OO)... .COXKO) D ae ° eae eee | pps eal w REPRINT FROM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Y SOUTHERN CA ORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF Los ANGELES} COUNTY B 3 S ow 62) eo \ 1) 6 BY a ANSTRUTHER DAVIDSON, C. M., M. D. PART I—PHAZNOGAMIA. BB. rR. BAUMGARDT & CO. 231 WEST FIRST STREET, : - Los ANGELES, CAL. corer rrr ( QOS)“ OOW ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEw YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY “Tiina ea. CATALOGUE OP THE PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY ANSTRUTHER DAVIDSON, C. M., M. D. cr PART I—PHA:NOGAMIA. i ’ 314304 INTRODUCTORY. é “THE first list of the Flora of Los Angeles County was issued by the author in October, 1892, and comprised almost all the then known species on the mainland of the County. Since that time the district has been more thoroughly explored, and numerous additions have been made to the list, not a few of which are of species entirely new to science. In view of these additions the Botanical Section of the Southern California Academy of Sciences has deemed it advisable to issue a second list, to include the plants of both the mainland and the Islands of San Clemente and Catalina, which are embraced in the County area. In the compilation of this list*E-désire to express my sincere thanks for the valuable aid rendered by Miss A. J. Merritt, Normal School, Los Angeles; Dr. Hasse, of Santa Monica, and Mr. S. B. Parish, of San Ber- nardino, who have not only placed the accumulated experience of years of investigation at my disposal, but have also revised the manuscript. To the latter gentleman, whose knowledge of the Flora of Southern California is not surpassed by tkat of any living authority, I am also indebted for the final revision of the proofs. From the “Flora of Pasadena,’’ issued by Mr. A. J. McClatchie, I have taken additional records of locality, and the records of species therein quoted which are not familiar to my colleagues or wyself are duly acknowledged. Under these conditions this Catalogue may be considered at least fairly accurate. Some of the species have one or two asterisks prefixed. One * indicates those recorded of which we have seen no authentic specimens, some of which we feel assured have been wrongly identified. The original authority is appended. Two ** indicate those recorded in the Botany of California, Brewer & Watson’s second edition, which have not, so far as we are aware, been collected in recent years. The names printed in italics indicate those species believed to be non- natives of this county. Local lists without a collection to indicate exactly the plants referred to are of doubtful scientific value. While we are without a museum or other public institution in which to deposit the collections on which this list is founded, the species indicated may be found in the herbaria of the collaborators. In the present disturbed state of botanical nomenclature neither the method of arrangement nor the specific names chosen may be considered either modern enough, or ancient enough, to suit the pedagogues. For this the author is alone to blame, his aim in this work having been to produce a useful field guide for the botanists of this coast, and not a critical treatise on species or varieties. The localities given it is hoped are numerous enough to denote ina general way the rarity or frequency of the plant, its distribution and alti- tudinal range. The time of flowering it has been thought advisable to omit, as the period of the winter rains, and the altitude of the district have as marked a determining influence as the aerial temperature. The County of Los Angeles covers 4,000 square miles of land with a seacoast line of about Ioo miles in length. In the land area are included the coast and San Gabriel mountains (the latter reaching to an altitude of 6,000 feet) and the Southern section of the Mojave Desert. The flora is in consequence a varied and extensive one, and comprises a larger number of species than are found in many of the Eastern States. The number of species and varieties listed in the first Catalogue was 854. In the present list the numbers are 961, divided as follows: Phzenogamia.. svavessesd9 34 Filices........... . 20 Equisetacee..... 4 Sellaginellaceze. I Marsileacez... I SalVIN TACO ss 5 ss sciasconevaaiacanscdasdecmme I One new species, a hybrid of our common Audibertias, is here pub- lished for the first time. The Botanical Section of the Academy of Sciences has in contemplation the completion of the Floral list by the publication of a second part at some time in the near future, when the resources of the county have been more fully explored. ANSTRUTHER DAVIDSON, M. D., Los Angeles, Cal. July 1, 1896. GA AOGUE e—OF THE» PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY ANSTRUTHER DAVIDSON, M. C., M, D. PART |. PHAENOGAMIA. RANUNCULACE-. Clematis, Linn. /%rgin’s Bower. ligusticifolia, Nutt. The common coast species. lasiantha, Nutt. On inland mountains. Thalictrum, Tourn. JZeadow-rue. polycarpum, Wats. In shady places on foothill streams. Ranunculus, Linn. Crow/oot. Buttercup. aquatilis, Linn., var. trichophyllus, Gray. Quiet pools and zanjas; not common. Californicus, Benth. Common. var. latilobus, Gray. Rare; Mountains north of Newhall. Cymbalaria, Pursh. In wet saline soils. hebecarpus, H. & A., var. pusillus, B. & W. Oak Knoll. Aquilegia, Tourn. Columbine. truncata, F.& M. Oak Knoll; Arroyo Seco; Big Rock Creek. Delphinium, Dios. Larkspur. © cardinale, Hook. (Scarlet Larkspur.) Limited to the foothills. decorum, F. & M. Frequent in the foot-hill cafions. hesperium, Gray. Near Gorman Station, alt. 3838 feet. Parryi, Gray. Common on inland hillsides. recurvatum, Greene. Frequent around Lancaster. *variegatum, T. & G. Hillsides. (Fl. Pasa.) Crossosoma, Nutt. Californicum, Nutt. Catalina Island. Pzonia, Tourn. ony. ; Californica, Nutt. Generally distributed but local, 2 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. BERBERIDACE. Berberis, Tourn. Barberry. Nevinii, Gray. San Fernando. pinnata, Lag. Near Glendale. repens, Lindl. Near Manzana. PAPAVARACE-. Papaver, Tourn. /oppy. Californicum, Gray. Hills near Pasadena. ( Fl. Pasa.) heterophyllum, Greene. On shady banks; Elysian Park, &c. Argemone, Tourn. ; platyceras, L. & O., var hispida, Prain. In mountain washes. corymbosa, Greene. Mojave Desert. Platystemon, Benth. Californicus, Benth. (Cream cups.) Very common. denticulatus, Greene. Frequent in cafions and shady places. Dendromecon, Benth. rigidum, Benth. (Tree Poppy.) Arroyo Seco; San Fernando Valley and hills. flexilis, Greene. Catalina Island. Eschscholtzia, Cham. California Poppy. Californica, Cham. Everywhere common; on the Desert abundant. glyptosperma, Greene. Mojave Desert. minutiflora, Wats. On the base of the desert mountains. ramosa, Greene. San Clemente Island. Canbya, Parry. candida, Parry. Local near Lancaster. CRUCIFERA. Draba, Dill. cuneifolia, Nutt. Dry grounds in hilly places, not common. var. integrifolia, Wats. Pasadena; Santa Monica Range. Athysanus, Greene. pusillus, Greene. Hillsides, not common, Thysanocarpus, Hook. curvipes, Hook. Common. laciniatus, Nutt. On banks; less common than the last. radians, Benth. Rare, Gorman Station. Lobularia, Desv. maritima, Desv. (Sweet Alyssum). Occasional, casual. Dithyrea, Harv. Californica, Harv. Mojave Desert. var. maritima, Davidson. Sand dunes, Santa Monica; Redondo. Lepidium, Tourn. epper-grass. dictyotum, Gray. Rancho de las Aguas, var, acutidens, Gray. Lancaster. flavum, Torr. Lancaster and Desert. Fremonti, Wats. Mojave Desert. lasiocarpum, Nutt. Azusa; Catalina Island; rare. latipes, Hook. Brackish flats near Santa Monica. medium, Greene. Very common on low grounds. nitidum, Nutt. A common early species. Capsella, Medic. Shepherd's Purse. Bursa-pastoris, Medic. A common door-yard weed. elliptica, Meyer. Alkaline grounds on Desert, and sea-shore. Raphanus, Linn. Radish. sativus, Linn. Waste and cultivated ground. Brassica, Tourn. campestris, Linn. (Turnip.) Waste and cultivated ground, PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 3 nigra, Koch. (Black Mustard.) Too common in heavy soils. alba, Boiss, (White Mustard.) Near Soldiers’ Home. Diplotaxis, DC. Wall Cress. muralis, DC. Redondo; Third St., Los Angeles ; rare. Sisymbrium, Tourn. Hedge Mustard. canescens, Nutt. (Tansy Mustard.) Frequent in dry places. officinale, Scop. Waste places in the city; Altadena; Millard’s Cafion, &c. incisum, Eng. var. filipes, Gray. Alkaline flats on the desert Mountains. Tropidocarpum, Hook. gracile, Hook. Very common on the Desert. dubium, Davidson. Vicinity of Los Angeles. Erysimum, Tourn. asperum, DC. (Western Wall-flower.) Abundant and widely distributed. grandiflorum, Nutt. On the sea coast. Nasturtium, Linn. curvisiliqua, Nutt. Garvanza. officinale, R. Br. (Water Cress,) Common in running water. Cardamine, Tourn. Gambelii, Wats. Cienega; East Los Angeles, and wet places in general. Dentaria, Tourn. Californica, Nutt. Mandeville and Laurel Cafions; Santa Monica Range. Arabis, Linn. Rock Cress. Holbcellii, Hornem. Common on the higher mountains. perfoliata, Lam. Low hills around Los Angeles. perennans, Wats. Mojave Desert. pulchra, Jones. Mojave Desert. repanda, Wats. San Antonio Mountain. Streptanthus, Nutt. heterophyllus, Nutt. Foot hills Coast Range. longirostris, Wats. Hills near Gorman Station ; rare. Caulanthus, Wats. Wild Cabdage. amplexicaulis, Wats. San Fernando; very rare. Coulteri, Wats. Gorman Station. inflatus, Wats. Alkaline soils Mojave Desert. rocerus, Wats Rock C1eek ; 5,000 feet. Thelypodium, Endl. lasiophyllum, Greene. Elysian Park. var. inalienum, Robinson. Near Los Angeles. integrifolium, Endl. Subsaline spots on Mojave Desert. Stanleya, Nutt. pinnatifida, Nutt. Newhall; Santa Monica. FUMARIACE. Dicentra, Borkh. chrysantha, H. & A. Dry and rocky soils, San Gabriel Mountains. ochroleuca, Eng. Encino; Mandeville Cafion. CAPPARIDACE&. Isomeris, Nutt. arborea, Nutt. In dry soils on coast and mountains. Cleome, Linn. lutea, Hook. Field near Downey. ‘Cleomella, DC. . obtusifolia, Torr. Alkaline soils on Mojave Desert. RESEDACE. Oligomeris, Camb. : ; glaucescens, Camb. A seaside and alkaline desert herb. Reseda, Linn. alba, Linn. Streets of Pasadena; a garden escape. 