and glau- cescent; glabrous and smooth, very leafy, 3-12 dm. high: leaves ample, veiny; cauline oblong or lanceolate-ovate, ciliate-margined, mostly acute, the upper becoming acuminate; basal leaves ovate or subcordate, 5-10 cm. long, petioled: short racemes panicled: corolla bright blue; the tube exceeding the limb and 3-5 times as long. as the ovate or oblong-obtuse, ciliate calyx-lobes: filaments as broad as the anthers, inserted in the throat: style long and, capillary.. M. sibirica Don. (M. picta Rydb. 1. c. 638.)—Throughout. our range. , ,; 4a. Mertensia ciliata polyphylla (Greene) A. Nels. Stem strict, . closely and equably leafy. M. polyphylla Greene, Pitt. 4: 87. 1899.—Colorado. 4b. Mertensia ciliata punctata (Greene) A. Nels. Foliage green, nearly devoid of bloom, the leaves and pedicels roughened-puncticulate. M. punc- tata Greene, Pitt. 4: 88. 1899.—Colorado. 4c. Mertensia ciliata longipedunculata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 402..1902, Size of the species; stems more freely branched; stem and branches few-leaved, terminating in long naked peduncles: calyx-lobes ovate, subacute.—Eastern Wyoming and southward. Sere, a ielt, thes 5. Mertensia cynoglossoides Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 19. 1901. Stems. de- pressed, 3-5 dm. long: leaves large, glabrous below, sparsely papillosc- scabrous above, ciliate-scabrous on the margins; basal leaves oblong, obtuse, 6-10 cm. long, petioled; cauline ovate to lanceolate, subacute: racemes few, sparse, often long-peduncled: sepals small, lanceolate or broader, obtusish, hispid-ciliolate as are also the pedicels: corolla-tube broad, as long as the limb, 3-4 timesaslongasthecalyx. M.muriculata Greene, 1.c.— Western Colorado. 6. Mertensia brevistyla Wats. Bot. King’s Expd. 239. 1871., Low, 1-2 dm. high, pubescent with short, appressed, rigid hairs, the lower surface of the leaves excepted: leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, very obtuse; flowers in a loose peach calyx deeply 5-cleft or 5-parted, very hirsute; lobes oblong or ovate- neeolate, usually acute: coroll4-tube short, equaling or but little exceeding the calyx, and rarely as Jong as the deep. blue limb: anthers inserted near the base of the tube, and included within it; style very short:—Western central Rocky Mountains, |. 6a. Mertensia brevistyla obtusiloba (Rydb.) A. Nels. Calyx-lobes obtuse, noticeably shorter than the corolla-tube, merely ciliate on the margins. M. obtusiloba Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club.28: 32, 1901.—Southern Colorado. . 7. Mertensia papillosa Greene, Pitt. 3: 361. 1898. Sparingly leafy, 1-3.dm. high: leaves oblong, revolute, densely papillose above, the low papillae bear- ing a minute, short, setose hair at summit; lower face of leaf smooth and; gla- brous, margin scabrous: flowers panicled: fruiting calyx short and campan- ulate, cleft to the middle, the lobes triangular, their margins pubescent, each lobe traversed by a strong carinate midnerve: corolla small and almost, tu- bular, the narrow limb with its shallow lobes apparently erect.—Mountains of Colorado. ‘ Ue 7a. Mertensia papillosa fusiformis (Greene) A. Nels., Root large and fusiform: calyx Fi rted to the base, the segments crinite-hirsute: corolla:more campanulate. . fusiformis Greene, Pitt. 4: 89. 1899; M. congesta Greene, Pl, Baker. 2: 17. 1901.—Southern Colorado. ; a a 7b. Mertensia papillosa lineariloba (Rydb.) A. Nels. Smaller, the stem leaves nearly linear, very closely short-strigose above: pedicels strigose: calyx-lobes narrow, merely hispid-ciliate on the margins.. M. lineariloba Rydb. ‘Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 32. 1901.—Mountains of Colorado. 8. Mertensia ovata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 28: 32. 1901. The low stems numerous and tufted, 1-2 dm. high: leaves minutely strigose above, broadly ovate, 20-25 mm. long, all but the lowest sessile: flowers.crowded, on short pedicels: sepals ciliate, shorter than the corolla-tube: corolla 10-12 mm. long, the tube longer than the limb and. throat: stamens nearly as long as the corolla, the filaments broader than the anthers. (M@. Parry: Rydb. 1. ¢, 34: 639.)—Nearly alpine, among rocks; Colorado, ; fa fy 422 BORAGINACEAE: (BORAGE FAMILY) ‘9. Mertiensia Tweedyi Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 336. 1900. Stems low, loosely tufted, decumbent at base, 8-15 cm. long: leaves minutely strig- illose and papillose above, dark green, oblong to spatulate, subacute: calyx- lobes lance-linear, ciliate, about half as long as the corolla-tube: corolla dark blue, 8-10 mm. long, limb and tube subequal: stamens included in the throat filaments very short: style short —High mountains; Wyoming and northward. 10. Mertensia viridis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 244. 1899. Root- stocks woody, creeping in the crevices among the rocks; stems slender, rather weak, decumbent at base, 2-4 dm. long, glabrous or sparsely hispidulous: leaves bright green, minutely hispidulous above: radical oblong to elliptic; 4-6 cm. long, on longer slender petioles; cauline. oblong; 'sindller -and’acutish upward: panicle leafy-bracteate; peduncle and pedicels slender; corolla about 1 cm. long, the tube exceeding the limb and about twice the length of' the sepals: filaments narrower than the anthers.—High rocky ‘summits; Wyo- ming and Colorado. sa a Te 11. Mertensia coronata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 403! 1902. Tufted, from large friable roots; stems shining, assurgent, 2-4 dm: ‘long: leaves numerous, large for ‘the plant, minutely’ scabrous above '(the’ hairs short, curved, and sometimes early deciduous from the ‘small pustulate base); radical oblong, 5-10 cm. long, on petioles 2-3 times as long; cauline smaller, and becoming sessile and ovate-lanceolate above: flower clusters terminal and ‘axillary, at length open-paniculate among the floral leaves: calyx-lobes triangular-lanceolate, sparingly ciliate: corolla-tube rather broad, 5 mm. long, exceeding the calyx; limb shorter than the tube, the lobes sub- orbicular, abruptly dilated from the rounded sinus: stamens ixiserted below the conspicuous crown of crests in the throat; the filaments broader thai the arithers.—Western Wyoming to Idaho and Montana. ~ Re al 12. Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh)’ DC, Prod. 10: 88. 1846. Minutely pubescent on upper face of leaves, otherwise glabrous and 'glaucescent;' stems simple or at length paniculately branched, 2-4 dm. high: leaves spatulate- oblong to lanceolate-linear, 3-5 em. long, obtuse to acute, semifleshy: raceme becoming loosely panicled: calyx-lobes lanceolate, ciliate, one half to nearly as long as the corolla-tube, which usually exceeds the subcampanulate' throat and limb: corolla-tube, hairy at the base within: filaments 'insérted in the throat, longer than the anther: style capillary, nearly as long as the corolla — Plains and open hills; Colorado and Wyoming.. | : : 12a. Mertensia lanceolata brachyloba (Greene): A. Nels. Calyx turbinate, the broad lobes shorter than the tube: corolla-tube scarcely equaling the limb. M. brachyloba Greene, Pitt. 4: 90. 1899.—In the mountains of Colorado.’ 13. Mertensia pratensis Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: °550.' 1899. Stems’ erect, several from a thick rootstock, 3-5 dm. high, rather equably leafy: leaves thin, bright green, lanceolate, mostly acute; lower petioled, 5-10 em. long; upper merely foliar bracts: inflorescence pubescent with short appressed hairs, especially the margins of the linear-lanceolate acute calyx-lobes: corolla blue or pink, 15-18 mm. long; the tube much surpassing the calyx and about equaling the campanulate limb, which has’ short, broad rounded lobes. (M. alba Rydb. is an albino form.)—Southern Colorado and New Mexico. é ; 4 ae yh 14, Mertensia Bakeri Greene, Pitt. 4: 91. 1899. Softly ciliate or villous pubescent throughout, with appressed or spreading hairs, tufted on’a branched semiwoody caudex, 15-25 cm. high: basal leaves oblong, subacute, 3-5 cm. long, on longer petioles; stem leaves linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate, smaller, sessile upward: inflorescence crowded, terminal: corolla about 15 mm. long, thé tube scarcely longer than the limb and twice as long as the- lanicéolate, villous-ciliate calyx-lobes: style filiform, about equaling the corolla.—Moun- tains of Colorado. ine ig ‘ 14a. Mertensia Bakeri amoena A. Nels. Less densely pubescent, the calyx- lobes merely ciliate on margins: crests'in corolla-throat inconspicuous. "Mf. amoena A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 95. 1900.—Yellowstone Park and adjacent regions. eM es em i yottewt BORAGINACEAE (BORAGE FAMILY) 423 14b. Mertensia Bakeri lateriflora (Greene) A. Nels. Pubescence close and canescent: leaves numerous, all linear-oblong: flowers smaller, in a narrow seound cluster. (M. lateriflora Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 18..1901; M. canescens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 640. 1904.)—Western Colorado. — 10. MYOSOTIS.L. Forcet-mz-not Low and often spreading herbs, with mostly soft hairy leaves, those of the stem sessile. Flowers small, blue, in slender bractless racemes. In ours the calyx is. beset with hairs, some of them bristly and having minutely hooked tips. .Stamens and style included. ; 1, Myosotis alpestris Schmidt, FI. Boem. 3: 26. 1793. A green, softly hirsute perennial, with slender, tufted, nearly erect stems 1-2 dm. high: leaves oblong-linear to lanceolate: racemes ‘densely flowered, bractless when fully developed; pedicels mostly shorter than the calyx: calyx-lobes erect: corolla blue} ate limb 6-9 mm. broad: nutlets more or less margined and carinate ventrally at the apex. M. sylvatica alpestris Koch.—Moist open woods in the waountains; Colorado and Wyoming. : Meo 11. LITHOSPERMUM L. GromweLt. Puccoon Softly hirsute or hispid herbs, with alternate entire sessile leaves and flowers axillary in leafy bracted spikes. Corolla mostly salverform or funnel- form, yellow or greenish-yellow, naked or pubescent or crested in the throat. Stamens 5, short, included. Nutlets (in ours). bony, ovoid, smooth and polished, attached by their base to the nearly flat receptacle. Roots yielding a violet or red dye. Corolla-tube not exceeding the calyx é s z 6S B . 4 Car fig lone: a5 m.) ‘ ' sorolla long ( cm.). : Galea ae lous as the tube of the corolla * “ * « 2 C. linariaefolia. .! Galea shorter than the tube of the corolla. . .. . o! 3:C. sessilifiora. Corolla short (2-3 cm.). aes : Inflorescence bright red or scarlet a e c ‘ . 4 C. collina, il ish or yellow. ° : : con re “Lip, of corolla half.as long as the galea . we . 5. C, brachyantha, Lip of corolla very short . . ses cage - 6, C. flava. . . “Calyx equally or subequally cleft above and below. | pies : Inflorescence conspicuously red, scarlet, or purple. : : uss », - ,, Galea longer than the tube of the corolla or the two subequal.. gi Ru | Leaves glabrate; galea exserted ‘ * . ¥ . 7 C. miniata, | Leaves pubescent; galea partly exserted . si « . 8 C, chromosa ' ' Galea shorter than ‘the tube of the corolla. oN ap - _ Stems low,’ mostly less.than 3 dm. high. : _ . Floral bracts laciniately, 3-5-cleft. Rae as ' Leaves entire or pinnatély lobed . a : a e903 C peyoet ts ‘Leaves mostly equally 3-cleft 3 A 3 « 10. CO. Buffumii. Floral bracts entire or nearly so. a . 2 e/oll.-C, integra. Stems taller, 3-5 dm. or more. - : chi ahs a ehow vit Calyx with 4 subequal lobes aera Sn ee . 12. C. confusa, nS oe with 2 primary lobes which are more or less cleft. : ‘loral bracts bright purple ‘ ‘ P . - 13. C. lauta, Floral.bracts bright scarlet, Stems in clumps, from a woody caudex . - 14, C. rhexifolia. : Stems single, spreading by creeping rootstocks « 15. C. lancifolia, - Inflorescence pale, greenish, or ee. fe eH oe Galea equaling the tube of the corolla, or nearly so -) 0,0 0 . 2. Castilleja linariaefolia, Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10: 532. 1846. Glabrous below, the inflorescence somewhat, pubescent or villous; stems strict, 5-10 dm. high: leaves linear, entire or some of the.upper sparingly laciniate; and the uppermost and bracts 3-parted, 3-nerved: calyx narrowly cylindrical, 2-3 em. long, mostly red or crimson, sometimes pale, the anterior fissure very much deeper than the posterior; the long ‘upper lip acutely 4-toothed or 2-cleft and the lobes 2-toothed: corolla 4-5 cm. long; the narrow, falcate, and much, ex- serted galea as long as the tube. (C. cognata Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 22. 1901; C. crista-galli Rydb. Mem. N. Y, Bot. Gard. 1: 355, 1900.)—Throughout our range and west to the Pacific States. wet ee cess a "3. Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh, Fl. Am. , Sept. 738. 1816. Perennial, cinereous-puberulent; stems stout, 1.5-4. dm., high, densely leafy: leaves sessile, 2-5 cm. long; the lowest commonly linear, obtuse, and entire; the others laciniate into Harrow segments: bracts green, similar to the upper leaves, shorter than the sessile flowers: calyx deeper cleft on the leer ade than on the upper,.the lobes linear-lanceolate, acute: corolla yellowish, 4 cm.'long, the upper lip about twice as long as the lower, the lobes of the latter linear: capsule oblong-lanceolate.—Texas to Canada through the eastern part of, our range. SA : is no 4. Castilleja-collina A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 231.'1901.: Many- stemmed, 15-25 em. high; pubescence a fine puberulence with some soft, white, woolly hairs at the base of the leaves, on their margins, and in the in- florescence; stems simple, the exterior ones in the cluster decumbent: leaves 2-4 em. long, dark green, variously cleft, the lower mostly pinnately, the divaricate lobes linear or broader, sometimes again 1-3-cleft, on either side: bracts bright red, more ‘fréely cleft than the leaves: calyx cleft nearly to the middle before, less deeply behind, the lobes again cleft half their length into lanceolate segments: corolla yellowish, about 3 cm.: long; galea .disbinctly exceeding the tube, slender, truncate or with a short tooth at apex, obscurely pubescent on the exserted tip; lip very short, 3-toothed, the central one short, the lateral.longer, acute, divaricate.—In spring, on gravelly sagebrush slopes; Wyoming:and. Colorado. ' Girt 3 5. Castilleja brachyantha Rydb. 1. c. 360. Pubéscent, 1-2 dm. high, erect, rather slender: lower leaves,often entire,.and upper only 3-5-parted, 2-4 em. long: bracts of the dense spike more dilated; inflorescence yellow ‘or greenish: lobes of the ovoid-oblong calyx, lanceolate: corolla scarcely exserted, about 2 em. long; lip with somewhat,callous or.saceate keels about the length of the oblong-obtuse lobes. C. breviflora.—Rare; alpine regions; Colorado té Mon- tana. ~~ ig We BE * at SCE Te Ean Evy He Ans 6. Castilleja flava Wats.. Bot. King’s Exp. 5: 230. 1871. Plant 2-4 dm. high, with numerous slender. stems, cinereous-puberulent, at least above, and the elongated spike more pubescent: leaves entire or, the upper with 1 or 2 lobes: bracts 3-cleft and with dilated base; the upper and calyx yellowish: corolla about 2-2.5 em. long; narrow galea little shorter than! the tube; lip very short, globular-saccate’ and callous, and with very, short ovate,lobes.— From Utah and; Colorado to the Canadian border. Tae ey 7. Castilleja miniata Dougl. Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 106. 1838. ‘Glabrous or nearly so except the inflorescence; stems numerous and tufted on a short rootstock, mostly simple and strict, 2-6 dni. high: leaves lanceolate or linear, or the upper ovate-lanceolate, acute, entire or rarely, laciniately 3-cleft: bracts lanceolate to oval, mostly bright red, rarely whitish, seldom lobed; spikes short and dense:: calyx-lobes lanceolate, acutely 2-cleft: corolla :2:5-3.5: em. long; the galea exserted, linear, longer than the tube; the.'\very short’ lower lip protuberant.and callous, as deep as long; with.short, ovate; involute | teeth.—Wet bottom lands; from our range to California and. Alaska:; 8. Castilleja. chromosa A. Nels. 1. c,.26: '245. 1899..;,Stems numerous, sim- ple or sparingly branched, 2-4 dm. long; pubescence a fine puberulence and more or less of whitish, crisped hairs: leaves variable; the lower entire or SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) A59 nearly. so, lanceolate to linear, 3-7 cm. long; the upper pinnatifid, consisting of a lanceolate blade proper, 3-5 em. long, and 2-4 linear to lanceolate, widely divaricate or ascending lobes: inflorescence at first short and dense, 10-15 em. long, more densely: crisped-hairy than the rest of the plant; bracts from scar- let to. yellowish-red: calyx. about 20.mm. long, about.equally cleft before and behind, the tube about twice as long as the bifid lobes: corolla, more or less exserted; the galea a little longer than the tube; the lip very short and almost truncate, '3 narrow plicae. extending one third the length of the tube-—Dry denuded hills; Colorado and Wyoming...) 5 os ‘9, Castilleja Haydenii (Gray) Greene, Pitt..4:;1. 1899. Low, tufted, 1-2 dm. high, glabrate below or more or. less cinereous, the inflorescence often ciliate-pubescent: leaves narrow, mostly entire: bracts broader, 3-5-cleft into linear lobes, “rose-red or else paler and with an admixture of lilac”; spike at first dense but becoming rather long and lax: galea shorter than the tube; the lip not half the length of the galea. C. pallida Haydenii—High al- pine in Colorado. ies Sienna. ok ahead 10. Castilleja Buffumii A. Nels. Cinereous and barely viscid; stems leafy, several to:numerous, assurgent from the crowns of a woody tap-root which produces from its base many horizontal yellow roots: leaves: mostly 3-cleft, the lobes nearly linear, about as long as or longer than the.rather, broad base: bracts similar, thinner and subscarious, light wine-color shading to brick-red or maroon: Galyx as long.as the bracts and the corolla-tube, equally cleft above and below; the lobes half as long as the tube and each cleft: halfway into ob- tuse teeth: corolla yellowish-green; galea half as long as the tube, the free thin edges the same color as the bract;. lip short, one fourth as long as the galea and one half as long as the shallow plicae: capsule ovate, 10-12 mm. long.— aype ae the Slick Creek Bad Lands, Big Horn. Basin, Wyoming (B. C. 11. Castilleja integra Gray, Bot. Mex. Bound. 119. 1859. Plant 1-3 dm. high; stem rather stout, tomentose: leaves cinereous-tomentulose, linear, 3-7 em. long, 3-7! mm. wide, entire: bracts of the short spike red or rose-color, entire or sometimes incised: corolla about 3.em. long; galea rather broad; li strongly. tri-callous, the lobes very short. (Includes C’. gloriosa Brit. and ¢. Lindheimeri Gray, as to our range.)—In dry ground; from Colorado to Arizona and Texas. oa : 12. Castilleja confusa Greene |. c. Perennial, the tufted stems 3-6 dm, high;-green and glabrous below, more or.less villous above, the inflorescence strongly villous with long, slightly deflexed, somewhat viscid but not glandular hairs: lower leaves all lanceolate, acuminate, entire, 5-8 cm. long;, those un- der the inflorescence broader and with a pair of narrow, faleately divergent lobes; bracts of the spike: still shorter and broader, mainly scarlet, and with 2 pairs of. lobes: calyx with 4 subequal, lanceolate, acute lobes: corolla, well exserted; galea notably villous along the back, twice the length of the lip, eee teeth of which are incurved. C. miniata in part. (C. trinervis Byt oe Torr. Bot. Club 28: 26. 1901.)—From Colorado and Wyoming to ‘Utah. : 13. Castilleja Jauta A. Nels..1. c. 27: 269. 1900. Stems several or nu- merous, simple, erect, yellowish-green to purplish, smooth and shining to stri- ate and granular-puberulent, 1-3.dm. high: leaves 2-5 cm. long or the lower much reduced, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, and entire to more broadly lanceo- late'and obtusish; upwardly becoming broadened at. the apex and toothed or cleft or. with short lateral lobes;, from glabrate-puberulent below to lanate- ciliate above: inflorescence short and dense, gay or almost gaudy, the purple bracts -large, lanate-ciliate, dilated. upward, entire or 3-cleft, nearly equaling the flowers: calyx equally cleft to about the middle, the 2 lobes again cleft to about the middle into oblong-lanceolate lobes: corolla yellow and more or less streaked with purple, 18-22 mm. long; galea half as long as. the tube, truncate and obscurely: toothed at the apex; the lip short, the 3 teeth acu- minate arid inflexed. C. brunnescens Rydb. 1. ¢.:31: 486. 1904.—-Mountain slopes; Colorado to Montana. ope os . 460 SCROPHULARIACEAE (FIGWORT FAMILY) 14. Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard.: 1: 356. 1900 Perennial, with a woody caudex, 3-5 dm. high, glabrous below, more or less villous above: leaves linear-lanceolate to ovate, 3-5-nerved, about 5 cm. long, the upper often 3-5-cleft, but not deeply so, with lanceolate lobes: bracts scarlet or red: calyx about 2.5 cm. long, green at the base, otherwise coccineous or scarlet, about equally cleft above and below, the clefts on the sides about 5 mm. deep: corolla .2.5-3 cm. long, with a galea about 1 cm. in length. (C. Tweedyi Rydb. |. c. 358; C. obtustloba Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 644. 1904.)—Open woods in the mountains; throughout our range. 15. Castilleja lancifolia Rydb. 1. c. 357. Perennial, with a long creeping rootstock, not growing in clumps, 4-6 cm. high, sparingly villous or glabrate, comparatively very leafy: leaves lanceolate, often acuminate, 3-5 cm. long; rather firm, 3-nerved, the upper seldom if ever cleft: calyx and corolla as in the preceding species: corolla about 3 cm. long, with a galea slightly over 1 cm, in length. (Very near to C. Suksdorfit Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 22: 311. 1877, which has a longer corolla with galea as long as the tube.)—Rich soil among shrubs, mountain sides; Colorado to Montana. oa 16. Castilleja dubia A. Nels. The woody caudex short, giving rise'to few or several slender, simple, ascending or erect stems, 2-3 dm. high; pubescence sparse, cinereous, consisting of fine puberulence and some white, soft hairs: the body or axis of the leaf linear, 3-5 cm. long, 3~5 mm. broad, usually with 1 or 2 pairs of ‘widely divergent linear lobes which are one third to one half as long as the leaf: bracts shorter, the blade and lobes relatively broader and tending to become scarious, decidedly yellowish or at the summit bright yellow: calyx about 2 em. long, equally'cleft to nearly one third its length: corolla scarcely longer than the calyx; galea and tube subequal; lip almost wanting, not noticeably saccate, truncate and short-toothed. (C. angusti- folia dubia A. Nels. 1. c. 29: 404. 1902.)—Denuded slopes of the desert areas; Wyoming. © at ioe 17. Castilleja longispica A. Nels. 1. c. 26: 480.1899. Stems few to many, 2-3 dm. ‘high, branched, the branches slender, erect (fascicled); pubescence a short-hirsuteness with a fine puberulence: leaves 2-5 cm. long, 3-cleft to the middle or thereabouts into linear lobes: bracts with dilated base, 3-cleft to the middle or beyond, the middle lobe oblong, obtuse, the lateral linear; spikes dense, slender, often half the whole length of the plant, yellowish: calyx-lobes equal, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, a little shorter than the ovoid tube: corolla 12-15 mm. long, one third longer than the calyx and slightly exceed- ing the bracts; lip triply saccate and conspicuously 3-toothed, the: sacs shal- low; galea obtuse or subacute, scarcely longer than the lip— Wyoming to Montana and Idaho. © : : 18. Castilleja pilifera A. Nels. 1. c. 31: 246. 1904. Perennial, more or less finely pilose throughout; stems several from the crown of a caudex, slen- der and erect from a somewhat decumbent base, 15-25 cm. .- high: leaves numerous, flaccid, nearly linear, entire or with one or more linear-divergent lobes, 3-6 cm. long: calyx a little shorter than the bracts, equally cleft above and below to the middle; the lobes linear and rarely more than bidentate at apex: cordlla about 2 em. long (shorter than the calyx), tubular; the lip as long,as the galea and about one fourth as long as the tube, the linear teeth as long as the obscurely saccate base. [C. pilosa (Wats.) Rydb. 1. c. 361 has been reported from'the northwest portion of our range, as has also the very similar C.' villosa Rydb. 1. c. Both have the calyx deeply cleft on the back (anteriorly) and the short galea twice as long as the lip.}-~—-Wyoming to Mon- tana and Idaho. ~ ‘19. Castilleja fasciculata A. Nels. 1. c. 26: 133. 1899. Caudex very short; stems few to several, simple or nearly so, slender, strict and fascicled above, cinereous-pubescent as are also the leaves and inflorescence, 2~3 dm. high: leaves 3-6 cm. long, linear and entire to much divided: inflorescence early elon- gating into a close, rather slender spike, 8-18 em. long; bracts light green or indistinctly reddish or -yellowish, 14-18 mm, long, 3-cleft below the middle from a broad base, the lateral lobes linear, divergent: calyx equally cleft be- SCROPHULARIACEAE (I'IGWORT: FAMILY) 461 fore and behind, the lobes short-bifid: corolla. barely exceeding calyx and bracts; galea short, not more than half as long as the tube, twice::as long as the lip; lip slightly ventricose but not callous, the-3 teeth short-oblong, ob- tuse, as long as the ventricose portion—Northwestern Wyoming and ad- jacent Idaho and Montana. . : : 20. Castilleja pallescens (Gray) Greenman; Bot. Gaz. 25:'266. 1898. Cinereous-puberulent; sterns 2-8 dm. high, usually several. from a woody perennial base, simple or: sparingly branched above: leaves 3-pdrted into linear lobes, or the lower entire: bracts similar to the leaves, with dilated base or the upper with shorter, obscurely whitish or yellowish lobes: calyx deeply 2-cleft, he broad lobes merely 2-cleft.at the summit: corolla .over:12 mm. long; galea broadish,' obtuse; the lower lip nearly. half as long as ‘the galea, obscurely saccate.—-Northwestern Wyoming to. Oregon and Washington.’ : 21. Castilleja lineata Greene, Pitt. 4: 151. 1900. Tufted stems rigid and brittle, but not suffrutescent, about 2-4 dm. high from a perennial root, narrowly and not densely spicate; herbage hoary-tomentose: leaves ascending, linear, 3-6.cm. long, entire, or in more robust plants with.one or more pairs of linear segments, all strongly 3-neryed and channeled and appearing striate: bracts similar to the leaves, more commonly palmately cleft to the middle into 3 linear lobes: corollas greenish and inconspicuous, little exceeding the calyx and bracts, 2-3 dm. long; galea shorter than the tube and the ‘lower. lip very short. (C. linearis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 25. 1901.)—Mountains of Colorado. . a ‘ 22. Castilleja occidentalis Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 230. 1828. Commonly villous with weak cobwebby hairs.at least in the dense and short, leafy-bracted spike, often glabrous below; stems short, 8-20 cm. high: braets comparatively broad, mostly incised or cleft, the tips whitish or yellowish and more or less streaked with red ‘toward the base: calyx equally cleft to or below the middle and again more or less 2-cleft: lip about half the length of:the rather broad galea. (C. puberula Rydb. |. c. 31: 644.)—In the alpine regions ‘of our range. 23. Castilleja sulphurea Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 359. 1900. Stems. 3-5 dm. high, striate, finely puberulent' or the upper portion slightly villous, simple: leaves linear to lanceolate or the upper ovate, 4-5 em. long, entire or thé’ upper cleft or lobed, acute, finely puberulent, 3-5-ribbed, light green: bracts 2-3 em. long; broadly ovate, obtuse, entire, or with a few small teeth, 3—-5-ribbed, puberulent, yellow-or yellowish-green: calyx about 1.5 etn. long, about: equallyi cleft: béfore and: behind and cleft. about 2-3 mm. at the sides: corolla greenish, 2.2-2.5 cm. long; galea about: three times: as long as the lip which is 3-cleft or lobed. [C.luteovirens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 26. 1901; C. wyomingensis Rydb. (?).}-—Very: common in moist places in the mountains; throughout our range. me my gee aes be 16. ORTHOCARPUS Nutt. een Annual herbs with alternate leaves and yellow, white, or purple flowers in bracted spikes; the bracts: often bright-colored.’ Calyx tubular ori tubuldr- campanulate, 4-cleft. Corolla very irregular, the tube slender, the limb bi- labiate; upper lip little if any longer than the 3-lobed, 1-3-saccate lower one. Stamens 4, ascending under the upper lip; anther-cells dissimilar, the. outer one affixed by its middle, the other pendulous from its upper end, commonly small, sometimes wanting. Style filiform, with entire stigma. Capsule ob- long, many-seeded. ~ es se 1 br 1 Corolla yellow; spike dense. d Pas ~‘Pabescent and hirsute; stem usually strict i ‘ “ . 1. O! luteus, Merely puberulent; stem usually divaricately branched above . 2, QO. Tolmiei. _- Corolla white, turning rose-purple ‘i és . 8. O. purpureo-albus, 1. Orthocarpus luteus Nutt. Gen. 2: 57. 1818. _ Pubescent and hirsute, sometimes viscid; stem strict, 1-3 dm. high: leaves linear to lanceolate, occa- sionally! 3-cleft, about equaling the flowers: corolla golden-yellow, about 1 em. 462 PINGUICULACEAE (BLADDERWORT: FAMILY) long, 2 or 3 times the length of the calyx; tip of galea obtuse and straight.— Plains; from northern Minnesota to Colorado and westward. 2. Orthocarpus Tolmiei H. & A. Bot. Beech. 379. 1840. Puberulent, 1.5-3 dm. high, loosely branched: leaves narrowly lanceolate-linear, chiefly entire: bracts of the small and short spikes little dilated, often 3-cleft, the upper shorter than the flowers: corolla bright yellow, 12-14 mm. ‘long; 3 or 4 times longer than the calyx; minute tip of galea inflexed.— Western Wyoming, Utah; and Idaho. — aa he, 3. Orthocarpus purpureo-albus Gray, in Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 458. 1871. Minutely pubescent, somewhat viscid, simple or branched, 1-2 dm. high: leaves entire or mostly 3-cleft, filiform: bracts similar or somewhat dilated at base: corolla about 18 mm. long, white, turning rose-purple, with tube twice or thrice the length of the calyx; tip of galea mucroniform, inflexed.—From Colorado and New Mexico to Utah and Arizona. . 17. CORDYLANTHUS Nutt. Branching annuals, with alternate, narrow, entire or parted leaves, and dull-colored flowers in small terminal clusters or sometimes scattered. Calyx spathaceous, 1 or 2-leaved, uncolored as are also the bracts. Corolla tubular, the lips subequal. Stamens 4; anther-cells dissimilar, ciliate or bearded at basé and ‘apex; the outer one affixed, by its middle; the pendulous one from its upper end smaller or sometimes wanting. Style hooked at tip. Calyx diphyllous, are au Corolla dull yellow; plant glabrate or subscabrous .. % fe = . we Wrightii. Corolla Purp ish; plant cinereous-puberulent % : ue . 2, C, ramosus. Calyx monophyllous pnd e : ' en sie « 38, C, Kingii. 1. Cordylanthus Wrightii Gray, Bot. Mex. Bound. 120. 1859. Loosely branched; almost: glabrous or puberulent-scabrous, 3-6 dm. high: leaves setaceous-filiform, 3-5-parted; floral similar, the tips not dilated: flowers sev- eral in the mostly dense terminal heads: corolla purplish, 25 mm. ‘long, with rather long lips: anthers villous——Probably reaching southern Colorado from New Mexico and Texas. ; 2. Cordylanthus ramosus Nutt. Benth. in DC. Prodr. 10:'597 1846. Cinereous-puberulent, 1-2 dm. high, diffusely much branched: leaves filiform, all but the lower usually 3-7-parted: flowers few in the small terminal heads, or in the upper axils: corolla dull yellow, about 12 mm. long.—Desert areas; Wyoming to Nevada and Oregon. ; 3. Cordylanthus Kingii Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 233. 1871. Viscid-pubes- cent or villous, diffusely branched, 2-3 dm. high: leaves 3-5 cm. long, mostly 3-5-parted into linear-filiform divisions: flowers glomerate, sessile :in the axil of a clasping leaf or bract, or scattered at the summits of the slender branch- lets: corolla purplish, about 2 cm. long.—Southwestern Colorado to Nevada. 105. PINGUICULACEAE Dumort. BuappERworT FamILy Small herbs (growing in water or wet places), with a 2-lipped calyx, a 2-lipped corolla, 2 stamens with (confluently) 1-celled anthers, and’a 1-celled ovary with a free central placenta bearing several seeds. Corolla deeply 2-lipped, the lower lip larger, 3-lobed and with a prominent palate, spurred at the base in front; the palate usually bearded. Ovary free; style very short or none; stigma 1-2-lipped. Capsule often bursting irregularly. Scapes 1- few-flowered. 3 1. UTRICULARIA L. BuappERworT Aquatic and immersed, with capillary-dissected leaves bearing little blad- ders, which float the plant at the time of flowering; or rooting in the mud, OROBANCHACEAE (BROOM RAPE FAMILY) 463 and sometimes with few or no leaves or bladders. . Bladders furnished with a valvular lid and usually with a few bristles at the orifice. Lips of the 2- parted calyx entire, or nearly so. 9 fj fis.” eaves pinnately divided; corolla broad (12 mm.), with Li 1 ermanent. spur .,.1. U. vulgaris, Leaves dichotomously divided; corolla half as broad, 2 Permanent.SPUr , «1 ey r : es Sobran bel na Phe minor, -1. Utricularia: vulgaris) L. Sp:. Pl. 18. 1753.! Stems: submersed, leafy. 3-12 dm.. long: leaves numerous, ‘alternate; blades 2—3-pinnately dissected into filiform: segments, usually bearing numerous bladders; bladders when fully developed 3-5 ‘mm.: long:. scapes erect, 1-3 dim. ‘high: racemes 5-10- flowered; pedicels 5-15 mm. long, recurving at maturity: calyx becoming 3-3.5 mm. long: corolla yellow, 12-15 mm. broad; the upper lip erect, nearly entire; the lower lip spreading, slightly 3-lobed; spur not’ appressed, horn-' like, slightly curved, shorter than the lower lip: capsules many-seeded.—In brooks and’ ponds throughout most of: the northern, hemisphere. #:29:-1/ 7 2. Utricularia minor L. 1. c. . Scapes slender; 0.5-1.8 dm: high;. branches floating, short: leaf-divisions few: and setaceous; bladders'borne along the: leaves, ‘few, often none, the largest not over'2:mm. long: flowers 1-10, pale yellow, racemose: corolla 4-6 mm. broad, ringent, the upper lip smaller. than the lower; spur usually reduced to a blunt, broad protuberance, shorter than the lips: bemaela reflexéd in fruit.—Shallow ponds and..bogs; like the preced- ing widely distributed. - AU. 3 a gor i toner oe vs Lint OF RGSS Syape fh ef ack. th pF 106. OROBANCHACEAE Lindl. Broom Rapr Famity Commonly perennial herbs, destitute of green foliage and parasitic on the roots vf other plants. _ Stems sometimes almost, wanting. .. Leayes, scale-like. Flowers perfect, or rarely ‘dioecious. Calyx of 4 or 5 more or-less united se- pals, persistent; tube. campanulate or |tubular., Corolla: persistent,on wither- ing;.limb more or less bilabiate and irregular. ,,Stamens 4, :didynamous,. adnate to the corolla, mostly included; anthers 2-celled or rarely 1-celled, leathery. Styles united, terminal; stigma capitate or 2-lobed; ovules mostly numerous, anatropous. Fruit a capsule, ‘inclosed in the, persistent corolla, with 1 or apparently. 2 cavities. ,;,_. ike, “paieette. vf aes ge aie Flowers spicate, sessile or subsessile, bracteate . fig cats . ' 1, Orobanche, Flowers pedunculate and bractless....;. J 00 6 fLRMOP SE Raa ote . 2. Thalesia, 1. OROBANCHE L. Broom Rare | Pardsitic herbs, on roots of ‘various’ plants, commonly with’ yellowish or brownish pubescent foliage. Leaves scale-like, Flowers spicate, with bract- lets. Calyx with a deep sinus above dnd below, the lateral lobes often 2-cleft.’ Corolla irregular; tube slightly, curved;' limb 2-lipped, ‘the upper lip érect or incurved, the lower lip spreading. Ovary 1-celled.' Capsule 2-valved.—A phyl- lon in part. Corolla 2 em,‘or more long; anthers woolly’ (J / V) wei ie: 5) 2. O. multiflora. Corolla less than 2 cm, long; anthers glabrous . . . . 2, O. ludoviciana, ‘1, Orobanche multiflora Nutt. Pl.'Gamb. 179. 1847. Whole plant viscidly pruinose-puberulent, ‘1-3 dm. ‘high: flowers nearly sessile or the lower ones sbort-pediceled: calyx bibracteolate, almost. 5-parted into linear-lanceolate . lobes, fully half the length of the ample purplish corolla: anthers very woolly. —Gravelly plains and pine woods; western Texas to Arizona, extending into Southern Colorado. Ca re eae: 2. Orobanche ludoviciana Nutt. Gen. 2: 58. 1818. Rather less pubescent: spikes more frequently compound: calyx less'deeply:and somewhat unequally 5-cleft: corolla about half smaller; upper lip sometimes almost entire: anthers. 4o4 PLANTAGINACEAE (PLANTAIN FAMILY) (before dehiscence) glabrous or nearly so.—From the Saskatchewan to, Texas and westward. 2. THALESIA Raf. landular or viscid-pubescent simple-stemmed herbs, with scattered scales long-peduncled flowers. Calyx campanulate or hemispheric, the lobes caute or acuminate. Corolla-tube élongated, curved, the limb ‘slightly ‘2- lipped, the upper lip erect-spreading, '2-lobed, the lower spreading, 3-lobed, the lobes all nearly equal. Stamens included: anther-sacs mucronate at the: base. Ovary ovoid; style slender, deciduous; stigma peltate, or transversely 2-lamellate.—A phyllon i in part. « d Flowers few or solitary 4 ole * * . # * i + é ae T. uniflora, , Flowers several or many ‘ a d é ade Ts fasciculata, 1. Thalesia anitiora (i ) Brit. eas. Terk Club 5: ‘298. 1894. Sealy’ stern short and'nearly subterranean, bearing few scapes 1-2 dm. high: calyx- lobes mostly much longer than the tube, subulate, usually attenuate: corolla violet-tinged, about 2.5 cm. long; the lobes obovate and rather large. Damp woods; from Newfoundland to Texas and westward across the con- meet Ss . Thalesia fasciculata (Nutt.) Brit. l.c. More pubescent and glandular; ian often emergent and mostly as long as the numerous fascicled peduncles, not rarely shorter: calyx-lobes broadly- or triangular- subulate, not longer than the tube, very much shorter than the dull yellow or purplish corolla: lobes of the latter oblong and smaller.~-From Lake Michigan to Arizona and westward across the continent; on n Artemisia, Eriogonum, etc. pba 107. MARTYNIACEAE Link. | Marrynza FAMILY ‘Annual or perennial: herbs, with thick branching stems. Leaves eppodiia! blades expanded, simple, mostly contracted into petioles. Flowers perfect, irregular. Calyx inferior, sessile or stalked; lobes 4 or 5. Corolla ‘showy; tube oblique, often ‘decurved; limb 2-lipped; lobes 5, spreading, the 2 upper exterior in the bud. Stamens didynamous; anthers with cee sacs. sa 1-celled; style slender; stigmas 2. Fruit a beaked capsule. ' wid # 1. MARTYNIA L. “Unrconn PLant Characters of the family.- 1., Martynia louisiana Mill. Gard. Dict. Ed. 8. No. 3. 1768. Leaves heart- shaped, oblique, entire or undulate, the upper alternate: corolla dull white or purplish, or spotted with yellow and purple: endocarp. of the fruit. crested , on, one side, long-beaked.—In waste places; rare in our range as an escape from cultivation; native in the Mississippi valley. . 108. PLANTAGINACEAE Lindl. Puanramy Famty Chiefly acaulescent, with 1-several-ribbed or nerved radical leaves, simple - spicate inflorescence,'and regular 4-merous flowers. Corolla scarious and veinless, usually marcescent. Stamens 4 or 2, with filiform’ filaments and ver- satile anthers. Fruit a capsule (pyxis). PLANTAGO L. . PLANTAIN Acaulescent or short-caulescent herbs, with. mostly radical arallel-veined leaves and-small white or greenish flowers in terminal spikes or heads. Calyx- PLANTAGINACEAE . (PLANTAIN FAMILY) A4G5 segments equal, or 2 of them latger. Corolla salverform; the tube cylindric, or constricted at the throat; the limb,4-lobed or 4-parted, spreading in flower, in fruit .spreading, erect; or reflexed:. ‘Stamens 4 or 2. Qvary 2:+celled or, falsely 3-4-celled. Fruit a membranaceous capsule., Seed-coat developing, copious mucilage when wetted., .; -- sgh"? og AE lg Stamens ‘4; flowers perfect: corolla not closing over, the capsule, — icant Leaves 3~8-nerved, glabrous or pubescent but not silky-lanate; spikes not woolly. : ! a ee Ror ei Capaule circumscissile near the middle, eR ca rnd eaves broad, mostly oval | Ban a8 ‘ 7 a: a major. Leaves lanceolate : 3 ‘ ‘ ee eS es .« 2, Py lanceolata, Capsule circumscissile near the base. pe Oy “ ‘9, Crown not woolly. iddags AG ; 7 : In saline soil; leaves oval, 5-9-nerved; capsule 5-20-seeded 3. P. nitrophila Subalpine; leaves 3-7-nerved; capsule usually 4-sedde «+ 4, P. Tweedyi. | '. Crown with ‘brown or red wool involving the base-of the petioles 5. P. eridpoda. Leaves linear, silky-lanate; spikes woolly .. Soaks . S . 6, P. Purshii, | Stamens 2; flowers subdioecious or polygamo-dioecious; corolla-lobes . Rie : closing over fhe Capsule, (| vay : 7. P. elongata. eX é 1. Plantago major L. Sp. Pk 113. 1753. .Smooth or sometimes pubescent or even roughish: leaves strongly ribbed, broad, ovate, oblong,; oval, or sub-. cordate, often toothed, abruptly narrowed into a channeled) petiole: spike dense; obtuse: sepals round-ovate or obovate: corolla glabrous: style exserted from thé unopened corolla: stamens: exserted when the corolla has. ‘opened: od ovoid, cireumscissile near the middle, 8—18-seeded; seeds-angled, reticu- ated.—Cosmopolitan; waste places about towns. 2. Plantago lanceolata L. 1. c. More or less pubescent; rootstock short, with tufts of brown hair at the base of'the leaves, perennial or biennial: leaves narrowly lanceolate, mostly ‘erect, entire, acute or acuminate, ‘gradually narrowed into petioles,,.3—5-ribbed: scapes slender, channeled, 2-5,dm, high: spikes very dense, at first short and ovoid, becoming cylindric, blunt, 2-8 em. long in fruit; flowers perfect: sepals ovate, with a narrow green midrib and broad,’ scarious margins, the 24ower ones commonly united:-corolla glabrous, the tube very' short: stamens exserted: capsule: oblong, very:obtuse, 2-seeded, slightly longer than the calyx, icireumscissile at about the middle: seeds deeply excavated on the face.—Infrequent in our range; widely dispersed from urope.! zebra ‘ he Ses a 3.'Plantago nitrophila-A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club ‘29: 405. 1902. Rootstock short, with a great number of thick, fibrous roots: leaves 1 dm. or more in length, mostly oval} ‘sometimes hearly-orbicular, obtuse or obtusish, entire or crenately dentate, the 5-7 nerves extending into the pubescent petiole which generally equals or exceeds the thick blade: scape proper about, equaling the leaves, whitish with soft crinkly hairs: spike equaling the scape, simple or with 2 or more short spikes from the lowest foliar bracts, mod- etately thick, crowded; bracts proper ovate, subacute, scarious-margined, keeled and closely appressed, shorter than the’ mature fruit: sepals nearly’ orbicular, overlapping each other, scarious ‘with a green midrib, but little more than half as long as the bracts: capsule: ovate; 3-4'mm. long, ‘circum- scissile near the base:'seeds 7-10 in each éell, oblong-elliptic, obscurely wing- angled and delicately reticulated, dark brown. (P. asiatica as to our range,. and probably also P, Rugellit.)\—Wet alkaline banks; Colorado and Wyoming:' 4. Plantago Tweedyi Gray, Syn. FI. :2!: 390. 1886. Plant 1-2 dm. high. from a slender root or rootstock, destitute of wool at the crown:' leaves mem-. branaceous, lanceolate-spatulate, entire or obsoletely denticulate, obscurely 3-5-nerved, 3-7 cm.-long, attenuate into a shorter margined petiole: spike slender but densely flowered, 2-5 cm. long: bracts and sepals short, about 2 mm. ong, pale with greenish midrib, little over half the length of the oblong capsule.—Subalpine; from Colorado to Idaho.and Montana. ° . vt - 5. Plantago eriopoda Torr. Ann. Lyc..N. Y. 2: 237. 1827. Usually a mass of yellowish-brown or red. wool at the crown: leaves oblanceolate to. oval- obovate, fleshy-coriaceous, 3-7-nerved, 11.5 dm. long; with a short or ‘stout petiole: spike cylindrical, dense or sometimes sparsely flowered: sepals roundish-. 466 RUBIACEAE (MADDER ' FAMILY) obovate, scarious except the midrib: capsule ‘ovoid, slightly exceeding the calyx, 2-4-seeded, circumscissile below the middle; seeds nearly flat. (P. retrorsa Greene, PL. Baker: 3: 32. 1901.)—Abundant in saline or alkaline meadows in our range and far westward. 2 NS yous 6. Plantago Purshii Roem. & Schult. Syst. 3: 120. 1818. White-woolly or silky pale-green annual: leaves ascending, linear, acute or acuminate, narrowed into margined petioles, 1-3-nervéd, 5-25 em. long, entire or witha few siiall teeth: scapes 0.5-3 dm. high: spikes very dense, hoary, cylindrical, obtuse, eery woolly; bracts rigid, linear-subulate: sepals oblong, obtuse, scarious-margined: corolla-lobes broadly ovate, spreading: stamens 4, just exserted from the tube or with long capillary filaments: capsule oblong, obtuse; seeds 2, light brown oblong, convex on the back, deeply concave on the face.—Dry slopes and plains; the western half of the United States. et ase ae 7. Plantago elongata Pursh, Fl. 729. 1814. Somewhat cinereous-puberu- lent annual: leaves linear-spatulate, 3-5’ cm. long, entire: scapes 3-10: cm. high: spikes 1-3 em. long, loosely flowered: flowers imperfectly dioecious or polygamous; bracts ovate, keeled, about 1 mm. long: sepals oblong, obtuse, about equaling'the bracts, with broad scariousmargins: corolla-lobes triangular- * ovate, acute,’ becoming erect and closed ‘over the capsule: stamens 2: capsule: short-ovoid, a little longer than the calyx, cireumscissile below the middle, 4-seeded; seeds elongated-oblong, dark brown. P. pusilla. (P.myosuroides. Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 369. 1900.)—Wet places; transcontinental; rare in our range. est og 109. RUBIACEAE B. Juss. MApDDER FamILy Shrubs or (ours).herbs, with opposite entire’ leaves connected by interposed stipules, or yerticillate without apparent ' stipules. ' Calyx adnate to the 2-4-celled ovary. Stamens as many as the-lobes of the, regular. corolla, and inserted: on ‘its tube.. Ovary 1-10-celled; style simple or lobed.. ‘Fruit (in ours) dry, separating into 2 indehiscent carpels. | ' Papi mie 4 Leaves opposite, with entire, interpetiolar stipules. : ‘ ei . 1. Kelloggia Leaves verticillate, without stipules « * * . . 2, Galium, 1. KELLOGGIA Torr, | _ Small herbs with opposite leaves and small loosely cymose-panicled ‘flowers. Flowers generally 4-merous. ' Calyx with obovate tube and minute teeth. Corolla between funnelform and salverform. ‘‘Staniens and style more or less exserted. Ovary 2-celled. Fruit small, dry, and coriaceous, beset with hooked bristles, separating at maturity into 2-closed carpels. ae : “4, OG 1. Kelloggia galioides Torr. Bot. Wilkes. Exp. 332. -1874.: Slender and glabrous or puberulent perennial, 1-3. dm. ‘high: leaves ‘opposite, lanceolate,. sessile, with small and entire or 2-dentate interposed stipules: flowers small, in a loose dichotomous cyme, the long pedicels thickened“above and articu- lated with the flower: corolla funnelform, white or pinkish, 5-10 mm: Jong, pubescent on the outside: fruit small, oblong, coriaceous, uncinate-hispid.— From Wyoming to Washington and California. e.ye a 2. GALIUM LIL." BepsTrAw. CLEAVERS Slender herbs, with small cymose flowers (produced in summer), ‘square stems, and whorled leaves, the roots’ often containing a red coloring matter. Calyx-teeth obsolete. Corolla 4-parted, rarely 3-parted, wheel-shaped; yval- vate in the bud. Stamens 4, rarely 3, short. Styles-2, Fruit dry or- fleshy, globular, twin, separating when ripe into: the 2 seed-like, indehiscent, 1- seeded carpels. poo RE oe oe = RUBIACKAE (MADDER. FAMILY) . 467 Annuals; fruit hispid or hirsute. ey Stems rough on the angles; leaves 6-8 in each whorl. eae . . Vaillantii. Stems erect or ascending; fruit 2-3 mm, broad 1.G 2 Stems reclining; fruit 4-6 mm, broad . é ‘ . . 2. G. Aparine, Stems erect, smooth; leaves mostly in fours . i 3. G. bifolium, Perennials. . . i, ; Stems wholly herbaceous; flowers perfect. : ‘ : Leaves 3-nerved; fruit canescent, becoming glabrous . a . 4, G. boreale, ves 1-nerved; fruit smooth or hispiJ. : Ja Leaves cuspidate-pointed . : wa 5, G, triflorum, Leaves not cuspidate-pointed. | Fruit hispid with hooked hairs, Stems and pedicels more or less scabrous . . 6. G. trifidum. Stems and pedicels glabrous 6 A ‘ a 7. G. Brandegei. Fruit merely granulate-scabrous. =... 8. G. asperrimum, Stems somewhat woody at base; flowers dioecious 9. G. coloradoense. 1. Galium Vaillantii DC. Fl. Fr. 4: 263. 1805. : Stems slender, branching from the base, diffuse, 3-5 dm. long, retrorsely hispid on the angles: leavcs 6-8 in the whorl, linear-oblanceolate, cuspidate, 1-2.5.cm. long, retrorsely seabrous on the veins and margin, the axillary umbellate cymes 3-9-flowered: corolla about 2 mm. in diameter, white or greenish: fruit large, more or less fine-tuberculate and uncinate-hispid.—Throughout our range and westward. 2. Galium Aparine L. Sp. Pl. 108. 1753. Stems coarse, reclining, 3-15 dm. long, introrsely hispid.on the angles: leaves 6-8 in the whorls, oblanceo- late to almost linear, 3-5 cm. long, cuspidate-acuminate, retrorsely hispid on the margin and midrib: peduncles rather long, 1-3 in the upper axils or ter- minal, bearing 1-3 pedicellate flowers: corolla 2-4 mm. in diameter, whitish: fruit not pendulous, rather large, granulate-tuberculate, the tubercles tipped ‘with uncinate bristles.—In rich lands along streams, etc.; California to Aleska and across the continent. , ve ‘ ce 3. Galium bifolium Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 134. 1871... Smooth and gla- brous; stems slender, 1-3 dm. high, mostly erect, sparingly branched: leaves 2-4 in the whorl, lanceolate, 8-15 mm. long, when 4 the alternate pair much smaller:-peduncles solitary, lateral and termirial, naked, 1-flowered, when in fruit about equaling the leaves, spreading: corolla minute, white: fruit small, minutely hispid, recurved at the end of the peduncle.—Colorado and Wyo- ming to California and Washington. 4. Galium boreale L. 1. c. Erect, 3-6 dm. high, mostly smooth and gla- brous, very leafy: leaves in fours, 3-nerved, blunt, linear to broadly Ian- ceolate, often with fascicles of smaller ones in the axils: flowers very numer- ous and collected in a terminal and ample thyrsiform panicle, the uppermost leaves being reduced to pairs of small oblong or oval bracts: fruit small, hispidulous, or at first canescent and soon glabrous and smooth.—From New Mexico and California north to the arctic regions. '' pre 5. Galium triflorum Michx. Fl. 1: 80. 1803. Diffusely procumbent, smooth- ish; herbage sweet-scented in drying; stems 3-10 dm. long: leaves in sixes, elliptical-lanceolate to narrowly oblong, 3-5 em. long, scabrous or not on the margins. and midrib beneath: cymes once or twice 3-rayed; pedicels soon divaricate: corolla yellowish-white to greenish, the lobes hardly surpassing the bristles of the ovary.:\(G. flaviflorum Heller.)—Across the continent... ; | «6. Galium trifidum L. |..¢. 105. Weakly erect, branching, 1-5 dm. high, smooth and glabrous, except for the retrorsely scabrous angles of the stem and the usually more hispidulous and sparse roughness of the midrib and margins of the leaves: leaves in sixes, fives, or not rarely fours, linear, ob- lanceolate, or lanceolate-oblong, obtuse, 1-2 cm. long: peduncles slender, scattered, 1-several-flowered; flowers often 3-merous, as commonly 4-merous: ae smooth and glabrous.—From Texas to California, northward and east- ward. 6a. Galium trifidum subbiflorum Wiegand, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 399. 1897. Stems less scabrous than in the type, somewhat stouter: leaves larger, very unequal, 8-10 mm. by 2 mm., flaccid and nearly smooth: pedicels capillary and as long as the leaves, or sometimes rather stout: rarely 2 or even 3- flowered, nearly glabrous.—From our range to the Pacific. 468 CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONBEYSUCKLE FAMILY) 7. Galium Brandegei Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 12: 58. 1877.. Perennial and caespitose, forming dense mats; stems low and prostrate ‘or ascending, 5-12 cm. long, slender and rather densely leafy, smooth or nearly so; branches when present solitary: leaves in fours, unequal, obovate-spatulate, small, 10 mm. or less, rounded at the apex, cuneate at the base, somewhat fleshy, dull on both surfaces, veins indistinct, margins and midrib glabrous: flowers lateral, commonly geminate, on glabrous arcuate pedicels which are as long as or longer than the leaves: corolla of medium size, white, 3-parted, lobes broadly oval, obtuse: fruit glabrous.—Colorado to New Mexico and far westward. 8. Galium asperrimum Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 4: 60. 1840. Stems erect or diffusely ascending but weak, 1-2 dm. long: leaves lanceolate, 1-2 em. long: cymes twice or thrice dichotomous, with filiform peduncles and pedicels: corolla white or turning purplish: ovary merely puberulent or scabrous: fruit granulate-scabrous and sometizes- minutely BSE TEED —Throughout the western United States. Mr 9. Galium coloradoense Wight, Ts 5: 54, 1900. Glabrous and smooth, paniculately branched, slightly woody at base: leaves 4 in the whorls, smooth, linear, with’ prominent midrib, 1-3 cm. long, cuspidate-acute: flowers dioecious, the fertile naked-paniculate: corolla about 2 mm. in diameter: bristles of the mature fruit as long asthe body or longer, genes crumpled buts hooked. G. Mathewsii in ee ane areas; southern Colorado. fe MGT oot 110, CAPRIFOLIACEAE Vent. “Hoses Fae. Shrubs or rarely herbs with paueeite exstipulate leaves and perfect. mostly cymose flowers. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary. Corolla sympetalous, 5-lobed or rarely bilabiate. Stamens 5 (4 in Linnaea), inserted on the tube' of the, corolla and alternate with its lobes. Fruit a berry, drupe, or capsule, 2-5-celled. ea 1 Corolla short, rotate or sinaeolntet shies nearly sessile; fruit Skanes “ ceous, » : ‘ Leaves pinnately compound ‘ ‘ . . 7 ‘ . 1, Sambucus, Leaves simple © 2. Viburnum, eee or cainpantulate; sivis cloigated fruit dry or berry- Slightly woody herb with twin flowers aes ‘ 4 ‘ . 8. Linnaea, eal ie F : Corolla regular;: fruit 2-seeded . ‘ante a . é ‘Em horicarpos, Corolla irregular; fruit few-several-seeded " ja « . . — =P ieee F | |. 4, SAMBUCUS L. Exper Shrubby plants, with a ranik smell when bruised, pinnate leaves, savite péinted leaflets,' and numerous small. white: flowers in compound cymes. Calyx-lobes minute or! obsolete: . Corolla open, urn-shaped, with a broadly spreading 5-cleft limb. Stamens 5. Stigmas 3. pa a berry-like juicy drupe, ¢ containing 3 small seed-like nutlets. Cyme flat- topped; pith in year-old stems white. bees _ Rtg othe and long’ enduring; fruit black beneath a ‘copious ee « 1. 8. glauca, . - [ Stem Woe ell fruit urple-blaek, “almost devoid of bloom . , + 2, S..¢anadensis,., Cyme not flat-topped; bith in year-old stems yellowish-brown, eaves blackening in rying; fruit black ~ : 4 5 . 38, dead sede! aeons not blackening 1 in drying; fruit bright red ? , 3 . 48. misrebatnya ae Sambucus glauca Nutt. T. & G. Fl. a: 1S 1841. ° “‘Arboreseent, 2-4 m. high, the larger with trunks 1-2 dm.jin diameter, glabrous throughout: leaf- lets 5-9, thickish, ovate to narrowly oblong, the Tower rarely 3-parted; stipels rare and small, subulate or oblong: fruit nearly. black but strongly whitened CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) ‘469 with a glaucous mealy bloom, rather large —Idaho to» Washington, - and possibly in Utah and Wyoming. '" is ' i ne en la. Sambucus glauca neo-mexicana (Wooton) A. Nels. Habit of the species but with narrower leaves and a tendency to puberulence. upon foliage and inflorescence. (S. neo-mexicana Wooton, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 309. 1898.)—Mountains of southern Colorado and New Mexico. |: : .2. Sambucus canadensis L. Sp. Pl. 269. 1753, Plants 1-3 m. high, gla- brous except some fine pubescence on midrib and veins of leaves beneath: leaflets (5-11) mostly 7, ovate-oval to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, the lower not rarely bifid, or with a laterallobe; stipules not uncommon, narrowly linear, and tipped with a callous gland: compound cymes depressed, 5-rayed; exter- nal rays once to thrice 5-rayed: fruit dark purple, becoming black, with very little bloom.—From the Rocky Mountains eastward to Canada and Florida... 3. Sambucus melanocarpa Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 76. 1883. Stems 1-2 m. high; glabrous or the young leaves slightly pubescent: leaflets 5-7, rarely 9: cyme convex, as broad as high; flowers white: fruit black, without bloom.—New Mexico to Montana and westward to ‘the Pacific. 4. Sambucus microbotrys Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 503. 1901., A low shrub 5-20 dm. high, glabrous throughout and with''pale green foliage: leaflets ovate or rarely ovate-lanceolate, acute or short-acuminate, 3-9''cm. long, mostly rounded and oblique at the base, coarsely serrate: cyme thyrsoid- paniculate, small, about as long as broad, about 3 cm. in diameter and of the same height; flowers whitish: fruit bright red, 4-5, mm. in’ diameter; seeds finely punctate-rugose. S. racemosa.—Throughout our range. °° 2. VIBURNUM L. ee gt Shrubs, with simple. leaves and white: flowers in flat. compound. cymes. Petioles sometimes bearing little appendages which’ are evidently’ stipules; leaf-buds naked or with a pair of scales. Calyx 5-toothed. Corolla spread- ing, deeply. 5-lobed. Stamens‘5. Stigmas 1-3. , Fruit a 1-celled,,J-seeded drupe, with soft pulp and a thin-crustaceous (flattened or tumid) stone. |. | Leaves pinnately veined; fruit blue or black . é ws -' « 1, V. Lentago, - Leaves palmately veined; fruit red. __. ‘ : Cyme with the exterior flowers ray-like . : . . . . 2, V. Opulus,. . Cyme with no radiant flowers =. . . 8. V. pauciflorum, 1. Viburnum Lentago L. Sp. Pl. 268. 1753. A shrub or small tree; gla- brous or nearly so throughout: leaves ovate, rounded at-the base, acuminate, 5-10 em. long, sharply serrulate: cyme sessile, several-rayed; 6-12,cm. broad: drupes oval, black with a bluish bloom, the stone nearly circular and very flat.—Along streams; across the continent northward. sp een 2. Viburnum Opulus L.1.c. A shrub 1-3 m.. high, the branches smooth and nearly erect: leaves broadly ovate, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. above and on the veins beneath, 3-ribbed and 3-lobed, the lobes acuminate and coarsely dentate; petioles glandular above: cymes 6-10 cm. broad, with the outer ray-flowers neutral: drupes edible, 8-10 mm. in diameter, red, acid, translucent; .the stone flat, orbicular. Hica BusH CransBerry. The Euro- pean cultivated form with nearly all the flowers neutral is, the common SNowBaLL.—Coming:into the northeastern part of our range, 3. Viburnum paucifiorum Pylaie, T. & G. Fl. N. A. 2:..17.,,1841., ;Glabrous or pubescent, 8-15 dm. high, straggling: leaves roundish or broadly. oval, unequally dentate,,many of them either, obsoletely or ‘distinctly 3-lobed, about 5-nerved at base: cymes small, terminating short and, merely 2-leaved lateral branches, involucrate with slender, subulate, caducous bracts, destitute of neutral radiant flowers: fruit much as in the preceding.—Mountains of Colorado, northward and eastward in cold or, mountainous regions. , ot 3. LINNAEA Gronov. Twin FLowER A slender, creeping and trailing little evergreen, somewhat hairy, with rounded-oval sparingly crenate leaves contracted at the base into short pet- 470 CAPRIFOLIACEAE (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) ioles and thread-like upright peduncles forking into 2 pedicels at the top, each bearing a delicate and fragrant nodding flower. Calyx-teeth 5, awl- shaped, deciduous: Corolla purple and whitish, hairy inside, narrow bell- shaped, almost equally Blab . Stamens 4, 2 of them. shorter, inserted toward the base of the corolla. Ovary and the small dry pod 3-celled, but only 1-seeded, 2 of the cells having only abortive ovules. 1. Linnaea americana Forbes, Hort. Woburn 135. 1833. Somewhat pubes- cent: leaves obovate and rotund, 1-2 em. long, crenately few-toothed, some- what rugose-veiny: peduncles filiform, terminating ascending, short, leafy branches, bearing at summit a pair of small bracts, and from the axil of each a filiform 1-flowered pedicel; pedicels similarly 2-bracteolate at summit, and a pair of larger, ovate, glandular-hairy inner bractlets subtending the ovary: flowers nodding. L. borealis—From the mountains of California, Colorado, and Maryland, northward to the arctic regions. 