4-45 G4-4- v4Cornell University Library QK 495.G74V4 A descriptive catalogue of the grasses o 31924001738974A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE Grasses of the>(: nited States, INCLUDING ESPECIALLY THE MADE BY THE’ U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND . THE STATE EXHIBITS OF GRASSES, WITH NOTES ON SUCH.SPECIES AS ARE JVIORE OR LESS EMPLOY- " ^ ED IN AGRICULTURE, OR DESERVING OF TRIAL FOR CULTIVATION* Dr. George Vasey, Botanist of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON : Gibson Bros., Printers and Bookb{Nders. 18S5. 'A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE *. OF THE Grasses of the United States, INCLUDING ESPECIALLY THE MADE BY THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND ' THE STATE EXHIBITS OF GRASSES, WITH NOTES ON SUCH SPECIES AS ARE MORE OR LESS EMPLOY- ED IN AGRICULTURE, OR DESERVING OF TRIAL FOR CULTIVATION. BY Dr. George Vasey, Botanist of the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON : Gibson Bros., Printers and Bookbinders. 1885.Washington, March, 1885. Sib: It is interesting to notice at the New Orleans Exposition that many of the State exhibits, and particularly those of the Southern aud Western States, contain a prominent display of their grasses, not only baled in the form of hav, but in many instances in well-prepared botanical specimens. The State of Texas makes a display of 200 species of grasses indigenous to that State. Califor- nia and Arizona are jointly represented by an unequalled botanical display which is especially rich in the variety of grasses. Arkansas and Alabama have also collections of large extent and prepared with great care. From Florida we find an exceedingly interesting collection of grasses, made by Mr. O. H. Kelley, of Carrabelle, containing some species quite new. Many other States, also, have not neglected to present exhibits of their resources in the line of grasses. , There is in fact throughout a large portion of our country an intense interest manifested in the subject of grasses for the use of stock. In the South and West particularly the question is an absorbing one. What grasses shall we use to give a good amount of pasturage, which shall be able to withstand the long dry season of our summers? What grasses can wre depend on for winter pas- turage, and what to furnish a supply of hay ? These questions are being continually asked, and although something has been done toward a satisfactory reply very much yet remains to be determined. A faithful and continued series of experiments for the purpose of testing the value of the different kinds which have been proposed, and of others which give promise of utility, is perhaps the first great necessity, and the next, especially among the agricultural population, is the diffusion of popular and scientific information respecting our native grasses, so that observing men may be able to recognize the species which come under their notice, and to make intelligent selections for cultivation. With this thought in view I have prepared the accompanying Catalogue of the Grasses of the United States, with notes and observations on such species as are more or less employed for the4 purpose of pasturage or feeding stock, many of which are deserving of trial for cultivation. GEORGE YASEY, Botanist of Department of Agriculture. William Saunders, Esq., Representative of Department of Agriculture at the World's Industrial and Cotton Exhibition.GRASSES OF THE UNITED STATES. Reimaria, Flugge. Spikclets acuminate, in unilateral subsessile spikes, with one per- fect terminal flower and one exterior empty glume, which is mem- branaceous, three to flve nerved, acute, about equalling the fertile glume. Fertile glume and palet indurated or membranaceous, finely punctulate. Stamens 2, stylos 2, distinct to the base. Stigmas long and plumose. Culms ascending, diffusely branched at the base. 1. R. oligostachya, Munro. Florida. This species varies from the character of the genus in usually having a second outer glume either fully or imperfectly developed in a portion of the spikelets of each spike. Li. acuta occurs in Cuba, and will probably also be found in Southern Florida. Paspaldm, Linn. Spikelets obtuse or rarely short acuminate, each with one terminal perfect flower, in one or two rows along one side of the slender soli- tary or paniculate flattened spikes. Glumes 3, the two outer ones membranous, equal, or in a few species the outer one smaller or dis- appearing ; the flowering glume more or less concave, becoming in- durated, embracing the shorter palet, which is of the same texture. Stamens 3, styles 2, distinct to the base. Stigmas plumose. Spikes simple, terminal, or subdigitate, or approximate or scattered along the general peduncle ; spreading or reflexed. This genus has its rauge principally in the Southern and South- western States. The species are very numerous, are mostly peren- nials, and vary much in form and habit. Some are tall and erect, some decumbent or spreading, and others have the habit of sending out runners which take root at short intervals, and thus spread and form dense patches. They are all relished by cattle, and some of them are considered of great value as pasture grasses. 1. P. caespitosum, Flugge. Florida. 2. P. eiliatifolium, Michx. Southern States. 3. P. conjugatum, Berg. Florida to Texas.6 4. P. debile, J\£ichx. New Jersey to Florida. 5. P. dilatatum, Pair. (P. ovatum, Trin.) Virginia to Texas. A tall stout species 3 to 5 feet high. It has been cultivated in the South, and is highly recommended. P. dilatatum, var. virgatnm, Yusey. Louisiana to Texas. This variety has more numerous, erect, and close spikes. 6. P. distichum, L. Southern States to Arizona. 7. P. digitaria, Chapman. Southern States. S. P. elatum, Richard. Florida to Texas. 9. P. Floridanum, Michx. Virginia to Texas and Arkansas. P. Floridanum, var. glabratum, Engelm. Virginia to Texas and Arkansas. This species and its variety are tall, strong, and vigorous growing plants, and would probably be of agricultural value. 10. P. fluitans, Eth. (Ceresia fluitans, Ell.) South. 11. P. giganteum, Baldw. Florida. 12. P. lasve, Jlichx. Massachusetts to Texas. Professor Phares, of Mississippi, says he has a neighbor who has been feeding this grass for twenty-live years, and for many years has had a meadow of it from which, without ever having been seeded, he annually mows about two tons of hay per acre. 13. P. lentiferum, Lam. (P. praecox, Walt.) Southern States. 14. P. lentiginosutn, Pre-sl. Alabama to Texas. This species spreads by runners and makes a dense close turf. 15. P. lividnm, Trin. Texas to Mexico. 16. P. monostaehyum, Yasey. (P. rectum, decs /) Southern Florida. 17. P. notatum, Flugge. Near the Gulf coast. 18. P. platycaule, Pair. (P. compression, Wees.) South Carolina to Texas. A low running species which makes a close matted surface, and has been recommended as a valuable pasture grass. 19. P. plicatulum, Michx. Florida to Texas. 20. P. purpurascens, Ell. North Carolina to Texas. This species is very leafy, and spreads by its rooting lower joints. It is very succulent, and deserves trial in cultivation. 21. P. racemulosum, Nutt. Florida to Louisiana.7 22. P. remotum, Rerny. (P. pubiflornm, Rapt.) Alabama to Texas. 23. P. setaceum, Mich.x. Massachusetts to Texas. 24. P. vaginatum, Sivz. (P. reimarioides, Chapm.) Florida to Texas. 25. P. virgatum, var. platyoxon, TJoell. Texas. 26. P. Walterianum, Schult. Southern States. Anth.enantia, Reauv. Spikelets loosely racemose on the slender erect branches of the lax, contracted panicle, containing one perfect terminal flower, and one male or neuter one; the outer, empty glumes hairy, 5 nerved, equal, as long as or longer than the flower; perfect flower with rigid, membranaceous glume and palet, (the apex soft,) the sterile flower of a thin membranaceous palet. 1. A. rufa, Benth. (Panicum rufnm, Kth.) Southern States. 2. A. villosa, Beauv. (Panicum ignoratnm, Kth.) Southern States- Amphicarpum, Kth. Spikelets of two kinds, those of the simple terminal panicle generally perfect, but infertile; the fertile ones borne singly at the ends of subterranean runner-like pedicels, these much larger than the others. The spikelets are one flowered, those of the panicle with two nearly equal, smooth, pointed, membranaceous, 5-nerved outer glumes; the flowering glume and palet rigid-membranaceous, nearly as long as the outer glumes ; the spikelets of the runners have thickened many-nerved outer glumes, with the flowering glume and palet indurated. 1. A. Floridannm, Chap. Florida. 2. A. Purshii, Kth. New Jersey to Florida. Eriochloa, II. B. K. Spikelets with a peculiar cup-like or annular swelling of the pedicel just below the base, nearly sessile in one or two rows along one side of the slender branches of a simple panicle. The spikelets with one perfect flower, or with a second male or neutral one; the outer glumes empty, hairy, nearly equal membranaceous, acute or acuminate; the perfect flower somewhat shorter, coriaceous, obtuse8 or inueronate pointed ; the imperfect flower when present consisting of a very thin palet, with or without stamens. 1. E. Lemmoni, Yasey a>id Scribner. (E. grandiflora, T asey.) Arizona. 2. E. mollis, Kth. Florida. E. mollis, var. longifolia, Yasey. Florida. 3. E. punctata, llarnil. (Millium punetatnm, L.) Texas and New Mexico. 4. E. sericea, Munro. Texas and New Mexico. Beckmaxxi a. Host. Spikelets subsessile, crowded in two rows upon the short simple or compound branches of the long, narrow panicle; consisting of two perfect flowers, the terminal one only fertile, (or in American specimens the lower flower is suppressed,) and two subcoriaceous, obovate or boat-shaped, compressed and inflated empty glumes. The glume of the perfect flower or flowers is lanceolate, acute or acumi- nate, and of rather thinner texture than the empty glumes. 1. B. erucseformis, Host, var. uniflorus, Scrib. Mountain regions west of the Mississippi. Panicum, Linn. Spikelets with one perfect terminal flower, and usually a second one which is male only or rudimentary. Outer empty glumes two, one of which is smaller than the other, often very small, or rarely wanting, membranaceous. The glume of the perfect flower with its palet are usually of a coriaceous texture, and obtuse or obtusish. The second flower when present is membranaceous. Inflorescence spicate or paniculate. The name is probably derived from the Latin word panis, bread, because some species were used, and are still used, for bread-making. The species of this genus are very numerous, (300 or more on the globe,) and of widely different appearance. We have about 50 native species, most of which have little practical value except as adding more or less to the wild forage of our woods and fields. But some species, both native and foreign, are of very high agricul- tural value. 1. P. agrostoides, Jfuhl, Massachusetts to Texas. A perennial grass commonly growing in large clumps in wet9 meadows, or on the muddy margins of streams. It grows 4 to C> feet high, with a flattened smooth stem, and develops its reddish panicles from several of the joints as well as at the top. It produces a large amount of foliage, which makes good hay if cut before flower- ing time; if left later the stalks become hard and wiry. Often cut for hay on low grounds. 2. P. amarnm, Ell. South Carolina to Florida. Grows among the sand hills near the sea coast. The leaves are very bitter. P. amarnm, var. minor, V. da S. North Carolina to Connec- ticut, a smaller form growing northward. 3. P. anceps, Michx. Massachusetts to Texas. A perennial grass, when well developed resembling the P. agros- toides, but smaller, generally found in moist clay soil. Not a valua- ble grass, but it frequently occurs in poor lands in sufficient quantity to afford considerable grazing. 4. P. augustifolium, Chapm., (not Elliott.) Florida to Texas. 5. P. autumnale, Bose. Illinois and southward. P. autumnale, var. pubiflornm, Vasey. Texas and Arizona. 6. P. bulbosum, II. B. K. New Mexico, Arizona, and Mexico. P. bulbosum, var. minor, Vasey. (P. maximum, var. bulbosum, Munro.). Same regions. This species grows from strong, bulbous rhizomas. It deserves trial for cultivation. 7. P. capillare, Linn. Very common. P. capillare, var. flexile, Oattinger. Kentucky. P. capillare, var. geniculatum, Scribner. Western. P. capillare, var. minimum, Engelm. Western. 8. P. Chapmanii, Vasey. (P. tenuiculnmm, Chap., not Meyer!) 9. P. ciliatissimum, Buckley. Texas. 10. P. claudestinum, Linn. Massachusetts to Texas. A coarse, broad-leaved species growing in wet, marshy ground. 11. P. colonum, Linn. (P. Walteri, Ell.) Alabama to Texas. 12. P. consanguineum, Kth. (P. augustifolium, Ell.?) South. 3 3. P. commutatum, Schultz. (P. nervosum, Muhl.f) Pennsylva- nia to Louisiana. 