Cornell University Library QK 170.T76 Catalogue of the phaenogamous and vascul 3 1924 001 721 012 31924001721012CATALOGUE OF THE PHANOGAMOUS AND VASCULAR CRYPTOGAMOUS PLANTS MISSOURI. By S. M. Tracy, Professor of Botany, Missouri Stats University, Colombia, Mo. JEFFERSON CITY: TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, STATE PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1886.-FLORS OF MISSOURI By S. M. Tracy. State University, Colombia, Mo. The following catalogue is, I believe, the first publication of any list of the plants of the State, excepting a “ Partial Catalogue of the Plants of Illinois and Missouri,” published by Mr. Geyer about 1842 which has long been out of print. The present catalogue was com- menced more than five years ago, but the press of other important work has prevented its earlier publication. Even now there are doubt- less many species which are not included as there are some sections of the State which I have been unable to visit, and from which I have found it impossible to obtain lists. The counties along the central part of the Southern boundary, and the exlreme Northern and North- eastern portions of the State have not yet been carefully studied. The sources from which this catalogue has been made are; the herbarium of the State University which includes valuable collections made by the State Geological Survey, Prof. Swallow, Dr. Pech of Louisiana, Mr. Geyer and Dr. Engelmann of St. Louis and others; the “Flora of Jackson County ” and extensive notes from Frank Bush of Independence; notes and specimens from Prof. G. C. Broadhead of Pleasant Hill, Geo. W. Letterman of Allenton; Mrs McCluney of Se- dalia, and many others. I am indebted to Prof. Trelease of Washing- ton Uuiversity for access to the Riehl collection of Missouri plants, and to Mr. B. T. Galloway of Columbia, who has done the entire work of preparing the list of grasses, and has furnished notes upou many other plants. Free use has been made of the various published works of Dr. Gray, and the government reports of King and Wheeler. During the past twelve years I have visited many parts of the State, and have pre- served a careful record of plants observed in the different localities. Nearly every plant named in the catalogue has been carefully exam- ined by myself, and doubtful specimens have been referred to Dr. Gray, Yasey or other recognized authorities for verification. I have4 FLORA OF MISSOURI. endeavored to make the list accurate and have not included species of whose presence here I was not fully satisfied. The arrangement of the catalogue is made to conform to that of Bentham and Hooker, and the nomenclature to that of “Gray’s Flora of North America,” and “Gray’s Manual” fifth edition. In giving localities I have, in most cases given the names of the counties where found, iollowed by the names of the person who collected the specimen now in the University herbarium, or reporting its presence. The cata- logue contains the names of 123 orders with 1786 species and varieties. From the present incomplete list it will readily be seen that the State has four well defined botanical regions. First, river bottom lands extending along the entire length of the State on the East and through its central portion along the Missouri river, and its larger trib- utaries. Second, the swamp region of the Southeast. Third, the Ozark region, including the hilly and broken country which covers a large portion of the State South of the Missouri river. Fourth, the prairie region which includes a large portion of the State North of the Missouri river, together with the Northwestern portion of the part of the State South of the Missouri river. In the extreme Northwest, the flora as- sumes a character much resembling that which is typical of the West- ern plains. The constantly changing character of the flora of a newly settled country, makes it practically impossible to make a list which is complete in all its details, as new plants are yearly introduced, or are found in new localities driving out, the earlier forms and producing constant changes. When the State was organized our hills and prairies produced an abundant growth of buffalo grass which soon gave place to the blue joint which is, in turn being driven out by the more valu- able blue-grass. With cultivation came purslane, dandelion, lambs- quarter and hosts of other troublesome weeds from the East, and within the last ten years the prickly solanum has immigrated from the far West and now seems perfectly at home in the streets of St. Louis. It is earnestly desired that the catalogue be made as complete as possible, and to this end botanists and all others are requested to send notes and specimens of plants not named in the present catalogue, or from new localities. All such specimens will be placed in the Uni- versity herbarium, and duly acknowledged in future editions of the catalogue. December 31, 1885.CATALOGUE. RANUNCULACEJE. Crowfoot Family. 1. Clematis Fremonti, Watson. Virgin’s Bower. Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, (Letterman), St. Louis, (Eggert). 2. Pitcheri, Torr & Gray. Bates and Jackson, (Bush), Boone, (Tracy), Harrison and Livingston, (Broadhead), Iron, (Galloway). 3. Viorna, L. Leather Flower. Cass and Greene, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard). 4. Virginiana, L Boone, (Tracy), Cole anl Eastward, (Broadhead), Missis- sippi, (Galloway), Pike, (Pech). 5. Thalictrum anemonoides, Michx. Meadow Rue. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard), St. Louis, (Geyer and Kellogg). 6. Cornuti, L. Tall Meadow Rue. Boone, (Galloway.) Cass, (Engelmann.) Lincoln and Linn, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 7. dioicum, L. Early Meadow Rue. Iron, (Broadhead). 8. purpurascens, L. Purple Meadow Rue. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), ijfpiler, (Winick), Pike, (Pech). 9. Anemone acutiloba, DC. Wind Flower. Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman,) Stone, (Shepard). 10. cylindrica, Gray. Long-fruited Anemone. Greene, (Shepard), Mercer, (Broadhead). 11. decapetala, L. Carolina Anemone. Bates, Cass and Vernon and in Western Mo. only, (Broad- head), Greene, (Shepard), Rare in Jackson, (Bush).6 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 12. dichotoma, L. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 13. Hepatica, L. Liver-leaf. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Ksllogg and Murtfeldt), Central and Eastern Missouri, (Broadhead). 14. nemorosa, L. Wind Flower, Boone, (Tracy), Howard and Knox, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 15. parviflora, Michx. Small-flowered Anemone. Knox and along Mo. river, (Broadhead). 16. patens, L., var. Nuttalliana, Gray. Pasque Flower. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 17. Virginiana, L. Virginian Anemone. Boone, (Galloway), Cole, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech) St. Louis, (Reihl). 18. Pennsylvanica, L. Pennsylvanian Anemone. Boone, (Tracy), Warren, (Broadhead). 19. Myosurus minimus, L. Mouse-tail. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), Pike, (Pech),St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 20. Ranunculus abortivus, L. Small-flowered Crowfoot. Common. 21. var. micranthus, Gray. Boone, (Galloway), Bmton, (Swallow), Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick) St. Louis, (Geyer). 22. acris, Z., Buttercup. Chariton, (Swallow). 23. aquatilis, L., var. tricophyllus, Chaix. Water Crowfoot, Adair, Jasper, St. Charles and Western Mo., (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). 24. var. stagnatilis, DO. Little Blue river, Jackson, (Bush). 25. fascicularis, Muhl. Early Crowfoot. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Geyer). 26. multifidus, Pursh. Yellow Water Crowfoot^ Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 27. muricatus, Z., Miller, (Winick). 28. Pennsylvanicus, L. Bristly Crowfoot St. Louis, (Murtfeldt)!CATALOGUE. 7 29. recurvatus, Poir. Hooked Crowfoot * Boone, (I'racy), Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), Pike, (Pech). 30. repens, L. Creeping Crowfoot. Common everywhere. 31. rhomboideus, Goldie. Greene, (Shepard). 32. sceleratus, L. Cursed Crowfoot. Jackson, (Bush). 33. Hydrastis Canadensis, L. Yellow Puccoon. Rich woods throughout the State, but nowhere abundant. 34. Isopyrum biternatum. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman), Western Mo., (Broadhead). 35. Aquilegia Canadensis, L. Columbine, Common everywhere—A white, flowering variety common in Jackson, and a yellow in Buchanan—(Broadhead). 36. Delphinium azureum, Michx. Larkspur. Common everywhere—A white flowering variety in Jack- son—(Bush). 37. exaltatum, Ait. Tall Larkspur. Lincoln, (Broadhead), Miller, (Winick). 38. tricorne, Michx. Dwarf Larkspur. Common. 39. Ajacis, L. Adv. along railroads—Jackson, (Bush). 40. Actuea alba, Bigel. ' White Baneberry. Greene, (Shepard and Bush), St.Louis, (Murtfeldt). 41. spicata, L., var. rubra, Mx. Red Baneberry. Boone, (Galloway), Iron, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). 42. Cimicifuga racemosa, Ell. Black Snakeroot. Greene and Wright, (Bush), Iron and Wayne, (Letterman), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 43. Nigella Damascena, L. Becoming spontaneous in Jackson, (Bush). MAGN OLIACEHL Magnolia Family. 44. Magnolia glauca, L. Sweet Bay. Missouri, (Torr and Gray). A. R.—268 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 45. Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. Tulip Tree. Butler and Southeast Mo. (Letterman), Mississippi,1[Gal- loway.) Not found north of Madison, (Broadhead). ANONACEiE. Custard Apple Family. 46. Asimina triloba, Dunal. Papaw. Common everywhere. MENISPERMACEJE. Moonseed Family. 47. Caly cocarp um Lyoni, Nutt. St. Louis. (Shepard). 48. Cocculus Carolinus, DO. Barton, Cole, Vernon, (Broadhead). 49. Menispermum Oanadense, L. Common everywhere. BERBERIDACEiE. Barberry Family. 50. Caulophyllum thalictroides, Michx. Blue Cohosh. Green,(Shepard), Jefferson along the Meramec, (Letterman), Pike, (Pech). 51. Podophyllum peltatum, L. May Apple. Common everywhere. N Y MPHEiEOEAE. Water-Lily Family. 52. Brasenia peltata, Pursh. Water-Shield. Barton,(Broadhead), Perry, (Demetrio), Putnam, (Swallow). 53. Nuphar advena, Ait. Yellow Pond-Lily. Barton, Iron and Western Mo. (Broadhead), Boone, (Tracy), Green, (Bush), 54. Nymphuea odorata, Ait. White Pond-Lily. Barton, (Broadhead), Buchanan and Mississippi, (Gallo- way), Pike, (Pech). 55. tuberosa, Paine. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Cupseed. Moonseed.CATALOGUE. 9 56. Nelumbium luteum, Willd. Chinquepin. Boone, St. Louis, (Tracy), Buchanan and Cass, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McClnney). PAP AVER ACEiE. Poppy Family. 57. Papaver somniferum, L. Common Poppy. Spontaneous about gardens. 58. Axgemone Mexicana, L. Prickly Poppy. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), Knox and Ralls, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). 59. var. albiflora,*D. C. Jackson, (Bush). 60. Stylophorum diphyllum, Nutt' Celandine Poppy. Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman), St. Charles, (Broadhead.) 61. Sanguinaria Canadensis, L. Bloodroot. Common everywhere. FUMARIACE^E. Fumitory Family. Dicentra cucullaria, DC. Dutchman's Breeches. Common everywhere. Canadensis, DC. Squirrel Corn. Boone, (Tracy). Corydalis aurea, Willd. Golden Corydalis. Boone, (Galloway), Cass, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). var. occidentalis, Englm, Miller, (Winick). var. micrantha, Englm. St. Louis. (Engelmann). crystallina, Englm. Cass, Livingston, Vernon, (Broadhead). flavula, Raf. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). CRUCIFERS. Mustard Family. 69. Nasturtium Armoracia, Fries. Horseradish. Common in old garden*. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68.10 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 70. lacustre, Gray. Lake Uress. Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech). 71. limosum, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush). 72. obtusum, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 73. officinale, R. Br. True Water Cress. Adveptive at Kansas City, (Bush). 74. palustre, DO. Marsh Cress. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), P/ke, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). 75. var. hispidum, F. & M. Jackson, rare. (Bush). 76. sessiliflorum, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush). 77. sinuatum, Nutt. Along rivers in woods. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 78. sylvestre, R. Br. Yellow Cress. Pike, (Pech). 79. Barbarea vulgaris, R Br. Winter Cress. Pike, (Pech.) 80. Arabia Canadensis L. Sickle Pod. Common. 81. dentata, Torr. & Gray. Jackson, (Bush). 82. hesperidoides, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Pike, (Pech). 83. hirsuta, Scop. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pech). 84. laevigata, DC. Boone, (Tracy). 85. Ludoviciana, Meyer. St. Louis, (Riehl & Murtfeldt). 86. lyrata, L. Jefferson, (Letterman.) 87. patens. Sulliv. Greene, (Shepard). 88. Cardamine hirsuta, L. Small Bitter Cress. Boone, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis (Geyer). 89. —var. sylvatica, Gray. Jackson, (Bush)CATALOGUE. 11 90 91. 92. 93. 94.. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 105. 106. 107. 108. rhomboidea, DC. Spring Cress. Boone, (Tracy), Cass and Polk, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). rotundifolia, Michx. Mountain Water Cress. Greene, (Shepard). Deutaria laciniata, Muhl. Pepperwort. Common. multifida, Muhl. Knox, (Broadhead) Leavenworthia aurea, Torr. ‘•Missouri,” (F. L. Harvey.) Michauxii, Torr. St. Louis and Franklin (Letterman). Silene aurea, Nutt. Greene, (Shepard). Vesicaria Shortii, Torr. & Gray. Bladderpod. Greene, (Broadhead). Draba brachycarpa, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush),St. Louis, (Geyer). Carolinian a, Walt. Boone, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Clay, (Bush), St. Louis, (Geyer & Letterman). var. micrantha, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). cuneifolia, Nutt. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard),St. Louis, (Letter- man), nemorosa, L. Lewis, (Egeling). verna, L. Whitlow Grass. Boone, (Galloway). Hesperis matronalis, L. Nat. in Boone (Tracy). Sisymbrium canescens, Nutt. Tansy Mustard. Benton, (Swallow), Jackson, (Bush),Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Geyer & Murtleldt). officinale. Scop. Hedge Mustard. Common. Ihaliana, Gaud. Mouse-ear Cress. Boone, (Tracy). Erysimum asperum, DC. Western Wall-flower. (Torrey and Gray.)12 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 109. var. Arkansanum, Nutt. Franklin, Jefferson, St. Louis. (Letterman). 110., L. Wormseed Mustard. (Torrey and Gray.) 111. Thelypodium pinnatifidum, Watson. Jackson, (Bush). 112. Camelina sativa, Crantz. False Flax. Cass, (Broadhead). 113. Brasslca alba, Gray. White Mustard. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 111. Campestris, L. Charlock, Jackson, in old Helds, (Bush). 115. nigra, Gray. Black Mustard. Common everywhere. 116. rapa, L. Jackson, in old fields, (Bnsh). 117. Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench. Shepherd’s Purse. Common everywhere. 118. Lepidium intermedium, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). 