agedelele: oop ein ny pau ienecetebepaee ity eee seni tae besoin eerie re Peters the Res ty at New York State College of Agriculture At Cornell University Dthaca, N. Y. Library Gift of canes Tracey F. Hubbard... _. ming ot DECEMBER 24., Price 6s. THE JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. Vou. XTX. BOTANY. Nos. 115-116. CONTENTS. Page a Qn Central-African Plants collected by Major Serpa tf ¢ Pinto. By Prof. Count FicatHo and W: P. Hizey, ‘ " M.A. FILS. (Abstract POPPINte.) sae seie'yes ewe voceceeey 13 . " Notes on Graminex. By Grorer Bentuam, F.R.S... 14— si 2p CH TREC Scufn III. Report on the Arctic Drift Woods collected by Capt. 2 *Feilden and Mr. Hart in 1875 and 1876. By W. R. 4 M'Nas, M.D., F.LS., Professor of Botany, Roy. Coll. 2 ot Science, Dublin. (With a woodcut.) .0....0..0..... 135 \ LONDON: SOLD AT THE SOCIETY’S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON HOUSE, AND BY LONGMANS, G. EN, READER, AND DYER, AND 1 WILLIAMS AND NORGATE. 1881. f i ‘ pe Te y¥ K AG S LINNEAN SOCIETY OF LONDON. — ANNIVERSARY MEETING, TUESDAY, MAY 247u, 1881. 674 Be Prof. Auumax, LL.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair.—There was a numerous attendance of the Fellows.—The Treasurer presented his Annual Account, see page 3 of wrapper.—Afterwards the Secretary (Mr. B. Daydon Jackson) read his Report. Since the last Anniversary 11 Fellows of the Society had died and 4 had withdrawn. Against this 87 new Fellows bad been elected, besides 1 Foreign Member and 1 Associate. During the past year there had been received as Donations to: the Library 106 volumes and 125 pamphlets and separate memoirs. From Scientific Societies in exchange there had been received 96 volumes and 248 detached parts of publications, besides 23 vols. of Donations from Editors of independent periodicals. Some 90 vols. had been purchased, viz. 80 separate and 68 serials equal to 10 vols. The total additions to the Library being 315 vols. and 873 separate parts. Framed water-colour sketches of Dr. Rob. Brown’s birthplace, bis London resi- dence, and of Sir Joseph Banks's Library had been presented by Mr. R. Kippist. The Society’s Collections and Herbaria had been duly examined-and reported on to the Council as in good condition. After 50 years’ service Aft IED had resigned his position as Librarian to the Society, and the Counc, in ac- knowledgment thereof, had granted him a retiring pension.—ThereafXer Ppre- sentation of portraits of the late Mr. John Miers and of Prof. St. George were made.—Prof, Allman then delivered his Anniversary Address, “Rec Advances in our Knowledge of the Development of the Crenoryora.”—Tiie Secretary afterwards read Obituary Notices of the several Fellows, making\ special mention of Mr, E. R. Alston (late Zool. Secretary), Mr. John Gould’ (Ornithologist), Mr. Gerrard Krefft (of Sydney), Dr. Lauder Lindsay, and R. A. Pryor, of Herts—The Scrutineers having examined the ballot, then re- ported that Mr. A. W. Bennett, Mr. F. Darwin, Prof. E. R. Lankester, Sir J. Lubbock, and Mr. G. J. Romanes had been elected into the Council in the room of E. R. Alston (deceased), Dr. T. Boycott, Prof. M. Foster, Dr. J. G. Jeffreys, and Prof. Mivart, who retired ; and for Officers, Sir J. Lubbock as President, F. Currey as Treasurer, B. D. Jackson and G. J. Romanes as Secretaries. * a8 ee 2 20.48 3 LSl OF THE OFFICERS AND COUNCIL. PRESIDENT. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., LL.D., F.B.8. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Prof. G. J. Allman, LL.D., F.R.8. Charles Baron Clarke, M.A., F.G.8. George Busk, F.R.S., F.G.8. Frank Crisp, B.A., LL.B. SECRETARIES. , B. Daydon Jackson. | George J. Romanes, F.R.S. TREASURER. Frank Crisp, M.A., LL.B. COUNCIL. Prof. G. J. Allman, LL.D., F.R.S. Arthur Grote, F.G.S., R.A.S. Alfred W. Bennett, M.A., B.Sc. B. Daydon Jackson. George Busk, F.R.S8., F.G.S8. Sir John Kirk, K.C.M.G. Charles Baron Clarke, M.A., F.G.S. Prof. E. Ray Lankester, F.RB.S. Frank Crisp, B.A., LL.B. Sir J. Lubbock, Bart., LL.D., F.R.S. Rev. James M. Crombie, M.A., F.G.8. | Robert MrcLachlan, F.R.S. William Sweetland Dallas. George J. Romanes, F.R.S. Francis Darwin, M.B. LIBRARIA‘. James Murie, M.»)., LL.D. ASSISTANT IN THE LIBRARY. James West. ON AFRICAN PLANTS COLLECTED BY MAJOR SERPA PINTO. 13 On Central-African Plants collected by Major Serpa Pinto. By Prof. Count Ficarno and W. P. Hiery, M.A., F.LS. [Abstract, read June 16, 1881.] Tue specimens herein discussed were collecled by Major Serpa Pinto, during the month of August 1878, along the upper course of the river Ninda, an affluent of the Zambesi, on the west side of the high plateau. As regards the climate of this locality, the temperature is described as variable, the weather as very dry during seven or eight months of the year, and very wet during two or three months. The nature of the soil is metamorphic argillaceous schist; the latitude iy 14° 46’ S., the longitude 20° 56! E., and the elevation 1143 metres above the ocean. The present little collection consists of seventy-two numbers, comprising sixty-five species in thirty-nine genera; more than a quarter of these species are new or not previously described and published, and at least one new genus appears amongst them. Some of the specimens are imperfect and have been diffi- cult of final determination, especially the grasses and sedges; the greater part have had their approximate position ascertained ; five specimens are hopelessly defective, and accordingly have been excluded from the examination. As in the case of the previously known species, the affinities of many of those of the present collection are not only with the flora of Huilla, in South Angola, but also, in several instances, with that of extratropical South Africa; only a few of the species are widely distributed in the tropics of this and other continents. This paper, with illustrations, will appear in full in the Society’s ‘ Transactions.’ LINN. JOURN.-BOTANY, VOL. XIx. D 14 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ. wae otes on Gramineew. By Gzrorce Bentuay, F.R.S. [Read November 3, 1881.] Gramtnex, so long believed to be the largest Order amongst Monocotyledons, must now yield the palm to Orchidew in respect of number of species; but they must still be acknowledged as immensely predominant, as well in individual numbers as in the part they take in the vegétation of the globe. The great majority of Orchidex are very local, and amongst the few that are spread over wider areas it is frequently only in a few individuals dotted here and there; whilst a considerable proportion of Gramines are almost cosmopolitan in their geographical distribution within or without the tropics, often covering the ground with innumerable individuals. Orchides are difficult to preserve ; collectors bring home but few specimens from their chief stations in tropical lands, and those few often imperfect. Their study is therefore surrounded by many impediments, and, with the exception of the few European ones, is in the hands of very few botanists; whilst Grasses, easily dried, abound in herbaria in specimens readily ex- hibiting their most essential characters ; and every local botanist considers himself perfectly competent to describe as new species or genera suggested only by comparison with the few forms known to him from the same limited locality. The consequence is that amongst the large number of new species of Orchidez described of late years the great majority (always excepting garden hybrids or varieties) appear to be really distinct; whilst the number of bad species and genera of Gramine with which science has been overwhelmed is truly appalling. Looking to the future, itis only probable that the preponderance in number of species of Orchider over Graminee is likely to be greatly increased as well by new discoveries among the former, as by a critical revision of old species of the latter. On the other hand, although the interest in Orchides has been so much intensified of late years, as well by the extent to which they are cultivated as by the singularities observed in their fertilizing-apparatus, yet their importance in the study of the history and development of vegetation, and in their application to the uses of man, remaing as nothing compared to that of Graminez. This paramount importance of the latter Order in an economical point of view has called forth innumerable treatises, memoirs, and essays on cereals, on forage and other cultivated grasses, on MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 15 meadows and pastures, on ornamental grasses, on the physiology and properties of the Order, &c., to which I need not further allude, my present object being merely to consider Gramines with reference to their classification and affinities. In a systematic point of view, the great mistake of Linneus and the earlier syste- matists was the attempt to regard the whole spikelet as a single flower, with a calyx and corolla to be compared with those of the more perfect Monocotyledons. Robert Brown, with his usual sagacity, pointed out this and other errors, and first laid down the true principles upon which the Order could best be divided into tribes and genera; but he unfortunately took up the idea that the so-called lower and upper pale represented three outer seg- ments of a perianth; and although this theory has long since been proved to be groundless, especially by Hugo Mohl, whose views have been fully confirmed by all subsequent careful observers, yet so great is the authority so deservedly attached to every thing that has issued from the pen of Brown, that his explana- tion of the structure of the spikelet is still allowed to influence the terminology adopted in generic and specific descriptions. Shortly after the publication of Brown’s ‘Prodromus,’ Gra- mines were taken up by several French botanists who had acquired materials, rich for the time, chiefly from North America and the West Indies. Some of these had already been published by Michaux or by Persoon, with more or less of assistance from Louis Claude Richard, to whom the credit of all that is good in Persoon’s ‘Synopsis’ as well as in Michaux’s ‘Flora’ has been attributed by several subsequent writers. The greatest value is justly attached to all of the elder Richard’s observations in every Order that he worked up; and there is no doubt that such assist- ance as he gave to those two works added much to their import- ance; but we know that he declined to attach his name to Persoon’s Synopsis, chiefly from an unwillingness to sanction the arrange- ment under the Linnean system, and we are by no means assured that there may not have been other details in both works which he did not concur in. We therefore are not justified in fixing on him a responsibility which he refused to undertake; and the genera and species first published by Michaux or by Persoon should be quoted as theirs and not Richard’s, except where Richard’s name is expressly attached to them. Michaux’s ‘ Flora’ was published in 1803, the first volume of Persoon’s ‘Synopsis’ in 1805, both of them therefore antecedent to Brown; but two D2 16 Mk. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. other special agrostologists, Desvaux and Palisot de Beauvois, had ample time to avail themselves of Brown’s work. Desvaux pub- lished his new genera ina memoir which first appeared in abstract in the ‘ Nouveau Bulletin de la Société Philomathique’ for 1810, and afterwards in full in the first volume of his second ‘Journal de Botanique’ in 1813. Between these two periods Palisot de Beauvois published his ‘Agrostographie,’ in which he undertook a general arrangement of the whole Order, with definitions as well of the old-established genera as of a large number of new ones, including those of his contemporary Desvaux. The majority of these genera have since been adopted ; but his arrangement of them was far too technical and his characters often so vague, that they could in most instances scarcely have been identified, were it not for the names of the species which he refers to them and for the really good analytical drawings accompanying his work. As it is, several of his names have been misapplied by subsequent botanists, who have not paid sufficient attention to, or have not seen, those drawings. A few years later, three eminent botanists undertook the general study of Graminee. Kunth at Paris and afterwards at Berlin, Trinius in Germany and afterwards at St. Petersburg, and Nees von Esenbeck at Bonn, afterwards at Breslau, worked more or less contemporaneously, but with little or no communi- cation with each other. Kunth’s ‘ Revisio Graminum,’ published in 1829 and following years, is a work not only splendidly illus- trated, but remarkable alike for the accuracy of detail in the descrip- tions of species, as for several of the views given of their structure and arrangement. This work, however, is so costly as to be acces- sible to few botanists, and the more generally known first two volumes of his ‘Enumeratio Plantarum,’ containing the Grasses, were unfortunately a far too hasty compilation. He had entered into an agreement with old Cotta for the preparation of a com- pact Synopsis Plantarum on the plan of Persoon’s, and had received a considerable sum of money on account of the work ; but when it came to the actual drawing it up, Cotta insisted upon its being arranged according to the Linnean system, which Kunth would no more agree to than did the elder Richard in the case of Persoon. The Synopsis or Enumeratio was therefore still in abeyance when old Cotta died; and his successors, not caring for the special plan adopted, insisted on an immediate return for the money advanced ; azd I several times heard Kunth himself much MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER, 17 bewail the necessity he was under of getting up these volumes without the care and study he could have wished to bestow on them, and which he did apply to his next volume on Cyperacee. Kunth also in all his works fully adopted Brown’s theory as to the homology of the parts of the spikelet, carrying it out in detail to a degree which sometimes amounts almost to a reductio ad absurdum; as, for instance, in Piptatherum and Milium, two genera so closely connected in structure that they are still regarded by many experienced botanists as slightly different sections of one genus. In both genera we see the whole spikelet consist of two similar outer glumes without the slightest rudiment of a flower in their axis, and of a third glume enclosing a flower and its palea; and yet we are told that whilst in Piptatherum we have two glumes and one flower, we must in MWtliwm consider them as one glume and two flowers. Trinius published his ‘ Fundamenta Agrostographie’ in 1820, something on the plan of Beauvois’s ‘ Agrostographie,’ but evi- dently founded on insufficient materials and bibliographical re- sources, and with some neglect of the already well-established rules of nomenclature. From that time, however, he devoted himself with the greatest zeal and increasing success to the study of the Order. I heard him say, 4 propos of some rather costly collection of specimens, that he would willingly sell his last coat for a new grass; and all his later works, down to his last papers worked up in conjunction with Ruprecht, and published in the Memoirs of the Petersburg Academy, are of the greatest value to agros- tologists, though he never followed them up by any general synop- tical view of the Order. In respect of terminology, he so far modified that of Kunth, that where a glume is theoretically supposed to have a flower in its axil, but reaily has not even the slightest rudiment, he does not, like Kunth, call it a whole (neutral) flower, but only half a flower. Nees von Esenbeck never confined himself so exclusively to Graminez as did Trinius; he never published any general con- spectus of the Order, and entered but little into general consi- derations of their structure and terminology; but he described with great care the grasses of various tropical and other extra- European regions; he had ample materials placed at his disposal, from the collections of Martius, Drége, Preiss, and other German travellers, and from the herbaria of Hooker, Arnott, and Lindley in this country, and he came to be regarded as the great autho- 18 MR. G@. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. rity for the determination of exotic Graminee. His ‘Agrosto- graphia Brasiliensis’ is perhaps the best of all his works; and his Graminee for the ‘Flora Africe australis’ is also very good. His generic and subgeneric groups appear to me to be often better, or at least more natural, than those of Kunth or Trinius ; although they show in some degree that tendency to multiply genera as well as species, which he afterwards carried to so great an extent in Cyperacee, Laurinex, and Acanthaces. Moreover, he worked up the grasses of each country separately, without paying sufficient attention to the cosmopolitan nature of so many species, which thus appear under different names in his different works. Brown’s Australian Panicum semialatum, for instance, is raised by Nees to the rank of a genus under the name of Cori- dochloa in India, and that of Blufia in South Africa, without any attempt at a comparison of the three plants. The last general Enumeration of Graminese was that of Steudel, who published in 1855 the first volume of his ‘Synopsis Plan- tarum Glumacearum,’ the worst production of its kind I have ever met with. He was an excellent mechanical compiler; his ‘Nomenclator Botanicus’ was a most useful work ; and if in the Grasses he had confined himself to collecting all the published species with references to or copies of their author’s characters or descriptions, he would have rendered good service to the students of the Order; but beyond that, as he was no botanist, he was thoroughly incompetent for the task he had undertaken, "When- ever he met with a grass which he could not readily make out, he set it down as new, with anew name, and a character so carelessly drawn up as to render its identification hopeless without recourse to the specimens themselves. Several of his new genera are well- known species repeated in the ‘Synopsis’ under their published names without recognition. A few, indeed, may have to be re- tained ; but others, again, are founded upon the grossest errors, as, for instance, where he describes as a caryopsis the larva which had eaten up the ovary and taken its place in the enlarged pericarp. Having, moreover, no idea of methodical arrangement, his work is a perfect chaos. Much has been done, however, for the elucidation of the Order in local Floras. Already at the close of last century and the commencement of the present one, several continental botanists proposed new genera for anomalous European grasses; but these were published in works which entered but little into general cir- MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINESX. 16 culation, and were overlooked by Beauvois, Persoon, Willdenow, and other general systematists. Several of the same genera have since been reestablished, but under other names which have now been so long and so universally adopted, that they must be considered as having acquired a right of prescription to overrule the strict laws of priority. It would indeed be mere pedantry, highly inconvenient to botanists, and so far detrimental to science, now to substitute Blumenbachia for Sorghum, Fibichia for Cyno- don, Santia for Polypogon, or Singlingia for Triodia. Since the days of Kunth, Trinius, and Nees, the most important local re- visions of Graminex are: Andersson’s ‘ Graminexw Scandinavie,’ Parlatore’s first volume of his ‘Flora Italiana,’ Cosson and Durieu’s Glumaceous volume of the great unfinished ‘Flore d’Algérie,’ Doell’s Graminee for the great Brazilian Flora founded by Martius, and Fournier’s Gramines for the Mexican Flora he has undertaken ; besides more partial revisions by Grisebach in his ‘Spicilegium Flore Rumelice et Bithynice,’ in the fourth volume of Ledebour’s ‘ Flora Rossica,’ and in various con- tributions to the Floras of extratropical South America, the West Indies, the Himalayas, &c., and by Emile Desvaux in Claude Gay’s ‘Chilian Flora,’ supplemented by new genera and species published by Philippi in various papers on Chilian plants. Andersson was a most acute observer, and had studied well the northern grasses of the old world; but from want of access to a sufficiently extensive library, his synonyms, especially when treating of extra-Scandinavian species, are often very inaccurate. Parlatore’s detailed monograph of Italian grasses is thoroughly to be relied upon when the result of his own observations; but unfortunately neither he nor Andersson sufficiently distinguished the characters they had taken from other works from those they had themselves verified. Old errors, for instance, in the de- scriptions of the style or of the ripe fruit, which it is often very difficult to ascertain from dried specimens, have been in several instances repeated by both authors, sometimes in identical terms. Both of them also, especially Andersson, show a great tendency to the multiplication of genera and species. Cosson and Durieu's ‘Monograph of Algerian Grasses,’ comprising the chief portion of those of the rich West-Mediterranean Flora, is a most valuable treatise, both for methodical arrangement and specific distinc- tions. Grisebach has also done much for the elucidation of oriental Graminew. In Doell’s work I have been disappointed, In many 20 MBE. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. instances I cannot approve of his distinctions or combinations of genera or species. That may, however, be a matter of opinion only; but in regard to several of the exceptional characters he gives, such as the five lodicules of Pariana or the three of Aris- tida, they have not been verified on reexamination ; in his spe- cific names he has not unfrequently departed from the established rules of nomenclature without giving any special reasons for so doing; and there is a general carelessness in redaction showing, for instance, on several occasions that when he had found reason to modify his first ideas as to the limits of species, he had neglected to revise his manuscript accordingly. He also makes frequent use of the expression “partis nomine,”’ the meaning of which neither Munro nor myself, nor any of our classical friends to whom we have applied, can make out. Eugéne Fournier’s ‘ Enumeration of Mexican Graminesx’ is not yet published; but being already printed off, and M. Fournier having obligingly supplied me with a copy, I feel bound, in so far as I am concerned, to treat it as having already taken date. He has had at his disposal rich col- lections of the grasses of a country where they are perhaps more local and varied even than in South Africa; and he has made good use of these materials, although there is still much to be learnt with regard to Mexican forms. We have at Kew several, not only species but genera, which are not included in his work; and there are not a few of his which I cannot recognize in our gene- rally rich Kew collections. A further comparison is also required with extra-Mexican genera and species, and especially with those of extratropical South America. His genus Lesourdia, for in- stance, had already been published for a southern species by Philippi under the name of Scleropogon. His Trichloris is re- presented in the south by two species separately recognized by Munro and by Jean Gay as constituting a distinct genus, but under names hitherto unpublished, which must therefore give way to Fournier’s. Ina systematic point of view also his work would have been much more useful if he had more frequently given the characters of the tribes, genera, or other groups which he has modified, instead of limiting himself to dichotomous keys. These dichotomous keys, when carefully drawn up, are of the greatest use as guides or indexes to direct the botanist where to look for his plant, but are wholly insufficient for its identification either generic or specific. For above sixty years I have had great experience both in using and in making them. It was with the MR. G. BENTITAM ON GRAMINESR. 21 aid of the admirable “Analyses”? in DeCandolle’s ‘Flore Fran- gaise’ that I was enabled in 1817 and 1818 to learn botany without any extraneous teaching; their principle was developed in the ‘Essay on Nomenclature and Classification’ which I published in 1823 as a French edition of Jeremy Bentham’s ‘ Chrestomathia,’ and I have introduced them more or less into all my local floras. Tam thus well aware of the great difficulties in the way of draw- ing them up satisfactorily, requiring much testing before their final revision. They are chiefly useful where all, or nearly all, the plants of a country or of a group are well known; and even then they frequently require the repetition of the same plant under different branches of the key. The best genera and other groups are usually distinguished by a combination of characters, to each one of which there may be occasional exceptions, and these cannot be provided for in any key that presupposes limits definitely marked out by single characters. As a result, there are some of Fournier’s groups which are evidently good, but to which we have no clue but that supplied by the species he includes in each. The two genera or subgenera, for instance, into which he divides Bouteloua, Lag. (Hutriana, Trin.), are natural and well limited; but the only character he gives, the prolongation of the rhachis of the spike beyond the last spikelet in the one and not in the other, is in fact variable in both groups. Of others, again, I can form no idea of the limits he proposes to assign them. In Uniola, for instance, he admits species (unknown to me) which do not appear from his description to have what we have been accus- tomed to consider as an essential character of the genus, the four to six empty glumes at the base of the spikelet. Where, there- fore, I feel obliged to differ from him in the genus to which I would refer a species, it may as often be from the inability to ascertain what are his views as to the limits of a genus, as from that difference of opinion which so frequently prevails amongst the best of botanists. In recent days, however, we had all been led to look up to my much lamented friend the late General Munro as the one who was to unravel the intricate web into which the order had become involved. His ‘Monograph of Bambusew’ and various detached papers and communications were instalments of great promise ; he was known to have a thorough acquaintance with species, and to have already formed a well-digested framework for genera and tribes, an important sample of which he had given in the second 22 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. edition of Harvey’s ‘ Genera of South-African Plants.’ He had also amassed an immense number of notes on synonyms he had verified, on points of structure he had ascertained, &c., as mate- rials for the general work he was preparing for DeCandolle’s Monographs. His death has extinguished all such hopes as we had entertained; and although his notes, mostly dispersed in his herbarium or in the gramineous books of his library, are now left at our disposal at Kew, yet he had unfortunately not committed to paper his ideas on the limits and distinctive characters of tribes, genera, and subgenera not included in the South-African Vlora ; and these I could only gather from his conversation and corre- spondence. My own preparation for the work I have now under- taken was chiefly the study of European grasses for my ‘ Hand- book of the British Flora,’ and of Old- World Graminex generally for the ‘ Flora Hongkongensis’ and ‘ Flora Australiensis,’ when 1 was in constant correspondence relating to them with General Munro. Having now had to work also upon American forms and to examine with more detail the South-European, Oriental, and African ones, I have had to modify in some respects the views I had expressed as to the relative importance and constancy of some of the characters, and partially to rearrange some of the tribes and subtribes, although the general principles of classification which had been suggested by General Munro have only been con- firmed by further experience. Thave already, in my paper on the classification of Monocoty- ledons (Journ. Linn. Soe. (Bot.) xv. p. 518), entered so fully into my reasons for adopting as to Graminex a terminology in accordance with the observations of Mohl and in harmony with that followed as to Cyperacee, that I need not repeat them on the present occa- sion. I would only add a few words in further reply to the objec- tion repeatedly made to me that the falling off together of the flowering glume and palea (commonly called the two pales) en- closing the fruit, isa strong evidence of their being really homo- logous. But this is a mistake. A careful observation will show that they never do both together fall away from the rhachilla or axis of the spikelet ; it is the rhachilla itself that breaks up, a por- tion of which always remains attached to the glume and palea and keeps them together round the fruit. In most Panicaceer, espe- cially in Andropogonee, the whole spikelet with the empty glumes as well as the flowering one falls off with the fruit. In the majo- rity of Poacez the disarticulation takes place between each twa MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 23 flowering glumes, leaving the intervening portion either attached to the glume next above it, when it is usually described as a callus proceeding from the glume, or to the glume next below it, when it is often half concealed between the keels of the palea and taken no notice of; or if it be a continuation of the rhachilla above the last glume, it is often termed a neuter or abortive flower. The cases where the flowering glume really detaches itself ultimately from the inarticulate and persisten’ rhachilla are very few, chiefly in several species of Hragrostis, where the glume and caryopsis fall away, leaving the palea and floral axis persistent on the rha- chilla. In some cases the apparently terminal fruiting glume enclosing the palea and caryopsis falls away without any percep- tible portion of the rhachilla above or below it; but that arises from the disarticulation taking place so close under it that the fragment carried off is only that minute portion actually em- braced by the base of the glume. The homology of the glumes of Graminex, whether empty or flowering, with those of Cyperacee may now be considered as generally admitted; and a total absence of perianth in the former order might not be regarded as improbable when we have traced in Cyperacee its gradual reduction from the regular hexa- merous perianth of Oreobolus to its absolute deficiency in Cyperus and others. But we have in Graminex a new element on the floral axis below the stamens and pistil or actual flower, in the palea and lodicules, for which we cannot at once find any parallel in other orders, and which have been very variously accounted for. They have very recently been the subject of a very able paper in Engler’s ‘ Botanische Jahrbiicher’ (i. p. 3386) by Pro- fessor Hackel of Vienna. He comes to the conclusion that the palea and the pair of lodicules (when two only) are each of them single, more or less bifid, organs, and that they and the third lodicule, when present, must be regarded as two or three bracteoles inserted alternately fore and aft on the floral axis below the flower. And he has made out a good case in favour of his view, but perhaps not an unanswerable one. The first objection that strikes one is that the difficulty of finding any homologues in other orders is by no means diminished. In other orders where bracteoles do exist below the flower, they are usually lateral with reference to the main axis, not fore and aft, never more than two, unless when representing a continuation, as it were, of the sepals, and never developed, to my knowledge, when the perianth is suppressed ; 24 MR. G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. the bracts performing the functions of the deficient perianth are always, I believe, on the main axis, like the glumes of Gra- minew. Then, again, the perfect union of the two lobes of the palea or of the two lodicules, or even the occasional development of a single central nerve or central lobe, is no absolute proof that they are not in fact double organs ; for where the segments of a perianth are united in a tube or cup, the lateral nerves of two adjoining segments (sepals or petals) often coalesce into a single one which may protrude at the top into an intermediate tooth or lobe. Hackel has well shown that the unity or duplicity is the same in the case of the palea and of the two lodicules; but it 18 only conjecturally that he continues the parallel through the third lodicule, which, when present, never shows any tendency to divi- sion, and whose insertion is not perceptibly higher up than that of the two others. It is quite true that it is often much smaller than the other two, sometimes very minute; but in several spe- cies of Stipa, in the majority of Bambusee &c., I have seen the three quite equal and perfectly similar. The only instances I know of more than three lodicules are those of Ochlandra, where they are exceedingly irregular, and of Reynaudia, where I find four in two pairs, as described and figured by Kunth; but then the outer pair, although closely contiguous (on the opposite side of the floral axis) to the upper ones, appear to me to represent the palea which is otherwise deficient. The minute bodies above the lodi- cules in the female flowers of Pariana, which Doell mistook for additional lodicules, appear to me to be rudimentary staminodia ; they are very minute and irregular, and not always to be found. I have observed that the search for homologues to the palea and lodicules in the Orders nearly allied to Graminee has met with but little success. The only representation of the palea that I can find is that mentioned in my above-quoted paper (Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) xv. p. 516), where it is compared with the hypogynous scales of Hypoelytrum pungens and Platylepis ; and I find that in some species of Hriocaulon (Flora Australiensis, vii. p. 190) the perianth is composed of two outer segments inserted near the base of the floral axis and two or three inner ones close under the andreecium, or these inner ones occasionally deficient, the arrange- ment passing gradually through other species to the normal two contiguous series of two or three each. It might therefore be suggested that the palea and lodicules of Graminew represent perianth-segments of an outer and inner series, although I by no MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. 25 means pretend to assert it asa proved fact. If the suggestion be confirmed, we might be justified in designating as a neutral flower that in which the palea alone, or the palea and lodicules without stamens or pistil, are developed; but we must not include in the flower the bract or glume which subtends it. In all cases the palea, whatever its origin, is called upon in con- junction with the subtending glume to perform more or less of the functions of the deficient or absent perianth, and thus acquires a certain fixity of character, and requires mention in all full generic characters. The lodicules, on the other hand, are generally rudi- mentary representatives of suppressed organs having lost’all func- tional powers, and their slight variations in form or consistency are generally not even of specific importance, and they only re- quire mention in generic characters in the few cases where they have retained a greater and more constant development. There is much of interest in the question cf the geographical distribution of Grasses as compared with that of Orchidew, and in the consideration of the causes which have produced the differ- ences observed in the two Orders, amongst which perhaps the very different agencies through which cross-fertilization is effected may be most influential; these questions may have also more or less bearing on tribual and generic arrangement; and there are nume- rous observations which I should have been desirous of recording. This, however, would lead to speculations which it would not be safe to indulge in without a far more detailed and closer study of ascertained facts than I have time to carry out ; and I feel obliged to confine myself ou the present occasion to the purely systematic consideration of real or supposed affinities and diversities. The division of the Order into tribes and subtribes is a matter of exceptional difficulty. Whatever tribes have been proposed, whatever characters have been assigned to them, there have always been more or less ambiguous forms uniting them and preventing the restricting them within absolutely definite limits. We are obliged in Graminee, more perhaps than in any other Order, to rely upon combinations of characters, allowing for occasional exceptions in every one of our groups, preferring those which experience has shown to present the fewest aberra- tions. Following up these views, none of the general divisions of the Order hitherto proposed have proved to be more natural or more definite than Brown’s original primary one into two great groups or suborders—Panicacee, in which the tendency to 26 ME. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEE. imperfection is in the lower flowers of the spikelet ; and Poaceae, in which the tendency is in the opposite direction. This indica- tion of the principle kept in view is too indefinite to serve as a practical character; but, combining it with that proposed by Munro of the articulation in the axis of the spikelet being below the spikelet itself (in the pedicel) in Panicacew, and above the lowest glume or none in Poacex, the exceptional forms are reduced to the lowest possible figure. This primary division, although tacitly approved of by many partial agrostologists, has not been generally adopted in systematic works, and many attempts have been made to divide the Order according to more positive cha- racters, but as yet with but little success. Kunth entirely gave up Brown’s primary groups and divided the Order into thirteen tribes, many of which were natural, fairly defined by a combination of characters, and have been very generally adopted. Others have been objected to on various grounds. He attached too much importance to such characters as the separation of the sexes or the increase in the number of stamens, which are exceptional in different groups rather than tribual distinctions ; in the general arrangement, his removal of the Andropogonez to a distance from the Panicex is disapproved of; and his describing flowers as actually existing when only theo- retically imagined is sometimes misleading. Nees generally adopted Kunth’s tribes, but improved the circumscription of some of them, and added two or three small ones. Trinius never completed his revised arrangement of the Order. Since the time, however, of these great agrostologists, systems have been sketched out which require a few words of notice. Fries, followed by Andersson, proposed for a primary division of Graminee that into Clisanthee, with the flower (é.e. the flowering glume and palea) closed and the elongated styles pro- truding at the apex, and Luryanthee, with the glume and palea open at the time of flowering and the short styles protruding laterally, This division is, however, practically useless, except perhaps for the limited number of species that can be observed in a living state. The flowers of most species open only for a very short time, and in dried specimens are almost always closed. The styles, again, are in many cases so exceedingly slender and fugacious as to be very difficult to observe in dried specimens, except in the bud, when they have not yet attained their full development, or after fertilization, when they are withering away, MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ, 27 The long styles, moreover, would place the majority of the sub- tribe Seslerien, for instance, among Panicacex, when all their other characters are those of Poacee; and the species are very numerous in which, from the intermediate length of the styles, or from both the lower smooth part and the stigmatic portion, or the lower part alone, being described as styles, they are differently characterized as long or short by different writers. Fournier rejects both Brown’s and Fries's primary divisions, but proposes a new one founded on the position of the lowest glume of the spikelet, next to the main axis in Chloridem and Hordeacer, and averted from it or external in other tribes. But, in the first place, this relative position cannot well be ascertained in loosely paniculate Graminew, where there is so frequently a slight, almost imperceptible torsion of the pedicel, and, in the next place, in one-flowered spikelets it is often uncertain which is to be regarded as the lowest glume. The total number of glumes in the tribe Panicew, for instance, is variable, according to the genus or section, two, three, or four; the lowest in Reimaria, and in a few species of Paspalum, corresponds to the second in the majority of Paspala and a few allied genera, and to the thirdin Panicum. All these genera are included by Fournier, as by all others, in one and the same tribe; and if so, are we to regard as the outer glume the small outer one of Panicum, called by some an extra bract, and an imaginary one in Paspalum and its allies, or the outer one of Paspalum, which is second in Pani- cum? Again, in one and the same genus, the relative position of the outer glume and the main axis is not always constant, as, for instance, in Paspalum, in Nees’s section Divitarie (Emprosthion, Doell, Anastrophus, Schlecht.), the outer glume and the flowering one above it are external, whilst in the majority of the genus they are turned towards the central rib of the main axis, and yet the two groups are not distinguished by Fournier even as sections. Another character much insisted on of late years for tribual distinction is still more uncertain, the adherence of the ripe grain or caryopsis to the palea, as in Festuca, Bromus, &c. This is usually very “conspicuous in the dry state, although even then the grain is often only closely embraced by the palea, and when moistened the adherence very generally disappears. The union of the two is perhaps never truly organic, and in hot water I have always found them readily separable without any tearing. 28 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEX. The consequence is that there are a considerable number of species in which the grain has been described by some as ad- herent and by others as free, and which have consequently been transferred from one genus to another. Yet, if not taken too absolutely, the character is sometimes a useful one, assisting, for instance, in the arrangement of the genera of some of the sub- tribes of the difficult tribe Festucex. Considerable importance was attached by the earlier agrosto- logists to the presence or absence of the awn on the back or apex of the flowering glume; but this has subsequently been found to be subject to great variations. The spiral twist, how- ever, in the lower part of the awn in some genera is more con- stant, and in the ‘Flora Australiensis’ I had taken it as an essential character of some tribes or subtribes; but there are more ex- ceptions than I was then aware of. The awn, when present, is generally twisted in Andropogoneer, Tristeginer, Agrostidee, and Avenacee, and not in Panicew, Chloridee, Festucee, or Hordee ; but it is sometimes very slightly so ina few species of the latter group, and in the former tribes, where the awn is much reduced, if there be any twist it is scarcely perceptible. In all the tribes, also, the awn is occasionally, and in the straight- awned ones frequently, altogether deficient ; and in some genera, as in Stipa for instance, where it is usually twisted, there are exceptional species in which it is straight or curved only. The character must therefore generally be used with more or less of reservation. The partial or absolute separation of the sexes or the increase in the number of stamens observed in a few genera have been occasionally introduced amongst tribual characters; but further observation has shown that they occur amongst Graminee of very different affinities, and have thus proved to be often of no more than generic value, although in one tribe, the Maydee, the absolute unisexuality of the spikelets may be constant. Differences in the size of the embryo, in the form of the so- called scutellum on the caryopsis (indicative, apparently, of the hilum of the seed), or in the longitudinal groove or cavity fre- quently observable on the caryopsis, have been sometimes brought forward as absolute generic, if not tribual, characters, and they may often be really important; but we know, as yet, too little about them to test their value fairly. Herbarium specimens rarely supply ripe fruits, and they have been carefully observed MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 29 and accurately described in comparatively few species. ‘The cha- racters thus ascertained in a single one have been supposed to belong necessarily to the whole genus; and when differences have afterwards been found in some other species, it has at once been generically separated, without ascertaining whether these dif- ferences might not be reconciled or connected through other species. Before, therefore, we can ascertain the real generic value of characters which cannot be tested in herbarium speci- mens, it is necessary that we should have them well and authen- tically described in a much greater number of species from actual observation. I have on several occasions had reason to believe that, in long-detailed descriptions drawn up by accurate botanists from dried specimens, the seminal characters have been rather guessed at on theoretical grounds, than actually verified on really ripe seeds. Following out the views of General Munro as to the general arrangement of the Order in as far as I have been able to ascer- tain them, we have divided it into tribes and subtribes, of which the following are the most prominent characters, omitting for the present exceptional forms, which occur in almost all of them :— A. Panicacrs. Spicule cum pedicello infra glumas articulate, flore fertili unico terminali, addito interdum inferiore masculo v. sterili. Tribus i. Paniceze. Spicule hermaphrodite, rarius abortu unisexuales, spicate v. paniculate, rhachi inflorescentie inarticulata. Gluma florens exaristata, fructifera indurata v. saltem exterioribus rigidior. Tribus ii. Maydez. Spicule unisexuales, mascule terminales spicate v. paniculata v. (in Pariana) foemineam circumdantes, foeminez in- feriores spicatz, cum rhacheos internodio (excepta Zea) articulatim secedentes. Tribus iii. Oryzeze. Spicule hermaphrodite v. rarius unisexuales, pani- culatze v. spicatie, rhachi inflorescentiz inarticulata. Gluma sub flore summa. (palea?) uninervis v. carinata. Tribus iv. Tristegineze. Spicule hermaphrodite, secus panicule ra- mulos inarticulatos solitari v. rarius gemine v. fasciculate, cum pedicello articulate. Glume vacuz aristate v. mutice, florens hyalina y. tenuiter membranacea, arista geniculata terminata v. mutica. Tribus v. Zoysiew. Spicula hermaphrodite v. nonnulle imperfect, cum rhachi inarticulata spice simplicis sigillatim v. fasciculatim ar- ticulate. Gluma florens membranacea, sepius vacuis minor hyali- naque, LINN. JOURN.—-BOTANY, VOL. XIX. E 30 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINE. Subtribus 1. Anthephorer. Spicule in pedicello 3-%, in fasciculum deciduum conferte. Gluma florens nunc vacuis sublongior, nunc brevior hyalina. ; ; Subtribus 2. Euzoysiee. Spiculein pedicello solitarie, rarius gemine. Gluma florens vacuis brevior, hyalina. Tribus vi. Andropogonez. Spicule secus spice rhachin v. paniculee ramulos, sepissime geminz v. terminales ternz, in quoque pari homo- game v. heterogame. Gluma florens vacuis minor, hyalina, sepe aristata, . B. Poacem. Pedicellus infra glumas continuus. Rhachilla supra glumas inferiores persistentes sepe articulata, ultra flores fertiles producta, stipitiformis v. glumas vacuas v. flores imper- fectos ferens, v. interdum flos fertilis more Panicacearum unicus terminalis, sed cum gluma sua a vacuis persistentibus articulatim secedens. Tribus vii. Phalaridez. Flos hermaphroditus unicus, terminalis. Glume 6 (v. 5 et palea) uninerves v. carinate. Tribus viii. Agrostez. Spicule: 1-florz, rhachilla ultra florem nuda v. in setam v. stipitem producta. Subtribus 1. Stipes. Panicula luaa v. irregulariter spiciformis. Gluma florens arista sepius terminata, fructifera caryopsin arcte involvens. Rhachilla ultra florem non producta. Subtribus 2. Phleoidese. Panicula spiciformis densa, cylindracea v. sub- globosa. Gluma florens mutica v. aristis 1-3 terminata fructifera caryopsin laxe includens. Rhachilla interdum producta. Subtribus 3. Sporobolez. Panicula laxa v. ad racemum reducta, raris- sime spiciformis. Gluma florens mutica. Caryopsis demum sepius glumis apertis subdenudata. Rhachilla non producta. Subtribus 4. Euagrostex. Panicula varia, sepius lava. Gluma florens sepius arista dorsali instructa, rarissime mutica. laze inclusa. Rhachilla sepe producta. Tribus ix. Isachneze. Spicule zqualiter biflore. tice. Rhachilla ultra flores non producta. Tribus x. Aveneee. Spicule bi- v. pluriflore, sepius paniculate. Glume florentes arista dorsali v. interdum terminali sepissime instructa. Rhachilla ultra tlores sepius producta. Tribus xi. Chlorideze. Spicule uni- y. pluriflore, secus rhachin spica- rum unilateralium biseriatim sessiles, secund:. Tribus xii. Festuceze. Spicule bi- y. pluriflors, varie paniculate v. rarius racemose. Glume florentes muticz y. aristis terminate, Subtribus 1. Pappophoree. Glume florentes plurinerves tri- pluri- aristate, v. absque aristis quadriloba. Subtribus 2. Triodiex. Glume florentes uni- v. trinerves, tridentate, tri- fide v. triaristate, Caryopsis gluma Glumee seepius mu- MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 31 Subtribus 3. Arundines. Rhachilla sub glumis florentibus longe pilosa. Subtribus 4. Seslerieze. Inflorescentia spiciformis v. capituliformis, basi glumis vacuis v. spicis sterilibus sepius stipata. Stylus v. rami sepius longi tenues. Subtribus 5. Eragrostes. Glume florentes trinerves. Cetera normalia. Subtribus 6. Melices. Glume florentes tri- v. plurinerves, superiores due v. plures vacue, semet involventes. Subtribus 7. Centothecex. Folia plana, lanceolata v. ovata, inter venas transverse venulosa. Glume florentes quinque- v. plurinerves. Subtribus 8. Eufestucerx. Glume florentes quinque- v. plurinerves. Cetera normalia, Tribus xii. Hordeeze. Spicule uni: v. pluriflore, ad dentes seu excava- tiones rhacheos spice simplicis sessiles. Subtribus 1. Tritices. Spicule ad nodos solitarie, tri- v. plurifiore, rarius biflore. Subtribus 2. Leptureze. Spicule ad nodos solitarie, uni- v. biflore. Spica tenuis. Subtribus 3. Elymez. Spicule ad nodos gemine v. plures collaterales. Tribus xiv. Bambuse . Gramina elata, sepius basi saltem lignosa. Folia plana, seepissime cum vagina articulata. Spicule uni- v. pluri- flor. Lodicule szpius 3. Stamina 3, 4, v. plura. Subtribus 1. Arundinariese. Stamina 3. Palea bicarinata. Pericarpium tenue, semint adnatum. Subtribus 2. Eubambusez. StaminaG. Paleabicarinata. Pericarpium tenue, semini adnatum. Subtribus 3. Dendrocalamez. Stamina 6. Palea bicarinata, Peri- carpium crustaceum v. carnosum, a semine liberum. Subtribus 4. Melocanneze. Stamina 6 v. plura. Palea 0 nisi glumis simillima. Pericarpium crustaceum v. carnosum, a semine liberum. T now proceed to a more detailed revision of the several tribes, subtribes, and genera, in the order in which I have worked them up for the forthcoming part of our ‘ Genera Plantarum,’ to which I must refer for the technical characters and references, as well as for the synoptical clavis of the genera. Series A. PANICACE. This first main division of Graminex is very fairly defined by the combination of two characters—the articulation of the pedicel below the spikelet or cluster of spikelets, and the single fertile flower apparently terminal, with or without a single male or sterile one below it. Where either of these two characters fails, the plant should be referred to Poaceee. The articulation of the pedicel is usually immediately below E2 32 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ. the lowest glume, leaving, as the spikelet falls away, a slight dilatation or callosity at the apex of the persistent portion. Sometimes it is not easily observed at the time of flowering, but becomes more marked as the fruit ripens. A similar marked articulation has not hitherto been observed in Poacez, except in Fingerhuthia. There are also a very few cases where the lowest glumes are reduced to slight callosities, or are so rudimentary as to render it difficult to say whether the articulation is in the pedicel or in the rhachilla. In the Cenchrus group of the tribe Panicer, in the subtribe Anthephoree of Zoysiew, and in some Andropogonew, the articulation is not under each spikelet, but under a little cluster of two or more spikelets ; and in Maydee it is the rhachis of the spike which disarticulates under each female spikelet. In Graminee generally, however, the articulation, whether of the rhachis, of the pedicel, or of the rhachilla, is usually under the fertile spikelets or flowers only; under the males it is apt to be very obscure or quite obsolete. The fertile flower is above spoken of as only apparently ter- minal, because the presence of the palea and a slight obliquity tend to show that the floral axis is not really the continuation of the rhachilla, but, as in Poacez, a secondary or axillary branch. Doell says, indeed, that a continuation of the rhachilla behind the palea has been observed in a species of Panicum; but I have never succeeded in meeting with it in any Panicacew. In the tribe Oryzew, where there is no two-nerved palea, it may still re- main a matter of doubt whether the floral axis is or is not distinct from the rhachilla—whether the uppermost scale is a glume on the rhachilla or a palea at the base of the floral axis. The pre- sence or absence of a central nerve is not an absolute test ; for it is occasionally, though very rarely, absent in the lower glumes. Panicacee have never more than four glumes, the uppermost one usually enclosing or subtending the fertile flower, though in some Andropogonex it is excessively reduced or even quite obsolete or rudimentary. The next under it may be empty like the lower ones, or may enclose a palea, a rudimentary flower, or a perfect male flower, and in Beckmannia, and a very few species or individuals of Setaria and Panicum, this lower flower may be hermaphrodite, but usually, if not always, sterile. The two lower glumes when present are always empty. Where the spikelets are unisexual, the females have only the single terminal flower, the males most frequently two flowers, both with perfect stamens. MR. G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 33 The tribes composing the series of Panicacee run much into each other, and have been very variously extended or reduced. We have adopted the following six, as having appeared to us to be rather better defined than the smaller or larger ones that have been proposed. Tribe I. Panton. The principal character of the Panices, considered as a tribe of Panicacee, consists in the hardening of the fruiting glume. In several of the smaller genera, however, and even in some species of Panicum itself, it is membranous, but usually larger than the outer ones, and forming the chief covering of the fruit, never hyaline or much reduced as in Andropogoner. Oryzopsis, Milium, and their allies, which were formerly included in Panicex, have been transferred to Agrostidez on account of the persistent lower glumes below the articulation. Among the other general characters of the tribe, the inarticulate rhachis of inflorescence is constant except in Stenotaphrum, where, however, the articulation is very tardy and not constant, so that it has often been denied. The flowering glume never bears the twisted awn, so general in Andropogonee and Tristeginex, although in Hriochloa and a very few species of Panicum its obtuse apex has a short, erect, almost dorsal point; the awns of Oplismenus, Chetaria, the section Echinochloa of Panicum, &c. are straight and terminate one or more of the empty glumes only. The fertile flower terminating the spikelet is, in the normal genera, either perfectly hermaphro- dite, or, at any rate, as far as I have observed, has staminodia round the pistil. It is only in a few of the abnormal genera added to the tribe that there are strictly female spikelets. The normal genera of the tribe may be distributed in four rather distinct groups, though scarcely marked enough to be raised to the rank of subtribes ; and to these we would add a few more or less abnormal genera, but little connected with each other, but all apparently more nearly allied to Panice than to any other tribe. In the first group, or Panicee proper, we have distinguished eleven genera—a number somewhat arbitrary ; for much might be said in favour either of uniting the whole into one vast genus Panicum, or of dividing them still further, as some have proposed, into about twice as many as those here adopted, the distinctive characters being often either very uncertain, or such as are not universally recognized as generic in the Order. 34 MR, G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINEE. 1. Rermanra, Fligge—This old-established and universally acknowledged genus has generally been limited to two tropical and subtropical American species, with a peculiar slender habit and inflorescence, and characterized by having only one empty glume below the flowering one, and by the constant reduction of the number of stamens to two. It has since, however, been as- certained that several species which cannot well be separated from Paspalum have only a single lower empty glume ; and Doell has distinguished Reimaria chiefly by the reduction of the stamens, together with the form of the spikelets more acuminate and more closely appressed to the rhachis than in any Paspalum. He has added, under the name of R. aberrans, a third species, which, with a more vigorous habit, rather invalidates the natural di- stinction from Paspalum, but has all the characters of Reimaria ; and Munro recognizes a fourth species, allied to #. aberrans, but with only two, or at most three, spikes to the panicle and a much thicker rhachis, in the Florida plant distributed by Curtis with the number 3566 as Paspalum vaginatum, but probably not the one entered under that name in Chapman’s ‘ Flora of the Southern United States.’ It occurs also in Wright’s Cuban collection under un. 3854, and may be characterized as R. oli- gostachya, Munro, spicis in pedunculo 2 rarius 8 (nec 6-15), rhachi dilatata spiculis sublatiore. The true Paspalum vagina- tum, Sw., is a synonym of P. distichwm, Linn. 2. Paspatum, Linn., ranks among the large genera of tropical Gramineze, and in respect of the greater number of species is a natural one, readily distinguished from Panicwm by the inflo- rescence and by the technical character of the deficiency of the small lowest glume. It is now, however, ascertained that neither character is quite constant. A few Panica of the section Bra- chiaria have the inflorescence of Paspalum ; and the lowest glume is frequently reduced to a small callus, or is entirely deficient in the section Digitaria ; and the consequence has been, that several species have been referred by some botanists to the one genus and by others to the other. These ambiguous species appear, however, to be best placed in Paniewm ; and all true Paspala have the spikelets sessile or nearly so, in two or four rows along the lower or outer side of the rhachis of the spikes or simple branches of the panicle, and they show no trace of the small lowest glume of Panicum. Thus defined, the number of species may be esti- mated at about 160, by far the greater proportion of them tro- MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA. 35 pical American, a few of which are also generally spread over the warmer regions of the Old World, especially P. distichwm, Linn. (P. vaginatum, Sw.), which reaches southern Europe as an intro- duced weed. Scarcely five species can be regarded as belonging exclusively to the Old World. The above estimate of the total number is founded chiefly on the investigations of Munro, who had nearly completed the working-up of the genus, and has left full descriptions with diagnoses and synonymy of 188 species, besides a few that he had left for further inquiry. Steudel enumerates 262 species, but nearly half of them have proved to be mere synonyms or very slight varieties. Doell describes in detail 105 Brazilian species ; but some of them are what I cannot consider as really distinct; and his own views of them were any thing but stable, as there are several which he at one time re- ferred to one species and later transferred to another, forgetting to eliminate them from their former place, thus :— Gardner, n. 2354, is repeated under P. malacophyllum and P. subsesquiglwme. Hostmann, n. 658, under P. densiflorum and P. cespitosum. P. distachyum, Salzmann, u. 667, under P. pumilum and P. divergens. Gardner, n. 8496 and 3497, under P. maculosum and P. notatum. Gardner, n. 2975, under P. vaginatum, P. tropicwm, and P. Jilifolium. P. cespitosum, Hochst., n. 1548, P. amazonicun, Trin., and P. humile, Steud., Digitaria uniflora, Salzm., n. 659, | under P. platycaulon and under P. plicatulum and P. dissectum. and Spruce, n. 679, P. furcatum. P. surinamense, Hochst., n. 1283, under P. furcatum and P. scoparium. Spruce, n. 30, under P. chrysodactylon and P. chrysoblephare. Fournier enumerates 40 Mexican species, of which thirteen are described as new ; but he is, in Graminew, generally disposed to admit as distinct species forms which I perfectly agree with Munro in regarding as slight varieties, corresponding to what so many local European botanists describe as critical species. With regard to the subdivision of the genus, Trinius, in his several revisions, distributed the species chiefly according to the size of the spikelets, which, however much it may affect. the general aspect of the species, is in many cases far too uncertain a character to be practically useful. Nees, in his ‘ Agrostologia Brasiliensis, proposed six sections, which Doell reduced to four, 36 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEE. Munro, though he had so nearly completed his descriptions of species, and often indicated the sections to which he referred them, had not yet definitively grouped them, leaving his manu- scripts, for convenience of reference, in alphabetical order. We have adopted three sections, founded on Nees’s, which appear to us well defined by positive characters—Hupaspalum, Cabrera, and Anastrophus, subdividing the first, and largest, into four groups or subsections, Anachyris, Opisthion, Pseudoceresia, and Ceresia, much less marked in their outlines, but generally speaking fairly natural. Eupaspalum comprises the great majority of the species, and is distinguished by the spikelets strictly secund along the rhachis of the spikes, with the back of the flowering glume and of the lower empty one (when present) turned outwards—that is, away from the rhachis or from its midrib; whilst in Anastrophus, which in- cludes the remainder of the genus except the monotypic Cabrera, the spikelets are almost distichous, and the back of the flowering glume and of the lower empty one turned towards the midrib of the rhachis. This distinction was specially relied upon by Nees under the terms spicule adverse and spicule inverse, and followed up by Doell. I¢ is not alluded to by Fournier with regard to the Mexican Paspala ; but, if I understand correctly his words (Gram. Mex. p. vii), it nearly corresponds to the character he proposes for the primary division of Gramines. Anachyris, the first subsection of Hupaspalum, is a purely arti- ficial one, characterized solely by the having only a single empty glume below the flowering one. It was first proposed as a genus by Nees for the Paspalum malacophyllum, Trin., which has all the habit and floral and other characters of Paspalwm except this single one; and Fournier, apparently on this account, transfers it to the tribe Oryzee. Doell, however, reduces it to a section of Paspalum under the name of Eyremachyrion, associating with it a few other species, some of them evidently more nearly allied to corresponding species of the section Opisthion than to each other. And even the technical character is not always constant; for in P. (Eremachyrion) sesquiglume, Doell, a species closely allied to P. (Opisthion) maritimum, Trin., I frequently find a minute outer glume; and, again, P. pallidum and P. candidum, H. B. K., both of which Doell places in Lremachyrion, are scarcely to be distin- guished from each other except by the lowest empty glume absent in the one, present in the other, as originally pointed out by MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 37 Kunth. Nees describes the palea (upper palea) of the typical Anachyris paspalodes or Paspalum malacophyllum as 8-nerved ; Fournier says it is 1-nerved. The species is very variable as to the size of the spikelets, the hairs or sete on the rhachis of the spike, &c.; but in all the specimens I have examined I have uniformly found the palea normally 2-nerved. Opisthion, proposed by Doell as a section of Paspalum, is our second subsection of Hupaspalum. It includes all the typical Paspala with two lower empty glumes, and the rhachis of the spikes not dilated. The species are numerous and varied, but scarcely reducible to distinct groups. Pseudoceresia is a subsectional name I should propose for the genus Ceresia as understood by Elliott and other North-American botanists. In it the rhachis of the spikes is more or less dilated and concave, but green and herbaceous throughout, and the spike- lets are small and glabrous or nearly so. The species are few, including P. stoloniferum, Bosc, P. repens, Berg.,and their allies. Ceresia is the name we would reserve for our fourth subsection, being the genus Ceresia as originally established by Persoon, in which the dilated rhachis of the spikes is bordered by a coloured or smooth membranous margin, and the half-enclosed spikelets are larger than in Pseudoceresia and densely ciliate. Besides several Brazilian and other tropical species, it includes the Mexi- can P. cymbiforme, Fourn. Cabrera, our second section of Paspalum, is limited to the single P. aurewm, H. B. K. (not of Trinius), forming Lagasca’s genus Cabrera, in which the direction of the spikelets is nearly that of Anastrophus ; but instead of being marginal on each side of the rhachis, they are deeply embedded in alternate cavities on each side of the midrib, on the outer or lower side of that rhachis. This remarkable arrangement is very well described by Lagasca, who was a most accurate botanist. His ‘Nova Genera et Species Plantarum,’ forming part of the ‘Elenchus Horti Matritensis,’ is a model for the clearness and conciseness of the characters given, which are most thoroughly to be depended upon. The work is quoted by Nees and by Doell, but evidently at second hand; had they really read it, and had they studied Kunth’s good figure and description, they could never have given to the P. awreum the new name of P. immersum, or have transferred the synonym of Cabrera chrysoblepharis, Lag., to the P. exasperatum, Nees, or to the supposed distinct P. chrysoblepharis, Doell, both of them at 38 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. complete variance with Lagasca’s description. The genus Axo- nopus, Beauy., sometimes given as a synonym of Cabrera, because Beauvois had suggested that P. awreum might possibly be a con- gener, was founded on various heterogeneous species of Paspalum and Panicum; and the name has to be wholly expunged. Anastrophus, our third section, was proposed as a genus under that name by Schlechtendahl, and includes Nees’s section Digi- tariee or Doell’s Emprosthion. It is characterized by the posi- tion of the spikelets on the alternate margins of the narrow, somewhat flexuose rhachis of the spike, so as to be rather di- stichous than secund, and by their direction, the back of the flower- ing glume and of the lower empty one being turned outwards or away from the rhachis. The spikes are also generally several close together at the end of the peduncle, as in the section Digi- taria of Panicum, suggesting to Nees his sectional name, which, however, is inconvenient as being adjective in form, and too liable to be confounded with the true Digitaria. Some of the species have, like Cabrera, long cilia on the spikes, but have otherwise all the characters of Anastrophus, of which they might form a sub- section under the name of Lappagopsis, given by Steudel to the P. dissitiflorum, Trin., which he proposed as a distinct genus. The several species which we would include in the subsection show a curious diversity in the position of the cilia: in P. fastigiatum, Nees, they are long on the empty glumes, none on the rhachis; in P. senescens, Nees, short on the empty glumes, long on the rhachis; in P. dissitiflorum, Trin., long both on the rhachis and on the empty glumes; and in a few other species, referred by Nees and by Doell to Cabrera, although without the peculiar characters of Lagasca’s genus, the rhachis alone is fringed with long cilia, the glumes having none. Paspalum saccharoides, Trin., referred by Kunth to Panicum, is one of those small-flowered species which seem to connect Pas- palum with Panicum (Digitaria), whilst the long silky hairs of the spikes and the consistence of the glumes show an approach to the Andropogonee (Saccharee). The arrangement of the spikelets along the rhachis, the number of glumes, &c. show a nearer affinity to Paspalum than to any other genus. 3. Anrumnantia, Beauv. (Awlavanthus, Ell.), was founded upon two North-American species, with the hairy inflorescence and membranous glumes of the section Trichachne of Panicum, but without the small lowest glume of that genus; and the second MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 39 glume (corresponding to the third of Panicum) usually encloses a palea ora male flower—a circumstance unusual in the Order, where the exposed glumesare almost always empty. From these I cannot separate generically the South-American Leptocoryphium, Nees, which, besides some slight specific characters, only differs from the North-American species in the second glume being con- stantly, instead of occasionally only, empty. The genus Anthe- nantia thus constituted includes three species—A. villosa, Beauv. (Aulaxanthus ciliatus, Ell., Panicum ignoratum, Kunth), A. rufa, Benth. (Aulaxanthus rufus, Ell., Panicum rufum, Kunth), and A. lanata, Benth. (Paspalum lanatum, H. B. K., Milium lanatum, Kunth, Leptocoryphium lanatum and L. molle, Nees). 4, AmpHicarpum, Kunth, with spikelets unisexual by abortion and a peculiar inflorescence, remains limited to the single North- American species on which the genus was founded. 5. Errocutoa, H. B. K. (a name having the right of priority over Gdipachne, Link, and Helopus, Trin.), has the habit rather of the section Brachiaria of Panicum than of Paspalum, but wants the small lower glume of the former genus, and differs generally from both in a peculiar callous thickening of the pedicel at the articu- tion. There are, however, a very few species with more or less of this callosity, which on other accounts cannot well be separated from Panicum. The flowering glume has also the peculiar point on the obtuse apex observable in Panicum helopus, Trin., and in a few others, and supposed to characterize a section or genus Uro- chloa. It is, however, an uncertain character, both in Hriochloa and in Panicum. Nearly twenty supposed species of Hriochloa have been described ; but the greater number of them are scarcely even varieties of the H. polystachya, H. B. K., which is widely spread over the warmer regions of the Old as well as the New World, and known under the various names of Z. punctata, E. annulata, &c. There appear also to be at least four really distinct species—Z. distachya, H. B. K., and 2. grandiflora (Helopus, Trin.) from tropical America, #. trichopus, Hochst., from tropical Africa, and Z. villosa, Kunth, from eastern Asia. 6. Brcxmannta, Host, is a single species, ranging from eastern Europe across Russian Asia to North America. It has been usually placed in Phalaridex, a tribe with which it appears to me to have but little connection. The habit and inflorescence are those of Panicum colonum; but it is exceptional in Panicew as having both the flowers hermaphrodite; the lowest flower is, 40 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ. however, ag far as I have observed, usually sterile ; and a similar character is to be found in some species or varieties of Setaria, and very rarely in Panicum itself, next to which the genus appears. to be best placed. The synonym Joachimia, Ten., given by Kunth, Was a name intended for it by Tenore, but I believe never actually published. Tenore figures the plant as a Beckmannia. 7. Panicum, Linn., after deducting Ichnanthus, Oplismenus, Setaria, and several smaller genera, remains one of the larger, and probably the largest, among tropical Grasses, and is still in many respects polymorphous. In habit and inflorescence it may be confounded sometimes with Paspalum, sometimes with Arundi- nella, or even with some Agrostew. Generally speaking, it may be easily recognized by technical characters ; but the most marked, the very small size of the lowest empty glume, is not quite con- stant; for in a few species this glume is wholly deficient as in Paspalum, whilst in a few others it is of the size of the second glume ; the hardening also of the fruiting glume and palea is in some species very slight. There is nothing, however, sufficiently definite or constant in these exceptional species to mark them out as intermediate genera; and here, as in so many other cases of large genera of Cyperacee and Gramines, we must admit the existence of forms which must be placed in one or the other of allied genera from considerations of convenience rather than of strict character. Taking the genus Paniewm within the limits we have ascribed to it, nearly 800 supposed species have been pub- lished: Steudel enumerates 716; Doell has 134 Brazilian ones, Fournier 97 Mexican, Nees 44 South-African; I described 54 Australian ones ; and they are rather numerous in tropical Africa and Asia; but a considerable number are repeated in several or even in all of these Floras, and a large proportion of Steudel’s species are mere synonyms or blunders. The total number of fairly distinct species can therefore scarcely be estimated at much above 250. These have been variously grouped, chiefly according to their inflorescence ; and no less than eighteen supposed genera have been at different times separated from it, but are now re- united, either as being founded on insufficient, uncertain, or even mistaken characters, or as being, in our opinion, more conveniently regarded as sections than as genera. But, even as sections, their limits are often as far from being absolutely definite as are those of the whole genus. The following eleven are those which have appeared to be the most distinct; but they are all more or legs MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEM. 41 connected by intermediate forms, and several of them would pro- bably be modified, and may hereafter be much improved, by a closer study of species than I have at present been able to bestow upon them. (1) Digitaria. Spikelets usually small and in alternate pairs or clusters along one side of the simple spike-like branches of the panicle; those of each pair or cluster unequally pedicellate, or one of them almost sessile, and the lowest glume often very minute or sometimes quite deficient. This section was proposed ag a distinct genus in Walter’s ‘ Flora Carolinensis’ under the name of Syntherisma, and by Richard, in Persoon’s ‘Synopsis,’ under that of Digitaria, and is still maintained as such by many botanists. It was founded originally on the cosmopolitan weed Panicum sanguinale, Linn., in which the spike-like branches of the panicle are clustered at the end of the peduncle like those of Cynodon and some other Chloridesw. There are now, however, nearly forty species to be included in the group, in many of which the spikes or branches are distant along the peduncle, as in Schedonnardus, Gymnopogon, Leptochloa, &c., among Chlorides. From this tribe the structure of the pedicellate spikelets and their articulation always keep them perfectly distinct ; but there is a series of small-flowered species, including the Australian and Asiatic P. parviflorum, Br., P. tenuiflorum, Br. (Paspalum brevi- folium, Fligge), and Paspalum minutiflorum, Steud., and two or three from South Africa, which have been almost equally well placed by some in Paspalum, by others in Panicum. As in some species allied to P. sanguwinale, and even in some varieties of P. sanguinale itself, the minute outer glume is frequently abso- lutely deficient. The more pedicellate spikelets and the occa- sional, however rare, appearance of the outer glume may justify the placing these species rather in Panicum than in Paspalum, to which I referred them in the ‘Flora Australiensis.’ P. platy- carphum, Trin., from Bonin Island, with all the characters of true Digitaria, is remarkable for the dilated membranous rhachis of the spike-like branches as in the section Ceresia of Paspalum. (2) Drichachne. In this section, distinguished as a genus under that name by Nees and others, the branches of the panicle are simple as in Digitaria, but usually few, loose, scattered along the pedunele, and erect. The glumes are all, or the second ones alone, ciliate or clothed with soft hairs as in the section Pricho- lena; and the fruiting glume is not much hardened. The species 42 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. are few: P. semialatum, Br., is widely spread over the Old World, for I am unable to distinguish the Asiatic Coridochloa, Nees, and the South-African Blujfia, Nees, from Brown’s Australian species ; P. Gayanum, Kunth, is confined to tropical Africa; P. leuco- pheum, H. B.K., is frequent under various names in the tropical and subtropical regions of the New and the Old World. Itisa very variable species; and specimens gathered at different stages of development look very different from each cther, but are not separable into marked varieties. It was included by Beauvois in his genus Urochloa, and appears to-have been the type of the proposed genera Acicarpha, Raddi, Hriachne, Philippi, and Holo- setum and Mesosetum, Steud., and is probably the principal ele- ment of Presl’s supposed genus Alloteropsis. (3) Diplaria. This section is proposed for a few American species with a simple terminal spike-like inflorescence. The spikelets are sessile along the rhachis in two rows and distichous, as in the section Anastrophus of Paspalum, from which Diplaria differs technically in the presence of the small outer glume characteristic of Panicum. It comprises P. rottboellioides, H. B. K., P. exaratum and P. ferrugineum, Trin., P. pappophorum, Nees, and a few others. (4) Thrasya, distinguished as a genus by Kunth, has a simple terminal spike-like inflorescence asin Diplaria ; but the rhachis is more or less dilated as in the section Ceresia of Paspalum, and the spikelets, sessile along the midrib, although really alternate and biseriate, have all the appearance of being in a single row. The species are few, all American, and include, besides the ori- ginal Thrasya paspaloides, Kunth, the P. ansatum, Trin., which is scarcely specifically distinct from it, P. thrasyoides, Trin., P. petreum, Trin., and perhaps two or three others. The P. petreum forms the genus Zylothrasya of Doell, which he characterizes by a callous thickening of the pedicel like that of Zriochloa; but the plant is in all other respects too closely allied to the typical Thrasya to be generically separated, and the callosities are slightly prominent in various species of Panicum. (5) Harpostachys. The inflorescence is again simple and spike- like; but the spike is more or less falcate, with the spikelets crowded in two or four rows along one side of the slender rhachis, as in Chlorides, and the common peduncles are usually long and often clustered two or three together in the upper axils. To this section belong P. monostachyum, H. B. K., P. decumbens, R. et Schult., and P. subfalcatum, Doell. MR. G. BENTIAM ON GRAMINES. 43 The genus Dimorphostachys of Fournier is founded upon the above P. monostachyum and some other American species, which we should refer to the sections Digitaria or Brachiaria, but which he connects generically by the small lowest glume being more developed or differently shaped in one spikelet of each pair than in the others; but the difference is often exceedingly slight, and the character so little connected with any other or with habit, that it seems difficult to attach any more than specific importance to it. (6) Brachiaria. This section, sometimes referred to as Paspaloid Panica, comprises a large number of species both from the New and the Old World, in which the inflorescence is that which is regarded as specially characteristic of Paspalum: the panicle con- sists of a number of spike-like simple branches, distributed along a simple common peduncle ; but the small lowest glume of Pani- cum is always present. If we regard only such typical species as P. flavidum or P. fiuitans of Retz, or P. paspaloides of Persoon, the section appears a most distinct one; but, on the other hand, several such species as P. adspersum, Trin., P. argenteum, Br., P. Petiveri, Trin., P. polyphyllum, Br., &. so closely connect it with some of the sparingly-flowered species of Hupanicum, as to make it impossible to draw a precise line of demarcation between the two. Amongst these intermediate forms, Paractenum, pro- posed as a genus by Beauvois, appears to be only a starved state of P. gracile, Br. P. helopus, Trin., bears on the obtuse apex of the flowering glume a short point, like that of most’species of Hriochioa, and was therefore joined by Beauvois to the P. (ZLrichachne) semi- alatum, Br., to form his genus Urochloa; but the two are in other respects too dissimilar to be united in one section, and P. helopus appears to be altogether a true Brachiaria. (7) Echinochloa, was regarded by Beauvois as a distinct genus, founded chiefly on two very widely-spread and most variable species, P. colonum, Linn., and P. crus-galli, Linn., the former often cultivated, the latter a most abundant tropical and sub- tropical weed. Both have nearly the inflorescence of the section Brachiaria but they are coarser plants, with the spikelets densely crowded ou the partial spikes or branches of the panicle, and the second and third empty glumes, in the one rarely, in the other very generally, terminating in long awns. It was probably on this account that Kunth united Beauvois’s Kehinochloa with his 44 MR. G@. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. Oplismenus ; but the development of the awn has now been shown to be so frequently uncertain in one and the same species of Graminez, that the character has quite lost the absolute import- ance once attributed to it by Beauvois and others, and Echinochloa is generally admitted only as a slightly distinct section of Panicum. The true Oplismenus may, however, be well maintained as a sepa- rate genus, to which I shall presently refer. (8) Ptychophyllum has been well worked up as a very distinct section of Panicum by A. Braun. It comprises P. plicatum, Lam., from the Old World, P. swleatwm, Aubl., from America, and a few others, which, with a peculiar foliage, have more or less of sete in the panicle, which seem to connect them with Setaria. On examination, however, these sete will be found in Ptychophyl- lum to be merely the setiform tips of the ultimate spikelet-bearing branches of the panicle, whilst the bristles or sete of Setaria are abortive branchlets, forming a kind of involucre below the spike- lets. The remaining floral characters of Ptychophyllum are entirely those of the loosely-panicled species of Hupanicum. (9) Hymenachne of Beauvois, often retained wholly or partially as a genus, comprises a small number of species both from the New and the Old World, in which the small, very numerous spikelets are usually crowded in a long narrow cylindrical spike- like panicle. In the typical species, P. mywrus, Linn., the spike- lets are rather acuminate and the fruiting glume scarcely hardens; in P. indicum, Linn., and others the spikelets are small, and quite those of a large number of true Panica. (10) Eupanicum. After deducting the nine preceding sections and the succeeding Tricholena, which have all some distinguishing peculiarity, there remain a large number of species strictly normal in the structure of their awnless spikelets, and connected together by their more or less spreading panicle, the spikelets, on short or ou slender pedicels, clustered or scattered along its simple or divided branches. These species, in number not far from two hundred, may vary much in the size of the spikelets, in the degree of development of the panicle, and in other minor points, but seem little capable of being classed in distinct subsections. They form Trinius’s two sections Virgaria and Miliaria, characterized by the branches of the panicle being angular in the one, terete in the other—a distinction which I have been quite unable to follow out, at least in the dried specimens. All I have been able to suggest has been their distribution into seven groups or series, MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 45 vaguely distinguished chiefly by their inflorescence and general habit. Amongst the somewhat exceptional species are P. unci- natum, Trin. (Echinolena polystachya, H. B. K.), in which the three empty glumes are nearly equal to each other, though shorter than the flowering ones, and P. pterygodium, Trin. (forming the genus Otachyriwm, Nees), in which the two lower empty glumes are about equal, but shorter than the third. Inall the others the lowest empty glume is much the shortest. Coleatenia, from extratropical South America, is proposed asa genus by Grisebach as having dicecious flowers. I have not seen any specimen; but from his description it seems to be in all other respects a true Panicwm (Hupanicum) ; and as he has only seen the male, evidently with the flowers still young, he may have overlooked the pistil, or its abortion may not be constant. At any rate that character standing alone can scarcely be sufficient to separate it generically. Several of the cultivated Millets are species of Hupanicum with large, loose, often nodding panicles. (11) Tricholena (including Nees’s genus Rhynchelytrum), raised by Parlatore and some others to the rank of a genus, has the loose panicle of Lupanicum; but the fruiting glumes are not much hardened, and the whole inflorescence is ciliate with long hairs as in Trichachne, on which account the oldest known species, the widely-spread P. Teneriffe, was originally published as a Saccha~ rum. There are now about fifteen species known, chiefly South- African ; but one, the above-mentioned P. Teneriffe, extends to the Mediterranean region, two are East-Indian, and two or three South-American. Rhynchelytrum, Steud., is a different genus from Nees’s, and belongs to the Tristeginez. 8. Icuyantuvs, Beauy., is so closely allied in habit and general character to some species of Panicum (Eupanicum) that it is perhaps rather in deference to the authority of all the principal recent agrostologists, than from any conviction of our own, that we retain itasa distinct genus. The character isa purely technical one—a thin hyaline auricle or wing to the rhachilla on each side close under the flowering glume, as is observed in some species of Cyperus. In the species forming the section Macropteris of Doell these auricles are often more than half as long as the glume itself; in I. longiflora (Panicum longiflorum, Trin.) they are very small, but prominent ; in Z. pallens and its allies, forming Doell’s section Micropteris, they are often scarcely perceptible, and Fournier has restored these species to Panicum, though Munro LINN. JOURN.— BOTANY, VOL. XIX, F 46 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. keeps them up as Ichnanthus. Two species, I. Hoffmanseggii, Doell, and I. oplismenioides, Munro, are remarkable for the long spreading hairs, which give them a very peculiar aspect. There are altogether about twenty species, all tropical American. 9. OptisuEnvs, Beauv. (Orthopogon, Br.), though very near the section Brachiaria of Panicum, appears to be a natural genus, and is well characterized by the greater development of the lowest empty glume, which is, moreover, always awned, whilst in Panicwm it is much smaller than the others and always unawned. Kunth adopted the genus, but, relying on the awns alone, united with it Echinochloa, in which the proportions of the glumes are the ordi- nary ones of Panicum, and which I have referred to above asa section of Panicwm. Fournier adopts Kunth’s view. Steudel and Doell both reduce the whole to Panicum. The true Opilis- ment are widely spread over the warmer regions both of the New and the Old World, and are variable as to the number and length of the spikes or panicle-branches, &c. Some botanists adopt above thirty species, others reduce the whole to varieties of a single one; it is probable that some three or four may be fairly distinguished as species. Hekaterosachne of Steudel is one of the common forms of Oplismenus. 