14. P. crusgalli, Linn. Barn-yard grass. Naturalized from Europe.10 P. crusgalli, var. echinatum, Torr. P. crusgalli, var. hispidum, Gr. This is an annual grass, with thick, stout culms, usually from 2 to 4 feet high. In the Southern States it is often employed and considered a valuable grass. Professor Phares, of Mississippi, says that “ in that and some other States it is mowed annually, and is said sometimes to furnish four or five tons of hay per acre. It an- nually reseeds the ground and requires no cultivation or other care, save protection from stock and the labor of harvesting. In one county in Mississippi hundreds of acres are annually mowed on single farms. Cows and horses are very fond of it, whether green or dry.'’ In the Northern States it is hardly ever employed. 15. P. Curtisii, Chapin. Florida to Texas. 16. P. depauperatum, Muhl. New York to Texas. P. depauperatum, var. rectum, Torr. New York and New Eng- land. 17. P. dichotomum, Linn. Throughout the United States. P. dichotomum, var. barbulatum, Gr. P. dichotomum, var. nitidum, Gr. A wide-spread species of many forms, furnishing much wild for- age, but not cultivated. IS. P. divaricatum, Linn. A tropical and subtropical species found, in our country, only in Florida and the Gulf States, near the coast. It is a shrubby, cane- like species, the culms being woody and persistent. Only the leaves and young shoots are eaten by cattle. 19. P. fasciculatum, Swz. (P. striatum, Chapin., not Lam.) P. fasciculatum, var. fuscum. (P. fuscuin, Swz.) P. fasciculatum, var. reticulatum. (P. reticulatum, Torr.) This species extends from South Carolina to Texas. 20. P. filiforme, Linn. (Digitaria filiformis, Muhl.) From Mas- sachusetts to Florida. 21. P. gibbnm, Ell. South Carolina to Florida and Texas. An annual grass of large and vigorous growth, growing in wet soils. It needs trial for cultivation. In the United States Exhibit there are specimens from Florida 6 feet in length, sent by 0. H.. Kelly, Carrabelle. 22. P. glabrum, Gaud. (Digitaria glabra, It. ck S'.) Introduced.11 23. P. grossavinm, Linn. Ballast ground, Philadelphia. 24. P. gymnocarpum, Ell. South Carolina to Texas. A tall, stout species, with long and broad leaves. 25. P. Hallii, Vasey. Texas. 26. P. Ilians, Ell. (P. melicarium, Mx.) South Carolina to Texas. 27. P. latifolium, Muhl., non linn. New England to Texas. P. latifolium, var. molle, Vasey. New England to Texas. 28. P. laxiflorum, Lain. (P. dichotommn, var. of authors.) Com- mon. * 29. P. leucophseum, H. B. K. (P. laehnanthum, Torr.) Florida, Texas, and Arizona. 30. P. maximum, Ja.cg. (P. jnmentornm, Pers.) Introduced. This is the proper Guinea grass, a native of Africa, but introduced into many tropical countries, and in the West Indies extensively cultivated for pasturage. It lias been introduced in Florida, hut is yet very little known in the Southern States. It has been con- founded with the Johnson grass, which is very different, and is bo- tanically Sorghum halepense. The Guinea grass seldom matures seed in this country and is usually propagated by dividing the roots. It is too tender to be cultivated except in the very warmest portions of our country. In favorable situations it is said that a cutting of grass may be made every six weeks throughout the season. An analysis made at the Department of Agriculture, in 1878, shows it to be very rich in nutritive materials. 31. P. mierocarpnm, Buhl. (P.multiflorum, Ell.) In wet ground, from Massachusetts to Texas. P. microcarpum, var. sphserocarpon, Vasey. (P. sphterocarpon, Ell.) Same range. 32. P. miliaceum, Linn. Introduced. This is the Millet grass of India, or at least one of the Indian Millets. It has, in Asia, been cultivated for ages, and is, in many parts, an important article in the food supply of the natives. It is also cultivated in Egypt, Turkey, and Southern Europe. It has been cultivated to a limited extent in this country for forage, and will thrive and ripen in the Northern as well as the Southern States Mr. Charles L. Flint says : Millet is one of the best crops we have for cutting and feeding green for soiling purposes, since its yield is large, its luxuriant leaves juicy and tender, and much relished by milch cows and other stock. The seed is rich in nutritive qualities, but12 it is very seldom ground or used for flour, though it is said to exceed all other kinds of meal or flour in nutritive elements. An acre well cultivated will yield from 60' to 70 bushels of seed. Cut in the blossom, as it should he for feeding to cattle, the seed is comparatively valueless. If allowed to ripen its seed, the stalk is no more nutritious, probably, than oat straw. 33. P. obtusnm. H. B. K. Texas, Arizona, and Mexico. This species lias a strong running rootstock, which at intervals sends up flowering culms H to 2 feet high. The leafy runners 2 to 3 feet long are sent out from the base, and at intervals form thick- ened, woolly knots or nodes which eventually take root. This grass will evidently have great endurance of drought, and is deserving of trial with reference to its agricultural value. 3d. P. paspaloides, Pers. Florida to Texas. 35. P. plantagineum, Linn. Ballast ground, Philadelphia. 36. P. platyphyllum, 2Lun.ro. Texas. A peculiar grass having the appearance of a Paspalum. 37. P. proliferum, Lam. Widespread from New England to Texas. P. proliferum, var. geniculatum. (P. geniculatum, Ell.) South- ern States. This variety occurs in the Southern States, where it is sometimes called “ sprouting crab-grass." It is an annual, growing in low, moist ground. The stems are at first erect, then become decumbent and spreading, frequently attaining a length of 6 or 7 feet, bent and rooting at the lower joints. It has much the same habit as P. Te.v- anum, but the stems are smooth and more flattened; the leaves also are smoother and longer. The stems are sometimes nearly an inch thick at the base and very succulent. The main stem is terminated by a diffuse panicle sometimes 2 feet long. Dr. Chas. Mohr, of Mobile, says of it : In damp grassy places it prefers rich ground throughout the coast region. It commences to vegetate vigorously in the hottest part of the summer, throwing out numerous shoots from the joints, forming large-branched bushes. The foliage is rich and tender, and the succulent, thick stems are sweet and juicy. After cutting it throws out numerous sprouts from the lower joints, which grow rapidly, so as to allow repeated cuttings until frost. It is through all stages of its growth much rel- ished by horses and cattle. 3S. P. pro-stratum, Lam. Gulf States. 39. P. ramulosum, Jlich.r. (P. dichot. var.) Southern States. 40. P. repens, Linn. Introduced. Gulf coast. P. repens. var. confertum, Yasey. Gulf coast.13 41. P. sanguinale, Linn. (Digitaria sanguinale, Scop.) Crab-grass.. Common. This is an annual grass, which, although a native of the Old World, has become spread over most parts of this country, and in- deed over all tropical countries. It is the most common crab-grass of the Southern States. It occurs in cultivated and waste grounds, and grows very rapidly during the hot summer months. The culms usually rise to the height of 2 or 3 feet, and at the summit have from 3 to 6 slender flower spikes, each from 4 to 6 inches long. The culms are bent at the lower joints, where they frequently take root. In the Texas Exhibit there are specimens of this grass five feet ten inches long. Prof. Killibrew, of Tennessee, says : It is a fine pasture grass, although it has but few base leaves and forms no sward,, yet it sends out numerous stems or branches at the base. It serves a most useful, purpose in stock husbandry. It fills all our corn-fields, and many persons pull it out, which is a tedious process. It makes a sweet hay, and horses are exceedingly fond of it, leaving the best hay to eat it. Professor Phares, of Mississippi, says that the corn and cotton fields are often so overrun with it that the hay which might be se- cured would be more valuable than the original crop: It is some- times mowed from between the rows, sometimes cut across the ridges with the corn. Any good piece of ground that has had this grass matured on it the preceding^ year may be plowed and harrowed smoothly and then rolled in May, and it will soon be covered with a rich growth. If the season is favorable two mowings should be made. 42. P. scabriusculum, Ell. Southern States. 43. P. scoparium, Lam. (P. pauciflorum, Ell.?) Massachusetts to Oregon. 44. P. serotinutn, Trin. (Digitaria serotina, Mx., D. villosa, Ell.\ In the Southern States one of the kinds of crab-grass. ■ 45. P. stenodes, Gris. (P. anceps, var. strictum, Chapm.) Florida, to Texas. 46. P. Texanum, Buckley. Texas. Texas millet. This grass is a native of Texas, and was first described and named by Prof. S. B. Buckley in 1866. It is an annual, growing from % to 4 feet high, at first erect, then becoming decumbent and widely spreading, sparingly branched, very leafy, the sheaths and leaves-14 soft hairy, the margin of the leaves rough, the blade of the leaf 6 to 8 inches long, and one-half to 1 inch wide, the upper leaves reaching to the base of the panicle, or nearly so ; the panicle is 6 to 8 inches long, strict or close, the branches alternate, erect, simple, 3 to 4 inches long, with somewhat scattered sessile spikelets. The branches of the panicle are rough, the pedicels with scattered hairs, especially near the flowers; the spikelets are oblong, somewhat pointed, 2 to 2£ lines long, sparsely hairy; the lower glume is half or two-thirds the length of the upper one, acute, five-nerved, the lateral nerves uniting with the mid-nerve below the apex, the upper empty glume prominently five to seven nerved, pointed ; the flower- ing glume of the sterile flower is five to seven nerved, its palet thin and transparent, as long as the glume, the perfect flower, ovate or oblong-ovate, aeutish, transversely wrinkled with fine reticulated lines. It is a grass of rapid, vigorous growth, many stalks proceeding from the same root, growing very close and thick at the base, succu- lent, and yielding a large amount of forage. Mr. Pryor Lea, of Goliad, Tex., has had it in cultivation a num- ber of years, and states as follows: I consider it far superior to any grass that I ever saw for hay. It is a much more certain crop than millet, and cultivated with less labor, and all kinds of stock pre- fer it. In this region it is regarded, in the condition of well-cured hay, as more nutritious than any other grass. It grows only in cultivated ground; it prospers best in the warmest season of the year; its luxurious growth subdues other grasses and some weeds, with the result of leaving the ground in an ameliorated condition. Mr. H. W. Ravenel, of Aiken, S. C., says he has been cultivating Panicum Texanum for several years, it is hard}’ and naturalized there, freely seeding and propagating itself, coming up in his grounds with other grasses, and much larger and better than any of them for hay and forage. The experiments of Professor Phares and others, in Mississippi,’ substantially confirm the statements of Mr. Lea, although it is said that it will hardly hold its own against the common crab grass, {Digitaria sanguinale.) It has been called concho grass in some parts; in others Colorado bottom grass. It is stated that on the Colorado bottoms, in Texas, many of the farmers have devoted their farms entirely to its production, finding it more profitable than corn or cotton. It is cut twice and sometimes three times in year, yielding about one and a half tons per acre at each cutting. a15 In the Texas Exhibit there are specimens 6 feet three inches high. 47. P. ITrvilleannm, Kth. Southern California. 48. P. velutinosum, Fees. Arizona. 49. P. verrncosum, Muhl. New England to Texas. 50. P. virgatmn, Linn. New England to Florida, and West to Rocky Mountains. Tall Panic grass. Switch grass. A tall perennial grass, 3 to 5 feet high, growing mostly in clumps in moist or even in dry sandy soil, very common on the sea-coast, and also in the interior to the base of the Rocky Mountains. This is a good and prolific grass if cut when young; when ripe it be- comes harsh and unpalatable. It forms a large constituent of the native grasses of the prairies, particularly in moist localities. 51. P. viscidum, Ell. New England to Texas. Moist meadows. 52. P. Xanthophysum, Gray. Massachusetts and New York to Minnesota. 