4. SYMPHORICARPOS * L. BucxksrusH Low and branching upright shrubs with short-petioled leaves, which are entire, wavy-toothed, or lobed on the young shoots. Flowers white, tinged with rose-color, in elose short spikes or clusters. Calyx-teeth short, persist- ent. Corolla regularly 4—-5-lobed, with as many short stamens inserted into its throat., Ovary. 4-celled, only 2 of the cells with a fertile ovule; the berry therefore 4-celled but only 2-seeded. Seeds bony. = Corolla short-campanulate, 3-4 mm. long. Leaves thick; stamens and style exserted —. . . i. Leaves rather thin; stamens and style included. . * . 2 Corolla longer (6-12 mm.), long-campanulate to tubular-funnelform . Leaves tomentulose or finely pubescent i ‘ 5 . . 3 Leaves glabrous or nearly so ° _ : . 4, 1. Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 285. 1833. Robust, glabrous or slightly pubescent: leaves oval or oblong, thickish (larger 5 cm. long): axillary. flower-clusters not rarely pede sometimes becoming spicate and 2-3 cm. long: corolla 3-5 mm. high, 5-cleft to beyond the middle, within densely villous-hirsute with long beard-like hairs: stamens and style more or less exserted. WoLrserry.—Mountains of Colorado and Montana, northward and eastward. 2 a la. Symphoricarpos occidentalis quercifolia A. Nels. Stems short, simple, erect: leaves large, coarsely and deeply undulate-toothed.—Infrequent; on the plains in northern Wyoming. . 2. Symphoricarpos racemosus Michx. Fl. 1: 107. 1803. More slender and glabrous: leaves round-oval to oblong, smaller: axillary clusters mostly few- flowered, or lowest 1-flowered: corolla 4 mm. high, 5-lobed'above the middle, moderately villous-bearded within, narrowed at base: stamens and style not exserted. Snowsrerry.—Across the continent. 2a. Symphoricarpos racemosus pauciflorus Robbins, Gray, Man. Ed.'5. 203. 1867. Low, more spreading: leaves commonly only 2-3 em. long, strongly whitened underneath: flowers solitary in the axils of the upper leaves, few and loosely spicate in the terminal cluster.—Mountains of Colorado to those of Oregon, Vermont, and northward. : vie . 3. Symphoricarpos rotundifolius Gray, Pl. Wright. 2: 66. 1853. Tomen- tulose or glabrate; ‘stems rigid, much-branched, 4-10 dm. high: leaves or- bicular to oblong-elliptical, thickish, 1-2 em. long, entire or coarsely lobed: corolla elongated-campanulate, 6-8 mm. long, the tube pubescent within be- low the stamens, twice or thrice the length of the broad lobes: stamens and style included: fruit white, globular or oblong: nutlets oval, equally broad and -obtuse at both ends.—Throughout our range and west to the Pacific. * The familiar coral-berry, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moench, has been reported from Colorado, It is easily recognized tg the clustered coral-red berries which persist through the winter, ; : ' 8, occidentalis, S. racemosus, a. rotundifolius, S. oreophilus, , CAPRIFOLIACEAE: (HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY) 471 3a. Symphoricarpos rotundifolius vaccinioides (Rydb.) A. Nels., Leaves soft-pubescent or tomentulose, elliptic, oblong, or oblong-lanceolate, from ob- ‘tuse'to acute at: both,,ends, entire, or somewhat. dentate:, flowers oblong- FaraDAR te, shorter than in the species. (S. mollis acutus Gray, Syn. Fl. : 14, “1878; S. vaccinoides Rydb: Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 371. 1900.)—Col- ‘oradé' 6 Moritana.: ee " 3 eee ‘4. Symphoricarpes- oreophilus' Gray, Journ. Linn. Soc. 14: 12, 1873. Glabrous or nearly so; leaves oblong to broadly oval, entire or dentate, 10-15 mm..long: corglla tubular or narrowly funnelform, 8-12 mm, long, the tube '4-5-times as long as the lobes and glabrous within: nutlets of the drupe oblong, flattened, pointed at the base. ':(S. tetonensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 249. 1904.)—Montana to New Mexico and far westward. 4a. Symphoricarpos oreophilus-utahensis (Rydb.) A. Nels. Leaves larger and the flowers often more numerous, but otherwise as in the species. (S. utahensis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 544. 1899.)—Colorado to Utah and southward, ADEA GE ARO, a oe aol peobA t oo oe bat ea 3. LONICERA L, \‘HonnysvcktE 4) . “Breet or climbing‘ shrubs, with mostly entire leaves and the inflorescence various. Flowers often showy and fragrant. Calyx-teeth very short.’ Corolla tubular or funnelform, often gibbous at“the base; irregularly or almost regu- larly 5-lobed. Stamens 5. Ovary 2-3-celled. Berry several-seeded.—Includes Distegia Raf. ¢ g EE ei ari Gace ee RATE a og gE to Climbing’ or ‘dainbiine; fldwers in capitate clusters. ** i. ‘° . 1, L, glaucescens, . Erect shrubs; flowers in pairs, -" Bracts:small or wanting. : Sa Ts i jor? Cate nce) anita ee bad pale; fruit blue-black é z : ‘ . ° ., 2. L, caerulea, oe Sgreen, thin; fruitred =. . °°. « «. «. |. '8)'L, utahensis,'' : Bracts;broad; foliageous wee ee, , om 6 LL, involucrata. 1 -Lonicera glaucescens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 90. 1897. Leaves glabrous:.above,' pubescent, at least on the veins beneath, 3-9 cm. long, chartaceous-margined, not ciliate, usually only the upper pair connate- perfoliate: flowers verticillate in a short interrupted spike: corolla yellow, changing. ‘to ‘reddish, pubescent.or puberulent without, pubescent within, 2.5 em Tong ‘or Jess,: the 2-lipped limb shorter than the tube: stamens nearly glabrous, or somewhat pplbecaen ; style hirsute; both exserted.—Wyoming, northward andeastward. ». . .. a 2. Lonicera caerulea L. Sp. Pl. 174. 1753. Stems branched; 8-6 dm. high: leaves ‘2-3:em. long, oblong-élliptical, obtuse, short-petioled,: conspicuously ~weined, villous-pubescent.or glabrate: peduncles shorter than the flowers; corolla somewhati gibbous ‘at base, moderately bilabiate: bracts subulate or linear: dvaries united. and forming.a blue-black sweetish ,berry.—Transcon- tinental northward; also in Europe and’ Asia. «', op ee ae 3. Lonicera utahensis Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 133. 1871. Leaves oval or elliptical-oblong, rounded ‘at both ends, very short-petioled, glabrous or nearly so from the first,’dr ‘soon glabrate, reticulate-venulose at maturity, 2-4:cm. lig: peduncles, seldom over''l'cm. long; bractléts minute, rounded: corolla honey-yéllow’ or dchroleucous) occasionally tinged with purple, 12-18 'mm. ‘long; the tube gibbous at base, pilose-pubescent within: berry red. (L. ebractulata Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 372. 1900.)—-Wyoming to Montana and far westward. 00) ' ot! eG Ge PO WIICGE Pe a 4. Lonicera involucrata Banks, Rich. Bot. App. Frank. Journ, 733. 1823. Pubescent, or sometimes glabrate, freely branched, 6-20 dm. high: leaves ovate to oblong-lanceolate, 5-12 em. long: peduncles 2-5 cm. long; bracts oblong to ovate or cordate and foliaceous; in fruit enlarging and inclosing or surrounding the 2 globose, dark purple or black berries: flowers paired, rarely in.threes: corolla yellowish, viscid pubescent, 12-15 mm. long; bractlets 4 or,united into 2, viscid-pubescent.—Colorado to Montana and thence across the continent. . i ae Se 472 CUCURBITACEAE (GOURD FAMILY) | 111. ADOXACEAE Fritsch: Moscuateni “FAMILY Glabrous slender: herbs, with scaly or tuberiferous rootstock, basal and opposite ternately compound, leaves, and small green flowers i in terminal, capi- tate clusters. Calyx-tube hemispheric, adnate to the ovary, the limb, 2-3- toothed. Corolla rotate, ‘regular, . 4-6-lobed.: Stamens twice as many“as ‘the lobes of the corolla, inserted in pairs on its tube; filaments short;' anthers peltate, 1-celled. Ovary 3-5-celled; style 3-5-parted; ovules lin each Brey pendulous. Fruit.a small drupe with 3-5 nutlets. : ADOXA L. Characters of the family. 1. Adoxa Moschatellina L. Sp. Pl. 367. 1753, Glabrous and smooth: rad- {cal leaves once to thrice ternately compound; cauline pair of leaves 3-parted , or of 3 obovate and 3-cleft or parted leaflets: flowers small, greenish-white or yellowish, 4 or 5 in a slender-pedunculate glomerule:, corolla of the terminal one 4-5-cleft, of the others 5-6-cleft.—Subalpine; are America to Col- orado and eastward i in the northern States. 112. CUCURBITACEAE B.. Juss... Gourp Faminy Herbs, mostly tendril-bearing and climbing, rather succulent, with alter- nate and. palmately veined or lobed leaves and no proper stipules, and monoe- cious or dioecious flowers with petals more commonly united into a cup’ or tube and: also blended’ with the calyx. ‘Sterile flowers with -two, 2:celled anthers and one 1-celled; the cells usually long and contorted. Fertile flowers with the calyx-tube adnate, to a 1-3-celled ovary. Flowers solitary; large, aie fruit crauth ‘e ; < i « 1, Cucurbita. Flowers racemose, smal. greenish-white; fruit, ‘prickly: a * ‘ «2. Echinocystis. Me a ah \ 1. CUCURBITA L. ‘Pompnmy, SquasH, ET. Mostly panies and rooting at the ssinte ‘Leaves cordate; tendrils -com- pound: Flowers monoecious. Calyx-tube and corolla campanulate. . Sterile flowers with the stamens at the base. Fertile flowers with 3 rudimentary stamens. Ovary'oblong, with 3 placentae. Fruit: fleshy, onen: with a hard rind. Seed ovate or oblong, flattened. “1. Cucurbita foetidissima H. B. K. -Nov. Gen. 2: 123. 1817. Root fleshy, very large, 1-10 dm. thick, yellow inside: leaves cordate-ovate or triangular, undivided or subsinuate-repand, margin denticulate: fruit globose, yellow, 5-8 em. in diameter. C. Rerennis .—Colorado to Texas and Mexico and wert ward to California, : s Y 2h by apt 2 2. ECHINOCYSTIS T. & G. Writp Batsam hori “Tall climbing plants, nearly smooth, with 3-forked tendrils and thin leaves. Flowers monoecious; fertile flowers in small clusters or solitary, from the same. axils as the sterile. Petals united at the base into an open pnaie corolla, Fruit fleshy, at length dry.—(Micrampelis.) . : 1. Echinocystis lobata (Michx.) T. & G. Fl. N. Av 1: 542. 1340. Stem nearly glabrous, angular ‘and' grooved, climbing to a height of 4.5-7.5 m., sometimes villous-pubescent at the nodes: leaves thin, roughish on both CAMPANULVACBAL (BLUEBELL IAMILY) A473 sides, deeply cordate, 3-7-lobed toabout ‘the: middle; the lobes triangular-: lanceolate, acute or acuminate, remotely serrulate: staminate flowers very numerous, in narrow compound racemes: pistillate flowers solitary, or rarely 2 together: fruit ovoid, green, about,5 cm. long, armed with slender spines.—; Along rivers and in waste places; from the eastern part of our range to the Atlantic States. wet) a weed ' ee TARA Ye 113. CAMPANULACEAE Juss. BiueBeLe Famny 7 Herbs with alternate exstipulate | leaves. Flowers} racemose or solitary, generally blue ‘and showy. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary... ‘Corolla /sym- petalous, campanulate or rotate. Stamens usually 5, free from the corolla and ‘distinct. Style single but mostly with 2-5 stigmas... Capsule prismatic or, elongated-oblong, 2—4-celled, opening by small. lateral AL VANE 8 ae minute and numerous: ; fal, teeeateT ee : aa Corolla’ campanulaté , , WS as : i. ae 7 1, Campanula. Caroll: rotate a : ot RE me he * an Se 2 one ’ fate eas : ‘ha hots rfat - 1, CAMPANULA L:., . BLUEBELL. HAREBELL oo Herbs" with terminal - or- edillary’ (usually blue) flowers. Calyx 5-cleft. Corolla generally bell-shaped, 5-lobed. Stamens 5, separate, with filaments: broad and membranaceous at base. | Stigmas 3, and as many Cells‘of the ovary’, Pod short, opening on the sides by as many valves or Pores.’ ul . ‘ tur ged alias MI. this ON aa ; Soh eles vee Low and mostly idsened: capsule opening near the summit, Alpine; with woody caudex ‘ > ¥ . . é ra S uniflora, Subalpine; with filiform rootstock . . E ‘i * 5 . 2. C. Parryi. Taller and several to many-flowered. ps aie cele see aye Stem smooth; capsule nodding qe Roe Pre Af eda es i C,,rotundifolia, Stem hispid on the ang eer capsule eon Ei ‘ S 4a ae “1. Campanula uniffora L. Sp. Pl. 163. 1753: ’ Chiefly ‘glabrous, 4-10 din. high, from a stout, several-headed rootstock: leaves small, 1-3 cm. long,' thickish, entire or nearly 80}, the lowest spatulate or-oblong, obtuse; ‘the upper-, most linear: flowers 8-12 mm, in length, mostly horizontal;, calyx- Fe ube nearly , as long as the lobes which are from half to ‘fully as long as the deeply cam- panulate bluish corolla: capsule cylindraceous or clavate, about 1 cm.Jong.— - On bare alpine slopes in the Rocky‘Mountains, and extending into the arctic: regions. 2. Campanula Parryi Gray, Syn. FI.,N, A. 2: 395. 1886. From elongated and ereeping filiform rootstocks, 8-25°em. ‘high, mainly smooth and glabrous; stem islender, erect, simple and. with; slender-peduneled, flower,: or with, some lateral leafy branches: eaves thinnish, entire or sparingly callous-denticulate;. sh somewhat veiny; radical.and lower:spatulate or lanceolate with tapering base,’ hirsute-ciliate; upper linear-lanceolate, from a sessile base, attenuate-acute: . flower erect in anthesis: corolla almost crateriform, 5-lobed to middle, spread- ing, 2-3 em, in diameter, violet-blue or even purplish, little surpassing the linear-subulate often eallous-denticulate calyx-lobes: ovary turbinate:' capsule nearly, obovate, opening close. undek.the base: of: the ereet.calyx-lobes. C. planiflora.—In the mountains of our.range. :; fae 3. Campanula rotundifolia L. Sp.. BL 163.,,.1753: Slender, branching, 10-30 em. ‘high, 1-10-flowered:. root leaves. round-cordate or ovate, mostly toothed or crenate, long-petioled, early withering away} stem leaves numérous,, linear or narrowly lanceolate,:.entire, smooth:, calyx+lobes.awl-shaped: cap- sule nodding, opening at or. near ‘the base. (C. petiolata Rydb. Fl. Col. 326. 1906.) —Subarctic and.extending southward.in the mountains to Mexico. . 4, Campanula aparinoides Pursh, Fl. 1: 150. 1816. | Stem.almost filiform, 3-6-dm. high, cquably,leafy: to, the top, the sharp, angles, rough with short re- 474 LOBELIACEAE (LOBELIA FAMILY) trose bristles; so also the midrib beneath and the margins of the lanceolate or linear sessile leaves: flower-buds drooping: calyx-lobes triangular: corolla pale blue or whitish, deeply cleft, the lobes 4 mm. long or less: capsule erect.— Wet grassy grounds; from Colorado to the Saskatchewan and eastward. 2. SPECULARIA Heist. Venus’s Looxine-Giass Annuals with leafy slender stems and sessile flowers. Corolla blue or purplish. Flowers dimorphous; the earlier'ones smaller, with/undeveloped corolla, and a 3 or 4-lobed calyx. Calyx-lobes of the later corolliferous flowers 5. Capsule with valvular openings either near the’summit or near the middle.——(Legouzia Brit.) aati oc Leaves linear ee ee ww ee ee) 1 8, leptocarpa. Leaves ovate or broader ‘ é ‘ a ang % . 2. 8. perfoliata, 1. Specularia leptocarpa (Nutt.) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 11: 82. 1876. Minutely hirsute or nearly glabrous; stems 1-2 dm. high, virgate, mostly: simple, or branched from the base: leaves lanceolate: capsule nearly cylin- drical, 10-15 mm. long, inclined to curve and rarely to twist, opening by 1 or. 2 uplifted valves near the summit; the lower also often splitting longitudinally from the summit; seeds oblong.—Arkansas to western Texas and Colorado. 2. Specularia perfoliata L. Sp. Pl. 169. 1753. Stems 1-4 dm. high, very leafy throughout, hirsute or hispid on the,angles: leaves round-cordate and clasping, mostly crenate, veiny: flowers single or clustered in the axils: cap- sule oblong or somewhat obconical; the 2 or 3 valvular openings at.or below the middle; the capsule not eres to split; seeds lenticular.—From Col- orado to Utah and Oregon, also throughout the states eastward. 114. LOBELIACEAE Dumort. Losazia Famtty Herbs with milky juice, alternate leaves, scattered;,flowers, irregular 5- lobed corolla, and the 5 stamens free from the corolla and united into a tube commonly by their filaments and always by. their anthers. Calyx-tube ad- herent to the 2-celled, many-seeded capsule. Style 1. Corolla open down to the base on oneside , seh body é . % is Ns Lobelia. de, Corolla with a closed tube; capsule wholly inferior, . fe puget . . 2, Laurentia, . LOBELIA L. Flowers axillary or chiefly in bracted racemes. Calyx-tube 5-cleft, with a short tube. Corolla with a straight tube and somewhat 2-lipped; the upper. lip of 2 rather erect lobes, the lower lip spreading and 3-cleft. Capsule 2- celled, opening at the top. a care 1 1 i veh Flowers red 5 @ é 5 ie - aj ‘ + «4 1, L. splendens. | Flowers blue . . . . . . . -, 2. L, syphilitica, | 1. Lobelia splendens Willd. Hort. Berol. pl. 86. 1809. Perennial, minutely’ pubescent or glabrate, erect, 3-10 dm. high: leaves linear-lanceolate to linear, more or less glandular-toothed; the upper sessile; the lower tapering to a short petiole: raceme 1-3 dm. long: sepals narrow: corolla deep red; the tube longer than the lobes: capsule subglobose, with a conical beak; seeds tuber- culate. L. cardinalis—Utah to Colorado and Texas. me ta 2. Lobelia syphilitica L. Sp. Pl. 931. 1753. Stems simple, 5-10 dm. high, leafy to the top, somewhat hairy: leaves thin, oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute at both ends, irregularly serrate: flowers in a long spike-like raceme, light blue, rarely white: sinuses of the calyx with deflexed auricles: capsule VALERIANACEAE (VALERIAN FAMILY) 475 globose; seeds longitudinally wrinkled —From our range eastward to the Atlantic. LAURENTIA Micheli. no POSEY Gs ' ‘Low herbs, resembling small species of Lobeiia excepting: the closed tube of the corolla, Flowers blue. Calyx-tube turbinate or oblong. Corolla with its tube as long as the limb. Capsule short, 2-valved at the summit. 1. Laurentia eximia A. Nels. Perennial, the simple stems about 1 dm. high, internodes short: lower leaves narrow, tapering from the dilated base, 15-25 mm. long; the floral somewhat broader: flowers few, from the axils of the crowded uppermost leaves, on short peduncles: sepals foliaceous, 6-8 mm. long: corolla deep blue; the upper lip of 2 oblong-erect lobes about as long as the tube; the lower of 3 ovate lobes longer than the tube, somewhat depressed, and with 2 narrow yellow plicae in the throat: capsule. obconical, many- seeded. L.carnosula. (Porterella eximia A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 270. 1900.)—Banks. of ponds; northwestern Wyoming; ey peemeont our range. i . 115. VALERIANACEAE Batsch. Vatertan Famity Herbs with opposite leaves and no stipules, and usually small perfect or polygamous flowers in corymbed or capitate cymes. Calyx-tube adnate to the ovary... Corolla tubular or funnelform, mostly. 5-lobed. Stamens 1-4, inserted on the corolla-tube. Ovary inferior, 1-3-celled, one of ,the cells containing a single suspended ovule, the others empty. VALERIANA L. Va.ertan " Roots of peculiar scent. Leaves various. Flowers white or rose-colored. Calyx-limb of 5-15 setiform lobes, which are inrolled and inconspicuous until fruiting. Stamens 3. Ss Leaves nerve-veined, usually thick, entire or with entire linear divi- + : sions, Ovaries and fruits pubescent C 3 . n 1. ‘Ovaries and fruits glabrous. 2. Leaves pinnately veined, usually thin, and often innate: Ovaries and fruits pubescent < . - De Vv. micrantha, Ovaries and fruits glabrous .: . “i of 4, V. acutiloba, ‘1, Valeriana ceratophylla (Hook,) Piper, Cota: v. 8s. Nat, Herb. 11:'532. 1906. Erect from a large, fusiform, perpendicular stock branching below into deep and thickened roots; stem 7-20 dm. or more. high; leaves thickish, nervosely veined, not serrate, slightly pubescent; radical leaves oblanceolate to _spatulate, tapering into a margined petiole, entire’ or some sparingly laciniate-pinnatifid ; cauline rarely none, commonly I or 3 pairs, sessile, and pinnately parted into 3-7 linear or lanceolate ‘divisions, or terminal one spatu- late: flowers polygamo-dioecious, yellowish-white, sessile in the cymules, which, form an elongated, thyrsiform, naked panicle. V. edulis—New Mexico and Arizona, northward and eastward. , 2. Valeriana furfurescens A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 232. 1901. Similar, the root slender, only 1-3 em. in diameter: leaves entire or nearly so: inflorescence usually much elongated, often half the height of the plant; flowers very numerous, minute: corolla 1-1.5 mm. long, greenish-yellow: fruit 3-4 mm. long, ovate, com pee glabrous but often slightly scurfy rugulose. (V. trachycarpa Rydb. Bull. Torr.. Bot. Club 31: 645. 1904. J—Moist Baling meadows; Colorado and Wyoming. 3, Valeriana micrantha E. Nels. Erythea 7: 166. 1899. Glabreus, ‘erect from creeping rootstocks, 3-8 dm. high: radical leaves entire or with Lor 2 Vv. ceratophylla, V. furfurescens, 476 ' COMPOSITAE ‘(COMPOSITE FAMILY) , pairs of oblong or lanceolate leaflets: inflorescence few to many-flowered, rather open even in anthesis and quite so in fruit: corolla white, campanulate, hairy in throat: achenes ovate to lanceolate, pubescent. V. sylvatica in part. —Mountains of Colorado and Wyoming. ‘3a. Valeriana micrantha wyomingensis (E. Nels.) A; Nels. Usually smaller, the inflorescence few-flowered and very open, the achenes glabrous. (V. wyomingensis E. Nels..1. c..167.)—Northwestern Wyoming and contiguous territory. 4. Valeriana acutiloba Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28:°24, 1901. Green and glabrous, 3-5 dm. high: basal leaves entire, spatulate or obovate, acute, the short petiole wing-margined; stem leaves 2 or 3 ‘pairs, pinnately divided: cyme dense and contracted, glandular-puberulent. or nearly glabrous: corolla funnelform, with very short, tube: ovary and fruit glabrous. V. sylvatica in part. (V. oreophila Greéne, acc. to Rydb.; V. occidentalis, V. septentrionalis, V.. sttchensis Scouleri, as to our_range. )—Partly wooded hillsides, appearing as the snowdrifts recede: in the Rocky Mountains of our range. 4a. Valeriana acutiloba ovata (Rydb.) A. Nels. ‘Reduced alpine state, with simple, ovate, subcordate, petioled basal leaves: fruit ovate. (V. ovata Rydb. 1. c. 31: 645. Va mountains of Colorado. bee a 116. COMPOSITAE hae CoMPosITE Famity ‘Flowers in a close head, on a common receptacle, surrounded by an in- volucre, with 5 (rarely 4) stamens inserted on the epigynous corolla, the anthers united in a tube (syngenesious). Calyx-tube epigynous upon the l-celled ovary, the limb (pappus) crowning its summit in the, form of bristles, awns, scales, teeth, etc., or cup-shaped, or else entirely absent. Corolla either strap-shaped or tubular; in the latter chiefly 5-lobed, val- vate in the bud, the veins bordering the margins of the lobes. Style 2-cleft at the. apex (in sterile flowers usually entire). , Fruit seed-like (achenes), dry, containing a single, erect, anatropous seed,, with no en- dosperm.—An immense family, in temperate regions chiefly herbs, without stipules, with perfect, polygamous, monoecious, or dioecious flowers. The flowers with a strap-shaped (ligulate) corolla are called rays or ray-flowers; the ,head which. presents such flowers, either throughout or at the margin, is radiate. The tubular flowers compose the disk; and a head which has no ray-flowers is said to be discoid... When the head contains 2 sorts of flowers it is said to be heterogamous; when only 1 sort, homogamous. The leaves of the involucre, of whatever form or texture, are termed bracts. The bracts or scales, which often grow on the receptacle among the flowers, are called the chaff; when these are wanting, the receptacle is said to be naked. The largest family of seed plants. The genera are divided by the corolla into 3 series, only'2 of which are represented in our region, the first being much the larger. | ith Key to the Tribes Series A. ‘TUBULIFLORAE we COROLLAS ALL ee AND REGULAR, | OR ONLY THE MARGINAL ONES LIGULATE (IRREGULAR) Anthers not caudate at base; ‘style branches either truncate or tipped with an appendage. Heads rayless; flowers all perfect, never ula. Style branches terete-filiform 5 .tinited .. A : Bracts of.the involucre distinct. ei Plants not glutinous or viscid. : . “lowers yellow . AR REIS: Blowers white orflesh-color | e 4 Plants glutinous or viscid Achenes 5-10-ribbed; herbage commonly ‘impressed- punctate and resiniferous, mam Pappus present. °°) FS ia nvolucral bracts erect, Leaves entire, _ heaves. glandular-scabrous and hirsute : . x ves not glandular, vs (Rays not yellow.; 4° >. iy Bie i ( Rays. purple,or mole: ee é eaves subgl lab rous, , : Plante ee (4-10 em, »s ‘pubescence spread: ‘Plants 1 ‘taller. (16 em, 3 "pubescence ap- pressed a aoe Leaves hispid-hirsute : eg oe ERS 2 Rays white::: j_- 22 : 7 Bracts, hispid-ciliate. 5 ‘ 2 a = a Bracts appressed-hirsute ‘ . ‘ < A Rays yellow’ : a more io less branched and with fhw-several telly white. 0, sie “ees 1-nerved, Es ‘Herbage minutely hirsute. } i: Braets hispid-ciliate 8 hes ie) ie SD) se 523 aAXe CONSPICUOUS (much surpassing the Hes 1. BE, saleiiginostie ' E. elatior. 3 E. epoaliars “Tyan Z et tas oats ' e 4.0, alee, af 5. E. macranta, 6. E. speciosus. | 7. E, spesinstl ‘8. E. asper. ; 9..E. formosissimus, ; 10, E, melinovephalts, 11, E. uniflorus, ica tg, Se See ib dd ae Engelmannii., , ; +; E, Eatonii. _ 21. E. poliospermus, a: E.‘ubsinus. ; Baas, bo 2o LE luteus? ‘12, 13. E. Garrettii. E. tener. 7 va 14, E. nauseosus. he a Bae. ‘ 15.:E. Jeipmeris, 16. E. glandulosus. a EP, e fei Sp a 4s - Tadieatus.’{ ursinus, | poligepermiss ae Le ‘Engelmannii, is iF Eatonii. © : . =z Juteus.: E :&E, _ =z .E, . Ey 19,.E. Engelmannii. 524 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) Bracts appressed-hirsute ‘ ‘ ie ass . 20. E, Batonii. Herbage pene ay, hispid or hirsute-ciliate. . 24, E. pumilus, Leaves 3-nerved, at least at base. . . . . 23. E, microlonchus, Rays not white, neal ct ne ‘ubescence very short, ; a Leaves 3-nerved ’ % e * c - °° . 25, E. corymbosus, ves l-nerved =“ . to x é . “ . 26. E. caespitosus, Pubescence biped, long and spreading ‘i é . 27. E, concinnus, Leaves dissected or deeply cleft, Leaves ternately divided, Twice to thrice ternate ‘ ‘ 5 . a s . 28. EB. compositus, Once ternate or quinate . . . : - .° . 29, Ev trifidus. Leaves pinnately divided . ber td Me ‘ ‘ . - 80, E. pinnatisectus, ANNUALS OR BIENNIALS Leaves not cordate-clasping. Stems simple at least below; the heads few, large. Involucre hirsute -or strigose . “ . a . - 8 E.asper. Involucre more or less glandular or viscid . . . . | 9. E, formosissimus. Stems branched; the heads small, several to many. Stems simple at base but branching upward ‘ darge heads: involucre low-hemispherical, 16-20 mm. broad; the biserial equal bracts-with spreading green tips.and with little pubescence: rays 100 or more, narrow, almost 18 mm. long, light. rose-color to. deep purple. (EH. glabellus - mollis. E. eximius Greene; E. incanescens and E. viscidus Rydb. |. c. 28: 23 & : 24, 1901.)—Throughout. our range. - ; 10. Erigeron melanocephalus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 246. 1900. Caudex thick and nearly simple or more or less branched, the branches . short; stems few to several (often 10 or more), slender, erect, 5-15 cm. high, - monocephalous, pubescent with purplish hairs: leaves numerous on the crowns, 526 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE’ FAMILY) nearly sessile to long-petioled, blade elliptic to narrowly oblong, 2-5 em. long (including the petiole), almost glabrous; stem leaves several, broadly ‘linear, “acuminate, 2-3 cm. long; pubescence similar to that of the stem: headsilarge, when fully expanded 3 em. broad; involucral bracts involved in a dense, dark "purple wool. (£. oreocharis Greerie.)—Subalpine in moist parks; Colorado and Wyoming. _ : a eee "11. Erigeron uniflorus L. Sp. Pl. 864.'1753. Stems 3-8 em. high or more, strictly monocephalous, few-leaved, often naked and pedunculiform at summit: radical leaves spatulate or oblanceolate, 2-4 em.' long; cauline lanceolate to linear: involucre usually hirsute as well as lanate, occasionally becoming naked; the linear-acute bracts rather close, or merely the short tips spreading: rays purple or paler, 4-8 mm. long. (E. simpler Greene, Fl. Fr. 387. 1897; E. ee 1. ¢. 28: 23. 1901; E. grandiflorus Hook.,'as to our range.)—Alpine; from Colorado to the arctic regions. °° ee 12. Erigeron Garrettii A. Nels. Perennial from a short: woody. somewhat branched and ‘tufted crown: leaves all basal, nearly or quite glabrous; 2-4'cm. long, oblanceolate, obtuse or subacute, tapering:to:a short petiole: scape 7-12 cm. long; the solitary heads large, 2-3cm.' broad; involucre dark green, “7-8 mm. high, obscurely hirsutulous as is also .the'scape; the bracts: linear- subulate: rays 40-50, white, linear-spatulate, the ligule 8-10 mm. long: ati pappus minute or wanting.—Reported only from Cottonwood Cajfion, oo ta. % ae ere Paty Se), 5 are 3s Whee i 13. Erigeron tener Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 16: 91. 1880. Whole plant ‘canescent (almost silvery) with minute rather soft pubescence; caudex: branch- ing, bearing many rigid, erect, slender stems 8-12 em. high, sparingly branched ‘ near the summit, the. branches monocephalous: radical leaves thickish and firm, broadly obovate-spatulate, abruptly acuminate, rather‘ indistinctly callous-tipped, 12-18 mm. long by 7-10 mm. wide, on slender petioles twice their length; stem leaves few and small, spatulate-lanceolate: heads' rather small; bracts of the involucre narrow-lanceolate, greenish with- somewhat scarious margins: achenes compressed, hirsute: pappus simple. (E. Tweedyi Canby, Bot. Gaz. 13: 17. 1888:)—Rocky dry hills; from Montana and Wyo- ming to Nevada. os a ee MN 14. Erigeron nauseosus (Jones) A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 37: 270. 1904... Tufted ‘perennial, 1-2 dm. high, leafy throughout, the whole plant minutely seabrous and the leaves hispid-ciliate: basal leaves spatulate to obovate, 4-8 cm. long; the upper'similar but gradually smaller}: sessile or almost clasping: heads mostly solitary on the leafy ascending'stems; the peduncle proper only: 2-3.cm. ‘long, glutinous or viscid, as'is also the involucre, and‘ with a nauseating odor; the bracts somewhat scabrous, abruptly acuminate: rays white or nearly ‘so. —Hot sandy benches at the base of cliffs; mountains-of Utah.: =: 15. Erigeron leiomeris. Gray, Syn. Fl. 1: 211. 1884.. Stems 8-15 em. high from the somewhat ‘surculose branches of the caudex, smooth’ and very gla- brous (or some minute hairiness at least .on the petioles): leaves bright ‘green, mainly radical and spatulate, very obtuse (larger 3-4 em. long, with ‘taper. ‘ing base or petiole of at least equal length), 3-10: mm. wide;: cauline only 2 or 3 and smaller: involucre 6-7 mm. high; the bracts' lanceolate and not attenuate, glabrous but pruinose-glandular, brownish-purple: rays about 40, linear, violet, 6-8 mm. long. (E. spathulifolius' Rydb. 1. ¢. 262 ‘545.. 1899.) —In the alpine regions; Wyoming and Colorado to Utah and Nevada. .’ ' 16. Erigeron glandulosus Porter, Fl. Col. 60. 1874. Caespitose from a -stout caudex, 1-2 dm. high, rigid, granulose-glandular or glandular-seabrous and with sparse or hispid hairs, especially on the margins of the leaves: leaves thickish, spatulate to lmear-oblanceolate, 3-8 em. long: head 8~10 mm. high; ‘involucre glandular or viscid ‘as well as pubescent: rays 40 or 50, violet or purple, 8-12 mm. long.—Middle elevations in the foothills; Wyoming and Colorado: ° ! oe Be CHRO SAE | oll teins 17. Erigeron radicatus Hook. Fl: Bor. Am. 2: 17. 1834. Stems slender, ‘ascending, 5-10 cm. high, more or less tufted on the woody caudex: leaves all spatulate-linear ot‘ wider, the broadest only 2-4 mm. wide, hirsute or hir- COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 527 sutely ciliate or sometimes nearly glabrous, no glandular roughness: involucre more ‘or less villous-pubescent, only 5-6 mm. high: rays mostly pale purple. (EZ. Parryi Canby & Rose, Bot. Gaz: 15: 65. 1890; E.. Seribnert eee le; E. vetensis’ Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 126...1905.)—In the. highest mountains of our range and extending far northward. as nN 18. Erigeron ursinus Eat. Bot. King’s Exp. 148. 1871. Stems 1-2 dm. high, loosely caespitose: leaves gréen, mostly smooth and glabrous, but their mar- gins more or less hirsute-ciliate,; spatulate to narrowly oblanceolate; .cauline ones lanceolate or linear and acute: involucre (6 mm. high) and naked summit of flowering stem hirsute-pubescent: rays 40 or 50, purple, narrowly linear, 6 mm. long.—Alpine and lower in our range and westward to California. ; 18a. Erigeron ursinus gracilis (Rydb.) A. Nels. More leafy:and the whole plant more or less strigose-pubescent: (H. gracilis Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 404. 1900.)—-Subalpine in open grassy places; Yellowstone: Park. 19: Erigeron Engelmannii:.A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 26: 247. 1899. Crown woody, from nearly simple to numerously but very ‘short-branched: leaves numerous, crowded on the crowns, linear, on very slender petioles which about equal .the blade, closely subcinereous, somewhat ciliolate on the ‘petioles, 2-6 cm. long (including the’ petioles): stems weak, decumbent or prostrate, moderately leafy,:3-6 cm. long, monocephalous or with 2 or 3 heads: peduncles ‘short, ascending, 1 or more-bracted; heads rather small; involucre about 5 mm.:high; the bracts equal, narrowly linear, acuminate, dark green with light margins, ciliolate: rays white, broadly linear, 40 (more or:less), the ligules about 5.mm. long, equal (H. simulans Greene, Pl: Baker. 3: 31. 1901).—Stony slopes and foothills at middle elevations;; Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. ; a . 20. Erigeron Eatonii’ Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 16: 91. 1880. «:Stems several from the crown of a strong taproot, slender and weak, diffuse;'1-2.dm. long, simple or with 2 or 3 monocephalous branches: leaves all linear, thickish, minutely pubescent; the radical about 5 cm. long and.the broadest 4'mm. wide: heads only 6 mm. high; bracts of the sparsely hirsute involucre little unequal: rays seldom over 20, at most-6mm. long, white or purplish. (E.nematophyllus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 124. 1905.)—On the lower slopes of the mountains; Wyoming to Colorado and Utah. oa . 21. Erigeron- poliospermus Gray, Syn. Fl. 1: 210. 1884. Caudex multi- Gipital, the branches'short and crowded; stems simple, numerous, rather closely pubescent with spreading unequal hairs, leafy below, naked-pedunculate above, 7-15 em. long: leaves crowded on the crowns, short-hirsute all over, the mar- gins strongly hirsute-ciliate especially on the petioles, linear-spatulate, 3-5 em. long (including petiole); stem leaves several, similar but: becoming smaller upward: .peduneles ‘naked or with a filiform bract, monocephalous; heads large, including ‘the spreading rays 20-25:mm. broad; involueral bracts nar- row, in 2 tows, hirsute, long-acuminate, with a dark green midrib: rays 20- 50, purple or violet. (H. wyomingensis and E. inamoenus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot.'Club 26: 248.'1899.)—-Gravelly hills; Wyoming to Montana and Oregon. | 22. Erigeron luteus A. Nels. |. c. 27: 33. 1900. Densely tufted on a multi- cipital: caudeéx:;leaves closely crowded on the crowns, all narrowly linear with slightly tapering, petiole-like base, subcinereous, 3-5 cm. long: stems mono- cephalous, simple, scape-like but bearing 2 or more short leaves below, the pe- duncular portion usually with 1 small bract, from barely exceeding the leaves to about. twice as long: heads 6-8 mm. high; the involucral bracts linear, acutish, somewhat unequal and in 2 rows, rather shorter than the disk: rays 30-40, a pure yellow, rather broad and short, the ligules only 3-4 mm. Jong: pappus in 2 series, the outer. of very short, inconspicuous bristles;.the inner bristles rather sparse and coarse, nearly as long as the tube of the disk-corollas; achenes minutely pubescent. (Chrysopsis hirtella DC. 5: 327. 1836; E. curvifolius Piper, Bull: Torr. Bot. Club 27: 396. 1900.)—Sandy stream banks;, Yellow- stone Park to the plains of the Columbia. :23. Erigeron microlonchus Greene, Pitt. 3: 293. 1898. Slenderly fusiform perennial root bearing at the crown a central tuft of Jeaves encircled by several, 528 - COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) slender decumbent flowering stems 10-15 cm. high; herbage subcinereous with a fine appressed pubescence of straight hairs: basal leaves 7-12 cm. long in- cluding the short petiole, ,linear-lanceolate, acute at both ends, entire, 3- nerved; stems with few and rather remote, sessile, linear-lanceolate leaves: heads commonly solitary, rarely 2 or 3, on slender naked peduncles; bracts of the rather small involucre subequal, hispid at the very base: rays 30 or more, rather narrow, purplish: achenes sparsely strigose-hispid; bristles of the pappus fine and fragile, subtended by an obscure, short-setiform outer series.—Common in the foothills of our mountains. 24. Erigeron pumilus Nutt. Gen. 2: 147. 1818. Stems tufted, slender simple or branched, 1-2.5 dm. high: leaves entire, hirsute, the lower an basal ones narrowly spatulate or linear, petioled, 2-10 em. long, 2-4 mm. wide; stem leaves linear: heads 12-20 mm. broad short-peduncled; bracts linear, acute, hirsute: rays 50-80, white, 6-8. mm. jong, at length deflexed: pappus double, the outer row of bristles short and more or less intermixed with the inner; achenes pubescent.—Dry sandy plains; South Dakota to Kansas and west to Utah and Idaho. 25. Erigeron corymbosus Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 308. 1841. Stems erect from a creeping rootstock, often 3-4 dm. high, soft-cinereous or some- times hispidulous with mostly spreading short pubescence: radical leaves narrow-lanceolate or spatulate-lanceolate, largest 8-12 cm. long, 6-8 mm. wide, 3-nerved; the cauline linear and narrow: heads sometimes solitary, usually several and corymbosely disposed on short slender peduncles; involucre 6 mm. high, canescently pubescent: rays 30-50, mostly narrow and 6-10-mm. long, blue or violet, apparently sometimes white. (H. Nelsonit Greene, |. c. 294.)-—Colorado to Montana and far northwestward. 26. Erigeron caespitosus Nutt. 1. c. 307. Stems tufted, canescent, simple or branched above, 1.5-3 dm. high: leaves canescent or. pubescent, entire, the lower and basal ones petioled, narrowly oblanceolate or spatulate,:2-7 em. long: heads solitary or several, short-peduncled, 25-35 mm. broad; bracts lanceolate or linear-oblong; acute, canescent: rays 40-60, 6-12 mm. long, white or pinkish: pappus double, the outer series of very short bristles. (EZ. subcanescens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 294. 1897.)—Dry flats and ridges; throughout our range and west to the Pacific States. : : 27. Erigeron concinnus (H. & A.) T. & G. Fl. 2: 174. 1842. Very hirsute throughout with long, spreading, white hairs; stems several from the same root or caudex, 1-2 dm. high, slender, leafy, branching above, the branches ter- minated by single heads: leaves narrowly linear, elongated, entire, attenuate at the base, the lowermost tapering into a slender petiole: heads 10-12 mm. in diameter; bracts of the involucre linear, very acute, densely hirsute: rays numerous, 12 mm. long, white to blue. The.variety aphanactis [E. aphanac- tis (Gray) Greene Fl. Fr. 389. 1907] is a rayless form which may occur in the western part of our range.—Infrequent; in the arid areas of the western parts of our range to the Pacific States. thy 28. Erigeron compositus Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 538. 1814. Herbage hirsute to glabrate and more or less viscidulous; stems very short, from a somewhat woody creeping base, densely leafy: leaves fan-shaped in outline, usually 2-3-ternately parted into linear or short and narrow spatulate lobes, 4-12 mm. long, on long, slender, hispid-ciliate petioles; the few on the erect flowering stems 3-lobed, or entire and linear: involucre 6-8 mm. high, sparsely hirsute: rays 40-60, not very narrow, white (purple or violet), mostly 6-8 mm. long. (E. multifidus Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 402. 1900.)—Dry, stony slopes, middle elevations; throughout our range and to the Pacific States. 28a. Erigeron compositus discoideus Gray, Am. Journ. Sci. 33: 237, 1862. Rays wanting or abortive: heads commonly smaller.—Same range as the species and often growing with it. Two other varieties, nudus Rydb. and incertus A. Nels., are merely glabrate forms of the species and the variety, respectively. : 29. Erigeron trifidus Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 2: 17. a 120, 1834. Very near to the preceding, hirsute: leaves slightly fleshy, on long petioles, 3-cleft; the COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE, FAMILY) 029 segments short, entire, or the lateral often 2-lobed; scapes nearly naked: rays twice the length of the very hirsute involucre: achenes minutely: hairy; prope Bi Peeepecs) as long as the corolla of the disk. (EZ. flabellifolius Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 545. 1899.)—Colorado and Utah to Mon- tana.and Idaho. ; * wae etek . 29a, Erigeron trifidus discoideus A. Nels. Rayless form of the species, and sometimes glabrate.—Same range. : 30. Erigeron pinnatisectus (Gray) A. Nels. 1. c. 26:,.246. 1899. From cinereous-hirsute to glabrate, somewhat tufted, the rather, few stems mostly erect, 1-2 dm. high: leaves petioled, the blade pinnately divided into 9-11 linear and entire or more or_less cleft lobes: heads rather large (8-10 mm. high) or in depauperate specimens small: the rays purple or violet-purple, numerous; 8-14 mm. long. .£. compositus pinnatisectus——Mostly high alpine; in ,the mountains of our range. as si el roe ., 31, Erigeron ramosus (Walt,) B.S. P. Prel. Cat. N. Y. 27. 1788. Annual, _with somewhat appressed pubescence; the stem.erect, 3-6 dm. high, corym- bosely branched: stem, leaves linear-oblong or.linear-lanceolate, most of them entire; basal and lowest cauline spatulate or oblong, usually serrate: bracts of the involucre. glabrous or.nearly so: pappus double; the inner a series of.slen- dey, fragile, deciduous bristles (often wanting in the ray-flowers); the outer a persistent series of short, partly united, slender scales: rays white,,.rarely purplish, occasionally minute or wanting. E. strigosus. EH. annuus L. is quite similar but taller and with more spreading pubescence and smaller heads.—Neither are indigenous to.our range, but the former occurs in many fields and the latter will no doubt be found sooner or later. Both are known as Daisy FLEABANE. ; a 32. Erigeron divergens T. & G. FI. 2: 175. 1841, Stems. several or nu- merous, ascending, from a stout taproot, sometimes decumbent at base; her- bageé roughened with a short hispid pubescence: leaves linear,,1-2 cm. long, or the lower, somewhat, longer and linear-spatulate, the uppermost reduced: heads solitary, terminating slender peduncles: rays numerous, filiform, 6 mm. long, violet or purplish [or white (?)]: inner pappus of scanty slender bristles, the outer of much shorter subulate squamellae.—From Texas to Montana and vyest to the Pacific. 32a. Erigeron divergens arenarius (Greene) A. Nels., Freely, slenderly, and diffusely branched: leaves small and numerous:.rays pale (lavender): the. pappus apparently simple. (EZ. arenarius, Greene, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 121. 1898.)—Through the-:southern part. of our range-to Arizona. 32d. Erigeron divergens nudiflorus (Buckley),.A. Nels. Branches rather few and suberect, densely leafy for two thirds of their length and terminating in a rather stout naked peduncle: leaves linear-spatulate, densely cinereous- hirsute. (H#. nudiflorus Buckley,; Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. 456. 1862; H. pedunculata Heller.)—Colorado to. Arizona. The varieties as well as the species are probably biennial. Intermediate forms are common. ,, 33. Erigeron colo-mexicanus A. Nels. Stems few to several from a slender annual taproot, ascending, neve pedune won above the middle,, very leafy, flowering when very short, the later heads on stems 7-15 cm. long: leaves mostly linear-spatulate to linear, the basal sometimes, .gblanceolate and 3-lobed at apex, all softly cinereous-pubescent: heads, much as.in EF. aivergens. (EH. cinereus Gray,- Pl. Fendl. 68. 1848; not E. cinereus,H. & A. Comp. Bot. Mag. 2: 50. 1836.)—Southern Colorado and New Mexico. x... 34. Erigeron flagellaris Gray, Mem. Am. Acad. 4: 68. 1849. More or less cinereous with appressed pubescence; stems slender, diffusely decumbent and flagelliform but leafy, some prostrate, some at length rooting at the apex and roliferous: leaves small, entire; radical spatulate and petioled; those of jthe Picnehes becoming linear: solitary peduncles 4-10 em. long: rays white or purplish: pappus double, the outer of subulate bristles. (#. MacDougallii Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 599. 1899.)—Moist. soil; from Moniana,to New Mexico and Texas. betas «resin 35, Erigeron philadelphicus L. Sp. Pl. 863. 1753. Perennial by stolons a 530 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) and offsets, soft-pubescent or sometimes nearly glabrous; stems slender, mostly branched above, 3-9 dm. high: basal and’ lower leaves spadtulate’ or obovate, obtuse, dentate, 2-7 em. long, narrowed into'short petioles; urper stem leaves clasping and often cordate at the base: heads several or numerous, corymbose-paniculate, 10-25 mm. broad, slender-peduncled bracts linear, usually scarious-margined: achenes puberulent.—Through ‘much of North America; in fields and woods; rather rare in our range. Pte, eee ' 36. Erigeron lapiluteus A. Nels. Biennial, with a strong vértical taproot; generally only one stem from the ‘enlarged crown, simple, stout; striate, erect, ‘paniculately branched as to the inflorescence, 3-6 dm. high, purplish, glabrate, the whitish hairs ‘very straggling, obscurely granular: leaves numerous, glabrate; crown leaves oblanceolate, petioles 3+6 cm. 'long; lower stem ‘leaves similar but' with short-winged petioles; upper leaves sessile, narrowly lanceo- late, not much reduced; bracts small, linear: heads numerous, on rather'slen- der ‘peduncles; involucral bracts'dark green, in 2 rows, subequal, very narrow, acuminate, ‘shorter than the’ 1 em. high ‘disk: flowers very numerous; rays ‘filiform, purplish, largely concealed by copious pappus: achenes linear, less ‘than 2 mm. long; the soft, dirty‘white' pappus nearly ‘3 times as long. ‘(E. yellowstonensis A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 195.'1900, a name’ to he’ rejected.)—At middle elevations, in open' woods or burned over timber lands; Colorado 'to Montana. ie ' 37. Erigeron'acris L. Sp, Pl. 863. 1753: More or less hirsute-pubescent; ‘stems 1-2 dm: high from a biennial or perennial root, the larger plants branch- ing and bearing’ several or numerous somewhat paniculately disposed heads: leaves pubescent or glabrate, entire; the radical arid lower ¢auline spatulate, mostly obtuse, 3-8 cm. long, petioled; the upper cauline mostly oblong or ob- lanceolate, obtuse or acutish, sessile: involucre hemispheric, the bracts linear, hirsute: rays numerous, purple, equaling or exceeding the brownish pappus: ‘tubular pistillate flowers filiform, numerous: pappus simple’ or nearly ‘so, copious.—Across the continent northward, and south in our mountaihs to ‘Colorado. : f ; a AEE ot ~ '37a. Erigeron acris debilis Gray, Syn. Fl.’1: 220; 1884. -Sparsély pilose; stems 7-15 cm. high from an apparently perennial root, slender: leaves bright green; the radical obovate or oblong; the cauline spatulate to lanceolate, short: heads 1-3 in a terminal cluster, 8-10 mm. high; bracts of the involucre sparsely hirsute below, the smooth attenuate tips spreading: rays in flower rather ‘conspicuously surpassing the disk. (H.jucundus Greene, Pitt. 3: 165.. 1897.) —In the mountains of our range and northward. The variety Droebachensis probably does not occur in' our range") ''~ ee | a 38: -Erigeron lonchophyllus Hook:' Fl. Bor.: Am:. 1: 18.) 1834. Sparsely more or less hirsute with spreading bristly hairs; stems clustered on the small rootstock, 1-3 dm. high, leafy: leaves hirsutely ciliate below the middle, otherwise glabrous or glabrate, entire; the cauline linear or linear-lanceolate (4-10 em. long; 2-6 mm. wide), the lowest’ linear-spatulate or oblanceolate and usually tapering into slender petioles: ‘heads peduneled and-“simple- racemose, or rarely panicled; involucre 6-8' mm.’ long: rays. more numerous than the disk-flowers, the’ purplish or whitish. nearly: filiform: ligules when fully developed projecting only 1-2 mm. beyond the pappus: disk-flowers filiform. (H. armeriaefolius Turez. in DC. Prodr..5: 291. 1836; E. rdeemosus Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: ‘312. 1841.)—Moist saline meadows in the mountains of our range and in the Sierra Nevada, and far northward. ©, ~ fy ge a 28. WYOMINGIA A. Nels. Wromine Daisy » ‘Perennials with woody more or less branehed roots and short, woody, caespitose, multicipital caudices whose branches are roughened or sheathed by the bases of the leaves of the previous years. Stems simple; monocephalous, 1 or more from each crown, becoming naked and ‘pedunculiform above. Leaves crowded on the crowns and on the bases of the stems. Heads large} involucral ‘bracts in 2-4 successively shorter rows, rigid with a thickened midrib. Flowers ‘COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) d31 Aster-like; rays: broad, comparatively few; disk-flowers numerous. Style- appendages short, triangular-cuspidate. Achenes short, densely pubescent, “subterete—Zrigeron in part. ¢ a O ead ey Caudex merely an‘enlarged crown, or the branches, if any; very short.! Glistening silvery-white, the pubescence microscopically fine,, ap- ; 5 pressed se a a - «. « « 1, W. argentata. '’ Greenish but more or less cinereous-lanate. , ; ‘') Leaves'short, mostly 1~3 ‘em. long SVE 8 F . . 2. W. cana, Leaves long, mostly 4-8 cm. long . ‘ i : . 3. W. Tweedyana. Caudex freely branched, forming a dense tuft, with one or more stems Pao noe oa a é icnbalonter curved-ascendin; 4.0 palbherinna : Leaves re mame Wide: elem Stoutish, strict. pe. ee ‘5, W. fine ' 1. Wyomingia: argentata (Gray) A. Nels. Silvery white pubescence throughout very close and fine, the separate hairs indistinguishable;. stems 1-3 dm. high: radical leaves very densely clustered, linear-spatulate or broader, 245 em. long; the cauline scattered and much smaller: heads broad, 12-15:mm. “high: rays rather broad and large, 12-14 mm. long: achenes sericeous-pubescent or villous,:5=8-nerved.. (Hrigeron argentatus. Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 649. 1873.)-Desert regions of western Colurado to-Utah and Nevada. ty ay 2. Wyomingia cana (Gray) A. Nels. Silvery appressed pubescence ob- viously strigillose under a lens,;that.of the-involucre loose and spreading: stems 1-2 dm. high, leafy: the linear cauline leaves gradually diminishing upward; the radical spatulate-lancedlate or narrower: head about 8 mm. high: rays narrow, 6 mm. long: achenes glabrous. (Erigeron canus Gray, Pl. Fendl. 67. 1848.)—Arid ‘areas; western Nebraska'to Wyoming and New Mexico. ! 3. Wyomingia Tweedyana (Canby & Rose) A. Nels. Perannial; from a mul- ticipital caudex, 1~2 dm. high, simple or somewhat branched, soft-pubescent ., below, becoming lanate above (apparently densely ‘white, lanate when young): eaves narrowly linear, 4-8 em. long, crowded at base, reduced and scat- tered above, somewhat ‘pubescent: heads 6-10 mm. high, a little’ broader, terminating the simple stems or the branches: the peduncles long and naked or, with few, bract-like leaves: involucre of numerous narrow acuminate bracts, so crowded as to seem, but 1-2 series, with tips a little spreading, densely lanate: rays numerous, conspicuous, white: pappus double, the outer mul- tisquamellate; achenes pubescent.. (Erigeron Tweedyana Canby &: Rose, Bot. Gaz. 15: 65. 1890; EZ. montanensis Rydb, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 296. 1898.)—Arid districts; Montana. - i" 4, Wyomingia pulcherrima (Heller) A.'Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 249. -1899. Stems about 20 em. high, tufted: at the base, simple, slender, leafy, “with prominent yellowish lines; pubescent with short, appressed, white hairs: leaves'‘all very narrow, about 1 mm. wide; the basal’ ones linear-spatulate, about 1.5 cm. long; those: of 'the stems 2-4 cm. long, linear, acute, white- pubescent: peduncles'a prolongation of the stems, 2-5 cm. long: heads large, ‘3.5 cm. in didmeter, 7 mm. high; involucral bracts in-about 4 rows,’ slightly Ree linear-lanceolate;' with spreading’ pubescence: rays’ 20-30, either white, pinkish,‘ or ‘violet blué, 1.5-cm.-lorng; 2 mm. wide, emarginate.—Sandy ‘hills; New Mexico and probably southern Colorado. As '5. Wyomingia cinerea A. Nels. ]. c. 250:' Stems erect, fascicled, somewhat striate with yellowish-green lines; about'2 dm. high, the upper part naked- ‘'pedunculate, usually with a single bract: leaves linear or some of the crown “‘Iédves spatulate, acute, cinéreous ‘(as are'also the stems) with a short, close, “appressed pubescence: ‘heads large, when fully open 3 em. or more across; involucre broadly hemispherical, about 1 cm. high; the bracts acute, cinereous ‘with a ‘spreading, ‘crinkled pubescence: rays 30 (more or less), 5~7-nerved, ~'white'or pinkish, ‘the tube finely pubescent as arealso the disk florets, 3 mm. ‘broad, 3-toothed at the rounded apex: pappts tawny, in a single series, about “as long as the ‘disk-corollas, the bristles mostly abruptly flexed one third their length'below the apex: achene short, striately marked with .2-4 greenish- ‘yellow lines: receptacle flat, alveolate.—Desert hillsides; south centra: Wyo- 532 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 29. LEPTILON Raf. Canapa FLEABANE ' Annual or biennial caulescent herbs. Leaves alternate; blades narrow, entire, or sparingly toothed. Heads small, radiate or discoid. Involueres usually campanulate; bracts several, in 2-3 series. Receptacle naked. |, Ray- flowers few, pistillate, with short "white or purplish. ligules; disk-flowers several, perfect, the corollas usually with 4 lobes. Stigmas flattened, with short. appendages. Achenes flattened, often pubeeorat Pappus of many brittle hair-like bristles in 1 series. 1. Leptilon canadense (L.) Brit. Ill. Fl. 3: 391. 1898. From sparsely ‘hispid to almost glabrous; stem strict, 2-12 dm. high, with. numerous narrowly paniculate heads, or in depauperate plants only a few scattered heads: leaves linear, entire, or ‘the lowest spatulate and incised or few-toothed: rays white, usually’ a little exserted and surpassing ‘the style-branches. : -(Brigeron cana- densé.)—A weed in waste grounds throughout the continent. iS aed 2. Leptilon divaricatum Raf. Fl. Tell. 2: 265. 1818. Low, 1-2 dm. high, diffusely much branched, somewhat fastigiate: leaves all narrowly linear. or subulate, entire: rays purplish, rarely surpassing the style-branches or the pappus. £. divaricatum. —Possibly” coming into. our southeastern’ border. ! ; thors woe Ny “ 30. BACCHARIS L. ., Pl More or ‘Tess shrubby, with alternate, simple leaves, and’ ‘the brariches striate, bearing small heads of. white or yellowish flowers. Heads completely ‘dioecious, many-flowered. Involucre regularly imbricated. Receptacle mostly ‘flat and naked, rarely chaffy. ‘Flowers of the staminate heads with tubular- funnelform, 5 5-cleft corolla; the pistillate with corolla, reduced ‘to'a slender. truncate or minutely toothed tube. Achenes 5-10-costate. Pappus of the staminate flowers a series of scabrous and, often tortuous bristles; those of ‘the fertile flowers usually more numerous, finer, and often elongated | in fruit. Herbaceous except at base. Pappus copious, elongating in fruit and surpassing the style-branches; ; leaves linear, entre 1. ‘iB, Wrightii. Pappus scanty, scarcely elongating i in fruit; leaves ‘elongated-lanceolate, 4, Somewhat serrate’ . ; Meo wee wey yak. HE B. ‘glutinosa. Shrubs, 1-4 m. high. i ; Involucral Dees all acute cay ae : : 8. B. salicina. ’ Involucral bracts obtuse (at ‘least most of them)” ‘ . Deol a B Himoryl. 1. Baccharis Wrightii Gray, Pl. Wright. 1: 101. 1852, Herbaceous from a, woody base, very smooth and glabrous, 3-6 dm. high, diffusely branching, sparsely leaved; slender branches terminated by solitary heads: leaves linear, -small; the uppermost: linear-subulate: involucre campanulate, 7-10 mm. high: the bracts lanceolate, gradually acuminate, conspicuously scarious-margined, with a greenback: pappus very copious and_pluriserial,,.soft, elongating in fruit, fulvous or purplish, 4 times.the length of the scabrous-glandular. 8-10- nerved achene.— Western Texas,to southern Colorado and Arizona. ‘ 2. Baccharis glutinosa Pers. Syn. 2: 425.,1807. Stems herbaceous, above but woody toward the base, 1-3 m. high; branches somewhat. striate-angled: leaves elongated-lanceolate, serrate with few or several scattered teeth on! each side, more or less distinctly 3-nerved from near the base, 7-15 em. long: : heads mostly 6 mm. long, numerous and corymbosely cymose at, the, summit of comparatively simple stems or branches; involucre.. stramineous: pappus not very copious or flaccid, and elongated hardly at,.all.in fruit;..achene 5-nerved.—From southern California to southern Colorado and Texas. 3. Baccharis salicina T. & G. Fl. 2:.258., 1842. Branching, shrubs, 1-4 m. high, glabrous or nearly so, usually viscous, ‘with a resinous exudation: leaves mostly subsessile, oblong to linear-lanceolate, sparingly toothed, rarely en- tire: heads or glomerules pedunculate; involucre campanulate, about 6 mm. high; the bracts ovate and acutish: pappus more or less copious, but mostly ‘ uniserial, conspicuously elongating in fruit, white, soft and flaccid; pebenes 10-nerved. —Southern Colorado to Texas and far westward. . COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 533 4, Baccharis Emoryi Gray, Bot. Mex. Bound. 83. 1859. Erect; with slender branches, 1-4 m. .high:, cauline leaves. mostly oblong or the lower broader, with attenuate or cuneate ‘base and the larger somewhat petioled, more or, less triple-nerved, often with 2-4 short lobes or teeth; those of the branches oblanceolate to’ linear, mostly; entire, .1-nerved: “heads ‘somewhat nakedly paniculate on the branchlets, short-pedunculate or ‘the glomerules more or less pedunculate; involucre’campanulate or oblong, 5~7\mm. long, mostly, of firm coriaceous and obtuse bracts; the outermost oval, the inner oblong, the innermost thin, linear, and acutish Southern California to Nevada and i nEEnA, and reported from southwestern Colorado. | Me - 31. FILAGO Le Low woolly annuals with small more or less glomerate heads. Receptacle hemispherical or'conical. Fertile pistillate flowers in 2 sets, the outer set separated from the inner by a circle of open, scarious or chaff-like nearly’ gla- brous bracts; flowers of the outer set, which: is borne ‘on’ the margin of the receptacle, commonly: destitute of pappus, each loosely: ‘infolded by a concave: or boat-shaped long-woolly bract; flowers of the inner set provided with a pappus of copious capillary pristles, not infolded by bracts., Hermaphrodite flowers'in the center of the head few, often fertile, . their: pappus. abundant. aoe terete or nearly so, either smooth or minutely, granular.— Evaxr aertn 1. ‘Filago prolifera’ (Nutt.) Brit. Mem. Torr. ‘Bot.- Chib 5: 329. 1894, Rather stout; stem 7-12 em. high, simple and erect, or with ascending branches. from the base, bearing numerous small spatulate: leaves and‘a capituliform glomerule, 10-12 mm: in ‘diameter, ‘whence proceed 1-3 nearly leafless branches -similarly terniinated; sometimes’ again ‘proliferous:' fructiferous: bracts scarious, oval’ or oblong, mainly naked; those’ embracing staminate flowers more herbaceous and woolly-tipped, of ‘firmer or more hérbaceous texture: staminate’ flowers each on a filiform stipe represeiiting an abortive ovary, Bvax pralysra, akota, Colorado, and pouthiwand. : Bee He bah BeRE ’ fee a 82. ANTENNARIA* Gaertn. ae Pie or polygamo-dioecious perennial herbs with alternate leaves and many-fiowered ‘héads'of inconspicuous flowers. Heads’ discoid; the pistillate flowers with filiform truncate corolla shorter than the'2-cleft style; the stami- nate with ‘tubular 5-lobed corolla and style with undivided truncate apex. In- volucre of imbricated, searious, persistent bracts, at least their tips white or colored. Receptacle flat or convex, naked. ~ Achenes small, nearly terete or flattish, mostly glabrous. Pappus a single seriés' of capillary bristles, those of the fertile flowers very slender, connate at base, and so falling'from the achene’ in'a body; ; those of the: sterile often. erisped, mostly thickened attheapex.' PLANTS, SURCULOSE-PROLIFEROUS WITH LEAFY STOLONS Leayes comparatively small, 5-25 mm.'long. oe Tips of involucral bracts green or brown, Stems yery slender, 2-7 cm, high . . . ee 7 ~ LA media. Stéms.medium, 8-15 em. high.. rn a Pale ‘ eases broadly spatulate; ‘eedllietes 6-7 mm. high 2. A, fugeay, | i Leaves spatulate-oblanceolate; rane ner about 5 mm, high! Sec ' Leaves obtuse, tomentose ‘ eR oe ‘ . 