4 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. CISTACE. Helianthemum, Tour. 3 scoparium, Nutt. Common on dry hills. VIOLARIE. Viola, Tourn. V7ole?. palmata, Linn., var. cucullata, Gray. Cienega; in swamp lands. pedunculata, T. & G. The common violet of the plains. praemorsa, Doug., var. venosa, Gray. In the higher pine woods ; frequent. POLYGALE#. Polygala, Linn. Californica, Nutt. A few plants on old Wilson trail. FRANKENIACE. Frankenia, Linn. grandifolia, C. & S. Wet soils near the coast. CARYOPHYLLE#. Silene, Linn. Catch//y. antirrhina, Linn. Not common but widely diffused. Gallica, Linn. Fields and waysides. laciniata, Cav. Frequent in the foothills. multinervia, Wats. Near Santa Monica. iz Palmeri, Wats. Wilson’s Peak and higher hills. platyota, Wats. Same range as last. Cerastium, Linn. triviale, Link. (Mouse-ear). Common in lawns. viscosum, Linn. Local at Azusa and Evergreen cemetery. Stellaria, Linn. Chickweed. : media, With. Shady banks and streets. nitens, Nutt. Cafions of the foothills. Arenaria, Lian. Sazdwort. Douglasii, T. & G. Dry foothill slopes. macradenia, Wats. North slope San Gabriel Mountains, 5,000 feet. Nuttallii, Pax. Summit San Antonio Mountains. aludicola, Robins. Swamp near Los Angeles. Sagina, Linn. /earlwort. occidentalis, Wats. Pasadena; Los Angeles; Santa Monica Range. Spergula, Linn. Corn-Spurrey. arvensis, Linn. Naturalized in and around Pasadena. Buda, Adans. Sand Spurrey. gracilis. Alkaline soils; Downey, Fulton ; Los Cerritos. macrotheca, Horn. Salt marshes near the coast. media, Dum. Alkaline soils more inland. marina, Dum. Sea shore Catalina Island and mainland. Polycarpon, Linn. depressum, Nutt. Sandy soils in foothills ; somewhat local Leeflingia, Linn. 5 squarrosa, Nutt. Los Angeles streets ; Pasadena. ILLECEBRACE. Pentacena, Bart. ramosissima, H. & A. Sea coast, Santa Monica. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 5 PORTULACACE-. Portulaca, Tourn. Purslane. oleracea, Linn. Streets and cultivated grounds ; a common weed. Calandrinia, HBK. elegans, Spach. Common in cultivated soils. maritima, Nutt. Sea shore, Santa Monica. Claytonia, Linn. perfoliata, Donn. (Miner’s Lettuce). Common in shady places. spathulata, Dougl. King’s Cafion ; rare. Calyptridium, Nutt. monandrum, Nutt. Dry ground from sea coast to desert ; not common. ELATINEE. Elatine, Linn. Californica, Gray. Wet soil near Soldiers’ Home. CHEIRANTHODENDRE-€. Fremontia, Torr. Californica, Torr. Desert slopes at 5,000 feet. MALVACE-. Malva, Linn. Mallow. parviflora, Linn ‘ A noxious weed. Lavatera, Linn. 7ree A/allow. assurgentiflora, Kell. San Clemente Island; Bird Island. Sidalcea, Gray. , delphinifolia, Greene. Lake Catrina; Los Angeles, var. humilis, Greene. Loamy meadows from Los Angeles to Newhall. parviflora, Greene. Wet soils south of Los Angeles. Modiola, Moench. Caroliniana, Don. El Monte; Main St., Los Angeles; Santa Anita; rare. Sida, Linn. hederacea, Torr. Low adobe soils near the seaboard. Malvastrum, Gray. exile, Gray. Mohave Desert. fasciculatum, Greene A common foot-hill shrub. Fremonti, Torr. San Gabriel Mountains above 3000 feet. splendidum, Kell. Sierra Santa Monica; San Fernando Valley. Spheralcea, St. Hilaire. ambigua, Gray. Desert species at Palmdale and Del Sur. LINE. Linum, Linn. Flax. : micranthum, Gray. Dry hillside at Newhall. usitatissimum, Linn. Casual in city streets. ZYGOPHYLLACE. Larrea, Cav. Creasote Bush. : Mexicana, Moric. Common on Desert rim at about 4oo0 feet. GERANIACE. Geranium, Linn, Cranesdill. Carolinianum, Linn. On grassy slopes. Erodium, L’Her. cicutarium, I/Her. The “alfilerilla’’ of the foothills. moschatum, Wild. The common “‘alfilerilla’’ of the plains. macrophyllum. H.& A. Elysian Park; Santa Monica Range. 6 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Limnanthes, R. Br. * * Douglasii, R. Br. Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) Oxalis, Linn. Wood Sorrel. : corniculata, Linn. Foothills from Santa Monica to Pasadena. Wrightii, Gray. Common on dry foothills. RUTACEA. Ruta, Linn. bracteosa, D.C. Field near El Monte. RHASINE. Rhamnus, Linn. Auckthorn. crocea, Nutt. Santa Monica Range; San Fernando. var., ilicifolia, Greene. Common in the foothills. Californica, Esch. Common in cafions. Ceanothus, Linn. California Lilac. arboreus, Greene. A notable tree on Catalina Island. crassifolius, Torr. Frequent in the coast foothills. cuneatus, Nutt. Azusa, apparently rare; Santa Monica Range, frequent. divaricatus, Nutt. The most common lilac of the foothills. integerrimus, H. & A. San Gabriel Mountains, at 5,000 feet. megacarpus, Nutt. Frequent on lower ranges. oliganthus, Nutt. Foothills and lower mountains. sorediatus, H. & A. Sierra Madre foothills spinosus, Nutt. In the Coast Ranges; not common. vestitus, Greene. Mojave Degert and desert mountains; not rare. VITACE. Vitis, Tourn. Grape. Californica, Benth. Common along streams. SAPINDACEAE. Aesculus, Tourn. Horse Chestnut. Buckeye. Californica, Nutt. Cafions south of Manzana; not common. Acer, Tourn. Maple. macrophyllum, Pursh. Ravines of the higher mountains. Santa Monica Range; rare and local. ANACARDIACEE. Rhus, Linn. diversiloba, T. & G. (Poison Oak.) Most abundant in the Coast Ranges. integrifolia, B. & H. Abundant on sea cliffs laurina, Nutt. Cafions near the sea; Catalina Island; abundant. ovata, Wats. Glendale ; Santa Monica Range. trilobata, Nutt. Low slopes in the interior LEGUIINOS-EZ. Vicia, Linn. Vetch. Americana, Muhl. Santa Monica foot-hills; rare. var. truncata, Brewer. Santa Monica. linearis, Greene. Common in the Coast Range. Hassei, Wats. Hills at Santa Monica and Los Angeles. exigua, Nutt. In sandy soil; not common. sativa, Linn. Elysian Park; Oak Knoll; Sierra Madre. Lathyrus, Linn. ea. violaceus, Greene. Mountains back of Los Angeles. letiflorus, Greene. Among foot-hill shrubs. : PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 7 Astragalus, Linn. Rattle-Weed. Loco-Weed. acutirostris, Wats. Del Sur; Mohave Desert. Antiselli, Gray. San Pedro; San Fernando; Newhall; Gorman Station. didymocarpus, Hook. Frequent on low grounds and slopes. dispermus, Gray. Lancaster and Acton. Fremonti, Gray. Lancaster. leucopsis, Torr. The common Rattle-Weed of the County. Mokiacensis, Gray. Lancaster; very rare. Nevini, Gray. San Clemente Island. nigrescens, Nutt. Newhall; Catalina Island. oocarpus, Gray. Generally distributed on Mohave Desert. Purshii, Doug. Desert Ranges at 4000 feet. pycnostachyus, Gray. Ballona; San Pedro. tener, Gray. Brackish flats, Santa Monica. trichopodus, Gray. Catalina Island. Glycyrrhiza, Linn. Liquorice. * glutinosa, Nutt. Newhall; Big Rock Creek Amorpha, Linn. Californica, Nutt. In shady cafions. Psoralea, Linn. orbicularis, Lindl. Frequent in moist grassy places. macrostachya, DC. Marshes along streams. physodes, Dougl. Dry grounds in cafions. Lotus, Linn. Americanus, Bisch. Dry grounds in the interior. argophyllus, Greene. San Gabriel Mountains, 3-5,000 feet. crassifolius, Greene. From Rock Creek to Gorman Station, 4,000 feet. Davidsonii, Greene. Wilson’s Peak; Rock Creek at 4,000 feet. dendroideus, Greene. Catalina Island. glaber, Greene. Verv common. grandiflora, Greene. Rustic Cafion, Santa Monica Range. (Hasse). Heermanni, Greene. Common in sand washes. humistratus, Greene. Catalina Island. junceus, Greene. Redondo. leucophyllus, Greene. San Gabriel Mountains; Sierra Liebre. micranthus, Benth. Santa Monica Range; Catalina Island. Nevadensis, Greene. In pine woods of higher mountains. nudiflorus, Greene. Wilson’s Peak. oblongifolius, Greene Arroyo Seco, and other Sierra streams. var. angustifolius, (Wats.) River bank, Elysian Park ornithopus, Greene. Catalina, and San Clemente Islands. rubellus, Greene. Elysian Park. salsuginosus, Greene. Common towards the coast. strigosus, Greene. Common from Los Angeles to lower hills. trispermus, Greene. Along southern rim of Mohave Desert. Wrangelianus, F. & M. Very common and general. Trifolium, Linn. Clover. amplectens, T. & G. Catalina Island. bifidum, Gray. Near Morgan Station. Catalin, Wats. Catalina Island. exile, Greene. Catalina Island. fucatum, Lindl. Elysian Park. gracilentum, T. & G. Common in open ground. — involucratum, Willd. Common in moist ground. ° Macreei, H. & A. var. albopurpureum, T. & G. On dry hills. microcephalum, Pursh. On foothill slopes. Palmeri, Wats. Catalina and San Clemente Islands. pratense, Winn. Occasional in lawns. repens, inn. J,awns and waste places. roscidum, Greene, Glendale. 