53. P. unisetum, Trin. (Setaria uniseta, Four.) Texas. Oplismenus, Beauv. Spikelets with one terminal perfect flower and a rudimentary one, awned, clustered along the distant sessile branches of the simple panicle, with three empty glumes; the lowest glume nearly as long as the others and longer awned ; the flowering glume awnless and hardened with the palet as in Panic urn. 1. O. setarius, R. dc S. (Panicum hirtellum, Lam.) Florida to Texas. Setaria, Bcaur. Spikelets in a cylindrical spike like, or sometimes interrupted panicle. Below the articulation of the spikelets are several, usually many, bristles, which are supposed to be abortive branchlets and persistent after the fall of the spikelets. The spikelets contain one terminal fertile flower, (its glume and palet indurated and striate,) and usually a lower male or sterile one. Empty glumes 3, the lower one small, the second usually shorter than the third, the flow- ering glume indurated; the second flower when present consisting of a thin palet and sometimes three stamens. 1. S. composita, Kth. Florida to Texas. A tall, coarse, broad-leaved grass resembling Hungarian grass. It frequently grows 5 to 6 feet high.16 -■ S. corrugata, Schult. Georgia to Florida. 3. S. glauca, Beauv. Pigeon grass. Extensively naturalized. S. glauca, var. laevigata, Chap. North Carolina to Florida. S. glauca, var. itnberbis ? Mississippi to Texas. 4. S. Italiea, Kth. Hungarian grass. German millet. Introduced. This grass is supposed to be a native of the East Indies, but it has been extensively introduced into most civilized countries. It has long been cultivated as a fodder grass both in Europe and in this country. It is an annual grass of strong rank growth, the culms erect, 2 to 3 feet high, with numerous long and broad leaves, and a terminal, spike-like, nodding panicle, 4 to 6 inches long, and often an inch or more in diameter. There is a great difference in the dif- ferent varieties and forms of this grass, so much so that some of them have been considered different species, but the general opinion of botanists is that they are all varying forms of the same species, dependent upon the character of the soil, thickness of seeding, moisture or dryness, and time of sowing. It owes its value as a fodder plant to the abundance of its foliage and to the large quan- titv of seed produced. In some instances objection has been made to this grass on account of the bristles which surround the seed, and which have been said to penetrate the stomachs of cattle so as to cause inflammation and death. But it is plain that this opinion is not generally held, as the cultivation of the grass is widely extended and everywhere recommended. For forage it should be cut as soon as it blooms, when of course it is worth nothing for seed, but is most valuable for forage and exhausts the land much less. If left for the seed to mature they are very abundant and rich feed, but the stems are worthless, while the soil is more damaged. The matured stems are very hard, indigestible, and injurious, and the ripe seeds will founder more promptly than corn, and sometimes produce diabetes if mouldy and too freely used. If cut at the right stage the whole plant is a safe and very valuable forage. On good soil, if the ground be moist, it will be ready for mowing in sixty days from seeding and produce from two to four tons of hay per acre. It is folly to sow it on poor land.—Professor Phases. 5. S. setosa, Beauv. New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. S. setosa, var. caudata. Same region. We know little as to the agricultural value of this species; as it is found in arid districts it is deserving of the attention of farmers in that section. 6. S. verticillata, Beauv. Introduced from Europe. 7. S. viridis, Beauv. Green Pigeon grass. Naturalized.17 A native of most tropical and many temperate climates, and has been introduced into most cultivated fields, springing up or growing after the cutting of wheat and early grain, and making its growth in the latter part of the season. It is often associated with Setaria glauca in stubble fields, and, like that species, furnishes a considera- ble amount of fodder, which is as nutritions as Hungarian grass, but not so productive. Cenchkus, Linn. Spikelets much as in Panicum, inclosed 1 to 3 together in a thick, coriaceous, spiny involucre, or bur, these arranged in an oblong or cylindrical panicle. 1. C. echinatus, Linn. North Carolina to Texas. 2. C. incertus, M. A. C. (C. strictus, Chap.) Florida to North Carolina. 3. C. myosuroides, H. B. K. Florida to Mexico. 4. C. tribuloides, Linn. Massachusetts to Texas and California. All the species of Cenchrus are found in sandy or saline grounds, and are called Bur-grass from the hard spiny seed involucre, which renders the grass very troublesome and annoying both to man and animals. They are very hurtful to the wool of sheep. The plants are valueless. Fennisetl’m, Pars. Spikelets with one terminal perfect flower, and a second male or neuter one below it, solitary, or two to three together, closely sur- rounded by an involucre of usually numerous simple or plumose bristles which disarticulate from the pedicel with the spikelets. The spikelets are crowded in a spike-like panicle, or on peduncu- lated spike-like branches. The lower empty glume is small, the second and third larger, and longer than the perfect flower, the glume of which is thicker and more rigid ; sterile flower consisting of a membranaceous palet. 1. P. setosum, Rich ? Florida. Spartina, Schreb. Spikelets one-flowered, much flattened, sessile along one side of the long, triangular rhachis or spikes, which are racemose on the panicle; outer glumes strongly compressed with a rigid keel, une- 218 qual, awnless; flowering glume membranaceous, compressed, cari- nate, awnless ; palet nearly equaling its glume, two-keeled. 1. S. eynosuroides, Willd. Common. New England to the Nocky Mountains. In the Western States this species is very common, often forming a large part of the grass of the sloughs and wet marshes of that region. It is coarse and stout, growing from 3 to 6 feet high, with leaves 2 to 3 feet long. It is frequently cut for hay, but is a very coarse inferior article, unless cut when very young. It gives good feed very early in the spring, but soon becomes so coarse as to be rejected by cattle when anything bettor is procurable. In the bot- tom lands of the Mississippi, where it is abundant, it has been manufactured into paper. 2. S. gracilis, Trin. Oregon to Dakota, south to Texas and Arizona. 3. S. juncea, Willd. Marsh-grass, Salt-grass, flush-grass. This grass forms a large portion of the salt marshes near the Atlantic sea-coast. It makes an inferior hay, called salt-hay, much used also as a packing material. 4. S. polystaehya, Willd. Salt Need-grass. Near the coast. A tall, coarse grass, much like the S. eynosuroides. 5. S. stricta, Roth. Marshes near the coast. S. stricta, var. alterniflora, Gr. Near the coast. S. stricta, var. glabra, Gr. Near the coast. Stenotaphrum, Trin. Spikelets two-flowered, the terminal one perfect and fertile, the lower one male or imperfect, the lowest empty glume short and obtuse, the second the largest, the two flowering glumes rather smaller, palets of both flowers similar in texture. The spikelets are imbedded, singly or two or three together, in alternate excava- tions of the broad flattened rhachis of a spike-like panicle. 1. S. Americanum, Schkr. Southern States, near the coast. Pharus, Linn. Flowers monoecious in a terminal panicle. Spikelets in pairs, unequal, the smaller one pediceled, its flowering glume membrana- ceous and with 6 stamens; the larger one sessile, its flowering glume19 indurated and involving the membranous palet and the pistil; empty glumes two, nearly equal, membranaceous. 1. P. latifolius, Trin. South Florida. Coix, Linn. Flowers monoecious in terminal and lateral cymose panicles, the upper part male, the lower part female. Male spikelets two-flow- ered, empty glumes two, the flowers membranaceous. The pistillate spikelets, one to two flowered, are inclosed within a bract which be- comes a round, bony, shining involucre; they have each two empty membranaceous glumes, the terminal flower pistillate and fertile, the lower flower neutral. 1. C. lachryma, Linn. Job’s tears. Hardly naturalized. Tripsacum, Linn. Flowers monoecious in jointed spikes, the upper part of which is male and the lower female. The upper or male spikelets are sessile, in pairs at each joint of the triangular rhachis ; each spikelet con- tains two membranaceous male flowers, the outer glumes coriaceous or rigid. The pistillate spikelets are single and imbedded in the joints of the thickened cartilaginous rhachis, two flowered, the upper flower fertile, the lower neutral; the outer empty glume is thick- ened and cartilaginous, the inner much thinner and pointed ; the flowering glumes and palets are thin and scarious. At maturity the rhachis breaks up at the joints with the imbedded spikelets. 1. T. dactyloides, Linn. Gama grass. A tall, stout, perennial grass, growing sparingly at the North, more common southward to Texas, and in the Western States. Mr. Howard, of South Carolina, says of it: This is a native of the South, from the mountains to the coast. The seed stem runs up to the height of 5 to 7 feet. The seeds break off from the stem as if from a joint, a single seed at a time. The leaves resemble those of corn. When cut before the seed stems shoot up they make a coarse but nutritious hay. It may be cut three or four times during the season. The quantity of forage which can he made from it is enormous. Both cattle and horses are fond of the hay. The roots are almost as large and strong as cane roots. It would require a team of four to six oxen to plow it up. It can, however, be easily killed by close grazing, and the mass of dead roots wonld certainly enrich the land. As the seeds of this grass vegetate with un- certainty, it is usually propagated by setting out slips of the roots about 2 feet apart each way. On rich land the tussocks will soon meet. In the absence of the finer20 hay grasses this will be found an abundant and excellent substitute. The hay made from it is very like corn fodder, is quite equal to it in value, and may be saved at a tithe of the expense. This account is concurred in by other writers. 2. T. Floridanum, Porter. Florida. 3. T. Lemmoni, Pasey. Arizona. Hydrochloa, Beauv. Flowers in small (£' to 1 inch) simple monoecious spikes, mostly included in the sheaths of the upper leaves. Spikelets 3 to 5 in each spike, the upper ones staminate, the lower pistillate; spikelets 1 flowered, consisting of 2 nearly equal hyaline scales, which are considered glumes, the true palet wanting. Stamens 6, styles 2, stigmas elongated. 1. H. Caroliniensis, Beauv. North Carolina to Florida and Mis- sissippi. A small semi-aquatic grass, with short oblong-linear leaves. Luziola, Justs. Flowers monoecious, in separate, spreading panicles, the staminate spikelets smaller than the fertile ones. Spikelets 1 flowered, the glumes nearly equal, membranaceous, strongly nerved, the true palets wanting. Stamens 5 to 11, anthers linear, much longer than the short filaments, styles 2, short, stigmas plumose. Perennial aquatic or marsh grasses, with long narrow leaves, the culms creep- ing and rooting at the lower joints. 1. L. Alabamensis, Chap. Alabama. 2. L.? Peruviana, Pers. Louisiana. Zizania, Linn. Spikelets unisexual, monoecious, 1 flowered, in diffusely spreading panicles. Spikelets with 2 somewhat unequal glumes, membrana- ceous, convex, awnless in the male flowers, in the female ones the lower glume tipped with a straight awn ; palets wanting. Pedicels of the spikelets club-shaped. Tall aquatic or marsh grasses. 1. Z. aquatica, Linn. Wild Rice. Indian Rice. This grass is botanically related to the common commercial rice, (Oryza sativa,) but is very different in general appearance. It is21 widely diffused over North America, and is fouud in Eastern Siberia and Japan. It grows on the muddy banks of rivers and lakes, both near the sea and far inland, sometimes in water 10 feet or more deep, forming patches or meadows covering many acres or extending for miles. Its ordinary growth is from 5 to 10 feet high, with a thick spongy stem and abundant long and broad leaves. The panicle is pyramidal in shape, 1 to 2 feet long, and widely branching below. The upper brandies are rather appressed and contain the fertile flowers, and the lower branches contain only' staminate ones. The spikelets are one-flowered, each with one pair of external husks or scales, which are by some botanists called glumes, and by others called palets. These husks or glumes in the fertile flower are nearly or quite an inch long, with an awn or beard as long or twice as long. The grain inclosed between them is half an inch long, slender, and cylindrical. The glumes of the staminate flowers are about half an inch long and without awns, each flower containing six stamens. These flowers fall off soon after they expand. The fertile flowers also drop very readily as soon as the grain is ripened. The grass abounds in the small lakes of Minnesota and the Northwest, and is there gathered by the Indians for food. The husk is removed by scorching with fire. It is a very palatable and nutritious grain. Some attempts have been made to cultivate the grass, but the read- iness of the seed to drop must interfere with a successful result. Near the sea-coast multitudes of'reed birds resort to the marshes where it grows and fatten upon the grain. The culms are sweet and nutritious, and cattle are said to be very fond of the grass. 