10. Cuarrum, Nees, to which Doell has properly referred Berchtoldia of Pres] as a second species, has nearly the spikelets of Oplismenus, to which Kunth reduces it, the outer glumes being much more developed and awned than the flowering ones ; but, besides some minor points, the inflorescence appears quite different enough to justify the maintaining it as a distinct genus. Doell considers it as a section of Panicum, with two species, one Brazilian, the other Mexican. Fournier retains the genus Berch- toldia for the Mexican one, without comparing it with Chetium, and adds two supposed new Mexican species: the one, B. holci- formis, judging from the specimens he quotes, is one of the large coarse forms of Panicum (Echinochloa), very nearly allied to, if not varieties of, P. crus-galli; the other, B. oplismenoides, is unknown to me, but must from his description be referable also to Echinochloa. 11. Srrarta, Beauv., was included by the older authors in Panicum, and has been restored to that genus as a section by Steudel and by Doell, but is retained by most modern botanists as a well-marked natural genus, easily recognized by the dense spike-like panicle usually bristling with numerous sete issuing MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 47 from the pedicels below the spikelets. These sete are not epidermal like the rigid hairs of many Graminee, but, as in Pennisetum, are supposed to be abortive branchlets of the panicle, differing, however, from those of the latter genus by being inserted below the articulation of the pedicel, so as to remain persistent after the fall of the spikelet. The species are very variable, and a large number have been described as distinct ; they appear, however, to be reducible to about ten, three of which are common weeds over a great part of the civilized world, and a fourth (8. ifalica) has been much cultivated as one of the Millets of the Mediterranean region and the Levant. The genus was first fully characterized by Beauvois in his ‘ Agrostographie,’ chiefly from the above-mentioned common weeds; but he had pre- viously published and figured, in his Flora of Oware and Benin, under the name of Setaria longiseta, a plant which, as far as I can judge without seeing the specimen, proves to be no Setaria at all, but the Pennisetum (Beckeropsis) unisetum, to which I shall pre- sently refer. A few species or varieties of Setaria—one, for instance, gathered by Hildebrandt in the Sandwich Islands, allied to S. viridis, another, not uncommon in the Mexicano-Texan region, allied to 8. italica—have, like the variety of S. glauca figured by Trinius, t. 195, the lower flower hermaphrodite as well as the upper one, which is quite exceptional throughout all genera of Panicex except Beckmannia. Izxophorus, Schlecht. in Linnea, xxxi. 420, was founded as a genus on Urochloa uniseta, Presl, a Mexican grass which we do not identify in our collections; but Trinius refers it to Panicum and Fournier to Setaria, with which Schlech- tendal’s description agrees very fairly. In our second or Cenchrus group of Panicew we include four genera, chiefly tropical or subtropical, characterized by the so-called involucre of bristles surrounding each spikelet or sometimes each cluster of two or three spikelets ; this involucre, supposed to represent abortive branchlets of the inflorescence, being placed above the articulation of the pedicel, always falls away with the spikelets; the spikelets themselves are quite those of Panicum, the inflorescence usually a simple spike raceme or spikelike panicle, rarely a loose panicle of two or more pedunculate spikes. 12. Cencurvs itself, as reduced from the original Linnean genus, consists of about a dozen species, both from the New and the Old World, two or three of them of very wide geographical range, all characterized by the numerous bristles of the involucres F2 48 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA. hardened and frequently more or less united at the base, the inner ones often broad and scale-like. In some specimens, how- ever, of C. calyculatus, Cav., and its allies the hardening appears so slight as to bring the genus into very close connexion with Pennisetum. 13. Pennisetum, Pers., the principal genus of the group, would now contain about forty species, chiefly African, amongst which two or three extend to the Mediterranean region, tropical or central Asia, or tropical America, and a very few may be endemic in Asia, Australia, or America. It has been at various times proposed to separate several genera from it, and two or three of these have been pretty generally adopted ; but they pass so gradually one into the other, and their chief characters, derived from the hairiness or numbers of the involucral bristles, are so little in accord with any other characters or habit, that the several following groups can scarcely be considered even as definite sections. Pennisetum itself has been restricted to those species in which the bristles are numerous and some or all of them more or less hairy ; whilst those in which the whole of the bristles are perfectly glabrous form the genus Gymnotric, Beauv. But however easy this distinction may appear at first sight, it is neither natural nor always definite. In a few African species proposed by Figari and De Notaris as their genus Eviochate, the whole of the set are densely woolly-plumose; in some of the commoner species numerous outer sete of each involucre are glabrous, and as many or more or fewer of the inner ones are hairy. In P. flaccidum, Munro, from East India, and P. Benthamianum, Steud., from tropical Africa, amongst very numerous glabrous ones there are generally only two or three hairy ones, or sometimes none at all, thus forming a gradual con- nexion with the true species of Gymnotrizx, where the sete are always quite glabrous; and there is nothing else whatever to distinguish the two series even as marked sections. P. lanatum, Klotzsch, is a remarkable Himalayan species, in which the involucral bristles are few, sometimes reduced to a single long rigid branched one, either plumose or glabrous, showing well the true nature of the involucre of the genus. Penicillaria, Willd., often still retained as a genus, was founded upon a plant frequently cultivated in the Indo-African regions, which may at first sight appear to be abundantly distinct. The long dense cylindrical spike or spike-like panicle is often above a foot long and an inch in diameter, although in other cultivated specimens not above MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 49 half that size. The involucres sometimes remain persistent after the spikelets have fallen away, and the filiform styles are remark- ably long; but many cultivated specimens and some East-African ones, possibly wild, offer so much variety in these respects, some passing quite into normal Penniseta, that it seems probable that the peculiarities of habit have arisen from long cultivation. The long styles united at the base occur in other species, amongst which P. (Gymnotrix) macrostachyum, Brongn., has on that account been proposed by Hasskarl as a genus, under the name of Sericura. Amphocheta of Andersson is a Galapagos species of the Gymnotrix group, with small spikelets in slender pedunculate spikes, forming a loosely paniculate inflorescence, very different from that which characterizes the greater number of Penniseta, but closely con- nected with them through the several varieties of P. (Gymnotria) tristachyum, Kunth. In P. (Gymnotrix) unisetum, Nees, an African species proposed as a genus by Figari and De Notaris under the name of Beckeropsis, this peculiar inflorescence is carried still further, and the involucre is sometimes reduced to a single bristle (always above the articulation and falling away with the spikelet), though I usually find 2, 3, or even more bristles. It is probable that the plant figured by Beauvois as Setaria lougi- seta is this same species of Pennisetum. Steudel’s proposed genera Catatherophora and Oxyanthe are normal species of Pennisetum (Gymnotriz). 14. Praciosretum, Benth.,is a single Australian species, which I characterized as a genus chiefly from its peculiar inflorescence and habit, which prevented my retaining it in Pennisetum without an extension of the generic character beyond what I felt justitied in proposing. 15. Paratuerta, Griseb., is a single West-Indian species, which proves to be identical with the Brazilian plant since pub- lished by Doell as a section of Leptachyrium of Panicum, but which is evidently more nearly related to Pennisetum. The inflorescence is a simple spike-like panicle, of which the numerous short articulate branchlets or pedicels are continued beyond the single spikelets into long awns or bristles, which fall away with the spikelet like the involucres of Pennisetum, thus forming in some sort a connexion between the Cenchrus group of genera and the following one. Our third or Chameraphis group of Panicee consists of seven small genera, loosely connected by a character which may be con- 50 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. sidered as rather artificial than natural, but which I believe to be constant. The spikelets are nearly those of Panicum, but with the fruiting glume usually less hardened; the inflorescence is nearly that of the paspaloid Panica or of the Chlorides, but dis- tinguished from the former by the rhachis of the partial spikes or fascicles or branches of the panicle being produced beyond the spikelets into a more or less rigid point. From Chloridew the articulation of the pedicel below the spikelet always separates the present group. The genera are:—16. Ecurtnotmna, Desv., a single tropical American species (H. scabra), which has quite the rigid single spike of some Chlorides, but the spikelets of Panices intermixed with barren ones, on which account Rudge originally figured the plant as a Cenchrus. The loosely paniculate species added to Echinolena by Kunth have been rightly restored to Panicum by Trinius. 17. Cuammraruts, Br., four Australian or tropical Asiatic species, fully described in my‘ Flora Australiensis.’ 18. Spartina, Schreb. (Lrachynotia, Mich., Limnetis, Pers., Pon- celetia, Thou., Solenachne, Steud.), five or six European, African, or American species, chiefly maritime, has been usually placed’ amongst Chlorides ; but the spikelets themselves containing a single terminal flower, and the articulation of their pedicels, are quite those of Panicez, not of Chloridee. 19. XzRoocutoa, Br., three Australian species, 20. SrenotaruRuM, Trin. (Diastem- anthe, Steud.), two or three tropical maritime species, 21. PHyYL- LORHACHIS, Trimen, a single one from Angola, and 22. THuaREA, Pers. (Ornithocephalochloa, Kurz), also a single maritime species from the shores of the Indian and South-Pacific oceans, are all perfectly isolated genera whose peculiarities have been well pointed out. Stenotaphrum is the only genus I know in the tribe Panicez which has the rhachis of the inflorescence articu- late ; but this can usually not be perceived except in an advanced state, and has been denied by some botanists. I have already alluded (Journ. Linn. Soc., Bot. xvii. 196) to Kunth’s mistake, which induced him to alter Persoon’s name Thuarea (abridged from Thouars’s then MS. name of Ificrothuarea) to Thouarea. There remain seven very anomalous genera, but little connected with each other, and still less with any other genera of Graminew, but which have all more of the general character of Panicese than of any other tribe. They have all been well defined and illus- trated, and require no more than a bare enumeration on the present occasion. They are :—23. Spryirex, Linn., three Austra- MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 51 lian species, of which one extends to New Zealand and New Caledonia, with a fourth from the coasts of tropical Asia closely allied to one of the Australian ones; 24. Onyra, Linn., about twenty species, of which one is tropical African, the remainder tropical American, including as a section Lithachne, Beauv. (Strephium, Schrad., Raddia, Bertol.); 25. Puarus, Linn., five American species; 26. Lupraspts, Br., three or four tropical species from Africa, Asia, or Australia, a genus nearly allied to, but per- fectly distinct from, Pharus ; 27. Lyqeum, Linn., a single maritime species from the Mediterranean region; 28. StREPTocHzTA, Schrad. (Lepideilema, Trin.), and 29. ANOMOCHLOA, Brongn., both single Brazilian species. Tribe II. Maypra. The grasses composing this tribe are usually erect and tall, with flat, long or broad leaves, the spikelets always unisexual, the males, in all except Pariana, in the upper part of the plant or of the inflorescences, the females at the base or in the lower axils, the grain, in all except Zea, enclosed in a hard stony case, formed variously of an outer glume or of a subtending bract. "Where there are several fruiting spikelets in one inflorescence they are superposed, and each one falls away separately with the internode to which it is attached, the rhachis of the spike disarticulating at each node. The male spikelets either wither away or remain persistent above at the end of the stem or on the top of the uppermost fruiting spikelet. The tribe is thus perfectly well defined and quite distinct from any other ; and the eight following genera of which it is composed, all tropical or American, and mostly small or monotypic, are likewise marked by positive cha- racters. , 1. Partawa, Aubl., an American genus of about ten species, is in mauy respects anomalous. The females, as in the other genera, are single at each node of the articulate inflorescence; but the male spikelets, instead of forming a terminal panicle, surround the female at each node and fall away with it. The stamens are also indefinite in number, ten to twenty in the spikelets examined, but Nees found as many as forty; whilst in all the other genera of the tribe there are only the normal three, Doell describes the female flower as having five lodicules; but here there is probably a mistake. I have never been able to see more than three, which are rather large; but there are 52 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. sometimes within them two or three very minute scales, which may possibly be rudimentary staminodia. Doell has also pro- posed to separate generically, under the name of Eremites, a Brazilian plant which, from the single spike I have seen as well as from his description and figure, appears to be no more than a starved state of some true Pariana. 2. Corx, Linn. (Lithagrostis, Gertn.), contains three or four East-Indian species closely allied to each other, one of which, the common “Job’s tears,” is widely spread over the warmer regions both of the New and the Old World, but in many places of comparatively modern introduction. The hard covering of the fruit here consists of the sheath of a subtending bract, the withered glumes as well as the internode of the rhachis remaining entirely enclosed within it. 8. Potyroca, Br. (Cyathorhachis, Nees), three or four tropical Asiatic species in which the stony case of the fruit is formed by the outer empty glume, which is completely closed over the remainder of the spikelet as well as the internode to which it is attached. The species are :—(1) P. bracteata, Br. (Coix heteroclita, Roxb.), spicis masculis terminalibus ramosis, inferioribus an- drogynis v. foemineis plerisque simplicibus, glumis exaristatis: (2) P. Wallichiana (Cyathorhachis Wallichiana, Nees), spicis masculis terminalibus ramosis, inferioribus androgynis v. foemineis plerisque simplicibus, spicularum mascularum gluma exteriore longe tenuiterque aristata: (8) P. macrophylla, sp. u., spicis longis (omnibus?) androgynis simplicibus, glumis acuminatis exaristatis ; folia adsunt 2-pedalia, 2 poll. lata, spice 4-6-polli- cares: from the Louisiade Archipelago (MacGillivray). 4, Curonacune, Br., contains three species from tropical Asia or Australia, in which the hardened fruit-case is formed, as in Polytoca, of the outer empty glume, but the internode of the rhachis, instead of being completely enclosed within it, is em- braced only by its thickened margins, and is seen lying as it were in a groove of the fruit-case. 5. Screracune, Br., is a single Javan species, with the fruit nearly of Chionachne, but with a different habit, and the hardened outer glume is produced beyond the fruit into an open membranous appendage. 6. Trirsacum, Linn., consists of two or three American species with the terminal male inflorescence usually more branched than in the preceding Asiatic genera, approaching that of Euchlena MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEM®. 53 and Zea; and the hardened fruit-case is formed partly only by the outer glume, and partly also by the broad thickened and hardened internode of the rhachis. 7. Evoniana, Schrad. (Reana, Brign.), has, like Zea, the ter- minal male inflorescence paniculate with numerous spikelets, and the female spikes in the lower axils wrapped up in broad bracts, from which are protruded the long filiform styles; but, as in the preceding genera, the female spikelets are within each bract superposed in a single row on the articulate rhachis of the single spike. The affinity to Zea appears to be recognized in the country ; for specimens have been received from Schaffner pur- porting to be known as “ wild maize.” 8. Zea, Linn. (Mays, Gertn.).—This most important, widely diffused, and most striking grass is only known in a cultivated state, or perhaps as an escape from cultivation. With most of the general characters of the tribe to which it gives its name, it is exceptional not only in that tribe, but in the whole Order, by the manner in which its numerous female spikelets are densely packed in several vertical rows round a central spongy or corky axis. How far this arrangement may have gradually arisen after so many centuries of cultivation can only be a matter of conjec- ture. Its gradual progress cannot be traced through the nume- rous cultivated varieties, many of them described as species in Bonafous’s splendidly itlustrated monograph ; and the idea that some of them are wild indigenous forms must be traced to the insufficiency of the observations recorded by travellers. Tribe III. Ornyzrz. This tribe, as originally constituted, was loosely characterized, chiefly by uniflorous spikelets and stamens more than three—a character more or less dispersed through various different tribes ; and several of the genera included in it by Kunth have since been rejected. The close affinity of Oryzex and Phalarex has also been recognized, though the limits of the latter tribe also have been very unsettled. In the ‘ Flora Australiensis’ J had united the two as an intermediate tribe, connecting, as it were, the two great primary series of Panicacee and Poacex; but upon thewhole it seems better to separate them as tribes technically distinct, but representative of each other in the two great series. The essential character of both resides in having the scale immediately under the single ter- minal perfect flower keeled or 1-nerved like the glumes, so as to 54 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINE®. leave it uncertain whether it is a glume or a palea—that is, whether it be attached to the end of the rhachilla or primary axis of the spikelet, or to a secondary or floral axis reduced to a mere point. There are theoretical reasons in favour of both explanations, and actual observation is insufficient for determining the point. The first of these views has appeared to me the most plausible; and I have accordingly in my diagnoses and descriptions treated the scale in question as the flowering glume, and considered the palea as deficient, as it certainly is in some Andropogonee and Agrosteew. In this view the technical distinction between the two tribes would be, that the Oryzew have 2, 4, or rarely 3 glumes, all above the articulation of the pedicel, and the Phalarew 4, 6, or rarely 5 glumes, the lowest pair persistent below the articulation of the rhachilla. Oryzez thus characterized may be thought as a whole to be a rather artificial tribe; but they are divisible into two much more natural groups or subtribes—Zizaniee, tropical or American genera, often semiaquatic plants, with a loose in- florescence and stamens often, but not always, more than three ; and Alopecuree, European or temperate Asiatic or African genera, with a dense spike-like inflorescence and stamens never more than three. Zizaniew includes the following eight genera :— 1, Hyprocutoa, Beauv., a single species from Carolina, and there apparently rare, differing from Zizania chiefly in the inflo- rescence reduced to few-flowered spikes, of which the terminal one male and pedunculate, the lower ones female and sessile in the axils. 2. Zrzanta, Linn., comprises two species, or according to others two genera, each with two or more species. Asa whole, the genus is a natural one, well characterized by the unisexual spikelets in an androgynous panicle, each one with only two glumes and the males with six stamens. The typical Z aquatica, Linn. (Hydro- pyrum, Link), has the lower part of the panicle more spreading and male, and the upper part narrow and female; it is widely spread over North America, and includes the East-Russian and Japanese Z. latifolia, which is absolutely identical with some North-American specimens. The other species, Z. miliacea, Kunth (Zizaniopsis, Doell), has the male and female spikelets more mixed in the panicle, the awns shorter, the styles more connate, and the grain broader—characters which appear to me quite insufficient for generic distinction. It is a North-American MR, G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. §5- plant, and possibly also South-American, if Sello’s single specimen described by Trinius and figured by Doell as Z. microstacyhs, Nees, was really from South Brazil. I see nothing in the figure or description to distinguish it from Z. miliacea. 8. Luzrora, Juss., has, like Zizania, unisexual spikelets with only two glumes; but the spikelets are smaller, not awned, the styles short and quite distinct, and there are usually more than six stamens in the males. Six species are known from tropical America or the southern States of North America. The relative arrangement of the males and females varies as in Zizania. In the typical ZL. peruviana, Juss. (L. brasiliensis, Moric.), in L. ala- bamensis, Chapm., and in an apparently unpublished Guiana species, both sexes are in terminal panicles, but on distinct stems. In L. Spruceana, Benth., described. by Doell (figured by G. F. W. Meyer as ZL. peruviana, but not Jussieu’s plant), the males are in a, terminal panicle, whilst the females are in the lower axils of the same stem, as they are also said to be in L. longivalvis, Doell, a Brazilian plant which I have not seen. In the proposed genus Caryochloa, Trin. (Arrozia, Schrad.), also Brazilian, the males and females are in the same panicle, the former in the upper, the latter in the lower part. The stamens in this species appear also to be always six only, which only occasionally occurs in the others ; but the other characters are entirely those of Luziola, to which I should unite the Caryochioa as L. micrantha (Arrozia micrantha, Schrad.). 4. Poramopuita, Br., if we include in it AMaltebrunia, Kunth, is a natural genus of three species, connecting in some measure Zizania, of which it has the habit, with Oryza, of which it has the small setaceous or acuminate outer glumes. In the typical P. parviflora, Br., from Australia, the spikelets are more or less polygamous, though the greater number appear to be her- maphrodite; in P. leersioides (Maltebrunia leersioides, Kunth) from Madagascar, and in P. prehensilis (Maltebrunia prehensilis, Nees) from South Africa, they are usually all, or nearly all, her- maphrodite. Kunth also distinguishes Potwnopiila from Malte- brunia as having two flowers to the spikelet, a character not mentioned by Brown and which I have been unable to verify. The spikelets figured by Kunth, Rev. Gram. t. 5. figs. 1, 2, & 5, must be very rare and probably abnormal; I have searched in vain for them both in Brown’s and in Beckler’s specimens. 5. Hyeroruiza, Nees (Potamochloa, Griff.), is a single Hast- 56 MR. G@. BENTHAM ON GRAMINE SD. Indian semiaquatic species nearly allied to Zizania, but quite distinct in its hermaphrodite flowers and other characters. 6. Oryza, Linn. (Padia, Zoll. and Mor.), an Asiatic genus, of which the typical species, the well-known Rice, appears to be really indigenous in Australia as well as in East India; but it has been so much cultivated from time immemorial, that it is now found apparently wild in various parts of Africa and America. It has produced a large number of different forms, nearly twenty of which have been published as substantive species, all of which, or nearly all, are reduced by others to varieties of O. sativa. The Himalayan O. coarctata, Griff., appears, however, to have more positive characters; and possibly two or three others may be maintained as fairly established species. 7. Leersia, Swartz (Homalocenchrus, Mieg., Ehrartia, Wigg., Asprella, Schreb., Blepharochloa, Endl.), is essentially American ; but the two commonest species—L. hexandra in tropical, L. ory- zoides in more temperate regions—are widely spread also over the Old World, and had probably long been so before the civilized communication between the two continents. The genus is closely connected with the Asiatic Oryza; but, besides the apparent diversity in geographical origin, the smaller spikelets with thinner glumes and the general inflorescence give to Leersia a different aspect, and, in technical character, the want of the two small outer glumes may justify its retention as a distinct genus. It is true that those who unite it with Oryza maintain that these outer glumes are represented by a cartilaginous ring at the base of the spikelet ; but this ring is often so slight as to be rather imaginary than real, and never more than what is observable in Eriochloa and some other Graminew, where no such theoretical explanation is wanted or attempted. 8. Acuimya, Griseb., is a single Cuban species, which the author compares with the Australian Microlena; but the want of any glumes below the articulation places it in Oryzee, not in Phalaridee. It is in some other respects allied to Oryza and Leersia; but the peculiar inflorescence, the form and proportion of the glumes, &c. readily distinguish it. Grisebach found only a single stamen in the flower, a character which I have no means of testing, the spikelets in our specimens having already lost their stamens. The Alopecuroid group of Oryzez consists of four genera :— 9. Brcxera, Fresen., two or three Abyssinian species, in some MR. G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 57 respects intermediate between the twogroups. The structure of the spikelets, with the two outer glumes very minute or deficient, connects them with the preceding genera; whilst the spicate inflorescence and three stamens are nearer those of Alopecurus, although the spikes are much more slender and several on the same stem, on long slender peduncles. The genus is confined to those of the §@ of Steudel’s ‘Synopsis ;’ the species arranged under § 6 have a very different structure, and form the section Beckeropsis of Pennisetum. 10. Crypsis, Ait. (Antitragus, Gertn.), must be limited to the original C. aculeata, which alone has the characters of the tribe. All the other species usually referred to it have the 2-nerved palea and other characters of the Agrostew, and were well separated by Host under the name of Heleochloa. It is true that some short- spiked varieties of Heleochloa schanoides have very much of the aspect of C. aculeata; but besides the structure of the spikelets and the articulation of the rhachilla, they are readily distinguished by the rhachis of the spike, which is linear and cylindrical, not flat as in Crypsis. 11. Cornucorta, Linn., is a single Oriental species, very near Crypsis, but well characterized by the peculiar inflorescence and by the form of the fruiting spike and peduncle, which has supplied the generic name. 12. Atopscurus, Linn., including Colobachne, Beauy., and Tozzettia, Savi, is a well-known and perfectly definite European and temperate Asiatic genus, with the habit nearly of Phleuwm and the structure of the spikelets that of Oryzew. Above forty sup- posed species have been enumerated ; but at least balf of them must be regarded as trifling varieties of the two or three com- monest species, which have now, and perhaps from remote times, spread over a great part of the civilized world. Tribe LV. TristeGinesz. This tribe, first proposed by Nees, has been fully adopted and much extended by Munro, and now consists of thirteen genera, which had been variously scattered in Panicew, Andropogones, and Agrostex, and are really more or less connected with the three tribes. They differ from Panicez and approach Andropogonee in the thin, often hyaline texture of the fruiting glume and palea, and by the frequent presence of a slender, often bent awn on the flowering glume. From Andropogonex they are chiefly separated 58 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. by their inflorescence; the spikelets are singly scattered or clustered along the inarticulate branches of the panicle or, in the very few cases where they are in pairs, the two of each pair are perfectly similar. Tristegines are distinguished from Agrostes by the characters which separate the two primary series Panicacess and Poacew: ‘The tribual name was given by Nees from the genus Melinis, which he published as Tristegis, believing it to be new ; and although its identity with Beauvois’s Melinis has since been established, it does not seem worth while now to alter the tribual name, which has been pretty generally adopted. Of the thirteen following genera, several of them common to the New aud the Old World, the first four, with three glumes to each spikelet, are temperate or subtropical, the following nine all tropical, with four glumes to the spikelet. 