8 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. stenophyllum, Nutt. Elysian Park ; Oak Knoll; Fulton Wells. tridentatum, Lindl. Common on the plains. Melilotus, All. Sweet Clover. : alba, Desr. Fulton Station and Cienega. Indica, All. Common on low ground. Medicago, Linn. denticulata, Willd. (Bur Clover.) Common on lower grounds. sativa, Linn. (Alfalfa.) Much cultivated; sometimes spontaneous. Cytisus, Linn. Canariensis, Linn, (Broom.) Arroyo Seco at Pasadena. Lupinus, Linn. Lupine. albifrons, Benth. Hills around Los Angeles. affinis, Agardh. Very common. Arizonicus, Wats. Big Rock Creek. Chamissonis, Esch. Abundant on the seashore. var. longifolius, Wats. Sierras from 4,000 feet up. concinnus, Agardh. Catalina Island. cytisoides, Agardh. Along foothill streams. densiflorus, Benth. Newhall and the Mohave Desert. formosus, var. Bridgesii, Greene. Common. hirsutissimus, Benth. Dry places in the foothills. latifolius, Agardh. Santa Monica Range. (Hasse.) micranthus, Dougl. Very common on the plains. Shockleyi, Wats. Lancaster; Palmdale. sparsiflorus, Benth. Sierra foothills; Coast Ranges. truncatus, Nutt. Common. Pickeringia, Nutt. montana, Nutt. Laurel Cafion. Thermopsis, R. Br. Californica, Wats. Lake Catrina. ROSACE-. Prunus, Tourn. demissa, Walp. (Choke-Cherry.) Rock Creek, 4,000 feet. fasciculata, Gray. (Wild Almond.) Desert slope of Sierras, 4,000 feet. ilicifolia, Walp. (Wild Cherry.) Common in the foot-hills. occidentalis, Lyon. Catalina Island. Spirza, Linn. discolor, Pursh. Local. Elysian Park ; San Gabriel Mountains ; Santa Monica Range. Rubus, Linn. leucodermis, Dougl. (Raspberry.) Wilson’s Peak. ursinus, C. & S. (Blackberry.) Abundant on low grounds. Purshia, D. C. glandulosa, Curran. Mohave slope, from Palmdale east. Coleogyne, Torr. ramosissima, Torr. Mohave Desert; throughout Lower Sonoran. Cercocarpus, H. B. K. betuleefolius, Greene. (Mountain Mahogany.) Elysian Park; Sierra foothills. . Potentilla, Linn. Cinguefoil. Five-Finger. Anserina, Linn. (Silver Weed.) Wet places; Ballona ; Cienega. Bolanderi, Gray, var. Parryi, Wats. Big Rock Creek, 5,000 feet. *Californica, Greene. Frequent below 2,500 feet. (Fl. Pasa.) glandulosa, Lindl. Shady places in the Coast Range. var. Nevadensis, Wats. Big Rock Creek, with next. Nuttallii, Lehm. Big Rock Creek ; 4,000 to 5,000 feet. *Plattensis, Nutt. Near Ballona. (Hasse.) puberula, Greene. Dry, open ground, from Los Angeles to Newhall. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Adenostoma, H. & A. Chamiso. fasciculatum, H. & A. The so-called ‘‘ Grease-wood ”’ of the foothills. Alchemilla, Tourn. Lady's Mantle. arvensis, Scop. Catalina Island ; near Los Angeles. Rosa, Linn. Wild Rose. Californica, C.& S. Common on stream banks. gymnocarpa, Nutt. Big Rock Creek. Heteromeles, Roem. arbutifolia, Roem. (California Holly.) Stream banks in Coast Range. SAXIFRAGE. Saxifraga, Linn. Saxifrage. reflexa, Hook. Near Glendale. Boykinia, Nutt. occidentalis, T. & G. Topango Cafion. rotundifolia, Parry. Cafions of San Gabriel Mountains. Tellima, R. Br. affinis, Boland, Shady hillsides, not common. Heuchera, Linn. rubescens, Torr. San Gabriel Mountains, 5,000 feet. Ribes, Linn. Currant. Gooseberry. amarum, McClatchie. Cafions San Gabriel Mountains. divaricatum, Dougl. Oak Knoll; Riviera ; El Monte. glutinosum, Benth. Frequent in the Coast Ranges. hesperium, McClatchie. Cafions San Gabriel Mountains. leptanthum, Gray. Desert slope of San Gabriel Mountains, 4,000 feet. malvaceum, Smith. Foothills at Duarte. Nevadense, Kell. Wilson’s Peak. nubigenum, McClatchie Summit of San Antonio Mountain. speciosum, Pursh. Common towards the foot-hills. tenuiflorum, Lindl. Thickets near Pasadena, El Monte, Fernando, etc. viburnifolium, Gray. Catalina Island. Lyonothamnus, Gray. floribundus, Gray. Catalina Island. var. asplenifolius, Brandegee. San Clemente Island. SN CRASSULACE. Tillza, Linn, angustifolia, Nutt. Catalina Island. minima, Miers. Sands of seashore and interior plains. Sedum, Linn. Stonecrop. obtusatum, Gray. Mount Disappointment, 5,000 feet. variegatum, Wats. Bluffs near Soldiers’ Home. Cotyledon, Linn. ceespitosa, Haw. Catalina Island. ; lanceolata, B. & H. Common in mountain cafions. pulverulenta, B. & H. Los Angeles and around the Coast. LYTHRACE. Lythrum, Linn.. Loosestrife. Californicum, T. & G. Along marshes and streams, common. Ammannia, Hous. coccinea, Rottb. Near Soldiers’ Home. HALORAGE. Callitriche, Linn. ; marginata, Torr. Pond near Soldiers’ Home. Io PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. ONAGRARE-. Epilobium, Linn. = WWi/low-Herb. *Californicum, Hauss. Cienega swamps. holosericeum, Trel. Ballona; Cienega. paniculatum, Nutt. Arroyo Seco; Acton. Parishii, Trel. Common in wet soils. Zauschneria, Presl. Californica, Presl. Commion above 2,000 feet. . var. microphylla, Gray. The ‘‘Wild Fuchsia” of the foothills. Eulobus, Nutt. Californicus, Nutt. Frequent in dry places. CEnothera, Linn. Lvening Primrose. alyssoides, H. & A. Echo Mountain. bistorta, Nutt. Frequent and general var. Veatchiana, Hook. Common around Los Angeles. biennis, Linn , var. hirsutissima, Gray. Streams near dwellings. brevipes, Gray. Lancaster. czespitosa, Nutt. Jancaster, very rare. Californica, Wats. Mohave Desert; Central Ave., Los Angeles. cheiranthifolia, var. suffruticosa, Wats. Abundant on the seashore. dentata, Cav. Acton. var. grandiflora, Wats. Mohave Desert. gaurzflora, T. & G. Mohave Desert. micrantha, Hornem. Common on lower grounds. Palmeri, Wats. Lancaster. rutila, Davidson. Rock Creek, 3,500 feet. strigulosa, T. & G. Sandy grounds on the plains. var. pubens, Wats. Whittier. Godetia, Spach. : Bottz, Spach. Frequent on slopes and hillsides. epilobioides, Wats. Moist ground along foothill streams. purpurea, Wats. Waysides and plains around Los Angeles. quadrivulnera, Spach. Towards the foothills. Clarkia, Pursh. elegans, Lindl. Common at Newhall; Coast Ranges. rhomboidea, Doug]. AVilson’s Peak, San Gabriel Mountains. Boisduvalia, Walp. glabella, Walp. Near Santa Monica. Gayophytum, A. Juss. ramosissimum, T, & G. Wilson’s Peak; San Gabriel Mountains. Ludwigia, Linn. diffusa, var. Californica, Greene. Cienega marshes. palustris, Ell. Ballona; Santa Monica. LOSACE. Mentzelia, Linn. albicaulis, Dougl. Acton. dispersa, Wats. Wilson’s Peak; San Gabriel Mountains. gracilenta, T. & G. Plains and foothills of the interior. leevicaulis, T. & G. Sand washes from Sierra Madre eastward. micrantha, T. & G. Not infrequent in the foothills. CUCURBITACE2., Cucurbita, Linn. Cucumber. Squash. fcetidissima, HBK. (Mock Orange.) Common on the plains, Micrampelis, Raf. macrocarpa, Greene. In thickets in the Coast Range. PLANTS OF LOS -INGELES COUNTY. 1 DATISCE. Datisca, Linn. glomerata, B. & H. On stream banks in the foothills. CACTACEA. Cereus, Haw. Cactus. Emoryi, Engelm. Plains to the eastward. Opuntia, Tourn. basilaris, Engelm., var. ramosa, Parish. San Fernando to Desert. Bernardina, Engelm. Saugus. echinocarpa, Engelm. East side of Mohave Desert. *Lindheimeri, Engelm. Common in unbroken soil. (FI. Pasa.) var. littoralis, Engelm. On the seaboard. var. occidentalis, Engelm. Hills around Los Angeles. prolifera, Engelm. Catalina Island. FICOIDEZ. Mesembr.anthemum, Linn. Jce-plant. @quilaterale, Haw. Among the sands on the seashore. crystallinum, Linn Maritime sands and marshes. nodifiorum, Haw. Catalina and San Clemente Islands. Sesuvium, Linn. Sea Purslane. Portulacastrum, Linn. Low alkaline lands; Nigger’s Slough; Cerritos, Mollugo, Linn. Carpel-Weed. verticillata, Linn. Pond near Garvanza. UMBELLIFERA@. Hydrocotyle, Tourn. Marsh Pennywort. prolifera, Kell. Wet places, San Gabriel River. ranunculoides, Linn. fil. Swamps and sluggish streams, common. Bowlesia, R. & P. lobata, R. & P. Shady hillsides. Eryngium, Tourn. 2utton Snakeroot. petiolatum, Hook. Redondo. Sanicula, Tourn. Sazzcle. bipinnatifida, Doug]. Common on hillsides and open grounds. bipinnata, H. & A. Oak Knoll. (Fl. Pasa.) San Clemente Island. Menziesii, H. & A. Moist woods in foothills. nudicaulis, H. & A. In open grounds. tuberosa, Torr. Dry grounds along foothill streams. Velzea, DC. arguta,C.& R Dry hillsides. Hartwegi, C. & R. Santa Monica Range. Parishii, C. & R. Wilson’s Peak; San Gabriel Mountains, 4,000 feet. vestita, C. & R. San Antonio Peak. Conium, Linn. Poison Hemlock. maculatum, Linn. Oak Knoll; Santee Street, Los Angeles. Apium, Linn. Celery. graveolens, Linn. Abundant in marshes. Apiastrum, Nutt. augustifolium, Nutt. On low ranges, frequent. Carum, Linn. Carui, Linn. (Caraway). Lancaster Station. Gairdneri, B. & H. Ballona meadows. Eulophus, Nutt. : Pringlei, C. & R. On the Desert slope of Sierras, 4,000 feet, Sium, Linn. Water Parsnip. I2 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. *cicutefolium, Gmel. Oak Knoll. (Fl. Pasa.) erectum, Huds. Frequent in pools. heterophyllum, Greene. Near Pasadena. Cicuta, Linn. Water Hemlock. Bolanderi, Wats. Marshes near Los Angeles. Osmorrhiza, Raf. Sweet Cicely. brachypoda, Torr. Shady ravines, not common. CEnanthe, Linn. Californica, Wats. Oak Knoll. (FI. Pasa.) Selinum, Linn. capitellatum, B. & H. Cienega at Big Rock Creek, 5,000 feet. Peucedanum, Linn. dasycarpum, T. &G. Dry hillsides from Glendale to the Desert. Euryptera, Gray. Shady cafions at low altitudes. Hassei, C. & R. Hills at Santa Monica; Los Angeles. Parishii, C & R. Hills at Manzana. utriculatum, Nutt. Very common on the plains. Vaseyi, C. & R. Hills near Arroyo Seco. (McClatchie). villosum, Nutt. Acton. Leptotenia, Nutt. multifida, Nutt. Hills at Manzana. Daucus, Tourn. Carota, Linn. (Wild Carrot.) In streets and waste places. pusillus, Michx, Frequent on low hills. Caucaulis, Linn. microcarpa, H. & A. In the foothills. nodosa, Huds. Oak Knoll. Foeniculum, Adans. Fennel. vulgare, Ger. In streets and waste grounds. Pastinaca, Linn. Parsnip. sativa, Linn. Cienega, Ballona, and other marshes. Coriandrum, Linn. Coriander. sativum, Linn. Occasional in Los Angeles streets. ARALIACE. Aralia, Linn. Californica, Wats. (Spikenard.) Cafions San Gabriel Mountains. CORNACE-E. Cornus, Linn. Dogwood. pubescens, Nutt., var. Californica, C. & E. Cienega and other moist places. Garrya Dougl. Veatchii Kell., var. flavescens. C.& E. San Gabriel Mountains, 3,000 to 4,000 feet; local. CAPRIFOLIACE. Sambucus, Tourn. £lder. glauca, Nutt. Common. Symphoricarpus, Dill. Sxzowderry. mollis, Nutt. Common in the Coast Range. oreophilus, Gray. Acton. Caprifolium, Brun. Honeysuckle. hispidulum, var. Californicum, Greene. Catalina Island. subspicatum, Greene. The common form in the County. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. I3 RUBIACE. Galium, Linn. Bedstraw. Andrewsii, Gray. Dry summits of the San Gabriel Mountains. angustifolium, Nutt. Common on the lower hills. Aparine, Linn. (Cleavers.) Cafions in the foothills. var. Vaillantii, Koch. Catalina Island. buxifolium, Greene. Catalina Island. Californicum, H. & A. Desert slope of San Gabriel Mountains. Catalinense, Gray. Catalina Island. grande, McClatchie. San Gabriel Mountains, frequent. Miguelense, Greene. Catalina Island. multiflorum, Kell. Rock Creek. Nuttallii, Gray. Very common. occidentalis, McClatchie. Common above 3,000 feet. trifidum, Linn. Hills near Los Angeles. VALERIANACE. Valerianella, Moench. macrocera, Gray. Low grounds; Elysian Park ; Glendale. DIPSACE. Dipsacus, Linn. Fuller's Teasel. fnilonum, Linn. River bank at Los Angeles. Scabiosa, Linn. stellata, Linn. Along streets at Altadena. COMPOSITE. Brickellia, Ell. Californica, Gray. Not infrequent on banks. Nevinii, Gray. Cafions near Newhall. Gutierrezia, Lag. **Californica, T. & G. Near Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) Euthamie, T. & G. Very common on dry and rocky ground. Grindelia, Willd. cuneifolia, Nutt. Salt marshes ; Wiseburn. robusta, Nutt. (Gum Plant.) On dry hills, not common. Pentacheta, Nutt. ; aurea, Nutt. Arroyo Seco, very rare. Lyoni, Gray. San Pedro; Catalina Island. Heterotheca, Cass. grandiflora, Nutt. A common autumn weed of the plains. Chrysopsis, Nutt. **villosa, Nutt., var. sessiliflora, Gray. Along the Coast. var. echioides, Gray. Common on interior plains. Aplopappus, Cass. cuneatus, Gray. Rubio Cafion; Lancaster. ericoides, H. & A. On the sea shore, abundant; Los Angeles. interior, Colv. Lancaster. monactis, Gray. San Gabriel Mountains; Mohave Desert. pinifolius, Gray. Cafions north of Los Angeles, common. Palmeri, Gray. Los Angeles and surrounding plains. squarrosus, H. & A. Common on dry hills. Acamptopappus, Gray. ae ae Gray. Mohave Desert. Bigelovia, DC. acradenia, Greene. Mohave Desert. graveolens, Gray. Mohave Desert. var. glabrata, Gray. Acton. ly PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Parishii, Greene. Wilson’s Peak. teretifolia, D. & H. Near Fort Tejon. veneta, Gray. Common on hills near Los Angeles. Solidago, Linn. Golden-rod. Californica, Nutt. Common on the higher mountains. confinis, Gray. Cienega: Glendale; Arroyo Seco. occidentalis, Nutt. Stream banks. Lessingia, Cham. glandulifera, Gray. Common in arid ground. Bellis, Tourn. Daisy. perennis, Linn. Casual in lawns. Corethrogyne, DC. **Californica, DC. Monterey to San Diego. (Bot. Cal.) filaginifolia, Nutt. Commion in the foothills. var. virgata, Gray. Wilson’s Peak. Aster, Tourn. Aster. exilis, Ell. Common in river bottoms. hesperius, Gray. Cienega. Fremonti, Gray., var. Parishii,Gray. CafionsSan Gabriel Mountains. Menziesii, Lindl. Cienega; dry hillsides; very local. tortifolius, Gray. Mohave Desert, on southern rim. Erigeron, Linn. /eabane. Canadenis, Linn. Common weed on the plains. foliosus, Nutt. Common from 2,000 to 5,000 feet. var. stenophyllus, Gray. San Gabriel Mountains. Philadelphicus, Linn. In low wet soils; San Gabriel River; Fulton. Conyza, Less. Coulteri, Gray. Avalon; Oak Knoll; Santa Monica Range. Baccharis, Linn. Douglasii, DC. Glendale; Los Angeles River. Emoryi, Gray. Redondo; Long Beach; Cerritos. glutinosa, Pers. Moist flats near Los Angeles. pilularis, DC. Near Santa Monica. Plummer, Gray. Topango Cafion. viminea, DC. Very common along streams. Pluchea, Cass. borealis, Gray. River at El Monte. camphorata,DC. Marshy grounds and rivers, LosAngeles and San Gabriel. Micropus, Linn. Californicus, F. & M. Hills and ridges near Los Angeles. Stylocline, Nutt. ° gnaphalioides, Nutt. Open grounds in the foothills. Psilocarphus, Nutt. globiferus, Nutt. Dry ridges of the Coast Range. Filago, Tourn. Arizonica, Gray. Catalina Island. Californica, Nutt. Frequent on dry ridges. Anaphalis, DC. margaritacea, B.& H. Catalina Island. Gnaphalium, Linn. /verlasting. Californicum, DC. Common on the plains and lower hills. leucocephalum, Gray. Frequent from 1-3,000 feet. (Fl. Pasa.) microcephalum, Nutt. Frequent along dry water courses. palustre, Nutt. Moist grounds, not common. ramosissimum, Nutt. Los Angeles; Oak Knoll. Sprengelii, H. & A. Sandy grounds and dry banks. Melampodium, Linn. perfoliatum, HBK. Moist and cultivated grounds in the city. Iva, Linn. * axillaris, Pursh. Sandy saline soil, Big Rock Creek. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 15 Dicoria, T. & G. canescens, T. & G. River wash, East Los Angeles. Hymenoclea, T. & G. Salsola, T. & G. Mohave Desert. Ambrosia, Tourn. Ragweed. psilostachya, DC. Common weed, roadsides and wastes. Franseria, Cav. acanthicarpa, Hook. Sandy soil around Los Angeles. bipinnatifida, Nutt. Common on the seashore. dumosa, Gray. Mohave Desert. tenuifolia, Gray. At Hollywood, abundant. Xanthium,Tourn. Cockle-bur. Canadense, Mill. Common in sandy wastes. Spinosum, Linn, (Spiny Cockle-bur.) Along streets and wastes. Balsamorrhiza, Hook. deltoidea, Nutt. Slopes near Gorman Station. Gy mnolomia, HBK. multiflora, B. & H. Occasional, Los Angeles River sands; Santa Monica. Helianthus, Linn. Sunflower. annuus, Linn. Common on the plains. gracilentus, Gray. Newhall, rare. Oliveri, Gray. Cienega; East Los Angeles. Encelia, Adans. Californica, Nutt. Dry hills in Coast Ranges, very common. eriocephala, Gray. Abundant in the Larrea belt. Verbesina, Linn. z encelioides, B, & H. El Monte; Los Angeles River banks; local. Bidens, Tourn. LBur-Marigold. chrysanthemoides, Michx. Along streams and marshes. pilosa, Linn. Along streets. Leptosyne, DC. Douglasii, DC. Common on foothills and higher plains. gigantea, Kell. Catalina Island; Santa Monica Coast Madia, Molina. Zar- Weed. dissitiflora, T. & G. Santa Monica. elegans, Don. Roadsides west of Fairmont. filipes, Gray. Open grounds; Newhall; Glendale; Wilson’s Peak. sativa. Molina. Common on plains and lower hills. Hemizonia, DC. Zar-weed. fasciculata, T. & G., var. ramosissima, Gray. Very common. pungens, T. & G. Dry hillsides, common. Parryi, Greene. Brackish flats from Los Angeles to Ballona. Streetsii, Gray. Catalina Island. tenella, Gray. Sunny slopes of the Coast Ranges. **virgata, Gray. Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) Wrightii, Gray. Catalina Island. Achyrachzna, Schauer. mollis, Schauer. In grain fields from Los Angeles to the coast. Lagophylla, Nutt. ramosissima, Nutt. Frequent on dry hillsides. Layia, H. & A. heterotricha, H. & A. Hills near Gorman Station. glandulosa, H. & A. Sandy grounds on foothill streams. var. rosea, Gray. Sycamore Grove. platyglossa, Gray. (Tidy-tips.) Common on open hills. var. breviseta, Gray. Los Angeles. Jaumea, Pers. carnosa, Gray. Salt marshes at the sea coast. Venegasia, DC. carpesioides, DC. Cajiions of the Coast Range; not common. 16 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Perityle, Benth. Emoryi, Torr., var. nuda, Rose. On sea coast. Monolopia, DC. major, DC., var. lanceolata, Gray. San Fernando; Newhall. Beria, F. & M. affinis, Gray. Devil’s Gate. chrysostoma, F. & M. Elizabeth Lake. gracilis, Gray. Abundant on saline soils towards the sea. Palmeri, var. Clementina, Gray. Catalina and San Clemente Islands. **tenella, Gray. Los Angeles. (Synop. Flora). Syntrichopappus, Lag. Fremonti, Gray. Lancaster. Lemmoni, Gray. Foothills above Manzana. Eriophyllum, Lag. : czespitosum, Dougl. Common on dry hills. confertiflorum, var. trifidum, Gray. Catalina Island. Nevinii, Gray. Catalina and San Clemente Islands. Pringlei, Gray. Lancaster; Del Sur. Wallacei, Gray. Pacoima to the Desert. Lasthenia, Cass. glabrata Lindl., var. Coulteri, Gray. Brackish flats, Los Angeles; Bal- lona. Chenactis, DC. artemisicefolia, Gray. A common foothill plant. Fremonti, Gray. Hills at Manzana, very rare. glabriuscula, DC Common on dry hills. lanosa, DC. Common below 3,000 feet. santolinoides, Greene, General on San Gabriel Mountains. stevioides, H. & A. Edge of desert at Manzana. Xantiana, Gray. Mohave Desert and adjoining mountains. Hulsea, T. & G. heterochroma, Gray. Wilson’s Peak, very rare. Blennosperma, Less. **Californicum, T. & G. From San Francisco to San Diego. (Bot. Cal.) Amblyopappus, H. & A. pusillus, H. & A. Catalina Island. Helenium, Linn. Szeeze-weed. puberulum, DC. Marshes and mountain streams, not.common. Anthemis, Linn. Ghamomile. Cotula. Linn. (Mayweed). Waste grounds and roadsides, common. Achillea, Vaill. arrow. Millefolium, Linn. Dry places in the Coast Ranges. Matricaria, Tourn. discoidea, DC. Frequent along streets. Cotula, Linn. australis, Hook. f. Sierra Madre Hotel; Alameda street, Los Angeles. coronopifolia, Linn. Wet grounds; well established. Artemisia, Tourn. Worm-wood. Sage Brush. biennis, Willd. Elysian Park. Californica, Less. The common ‘‘ Sage Brush’’ of the interior. dracunculoides, Pursh. Frequent on the lower hills. *Ludoviciana, Nutt. Occasional below 2,000 feet. (Fl. Pasa.) Parishii, Gray. Newhall. tridentata, Nutt. Saugus. trifida, Nutt. Mohave Desert. vulgaris, Linn. Catalina Island. var. Californica, Bess. Common. Lepidospartum, Gray. squamatum, Gray. Sand washes, Los Angeles River and tributaries, PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 7 Tetrady mia, DC. canescens, DC, Rock Creek, 6,000 feet. comosa, Gray. From Newhall to, and through the Desert. glabrata, Gray. Mohave Desert. spinosa, H. & A. Scattered on Desert and Desert Mountains. stenolepis, Greene. Antelope Valley. Senecio, Tourn. Californicus, DC. Common on lower hills, Douglasii, DC. Very common and general. ionophyllus, Greene. Rock Creek. ilicetorum, Davidson. New trail to Wilson’s Peak: Lyoni, Gray. Catalina and San Clemente Islands. multilobatus, T. & G. Hills near Gorman Station. vulgaris, Linn. (Groundsel). Casual. Cnicus, Tourn. Plumed Thistle. edulis, Gray. Pasadena. . : Californicus, Gray. Rubio