2. Z. miliacea, Mx. Pennsylvania to Texas. Leersia, Swartz. Spikelets 1 flowered, flat, articulated on short pedicels, along the slender branches of a terminal panicle. Glumes 2, strongly com- pressed or conduplicate, awnless, bristly ciliate on the keels, the lower one much the larger. No palets. Stamens 1 to 6, stigmas 2, styles short, distinct. Perennial grasses, the leaves and sheaths usually rough with minute prickles. 1. L. hexandra, Swz. Sparingly from North Carolina to Texas. In Manilla, one of the Phillippine Islands, (as we learn from the United States consul at that place,) this species is cultivated as food for horses and cattle. It is treated like rice, being transplanted to2 2 the wet and previously plowed meadows. The local name there is Zacate. It occurs in all tropical countries. 2. L. lenticularis,hlichx. White grass. Virginia, South and West. 3. L. monandra, Sics. Florida. 4. L. oryzoides, Stcc. False rice. Massachusetts to Texas. 5. L. Yirginica, Willd. Cut grass. Maine to Texas. The two latter species are common on marshy or moist ground. They are sometimes cut for hay. Thubberia, Benth. Panicle rather long and loose. Spikelets narrow, one-flowered, and with an awn-like pedicel, outer glumes equal and coriaceous, the flowering glume nearly as long, chartaceous, compressed, the apex obliquely truncate and terminating in a long twisted awn ; palet somewhat shorter and narrower, membranaceous; stamens 3, styles distinct. 1. T. Arkansana, Benth. (Limnas, Steudel, Greenia, Nutt., Scle- rachne, Tore.) Arkansas and Texas to Florida. Trinius made a second species, from Texas, (T. pilosa,) but it is probably only a pubescent form of the first. Dr. Chapman says “spikelets two flowered," which must be a mistake. Hilaria. II. B. K. Inflorescence in terminal spikes ; the spikelets in small clusters of three, closely sessile at the joints of the rhachis, the central spike- let containing a single fertile flower, either female or perfect; the two lateral spikelets each with two or three male flowers. The spikelets are so closely sessile as to require much care to separate them properly. The outer glumes of the spikelets are unlike, mostly thin, rigid, and strongly nerved, some lobed or bifid, dentate or lacerate at the apex, some awnless, and some awned between the lobes. 1. H. cenchroides, H. B. K., var. Texana. Texas and New Mexico. 2. H. Jamesii, Benth. (Pleuraphis, Torr.) Texas and New Mexico. 3. H. mutiea, Benth. (Pleuraphis nintica, Buckl.) Texas and New Mexico. 4. H. rigida. (Pleuraphis rigida, Thurber.) Arizona. The grasses of this genus are natives of the arid regions extend-23 ing from Colorado to New Mexico. In some places they form a considerable proportion of the vegetation, and are eaten by cattle, some of them being considered as next in value to Grama grass, (Bouteloua.) .Fgopogon, II. B. K. Inflorescence in loose, one-sided, terminal and lateral spikes or racemes ; the spikelets are one-flowered in clusters of two or three, one of which is usually sterile or male only. The outer glumes are cuneate, emarginate, aristate, and shorter than the flowering glumes, which are three-nerved and three-awned ; the palets are two-nerved and two-awned. Stamens 3, styles 3. 1. jE. cenchroides, Willd. Texas. 2. ^E. geminiflorus, H. B. K. New Mexico and Arizona. Cathestechum, Presl. Spikelets mostly 2-flowered, in fascicles of three, rarely four, each, along the rhachis of a somewhat one-sided simple raceme, which is about 1 inch long, and composed of from 5 to 9 fascicles of flowers. Flowers mostly perfect, or the upper one sterile. Outer glumes unequal, the lower one small, the upper lanceolate, acute, or mucro- nate, flowering glumes oblong, four-lobed, with the 3 nerves ex- tended into short awns between the lobes; palet 3-toothed at the apex, the two nerves extended into a short point. Low grasses growing in clumps, sending out runners which take root at intervals to form new stools. 1. C. ereetum, Vasey dh Hart el. Texas to Arizona. Tkagus, Hall. (Lappago, Schreb.) Flowers in rather close terminal spikes; the spikelets in clusters of 2 to 5, mostly 3, one of which is imperfect. The perfect spike- lets are one-flowered, with dissimilar glumes, the lower one minute and membranaceous, the upper one concave, subcartilaginous, and beset with stout, short hooks; the flowering glume is firmly mem- branaceous and acute; the palet is shorter and thinner, two-nerved. Stamens 3, styles distinct. 1. T. racemosus, Hall. Introduced. Hare.24 Imperata, Cyr. Inflorescence densely spicate or in a spike-like panicle, the spike- lets usually in pairs, one sessile and the other pediceled along the slender rhac.his of the short branches of the panicle, with long silky hairs at the base and on the outer glumes. Spikelets with one per- fect and one neutral flower, the outer glumes thin, nearly equal, silky : the flowering glnmes smooth and hyaline ; palet usually trun- cate and jagged at the top. Stamens 1 or 2, styles 2. 1. I. Brasiliensis, Trin. (I. caudata, Chap.) Florida. 2. I. brevifolia, Vasey. (I. arundinacea, authors.) West Texas to California. Erianthus, JBcTix. Panicle terminal, dense and woolly, or lax, with the branches dis- tant. Spikelets one-flowered, in pairs at the joints of the slender branches, one sessile, the other pedieelled, otherwise both alike. Glumes 4, the Si outer nearly equal, 5-nerved, thick, the third glume smaller, thin, and hyaline, the fourth thin, slender, mostly bifid, ter- minated by a slender, rigid awn, and enclosing the stamens and style. In addition there are two lodicnles or scales at the base of the last (upper) glume. There is a tuft of long silky hairs at the base of each spikelet, except in E. st/ictus. Xu true palet present. 1. E. brevibarbig, Jlichx. Virginia to Texas. 2. E. contortus, Ell. North Carolina to Texas. 3. E. saccharoides, Mich.c. (E. alopecuroides, Ell.) Maryland to Texas. 4. E. strictus, Baldw. North Carolina, Tennessee to Texas. ELioxi'Rrs, H. B. K. Flowers in narrow cylindrical spikes, the spikelets in pairs, (one sessile and one pedieelled,) at each alternate joint of the grooved rhachis, the sessile spikelet with one perfect flower, the pedieelled one sterile. Glumes 4, all awnless, the lower one usually the largest and thickest, the 2d rather smaller and thinner, the 3d and 4th hya- line ; the true palet generally wanting. Stamens 3, style distinct, stigmas plumose. 1. E. candidus, Hack. lAndropogon candidus, Trin.) Texas to Arizona.2. E. ciliaris, II. B. K. Texas to Arizona. 3. E. Nuttallii, Vasey. (Andropogori, Chap.) Florida to Texas. Dr. V. Havard states that this species forms a large portion of the vegetation of the plains of Southeast Texas. Rottbcelia, Linn. Flowers in terminal and lateral cylindrical spikes. Spikelets in pairs at each joint of the rhachis, one sessile and imbedded in an excavation of the rhachis, the other short pedicelled, erect and ap- pressed. The sessile spikelet has two thick outer glumes, two hya- line ones and a hyaline palet, with the stamens and pistil. Rarely this spikelet has a second male or imperfect flower. The pedicelled spikelet is usually imperfect, male only or reduced to empty glumes. 1. R. corrngata, Bald. South Carolina to Texas. 2. R. cylindrica, Chap. Florida to Texas. 3. R. rugosa, Nutt. Delaware to Florida. Manisuris, Swartz. Spikelets in pairs in the one-sided notches of the articulate rhachis of a simple spike, one sessile and half imbedded in a cavity of the rhachis, with one perfect flower, the other on a short appressed pedicel and reduced to two empty glumes. Outer glumes of per- fect flower two, the lower globular and hard, the second smaller and concave, thin but rigid. Third and fourth glumes small and hyaline. Palet, none ; the fourth glume usually considered a palet. 1. M. granularis, Swz. Introduced. Texas and New Mexico. Hemarthria, B. Br. Spikelets in pairs in the alternate notches of a simple spike, one sessile and half imbedded in a cavity of the scarcely articulate rha- chis, with one perfect flower, the other on a closely appressed and often adnate pedicel reduced to 2 or 3 empty glumes; the spikes terminal and lateral, and with the culm often flattened. Glumes in the sessile spikelet 4, the outer one thick, appressed and covering the cavity of the rhachis, the second thinner and convex or keeled, the third and fourth and the palet in the fourth thin and hyaline. 1. H. faseiculata, Nth. Southeast Texas.Isch^mum, Linn. Spikelets in pairs in the alternate notches of the articulate flexuous rhachis of simple spikes, one sessile with one perfect flower and a male one below it, the other pedicelled and similar or defec- tive. The sessile spikelet has two thickish outer glumes and two thin hyaline flowering glumes, the upper one usually awned. The palea are small and hyaline, sometimes absent. 1. I. leersioides, JTunro. Introduced in California. Heteropogon, Pers. Spikelets one-flowered, monoecious, in pairs in the notches of the rhachis of a one-sided spike, one sessile and pistillate, cylindrical, turned to one side of the spike, the other pedicelled and staminate, imbricate on the other side of the spike. The lower outer glume is hard and convolute ; the upper, thinner and keeled ; the third glume is thin and hyaline ; the fourth, or flowering glume, terminated with a hard, twisted awn; palets very small and thin or wanting. 1. H. contortus, P. cf“ . A. saccatus, Yasey. Oregon. Aristida, Linn. Spikelets one-flowered in a spicate, or an open branching panicle generally on filiform pedicels; outer glumes unequal, often bristle- pointed ; flowering glume narrow, rolled around the flower, termi- nating with a trifid awn, or apparently three-awned. Palet small and thin, inclosed in the flowering glume. The grasses of this large genus are either worthless or of little agricultural value. The perennial species in some localities furnish a considerable amount of wild forage of an inferior character. They are very abundant in sandy and sterile soil. 1. A. Americana, Linn. (A. dispersa, Trin.) Xew Mexico and Arizona.35 2. A. Arizonica, Vasey. Arizona aud California. 3. A. basiramea, Engel. Nebraska to Minnesota. 4. A. bromoides, H. B. K. New Mexico to California. 5. A. Californian, Thurb. Arizona and California. 6. A. desmantba, Rapt. Texas. 7. A. dicbotoma, Lin. Maine to Texas. A. dicbotoma, var. Cnrtissii, Gr. Virginia. 8. A. divaricata, H. B. K. (A. Hnmboldtiana, Tr.) New Mexico and Arizona. 9. A. Floridana, Vasey. (Streptachne Floridana, Chap.) Flor- ida. 10. A. gracilis, Ell. New England to Texas. A. gracilis, var. depauperate, Gr. 11. A. gyrans, Chap. Florida. 12. A. Havardii, Vasey. Texas. 13. A. Jonesii, Vasey. Arizona. 14. A. lauata, Loir. Delaware to Texas. 15. A. oliganrha, Michx. Virginia, Illinois, Arkansas. 16. A. Orcuttiana, Vasey. Arizona. 17. A. Palmeri, Vasey. Arizona. 18. A. palustris, Vasey. (A. virgata, var. palustris, Chap.) Flor- ida. 19. A. purpurascens, Pair. New England to Texas, A. purpurascens, var. minor, Vasey. South Carolina to Texas. 20. A. purpnrea, Nutt. Great Plains to Arizona. A. purpnrea, var. Berlandieri, Tr. Great Plains to Arizona. A. purpurea, var. Californica, Vasey. Arizona to California. A. purpurea, var. Hookeri, Tr. Texas and Southwest. 21. A. ramosissima, Engel. Illinois and Missouri. A. ramosissima, var. uniseta, Engel. Illinois and Missouri. 22. A. Reverchoni, Vasey. Texas. 23. A. scabra, Chap., non Kunth. Florida. 24. A. Schiediana, Trin. Texas to Arizona. 25. A. simplicifolia, Chap. Florida. 26. A. spiciformis, Ekl. Florida. 27. A. stricta, Michx. North Carolina to Florida and Alabama. A. stricta, var. condensata, V. (& S. (A. condensata, Chap.) Florida. 28. A. tuberculosa, Nutt. Illinois, westward and southwest.36 Stipa, Linn. Spikelets one-flowered, terete, spicate or paniculate. Outer glumes membranaceous, keeled; flowering glume narrow, coria- ceous, rigid, involute, with a simple, twisted awn from the apex; palet usually small and inclosed by the flowering glume. Stamens generally 3. The flowering glume has a hardened, often sharp- pointed and bearded, pedicel or stipe at its base. This genus has its principal range in the region of the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains. They are mostly coarse, rigid grasses, having little agricultural value. In common with many other kinds they are usually called Bunch grass, sometimes Beard grass or Feather grass. The more abundant species are Stipa spartea, S. coinata, and N. vindula. These prevail from British America southward, on the plains, and in the mountains. The genus is particularly distinguished by the awn or beard of the flower- ing glume, and the sharp-pointed and barbed stipe or base of the glume. Complaint has been made among stockmen of great injury to sheep by the penetration of these sharp points into their wool, and even into their flesh. The awns or feathery appendages are in some species 4 to 6 inches long, and are subject to a spiral twisting when dr}r, which assists in forcing the seed into the ground for ger- mination. Stipa avenacea is the only species prevailing in the Eastern and Southern States, and is of no agricultural importance. The long, feathery awns of Stipa pennata are beautiful and orna- mental. 