1. TuuRBeRtia is anew name I have been compelled to substitute for Greenia of Nuttall or Sclerachne of Torrey, both of which had been preoccupied. The genus is limited to two North-American species which Steudel has proposed to unite with Limnas; but they differ essentially from it in the awn of the flowering glume terminal, not dorsal, in the distinct styles, and other characters besides habit. I have named the genus after G. Thurber, who has much studied North-American Graminee and worked them up for 8. Watson’s Californian Flora. The genus formerly dedi- cated to him by Asa Gray has since proved not to be distinct from Gossypium, to which it has been reunited by the author himself. 2. Limwas is a single perfectly distinct species from East- Russian Asia, well described and figured by Trinius. 3. Potyeogon, Desf., a genus readily known by its dense in- florescence and the long awns of its empty glumes, is one of those which interferes in some measure with general classification. It has usually been placed in Agrostes; but the very decided arti- culation of the pedicel removes it from that tribe to the Triste- ginew, where in many respects it is allied to Garnotia. It consists of about ten species, dispersed over the temperate regions both of the northern and the southern hemisphere, one of them almost cosmopolitan, but they are rare within the tropics. It was first published by Savi under the name of Santia in the Memoirs of the Italian Society of Science, a publication which had so little circula- tion that the name has not found its way into standard works, and that of Desfontaines has now been so long and so generally in use in all countries, that it would only create useless confusion now to MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 59 take up Savi’s. The Mexican P. elongatus, H.B. K., which is Presl’s genus Wowodworskya (first described and figured by him under the name of Raspailia), has the pedicels, although clavate as in the rest of the genus, yet less decidedly articulate, thus forming some real connexion with the Agrostew. 4, Garnotia, Brongn. (Miquelia, Nees, Berghausia, Endl.), which sometimes comes near to some forms of Polypogon, has, on the other hand, the spikelets in pairs on the inarticulate branches of the panicle as in Miscanthus, and thus very closely connects Tristeginew with Andropogones. It has, however, none of the long hairs on the rhachilla so common in Andropogones, and cannot well be removed far from Arundinella, whilst Miscanthus is too near to Imperata to be rejected from Andropogonee. Garnotia comprises about eight species from Hast India, China, and Japan. 5. ARUNDINELLA, Raddi, includes Goldbachia, Trin., Acratherum, Link, Thysanachne, Presl, and Brandtia, Kunth. It is the prin- cipal genus of the tribe, and comprises about twenty-four species spread over the tropical regions both of the New and the Old World, but chiefly in Asia. It is generally adopted and fairly characterized, though the habit and especially the inflorescence vary much, the panicle being sometimes long, narrow, and dense, or very large, loose, and spreading, with very numerous small or minute spikelets, whilst in a few species it is short and dense, forming almost an oval head with larger spikelets. The two sections proposed by Nees—Meliosaccharum, with a small tooth on the flowering glume on each side of the awn, and dcratherum, in which the glume is quite entire, tapering into the awn—do not prove to be well defined nor conformable to habit. A. flammida, Trin., from Brazil and tropical Africa, has neither the habit nor the character of the genus, but is in every respect a Trichopterya, with which it was not compared by Nees, Trinius, or Doell, because it was at first only known as Brazilian, and Trichopteryax was supposed to be exclusively African. 6. PumvosrerMa, Munro, is a single Chinese species, nearly allied to Arundinella ; but there are three lodicules to the flower and no palea (unless one of the lodicules, although apparently in the same whorl as the others, be really a small palea), and the caryopsis is half exserted from the fruiting glumes as in some species of Sporobolus. Phenosperma globosa, Munro, is a tall grass with a very large loose panicle, the slender but rigid 60 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEE. branches distantly verticillate along the main rhachis. It was first received from the Jardin des Plantes at Paris, where it had been raised from seeds brought from China by the Pere David; but it has since turned up among Shearer’s Kiu-Kiang plants. 7. Metinis, Beauv. (Zristegis, Nees, Suardia, Schrank), is a single Brazilian species, Nees’s original type of the tribe. It is very near Arundinella, but remarkable for the long slender awn of the third empty glume, whilst the flowering glume is short, without any awn. Doell has reduced the genus to a section of Panicum, a view in which I can by no means concur. 8. Triscenta, Griseb., is a single Cuban species unknown to me, but from the author’s description it must be very near to the following. 9. ArnTHropogon, Nees, a single Brazilian species, well described and figured by Kunth. So alsois 10. Reynavpia, Kunth, a single West-Indian species allied to Arthropogon; but the awn, longest on the lowest glume, is gradually shortened and reduced to a point on the flowering one, and there is no palea: there are, however, four lodicules, a condition so unusual in Graminex, that we might be tempted to consider the lowest pair of lodicules, though close upon the others, as being in fact a bipartite palea. 11. Ruyncautyrrum, Hochst., two or three tropical African species, which appear to form a fairly distinct genus allied to Arun- dinella, but approaching nearer to the Andropogonee in the long hairs of the lower glumes. The generic name was originally Nees’s, who applied it to a South-African plant of Drége’s, which proves to be scarcely even a variety of the Panicum (Tricholena) roseum of that country. Hochstetter and Steudel totally misunderstood Nees’s genus when they added to it their R. grandiflorum and R. ruficomum, which may now, however, retain those names, Nees’s genus being suppressed. 12. Toysanotana, Nees (Myriacheta, Zoll. and Mor.), is a single tropical Asiatic species, a very tall grass with long broad leaves and a very large full panicle, with innumerable minute spikelets in dense clusters along its long crowded branches. The flowering glumes are more or less covered with rather long hairs; but these hairs are so closely appressed and covered by the empty glumes that Steudel could not see them, and published a supposed second species as being destitute of them. ‘Trinius figured the plant as a Panicum; by other early Indian botanists it was referred to Agrostis. MR, G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 61 13, CLErstacHyn, is a genus I have proposed for two plants, one from East India, the other from tropical Atrica, which have something of the aspect of Sorghum tropicum; but the spikelets all hermaphrodite, and never in pairs, remove them from the Andropogone to the Tristeginew. I purpose figuring the genus in the forthcoming part of Hooker’s Icones. Tribe V. ZoystEn. I have composed this tribe of two groups or subtribes, which might perhaps have been regarded as separate tribes, although the difference between the two is only that which lies between the Cenchrus group and Panicee proper. In the first group, Anthe- phoree, the spikelets disarticulate from the rhachis of the inflo- rescence or from the pedicels in little clusters of two to six, or very rarely more; in the other group, or Zoysiee proper, the spikelets are solitary, or very rarely two together on the pedicels. In both groups the structure of the spikelets is generally that of Andropogonex, sometimes slightly approaching that of Panicee, but the pedicels are singly scattered or alternate along the inar- ticulate rhachis of the spike or general inflorescence. The An- thephorex have hitherto been usually placed in Panicew, as having nearly the inflorescence of Cenchrus, but of which they have not the hardened inner fruiting glume; the Zoysiez proper have mostly been considered as Andropogonee, from which they differ in inflorescence. Of the twelve following genera, the first six belong to Anthephorew, the remaining six to Euzoysiee or Zoysiew proper. 1. Humans, H. B. K., in which I should include Pleuraphis of Torrey, and, judging from the figure and description, Hexarrhena of Pres], comprises five or six species dispersed over the Mexicano- Texan region, extending into California. Although the forms and proportions of the glumes of each spikelet vary much in the different species, or even in different spikes of the same plant, the genus as a whole is a natural one, and readily recognized by each cluster consisting of three spikelets, the central one con- taining a single fertile flower, either female or hermaphrodite, the two lateral ones each with two male flowers. The spikelets are often so closely sessile in the cluster, that it requires some care to ascertain which glumes belong to each cluster, and the pairs of male triandrous flowers of the lateral spikelets have sometimes been described as single hexandrous flowers. The species I have LINN. JOURN.—-BOTANY, VOL. XIX. a 62 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. seen are H. cenchroides, H. B. K., H. Jamesii (Pleuraphis Jamesii, Torr.), H. mutica (Pleuraphis mutica, Buckl.), H. sericea (Pleu- raphis sericea, Nutt.), and a West-Texan species (Wright n. 758 and 2109, Berlandier n. 168, 1428) very near H. cenchroides, but apparently distinct. 2. Agorogon, Humb. and Bonpl. (Hymenothecium, Lag., Schel- lingia, Steud.), extends in two species from Bolivia to Mexico. The genus has at first sight much the aspect of the Asiatic Melanocenchrus, or of some of the very short-spiked species of Bouteloua, but the real affinity appears to be with Hilaria. The spikelets usually vary from two to six in the cluster, mostly with one hermaphrodite flower in each, though there are usually one or two empty barren spikelets intermixed ; the clusters are in a loose one-sided spike, each one very readily disarticulating from its very short pedicel. 3. Caruestecuus of Presl, a single Mexican species, is only known to me from his figure and description, which do not agree with each other in some important particulars. He says that the genus isalhied to Aigopogon. Ihave no means of judging whether that be really the case. 4, AntuEPHoRa, Schreb., is a very well-known and perfectly characterized genus of five or six species, of which one is tropical American, the others tropical or Southern African. Hypudeurus, Hochst., quoted by A. Braun in ‘ Flora,’ 1841, p. 275, and by some others, is Anthephora abissynica, Steud. 5. Tracuys, Pers., is a single well-known species from the East- Indian peninsula, several times figured by the earlier botanists of this century. It is slightly anomalous in the tribe by its spikes being two together at the apex of the peduncle, and, as in An- thephora, the excessive hardness of the clusters of spikelets after flowering renders it difficult to trace their structure unless exa- mined young. The name Zrachys was changed by Reichenbach to Trachyozus, and by Dietrich to Trachystachys, as having been preoccupied by zoologists, a plea not now regarded as sufficient. 6. Traeus, Hall. (Lappago, Schreb.), is a single annual very well known as a common weed in tropical and temperate regions almost all over the civilized world. 7. T.arrprs, Kunth, is a single tropical-African annual, extend- ing eastward as far as Scinde, very well described and figured by Kunth. It has been united by others with Tragus; but the small spikelets, usually solitary or rarely two together on tho ME. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ, 63 pedicel, and the very different shape and proportion of the glumes, seem sufficient to maintain the genus as distinct. 8. Lornoxspis, Dene., is a little slender East-Indian annual, allied in some respects to Latipes, but with excessively minute curiously shaped spikelets, so rapidly ripening and so very deci- duous that it is very rare to find any on the specimens in an examinable state. The plant was first sent home by Wallich under the name of Holboellia, and was figured as such by Hooker in the Botanical Magazine ; but in the meantime Wallich pub- lished a Lardizabalous genus under that name in his Tentamen of a Nepal Flora, and Decaisne therefore changed that of the present grass to Lopholepis. 9. Nzuracune, R. Br., three Australian species, and 10. Pero- wis, Ait. (Xystidium, Trin.), from the tropical regions of the Old World, of which the species are variously estimated as from two to seven, are both of them well-known genera, accurately described and figured. 11. Lzprorurium, Kunth, founded on a specimen brought by Humboldt from tropical America, is unknown to me. It is said to be very near the Asiatic genus Zoysia, and, from the descrip- tion, seems to differ chiefly in its widely distant geographical station and in the presence of an additional lower empty glume. 12. Zoxsta, Willd. (Aatrella, Pers.), is a well-defined genus of two or three maritime plants, dispersed over the shores of eastern and southern Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, extending also to the Mascarene Islands. To these Zoysiew I have provisionally added a small Mexican plant, the affinities of which are very puzzling, and which I have described and figured as anew genus ScHAarrnerRA, so named after the collector from whom we have received it. At first sight it seemed to bear some resemblance to Presl’s figure of Catheste- chus ; but the structure of the spikelets is quite different, being nearly that of Zoysia, whilst the general inflorescence, though on a much smaller scale, approaches that of some species of Andro- pogon (Cymbopogon) or of Apluda. Tribe VI. AnDROPOGONED. This tribe iy chiefly characterized by the spikelets in pairs at each node of the articulate rhachis of the spike or of the branches of the panicle, or in triplets at the end of each branch, and by the inner glume under the fertile flower being much smaller and G2 64: MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. thinner than the lower or outer empty ones, usually hyaline, and often bearing a twisted or bent awn. The two spikelets of each pair are either both of them perfect and fertile, or one of them is male only or imperfect, or even quite rudimentary, and the spikelets are often more or less surrounded by long silky hairs. But to each of these characters there are exceptions in single genera, which are retained in Andropogonee as agreeing with them in most other respects. The plants of this tribe are for the most part tropical or sub- tropical, although a few are found in more temperate regions, chiefly in the northern hemisphere. More than eighty genera have at different times been proposed, which some botanists would reduce to below twenty. Following as nearly as possible the principles we have hitherto adopted, I have thought that the following twenty-six may be admitted as fairly characterized, referring them to four subordinate groups or subtribes—Sac- charea, Arthraxea, Rottboelliee, and Andropogonee proper. Saccharee comprise seven genera, in which the two spikelets of each pair are homogamous, both of them hermaphrodite and usually fertile, and the inflorescence paniculate, excepting Pogo- natherum. 1. Imerrara, Cyr., three or four species widely spread over the tropical and subtropical regions both of the New and the Old World, extending northwards to South Europe, China, and Japan. In this and the following, Miscanthus, the branches of the panicle are exceptionally inarticulate, showing an approach to the Tri- steginee; but the long silky hairs and the very much reduced hyaline flowering glume and palea retain them in Andropogonee. Munro has shown that the common American J. caudata, Anders., is identical with the Old-World J. ramosa, Anders.; and I also can find no difference between the two, any more than between the American and the Old-World specimens of LI. arundinacea. Fournier has, however, proposed to separate the American forms of the two species generically under the name of Syllepis, on the plea of their having the two lodicules connate into a single large truncate one, which I have in vain sought for in several different American specimens. It is possible that Fournier may have considered the small truncate palea as a pair of united lodicules, but, if so, they are precisely the same in the Old-World species. 2. Miscanruus, Anders., as now limited, is a genus of eight species, of which one is South-African, the others dispersed over MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 65 Eastern Asia from the Malayan archipelago to Japan. It has the inarticulate panicle-branches and most other characters of Imperata, from which Andersson technically separated it by the awn of the flowering glume. Exceptional unawned species occur in so many genera where they are usually awned, that this can scarcely be regarded as a generic character where there is nothing else to separate the twoforms. Here, however, if we remove one species from Imperata to Miscanthus, inflorescence supplies two natural groups. In Imperata the panicle is long, narrow, and dense, with short erect branches buried in the copious silky hairs, the glumes are never awned, and there is only one, or rarely two, stamens; in Miscanthus the panicle is loose, with long spreading branches, the silky hairs are less dense and in one species almost wanting, the flowering glume is in most species awned, and there are always three stamens. The species known to Trinius were by him included in Hulalia ; and Munro, whom I followed in the ‘Flora Hongkongensis,’ restricted the name Eulalia to the species now constituting Miscanthus; but as the true Hulalia of Kunth is the type of a section of the very different genus Pol- linia, I have thought it necessary to adopt Andersson’s later name Miscanthus. Besides his species, I would include in the genus M. fuseus (Eriochrysis fusca, Trin., H. attenuata, Nees) from Hast India, WM. saccharifer (Imperata saccharifera, Anders.), from North China, which has the inflorescence and stamens, but not the awns, of the other species, and IL. cotulifera (Hulalia cotulifera, Munro) from Japan, which has scarcely any of the hairs of the other species. Steudel proposed the latter as a distinct genus under the name of Eccoilopus. With 8. Saccuarvm and 4, Erranruus commence the series of true Andropogonexw with the branches of the panicle arti- culate ; and these two genera are so closely connected that they might well be reunited, although they are now almost universally recognized as distinct. There might indeed be no great objec- tion to consider both, as well as Pollinia and Spodiopogon, as sec- tions of one large genus. As now limited, Saecharwm is chiefly characterized by the compound panicle, usually dense, sometimes very large, and the spikelets very small without any points or awns to the glumes. The species are supposed to be about ten, the typical ones belonging to the tropical or subtropical regions of the Old World, amongst which the well-known sugar-caue is now extensively cultivated also in America, The genus would also 66 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ. include 8. Nareya (Eriochrysis Nareya, Nees) and 8. longifolia, Munro (Eriochrysis longifolia, Munro), from East India, 8. pallida (Eriochrysis pallida, Munro) from South Africa, and S. cayennense, the typical Hriochrysis of Beauvois, which last differs only in the very dense almost spike-like panicle. 4, Errantuvs, Mich. (Ripidium, Trin.), would be a more satis- factory genus if it could be restricted to the two old species E. saccharotdes, Mich., from North America, and Z. Ravenna, Beauv., from the Old World; but besides the above-mentioned connexion with Saccharum, there are several South-American species which run very closely into Pollinia. On the whole, it seems best to consider Hrianthus as an intermediate genus between Saccharum and Pollinia, having the inflorescence of the former, but the flowering-glume more developed into a point or awn almost as in Pollinia. It would then consist of about twelve species, amongst which #. stricta, Nees, from North America, hag no hairs on the rhachilla, but only a short pubescence on the glumes. 5. Spopiorocon, Trin., differs from Pollinia, as Chrysopogon does from Andropogon, chiefly in inflorescence. The short branches of the panicle bear three spikelets, one sessile between two pedicellate, and occasionally there is a pair of spikelets below the three terminal ones ; but the branches never form the regular spikes of Pollinia. Besides the original S. sibiricus, Trin., we have two additional species, S. pogonanthus, Boiss., from the Levant, and S. albidus (Andropogon albidus, Wall. Cat. Herb. Ind. n. 8821), from East India. The generic name has also been often misapplied. S. angustifolius, Trin., is a Pollinia; some others of his species with 2-flowered spikelets belong to Ischemum. Four- nier’s Mexican Spodiopogons are evidently species of Hrianthus ; his 8. foliata indeed (Bourgeau, n. 2979) appears to me to be identical with the original LZ. saccharoides, Mich. 6. Poxrita, Trin., is now a genus of about twenty-five tropical or subtropical Old- World species, with the inflorescence of the sec- tion Gymnandropogon of Andropogon, and the homogamous spike- lets of Saccharum and Hrianthus; the spikelets are in pairs along the simple branches of the panicle; these branches either few, almost digitate at the end of the peduncle, or more numerous and scattered along the main rhachis. The genus is divisible into two very natural sections :—1. Eulalia, with the spikes and pedicels covered with long silky or rufous hairs as in Hrianthus, includes MR. G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. 67 P. aurea, Benth. (the original genus Hulalia, Kunth), P. articu- lata, Trin. (Pogonatherum contortum, Brongn.), P. eriopoda, Hance (Spodiopogon angustifolius, Trin.), P. longisetus (Erianthus lon- gisetus, Anders.), P. versicolor (Erianthus versicolor, Nees), P.fili- folius (Erianthus filifolius, Nees), and a few others. 2. Lepta- therum, with slender spike-like branches, of which the hairs are few or short, so as to appear sometimes quite glabrous; this section includes P. glabrata, Trin. (Hulalia glabrata, Brongn.), P. nuda, Trin. (P. imberbis, Nees), P. Willdenowianum (the genus Microstegium, Nees, P. lancea, Nees, published also by Nees as his genus Leptatherwm, and probably also Steudel’s Nemastachys). Sprengel’s Pollinia would have had the right of priority over Trinius’s; but that proved a farrago made up of a few heteroge- nous species of Andropogon, Chrysopogon, and Pollinia. 7. PogonatTHERUM, Beauv. (Homoplitis, Trin.), is a single tro- pical and subtropical Asiatic species, very well marked by its slender, much branched habit, the single spikes, and the slender awns arising as well from the second empty glume as from the flowering one. The Arthravee, or second group of Andropogonex, consist of three genera, which have the inflorescence of Pollinia; but the second spikelet of each pair is generally reduced to a bare stipes, or ig even quite deficient, bringing a few species very near to the Zoysiew, differing chiefly in their subdigitate spikes, whilst a few others, in which the spikes are single, have the rudiment of the second spikelet of true Andropogones. _ 8. Arocoris, Nees (Amblyachyrum, Hochst.), has five or six species from Hast India or the Malayan archipelago, characterized by the very broad truncate outer glume enclosing the rest of the spikelet. Among the species dA. Royleanus, Nees (Ischemum paleaceum, Trin., Andropogon paleaceum and A. himalayensis, Steud.), is remarkable for the awn often (but not always) reduced toasmall fine point, or even entirely wanting ; and A. tridentata (Andropogon tridentatus, Royle) has, on the contrary, a very long awn, and the young spikes are usually enclosed in a large spathe- like bract. 9. Dimerta, R. Br. (Haplachne, Presl, Didactylon, Zoll. and Mor., Psilostachys, Steud., Pterygostachywm, Nees), about ten species from the Indo-Australian region, has very slender spikes, the lower empty glumes very narrow and rather rigid, and usually, if not always, only two stamens, 68 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 10. Anturaxon, Beauv. (Pleuroplitis, Trin., Batratherum, Nees, Lucea, Kunth, Lasiolytrum, Steud., Alectoridia, A. Rich., Psilopogon, Hochst.), has also about ten species, chiefly from the Indo-Australian region, but extending on the one hand to China and Japan, and on the other to tropical Africa. The spikes are slender as in Dimeria; but there are three stamens, and the lower empty glume is broad but acute, not truncate as in Apocopis. Rottboelliew, the third group of Andropogonex, is often re- garded as a distinct tribe, characterized by the simple spike, the spikelets in pairs at each notch or excavation of the rhachis, the one sessile, the other pedicellate, and no awn to the flowering- glume. There are, however, as in other subtribes, here and there exceptions to one or more of these characters. We have seven genera. 11. Etronurvs, Humb. and Bonpl., has about twelve species, chiefly South-American or African, with, however, one Austra- lian and one from the East-Mediterranean region. They all differ little from Rottboellia besides the long silky hairs which clothe the spike, thus connecting Rottboelliee with other An- dropogoner. LE. hirsuta, Munro (Rottboellia hirsuta, Vahl), has been proposed by Boissier asa distinct genus Lasiurus, as having the spikelets in threes instead of in twos at each node of the rhachis. But that character is by no means constant; in several specimens I have found the spikelets in threes or even in fours at the lower nodes; but in others they are in the normal pairs from the base of the spike. 12. Rorrsortiz1a, Linn. f.,a tropical or subtropical genus widely spread, but chiefly in the Old World, has been either extended to nearly the whole subtribe or very variously restricted to a small number or to asingle species. It seems best characterized by in- cluding all those which have the simple terete spike, without the hairs of Elionurus or the peculiarities of the four following genera. It would contain about eighteen species, amongst which several have been proposedasmonotypic genera. Calorhachis, Brongn.,is RB. mu- ricata, Retz (R. glandulosa, Trin.); Peltophorus, Desv.,is R.myurus: in both of these the lowest or outer glume of the perfect spikelet is rigid and bordered on each side at the apex by a membranous wing, which, however, is also present, but much less prominent, in R. rugosa, Nutt. Phacelura, Griseb. (Pholiurus, Trin. in Spreng. Neue Entd. ii. 67, not of the Fundam. Agrost.), is the Oriental R. digi- MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 69 tata, Sibth. (R. Sandorii, Friwaldsk.), a species striking for the long spikes, occasionally though very rarely branched at the base, and from the rather large spikelets with acuminate outer glumes showing an approach to some Vossie, but scarcely sufficiently distinct from Rottboellia to be kept up as an independent genus. Cymbachne, Retz, « Bengal grass, has been referred by Willdenow to Rottboellia, Retz’s character does not quite agree; but the plant has not since been identified, and must remain doubtful. Apogonia, Fourn., comprises two Mexican species which I am unable to distinguish from Rottboellia : Nuttall’s section Apogonia of Rottboellia is a species of Elionurus, very closely allied to, if not a variety of, #. ciliaris, H. B. K. 13. Opniurus. This genus, as first proposed by Gartner, in- cluded two very different plants separated by Brown as Lepturus and Ophiurus. As the latter is now limited, it differs from Rott- boellia only in the absence of the second sterile spikelet of each node, at least in the upper part of the spike or inflorescence. It consists of three, or perhaps four, Asiatic, African, or Australian species :—O. corymbosa, Gertn. (O. ethiopica, Steud.), O. mono- stachya, Presl (O. undulata, Nees), and O. levis (Rottboellia levis, Retz, R. perforata, Roxb.). The latter species is remarkable for having the spikelets in the lower part of the inflorescence in pairs at each node as in Rottboellia, but the two of each pair separated by a kind of partition dividing the cavity of the rhachis into two ; it hag therefore been raised to a genus by Kunth as Mnesithea and by Nees as Thyridostachyum. Generally, however, in the upper part, and sometimes in the whole inflorescence, the sterile spikelet is wanting, as in Ophiurus, especially in the young spike, for the upper or Ophiurus portion appears to fall away very readily, leaving only the Mnesithea part persistent. Lepturus, Br., is now classed in the tribe Hordeee. 14, Rarzepurata, Kunth, a very elegant little flat-spiked Burmese grass, and 15. Manisuris, Linn., a common tropical weed with little globular spikelets, have both been well described and figured. 16. Hemartunrta, Br., contains two or three tropical weeds or maritime grasses, separated from Rottboellia chiefly on account of the flattened and less distinctly articulated rhachis of the spike, and the curious way in which the stipes of the sterile spikelet is adnate to the rhachis, so as to make it appear sessile and almost opposite to a fertile spikelet, which really belongs to the next 70 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. superior node. These characters, though generally well marked, are sometimes more or less obscure. 