38. A, reflexa, se Leaves acute, canescent fe ots . 3 . 4 A. umbrinella.":) Ti 3 of.involucral bracts'not brown or green. : nalts "Head eads comparatively small, involucres 5 (4-6) n mm, high, _Tips of involucral bracts ‘rose-color or rarely whitish, , Teaver narrowly oblanceolate, | acute S: ‘ . §.: A. rosea, Leaves spatulate, obtuse are te faa) > i Pia . _6, A, concinna, * The treatment. of. this geniis | is. taveely an. adaptation from Prof. Elias Nealon: s clear . and Gincraminating revision of a.lJarge part of the genus, in Proc, U, 8, Nat, Museum 23: 697-713. 1901 534 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) tems evident. Tips of involucral bracts white. Stems generally more than 1 dm. high (1-4 dm.); to- mentum fine, silky, appressed. a . Leaves of,the stolons narrowly oblanceolate, acute —., Leaves of the stolons spatulate, obtuse or acute, Stems rarely more than 1 dm. high (3-15 em.); hoary-'' tomentose. sch 8 a é Leaves conduplicate for the most part, .. Leaves not conduplicate Stems wanting, the heads sessile in the rosulate leaves Tleads comparatively large, involucres 8 (7~9) mm. high. Leaves permanently tomentose on both, surfaces, Pistillate Pistillate racts acute . a racts generally obtuse Leaves glabrous above or nearly so Leaves comparatively large, 3-5 cm. long. Leaves green and glabrate above. ' Leaves oblancbolate to linear» é 6 SHR Ay oe Leaves broadly oval to oblong a renee mes ‘ Leaves tomentose above also. : ag. 8 . PLANTS NOT SURCULOSE-PROLIFEROUS Plants more than 1 dm. high; pappus-bristles of the staminate heads clay avate. edd oll i Di ae 7 Plants tall (3-6 dm.); bracts tomentose except the scarious tips, Leaves linear or narrowly oblanceolate ' . Leaves lanceolate: or spatulate-lanceolate seb aby Plants lower (less than 3,dm.); bracts nearly glabrous . Plants less than 1 dm. high; pappus-bristles not clavate a PPP . A. arida. @ aa Pees, nd tater ey vena . cor Sa. | a cotalte eee aa : : = Ph ae a epee A. scariosa. * ‘Al rosulata;! |" iv . oxyphylla. aprica, marginata, oblancifolia.} racemosa. |; obovata. 1 i fog u 18. A. luzuloides.'"* * 19. 20. 21 A, dimorpha. / A. pulcherrima, A., oblanceolata. - 1. Antennaria media Greene, Pitt. 3: 286..1898.. Rarely more than 6:cm. high; stolons 1-3 cm. long: leaves spatulate-oblanceolate,. often narrowly - so, abruptly acute or acutish, 15 mm. or less long, white or, grayish-tomentose on both surfaces: involucres (pistillate) about 4 mm. high; tips of the, pis-|. tillate bracts oblong to oblong-linear, obtuse, rarely acutish, green or greenish-. | brown, rarely light brown and whitish at the very tips; tips of the.staminate, bracts oval, obtuse, of same color as the pistillate ones.—From the mountains‘: of California to British Columbia and in the Rocky Mountains from Colorado to Alberta. 2. Antennaria fusca E, Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 120. 1900. About 1 dm. high: | leaves spatulate, obtuse and more or less truncate at apex, indistinctly mucro- nate, about 2 cm. long, 5-7 mm. broad, canescently tornentulose or striate- woolly on. both surfaces: involucres 6-7 mm. high, the tips of the, bracts (pistillate) oblong or oblong-linear, obtuse, greenish-brown to buff-color:. , staminate plant unknown.—In the mountains; Wyoming. 3. Antennaria reflexa E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27: 208. 1899. Slightly suf- , frutescent, 5-15 cm. high: leaves spatulate or spatulate-obovate, obtuse, 6-15 mm. long (usually 10 mm.), dull grayish-white, tomentose on both surfaces: . involucres 4-5 mm. high; the bracts few, in less than 3 series;.the tips of the pistillate usually from oval in the outer to oblong-linear in, the inner, all ob- , tuse, less frequently ovate or lanceolate in the outer to, linear in the inner, and, , acute or acuminate, greenish-brown to yellowish-white, rarely rose-color; the tips of the staminate’ oval, obovate or oblong, obtuse or truncate, usually of firm texture, like the N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 4 4. Antennaria umbrinella Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Clu known. pees ones as to ‘color. 1. 1900.)—Colorado to Montana. (A. flavesc gis Ryd, Mere b 24: 302. 1897. Stems 10-15 em. high; stolons 4 cm. long or less: leaves narrowly spatulate- oblanceolate, acute or abruptly acute and mucronate, 15-25 mm. ‘long, canescent on both surfaces, rarely tomentose: involucres 5~6 mm. high; tips of the bracts (pistillate) oblong or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, rarely acutish, greenish-brown, the very tips often whitish: typical staminate plants ‘un- (A. mucronata E. Nels. 1. e. 209.)—Colorado to Montana and Oregon. 5. Antennaria rosea (Eat.) Greene, Pitt. 3: 281. 1898. Slender, 2+4 dm. high; sterile basal branches ascending to erect, rarely prostrate; the canescent tomentum of the leaves and: the striate wool of the stems slightly viscid: leaves very narrowly oblanceolate or eiongated-spatulate, acute, 15-20 mm. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 535, long, ;less.tham 5 mm. wide: heads in close and rounded or often rather open clusters. involucres 5-6.mm. high; bracts (pistillate) in about 3 series, nearly equal or somewhat imbricated,.the tips oval to linear, usually all obtuse, rose- . color. to dull white: staminate.plant unknown.—From Colorado to Alberta and the Pacific States, i. Weis GY weg bi akan’ 6a. Antennaria rosea imbricata E. Nels. Proc.,U.S. Nat. Museum 23:, 707. . 1901.. Leaves obovate or oblanceolate, obtusish, 20-25 mm. long,.about 5 mm. wide, thin in texture, the indument appressed, whitish: involucral bracts (pistillate): broader, than. in the, species, in about 4:series, imbricated, rose- color to nearly white-—Wyoming,and Montana to California and Oregon. . 6. Antennaria concinna E. Nels. Proc. U. S..Nat. Museum 23: 705. 1901. . Caespitose, with Jeafy offsets.or procumbent stolons, the latter at most 5 cm., long; stems slender, leafy, 10-15 em. high: leaves spatulate, with no distinc-. tion of blade or petiole, scarcely abruptly acute, about 1 em. long and 2-4 mm. broad, white-tomentose on both surfaces; the cauline linear-oblong to linear, acute, shorter than the internodes: heads 6-8 and glomerate, or often as many as 15, and the .cluster. then rather open; involucres 6-7 mm. high; bracts (pistillate) in about'3 series, all obtuse and about 1 mm. wide, the herbaceous portion livid green, the outer bracts with a brown middle portion and their tips.light brown, the tips of the others rose-color or yellowish-white: stami- nate plant unknown.—Colorado and Wyoming to Washington. . 2 ‘7. Antennaria corymbosa E., Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27: 212. March 1899... Stem, slender, 12-25 cm. high; stolons flexible: leaves from almost linear to. narrowly oblanceolate, rarely oblanceolate, acute, cuspidately mucronate, 25-35 mm. long, canescent. or lightly tomentose, ‘rarely green and glabrate: . heads more or less pediceled and corymbosely disposed; involucres 4—5 mm. . high; bracts with a brownish spot at the middle, the tips dull white or milky , white, the pistillate ones ovate to oblong, obtuse, the staminate rotund: to oblong, obtuse or truncate. . [A..nardina Greene, Pitt. 4: 82. Dec. 1899.}— In the mountains; Colorado to Montana. ....,: . ; wen Mata ds 8. Antennaria parvifolia Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 406. 1842. ‘ Slen- der, 1-3 dm. high;:stolons short, procumbent: leaves rhomboidally spatulate and acute.or rarely with the terminal dilated portion obovate and obtuse, 5-15. mm. Jlong,, silvery-tomentose on both surfaces or only canescent above: heads in a rounded cluster or in an open corymb; involucres 5-6 mm. high; tips, of, the. pistillate bracts usually narrow, obtuse or acute, dull white or somewhat, yellowish; those, of the staminate bracts rotund to oblong, obtuse; or truneate, dull white or yellowish-white.. (A., microphylla Rydb.: Bull.,; Torr. Bot. Club 24: 303. 1897.)—Colorado. to..Nevada and northward to. Alberta. , ; -: ee tea Se és 8a. Antennaria parvifolia bracteosa (Rydb.).A. Nels. About 3 dm. high: ‘leaves broadly spatulate, thin in. texture, canescent or tomentose, 15-20 mm. long; the cauline about 3 em.:long: involucral bracts (pistillate). narrow, the tips white, acutish to,acuminate. (A. bracteosa Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 413., 1900.)—Colorado to. Montana. oi 8s A 9..Antennaria arida Ei. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27:210. 1900. Stems 7-15 cm. high:.leaves small (8-12 mm. long) and inclined to be conduplicate, spatulate, - acute, hoary-tomentose: involucres about 6 mm. high; the bracts (pistillate) nearly ‘all equal, obtuse, or somewhat imbricated and acutish, the tips dull. white, very rarely: pinkish: staminate plant unknown.—In ‘the arid desert; areas; Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. ne 9a; Antennaria arida viscidula E. Nels. Proc. U.S. Nat. Museum 23: 710. 1901, Size, habit, and leaves of the species, but glandular about the.inflores. , cence, stem,,and, usually on the leayes below; middle, portions of outer bracts (pistillate) greenish-yellow or brown, the tips dirty white or pale brown.— Wyoming and Colorado. a : : 9b.. Antennaria arida humilis (Rydb.) E. Nels. 1. ce. General aspect of the . species but taller, 15-20 em. high, rarely more: the leaves somewhat larger; | the involucral bracts more unequal. (A. foliacea humilis Rydb. Mem. N. Y.: Bot. Gard. 1: 414, 1900.)—Montana and Wyoming. 036 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 10.'Antennaria scariosa E, Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27: 211. 1899. Caespitose, lightly ng Binoomey throughout; stems 3-6 em. high; stolons short, at most 4 em. long: leaves 1.4 em. long or less, spatulate, obtuse or acutish, in- clined to be conduplicate; cauline leaves rather ample, oblanceolate to nar- rowly oblong, occasionally the lowest spatulate: heads 6 mm. high, sessile, 6-8 in a subcapitate, leafy-bracted chister; bracts (pistillate) rather conspicuously searious, all obtuse, the scarious portion milk-white, elliptic to obovate.— Southwestern Wyoming. : “11. Antennaria rosulata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 300. 1897. Densely matted and depressed; the heads scarcely rising above the leaves: these spatulate, obtuse or acutish, 6-10 mm. long: involucres about 7 mm. high: (A. Sierrae-blancae Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 127. 1905, “leaves glabrate above.’’)—Arizona to southern Colorado. og 12. Antennaria oxyphylla Greene, Pitt. 4: 284. 1901. Stems 15-25 cm. high: ‘leaves spatulate-obovate, permanently tomentose on both surfaces, 2 em. long or less: heads 6-15; he 7-8 mm. high; bracts in about 4 series, ' imbricated, “all acute and of a rather dull white,” rarely pinkish: staminate plant unknown.—Southern Wyoming to South Dakota and British Columbia. 13.' Antennaria aprica Greene, Pitt. 3: 282. 1898: Low and usually densely matted, less than 17 em. high: leaves ‘euneate-obovate to narrowly oblanceo- late, permanently tomentose on both surfaces, acute to obtuse: heads large for the plant, the pistillate involucres 6-8 mm. high; bracts numerous and imbricated; the tips in the pistillate plant acute or obtuse, dull white or pink, often with a brown spot at the base of the scarious portion; in the staminate plant broad and obtuse, white. (A. Holmzi Greene, Pitt. 4: 81. 1899.)— Dry ground, foothills and plains; New Mexico to Nebraska and northward to.Assiniboia and Manitoba. eat tae 14. Antennaria marginata Greene, Pitt. 3:'290. 1898. Like A. aprica, but leaves glabrous above, or nearly so, and: prominently mucronate: staminate involucral bracts with rhomboid-ovate and obtuse or acute tips.—New Mex- | ico and southern Colorado. , Sp i a 15. Antennaria oblancifolia E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 121. 1900. Caespitose; stolons very short; stems slender, 15 em. high or less: radical leaves oblanceo- late, those of the stolons narrowly so, acute, mucronate, about 2 cm. long, sparsely canescent to ‘glabrous above, canescently tomentose below; cauline leaves linear or oblong-linear, the lower acute, the upper acuminate: heads 4-13, in close' racemose or paniculate clusters; involucres (staminate) 4 mm.’ high, ‘the herbaceous portion of the bracts sparsely woolly, the scarious por- tion oval, obttise, brownish or white-——Yellowstone Park. *< | as 16. Antennaria racemosa Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 329. 1834. Freely sur- culose by long and slender, sparsely leafy stolons, lightly woolly, becoming glabrate; flowering stems 1-4 dm. high, slender, sparsely leafy, bearing few or humerous racemosely or paniculately disposed: heads, nearly all slender-: peduncled: leaves thin, the radical broadly oval, acute at each end, slender- petioled, obscurely 3-nerved at base, rather veiny, densely tomentose beneath, - green and glabrate above; cauline leaves similar but smialler ‘and sessile, lanceolate: involucre campanulate, 6 mm. high; the bracts green or brownish; those of the staminate heads obtuse, the inner obscurely white-tipped; those of the pistillate heads narrow and mostly acute, with scarious white tips.— Moist woods and rocky banks; Oregon to British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains. 17. Antennaria obovata E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 27: 213. 1899. Stems 30 em. high; stolons 5-8 em. long: leaves tomentose on both sides; the basal 3 cm. long, 3-ribbed, the midrib continuous to the apex, obovate-cuneate, about 13 mm. broad; ‘cauline leaves’ small, oblong-linear: heads 3~7, corymbosely disposed on pedicels 5-20 mm. long; involucres sparingly long, woolly; bracts (pistillate) in several series; the outer short and obtusish; the inner twice as long, narrow, acute to acuminate; nearly all with a purplish spot at the mid- dle. (A. Howellii Greene, as to our range.)—Along the eastern base of the mountains; Colorado to the Black Hills. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 537 18. Antennaria luzuloides T, & G. FI. 2:'430. 1842. “Closely silky-woolly; stems slender,.2-3 dm. high: leaves all narrowly linear or some of the lowest narrowly lanceolate-spatulate; the-small uppermost linear-subulate: heads small, 45 mm. long, several or numerous; involucre glabrous nearly or quite to the base; the inner bracts in the ‘pistillate heads obtuse: achenes glandular; the spatulate and as it were petaloid tips of the staminate pappus obtuse.?’—- British Columbia to Oregon and Wyoming. : 19. Antennaria pulcherrima (Hook.) Greene, Pitt. 3: 176. 1898. Stems sim- ple, not surculose, 3-4 dm. high, stout: basal leaves oblanceolate, 10-15 em. ong, acute, more or less distinctly 3-nerved, loosely tomentose; stemi ‘leaves lance-linear, acute, the upper ones small: heads 6-8 mm. high, almost hemi- spheric, tomentose at the base; the bracts in 3—4 series, brown or with scarious tips, in the sterile head obtuse or.truncate, in the fertile obtuse or acutish: pappus (staminate) moderately dilated above. (A. anaphaloides Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard.:1: 409. 1900.)—Colorado to Montana and far northward. 20. Antennaria oblanceolata Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 409. 1900. Stems simple, from a-branching caudex, 10-25 em. high, slender: basal leaves oblanceolate or spatulate, white silky-tomentose, mucronate, 3-nerved, 3-5 em. long; stem leaves similar, narrower, reduced: heads. in a small corymb, small, 4-5 mm. high; involucre tomentose only at the base; the bracts otherwise glabrous, brownish,’ only the inner ones with:a white tip, in the sterile obtuse, in the fertile acutish: pappus (staminate) much dilated at the end.—Colorado to Montana, British Columbia, and California. . 21, Antennaria dimorpha (Nutt.) T. & G.1.c. 430. Depressed, caespitose, forming dense matted tufts 2-5 em. high; the thickish rootstocks. creeping; stems very leafy: leaves spatulate, attenuate below to a petiole, 10-20'mm. long, whitish-tomentose both sides: heads solitary, 6-8 mm. high; bracts of the involucre well imbricated, the outer successively shorter and obtuse, the inner acute or acuminate; those of the fertile heads narrow, with hyaline acuminate tips: achenes oblong, pubescent; pappus of the fertile flowers copious, of soft and very slender bristles that are not at all thickened upward. —Dry plains; Colorado, far northward and westward. 33. ANAPHALIS DC. Prarity Everastine White-tomentose, woolly pérennial herbs ‘with leafy erect stems, entire leaves, and numerous small discoid heads of yellow disk-flowers. Heads dioe- cious but usually with a few hermaphrodite flowers in'the center of the pistil- late heads. Bristles of the pappus of the’ staminate flowers but little if at all thickened at the apex; those'of ‘the pistillate flowers not united at base but falling separately. oe oo 1. Anaphalis subalpina (Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y.. Bot. Gard, 1: 415. 1900. Commonly 3-5 dm. high, in tufts, very leafy, the white floccose wool rarely becoming tawny: leaves, 5-10 cm.. long, rather broadly to linear- lanceolate, green above, the broader ones indistinctly 3-nerved: heads numer- ous, corymbosely cymose; bracts of the involucre very numerous, almost wholly pearly white, radiating inage. Anaphalis margaritacea, as to our range. —In the mountains of our range and westward. , ee : 34. NACREA A. Nels.’ Perennial from horizontal rootstocks. Stems stoutish, erect, permanently lanate as are also the leaves. Heads discoid, congested in a cymose corymb; involucral bracts thin, pearly white, pluriserially imbricated. Flowers all hermaphrodite.’ Corolla inserted below the summit of the achene which pro- jects into the tube of the corolla as a short, cylindrical base supporting ‘the style. Receptacle plane, alveolate. Pappus-bristles capillary, thickened at the apex. Achene constricted at the point where the.corolla is inserted, basa portion obconical. °- Gace SIE Ags oh tl i eu 538 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 1. Nacrea Janata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot: Club 26::357. 1899. - Stems single, very strict, leafy, 2-4 dm. high: leaves (like the stem) densely white lanate, thick, rather rigid, erect or somewhat appressed to the stem, sessile or clasping, all nearly similar, narrowly oblong, the rounded-tapering apex.sub- acute, 4-8 em. long, the floral much reduced: heads about 6 mm. high, bracts wanting except for a few foliar ones at the lower pedicels; involucral bracts ovate to narrowly obovate, the inner ones with a narrowed Bae corolla-tube slender, the limb slightly expanded, yellow: pappus-bristles barbellulate, the unicellular barbules becoming large and obtuse toward the thickened. apex of the bristle; achenes roughened with upwardly pointed papillae. aor as yet only from Goose Creek Cafion, northern Wyoming. 35. GNAPHALIUM - CupWEED. EVERLASTING Floecose-woolly herbs with sessile and sometimes decurrent leaves ‘and commonly numerous heads of small flowers. in .cymose clusters or glomerules. Heads heterogamous, discoid, fertile throughout, of few or many series of pistillate flowers surrounding * a smaller number of hermaphrodite ones., In- volucre pluriserial, imbricated, the scarious and commonly, partly woolly bracts with or without colored papery tips or appendages. ‘Style of her- maphrodite flowers 2-cleft. Pappus of numerous merely. scabrous capillary bristles in a single series. Achenes terete or flattish, mostly nearly. ee pee Heads not leafy-bracted; any aliens woolly only at base; achenes glabrous. , hits Leaves tomentose on both faces. ; “i Narrowed at the pace tad not at all decurrent : 7 5 : Gq. Wright, Narrowed at the base and more or less decurrent ‘ . a: G, chilense,, ,_ Leaves green on the upper face and glandular-viscid c 2 . 3 G. decurrens, Heads leafy-bracted; involucres more involved in wool, Bg Freely and divaricately branched from the base. * ey Tomentum dense and floccose; leaves oblong to sputtics oa, 4 G palustre, . Tomentum sparse (especially on-the leaves) and appressed; leaves all linear . : ‘ . 5. G, angustifolium, Simple and erect or with a few erect basal branches | ‘ . 6, G, strictum,, 1. Gnaphalium Wrightii Gray, Pl. Wright. 1: 124. 1850. ‘Low, 1-2 dm. high, Besniehed from the base, the stems more or less. branched throughout or simple to near the summit; stems and leaves grayish-woolly: radical leaves oblanceolate, about 35 mm. long; the cauline narrowly oblanceolate to linear, 1-3 em. long: heads sessile in small glomerules terminating the branches; in- volucres 4-5 mm. high; bracts dull white, from ovate in the outer to linear in the inner, obtuse or acutish, nearly all apiculate. (G. sulphurescens Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 415. 1900; G. thermale E. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 121. 1900, the description of which is here used. )—Colorado to Texas and. New Mexico and on the Hot Springs formations, Yellowstone Park. 2. Gnaphalium chilense Spreng. Syst. 3: 480. 1826. Stems usually stout, 2-7 dm. high: leaves lanceolate or linear, or the lowest spatulate, ‘densely white-woolly or sometimes thinly floceose, the short decurrent bases or ad- nate auri¢les rather broad, slightly if at all glandular or heavy-scented: heads in single or few close glomerules terminating the stem or branches; involucre hemispherical, white or yellowish, becoming rusty-tinged. G. Sprengelii— Texas to southern California and to Montana and Oregon.!:)) 0s . 3. Gnaphalium decurrens Ives, Am. Journ. Sci. 1: 386. pi. 1. 1819. Sten stout, 5-8 dm. high, corymbosely branched above and bearing cymosely crowded glomerules of broad heads: leaves very numerous, lanceolate or the upper linear, obviously adnate-decurrent, the upper face becoming naked.and green in age and with the stem glandular-pubescent or viscid, white-woolly beneath, strongly balsamic-scented: involucre campanulate, white, becoming rusty-tinged. —From Texas and New Mexico.to Washington and British Columbia, and eastward to New England. 4. Gnaphalium palustre Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 403. 1841. Loosely floccose: with long wool; stems erect or diffusely branching from the base, 5-15 cm. high: leaves spatulate to oblong or lanceolate-linear, 15-20 mm. \GOMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) ‘539 long: heads very numerous, in small glomerules terminating the stem or branches; involucre campanulate, the bracts linear, with glabrous, white, acute tips.—Borders of ponds and damp places; British Columbia to California and the Rocky Mountains. ) | : a ay we Nee ek 5. Gnaphalium angustifolium A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 357. 1899. Low annual, branching from the base; stems decumbent-spreading or .assurgent, 8-12 cm. long, loosely floccose on the stems and involucres, appressed-pubescent on the leaves: leaves narrowly to broadly linear, 2-4 cm. Jong: the small heads glomerate in the axils, the upper internodes very short forming a. congested leafy cluster: heads mide involved in wool, about 3.mm. high; involucral bracts lanceolate, acutish, the scarious tips white, brownish below: achene roughened with short, cylindrical papillae.—Moist places; Wyoming and Colorado. 6. Gnaphalium strictum Gray, Pac. R. Rep. 4: 110. 1858. Appressed- woolly; stem strict and simple, 1-2 dm. high, sometimes branching or with ascending stems from the base: leaves all linear, seldom 2 mm. wide: heads ‘in spicately disposed glomerules in the axils or’ on short lateral branches; ‘involucral bracts with brownish or somewhat whitish tips, dbtuse—Rocky Mountain region, from Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. ° | ', vue pay} vy $6. MELAMPODIUM L._ . Annual or perennial small caulescent herbs or shrubby plants: Leaves opposite; blades often narrow, thickish, entire, toothed, or pinnatifid.. -Heads radjate, sometimes conspicuous. , Involucre double, the outer of 4-5 partially united fine bracts, the inner a series of bracts each embracing an achene and deciduous with it, but unarmed. Receptacle .comvex or conic. Ray- flowers in 1 series, pistillate; ligules white or yellow; disk-flowers perfect but not fruit-producing. Anthers entire at the base. Achenes broadened upward, somewhat incurved. Pappus wanting. god. Peenedae cinereum DC. Prodr.. 5:; 518. 1836. Branched from the base,,1.5-3 dm. high, cinereous or even silvery-canescent with a close pubes- cence, or greener: leaves linear or the lower lanceolate or spatulate, entire or undulate, or even, sinuate-pinnatifid: ligules 5-9, cuneate-oblong, 2-3-lobed at apex, 6-12 mm. long; bracts of the involucre ovate, appressed, slightly united at base; fructiferous bracts nearly terete, somewhat incurved, muri- cate with sharp tubercles; the hood about the length of the body and very much wider, nearly smooth, the truncate and usually even margin commonly incurved: (M. leucanthum T: & G.)—Southerm Colorado to Arkansas, Texas, ead Arizona. ates |... 8% PARTHENICE Gray o _ Tall branched annual, Fertile flowers 6-8, with ligule obsolete or reduced to 2 or,3 small teeth; sterile flowers 40 or 50, with funnelform corolla. ;In- volucre of 5 somewhat herbaceous oval exterior bracts, and of 6 or 8 somewhat larger, orbicular-obovate and more scarious interior ones, these subtending the fertile flowers. ' Receptacle convex, with linear-oblong or spatulate chaffy bracts sybtending the outer series of sterile flowers, but mostly minute. or wanting to the inner flowers, Achenes oblong-obovate, glabrous, wingless but, acute-margined, with an incurved apiculation, inserted by a very small base, falling away at maturity with the involucral and 2 receptacular bracts, but these readily separating. Pappus none, and corolla deciduous. ' 1. Parthenice mollis Gray, Pl. Wright. 2: 85. 1853. Annual, with odor of Artemisia, 1-2 m. high, paniculately branched, minutely cinereous through- out, wholly destitute of any coarser pubescence: leaves all alternate, ovate, some of the larger (2-3 dm. long) subcordate, acuminate, irregularly or doubly dentate, long-petioled: heads small, 4 mm. broad, numerous,.in loose axillary .and terminal somewhat leafy panicles: flowers greenish-white.—Southern Colorado to Arizona... niiad VED Leo ‘540 COMPOSITAE. (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 38. BOLOPHYTA Nutt. An acaulescent caespitose perennial, with the ligule wanting, the corolla reduced to a truncate tube which is. obscurely notched at the front and; ‘back. —Parthenium. ‘1. Bolophyta alpina Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Se: 7: 347. 1841. Detisely tufted on a thick branching caudex; depressed, rising only 3-5 em. high: leaves crowded, silvery-canescent with a fine appressed’ pubescence, and villous in the axils, spatulate-linear, 2-3 em. long, entire: heads solitary: and nearly sessile’among the leaves: pappus a pair of oblong-lanceolate mem- branaceous scales. Parthenium alpinum.—“ On rocks near the Three. ee Rocky Mountains in Wyoming (at 7,000 feet). ar 7 39. OXYTENIA Nutt. Shrubby perennial with erect ‘branches., Leaves alternate, 3-5-parted into filiform divisions, or the upper ones often sparse and entire, Involucral bracts about 5, somewhat coriaceous, the tips rigidly acuminate. Bracts of. the receptacle slender, chaffy, with cuneate-dilated tips. Pistillate flowers about 5, destitute of corolla; staminate flowers 10-20. Young achenes obovate, very villous with long soft, hairs, terminated ny a large predla, Pappas none or a mere vestige. - 1. Oxytenia acerosa Nutt. Pl. Gamb. 172. 1848. dice canescent, half- woody, 1-2 m. high, sometimes leafless and rush-like, sometimes covered with leaves 1.5 dm. or less long: heads 4 mm. high, numerous, in dense panicles. — Dry alkaline plains; southern Colorado to’ California. 40. IVAL. rp Ours coarse herbs with thickish alternate or opposite leaves and small nodding heads of greenish-white flowers. Involucre hemispherical, the bracts few and rounded. Receptacle with chaff-like, linear or spatulate bracts. Marginal flowers of the head pistillate, 1-5 in ‘number, the corollas tubular or none; disk-flowers perfect, with 5-lobed funnelform corolla and undivided style. Anthers almost ‘distinct. Achenes flattened, glabrous. Pappus none. Tall coarse plants; ‘hie heads in panicled crowded spikes. of i if . xanthifolia, Low and often clustered stems; the heads solitary axillary . «... . 2. I. axillaris, 1. Iva xanthifolia Nutt. Gen, 2: 185. 1818. Tall and coarse, 7-18 dm. high, pubescent, at least when young: leaves mainly opposite, broadly: ovate, ample, coarsely or incisely serrate; acuminate, 3-4-ribbed at base, puberu- lently scabrous above: panicles axillary and terminal: outer involucral bracts 5, broadly ovate and herbaceous; ‘the inner of as many membranaceous, dilated-obovate or truncate ones, which are strongly concave at maturity and half embrace the obovate-pyriform and glabrate achenes. —From New Mexico to Idaho and the Saskatchewan. — 2. Iva axillaris Pursh, Fl. 743. 1814. Stems or branches’ nearly simple, ascending, 14 dm. high: leaves obovate or oblong to nearly linear, obtuse, entire, sessile, 1-3 em. long, even the uppermost usually much surpassing the mostly solitary heads in their axils: bracts of the involucre connate into a 4 or 5-lobed or sometimes parted or merely:crenate cup.—From New ‘Mexico to Pakaie and the Spaketeheran and westward. oh Wins x ie i \ 41. DICORIA T. & G. Diffusely branched annuals of the desert area. Upper ‘leaves alternate. Inflorescence loosely: paniculate. Involucral bracts 6 or 7, distinct; the 5 outer ones herbaceous; 1 or 2 of the inner ones much larger, scarious' and: sub- COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE. FAMILY) 541 tending the fertile flowers, or. these wanting in staminate heads. Receptacular bracts. few, narrow. , Pistillate flowers :1 or 2, destitute of corolla; staminate flowers 6-12, the filaments almost free from the corolla: and ‘monadelphous up to the li ghtly connected anthers. Achenes surpassing the outer involucre convex on the dorsal side, flat on the anterior face, _conspicuously re with a scarious pectinate | border. Pappus of several small squamellae. 1. Dicoria Brandegei ‘Cig Proc. Am: Acad. 11: 76. 1875. Strigillose- canescent, diffusely and alternately branched: leaves of the branches ‘oblong- lanceolate or partly spatulate, obtuse, mostly entire, 2-3.cm. long, and with slender petiole: heads. sparse, racemose-paniculate: fertile flower solitary; the dilated-cuneate hyaline subtending bract, hardly surpassing the outer invo- lucre: achene naked, and. exserted, bordered with pectinate callous teeth connected by an indistinct scarious margin.—Sandy bottoms of the San Juan, Colorado., i ie 42. AMBROSIA L. RagwErp "Coaraa, ee with mostly lobed or dissected opposite. and, alternate leaves and dull inconspicuous. flowers. , Sterile heads racemose or spicate and with no bracts;, fertile flowers. usually ‘glomerate in axils below. Involucre of the staminate. flowers depressed-hemispherical to turbinate, 5-12-lobed or trun- cate, herbaceous, . Receptacle flat or flattish, usually with some filiform chaff among the outer flowers. Involucre of the solitary: fertile flower nutlike, apicu- late or beaked at the.apex, and. usually armed with 4-8 tubercles or short‘ spines ina single series, below: the beak. i aul ie Leaves: entire or palmately 3-cleft; ‘inyolucre of staminate heads ‘| M8 » 8-4-ribbed - . 1, A, trifida, Leaves. once to thrice pinnatifd; involucres of staminate flowers not oo», : ‘ bed. : oppibbe fruit with acute ‘teeth . SAY artemisidefolia. “Perennial from rootstocks; fruit iano or With blunt teeth we 3 on, psildstachya, 1, ‘Ambrosia trifida L. Sp. ‘Pl. 987.. 1753, Tall and stout, 1-3 m. high, roughish-hispid. or almost. glabrous:, leaves all opposite, very, deeply 3-lobed. or: the lower 5-lobed; the lobes, acuminate, serrate: sterile racemes long and dense; fertile heads clustered. and as if: involuerate by short bracts: fruit very thick, with 5-7 strong ribs or angles terminating above in spinous tubercles around the base of the conical beak. Var. integrifolia T. & G. with entire leaves. Great RAGWEED. —Moist banks and draws; Colorado and, far northward and eastward. ate 2. Ambrosia artemisiaefolia Ty de Variously pubescent or. ‘hirsute,. panic- ulately branched, 3-6:;dm. high, or taller: leaves ‘thinnish, bipinnatifid. or pinnately parted, ‘with’ the. divisions irregularly, pinnatifid or sometimes nearly entire, on the flowering branches often undivided: sterile heads pediceled: fruit short-beaked, armed with 4-6 short acute teeth or spines,—A weed in waste and cultivated grounds across the continent, ipionn variously as Roman Wormwoop, Racweep,.and BrrTeRWEED. aha 3. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Prodr. 5: 526. 1836. ‘Bleme simple, erect, commonly 5-10 (2-15) dm, high frompslender running rootstocks; herbage scabrous or short-hirsute, somewhat strigose:, leaves once or the lower twice pinnatifid, with acute lobes: ‘fruit an’ obovoid turgid bur, about 3 mm. long, mostly solitary in the axils! pubescent, ‘rugose-reticulated, bearing 4 pro- tuberarices or sometimes unarmed. Western RacwEED.—A common weed along roadsides and in waste places throughout western North America, yay 48, FRANSERIA ‘Cay. | “Ours are herbaceous, with chiefly” alternate’ leaves, and the spines of the fruiting and 1—-2-flowered involuere comparatively few. Heads of staminate _ flowersias in Ambrosia, of sometimes intermixed with the pistillate. Fertile involucre. 1-4-flowered /.1-4-celled,-a: single pistil to each cell, 1-4-rostrate, 542 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) more or less bur-like, being armed over the surface with several or numerous prickles or spines (the spiny free tips of the component beactey 3 in more than 1 series. Leaves mostly alternate. Leaves twice or thrice pinnately, dissected, oe Annuals ‘ Bn P ‘ 5 5 2 hte aR, acanthicarpa. Perennials. . f Leaves regularly pinnate, the lobes linear or narrowly oblong . 2. 'P, tenuifolia, Leaves interruptedly pinnate, the lobes ovate or triangular . - iF. tomentosa. Leaves, simple or sunply pinnate eas e 5 ae . 4 F. Grayi,., 1. Franseria acanthicarpa (Hook.) Coville, Contr. U.'S. Nat. ‘Herb. 43" 129: 1903. ‘Diffusely spreading or sometimes rather strict, 3-6 dm. or more high, from an annual or more erduring (?) root; in age scabrous or short-hirsute and somewhat canes:.+1 t: leaves on long petioles, broadly ovate in outline, once or twice pinnatitid into short, rounded, often toothed lobes: staminate racemes solitary or in small panicles, the heads nodding on short slender pedun¢lés; fruiting involucres in the axils below, either solitary or 2 or 3 together, 1- flowered, glabrous; spines flat, thin, lanceolate-subulate, with straight or slightly curved but not uncinate tips. F.. Hookeriana. —Common on ‘sandy plains; throughout our range and westward to the coast. ||" 2. Franseria tenuifolia Gray, Pl. Fendl. 80. 1848. Erect,’ ‘3-10 din. high, leafy to the top, hispid, variously pubescent, or glabrate:' leaves mostly’ 2-3- pinnately parted or dissected into narrowly oblong or ‘linear lobes, the ter- minal elongated: sterile racemes ¢ommonly elongated and paniculate; fertile heads in numerous glomerules ‘below, in ‘fruit minutely glandular, usually 2-flowered, armed with 6-18 short and stout incurving ‘spines, their tips almost always hooked, and an excavated cartilaginously bordered areola above each. (Gaertneria linearis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 133. 1905.) —Kansas and Colorado to Texas and California. 3. Franseria tomentosa (Nutt.) A. Nels. Erect fron perennial slender creeping rootstocks,. 1-3 dm. high: leaves canescently tomentose beneath, green and glabrate "above, interruptedly pinnatifid, oblong, in outline, com- paratively large, the lowest often 8-12 em. long; the lobes’ isually short and broad: sterile racemes commonly solitary; fruiting . involucre- 2-flowered,' canescent, armed with rather'short, conical-subulate, very acute, and straight spines. (Ambrosia tomentosa Nutt.; F. discolor Nutt.; 'Gaertneria tomentosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 34: 34. 1902. A most ineradicable weed in cultivated ground; Montana to New Mexico. , 4, Franseria'Grayi A. Nels. Stems about 3 dm. high, rather stout, erect, from an apparently perennial base, canescent with a dense sericeous tomen- tum: leaves very white beneath, cinereous above, pinnately-: 3-5-cleft or parted; the terminal division large, oblong or broadly lanceolate, serrate; upper lateral similar but smaller; the lowest commonly very small and entire: fruiting involucre 6 mm. long, 2 3-flowered, nearly glabrous; the short spines conical-subulate, very acute, and the very tip usually: uncinate-incurved. (F. tomentosa Gray, Pl. Fendl. 80. 1848; Gaertneria Grayr'A. Nels. 1. c. 35: ae Along streams; Kansas, Nebraska, and eastern Colorado. ‘ ; “7 A 44. XANTHIUM L. Cockiesur i eee Rafe Git aioe Coarse annual weeds with widely ‘branching and very stout stems. og alternate, toothed or lobed, petioled. Heads unisexual, the flowers greenish. Staminate heads subglobose, i in a terminal cluster; involucre of several dis-: tinct narrow’ bracts in 1, or 2 series; receptacle cylindrical; flowers many,, separated by the bracts of the receptacle; corolla tubular. Pistillate heads axillary, below the staminate; involucre. closed, forming in fruit an ovoid or oblong indurated bur covered with hooked prickles, 1 or 2-beaked, 2-celled, each cell containing 1 seed; corolla none; pappus none; Style 2-cleft, ‘the branches exserted through the beaks. . ots 1. Xanthium echinatum Murr. Comm. Goett. 6: 32. 1783. Stem otiea punctate with brown spots: leaves cordate or ovate, 3-ribbed. from the base, > COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 543 with dentate margins and often incised or lobed, on long petioles: fruiting involucre about 20-25 mm, long, densely beset with rather long prickles, the 2 stout beaks at maturity usually'hooked or incurved, the surface and base of the prickles: more or less hispid.’ X. canadense. (X. commune Brit. Man: 912. 1901.)—A troublesome weed in waste and cultivated ground. _ 45. CRASSINA Scepin With opposite and mostly entire sessile leaves and single showy heads ter-' minating the branches; in ours the leaves are narrow and rigid, connate-sessile and crowded, and the achenes 2-4-aristate. Involucre campanulate or cylin- draceous; the closely appressed-imbricated bracts dry and firm, broad, with rounded summit often margined. Receptacle becoming conical or cylin- draceous; the chaffy bracts conduplicate around the disk-flowers.. Lobes of the disk-corolla mostly velvety-villous. Pappus when present of erect awns or chaffy teeth.— Zinnia, , : : 1, Crassina grandiflora (Nutt.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 331. 1891. Sca- brous; stems or branches 15 em. or more high from a stout woody base: leaves linear, 3-nerved ‘at base: involucre niarrow,’8 mm. long: ligules 4 or 5, at ma- turity 10-16 mm. long, dilated-obovate or roundish, light yellow or sulphur- color, becoming white.—Plains and blufis; Eastern Colorado to Texas and ‘ ee Arizona. om ; : , 46. HELIOPSIS Pers. With loosely branching stems, veiny and mostly serrate 3-ribbed leaves on naked. petioles, and pedunculate showy heads with numerous yellow rays. Involucre short, of:nearly equal oblong or lanceolate bracts. Receptacle from high-convex to conical; the pointless chaffy'bracts partly embracing the disk- flowers. Ligules large; disk-corollas glabrous. Achenes obtusely 4-angular, with broad truncate summit, wholly destitute of pappus or of 2-4 teeth or a coroniform border. oe se 1. Heliopsis scabra Dunal, Mem. Mus. Par. 5: 54. 1819. Hispidulous- scabrous, especially the leaves, 5-10 dm. high: leaves broadly ovate and subcordate to ovate-lanceolate; the upper occasionally entire: rays oblong, 2-3 em. in length; achenes smooth, but the angles above pubescent when voung, the summit usually bearing an obscure or evident and irregular coron- iform chaffy pappus, or sometimes 2 or 3,conspicuous and rigid teeth. H. laevis.—F requent eastward; rare in the eastern part of our range. Feeds Bes ee 47. BRAUNERIA Necker, Perennial herbs, with rather stout erect stems, undivided leaves, the lower lorig-petioled, and solitary large’ heads on long peduncles terminating the stem and few brahches. Rays flesh-color to rose-purple, elongating with age. Involucre imbricated in 2 or 3 or more series; the bracts lanceolate. Disk at first, only convex, becoming ovoid and the receptacle acutely conical; chaffy bracts’ of the ‘latter persistent, carinate-concave, acuminate into a rigid 'and spinescent cusp. Disk-corollas cylindraceous, with’ 5 erect teeth and almost no proper tube. Achenes acutely quadrangular, somewhat obpyrarnidal, with: a thick ‘coroniform pappus more or less extended into triangular teeth at the’ anglesiEchinacea. eet 1. ‘Brauneria angustifolia (DC.) Heller, Muhl. -1: 5. 1900. Hispid, 3-5 dm. high, mostly simple: leaves broadly lanceolate to nearly linear, entire, 3-nerved, all attenuate at. base, the lower into slender petioles: bracts of the involucre in only about: 2 series —Within the eastern limit of our range and extending castward. ; ot 544 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 48. GYMNOLOMIA H.B.K. Annual or perennial caulescent herbs or shrubby plants, with pubescent foliage. Leaves alternate or opposite, narrow, entire or toothed. Heads radiate, rather conspicuous, Involucres hemispheric or campanulate; bracts narrow, in 2 or 3 series, the inner ones somewhat longer than the outer. Re- ceptacle more or less conic, chaffy. Ray-flowers pistillate, yellow; disk- flowers perfect, with yellow or brownish corollas. Stigmas of the disk-flowers obtuse or with acute appendages. Achenes 4-angled, either somewhat flat- tened or turgid, truncate. Pappus a denticulate crown, or wanting. . me 1. Gymnolomia miultifiora (Nutt.) B| & H., Rothrock in Wheeler’s Rep. 6: 160. 1878. Perennial, 3-10 dm. high, pubescent or scabrous, sometimes also hispid, often much branched: leaves narrowly linear to lanceolate, either alternate or mainly opposite, entire or obscurely denticulate: rays 10-15, golden-yellow: disk hemispherical, in age little more elevated and receptacle obtusely conical; the bracts linear, obtuse or the inner acute: achenes smooth.—Very polymorphous; from Arizona to Wyoming and western Texas. 49. RUDBECKIA L. ConzE-FLOWER. BLACK-EYED SUSAN Mostly perennial herbs with alternate leaves and rather large showy heads terminating the stem or branches. Heads many-flowered; the ray-flowers neutral, in a single series; those of the disk tubular and perfect. Bracts of the involucre foliaceous, in about 2 series, spreading., Receptacle conical or of- ten more or less elongated and spicitorm. Disk-corollas with a short but usually manifest’ proper tube and erect or spreading teeth. Style-branches tipped with an acute or obtuse hispid appendage. Achenes 4-angled,: pris- matic, in some species quadrangular-compressed. Pappus a coriaceous or firm-scarious and..often 4-toothed crown, sometimes deep and cupuliform, sometimes obsolete. Rays present and conspicuous. Leaves entire or sparingly serrate. ‘ ; ‘ i 1, R. hirta. Leaves deeply 3-7-cleft or -divided (at least some of them) 2. R. laciniata, Rays wanting. : . < ‘Leaves entire or sparingly toothed - ‘ ‘ 5 ait Ag . 8. R. occidentalis. Leaves pinnately parted | 3 3 : : 3 4, R. montana, 1. Rudbeckia hirta L. Sp. Pl. 907. 1753. Rather stout, 3-8 dm. high, rough-hispid and. hirsute: leaves oblong to lanceolate, sparingly serrate or nearly entire, 5-12 cm. long, the lower narrowed into margined petioles: rays when well developed 3-5 em. long, golden-yellow, sometimes déeper colored toward the base: disk at first nearly black, in age dull brown, becom- ing ovoid in fruit: achenes small, quadrangular, wholly destitute of pappus. (R. flava Moore, in Greene, Pitt. 4: 179. 1900.)—In the eastern part of our range and eastward to the Atlantic States. : 2. Rudbeckia laciniata L. 1. -c. 906. Glabrous and smooth, sometimes minutely scabrous, at least on the margins and upper face of the leaves; stem 1-2 m. high, branching above: leaves veiny, broad, incisely and sparsely ser- rate; the radical commonly pinnately 5-7-foliolate or nearly so, and divisions often laciniately 2-3-cleft; the lower cauline 3-5-parted, upper 3-cleft, and those of the branches few-toothed or entire: rays few or several, 3-5 em. long, drooping, pure yellow: disk dull yellowish: the tip of the chaffy bracts canes- cent: pappus a short 4-toothed or nearly entire crown. (R. ampla A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 234. 1901.)—Moist banks; Arizona to Montana and eastward across the continent. ' 8. Rudbeckia occidentalis Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soe. 7: 355. 1841, Nearly glabrous and smooth, or somewhat scabrous-puberulent; stems stout, 6-20 dm. high, nearly simple: leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, entire or irregularly and sparingly dentate, 1-2 dm. long, upper ones sessile by a rounded or subcordate base, lower ones abruptly contracted into a short, COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 545 winged petiole: heads few, on long peduncles: rays wholly wanting:’ disk brownish, ovoid to oblong, becoming 3-5 cm. long; the chaffy bracts puberu- lent at tip: achenes 3-4 mm. long, with conspicuous, coroniform, scarious pappus.—Moist shaded banks; Wyoming and Montana ‘to ‘the Pacific States. 4. Rudbeckia montana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 17:'217. 1882. Smoother somewhat glaucous, tall and very stout: leaves 2-3 dm. long, pinnately‘parte into 3-9 oblong-lanceolate divisions, or the lanceolate uppermost cauline with 2-4 narrow lateral lobes: disk cylindrical, at length often 6-7 cm. long and in diameter: achenes with the deep coroniform pappus 6-8 mm. long.— Mountains of Colorado. an . ah 50. RATIBIDA Raf. Conz-riowsr Herbs, with pinnately parted leaves, and terminal, long-peduncled, showy heads, the drooping rays yellow or. partly brown-purple. Truncate inflexed tips of the chaff pubescent. Disk yellowish, becoming darker. Achenes short and broad, compressed, acutely margined or sometimes winged at one or both edges, on a slender-subulate receptacle. Pappus a chaffy tooth over one.or both edges, or none. Chaffy bracts of the receptacle conduplicate, with thickened and truncate summit, embracing and hardly surpassing the achenes, at length deciduous with them.. Corollas of the disk with hardly any proper tube. Ligules, involucre, etc., of Rudbeckia.—Lepachys... , Disk in fruit cylindrical, 2-4em.Jong . 3. 0. we Ses 2B. colurnnaris, Disk in fruit oblong, about 1cm.long . $ . eft. 7 . 2 R: Tagetes. / 1, Ratibida columnaris (Sims) D. Don. in Sweet, Brit. Flow. Gard. IT. pl. 361. 1838. Strigose-scabrous, 3-5 dm. high, branching from the base, ter- minated by long peduncles bearing a showy head: divisions of the cauline leaves 5-9, oblong to narrowly linear, sometimes 2-3-cleft: rays commonly ‘3 em. long or more, normally all yellow: disk at length columnar, 2-4 cm: long: pappus of 1 or sometimes 2 awn-like deciduous teeth and usually a'series of minute and delicate squamellae around the broad flat summit.—Plains along the eastern base of the mountains to Texas. vat ag lig la. Ratibida columnaris pulcherrima (DC.) D. Don. 1. c. Differs only in having a part or even the whole upper face of the ray brown-purple. 2. Ratibida Tagetes (James) Barnhart, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 410. 1897. Perennial, 1-4 dm. tall, gray-strigose; stems commonly much branched: leaves numerous; blades 2-6 em. long, pinnately parted into 3-7 narrowly linear thickish segments: peduncles 2-5 em. long: disk subglobose.or oval, about 1 cm. long: ligules. of the ray-flowers soon reflexed, 5-9 mm. long, mainly brown-purple.—Colorado.and New Mexico to Arkansas and Texas... 51. BALSAMORRHIZA Hook. ‘Batsam-Roor Low, with thick, deep, and balsamic roots, a tuft'of radical leaves mostly on long petioles, and short, simple, few-leaved flowering stems'or naked scapes ° bearing large and mostly solitary heads of yellow flowers. Involucre broad; the outer bracts foliaceous, sometimes enlarged. Receptacle flat or ‘merely convex. Achenes destitute of pappus, all fertile; those of the ray triquetrous ' or obeompressed; those of the disk quadrangular. Chaff linear-lanceolate. Leaves entire or somewhat toothed . We O te Be sagittata, Leaves not entire, laciniately dentate to bipinnatifid, Green, glabrous or sparingly hirsute . . e . . . 2. B, macrophylla, ‘Canescent orlanate. ‘°° aha : Pee sea st “The sericeous pubescence appressed or spreading . « «' 8. B, Hookeri, ‘The white tomentum often floccose . en * s - 4 B, ineana, 1, Balsamorrhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nutt. Trans, Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 350, 1841. Silvery-canescent or tomentose and the involucre white-woolly: rad- 546 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) ical leaves cordate-oblong to hastate, 1-3 dm. long, the base 5-15 em. wide, on petioles of greater length; the few and inconspicuous cauline linear to spatulate: scape at length 3 dm. or more high: rays 3-5 cm. long. (B. tomen- tosa Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 628. 1900.)—‘‘ Used by the Indians for food’”’; mountains of Colorado to Montana and British Columbia. 2. Balsamorrhiza macrophylla Nutt. 1. c. Green, not at all canescent, glabrate, except the ciliate margins of the leaves, usually minutely glandular- viscidulous: leaves ample, ovate or oblong in outline, 1.5-3 dm. long, some with only 1 or 2 lobes or coarse teeth, most of them pinnately parted into broadly lanceolate and commonly: entire lobes: scapes 3-5 dm. high: bracts of the involucre narrowly lanceolate to spatulate and foliaceous, 3-5 em. long, nearly equal, either half or fully the length of the rays.—Rocky and Wasatch Mountains in Wyoming and Utah. 2a. Balsamorrhiza macrophylla terebinthacea (Nutt.) A. Nels. Differs from the species in being somewhat hispidulous-scabrous or hirsutulous on the leaf-margins, and lanate-tomentose on the involucre. (B. terebinthacea Nutt. 1. c.)—Stony ground; Wyoming to Oregon. 3. Balsamorrhiza Hookeri Nutt. |. c. Canescent with fine sericeous or more tomentose pubescence, but not at all hirsute: scapes and leaves 1.5-3 dm. high; the latter lanceolate or elongated-oblong in outline, pinnately or bi- pinnately parted into lanceolate or linear divisions or lobes, or some of them only pinnatifid or incised: involucre canescently puberulent to lanate; the bracts linear to oblong-lanceolate, either unequal and well imbricated or sometimes ‘the outermost foliaceous and enlarged.—West of our range, but represented by ’ 3a. Balsamorrhiza Hookeri hirsuta (Nutt.) A. Nels. The pubescence roughish-hirsute and spreading, not canescent or tomentose. (B. hirsuta Nutt. 1. c..—Wyoming to Utah and northwestward. 4. Balsamorrhiza incana Nutt. 1.c. Densely white-tomentose throughout; stems 1-2 dm. high: leaves oblong- or deltoid-lanceolate in outline, pinnately or bipinnately parted or lobed, the divisions oval or oblong: bracts of the in- volucre lanceolate to linear, 15-20 mm. long, imbricated in 2 or 3 series: rays 12-14, 3-4 em. long: chaff of the receptacle much shorter than the flowers. (B. floccosa Rydb. |. c. 629.)—Wyoming to Montana and to the Pacific States. 52. WYETHIA Nutt. Coarse perennial herbs with usually simple stems, alternate mostly entire leaves, and large heads of yellow flowers. Heads many-flowered. Bracts of the campanulate involucre loosely imbricated in 2 or 83 series, nearly equal, foliaceous, the innermost smaller and resembling the chaff. Receptacle slightly. convex; the chaff lanceolate, carinate, acute, as long as the flowers and embracing them. Rays large, pistillate, sometimes with sterile filaments; disk-corollas cylindrical, elongated, with a short proper tube, 5-toothed. Style-branches in the ray-flowers glabrous; in the disk elongated, filiform, revolute, strongly hispid on the inner faces. Achenes stout, elongated, 4—5- angled, terminated with a coroniform 5-10-toothed or laciniate pappus, 1 or more of the teeth usually prolonged into a rigid persistent awn. : Rays pale, yellowish to white . ‘ s 5 ‘: é i .. 1, W. helianthoides, Rays right yellow. : . Plant glabrous and smooth throughout % 5 ‘ y . 2, W. amplexicaulis, Plant hirsutely pubescent or scabrous, Leaves oblong-lanceolate, tapering to both ends . * . 38. W. arizonica. Leaves broadly linear . : : ¢ . 4, W. scabra, 1. Wyethia helianthoides Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 351. 1841. Stems 2-4 dm. high, simple and with a single large head, or rarely 3 or 4, hirsute: leaves oval to broadly lanceolate, denticulate or entire, 1-2 dm. long, mostly narrowed at base into a short-margined petiole: heads 2-3 em. high; bracts of the involucre narrowly lanceolate, numerous: rays, 4-5 cm. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 547 long: achenes 7-8 mm. long, either pees ee or flattish, 12- nerved: pappus sometimes minute, chaffy coroniform and cleft into few or several teeth.—Yellowstone Park and Montana to Oregon. 2. Wyethia amplexicaulis Nutt. 1. c. Stems 3-5 em. high, robust: leaves mostly lanceolate-oblong, entire or denticulate; the radical often 3-4 dm. long; the upper cauline partly clasping by a rounded or somewhat narrowed base: heads solitary or several, short-peduncled; involucral bracts broadly lanceo- late, 1 or 2 outer ones occasionally foliaceous and larger: rays about 4 em. long: achenes with a conspicuous crown cleft into acute teeth, and sometimes a, small awn.—Called “ Pr-1x ” by the Indians; from Colorado to Montana and British Columbia. i 3. Wyethia arizonica Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 8: 655. 1873. Hirsutely pubescent, 3 dm. high, bearing a single or few heads: leaves oblong-lanceolate, tapering to both ends, or the upper and sessile cauline broader: involucre of rather foliaceous and erect bracts: rays 8-12: pappus a very narrow crown, extended into 3 or 4 stout subulate teeth, or into 1 or 2 short awns.—Colorado to Utah and Arizona. ‘ 4. Wyethia scabra Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 6: 245. 1847. Very scabrous, 3-5 dm. high, rigid: cauline leaves linear, thick, 10-15 cm. wide, .sessile, attenuate-acute: involucral bracts imbricated in 3 or 4 series, all the outer with an appressed base, which is acuminate into a longer, subulate, filiform, spreading, very hispid-scabrous appendage: rays several, 10-14 mm. long: achenes acutely angled, the 3 or 4 angles extended into a pappus of as many short blunt teeth, which are barely confluent at pase lew Mexico and Colorado to Utah and Wyoming. 53. HELIANTHUS L. SunrioweR ‘Annual or perennial caulescent herbs. Leaves alternate or opposite; blades simple, entire or toothed:'' Heads conspicuous. Involucres flat or hemispheric; bracts in several series, fleshy or leathery. Receptacle flat, convex or conic, chaffy. Ray-flowers neutral; ligules yellow; disk-flowers perfect; corollas brownish or purple. Stigmas with pubescent appendages. Achenes flattened or somewhat 4-angled. Pappus of 2 awns or scales, and these sometimes accompanied by 2-4 shorter ones, all early deciduous. Plants annual; receptacle flat or nearly so. At least the lower leaves broadly ovate, and more or less cordate 1. H. annuus. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to narrowly oblong-lanceolate ‘ . 2, H, petiolaris, Plants perennial; receptacle more or less convex. Disk-flowers purple or brown. ‘Leaves linear . 7 is : . : a ‘ 5 . 8. H. orgyalis, Leaves ovate to lanceolate . x . : é . . 4, H. scaberrimus. Disk-flowers yellow or yellowish. 7 All the leaves opposite (except the few foliar bracts); roots not 7 -ve, thickened-tuberiform ie ‘ * 5 5 is . 5, H. pumilus, Some or many of the upper leaves alternate; the roots more or '_ less fasciculate-thickened. : Stem and leaves scabrous . i 5 Fi . 6. H. Maximilianus. Stem smooth or nearly so, often glaucous. Leaves usually coarsely toothed,.more or less pubescent : (not scabrous) beneath . . . . . . 7. H. grosse-serratus, Leaves entire or denticulate, glabrate or scabrous beneath . 8, H. Nuttallii. 1. Helianthus annuus L. Sp. Pl. 904. 1753. Annual, markedly pubescent; stem hispid or hirsute, 1-2 m. high, branched above: leaves mainly alternate; blades broadly ovate, 7-30 em. long, or smaller above, usually slightly acumi- nate at the apex, decidedly toothed, those of the lower leaves cordate at the base, those of the upper cuneate: bracts of the involucre ovate to oblong or oblong-lanceolate, long-acuminate, hirsute: ligules of the ray-flowers 2-4 cm. long: disk flat, 3-5 em. broad. (H. lenticularis Dougl.)—From the mountains to the Mississippi; many forms (often very large) in cultivation. 2. Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 2: 115. 1812. Stem 2-6 dm. high, branching, strigose-hispidulous, rarely hirsute: leaves oblong- 548 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, entire or sparingly denticulate, 3-8 em. long, cuneately attenuate or the lower abruptly contracted into a long:and slender petiole: bracts of the involucre lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, with acute and mucronate or sometimes more attenuate tips, canescent or sométiines ciliate: disk. 12-15 mm. ‘in diameter. | (A. aridus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 127. 1895.)—Range about the same as the last. : “3. Helianthus orgyalis DC. Prodr. 5: 586. 1836. Bian smooth and gla- brous, 4-15 dm. high, very leafy to'the top: leaves mostly ‘alternate} from long-linear, 1-3 dm. long, 4-8 mm. wide (or the lowest lanceolate), to almost filiform, shghtly papillose-scabrous, the lower narrowed into a petiole :and sometimes serrulate: bracts of the involucre filiform-attenuate; those of: the receptacle entire: achenes oblong-obovate with a rounded summit, 5-6 mm. long.—Dry plains; Nebraska to Texas, west to southeast Colorado... 4. Helianthus scaberrimus Ell. Bot. S. C. & Ga. 2: 423. 1824. ie 3-12 dm. ‘high, rigid, sparingly branched: leaves very firm-coriaceous and ‘thick, both sides hispidulous-scabrous, shagreen-like, entire or serrate; the lower ovate and ovate-lanceolate, attenuate at base into short-winged petioles; the upper mostly lanceolate: heads comparatively large, showy: disk 15-18 mm. high, dark purple or brownish; involucre pluriserially imbricated; the bracts mainly ovate, obtuse or acutish, tigid, appressed, densely and minutely ciliate. H. rigidus. (H. subrhomboideus Rydb:'Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 419. 1900.) —Plains and prairies; Montana to Colorado and Georgia. - 5, Helianthus: pumilus Nutt: Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 366. 1841. Hispid and scabrous throughout; stems ‘simple, 3-6 dm. high, bearing 5-7 pairs of leaves and a few rather short-peduncled heads: leaves mostly broadly ovate- lanceolate, acute, entire or nearly so, 4-10 cm. long, rigid, abruptly contracted at base into a short-margined petiole: involucre about 12 mm. high, white- hirsute or scabro-hispidulous; the bracts imbricated in about 3 series, ‘oblong- lanceolate,. acutish: disk yellow.—Eastern Rocky,,Mountains and adjacent plains, from Wyoming and Colorado to Nebraskajand Kansas. 6. Helianthus Maximilianus Schrad. Ind. Sem. Hort. Goett. 1835. His- pidulous-scabrous; stem stout, 4-20 dm. high, below mostly rough-hispid; leaves almost all alternate, thickish, becoming rigid, very scabrous above, lanceolate, acute or acuminate at both ends, mostly ‘subsessile, all entire or sparingly denticulate: involucre of more rigid bracts: rays numerous,, often 3-4 em. long, golden-yellow.—Prairies and plains west of the Mississippi, and from the Saskatchewan to Texas. 7. Helianthus grosse-serratus Martens Sel. Sem. Hort. Loven. 