1. S. avenacea, Linn. Wisconsin, Hew England, and southward. 2. S. chrysophylla, Desv. California and Arizona. 3. S. coinata, Trin. Bunch grass. Rocky Mountains. 4. S. coronata, Ihurb. Arizona and California. 5. S. eminens, Cav. Arizona and California. 6. S. fimbriata, H. B. A. New Mexico and Arizona. 7. S. Kingii, Boland. California and Nevada. S. S. Mongolica, Turcz. Colorado. Alpine. 9. S. occidentalis, Thvrb. California, Nevada, and Oregon. 10. S. Parishii, Yasey. Arizona and California. 11. S. pennata, var. Neo-Mexicana, T/iurb. West Texas, New Mexico to Arizona. 12. S. Pringlei, Scribner. Arizona. 13. S. Richardsonii, Link. Maine, Lake Superior to Montana.37 14. S. setigera, Presl. Now Mexico to California. 15. S.? Sibirica, Lam. Rocky Mountains, but doubtful. 16. S. Scribneri, Vasey. New Mexico. 17. S. spartea, Trin. Prairies and plains, Illinois to California. 18. S. speciosa, Trin. Arizona and California. 19. S. Stillraanii, Boland. California. 20. S. stricta, Vasey. California, Nevada to Oregon. 21. S. tenuissima, Trin. New Mexico and Arizona. 22. S. viridula, Trin. Rocky Mountains. S. viridula, var. pubescens, Vasey. Rocky Mountains. S. viridula, var. minor, Vasey. Rocky Mountains. Oryzopsis, Mich. This genus differs from Stipa chiefly in having a shorter, ovate or oblong flower, with the callus at the base shorter and broader, and in having usually a very short and deciduous awn to the flowering glume. 1. O. asperifolia, Michx. Northern States to Colorado. 2. 0. Canadensis, Torr. Northern States to Colorado. 3. O. cuspidata, Tenth. (Eriocoma, Nutt.) Rocky Mountains. This grass has a wide distribution, not only on the Sierras of California, but northward to British America, and eastward through all the interior region of Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Colo- rado, and Nebraska to the Missouri River. It is a perennial, grow- ing in dense tufts, whence its common name of bunch grass. The culms are 1 to 2 feet high, with about three narrow, convolute leaves, the upper one having a long, inflated sheath which incloses the base of the panicle. The radical leaves are narrow, rigid, and as long as or longer than the culm. The panicle is about 6 inches long, very loose, spreading, and flexuous. The branches are in pairs, slender, rather distant, and are subdivided mostly in pairs. The spikelets are at the ends of the capillary branches, each one flowered. The outer glumes are three to four lines long, inflated and widened below, gradually drawn to a sharp-pointed apex, thin and colorless except the three or five green nerves, and slightly hairy. The glumes inclose an ovate flower, which is covered ex- ternally with a profusion of white, silky hairs, and tipped with a short awn, which falls off at maturity. This apparent flower is the flowering glume, of a hard, coriaceous texture, and incloses a similar3S hard, but not hairy, and smaller palet. In Montana it is one of the most esteemed hunch grasses, and thrives on soil too sandy for other valuable species. 4. O. exigua, Thurh. (O. Oregona, Trin.F) Oregon to Montana. 5. 0. melanocarpa, Muhl. New England, Pennsylvania to Wis- consin. 6. O. micrantha, Thurh. Colorado to Arizona. 7. O. Webberi. (Eriocoma, Thurh.) California. Milium, Linn. Spikelets panicled ; outer glumes membranaceous, equal and con- vex, the flowering glume and its palet coriaceous, much as in Pani- cum, but the articulation with the rhachis is above the outer glumes. All the glumes are unawned and there is no sterile pedicel. 1. M. effusum, Linn. New England, New York, and Northwest. A tall perennial grass, 4 or 5 feet high, growing in damp woods in the northern portions of the United States and in Canada. It is also found in Northern Europe and in Russian Asia. Hon. J. S. Gould, in the Report of the New York State Agricul- tural Society, says respecting this grass: Mountain meadows and borders of streams and cold woods. It thrives when transplanted to open and exposed situations. It is one of the most beautiful of the grasses ; the panicle is often a foot long, and the branches are so exceedingly deli- cate that the small glossy spikelets seem to be suspended in the air. Birds are very fond of the seed. Mr. Colman says that he has raised 3 tons to the acre of as good nutritious hay as could be grown from it, when sown in May. The plants multiply by the roots as well as by the seed, sending out horizontal shoots of considerable length, which root at the joint as they extend. Muhlenbekgia, Schreb. Spikelets one-flowered, small, paniculate, articulated above the outer glumes; flowering glume with a very short, usually hairy callus. Outer glumes variable in size, from small or minute to nearly as large as the flowering glume, sometimes bristle pointed, keeled, persistent, thin; flowering glume three to five nerved, rigid or thinnish, mucronate or awned, sometimes with a long capillary awn from the apex between the short teeth, frequently pubescent below; palet about as long as the flowering glume and of similar texture. 1. M. Arizonica, Scrihn. Arizona.39 2. M. arenicola, Buckl. Texas to Arizona. 3. M. Berlandieri, Trin. Texas to Arizona. 4. M. Calamagrostidea, Trin. Texas to Arizona. 5. M. California, V/sey. South Carolina. M. California, var. Lemmoni, Vasey. Arizona. 6. M. capillaris, Ktli. New England to Florida and Texas. M. capillaris, var. tilipes. Chap. (M. filipes, Curtis.) South Carolina to Florida. M. capillaris, var. trichopodes. (M. triehopodes, Chap.) Vir- ginia to Louisiana. 7. M. comata, Tenth. (Vasey a, Thurber.) Wooly seeded Muhlen- bergia. Rocky Mountain region, Colorado to California. This specie's grows throughout the Rocky Mountain region in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, and California, usually on the sandy or alluvial banks of streams. It grows in tufts from firm, creeping root-stocks. There is reason to think it may be a valuable grass for arid regions. The culms are erect, simple, 2 to 3 feet high, leafy below, the leaves 3 to 6 inches long and ronghish, the upper one at first inclosing the base of the pauicle, the joint slightly pubescent. The panicle is 2 to 4 inches long, narrow, and close, sometimes interrupted below, generally of a purplish lead color and of soft texture. 8. M. debilis, Trin. Texas to Arizona. 9. M. depauperata, Scrib. Arizona. 10. M. dumosa, Scrib. Arizona. 11. M. diffusa, Schreb. Nimble Will. New England to Mexico. Professor Killebrew, of Tennessee, say's : It is hardly more than necessary to mention this grass, which forms in many sections the bulk of the pastures of the woods. It does not grow in fields, but in woods, where, after rains have set in, it carpets the earth with living green. Various opinions are entertained as to its nutritive qualities. Some farmers assert that their stock are fond of it, and that on sufficient range cattle, horses, and sheep will go into the winter sleek and fat from this vigorous grass. Others regard it as well nigh worthless. 12. M. glomerata, Trin. Spiked Muhlenbergia. This grass grows in wet, swampy grounds, chiefly in the northern and western portions of the United States. It is found in Colorado, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas. It grows to the height of 2 or 3 feet, stiffly' erect, and generally uhbranclied. The culm is40 hard, somewhat compressed, and very leafy. The pauicle is nar- row, 2 to 4 inches long, composed of numerous close clusters of flow- ers, becoming looser below, forming an interrupted glomerate spike. The spikelets are closely sessile in the clusters. The outer glumes are linear-lanceolate, gradually tapering into an awn or bristle of equal length. The flowering glume is one-third to one-half shorter than the outer glumes and very acute. The root-stock is hard aud knotty and furnished with numerous short, firm shoots or stolons. In the Eastern States it is utilized as one of the native products of wet meadows in the making of what is called wild hay. Specimens have been sent from Colorado and Kansas and recommended as an excellent grass for hay. 13. M. glomerata, var. ramosa, Vasey. A much branched spreading form. Illinois to Colorado and Montana. 14. M. gracilis, Trin. Rocky Mountains and plains. M. gracilis, var. major, Vasey. New Mexico. 15. M. gracillima, Torr. Plains, Colorado, and New Mexico. 16. M. Mexicana, Trin. New England to Mexico. A perennial grass of decumbent habit, 2 to 3 feet high, much branched, from scaly creeping root-stocks. It is frequently found in moist woods and low meadows, or prairies. It probably would not endure upland culture, but in its native situations it fills an im- portant place among native grasses. M. Mexicana, var. filiformis. With the preceding. 17. M. monticola, Buckley. West Texas to Arizona. 18. M. pauciflora, Backl. West Texas to Arizona. 19. M. Parishii, Vasey. California. 20. M. pungens, Tharb. Colorado and New Mexico. 21. M. Pringlei, Scrib. New Mexico and Arizona. 22. M. Reverchonii, Vasey <& Scribner. Texas. 23. M. Schaffneri, Fourn. Arizona. 24. M. setifolia, Vasey. West Texas. 25. M. sobolifera, Trin. New England to Texas. 26. M. subalpina, Vasey. (M. gracilis, var. breviaristata, Vasey.) Colorado and Wyoming. 27. M. sylvatica, T. & G. New England to the Rocky Mountains. M. sylvatica, var. setiglumis, S. IK Nevada. This species has much the appearance and habit of M. Mexicana. The panicle is looser, the spikelets not so densel}7 clustered, and the41 flowering glume bears an awn two or three times as long as itself. It is found in dry, open, or rocky woods and fence corners. In agricultural value it corresponds to that species. 28. M. Texatia, Thurb. Texas to Arizona. 29. M. virescens, Trin. New Mexico and Arizona. 30. M. Willdenovii, Trin. New England to Arkansas. 31. M. Wrightii, Vasey. Colorado to Arizona. M. Wrightii, var. annnlata, Vasey. Arizona. Brachyelytrum, Beauv. Spikelets one-flowered and with a sterile rudiment, appressed, in a simple racemose panicle ; outer glumes minute, unequal, the upper and larger about half a line long, persistent; flowering glnme char- taoeous, rigid, produced at the apex into an awn 8 to 10 lines long ; palet hyaline, two-keeled, bifid at the apex. The rudiment (contin- uation of the rhachilla) is bristle-like, half as long as the palet, and partly lodged in the groove on its back. 1. B. aristatum, Beauv. Common. Lycurus, H. B. K. Spikelets one-flowered, single on the short branches of the spike- like panicle, both the outer and the flowering glumes awned; outer glumes small, membranaceous, the upper, one awned, and the lower, two or three awned, the awns longer than the flower; flowering glume and palet of thicker texture (as in Muhlenbergia.) There are sterile spikelets intermixed with the fertile ones. 1. L. phleoides, H. B. K. Heleochloa, Host. Spikelets one-flowered, perfect, crowded in a spike or spike-like panicle, which is partly included in the bract-like sheath of the upper leaf. Outer glumes membranaceous, acute, complicate, cari- nate, not awned ; flowering glume similar, keel thickish and herba- ceous; palet rather shorter, compressed, two-nerved or two-keeled. 1. H. alopecuroides. Host. (Crypsis, Lam.) Introduced on ballast. 2. H. schcenoidcs, Host. (Crypsis, Lain.) Introduced on ballast. Phleum, Linn. Spikelets one-flowered, in small clusters, crowded into a dense42 spike-like cylindrical panicle; outer glumes one-nerved, mucronate or short awned ; flowering glume membranaceous, shorter and broader than the outer glumes, in our native species truncate and toothed at the apex; palet hyaline, narrow. In some species there is a small rudiment or bristle below the flower. 1. P. alpinum, Linn. Monntain Timothy. Mountains of New England arid Pock}' Mountains. In Montana it grows plentifully at altitudes of 5,000 to 8,000 feet, where it is often called “ Native Timothy.” Probably in mountain- ous situations it may become by cultivation as valuable as the next species. 