17. Vossta, Wall. and Griff., closely connects the Rottboellies with Ischemum. As in the former, the flowering glume is always unawned, and the rhachis of the spike is rigid and deeply notched, but the lower empty glume, at least of the pedicellate spikelet, is produced into a long point or awn; there are generally several spikes or simple branches along the common peduncle, and there is in each sessile spikelet a male flower below the terminal fertile one, as in Ischemum. The genus was originally established on a handsome semiaquatic East-Indian grass, which has since been found also in tropical Africa, and two or three additional species have reached us from the same country. We should also refer to Vossia the Ischemum speciosum of Nees from East India. Hremo- chloa, a Japanese plant described by Biise, is unknown to me; but the character given, if I correctly understand it, agrees well with that of Vossia. To the fourth group, or subtribe Huandropogonee, may be referred nine genera, in which the two spikelets of each pair are heterogamous and the flowering glume of the fertile one is more or less awned ; and in the first five the spikelets are in many pairs along the rhachis of the simple spikes or panicle-branches. These nine genera are increased to twenty-one by Andersson and others, whilst Steudel unites seven out of the nine under his Andropogon. 18. TaELEPogon, Roth (Jardinia, Steud.), comprises one East- Indian and two or three tropical-African species, all very elegant and closely resembling each other. Their inflorescence is that of Vossia, whilst the spikelets are nearer those of Ischemum, but re- markable for the rigid tuberculate outer empty glumes. Nees, in working up Wight and Arnott’s Peninsular grasses, gave Roth’s name to a very different grass (Ischemum semisagittatum, Roxb.), adding the observation that Roth’s ‘description is very bad. The fact is, however, that it is Nees who was mistaken in his identi- fication, whilst Roth’s description of the true plant is excellent. 19. Iscuauum, Linn., as now understood, has about thirty species, widely dispersed over the warmer regions both of the New and the Old World, the chief character connecting them being that the sessile spikelets have a male flower below the terminal fertile one. The spikes are also usually stouter than in Andro- pogon, and the genus is a fairly natural one. Beauvois restricted it to the £. muticum, Linn., in which the awn of the flowering glume MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 71 is small and hair-like or sometimes entirely wanting, and proposed a genus Meoschium, adopted by Nees, for the other species in which the awn is more developed. Trinius considered as true Ischema only those in which the pedicellate spikelet has only a male flower or empty glume, and added those in which that spikelet has two male flowers to his genus Spodiopogon, notwithstanding the dif- ference in inflorescence &c. Ischemopogon, Griseb., is I. latifolium, Kunth, and Hologamium, Nees, is I. laxwm, Br., both species with two-flowered pedicellate spikelets, as is also the case in J. insculptum, Hochst., and I. macrostachyum, A. Rich., from tropical Africa, and probably also in Forsk&hl’s genus Sehima, of which we have no authentic specimen. J. pectinatum, Trin., I. leersioides, Munro, L. ophiuroides, Munro, with a fourth unpublished species, all from tropical Asia, form a distinct section (Pectinaria), with slender elegant simple spikes, and the larger glume of the sessile spikelets pectinate-ciliate. 20. Tracuyrodon, Nees, as limited by Andersson, and 21. Hereroroaon, Pers., closely resemble each other in their simple spikes with appressed imbricate spikelets and long rigid twisted awns ; but in Zrachypogon the sessile spikelet of each pair is male or sterile and unawned, and the pedicellate one fertile and awned, whilst in Heteropogon the sessile one is fertile and awned, and the pedicellate one male or sterile and unawned. Andersson enu- merates eleven species of Zrachypogon, one from South Africa, the others from tropical or subtropical America; but several of the latter can scarcely be regarded as more than slight varieties. Of Hetero- pogon there are two well-marked species, H. contortus, Roem. and Schult. (A. hirtus, Pers.), now very common in most warm regions and extending to the Mediterranean region and to North America, and H, melanocarpus, Ell. (H. Roylei, Nees, H. acuminatus, Trin., Trachypogon scrobiculatus, Nees), which is in North and South America as well as in East India. Besides these, three or four South-African species have been referred to Heteropogon, but are of somewhat doubtful affinity. 22, AnpRorogoy, Linn., taking it within the limits assigned to it by Munro, including all the species of the subtribe with spike- like simple branches to the inflorescence, and without the pecu- liarities of the three preceding genera, is still a somewhat poly- morphous genus of perhaps a hundred species, very abundant within the tropics, but well represented also in Europe, temperate Asia, North America, South Africa, and Australia. The fourteen 72, MRE. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. genera into which it has been divided may be fairly reduced to the following five, perhaps too artificial, sections:—1. Schizachy- vium, about a dozen species, with the spikes always single upon each peduncle. The genus Schizachyrium, Nees, was limited to a few species in which the spike is slender and not very hairy. Diectomis, H. B. K., is the American A. fastigiatus, Sw., found also in tropical Africa, which has a more rigid spike and the second empty glume conspicuously awned. Homceatherum, Nees, is an Asiatic species scarcely to be distinguished from the same A. fastigiatus. In 2. Cymbopogon, the spikes, often very silky-hairy or woolly, are in pairs on each peduncle, and the peduncle partly or wholly enclosed in the sheath of a leafy or spathe-like bract. The species are numerous, chiefly in the Old World, and include the lemon-grass and its allies. Andersson has divided the section into two genera, Gymnanthelia and Hyparrhenia, and perhaps more; but as he has never published their characters, I am unable to form any clear idea of them. It would appear, however, from the species quoted, that A. schaenanthus and its allies would be- long to Gymnanthelia, and A. hirtus and its allies to Hyparrhenia. 3. Gymnandropogon, has two or more spikes sessile at the end of the peduncle, without any sheathing-bract. The species are nearly as numerous as those of Cymbopogon. Amongst them, A. annulatus, Forsk., though closely allied to the common A. Ischemum, forms the proposed genus Dichanthium, Willem.; A. serratus, Retz, with a broad herbaceous outer glume, is Trinius’s genus Lepeo- cercis ; and it is most probable that Steudel’s Huklastaxon is the common American A. virginicus. 4. Amphilophis, Trin., would include A. laguroides, DC., and A. argenteus, DC., from tropical America, with A. scandens, Roxb., and A. Vachellii, Nees, from tropical Asia, and a few others, differing from Gymnandropogon in the more numerous, usually long and often pedicellate spikes, sometimes even divided at the base, forming almost a saccharoid panicle. 5. Vetiveria, Thou. (Mandelorna, Steud.), is the well- known Vitiver, A. muricata, Retz, to which Munro would redu e as varieties A. nigritana, Benth., and Vetiveria arundinacea, Griseb., a species frequent in Hast India and tropical Africa and in- troduced into America, distinguished by its numerous spikes verti- cillate along the axis of a long simple panicle, all glabrous or only minutely hairy, and the awn of the flowering glume often very much reduced. Beauvois’s genus Anatherwm, sometimes supposed to be specially destined for this plant, included also all the species MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. 73 of the sections Cymbopogon and Gymnandropogon, in which the awn is much reduced or obsolete. Ageniwm, Nees, from his cha- racter, would also refer to one of these species without prominent awns. 23. Curysopogon, Trin. (Rhaphis, Lour., Centrophorum, Trin.), and 24. Soranum, Pers. (Blumenbachia, Koel.), are two genera very nearly allied to each other and differing from Andropogon, as Spodiopogon does from Pollinia, chiefly in their inflorescence; the branches of the panicle bear three spikelets at the end, a sessile one between two pedicellate ones, and occasionally only one or two pairs below on the same branch. They were both included by Linneus, and afterwards by Brown, in Holcus, a name since restricted to that portion of the old genus which belongs to Avenaces. Chrysopogon, as now constituted, has nearly twenty species, chiefly tropical or subtropical, but including also the European C. Gryllus and some other temperate species. The genus may be divided into two natural sections: in the typical form the pedicellate spikelets usually contain a male flower; in the section Stipoides, exclusively American, it is reduced toa long hairy stipes rarely bearing a minute rudimentary glume. This section includes C. nutans, C. avenaceus, C. stipoides, C. Minarum, and a few others. Sorghum differs from Ohrysopogon in habit, in the scarcely articulate branches of the panicle, and in the glumes of the fertile spikelets more hardened after flowering. The number of species is very uncertain, for, of the two prin- cipal ones, S. halepense is so widely spread as a tropical or sub- tropical weed, and S. vulgare so long and so generally cultivated in warm regions for a variety of purposes, as to have produced a great variety of forms, raised by many to the rank of species. 25. Awrutstiria, Linn. fil. (Lhemeda, Forsk.), if taken as a whole, is a very natural genus, of about a dozen species from the warmer regions of the Old World, easily recognized by its inflorescence. The spikelets are in short dense spikes or clusters, usually seven together, of which the four lower ones (two pairs) are either empty or with a male flower in each, and are placed apparently in a whorl, forming a kind of involucre round the three inner ones, which, as in Chrysopogon, are one sessile between two pedicellate ones. In a few species the number of spikelets ig raised to nine, or even to eleven, by the intervention of one or even two pairs of spikelets between the involucral and the ter- minal ones. These slight differences in the number or in the 74 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ. pedicellation of the spikelets have induced the proposal of distinct genera for most of the species, and several of them have been adopted by Andersson in a monograph most carefully worked up in as far as the materials at his command admitted, but in which, for want of access to a sufficiently rich library, he is much mis- taken as to several of the synonyms quoted. These proposed genera are:—1. Aristaria, Jungh., for A. frondosa, Br. (A. Jung- huhniana, Nees), which forms the section Heterelytron of Anders- son, but not Junghuhn’s genus of that name. 2. Perobachne, Presl, is 4. arundinacea, Roxb., forming Andersson’s subsection Chrysanthistiria. 8. Andersson’s subsection Euanthistiria for the common A. ciliata, Linn., and its immediate allies, to which some botanists would restrict the genus. Andersson distinguishes twelve species, adding at the same time that they might well all be re- duced to varieties of a single widely-spread species. 4. Andro- scepia, Brongn. (Heterelytron, Jungh.), was founded originally on the A. gigantea, Cav., but became a very unnatural group when made to include A. (Androscepia) anathera, Anders., which very closely resembles A. (Zuanthistiria) minuta, Anders., and a variety armata, Anders., of A. gigantea, which is much nearer to the A. (Perobachne) arundinacea. 5. Iseilema, Anders., containing two East-Indian and one Australian species, and 6. Hwotheca, Anders., comprising 4. abyssinica, Hochst., from tropical Africa, and A. fasciculata, Thw., from Ceylon, have each a peculiar habit and characters, sufficient to maintain them as sections. 7. Germainia, Balansa, has, perhaps, two closely allied species—A. caudata, Nees, from Khasiya and China, and the typical A. capitata fron Saigou; the latter, however, which I only know from Balansa’s figure and description, is exactly like the Chinese plant, except that there appear to be rather more spikelets in the cluster. 26. Aptupa, Linn., is now universally recognized as a distinct and natural genus, limited to the two tropical-Asiatic species ori- ginally assigned to it by Linneus, though his character was even then very imperfect, and rendered still more so by the subsequent addition of the very different American Zeugites, which Schreber afterwards restored as an independent genus. Beauvois, however, threw every thing into confusion; for it is evident from his figures that his Diectomis is A. aristata, Linn., and his Calamina is A, mutica, Linn., though in drawing up his character for the latter he combined it with some species of Anthistiria. Beauvois’s Apluda is certainly different, probably a Chrysopogon. MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINE. 95 Series B. POACEZ. Having already explained the difference between the two primary divisions of Graminee, I need only repeat here that the main characters of Poacex consist, firstly, in the want of any articulation of the pedicel below the lower empty glumes, which remain persistent after the fruiting one has fallen away, or fall away separately, and, secondly, in the male or imperfect or rudi- mentary flowers, when present, being above, not below, the fertile one. The former character is all but universal; but from the latter one exceptions are not very rare, besides that, where there is only one flower without any continuation of the rhachilla beyond it, the character entirely fails. I should add that in some tribes of Poacee there are two or more perfect flowers in the spikelet, which is not the case in Panicacer ; and may now pro- ceed to examine in detail the eight tribes into which this second series may be divided. Tribe VII. PHaLanripEn. The close affinity of this tribe and the Oryzee has been generally admitted, and the two are usually placed in juxtapo- sition; I had even proposed their consolidation into a single one in the ‘Flora Australiensis,’ They have in common the im- portant character of the scale immediately under the single perfect terminal flower being keeled or one-nerved, so as to make it a matter of discussion whether it be a glume terminal on the main axis or rhachilla of the spikelet, or a palea at the base of a secondary floral axis. The deciduous part of the spikelet of Phala- ridew with its four glumes(or three glumes and a palea) is precisely as in Oryzeew ; but there are in addition, below the articulation, the two persistent empty glumes characteristic of Poacee. The spikelet, therefore, in this tribe consists of six glumes (or five and a palea), the lowest pair empty below the articulation; the second pair, above the articulation, corresponding to the lowest two glumes of Oryzew, are usually empty and small, sometimes reduced to a small bristle, rarely enclosing each a small palea or a male flower; the upper pair (or glume and similar palea) enclosing the terminal fertile flower and fruit, without any continuation of the rhachilla above it. A slight apparent exception will be mentioned under Phalaris itself; and in the genus Cinna of Agrostidee and a very few Bambusee the palea of the fertile flower is, at least apparently, 76 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. one-nerved, but otherwise the character of Phalaridew is constant. They comprise the following six genera :— 1, Enruarra, Thunb. (Trochera, L. C. Rich.), has twenty-four species, of which two are from New Zealand, two from the Mascarene Islands, and all the rest from South Africa. In them the glumes of the second pair are the largest, empty and usually awned, and the fertile flower has six stamens. 2. Micronana, Br., including Diplax, Hook. f., has five Australian or New-Zealand species, differing from Ehrharta only in the number of stamens reduced to four or two. 3. Trrrarruena, Br., four Australian species, with four stamens to the flower as in Mcrolena, but the glumes are in less regular pairs, all unawned, and the fourth (one of the second pair) alone the largest. The panicle is also almost always contracted into a spike, not, however, so dense and cylindrical as in the following two genera. 4. Puatants, Linn., has nine or ten extratropical species, chiefly from the Mediterranean region, but also extending to North and South America. In this genus it is the lowest two persistent empty glumes that are the largest, usually very flat, and often winged on the keel, the second pair (like the lowest in Oryza) very narrow, sometimes reduced to small bristles, those of the upper pair thin and hyaline; avd sometimes in both of them, but almost always in the uppermost one, the central nerve is very faint or quite obsolete, a character adduced as an argu- ment that this upper one is a two-nerved palea on the floral axis, and nota glume on the main rhachilla. The two nerves are, however, very faint, and the central keel is usually marked by a line of hairs on the outside, and the question remains a moot one. In the majority of species the panicle is contracted into a dense globular or cylindrical head; but in P. arundinacea, Linn., a stout tall species, forming the genus Digraphis, Trin. (Baldingera, Gertn., Meg., and Schrad., T'yphoides, Mcench), the inflorescence, though still very dense, is more or less branched or interrupted. This genus has also been supposed to be distinguished by the want of the broad wings of the outer glumes, so conspicuous in the com- mon P. canariensis ; but these wings are very narrow in P. para- doxa, Linn., and entirely disappear in P. intermedia, Bosc (P. americana, Hl.) , leaving no available character to separate Digraphis generically. 5. AntTHoxantHuM, Linn., has four or five European species, of which one is now widely spread over various regions of the MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA. 99 globe, but often only as an mtroduced weed. One at least of the glumes of the lowest pair is the largest of the spikelet, as in Phalaris; those of the second pair, though small and without flowers, have a dorsal awn. The panicle is usually cylindrical and spikelike. 6. HizrocHtoa, Gmel.(Savastana, Schrank, Disarrenwm, Labill., Torresia, Ruiz and Pav.), about eight species from the colder or mountain regions both of the northern and the southern hemi- spheres, is usually referred to Avenacew next to Holeus; but it appears to me to be much nearer to Anthowanthum, from which it differs in its looser paniculate inflorescence, and in the glumes of the second pair being but little smaller than the lower ones, and frequently, but not always, enclosing each a male flower. Ataxia, Br., one or two Asiatic and two South-African species, forms a section of Hierochioa, differing slightly from the typical form in the glumes of each pair being more unequal, the lower one only of the second pair (rarely both) having a male Aower. A. mewicana, Rupr., seems to connect the two sections. Tribe VIII. Acrostrzen. The large tribe Agrostex is one of the most difficult to cireum- scribe satisfactorily, or to divide into definite genera. We have taken it nearly in the sense given to it by Trinius, so as to in- clude the Stipex, of which other botanists make a distinct tribe ; and we have adopted thirty-seven genera, a number which some would extend to above eighty, whilst others might reduce it to about thirty. Their general character is to have a single flower in each spikelet, either apparently terminal as in Panicacee, or with a slight bristle-like continuation of the rhachilla beyond it; and from these Panicacee they are constantly distinguished by the pair of empty glumes persistent below the articulation of the rhachilla, without any empty glume or male flower intervening between the articulation and the flowering glume. The single flower in the spikelet, which separates the tribe from the follow- ing ones, is not so positive a character, as it occurs also in one genus of Avenew, in a few genera of Chlorides, and occasionally in a few exceptional species of some genera of Festucee, which cannot well, from inflorescence or other accessory characters, be included in Agrostew. There are also two species of Sporobolus which approach the Isanthes in having frequently two flowers ; and in Coleanthus the lower empty glumes are entirely deficient. LINN. JOURN.—BOTANY, VOL. XIX. H 78 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEZ. Trinius, in his elaborate monograph of the tribe, divided it into three primary groups or subtribes—Vilfez with the callus scarcely prominent or quite obsolete, Agroste with the callus globular, and Stipez with the callus obconical. In this I feel unable to follow him. In the first place he does not appear to have con- sidered what the so-called callus really is. It is not, as the name would suggest, an appendage to the base of the flowering glume, or, as he would have termed it, to the flower, but only the upper or principal part of the rhachilla or axis of the spikelet, to which the glume and its enclosed flower are attached, and which breaks off immediately above the persistent empty glumes. Its shape depends on the distance at which the flowering glume is attached above the empty ones, a distance very variable throughout the Order. And although the long or the short interval may be more prevalent or even constant in some genera, yet I have never found the variations so precise as to be defined by actual measure- ment, and the species are numerous, even in Stipa itself, where it is doubtful whether we should call it long or short. It is sometimes a useful accessory character, but, I believe, never positive enough to be regarded as subtribual. It is true that no other simple absolute character has yet been proposed for the subdivision of the tribe; but we are obliged, here as elsewhere, to take a combination of characters, to each of which an occa- sional exception must be allowed. Acting on this principle, we might, whilst following in many respects the arrangements of Kunth and others, admit thirty-seven genera of Agrostex, dis- tributed in four fairly natural subtribes, all four of wide geogra- phical range, but chiefly in temperate regions, the tropical species mostly confined to mountain districts, and no genus, except a few monotypic ones, exclusively tropical. Our first subtribe, StipEm, is the long-established one of that name, slightly extended so as to include Oryzopsis, Muehlen- bergia, and their immediate allies, the close connexion of which with Stipa has been frequently suggested. The subtribe thus formed would be characterized by the paniculate inflorescence not condensed into the cylindrical spike of Phleoidex, by the rhachilla of the spikelet not produced beyond the flower except in the single species of Brachyelytrum, by the awn of the flowering glume termiual, not dorsal as in Euagrostex, and especially by the grain being very closely enveloped in the fruiting glume. In the majority of species these characters are well marked; but MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA, 79 in the larger genera there occur occasional exceptions more or less decided, which prevent our taking any single one of them as an absolute test. The subtribe would include the following eight genera, in the first five of which the fruiting glume is more or less hardened or rigid as in Panicew; in the succeeding three it is thinner, though still closely pressed on the grain. 1. Anistipa, Linn., is now a genus of at least a hundred species, abundant in all the warmer regions of the globe, but also represented by a few species in Europe and temperate Asia, and by several in North America. With few exceptions it is most readily recognized by the long, fine, three-branched awns, the lateral branches opposite and spreading. Doell adds to the generic character three lodicules as in Stipa; and Nees describes three lodicules in some South-African species; but all other Agrostologists describe two only, and I have never found more than that number. It is probable that both Nees and Doell mistook for the third lodicule the palea, which in many species is very thin and scarcely, if at all, larger than the lodicules. The genus is divided into three fairly marked sections, which Beau- vois, Necs, and some others have raised to the rank of genera. In (1) Chetaria, Beauv., the flowering glume is continuous with the awn without any articulation, and though much longer than the empty glumes, and often much attenuated at the end, is neither quite awn-like nor decidedly twisted below the branches. Amongst its species, Curtopogon was proposed as a genus by Beauvois for the North-American A. dichotoma, Mich., in which the lateral branches of the awn, instead of diverging from the central one, are short and erect at its sides, showing more or less distinctly that they are continuations of the lateral nerves of the glume. It is probable that this is the case throughout the genus, only that the lateral nerves before they diverge are so closely con- solidated with the central one as to be undistinguishable from it. The genus Ortachne was proposed by Nees for two or three Mexican or Columbian plants, originally published by Kunth as species of Streptachne, Br., and afterwards transferred by him to Aristida, in which the lateral branches of the awn are very short, sometimes minute or even quite obsolete, thus nearly connecting the section Chetaria of Aristida with the section Aristella of Stipa, but in the narrow base of the rhachilla, and some other minor points, nearer to the former than to the latter. Ortachne retorta, Nees (in Steud. Gram.), is probably a true Stipa. In m2 80 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. (2) Arthratherum, Nees, the awn is decidedly articulate on the glume and much twisted above the articulation below the branches, the flowering glume itself much shorter than the lower empty glumes, instead of exceeding them as in Chetaria. In (3) St- pagrostis, Nees, the awn is articulate on the glume, as in Arthra- therum, but scarcely twisted, and above the branches elegantly plumose, the branches also being plumose in some species; whilst in others, forming Figari and De Notaris’s proposed genus Schis- tachne, the central awn alone is plumose, the lateral branches short and glabrous. All, however, are most conveniently in- cluded in the great genus Aristida. 2. Stipa, Linn., is almost as numerous and as widely spread as Aristida. It is also strongly characterized, as to the great majority of species, by the narrow, rather hard fruiting glume, carrying off a rather long or obconical internode of the rhachilla (or so-called callus), by the long undivided awn more or less articulate on the glume and usually twisted at the base, and by the presence of three lodicules ; but the exceptions to one or more of these characters are more numerous than in Aristida; the in- ternode of the rbachilla varies much in length and in shape, the articulation aud twist of the awn gradually disappear in some species, and the third lodicule, though often as large as the others, is sometimes much smaller or even quite obsolete. The genus is also not so clearly divisible into sections as Aristida, although several genera have been proposed for more or less aberrant species. acrochloa, Kunth, includes 8. tenacissima, Linn., and 8. arenaria, Brot., both from the Mediterranean region, remark- able for their large membranous glumes, the flowering one shortly bifid at the apex. In Aristella, Bertol., founded on SV. aristella, Linn., a European and Mediterranean species, in Streptachne, Br., a single Australian species, and in Orthoraphium, Nees, two or perbaps three East-Indian species, the flowering glume is 2-toothed or shortly bifid at the apex, the awn scarcely or not at all articu- late, and the internode of the rhachilla very short, though still perhaps slightly thickened under the flowering glume. The S, aristella, however, is very closely connected with typical Stipe through S. sibirica, Lam., 8. Redowskii, Trin., and 8. altaica, Ledeb. Jarava, Ruiz and Pay., was founded on S. garava, Kunth (S. eriostachys, Cav., S. papposa, Nees), a widely-spread West- American species, to which the small spikelets in a long narrow dense panicle, with the flowering glumes crowned under the awn MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 81 by a pappus-like ring of long hairs, give a very peculiar aspect ; but precisely similar flowering glumes are observable in several South-American species with very various habits. In the Euro- pean S§. pennata, Linn., and a few other American as -well as Old-World species, the awn itself is (almost entirely, or for a short distance above the base) plumose with long spreading hairs. Lasiagrostis, Link (Achnatherum, Beauv.), was proposed as a genus for the European S. Calamagrostis, Wablenb., and extended by Nees and Trinius to several African and Asiatic species, only differing from other small-flowered Stipe in the flowering glume itself being plumose with spreading hairs, either below the middle or in its whole length; and in S. mongholica, Trin., forming the genus Ptilagrostis of Grisebach, these hairs extend to halfway up theawn. S. verticillata, Nees, from Australia, and Apera arundi- nacea, Hook. f., from New Zealand, two plants closely resembling each other, though specifically distinct, connect Stipa with Mueh- lenbergia. They have the inflorescence and small spikelets of the latter genus; and in S. verticillata the awn is generally persistent, though the articulation is distinctly traceable on the flowering glume; in S. arundinacea the awn is very deciduous; in this species there is usually but one stamen, whilst in 8. verticilata there are the normalthree. S. rariflora (Muehlenbergia rarifiora, Hook. f.), from Antarctic America, is another species closely allied to the above two; and all three appear to be better placed under Stipa than under Muehlenbergia. 