Cafion; Newhall; Santa Monica Range. occidentalis, Gray. Frequent on hillsides. Silybum, Vaill. Afilk Thistle. Marianum, Geertn. Casual, El Monte; Oak Knoll; Catalina Island. Centuarea, Linn. Star Thistle. Melitensts, inn. A common weed on clayey slopes. Perezia, Lag. microcephala, Gray. Elysian Park; Coast foothills. Stephanomeria, Nutt. chicoriacea, Gray. Rocky hills and cajions. exigua, Nutt. Mohave Desert. Parryi, Gray. Rock Creek. virgata, Benth. Very common in foothills. Rafinesquia, Nutt. Californica, Nutt. Shrubby foothills, frequent. Neo-Mexicana, Gray. Mohave Desert. Anisocoma, T. & G. acaule, T. & G. Mohave Desert. Hypocheeris, Linn. radicata, Linn. Along streets. (FI. Pasa.) Microseris, Don. aphantocarpha, var. tenella, Gray. Grassy plains, Santa Monica. Douglasii, Gray. Elizabeth Lake. Tindleyi, Gray. On lower foothills, not common. linearifolia, Gray. With the last, but more common. montana, Greene. Borders of Crane and Elizabeth Lakes. Malacothrix, DC. Californica, DC. Common in dry interior plains. Clevelandi, Gray. Switzers; Mount Wilson; Newhall. Coulteri, Gray. San Fernando; Mohave Desert. toliosa, Gray. San Clemente Island. glabrata, Gray. Mohave Desert. saxatilis, T. & G. Catalina Island. var. tenuifolia, Gray. Common on rocky slopes and cafions. sonchoides, T. & G. Mohave Desert. Glyptopleura, Eaton. marginata, Eaton. Mohave Desert. setulosa, Gray. Mohave Desert. Hieracium, Tourn. Hawkweed. albiflorum, Hook. Woods on the Desert slope, 5,000 feet. Parishii, Gray. Common in cafions. Crepis, Linn. biennis, Linn, Along streets. (FI. Pasa.) virens, Linn, Big Rock Creek, 8 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Troximon, Nutt. elatum, Greene. Wilson’s Peak. heterophyllum, Greene. Crane Lake. retrorsum, Gray. Open hills bordering the Desert. Taraxacum, Hall. Dandelion. officinale, Weber. Streets and lawns. Lactuca, Tourn. Lettuce. Scariola, Linn. South of Pasadena. Sonchus, Lian. Sow Thistle. ° asper, Hoffm. Frequent in city streets. oleraceus, Linn. Common in streets and waste places. tenerrimus, Linn, Catalina Island. LOBELIE®. Nemacladus, Nutt. ramosissimus, Nutt. Wilson’s Peak ; Mohave Desert. Lobelia, Linn. Lobdelia. splendens, Willd. Oak Knoll; marshes, Los Angeles and Cienega. Palmerella, Gray. debilis, var. serrata, Gray. Foothill cafions. CAMPANULACEA. Githopsis, Nutt. diffusa, Gray. Wilson’s Trail, 2,000 feet. specularioides, Nutt. Hills near Soldiers’ Home. Specularia, Heist. biflora, Gray. Open ground, Glendale ; Santa Monica, ERICACEAE. Arbutus, Tourn. JZadrona. Menziesii, Pursh. Wilson’s Trail. Arctostaphylos, Adans. J/anzanita. bicolor, Gray. Catalina Island. diversifolia, Parry. Catalina Island. glauca, Lindl. San Gabriel Mountains. insularis, Greene. Catalina Island. Manzanita, Parry. The common form of manzanita. tomentosa, Dougl. San Gabriel Mountains. Sarcodes. Torr. Snow plant. sanguinea, Torr, Among the pines, Antelope Valley. PLUMBAGINE-. Statice, Linn. J/arsh Rosemary. Limonium, Linn., var. Californica, Gray. Maritime marshes. PRIMULACE-. Dodecatheon, Linn. Shooting Stars. Clevelandi, Greene. Common on open hillsides Hendersoni, Gray. Catalina Island. Jeffreyi, Moore. Catalina Island. Anagallis, Linn. Pimpernel. arvensis, Linu, Abundant in waste grounds. Samolus, Linn. Arookweed. Valerandi, Linn., yar. Americanus, Gray. Along brooks and marshes, not common. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 19 . OLEACEE. Fraxinus, Linn, dipetala, H. & A. Coast ravines, rather rare. Oregana, Nutt. Ballona Creek. Forestiera, Poir. Neo-Mexicana, Gray. Southern border of Mohave Desert. APOCYNACE. Apocynum, Tourn. /nadian Hemp. cannabiuum, Linn. Kuhrts Street marsh, Los Angeles; Arroyo Seco. Cycladenia, Benth. humilis, Benth. San Antonio Mountain. ASCLEPIADACE/. Asclepias, Linn. J/i/kweed. eriocarpa, Benth. Common on dry hills. Mexicana, Cav. Frequent. vestita, I. & A., var. Mohavensis, Gray. Mohave Desert. Gomphocarpus, R. Br. . tomentosus, Gray. From Newhall to the Desert. Philabertia, HBK. linearis, var. heterophylla, Gray. Foothills at Cahuenga. GENTIANE. Erythraa, Pers. Canchalagua exaltata, Cov. Along streams on the Desert slope. venusta, Gray. Common on low grounds, Frasera, Walt. nitida, Benth. Rock Creek, 6.000 feet. **Parryi, Torr. East of Los Angeles. (Bot Cal.) POLEMONIACE-€. Gilia, R. & P. achillezefolia, Benth, Very common. androsacea, Steud. Acton. atractyloides, Stend. Frequent in dry washes. aurea, Nutt. Abundant on the inesa. Californica, Benth. A common foothill shrub capitata, Doug. Waste places; Los Angeles; Newhall. densifolia, Benth. Dry plains of the interior, frequent. dianthoides, Endl. Common on sandy svils. dichotoma, Benth. San Fernando; Mohave Desert, abundant. divaricata, Torr. On the seaboard. floccosa, Gray. JLancaster. glutinosa, Gray. Elysian Park; Glendale; Satta Monica. inconspicua, Dougl. Mohave Desert. var. sinuata, Gray. Not common but general on the Desert. latiflora, Gray. Newhall; Mohave Desert. var. exilis, Gray. Wilson's Peak. Lemmoni, Gray. On dry hillsides. - Matthewsii, Gray. Mohave Desert. micrantha, Steud. Very common and general. multicaulis, Benth. Very common. Nevinii, Gray. Catalina and San Clemente Islands. Parry, Gray. Abundant on the Desert. pharnaceoides, Gray. On dry hillsides. prostrata, Gray. Alkaline marshes, Laguna; Fulton, etc. pungens, Benth., var. Hookeri, Gray. Mount Disappointment. tenuiflora, Benth. Mohave Desert and adjacent mountains. 20 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. tenella, Benth. Wilson’s Peak. tricolor, Benth. Mohave Desert. virgata, Steud. Abundant in dry grounds in the interior. viscidula, Gray. Dry places in interior. Phlox, Linn. gracilis, Greene. Elysian Park; Lincoln Park; in shady nooks. HYDROPHYLLACE4. Nemophila, Nutt. aurita, Lindl. On shady hillsides, frequent. insignis, Dougl. (Baby Blue-eyes.) Very common. maculata, Benth. Antelope Valley. Menziesii, H. & A. Very common. racemosa, Nutt. Catalina Island. Ellisia, Linn. membranacea, Benth. Damp woods near Gorman station. chrysanthemifolia, Benth. Frequent on shady banks. Phacelia, Juss. bicolor, Torr. Mohave Desert. *brachyloba, Gray. San Gabriel Mountains. (Fl. Pasa.) campanularia, Gray. Rubio Cafion. (Hasse.) ciliata, Benth. Hollywood ; Los Angeles ; Antelope Valley. circinata, Jacq. f. Frequent on sunny slopes. Davidsonii, Gray. On Wilson’s Peak and throughout the Sierras. distans, Benth. Common in foothill cafions. Fremonti, Torr. Los Angeles River: Wilson’s Peak ; Mohave Desert. grandiflora, Gray. General on river banks and burned districts. heterosperma, Parish. Rock Creek. hispida, Gray. Common. Lemmioni, Gray. Rock Creek, 5,000 feet. leucantha, Lemmon. Mountains from 1,000 to 3,000 feet. longipes, Torr. San Gabriel Mountains, rare and local. Lyoni, Gray. Catalina Island. Mohavensis, Gray. Big Rock Creek. Parryi, Torr. Mountains near Newhall. ramosissima, Dougl. Sea beach, Santa Monica; Redondo. var. suffrutescens, Parry. Mountains to 5,000 feet. tanacetifolia, Benth. Very common. viscida, Torr. Frequent on fire-swept hills. var. albiflora, Gray. Elysian Park ; Santa Monica Range. Whitlayia, Gray. On fertile hillsides. Emmenanthe, Benth. penduliflora, Benth. Common around Los Angeles; less so on the mountains. Nama, Linn. demissum, Gray. Lancaster; Wilson’s Peak ; Newhall. Parryi, Gray. Wilson’s Peak ; Antelope Valley. pusillum, Lemmon. Lancaster. stenocarpum, Gray. Santa Monica. Eriodictyon, Benth. glutinosum, Benth. (Yerba Santa.) San Gabriel Mountains, 2,000 to 5,000 feet. : tomentosum, Benth. A common shrub. BORAGINE. Coldenia, Linn. brevicalyx, Wats. Lancaster. Heliotropium, Tourn. Curassavicum, Linn. Sandy ground towards the coast, PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 2r Amsinckia, Lehm. intermedia, F. & M. Westlake. *“lycopsoides, Lehm. Catalina. (Brandegee.) spectabilis, F. & M. Very common. *tessellata, Gray. Catalina Island. (Brandegee.) Krynitzkia, F.& M. ambigua, Gray. Frequent around Los Angeles. circumcissa, Gray. Acton. intermedia, Gray. Common on low grounds. micrantha, Gray. Very common. microstachys, Greene. Los Angeles; Catalina Island, frequent. ramosissima, Greene. Catalina Island. setosa, Greene. Harold; San Fernando. Plagiobothrys, Gray. Arizonicus, Greene. Elizabeth Lake; Catalina Island. var. Catalinensis, Gray. Catalina Island. canescens, Benth. Lincoln Park; Azusa. Cooperi, Gray. Near Los Angeles. nothofulvus, Gray. Frequent at Los Angeles and Pasadena. Pectocarya, DC. linearis, DC. Not infrequent on low sandy grounds. setosa, Gray. Mohave Desert. CONVOLVULACEAE. : Convolvulus, Linn. Bindweed. Alorning Glory. arvensis, Linn Orchards and waste grounds in Los Angeles. Californicus, Choisy. Catalina Island. macrostegius, Greene. Catalina Island. occidentalis, Gray. (Wild Morning Glory.) Very eommon. var. tenuissimus, Gray. Wilson’s Peak and higher hills. sepium, Linn., var. repens, Gray. Wet places near Los Angeles; San Gabriel River. Soldanella, Linn. Common on the seacoast. Ipomeea, Linn. purpurea, Lam. In cultivated fields near the city. Dichondra, Forst. repens, Forst. Catalina Island. Cressa, Linn. Cretica, Linn., var. Truxillensis, Choisy. On the seashore. Cuscuta, Tourn. Dodder. Californica, Choisy. Santa Monica and Catalina Mountains. var. longiloba, Engelm. Santa Monica Range. subinclusa, D. & H. Common in the interior. SOLANACE. Solanum, Tourn. Nightshade. Volalo. Douglasii, Dunal. (Black Nightshade.) Very common. nigrum, Linn., var. villosuim, Mill. Occasional in waste places. rostratum, Dunal. South Santa Monica. Xanti, Gray. Foothills and mountains, very common. var. Wallacei, Gray. Catalina Island. i inn. Ground Cherry. ee a f. Common in tilled fields. i inn. ou, var. Wrightii, Gray. Lancaster. Californicum, Nutt. Redondo; Long Beach; San Pedro. Cooperi, Gray. Mohave Desert. Richii, Gray. Catalina Island. 