2. P. pratense, Linn. Timothy. Extensively cultivated. This is one of the commonest and best-known grasses. For a hay crop it is, perhaps, the most valuable, especially in the Northern States. The height of the grass depends on the soil and cultiva- tion. In poor ground it may be reduced to 1 foot, while in good soil and with good culture it readily attains 3 feet, and occasionally has been found twice that height. It is a perennial grass with fi- brous roots. The base of the culm is sometimes thickened and in- clined to be bulbous. The culm is erect and firm, with four or five leaves, which are erect and usually from 4 to 6 inches long. The flower spike varies from 2 to 6 inches in length, is cylindrical and very densely flowered. The spikelets are sessile, single-flowered, and cylindrical or oblong in outline. The outer glumes are rather wedge-form, with a mucronate point or short bristle. The main nerve on the back is fringed with a few short hairs. The flowering glume is shorter than the onter ones and thinner, five-nerved, and toothed at the apex. The palet is thinner in texture and much narrower. This grass, as known in cultivation, is supposed to have been intro- duced from Europe, but it appears to be indigenous in the mountain regions of New England, New York, and the Rocky Mountains. It is said that about the year 1711 a Mr. Herd found this grass in a swamp in New Hampshire and cultivated it. From him it took the name of Herd’s grass. About the year 1720 it was brought to Maryland by Timothy Hanson and received the name of Timothy grass. It is now the favorite and prevailing meadow grass over a large part of the country.43 Cole a nth us, Seid. Spikelets one-flowered, very small, perfect; outer glumes wanting; flowering glume membranaceous, one-nerved, keeled, acuminate or short aristate ; palet shorter and wider than the flowering glume, two-keeled, acutely two-toothed. A minute annual grass. Stamens 2, stigmas 2, sessile. 1. C. subtilis, Seid. Sauvie’s Island, Oregon. Phippsia, R. Br. Spikelets one-flowered, outer glumes minute, unequal, membrana- ceous ; flowering glume thin, three to four times longer than the outer ones, obscurely three-nerved, keeled, acute; palet a little shorter, two-keeled, two to four toothed at the apex. 1. P. algida, Br. Melville Island and Arctic regions. Spokobolus, B. Br. (including Vilfa, Beauv.) Spikelets one, rarely two-flowered in a contracted or open panicle. Outer glumes unequal, the lower one shorter, often acute, unawned, one to three-nerved, membranaceous; flowering glume mostly longer, unawned; palet about equalling the flowering glume and of the same texture, prominently two-nerved. Seed mostly loose in a hyaline or rarely coriaceous pericarp. 1. S. airoides, Torr. 2. S. arundinaceus, Vasey. (Vilfa, Trin.) Alaska and British America. 3. S. arbutus, Kth. var. Arkansana. Texas to Arizona. 4. S. Arizonieus, Thurb. (S. interruptus, Vasey.) Arizona. 5. S. asper, Kth. (Vilfa, Beauv.) New England to Texas. S. asper, var. Hookeri. (Vilfa Hookeri, Trin.) Texas. 6. S. asperifolius, K. de M. British America to Arizona. 7. S. Buckleyi, Vasey. Texas. 8. S. compresses, Kth. New Jersey. 9. S. cryptandrus, Gray. New England to Mexico. This species has an extensive range. It is common in sandy fields in the Northern and Southern States, as well as over all the dry plains west of the Mississippi, extending from British America to Mexico, furnishing a considerable share of the wild pasturage. S. cryptandrus, var. flexuosns, Thurb. New' Mexico to Arizona.44: S. cryptandrus, var. strictus, Scrib. Nebraska to Arizona. 10. S. cuspidatus, Tori'. Rocky Mountains, northward. 11. S. depauperatus, Yasey. (Vilfa depauperata, Torr.) Rocky Mountain region. 12. S. Domingensis, Trin. Florida. 13. S. Drummondii, Yasey. (Vilfa Drummondii, Trin.) Louisiana to Texas. 14. S.? filiculmis. (Vilfa filiculmis, Thurb.) Texas i 15. S. Floridanus, Chap. Florida. S. Floridanus, var. Curtissii, Yasey. Florida. 16. S. gracillimus, Yasey. (Vilfa, Thvrb.) California, Oregon. 17. S. heterolepis, Cray. Sparingly found in Connecticut and New York; common on prairies from Illinois westward, and south to Texas. A writer on the grasses of the Rocky Mountains and plains in the Agricultural Report for 1870 says : This species may be identified from its long, slender leaves, growing abundantly from the base of the plant, gracefully curving and frequently resting their tips on the ground; from its tendency to grow branches or stools, and when in fruit, from its small panicle of sharp-pointed spikelets and its round seeds. These when hruised emit a strong, heavy odor, which has been compared to that of Eragrostis megastachya when crushed in the hands: but to most olfactories it is much less ■offensive, and to some not at all disagreeable. It attains to the average height of .about feet in fruit, but in dry seasons large tracts almost exclusively composed of this species are without a single fruiting plant. It is sometimes cultivated for hay, in the absence of the more productive species, and makes an article of fine quality. 18. S. Iudicus, R. Br. Introduced and naturalized. This grass is a native of India, but has spread over most tropical and warm climates. It occurs more or less abundantly in all the Southern States, and is called smut grass, from the fact that after flowering the heads become affected with a black smut. It grows in tufts or loose patches, is erect, from 1|- to 3 feet high, with an abundance of long, flat, fine pointed leaves near the base, and a narrow, terminal panicle frequently a foot in length, composed of short, erect, sessile branches, which are very closely flowered. Professor Phares says: It grows abundantly and luxuriously on many uncultivated fields and commons, and furnishes grazing from April till frost. It thrives under much grazing and many mowings, and grows promptly after each if the soil be moist enough. Cattle and horses are fond of it if frequently cut or grazed down, but if allowed to remain45 untouched long £hey will not eat it unless very hungry, as it becomes tough andJ unpalatable and probably difficult to digest. 19. S. jancens, Kth. Pennsylvania to Wisconsin, and southward to Florida. 20. S. Jonesii, Vasey. California. 21. S. purpurascens, Haml. Texas. 22. S. ramulosus, Kth. Colorado to California, New Mexico, and; Arizona. 23. S. serotinus, Gr. Maine, New Jersey, Michigan. 24. S. tenacissimus, Beauv. On ballast. Introduced. 25. S. tricholepis, Tori'. New Mexico and Arizona. 26. S. vagin seflor ns, (Vilfa, Torr.) Maine to Texas. S. vaginae floras, var. tenera, Vasey. Maine to Texas. 27. S. Virginicns, Kth. Virginia to Texas, near the coast. 28. S. Wolfii, Vasey. Colorada. A minute species. 29. S. Wrightii, Mun.ro. New Mexico to Arizona. Epioampes, Presl. Spikelets much as in SporoboKs, but contracted in a long, narrow,, and dense panicle. Outer glumes somewhat unequal, membrana- ceous, convex on the back, scarcely keeled, obtuse, three-nerved; flowering glume mostly equalling the outer ones, sometimes three to five nerved, entire or sometimes awned from the apex ; palet hyaline,, about equalling the flowering glume, two nerved or two-keeled. 1. E. distichophylla, Vasey. (Muhlenbergia, Munro.) Texas to Arizona. 2. E. macroura, Benth. (Cinna, Kth.) Texas to Arizona. 3. E. rigens, Benth. (Cinna macroura, Thurb.) Arizona to Cali- fornia. Agrostis, Linn. Spikelets one-flowered in a contracted or open panicle; outer glumes nearly equal or the lower rather longer, and longer than the flowering glume, one-nerved, acute, unawned; flowering glume shorter and wider, hyaline, three to five nerved, awnless, or some- times awned on the back; palet shorter than the flowering glume,, frequently reduced to a small scale or entirely wanting. Stamens usually 3, grain free.46 1. A. reqnivalvis, Trin. (Deveuxia requivalvis, Benth.) Califor- nia to Alaska. 2. A. araehnoides, Ell. Tennessee to Texas. 3. A. arenaria, Scrib. California. 4. A. asperifolia, Trin. California. 5. A. eanina, Linn. Mountains of New England to Rockv Moun- tains. A grass usually of low size, 6 to 12 inches high, with slender culms and a light, flexible, expanded panicle, and with a perplexing variety of forms. There are several varieties growing in mountain- ous regions throughout the United States, and in Europe. It forms a close sod, and affords considerable pastnrage in those regions. A. eanina, var. alpina, Oakes. New England. A. eanina, var. rupestris, Gray. (A. rupestris, Chap.) Mountains North Carolina. 6. A. elata, Trin. Massachusetts to Texas. 7. A. exarata, Trin. Wisconsin to Oregon, California, Nevada, and Arizona. This is chiefly a northern species, being found in MTseonsin and westward to the Rocky Mountains, also in British America, and California to Alaska. It is very variable in appearance, and pre^ sents several varieties. It is generally more slender in growth than the common red top. The panicle is usually longer, narrower, and looser. In all the forms the palet is wanting or is very minute. The form chiefly growing on the Pacific slope from California to Alaska is often more robust than the A. vulgaris, growing 2 to 3 feet high, with a stout, firm culm, clothed with three or four broad- ish leaves, 4 to 6 inches long. The panicle is 4 to 6 inches long, pale green, rather loose, but with erect branches. A. exarata, var. littoralis, Yasey. Oregon. 8. A. exigua, Thurb. California. 9. A. foliosa, Vasey. California and Oregon. 10. A. geminata, Trin. Oregon to Alaska. 11. A. grandis, Trin. California to Alaska. 12. A. humilis, Yusey. Oregon and Washington Territory. 13. A. microphylla, Stead. Oregon and California. 14. A. mucronata, Brest. Oregon and California. 15. A. multiculmis, Yasey. South California. 16. A. pallens, Trin. Oregon and California.47 17. A. perennans, Tuck. New England to Texas. 18. A. soabra, Willd. New England to Alaska and southward. A. scabra, var. csespitosa, Torr. Mountains of New York. 19. A. Scoulcri, Trin. California to Alaska. 20. A. tenuis, Vase;/. Oregon to California. 21. A. varians, Trin. Oregon to California. 22. A. vertioillata, Vill. Texas to California. 23. A. virescens, IT. B. K. California. 24. A. vulgaris, With. Naturalized and cultivated. A. vulgaris, var. alba. (A. alba, Linn.) Naturalized and cul- tivated. A. vulgaris, var. stolonifera. (A. stolouifera, Linn.) Natural- ized and cultivated. Extensively cultivated and known as Ned-top, Fine-top, Herd’s grass of Pennsylvania, Bent grass, &c. A perennial grass, growing 2 or 3 feet high from creeping root- stocks, which interlace so as to make a very firm sod ; the culms are upright, or sometimes decumbent at the base, smooth, round, rather slender, and clothed with four or five leaves, which are flat, narrow, and roughish, from 3 to 6 inches long, with smooth sheaths, and generally truncate ligules. Agrostis alba, the Florin grass of Ireland, and Agroslis stolonifera are usually considered synonymous, and are distinguished from A. vulgaris \>g having a closer, more verticillated panicle, and with longer and more acute ligules. Mr. J. G. Gould says of Agrostis vulgaris: This is a favorite grass in wet, swampy meadows, where its interlacing, thick roots consolidate the sward, making a firm matting which prevents the feet of cattle from, poaching. It is generally considered a valuable grass in this country, though by no means the best one. Cattle eat hay made from it with a relish, especially when mixed with other grasses. As a pasture grass it is much valued by dairymen, and in their opinion the butter would suffer much by its removal. Professor Phares, of Louisiana, says respecting this grass: It grows well on hill tops and sides, in ditches, gullies, and marshes, but de- lights in moist bottom land. It is not injured by overflows, though somewhat pro- longed.. It furnishes considerable grazing during warm spells in winter, and in spring and summer an abundant supply of nutrition. Cut before maturing seed, it makes good hay and a large quantity. It seems to grow taller in the Southern States than it does farther north, and to make more and better hay and grazing. Mr. Flint says: It is a good permanent grass, standing our climate as well as any other, and con-48 sequently well suited to our pastures, in which it should be fed close; for if allowed to grow up to seed the cattle refuse it; and this seems to show that it is not so much relished by stock as some of the other pasture grasses. Polypogon, Desf. Spikelets one-flowered in a contracted, mostly spike-like panicle; pedicels of the spikelets rather clavate and usually articulated below the glumes; outer glumes nearly equal and long awned from the apex; flowering glume smaller, thinner, generally hyaline, and gen- erally prolonged at the apex into a slender awn ; palet thin, some- times considerably shorter than its glume. 1. P. elongatus, H. B. K. Southern California. 2. P. littoralis, Sm. Introduced. Texas to California. 