119. ruderale, L. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Torrey and Gray). 120. Virginicum. Wild Pepper-grass. Boone, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Geyer). 121. Thlaspi arvense, L. Pennycress. Jackson, (Bush). 122. Raphanus Raphanistrum, L. Wild Radish. Polk, (Broadhead). 0 APPARID ACEiE. Gaper Family. 123J Cleome integrifolia, Torrey and Gray. Clay, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush). 124. pungens, Willd. ^Pettis. (McCluny,) 125. Polanisia graveolens, Raf. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt).CATALOGUE. 13 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. CISTACE^E, Rock-Rose Family. Helianthenram Canadense, Michx. Frost-weed. Cass, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech). Lechea major, Michx. Pin-weed. Greene, (Shepard). minor, Lam. Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech), St. Lonis, (Riehl), Southwest Missouri, (Broadhead). tenuifolia, Mx. Greene, (Shepard), thymifolia, Pursh. Pike, (Pech). VIOLACE.E. Violet Family. Viola blahda, Willd. White Violet. Boone, (Tracy). Canadensis, L. Pike, (Pech). canina, L. var. sylvestris, Reg. Early Blue Violet. Greene and Knox, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). cucullata, Ait. Blue Violet. Common everywhere, var. cordata, Gray. Boone, (Tracy) Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Geyer). var. palmata, Gray. Common everywhere, delphinifolia, Nutt. Common everywhere, hastata, Michx. Pike, (Pech), Boone, (Galloway), lanceolata, L. Livingston, (Broadhead). pedata, L. Bird’s-foot Violet. Common everywhere, var. bicolor. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard), St. Charles, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt).14 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 142. primulsefolia, L. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Tracy). 143. pubescens, Ait. Common everywhere. 144. rostrata, Pursh. g Miller, (Winick). 145. rofundifolia, Michx. Round-Leaved Yiolet. Boone, (Tracy). 146. sagittata, Ait. Arrow-leaved Yiolet. Common everywhere. 147. striata, Ait. Common everywhere. 148. tricolor, L. Cass, (Broadhead), Pike (Pech), escaped. 149. var. arvensis. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 150. Ionidium concolor, Benth. & Hook. - Green Violet. Common in rich woods. POLYGALACEJE. Milkwort Family. 151. Polygala ambigua, Nutt. Milkwort. Jackson, not common, (Bush). 152. incarnata, L. Cass, (Broadhead,) Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluny.) 153. Nuttallii, Torr. & Gray. S. W. Missouri, (Broadhead). 154. sanguinea, L. Greene, (Bush & Shepard). 155. Senega, L. Seneca Snake Root. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard). 156. verticillata, L. Boone, (Galloway), Greene, (Shepard,) Jackson(Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). OARYOPHYLLACEAE. Pink Family. 157. Saponaria officinalis, L. Bouncing Bet. Common about old gardens.• CATALOGUE. 15 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 170*. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. Silene antirrhina, L. Sleepy Catchfly. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). noctWora, L. Night-flowering Catchfly. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). regia, Sims. Royal Catchfly. Common in Southern Missouri, stellata. Ait. Starry Campion. Common everywhere. Yirginica, L. Pire Pink. Butler, (Letterman), Iron, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Riehl). Lychnis Githago, Lam. Corn Cockle. Common in wheat fields. Cerastimn arvense, L. Field Chickweed. Miller, (Winick). nutans, Raf. Common everywhere, oblongifolium, Torr. Boone, (Tracy). viscosum, L. Large Chickweed. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). vulgatum, L. Mouse-ear Chickweed. Pike, (Pech). Stellaria media, Smith. Common Chickweed- Boone, (Tracy), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). longifolia, Muhl. Long-leaved Stitchwort. St. Louis, (Riehl). borealis, Big. Northern Starwort. Boone, (Galloway). Arenaria lateriflora, L. Sandwort. Jackson, (Mann). Michauxii, Hook. Livingston, (Broadhead). patula, Michx. Jackson, (Bush), Washington, (Riehl). Pitcheri, Nutt. Common everywhere. squarrosa, Michx. Pine-barren Sandwort. Jefferson, (Letterman).116 FLOKA OF MISSOURI. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. strict^, Michx. Greene, (Broadhead). Sagina procumbens, L. St. Louis, (Riehl.) Spergula arvensis, L. Boone, (Tracy.) PARONYCHIEAS. Paronychia dichotoma, Nutt. Osage, (Broadhead.) Anychia dichotoma, Michx. Common. var, capillacea, Torr. Jackson, (Bush & Mann.) PORTULACACEiE. Purslane Family. Portulaca oleracea, L. Purslane. Common in gardens. Talinum teretifolium, Pursh. Common south of Mo. River. Claytonia Caroliniana, Michx. Boone, (Tracy,) Greene, (Shepard.) Virginica, L. Spring Beauty. Common everywhere. ELANTINACEAS. Waterwort Family. Elatine Americana, Arnott. Waterwort. (Watson, in King’s Fifth Report.) HYPERICACEAS. St. John'swort Family. Ascyrum Crux-Andrese, L. St. Andrew’s Cross. Greene, (Shepard). Hypericum adpressum, Barton. St. Johu’s-wort. Jackson & Henry, (Bush). j3t. Louis, (Kellogg). Pearlwort. Corn Spurrey. Whitlow-wort. Forked Chickweed.CATALOGUE. 17 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. angulosum, Michx. Mississippi, (Galloway), aureum, Bartram. Pike, (Peck). Canadense, L. Greene, (Shepard), corymbosum, Muhl. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winich), Pettis, (McCluney), St.. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Drummondii, Torr & Gr. Greene, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl), S. W. Mo., (Broadhead). ellipticuin, Hook. Pike, (Pech). graveolens, Buckl. Pike, (Broadhead). mutilum, L. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson. (Bush), Pike, (Pech). nudiflorum, Michx. Greene, (Shepard). prolificum, L. Shrubby St. John’s-wort Common. pyramidatum, Ait. Great St. John’s-wort. Jackson—rare, (Bush). Sarothra, Michx. Pine-weed. Greene, (Shepard), Iron & St. Louis, (Letterman). sphaerocarpon, Michx. Barton, Cass & Pike, (Broadhead), Boone, (Galloway). MALVACEiE. Mallow Family. Malva crispa, Gray. Curled Mallow. 3 Ackson-escaped—(Bush). rotundifolia, L. Common Mallow. Common everywhere. sylvestris, L. High Mallow. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis,(Murtfeldt). Callirrhoe digitata, Nutt. Greene, (Letterman), Jasper & Lawrence, (Broadhead). involucrata, Gray. Jasper, (Letterman). triangulata, Gray. Mississippi, (Galloway).18 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 208. Malvastrum angustum, Gray. False Mallow. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). 209. Sida hispida. Cass, (Broadhead). 210. spinosa, L. Common everywhere. 211. Abutilon Avicennce, Gsertn. Common everywhere. 212. Hibiscus grandiflorus, Michx. St. Louis, (Letterman). 213. militaris, Cav. Halberd Leaved Mallow. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), Pike; (Pech), Mississippi, (Galloway). 211. Moscheutos, L. Swamp Rose Mallow. Barton, (Broadhead), Mississippi, (Galloway). 215. Syriacus, L. Shrubby Althea. Cass, (Broadhead), Pettis, (McCluney). 216. Trinnum, L. Bladder Ketmia. Common everywhere. TILIACEJE. . Linden Family. 217. Tilia Americana, L. Basswood. Common everywhere. LINACEiE. Flax Family. 218. Linum Booth. EDglm. Cass, (Broadhead). 219. perenne, L. (Watson, in King’s Fifth Report). 220. rigidum, Pursh. “ Missouri,” (Mrs. Lincoln’s Botany). 221. striatum, Walt. Pike, (Broadhead). 222. sulcatum, Riddell. Jackson, (Bush), Maries, (Broadhead). 223. usitatissimum, L. Common Flax. Occasionally escaped. Velvet Leaf, Rose Mallow.CATAiOGUE. 19 224. Virginianum, L. Common. GERANIACAL Geranium Family. 225. Geranium Carolinianum, L. Carolina Cranesbill. 226. Common. disxectum, L. Out-leaved Cranesbill. 227. Pike (Pech). maculatum, L. Wild Cranesbill. 228. Common. Robertianum, L. Herb Robert. 229. Greene (Shepard). Floerkea proserpinacoides, Willd. False Mermaid. 230. St. Charles (Egeling). Oxalis corniculata, L. Yellow Wood Sorrel. 231. Pike (Pech). var. stricta, L. 232. Common. violacea, L. Violet Wood Sorrel. 233. Common. Impatiens fulva, Nutt. Spotted Touch-me-not. 234. Common. pallida, Nutt. Pale Touch-me-not. 235. Common. RUTACEiE. Rue Family. ‘ Zanthoxylum Americanum, Mill. Prickly Ash. 236. Common. Ptelea trifoliata, L. Hop Tree. Common, except in N. W., (Broadhead). SIMARUBEJ2. 237. Ailantkus glandulosus, Desf. Tree of Heaven. Boone and St. Louis, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush).20 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 238. 239. 240. 241. 212. 343. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. AQUIFOLIAOEiE. Holly Family. Ilex decidua, Walt. Common in Southern Mo. laevigata, Gray. Smooth Winterberry. (Swallow). opaca, Ait. American Holly. Butler, (Letterman), Mississippi, (Galloway), verticillata, Gray. Black Alder. Boone, (Swallow), Iron, (Letterman), Mississippi, (Galloway), Pike, (Pech). CELASTRACEJ2. Stall-Tree Family. Enonymus Americanus, L. Strawberry Bush. Boone, (Tracy), Eastern Missouri, (Broadhead), Mississippi and New Madrid, (Galloway), atropurpureus, Jacq. Waahoo. Common everywhere. Celastrus scandens, L. Climbing Bitter-sweet. Common everywhere. RHAMNACEH2. Buckthorn Family. Berchemia volubilis DC. Supple-jack. Butler, (Letterman), Stone, (Broadhead). Khamnus Caroliniana, Walter. Buckthorn. Iron & St. Louis, (Letterman), Common S. E., (Broadhead). lanceolatus, Pursh. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), St, Louis, (Letterman) Western Missouri, (Broadhead). Ceanothus Americanus, L. New Jersey Tea. Common everywhere, ovalis, Bigel. Northern and Western Missouri, (Broadhead).CATALOGUE. 21 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. « 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. VITAOE^E. Grape Family. Vitis aestivalis, Michx. Summer Grape. Rare West, common elsewhere, bipinnata, Torr. & Gray. Common Southeast. cinerea, Engelm. Ashy Grape. Common on river bottoms. cordifolia, Michx. Frost Grape. Common. indivisa, Wild. i Common Southward, palmata, Vahl. Banks of Mississippi above St. Louis, (Eggert.) riparia, Michx. Frost Grape. Common everywhere. rupestris, Scheele. Sand Grape. Banks of the Missouri river Southward, vulpina, L. Muscadine. Montgomery, Maries and Southward, (Broadhead). Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Virginia Creeper. Common everywhere. SAPINDACE^E. Soapberry Family. Esenins Hava, Ait. Common. glabra, Willd. Common, excepting Westward. Pavia, L, S. E. Missouri. (Letterman). Acer dasycarpum, Ehrh. Common in low grounds. Pennsylvanicum, L. Iron, (Galloway). rnbrum, L. Callaway to S. E. Missouri. Sweet Buckeye. Ohio Buckeye. Red Buckeye. Soft Maple.. Striped Maple. Red Maple.22 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 266. saccharinum, Wang. Sugar Maple. Common elsewhere butnot found west of Nodaway river. 267. var. nigrum, Gray. Black Maple. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), 268. Negfundo aceroides, Moench, Box Elder. Common everywhere. 269. Staphylea trifolia, L. Bladder-Nut. Common. ANACARDIACE^E. Cashew Family. 270. Rhus aromatica, Ait. Fragrant Sumach. Common everywhere except extreme Northwest. 271. copailina, L. Dwarf Sumach. Common everywhere. 272. cotinoides, Nutt. Mississippi, (Galloway), St. Louis, (Broadhead). 273. glabra, L. Smooth Sumach, Common. 274. Toxicodendron, L. Poison Sumach. Common. 275. var. radicans, Torr. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick). 276. typhina, L. Staghorn Sumach. Common. 277. venenata, DC. Poison Dogwood. Greene, (Shepard. LEGUMINOS2E. Pulse Family. 278. Baptisia alba, R. Br. Miller, (Winick), Sullivan, (Broadhead). False Indigo. 279. australis, R. Br. Blue False Indigo. Benton, (Swallow), Greene, (Bush). 280. leucantha, Torr. & Gray. Common. 281. leucophsea, Nutt. Common. 282. tinctoria, R. Br. Lewis, (Egeling). Wild Indigo.CATALOGUE. 23 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. ' 300. 301. Crotalaria sagittalis, L. Rattlebox. Franklin & St.Louis, (Letterman), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), common in S. W. Mo. (Broadhead). liupinus perennis, L. Wild Lupine. Mississippi, (Galloway), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Medicago sativa, L. Lucerne. Spontaneous about old gardens. lupulina, L. Pettis, (McCluney). Melilotus alba, Lam. Common about old gardens. oMcinalis, Willd. Jackson, (Bush). Trifolinm arvense, L. Mississippi, (Galloway). pratense, L. Common everywhere. procumbens, L. Boone, (Galloway). White Melilot. Yellow Melilot. Rabbit-foot Clover. Red Clover. Hop Clover. reflexum, L. Buffalo Clover Boone, (Trao), Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). repens, L. White Clover. Common everywhere. stoloniferum, Muhl. Running Buffalo Clover. Common everywhere. Psoralea canescens, Michx. Pike, (Pech). esculenta, Pursh. Bates & Cass, rare—(Broadhead), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Letterman). melilotoides, Michx. Bates, (Broadhead), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Let- man). Onobryc his, Nutt. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). tenuiffjra, Pursh. Common. Amorplia canesceos, Nutt. Lead Plant. Common everywhere. fruticosa, L. False Indigo. Common everywhere. a r—2724 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 302. Dalea alopecuroides, Willd. Cass, (Broadheai ), Jackson, (Busk), St. Louis, along R. R., (Letterman). 303. aurea, Nutt. On White River, (Nuttali). 304. Petalostemon candidus, Michx. Prairie Clover. Common everywhere. 305. villosus, Nutt. Mississippi, (Broadhead). 306. violaceus, Michx. Common everywhere. 307. Teplirosia Virginiana, Pers. Goat's Rue. Common everywhere. 308. Wistaria frutescene, DO. Wistaria. Mississippi. (Swallow), Ray, (Broadhead). 309. Robinia Pseudacacia, L. Black Locust. Common everywhere. 310. Astragalus Canadensis, L. Vetch. Common everywhere. 311. caryocarpus, Ker. Ground Plum. Boone, (Tracj), common in Western Missouri, (Broad- head). 312, Torr. & Gray. Franklin, (Letterman), Greene, (Shepard), Pettis, (McCluney), West. Mo., (Broadhead). 313. gracilis, Nutt. (Watson, in King’s Fifth Reporl). 314. Mexicanus, A. DC. Common everywhere. 315. microlobus, Gray. (Watson, in King’s Filth Reporl) 316. Plattensis, Nutt. Greene, (Shepard). 317. racemosus, On White River, (Nuttali). 318. Oxytropis L.miberti, Pursh. Loco. AtchifOn (Broadhead). 319. Glycyrrhiza lepidola, Nutt. Wild Licorice. Platte & Vernon, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). 320. Stylosantlies elatior, Swarlz. Pencil Flower. Common.CATALOGUE. 25 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 323. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. Desmodium acuminatum, DO. Tick-trefoil. Common. Canadense, DC. Jackson, (Bush), canescens, DO. B ione, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). var villosissimum, T & G. Cass, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Drum- mond), ciliare, DC. Greene, (Shepard), cuspidatum, T. & Gray. JacksoD, (Bash), Pike, (Pech). Dillenii, Dari. Jackson, (Bush). Pike, (Pech). Illinoense, DC. Jackson, (Bush & Mann), laevigatum. Pettis, (McCluney). Marilandicum, Boott. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). nudiflnrum, DC. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). paniculatum, DO. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). pauciflorum, DC. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). rigid um, DC. Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), Pike, (Pech). rotundifolium, DC. Greene & Wright, (Bush), sessilifolium, Torr. & Gr. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). tenuifolium, Torr. & Gr. Greene, (Shepard), viridiflorum, Beck. Cass, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). ILespedeza eapitata, Michx. Bush Clover Common. 340. hirta, Ell. Wright, (Bush).26 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. procumbens, Michx. Mississippi, (Galloway), repens, Torr. & Gray. Common. reticulata, Pers. Jackson, (Bush), var. angustifolia, Maxim. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Stuvei, Nutt. Marion, (Broadhead). violacea, Pers. Common. var. divergens, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), var. angustifolia, Gray. Jackson & Wright, (Bush). Vicia Americana, Muhl. Yetch. Jackson, (Bnsh). • Caroliaiana, Walt. Boone, (Galloway), Greene, (Shepard), Iron, (Broad- I hea< ). Lathyrus maritimus, Big. Beach Pea. Pike, (Pech). palustris, L. Marsh Vetchling. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pech), Ray, (Swallow). Clitoria Mariana, L. Butterfly Pea. Boone, (Galloway), Iron & Madison, (Broadhead). Ampliicarpsea monoica, Nutt. Hog Pea-nut. Cass & Jackson, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldi); also a white variety in Cass & Jack- son, (Broadhead). Apios Luberosa, Mcench. Ground-nut. Common Pliaseolus diversifolius, Pers. Wild Bean. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). helvolus, L. Jackson, (Bush), pauciflorus, Benth. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Gymuocladus Canadensis, Lam. Kentucky Coffee-tree. Common everywhere.CATALOGUE. 27 360. Gleditschia monosperma, Walt. Water-Locust. Howell, (Tracy), Mississippi & New Madrid, (Gallo- way), Wright, (Bush); moath of Missouri & Mer- araec Rivers, (Letterman). 361. triacanthos, L. Common everywhere. Honey Locust. 362. Cassia Chamascrista, L. Common. Partridge Pea. 363. Marilandica, L. Common. Wild Senna. 364. nictitans, L. Wild Sensitive Plant. Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt), Wright, (Bush). 365. obtusifolia, L. St. Louis, (Riehl). 366. Cercis Canadensis, L. Common everywhere. Red-bud. 367. Desmantlius brachylobus, Benth. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (B Louis, (Letterman). ush), Pike, (Pech), St. 368. Schrankia uncinata, Willd. Common everywhere. ROSACEA. Hose Family. Sensitive Briar 369. Primus Americana, Marshall. Common. Wild Plum. 370.' Chicasa, Michx. Chickasaw Plum. Eastern, Central and Southern, but not in Northwest. 371. Pennsylvanica, L. Wild Red Cherry. A.dair, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). 372. pumila, L. Missouri, (Torr. & Gray). Dwarf Cherry. 373. serotina, Ehrh. Common Northwest. Wild Black Cherry. 374. Virginiana, L. Common everywhere. Choke Cherry. 375. umbellata. Ell. Miller, (Winick). 376. Spiraea Aruncus, L Goat’s Beard. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman), Wright, (Bush.) 28 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 377. 378. 379. 3S0. 8S1. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 893. 391. 395. betulifolia, Pallas. Putnam, (Swallow). salicif'olia, L. Meadow Sweet. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), tomentosa, L. Steeple-Bush. Boone, (Tracy), Clark and Cooper, (Swallow), Harri- son, (Broadhead). Neil Ha opulif'olia, Benth & Hook. Nine-Bark. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Eastern and Southern Mo., (Broadhead). Gillenia stipulacea, Nutt. American Ipecac. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pecb), Common South of Mis- souri river. trifoliata, Moench. Bowman’s Boot. St. Louis and Iron, (Letterman). Rubus Canadensis, L. Dewberry. Common everywhere. cuneifolius, Pursb. Sand Blackberry. Pike, (Pech). occidentalis, L. Black Raspberry. Common. strigosus, Michx. Red Raspberry. Common. trivialis, Michx. Common. Low Bush Blackberry. villosus, Ait. High Blackberry. Common. var. frondosus, Torr. Jackson, (Bush). • Geiim album, Gmelin. Common in dry woods, macropbyllum, Willd. Nodaway, (Broadhead). rivale, L. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). triflorum, Pursh. Three-Flowered Avens. (Watson in King’s 5th Report, vernum, Torr. & Gray. Common in Southeast. Virginianum, L. Jackson, (Bush), Pike (Pech), St. Louis,(Murtfeldt). Avens. Purple Avens.CATALOGUE. 29 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. Fragaria vesca, L. Strawberry. Greene, (Shepard). Virginians, Ehrh. Strawberry. Common. var. Illinoensis, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Murt- feld 1), Pedis, (McClunej). Potentilla argentea, L. Silvery Cinque-foil. Greene, (Shepard), arguta, Pursb. (Torrey & Gray.) millegrana, Engelm. Jackson, (Bush). Canadensis, L. Five-finger. Common everywhere, var. simplex, T. & Gray. Boone, (Tracj), Greene, (Shepard). Nor vesica, L. Common. paradoxa, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). rivalis, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush), var. pentandra, Watson. Jackson, (Bush). supina, L. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). A grim on in, Eupatoria. L. Agrimony. Common everywhere. parviflora, Ait. Small-flowered Agrimony. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt.) Ilosa blanda, Ait. Early Wild Rose. Common. Carolina, L. Swamp Rose. Boone, (Tracy), Common South of the Missouri river, lucida, Ehrh. Dwarf Wild Rose. Common everywhere, nitida, Wild. Jackson, (Bush). rubiffinosa, L. Sweet Brier. Naturalized in Boone, (Tracy).30 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. setigera, Michx. Climbing Rose. Common. Occasionally found with very double flowers. Pirus aDgustifolia, Ait. Narrow-leaved Crab Apple. Jackson, (Bush), Mississippi, (Galloway), St. Louis, (Tracy). arbutifolia, L. Choke-Berry. Holt, (Broadhead). coronaria, L. Crab-Apple. Common everywhere. Crataegus apiifolia, Michx.. Hawthorn. Butler, (Lettermau). arborescens, Ell. Mouth of Meramec river, (Letterman), St. Louis. (Engelmann), coccinea, L. Scarlet-Fruited Thorn. Common. var. viridis, T. & G. Miller, (Winick). cordata, Ait. Washington Thorn. Boone. (Tracy), St. Charles, (Broadhead). Crus-galli, L. Cockspur Thorn. Common. flava, Ait. Summer Haw. Boone, (Tracy), Putnam, (Swallow). Oxyacantha, L. English Hawthorn. Boone, (Tracy), Montgomery, (Broadhead). spathulata. Michx. Boone, (Tracy), Miller,(Winick), St. Charles, (Broad- head). subvillosa, Schrad. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letter- man). tomentosa, L. Black Thorn. Common everywhere, var. pyrifolia, Gray. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), var. punctata, Gray. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Amelancliier Canadensis, Torr & Gray. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pech). Common South of Missouri river, but rare North.CATALOGUE. 31 434. var. alnifolia, Gray. Jackson, (Bash). 435. var. oblongifolia, Gray. Greene, (Shepard). SAX1FRAGACEJE. Saxifrage Family. 436. Saxifraga Forbesii, Yasey. St. Louis, (Letterman). 437. Mitella diphylla, L. Bishop’s Cap. Jefferson, (Letterman), St. Louis, (Kellogg). 438. Heucliera Americana. L. Alum Root. Marion, (Broadhead). 439. hispida, Pursh. Cass, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard), St. Charles, (Ege- ling). 440. villosa, Michx. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 441. Hydrangea aborescens, L. Wild Hydrangea. Missouri River bluffs, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Tracy). 442. radiata, Walt. Greene, (Shepard). 443. Itea Yirginica, L. Pike, (Swallow). 444. Kibes aureum. Parsh. Missouri Currant. Common in rocky woodlands. 445. Cynosbati, L. Gooseberry. Boone, (Tracy), Gasconade, (Broadhead). 446. gracile; Michx. “Independence Co.” (Nuttall). 447. rotundifolium, Michx. Gooseberry. Common everywhere. CRASSULACE-Jl. Orpine Family. 448. Sedum acre, L. Mossy Stone-crop. Gentry, (Broadhead). 449. pulchellum, Michx. Common.32 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 450. stenopetalum, Pursh. Greene, (Shepard). 451. Torreyi, Don. Southwest, (Broadhead). 452. Pentliomin sedoides, L. Ditch Stone-crop. Common in wet places. HAMAMELACEJL Witch-Hazel Family. 453. Hamamelis Yirginica. Witch-Hazel. Iron. (Letterman), Only Southeast, (Broadhead). 454. Liquidamlbar Styraciflua, L. Sweet Gum. Common Southeast. HALORAGEJ5. Water-Milfoil Family. 455. Myriopliyllum scabratum, Michx. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). MEL ASTOM ACE JE. 456. Ehexia Mariana, L. Deer Grass. Mississippi, (Tracy). 457. Vitginica, L. St. Louis, (Gever). LYTHRACEHS. Loosestrife Family. 458. Ammania hu mills, Michx. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 459. latifolia, L. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 460. Didiplis linearis, Raf. Greene, (Bush). 461. Cupliea viscosissima, Jacq. Clammy Cuphea. Cass and Jackson, (Broadhead), Miller, (Winick), Mis- sissippi, (Galloway), St. Louis, (Riehl).CATALOGUE. 33 462. 463. 464. 465. " 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. Liytlirum alatum, Pursh. Loosestrife. Common. Nessea verticillata, H. B. K. Swamp Loosestirfe. ON AG AR ACEiE. Evening Primrose Family. Epilobium angustifolium, L. Great Willow Herb. Pemiscot, (Swallow), coloratum, Mu hi. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Jussisea pilosa, H. B. K. St. Charles, (Egeling). Eudwigia alata, Ell. False Loosestrife. Jackson, (Bush). alternifolia, L. Seed Box. Pike, (Pech), Common South of Mo. River, linearis, Walt. Pike, (Pech). palustris, Ell. Water Purslane. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). polycarpa, Short & Peter. Jackson, (Bush). (Enotliera biennis, L. Evening Primrose. Common everywhere, var. grandiflora, Lindl. (Watson, in King’s 5th Report), fruticosa, var. linearis, Watson. Sundrops. Jefferson, (Tracy), glauca, Michx. Webster, (Swallow), linifolia, Nutt. Cass and Webster, (Broadhead), Franklin, (Letter- man). Missouriensis, Sims. St. Louis and Ozark Mountain region, riparia, Nutt. Mississippi, (Galloway), serrulata, Nutt. Atchison & Vernon, (Broadhead).34 FLOR I OF MISSOURI 480. sinuata, L. Olay & Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McOluaey), Pike, (Pech), Yernon, (Broadliead). 481. var. minima, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush). 482. speciosa, Nutt. Cass & Jackson, (Broadhead). 483. Gaura biennis, L. Common. 484. filipes, Spach. Pettis, (McClune.y). 485. parviflora, Dougl. Jackson, (Bush). 486. Circaea Lutetiana, L. Enchanter’s Nightshade. Common. LOASACE^E. 487. Mentzelia oligosperma, Nutt. i Not rare on dry plains. PASSIFLORACEiE. Passion Flower Family. 488. Passiflora incarnata, L. Passion Flower. Mississippi, (Tracy), Pemiscot,(Swallow). 489. lutea, L. Common from St. Louis South and West. CUCURBIT ACE^E. Gourd Family. 490. Ecliinocystis lobata, Torr. & Gray. Common. 491. Sicyos angulatus, L. Common. OAOTACEM5. Cactus Family. 492. Opuntia Missouriensis, DC. Found occasionally, (Broadhead). Wild Balsam Apple. Star Cucumber. Prickly Pear.CATALOGUE. 35 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. Rafinesquii, Engelm. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), vulgaris, Mill. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). FICOIDEJ2. Mollugo verticillata, L. Carpet Weed. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pecli), St. Louis, (Riehl). UMBELLIFER^E. Parsley Family. Eryngium prostratum, Nutt. Butler, (Letterman). yuccaefolium, Michx. Rattlesnake Weed, Common. Sanicula Canadensis, L. Black Snakeroot. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). Marilandica, L. Common. Erigenia bulbosa, Nutt. Harbinger of Spring. Common in woodlands. Bupleurum rotundifolium, L. Through-wax. Southwest, (Broadhead). Cicuta maculata, L. Musquash'tRoot. Common. Siuxn cicutaefolium, Gmel. Water Parsnip. CaiS, (Broadhead). Jackson, (Mann), Pike, (Pech). Pimpinella integerrima, DC. Common. Cryptotsenia Canadensis, DC. Honewort. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Osmorrhiza brevistylis, D. C. Hairy Sweet Sicily. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). longistylis, DC. Smooth Sweet Sicily. Common in rich woods. Chseropliyllum procumbens, Lam. Chervil. Common. Teinturieri, Hook. & Arn. Jackson, (Bush).26 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525. 526. 527. 528. Discopleura Nuttallii, DO. Common everywhere. Iagusticum actseifolium, Michx. St. Louis, (Letterman). Tliaspium aureum, Nutt. Common, barbiuode, Nutt. Boone, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard), trifoliatum, Gray. Johnson and Madison, (Broadhead). var. atropurpureum, T. & Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Angelica Curtisii, Buckl. Angelica. Pike, (Peck). Arcliangelica atropurpurea, Hoffm. Great Angelica. Jackson, (Bush). Gmelini, DC. Pike, (Pech). hirsuta, Torr & Gray. Greene, (Shepard), Iron, (Letterman). Peucedanum foeniculacaum, Nutt. Ciss, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush). Arcliemora rigida, D. C. Cowbane. (Greene, (Shepard). Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Cow-Parsnip. Cass, Clinton and Linn, (Broadhead). Polytsenia Nuttallii, DC. Jackson, (Bush). Conioselenium Canadense, T. & G. Hemlock Parsley. Boone, (Tracv), Sullivan, (Broadhead). Daucus Garota, L. , Carrot. Occasionally persistent, in old fields. Pastinaca sativa, L. Parsnip. Occasionally naturalized. AKALIACEA5. Ginseng Family. Aralia nudicaulis, L. Wild Sarsaparilla. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pech). quinquefolia, Gray. Ginseng. Common in rich woodlands. Mock Bishop-weed. Angelico. Meadow Parsnip.CATALOGUE. 37 529. racemosa. L. Spikenard. Iron, (Broadhead), Bike,(Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman.) 530. spinosa, L. Hercules’ Club- Becoming common South. CORNACEJi. Dogwood Family. 531. Cornus asperifolia, Michx. , Common. Rough-leaved Dogwood. 532. circinata, L’Her. Round-leaved Dogwood. Bluffs of Miss, and Mo. State. Rivers in Eastern part of 533. florida, L. Flowering Dogwood. Common, except Northwest. 534. paniculata, L’Her. Common. Panicled Cornel. 535. sericea, L. Common. Kinnikinnick. 536. stolonifera, Michx. Red-osier Dogwood. Johnson, (Bush), Mississippi, (Galloway). 537. Nyssa multiflora, Wang. Sour Gum. Common South 538. uniflora, Walt. Large Tupelo. Common Southeast. CAPRIFOLIACEJ3. Honeysuckle Family. Common Elder. Arrow wood. Hobble-bush. 539. Sambucus Canadensis, L. Common everywhere. 540. Viburnum dentatum, L. Common. 541. lantanoides, Michx. Madison, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Tracy). 542. Lentago, L. Sheep-berrv. Jackson, Greene, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Letterman). 543. Opulus, L. Cranberry-tree. St. Louis, (Murtfeldi)-38 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 544. 545. 546. 547. 548. 549. 550. 551. 552. 553. 554. 555.. 556. 557. 558. 559. 560. prunifoliura, L. Black Haw. Not found west of Gentry and Buchanan, (Broad- head), common Eastward. Triosteuxn perfoliatum, L. Fever-wort. Common. angustifolium, L. Narrow-leaved Fever-wort. Miller, (Winick). Smyphoricarpus yulgaris, Michx. Buck-bush. N Common everywhere. liOnicera flava, Sims. Yellow Honeysuckle. Common. glauca, Hill. Buchanan, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), grata, Ait. American Woodbine. Daviess, (Broadhead). hirsuta, Eaton. Hairy Honeysuckle. Balls, (Broadhead). parviflora, Lam. Small Honeysuckle. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, Pech), Balls, (Broadhead). sempervirens, Ait. Trumpet Honeysuckle. Jackson, (Bush). BUBIACEH5. Madder Family. Houstonia angustifolia, Michx. Bates, Butler, (Broadhead), Wright, (Bush), caerulea, L. Bluets. Clay, (Broadhead). minima, Beck. Small Bluets. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Geyer). purpurea, L. Purple Bluets. St. Louis, (Biehl), common Southwest, (Broadhead). var. ciliolala, Gray. Greene, (Shepard), var. longifolia, Gray. Laclede, (Broadhead), (Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Geyer). var. tenuifolia, Gray. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt).CATALOGUE. 39 56!. 562. 563. 564. 565. 566- 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. 573. 574. Oldenlandia glomerata, Michx. Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech). Cephalanthus occidentalis, L. Button Bush. Common along streams. Diodia Virginana, L. Button Weed. Mississippi, (Galloway), teres, Wait. Common Southward. Galium Aparine, L. Goose Grass. Common everywhere. asprellum, Michx. Rough Bedstraw. Cass, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Riehl). Arkansanum, Gray. (Engelmann). circeezans, Michx. Wild Licorice. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). concinnum, T. & Gray. Common. latifolium, Michx. Boone, (Tracy,) Greene. (Bush), pilosum, Ait. Pike, (Pech). trifidum, L. Small Bedstraw. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). triflorum, Michx. Sweet-3cented Bedstraw. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). virgatum, Nutt. Iron, Jefferson, St. Louis, Washington, (Letterman). VALERI ANACEiE. » ■ 575. Valeriana paucitiora, Michx. Valerian. (Gray in Flora of N. A.) 576. Valerianella radiata, Michx. Corn Salad. Bates (Broadhead), Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). 577. stenocarpa, Krok. Jackson, (Bush). 578. . chenopodifolia, DC. Boone, (Galloway). a. r —2840 FLORA OF MISSOURI. DIPSACEiF. Teasel Family. 579. Dipsacus sylvestris, Mill. Wild Teasel. Franklin, St. Louis, (Letterman), Greene, (Shepard). COMPOS1T/E. Sunflower Family. 580. Elephantopus Carolinianus, Willd. Elephant’s Foot. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). 581. Vernoilia Arkansana, DO. Ironweed. Common Southward. 582. altissima, Nutt. Cass, Pettis, (Broadhead), Jacksor, (Bush). 583. Baldwiuii, Torr. Eastern Mo., (Gray). 584. fasciculata, Michx. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 585. Noveboracensis, Willd. Common. 586. var, latitolia, Gray, Greene and Jackson, (Eush). 587. Eupatorium ageratoides, L. White Snake-root. Common. 588. altissimum, L. Common. 589. aromaticum L. Jackson, rare, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney). 590. ccelestinum, L. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Tracy), Southern Mo.,(Broad- head). 591. perloliatum,);L. Thoroughwort. Common everywhere. 592. var. cuneatum, Eng. Eastern Mo., (Engelmann). 593. purpureum, L. Joe-Pve Weed. Common.CATALOGUE. 41 594. serotinum, Michx. Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 595. sessilifolium, L. Upland Boneset. Boone, (Galloway), Wright, (Bush). 596. Kulmia eupatorioides, L. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Francois, (Galloway). 597. Liatris cylindracea, Michx. Blazing Star. Common. 598. elegans, Willd. Boone, (Galloway), Nodaway, Pike, Ralls, (Broadhead). 599. graminifolia, Pursh. var. dubia, Gray. Pike, (Pech). 600. punctata, Hook. Jackson, (Bush). 601. pycnostachya. Michx. Audrain, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush). Pettis, (McCluney), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 602. scariosa, Willd. Common everywhere. 603. spicata, Willd. Jackson, (Mann). 604. squarrosa, Willd. Common. 605. Aphiacliyris dracuDCuloides, Nutt. Common Westward, (Broadhead). 606. Grindelia lanceolata, Nutt. Wright, (Bush). 607. squarrosa, Dunal. In a few Southwestern counties. 608. var. nuda, Gray. St. Louis, (Gray in Flora of N. A). 609. Aplopappus ciliatus, DC. (Gray in Flora of N. A). 610. Solidago bicolor, L. Golden Rod. Boone, (Galloway). 611. var. concolor, Torr. & Gray. Wright, (Bush). 612. Canadensis, L. Common.4 42 FL0R4 OF MISSOURI. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. var. scabra, Torr. & Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Drummondii, Torr. & Gray. Boone, (Tracy) St. Louis, (Drummond). Gattingeri, Chapm. St. Louis, (Letterman), Wright, (Bush), lanceolata, L. Jackson, (Bush). latifolia, L. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). Missouriensis, Nutt. Common on dry prairies, nemoralis, Ait. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). patula, Muhl. (Gray in PJora N. A), petiolaris, Ait. Greene. (Shepard), Wright, (Bush), puberula, Nutt. Butler, (Letterman). radula, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush). Riddellii, Frank. St. Charles, (Egeling), St. Louis, (Engelmann). rigida, L. Common. rupestris, Raf. Jackson, (Bush). serotina, Ait. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). var. gigantea, Gray. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Shortii, Torr. & Gray. Wright, (Bush), speciosa, Nutl. Common Westward, var. rigidiuscula, Torr. & Gray. Jackson, (Bush), Si. Louis, (Engelmann). tenuifolia, Pursh. Common Westward.CATALOGUE. 43 633. 634. 635. ■636. 637. •638. 639. 640. 641. •642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. ulmifolia, Muhl. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Chaetopappa asteroides*, DC. (Gray in Flora N. A.) Boltonia asteroides, L'Her. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). var. decurrens, Engelm. St. Louis, (Eggert). latisquama, Gray. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Parry), Pettis, (Mc- Cluney. Aster anomalus, Engelm. St. Louis, (Engelmann), Wright, (Bush), azureus, Lindl. Common. cordifolius, L. Boone, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). diflusus, Ait. Cass, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). Drummondii, Lindl. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Torr. & Gray.) ericoides, L. Jackson and Wright, (Bush), St. Louis, (Tracy), var. villosus, T. &. G. (Gray in Flora, N. A.) grandiflorus, L. Pike, (Pech). jnnceus, Ait. Greene, (Shepard). las vis, L. Common. linariifolius, L. Wright, (Bush), longifolius, Lam. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). multiflorus, Aitf Common. Novas-Angliae, L. Common. olongifolius,Nutt. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush),444 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. paludosus. Ait. (Gray in Flora, N. A.) patens, Ait. Greene, (Shepard), Wright, (Bush), paniculatus, Lam. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), ptarmicoides, T. & Gray. Common Southward, recticulatus, Pursh. Cass and Jackson, (Broadhead.) sagittifolius, Willd. Greene, (Shepard), St. Louis, (Drummond), salieifolius, Ait. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), var. subasper. St. Louis, (Drummond), sericeus, Vent. Common. Shortii, Boot. Pike, (Pech.) tenuifolius, L. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Tradescanti, L. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), turbinellus, Lindl. Common everywhere, undulatus, L. Boone, (Galloway). Erigeron annuus, Pers. Common everywhere, bellidifolius, Muhl. Common. Canadensis, L. Common. divaricatus, Michx. Common.* glabellus, Nutt. “Missouri,” (Nuttall). Philadelphicus, L. Common everywhere, strigosus, Muhl. Fleabane. Common.CATALOGUE. 45 674. Pluchea camphorata, DO. Salt-marsh Fleabane. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 675. Autennaria plantaginifolia, Hook. Everlasting. Common. 676. Gnaplialium decurrens, Ives. Everlasting. Boone, (Galloway). 677. polycephalnm, Michx. Boone, (Tracy), Green and Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McClunev), St. Louis, (Riehl). 678. purpureum, L. Purple Cudweed. St. Louis, (Riehl). 679. Inula Iieleniurn, L. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). 680. Polymnia Canadensis, L. Leaf Cup. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Lelterman). 681. var. radiata, Gray. Jackson, (Mann). 682. Uvedalia, L. Butler and St. Louis, (Letterman.) 683. Silphium integrifolium, Michx. Common. 684. laciniatum. L. Rosin Weed. Common on dry prairies. 685. perfoliatum, L. Cup-Plant. Common. 686. terebinthinaceum, L. Compass Plant. Common on wet prairies. 687. Berlandiera Texana, DC. Southwest Missouri, (Gray). 688. tomentosa, T. & Gray. (Gray in Flora, N. A.) 689. Parthenium integrifolium, L. Common. 690. ciliata, Willd. Hairy Marsh Elder. Greene, Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 691. frutescens, L. Boone, (Galloway). 692» xanthiifolia, Nutt. Marsh Elder. Common. 693. Ambrosia bidentata, Michx. Ragweed. Cass, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard), Iron, (Letter- man).46 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. trifida, L. Common everywhere, var integrifolia, T. & G. Jackson, (Bash), artemisieefolia, L. Common. psilostachya, DC. Common Southward. Xanthium Canadense, Mill. Common everywhere, var. echinatum, Gray. Boone, (Tracy), Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush). spinosum, L. Perry, (Demetrio). Heliopsis laevis, Pers. Ox eye. Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Tracy), gracilis, Nutt. Wright, (Bush). scabra, Dunal. Jackson, (Bush). Eclipta alba, Hasskarl. Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). Echinacea angustifolia, DC. Purple Cone-Flower. Common everywhere, purpurea, Moench. Common. Rudbeckia bicolor, Nutt. Cone-Flower. Wright, (Bush). fulgida, Ait. Common. hirta, L. Common. laciniata, L. Common everywhere, speciosa, Wend. Jackson, (Bash), Pettis, (McCluney), St. Louis, (Riehl). subtomentosa, Pursh. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). triloba, L. Great Ragweed. Bitterweed. Cocklebur. Common.CATALOGUE. 47 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. Iiepacliys pinnata, Torr. & Gray. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Heliantlius angustifolius, L Sunflower. Ralls, Vernon, (Broadhead.) annaus, L. Common Sunflower. Very common West, and becoming so East, decapetalus, L. Pike, (Pech). divaricatus, L. St. Louis, (Riehl). doronicoides, Lam. Common westward, giganteus, L. Pettis, (McCluney), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Engel- maun). grosse-serratus, Martins. Common. \ hirsutus, Raf. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Mann), laetiflorus, Pers. Cass, (Broadhead), Pettis, (McCluney), St. Louis, (Murtf'eldt). Maximiliani, Schrad. Wright, (Bush). mollis, Lam. Common. occidentalis, Riddell.. (Gray in Flora of N. A.) orgyalis, D. C. Vernon, (Broadhead). petiolaris, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush). rigidus, Desf. * Common, strumosus, L. Jackson, (Bush), tracheliifolius, Willd. (Jackson, (Bush). tuberosus, L. Artichoke. Occasionally escaped, var. subcanescens, Gray. St. Louis, (Engelmann). 783,48 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 781. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 791. 795. 798. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. Verbesina helianthoides, Mx. Crownbeard. Common everywhere. Virginica, L. Iron, (Letterman). Actinomeris squarrosa, Nutt. Jackson, (Bosh), Pettis, (McCluney), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfejdt). alba, T. & G. Perry. (Demetrio). Coreopsis aristosa, Michx. Tick-seed Common, var. mutica, Gray. . Jackson, (Bush), auriculata, L. Greene, (Shepard), Pettis, (McCluney), St. Louis, (Riehl). discoida, Torr & Gray. Pike, (Pech). gladiata, Walt. Newton, (Broadhead). grandiflora, Nutt. Common Southwest, involucrata, Nutt. Greene, Jackson, (Bush), lanceolata, L. Greene, Wright, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). palmata, Nutt. Common. pubescens, Ell. (Gray in Flora of N. A.) senifolia, Michx. St. Louis, (Drummond), tinctoria, Nutt. Common about old gardens.* trichosperma, Michx. Tick-seed Sunflower. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pech). tripteris, L Tall Coreopsis. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Lewis, (Egeling). verticillata, L. Lewis, (Egeling), Pettis, (McCluney). Bidens Beekii, Torr. Water Marigold. St. Louis, (Beck).CATALOGUE.! 49 804. 805. 808. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. 814. 815. 816. 817. 818. 819. 820. 821. 822. 823. bipinnata, L. Spanish Needles. Common everywhere. cernua, L. Small Bur-Marigold. Common. chrysanthemoides, Mx. Large Bur-Marigold. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). connata, Muhl. Swamp Beggar-ticks.. Common everywhere. frondosa, L. Common Beggar-ticks. Common everywhere. Hymenopappns tenuit'olius, Pursh. (Watson in King’s 5th .Report). Helenium autumnale, L. Sneeze-weed. Common. nudillorum, Nutt. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman). tenuifolium, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush). Migrating toward St. Louis along I. M. R. R, (Letterman). • Gaillardia aristata, Pursh. (Gray in Flora of N. A), pinnatifida, Torr. (Gray in Flora of N. A.). Dysotlia chrysanthemoides, Lag. Fetid Marigold. Common. Anthemis arvensis, L. Chamomile. Waste places, St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Cotula, L. May-weed. Along roadsides everywhere. Acliillea Millefolium, L. Milfoil- Common everywhere, and becoming a troublesome weed Westward. Matricaria discoidea, DC Wild Chamomile. St Louis, (Engelmann). Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, L. Ox-eye Daisy. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson and Randolph, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Tanacetum vulgare, L. Tansy. Common in old gardens. Artemisia annua, L. Wormwood. Jackson, (Bush). biennis, Wild. Biennial Wormwood. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl).50 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 824. Canadensis, Miclix. Pike, (Pech). 825t caudata, Miclix. (Torrey & Gray). 826. dracunculoides, Pursh. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Engelmann). 827. frigida, Wild. (Torrey & Gray). ■828. Ludoviciana, Nutt. Common. Western Mugwort. 829. vulgaris, L. Common westward. Common Mugwort. 830. Senecio aureus, L. Common everywhere. 831. var. Balsamita, T. & G. Jackson, (Bush). Squaw-weed. 832. lobatus, Pers. Common. Butter-weed. 833. ' tomentosus, Mx. Pike, (Pech). Wooly Ragwort. 834. vulgaris, L. Boone. (Tracy). Common Groundsel 835. Cacalia atriplicifolia, L Common in damp woods. Pale Indian Plantain. 836. reniformis, Muhl. Great Indian Plantain. Boone, (Tracy). 837- suaveolens, L. Pike, (Pech). Indian Plantain. 838. tubrosa, Nutt. Tuberous Indian Plantain. Common. 839. Erechthites hierac.ifolia, Raf. Common. Fireweed. 840. Artium Lappa, L. Common in rich ground. Burdock. 841. Cnicus altissimus, Willd. Common. 842. var. discolor, Gray. Jackson (Bush). Tall Thistle. 843. arvensis, Hoff. Canada Thistle. Very rare, but has been found one or two other counties. in Cass, Jackson andCATALOGUE. 51 814. lanceolatus, Hoff. Common Thistle. Common. 845. Virginianus, Pursh. Greene, (Shepard). 846. Apogon humilis, Ell. Bates, Cass, (Broadhead). 