1839. Stem very smooth and glabrous, commonly glaucous, 1-2 m. high, bearing nu- merous rather cymosely disposed and short-peduncled heads: leaves slender- petioled, thinnish, oblong-lanceolate or narrower, or some of the cauline almost deltoid- lanceolate, gradually acuminate, sharply serrate, or upper merely denticulate, slightly scabrous above, whitish and soft-puberulent beneath; the larger cauline commonly 1-2 dm. and the petiole 3-5 em. long: the deep yellow oblong rays 2-3 em. long.—Dry plains; from Texas to Dakota and as far east as Ohio. 8. Helianthus Nuttallii T. & G. Fl. 2: 324. 1842. Roots fleshy, fascicled or variously branched, mostly fusiform, often nearly 1.dm. long; stems gen- erally solitary, 'simple "below, branched above, 1 m. (more or. less) high, gla- brous, striate: lower leayes opposite, 7-15 em. long, all lanceolate, the upper- most narrowly so, with short, sparse, incurved, hispid hairs: peduncles pubes- cent, slender, those from the lower axils often much elongated: involucre hemispherical ; the bracts. linear-lanceolate, white-ciliate-pubescent on the margins, 10-15 mm. long, the loose acuminate tips often reflexed: rays usually 14-18, 25-30 mm. long, narrowly oblong: disk yellowish-brown, 1 em. high and fully as broad: chaff oblong, acute, pubescent on the brownish tip: achenes oblong, brown, 4 mm. long; nearly as long as the corollas; pappus of 2 linear- lanceolate awns as long as the achenes. (A. fascicularis Greene, Pl. Baker: 3: 28. 1901; H. utahensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 29: 405. 1902. = Throughout | our range to Oregon and British Columbia. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE, FAMILY) 549 64, HELIANTHELLA T. & G. Perennial herbs with mostly simplé stems, entire, scattered, and sessile leaves, and solitary heads with yellow ray and'yellow or purplish-brown disk- flowers. Heads many-flowered, the ray-flowers neutral; those of the disk perfect. Bracts of the involucre in about 2 series, loose, somewhat foliaceous. Chaff of the receptacle persistent, embracing the achenes. Corolla of the disk cylindrical, elongated, 5-toothed, with a very short proper tube,, Branches of the style very hispid, more or less obtuse. Achenes compressed, with one or both margins slightly winged and produced at the summit into short auricu- late and lacerate-persistent appendages or into an awn, sometimes with inter- mediate squamellae. Disk yellowish; the anthers dark. i Heads large; disk 2-3 em, broad; rays 8-4 em.long . . . 1. H. quinquenervis. ‘Heads half-aslarge ~ . a . As < = i 3 . 2, H. Parryi. " Disk purple. fe das ; oa pe whe Heads several, small; rays 5-6 mm. long. . . a> 8 . 8. H, microcephala, ‘Heads solitary or few, larger; rays 20-25 mm. long “eo é . 4 #H uniflora. a 1. Helianthella quinquenervis (Hook.) Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 10. 1883. Somewhat hirsutely pubescent or almost glabrous; stems solitary or scat+ tered, 6-12 dm. high: leaves mostly opposite, oblong- or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, 1-2 dm. long, uppermost sessile; the lower ones tapering into mar- gined petioles, and the lowest (2-3 dm. long) into longer petioles: head mostly long-peduncled, ample, the disk 2-3 cm. in diameter: rays 15-20, pale yellow, commonly 3-4 cm. long: pappus of 2 slender awns, half the length of the achene, and nearly thrice the length of the squamellae, which form a: con- spicuous, finely dissected fringe-——Mountains; from Dakota and: Montana to southern Coloradd. : gt a “Bye OE tego .2. Helianthella Parryi Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 68. 1863. Hispidulous- hirsute; stems numerous from a thickened root, 3-4 dm. high, rather slender: leaves mostly alternate, more-rigid;’ lanceolate and: 3-6 cm. long, or the lowest and radical oblong-spatulate and double the size: sheads and rays barely half the size of the preceding: pappus of fimbriately dissected squamel-: lae only, or with a pair of slender awns not surpassing them.—Mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. © | ‘ ine? the ' 3. Helianthella microcephala Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19:.10:'1883. His- idulous-scabrous; stems numerous from a greatly thickened root, 2-3 dm. Heh; slender, somewhat paniculately or corymbosely branched at summit and bearing several’ heads: leaves rigid, all but the’ lower alternate; the radical lanceolate-spatulate: the upper cauline nearly linear and sessile, 2-3 em. long: involucral bracts linear-oblong, mostly obtuse: rays not over 6 mm. long: pappus of several slender squamellae intermixed with the long hairs, 2 mar- ginal ones often extended and awn-like.—Borders of Colorado and adjacent New Mexico and Utah. 4, Helianthella uniflora (Nutt.) T. & G. ex Gray, 1.c. Minutely, pubescent or ‘glabrate; stems 3-6 dm. high: leaves more commonly opposite, sometimes all alternate, oblong-lanceolate, 5-12 cm. long; the lower short-petioled: invo- lucre pubescent or slightly hirsute: rays 25-30 mm. long: chaffy bracts of the receptacle firm-chartaceous: achenes more or less'ciliate; pappus a pair of long awns and rather conspicuous squamellae. (H. multicaulis Hat. Bot. King’s Exp.)—Mountains of Montana and eastern Idaho to southern Utah... ...: ‘ " 55. XIMENESIA Cav. ‘igh abe. Wet i Annual caulescent herbs, with pubeerent foliage.. Leaves alternate ..or sometimes opposite, simple, toothed or somewhat laciniate. ._Heads solitary. or few, radiate, showy,'peduncled. Receptacle convex, chaffy., Ray-flowers pistillate, numerous, yellow; disk-flowers numerous, perfect. ‘Stigmas with slender pubescent appendages. Achenes flat, winged. Pappus of short and straight awns. oe Pel eal ; ae ’ Poe a 550 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 1. Ximenesia encelioides Cav. Ic. 2: 60. pl. 178. 1793 (?). Stems 3-6 dm. high, freely branching, pale and cinereous or sometimes canescent: leaves mostly alternate, and the upper face green, ovate or cordate to deltoid- lanceolate, various!y serrate or laciniate-dentate, most with winged petioles, and commonly with auriculate-dilated appendage at base: disk 16-20 mm. in diameter: rays 12, 15-25 mm. long, deeply 3-cleft at summit: achenes obovate, mostly broadly winged and with short awns. Verbesina encelioides.—From Montana to Texas and Arizona. 56. COREOPSIS L. Ticksrrp Annual or perennial herbs. Heads terminating the peduncle-like branches, the ray-flowers neutral, yellow or parti-colored. Disk-flowers perfect. In- volucres campanulate or hemispheric, the bracts in 2 series, all more or less united at the base, those of the outer series usually narrow and herbaceous, the inner series broad, variously colored, either thin and scarious or with scarious margins. Receptacle flat or slightly convex, chaffy. Achenes flat or more or less convex on the back, oblong to orbicular, winged or wingless. Pappus in ours wanting or minute. Leaves once or twice pinnately divided s < . . é . 1. C, tinctoria. Leaves simple < ‘ : ‘ 3 z . . 2, C, lanceolata. 1. Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phila. 2: 114.1821. Glabrous, 5-8 dm. high: leaves opposite, and all 1-2-pinnately divided into lanceolate or linear divisions: outer involucre short and close: rays 12-16 mm. long, either yellow with crimson-brown base or nearly all crimson-brown: disk- flowers dark purple or brown: achenes moderately incurved; pappus none or = obscure border.—From Colorado and Arizona to the Saskatchewan and exas. 2. Coreopsis lanceolata L. Sp. Pl. 908. 1753. Low, only 3-5 dm. high, including the long and simple naked peduncles: leaves ordinarily a few pairs, oblong-spatulate to lanceolate or nearly linear, obtuse, thickish, all entire, or-rarely lor 2 small lateral lobes: rays commonly 25 mm. long and 12 mm. broad, sometimes smaller: pappus very small or obsolete.—Mostly to the eastward of our range. . 67. BIDENS L. Bur Maricoip. SpanisH NEEDLES. Beccar’s Ticks Leaves opposite, simple or compound. Heads of mostly yellow flowers solitary or paniculate. Bracts of the involucre distinct, or united only at the common base.. Rays neutral, yellow or white, sometimes wanting. Achenes neither winged nor beaked, 2-5-awned; the awns retrorsely hispid. Leaves simple. Heads radiate * % 5 . . . . . . 1, B. glaucescens, Heads rayless . is oo : 4 3 2, B. comosa, Leaves pinnately parted or divided. Achenes flat, obovaie or cuneate. Leaves narrowly acuminate; heads many, small, the outer bracts 4-8 ad. Tes i é ¥ ‘ ji < : ‘ . 38. B. frondosa, Leaves acute; heads few, large, the outer bracts 8-16 . 3 4, B. vulgata. Achenes linear-tetragonal; leaf-segments small, Leaf-segments linear . p " 3 . . . 5 5. B. tenuisecta, Leaf-segments deltoid or oblong . a é % 6. B. bipinnata. 1. Bidens glaucescens Greene, Pitt. 4: 258. 1901. Stout, often freely and widely branched, 3-8 dm. high, glabrous, the terete stem glaucescent, the in- ternodes short and foliage ample: leaves elliptic-lanceolate, the largest 10-15 em. long, closely striate-nerved between midnerve and margin and as closely serrate: heads large, hemispherical; outer involucre surpassing the rays; these many (occasionally wanting): disk-corollas exceeding the awns, the tube longer than the short cylindric limb: achenes mostly 4-angled and 4-awned, COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) ool the angles more or less corky. B. chrysanthemoides; it has passed also as B. cernua L.—Common in wet ground throughout our range. 2. Bidens comosa (Gray) Wieg. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 436. 1897. Stem stout, 3-8.dm. high: leaves elliptic-lanceolate, serrate, acute, attenuate into a margined petiole, or the upper sessile: peduncles short and stout: outer bracts of the involucre 6-8, often 2-5 times the length of the disk, erect: rays wanting: disk-corollas funnelform, pale yellow, 4-lobed: achenes large and flat, 8-10 mm. long, 3 mm. wide,. brown or olive, the 3 long awns retrosely barbed.—In damp soil; Maine to Colorado and Louisiana, 3. Bidens frondosa L. Sp. 832. 1753. Stem slender, bushy-branched, nearly glabrous, 3-8 dm. high: leaf-blades pinnately 3-divided or rarely 5- divided, the segments lanceolate, serrate, with sharp spreading teeth, acumi- nate: heads not large; outer bracts of the involucre 6-8, subequal, spatulate, sparsely ciliate, usually exceeding the disk: rays usually present, golden- yellow, the ligules equaling the. disk, the ovaries hairy and with 2 short re- trorsely barbed awns: disk-corollas orange, 5-lobed: achenes black, about 6 mm. long,and 3 mm. wide, cuneate, flattish; barbs on the 2 awns either erect or reflexed.—Common eastward and extending into our range. 4. Bidens vulgata Greene, |. c. 72. Stem tall, branched, nearly glabrous: leaf-blades commonly j5-divided, ,the segments lanceolate, acute, serrate: heads large, 15-25 mm. wide; outer bracts of the involucre 3-16, unequal, usually longer than the disk, ciliate, with narrowed tips: rays pale yellow, the ligules equaling the disk, the ovaries,awnless; disk-corollas funnelform, pale, 4—5-lobed: achenes 7-9 mm. long, very flat, brown or olive, the 2 long awns and the upper part of the achene-margins retrorsely barbed.—Closely allied to the preceding, more frequent as a weed and the more common form in our range... 5. Bidens tenuisecta Gray, Pl. Fendl. 86. 1848. Stems 3-6 dm. high, branched from the base, sparsely hirsute or.glabrous: leaves 2-3-ternately or pinnately dissected into narrow linear lobes: heads on naked rather long and stout peduncles, many-flowered, 8-12 mm. high in flower: achenes glabrous, 2-awned; inner 10 mm. long, with tapering summit; outermost 6 mm. long, stouter and, with broad summit and usually short awns: rays yellow, mostly surpassing the disk—Along water courses; Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, 6. Bidens bipinnata L. Sp. Pl. 832. 1753. Stem glabrous, 4-angled, branched, slender, 3-10 dm.’ Rich: primary leaf-segments thin, deltoid, the ultimate one lanceolate, incised or lobed: outer involucral bracts 7-10, linear, shorter than the acute inner ones: rays few, the ligules yellowish-white, about equaling the disk, mostly entire: achenes spindle-shaped, in fruit much longer than the involucre, the outer slightly shorter; awns 3-4, yellow, retrorsely barbed. (B. Bigelovii Gray, as to our range at least.)—Damp scil and waste grounds; a common and disagreeable weed, widely dispersed; usually known as SpanisH NEEDLES. * 58. THELESPERMA Less. Smooth and glabrous perennials, with opposite usually finely dissected leaves, pedunculate heads, and the rays golden-yellow (if present). Bracts of the inner involucre united into a cup; outer of shorter and narrow bracts, connate at base with the inner. Chaff of the flat receptacle white-scarious. Rays about 8, cuneate-obovate. Disk-corollas with long and slender tube, and abrupt, campanulate’ or cylindrical throat. Anthers wholly exserted. Achenes slightly obeompressed or terete, narrowly oblong to linear, margin- less, beakless; the abrupt summit crowned with a pair of persistent and stout awns or scales, or sometimes pappus wanting. Heads rayless (discoid) . - 2 ie ate Sa -2ee- che 2 . 1. T. gracile. Heads radiate. : 4 Leaves linear; plant perennial, — Leafy throughout; pappus evident ‘ a ‘ é a « 2. T. ambiguum., 552 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) Leaves largely basal; pappus nearly or quite obsolete . - ,- 3, T. subnudum Leaves filiform-linear; plant annual, biennial, or short-lived perennial 4, T, trifidum. 1. Thelesperma gracile (Torr.) Gray, Kew Journ. Bot. 1: 253. 1849. Rather rigid, 3-6 dm. high, from a deep root, branched, naked above: leaves once or twice ternately or quinately divided or parted into filiform-linear or broader lobes, or some upper ones filiform and entire: bracts of the outer in- volucre 4-6, very short, ovate or oblong; those of the inner one connate to above the middle, the edges-of their lobes slightly scarious: disk mostly yellow, barely brownish after anthesis: achenes slightly papillose or roughened, the breadth of the summit exceeded by the subulate awns: rays usually none, Hoa present and 4-5 mm. long.—On the plains; Montana to Arizona and exas. 2. Thelesperma ambiguum Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 16. 1883. Stems 3-5 ‘dm. high, rather rigid: leaves bipinnately: divided into narrowly linear or filiform lobes: bracts of the outer involucre 8, subulate-linear, almost equaling or half the length of the inner, which are connate to or above the middle: rays broad, 10-15 mm. long, rarely wanting: disk usually purple, turning brownish: outer achenes becoming coarsely papillose; the stout pappus- scales not longer than the width of the achene. (7. intermedium Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 631. 1900.)—Montana to New Mexico and Texas. , 3. Thelesperma subnudum Gray, |. c. 10: 72. 1874. Rather stout: leaves thickish and rigid, once or twice ternately parted into linear or lanceolate lobes: peduncles 1-2 dm. long; head 12 mm. high: rays sometimes none, sometimes ample: pappus a minute, 4-5-toothed naked crown, or obsolete.— Wyoming'to New Mexico and Arizona. ' 4, Thelesperma trifidum (Poir.) Brit. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 9: 182. 1890. Stems 3-5 dm. high, loosely branching, leafy: leaves not rigid, bipin- nately divided into filiform lobes no wider than the rachis: bracts of the outer involucre 8, subulate-linear, almost equaling or more than half the length of the inner, which are connate only to the middle: rays broad, 12-15 mm. long: disk usually purple, turning brownish: outer achenes becoming coarsely papillose on the back; the stout triangular-subulate pappus-scales not’ longer than the width of the achenes. (T. éenue Rydb. 1. ¢.)—Dry plains; Colorado to Arkansas and Texas. GS 59. MADIA Molina. TarwrEp Glandular and viscid herbs, mostly heavy-scented, with entire or merely toothed leaves, some or all of them alternate. Heads axillary and terminal, many-several-flowered. Involucre ovoid or oblong, few to many-angled by the salient narrow backs of the involucral bracts. Receptacle flat or convex, bearing a single series of bracts inclosing the disk-flowers as a kind of inner in- volucre, either separate or connate into acup. Ray flowers 1-20, with cuneate or oblong 3-lobed ligules; the achenes laterally compressed, and inclosed in conduplicate-infolded involuctal bracts——Ours belongs to the section Eumadia, in which the rays are few and inconspicuous or none and the pappus mostly wanting. 1. Madia glomerata Hook. Fl. 2: 24. 1834. Stems 2-5 dm. high, rigid, very leafy, hirsute, glandular only toward the inflorescence: leaves narrowly linear: heads glomerate: rays 2-5 or sometimes none, not surpassing the about equal number of disk-flowers: achenes narrow; those of the disk 4-5-angled; those of the ray somewhat curved and 1-nerved on each face.—Mountains of Colorado, to the Saskatchewan, the Sierras of California, Oregon, and Washington. i 60. LAYIA H. & A. Branches terminated by showy heads of (in ours) white flowers. Herbage hispid or hirsute, somewhat viscid above, beset with scattered, stipitate, black- ish glands. Heads many-flowered, broad. Ray-flowers 8-20, with 3- lobed or COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 553 -toothed ligules. Bracts of the involucre flattened on the back below, with abruptly dilated thin margins infolded so as to inclose the ray-achene. Re- ceptacle broad and flat, bearing a series of thin chaffy bracts between the ray- and disk-flowers. Achenes of the ray obcompressed, almost always smooth, destitute of pappus; those of the disk similar or more linear-cuneate, mostly pubescent, bearing a pappus of 10-20 bristles or scales, or rarely none. 1. Layia glandulosa H. & A. Bot. Beech. 350. 1833. Stems 2—4 dm. high, diffusely branched: lower leaves lanceolate or linear, laciniate-pinnatifid or incised ; the upper narrow and entire: rays 8-13, large and conspicuous (bright white or tinged with rose), 8-14 mm. long, 3-lobed: villous hairs of the pappus bristles copious, the outer straight and erect, the inner soon crisped and inter- laced into a woolly mass. (Blepharipappus glandulosus Hook.)—In barren ground; chiefly west of our range. bee yo 61. PSILOSTROPHE DC. Low and corymbosely branched woolly herbs, with alternate and spatulate or linear leaves, the cauline entire, and small heads of yellow flowers. Bracts of the involucre distinct, but connected by the intricate wool so as to seem con- nate. Heads with 3 or 4 ray and 5~12 disk-flowers, all fertile. Involucre of 4-10 linear coriaceous woolly bracts, and a few smaller scarious ones within, with sometimes an additional narrow outer one. Receptacle small, flat. Ligules broad, abruptly contracted at base into a short tube, truncate and 2-3-lobed; disk-corollas with short externally glandular-bearded teeth. Pap- pus of 4-6 hyaline seales.—Riddellia. Pappus-scales oval, obtuse a 5 : o 5 . 7 - « 1, P. Bakeri. Pappus-scales lanceolate, acute Pe a ‘i é é - . 2 P. tagetina, 1. Psilostrophe Bakeri Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 29. 1901. Herbaceous, per- ennial, much-branched, 1-2 dm. high, the branches short, almost divaricate, at earliest flowering not much exceeding the large, spatulate- obovate or -oblong green but thinly villous-lanate basal leaves, which are obtuse, entire, some of the cauline coarsely toothed or 3-lobed at or near the apex, all ob- viously 1—-3-nerved: heads large, apparently always 5-rayed and the rays 10-14 mm. long, deeply 3-lobed; bracts of involucre green-herbaceous, distinct, the tips spreading: achenes glabrous, closely and strongly striate; scales of the pappus obtuse, more or less toothed, little longer than broad, not half as long as the achene. (P. pumila A. Nels. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 16: 22. 1903.)— Western Colorado and Utah. ; 2. Psilostrophe tagetina (Nutt.) Greene, Pitt. 2: 176. 1891. Loosely or somewhat villosely lanate, sometimes glabrate in age, rather widely branched: radical and even lower cauline leaves often laciniate-pinnatifid: heads nu- merous, mostly cymosely clustered and short-peduncled: scales of the pappus oblong-lanceolate, entire, usually more than half as long as the disk-corollas. Riddellia tagetina.—Southern Colorado (?) to Arizona and western Texas. 62. PERICOME Gray Strong-scented yellow-flowered branching perennials, with: long-acuminate leaves. Head many-flowered, homogamous. Involucral bracts lightly con- nate by their edges into a campanulate cup. Disk-corollas with viscous- glandular tube and much exserted anthers. Achenes strongly villous-ciliate. Pappus a lacerate-ciliate crown, and sometimes a pair of short awns, one from each angle of the achene. : 1. Pericome caudata Gray, Pl. Wright. 2: 82. 1852. Leaves opposite, long-petioled, green and minutely somewhat resinous-atomiferous, triangular- hastate, 5-10 cm. long, with sparingly crenate-dentate or entire margins, caudately long-acuminate, as also in less degree are the basal angles: heads numerous in terminal corymbiform cymes, 9-12 mm. high; flowers golden- 504 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) yellow, conspicuously longer than the glabrous involucre: pappus a crown of hyaline scales which are more or less connate and fimbriate-lacerate at summit, the fringe dissected into bristles or hairs somewhat simulating those of the margin of the achene.—Rocky cafions, etc.; southern Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. 63. HYMENOPAPPUS L’Her. Perennial or biennial herbs with sulcate-angled erect stems, alternate mostly once or twice pinnatifid or parted leaves, and corymbosely cymose or solitary pedunculate heads of yellow or white flowers. Involucre cam- panulate, many-flowered, of 6-12 mostly appressed bracts with scarious- membranaceous usually colored tips. Rays none; disk-corollas numerous, all alike, with narrow tube, abruptly dilated throat, and reflexed or widely spread- ing lobes. Style-branches with short and thick conical appendages. Achenes obpyramidal, 4—5-angled, with attenuate base, the faces 1-3-nerved. Pappus of a thin-scarious and mostly hyaline obtuse scales; sometimes very short or obsolete. Stems leafy throughout, mostly corymbosely branched and with numer- ous heads. Pappus evident and nearly as long as the corolla-tube . . - 1. H. tenuifolius. Pappus either wanting or hidden by the hairs of the achenes_ . . H, luteus. Stems leafy below, upward the leaves reduced, few or wanting; heads not numerous, Stems somewhat branched, 2-5 dm. high. : Pappus hidden by the hairs of the achene . ‘ * . . 8. Hz. filifolius. Pappus evident, nearly as long as the corolla-tube . ‘é . . 4, H. arenosus. Stems scapose, less than 2 dm. high ‘i % ie a . 5. H. scaposus, 1. Hymenopappus tenuifolius Pursh, Fl. 2: 742. 1814. Lightly tomen- tose, or soon glabrate and green, leafy: leaves rather rigid, once or twice pinnately parted into very narrowly linear or filiform divisions, the margins soon revolute: heads only 6-10 mm. high, numerous and cymose; involucre rather erect and close; the bracts oblong-obovate, greenish with whitish apex and margins: corolla dull white: achenes long-villous——Eastern Wyoming and southward through Nebraska and Kansas. 2. Hymenopappus luteus Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 374. 1841. Stems 1 or more from each crown; crowns densely lanate; stems spreading, 1-3 dm. long: leaves white-tomentose; basal leaves numerous, petioled, pinnately parted; the pinnae irregularly pinnatifid into 3-9 short-linear di- visions; cauline leaves similar but ‘smaller and narrower: heads loosely corymbose-paniculate, when fully developed, about 1 cm. high; bracts of the involucre oblong, obtuse, truncate or even retuse, greenish and sparsely lanate, margins and tip membranous: flowers numerous (40-60); corolla yellowish- white, tube glandular, about half the length of the campanulate throat; lobes much shorter than the throat: pappus wanting or obscure and short: achene softly pubescent.—Desert areas; Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. 3. Hymenopappus filifolius Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 317. 1833. Tomentose- canescent, or somewhat denudate and glabrate, leafless above; stems 1.5-3 dm. high, sometimes scapiform: leaves nearly as in the last, or of more fili- form rigid divisions: heads 8-12 mm. high, few; bracts of the involucre oblong or obovate-oblong, largely green or else white-woolly, the tips whitish or purplish-tinged: corolla yellowish-white or sometimes clear yellow: achenes very long-villous.—From Nebraska and Montana to New Mexico and southern California. 4. Hymenopappus arenosus Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25: 200. 1898. Stems clustered, leafy below, branching, floccose-tomentose: leaves thrice or the upper ones only twice pinnately divided, the divisions all linear, from 0.5-2 em. long, petioled: héads corymbosely cymose, on stoutish peduncles, 1 cm. high; flowers yellow; bracts of the involucre obovate-oblong, the mar- gins thin, whitish, floccose-tomentose at base: corollas 5 mm. long, the tube nearly half the length, the triangular-lanceolate lobes lictle more than one COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 555 fourth the length of the throat: achenes villous with rather long hairs; scales of the pappus oblong, a little longer than the corolla-tube. (H. cinereus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 634. 1900; H. ochroleucus Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 30. 1901.)—Colorado and New Mexico. 5. Hymenopappus scaposus Rydb. 1.c. An almost scapose perennial with a caespitose caudex; stem with 1-2 reduced leaves: basal leaves 5-7 cm. long, bipinnately divided into linear segments, 3-15 mm. long, more or less densely tomentose, especially at the base: heads few, corymbose, hemispherical, about 1 cm. high and broad; bracts obovate, with yellowish or purplish-scarious margins: corollas yellow; tube and throat each nearly 2 mm. long; the latter campanulate and longer than the lobes: achenes densely silky; scales of the pappus fully 2 mm. long, longer than the tube of the corolla. (H. parvulus Greene, |. c.)—Colorado to New Mexico and Nevada. : 64. LEUCAMPYX Gray Perennial herb with the aspect of Hymenopappus. Heads heterogamous, radiate; those of the disk perfect; both fertile. ‘Involucre broadly hemispheri- cal; bracts in 2-3 series, imbricated, broadly scarious at the apex. Recepta- cle somewhat convex, covered with broad membranaceous-hyaline chaffy scales half inclosing the achenes. Branches of the style in the perfect flowers with short penicillate appendages. Achenes cuneate, incurved, dorsally com- pressed, subtriquetrous, attenuate at base, obtuse at apex. Pappus none. 1. Leucampyx Newberryi Gray, Porter & Coulter, Fl. Col. 77. 1874. Herbaceous, at first woolly, at length nearly glabrous; stems stout, 3-6 dm. high, corymbosely branched: leaves 2-3 pinnately parted, segments short, linear, revolute on the margins; the radical ones lanceolate in outline, 8-15 cm. long including the petioles: heads many, rather large, long-peduncléd; bracts of the involucre obovate, obtuse, with broad scarious tips: corolla of the disk yellow, of the ray white or cream-colored with a spreading cuneate limb 10-12 mm. long: achenes glabrous, angled, black.—In cafions; Colorado and New Mexico. : 65. POLYPTERIS Nutt. Herbs more or less scabrous-pubescent, with undivided and mostly entire petiolate leaves, all or the upper alternate and loosely cymose or paniculate and pedunculate heads of rose-purple flowers. Involucre broadly campanu- late to turbinate; the bracts spatulate to linear-lanceolate, commonly in 2 series and equal. Rays in our species evolute into a palmate, 3-cleft ligule, fertile; corolla of the disk-flowers with long lobes; stamens wholly exserted. Achenes from linear and downwardly attenuate to clavate-obpyramidal, 4-sided, minutely pubescent. Pappus of 6-12 equal hyaline scarious scales. - 1. Polypteris Hookeriana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 30. 1883. Stout, 2-6 dm. high, above glandular-pubescent and somewhat viscic: leaves nar- rowly to broadly lanceolate: involucre many-flowered, broad, 10-14 mm. high, of 12-16 lanceolate bracts in 2 series, the outer looser and often wholly herbaceous, inner with purplish tips: ray-flowers 8-10, the rose-red rays 10-12 mm. long, but sometimes reduced or abortive: pappus of the ‘disk of thin scales attenuate at apex into a slender point or short awn, nearly the length of the achene.—Sandy plains; from Nebraska to Texas, and extending within the eastern limits of our range. 66. ERIOPHYLLUM Lag. Mostly floecose-woolly herbs, with alternate or partly opposite leaves and peduncled heads of golden-yellow flowers; in ours the heads are solitary or scattered. Involucre of 1 or sometimes 2 series of oblong, permanently erect bracts, either distinct or sometimes partially united into a cup, at least in fruit concave at center, partially receiving the achenes. Receptacle from convex or rarely conical to plane. Ray-flowers usually with broad ligules, 556 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) very rarely none. Achenes narrow, from clavate-linear to cuneate-oblong, mostly 4-angled. Pappus of nerveless and mostly pointless scales. Plants small, 1 dm, or less high; heads sessile or nearly so . é . 1, E, Wallacei. , Piants 1-3 dm. high; heads pedunculate . ‘ e . 2, E, integrifolium. 1. Eriophyllum Wallacei Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 25. 1883. Stem freely branching from the base; the branches ascending, 2-10 cm. high; the copious matted wool tardily or not at all deciduous: leaves spatulate or obo- vate, obtuse, mostly entire, 1 cm. or less long: heads short-pedunculate; in- volucre 5 mm. high, the overlapping bracts not united: receptacle low-conical, obtuse: rays about 10, yellow, 4 mm. long and nearly as broad: anther-tips subulate: style-branches. conical, acutish: scales of the ee 6-10, oblong or obévate, obtuse, erose, one half to one fourth as long as the corolla.—Desert soils; southern Wyoming to Arizona and California. 2. Eriophyllum integrifolium (Hook.) Greene, Fl. Fran. 444. 1891. Low, often dwarf, caespitose, 1-3 dm. high: leaves narrowly spatulate and entire to more dilated and 3-lobed, floccosely hoary: heads rather long-peduncled; in- volucre cylindrical, of 6-8 narrowly oblong bracts: achenes glabrous, rarely somewhat glandular-atomiferous near the summit; scales of the pees mostly of the same length, about equaling the very glandular but not hirsute corolla- tube. (E. multiflorum Nutt.)—In the mountains; Wyoming to California and Washington. : : 67. PLATYSCHKUHRIA (Gray) Rydb. Herbaceous from ‘a perennial caudex. Leaves all alternate and entire, coriaceous. Scales of the pappus about 10, linear-lanceolate, with a distinct excurrent or percurrent costa.—Section Platyschkuhria Gray, under Bahia. 1. Platyschkuhria integrifolia (Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 155. 1906. Cinereous-puberulent and glabrate, upper part of the scapiform stem and involucre minutely glandular, 1-3 dm. high: leaves nearly all radical, oval or spatulate-oblong, tapering into a slender petiole: heads solitary or few and somewhat corymbosely’ paniculate, 10-12 mm. high; involucre of about 10 oblong bracts: rays 6-9, oblong: pappus fully half the length of the cuneate-linear, sparsely hairy achene; the thin margins of the scales of the pappus erose. Bahia nudicaulis——Arid areas; Wyoming and Colorado. 68. BAHIA Lag. Ours are herbaceous plants, sometimes canescent but not woolly, with op- posite or sometimes alternate leaves and rather small pedunculate heads of yellow flowers terminating the branches. Involucre hemispherical or obovate and lax or open in fruit; the plane bracts distinct to and commonly narrower at the base, not embracing achenes. Receptacle mostly flat. Pistillate flowers with exserted ligules, or rarely none. Achenes narrow, quadrangular. Pappus of ee scarious scales.—Includes Picradeniopsis Rydb. and Achryopappus H.B.K, Perennial from a lignescent root . a a . : 7 . 1. B. oppositifolia. Annuals. Rays none; leaves mainly opposite . 5 « é is . 2. B. neo-mexicana, Rays conspicuous; leaves mainly alternate . Y ‘ . 38. B. dissecta, 1. Bahia oppositifolia Nutt. T. & G. Fl. 2: 376. 1842. Tufted, 1-2 dm. high, fastigiately branched and many-stemmed, very leafy up to the short- peduncled heads, cinereous with fine close pubescence: leaves petioled, pal- mately or pedately 3-5-parted into linear divisions little broader than the margined petiole: bracts of the involucre oblong or oval, comparatively close: rays 5 or 6, oval, hardly surpassing the disk-flowers: achenes slender, glan- dular; pappus half the length of the corolla-tube.—Sterile hills and plains; Nebraska to Wyoming and New Mexico. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 557 2. Bahia neo-mexicana Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 27. 1883., Stems 1-2.5 dm. high, minutely puberulent: leaves 3-7-parted into narrow linear divisions; the uppermost little shorter than the slender peduncles: involucre of about 10 sparingly pubescent spatulate bracts: disk-corollas smali, with glandular tube, almost equaled by the obovate scales of the pappus, which are much thickened at and near the base.—New Mexico and southern Colorado. 3. Bahia dissecta (Gray) Brit. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 8: 68. 1889. Stems stoutish, 3-10 dm. high, puberulent or glabrous below, above with the flower- ing branches and short peduncles glandular-pubescent and viscid: leaves 1-3-ternately divided or parted; the lobes from oblong and obtuse to nearly linear: heads 10-14 mm. high and broad; bracts of the involucre 16-20, crowded, oblong-lanceolate to obovate-oblong, most of ‘them conspicuously acuminate. B. chrysanthemoides—Along water courses; Wyoming to New. Mexico and Arizona, 69. CHAENACTIS DC. Herbs with alternate mostly pinnately dissected leaves, pedunculate soli- tary or cymose heads of yellow or (in ours) white or flesh-colored flowers, and pappus mostly of entire or merely erose persistent scales (in ours 4-14). Re- ceptacle flat. Heads rayless but the marginal flowers enlarged. Achenes slender, linear-tetragonal or more compressed, pubescent. Annual . * ‘ . . _ ~ : é P - " . 1. C. stevioides, Perennials, : . Heads corymbose, short-peduncled; pappus-scales 8-14. ‘ . 2, C, Douglasii. Heads solitary; pappus-scales 4-6 é 7 5 e * . . 38. C, alpina, 1. Chaenactis stevioides H. & A. Bot. Beech. 353. 1840. Floccose-tomentose, glabrate in age, 2-3 dm. high, freely and loosely branched, bearing numerous somewhat cymosely disposed heads on short, slender peduncles: leaves 1—2- pinnately parted into short, linear lobes, uppermost rarely entire: bracts of involucre narrowly linear, obtuse, with obscure midrib: marginal corollas with moderately ampliate unequally 5-lobed limb, not surpassing the disk: scales of the pappus scarcely thickened at base, those of the inner flowers oblong-lanceolate and shorter than the corolla, of the outer one ovate or ob- long, often unequal, sometimes much shorter.—Arid areas of our range, and . westward. 2. Chaenactis Douglasii H. & A. 1. c. Canescent with a fine, somewhat floccose tomentum, or sometimes glabrate, 14 dm. or more high: leaves mostly of broad outline and bipinnately parted into crowded, short, and very obtuse divisions and lobes: heads 12-18 mm. long, in larger plants several or numerous and corymbosely cymose: scales of the pappus from linear-ligulate to narrowly oblong and one half to three fourths the length of the corolla.— From Montana to New Mexico and westward. 2a. Chaenactis Douglasii achilleaefolia (H. & A.) A. Nels. Dwarf, the leaves more rosulate-tufted and their divisjons crowded-approximate. (C. achilleaefolia H. & A. 1. ¢.).—In arid sterile soils; Wyoming to Montana and Washington. : 3. Chaenactis ae (Gray) Jones, Proc. Cal. Acad. II. 5: 699. 1895. Dwarf, 6-16 em. high, consisting of a rosette or thick tuft of leaves with very approximate divisions, and naked or scapiform stems, bearing mostly solitary heads, surmounting the subterranean branches of a multicipital perennial caudex or rootstock: heads large, with broadly linear, rough, greenish bracts: pappus scales narrowly oblong, usually 6, 2 of which are somewhat shorter and narrower. C. Douglasii alpina. (C'. pedicularia Greene, Pitt. 4: 98. 1899).—In the mountains of Colorado. : 70. HULSEA T. & G. Herbs, viscid-pubescent and balsamic-scented, most of the species when young floccose-woolly, with alternate, mostly sessile, entire or deritate c1 553 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) pinnatifid leaves, and solitary or scattered large heads of yellow flowers, or rays sometimes purple. Bracts of the involucre linear or lanceolate. Ray- flowers numerous and ligulate, but sometimes short and inconspicuous; disk-corollas with proper tube slender or narrow, but shorter than the cylin- draceous throat. Achenes linear-cuneate, compressed or somewhat tetragonal, soft-villous, especially the margins. Pappus mostly of 4 truncate scales, erose or lacerate at summit or nearly entire. ; 1. Hulsea carnosa Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 423. 1900. Very fleshy; stems from creeping rootstocks and a deep thick root, in big clumps, 1.5-3 dm. high, very leafy throughout, pubescent, more or less viscid: leaves very fleshy, linear, sinuately lobed, 5-8 em. long: heads solitary, 1.5-2 cm. high, hemispheric; the bracts linear-lanceolate, viscid-pubescent and more or less villous: rays light yellow, less than 1 em. long: achenes tapering down- ward, densely silky-strigose: pappus of fimbriate scales about 2 mm. long.— Wet rocky ravines; Montana and Yellowstone Park. 71. ACTINELLA Nuit. Mostly scapose, villous-pubescent or glabrous, bitter and aromatic herbs, with alternate or basal often punctate entire leaves, and equally peduncled heads of both tubular and radiate yellow (rarely flesh-colored) flowers, or rays rarely wanting. Involucre hemispheric, campanulate or depressed, the bracts imbricated in 2-3 series, appressed. Receptacle convex or conic, naked. Ray-flowers pistillate and fertile, the rays 3-toothed; disk-flowers perfect, fertile, the corollas with 4—5-toothed limbs. Style-branches truncate and penicillate at the summit. Achenes turbinate, 5-10-ribbed or angled, villous or pubescent. Pappus of 5-12 thin, aristate, acuminate, or truncate scales.—(Tetraneuris Greene.) Leaves borne wholly on the crowns of the caudex. Leaves densely pubescent (silky, villous, or canescent),. Plants broadly low-caespitose, the numerous crowns bearing a solitary head on a scape 1-10 em. sone ‘ . “ ‘ a . A, acaulis, Plants ample or tufted, the crowns few, the scapes slender, 10-30 em, high. Rays present, | ubescence silky-sericeous . . * . . . . 2, A. simplex, Pubescence short, dense and silvery-white . e S 8. A. incana. Rays wanting. isk yellow . $ e ¥ . . . < . . 4, A. eradiata, Disk flesh-color . : * . . si ‘ . 5, A. carnosa, Leaves loosely villous or glabrate. Crowns of the caudex short, The leaf-bases involved in‘long white or brown hairs, Sparsely long-villous throughout . . . . S 6. A, lanata, Leaves green and nearly or quite glabrous . , 7 7. A, Torreyana. The leaf-bases naked or nearly so. Leaves green, broadly linear . * ‘ fs 8. A. epunctata, Leaves pale, narrowly linear . . . . : . _9. A, linearis, Crowns of the caudex fastigiate and elongated (1-2 dm. high) . 10. A. fastigiata. Leaves borne on the crowns of the caudex and 1-4 on the lower portion of the slender scape . A . ‘ 11. A. leptoclada, 1. Actinella acaulis (Pursh) Nutt. Gen. 2: 173. 1818. Densely caespitose, the branches of the caudex short, thick, and crowded, canescently villous or sericeous, sometimes more naked: scape 1-10 cm. high: leaves thickish, all entire, spatulate to nearly linear, commonly short, 2-5 cm. long, densely crowded on the caudex: rays long.—Mountains and the bordering plains and hills; Dakota to Montana, and south to Colorado. la. Actinella acaulis caespitosa A. Nels. Densely silky or sericeous- canescent: heads sessile or subsessile among the crown leaves. (A. depressa Gray; A. depressa pygmaea Gray; Tetraneuris brevifolia Greene, Pitt. 3: 266. 1898; 7. acaulis caespitosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 28: 127. 1899.)—Same range as the species. Le 2. Actinella simplex A. Nels. Caudex short, consisting of one or more thick COMPOSITAR (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 559 crowns which are densely covered with brown dead leaf-bases: leaves appressed pubescent, nearly naked in the axils or sparsely long-hairy, glabrate in age when the fine punctation becomes evident, crowded on the crowns, ascending or erect, linear-spatulate, tapering only slightly to the margined base, sub- acute, 4-7 cm. long: scapes simple, single from the crowns, 15-25 cm. high slender, erect, lightly pubescent below, becoming silky or lanate above and on the involucre: heads large, 2.5-4 em. across: rays with a broad ligule (5-8 mm.): achene pubescent. (Tetraneuris simplex A. Nels. 1. c.)—Southern Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. 3. Actinella incana A. Nels. Root rather slender, simple or branched; caudex simple or few branched, the crowns enlarged by a dense covering of the broadly expanded bases of the petioles which are more or less involved in white, hirsute wool: leaves crowded on the crowns, silvery-white with an appressed pubescence, linear-oblanceolate, 2-4 em. long: scapes naked, slender, curved-ascending, 1-2 dm. high: involucre silvery-silky; bracts few, shorter than the 1 em. high disk, the outer oblong, obtuse, the inner spatulate, scarious- margined: rays few, the ligule as long as the disk: pappus-scales oblong, aris- tate; achene slender, nearly as long as the corolla, pubescent. (Tetraneuris incana A. Nels. 1. c.)—White barren clay hills and ridges; east-central Wyo- ming. 4. Actinella eradiata A. Nels. Densely silky throughout; caudex short, of one or more crowns, slightly lanate and covered with the expanded bases of the petioles: leaves crowded on the crowns, linear or narrowly oblanceolate, 5-8 em. long, the short petiole margined and expanding at its scarious base: scapes slender, 12-25 em. high: heads wholly eradiate, 1 em. or more high, the disk almost orange or tinged with brown: pappus-scales obovate, glistening- white, tipped with a slender awn, including the awn almost as iong as the silvery Sihene and scarcely shorter than the corolla. (Tetraneuris eradiata A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 37: 275. 1904.)—Eastern base of the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. / 5. Actinella carnosa A. Nels. Caespitose, caudex 6-8 em. high, branching underground from a perennial, woody root; whole plant hirsute-canescent: leaves all radical, simple, from oblong to orbicular, 8-12 mm. long on petioles equaling them or twice as long; blade coriaceous, acute or obtuse, entire or crenate, margins revolute; lower surface densely covered with appressed white hairs; upper surface impressed-punctate and sparingly hirsute: heads 15 mm. high and broad; involucral scales linear-oblong, obtuse, about 12, arranged in 2 series, densely pubescent externally, glabrous and marked by prominent nerves within ; the inner series longer, with reddish scarious-margined tips: lobes of flesh-colored corolla equal: stamens included: style-tips broad: achenes clavate, densely villous; pappus of 8 nearly equal, hyaline scales one half the length of the achenes, with prominent midrib and erose tips. (Chaenactis scaposa Eastw. Zoe 2: 231. 1891; Chamaechaenactis scaposa Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 156. 1906.)—From type locality only, Grand Junction, Colorado. ; 6. Actinella lanata Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 37°. 1881. Caudex caespitose, the crowns short and densely hairy or woolly: leaves linear- oblanceolate, loosely silky-villous but often glabrate in age, nearly impunctate: scape 7-12 cm. long: bracts of the involucre oblong lanceolate, in about 3 series, the inner with scarious margins: pappus-scales 5-6, ovate, tipped with short awns. (Tetraneuris lanata Greene, Pitt. 1. ec. 265.)—Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. 7. Actinella Torreyana Nutt. lc. Caudex very stout, depressed, the crowns greatly thickened by the copious brown hair or wool which involves the old leaf-stalks: leaves green and becoming almost glabrous, linear- oblanceolate, subglutinous and strongly impressed glandular-punctate: scapes 6-12 em. high, silky-pubescent as is also the involucre: inner involucral bracts scarious-margined: heads large, with conspicuous yellow rays which have a greenish tinge: pappus-scales nearly awnless. (Tetraneuris Torreyana Greene {, c.}—On rocky hills of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, | : : 560 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 8.. Actinella epunctata A. Nels. Caudex simple or with 2-several crowns: leaves crowded on the crowns, glabrate and bright green, obscurely punctate, narrowly spatulate or oblanceolate, 2-4 em. long, the margined petiolar bases imbricated on the crowns but not involved in the usual wool: scapes 1 dm. or less high, sparsely silky-canescent: heads large, 25-30 mm. broad when fully expanded; involucre silky-lanate; the green tips of the oblong-acute bracts mostly free from the wool: the bright yellow rays about 12 mm. long: pappus scales nearly as long as the disk-corollas, obovate, abruptly long-acuminate. (Tetraneuris epunctata A. Nels. 1. c.; T’. glabra Greene, 1. c. 268, not T. glabra Nutt.; 7. glabriuscula Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 155. 1906.)—Colorado and Utah to Nevada and New Mexico. 9. Actinella linearis (Nutt.) A. Nels. Caespitose, but the short caudex slender: leaves very narrow and almost linear, pubescent but not villous, the punctation manifest but superficial rather than impressed: scapes tall and slender: scales of the pappus obovate, obtuse, tipped with a rather long awn. (A. scaposa linearis Nutt. 1. ¢.; Tetraneuris linearis Greene, 1. c. 267; T. an- gustifolia Rydb. 1. c. 32: 128. 1905.)—Texas and New Mexico and rarely in southern Colorado.- 10. Actinella fastigiata (Greene) A. Nels. Subligneous stem 1-2 dm. high, parted into many fastigiate densely leafy branches and forming a compact tufted undershrub-like plant: leaves spatulate-linear, acute, glabrous or some- what scabrous, superficially punctate, the basal part much dilated, with strong midvein and no lateral nerves, the margin hirsute with long deflexed hairs: scapes slender, shorter than the leafy branches, 7-12 cm. long: invo- luere narrow and small, the bracts oblong, obtuse, pubescent. (Tetraneuris fastigiata Greene, 1. c. 268; J’. stenophylla Rydb. 1. ¢. 33: 155.)—Dry hills in Kansas; reported also from Colorado. 11. Actinella leptoclada Gray, Pacif. R. R. Rept. 4: 107. 1857. Tufted, with woody root and multicipital caudex, the short thickened crowns clothed with the expanded, membranous, lanate leaf-bases: leaves glabrous, 4-8 em. long, crowded on the crowns, linear-oblanceolate, acute or cuspidate, rather mi- nutely punctate: stems few to several, 1-2 dm. jong, bearing a few (usually 2) leaves: heads large; disk about 1 cm. high; involucre silky-lanate; the bracts in two or three rows, the inner oblong or somewhat expanded upward by the scarious margins: scales of the pappus oblong-elliptic with an acumination as long as the body proper, equaling the disk-corollas: ligules of the rays 15-18 mm. long, 6-8 mm. broad. [The fact that the stem leaves are often concealed among the others has probably contributed in part to the making of the fol- lowing synonyms: 7’. mancosensis A. Nels. 1. c. 28. 1898; T. intermedia Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 29. 1901; 7. Crandallit Rydb. 1. c. 32: 127. 1905; T. arizonica Greene, Pitt. 3: 266. 1898; T. pilosa Greene (?)].—Colorado to New Mexico and Arizona, 72. HYMENOXYS Cass. Herbaceous plants with aromatic herbage, alternate leaves, and pedunculate heads. Ray-flowers pistillate or the heads homogamous. Bracts of the in- volucre in two series, in our species the narrow and rigid outer bracts united at base into a shallow cup inclosing the broadly oblong obtusé inner ones. Flowers yellow. Achenes turbinate, hairy. Pappus of 5-12 conspicuous hyaline paleae.—Actinella in part. cS Perennial, the stems from a low branched caudex, simple below. Heads solitary or few at the ends of the stems ‘ . 1, H. Richardsonii. Heads several to many, in 9 corymbose inflorescence . . . 2. H. floribunda, Annual or biennial, branched throughout, witha taproot . ¢ . 38. H,. multiflora, 1. Hymenoxys Richardsonii (Hook.) Ckll. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 31: 471. 1904. Stems 1-2 dm. high, in tufts from a multicipital caudex, puberulent or nearly glabrous, woolly in the axils of radical leaves, polycephalous: upper leaves mostly once, and the lower twice, ternately parted into long and sim- ple filiform-linear lobes, rather rigid: involucre 4-S mm. high, 6-9-angled; the COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) ‘561 6-9 bracts of the outer series strongly carinate, united for the lower quarter or third: rays broadly or sometimes narrowly cuneate, 4-8 mm.long. Actinella Richardsonii. (Hymenopappus: ligulaeflorus A. Nels. Bull. Wyo. Exp. Sta. 28: 135. 1896; Picradenta pumila Greene, Pitt. 3: 271. 1898; P. macrantha A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 28: 180. 1899. These are reduced to varieties and some other varieties added by Cockerell in his revision, cited above.)—Plains; Saskatche- wan and eastern Oregon to Utah and New Mexico. 2. Hymenoxys floribunda (Gray) CkIl.1.c. Taller and more slender than H. Richardsonii, the wool at base of stem moresilky; stemsrepeatedly branched: heads many times more numerous, less than half the size, forming a broad, flat-topped inflorescence: scales of the pappus lanceolate, some slenderly acu- minate, others not so. This species received some notice a few years since as a possible source of rubber and became known as the CoLorapo RUBBER Piant.—In dry or gravelly soil; Colorado to Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. 3. Hymenoxys multiflora (Buckley) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 157. 1906.. Diffuse and at length much branched, from an annual or biennial root, 1-3 dm. high, with scattered small heads terminating leafy ‘branches: leaves once to thrice ternately parted into filiform lobes, not rigid: involucre cam- panulate, rigid; the outer of 7 or 8 oblong bracts, united at base: scales of the pappus aristately attenuate. (Picradenia multiflora Greene, |. c.; H. chry- santhemoides multiflora Ckll. 1. c.; H. Osterhoutit CkIl. 1. c.)—Dry plains; Kan- sas and Colorado to Texas and Arizona. 73. RYDBERGIA Greene Stout but low, upright, sparingly branched alpine woolly perennials, with very large heads with long and narrow spreading yellow rays. ‘Bracts of the low-hemispherical involucre all alike, distinct, herbaceous, in several series, loose, woolly. Receptacle broad and hemispherical. Rays 15-30, 2-3 cm. long, linear-cuneiform, broadest and deeply 3-toothed at apex. Scales of the pappus white, elongated-lanceolate, and slenderly acuminate. Leaves glabrate; involucre short-villous . < . = e . 1. R. Brandegei. Leaves floccose-woolly; involucre woolly . @ ‘ . . 2. R. grandiflora. 1. Rydbergia Brandegei (Gray) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 156. 1906. Leaves glabrate, with 2 or 3 lobes toward the upper part, or some en- tire, narrowly linear, only 2 or 3 on the somewhat senior simple flowering stem (1-2 dm. high): head therefore conspicuously pedunculate, 10-12 mm. high and wide; involucral bracts lanceolate: .rays 12-16, 6-8 mm. long.—In the high mountains; southern Colorado and New Mexico. ' 2. Rydbergia grandiflora (Pursh) Greene, Pitt. 3: 270. 1898. Stem 1-3 rdm. high, very stout, floccose-woolly, somewhat glabrate in age; stem simple or branching below, leafy: leaves with petiole scarious-dilated at base, lower ones 2-3-ternately or quinately parted, upper with 3-5 simple lobes: invo- lucre about 20-25 mm. broad, very woolly, the bracts linear: rays 30 or more, 12-16 mm. long. Actinella grandiflora.—Alpine regions from Montana to Colorado. 74. DUGALDIA Cass. Tall, erect, rather stout perennials or possibly biennials, with entire or arted alternate leaves which are more or less resinous-atomiferous and impressed-punctate. Heads usually several and rather long-pedunculate. Bracts of the involucre numerous, in 2 series, tardily reflexed. Rays fertile, numerous, long, and narrow; disk-corollas with moderately long proper tube. Pappus of elongated scales.—Helenium in part. All the leaves entire. . Bie i . is ‘ * = 74, :D3 Hoopesii. Some of the leaves parted or divided . |. . . . 2, D, helenioides, 1. Dugaldia Hoopesii (Gray) Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 425. 1900. Slightly tomentose or pubescent when young, soon glabrate; stem stout, 3-8 4 562 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) dm. high, leafy, bearing several or sometimes only a solitary large head: Jeaves thickish, oblong-lanceolate, or the lower spatulate with long tapering base: rays becoming 2-3 em. long, tardily reflexed: disk 12-16 mm. high, hemispher- ical: scales of the pappus ovate-lanceolate, long-attenuate-acuminate, a little shorter than the corolla. Helenium Hoopesti.—In the mountains; Wyoming to New Mexico and Arizona. 2. Dugaldia helenioides (Rydb.) A. Nels. A comparatively tall, finely pieeeent plant with apparently only biennial root; stem leafy, about 5 dm. igh, with several to many erect branches: leaves rather firm, distinctly ribbed, finely pubescent; the lower petioled, entire, very narrowly linear- oblanceolate; middle stem leaves erect, fully 1 dm. long, parted into 3-5 linear divisions; upper stem leaves linear, entire: heads corymbose; involucre somewhat tomentose, 8-10 mm. high and often 15 mm. broad; outer bracts lanceolate, longer than the inner, 14-18: rays orange, about 1 em. long: achenes silky; scales of the pappus broadly lanceolate, acuminate. . (Picra- denia helenioides Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 21. 1901.)—Type locality only, Sangre de Cristo Creek, Colorado. 75. HELENIUM L. Sneezeweep Herbs, with alternate simple Jeaves, commonly decurrent, resinous- atomiferous and punctate, and pedunculate heads of yellow flowers. Bracts of the involucre spreading, subulate or linear. Rays fertile or sterile, rarely none; disk-corollas with 4-5-toothed limb; the teeth obtuse, glandular- pubescent. Pappus usually of 5 or 6 thin scarious scales. 1. Helenium autumnale L. Sp. Pl. 866. 1753. Perennial; stem puberulent or glabrous, rather stout, narrowly winged by the decurrent bases of the leaves, corymbosely branched above, 3-10 dm. high: leaves firm, acuminate or acute at apex, narrowed to the sessile base, pinnately few-veined, 5-12 em. long, 0.5-5 em. wide, green: heads numerous, 3-5 cm. broad, borne on long puberulent peduncles; bracts of the flattish involucre densely canescent, linear-lanceolate: rays 10-18, drooping, bright yellow, 3-cleft: achenes pubes- cent on the angles; pappus-scales ovate, acuminate or aristate, often lac- erate or toothed. (H. montanum Nutt. differs only in being lower, somewhat puberulent, paler, and the heads more crowded-corymbose.)—Wet lands; from Arizona to British Columbia and eastward across the continent. 76. FLAVERIA Juss. Glabrous herbs with small and fascicled or glomerate heads of yellowish or yellow flowers and opposite sessile leaves. Heads 1-several-flowered; the, flowers all fertile, homogamous and tubular, or 1 pistillate and short-ligulate. Disk-corollas 5-toothed. Involucre of 2-5 mostly carinate-concave bracts. Pappus none. Achenes mostly smooth and glabrous. 1. Flaveria angustifolia (Cav.) Pers. Syn. 2: 489. 1807. Erect, 2-5 dm. high: leaves linear to lanceolate, serrulate or entire, sessile by broadish or little contracted base: heads in subsessile or short-pedunculate or leafy-. involucrate, chiefly terminal glomerules; involucre mostly of 3 bracts, 3-5- flowered or some only 2-flowered.—Alkaline soil; eastern Colorado and New Mexico to western Texas. 77. GAsLLARDIA Foug. Herbs with alternate leaves and ample showy heads on terminal pe- duncles. Ours are more or less pubescent or hirsute and leafy-stemmed, with yellow rays and disk-flowers apt to turn brown, villous achenes, and scales of the pappus slender-awned. Involucre broad; the bracts in 2 or 3 series, hirsute; receptacle with setiform or subulate-setaceous fimbzitlac throughout. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 563 Ligules 3-toothed or 3-cleft; disk-corollas with 5 ovate-triangular to subu- late teeth, which are beset with jointed hairs. Achenes turbinate, 5-costate, covered with long villous hairs. Pappus conspicuous, longer than the achenes, of 5-10 hyaline-scarious scales with a costa mostly excurrent into an awn. Lobes of the disk-corollas acute, tipped with a seta beset with beaded : ss, . «. 1. G, aristata. airs ‘ : : . : . a Lobes of the disk-corollas short and obtuse. * . i . 2, G, pinnatifida, 1. Gaillardia aristata Pursh Fl. 2: 573. 1814. More or less hirsute, often 5-8 dm. high: leaves lanceolate or broader, or lower spatulate, entire to laciniate-dentate or sinuate-pinnatifid: rays in the largest heads 3-4 cm. long: lobes of disk-corollas subulate-acute and tipped with a cusp: pappus aristate—From New Mexico and southern Colorado to Oregon, British Columbia, and the Saskatchewan. 2. Gaillardia pinnatifida Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 214. 1828. Cinereous- pubescent; peduncles scapiform or from short leafy stems, 1-3 dm. long: some or even all the leaves pinnatifid, sometimes linear or with linear lobes, some- times spatulate and sinuate or even entire: teeth of the disk-corollas short and broad, obtuse, pointless: pappus-scales lanceolate.—On the plains; Colorado and Arizona to western Texas. 78. DYSODIA Cav. Herbs, mostly strong-scented, with alternate or opposite leaves and soli- tary or somewhat paniculate heads of yellow flowers. Involucre hemispher- ical or campanulate, the bracts more or less united below, often with some loose accessory bracts. Pappus of 6-10 scales, which are erose-truncate or more usually resolved into numerous rather stiff bristles. Achenes mostly terete, striate, and pubescent.—(Includes Hymenatherum.) Leaves mostly opposite; ill-scented ‘ 5 o A iS is . 1, D. papposa. Leaves mostly alternate; not ill-scented . x . . in “i . 2, D. aurea, 1. Dysodia papper (Vent.) Hitch. Trans. St. Louis Acad. 5: 503. 1891. Much-branched and ill-scented annual, leafy up to the subsessile or short- pedunculate small heads: leaves a ey parted into linear lobes: in- volucre purplish-tinged or greenish, of 8 or 10 scarious-tipped oblong bracts, and some linear, loose, accessory ones: rays few and inconspicuous, not sur- assing the disk. D. chrysanthemoides—-From Arizona and Colorado to Minnesota and Louisiana, and now spreading eastward to the Atlantic States. 2. Dysodia aurea (Gray) A. Nels. Erect or diffuse, 1-2 dm. high, much- branched, bearing numerous short-peduncled heads: leaves mostly alternate, innately parted into 7-9 linear-filiform pointless divisions: involucre 5-6 mm. Figs rays about 12, oblong, 6 mm. long: pappus of 6 or 8 quadrate or oblong and erose-truncate scales, in length little exceeding the breadth of the achene.. Hymenatherum aureum. (Lowellia aureum Gray, Pl. Fendl. 91. 1848.)— Colorado to Texas. 79. PECTIS L. Mostly low and spreading herbs, usually glabrous and scented, with narrow, opposite leaves conspicuously dotted with round oil-glands, small heads of ellow flowers, and slender, rigid bristles fringing at least the base of the ta Heads radiate, several-many-flowered. Involucre naked at base, or nearly so, cylindrical or campanulate, of few or several equal carinate bracts in a single series. Disk-corollas 5-lobed, 1 or 2 sinuses often deeper, thus be- coming bilabiate. Achenes linear, terete or angled. Pappus of few or nu- merous bristles or awns, sometimes chaffy-dilated at base, or of scales. 1. Pectis angustifolia Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 214. 1828. Smooth, 1-3 dm. high: leaves narrow-linear: heads subsessile or short-peduncled, fas- tigiate or cymose at the end of the branches; bracts of the involucre about 8, 564 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) linear, at length with involute margins: pappus a crown of 4 or 5 mostly con- nate scales, and not rarely 1 or 2 slender usually short awns.