3. P. Monspeliensis, Desf. Introduced. Atlantic coast to the Pa- cific. Akctagrostis, Gris. Spikelets one-flowered, in a contracted panicle; rarely with a minute bristle-like rudiment; outer glumes persistent, thin, the upper rather longer and three-nerved, the lower one-nerved; flow- ering glume as long as the outer one, or longer, narrow, lateral nerves obscure, awnless; palet about as long as its glume, two-nerved, obtuse, or obtusely two-toothed. A pedicel or rudimentary flower sometimes present. 1. A. latifolia, Gris. Arctic coast and Hudson’s Bay. A. latifolia, var. Alaskensis, Vasey. (? A. latifolia, var. B., Gris., not Yilfa arundinacea, Trin.) Alaska. Cinna, Linn. Spikelets one-flowered, much flattened, in an open, spreading pan- icle ; outer glumes lanceolate, acute, strongly keeled, hispid on the keel, the upper somewhat longer than the lower; flowering glume manifestly stalked above the outer glumes, about the same length, three-nerved, short-awned on the back near the apex; palet nearly as long as its glume, only one-nerved (probably by the consolidation of two, Bentham ;) stamen 1. A sterile pedicel sometimes present. 1. C. arundinacea, Linn. Common northward. Wood Reed-grass. A perennial grass, with erect, simple culms from 3 to 6 feet high, with a creeping rhizoma; growing in swamps and moist, shaded woods in northern or mountainous districts. The leaves are broadly49 linear-lanceolate, about 1 foot long, four to six lines wide, and with a conspicuous elongated ligule. The panicle is from 6 to 12 inches long, rather loose and open in the flower, afterwards more close. The branches are four or five together below, about 2 inches long, above in twos or threes and shorter. The spikelets are one-flowered, much flattened, rather crowded on the branches, frequently purple colored. The glumes are linear-lanceolate, roughish, acute, and strongly keeled, mostly three-nerved, firm in texture, about two lines long, the lower rather the shorter. The flower is short-stalked within the glumes; the flowering glume is as long as the outer ones, and of the same texture, rather scabrous and three-nerved, and usually with a very short awn near the apex. The palet is rather shorter than its glume, thin and membranaceous, except on the green some- what rough nerve. This is one of the very rare cases in which the true palet has only a simple nerve, probably, Mr. Bentham says, by the consolidation of two. There is but one stamen. This leafy-stemmed grass furnishes a large quantity of fodder, but experiments are wanting to determine its availability under cul- tivation. 2. C. Bolanderi, /Scrib. California. 3. C. pendnla, Trin. Mew England to California. This species is more slender, with a looser drooping panicle and more capillary branches, and with thinner glumes. It occurs in the same situations as the preceding, and is more common in the Rocky Mountains and Oregon. Gastridium, Beauv. Spikelets one-flowered, in a loose, tapering, spike-like panicle; outer glumes extended into long acute points, and with an enlarged ventricose base, obscurely keeled, the lower longer than the upper; flowering glumes very thin, about one-fourth as long as the outer ones, hairy on the back, truncate and dentate at the apex, usually emitting from near the apex a slender awn as long as or longer than the glumes ; palet thin, as long as its glume. A sterile pedicel at the base of the flower. 1. G. australe, Beauv. Sparingly introduced. Apera, A dans. Spikelets one-flowered, small, loosely paniculate, the rhachilla 450 produced beyond the flower in a short bristle; outer glumes per- sistent, unequal, thinly membranaceous, keeled, acute, not awned, upper one larger, three-nerved ; flowering glume somewhat shorter, membranaceous, apex shortly two-toothed, with a slender awn from the back below the apex; palet thin, rather shorter than its glume, two-keeled and two-toothed. 1. A. spica venti, Beauv. (Agrostis spica-venti, L.) Introduced on ballast. Deyecxia, Clarion, (Calamagrostis of American authors.) Spikelets one-flowered, in a contracted or open panicle, usually with a bristle-like or penicillate hairy rudiment opposite the palet, (a continuation of the rhachilla ;) outer glumes about equal, keeled, awnless, membranaceous, or scariose; flowering glume usually with a ring of hairs surrounding its base, entire or two to four toothed, usually bearing an awn on the back ; palet narrow, thin, two-nerved, two-keeled. 1. D. Aleutica, Vasey. (C. Aleutica, Trin.) California to Alaska. 2. D. Bolanderi, Vasey. (C. Bolattderi, Thurb.) California. 3. I). Breweri, Vasey. (C. Breweri, Thurb.) California. ■f. D. Canadensis, Beauv. Blue joint. A stout, erect, tall, perennial grass, growing chiefly in wet, boggy ground or in low, moist meadows. Its favorite situation is in cool, elevated regions. It prevails in all the northern portions of the United States, in the Rocky Mountains, and in British America. In those districts it is one of the best and most productive of the indigenous grasses. It varies much in luxuriance of foliage and size of panicle, according to the location. The culms are from 3 to 5 feet high, stout and hollow, hence in some places it is called the small reed-grass. The leaves are a foot or more long, flat, from a quarter to nearly half an inch wide, and roughish; the stem and sheaths smooth. 5. D. confinis, Kth. New York to the Rocky Mountains. 6. D. crassiglumis, Vasey. (C. crassiglumis, Thurb.) California. 7. D. Cusiokii, Vasey. Oregon and Washington. 8. I).? deschampsioides, (C. deschampsioides, Trin.) California to Alaska. 9. D.? Halleriana. (? C. Ilalleriana, D. C.) Washington Territory.51 10. D. Howcllii, Yasey. Oregon and Washington. 11. D. Langsdorfii, Kth. New England to Rocky Mountains. 12. D.? Lapponica, Kth. Canada.to Rocky Mountains. 13. D. Macouniana, Yasey. British America. 14. D.? neglecta, Kth. (C. stricta, Nutt.) Rocky Mountain region. 15. D. Nuttalliana, Yasey. (C. Nuttalliana, 6’teud.) New Eng- land to North.Carolina. 16. D. Pickeringii, Yasey. (C. Pickeringii, Gr.) New England to Canada. 17. D. Porteri, Yasey. (C. Porteri, Gr.) Pennsylvania. 18. D. purpurascens, Kth. Alaska. 19. D. rubescens, Yasey. (C. rubescens, BucJel.) California to Oregon. 20. L>. strigosa, Kth. Alaska. 21. D. sylvatica, Kth. New England to Rocky Mountains. 22. D. Suksdorfii, Scrib. Washington Territory and Oregon. Ammophila, Host. (Calamagrostis.) - Spikelets-one-flowered, in a contracted spike-like or an open, dif- fuse panicle, with or without a bristle-like rudiment opposite the palet; outer glumes large, nearly equal, rigid, thick, lanceolate, acute, keeled, five-nerved ; flowering glume similar in texture, about equal in length, sometimes mucronate at the apex ; palet as long as its glume, of similar texture, two-keeled, silicate between the keels ; hairs at the base of the flower usually scanty and short. 1. A. arnndinacea, Host. Sea coast. (Psamma, Beauv.) Beach grass. Sand grass. This is the Calamagrostis arenaria of the older books. The en- tire plant is of a whitish or pale-green color. It grows on sandy beaches of the Atlantic at least as far south as North Carolina, and on the shores of the Great Lakes, but has not so far been recorded from the Pacific coast. It also grows on the sea-coast of the British Isles and of Europe. It forms tufts of greater or less extent, “its long creeping roots extending sometimes to the extent of 40 feet, and bearing tubers the size of a pea, interlaced with death-like tenacity of grasp, and form a net-work beneath the sand which re- sists the most vehement assaults of the ocean waves.” The culms are from 2 to 3 feet high, rigid and solid ; the leaves long, involute, smooth, rigid, and slender-pointed ; the panicle dense, 6 to 10 inches52 long, close and spike-like ; the spikelets are about half an inch long, compressed, crowded on the very short branchlets. This grass has no agricultural value, but from time immemorial its utility in binding together the loose sands of the beach and re- straining the inroads of the ocean has been recognized and provided for in some places by law. Mr. Flint, in his work on grasses, says that the town and harbor of Frovincetown, once called Cape Cod, where the Pilgrims first landed, one of the largest and most im- portant harbors in the United States, sufficient in depth for ships of largest size, and in extent to anchor three thousand vessels at once, owe their preservation to this grass. The usual way of propagat- ing the grass is by transplanting the roots. The grass is pulled up by hand and placed in a hole about a foot deep and the sand pressed around it by the foot. There are undoubtedly many places on the sea-coast where this grass would be of inestimable value in restrain- ing the encroachment of the ocean. It would also be useful in forming a dense turf for the protection of dikes and banks subject to water-washing. 2. A. brevipilis, Bentli. (C. brevipilis, Or.) New Jersey. 3. A. Cnrtissii, Vasey. Florida. I. A. longifolia, Benth. (C. longifolia, Hook.) This grass, formerly called Calamagrostis longifolia, has recently been transferred by Mr. Bentham to the genus Anvmophila. It grows on the sandy plains of the interior from British America to Arizona, and on the borders of the Great Lakes. It has strong running root-stalks, like the preceding, but is much taller, the culms being 3 to 6 feet high, stout and reed-like; the leaves long, rigid, and becoming involute, with a long thread-like point. The panicle is quite variable, from 4 to 16 inches long, at first rather close, but becoming open and spreading, the branches in the smaller forms being 2 or 3 inches long, and in the larger ones often 10 or 12 inches and widely spreading. It is abundant on the plains of "Western Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado, and furnishes a resource iu winter for food for the cattle of the ranches. Aira, Linn. Spikelets two-flowered, small, in a loose or rarely contracted pan- icle with capillary branches, the rhachis not produced into a bristle ; outer glumes thinly scarious, nearly equal, acute; flowering glumes53 shorter, thin, and hyaline, finely pointed or shortly bifid, with a fine dorsal awn below the middle, which is twisted at the base; palet two-nerved ; style short. 1. A. earyophylla, Linn. Introduced and naturalized. 2. A. prsecox, Linn. Introduced and naturalized. Deschamfsia, Beauv. (Aira of authors.) Spikelets two-flowered, mostly in a loose panicle with slender branches, rliachis hairy and produced into a hairy bristle, which rarely bears an empty glume; outer glumes acute, keeled, with sca- rious margins; flowering glumes obtuse, more or less toothed, with a fine dorsal awn below the middle. Palet prominently two-nerved, often two-toothed. Spikelets larger than in Aira. 1. D. atropurpurea, Wahl. \ White Mountains. 2. D. csespitosa, Beauv. North and West. Bunch grass. D. csespitosa, var. Bottnica. (Aira Bottnica, Walh.) California and Oregon. D. csespitosa, var. arctica. Rocky Mountains. D. csespitosa, var. longiflora, Trin. California. This is an exceedingly variable species, having a very wide dis- tribution in this and other countries. It is rare east of the Missis- sippi, but on the elevated plains and in the Rocky Mountains, also in California and Oregon, it is one of the common bunch grasses which afford pasturage to cattle and horses. In the East it is found in the hilly regions of New England and the Alleghanies. 3. D. calycina, Presl. (D. danthonioides, Munro.) California to Alaska. 4. D. elongata, Munro. (Aira elongata, Hook.) California to Brit- ish America. 5. D. flexuosa. (Aira flexuosa, Trin.) New England, South, and West. 6. D. gracilis, Vasey. Southern California. 7. D. holciformis, Presl California. 8. D. latifolia. (Aira latifolia, Hook.) California to Alaska. Corynephokus, Beauv. Spikelets two-flowered, with the rhachilla produced into a short hairy bristle; glumes much as in lleschampsia, but distinguished by the peculiar articulate club-shaped awn of the flowering glumes.54 1. C. canescens, Beauv. Introduced on Ballast ground, Philadel- phia. Holcus, Lbm. Spikelets two-flowered, crowded in an open panicle, the lower flower perfect, the upper one male only, and with a minute hairy rhachilla or rudiment at its base. Outer glumes nearly equal, com- pressed, membranaceous, large (fully inclosing the two flowers;) flowering glumes half shorter, the lowest awnless, the upper with a short dorsal awn. 1. H. lanatus, Linn. Velvet grass, Velvet Mesquite, Soft grass. Introduced from Europe. A foreign grass, which has been introduced and has become tol- erably well established in many places. It is a perennial, with a stout, erect culm, 2 to 3 feet high, the leaves, and especially the sheaths, densely clothed with soft hairs feeling like velvet. The culm is leafy and the sheaths loose; the upper ones longer than the blade, which is three to six lines wide, 4 to 5 inches long, and rather abruptly pointed. The panicle is open and spreading, rather oblong in ontline, and 4 to 6 inches long. It is not held in good repute as an agricultural grass in Europe. In this country, especially at the South, it has frequently been favorably spoken of. Professor Phares says: It luxuriates in moist, peaty lands, but will grow on poor, sandy, or clay hill lands, and produce remunerative crops where few other plants will make anything. It has been cultivated in North Carolina on such land, and after cutting and allowed to grow again, plowed under with so much advantage that other crops were subse- quently produced. Hon. H. W. L. Levis, of Louisiana, has cultivated this grass many years with great satisfaction. It is by no means the best of our grasses, but best for some lands, and on such lands more profitable than other grasses. It seems to have been greatly improved by acclimating in Texas and other Southern States, and this is true of some of the other grasses and forage plants. 