Gornell University Library Ithaca, New York RETURN TO ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY ITHACA, N.Y; ell University Library Lithograms of the ferns of Queensland. Wueensland. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BRISBANE. —_—_»—_—_. LITHOGRAMS OF THE FERNS OF QUEENSLAND. By FREDK. MANSON BAILEY, F.L.S.,C. M. P. SOC. OF GREAT BRITAIN, COLONIAL BOTANIST. “The education of a naturalist now consists chiefly in learning how to compare.’’—A gassiz. BRISBANE : PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHIC OFFICE, 1892. } PRHFATORY NOTICE. ———_—>—____. Tr any explanation be required as to the appearance of a work of this kind under Government authority, it may be stated that, probably from my intimate knowledge of Australian ferns and large collection of herbarium specimens, I am the only one here who could furnish authentic specimens for the purpose. This work must not be understood as prepared for the scientific pteridologist. It is for that far more numerous class, lovers and cultivators of our indigenous ferns, who, while having a desire for their names, find a difficulty in determining them from published descriptions, be such ever so plain and devoid of technicalities. To such these lithographic impressions should prove a great boon, for from them persons should find no difficulty in determining the names of all Queensland ferns which it may be desired to transport into bush or green house. The preparation for publication of such a work as the one now issued has been urged upon me, not only by the cultivators of our native ferns within the colony, but by others beyond, who find my publications of service to them, and have liked the few lithographic impressions by which certain few species have been illustrated. Ferns at the present time are considered more in an esthetic than economic light; yet we must not forget that amongst our indigenous species are those which at one time, and perhaps at the present, serve economic purposes. For instance, Gletchenia dicholoma in Brazil are used by the negroes in pipe manufacture, the stems being used for the tube; Angiopteris erecta and Polypodium phymatodes, both ot which are common in Tropical Queensiand, are employed by the natives of the South ea Islands in the preparation of coconut oil; and the rhizomes of several in former times furnished the natives of Australia with a part of their food. Tt has not been deemed necessary that a letterpress giving descriptions should accompany the lithograms. ‘this would have made the book costly. The names, however, are given on the plates, and a reference to each where full descriptions can be consulted. Had such been given, and dissected drawings of the fructification been added to -the plates, the value of the work would have been greatly enhanced, but it would have so far increased the cost of the book as to have put it out of the reach of the many who I hope will now reap an advantage from its publication. 4 An index was indispensable, and this I have tried to make as useful as possible by incorporating, besides the genera used on the plates, most of the trivial or local names, besides synonyms under which descriptions may be met with in fern literature. I may here express my thanks to the Government for aceeding to my request that the hthographing might be done at the Government Department, thus insuring for the public a work at low cost and good workmanship. I hope that the demand for this publication will be such as may encourage the issue of other