—Dry ground; Colorado and Arizona to Texas. : ‘ 80. ANTHEMIS L. Maywerp. Doc Fennev Annual or pone herbs, with pinnatifid or dissected alternate leaves and peduncled heads terminating the branches. Involucre hemispheric, the bracts imbricated in several series, scarious-margined, appressed, the outer shorter. Receptacle convex, conic or oblong, chaffy at least toward the sum- mit, the chaff subtending the disk-flowers. Ray-flowers pistillate and fertile, or neutral, the tube terete or 2-winged, the ray white or yellow, entire or 2-3-toothed; disk-flowers perfect, fertile, yellow, the corollas with 5-cleft limbs. Achenes oblong, angled, ribbed or striate. Pappus none, or a short coroniform border. 1, Anthemis Cotula L. Sp. Pl. 894. 1753. Stems rather low; herbage un- pleasantly strong-scented: leaves finely 3-pinnately dissected: . receptacle conical: rays mostly white, neutral or abortive: achenes 10-ribbed, rugose or tuberculate.—An excessively common weed eastward, now not infrequent in waste ground in our range. 81. ACHILLEA L. Yarrow. MItLFrorIu Ours an erect strongly scented perennial herb with finely dissected alternate leaves. Heads radiate, cymose at the ends of the stem and branches. Ray- flowers few, pistillate, fertile. Involucral bracts appressed, imbricated in few series, the outer shorter. Receptacle nearly flat, the chaff membranous and subtending fertile disk-flowers. Achenes linear or oblong to obovate, obcompressed. Pappus none. 1. Achillea millefolium L. Sp. Pl. 899. 1753. From villous-lanate to gla- brate; stems simple, 2-6 dm. high: leaves elongated and narrow in outline . sessile, bipinnately dissected into numerous small and linear to setaceous- subulate divisions: heads numerous, crowded in a fastigiate cyme; involucre oblong; the bracts pale or sometimes fuscous-margined, or even wholly brown- ish: rays 4-5, about the length of the involucre, white, occasionally rose- color. A. lanulosa Nutt. and A. alpicola Rydb. are merely forms of a some- what variable species, though there is more homogeneity in this species than in many which no one has yet thought to disintegrate—Common throughout the northern hemisphere. | . 82. MATRICARIA L. Ours glabrous annuals with alternate leaves pinnately dissected into narrowly linear segments. Heads solitary or somewhat cymose, with many’ greenish- yellow or white flowers. Receptacle mostly slender-conical, naked. Bracts of the involucre imbricated in few series, the outer ones a little shorter than the inner, persistent, scarious-margined. Corollas tubular.and without limb in our species. Pappus reduced to a coroniform border, or none. Achenes glabrous, irregularly nerved. 1. Matficaria matricarioides (Less.) Portér, Mem. Torr. Club 5: 341. 1894. Annual, somewhat aromatic, glabrous, 1-2 dm. high, very leafy: leaves 2-3-pinnately dissected into short and narrow linear lobes: heads all short-peduncled; bracts of the involucre broadly oval, white-scarious with greenish center, hardly half the length of the well-déveloped greenish-yellow ovoid disk: achenes oblong, somewhat angled; with an obscure coroniform mar- gin at summit, which is occasionally produced into 1 or 2 conspicuous oblique auricles of coriaceous texture. M. discoidea.—California and far northward and east to Wyoming and Montana; becoming naturalized farther eastward. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 565 83. CHRYSANTHEMUM L. Oxeyse Daisy Perennial herbs, with toothed, pinnatifid, or divided leaves, and single or corymbed heads. Heads many-flowered; rays white, numerous, fertile. Bracts of the broad and flat involucre imbricated, with scarious margins. Receptacle flat or convex, naked. Disk-corollas with a flattened tube. Achene of disk and ray similar, striate, without pappus. 1. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum L. Sp. Pl. 888. 1753. Glabrous, 3-6 dm. high, simple or sparingly branched: cauline leaves spatulate, and the upper gradually narrower, becoming small and linear, pinnately dentate or incised, partly clasping at base; the radical broader, petioled: head broad and flat: rays about 2.5 cm. long.—Becoming naturalized about Denver, and probably elsewhere in our range; of European origin but common in the eastern United States. 84. TANACETUM L. Herbs or suffruticose plants with alternate variously dissected leaves and solitary or corymbose heads of yellow flowers. Heads many-flowered, discoid; vhe flowers all tubular and perfect, with 3-5-toothed corolla, or the marginal ones pistillate with more or less oblique or imperfectly ligulate corolla. Bracts of the involucre imbricated, in few or several ranks. Styles deciduous. Achenes 5-ribbed or 3-5-angled, with broad truncate summit bearing a coroniform pappus or none.—Sphaeromeria Nutt. as to our species. The com- mon garden Tansy may occur as an escape from gardens. CoN Leaves linear and simple or nearly so . é . . « : . 1, T. simplex. Leaves 3-5-cleft. Leaves cleft into linear lobes. . at Pees “ < * « . 2, T. capitatum, Leaves broadly cuneate and obtusely 3-5-lobed . 7 ‘ o . $8. T. Nuttallii. 1. Tanacetum simplex A. Nels. Bull. Tor. Bot. Club 26: 484. 1899. Caudex of few short crowded branches, the crowns scarcely above the surface of the ground: leaves crowded on the crowns, closely and finely appressed-silvery- canescent, erect, mostly simple and linear, a few bifid or trifid at the apex, only 2-3 em. long: stems few, rising singly from the crowns, slender, 6-12 cm. high, bearing 2-3 small linear leaves and a single head: head 6-8 mm. high, many- flowered; involucral bracts oval to obovate, in two rows, with slightly thick- ened greenish midrib and scarious margins: corolla-tubes thin and somewhat transparent: the pistillate flowers in one series: achenes oblong, or slightly enlarged upward, obtuse.—On stony hillsides; southern Wyoming. 2. Tanacetum capitatum (Nutt.).T. & G. Fl. 2: 415. 1842. Silvery- canescent, densely caespitose: leaves simple or pedately 3—-5-parted into linear lobes: flowering stems scapiform or 2—4-leaved: heads 10 or more, sessile in a globose glomerule.—Frequent on barren arid hills; Wyoming and in adjacent Utah, Idaho, and Montana. : 3. Tanacetum Nuttallii T. & G.l.c. Silvery-canescent, loosely caespitose, 10-15 cm. high: leaves short, mostly broad-cuneate with tapering base, ob- tusely 3-5-lobed at the broad summit; those of the flowering stems usually oblong or linear and entire: heads few, somewhat paniculate or loosely clus- tered, some of them slender-pedunculate: involucre very scarious.—Dry hills; * . same range as the preceding. a 85. ARTEMISIA L. SacesrusH. Wormwoop. Bitter aromatic herbs or shrubs with alternate leaves and small, paniculately disposed, commonly nodding heads of yellow or whitish flowers... Heads few to many-flowered, small, wholly discoid; heterogamous, the pistillate flowers with small‘ and slender tubular corolla, and the hermaphrodite either sterile or fertile; or homogamous, with the flowers all hermaphrodite and fertile. In- yolucre imbricated in few or several rows. Anthcers commonly tipped with 566 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) subulate-acuminate appendages. Achenes obovate or oblong, mostly with small epigynous disk and no pappus. Plants spiny; achenes with long cobwebby hairs : . 1, A. spinescens, Plants not spiny; achenes not cobwebby, sometimes pubescent. Flowers of two kinds, the marginal ones pistillate and fertile, the inner hermaphrodite but sometimes sterile. Inner flowers sterile, the style mostly entire and the ovary aborting. Plants herbaceous, or woody at the base only. Herbage green and glabrous, and sweet-aromatic . . 2, A, aromatica, Herbage grayish-pubescent or canescent. Heads 2-3 mm. wide; flowers yellow. Plants tall, 3-7 dm. high . c : is j . 3, A. canadensis, Plants very dwarf, 5-15 cm. high . ss . . 4, A. pedatifida, Heads 4-5 mm. wide; flowers brown . . 5 . 5, A. borealis, Plants shrubby, with filiform leaves; heads numerous, narrow, few-flowered . é i 7 . 6, A, filifolia, Inner flowers also fertile, the style 2-cleft. Receptacle beset with ene sOcny. hairs. Heads small (4-5 mm. broad) and numerous . a . Heads large (6-12 mm. broad) and few or solitary. pt A. frigida. Heads several in a spike-like raceme . . * . 8, A. scopulorum, Heads solitary or few in a close terminal cluster . . 9, A. Pattersonii, Receptacle naked (no woolly hairs among the flowers). : ‘ A tall biennial . . se oe . 10, A. biennis, Perennials. Plants herbaceous or woody at the base only. ilky-pubescent or glabrous, never tomentose, Leaves pinnate, wholly glabrous. e - . 11, A. subglabra, Leaves twice 3-7-parted é - o a . 12, A, saxicola, Tomentose at least on the lower face of the leaves, : Involucres densely tomentose. Leaves permanently tomentose on both faces. Leaves with revolute margins, Leaves entire, long-linear . é : e Leaves pinnatifid, with narrowly linear or fili- form lobes _. F 7 ‘3 . . 14. A. Wrightii. Leaves entire, toothed or pinnatifid, oblong to short-linear, margins not revolute. Heads small, numerous, in dense thyrse-like 13, A. natronensis, anicles . j 3 ‘a ‘ . 15. A. gnaphalodes. Heads large (6-8 mm. in diameter), few in spike-like racemes A % . 18, A. paucicephala, Leaves usually glabrate above in age. Stems and involucres usually tomentose . . 16, A, ludoviciana, Stems and involucres greenish and only lightly pubescent 5 . 17, A. mexicana, Involucres glabrous or glabrate, at least in age. io Divisions of the leaves broadly linear.or lanceolate 19, A. franserioides, Divisions of the leaves mostly narrowly linear. Leaves 1-2-pinnately parted . < i . 20. A. discolor, Leaves 3-7-parted (southern) . 4 F . 14, A, Wrightii. Shrubby, with tridentate cuneate leaves. a . 21, A. Bigelovii. Flowers all alike, hermaphrodite, fertile; plants shrubby. Leaves 3-toothed or a parted at apex, : Leaf-segments long-linear or filiform . i : ! . 22, A. trifida, Leaves toothed or lobed at apex or entire, s few, rather large, in a narrow subsimple panicle; leaves lobed , é ‘ i : » . 28, A, arbuscula, Heads many, small; leaves 3-toothed. Shrubs 4 dm, to 5m, high; involucres tomentose . . 24, A. tridentata. _ Shrubs less than 4 dm. high; involucres glabrate . . 25, A. nova, Leaves all linear and entire or nearly so ‘ ‘ 5 . 26, A, cana, 1. Artemisia spinescens Eat. Bot. King’s Exp. 180. pl. 19. 1871. Stems stout and densely branched, rigid, 1-4 dm. high, white-tomentose: leaves 4-8 mm. long, pedately 3-5-parted, the divisions 3-lobed: heads globose, race- mosely glomerate on short and leafy branchlets which become slender, per- sistent spines; bracts of the involucre 5-6, broadly obovate, obtuse: pistillate flowers 1-4, with truncate corolla; the hermaphrodite sterile flowers 4-8, the corollas ventricose-campanulate from a narrow base, 5-toothed: achenes oblong-obovate. (Picrothamnus desertorum Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soe. 7: 417. 1841.) Bup-srusu is the sheepmen’s name.—Alkali desert areas; Col- orado to Montana and far westward. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 567 2. Artemisia aromatica A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 273. 1900. Dark green and nearly or quite glabrous, heavily but rather pleasantly aromatic scented; stems tufted, mostly simple, sometimes sparingly branched from the base, more or less branched in the inflorescence, striate, 4-8 dm. high: leaves nearly all entire, some of the lower 3-cleft, narrowly to broadly linear, 1-several cm. long, numerous: inflorescence leafy; the heads numerous, nodding on short slender pedicels, 3-4 mm. in diameter; involucre glabrous, the bracts oblong-elliptic, obtuse, dark green with scarious margins: flowers numerous, the fertile 10-20, the sterile hermaphrodite about twice as many. A. dracunculoides.*—Mountain valleysand on the plains; frequent throughout our range and westward. 3. Artemisia canadensis Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. Sept. 2: 129. 1803. Gla- brous, or mostly with at least the radical and sometimes all the leaves either sparsely or canescently silky-pubescent; stems 3-6 dm. high from a perennial root: leaves mostly bipinnately divided into linear or almost filiform divisions: heads very numerous, 2-4 mm. long, in a compound, oblong or pyramidal, virgate panicle; involucre greenish, glabrous, or rarely pubescent. [A. Scouleriana (Besser) Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 157. 1906; A. Forwoodii Wats. Proc. Am. Acad. 25: 133. 1890.}-Throughout the northern part of the United States and in the Canadian provinces, and southward in the Rocky Mountains. ; 4. Artemisia pedatifida Nutt. 1. c. 399. Caespitose, with a stout lignescent caudex, very dwarf, canescent throughout with a fine and close pubescence: leaves chiefly crowded in radical tufts and on the base of the (3-6 em. high) rather naked flowering stems, once or twice 3-parted into narrowly spatulate or nearly linear-obtuse entire divisions: heads’(about 3 mm. broad) few, loosely spicately or racemosely disposed, canescently pubescent.—Dry ground; on the plains of Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. 5. Artemisia borealis Pall. Iter! 3: 129. 1871. Stems 1-3 dm. high, from a stout caudex; stems simple: leaves silky-pubescent or silky-villous; radical and lower 1—-2-ternately or pinnately divided into linear lobes; the up- permost linear and entire or 3-parted: heads 4 mm. broad, comparatively few, crowded in a narrow (rarely compound). spiciform thyrsus with leaves inter- spersed ; involucre pilose or glabrate, pale fuscous to brownish. (A. spithamaea. Pursh, Fl. 2: 522, 1814.)—In the alpine region of Colorado, and far north- ward across the continent. 6. Artemisia filifolia Torr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. 2: 211. 1828. Stem branched, 3-6 dm. high, the rigid branches nearly erect: leaves 2-5 cm. long, nearly all- 3-parted into filiform entire segments less than 1 mm. wide, or the uppermost undivided: heads exceedingly numerous, about 1 mm. broad, racemose- paniculate, very short-peduncled, 3—-5-flowered; involucre oblong, the bracts densely canescent: receptacle small, naked or slightly fiml riliate: central 1-8 flowers sterile-—Dry plains; eastern Wyoming and adjacent Nebraska to Texas, Utah, and Mexico. 7. Artemisia frigida Willd. Sp. Pl. 3: 1838. 1804. Herbaceous: from a suffrutescent base, silky-canescent and silvery, 2-3 dm. high; stems simple or branching, bearing numerous racemosely disposed heads in an open panicle: leaves mainly twice ternately or gun ely divided. or parted into linear, crowded lobes, and usually a pair of simple or 3-parted stipuliform divisions at base of the petiole: heads globular, 3-4 mm. in diameter; involucre pale, canescent, the outer bracts narrow and herbaceous: corollas glabrous.—From Minnesota to Texas and westward to New Mexico, Nevada, and Idaho. 8. Artemisia scopulorum Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 66.1863. Herbaceous, 1-2 dm. high, from a multicivital caudex, silky-canescent; stems simple, bear-_ ing 3-12 spicately or racemosely disposed hemispherical (rarely solitary) heads: radical and few lower cauline leaves pinnately 5~7-divided, and the * Artemisia dracunculoides Pursh is often reported from our ree That species is paler een, much taller, with numerous drooping branches and smaller heads of only 15-20 owers; inodorous or at least not sweet-aromatic. Doubtfully in our range, the typical 1orm of it in the central and lower Mississippi valley. 568 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) divisions 3-parted into spatulate-linear lobes; the uppermost simply 3-5-parted or entire: involucre 4 mm. broad, villous, the bracts brown-margined: corollas hirsute at summit.—Alpine region; mountains of Colorado, Utah, and Wyo- ming. 9. Artemisia Pattersonii Gray, Syn. Fl. 1: 453..1886. More dwarf and white-tomentose, but sometimes glabrate in age: leaves 3-5-parted or eleft, or the uppermost entire: heads much larger and broader, solitary or 2-5, 40—50- flowered: corollas glabrous: receptacle extremely loose-woolly.—Lower alpine region of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. 10. Artemisia biennis Willd. 1. c. 1842. Wholly glabrous, inodorous and nearly insipid; stem strict, 3-12 dm. high, leafy to the top, bearing close glomerules of small heads in the axils from toward the base of the stem to the somewhat naked and spiciform summit: leaves 1-2-pinnately parted into lanceolate or broadly linear-laciniate or incisely toothed lobes; or the upper- most small, sparingly pinnatifid and less toothed.—Open grounds from Cali- fornia and Oregon to Hudson’s Bay; also now spreading to the eastern sea~- board farther south. 11. Artemisia subglabra A. Nels. 1. c. 27: 36. Stems rather few, erect, ascending, slender, more or less branched above, very obscurely glandular- pruinose, otherwise green and glabrous as are also the leaves, 3-5 dm. high: leaves pinnate or bipinnate; the segments linear or sometimes broader, widely divaricate, the margins more or less revolute: inflorescence racemiform or narrowly paniculate; heads medium size (3-5 mm.), shortly pediceled, spreading or deflexed; involucral bracts green, oblong, with ciliate-lanate margins: flowers 12-20, all fertile, the pistillate with flattened or grooved spatulate styles.—On the stony banks of the Yellowstone river in the National Park. : 12. Artemisia saxicola Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 128. 1905. Rather stout, 1-5 dm. high, from villous or pubescent to glabrate: leaves twice 3-7- parted into linear or lanceolate or more dilated segments: heads 8-10 mm. broad, many-flowered, loosely racemose or racemose-paniculate, most of them long-peduncled; bracts of the involucre broadly brown-margined: corollas loosely pilose, rarely almost glabrous. A. norvegica; true A. norvegica does not occur on this continent.—High mountains of our range and northward. 12a. Artemisia saxicola Parryi A. Nels. Smaller than the species in all of its parts, with a tendency to become glabrate. (A. Parryi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 7: 361. 1868.)—Type locality only, Sangre de Cristo Pass, Colorado. 13. Artemisia natronensis A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 485. 1899, Stems herbaceous, from a woody, persistent crown, suberect, simple, virgate, silvery-white-tomentose as are also the leaves, floriferous for nearly half their length, 3-6 dm. high: leaves long-linear to narrowly lanceolate, in age the margins revolute, the midrib becoming conspicuous below: panicle narrow, the raceme-like clusters in the axils of the leaves which become gradually smaller and bract-like upward or wholly wanting; heads rather large, cam- panulate;- about 5 mm. high, erect or nearly so even at maturity, about 20- flowered; the bracts ovate to oval.—On the strongly saline shores of alkali lakes; Wyoming and Colorado. y 14. Artemisia Wrightii Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 48: 1883. Cinereous, canescent, or glabrate, the radical shoots sometimes white-tomentose, 2-5 dm. high, very leafy up to the rather narrow dense panicle: leaves pinnately 5~7- parted into narrow, linear and by revolution filiform, entire divisions: involucre cinereous-canescent (sometimes woolly), becoming glabrate; heads small, sessile or short-peduncled, often spreading. (A. kansana Brit. in Brit. & Brown, Ill. Fl. 3: 466. 1898, more white-woolly than the type; A. stenoloba Rydb.)—From Kansas to Colorado and southward. 14a. Artemisia Wrightii coloradensis (Osterh.) A. Nels. To be distin- guished mainly by the coarser leaves and their broader segments... (A. colo- radensis Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 506. 1900.)—Represents the northern extension of the species in Colorado. : 15. Artemisia gnaphalodes Nutt. Gen. 2: 143. 1818. Stems white- COMPOSITAE. (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 569 tomentose, usually much branched, 3-12 dm. ‘high: leaves lanceolate or.oblong, 3~7 cm. long, 4-12 mm. wide, entire or the lower somewhat toothed, :white- tomentose on both sides, acute or acuminate, sessile or the lower narrowed into short petioles: heads numerous, erect, spicate-paniculate, above 3 mm. broad; involucre oblong, tomentose.: (A.-rhizomata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 34. 1900; A. pudica Rydb. 1. ¢. 32: 130; A. pabularis Rydb. 1. ¢.,33: 157; probably A. candicans and A. floccosa Rydb. 1. ce. 24::296;.A. Purshiana Bess.)——From the Missouri river to the Pacific. This as well as A. ludoviciana includes a multitude of forms impossible of discrimination. Some of themore important ones that have received specific names are indicated and a few are given varietal rank. Leaf outline and incision are wholly valueless as diag- nostic characters, since all possible gradations occur in both groups.: : 15a. Artemisia gnaphalodes diversifolia A. Nels. Many or most. of the leaves deeply pinnately cleft into narrow lobes. (A. diversifolia Rydb. 1. ¢. 28: 20. 1901.)—Colorado to Montana. |... °° G8 16. Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.1.c! ‘Perennial, ascending or erect, lower than the preceding, 3-5 dm: high, branched; stem somewhat tomentose: leaves oblanceolate or somewhat cuneate in outline, 2-5 cm. ‘long, densely white- tomentose beneath; floccose but greener above, deeply 3—7-lobed with lanceo- late lobes, or the upper entire: heads very small and: numerous, somewhat nodding; involucre oblong-campanulate; tomentose, but less so than in the preceding. (A. Underwoodii and A. Brittonit Rydb. 1. c. 32: 129; A. latiloba Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 429. 1900.)—In the' western half of North America. “17. Artemisia mexicana Willd. ‘Spreng. Syst. 3: 490. 1825. :Paniculately branched, 4-10 dm. high, less tomentose: leaves narrow-lanceolate to linear, commonly: attenuate, some 3-5-cleft or parted; radical cuneate, incisely pinnatifid ‘or trifid: heads very numerous in an ample loose panicle, many- pedicellate, 3-4 mm. long; involucre arachnoid-canescent or glabrate, largely scarious.—From Nevada through the southern part of our range to Texas... 17a. Artemisia mexicana ‘silvicola (Osterh.) A. Nels. - ‘Distinguished’ by its fewer and larger leaves, the more lax inflorescence, and ‘larger heads.”’ These differences probably due to the moisture and shade-of its habitat. oe Osterh. 1. ¢. 28: 645.)—Northern Colorado, on shaded stream an. i nt e ty D> Hey, fr hes E eee IW. 4 17b. Artemisia mexicana Bakeri (Greene) A. Nels. A slender form with short, linear, entire leaves on the branchlets and the lower with remote pinnate segments: the whole plant greenish but lightly arachnoid-canescent. (A. Bakeri Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 31. 1901.)—Cafion of the Gunnison, Colorado. - 18. Artemisia paucicephala A. Nels. 1. c..35. ‘Tufted: on woody rhizomes, thinly but permanently silvery-tomentose throughout; stems numerous, leafy to the summit, erect, simple or sparingly branched, 2-4 dm. high: leaves 4-8 cm. long, entire’ or deeply pinnatifid, linear to lanceolate; some with abroad, 3-5-cleft apex, nearly all with a narrowed, petiole-like base: .héads few, racemosely disposed on the main stem and its'slender branches (if any), rather large, sessile or short-pediceled, broadly campanulate, about: 5 mm. in diam- . eter (40-60-flowered) ; involucral bracts oval or ovate, scarious-margined: the pistillate flowers few, very slender, with linear-clavate styles. (A. gracilenta A. ‘Nels. 1. c.)—Sandy banks near Yellowstone Lake... « : zg ‘19. Artemisia franserioides Greene, Bull. ‘Torr. Bot. Club 10: 42. 1883. Glabrous except on the lower face of the leaves, or minutely and' obscurely puberulent; stem rather stout, 4-8 dm. high: leaves comparatively ample, green above, pale and cinereous beneath; the lower bipinnately and the upper simply pinnately parted into lanceolate-oblong obtuse,..entire or .2-3-cleft divisions and lobes: heads numerous, loosely racemose on the branches of. the leafy elongated ‘panicle, 4-6 mm. broad:—Mountains of Colorado, New Mex- ico, and Arizona. / get 20. Artemisia discolor Dougl. in Herb. Hook.; DC. Prodr. 6: 109. 1837. Sterns mostly slender, 2-3 dm. high, from a slender lignescent caudex: leaves 1-2-pinnately parted into narrow linéar or lanceolate-entire or sparingly 570 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) laciniate divisions and lobes, white beneath with close cottony tomentum, glabrate above: heads glomerate in an interrupted spiciform or virgate panicle, 3-4 mm. high; involucre hemispherical-campanulate, greenish and scarious, glabrous or soon becoming so, 30 -30-flowered. [A. elatior (T. & G.) Rydb. as to our range.}—In the mountains; Colorado to Montana and Wash- ington. 20a. Artemisia discolor incompta (Nutt.). Gray, Syn. Fl. 1: 373. 1886. Stouter, with coarser or less dissected leaves, having mostly broader lobes, or the upper entire-——Mountains; Wyoming and Montana to California and Washington. 4 21. Artemisia Bigelovii Gray, Pacif. R. R. Rept. 4: 110. 1856. Silvery- canescent throughout, 2-4 dm. high: leaves oblong- to linear-cuneate, mostly 3-toothed at the truncate apex, 10-14 mm. long: heads very numerous and crowded in the oblong or virgate thyrsiform panicle, tomentose-canescent, containing only 1 or 2 hermaphrodite and as many pistillate flowers, all fer- tile:—Rocky banks; Colorado, on the Upper Canadian and Arkansas. 22. Artemisia trifida Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 398. 1841. Silky- canescent; stems 2-6.dm. high, much-branched: leaves 3-cleft toward the apex or 3-parted, the lobes and entire upper leaves narrowly linear or slightly spatulate-dilated: heads numerous in the contracted leaty panicle, or spi- cately disposed on its branches; involucre 3-9-flowered, the outer or accessory bracts oblong to short-linear or lanceolate. (A. tripartita Rydb. Mem. N. Y. ae Gard. 1: 432. 1900.)—Elevated plains in our range and west to the coast tates. 23. Artemisia arbuscula Nutt. 1. c. Dwarf, 1-3 dm. high, with a stout base and slender flowering branches: leaves short, cuneate or flabelliform,, 3-lobed or parted, with the lobes obovate to spatulate-linear, sometimes again 2-lobed; those subtending the heads usually entire and narrow: panicle strict, and comparatively simple and naked, often spiciform and reduced to few rather scattered sessile heads: involucre 5-9-flowered. (A. spiciformis Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 507. 1900.)—High mountains and elevated plains; Colorado and Wyoming to the northwest. . 24. Artemisia tridentata Nutt.1.c. A shrub or small tree 0.5—5 m. high, much-branched: leaves cuneate, 15-30 mm. long, 3-7-toothed or lobed at the truncate summit, uppermost cuneate-linear: heads very numerous, in large dense panicles; involucre 5-8-flowered, oblong, the outer or acces- sory bracts short, ovate-obtuse, tomentose-canescent. The common SaczE- BRUSH; also called Buack Sacs.—Dry plains and mountains; west of th Missouri. s 25. Artemisia nova A. Nels. |. c. 27: 274. The shrubby base low, scraggy- branched, the herbaceous stems numerous, fascicled, slender, simple, 1-2 dm. high including the narrow spike-like panicle, grayish with a thin tomentum or merely pubescent, as also are the leaves: leaves very narrowly cuneate, 1-2 cm. long, 3-toothed at apex, the middle tooth usually longest: panicle leafy at base, naked above, strict and nearly simple; heads small, very nu- - merous, only 3-4 mm. long, usually 3-flowered but often only 1 or 2; invo- lueral bracts closely imbricated, greenish, only slightly puberulent.—Hillsides and ridges in the foothills and on the plains; Colorado and Wyoming. 26. Artemisia cana Pursh, Fl. 2: 521. 1814. Shrubby, densely white- canescent; stem much-branched, 3-7 dm. high: leaves linear, linear-oblong, or narrowly lanceolate, sessile, acute at both ends, 3-5 cm. long, 3-6 mm. wide, usually quite entire, rarely with 2 or 3 acute teeth or lobes: heads numerous, about 3 mm. broad, glomerate or sometimes solitary in the axils of the leaves, or crowded into a naked thyrsus at the summit, 5-9-flowered; involucre ob- long, canescent, the inner bracts oblong or lanceolate, obtuse, usually with 1-3 shorter outer ones.—Plains and mountain valleys; throughout our range and to the northwest. . 26a. Artemisia cana viscidula Osterh. l.c. The herbage tending to become glabrate and obscurely viscidulous. (A. viscidula Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 157. 1906.)—Colorado and Wyoming. COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 571 86. PETASITES L. Burrersur. Sweet Co.itsroor Perennial herbs, with thickish and creeping rootstocks sending up scapi- form simple flowering stems and ample radical leaves on strong petioles, cottony-tomentose or glabrate. Flowers whitish or purplish. . Involucre a series of soft herbaceous bracts. Heads subdioecious, racemosely or corym- bosely disposed. Achenes narrow, 5~10-costate, with elongating soft and white pappus. 1. Petasites sagittata Gray, Bot. Cal. 1: 407. 1880. Leaves deltoid-oblong to reniform-hastate, acute to rounded-obtuse, repand-dentate, very white- tomentose beneath, when full grown 1.5-2 dm. long: heads short-racemose becoming corymbose.—Wet ground; in the mountains of Colorado and north- ward; across the continent in northern latitudes. 87. HAPLOESTHES Gray Herbs with opposite leaves. Heads radiate; flowers all fertile. Invo- lucre short-campanulate, of 4-5 similar, rather fleshy, orbicular or broadly oval bracts, the outer strongly overlapping the inner. Ligules of the rather few and short ray-flowers oval. Achenes linear, terete, striate-costate, gla- brous. Pappus a single series of rather rigid and scabrous whitish bristles. 1. Haploesthes Greggii Gray, Pl. Fendl. 109. 1859. Somewhat fleshy, herbaceous or suffrutescent, 3-6 dm. high, fastigiately branched, glabrous, leafy up to the loose cymes of a few slender-pedunculate naked heads: leaves all opposite, very narrowly linear or filiform, entire; the lower connate at base: heade 4-6 mm. high: flowers yellow: ligules 2-4 mm. long.—Saline soil; southeast Colorado to western Texas. 88. ARNICA L. Perennial herbs with erect stems, mostly opposite leaves, and comparatively large heads of yellow flowers. Heads many-flowered, coneprouauele radiate, or the raysrarely wanting. Involucre campanulate, of several thin-herbaceous oblong-lanceolate to linear equal bracts in a single or somewhat double series. Receptacle flat, sometimes fimbrillate or villous. Corollas of the disk-flowers with a commonly elongated hirsute tube and funnelform or cylindraceous 5-lobed limb. Achenes linear, more or less 5-10-costate or angled. Pappus a single series of numerous rather rigid capillary bristles, scabrous to barbel- late, or subplumose. Heads radiate, : . i . Radical or rhizome leaves in fascicles, long-petioled, and with broad ‘_ and more or less cordate blade. Stem leaves evidently cordate, at least the lower. Heads mostly: solitary,and long-pedunculate . Heads corymbose or paniculate i Stem leaves suborbicular to ovate-lanceolate. * Plants tall, 4-8 dm. high, with large thin subsessile leaves . 8, A. ventorum, Plants rarely 3 dm. high, Leaves glabrate; heads one or more, usually several, the in- volucres turbinate 2; . ‘ 5 ; . a Leaves sparsely but evidently pubescent; heads one or more but usually solitary, the involucres hemispherical . . 5, A, pumila, No cordate leaves. ne ats Fascicles of oblong or obovate radical or rhizome leaves present, Involucre turbinate-campanulate, nearly glabrous. Stem leaves large, broadly ovate or elliptic, thin . - . 8, A. ventorum, Stem leaves small, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute or acumi- . cordifolia, . paniculata, Ne >> 4, A. gracilis. . gracilis, . subplumosa oP p> nate. * . e . . Involucre broadly hemispherical, hirsute . : : y Fascicles of radical or rhizome leaves usually wanting, if present lanceolate or oblanceolate. ; Stems leafy throughout. Not growing in tufts, the pants mostly single, COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) an Pei wo Heads large, solitary, or often 3, rarely 5, stout-peduncled. ‘ f Leaf-blades not decurrent . ae : a . 6. A. subplumosa. Leaf-blades decurrent on the petioles . —. a . 7, A. mollis, Heads smaller, few to several, on rather short, slender : pedicels, often crowded. i Leaves merely grayish, or densely villous or tomentulose. me ; Leaves broadly oblong to lanceolate . 7 . . 8 A, rhizomata, Leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate . . : . 9. A. foliosa. Leaves grayish-green with a fine pubescence and often granular-glandular 4 a ‘ i ; . 10, A. celsa, Growing in clumps or broad caespitose mats, » Leaves long (7-15 em.), often tapering to a slender acu-. . ire | ba mination |. See : . : : . » 11. A. longifolia. | Leaves shorter (3-7 .cm.), oblong-lanceolate, : Dobie g Rays orange; achenes sparsely hispidulous . e - 12.’A.arcana, | Rays lemon-yellow; achenes white silky-villous . . 13..A. Rydbergii. Stems more or less naked-pedunculate upward. Leaves lanceolate to linear. Heads large, long-pedunculate, usually solitary but often 3-5; involucral bracts green 14, . . 1 é A, fulgens. Heads smaller, mostly 5 on short~clustered slender pedun- : i i 15. A, stricta, A cles; involucral bracts purple-tipped . , : % Lower stem leaves broad, very obtuse, decurrent on the : petiole . ic ie a a an? oe rs < . _7. A. mollis, Heads eradiate. . a ‘ - . et me a . . 16. A. Parryi. Se 8 - 1. Arnica cordifolia Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 331. 1834. Stems. 3-6 dm. high, from creeping rootstocks; herbage pubescent, the stems and peduncles commonly hirsute or villous: lower leaves long-petioled, deeply cordate to ovate, obtuse, dentate; upper leaves small, sessile: heads either solitary and terminating the simple stem or several and long-peduncled in a loose cyme; involucre about 15 mm. high: rays about 2.5-3 em. long: achenes somewhat hirsute.—In the mountains; Colorado to Montana and west to the Sierras. 2. Arnica paniculata A. Nels. Stems rather stout, 4-7 dm. high, granular- puberulent and sparsely ciliate-hirsute: leaves softly and sparsely hirsute; the radical long-petioled, triangular-lanceolate, mostly with cordate base, the blade 6-10 cm. long; stem leaves, 374, pairs, ovate-lanceolate; the lower on petioles longer than the blades, smaller and shorter petioled (or sessile) up- ward: inflorescence an open foliar-bracted panicle of several to. many: rather large heads, glandular-pubescent on the peduncles and the: linear-lanceolate involucral bracts:.pappus obscurely scabro-plumose: achenes dark, with short, sparse pubescence.—Mountains of southern Wyoming... 2 a 8. Arnica ventorum Greene, Pitt. 4: 173. 1900. Stems 2-4 dm. high,: slender, with thin and delicate glabrous foliage:. radical’ leaves orbicular to cordate-ovate, 5-8 cm. long, on petioles as long; the cauline ovate or oblong- ovate, mostly in 2 pairs only, sessile; all repand-denticulate, delicately cilic- late, otherwise glabrous: heads 1-3, long-peduncled; involucres narrow and somewhat turbinate, of about 10 thin and green elliptic-lanceolate, acuminate, ciliolate, and slightly glandular-puberulent bracts: rays rather few, deep yel-. low, 7-nerved, 3-dentate, the middle tooth notably larger ‘than the other two: achenes glandular-scabrellous; pappus fine, white. ‘A. latifolia in part. [A. platyphylla A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 31: 407. 1901; A. grandifolia Greene, 1. c. 172 (?)./-Subalpine; Colorado to Montana and northwestward. 4. Arnica gracilis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 297. 1897. Stem slender, 1-2 dm. high; whole plant glabrous, except a little glandular puberulence on the pedicels and involucre: basal leaves broadly ovate, petioled, ‘dentate, 3-ribbed; stem leaves about 2 pairs, similar, the upper sessile: heads 1-3; disk 10-15 mm. high; bracts 12-15, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate: rays about 15 mm. long: achene almost glabrous. A. latifolia in part.—In the mountains of our range. . ys saa 7 5. Arnica pumila Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 432. 1900. .Stem low, generally 1-2 dm., seldom 3 dm. high, more or less hirsute, and the upper pertion somewhat woolly and glandular: leaves comparatively firm, ovate, the basal ones petioled; stem leaves 1-2 pairs, very short-petioled or sessile; all puberulent: head turbinate or campanulate, about 2 em. high; bracts oblong- lanceolate, acute, puberulent and slightly villous at the base: achenes slightly COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE ' FAMILY) 573 tapering upward, puberulent, [A. parvifolia Greene, Pl. Baker. 3:'28. 1901; A. coloradensis Rydb. 1. ¢.:32: 131 (?)./-In the mountains of our range. 6. Arnica subplumosé Greene, Pitt, 3: 104.'1896. Stems erect, 4-8 dm. high, the internodes long, often’ 10-15 cm., exceedirig the leaves or rarely ‘shorter; pubescence: of two kinds, a short, dense, glandular puberulence and some scattering white crisped hairs: leaves 3-5 pairs, dénticulate; thé lowest oblong-oblanceolate, 6-10 cm. ‘Iong, on slender petiolés ‘often’ as long; the upper pairs sessile by a broad”base, ovate to oblong, 3-12''cm.' long: heads 1-3, mostly ‘single and long-peduncled, large; disk 15-20 mm. high, 20-30 mm. broad; rays 10-15, 20-30 min.‘long) 6-8 mm. broad; involucral bracts 14+20; lanceolate, acute; shorter than the disk: achenes striate, nearly linear, obscurely short-hispid,' about '5 mm. long, équiiling the sordid, subplumose pappus. A. chamissonis, largely, as to our range.’ (A. chamissonis longino- dosa A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 199. 1900; A. rivularis Greene, I. c. 4: 163: 1900.) —Boggy stream banks in the mountains of our range and northwestward. © 6a. Arnica subplumosa sylvatica (Greene) A. Nels.. Smaller throughout, clammy’ ‘glandular-pubescent, the internodes shorter than the leaves. (A. eulraticn Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 27.1901.) —Wet places’ in pine’ and ‘spruce woods. l gt bts eo idly ASB it ie 6b. Arnica subplumosa macillenta (Greene) A. Nels. As tall as the species but less stout, thinner leaved, and less ‘glandular, thé pappiis’ scarcely less lumiose. (A. macillenta Greene, ‘Pitt. 4: 161. '1900.)—Stream banks’ at lower stations. : be a page oe ae "7" Arnica mollis Hook:'l. ¢. ‘Softly villous, puberulent, dr nearly glabrous, 2-4 dm. high: lower leaves ‘broadly ovate or oblanceolate, obtuse, mostly 5-nerved, abruptly tapering into a short, margined petiole, moré or less den- tate: heads rather larger; the involucral bracts broadly oblong ‘or narrower, acute or obtuse, somewhat villous: rays‘light yellow: achenes lightly pubés- cent or glabrate. A. chamissonis in part, hut mostly A. latifolia as to our range. (A. latifolia Gray, Bot. Cal. 1: 415. 1885; A. tomentulosa'Rydb- le. 28: 20. 1901.)—-Northern Wyoming and Montana to the Pacific States. ' 8. Arnica rhizomata A. Nels. I. ¢, 31:'409., June, 1901. Conspicuously rhizomatous, the’ creeping rootstocks 'sheathing-bracteate ‘at the nodes, giv- ing rise at intervals to the erect leafy stems and a few fleshy roots; pubescence whitish, soft, almost arachnoid, minutely granular-glutinous underneath the pubescence on the inflorescence; stéms 2-5 dm. high: leaves 5-7 pairs, rather uniformly distributed, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse to’ acute; the’ lowest pair with short. ‘scarious-margined petioles, early deciduous; the next 1 or 2 pairs 6-9 cm. long, about 2 em. broad, on short, margined petioles which dilate at base to form the short sheaths; the upper pairs’ sessile, shorter: heads 3-5, 10-12.mm., high, or Sometimes more numerous aiid then smaller; pedun- ‘eles mostly short, erect, the lateral often exceeding ‘the terminal: 'involucre campanulate, the bracts much shorter ‘than the disk, ‘narrowly oblong, ‘ob- tusish: corolla long-pubescent onthe tube, sometimes'a few’ straggling hairs on the lobes: achenes linear, almost glabrous: Pappus fulvous or dirty-white. -[A. lanulosa Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 26.’ Nov., 1901.j}—In the mountains of our range. Sat ee ee ee sgcneh cag it a wee 9. Arnica foliosa Nutt.* Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 407. 1841. Stems from slender ‘horizontal rootstotks, slender, 3-4 dm. high, erect, leafy, more or less finely granular-glandular and pubescent: leaves 6-10 pairs, ascending or erect, broadly to narrowly lanceolate, entire, subacute or obtuse, snialler upward, all ‘but the uppermost much exceeding the short internodes; petioles slender, dilated at the base'and connate, thé pair forming a sheath which in the lowest leaves is 2-3'cm: long, the’ shéath ‘and petioles gradually shorter upward to about, the middle ote stem where both become wholly absent: heads 1-several; if more than 3, mostly somewhat racemose; terminal head te ¢ i Maga ae ged * A. exigua A. Nels. Bot. Gaz. 30: 202. 1900, may or may not be distinct from this., It is dwarf, branched, and. polycephalous, and with the pubescence of A. rhizomata.—Shores of Yellowstone Lake. ~ oe ‘ ae pee 574 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) largest; disk 10-12 mm. high, exceeding the oblong, obtusish bracts, about 15 mm. broad; rays about 1 cm. long; lateral heads somewhat reduced; pedicels variable, rather slender, very lightly woolly-pubescent: achenes nearly gla- brous, lightly striate, about equaling the soft pappus. (A. ocreata A. Nels. I. c. 30: 201, from which this description is drawn.)—On moist bottom lands at middle altitudes; Colorado to Montana and westward. 10. Arnica celsa A. Nels. 1. ce. 31: 408. Stems from horizontal rootstocks, erect, tall, 4-6 dm. high, lightly striate, sparsely pubescent with flat spread- ing hairs, upwardly becoming also obscurely glandular-viscid: leaves (exclu- sive of the foliar bracts) 6-8 pairs, puberulent and sprinkled with microscopic, shining resin particles, narrowly oblong or oblanceolate, tapering to both ends, many of them 3-nerved; the lower small, 2-3 cm. long, equaled by the slender petioles which abruptly dilate into the equally long sheaths; middle stem leaves longest (8-10 cm.), sessile or with short petioles and sheaths; lower internodes short, much exceeded by the leaves, gradually longer up- wards and above much exceeding the leaves: heads 3-5, on rather slender leafy-bracted peduncles; involucral bracts uniserial, oblong, shorter than the 12-15 mm. high disk: rays 12-20, 10-14 mm. long: tube of disk-corollas slender and pubescent below: achenes subglabrous, nearly linear.—Rich, moist soils of stream banks; Wyoming and Colorado. 11. Arnica longifolia Eat. in Wats. Bot. King’s Exp. 186. 1871. Minutely scabrous-puberulent; stems 3-6 dm. high, many from a scaly caudex: leaves in 5-6 pairs, elongated-lanceolate, acuminate, 15-20 mm. broad, entire or denticulate; the upper pairs sessile and slightly connate-amplexicaul; the lower with sheathing connate petioles; the very lowest reduced to sheathing scales: heads few-many, not large; involucral bracts lanceolate, acute: achenes minutely glandular but not hispid. (A. polycephala A. Nels. 1. c. 30° 202.)— In dense clumps among the rocks; infrequent; Colorado to Montana aad far westward. 12. Arnica arcana A. Nels. 1. c. 37: 276. 1904. Tufted or caespitose in rock crevices, about 3 dm. high, minutely granular-glandular: leaves dark green, denticulate; root leaves oblong-oblanceolate, 2-4 cm. long, on slender petioles longer than the blade; lower stem leaves small, broadly oblong, sub- acute at apex, abruptly narrowed at base to short-margined connate-sheathing perigee: middle stem leaves lanceolate, sessile or nearly so, 3-5 cm. long: eads usually 3, on subequal peduncles 5-10 cm. long; rarely 1 or 2 smaller ones; involucre turbinate-campanulate, about 1 cm. high, the bracts in 2 series; the outer broadly linear, short-acuminate, minutely glandular; the inner narrower, subscarlous: rays orange-yellow, obscurely 3-toothed: disk-corollas with narrow, minutely pubescent tube as long as the gradually dilated throat: achenes linear, dark, sparsely hispidulous.—Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. 13. Arnica Rydbergii Greene, Pitt. 4: 37. 1899. Generally 2-4 dm. high, striate, sparingly hirsute, usually with 3 or 4 pairs of stem leaves, and 3 heads: basal leaves ovate-lanceolate with a winged petiole, sinuately dentate, acute; stem leaves similar, sessile, with a broad, clasping, sometimes slightly dilated base: heads decidedly turbinate, 12-15 mm. high; the bracts rather few, 8-16, lanceolate, sparingly hirsute and puberulent: achenes silky-pubescent. (A. caespitosa A. Nels. |. c.; A. tenuis Rydb. |. c.; A. aurantiaca Greene, Torreya 1: 42. 1901.)—On dry mountain slopes; Colorado to Montana and Washington. 14, Arnica fulgens Pursh, Fl. 2: 527. 1814. Pubescent, hirsute, or at summit villous; stems 2-4 dm. high, strict, simple, usually monocephalous: leaves thickish, narrowly oblong to lanceolate or the radical oblong-spatulate and small, uppermost linear, entire or denticulate, 3-nerved; base of the cauline barely or not at all connate: heads conspicuously radiate, solitary or very few, mostly long-peduncled: achenes hirsute-pubescent, rarely glabrate. A. alpina. (A. pedunculata Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 24: 297. 1897; A. monocephala Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 435. 1900.)—Colorado to Mon- tana and far northwestward. an 15. Arnica stricta A. Nels. 1. c. 31: 407. Very erect, 2-3 dm. high, tomen- tose-pubescent throughout: leaves about 5 pairs, the lower 2 or 3 pairs petioled, COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 575 exceeding the internodes; the upper and smaller pairs sessile and distant, giv- ing the upper half of the stem a naked-scapose appearance: inflorescence of about 5 heads in a close corymb; terminal head much the largest, 10-12 mm. high and about as broad; involucral bracts in 2 series, narrowly oblong, ob- tusish, the tip tinged with purple and tomentose-ciliate: rays few, short, broad: tube of disk-corollas pubescent, the glabrous throat scarcely dilated: achenes very minutely pubescent: pappus dirty-white, minutely seabrous.—Southern Wyoming (Saratoga) and Colorado (Sapinero). ak 16. Arnica Parryi A. Gray, Am. Nat. 8: 213. 1874. Stems 2-5 dm. high, slender, simple, somewhat hirsutely pubescent and above glaridular: leaves commonly denticulate; radical oval to ovate-oblong, 3-8 em. long, abruptly or cuneately contracted at base into a short-margined petiole; the cauline re- mote, narrower: involucre hirsute and glandular, 10-14 mm. high; heads ray- less, occasionally some outermost corollas ampliate: achenes glabrous or with a few sparse hairs. [A. eradiata (Gray) Heller.|—Throughout our mountains and westward. 89. TETRADYMIA DC. Low rigid shrubs of arid districts. Herbage clothed with dense and matted or floccose wool which is deciduous in some species. Leaves alternate, entire, solitary or fascicled, the primary ones often modified into spines. : Involucre cylindric to oblong, composed of 4-6 firm, concave, overlapping bracts which are often enlarged and thickened at base. Heads discoid, 4—9-flowered. Re- ceptacle flat, small. Corollas yellow; lobes spreading, longer than the short- campanulate throat, much shorter than the elongated tube. Anthers exserted, sagittate at base, the tips triangular-lanceolate. Style-branches flat, obtuse. Achenes terete, faintly 5-nerved. Pappus of fine and soft scabrous capillary bristles, white or whitish. Involucres 4-flowered; pappus very copious; achenes either villous or gla- rate. Wholly unarmed shrubs. a Leaves permanently woolly-canescent 1. T. inermis. Leaves small, fascicled, green 2. T. glabrata, Spinescent from the axils beets z : se i . 3. T. Nuttallii. Involucres 5-9-flowered; pappus less copious; achenes white-tomentose 4. T, spinosa. 1. Tetradymia inermis Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 415. 1841. Wholly unarmed, the shrubby base tufted, much-branched, spreading-assurgent; the herbaceous annual stems numerous, somewhat fascicled, simple or branched, erect, 8-15 cm. long, permanently canescent with a dense, appressed: tomen- tum: leaves numerous but not fascicled, narrowly oblong with tapering ends, acute at apex, nearly sessile, like the stems permanently canescent, 15-25 mm. long, midrib usually evident, the pair of lateral nerves obscure: flowers in very compact’ terminal clusters of 10-20 heads with bract-like leaves intermingled: heads 12-14 mm. high, 4-bracted and 4-flowered: pappus copious; achenes villous. (7. multicauhs A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 482. 1899; 7. linearis Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 130. 1905.)—Throughout our range and scarcely distinguishable from 7. canescens DC., which is confined mostly to the Pacific States. 2. Tetradymia glabrata Gray, Pacif.R.R.Rep.11: 122. pl. 5. 1855. Shrub 3-10 dm. high with slender spreading branches, whitened with loose at length deciduous tomentum: leaves at length naked and green, primary ones slender- subulate, cuspidate, on young shoots appressed, 12 mm. long; those of the fascicles in their axils spatulate-linear, fleshy, pointless: heads mostly short- pedunculate; involucre often glabrate: achenes villous.—Scarcely in our range, but reaching Utah from the west. 3. Tetradymia Nuttallii T.& G.F1.2: 447. 1841. Shrubby, much-branched, woolly when young, canescent: primary leaves mostly converted into subulate spines; the others densely fascicled in their axils, thickish, linear-spatulate, obtuse, the tomentum somewhat deciduous: heads fascicled and in corymbose 576 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) clusters, on very short peduneles; scales of the involucre 4-5. —Wyoming to Idaho and Utah. 4. Tetradymia ‘spinosa H, &A. Bot. Beech. 360: 1840. A rigidly branched shrub 6-12 dm. high; stems densely: white-tomentose: primary leaves modi- fied into rigid spines which may be either straight or recurved, 1-4 em. long, tomentose or glabrate; secondary fascicled leaves commonly present, small, linear-clavate, glabrous or early glabrate: heads on stout pe uncles’ arising from the leaf-axils; involucre about 8 mm. high, usually 6 or 7-flowered; bracts 5 or 6, the outer ones oblong, the inner ones broadly oblong to nearly orbicular, all obtuse: achenes with soft white wool nearly equaling the rigid Devos rete Dern areas; from Wyoming eke Colorado to California and Oregon. “ By 90. SENECIO i, Herbs or woody, plants with alternate leaves and with heads in terminal cymes or rarely solitary. Heads many-flowered, radiate or discoid; flowers in our species yellow. Involucre cylindrical to campanulate, of several or numerous connivent-erect herbaceous equal bracts, mostly with 1 or 2 rows of outer erect bracteoles at base, which are elongated and exceed the proper involucre in a few: species. Receptacle flat, naked: Anthers mostly-rounded at base. Style-branches truncate. Achenes terete. Pappus of abundant white and soft bristles. : deeds lanes, 15-25 mm. high, usually more or less nodding. ayless, Heads 15-20 mm, long . A > s é 6 . - 1. 8. Bigelovii, Heads 8-12 mm. long . ‘ S ‘ . < : - 28S. cernuus, Rays present. Stem leaves clasping . . 938. S. amplectens, Stem leaves usually short-petioled, “not clasping. Leaves tapering gradually to the petiole, Plant glabrous . . e « “ é 4. 8. Holmii. . S. taraxacoides, . &. Soldanella, ‘ Plant arachnoid-tomentose _ | S , . . Leaves tapering abruptly into the petiole 2 Heads smaller, less than 15 mm. high, not noticeably seni Biennials or perennials. Leaves not at all pinnate or pinnatifid. < See often numerously and always nearly equably leafy to the top. Leaves not linear, ' Leaves obovate to elliptic, entire to repand-dentate, Oo obtuse. Peduncles very short 7 < . Ss. carthamoides. Peduncles distinctly su: assing the leaves < ‘i . S. Fremontii, : Leaves triangular to lance-linear, ‘acute. betee e Some or all of the leaves triangular or lance-cordate * . Ss. éciangulasis, _ None of the leaves triangular or lance-cordate. a Stems 5-12 dm. high; leaves sessile, serrate . - 10. S. serra, Stems 4 dm. or less high; leaves petioled. ¢ © ON. Rays present . . ee . ‘ » 11, S. crassulus. =. Rays wanting | . * a 7 * . 12, 8. rapifolius, Leaves linear . 40. S. spartioides. ' pes ea few-leaved or with the upper leaves: reduced in Tall (7-15 dm. ). bog-plant with glaucous, fleshy leaves . 13. 8, hydrophilus, ’’ Lower, 6 dm. or less d Stems more or less esta ' Leaves glabrous or alsueous (at least in age). . Leaves sharply dentate, ; Rays wanting . : a . a a . 12, S. rapifolius, a Rays present . ;: < . 11. 8S. crassulus, "ge Leaves entire or callous-denticulate. : eae Leaves not glaucous _ . 3 si . 16, S. integerrimus, Leaves glaucous or glaucescent. ? Involucral bracts Bak snpet ei é . 14. S. glaucescens, Involucral bracts not black-tipped ‘ 15. S. anacletus, Leaves and stems at first woolly-pubescent or floccose, but often early glabrate. Loosely woolly-pubescent, becoming glabrate, Leaves SEES involucral bracts not black- si6) ane tippe: ..8. integerrim: Tieaves dentate’ or r denticulate; involucral bract a y ' black-tipp COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) Teeth of leaves callous-tipped . % . 1458 Teeth of leaves not calloused 2 fi . 17.8 Permanently tomentose or hoary. Stems tall'¢4 dm. or more); leaves denticulate or dentate. Stems leafy to the summit . : : . 18.8 Stems subnaked above ss A ‘ « 49, Be Stems lower (less than 4 dm.); at least the lower leaves entire . 20. §. Stems scapose, the -leaves mostly rosulate on the crowns, Leaves elliptic to pace ep tencenlanes meals entire, Leaves linear-spatulate s @ . 21.8 Leaves elliptic ; 22. 8 Leaves reniform, orbicular or “obovate, toothed at least at the apex ‘ : 5 . 2.8 Leaves, or some of them pinnate or pinnatifid. Leaves more or less reduced upward, Stem and leaves more or less floccose, tardily glabrate. Basal leaves entire, white-tomentose .- 20. 8 Bees) eaves at least some of them, toothed’ or pinnati- Basal leaves only dentate or crenate, ' Plants more or less tufted . i a . 24.3 Plants usually solitary (not tufted) i 25. 8 Basal leaves, or some of them, more or less pinnatifid. At least some of the tomentum persisting. Some of the basal leaves simple and serrate or, if pinnate, the terminal lobe much the larg- est. oe a ae A : . 26. 8. All of the basal leaves pinnately toothed . . 25. 8, All of the tomentum wanting at maturity . (27. 8. Stems and leaves glabrous, or slightly floceose when young only. Rays present. eads several to many, Leaves fleshy-thickened. Basal leaves tapering gradually to the petiole, variously toothed 28. 8. Basal leaves abruptly contracted into the petiole, ae of them deeply toothed or pinnately: lobe Upper leaves sessile by an enlarged base 29. 8. Upper leaves not dilated at paee 7 5 ., 30. 8. Leaves thin . ‘ a 7 « 2. Be Heads solitary (rarely two). . . 818. Basal leaves cordate, oval, or obovate. Pad | Basal leaves larger than the others. . 32.8. Basal leaves small and soon deciduous . . 383.8, Basal leaves obovate to oblanceolate, never cor- te. Stem leaves closely pinnatifid 34. S. Stem leaves with few short Dried pinnae 35. 8. Rays wanting ‘ . 386.58. Leaves equable in size ‘and distribution. Leaves pinnately or bipinnately toothed . < . 37.8. Leaves with few to many linear-filiform lobes, od Plants more or less permanently tomentose : . 38,8. Plants glabrous or soon glabrate. < uy . Most of the leaves pinnately divided | » . 89.8. ‘Most of the leaves linear-entire ox a ok . 40.8. Annual, often a weed. . ee = i eo ow . 41.58. 1. Senecio Bigelovii Gray, Pacif. R. R. Rep. 4: 111. 1857. 577 .,glaucescens, . perplexus. . atratus, altus. . canus- . werneriaefolius, . perennans. . petrocallis. . canus, . Nelsonii, . Fondleri.. lattensis, ‘endleri. uintahensis, . Rydbergii. crocatus, Oe -eymbalarioides, uintahensis. | , subnudus. . 5 pscudaureus. ngipetiolatus, . Balsamitae. mutabilis, discoideus. Santas filifolius. Riddellii. spartioides, vulgaris. Robust, 4-8 dm. high, leafy nearly to the racemiform or simply paniculate inflorescence, at length glabrate: leaves elongated-oblong to lanceolate, denticulate or dentate, acute or acuminate; the radical and lower cauline i-2 dm. long,‘abrupt at base and naked-petioled, or tapering into a winged petiole or partly clasping base; the upper cauline lanceolate with partly clasping base: heads rayless, nodding, in small plants few or solitary. S. contristatus Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 24. 1901; S. chloranthus Greene, Pitt. 4: 118. 1900.—In the mouiniaine: of southern Colorado, and in adjacent New Mexico and Arizona. la. Senecio Bigelovii Hallii Gray, Proc. Phila. Acad. 67. 1863. ieeawees almost all lanceolate, more or less woolly-pubescent, hairs articulated; cau- line leaves all sessile or the lowest contracted into a winged petiole: heads 578 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) few-several, rarely solitary. (S. scopulina Greene, |. ¢. 117. )—In the moun- tains of Colorado and southern Wyoming. 2. Senecio cernuus Gray, Am. Journ. Sci. 33: 239. 1862. ‘Quite glabrous, 4-8 dm. high: leaves lanceolate or the larger oblong-lanceolate, entire, den- ticulate, rarely with a few scattered coarser teeth, all tapering at base into a barely margined petiole, or the upper into a narrowed not clasping base: heads several or numerous in the panicle, most of them decidedly nodding: flowers pale yellow. (S. pudicus Greene, l. c. 118; S. accedens Greene, Erythea 3: 105. 1895, probably.)—In the mountains of Colorado and New Mexico. 3. Senecio amplectens Gray, 1. c. 240. Lightly floccose-woolly at first, soon glabrate, 2-3 dm. high, few-several-leaved, terminated by 1 or 2 ‘long- pedunculate nodding heads: leaves denticulate to conspicuously and sharply dentate; the radical obovate to spatulate, tapering into a winged petiole; the cauline as large or larger, oblong or narrower, half-clasping or more, the upper by a broad base: involucre dark-pubescent, 15-20 mm. high, of linear bracts and a few loose calyculate ones: rays linear, 2 cm. or more long, acute ‘or acutely 2-3-toothed at tip.—Alpine and subalpine region; mountains of Colorado. 4. Senecio Holmii Greene, Pitt. 4: 120. 1900. Commonly 1-2 dm. high, the stoutish stems mostly several from a branching rootstock, leafy at base only, the pedunculiform stem with only 1 or 2 reduced leaves; herbage ap- pearing glabrous, minutely hirtellous at base of involucre, on the peduncles, and occasionally the leaf-margins: leaves ovate to obovate and oblong. lanceolate, callous-dentate or denticulate, 5-10 cm. long, on petioles nearly as long: heads 1-5, large and nodding: rays 20 mm. long or more, 5—7-nerved. (S. pagosanus Heller, Muhl. 1: 7. 1900; S. lactucinus Greene, 1. ¢. 121. 1900, not S. lactucinus Greene, Erythea 3: 223. 1893. 1. c.)—In the alpine regions of Colorado. 5. Senecio taraxacoides (Gray) Greene, 1. c. 119. Dwarf, the leafy and usually monocephalous stem only 5-8 cm. high, erect from an erect rather stout and fleshy rootstock; herbage, the involucre excepted, permanently arachnoid-tomentulose: leaves 3-5 cm. long, more or less runcinate-pinnatifid, the whole leaf-margin commonly revolute: head only horizontally nodding: involucre dark green, glabrous except for a few white arachnoid hairs: rays 10-14 mm. long, light yellow, 4-nerved.—Alpine in the Colorado mountains. 6. Senecio Soldanella Gray, Proc. Acad. Phila. 67.. 1863. Apparently glabrous from the first, 8-14 cm. high, somewhat succulent: leaves mostly radical and long-petioled, round-reniform to spatulate-obovate, denticulate or entire; the cauline 1, or 2, or none: head solitary, erect, 18-25 mm. high; involucral bracts lanceolate and a very few calyculate ones: rays 6-10, oblong, 7-10 mm. long.—High alpine, in the mountains of Colorado. 7. Senecio carthamoides Greene, |. c. 122. Stems tufted, decumbent, and becoming leafless below, the whole plant 1-3 dm. high: leaves variously’ obo- vate and obovate-oblong, commonly 4-5 em. long or more, sessile by a broad somewhat hastate and clasping base, the margin coarsely and doubly dentate, the teeth callous-tipped: heads 10- 14 mm. high, erect, subcampanulate, either very short-peduncled or subsessile and scarcely exceeding the subtending foliage, few-many: rays short, not as long as the diameter of the head: achenes short, canescent with a minute - strigillose pubescence. S. Fremontii. (S. blitoides Greene and S. invenustus Greene, l. c. 123 & 124.)—Among the rocks in alpine stations; Colorado. 8. Senecio Fremontii T. & G. Fl. 2: 445. 