2. H. mollis, Linn. Introduced on Ballast ground, Philadelphia. Dupontia, R. Br. Spikelets in a contracted panicle, purplish, 2 to 3 flowered, outer glumes about equal, awnless, scarious, three-nerved, compressed, acute or produced at the apex, as long as the spikelet; flowering glumes awnless, scarious, three-nerved, each with a thin ring of short hairs at the base, palet narrow, two-nerved.55 1. D. Fischeri, R. Br. Arctic coast to Hudson’s Bay. 2. D. philosantha, Rupt. Arctic coast to Hudson’s Bay. Gkaphephorum, Desv. Spikelets two to three flowered, with a minute sterile pedicel, in a narrow loose panicle; outer glumes unequal, membranaceous, com- pressed, acute; the upper one about equalling the spikelet, broad above the middle, the lower one shorter and narrower, one-nerved ; flowering glumes lanceolate, membranaceous with a scarious margin, com- pressed, 3 to 5 nerved, acute or obtusish or slightly emarginate and sometimes mncronate; palet narrow, as long as the glume, two-nerved ; the flowers surrounded at the base with a ring of soft hairs, and the rhachis also more or less hairy. 1. Gr. melicoides, Beauv. New England and Canada. G-. meliciodes, var. major, Gray. Michigan. 2. Gr. Wolfli, Vasey. (Trisetum subspicatum, var. muticum, Thurb.) Rooky Mountains to Oregon, California, and Montana. 3. ? Gr. flexuosnm, Thurb. Plains and Rocky Mountains. This is provisionally placed here, but does not agree with the characters of the genus. Trisetum, Pei's. Spikelets two to three, rarely five-flowered, in a dense or open panicle, the rhachis usually hairy and produced into a bristle at the base of the upper flower; outer glumes unequal, acute, keeled, mem- branaceous, with scarious margins ; flowering glumes of similar texture, keeled, acute, the apex two-toothed, the teeth sometimes prolonged into bristle-like points, the middle nerve furnished with an awn attached above the middle, which is usually twisted at the base and bent in the middle; palct hyaline, narrow, two-nerved, two-toothed. 1. T. barbatnm, Stead. California and Oregon. 2. T. canescens, Buckley. California and Oregon. 3. T. cernunm, Tnn. California and Oregon. These Pacific coast species deserve further attention with refer- ence to their agricultural value. 4. T. Hallii, Scrib. Texas.56 5. T. interruptum, Buckley. Texas to New Mexico. 6. T. Ludovicianum, Vasey. Louisiana. 7. T. moutanum, Yasey. Colorado to New Mexico. 8. T. palustre, Linn. New York to Illinois and southward. 9. T. subspicatum, Beauv. Mountains New England to the Pacific. T. subspicatum, var. molle, Gr. Mountains New England to the Pacific. A perennial grass of the mountainous regions of Europe and North America. It is found sparingly in New England, on the shores of Lake Superior, in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, Utah, California, Oregon, aud northward to the Arctic circle. It varies in height according to the altitude at which it grows, being some- times reduced to 3 or 4 inches, at other times running up to 2 feet high. The culms are erect and firm, smooth, or downy. The pani- cle is spike-like, dense, and cylindrical or elongated, and more or less interrupted, generally of a purplish color. The spikelets are two to three flowered. The flowers are slightly longer than the outer glumes, slightly scabrous, the flowering glumes acutely two- toothed at the apex, and bearing a stout awn which is longer than its glume. This undoubtedly furnishes a considerable portion of mountain pasturage. Avena, Linn. Spikelets usually large, two to five flowered, the uppermost gen- erally imperfect, in a loose panicle, the rhachis hairy below the flowers; outer glumes nearly equal, lanceolate, acute, scarious ; the flowering glumes of firmer texture (in some species cartilaginous,) shortly bifid at the apex, with a long dorsal twisted awn below the apex ; palet similar in texture to its glume, narrow, prominently two-nerved, two-toothed. 1. A. barbata, Brot. Introduced in Southern California. 2. A. fatua, Linn. Wild oats. Introduced in California. Also found in Texas, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This species is very common in California. It is generally thought to have been introduced from Europe, where it is native, but it has become diffused over many other countries, including Australia and South America. It is thought by some to be the original of the cultivated oat Avena sativa, that the common oat will degenerate57 into the wild out, and that by careful cultivation and selection of seed the wild oat can be changed into the common cultivated oat. But on this question there is a conflict of opinions, and the alleged facts are not sufficiently established. The wild oat differs from the cultivated one chiefly in having more flowers in the spikelets, in the long brown hairs which cover the flowering glumes, in the constant presence of the long twisted awn, and in the smaller size and lighter weight of the grain. It is a great injury to any grain-field in which it may be introduced, but for the purpose of fodder, of which it makes a good quality, it has been much employed in California. 3. A. pratensis, var. Americana, Scrib. Montana and British America. 4. A. Smithii, Porter. Shore of Lake Superior. 5. A. striata, Michx. New England, New York, and northwestward. Akrhenathekum, Beauv. Spikelets two-flowered in an open panicle, the rhac.his hairy and produced beyond the upper flower into a stripe or rudiment; the lower flower male only, the second perfect or female ; outer glumes unequal, keeled, very thin, acuminate; flowering glumes five to seven nerved, that of the lowest or male flower with a dorsal, twisted awn attached near the base, that of the fertile flower with a short, straight awn near the tip; palet narrow, hyaline, two-keeled. 1. A. avenaceum, Beaur. Meadow oat-grass, Tall oat-grass, Ever- green grass. A perennial grass of strong, vigorous growth, introduced from Europe, and sparingly cultivated. Culms, 2 to 4 feet high, erect, rather stout, with four or five leaves each ; the sheaths smooth, the leaves somewhat rough on the upper surface, 6 to 10 inches long, and about three lines wide, gradually pointed. The panicle is loose, rather contracted, from 6 to 10 inches long, and rather drooping; the branches very unequal, mostly in fives, the longer ones 1 to 3 inches,and subdivided from about the middle; the smaller branches very short, all rather full-flowered. The spikelets are mostly on short pedicels. The structure of the flowers is similar to that of common oats, but different in several particulars. The spikelets consist of two flowers, the lower of which is staminate only, the upper one both staminate and pistillate; the outer glumes are thin and transparent, the upper one about four lines long and three-58 nerved, the lower one nearly three lines long and one-nerved. The flowering glnme is about, four lines long, green, strongly seven- nerved, lanceolate, acute, hairy at base, roughish, and in the lower flower gives rise on the back below the middle to a long, twisted, and bent awn ; in the upper flower the glume is merely bristle- pointed near the apex. The palet is thin and transparent, linear, and two-tootlied. This grass is much valued on the continent of Europe. The herbage is very productive and its growth rapid. When growing with other grasses cattle and sheep eat it very well, but do not like to be confined to it exclusively. Professor Phares, of Mississippi, says : It is widely naturalized and well adapted to a great variety of soils. On sandy or gravelly soils it succeeds admirably, growing 2 to 3 feet high. On rich, dry upland it grows from 5 to 7 feet high. It has an abundance of perennial, long fibrous roots penetrating deeply in the soil, being therefore less affected by drought or cold, and enabled to yield a large quantity of foliage, winter and summer. These advantages render it one of the very best grasses for the South, both for grazing, being ever- green, and for hay, admitting of being cut twice a year. It is probably the best winter grass that can be obtained. It will make twice as much hay as timothy. To make good hay it must be cut as soon as it blooms, and after cut, must not be wet by dew or rain, which damages it greatly in quality and appearance. For green soiling it may be cut four or five times with favorable seasons. In from six to ten days after blooming the seeds begin to ripen and fall, the upper ones first. It is therefore a little troublesome to save the seed. As soon as those at the top of the panicle ripen sufficiently to begin to drop the seeds should be cut off and dried, when the seeds will all thresh out readily and be matured. After the seeds are ripe and taken off the long, abundant leaves and stems are still green, and being mowed make good hay. It may be sown in March or April and mowed the same season; but for heavier yield it is better to sow in September or October. Not less than 2 bushels (14 pounds) per acre should be sown. The average annual nutriment yielded by this grass in the southern belt is probably twice as great as in Pennsylvania and other Northern States. Danthonia, I). V. Spikelets three to five, or many flowered, in a panicle or simple raceme; the rliachis hairy and produced beyond the flowers in a stipe or imperfect flower; outer glumes narrow, keeled, acute, usually as long as the spikelet; flowering glumes convex on the back, of firmer texture, seven to nine nerved, with two rigid or searious ter- minal teeth or lobes, and with a flatfish, twisted and bent awn be- tween the teeth ; palet broad, two-keeled, obtuse or two-pointed. 1. D. Californica, Boland. Rocky Mountains and California. 2. D. compressa, Aust. Mountain Oat grass.59 This species grows in Pennsylvania, New York, and New Eng- land. Mr. C. Gr. Pringle sends it from Vermont growing on dry hillocks along the Waterbury River. It also grows on the summit of the Roan Mountains, North Carolina, over large areas, and fur- nishes good summer pasturage. Probably it occurs on the other mountains of the Alleghany range. 3. D. intermedia, Vasey. Rocky Mountains, Oregon, Br. America to Canada. 4-. D. soricea, Nutt. Massachusetts to Florida. 5. D. spicata, Beauv. New England to Texas. 6. D. uuispicata, Munro. California, Oregon, and Washington. Cynodon, Pers. Spikelcts sessile in two rows on one side of the slender spikes, which are digitate at the end of the peduncle or culm ; one-flowered, with a short pediceled, naked rudiment of a second flower; outer glumes nearly equal, keeled ; flowering glume boat-shaped, broader, prominently keeled ; palet narrower, prominently two-keeled. 1. C. dactylon, Pers. Bermuda grass. Naturalized and cultivated - A low, creeping perennial grass, with abundant short leaves at the base, sending up slender, nearly leafless flower stalks or culms, which have three to five slender, diverging spikes at the summit. The spikelets are sessile in two rows on one side of the slender spikes; they each have one flower, with a short, pediceled, naked rudiment of a second flower ; the outer glumes nearly equal, keeled; the flowering glume boat-shaped, broader, and prominently keeled ; the palet narrow and two-keeled. This grass is a native of Southern Europe and of all tropical countries. It is a common pasture grass in the West Indies. In the Southern States it has long been a chief reliance for pasture, has been extravagantly praised by some, and cursed by others who find it difficult to eradicate when once estab- lished. Its properties have been very fully discussed in Southern journals. It rarely ripens any seed, and the usual methods of re' producing is to chop up the roots with a cutting knife, sow them broadcast, and plow under shallow. Col. T. C. Howard, of Georgia, says : The desideratum to the South is a grass that is perennial, nutritious, and adapted to the climate. While we have grasses and forage plants that do well when nursed, we have few that live and thrive here as in their native habitat. The Bermuda and60