works of a similar character. To the Government lithographer (Mr. Costin) my thanks are due for the very great care he has taken in placing each specimen upon the stone. Pr. M. BAILEY, Colonial B otanist. May, 1892. INDEX OF GENERA, SYNONYMS, AND TRIVIAL NAMES. ** The Irattcs indicate Synonyms and Trivial Names. Acrostichum—LHlaphoglossum, Hymenolepis, Newrosoria, Stenochlena, Adder’s-tonyue—Ophioglossum. Adiantum—Pteris. Allantodia—Asplenium umbrosum. Alsophila. Angiopteris. Antrophyum. Arthropteris—Polypodium tenellum. Aspidium—Lastrea, Nephrodium, Nephrolepis, Polystichum, Sayenta. Asplenium—Callipteris, Diplasium, Allantodia, Thammnopteris, Spleenwort. Balantiwm—Davallia dubia. Bat’s-wing fern—Pteris incisa, - Bird’s-nest fern—Asplenium nidus. Blechnum. Botrychium. Bracken fern—Pteris aquilina. Braid fern—Platyzoma microphyllum. Bristle fermn—Trichomanes. Caraway-seed fern—Asplenium umbrosum. Cavern fern—Antrophyum. Ceratopteris—Parkeria. Cheilanthes. Cloak fern—Notholena. Cenopteris—Asplenium bulbiferum. Curly fern—Cheilanthes tenuifolia, Davallia—Balantium Dicksonia. Deer’s-tonque fern—Acrostichum conforme. Dennstedtia—Dicksonia davallioides. Dicksonia—Davallia, Dennstedtia. Diclidopteris—Monogramme Junghuhuii, var. tenella, Dictyogramme—Grammitis pinnata. Dictyopteris—Poly podium attenuatum. Diplasium—Asplenium poly podioides. Doodia— Woodwardia. Drynaria—P oly podium rigidulum. Ear fern—Pteris falcata. Elaphoglossum—Acrostichum conforme. Elk’s-horn fern—Platycerium alcicorne. Fan fern—Gleichenia flabellata. Fan spleenwort—Asplenium flabellifolium, Fern of God (Wa Kalou of Pacific Islanders)—Lygodium reticulatum. Film fern—Hymenophyllum. 171 167 12 86 189 13 6 Frilled fern—Acrostichum neglectum. Gleichenia—ertensia, Parasol or Umbrella fern. Golden swamp fern—Acrostichum aureum. Goniophlebium verrucosum—Polypodium verrucosum. Goniopteris—Polypodium proliferum. Grammitis—Dietyogramme, Gymnogramme, Hemionitis. Grape jern—Dotrychium ternatum, Grass-leaf fern—Vittaria elongata. Guinnogramme-—Gramiitis. Hard fern—Plechnnn. Havre’s-foot fern—Davallia pyxidata. Helminthostachys. Hemionitis—Grammitis pinnata. Humuta pedata—Davallia pedata. Hydroglossum—Lygodium reticulatum. Huymenolepis spicata—Acrostichum spicatuin. Hymienophyllam. Hy polepis. Lady fern—Aspidium aculeatum. Lastrea—Agspidium. Leptopteris Fraseri—Todea Fraseri. Lindsea—Davallia, Schizoloma. Lip fern—Cheilanthes. Lntobrochia—P teris. Lomaria—Blechnum, Stevania, Onoclea, Lomariopsis Brightia—Acrostichum sorbifolium. Lygodium—Aydroglossuin. Maiden-ha'r forn—Adiantum, Marattia fraxinea, Meadow-rue fern—Ceratopteris thalictroides. Meniscium Kennedyi—Poly podium urophyllum, Mertensia—(pleichenia dichotoma. Microlepia—Davallia spelunce. Monogramiue—Diclidopteris. Mountain bracken—Davallia dubia. Mounted fern—Angiopteris evecta. Nephrodium—Aspidiuin, Nephrolcpis—Aspidium. Weurosorta—Acrostichum pteroides. Niphobolus—Poly podium. Notholena— Acrostichum, Cheilanthes, Gumnogramme. Oak-leaf fern—Polypodium quercifolium, : Onoclea nuda—Lomaria discolor. Ophioglossum. Osmunda barbara—Toder barbara, Osmunda ternata—Boirychium tematum. Purasol fern—Gleichenia circinata, Parkeria ptcridioides—Ceratopteris thalictroides, Pellea—Pteris, Phymeatodes—Poly podium. Pickled cabbage fern—Lomaria capensis. Platycerium—Acrostichum. Platyloma—P teris, Pla ma—G'leichenia, Pleopeltis—Poly podium. 