1842. Very near the preceding, smaller, the stems persistently leafy to the base: leaves smaller, relatively broader, often oval to orbicular: heads on longer peduncles distinctly sur- passing "the foliage. (S. Fremontti occidentalis Gray in part, not S. occiden- talis Greene, |. c., which is a plant of, Nevada and California; S. occidentalis rotundatus Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 438. 1900. )—High mountains: northwest Wyoming and in Idaho and Montana.. 9. Senecio triangularis Hook. Fl. Bot. Am. 1: 332. 1834. Rather stout, glabrate; stem simple, 6-15 dm. high, bearing several or somewhat numerous heads in a corymbiform open cyme: leaves all more or less petioled and COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 579 thickly dentate, deltoid-lanceolate or the lower triangular-hastate or deltoid- cordate and the uppermost lanceolate with cuneate base: heads about 12 mm. high; involucre campanulate, mostly 25-30-flowered, the oblong-linear’ rays 6-12. (S..saliens Rydb. Bull. Torr: Bot. Club 24: 298. 1897; S: trigonophyllus Greene, Pitt. :3: 106. 1896.)—Wet places in the’ mountains of our range and westward to the coast States. round :10: Senecio serra Hook. 1. c. 333. Strict, 7-12 fae high, very leafy, com- monly branching'at summit, and bearing numerous corymbosely paniculate smaller heads: ‘Iéaves 8-14 em, long, all‘ lanceolate and tapering to both ends, sessile by a'narrow base, or the lowest short-petioled, usually with the whole margin thickly serrate or serrulate with very acute salient teeth: in- volucre oblong-campanulate, 20-30-fldwered: rays’ 5-8,' oblong-linear. (8S. andinus Nutt..Trans. Am. Phil. Soe.:7: 409. 1841; 8: ! serra “integriusculus Gray, Syn.'Fl..1:-387. 1886.)—Along streams, middle elevations and upward; Northern: Wyoming, northward and westward. Lope 9 ‘10a. Senecio serra admirabilis (Greene) A. Nels. Not constantly gees from the species, usually of more vigorous ‘growth and with fewer and larger heads but these often 40 or more. (S. admirabilis Greene, Erythea 3: ‘23. : 1895.)—In the mountains of Colorado and southern Wyoming. a 11.' Senecio crassulus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad! 19:'54. 1883. Stems 2-4 dm. high, glabrous, 5~7-leaved, bearing 3-8 pedunculate rather large and thick heads: leaves oblong-lanceolate, ‘apiculate-acute, 5-21 em. long; the radical and lowest cauline spatulate or obovate-oblong, narrowed into a short-winged peels the upper sessile by partly clasping or decurrent base: involucre 40-50- owered, of 12 fleshy-thickened but thin-edged bracts, the base also thick- ened, the whole: becoming conical and many-angled, in fruit: rays about 8. (S. semiamplevicaulis Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 440.1900; S. lapathi- jolius Greene, PI! Baker. 3: 25. 1901.)—In the mountains of our range: 12. Senecio ‘rapifolius Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 409. 1841. Stem, rather low, only 2-4 dm. high: leaves ovate or oblong, very sharply and ‘un-' equally dentate throughout, somewhat fleshy; the radical tapering ‘into’ a petiole; the cauline. clasping by a broad subeordate base: heads numerous, _eymose-paniculate, only 5-6 mm. high, always rayless, about 15-flowered —_ Middle elevations on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains. 13. Senecio hydrophilus Nutt. |..c. Very glabrous and smooth, éall, strict’ and simple-stemmed, with a cluster of coarse fibrous roots, 5-15 dm. high: leaves fleshy-coriaceous, all entire or barely denticulate, most} ‘lanceo- late; the radical oblanceolate and stout-petioled, ‘sometimes 3 dm. long; the upper cauline sessile or partly clasping: heads numerous in a branching cyme; bracts 8-12: disk-flowers 15-30: rays 3-6 and small, or none. (S. hydrophi- loides Rydb.' 1. c. 441.)—In wet or partially flooded ‘grounds; throughout our range and northward:and westward. 14. Senecio glaucescens Rydb. l.'c. The short caudex with a cluster of fibrous roots, glabrous or at first slightly hairy; stem 2-7 dm. high, striate, shining, often tinged with red: basal leaves and lower stem leaves 5-10: cm. long, spatulate or oblanceolate or even oval, callous,’ dentate or very rarely subentire, acute or obtuse, with a distinct winged petiole, rather thick and often somewhat glaucous; upper stem leaves reduced, lanceolate and sessile: cyme corymbiform; Heads about 1 cm. high; bracts’ linear-lanceclate, acute, with conspicuous black tips: rays about 8 mm. long: achenes oblong-cylindrie, glabrous. (S. exaltatus' Nutt. l.’c. as to our range; 8. Flintii Rydb: Bull: ‘Torr. Bot. Club 33: 157. 1906.)—Colorado and Utah to Montara and Idaho. ~~ 15. Senecio anacletus Greene, Pitt.4: 307: 1901. Stem 3~6 dm: high, tay a short rootstock or caudex: leaves thickish and firm; the radical obovate » to:oblong, obscurely veiny, mostly acute, numerously denticulate, 5-15 cm.’ long, tapering into: shorter wing-margined petioles; the cauline sessile, few ° and oblong-lanceolate, or commonly only 1 or 2 small and bract-like ones sub-'! tending the rather few-headed branches of the cyme! heads 10-12 mm. high; | involucral bracts linear: rays 6-10, conspicuous. (8. microdontus Heller, Bull’ Torr. Bot. Club 24: 497. 1897. )—Southern Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, ‘ 580 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 16. Senecio integerrimus Nutt. Gen. 2: 165. 1818. Stem simple, strict, 3-5 dm. high: leaves somewhat fleshy, wholly glabrous and entire; the lower oblong-lanceolate or elongated-oblong; the upper becoming gradually much reduced and linear-lanceolate: heads few, mostly in a simple corymb or in a subumbellate cyme, medium size with rather conspicuous rays; bracts of the involucre narrow.—This species seems to occur in just the form originally characterized, and when thus limited it is a plant of the plains region adjacent to the “Great Bend ” of the Missouri, hence scarcely in our range. , 17. Senecio perplexus A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 271. 1900. Root- stock short, with numerous semifleshy roots; the single stem erect, rather stout, 2.5-5 dm. high, loosely arachnoid or floccose-woolly when young as are also the leaves, becoming glabrate but ‘usually some of the woolly hairs per- sisting even at maturity, rather leafy below: leaves entire or denticulate,: often crisped on. the margin; the lower leaves oblanceolate or broader or tapering uniformly to both ends, mostly obtuse, 5-10 cm. long, the margined petiole, usually shorter than the blade; the middle leaves mostly sessile and narrower; the uppermost small and bract-like: heads several (8-15), in a cymose corymb, 10-12 mm. high, the central peduncles very short, the lower or outermost elongating and often overtopping the others; the rays conspic- uous, few (5-10); the involucral bracts linear, black-tipped, about 7 mm. long: achenes brownish, finely striate, glabrous, linear, equaling or longer than the fine'soft pappus. .S. lugens of the Manual and of Gray’s Syn. F1., in large part. (S. columbianus Rydb. in Fl. Col., not S. columbianus Greene, of which S. atriapiculatus Rydb. is a synonym.)—Exceedingly common at middle ele- vations in our range. 17a. Senecio perplexus dispar A. Nels. Merely one of the many forms of this variable species, characterized by its somewhat greater size, the somewhat longer and slender petioles, and the striking inequality in the length of the rays of the subumbellate cyme. (S. dispar A. Nels. l. c. 272; S. Hookeri Rydb. in Fi. Col., not of Gray.)—Same range as species. 18. Senecio atratus Greene, Pitt. 3: 105. 1896. Stems several or many, tufted, decumbent at base, stoutish, 3-6 dm. high, leafy up to the dense compound corymbiform cyme of smal] heads; herbage finely tomentose even in maturity: radical leaves 1.5-2.5 dm. long, oblanceolate, acutish, dentate or denticulate, those of the stem smaller and gradually diminished in size toward the inflorescence: bracts of the narrow involucre only 8 or 10, firm, oblong, obtuse, either wholly black. or the iriner ones with blackened mid- vein and tip: rays few or none; 'disk-corollas salmon-color: achenes greenish, glabrous; pappus firm, persistent. S.lugens foliosus in part. (S. milleflorus Greene, Pitt. 4: 116. 1900.)—In the mountains of Colorado. 19. Senecio altus Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 443. 1900. Stems 6-10 dm. high, striate, sparingly woolly when young, leafy below: basal leaves 2-3 dm. long, rather firm, oblanceolate, tapering into a winged petiole, sin- uately dentate, more or less woolly when young; lower stem leaves similar, smaller, short-petioled or subsessile, the upper much reduced, bract-like, linear-lanceolate,, distant: heads in a contracted corymbiform cyme, about: 1 em. high; bracts linear, rather thick, brownish and tipped with black: rays about 8 mm. long: achenes hispidulous, especially on the angles, short. S. lugens foliosus in part.—Wet meadows at middle altitudes; Wyoming, Mon- tana, and Idaho. 20. Senecio canus Hook. Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 333. pl. 116. 1834. Perennial, densely and wires white-tomentose to the inflorescence; stems slender, usually tufted, 1-3 dm. high: basal and lower leaves spatulate or oval, entire, or rarely somewhat repand, very obtuse, 3-5 cm. long, narrowed into petioles; upper leaves oblong or spatulate, obtuse or acute, mostly sessile, smaller, en- tire or dentate: heads several or numerous, 10-14 mm. broad, usually slender- eduncled; involucre campanulate, or at first short-cylindric; the bracts linear-: anceolate, acute, sparingly tomentose or glabrate, usually with no exterior smaller ones: rays 8-12: achenes glabrous, at least below. (8S. Harbourii Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 33: 158. 1906; S. Howellii Greene, Bull. Torr, COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 581 Be Club 8: 98. 1881.)—Dry hills; Colorado to Montana and far northwest- ward, 1 20a. Senecio canus Purshianus (Nutt.) A. Nels. Usually: lower, more densely tufted, and the leaves largely linear. (S. Purshianus Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 412. 1841.)—Dry slopes and ravines; Colorado to Montana and Oregon. : 21. Senecio werneriaefolius Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 19: 54. 1883. Woolly and canescent, tardily glabrate: leaves thick and coriaceous, tapering into a " petiole, crowded on the multicipital caudex, quite entire, erect or ascending, spatulate-linear (5-8 cm. long, including the petiole-like base) to elongated- oblong and short-petioled, the margins sometimes revolute: scape about 1 dm. high, rather stout, bearing 2-8 heads,’ which are 8-10 mm. high: rays 10-12, oblong, 3-4 mm. long, rarely few or wanting.—Alpine; mountains of Colorado. 22, Senecio perennans A. Nels. |. ¢." Caespitose in habit or surculose- spreading, forming large mats; stems simple, 1-2 dm. high: leaves. crowded on the crowns of the caudex and at the base of the scapose stems, of 2 forms; the larger narrowly elliptic to oblong, 2-4 em. long, obtuse or acute or more rarely: 3-toothed, tapering into a petiole.as long as the blade or longer, nearly glabrous at flowering; the smaller leaves tomentose, interspersed bract- like among the larger ones; bract-like leaves of the scape small, linear from a broad tomentose base: heads 3-8, or rarely only 1 or 2, cymose-corymbose, the terminal one overtopped by most of the others, 9-12 mm. high: rays 5-9, oblong-elliptic, 5-7 mm. long: achenes glabrous.—Moist places on cafion ‘sides; Wyoming and Colorado, at middle elevations. te . 23. Senecio petrocallis Greene, Pitt. 4: 116. 1900. Glabrous or early gla- brate: leaves orbicular-obovate or oval (7-14 mm. long) to cuneate-oblong, entire or 3—7-crenate-toothed at the broad summit, abruptly petioled: scapes 3-10 mm. high, bearing solitary or several clustered heads, which are 8-10 mm. high: rays 6-10, golden-yellow, 5-6 mm.long. S. petraews.—High alpine throughout our range. : 24. Senecio Nelsonii Rydb. 1. c. 26: 483. 1899. Many-stemmed from a densely tufted caudex whose numerous branches are reduced to short leafy crowns, green and becoming glabrate, the thin tomentum in part deciduous: leaves numerous, crowded on the crowns, and several on the stems, oblong, lanceolate, or oblanceolate, pinnately toothed to deeply lobed or sometimes divided nearly to the midrib; the segments obtuse or acute, often incisely toothed; stem leaves slightly. reduced upward: stems 2-4 dm. high, simple, terminating in a crowded corymbose cyme, the upper pedicels subumbellate: heads 7-10 mm. high; calyculate bracts. small, only 1:or 2: rays few (6-12), rather large: achenes brown, glabrous, distinctly striate, 2-3 mm. long. : (S. rosulatus Rydb. 1. c. 27: 188. 1900.)—Gravelly banks and’ slopes; Wyoming and Colorado. * : Mos 25. Senecio Fendleri Gray, Pl. Fend]. 108. 1848. Very canescent with floccose wool, the stem in part and the leaves on the upper surface becoming glabrate in age; stem solitary or few from the crown, erect, 2-5 dm. high: leaves rosulate on the crown and scattered on the stem, generally all of therh sinuate or péctinate-dentate, but the lower often barely sinuate: heads several, in corymbose cyme: rays 6-9, usually less than 1 em. long: achenes glabrous. [S. salicinus and S. canovirens Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. 27: 186 & 187. 1900; S. lanatifolius: Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 612. 1905 (?). The last has been edllected but once and the specimens look as if they: might be abnormal.|—Southern Colorado, New Mexico, and probably Arizona. | 26. Senecio plattensis Nutt. 1. c. Pérennial, more or less densely and persistently tomentose or woolly-canescent; stems rather stout, solitary, or sometimes tufted, 3-4 dm. high: basal leaves oval, ovate, or oblong, some or all of them more or less pinnatifid, with the terminal segment much larger than the lateral ones, crenulate or dentate, long-petioled: heads several: or numerous, compactly or loosely corymbose, conspicuously radiate.—In the eastern part of our range to the Missouri. . 27. Senecio uintahensis A. Nels. Perennial from a short caudex, which is 582 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMLLY) often: branched at summit, generally early glabrate throughout; stems few or many and tufted, 2-4 dm. high: leaves crowded on the crowns, rather remote on the stems, lyrately pinnatifid, the lobes either ‘obtusely or acutely ‘and irregularly toothed: heads few to many in a corymbose cyme, 8-10 mm. high; ealyculate bracts small, few or wanting: achenes glabrous. ..(S. Nelsonii uintahensis A. Nels. 1. c. 26: 484.) Closely allied to S. multilobatus T. & G. Pl. Fendl. 109. 1848, which is a winter annual or’ biennial, extending from southern Utah to Arizona and western Texas.— Western Colorado and eastern Utah to Wyoming and Idaho. . ” ae ‘ - 28.. Senecio Rydbergii A. Nels. Simple and glabrous perennial with'a very short caudex; stem 2+3 em. high: basal leaves oblanceolate, thick and some- what fleshy, with the petiole about as long as the blade, dentate or subentire; lower stem leaves spatulate, with a winged petiole, coarsely dentate; upper stem leaves sessile, with an auricled base, lobed with triangular or:triangular- ‘lanceolate lobes, acute: cyme corymbose and rather dense; heads about 8mm. ‘high; bracts about 15, acute, the lanceolate ones: few, lanceolate: achene striate, glabrous: rays 4-5 mm. long. | (8. fulgens Rydb. 1. ¢.. 177, not .S. fulgens Nichols.)—Throughout the mountains of northern Wyoming into Idaho and Montana. : te 8 ed A po 29. Senecio crocatus Rydb.1.c. 24: 299. 1897. A glabrous perennial:with a -short-erect rootstock; stem 1.5-3 dm. high: basal leaves 2-3 em. long, obovate or spatulate, crenate or subentire, with a winged petiole; lower stem leaves similar, but with broader winged petioles which are somewhat. auricled at the base, or else oblong without distinction between blade and petiole and then more auricled; upper stem leaves ovate or triangular, -with, very: large and large-toothed auricles: cyme small and compact with heads, which are 8-10 mm. high; bracts about 20, linear:'rays 7-8:mm. long, orange to pale yellow: -achenes striate, glabrous. iS. aureus croceus. (S. dimorphophyllus Greene, Pitt.:4: 109. 1900; S. heterodoxus Greene, acc. to Rydb. Fl. Col.)—Colorado -and Wyoming. ePoer AZ eae 30. Senecio cymbalarioides Nutt. Trans. Am.: Phil; Soc. 7: 412. 1841. Closely allied to the preceding, generally: lower but sometimes 4 dm. high: radical leaves thickish, obovate, cuneate-spatulate and oval, the petioles not wing-margined, and the upper leaves not auricled-clasping: corymb: of few. or numerous heads with rays varying from yellow to orange: achenes angled, glabrous. S. aureus borealis. (S. Jonesii, S. subcuneatus, S..acutidens Rydb. 1. e179 & 180, and S. codes Rydb. 1. c. 33: 158 seem to be impossiblé to dis- criminate satisfactorily.)—In the mountains of ourrange..» of’) es _31. Senecio subnudus DC. Prodr. 7: 428. 1837. Very glabrous throughout; stems often decumbent at base, simple, slender, 1-3 dm. high, nearlyi leafless above and usually bearing a single head: radical leaves obovate, slender- petioled, coarsely dentate; the cauline very few, sessile, oblong to linear, incised or somewhat pinnatifid: involucre open-campanulate, 8-10 mm. high; of linear- acute bracts: rays 8-12, elongated-oblong: achenes iglabrous,' striate... S. aureus subnudus. \ (S. solitarius Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot: Gard. 1: 444. 1900.)— In marshy grounds; from Wyoming and Montana to California and Oregon. ‘82. Senecio pseudaureus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club: 24:, 298. 1897. Perennial from a creeping rootstock; periectly glabrous except the: tips of the bracts; stem 5-8 dm. high: basal leaves broadly ovate; somewhat cordate at the base, serrate, 4-7 cm. long, long-petioled; stem leaves more or 'less laciniate at the base, the upper sessile: inflorescence corymbose, flat-topped, of 8 or more heads about 8 mm. high; bracts linear; rays orange, about 8:imm. long. S. aureus. (S. platylobus Rydb. |. ¢. 27: 181; S. Hartianus . Heller, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 622. 1899.)—Replacing the true S. aureus through- out our range. ' ane Lat ee 33. Senecio longipetiolatus Rydb. 1. c. 176. A tall, simple, ‘perfectly glabrous perennial, with a short, erect rootstock; stem strict, 3-6 dm. high, terete: basal leaves oblanceolate, 5-12 cm. long, with a slender ‘petiole, ser- rate to subentire; lower stem leaves similar; the upper reduced, lanceolate, sessile, sharply serrate or laciniate-dentate, often auricled’ at the base: ¢yme COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE , FAMILY) 583 dense, corymbiform; heads 8-9 mm. high; bracts about 20, linear, acute, the calyculate ones few, minute: rays dark orange, 4-7 mm. long, 3-4-nerved: achenes angled, glabrous. (S. pyrrhochrous Greene, Pl. Baker. 3: 24. 1901; S. Tracyi Rydb. 1. ¢. 33: 159.)—Wyoming and Colorado. _ 34. Senecio Balsamitae’Muhl. Willd. Sp. Pl. 1999. 1804. Light or yellowish- green slender perennial, in age glabrate or slightly floccose at the base of’ the leaves; stem 3-4 dm. high, striate, pale: basal leaves 3-8 cm. long, obovate or broadly oval, generally tapering into the petioles, but sometimes truncate at the base, obtuse, crenate or sinuate, light green; lower stem leaves oblanceolate in outline and petioled; the upper lanceolate or linear in outline and sessile} all deeply pinnatifid with narrow oblong or linear segments: cymes corymbiform; heads 7-8 mm. high; bracts linear, acute; calyculate ones few, linear, small and crisped: rays yellow, about 6 mm. long: achenes hispid-puberulent on the angles. .S. aureus Balsamitae. (S. flavulus Greene, Pitt. 4: 108. 1900; S. flavovirens and S. aurellus Rydb. l. c. 181 & 182.)—Across the continent; ours thought by some to be distinct; if so, the name S.'flavulus will stand. — , 85. Senécio mutabilis Greene, |. c. 113. Stems in a small dense tuft, erect or ascending, 1-3 dm. high; pubescence varied, from tomentulose or loosely floccose-hoary to almost or quite wanting: leaves obovate-spatulate to broadly linear or lanceolate, nearly entire or serrate to sinuately or pectinately or even somewhat lyrately pinnatifid, the apex often tridentate: heads few to many, 8-10'mm. high, the involucres. glabrous: rays mostly tridentate and 4-nerved, light yellow to nearly orange-color. S. aureus compactus. (S. com- pactus Rydb.,Mem, Torr. Bot. Club 5: 342. 1893, not S. compactus Kirk; S. ablanceolatus and S. tridenticulatus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27: 175 & 176. 1900; S. condensatus Rydb. FI. Col., not S. condensatus Greene, which is a Plant of the Blue Mountains, Washington.)—Wyoming to New Mexico and Utah. : i oe _ 36. Senecio discoideus (Hook.) Brit. Ill. Fl. 3: 479, 1898. . Perennial, glabrous except for small tufts of wool in the axils of the lower leaves; stem rather stout, 3-6 dm. tall: basal leaves oval to ovate, obtuse, thin, sharply dentate, abruptly narrowed into petioles longer than the blade; stem leaves few, small; more or less laciniate: heads few or several, slender-peduncled, corymbose; bracts of the involucre narrowly linear, 6-10 mm. long’ rays usually very short, or none. 8S. aureus discoideus. (S. fedifolius Rydb. 1. c. 183; S. nephrophyllus Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 446. 1900.)—Wet places in the valleys in our range; across the continent northward. 37. Senecio eremophilus. Rich. App. Frankl. Journ. 2: 31. 1823. Stems freely branching, leafy up to the inflorescence: leaves mostly oblong in outline, laciniately pinnatifid or pinnately parted, the lobes usually incised or acutely dentate: heads: numerous in corymbiform cymes, 8-10 mm. high,. short- peduncled; involucre campanulate or narrower, minutely bracteolate; proper bracts commonly. purple-tipped: rays 7-9, 4-6 mm. long: achenes either minutely papillose-cinereous or glabrous. (S. MacDougallii Heller, 1. c. 592.)— Extending southward through the Rocky Mountains (from British America) to New Mexico and Arizona. lS 38. Senecio filifolius Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 414.1841. More or less permanently tomentose; stems suffruticose at base, much-branched, the branches diffuse, very leafy to the summit: leaves pinnately 5-9-parted; the segments very narrowly linear, entire, obtusish, often. unequal, mostly with revolute margins: heads (rather large) corymbose, on short peduncles, calycu- late with.a few small subulate scales: rays about 7, linear, somewhat elongated: achenes strigose-canescent.—In valleys; from Colorado and Utah to. Arizona and Texas. ara ee a Be «ig me fh 39. Senecio Riddellii T. & G. Fl. 2: 444.1842. Glabrous throughout; stem terete; very leafy, corymbose at the summit: cauline leaves pinnately 5-9- parted; the segments narrowly linear, obtuse, entire, flat, somewhat dilated towards the apex (thickish and rather rigid): heads (large and showy) on short: peduncles, disposed in a compound corymb, calyculate with subulate bracts: rays about 12, linear, elongated: achenes minutely puberulent. (S. 584 COMPOSITAR (COMPOSITE FAMILY) multicapitatus Greenm. ex Rydb. 1. c. 33: 160.)—Nebraska and Colorado te Texas and Arizona.. 40. Senecio spartioides T. & G. 1. c. 438. . Glabrous throughout; stems suffruticose, 2-4 dm. high, very numerous from the same ligneous taproot, rigid, corymbose at the summit, leafy: leaves fleshy, narrowly linear, per- fectly entire or sparingly pinnately parted, rather obtuse, sessile: heads (large and showy) fastigiate-corymbose, on short minutely bracteolate peduncles: the calyculate bracts subulate, minute; bracts of the cylindrical involucre about 12, lanceolate-linear, acutish: rays mostly 7, oblong-linear, elongated: achenes silky-canescent. This and the two preceding were included in the eu under S. Douglasit, a Californian species—Wyoming to Arizona and exas. 41. Senecio vulgaris L. Sp. Pl. 867. 1753. An erect annual, 1-3 dm. or more high; herbage somewhat succulent, glabrous or with a little loose to- mentum: leaves sessile, auricled, pinnatifid, the lobes oblong and with irregu- larly dentate margin: heads in terminal cymose clusters; involucre 6 or 7 mm. high; principal bracts about 20, their tips black and often penicillate; small outer ere several, black: achenes slightly pubescent.—Uccasionally found in waste grounds; introduced from Europe; flowering the whole season through; commonly called GRouNDSEL. ; : 1 i 91. CARDUUS L. Tmsttz . Stout herbs, mostly biennial. Leaves mostly sessile or decurrent, and with sharply spinose lobes or teeth. Heads large, ovoid or subglobose; the pluri- serial and imbricated’ involucral bracts usually prickly tipped. Receptacle densely villous-setose. Flowers all alike, crimson, purple, or white, the seg- ments of the corolla long and linear-filiform. Achenes obovate or oblong, compressed, smooth, not striate. Pappus a single series of long and barbellate or plumose slender bristles united at’ base and deciduous in a ring, often clavellate-dilated at the naked tip.—Cnicus. ~ . te 2 a 4 Dioecious; heads small; perennial by spreading rootstocks: .. . 1. C. arvensis. Hermaphrodite; heads larger; biennials or rarely perennials, racts of the involucre (at least most of them) with notably di- ‘dated fringed tips.. ~ a ; ; Bracts conspicuously arachnoid-pubescent; foliage green and becoming glabrate . Bracts not arachnoid-pubescent or only slightly “so on the edges; foliage green above, more or less white-lanate be- 2. C. Parryi. neath .. 1. . eves aie +, +, «+ « 8 C. americanus, Bracts of the involucre (at least some of them) with spiny tips, Bracts not with a glandular dorsal ridge. Bracts conspicuously arachnoid-pubescent . * : - 4, C. Hookerianus, Bracts not arachnoid or only moderately so on the edges. Inner bracts innocuous, long-attenuate. More or less dilated, crisped, twisted, or laciniate . . 5. C. foliosus, ‘Usually not at all dilated, crisped or twisted. « Erect or only the tips or spines ‘squarrose, Stem simple, very strict (or wanting); heads soli- tary, few, glomerate . é , < » 6, C. Drummondii, Stem more or less branched; heads less crowded . 7%. C. bipinnatus. Bracts squarrose or the lower even reflexed . - 8. C. neo-mexicanus, Inner bracts also spine-tipped . is . . - 9. C, lanceolatus, Bracts with a glandular dorsal ridge. Flowers ochroleucous. Spine of involucral bracts short, flat, widely spreading . 10. C. Nelsonii. Spine of involucral bracts long, not flattened, mostly . erect , en 4 é F ‘i i . . 11. C, plattensis, Flowers rose or purple. i Leaves permanently tomentose on both sides, . Involucres usually less than 4 em, broad . = . =. :12. C, undulatus, Involucres usually 4-6 cm. broad. Spines half as long as the bracts . ‘ . . 13. C, megacephalus, Spines as long as the bracts . . ao . 14. C, ochrocentrus, Leaves becoming green and glabrate on the upper side . 15. C, filipendulus, 1. Carduus arvensis (L.) Robs. Brit. Fl. 163. 1777. Stems 3-8 dm. high, from ¢reeping perennial 'rootstocks, corymbosely branching, usually glabrate COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 585 and green: leaves lanceolate, pinnatifid and toothed, furnished with abundant weak prickles: heads loosely cymose, 2-3 em. high, dioecious; in staminate plants ovate-globular, with the flowers well exserted; the pistillate oblong- campanulate; the flowers less exserted; bracts of the involucre appressed, short, with very small, weak, prickly points.—A troublesome weed introduced from Europe; becoming too common in Canada and ourrange. - ‘ 2. Carduus Parryi (Gray) Greene, Proc. Am. Acad. Sci. Phila. 362. 1892. Green, lightly arachnoid and villous when young, 3-7 dm. high: leaves lanceo- late, sinuate-dentate, not decurrent, moderately prickly: heads several and spicately glomerate or more racemosely paniculate, more or less bractose- leafy at base; accessory and outer proper bracts or some of them pectinately fimbriate-ciliate down the sides; the innermost with more or less dilated or margined, mostly lacerate-fimbriate tips: corollas pale’ yellow, the lobes longer than the throat: pappus of fine, soft bristles, none of-them obviously clavellate. Cnicus Parryi. (C. viridiflorus Greene, in herb.)—Colorado and Utah to New Mexico and Arizona. ‘ / te is .3. Carduus americanus (Gray) Greene, ].c. Stems rather slender, 3-8 dm. high, -branching above, the branches bearing solitary or scattered naked heads: leaves white-tomentose beneath, lanceolate or broader, sinuately pin- natifid or some merely dentate, others pinnately parted, weakly prickly: heads erect, about 25 mm. high; principal bracts of the involucre naked-edged or merely fimbriate-ciliate below, and the dilated scarious apex as broad as long, fimbriate-lacerate, tipped with barely exserted cusp or mucro; innermost with lanceolate, nearly entire, scarious tips: flowers.ochroleucous: stronger pappue Brailes dilated-clavellate ‘at tip. (C. Centaureae Rydb. Bull. Torr. ot. Club 28:.507. 1901; C. erosus Rydb. 1. ¢.; C. griseus Rydb. 1. ¢.)— Mountains of our range and northwestward. ae ee 3a. Carduus americanus perplexans (Rydb.) A. Nels: Leaves oblanceolate to lanceolate, merely toothed, and with weak, yellowish prickles: flowers sometimes pink or purplish; the bracts slightly glandular on the back. C. perplezans Rydb. 1. ce. 32: 132. 1905.)—Wyoming and Colorado. | . 4. Carduus Hookerianus (Nutt.) Heller, Cat. N. A. Plants 7. 1898. Arachnoid white-woolly to’ glabrate, stout: leaves pinnatifid; the short lobes rather distant, sparsely prickly base little or not at all decurrent: heads few and sessile in a terminal cluster or scattered, 3-4 cm. high, somewhat bracteose- leafy at base; proper bracts tapering from a broadish base into a rather rigid, subulate, prickly point, also. somewhat viscidly long-woolly: corollas white or whitish: pappus-bristles not clavellate-tipped. (C. Osterhoutit Rydb. Ie. 32: 181..1905; C. Kelseyi Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1; 449. 1900.)—Moun- tains of our range and farther northward. fea 4a. Carduus Hookerianus eriocephalus (Gray) A. Nels. More arachnoid- pubescent on the involucre and the leaves usually greener and more glabrate. (Cnicus eriocephalus Gray; Carduus scopulorum Greene, 1. c.; C. Tweedyt Rydb. l. ¢.; C. araneosus Osterh. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 32: 612. 1905; C, Eatonii Gray, a form usually more glabrate on the involucre though often arachnoid- woolly on the herbage; C. canovirens Rydb.1.c. (2); C. pulcherrimus Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 28: 510. 1901.)—Same range as the species, beige 4b. Carduus Hookerianus hesperius (Eastw.) .A., Nels.. The anthers pubescent, not essentially different otherwise. (Cnicus hesperius Eastw. Proc. Cal, Acad. Sci. III. 1: 122.°1898.)—On Mt. Hesperus, Colorado, os _5., Carduus foliosus Hook, Fl. Bor, Am. 1: 303, 1833, Stems erect, strict, striate, 3-5 dm. high, somewhat woolly, leafy to. the cluster of few sessile heads: leaves commonly elongated, linear-lanceolate, laciniately dentate, with rather rigid prickles, arachnoid-tomentose’ beneath: heads broad, 4—5 em. high, leafy-bractzose; involucral bracts thin-coriaceous, some of the inner with more conspicuous, erose, scarious tips: corollas pale or white, with lobes equaling or longer than the throat. [C. scariosus (Nutt.) Heller, is merely the more tomentose form; C. coloradensis Rydb. 1. ce. 132.}—Colorado to Montana and Oregon. ; a ae eae 6. Carduus Drummondii (T. & G.) Coville, Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 4: 142. 586 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 1893. Stem simple, 4 dm. or less high, glabrous and leafy up to the heads, . which are terminally clustered: leaves oblong or oblanceolate, deeply sinuate- pinnatifid with spinulose lobes to nearly entire, somewhat arachnoid-woolly, especially beneath: involucre 3.5-4 cm. high; the bracts chartaceous, the inner with weak scarious tips which vary from entire and acute to obviously dilated ahd fimbriate, the outer gradually shorter and becoming ovate, the tips acute and short-spinose: corollas white, the lobes not longer than the throat: anthers very acuminate. (C. oreophilus, Rydb. 1. c. 28: 509. 1901.) —Mountain valleys of our range and far westward and northward. : : 6a. Carduus Drummondii acaulescens (Gray) Coville, 1.c. Includes the low forms of the species, in which the stem may be wholly wanting, and the usually smaller heads sessile in the rosette of radical leaves. In the same patch may often be found the normal form and all stages to the depressed rosette type. (C. americanus Rydb. and C. acaulescens Rydb. 1. c. 508.)— Mountain meadows; range of the species. i: 7. Carduus bipinnatus (Eastw.) Heller, Cat. N. A. Plants 5. 1900. Gla- brous except for some arachnoid tomentum; stems leafy, 3-7 dm. high, branch- ing: leaves with numerous linear-lanceolate divisions which are 2-6 cm. long, margin laciniate-dentate, spiny; radical leaves petiolate, 2-3 dm. long; the cau- line, sessile, 10-15 cm. long: heads at the ends of the leafy branches, almost sessile; involucre of appressed, imbricated bracts, in several ranks succes- sively shorter, the lower ones pointed with a weak prickle, the upper atten- uate to a scarious tip, puberulpat: flowers purple; corolla with throat about one third as long as the linear divisions: stamens surpassing the corolla: achenes glabrous, flattened; obovate-oblong. [C. pulchella and C. truncatus Greene (?); C. spathulatus Osterh. 1. c.}—In mountain parks; Colorado. 8. Carduus neo-mexicanus (Gray) Greene, 1. c. Stout, 5-10 dm. high; herbage and commonly squarrose involucre copiously white-woolly: leaves sinuate-dentate to pinnatifid, not very prickly: heads solitary, terminating the stem and branches, often 4-5 em. high and broad; principal bracts of the in- volucre with spinescent, rigid, reflexed tips, or the bracts in part reflexed: co- rolla white to pale purple. - (C. leucopsis Greene.) —Plains of Colorado and New Mexico to Utah and Arizona. 9. Carduus lanceolatus L. Sp. Pl. 821. 1753. Stems stout, 4-10 dm. high, much-branched, more or less villous-hirsute: leaves lanceolate, deeply pinnatifid with lanceolate lobes, rigidly prickly, upper face strigose-setulose; the base decurrent on the stem into interrupted prickly wings: héads obovoid, 3-5 cm. high, terminating the stems and branches; bracts of the’ involucre arachnoid-woolly, lanceolate and mostly attenuate into slender, ‘spreading spines: corollas rose-purple—Pastures and waste places throughout the northern United States; naturalized from Europe; Common THIstuz or often called Butt THISTLE. : : 10. Carduus NeJsonii Pammel, Proc. Towa Acad. Sci. 8: 22. 1901. A branching biennial, ‘4-10 dm. high, bearing numerous ochroleucous heads, which terminate the branches; stems prominently striate, white-woolly at first, becoming smoothish with age: radical leaves 1-3 dm. long, deeply pin natifid, the prominent lobes with yellow spines; lower surface densely tomen- tose; the upper woolly, becoming glabrate with age; stem leaves sessile and decurrent, with prominent spiny lobes: heads 3-4 em. high, or rarely larger} involucre somewhat turbinate, the bracts with a prominent: glutinous ridge tipped with a yellow spine; outer bracts ovate-lanceolate; inner long-acuminate and straw-colored, tips minutely serrated: corolla-tube twice as long as the lobes, noel clavate: anther-tips acute, bases sagittate;, filaments hairy: achene light brown throughout, with dark longitudinal striae; pappus of outer flowers merely barbellate,.inner plumose with strongly clavate tips. (C. Tracyt Rydb. |. ¢. 32: 133. 1905.)—Frequent on the plains of Wyoming; probably more widely distributed. : ‘ : 11. Carduus plattensis Rydb. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb. 3: 167. pl. 2. 1895. Perennial or biennial, the root thick and deep-set; stem stout, simple, or little branched, 4-7 dm. high, densely white-felted: leaves deeply pinnatifid, white. . COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY)’ 587 tomentose beneath, green, loosely tomentose, or glabrate above; the lower 12-17 em.’ long, the lobes lanceolate to oblong,’ acute, prickly tipped and margined: heads few, 4-5 em. high and’broad; outer bracts of the involucre lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, firm, dark, tipped with’ short, weak, spreading prickles; 'the inner linear-lanceolate, unarmed, tipped with scaribus; reflexéd,' erosé appendages; pappus of outer flowers merely barbellate-—Sandy: soil; Nebraska to Wyoming and Montana. ee ee ae ae 12. Carduus undulatus Nutt. Gen. 2: 130. 1818. Persistently white- tomentose, 3-10 dm. high: leaves lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, sessile or decurrent, or the lowest petioled,. undulate, lobed or pinnatifid; the lobes dentate, triangular, often very prickly: heads 3-4 cm. broad, nearly as high, solitary at the ends of the branches; principal bracts of the involucre mostly thickened on the back: by: the broad glandular-viscid ridge, comparatively, narrow, tipped with short, spreading prickles: corollas rose-color.or pale purple; to white; with lobes equaling or longer than their throats. (C. nebraskensis Brit. in Brit. & Brown Fl. 3: 487. 1898; C. floccosus. Rydb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 32: 133. 1905.)—Dry plains of our range and: extending both east- ward and westward north of our range. ‘ ; pei : 12a. Carduus undulatus canescens (Nutt.) Porter, Mem. Torr. Club 5: 346., 1894. Apparently a perennial form from rhizomes or thickened roots: heads mostly smaller, and the leaves varying from deeply pinnatifid to subentire.’ (Cirsium canescens Nutt.; Cnicus undulatus canescens Gray.)—Same ‘range as the species, but infrequent. 13, Carduus megacephalus (Gray) A. Nels. Stems low, 3-5 dm. high; simple or branched, the stem or branches each bearing one large pedunculate head 6-8 cm. high and broad: leaves rather broadly lanceolate, more or less deeply laciniate-toothed, each tooth tapering into the stout, yellowish spine: otherwise like C.“undulatus. ' (Cnicus undulatus megacephalus Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 10: 42. 1874.)—Nebraska and Wyoming to Kansas, New Mexico, andTexas. ===, aoe 14. Carduus ochrocentrus (Gray) Greene, 1. ec. Similar to Carduus un- dulatus, but. commonly taller and more leafy, often 2 m. high, equally white- tomentose: leaves oblong-lanceolate in outline, usually very deeply pinnatifid into triangular-lanceolate, serrate or entire segments, armed with numerous long yellow prickles; lower leaves often 15-30 em. long: heads about 5 cm. broad, 4-5'cm. high, solitary at the ends of the branches; outer bracts of the involucre lanceolate, tipped with stout yellow prickles of nearly or quite their own length; the inner narrowly lanceolate, long-acuminate: ‘lowers purple.— Dry plains; Nebraska to Nevada and Texas. Sashes ea, ie 15, Carduus filipendulus (Engelm.) Rydb. 1. c. 33: 157. 1906. Stem comparatively slender, 5-10 dm. high, somewhat angled and striate, more or less covered with.a cottony pubescence: leaves more or less floccose, but green above, densely white-tomentose beneath, deeply divided into linear- oblong or lanceolate acute lobés tipped with rather weak, yellowish spines: heads campanulate, or sometimes nearly cylindric; bracts imbricated,’ the: outer hock shorter, ovate, the inner lanceolate, all more or less floécose on’ the margins, especially when young, and with a narrow glandular, ridge, all but the innermost upiec with a weak, erect or slightly spreading spine: corolla rose, or reddish-purple: achenes striate; pappus plumose.’ (C’. Flod- manii Rydb. Mem. N. ‘Y. Bot. Gard. 451. 1900; C. oblanceolatus‘Rydb. Bull: Torr. Bot. Club 28:'510. 1901.)—Wyoming to‘Néw Mexico and eastward to the Missouri. a ae nck 92. CICHORIUM L. Cuicory , Erect Herbs, the leaves mostly near the base, those of the stiff branching stem reduced and ‘bract-like. Receptacle without bracts. Bracts of the ob- long involuere herbaceous; in 2 series; the outer’ somewhat spreading; the’ inner ere¢t, the lower part half infolding the marginal achenes. | Achenes 5-angled, truncate, beakless. Pappus of 1-3 series of short blunt scales.. 588 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 1. Cichorium tee Pes L. Sp. Pl. 813. 1753. Perennial from a long deep-set taproot; stems slightly hispid, stiff, branched, 3-9 dm. high: basal leaves spreading on the ground, runcinate-pinnatifid, spatulate in outline, 8-16 cm. long, narrowed into long petioles; upper leaves much smaller, lanceolate or oblong, lobed or entire, clasping or auricled at the base: heads numerous, 25-40 mm. broad, 1-4 together in sessile clusters on the nearly naked or bracted branches: flowers bright blue, rarely white.—Naturalized from Europe; rare in our range. 93. STEPHANOMERIA Nutt. Mostly smooth and glabrous, with branching or rarely virgate and often rigid or rush-like stems, small or merely scale-like leaves on the flowering branches, and usually paniculate heads of rose-colored or flesh-colored flowers. Heads 3-20-flowered. Involucre cylindraceous or oblong, of several appressed. and equal plane membranaceous bracts and some short calyculate ones, not rarely with 2 or 3 of intermediate length, thus becoming imbricate. Achenes 5-angled or ribbed, sometimes with intermediate ribs. Pappus a series of plumose bristles.—Ptiloria Raf. ‘ Perennials, ; ' ee Pappus plumose to the base; stems herbaceous, slender, erect . . 1. 8S. tenuifolia. Pappus plumose nearly to the base; stems woody at the base, shorter : and numerous. ‘ r < ‘ : . : . 2, 8. pauciflora, Annuals or’ biennials. : 7 : Pappus plumose to the base; leaves entire or sinuate . : . ,. 38. S. virgata. Pappus plumose above the middle only; lower leaves more or less pin- 7 natifid . 3 3 4, S. exigua. _ 1. Stephanomeria tenuifolia (Torr.) Hall, Comp. 8. Cal. 256. 1907. Stems herbaceous, from a perennial root, erect, with numerous ascending slender branches, the whole plant 1-5 dm. high; herbage pale, glabrous: leaves commonly erect, slender and almost grass-like, even the rameal mostly 2-5 em. long; the early lower ones more or less runcinate: heads terminal; in- volucre 8-10 mm. high, usually of 5 principal. bracts and 5-flowered: achenes striate; pappus-bristles 15-25, white or sordid, plumose throughout. S. minor. (Ptiloria ramosa Rydb. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 1: 453. 1900.)— Throughout our range, west to the Sierras, and north to the Canadian bound- ary. 2. Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) Nels. Similar to the preceding, usually lower, smaller in all of its parts, and somewhat woody at the base: the lower leaves at least more or less runcinate-pinnatifid: pappus plumose nearly to the base. S. runcinata in part. (Ptiloria paueilors Raf. Atl. Journ, 145. 1832.)—Sparingly if at all in our range; on the plains; from Nebraska to Texas. 3. Stephanomeria virgata Benth. Bot. Sulph. 32. 1844. Stems rigid, virgate or usually with virgate branches, sometimes widely and paniculately branched, 3-20 or even 40 dm. high; herbage usually glabrous: lower leaves oblong, or spatulate, often sinuate or pinnatifid; upper leaves linear, small and entire: heads subsessile along the naked branches, mostly 4—16-flowered; involucre 7 mm. high: ligules reddish-purple on the back, lighter on the upper surface, sometimes clear white: achenes subclavate or oblong, longitudinally ribbed, the intervening spaces more or less rugose and traversed by a deep narrow groove: pappus clear white, plumose almost throughout, fragile but the base commonly persistent.—Probably reaching our range from the west. 4, Stephanomeria exigua Nutt. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 7: 428. 1841. Plant 2-6 dm. high; stem with numerous ascending or spreading branches, glabrous below, often minutely glandular-pubescent above: lower leaves narrowly ob- Jong, remotely lobed, auriculate-clasping, the upper cauline small and bract- like: heads scattered or somewhat paniculate, numerous; involucre 6 or 7 mm. high, of about 5 principal bracts, mostly 5-flowered : ligules at: first rose-color, soon turning sordid-yellow, 5 mm. long: achenes linear-obtong, 5-angled, with a double row of tubercles between the angles; principal pappus-bristles 8-18, ~ ‘COMPOSITAL (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 589 plumose above, naked on the lower third.—In the desert areas of our range, and westward. 94. TRAGOPOGON L. Satsiry. Oyster PLant STG 5 BP oae ef a } __ Tall and erect. perennial herbs, with slender fleshy Laprecls, alternate grass- like flaczid leaves clasping at the base, and large heads of purple or yellow : flowers which are open only during the morning. Involucral ‘bracts in a single series, united at the very base. Rays-5-toothed at the truncate apex. Receptacle naked. Achenes muricate, 5-10-ribbed, long-beaked or the outer- most beakless. Pappus-bristles connate at the base, plumose ‘with inter- webbed branches. TF _ 1. Tragopogon porrifolius L. Sp. Pl. 789. 1753. Commonly 5-8 dm. high: Peel strongly clavate-thickened and fistulous for, 5-8 em. beneath, the ead, which becomes 7-8 em. high: flowers violet-purple, mostly surpassed by the involucre: outermost, achenes squamellate-muricate.—Sparingly in fields and near dwellings, as an escape from cultivation. T. pratensis L., very similar but with yellow flowers, the bracts not exceed- ing the ligules, has been reported also as an escape from cultivation within our range. 95. KRIGIA Schreb. Low herbs, with rather large heads of yellow flowers on slender naked poo or scapes. Ours belongs to the section Cynthia, in which the invo- ueral bracts are 9-18 and thin, and pappus of 10-15 oblong scales and 15-20 slender capillary bristles. Achenes short-columnar, many-ribbed, terete or somewhat angular, with broad truncate summit. e 1. Krigia virginica (L.).,A. Nels. .Caulescent, not tuberiferous, glaucous; stem 3-5 dm. high, 1-3-leaved, bearing one or two or few somewhat umbellate heads on moderately long peduncles: leaves oblong or oval, obtuse, entire repand and denticulate, or radical somewhat lyrately lobed; these contracted into winged petioles; the cauline partly clasping by a broad base. K. amplexi- caulis [Adopogon virginicum (L.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Pl. 304. 1891.}-—In the eastern border of our range'to the Atlantic States. 1 96. NOTHOCALAIS ‘Greene Perennials, with linear-attenuate undulate or crisped radiéal:leaves marked by white-tomentulose margins and monocephalous scapose peduncles. In- volucre oblong-campanulate; bracts in two series, narrowly lanceolate, mem- branacéous, with thinner somewhat hyaline margins, nearly equal, none calyculate. Receptacle flat, alveolate. Achenes fusiform, contracted or rostrate-attenuate at summit, 10-striate-ribbed. Pappus very white and soft, of 10-30 scabrous-margined, narrow, unequal scales, with or without some capillary bristles.—(Microseris. § Nothocalais Gray.) 1. Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad: 2: 55.’ 1886. Leaves linear, long-acuminate, thick, pubescent or glabrate, 1-2 dm. long, 4-10 mm. wide, somewhat conduplicate, the margins conspicuously white- tomentose and crisped, or entire: scape stout, tomentose, at least above, ‘shorter than or equaling the leaves: head 3-5 cm. broad; involucre usually quite glabrous, nearly 25 mm. high: achenes slightly contracted at the sum- mit, about 6 mm. long; pappus of 40-50 unequal scales and bristles, Troximon cuspidatum.—From Montana to Colorado and eastward to the Mississippi. 97. PTILOCALAIS Greene ‘Glabrous ‘perennials, with fusiform roots, stems mostly leafy at base. with laciniate foliage, and long-peduncled heads which are nodding in the bud. 590 COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) Involucre campanulate; bracts herbaceous, imbricated in several series, the inner long-acuminate, the outer successively shorter and acute.’ Receptacle flat or convex, foveolate or alveolate. Achenes linear or somewhat turbinate, 8-10-costate or -striate, truncate at summit, the basal callosity acute and not expanded; areola lateral: Pappus bright: white, soft and fragile, double, namely, of a single short external bristle, and 15-20 short truncate or emar- ginate scales terminating in a long gracefully recurving soft-plumose capillary bristle or awn.—Microseris. ee eee «1. Ptilocalais nutans (Geyer). Greene, Bull. Cal. Acad. 2: 54. 1886. ,Slen- der, 1-3. dm. high; fusiform. roots either fascicled. or solitary: leaves. entire and spatulate-obovate to pinnately parted into narrow linear lobes: heads. 8-20-flowered, slender-peduncled; involucre of 8-10 linear-lanceolate,. gradu- ally acuminate principal bracts: bristles of pappus several times longer than the oblong scale at the base. Microseris nutans——From British Columbia and Montana to southwestern Colorado and California. eG 98. MALACOTHRIX DC... _ |Leafy-stemmed or sometimes scapose herbs, with alternate or all radical leaves and long-peduncled panicled or solitary heads of yellow or white flowers that are usually nodding in the bud. Involucre many-flowered, the bracts either imbricated or only calyculate. Receptacle with or without deli- -eate capillary bristles among the flowers. Achenes not flattened, short-oblong or columnar, glabrous, terete and striately, 5-15-costate, or 4-5-angled by the prominence of the stronger ribs, slightly if at all narrowed either way, -with broad truncate apex having an entire or denticulate, border or sharp edge. Pappus a series of soft and scabrous, or near the base barbellulate bristles, which are deciduous more or less in connection, and commonly 1-8 outer and stouter ones which are more persistent and smoother. Wee The outer pappus of 2-8 persistent bristles . ‘ < a o°'y. 1. M, Torreyi, «' , The pappus a single series and all deciduous, ME Riese Ok Ge Cas ch Summit of achene bordered by 15 minute teeth . % ‘ e « 2,.M, sonchoides. . Summit of achene cupulate but entire. : . 3 s . 38. M. Fendleri: 1. Malacothrix Torreyi Gray, Proc. Am. Acad. 9: 213. 1874. Stems 1/3 dm. high, from an annual root, branching from the base: lower leaves oblong, rather short, pinnatifid with short and dentate lobes, teeth and lobes callous- mucronate: heads seldom less than 12 mm. high, broadish-campanulate, short- peduncled on thé leafy branches; bracts of the involucre lanceolate, acuminate: achenes linear-oblong, 5-angled:by as many salient often. almost wing-like ribs, a:much less prominent pair in each interval: outer pappus of 2-8. stout per- sistent. bristles, between the thickish bases of which ‘are minute teeth.— Southeastern Oregon to Nevada and Utah. —s_; haere ise ' 2, Malacothrix sonchoides (Nutt.) T. & G. FI. 2: 486.. 1843. .Stem freely branching, the branches ascending and sparsely leafy except near the base; herbage glabrous or early glabrate: leaves: oblong or the upper narrowly lanceolate, pinnatifid with short callous-toothed lobes: peduncles 3 cm. or less long: involucre about 8 mm. high; the bracts linear-acuminate: ligules bright yellow, a full em. long: achenes 15-striate, 5 of the ribs stronger than the others, rendering the achene somewhat 5-angled, crowned with a 15-denticulate white border; permanent pappus-bristles none. (M. runcinata A. Nels. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 26: 485. ,1899.)—From Wyoming and Colorado to California. ' 3. Malacothrix Fendleri Gray, Pl. Wright. 2: 104. 1852. Low, ‘glabrate; stems from a slender root, few or several, diffuse: earliest leaves sparsely arachnoid; the radical runcinate-pinnatifid, the teeth and’ lobes ‘cuspidate- mucronate; the cauline few, linear, the uppermost entire: achenes cylindrical, equally 15-costate the summit bordéred by a cupulate crown, white within and with entire margin; all the pappus deciduous or rarely with 1 or 2 per- an sistent bristles.—New Mexico and westward. — er ae ‘ ae COMPOSITAE (COMPOSITE FAMILY) 591 | 99. LYGODESMIA Don Mostly smooth and glabrous, with usually rush-like rigid or tough stems, linear or scale-like leaves, and terminal or scattered heads which are always erect. Heads 3-12-flowered, erect, the flowers pink or rose-color. _Achenes terete, obscurely few-striate or angled, commonly linear or slender-fusiform. Pappus of copious and usually unequal capillary bristles, either soft or rigid- ulous, sordid-whitish to white. ‘ ; Erect perennials, . he a aah as None of the branchlets spine-like. Involucres 5-flowered, about 10 mm, high . z a See - J, L. juncea, TInvolucres 6-10-flowered, 15-25 mm, high . arcane Tug . . 2. L, grandiflora. :. Some of the branches spine-like os a - fac abs Say . 8. L. spinosa, Paniculately branched annual; leaves long and linear . ' . 4, L, rostrata, 1. Lygodesmia juncea Don. Edinb. Phil. Journ. 6: 311. 1829. Perennial by a thick woody root; stems stiff, much-branched, 1-4 dm. high, striate-angled, not spinescent: lower leaves lanceolate, rigid, entire, acute or acuminate, 1-4 em. long; the upper similar but smaller, or reduced to subulate scales: heads mostly 5-flowered, solitary at the ends of the branches; involucre about 10-12 mm. high, the bracts usually gland-tipped: achenes narrowly columnar or shortly. tapering to the summit; pappus light brown.—Dry plains; widely distributed west of the Missouri. 2. Lygodesmia grandiflora T. & G. Fl. 2: 485. 1842. Stems separate or few from the root, simple below, 1-3 dm. high; the larger plants leafy, corym- ‘bosely branched above, and bearing few or numerous short-pedunculate heads: leaves all entire, of firm and thickish texture, linear-attenuate, 5-10 cm. long, only the very uppermost reduced to scales: involucre fully 20-25 mm. long, 6-10-flowered: ligules of equal length, showy, rose-red.—Gravelly hills; Wyoming and Colorado to Utah. 5 8 T . Cruciferae . . * 24 133 94 3° 603 | 604 SUMMARY FaMiLy GENERA ———_SPecims__l vanrerrns! F Accepted | Synonyms 1 49. Capparidaceae. . . . . . 3 Z 3 50. Crassulaceae , 6 cal ee Ge 2 6 7 51. Saxifragaceae SY ee ten Be 8 38 28 1 52. Grossulariaceae . . . 1... 1 13 17 wl 53. Hydrangeaceae . . . 1... 3 6 = 54, Rosaceae . . . . . wes 29 94 79 3 55, Pomaceaee . . . . 2... 4 17 10 1 56. Drupacese . . 1. ve 1 6 2 57. Leguminosae , . . . . 18 201 117 9 58. Geraniaceae Be ee ee 2 9 9 59 Oxalidaceae . ...... 1 2 1 60. Linaceae . . . . 1. 1 6 2 61. Zygophyllaceae . . . . . 2 2 2 62, Rutacese: « « = & % w ¢ 2 2 3 ‘ 63. Polygalaceae . ...... 1 4 64, Euphorbiaceae . . .. . 4 20 4 1 65, Callitrichaceae . . ... 1 2 2% 66. Limnanthaceae . . . . . 1 1 - 67. Anacardiaceae . 2... . 1 3 3 68. Celastraceae ah Wey ee GE se 1 1 69. Aceraceae . . . 2... 1 3 3 hee 70. Rhamnaceae ..... . 2 5 3 71. Vitaceae ee 2 2 2 72, Malvaceae . . . 2... 6 14 6 e1 73. Hlatinaceae. . 2. 1 1 ee 1 1 ' 74, Frankeniaceae ede eg ae) S 1 1 75. Hypericaceae . . . .. .- . 1 1 1 76, Vilaeeae <4 4 Re HR SE 2 19 16 4 77. Loasaceae . 1. 1 1 ee 1 12 13 2 7S. Cactacese 2a a sw & we 4 23 4 79. Elaeagnacenze . . . 2. 2 es 2 3 80. Lythraceae 0 Tas jes Ciesla es 95 2 2 1 81, Onagraceae a a a oe oe oe 16 56 34 1 82, Haloragidaceae . . . . ws 2 3 83. Araliaceae . 1. 2. 2 ew 2 2 84, Umbelliferae . . .... 29 82 20 PU, 85. Cornaceae . 2. we ws 1 3 2 86. Pyrolaceae sf ¢ 2 @ ee 3 8 1 87. Monotropacese . . .. 6 © 3 s 1 QS. Ericaeene . 2 . & ee Es oe 8 6 it 89. Vacciniaceae . . . . . 2 1 5 5 90. Primulaceae . . 1 1 eee 9 22 14 r 91. Oleaceae ee ae ee eee ee 2 3 1 92, Gentianaceae . . . «2 se 7 22 19 5 93. Menyanthaceae ...... 1 1 : 94, Apocynaceae. . . . . . « + 2 4 3 1 95. Asclepiadaceae . . . . . . 3 15 3 2 96. Cuscutaceae 2 2 6 we se 1 12 1 " 97. Convolvulaceae 4 we 2% 3 10 om 98. Polemoniaceae |... .. 6 56 41 12 99. Hydrophyllaceae .” . . ‘ 7 22 8 1 100. Boraginaceae .. ‘ | 12 69 45 12 101. Verbenacese . . ...- 2 7 1 102. Labiatae . 2. 2 ee eee 16 28 10 108, Solanaceae =... eee JB. 25 8 104. Scrophulariaceae . . . 17 121 70 10 SUMMARY 605 Famity GENERA a OS VARIETIES Accepted | Synonyms 105. Pinguiculaceae . . . . . 1 2 , 106. Orobanéhaceae . . .... 2 4 1 107. Martyniaceae . . . . . 1 1 108. Plantaginaceae ...... 1 7 5 109. Rubiaceae . fee me foe as 2 10 2 1 110. Caprifoliaceae . . . . . 5 16 9 4 111, Adoxacese . . 2... 1 1 112. Cucurbitaceae ie Nie ERG abe 2 2 1 113. Campanulaceae,..,. . « A 2 6 2 114. Lobeliaceae a> Sty hap ear Fe 2 3 3 115. Valerianaceae . . . . 2... 1 4 10 2 116. Compositae 107 538 563 59 ToraLs 649 2733 1788 , 186 Total number of accepted species . . . 2 7. ww ee ee 2,733 Total number of species merely mentioned or believed to be synonyms . 1,788 Total number of names of species or varieties accounted for in some way ABBREVIATIONS OF AUTHORS’ NAMES. A. Br.—Braun, Alexander. Adans.—Adanson, Michel. A. DC.—De Candolle, Alphonse. Ait.—Aiton, William. ‘ All.—Alliono, Carlo. Anders.— Andersson, Nils Johan. Arn, —Arnott, George A. Walker. . Baill.—Baillon, Henri Ernest. Beauv.—Beauvois, A. M. F. J. Palisot de. Benth.—Bentham, George. B. & H,—Bentham, George, and Hooker, Joseph Dalton. B. Juss.—Jussieu, Bernard de. Bess.—Besser, Wilhelm S. J. G. von. Bigel.—Bigelow, Jacob. Boerh.—Boerhaave, Hermann. Boiss.—Boissier, Edmond. Br., A. Br.—Braun, Alexander. . Br., R. Br.—Brown, Robert. Brig.—Briquet, John. Brit.—Britton, Nathaniel Lord. Burgsd.—Burgsdorff, F. A. L. von. C. & R.—Coulter, J. M., and Rose, J. N. C. A, Mey.—Meyer, Carl Anton. Carr.—Carritre, Elie Abel. Cass.—Cassini, Henri. Cav.—Cavanilles, Antonio Jos¢. Cham.—Chamisso, Adalbert von. Chapm.—Chapman, Alvan Wentworth. Chois.—Choisy, Jacques-Denis. Ckll.—Cockerell, T. D. A. Coult.—Coulter, John Merle. DC.—De Candolle, Augustin P. Desf.—Desfontaines, Réné Louiche. Desv.—Desvaux, Augustin Nicaise. Dietr.—Dietrich, Albert. Dougl.—Douglas, David. Eat.—Eaton, Amos. Ehrh.—Ehrhart, Friedrich. Ell.—Elliott, Stephen. Endl.—Endlicher, Stephan Ladislaus. Engelm.—Engelmann, George. Esch.—Eschscholtz, Johann Friedrich. F. & M.—Fischer, F. E. L. von, and Meyer, C. A. Fisch.—Fischer, F. B. Ludwig von. Foug.—Fougeroux, Auguste Denis. Fourn.—Fournier, Eugéne.: Fresn.—Fresenius, J. B.G. W. «i. Gaerin.—-Gaertner, Joseph.’ :'' Gilib.—Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel. Gmel.—Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb. Gmel., J. G. Gmel. — Gmelin, Johann Georg. Good.—Goodenough, Samuel. Good, L. N.—Goodding, Leslie Newton. Grev.—Greville, Robert Kaye. Griseb.—Grisebach, Heinrich R.A, | Gronov.—Gronovius, Jan Fredrik. “H. & A.—Hooker, William Jackson; and Arnott, G. A. Walker. Hack.—Hackel, Eduard. Haussk.—Haussknecht, Carl. HBK.—Humboldt, F. Alexander von, Bonpland, Aimé, and Kunth, C. 8. Hitche.—Hitchcock, Albert Spear. Holz.—Holzinger, John M. Hook.—Hooker, William Jackson. Hornem.—Hornemann, Jens Wilken. Jacq.—Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph. Juss.—Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de. Juss., B. Juss.—Jussieu, Bernard de. Kize.—Kuntze, Otto. L.—Linnaeus, Carolus, or Linné, Carl von Lag.—Lagasca, Mariano. Lall.—Ave-Lallemant, J. L. E. Lam.—Lamarck, J. B. A. P. Monnet. Ledeb.—Ledebour, Carl F. von. Lehm.—Lehmann, J. G. C. Less.—Lessing, Christian Friedrich. L’Hér.—’ Héritier de Brutelle, C. L. Lindi.—Lindley, John. MacM .-——MacMillan, Conway. Mazim.—Maximowicz, Carl Johann. Medic.—Medicus, Friedrich Casimir. Meisn.—Meisner, Carl Friedrich. Merr.—Merrill, Elmer D. Mey.—Meyer, Ernst Heinrich.F. Mey., C. A. Mey.—Meyer, Carl Anton. Michx.—Michauz, Ancré. Mill.—Miller, Philip. Mogq.—Moquin-Tandon, Alfred. 606 ’ ABBREVIATIONS OF AUTHORS’ NAMES Muell. Arg,—Mueller, Jean (of Aargau). Muench.—Muenchhausen, Otto Freiherr von. Muhl.—Muhlenberg, G. H. E. Murr.—Murray, Johann Andreas. Ni eck. —Necker, Noel Joseph de. ‘Ne ges. .—Nees von Esenbeck, Christian Gott- : fried. Nels., A. Nels.—Nelson, Aven. Nels., E. Nels.—Nelson, Elias. Nutt.—Nuttall, Thomas. ‘Ort.— Ortega, C. G. Osterh.—Osterhout, Geo. E. ‘Pall,—Pallas, Peter Simon. ‘Parl.—Parlatore, Filippo. P..,Br.—Browne, Patrick. Pers.—Persoon, Christian Hendrik. Planch.—Planchon, Jules Emile. Potr.—Poiret, Jean Louis Marie. R.i & S.—Roemer, J. J., and Schultes, August. Raf.—Rafinesque-Schmaltz, C.S. R. Br.—Brown, Robert. Reichenb.— Reichenbach, H. G. L. Aetz.—Retzius, Anders Johan, Richards, —Richardson, John. Roem. —Roemer, M. J. Rottb.—Rottboell, Christen Fries. ‘Rupp.—Ruppius, Heinrich Bernhard. Rupr.—Ruprecht, Franz J. Rydb.—Rydberg, Per Axel. Salisb.—Salisbury, Richard Anthony. , 607 Sarg.—Sargent, Charles Sprague. Sch. Bip.—Schultz, Karl Heinrich (dis- tinguished as Bipontinus, ¢. e. of Zwei- brucken). Schwein.—Schweinitz, Lewis David de. Scop.—Scopoli, Johann Anton. Scribn.—Lamson-Scribner, Frank. Ser.—Seringe, Nicolas Charles. Sheld.—Sheldon, Edmund P. Sm., J.G. Sm.—Smith, Jared Gage. Spreng.—Sprengel, Kurt. ‘ Sternb.—Sternberg, Caspar. : Steud.—Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb. . St. Hil.—st. Hilaire, Auguste de. Sudw.