847. Kl'igia Virginica, Willd. Dwarf Dandelion. Common Eastward. 84?. Dandelion, Nutt. St. Louis, (Engelmann). 849. Cicliorium Intybus, Cichory. Greene, (Shepard). 850. Hieracium Canadense, Michx. Canada Hawkweed. Cass, (Broadhead). 851. Gronovii, L. Hairy Hawkweed. Pike, (Pech). Wright, (Bush). S52. longipilum, Torr. Long-bearded Hawkweed. Greene and Jackson, (Bush). 853. scabrum, Michx. AVright, (Bush). 854. Preuanthes aspera, Mx. Common. 355. altissima, L, Wright, (Bush). 856. racemosa, Mx. Greene, (Shepard). 857. crepidinea, Mx. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (ftie hi). S5S. Troximon cuspidatum, Pursh. Common. 859. Taraxacum officinale, AVeber. Common everywhere. Dandelion. 860. Pyrrhopappus Carolinianus, DC. False Dandelion. Greene, (Shepard), Madison, sippi, (Galloway). (Broadhead), Missis- 861. scaposus, DC. Bates and Vernon, (Broadhead) Rough Hawkweed. Rattlesnake Root. Tall AVhite Lettuce.52 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 862. Lactuca scariola, L. Prickly Lettuce. Jackson, (Bush) “Thoroughly naturalized in St. Louis during the last eight years, and has now taken to the woods.”—(Letterman.) 863. Canadensis, L. Common. 864. integrifolia, T. & G. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 865. hirsuta, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush). 866. Ludoviciana, DC. Jackson, (Bush). 867. Floridana, Gsertn. Common along old fences. 868. acuminata, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, Murtfeldt. 869. Sonclius oleraceus, L. Sow thistle. Common. 870. qsper, Yill. Spiny-leaved Sow-thistle. Common everywhere. 871. arvensis, L. Field Sow-thistle. Boone, (Galloway). LOBELIACEiE. Lobelia Family- 872. Lobelia cardinalis, L. Cardinal Flower. All parts, but becoming rare. 873. inflata, L Indian Tobacco. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), Pike (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 874. Kalmii, L. Ivnox, (Broadhead). 875. leptostachys, A. DC. Common. 876. puberula, Michx. St. Louis, (Tracy). 877. spicata, Lam. Common. 878. syphilitica, L. Blue Lobelia. Common everywhere.CATALOGUE. 53 S79. 880. ■881. 582. ■883. 884. 885. -SS6. 887. 8SS. 889. 890. 891. 892. 893. Venus’ Looking glass. Tall Bell-flower. CAMPAXULACEHS. Campanula Family. Specularia leptccarpa, Gray. Common Westward, perfoliata, A. DC. Common everywhere. Campanula Americana, L. Common. ERICACEAE. Heath Family. Gaylussacia reeinosa, T. & G. Miller, (Wmick). dumosa, T. & G. Newton, (Broadhead). Vaccinium arboreum, Marshall. Common South and Southeast, corymbosum, L. Swamp Blueberry. Greene, (Shepard), Iron, (Broadhead). Pennsylvanicum, Lam. Dwarf Blueberry. Common Southeast. stamineum, L. Deerberry. Iron, (Letterman). vacillans, Solander. Low Blueberry. Boone, Howard. Greene and Southeast. Black Huckleberry. Dwarf Huckleberry. Farkleberry. Arctostapliylos Uva-ursi, Spreng. Southeast, (Broadheac). Heucotlioe racemosa, Gray. Madison, (Broadhead). Kliododendron nudiflorum, Torn. Madison, (Broadhead). Schweinitzia odorata, Ed. St. Louis, (Murtfeldl). Monotropa uoifloia, L. Bearberry. Purple Azalea. Sweet Pinesap. Indian Pipe. Common from Pike, Boone and Jackson Southward.54 FLORA OF MISSOURI. PRIMULACE^E. Primrose Family. 891. Dodecatheon Meadia, L. Shooting Star. Common. 895. Androsace occidental, Pursh. Franklin, St. Louis, (Letterman), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 898. Steironema ciliatum, Raf. Loosestrife. Common 897. lanceolatum, Gray. Cass, (Broadhead), St. Louis. (Riehl). 898. var. hybridum. Gray. Jackson, Randolph, (Bush), Miller, (Winick). 899. longifolium, Gray. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard), Madison, (Broad- head). 900. Bysimacliia stricta, Ait. St. Louis, (Murtfeldl). 901. nummularia, L. Moneywort. ( Escaped from gardens in damp ground. 902. Anagallis arvensis, L. Pimpernel. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis,(Murtfeldl). 903. Samolus Valerandi, L. Water Pimpernel. Pike, (Pech). 904. var. Americanus, Gray. Greene, (Bush), St. Louis and Southeast. (Letterman). SAPOTACEJE. Sapodilla Family. 905. Bumelia lanuginosa, Pers. . Bumelia. Occasionally from Missouri River bluffs Southward. 908. lycioides, Gmrtn. ^Southern Buckthorn. St. Louis and Southward, (Letterman). 907. tenax,Willd. Miller, (Winick).CATALOGUE. 55 EBENACE2E. Ebony Family. 908. Diospyros Virginiana, L. Common except Northwest. OLEACE^E. Ash Family. Fraxinus Americana, L. The most common species, pubescens, Lam. Jackson, (Bush), Saline, (Calloway), quadrangulata, Michx. Blue Ash. Common Eastward from Chariton, Howard and Greene^ sambucifolia, Lam. Black Ash. Boone, (Galloway), Callaway and Cedar, (Broadhead). viridis, Michx. f. Green Ash. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), Ralls, (Broad- head). Forestiera acuminata, Poir. Pike, (Pech), Bank of Mississippi at mouth of Mera- ^ mec River, (Letterman). Chionanthus Virginica, L. White Fringe. Mississippi, (Galloway). APOCYNACEAS. Dogbane Family. 916. Amsonia Tabernaemontana, Walt. Comrpon. , 917. Apocynum androsaemifolium, L. Boone, (Galloway), Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). 918. cannabinum, L. Indian Hemp. Common everywhere. 919. var. hypericifolium, Gray. Pike, (Pech), Putnam, (Swallow). 909. 910. 911. 912. 913. 914. 915. Persimmon. White Ash.- Red Ash. a e — 2956 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 920. 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931. 932. 933. 934. 935. 936. 937. 938. ASCLEPIADACEJE. Milkweed Family. Anantlierix connivens, Gray. Franklin & St. Louis, (Letterman), Miller, (Winick). Asclepiodora viridis, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Asclepias Cornuti, Decaisne. Silkweed. Common everywhere. incarnata, L. Swamp Milkweed. Common. Meadii, Torr. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Putnam, (Swal- low). obtusifolia, Michx. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), paupercula, Michx. Gentry, (Swallow), perennis, Walt. Mississippi, (Galloway). phytolaccoides, Pursh. Poke Milkweed. Iron, (Broadhead). purpurascens, L. Purple Milkweed. Common. quadrifolia, Jacq. Four-leaved Milkweed. Common. rubra, L. Red Milkweed. Boone, (Galloway), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Sullivantii, Engelm. Cass & Daviess, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), tuberosa, L. Pleurisy Root. Common everywhere, variegata, L. Boone, (Galloway). verticillata, L. Whorled Milkweed. Common. viridula, Chapm. Miller, (Winick). A cerates lanuginosa. Decaisne. Green Milkweed. White River, (Nuttall). longifolia, Ell. Common.CATALOGUE. 57 939. 940. 941. 942. 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. 954. viridiflora. EU. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush),Pike, (Pech). var. lanceolata, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), var. linearis, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Enslenia albida, Nutt. Jackson, (Bush), Lawrence, (Swallow), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Vincetoxicum nigrum,, Moench. Jackson,(Tracy). Gonolobus Carolinensis, R. Br. Franklin, Iron and St. Louis, (Letterman). laevis, Michx. var. macrophyllus, Gray. Greene, (Shepard), obliquus, R. Br. Madison, (Broadhead). LOGANIACEJL Logania Family. Spigelia Marilandica, L. Pink Root. Madison, (Broadhead), St. Francois, (Tracy). GENTIANACE^E. Gentian Family. Sabbatia angularis, Pursh. American Centaury. Common. atellaris, Pursh. Clay, (Mann). Gentiana alba. Muhl. White Gentian. Common Westward. Andrewsii, Griseb. Closed Gentian. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). angustifoliai Michx. Narrow-leaved Gentian. Pettis, (McCluney), Ripley, (Broadhead). puberula, Michx. Common. quinqueflora, Lam. Five flowered Gentian. Adair, (Broadhead).58 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 955. Bartonia tenella, Muhl. Collected in Missouri by Swallow. No locality given. 956. Limnanthemum lacunosum, Griseb. Floating Heart. “Missouri,” (Meehan). POLEMONIACEaE. Pnlemonium Family. Phlox amoena, Sims. Sweet William. Greene, (Shepard), Livingston, (Broadhead), Miller, (Winick). bifida, Beck. (Gray’s Manual, 5t,h Ed), divaricata, L. Common everywhere, glaberrima, L. Clay and Saline, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). maculata, L. Common Wild Sweet William. Common everywhere, paniculata, L. Common. pilosa, L. Common. procumbens, Lehm. Boone, (Galloway). reptans, Michx. Boone, (Tracy), Clay, (Broadhead), Knox, (Linn), Pike, (Pech). Polemonium reptans, L. Greek Valerian. Common in damp places. HYDROPHYLLACEJ5. Walerleaf Family: 967. Hydrophyllum appendiculatum, Michx. Waterleaf. Common. 968. macrophyllum, Nutt. JacksoD, (Bush). 957. 958. 959. 960. 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966.CATALOGUE. 59 969. Virginicum, L. Common. 970. Ellisia Nyctelea, L. Common in damp soils. 971. Phacelia bipinnatifida, Michx.. “Missouri,” (Meehan). 972. fimbriata. Michx. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). 973. paryiflora, Pursh. Greene, (Shepard), 974. var. hirsuta, Gray. Greene, (Shepard), Jasper, (Broadhead). 975. Purshii, Buckl. Clay, (Broadhead). 976. Hydrolea affinis, Gray. Butler, (Lettermann). 977. quadrivalvis, Walt. Mississippi, (Galloway). BORRAGINACE^E. Borrage Family. Heliotropium tenellum,Torr. Wild Heliotrope. Franklin, Greene, Iron and St. Louis, (Letterman), Wright, (Bush). Indicum, L. Indian Heliotrope. Butler and St. Louis, (Letterman), Mississippi, (Gal- loway). Cynoglossum officinale, L. Hound’s Tongue. Common about old gardens. Virginicum, L. Wild Comfrey. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). Echmospermum Virginicum, Lehm. Stickseed. Common. Mertensia Virginica, DC. Virginian Cowslip. Common in damp woods. Myosotis arvensis, Hoffm. Forget-me-not. Pike, (Pech). 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. 984.60 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 985. 986. 9ST. 988. 989. 990. 991. 992. 993. 994. 995. 996. 997. 998. 999. 1000. 1001. 1002. verna, Nutt. St. Louis, (Geyer). Lithospermum arvense, L. Corn Gromwell. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). angustifolium, Michx. Narrow-leaved Puccoon. Common. canescens, Lehm. Alkanet. Common on dry hills. hirtum, Lehm. Hairy Puccoon. Common. latifolium, Michx. Wide-leaved Puccoon. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick). Onosmodium Carolinianum, DC. False Gromwell. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). var. molle, Michx. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush). Yirginianum, DC. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Ecliium vulgare, L. Jackson, (Bush). Symphytum officinale, L. Boone, (Galloway). ^CONYOLVULACE^E. Morning Glory Family. Ipomoea coccinea, L. J ackson, (Bush), hederacea, Jacq. Jackson, (Bush), Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). lacunosa, L. Common, pandurata, Meyer. Common. purpurea, Lam. A troublesome weed. Quamoclit, L. Greene, (Shepard). Convolvulus sepium, L. Common. Man-of the Earth. Morning Glory. Bindweed. Blue weed. Comfrey. Cypress vine.CATALOGUE. 61 1003. 1001. 1005. 1006. 1007. 1008. 1009. 1010. 1011. 1012. 1013. 1014. 1015. 1016. 1017. 1018. 1019. spithamasus, L. Greene, (Shepard). Breweria aquatica, Gray. Scotland, (Swallow). Evolvulus argentens, Pursh. Franklin and St. Louis, (Lstterman), Potosi in Wash- ington (Gray’s Manual, 5th Ed.) Cuscuta arvensis, Beyrich. Dodder. Greene, (Shepard), chlorocarpa, Engelm. Jackson, (Bush), compacta, Juss. Boone, (Tracy), cuspidata, Eogelm. St. Louis, (Eggerl). glomerata, Chois. Common. Gronovii, Willd. Pike, (Pech). tenuiflora, Engelm. (Watson in King’s 5th Report). SOL AN ACE Nightshade Family. Solanurn Carolinense, L. Horse-Nettle. Common everywhere. Dulcamara, L. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pettis (McCluney), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). nigrum, L. Nightshade. Common, rostratum, Dunal. Very common in Western Missouri, and spreading Eastward along railroads. Sometimes erroneously • called “Canada Thistle.” Physalis angulata, L. Ground Cherry. St. Louis, (Riehl). Philadelphica, Lam. Jackson, (Bush). pubescens, L. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush).62 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1020. 1021. 1022. 1023. 1024. 1025. 1026. 1027. 1028. 1029. 1030. 1031. 1032. 1033. 1034. 1035. 1036. 1037. lanceolata, Gray. Cass and Jackson, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Geyer). var. hirta, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), var. laevigata, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Virginiana, Mill. Jackson, (Bush). viscosa, L. Common everywhere. NIcandraphysaloides, Gasrtn. Apple of Peru, Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Liycium\vulgare, Dunal. Matrimony Vine. Common about old gardens. Datura Stramonium, L. Jamestown Weed. Common Northwest. latula, L. Common. Nicotiana longiflora. Wild Tobacco. Jackson, (Mann). SCROPHULARI ACE^E. Figwort Family. Verbascum Blattaria, L. Moth Mullein. 'Common along roadsides. Thapsus, L. Mullein. Common in old fields. Liinaria Elatine, Miller. Toad Flax. St. Louis, along Mo. Pac. R. R. (Letterman). vulgaris, Miller. Butter-and-eggs. Common. Collinsia verna, Nutt. Common. violacea, Nutt. Bates & Jasper, (Broadhead). " Scrophularia nodosa, L., var. Marilandica, Gray. Figwort. Common. Cbelone glabra, L. Snake-head. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Letterman).CATALOGUE. 63 1038. 1039. 1040. 1041. 1042. 1043. 1044. 1045. 1046'. 1047. 1048. 1049. 1050. 1051. 1052. 1053. 1054. 1055. 1056. 1057. 1058. Pentstemon gracilis, Nutt. Beardtongue. Greene, (Shepard), grandiflorus, Nutt. Atchison, (Broadhead). lasvigatus, Solander Banks of Mississippi Elver, var. Digitalis, Gray. Common. pubescens, Solander. Common Eastward, rare Westward. Mimulus alatus, Solander. Monkey Flower. Common. Jamesii, T. & G. Greene, (Shepard), ringens, Gray. Boone & St. Louis. (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). Conobea multifida, Benth. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). Herpestis rotundifolia, Pursh. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush). Gratiola aurea, Muhl. Hedge Hyssop. St. Louis, (Geyer). sphaerocarpa, Ell. Jackson, (Bush). Yirginiana, L. Cass & Knox, (Broadhead), Pike, '"Pech), Randolph, (Bush). • Ilysanthes gratioloides, Benth. False Pimpernel. Common. Limosella aquatica, L. Mudwort. Jackson, (Bush). Veronica agrestis, L. Field Speedwell. St. Louis, (Tracy). Anagallis, L. Water Speedwell. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush). arvensis, L. ' Corn Speedwell. Common. peregrina, L. Purslane Speedwell. Very common in cultivated ground, serpyllifolia, L. Thyme-leaved Speedwell. Boone, (Tracy), Marion, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). Virginica, L. Culver’s Physic. Common.64 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1059. 1060. 1061. 1062. 1063 1064. 1065. 1066. 1067. 1068. 1069. 1070. 1071. 1072. 1073. 1074. 1075. Buchnera Americana, L. Blue Hearts. Barton & Bates, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard), St. Louis, (Riehl). Seymeria macrophylla, Nutt. Mullein Foxglove. Boone & St. Louis, (Tracj), Cass, (Broadhead), Jack- son, (Bush). Gerardia auriculata, Michx. Gerardia. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). flava, L. . Downy Foxglove. Pike, (Pech), Wright, (Bush), grandiflora, Benth. Greene, (Shepard), Miller, (Winick). pedicularia, L. Greene, (Shepard). purpurea, L. Common, quercifolia, Pursh. Osage, (Swallow), Pike, (Pech). setacea, Walt. Wright, (Bush). Skinneriana, Wood. Jackson, (Bush), tenuifolia, Yahl. Common. Castilleia coccinea, Spreng. Common everywhere, sessiliflora,- Pursh. Greene, (Shepard). Pedicularis Canadensis, L. Common in rich woods, lanceolata, Michx. Greene, (Shepard). OROBANCHACEiE. Broomrape Family. Aphyllon uniflorum, T. & G. One Flowered Cancer Root. Common. Epiphegus Virginiana, Bart. Cancer Root. Missouri, (Meehan). Purple Gerardia. Smooth Foxglove. Slender Gerardia. Painted Cup. Lousewort.CATALOGUE. 65 1076. 1077. 1076. 1079. 1080. 1081. 1082. 1083. 1084. 1085. 1086. 1087. LENTI.BULACEJ5. Bladderwort Family. Utricularia minor, L. Small Bladderwort. St. Louis, (Riehl). vulgaris, L. Great Bladderwort. Common in ponds. BIGNONIACEAE. Biqnonia Family. Bignonia capreolata, L. Common Southeast. Tecoma radicans, Juss. Trumpetvine. Common South of Pike, Boone, Pettis and Bates. Catalpa bignonioides, Walt. Common Catalpa. Common. speciosa, Warder. Hardy Catalpa. Undoubtedly indigenous along Black River where Let- terman procured logs three feet in diameter. Also found frequently in other localities, where perhaps it has been planted. PEDALIACEJS. Martynia proboscidea, Glox. Unicorn Plant. Common. ACANTHACEAE. Acanthus Family. Calophanes oblongifolia, Don. St. Louis, (Riehl). Rnellia ciliosa, Pursh. Common. var. longiflora, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). strepens, Nees. Common from Pike and Cass Southward. Diantliera Americana, L. Water Willow. Common.66 FLORA OF MISSOURI. VERBEN ACEJE. Vervain Family. 1088. Phryma Leptostachya, L. Common in rocky woods. Lopseed. 1089. Verbena angustifolia. Michx. Narrow leaved Vervain. Common on dry hills. 1090. Aubletia, L. Common South and West. 1091. bracteosa, Michx. Common along roadsides. 1092. hastata, L. Common in waste places. Blue Vervain. 1093. officinalis, L. European Vervain. Mississippi, (Calloway), Pike, (Pech). 1094. stricta, Vent. Comnmp. Hoary Vervain. 1095. urticifolia, L. Common along roadsides. White Vervain. 1096. Eippia lanceolata, Michx. Common. Fog-fruit. 1097. nodiflora, Michx. St. Louis, (Riehl). 1098. Callicarpa Americana, L. French Mulberry. Miller, (Winick). LABIATLE. Mint Family. 1099. Trichostema dichotomum, L. St. Louis, (Riehl). Blue Curls. 1100. Isanthus casruleus, Michx. Common on barrens. False Pennyroyal. 1101. Teucrium Canadense, L, Common everywhere. Wood Sage. 1102. Collinsonia Canadensis, L. Iron and Wayne, (Letterman). Horse Balm. 1103. Mentha Canadensis, L. Common on low grounds. Wild Mint.CATALOGUE. 67 1104. 1105. 1106. 1107. 1108. 1109. 1110. 1111. 1112. 1113. 1114. 1115. 1116. 1117. 1118. 1119. 1120. 1121. 1122. 1123. 1124. var. glabrata, Benth. Jackson, (Busb). piperita, L. Peppermint. Common about gardens. viridis, L. Spearmint. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Lycopus rubellus, Mcench. Water Horehound. Greene, (Shepard), sinuatus, Ell. Common. * Yirginicus, L. Common on river bottom lands. Cunila Mariana, L. Dittany. Common from Pike and Callaway South and West. Pycnanthemum lanceolatum, Pursh. Mountain Mint. Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech). leptopodon, Gray. Greene, (Shepard), linifolium, Pursh. Common. muticum, Pers. var. pilosum. Gray. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush). Torreyi, Benth. Jackson, (Bush). Calamintha glabella, Benth. Calaminth. Miller, (Winick). Nutallii, Benth. Greene, (Shepard). Melissa officinalis, L. Common Balm. Common. Hedeoma hispida, Pursh. Mock Pennyroyal. Common in dry, rocky places, pulegioides, Pers. Common everywhere. Salvia azurea, Lam. Sage, Cass, (Broadhead). var. grandiflora, Benth. Jackson, (Busb), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). lanceolata, Willd. Common. lyrata, L. Lyre-leaved Sage. Cass and St. Charles, (Broadhead), Iron and Wayne, (Letterman), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt).68 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1125. Monarda Bradburiana. Beck. Horse-mint. Common everywhere. 1126. fistulosa, L. Wild Bergamot. Common everywhere. 1127. punctata, L. Horse-mint. Greene, (Shepard), Mississippi, (Galloway), Pettis, (McCluney). 1128. Blepliilia ciliata, Raf. CommoD. 1129. hirsuta, Benth. Common in damp, open woods. 1130. Lophantlius nepetoides, Benth. Giant Hyssop. Common along fences. 1131. scrophulariaefolius, Benth. Cass and Jackson, (Broadhead), Pettis, (McCluney). 1132. Nepeta Cataria, L. Catnip. Common about old gardens. 1133. Glechoma, Benth. Common in damp places. Ground Ivy. 1134. Scutellaria canescens, Nutt. Common on hillsides. Skullcap. 1135. galericulata, L. Jackson, (Bush). 1136. lateriflora, L. Common. 1137. nervosa, Pursh. Pike, (Pech). 1138. parvula, Michx. Common everywhere. 1139. pilosa, Michx. Wright, (Bush). 1140. saxatilis, Riddell. Miller, (Winick). 1141. versicolor, Nutt. Common along river banks. 1142. Brunella vulgaris, L Common in pastures. Self-heal. 1143. Pliysostegia Virginiana, Benth. Common. False Dragon-head. 1144. var. speciosa, Gray. Common Westward. CATALOGUE. 69 1145. 1146. 1147. 1148. 1149. 1150. 1151. 1152. 1153. 1154. 1155. 1156. 1157. 1158. 1159. 1160. 1161. Marrubium vulgare, L. Horehound, Common about old gardens. Lieonurus Cardiaca, L. Motherwort. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pettis, (McCluney), St. Louis, (Riehl). Marrubiastrum, L. Pike, (Pech). Laminm amplexicaule, L. Dead Nettle. CaiS, (Broadhead). Stachys a«pera, Michx.. Hedge Nettle Common. var. glabra, Gray. Jackson, (Bush) cordata, Riddell. Jackson, (Bush), hyssopifolia, Michx. “Missouri,” (A. Wood) palustris, L. Common. PLANTAGINACE^E. • Plantain Family. Plantago cordata, Lam. Plantain. Not rare. heterophylla, Nutt. Boone, (Tracy). lanceolata, L. Ribgrass. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). major, L. Common Plantain. About dooryards everwhere. Patagonica, Jacq. Boone (Galloway), St. Louis, (Kellogg), var. gnaphalioides, Gray. Clay and Jackson, (Bush) var. aristata, Gray. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson,—rare—(Bush), Lewis (Ege- ling), Pike, (Pech). pusilla, Nutt- Common.70 FLOR A OF MISSOURI. 1162. 1163. 1164. 1165. 1166. 1167. 1168. 1169. 1170. 1171. 1172. Rugellii, Decaisne. Franklin, Jefferson, and St. Louis,(Letterman), Greene, (Shepard). Virginica, L. Common. var. longifolia, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt;. AR1STOLOCHIACEAS. Birthwort Family. Asarum Canadense, L. Wild Ginger. Common in rich woods. Aristolocliia Serpentaria, L. Virginia Snakeroot. Boone (Galloway), Greene and Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Tracy). Sipho, L’Her. Dutchman’s Pipe. _ Mississippi, (Galloway), tonientosa, Sims. Common Southward. NYC TAG IN ACE AS. • Four o’clock Family. Oxybaphus albidus. Sweet. Jackson, (Bush), angustifolius, Sweet. Common Westward, hirsutus, Sweet. Jackson, (Bush), nyctagineus, Sweet. Common. PHYTOLACCACEJE. Poke Family. Phytolacca decandra, L. Poke-root. Common in rich soil.CATALOGUE. 71 CHENOPODIACEAL. Goonefoot Fartiily. 1174. 1175. 1176. 1177. 1178. 1179. 1180. 1181. 1182. 1183. 1184. Cycloloma platyphyllum, Moquin. Winged Pigweed. Olay and Jackson, (Bush), Franklin and St. Louis along Meramec River, (Letterman). Chenopodium album, L. Pigweed. Common everywhere, yar. viride, L. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). arnbrosioides, L. Mexican Tea. Common. var. anthelminticum, Gray. Wormseed. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). Boscianum, Moq. Jackson, (Bush). Botrys, L. Jerusalem Oak. Along river bottoms. capitatum, Watson. Strawberry Blite. Boone, (Tracy). hglridum, L. Maple-leaved Goosefoot. Common. murale, L. urbicum, L. Jackson, (Bush). Common. AMARANTACEJS. Amaranth Family. 1185. Amarantus albus, L, Pigweed- Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), feldt). St. Louis, (Murl- 1186. Blitum, L. Cass, (Broadhead). 1187. hybridus, L. Common. 1188. hypochondriacus, L. Boone, (Tracy), Pike, (Pech). A R—30 Red Amaranth.n FLORA OF MISSOURI. I 1189. paniculatus, L. Jackson, (Bush). 1190. vetroilexus^ L. Jackson, (Bush). 1191. spinosus L. Common everywhere. Thorny Amaranth. 1192. Acnida rusOcarpa, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Water-leaf. 1193. tuberculata, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). 1194. Iresine celosioides, L. Butler, Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman). POLYGON ACEHS. Buckwheat Family. 1195. Biiinex Acetosella, L. Sheep Sorrel. Common everywhere. 1190. Britannica, L. Pale Dock. Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1197. conglomerate, Murr. Small Green Dock. Boone, (Galloway), Pike, (Pech). 1198. crispus, L. Curled Dock. Common. 1199. Engelmanni, Ledeb. “Missouri,” (A. Wood). 1200. maritimus, L. Golden Dock. Along Missouri river. 1201. obtusifolius, L Bitter Dock. Common. 1202. Salicifolius, Weinm. White Dock. Jackson, (Bush). 1203. verticillatus, L. Swamp Dock. St Louis, (Kellogg). 1204. Polygonum acre, H. B. K. Water Smartweed. Common. 1205. amphibiumLL. Water Persicaria. Cass, (Broadhead). 1206. aritolium, L. Halberd-leaved Tear-thumb. Greene, (Shepard). 1207. aviculare, L. Goose-grass. Common about door-yards.CATALOGUE. 73 1208. 1209. 1210. 1211. 1212. 1213. 1214. 1215. 1216. 1217. 1218. 1219. 1220. 1221. 1222. 1223. 1224. Convolvulus, L. Black Bindweed. Common. dumetorum, L. Climbing False Buckwheat. Common. var. scandens, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). erectum, L. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike,(Pech). Hydropiper, L. Common Smartweed. Common everywhere. hydropiperoides, Michx. Wild Water Pepper. Common. incarnatum, Ell. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Muhlenbergii, Watson. Jackson, (Bush). orientale, L. Princes’ Feather. Escaped from gardens. Pennsylvanicum. L. Common. Persicaria, L. Lady’s Thumb. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush) St. Louis, (Murt- feldt). ramosissimum, Michx. Common. sagittatum, L. Arrow-Leaved Tear-Thumb . Pike, (Pech), St. Francois, (Galloway), tenue, Michx. Greene, (Shepard). Virginianum, L. Common. Fagopyrum esculentum, Moench. Buckwheat. Occasionally escaped. LAURACE^E. Laurel Family. Sassafras officinale, Nees. Sassafras. Common, except Northwest. A tree cut by Gallo- way in Mississippi county, was 125 feet high to where the top had been broken off, and meas - ured eighteen feet in circumference at seven feet above the ground.74 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1225. Lindera Benzoin, Meisner. Spice Bush. Common. 1226. melisseefolia, Blume. Greene, (Shepard). THYMELEACEJS. Mezereum Family. 1227. Dircapa lustris, L. Common Eastward. ELJEAGN ACEiE. Oleaster Family. 1228. Slieplierdia argentea, Nutt. “ Missouri,” (A. Wood). 8ANTAL ACEJ5. Sandalwood Family. 1229. Comandra umbellata, Nutt. Bastard Toad-flax. Common. LORANTHACEJ2. Mistletoe Family. 1230. Phoradendron flavescens, Nutt. American Mistletoe. Common in extreme Southeast. Leatherwood. Buffalo Berry. SAUBURACEjE. Lizzard's-lail Family. 1231. Saururus cernuus, L. Lizzard’s Tail. Common.CATALOGUE. 75 1232. 1233. 1234. 1235. 1236. 1237. 1238. 1239. 1240. 1241. 1242. 1243. 1244. 1245. CERATOPHYLLACE^E. Hornwort Family. Ceratophyllum demersum, L. Hornwort. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). CALLITRICHACEJB. Water Starwort Family. Callitriche Austini, Engelm. Water Starwort. “Missouri,” (Gray’s Manual, 5th Ed), heterophylla, Pursh. Greene, (Shepard). verna, L. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). EUPHORB1ACEJS. ■ Spurge Family. Euphorbia commutata, Engelm. Franklin, Jefferson & St. Louis, (Letterman). corollata, L. Common. dentata, Michx. Common. dictyosperma, F. & M. Clay & Jackson, (Bush), discoidalis, Chapm. Franklin, Jefferson & St. Louis, (Letterman). Geyeri, Engelm, Jackson, (Bush), heterophlla, L. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). humistrata, Engelm. Common. hypericifolia, L. Common. maculata. Common.76 4 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1247. 1248. 1249. 1246. 1250. marginata. Pursh. Introduced from the West, obtusata, Pursh. Pike, (Pech). petaloidea, Engelm. Cass, (Broadhead). serpens, M. B. K. Common, serpyllifolia, Pers. Miller, (Winick). 1251. Croton capitatus, Michx. Common. 1252. glandulosus, L. Franklin, Jefferson & St. Louis, (Letterman), Greene, (Shepard). 1253. monanthogynus, Michx. Common. 1254. Texensis, Mull. Jackson, (Bush), 1255. Acalypha Virgiuica, L. Three-seeded Mercury. Common. 1256. var. gracilens, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). 1257. Oaroliniana, Walt. Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech). 1258. Ricinus communis-, L. Castor Bean. Occasionally persistent about gardens. 1259. Sebastiana ligustrina, Mull. St. Louis, (Geyer). \ 1260. Tragia macrocarpa, Willd. Henry, (Bush). 1261. urticasfolia, Michx. Greene, (Shepard), Miller, (Winick). 1262. Crotonopsis linearis, Michx. Franklin, Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman). URTIOACEAC. Nettle Family. 1263. Ulnaus alata, Michx. Winged Elm. Common from Callaway and Cole Southeast.CATALOGUE. 77 1264. 1265. 1266. 1267. 1268. 1269. I 1270. 1271. 1272. 1273. 1274. 1275. 1276. 1277. 1278. 1279. 1280. Americana, L. White Elm. Common everywhere. fulva, Michx. Slippery Elm. Common. racemosa, Thomas. Corky White Elm. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). Celtis occidentalis, L. Hackberry. Common. Morns mbra, L. Red Mulberry. Common. alba, L. Occasionally escaped. Maclura aurantiaca. Newton, (Swallow), Spring river, (Tracy). TJrtica dioica, L. Stinging Nettle. Common. gracilis, Ait. Common on moist ground. Iiaportea Canadensis, Gaudich. Wood Nettle. Common. Pilea pumila, Gray. Clear weed. Common in shady places. Boelimcria cylindrica, Willd. False Nettle. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Parietaria Pennsylvanica, Muhl. Pellitory. Common on rocky banks. Cannabis saliva, L. Hemp. Common. Humulus Lupulus, L. Common. Hops. PLATANACEiE. Sycamore Family. Platanus occidentalis, L. Sycamore. Common along streams. JUGLANDACEJE. Walnut Family. Juglans cinerea, L. Common except West and Northwest. Butternut.78 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1281. nigra, L. Black Walnut. Common. 1282. Carya alba, Nutt. Shell-bark Hickory. Common. 1283. amara, Nutt. Bitter-nut Hickory. Common. 1284. aquatica, Nutt. Butler and common in low lands Southeast, (Letter- man). 1285. olivaeformis, Nutt. Pecan. Common along rivers except in Northwest. 1286. porcina, Nutt. Pig-nut Hickory. Common. 1287. sulcata, JNutt. Large Shell-bark Hickory. Common along streams. 1288. tomentosa, Nutt. Mockernut. Common except West and Northwest. ----? From four localities in the State I have received nuts which are apparently from a hybrid of C. alba and C. olivasformis. They are certainly different from any recognized species, but more study is necessary to determine their true relationship. (Tracy). CUPULIFER^E. Oak Family. 1289. Quercus alba, L. White Oak. Common except West of the Nodaway River. 1290. aquatica, Catesby. Common Southeast. Water Oak. 1291. bicolor, Willd. Swam Common except in extreme Northwest. p White Oak. 1292. Catesbaei, Michx. “Missouri,” (Engelmann). 