3. Oryzopsis, Mich. (Urachne, Trin.), is a genus of about four- and-twenty species, from the temperate and subtropical regions of the northern hemisphere or from extratropical South America, very rare within the tropics, most of them often regarded as awned species of Milium, but really more nearly connected with Stipa, from which they chiefly differ in the broader fruiting glume, often oblique at the top, the awn usually short, slender, and twisted, and very deciduous. The genus divides readily into three sections, regarded by some as distinct genera, but all united into one by Trinius and others. 1. Piptatherwm, Beauv., com- prises the Old-World species, often included in Miliwm as a section, with awned glumes, and really connecting in some mea- sure the two genera. The obliquity of the fruiting glume 18 much less marked than in the typical species of Oryzopsis; and the rhachilla of the spikelet is glabrous. 2. Zworyzopsis or Oryzopsis proper, including the proposed genera Caryochloa, 82 MR. G@. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. Spreng., Piptochetium, Pres], and Nassella, E. Desv., is entirely American, with the typical character of the genus, and the rha- chilla bearing aring of hairs under the flowering glume. 38. Hrio- coma, Nutt. (Fendleria, Steud.), differs from Huoryzopsis only in the long silky hairs clothing the fruiting glume. 4. Mittum, Linn., was formerly extended to several unawned Panices with only two empty glumes, but is now reduced to five or six European or temperate Asiatic species, one of which is also spread over North America, all removed from Panicacee as having the empty glumes persistent below the articulation. They differ from Oryzopsis chiefly in their obtuse absolutely unawned flowering glume. 5. Acracune, Benth., is a single dwarf tufted dicecious grass from the higher mountains of Peru and Colombia. The female individual, with only one spikelet terminal on the pe- duncle, is fully described and figured in the last part of Hooker’s “Teones.’ The male plant, if correctly matched, of which I am by no means certain, has a loose almost simple panicle with pre- cisely the glumes of the female, but enclosing stamens only. In the few specimens seen the leaves are much longer than in the numerous females from various localities, which makes me rather doubt the specific identity of the two. 6. Muzurenperata, Schreb., has nearly sixty known species, chiefly American, extending from the Andes of South America over the northern continent generally, with a very few from central or eastern Asia. They connect, in many respects, Stipa with Agrostis. In general they come very near in technical character to the smaller-flowered Stipe, differing in the still smaller spikelets with thinner though still closely appressed and narrow fruiting glumes, and usually with a more or less hairy rhachilla. From Agrostis and its immediate allies they may be readily distinguished by this narrow appressed fruiting glume with a terminal never dorsal awn; a very few unawned species are scarcely separable from Epicampes, except by the shape of the glume. There is a considerable variety in the inflorescence and in the proportions of the glumes, but nothing definite enough to establish good sections, although several separate genera have been proposed. In the original IZ. diffusa, Schreb., and its im- mediate allies, the panicle is usually long, narrow, and dense, and the lower empty glumes are very minute; whilst in Trinius’s proposed section Aecroxis both the lower glumes or one only of them are nearly as large as the flowering one; but throughout the MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 83 genus the relative size of these glumes appears to vary almost from species to species. Vaseya, Thurb., is a Californian species, MM. comata, Thurb., closely resembling the more common IW. syl- vatica, Torr., except in the long hairs surrounding the thin flowering glume. Podosemum, Desv. (Trichochloa, Beauv.), com- prises a number of elegant species, in which the spreading panicle has a number of small long-awned spikelets on long capillary branches and pedicels. Tosagris, originally separated by Beau- vois from Podosemum on account of the long hairs on the back of the flowering glume, was subsequently reunited with it by the author himself. Clomena, Beauv., is M. clomena, Trin. (AL nana, Benth.), a dwarf Andine species, in which the second empty glume is the largest of the spikelet, and rather broadly three- toothed. The same character is observable in I gracilis, Trin., forming Nuttall’s genus Calycodon. 7. BRACHYELYTRUM, Beauv., is a single North-American species, very near to some species of Stipa; but the rhachilla is produced beyond the flowering glume into a little bristle, sometimes bearing a minute rudimentary glume, which does not occur in any other species of the subtribe. 8. PERre1zema, Presl, contains three or four tropical or subtropical American species, with much of the habit and many of the characters of Muehlenbergia dif- jusa, but with the empty glumes awned as well as the flowering one. Our second subtribe, PatrorpEH, is chiefly characterized by the inflorescence. The panicle is condensed into a globular or oblong head or cylindrical spike; the rhachilla is, in a few species only, produced beyond the flower into a small bristle; the flowering glume either is awnless or bears one or three terminal awns, and when in fruit is thinner than in Stipes, more loosely enclosing the grain as in Euagrostee. The following seven genera, or most of them, have already been placed in juxtaposition by various Agrostologists. 9. Lycurus, H. B. K. (Pleopogon, Nutt.), consists of two closely allied American species, perhaps varieties of a single one, readily known by the empty glumes as well as the flowering one awned, as in Perieilema, the lowest one having usually two or even three awns. The long dense cylindrical spike (or spike-like panicle) with sterile spikelets intermixed with the perfect ones brings the genus in connexion with the subtribe Sesleries of Festucex ; but there is never more than a single flower in the spikelet, 84. MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 10. Ecutworocon, Beauv. (Hystericina, Steud.), a single Aus- tralian and New-Zealand species, has likewise sterile spikelets intermixed with the perfect ones; but the empty glumes are awnless, and the flowering one three-lobed with the middle lobe produced into a long awn. 11. Dirtopogon, Br. (Dipogonia, Beauv.), also a single Australian species, has a short awn to the empty glumes and three to the flowering one, of which the central one is long and twisted. 12. Ampurpogon, Br. (Agopo- gon, Beauy., not of Willd., Pentacraspedon, Steud.), five Austra- lian species, has the flowering glume deeply three-lobed and fre- quently awned, and the palea also with two rigid almost awn-like lobes. Gamelythrum, Nees, is the A. turbinatus, Br., separated from Amphipogon only on account of a more distinct elongation of the rhachilla between the outer glumes and the flowering one. 18. Hetzocutoa, Host (Pechea, Pourr.), contains seven or eight Mediterranean species, of which one or two are widely dispersed over Europe and Central Asia. Kunth referred them to asection of Crypsis ; and Host himself subsequently assented to the union, probably misled by an apparent resemblance of some varieties of H. schanotdes to the true Crypsis aculeata; but the resemblance is apparent only, the two genera are as essentially different in inflorescence as in the structure of the spikelets. The axis of inflorescence, or receptacle, in Crypsis is a flat disk ; in Heleochloa it is a more or less elongated linear rhachis, cylin- drical even in those varieties where the spike-like panicle is con- tracted into a sessile head. In Crypsis the empty glumes are above the articulation and fall off with the spikelet, and the glumes are quite those of Oryzez without any two-nerved palea ; in Heleochloa the empty glumes persist below the articulation, and the glumes and palea are entirely those of Phleoidee; and although in the commonest species the spikelike panicle or head is short and sessile, yet there are others where it is long, narrow- cylindrical, and pedunculate. Rhizocephalus, Boiss., founded on Crypsis pygmea, Jaub. and Spach, makes, with C. ambigua and C. crucianelloides of Balansa, a very good section of Heleochloa, distinguished by the dwarf tufted habit and the spikelets almost echinate with the rigid points of the glumes. Beauvois gave the same name Heleochloa to a supposed genus, apparently made up of a Sporobolus and a Phleum. 14. Maittes, Parlat.,is the Phalaris erypsotdes, Dury., a dwarf MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 85 tufted Greek plant, with the spikelets flat as in Phalaris, but otherwise showing nearly the structure of Phlewm. : 15. Parvum, Linn., about ten species from the temperate and northern regions of the northern hemisphere or from Antarctic America, is a well-known and already well-defined genus. It has been proposed to separate generically Chilochloa, Beauv. (Achno- don, Link), for the few species in which the rhachilla is produced beyond the flower into a minute bristle; the character, however, is in this instance very trifling and uncertain. Achnodonton, Beauv., is P. tenue, Schrad., for which I can find no separate generic character. The anomalous Phalaris trigyna, Host, appears to have been an individual specimen of Phiewm Micheli, All., having abnormally three style-branches instead of two. In a third small group or subtribe, SporoBoLEs, I should pro- pose to place Sporobolus itself, with the three monotypic genera Mibora, Coleanthus, and Phippsia. The subtribe is not very clearly defined ; but my previous endeavours to associate Sporo- bolus with Milium and Isachne, to which I shall recur further on, proved still less satisfactory. The plants now grouped together have small paniculate or almost racemose spikelets, awnless glumes, no continuation of the rhachilla beyond the flower, and the ripe grain only half enclosed in and readily falling away from the glume—characters sometimes well marked, but in some species rather vague. 16. Mipora, Adans. (Chamagrostis, Borkh., Sturmia, Pers., Knappia, 8m.), is a dwarf slender tufted European annual, with a simple spike and the lower empty glume at least as long as the flowering one. 17. CoLnanruvs, Seid., isa minute annual, first found in Bohemia, then in Norway, and more recently gathered in the island of Sauvies at the mouth of the Oregon in North- west America. It is very near Phippsia and Sporobolus; but the lower empty glumes are entirely deficient. It was first disco- vered by Seidel, and distributed by him under the name of Cole- anthus subtilis; but Trattinick in publishing it (as reported by Reemer and Schultes) retained only Seidel’s specific name, changing the genus to Schmidtia. Roemer and Schultes in their ‘ Systema’ restored Seidel’s name, which Sternberg, rather later, changed again both generically and specifically to Schmidtia utriculosa. Under these circumstances Seidel is now considered to have pub- lished his Coleanthus subtilis sufficiently for general adoption, more especially as another very different genus of Grasses has 86 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. received the name of Sehmidtia. 18. Purppsta, Br., is a dwarf paniculate slender Arctic grass, chiefly distinguishable from Spo- robolus by the minute lower empty glumes. 19. Sporozsotvs, Br. (Vilfa, Beauv., Agrosticula, Raddi, Tria- chyrium, Hochst., Oryptostachys, Steud.), is now a genus of about eighty species, spread over the warmer and temperate regions of both the New and the Old World, mostly, however, American, with a very few European or Asiatic. Included by the older authors in Agrostis, it has since been universally acknowledged as dis- tinct, though different characters have been assigned to it. Beauvois, who attached primary importance to the presence or absence of the awn, referred to it all the unawned species of the old genus Agrostis. Brown, who first pointed out the differences in the fruit, took as the principal character the loose membra- nous pericarp readily detachable from the seed; but this, though very conspicuous in S. indicus, Br., and in some other species, is not apparent in the dried state in several others; and in &. virgi- cus, Kunth, and others, it is only when soaked that the pericarp can be detached. On this account it has been attempted to establish two genera, Vilfa and Sporobolus ; but the character is far too indefinite, as well as uncertain, to be available even for sectional separation. As a whole, Sporobolus is chiefly distin- guished from Agrostis by the total absence of any dorsal awn, and by the grain so loosely enclosed in the glume that it usually protrudes from it when ripe, and often falls away. The palea also generally splits readily into two, and in some species is even at the time of flowering divided to the base, a character which Grisebach, who only observed it in an Argentine species, was induced to take as that of a new genus Diachyrium ; but it exists in many other species; and this divided palea has been more than once described, and even figured (as in T. Nees’s “Genera Flore Germanice ’), as a two-valved pericarp, a character unknown in Gramines. Brown’s name Sporobolus was rejected by Beauvois, Trinius, and others on the supposition that the genus is identical with the older established Viifa, Adans. That, how- ever, is a mistake. Adanson’s character of Vilfa is so vague that it cannot be identified by that alone; but in his index he fixes it by quoting two European species, which are certainly both of them true species of Agrostis. Two North-American species of Sporobolus, S. compressus, Trin., and S. serotinus, A. Gr., are exceptional, not only in the MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 87 genus, but in the whole tribe of Agrostex, by the spikelets con- taining occasionally two flowers (without awus or continuation of the rhachilla) as in Isachnex and in some species of Aira and Col- podium ; but the small spikelets and carpological characters are quite those of Sporobolus. There remain for the Evacrostea, or fourth and last subtribe of Agrostex, about sixteen genera, of which the general character is a dorsal usually twisted awn on the flowering glume, the grain neither so closely enveloped in the fruiting glume as in Stipes, nor so readily exposed as in Sporoboles, and the spikelets usually small, loosely paniculate, very rarely condensed into a head as in Phleoidew ; but there are exceptions to every one of these charac- ters, and the limits of the larger genera are so vague as to render this portion of the genera of Graminez the least satisfactory of the whole series. Of the sixteen following genera, the first seven show uone of that continuation of the rhachilla beyond the flower which in the others takes the form of a glabrous or hairy bristle rarely reduced to a mere tubercle; the last four of the series, as well as Triplachne, have, besides the dorsal awn, two or four teeth to the glume, sometimes produced into straight awns. A few spe- cies or monotypic genera have no awn to the flowering glume, but otherwise in the structure of the spikelet are nearer to Agrostis than to Sporobolus. 20. Errcampns, Presl, about sixteen species from Mexico and the South-American Andes, probably reducible to about two thirds of that number, is a genus most embarassing to the syste- matist; for it seems to connect Muehlenbergia and Sporobolus with Agrostis. The chief general feature is the long narrow dense panicle with very numerous rather small spikelets, the awn of the flowering glume, when it exists, much smaller, than in Muehlenbergia and often not quite terminal; the unawned species distinguished from Sporobolus by the fruiting glume and grain nearly those of Agrostis, and from the latter genus by the inflo. rescence and by the awn when present being very small and almost terminal. Several of the published species, however, are unknown to me; and a further study may require considerable modification of the generic character and limits. Crypsinna, Fourn., which appears inseparable from Epicampes, is founded on the E. macroura (Cinna macroura and C. stricta, Kunth), a Mexican species remarkable for the very long, narrow, almost spikelike panicle. Cinna macroura, Thurb., from California, is a 88 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEE. distinct species (Z. rigens, Benth.) with a still longer and nar- rower rigid spikelike panicle often interrupted; and the spikelets are small, with membranous vlumes, as in the typical Z. stricta, Pres], but awnless or nearly so. 21. Bavucuea, Fourn., a single Mexican species unknown to me, might perhaps be reduced to Epicampes, from which it is said to differ chiefly in a great inequality of the two empty glumes. 22. Agrostis, Linn., even after being shorn of a number of heterogeneous plants ascribed to it at various times from general aspect, and after the suppression of numerous names given to local representatives of cosmopolitan species, is still a genus of nearly a hundred species, generally spread over nearly the whole world, but especially common in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Among the Euagrostee without any continuation of the rhachilla they are generally known by the absence of those peculiarities which have induced the separation of several of the preceding as well as of the follow- ing genera, by the thin short broad flowering glume with the dorsal awn below the middle, and by the palea not more than half as long as the glume, and often quite minute or even defi- cient; the panicle is also usually loose, very elegant, with nume- rous small spikelets or almost capillary branches and pedicels. There are, however, here, as elsewhere, exceptional species which defy all neat classification ; even the dorsal awn is sometimes re- duced to a minute tubercle, or only to be guessed at by the abrupt termination of the central nerve of the glume. The American species in which the palea is minute or deficient formed Michaux’s genus Trichodium, which has been extended to the European A. canina, Linn., and others with that character, to which Beau- vois restricted the Linnean name Agrostis, whilst he gave the name of Agraulus to the species in which the palea is more developed. 23. Cuzxtunvus, Link, is a single Spanish annual, much like some species of Agrostis, but anomalous in the group in having the lowest (empty) glume larger than the others, and produced into a long awn, whilst the flowering one, though shaped as in Agrostis, has no awn. The inflorescence is also peculiar, each branch of the panicle terminating in the three shortly pedicellate spikelets. 24, Arcragrosris, Griseb., is a single arctic species, referred by Brown doubtfully to Trinius’s genus Colpodiwm, but which appears to be more nearly allied to Deyeuwia. It is, however, MR. G@, BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 89 one of those plants which, by irregularity in some characters usually very important, is very difficult to place satisfactorily. The habit and size of the spikelets are more those of Poa than of Agrostis ; but, in the great majority of specimens, the one-flowered spikelets without any continuation of the rhachilla are quite those of Agrostew, and the palea is fully the length of the glume asin Deyeuxia. Very rarely specimens have presented themselves with a minute continuation of the rhachilla ; and Brown, in a single Melville-Island specimen, found it to bear an empty glume or second flower, thus showing a connexion, and possibly, in the spe- cimen mentioned by Brown, a hybrid between Arctagrostis and Poa alpina. 25. Catamagrostis, Adauns., as now limited, comprises four or five species from Europe and northern and central Asia, of which one has also been found in South Africa, possibly, but not cer- tainly, introduced there. Some authors extend the genus so as to include the greater part of Deyeuxia, and indeed all the Euagrostex with a hairy rhachilla; but it seems more natural if confined to the typical species, which, like Agrostis, have no con- tinuation of the rhachilla or rarely a very slight one, and bear on the flowering glume a fine dorsal awn, rarely reduced to a minute point. They differ from Agrostis in the ring of long hairs sur- rounding the flowering glume, and generally in their tall almost reed-like habit, whence their generic name, and on which account they have often been placed in juxtaposition with Arundo. They appear, however, to be in every respect true Agrostex ; and there are two species, C. tenella, Kunth, and C. olympica, Boiss., which are almost intermediate between Calamagrostis and Agrostis, espe- cially as a few species of true Agrostis are not entirely without hairs on the rhachilla. 26. Cryna, Linn. (Abola, Adans., Blattia, Fries), is limited by modern authors to two species from the northern regions of Europe and America, with the tall reedlike habit of the larger species of Calamagrostis, but with a glabrous rhachilla, and re- markable in the tribe by the palea having only one nerve, although there is every reason to believe that it is a true palea, the appa- rently single nerve being due to the consolidation of two. Both species appear also constantly to have but one stamen in the flower. Some botanis!s unite the two; but from dried specimens they appear quite distinct. Amongst other minor points, the original C. arundinacea, Linn., has generally a minute continua- 90 MR. G@. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. tion of the rhachilla, which I have never found in C. pendula, Trin. (C. expansa, Link, C. latifolia, Griseb.). Several American or other grasses published as species of Cinna are now referred to Epicampes or Deyeuxia. é 27. GasTRipium, Beauv., has two species from the Mediterra- nean region, one of them also found in tropical Africa and in extratropical South America, but possibly introduced only in the latter locality. They have the small spikelets of Agrostis, but a narrower closer panicle, and are remarkable for the outer glumes rather hardened, shining, and ventricose at the base, whence the generic name. The older authors included them in Wliwm on account of that hardness in the glumes. 28. Cuztorropis, Kunth, is a single Chilian species which some would unite with Agrostis, and might well have been joined to Epicampes, but that the rhachilla is produced beyond the flower into a rather long hairlike seta. 29. Triptacune, Link, is the Gastridium nitens, Coss. et Dur., a single Mediterranean species, with the habit, but not the ven- tricose glumes, of that genus, and differing both from that and from Agrostis in the flowering glume bearing a short awn-like point on each side of the awn. 30. Avrra, Adans. (Anemagrostis, Trin.), has two very closely allied European species extending into Western Asia, with the technical character very nearly of Deyeuxia, but with the elegant panicle and numerous small glabrous spikelets of many species of Agrostis, in which they are still included by some under the name of Agrostis spica-venti. The New-Zealand plant described by Hook. f. as an Apera is now transferred to Muehlenbergia. 31. Cryvagrostis, Griseb., from Tucuman in South America, is unknown to me, but is said to differ from Deyeuata in having the spikelets unisexual by abortion. It should most probably be incorporated in that genus. 32. Duyuuxta, Clarion (Lachnagrostis, Trin.), has now nearly a hundred and twenty species, dispersed over the temperate or mountain regions of the globe, particularly numerous in the Andes of South America, and extending northwards to the Arctic circle and southwards to the extreme end of South America. It is in some respects polymorphous, running on the one hand almost into Agrostis, to which some species have been referred, and on the other into Calamagrostis, with which the northern species have been often united. It differs from both in the pro- MR. G@. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. 91 longation of the rhachilla into a bristle or stipes usually, but not always, hairy, and from Agrostis in the larger spikelets, with the palea nearly as long as the glume, and the usually hairy rhachilla. There are, however, a few species where one or another of these characters fail; and one or two scarcely differ from Apera except in the habit and in the awn being more decidedly dorsal. Bro- midium, Nees (to which belong Didymocheta, Steud., and Chame- calamus, Meyer), contains a few Andine Chilian or Australian species, which, with the minute glabrous and perhaps not con- stant continuation of the rhachilla, might almost as well be transferred to Agrostis, but that they have rather the habit of Deyeuxia. Relchela, Steud. (Agrostis sesquivalvis, EH. Desvy.), Cinnastrum, Fourn. (at least as to Deyeuxia poeformis, Kunth), Deyeuxia mutica, Wedd., and D. breviglwnis, Benth., with a few other South-American species, form a little group with a glabrous rhachilla and the awn reduced to a small point. In Acheta, Fourn., two Mexican species, the awn appears to be deficient ; but all the other characters are those of the typical Deyeuxie with a hairy rhachilla, to which I would also refer the Agrostis equi- valvis, Trin., forming Grisebach’s section Podagrostis. 33. AmmopuIta, Host (Psamma, Beauv,), comprises four spe- cies, two of them widely spread over the northern hemisphere chiefly near the sea, and two confined to North America. They are distinguished from Deyewaia by their tall habit, their usually dense inflorescence, and especially by their larger paleaceous glumes. 34. Dicuetacuye, Endl., two Australian or New-Zealand spe- cies, with a narrow dense panicle, differs from Agrostis and its allies in the flowering glume scarcely smaller than the outer empty ones and often toothed, and in the long dorsal awns giving the inflorescence a fine bristly aspect. j 85. Triseranra, Forsk. (Anomalotis, Steud.), is a maritime Syrian and Egyptian plant, very near Dichelachne, but still more bristly, the lateral teeth of the flowering glumes being produced into fine straight awns, whilst the dorsal one is longer and flexuose. Labillardiére and Delile both mention two fertile flowers in the spikelet. I have only been able to find one in several specimens examined, all from Alexandria; possibly they may have consi- dered the rather long continuation of the rhachilla as a second flower. 36. Penrarogon, Br., is a single Australian species, with four 92 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. straight awns to the flowering glume, besides the long rigid twisted dorsal one, which, as well as the single flower, removes the genus from the Pappophoree. 37. Lacurus, Linn., is a well-known widely spread Mediter- ranean grass, which, like Zrisetaria, has two slender awns to the flowering glume besides the more rigid dorsal one, but is well marked by the capitate inflorescence, to which the long hairs of the linear plumose empty gluines give a peculiar soft silky aspect. Tribe IX. Isacunez. This small tribe is a modification of the subtribe I proposed in the ‘ Flora Australiensis ’ under the name of Milies, and which I distinguished from Agrostez by the absence of the dorsal awn, and from Festucesee by the single or two equal flowers in each spikelet ; and I included in the group both Miliwm and Sporo- bolus. Since I have worked up the. Agrostee of the northern hemisphere, however, I find that the presence or absence of the dorsal awn is much more uncertain than I had thought, that Milium cannot be removed far from Oryzopsis, and that Sporo- bolus must be referred back to Agrostee. But there remain a group of genera, nearly related both to Agrostes and to Avene, but never showing the dorsal awn so general in those tribes, and enclosing in each spikelet two equal flowering glumes and flowers, apparently inserted at the same point without any deve- lopment of the rhachilla between them (except in Calachne) and never any continuation beyond the flowers. The two flowers are both hermaphrodite and fertile ; or occasionally only one of them, usually the upper one, is female or sterile. The tribe thus limited would consist of the following seven genera :— 1. Prrowacnne, Nees, subsequently republished by the same author under the name of Chondrolena, is a South-African annual with an almost simple terminal spike, distinguished by the outer empty glumes as long as the flowering ones, with a rigid pec- tinately-toothed cartilaginous keel. Ktenosachne, Steud., is most probably the same plant. 2. Isacune, Br., comprises about twenty tropical or subtro- pical species, chiefly from the Old World, but including a few American ones. The small spikelets with the loosely paniculate inflorescence and more or less hardened fruiting glumes give them the appearance nearly of some species of Panicum, to which MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA. 93 genus some species of Isachne have been referred, but from which they constantly differ in the empty glumes persistent below the articulation, andin the two flowers both hermaphrodite or female, though one may be occasionally sterile. Graya, Nees (judging from the reference to Wight, but not from Steudei’s characicrs) is Isachne pulchella, Roth (Panicum bellum, Steud., P. malaccense, Trin.). Panicum Gardneri, Thw., which, as the author observes, is closely allied to Zsachne Walkeri, Wight, appears to me to be strictly congener with that species, although one of the flowers of the spikelet is frequently, but not always, sterile. It seems to be the same as Isachne nilaghirica, Mochst. 3. Zenxeria, Trin., very well described and figured in the ‘Linnea,’ vol. xi., now contains two species from the East-Indian peninsula and Ceylon, both very near Isachne, but with membra-~ nous fruiting glumes. Amphidonax Heynei and A. tenella, Nees, do not differ from the typical Z. elegans, Trin. The second spe- cies is Z. obtusiflora (Amphidonax obtusifiora, Thw.). The ori- ginal genus Amphidonax of Nees was founded on a species of Arundo. 4, Micnarra, F. Muell., is a single North-east Australian spe- cies recently figured in Hooker’s Icones. 