—Sudworth, Geo. B. Sw.—Swartz, Olaf.’ T. & G.—Torrey, John, and Gray, Asa. Thunb.—Thunberg, Carl Pehr. Thurb.—Thurber, George. Torr.—Torrey, John. Tourn.—Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de. Trel._—Trelease, William. Trev.—Treviranus, Christian Ludolf. Trin.—Trinius, Karl Bernhard. Turcz.—Turezaninow, Nicolaus. Underw.—Underwood, Lucien Marcus Vent.—Ventenat, Itienne Pierre. Vill__Villars, Dominique. Walp.—wWalpers, Wilhelm Gerhard. Wats.—Watson, Sereno. Willd.—Willdenow, Carl Ludwig. * Wormsk.—W ormskiold, M. von, LIST OF NEW NAMES AND COMBINATIONS * [References are to pages.] + Glyceria borealis (Nash) 'A. Nels. .. Luzula intermedia (Thuill.) A. Nels. Spiranthes stricta (Rydb.) A. Nels... Quercus Gambellii Fendleri (Liebm.) A. Nels. i Eriogonum umbellatum intectum A. Nels. . . . . Corispermum imbricatum A. Nels. : a Kochia vestita (Wats.) A. Nels.» Atriplex pabularis eremicola (Gaterhy) A A. Nels. Salsola pestifer A.'Nels. ; Suaeda erecta (Wats.) ‘A. Nels. Suaeda Moquinii (Torr.) AvNels.. . : , Z 3 . ‘ Allionia hirsuta aggregata (Ortega) A. ‘Nels. . : : , Ss Allionia pilosa decumbens (Nutt.) A. Nels. * : ‘ Allionia linearis Bodinii (Holz.) A. Nels. Lewisia minima A. Nels. Cerastium fuegianum (Hook.) A Nels Arenaria aequicaulis A. Nels. . Arenaria macrantha (Rydb.):A. Nels. Spergularia sparsiflora (Greene) A. Nels. . Aquilegia caerulea leptocera (Nutt.) A. Nels. Delphinium carolinianum Penhardii (Huth.) A. Nels. Clematis pseudoalpina (Kuntze) A. Nels. . Clematis pseudoalpina tenuiloba (Gray) A. Nels. Schoenocrambe linifolia pinnata (Greene) A. Nels. Strepanthus coloradensis A. Nels. : : Draba lapilutea A. Nels. Arabis aprica Osterh. . x . ‘ Arabis perelegans A. Nels. . r : Arabis caduca A. Nels. . ‘i 3 . é ‘ Erysimum aridum A. Nels. . 5 5 : Sedum integrifolium,(Raf.) A. Nels. ‘ 5 s ‘ . Mitella Parryi (Piper) A. Nels. . ‘ A ‘ - ‘ Tellima bulbifera (Rydb.) A. Nels... : is 3 Boykinia heucheriformis (Rydb.) A. Nels. . - 3 Saxifraga austrina A. Nels. . : . ‘ ‘ Saxifraga micropetala (Small) A. Nels. . : . . Physocarpus pubescens (Rydb.) A. Nels. . ¢ 3 Physocarpus Ramaleyi A. Nels. ; . 5 Physocarpus intermedius (Rydb.) A. Nels. Physocarpus monogynus (Torr.) A. Nels. Physocarpus malvaceus (Greene) A. Nels. Bossekia deliciosa (James) A. Nels. . Fragaria ovalis glauca (Wats.) A. Nels. Sieversia scapoidea A. Nels. . Amelanchier alnifolia pumila (Nutt. A. Nels. Lupinus Greenei A. Nels. . Trifolium gymnocarpon subcaulescens (Gray) A. - Nels Astragalus americanus (Hook.) A. Nels. . Astragalus hylophilus (Rydb.) A. Nels. Aragallus podocarpus (Gray) A. Nels. Petalostemon purpureus mollis (Rydb. ) A. Nels. 74 109 125 142 149 164 165 168 169 169 170 173 173 .° 174 179 184 185 186 187 191 193 198 198 209 211 222 228 228 229 230 233 236 237 238 240 240 248 248 248 248 248 250 252 263 266 274 279 288 291 ” 294 299 * Only a very few new species are proposed in this work. It has been found necessary, however, to make use of a very considerable number of new combinations and names The list, as given, is believed to contain the names not hitherto used, 608 LIST OF NEW NAMES AND COMBINATIONS Vicia americana oregana (Nutt.) A. Nels. . s 7 Vicia linearis caespitosa A. Nels. . 3 : : ‘ Euphorbia manca A. Nels. . Malvastrum dissectum Cockerellii A. Nels. a Viola atriplicifolia Thorii A. Nels. . : ‘ . Hybanthus verticillata (Ort.) A. Nels. . Mentzelia latifolia (Rydb.) A. Nels. Mentzelia multiflora densa (Greene) A. Nels. Mentzelia pumila multicaulis (Osterh.) A. Nels. Mamillaria neo-mexicana (Engelm.) A. Nels. Gaurella canescens (Torr.) A. Nels. Payllodoce glanduliflora intermedia (Hook.) A. Nels . Drosace A. Nels. . : Drosace carinata (Torr.) "A. Nels. . : ‘ ‘ Gentiana Parryi bracteosa (Greene) A, Nels. - Apocynum cannabinum lividum (Greene): A. Nels. Cuscuta Anthemi A. Nels. . é . 5 . Phlox puberula (E. Nels.) A. Nels. Rae : Gilia micrantha (Kell.) A. Nels. Polemonium pulcherrimum parvifolium (Nutt.) A. Nels. Polemonium mellitum speciosum (Rydb.) A. Nels. . Phacelia heterophylla alpina (Rydb.) A. Mele Nama angustifolia (Gray) A. Nels. . Lappula subdecumbens (Parry) A. Nels Lappula foliosa A. Nels. . ‘ ‘ - Cryptanthe flexuosa A. Nels... : 7 . é Oreocarya alata (Jones) A. Nels. . 3 : Mertensia ciliata polyphylla (Greene) A. Nels. . Mertensia ciliata punctata (Greene) A. Nels. . : Mertensia brevistyla obtusiloba (Rydb.) A. Nels. Mertensia papillosa fusiformis (Greene) A. Nels. Mertensia papillosa lineariloba (Rydb.) A. Nels. . Mertensia lanceolata brachyloba (Greene) A. Nels. Mertensia Bakeri amoena A. Nels... , Mertensia Bakeri lateriflora (Greene) A. Nels. Pentstemon secundiflorus caudatus (Heller) A. Nels: a © © ew ew Pentstemon procerus pseudoprocerus (Rydb.) A. Nels: pits Pentstemon brevifolius (Gray) A. Nels. Pentstemon sepalulus A. Nels... Synthyris wyomingensis ymnncatte 2 A. Nels. Castilleja Buffumii A. Nels. Castilleja dubia A. Nels. Sambucus glauca neo-mexicana (Wooton), A. Nels. . Sym phoricar pos occidentalis quercifolia A. Nels. Symphoricarpos ag are hilus utahensis (Rydb.) A. Nels. : Laurentia eximia A 7 Valeriana micrantha wyomingensis (E. Nels. ) A. Nels Valeriana acutiloba ovata (Rydb.) A. Nels. - Brickellia ambigens (Greene) A. Nels. a Liatris ligulistylis A. Nels. i - Chrysopsis foliosa amplifolia (Rydb.) A. Nels. Chrysopsis foliosa imbricata A. Nels. . Chrysothamnus graveolens glabrata (Gray) A. Nels. Sideranthus spinulosus glaberrimus (Rydb. ) A. Aer Macronema lineare canescens A. Nels. . Solidago camporum (Greene) A. Nels. . Townsendia exscapa Wilcoxiana ocd) A. Nels. Xylorhiza glabriuscula villosa (Nutt.) A. Nels. . Aster glaucus formosus A. Nels. . . és . 6 re i ey - 2 : ‘ Cr eee we 609 301 301 311 318 321 323 324 325 326 327 341 370 374 374 382 386 390 397 399 404 405 408 410 412 413 416 417 421 421 421 421 421 422 422 423 444 . 444 2 445 - 449 ~: ¥£50 459 460 ‘469° 470 aah 475 476. 476 486 488 493 493 496 499. 502,’ 507: 510 511 513 610 LIST OF NEW NAMES AND COMBINATIONS Aster culminis A. Nels. ‘ 5 - Aster adscendens armeriaefolius (Greene) A. Nels. . . 3 Erigeron Garrettii A. Nels. 3 x Erigeron ursinus gracilis (Rydb. ) ‘A. Nels. Erigeron trifidus discoideus A. Nels. . Erigeron divergens arenarius (Greene) A. Nels. . , Erigeron divergens nudiflorus (Bookie) A. ties . . Erigeron colo-mexicanus A. Nels. . 5 ° Erigeron lapiluteus A. Nels. . Wyomingia argentata (Gray) A. Nels. Wyomingia cana (Gray) A. Nels. . Wyomingia Tweedyana (Canby & Rose) A. Nels. Antennaria parvifolia bracteosa (Rydb.) A. Nels. Franseria tomentosa (Nutt.) A. Nels. ; Franseria Grayi A. Nels. . Balsamorrhiza macrophylla terebinthacea (Nutt. ) ‘A. Nels. Balsamorrhiza Hookeri hirsuta (Nutt.) A. Nels. . : Chaenactis Douglasii achilleaefolia (H. & A. ). A. Nels. Actinella acaulis caespitosa A. Nels. Actinella simplex A. Nels. : Actinella incana A. Nels. Actinella eradiata A. Nels. Actinella carnosa A. Nels. Actinella epunctata A. Nels. . : Actinella linearis (Nutt.) A. Nels. . Actinella fastigiata (Greene) A. Nels. Dugaldia helenioides (Rydb.) A.Nels. - 5 ss Dysodia aurea (Gray) A. Nels.” . . : z : é Artemisia saxicola Parryi A. Nels. : ; Artemisia Wrightii coloradensis (Osterh.) A. Nels. Artemisia gnaphalodes diversifolia A. Nels. 3 Artemisia mexicana silvicola (Osterh.) A. Nels. Artemisia mexicana Bakeri (Greene) A. Nels. Arnica paniculata A. Nels. Arnica subplumosa sylvatica (Greene) A. Nels. Arnica subplumosa macillenta (Greene) A. Nels. Senecio serra admirabilis A. Nels. 5 Senecio perplexus dispar A. Nels. . Senecio canus Purshianus (Nutt.) A. Nels. Senecio uintahensis A. Nels. . Z : A . : ; : Senecio Rydbergii A. Nels. . i . Carduus americanus perplexans (Rydb.) A. Nels. ‘ Carduus Hookerianus eriocephalus (Gray) A. Nels. ‘ 5 Carduus Hookerianus hesperius (Eastw.) A. Nels. . s é Carduus megacephalus (Gray) A. Nels. : ‘ Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A. Nels. Krigia virginica (L.) A. Nels. . . : ‘ . Prenanthes sagittata (Gray) A. Nels. . 3 . Crepis riparia parva A. Nels. : . : e a : é Hieracium gracile minimum A..Nels. . ‘i ‘ : ‘ Hieracium Scouleri griseum (Rydb.) A. Nels. Lactuca integrata (Gren. & Godr.) A. Nels. . Troximon pubescens (Rydb.) A. Nels. Troximon villosum (Rydb.) A. Nels. . Troximon glaucum pumilum (Nutt.) A. Nels. Troximon arachnoideum A. Nels. . 3 Troximon purpureum (Gray) A. Nels. ; Troximon elatum: (Nutt.) A. Nels... F ‘ ® ‘ Troximon montanum (Osterh.) A. Nels. . : . . ee ew ew we we we 513 517 526 527 529 529 529 529 530 531 531 531 535 542 542 546 546 557 558 558 559 559 559 560 560 © 560 562 563 568 568 569 ° 569 569 572 573 573 579 580 581 581 582 585 585 585 587 588 589 592 593 595 596 596 598 598 599 599 599 599 600 GLOSSARY A, as a prefix in compounds, usually signi- fies a negative, or the absence of some- thing; as, a-peialous, without petals; a-phyllous, leafless, ete. If the word be- gins with a vowel, the prefix is an; as, an-antherous, destitute of an anther. - Abnormal. Contrary to the usual structure. Abortive. Imperfectly formed or rudi- mentary. . Abrupily pinnate. Pinnate without an odd leaflet at the end. Acaulescent. Apparently stemless; the Proper stem, bearing the leaves and flowers, being very short or subterranean. Accrescent. Growing larger after flower- ‘ing, as the calyx of Physalis. Accumbent (embryo). Cotyledons with the edges against the hypocotyl. Acerose. Needle-shaped, as the leaves of pines, . Achene. A small, dry, hard, 1-celled, 1- seeded, indehiscent fruit. Achlamydeous (flower), Without floral en- velopes. ; Acicular, Needle-shaped; more slender than acerose. Acrogenous. Growing from the apex, as the stems of ferns and mosses, . ‘ Aculeate. Armed with prickles (aculet), as the rose and brier. Aculeolate. Armed with small prickles, or slightly prickly. acuminate, Taper-pointed. Acute. Merely sharp-pointed, or ending i in @ point less than a right angle. Adnate. United in growth; the anther is adnate when fixed by its whole length to the filament. Adscendent, Ascendent, Ascending: Rising gradually upwards, ‘ Adsurgent, Assurgent. etc, - Adventitious. Out of the ‘usual place. Adventive. Imperfectly naturalized, Aequilateral. Equal-sided; opposed to ob- lique (in foliar organs). Aestivation. The arrangement of parts in a flower-bud. Ala(plural alae). A wing; the side-petal of @ papilionaceous corolla, Alate. Winged. Albumen. An old general name for nutri- tive tissue in the seed. Same as adscendent, Alliaceous. Having the smell or taste of garlic, Alpine. Belonging to high mountains above the limit of. forests. Alternate (leaves, branches, etc.). Occur- ting singly at the nodes of the axis, Alveolate. Honeycomb-like, as the recep- tacle of the cotton-thistle, . Ament. Same as catkin. ; Amentaceous. Catkin-like, or catkin-bear ing. Amorphous. . Without any definite form. Amphitropous: (ovule or seed). Half- inverted and straight, with the hilum lateral. .Amplexicaul (leaves). the base. Ampullaceous. Swelling out like a bottle or bladder. , ' Anastomosing. Clasping the axis by Forming a ‘niin (and tomosis), as the veins of leaves, Anatropous (ovule). Inverted and straigh with the micropyle next the hilum. Ancipital. Two-edged, as the stem of blue-eyed grass. _Androecium. The whole set of stamens. _Androgynous. Having both staminate and | pistillate flowers in the same inflores._ cence. | ' Angiosperms. The great group of seed- plants with ovules (and seeds) inclosed by an ovary. ‘Annual. Of only one year’s duration, Winter annual, a plant from autumn- sown seed which blooms and fruits in the following spring. Annular. In the form of a ring, or forming a ‘circle. Annulate. Marked by rings. Annulus.. A ring, like that of the spore- | case of most ferns, ‘Anterior, in the flower, is the side towards the bract (external); while posterior is the side towards the axis, Anther, The ‘essential part of the stamen, which contains the pollen. _Antheriferous. Anther-bearing. _Anthesis, The opening of the flower. Apetalous (flower). Without’ petals. ;Aphyllous. Destitute of leaves, at least of green leaves. ; Apiculate. Tipped with a short and abrupt point, 611 612 Apocarpous (pistils). The carpels of a flower forming separate pistils, as in a butter- cup. Appressed. Lying close and flat. Arachnoid. Cobwebby; consisting of soft downy fibers. _ Arboreous, Arborescent. or form. Archegonium (plural archegonia). male organ in mosses and ferns. Arcuate. Bent or curved like 'a bow. Areolate. Marked out into little areas; reticulate, Aril. An appendage growing at or about the hilum of a seed. Arillate (seed). Furnished with an aril. Aristate. Awned, like the beard of barley. Aristulate, Diminutive of aristate; short- awned, Articulated. Jointed. Agsurgent. See adsurgent. Auriculate. Furnished with auricles or ear- like appendages. Awl-shaped. Sharp-pointed from a broader base. Awn,. Bristle-like appendage. Awned. Furnished with an awn or long bristle-shaped tip. Azil. The upper angle between a leaf and the stem. Azile. Belonging to the axis, or occupy- ing the axis. Axillary (bud, etc.). Occurring in an axil. Aris. The central line of any body; the organ round which others are attached; the root and stem. Tree-like in size The fe- Baccate. Berry-like. Barbed. Furnished with rigid points or short bristles, usually reflexed like the barb of a fishhook. Barbellate. Finely barbed. Bastfixed. Attached by the base. Bast. The fibrous portion of the inner bark. Beaked. Ending in a prolonged narrow tip. Bearded. With long or stiff hairs of any sort; awns of grasses are sometimes called beard. Berry. A fruit pulpy or juicy throughout, as @ currant or a grape. Bz-, in compounds, means two or twice. Bidentate. Having two teeth. / Biennial. Of two years’ duration, spring- ing from the seed one season, flowering and dying the next. Bifid. Two-cleft to about the middle. Bifoliolate (leaf). With two leaflets, Bilabiate. Two-lipped. Bilocular. Two-celled. Binate. Two together. Bipinnate (leaf). Twice pinnate. Bipinnatifid. Twice pinnatifid. GLOSSARY Biserial, Biseriate. Occupying two rows, one within the other. Biserrate. Doubly serrate, as when the teeth of a leaf are themselves serrate. Biternate. Twice ternate (principal divi- sions 3, each with 3 leaflets). Bladdery. Thin and inflated. Bract. In general, the leaves of an inflo- rescence, more or less different from ordinary leaves; specially, the small leaf or scale in the axil of which a flower or its pedicel stands. Bractlet. A bract on the pedicel or flower- stalk. Bristle. A stiff, sharp hair, or any very slender body of similar appearance. Bulb. A leaf-bud with fleshy scales, usually subterranean, Bulbiferous. Bearing or producing bulbs, Bulblet, A small bulb, especially one borne upon the stem. Bulbose, Bulbous. Bulb-like in form, Bullate. Appearing as if blistered or blad- dery. Caducous. Dropping off very early, com- pared with other parts. Caespitose, Cespitose. Growing in turf-like patches or tufts. Calcarate. Furnished with a spur. Callus. A hard protuberance or callosity; in the grasses the tough often hairy swelling at the base or insertion of the lemma or palet. Calyculate (flower). Furnished with an outer set of bracts resembling an outer calyx. Calyx. The outer set of floral envelopes. Campanulate. Bell-shaped. Campylotropous (ovule or seed). Curved so as to bring the apex and base nearly together. Canaliculate. Channeled, or with a deep longitudinal groove. Cancellate. Latticed, resembling lattice- work. : Canescent. Grayish-white; hoary, usually because the surface is covered with fine white hairs. Incanous is whiter still. Capillary. Hair-like in form; as fine as hair or slender bristles. Capitate. Shaped like a head; collected into a bead or dense cluster. Capitellata, Diminutive of capitate. Capitulum. A little head. , Capsular. Relating to or like a capsule. Capsule. A pod; any dry dehiscent seed- vessel. Carinate. Keeled; furnished with a sharp ridge or projection on the lower side, Cariopsis, Caryopsis. The one-seeded fruit or grain of grasses. Carneous. Flesh-colored; pale red, GLOSSARY Carnose, Fleshy in texture. Carpel. The unit of structure of the pistil, which may consist of a single carpel or of several carpels. Carpophore. the floral axis which in the Umbelliferae supports the pendulous ripe carpels, Cartilaginous. Firm and tough in texture, like cartilage. Caruncle. An excrescence at the hilum of some seeds, as those of Polygala. Carunculate. Furnished with a caruncle. Catkin. A scaly deciduous spike of flow- ers; an ament, Caudate, Tailed or tail-pointed. Caudex. The persistent base of an other- wise annual herbaceous stem. Caulescent. Having an obvious stem. Cauline. Of or belonging to a stem. Centrifugal (inflorescence). Produced or expanding in succession from the center outwards, Centripetal. The opposite of centrifugal. Cernuous. Nodding; the summit more or less inclining. Chaff. Small membranous scales or bracts on the receptacle of Compositae; the glumes of grasses, etc, Chaffy. Furnished with chaff, or of the texture of chaff. Channeled. Hollowed out like a gutter; same as canaliculate. Chartaceous. With the texture of paper or parchment, Ciliate (foliar organs), Beset on the mar- gin with a fringe. Cinereous. Ash-grayish; the color of ashes. Circinate. Rolled inwards from the top, like a crosier. Circumscissile. Dehiscing by a regular transverse circular line of division. Cirrhiferous, Cirrhose. Furnished with a tendril, Clavate. Club-shaped; slender below and thickened upwards, Claw, The narrow or stalk-like base of some petals, Club-shaped. See clavate. Coalescence, The union of parts or organs -of the same kind. Cochleate. Coiled or shaped like a snail shell. Cohesion. The-union of one organ with another of like nature. Column. The united stamens, as in Mal- vaceae; or the stamens and pistils united into one body, as in Orchidaceae. Coma, A tuft of any sort (literally, a head of hair). Commissure. The plane of junction of two carpels, as in the fruit of Umbelli- ferae. Comose. Tufted; bearing « tuft of hairs, The slender prolongation of | 613 Compressed. Flattened on two opposite sides, Conduplicate. Folded upon itself lengthwise. Confluent.. Blended into one, or running together. Congested, Conglomerate. Crowded to- gether. Conjugate. Coupled; in single pairs. Connate. United or grown together from the first. Connective. The part of the anther connect- ing its two cells, Connivent. Converging, or brought close together, Contorted. Twisted together. Convolute. Rolled up lengthwise, as the leaves of the plum in vernation. Cordate. Heart-shaped. Coriaceous. Resembling leather in texture. Corm. A solid bulb, like that of Crocus, Corneous. Of the consistence or appearance of horn, as the albumen of the seed of the date, coffee, etc. Corniculate. Furnished with a small horn or spur. Corolla. The floral envelope showy) within the calyx. Corona, A coronet.or crown; an appendage at the top of the claw of some petals, as Silene and soapwort. Corrugate. Wrinkled or in folds. Cortical, Belonging to the bark (cortex). Corymb. A flat or convex flower-cluster, with branches arising at different levels and centripetal blooming. . Corymbose. Approaching the form of a corymb, or branched in that way; ar- ranged in corymbs. Costa. A rib; the midrib of a leaf, ete. Costate. Ribbed. Cotyledons. The first leaves of the embryo. Crateriform. Goblet-shaped; broadly ‘cup- shaped. Creeping (stems). Growing flat on or beneath the ground and rooting. Cremocarp. A half-fruit, or one of the two carpels of Umbelliferz. Crenate. With rounded teeth. Crested, Cristate. Bearing any elevated ap- pendage like a crest. Cribrose. Pierced like a sieve with small apertures. Crinite. Bearded with long hairs, etc. Crown. See corona. Cruciate, Cruciform. Cross-shaped, as the four spreading petals of the mustard and the petals of all the flowers of that family, Crustaceous. Hard and brittle in texture; cerust-like. Cucullate. Hooded or hood-shaped; rolled up like a cornet of paper, as the spathe of Indian turnip, (usually 614 Culm. The stem of grasses and sedges. Cuneate, Cuneiform. Wedge-shaped. Cupule. A little cup; the cup of the acorn. Cuspidate. Tipped with » sharp and stiff point. Cut. Same as incised; or applied generally to any sharp and deep division, Cyathiform. With the shape of a cup, or particularly of a wineglass. Cymbiform. Boat-shaped. Cyme. Like a corymb, but with centrifugal blooming. Cymose, Furnished with cymes, or like a cyme, Deciduous. Falling off, or subject to fall; applied to leaves which fall in autumn, and to a calyx and corolla which fall before the fruit forms, Decompound, Several times compounded or divided. Decumbent. Reclined on the ground, the summit tending to rise, Decurrent (leaves). With blade-like exten- sion on the stem beneath the insertion, -ag in thistles, Decussate. Arranged in pairs (or whorls) which are successively atéright angles (or alternate) with each other. Neflexed. Bent downwards, Dehiscence. The natural opening of a closed vessel, as of an anther or a pod. Dehiscent. Opening by some method of dehiscence. Deltotd. Triangular in shape, like the Greek capital A. Dentate. Toothed. Denticulate. Furnished with very small teeth; a diminutive of dentate. Depauperate (impoverished or starved). Be- low the natural size. Depressed. Flattened, or as if pressed down from above; flattened vertically. Deztrorse. Turned to the right. Di-, as a prefix in compounds, means two or twice. Diadelphous (stamens), ments in two sets, Diandrous. Having two stamens, Dichotomous. Two-forked. Dicotyledonous (embryo). of cotyledons. Didymous.. Twin, Didynamous. With two stamens longer than the others, Diffuse. Spreading widely and irregularly. Digitate (fingered). Where the leaflets of a compound leaf are all borne on the apex of the petiole. Digynous (flower). Having two pistils. Dimerous. Made up of two parts, or with organs in twos. Dimorphous. Of two forms, United by fila- Having a pair GLOSSARY Dioecious, Dicicous. With stamens an: pistils in separate flowers on different plants. ee Disciform, Disk-shaped, Flat and circular, like a disk or quoit, Disk. The face of any flat body; the central region of a head of flowers, like the sun- flower, as opposed to the ray or margin; a fleshy expansion of the receptacle of a flower. Dissected. Cut deeply into many lobes or divisions, Dissepiment. The partition of an ovary or fruit. Distichous, Two-ranked. Divaricate. Very widely divergent. Divided (leaves, etc.). Cut into divisions extending about to the base or the mid- trib. Dorsal, Upon or relating to ae back or outer surface of an organ. Downy. Clothed with a coat of soft and short hairs. Drupaceous. Like or pertaining to a drupe. Drupe. A stone-fruit. E- or Ez-, as a prefix in compounds, means destitute of; as e-cosfate, without a rib or midrib. Eared. See auriculate. Ebracteate. Destitute of bracts. Echinate. Armed with prickles (like a hedgehog). Elliptical, Oval or oblong, with the ends regularly rounded, ‘ Emarginate. Notched at the summit. Emersed. Raised out of water. Ensiform.. Sword-shaped, as the leaves of Tris. Entire (feliar organs). ‘The margin not at all toothed, notched, or divided. Ephemeral. Lasting for a day. or less. Epigynous. Upon the ovary. Epiphyte. A plant growing on another plant, but not nourished: by it; an air- » plant. Equitant. Astride; used of conaegilesie leaves which infold each other in two ranks, as in Iris. Erose. Eroded, as if gnawed. Evergreen. ‘Holding the leaves over winter or longer, until new ones appear. Excurrent. Running out, as when a midrib . projects beyond the apex of:a leaf, or a trunk is geeEnied to the very top of a ' tree. Explanate. Spree or flattened out. Erserted. Protruding out of, as the stamens out of the corolla. Extrorse. Turned outwards; the anther is extrorse when fastened to the filament so as to dehisce outwards (away from the pistil), as in Iris, GLOSSARY Faleate. Scythe-shaped; a flat, body curved, its edges parallel. Farinaceous. Mealy in texture. Farinose. Fascicle. A close cluster. Fascicled. Growing in a bundle or tuft, as the leaves of pine and larch, and the roots of peony and dahlia, Fastigiate (branches). Close, parallel. Faveolate, Favose. _Honeycombed; sameas alveolate. Fertile. Fruit-bearing, or capable of pro: ducing fruit; also applied to anthers when they produce good pollen. Fiddle-shaped. Obovate with a deep re- cess on each side, Filament. The stalk of a stamen; also any slender thread-shaped appendage. Filamentose, Filamentous. Bearing or formed of slender threads. Filiform. Thread-shaped; and cylindrical. Fimbriate. Fringed; fringes. Fistular, Fistulose, Cylindrical and hollow, as the leaves of onion. Flabelliform, Flabellate. Fan-shaped; broad, rounded at the summit, and narrowed _ at the base, Fleshy. Composed of firm pulp or flesh; succulent. __ Fleruose, Flexwous. Bending gently in op- posite directions, in a zigzag way. Floccose. Composed of or bearing tufts of woolly or long and soft hairs, Floret. A small flower, usually one of a dense cluster. Foliaceous. Belonging to, or of the texture or nature of a leaf, Foliose. Leafy. Follicle. A simple pod, opening down the inner suture. Foveate. Deeply pitted. : Foveolate. Diminutive of foveate. Free. Not united with any other parts, Fringed. The margin beset with slender appendages, bristles, etc. Frond. The leaf of ferns and some other cryptogams; in Lemnaceae, the thallus- like stem which functions as foliage, Fruit. The seed-bearing structure of » plant. Fugacious. Soon falling off or perishing. Fulvous. Tawny; dull yellow with gray. Fumniculus. The stalk of a seed or ovule. Funnelform, Funnel-shaped. Expanding gradually upwards, like a funnel. Furcate. Forked. Fuscous. Deep gray-brown, Fusiform. Spindle-shaped. long, slender, furnished with Galea. A hooded or helmet-shaped portion of a perianth, as the upper sepal of Covered with a mealy powder. 615 Aconitum, and the upper lip of some bilabiate corollas, _ Gamopetalous. With united petals; same as monopetalous and sympetalous. Gamosepalous. With umted sepals; same as monosepalous. Geminate. Twin, in pairs, as the flowers of Linnaea. Gemma,, A bud... Geniculate. Bent abruptly, like a knee, as many stems. Gibbous. More swollen at one place or on one side than the other. Glabrate. Becoming glabrous with age, or almost glabrous, Glabrous. Smooth, having no hairs, bristles, or other pubescence. Gland. A secreting surface or structure; any protuberance or appendage having the appearance of such an organ. Glaucous. Covered with a fine white powder that rubs off (bloom), like. that on a fresh plum or a cabbage leaf. Globose. Spherical in form, or nearly 80, Globular, Nearly globose. 7 Glochidiate (hairs or bristles). Barbed; tipped with barbs, or with a double hooked point. Glomerate. Closely aggregated into a dense cluster. Glomerule. A dense head-like cluster. Glume. The husks or floral coverings of grasses, or particularly the outer husks or bracts of each spikelet. Gymnospermous. Naked-seeded. Gymnosperms. The great group of seed- plants with ovules (and seeds) not .in- closed (naked). Gynandrous, With stamens borne on (united with) the pistils. Gynobase. An enlargement or prolonga- tion of the receptacle bearing the ovary. Gynoecium, The whole set of pistils. Gynophore. A stalk raising a pistil above the insertion of the stamens. Habit. The general aspect of a plant, or its mode of growth. Habitat. The situation in which a plant grows in a wild state. Hastate. Like an arrowhead, but with the basal lobes pointing outward nearly at right angles. Heart-shaped, With the conventional shape of a heart. Helmet. See galea. Hemi-, in compounds, means half. Herb. A plant with no persistent woody stem above ground. Herbaceous. With the texture of common herbage; not woody. 616 Hermaphrodite (flower), Having both sta- mens and pistils; same as perfect. Heterogamous. Bearing two or, more sorts of flowers as to their stamens and pistils, as in aster, daisy, and coreopsis. Hexa-, in compounds, means six. Hirsute. Hairy with stiffish or beard-like hairs. Hispid. Bristly: beset with stiff hairs. Hispidulous. Diminutive of hispid. Hoary. Grayish-white; see canescent. Homogamous. A head or cluster with flowers all of one kind. Hood. Same as galea. Hooded. Hood-shaped; see cucullate. Hyaline. Transparent, or nearly so. Hypocrateriform. Salver-shaped. Hypogynous. Inserted under the pistil. Imbricate. Overlapping (as shingles on a roof), either vertically or spirally, where the lower piece covers the base of the next higher; or laterally, as in the aesti- vation of a calyx or corolla, where at least one piece must be wholly external and one internal. Immersed. Growing wholly under water. Imperfect flowers. Wanting either stamens or pistils. Inaequilateral. Unequal-sided, as the leaf of begonia. Incanous. Hoary with white pubescence. Incised. Cut rather deeply and irregularly, Incumbent (embryo). Cotyledons with the back of one of them against the hypocotyl. Indefinite (stamens, etc.). Inconstant in number or very numerous. Indehiscent. Not splitting open. Indigenous. Native to the country. Indusium, The shield or covering of the sorus (‘‘fruit-dot ”) of a fern. Inflated. Turgid and bladdery. Inflexed. Bent inwards. Inflorescence. The arrangement of flowers on the stem; the flower-cluster as a whole. Infundibuliform. Funnel-shaped. Innate (anther). Attached by its base to the apex of the filament. Innovation. An incomplete young shoot. Insertion. The place or the mode of at- tachment of an organ to its support. Internode. The part of a stem between two nodes. Interruptedly pinnate. Pinnate with small leaflets intermixed with larger ones, Introrse. Turned or facing inwards (towards the axis of the flower). Involucel. An involucre of the second order. Involucrate. Furnished with an involucre. Involucre. A whorl or set of bracts around a flower, umbel, or head. . Involute. In vernation; rolled inwards from the edges. GLOSSARY Keel. A projecting ridge on a surface, like the keel of a boat; the two anterios petals of a papilionaceous corolla, Labellum. The odd (lower) petal of or, chids. Labiate. Same as bilabiate or two-lipped Laciniate. Slashed; cut into deep narrow lobes, Lamellar, Lamellate. Consisting of flat plates. vee A plate or blade; the blade of a eaf, Lanate. Woolly; clothed with long and soft entangled hairs. Lanceolate, Lance-shaped. Lanuginous. Cottony or woolly. Laz. Loose in texture, or sparse; the op- posite of crowded. Leaflet. One of the divisions or blades of @ compound leaf. Legume. A simple pod, dehiscent into two pieces, like that of the pea; the fruit of the pea family (Leguminosae), of what- ever shape. Lemma. The lower of the two bracts in- closing the flower in the grasses; some- times called the flowering glume. Lenticular. Lens-shaped (convex on both sides), Lepidote. scales. Ligneous, Lignose. Woody in texture. Ligulate. Furnished with a ligule. Iigule. The strap-shaped corolla in many Compositae; the little membranous ap- pendage at the summit of the leaf-sheaths of most grasses. Limb, The blade of a leaf, petal, ete. Linear, Narrow and flat, the margins parallel. Lingulate, Linguiform. Tongue-shaped. Lip. The principal lobes of a bilabiate corolla or calyx; the odd and peculiar petal in the orchis family. Lobe. Any projection or division (es- pecially a rounded one) of a leaf, etc. Loculicidal (dehiscence). Splitting down through the middle of the back of each cell. Loment. A pod which separates trans- versely into joints. Lunate. Crescent-shaped. Lunulate. Diminutive of lunate. Lyrate. Lyre-shaped; an obovate or spatu- late pinnatifid leaf with the end-lobe large and roundish and the lower lobes small, Leprous; covered with scurfy Macrosporangium. Same as megasporan- gium, Macrospore. Same as megaspore, Marcescent. Withering without falling off. GLOSSARY Masked. See personate. Megasporangium. The sporangium which contains megaspores. Megaspore. The larger spore of hetero- sporous plants (club mosses, water ferns, seed-plants). Membranaceous, Membranous. With the - texture of a membrane; thin and more or less translucent. ; Microsporangium, The sporangium which contains microspores. Microspore. The smaller spore of hetero sporous plants (club maa water ferns, seed-plants). Midrib. The middle or main ‘rib of a leaf, | Monadelphous. Stamens united by their filaments into one set. Moniliform. Necklace-shaped; a cylindri- cal body enlarged at intervals, Monocotyledonous (embryo). Having only one cotyledon. Monoecious. With stamens and pistils in separate flowers on the same plant. Monopetalous (flower). With united petals; see gamopeitalous. Monosepalous. With united sepals; same as gamosepalous, Mucronate. Tipped with an abrupt short point. Mucronulate. Diminutive of mucronate. Multi-, in compounds, means many. Muricate. Beset with short and hard points, Muticous. Pointless; beardless; unarmed. Napiform. Turnip-shaped. Naturalized, Introduced from a foreign country, but growing wild and propa- gating freely by seed. Nectariferous. Nectar-bearing; having a nectary. Nectary. An organ which secretes nectar. Needle-shaped. long, slender, and rigid, like the leaves of pines. Nerve. foliar organs, especially when simple and parallel. Node. d : which the leaves arise. Nodose. Knotty or knobby. Nodulose. Diminutive of nodose, Nut. A hard, mostly one-seeded, in- dehiscent fruit, as a chestnut, butternut, acorn. : : Ob-, as » prefix, signifies inversion, as follows: Obcompressed. Flattened the opposite of the usual way. Obcordate. Heart-shaped with the broad and notched end at the apex instead of the base. . Oblanceolate. Lance-shaped with the taper- ing point downwards. A name for the ribs or veins of | A knot; the joints of a stem, from — Oblong. Two to four times as long as broad, and more or less elliptical in outline. , Obovate, upward. Obtuse. Blunt or round at the end. Ochreate. See ocreate. 617, Inversely ovate, the . broad “end | Ochroleucous, Yellowish-white; dull cream- _ color, Ocrea, pumila 175 salsa 175 'Abutilon 318 - Abutilon 319 Avicennae 319. parvulum 319 » Acer 313 4 glabrum 314 ' ‘grandidentatum 314 - Negundo B14 ACERACEAE 313 Acerates 5886 angustifolia 387 ‘auriculata 386 ’ stenophylla 387 viridiflora 386 | Achillea 564 alpicola 564 ‘lanulosa 564 ~ millefolium 564 ‘) Alenida 171 “'\tamariscing 171 tuberculata 171 » ‘Aconite 195 Aconitum 195 -atrocyaneum 195 Bakeri 195 »! eolumbianum 195 insigne 195 lutescens 195 porrectum 195 ramosum 195 ‘Acrapteris ‘22 septentrionale 22 ' Acrolasia 324 latifolia 324 Actaen + 190 arguta 190 eburnea 190 _ rubra 190 viridiflora 190 Latin names of families are in SMALL CAPITALS. INDEX merely mentioned are in italics. ' Actinella 558 acaulis 558 carnosa. 559 . depressa 558 epunctata 560 , eradiata . 559 ’ fastigiata ’ 56 grandiflora ~ 561 -incana . 559 lanata » 559 -leptoclada 560 linearis —. 560 Richardsonti' 561 -- 8caposa 560 ‘simplex ..: 558 . Torreyana 559 Adder’s Tongue | Family 17 Adiantum 19 capillus-veneris 19 pedatum 19 Adopogon 589 virginicum 589 Adoxa ':- | 472 Moschatellina 472 ADOXACEAE 472 Agastache 428 anethiodora . 428 .. urticifolia 428 | Agoseris 598 agrestis 599 altissima 599 attenuata 598 - arachnoidea 599 carnea . 699 elongata 599 . Greenet : | 599 humilis . 599 . - laciniata 599 Leontodon . 599 maculata 598 montana 600 Nuttallii 599 pubescens 598 rostraia 599 roseata neoieoneraah ate » 599 ae 598 Agrimonia 263 Brittoniana 263 Eupatoria 263. Agrimony 263 ‘Agropyron 79 ' Bakeri 80 caninum 79 ‘ dasystachyum 81. divergens . occidentale. pseudorepens Scribneri . spicatum subvillosum , tenerum “, violaceum _Agrostemma _Gigatho . Agrostis valba « 5 asperifolia ” depressa, \ exarata «, hiemalis: « humilis. 2 idahoensis ., melaleuca ° Rossae . scabra,, «, Thurberiana : Aira : . +, obtusata , AIZOACEAE Alder 599 | : Aletes 5 acaulis ~~ humilis ~ obovata Alfalfa Alfilaria, Alisma vt brevipes . .Gmelini, >... 79 80 277 304 37 3 '. Plantago-aquatica. . tha ALISMACEAE Allionia diffusa divaricata floribunda glandulifera hirsuta incarnata lanceolata ~ linearis - hyctaginea : pilosa sessilifolia Allioniella 1 4 \ oxybaphoides . Allium . acuminatum arenicola Brandegei : brevistylum 623 0° 37 173, 174 174 178 174 173 . 1 174. 174 174 173 173 174 172 173 » 118 115. 114 114 114. Synonyms and names of plants canadensis 114 cernuum 114 ., dictyotum 114 : fibrogum 114 Geyeri 114 ~ Nuttallii 114 recurvatum, 114 _ reticulatum | 114 | rubrum 114 . Schoenoprasum er akg 114 sibirieum 114 |, Allocarya a 414 Nelsonii 415 scopulorum 414 | Alnus |. 140 . tenuifolia 140 | JAlopecuran 53 yo fulvus 53 , geniculatus 53 _«, ogeidentalis 54 _ Alpine Avens: 250 ; Alpine Fir |. 29 | Alsike Clover. 278 |; Alsine 182 barcalensis , 183 calycantha, 183 | Alsinopsis. 185 . macrantha 186 obtustloba , 186 propinqua 186 Alumroot 234 Amaranth Family STG AMARANTHACEAE 170 Amaranthus . 170 , albus 171 _ blitoides 171 ; graecizans ° 171 ' hybridus 171 . Palmeri 171 | Powellii 171 , retroflexus 170 . spinasus 171 Torreyi . 171 Wrightit 171 i Ammarelia 382 . scopulorum 382 Ambrosia, 541 _ artemisiaefolia 541 . psilostachya 541 tomentosa 542 trifida,. 541 Amelanchier 265 266 , alnifolia . 624 Bakeri 266 crenata 266 _ elliptica 266 glabra 266 oreophila 266 polycarpa 266 prunifolia 266 pumila ‘266 rubescens 266 _, American Aspen 128 American Cowslip 375 American Ivy 316 American Laurel 370 | - Ammannia 332 * coccinea 332 | latifolia 332 Amorpha 295 canescens 296 fruticosa 296 microphylla 296 “nana 296 Amphilophis 42 Torreyanus 42 «+ Ampelopsis 316 quinguefolia 316 Amsonia 385 texana 385 ANACARDIACEAB 312 Anaphalis 537 margaritacea 537 subalpina 537 Andropogon 42 furcatus 42 Hallii 42 ' scoparius 42 Torreyanus 43 Androsace 374 “ " capillaris 375 ‘“' Chamajaseme 374 “ diffusa, 375 “ filiformis' © 875 occidentalis 375 | pinetorum 375 puberulenta 375 aay ’ geptentrionalis 375 ‘''"' subumbellata ‘375 ‘Anemone 195 ''' eanadensis 196 cylindrica 196 ' dichotoma 196 globosa: 196 - ' lithophila 196 multifida’ 196 narcissifiora 196° nemorosa’ ' 196. parviflora 196 patens 197 quinquefolia 196 ! stylosa 196 tetonensis . 196 zephyra 196 Angelica 355° ampla - 356 dilatata 356 Grayi 355 » Lyallii 355 |: pinnata 355 INDEX Roseana, 356 hypericifolium 386 Anorga 338 lividum 386 albicaulis 338 scopulorum 385 Buffumii 338 | Apple 265 cinerea 399 Family 265 coronopifolia 339 Thorn 436 latifolia 339 Wild Balsam 472 neo-mexicana 3839 | Aquilegia:. 190 Nuttallii 339 brevistyla 192 pallida 339 caerulea, 191 rhizomata 338 canadensis 191 trichocalyx 339 chrysantha 191 violacea 338 Eastwoodiae 191 Vreelandit 339 ecalcarata 191 Antennaria 533 elegantula 191 anaphaloides 537 flavescens 191 aprica 536 Jonesii 192 arida 535 | lareniensis 191 bracteosa 535 leptocera 191 concinna 535 oreophila . 191 corymbosa, 535 saximontana 192 dimorpha 537 thalictrifolia, ‘191 flavescens ‘584 | Arabis = |. 225 foliacea - 5385 aprica » . 228 fusca | 534 Brebneriana 225 } Holmit 536 caduca 229 Howellit 536 canescens 228 luzuloides 537 Crandallii' | 227 marginata 536 connexa 226 media 534 consanguinea 228 microphylla 535 demissa’ 227 murconata ° 534 densicaulis 227. nardina 535 divaricarpa. 226 oblancifolia 536 | . Drummondii 226 obovata 536 ’ elegans 228 oblanceolata 537 eremophila 229 oxyphylla 536 exilis 228 parvifolia 535 Fendleri 229 pulcherrima 537 formosa 228 |. racemosa 536 fructicosa 227 reflexa 534 |. glabra 226 rosea, 534 |. hirsuta 227 rosulata 536 Holboellit 228 scariosa 536 Lemmonii 227 Sterrae-blancae . lignifera 229 a » §86 | lignipes « 229 umbrinella 534 |. Lyallii - . 226 Anthemis 564 -mnicrophylla 227 cotula 564 Nuttallii.-.. . 227 ‘Anticlea 118 oblanceolata 228 Aphyllon 463, 464 oxylobula 227 Apinus 27 oxyphylla: 226 » albicaulis 27 |. pendulocarpa 228 ” flexilis 27 perelegans:. 228 -Aplopappus:: ; perfoliata 226 499, '501, 502, 504] = recondita 227 acaulis 503 rhodantha . 228 - crocea ' 499 rugocarpa 227 -! Fremontit)' 501 Selbyi » \. 229 “ Nuttallit 499 spathulata: :. 227 - Parryi ‘504 | Aragallus » 292 . rubiginosus » 498 albiflorus 295 APOCYNACEAE | 385 alpicola 295 Apocynum 385 angustatus 295 ' ambigens 385. Besseyt 294 androsaemifolium ‘|’ Blankinshipii 294 ' 385 collinus 293 cannabinum 385 deflexus 293 dispar foliolosus gracilis wnflatus lagopus Lambertii monticola multiceps nanus Parryi patens podocarpus Richardsonii sarimontana sericeus villosus viscidulus -viscidus Aralia nudicaulis ARALIACEAE, Arceuthobium ‘americanum | , ieryptopodum cyanocarpum divaricatum Douglasii . Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Arenaria aequicaulis biflora confusa . congesta , Eastwoodiae Fendleri Hookeri lateriflora macrantha Nuttallii pinetorum ., polycaulos' propinqua pungens >, sajanensis $ax0sa,:: Tweedyi uintahensis . Verna Argemone bipinnatifida intermedia platyceras 205, ‘Argentina .-,, anserina argentea Argythamnia humilis. . Aristida . longiseta - oligantha Arnica alpina arcana 294 293 294 294 293 295 294 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 295 295 294 294 346 346 346 145 145 145 146 145 145 871 371 185 185 186 186 185 187 187 187 187 186 186 187 186 186 coloradensis 573 cordifolia, 572° eradiate 575 exigua 573 _ foliosa 573 ' fulgens 574, gracilis < 572 grandifokia 572 lanulosa’ ‘ 573 ’ latifolia 572 | longifolia» 574). macillenta '. 573 mollis ' ‘'° 573 ‘|: monocephala | 574 ocreata 574 paniculata 572 Parryi 575 parvifolia <« 573. pedunculata 574 ' platyphylla 572 polycephala 574 pumila 572°}: rhizomata'!: © 573° rivularis:'':' 573 Rydbergii' 574 stricta) ‘ ° 574 subplumosa ~— 573 sylvatica |: 573° tenuis’ "Ot §74 tomentulosa ' \ 573 ventorum'' | 572 Arrow Grass Family ‘ =e BG Arrowhead 37 Artemisia’ ': ‘565 arbuscula 570 aromatica-' 567 Bakert ' ~~ 569 biennis 568 Bigelovii - 570 borealis 567 Brittonti ‘569 | cana 570 canadensis ' 567 candicans '''' 569 ° coloradensis' ‘'568 ' discolor © "' 569 diversijolia +569 dracuculoides: 567 elatior ‘570 filifolia 567 floccosa _ 569") Forwoodti ° 567'' franserioides ' 569 frigida 567 gnaphalodes 568 ' gracilenta 569 kansana 568 latiloba 569 ludoviciana 569 mexicana 569 natronensis' 568 norvegica’ . 568 nova 570 pabular’ 569 Parryi ' 568 Pattersonii 568 paucicephala 569 “INDEX pedatifida 567 | °' ciliomarginatus ' pudica 569 517 Purshiana 569 commutatus 515 rhizomata 569 conspicuus 514 - saxicola 568 | '! Cordineri 515 scopulorum 567 |:'! corymbiformis 517 Scouleriana 567 |:’ crassulus . 615 stlvicola 569 |::' culminis 513 ’ spictformis 570 cusickit 517 spinescens 566 | denudatus ~§17 spithamaea 567 elegans 513° ' stenoloba 568 Engelmannii 513 subglabra 568 | © ericaefolius. .: 522 tridentata 570 exiguus » . 1515 trifida © ~ 570 falcatus 515 tripartita 570 |. Fendleri =; ° 514 | Underwoodii 569 fluvialis:: . 516 | viscidulas — 570 foliaceus 518 Wrightii - 568 | .Fremontii «© 517 ' Aruncus | 249 | : frondeus 518 Aruncus 250 frondosus 513 sylvester 249 |' fuleratus «= 518 ASCLEPIADACEAE — | Geyeri * 516 886 |> glastfolius + 518 ’ Asclepias 387 glaucus 513 arenaria * 888 |’ Golden 491 | brachystephana ’ griseolus 517 J: « 388 griseus ‘515 cryptoceras 388 hebecladus 515 curvipes 388 incanopilosus 515 galioides: | 889 1° incertus:| (.» 518 ' Hallii 388 |: integrifolius. | 514 incarnata 388 | ° Kingii ' §13 Jamesit 388 | Kumleinii.:. 514 latifolia 388 | laetevirens ‘' 516 pumila “389 laetevirens .§18 speciosa + 388 laevis — . 616 tuberosa 387 | Lindleyanus 516 verticillata 389 | lonchophyllus 517 Asclepiodora © 389 |: longifolius 517 decumbens 389 | majusculus. . 517° Ash 269, 378 meritus » 618 Green 378 multiflorus 515 Mountain’ 269 Nelsonii 517 Ash Trees 378 novae-angliae 514 ‘Aspen °127,128 4! Nuttallit 517 American ‘128 |' . oblongifolius 514 ‘Aspidium ©. 21 |. orthophyllus 517- | Filiz~mas'.' 21 || Osterhoutti 516 Asplenium “22.1 paniculatus i: 516 Andrewsii 22-4) Parryt coc 511 filix-foemina 22°} pauciflorus 513 | septentrionale 22 |: polycephalus 515 trichomanes' 22] Porteri viride 221 pratincola «= 517 Aster 511 proximus 518 adscendens 517 ptarmicoides:: 515 adsurgens 515 pulchellus »'- 522 alpinus ‘B13 | Richardsonit. 518 andinus 513 salicifolius. 516 Andrewsti §14' scopulorum 522 angustus 613 spathulatus:i. 517 apricus - 518 subracemosus 517 armeriaefolius 517 subspathulatus 517 Burket 517 tanacetifolius 519 , ‘ caerulescens 6516: Tweedyi 517- campestris 514 Underwoodti 517. Canbyi’ 517 vallicola ~ 517 | 516:|. 625 Wootoni:. 516 aylorhiza ».- 511 Astragalus 280 aboriginorum 285 acerbus 291 aculcatus | 290 adsurgens 284 alpinus 285 ‘americanus 288 amphioxus © 287 anisus 283 argophyllus . 287 ' artipes 288 asclepiadoides 286 Beckwithii 287 Bigelovii... 283 “ pisulcatus :. 289 Bodinii 292 brevicaulis .. 284 caespitosus. 290 calycosus 284 campestris 291 canadensis.. 283 candicans., 284 ‘. earolinianus | 283 caryocarpus 283 '. ceramicus.: 288 cerussatus 288 chamaeluce 286 cibarus 287 coloradensis 283 convallarius . 291 -. Clementi. ««- 291 crassicarpus 283 cyaneus|; . 286 decumbens 291 decurrens 291 desperatus. 285 diphysus 284 diversifolius 291 Drummondii 285 Eastwoodiae 288 elatiocarpus 289 elegans 286 exilifolius 290 Fendleri 292 flaviflorus 290 flavus . 290 flexuosus:., 291 ‘Fremontii , 285 Geyeri 288 giganteus 285 gilviflorus 292 glabriusculus 285 glareosus . (287 ' goniatus 284 gracilis 290 grallator 291 ’ Grayi _. 280 Hallii 291 ‘ Haydenianus 289 humillimus 289 hylophilus 294 ’ hypoglottis 284 +, Ineptus » 284 ‘| jejunus 289 junceus 291 junctformis 291 626 Kentrophyta leptaleus lingulatus lonchocarpus lotiflorus Macounii megacarpus microcystis microlobus missouriensis mollissimus multiflorus Newberryi nitidus Nuttallianus oreophilus oroboides Parryi Pattersonii pauciflorus pectinatus pictus proximus prunifer Purshii racemosus Robbinstt scaposus scopulorum salidae sericoleucus Shearis Shortianus - simplicifolius sparsiflorus - spatulatus succulentus . sulphurescens tenellus tenutfolius terminalis - tridactylicus - triflorus triphyllus -- nintensis ~ utahensis verilliflezus ‘= virgultutus - viridis Wetherillii Wingatensis - Wolfit Atheropogon curtipendula Altragene repens tenutloba Atriplex aptera argentea canescens carnosa confertifolia corrugata cuneata eremicola hastata hortensis 290 198°. 198 198 165 167 167 167 166 167 168 167 168 166 166 INDEX Nuttallii 168 |.. flaccidum 199 oblanceolata 168 longirostre 199 occidentalis 167 trichophyllum 199 odontophora 167 | Bean Caper Family pabularis 168 306 patula 166 | Bearberry’ 371. philonitra 167 | Beard Grass 56, 42 ° spatiosa 166 | Beard-tongue 439 subspicata 166 | Beckmannia 64 Suckleyana 166 |. erucaeformis 64 truncata 166 | Bedstraw 466 | volutans 167 | Beech Family 141 Wolfii 166 | Beggar's Ticks 550 Aulospermum 358 | Bent Grass 57 | angustum 359 | BERBERIDACEAE 204 ibapense 359 | Berberis 204 longipes 358 | . aquifolium 204 | planosum. 359 Fendleri 204 purpureum 359 | \ Fremontii 204 | Autumn Willow 130 repens 204 Avena 61 | Berry 250, 332 americana 62 | | Buffalo 332 | fatua 62 Salmon 250 : Mortoniana 62 | Berula 352 sativa 62 erecta 352. striata 62 | Betula 140 5 Avens 262 ‘Andrewsii . 140, Alpine 250 fontinalis 140 Awlwort 211 glandulosa 140 |. . occidentalis 140 Baccharis 532 | . papyrifera 140 Emoryi 533 | BETULACEAE 139 | glutinosa 532 .| Bicuculla . 206 |. salicina 532 | Bidens 550 |. Wrightii | 682 | ~ Bigelovit » 11] Bahia 556 bipinnata 551. chrysanthemoides cernua 551 557 chrysanthemoides dissecta 557 551 neo-mexicana 557 comosa, 551 nudicaulis . 556 | © frondosa... 551 ' oppositifolia, 556 glaucescens ' 550, Ball Cactus: . 326 tenuisecta 551 Balm 315 vulgata 551 Mountain 815 | Bigelovia 496 Balsam 29,128 | | graveolens 496 Balsamorrhiza 545 | Bindweed.. 393 floccosa 546 Hedge... 393 hirsuta - 546 Trailing 393 Hookeri 546 | Birch 140.| incana 546 Canoe 140 macrophylla 546 Family 139 sagittata 545 Mountain Bog 140 terebinthaceae. 546 Paper... - 140) tomentosa 546 Rocky Mountain’ Balsam-root | 545 140 Baneberry 190 .| Bistorta 156: Barbarea 215.) Bitter Cress . 216 americana. 215 | Bitterroot 179 vulgaris . 215.) Bitterweed 541 Barberry Family 204'| Blackberries 251 Barley 81.:}| Black Bindweed 160 - Wild 82.}| Black Bunch-grass Barnyard Grass 45 |. * v4 4 Bastard Toadflax ' {| Black-eyed Susan | . 146 |- : 544, Batrachium . 198:} Black Mustard. 215 confervoides. 199,}-Black Sage 570 iyo Black Willow 129 Bladder Pod 218 Double 217 Bladderwort Family 2 462 Blazing Star 487 Blepharineuron 56 tricholepis 56 Blepharipappus 553 . glandulosus 553 Blitum 163 * capitatum 163 - hastatum 163 Bluebell Family 473 Blueberries 372 Blue-eyed Grass 122 Blue Flag 121 Blue Grass 69 Blue Spruce 28 Blue-stem 42 Blue Vervain 425 Bog Rush . 109 Bolophyta 540 , alpina 540 Borage Family 410 ‘BoraGINACEAE 410 Bossekia,. 250 deliciosa 250 parviflora 250 Botrychium 17 Coulteri, 17 _ lanceolatum 17 Lunaria 17 simplex 17 Bottle Brush, 345 .Bouteloua . 63 hirsuta 63 oligostachya 63 polystachya 63 prostrata + 63 racemosa 64 Box Elder, 314 Boykinia _ 238 , heucheriformis 238 - Jamesi* 238 Brachiaria 44 .. obtusa, 44 :Brachyactis All > hybrida 516 Bracken 19 Brake 19 ., Cliff 20 . Rock 18 Brassica 214 1 arvensis 215 . nigra: 215 Brauneria 543 . angustifolia 543 Brickellia 486 - albicaulis 287 . ambigens 486 | atractyloides 487 -|.§ grandiflora 486 >, humilis. 487 » linifolia « 487 . microphylla 487 scaber 487 , umbellatus 486 Wrightii Bristle-cone Pine 27 Brittle Fern 21 Brodiaea 115 Douglasii 115 Brome Grass 76 Quake 77 Bromus 76 breviaristatus 78 brizaeformis 77 ciliatus 78 inermis 77 Kalmii 78 ' marginatus 78 ~ polyanthus 78) ' Porteri 78 Pumpellianus 77 purgans 73 racemosus a Richardsonii 78 secalinus 77: tectorum 77 Brookweed | 377 Broom Rape Family 463° |. Bryanthus 370 | Buchloe :' 64 dactyloides : 64 Buckbean Family : 384 ‘Buckbrush 470 Buckthorn Family “314 Buckwheat 147, 160 Climbing False 160 Family 147 Bud-brush 566 Buffalo Berry 332 Buffalo Bur 436 Buffalo Grass - 64 Bugseed 163 Bulbilis 64 ‘Bull Thistle 586 ‘Bulrush 85 ‘Bunch-flower Family 117 ' ‘Buplerum 350 - americanum 350 ‘\ purpureum 350 ranunculoides 350 Bur 46, 436 Buffalo 436 Sand 46 Bur Marigold 550 ‘Bur Oak 141 “Bur-reed Family 32 Bursa : 220 Bush Morning-glory 393 Butter and Eggs 438 Butterbur 571 ‘Buttercup 199 | Family 189 Nuttall’s 203 Trailing 202 ‘Cabbage 210 487-1" INDEX Wild 210 | Campion , 180 | CacTacEAE 326 | Canada Fleabane 532 Cactus 326 | Canary Grass 47 Ball » 326: | Canoe Birch 140. Family 326 | Caper Family 2381 Cactus 327 | Capnoides 206 radiosus 327 | Capnorea 406 Calamagrostis 58 pumila 406 canadensis 58 | CAPPARIDACEAE 231 hyperborea. . 59 | Caprirotiacear 468 inexpansa 59 | Capsella 220 montanensis 59 bursa-pastoris neglecta 59 | Cardamine 216 purpurascens 59 Breweri 217 scopulorum 60. cardiéphylla 217 Scribneri 58 cordifolia 217 Suksdorfii 59° hirsuta 217 Calamovilla 60 infausta 217 longifolia .. 60 pennsylvanica 217. Calandrinia 179 unijuga 217 pygmaea 179 vallicola 217 Calceolaria | 324 | Carduus 584 verticillata 324 acaulescens 586 Callirhoe 316 americanus 585 involucrata 316 araneosus 585. ‘Callisteria 400 arvensis 584 collina 400 bipinnatus 586 flavida 400 canovirens 585 formosissima 400 centaureae. 585 leucantha 400 coloradensis 585 pulchella 400 Drummondii 585 CALLITRICHACEAE | Eatonit 585 311 erosus 585 Callitriche 312 filipendulus 587 autumnalis 312. floccosus 587: bifida . 312 Flodmanii 587 palustris - 312 foliosus 585 verna 312 griseus 585 Calochortus 116 Hookerianus 585 Gunnisonii 117. Kelseyt 585 |. Nuttallii “4117 | lanceolatus 586 Caltha 190 | leucopsis 586 chionophila 190 megacephalus 587. leptosepala 190 nebraskensis 587 rotundifolia 190 Nelsonii 586 Caltrop 306 neo-mexicanus \Calymenia'- ‘. 173 \ co 586 1 decumbens. 173 oblanceolatus 587 ‘Calypso 123 ochrocentrus 587 borealis: . 124 oreophilus': 586 bulbosa 123 Osterhoutit 585 ‘Calyptridium 178 Parryi 586 ’ roseum 178 perplexans 585 'Calyzhymenia 173 plattensis 585 aggregata 173 pulchella 586 [| Camassia 115 pulcherrimus 585 esculenta 115.| — scariosus 585 ‘Camelina 220 scopulorum 585 sativa 220 spathulatus 586: ‘Campanula 473 Tracyi 586. aparinoides' 473 truncatus 586 Parryi 473 Tweedyt 585 petiolata 473 undulatus 587 planiflora 473 °| viridiflorus 585: ‘rotundifolia 473 |'Carex 89 uniflora 473 abbreviate 94 | CAMPANULACEAE ablata 95 o 473 acutina — 98 220.) adusta alpina aperta aquatilis aristata athrostachya atrata aurea, . Backii bella Bigelovii Bonplandi brunnescens canescens capillaris . cephaloidea chalciolepis .. deflexa Deweyana disticha Douglasii durifolia ebenea echinata elongata elynoides Engelmannii festiva festucacea filifolia filiformis foetida - frigida Gayana Geyeri gravida gynocrates Hoodii Hookeriana hystricina illota incurva Jonesii lagopina lanuginosa, leporina leptalea Liddonii. longirostris marecida, melanocephala misandra monile multinoda , muricata nebraskensis nigricans . nova obtusata |. occidentalis .. oreocharis Parryana pennsylvanica petasata physocarpa polytrichoides pratensig pratirola 628 pulla 96 pyrenaica 91 Redowskyana 100 Reynoldsii 99 rhomboidea 98 rigida 98 Rosstt 93 rupestris 93 Sartwellii 102 saxatilis 96 scirpoidea, 92 scoparia 105 scopulorum siccata - 102 stellulata 104 stenophylla 101 sterilis 104 stipata 102 straminea 105 tenella 100 tenuirostris 104 teretruscula 102 Tolmiet 98 Torreyt 94 trichocarpa 96: umbellata 93: utriculata 97 vallicola - 100 variabilis: 98 vesicaria 96 vulgaris 98 Carpet Weed Family 176 Carrion Flower 121 Carum | 351 Carui 351: Gairdneri 351 Garrettii 351 Halli 352 montanum 351 CarYOPHYLLACEAE Ro 180 ‘Caryopitys 27 edulis 27 monophylla 27 Cassiope 369 Mertensiana 370 ‘Castilleja 457. angustifolia 460 brachyantha 458 brevifiora 458 brunnescens 459 Buffumii 459 chromosa 458 cognata 458 collina 458 confusa ‘| 459 crista-galli 458 dubia 460 ili 457 fasciculata 460 flava 458 : gloriosa 459 Haydenii 459 integra 459 lancifolia 460 lauta 459 linariaefolia 458 INDEX Lindhetmert 459 parvifolius 246 linearis 461 | Cereus 329 lineata 461 conoideus 329 | longispica 460 phoeniceus 329 luteovirens 461 | Chaenactis 557 miniata 458 achilleaefolia. 557 minor 458 alpina 557 obtusiloba 460 Douglasii 557 occidentalis 461 pedicularia 557 pallescens 461 scaposa 559 - pallida 459 stevioides 557 pilifera 460 | Chaetochloa 45. pilosa 460 composita 46 puberula 461 viridis. 46 rhexifolia 460 | Chamaebatiaria 249. |, sessiliflora 458 millefolium 249 Suksdorfit 460 | Chamaechaenacitts sulphurea 461 559 trinervis 459 scaposa 559 |. Tweedyt 460 | Chamaenerion 334 villosa 460 angustifolium 334 | wyomingensis 461 latifolium 334 Catabrosa, 67 | Chamaerhodos 252 |. aquatica 67 erecta : 253 Catchfly 180 |} Chamaesaracha 435 Night-blooming conioides 435 set 181 coronopus 435. Catmint * 428 sordida 435 Catnip 428 | Charlock 215 Cat-tail Family 31 | Cheat W7 Caulanthus 210 | Cheeses 317 crassicaulis 210 | Cheilanthes 20 hastatus 210 Feei 20 Ceanothus 315 Fendleri 20 Fendleri 315: lanuginosa 20 mollissimus 315 | Chetranthus 230 ovatus 315 aridus 230 pubescens 315 Bakeri 230 subsericeus 315 | CHENOPODIACEAE velutinus 315 ce 160 CELASTRACEAE 313 |'Chenopodium, 160 | ‘Celtis -: 143 album 161 occidentalis 143 |: aridum 162 Cenchrus 46 Botrys 161 tribuloides 46 capitatum 163 Centaury 379 cornutum 161 Cerastium 184 desiccatum 162 arvense 185 Fremontii 162 beeringinaum 184 glaucum 161 brachypodium 184 hybridum 161 Buffumae 184 incanum 162 Earlei :. 185 leptophyllum 162. |. effusum: , 184 olidum .. 161 elongatum 184 rubrum 162 fuegianum . 184 subglabrum 162 longipeduncu- succosum 162 latum » 184 Watsonii 161 nutans 184 Wolfit 162 occidentale 185 | Cherry 269 ° oreophilum 185 Ground 433 scopulorum 185 | Sand 270 CERATOPHYLLACEAE Wild Red 270° : 189 | Chess 77 Ceratophyllum 189 | Chickasaw Plum 269 demersum 189 | Chickweed 182, 184 Cercocarpus 246 | Chicory: 587. intricatus 246 | Chimaphila 368 ledifolius 246 umbellata 368 Chionophila 449 Jamesii 449 Chokecherry 270 Cholrocrambe 211 hastatus 211 Chondrophylla 380 americana 380 Fremontii 380 Chrysanthemum 565 Leucanthemum ‘ 565 Chrysopogon . 43 nutans 43 Chrysopsis 491 alpicola 493 amplijolia 493 arida 492 asprella.. 492 Bakeri 492 caudata 493 compacta’ , 493 Cooperi. :, 493 depressa 493 floribunda 492 foliosa 493 .. fulcrata 493 hirsutissima 492 hirtella 527 hispida 492 horrida 492 imbricata. 493 incana 493 mollis 493 pedunculata 493 pumila 493 » resinolens 493 villosa. 493 viscida 492 Chrysosplenium 237 alternifolium 237 tetrandrum 237 | Chrysothamnus 494 affinis .” 496 albicaulis 496 Bakert. , 496 Bigelovii .; 496 collinus 497 confinis 496 depressus 496 elegans .. 495 falcatus 497 filifolius 495 frigidus 497 glaucus 495 graveolens 496 Greenei , 495 Howardii 496 laetevirens 497 ‘lanceolatus 495 leucocladus 495 _linifolius 494 nauseosus 496 Newberry 496 oreophilus 497 Parryi 497 patens — 496 pinifolius 497 plattensis 497 puberulus pulcherrimus pumilus ‘scoparius spectosus Vaseyi virens wyomingensis Chylisma scapoidea Cichorium Intybus Cinna arundinacea, latifolia Cinquefoil Shrubby Circaea alpina ‘pacifica, Cirsinum canescens Cicuta occidentalis trachypleura Cladothrix lanuginosa Clammy-weed Claytonia aurea caroliniana lanceolata megarrhiza multicaulis triphylla Cleavers Clematis alpina Bakert Douglasii eriophora Sonesti lingusticifolia occidentalis plattensis pseudoalpina Scottii verticillaris Clementsia rhodantha Cleome inornata integrifolia lutea - serrulata sonorae Cleomella angustifolia cornuta oocarpa Cliff Brake Climbing False Buckwheat Clover Alsike Prairie Red 232 231 231 231 231 231° 20 160 | 277 278 298 278 629 INDEX Sweet 277 | Cone-flower 544, 545 : , White 278 | Conioselinum 354 White Sweet 277 scopulorum 355 ‘Yellow Sweet 277 | Conmitella 236 Club Moss Family 25 | ConVALLARIACEAE Cnicus 584 ertocephalus 585 | CoNVOLVULACEAE hesperius 585 : 392 Parryi 585 | Convolvulus 393 undulatus 587 arvenis 393 Cockle 182 incanus 393 Corn 180 repens 893 Wheat 182 sepium 393 Cocklebur 542 | Corallorhiza 126 Coeloglossum 124 innata’ 127 bracteatum: 124 multiflora 127 Cogswellia 362 ochroleuca 127 ambigua 363 striata 127 bicolor 363 Vreelandit 127 foeniculacea 364 | Coral Root. 126 Grayi 363 | Cord Grass 63 Jonesii 364 | Cordylanthus 462 leptocarpa 363 Kingii 462 macrocarpa 364 ramosus 462 montana 363 Wrightii 462 ' orientalis. 364 | Coreopsis 550 platycarpa 364 lanceolata 550 Coldenia 411 tinctoria 550 Nuttallii 411 | Corispermum 163 Coleogyne 247 emarginatum 164 ramosissina 247 hyssopifolium 164 Coleosanthus 486 imbricatum 164 ambigens 487 marginale 164 congestus 486 ‘nitidum 163 Garrettii 487 villosum |. 164 petiolaris 486 | CorNACEAE 365 venulosus 487 | Corn Cockle 180 Collinsia 439 | Cornella 366 parviflora 439 | Cornus 366 tenella 439 Baileyi 366 Collomia 397 canadensis: 366 linearis 398 stolonifera 366 micrantha 399 | Corydalis 206 tenella 398 aurea 206 Colorado Rubber brachycarpum 207 Plant 561 Brandegei 206 Columbine 190 eurvisiliqua 206 Comandra 146 montana 206 pallida 147 | Corylus 139 umbellata 146 | rostrata 139 Comarum 261 | Cotton Grass 88 palustre 261 | Cottonwood 127, 128 Commelina 107 |. Narrow-leaf 128 erispa 107 | | Smooth-bark 128 virginica : 107 | Covillea . 306 CoMMELINACEAE 107 tridentata 306 Common Dandelion | Cowania — 246 - 600 mexicana 246 Common Horsetail | Crab Grass 44, 61 Cranesbill 302 Common Mallow 317 | Crassina 543 Common Mullein 438 grandiflora 543 Common Nightshade | CRaAssuLAcEAE 232 : ’ 436 | Crataegus 267 ' Common Thistle 586 cerronis . 267 CoMPOSITAE 476 chrysocarpa 268 Composite Family coloradensis 268 , 476 colorado 268 ‘coloradoides 268 Doddsii 268 Douglasii 267 erythropoda 268 occidentalis 268 rivularis 267 saligna 267 Sheridana 268 Wheeleri 267 Creeping Winter- green 371 Creosote Bush 306 Crepis 592 acuminata 593 alpicola §93 angustata , 594 atribarba 594 barbigera 594 denticulata 593 elegans 593 glauca 593 glaucella 593 gracilis 594 intermedia 594 nana 593 occidentalis 594 perplerans" 593 petiolata 593 platyphylla 593 pumila 594 riparia 593 runcinata 593 ‘ scopulorum 594 tomentulosa:: 593 Cress 215 Bitter 216 Water 216 Winter 215 Croton 308 texensis 308 Crowfoot 199 Water 198 CRUCIFERAE 207 Cryptanthe 415 affinis 416 ambigua 415 crassisepala 416 Fendleri 415 flexuosa 416 gracilis | 416 multicaulis 416 Pattersonii 415 ramulosissima 415 Torreyana 415 Watsonii 416 Cryptogramma 18 acrostichoides 18 Stelleri 18 Cucurbita 472 foetidissima 472 perennis 472 CUCURBITACEAE 472 Cudweed 538 Curled Dock 154 Currants ‘241 Golden 243 Missouri 243 Cuscuta 390 .630 Anthemi arvensis Cephalanthi Coryli cuspidata glomerata gracilis indecora megalocarpa paradoxa plattensis Polygonorum umbellata. CUSCUTACEAE Cycloloma atriplicifolium platyphyllum Cymopterus acaulis alpinus Fendleri abapensis lapidosus montanus Newberryi Parryi Cynomarathrum Eastwoodae Nuttallii CYPERACEAE Cyperus aristatus filiculmis inflexus -. Schweinitzii Cypripedium Knightae parviflorum Cyrtorhyncha neglecta ranunculina Cystopteris fragilis Dactylis glomerata Daisy Oxeye Wyoming Daisy Fleabane Dalea Dandelion Common Danthonia californica intermedia Parryi sericea spicata unispicata Darnel Dasiophora fruticosa Datura meteloides Stramonium. Tatula lay Flower 530, 437 436 107 INDEX Delphinum 192 | Dogtooth Violet. 