1293. cinerea, Michx. Upland Willow Oak. (Swallow in Geol. Survey Rep.) 1294. coccinea, Wang. Common. Scarlet Oak. 1295. falcata, Michx. Common Southward. Spanish Oak.CATALOGUE. 79 1296. 1297. 1298. 1299. 1300. 1301. 1302. 1303. 1304. 1305. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1310. 1311. 1312. 1313. heterophylla, Michx. Bartram Oak. Cooper, DeKalb, Shelby and Sullivan, (Broadhead), Pettis, (Swallow). imbricaria, Michx. Laurel Oak. Boone, (Tracy), Miller, (Swallow), St. Louis to Butler, (Letterman). Leana, Nutt. • Lea’s Oak. Butler, St. Louis and Washington, rare, (Letterman). Pettis, (Swallow.) lyrata, Walt. Common in Butler and swamps of S. E. Mo. Six trees found near Allenton in 1883, the first time observed so far North, (Letterman). macrocarpa, Michx. Bur Oak. Low lands South and on high lands North. Michauxii, Nutt. Cow Oak. Butler and swamps of Southeast, (Letterman). Muhlenbergii, Engelm. Chestnut Oak. Common. nigra, L. Black jack Oak. Common. obtusiloba, Michx. Post Oak. Not West of Liberty and Maryville. Common else- where. (Broadhead). palustris, Du Roi. Pin Oak. Common except Northwest. Phellos, L. Willow Oak. Common Southeast, prinoides, Willd. Common Northwest. rubra, L. Red Oak. Common. var. runcinata, Engelm. Miller, (Swallow), St. Louis, (Engelmann). tinctoria, Bart. Black Oak. Common. tridentata, Engelm. St. Louis, (Engelmann). quinqueloba, Engelm. St. Louis, (Engelmann). Castanea pumila, Michx. Chinquapin. Barry, Cedar and Jasper, (Broadhead).80 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1314. 1315. 1316. 1317. 1318. 1318. 1320. 1321. 1322. 1323. 1324. 1325. 1326. vulgaris, var. Americana, Walt. Chestnut. Swallow reports one large tree in New Madrid. F aglis ferruginea, Ait. Beech. In Southeast only. CORYLACE.E. Hazel Family. Ostrya Virginica, Wilid. Hop Tree. Common. Carpinus Caroliniana, Walt. Common except Northwest. Corylus Americana, Walt. Hazel Nut. Common. BETULACEJi. Birch Family. Betula alba, var. populifolia, Sp. White Birch. Common along streams. nigra, L. Red Birch. Common except Westward. Alnus incana, Wilid. Speckled Alder. Mississippi, (Galloway). serrulata, Ait. Smooth Alder. Common except Northwest. SALICACEiE. Willow Family. Salix alba, E. , White Willow. Introduced. var. vitellina, Gray. Golden Willow. Introduced. amygdaloides, And. Jackson, (Bush). Candida, Wilid. Hoary Willow. Iron, (Broadhead.) catalogue. 81 13-27. 1328. 1329. 1330. 1331. 1332. 1333. 1334. 1335. 1336. 1337. 1338. 1339. 1340. 1341. 1342. 1343. 1344. 1345. cordata, Muhl. Heart-leaved Willow. (Watson in King’s 5th Report), var. rigid a, Muhl. St. Louis, (Geyer). var. angustata, And. Putnam, (Swallow). discolor, Muhl. Glaucous Willow. Greene, (Shepard), Southern Mo., (Sargent), humilis, Marsh. Prairie Willow. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Geyer). t longifolia, Muhl. Long-leaved Willow. Boone, (Tracy), Jai kson, (Bush), Putnam, (Swallow), lucida, Muhl. Shining Willow. Jackson, (Bush). * nigra, Marsh. Common. petiolaris, Smith. Jackson, (Bush), sericea, Marsh. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). Dwarf Gray Willow Pike, (Pech). Black Willow. Petioled Willow. Silky Willow. tristis, Ait. Populus alba, L. Introduced. angulata, Ait. Jackson, (Bush), balsamifera, L. Boone, (Galloway), grandidentata, Michx. Boone, (Tracy), Wright, (Bush), heterophylla, L. Common Southeast, monilifera, Ait. Common, especially Northwest, tremuloides, Michx. Common Northward. CONIFERS. Pine Family. Juniperus communis, L. Greene. (SheDard). Silver Poplar. Angled Cottonwood. Balsam Poplar. Large-toothed Aspen. Downy Poplar. Cottonwood. American Aspen. Juniper.82 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1346. 1347 1348. » 1349. 1350. 1351. 1352. 1353. 1354. 1355. 1356. 1357. Virginiana, L. Red Cedar. Common on hilly woodlands. Pinus mitis, Michx. Yellow Pine. Letterman reports this from nineteen counties in the Ozark region. Taxodium distichum, Richard. Cypress. Common in the swamps of the Southeast. ARACEiE. Arum Family. Arissema Dracontium, Schott. Dragon Root. Boone and St. Louis, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), triph^llum, Torr. Indian Turnip. Common. Oroutium aquaticum, L. Golden Club. Boone, (Tracy). Acorus Calamus, L. Sweet Flag. Common. LEMNACE/E. Duckweed Family. Lemna gibba, L. Pike, (Pech). paucicostata, Hegel. Jackson. (Bush), St. Louis, (Gray). Torreyi, Austin (Gray’s Manual, 5th Ed). Speirodela polyrrhiza, Schleid. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). TYPHACEHS Cat-tail Family. Sparganium eurycarpum, Engelm. Bur-reed. Common.CATALOGUE. 83 1358. 1359. 1360. 1361. 1362. 1363. 1364. 1365. 1366. 1367. 1368. 1369. 1370. 1371. 1372. 1373. 1374. var. androcladum, Gray. Greene, (Shepard), var. Nuttallii, Gray. Cass, (Broadhead). Typlia angustifolia, L. Narrow-leaved Flag. The most common specie; Westward, latifolia, L. Common Cat-tail Flag. Common elsewhere, but rare Westward. NAIADACEAC. Naias indica, var. grabillima, Braun. “ Missouri,” (Engelmann). Zanniclxella palustris, L. Pike, (Pech). Potamogeton hybridus, Michx. Pond Weed. Boone. (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Perry, (Demetrio). var. spicatus, Engelm. St. Louis, (Geyer). natans, L. Common. pulcher, Tuck. St. Louis, (Engeimann). pusillus, L. Jackson, (Bush), Perry, (Demetrio). Spirillus, Tuck. Boone, (Tracy). ALISMACE^E. Water Plantain Family. Alisma Plantago, L., var. Americanum, Gr. Water Plantain. Common. Echlnodorus parvulus, Engelm. “Missouri,” (A. Wood), radicans, Engelm. Pike, (Pech). rostratus, Engelm. Jackson, (Bush). Sagittaria calycina, Engelm. Arrowhead. Greene, (Shepard).84 FLORA OF MISSOUKI 1375. 1376. 1377 1378. 1379. 1380. 1381. 1382. 1883. 1384. 1385. 1386. 1387. 1888. graminea, Michx. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). heterophylla, Pursh. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). lancifolia, L. Putnam, (Swallow), St. Louis, (Tracy), variabilis, Engelm. Common. uligniosum, Engelm. St. Louis, (Engelmann). HYDROCH ARID ACE JL Frog's bit Family. Iiimnobium Spongia, Richard. Marion, (Swallow). Anacharis Canadensis, Pianchon. Jackson, (Bush). Yallisneria spiralis, L. St. Louis, (Tracy). Frog’s-bit. Water Weed. Eel Grass. ORCIIIDACEJE. Orchis Family. Orchis spectabilis. Showy Orchis. Boone, (Tracy), Greene, (Shepard), Perry (Demetrio), Pike, (Pech). Habenaria cristata, R. Br. Rein Orchis. Perry, (Demetrio). lacera, R. Br. Ragged Fringed Orchis. Pike, (Pech). leucophrea, Gray. Cass, (Broadhead). Jackson, Bush), virescens, Spreng. Miller, (Winick), Ralls, (Broadhead), St. Louis, (Let- terman). Spiranthes cernua, Richard. Ladies’ Tresses. Jackson and Wright, (Bush), Mississippi, (Galloway), Pike (Pech).catalogue. 85 1389. gracilis, Big. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson and Wright, (Bush). 1390. graminea, Lindl., var. Walteri. Gray. Not rare Southward. 1391. Pogonia pendula, Lindl. Clay, (Mann), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1392. Calopogon pulchellus, Nutt. Greene, (Shepard). 1393. Bletia aphylla, Nutt. St. Louis, near Allenton, rare, (Letterman). 1394. Microstylis ophioglossoides, Nutt. Adder’s Mouth. Pike, (Pech). 1395. Liiparis liliit'olia, Bichard. Twayblade. Greene, (Shepard), Marion, (Swallow), Miller, (Winick), Pike, (Pech). 1396. Corallorliiza multiflora, Nutt. Coral-rook. St Louis, (Letterman). 1397. odontorhiza, Nutt. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Kellogg). 1398. striata, Lindl. Perry, (Demetrio). 1399. Applectrum hyemale, Nutt. Putty-root. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Jefferson and St Louis, (Letterman). Rare. 1400. Cyprlpedium candidum, Muhl. White Lady’s Slipper. Common. 1401. parviflorum, Salisb. Small Yellow Lady’s Slipper. Common. 1402. pubescens, Willd. Large Yellow Lady’s Slipper. Common. 1408. spectabile, Swart*. Showy Lady’s Slipper. Cass, Linn and Mercer, (Broadhead), Putnam, (Swal- low). AMARYLLID ACEJ£. Amaryllis Family. 1404. Hymenocallis maritimum. Butler, (Letterman). 1405. Agave Virginica, L. False Aloe. Madison, (Broadhead), Wright, (Bush).86 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1406. 1407. 1408. 1409. 1410. 1411. 1412. 1413. 1414. 1415. 1416. 1417. 1418. Hypoxys erecta, L. Star Grass. Common everywhere. IRIDACEaE. Iris Family Iris cuprea, Pursh. Jackson, (Frye). versicolor, L. Common. Virginica, L. St. Louis, (Letterman). Pardantlius Chinensis, Ker. Common about old gardens. Sisyrinchium anceps, L. Common everywhere. Nemastylis gemmillora. “ Missouri,” (T. Gardner). Yellow Iris. Large Blue Flag. Slender Blue Flag. Blackberry Lily. Blue-eyed Grass. DIOSCOREACEjE. Yam Family. Dioscorea villosa, L. Wild Yam. Common. SMILACEJE. Smilax Family. Smilax glauca; Walt. Greenbrier. “ Missouri,” (Swailow)- herbacea L. Carrion Flower. Common. var lasioneuron, Hook. Montgomery, (Broadhead). var. pulverulenta, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). hispida, Muhl. Boone, (Tracy), Callaway, (Broadhead), Greene, (Shepard), Pike, (Pech).CATALOGUE. 87 1419. Pseudo China, L. Boone, (Galloway,) Pemiscot, (Swallow). 1420. rotundifolia, L. Common. 1421. tamnifolia, Michx. “ Missouri,” (Swallow). 1422. tamnoides, L. Mississippi, (Galloway). 1423. LILlACEHS. Lily Family. Allium Canadense, Kalm. Wild Garlic. 1424. Common. cernuum, Roth. Wild Onion. 1425. Common. mutabile, Michx. 1426 Jackson, (Bush), stellatum, Nutt. Greene and Jackson,- (Bush). 1427. Nortlioscordum striatum, Kunth. 1428. Common. Muscari botryoides Mill. Grape Hyacinth. 1429. Escaped irom gardens. Camassia Fraseri, Torr. Squill. 1430. Common. Polygonatum biflorutn, Ell. Small Solomon’s Seal. 1431. Common. giganteum, Dietrich. Great Solomon’s Seal. 1432. Common, latifolum, Desf. 1433. Pike, (Pech). Asparagus officinalis, L. Asparagus. Escaped from gardens. 1434. Smilacina racemosa, Desf. False Spikenard. 1435. Common stellata, Desf. False Solomon’s Seal. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Tracy). 1436. Yucca angustifolia, Pursh. Bear Grass. Atchison, (Broadhead). A B—3188 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1437. 1438. 1439. 1440. 1441. 1442. 1443. 1444. 1445. 1446. 1447. 1448. 1449. 1450. 1451. 1452. 1453. 1454. 1455. liilium Canadense, L. Wild Yellow Lily. Cass and Iron, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). Catesbsei, Walt. Southern Red Lily. Clark, (Broadhead). Philadelphicum, L. Wild Orange-red Lily. Common. superbnm, L. Turks-cap Lily. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). var. Carolinia.num, Chapm. Jackson, (Bush). Erythronium albidum, Nutt. White Dog-tooth Yiolet. Common. Americanum, Smith. Yellow Adder’s Tongue. Knox, (Linn), Pettis, (McCluney). Ornithogalum umbellatum, L. Star-of-Bethlehem. About old gardens. Uvularia grandiflora, Smith. Bellwort. Boone & St. Louis, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), perfoliata, L. Common in rich woods. Trillium cernuum, L. Nodding Trillium. St. Charles, (Broadhead). erythrocarpum, Michx. Painted Trillium. Pike, (Pech). erectum, L. Purple Trillium. Boone, (Galloway), St. Charles and St. Louis, (Broad- head). grandiflorum, Salisb. Large White Trillium. JSt. Louis, (Kellogg), recurvatum. Beck. St. Charles, (Broadhead). sessile, L. Common. MelantMum Virginicum, L. Bunch-flower. Common. Veratl’um viride, Ait. Indian Poke. Boone, (Tracy). Woodii, Robbins. Pike, (Pech in 1842). Abundant along the Meramec in Jefferson county, “ now the only known local- ity,” (Letterman).CATALOGUE. 89 1456. 1457. 1458. 1459. 1460. 1461. 1462. 1463. 1464. 1465. 1466. 1467. 1468. 1469. 1470- 1471. 1472. parvitlorum, Michx. Marion (Swallow), Pike, (Broadhead). Zygadenus glaberrimus, Michx. Sr, Louis, (Murtfeldt). Tofielflia glabra, Nutt. Miller, (Winick). JUNCACE M. Rush Family. Luzula campestris, DC. Boone, (Tracy). Juncus acuminatus, Mich. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt). var. debilis, Engelm. Jackson, (Bush), var. robustus, Engelm. “ Missouri,” (EDgelmann). var. legitimus., Engelm. Jackson, (Bush). brachycarpu6, Engelm. Vernon, (Broadhead). marginatus, Rostb. Miller, (Winick), Vernon, (Broadhead). nodosus, L. Common. var. megacephalus, Torr. Jackson, (Bush), scirpoides, Lam. Pike, (Pecb). var. polycephalus, Engelm. St. Louis, (Riehl). setaceus, Rostk. Pike. (Broadhead). tenuis, Willd. Common. False Asphodel. Rush. PONTEDERIACEJE. Pickerel-weed Family. Pontederia cordata, L. Common. Pickerel Weed.90 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1473. 1474. 1475. 1476. 1477. 1478. 1479. 1480. 1481. 1482. 1483. 1484. 1185. 1486. Heteranthera graminea. Water Star-grass. Maries, (Broadhead), Pike, (Pech). limosa, Yah). Mud Plaintain. Jackson, (Bush). OOMMELYNACEjE. \ Spiderwort Family. Commelyna Yirginica, L. Day Flower. Common. hirtella, Vahl. Mississippi, (Galloway). Cayennensis, Richard. Mississippi, (Galloway). Tradescantia rosea. Vent. Spiderwort. Boone, (Tracy). Greene, Ralls and Texas, (Broadhead). Yirginica, L. Common Spiderwort. Common. var. flexuosa, Watson. Common. XYRIDACE^E. Yellow-eyed Grass Family. Xyris flexuosa, Muhl. Common. CYPERACE-iE. Sedge Family. Cyperus acuminatus, Torr. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), compressus, L. Jackson, (Bush), dentatus, Torr. Pike, (Pech). diahdrus, Torr. Boone, (Tracy), Callaway, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). Engelmanni, Steud. Jackson, (Bush).CATALOGUE. 91 1487. 1488. 1489. 1490. 1491. 1492. 1493. 1494. 1495. 1496. 1497. 1498. 1499. 1500. 1501. 1502. 1503. 1504. 1505. 1506. erythrorhizos, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). filiculmis, Vahl. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). ilavescens, L. St.'Louis, (Riehl). inflexus, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). Michauxianus, Schult. Jackson, (Bush), ovularis, Torr. St. Louis, (Murtfeldt), Yernon, (Broadhead). phymatodes, Muhl. Common. rotundus, L., var. Hydra, Gray. St. Louis, (Riehl). Schweinitzii, Torr. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). strigosus, L. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Vernon, (Broadhead). tetragonus, Ell. St. Louis, (Riehl). Kyllingia pumila, Michx. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Peck), St. Louis, (Letterman). Dulieliium spathaceum, Pers. Cass, (Broadhead), Franklin, Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman). Hemicarpha subsquarrosa, Nees. Jackson (Bush). Eleocharis acicularis, R. Br. Spike-Rush. Jackson, (Bush), compressa, Sulliv. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pecb). intermedia, Schultes. Jackson, (Bush), obtusa, Schultes. Common. palustris, R. Br. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). tenuis, Schultes. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Geyer).92 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1057. Scirpus atrovirens, Muhl. Bulrush, Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Riehl). 1508. fluviatilis, Gray. Bates and Jackson, (Bush). 1509. lineatus, Michx. Common Eastward. 1510. polyphyllus, Vahl. Pike, (Pech), Yernon, (Broadhead). 1511. pungens, Vahl. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush). 1512. sylvaticus, L. , Pike, (Pech). 1513. supinus L. var. Haliii, Gray. St. Louis, (Engelmann). 1514. Torreyi, Olney. Jackson, (Bush). 1515. validus, Vahl. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1516. Eriopliorum gracile, Koch. Pike, (Pech). Cotton Grass. 