179 19 97 19 20 32 21 16 50 12 33 40 ih Pecilopteris—Acrostichum repandum. Polypodium—Drynaria, Goniopteris, Goniophlebium, Grammitis, Pleopeltis, Niphobolus, Arthropteris, Polypody. Poly pody—Polypodium. Polystichum vestitum—Aspidium aculeatum. Potato fern—Marattia fraxinea. Prichly fern—Doodia aspera. Prickly fern tree—Alsophila Leichhardtiana. Pteris—Pellea, Platyloma, Iatobrochia, Ribbon fern—Ophioglossum pendulum. Rue-leaf fern—Grammitis rutefolia. Rusty fern—Notholena distans. Sagenia—Aspidium. Schizeea, Schizoloma—Lindsea. Sea Spleenwort—Asplenium marinum. Shield fern—Aspidium. Shiny fern—Poly podium aspidioides. Snake’s-tongue fern—Lygodium. Split-frond fern—Schizea. Stag’s-horn fern—Platycerium grande. Stegania—Lomaria. Stenochlena scandens—Acrostichum scandens. Swamp tree-fern—Todea barbara. Thamnopteris nidus—Asplenium nidus. Todea barbara. Todea Vraseri—Leptopteris Frasert. Tree-fern—Al|sophila, Trichomanes. Umbrella fern—Gleichenia flabellata. Vittaria elongata. Wa Kalou, i.e., Fern of God—Lygodium reticulatum. Water fern—Ceratopteris thalictroides. Wig fern—Alsophila Rebecce, var. commutata, Woodwardia—Doodia. Worm-spike fern—Helminthostachys. Woolly tree-fern—Dicksonia antarctica. Ophio Slo ssum vulgatum, Li. (A)var 9 minutum (B) var = grammeum Syn .QlFlp.6r 8. Bot. Bull. N°5 ee Botryehium ternatum, Sw Syn. Ql. Fl p. 679. Helmunthosta ehy s Jeylanica, Hooky. Syn. Ql. Fl.p 679 Sterile Lygodium dichotomum,sw. 2 Supp. Syn. QLFl p 66. Fertile Sterile Lygo dium seandens, Sv Syn. Q1.F lp. 680 Sterile Lygodium re ticulatum, Sehr Syn. QLFl. p. 680 Sterile Fertile Lygodium japonicum, Ow. Syn. Q1.Flp. 680. (B) Schigea Forsteri, Spreng Syn. Ql Fl Pp 661. (A) Schigcea, bifida, Sw Syn.Q1.Flp. 681. 10 2 chigeca. dichotoma,Sw. " \ 2 Syn.Ql.Flp. 681. il Q c = a fraxinea, S77 Syn..Ql.Flp.682. Pinte eveeta, Horrry Angiopteris syn. Ql. Fl. Ceratopteris thalictroides, Brongm Sv. O1. Flv. 684. 13 Platygoma microphyllum R.Br Syn. Q1.Fl.p. 683 “
  • L s Dic soma davallioides, Syn.Ql Flp.691 Davalha solida, Sw Davallia el egans, Sw. Syn QLF1p.622. Davallia pyxidata, lav syn QL Fl. p.692 Davallia pedata,S1m. Syn QP i poe. Davalha dubia, A Br Syn. Ql Fl.p 692 Davallia spelunese, Baker Syn.QLFlp.692 G2 Ss: Sas Ole RIG p: Davalia tripinnata, FV. M. AVittaria elongala, Sw \ x BV. woorooncoran, Bazi, Bet Suppl. Syn, QLFl p, 92. dimorpha, Bacd. y QLF1lp.694 L. linearis, Sw oyn., Ql. Flip 694. D2 AVES & Lindsaea cultrata,dw. Syn. O1F1. p694 Llobata, Pow Syn QLFLp. 9A syn. QL Flepy 694. Lindsaea flabellulata, Dry. microphylla,Sw Lindsaea Sy n. QL. FI p.6d4. Lindssea ineisa, Prentice. Syn. Q1.Flp.695 56 Te: lanuginosa Wall, Syn. Q.Fip.695 Lindseea Fraseri, Hook. Syn. QI FLp.695 Lindseea’ ensifoha, Sw Syn. QI! Flp.695. Adiantum lunulatum, B8uarrv Syn. O1.F1.0.696. A. sethiopicum, Luwu: Syn.Ql.Flp.69 6, Adiantum formosum, R.Br Syn. Q1. Fl p.696. Adiantum ¥ f affine, Willd. pyie GL FL i. Oo, Adiantum diaphanum,BL Syn..QL Fp. 697 Adiantum hispidulum,Sw Syn, Ol. Flp. 697. 64: Se oy Hypolepis tenuifolia, Bare Sxn. Ol Flv. 697. “LO 0 tenuifolia, Sw Syn. Q.Fl Pp 698 Cheilanthes Pi var Siebe eula Var WLaiu: tenuifolia, Sw Cheilanthes Syn.Ql Fl. p. 698. Chel lanthes caudata, A. Br Syn. Q1 Fl p. 696. 68 Pieris geranufolia, Raddv Syn. Ql Flp699 Ag agerenst ye ee We i detempmekes goer eae cies 1% 3 ee P falcata,var nana. Pteris faleata,A. Br Syn.Ql F1.p. 699. 70 Pteris faleata,h.Br var paradoxa, Syn. Q1.Fl.p. 639, cel Pteris faleata, R Br var rotundifolia Syn. Q1LF1 p.699 Pteris longifolia, Ling, Syn.QlFlp. 699. ifopmis, Burm ens Pteris Syn Ol. F1 p. 699 umbrosa,A Br yn QL FL p79 Pteri:s = a 3 & + ey quadriaurita, Reg. A POO = f Syn QLFL p BR PK = tremula, fy. QLPLp. 