116 albescens 193 | Dogwood 366 alpestre 194 Family 365 azureum 193 | Dondia 170 Barbeyt 194 erecta 170 bicolor 193 Moquina 170 camporum 193 | Door-weed 158 carolinianum 193 | Double Bladde: Pod Cockerellii 194 217 cucullatum 194 | Douglasia 373 dumetorum 193 biflora 374 elongatum 194 Johnstonit 374 Geyeri 193 montana 3874 glaucescens 194 | DouglasSpruce 29 multiflorum 194 | Draba 220. Nelsonii 192 alpina 223 Penhardii 193 andina 222 quercetorum 194 aurea 223 ramosum 194 auretformis . 224 reticulatum 194 Bakeri 223 robustum 193 cana 223 sapellonis - 193 caroliniana =. 221 scaposum 193 ichrysantha 223 scopulorum 193 coloradensis . 222 strictum 192 crassifolia . | 221 subalpinum 194 cuneifolia 222 Deschampsia 60 decumbens 224 caespitosa 60 densifolia 222 elongata 60 glacialts 223 Desert Juniper 30 graminea 223 Deyeuxia 58 Helleriana 223 Dicentra 206 incana 223 uniflora 206 lapilutea 222 Dicoria 540 lutea 223 Brandegei 541 luteola, 223 Diplachne 66 mongollonica 221 acuminata 66 montana 222 fascicularis 66 nemorosa 222 Diplopappus 522 neo-mexicana 223 ericaefolius 522 nitida 221 Disporum 120 oligosperma, 222. trachycarpum 120 oxyloba 223 Distegia 471 Parryt 221 Distichlis 68 reflexa 222 spicata 68 saximontana 222. Ditaxis 308 spectabilis 223 humilis 308 stellata 222 Dock 153 stenoloba 221, Curled 154 streptocarpa 223 Dodder 390 surculifera 223 | Family - 389 uber 223 Dodecatheon 375 | | ventosa 1222 conjugens 376 “Yellowstonensis Cusickii 376 4 222 cylindrocarpum Dracocephalum 428 376 parviflorum 429 multiflorum 376 | Dragon-head 428 pauciflorum 376 | | False 429 philoscia 376 | Drop-seed . . bl puberulentum 376 } Drop-seed Grass puberulum 376 fa pulchrum 376 | Drosace 374. radicatum 376 carinata 374 salinum 376 | Drupaczar 269 sinuatum 376 | Dryas 250 vulgare 376 octopetala 250 Dogbane Family 385 ; Drymocallis 253 Dog Fennel 564 arguta 253 convallaria . 253 fissa 253 glandulosa 253 glutinosa 254 Pap icerupes ins : » 253 Dryopteris 21 filix-mas » QL Duckweed 106 Family » 105 Greater 107 Dugaldia 561 helenioides 562. -Hooperii 561 Dusky Willow (131 Dysodia 563. - aurea 563 chrysanthemoides 563 papposa 563 Eatonia 66 ' obtusata 67 pennsylvanica 67 Echinacea |.» 543 Echinocactus 327 ‘glaucus 327 ‘Simpsonii 327 Whipplei 328 Echinocereus 328 aggregatus 329 Fendleri 328 ' gonacanthus 328 | Roemeri 329 viridiflorus 328 Echinochloa 44 Crus-galli 44 Echinocystis 472 . lobata 472 Echinospermum 411 | floribundum .. 412 Redowskii 413 Edwinia 244 ELAEAGANACEAE . pe aed . 831 Elaeagnus 1381 argentea, 331 EvaTiInacEAE 319 Elatine 319 . americana 319 ) Elder 468 Eleocharis 87 acicularis 88 atropurpurea 87 olivacea 87 ovata 88 palustris 87 rostellata 88 -| tenuis: | | 88 thermalis . . . 87 Elephantella 457 groenlandica 457° | Blista day 407 Elm. Family 143 Elymus _ 82: ambiguus 83 brachystachys 82 canadensis 82 condensatus'' 83 glaucus 82 hirsutiglimis' 82 innovatus ~ 83 Macounii 82 robusius 82 salinus 83 Stbiricus 82 simplex ° 83 Sitanion 84 triticoides © 83 Elyna 89 Bellardii 89 Emmenanthe 410 scopulina 410 Salina 410° Endolepis 166 ovata 166 ih cohen Spruce 2 Enomegra 205 ‘hispida 205° Ephedra 30 antisyphilitica 31 Torreyana’ 31 trifurca 31 Epilobium 335 adenocaulon 337 alpinum 336 anagallidifolium 336 brevistylum 337 clavatum 336 soloratum 337 Drummondii 336 Halleanum' 337 ‘Hornemannii 335 glandulosum 337 latifolium ‘334 lineare 336 Ovatifolium 337 Palmeri — 337 paniculatum 336 Perplexans' 337 rubescens'‘ 337 saximontanum 336 spicatum 334 stranineum 337 suffruticosum 335 wyotingense' 336 Epipactis 125 gigantea ~ 125 EQuisETACEAE! 23 Equisetum 23 arvense 24 ‘fluviatile ‘24 hiemale 24 laevigatum 2 palustre 24 pratense 24 variegatum 24 Eragrostis 66 major’ 66 pilosa 66 Purshii 66 ERICACEAE 369: | Eriocarpum 498 INDEX’ Erigeron §22 Tamosus 529 ' aeris 530 | : salsuginosus 524 annuus 629 Scribner 527 aphanactis 628 simplex 526 arenarius 529 simulans 527 argentatus 531 spathulifolius 526 armeriaefolius 530 speciosus 525 asper 525 striatus 525 caespitosus 528 strigosus 529 canadensis 532 subcanescens 528 canus 531 subtrinervis 525 cinereus 529 superbus 524 : eolo-mexicanus tener 526 ‘529 trifidus 528 compositus 528 Tweedyana: 581 concinnus 528 Tweedy 526 consobrinus’ 525 uniflorus + 526 conspicuus 525 ursinus 527 corymbosus 528 vetensis 527 Coulteri 524 viscidus 525 curvifolius''' 527 Vreelandii 525 divaricatus 532 | wyomingensis 527 divergens 529 yellowstonensis 530 ' Droebachensis 530 | Eriocoma 51 Earlit 525 caduca 51 Eatonii 527 | cuspidata 51 ‘ elatior =~ +: 524 | Eriogonum 147 Engelmannii 527 acaule 150 eximius - 525 |. alatum 149 flabellifolius 529 andinum 152 | flagellaris 529 annuum 148 formosissimus 525 arcuatum 149 Garrettii | 526 Bakeri 149 glabellus 525 caespitosum 152: glacialis 524 campanulatum glandulosus 526 152 gracilis 527 cernuum 148 grandiflorus 524 chloranthum 150 inamoenus 527 chrysocephalum. . 1 incanescens 525 152 | jucundus 530 corymbosum 152 i ldpiluteus 530 crassifolium 150 * Ieiomeris 526 divergens 152 : leucotrichus 526 effusum 151 ; lonchophyilus 530 Fendleriana: 152 . luteus ‘527 flavum 150 MacDougallii 529 fusiforme 148 macranthus' 525 Gordonii 148 ' melanocephalus heracleoides 149 : 525 inflatum 148 , microlonchus 527 Jamesii 149 monianensis' 581 Jonesii 151 | multifidus ' 528 lachnogynum 150 nauseosus 526 Jatum 149 Neélsonii - 528 lonchophyllum 151 _ nemataphyllus 527 microthecum 151 nudtflorus 529 multiceps 151 oblanceolatus 525 neglectum 149 -oreocharis 526 nudicaule 151 Parryi 527 ochroleucum 150 pedunculata 529 orendense 152 philadelphicus 529 orthocaulon 150 pinnatisectus 529 ovalifolium 150 platyphyllus 525 | polyphyllum 150 ’ poliospermus ‘527 pauciflorum 151 pumilus 528 Piperi 150 racemosus 530 racemosum 151 radicatus 526 Rydbergii 149 salicinum 152 salinum 151 salsuginosum 148 scoparium 151 Simpsonii 151 subalpinum 149 tenellum 151 tetraneuris 150 triste 149 tristichum 152 umbellatum 149 umbelliferum 149 vegetius 149 zanthum 150 Eriogynia 249 uniflora, 249 Eriophorum 88 gracile 89 ocreatum 88 polystachyon 88 Eriophyllum 555 integrifolium 556 multiflorum 556 Wallacei 556 Eritrichium 414 argenteum 414 elongatum 414 Howardii 414 Erocallis 179 triphylla 179 Erodium 304 cicutarium 304 Erysimum 229 alpestre 231 amoenum 231 aridum 230 asperrimum 230 asperum 230 cheiranthoides 230 inconspicuum 230 nivale 230 oblanceolatum 230 parviflorum::. 230 pumilum. +; 230 radicatum 230 Wheeleri 230 Erythraea 379 arizonica 279 Dougiasii. 379 Erythronium .. 116 grandiflorum 116 obtusatum 116 parviflorum 116 Eucephalus §11 formosus 513 Euklisia 211 crassifolia 211 Eupatorium 484 -ageratifolium 485 arizonicum ,. 485 atromontanum 485 Brunert 485 Fendleri 485 maculatum = 485 Rydbergit 485 texense 48& Euphorbia 306 albomarginata 31 632 Aliceae 311 arkansana 311 commutata 311 cuphosperma 311 dentata 310 dictyosperma 311 Fendleri 310 glyptesperma 310 hexagona 310 manca 311 marginata 310 montana 311 petaloidea 309 robusta 311 serpens 309 serpyllifolia 310 strictospora 310 EvpPHORBIACEAE 308 Eurotia 168 lanata 168 Eustoma 879 Andrewsii 379 Euthamia 507 camporum 507 occidentalis 507 Evaz 533 prolifera 533 Evening Primrose 337 Family » 833 White 338 Everlasting 538 Pearly 537 Evolvulus 392 argenteus 392 pilosus ©. 892 FaGackaE 141 Fallugia 250 acuminata 250 paradoxa 250 False Asphodel 118 False Boneset 485 False Dragon-head 429 False Flax 220 False Goldenrod 494 False Hellebore 119 False Hemlock Spruce 29 False Indigo 295 False Mallow 317 False Mermaid Family _ 312 False Raspberry 250 False Redtop 70 Fatsia ' 346 horrida 346 Feather Grass 48 Fendlera 245 rupicola 245 Fendler’s Willow : 130 Fennel 564 Dog 564 Fern 18 Brittle 21 Family 18 INDEX Grape 17 firma 252 Holly 21 glauca 252 Lady 22 ovalis 252, Lip 20 paucifiora 252 Male 21 platypetala 252 Shield 21 prolifica 252 Festuca 75 pumila 252 arizonica 75 vesca 252 brachyphylla 75 virginiana 252 campestris 76 | Fragrant Primrose , confinis 76 339 Earlii 76 | Frankenia 319 elatior 76 Jamesii 319 ingrata 75 | FRANKENIACEAE 319 Jonesii 76 | Franseria * 541 Kingit 76 acanthicarpa 542 minutifiora 76 discolor 542 octoflora 75 Grayi 542 ovina ‘75 Hookeriana 542 rubra 76 tenuifolia 542 scabrella, 76 tomentosa 542 tenella 75 | Frasera 384 Thurbert “96 angustifolia 384 vallicola 76 macrophylla 384 Watsonit 76 scabra 384 Ficoideae 176 speciosa 384 Field Sorrel 153 stenopetala 384 Figwort 439 | Fraxinus 378 Family 437 anomala 378 Filago 533 lanceolata 378 prolifera 533 viridis 378 Filix 21 | French Weed 214 fragilis . 21 | Fringed Loosestrife . Fir 28 : 877 Alpine 29 | Fritillaria 115 Joint 30 atropurpurea 116 White 28 pudica 116 Fireweed 334 | Froelichia 172 Flag 121 floridana 172 Blue 121 gracilis 172 Flaveria 562 . angustifolia . 562 | Gaertneria 542 Flax 305 Grayi 542 Family 304 linearis 542 Fleabane 522 tomentosa 542 Canada 532 | Gaillardia 562 Daisy 529 aristata 563 Floerkia 312 pinnatifida 563 occidentalis 312 | Galium 466 Flower ‘117 aparine 467 Bunch 117 asperrimum 468 Carrion 121 bifolium 467 Day 107 boreale 467 Monkey 453 Brandegei 468 Pasque 197 eoloradoense 468 Twin 469 flaviflorum 467 Forestiera 378 Mathewsit 468 neo-mexicana 378 | | trifidum 467 Forget-me-not 423 triflorum 467. Four-o’clock Family Vaillantii 467 172 | Galpinsia 341 Fowl Meadow Grass lavandulaefolia 70 342 Foxtail 46, 82 | Gaultheria 371 Green 46 humifusa 371 Fragaria 251 myrsinites 371 americana 252 | Gaura 344 bracteata 252 coloradensis 344 coccinea, , 344 glabra 344 . marginata 844 neo-mexicana 344 ' parviflora, 344 Gaurella 341 canescens 341 guttulata 341 Gayophytum 333 caesium 333 diffusum 333 intermedium 334 Nuttalli 333 racemosum 333 ramosissimum 334 Gentian 380 Family 379 Perennial Fringed 381 Rocky Mt. Fringed 381 Gentiana 380 affinis 382 Amarella 382 Andrewsii 383 barbellata 381 Bigelovii 383 bracteosa 3&2 calycosa 382 Clematis 382 distegia 382 elegans 381 Forwoodii 383 frigida 382 heterosepala 381 humilis 380 interrupta 383 monantha 381 Moseley 381 Parryi 382 plebeja 382 prostrata 380 Romanzovii 382 serrata 381 strictiflora 382 _ tenella 381 GENTIANACEAE 379 GERANIACEAE. 302 Geranium 302 Family -802 atropurpureum 303 Bicknellit 303 caespitosum 303 earolinianum 303 Cowentt 303 Fremontii 303 incisum 303 longipes 303 nervosum 303 Parryi 303 Pattersonti 303 pusillum 303 Richardsonii 303 strigosum 303 viscosissimum 303 Gerardia 452 aspera 452 Besseyana tenuifolia vermander Geum macrophyllum oregonense rivale Rossii scopulorum strictum triflorum Giant Hyssop Gilia ageregata attenuata Bakeri Brandegeet: caespitosa candida cephaloidea congesta Crandallit exserta floribunda gracilis Harknessii Haydenii inconspicua laxiflora leptomeria longiflora Merrillit micrantha minutiflora Nuttallii pharnaceoides pinnatifi.a polyantha polycladon pumila pungens roseata scariosa, spicata spergulifolia subacaulis subnuda superba tenerrima Tweedyi Watsonii ' Ginseng Family Glaux maritima Glecoma hederacea Globeflower Globe Mallow Glyceria aquatica borealis distans fluitans grandis nervata pauciflora Glycyrrhiza 452! 453! 426 262 262 262 262 263 262 262 262 428 398 400 400 401 405 402 400 401 401 40) 400 402 399 402 401 399 400 399 400 401 399 399 402 402 400 400 401 INDEX ‘lepidota 295 Marsh 63 Gnaphalium 538 Meadow 69 angustitolum 539 Needle 50 chilense 538 Oat 61, 62 decurrens 538 Orchard 68 palustre 538 Panic 45 Sprengelat 538 Perennial Rye 78 strictum 539 Porcupine 50 sulphurescens 538 Quake Brome 77 thermale 538 Reed 58, 65 Wrightii 538 Reed'Canary 47 GNETACEAB 30 Reed Meadow 74 Goat’s Beard 249 Rice 50 Golden Aster 491 Rice Cut 46 Golden Currant 243 Rush 54 Goldenrod 504 Smooth Brome 77 False 494 Spear 69 Rayless 494 Squirreltail 82 Golden Saxifrage Switch 45 237 Tape 38 CGoodyera 126 Three-awned 47 Gooseberry Family True Oat 61 4 Vanilla 47 Goosefoot' Family Wheat 79 160 Witch 45 Goose Grass | 158 | Gratiola 449 Gormania 233 virginiana 449 debilis 233 | Grayia 168 Gourd Family 472 Brandegei 168 Grama Grass 63 polygaloides 168 GRAMINEAE 38 spinosa 168 Grape 315 | Greasewood 169 Oregon 204 | Greater Duckweed - River-bank:' 316 . 107 Grape Fern 17 | Great Ragweed 541 Grapuephcrum 73 | Green Ash 378 fleruosum 66 | Green Foxtail 46 melicoides 73 | Grindelia 489 Wolfii 73 aphanactis 490 Grass 38, 234 decumbens 490 Arrow 36 erecta 490 Barnyard 45 fastigiata 490 Beard 42, 56 grandiflora 490 Bent 57 imornata 490 Black Bunch 43 nuda 490 Blue 69 perennis 490 Blue-eyed 122 platylepis 490 Brome 76 scabra 491 Buffalo 64 squarrosa 490 Canary 47 subalpina 489 Cord 63 subincisa 490 Cotton 88 | texana 490 Crab 44,61 | Gromwell 423 Drop Seed 54 | GROSSULARIACEAE Feather 48 241 Fowl Meadow 70 | Ground Cherry 433 Goose 158 | Ground Ivy 429 Grama 63 | Ground Pine 25 Hair 51, 60 | Groundsel 576 Herd’s 57 | Gum Plant 489 Holy 47 | Gutierrezia 488 Hungarian Brome divaricata - 489 77 diversifolia 488 Johnson 43 Euthamiae 489 June 70 filifolia 489 Kentucky Blue 70 glomerella 489 » Lyme 82 juncea 489 » Manna 73+) lepidota 488 633 linearis 488 longifolia 488 mucrocephala 489 myriacephala 489 Sarothrae 489 scoparia 489 Gymnolomia 544 multiflora 544 Gymnosteris 397 nudicaulis 397 Gyrostachys 125 stricta 125 Habenaria 124, 125, 126 dilatata 124 hyperborea 124 unalaschensis 125 Hackberry 143 Hair Grass 51, 60 Halerpestes 202 cymbalaria 203 HALORAGIDACEAB | 345 Haploesthes 571 Greggii 571 Harbouria 350 trachypleura 530 Harebell | 473 Hesperaster 324 Hawkweed 594 Hawthorn 267 Hazelnut 139 Heath 369, 370 Family 369 Mountain 370 Hedeoma 431 Drummondii 4382 hispida 432 ovata 432 Hedge Bindweed 393 Hedge Hyssop 449 Hedysarum 299 boreale 300 canescens 300 carnosulum 300 cinerascens 299 flavescens 300 Mackenzii 300 Marginatum 300 pabulare 300 philoscia 300 sulphurescens 300 uintahense 300 Helenium 562 autumnale 562 Hoopesti 562 montanum 562 Helianthella » 549 ~ microcephala 549 multicaulis. 549 Parryi 549 quinquenervis 549 uniflora 549 Helianthus 547 annuus 547 aridus 548 fascicularis 548 334 grosse-serratus 548 lenticularis 547 Maximilianus 548 Nuttallii 548 orgyalis 548 petiolaris 547 prmilis 548 rigidus 548 scaberrimus 547 subrhomboideus 548 utahensis 548 Heliopsis 543 laevis 543 scabra 543 Heliotrope 411 Heliotropium 411 convolvulaceum 411 curassavicum 411 spathulatum 411 Hemicarpha 89 aristulata 89 Hemp: 171 Water 171 Heracleum 365 lanatum 365 Hesperidanthus 209 Heteranthera 108 limosa 108 Heterothrix 209 Heuchera 234 bracteata 235 ciliata 235 cylindrica 235 flabellifolia 235 grossulariifolia 235 Halilii 235 hispida * 235 ovalifolia 235 parvifolia 236 rubescens 235 saxicola 235 Sttgreavesti 235 utahensis 236 Williamsii 236 Hieracium 594 albiflorum 595 canadense 595 columbianum 595 cynoglossoides 596 - Fendleri 595 gracile 595 griseum 596 Scouleri 595 umbellatum 595 Hierochloe 47 borealis 47 odorata 47 High Bush Cran- berry 469 Hilaria 43 Jamesii 43 Hippuris 345 vulgaris 345 Hoarhound 432 INDEX Water 432 multiflora 561 Hoary Vervain 425 Osterhoutit 561 Hoary Willow 136 Richardsonii 560 Holly Fern 21 | HypericaceaE 320 Holodiscus 247 | Hypericum 320 dumosus 247 formosum 320 microphyllus 247 Scouleri 320 Holy Grass 47 | Hypopitys 369 Homalobus 291 multiflora 369 hylophilus 291 | Hyssop 449 Homalocenchrus 46 Hedge 449 oryzoides 46 Honeysuckle 471 | Indian Hemp 385 Family 468 | Indian Millet 51 Hop 143 | Indian Pipe Family Hop Tree 306 368 Hordeum 81 | Indian Reed. 56 jubatum 82 | Ionactis 522 nodosum 82 alpina 522 pusillum 82 | Ionidium 324 Horkelia 254 lineare 324 Gordonii 254 | Ipomoea 392 Hornwort Family hederacea 393 189 leptophylla 392 Horsemint 431 mexicana 393 Horsetail 23 pandurata 392 Common 24 purpurea, 393 Family 23 | In1pACEAB 121 Hosackia 277 | Iris Family 121 Purshiana 277 | Iris 121 Huckleberry Family missouriensis 121 372 pelogonus 121 Hulsea 557 | Ironweed 484 carnosa 558 | Isocoma 498 Humulus 143 Wrightii 498 lupulus 144 | IsorracEAE 24 Hungarian Brome Tsoetes 24 Grass W7 Bolanderi 25 Hutchinsia 220 lacustris 25 procumbens 220 | Iva 540 Hybanthus 323 axillaris 540 _ verticillata 323 xanthifolia 540 Hydrangea Family || Ivesia 254 243 Gordonii 254 HyYDRANGEACEAE Ivy 313, 316, 429 243 American 316 HyYDROPHYLLACEAB Ground 429 405 Western Poison Hydrophyllum 406 313 capitatum 406 | Ivy-leaved Morning Fendleri 406 Glory 393 occidentale 406 Hymenatherum 563 | Jamesia 244 aureum 563 americana 244 Hymenopappus 554 | Jamestown Weed arenosus 554 437 cinereus 555 | Jimson Weed 437 filifolius 554 | Joe Pye Weed 485 ligulaeflorus 561 | Johnson Grass 43 luteus 554 | Joint Fir Family 30 orchroleucus 555 | JUNCACEAR 108 parvulus 555 | JUNCAGINACEAE 36 scaposus 555 | Juncoides 109 tenuifolius 554 intermedium 109 Hymenoxys 560 | Juncus 109 chrysanthemoides balticus 113 561 bufonius 112 floribunda 561 canadensis 111 castaneus 111 confusus 112 Dudleyt 112 Drummondii 112 ensifolius 110 filiformis 113 Hallii 112 intermedius 109 interior 112 longistylis 111 marginatus 111 Mertensianus 110 nevadensis 110 nodosus 110 orthophyllus 11) Parryi 112 Richardsonianus 110 saximontanus 110 subtriflorus 112 tenuis 112 Torreyi 110 triglumis 11 Tweedyi 111 Vaseyi 112 xiphioides 110 June Grass 70 Juniper 29 Desert 30 Rocky Mountain 30 Utah 30 Juniperus 29 communis 30 Knightii 30 monosperma 29 sabina 30 scopulorum 30 utahensis 29 virginiana 30 Kallstroemia 306 brachystylis 306 Kalmia 370 glauca 371 microphylla 371 polifolia 371 Kelloggia 466 galioides 466 Kelseya 249 uniflora 249 Kentucky Blue x Grass 70 Kinnikinnick 371 Knot Grass 158 Knotweed 155 Kobresia 89 scirpina 89 Kochia 164 americana 164 scoparia 165 vestita 165 Koeleria 67 cristata 67 Krigia 589 amplezicaulis 589 virginica 589 Krynitzkia 414 californica 414 crassisepala 416 Fendleri 145 fulvocanescens 418 glomerata 419 Jamesii 417 leucophaea 417 Pattersonii 415 sericea 418 virgata 419 Watsonit 416 Kuhnia_ 485 eupatorioides 485 . glutinosa 485 Gooddingii 485 Hitechcockii 485 leptophylla 486 reticulata 486 rosmarinifolia 486 Kunzia 247 tridentata 247 LABIATAE 426 Labrador Tea 371 Laciniaria 488 ' ligulistylis 488 Lactuca 596 canadensis 596 /graminifolia 597 integrata 596 leucophaea 596 ludoviciana 597 pulchella 596 Scariola 596 spicata 596 Sylvatica 597 virosa 596 Ladies’ Tresses 125 Lady Fern 22 Lady’s Slipper 123 Lamb’s Quarters 161 Lappula 411 americana 412 caerulescens 412 calycosa 413 cenchroides 413 | , cucullata 413 desertorum 413 erecta 412 floribunda 412 foliosa 413 heterosperma 413 Lappula 413 occidentalis 413 subdecumbens 412 Larkspur 192 Larrea 306 mexicana 306 Lathyrus > 801 arizonicus 302 decaphyllus 301 incanus 301 leucanthus 302 myrtillifolius 302 ochroleucus 302 ornatus 301 palustris 302 301 polymorphus utahensis Laurel American Laurentia carnosula eximia Lavauxia brachycarpa flava Howard Layia glandulosa Lead Plant Ledum glandulosum Legouzia LEGUMINOSAE Lemna . cyclostasa gibba minima minor perpusilla triscula LEMNACEAE Leonurus cardiaca Lepachys Lepargyrea. . Lepidium alyssoides apetalum brachybotryum crandallit crenatum divergens Draba Eastwoodiae Fremontii intermedium Jonesii lasiocarpum medium montanum pubecarpum Tramosissimum ramosum spatulatum Leptilon canadensis divaricatum Leptotaenia Eatonii _ multifida Lesquerella alpina argentea, aurea condensata curvipes Engelmannii Fendleri Macounti macrocarpa montana . ovalifolia ovata parvula INDEX 302 prostrata 219 370 pruinosa 220 370 rosulata 219 475 Shearis 219 | 475 spathulata 219 475 | utahensis 219 341 valida 219 341 | Lesser Mistletoe 145 341 | Lettuce 596 341 | Leucampyx 555 552 Newberryi 555 553 | Leucelene 522 295 alsinoides 522 371 arenosa 522 371 ericoides 522 474 hirtella 522 270 | = serotina 522 106 | Leucocrinum 113 106 montanum 113 107 | Lewisia 179 106 minima 179 106 pygmaea 179 106 rediviva 179 106 triphylla 179 105 | Liatris 487 429 ligulistylis 488 430 punctata 488 545 scariosa 488 332 | Licorice 295 212 | Ligusticella 354 212 Eastwoodae 354 213 | Ligusticum 352 213 affine 353 212 Eastwoodae 354 212 filicinum 353 213 | Porteri 353 212 scopulorum 355 212 simulans 353 212 tenuifolium 353 | 213 | Liniackar 113 213 | Lilium 115 213 montanum 115 213 philadelphicum 212 115 213 | Lily 115 213 Family 113 213 Mariposa 116 212 Valley, of the 119 532 Water 188 532 White Mountain 532 113 362 | Yellow Pond 188 362 | Lily of the Valley 362 | © ‘Family 119 218 | Limber Pine 27 219 | LimNANTHACEAE 312 218 | Limnorchis 124 220 borealis 124 219 laxiflora 124 219 purpurascens 124 219 stricta 124 219 sparsiflora 124 219 viridiflora 124 218 | Limosella 452 219 aquatica 472 220 | LinacEAE 304 220 | Linaria 438 219 canadensis 438 vulgaris Linnaea americana borealis Linum arkansanum australe compactum Kingii Lewisii perenne puberulum rigidum Lip Fern Lippia cuneifolia lanceolata Listera convallarioides cordata nephrophylla Lithophragma australis bulbifera Lithospermum albicans angustifolium asperum ciliolatum Gmelinii hirtum lineartfolium multiflorum pilosum Lloydia serotina , Loasa Family LoasackEar Lobelia Family cardinalis splendens syphilitica LoBELIACEAE Loco Locust : Lodge Pole Pine Lolium perenne temulentum Lomatium purpureum Lonicera caerulea ebractulata glaucescens involucrata utahensis Loosestrife Family Fringed Lophanthus anisatus urticifolius LorANTHACEAE Lotus americanus 438 469 470 470 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 305 20 425 425 426 125 125 126 126 237 237 237 423 423 424 424 424 423 423 424 423 423 116 116 324 324 474 474 474 474 474 474 292 280 636 Wrightii 277 Lousewort 455 Lowellia 563 aureum 563 Lucerne 277 Lupine 272 Lupinus 272 aduncus 273 alpestris 275 alsophilus 275 ammophilus 276 amplus 276 arceuthinus 276 argenteus 274 argentinus 276 argophyllus 275 Bakeri 276 barbiger 276 brevicaulis 273 Burkei 276 caespitosus 273 comatus 276 decumbens 275 dichrous 273 flexuosus 274 floribundus 274 Greenei 274 Helleri 276 humicola 275 ingratus 274 Kingii 273 Jonesii 275 laxiflorus 276 laxus 276 leptostachyus 274 leucanthus 276 leucophyllus 273 monticola 275 myrianthus 274 oreophilus 274 ornatus 273 parviflorus 274 plattensis 273 pseudoparviflorus 275 pulcherrimus 276 pusillus 273 ramosus 275 rubricaulis 275 Sileri 273 Wyethii 276 Luzula 108 comoss 109 intermedia 109 parviflora 109 spicata 109 Lychnis 182 _Drummondii 182 Kingii 182 montana 182 striata 182 LycoPropiacBAE 25 Lycopodium 25 annotinum 25 Lycopus 432 americanus 432 asper 432 lucidus 432 sinuatus Lycurus phleoides Lygodesmia ' exigua grandiflora juncea rostrata spinosa Lyme Grass Lysiella obtusata LyYTHRACEAB Lythrum alatum Machaeranthera aspera Bigelovii canescens cichoriacea commixta coronopifolia divaricata Fremontii glabella latifolia linearis paniculata Pattersonii pulverulenta ramosa. rubricaulis ' Selbyi shastensis spectabilis subalpina superba tanacetifolia varians viscosa viscosula Macrocalyx Nyctelea Macronema discoideum grindelioides lineare obovatum Madder Family Madia glomerata Maidenhair Malacothrix conshoides Fendleri runcinata Torreyi Male Fern Mallow Common False Family Globe Indian Malva rotundifolia MALVACEAE INDEX 432 | Malvastrum 52 coccineum 53 Cockerellit 591 dissectum 592 elatum 591 leptophyllum 591 Munroanum 591 | Mamillaria 591 missouriensis 82 neo-mexicana 126 similis 126 vivipara 332 | Manna Grass 832 | Maple 332 Family Mountain 518 | Mare’s-tail 519 | Marigold 190, 520 Bur 520 Marsh 519 | Marilaunidium 520 angustifolium 519 | Mariposa Lily 521 | Marsh Grass 519 | Marsh Marigold 521 | Marsilea 520 oligospora 521 vestita 520 | MARSILEACEAE 520 | Martynia 521 Family 521 louisiana 520 | MARTYNIACEAE 520 | Matricaria 521 discoidea 520 matricarioides 521 | Mayweed 521 | Meadow Grass 519 | Fowl 519 | Meadow Rue 520 | Meadowsweet 520 | Medic 407 | Medicago 407 sativa 501 | Melampodium 502 cinereum 502 leucanthum 502 | MELANTHACEAE 502 | Melica 466 bulbosa, 552 parviflora 552 Portert 19 Smithii 590 spectabilis 590 | Melilotus 590 alba 590 officinalis 590 | Mentha 21 canadensis 316 spicata 317 | Mentzelia 317 albicaulis 316 chrysantha 318 compacta 318 ctenophora 316 decapetala 317 densa 316 dispersa 317 317 318 318 317 318 318 326 327 327 gracilis 325 laciniata 325 laevicaulis 326 latifolia 324 multiflora 325 Nelsonii 324 nuda 325 oligosperma 324 ornata 325 pumila 326 Rusbyt 325 sinuata 326 speciosa 326 stricta 325 tenerrima 325 Tweedyi 325 MENYANTHACEAE 384 Menyanthes 384 trifoliata 384 Menziesia 370 ferruginea 370 glabella 370 urceolaria 370 Meriolix 342 serrulata 342 Mertensia 420 alba 422 alpina 420 amoena 422 Bakeri 422 brachyloba 422 brevistyla 421 canescens 423 ciliata 421 congesta 421 coriacea 420 coronata 422 cynoglossoides 421 foliosa 420 fusijormis 421 lanceolata 422 lateriflora 423 lineariloba 421 muriculata 421 obtusiloba 421 ovata 421 papillosa 421 Parryi 421 perplera 420 picta 421 polyphylla 421 pratensis 422 punctata 421 sibirica 421 Tweedyi 422 viridis 422 Micrampelis 472 Micranthes 241 arnoglossa 241 Microseris 589 nutans 590 Microsteris 399 micrantha 399 Milfoil 564 Milkweed 387 Family 386 Green 386 Milkwort Family 307 Mimulus 453 floribundus 454 Geyeri 454 gratioloides 453 Hallii 454 Jamesii 454 Langsdorfii 543 Lewisii 453 membranacea 454 moschatus 454 nanus 453 nasutus 454 puberulus 454 rubellus 453 thermalis 454 Tolmiei 453 Mint 427 Family 426 Wild 428 Mirabilis 172 multifiora 173 oxybaphoides 173 Missouri Currant 243 Mistletoe 146 Lesser 145 Mitella 236 Parryi 236 pentandra 236 stauropetala 236 stenopetala 236 violacea 236 Miterwort 236 Mock Orange 244 Moebringia 287 lateriflora 187 Mollugo 176 verticillata 176 Monarda 431 citriodora 431 comata 431 fistulosa 431 menthaefolia 431 Nuttallii 431 Ramaleyi 431 stricta 431 Monardella 430 parviflora 430 Moneses 367: uniflora 367 Monkey Flower 453 Monkshood 195 Monolepis 163 - chenopodioides 163 Nuttalliana 162 pusilla 163 Monotropa 368 ‘Hypopitys 369 - uniflora 369 MonoTRoPACEAE 368 Montia 178 Chamissonis 178 linearis 178 Viae 178 Moonwort 17 MorAcEAE 143 INDEX Morning-glory sagittata 592 392, 393 | Nacrea 531 Bush 393 lanata 538 Family 392 | NalaADACEAE 33 Ivy-leaved 893 | Nasas 36 Moschatel Family flexilis . 36 472 guadalupensis 36 Mossy Cup 141 | Nama 410 Motherwort 429 ‘angustifolium 410 Mountain Ash 269 Mountain Balm 315 Mountain Bog Birch 140 Mountain Heath 370 Mountain Mahogany 246 Mountain Maple 314 Mountain Sorrel -152 Mountain Timothy 53 Mousetail 198 Mud Plantain 108 Mudwort 452 Mugwort 565 Muhlenbergia 51 comata 52 filiculmis 52 gracilis 51 gracillima 52 pungens 52 racemosa 52 Wrightii 52 Mulberry Family 143 Mullein 438 Common 438 Munroa 65 squarrosa 65 Muscaria 240 delicatula 240 micropetala 240 Musenium 349 Musineon - 349 angustifolium 349 divaricatum 349 Hookeri 349 pedunculatum 349 tenuifolium 350 trachyspermum 349 _ vaginatum 350 Musk Plant: 454 Mustard 214 Black 215 Family 207 Plains 208 Tansy 224 Treacle 230 Wild 215 Myosotis 423 alpestris 423 sylvatica 423 Myosurus 198 apetalus 198 Myriophyllum 345 spicatum. 345 verticillatum 345 Nabalus §92 racemosa. 592 dichotomum 410 Narrow-leaf Cotton- wood 128 Nasturtium 215 officinale 216 Naumbergia 377 thyrsiflora 377 Navarretia 403 ‘Breweri 403 intertexta 403 minima 403 Needle Grass 50 Negundo 314 aceroules 314 | Neillia 248 malvacea 248 Nelson’s Willow 137 Nemexia 121 herbacea 121. Nemophila 407 parviflora 407 Nepeta 428 cataria 428 hederacea 429 Nettle Family 144 Nicotiana 437 attenuata 437 trigonophylla 437 Night-blooming Catchfly 181 Nightshade 435 Common 436 Nothocalais 589 cuspidata 589 Notholaena 19 Fendleri 19 Nuphar 188 advena 189 Nut Pine 27 Nuttallia | 324 Nuttall’s Buttercup NycTaGINacEAE 172 Nymphaea 188 ‘polysepala 189 NYMPHAEACEAE 188 e Oak 141 Bur 141 Oat Grass 61, 62 Wild 62 Odostemon 204 Oenothera 337 biennis 337 caespitosa 340 canescens 341 Hartwegit 342 pinnatifida 338 triloba 341 637 OLEACEAE 378 Oleaster Family 331 Oligoneuron 507 . canescens 507 rigidum 507 Olive Family 378 Omphalodes 414 Howardit 414 nana 414 Onagra 337 Hookeri 337 Jamesii 338 strigosa 337 ONAGRACEAE 353 Onion 113 Wild 113 Onosmodium 424 -carolinianum 424 nolle 424 occidentale 424 Oonopsis 500 argillacea 501 condensata 501 Engelmannii 6501 foliosa 501 monocephala 501 multicaulis 500 Wardii 501 OPHIOGLOSSACEAE : iF Opulaster 247 bracieatus 248 glabratus 248 intermedius 248 pauciflorus 248 . pubescens 248 Ramaleyt 248 Opuntia 329 arborescens 331 ‘camanchica 330 Davisii 331 fragilis 330 humifusa 329 polyacantha 330 Rafinesquit 329 rhodantha 330 rutila 330 Schweriniana 330 tortispina 330 xanthostemma 330 Orache 167 Orange Mock 244 Orchard Grass 68 Orchid Family 122 OrcHIpacEAE 122 Orchis 124 Oreastrum 521 alpigineum 521 Oregon Grape 204 Oreobatus 250 deliciosus 250 Oreobroma 179 minima 179 Oreocarya 416 affinis 419 alata A417 638 aperta 419 Bakeri 419 caespitosa 418 cana 418 cristata 418 elata 418 eulophus 417 flava 417 flavoculata 417 fulvocanescens 418 glomerata 419 longiflora 419 multicaulis 417 nana 418 sericea 418 suffruticosa 417 thyrsiflora 419 virgata 419 Oreochrysum 504 Parryi 504 Oreoxis 354 alpina 354 Bakeri 354 humilis 354 OROBANCHACEAE 463 Orobanche 463 ludoviciana 463 multiflora 463 Orogenia 349 linearifolia 349 Orpine Family 232 Orthocarpus 461 luteus 461 purpureo-albus 462 Tolmiei 462 Oryzopsis 50 asperifolia 51 exigua 50 juncea 50 micrantha 50 Osmorhiza 348 nuda 348 OXALIDACEAE 304 Oxalis 304 coloradensis 304 stricta 304 violacea, 304 Oxeye Daisy 565 Oxybaphus 173 angustifolius, 174 Bodiniit 174 hirsutus 173 nyctaginea 173 Oxygraphis 203 Oxypolis 362 Fendleri 362 Oxyria 152 digyna 153 Oxytenia 450 acerosa, 540 Oxytropis 292 campestris 295 splendens 295 Oyster Plant 289 Ozomelis 236 Pachylophus 339 caespitosus caulescens eximius glaber harsutus macroglottis marginatus montanus Pachystima myrsinites Panic Grass Panicularia borealis Panicum capillare sanguinale scoparium Scribnerianum virgatum Papaver alpinum nudicaule pygmaeum PAPAVERACEAE Paper Birch Parietaria pennsylvanica Parnassia fimbriata kotzebuei palustris parviflora rivularis Parnassus, Grass of Paronychia depressa, diffusa Jamesii pulvinata sessilifolia Wardit Parosela, aurea Dalea enneandra formosa Jamesii lanata Porteri rubescens Parry Parsnip Family Parthenice mollis Parthenium alpinum Parthenocissus vitacea Paspalum setaceum Pasque Flower Pastinaca sativa Pea Family Peach-leaved Willow INDEX 340 | Pearlwort 185 341 | Pearly Everlasting 340 537 340 | Pectis 563 340 angustifolia 563 340 | Pectocarya 414 341 miser 414. 340 | Pedicularis 455 313 bracteosa, 456 313 eanadensis’' 455 45 contorta 455 74 crenulata 455 74 etenophora 455 45 eystopteridifolia 45 456 44 Grayi 456 45 greenlandica 456 45 Halli 456 45 lunata 456 205 montanensis 456 205 Parryi 456 205 procera 456 205 racemosa 455 205 scopulorum 456 140 | ‘‘Pe-ik” 547 144 | Pellaea 20 144 atropurpurea 20 234 Brewert 20 234 densa 20 234 gracilis 18 234 occidentalis 20 234 pumila 20 234 Wrightiana 21 ‘Pennyroyal 431 234 | Pentstemon 439 187 acuminatus 444 188 albidus 448 188 alpinus 441 188 ambiguus 443 188 angustifolius 443 188 arenicola 444 188 aridus 443 297 azureus 449 298 Bakert 441 297 barbatus 441 297 brevifolius 445 298 Bridgesii 448 298 caeruleus 443 298 caespitosus 446 298 caudatus 444 298 collinus 447 212 coloradensis 446 346 comarrhenus 442 539 Crandallii 446 539 crasstfolius 442 540 cristatus 448 540 eyananthus 442 316 cyathophorus 444 316 deustus 442 43 Eatonii 441 44 erianthera 448 197 erosus 445 365 exilifolius 443 365 Fendleri 444 301 Fremontii 442 270 fruticosus 442 glaber 441 130 glaucus 445 gracilis 447 grandiflorus 444 Hallii 443 Harbourii 446 ' Haydenii 443 heterophyllus 447 ' humilis 445 Jamesii 447 Kingii 448 laricifolius 443 linarioides 446 Moffattii 448 montanus 448 oreophilus 441 Owenii 445 procerus — 444 procumbens 446 pseudohumilis 445 pseudoprocerus 445 radicosus 447 riparius 441 Rydbergii 445 secundiflorus 444 sepalulus 449 similis 447 speciosus 442 strictiformis 441 strictus 441 suffrutescens 446 teucrioides 446 Torreyi 441 trichander 441 unilateralis 442 utahensis’ A41 Watsonii 445 Xylus 446 Peppergrass 212 Peramium 126 Menziesii 126 ophioides 126 Peraphyllum 268 ramosissimum 268 Pectianthia 236 Perennial Fringed. Gentian 381 Perennial Rye Grass 78 Pericome 553 caudata 553 Peritoma 231 Persicaria 157 Petalostemon 298 candidus 299 compactus 299 macrostachyus 299 mollis 299 oligophyllus 299 pubescens 299 purpureus 29% tenutfolius 299 villosus 299. violaceus 299 Petasites 571° sagittata 571 Petradoria 504 pumila 504 Petrophyton 249 caespitosum 249 Peucedanum graveolens nudicaule simplex Phaca americana caespitosa macrocarpa pauciflora pygmaea Phacelia alba alpina biennis campestris ciliosa circinata corrugata deserta Franklinii glandulosa heterophylla idahoensis integrifolia Ivesiana Knightii leucophylla linearis Menziesii neo-mexicana sericea splendens . Phalaris arundinacea caroliniana Phegopteris Dryopteris Phellopterus bulbosus camporum montanus multinervatus purpurascens Philadelphus Lewisii microphyllus nitidus occidentalis Philotria angustifolia canadensis minor Phippsia algida Phleum alpinum pratense hlox albomarginata alyssifolia andicola bryoides caespitosa canescens cernua collina condensata costata 395 396 dasyphylla densa depressa diapensioides Family glabrata Hoodii Kelseyi longifolia multiflora muscoides nana puberula scleranthifolia Stansburyi Phoradendron juniperinum Phragmites communis Phyllodoce empetriformis glanduliflora hybrida intermedia Physalis Fendleri hederaefolia heterophylla ixocarpa lanceolata Jlobata longifolia neo-mexicana philadelphica: polyphylla pubescens pumila rotundata virginiana Physaria acutifolia didymocarpa floribunda Newberryi vitulifera Physocarpus intermedius malvaceus monogynus opulifolius ‘pubescens © ‘Ramaleyi Torreyt ° Physostegia parviflora Picén Engelmannii Parryana ° pungens Pickerel Weed Family Picradenia helenioides macrantha multiflora pumila Picronthamnus desertorum INDEX 397 | Pigweed 160 396 | PINACEAE 26 396 | Pin-clover 304 396 | Pine 26 394 Bristle-cone 27 395 Family 26 395 ‘Limber 27 396 Lodge Pole 27 396 Nut : 27 396 Pifion 27 395 Rock 28 397 White-bark 27 397 | Pinedrops 368 395 | Pinesap 369 3897 | PincuICULACEAE 146 462 146 | Pink Family 180 65 | Pifion Pine 27 65 Single-leaf 27 370 | Pinus : 26 370 albicaulis 27 370 aristata 27 370 edulis 27 370 flexilis 27 433 monophylla 27 435 Murrayana 27 434 scopulorum 28 434 | Piperia 125 433 unalaschensis 125 434 | Pipsissewa 368 435 | PLANTAGINACEAE 434 464 433 | Plantago 464 433 asiatica 465 434 elongata 466 433 eriopoda 465 434 lanceolata 465 434 major 465. 434 thyosuroides 466 217 nitrophila 465 218 Pursbii 466 217 pusilla 466 218 Rugellit 465 218 Tweedyi 465 218 | Plantain 464 247 Family 464 248 Mud 108 248 Rattlesnake 126 248 | Platyschkuhria 556 248 integrifolia 556 248 | Pleurogyne * 380 248 fontana 380 248 rotata 380 429 | Pleurophragma 209 429 | Plum 269 28 Chickasaw 269 28 Family 269 28 Red 269 28 Wild Yellow 269 ‘08, 69 108 acuminata “71 561 alpina 71 562 andina 72 561 annua 69 561 arctica 70 561 arida 73 566 brevipaniculata 72 566 Buckleyana 73 639 caesia 70 californica 72 callichroa 7 compressa 70 croata 70 epilis 72 Fendleriana 72 flava 70 flexuosa 71 glauca 70 gracillima 73 interior \ 70 juncifolia 73 laevigata 72 laxa 71 leptocoma 70 Lettermannii 71 longiligula 72 longipedunculata 7 lucida 73 memoralis 70 nervosa 71 nevadensis 72 occidentalis 70,71 Pattersonii 71 phoenicea 70 planitfolia 73 platyphylla_ 70 pratensis 70 pratericola 73 pseudopratensis 70 ' pudica 71 purpurascens 72 reflexa 71 rupestris 71 rupicola 71 Sandbergit 71 serotina 70 Sheldonii 73 subaristata 72 subpurpurea 72 tenutfolia 73 Traceyt 71 Wheeleri 71 Polanisia 232 graveolens 232 trachysperma 232 PoLEMONIACEAE 394 Polemonium 403 Archibaldae 404 Brandegeei 405 caeruleum 404 confertum 405 delicatum 404 filicinum 404 foliosissimum 404 grande 404 Grayanum 405 Haydenii 404 humile 404 mellitum 405 molle 404 occidentale 404 parvijolium 404 pterospermum 405 pulcherrimum 404 robustum 404 640 speciosum 405 viscosum 405 Polygala 307 acanthocarpa 307 alba 307 subspinosa 307 verticillata 307 PoLYGALACEAE 307 PoLYGONACEAE 147 Polygonatum 119 commutatum 120 giganteum 120 Polygonum 155 amphibium 157 aviculare 158 bistortoides 156 buzxiforme 158 calophylla 156 commiztum 159 consimile 159 convolvulus 160 Douglasii 159 dumetorum 160 emersum 157 Engelmanii 159 erectum 158 exsertum 158 Hartwrightii 157 Hydropiper 158 hydropiperoides 158 imbricatum 160 incarnatum 157 Kelloggii 160 laetervirens 157 lapathifolium 157 lilacina | 156 linearifolia 156 montanum 159 Muhlenbergii 157 muriculata 157 nodosum 157 omissum 157 pennsylvanicum ; 157 Persicaria, 157 persicarioides 158 plattensis 157 polygaloides 159 psychrophila 157 punctatum 158 ramosissimum 158 rubescens 158 sawatchense 158 scandens 160 scopulina 156 spergulariaeforme 159 subcoriacea 157 tenue 159 untfolium 160 viviparum 156 Wardii 157 Watsonii 159 PoLypopIAcEAR 18 Polypodium 19 hesperium 19 pulgare 19 INDEX Polypody 19 etomentosa 258 Polypogon 56 fastigiata 258 Mmonspeliensis 56 filicaulis 261 Polypteris 555 filipes 258 Hookeriana 555° flabelliformis 258 Polystichum 21 fruticosa 251 Lonchitis 21 glandulosa 253 PoMacEAE 265 glaucophylla 257 Pondweed Family 33 glomerata 257 PoNTEDERIACEAE gracilis 258 108 Hippiana 261 Poplar 127 humifusa 257 Poppy 205 jucunda 258 Family 205 | . lateriflora 256 Prickly 205 leucocarpa 256 Populus 127 minutiflora 260 acuminata 128 monidensis 260 angulata 128 monspeliensis 256 angustifolia 128 Nicollettii 256 balsamifera 128 nivea 259 deltoidea 128 norvegica 257 occidentalis 128 Nuttallii 258 tremuloides 127 paradoxa 256 Wislizenii 128 pectinisecta 258 Porcupine Grass 50 pennsylvanica 259 Porterella 475 pinnatifida 259 eximia 475 pinnatisecta 260 Portulaca 179 plattensis 260 oleracea 179 pseudosericea 259 retusa 180 pulcherrima 258 PortTULACACEAE 176 quinquefolia 258 Potamogeton 33 rivalis 256 alpinus 34 rubricaulis 260 amplifolius 33 rupicola 260 diversifolius 34 rivalis 256 filiformis 35 saximontana 260 foliosus 35 subjuga 258 heterophyllus 34 supina 256 lonchites 34 tenerrima 260 lucens 34 uniflora 259 marinus 35 virgulata 259 natans 33 viridescens 257 pectinatus 35 wyomingensis 260 perfoliatus 34 | Poterium 263 pusillus 34 annum 263 rufescens 34 | PrairieClover 298 Zizit 84 | Prenanthella 591 Potato 435 exigua 591 Family 433 | Prenanthes 592 Potentilla 254 alata 592 ambigens 261 racemosa 592 anserina 254 sagittata 592 arguta 253 | Prickly Poppy 205 atrovirens 259 | Primrose 373 Bakeri 257 Evening 333, 337 bicrenata 257 Family 372 biennis 256 Fragrant 339 Blaschkeana 258 White Evening brunnescens 258 338 candida 258 | Primula 373 coloradoensis 261 americana 373 concinna 257 angustifolia 373 crinita 261 farinosa 373 ctenophora 258 Parryi 373 decurrens 257 | PRIMULACEAE 372 dissecta 257 | Prosartes 120 diverstfolia 257 trachycarpum 120 effusa. 261 | Prunella 429 vulgaris 429 Prunus 269 americana 269 angustifolia 269 Besseyi 270 chicasa 269 demissa 270 ignota 269 melanocarpa 270 pennsylvanica 270 Pseudocymopterus 360 aletifolius 361 anisatus 361 bipinnatus 361 montanus 361 multifidus 361 purpureus 361 sylvaticus 361 tenuifolius 361 Pseudotsuga , 29 Douglastt 29 mucronata 25 Psilostrophe 553 Bakeri 553 pumila 553 tagetina 553 Psoralea 296 argophylla 297 campestris 297 cuspidata 297 digitata 297 esculenta 296 floribunda 297 hypogaea , 296 lanceolata 297 linearifolia 297 mephitica 296 tenuiflora 297 Ptelea 306 angustifolia 307 crenulata 306 trifoliata 307 Pteridium 19 aquilinum 20 Pleris 20 Pterospora 368 Andromedea 368 Pteryxia 357 albiflora 358 calcarea 357 Ptilocalais 589 nutans 590 Ptiloria 588 paucifiora 588 ' ramosa 588 Puccinellia 74 airoides 74 Puccoon 423 Pulsatilla 197 hirsutissima 197 Pumpkin 472 Purshia 246 tridentata 247 Purslane 179 Family 176 Sea 176 Pygmy Weed 232 Pyrola 366 asarifolia 367 ‘ chlorantha 367 elliptica 367 minor 367 picta 367 secunda 367 uliginosa, 367 PYROLACEAE 366 Pyrrocoma 499 acuminata 500 clementis 499 crosea, 499 integrifolia 500 inuloides 500 lagopus 500 lanceolata 500 uniflora 500 Vaseyi 500 villosa 500 YTUS 269 sambucifolia 269 Quake Brome Grass V7 Quamash 115 Quamoclidion 173 multiforum 173 Quercus 141 Eastwoodae 142 Fendleri 142 Gambellii 142 Gunnisonii 142 leptophylla 142 macrocarpa 141 nitescens 142 novomexicana 142 pungens 143 undulata 142 utahensis 141 venustula 142 Vreelandii 142 Quillwort Family 24 Quincula 435 lobata 435 Rabbit Brush 494 Radish 215 Wild 215 Ragweed 541 Great 541 Western 541 RANUNCULACEAE 189 Ranunculus - 199 abortivus 200 acriformis 202 adoneus 201 alismaefolius 200 alpeophilus 201 ealthaeflorus 200 eardiophyllus 201 eymbalarta 203 digitatus 201 Douglasii 202 Earlei 202 ellipticus 200 eremogenes 202 INDEX eximius 201 | Ribes 241 glaberrimus 200 americanum 243 Grayi 201 aureum 243 inamoenus__, 201 brachyanthum 242 jovis 201 |-° cereum 243 Macauleyi 200 coloradense 242 Macounii ‘202 divaricatum 241 maximus 202 echinatum 242 micropetalus 201 floridum 248 montanensis 202 Hudsonianum 243 multifidus 200 tnebrians 243 natans 200 tnerme 241 nivalis 201 lacustre 242 ocreatus 201 lentum 242 orthorhynchus 202 leptanthum 242 ovalis 201 longiflorum 243 pedatifidus 201 oxyacanthoides 241 pennsylvanicus parvulum 242 202 petiolare 243 Purshii 200 prostratum 242 pygmaeus 201 pumilum 243 Teptans 200 Purpusit 241 rhomboideus 201 sanguineum 242 sceleratus 202 saximontanum unguiculatus 200 242 Raphanus 215 saxosum 241 raphanistrum 215 setosum 241 Raspberries 251 vallicola 241 False 250 viscosissimum 242 Wild Red 251 Wolfii 242 Ratibida 545 | Rice Cut-grass 46 columnaris 545 | Rice Grass 50 Tagetes 545 | Riddellia 553 Rattlesnake Plan- tagetina 553 tain 126 | River-bank Grape Rattlesnake Root 316 592 | Robinia 280 Rayless Goldenrod neo-mexicana 280 494 | Rock Brake 18 Red Clover 278 | Rock Pine 28 Redfieldia 65 | Rocky Mt. Bee-plant flexuosa 65 , 232 Red Plum 269 | Rocky Mt. Birch 140 Redtop 57 | Rocky Mt. Fringed False 70 Gentian 381 Red Canary Grass Rocky Mt. Juniper 47 30 Reed Grass 65, 58 | Roman Wormwood Reed, Indian 56 541 Reed Meadow Grass | Roripa 215 75 curvipes 216 RHAMNACEAE 314 curvisiliqua 216 Rhamnus 314 hispida 216 alnifolia 314 lyrata 216 Smithii 314 Nasturtium 216 Rhinanthus 454 obtusum 216 Crista-galli 454 palustris 216 Rhus 312 sinuata 216 albida 313 sphaerocarpa 216 aromatica 313 Underwoodti 216 asplenifolia 313 | Rosa 263 cismontana 313 acicularis 264 glabra 313 arkansana, 264 nitens 313 Engelmannti 264 Rydbergii 313 Fendleri 264 tessellata 313 grosseserrata 265 Toxicodendron 313 gymnocarpa 265 trilobata 313 MacDougalii 265 Macounti 264 manca 264 Maximilianii 264 melina 265 Nutkana 264 ’ oreophila 265 pratincola 264 Sayi 264 ' stellata 265 Underwoodii 265 Woodsii 264 RosacEAE 245 Rose 263 Cliff 246 Family 245 Rubacer 250 parviflorum 250 RUBIACEAE 466 Rubus 251 americanus 251 deliciosus 250 Nutkanus 250 strigosus 251 triflorus 251 Rudbeckia 544 ampla 544 ‘flava 544 hirta 544 laciniata 544 montana 545 occidentalis 544 Rue Family 306 Rulac 314 Negundo 314 texanum 314 Rumex 153 acetosella 153 Bakert 155 brittanica 154 crispus 154 densiflorus 155 Geyert 153 hymenosepalus 154 maritima 155 mexicanus 154 obtusifolius 154 occidentalis 155 Patientia 154 paucifolius 153 persicarioides 155 polyrrhizus 155 praecor 155 salicifolius 154 salinus 154 subalpina 155 venosus 153 Ruppia 35 curvicarpa 35 maritima 35 Rush 85, 109 Bog 109 Spike 87 Rush Grass 54 Russian Thistle 169 RvutTAcrAE 306 Rydbergia 561 Brandegei 561 6-12 grandiflora 561 ye 82 ‘Wild 82 Sage 430 Black 570 White 169 Sagebrush 565, 570 Sage-leaved Willow 136 Sagina 185 Linnaei 185 saginoides 185 Sagittaria 37 _arifolia 37 hebetiloba 37 latifdlia 38 longiloba 38 variabilis 37 SALICACEAB 127 Salicornia 165 herbacea 165 rubra 165 Salix 128 aemulans 139 -amygdaloides 129 arctica 136 arogophylla 131 Barclayi 134 Barratttana =135 Bebbiana 138 brachycarpa 1385 candida 136 ehlorophylla 137 conjuncta 134 cordata 132 Covillei 137 discolor 137 desertorum 134 Dodgeana 131 exigua 131 Fendleriana 130 Fernaldyi 139 flava 132 flavescens 138 fluviatilis 131 Geyeriana 1388 glauca 184 glaucops 135 interior 131 irrorata 132 lasiandra 130 lasiolepis 132 lineartfolia 131 longifolia 131 lutea 132 luteosericea 131 Mackenziana 133 macrocarpa 138 melanopsis 131 monticola 134 Nelsenii 137. nigra 129 nivalis 139 Nuttallit 138 Ormsbyensis 132 pachnophora 137 padifolia 134 padophylla 134 INDEX petrophila 136 cernua 239 pellita 137 chrysantha 239 perrosirata 138 cognata 239 pseudolapponum debilis 239 135 flagellaris 239 pseudomyrsinites Hirculus 239 133 integrifolia 240 pyrifolia 133 Jamesii 238 reticulata 139 micropetala 240 rotundifolia 133 nivalis 240 saximontana 139 oppositifolia 239 Scouleriana 138 oregonensis 239 Seemannii 135 punctata 240 serissima 130 rhomboidea 240 stenophylla 131 saximontana 240 stricta 135 simulata 239 subcoerulea 136 subapetala 240 tenera 136 virginiensis 240 Tweedyi 135 | SAXIFRAGACEAE 233 | vestita 139 | Saxifrage 238 | Watsonii 132 Family 233 | Wolfii 134 Golden 237 Wrightiz 129 | Schedonnardus_ 61 |. wyomingensis 135 |} paniculatus 61 Salmon Berry 250 | Schoenocrambe 208 ‘Salsify 589 decumbens 209 Salsola 169 linifolia 209 pestifer 169 | pinnata 209 Tragus 169 |, Scirpus 85 Saltbush 165 | americana 86 Salvia 430 atrovirens 87 lanceolata 431 caespitosus 86 Pitcheri 430 campestris. 86 Sambucus 468 fluviatilis 86 canadensis 469 lacustris 86 glauca 468 lineatus 87 melanocarpa 469 maritimus 86 microbotrys 469 microcarpus 87 neo-mexicana 469 nevadensis 86 racemosa 469 Olneyi 86 Samolus 377 paludosus 86 floribundus 378 pauciflorus 85 Valerandi 378 pungens 86 Samphire 165 sylvaticus 87 Sandalwood Family | Scleropogon 64 146 Karwinskianus 65. Sandbar Willow 131 | Scouring Rush 23, 24 Sand Bur 46 | Scrophularia 439 Sand Cherry 270 nodosa 439 Sandwort 185 occidentalis 489 Sanguisorba 263 | SCROPHULARIACEAE annua 263 437 Sanicula 348 | Scutellaria 427 marylandica, 348 Brittonii 427 SanTALAcEAE 146 galericulata 427 Saponaria 182 lateriflora 427 Vaccaria, 182 resinosa 427 Sarcobatus 169 virgulata 427 vermiculatus 169 | Sea Purslane 176 Savastana 47 | Sedge 84, 89 Saxifraga 238 | Family 84 adscendens 240 | Sedum 233 arguta 240 debile 233 austrina 240 Douglasii 233 austromontana frigidum 233 239 integrifolia 233 ‘ bronchialis 239 polygamum 233 caespitosa 240 rhodanthum 233 Rhodiola 233 stenopetalum 233 Selaginella 25 densa 26 mutica 26 rupestris 26 SELAGINELLACEAB 25 Self-heal 429 Senecio 576 accedens 578 acutidens 582 admirabilis 579 altus 580 amplectens 578 anacletus 579 andinus 579 atratus 580 atrianiculatus 580 aurellus 583 Balsamitae 583 Bigelovii. 577 blitoides 578 canovirens 581 canus 580 carthamoides 578 cernuus 578 chloranthus 577 columbianus 580 compactus 583 condensatus 583 contristatus 577 crassulus 579 crocatus 582 cymbalarioides - 582 dimorphophyllus 582 discoideus 583 dispar 580 Douglasii 584 eremophilus 583 exaltatus 579 fedifolius 583 Fendleri 581 filifolius 583 flavovirens 583 flavulus 583 Flintit 579 Fremontii 578 fulgens * 582 glaucescens 579 Harbourtt 580 Hartianus 582 heterodozus 582 Holmii 578 Hookert 580 Howellit 580 hydrophiloides 579 hydrophilus 579 integerrimus 580 invenustus 578 Jonesti 582 lactucinus 578 lanatifolius 581 lapathifolius 579 longipetiolatus 582 lugens 580 MacDougallit 588 microdontus 579 | milleflorus 580 | multicapitatus 582 multilobatus 582 mutabilis 583 Nelsonii 581 nephrophyllus 583 oblanceolatus 583 occidentalis 578 oodes 582 pagosanus 578 perennans 581 perplexus 580 petraeus 581 petrocallis 581 plattensis 581 platylobus 582 ‘pseudaureus 582 pudicus 578 Purshianus 581 pyrrhochrous 583 rapifolius 579 Riddellii 583 rosulatus 581 Rydbergii 582 salicinus 581 saliens 579 scopulina 578 semiamplexicaulis 579 serra 579 Soldanella 578 solitarius 582 spartioides 584 subcuneatus 582 subnudus 582 taraxacoides 578 Tracyi 583 triangularis 578 tridenticulatus 583 trigonophyllus 579 ‘uintahensis 581 vulgaris 584 werneriaefolius Service-berry 265 Sesuvium 176 Portulacastrum sessile 176 Setaria 46 setosa 46 Sheep Sorrel 153 Shepherdia 331 argentea 332 canadensis 332 Shepherd’s Purse 220 Shield Fern 21 Shooting Star 375 Shrubby Cinquefoil 251 Shrubby Trefoil 306 Sibbaldia 251 procumbens 251 Sidalces 317 candida 317 INDEX + neo-mexicana 317 | nervata 317 Sideranthus 498 annuus 498 | australis 499 glaberrimus 499 gracilis 498 grindelioides 498 puberulus 499 spinulosus 499 Sieversia 262 ciliata 262 scapoidea 263 turbinata 262 Silene 180 acaulis 181 antirrhina 181 Halilii 181 Menziesii 181 multicaulis 181 noctiflora 181 oregana 181 Scouleri 181 stellarioides 181 tetonensis 181 Silverberry 331 Silverweed 254 Single-leaf Pifion 27 Sisymbrium 209, 224, 225 lintfolium 209 virgatum 225 ‘Sisyrinchium 122 alpestre 122 anceps 122 angustifolium 122 heterocarpum 122 montanum 122 mucronatum 122 occidentale 122 Sitanion 83 brevifolium 84 elymoides . 84 glabrum 84 hystrix 84 longifolium 83 -molle 84 montanum 84 pubeflorum 84 rigidum 84 Sium 352 ‘eitutaefolium 352 Skullcap 427 Smelowskia 224 americana 224 ' calycina 24 linearifolia 224 SMILACEAE 121 Smilacina 120 amplexicaulis 120 racemosa 120 sessilifolia 120 stellata 120 Smilax 121 Family 121 Sweet 121 Smooth-bark Cot- tonwood 128 Smooth Brome Grass | Sneezeweed 562 Snowberry 470 SoLANACEAE 433 Solanum 435 elaeagnifolium 436 heterodoxum 436 interius 436 Jamesii 436 nigrum 436 rostratum 436 triflorum 436 tuberosum 436 villosum 436 Solidago 504 camporum 507 canadensis 506 ciliosa 505 concinna 506 corymbosa 505 decumbens 505 dilatata 505 elongata 506 gilvocanescens 506 glaberrima 506 glabriuscula 506 humilis 505 laevicaulis 505 lanceolata 507 missouriensis 505 mollis 507 multiradiata 505 nana 507 nemoralis 507 occidentalis 507 oreophila 505 pallida 505 Pitcheri 506 | polyphylla 506 pulcherrima 506 radulina 507 rigida 507 rubra 505 scopulorum 505 serotina 506 serra 506 } speciosa 505 trinervata 507 Solomon’s Seal 119, 120 Sonchus 597 arvensis 597 asper 597 _ oleraceus 597 Sophia 224 andrenarum 225 canescens 225 filipes 224 glandulifera 224 halictorum 225 Hartwegiana 224 incisa 224 intermedia 225 leptophylla 225 ochroleuca 225 pinnata 225 purpurascens 225 648 ramosa 225 . viscosa 225 Sophora 272 ' sericea » 272 ’ Sorbus 269 scopulina 269 ° Sorghastrum - 43 nutans 43 Sorghum 43 halepense 43 Sorrel 153 Field 153 Mountain 152 Sheep 153 Sow Thistle 597 Spanish Needles 550 SPARGANIACEAE 32 Sparganium 32 androcladum 32 angustifolium 32 eurycarpum 32 minimum 32 simplex 32 Spartina 63 cynosuroides 63 gracilis 63 Spatterdock 188 Spear Grass 69 ‘Spearmint 428 ‘Specularia 474 leptocarpa 474 perfoliata 474 Spergularia 187 sparsiflora 187 “Sphaeralcea 318 angustifolia ‘318 crandallit 318 ‘cuspidata 318 grandiflora 318 Munroana 318 rivularis 318 Sphaerostigma 342° andinum 343 eontortum 343 minutiflora 343 Nelsonii 343 pubens 343 tortum 343 utahense . 8438 Spiderwort Family - 107 Spike Rush 87 Spiraea, 248 ‘betulaefolia 249 densiflora 249 lucida. 248 *monogyna 248 Spiranthes 125 Romanzoffiana 125 stricta 125 Spirodela 107 polyrhiza 107 Spleenwort 22 Sporobolus 54 airoides 55 argutus 55 asperifolius 55 brevifolius 54 644 confusus 55 eryptandrus 55 filiformis 55 heterolepis 55 simplex 55 vaginaeflorus 55 Wolfii 54 Spraguea 178 multiceps 178 umbellata 179 Spring Beauty 177 Spruce 28 Blue 28 Douglas 29 Engelmann 28 False Hemlock 29 Spurge 309 Family 308 Squash 472 Squirreltail Grass 82 Stachys 430 palustris .. 430 Staff Tree Family 313 Stanleya 208 albescens 208 arcuata 208 bipinnata 208 glauca 208 integrifolia 208 pinnata 208 tomentosa 208 viridiflora 208 Stanleyella 209 Starwort 182 Water 311 Steironema 377 ciliatum 377 Stellaria 182 borealis 183 crassifolia 183 Jamesiana 183 longifolia 183 longipes 183 obtusa 183 umbellata 183 valida 183 Stenophragma 225 virgata 225 Stenotus 502 acaulis 503 armerioides 503 caespitosus 503 falcatus 503 latifolius 503 Stephanomeria 588 exigua 588 minor 588 paucifiora 588 runcinata 588 tenutfolia 588 virgata 588 Stickseed 411 Stipa 48 columbiana 49 comata 50 Lettermanii 49 minor 49 mongolica Nelsonii neo-mexicana, occidentalis Richardsonii Scribneri spartea, speciosa. Tweedyi Vaseyi viridula Williamsii St. John’s-wort Family Stonecrop Storkbill Strawberry Streptanthus coloradensis cordatus crassifolius longirostris wyomingensis Streptopus amplexifolius Stylopappus elatus Suaeda depressa diffusa, erecta Moquinii Torreyana Subularia aquatica Suckleya petiolaris Suckleyana Suida interior Sullivantia halmicola Hapemannii Sumac Family Sunflower Sweet Clover Sweet Smilax Swertia congesta palustris scopulina Switch Grass Symphoricarpos mollis occidentalis orbiculatus oreophilus racemosus rotundifolius tetonensis” utahensis vaccinoides Syntherisma sanguinalis Synthyris alpina flavescens laciniata INDEX 48 pinnatifida 450 49 plantaginea 450 50 reflexa 451 49 Ritteriana 450 | 48 rubra 450 49 wyomingensis 450 50 | Syringa 244 49 50 | Talinum 177 49 parviflorum 177 49 teretifolium 177 49 | Tall Fescue 76 Tanacetum 565 320 capitatum 565 233 Nuttallii 565 304 simplex 565 251 | Tansy Mustard 224 211 | Tape Grass Family 211 38 211 | Taraxacum 600 211 ammophilum 601 211 angustifolium 601 211 ceratophorum 601 119 dumetorum 600 119 latilobum 601 600 leiospermum 601 600 mexicanum 600 169 oblanceolatum 601 170 officinale 600 169 scopulorum 600 169 Taraxacum 600 170 | Taraxia 342 170 breviflora 342 211 subacaulis 342 211 | Tarweed 552 168 | Tellima 237 168 bulbifera 237 168 glabra 237 366 parviflora 237 366 tenella 237 237 | Teloxys 161 237 cornuta 161 238 | Tetradymia 575 312 canascens 575 547 glabrata 575 277 inermis 575 121 linearis 575 383 multicaulis 575 384 Nuttallii 575 383 spinosa 576 383 | Tetraneuris 558 45 acaulis 558 470 angustifolia 560 471 arizonica . 560 470 brevifolia 558 470 crandallit 560 471 epunctata 560 470 eradiata 559 470 fastigiata 560 471 glabra 560 471 glabriuscula 560 471 incana 559 44 intermedia 560 44 linearts 560 449 mancosensis 560 450 pilosa 560 450 simplex 559 450 stenophylla 560 Torreyana «559 Teucrium 426 laciniatum 427 occidentale 426 Texan Timothy 32 Thalesia 464 fasciculata 464 uniflora 464 Thalictrum © 203 alpinum’ 203 cornutt © °° 204 dasycarpum (204 Fendleri 204 occidentale 204 sparsiflorum 203 venulosum 204 Thamnosma 307 texanum 307 Thaspium 358 trifoliatum 358 Thelesperma 551 ambiguum 552 gracile 552 intermedium 552 subnudum 552 tenue 552 trifidum 552 Thellypodtopsis 209 Thelypodium 209 aureum 210 crenatum 212 elegans 210 integrifolium 209 lilacinum 209 linearifolium 209 longifolium 210 micranthum 210 Nuttallit 210 paniculatum 210 sagittatum 210 torulosum ~ 210 Wrightii 209 Thermopsis 271 annulocarpa 271 arenosa 271 divaricarpa 271 montana 271 ‘pinetorum 271 rhombifolia 271 stricta 271 Therophon 238 heucheriforme 238 Thistle 584 Bull 586 Common 586 Russian 169 Sow 597 Thlaspi 214 alpestre 214 arvense - 214 coloradense 214 Fendleri 214 glaucum 214 Nuttallii ‘214 parviflorum 214 purpurascens 214 Thorn Apple ‘ 436 Thoroughwort 484 ‘Three-awned Grass 47 Tickseed 550 Tillaea 233 angustifolia 233 Tillaeastrum 232 aquaticum 232 Timothy. 53 Mountain 53 Texan 53 Tissa 187 sparsiflora 187 Toadflax 438 Bastard 146 Tobacco 437 Tofieldia 118 glutinosa 118 ‘intermedia 118 Tonestus , 503 . Lyallii 503 Pygmaeus 503 Touterea 326 multicaulis 326 Townsendia. 507 alpina 509 Bakeri 510 condensata 509 dejecta 510 eximia 508 exscapa 509 Fendleri 509 formosa 508 glabella 510 grandiflora 509 incana 509 intermedia 510 Parryi 508 pinetorum . 508 Rothrockii 510 scapigera 510 sericea 510 spathulata 510 |. strigosa 509 Vreelandii 508 Watsonii 509 Toxicoscordion 118 Tradescantia 107 laramiensis 107 occidentalis 107 scopulorum 108 virginiana 108 Tragia 308 nepetaefolia 309 ramosa 309 Tragopogon 589 porrifolius 589 pratensis 589 Trailing Bindweed 393 Trailing Buttercup 202 Treacle Mustard 230 Tree 378 Ash 378 Trefoil 277 Shrubby 306 Tribulus 306 maximus Tricuspis acuminata Trifolium andinum anemophilum attenuatum bracteolatum Brandegei . dasyphyllum eriocephalum Fendleri gymnocarpon Haydenii Hybridum anvolucratum Kingit ‘latifolium longipes montanense hanum nemorale Parryi ' pauciflorum pratense repens Rydbergii Scariosum stenolobum subcaulescens Wormsjoldii Triglochin maritima palustris Triodia acuminata Tripterecalyx Trisetum: | montanum subspicatum Trollius albiflorus . Troximon arachnoideum arizonicum aurantiacum cuspidatum elatum glaucum gracilens grandiflorum lacinvatum Tmontanum parviflorum pubescens pumilum purpureum roseum villosum True Oat Grass Tumbleweed Twayblade Twin Flower Twisted-stalk Typha angustifolia latifolia TYPHACEAE INDEX t 306 | Utmacear | 143 65 | Ulmus 143 65 americana 143 277 | UMBELLIFERAE 346 279 | Unamia 511 279 ptarmicoides 515 279 | Unicorn Plant 464 279 | Unifolium 120 278 liliaceum 120 279 | Urtica 144 278 cardiophylla 145 280 dioica 144 279 gracilipes 145 278 gracilis 145 278 holosericea 144 280 | UrticacEaE 144 278 | Utah Juniper 30 278 | Utricularia 462 278 minor 463 279 vulgaris 463 ‘279 279 | Vaccaria 182 279 | VaccINIACEAE 372 280 | Vaccinium 372 278 caespitosum 372 278 erythrococcum 372 278 globulare . 372 279 macrophyllum 372 279 membranaceum 279 372 280 Myrtillus 372 36 occidentale 372 36 oreophilum 372 ‘36 | scoparium 372 65 | Vagnera 120 65 | leptopetala 120 174 | Valeriana 475 61 acutiloba 476 61 ceratophylla 475 61 edulis 475 190 furfurescens 475 190 micraritha 475 598 occidentalis 476 599 | + oreophila 476 599 ovata 476 599 septentrionalis 476 589 sttchensis 476 599 sylvatica 476 598 trachycarpa 475 599 wyomingensis 476 600 | VALERIANACEAE 475 599 | Valerian Family 475 600 | VALLISNERIACEAE 599 38 598 | Vanilla Grass 47 599 | Velesonix 238 599 | Venus’s Looking- 598 glass 474 598 | Veratrum 119 61 californicum 119 171 speciosum 119 125 | Verbascum * 438 469 blattaria 438 119 thapsus 438 31 | Verbena 424 31 Aubletia 425 31 bipinnatifida 425 31 bracteosa 425 645 canadensis 425 hastata 425 stricta 425 VERBENACEAE 424 Verbesina 550 enceliotdes 550 Vernonia 484 fasciculata 484 Jamesii 484 Veronica 451 ‘alpina 451 americana 452 anagallis-aquatica 451 peregrina 451 scutellata 452 serpyllifolia 451 Wormsjoldit 451 Vervain 424 Blue 425 Family 424 Hoary 425 Vesicaria 218 Ludoviciana 218 Vetch 280, 300, 301 Viburnum 469 Lentago 469 Opulus 469 pauciflorum 469 Vicia 300 americana 301 linearis 301 oregana 301 producta 301 truncata 301 Vine 315, 392 Family 315 Wild Potato 392 Viola 320 adunca 323 - atriplicifolia 321 bellidifolia 2238. biflora 321 biternata 321 blanda 322 canadensis 3822 delphinifolia 321 demissa 323 erectifolia 322 flavovirens 322 gomphopetala 322 tnamoena 323 LeConteana 322 linguaefolia 322 Macloskeyt 322 montanensis 323 monticola 323 nephrophylla 322 Nuttallii 321 odontophora 323 palustris 322 pedatifida 321 physalodes 321 Rafinesquii 323 retroscabra. 323 retusa 322 Rydbergit 322 Sheltonia 321 646 subvestita 323 Thorit $21 vallicola 321 VIOLACEAE 320 Violet 320 Dogtooth 116 Family - 320 White Sweet 322 Virginia Creeper 316 Virgin’s Bower 197 VITACEAE 315 Vitis 315 riparia 316 vulpina 315 Washingtonia 348 divaricata 348 longistylis 348 obtusa 348 occidentalis 348 Water Cress 216 Water Crowfoot 198 Water Hemp 171 Water Hoarhound 432 Waterleaf 406 Family 405 Water Lily. Family 188 Water Milfoil Family 345 Water Plantain Family 37 Water Starwort Family 311 Waterweed 38 Waterwort Family 319 Wedelia 174 incarnata 174 Weed 108 Carpet 176 Door 158 INDEX French 214 | Wild Tomato 436 Jamestown 437 | Wild Yellow Plum Jimson 437 269 Joe Pye 485 | Willow 128 Pickerel 108 Autumn 130 Pygmy 232 Black 129 Western Poison Ivy Dusky 131. 313 Family 127 Western Ragweed Fendler’s 130 541 ‘Hoary 136 Western Wallflower Nelson’s 137° 229 | Peach-leaved 130 Wheat Cockle 182 Sage-leaved 136° Wheat Grass 79) Sandbar 131 | White-bark Pine 27 | Willow Herb 835 White Clover 278 | Windflower 195 White Fir 28 | Winter Cress 215 | White Mountain Winter Fat 169 Lily 113 | Wintergreen -366 White Sage | 169 Creeping 371 | White Sweet Clover Family 366 277 | Witch Grass 45 White Sweet-violet | Wolfberry 470 322 | Woodsia 21 Whitlowwort 187 oregana 22 Wild Balsam Apple - scopulina 22 472 | Wood Sorrel Family Wild Barley 82 304 Wild Cabbage 210 | Wormwood 565 Wild Candytuft 214 | Woundwort 430 Wild Mint 428 | Wulfenia 450 Wild Mustard 215 gymnocarpa 450 Wild Oats 62 | Wyethia 546 Wild Onion 113 amplexicaulis 547 Wild Potato Vine arizonica 547 392 helianthoides 546 Wild Radish 215 scabra 547 Wild Red Cherry Wyoming Daisy 530 270 | Wyomingia 580 Wild Red Raspberry argentata 531 251 cana 531 Wild Rye * 82 cinerea 531 Wild Sarsaparilla pulcherrima 531 346 Tweedyana 531 Xanthium canadense commune echinatum Xerophyllum tenax Ximenesia encelioides Xylorhiza: glabriuscula Parryi venusta villosa Yarrow 542 543 543 542 118 118 549 550 51¢ 510 511 511 511 Yellow Pond Lily Yellow Rattle 188 454 Yellow Sweet Clover 277 Yucca 117 | angustifolia W7 baccata 117 glauca 117 Harrimaniae 117 Zannichellia 35 palustris 35 Zauschneria 334 Garrettii 334 Zinnia 543 Zizia 350 cordata -350 Zyegadenus 118 coloradensis 118 dilatata 118 elegans 118 falcatus 119 gramineus 118 intermedius 119 Nuttallii 119 venenosus 118 ZYGOPHYLLACEAE 306