1517. Fimbristylis autumnalis, R. & S. Common. 1518. capillaris, Gray. Common Eastward. 1519. spadicea, Vahl., var. castanea, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). 1520. Rhynchospora corniculata, Gray. Butler, (Letterman). Beak Rush. 1521. Scleria triglomerata, Michx. Jackson, (Bush). Nut Rush. 1522. Carex aperta, Boott. Jackson, (Bush). Sedge. 1523. acutiformis, Ehrh. Jackson, (Bush). 1524. arida, Schw. & Torr. Pike, (Pech). 1525. aristata, R. Br. Pike, (Pech). 1526. bromoides, Schk. Pike, (Pech). 1527. crus-corvi, Shutt. Bates, (Bush). CATALOGUE. 1528. conjuncta, Boot. Jackson, (Bush). 1529/ Cherokeensis, Schw. Missouri, (A. Wood). 1530. cristata, Schw. Pike, (Pech), St. Louis, (Greyer). 1531. conoida, Schk. Pike, (Pech). 1532. cephalaphora, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1533. Davisii, Schw. & Torr. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1534. echinata, Murr. Jackson, (Bush). 1535. eburnea, Boot. Pike, (Pech). 1536. filiformis, L. Pike, (Pech). 1537. grisea, Wahl. Jackson, (Bush). 1538. granularis, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush). 1539. Hitchcockiana, Dew. Jackson, (Bush). 1540. hystricina, Willd. St. Louis, (Riehl). 1541. ' intumescens, Rudge. Pike, (Pech). 1542. lagopodioides, Schk. Jackson, (Bush). 1543. lupulina, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1544. laxiflora, Lam. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). 1545. var. blanda, Boot. Jackson, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). 1546. var. intermedia, Boot. Jackson, (Bush). 1547. var. latifolia, Boot. Jackson (flush). 1548. Meadii, Dew. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Geyer).94 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1549. 1550. 1551. 1552. 1553. 1554. 1555. 1556. 1557. 1558. 1559. 1560. 1561. 1562. 1563. 1564. 1565. 1566. 1567. 1568. 1569. Muhlenbergii, Scbk. Jackson, (Busk), Pike, (Pech). monile, Tuck. Jackson, (Bush). Novae-Angliae, Schw. Pike, (Pech). oligocarpa, Schk. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). pubescens, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). Pennsylvanica, Lam. Jackson, (Bush), riparia, Curtis, Jackson, (Bush). Richardsonii, R. Br. Jackson, (Bush), retroflexa, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush). rosea, Schk. Common. var. minor, Boot. Jackson, (Bush), var. radiata, Dew. JackBon, (Bush), Pike, (Pech). stenolepis, Torr. Jackson, (Bush). Steudelii, Kunth. Jackson, (Bush), sparganoides, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), var. minor, Boot. Jackson, (Bush). squarrosa, L. Common. Shortiana, Dew. Jackson', (Bush), St. Louis, (Geyer). straminea, Schck. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), siccata, Dew. Pike, (Pech). stipata, Muhl. Common.CATALOGUE. 95 1570. sterilis, Willd. Jackson, (Bush). 1571. stricta, Lam. Common. 1572. striata, Michx. Jackson, (Bush). 1573. trichocarpa, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush). 1574. Tuckermani, Boot. Pike, (Pech), 1575. tentaculata, Muhl. Pike, (Pech). 1576. triceps, Michx. Common Eastward. 1577. tetanica, Schk. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Riehl). 1578. umbellata, Schk. Common. 1579. virescens, Muhl. Greene, (Shepard). 1580. vulpinoidea, Michx. Common. 1581. Yaseyi, Dew. Jackson, (Bush). 1582. varia, Muhl. Common Eastward. 1583. Willdenovii, Schck. St. Louis, (Geyer). GRAMINE^E. Grass Family. 1584. Paspalum fluitans, Kth. Jackson, (Bush). 1585. laeve, Michx. ■" Common. 1586. setaceum, Mich. Common everywhere. 1587. Panicum agrostoides, Muhl. Common. Panic Grass.96 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1588. amarurn, Ell. Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush) 1589. antumnale, Bose. Boone and Mississippi, (Galloway). 1590. capillare, L. Common everywhere. Old-witch Grass. 1591. clandestinurn, L Common. 1592. crusgalli, L. Common everywhere. Barn-yard Grass. 1593. var. hispidum, Gray. Common everywhere. 1594. depauperatum, Mnhl. Common. 1595. dichotomum, L. Common everywhere. 1596. glabrum, Gaud. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush). 1597. latifolium, Mu hi. Common from Boone Southeast. 1598. microcarpum, Muhl. Jackson, (Bush), Jefferson, (Tracy), Mississippi, (Gal- loway). 1599. var. sphserocarpon, Vasey. Jackson,(Bush). 1600. proliferum, Lam. Common. 1601. sanguinale, L. Common. Crab Grass. 1602. scoparium, Lam. Mississippi, (Galloway). 1603. virgatum, L. Common along streams. Switch Grass. 1604. viscidum, Ell. Jackson, (Bush). 1605. Setaria glauca, Beauv. Common* Foxtail. 1606. Itcdica, Kunth. Millet. Common in cultivation, occasionally escaped. 1607. verticillata, Beauv. Common. Brown Foxtail. 1608. viridis, Beauv. Common. Green Foxtail.CATALOGUE. 97 1609. 1610. 1611. 1612. 1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. 1618. 1619. 1620. 1621. 1622. 1623. 1624. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. Cenchrus tribuloides, L. Sand-bur Grass. Common Northwest. Spartina cynosur rides, Willd. Cord Grass. Common in damp soils. Coix lachryma, L. Job’s Tears. Cultivated and occasionally persistent. Tripsacum dactyloides, L. Gama Grass. m Cass, (Broadhead), Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Gal- loway). Zizania aquatica, L. Wild Rice. Common in swampy lands. Leersia lenticularis, Michx. Fly-catch Grass. Boone and Mississippi, (Galloway), oryzoides, Swz. False Rice. Common. Virginica, Willd. Cut Grass. Common. Erianthus saccharoides, Michx. Occasionally in swampy lands Southeast. Andropogon dissitiflorus, Michx. Blue joint Grass. Common, macrourus, Michx. Madison, (Broadhead). provincialis, Lam. Common. scoparius, Michx. Common. Chrysopogon nutans, Benth. Wild Sorghum. • Common. Sorghum halepense, L. Guinea Grass, or Johnson Grass. Introduced and sparingly naturalized. Plialaris aruudinacea, L. Reed Canary Grass. Common. Canariensis, L. Occasional about dwellings. Anthoxanthum odoratum, L. Sweet Vernal Grass. Common in door-yards. Alopecurus geniculatus, L. Water Fox tail. Common in cultivated ground, var. aristulatus, Munro. Jackson (Bush).98 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1633. 1634. 1625. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643. 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. pratensis, L. Meadow Foxtail. Common from Boone Southwest. Aristida gracilis, Ell. Poverty Grass. Common in rich soil, oligantha, Michx. Common on thin soil, purpurascens, Poir. Common along roadsides, purpurea, Nutt. Common along roadsides, ramosissima, Engelm. Greene, (Bush), Mississippi, (Galloway), var. uniseta, Engelm. (Vasev in '‘Grasses of U. S.”) Stipa avenacea, L. Livingston, (Galloway), spartea, Trin. Cass, (Bioadhead). Oryzopsis melanocarpa, Muhl. Pike, (Pech). Millium effusum, L. ’ Pike, (Pech). Mulilenbergia capillaris, Kunth. Common in Boone, (Galloway), diffusa, Schreb. Common. glomerata, Trin. Howell, (Tracy), Jackson, (Bush), Lafayette, (Gallo- way). Mexicana, Trin. Common. var. filiformis, Muhl. With the preceding, sobolifera, Trin. Common, sylvatica, T. & G. Jackson, (Bush). Willdenovii, Trin. Common Westward. Brachyletrum aristatum, Beauv. Common. Black Oat-Grass. Porcupine Grass. Mountain Rice. Millet Grass. Hair Grass. Nimble-Wili.CATALOGUE. 99 1649. 1650. 1651. 1652. 1653. 1654. 1655. 1656. 1657. 1658. 1659. 1660. 1661. 1662. 1663. 1664. 1665. 1666. 1667. 1668. 1669. Phleum pratense. L. Timothy. Common in cultivation, and occasionally naturalized. Sporobolus asper, Kunth. Jackson, (Bush), cryptandrus, Gray. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), heterolepis, Gray. Common on prairies, vaginaedorus, Torr. Common southward. Agrostis elata, Trin. Bent Grass. Boone, (Galloway), Schuyler, (Tracy), perennans, Tuck. Twin Grass. Common. scabra, Willd. Hair Grass. Common. vulgaris, Michx. Red Top. Common on damp soil, var. alba, Vasey. Common. Cinna arundinacea, L. Wood Reed-Grass. Common. Deyeuxia Canadensis, Beauv. Blue Stem. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Galloway), confinis. Kunth. Jackson. (Bush), St. Louis, (Galloway). Ammopliila longifolia, Bemh. Lafayette, (Galloway )< Descbampsia caespitosa, Beauv. St. Louis, (Galloway), flexuosa, Trin. St. Louis. (Murtfeldt). Holcus lanatus, L. St. Louis, (Galloway). Danthonia spicata, Beauv. Common. Cynodon dactylon, Pers. St. Louis, (Galloway). Scliedonnardus Texanus, Steud. Mississippi, (Galloway). Bouteloua hirsut.a, Lag. Saline, (Galloway).100 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1670. 1671. 1672. 1673. 1674. 1675. 1676. 1677. 1678. 1679. 1680. 1681. 1682. 1683. 1684. 1685. 1686. 1687. 1688. 1689. 1690. racemosa, Lag. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush). Eleusine Indioa, Gaert. Common. Eeptochloa mucronata, Kunth. Jackson, (Bush). Triodia sesleroides, Torr. Common. Arundo Donax• About old gardens. Pliragmites communis, Trin. Common Southward in wet places. Kceleria cristata, Pers. Common. Eatonia obtusata, Gray. Common. Pennsylvanica, Gray. Common. Eragrostis c.apil)aris, L. Common. Frankii, Meyer. Common. major, Host. Common. minor Host. Common, pectinacea, Gray. Common. var. spectabilis, Gray. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), pilosa, L. Common. Purshii, Schrad. Common. reptans, Nees. Boone, (Galloway). tenuis, Gray. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush). Melica mutica, Walt. Common Northward. Diahrrhena Americana, Beauv. Boone and St. Francois, (Galloway). Yard Grass. Reed-Grass. Melic Grass.CATALOGUE. 101 1691. 1692. 1693. 1694. 1695. 1696. 1697. 1698. 1699. 1700. 1701. rt03. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1711- 1712. Uniola latifolia, Michx. Common in rich woods. Dactylis glomerata, L.. Orchard Grass. Common in cultivation and occasionally naturalized. Poa alsoedes, Gray. Meadow Grass. Boone, (Galloway), annua, L, Low Spear Grass. Common everywhere in cultivated ground, arachnifera, Torr. Texas Blue Grass. Introduced from Texas and apparently becoming naturalized, brevifolia, MuhJ. Boone, (Galloway), compressa, L. Common. debilis, Torr. Boone, (Galloway), flexuosa, Muh). Common. nemoralis, L. Boone, (Galloway). pratensis, L. Common everywhere, serotina, Ehrh. Fowl Meadow Grass. Common. sylvestris, Gray. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush). trivialis, L. Rough Meadow Grass. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Galloway). Glyceria arundinacea, Kunth. Reed Meadow Grass. Boone, (Galloway). Canadensis, Trin. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), fluitans, R. Br. Jackson, (Bush), nervata, Trin. Common. Festuca duriuscula, L. Fescue. Boone, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush), elatior, L. Meadow Fescue. Boone, (Galloway), nutans, Willd. Wire Grass. Blue Grass. Common.102 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1713. 1714. 1715. 1716. 1717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1722. 1723. 1724. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1728. 1729. 1730. 1731. 1732. 1733. ovina, L. Sheep’s Fescue. Boone and St. Louis, (Galloway), Jackson, (Bush). Shortii, Kunth. (Dr. Vasev in “ Grasses of U. S.”) tenella, Willd. Boone, (Galloway), St. Francois, (Tracy). Bromus ciliatus, L. Common. var. purgani, Gray. Jackson, (Bush). Kalmii, Gray. Boone, (Galloway), racemosus, L. Common. secalinus, L. Common everywhere. sterilis, L. Boone, (Galloway). Liolium perenne, L. Naturalized, var. ltalicum, Yasey. Sparingly naturalized. Agropyrum caninum, R. & S. Boone, (Galloway), repens, Beauv. Found occasionally where it has been introduced. Hordeum jubatum, Huds. Squirrel-tail Grass. Occasional Westward, pulsillum, Nutt. Occasional about old gardens. Elymus Canadensis, L. Wild Rye. Common. var. glucifolius, Gray. Common along river banks. Sitanion, Schultz. Jackson, (Bush). striatus. Small Wild Rye. Common. var. villosus, Gray. Jackson, (Bush), St. Francois, (Tracy). Yirginicus, L. Wild Rye. Common. Wild Chess. Upright Chess. Cheat or Chess. Rye-Grass. Italian Rye-Grass. Couch-Grass.CATALOGUE. 503 1734. 1735. 1736. 1737. 1738. 1739. 1740. 1741. 1742. 1713. 1744. 1745. 1746. Asprella hystrix, Willd. Hedge hog Grass. Common. Arundinaria tecta, Muhl. Cane. Common in extreme Southeast. EQUISETACEHS. Horsetail Family. Equisetum arvense, L. Horsetail. Common. sylvaticum, L. Greene, (Shepard), robustum, Braun, Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). var. affine, Engelm. Jackson, (Bush). hyemale, L. Common. OPHIOGLOSSACEaE. Opliioglossum vulgffum, L. Iron, Jefferson & St. Louis, (Letterman), Jackson, (Bush). Botrycliium ternatum, Swz. Vernon, (Broadhead). var. lunarioides, Milde. Common. Virginianum, Swz. Butler & St. Louis, (Letterman), Jackson, (Bush), matricariaefolium, Braun. Iron, (Broadhead). F1LICES. Fern Family. Polypodium incanum, Swz. Mississippi, (Galloway), St. Louis, (Letterman). A. R.—32104 FLORA OF MISSOURI. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750. 1751. 1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1753. 1759. 1760. 1761. 1762. 1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. yulgare, L. Boone, (Tracy), Mississippi, (Swallow), St. Louis, (Let- terman). Notliolseana dealbata, Kunze. Boone, (Tracy), Jackson,(Bush). Adiantum capillus-veneris, L. Christian, Greene and Stone, (Shepard), Madison, (Broadhead). pedatum, L. Common. Pteris aquilina, L. Common Southward. Cheilanthes lanuginosa, Nutt. Common. tomentosa, Link. Cole,(Wheeler’s Report.), vestita, Swz. Common Southward.. Pellea atropurpurea, Link. Common. gracilis, Hook. Boone, (Galloway), Newton, (Broadhead). Woodwardia Virginica, Smith. Common. Asplenium angustifolium, Michx. Common. ebeneum, Ait. Common. ebenoides, Scott. Franklin, Iron, Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman) Filix foemina, Bernh. Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Letterman). parvulum, M. & G. Christian. (Shepard), Greene and Jackson, (Bush), pinnatifldum, Nutt. Greene, (Shepard), thelypteroides, Mich. Common. trichomanes, L. Miller, (Winick), St. Louis, (Letterman). Camptosorus rhizophyllue, Link. Common everywhere.CATALOGUE. 105 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770. 1771. 1772. 1773. 1771. 1775. 1776. 1777. 1778. 1779. 1780. 1781. 1782. Pliegopteris hexagonoptera, Fee. Common from B tone Eastward. Aspidium acrostichoides, Swz. Common. Lonchitis, Swz. Madison, (Broadhead), Miller, (Winick). marginale, Swz. St. Louis, near Allenton, (Letterman). spinulosum, Swz. Butler and St. Louis, (Letterman). Thelvpteris, Swz. Butler and St. Louis, (Letterman). Cystopteris bulbifera, Bernh. Common. fragilis, Bernh. Common. Onoclea sensibilis, L. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Letterman). Scotland, (Broadhead). Woodsia obtusa, Torr. Jackson, (Bush), St. Louis, (Geyer). Dicksonia pilosiuscula, Willd. Scotland, (Broadhead). Osmunda cinnamonea, L. Franklin, (Letterman). Claytoniana, L. Pike, (Pech). regalis, L. Butler and Sf. Louis, (Letterman). SALYINIACEtE. Azolla Caroliniana, Willd. Howell, (Swallow), Jackson, (Bush). LYCOPODIACEiE. Club-Moss Eamily. Lycopodium dendroideum, Michx. Madison, (Broadhead).106 FLORA OF MISSOURI. SELAGINELLAOEJS. 1783. Selaginella rupestris, Spring. Adair, (Broadhead), Jefferson and St. Louis, (Letterman). 1SOETA(JEj3S. 1784. Isoetes echinospora, Durien, var. Braunii, EngeJm. Jackson, (Bush). 1785. Engelmanni, Braun. “ Missouri,” (Gray’s Manual, 5th Ed.)