5. Caxnacune, Br., comprises three Hast-Indian, Chinese, or East-Australian species— C. pulchella, Br., C. perpusilla, Thw., and C. simpliciuscula, Munro (Isachne simpliciuscula, Wight et Arn.), which, as above observed, are anomalous in the tribe by a slight extension of the rhachilla between the flowering glumes. 6. Arropsis, Desy., restricted to the single West-Mediterranean A. globosa, is a pretty little annual, formerly placed in Miliwm on account of the hardening of the glumes, or in tra, which it resembles in many respects. Tt shows, however, all the characters of Isachnex, and is indeed technically nearly allied to Isachne itself ; but the two semiglobose fruiting glumes, closely appressed to each other by their flat faces, give the spikelets the peculiar globular shape expressed by the specific name. 7, Ertacune, Br., comprises twenty-two species, two of them endemic in tropical Asia, the remainder Australian, of which one is also in East India. They differ from Jsachne generally in their rather larger spikelets, and especially in the long hairs on the back or margins of the flowering glumes, and sometimes in the fine straight awns terminating the flowering glumes, or even the teeth ofthe pales. Megalachne, Thw. (not of Steud ), is Briachne triseta, LINN. JOURN.— BOTANY, VOL. XIX. I 94 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA}. Nees, in which these awns are particularly conspicuous. The African species referred by Nees to a section Achneria of Eriachne, form a distinct genus of Avenex, for which Munro has retained this name Achneria, the original genus Achneria of Beauvois having been proposed for those true Australian species of Eriachne which have no awn or only a very small one. Tribe X. AVENE. This tribe has been more generally recognized and subjected to less variations than most of the others. Its general characters— the paniculate inflorescence, the spikelets with two or more per- fect flowers, the rhachilla’produced beyond the upper flower, and a twisted awn to the flowering glume either dorsal or terminal between the two lobes or teeth of the glume—suffer fewer excep- tions than usual. Aira alone has no continuation of the rhachilla ; and Anisopogon alone has only one perfect flower in the spikelets. Of the following sixteen genera, the first eleven have the awn dorsal and the lowest flower hermaphrodite ; the next three have the male or sterile flower below the perfect one; and the last two have the lowest flower hermaphrodite and the awn terminal. 1. Arra, Linn., was once made to include Corynephorus, Des- champsia, and indeed almost all the Avenee with loosely panicu- late inflorescence and small two-flowered spikelets, but has since been so thoroughly dismembered by various European botanists as not to leave a single species to represent the old Linnean name. Taking, however, the widely spread A. caryophyllea, Linn., as a genuine type, and adding to it five or six European species, we havea natural genus of elegant, slender, mostly annual grasses with fine filiform leaves, the small spikelets always two-flowered without any continuation of the rhachilla beyond the upper flower, the dorsal awn of the flowering glumes rarely wanting, and the ripe grain often adhering to the palea; the latter character, how- ever, is always uncertain. These six or seven species have all been made the types of supposed distinct genera. A. caryophyllea, Linn., and A. precox, Linn., considered as typical Aira by Par- latore and others, form the genus Fwssia, Schur, in which the two flowers are closely contiguous and the flowering glumes usually awned. Fiorinia, Parlat., is the A. Tenorii, Guss., distinguished by the absence of the awn; but Gussone has shown that it varies with or without the awn. dAntinoria, Parlat., is the A. agrostidea, Lois., with the rhachilla more or less lengthened between the MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEA. 95 flowers, and the glume usually unawned ; but A. pulchella, Willk., with the glume awned, cannot be otherwise distinguished from it. Periballia, Trin., is the A. involucrata, Cav., in which the two flowers are as in A, agrostidea rather distant from each other, the lowest flowering glume unawned, the upper one awned, but both flowers hermaphrodite, as in the rest of the genus. The inflorescence of this species is rather peculiar; the lowest whorl of branches of the panicle are usually without any or with only very few spikelets, and were regarded by Cavanilles as an involucre: but that is not always the case; I have seen some specimens with spikelets on all the branches. A. sabulonum, Labill., from New Caledonia, is a very doubtful plant. Labillardiére’s figure is a good representation of the Australiasan form of Sporobolus virginicus, except that the spikelets are drawn as two-flowered. The specimens sent for Labillardiére’s plant by Pancher and by Vieillard have only one flower in the spikelet. 2, CorynrpHorus, Beauv. (Weingartneria, Bernh.), comprises two European grasses, extending into North Africa and more sparingly to the Levant, with the continuation of the rhachilla of Deschampsia, but readily distinguished by the peculiar articu- late club-shaped awn of the flowering glumes. 8. Drscuampsia (Campelia, Link) is a genus of about twenty species, from the temperate or colder regions of both the New and the Old World, sparingly represented in mountain regions within the tropics. It bears the same relation to Aira that Deyeuxia does to Agrostis; the plants are usually perennial and stouter than in Aira, the spikelets larger, and the rhachilla is produced beyond the upper flower into a bristle often bearing a tuft of hairs, and sometimes an empty glume on even a male flower ; the flowering glumes are also frequently more or less denticulate. No less than six of the species have been proposed as distinct genera :--Vahlodea, Fries, is D. atropurpurea (Aira atropurpurea, Wahlenb.), a northern species, with the flowering glume not at all or only very minutely denticulate, otherwise quite a Deschampsia. Avenella, Parlat. (Lerchenfeldia, Schur), is the common D. flexuosa (Aira flexuosa, Linn.), with the flower- ing glume surrounded by hairs. The grain is said by Parlatore to adhere to the palea, which may be sometimes, but is certainly not always, the case. Monandraira, Em. Desy., includes two Chilian species, Zrisetum Berteroanum and Z. aireforme of Steudel, separated from Deschampsia as having but one stamen to the 12 96 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. flower; but in D. Berteroanum I have sometimes found two stamens, and in the evidently nearly allied D. antarctica, Hook. f., the stamens, though usually three, are sometimes two only. Airidium, Steud., is a species from the Straits of Magellan which Iam unable to distinguish from the D. antarctica. Rytidosper- mum, Steud., is founded on specimens of a Deschampsia closely allied to, if not identical with, the common JD. cespitosa, in which a erub has taken possession of every spikelet remaining in the panicle, and has been mistaken by Steudel for the caryopsis, and actually described as such. Peyritschia, Fourn., is D. kelerioides (Aira hoelerioides, Peyr.), which I have not seen, but which, from Peyritsch’s elaborate description, must be very near to D. ant- arctica, Hook. f., D. nitida, Presl, and D. holciformis, Presl. 4, AcunerRIA, Munro, contains eight South-African species, with one from south-eastern tropical Africa, referred by Nees to Eriachne, and by Kunth to Airopsis, but evidently more nearly related to Deschampsia. 5. Moracuyroy, Parlat., is a single species from the Cape- Verd Islands, which we have not at Kew, and of which I have therefore been unable to verify the character given by Parlatore. The specimen he described most probably remained in Webb's herbarium, now deposited at Florence. 6. Hoxcvs, Linn., formerly included two very different groups of grasses ; and Brown specially retained Linneus’s name for that one which now forms the genus Sorghum in Andropogonex, whilst all modern botanists restrict the genus Holcus to the other group, consisting of about eight European or African species, chiefly western, of which one or two are common weeds in various parts of the world. All are nearly allied to Deschampsia, but have the upper flower of each spikelet male with an awned glume, and the lower one unawned and hermaphrodite. Two Spanish species have been added by Boissier, H. grandiflorus and H. cas- pitosus; but as they have both the flowers hermaphrodite and awned (whence the sectional name Zomalachne), they should rather be transferred to Deschampsia, although they may have the peculiar soft habit of the common species of Holcus. 7. Trisrrum, Pers., is now known to comprise nearly fifty species, ranging over the temperate or mountain regions of both the New and the Old World. All are very near to the section Avenastrum of Avena, but differ generally in the flowering glume decidedly toothed at the apex, the two teeth often produced into MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 97 straight awns, one on each side of the dorsal twisted one, and in the grain glabrous or slightly pubescent at the apex without the longitudinal furrow of Avena. The inflorescence is also usually more dense than in that genus, with smaller, often shining spike- lets. A few African or South-American species, however, such as T. hirtum, Nees, and TZ. antarcticwum, Nees (which includes Bromus antarcticus, Hook. f., and Bromus bicuspis, Nees), closely connect the two genera: the flowering glume is more rigid and less keeled than in the true Zriseta, and the ovary is pubescent at the top ;but the grain hag not the furrow of Avena. Tricheta, Beauv., is the Trisetum ovatum, Pers., a species allied to 7. sub- spicatum; but the spikelike panicle is more dense and ovoid, or almost globular. Acrospelion or Acropselion, Bess., is Trisetum distichophyllum, Beauv., not the Ventenata, Link, to which it is referred in Lindley’s ‘ Vegetable Kingdom.’ ostraria, Trin., was made up of Trisetum neglectum, Roem. et Schult., and Keleria phleoides, Pers. 8. Ventenats, Keel., has two species, V. avenacea, Keel., and V. macra, Balansa, from the Mediterranean region and Central Europe, differing slightly from Trisetwm in the longer, more rigid, many-nerved glumes, and the absence of any dorsal awn on the lower flowering one. 9. Avena, Linn., as limited by recent authors, comprises about forty species, mostly from the temperate regions of the Old World, with a few from extratropical North and South America, and one or two of the annual ones cornfield weeds in other coun- tries. It is generally characterized by the flowering glumes rounded on the back and several-nerved, with a dorsal twisted or bent awn, and by the ripe grain furrowed in front and more or less adhering to the palea, butis divisible into two sections almost marked enough in habit as well as character to be raised to the rank of genera. In 1. Crithe, Griseb., the species are all annual, usually tall, with a loose panicle of large pendulous spikelets, each containing no more than two fertile flowers, and often only a single one, and the lower empty glumes 7- or 9-nerved. This section includes the common Oat, which has lost its dorsal awn probably as a consequence of long cultivation; for the plant is unknown in a wild state, except here and there as an escape from cultivation. In 2. Avenastrum, Koch (Helicotrichum, Bess.), the plant is perennial, the panicle usually narrow, with erect or rarely spreading spikelets with more than two perfect flowers, 98 MR. G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINES, and the lower empty glumes with only one or three, or the second rarely with five nerves. 10. Gavuprn1a, Beauy., two species, has the spikelets of dvena (Avenastrum) ; but they are singly sessile in the notches of the articulate rhachis of a single spike, thus showing the inflorescence of the tribe Hordes, to which Parlatore would remove the genus ; but the dorsal twisted awn places it much nearer to Avena, from which some authors would not generically separate it. The com- mon G. fragilis, Beauv., is widely dispersed over the Mediter- ranean region. The second species, G. geminiflora, J. Gay, was proposed asa genus Arthrostachya, Link, from garden specimens of unknown origin; it has since been detected by Seubert in the Azores. 11. Aupurpromus, Nees, is a single Australian species, with many-flowered spikelets. The grain is furrowed as in Avena, but glabrous and free from the palea as in Zrisetum. 12. AnrHEnatTuERvM, Beauv., contains three European, North- African, or Oriental species, often included in Avena, but differing from that genus as well as from most Poacee in having, as in the two following genera, the lower flower male and the upper one fertile, though the rhachilla is produced beyond it as in other Avenes. 18. Tristacnya, Nees (Jfonopogon, Presl), has eight species, of which two are tropical American, the remainder African, tro- pical or southern, one extending to the Levant. With the lower flower male, as in Arrhenatherwm, they are readily distinguished by the spikelets alwavs three together, sessile or equally pedi- cellate at the ends of the branches of the panicle, and by the long twisted awn of the flowering glume being terminal between two lobes or straight awns. Amongst Nees’s African species, T. simplex must be transferred to Trichopterys. 14, Tricnorreryx, Nees (Loudetia, Hochst.),about ten African species, of which one is also in Brazil, has the spikelets of Tri- stachya; but they are scattered along the branches of the panicle, not in terminal triplets. The only Brazilian species, not un- common also in tropical Africa, 7. jlammea, has, as already men- tioned, been rather negligently published and figured as an Arundinella, of which it has none of the characters and not much of the habit. 15. Antsoroaon, Br., is a single West-Australian species, differing from Danthonia in the large spikelets containing only a MRE, G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINED. 99 single perfect flower. Nees added a second species from South Africa which I have not seen; but from his description it can scarcely be a congener. Kunth has figured three lodicules in the Australian plant ; I have always found only two long lanceo- late ones. 16. Danrnonta, DC., is now a polymorphous, almost cosmo- politan, genus of nearly a hundred species, of which the greater number, however, are South-African, all characterized by the spikelets containing three or more perfect flowers, and by the awn of the flowering glumes more or less twisted or bent and usually flattened at the base, but terminal between two or four teeth or straight awns. Notwithstanding considerable diversities in habit, inflorescence, and in the size and teeth of the glumes, no good natural sections have yet been proposed. Nees’s Hi- mantochete (Streblochete, Hochst.), with the lateral lobes or teeth of the flowering glumes entire and acute or awned, and Penta- schiste, with the lateral teeth bifid and one or both teeth awned, are purely artificial, and relate to the African species, all the non- African ones being included in Himantochete. DeCandolle ori- ginally proposed the genus for two European species, D. procum- bens and D. provincialis ; Brown showed, however, that they could not well be regarded as congeners, and removed the former to his new genus Triodia. The D. provincialis therefore becomes the type of the present large genus Danthonia, though it may be somewhat anomalous when compared with the majority of the African and Australian ones. DeCandolle’s chief character con- necting his original species was the great length of the outer empty glumes compared with the rest of the spikelet ; and this is a general, though not quite a universal, feature of the enlarged genus. Since Brown’s time the following genera have been pro- posed, chiefly upon single species, with characters which appear to be of little more than specific value :—Pentameris, Beauv., is D. Thouarsii, Nees, from South Africa, with nearly the habit and inflorescence of D. pallescens, Nees, but remarkable for the short thick grain truncate at the top. Triraphis, Nees (not of R. Br.), is D. radicans, Steud., from South Africa, nearly allied to D. erispa, Nees. Chetobromus, Nees, contains a few South-African species, in which one, or sometimes two, of the flowers in the spikelet are imperfect. Monacather, Steud., is D. bipartita, F. Muell., an Australian species, with the fruiting glumes hardened and oblique at the base and bearing a ring of hairs under the lobes. Plin- 100 MR, CG. BENTUAM ON GRAMINES. tanthus, Steud., is founded on two Australian species, most pro- bably of Danthonia, but which, from the evidently incorrect character given, it is impossible to identify without seeing the specimens. Crinipes, Hochst., is the Abyssinian species pub- lished by A. Richard as D. abyssinica, Hochst., in which the outer empty glumes are exceptionally shorter than the spikelet. Tribe XI. CHLoRIDES. This tribe is characterized amongst Poacexe almost exclusively by the inflorescence. The spikelets are sessile in two rows in unilateral spikes, the rhachis of which is neither articulate nor notched as in Hordeew; and the spikes, sometimes solitary and terminal, are more frequently several, either digitate at the end of, or scattered along, the peduncle or axis of the single panicle. The inflorescence is thus nearly that of Paspalum, whilst the spikelets are those of Festucex, with the lowest or single perfect flower hermaphrodite, and the awns, when present, terminal and straight, not dorsal or twisted as in Agrostes and Avenex. The following twenty-seven genera are mostly, but not quite all, tro- pical or subtropical; the first fifteen have one fertile and only rarely a second male flower in each spikelet; the next ten have two or more fertile flowers; all, except a few very small genera or exceptional species, have the rhachilla continued beyond the flowers, and often bearing one or more empty glumes. The last three genera enumerated under the tribe are anomalous dicecious grasses, connecting Chlorides with the subtribe Sesleriex of Fes. tucex, but showing the inflorescence of the present tribe at least in the male individuals. 1. Mrcrocuxoa, Br., comprises three species, of which two are endemic in Africa and the third widely spread over the warmer regions of the New as wellas the Old World. They are slender tufted grasses with filiform leaves and single slender terminal spikes and small awnless one-flowered spikelets without any continuation of the rhachilla. 2. Scua@nrreLpia, Kunth, is a single tropical-African species with one to four erect spikes at the top of the peduncle; the spikelets are one-flowered without any continuation of the rha- chilla as in Microchloa, but not so small; and the flowering glumes bearing long capillary awns, give the spikes an elegant crinite aspect. 3. Cynovon, Pers. (Dactilon, Vill., Capriola, Adans., Fibichia, MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEM. 101 Keel.), a small but mixed genus, of which the typical species is a common weed in most warm or temperate parts of the civilized world. It has the slender spikes and small spikelets of Merochloa ; but the spikes are several digitate at the end of the panicle, and the yhachilla is produced beyond it into a small point or bristle. Three Australian species have, however, been added to it with the spikelets of Microchloa but with the inflorescence of Cynodon, thus closely connecting the two genera. Persoon’s generic name is far from being the oldest, but has been so long and so uni- versally adopted, that the substitution of either of the others for it would only breed confusion without the slightest advantage. 4. Harpecuioa, Kunth, has also two South-African species. The spike is single, terminal, dense, and unilateral, often faleate ; and there are usually one or two male flowers above the fertile one, the glumes all unawned. Of 5. Crznrum, Panz. (Monocera, Ell.), we have seven species, of which four from North or South America, three from Africa or the Mascarene islands. The spikes are solitary or rarely two or even three at the end of the peduncle; the spikelets, though elegantly pectinate as in Harpechioa, have a very different struc- ture: the second empty glume is larger than the others, and bears on the back a fine horizontal point sometimes reduced to a small tubercle ; the third and fourth glumes are small and empty, or only enclose a palea; the fifth or flowering glume ends in a fine awn, and above it are one or two empty ones. 6. Enteropocon, Nees, was founded on an East-Indian grass with asingle long, often incurved terminal spike ; otherwise very near Chloris except in some minor points. It now includes Ctenium Seychellarum, Baker, from the Mauritius, which is scarcely specifically distinct from the common East-Indian one, 2. macro- stachya, Munro (Chloris macrostachya, Hochst.), from Abyssinia, and an unpublished species from Mayotte in Madagascar, Boivin n. 8019, which may be thus characterized :—-Z. leptophylia, Benth., foliis augustissimis siccitate convoluto-subulatis, gluma florentis integre arista gluma ipsa longiore. The habit and the long unilateral spike are precisely those of the common Indian H. me- licoides ; but the leaves are very much narrower and scarcely flattened in the lower part, the spikelets rather larger, the flower- ing glume nearly 3 lines long, and the awn about 3 inch, and, at least in the spikelets examined, the flowering glume is quite entire, scarcely free at the point from the awn. 102 MR. G, BENTHAM ON GRAMINER. 7. Cutoris, Sw., contains about forty species, dispersed over the warmer regions both of the New and the Old World. It is for the most part a natural genus, with two or more spikes digitate at the end of the peduncle, the one-flowered spikelets in two regular close rows as in the allied genera, the flowering glume usually awned, and one, two, or more empty glumes above it; but these characters are not constant, and the structure of the spike- lets is somewhat polymorphous. C. monostachya, Pourr., from the Mascarene islands, and C. unispicea, F. Muell., from Australia, are slender plants with only one or rarely two spikes, and the flowering glume as well as the upper empty one are narrow and awned. In C. aciculare, Br., and C. Roxburghiana, Edgew., from East India and Australia, and C. radiata, Sw., from America and Africa, the glumes are likewise narrow and awned, or the upper empty one reduced to a mere awn, but the spikes are nor- mally several and digitate. C. foliosa, Willd., has also a narrow awned flowering glume; but the upper empty one is a double awn (or two awnlike glumes), and the spikes are not so closely clus- tered at the end of the peduncle, on which account Doell has transferred the species to Gymnopogon, from which it appears to me to be much further removed. In C. pumilio, Br., C. pectinata, Benth., and C. divaricata, Br., all from Australia, the flowering glume is distinctly two-lobed with the awn between the lobes. In a considerable number of species the upper empty glumes are broad and truncate at the top-—these empty glumes being several in each spikelet in the Asiatic and Australian species, but one only in the American ones. In all the preceding species the flowering and upper glumes are awned; in five or six American or African species forming the proposed genus Hustachys, Desv, (Schultesia, Spreng.), both the flowering and the upper empty glume are obtuse and truncate, but without any awn, or only a minute point. They are, however, closely connected with the typical species of Chloris through C. submutica, Kunth. C. villosa, Pers., and C. macrantha, Jaub. et Spach, both of them described in detail and figured by Jaubert and Spach, must be transferred to Tetrapogon,as having their spikelets with at least two fertile flowers. 8. Tricutorts, Fourn., comprises two Mexican and two extra- tropical South-American species. They resemble Trisetaria in their dense oblong crinite panicle and their three-awned flowering glumes; but the panicle is composed of simple crowded or verti- cillate spikes, and the spikelets, sessile in two rows on the rhachis MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. 103 with one to three empty awned glumes above the flowering one, are quite those of Chloris. The two southern species had long been indicated and named in herbaria as constituting an inde- pendent genus (the one by J. Gay, the other by Munro); but never haying been published, we must adopt Fournier’s generic name for the whole. The two southern species (from Chili, Tucuman, and Buenos Ayres) are indeed so very near 7. fasci- culata, Fourn., that it will require close investigation to estab- lish their specific differences. Another different-looking plant from Tucuman (Tweedie), much smaller, with a loose inflores- cence and short-awned spikelets, shows also the essential cha- racters of Zrichloris. 9. Grmyorogon, Beauv. (Anthopogon, Nutt.), differs from all the preceding one-flowered genera in the spikelets not closely crowded, but more or less distant along the slender rhachis of the spikes, although still sessile in two rows and unilateral ; the spikes themselves are scattered or verticillate along the common pe- duncle. There are four or five American species, northern or southern, and one from Ceylon, G. rigidus, Thw., forming Nees’s genus Dichetaria, but only differing from the American ones in the spikes fewer in the panicle, and the spikelets rather larger with longer awns. Doell’s G. foliosus and G. pullulans should be restored to Chloris, with which they agree in every respect except that the spikes are not quite so closely clustered at the end of the peduncle. 10. Moyocuarz, Doell, a single Brazilian species of which I have seen no specimen, is removed by Doell from Gymnopogon, where Martius had placed it, as having no continuation of the rhachilla beyond the flower. Nees, however, describes a bristle- like continuation, but not bearing any empty glume or awn as in Gymnopogon. The genus is as yet, therefore, in some measure doubtful. 11. Scnrponnarvvs, Steud., is the. North-American Leptu- rus paniculatus, Nutt., which, however, Steudel failed to recog- nize. Nuttall indicated its affinity to Gymuopogon, and evidently only placed it in Lepturus from not knowing the latter genus except from the imperfect characters then published. Schedon- nardus has now been figured in the Jast part of Hooker’s Icones ; the description, accidentally omitted in printing, will appear in the next part. 12. CraspeporHacuts, Benth., is a single species from east tropical Africa, allied to Schedonnardus, but differing in the 104 MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINES. flexuose rhachis of the spikes bordered by a narrow membrane, in the flowering glume and palea vey small and thin, resembling lodicules, and a few other minor points. It is being figured for the forthcoming part of Hooker's Icones. 13. Bovrenova, Lag. (Hutriana, Trin., Actinochloa, Willd.), comprises about twenty-five American species, northern or southern, but chiefly western. As in the four preceding genera, the spikes are distant along the main peduncle, and often nume- rous, very rarely reduced to one or two; but they are usually short, with the spikelets densely crowded in two rows on one side of the rhachis, and the rhachilla always continued beyond the single hermaphrodite flower, bearing one to three empty glumes or awns, or sometimes a male flower. The flowering and upper empty glumes usually end in three or five lobes, points, or awns ; but they are often exceedingly variable in this respect even in the same specimen, and it becomes difficult to make much use of them in the arrangement of the species. The following four sections, raised by some to the rank of genera, are founded chiefly on inflorescence :—(1) Chondrosia or Chondrosium, Desv. Spikes usually few, often rather long, with numerous spikelets (more than twelve) neatly pectinate, and the terminal empty glume usually three-awned ; the species rather numerous, especially in Mexico, where they run much one into another. (2) Atheropo- gon, Muehl., including Heterostega or Heterosteca, Desv. Spikes often numerous, but usually very short with few (rarely above twelve) spikelets, crowded but scarcely pectinate, or almost re- duced to clusters, the terminal empty glume varying from three- awned to entire, or reduced to a single bristle. The species best known, B. racemosa, Lag. (Atheropogon apludoides, Muebl., Dinebra curtipendula, DC.), was associated by DeCandolle and Beauvois with the Dinebra arabica of Jacquin, which, however, differs essentially in its several-flowcred spikelets. (8) Tria- thera, Desy. Spikes still further reduced than in Atheropogon, consisting usually of two to four spikelets so narrow and so close together as to appear like a single one, and perhaps sometimes really only a single one, the upper empty glume reduced to three awns, as in several species of the preceding section. There appear to be two species, B. aristidoides (Dinebra avistidoides, H. B. K., forming the genus Aristidiwm, Eudl.), with two to four spikelets to each spike, and B. tréathera, to which I should, with Munro, refer both Triathera, Desv., and Triena, H.B,K. The spike- MR. G. BENTHAM ON GRAMINEX. 105 lets vary in the same panicle, one, two, or three to the spike, and are themselves polymorphous. Where there are three, I have found the lowest empty glume of the lowest spikelet very narrow and awnlike, and very probably that which Kunth has described and figured as an awn at the base of the glume; in the uppermost of the three spikelets the lowest empty glume is similar to the second, the intermediate spikelet being sometimes like the upper, sometimes like the lower one. (4) Polyodon, H. B. K. (Zriplathera, Eundl.). Spikes few, short, and crowded at the.end of the peduncle with few spikelets, the flowering glume three-awned, the two or three upper empty glumes each with three or five awns, having together the appearance of a single cluster of many awns. We have two species, B. disticha (Poly- podon distichum, H.B.K.), including apparently