22 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Datura, Linn. Thorn Apple. meteloides, DC. Frequent towards the coast. Stramonium, Linn. Fields at Ballona. Nicotiana, Tourn. Zodacco. attenuata, Torr. Rock Creek, 4,000 feet. Bigelovii, Wats. River banks; Los Angeles; Pasadena, not common. ** var, Wallacei, Gray. Near Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) glauca, Graham, Wellestablished around settlements. Petunia, Juss. parviflora, Juss. Frequent in alkaline swamps on the seaboard. SCROPHULARINE. Verbascum, Linn. AJTullein. virgatum, With. Well established; Altadena; El Monte; Lamanda. Linaria, Tourn. 7Zoad-fiaxr. Canadensis, Dum. In sandy cultivated soils. Antirrhinum, Tourn. Svapdragon. Coulterianum, Benth. Common in the foothills. glandulosum, Lindl. Along streams; Los Angeles; Glendale; Switz- ers, etc. Nuttallianum, Benth. Arroyo Seco; Rattlesnake Island, somewhatrare. speciosum, Gray, Catalina Island. strictum, Gray. Frequent in the Sierra foothills. Scrophularia, /igwort. Californica, Cham. Moist grounds, on stream banks and in woods. Collinsia, Nutt. bicolor, Benth. Moist hillsides, common. Davidsonii, Parish. Southern rim of Mohave Lesert. Parryi, Gray. Shady places, Arroyo Seco; open grounds, Manzana and Newhall. Pentstemon, Mitch. breviflorus, Lindl. Acton. Bridgesii, Gray. Acton. centranthifolius, Benth. Common on the inland plains. cordifolius, Benth. On brush covered grounds. heterophyllus, Lindl. Foothill cafions at Glendale; Arroyo Seco. labrosus, Hook. f. On San Gabriel Mountains, 4,000 feet, abundant. **leetus, Gray. Near Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) Palmeri, Gray. San Gabriel Mountains, 4,000 feet. spectabilis, Thurb Common on the lower hills. ternatus, Torr. Wilson’s Peak and Sierras generally. Mimulus, Linn. A/onkey-flower. Bigelovii, Gray. Wilson’s Peak; Lancaster. brevipes, Benth. Very common on lower hills. cardinalis, Dougl. Along streams, general but not common. exilis, Dur. Wet grounds along streams. floribundus, Doug] With the last. Fremonti, Gray. Los Angeles River; Wilson’s Peak; Mohave Desert. glutinosus, Wendl. Common on the foothills. **inconspicuus, Gray. From Los Angeles northwards. (Bot. Cal.) Juteus, Linn. Common on streams. var. depauperatus, Gray. In mountain cafions. moschatus, Dougl. Los Angeles River. var. sessilifolius, Gray. Glendale. nasutus, Greene. Creek banks, Santa Monica Range. Parishii, Greene. Los Angeles River; Acton; Rock Creek. puniceus, Steud. Catalina Island. Veronica, Linn. Speedwell. Buxbaumii, Ten. Casual in Los Angeles streets. peregrina, Linn. Local, Fulton Wells; Pasadena; Lancaster: Santa Monica. 2 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. i Se Castilleia, Linn. f. Painted-cup. affinis, H. & A. Common at Lancaster. foliolosa, H. & A. Dry hillsides from 1,000 to 3,000 feet. linarizefolia, Benth. Wet meadows, Rock Creek. miniata, Dougl. The common species. parviflora, Bong. Hills around Los Angeles. plagiotomia, Gray. Mohave Desert; Acton. stenantha, Gray. Marshy grounds and stream banks, general. Orthocarpus, Nutt. Owl's Clover. Parishii, Gray. Tunnel, near Garvanza. purpurascens, Benth. Very common. var. Palmeri, Gray. Antelope Valley. Cordylanthus, Nutt. filifolius, Nutt. Abundant on the lower hills maritimus, Nutt. Saline places on seashore. Nevinii, Gray. Acton. Pedicularis, Tourn. Louscwort. densiflora, Benth. Laurel Cafion. semibarbata, Gray. Desert slope of Sierras, 5,000 feet. OROBANCHACE2. Aphylion, Mich. Cazcer-root. Californicum, Gray. Elysian Park. comosum, Gray. Acton. fasciculatum, Gray. Millard’s Cafion. Ludovicianum, Gray., var. Cooperi, Beck. Newhall tuberosum, Gray. Echo Mountain, among shrubs. (FI Pasa.) VERBENACE. Verbena, Linn. bracteosa, Michx. Sub-alkaline grounds, Temple street, Los Angeles. polystachya, HBK. Marshy grounds, Los Angeles; Glendale ; Arroyo Seco. prostrata, R Br. Common on low lands. urticeefolia, Linn. In thickets and marshes near Los Angeles. Lippia, Linn. . lanceolata, Michx. Marshes at Cienega, Ballona, etc. LABIAT. Mentha, Linn. J/indz. Canadensis, Linn. Streams and marshes, frequent. piperita, linn. Los Angeles River. Lycopus, Tourn. [Water Horehound, lucidus, Turcz., var. Americanus, Gray. Bank of river at Los Angeles; Ballona Creek Pycnanthemum, Mich. Mountain Mint, Californicum, Torr. Common in lower cafions. Monardella, Benth. candicans, Benth. Lancaster. lanceolata, Gray. Very general on low ranges. linoides, Gray. Mountains around Desert at 5,000 feet. odoratissima, Benth. Acton Mountains. Micromeria, Benth. Verba Buena. Douglasii, Benth. Mountains north of Newhall; Santa Monica Range. Calamintha, Moench. mimuloides, Benth. Mountains at Acton Sphacele, Benth. calycina, Benth., var. Wallacei, Gray. Wilson’s and Switzer’s trails, Audibertia, Benth. grandifolia, Benth. Shaded banks of the Coast Ranges, 24 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. incana, Benth. Mohave Desert and surrounding mountains. nivea, Benth. Low hills from Santa Monica to Newhall. polystachya, Benth. (White Sage.) Dry hills, very common. stachyoides, Benth. (Black Sage.) Very common. ; stachyoides x polystachya. Lincoln Park and Los Angeles foothills. Salvia, Linn. Sage. carduacea, Benth. Sandy soil from Burbank to the desert. Columbariz, Benth. (Chia.) Frequent on dry hillsides. Scutellaria, Linn. Shzd/-cap. angustifolia, Pursh. Mountains at Rock Creek, 5,000 feet. Bolanderi, Gray. Moist woods, El Monte, very rare. tuberosa, Benth. On scrubby foothills, rather local. Salazaria, Torr. Mexicana, Torr. Abundant on Southern rim of Desert. Marrubium, Linn. White Horehound. vulgare, Linn. Very common on the plains. Stachys, Linn. Woundwort. albens, Gray. Wet places, mountains and marshes. ajugoides, Benth. Among shrubs on dry ridges. bullata, Benth. Frequent in moist woods. Trichostema, Linn. 2/ue-Cur/s. lanatum, Benth. Dry ridges of the Sierra foothills, not common. lanceolatuim, Benth. Covering stubble fields in the autumn. PLANTAGINEE. Plantago, Linn. Plantain. Coronopus, Linn. (Buck’s horn Plantain.) Catalina Island. hirtella, HBK. Moist meadows, Los Angeles; Pasadena. lanceolata, Linn. (Ribgrass.) Streets of Los Angeles and Pasadena. major, Linn. On low grounds, not common. *Patagonica, Jacq. Common on dry hills. (FI. Pasa.) var. nuda, Gray. Very common on dry slopes. NYCTAGINACE. Mirabilis, Linn. /our-o’ clock. Californica, Gray. Common on open hillsides. multiflora, Gray., var. pubescens, Wats. Manzana. Abronia, Juss. maritima, Nutt. Common on the seashore. umbellata, Lain. Common on the seashore. villosa, Wats. Frequent on the Mohave Desert. AMARANTACE-. Amarantus, Tourn. Amaranth. albus, Linn. (Tumbleweed) Very common. retroflexus, Linn. less common than the last. blitoides, Wats. Moist soil Santa Monica. Alternanthera, Forsk, Achyrantha, R. Br. Streets of Los Angeles. Nitrophila, Wats. occidentalis, Wats. Cienega. CHENOPODIACE-. Aphanisma, Nutt. blitoides, Nutt. Catalina Island; San Pedro. Chenopodium, Linn. Goose/oot. album, Linn, Common in waste and cultivated ground. var, viride, Linn. Vernon. amorostoides, Linn. A common weed. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 25 Californicum, Wats. Frequent in the foothills. murale, Linn, (Pewee) Streets of Los Angeles. Monolepis, Schrad. chenopodioides, Mog. Cienega. Atriplex, Linn. Orache. bracteosa, Wats. In waste grounds towards the coast. **Breweri, Wats. Near Santa Monica. (Bot. Cal.) Californica, Moq. Saline flats, Cienega; Ballona. canescens, James. Mohave Desert. confertifolia, Wats. Mohave Desert. Coulteri, Dietr. Catalina Island. decumbens, Wats. Catalina Island. expansa, Wats. Ballona. leucophylla, Dietr. On the seabeach. microcarpa, Dietr. Frequent from Los Angeles to the coast. orbiculare, Wats. Santa Monica beach. Parryi, Wats. Lancaster. phyllostegia, Wats. Mohave Desert. patula, Linn. In waste places and brackish grounds Eurotia, Adans. lanata, Mog. Lancaster. Salicornia, Tourn. Samphire. ambigua, Michx. Ballona; Cienega. Suzda, Forsk. Sea Blite. Torreyana, Wats. Saline soils near the coast suffrutescens, Wats. Santa Monica. Salsola, Linn. Kali, Linn., var. tragus, Mog. (Russian Thistle.) Lancaster. PHYTOLACCACE. Phytolacca, Tourn. decandra, Linn. Santa Monica. POLYGONACE#. Rumex, Linn. Dock. Acetosella, Linn. (Sheep Sorrel.) Casual in Los Angeles and Pasadena. conglomeratus, Murray. Pasadena. crispus, Linu. Occasional around Los Angeles. hymenosepalus, Torr. (Canaigre.) General in dry sandy places. persicarioides, Linn. Frequent in wet places. salicifolius, Weinm. In wet grounds. Polygonum, Linn. Axnotweed. aviculare, Linn. Common in waste places. Convolvulus, Linn. Fields at Pasadena. hydropiperoides, Michx., var. strigosum, Small. Pasadena. incarnatum, Ell. Marshes, Los Angeles and Pasadena. nodosum, Pers. Along streams and watercourses. Nemacaulis, Nutt. : . Nuttallii, Benth. Sandy soil on coast and in the interior. Eriogonum, Michx. angulosum, Benth. Mohave Desert. ; cinereum, Benth. Seashore, Redondo; Santa Monica. crenulatum, Parry. Lancaster. : deflexum, Torr. Mohave Desert. delicatulum, Wats. Mohave Desert. . elongatum, Benth. Common in the foothills. fasciculatum, Benth. ( Wild Buckwheat.) Common. giganteum, Wats. Catalina Island. *gracile, Benth. Arroyo Seco. (FI. Pasa.) gracillimum, Wats. Antelope Valley. 26 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Heermanni, D. & H. Mohave Desert. inflatum, Torr. Lancaster and westward on the Desert. lJatifolium, Smith. Bluffs near Santa Monica. Mohavense, Wats. Mohave Desert. molestum, Wats. General from Los Angeles to the Sierra tops. nudum, Dougl. San Clemente and Catalina Islands. var. oblongifolium, Wats. Acton. var. pauciflorum, Wats. Desert mountains, 5000 feet. parvifolium, Smith. Sea-shore sands. pusillum, T &G. Dry sands, Rock Creek, ; Plumatella, D. & H. Mohave Desert, eastern section. saxatile, Wats. San Gabriel mountains, 4-5,000 feet. stellatum, Benth. Desert mountains at 5,000 feet. Thurberi, Torr. Common and general. **trichopodum, Torr. Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) virgatum, Benth. Frequent in the Coast Ranges. vimineum, Dougl. Elysian Park. Wrightii, Torr., var. subscaposa, Wats. Common on Wilson’s Peak. Oxytheca, Nutt. luteola, Parry. Frequent near Lancaster. Parishii, Parry. Abundant on Wilson’s Peak. trilobata, Gray. Ravenna. Chorizanthe, R. Br. brevicornu, Torr. Lancaster. Californica, Gray, Interior plains and foothills. Fernando, Wats. San Fernando. **fimbriata, Nutt. Dry places. (Bot. Cal.) leptoceras, Wats. Newhall. Parryi, Wats. Newhall. perfoliata, Gray. Rock Creek. procumbens, Nutt. Mountains to 3,000 feet staticoides, Benth. On dry hills, very common. Thurhberi, Wats. Mohave Desert; Newhall. Watsoni, T. & G. Acton. Lastarriza, Remy. Chilensis, Remy. Catalina Island. Pterostegia, F. & 1. drymarioides, F. & M. Hillsides and dry places. PIPERACE. Houttuynia, B.& H. Verba Aansa, Californica, B. & H. Moist, saline places. LAURACE-. Umbellularia, Nutt. Mountain Laurel. Californica, Nutt. Cafions San Gabriel Mountains; Santa Monica Range. LORANTHACE. Phoradendron, Nutt. J//s¢letoe. Bolleanum, Eichl. On Junipers at Acton. *flavescens, Nutt. On oaks, sycamores and alders. (Fl. Pasa.) var. macrophyllum, Engelm. Newhall, on Sycamores. var. villosum, Englem. On Forestiera on Mohave slopes, Arceuthobium, Bieb. occidentale, Engel. On pine trees of the Desert slopes, PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 27 . EUPHORBIACE. Eremocarpus, Benth. setigerus, Benth. Abundant on adobe flats. Croton, Linn. Californicus, Muhl. Sandy places in the interior. Stillingia, Garden. linearifolia, Wats. Castaic. paucidentata, Wats. Lancaster. Euphorbia, Linn. Spurge. albomarginata, T. & G. Common and general. dictyosperma, F. & M. Shady slopes along the foothills. leptocera, Engelm. Taurel Cafion, Catalina Island. misera, Benth. Near the sea, Catalina Island. . Palmeri, Engelm., Around the Desert at 5,000 feet. polycarpa, Benth. Common. var. vestita, Wats. Santa Monica Range. serpyllifolia, Pers. Lincoln Park; Newhall, rather rare, Ricinus, Linn. Castor Plant. conmunis, Linn. In frostless districts. URTICACEA., Urtica, Tourn. Nettle. **Breweri, Wats. Los Angeles. (Bot. Cal.) holosericea, Nutt. Shaded streain banks. urens, Linn. In waste grounds. Parietaria, Tourn, /e//ilory. debilis, Forst. General in shrubby ground. Hesperocnide, Torr. tenella, Torr. San Clemente Island. PLATANACE. Platanus, Tourn. Sycamore. racemosa, Nutt. In moist, alluvial soil. JUGLANDACE. Juglans, Linn. ; Catifornica. Wats. Frequent towards the mountains. MYRICACE. lyrica, Linn. ayberry. Californica, Cham. Santa Monica Cafion BETULACE€. Alnus, Tourn. Alder. rhombifolia, Nutt. Cafions San Gabriel Mountains. CUPULIFER. Quercus, Linn. Oak. ; : agrifolia, Nee. The park oaks of Santa Anita and San Fernando. chrysolepis. Liebin. Common above 3,000 feet. Dougiasti, H. & A. Encifio. . dumosa, Nutt. The scrub oak of the foothills. lobata, Nee. (White Oak.) Newhall; San Fernando. McDonaldi, Greene. Catalina Island. Morehus, Kell. Catalina Island. Englemanni, Greene. With Q. agrifolia tomentella, Engelm. Catalina Island, rare. Wislizeni, A. DC. Desert slopes of San Gabriel Mountains. 28 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. SALICINEE. Salix, Tourn. Willow. levigata, Bebb. Common on river banks. lasiandra, Benth., var. lancifolia, Bebb. Near Santa Monica. lasiolepis, Benth. Very common. nigra, Marsh. Near Elizabeth Lake. sessilifolia, Nutt., var. Hindsiana, And. Dry interior valleys. Populus, Tourn. /oplar. Cottonwood. Fremonti, var. Wislizeni, Wats. Newhall. trichocarpa, T. & G. Mountain cafions, not common. CERATOPHYLLE~. Ceratophyllum, Linn. Hornwort. demersum, Linn. Rivers and pools. GNETACE. Ephredra, Tourn. Californica, Wats. On the desert slopes. Nevadensis, Wats. Mountains at Acton. CONIFER. Juniperus, Linn. /uxiper. Californica, Carr. Common on the Mohave Desert. Libocedrus, Endl, /i’hite Cedar. decurrens, Torr. Frequent in the San Gabriel Mountains. Pseudotsuga, Carr. Douglas Spruce. Douglasii, Carr., var. macrocarpa, Engelm. San Gabriel Mountains. Pinus, Tourn. ize. *albicaulis, Engelm. Wilson’s Peak. (FI. Pasa.) Lambertiana, Doug. Common in San Gabriel Mountains. monophylla, T. & F. (Pifion Pine.) The lowest pine on Desert slope *monticola, Doug. Wilson’s Peak. (FI. Pasa.) ponderosa, Doug. The common pine of the mountains. Sabiniana, Doug. Fringing the pine helt at Manzana. ORCHIDE. Habenaria, Wild. leucostachys, Wats. Moist places, Devils Gate; Garavanza. Unalaschensis, Wats. Santa Monica Range; near Pasadena. Spiranthes, Rich. Ladies’ Tresses. Romanzofhana, Cham. Riviera. Epipactus, Hall. gigantea, Doug. Arroyo; San Gabriel; Rock Creek streams. IRIDEZ. Sisyrinchium, Linn. Blue-eyed Grass. bellum, Wats. Very common. **Californicum, Ait. f. On the seaboard. (Bot. Cal.) LILIACE. Allium, Linn. Ozion. hzematochiton, Wats. Dry rocky hills, Cahuenga ; Glendale. serratum, Wats. Near Glendale. unifolium, Kell. Harold. Muilla, Wats. coronata, Greene. Mohave Desert. serotina, Greene. Common on interior hills. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 29 Bloomeria, Kell. aurea, Kell. Hillsides from Los Angeles to the mountains. Brodiza, Smith. capitata, Benth. (Wild Onion.) Common everywhere. minor, Wats. Rich meadows, Sunnyside ; Garvanza. Chlorogalum, Kunth. Soap Plant. pomeridianum, Kunth. On hillsides, frequent. Yucca, Linn. Spanish Bayonet. brevifolia, Engelm. Mohave Desert. Whipplei, Torr. Common to 4,000 feet. var. graminifolia, Wood. Frequent around Pasadenaand Los Angeles. Lilium, Linn. Humboldtii,R.& L. Cafions, San Gabriel Mountains and Coast Ranges. Fritillaria, Linn. biflora, Lindl. Open shady slopes, Santa Monica Range; Garvanza. Calochortus, Pursh. Jariposa Lily. albus, Doug. Frequent in the foothills of Coast Ranges. Catalinz, Wats. Catalina and Coast Range. clavatus, Wats. Laurel Canon; Glendale; Newhall. flexuosus, Wats. Lancaster. Kennedyi, Porter. Desert from Palmdale to Manzana. luteus, Doug. Hills near Saugus. Palmeri, Wats. Big Rock Creek, 5,500 feet. splendens, Doug Frequent in foothills and mountains. venustus, Benth. Newhall, abundant; Glendale; San Fernando. var. purpurascens, Wats. With the type. Weedii, Wood; var. purpurascens, Wats. Common in the foothills. Zygadenus, Michx. Fremonti, Torr. From the Coast Ranges to Newhall, not common. TYPHACE. Typha, Tourn. Cat-tail Flag. angustifolia, Linn. Common in marshes. latifolia, Linn. With the last. Sparganium, Tourn. 2u7-weed. eurycarpum, Engelm. Ponds and streams, Fulton; Glendale, etc. LEMNACEA. Lemna, Linn. Duckweed.-: *gibba, Linn. Johnson’s Lake. (FI. Pasa.) Valdiviana, Phil. Common in pools. NAIADACE~. Naias, Linn. flexilis, R. & S. Near Soldiers’ Home. Phyllospadix, Hook. Torreyi, Wats. Catalina Island. Zannichellia, Mich. Horned Pondweed. palustris, Linn. Cienega; Ballona marshes. Ruppia, Linn. Ditch-grass. maritima, Linn. Santa Monica. Potamogeton, Tourn. /ondweed fluitans, Roth. Pond near Garvanza. foliosus, Mich., var. Californicus, Morong. Oak Knoll. pectinatus, Linn. Common in streams and ponds. Triglochin, Linn. Arrow-grass. maritima, Linn. Marshes of the seaboard. 5O PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. ALISMACE. Echinodorus, Rich. rostratus, Engelm. Garvanza. Sagittaria, Linn. Arrow-head. calycina, Engelm. Ballona. a variabilis, Engelm. Zanjas, Los Angeles; Glendale. JUNCACEA. Juncus, Linn. acutus, Linn., var. sphaerocarpus, Eng. The commion seashore species. Balticus, Deth. Common along Los Angeles River. bufonius, Linn. Frequent in wet ground. compressus, HBK. Oak Knoll. (Fl. Pasa.) dubius, Engelin. Acton. Lescurii, Boland., var. elatus, Wats. Dry plains, San Fernando to Los Angeles longistylis, Torr. San Gabriel Mountains at 4,000 feet, frequent. *nodosus, Linn. Oak Knoll. (FI. Pasa.) var. megacephalus, Torr. River at Los Angeles. phzeocephalus, var. glomeratus, Engelm. Frequent on stream banks. var. paniculatus, Engelm. With the last. CYPERACE-. Cyperus, Linn. diandrus, Torr., var. capitatus, Britt. Wet grounds. *erythrorhizos, Muhl. Oak Knoll; Baldwin’s Ranch. ‘FI. Pasa.) leevigatus, Linn. In the River at Los Angeles; Arroyo Seco. esculentus, Linn. Los Angeles River. speciosus, Vahl. Casual, Los Angeles River. **unioloides, R. Br., var. bromoides, Clarke. Cienega. Scirpus, Linn. Pull-rush — Club-rush. atrovirens, Muhl. Marshes in Los Angeles; Glendale. lacustris, Linn., var. occidentalis, Wats. Common “Tule” of the marshes. maritimus, Linn. Long Beach; Redondo. Olneyi, Gray. Marshes, Pasadena and Los Angeles. riparius, Spreng. Los Angeles River. sylvaticus, Linn., var. microcarpus, McMill. Oak Knoll. (FI. Pasa.) Tatora, Kunth. Common among “ Tules’”’ Eleocharis, R Br. Spike-rush. acicularis, R. Br. Common in river bottoms. arenicola, Torr Los Angeles; Oak Knoll; Ballona. palustris, R. Br. Catalina Island. rostellata, Torr. Common on river bottoms. Cladium, R. Br. Saw-grass. **Mariscus, R. Br , var. Californicum, Wats. Near San Gabriel. (Bot. Cal ) Carex, Linn. Sedge. acuta, Linn. Marshes, Los Angeles; Glendale alma, Bailey. Acton Barbaree, Dew Common in marshes, filiformis, Linn., var. lanuginosa, B.S. P. Marshes. Hookeriana, Dew. Common on brackish flats. laciniata, Boott. Glendale ; Santa Monica Range. marcida, Boott. Acton. multicaulis, Bailey. Wilson’s Peak ; Mount Lowe. occidentalis, Bailey. East Santa Monica Range. Pseudo-Cyperus, Linn., var. comosa, Boott. Cafion near Burbank. spissa, Bailey Cafions of the Coast Range. teretiuscula, Good., var. ramosa, Boott. Cafions of the Altadena Hills. (Fl. Pasa.) triquetra, Boott. Frequent on dry grounds. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. ot GRAMINE/, Andropogon, Linn. macrourus, Michx. Rubio and Eaton Cafions. (FI. Pasa.) saccharoides, Swartz. Rocky hills, Elysian Park; Cahuenga. Sorghum, Brot. (Sorghum.) Frequent escape from cultivation. Paspalum, Linn. distichum, Linn. Common in moist grounds. Panicum, Linn. /anic-Grass. capillare, Linn. (Witch Grass.) Frequent in dry soils. colonum, Linn. Streets of Los Angeles. Crus-galli, Linn (‘‘Hungarian Brome.’’) Along ditches and streets. sanguinale, Linn. (Crab-grass ) Common throughout Los Angeles. Setaria, Beauv. Bristly Fox-tail Grass. caudata, R. & S. Well established in Los Angeles streets glauca, Beauv. Occasional, Los Angeles streets. Phieum, Linn. Timothy. pratense, Linn. Along streets and in lawns, rare. Phalaris, Linn. Canary Grass. Canariensis, Linn, Occasional in waste places. intermedia, Bosc. Waste places, Pasadena; near Soldiers’ Home. var. angustata, Chapm. At Santa Monica, frequent. Lemmoni, Vasey. Sunnyside. Sporobolus, R. Br. Drop-seed Grass. airoides, Torr. Lancaster. Epicampes, Presl. rigeus, Benth. From foothill to mountain top. Polypogon, Desf. Beard Grass. littoralis, Smith. Moist soil, Lincoln Park. (Fl. Pasa.) Monspeliensis, Desf. Common in moist soils. Agrostis, Linn. ent Grass. exarata, Trin., var. Pacifica, Vasey. In wet places. microphylla, Steud. Altadena; Sierra Madre. (FI. Pasa.) multiculmis, Vasey. Dry ridges, Santa Monica; Rubio Cation. verticillata, Vill. Common in wet places. vulgaris, With. Meadows, Big Rock Creek. Gastridium, Beauv. NV7t-grass. australe, Beauv. Common towards the coast. Muhlenbergia, Trin. Dyrop-secd Grass. debilis, Trin. Dry hillsides, not common. gracilis, Trin. Catalina Island. Parishii, Vasey. Cafions near Pasadena. Eriocoma, Nutt. Sz/ky grass. cuspidata, Nutt. Mohave Desert. Stipa, Linn = feather Grass. Andersoni, Vasey. Santa Monica Range. coronata, Thurb. Frequent in the foothills. eminens, Cav. Mountains and hillsides Hassei, Vasey Santa Monica Range. setigera, Presl. Very common. speciosa, T. & R. San Fernando, rare; Acton. viridula, Trin. Elysian Park. Aristida, Linn. 7Zyiple-awned Grass. bromoides, HBK. Dry hillsides, not common. Humboldtiana, T. & R., var. minor, Vasey. Altadena, common. Spartina, Schreb. J/at-grass. stricta, Roth. Common in salt marshes on the seacoast. Cynodon, Rif. Bermuda Grass. dactylon, Pers. A troublesome weed in the cities. Leptochloa, Beauv. Slender Grass. imbricata, Thurb. Brackish flats at Santa Monica. 32 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. Pleuraphis, Torr. rigida, Thurb. Mohave Desert. Danthonia, DC. Wild Oat-grass. Californica, Boland. Newhall. . **ynispicata, Munro. From San Diego to San Francisco. (Bot. Cal.) Avena, Linn. Oat. : fatua, Linn. Commonly known as ‘‘ Wild Oats.’’ barbata, Brot. Along streets, Pasadena ; Los Angeles. Trisetum, Beauv. barbatum, Steud. Arroyo Seco. (FI. Pasa.) Monanthocloe, Engelm. littoralis, Engelm. Catalina Island. Holcus, Linn. Soft-grass. lanatus, Linn. Santa Anita; Oak Knoll. Deschampsia, Beauv. Hair Grass. calycina, Presl. Hills in the Coast Range. Achyrodes, Boehm. aureum, O. Ktze, Freely established. Arundo, Linn. donax, Linn. Common along Los Angeles River. Dactylis, Linn. Orchard Grass glomerata, Linn. In lawns. Keeleria, Pers. cristata, Pers. Frequent from plain to mountain top. Cynosurus, Linn. Dog’s-tatl Grass. cristatus, Linn, In lawns, rare. Melica, Linn. Melic. imperfecta, Trin. Common on low hills. var. flexuosa, Thurb. Local at Santa Monica. var. refracta, Thurb. Santa Monica. Distichlis, Raf. Spzke-grass. maritima, Raf. Sea-coast; alkaline flats in interior. Poa, Linn. J/eadow-grass. annua, Linn. Streets and waste grounds. Fendleriana, Vasey. Very comnion. pratensis, Linn Lawns and streets. scabrella, Vasey. Pasadena Stenochloa, Nutt. Californica, Nutt. Catalina Island. Festuca, Linn. Fescue-grass. elatior, Liun., var. pratensis, Huds. Lawns, Santa Monica; Los Angeles. microstachya, Nutt. Common on grassy hills. Myurus, Linn. Widely and well established. tenella, Willd. On hillsides, frequent. Bromus, Linn. Arome-grass. carinatus, Hook. North slope of San Gabriel mountains. ciliatus, Linn. Common in shady places. Hookerianus, Thurb. Common on lower grounds. maximus, Desf. Frequent around Los Angeles. mollis, Linu. Streets and wastes, not common. rubens, inn. Santa Monica; Gorman Station. secalinus, Linn. Glendale, los \ngeles River; rare, Eragrostis, Beauv. major, Host. River bottom at Los Angeles. Mexicana, ink. Along streets in Los Augeles and Pasadena Lepturus, R. Br. paniculatus, Nutt. Long Beach. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 33 Lolium, Linn. Rye Grass. perenne, Linn, Abundant at Cienega, temulentum, Linn. Frequent in cultivated ground. var. arvense, With. (Darnel.) Occasional in waste places. Triticum, Linn. Wheat Grass. repens, Linn. Catalina Island; vicinity of Los Angeles. Hordeum, Linn. Zarley. murinum, Linn. A too common grass. pusillum, Nutt. Waysides; not so common. Elymus, Linn. Lyme-grass. condensatus, Pres]. Frequent in the foothills. Orcuttianus, Vasey. Elysian Park. glaucus, Bull., var.tenuis, Vasey San Gabriel Mountains; Elysian Park. triticoides, Nutt. Foothills San Gabriel Mountains; Santa Monica Range. Sitanion, Schult. Very common on lower grounds. Monanthochloe, Engelm.. littoralis, Engelm, Coast marshes; Catalina Island. PTERIDOPHYTA. FILICES. Cystopteris, Bernh. ladder Fern. fragilis, Bernh. Little Santa Anita Cafion, very rare. Aspidium, Swartz. Shield Fern. munitum, Kaulf. Cafions in the higher ranges. rigiduin, Swartz., var. arguium, Eaton. In foothill cafions, frequent. Asplenium, Linn. Spleen-wort. Trichomanes, Linn., var. incisum, Moore. Millard’s Cafion; Santa + Anita Cafion. Woodwardia, Smith. Chain Fern. radicans, Smith. Frequent in the foothill: cafions. Pellza, Linn. Cliff Brake, andromedeefolia, Fee. (Coffee Fern.) Common on shady hillsides. ornithopus, Hook. (Bird-foot Fern.) Dry foothills, not common. Pteris, Linn. Brake. i aquilina, Linn. Common in all mountain cafions. var. lanuginosa, Bong. Near Santa Monica. Adiantum, Linn. J/aiden-hair Fern, Capillus-veneris, Linn. Millard’s and Rubio Cafions, rather rare. emarginatum, Hook. Very common on shady banks. pedatum, Linn. Wilson’s Peak; Little Santa Anita Cafion, rare. Cheilanthes, Swartz. , Californica, Mett. (Lace Fern.) Mountain cafions. myriophylla, Desy. In rocky clefts above 4,000 feet. Cooper, Eaton. Mountain cafions near Saugus. Notholena, R. Br. . Newberryi, Eaton. (Cotton Fern.) Eaton Cafion; Mount Lowe. Gymnogramme, Desy. : : triangularis, Kaulf. (California Gold-fern.) Common on shady banks. var. viscosa, Eaton. Catalina Island. Polypodium, Linn. olypody. Californicumn, Kaulf. Very common on dry banks. Scouleri, H. & G. Catalina Island. 34 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. EQUISITACE-. Equisetum, Linn. Horse-tail, Scouring Rush. *Mexicanum, Wilde. Arroyo Seco. (FI. Pasa.) robustum, A. Br. Common in foothill cafions. Telmateia, Ehrh. Rivers and wet places, common. variegatum, Schl. River at Los Angeles. SELAGINELLACE€. Selaginella, Beauv. rupestris, Spring. Mountains generally. MARSILEACE-. Marsilia, Linn. vestita, H. & G. Near Santa Monica. SALVINIACEA. Azolla, Lam. filiculoides, Enrh. Very common on stagnant pools. ERRATA. Page 1, for Papavaracez, read Papaveracee. Cerastium viscosum, on page 4, and Portulaca oleracea; Malva parvi- flora; Linum usitatissimum on page 5 ought to have been printed in italics. Page 17, for Centuarea, read Centaurea. Page 20, Phacelia heterosperma is a synonym for P. Lemmoni, Gray. Addenda: LEGUMINOSE. Hoffmanseggia stricta, Benth. In an alfalfa field near Alhambra. COMPOSITA. Leptosyne calliopsidea, var. nana, Gray. Roadsides, Manzana. Lactuca Scariola, Linn. Near University Station. LABIATAE. Mentha rotundifolia, Huds. Verdugo Park. PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. 35 AUDIBERTIA STACHYOIDES X POLYSTACHYA. Shrubby resembling in appearance A. stachyoides; stems hoary; leaves hoary tomentose less rugose than in 4. stachyoides and slightly folded; bracts akin to those of .4. stachyoides, flower g lines long, upper lip 2% lines long, slightly cleft, lower lip in shape resembling that of 4. polystachya, straight or slightly folded; no hairs beyond the throat; Stamens 4% lines long as long or longer than the lower lip and divergent. Flowering, April, May and June. : Botanists have previously considered these hybrids as but forms of a a variable species, but they seem to be genuine hybrids. Two main types of this hybrid are to be found, one closely allied to 4. stachyoides and the other more nearly allied to A. polystachya. Only occasionally are the ’ whorls of the inflorescence arranged as in 4. Polystachya. The foliage is always more or less tomentose, and the shape of the leaf is exactly interme- diate between the straight form of A. stachyoides and the folded form of A. Polystachya. The flower is intermediate in size between that of 4. stachy- oides and A. polystachya with the upper lip nearly of the size and shape of that of the former and the lower lip «f that of the latter. The stamens in 1. stachyoides stand upright against the upper lip; in A. polystachya they diverge against the lower lip; in the hybrid they occupy an intermediate position between those points. This hybrid is quitecommon in the foothills and at Lincoln Park where it was first discovered by Miss Alice J. Merritt. For illustration see page 36. 36 PLANTS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. PLATE I. I. Flowers of Audibertia stachyoides, Benth. II. Flowers of Audibertia stachyoides x polystachya. III. Flowers of Audibertia polystachya, Benth. Enlarged nearly twice the natural size.