700. Pteris a Po) YIL 8 x 8 is SS ~ a BO i. BS Pe Be ate So & aad oe Q 3 ie Ae es a W & vo a. te Pteris aquilina, Lum, var lanuginosa, Hook, ra 5“ Suppl. Syn QLFl p 92 79 Pteris ineisa,T ine Syn QLFI pol. \ ee ee es ’ : +. § z a> ser wa e if 3, un BT eee ls ? ’ oa : ‘4, ane #. ‘ : ‘ Bh # ¥ Sep re. ees 2 By seh ach? fae 4? EATERS Pe Te BP Bh ue ay ye BUD he A Tae ie Eo . may si fi ry ce = é 5, hy SP TAS e x : 4 3 7 ay ‘ s a ; noe : oS ” aN 2 % Wa re wee * hy * roy! 2G ayer yy \ " S 7 eS: fo ek Ys Sa : + ‘ : é PONGRE AY QA! aN e i h } x es x *e ‘ ‘ Etat 4 _ Be\. i f eS ‘. x hte eo ‘= * si. > ae Se yt Sa FN rs Se Ba £ y ay ‘d a = geil = Ww gt ey Cr Be ete | = {me GEIS s fc aa & :% 5 gy Hat ‘ 4’ e] Wipe er Cs 3 ag faye Fy Be ys Riggs BRS et i past Se RE Ries Fis #4), a ie Ape Beis ® 3 Vers ele e “hoy 3 = ee A Te i: Ly ieee ith a 1 i \ i e 7m / i | ee tb a, Bory: mar el nat Pteris LFL.p.701 oyn, Q Pteris e oman.s , For st Syn.QLFlp 701. 88 Fertile Llomaria Patersoni, Spreng Syn. QUFIp.70l Lomaria discolor, Willd: Sterile) Syn. Ql Flp 702 Lomaria discolor Wild (fertile) Syn. Q1Flp.702, 895 a es mK Fertile Sterile Lomaria laneeolat &, Sprerug. 1= Suppl. Syn.QlFlp. 64. Lomaria capensis, Willd Syn. QLFlp. 702 , Has ex 12, Syn QLFlp.702 Lomaria euphl eb Bleechnum cartilagineum, ow. Syn.Ql Fl p.703 89 Bleehnum eartilagineum, Sw var tropica Syn QL] p.708. ‘fP? Bleechnum. serrulatum, Rich: Syn QL.F1 p.70 91 Blechnum Whelani, Baz See Suppl Syn.Ql.Flpoe. Bleechnum orientale, Lim Syn.QLFlp 708. . a, Monogramme Jung al var tenella. Syn, Q1.F1 Pp: 704. § TREES are} Doodia aspera,#.Br: Syn Olt P- 704 94 Doodia aspera,RiBr var heteropylla Syn.Q1.Fl 704. Doodia aspera, fy Br var media Syn. QLF1p.704, Doodia aspera,R.Br rar caudata San OL PIN FOS Asplenium nidus, Line Syn.QlFl.p. 705, A. attenuatum : VW yp 2 my Asplenium attenuatum, #.Br ay Web ee ne Syn Ql Flop 706 Svin. OLFl../05. 100 Asple nium attenuatum,& br var ruoaltilobum Syn. QL TL, p, 7Op 101 Asplenium attenuatum, &.Br var Senhneideri Syn. Ql FL p.706 Sa See a as 4. = Asplenium paleaceum,&: Br Syn.QLFlp.706 104 Asplenium faleatum, Lar. )LFl.p. 706. Q PEs mS Asplenium obtusatum, forse Svm, OLEL pn. 7607. Asplenium marinum Luv var difforme 1* Suppl Syn. QL. FI p 65 107 Asplenium pesectum,S7™ var aastraliense, Baw 1% Suppl. Syn Q1.Fl P 64. Asplenium Wild, Baw. Bot. Bull.N°4p.20 eatum, Thunb. n fur 1 ppl leniunr P Ss A a FS @ Dp. OF i Pl Syn.Ql om we) ond 110 Bs OS Asplenium affine, Sw Bot, Ball N*4.p.20 Asp lenium las erpitifolium, Lam Syn.Q1Flp 707 & BE fL Ey GE | AN pa m (29 aye PY, Asplenium Hookerianwin, Coles var Bau 5% Suppl Syn.Ql Fl p.98 Asplenium bulbiferum, Forse. Syn. Ql. Flp 707, Asplenium umbro sum, J Srv 707. syn.Ql. FLp Us Asplenium umbrosum,J/S dm var tenera Syn.Q1.Pl.p. 708 ll6 Asplenium Prenticei, Baw Syn. Q1.FLp.70g Asplenium japonicum ,Thz2é Syn. QLF1 p708. 118 Asplenium sylvaticum, Presh/ syn Ql FLpros 119 Asplenium maximum,Dor Syn. QL.F] p-708. 120 4 BeOS Sas, SSS : Asplenium olyp odioides, Metten/ Syn. Q1.F1.0.709 Asplenium decussatum, Sw Syn. Ql Fl p709 122 Aspidium cordifolum, Sw. Syn.Q.Flp7o9 125 Aspidium exaltatum, dw. Syn. QF] p7lo. Aspidium exaltatum,Sw. yar longipinnia. Syn. Q1. Fl. p. 710. As pidiam ramosum ,beawnr Syn. Ql Pip. 1 (B) A spidium eumundi, Bail, Bot. Bull. Ni 5 Sterile (A)Aspidium vramosum, Beauv var lineare, Bazl: 5° Suppl. Syn. Q1.Fl p: 28. thes eo PR te a" Aspidium unitum, Sw. Syn .Ql.Fl P 710 Aspidium unitum, Sw var propingquum Syn.Q] Fl Pp “1 129 ie! 5 we 0 Sia) 0 & o Ret Pu o oO o Qu ny